HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolina Watchman, 1861, January-Juneelleace; the &c., Bp cimen: i¥en on ‘read ieaay’ fun’ ly theart with as. the lowest. say $) > hfe-size Ol) Pain nove by the Let of Ma’ oce abied by Me: e Marie: Hou) inform our friends opposed change, and fac flities tor oon pared to offer for C short time, the \ iass Grocery H merous patronage het to have the opportun ing our friends and D merit oye aa GRASTY & BISO: D, 1860. Reese's Manipule vian. and $10 ip th furnish jt from our SY or North-side Stati freight. time. GRASTY & RJSOY img Machine of Creenusborough, Carolina. ito the public, we do will give entire sati p that this machine 1: wing-—-from the coa wlins—of any other from the fact thet ‘bed plate, one for p sewing. We have and dollars of the q oiina, and we feel City machine is full pur machine without he machine with ca mers at $5; oil-can, dles $100 per doz es as regards the { them to over one } are using our mech’ chines. They shall mar 30-80 care of the Agent be forwarded free storage at Cherav. e Company's Wareb nsportation of Fre "8.8 SOLUMONS, eer & SS re ORTH C Caroline Rail Road be bor, [have determ! the purpose of - eral Conamias! mpiness ~ e and sup v ne of Firat © aod Oo AEHERD ke thiv the ; York. a hart (adjoining e CARTAGE gad Y jon will be “ ment of Produce. | ILLIAM B: GRANT o D. Colden Musray, * of Commmtesion. 3.6 fase —o9g st (sHER.—*" panies we have jo" corn hasker is 67 . a8 being one’ With thes $e thir? = jeaving sig peral vam ee ol taining peak ee an sent SALISBURY, WN. U. MUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, {pulogetic —We suppose our readers will undec 1861, stand why we send out only @ half sheet this week, it being customary with printers to relax thei Our regular issues will be made hereafter until Christmas comes again, unless jan the Providence of God, unforeggen circuustances should render it impossible. We take this occasion to congratulate our read- Isvers on Christmas. ers upon their enjoyment of this annual festival, hoping that however disturbed our national affairs, and however gloomy the future of our beloved Country, the re-unions of families and the happy greetings in the old homes, have been very sweet and tender . Whatever of grief and depression may have been obtruded upon the hearts uf auy in view of the pro- bable destruction of our natiunalily, and we pre- sume there are few so insensible a3 uot to have felt more or less of it, should be borne to the throne of an Almighty and Merciful God and referred to Him with a full sense of human weakness, and of our dependence on Him to avert or temper according w his Infinite wisdom and goodness. - -- - Religious Services on the 4th —There will be di- mine services in the Presbyterian Church on Friday the 4th January in the morning; and in the Luthe- ran Church at 24 o'clock ; andat night in the Meth- odist Church. day has been appointed by the President for the Inasmuch as the observance of this whole Country, and the mes require Chat it should | be kept in the fear of God, it has been suggested that all the stores and places of business be closed. We observe in our religious exchanges that it is proposed to devote a whole week to religions The call eminates from the General, Assembly of the Pre byterian Church in the United States and from va- vices commencing on the 6th of January. nous other home and foreign religions sources. It will be recollected a similar week was observed at the beginning of last year, and that it was marked by a gracious out-pouring of the Holy Spiritin ma oy places. 17 = Another Meeting. Well, fmends, you will see by the proceedings | last Saturday, resulted in coufusion. din this paper that the mecting led tor The Dreckin obtrusively, and talked pubs ndge seceders came in, against ime uptl the must of those trom a distance who came here to take action against the disumon movements of the day, were compelled ou account of the inclemency of the weather, to leave fur home. disgusted at speakers they did tot come to hear. Ata late hour in the afternoon, H.C. Joues. Esq, proposed that if the seceders would give die Union men the same chance in the meetin they proposed to huld next Saturday that the latter bad given them to-day, they would meet and discuss the va nous subjeets brought up A Henderson objected, unless it was agreed that To this proposition Mr peop bo proposition should be voted upon but these, to-wit: “Shall And “Shall the State be armed 7’ we have a Convention 7 One or two of our friends assented to this in the confusion of the moment, the meeung being in the act of breaking up; but a large majority of the Union men dissent to that plan for reasuus set forth in the subjoined card, from winch it) will be seen that we are to have another (nton Meeting and it is hoped our trends in the country will show of what sort of metal Wey ate made. Let us Will the Union men mect ayain ?” come together once more and declare our sentiments clearly and specifically and send them up to the Legislature. If Union, and we regard that question as almost set > are to have a dissolution of the ded, let us indicate our preference for the Ceutral Confederacy, with Virginia, Kentucky. Tennessee, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Missouri, and any others that will join it, letting the two extremes of the North and South go asit suits thetn, Come together friends, and let us take acuou cally and wisely, A CARD. Mr. Epitor :— We desire to subimt a sug- gestion, for general consideration, with regard to the meeting on next Saturday, in which itis propos- ed to discuss the questions of convention and aru ing the State. In the present excited state of the public mind, and from the feeling manifested in the neeting of last Saturday, we think ithighly imprudest ‘ocontinue a wrangle about a matter which isat best but of secondary importance, in these wnomentous Umes We desire to have no heated discussion in an assembly where we fear, all the appliances and contrivances of party, incident to such occasions, will be employed to obtain the asceudancy—par- Ucularly as the proceedings of the meeting, so far from settling the questions involved, will be only Productive of hot blood aad dissentions amnony our- selves, Many patriotic men differ as to the necessity for calling a Convention and arming the State, and if they desire to present their views respectively, to the Legislature, upon these subjects, it is right and Proper that they should be heard, since there is no reason why those who oppose these propositions should not be privileged equally in this respect with, porting against it. those who favor them. We propose, therefore, that we have no clashing tnd discordant popular assembly, but that separate meetings of each party be held, and thus while both embody their views for the consideration of the Le- gslature, they will avoid all unnecessary excitement in these times of difficulty and danger. In ac- cordance with these views, therefore, we propose that a meeting be held at MURPHY S MALL, next SATURDAY, to which all those who are Pposed to secession or any other revolutionary ‘Weasures, are invited. MANY CITIZENS - 2. Death of an Editor —The editor of N.C. Whig, Mt Charlotte, Thos. J. Hotton, Esq., died at lis re- Sdeuce ia that town on Thursday last, alter a pain- fal liogeniug of some eight weeks. He was thrown from his buggy, in October last. and sustained in- fernal injuries which paralyzed him from the loins Mr. Hortow Was one of the oldest editors in the State, and in his sphere in tide filled his place in a paanver equal to the wants of the community. He has left a large family to Mourn an irreparable loss. down finally resnltung in his death “>: The Army Bill of Seuth Carelina, aT Appropriations, for the deflemes of the Btate, made by the rch) Carolina Legislature, amounts to over @2.500,000. he various items are as follows, General Gffleers, 95.568 Mleld and other officers for Tew Regiments, 100,228 Horses for all the above, 4.128 1.000 privates, pay, rations, aud clothing, 2.430.000 Muslians,...... . 97,200 Cavalry horsea,....... 298,000 Artillery horses... an Tesco Totals 02,657,324 This does mot include the cost of Guha, Piatols, Swords Can Con, Powder, and other easential requisites for a military es \adlishment. Carolina OWatcbman.. (to hang back and do nothing, ‘Federal Relations, ana VOL. XVIII. UNION MEETING. | The meeting announced to be held here on Sat- jurday last, convened in the Court-house at 11 o'- clock, A. M., and was organized by the appotut- of Col. E. D, Austin to the Chair, and Win. C. Lord ;and J. J. Bruner, Secretaries. | The Chairman requested H.C. Jones, Esq., te explain the object of the meeting. | address of some length, explaining the various pha- | sus of opinions entertained on the present crisis in | our political affairs, and showed that a line of poli- | cy within our Constitutional provisions was the true | one for obtaining redress for the evils complained jot by the South; and that there was no remedy in secession: Sut that it Was revelulionary and totally unsustained by the pusent state of facts. That we had not yet reached that stage in our relation to the Federal which demanded the last and sacred resort of the people to revolution. Sc He did so inan Government But if, after exhausting all efforts for a peaceable solution of the negro question, according to the forms of law within the Union, and there was no redress anf guaranties obtained, he would then go | with those who now advocated disunion, and Would | freely encounter all the horrors which by a forcible | settlement seemed to him inevitable Then, on motion of H.C. Jones, Esq, the follow gentlemen were appointed a Committee to leport resolutions for the action of the meeting. viz: FOE Shober, Win. Marphy, WoC. Lord, Rich. Haris A. Lentz, J. K. Grahain and J. Mo Colin ; Dr. Sam. Kerr, who had leard Mr, Jones Sawin | the course of his remarks, tat he was opposed toa Convention of the State, as proposed liy the Les { lature, rose and said he thought we oug »laave au Convention: that the other Southern States were all holding Couveutions, aud that he desired to see ne nian North Carolina acting in the same w ay I Ton but he did not think the present was a tui We oo yar assailed rislts a Was firmly In favor of the ag any In the State something in vuidieation he was willing to entrust it to a State Conve to say what should be done One of Wie Secretaries ashe In tavor of auiheag ot the people, to which te replied. y retary then explamed that kind & Propositi had been suboutted to the Conventiou on t was voted down. EG Jones, Esq. in reply to Dr. Kerr, said he too Was at one time tn fay fa Convention, t that after more mature reflection, and after witness ing the apart of those ab Raleigh who advocated that measuge, lis mind iid undergone a change Tt was in the power of the Legislature to do all that | a Convention ought to do and he thonght that body ought to proceed at once to take the steps provided for the occasiuns Uur fathers lad not ou- ly constructed and putin operation the best govern nent in the world: but foreseeing that amend ments and changes might at some fature day be required, had given us two ways f making amend ments to the Federal C tution and the Legisla tures of the States we wener bodies top pose such amendments: and lew of that fact and preferring to be g Ciruaelrthe nin ent WISé sis ty the superio ft those venerated: pra triats he could not now vo fora Convention, whien he feared, was destened. noé to serde oar diMenines and restore our national peace butte take us out of the Union. We lad seen South Caroli out witheut ceremony ina day or two alter hier Convention assembled, and it would beso with the other cotton States which propose to hold Conven- Dr. Kerr made a short reply re-affirring lis un alterable attachment to the Uiion, and deenae his desire for the State to take the necessary steps to vindicate and secure the peaceful enjoyment of the nights of her citizens, and thoaght the tunes de- manded action, He favored a Convention as the best mode: but had no desire to go out of the Union. The Chairman now informed the genuemen that this discussion was out of order, for that no propo- sition was before the meeting. That the Committee would soon report something fur its action and that then discussion would be in order. Lord, Kay... remarked that the Committee begged to re. The Committee having returned, WL C port through him. They had endeavored to em- body in their report what they believed to be the sentiments of not only the majority in Rowan Coun- ty but the sentiments of a large majority of the whole State. They believed the people had an abiding attachment to the Union of these States, and they bad so expressed it; they also believed that we had evils to complain of and they had so | explained i. They were aware that a few of their friends, who agreed with them in all else, were in \ favor of a Convention: they were unanimous in re- | They begged leave to submit the following report : | We, the People of Rowan, believing our Coun- try imperilled, and its institutions threatened with destruction, have assembled here to-day to consult | together and express our deliberate opinions upon the grave questions which agitate the public mind, and are shaking to its foundations the best govern- ment ever devised by the wit of man In further ance thereof, we hereby declare, Ist. That we cherish a cordial, habitual and im movaole attachment to the Constitution and Union of these States. That we regard the Federal Union, which we have inhented from our fathers , as the palladian: of our civil and rebgious rights and liberties’ That to its benign influence and protec tion, we are mainly indebted for our civilization and commercial prosperity, our domestic tranquili ty aud public justice, our general welfare as a peo: ple, and our high position among the yreat nations of the earth. That to the Government of the Um ted States, we owe our highest political allegiance —ite Constitution, Treaties and Laws passed in pur suance thereof, being the supreme law of the land That the Revolutionary Patiiota who framed it, de signed it to be indissolnable and perpetual, and made no provision for its overthrow, and, therefore. that a intending by these declarations to be un derstood as abandoning any of our constitutional nights and privileges, or as yielding the imalenable night of revolution as a resort from intolerable op pression, we will, as good and loyal citizens, stan to and abide by its laws and institutions ag recog nised by our cammon Constitution, and to the ut most of our ability, will preserve, protect and de fend them agaist all attacks 2nd. That the enactment of laws in many of the non-slaveholding States, intended to obstrnet. the execution of the law of Congresa for the arrest and surrender of fugitive slaves ie a plain and palpable violation of the said law the and of Constitution UA" THIS PROPLE OF ROWAN, I8 BUT THR BEGINNING !t8elf; and as an act of simple justice, and indispen OF HIGH TAXATION which you will have to bear, shoot the Sable to the future peace and harmony of the Un- Mate be pushed ont of the Uniop with Bouth Carolina 1on we demand their repeal | | | i He aduit of an honest difference of opinion, | He was also in SALISBURY, N. C., JANUARY 1, 1861. 3rd. That while we, in common with the people of all the Southern States, regret the result of the | last election, because of the sectional and hostile 1 Spirit of the political organization which nominated | and elected the successtul candidate, and while we shall vigilantly observe his course of administration and shall be prompt to make resistance to encruach- ments, if any shall be attempted by him, on the rights and interests of slavery, still we see in the fact of his election no sufficient cause for the sub- version and abandonment of the goverument of our fathers, since with a couservative Majority in each House of Congress, and a Supreme Court in which we can confide, we feel secure from all assaults that may come from that quarter, and while it would be folly and madness in the South to aban- dou these stroug delences, it would be base ingrat- itade to those of the North who have fought our battles, to leave them in the hands of their adver- Rallies. 4th. That we du not regard secession or any oth- CF revolutionary Ineasure, asa remedy for any griey ance exisung or threatened, and we believe that all the evils which now affect the country can in time be redressed either by Congressional levi-la- tion or by amendments to the Coustitution in the tuanuer prescribed in the fifth article of that imstrt tuecnut (ion, or for taxing the people, already heavily bar- dened, to furnish aruis tur revoludonary purposes. And hence we see no reasou for a couven- Sth. That we believe the rash and hasty action | of South Carolina has produced the pecuuiary dis- tress and etbarryssinent which now afMfict the coun- try, and we protest against ber right in this precip North Carvlina anil States into the vortex of revolution and civil war. itate Way to draw her sister 6th We agam proclaim our unwavenng faith that tine, deliocration, prudential Congressional le- slation, and an impartial Miuistiabon of the Government tuder the tute Vobaterpre ted Tots laws daly enforced. willteetity aad re dress ail woougs revive business, and restore the era of peace, harmony. and fraternal feels to the Nation Hon No Boyden was then called u Wo are nable to wive more than a meagre report of ais speech ehowas avery able one. He said lie Was Well Kio WE to alttiost every poesent, that yy ty last sammer he had always been ay 1 patty man, but Caat how When Chete Was datiprer o Seat woveruinent womng dawn thood he telt ye tects should vive place to Kinder cues that good migdit resalt therefrom. He wereed wath Dr Kerr as to the vlyect Which should povern al ove men, out he Ciought the Dr. wotally mistakes 0 supposing a Convention calculated to accomplish eed with the Dr. tuat the slaaery ata tion tiust be setded, bur he affirmed it as dis hon est convictions that no such blow couleP be wiven to etvery as a dissolution of t | t Tut of a revoluden, should we votlaiie, oF nour od bon the waters’ Fle deprecated a conveuuon, ane ie call of one “y less Cuan two-thirds uf all the tmietn bers of the Legislature. Should we follow the Con- stitution, or begin wath revolution at the tiret step 7 The Constitution is expheiton the question, and can't read He the arucle tu shuw. He was for exhausting every ther measure velore revolution. Ele read trons the US Constitutun to show the ways we lad evauces, aud that a Conusvcition Wa He was o the po ma 4 Toad arin ‘ e tor He was ytaXiue U \ purposes; that when they sad the ty tax Che people mote iC Was a tiiseracde liaiibe that every ond Wasa tnorteage uy the ‘ ty. He could propose a way Co tase t let these very patriotic gentlemen wi tl] propos being one of a hundred to raise a roilion, We pay hands of some ope authorized to receive his inte the it, Ele was very pointed in ridicule ob the ade’ nen. Upon the close of lus remarks some of the seces- siouists who had come in for the purpose of disturb- ing the meeting and if possible break it up, called He said he dil know for R. Caldwell, Esq not whether he ought to speak. He had always been a Whig, and had nothing to retract about political measures or men. He was io ol a Conven- tion because he wanted North Caroliua to take an independent stand, that gyomething moist be done the State. The cotton States were going out and we could not st ay in. Much stress was laid upon the faet ot our hav- atthe Noh, bat didn't the gentlemen know that the Repubhean majority that had earned the election could do it again, The Republicans were retusing all) concesston, all con- He was willing vernment as long as fave favor of arming ing over aimillion frend promises, and what were to we do i to do any thing to save the it protected is tits ger Major Hall rose and said he was just) from Ral eigh. and wanted to tell the people what they were doing there. They were going to pass the bill tor arming the State aud calling the Convention, and there was no use of talking about it, he was for both Hl. ©. Jones, Jr. arose and said he had not in tended speaking bat that the sight of Maj. Hall re- minded him of the pleasant trips they had had in the summer and he felt as if he must say something too. Tle showed how inconsistent the Maj. was, for in the summer he had declared himself all over and lis For the Watchman. MEETING IN CALDWELL. A public meeting of the citizens of Caldwell County, N. C., called without respect to party, met at the Court House in Lenoir on the 22d of Dec., 1860, and on motion of R. B. Bogle, Esy., Mr. Jos. C. Norwood was called to the chair, and R. R. Wakefield and N. P. Rankin were appointed Secre- tarics, Ou motion of W. W. Lenoir, it was ordered that the Chairman appoint a Committee of seven to prepare and report resolutions for the consideration of the meeting, and the chair announced the fol- lowing committee, viz: W. W. Lenoir, K.P. Miller, Gen. W. F. Jones, James Harper, C. C. Jones, Gen. C. W. Clarke aud T. J. Dula. The committee after retiring, reported unani- tmously the following resolutions to wit : Resolved, That the coustitution of the United States is of such strict obligation upon all the par- bes tort, that a willul violation of any one of its provisions, by any of the States, or by a Sectional tnajority in Congress, would justly, and, if persist- ed in, should compel the States ur section, whose rights were thus violated, to enforce obedience to the broken obligation of the Constitution, or if that were not expedient, then to cast off all political conbexion with ®tates or section, which had thas broken the bond with and force of union them ‘them toa separate political existence, Resolved, That a portion of the non-slaveliolding States, have by legislative enactinents, violated the provisious of the coustitution for the return of fa kitive slaves, in a manner so gross and willal, that the slaveholding States would) have just cause ol war, with them. af they were f eld to the Wein vovertiments sate obligations by treaty Resolved, Vat, during the existence of those vlatious of the Coustutunon, the Umon of the slaveholding States with those States. and woth such other States as Would poo wille them ii case peraton. is continued only by the patience warauce Of the slaveholding States Le soired, That the administration of the federal Uinent Upon the principle avowed by the sec Hal party Which has trompbed in the late presi id be ui direct conthet with the slaveholding States wo wut teomeor of Che f the constitutenal ch had proceeded it agitation of Che Justitution ol slave yo caused by the intermedling sprint of many per sous iu the non-slaveholding States, have at le hh produced a crisis in the goverument of the United Males, Wich takes itt futy of the slavehold Ig States fo unite: in ase and maintaning the 1 measure of their cousttutoual nights Resolved. Tt tis the duty of the slavehold States in this er deuiand a lial settlerient Issues between the two se of the country to the crowing Out of toe iusttaten of slavery, oper poneiples just to boi secbous, and cousistent wi the Constutayon of the United States, sand af this just demand is not comphed with, it wall beeume | (hen paintul daty, atter thus chuging to the Unior with devoted affection my tocan be sately { aod honorably maintained. to demand. and. if ne- Comal y enlorce a sepa between the Cwo sec 1 and stapportonment and diviston be rer thenrof the debts and babiaties, aud of tie ten itory and other property oot the United states Resclved, That, ts ‘ aiabtony be Hes te tay the I’ a3} t vue 1 ona bi Sie W e the : ‘ { Ww t mfatt Ww u Va , ate ONE ‘ a \ 1 { Jue (cs t Leste 1 treaties af vl ro it Nate Tav | Af calle te i m ‘ ‘ i Feesolved Virat uy oot the slaveholdiny States fuse to make ¢ Desuse with the others an fefending thei common mabts, ot wall be the futy of the others, whde reyretoug ther absence from tha wis, fo rethacn fled a | Lonmited on the then in the Miaivtenanee of netiintion and of al own rights Upon the perine ples tnelies foregoing resolutions Resolved, That we believe that the eo arse off ac ES UNION MEETING. Pursuant to previous notice a respectable num- ten. | ) | NUMB ER. 33, ‘with bond and security. Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circe. cur just claims presepted to Congress and tie Na- It seems to fhe and Many others a sufer, ber of the voters of District No. 1! met at tie Suter. and cheaper method for our Legislature, on School House on the 21st inst. for he purpose of consulting together upon the state of the conntry, their reassetobling, to draw up a statement of griev- ances, with a moderate aud prudent, but at the vame tine, firm and manly demands for redress, in- when on motion, Fergus McLaughlin was appoint- stroct our Senators and Representatives to lay it be- ed Chairman, and J. F, Carrigun, Secretary. fore Cougress, with the understanding that it they At the request of the Chairman, “4 Houck Were not removed in such a Way as to put the ques- explained the object of the meeting and moved a committee of five to draft resolutions expressive of tion at rest forever redress niust be sought in some other way. And here a word as the final result. I can see the views of the meeting. The Chairman appoint- no safety in a geographical line, Separating the shave ed the following gentlemen said committee: W. A. Houck, I, K. Graham, Peter Albright, Sen’r., J. L. Sloan and Jacob Sbuliberinger. The committee then retired, aud in theirabsence | sent themselves: and tree States—e mere air line separation of ene- inies. Becession to that extent will only be fall of danger and disaster. Two alternatives jy the event of a rupture - either to unite with the i Equity Sales of Land. Y VIRTUE ofte Decree of the Court of Equity, I will offer thy following land (us-sale oh ie auction ; | SOM, FOURTEEN or Fifteen Hopses and Late in the town of Saligbury, belonging to the estate uf Horace H. Beard dec’d. Thia property wi | be offer- ed-at the Court House ou Saturday the 2% oy “ Febraary next, at 11 o’eloek, A. M., en © of T2 months, with interest after 6 months, purchasers giving bond with approved security. ALSO, at the same time and place, the following lands belonging to Danie! Huffman and his childrea< 136 Acres, more or less, situated in the Dutch Set- Uement, being very fine farming land, and another tract uf 39 Acres, wore or less, situated near the first mentioned tract. Terms—six months credit, The first mentioned tract will be offered wt the bid of $528. $3.00 ALSO, at the sane time and place, 1 will offer for sale the valuable lands belonging to the heirs of Joho L Rendleman de'd., consisting of one tract of 169 Acres, more or less, known as the George Gar- ber plantation, 100 Acres, more or less, adjoining the above tract, heing the remainder of the old homestead tract afte: the widow's duwer was allotted, und 14 Acres, more or less adjoining the lend. of Joho Yost, Jobu Satret and others. ‘Terms—six monthe credit, boud aud security. 00 On the 3ist day of January next, I will offer the ‘two following tracts for sale at the residence of | Theophilus Josey, at 12 o'clock, M: . ' 58 Acres, more of less, belonging to Allen Miller, one of the heirs of Paal Miller. This land ie situat- ed on the Charleston Road. 8 milee from Salisbury, adjoiuing the lands of Martia Josey, Milus Shuping, and others. This tract is ell woodtand. Tera months credit, bond and security. $3.00 ALSO, at the same time and place, 39 Acres, fore or less, belonging to John A. Holshourer, on the Cheraw Road, 9 miles from town, with good im- provemeuts, adjoining the lands of Jacob Holshouser, Paul Holshouser, and others. Terme—G monthe credit with bond and security. 00 Ju all Equity cales the purchasers must judge of titles und Sag of nad i I do not sell oily the the meeting was addressed by several of the gen- | States the border line of conservative tree States, or interes: of the petitioners. tlemen; in the meantime the committee returned and reported the following resolutions 1. Resolved. That we regard the dissolution of the Union as one of the worst calamities that could befall the American people. 2. Resolved, ‘Vat wlule we depricate the elec- tion of a Black Republiewu President, we do not deem that in itself a sutticieut cause for or a dissolution of the Union. 3. Resolved, That in the result of recent elec- tions in the Northern States, we see indications of a returning sense of duty that leads as to hope that the South may yet receive Justice at the bands ol the North . 4. Resulved, That we deem the action of South Carolina in seecding from: the Uimieon as hasty, an- SECESSION considerate, and derogatory ii her character as a sovereign State . o. Resuleed, Wat we are in favor of a Conven Gon of delegates clected by the people ot this State the anterest: and North Carolina requie her to do in the state of honor of to consult what present afliars Resolved finally. That we are in favor of ex- liaustng all honorable meaus for obtamimg our nights peageally, bat failing to obtain them peacea- hly. we are determined 1 selves to do it forcibly hereby pledse our The question was then taken upon each resolu Lou separately and they were adopted unaninuons- ypornted the follwing held nt Crratiany Houck Basi ve Vv Baker and Vimotion the chairman ay utlemen delegates to a tlie hoernyer Meeting to be Jk Henry 29th inst Albright Silhinan Soury, on to-wit Peter Shuping, J. oP J Willan Miller, Edward Sloop, Het Cale enonovend the Charan aud Sveretary were added number On niotion oeceedit it was ordered that the p of this necting be seutto the Sahsbury papers tot p itd aie thotion the meeting then ad FERGUS MeLAUGHLIN Cuw’s See De tries -- = For the Watchman UNION MEETING. A large aud respectable number of the etuzens of Rowan county assembled at the Widow At wells on Thursday, Devember 28, to test the pop- ilar sentimne the people of that) and surround ! tol couuty touching the crias seu O enol COL. Partee, Allen Rose was tppuinted to actias Charinan and Win Bo Atweil as Secretary When the Charinan requested ¢ LL. Partee to explam the olyeet ot meen iw heolid saa bet and plan manner, accoty pausing the same with ¢ Xpressdous, eo PIO Tay: t ™t a ( ia ADD Maaatrece ! aux oh aud va " The prcopy siderably upon the bors Message, jas | tion which we advocate is at the same time trie te | Union, and true te that itimplies the neglect ot the constitution and rights of the South; ho constitutional right, and thatae is consistent with the dignity. the justice, and the treedoni ota peo ple, whe edearned to maiutain at (he sane tine the the a t their liberties and their laws. property but no lon- | Resolved, That we recognize, as far above all constitutions the grand touth that tree governments are toaintained by the consent of th thereto. that at of the States shall atterpr to secede from the Ua- lon im its present condition, itis the wisest pohey governed, and that we believe away one or more of the federal government to recognize immediate: Iv their separate national existence Resolved, That the Sccretaries of this meeting are requested to forward copies of these resolutions As- to our Commoter and Senator in the General sembly, an order that they may be offered for the | consideration of that Honorable body ; and also a copy to our representative in Congress for a similar purpose. These resolutions were advocated by all the spea- kers who addressed the meeting, and were unani- monsly carried. The following resolution was offered by T. J Dula, Esq Tesolved, That, believing it to be the duty of the County as the best Union man in it, and now he North Carulina to define ber position in’ this) mo- talked the other way. He touched the Maj. consid erably about mnisrepresenting what he knew to be the sentiments of the County on Union or disunion.— He argued at length against a convention and clos- ed with an eloquent tribute to the Union. Ma). Kerr was then called upon by the secession- ists and spoke long in favor of a Convention and arming the people. Hfe had once thought that it required two-thirds to call a Convention, bat he lad changed bis mind. He thought the people of the County would willingly trust Gov. Ellis with the disposition of the arms, as the bill proposed Mr Boyden ina short speech summed up and replied to what had been said in favor ol a Conven tion, &e and closed with a eall tor the question upon the Committees repert Dr. Hall obtained the floor and said there waa a great sechou of whach nothing had been said) and he rose to speak for the great West. He went on to show at some length that the West could not he divided levenoke strongly for the Timon but was for a Convention At the fusion. several clanming the floor and others: calling for the question, R. Caldwell and Dr. Nesbitt rose to personal explanaton, and in the midst of Che greatest H. ©. Jones, Esy., rose and said that as it was snowing hard, and many had gone and others wished to go, he would propose that in agmuch as there waea call for a meeting next Sat urday, if they would make it an open and join't call and there the power would he close of Tis remarks there was much con contusion home and guarantee os the same privileges and courtesy we had extended to them, le would to ad Journ this meeting until then without taking a vote move upon the resolutions A. Henderson, Eaq.. objected to thig, but) wonld accept the offer if they would reatmet the vote of the proposed meeting to only two questions, viz A Convention sented to by some This was as yet and arming the Mate few and wiile they were talking about it, the meeting broke up Kk. D. AUSTIN, Chairman Ai Cela uy Leth { Secretarvas, JI J Barrer \ mentous erisis, we desire our representatives in the General Assembly to vote tor a convention of the people for the considerauion of our federal relations, to be composed of delegates elected after due time has been allowed and deliberation upon the all important matters at iasue. for chiseussion After an animated discussion in which this reso lution was advocated by T. J. Dula, Gens W. EF Jones, Dr J. A. Bullen, WoW, Lenoir, SP. Data, and opposed by BE. DP. Miller, CC, Jones, Dr. TD Jones and J.C. Halyburton, it was rejected by the meeting Qn motion of Dr, T. D that the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded Jones, it) was ordered for publication to the Raleigh Register, North Care lina Standard Whig On motion of CoC Carolina Watehinan and Chorlotte Jones the meeting adjourned JOS. C NORWOOD, Chimn ROR. Waxerienp, 7 Nan . Secretaries Rankin <*s A VOICE FROM CATAWBA A fnend writing to us from Catawba county save This being Christmas, | went to Newton to eee who night be in town, and hear the opimons o1 the people of the different parts of the county on the subject of secession, and T saw a good number, and nearly ell are in favor of exhausting all Const tutional means before seceding wh There are a tew vate for secesaion and no compromise The re solutions that were passed here a few weeks ayo, is Three fourths of the people are for the Union and the Constitution not the voice of the people of the County We doubt not that thie is true of the whole State three-fourths are for the Unien, the Constitution and the enforcement of the laws Jaminediate harned vent ul ove the construction * Consntntion of bigier Law struction, ae, when Ma 2 Rete was called apon to address: the mee J Which be didn a denethoy disquition open evils of which we con plain and the datigers that surround ng and the remedy—dwelling con onrnendation olf the Govern- ing the State | thre eessity oof oa Convent wn short actlon, ion, defending Seuth Carolina, & yastitviny And when the tnetion of C eve rf was well nigh exhausted. on LL. Vartee, the tollowiey petsons Courmuttee, toowit, Darel Cornher, Milier Joho Coleman, Daniel Bean, Jacob Sloon, to dratt Resolutious tor the action op the mecting, When the Connnithey: retired and pertorned the duty * appogited a thet shin they presented the following Preamble and Resola tions Resolved, That we oppose a Convention of the pro- cou State ont aud cont, save upon the pla posed by the Consntatea” in the ordanary struction of Che seme, to wat, the twoe third mage ty rule © Resolved That we deny the right) of secession Psuch as recently demonstrated by South Carolina Resolved meena Pat itis the popular seutiment of this that a Convention ot the exact Whatwe, of right can, aud may claim from the aggressing North as the future protection up- ou slavery agitation, and require repeal of all stat utes antagomistical the Sou Resolved, That we will not submit to the wrongs of which we jusdy eomplam, but demand our rights States should to the Constitutional rights of jin connexion with the aggrieved States, and con | | | | » ‘ tend for the same te the bitter end, it must be. in the Umon. Resolved, That a delegation from this meeting at- tend the Union meeting in Salisbury on to-morrow, to be appointed by the Chairman. When, on mouon of CL. Partee, that every one present be appointed delegates to the same prevail- ed, and that they are requested to attend. Resolved, That the proceedings of this mexting be pablished in the Salisbury papers, when the meet- ing adjourned ALLEN ROSE, Clin Wa. B. Arwuan, Sec'y. oe For the Watohinan Laxixctos, N.C. Dee. 27, 2860 Dear Sir Ab informal meeting was ledd here last might, irrespective of party, which was address ed by Gen. Leach and others. Tt was called as pre liminary toa general meeting of the citizens of the county on the oth of Jauuary, to take into cousid eration the present Chreatenmny aspect of oar Na tional affairs. The prevailing sentiment seems to be that we have readied a position in ow domestic concerns, Where the vexatious and dangerous qnes tions between North and South, must receive a se Jution—a which may peace romay plonge us in a dwastrous ani desolating war solution too, restore and uhton, ¢ We have every reason tobeheve that North Ca obna oecupees a position where she may exerciee a tnore potenual influence than any other State She is known every where as a bighly couservative, in telligent, moderate and prudent State, yueddang rath to the dictate of judgment, than of passion Mode rate Republicans, all seem to say, that while they will not yield to the arrogant detnands as they con sider them, of the cotton States, yet the voiee of North Carolina and Virginia, will be respected and listened to, and we have every reason to hope that their moderate, but firm be acceded to demands far redresae will It 1s the feeling everywhere that North Carohna might to speak lesi Onur representatives: tn Congresa e that the people of the State may express the feelings and cigeires, present their grievances and demands with fhe hope, that that expression may be effectual for gad. Hence they have, aome of them recommended? a Convention, not for but that the voace of the peopde might be beanl, and secerRsion thy the appropriation for arm : to form a moddle coufederacy among the border States founded upon Constitutional guaranties which should avoid all the ills which vex us now, which | should preserve the National name, the National | home, and the National hopes; and stand as a nu- | cleus for a reconstruction of the nation. | The last seems the truest hope of all, and the on- ly way that indicates a part of safety. C. FROM WASHINGTON, Wasuincroy, Dec. 29—6 P.M. The Cabinet ts still in sere t session. are haviog @ stormy time. The Hon. John Bb. Floyd, Secretary of War, has resigned. Dec, 29-10 PM positive determina It is understood they The Cabinet meeting s« just over, and no tion has been reached. Tt ie believed that the turn of deliberations was not favorable for the Commissioners from South Carolina The fet that Floyd has resigned his office strengthens the ii ressiom that the policy of Coxrion has prevailed in the Cubinet It is suid that the Hon. Jacob Thowpsun, Secretary of Interior, would also resign were it not uecessary that he should remain for the investigation of the Russel, Bailey affair, The Becretary of the Treasury, Mr. Thomas, ix also disaffect. et and may resign. Prenat the No hope now remains of any adjustment of pending difficul tes. The Government is bankrupt, and the Gubinet is dissoly ed. The Members of Congress und Office holders are all clan: oriug for pay, while the Treasury is eropty. The People ure dis affected and every circumetauce foreshadows the reigo of anar- chy in the Federal Capital As it was never stipulated by the should be Now President that the Troops ithdrawn from Charteston Harbor, the Administra does not consider itself under any obligations tw issue the Order for their withdrawal. As to the request of he Commis vers for the restoration of the military -tatas of the harbor of Charleston, this is considered by a majority of the Cabinet w L > jampossible From Charleston. Charleston, Dec. 80, 12 M —The Convention met in secret nes seen to-day. The Charieston Eveming News, of Suturday says thet the guns at Fort Moultrie are new in Koud condition The metal pins that the Cuited Btates officers left in the touch holes were beiug removed A gentleman who came up this mor ning swys that the garrison at Fort Samter had sent in for wood and water, which Governor Pickens ordered pot to > sent The Governor said the ladies might come into Charleston city xpd would be bospitably entertained. Some 0 mechanics and laborers reached the city from Fort Sumpter on Saturday morn ug. They went North in the afternoon They report that some forty or Bfty laborers and seventy soldiers are still there The News says hey bave an abundant supply of shot, shel! and provisions, to last for months . Phe largest guns are not yet in position, and the number of apoon vuly ainounts to enough to fill its armament Lousvitug, Ky., Dee. 25 —Governor Alagofio, of this State, has isxaed his Proclamation, cailing an extia session of the Le cislatere, to meet on the 17th of January nem MARRIED: On the 22d ult, at the residance of the brides father, Mr. HENRY T. WATKINS of Granville, to Miss MAGGIE MILLER, second daughter of Henry Miller, Esq. of this county Int} ou the 23d ult by Res rock, Mr. JOHN MENIJUS, jr and \NGELINE, deanghter of Mr Solomon Ketchey Tn thes county, on the 24th uit. by the Rev Berber, Mr LEVI POULAS to Miss NANCEY M. TUCKER, all of this county Near Miil Creek. Union conuty, Tinos, Dec L6r, PeHO. by G. W. Ortrich, Mr. SAM'L HART MAN to Miss SOPHIA IE. HILEMAN ee am Th this county. on eon S. Roth- Mise ABEY ss the Growler Mr. SOLOMON DEAL, ayed Sy years. PL montis ard 27 days Newbern Prices Current, Reported by JNO. EF. FOARD, Grocer and General Commission Merchant, Newsern, dan 1, PS6t. Cors per bbl €2.50a 3 00 Soar, 05 a Ox Corros, 94a 92 Suiseres per 1600 C oryer, 6 ineh, E64 Of Java, TR a 20 4 inch, du tj Laguira, V7 alk Tarrow pr Ib. 10a dt Rio, 1S a tG Woo sf 20a 30 St. Dom 4a li Hay N Co pri gid a dd CANDLES, Limx prbbl 81.104 125 ‘Tallow, 16a 1s) Moxasses pr thd Adamantine, 22 a 23 Cuba, prhhd 28 4 30 Singin 444 45 “ @ bbE 33 a 35 Fratiers, 45 a 55 Eng. Is hhd. 32 a 35 Fisu, per bbl ue bbl. 35 a 3s Mallets. 86.0 64 N. ©. bbl 45 9 50 Herrings, dads Naivs, pr ib. Blue Fish, 6 u 64 Cat, O44 00 N.C. Mac'rel 12 « 13 Wraught, lea 10d “sy bbl 7 a 00) Onn, pr gallon, Trout, 6a 64 Linseed, 90 a 1.0 Frour. N.C. per dbl. Train, 60 4 65 Family, 8-42 00 Refi Whale 100 » 00 Superfine, Ra 0 Lard, 1.104 1.30 Fine, 7ha 0 Orn N.C. Bacon pr Ib. Lanp Praster, $lda lj Hama, 16a 17 Oars per bush. 70 a 75 Sider, 12 4 123 Peas 75 aro Sholders, 124 124 Rice per Ib 03 a 05 Weetrn Bacon 9 a 12 Hypes per Ib. N.C. Lanp prbl 13 a G0 Dry, 1040124 Birren * 20025 Sugar per bbl. “ Cirrese 10 a 124 Crushed, 09a 10 Sarr Granula‘ed, Ila 12 Aluin pr bash. 22 a 25 Low, 10411 Liverpootack 14 4 00 Port Rico, (Rad N. Orleans, Os a 10 Loaf& Crush 10a 11 Fine Alam! 2.504260 Attention! ROWAN ARTILLERY! "OU are hereby notified to meet st Caps. Myene’ Office on THURSDAY evening. 3d of January, at 74 o'clock By order of the Cupt SW. JAMES, Scee'tv. N B—Ab persons feeling on anrerest in the per Petuation of the Company are earnestly requested Yoonttend Attention! Rowan Rifle Guard! "OU sre hereby commanded to appear at Hewd Quarters at HO o'clock on the 12th of Januwry, for Parad», armed and equipped ae the law directa, with 10 rounds blank wid 3 rounds ball cartridges By order of the Capt , WMs. BROWN,0O.S8 TP Afier the Parade there will be a Court Martial T ay 1) NOTICE. ee FARMING PARTNERSHIP D. F Caldwell and Thos, Wo Crawford, ia thie and anid Crawford ie to collect the debts due the concern, and pay off tho e wget at D. F CALDWELL, THOS M CRAWFORD 143 between day dissolved by consent: Dec 22, 1R60 Fine Suits. Tf you wish tobuy FINE SUTTS of CLOTHING for as little money aspoemble, call at the Great Clath ing Emporium of DAVID WEIL IF Ramemnra tHe Stawn— No 9. Murphy's Gran tle Row, Salisbury, N.C Rept 25. tng L. BLACKMER, C. M. E. Jan. Ist, 1860. tds33 UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE. TAYLORSVILLE, N.C. The 11th Session of this School will open on the first Monday (7th day) of Junuary, 1861. It is the design of this School to prepare young men thorough- ly for College, or for the active duties of life. : The health and morality of the place, with the moderate charges, commend this School to the cup- sideration of parents and guardians. ‘ TERMS PEK BEBSION : Reading, Writing. etc., 9)0.0F Eng. Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, ete., 12.00 Latin, Greek, and the higher Mathematics, 15.00 Contingent fee, 1.00 Board, eachosive of Jighis, per mouth, 8.00 Hi. T. BURKE, Principal. ‘Tayloreville, Dee. 1x, 1860. 4w31 Money, Money. } BE heavy payment which we have to make com- pels us to call on those indebted to us to aseist ip raimiug money todo so, by paying at least a part of what they are due us. We have been very indulgent and bope this call will be duly responded to. N. B—Our accounts are nade out and ready for settlement Tuteresi will be charged on all accounts from firet of January und July in each vear BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. | 1560 6132 , Salisbury, Dec. 25, ap of North Carolina, Large THERE are six copies of Pearce & Best's MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA for sale at Stewart? Book store. They are five by seven feet, and com- prise every information usually given on Maps—very handacmely yotten up. Price §6 per copy. 3181 Situation Wanted. YOUNG inaw of fitting qualifications desires a A siiuation aw clerk either in a Dry Goods or Pro- He will uceept work from the 10th of Jauuary, Applications left at this office wil receive proper attention. Dee. 15, TOU. BOOKS! NOTICE. the late firm “of BURKE & STEWART are made out and ready fur settlement, vintou Store proxuno. 313). The accounts due and all those remaining unsettled by the first day of Junwary, 1861, will be putin the hands ofan officer BURKE & STEWART Dee 4, 1360 TO THE PUBLIC. ] AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE- tor of the SALISBURY BOOK STORE, the undersigned would offer his thanks to the public tor the patronage extended to the House while con- ducted by the late firm of Burke & Stewart, and solicit Jor it the continued confidence and patronage of its friends. He will conetantly replenish the STOCK OF BOOKS, and will make additions as uew vund valuable works are brought out. He is in thinost daily communication with the largest Publish- ing Houses in New York and Philadelphia, and cau readily supply by Express such orders sent him ae cannot be otherwise filled. His stock of Stationery, Wall Paper, ge. will abso be kept up, with regulari- J. J.STEWART. tf 21 tyound care. Oct. 9, 1860. ry’ NE. NOTICE. Tr HWE Copartnership existing heretofore beiween BEWISTER & CLAYWELL, has this day been dissolved by sintualconsent. All claims against the lat» liru must be presented to the undersigned for settlement, aud all debts due must be paid to me T. BEMISTER. Dee let, 1S60 3130 T. BEMISTER, House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &c., Main St, opposite Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warranted to be dove in a workmanlike manner July 17, 1860 pd6m6 A. C. Limdsay’s Seleet School, Near McLean's Station, Guirroap Co., N.C. ‘This location was chosen fer a clasereal scheol he- cause of ite remoteness from infloences caleulated to distract the attention, corrupt the morels, or encour- aye extravagance ‘The third session will commence the 8th of Jan’y. Board in good families at 88 per month Classical tuition per session $25.00. English from $15 to §20. McLeansville. Dee. Lith, 1260 Book Bindery IN SALISBURY. \ R. WR. DICKS would respeetfally inform the = citizens ef Salisbury, Charlotte, Statesville, Concord, Gold Hill, Mocksville, Greensboro’, Lexing- ton, Morganton, Newton, and the surmoanding eoun- try generally, that he has established a Boor Binp- Ervin this place, an@ will be pleased to receive or- dere in his Ine. Music Books, Law Books, and Penodicals, bomnd to pattern, or in any style to suit. I 7 His extnblishment can be found on the second floor over the Post-Office If Orders trom a distance promptly attended to Ww DKKS 6m18 WILLIAM CG. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N.C 430 Salisbury, Sept. 8, 1860. \W ILL Practice and make prompt colleetiona in Rowan, Stanly, bredell and Catawba Counties. Office in the corner of Cowan's Roding Oppreite the Book Store Feb 14, 1860. 1f38 BLANK DEED: FOR SALE-AT THIS OF FICK ee — re o ee . - Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. SR SAB DR. BESSENT, -AS REMOVED ro roe DENTAL ROOMS H on the coruer formerly vecupied by Da. Basan, where he is prepared to attend all operavious suavected with his profession sun. 1, 1560 W.L. BARRIER, DENTIST, NGO TEEN TE SE 32 March 19, inbu. Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J.A.CALDWELL. wcticn of Medicine Those AVE associated the: and offer their Pri who wieh iC,can have the services of bol! extra charge CHT Uffice— the same occupied December 14, 13>. LAW PARTNRSUIP. A. HH. & R.A. CALDWELL. meelves in the | sional service the public case, withoat at yTa Woe reno OFFICE the ane formerly accused by Dr Neebit on Water Street, SALISBURY aN aC March 1, 1259 wa BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 129, Syeatnore Street, PETERSBL RG, VN. N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, VA. —_ SoM MARTIN, 8 RO TANNAHILL, R.A MARTIN, WoL PLUMMER, Wok MARTIN, N oM. MAKTIN, (7 Strict personal attention given to the aale ot produce Orders for goods promptly filled. 4 1 Rereaesce:—D. A Davis, CF Fisher, Bag une 14. 1859 Tins) JAMES HORKAH WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, One door below R.A A. Wuphy’s teres REPS constantly ou hand a large assoriment © WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description repairedin the best inanner and ou the mort veasona ble terms. Febrouiy 14, 1860 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV EN tothe purchase of all kinds of PRODUC b Aad to all consignments to be sold in thia murket on shipped to other Ports February 14, 1s60 Ly 3b fa Collecting Agent. HE andersigued offers his services to the public asa Collecting Agent in and xbout Salisbury He holds the xppointment of Tax Collector for the Town, and therefore feels authorized to refer persons to our Superintendent and Commissioners as to quali feations. &e JOUN BEARD. April 10, 1p60 —f46 Collecting Agent > Ly WYATT’S TOME CORDIAL. One of the most pleasant and efficient Remedire Dysentery, CHOLIC, and ali BOWEL COMPLAINTS, both of children and duis PRICE —25) CENTS Prepared by WH WYATT. Arorurcanr, Nos. 156 and Ins, Main Steer, SALISBURY, NC grotuy ft Jane 5. t{2] OCTOER, 1860. W. R. WILSON I of Watches, Jewelry. Silver Ware, &e bargains than ever was sold in North Careline with a large aseortine nt ia ready to Diarehea. Flux. AVING just retorned from the Northern Cives Clocks well greater HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors an@ manufacturers of HOS- TETTER'’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizemp generally of the United btates, because the article bus attained a repu- tation heretofore unkpown. .\ few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or || zoning puttery The consumption of Hostetter» Stomach Bit ters for the lust year ayounted Co ovey a half, million bottles, and from its manifest steady iocrease in times past, it is event that during the coming year the consumplou will reach near one million bottles. Tis intense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- ton, and the sanction of the most prouinent pbysicians iu those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to ite ethcacy in ull cases of stomaciic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom This is nota temporary yoy ularity, obtained ty extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Litters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, whigh is destined to be as enduring us time itself Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by lundreds To be able to state confidently that the + Bitters” are a certain cure for the |))spepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietuis ® source of un- alloyed pleasure It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to (le nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health lt operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, expecially if she be young, is apt to forget her own healt in her extreme anxiety for ber infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity tor a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exLausting trials and responsibiliues. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigors tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give @ permanent increase of bodily strength All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indiges , loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalils, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the pnble against using any of the many imitutions or counter- feits, but ask for HosTetren’s CELEBRATED Sromacn Bitters, and ee that each bottle has the words ** Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cup covering the cork, and observe that cur autograph signature is on the label ae- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, Sie (OTE, IG TrsoL Y Henderson & Ennive, and WH Woyatt. 6 sby J. Reed. Coneord; aad by Porter © + , Greensboro, No May?! a SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE WANURACTORY ! SMITH & MILLER, YANUPACTIURERS OF uenilemen’s Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, | AVING spares ta procu her pame nor ex pense, petinis of the Ses eet quality — Mach of he batest SS provements—and the most finished We toen, they flatter themselves that they can Be as good an artic Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, hb» pareha-ed an New Kayland for che same \ Phey therefore fee nt thet chew ap pealte the enizens of the ysnstuta them i ther endervor ty iutroduce « rg them oa branch of frbeltiionmieir, then vara or 1. Phey offer at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fone Channetied Boots, Frenen Cal, lirely inthe Vanuliesare ow wit disregurde Hoe Freneh Edge, {Ptf We te Double Seles ‘ : ’ r OPERA BOO Pateout Leather and Freneh Calf Tine Open Gaaters. Patent beater and Prench Calf Cre a ligitere. fyencha Ow Ties, Freneh Cit Union Tren. (a new atyoe® French Ain. © olf Je Go te then and sopply your wants and in fa tore you will porehase no Boots, Shoes or Gaiters, Werecant coeonen (0 pn te Reprint Aree Vers cnsunnieontiaed] is Watcher, Clocks, Jewelry, we, and with the anes of the best of Watchmakesa will do work prompt Please call and examine ly and warraut 12 months hue stock one door from McNeely & Young's store Oct 16 22uf American Watches. W he eleewhere He has also in addon, Patten Lever Hunting Cased Watetrs, Detached Levers, Hunting Cylinders, Ae, which wil be flow down for cash. Don't forget. 4 whew Genume American Watches. to callat WOR W Isone Jewelry Store, next deor to WeNecly a Young's Store, Salisbury. N.C. Get 16. cf2 Ladies Watches. UST opened sume of the haudsomest eF for Laches of the chowen! eyle ever otfere fiue Gold Chathens, sett of tine Jewelry, Button«. Studs, Gold and Silver TPhunbler, Gold ane Currel Necklaces, Lockete, Charu, Bar Dr Corre! for Misses and Children, and a great mot other things too numerous to mention, all ef whieh will be sold ni bargains fur cash, ai the Jewelry Ss of WOR WILSON Oct. 16 122 SILVER WARE. UST opened at WOR Wilenn's Jewelry S assortment of Pure Silver Pable and T- &e aod we wil! sell Wok WILSON 188 GRASSWITT, having just returned c Most Fashionable With 2 eplendid sapply BAAllimery, purhreed a very low re Q@pectfally informs her friends and whe ladies genersiiy eo Toespay rae 191m Ocromer, inst, her Stock will be for (papection To see all the [atest Styles Cat; Famy Rabsewrey, Orr Oth. 186° m7 Arent R. WILSON hnethe Agency forthe GENT e INEAMERICAN WATCHES which ens bles hin to sell them for lese than (hey can be hough Engtis { sole Watches aleo, Silver-plated Castora, Cuke Baske'® . Forks and Kuives, Buiter Ras Svrop Cupe, Mestad and su Don't forget and give ue aes that open SMITH & MILLER, TOM AS Vielen No July 24. 1860 9 {STOUMDING! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Wyatt's Remedy! An Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate! CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CU RESIECEN PANE VICTION:S: CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, IN A FEW DAYS! diet oar Ve hae ante, des oy ut re wil «ft the t th Prepared 1 Wholesxie and letutby WOH WYATT sh onnd Apothe Odie, Sack We tat ie A eoehuEVe oN al Price &t. and» ~ 1 siminpe prepay posts Nas 7 ny ORRELL & GRADY, HATS, CAPS, Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrellas, Parasols. Flowers, Ribbows. Ac., No. 38 Courtlandt Street, re and Wholesale Dealers vo 1 ORNELT, ) P STARS , Hf ae So \ Vewr York mi the BLUR STONE pan: jhe. WLI EE STONE! For wale low by WH WYATT. Droggiat and Abaca) Noe [xf and I8R Main ot, Saliebury Sept ith 1R60 ws SPECIAL NOTICE. | jyuov fh Hor), MACHINE WORKS: —-—— BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. Four sule by HENDERSON & ENNISS 30 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Mice and clean for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacoo. From Q10 to 240 dag, for «ate by Pure White Lead in Oil, For wile by HENDERSON & ENNISS GALLONS 1000 LINSEED Opt HENDERSON & ENNISS 1a00 PURE For sale by Tanner's Oil. 10. HENDERSON & ENNISS 10 Bbls. For wale by ¥ = 4 GREAT EXCITEMENT - North Carolina Foundry AND HOTELS. IN 4 Y yr | SALISBURY. nae eso ' THE subscriber takespleasureia anunoncing ty hie friends, and the public generally, that he hus taken thix long established aud well known Hotel and has made every possible preparation to accomme FRERCKS & RAEDER, N. BOYDEN & SON, Wit continue to manufacture wad keep on hand all AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full assortment of date the business, travelling and visiting portions 0 the public, in the most satistactory Wanner Particular attention is paid to lis TABLE, andevery comfort is provided in his ROOMS. | Plows, His SUABLES are abundantly supplied and at- Carn Shellers, Horne ‘Threshers, Thresberaud Separators, Shafting and Machinery mude heretofore Straw and Feed Catters Seed Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills They also manufacture ended by a careful ostler; und to Powers, the propnetor gives his personal attention OMNIBUS lenot on the arrival ofthe cars all departments A comfortable ruus regularly to the HENDERSON & ENNISS With these efforts to please, a liberal share ot the vublic patronage is confident! solicited for Grint Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, _ WM. ROWZEE. — Copperand Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses aud Fix- POUNDS Jauuery Wh, 1860 Uf-35 tures, de, &e., 10.000 OF ’ ’ = [RON AND BRASS CASTINGS, WORK of every FORGINGS and FINISHED 1 } ] { ' deseripuon made to order, and warranted in every | respect. Repairs of every deseription of Machinery = done at short notice y 2 Salisbury, N Cred anee LGU; 1y34 reef Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greeusdoro’ { Demo cyat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, Asheville, Caro Cultivators, | AS Y THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM OF DAVID WEIL. ~_ sea fans ee een ah AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORT it ern Citier with » LARGE and COMPLETE Stuck of Ready-Made Clothing Shirts. fine assortment of Shirts und Collars, Ke, Grentlemen’s Such ae Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps Drawers, Under! corcuptions, ff not arsinted to do this through th Neck-ties, THandkerehiefs, and ®) yycural chaunels of the body by an alerative medicine Cravats, {in Salisbury Returning Remember the ee Haran ctr weekly Columbia, Observer, Fayetteville.) same id Iredell Expre I] publish 3imoaths and forward NO Morganton, N. Cc ae Iredell Express will publish Sinonths anc wocounls Sept lie. superb New Hotel hus gained the raputation of beng a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, ayd second State oft, Preterts the many favorable notices by the Press ot the State the As awevidener PATE. \ ISHING to couceutrate nny hands oo one place, \ [propose to wel the phantatogs on whiet: Taow reside, containing 307g ACRES Most ot the soul is yrey grouud, the remainder « dark loin, equ Nearly oue balfiot the trav REAL ES = aud (he very liberal patronage received. Tteontinucs open necer havimg been closed. and ste guests may rely upon the reputation of Che House being sustained T have arrangements made to be kept sapphed regu larly with Beesh Fish from Nerfolk and Newbern, 1 factwith every delieaey usually found at FIRST CLASS HOTELS t infer ny to any i Rowan 5 25, Ls60 RANAWAY--$75 Reward. have been puret which he invites your smmedite atienGen cash, aud willbe seld cheap er than ever were I> YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ae Ty y.toul, wad your feelings will tell you wheo tin detertaived to sell cheaper than auy other house | where us particular disorder is felt, people enjoy bet. my oral ht offered here NOW he fore thanks for the liberal Stand, MURPHY'S GRANETE ROW, Salisbury, NO© uly &e.. ‘They impuriies bursting through the skin in pimples, erup. Ayer’s Narsapariiia A compoaud' remedy, in which we beve Jabureg 1 produce the wowt effectual alternative that can be nude. [tis a comeomtrased excract of Pare Sarg. pari, vo combined with other eubstunces 9f greater alterutive power as to afford an effective wull J an. tidute fur the diweuses Gareapurille is repasedio cu It ivpelieved that such » remedy is wantedhy ‘koe who euffer from Strumeud complaints, and thar te which will wccomplish their cure must prove of fe inense service tu this large class of our afflicted fel- low-cilizens. How completely thie compound will do it har be proven by experiinent on Many of th worrt cuses to be found in the following complaints; ScworuLa AND ScaoruLous Compiaints, Eaurtions any Exverive Diseases, Uscens, Pimptes, Blorcnes ‘Tumors, Sact Rueem, Scanp Heap, Syrninis aie Syruiiric Aveections, Mercurial Disease, Vrorsy Nevwatoia on Vic Dovtouneux, Desitiry, Dysrsp. sayy Expicestion, Maveirecas, Ruse om St. Ay. riony's Fine, and indeed the whole class of com. plaints arising from Daeuriry or tie Broop. Fiis compound willbe fouad a great promoter of alth, when taken in the spring, to expel the fyy| Numors which fester in the blood at that season of the By the timely expulsion of them many ranking disorders ure nipped in the bud. Maltitedes eon, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from year Furnishing Goods, the endariice of foul eruptions and alcerous sores through whieb the @ystem will strive lo rid itself of 10 Cleanse out the vitisied blood whenever you find it patrouage DANAWAY froin the subscribers at Lex- togten, a Negro tnan named ALEX. or ALEXANDER pereolor, S feet = or Winches high, aud will weigh trom 155 to 1bo th hax rather a down-cast look subseribers thik avery hkely fellow, 22° venrs aged tt probable that Alex ts Suid manis of a dark cop- but ‘The lurking ‘They jing bealth | ' ’ ee . in stclin woods, Containing a great deatottine traber ' ) * + + i. . . Y % : R nae about ember a he sepiboriowd of Salsbury, Mire OR NO PAY. CLS. Broin & Co's Stage Office, i anus ade she NOC RR There ix hon Al. | Surietn ne Ma so MeKerne'® plaolatiyie. oa : ‘ (RCH TGUSCMn Tim OUICHOIOSENC GAC I of BOTTOM LAND snd MEADOW. of 868 iy give the abeve reward for hia apprebenmon and Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, ES run tothe head ofthe W.N C2 Rail Road on qistiy, The DWELLING tm well sree’ Gsor ute onin at bewngiat NC. Als ikey wi SS ee era NT le CAV ted WETTER clu pea PCU A rcle mmCCULCM ULL RADILILG ICDS RULE GO Ue Sih Oi \iea wit Say Sd reward for proof suflicieut to convict any one PRANTED TO CURE ! ‘ ; pay pron WARRANTEL Wiles Tuesdays clivndiveaidentureavs EN DRA UTE places ACES woof the Wadhkin River and ot jarboring said boy PEND RRRONDS EN NISSEECO\GHES aul NCA cieetdsimien se Nndnenticre el seule mae 211682 aud spring are excel ~ W MeCRARY & CO ‘et wt let yotidiogs, some of which are aew « wy polit u dt u-bailding u Oer ad. hod wy CSue Ow N tre well arranged and coufortrble , r : i sis ee Phe location is quite convenient, hevng within tive Fluid and Kerosine Oil. ; Paornieror mifesot Salsbury and very healthy Phe get i = Tune d4, 1=59 us highly adapted to fine Pobaces, Cotton. Grad, Prats By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at #6t Observer, Fayetteville: Standard aod Sport aad garden vegetables mee HENDERSON & ENNISS he A Beles Cleat = (era e\ JNO A BRADSHAW > toengtons gress, Newser: Pate Grer mt Derr ay isay) ug = and Saliebory Banner. copy wlgtit tuues DEN eee RENCH BRANDY. Medicinal French Brandy. \40 ever brought te su) Caven op by Judges to be the best this market, tor sale by HENDERSON & F SPICES! SPICES! Muataid, Mace Niss { Pepper, Spice Cloves, Ginger, Cannamon, and Nutmega, for sale hy HENDERSON & ENNISS VINEGAR! 30cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. Bbete per be 30 cts HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Sept ys60 res In Greensborough Mutual [INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FaAMILS Mount Vernon lou ‘ormerly known asthe Veranda Hotel, ettuated AT THE DEPOT, SALISBURY. N.C. Lrlemise FROM DINEASED KIDNEYS, HES establishment been opened forthe enter soimentel the Pat ft is © thoroughly re e panied and ioproved 1 Fee PAU HRV CTAT wm eS CO TLOLE CLL? Bladder ond Wedirye M | tne nied he comtortot the Poble than here , Giese “The Chambers 4 Gide cee daeghar ness of the Lois, be an wwethe best q if Bed The Culoarny EN EPS wivalaa s tor sale 1 Deportmmentos under the cea crementof a peat I Npucksville, viet Coature Vhe ‘Pable ailialwary be edwithihe Bp iyortey sand ne wi BEST that this and other mark fe ' vetnersb y Phe Proprietor will devote bis whole time te the wich Jon F Co ! te ' 1 rmoanigement of the Hore s confident that fa, idusnlectibe vt M ~ ra wich tis facihiues every amy Will be derive: furnish a supply by 4 <i " sales add to the comfortaf ' N ¢ cealling at his resdene 10) tales wes ; > BENJAMIN a EOD AUSTIN July 26, 1859 i June 2b. 1855 tfo DR. MOUTARDE'S Wiraculous Pain Killer. RHEUMATISM, It cures ina few days NECIOALGIA, Ita TOOTHACHE, Ws CORNS and BUNIONS, “THE UNION,” Arch Strevt Third, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON 8S. NEWCOMER, HWE UNDERSIGNED having porctased abore few minutes. wat ve HOTRI, w for those wisi minediately Tteur Py ebine, Wd. Me PINCER Mende 1 . M. : War, ae y ( eee . ie CHOLIC or Painsin the Stomach, Wertopvastanter NOU D Wison, Wan Barringer, David WeRKoighe, i UP ILAA NING CHIT TEIN ORC AIL EEN MoS Sherwood, Jed Ho Lindsay, Greensborough " ; WA. Wreht, Wilmington; Robert B.Uroy, fum- fore halt din ee Oensey t stremedy known a Mieeandnr Willer. Newborn] Phadeoe Mics pore gene TUE UNION’ shall be Bor Fever and Ayue, (Give. Raleigh: ‘Thomas Johnson, Yangeyville , Dr Fe LO eta Ci CeTioncure WC. Rarasey. \Wadesborough : Rey RC. Maynard eruay Pree eae el Frankluten, Dr kK, Fo Water, Watsonville Cee > NEWCO MEE “Pr J nite : ‘ . ee sale Whotesle and R TRAY EIT EN AD Sou oD WILSON , oo ay : NN) VOR aust Fes Ee JED HO OLINDSAY resident WASHINGTON HOTEL ee ae me : CoP MENDENHALL , ve PETER ADAMS Treas’ WE EE COADWENG, \ JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor ow ‘i Ne aicGON NEL ID > ew iIrm. Executive Con JNA EN tea Gy A IGRI Le ee BROAD STREHT. )oM are Co eee SEW BEL NA MURR & SOSSAMON, - ca Inu ut PETER ADAMS. Secretary siaboraugh, Ne (1 duue tJ, 160) utd GREAT BARGAIN EN. ( . aa ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES evs ‘ ryN ] , ' WM. M. BARKER fer din this market and wil sell for eash os hiw as yqau 4 | if s mihetess rer Caraga) e\io al hand e ee uy INFORM HES Onbp of ’ TIN WARK and STELbS JOU. Bysiss now offers to sell friend istumers that he is Rept eo hend ; \ a nes Tin, Sheet-browor Copper Ser Seen rer nn paraaathe work done at the shortest netice DiS TEE h Sy . : MURR & SOSSAMON ye KI Carriage Business, ee aN Bae . a 7.00 & OL ENTS COVES © a0 a 1.50 nnd prepares » furnish ov xt € BUGGY or . , ein = 50) CARRIAGE tom the best och lowest preed. os Chills and Fevers 00 : 9.50 He his recently visited a noerot the Northern Ree ‘ . 10.00 1100 meanitia es and aequas dotoaneelf wiih ail che } K\ ER \ \ D Col OF Tat enh tte weimentsin bial J made arrangements imu a 25.00 by whieh he can supply thes: North aSpea tt ee J OW ENNISS? eru work much eheaper th eat ‘ TN Efe Clothing, Hat and Ntoe Store, nga sage poh He ntends so bind the finest and BIL(OT THIS ANS IS, eas a best we one in the county and gehene a PREVAILING IN A MALARTOUS CLIMATE, eall at the Sign of the National Flag : WVU M BARKER Speed pand Permanently € ured hy G.EAT SOUTHERN HAT AVD CAP Twi aie sb un WES CTE NCI JOHN DOOLEY, No St, Mane Start, Rromeosp, Vas, Manuf. urer and Dealer in FUR, STRAW DRESS HATS. > 5 a ; : < has proved to the publie a great desde NC Pree &1 per prekage. mx for $5. A liberal ] HAVE now ready my Spring stock of ratum anda complete saccess Travelers, and others discount to merchants HATS (OVP S ard STRAW GOODS: can always have (herr wants, i the bne, well sup mole oe to which PE would invite the attention of ricci ; } the merchants of Virgima, Nerth Carol.na and Ten- : g Cach prices paid for Carriage Lumber and Proven- Fe eres eh ee ee ne ene SUPERIOR evervthiog they may wantin iy line, on ae good iy ood Haorsex THOMAS BE BROWN eo eer a arare ee ne er ~F#%% OOLOCNE WATER country a . ’ My ste k will be kept constantly fall by the addi 7 ie \ Treble Distilled from Fragrant Flowers tion of everything new or demrable; and, having 4 - , greatly mereaned my manufacturing facthies, many 7 : ; . = ee ee oe ON UIT. W.H. WYATT Black Mole-ekin Hat oe etl inthe front rank, andi one = owe : 2 ‘ , rqnal.ifnot mpenor, to anything produced im the ET eee DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, comutry Ws amsortmentof Bove. Musser’ and Chil raneedchie (tastes: Ralit NAR EIR KIRA CEM ates | dren’a nehly trimmed Hate and Flitsof all tae dit) yet to hie NEW STARLE ” fee ir ‘ Catylen of Braid and Leghorne cannot be exer a fear at the resuleune atiliedate Genre Wo Brawls a“ Ren fariiah F Lowhare he or his agent may alwnie be found ready te Prine Dieta. Qheta, Sete. and RL per Batil AND Ce are cl ‘ tary Goode, Tei ish anvthingr ed ) attend to all demands in his line Pel) 387 1260) un { e ness, Pal n the Wy stock ofthe various quatitien of Arie cK ae : ' ‘ I » ‘| e { Coativenees, Paton! Of a re en eee gon te te Nena Me ae a ares JOTAIISSHOM MECPEMAMUS, Gee ERE ety) q Soles mae me 2s 3 : : : with prompt attention. Charges todernts . freqne reo ‘era Creeping se% re ee ae ee eee a fae JOHN SNYDER HARDWARE YY No. 2 Granite Row, Paost Srarer, snuton or aid beer! BE tne beay, Restteer ( 4 af. r om 3 * Ser z aN Salisbury, September 6, LOY 15 ee WILMINGTON N reas, Headache, or| he Lees ‘ FENILE Subscribers are receiving and opening at | teen Denlers in ad kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Prov | Hecaeen 10 wD , : the old stand of G M & AT. Jones, th : ; : ; version FOR SALE JO) 18 AN SW IP OS Ge nc Ly © Laquork, Wines, Cigars. and ‘Tobaces 0 inenition fm (hie © DALE. o Sohert consyine nts ¢ ) Dred Frat, Feath The LERIGE THRER pines ; : ; f ator and Fa Ce T.. wae ; era, Beeewae, Pobaces niniry Produce yen Ce Phils are thiniled by Drngeteta gener pring Hill Tract of Land, | INK undermgned gives celine that he keep | TL OC 0 SPU WAT cet Seema tor Mowers reteiratsd Seales MT Mecuir by the Trade In all the Inrge tow 0s. é oss : ‘ ) is S for the purpose oo a OMT MEN INE WORN ACTRESS, i MT namo Gon in f DG WoRTH NG DANIEL, eS Te OA Or ater igs Prenrtaa we rom Oe antl eettar duran) anleaarere cic mminiecial swe aR ne at real PURO FoI UL Nee Ri ert wing heen bought For the past 7 yeura with 335 Broadway, New Work: ’ te : AOU Tg Ce directly of the Ma ereor their agents, excl eof Mahe tN : , Sansniemancborhisd the main read leading? GEORGE MOWERY ee ae ane AM Nee Res partes Late of Mahebore’ NC | ToC & BOG Worth Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Daeos! Tethe Veedkia iver, the North) Caccinn Mareh 20th, 1xH0 143 Win rlan \hoinanleroreRetarmovers:) OA ccellim a 1yts wep Cuamiars, Sulebory, N.C yanming threwsh tt, on the preniees ia S Le 5 IWaf 1y6 R: oy ae Ann ’ spectfully solicited July 4, N59 FW i ations aa ot ee Whi Lover NOTICE THI holdings. food springs and new in cultivation and 50 hite Hands Suliebury, War 19 aay cee ee % cs under good fence: the greater px noof and Pract \W IGL. find steady employment upon the Wil THE lersigned having taken up the books of JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., w Woodiin! it could be divided ite soonll traete mington, Charlotte ind Rutherford Rail Rowd a f Boll & Jame sitis tt Gl ere RU ner Ur ARRM a OO; Onemmins tc) Very eduvenienily of desired) Iwill rrtain60 Acree’ ptoruearilis place. Apply Fine Shirts and Collars. woud lina ay aiaher Gy Titone the Hoe if Woodland and the family Grave Yard SAM'L WeNINCH arti ; \ io bon \ —WITH— Apply t MICHAEL BROWN. Agent May *. 1860 (tf30 Charlotte, No ¢ Tf you wish to purchase fine Shirte an Colar ¢ : ; ; marloties Shirts lars WOLAMES HE Saliebury. Oct 2, 260 call at the Great Clothing Emporium of eG eu SHERMAN BROT u > v yar ‘ : = PSV LOGE Impontens ann Jonorae OF 4 | B d : "4 J ARS Potato ay NOES asS ice Row LE, PERSONS wh A alvted Apple Brandy. rpreion | on , Ae ccm aiieancin: Hardware, Outiery, wi # a * to nr ariiele vet made es y 4 diate payment, ae Tam competed to h o rs Qi Preserving Fruits, for sale By SS SERVING FRUITS and VEGETARLES, for VINEGAR. a aAE ONT EMU ET Tite econ iaareaati AND HEAVY GOOFS, Witla rT ; unle hy W.H WYATT, }* RE CIDER VINBGAR, for sale by WH friends, DP hope they will eome op promptly 19 Park Place and 16 Murra Str A 196 and IRR Main at, Salisbury, N € 1K6 and 1k&™ Main at, Sahebory, N ¢ WYATT, 186 and IRR Main sirert, Saliehory RP RESSENT Naw YQ Inly 94, 1860 9 July 94 9 inc 9 Now 29h, [RAO 1797 Tanaes AGO. ot LEGHOPN, PANAMA, SOFT AND MOLE SKIN AVING purchased of JD Baown & V their entire stock of ¥ e X ' TIN, SUE “LRON, COPPER e e e , ops . National Flag! ME re now offer the | ihaudsomest lot of COOK Tonic & Pills the Wratt’ Durig the past able. Tt ve grats year Jemand for thin great Brown's Livery St Seen are ra remedy has been unprecedented has f< py ies — by WOH WYATT, Deu Apothecary, Noa InG and 1-8 Mein at, re Prepared vist fying to hin thet Ua establishine nt began, at first. i a doubttalexpertment, SALISBURY, Not and Saliabury, ‘O N T LE ME L “O U N O L Y Ap lh “U O D OP S fe RU OP PL ar na v e n d “d u SO W GO L LE H A N E SN OS td OE A L O N ‘ W I d d d lions. or sures; cleanse it when you find 1 is obstrues. ed aud sloggish iu the verus; cleause it whemever it Even ter health, aud live longer, for cleansiag the blood Keep the blood healthy, and all ie well; but with heretofore bestowed, [hope for a continuance of (he | thos pubuluur of lite disordered, there cap bg no last Soouerorlatersome thing must go Wrong aod the great machimers of hfe w disurderged or overs thrown Sarsapariiia hus. and deserves much, the reputation ot accomplishing these ends. But the world hes been egregiously deceived by preparatio 8 Of it, partly secause the drug aloue has not all the virtue that i claimed bor it, bub more because many preparations preteading to be concentrated extracts of i conten bat lite of the virtue of Sarsapanila, or amy thing tle Dunug lote years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract ot Sarsapardia tor one dollar Most of these have been frauen apou the sick, for Chey not only contag Witte erties whatever ifany, Sareaparita, bat often po curative prop. Hence, bitter and painfal disap. pourtinent hoy bollowed the use of the vanousextracis of Sursapartia which flood the market, ontil the natne iiseif is justly despised, and has become sy nony- nous with Unpostion and cheat. Sell we call this compound Sarsepariia, and intend to supply sued a remedy as shall rescue the naine from the joad of itite And we think we have vround for behewving it hae virtues which are irre siet- the ordivary run of the diseases it 1 intended quy which resis upou tt nie by fi order to secure their complete eradica- hie wyeteuy, the remedy should by judicious. directions on the bottie is te eure then frown iy taken according t PREPARED DY DR. J.C. AYER & €0., LOWELL, MASS Pare. &) ren Bortre, Six Bovrane rea 95 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, has won for otself such a renown for the cure of every vanety of Phroat ond Lung Complaint. that itiwen- ' Hivecesmary for us to recount the evidence of ‘ les wherever it has been employed Agar en eorstunt use throughout thir secuon vimore than assure the peuple i» quali- es toche lestitever hag been, and that % don toe for their relief all it hes eves - tree ound to dea ZF ’s Cathartic Pil 2 Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, ron tie CURR oF Costivencan, Jinndice, Dyepeparn, Indigestion, Dys- BOOTS ! BOOTS ! rntery, Foul Stomach, Eryapelas, Headache, Piles, ‘ is Rieumatiem, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver OENNISS os . MrOir ene H ack Onc eheae Diopsy, Vetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, a enn Seen tate atnen Mearma, Gout, Newrrigaa, aaa Dinner Pall, and Jer hee Re (Ae Dieate ir ihncie Pusitying the Bloo Sereda een te a Ah ee en i They are sogar coated so that he moet eter can lahe thet pleemantly, and & h Call and see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT. made Geeneutin the world for all the Ree et ee pare ofthe beat Krench Cait Skin and Waterproot iiyar me : i throughout, and wt M fast longer tha ‘ SELLE nee eee arte Han any Paice 25 Crvte ren Bow; Five Boxes ron $1 00 ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, a with Double Soles and Upper, a capital Boot for Great noimbers of Clergymen, Phyrteane. States. Wonter, and warranted a andeminent pore uayer, lave lent their names (LSO, MILES & SON'S ¢ ALSO, MILES & SONS PEP SOLE DRESS BOOTS. iS Has Ate wh rat FALL TOCK. RX AERP, DRY GOODS, BOO h ishory nu pt ae Row attentio rg NOTICE SAND SHOES i cele, Nagwre, Colon xn Hea: aod Wine Ste Leather. Calf Skene. Lauog 1 Bioging Shine. We \ « “ ” rye ade te te ther ‘ eon hon 7 moa d the adie ning Comities K. Hiring of Negroes ALY 1) ees OF A MURPHY OAV OT Te ATSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. pan Dense M lo certity the unparsleled usefulness of these reme- vue pper and wacranted (aes, but our space here will not permit (he tneerion FENTS FINE CALF BOOT, ©! tein Pie Agents below named furnish grave dscrong and of the very best mate Awericas Arwesacoin whieh they are given; a, ’ Weserptions of the above complaints, AND GENTS 21d the treatment tat shoud be followed for ther M Roots for beauty, dure °° ee 5 DD. pat oft pled dealers with other - i pr ‘ hey make more profit on. Demand Aven nat ike others. The sich want the best Weve for Wooten worth Qc thery ator then, and (ney should bave it ‘ JOU RENNISS Aone R re for sace by 4 | NV on deny abury, NaG, DAG anaemia Herderon & Enoisn " SALISBURY, NC iigctinson & Co, Charlotte, " JOM Jotinsen, Moen svaiile, zu 1 © 6 O Perry. Sempron & Lowe. Lexingtom, . ie MoY & COA Santos, Norfolk, Var, Havana. Stevenson & Co, Charhaston, 8 C March 6, }=60 lya) SAN Xv. LIVER INVIGURATO?., NEVER DEBILITATES. tirely from ¢ feria standard Med! have used it, aad is now 0 al! te diseases for when’ ww within the last two yeere of relief as the gumerces ‘possession show G the temperament of the led in ench quantities as ‘ ndgment guide you in the ae ofthe LIVER EN- \VIGORATOR, sot" avcure Liver Com-| & |plaints, Biltous At- tacks, Dyspepela, |Chronte Diartheeca, summer Com- |plaints, Dyvente- Stomach, Habitual i; ’ | Be itc, Cholera, Chole- f ra Morbus, Cholera! lence, Jaundice,: es, and may be used suc ry Family Medi- \ HEADACHE twenty minutes, If spoonfuls are tak- auack Att who use it are tm ita favor | MIX WATER IN THE INVIGORATOR, AND BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. \cosstully as an Ordine- cine, Itwiticure SICK thousands can testify.) 1m two or three Tea- en at commencement of jstving their testimony THE MOUTH wiTH SWALLOW Bete of Solomon Hall, dec'd — ALSO, — wi vue remdence, on Wednesday SANFORD’S the 2d day of January. Prot, for one year u ILY ALSO, about 100 ACRES OF LAND will be aS ee ae: GATHARTIC PILLS, poe eG eCOMPOUNDED FROM N Be Parteular potiee i hereby given to all Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up ie pervona snd-beed to the Estate af Soamun Hall, GLASS CABES, Air Tight, and will noon, decd, to come forward on that diy and pay up, or In any climate mT . . LE, ence. ihelacns will hove to be collected aseording to law ere en ne Ciereaats proprieior hee . bie practice m than twenty yee W CR AIGE, “ile set) PM Semagd ey or J As and the satiafactkn © Salisbury, Dee 4. 1660 (20 icon ailexpress in regard to their a use, has induced met pisee ' ‘ vecutare thems hhin the reneh of all | . PA The Profession well Koos that different Catbarties WORTH & DANIEL oe WILY Cake Niantic PILL ’ Fas eis fee oterenes tate well eatahttaned fact : ; variety © Wholesale and Retail Grocers, v Neen compounded from al purest tabie Extracts, which act) ery part athe Alimentary canal, and are 0d and anfe in alice Single ¢ Five cof Ten cop Clubs e@: $1.50 eaob e T ie follow: are kept o sent by ma - rpense. Civil Warren Ossas & Bow Writs. 0. & & Kxecations, ¢ Bubpwnas, 0 Witness Tok: Jaror Piokets Prosecation B Ball Bonds, ¢ Bail Bonds, ¢ Attachment ¥ Delivery Bop Adnintetratic Bastardey, Appeal, And mmpy ot! oorder oa ot PROCEE Senate on the tat considerat terday, (1 duced by Carolina, The que of Mr, Tas Mr. Erw cousiderab Mr, Rar time. Th shorten de tors bad b cussi00 oo He recogn of exetten: not believ excited as manufactu and uott who prop now, as re than those sulutions t ed the poy Rowan wi tavor of a Union, af meeting. ‘The cau leusibly th cause Was struggle fo Lhewe wer there bad auyuraled ed that if morrow th some othe trom the ¢ Carolina it He believe: ily a prete lisrupt the the fact th. demonstrat It was now together w levedents just cause f sail 80 Nov luinself nol ground uooally ei: would be U Hie was el the Oppost Was tore t Mayors aw one million servant of t make { en Ki Vivintes the lat yuage « (he twrant execute bin Ibe per tow beld u Mr oduus, ole juio tu dem existed und Wa bol m bad beea o: He comme eration of South Car Massachuse chanan’s m executed th Statutes, wh an abstract The Sen the lust of cism, bot tl throne, at recognized South as in goveramen Senators sp Would sep 4 revolatio thought so, lou to atten What we WAS secess without blo they were | Opinions of Jackson, w In the even 80 fanatical of dissolutic upon us af the territori slaves. If w jon with the navy, aod North ia a fugitive elas mission. mon, g'slature co vention was Otherwise, witha prete ers to the pe ‘ue, danger People bast be taxed ac and just—n fore the peo slavery} } the consider He did not Might or n when the at The resol ® coosnltat then with t Might hear of the Unic that she w blow.” uvestion w ates or wi be drago R. thou, pI ered 5 Cun be » Burry. rf will Ve un. lo cure. bY those hat one bof im- sled fe}. id will do Y of the plaints; RUPTIONS LOTCHED, LIS AND Drorsy, Dyvrre St. An. of com. moter of the foul euson of ™ many ullitudes Ves from US sores, ee If of ugh the medicine u find it Jes, erup- obstruet. rheVer it a». Even njoy bet. he blood but with ho last. ky Wrong, Or over. Putation, ord hes ‘it, partly @ that i parations, » Contan mY thing misled by f Extract ese have y contain tive prop- fal disap. jp extracis until the je BY nony- call this ly sucb a load of ‘ we bave e irre sisti- } intended ro eradica- JUdichus- Lie . ron OS oral, re of every jalitwen. videnee of Aew hie peeve ed fe iis quali- _ and that Chaseves ills, stion, Dys- che, Pres, uses, Liver Bt rensilive € the best of a fam y on $1.00 1 @ Siates- heir names here reme- Ne inserion rhinb grate given; complaints, rd fur ther swith other 9. Demand ant the best veit ly4) LLS, put up ie will heep [1.0 once: ropriewor hee yeare hose whe ae ae ed me io pisee Carbarties act / pill Gttehed fet pt mi ISS, Dees! 1y6 JT Thartotte, uc HERS, Guy % J. J. BRUNER, BDITGR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, 2,00 Five coples, 3.00 Ton copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion $1.50 eaoh. Payment always in advance. BLANKS Tie following Court aud iniscellaneous BLANKS are kept on hand for sale, at this office, Can be sent by mailto any part of the country, at sinal expense. Civil Warrants, Com. totake Depo C.48.C Casas & Bonds Apprentice Laodentures . Writs. 0. @ 8. 0ou a Letters Testamentary, Execations, 0, Letters of Administration BpeciniLetters do., Marringe Licenses, Jaror Pickets, Do Certificates Prosecation Bonds, 0.88.0. Various Equity Hanks, Ball Bods, ¢ivilcascs Do Indictments, Ball Bonds, ¢rim. * Land Deeds, ‘hment Write, Deeds ip Trust, Sheriff Deeds, Faquity do. Notes of Hand, Notesto Bank, er forme of less frequent use. oorder oa short notice 28.0. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Sexare.—Mr. Brown moved to fay the bill on the table for the present, and proceed to the consideration of the wnfinimled busivess of yea. terday, (12th Dec.) viz: the resolutions intro duced by bim to send commissioners to South Carolina, Agreed to. The question recurred upon the amendinent of Mr, Turner to the resoluiiun of Mr. Avery. Mr. Erwin thea addressed the Senato to a cousiderable length. Mr, Ramsay said be did not rise to consune time. Tbe Senate bad shown a disposition to shorten debate on yesterday, Lut as other Sena tors bad been indulged iu full latitude in tie dis cussion oo this subject, he desired to be heard. He recognized the fact that we were in tbe midst | of exeitement, perhaps | revolution; but be did not believe the peuple of the State were as much | excited as the Legislature of Conyreas: we were maoufacturiag pabbe opinion for the people. and uot the people fur us. The disuaiwaisis, be a ee who proposed to waugurate uew events, were | chacted, any or ail the States nicht secede. Nu | ve dissolved, than tl « now, as revolutivnists always were, more active than those who did uot desire change. The re svlutions received here he did not believe retlect- ed the popular will, ‘The call for the tveting in Rowan was made only for those who were in tavor of a convention, and many friends of the! Union, after consultation, did meeting. ‘The cause of the present excitement was os leusibly the question of neyro slavery. The real cause was ambition of designing men, aud a hot attend the struggle for commercial and political power.— | Lheae were disuoionimts per sein the South, aod there bad been fur years. Mr. Calhoun bad to augurated the move in 1833, aud Mr. Ko believ ed that if the slavery question was settled to morrow that discussion would be ajntated in some vbber shape. Mr. i. here read extracts from the debates in the Legislature of Sou h Carolina 10 1881, to show that tis was the case. He believed the election of Mr. Liacoin was on iv @ pretext ardently desired by these mea to! disrupt the Government, ‘This was evinced by, he fact that Lincoln's election was received with lemonstration of joy in many parte of the South \ It was now declared that the election of Lincolu, | together with northern ayyressions, and the an- tecedeuts of the Black Lepubhean party, was | just cause for secession. The Senator from Burke sail so now, but bad for reasons satisfactory to luinself not said su before the election ground was untenable But that ; Lencoin was constitu uooally elected, and to revolute for that cause, would be Wy revolute againet (le coustituuon.— He wan elected by a iniuonity of the pe the oppositivn vole ayainst him io the was tnore Chan the wile Southern vole, and the mayjonty against lim inthe Uuion was nearly one millon, He was not a Koos he was ihe servant of Cae people, elected to execute and got tnake the laws. We. said Mr. Eo, are the zen King’s’ of the country, and Lincoln violates the law, let us impeach tim. and in the jar yuage of the Senator from Caswell, ‘ the tyrant frow the throue,” exrcute bun. Tbe persooal liberty bills of the North were pow beld up as foruiabonyg just cause for seces Mr. KR. did not de! They were odious, Offensive, Uneonsttuduual, and bo would jo iu demauding their repeal. But they bad existed under former adtuinistrations, and if he Wa dot misinturined, the law of Pennsvivania bad been on the statute book for seventeen years He commended to State rights men the consid eration of the fact, that the nullification act of, South Carolina had set a bad example which! Massachusetts had folluwed. Dut as Mr. Bu chanan's message disciused Ue fact that he bad executed the fugitive slave law in spite of those statutes, why should we dissolve the Union on an abstraction ? The Senator from Cabarrus aaid that it was the lust ef duminion, the ambition and fanat cism, pot the throne, but the power behind the throne, at the North, that he feared. Mr. Kh recognized fallen humanity as the same in ‘x South asin the North, and a dissolution of the goverament would not free us from its evils. — Senators spoke of settling this question forever Would separation settle it! Would it not have! 4 revolation in a Suuthern confederacy} He thought so, and preferred to settle ic in the Un-| tou to attempting settlemeat out of it | What were the remedies proposed | The first Was secession, aud Senators spoke of secession, without bloodshed. They betrayed themselves ; they were preparing for war. They ignored the Opinions of Washington, Clay, Webster and of | Jackson, who ded civil war as inevitable | in the eveat of dissolution. If the North was} 0 fanatical as to push matters to the extremity of dissolution, they would make fanatical raids upon us afterwards. We asked our rights in, the territories, we asked the rendition of fugitive slaves. If we seceded we left the flag of the Uu-| jon with the North; we gave up the army and navy, aod the territories, and converted the North ia a foreign nation, upon whose soil the! fugitive slave would be freo. Sec asion wae sub mission, If we did not surrender every thing by seceasion we must fight. A State Conven- bon was proposed. Mr. Rt. did not fear the peo. | ple; be head no doubt they would declare for! the Union, yet it might not be wise to say so. If we did mot intend ulterior measures, the Le 'slature could do all that was necessary ; acon Vention was necessary only in case we intended | otherwise, It would furnish the disuniouists | witha pretext to transfer agitation from the lead ers to the people. If it was “ premature, impol We, dangerous and unjust,” to go before the People beet summer, and ask that alaves might be taxed according to value, woulid it be politic an] just—might it not be dangerous to yo be- | fore the people and agitate the whole subject of slavery# Mr. R. threw out this reflection for the consideration of a certnin class of persons, — He did not fear to trust the people himself; be Might or might not vote for the convention when the subject camo up. , The resolutions under consideration looked to ® coornltation first with South Carolina and then with the Soathern States, South Carolina Might hear ua respectfully, but ebe would go out of the Union. It was part of the prograinme that ashe was to go oul- was “to stnke the blow.” The Union was to be diasoly ed, and the Uestion waa, were we to go with the cotton ates or with the States North, thus we were be dragooned and forced into co-operation.— | R. thought it useless to ask South Carolina to , expe and of necessary fon, di these, yf should ve iu good company | | | VOL. XVIII. | Devoted to Politics, Wews, |desist. He preferred that she shoulid | responsibility of her posiuiou. Tt the fact of her self she must take the fatal plunge, aud destroy aBlaok«pri ged the most tree, happy and glorious yovernment, | free jever vouch safed from God to man, did not cause | her to pause, nothing we could say would do it She had never treated North Carolina. with the | respect due her. !Scnatur from Cabarrus upon the eulogy he had | pronounced oo South Carolina | Senator was reviled, he reviled not aeain—when aimote tpoa one cheek he turned the other: bat he had paid a tribute to South Carolina that | that State would not return. & Mad we j; would all join in consultation, and if they did, would pot the cotton States go into the confer epee as Wey did into the Viesidential election, determined that all should be well if things should go as they desire, and if not, then to se [ene Mr. R. wanted go sectional consultation | that could not be covered ty the flag of the fcountry. If the Union is to te dissulved, le was !for North Carolioa setting up for herself. Dis- solution would establish the doctrine of secession Pwhich would have amoral, if not legal any assurance that Southern St recogni- tion in aSouthern confederacy, The Southern {States would not be constituted into » Tinent, but into a confederacy of govern Sovercyn States, and if debts become oppress ve, if tariff’s were [futh could thus be kept. The first ine of mep ration between the North and South would (bot be Permanent: subdissons would take | places the States would be « pared, and t SCN Pt these evils let Us Comoenee where itoos probable we willend. North (colina wil mock th freat x nation as South Cana The Senator from Burke bad defined a lu ‘tommet to be one who was wil ue for the exit ion of slavery. Mr. Ro was for the Union be cause be looked upon dissolution as an irrevo cabie decree of emancipation, and destruction of slavery The cor] of tree States would then be drawn around us, aud slavery naght sting at pret ty death.” He wished the perpetuation uf the Uiiog because be wishos the perpeiuation Of slavery, Seoators were taunted with bern Unionists per se. If, anid Mr. KE Wasa Cnioniet Per se Washinton, Clay, Webster and other were Unionists of that class. Washingtou bad told us event be abaudoned.” If TP sauahl sav that I would not surreuder the Union “iu any event,” [should be cailed « sabunissyoi st perhays ar aboliuoniet Mr. Ro would not say it ina party sense hut he was for the Conotution. aswell as the Un ton, aod he was tor the eutorce: seat of the jaws Among the iatter was the fugit ce siave tay, and (he repeal of the iiberty bis, Let us ask, le us detiand the repeal of these awe. Let us ask firmly, with diguity aud detecuination, Ora father’s pettioued, remonstiated and prostiated Te tseives vl the tot he Liroue, before they separated trom the mother county. Me dosed ask the South to bow at the foot of the North, but he asked tha South, to ord effort to preserve the | mand of will net hear us, then ow AN bese rrevely ion. feel the the border States, it would soon become value: Mr. 18. would congratulate the ‘its on the Gulf and When that are logical in their anxiety to dissolve the Un- ates of two thousand miles —without a ship or sailor SALISBURY, N. C., JANUARY 8, L861. From the Gentle Annie Songster, less, and would be said to the States farther South. The present border States would become States in. self-defence, The same thing would follow upon each border State as the free [PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. ] Our Union, Wright or Wreng.” Rouse, hearts of Freedom's only home ! Hark to disunion’s ery, Dear Ifberty beneath ber dome, Proclainus that danget’s nigh ; Come let your noble shoots ring forth, Tn trumpet voices strong,” “We know no South, we know no North, Our Union right or wrong.” States advanced upon them until slavery would be extinguished or confined to very narrow lim- where white COAL, labor could not be employed. ‘The ultra abolitionists jon, “as the only chance for the ultimate extine- ion of slavery.” But for us to vive the security which the Union affords us, create a bostile bor- der of six hundred miles—with an exposed const The temple our brave Father's made | What we have to see lies further on in jthe night. Be patient, and do not let thy gorge rise too seon. | “Stoop here, and take care of | | watches.” “This,” said our kind p: Hinan, “is the resort of those who vet yin at «cent a” glass. Enter !? Gra: (God! und are these thy creatures? — peanged on benches, iu a narrow cave, fare the victims of this interval trafiic. |Dhey ure all worse than idiots. re is jnet one of them who has intelliyence yenough to contend tur equality with ajbenches, were stretched other innay, (ane through the heart o © NUMBER 34. Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts aud Sciences, Morality, and the Samity Circle. and friendless creatures, who had there sougiit shelter, Some were asleep, and those who waked drew their shawls over | their Lare Leads to avoid the gaze of the |light, was crowded with foot-passenyers. visitors. One held in her arms a child, about two years old whose little pale face | and attenvated limbs indicated that the sands of ite life were fast running oat, aud that Providence intended to resene. it trom the tate of the poor wretches | around it. Outside of this sinall and close cell, on | aD The wonder of the world, ae They glare at you with mean-, Not a few of their counteuances showed Shall they behold their sons disinay'd jtngless eyes; they gibber through tremb- , past beauty of no ordinary character, The When treason’s flag's unfurled ; jling and quivering lips, and try to arrest black, glossy hair of one, her white teeth, jyou with weak hands as you pass. If and her finely-chisseled features, were (they converse with each other, it is like evidence that, young as she was, she had and trifling mat rials for either, to give a great- er security to slavery, would seem to me as an | absurdity, were it not for the respect [have for ; : Oh, Never, by the glorious stars others entertaining that opioton, Which on our banner throng ; “ discounten | wace # suspiciou that it (the Union) cau in any | DANIEL WEBSTER ON * PEACEALLE SE- CESSION.”--A THRILLING SPEECH, In his last great speech in the Senate, on the 7th of March, 1859, Daniel Webster thus spoke of secession : Rouse, sons of three vietorious wars, For Union right or wrong Onr patriotic Father's shades, With Washington on high, Point to their blood-anvinted blades And to their children ery, “ Mr. President—1 should much prefer to have heard from every member on this floor, de clarations of opinion that this Union could! never Rouse, freemen by your Fathers scars, On to the resene throng Defend onr tlag and sacred stars tration of opinion by jany body that, in any case, under the pressure of | a The Union right or wrong 3 sons of the press proclaim its worth, iny circumstances, such a dissolution was possi- I ble, TL bear with distress and anguisl the word Secession,” especially when it falls from the clegraphie fire Bid youny America stand torth lips of Ubose who are patriotic, aud known to tbe Aud emulate their sires country aud koown all over the world, for their pulilical services and hand tn hand, Round Freedom's Temple throng Come shout Wake sister state Secession | Peavealie Se cessiot Sir, your eyes and mine are never des one unto ene rey ! Our Union right or wrong lined to see that mirac The dismemberment . see | f this vast couutry with convulsion! ‘Tbe trea . . Low Life in New York. hing up of the fountains of the Great Deep withour ruff oe of tb pe ! ; + j : pact Iies surface It is some fifteen years since, under an escort furnished by iny excelleut friend Matsell, 1 passed along these narrow ton centre, and expects to see them q streets and stifling alleys. There has been places and flv off, without convulsion, inay look 4 great change for the better. . The old the next hour to see the heavenly bodies rush Brewery las given way to & mission house from their spheres and jose against each other and a sort home for children without pa- Who is so foul. sh (1 beg everybody's pardon) ax to expect to s any such thing?! Sir, he who sees these States, now revolving in harmony around a com quit their mn the realms of space, without causing the wreck rents. jas peaceable secession, Peaceable secession is thoroughfares. But there is yet room, Is the great Coustitution | Heaven knows, for still greater changes. | _ covering this whole coun-' More than a year ago, I yave you a short | awed and Melted away by se | experience of high hotel life in this city, petine, as ve om on the mountains melt un-| and spoke of the almost exact similarity | pel SL dens 270) he eles a “jeter “I | between the people of that time, in the| ie observed : _ i [io egerec ee oe aren wil, gorgeous saloons and sweeping balls of | not state what might produce the discaption of 5 OY ” : those “steamboats ashore,” aud the peo- | the t but sir, | see as plan as lee the! | . al ple who flirted, feted, and flattered in| sun on the beavea what that disruption itselt F \ } Te dN Cony OTe must produce. [see that it must produce war, Ui EAT CaOCGhS Gee Wa Or 5 Hen aa ind such war as I will not describe in its two. | before. And if T had not known that) fuld)ciaracter: ideath had been busy since iy last noc-| * Peaceable secession ! t{turnal viett tothe haunis of lower lite,| fis human harvest, [could have! orn that the taces and tigures, . the fiith and protanity | au utter impossibility. under which we | j try, is ibe ¢ Peaceable seccssion The concurrent agreement of all the members yatheriny A volunta alimony on the one s er! Why, what would be ¢ Where is the line to be drawn? Wha Watts to retain America ? Whatam I to be? An Amenean no loner ? Ai | to become a sectional man, 8 local bhe to separate P this reat Repu ilin ry separation. wit eand the riot and rag ou tue ot e result / States saddened and starticd me Letore. | one. had The evering was a lovey ire Lo Sece { nao Warehouses and granite stores the pencil of a Wilkie, could describe. vf the Universe. There can be no such thing are springing up in new and crowded | {a conversation between baboons. “This,” said our guide, (touching the | | shoulder of a inan who, with hands in his | pockets, vacantly gazed apon us,) is a} jgvod mechanic, who can earn good wages | jit lhe chooses, Lut every now and then he \ i breaks out into a frolic, and here is the, place he comes to spend his leisure in. | ‘Lam sorry, Ben,” he said, turning to the! jinan, “to see you here again.” The poor | (fellow bowed his head and left the den. | As it was growing late, we were avi | ed by vur escort to look at some of the lodging rooms in the neighborhood. Wath | lantern in hand, which served to make! His “otar” visible, and to show the way \ to rickety stairs, we descended into a] ;deep cellar, On opening the door, there | steamed up such a stench as ynade us re- | coil as betore a blow, creating indescriba- ble sensations—breathing, it might be, infectious disease. The first sight that met our eyes was a baby, calinly sleeping in its cradle, watch ed over by a blear-eyed and drunken | mother, who greeted us with a laugh, and pointed to the inner chamber, where was ,wsight that only the pen of a Dickens, or | | | The evening was not cold, buat the | keeper of this wirless hule had lit a fire in a dilapidated stove, which seemed to increase the stench that tilled the place| as withaclond. DPiled on benches, pack: ed upon shelves, lay human beings—hap- pily, up tothis time all men—some asleep some glaring upon us like wild beasts. and all apparently miserable: The pro prietor sat betweeu the bunks, smoking | nis pipe and answering questions. In another of these catacombs (for so they may well be called ; the living bod- ies exhaling an odor as putrid as if the bodies were as dead as the sensibilities they feebly surrounded) there was a still inore hideous sight. Ifasbands and wives together. A sick dog whined in the cor- Lhere} ner, keeping up an unearthly yell, and | lodged and confined : their ages, 8eX, OC- Was @ youu invon ina ccareky, and the making us shudder betore the superstition cenpation, and residence. The majority The close! that greets such a sound as the forerunner | of the guilty and poor seemed to be males, | }earnest expressions of gratitude. flaunted her brief day as qneen among her class. But she, tov, was not long lor this life. At the end of the corridor was a room somewhat larger, occupied by the men lodgers. Ilere the degradation wae more apparent. ‘Lhe bruised and bloated faces, the shoeless feet, the filth, and the noi- some smell that exhaled from their bodies, created asensation of indescribable nause. They were packed #n like herring; all, without exception, the victims of drink and its attendant vices and critnes. Down stairs were the cells in which the prisoners of the night were contined | sentenced on various charges ; some | for drunkenness and others for theft and borglary, Ou one of the hard pallets a Woluan was reposing. She roused ap at our approach, and began to weep and thoan in the most heart-rending manner. Next door to her was a mother with a chid in her arms. One cell contained three men. My attention was called to one of these, an aged man, who came forward and protested that his companion | was killing him. ‘ Tle has beaten me,” said the man, “for the last two hours; I ain here for nothing; I have committed no crime; | have seen better days. For the sake of humanity take me oat of thie place.” His appeal was sustained by the appearance of his tormentor, a young and stalwart Irishman, with » hideous face, who poured ont a torrent of profane vit- uperation apon the old man. The officer kindly released the latter, amid the most Tho station-houses seemed to be supe- rior to those of Philadelphia. The ac- commodations for the officers are neat and convenient ; the hall itself large and well ordered, and the whole economy of the place admirable. Most of the lieuten- ants are men of edacation and character, | A record is a of all those who are er , SS — decorous than those we had seen. Among those who participated, we noticed four young white men, ep; tly clerks from neighboring stores, They scamed to be much consternated at the appearance of the officers and the strangera. But they worried through the dance, and took the |firet Opportunity to esca | Leaving a fee with the woman who ‘had charge of the place, we returned to |our carriages, and reached our quarters, \tired, jaded, and depressed. iladel- ‘phia has its sore spots, like New York. The Press lately published a very faithfal daguerreotype of the condition of the de- graded in Bedford, Baker, and Spatford streets. Dut no such sights appal the senses in our city ag those which are so common in New York. If time had per- mitted, we should have given more even- ings to the exarvination of other places, What we suw was but @ portion of the EN; When we left our hotel, early in the evening, Broadway, in a bright moon- The street was covered with carriages and vehicles of all descriptions, Streams of light poured from gay stores, and joy and comfort seeined to abound. When we returned, that vast thoroughfare was de- verted und quiet. The contrast between the close and stifling alleys we had left, and the splendid avenue, stretching for f that great me- tropolis, was strangely su, ive. How few of those who flaunted on Broadway cared for their haman “brothers and sis- ters, perishing within five minates’ walk! Beyond, and in the aristocratic portion of the city, in the Fifth avenue—where, for other miles, stretch lordly palaces, crowd- ed with luxurious adornments, and occa- pied by those whose wants are anticipa- ted and whose tastes vitiated by an ex- cess of wealth, there is a criminal indif- [ference to the euffering poor. Little of the vast revenues coined in specalation and in trade is diverted to their relief. The annual contribution to a fashiona- ble church, the frequent presents to a popular preacher, may be eaid to be the usaal limit of the charities of the over rich. In their eyes, penury is erime, and one poverty-stricken wreteb detected and confined is made an excuse for including the whole class. How mach such a maa us Astur might do to alleviate the dis- tressed and to rescue the degraded! One wonth’s income, eet apart every year, of his almost countless wealth ; devoted to the payment of a volunteer force, in- structed to provide ee for those who stroll these streets, night and day ; expended for the gathering in of the fath- erless children, who, having none to care tor thein, beg and steal that they may live; to the cleansing of the narrow lanes in the neighborhood of the Five Points ; to the removal or purification of the tam- ble-down teoements, in which hundreds hide themselves—would confer more last- ing honor upon his name than all the gifts ostentatiously bestowed for See poses. J.W.F. oe Payment of Duties.—The fotlowing important resolution in relation to the payment of duties, was adopted by the Convention in secret session on Saturday last : Resolved, That until otherwise ordered, the Collectors of the Ports in the State be authoris- ed w receive payment of duties in bills of the Banks of this State; provided, that no bank and the discipline of the rank and file of| notes be accepted by the Collectors whieh are of yesterday tight, were the same that|/—for so let us beliewe them to be—lay |the police seems to be exact and severe. below the par value of the notes of the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The following resolutions have also fully large. The adventures of these unfortunates fornien a start Ing comnentary open the scarcity of femaie employinent, would been adopted by the Convention in se- cret session : Resolved, That the President of this Conven- tion be requested to transmit to His Exeellency the Governor, and to the General Assembly of this State, at its session, copies of the Ordinance 1. oniite aeke nh. ae sphere was soft aud cool, a Nn ure ; c \ ni STRONG UNION (ALPERT IN boi 0) aaa ain neni! ae ae peat lanes were cfowded with a iuixed mass of) of death ; and between his agonizing wail| bat the proportion of females was fright-! GTN he other house of Congress ¢ Tented forbid) Wen. Wonlen, and cliitven aL thse | and Doel Foe and eee : 2 ae that surced in and swe;t Broadway, but! around me, I thongbt, for amoment, that Wire iteah ining We ue e » Where is the flag of the Republic to remain (— “le a ihe | iillifereutl ta (lewas in a lesser Pandemoninin ' ular men in Greorsia. is out in ana » the Where is the eagle still to tower? Or is he to ano 1Cratace, pro Bayly a“ : yume Musi ol o(Gentkenyan, cas con ance! aatdl| people against the maduese of the rf} cower and shrink, and fall to the ground? Why, Droadway as Broadway lothem, a usic | mieiadeen ae : ae thes the ground that the South can obtain bet. (str, our ancestors, our fathers and our grand-fa- WA8 heard from almost every door; Seat ney . zg : i Reccuaailametit: | ter secumty inthe Union than ou: of at, Ele, thers, those of them that are yet living among | ¢8 were clinking > and above the din of ‘ e8, more than satistie: . sai( a vila save: us with prolonged lives, would rebuke and re | voices the tones of the scntler sex were|delphia friend by my side, who coly stuck “Teowas the pertily of States that calle] the /proach us, and our children and our grandchil-'heard as tue octave flute is heard in the| to me because 1 should have upbraided | into exiaten The Union cemented drea would ery out shame upon us, if we of this | full orchestra. him for his desertion. we. . these faithless, jeal generation should dishonor these ensigns of the | Let us enter one of these dens. First Following our “star” in single file, We and from objects of contempt, when separated, power of the government and the harmony of | is the gin-shop, with a stout woman as began to ascend a bailding of some three they rapidly grea into one of the most power {that union which is every day felt: among us| the presiding divinity, who welcomes up | OF four stories, along dark entries, up ¢ Uiion nay sectional bodies together: and prosperous nations on the earth with so much joy and grstitude.” with no pleasant air, but who does not) creaking stairs, avd throngir gloomy pas * These puny efforts of faithless Suites te nul lrefuse admission when she secs the pro: | sages, uotil we came to a room at which n borne lify the Fogitive Slave Law have THE DAMAGE AT FORT MOULTRIE, | acting “stare” that shine benignantly at the officer knocked Jondly. For eome, g ) thongh as yet unrepaired, is neither so | our side. Next, the bail-room. Not a ee there — BOSMDS Wer bat at last hovergeonmlky ancicined) ira tnc. endl ais Oho extensive nor so irremediable as was at} bad copy of other saloons with more pre- | a Be ey out: | boast of Judge MeLean that a fagitive never es firet thought. Under command of Major tensions. t At the rie end viel bal- OAT OM Cee . caped in his jurisdiction, for want of a correct Anderson, the work was strengthened in| cony, or box, Bay A ue ‘ JAG . cs ny i wine au ean want?” interpretation of the law. Burns was returned, | & truly wonderful manner, thongh Jany: clarionet, and a tite, eac! w ath a bloater | vf wane tose von I've eat compan at the poont of federal bayonets, in spite of the! parts of it were unfinished at the time of | face behind it, and the trioare producing fon cen see you, @ pany laws of perfidious Massachusetts. This govern-|the evacuation. Towever, this is ali so, a sort of druuken cotiion, The set is] nT, e hal! . os yon have ment has performed everv duty expected of it,!much labor saved the South Carolina ; being formed. The women are first in : hey ne not Selly ; ani have a and has never failed to exert its power, when troops, and under the energetic ee each with her partuer, general: | business wut 1ine, tell you Tal not open called o0 to enforce the constitutional rights of tendence of Col. Quinn, Engineer-in- | y invited by herself. Tue men are gener- | the do r a. For that very reason the ultra Aboli-| Chief, and his etlicient corps of Aids, ally heavy bezrimmed and bewhiskered ;| | The officer turned to us and said, “Tere , Honiate at the North denounced it as a‘ league | chosen principally from the Washington and amony them two who do not look to/ isan old cnstomer who knows his: legal, with hei, and wished to get rid of it. They, Artillery, the work commenced is being, be over eighteen. Mort of these,” said | right. I wish L conld show his crib bat are consistent, for it is their only chance to ac busily pushed forward to completion.— |our guide, “are known to be burglars ; I will not break open his door. 7 complish then bellish desigos. Are we equally | On another story we had less dillicnity. down ‘no every instance when the two powers | came in contact. Evan Black Republican Judges | slavery. . { 4 vial AEG todo fulleris Caled large force of laborers have been put) and that fellow, at full length on tho side} _— : at fi ai n me tal Cai vw h * | to work, and in a very short time every-| bench, is supposed to have been guilty of | Ata single emo eal eee ee "by St tS aetlee ie thing will be set in order. lat least three murders. That woman has| there stood before us a negro more hide- every power of protection, by State , tha 5 : | \ 7 ‘ ; ‘had five Bela is atsea—and | ous in his ngliness and more terrible in wo wold hareloulotiteand baveUhia additions || coltranys to expectation, none ol the | had tive husbands—the last e 1) U ae mania | { f f rially i 1.)she will n have another; and that| his appearance than Tecan describe. : Lwecurity besides. In the Union our slaves are/ guns of the fort are materially injured.|she will soon have anc z ue ’ rib ee iT an rie liy fellow, with the ligbt cap, who} mingling of what one reads of Fagin and (to use the strong languaye of another) ‘as safe | Those that were spiked were rendered | young fellow, with the lig ap, i's Pe binati f craft and of as if they werein the iniddle of the earth.’ Are! useless for the time being only. The in- / dances so gracelully, and is dressed go| bills I os Roe iy vA a o ie i i: os we certain that they will be equally so, under | struments used to stop up the touch holes! well, is one of the most expert pickpock- Shclce ko, ; : ee it ic ae a volyar t . { + . . ” 7 A | me . the lone star, and ‘the sublfme terrors of the! were simply wrought nails, most of which [ete in the country. We leit the usual is ue i Tol eu) ae mand nd y a blue cockade f'” have already beentakenout. Noneof the’ fee, bat were inturmed that the girls could | e » bo a ee oar guide, at . | Bf) Pree é Se . : Ff ae : rnin Again, in regard to the precipitation with | gang were injured by the application of! not get gun till the ball was over, Dee ; AY, ah oe ee ae i, ; which secession is urged forward, Pinckney say: tar either inaide or outside—and the way | tigress at the bar kept them sober on light| en ea ne ae sir, ie Gy On the dubject of our sister States, one ques the impression got abroad that this sub-/ potations tll this part of their slavery vee ’ ORE E porn ing to @ corner, tion must frequently oceur tous. Why as it j stance has been used by the evacuating performed, These frail sisters are Imostly w, ane on ‘ tae 8 ae ‘ . a aor, that wo are so much excited and so much more party, was from the charred appearance attached to these houses as so many tix jee ain 8 ween My wo oe ome ¢ 2 anxious for dissolution, than the border States? of the tar always used as a coating to’ tures, paying 8o much a week for their, Who Nad once been women, and now wert They lose five hundred slaves by the bad faith protect the gnns from the weather after | board—at least five dollars—which they brutes. \Jacent village was told to us. | of life and property + secoud, they see no reme of the free States where we lose one, and should it was burned. | be more excited and oan eek fot for a cuange: Carriages for the heavy 8 inch Colum- if by a change they could look for a remedy.— |). , ‘ a . “| ‘The rexaone 1 spnrehen, are these: First, ne | wat enone Uy i ae ait ae eel e dangers of desolating border wars, “ - . foie a see een a midiesiructieniCene aan ane being re-constructed with jall possible dispatch in this city. The iron work of the old guns is capable of) being used again, so that, after all, not, much time will be lost, \ In deserting the fort, military men say | Major Anderson did as little lira to the , works as it was possible fur him to do.— | He might have done a great deal more. He might have blown up the work, or, dy in separation, but only a tenfold aggravation of the evil. They are near neighbors to people of the border free States, and understand the whole subject fuilly—much better than we do They know that, although there are seme mis creants employed in favoring (he escape of slaves, there are always buudreds of others ready to as sist in their recovery, and that the diffienits of must earn by the double sacrifice of body and soul! I heard some stories of the way they are troated by their overseers— | who are too often fiends in the shape of) men; how they are driven out when they | yield to the temptations around them at how they are forced tosubmmit to the most inhuman brutalities; and how, in utter desperation, more than one finds peace in an early grave, a willing victim to the vice she labored to resist, or to that lony ing for death which is gratified by poison or the knife. But [ will not repeat these details ; forsvoth to say, if they were fit escape deters thousands from inaking the at tempt. Tnsecurity to the funtive in the free States is manifest from the fact that the fugitive makes all haste to reach Canada, where only he is safe. Now, suppose Canada bordered on the Ohio, instead of the free Stats, bound to us by the Union, instead of the slaves now Jost, they would go off in astainpedes with no power to molest them after they reached the northern shore; and this, too, supposes perpetual peace, about as reasonable as to propose perpetual sal vation Now, what would be the natural rosult of all thie? From the insecurity of slave property in to tell, they woald not be believed, taint iarly notorious aa they are here. In one of these dena, where gin was not prohib- ited, | saw achild of not more than six years stupid with rnm- -its eyes half clos ed in drankenness, and its little face bloated | “For Ctod’s sake, give me sone air,’ said one of our party; “LT cannot stand this a moment longer.” Wait, oh over-delicate and squeamish | friend! You will ery for “air” the Fort and take up armeain its defence, butity with a sincerer zeal. We are as yet lonly In the vestibule of these mysteries might have injured it to such a degree that it would have been rendered worth less even after a years labor had been spent in repairing it. As it now 1a, to- morrow night will sce it almost as sirong- ly fortified as it was on the26th.— CAarles- ton Courver, of Dee. 31 2t. 2 LV The laborers employed io Fort Sumter . \ were requested by Major Anderson to remain in preaent }they declined to do so, and were sent ashore It was now verging npon the small hours, and we turned our attention to the station-house of another ward. On our way, the officer picked up a little boy, with what seemed to be acigar-box alung over his shonlder—a boy net more than! tive years old. Tle was without father and mother, had been peddling bis ean dies and begying his pennies since morn and seemed to be glad to be capiur he ing, ed, becanse, all guiltless as le might thas secure a resting poace for the night. Our officer informed that it was no uncommon thing for ehildren from Wir, ns ten to fourteen to be accomplished as pick pocketa, and to innke a business of askin bot thie little fellow was not of this We carried to the house, and made ample comp« bim for onr indifference, we had just seen seemed to care for ne homan syinpathy or ascatance The lientenant at this station kindly threw open the doors of the lodging rooms, and of the cella for taken up during the night. In one of these rooms wo connted fourtoen women ; alins 5 station to wlrat class. him naation beeanse prisoners homeless . | which have been, or may, from time to time, be and the inadequacy of temale wages. — adopted by thin body. Attracted to New York, they ron a brief Resolved, That as soon as the Convention career, after as brief a resistance to the. shail have passed on such questions as may be alluremeuts of vice, and die wn early | necessary to the public safety to consider imme- death. j diately, it will adjourn, The history of a young girl from an ad- | Charleston Courter, Dec. 31st. She was, ooo reas extremely lovely ; but, fond of dress and Baaniiutty Said = hs (etlowtene pareararks admiration, was induced ou one occasion | . i ‘ to pay a visit to New York, by # roan } conclude an able and interesting letter from Gov. fi by who represented himse!f as a merchant, | 5am Houston to several Texas gemtlemen : and proved to be a gambler. Sie never) “So long as the Constitution is maintained returned to her happy home, but became | by “ Federal authority,” and Texas is not made lan inmate of one of the Mercer strest!the victim of “Federal wrong,” I am for the honses, where she remained for some two | Union as it ts, yours ueAttheendiof tistiineaho hadi col am now an aged man. My locks have be- anrtnivednta eavocsouierhiitcen! lnnurcd come white in toihag, as I believe, for the lib- dollars, and then resolved to change her | erties of mankind. Were I young, that I might course vf life, and to live upon her little | leek forward to the future, feeling that ree fortune. At this tnoment the tempter | Yo dlunger might come my BLOGG NAF EL TOU 4 | be at hand to defend my family, I should feel again appeared, in the person of her se- Jess anxiety than I do at present, The years ducer. She loved him ardently, and ¢ with a woman's confidence, surrendered ‘ithat Twill have to endure the misfortunes of civil war are but few. If T could fee} that with to his keeping her money, oo the promise | th loge of my career would end the miseries of that it should be repaid tive fold. She my race, I could share its misfortunes with pa- never saw him more, “and now,” said the i tience ; but to feel that the perils of revolution officer, “she is almost a nightly occaopant must continue ; that war, with its attendant hor- of one of our cells. ‘rors of bloodshed, rapine, and devastation, must Those who have read the works of Dick- | still be visited upon it, would embitter my last ens will retnember how le delincates the | moments ; and after living to witness the demo- mystery of theiving in all its varieties ; | lition of the best Government that ever existed, the skill and dexterity of the London |1 would sink to the grave without a bope that burglars, the atter degradation, even of freedom would be regenerated, or our posterity : panaie ae 5 +) ever enjoy again the blessings with which we ee. ey ae a ‘bud parted. Let us pause and ponder well be- : ; valty of detect- ‘fore we take any action outside of the Constitu- ing the really guilty. New York canpot,' |.) » e of conrse, eqnal London in this, respect, | put it has tuany representatives worthy | , . . , . the pen of the illnstrions Boz. Anec-) Hivk Prices for » Neqoes.—The Huntsville dotes are related of bova of ten vears, (\la.) Advocate, of the 12th inst, says : who make the circuit of te city,day and The negroes belonging to the estate of Sam’! might, with violin and tamuorine, and re- | Townsend, deceased, were sold here last week, turn with a considerable harvest, taken |on twelve months’ time, with interest from date. from the pockets of their audiences, all of ‘There were one hundred and sixty-six of them, which, in tarn, is connted over to their! old and young, ard they brought one hundred tyranny }and thirty-six thousand six-huodred and forty- two dollars—an average of eight hundred and twenty-three dollars and fourteen cents a piece. They were an ordinary lot of negroes, and the prices they brought were satoniahing: We are glad to see the confidence our people have in this species of property, and that they are deter- mined to maintain it as one of the fixed institu- Let the South keep united—act in con- agree upon the same policy, and the insti- titution is safe, permanent, and profitable in or out of the Union. “2. leader, who exercises a brutal over his youthful followers. The nationalities of the Aaditeus of the! part of New York that we visited are | Acnerican, German, and [rish. Of coarse, | sis there represented rs) but the foudness for! ow itseif Jess among Those who resort to the! German dens preter lager beer, while in other quarters we noticed that gin, whis Aune ican rowds ia its worst plia liquor aeemed t tions. the Germans cert ky, and other polsonous decoctions were the favorite beverages Our next and Jast visit was to the ne- gro headquarters. Down staire a stable , the aecond floor a cottin warehouse; the third a ball-room and a bar! The con trast waa entirely in favor of the colored Indies and men Phe room was cleaner, the females better dressed and better behaved, and the men looking healthier and more alert \ larye party ras we entered, The and the dancers more oecupic {1 the fk music waa oy Public Printing Office-—The Joint Commit tee on puble Prnting—by a unanimoes vote have approved of a contract made by Mr. Heart, Soperintendent of Public Printing, for the pur hase of the Printing Kstablishment formerly owned by Mr. Woenilell 000 The price was $135, The establishment thus contracted for is in amphtade aud completeness of material, as well asin other respects, the best printing establist menton this District, f not in the eour Vat. Intel nse | - POPL LARSENTIMENT or ROWAN. reported by the committee, and after some discus Brom the N.C) Why CONGIESS. Special Dispateh w the South Cttrolinttun, sion and ameudinent, passed awa whole, with but PUBLIC MEETING IN CONCORD, CABAL On Monday, in the Senate, Mr. Pows MARTIAL LAW DECLARED LN ell reported that the Senate Committee CHUARLESTON, COERCION. Tbe revelations of the Springfield 2e a It Gov. bile, our members in Congress publican of the intention of the President she disse a elect to compel a seceding State, by force and the State Legislature, desire to know ‘ “ Se anes kUS COUNTY. a ani pase: ee : ‘ 5 weRkas, An unprecedented panic new exists ; . vad not come to an agreement, ane Vr pt etcie . pee in - Union, or in, the seutiment of the people of Rowan ot) ghronghoot the length and breadth of these United Coxcoun, Dec 17, 1860 J) Gu glas announced that he would epeak Cuartestos, Jan. | il ee eae ee ee ae ee : Towne. we invite them to Sao ee so to thwart the wisdetn aud pl Ata ameeting of the citizens of Cabarrus, held at on the subject on Wednesday. ‘The res Martial law. within 5 miles of Charles ar, eizes the reins oO Muspect the followin sroceedin 8, and to dence of those, whom we expecte to path the) 5 x : 5 ‘di 2 a, . . . an < < A a power, can surprise uo one Te Menai ee raters horatiare rr R ay cree State ealaly through every =torm—eawsig the Court House in Concord, ow the 16th inst, olutions ef Mr. Crittenden were post ton, will be immediately declared, and padlished. 1€ | their hearts to quail with dread foreboding ot ths without respect of party, ou motion of sol. J. M. poned till Monday next, and made the suspicious persons ordered off. into fe lwe our very ex- Long, Dr. E. Ro Gibson was appointed President order for that day Mr. Wilson intro Gen, Greer has offered the services of gout here people of Rowan are determined to MAIN-| fature, and which seems to jeoparie” gtande the principles and lias observed lative to his company of Texas Rangers (armed ith Carulina and Win, doliuston and Joseph O, Pharr were ap duced a reselutien of inquiry: Pe oe of ie party wey re be A tai there rights in the Union, ff it can be | istence asa Nation: and whereas § sents, during the present troubles Ie done: and te the U has, 2 her S “um States 4 Ru te Union and all its bene. PD and other Souther States are about to secede ici tant : i me hk i : i » . NY 8 bene ointed Beeretates “us 1s sales Grove . omimous silence of Mr. Lncelu daring é oe | ; i] f | , Ate Munte willenautnrn dealer it NOt it fom the Federal Govern. nt, and. moreover, as R i ed Seer places of deposit, sale ae . 1 ; ' mn a ey at their own expense) to ; ; oe x taking the Chau, the Presadeut made sen i: 5 ‘ . ov ke j the whole of the storm which has brought avo Wa ate yan. becomes their natural rieht to revolotion measures are being taken by some of our politicians eed haw, the Pr ale se MCIeat ism melts wits dao Det) SIE iov. Pickens, a8 Minute Men, to be sent t k een : le ie “erhiyny Gh Vi North State Ge tue appropriate comarks expliaaty tthe object ot » Totld tur va iss ulisas, % 4 such disaster and distress upon the la: d, na po Ui Cassette nt 4 wri thes Xr se ae Ue as * / = SER nf ' aR a aa be Mk ae . is eal my pom : Bs : >t hese Cxpress: same political vorte he unperative duty of the meenng herenpon the follows gendet rare, 4 4 ‘ ig itself more expressive than wods poof their sentiments shoald bea _ peer in ue Ae md a meee oe ie a" pen ne CU NCS 2a 1st Moncles etd < . ° ty , ! ' 5 _ should be a war every Citizen to rise Up 88 one Mall, Nelore Uiey” ar ieecatiiatited: Uv. th Meare lo jueoasctes x ' oh tan ce Dee i arta >h . ae haan (ys die dlusihas aa oll wit SUISSE Tob J rierreeccunivae ie ae See ea s | aa ee were appointed by the Chair t Hasosbat Mi. Goojamin addressed the Senate, PERSONAL LIBERTY BILLS : hoe to ther repesentatives low they ex: 0% 4 rome of Uae SLIP ONCE echt ty RE ; ( fN(e ee : Ite : iat. Ww A tice ine trarine 3 } ae Tht a ; 1 4 ‘ \ Moocloclitiine: tiliaue ti Chris) ties Ue thre that, withip one hour after /i s tuauvuia creise dowbttul powers, and misrepresent v our Bills of Ryghts—by the pa Detitahes ot deere Esq. Hugh SI Phot A ea ) | aie ALBANY, Jan, 2. tion, telegrapic dispatches Wil bo scat tone teeta it \ EST SG eA 5 ee culver tieecib luuwletat the land an Center their solert esl aguitiat the 79> pa oa ue votes Country had not come Without warnny, Goy. Morgan, in his M \lgwint all the military and naval stations i the yissative Canaclue samen “Cleretire be It Winte ROW, Allison, Joseph Miseulietnwe dalice Ct the Repubheans ad seotted and dis mends the oA Loft 5 % ide hats J i wn th . , ge be aa . ‘ : : nends the repe > Per : North for troops and slips uf war tb ; / , ; UNION MEETING IN SALISKURY. Resuived, That we still chersh aa ardent atach- Willify W.G Weddington, Col Wm. A Wed regarded every admonition, Now they ii De ersonal Liber- : ps Oo rite ent hunue Che Solitary Banner , meat to our Natwoal Uiion, a \ et 4 he Say alee en: ae Grea inh on ty Lill aud advises other States to do the set in motion, with the utmost dispat bits beets transferred to Mess not Pissuant to sppottitaiest, nearly 290 Olietemrn as alc crn towed \ ‘ ; = fe ay thers : ne + \ sane, se ag fo remore all just caus of Inthe event of a universal seces i : ee aa a2 f it bet ‘ ‘ : : " Let GIR ea EE: eet comme Independent ve SED : < x . the Suuthern States, itis at: tid J Do Stewart, who bave ie tis elitots ; " oi ay i reassembled at this place plagues ol ae wand FN Deir eer ee (eC eee aI me NV ecU) Ue St indepoudent complaint by sister States. He favors fe ou States, itis d Gen ales y t : x see ee ea ‘ aed anid aut ui : : : r ' ated proprietors, o dav in Murpla’s Hall to take action in re Resoleed, That a proper veners ay Te fen 1 . 1. enforcement of the Constitution and. tk that valugteer cammpantes ol AW coi A Mentha ‘ rat cl Tuchree poe 7 ) WVesander and Col 2. Colema next week Georgia, Louisiana, Pevas ‘ : ne a Hees +. earl tor tive present mimaraeton te ionacy fathers a due respee! tor vue’ ES hows of Congress advise will be sent to garrison Old Pout Com (OGEILisiwnaainali@urated Fuesday li aN re] t disturbed affairs of the Coun fratertial regard we have fildien, a Fae commiatee reported the following Resoln te and Arkansas would seen follow. The ean , - ess. He ne ises them to : ae 8 f dl vesdlay citst . , _ X syristute Wit rrvet oratl fort, which, being stillin the ds onthe forh anitten = 43 us Jo. Graham, Esq, was called to the dictate to us that we shoold Girt exhaust all honor Datter some eloquent and patuode rena yo question ew wats whether their indepen : hi e with great moderation, and nor. A s secon: “ a eHscn : f i Hi fe 5 ae FOS > pre . i Government, can be easily and 1 pecan hn a an LETS BIO UT a Winged Ro Rarriuger, bsq,, and Col. Leng, were unantineus: dence should be reeeauized, or civil war i the press to regard the interests of ’ te eae ‘ SE Ts he oaths wera 4 : \ hiet 1 ‘ right & we precipitate Gureelves date extrenie dopted . ‘ eA : all secuiotis. defended by undisciplined troops, wi lea tusuice i ee era adn Vey the Chairman requested TLC. Jones, ry lO pieasures Pee : in ee Ar should begin, South Carolina had only oe : iy he : 1 , fueti RSON / : ; : IEASHTY ; tesolner at the people of Cabarris have ever panes tent ct iin] Paha at ——e the whole isposable reguir tere ant aya the vbjct ot TOUT [lee tt ROM Mercer ict aime Wenae cya) naar faeces teat mines TUL IR Gano ae EP Me Cae hae ay 18g what elie ha a oe CONGRESSIONAT the Navy will be brought ty Qear upon MEETINGS cv THE VhOvLE briefly adverting to the reasons why the resolutions | mend peacauie ree Prmliation, wealn Gat wien tor station pint Natit: (secs (Ue 111 (02) pS ie re So eee , ae PROOY the forts in Charleston harbor, enter te There have been seven Union meetings held Bete Uot voted on ast: Saturday ; and in con be uu idias yrelding a tame + ianission ty ox- our extraordinary prosperity and happiness us 4 the compuet whieh bound her to the WasimNaron, Jan. 2, 1861. EW GRU reiutoree aud strengthen ties Still ia it : eon accu tlinu Mey Gord, witomrenoned (uel sue en yaad ‘in wormustwetdnes of pies nator, anda! (He UGveItene cans ue sisiaiQil Union bad been formed on the prince le In the Senate , ri : : pgthen them, if stillin in this county; and in allof sven the per fe \ a nea eet ' t } Wale AT: unter introduced the hunds of the United States, or tore jay , ; en resolutions to our testing last week, now re vanes" af Son : je swettin whiel was formed, we weuld eull jivolved im the uction of South Carolina, a bil tor the purpose of ceding to the a g declared in favor of extia Pea Cre t ie e . er . , Res tued. That we deprecate che co <¢ tahen | v to itas the best security of yur peace al bona : ee : capture them if taken by the ¢ iroliniaes. Gitunonal remedy f i th tme for the action of this meeting we a a ee : y ae a - 8 uiity of sur peace at home Uy nine States seceding’ trom Tie og withdrawing States the forte, arsenals We have no expectation that the Gatto Weak Messrs Hfall ner ara Mi Ls | ted the full av, and Wanting in Tespect to ont sitter Seles Resolved. further, That itis now paintilly mat Confederation. He took the granud that We, within their limits. Crittendens re. ‘ eNsTS and Fle sta wile daw wor 7 « follo we a ‘ : tb ; States will attempt to send troops Chro’ this fact am their mem ae me : % y re ported the lolluwin Dos ete went ele Paani t that a long series of avery political strifes hy the States, when uganiev ed, had two solutiota were up to dav. Mr. Baker de V = oe a ad other Southern States, 19 we tal thea these meetings are oe | = Re f Rowan, believing our ( fall the States rth and Sols for the puny eS at peat " a a { ae a Classes of re medic ss one clies aginst livered a Joong argumentative speech in Laited S ae South Carolina. Wien sucha pos They may see the gedolahops of teverad in this oe UGE Shee a “ on Sane al oe paren acc es aa SUG aE Tos OE the name of the Con mh Ke to Senator Benjamin. we iveu i . ity was suggested in the Nallitica piper, besides the ome at thie place, “The peo oar vee ee eee Resolved, That tt et : a wuiuitie Ly ghettos tot Wo px eae ad tt - ee yas Le BNL nthe Honse, the petition and resolu- ail on ty jon Cra, ocean &fes ANS r ic hac tlecat Leo: : . ‘ thee and express our deliberate opinions uf ees \ he Southern Stites have a night ey ul the other agams mses of coustit 0 . orROY ski me SS } oe transportation | ad ple of Kovan, at least, seem deter ued to speak ‘| ou a pir “th ut Pegi cruand aimiiaal ote Necihonies curs ay eda ul vl t i Mod Sy U tire er against abuse focon not ma fromm N. Jerse NG asking amendiment the people rot cen inaugurated, Now, an army, out grave questons which agitate the publie mun, peal of all statutes a i \ ' tional power, when the remedy was ree te the Constitution to quiet the present + referced when it Is raised, can be conveyed io , crete and are suakiug to its foundations the best govern= ofthe Cited ee Oe i. : : A [he [ies I Thatowhile we t nition Ile denied hat sec ceion was sectional antagonism was referre The a = regtement ee ) fon rae \ 7‘ ie i jetee ot wi, that his Ps . 1 . . : Ciurleston in a tew days, whereas, to EBeeitement at) Ral fiere was a stall Bere N ee ieeteimoE tinie CLO Tcruners Gccy I weot God, that hes hand ay TOON ANCe Cent (Gea Muir wecl eI balance of the day was cecupied in par march the same namber of troops, with tempat of excitement al Lideigh on the 3d, oe (* wereet, we Lereby declare, , ABeaeeontaw eit i. | [le quoted the case ot! MeLeod to show Tiameptory tactics to prevent prehen ars against ¢ {tl i 2 . r “ J 1 Vat ; , 4 , e t . : ‘ , | } ay ‘ - all ue munitions of war, throngh Virgins &4s aed by @ speed tram from Wilnongton Ist. Tit weebensh a cordial, habitual and io: 4 Weel plane sound protection to oor people at that an indisidaal cowed net be held re, oliman’s substitute against right of se Ba at arti Can ‘ ‘ : en frtlierent wnt Hae a era st bie Groveenor wit e sworn ; : ) S t raand North Carolina, Would take ave conseyiug a Commitee to the Governor beat ree a aD ee UO ee a ay ey ei erat tows (rene ue aumento Er inl’ when carriage out the orders cession and inte expediency of coercin gus oft time. tis notat all likely that the ea. ing the inteligence that troops tad becu sent tt ee we | as he ae _ ae yalunteces, wha wil ar inoue (ian) (8 . . a ie ae mt his government, The be ld that civil a receding Stare with the Army hid ee rious railroad companies would extend i : - Hee CUA esiniberitet trom SoU riauier i ane e ba i att end the Le . GRAN hg ee save ; | : \ : » revolutial panics ould extend (to garrison the Port at Suuthoiile, aud request. i Te pal mm of our civil and rel ewilt atfenuon, ate: assist South Caroli pocers Must eeede the employment of Savy, ! he 7 i Unsiile, 2 eques C Inet ot Hand religious myits and : HINa We het oss Bod ihe peopie wen sobvova : J : ; Saroll them the usual facilities of travel. or that iy authunty from tim tw prevent. “the trov totes Phat teats bemgn ifluence and prote had ed upon the pile property ol tes Tarte ae et _ : a Yonuilitary foree, and that me eval process . h Carolin if they did, the cars that earried such a eter deceued vranting authority where he had We Gare nivatidened tor vee wwilizauany ) ; nes eterna : ee Oreemmi i cites ce red in a seceding State, W asiunaton, Jan. 8 te es load would find the track clear and uu Tere and tuld Cotminitteemen they were tuista SE Ueber our domieshe trangade Resetred, That ue MEd and eral a \ 1 4 He are Tye eribicer wuletertiacid at’ The Honse Cr C : 2 _ obstrneted In fine, the piler Dene ope Nad ay : yu Hatice aur weneyal welline a the Mavria at et that reason ated { irre ects . ee ; \ ‘risis, Committee, to-day . ne, the pilgrmimige of ps had been sent far that purpose ; : : : : ‘ ter recapitulation of the wrongs t vat had) adopred real smee een ener ' | z oe iy ae eoaielour degh position among the great nations US" s the best suide preaeuil etnergete ¥ ‘ Feet (an ak \ Vi ai adopted) reaolotions declaratory against the disun 2 hroug re desert was a short pthe dee piah af thos tems hete, Wwe teat aot tue « i That tr tlie Gov ‘ ind that we . seu CO ires Vv the So exclarme ' Neo ‘ , Gite ; : 2 : { ntl lat to the Government ot the | ¢ wa ee N i Sie ‘ any right te ioterfere with aver non agains ripe ine ee list Was pened fo ence ' . ; ‘ a ) ! » play trip ant a jolly time, enpa vd to tht 7 tet to tu ge to the fess ten fe etiWeeour tvelest poulieul alapianicas ef. een ah Noa Ares tinnieile ty Ty ie OE Ge SS SIRES Su tke bed. courage tribalations ofa Wide Awake mareh three * be Buty we have not tad any thine more ian Pieaties and Tavs passed) in esorvad, Thats ier the | eave prosper , , [ll iesstat ines moever esi shy Never? ne 1] i l one he lat tect a i . , } pra v1 ‘ . yen VALE ~ \ t the tustlee are o ' : 7 seh nolo Viryinia and North Carolina. T Bee ST SINT Ay ESE RA USS Pinar iee or he recta: STR ss (gee Gant wal gintiasepemenr valtileotw vine Cece mbicd Ao ae ety of the taithtu uence old States are not deficient in hospitality | ~ i Deere! uonary Patriets who frat ale Bs Ne a : } ‘ * ale with t : em 1 aye SE a the Constitution, and all Soe : y sprit oo; , oyu 7 siacdeesolamblewud perpetual aud? ee Me Lincoln as Presi Wert ; a ae TOs eh eae ! re Jaws tiade di pursuance MeCOTeAInG aud, on such an oceasion, every nan, Ws Peo were al ses ‘ coon oue ve nal nade es ee et . Whe ordre Gin ane et eee 4 t it 1 ee there of, includ . ; ait . s : / a . M Lo A fered ate tuhbled iw - Sled ter t= overlurow, ane therelore, that me © a he x ed . ee We NES HEN my the subject of fuyilive v man and child in both, would give them: the South Carolina Cons. mt a oad Win Giteaniine DO tices declarations vase wir fy accissudatteds of tear Ett : ; G Mitel accluiinee Hil He SoU NRUrC CLVOTIN UH are (eet palin, CCT EC uv : 2 } ey a reception the warmth of whica taey : DSS Ta Vacs Heaay of our Constitution Beviteed Tour t \ ni 4 ; el a \Wslitcathet. titers (eile seuitscrients = eae eee Inbor, and have no idea of, and vie with each other low ton residents ta hod prajerts that Re une pars orasviebhog 1 ie PO 1 i . ‘ ' 7 : rant . x i oe five nenanee all tnobs or hindrances at 1 th eae nthe , i cae a , : on ded an Nets Vert ast! wotlre nea ‘ Cen Ne ive ore cet poblic Su it seems South Carolina wh hut allow of revolution as a resort (vom ust < Mievecanilan ot for ve yas! Sal Ae j / / i Ml ‘ : Goins tothe execs nen ot euch laws, and that , : . ; ms . pres we ts ond { Ott SUerAR SULV i inte ot Pee TO@ suey Gs, Wns Ui TZE Sol eae +4 F x Whatever differences of opinion exist furvigners” ty hold property within ber dumtts. 4 a A ras the Baars! yoat ee Monday. the Spen ; emer ‘ i. - Peach State shall be ent : : : poe ' . aid aude ty ats laws apd qstititious as reco pee a Tipe ESTA > A Viet) pee Cott thot tar g , yen | ith iu the Sunthern States as to the righ? of Wirat will occume of the piautt — Res ee S a - ne ; \ { : eet ! : i ' led to all privileges and immunities of panics An 8 as { be i > ) re Dia U . ith, * ‘ tion Constitution, aud to tt i v i Cia train NS etary boyd. ive ae races ei i erent Seat a ; , aes ‘ me Faiieey . i I f ‘ 5 : i ‘ OX cCiluzens ib the weverid States . Secession, and whether it be trac or be Sh vuatha ated Prored, oWhed UY get ‘ yo will preserve, protect and de Mae at ‘ Was ay nine nature erer and en re fulw that the interests of the bor ‘ t betue nh resid tye sn other States fA nyu ‘ attacks Oia ‘ . : a ; ayy : : W 1 ler and cotton x h a ey atid ; ‘ ; alieiieqat ARegeT SOR CETS vee Vashinatus, Jan. 3. Srates are not identical, there We aye ees oat uounels Piaeetcde : Paar she enaetiaent ‘ , ft ou i ; ‘ \ ee ae lam S ray - 2 stieal, these is but one } : at ‘ avthaent of laws aby ec Pee , S nee [se the date Earley the Senate, Mr Baker conelnded opinion about coercion “ yal | : So) Sa itt Buea ty ! t i ra it S I ! ion. wey are all, : have tal oe hau for pas ) ee t H wore: [Os 1, Senator Douglas r tn creneh ano tiil lan neucn i | , ct yore loans RAO (ccveryenc cues not thy Ey ere ec aee Ne errr ae : : 7 ‘ c : on a rehas saad a J, 5 t vases , ; ; ie : ; ¥ : ‘ ‘ { ‘ oye MPeee o owel) sa Tesol nS, 2 were destitnte of the natural feclts Pee al Tees bse 5 1 patos thris pot ‘King Co : Ae ; . ; | ss ; ont pre eee ' at si fee ne Will rainy faveryenlose tay on wal 1 Consutu : “ a : ’ Vas reter ey ers teen CLG porvats brotherhoo hav mn i ' ! yo ; a fl 1 rs n srt d, have tuo much sagae.ty CO fave and Constitutions, and megAt not copht 1 ‘ i tno cat en ig : red wee ths In the Tlonse, the Jadieiary Commit- perinit themselves to be cat up by a cot iediately b comes U “AN ie aus f heli, 1s eine a . pe Sa one uatie? tec reported a bil. investing the Pree me : oe at i ; le diately be comes the vu shall iisten to dean ae Mt Jase) Piece ‘ : ee et e muon enemy in detail. Lhe t Mmaa ni Wear coddetr nila tip iiscn ean Soul Resolved That a copy of Vese resins Cs Pee Se ptinen Nop See Vovor vere tevin 1 dent with additional powers to collect warmer friends than iu Virginia, Gat itis’ Caolua trom remones thet pr : et 1 That w veut to tlie Salsbury pagees, wit a reurs to pas ‘ : cary it reba (eee mere Els eee ULL A parliamentary strt le tl a Governinent of opinion, not ott Ge be State a PES U SY SoU UUsTit) x or ; lish that a cupy be als dad rune WH a + 4 : ' 3 i aeea ae epoecrctlea! ious 5 7 ee eas o ao ; ! ce, ; ie eae : ae? : j ce 2 . at Charleston, the ot tie hartor CUS: the bill was fi: q mutual affection, not of The sword, w ; ee vat Het a rt 1 hostile | the 14 ure, wits the waiver toy Lee rss rata Lx tee tine c Cel ettal: ase : | | mt os ee t, i a ae the Eilis 1, nee pre nalnes : he vend ae thei respectics [ores . wartisonttig, for lime retisctite meh alan Sie vesday. [ . they support. The measures oi Cocrean From an Occascoual Corresponds ut ( nie wh BOM eine now Lae find such a expression of lroqest : . ie \ fees ot uses uly pet a ; + Coere fend te ted tae successtul cand. late, and wile we \ ie above resolt) os weer acted rea 7) } LD IPH PS eal rules hy wsoteot ll te G2. esd mrned to: Monday. : will omy coleolidate the wifyle South us ale Gimme! oo oo Rarnees heane called for toocrede! te addrese t! ta Demoeratic paper, in regard ty De Me Ntaeeaet merch ‘ ECA Y 5 ‘by : oe oe ; ve bis cuarse of weuanistratn ‘ Pteaddress the . = va wnton. w& res on, Whe is t one nan, whilst on the othe@liaod, it x Rsmon, Tar Imo ‘ bn pe tatiake ressta cnerouch. Tere aNUIen ce sn quitte a ciaste ead elorue ar itn meravic attice holder. as the flowin eer ee eee ; in : aud ney : ’ Ay 3 R aie 1 ; i see : : t F a - cebopeterd, AL ie) pyidte att thitary ; ie . 7 ae: hut uuite the North, but divide it, ina o | Seem i) lat : me Weal) lenecaaceuaned) (ay Gira, com tioe Gs Te ie ceva) lis Shh, Oe eee clita Charlot Den A wo ' at an i Npecsal Despatch to the S- wth Clarolinian, me Qo aud we fear sei aveider ' ie et Ser ale Gr eee ‘ea grounds agaist Use » tie ' é Sores , ita eo oTrstraeres t re into ane : ; : ° probability, rally to the Southern side ust cormoscate ae The he a Aeris Gall cw ca ae ne OO Osa let cath sla W og While propositions are being miele te pacer ent : i LALEST FROM WASHINGTON Gated Sots i ‘ d to-day, so faras bknow. and [feed factot nis e ction no sufficient: cause for the sub- ‘ Weve L “ 5 { tow i restore harmony and preserve the peat rey Concerning recent sales of pabhe : 1 : aS ipawe aud patriotic ten ih ails @ ined relet, We v vorejes Serston apd abatdonment of the governinent ol os eHian Ypes a aa my . weer tant : : al lb Bites, and aise ceonperning the Ciancesion, Jan. 3 sane Pear the free States. In any event, the © yut uotalways fucts | . t On mot I ern we respeettuily beg pertutesion te py D : cS vevent, the ial 4 lie tact a9, tue teh hie wey a VYNAUNE THATGEILY 1 6a homo the meetii i ‘ : u at areenal arol harbor at Clarlesteu Despatches recerved ino thia ent EA pion ot Force need notexpect to find the hews cute ta dca, t the is reaioveu Tas Congere wid a Supreme Court in wh eb Sijsve Clit esc aim vese that the Con rress of the I a Mf 12 ut ie , peels ; that (ren. Scott has t ty ay pivgd of Yorktown extinct in) Virgitua epropertyseaked Thies : vs ede, we feel secure frain all assault Jaa. Wo. SHINN. Secretary States be abolished forabent fon te sex hee oe rae CeCe “i t ‘ pesos Le pe lo eae Seeks “ Workers set det , me that uw me from that rtrd f viene jt @hecen yn ss Ch EN CO ee aT othe “ MPU tan) s Tet tay et horaer Iautuc . ; ‘ i vnd wrile a Tt hae been more of a ma sat , r e ee ot WKeutucky, Ten ‘ kxtra< wer lated lay belore eto ly and madness a the South to sian- NEN Genel es less eye Nieccdat ‘ , i ' ; | ! \ \ va vbils Lhe Preodent has retarned the South ressee US Cay i ' Pe ane 2 : ' hh SEER ih , te count for som > ) 5 ve apd Louisiana, wuu made New 3 sayeth A> ved at Viner rer defences. it gvould be base negra’: , eat A eee It : meen WUVEL eSE Pe ESC Rey ane dhe Carolina Commisstoners letter without Orivests tuemorable in the late war yas Pies : é Son \ : For the lack of ros NEC resent dithcuities are it i ) re: ; cl = in the late war, left ‘ ‘ . wl ive f 1 4 Lie ‘ LN ' Te Tee elas ye reply Tire Comuntesien ot ; , ine being them degenerate oi CCeboTs { a " ut ave the he lis ft tle give the resolutions adopted at the rect fein Ceci tees Cio sis es scale Pee eG St Stay re * : a their way lor — . t ‘ “ fy ut Ua , & : r pete | Lee ‘ . ! end bye 1 File Stphse pir way whe afew raw uit an sare i ! i % 1 . i vot th for tace dla fr Vana AV é itamen, hae ig yaten Ree a tisoeiat . a / : nee af the people in the eval Marcin erie L na WE : ey eee 0 e rand cratic Senators say that the ap- porary cart i ‘ vido drive Wo tenytun w NrOntOaS ' we dott 2a) meee Banc sO bare ( fi . SO Say ntof toe ¢ t f the port f back ana aint te thea Cae ealtcts 1 axe for Caswell at . ‘ Deere } ' pC SC NGIVEE Ch) MATOS (UUs rt Vorepre . Op : qi \ aswell, ii ea ou Wistar The CHS yet ted ' yn t t Chaneston cannot be contirmed M1 and conquerors of Karope, we sealer Leah What Was the result e 2 wr thre and weve that . ' c ! sent the sentunenta of a large imapormty J ‘ : : — me Wy i ‘ fur DESCEND pe i . : ailthe eviia whieh vow athet the country SUN CEE OY Shi Sy (reais lis Tere Ma een aa i e Tie etfs Oot Te Wermsc aml Cee ne CNG [fariset Lane ia under tat ide Awake levies ot Lote butt bus tut at Ler e. ; _ . as - STU Ss Wn earnest ef NG oS ae : . ace , ie ske levie hore : . " ne be tedressed esthe be fal Gena ELON Miller being Xe ur fone cline tteerer ven Genet at \ A ( ely acral ded orders, but will not eal unless “i nut expect au easy victory, M Ae Cas Nite BELLU EICUTEA ( < te Denver, _ iain ot Owen Aer per } : ae us a ‘ s \\ Mids rons apporrtinent conti d Moreover, it is ent ie Pee eracy ot Wa ter pres suit ' fr : ala " women. osired, let the peaple on the Sauts i ‘ | ine 3 confirmed. ‘ rit te evident, sf Cocrcian is 3 Peas ante: | ed ' ‘ of that mst nan ; fealty esa? | 4 out tne P <a mt tp be cuployedl acuinst S os ae an \ (eee nes Or \\ ed the fol Cousentious and say what they wanta aa Tie President says he wall etliect the ) ploy sainst Secussiog, bt is SUE Hee ols 1 a conv lowing resulitions ae Vr k i BU et ‘ : ; Ree : i ; . becoming every day tore probalre tl Let 3 pie, Mi B ; ready heavily t = : I what they will be satisfied with, and tet An Apjea ob fal eee eters ( mie abd protect the property of the Y yo more probate tha : \ \ s1h a oo : fag eee ' ; : ain roverninent tue new President will bave a wider th : eas i si : nary part (one Sates 8 peeas nee be required froma aulher 2 Tie Presulen Lae Anderson vir ler w Seema rast ey d he as prov: Ir \ th i ; : : Wireliontlic Excnclserol ae ; | ‘ k \ i , Viena believe eorash and hasty action, ( ie I Conventions of hn proaple up the \ th \ A ; pot ie blurdy tran Gage Woo Asie aid others ; ny feoath Ca a has produced the pecuniary ds ! [It ¢4 { } : iol : NOTES Seto BAL THE GEORGI ‘ORTS ny wn the South. We have already ao ee ae oe ae aa } a : Resoleed. That we oppose th B ve Et they velise fer ac knowledwe our tights , A Ne ar ee ieee, eG BORG Wer ORDTS cc. t ie 2 - : eae NET 8 Te (OLY t woe [awe aed aive 74 ' ete ! : Sas ras) tived thateeveral leading New York jur 37 Vay se seen e . Seren i : : Stave ‘ ev Ley K He Sve ts wuarantics for tituse peace. tas ee : Hcintore Cuankteston, Jan. 3 soldly t . t . 1 Por wigs: \ \ : as i r hi tor a w i then ¢ tupohal Torra ave: fa jl nals Jdly urge, in tue event of ise a, anted tor lies . traw No fi Me ie : oe - x en ail ee onabie efforta have fared ve at j . bopasis of tbe propost Itis reported that the Georgians nave vie A . . pod atte nment State ' le vortex r re Aare | ue : ution Of the ft NK thy . \ ‘ 5 lon, the secession of that city from th Lent neni ie ? Gosernan ‘ \ xoof revolution and civil war, gine to eve Pee eee iehy aba Dot anthi then, Can we tape to sof Setrators Cr car an Miler IC lias yarnaoned Fort Pulaski. Evervthing State and the establishment af NOY) poo ’ ear a TEOSb aie tits ‘ We again procaity o Rae aly Hesolced. ‘That nthe event ta failure to have justly vecesrion in the estate of a already Veo sttned Airdutben ee thermem sUCrURIs (i 1ef 5 asatree port. In fis late masterly ser eae Ww vial hes Riven Monn era tareerneslucticl Caner cial tices redresaed, We Cuvee re por fo the people of Nery bers Heyes ates jaker, in aspecch at Washington, 18 ints an Brookly Ne ; _ ‘ : x 1 martial adminis en Ines} States, to form \ ETI it amd of the Sout enh | : ‘ sof ul " ; AA) 1 e! a a De VCS ert TIS Ge ere een | Te Dena hac meh aire Gian nte Oar enter eee aie ete ih a Cn vee . tile of the Presdent teperted to have said that the Black Re- of » | uentiy to the se a ais < aul fae Glow Wood be ru ‘ iy eal : , aN TAIT erpre : ' } poe WCE UTR SECU SY ward 1 Miki set = FATES SY "We Hhpettu remand pulives i$ yo r ‘ 1 ven he same posstodity Oar Ae ae i i and pci entniediw liveuriw ani re ere neni in ene ae Niet hat iG — - na , publicans w th vield an inch, even to st vouch o = \ Mid M otement is HOW Openly og toatl ur that od Sie fete 1G Wha Ol Give ae all Reena Gh a hen aera rica eam lini deimend, (we Sue ! Sindy veeupy th Ther pesye ‘line, eave the Union or prevent civil war. city at the head of wich is Col Kore hee iae “ Hehe are adniois enu (ate ae es Uae selon USC INOIISELUC ati SemC is GnenratnOunt ie ( Scavherters were openly indignant : need aus Mmureriber clect ol im cres=. torrnic ; . Soh nh le it Nat Jisuive? That we warn t aA ei petsots to settio difficulty i \ taat troops have been i " , ‘ sober L vtec: re 1 aud te eatin f : Fhe a : eeelersete ory recta i ; ie LATEST FhRod ( a ftorce of ten thousand tien jor the pure” i Aton a private tau fe 1 Mer. Doon? then. in eomplan { earl Se a Bess Ho the mass of the people of : . es a el en las ECR ES a : s i hs ' : el omplianve fo a call ade tore 4 vet ainous ' ia ee : 5 Cay Copeetateanell ¢ South aceordingiy t 7p porns ae euding New York acatist te ie Heat ol. bs Penney ian olresscd the meeting on the exeiting times and of Beesets Tat we Se ' rm mhare ready to make the teees PWENGr Al Pac : ue ‘iw - ; a 1) A a , Jan. 3 Journa saree . {o : ‘ i: : Yaat fa ‘ > , : ‘ qe ace ) Ver Aly S41 vr wivep, 3 vs re i nae vn ave Brack Republican tyranny, spodiateen am!) Nar ual : i sothe these who value oue Countey d Srares ag the ¢ Weer aay! : ; ee a pus tie eA SES pee) . A Tarce nuinter of the deregates to the ightily dan Wegner Wh Booed : ee epee ta ctn in| a Go mint renter ie \ oye ch heat office seckit Corrupt polith NT eeiens ae Convention arrived to-day. [tia proba- Bs j {ee aye eit : , , ; mts oles he Lave just returned Pree Z fered. Tnat city is essential y America turfs es Moot the Uaron as lon as there was a hope for its SUS EEC LU CTC ‘ Clits terme plan be adepted by fim vies ie yet at elie ci ble that Judge MeGhee, of Madison, will niwass bas heen, alwars wlll bet are WN a yo pa 4 eer cass GLa OU rehts could be seturel ip IesaLuge 17 (0) ' ved Which the sentiment of fe people of both stces, express then alm a whe progr ihe: be elected President. A resolution will > f e | al! \ Meee ats a r . iia oes 5 yy i: Lie prowress of the . oe ‘ Greeieys, Rayinonds, Beechers Ca Pet as y jones eon Ot LEE aS pore ta Tall reea ary MEA jad ioe een eehions can be aserrtained, and we Tne My tnever erutl te Feats then be adopted declaring the right of se- as 1 are UE LO lars ry | ' ) Me BEE ses T l beige all New nein) sonttcrs) wines Noaypio H 1 until we bad exhaneted the legal remedies satarday the Sth Jan insta at a uo doubt the difticuity Gan We eatieficto: the con slasecliobling Sates represent reruns sgion, They wih deliberately determine Lave Come there to make wire - Ee Mo Be to waneh we were entithed On motion of A. Stirewal rere er , rily artpusted.” peop ate naptddy Aeean m con at ‘ , the terms of the ordipance of eeccasiod ae See S FOE. Shober, Ese Is onde ; < ribet f 4 eee 3 . oe . . CTL ASAE 1 : 5 unserable unnotity at that. Lhey are in . roe u Ce ‘- d : responded to a call, sues ribed ame to the % ous, and tes Lu yaitpouppume thene scheming, tra ahs yroette dirget Jndze Melutyre las resigned trow the New York, but not of it, and wii net be sf The Fort at Riise ean taen ee ; wok, substantually, the same ground wore declared unanineis Sony | “ | ee Hare Cia anime ea nicien ma rock ec creCunts - : 4 1 F . Oe ea Hon, N. Boyden was also called cut, and said Hinge ponrtie ans Fe vard the will of the Ivn has beenve : } permitted to influence ver pouics Wen theaightot the Sid inst. and itis said Fort our sales rte ; MEETING AT MT. ZION re ’ F ee ieee MIDE UNOM ALO Mista Unt ts slie rise her me 1 aMfoue - ) F z alety, protection and prosperity all depend ; Pie VP MT eal CU Gy people ¢ We tell von nav. They look at Nertok officered aud manned for g r l % PTING IN TEePpePT ie rrees i her strenetn, she wal shake Aberzan would be taken on the 4th. eon the preservation of the Coron, That t | | | Mr. Z s : a al SLATE EET EI ms ‘ ‘ at ), at he : t 5 } re . O° em ¢ ‘ ; A Tes i is , : : } 4 ‘ CeEsOLU TOUS Pane d a t. Zion Chareh, @pot the tnasses as bo ony sheep EeOey > . s in ne ug the lion shakes the dew ; pet Tie LS. Atsenal at Mobile has (0d no cloube that tine aud the eonsercative agtar t] na 1Charch, 1 nn meny sheep, m1 fo heme fect dma the [iresitt Piierencre, Va., dan. 3. is fortih rop Ne a Beem MEV OCA Gm ioc tn sclZcugre TN Toe I1Oxw 114 Id by Alaba) sentiment of the country eae (eae the religions Rervices there on the Ger tern contro’, and at err mercy relative to South Carling athe ek “ Hen, Timothy Rives is, by reqnest, ad- Vew Ph coeree <a ork ena Bea ate t Ati re - - . elon wae a - . ti a ‘ affairs, #m body in, : i ed a e New ee In : ad of talking ™ : Ivo i viph over the madness of parties North and $th inst. hy previons appointment. “The And that it is their peeutiar office to lead: propositious from the commissioners th = il B iressing an overtlowing audience at well-known noont coerting States t 2 otf tat he .\rsenal at musta and Forte P South, and that o rte Aes ‘ en as re ‘ : : - Lote u LB ios R ; : ” t ‘ x >the fillm v enal at Augusta and Forts Pu 1 and that cur true policy was to contend MmeeNng was y Fecided over is Rove Min thiuimedecetee thenie truiten antl drive 140% be seut to the House, it will, according t Vhonis Hall to-night, in faver of the uty of It national engayements, the Northwest lacki and Jackeon bave been seized by for our rights in the Union Fetzar. oS. G. Patterson was Secretary i : ns a ‘ ' ron . 2 UE RCC Ba ie Fee ase . 5 ctha Nation . 1 tert Gal te } : : tie f he ie a lie ‘ rar therm. tust as it may snbserve the pur the present programme, be poo ptly tabled non A large number of ladies are Vd better fiohll its private ¢ the Governor of Creargia, \ non the resolutions was then call. Short addresses were doncertal dno Mr J I Nye port that the Soar Carol heen peli ] ridoatont d she aaysy ' } ! 1 | . . ' 7 ) do! atolina co: 1 , yTESEN . 2 ; ents, pay 16 henest deots, rene Iris also said the Ports an the or and thes were pnanimonsly adopted Fetzar. ©... Parteesand Win, A. Houek se Tec mmetituted masters bey Were to be treated to a calitt ee oo 8 A tenth Ge Ie ae ? } ee ‘ : i ‘ Mr Setaae 4 : ee oy . ' ; F {Osh (Tent © accabthampian sere: (reat ¢ MisiaAstn prevails. ran nutifying statntes, and. when it ban Codet ol Tee wie Denecizen cunt fre ! Partee, who came in after the bye Phe following resolutions seere reparted Paose of theee leaders who a ee eee ame nee 5 } 5 ( 2 } ? ‘- f tess t tire Pe! ( ee t . ie . . . lone ad this itean taik a tito re woh @tlempt be made to take thei a Y ee ae had el glk up, now by a committee eomposed of Win. A North Carolina, are doing their best pair dast maht te ther neighbors lets ESSTON EN NORTH CAROI INA aU Hote Cone sleney al ° 7: irowe ond reported a number of delegates who Touck, Atlen Tt J © | : ° Toaht te | t It ‘ | | a . ee vd \ ee . ' ‘ | toee, Levi Correll, and by the nse of every . . > Preventrt was however, allogether r : , is) FIP a SY Ip “ps . tl been appointed by several meetings in the (1 > eae ee ! vomeans af ther com Pas = Wiiminctos, N.C. 3. Pick Pris, i, lela NM pCi Le Wee) learnt emesemaay Trea reetel| Calvin Bigham, and nnanimonsly adopt Pe inerlivenenninccroves , a false alaron . NS Sees Jan. 3 The Govnr ine a) Myc. and haw intunnation peliey ele tadon his hands th a } ated ed — ke, Waren an i ey Fhe secession flag, with fifteen stars, . ° is hands the proceedings a : , RATS ' : t Tne Rosprery or Tresr Fenps Neo tue encalerecie Ia Abaa s(t ane tei erates ‘ ae i US ty tw bie . , earn Confederacy, te Santh Carolina & Nee (ome Cueyrauceuensuad was rained here to-day by a large and en- , . : PTS : eine ves field jo has neighborhood on the 3d wes we | leclare “ a : ESS AUR GS 7 : S Sat Be aan named Gordon Bares, of tyev mn ' es Had Gen matin, atid of leeirad, worl! Nec tteaced] cate tothe] aur eee Dane Ga Spelman, and all the fhraan md enforeed: ly Gas Tetclien, al voar avo. ih thusiastic gathering of people. A seces: & vomay cisugar eue Souther Hinde he desires , ve Te AR eG , Ate Path rat oe Boat : th Carolina, a law clerk in the ute ov ou che poment Caprut of the Cnded seston po tered thea te this mesting, Ths was rques 4 Iphien of the Hover nt ew ia eelitara in the State, ace vudustrigusty la sloangaral address fora National Conventior a meeting was held to night at the meenarinent en aie i Shee Mnivalred Uatire th . s dss ee envatliat ' rayne: . ote Preset ree Tee theatre, which wi le ) ded.— pu Re Veineer « coniplistied belire the 40) of March il tango stcanad) ficy Myer cw ee ae : : t ime Per Co ACOUUlTaialieeliereT uit ates e lest means of meeting oy : ich was densely crow ec Vite Department of abont S830 000 fe . tered ia diveniag the North of the plas an ts UR manne oy ie and JiMeultes with which the cour Phe secession feeling is increasing daily. Sate ands. anda { } es Beataf gaveruimn ° nz [er oRse VG ! ' Sa Lider ay I Aas BH 8S eA : eS try lL. is dat neAt . atl nds, and placed them ti the woo. the pable tnkhage and he public or hives, they union of short addressees: were now trade for tree ' r AT IER) oT . . " SANG (ERODES ESAT at : any : ’ uble hive, the ! i ist bh rape? Gunner Tar tha o SOF aes > > " ant j CONSERVATIS y 1 , cd banda of a man named Russet, hespe Ma eer eer ee LSM TaN Ue UG Ula Lanta OF B.D, Anetio, prop Sard are ey oe {1 \ uy i . Mt oot DVATE LN OS ES SStcou ho Tt asthe wisest: and most statesman ERVATISM IN MASSACHUSETTS oatcharae weed then for the purpose of muss remit eitien wal oy f their de pacto bu theer de Esq. Hon SN. Borden, BOE. Sho Neealved. That in the recent ef et PENNSYLVANIA Ike phan which baa yet been suggested, and, if 3osron, Jan. 3. tzements of money. Tie bondararel dioaiive tiseent K eae \ \ vv Susethgenper wave Hee, Me tatler antl Po Codines ott Nortoern States we eee a reaction in pub ie Hawnesene, dan 2 adopted, will either lead to a reconstruction of Gov. Banks, in a valedictory message a (deemed z - va ’ nth of abutdar tty ¢ ted hy we ie , ayetit aL ealeetcone tie! x eT Pau) cu cone, the governuinent upon doer rf a ¢ as N Cxtehias arte Me connie nal winurcedital wath : ’ ; ce | a ea Neh cling to the ™ t i at tay uct : i pea 2 Uamay ve eee ; : g a : : ee in! and ep luring funda to the Legislature, Paconimenin he Oto: State te be held on trast for Jndian tribe ; , a Hon Ww there is hope, and unt ll neeitae - tH fe sushi Citotiel ryt rh ker, in this message, takes EYES ELEY \ failure, sdemonsivate Wat ne pat FAL ¢ » Por : i {objects of ft . eee Mr Ds \ , , ' , Wer tnticg mauerevicacetadla elite e : strong vronnd for Wr Nitrite Citic selution 18 practicable pp Suy of the Personal Liberty bill. h 4 ley bas confessed hie crime te Mr Toon cS? nhwit Ter aia . mit that tf separator Leanlved. That we onght ta extianet all landabl we ' : a PTE Le os \ : bottom o : : : . ‘ , ecu SCURRAEN HH CRU INALCON , ‘ : eae aextanst all landable ceseion “rebel,” “5 “7 , he : aon, the Secretary of the [uterior and sy a eu Poo. ee toan ot 4 ‘ a , Sas y SSE aD nas for ineans $ ation between the seetrons and , in ; ie velian,” and arge a the repeal , ~ Ly Telegraph to the Calumbus ( Ga.) Bnquirer Sop Rens he is now in prison Mir Tanncenine ne rac ic already pareclled oat ataetur vustitutronal rgtita, we wall demand them every cttort t Heine One tie nig enc anew statutes which can justly be con ABOLLLON SCHEMES DEVELOPED, Moxtgomery, Dec. 29,—12 m portunity ' et w | reithe Ratan ¢ - dered ¢ ‘ “ are eS ae lable ne appealed to the Honse of eyresen 1 Uthiest men or the State. mitts ‘ , Se aaa sidered aa violating the rights of piater Si Torn, Deo 29 — The Repebhean this The indicat re that tl pera Even ro[or ee en rat fesnived, That ever alias | State ~ : , ( dications are tha re CO-OP tatives far ar Weta eae Chaaed We eee ae: : JK. GRAMTAM, Chinn 4, Tha ' tlie banse hee dele States, Te recommends the remy J oof nonin ann Parare niin notale ; : z wean tnwestivat.on of the matter, fis ! \ yy Te [ea aS ete ois pate ta the | yen roan Pete on oN ae snmounees (he reception of a letter from tionists will coutrol the Convention by & that body has appointed a committee tor | l mish des hare ander the penal - " Mba! USE, Ryle (herding teat) (Wace era as) December, and ad: qajortty of t twel tes, The Uesteaic (ve ‘ a ' , y a vty ol. Ort oO enoor Cive ¥ io that parpose. No blaine attaches ty Mir wine drs tieete d Ita / Ree Naar CA OET j vfagitive slave the right te choose dia ares J to Major Bell, Commandant of the U nila Stak in ) 1 t is arn that a mo i ‘ ; f ne der : royal atte. cay fee oe ONE ; r iiveont et saihy ae ; Neg. at . yTIN A, | Ball ary remedy, either nnder the State or Rader Nreenal here, giving at aceount ot a sceret | yy a _ vote, 80 a as hearc rom, = ' 1 pe towan foounty Bt ae ) aaa ri ‘ arg Oo ) ratis we the French Reve ‘ eau NO NMPEION Gs PAC(S TSCIANCAUNG NCCE Ne ee: ) \ » VARI a) laws; alao that the night be conceded Ineeting of ten persona, who developed a plan gely for co operation, ta the master to retatn lis glace 4, to take pusseasten fthe Arsenal at St. Lome : 5 -s . . \ « alace while Florida Convention. —The Convention In addition to the faregoin,: An election was hald in snd defferson Warracks, and remove all the 4 mie revolt elie At acne a ce af I 4 i sojourning ino vassing Mirong! enn on0) ; y i) ¢ ginor passing fhrongh Ve ofthe people of Florida met at Tallahas- wea dispatch to the New ¥ ae within afew daya two ieee ; . rewpoet tepatty. at Resean Mf Re Cant CoM. Holshouser’s District for Umon or . He f \ perenne eae Ren tl ! dollars are eh \ i i ‘ ‘ d E ) nite oti ‘ svivania ‘favors the re enactine aN BE OSD ENS ey reported that \ ; e sare mi wo from the Urnoted ( Nhijvd [he Any ta \ in De AEE Sse laemelerle Preunion Phe mechon reculted in sity for 5 M ‘ " ne Ls retMeEnT OF ge Gon worth af are had been sent to Mor see yesterday. Col. Petit wae elected Scatea Treasury that re vt re eon aS Hie r ' ' ' , {ion and ope for [sumo ue ssonri line, by an amendment to r a af are on a es } 4 { ( 1 \ MON ! x ter ry ¢ Pray ffer- i en a | sit ae Wes 0 x Se eee ey ne foamery aml that 2} 0.000 worth were deposited [ nporary Chairman raver was 0 Caney ietiairn This, however, son 01% peer a) Rie o ene iLuens Rie oe tii ietin dai Traber elNtNO ccloadin lo saientten ef rh ed by Bishop Ratledge The counties ly ramor. - Standard on Vhirsday. fort. four base nominated © tn the Chairman appormted M 7 Mo HOLSUOUSER, Capt. POPES If Congress fat te provide this. pected the aasietanee of 9 lary neh alt ON were called, and the delegates enrolted on y the nan appointed Mesare 1b CEPAS HOLSHOTSER J, then, aaye the Gove ze number of Ger F We as , We , . sl Us ' haya the CGrovernor, let ‘ » 1 y H ‘ peratien tekets, fourteeu only M ly Jacntek Creanimane Ww. le (rca an y BUM sels I ' * emanate iiane reading in the neighharbood, most of Wert names Phere waa no permanent Tl 2V Won Henry Mo buier leennsyivar iat oy ee ‘ . . ca ON elslets trom the people The message closes by \ ‘ . ) ‘ : : le gue a y vania 1 TN Het Ss anLin twer ‘ | 7 iain s 3 ilyie. as ‘i : ; 4 “4 whom were workmen in th Nreaenal One buy Organization, nor a cominittea appointed te fed trod utiadel pia cul Welntsay fart ty 9s ctx tlicroralatw oy - as aos A HOLSHOUSER a declaration that Penuavivania in duvo dred men were t He-went teat A togeth , t raneh eo The Convention ad een ’ ver eee SENG ve At resolution’ § PR OMEOCURGIC! i . ’ ; oe LER EO Be DERG U RS oe le Won eerie . phoid feve eee i a ’ Axion JACOB KLUTTS ted tothe Union, and that her people er with many othe ving (nts sre Cy Pigvarer Tae tilawng Preamble and Reaniitione were JOHN PEELER | defend ‘ alee . many others having great familiarity journed mnt Satorday, at noon 1 3 will defend it through every per with the internal arrangements of the Arsenal South Carolintan d ‘ fi . SS) retin, ED LN zs — Equity Sales of Land, [}AKER & CO'S MEDICINAL’ 43 Y VIRTUE of « Degree of the Court of Equity, TRANSPARENT C 1 ail offer the following latde fur eute at public PARENT COD LIVER OIL. A MELANCHOLY OCCURRENOE— stand by ‘the Oonstitution. Disuwion. ov. RAIL ROAD COLLISION. secession is a remedy fer no evil. ‘ ON ies Hon 18 a The Oo Wednesday night, at 11:10, the two Qopstiznyon ia png, only ee i a } om the N.C. Standard — Batra, Rareqmiu, Janu, 2, 1861. tate Journal of to-day, one of the or-' Scrofula w King's Evil, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak aud poor an. 1. he disunionists, contains a telegraphic yp . t li i igt’ an 3 the 3 ae 6 Express trains—one fro Raleigh and! @ cling to a, wkh a pavipt’s fervdr bo Saar ; : THE TRUE AND GBNUINE. ing in the cirealatiou, it pervades the whole bod Charles. calculated, and uo doubt ingerded to ihe other Fist trom, Charlotte, hauhd to long as it remains intact, and we are me - pee er Fifteen Houses wii! Lois UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND KFFYECTS and may baret out ia divense on avy part of it Ne ic mi Ant 7 : Saas Y , alte a ’ * : in the town of Salisbury, belenging to th f —— : ed, and the public mind aud to precipiinte N., Raleigh, collided about two miles beyond sheltered beneath its protecting wgis. In Horsce H. Beard nee ne Seen soe MENG ETHEL SWEETESENLN DE DEST ER AEPARED organ iv free from ite attacks, nor is there une which into revolution. This dispatch, most Queries Tura Out, the paint at which the meantime itis our duty to prepare ed at the Coust House oa; Saturday the Qd day of a Tet, Ge ae oe ey tein Goer: . 2 : : Ne . , . , vc jercurial A bh ~~ vices of seut bere from the Journal office, Wile they should have met, and fatal iujaric ue puibencles eR) saa Ns an Pein vo ae 6 ce eeu eect o eee W eee \ C R dor unheatthy food imapare air filth aed Althy habits J 5 Rg ah 2 moaths, with interest efter ths, ct Cue rellvene: Hw tg ray io b i : ‘ (armed is as follows : have been received by some of the Road BU: giving boad wah eiprere Soa " regs Te blood, give general rotundity to the fgure.! = 4 . euudieaes cae ne are td ce vonsrens i J — sad oda ae icapd = ' tufection. vatever be its origin, it ia hereditary in : ee) to IMPORTANT !! a ; Pe ; ae at the same time and place, the following & Pete clue Kes eae eee) the constitation, descending * from parents tv children @ sent he facts, as far as we have been able ' IR ED: ands belonging to Daniel Huttman and his children: ) evidenced by its wonderful restorative pow-i% ‘nto the third and fourth generation ” indeed, it seems 136 Acres, more or lees, situated in the Dutch Set- 2 los 4 ()—————_ to be the rod of him who says, ** I will visit the ini- y tre, when ordinary tonics had vainly . ) quities of (he fatbers upon their children” ry TE REVERN OF LEGISLATORS ' learn them, wre, that the Train which Tu this county, on the 18th Dec. by J Thomason, (le i j r TA irene : : : Faq, Mt. GEORGE M. RITCBIE G M aS lement, being very fine farming tand, aud another LE uhausted. J Ford h YO THEIR Posts | eft Charlotte passed two miles beyond oii TS ABELLA, oldest daugl oe AR: tract of 39 Aeros, inure or less, situated near the Ay ae hon wy ucker ¢ ean rea . : Lis effeeia commence by deposition from the blood LL. se the station, in consequence of the inabil ce ehh oldest daughter of Mr James first mentioned tract. Terms—six mouths credit, a pes oe des nos on ‘ me a — wy | | \| TVG | ofcorrupl of ulcemus maiter, which, ia the lungs, ane Wirmington, Dee. 31- 84 p. in ity of the Engineer to shut off the steam, me bond and eecuriy. ‘ he firsc menuoned trict : Pa kEbielnieane: Woh ) i liver, and internal ofgaus, ix termed tubercles; in the . ’ rw is the substances of wal ho owhenu the dow “ai 7 as ae willbe offered at the bid of @52k. $3.00 = 3 7 oo glauds, ewellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, . Fecom- hoes ‘ aM of wv dispatch eu le down train mer in collision. DIED: ALSO, at the tine tume wad place, 1 will offer = _ bar CONSUMPTION and BRONCHIL. ™& e eUm Tinian corruntioe iecNIchll peaderslil se 1 iisss here Chin evening | — Cabinet broke The Engines were badly smashed. ' finale tiers Melia andalerernyiig aithiliie ena sS Ss ee a= ey blood, depresses the energies of life, so that s:rufulous ‘ vreeey Floyit, Thanpesn aud Thon Engineer White on the down train was’ petit county wo the 4th of Now Inst, ELIZA. Johu f Rendinian de'dy connating af one tract uf CESGRO GI AG mal welece sie ameN ty oustitotions net only satfer from scrofulous com. 0 do the Viel . | BETH CAMELINE, daughter of George Save [ts An Fur WEAKNESS, WASTING, and 7 y ined 5 the Premttent has gone over to badly ent around the abdomen and’ oth-' TI enrRty eels orge aud Jane 109 Acres, more or less, known us the George Gar- f BILITY a , , , ' _pluntebutthey have far less power to withstand “AU8G of Ae Redvral Caoaqarcumtinys wan ccmiumencicn iy nied thielititey | ; ul une Sot in Ve uy : yee a ee a4 : (ber planiauion, 100 Acres, mere octets, adjoin the ae ves ane Ff 1 ue Curative =) THE LARGEST AND MOST ite attacksolother diseases; consequently, vest num- ° favors cat mouth of Cape Rear will sleatiy be pf I aCe a eee ‘THU MASON, in the 54th y co \ 1 GRORGE above tract, beng the remainder of the eld boner ad ee Ae caleen as hat diarelishy by th Lara perish bs disorders whieh, althoagh not scrofa- anal d : ; 10 Engineer en the up train was ASON, in the 54th yeur of his age tract after the widow's duwer was allutted, und 126 CEU, aken wi haat disrelist by the 2 jousen their nature, are still rendered fatal by thie th - se meer! ee sti ! ! slightly injured. Actes, more or less adjoiung the Ind of Jehu You, 2) ae os HM oe Sey ee a ‘YTRAK KR & K Fro lite ils and a oan lei rons etal em to uzens of North Carotida call apou their r . 8 7 ‘ 7 : Jobo Satiet and others. ‘T ~- hee ROLE TUDE UIE Pe (EY Gen , ey”. S \ K Ss decimates the human family | te origin directly im i . . , Nauta ris ww y , IPT ‘ ‘ : eruis—-rix monthe credit, : ; \. iF \ « has its origin y and ur- mire for advice and assiytance. ee hands re © hegzroes— me AIST IETS MOIETIES, Loud and security Ue ee Be la. A POE lew e x © thin scrofulous contamination ; and magy destractive i elses also injured ; one of them very serigusly ‘ z : We Ay verietics of yennineness. hae puaranterd for dineares of the er, ; ‘ ; rests of above produced yrewt excitement in out if cat anti Vy eee nert low a Jaxcaky, 8, 1861. uD eae day of January next, Eowill otfer the Ae chr irr pra or aureveea arp 1 athe a elle eae ity; As econ| as Wo maw IU we Celera pls Cees 2a Beet soln GomRaciiealla Di mites) sete rien oe ana 0 ee ee ee us same caune. , i ; H , 15 6 20; rveophilus Josey, at 2 o'etock, 3 eae ; , ( en. ; ’ . ten lestimony of the faculiy of the best medi- 3 | One quarter of all our people ate scrofulous; their a wellinformed aud reliable friend in Corn, 65 a 75: Flour, $3.00 0 $3.25 > Lard, 10 a 124 with Se Acres, niore or less, belonging to Atleu Miller, & = cal wehools ; the Professors of the persous are invaded by this lurking infection, and their aon City, whose reply is as follows : Phe passengers--alarge number Meal, 60 a 70; Molasses, 33.455; Insh Potatoes, (ove of the heirs of Paul Miller. This land ws situat- . TROOPS ORDERED SOUTH. NO the exception of three, escaped without 50 4 P0s Sweet Potatoes, 60 a 70; Peas, 65; Pork, ed on the Charleston Read. & miler from Salisbury, SA UNLV BRSETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, peg \ health is underanied by it To cleanse it from the 1861. Ay GROUND FOR EXCH EM an injury. Those three were very slightly Bye Th; Sugar, 9 al2h; ‘Vallow, 1a 124; Wheat, adjouing the lands of Murtin Josey, Milus Shupa JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA: system we must renovate the blood by an alterative EW GROU? » SMENT (UO) Y SUSU lag a gL40; Whiskey, 5U w #1 00 STE mC eE MRTG ETRE he ED REUNG aE ) J ) inedicine. and invigorate it by healthy food and exer- rod uced YOWN.” a a E Rea Taierea (Uae cee hres mE UCN Be ene Ee 9m Such maedicine we supply in > to the : ufus Barringer, Esq., of Concord ee CINE. and others oc : : (yentlomen from Wiliniogton visited ‘ ; Me re , 1, i . , ) ALSO, atth: sume time and place, 34 Acres, ; : A rs reenale, Eeiotiey nnd the report a tlepmreet sae ees the train bound to: Charlotte and lu ‘Time of Peace Prepare fom Wate tnoreur i-ancieine ging to Jobo Al Holshourer. on Peat a ae a ee ee ie al x a } 1 ~ - , emt re 7 . ew doubted ttle fe - dens re- a Ney pasa omen Heal tiene ceret Lies eG d, we are pleased to state, without ——- the Cheriw 4 tutes from town, with good n> TC) ist wetive Bi lates tes Savadtapes Xia 1 mn T Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, uker de. Patines Pinphnty GE ule ae receiving serious injurie gs although fie MERONEY & BROTHER bry Ms ECU sels ot Nee eta the remedy. ‘That which we prepare hus ma J | I ; Phe most effectual remedy which the medical skill of ‘ id ) y i ¢ : ae i i Pa olshouser, and others erme—G month» | dreesded evidences of supe. : A — *) on oe eech in Luited Staten’ fort below Wilinington somewhat bruised in consequence of be RE offering to the pubke the best uasortment of feredis with buud and security. RZ, cided evid uees f superiouty over other T™. ur (mes can devise for this every where prevailing : le een inet diedode or tierce: : FIRE ARMS | brands. Manufactured only by ae aud fatal mabidy tis combined from the most ac- vee giveu by the Governor is not known re vor 0 ie Cal Sree CTT gn > Tn all Equity sales the purchasers must judge of mew JOHN © BAKER & CO., i Uve remedials that have been discovered for the ex- resolu- on bis organ, the State Journal, WW hen the collision occurred. > ght to this market. Colt’s Belt aod Pock-! tiles aud quanuty of land, us bdo uot sell only the |=" per . —_ . purgation of this foul disur u ail i ; I sand Dealers in AND) purg foul disurder from the blood, and the : eee i : : vet Pintols, old and new model: also, Santh de Wee iuterest of the petitone ‘ : _ “ Ff ‘ ndment ys people know whatthat advice was. AN searc hing investigation WT EONOm lev acnte weve ent SHER SecA OTR , ' D petivon oS tert Cane S Drugs, Chemicals, &e 7 rescue of the system from its destructive cousequen- ores e caferred to ia the property of the Uni be tnade to ascertain why the up train) eared su tue vert pocket, wil rou ; ae 3: ey ee mab ra CooL Ore sould elemployed foc the curso’ net pest Teoh Sey M p iva eee i .willshoot through auiweh Jao. det, 1560 tde33 | ae = on on Nee es | Jonty scrofula, but also those other effec ious arise from The ces. Any attempt to take it and hold it wats not stopped and delayed at the Turn, ai aa ards. Sbarp's Waa wen through at ine an - a 1) 1 N. tH I R D Ss I R EE I al 1 NEN NGA it such us Bruptive and Skin Direases, St Antho- in par- ' by citizens of this State, would be Out. We hope it wall be satistactorily | piss! ¢ avalce 1ieslik eae R oe a Elser UMTED BAPTISE INST ITUTE. | A ‘4 “4 ; jny’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustales, i x iss’ Cu ie vot; Rider» POCh= 1 . re ils,“ . $ tion on , against the United States thown that the ocenrrence was purcly ac Tings PX L aself-cockings nleo Buwse renin oie TAYDLORSVIT-DE, NoC State of North Carolina, . j Blsichseu dee an Bolle Tumors: Le ond ae : x ean Rake - , . i , S. anse . | am, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheamatism, § : eae ven warn the people of this State ayaiust: cidental. —-Charlotle Bulletin. ed sizes, Sharp's Sporting Katles, will Will SOU yards, Phe Tlth > vot this School will open on the; CABARRUS COUNTY | ditie and Mercurial Discuss’ Degas Dien Des weet gus af the dieuuiouints, A persistent I Pat a : : and @ good tut of guns. They otler thea wiock of first Mouday ith day, of January, IeGL. Tt ie the i Are vow opening at the Subscriber's ever | bul { 2 ing f = vercin mgineer White rs said to have died = good doced f COC er eran Quarters Octus j bility, and, indeed, all Complaints agising from Vina ya § s being made lo commit thas State at this ; 1 i. goods A teduce pe esforcash, asthey intend dong dexigy of this School to prepare young men thorough J : “T iGO O oeme Dance mee ted or lw pare Blood. The poputar belief in “impuri- y ab ; t : " . rom Tis ray ure: a cash business. heir remaining slock cou ly for College, or tur the active duties of life. Eee N = roe . g i fy oe revolution, and to attach her to the ear is IpUres, : isints of ly fe Be e ! , Nine uJ ty of the blood” is founded im trath, for serofula is a h Carolina, and thus drag ber violent! Seis Combs, Brushes, Buitons, Suspenders, Bru, Kaus.) ‘The health aud moraity of the phice, with the Simea Boet, Adin'r. of Philip Karriker, dee'd., Eirhibited in Salisbur Ys | degeneration of the blood. ‘The piadey parpose , arolina, t stage ae \ DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. iW atches, Jewelry, Suver Plated Ware, taucy bead moderate charges, commend this School to the con ts and virtus of this Barsapasilia ie to party and reg he Union. Be on your guard, fellow : 4 ola Pins, Perfumery, Eairacts, faney and toiled soaps, sideration of parents aud guardians Philip Karriker, Adam Karuker, Martin Boger and | ; ‘1 rie . \ ; } & c g . lerale this vital tldid, without whith sound health is . 8. s against panics wad alarins. These pan Avery dangerous spuriots ®5 tote on ae at arucles, | ena Pocket Books, Worn TERMS PER BESBION My ie es eae oat Ch a Karnher, And which will be suld us heretofore at unprecedeu- | inp oeuble in coutamninated constisutions. to-day ce alartus wre a part ut the system setow the Commercal iegeniie cave! Dont, Hadure, tine and common pocket Cutlers.! Reading, Wr ree ON eller wud Cathrine E.. hin wife, Newton W tedly low prices. This is | Beta Bs J» Nematic weal he Wil ‘ ie is pli AVS walking Canes, sporting atictes, Whips, Murten! In- ee Ge fee eae Ere oe Wiley und Mary E, hie wile, Francie Wo Hithy and | Ayer’s Cathartie Pills nat ; : the Hinington Aerald is frequently straments, Willow Ware, Baskets, Traveling Batch: e ; : Peles) 6 12000 Feigina his wile, Hild DL) Karriker, Lydia Ao Kar \ as Sayers . cubwennat cour wil Yuasa id i : : iz Latin, Greek, and the higher Machemates, 15.00 : WiW hs mh SINGS sp! Fur all the purposes of Family Phyete slavery wi wr will TINGE | sent here fram the south Weat. ‘The ene ob Batey Groceries, Frais, Cigam, Tobacou, Saul, , (, Q oem Tagen, Uurnet C. Rarriker, Juha Mi. Karniker, Lows NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRASE PT 2 y » gniziy courage are appealed toot with | racine a Tea reall moanine sid nuimetousolher aries s loa tedious lo mention, ee ' anu A. Karnker. Children ot Lewis Karriker, dee’d ure so composed that dive ase within the range of their fait) § protecting SUN aoeimt un peuding dan Oy 5 7 Era Ves of whiet they otter at iow prices a TCRIEE 6 BO nel Warnker, Aaron Karnker, -— Have and! jactiva can rarely withstand or evade them. Their if, ee ‘ mil rote of pute other “Commercial Gank Phose iudebied to us, sust UUTa ERT eTIZ Aer: ThE, Prpetpal Rorhary his wife, Wartin Wo Karttker, George No Common with many, who enumerate their articles. | penerretin : a peeae & i na vut those poble qualities are wowyht to he) { W ; . I Paytorsy te, Dge 1, 160 tw3l row x ¥ (rating properties search and cleanse, and invig on a Oiccivnulidl tlie troultce aicccluni a to oe ou N. ¢ daccounte by the tiistday of February, Scale nace a eee WoRK Hae He UF \ oo iisnd Becvuse un examination of the stock and prices, will, ore every portion of the human organism, correct- inclu é . TOICCTULG Wane One nu Tuieccrcve ce all accounts then uupaid inthe bauds corey Sheabeth his wee, and William Karcker, chil Jing ir diseased netion, and restoring is bealthy vi- > slaves SO ee alma ithe lett f ae a : hk : if Stores 1 MERONEY & BLO Money, Money. deew ot George Karnker deed convince the uiost sceptic, aud closest buyers, of she een s Api consequence of Per parporilse the : ier nthe left, Sand <hip onder ful» a : i ese leaders are KO ALAIONS Co pr | . Sabsbu Jvu. 7, 136! gar Xt PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT hoof tt oval whois bowed down with paia or physigal de- r, 5 ale er 1 ee ei ‘ | Leavy pavinent which we have tomake com: | 4 6 . EME truth of the assertion ' Nv I Pt y or, and Noth Carolina ts iu to tmedsate Lat ee ec and a ’y us tu cail on those indebted to us to aseietin| Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that | bility 1s aetonished ty fiud his health or energy restor- lrances WOR Bu col ' : ieelelow i, Tle Ciinmercial BANKUN Ta PAO VOR CAROL LY Ms a nee 3 ml Lee eae Ee La cikaii® DsaeE were Reuruing iy sincere acknowledgements to the fed hy s remedy at once so simple and iaviting rn! ou eon. <he Ww fa t : " i mati r 2 oe ALC Ne os “ soo hy paying a ast u part o vlomou Karker, Charles Karrike ace ef . A : id that ly able to protect hers l Let us ' ike it mOnCGC ie Z A Hehe EW elieoileetivers edilvent (cmc Gnilinnitn ls Niwot Naw Orie lnwene cuczcuec(a Romi nm aidisiiacent cit tics forsiiss (ta) SE au ey eu conn erg riecey CoD Plait ! : - oe ‘i ey ol ueeren ree (ies venta ; nod thar!) willbe duly respanied to Mary B. his wife, Francis M. Heffly & Jemma tun) y,, : : EL Ovid abut miso mRuy ior mie teed con gerise erent see rere net ae Goh ee re ie Re ee Penk ot ¢ Pieas and Quarter Sessions, Noveaitier NB 0 sae Naat Gil ane Petre TE ee I Mien aL tatAgs Kurta eau Ce ee eae a se Cone Mere uitt celale Hamed Je. Drebre edna, ities of panica and alarius. ts otaade its appearances Ie6H) ie Witersc will bolenurgenlmellaccunetnccC Karnkers Join Mecharkamiand Lewis Aguile. Coeciuiancs of the evme Ge geateiny American Almanac, Containing cert- , . here ts 1! Fe | 5 ae) ' ; , inf ir 4 ‘ i t be z os ; | tiewtes of their cures and directions for their use in ee ere ea een eye Perc Tt tt me dae, 1 1 es he SU 1 er Kerker, chidien of Lewis Karriker, deed, And a (sh a Reet sgn , ve following fram 4 rdave IT ie ke a eedien e - BROWS. COFFIN @& MOCK FRE oe eee eee eee Tien enna TP No trouble as usual to show Goods at the fotlowing complaints: Costiveness, Heartbarn* Bs . ae Pe ee ee Salubury. Dee. 25, In ol) 132 bars his wate, Marin W. Kurker, Goose N. Kar S FRANKFORD’S teueegee! BOSE from ran tees piomach eres . . ‘ ‘ 5 ih - 5 ‘Ludigestion, Pain in an oO naction of t we cluded NOOO Jat tls New Vicar ree ' 2 Fes, ermau and wife Betty Alen : rker. Philip W Karriker, Jota Lo Naseman & . .. : : { Fr ; VITA NG EMEN | PITEPION FOR SETPPLEMEN I Large Map of North Carelina, (© Bbzsbeth bis wile, and Witiom Mo Rarriker, ebil oe i mniinet es CE sicncy (Pose ol Appetite, Jaundice, andother nade a was crauwurited bere ty t st iste | ; , 7 \ Wan ' . ; yas dren of George Karrlker dee’d Defendants in thief kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the ee - 1 ’ ance imenine Ostioantstactiou of tha conent, Lb aa ray yer m or obstructio c it pre- os iY (con (eenean a ae Seca Re as Le aa Oa eee ERP nreng Woon Were UBC Hina ALM reler yo aiisaei thie States Me therefore LO COL INTRY ods Sa Cue UATE CUts (up clc we: tiuton, ‘ vilialtet oe ® Cont : oe : FAN ae a E & . OF NORTH CAROLINA for eale at Stewarts) ordered by the Court that publication be made inthe = fe 4 le on a thos : ert bv the Convention, tid is now int " ioncfemdent of die States fe is therefire ordered’ ho Sinee ‘They ere fre hy even feet, ond com Carcling Wattlinanya Newspaper poblithed in ti4t Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, omimit- am k Guan Ia the Court, that patleanon be niide in the ¢ B Vhey fi van feet. und com ; p : Gi wee ok ee fae } roe \, Nee OWarctiaietceetpuiern Uicien i) ihemtawi prose every reat tauially gird pa Maps— very town a nN yes MA Wee ae coming is ng Ws \ y { i my FOR THE RAPID CURE OF reel , ; ; ie i ‘ handsomely aotten up. Prive SH per copy ai) suid defendants, to be and appear befure the Jusuees { \ vache. Tule tik H c B collet pe EO) Hall, aud Messis: Lacuet nnd reeene ratte eecriet: alisbury, for ix weeks, cominanding the wid de | cs - } Amide acon Cmmnvate Mass nnn Chenin Reccron (in) 2 y v ! AL ROI ee eeuane ufluenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- endent 10 be and appear before the Justices of curl ‘ aie : 5 clits, Lacipient Consumption, and for the relief of le tl ‘ 1 7 Cc Pp i e Situation Wanted be held for the county of Cabarrus at the Court c aE ad: ced f th 4 ae RARE eee in itteenw en vy be ‘ make provisional Postal A he pel Bee it Chie ; asia to be bel tue il . louse in Concord on the 3d Monday in January haere KUSHIs 1M Meyanoed ager 0) Ihe ade the : i aa ran) tn Nouth Curotena Leaks OCS a ne Courthoase ino the YOUNG man of fitt qualificatic Jesires & uext, th and tt » ph i ie een ‘i Hs toy Ellie upon the propnety of taku 0 i ree Nee ee re Mee ie ee Caen area geese eens an Bat iletialitve Ald of ts)ese feleore) ond een amet puses heton, a revolutionary fortress situated Wirenk vs, The State of South Carolia owes vest, then and there to plead. answer or demar tol vision S fie nae kf er auinan) 4 , . : pete =] SEY : ous are the cases of its cures, that almost every see- . : ' ‘ vinion Store e will aceept work from the 10th of them | TPVUE SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of | | , abo Ae ee peu dean ilen nil iiap le OnnaGc wu Uzclsn ee ile Che ice nat SiclcUeeSU Rel tin welche smal Subnet tala hesto Jiu ool e A uIG ates at this office’ Witness, Neleon Slough, Clerk of said Court at} fin uf cuutitey abounds:til persous publicly Race By Mtl ei lvemCu ect nt tul states, that, as une of the coutractag parties, MY on ieee Wil receee proper attention office in Concord, the 3d Mond. y in October, A. D.| COUNTRY MERCHANTS, to hie large and ee La acter tee so n dee a : < Nr i ae , E ' e thens hurd Harrie: Clerk of oareaid Court Dec. 15, 12860 4051 xb toe A i Be perate diseases of the luo, i se. B ouce linian. s did oot ad aki pessession the should uot prevention aterrupt he peHlurie ae office 1. Wieinatte. the 2d Monday fn November aa , eee WELGON GI i oe Senee Seat i steite supe UciLy ake rezery Olney medals ota! te ON fet but the Committe nturmed Dome #ice of the pending contacts ter carning and § Diet and the shih yearofour Independence | Nov 27,1860. (Pr. fee $10), 28-6. Dida (open Penellesca pa Cectya UOusaudin ere : wring. resolved upun ug care of the delivering of the mails made by the UL States R. HARRIS, C. Cc. C q , a ; usvirtues are Known, the pablic no longer heaitate while South Carolina was one of said 3! Z Deer Lith, 1860. 613 0 what nntidote to employ for the distressing and dan- A ates: 5134 %0.00 s . BOY, 9 gerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are in. 3 toe Pear section WN. C. Rail Road. incident to our climate. While many inferior reme- \ | ty say Commities dived at the Kane House Woe, the Stale of South Carolina. in Conven The Ad | | Western S ton assemlnved Jer lare do ord td itis 7 Ee “OR N lo pro: Tela eel Ue ni lines heed Up ACG i gus a and ot lain, atid it e Valorem Banner, , ie eS | WINTER ARRANGEMENT : . dies (hrust upon the community have failed and been neatatlie Sinise Jonncnecd Vag, UE rhe, Hereby declared sm lciliinsd 2)int the existing ee: ena ee at NOTCH. | a; a hy Clothing and Groceries, | incrnicd. ths nes gained friends by every tral, con- Sonth fthe House of Cran Corrie etnies ntrrets and arrangements sual be coo WEL eect rie lati atic & seas dee ferred heuefits ou the afflicted (hey can never forget, td seve Parle pe tina uta the perso hanged will) thealucies Shirl LTneralie mane nrospect oat i ei az and produced cures too nameroas and too remarkable Gita veraioth . — p isa ak Ma Ae pee nee Toiesued a prospectun for a) STEWART 1 an 3) = | which he will sell at WHOLESALE as low as can] to be forgotten giseof President: Buchon 1s UNnIver Lereot shad continue to discharge sad dudes eekly newspaper, to be ealied the AD VALOREM ) fi> = Ree t man Inive qi i, will war 2 } PREPARED BY mainly Weed lisre until « postal treaty or treaties shall be conclu BANNER, to be pubished in the City of Raleigh. | _ re aH a]: be bought in any city in the Unun,. 6 Great bm- 4 zs . Fe ee eh) Tie etennraraett (here reed Gr nee imei) tees te] elles in ever teeta DR. J.C. AYER & CO., Hie ap: (arutina will sustain the course of the 94, ceeding my most senguine hopes, iudaces me to issue F deitands | te | ( LOWELL, MASS > prospe to the obreec of whieh ie te inform the } 1 o \ 1 | RIS ITE Z | =) ‘X ae Te aie uy! ” } lie ‘ ' BURKI = \ les All our Remedie for sale b } a Suppose the Dederal Gov rnment says to the | that Tow he Ist of January, | j at : z aejouy 2 S. I RAN KE OR D. Wu GRAIL ististent 2 NaC ae € the publieation of the B NE i | ae TSG), t 2 = ? oe = y ENE be eee uay Ualitreenieciiiuepicatne (tou | riminienieetra unps print aroity we on uehaet aAU ie AN NER : ae | 2 = —--——— SS —— | Henderson & Ennis,“ “ under aL iniwel chien trate tun lemurs. ane es : SON aes a ee , ; 4 | Ae M. BRENNER’S Hutchinson & Co., Charlotte, * inless treat ow yeu, We do Dot mecogniZe VOU af per a b miner tehes ede with 2 ( 1 yy 2 (" c 8 1 Atediliieone Mockaville ae a 1 be too deep a condenination vised sons ba FAY aUUMTICy, CO Ureat will PACES wolbe Democra ie: but with ba T ) 7 HE | It | | | 2 N YK Ry yp is NS heel “ sons basen any authorty lo tre tHeUS enOley ae, ‘ 4 : eaeoy | Perry, Sunpson & Lowe, Lexington, ned. ce aimee ae Wine etl wou a Toterna wovements, a change in our system of AVING BECOME THE S$ PROPRIE-| > = = RED JACKET FN UR Nn) RETO role lial : = ; Thattor what von eal) vourse lye. we cerard Vana tnd the preservation of a Constitutional | ee : f SULL ‘ cau ian r rgNX avi lawE RSA e Ca avian sc ‘ 4 C) ORS: « gisvval roy ! 1 t 1. t of the wWiard. nso ’ ee a oe ee ee ie a eee ss CLOTHING HALL !woccns a oO 1@ hamore as those about tederal Creeps cot tthe Federal : 4 len ia advocate of all these, repudiating secret caucuses | \ \| iN BURY BOOK STOR E L ch 6, b0. UR con the way Souwth and or fort to be oe ig et Se real ic ; where the spirit of the Constivution isofien v1 1, a t* on \ = Main Street Near Water Street, Nearly Opposte TExb ‘hacer Sea i taliownnetody el uy Se Un \ v ise packed and partal Conventions, and the scheming) the uidersignrc Eten caret hee pt iiie S = \ a a - ‘DReRaAT ENG 5 x x 5 Veale leropresk whose Hiturnanl wus 1mm Hey cannot treat” with South Car + f would be political demagogues and tricksters fe the pa dt aioe cuenamadeta Che Sipe ah ae a z \ sO GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ie vot weknow edging ber iidependener aud suver sha! be just and fear not ducted by the late firm of Burke & Srewarr. and | a Sage Mndetsipned unt baveguarnivad Ie tice SIR JAMES CLARKE’S n.38 ityas a nation, — Ral, Rejister, TERMS OF THE DAILY BANNER sobeit Cor at the continued confidence and patronage Be IN = S with @ NEW, FRESH AND FASHIONA- CEI r BRATED FEMAL PI ong Rumor We learned from a gen ee. One copy | year, in advauce, - - - - $5 00) of its frends. He will constantly replensh the aan is = BEES TONS OE 2UnD 2 E LLS. an who came down last night that a rumor aos 5 . Five copies 1‘ a 2. . 20 90] STOCK OF BOOKS, and will make idditions as! i z s 5 2 a iri? Ine Glo forded cooin Ges set A frend writing fiom Cabarras ie rere were etwien new and valuable works are brought out He i in omy fos Ready-Made Clothing, PROTECTED ay ate LETTERS a : . : ” . % almo aly Communic: the largest P | = y - ‘ ’ tat Presideut isucbanan ml resiened 2 UULY eas: - One copy 1 year, in advance, #2 001 eae i ea Lite ea ramet <5 F wishan to inform the public of Salisbory and Rowan] BY ROYAL PATENT. 1. Compress Tdiomcen upina eeral OW ad a meetit we fu it (hight Ge 7. : ee ve 10 0) sandily Rie dr lnanrassmec nimacdt: os ae OT = county, meine has ere the above asined cota ; ce iar a : Mile MERU Ceo asitinienl 4 en in G : 15 00}, ree ' sa a || ¢ & nent with the view of keeping constantly oa hand @) prepared a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D. Phy- 1 course we give the repurt ae it comes Prope a arr : n Satarday BN: . ee ERA SIC WISN Kea eet . Bg stock SOE PE nV eR Reeate inte yi iecm oC LONHING and pare Team 4B erate yh hal acen oS ot voaching for its correctness. ‘was @ bad day, and the totice Was only 3134 , lhaleiehN. alls Ftne i Gena wi\alsy DORR UT ear ae ae me : ‘ es er = a This invaluable medicine ia unfailing in the cure of all these coe r ‘ tairigh, N.C ty and ear J I.STEWART Salisbury, Nov. 26, 1960 Eng. § Supt S N - sainfal and dangerous diseases to which the female constit® written and not extensively crcwated, 1, | Oct. 9, Ls60. 2 : l RN Is HING GOOD ’ ea tuigeet TU inoterates all excess and removes all obstrae- for Men's, Youth's and Boy’s wear, of all styles. tivns, and a speedy cure may be relied on, need not add anything further tw the, Waithoanaincother U mlentien, Tetised to fsober warning of the Standard : tane port ia the meeting tions, however, were not as fire-eatiny: as NOTICE. CALL AND SETTLE. Tie resolu proper to add, however, that the Wai 4\ she would be divided, the boundary line HARRIS & SULLIVAN | J. R. and B.S. Mc fulay's NOTICE. FINIE Coparinership ec ating hereniore between! SELECT SCHOOL, coxtames for rs, Machin- rtment of quilites, and fair prices Suitble Walking Dress. Fariners, Planters, ¥ Also, a large as sis, or Servants use, To Married Ladies Itic peentiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly percod with regularity. ttle, price One Dollar, bears the Government stamp Fach b of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. n. 3 earn ‘hic! Standare | d weiss (from which the Standard vo YT oepected. Pde not believe the meet o BEMISTER & CLAYWE ax this day RO enn . IN OC CeEL GTS nUnCuns tote nghtly supposes dia despatel w Lave. ing reflected the will of the people, Ca! ALL PERSONS sidebted us ws, by note or acs] been diasolved hy matual suanent: AT aun Neate PAE Se CHES IRE CCS CEROES CE 87F Caution. proba- “t.) baa not itself published any such st barros in forthe Coion as long aa it can couot. are hereby not fied tha: payment of the same the late firm must be presented to the undersigned) Tire reeofinstruction embraces the Claesieal oo yy . Een r ELSRiree nice * _| Thee Pilla Aoodd not ha taken by femules during the FIRST I J xg pay ; f aad examine my stock before purchasing else | Wien rant MO Ur nragminey, isa they are eure te bring ny will ee re cecime sy uli me ATORTIICN (finn Geiisan ee pesmalias chau l sia jtor settlement, and all debta due must he pad to land Muheimavesd Studies, requisite for adunesin hore SIGN OF THE RED JACKET | Ee eutral ating tldar mad Wey ees on on will be maintained Wath Hotor, al@ The OM Wen ive been vers indulgeut tow ardsour customers, | 74 . TP. BEMISTER. ‘inte the lower classes in College ML BRENNER. | tnallcases 008 Ya Spinal AMections, Pain In th f eritution is respected —but no longer and take easion to acknowledge our thanks| Dee. Ist, 1869 3130 The vex @cn cominenceson the 2d Meuday 19 pS Having made proper arrangements with onr| Back sit ee Bee ouicecnear caee p ; ; 3 | ist : fae cs and Whites, Pills w ta care wi t of 86 VIRGINIA. We could get up a larger and more. in | for their favors, and trust that they will epeedily ny e aR January. 161 f ; Fey etme Goorta areata full anlea daira pee A TATANI [ev issverccnietavel allel Fret nice ia’ sowartaliremsey Prinine We Vavelalwavalcoujende lituatnlctoras Wireao a Ur CC UGE but we do not think it comply wrh the ubove notice and save us and them- lr. BEMISTER. Fe Tle 3 ireas the Principals P any orders in the Merchant Tailoring business at {do not contain iron, calomel, amtimony, or anything burtfal to asion. : ie u ie t e s selves further trouble about unsettled business. | ° . eer ty Nt , shortest notice ton wee ss aathe scould be carried fnto a Southern Confed-'Uecessary- ON R—Tnterest charged on all standing accounts House Painter, Grainer, Oct. 16, 1x60 Ginza aU Sete LOLA ee eet cach package which We beg leave to suggest to ourcorres | after the Ist January DAPPER XGER. & | Sole Agent for the Uuited States and Canada, : f PAPER HANGER, &c., 1 ry . t 3 NOR l HE RN JOB MOS¥S y vit, Rochester, N. Y. BURG Bae: aren nl eeieatie Me pondent that the course pursued by Mr ‘ ew States being either 4, : : : | : Hone i ar ee nee poe ener Paprincer, the Senator from ¢ abarras and ie Ridge or Alleghany mountains Gold- Hill (134 Prospect High School, ROW AN, COUN, CG Jan Rth, 1861 ae ‘ This Stanly, would seem to call for a full: and is fortified by the following paragraph: emphatic expression of opinion fan whe Mr. Barringer | Main St, opponte Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally atteitded to and warranted to be done tna workmanhke manner de Joly 1a. 1x60 pdims LIME FOR SALE. LARGE quantity of Northern lime (unelacked in barrels or by the bushel, for sale at Simen- ton’s Tan Yard. Lt will be sold very cheap, whole- ROCK QUARRY. nt 6 postage stamps emctosed to any authorised ining 50 pills, by return mail. n & Enniss, W. Hl. Wyatt, and 49 eu ali respectable Drugyistad Percent, Lapp & Co. Richmond, Va, Wholesale Agents pat, ad- Vew Phase on Secession.—A venerable! people of those counties. | * . , + , well-known citizen of Virginia, residing in| ts numbered here among the secession: | C.SMITH, Principar, a graduate of Dawsd- gale or retail \ Sone: ce at 8 ; i f T 4. €. Lindsay's Sel school nisl : Pranic \ ounty of Ritebie, has written to apprise us, ists. [tis true he coes not seem to be! } e ron College, and an experienced teacher. The | A.C. Lindsay's Select School, ae quantity of finis i ae Sole, Upper, N oO H U M BU G ' he thea ON : sf OTTO reer lay pes ; vie act. | Aret sesmion will commence the 7th ofJanuary,1861., Np McLe s ox, Guin (ay ieee ouihl Uae always on hand and for sale x! jek are nal iNalian alltel igencey Ol Maca dae its ready for dissolution, but he is @cte | gigas designed to be @ permanent Schoo! eee Sn eae Green and Dry Hides alwaye in demand at essh . ig and i he says, is already set on foot in the! iny with those who are doing all in their | : a [ellovaUicnymiaalchorell (ana clases eiiooi ea enncey HC. SIMONTON | ae , lwastetty part of this State, for the purpose | petal a l ee sel TERMS PER SESSION ¢ cause of 18 remoteness from iafluences calculated to Salieburv, Joly 27th, 1860 tro Mls: power to bring it about. Ts his care bration in Elementary. brane! Beets teeter cue i ema etertenccarer me ee Pe TARE CRT e EST IE m D z % ee: 0 tleme rs 7 ' all ny pt the morale, or encour HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES TIITS ME- 2 Hg waren ofthe pople wo tabi! this respect approved by aimajerity of Ayes Eagaken? T*"*" yo ap wo on. see cstaenznn Uo Pue, Ugnenstexen wakes TE | Selling Off at Cost !! Wie } is . . - “Var . ae. - i eo : . ¢ . i + ‘ ideration the expediency of separating |i), , people of Cabarrus and Stanly ¢ We | Languages and higher Mathematics, 2500) The third seasion will commence the ssh of Jan’y To the Creditors for MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that he ae - . can furnish the best quality of LINA. Virginia in case of her withdrawing from’ gi yt believe it is. | Board including washing and fuel $8 per mouth Trestres—Rev S. Fronts, James 7 Jamison, | Board in good fainilies at $% per month \ _ Classical tuition per session €25 9 OF JOHN R. STAFFORD, Decrasen 4 GRANITE, eS subscriber respectfully informs his former | patrons, and the publie generally, that he is de- q | iF : n. 3. tion to joio in a formation of a Southern | Wel 1 : » have many more letters in hand, Bhshal tram #t4to $20 \deracy. formant adds that the lead : ve John C. Jamison, Dr. Jno Re McCorkle, and J.C. iste fire oe ; mine rai oe - stars, in a es . ares 4 tay Nie ae from which we will give extracts hereat | Hargrave , Yo MeLeanaviile, Dee, Lhth, 1660 4130 LL persons having debts, or any re oll iazalll Were eerie Inulin cine lowestiprecitiecates (ar (tens u a mas : bane Se eee ind en- i s revolutionary r plate hon eeaital aah Siena! Rerere to: Prof. Rockwell, Rev. Jethro Rumple 4 obhigatiensen det Seat rd, decersed, are net crt tive Quarry is situated Sunles South of noe before January next, neces “on of anew State, embracing that portion aie g Rev. John ©. Pressly, Do A. Davis, and James B ° by notified that we have filed a Bill in Bqancy fr ne ee ie oid Shaping QUARRY” his BC Es \ 5 ; , ' = s Q ‘ ' ceo Die te Se * s ant Sahebury, koown Old Shaping h ‘ieginie lying west of te Lilue Hide. and SN | Retr Book Binderi Scirleieanu cu Metaniata same Alcoa Tne White noursnorsrs. | EXTENSIVE STOCK at the f : eet? We dordially concur with our) Jan xth, 1 sr presented in due form of law will ba forever bared | ‘ned to inelude as many counties east of said o*, poe eS Ur] Jan eth, TREE 6034 { e 1 WISESHEIMER. 7 Rowan Co. Nov 20th, 1860, Ones | OF Se vong the upper Potomac, and near it, as Corer porary of the Weatern Stine? in — 3 aa os ) FCT UNI Time elon | ally. 4s be ar i c - the following views. Col. Alspaogh lias T F 1 \ ea ee ou Noe OR ANG ' ‘ © d ig W d Cl thi induoed by identity of interest to coop: the fullowins spangeh New lailor Sho ) : . . Vee Plorsans, Cabarrus, Co, Now 26, 1860 LAND SALE. | ea yi ade 0 R ; 4 1n the project. Considerations of an ecos pointed out the true Niey for North | 1 d ‘ ° | . A LI SB R Y i Gwe pd ees il Ae roe eee : ; ne Wth day of December, 1860, iM sell} 7 Ef ( upon the premises, the Valuable Plantation, be Gent's Furnishing Goods, RTTS n, 3. al character, determined partly by the ar Carolina in this emergency : zements of the present Constitution of Vir | “Aa we said, we have never vet des as new TATLOR we subecriber has opene SHOP in the rooms formerly Ro OW. RO DICKS would resperttelly inform the ‘i 5 : Nip teeaciieaar ie Attention! Rowan Rifle Guard ! Salisbury, Chirlotte, Statesville, longing to the heirs of David Ramsay, deed. which there ia pemag about 318 Ceres, upon Poin | Hats, Caps, &c., at Cost weal ciieemed Wy isay 0 tig ee of paired of the Republic; we do not yet unied by Horace | Concord, Gold Hill, Mocksville, Greansbore’ Lexing= Wr OU are hereby commanded to appear at Head. WELL, together with a good DWELLING HOUSE Axo abhor No State to be unequal in respect to the rates Gugpaic, bat now that madness rnles the H Beard. decd Hie experience and qualiientins ton, Morganton, Newton, and the surrounding coun Ge eee Tan eiCeRan Bale oan Gein eer ioer ean meeu Herne ete eens Renan = eS . 5 Loljects of taxation,) are represented to be hour ia many of our sister States, we my thin tine, eke hin Hee ng oe he will be try generally, that he hag established a Kook Biso- 6) parade, armed and equipped ae the Inw directs, Plantation ms See on upw eae iso Acres, of | L. ESS I HA N Cos . the bottom of this popular movement, which, t 7 able to meet the most fastidious demands. Call and eav in this place, and will he pleased to receive of vith 30 roands Le ee ater meet oe : ! : ee eee ie Be! ‘ have our fears that they may be too pre) ger your garments cut to fit vou, and made to Inet. dere in his ne, Music Books, Law Bike ena) en mans cus ae Cane Ces the remaining parte is botton 1 gragavd cultivation. ie date, forthe parpose ofclosing. The balance nirer pinion of our correspondent, awaits only |. aig tliat a“ inecla will beaver 5 1 Cee ip 1 a By order of the Capt and upon the tlable upland is a good orchard. This} : 3 : ni . i a ipitate—that wiser counacle wi netead of buying the slouchy, half-made rage inf Penodicals, bound to pattern, ori any eye to wart WMS. BROWN, O S Plautation fewin the southern partof Iredell County reinaining will be sold at public vendue. 2m an penn ee the pretext to asaume tori) iene hy the flerce and spontanenns de Le i pes Dlures: 4 Lr Hie Conlin can be found on the second qa ater the Paride there willbe a Conrt Martial ghout three hls omesit Nee Ip Konda on the | Sarre all you can, and call carly at ‘able proportions, : Cutting aud Repainng done to order floor over the Post-Office ‘ . ’ : S opera _.. termination of the masses to vindicate prguee taken in exchaage for work | (G7 Orders from a distance promptly attended (o ere AUBui a ene = Nt f : pone Sine M. HOFFLIN’S. n by & : _ their rights at once and maintain. them WM HOWARD Wo Retekhs NO | IC E ‘ J Pe ; aK Pet “se een aie eel , Corner of Manmon Hotel. The Dertrovctine Fire in Louisburg, N. C—We at all hazards and regardless of all econ Jan xh, IN61 3m34 Salichurve enue steed mis Re i marc eeut ies f Wenn ote, sg roa eon ne | a ‘ mt , : AR (Cree SRS > between premmes will yive Any infortiatien an ention to - -—-— — - a arn that @ moat disastious conflagration occur 1 snCe And while we can but syin | 1 1) ; we wishir vexn t Mant ow Sate yi \ om, 18 5 sequencer, AIC Vile e@ Ce . t A DoF Cadwell and Thoe Mo Cromford. we thee th examine ation, on Satur ] { ’ fd on Louisburg in this State on last Friday pathize with the cotton States, we do Please Pay. FOR SN LI se day die by en aud wad Crawford i to daya TR Ss Nix aa isle months, with bond ( ) iC i) I J 4 ; cht, destroying the principal portion of the plore the agitation which exists within \ V FRIENDS are requeated ty call and pay Spring Hill Tract o1 Land, ae Vaid hea ye i : Se of tp ad ered yae as ee G Re eK fia ; _* i = : : . | > whi raer ‘ e eanity ' . . > Ree 5 . ention are. We have not heard of the names of their borders, and censure those who : Le ee they ail aig oe CONTAINING wo ACRES THOS M CRAWFORD The Executor of dane G Rammry, dec. will eel UP ECRIR TS inceedicenieenalvial : tog ; ac thy lve eainat the may callon them for that purpose will da: a ne 99. 1260 wat iererneliinrm pets atleacd \ F ene ; ana Hs sufferers, but wo loarn that twenty horses & vad OI braeh calle nus: daa SEAT eG ee iankfat Tor the large patronage Lreresvevand ae FINTIS Tract of Land te situated (wo miles from a : eo ea al ‘ ee aite S. FRANKFORD’S. slectec ere destroyed. The fire was accidental. We pillars of the Consttntion OO patrlots inv only dependence for enpport, it ts very im Salisbury, on both eis of the mar road leadiag ; oe eenn 05 . s ofler- ToC: and atatesinen, lead. off preerputately IN a portant Ghat theme iidebted should settle np ta the Yadkin River, the North Carolina Railroad WEIL AWE ALOR: ‘ Ne eC iaGO one grt to learn that avery worlhy young man 5 ae ni J.J sUMMERELL p throngh at, on the premises ie on Dwelhe . runties I : wild diaunton dance of whieh no one ean J. 4 passing g i g . . lhed hame not ascertained) was killed during the ¢ i \ ie eae e Jan Sth, Usb (yeu House, Barn, Toharen Barns, and all necesmary ont ATTORNEY AT LAW Fine Suits. . = a ro. ans eis a } prev lonsbest cron damicaio pi Gal iGsOhs buddings, good sprnge and now in entivation and at See ’ NOTTCE fagration by the accidental discharge of a ‘ c : E Pring @ALISErery, N ( panent nT mole Phe position that North Carolina , . Hir Inder good (once: the greater poction of ans Tract ALISBER If yon wish to bny FINE SULTS of CLOTHING ; ; ainted he gun was lying Se ee ee ee aaidunsauine inthis threatening aspect A First-Rate Blacksmith to Hire. ve Woodland, tt could be divided into small traces \ LLts Practica and make prompt collections in for na little money axpomible, call at the freat Clothe | Application wall be made to the present i wl been saved from tha fra, and becoming |B000'4 ™ : | ei : Ae emaniweningiminieras Nowlcelare Rincteeverv canes af deaired [wall retain 50 Acres Rowan, Stanly, Predell and Catawhs Coanties ing Emporium of DAVID WEIL Legislnre. for a new County to be ereated out of on ad- brated by the intense heat, went off, and the D(SAttei re aOulueDea OUI UL eaO TE amith can do so by applytag wimediately to of Woodland and the family Grave Yard | Office on the corner of Cowan Kuiiding opposite TT Rewewaen rie Stasn -Mo & Murphy's Grom. portions of Tredell, Rowsn. Cabarrus, and Meekleu hole loud lodged in the body of the young man \10N, a conservative onc. Let us look J.J SUMMERELS Apply te MICHAEL BROWN, Agent the Book Store ite Row, Salrebury, N ¢ borg Counter 1an. farrad ty. - Ral Rearster neither to the right nor to the left, but. Jan 8th 3134 Saliehory. er 9, 1860 1200 Feb 14, 1860 1798 Rept 28 1119 Dee 4. 1560 639 i | SPECIAL ee BLUE STONE, For sale by HENDERSON & ENNI&S8. 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Niece and clean for sule by HENDERSON & ENNISS THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaoco. | From 210 to 240 deg, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. POUNDS 0.000 ere Pure White Lead in Oil, | For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS GALLONS 1000 LINSEED OIL. HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 PURE For sale by 1617 18 rely 23 24 25 | a , a Tlic ' 40 Bols. Tanner's Oil. 40. Ob For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SA ON bw ns bs : 2p we “yg ~~ oy. Fe — on the corner formerly occupied by Da Baron, | [= REMOVED ro ruz DENTAL ROOMS where he is prepared to attend ali operations eonnected with hie profession. Jan. 1, 1860. W. L. BARRIER, DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT, N.C Mareh 13, 1860. pdly43 Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A. CALDWELL, | AVE agqocinted themselves in the snd offer their Professional se who wish it, can have the services of extra charge. CW Odce—the same Deasmber 14, 1858. Occupied at LAW «PARTNRSHIP. A. H. & R. A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly occupied by Dr. Nesbit oo Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. Mareh |, 1859. BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERR AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 129, Sycamore Street, tf40 uf32 practice of Medicine | viees to the public. Those | both, in any case, without Ppreeenthy Dr Waremsan | Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Ennisy’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ HOSTETTER’S _ STOMACH BITTERS, The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United Btates, because the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blizoning puffery The cousumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half- million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself, | Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved \ & Godsend to regions where fever and ague | | and various other bilious complaints have | counted their victims by hundreds. To be | able to state confidently that the ‘Ditters’ ! | Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallou or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS' AUIS. SUE | FRENCH BRANDY. this market, for sale by ; , HENDERSON & ENNISS : SPICES! SPICES! Prppet, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace Cinnamon, and Nutmegs, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ctx per Gallon at | HENDERSON & ENNISS ule are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morhid matter | from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the rervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, ; mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them \ to acondition essential to the healthy discharge j of the functions of nature Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as = | per directions on the bottle, and they will find | in it aetimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort Sept. 1R, 1560 Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: NOTICE. 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3600 Ibs. 10.000 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. \s40 | Given ap by Judges to be the best ever brought to | 30 ets. | North Carolina Foundry AND r ! — £3335 — HE subscriber tukes ploasureio anunoneing to his friends, mud the public generally, that he has| jtaken this loug established and well known Hotel and has made every possible preparation to accommo | date the business, travelling and vieiting portions o | the public, in the most satisfactory manner. Particular attention is paid te his TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS. Flows, His STABLES are abundantly supplied and at- 'Corn-Shellera, tended by a careful ostler; and to all departments! Horse-Powers, ‘the proprietor gives his personal attention lovinre shore: \ comfortable OMNIBUS runs regalarly to the | Thresnerand Separators, FRERCKS & RAEDER, ca; BOYDEN & SON, W hand all ILL continue to manufacture and keep o1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters Seed-Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mille. They also manufacture made heretofore depot on the arrival ofthe cars. . i NUHM nZone Marietinileexe@alliticrs enerelon tte | Shafling and Machinery vablic patronage is coutidently solicited for Grist Mills, Circular und Vertical Saw Mills, Gold WM. ROWZEE. January 25th, 1x60 Uf-35 ' - - ; ee s K | Morganton, N. C. qe 1S superb New Hotel has gained the reputation | of being a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and second jlo none im the Btair j the many favorable tures, &e, &e., NE. respect. done at short notice Salisbury, N. C., Jan. 2, 1°60. ly 34 erat, Charlotte; Western Advocute, Asheville ; Caro- Ninian (tri weekly) Columbia ; Observer, Fayetteville; and Iredell Express will publish 3mouths and forward accounts REAL ESTATE. ee y \ T propose to sell the plantavonon whieh DT now reside, contaming 3074 ACRES. Most of the soilie grey ground, the remaioder a dark loam, equal ia fer- ulity to any in Rowan. Nearly one halfof the tract is still in woods, containing a great deal of tine timber, night along side the N.C. R. RR. ‘There is about 40 Acresof BOTTOM LAND and MEADOW. of firs:- As au evidence of it, Lreferto iotices by the Pressof the State, jand the very liberal patrouage received. lopen never haring been closed Tt continaes and ‘te guests may | [rely upon the reputation of the House being sustained (TP have wrrangements made to be kept supphed regu- pay with Fresh Fish from Norfolk and Newbern, 1 factwith eveby delicacy found ut FIRST | CLASS HOTELS. |C.S. Brown & Cols Stage Office, twat this House Their FOUR HORSE COACH. | BOTT Ni Ey | ES ran to the head of the WON ©. Ruil Road unl) fale quality. The DWELLING is well arrange | Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, aud to Ashe- | Containing pine rooms, yarret and cellar, and niso & ville, ‘Tuesdays, Thurdayeand Saturdays EXTRA fire-places. and isin view of the Yadkin River and COACHES and HACKS ready at any hour andfor! \ ©. Rai! Road. The garden and spring are excel usual|\ any point. j lent, and the out-boildings. seme of which are new, | ©, S BIWOWS, jure well arranged and comfortnble > ‘Vhe loration is quite convement, being within five | Proratrron. nilenof Saliabary, and very healthy. The soil is Jane 14 Sse 1 highly adapted to fine ‘Tobacco, Cottoa. Grain, Fruits, Set Obmerver, Pavettewlle ; Standard ind Spirits | add qacdenteyevaules the Ave, Rade ol: Bulletin Chartotes Heratd, W i JNO. A. BRADSHAW mingtuit Pravrees, Newborn: Patriots Grecuhee'! Dee. 19. 1959 19 aod Selisbury Banner, copy eight times ; | COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontriptic, OR | Mount Vernon House, | Formerly known aathe Veranda Hota, situated AT THE DEPOT, ~ . , | FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY . : > 1 | , , SALISBURY, N.C. ogee HIS establisiinent hae been opened forthe enter. | DISEASED KIDNEYS, twnmentor ie Pubbe [tie new thoroughty re- | .. . panied and iniproved in all respects. andisevery way | Stonein the Bladder and Audneys, Weak reter suited tu the comfort of the Public than here-| : : - tofure The cian bere are furnished anew chroughout, | ness of the Loina, be. , (and have the best quality of Bedding The Culinary | A HES invslastis ’ i Medicine is for sale only at Department is under the mManongement of a proficient | Mocksville, Salebury Statesvilie, Concord and Caturer. The Tuble will always be supplied with the | p ; ; REST 7 Fayetteville, and at Col, Austin's and no where ele | BEST that thiv and other markets atford. The subseriber having entered inte copartnership with Jobn Fo Cowan, origina! patentee, forthe maun- facture and sale of the above Medicine, is prepared (y furnish a sapply by addrexsng him at Sahebary, “or calling at his residence, 10 miles west of this place EDA Us TiN, June 21, 1855 us New Firm. | MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of J. D. Browu & Co,, theirentire stock of TIN, SHEET-LRON, COPPER | The Proprietor will devote hin whole time to the j Management of the House and feels confident that | with his facilities every thing chat cau, will be done, | | to add to the comfort of his Guents +. BENJAMIN. July 26, 1859 t | | “THE UNION,” | Srch Street abore Third, | PHILADELPHIA. UPTON S. VNEWCOWER, ERSIGNED ha TANI UND former partner, By Jean attention of the Philadetpiia, either for bu * lee woula r those visiting wn Ruane. ines MACHINE WORKS! Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix- TRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, | FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order, and warranted in every RE pairs of every descriptiva of Machinery | Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greensboro’ ; Demo- ; ISHING toconcentrate my hands on one place, |+ sj delivery to them at Lexington, N.C. PETERSBURG, VA. | declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, | invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, | and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- | dence of thousands of aged men and women | who have experienced the benefit of using this | Preparation while suffering from stomach de- | rangements and general debility; acting under | | { | { { | | | N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, VA. N. M. MARTIN, Br. | the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are go harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is 80 absorhingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in ber extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity ( arrive during the summer season, the wear of JA MES HOR Al { ' body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, isa necessity fora stimulant to recupe- ! WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, | rate the energies of the «ystem, and enable the SALISBURY, N.C. \ mother to bear up under her exhausting trials eer belew BR. & A. Maphy’s ators, | &O TANNAHILL, Hw. iL. PLUMMER, NM. MARTIN, (7 Strict persona) attention given to the aale of Produce. Orders for goods Promptly filled. cp Revenence —D. A. Davis, C.F Fisher, Esq. une 14, 1859 1\3 RA MARTIN, w K martin, rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- | tors that receive the endorsement of physi- ¢ EEPS constantly on hand a large assuriment o cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as WATCHES and JEWELRY of ali kinds well as certain to give a permanent increase Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description of bodily strength. repaired in ble terms. February 14, 1860. the best manner and on the most All those persons, to whom we have particu- eres larly referred above, ‘0 wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, | } dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and | all | MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, | SALISBURY, N. C. Peete PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV. | EN to the parchase of all kinds of PRODUCE | And (no all consignments to be sold in this market or | shipped to other Ports. February 14, 1860. {28 | diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. | CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- | feita, but ask for Hosterter's Cetepraten | Stomacn Bitrenms, and see that each bottle has the words “ Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” | blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped =| on the metallic cap covering the cork, and \ observe that our autograph signature is om the | label a _| Se Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & | . SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all Collecting Agent. | druggists, grocers, and dealers generally | throughout the United States, South Ame- vies, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, HE andersigned offers hie servicgs to the public | as a Collecting Agent in and Si Salisbury. | He bolds the sppoiotmeut of Tax Collector for the j Town, mnd therefore feels authorized to refer persons to var Superintendent and Comminsioners as to qoah- WHOLENA Rone Once! 201 jratum anda ee RUC Cee Pravelers, and others Sica ks JOUN BEARD, JES g SS, ; teregene have their wants, in ths line, well sup- April 10, 1860_{146] Collecting Agent. | New Orvrans, La., J Cash priess paid for Carciare Lumber and Proven. @ ~ le 2 ember is nlwave rend o well — TRONS Tieniecentel Eten vert i 6 W: teh ' der. And the aubserib AVR remdy ’ ET AOU, © Hendcewn d& Bani, a0 American Watches. ioe sey cric GREAT BARGAINS Wyatt. 1 y by Jo Reed. Concord; and by eeesieeerens tf : ’ + ! 1 ay ® BOY t d 1 Pt e , Greenaboro', N.C W R. WILSON hanthe Agency forthe GENU IN ey yl ¢ INE AMERICAN WATCHES which ena : mWhh) 1 , | blew him to well them for less than they can be bouahi _ Vie \ , O I I ING ! GMEAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP elsewhere He has also in addinon, the Enyhsh ( : i \ J 7 ° 1 Ee Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches, Decached — | a i L e JHE off \ | MANUFACTORY. Levers. hunting Cylinders, &e., which will be evid 7 ati oe NNiss now offers to rel! Tow down for exh, Don't forget. those whe want, Oo. » Pe ed HI eulecnmnind eh eras GENTS PANTS at $2.00 worth 3,00 JOHN DOOLEY, Genuine \inerican Watches, torallnt WOR. Wilson's Saas moved hie Drying athe! « “ “3.00 “ 4,00. No. s1, Mar staer, Ricnwonn, Vas, Jewelry Store. next door to McNeely & Young's lishment to his NEW STABLE on the lot in the | “ « “ 5,00 “ 6.50 | Manufacturer and Dealer in Store. Salmbuary, Ne C. renrof the residence of the Inte George W. Brown, a i a 7,00 oe 9.00 | PUR, STRAW, LEGHORN, PANAMA, SOFT AND MOLF SKIN Oet 16, 122 where he or hin agent may alwave be found ready to TS COATS « 3,00 “ 4.50. DRESS HLA TS | attend to all demands in his line ' 4 oy = £5 00) ow 50 | I HAVE now ready my Sprivg stock of | Sa Orders delivered to him at his stable, will meet ae “7.00 A 9.50 HATS, CAPS wd STRAW GOODS, | " jwith prompt aitention. Charges: moderate a “8 10,00 1800 [to which Fwould invite the attention. of | Ladies Watches. | aU AES DER ae iz 13,00 a 1,00 j the merchants of Virginia, North Caroling and Tene | Xalisbary, September 6, 1K59 es |) “ “1,00 Me 25.00. Nneasee, conhdent of my ability to supply them with UST opened same of the handsomest Watches | Call at 2 4. ENNISS’ , eveouibing (hay may want ti ua lnie; con asigcm: siti, (eadien if vie chircest syle ev ered with rT NG Clothing, Hat and Shee Stores |) vermelan they can be oricarcd (a any inarket in fine Gold Chatlens, setts of fine Jewelry, Sleeve DRAY i Ir. \ ). P ket in the J Orr. 2 (£20 ‘ous try ‘Buttons, Studa, Gold and Silver Phimblen, Gold and ~o = an = My stock will be kepr constant! full by the addi. Corre] Necklaces, Lockets, Charins, Ear Drope, MIE underdened gives notice that he keepe an THOMASVILLE BOOTS jtiou of every Ghing new of desirable : and. having Correl for Mieses and Children, and a cies many TEAM AND WAGONS dir the pyrpose of greatly inereseed my manufacturing faciliiiea, many other thiuga Go wumeriua to meniton, all of which Denving. and willimaren all who miy tavar him) eh and SHO jo dewirable styler willhe ofmy own manufaciure, Wy ‘will be sold at bargains for cual, atthe Jewriry Sore alte in hie line an Parse ener ! | Binck Wole-skin Het se etiliin the tront rank. and ia of WOR, WILSON GEORGE MOWERY Manofactared by MILLER & THOMAS. equal. ifnot vuperie. ws nscihne oie the! Ovi. 16 ‘fea March 20th, 1860 147 country My nesorpment of Bove. Misnee’ and Chi es RECEIVED asupplyof GENTLEMEN'S drevenict vtrimmed Hate and Plateol all the dif 7 | | 4 I | eF WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS LACED | erent styler of Braid ana Leghorne canna be exes > 7 4 1 FOR S! 3 BOOTEES, manufactured by Mitten § Tomas, led ST LV E R MW A R De : : i seat Thomecvitie, N.C, which are fally eqaul in style to) Tu Military Gorda, Pens furnish anvrlong requ ree Cerone icine Spring Hill Tract of Land. any Northern work, and a great deal betier in work My Lae de Neuen aallionit Aciow <Roc ila wei nidace tins Teer pele Eeeee eo ene CONTENT NANG SOBA [Fan menship sod equally as low in price Hone” Hateia vere complete, and any of the ditterent Spoon, alu, Silver-plated Castors, (uke Haskete Call and see them at JH. ENNISS' (aad 20 ReaD Sars tna tciistdes AC ste aniline UG urat(etblctes Emre (emule Reece TUR oo Aenean GUN LIS HrReHincll aad tpeernniedeve ny oilee fat Ort 2-120) yt and Shoe Store a PUNE DOOLEY IS Marie (iaueelen or nlcn reenter fala cone Saiiabriry, om both dew of the main road lending _~ -- — — -— March 13, 160 43a Npooue, &. &e. Don't forget and give ne a call (2 the Yackia River, the North Carolina Railroad HATS ND CAPS nnd lente ileal WR WILSON re 1g pea Be ou es becyny is a Dwelling A i : vue. Barn, Tobaces Barna, and all veceanary out Cea eee: . 60 White Hands Hildings; geod mpriugs widl iw in cullvalion aad EIVED a large supply of Gente and Buggies and Rock de id fence he wreater poruon of aad Trac ’ . ‘ ockarways. under good fence the greater poruon of aw ract OF Bove Hats and (aps, all sizes and qaalities and at \ ILL find steady e:nployment upon the Wail KR ¢ 4 ta Woodland. it could he divided into emall tracie prices remarkably low mington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rui! Road see subscriber has alot of handsome new Bug. very convemently of desired. Twill retain 50 Acres Caflat) H. ENNIS" stor near thie plage. Apply to , i gion and Rockaways, which he will sell on goad of Woodinad and the farnily Grave Yard Hat and Cap and Bont and Shoe Store BAML McNINCH, terme THON EB BROWN, 0) Ainly co MICUAEL BROWN, Agent Ow 2 120 May 8, 1960. (t60) Charlotte, NC | Jan 94. 1880 35 Salisbury, Oct 9. 1860 120 Joho A. Mebane, W. J. MeConnel, ©. Po Mendon hall, DOP. Weir, James M. Garrett, Joho L PN OTD D. Wileou, Win. Barringer, David MeKiigh M.S. Sherwood. Jed H WA. Wright. Wilmugton: Robert E. Troy. tum ve Wise Nae EECSIONS stall be bertony Alexander Miler, Newberu: Thadens Wee) wuld ces; Harrah PE Tiiee ue any And Gee, Raleigh; Tbomas SJonoson, Yuuveyville ; Dr Teams @1o0 yer day ae WoC Ramses: Wadesborough: Rey ROC Maynard, (2 og yoy ae Frankliaten; Dro EF Watson, Watsonville a OFFICERS NU. D. WELSON, Pres dent JEW. H. LINDSAY, - Vice-President Crh eWENDENILACE, Attorney {PETER ADAMS, - > Seety and Treas’ NOWUENIG ee Wade McG UN NEG ane (a oernl Ayent UAT b: BAUN bo) Executive Com tee J M.GARKETT, - - A!lcommanicationson businessconnected withth Office, shiv uldbe address: dio PETER ADAMS, Secretary Gree naborough, N.C. Jone 19, 160 tf WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER, Salisbury. OCTOER, 1860. oO. W. B. WILSON H with a large aseurtinent of Waiches, Clocks, Jeweiry, Silver Ware, &e, is ready to sell greater bargains than ever was eold in North Carchoa "is personal attention is given to Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., and with the asniat ance of the best of Watchmake-s will do work prompt- ly and warrant 12 months Please call and examine hia stock one door from McNeely 4 Young's Store. Cole Lincxay, Greensborough ; AVING just returned from the Northern Cities -| [ts situation being but a few s cha firey vy wey Cars w Rail WASHINGTON HOTEL. JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. BROAD sSTRELT, NEM NGO) Jannary 12th, 1860. at National Flag! WM. M. BARKER oak Wir | Carriage B INFORM HIS OLD sud customers that he ow usiness, and prepared to finish avy etyle of BUGGY or CARRTAGE fro the bes co che lowent poced | He has ree NUly Vetiet a nanber of the Northerr Haudiaectores and weqy dotnet with all the Jalen prowemente in tes ud tnade arrangements jy which he can mapply hose prefering a with North- fern work much chemper thin could he done by order- j ine a mugle job. He in ends to build the finest and j bewt work ever dome iu tie country call at the sign of the National Flag WM. M BARKER we Brown's Livery Stable. and moheits a July 31, Ls6u. | I Skeptup as heretofore Ttis grati- | ae fying tohun thet thiaestabiichment, | L. began, at fst. ama doubttulexperiment, {oe 7 haa proved i the pibhe a preat deside- pal Avenues + to thone pleasant ride | “shall be canbe hadin Westera North Carona. OPERA I | | WARE, STOVES, ¢ now offer the largest and handscmest lot of COOh- ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES offered in this market, and will well for cash as low as Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WAKE and STILLS ever kepton bend A kinds Tio, Sbeet-frou or Copper work dope at the shortest notice MUKR & SOSSAMON Salisbury, Jan 10, 160 fy 33 HARDWARE!! TPE Subscribers are receiving and opening at the old stand of G. Mo & A. T argent Stock of Hardware pever offeredin this Market, which having been bonght | directly of the Manufacturers or their avenis. exclu mvely foreash They are prepared to off men's ty Wholesale ur Retail buyers rpeetfuily solicited Joues, the nduce- A call in re- JONES & OVURWAN Salisbury, Mar. 13. 1560 urs SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE WANUFACTORY ! SMITH & MILLER, MANUFACTURERS OF Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes aud Gaiters, I AVING spared nether pains nor ex pense, in precuring materinia of the heat quality - Machinery of ihe latest iin provements —and the most finished Work men, they flarter themselves that they can nell as good wn article of Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, ascan be parchased in New England for the same money They therefore feel confident that their ap peal to the citizens of the South to sastain them in their endeavor to introduce among them a branch of Manufactnre now entirely inthe Nanda of abolitioniata, will not be in vain or disregarded. They offer at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fine Chomnetred Boots, French Calf, Fine French Edge, “ “ Half Weis, “Double Soles TAY BOOTS. (Patent Leather and French Calf Fine Open Gaiters. Patent Leather and French Calf © Congreas Garters, French Calf, Oxford Ties, French Calf, | Union Ties, French Am Calf TT Go to thei aod sappiv your wants and in fo ture you will purchase no Boots, Shoes of Gaiters, save thore inanufactured by SMITIT & MILLER, | THOMASVILLE, N.C i i) anew style July 21, 1#60 ORRELL & GRADY, Manufactorere and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, | Straw and Millincry Goods Umbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, &e., No. 18 Conrtlandt Street, diate payment MARRIAGE LICKNSEKS |FOR SALE AT TITIS OFFICh Commission Merchants, Late of Asheboro’, N. ( and ag thimie the frat time th: friends. | hope they will come a GREAT EXCITEMENT’ AT THE GREAT CLOTHING BMPORI Ayer’s Sarsaparill, poe the ee mee a beve; Dative ep, » It je & concentrated extract of Pa. Cay parilla, so combined with other wubstancae greater alter@tive power as to afford ay can 4 OF Udote for the diseunéy Sarsaparilis ie r oa It is beiieved tha ouch «remedy ia warns’! DAVID WRIL. who suffer from Strumous counplains which wil accomplish theit cure im; pa tha _. me nse merce ta thin large class of eer ea, of | ~~ er a low -cilizeus, ow completely thi re ay Bb SLL , it ha» been proven by en San Pettd a Many y ME Compiay its, E, 2 worst Cases to be found in the follow) Scrovuta ano Scroruous C and Envrrive Diseases, Uce Toumous, Save Rucum, Scan Hes 1 » Syp, | Syrniviric Arvactions, Mencuniar Dweien ! | i . tf &, Neoracaia on Tic Doucoungux, Deaiieee Dro, : ia ecw rue a” sia ANP INDIGHSTION, KRYsiPELas, Rose op | THONY'S Fine, and tudeed the whole Chass of «. AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH. | Pliuts arising from Larvairy oy tag Broos, eru Ciues with a LARGE aud COMPLETE | This compound will be found « great Prvmy health, when tuken iu the spring, to expel i humors which fester in the blood att ~ I Stock of | Ready-Made Clothing the year By the timeby expulsion orn ssa rankhng disorders are wipped iu the bud. Main sas cun, by the aid of this remedy, Spare them, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,} ihe eidurance of foul eruptions and cae 4 ” through which the system will strive to rid ty) Such av Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Unde r- corraptions, if not assinted to do this i iteel | Shirte, Cravats, Neck-ties, Manudkerchiefs, and a | auniutal chonnele of ihe body by rough fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &e., &e., to which he inves your immediate atiention. They | have been purchared for cush, aud willbe sol! cheap- erthan ever were offered here before. NOW Is YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ae I Qn aleras; Cleaune out the vitiated blood whenever yon te a impurities bursting through the skin in Pimple Gone. or sores; cleanse it when you find tii Ren ed und sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when, * is foul, aud your feelings will tell you oe wi , am deterinived to sell cheaper than any other house | where nis particular disorder ie felt. okt Ey in Salisbury “ ter health, and live longer, for clea en Returning my thanks for the libera! patronage K ibe bi Keep the bhod healthy, and all is ells bar this pabniumn of life dimurdered, there can be ng L tnghealth Boowerorluter something must £0 wr : . and the great machinery of life is dieordered i Salisbury, N. ( thrown. ig Suarsaparilia hus, and deserves mue of accomplishing these ends. B been eyregiwusly deceived by prep. RANAWAY--$75 Reward. erectus ecenedts pep 6 DAN AWAY from the subscribers at Lex-| Claimed for it, | heretofore bestowed, I hope for 4 ecoutinuuncs of the same. Remetuber the Stand, | NO. 2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, | OF uve Sept. 25, 1860. ine ‘era Ut the word 4, a Fa tbuNB Of it, pep, I the virtue iy but more because Many preparaiy pretendnmy to be concentrated extracts of 2 Vingion, a Negro nan named ALRX. «6 ty ont ALEXANDER. Said man is of © dark cop-| but litte of the virtue of Sarseparila, or any hi pereotor, 5 feet Bor 10 iuches high, and will | else , j weigh from Loo i 165 Ibe, a very likely fellow, but| During lvte years the public have been Mieled 5 larve bottles, pretending to of Saraspariila for one dollar been frauds opon the sick, f lttle. if any, S@rsapanila, bat often no Curative pe erties whatever. Heuce, bitter and Painlul din | hax rather a dows-cast look—ayged 22 years The jeubseribers think it probable that Alex is lurking Jabout either in ine neighborhoed of Salisbary, Mre. | Lowrie's or Mos MecKenzie's plantations. They | will give the above reward for h pprebension and Also, they will Pointment bas followed the use of the Va@rlouse ring, | PAY #29 reward for proof safficieut to convict any une |''f Sereaparilla which flood the market, any ti of harboring said buy | name itself ts justly despised, and has become 65 hop | S.W. McCRARY & CO Moos with imposition and cheat. Scill we all Ont 34.1634 fig compound Sarsapaniia, and intend to Supply seb | ; remedy as shall rescue the name from the Joag oblequy which resis npen it. Aad we think we be grourd for beleving it has virtues which ble by the oninary ron of the discases it jto cure In order to secure their com | Gon froin the system, the remedy | | | Bive a quart of Ex. Most of these ha or they not only Conta are irresiay i \ AJ I L O N ‘T W U } d d S | 8 inlende Plete eradic should by yadiciow direeions on the buitie. FREFAKED BY (O S S TZ Si e ‘D U N O VY Ap o Qo H } Vy taken according to 4d DR. J.C. AYER & CO, LOWELL, MAbs. Paice, €1 rex Bortte; Six Borties por 85. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Sa U I S N G IT HU N T SN O S U | Was wou for ! such a renown for the eure ofey, | verteiy of Throat and Lung Complaint. that 4 wep. Sate t S unnecemwary for us lo recount the evidence = (virtues, wherever it has beem employed Ay, -_ has long been in Constant use throughout thie see, we weed not do more Lian assure the people 1 ly is kept up to the bext it ever has been, 8 and thay Ay be rehed on to co for their retief all it haves | been found to do. _ Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Yor ' BOOTS! BOOTS ! LO L dG - ‘ THE CURR OF Costicencas, Jaundice, Dyspepasa, Indigestion, Dr. catery, Foul Stomach, Eryspelas, Headache, Pues, | Kaeumat:em. Eruptiona and Skin Diseases, Line | J HO ENNISS is now receiving bs stock of | Complannt, Dropey. Triter, Tumors and Salt Karun OF « Gentleman's Winter Water Proof Boots, whieh | Worms, Gout, } euralgia, aoa Dinner Pili, one ier I fur style and work are superior to anything that ie Purifying the Blood made or for sale ia ins inarket and at les price | They are sugar coated, eo that the most sewiv P ake the plersautiv, and th € tee Walland sce the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT. made: 50° AS (rt pictscutiv, and they ere the all the porposes Ufa (an, fone best Call Shan and Wover-proot 3°" calla Virougheout, mir howill last longer than an rs Ham cth oe Die ir ern ent ; enuaan z Prick 25 centerre Box; Five Boxgs pox $1 08 WATER ALSO, Fine Cali PROOF BOOTS, aa mith en Solew and Up Benim Rr ee cnuiiberett Te Mirenn hy tevensmere sy aaa eau Dea Menoand emicest perme uages, have lent ite rs anes ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. to criti, ine par leled usefulness of these rrr Double seis and Upper and warranied dies, but our spare here will not permit Ree on ALSO, MILES & SON'S GENTS FINK CALF BOOT. oti Poe Aveais bee nained Dogue mode stout and sirong and of the very best mate- vur Ameaican ALMANae iu which they ar ge rian, warracied with aise ful descriptions of the above complar « j ALSO. MILES & SON'S PUMP-SOLK AND GENTS 2nd the treatuient that shoud te folie wed ot ter DRESS BOOTS, Wiles Boote for heanty., dura Cu biinty ane at wear. are celebrated (hroughoat Do not be put off by unprineipled dealers with othe (het GuirWenDeytalie Preparniions (bey mane more profit on Veman : é n’w and te oathe » c nteinet Gallind gee unne pm si lintel ere winter neta AT eunianu luke Tusthers ‘Thelsnkenatine en aid there te tor them, and ihey should hare baving and al prees thar defy compen at tle N Nis All oar Remedies are for sale by Boot and Shoe Store WoL Wyant, Ralisbary, NTC “ Wy Henderson & Eniuse, + “ ey 2-020 a i y : es SEIS BIR NINA Hutchinson & Co, Chartotte, “ J M Johnson, Mockevile, Perry, Simpson & Lowe. Lexingty 1s60. MA AC. A Santos, Norfolk, Va. Haviland. Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S. ( FALL TOCK. March by 0d Iya BAN’ .— ~ LIVER INVIGORATOX, NEVER DEBILITATES. jeod entirely from Ge Dnt co tnde eaatiisees bet ottdaserd Restos and approved by ai! tna sorted {7 wih condense tn eX A. MURPHY, DRALEKS IN DRY GOODS 9 ta reo mmended. if cured thousands Zap |with' the lest two years whe tad given up all hopes, © of reiter te the pumerous ane . . v8 Uusclicited cerufestes tp my | a ‘ The dc ust be temperament of the BOOTS \ND SHOES, indivi) wivog 1 and uo-| ql jed fm each quanttion es Hares, Capa and Be noets. Sagara, Coffee, Salt.) Moe Cee iL artes ol reuse yen tebe) lagen, vray Natl, Horse and Wule Shoes, ee tra a I8-| vi ATOR, and i piieilch hn Call Shona ting) wl cere Liver Com-| & |plainte, Billous At- and Binoing Skins, &e , | tacks, D: cn to Diarrh ‘ de, we, &e | summer plaints, Dysente- ry, Dropey, Sour Costiveness, Chet-| te, Chetera, Chol: ra Morbus, Cholera! Infantam, F lence, Jaund | Pemale Weakness- yes an Ordine~ cld®, Iiwilleue SICK pas Are now receiv ng large additions to their Stock, to which they invite the attention of the enisens of Salisbury. Rowan and the adjorning Counties Prompt attenton given to orders R & A MURPHY. hg |Stomach, Habitual os ry Family Med HEADACHE, (as can tetty.) tm twenty minutes, rf, tweor three a spoonfuls are tak-| jem et commencement Sepe. 25 R60 NOTICE, attack, | All who use it are jotving ler wonineny Hirin of Ne oes “AIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH : : 6 ‘ : Br a THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW AVD SALE OF LAND! TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. — ALA. — SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM The Negroes of he Exiaieof Solomon Hall, dec'd Will be hired, wt his tate residence, on Wednesday the 2d day of Januiry, 1X61, for one yeur ALSO, about HO) ACRES OF LAND will be sold at the same tine and place Terma made known on that day | B—Parvicular notice im hereby given to. all Pare Ve bie Extracts, and put up ia persons indebied to the Estate of Solomon Hall, GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will beep dee'd.. to come forward on that day and pay up, or tn any climate, reer all claims will have to be collected « rording to law. | whieh the proprieior hee B. CRAIGE, | than twenty years. he J. WHALE, Salisbary, Dre 4, 1960 1729 Executore WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND No. 2 Granite Row, Faovt Srreer, | WILMINGTON, N.C. Dealers in nil kinds of Gr Liquors, Wines, Cigars a tes, Provimona, Fruit, | Tobaceo ' Solicit consignments of Flour, Died Fruit, Feath- price sacins ment. tenance fm thia adverse and many © mention | uch THRE DIMAS. | C4. jere. Beeawax, Tobacen, and Couniry Produce gen- | et tke ary Wintied Sy Dragaiow acmereliy, 22) jerally. Agents for Howe's celebrated Scales | bold wholesale by the Trade te all the large towns. DOG. WORTH. N.G. DANIEL, For the past 7 years with TC & BG Worth ly18 NOTICE THI. ®. T. W. SAN DMD ae af rer COR Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Daroo AND Cremiera, Saliebary, N.C July 5, 1859 New 0 3235 Broadway, Sept Ix, 1560 lyf » ORRELE T sare Payetteville, N. ¢ ) cr STARS. ; TITB unders gned having taken up the books of JAS. A. SADLER, ice iia ce ualaxton: Nec J New York te Bell & Jiuines, give this notice, thins (Late of the Fieva of T. Ul, BREM & CO, Chartotte, § 0) Wee vi Danie e pny, as the =—Wiii Fine Shirts and Collars, SW. JAMES SHERMAN BROTHERS, pe is yumesanie Pe Ae an Colare Dee, 27, 1859 1 Impoatens ann Jonagns oF TVET 1 PERSONS who are indelted to me are Hardware Cutlery Guns, Sept. 25-1119) NOC eee ee respectfully requested to enll and make imme ) ’ ns Tain 1 to have money ; AND AEAVY GOORS, 19 Park Place and 16 Murra. Street. NEW YTORK. 6mpd2 it Lhave called om my » promptly RP BESSENT Nov 2%h 197 1859 Tone & [R60 Ten Cople: Clubs exe: $1.00 each. 2 J) ¢ .- fullowin are Kept on sewt by muil expense, civil Warrants sasas & Bonds Ce rary yppenasy C. J se tktes Tickel juror Tiokots. Prosecution Bo Bail Bonds, civ Bal! Bonds, eri Attachment W Delivery Bood adiainistration Bastarday, ‘Appeal, And many othe oarler om sh conERETETD God's A Sermo Fas By Reetur of *O hous this Ler clay Cis ( band, O he At what nation, «te and to pul Jf that ce ed, Luce tr L thought Creal al awful is bh midst of o his holy ar holy word, truth | Tu times sense of tL his presen he brings « ty bis Lol. tliat be os) eabhutecolt truth, that Vt pours fr overwhelu audiuet daz. dor of the s ©UuUbe ye from the | sou; 4 sens can eyttal halt ideal ib | be i (on We tine Wrajesty i V [oes ) 4 } iv hia h keh tt vation ot But oa Liu War mu yea every world fro made Cron dittereut Far differ this day, Nature. a person human v« er and wi eygnty. 1 al being ' every sou that law, by his co over ever is the rule jad ginent Tunis is le Laajes! finite auc Lord, tho Thou kne ing, thea Thou eon and aria Is not a ¥ knowest | hind and Buch kno high: 1 ge trom | thy prese art there art there. and dwel there sha shal! hol shall cov about me thee: br darkness Psatm l Ob, w soul! soul init minion ! tal man, don of th Bur at his Chur ble juris been wit Look at bow he | all natu searchal served a Chureh nor by si! Spirit of bistory h Sovereigt his peop his Chu trath of sauna rig over ind oral ni Thin Chan teat of | yn the w Rreat pry, gers no pmeenpinee eae ae o J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS ee Riugle copy, $2,00 Five copies, (88.00 Ten Copies, a $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the game proporuon $1.00 each. Payment always in advauce Bi ) ¢ .- following Court and misecllancous BLANKS are Kept on hand for sale at this oitee Catle sewt by muil to any part of Che countiy. at ied chpeuse, VOL. XVIULL. SALISGURY, N.C.) JANUARY 15, 1801 ‘Remarks of How. BEDFORD BROWN, ov Caswxi, Made in the Senate of North Carolina, , on Dec. 9, 1860, on the resolutions of Mr. Hall of New Hanover, on Fede- ‘val dtelations. ! { Mr. Brown said, the time had arrived | when it wae not less demauded by a sense ‘of duty than of interest, eafety aod Louor that the Southern States should make a ‘united demand for a final settlement aud finite udjustinent of the questions of difference whieh are now untappily the ), seurees of discord between the North aud South, and to forever exclude them from the halls of Congress. To effect aa ot- ject which should be eo dear te the bosom oe Oasas & Bond nt : ° 1, to expel ih er Weips. O. & §.Court, 4 noe a . ‘ 1 at thar seas Execations, ©. & tanet p ff < icnl ee er: . 2 : : : vot every lover of his country and ber ia % Maro : ; 5 ’ re aternagl 4: ’ iy s Bt € ) io onset Sutywuay C8 s Devoted to Politics, ews, Ageicntturs, Ieternat Inprovenents, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family. Circle. stitutions, no terme could or would be re- ve bud. May Jurer Tiabot ~ ’ | 1 d full : duvet Fiakots. ae : : ceived ay sduiiesible, that did not fully ir Biesecution Donds, C & ¥ ( Ac; SAMARAS FAP ASIC WO TMV" TS = eaeee serene a oi ane ‘ asd denne Bail Hon, civil eases pen - ae ae ee eee eee ke 2 yo to the rout uf the evils of which we 08 ty Ball Bonds, crim. * aul We = j : me ey , : 1 f Ta IV® 10 rid i, Attachment Writs, Deeds in Trust, favs down the daw of blessing to a poe a es WN ea head re ca hen lee ee ee be a 2 ; en ee _ - - , had such undeniable eause of complaint. » this throegh Delivery Bo mle Dees Pet ieee at) GARETCe tetey oe areas uae ge eee a ek ; ' i a we dust the crime . a e Bee oa ‘ , It os Hail : THE LENT HALF DOLLAR. ‘He would ask, evald this must devontly reid the dhey Biiardiys ie 5 mou 3 to the wieked and despisers of bis law. Atel Uis people Poor, then st Lowe be stl Grol workl of 1 ; ‘ t fre in Wa nn Cay ti When Oars GC ament ane) sal tai wisied ft coiearpmancn 81a: be effect, e “ otes to Bunk, ah ‘ | , 7 ; Ue ! O of Gouspiraters froin ashington Ci ‘ : i ; in in REAe fing Seay sihorformen(lussfrequentusc, uBleukeyticged: iy WUE UueMTy stay) by mtep atid see how teeta Phere ds a tearful parattel to our ease in the of the evn he thomght te bing upon us. Cliledua ‘ te aptly a : 2 wl Bie | | years old.a bright balf-dollar wae given ied, while the extremists of tbe North and ru finditisonen carter on short notice iy he fuifided Tis word to the Choreh word of Goud. When deroboam was abou: te Eben wonid the olden reign of equitable and - ¥ i ily . t SO ee acto ill him by bis grandfather, to buy auy thing | the eatremiete uf the South are fanning nee it whenese, Not ean be conerived amen fearful than rend the unity of the dewish nation, the trie: honorable pesos in onee more. and them the ce al sic ere Cele Mm he pleased tor bis New-year’s present.— | the flame of sectional animosities by one- you when. g, ‘od's Gover 1 of Nations: the curses here denonticrd, Tomakes one’s tase diate dithieuity was the re fasalof pasties, and tine shadow: « ihoaeonte murine. (tit if owe eee uo exciting rebel tun by propayat The boy's mother bad that morning taught | sided appewls, sketchiug the dark side of ople en, God's Government of Nations: stand on endto. rend thet tlveal ‘ i - ing falee reports of an exciting character, pj . | oy bee) og : nny / ‘ ud te em inent of stig tester wrens by the ges Wee, tnay net hope tor that, yet bt us, hetoved, lie Wh ew x racter hin the vere, “He that hath pity on the the piciuce without giving the bright as a A Sermon pre STALL ULL cM the day that God ealhel Atha. Kehoboun, He retused the connsslot the old down on the dust under bi feet, and jean. on 10 te egraphe to Wiliaington, for i your lendeth to the Lord, and that which | well as the dark shades, which etern jue Fe can be no hn ee Fad Day. Jun, Sih, 150) ee vall a mes Steps of proeress, aatel amen ny took advie® trom the young Poutooums the fath ot that blessed) word which protmsed stance (if ey a -if the story were he bath given wilh he pay bin ayain.”—/ nee, as well us rigid historic trath re- NE MUst go wre oS Salas . ’ thin day, God has been present, a vaity revert bas Rau gdom and tescuved to Fish with seer to spare a erty trom desteuetion it titty. if forty net eoncoeted there) that troops Were Oo Pie words were funning in tb | u : : ton itty , § : ' e boy’s! . B. ° disordered ur yx¢ By Rev. JOSEPH © HUSKE eee, with hisebarei, aid bas shown ewan day. yeas iistead ot whips dtas sowibous. The ths, if torty. af dnrty, aftwenty, ften, rightevus the way to Fort Johnston, toccerce North jyind while he waaae bin is ails esa io Sete RRe! sans a ' aleve stem that beds a ryliteous a \ Wise COlbsel ¢ Fecal ve Stavestn Salis sec a fou } i , ‘i . . ve ach, the reputety Rector uf St. Juhn's Clruch, Layetterus 6 ry step tha ny ‘ Nip Wise bof tt \ {sta noisdis tien could be found within it, Carelinat Who telegraphed this false 4, purchase a tuy which he had sees in| the people of the slavebolding 8 de hing cate be more impressive Chan the porpeta carded and batted with them 4 ieee bar wich Tol ‘ hood f Wilmingr Rae Ww : Ut the wo, : , x : eet non thoi waves + ewe ars not worse, Lhope, than Sodom and booed from Wilmington to Raleigh t ho Hide . | ; ations oft pee “O house of Israel, crnbot Edo with vou as iy proots of his presence, and of tis tearigs nie and an apect brood of uofledged politiendual Gomorrah, telegraphed from Washington that Seere ae wut the abwp ov the yrevions Scan ee ee ae he Je settiviment theee differences ic. a 3 : bebiotd, me the 1 5 J ‘i the virtue ing this potter? smth the Lord. Belotds ne th Jesty rn Ue church Ly pes of this teekions age, are about to deve tis Oh that the elurch of God, “the little flock,” taries Thompson and Thomas had resign | Just before Charlie reached the store * i 4 a's li: oa ie , ' 1) ’ - e : " v7 = a Preparatiy clay 6 in the ee : und, su are ye 1h iin But thin is tot all, Godhasyevealed Tims: lf tation into desperation by thar i ant and night be accounted “ten muhteous men, tosave ed? That the Cabinet had broken up iu ife me nolrdc en; it possible. He was atmioar , fit, conn band, O house of Israc with feveful distucness, as the absolute Sover beadion counsel fiecomuimtronecieenmoliire dn trimenem rows) Mitten Progident ie inet a@ poor WouMD Who had sometiones) tively certain that a decided majority of rita, or any th At what insiant } shall speak concerning « had “yone washed fur hig mother, and abe seemed | the people of the Northern and North- cvgand the nghteous Judreofevery iaen ip WWase -citiard with) tlhaocursr tale ane s We - ve been misied , vation, and concerning # kingdom, nd pluck up jer Weaver, Ws fen Iponesery at Tie dive Corse with that Whites tis eter fii \ F ~~ ee ay ee hal to bein great distress. “Whats the iat: | western States now see the necessity, and A quart of Ex.n, and to pull down, and to destroy 1: mightiest one upote earth ts \ ' fre en witali of oleeloiiess creas Gtits P Secession — Every dav brings .) ¢: 2 peal SE1e ched ter, Hannah?” said the kind-hearted child. | are ready, by State legislation by repeal- ost of these had Jf that navion avait whom TL have peoneune pads. as the sou ny nit Tis Cod seitisl and corrapt portions who infin and TO MEET sore new paisa of the secession ee ae Coa Piet “Q, Muster Charlie, I've got to Ly turned | ing their personal liberty bills and other Hes ien aa ed, twen trom thew evil dow ti tepeus al Ube et Gt fearfal majesty 1 wert nations ofthe insted the mitiuls of tl ie ee le cue a es oe ee eas ae ee d That another into the etreet this cold morning, aud iy) aunale enactments, together with adding ied paintel ac U thought ty de a eo orth, juste ates tae ei soveranvtiing, power aud per tor theitiselves West Se ee! Be “—_—e ere hae little Bill go sick, too!” »Turued into! amendments to the federal constitution, he variouseiing Se no GUE aout Wy Mord an every But what wire tne tesue £ Was that pets eG celal netrcse)eCuunminn ier maes Suulane Ul ho started the ‘the street, you aud Bill! what for t’—/to yield such terms as would meet the re- story current in Rielamoud, Va. oo Wed market, ean Groat and feurfal is the majesty of God Sand forme which can wee enipnas oo tog Te Rear near ie ener a (CR gO) EN ent nen TCC MTT eET Tm ineT TCC ann n oe ‘ i oe ; Because [can’t raise my weekly rent. | qoirements of both our bonur and secur- 1 +) bon awful is bis dominion, when once, ae now int vicwt weet Eval Lins 5 en ecient teas, batt ene Cieeltaiial ate Ca lemey ert ae | \ \ nesday last, that ‘Grow. ilies tad tseucd ]* . . d ‘ sma 1 ’ Q : rie Ree ly Now Yo “ ; vu just been to see my landlord, amd he ; ble for the ori- ea we cally midst of our troubles, the eve is opened to see ay an instiiment i Good fo tes Vi ~ 1 tat foul ty oh el sae } ) er prochimation, ordering the ciizens of . three d aa ; abel pees How eu pore ee Ey) to supply web AeA aT iC cs os a ; ie i a 1 mene Pwo months age the bonds See naa . all says its three daya overdue, and he | not! tes of national men in both eeetions who w ee toad et ‘ie 1 ee ee aon ul s ron SENNA é f. \ I} | fronth Carclus would have co { ee tn \ en in at ahaa | eater our 1 6re he the weu | wish to remedy these evile to act with even Beene late n Se 1 eae - el Wes a peouitum i. Wall <ereets furshe has 9° Ports on the North Carolia coast an’ now to put my bed and stove and few | etfeet, when the extremes of the two sec- ch are irrese, truth | vitiew oo : oe ‘ vase ae ' , ' invest then with the flay of that State ¢ ] | : “Feet iB intende TitimeseC econ isyenisewella en ony ; ; : ; Gata ormall debt and ber berds for that Ach er : a {things on the sidewalk. O, what will [tions were daily, in Congress and else- n eaee and perospe (We TO Tertae, plete mn (heat 3 , nit sti tas se roy A ; vb who os , > ates ‘urre re | ca c F ¢ : 5 eal onl: sense of the majesty anil ing oat God of 4 ' Mie vite donee \ a tl et fie thet furl \ we held int starsat dneverinake their n Frid 1 t ‘ un ’ oe oe fod Bos taualis DU UI Hannait” where, plying and lashing popular sentl- i ‘ 1 f \ t eS TEE , nt lade lus ie 4 * were . 1 ‘ . = i 1 we his presence and of tis unrversar tile, Dut when ta tos will lee ; tN Kod appearance at the Stock exchange, “The ae ' - iy " " . ; t ae S asked the boy, with a choking voice. — | iment with oneseded statements and irri- . i : a ; Ate your giver, either to : the , Ths i f 13 ; iw Tr! he brings evi) apo us, we caro te thin, we Curu Itas so affirmed of every t OHO wee oh were eect ee ntcabed on Auguste Delmont, a well eee ene aris ae = fate “T's half a dollar,” said the woman. ‘It iatny denuaciations t two bie Moly Word, sid iol in that word we tind has pes had tod | ‘ ‘ met ws robear Wey anitoet ; , known democratic banker of largemeans | “ ee { t he ae | t Hl pe to be put out ia this cold +) Was this the manner of proceeding & C0., chat le is ever wliie, ated 1 votheng fine Moaband Aumont cent Amat \ ; Ve ee a ed wnd strongiy southeru teelimus. Mr Bel)” ha Wie ; re ia ae ‘ Moand suro To will dic with hia” & Nov) among the great and revered statesmen S. eannut comprehend ations Che ates Aen he omndouw ated Assyrian Batik at | \ ER Ret CMe le, Talalte enna er ncneret neutseatoely fooked attue paper but re ve oe ‘ Pa, aa a ne aah ale ie ae st you wont, DO eyo sha’at; said the ten: ot our revolution | When sectional jeal- OITLEs Fon $5 truth, that “the Lord God treo . i: Aenea in Oh acta eee ; er Ue atte Alcea Olin 7 ie a , ae a. : ee der bearted child, and feeling iu his pock- | ousies sprany up during the revolution, \ : ve puablie tine some act of plreazey ? ' Vt pours from: the fouutar Col another house of Southern Pectoral, overwheluing torrent ups tthe seul One ts (ues ownines i‘ his i u lant of Peres a el ie a ioe et he brought forth bie treasured half) and when the present federal conetitution Lee nee at aes a fiese Cae 4 ee dobar, and placed it quickly in ier hande eatelourcoibe iratned mew herd fer ty falwe, and i vot know to be so by He Sccing she hesitated to keep it, notwith-|enee, and bebold with sorrow the lamen- ‘vy also made s j referred the avent to Mr asniust dazzled by the : ae ae eR cae eae : ! ee . A nas Vea , mtd that he had just Lertr wanieal oe oe : ‘ee ae standing her great neod, Charlie told her table descent iu statesimanship. Men of Uthenevaes . vuseyed the tharninge x > : ( an ate and ow ands “ Te Vermin sya " so aS ‘ o ve true s there to yt was all his own to spend as he pleased, | higher resulve and nobler parpose never employed Ay froio the Nps Ob the vapt ssers. hia} sus Sees : Mee ‘ EME Ds Hd ICE \ Notse are the loan iat wg ity about the telegraph and that he woald rather xive it to her) jived than the statesmen of that day.— ae sow msense ofthe tenn) any ste Gl Wirat oe | ~h ‘ = cl ( , ee Loy, Sores Shad any incendiaty or trator tan have the uicust toy in the ate e.—| Wir falltdiani ni Paiier wel cUnmeeu siti neat isan sr rs oe jx : eee nee he ' a ny tl t CMT aru eest tiny Miran erients wi tintlic tiuel aA . 2 wh that wouder ul dignity, argument, . mad inl ; oe Veen Woo. v : . Se ne eae ; ; A as : raise Voassessuients peu tie me men 4 / ‘ ‘ a Ue Phen walking away swiftly frow thes! op and elevation of character, did the speech- Hef all it haven. Sat ey ‘ ; 7 : : . - ee ‘ h cue roowt J . \ Sit etenceerrcntiy Caecum ase ‘ s ele re a — and a aud | windows, wich were all full of tempting | es and addresses of these almost inspired . ‘ . a : / arena ; yy ee ag navies Pra ee ee UE that shoud they fel te meet the ser ed oti Weaies : a New year's, prosents, he weot bravely) men go forth to the world. Moet of the C Pills ernie. Ulm caecraneniatih starr Wore) alee foie hor Alay ey eee Suie, Ceeuial ipon them tey wil be wuarkedy oy ages be publised i arrears er ee home to bis wether, sure of Ler appro | present generation of popalar speakers s retry eee! eoattes ind Poeancot naire, ated aaciet the | WW Wralaow ieee) coleenake \uotuatliae tie tt naced under the bien Pie is an earher - he te ad i : J a ; 2 a a bation, : and debaters iu legislative halle, might, ueaiige 10 t nlobe Vira tie t TAN ' ie { : ; fee eet ” ® reset tia intett five bean lopkel furte, ” i“ i i: seu Se ie et) ; The first person he met was his grand | he thonght, find at least benefit in reeur- Indigestion, Drs. rude att ‘ 1 (ms me 2 Sy peev. atid t ! oat va }} ! DE “ap lee tl Vootuist t the evelem prevalentos fate Vears in Mex a, ue se h pater had observed Charlie Ho | ring to these purest and best of models. Headache, Pues) it 1 sot srl 1 if ‘ m t ke Ne buchad wack eo bv wineih any visting government, 1¢ Cullspiratore are inowing, Nut het: down the street, and was waiting for his) They were the great men of a great age. + Diseases, Liver ; ee i : ay Ue ieier ccinitoner evecare las yeu and earth, but the carth and @ Wore) roturn that he might see what le bad Mr. B. eaid he lad beheld with astoa- aoe pas Feo be ou ‘ I cuted ' ‘ wit theeives, (HS pot this great Babson heenin the habit of rusing “toreed loans” Pee eee iad eee eee ought. So his firet salutation was, | ish meut—with inexpressible amazement, o! (MT EM iia N tery ai reheat Os ' . . “ } have ranit And Wane Seinen tu le likened ta wurtoun a noe iS a Ath of Marcel, ee that they mayyieWoll, child, what have you done with| tie scenes which here, in the legislative he moet sensi We tind tu the Digok goeatirg > fhe et thot t vethempoutanto the com uudht oof aodteer for military service. The -litfer mi ue aid/of Maryland, ecize W wali: your money 1 Now Charlie's grand-| halle for the last four weeke, had 2 6n- Eas : on Majesty ib every a@lusion to Ui ‘ \ trey Dhar t when ther bedie: shall he twet fhe conver. banca icui@a And Senn naan’ an a : Dae Governor of that State | father was not a religious man, and the/acted. It appeared to bim more like the v th eceunt ne t : CAEN Tact ‘ e ; ee Heaven tear laws ens eect ioe yaecheannrer drape the (reluctant a adviseu of their movements, which boy knew that, though he somefimes| em a) O dseturbed imagination, hava ox ks ro §) (0 i ws . “ ue a ‘i ; : / a a Maori, i m le | : se ‘ - - | * . : : ae , 4 ‘ : ml ae i 2 ; irs fromthe coffers of foreivners whilst ae ee eae La ee |gave mouey to his relations, he seldom | gad reality. How suddeuly—nay with a Nee een ‘ey eee Neer an ec ae . tut to batide tutu tue pockets . : gy , OT ENC bestowed it upon the poor ; So) what rapidity had the scenes been shifted i He Bay 4 “7 - he rather disliked to tell him what he had! from those of cheerful uatioaality, to | \ ‘ : Live poticeablo py cden THE POLICY OF COERCION done with his money; but while he bes-| those of dark sombre disuuion, with the a = \ nes a Wie Genie etal eet a ; itated, the verse which be had that morn- | motto uf no hope impressed on its banuer, : , 4 A Chesed) doors, tas passed an he advocates of coercive measures to- ing learned came into hes mind, and help: | and its followers invited to haul down the cnevieeriae a: i A i Creme ee AUiert UR oieretGar at eoen tlt ( ea point to the course ed jim to an answer. Looking pleasant-| stars and stripes, and plant in its stead beve complains : if ha { \ nm OUp On OVers ven thie State pursued by W ee) when a part of ly into his gra: dfather 8 face, he said,:the former! Was this the entertainment wed or iter ene eonceritr ee ne ‘ | : ; Ke is Fe Cea one rset] fl Lhe tiered) (0 State ot Peunsyivauia resisted the Pye lent ig air.” Lent your balfdol ‘to which the people of North-Carolina i ere Fo ermal eee can) ‘ ~ : Pe A cient teteccd verde (ow Gate ee Congress: and say that Mr. Buch lar? Foolish boy. Yousl. never yet it; were invited, in the elections for mem Rimceus ce Ge ee neice. ] , i ‘ ' | \ , ‘ Perera i euch sain as it proposes te raise, say five anan tinds a precedent there tor coercion. -again, | know. “O yes, I shall, graud bers of the Legislature erdibrosdestaud nek want ihe veri bes bist at teva \ esc ely ile td by ‘ " Sod : fun ated tts fons uf dotilers, w tended every NOtSe. The cases are notat all parallel. pa, tor Ive got a promise to pay.” “You Vice President? When the honest vo id have Viecthe SNOMCLItE esse w Reet a ” Moacvouitediate stan ates pee rene Witty ete wll flare ie ' ' tr ta GNDHOT Ale Rieu carver [he rebellion in Pennsylvania, koown as iwean a vote, T’spose; but it isn’t worth ters of the State were asked for their coa- NC nees of ( Uae Rit foe ere # : . ALLL See : La . ' ' Het bli ie o 5 a " ire ' ‘ , as) : teetet Aes POO te 1 woh te pen, to RAY tl e ay fusurrection, included oa a cent.” . A) yes, grandpa, it’s perfect], fidence, and asked to confide their dear- sha vation of that whiten he teas Coats SS ee) | ’ ¥ ue i rothite of a pace, T r eon @ partofthe people of that State, wba did y vod. Vin sure about it, for it is in the gst rgits in this great crisis, did the scenes . feuu tle unt Cena efee wot 1 { ' wopy ‘ De ewe re iene tebe Mot enlist the sytiputuy of ayy other Bibie.” “You wean you've put it there! of the political dratna give token of any BLT ee SU: a u on ‘ ~ ee ies acu, eT rene that the Wet ere eee _ jlor safe keeping, elt Lot ine see it.” note of preparation to tear down the fed- Ms es Ue gta Mea NUS! ' a el ~ es ne pn Ae eee ied ajest \ oor remtva rien Again, the measures taken by Gen Charlie brought the book and showed) gra] Union, anless for aggression or refusal ee eed - " ; i ee . Mie say wid ae ; ; : aM 7 \ STG _ . o W iat thik th neste Nomi Carian oa a 7 a By Te ay \ Tete linn the ne ae a vity on of jussien t Did the actors in the politi- [yal world from that ord hy winch caw w ‘ ‘ a f Re lecten, ane ht would dy Of this? Uf they groan over a tax of 5 aS ST ee tr Lele ee ae eth to the ages that cul drama, with rare exceptions, proclaim made God sic in tis 0 ee 1 meearth the work of Ul met devl in hell, Cents cach on one-bal: of their negroes ett aera eer eo will he pay bin any such purpose, grounded on the elec- Widerent spectator ul Ui warhlteneatt fin erst le hauled . fis Joudd for interneeime war, what will they say to sixteen doslars | No a F ee aa Sue ee wy agelo. Se you gave your woney by ltion of a President? On the contrary, Far different tou frant the puitieal Atte sn of ta devastiaia trons : bite | Vis tea pe neato ted tans See apiece onevery, one weep N. Carolina “arin, CHINO) ON (OX: Te COKE) SMES QS [eee CS OY Weil, you Wneversee did uvt the actore with rare and few ex- this day, which luows ae Gol bat the forces of When at the beltoni ot aa | i treason. titer, and blocdsticd, nursed while ghall bave been “dragecd” ont of the 2% very different now from what it was ie it again, Who SZ OUIUT pat) 1 vt SAVE) ceptions repel the charge of disunion io Morre Gin dhe aitbre tds dines GMa) (en tes cig! hiniaye eae, irene ' Pose bwin, bamoaied when dead and bar emecouthe present Union into a contederacy with es2. Then uel owa people were CECE LO Uaunal Green, ot! aud Chariie language indignant, and in terme some- & personal but unseen: God, present wielievery pen cle the fear at sles wits at ‘ Sooth Carolina? ded amongst thenielves, and tot @ Bay teld nim her sad story. "0, fudge | tines scarce tit for “ears polite?” Strange human sual, ruling over iow ‘ rd i prow Tes] t for rand f 7 A 1} ali aver the Jan a the eytrava Avain: aeremetroineetiie RUretorn tary Southern State evinced any active » ud lis grandtather, “you Cau ( pay poor shitting plecenent Sudden rovcual of er and with nO absaline wid) sivases Fite sever pins pee Mea uv oo Stan nd Ee Ge ee OUEST ates cay, that erain dealers in Chicago © mnpathy with hen Now, her people tothe’ reat; 1s all nonsense. Aud vow characters ! Unparalleled facing to the oignty, He asserts his detained over exces iio Without t tnever cat ye dul pot potiay ml exteavag , eh Cr eer em eter ie mremeriecartrompcie act as one. tan, and four aud five Staten you've lost your New year’s preseat, or lett about! The proclaimed promises al being which he has made. Hs baw is ups Whatever tts maternal pr rity, whatever thy caption ne public (th See irhetesule stating ot astern States enue maa stand ready to follow her, and shace ber’ will, if 1 dou't make it upto you. Llere,” yet from breath vot long since uttered — every soul, The destiny of every seul te ander wisdom of its polineas 1 whatever ite paliated with mee plirases, See difameus view Tretia retires er me loiateetionala alu Leta conflict. of arms come, no pe added, as he threw Lin avotber half te recorded declarations inade iv ink pot that law, Nothiug happens to Ue seul. tar nmmuinents of war, whatesor the enti of its aided with ald. see divoree made vas ent inet cree logue great walter by whom, or for what cause dollar, “seeing your wovey’s gone where juny since dry, are gainsayed in a few by his counsel and will. Hest. acneenty Kane sol whatever the skiliand thitt of ats pecpre, pot gammy ¥ nk cls) ft net , ae = us eta Meenie Inpicine Cratcalwli ere Drought about, and ull the alave Statee you never will yet it aguin, L uinat give eer nal and en paren es very er. Dyer cerry Sis doiitelrgence, Hi ghteotsuess however vast its cominens t Se eee fe ene fa 4 ohh ar rote fea fal oN gold is hace now any thing but abundant, Roll nUi veto the confhet, aud vet, you rome wore, | ‘wpose.” "O, thank por of the woun.” The parties in this in ee a ae ' — ie Saat ‘ on “ee ee ' , a i fee a ta W es te tot eens 1 rare where the plants (oath € cliocen to VULY 18 the tate of the Union seated for you,” said Charlie, beartily. © 1 knew drama and actors could not claim evep sr le ee a u eA a ean lech i) ay ae “ \ ban 1s Soo foo svete here, the uegi-et of God in las; devote all their energics to the cultivation ae ue a ‘ee Se re, ne Lore wae uel tne ear a ve tho benetit of a three monthe statate of ie maayesty aud dutminiui ie impo iu thas in tod vse Who will mot surat he ow mid the despasinor tislaw, See days bof cottom to tie megeect of bread and "4 ; L. a Meus : a wall ‘ ian i: as U a OIG say ‘“" vut didi Ui linitations, to protect themselves against tinte and ineompreheusible jurisdiction, OF ny vd t Phanks ving almost turned inte a) meat. Aw for North Carolina, we lope aus as ue - ae ‘ Mr an ~ Ux pES to nee It 80 Se ; a” \ \the charge of political tergiversation and Lord, thou hast searched aie and known on ve oiobition of this prnephe whieh) tare, ie nghd cues and lawe of business andi there is enough of Lott: to Feral) UNL they CURE CxnCes aT GN) OCR USER OE Phat boy's too much tor me,” said the glinost unexaimpled inconsistency. Thou knowest my downsitung aud a ’ called forth ail those tietee and fiery words ot the Snot bendiig even under the weight of the) youths. ueredible as they are. old) gentleman; aud le walked quickly Are we to be hurried on by the princi- z ] ae > 1¢ »| f t ‘ “uv TP dp a ’ ing, thon understaudest my thought afarof Prophor of God. winch aie trae for all time duty Lhanksuning. See the sin of drunken) Batewen here, little as we are inclined It seems to be the common be HAS CEN esate hild’s Paper | pai actors in this great drama—he would : Gen. Jackson overawed South Carolina | a aw jsay tragic drama—are we to be pressed and art acquainted with all my ways. Por ther the Kingdom 1 departed from th ’ Wwe ligird olrone inert tua week of by the presence of a large military force, | A NE Wel Ns __Theadlong with uo time to think, and told ord. thew know that the most High ruleth inthe Kingdom spintef insubordination, We have lost CITeLEIG Wee ae ee veer retaeit teat liy oN cw) Ore and that ehe backed down. Such 16 not he Centrifugal pun was exhibited jy effect, that we are not free agente to Thou eompasaest iny path aud my tying down, “Oh Wang Nebuchicinegzar, to thee 11s sp ken, Wess to ths mation, unparalleled ire said bY ANY ty gaffer for the sing of South Carolina, nit thon other mation ader heaven, See the untversal Is not a word ww my tousue but lo, ol ] ttle. knowest it altogether. Phou has etme be ot ee af ; are - sac . ie ee a ee ie etree ner een eee | tbe fact seh ae ne ae in Boston last week, [t isclanned by the act, and that circumstances and necessity, i ood dt . 1 ” ' ‘ \ asat bat thes tare wth Sthe ent: wo osupremaey of Law, ee al nt . . Sys > soldier took care ave ; : * no ee 1 . : . sg hind and before, and lard thine hand upon om - Au . AL Was wt HL hrew - isthe om x ae ae et jive Srinte fe (Uhm, cotherm trend Mine consominate solver tov ‘ are to A oe inventor, Mr. Dickinson, that bis gan w ill the latter the tyrant’s plea, leave no other Bach knowledge is too wonderfal for me, 118 fingers of «ciman’s hand.” ty write upon the walis you can ss he vou +4 afixcames: fen chase poe. cea am caeme Ce REC force in Fort Moultrie, bat when he | throw 500 balls per minute at a long rifle alternative than to fv//ow blindly the lead , Se erate erence lis eile cucret, which some of vou do tat even suspect : : a ! y ) bigh: I cannot attain unto it. Whither shail i of Belshazsar’s palace the doom of his Kingdom, 1 seeret ' K a : . eka ent a national vessel to collect the re , 5 : ie Y ILLS ig thy spit, or whither shad 1 flee trom “Mone, mene, tekel, upharin’ © Tear the fear to be pos Ne upon earth, and then ask vourself, Wail street lately, to borrow, ey he tro ccilue Worcliurveditlic oficer 1u.conunand obese eon nea aes ee mille ai of one or more States ? ’ thy prese nee? If P ascend up ito heaven thou. fal words ofthe Prophet of God, °Oh, thon ifthe evil now pressing upon us and atnorbing returned home empty.— Fay. Ohaerver. i ? pes Ps Fe of dpe wat 6 ae ee i : a coffec A : "i My Author and Disposer, what thou bid’st, rene y ) i 1 : , 5 ; ae mr te pera dO es c, Me fi e le to a funne: with a shovel, 16: rued, I obe 4 put up ia ae a, . | ike laren tiioeinie iisCr rae Nelo he all thouchts, 1 anything else but the ghttering eats e a 5 * Ee RUS ee Ie aT ee Cue A Wil meep art there; if [make inv bed in Well, tn hold thea King, the most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar all thoughts, ts anything ¢ Dae Ne ne shed a drop of blood. This was such at frog) which the gnn feeds itself. It throws 7 : art there. If L take the wings of the morning thy father a kingdem, and urgesty and) glory sword of God the ripe frit of chat seed which Hino Fort Moultrie got its Nam en lca meet limvenbeeimoxpectcll | 1 i : 1 : They have spoken—zwe have no right PILL wee, and dwell in the uttermost part of the «ea, even and honor And tor the magesty that he gave was sown in departing from the fear of Gud the Teenie re Ne merear | MabereethT attrus(C eer coun enna MCC RNIRE TG LG a aie its shots singly but ste is rate 4, speak, but to echo their will. 7) y proprietor 1 ot . ( oy ie. o « OU cf mul. Jae a J50 ., ( 1 * tee obo there shall thy bwod lead me and thy ryght hand him all people, nations and canquages trembled majestic and absolute Tuler of nations as of men Stee ee et tote tet ene ata : v equal to the ceaseless fire of 19,0 oer ave acted—we have no right to act, only pase shall bold ime, If Tsay, surely the darkuess and feared before bin, Whom he would be Beloved Brethren: itis revealed with fearful : ' arenes sa at eee _, We find the toregoing paragracl 1" 14 say we are to vbey / Where is the pro- ee ma shall cover me, eveu the m it shail be light slew, and whom he would he kept ative, and emphasts, almost in every line of God's Word Maniac: one of (hee Uravcrt a That controversy between the General ooyoral exchampes. There was a aimilar ee (tee eateels Nort yi en Nonmeltcal ase ent Cotherties : ‘ eu i ] ) afions for ther sit , The: NCh revocation, whe gamed a Croverninent amd] South Carolina was set an =) 7 4 q z ric pill about me. Yea the darkness lideth not fron whour he would he set up, and whem he wenld that God will punish ne fron forth P hoe ! : ae ame u ul ae Fie ee ane re . ee oh un i 4 ne i a i mac ine —perhaps the principal: i8 1M wage is uttered, and where the love of jehed fort thee: but the mght.shineth as the day Ue he pat down And now park bow all this iftt Sane and oe a vee ieee , : i \ j ne er ier : a Ly - Mu ie a A i t ne sane lentical —on exhibition at the A abama States’ rights so often spoken of, a enthuse : have prononne v0 ill We repen vo ritis sna dron ee ulin » tari au r , . ) ‘ ‘ : : . ¢ ; . : : : darkness and the lylt are both ahke uote thoes ggreatiess: sunk and | way RU Moi esT iM euuSl AN Os nar rei Uy el UALS D2] 0 sli : ' ye i ue Wiebe aa pees ‘ nie , State Fair, two or three years rince which course with respect to North-Carolina ie vita dup and the evil he Choneht to bring on them. Tere Moultrie was a native of South Carolina, Jackson was invented in a neighboring county urged? The true English of it is, that C1 es ae art ls aid of etic act early co” I willbe well the Grewnt at 4st Antaucn or Dall wattinne, Weir che right of the Baten belong only eon, be not changed, we are ramed bevond hope haath ovmdl ain Mee GFA CHE conden priate mds (ae Giada imcntvace Se sea ‘Neat ve Mall At ie Statos about tu secede, whieh he wish- ’ ; . i cute a J the time. It is the most destructive arm; cuein to exercise undisturbed, and that f9ct® ever invented, and we trust that if tiers are to be shorn of their own sov- Psatm 139, &e. view) But when hi Ub, mighty God, whose law shall judwe my his mind hardened on pred soul! Oh mighty band of God, that holds my from his Kingh ee mid soul in inevitable subjection to his tichteous da trom him minion! Sink down in the dust, oh, every mor ©) Belshazzar, has not hanibled fhene heart Tonite: divided, the proud self will and pas tg construct a fort on Sullivan's island. ercron, and understand whether the ; Pas Re thouuly thiuknewest allthis, but last lifted) up sionate, fustous pnrsnit of our ends righ; or ‘ fs lestan Warber, and ere : t Tine then corre tal man, and confess the majesty and the dumin thonuh then ] : at the mouth of ule noha » and and cireumeastances attendiig them Corres me a hould grow ont of the .. i. mean: : thyself against the Lord of Heaven, and they wrong. is the seed of ran Divieon will tet a ay ged upan the work when the yond with those now existing EOnOKt ee a i a ne the oretenty- shorn of the attributes of sov- an i ali | Grod ru \ have brought the + Is ot His house before cure (hrs evil, God is tiew oh may it ben b | A a ' | oft tl ie i es es : re Bo Ww present difficulties, the South may not be ereignty, the right to think and the right Sut atin written agai, Cat Sead nites SS Se esa See , rritish fleet appeared of ie CO ie chmod Avy : i is effecti ¢ i fi i syaee | ‘ li ae vernal and ainfall: thee, and thou, and thy Lords, ated wiek, NOreT EINE US SOHN IOP DAT Me IAN Re It Fae fen ante : ‘ found without this effective weapon. 4, aet, and to wheel into line as attendants ns Church with the same wuiversal an ; y L i Phe wl Dene ton WAS advised to abandon the fortress, as We have forgotten the gentleman 5 and satellites, by a law neal iheinann ble iuriediction. Wnscen bat atel jsent, he ins aud Gig Ceeciuties wane i) ee BIKE TN Hho. pect hereatter Be SUMO TUN SL ra CmieCiaria re. le sanerinolicen de ; : : me “ Sy t J iw ronda ety t eve Mark the ety ofsacrdugeatd desetiation of trod’s ped; the chanoels of Owia choked: the Baud 2780) © Uehes Lee, 1 : ’ Finidemic among the Horsea.— Tho namo who invented and exhibited the Qoirrol In other words, we are to have een with Uxiways, eonductiuz it Kb tvoty Stelin oo ® b clared it was no bettor than a “slaughter pire ; hi the State Fair 1 : 7 : Look at his people frou: the beginaiigg, and see bouor And thouabaet prac the coda of of rushing back upon the beart: the nation panting - “Blind Staggers” is provaiiing in an epi inachine at the State ie Mail ig Southern “higher law” overruling the ' i era pte i ne tt eh peu. , abama ail. | , ‘ N ISS, Davo how be bus led them like sheep. Seehow, against ver, an Pof gold, aud brass, eon, wood, and stone, for breath + bankruptcy oe ne Pie nt But Monitrie had faith in his own work demic form among the Horses in the up ~ A ‘ will of our people, and | overruling the ao , | eous starvatton st ain the face « e poor put Me 1 Vs : F i oe ‘ i oi all oatucal laws, under his profound and une whieh tor hear nor know: and the | Rylan stnne wi iitlsiaritig 1M : ie : Wy ye and defended the fort with great skill and per part « f this county, in Union, Meck ee ae ey very sovereignty of our States,—showing 1y6 Reaiita(teiiniistecimi Wee decvaeleat ca whose hand thy breath ts, andl whose are all pod met “ le . pan ane a ne nent yemy. One lenburg, Stanly, Cabarrus aud Rowan, " oN eo ” : Rawk "We op tnt Northern gnd Southern extremes ) ' 1 acetate ae tof w]e 8s ‘ peouly sh Kg alor, and drove e ‘ iat wal 1 oh SAV . ae ” served and increased. See how be law ninde hes thy wavs, haat thon not glor | ih | AN8 \ iu a i S . hie hoo F lineeantie cirunmlacaliiawe awe not orto wy > , fie Y Aiea oie higher law, setting acide rat i nats t homad ft F brat s dea Ely aly stip, was dost, and twa & c eae rere ! o hire o ~ ; Jr., Church a power in the ward, “not be ingle RT ce TE Ue a GIG a a er f Da eae ql t became been able te learn, Tn many cars the ‘ Doe eo eee ues State nyhts and constitutional obligation. ‘ nC) nor by atrength, but by bis spirit’ —the uneven that fearful state in ACI Ne Une UTI eA Ne FINE CAD STO tereans ao awoand so riddled ast Se De ee ren Wicaniittconeinintyen iter mbes ae tor the coming year Negro men Mr. Bo would not consent to surrender Charlotte, spint of power, See trom the benming of the nation in tinmediate proxy ye Gerais t ror ready t ye uper ! ! wrecks. Tlie loss of (he clheny Wa si Wier oe ena nk bat a io have been hiring for &125 to R150 the rights and sovereignty of Nortb- * z » ° y i \ ' a ' nthe ' tier “he ‘ stind affacnwes Ve pitt hey : \ ‘ > § “ bistory how every thing hag been bent under bis We base sinued against famonta sont 4 ay - ue he ha killed and wound - NI a A Steir cimele tian ie diepane. [he Great ove been bired for 880 to $90, and wo Cynuilon to any people a earth, foreign | RS sovereign will, and shaped to the promotion of God, and our sin ts how a t DS HE SSO » : a LL killed and 26 wonndec he fortress : men who have brought $50 are now yo fen ; ea ALi ees ; ; . at fight ‘ ; a he horse 19 a ref on he ; 5 vr dowmertic. Let us deliberate as free HE ’ ez i \ io es prod Wer into Acontest in which we must heht ay rnjured by the fire of the Dr aymptomn in the lhorse is a refusal \ eNO an ann) Niterclncuon min or t 5 . : rook re relation to That sprint the peop w his people's glory and good. tn hie relation to: That spit peo} part to eat or anne A preventive «: c \ men in this great emergency, wisely, eat ty sqabet wrth ope, for vite be orun, Nednalter De hie Church, we find hia word full of the great the d tHealty that now dat itens withent h Wax i fish squadron, ane vhen the batte wae ; : : Pedant nr ee umon with the depreciation ofall kinds |. ily, prudently, as becomes the intrepid yi ae vf i Ai . Tne wl eats 0 tw bobo a lappy t u i : = av ! fia to ypive ye animal pier irinly, de vat : Guns, truth of bis sovereignty and muhteousness, The tis ta u CSG Eis ’ x Slee, i d ' » overevery yin on the fort. but one, was [? f oe 11 te ae zi i rhe of property, and wo cannot but regard it men of a Republic as to aes are | | the t 7 x \ et « wae pp en peetaatars ream : , anit cat icka ahes; ar ’ sh ‘ bes ’ sane nghteous law prewuls over his Church as cause Itas not the ultenmate Us It if i ; - Pe alent \ still in position Pho determination and ty ° A Es ; ' eae ermerae a wanythiug more than right ur safety and hovor Let us yet in the 8 t (he culmmonQon tuceuilal depanvire acronis SAU Miley UUANES OUI Ts Bh y ' Aro le remedy, after being attacked, ta to alias 2 yur satety a honor, z ’ ' Over individuals, Lhe same yreat pniy thercuutity , : | couraye of Moultrie in this engayement ) a ; & het r fat owe 0 » hope ot freedom, vt mB F 1 onl plaster © ~ i : yi ‘pe, eve fier S a3 he that Street, inotal ndmimastration are there. Look o primitive batonal fa thin the GadofourFathers for as, for the workd, oe ale i ba aa i cheited great praise, and the fort was by off the forelock, an 1 ay ee | y ene Ba (be Secessionisty in Viabaima have elec ' pe, even ater tates have la il ee . Tia Chanel bie mighty law is mode the rule and The simple, moral, and God fearing Heol a pa God would, “his tod of pow: ay Pewee nec mimed: in ianonot ite tare and then prent ae Boe nh ‘ eda large majority to the \jabama State Con mh bier ye none rm y FA the 6mpd f 2 r a etart. ag den pinto | knew net slat rest rere nniiionwel prop te law St i ‘ . . > mouth and neck ulesdburn Argia \vention nion, the border alave es ani! those bse CA Aad as trees ne alc AU ch li Oe een ae lananare en tne and edie fear and Ramifiation Fela ful builder are] gallant defender the mou! a | passions f . | ) In the termble Q8th chapter of Penterouomy he dese, reckless yodless, | ae adjacent may yet demand and receive terine to enable them to re-construct the constitution about which Tbave no doubt, and by witich we shall be the greatest, happiest and most prosperons pepe on earth; and that all the sisterhood of States will asain be numbered in one great con federated family with ample gaarantics to protect all. Let us act like the pru deut Mariner, who, when his vessel is lew pest tussed, casts around observes the weatier, looks on the Uroad ocean before him, and deterusipes on what course le is best tou save the vessel from the pei which surrounds it, before lie takes a ew departure. Aud ved traveler when leading indifferent directions. a lite dulay in examining lor Che rhe boa lo save iim from being invelved in dithcul so with a bewral t be comes to several ko bootten tes—souctunes in bogs and quichsatils, the trouble of back track (yo escape trom the Consequences of precipitation and rash decision, Mr. LB. had heared with anal profound regret, the sad notes with which the Senator from New Uanover, (Mr. Hall.) had pronounced the funeral knell of the federal Uoion aud consigned it to sthe tomb of ali the capulyis.” He re gretted that while the Seuator lad paid such marked respect to such evil owen as Sumner, Seward and others, by reading their fanatical effusions to the Senate, that be had not paid /chke re- spect to such names as Franklin Pierce, George M. Dallas, Daniel 5. Dickinson, Commodore Stockton the cloguent Valan- digham and many other pure aud tye pid patriots of the North, whose noble sentiments in favor of the constitutional nghtsotthe South would be more retresl- nytous, Ile regretted that the Senator find vot dweitiore at large on the willion aud takine to the pUrrOW Hatics ol and a half of undaunted patriot of the} North, who had stood by us and cast their against. Lineoin. The speech) was a sample of that kind of one sided speeches, by which extreme men voles Senator's North and South had iashed up sectional: teelings to their present height. Because bad men in the North, taking advaniage ot the disruption of the democrat-c party had banded togetiier—old Tree dimocrats and abolition este—and tor the first (ine in the history of our govern qnent elected a President, is that any reasen for denouncing the whole North ¢ Mr. B. said Southern chivairy, Soath ern wovor, severe listoric truth, ie quired that these illustrious names, aud a@uiiitou and a balf of men ot the North, called by usin the Kreckinr dye campaign whigs, , suc our brothers and allies in a conmnon cause, should not be ignored, Is at, he would ask, in the true witoof knight hood, because they had faden—and not by a large majority of the popoiar vote —to abaudon thems Tier defeat aud that of the Democratic party was, lie was contiugent, brought about by the conduct of the delegations of the seven cotton Stutes, Which seceded at Charleston. ana which fatal movement, by a trai of events, bad compelled Constitution, Un jon-loving men to withdraw atterwards a! Baitimore. It the delegations of tie ses en cotton dates Lad uot at @harleston, there would have been aime ra. certainty of obtaining a plathorm of principies, substantial aud With principies tie same, as the pluttorm Withdrawn 4s strony required by ther State conventions, The tex to whiele be referred, was adopied bY a committee of the New York Ueievation ip conference witht the seven Bave.vul Foatales With remained i tue Convention Was stibiittted to Cie entire New York delezation, assented t ay Uaeti ii fait Jf. WUE A pled ye evel OV them fo rapport itiin Convea tion. Tne reseiution vs as follows, to te jound 1B the proceedings of the Couven tion at Chaneston : Te. wdved, That the zens of United States have an equal right te: set tle with their property ii tie Territories eit thre of the United States; and that, under the deetsion of the Supreme Conn ot the United States, wine we recounize as the correct exposition of the Constitution of the United States, neither the meitot persons or property ean be destroyed or impaired by congress: legialation.” Heret was a resolution and ae comprelicnsive is mal or terre torta en, as oxpliclt lar cuase contd make it, declaring the cqual rights of the citizens of the States to sete with their property in the territories ; dec! the dec moof the & correct exposition of the ¢ the United States, and that rig} tof persons or pr Ae that HBS eet teeny Iprenie . IC Marerreat ee Vertes eu borate the paired or destroyed by Conpresmional Terrivoriai legislation Pie decision ot the Sopreme Conrt of the United Sra : declares that slaves are not only property in tue Lerritories, Aut that it ie the duty of every d. partment oF the gover nment tau 7" te t thin ae preyperty, Vie deleganons of the States which withdrew at C ton, or most of them, remained seme days there, expressitiy a desire to “af their platform of principles was complied with resolution referred to, as he knew, w them qt vate jaterviews, and Lian to al sy ed the passage of a ress by chetrs | Mires retuin s shown to many of ’ a woh jet ; \ (nev deeliuen Going 80. this cone toey prever tion carricid]—ne strong State conver for tesitconld have tes virtually ae ther own vious had adopted, tor the re ethie dec ee 2d 2a selution by adop: in Supreme Court, wiien asserted it to tine the duty of the government to protec: renerty in the Lermtories, reesgniged Pe g fuily the prineyple of protection Pie ence of these delegations ido ne Preset f these a vat w 1 tet aunty, be believed, have cooured the passaye of the resoiition, but they contd under the two-thirds rofe have deteated Mr. Dooylas, and in ail probability tiawe ed some such mation Dickins; id sia nominated aud Sree alan as Daniel S mntted nomimation w victorious Lincoln those who brought thos calamity on the country, or at spoustble for it, precipitate on Hd wt foutt have been over Stand east, Whe are largely re now be followed on conree in overthrawrne thre federal Union, without extiaustin sad proper means first for a settenmert .. safe and honorable te ourselves? | ; the States interest NWR AVE Perey | together in making their demands, at act as oue, if proper tering are notcoy ded The Senator from New Hanover, «Vr Tall.) 10 fis recital of the wrongs an Injaries which the North had iothered ot the South, liad continned the sided statement, and vy to ignore the great and essential aid which of the Kame One red, or seemed the troe hearted national men SS —E North had rendered us. Mr. B. said there were bo words of reproach, no epi thet of denunciation that the abolition traitors of the North, acting jn conjunc tion with Britigh emissaries, did not mer it. On the other hand, there is no lan- guage of culogy that the good and true men there, who, rising above sectional teclings, aud standing with as on ques: tions of peace and war, were not entitled to from onr hands. Let the anathenet notrdndtha be pre eunced auaitist the tractors who bad nes died the laws ane Constitution da the N Ww On the other hand, ou the spirit ot Southern honor and Southern chivalry, lot pustion he done Li tiie heavens Hall==sivG toner th Woon benoris due Voo Senator in eharctug grievances and njyarics by the North. again igueres the noble deeds of our trends there by theie dia Southern Presidents have been elveted and directed tie policy off the zovernment for two-tiirds of tue thie the vovernmert tas been When Southern men were not Presidents, with rare exceptions such men as Pierce and Bachanan have governed with prine ciples die harmony with ours, History awarded to Robert TO Livingston, of N York, more credit: ter the purchase of Louisiana than any ofher stafestan next to Mr. Jetferson, Te was the untiring negotiator, who, afterwards joned by Mr Monroe, effected the treaty with Napo leon, ‘“Proe-hearted national men of the Noth voted wath Ss. the fifteen mithons to purchase it, and for the ratification of the treaty. [ts acquisition notonty saved the federal Union the alarming spiritof discontent and dis ion pervading the entire Western and South-western States--from the fact that the free oavigation of the Mississippi had been denied them, and the great outlet to the Gulf of Mexico closed--but it es tablished the institution of slavery on a n operation 4 anid t Ubern tue ter from greatly Wr mer basis than before, by the nedewlable resource which it opened to slave Jabor wave to the Mewes ot M VOI SN and the command whieh it slave States of the Galf of Phe larger portions of the States sissippt and Alabama, held then its of the State ot had purchased of Georgia by the United Sates, and ereete | into wreat and floor (re redial, ' eur Ista States by the aid of vetes trom Northern statesmen. Florida had been ourchased of Spacey a Northern Secreta ryt having neyotiated the treaty for ins purchase. The Tudian treat Ware and temoval of Indians from \ dadvul cost the government of the (ni ted States, first and last, de snpposed, not Jess than thirty mathions of doltars samme tationabien had contr bute esand votes to effect these objects v Julians ecenpving a partion of the soil ot North Carolina, Tennessee, near a ' of the entre se Y Georsta,a lary ' of Alabama and Mississippi were treated with, the sal paretosed an | they removed, thus amplifying Gimensely the sercoulturil resources and populatron of tlie Sits These great measures eff erod tiv the aid of such men as Silas Ww ck Foanklioa Pierce, and tier ean patiots. The acquisition of Lexis was Uscnale by tie same Kind of patriotic ah ! While, therefore, he woul] again re peat, that no language contd express the contemps for the sectional trator. w thanade war omar, io bineire t fry one eulouy too seat toe anime if thas sunshine and inst rate the deeds Who ltd stood by rin, ated tae mart wndoa halfoof trae men who stand he sodd rock of the Constitut I ey and their services are te be scar sfoof they are to be included in’ the SWee yr lennne i Lorehithst tone t Nit thos language, stroking af 7 eh ts toes——he wold ask, win coord faith quvemer men fled © where that sentimest of brothertood which was pre cacmed indi the highways afew couths ce oand where is nationality gone ! Is toe phyhted faith, woich binds mente aether Wao stand togetuer im ow conion ise roumatter in woat latitude -to he Uren Are we, oecause deleat) tits perched an our banner and that browshe iy toy fie Violent tne Yor Ow Party, mol ae enterica, CL igi mi ail a tat of trie ern frtotels, and crv save limeelt : inf Jt tei isin the tone of Sone 1 motand Southern vacautev, Leonfess | wve dow tor the first tine learned it. Mr B col this ais winds a utoot diwal wen of the Nortr are the only fiend WNT the + Choldoige States wee, aiteods of those Sates, ta the vrs Gal acl We cautat saut our eves to the feet, Chat England whigh bas been thy vel gersws Vrat has canutud us asco des and independent States- is the jeadly tee of our government and the Tue apres Whe accompanied hin save thstitition visstot ber Princ whee 7 nea Pts country, sows theie old rancor eave States were treated with no respect watie their visst to Richmond wave atop portar f editers ta Libel Jurked ib rcalunimions writers ane TIME design t,he tully behev us, Vrereatty this Vini Tie Canadas were the ostensible oly jects of the visit, white the United States re the teal objects of ddplomatee at ee | et 1 ical Priace was the mere decoy dick te Conceal mere effeeroally the ofl chafiy diplomatic spiea who were eum vo ouneer toe wtise of smiles oa bi Wr untry, to Thence ly i Pos of state here, and setae t ‘ Cottooem sentiment, and to eons ouineh British inflaence a | “en Northern sentimett, te re us POS Patol ASCENT It was a ore that k Be oin Pee SEU se rite cl his tan tay sent batame. that when Jefferson fro Pores Wie th Loliwet moon witer t lependence, tk commerce! treaty, on heute presented ty Gene the Tied, atrer oa cold oceeption, he tarnved tis baek ono Ministers Quar inctependenee tad yn een wal Jy hetero d followin ite c-ts ~ tr iotier etethine il ek i InGtyoty bay ve ! vin ited nee a brine P We saree Ter ae through i 4 ae stad f iyo A ele fox el eal EG Nani Ee ‘ ‘ n t « , { AI03i) 14 pres os oopretusin wos Saticl Aon ACER tole a rey w Gun danents lave siddemly, and ter fist time, talleu gponous. Due Bet rahi ge romentand tie British matin the mosteaeltish and hear are notorionely less on earth Piey move only dor uw pur pose w lie simile on the pnuares, it z ey Ree is to betray. They were pirates on the ocean tor five hundred years, violating the flag of every nation and capturing their veasels, until in the war of 1812, we taught them some lessons as to the Jaw of natious. Their history is crimsoned with the blood of Ireland and the East ‘Indies and other regions of the world, where the iron hoof of British conquest has trodden. He honored the Trish regi ment of New York for refusing to attend wl the ceremonies of receiving the repre sentatives of a government, which gov- of Kebert Eannett and lis compatriot Uni- The train which she had {tore than sixty years eitice, for eomoent was stated with the murder ted Tiishmen reeu da re dissolution of oar Caton, was now iia Had Wiley statesman come at this peried of Papal state of consummation. her our national woe to fook on, under the Yiise uf friendship, wid withess its two snecessfal workings ¢ He feared the Greeks bringing presents. trees Meru Rhbing while Rame was burning Mid from dak would say a word or (wo to the Senator a county, he would si Ing Avery The Senator (Mr, Vhomas) bas discovered that those who are op: posed to rash action are sabmissionists—an im hear wood name ported phrase tom some other States, where it lias been used, for the want of a better argument, toenhstthe weak and tid ; and that the Tones had counselled sabtnission to. Phe Tories were of that des ponding class of persons, said Mr. B., who had ot the revolution George the Third wo hope. aud doubdess if there could be a resat rection of thera, on this occasion, the Senator from Jackson would recetye their loudest ap aiding in the attempt to pull down «free government waich the patriots of the revolution won by their valor, and which th. Tories eo hated. 1 Wd ne doubt foause for The priviheed orders of Britain Wi Join in hosatinas to those wie were dowig the self government of inau so much nyoty, and that of crowned heads so mach i bene fit Phe senator also had ridiculed the idea of de Javon our action Ni owise delay was oftener rht than wrong. Precipitate acuon was gener vily both unwise and wroag, Geu, Washing ton as many periods of the revolution and espe chilly in dis campaigns in Neg Jersey. was often reproached by some of the hotspurs of that dav with pursuit a tata poltey 9 sottietinies charged ow cowardice > and of divine W would | dey. by some of the vourg Arne eas beevled aan old fay, Washinton unsur passed in noral as te was iu physical cour. spurned the reproaches of military when they ridely asked him how | (ome to Tetrent, replied that Ww freeessary, te the mountarns of Virs the thig of the country Ubere, and ral nhabitants tots detenee. Who was Why Washitecon by a littl detav. waned the splendol vcore ot Preutog, and made the glor Is attacks at Prineton ha 1 Wal l rey Alara tae g at Lotktuat What w th dis accusers, Greperals C hates | wo Li Cates bath patwe Mughiston tte] who wl been tevin yosuipphant fan ‘ Conran Chief Wis Vow short tin ifter the couspirtesy was formed, and Wastans ton was avecdsed of Gimidity ated desiuw, Low was battle of Monmonth t South to take wid te tiseerace fin th favniee tee nminand of th Southern armyvoon hot baste tude an attack or the Driosh anny at Catroden, and was signually erturown, and such was his precipiate fhighe with witp ated spur, that atas said he reached Hoisboroueh, trom the field oof bas defeat, wi a Jay aud ty Phe moral of this is, that rash Precipitation ts often great tolly, and prudent feliv, generally, great wisdom fis) Mew the country should rhutatery ved in evel broils, he hoped tie Sete fom Jackson would thy to the resens ‘ fread of the heel tiem. war \ sop oun th eon of counters and, te Iiseeantoen, we nay expect that he wil n y found on the rear but wilt lead on the trout ino dine the conitey Ie sand of fad net kn totaal personal observation tnany years since, tow and wl eed aid ated com He any thine ik rowly wo ed bh i) | ‘ Jontte Tithe f ‘ vot | sticneths MN po edilrat ‘ rotwo arsof Cooneral dackson's ( titer, Constst of tore than l t ‘ shape Nhe Tho te i Career telethtreear bennett Geite iss TI States of Porusvlvania, New derses, New York Mit New Hanipstire, Conneticat and all the North western Sta toelidine the State of my hod resolutions on their statute books at af tee albinet As slut as eeotected eure (Uoive Thebes reveardir Setvitvee as ak Carona or Virgina The Mites i Co Yothat period will show that the mesirable vila Sious of sacl miscreants aS Garrison, then iat terotscanty, and tas paper of very tinmeted aantt a at time, even in Ma Vuset Mere be ong nto the TDouses of Conuress, heli pax Northen xeclimend by extronie pen ot y tal Jacksou and the Democracy, and wlrose Wes wer tfterwards found peeord Arist fomon the resolution of censure which the Set teoaftenwands expunged, and wheel he had the [hres \! ture of svete fo ON pute NEO ten oat the same tine detounced the enters Worth as abolition, whee at the very moment the Northern Democracy and other conservative men were voung with us on all questions of practical Unportance on the slavery question, athe treates and appropriations to remove the Tiediaus, to vdiutt Slave States, and ali others a Wheel the South bad essential riterests. These speeches were eagerly re published and etrenta ted by the aboltioniaty among the peapie of the North, with oansulting comments on those of the North whe ed with the South At the sare tine, the contemptehle eusions of the tow aboh ton neenbers of Congresa would be sent forth moter the peaple of the South by extreniies mer : ol wid it hewspaper orci at Wash inuteon, as Morthern sentement Poe newsea Peroni at Washington of the extreme anets wt obi Seve tier the tar puesteon Wa seiiied by Mi © ays eorprom ved it wos inetdiest that the South eoald wot be ane Gd oon the tanthpuestion, and that the sdeer yrstran Was then she thatch) an tiem Vgitatien on the shave question, with this as th n roamed rate of action, then compete) te \ rremc North aud Sorth, thrawn lk oa a hoand forth. by whieh the aonater of ‘ 1 wiss fel, cnileieaceen Greatly iierems I tboheen a svsterm of a ad ce t ‘ touted Potation t ' . ' he abo steof t North abusie soteholder and lis sentiments. aud hie ra tstea bof the epoeches of Preres, Bachan eect = inen, sent fourth in the Senth osx \ ; Hime whim alie spinclue un an > ern ommen oon the Senate ofthe l nited <4 ' ye all the labor clases, farmers wed North ona nel yoot our slaves, w roly and fal wet, Hit iene hon «ts J ooerentated wah ye hiny com mentcae Nvathern sentonent Dbas svstenn bead toes kept ap by demageownes and disunronists both sections tor twenty font years pact. u mal enabled the aly tists t vreak olowa beonoblest, and at one tine The inost powerht po fies. OTZAlL zation aon the side of the consty inon, whether numnher talents, that had ever exited in thre or any other wnitey Whatever difference of opinion mas lave exist pl hetwoon theca ertremes as to the inatitution Sra : of slavery, they were co-workers and allies in their common purpose of destroying the Union Andrew Jackson, in the presence of Landreds vow living, charged this agitation at ¢ the extreme men North South, and charged them with designs of bicaking up the Uniwn. ume on and The Newspaper organ at Washington at that day —known to have spoken the souti ments of Audrew Jackson, is charges, with the actors desiynated. Tle knew alvy that that pure patriot, the late Walham BR of Alabama, also beheld with decided dis approbation the agitation « at that tine, by the extremes of the North aid ul South tilled with these Kit the slavery question Thus by a systern of extreme doctrines and extreme measures —the latter somethines Vieling only the auost bitter feats —head our vuble Denoorate, and other coustitutienal al Hes of the North been bourne dow, and the ah vb tomists and other pus mm ilots Ww Vrated with i op bate the old Democracy, bad heen wiefottous ; forw with tha eases 1 Hioned, they had been largets indebted tu thea erdersat Charleston, tor stuking a blow thre Democratic oriamigation which roden dit pony ctless to couleud with the euetiics ot the cou stiludion, Was it, he would ass. generous, when our bo bie allies were prostrate by these causes, in which eatreme Southerw men lok acted mea aplouuus patel, ta cut me from therm and che cert (liom bee cise of mpotary detent! Was onanty atter such scone ay peals Co stand by usin the Tate election Co ty with precipitate haste out of the Union. and make uo conmon strugsle with our alies to repoar the losses ot thy past and demand sccurity for the fature / No, one the Union. stil Mr. Bo det us tor the aud not te cr Welling present stand by Colors, Joaue stucken from on td won tis wreaty tory at Waterloo by standing tin in posivou preeipltauey would liave destroved hit ai two bouts Phe postition of stren rth of the bord States ahd others who do tot secede tow, as te vall State Couventious—tay down onr 4 ples of action, call a general convention of a hie slave -tiolding States; det the Convention of etly set torth the term wy wed thote cotsent lo condone tetnbers of t tedoracy. Let these ters be presented le Northern States, het in ther tpg hy Gis s parate States, orig a Nati Convent of al the States, and be had no doubt that w could obtain every cuarantee denned do by oar safety. ail honor Oo” Wiel own 4 th I demand by all the Southern States, would cor ry with ta weight thoeould t mt speeted aud responded to fav uhly Phhoreoas Weakness 1 sepia’ prin I Whether we nak before or atten | colu’s ihan curation, we can, | ad yet them compocd wit In le ot pesistat ar cPsuihdon on wee ntot LL. s 04 t cated Ont 1 prac Ly van wate al stren Von to Detwoeratie pt te hdd al War Ww besoin safety | ut bee vhs it aoAtN Ne debe | : eta Bae ‘ , ‘ \\ L vl aft M cat Mies 1 M1 ! ‘ bias be . feed va ney 45 hoat ny tha > nbovet {pre y stroved, and: too ue tram the hand noe and rayatie Miran av and Daan ' be eaudidate of the party coon righ te t m, the other the leader of tb Ppostte party Abe Lhe presen actors ii the tiooty tras Tuat Grates Ure avanets vor te sertis Me ws the arbiter at fiuts distr d ta ‘ \, the bortors of Power would) be ou cu gravated tiere Chan aimost in any oth t Vecwuse of he dating eharwter of the A eu tuglo Saran rice. When Creek ut ( i en comes the tu of wi” | orlous pre um by the people te wad own an be od xy nd darhiness, ctsherl Mit Veeunaukied os md to 1 by rate n \ | witt ' eres Teen \ Leesa tr lin pony 1 1 uN , ‘ 1 i 1 vod 1 Veodis tt Stel | 1 Sto sone it tani mspderatlot \ stg themselves os yee Chetty mode wis tu those ines u ) j is uosatd Med) take no dash « | save holdin > sali acl together thin a utile don the Noct 1 States as Slates, tu sh iff] ey tosat Washingtoa, w sv far as extren 1 ‘ ern at , tLephemera lis, who were wer cote fh seetionalism tt "1 Yuet ! ities! Vea me ntt vo rapt tarosphere ix ylise and fave Vvevr dye could te f by the more teal Tay Cette true pul sor nent Let lemon. of that the afas juestion be forever taken from the halls Couuress, where th ‘ 5 as800 41 ete made tie toot ail at nec tal temae aes, and move aren aoe hess board te 1 gue ot vet it selfish puspuse, Just, he stavern ' e obest interests of the save holder, tay eet tid harmony of COUT at es ete Har eAv tsar Vag ents ‘ \ mein strat WMC HL we writ ¢ teateds oof tradnage | ths seth uid f ver tuken from alls of Congress Mr Bo sank by the abel other States Net bow seerditg and wrong in the f eottaranties he most Pity Lauhioerk aertal did not doubt could be obroned, acd by amend ments and a reconstruction of the federal gov eritperit —the retsons 1 peor pene ed—the States that bad secaded would jovtulls be Tatled: on returning te ve Tony amd the southern and Northern States meore at the dangers which they hid escaped, torgetuin ig post lissensions. remember ns ina generoa atriot sin only giories and tf indst id Don tis and Cassius, after ab angry quatre), become the betier frends Mr. watd that he nid bead with ple asnie: min feal with) pan bos trend, tae Serator ft Dronswik While the opinons u th favor of separate State acti 1 tthe continuance of the present bederal © nen fave din pain, Be would say. that the Senator Wado dis part conometed tie debate with oa fury. and ability cd parivine stery dec onan Uiabeontipouted tod ssent 1 Voaitherences ! LN ol k Senator, admitted hy ! f Soehnt a\ige ‘ roome ob her janented lone oe Ns Tove. he was im uttia lied rash uy rer af Coneboss with who at bal b to tabe te form an aequentanes tad lane the same house with tam oat Woshinuton id heen tronored with bis antimaes, lad reeensed setscof kindiess from hain. wien tins: mn yrsinely A yonue man, (at be conkl gow forget He owas the gentlens en the sets ur, the Statesman and soldier, Tle lad always 0 ed Chat she or any otter State fad that r AS chastores 1 “ We teerettend tliat stir tad del dh Coteert with a he sve ts ata 1 fina nmon Wa Nit fern States fora redress of our wrongs anda Ito oretased, vet td worl reproach for te Ww eee deter en nt Yo lien \ thi fy noth wo J v tha si te at 4 MNOn Sy tap vad ' thee aint fir ine from wh uN I out not permit fted that her owe wisdom and patrrotisin, as w teoreepect tor tier ster States of the South would ondaee her t pursne the course ind catad In eseon, with out all proper efforts to get de ! es will the North, he contd not ser ‘ ' sowihiel the Senator fromm Brunswick saw Tle eouid ny seein ot at this ume, an incacuiable ag ———— ag gravation of present evils. There would proba bly be twenty fugitive slaves in the border States a bostile line of no law to recover fur one ul present, ou border fifteen miles, with them, civil war dn a teow weeks would be inevi lable—a stauding army in North Carolina alone of fifteen or twenty thousand men, with an ao- nual expenditure for its support, with some war steamers (uv dcfeud our sea coast, amounting to at least six millions per anuumn, besides coming in conflict sith the glorious principle of our Bull hundred of Kights, that standing armies are dangerous to Hiberty In chternae on this movement of secession, be Mr D., woull dike, betore Gehine the leap. to huow what Kind of government we are to come vider?) Before a tamil) renioves fronn ope lotse sauotoer, a prudent lewd of the family always How pretuses to be occ Upied i! tinder ue goverutuent that did not take great State riaclit and detmocraty principles ‘ Haobenerntal doet . Any Constitution odors bot ackuowledue that all vovernment, te be just, ds denved frown the consent of the averted, is ausurpation, Tle doubted not the Hass OF OT COUnUAV NED Were nehton this prin- ey ovel, When standinu artes and military power are in the ascendant, all history proves that they overide the authonty of the people tne become the qovermanent Ftmay be sad. that he had been too frank in statin the dangers of disamon, Tt required wore thoral course to do this, boldly, than te pass over and conceal the dangers, The man torae moral cou pee re aN nye, before on eriby onan expedition of adventure, looks the Dtheults sguarcedy ov the face and candidly Weighs atid states them, to ree the as justified He Wolabiie Cie proposed course of action Wold How, di conciision, sav, that let all the seive Hodis States theet together, in conven Uo tien a detinite deimand of the North seh coms otad woameotees as are demanded by eur satety eid Gonor as equals in the Union — fmach thor etfectual plan than for fifteen sep date States tocmake as uany different demands, velo Chose detattids are refused, it will then se cevidetee that) wrong tous ts in hetededy park weil qustity usam the eves of the Whore Boldin stunding tooour arme and seek wonately in a seperate fon of government ne ee Letter from Hon. Joh 1. Gilmer. Hotst op Lopes cries , ee let = t3t) \ 1 ad \ ‘ 1 \ N alia a Kk hy } They uA 4 | wt \ woown t 0 ‘ Wy “sn t I 1 at ‘ aoe t 1 ‘ That ‘ t ' wy ! r : ( 1 } uw ty ay it on Ww ul i Totiot ain ‘ ‘ t va oy ects Dy Ae 2 a At tii ‘ yore ‘ They wer ' | Cn ' | ‘ fran} ere dabor ‘ ‘ ‘ t ‘ alwe Noreww aed 1 \ Vrateser \ ‘ ‘ j tl f \ i t they 4 I _ web i allot Lone tie un ‘ ‘ fa eenGen ra ' n In 1 oust wee ‘ mid new a ted ititerests vw \te deat and 1 1 pers i ' ’ ‘ e sap \ t ' worle rhe ind « ‘ mE ! ' Praenie aly and ma heir proper oeanr and they wall at once have ‘ 4 Feed, Chee reat Shi} { tate era ‘ Ut ease ar ety 1 i \ vall ou ‘ vk - } ‘ meyAY A wert a VEEN Nor eM Hatt Ss \ Vref ala euir Woe vesterday card, eave the Boston Conners ac nple ty ! ia ee , er tl wffiaira oof fienatwons, Sf wash, vilone of them, Old dackson was in Dachanan’s place “Tain teo partioniar about t fate retort ed the other, “Ed he catisfied itold Bach anan waa in old Jackson's place” Carolina Célatcbman. iSmle/ S31) wes en re at Fe [ENE y EVENTING JANI ARY Teul ROINT hs BROWN'S SPEECH We poblish in this paper the noble speech of the Hon North pototo made by the disunionists, and is a master: , C trolitas Leyislature It meets Bedtord Brown, inthe Senate of the every ly refutation of ther revolutionary arguments, We I last, to the have mon sense dist } length ascertai Seema of the tf we re i the troe interpretat om. New Devolopments, &c. sists Of the Legislature seem at edo small portion of thew com omir Loarnele of wich reads as follows nol the Asse General Nsseuibly Can THe a plainer Iyoountess ty powers 0 Phey have at mot the Ist State Consttuoon vor shall be called by the concur rds of all the members of each house of the nee mere tnequivocal sentence be nthe Eingles). lan ran IEevst Et work eh passed 7 State isitted Ly metbers ot ous oa vation? itign ? salute Car in tsnscepuble yany le tn struc Nud yeta h cotpmon the uty ot Rowan, that necessary to call a Con- Carolina by an Act represented by the | tathy me TA ples > hot ye esolit and pled the part and tH I d ne lot mortifying men Mest pre uuder sweat 1 \THER BROKE THE ¢ twa and Sonth how hemsery vil war intry { confidenser theme hound ttle by flien hopelessly property air hide | sete wy whic Se vas that uimph \M ny at ey the people for niseading have best Gov sand their resnlting in ke the and endunng can epee rentlemen w tabled burden bat they wall ficient to teach their tor o riate arty to title with therr yo omar n of aereas by a sniail Wa fave fecal hastely Virginia, ne PAINSE COET Mtate to e Qeneral <t interests who % yon ne wt May A Troops r resist They now their national will WJOUIEY ol co Suny An nvr that ste vayicde In aes ny ae any ‘their MISCONSTRUED. We tear the course of conservative men j . ; : 8 th South is misconstroed by the republic ; Ale of North, who suppose the South isa divided bine and all that they bave todo is to stand frm md refuse consent to Mneasures proposed for ai Jat settlement of ditfearnces between the (Wo ee ions, and that ina little while they will 500 the Souther people engaged in the brotherly work of cutting each other's throats. The more viclen, secessionists in the Southern States are mor ie Vaine for this misapprehension, it exists thaa Part of They ang also to blame for all the complications whieh any action or expression of views, on the Southern conservatives, will justify, have led tothe differences which really exist amongst us; and it becomes them to make all the amends in their power, in order to heal those breaches of contidence their conduct has preduced. The applieation of reproachfal epi. (hetsinay, to theend, produce the VETY same state of Tisnygs which the republicans foolishly believe al ready exists; oral tbe least, greatly obstruct thas unanimity by which the whole strength of the State inay be brought in resistance to our com Mon cbhemmles, We ash those who are now so strenuous for North Carolina to secede to bear in mind that the masses io this State cherish in their hearts the beltet that curs ts the best Government known wmoogst civilized snen; and that nearly all the leaders of every party bave uniforuly labored iy cutivate in the minds of our people, Kreat rev. erenes for and devotion to the Constitution, aad the Union of which it is the bond. We ak them to remember that even down to the late Presidential contest they all avowed their devo bon to the Emon, and plainly declared that the clechon of a black republican under the forms of iaw, would not be sufficient cause for break. ng itup. Gov. Ells took the lead io this work, and repudiated and condemned in the moet up. mistuhable language, the course of certain mep in the Charleston Convention who there clearly manifested Uhe deliberate purpose to destroy the CUiien and uenety nine members out of a en dred of the present General Assembly fliowed suit, and vented their denunciations agaist them, and especially ayainst their secession PUrposes. Weeoask them to remember that men cannot ea- ely reverse the whole tenor of their lives ip re. yond te sentiments xe devotedly cherished, and especially is itso, wheo by the abandonment of ail the benetirs of this Union they are left te wage into atlack future, vainly striving to de seern to what results that abandoninent must ead. Tf the leaders of this movement had beeo lavored with some super human soluton of the dificult. ss: whoet te the people seem Inse para. Ha with secession, and instead of 9 k table ott Le comma nteate tio ra ae der brew, heute with them WO Clie Sven on vo they deve bentowed sneer weande ‘ ey toets, what woader that shou tlk covirtne of servants se strap. need fies them “to do and say what they pi vse and what wooder that they should taabitest a sensibility ae becomming their own dignity as its regardful of their long mostehenshed onsttutions. Tf upon amsembling nh Ralevh. these servants bad united in an ad {ress to Umir masters, the people, setting forth» tathtul review of the questions which now divide fe Country, planly wooing the reasons which to their pledges made s frat Operated: upaso ther in radinu them to hotel acl se Contrary the stump. ane asked the concurrence of their fe suithents in a conrse sustained by the organo uwoot the State, looking to a redrese of yner- Wowould have zone far, fit had not been ances z ibe tua on preventing whatever of division mar vot emnds of the people, and reheved members from the charge of a pre-determined eoeive and coerce them, agarnet thew wy nto a peas ion of hostility to the supreme voverninent, The people are wisely jealous of whis and liberues, and one of the greatest Lifhouloes in harmonizing ther at the moment should there grow ont of the fact that they do ppon some decided Southern aett be any. w no Wart to wie even a seeming approval to those by treachery, and abuse of power, have who soucot and are seeking to inmuyurnte a slate of thous on our patonal relaGons revolntonary it to immediate etfegts, and) daggerous as a prece: t [tis then, the rashness, the desperate temper ty, who have suddenly breathing blood of the Breckiomduve sprung np ay Se Cessionists, wid thunder, sporting war cockades, and with defiant abd inenaciny inanpers attempting to frighten and drive their fellow ettizens dowo the preeipice of disuniem without allowing time for reflection, that has produced the seeming contro versy armongst us. Reform these manners and proceed to business tm accordance with law and deceney, setunyg forth fairly the grounds of com- plant and proposing a rational mode of redress, and there will be no division to disturb the har- mony of our action, amd none to mislead (hose republicans who may vainly iinagine that we are about to destroy each otber, All of us admit the existence of wrongs which need to be dressed, and all shoold) desire that the proper steps should be taken in a proper spirit 10 that end, Dut when we are asked to begin where we ought to end, with the chances againss 0s of ending where we onght te begin, nome but erm The Legit latuie is competent to do all tbat is necessary 7y nen conld expect aAequiesence. be done at this time, and it is the duty of that body, baving a due regard for oar Constitutiot al rights, and the dignity and fair fame of the State, to adopt such measnres in this relation are demanded by the exigencies of the case. Among the measnres it is ip the power of the Legislatnre to pass, are propositions to amend the Constitation of the United States so a % strengthen the guaranties for the protection of slave property And it unay safely resol ve that North Carolina is opposed to a Union of fores, and will resiat with all her power any attempt . t to compel obedience to the national governmen ia 8107 lite the spirit and letter of the charter : We lated by of the Union. beheve the people are willing that the Legiela if necessary v8 other members ture should do all this and more, Chey nicht send delegates to consult with ith thos interest ter States of the Seuth, eapecially w along the border, who are most deeply odin the great queshons now distracting wee (Our intereat and destiny and ther comntry views and are the same: and by harmonizing h co operative action our cause will be strengt ened Bot there is undoubtedly @ party in the more ee Southern St the dea of have reason adjustment, tional Cynst in slavery — pal separalc League,” @ & was put int labors are at This, itv «juestion of | the hope th: cection, A the questiot Liaus— as 5 Clog tu the ified «s lo & gem jen, of federacy t met beret with inevita and intermi runaway sli vow escape It is idle could be ar sible that ¢! might so be the world, | fugitive sla hieving that vortbern rt rate to ust acertainty the most fa fording no that we no on, We are federacy, been made ent Uuion We believe eats of the in the Cui which we y we can nes deriment o| which is a «pirited So News by sa.nts, or \ rot of a di Seamer Wi et to Chari sreatuers 1 le the S ter with any arson, \ ERY: ee er late = Alle es Iles Aus t i3--was ‘ale al settled by a Tie Mississ letter of w hae secede treason tu t pointed in | New York ven there | ‘arolina fOr Ae IAVR aye ne wenty de lagnng mm. Tlet sacion para, arked he rue times willing to g es being ev thing eyard to o We don fr pos fon secessior a Conveut« ature, and auuwn thei mediate seve sn, Vietor would not | toe conety ‘oe Legistat rusof Sta ton to the: Mr. Barn, ANOTHE We are } theeung of ars gee rem A vote v ig qnestior Carohna to Tt resulted, And we ment of alt visrepreset ty the cont Rowan are movement, when calle: to be robbe officious an know it fir Arrest fi of the Port Mr. Lopese, Svorgetow The charge ‘ormance General G Carolina, st with make no «de death have been | Senator | on the stat Since Ay OO} musket are said to The Miss ceswion the Cotton Two mil “leans. on Siasippi and Price Correspot Writes th. ket at fro they real Riese the Uppe Poople oppored ve Men in the blicans Of the livided tand frm ond ed for 9 just the (Wo ae Y will see the rutherly work © Ore Vien, } are more te UCexists, thay po the part of y. They an ations whieh really exis, eM to inake order to bea) conduct has >roachful epi. FrY Same slate sly believe al obstruct that ength of the lo our com. strenuous for iD mind that their hearts ninent knowg vearly all the Ty labored to le, great rey. stitution, and id. We ak oto the late d their devo wred that the er the forms se for break- 10 this work, the moet up. certain men there clearly 0 destroy the out of a ban. Dbly fullowed agaist them, OD purposes, “1 CANDOL ea- ‘ir lives ip re. herished, and dou ent of y are ieft riving to de- minent tmnust ent hw! been lution of the TM 1DSe pare instead of a rontcate it to ‘with them slowed! sMeer wou ler that we of servanta nto do and wonder that as becuining of their long om amsembiing ed in an ad vetting forth» ch now divide ensons which wine them to ledges made rence of ther v the organic resa of yner- had not been Jivision may and relieved determined against thew the supreme ely Jealous of f ihe greatest thie moment should there hat they do roval to those power, have le a siaie of O.ntionary 1B us as @ prece- erate Lemper ave suddenly thing blood and with tempting to es, ene down the wing time for ‘ming contro: inanners and with law and unde of com- de of redress, sturb the hae nislead (hose r¢ that we are | of us admit ed to be st the proper spirit 10 that begin where against 1s of none but er& The Legit 3 necessary © duty of that Constitvio® r fame of the ris relation a the case. y power of the ye 0 amend ates so MO protection of y resol ve that pion of fore, any attempt 1) government harter is "10 Union, We the Legis if necessary alt with Me y with tho reply interest stracting tbe y and theirs g views and be strength yin the more Southern Suites which Wave set their bexrts on’ Union Meeting at Organ Church. the Wea of w Southern Confederacy, aud we Pursuant to previous potige there was a lary have reason to believe that they will agree tu no P large meeting of the citizens of the surounding conntry adjustment, not even to amendinents of the na irrespective of old political parties, at the shoo! house tionwl Constitution securing forever their riyhts of district No. 24, near Organ Church, to take ae | at its third and final reading the Senate bill appropri é oe . ' The Legislature--Excitiag Debates. High Point Female Sohool, The House of Conimons on Tnesday passed throuy! RGEC ENG ee Noe MHE SPRING SESSION, IK61, will begin on Mouday, February 4th, with the following BOARD OF INSTRUCTION: ing $300,000 for arming the Stau Both houses were en caged yesterday in debating 16 proposition to eall a Convention. Tn the House Equity Sales of Land. ] Y VIRTUE of a Decree of the Court of Equity, T will offer the followiug lauds for sale at public auction SOMK FOURTEEN or Fifteen Houses and [ais tu the town of Salisbury, belonging to the estate of AKER & CO’S MEDICINAL ‘TRANSPARENT COD LIVEK VIL THE TRUE AND GENL INE UNSUKPABBED IN QUALITY (ND) EFFECTS BRING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. in slavery —will agree to nothing short of « ti, Gon in relation to the present distdrbed condition Mi). Person, the chairinan of the committee ou Fed 8. LANDER, A. M., Priacipal Horace H. Beard dec'd. ‘This property wi! be offer _ ual separation, For this purpose the “Southern of the country, on Saturday the 12th rostant Fe Utes Un ae bill ax a substitete tor ve as He A ee oF mes an ae \ are the at er it < He une, if fairly tried, will soon remtore the Sout . . , ; | the ball heretofore reported by hii from. the cor # HOREK, peintuute ebraary next, @ lock, on ea cr ol : s ! ‘ League,” @ secret society, ganized by Yancey, 0! motion, Mr. Jease Barger was called to the tte and in the aimee & sinilat 1 til was Mes L.A. Lanven, 12 mouths, with wlerest after 6 mouths, purchasers” ees ets ane af tai anaes 2 € . . . . 7 Qh: ie Senate a siiilar bill was intro . : blood, give general rotuudity to the tigare was put into operation ; and ty this end all its coe aud Wi. F. Shing male Secretary ‘laced by Mr Avery, This bill provides for callng ii preaeaeea uae Cele TR LUD ce Coe ee pe de ecu osu" SO and add Baetei te the mud and uerveus op jabors are wimed. | ‘The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rey, an unrestricted Convention by two-thirds of the Gen. Board, including fueland washing, lights extra) ALSO, the same. on the premises, the following 2 {sien Tue value has been reanarkal's ate . Thornton Butlet eral Asserubly, and makes iu provision as the at $4.00 per month, 24000. Hinds belonging to Daniel Huttinag and his chiidren: TS evidenced by ix wonderful restorative pow This, it will be seen, great complicates (he Rew. Me I ; , tall diay for subiittine tie achon of tie @ hurteius £10, 12, 50 and 15.00) 136 Acres. more or tem, situated in the Dutch Ret. to when ordinary tones had been vunly . wv. Mr. Butler being called upou to explain th © ‘ "Ny : > ye ¢ Hleiment, being very fine Mrming land, aud svother GO question of final settlement, and almouatexcludes |) sLoltleune tie people for ther approval or repectio fusic oa Piano end Gurtar, 20.00 Tee : ‘a. exhausted. 1t affords noetrehmcut Co he oe 1 t \ hed object ol Ui meeting said, i was tur the purpose oi Mr Petsan alvocdted: ie substittite tia ape Drawing, Wax-Fruit, or Eabrovery 50g (rach of 39 Acres, wore or lens, mituated neat CRS eta cuetuma tine rned iieltare i ae the bope that any thing cau be done in that di aking action in relation to tie presents diem avin ssiaidovahle lometh, in which lee took senvuiid foe VE Pave Ho ieidentul Tax first eientinied tract aes asx euilie fe iG Be evinlieerchy veamerwith (au cape ical ection, And iu view of this iieportaut: fer condiuon of the countey: he referred to tie uae ce ersten and aistinetly a (ici dusontion We inake no charge for Tuiten iu French, Latin, ime . fe re He en fee ay is ts) eat Soarkoble miner — . . : fact hel AE VOci(EMUrenninh a iuehsh DikimcrOrniar willbe offered wt the Ind of 52. ‘ bn CONSUMPTION and BRONCHL & | uestion comes up tous as North Corol) ers that threaten and the necessity of locking tse moat called wh at once gpl met “ . . he — the q V Be restful rdwtwd NOMI (irl ; 7 By examining ihe above list of charges, it wall be ALSO, at the mame tune aud place, bowl other SE pps , re 4 ith croton an th W i piaus—ae Southern taen—what will you de /— Sell Wo our interests, He warned the people aymiust jan 'Phie be it remcutgrd connect tteeetegt Mbseeved: that thie is the . (eacleNhety aluubliatls Geunegire Lostp alii lies lle Wnvane Oe taitrare irre renin tars Cling to the Union with « conatitition sy tmod {i tr ks of poliucians ty carty North Caroline ont inan ol the committee, aud from ose who te i Cheapeat Inatitution of ite Grade in the State Fe eteameigie Paes el ee Ey WEAR YESS, WANT ING 7 a . . ot the Umou without the consent of the people be tends and arpes chat thea Parse: , This tact makes it reasonable tu enforee in every aeons ae eee at . crery furm of DEBILITY. ve vn _ ified ws to secure your Hels gaint all contin perred t Te eeOoe ati iene al ' Wwenuior : ; Her plantation, LUO Xerer, mere or less adpnig Che Toprperves are unrivaled. te = o 0 woot abolitiouists at che sta. be tua Wthe cause att bate. thes Paes ers ' ‘yt the derot the old howertesd am ‘ aves ; \ ‘ ae : ; ; We Sari ee ahove tract, being the remaiuderot the old bow am . . en ie FASE ty Cat feave Wand pour the Southern Con Nerth ap se si seit ea - Homo thea, letian tn re boopeunded hy Mir ; uo Seay wee : uae required in advances vie atte: the widew a dower Wan allotted, aud 1260 7 inay be Taine eae nT ue a : n~ % oy : ee ; gieut was the gbyeet of their cormtien hated as Dai ot Ruch ‘ { thie the | a oa aU ay Aere ! 1 he tand of John Yor, 7 a iene . “ federacy ‘Thus tavelves the pertianent dis 4 ; tu J Welk ter the ' eres, more or lems adjoning the be ‘John i. ar acs ‘ an 3 . f I — overthrow deteemtucd by both, le was for on ls state div tata title rseutctiaine nniaaiin | SPROLAL INDUCE MENTS Amn Treoan dee ere mic banter simanonilierellG,, wm mrodumuane a ‘ Pape staph | - 4 . . oowetue 2 iar sf) prerionty In nt wether cnjor ' VAT metw FAMIEME of our great country, togetier hisin the Vaio —no cowardly runing away to wade tooceupy thet with United States re l healthinran of the place in uo. surpassed in bond aud security XN, eae sae wii eae has vu i ‘ 1 with inevitable war about the Mississippi river, secure thernm—-he would stand by the Cuno and Tis is noth fren Cen ne aere | he eountyy. Dunug the Pail Sess. 1860, neta On the Stat day o January next. EF owill offer the , ehuninarentatonmanet. inet eee ae and interminable wars along the border about boston 1 Gu Ane vale et Sta aa SUSU crate expouse tor inedical services Was wucurred by two following tracts for sale at the residence of ae Phymenine throughout the Souces the wit fur disregarded our mybts 7 personal liberty Weonrilcmsnde Mig (ercan ) auy boarding papi. Pheaphitus Josey. at 12 o'clock, M ann ie neites he, oat inderstand erst) Sail Wie oct g cop Janey, ut 12 : en testimony of the faculty of the bestimedi runaway slaves, twenty escapiag theu, where one hills were odivas, uncoustitational and mist be res ihe tirst bill ol tie twocthinls pies ba SMU weslenchirdaa tracers (Ua tivemN Tr hE Gare Misa eNereantnircuialessite(oneiiy cam AlicneMllnr: 22205 eiiestiae: | Nee tiedrgaseral tn ine “ . tow escapes | pe ale anil be beheved Uuey would IH tae was giv. the Convention was unintentional, bat Me Qyery yeiis are warty, well quaiBed aul eaperenced’ ave af the heres of Paw MMO a cautenenee tear Lg UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA i. fe jut xecesmomists would hurry us out now for disuectly aduntt mies . he Tusiitution is not Nectarian i av wenne edon the Charleston Road. ® aides from Saliabary, es ae = . EN It is idle to suppose that all these questions jo. alt retee tical ete neare en OC nls yi i NGnincemeriitinar catrtaae neth " Satan hes 14. ‘Phe Boarding Department uuder che unmediate adjoining the hands of Maria Josey, Malus Shaping, dye . COLLEGE OF PHILA. 5 a emvendgon by ak diate doaorty dad been sapeevisrie: Dey i aoe & 1 oo fh — could be arranged by treaties. [tis barely pos of his remarks, he moved for the appoutment of a. abandoned. aint thet lore tie twocthatde yeovnen ee oe vl u tual aad Pie vera Bere sat thers ; ae ean ohu wi tes ru ® = PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI. : i \ re given entire »isfaction 0 md aud sec d sible that the right to uaviyate Ube Mississij ps Comenttes on Resolutions. fu accordance with tad been iisertesd as tins tute 4 Cie wile 5 tre all heated with fire places " eae Ly COE EEOC) Aina FS CINE. and others oie Which motion the Char appoint Johu Po Mr 2 fie ces ene uae es ALSO, at the eame tine nid place. 4 cree ' : ; . si / pp 1 vines Miolrrsane sual Mie Aven, ioosecrisaarcuit ene mets chte Fi 4 ; Foon ies f Tivabde should be earets vurehawe at) oe might so be settled, But there is go Ceaty i up Barwuardtand Rev T. But! ( ‘ eS 1 Phe Patios and Apparat are of beat qual vy niipe or lems, belonging to dohu A. Holshouser, on ' ‘ : y Piva t « the Hivensiani ta lanterioeestsie ie wn uit ine Den ging ee ef oundeubted re puta tien if vey etre Cie me hic item t Mercolilicune! . \ : : the Cheraw Road. 9 niles fram town, with good un at : . aia the world, which provides tor the rendition Phe Comunttee an due dine subnutted the fol botem but judsang tou Mi Mewins revi 7 Every pupil is required to study Speiling, Read- vneute Fini ihe tandwohJecobittelnhiGst wie ae “es ei m i wes BRR a = iti (. cowl , te Senate, hie te t ' t t y tue, Arithineue ta Breil . A : cemedy va eh Wwe prepare ba fugitive slaves, and we have no ground for be jowing Preanile and Resolutions for alopuon : A te Hu | h Convention to tage the 1g we ‘ Avitly i‘ be, Geamutar and Compestten pla) Holshouser, und others “Pertie —6 onthe eZ rented Lie an ieee saperi it ue Weegee < : ee . — State out ot the fou. an nomddition to ak = he Boarding Pupils are not allowed to receive Fed ; sii a ON) ‘ \ erat ig lieving that such a treaty could be made with at Wikkaas, Au unpresedented panie now exits cuanees in the Coser wall icteuen to ae © fle (rom any, gentiencw but hear reluives ‘ fe : ae va “ad ie u e a oo brands a a nae hy en =< vortbern republic fur tha purpose, At any [rougtout (ie leuyun and breath of these Uueted cafarene atl bree persons ‘ 4. (Phe pupes pay at the tune for every arucl? they Da NPEG iy Salem alepuccnaRe CORI AUE LAKE tales ‘ cit eX COL, on Fy eon ' . . ! u a i tiles and quanuty of fand, as PT do not sell ouly the Linpertera wud Dealers in — A States, whieb seems to thwart the wisdere and: pus Aen ee buy Phey make no accounts, ether directly or i l ; oa I n rate to us it looks like madness to throw awny 4 Hite ll lta lw liomiew ciistn cred ear eeler titra ce have neaher t i a | a to-day Co ee : Niterestarthe: wenieanere S DrugerCkeqeniaicents! 3 al i ee EGY futde the s vom the substitute offered iy 4 Ny een vii i ‘ .° . Is 5 acertainty for ao uncertainty, the latter, under of State safely through every stoim—eansing the ee ek ae rien 10 Leas Periex We adit a tinted munter of ya L. BLAC Oe BOS Nese 1 aco butt ~ 4 ‘ \ M veothia ( ‘ , > an. let, y 3 ° vr c ; fp otiearts tu quail with dread torebodin rs of Cie ie ee call worthy poor young ladies, crediung them for their a arora med es ae aud w lu ivan to peopacdine on ‘ety nf sin ; ns ee I t i i s fatto UU they can pay forithy teaching of other. st C Rail Road 1. a 1 a H | R Ds T RE hy Lr fording no bope that a better government: Uhan | \ oe mA Si eta wine ‘Tha taturr, we brleve, i peculiar to thn’ Western N. OC. a < ava Nation) aud wheteas south Carolina has, and Ioappr forr oe . : that we vow live under can possibly be counted olier Southern States ace about te secede tr De atex ie net gi eneen a : ; ! ee hoch sy teimewtui the Lobraes WINTER ARRANGEMENT M. BRENNER ’S Federal Government. aud, moregse: as med | ‘ : u con LEE MEN feet tan ake v on. ia ‘ Heats ures athe ducuys of the Convention, will he cel the Reading Roc, the Gyionasian, the Eyentu sjao- Y ‘N Eo VV Ww beref A Southern C are bey taken by some polineacs to precipitate And yet pentlernen whee wold t : Walks, clos with the determination to receive Saleee ; Eo RED J AC K EK r eare therelore oppose to a Southera Cou ie youd old Notth State! ante t suniepeliiicall ple atu “recta — : lenin ecu nena bal ecirera = z L z= z . . federacy, until every reasonable effort hay vortex —it ie ie snprative dityic every citizen ty hate hy ain oii ut coves prebess tebe KAHL phanwess uct by & hegl-wunding watue, but # : CLOTHING HALL! een made to settle our difficulties in the prt UEDA UNS LSU SU CGC) GO eal eh Democrats. wile wea them who a 7 stinply by couvineing the eulyghtened pablo chat we 3 . a : , ‘ b om oc S f Pe aT shornialot uit polteal Westen DeTGnnibe tau queued i decease are worthy of their patronige fies Cin ulur,apply)g i e Main Street Near Water Street, Nearly Opposite ent Union and uotil every other bope is gone. ot Rights—hy the publ fe curl aul lec tacvaen (an eal een toe son tn SO LANDER, Priveipal = = ike Lyall O pice We believe the honor, Ue eights and the iuter enter thei solemn prot st same. Theres leaders j Meee tarcannnrelerlerny cre yemen ' Jun 15, imo Zi paso = rin wy 7 . of i | Fut it ! fore be it z 7 \ 2 NHE undersigned just having arrived in Gawu eats the people of the State are all bound up : NOOO AHI aks ata bat . > > CT AS vith NEW, FRESH AND FASHIONA the U taints Ait ; ee eateniltintwennetinn Ce ote een aG eee, ie In Time of Peace Prepare for War. = i TT RAWOOKIOE in the Cuion ; and ifthe additional guarauties eae 7 tees 4 . YANN aes toinuvableattachtrent tothe Con Wahetl V ‘ vo will Tia \ | e . : ' Y which we yet bope can be obtarne premmicceds | Gf ilipse Stratics , Fi i ' R t Ws Cl yet bope can be obtained, nreconerdeds thee State rat we teal be | win - MERONEY & BROTHER vanes cady-Made Clothing, Ane we can never be tempted ty the dangerous ex m, which We have iiheriied tre \ as Mile | c : . ~ ve palladium ot our ’ . RE offer to the pubic the best agsorunent of _ Winhes ta inform the public of Salisbury und Rowan feriment of rejecting it for the glittering prize |, tues, That : Mt i FIRE ARMS F2 county, that he har taken the abowe named estaba he Lita e att ! NA REUD: a err 25 : ‘ which is alluring to ruin. many of o nlp eeu é ; dl tae ever brought to this market Colt's Belt and Poci 4. meut with the view of keeping constantly on hid a 1 Soutl mn I iii it r me ith eas : et Pistola, old and new wed 1 Sindh & Wes a large und heavy Stock of CLOTHEENG and <pirited Southeru brethren SBC ERG D8 alee ne aud tay iy reevny ] it ore enn 1 varjes * ‘ ‘ canbe = ’ ' | i Sa Pavan HWE Web TE IN TDR sh eee FURNISHING GOODS arnt ! ; : : , cried int pocket. will sheol through aa ine : 2 Rely News by Monday Mornings Mua —-The Utah ‘ PRESSE UI Eas “ we the HT " ward co yards Share Hod rhoots through an inet [ee for Men's, Youth's and Boy'a wear, of all styles, the braver a warie tie lathes Cy 1 rd 100 vards 5 simi mat tore ee a ' dor saute, or Mormans, are in high glee over che pros ’ hee 7 : “ “ : ! o ‘ 4 a u Wt 1 ur ys 4 “ ue : seus ee Die vient : So quiliies, and fair price , Sunn mes ea tof a dissolution of the | i me a ' l ne reported Whe comuntter, wh ' wes Re \ = Walking Dress, Fariers, Planters, Miners, Mac ctof a we Ou ol e ° 0 wo Wa : 0 ‘ i hes and | ase ecive eibiineeece | ei RANE PN L. sedteeoehing ae eee Rouives. assert ey = = nts, Or Servuots use, Als, a lurge ansortinent + seamere with the “Star of he West) have return. “uanee Thescot bea syst ! ' 1 Mr. + Serpe Sportiag Rides, woo hil S60 yards, * : Fier Give ites ry Pat SU eas BIAS TIS Aap S ' Pymus They offer ther stock of way Ff os ts, and Shoes, Hats and Caps ei to Charleston harbo: Is Supposed Chat the x . L aii 1 1 Ku \ ! nok > OOFS, An ‘ Se ’ Se o Charleston harbor, It if 1 thal : | ae , is rite duced eetorcashyas thes ratend dora a ! seawers will engage the South Ca borts \ eat near Sy Titan ese Hieie AHAAIG RSE Canis _ Fe é " 1 ie ck before purchasing else ue ‘ u a , saaeeaili . sna 1 S 1 ! ' : f = Fey Call aud sa Se Wea fletiel Start ceca iiiaanire: Rona ar Pda ae ‘ eu hn eee ( eee . ponder abe ta bute ¢ 2 = where SIGN OF THE R ; ter with supplies and teintorcenmert: fr Mayor A ns ah dO ALY ' t \ A erehsc dees) SNe Pavel Ware, taney head JAMES CC hCIENER a UCN Ee , a \ , a . [ verecis. taney vod toilet soaps St XN " aris _ : Pos —Having made proper arrangements with our pean NA greneral war is new iim Rare tes ce ‘ as * . ‘ sa L onirentien hus tani aatven Corks MeO MMeUU DS a cvec Le LGR Eng §& Supe yanore tiem, Lam ata! Gates prepered to tuted Tae Sarat the West) was struck by tw ai Caen ae “ae \pitesseel ine Cine at Larx ne and common p t Cautiers any orders in the Merchant ‘Tailoring business a tlm wenotarmenn =N « ee, a es ‘ tect wil be sutanitt : ; GR Un TRE BEANIE Museu q shortest notice Mob : 1 L a aw ak >a MeL eat titer inner et thea < sinus Ware, Baskets, Piaveliog sateh Oct 16, 1x60 De -Mro Soward tiade a crear spe Satur nt a ; : 8 Broce, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, = 1 Ave mitted . Viviscat trie ‘ ay Themen: at te peaceable seces u Sa } t ‘ eroarticnes (ae teciote to amenten, R Y t theta DS nat m owas dine to the por Ww ' vit , ; i “ Pe ee tee becca wh | cae ae | ROCK QUARRY. ; eerie nd. That a4 canna Pe Un ce iepec eae tems nee bers Mhose in tous, must cull and pay ther holes NOTICE bg--wWas open! to abolialiue slavery an the : Alan ” t Are ol a tiret ' shall ; * dey Raniee =e © peter . ; » edn whatever steps micit be teh Litas him ane yuut~ by th dias. of sruary, as We shall cnr ee mi ; SIA COA saelaiiie inereys ayeiairuny Hogi Ln eastern Iai wo lan : purtant crisis: and that be wou fe for ng tee al accounts then anpand in the hands ef officers | THE accounts due the late firm of BURKE & eettled by aduiting all ; en PURate aloullncrce vex i half wl ) collection WERONBY & BRO, STEWART. have been placed in the hands of an \ 1 ote esas ates «tha shoul st eXthe neh detaed to the peopde the eartit 4 : r ; : ' : | i = Salisbury. J 2 1s61 s4tt theer those wlio are ipdebtes sonue forwar The Mississippa represeutacives hate presented the: Nasty yur ved flnal’y at the Gallet box on the action a ‘ Midori ipdeltedewallscainte fonwart eter of withdrawal fon Congress abana . a Convention, Mr Bas MST Ee MOET UAC 1 Ne tems eet SDDS TUGIS UU CG Sis SM agi! hae seceded Y Congr al Conunitiien: « 1 That , ; When the Senute voted on STANLY COUNTY shel i y demanas it ; jd That we den i ~ a | helt ; Fe iyeute : ate STE LT treason tu the General Goveruinent bas oeed ap ya ‘ “* S we fonnd chat two thirds aon us Crarta: Pcke and Quarter Seamus, November BURKE & STEWART Poor revolutionary messes as a te vo for any ect Id el 1-60 Jan. Sth, P60 Seer ven . . . te tad been obtarne 1 ar val Mm \ erm 16 an. Sth, 186 SHE UNDE NED T s3 Tr MI pointed in the House Nove nan just fron: eVances existing oF Uieat atid We : . HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS Mh- New York and Pinludel uicavetl< here . cclatealtcciumcels Ghent oe . should be withteid by the Seater from Cas Pini Carter, Exeeutor of Sarah Stoker, dee'd. | thod of informiag all persons in want of ROCK ‘ - . e orViei inyetine atin fi ae vod the substitute thus defeated. te respon fait TO )THE PU BL IC. for MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that he ren there will not sustain the course ot Sotho ie hv un cat eee Re WO TERSEC TELIA SEIDEN MIM nTee Omer CH Trommncleor ments UU UtmanCanit tla (eet (hy Sue Carter, Alen can farnish the best quality of Carolina 4 1 fand Besta imate daw Ma westel AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIF 4 Tk " thy na ‘ oe ‘ AEE viet of avir Yipaer athe thw ’ . ey: aR we - m 4 oD ; | Thins PETEVION FOR SETILEMENT ] rata GRANITE, CoUeNtit Teextictaenane cenit ‘ 1 seer ny ‘ ty tr tet ; t Q TOs ‘ 1 : BT A corstiy pits of ou \ \ . : , oy : , Tere lie satistaet Fihe Conte that SALISBURY BOOK STORE cut in any shape, and at the lowest posable nites for IAVA ayo nol To tnqiice the news as ioneteen out i : ‘ - preety ws tose Tata reieut the det feo this ease os Daa A ae CASH fis Quarry is eituntd 5 miles South of tee . ‘ elton latacloteries lamitaniie lctewant ee : he © Old shay UARRY.” wenty do but ta Sugeest to pelat ar a 1 . he States 7 rerefore ordered Nalisbury, known ae the “Old Shape QUARRY suger yon a ne ee lesiiana Fe ia Canbatit inlet ‘dein the Care. the undersigned would offer his thanks to the public WILEY HOLPSUOUSER tanning the @uumenut of Rowan Coty wees 4th 1 ‘ ‘ S Ceeran . ene \ ; ow an DPW mpage hedin the town fer the patronage extended to the House while con Rowan Co., Nov 20th, PRGU ante yu. He treated with coutempt sone the wen Ca tt Nay i ‘ an | PHONG erie eer CacttT sue the xaiade- ducted by the fate firmof Berke & Sreworr, and 1 ' ' seat tae EL ue ! < shen Jor et the continued confidence and pate ge sation paragraphs of the Chanotte Bullen ar at ale ul ee bent f t and appear before Justice of nue # dconfidence and patronage e : ie ° M en Mie Ulett een / with bain, He sand he» Poitier So POE Conc Paw oad Quant > Xexsnolite be held of ste frends He will constantly replenish the ye 1uU¢ ore arked he had beard bas prau: ay that Pi : ; 3 : mr : vee in her ie ( . ~ en nen house in the SPOCK OF BOOKS, and will make additions as / tue mes of the revulutenary war he wool aa ‘ vee ‘ ‘ ferred hy Ce aime teoie tin , Pow of A nthe 2d Moay in February tee and valaable works are broaght out ue is ip e ; . Wit : : oe ; . : ty almost daily commuanieavion with the bargest Publish N willing to go tem miles te hear acuan t t a ‘ eH ercticeselter Coslettiy dne omerinceltee eur, the bere to plead. aosw er demur to a Y y IDs i / | i : : ; ng Houses in New York and Philadelpt de | } t \ i t same will t Dexparte ante (2 phin, a an . . es eetig Meola, ect andl ioceeepninien G6 sa tein Se etary Viv atd ae dechurol by das ket onic | readily supply by Express wich orders se0t han as SALISBURY ev thing comeerumig: the war just ae n \ ' ‘ . rey \ ‘ oveasion, he take the rey Woraeee. Richard Tarde, Cloke ourend Count, (aun rt le otherwise tiled Hix atoek of Stationery . eyard to gor National troubles ' : = ty He would never vote for the subs Coftice in Mibemur'e. the 2d V Niivcmbaeds 0) Suatsiie Ueiesae leans Terk Cis wits caRiiatt \ ROW. R DICKS would respeetfally inform the AV ole it iui dcne nuoraeary tH arate cP ‘ tie N Sta J asi stood never! never! Around of appaus Vera and tie SOth year ile Tad nde nce aa ea Deel e ANN, Mle pe enniee ace gitnree rite, Statesville, ee : a 1 wit ( ran through the Senate and lobbies iu respons RO HARRIS, © © 21 Concord, Gold-Hill, Mocksville, Greensboro’, Lexng Pruposinon for ascertaining Che senee of the cout ( a ‘ ) . ee Dee Toth, 16 Osa R00 ron too, Morganton, Newton, ane e surrounding eon US dec aration = XN ’ . ’ bg secession, for the reason that iis very i kely that rs Gol 1 winel intl / NQ) I nt ‘|: try generally, that he han extablshed a Hoow Bis ol. Brown wi veosustained in this course “ se é Santcninte BKC OR CUGOT Tat iso rie eee all pase ic: [tier mT tll peony eta ea ie pe Pane rien ae hata The Ad Valorem Banner, een iw ths place. ne ill be pied to peor wople. daekson ve Stands mp) da : , ders in bis line. Music Books, Law Books, aid ature, and the people wil then be called on to imake ary thatw [ost n 1 1S Ye rea . (iay el Dns Ady ‘ SEAT iy a ‘ : . ene t Heat ‘ \ by day in the Senate as the advocate of popular ALL hy oye Periodicals, bound to pattern, oc ta any style te fu , ave 1 eos It : G - | . e C sugwh their senumemts af the In mh o . \ nehts and as one of the strongest barriers in the NEHRU emer tee LN UREAE pritpentna: (iren His establishment ean be found on the se mediate serreeton is vow deta Er vere whos will visit nf core Legistature aginst disumion,— // Weekly newspaper. tobe calle A) SIDE Ve gors nee cea ean) a eer Ile Post-Oflice . : ‘ ~ > f ‘ : ; count, are he opted that pavinent of the sane 7 Orders frou a distance prompily attended t son, Voetar ©. Barringer, and a few others w atien st South Ca 1 {raid BANNER, to be pabished in tne City of Rabigh, required Ha es Whee ‘ ee m oo , . ‘ WOR DICKS me rece : : Nar Me eucourageme have received, fare “ ig eal Ee : 3 , would aot have dared to propose sucka tung 6. upon the pable property of Ge Vny eed sare. Cree Sew Yank SU Mie encouragement I hase teceived. Tat es< STas en veri iaaien wirardecar cymes, — Salobiers, Sap 19, 1800 Cid tonir conetituests when they were cana st Sth Thatan dor the Umonwe a ievbscwanersatite tar 1s Nels ceri caer Haunt realli ati py. and trke Cis occasion to acknowledge our Uianks ! pay tate ha 1a whet, tre Vis prospet. the obyeet of which is te cntorm the pubs pes , ern TOD DE oe eh » legaeure, By-the-way, a portion of thee. Chem beyand a parallel: ail iis atau Giscondinge Posty epoof No York, is. le that Pw the Ist of Jar ~O1, commenes eh ‘i | ae sand trust that they will soeediy UNITED BAPTIST INSTIPUTE. " A (iouaanaccuntinn Decunite oy dpsed Wa . - fe ani eaen Pa NINO MC One EER comply with the above notice and save ua and ther TAYLORSVILLE. N.C rusof Stanly have passed resatutone of instr ciection at Mr, Leneolty however mah to be de OW residing In the eity of Mexico, in a yp ATLY : selves farther trouble about vusestied business , o 1 _ ij ‘ a tn 2 J ae ; AEB The Tlth Session of this School will open on the tov to their representatives on tos sutyeet. Wil plored asd 0 TNO READ ie ant state of utter destitution a cae dee with political § BesDoterest charged on all standing aceouuta h i (oa Lease iP ter utty tse ‘ SE cere penne a first Mouduy (ith d f January, INGL Te iw the r v8 om ? atari ale eras +» ms ' Norcent hint cred to Witer the bet Jannary irst Monday (7th day) of January, \ Mr. Barnnger regard them ? whiten of the Vn ; = . eee upens a HARRIS & SULLIVAS —sesigivof thin Sehool to prepare young men thorongh ss Oh That wi regard a ( TREE hiner TaeenTa Aver’s Amnnican AtManac or 1501, 1s aan bila i pa aee 7 CCB atin Ce to anwetin sot ted y for College, ot for the active duties of hte ANOTHER UNION MEETING IN ROWAN. of the Se ee v vor less now ready for delivery rats at the Drusgits. tion. it will know ne party, bet wll be w zealous P . sabe aie " reality ot ee We are highly pleased to record another Vinen 4 ae : ve i ae a em na aca . p Who wre Lappy te sippy acl that ill for them. advocate of all these, repadiai ie secret caucuses, rospect High School, ide ration of pare io ard guardian ° . ‘ ‘ saieieieeioas vo pa ‘ Pat , heen Where the spintot the tt msoften violited, KOW AN, CO, tneeung of the people in this County. For partic Jomeof “Kong Cotton” and tor this an! t Every faimiv shouhl tave and keep this book. ced san fir 4) Conventions, and che scheming iinianmaeloa means PER MO PER BESSON ars ace resolutions in another eolusun revsone, We are opposed faa Conyes eS Tras worth having, Comprisag moch general of would-be pohacal demagogurs and tric keters. 1 l i SWIEPH, Priwerrat, a graduate of Davids Reading, Writing. fe, eyo a . ) tuether deve ald soake vt uperatively . BPM Dent C RIT tae ater eron College, nod anexpeneneed teacher The fae Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, ete hn A vote was taken at thie meeting on the folk PICS PR PAT MUSCAT SRT] WELT erel test ve HULL C ENT EL aN UCC ALCS dlue it aves the best in ‘ ‘ ws ur vue en first kession wil commence the Tih ofanuary, IS61. Latin, Greek, and the higher Marbematies, aan . : : . \ TERMS OF THE DALY HONS £ ig question: Te there sufficient cause for N. the Consatuuen ot the State of North Carolina struction for the enre of prevalent complants, ; ' ae ow audi designed to be @ permanent Sebout Contingent fee, loo i Pr eOD var, in advance > ; Carohna to secede from the Tnion at this Respecttully snbintiod that we can get anvwhere. [ts anecdotes alone 5 ae ‘ ” ‘ Pence eeS 20 00 TERMS PER SESSION Board, exclusive of lighta, perinonth, noo It G ' y, . HOHN Po RYWER Ton Moaver . = H T BURKE, Principal resulted, Noes, 180. Yeas, not one 2 a eee are worth a bushel of wheat, and its medical ad TERMS OF THE WEEK) RANSER Tuition in Elementary branches, SOU a areca Dee ren tw And we unt he ser GoM BERNHARDT ’ Advanced English Hou wy ou | Psyereilenl | BU eOn sical z aseect Ciao ay alare THORN LON TC Tet lt vice is sometimes worth to the sick, the wheat's One copy 1 year. in adeance, 2 ee ee Gy ’ 25 Seen eee eens Sietca er nelcunnta tle : NB ‘ t : E eee a mee - 2 To oy Panguages and higher Mathematics, 25-00 IR d E. \. Medulay's ee: ile iste andar The Carman then announced that the vote weight in gold. Many of the medical almanacs poy 6 | i 15 00 are ees ans and fuel 88 per month oR. and &, \, Medutay s uisrepresentations of the State Journal and others. . Trestees—Rev oS. Frootus, James bo Jamison, ’ 1 val Le taken eupon e esolution separately. are trx i ; etal alent ties ! \ oO : NN ' ty the contrary notwithstanding. The people sedi taken eupon each resolution separately. are trash, but thisas sohd metal, [ts ealculations “ ties, FRANK I , I - x ° TARR ULIN Nhs CIRO TEGorien Caan Ik L E ( 4 SC HOO IL, . Rowan are utterly opposed to this whole Secession andl any olyeeted to them they woul! have an are made purposely for this latitude and are ae ualae . Hargrave MORGANTON, No ¢ movement, and they will prove it at the ballot box opportunity of doing eo The Secretary then read therefore correct. Call and get an Ayer’s Al T e R merane i k oC Rak ve eR ore oli Th f ) «l ovement, y 1 ‘0 a re hatlot trey Pres . ' ot tne = ev. Joba ©. Pressly, DOA. Davie, and James BE he course of snstrnetion embraces the tyasitnl 4 eetiary by wy ot e ’ ’ ys when called on so to do. They are determined not OM t baer A aval Mae es Con being pulen a anac, and when got, keep it. R New Tailor ‘ hop. i herr rnd Mathematical Studies. requisive tor adinesion . : . each the w dunanirionsly 5 x ~ into the lower classes in College tw be robbed of their righte hy polincians and that yg FE w : pee ‘ ee alt Oot ne e e essrs 0 nC. Lord and HH. ¢ > ‘ Phe next term commences on the 2d Meuday a officious and scheming class of men had as well Jones, jr Neca creceived speotal invitations to. at THE USE OF DR. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH pe MVEERCRRN Aeon MAME ICATIAGR BE i ISTE R Dainery eb know it first as last tend this meeting. were present and bem called BUETERS tor Dyspepsia, Fiatulency, Heaviness of SHOP ca the moms formerly occupied by Hormce UNLESS UIA, For terms, address the Pancig als ror by the people respec t.vel Messed ther . ce other like wifection. wm second UH, Beard, dee’d His exponenee and qualilieations . . dec SG fan ee uy vthe | Pespiee tv No the Stomach, or any other like alfeen 1 Bea i Xie nienee aud qualiontion House Painter, Grainer, Dec 4, 1861 ‘ Arrest for Treason. J.N. Merriman, Collector Mr Barzer moved that the sense of the meeting to nene im America or abroad. “To be able to state mi this tine, warrant him say hat he will be ” rs Cage . he Yoowhen, upon the suggestion of Mr Sho. confidently that the “Bitters” are accertain cure for able Gomeet the most taste ous demands Call aod PAPER HANGER, &e., of the Port of Georgetown, S.C. and hie deputy a 1 Prat twuant ed age east z ar : 2\ Wot ; a "1 her, the following question was put we for dyspepsia and like diseases, is ul the propriate i pes ea) mca a i oe and ma " MAUENU. tppanee Marihea Grenier hac \( yR | {l Ie RN r. Lopee, have been arrested hy the citizens of Qacocen now, far eesting causes | wirel was vo source of analloyed pleasure tremoves all merbid custead of buying the slouchy, hulf-made tage in . Georgetown for treason against South Carolina ted naninensty in the seative TP pon inenon io malter from the stomach, purifies the blood. impart Ready Made Clothing St SALISBURY, N. C LIME FOR aoe Th " ie i he { the-aitnpl w mit he ladies present. and voted ana renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving i that Cnoimg and Repariog d to order All work personally attended to and warranted to he . The charges imply nothing beyond the simple per ne ee nt ee te TAS tone and energy ao indispensible for the restoraten Produce haker iy exehac oe for work done ra workinanhke manner \ TVG By haentitvendt) Niet Wiis iii formance of their duties as sworn agents of (he UNNI) Sear ie te ie mu ‘otheatth The numerous acknowledgementy ot its WAP HOWARD Jnly 17, 1s60 pd bas Pee by the buabe lh fer sale at Sy connt, and the erowd having formed im procession ~ ; : earache wi (re! love a nce Loe Olt r enperior es cellence and beneficent resulis. Wive as Jan &th, Tod Imad tons “Pau Yard tw we gold \ y reneral Government. By a recent act of South pian there were TNO Diesels a eure em ' uw ¢ : cla Wihcur neta bo sured the proprietare that it ennnot bit prove a great WC. Lindsay's Seleet School, ; arolina, she has declared treason punishable wiih Tt was ball past three ocloek when the vote wa o , / d ae a 4 rename of fosted Leah & , core tothe attieted, and impart vithity Co the thor ease ay. Mc Uclviss ye. Cinennn Cn St 1 death without the benefit of clergy These meu taken and a good many of fe st odictant Had jagh aystem han ; . ‘ : ; Alleria ; % ne cvd agit duran lea on ; ‘ Sj, Mie EAC tiie ny teenie re a4 Soare pojnested ty call aud pay Vhis toe ition wae chosen for a eleees! shoal be Creer nis: [) d ways "1 make no dewial of the charge against them, They ''! | Viet aoMr 1 ree tues See advertisement in another umn Vind WE es - Rerdveve will eye TtN wien 1 cause of its ein fe from sitlaences ente . ated vor io um 4 i : SEWN TON ; closed w ith prayer by Rev. Mr phder Mr. Bar $ aL } Mie Sprit as have been cowanitted for trial Pe cater hie aoceniiy, of tliveen neeaiaionns (he Inay eatlon them for that sarpose. Towill do so. 1) distemet the attention, corrupt the morale, or encour Salisbury. dota 22th sul ule % ‘ can t r Se aa ai ho owas carried. dt was M lee hake wm thanktol tor the large pitrouage Treceiwesand wa nage exiravagance Senator Seward was to speak on last Saturday ‘ yh iler OUT s en 4 * Me te : ‘ Wrerat ea ar ian tisamy only depend: Posupporty itis very um Phe third session will commence the xth of Jan’y To the Creditors a Dodie ani then announe vat Chere would bea Union tice On the th inst. at Mes ete. by Rev ort a eee HAR eer cke atts ayird wean WAT eMeT PAINT 1 the state of the Vaien ing at Vinon Chireh, Cabarras ( ailgy ie (eearcuticy SiG ANID Ly GRUNT ros NIC enh gy WROTE SUNS MES Te ee RCRD a Rrae eae Mees (a ae , : . ; Since April last, the Government has sold 2 26th inet The meeting then aon S REIDENOUR TUES CSG , GN aaHRHUCany RlaneecOs ae WHE TD FTO NGE (moult Nya 1 IDS srt JESSE BARGER, Chinn On the TO0th inst. by Rev So oJ oF root B uae : cD) > ores a < > PCUREIC he ‘ if : MeLex le, Deco Ttth, TX60. 4030 . LRTI Rl RteH: muskets, altered from flint to percussion, They yg ANDREW A. BOSTIAN to Mie ROSE ANS Stop the Thief ! ne ‘ ee ene aN heads £ sid (0 be alinost wrth ACES ator Reman County P WILLIAM ©. LORD bo poet bol ef died lon Boys fra “7. FOLENS from the aubscnber, living in the lower ae Ne JOINT), peontihed dhvlwe hive din al a Me bapuly lone The Mississippi Couveution took the vote on se = Q » living uN \ pi Couvention too he v i fr Walk ri } hu th Bcitleinenbalihenent if ida ested forthe cthe . , By ‘ 1 te z . + YVedge ot kes eounis, ou vorsday night the ’ common the Yth mstant, aud it passed 84 to 15 A Sign of the Times, The squinting 1 W. JONES, M. D MMonatant a bright BAY MARE, biween and = ATTORNEY AT LAW, vrvroedin due torn law worl be forever bares COMBE SH Cet cry ae Caren towards aconstitutional monarchy, is one . fs asueue “— “ Vd yearn atx Said Mare bas white epote ou her \LISBU RYN ¢ VO WISE NTPREMER FO BROT! * Gfatiersimianimetiotimtess al tho “saith I AS permanently located in the town of Saha: iach cand by the sa Pain es reht ; PACOR LE DWHEOHE y Two military expeditions were preparing at New 5 Po. Ws , vary, and offers his rervices to the publie in Recrctins, end) hagas coneoced bay AY eatin CS Ae c Wi TLE Practer and make prompt colleetmns NE cI eaeniaesch Cin ee mic ir a ak Wie, Worthy of notice Richmond hy) varione departinente of his prifresivn : ca . Lee ete ee inttuaitarn se Orleans. on the 10th, to seize the Forts on the 5 ac ‘ ¢ rane de pa Ona hinged! Stew . an , oe . a } s . We have reliable information that 1 Office on Main Street, first door above Bure bg give a rewnedof Pen Dollare for the mare ay nthe conse! Cowan's Riding 90 ssi ‘ ke 5 the wok Store . - pp and Tak there is a strony and growing tendeney Confectionery ‘t Pislivered (aes ur (or Morne ion, Racthat Tc Fe ie Hen «an Fine Suits. Peete ; . ; Jan Iso1 bts ret her again — Pri - ~ The Niet that way in the States South of this sy tee cS CY, Nine (nai keen NP oan eine SD SUD Sate OL Sic rice uf .Vegrocs ve Richmone ia ies n BAN CAE ache ; : far wa hitte aeniey wap ohibley co) al He fiiear tite - ayetterd le Observer sae Se wil ceive prin ‘Tanti Money. Mone ‘ ” vas} correspondent of the Petersburg Fx prese H. JONES & SON ROBERT F CADRDOWAYS vi y ang Mporruem aot DAVID WRI wr rr? Be : ' x ripd do TEXTE heavy payment whieh we have te make com TP Rewewien rie Rey = ay hye fivan kell from praia eee tea de AIST ie yee iO Les Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ny tie mee Death heme sale ca tok te asain ite Rowe, RanaviaH, 4 rom 0 50 per cen eae yan . . ) he aR TARGA Neniegs 1f19 ’ Fr, F 7 TULL. pract the Courts of Rowan Connry 8. Parsing: mone we hy eying at leas t ri they realized before the election. Hasan 15, te01 WWM matey ae ei? | A SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Sve wi Meith len : Me . eubeacr) ty ) Salishbor r ‘ ' ve v ve Duly remy ded » vs i i ref, 2 af; Baco Qh. Rutter, 15 a 20, willalse practice in the Courte of Tredell and | abar ey HC aReR: . ’ mo Perineal gay Psieunes! 4 First-Rate Blacksmith to Hire. Beef, 5 a6, Bacon. 11a 124 y 1 vty th ‘ B -—Our sare tnadg ont and reads Ricuwonp County A gentleman in Com, 65 875, Flour, 63.00 0 go Lard, 100 124 Lee ia a We F ae tt ie wie pal anches usually taghe ie tlement Luterest will be charged on all accounte Any person want } a No 1 stove Black 7 f wh Potatoe ection will meet prompt atter feria at ACC AIAI Is the npper end writes on the 25th ult: Merl 600 70; Molnases, 33 a 55; Trivh Entatveey lento ue hn Th en ne from firetof January and July in each vear emith can do so b g immediately te }} \ : > See > > Office No 9, Back Row, nearthe Courihour Resnled : . oe 50 w RO; Sweet Potatoes, 60070, Peus, bo, Pork, 1/ ice v4, Br ow, ; Aelita ik will he recesved BROWN, COFFIN & WOCK JJ SUMMERELI ae in thir vicinity are very much G4 a 7h, Sugar, 9 e124: Tallow, 10.0124; Wheat tO) Janes, sr HW ¢ ee r RAM arbay R Ren ame oe eo 6122 reamacn aaa oppored to recession.” $12 A B14, Whiekey. 500 #1 00 Danes leat f Aalishary S ET Common with nun), who enumerate their artiobes. Beesuse an examination of the stoek and prices, will eat + the most sceptic, and closest buyers, of the } R br miy sincere acknowledgements to the ; ‘ cost Rowan und adjacemt counties for past fa- A CARD. ——_()——— SEEING IS BELIEVING ! ——— (he Ri kST AND MOST KVTENNSIVE STOCK. OF DRY GOODS, | LOTIEEN G, AND GROCERIES, bo en s he ee oe Are now opening at the Subseriber’s ever Lirhibited in Salisbury, Aud which will be sold as heretofore at anpreeeden- Thisie ING PHRASE tedly low prices. NOCANT ADVERTIS vous L hope by close attention to my business, to nerita contionanees of the same (rouble as usual to show Goods at S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNTRY | WVERCHANT VIE SUBSCRIBER would call the atteation of COUNTRY WERCHAN TS, to his large and aes ar t NS I TE varird Stock of DRY GOODS, Clothing and Groceries. wh he will sellat WHOLESALE as low as can be bouchtin any city in the Union, the Great Em- York, not FRANKFORD. WHOLESALE New excepted x LE. OOP SHIRTS 1a endless vuriety at 5. FRANKFORD’S, Q5-f RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BIYAN'S Puhnonic Wafers! Tue) Manicivg Ext piste tx 1887, and frat article vf the kind ever introduced under the name of “ Primosic Wore any other country; al other Pulmonte Wiferaare The Genuine can be known by fia name HRY AN being stamped on each WAFER. RNYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Couzhs, Colds, Sore Thr WEY ANS PULMONIC WAFERS Kelleve Asthma, Bronchitis, Dificalt Breathing. II November 6, [S60 Iya in this or uniter feits BRY ANS PULMONIC WAFERS Lelieve Spitting of Blood, Pains im the Chest. BRYAN’? PULMONIC WAFERS Retleve Incipient Consomption, Lang Diseases. BEYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Irritation of the Cvata and Tensfis, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFSRS Kelleve the above Complalats Ip Tem Mieutes. BY \\ 3 PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blessing to all Classes and € stitattows, HY AN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Pablie Speakers. BEY ANS PULMONIC: WAFERS Are io a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMON(C WAPERS Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cares, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ene. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OP « Bryan's onic Wafers, Norte Hots No TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OB Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, Ly iis rock ET. No pRisoN WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE Bryan's Pulmonic Wafera, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. * JON MORES. Sole Proprietor, Roohester, NT HENDERSON & ENNIS: all Drag Nu as Iyt NO THUMBUG! Selling Off at Cost !! subseriber respecttully informa bie former snd the public generally, that he is de- achange in his present bustness, ind will commence sell- ie potron erimined Co maKe sohefore January next rh EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, Gent's Furnishi Goods, Hats, fec., at Cost aye LESS ITEAN COST. Cups, « ef eoporp heing The balance (oat public veodne ren cud nound ctld early ab \L HOFELIN’S, Carncr af Mansion Hote/ BLANK DEED SALE AT THIS OFFICE FAVE ee AT. TTS j IREAT EXCITEMENT aul : ey SPECIAL HOTELS. North eae Foundry GRKA Ayer’s Sarsaparilla AT THE GREAT LOTICE ' ire thm mont cial atrannng eee CALENDAR FOR NOTICE. Wunkl, MACHINE WORKS: (LOTHING EMPORIUM =: S22icseif ; ; : i 1 : ; i es ; 7 greater allerative power as to effurd S800 wy i ¥ xi j SBeGol. ‘ ee IN OF tidote for the diseases Bareapcnte ie net ay Lae Hi ae ' yr ‘ Jt is believed that euch w remed: Oca, r ir remedy te w. ; aA 7 l 1 [ T K STC YN kK SA L Is SBU R Y. DAV ID W KIL. who sufler from Strumous lane sini ‘ut $150 ZA Lae a 49 ‘ ; / wiich will uccomphsh their cure mast ro ove L Pees Peas y oe f[lielsutecriver taken meeurenmenuienciie ty ie wens wervice ty this large clus af eur fly, "hy > ee - 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. friends, and the public generally, that he hae FRERCKS & RAEDER ; 2 low-cilizeus. How eompletely this eeepeaerte fe. ane - la fonesien HENDERSON & ENNIeS | Gtken this long esi fdetard well knowin Hate 9 ' w haw been proven by expériuent on many ie a his tae ae ioe i : SNE i : “ and Die made every porsile pre patation to aeconime BUCCESSORS TO Wort cuses tv be found tu the fullowing eee ts ie 6] ‘ rene) Y date We business, trave ings and: vieitaye portions 0 . ’ cNT gk : SAROFULAT ANU SCAUFULOUS COMP LAI Neg, me The foll sf} . 1 1G : : 1 ! : te Whe. the most atestretory manner Nic BOY DEN & SON, avo Excriive Disrases, Utcens. Prwrres, Berri are kep ; a oe 4 530 Bush. CLOVER SEED. intieathee attention | paid to Nis VY LEE continue to manutuctare at heey on Penow, Sarr Kugea, Boaue Haw, Burnt sent by ib on Mal), Nee hereall Svemieiie Ae ecrions, Mewcortan D as ¥ 'OHADP, Dp, expense F ss . He EN AaTCIGR Net ‘oe & WE Kex ari UNETTCIEY oP YANG Nevxanaia on bic Dotrovreux, Daas ony a ry \|- HENDERSON & ENNISS , AGRI | i { RAD IMI LEMEN HS Bi. AND INDIGESTION, bnyeiPELAs, Reeg cc. Dre So \ ; ln atid & oem ortis ve > - ~ oe y ! eee ite nude hereteiae. A full assorument of _ yee Fine, a a ed tbe whote clusy uf ea 5 Wile: © i : ROO M eee Cultivators, | [AViX@ RECURNED FROM THE NORTH. P tha Arey Gide TWeunttr OF THEN sca Subdpene 5 ‘ \ , rn } S ney eG . va hor adi! LETTE iB Co ieee will be found w i ie : PHERMOMETERS hi vn Wyplrat aud ate mn ste ge ag tee et LT eee aa eel come aT ES Te a ae ee et reer gl vee ~ { t { th Powers Seed Sowers, Stock of POR, LO expe) the Juror Ti e nee \ T oy . tide d a ot fe parti , Humor woich fester in the iii at tha fou) r ’ 2 UE oe an For aaa Tobacoo. ......,.. aye SE trates: Cider aud Sagar Mills 1 . nt Se waog Pi en \ a ey ' top . Bati Bon : a4 ee lo {ee ; ene » Pitester aud Separators, ‘They alee inanulacture R ae | U; d ' (| thi the yeor By the tanely expulsion of them », i Bail Boo / ee ate eee Mane BURT jae unssengeh eady-Wade Clothing : taphiig disorders are uipped iu the bud. : onthe Hiv n % i Malt Attache t ! us \ Pe A): ° ! HE \pe Reus & ENNISS meV ouethe ye ; a Shafting and Machinery ‘ . + ee : J hy the aid of this re medy. spare themselves nett Delivery s]° si : Meee MCUs anil altar eee Mots Caculer wud Vertical Saw Mills. Gold, Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, rire nee eel at eruptions and ulesrous we Ae cs \ sas pubbe patronage is eo mibvscdie tet or ives ss CETTE TS ee : : through whet the te ( feo, ad? of SVM RONG ZT He Uun fier tel aiitan Mobis Uabicie Ureaces andl Wis SOT re Hunn che flute, Capa (rswerst Uuiler Wisin, cauc niin: accross cee col td ell gf i , ; s aa A : curcaptinns if not wssiated to do thie th vie ; “ La POUNDS Jiunory Q5cn, 1s6 ; tures, We Oy Slurte, Cravain, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs, tl « utara channels afthe t ‘hrowgh te 1 pew BS aoe " 10, (00) l(), (MM), TRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, tine assortiuent of Shirts aod Collars, ke, &e.. to a a he Out Nod whee ative medic } the vitutted blood whepey 5 4 | OF ee ev you Hk 4A 16 17 1k 1 ! : \ : y % 7 FORGINGS and FINESHED WORK ot every Which be tivies your immediate atienbou. “They tmpuroes burstuig throagb the s®in in Pun) tren : ® : ee aie et : Pt White Lead i Oil, Tay Tar | 1 9 Watton made os afd fe wad wentranted pi every Halts berw puretiaced for ean, and willbe sold ehesp- lone. st-wut-er clei ae it when fe Reg ee ee 8 5 ; “75 deeerption made to ord-r, and warrante ever z Feoree: cleanin . Winn a Poa? aie ure € ea In i 4 , i Repairs obevery description of Machiuery 6 Utau Pa i lf ! nae Tee ee i ed wid slagyist in the veine; cleanse it » fence ae < M ; Nov d NAME OR \ SARG -, uy is foul, aud your leebage will tel er it ‘ Teen NDERSON NNISS s . ° mae + bonetiee i . evhuge w ell you wh e = ' ( ‘ ! , PRET D EE Sich, NO. dul, eo ot oy rid tesell cheaper than any other house where my particular dinufder in felt pee : le d ‘ : ; : in Salisbury ter health, and longer. for el ate ’ il ; Stindand: Ralsehe Gatiriets Crenismero Demos Retiring me (hunk for the liborall patrinize ees the hind het aad ai ie TIME the thong , a Woo GALLONS 1000 erat Charhoctes Wester Advocate, Asheville (Card- hereofure bestowed, hope for a continuance of the iin pabuluny « ie ueeeam | ells but with aq, : ! ~ie ; wv : Tees 3 tucocth Weebly Columbrr: Obrerver, Fayetteville: iia. Aiiiiy oiheas tend Nene Nhe iki emo be no lan. MN it 1 = vp 1 t Peak 7 MTEC, Renae Cae otersomething ning > ei ora ee snd Preeell Express wall publest Sineoths and tocward »~”9 Y eM Gr NITE ROW, fu Wro X 2 \ : W 4 PURE LINSEED OTL, Morganton, N. c. ai Les Epicor ii Smouths and NOP) MULC UN SiG aN ee ae ate tie geval uiucliuers uf life w dimoraree mod - ‘ ) Se TP Hen row ih ’ 1 \ \ 1 SDséu fg < Sarsapanttn his. and deserves much, eComplishinge these ends, i ey ee , Fo silo by HENDERSON & ENNISS PIS inet See eee sheen 5 ee ee oe ny . < RST lees ot aie at nn oes ): ce eae REAL ESTATE, RANAWAY.-875 Reward, 2 svcies- ims te 2 ‘ 10 Bhls. Tanner's Oil. 1. ie SAS suse the doug alone hax not all the victwe that 5 Tt ch a S and the very Ve lret ae ved Tecontisu oO « A ANAWAY from the subseribers at Lex- fh med for it, but wore beeaase many Preparations n 0 > For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS op. never haviog hee . aren ; , Site >} aii Negro wan named ALEX. or preteading to be concentrated extracts of Uy contain ee . . . = \ GPa Ue crepn at ons ten Wt I Sa aru Gi un ct ik ena ALEXAN TOR OSiad aman int a dark rope But lithe of the virus of Sareaparilla, oF any te eee : . : aaa Phive arrangem \ opt sup a use i TOSI Viereolin 6 ot hor WO inehes high, and will else “% e <a ee aa = ne /eh WN Wilh Buel Baclationn urea aul S uc Mat ve ae Ue eg erage hen 153 3 Hea very Itkety fellow, bat Danny tote years thy pubic huve been misled by Ague and Fever Cured :, °";; Ey bow td cfoeana) a ee ne aig Ia pegciad crag Von Jota Ges, erictete gree ae oe CLASS HOLELS i eel ‘ oe 5 : think e that Alex os lurking CO Sersapariita ter one dotiar mae of these he i - : ra doods. contamina great deal of tne tuber . eis, a ‘ Professional Cards. ; x : , OR NOMA CON, Brown & Cos Slice Office. ; : We N CR, Pree ieaie oun 2 OT ee lael ie te Suliaicy iM oy Detect te the wick. for they wet only comin TUE HOSTETTER’S : ; ; en Ne ROW OM LUN rei WENO yuh ys Su Sse aS Viale eye whatever Vere ee ane poner —_— Eni *\wue ; | Pe Pill teat thes Hose I ro HORSE Cove dd : ris, Saal (OS PAV IRNGe (eeenapercumiin, G2 ve the abe \ or his apprehension ane 7 » bitter and painful die STOMACH BITTERS VAISS doue and Fever Tails, Bs run tothe in five SN 0 Raat enn umn eA to them at bo vaerian, NC. Also, they w ‘thos followed the use ofthe various tne . heute suis, garret and citar, and alse > me ed Gis norm vrelalieuue. varia whieh floes f ce The proprietor~ and manufacturers of HOS- ut HENDERSON & ENNIS’. COACHES ana LICKS. Pe re ee Sag clam ae Ease . SW OMEORARY & CO mons ith iupostiion and ebewt Sul we ova : TEITERS ChiT ERATED STOMACH BIT- a ‘ Cbarditiess sorte af wine) ures a a 5h why Comp stud Sars pordia. and untend to supply auernn coe at SDR | BES SENT. HU cin ap mit perio conten ty ee ReeS rf at sagen aad tomatoe Tennribe aw oh coesne the wine. teoae att etel sider zens generally of the United . . . : ge : V ' EE HME f obloquy whoeh rests upon it Aad we think ; Bu Poway vaunracleline diained a renu Provcirion dist [diy feats tae. CO os Leiter huh we have areas AS REMOVED vo rue DENTAL ROOMS tation heretotore uuknown. A few tacts nee Fluid and Kerosine Oil Ju Wie { Polacco. Cotten. Grace E al heh i . ai a oe os soe reser House, en the corner formerly vecupied by Di Bason us pomt will speak more powerfully than 8 Gaon Sarcel tor Be lose 1 ee ' : * rae eS Ceened| alnnasririnect res (hare ce ess action where he is prepared to attend al orraifous volumes of bare assertion ort ning puflery HENDERSON & ENVISS ieee ie fe in WV ING OY BRADSHAW a teow from che svete Mer Miiad a unUlGM asa ee The su eounected with his profession The consunmpren of Hostetter s Stomach Bit ing 1 . ( I 1 ’ a _ [Ses2: [een ce Hinde Gadaennits ms Precis mod: gate tae ty WS ters for the lat year amounted to over a half . tnd Soisbery | =) = AKED Ity ors ~ midtion bottles and from its manifest steady : : “ “ rN , ) MEDICINAL COWAN’S _ = Ca author Wi eee NTE i increase in time= past, it is evident that during O <a ~ p> “gs 5 BARRIER the coming yeur the consumption will reek Houat Vernon Pense io ee Z 6D comes: DR. J.C, AYER & €0., oS DENTIST Fo revrone mit ciectes thslenenseasico’ ARE NCH BRANDY. - “+ Vegetable Lithontriptic, = 3 — LOW BLL. Mass eee MT PLEASANT cd mr ie been ie eee Firomeity led ? ae Airis Pare, Si rne Borrue: Sa Borrere roe 95 We ZS \ I al properties contained in the prepara- Siena H, Pre ta Ba ee en ~ a ay ae e March 13, 1860. han { tiom, and the sanction of the most prominent IS NAL TOR Daly AT THE DEPOT, PRIEND or Tar nes j “~~ co - A S oh P oon i {physicians in toe wectione rf the country _ eee ene SA isutny Noe PEND OF THE NUMAN FAMILY es yers i) ectoral, Sen where the article is best known, who pot only 7 ihay ‘ aie vl ot = = Dn: . ee A. cate recommend the Bitters to their patients ie newns HENDERSON & EN\Iss KE SASED KIDNEYS iS - eee EUs haleuractcy, be hek AVE associated th M are ready ali times to give testimonials to ite T" Ur ' i a " coat Gow e. = = = a — : ence mu ! aa TONS UGTA ce does nm extra cliarg | and the diseases resulting therefrom =e PICE ‘S! ’ eile Certs) ; = os Ce has teen employed As untart iw omer nenmecconie tree lew Th is is wota temporary popularity, obtained SPICES! Ss £ i fi aa Poot Ty Fen et £ Te UM EOC listee Due December \\, 165 ty extraordinary «forts in the way of trum Tiree ‘ == a] we thas mb ses pl fae 1 pets Uines of the Bitters, but @ solid Popper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginge hea Phe PASS ia M ras Js ee by vat ss ai - LAW ne extini vi onvaluable medicine, which ig Cannan tuntle NiO niente) ES : . ‘ = aac eniiomen bos bss . destin > be as enduring as time iiself : , Ee teat : " ! ! ‘ > . ao = 3 se oo be certaio A. H. & R. Al OWE LI Hostetter’s Stomach Bitiers have proved EEE NT TESES ) NaSSUaIN EN US BEST inary ' ' awe 22 in ; mot i mn dred. 4 atl a Godtend to regions where fever and ogue : Z J cep ‘ ‘ ae: x ~e Z ~ t 1 see eo! uk ills . OFFICE the one formenty ooeu. ted te Dr Nest and various cvther bilious eo mplaints lave . Nae tot ‘ Mi a, 18 ner ie = 4 7 ‘ } purpos Tap \Weateer counted their victims by hundreds e be N 5 N Beds A Re y wih bist ‘ Vttes ‘ 4 ~ aes ° teed Ge ~ : able to state confidently that the «Bitters a a ‘ yma teecttin exany ! s N 4 nas ' " west ves SATISB GI Nac are aeertain cure for the Dyspepsia and ike 30 ets. Pure Cider Vinegar, 30 ets. Ants fe i Mh ES A ay a Co " f Plee tian ds sas March }, 1559. w liseases, is to the proprietors x source of un ' ere ; Jay 26. bees “4 ; EGOTS ‘ BOOTS s i i i Pe revolut slioyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter {HE NIMERSUN: @ Po NeN Ses | lay } ‘ ” en : bon ay see a the dis z ee tr the stomach, purifies the |! ee | z , Py bé vs an = a 5 99 1 : as ‘ ‘ : oe W ( \ : i aes the per a Lys Imparts renewed vitality to Che nerves system ra & d oO \ a i 2 era al, Ww I Deets as : foiu, ued Dinner Puli, and se . BUSINESS CARDS. Ele Ge an vee utayeeee Pite UWlON, NCW PUPA. mee ae? “ people 4 , leer rew 1. b t s foe nates S mace ucit CVE at Veceen tree ! Ph oMmowl seusitee provisc N.M. MARTIN, BRO. & C0, | tewemnchiiieer and'ciher digenive signe, @T@enSborough Mutual en ete QUILLEY ROTTOW ROOT oral SNE TRE TOM pines tiv nuh hey ate tin be oe GROCERS AND COMWINNION , eye ae ee ee INSURA NOC ONITAGN Y, . _ Hate nN SOSSAMOW, ‘ a vate ‘ m . believe & era spain UPTON SZ NE WeOomr a, Tee BULL TS a Leeann ie ' ai ; M E R Cc Hi A f T 8 oe aS eo ee Pays all Losses Promptly ! eat & 41 I ee ee cies Fare Dieer mre ie as that , per dirs cntiea sein le en ee Asti : I. f / ' ie ALSO, Fine Pull WATER-PEOOF BOOTS oe EN Oy A Oca ~ . : ots : y Ul DART TORS: ‘ 1 Wee NO UEL Lf 1 . % ita y {2 i m , ry people nL ae ' Init @sUimulant peculiarly adapted to comtort ; ov t TORIES. | W Re eer Soc Uae w Staes PGE ost ier Vaan dechniug years, as it i= pleasunt to the palate, Be es ae eu ae Pe Ate A , fos ene ieee the rey - invigorating to the bi pxceileut as au tonic, i Tee) ; aon oe i last . i ; ' \ ta if sino * ALSO, GENTS FINE COP K-SOLE BOOTS Wiens of these treme the off = and rejuvenating gener We have the evi NOTED yc Ea ; _ : fe ee ‘ N. M. MARTIN, Tp & CO. lence isiaardel omen und women WS See Hs ' ga USO. MILES A SONS GEES FIVE CALE BOOT, ot Fae Acute eae Wane! Sirah wate tate nN Whe have experienced the heuetit « ing this Re ‘ i! | ' ' “aK eee at ' Seri . 1 1 ies VMK ON NE ane which they this gr Mi S preparadion while euflering from stomach de penton bes Vow) 4 Pinan ‘ \ ‘ ce i ‘ Ct iap ia ans Ye abive ec Gone rangements and genera. ivtility, acting under G Waters y i yn $ \ FS Witsoe Wileie co sON SN CIID SOLE COV GENTS arn ital eedullnweili tee ane assein! RICy MOS Sb, VA the advice of physicians. ey have abandoned Wwe Ra Wide he Rey ROO Mayne . SSCS wy \ oe DENS Bouts, i ‘ ‘ assem . all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Frauktinteas De lB Woton, Watsonville : one ee ” ental ri capted dealers wath uthe contro Nom MARTIN, 6 k any 1 merits of this article) «A few wore tothe WS FTUENG DNS HOTE y , t : ~ p Nes vo there profit oo Demaer except ROA waRTIN gentler sex. There nr certain periods when < yy p WILSON Leeeiient \ TEL oe \ \ Tires Cetin ie MARTIN: ! Ns ‘ their cares are so harassing that many of them Mesby 1 (hfs ssa § Vive President rie mr en a] “ aa ‘ Perel is] ver ev stoatd have t mee TP Strict persor \ sie sink under the trial. The relation of mother ee eerie fae a Sees “A ReaD Y¥ B R ; : 4 eve abet cath probab prodace. Orders ae eule Praia v filed | and child is so absertingly tender, that the " ‘ } . ae is ! - eet JOHN Ale JO NusS, Propr eto i . CLS WA E 2S ‘ Jou Dea Wo an Raviehiine ' N ¢ by suc Rereeesce —D. A Davie Cob Bienes. bing mother. especially if ste be young, is apt to yyy ny CUA MENG Cemee iN ern rath trou ay | : : the een ‘ of the meeiawince forget her own bealth i her extreme anxiety QQ y yt NNT TA ' BROAD “TRELT. t a eae 0 \ SIRE Tel, Ne a ee ; for her infant. Shou!l the period of maternity =. 1, yy oe ‘ ' Hace ie would arrive during the summer season, the wear of Moo ARKE z \ : n ee HN E set eet YT re SAT witees ever w JAMES HOR AL: body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, | uy omen ' ‘sf ef ef Hlardw op atga i860. oe ed seas aie then, ix a necessity fora stimulant to rec upe A aes . vrs iene © RC ETT — a ER reer yen 4 y aa a a r¢ A it ~ ~ Ko Cha it poe WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELEE, CnRC ee eee nian ; FALL TOCK oe co oe EOWCLig. mother to bear up under her exhansting trials PETER ADAMS. Secretar : \ ° 1 »- t 5 | oa ' " gi ea — feats ae s ‘ uh to ref SALISBURY, N.¢ and responsibilities rsing mothers gene- C fe BN ele Iya ws i a j G oh ca i a me He Woe Cs ont HOPI exes 1 =e rally prefer the 6 all other gor . ! ; ib sties i) ‘ ( LET Ty]? . SAI. Pee One door below R.A A. Tiphy's Stare tors that receive the endorsement of 11 a 2 : iA \ \ } al | i | i would EEPS constantly nh a cianm, heranse it is agieenble to the taste 1 vr : WM. BM. 2. RKER Aico CO Leona Veale LIVER INVIGU; ATO? haste WATCHES snd JEWE ay Mal kro well as certain to give a permanent increase See a) i ee ema A - PNT ore) e182 oy Ly iy Al Cloeks, Watehes nud Jewelry of overs . of bodi'y strength fe a Wit SP NOY or. VW ! NST Lr M 4 NEVER DENILITATES, Ives sepairedip the vest mi suuerandou tie ied pean All a se persons, to whom we have partien- < F ie ; ble terms. larly referred above, t) wit: sufferers from y a all dise the mumeroue then ‘ > f/x My af Z NED , i compounded eutirely from Gums, all our Nps warcy WAKER) ips ee Seedy ate as a A ee ee eo foes re presen Februa:y 14, IR60 ge fever and ague, cause] | y malaria, diarrhoea, eae avrg ' ¥ ee : 6 am CF eho with fi a} the diseases 4 whic ; | dysentery, indigestion. Jose of appetite. and 4 | Saniamury. te Carri age > dslN€Ss, 1 , ens all be | or derangenents of the stomach, \ wa yd ] OF : ). } : 7: BOOT s ANDS SHOES, entries ballot . BOO iH ie MICHAEL BR OWN superannuated invalids persons of sedentary AS : : BEGGy « ened re i abu Wit, oeenpation, and nursing mothers, will consult os eee rr ee) i z hy TYAN ba tant aad a ed in such quauuues a to } . ; oe their own physical weltare hy giving to Hos- a ear . 3 a ' . ; if a’ it 4 d OR} incl wae reteemencrat ne M Beas Neen beara jodgerent gnide yoo in the may ¥ : } ) tetter’s Celebrated Sternach Hittere a trial ; Ce ' ‘ : \ een, oo (he LIVER IN- BY VIGORATOR, and But A. J) TER atta CAUTION —We caution the public against ‘i nA ! ' ee 2 ee Soe d ro Sua, Lawes sure Liver Com- plaints, Billoas At- i crat, v : ; ising any of the Many imitations or coanter- ee : , \ ce PuTy Pr VT ine Pp Jeo sna, We, tacks, Dyspepata, GJ Chronte Dtarrhora, i SALISBURY. V. ©. fers, hut ask for Hovtetrer’s CoLangareD OST Via Gtsoo. es : CLilta a@ iil Eke, Ore wn ileleslirc ra Glesmmis) PPO pia ines, Wnty enter carole Sromacu Bittens, and sce that each bottle has 1 fener une ewan Hera letiesnts oy alae eae ‘ reas } ROWPT PERSONAL, ATTENTION c.10 Hee UclateiIMTiBeitt cen Geecmeen Diese : \ t \ ' Sank «, Chot- : A EN Nese : : , ¢ wor ‘Dr ostetter’s Stomach Bitters oe . Renee enrannt oe ore adieh thers the vtent LS ere ae ’ malCnelera try, ac 2 ‘ the pn ota aso Piet town on the side of the bottle, and stamped W. R. W li SON sore mp Poe meMmarmens Boets, shoes and drailers, tes ae ; Ree ene, ener Hl imia aaert yates cea n ine ronsign sty be eats eet on the metaile cap covering the cork, and As ; Whi M BARKER 7 PN (oes TA Re ey Liven tenis em, and may be used wc | +) leossfully ae an Ovdine= ee ehipped to other Ports srerve Chat our autograph signature is on the UR Eel tte fod ? 2 AON MERELY ry Family Medl- « Hiwilleure SICK mi Febraary 14, In6u 9m lal ] I AMIN Ee frst reviinnied teotnett an actus Stan ‘i ee ae mee 23. been eal HEA OACHE, (as) BY (hourands cao a to al bea #y- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SG ea ea et ee acs . , . twenty minut ‘two or three Tee- SMIVH, Pittsburgh. a, and sold by all Jewe°\. > Wires Sects hens me ~ Brow n S Ui cy ) ‘ta ble. ) ae i pe aya jem at commencement of en Collecting Agent. druggists, grocers, and dealers generally = barga us thar ever Was soldi Nori Carel ) Ce ans r ier tien 18 gry te ean jstving der ee throughout the United States, South Ame- ton. WE Tiademie ied Tere he serves h ht \ 2 3 : « rica, and Germany. Wiotehes, Clocks. Jewelr wey atel with tl sis IF } eon ee Chast MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH ee ane Rzrut anon abt Sn nbaU ERIE Se wiui AC tatoos work wrampt feet ¥ Foots, Shocs & Gaiters, Hiring of Negroes Cee eee on Ne ° je the appoin tment of Tax Or vy Te : x , werruut idmenlis Ploaneren larulrxern Sa UE eS is fo Hen an AND SAI OI IA SID oP BOTH TOGETHER. box o1 Town. ind theretore feels authorized “ Ms ( )\ I L, & M KA DE, tock ooe door trom MeoNerly go Young's store atin sua complete sat I . r ter Weer Pies ten ore tovlen nt that ther ap Price One Dollar per Bottle. Sec taeus Superiutendent and ( omissieners as to quali WHOLE GENTS Wen 6 doef an wea huge til Went ree ' Sout ft “ttt Cent Pine Negri ve Bscate ot Solonon Haal, dee'd — Also, —— , Reece ber JOWN BEARD UMA SSTTD SUBTESTS: ei ‘ ‘ Pee i eeren mie spire Miramonte onsen nina erties SANFORD'S differe April TA, Y860 61746) Collectiug Agent Nigy Cn Nsen ons ' p vr ae Instoaivnstricnde iti liane the 2 day ot danuory. Ut mone year every — Wye ite hee emir: PONG AeNemeiede te headrest. ALSO, about Linn vt wis or LAND will be f —_ Pete POMS nROWS Ay WOLESULE UND RETA. a a Cel kus CATHARTIC PILLS, ie sree it American Watehe to all Pere vege etable Kxtracts, and GREAT BARGAINS (8 i dagen ay ter 9 ss N ' ON : : Mati GLASS CASES, maeomeanen ; M ROWIELSON hagthe & he GENT ‘ l { \ a \ . : Wiig cksrcial . erste it ‘ rea " 7. e INE AMERICAN W sre WES whohnns : Hain W ‘ . : ' otorwodon that day and pay ap, er eter OU ahermiade Prt ese, ventic { om D wey » ‘ i Y Mish is jn we 1 1 t wes Ha ta von tor tess ti b il 1. eis bas wave to be ealleeted areording to haw har Shek ihe. prover you d + A A. GUAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP a Mie jar wleo in ttl BOCRATGH ~1 in hin practice | ens event yearn 1 Boote, Vreueh Calt, ae Wovetice is hereb of refe ¢ Moen ft Haoting Caged Watet iD > ’ me : tantly incree 4 | a fro thoer whe as an ‘ a ee PANO PACT, fevers, iit Re sorte ree cams treaty canta lie cer r Or fe K. z i 0” oO 7 NS. Se at W ul ae Set ie atic hey ene , ae NOW otters tie ne : fea Tee pean ¢ nee ue a erinel res nd haw te Ten mi detente j ' meters rica set But GEWVES PANTS ot 29.00 worth 3.09 JOIN DOOLEY, eee EER Ce ne, rw oR Wa iad (ion pan i s 1 0os . thet different Cathe 0 : : 3 ‘a ' ! si Ma , ay Ve Peak \ , . ‘ to WeNeuly a Y « neat At i x vt) eC i ' a a les ae ! oa u nis WORTH & DANIEL, as with die pane “ ies Peper, ' : en yt patie Seay ( ' uy ‘ rows i . a ’ OFX oe 08 “ 4 . ean fia ; Ch TNTINI He HT Ee Ueto tn as ve eee Ovferd Pies, Pro ht Wholesale and Retail Grocers, mai Wittacta, “esa nee } GENTS COATS 3.00 es , oie ‘ . ae ! ( 1 | VeNcae aes o nally | Fe. 5.04 USB Te oO ' ‘ ea Pe ne ANI) a or ins o ‘ . Ad a TN eat Spe 1 Rote art ( ' t ieCoreaety pULeMASE re Eases SiGe ye « ¢ i Wi h t ne i ne a ane ee securi hoon a in i Had toVPs STRAW Gps ae OREN “Ny DER . i me Tali ‘ OMLMISS on ere an S, 7 navel Rien poten ene whch States ; Lidies Watchas re Rene od cena aie etm nee et - 1.00 is | fo ‘ ULGs UILGD, at ' Sera Tee nee Git Ih ; ' Pe aes . olition ! Msn WE ttal No 2 Gaavite Kow, Frose Street : “ “ rao sar ated Vi ’ ha \ rr anlar hae ten A ua By better } eaiiens 1 @ ENNIS tat Wats Tne oe ae te ome I . , , Us > RS ONS COT ING NG! flammatory, nectic lothing, Mut and Sine Store Mn wonton MTHS Se a Te IDI \ MY US ae yeh me n fide (ertenriene Prose wee Basan other. Oct 2 , ‘ “" roti ik ay a I aa bq Avante se Gage a nd Bednar eee AE Ces a a mention fu th let it Suctoy Shu Sal nhies, ted 8 3. : \ 1 =, { | Prvgee SHY f ' on . ' é PTE re rts Piour, Doed Frat, Beath PRICK THREE DOIMF. e and le Mt r 7 2 OPS M ae eke pe conatan weoidd : Phare ait pa eee i TENS he WoIeaS © nn . oe NEL & cHADy, pre B Den 1 re Preligcel any st iit Invigorator seh en i haar Ih UK sand SHOES. "| Le ” ee rereriii virghite (eens die leweulS pallesu sy Toe ecae WN DG WoRTH NG. DANIEL, aston securi zi eccia a eee a ae ws st) SHORGE MOWBRY Hi. A i S, ¢ APS. For the paet 7 years wih : ; C and th : Maeuhttared by WILLER & THOWAS, ; Fieechr ives een ey Cit Motneh : ui Straw and Millinery Go 8 eu SAT BOC Wont Sold hy HENDERSON & ENNISS, Darast Ab ‘ ' ! y ( Ben fee Yrs « ' N.C UST RECEIVED apply of GENTLEMEN 5 f oe ' Umbreiias, Parasols. Flowers, Rihhans. &e., Se ean emer nas rn MORE INTE . pp . ‘ Al) 2 a why 3, IMSS : eh eos wp Y ee ri f Lew ee SILVER WARE POR SAIEIE:. No. 18 Courtlandt Street, NOTICE THI you ' : T : Spring Hill Pract of Land. \ PAIRS . Ve - Thomasville, N ©. which a Vly iow eee Weer ts aA W we dma rane { a , ~ ‘ any Worthera work, and a great deal te cerin wor Wy : ees tay oe J ; \ i. . i TN Te 10 12 ES ron eGR tied tis <td JAS. A. SADLER, After civiliz ; manthip and equalty as low in price TEaeeaae Bane r Nt Si ciraplatin (en ices CG akene |! . ‘ nN ‘ } ec Bel ' (Late of the Firw of T oH BREM & ©0., Onarlotte, YS dom Ort e fade _ ne ‘ " - * : ea ger RU a ale Ct NS Be 5 a _ He : Cea ae 7 . hea WITH gover © 421 nad Sloe RY se - ? ee ha ba : ye WHS WAHTLEY Bust aa ee ae i eae ) : e ‘ {coe | ine Shirts and Collars, . : os i ’ SHERMAN BRO RS, tr, j HATS AND CAPS. 50 White Hands sees . , af Sapa aed Ru and » rereeiry nie NeeclCiaiine, re u ic Importers anv Joneens or widtl . . id } 1 ’ 1 Het UE SERIES ONS wih Telited ate vi ; G WHT RECEIVED alarge suppl, (frie and Buggies and Rockaways. ler warn \ (ail, Crm gery ee ene Ne palielerl in cilieael: eawenniee Hardware, Cut ery, uns, Serer OF Bove Hate ane Cape, al ainee nid qualtirs and at UY TL ond atewdy camployment opin thie 8 4 1 Waadiand. it con Acne licen : distr payient, an Umm) coripsiad to have mone violet prices remarkably low ogion, CWarhotic and Rutherford Raat Row a enbeecribee hae a lot of handann © Rug. \ ' les i eA ree a nada thin te che Are temo iki {have called oe toy AND HEAVY GOOBS, a Calla] HW RNNINS: [ator near this place Apply t gies und Roekawaye, which he will sell on good W iva ’ MARRIAGE TLICKNNSFES friends, Fhope they will ome up promptly 10 Park Place and 16 Wurrae Street. ican Hat and Cap and Bunt and Shor Store SAWL WeNINCH {terms THOS BE BROWN, Apply to Wie WARE BROWN Aerent : ae Dept oer -wAxK. ; Ori 2 as May &, 1660 ‘“tf50} ChariuterN Jan 94. 1880 ins Aah Pt ero eter] on FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICkK' » sure [Rs er eee : j ate an 22 AAs 6 a —_ parilla ist OC ePAted 16 Wanted by ie nts, and that ria Prove of OUr uftlicteg (” * Compound wee it on many Fh owing Complaryy, PLAINTS, Exvpe, MPLS, Bion, te BTML promoter expe en of them » bud. ulerative Mr dicing wer sont 10 pipe fit inameate We HE Henever iy You when, Even » Peeple 610) be Pausing th. blood well; bus with recun be no lan. MB MNS! oy wrong twordered or over. chithe reputation tthe world has rations of it, parily the virtue that ia ANY Preparations bets Of uy Contain ila, oF any Mhiug r been misled by quart of Batre st of these hay wot Only Conan Ho Curative pr nd painful disc, 1 VEFOUBE Ines narket, until the UW beCOMe sy no py SCL we call this to supply such w fom the load ot We thik we have whCE ase strewn, euced tle oradien ule by judierous the baitie k CO., ~ TTL ES von $5 ectoral, rhe cure ofeve- that stipe t the evidence As ait tiployed vhout thie Pol se tw ds i I Pro » Dineasen, I ave Sat Rheum wer Bali, and Jor Moet seusitre Voare the bes poses ita fan vilewed for dealers with othe Wt own Demer oh wart the ber We aide yon in the LATOR, ands 1, Dysente- ch, Habitual Piate- e Weaknese~ as an Ordina- willeure SICK scan teatify,, tm + three Tea- ommencement of ; their testimony UTH WITH SWALLOW ottle. ILLS, di put up in \@ will heep LE, waren S oreeranrne nty years from who satietartion which duced me ty )iaee rent Cathartica at ” nb we Sanket fart. { the purest Ve every, par’ * s pl ante in ghee preness over len ev ide a) Daract NISS, lyo Renoile Onariotte, ¥ THERS, y; Guns, 18, TORK. Gmpd2 — J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, Five cote, $ Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten,in the same proportion $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. BLANKS The ee Court sod miscellaneous BLANKS are kept on hand for sale, ai this office. Can be sent by mailto any part of the country, at smal VOL. XVIII. expense. | Civil Warrants, Com. totake Depo. C.&8.C Casas & Bon Apprentice Indentures Writs. 0. & 8 Letters Testamentary, Lettersof Administration, SpecialLetters do., Marriage Licenses, Do. Certificates, Various Equity Blanks, Do. Indictments, Land Deeds, Deeds iv Trust, Juror Tickets. Prosecution Bond Bati Bonds, civil Bail Bonds, cri: t Wr cases. ment when the civilized nations of the earth, wit Sheriff Deeds, nessing from afar the beautiful operation of our 4 Bauity — do. . Notes of Hand, hsystem, are preparing to liberalize their systems of government in gradual conformity to ours, just at that moment we witnessin Arperica a sudden and irrational revolution to destioy our system, aud be Notesto Bank, And many oth of less frequentuse. uBlankspri ed oorder on shor t notice. hold men rising up and demanding a srroscet erntnent with more central power. Aud they have the impudence to telus that they want ir strong. for the purpose of preventing future revolutions and secessions! In other words, they in etfect say, we have set the people a bad example in this © seces- sion movement, and wheu we have tinished it, we juust take care to make it secure so that Wey uev er can secede or revolutionize again! | Do truens, that they who revolutionize governments, j¢udeavor to secure their work by forging strony Carolina Gelatchman, pre 2 FOR LTE WATCHMAN, SUL ENEDEIE 8%, (05 Mit see Bruxer— | | ° : : j It seems to me that the frvads of the Union TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22) STARTLING SIGNS, The Legislature. —It will be ceedings that the Conveution question is ut sideration. A substitute has been offered 1 original bill, The unrestricted Convention by two-thicds vach House, and dves not ig the acuion of the Convention to peuple tor raucation. |i) the people for their ratificaion # The substitute appears to iicet with decided oppo- | Pool —- a sition, and it ig Unought it cannot pass. of Conven- | tion must be held, and if the Legislature dues authorize tt we think the peujde will roluntarcg is semble together at Haleigh ufter the (feneral Assen bly adjourns, We must have some understanding | me that the friends of the Union, who tavor this wo prevent conflict of action ING], are committing a fatal blunde, by consenting to jthe call of a Convention of tie people for any [such purpose as that avowed by the revolution- seen by yg. | dots, its special advocates Du they wot deciare that tly desire it for the purpose of at once patting Or State out of the substitute proposes to call an | Uinow? And dothey not als eclare that the provide tor subunit action of this convention sha. pot be subsmitted Would you place a club ina man’s hands to not ) break your own head, wheo te declared that he wanted the club for that purjuse? ft sects to | Iheasure, bave nut sufficiently effected upon thts We clip the above from the Charlotte Democrat, and as [| foar a fatal step in a «rung direction by and wom uee special aon that Teton all those who are opposed to evolution Have which we have italicised. “A Convention must ' . , they reflected that this very cll of a convencor be held," says that paper and ifthe Legislature; ; . fot the people sn this way aud for (his purpose is dues not authorize it we Caink Ue people wail vol- | 3 Niranil crane heater a revolutionary measure?! And fave they re- Ties te elite soca 4 \ fleeted that this is the very ceason the revolu he meau dele 1 Lisl certain that jGonists desire to inaugurate their unholy scheme frou Itis very | in this manner, believing that in this way only ad tae pe one in a hun- hot the people may be enveigled ato their toad aud dred, will goto Kaleah or any where clse for the revolutionary course?) Have the frends of the \ ' | purpose indies hat an author- ‘Union duly considered the great danger aud tzed Convent {be dite decide for the peo risk they run, iu taking the creat Car of State ple what course tuey shal pucsoe su regard wo the : lt the | off the well-tried, safe, aud constitutioual track revolutionary questieus ber oe indeed op and placing it on the rickety unsafe and dat them the disunionists have any respect for the people if they lotend toconaultur 1 gerous track of Revolution! Is there oo dan yer that when once placed uder a full bead of steam, upon this revolutionary track, it may be people, why not pass the Convention bill with a Convention back We proviso to refer the action of the to the people fur their ratification or rejection ? impossible with all the break tu stop the noble believe the Levisiature cou 4 bill old car before she is plunged with all her pas asitha tat wie sesh y (itl pass ANY | cangers into the horrid yulf of revolution, civ! Convention bill without Ro provision, T Nene , war and bloodshed, and then dashed to atoms / people are their own tasters aad 1 Does not every Union man know, thatitas much the representatives on the (re f easier and safer to manage this car on the old the officers in the Executve , a sd, and constitutional ck, th ‘ State, and they alone have tie well-tried, and constitutivoal track, than tu run this grave question of nnion or disani the risk of getting it safely back, after it lias once Convention as the Char started on this revolutionary track 2 Do nota asseinble at Rale: Union mea see the imminent danger in our run power overt ning the car of State uff the constitutional track / Re en eae And do they not all kuow the diticalty and ee ae langer of getting her back upon the raht track? le thate Uist i ee al 5 \ Ce A _ Now it strikes me, that these revolutiomists are by such wisdum aod jusuee, nor that the ; acting with reason and judaiment to bring of the people, under the present: cirenmstances . ‘ 5 about the object of their desire > revolution and would yield to such ¢ thomzed Convention. how J ] the dist apuou vt Then, fa Ce lature pass the ever wise and good ‘ts action tuon must be had, let thr by a two-thirds vote, and let it conta yuven bill A prowision ment, while the their aid to this revolutionary measure, are tak to refer back the action of the ¢ tion to the jung a most dangerous and fatal step in the wrong} people for their ratification or mm Amt we Qirection. Friends of law and order and of con | would urge that there tse teressty f mleeent” ational freedom should never lend their aid | SS eee Hporrant Gas Hess eg avy such revolutionary ineasure. If a con-| Give the people ume tor Lav ve them Pee eer eee nl vention is desired and all our grievances, —a'l the facts bearing upon the | Present distracted state of the Country let them FONRUILUUIONG use : rood ; I all be calmly and dispassivnately considered, and and constitutional purpose, well and good ; then let the people, in the fear of Gud, go to tie see vo valid ubjection to such a couvention ; bat} ballot box and vote may we all exclaim. vor populi rox Det without reetraint: and then, to call a convention of the people for the pur-| pose of putting us oul of the Union as the spe But we apprehend that the editor of the Demo erat, who, at first, took a conservative stand in re gard to the disomion movement, has yielded to the | pressure of the storm now howling over the Coun- Mdteieannntcomonte eo ierortlcinannr try, and that he has concluded to throw: luniself , upon the current and float with it “ must hold a Convention” snacks of the dictatori al bearing of the disunionists, and leaves little or no stitution of the United States needs amendment | val. | This criphauc . | If the friends of the Union think that the con- | ton. We will ask the editor this one question : | them consult the fifth article of the Constitution, Are you willing to trust the people at the ballot | and proceed as therein directed and not take box on the question of union or disunion ? Secession is disunion in effect, so that there is no | differenee between them. If you answer yes, (as |” every democrat is bound to do, or else bebe the | sts. : professions upon which he has always acted, or that to call a convention for the purpose avowed the dangerous, and we fear fatal revolutionary I trust it is too plain for argumentation professed to act,) then advocate the rightful policy | by Derson and Avery, is a revolutionary meas: | as particularly manifested by the wickedness Of iy the estimation of the South, more con- would never consent to vote for any bill trictic, and an honest man himself, so he! our legislators and rulers whom we have pro |gervative than Douglas. The most for. | to call a Convention which did not provide accords to others the same qualities which Union men should remember, that in these! moted. If we truly humble and repent, (rod will midable foe of the fanatics of the North that the people, the source of all power, constitute a part of his own character, — of referring back to the people the action of a Con-' ure, wholly unauthorized by the constitution. vention tor their ratification or Unul) you do this, the people have a right to regard you dangerous and excited times, our strength is to rejection, as an enemy to their coustitutional rights, and as git still; in other words “masterly inactivity” an enemy to their peace and salety But we clip from the same column in the same paper, the following startling paragraph constitutes our strength and safety. “IREDELL. —. “ A union with the border free States would fi FORK THE WATCHMAN tly, lishing slaver . nally result in greatly injuring or abolishing slavery According to a notice formerly given, a large iy 7 or in another dissulution. We would have no more security or peace in a union with a part of the free majority of the voters of Listrict No. 2, and ma States than we now have with at ba An ab- yy others of the adjoining districts, met at the itionist in Pe ri dia or [linors is no , ; ec n Renan rn te rma satin he Tht 0a necticut—we would trust one no further than the expression to their views in the present distract other. No, if we are to have a Now: Gene milataterc( our Country © Wihenkon i “ velic States entirely, / : peal a mo ee ee Dee Marcus Reese took the Chair, and Samuel Il. the present one. We want no more revolutions or Douglas was requested to act as Secretary seceasions either—the people want stability and security. The fewer of es and officers the better. and the less money will be required to pay salaries motion, The Chairman requested W. A. Houck, Es. to explain the object of the meeting, after which “ oti de that the Chair appoint a Ab! you wanta “Stroxuer’ government, “witm a motion was made that th ; a MORE CENTRAL POWER, THAN THE PRESENT ONE.” And Committee of five to prepare business for the ac you “want no more revolutions or recessions either l tion of the meeting, when Ruel McNeely, R. Verily, this is remarkable language. Tho whole Miller, J. EK. Jameson, S. H. Hart, and JK. Gra civilized world has contemplated for years the free ham were appointed said committee During dom and excellence of our beneficent systemn of the time the committea were out preparing bu government. The old monarchies of Europe have siness, W. A. Houck addressed the tnceting in > bear exiatence of this eystem, tho : been, by the bear existence ( this y tem, though ere tsetrr ich fice andatfect. The comm! separated from it by a sea thousands of miles in ; hn s | sported through J. WK Crraham, the width, made to quake ty their very foundations. It tee then reporter Ifo g ; following T’reamble and Resolutions governs, and yet no man « oppressed. Tt restrains Wurrras, We, a portion of the people of Western Rowan County, party distinctions, hava met to consult together and violence, and yet no injustice 18 done. Justice, judg rr Oe eof Ment and equity to all, with the consent of its sub espectiy jecta, is the rule of ita power, And just at the mo SALISBU calmly express our opinions upon the present condition of our Country —And, Whereas, the present mo eOLOUS Crisis Unpuses the duty upou every good citizen to sacrifice his party fealty ou the altar of patriotism; to leave uo effort un tned iu order if possible. to preserve that glori ous palladium of our safety, the * Union of the States,” the permanency uf which we tiave been taught by the fathers to regard as the true test Therefore, Resolved, 1st. That while we deeply deplore the election of A. Lincoln, as President of the United States, yet we du not reyard lis election which has been effected ac cording to the Cou stitution and laws of our Country, as a sufficient of a Republican Government. Cause for the dismemberment of the Republic and we do not believe that any State in the Un jon can be justified before God and the world, for breaking up this Union and involving mili ions of innocent people who inhabit it, in all the horrors of war which wall inevitably fullow its dissolution. . 2d. That with a sincere desire to produce unity in the State, and in the South, and of ex hausting all fair and honorable efforts to adjust the present difficulties between the North and South, and with a tiem belef that prudence, wisdum and moderation ou the part of the South, will secure such woaranties from the North, as will be satisfactory to all conservative | patriotic citizens, we would respec tally recom mend to the that they were not elected upon any issues submitted Levislature, Inasmuch as to or decided by the people involving the with drawing of the State of North Carolina from the | Union, that they should take no steps teoding to commit the people in favor of it { 3d. Lu vue opinion the action of South Caro: | hoa has been hasty, and inconsiderate aud de her character a3 a State for the ,as yisven to us by our fathers, aud wis rogatory of 4th that we are Union of thes od it ty the last extremity | t above Preamble and Resolutions d putte the mee ting, and were ail Unanimously, Tt was then moved that the proceedings of this ineeting be pubh nthe Salisbury pa pers. The meeting the Jjourned MAKCUS KEESE, Clim‘n. S. HL. Doteias, See. - “2 FOK Tk WATCHMAN, SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES. Mr. Kditor — As a citizen of the Old North | State and our once glorious Republic, 1 feel that I duty to “say-on.” I arch’s Lee ay for } ave something to say, and tliat itis my will take my text from 3, pace Ob; Vuma himsels, he plowed his consi dence so entirely in God, that when one brought him word the enemy was coming heonly smiled, saying, AXD 1 AM SACRIFICING, Now it must be remembered that Vrona was theathen prince living about seven hundred What a lesson and rebuke then is this example of .Wrona for us—a vears before Christ. Chris- tian People. When we look at the distracted ondition of our Couutry, the great variety of popinion, and deadly hostility of feeling at home, of fanatics North and ultraists South, at the defiant atuitude f the as well as abroad, at the conduct different sections of our land, human|y judging and speaking, we say— Vo hon rut I ask, /s the enemy coming / /s God dead” And what if so, And it God is not dead, let us cheer up, and hope on, and hope ever, Let us kuow that the Judye of all the earth will do |right, and if He be for us, who can be against | | rage of | ds be Tut as citi-| us! Let us have suithin God, In the our madness, (rod forbid, that we sh hlind to the wisdom of the past zens and statesmen, and peliticins who are amenable to God for our individual aod va- | State Constitution or for any other legitimate | ional conduct, let us go to the //eathen and | the sa learn from them —to the unmortal Washington | } Dr.| and the venerable aud world-renowned Franklin, See him towering in his majestic | grandeur, after near tive weeks spent in convention object, 1 say have nothing to do with it, espe: | praver be attended to every morning inthe Con- have insisted upon a disruption of a ie ; , cially when they declare, that their doings shall vention and then supports his motion among! Union, tf Douglas hui heen elected, al other this with the following declaration : the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, | ° and when we were sensible of danger, we a daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. his assistance?! I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer | live, the more convincing | proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in| step of a convention, as urged by the disunion- | the affairs of men.” As a professedly Christian | Republic, well may we take to us shame and | | confusion because of our forgetfulness of God, have mercy on us. [f vot he will assuredly exe ‘eute his vengeance. | While our motto should ever be “ Trust in | God, boys, and keep vour powder dry,” we should | heed no counsel but that of coolness, modera- lone forbearance, and the forgiving and coneth- atory spirit of the Grospel we profess. Even if the Union be virtually dismembered and the Cabinet and Congress be broken up, it is not necessarily, irrevocably lost. All that the South ought to ask, is to be protected inher rights. e And we can but think that ifthe fee States are once more called on to speak out, the great mass of the people will say The Uaion forev er and slavery unmolested. But in the event the free States failse todo, then must the South ern States assert their Tndependance, based on the Znfidelity of the North. Thus the South will stand and contend on the broad and equita of the if contend she ble basis Constitution, must, and will be more likely To keep the Lord on her side, But woe to that man or set of men who excite open hostilities at this: late Jay nnd drench our hallowed soil in guilty blood ONE OF MANY Re Judge Perkins, secessionist, leads all candidates in Concorha Parish, Lousiana, for the State Convention 1 )») | rI. ~——»s RY, N. C., JANUARY Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. From the N.C. Standard Mevsrs. Person, Avery, and Erwin. We understand that on Thursday Mr. Gray, during the absence of all the family, ex- Person, of New Lanover, took exceptions cept Mr. Gray’s litle daughter, eight years old, jn his place in the [Louse of Commons t and a negro child, about 9 o'clock in the morn- Mr mitted in this county (Iredell) this week, by a Brusen:—A_ very bold act was com- negro fellow entering the bouse of Ilugh M. our report or notice of his remarks in the Commons on Wednesday. We did 1 thing to eat or he would kill ber. She gave him hear Mr. Person, and cannot, therefore, ing, and ordercd the little girl to give him some some provisions ; he then ordered her to follow reply to bim_.as tally as we could wish to do. We did not hear all of Mr. Person's remarks on Wednesday. Therefore we said, “we understand Mr. Person said the omission in the first bil of the two thirds without taking any thing or doing any damage. | yrovigion fur calling the Convention was This act was the more daring, as the house is unintentional.” We heard nothing trom immediately on the public highway, It is sup- ‘him or any one else about bis individual posed the fellow is a ranaway und was lurking opinions on the subject; nor did we hear! about the premises and saw the family leave, anything about his willingness to ee es Mr. Gray's little daughter says be lad no coat, mend that the action of the Convention - ‘should be submitted to the people tor! their approval or rejection. We looked} to the bill, introduced in the House by! j that gentleman and in the Senate by Mr. | him into anuther house, (the dwelling) aud or- dered her to open the draws, threatening ber three life it she refused. de ransacted two or drawers, aud after searching all of the rooms, left and what clothes be bad on were very zood, but badly soiled. Ife wore an old slouched brown hat, and he was very black. January 9, 1361. Jeo ‘pnbtic men—the infereree being irresis- lated of the State. I do not urge the call of s | Convention in order to have any change in the present Constitution of the State. [ want a Convention called to announce, as I have no doubt it will, the fixed determination of the peo- ple of North-Carolina to abandon a Union in | whieh they can no longer remain without dis- | bonor and disgrace. Very respectfully and truly yours, \ MARCUS ERWIN, | : “- = ‘MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. ' Wasuincroy, Jan. 9.—The President sent in & message today. In it he says NU MI BE R56, the affairs of the country are growin a 4“ * worse, instead of better, and hope is still more dituinished. Alluding to the con- dition of South Carolina, he ‘says there is no other alternative but to collect the rev- ennes and protect the pablie proper there. It is his duty to execute the laws of the nation—not inquire into their jastice.— Ile says, at the commencement of the ses- is very important or material, ao far aa) he recommended measnres of relief, the country is concerned, j which, as he believed, would have the Mr. Avery availed himself of the ocea- elect of tranquilizing the country and sion, in making a personal explanation on | S8¥e!t from the perils in which it has been this subject on Thursday, to indulye in| Meedlessly and unfortuately placed. His some Coarse, rough, and unparliamentary See then) expressed remaia un- remarks about us, He said, among other changed, The right and aoyy tues the things, that we seemed to seek notice and military and naval force Ed those wee GRHARaice 0; email distinguished | legally ussail the federal Government, are clear and indisputable, but ae ble that the Senator fom Burke is him. | Ce state of things is entirely beyon Ex. self—if not one of these distinguished pub jecutive control. We are in the midst of lic nen—at least in their neighborhood * &'eat revolution, and he recommends or company. We shalifnot dwell on the '? Worle Tess iteelf to meet the peceeae vanity which may be éupposed to have See ies Po Oon, - alone ie dele: prompted this remark, nor on the arro-| 3% the power to declare war, lead i gance and superciliousness with which |"Ove srievances uh mgus lean le die Souter Genn Mndko acm (hea dowa | war, and restore peace | to the country.— upon so humble a person as ourself; but Seas Oe seepone vd fe we take leave very quietly to tell the after ching wing the Oe ee yentleman that we are his equal in every red by the Union, he ony e that shou ue sense and shape in which he can present | perish, the calamity will be he oat 2 himself, and that we are as little dispos- the Southern as in the Nort fy f payer ced us le is to look up to any one, or to The secession feeling is chiefly ORD t oun an apprehension as to the sentiment do we perceive that such conflict of views Avery; and 48 that contains no provis-|assail any one with the expectation of see | LET THE PEOPLE HAVE A VOICE: ited, broadcast, as a campaign document, land pronounced him more conservative ion for submitting the action of the Con-) borrowing consequence or importance and A. vention to the people, we felt warranted | from the reputation of the individual as- Mason's of Fulton Lodye, No. 99, held in Salis-|in saying that Mr. Person is one of those! sailed. Such an idea as that attributed bury, N.C., on the 4th day of January, A. D./ who “recommend and urge that the ac |tous by Mr. Avery never entered our 1S6 1, the following officers were elveted fur the | Gon of the Convention shall be tinal.’—!head. We have Ireely and frequently (Soe also as to the two thirds provision. !heretofore commented on the public con- We were struck with the difference be 'dnet of gentlemen quite as conspicuous At a regular communication of F ensulig year Wan lames A leN I) Its vd WILLIAM MURDOCH, 3. W tween the bill and the substitute in re- and influcntial as the Senator from Burke, ii oP BESSENT. JW spect of the majority and the two thirds! without incurring such an imputation. JF MOUSE, See y | principles; and having made some ingni- Mr. Avery also said, somewhat con- 8 Een ae 5 [ry on the subject, we were informed that! temptuously, a8 we thought, that it was CATT Mr. Person had just said that the omis-/not his habit to allude in his place to Ce cr jsion of the two-thirds provision in the! newspaper paragraplis. Now, the gen _.. original bill was ap oversight, or aninten-| tleiman owes much of whatever reputa | lnonal. In relation to these points, there-| tion he has to the hewspapers, the Stan tore, “our offence hath this extent—no dard included; and it does seem to us ‘inore.” With what was said or done in that if be mast do what was seldom done pied aud are pow beld by citizens of this State, | Committee, or with the understanding by such men as Calhoun and Webster— Forts Caswell and Johuson.— There appears to be vu doubt that these forts have been occu iu disregard of the authority of the general gov-; between Mr. Person and Mr. Avery and! allude to the newspapers of the day—he | eroment. The Wilmington Journal of Thurs. others, we had nothing to do. We were) might do su in a more respectful and less vot presnined to kuow what was said or querulous tone than that evinced by him Seen a eeeetrecr late era jdone in Committee. Our business was on Tharsday last. Bat, whether the yeu- ternoon by learning that the citizeus of Smith- | with the bill and the substitute thongh tleman is disposed to do us Justice or not, ville were in possession of the Forts at the mouth |certaimy, If we had heard all Mr. Per we will not do bim Injustice, if we know it. lay says: fof the Cape Fear River, to wit, Forts Jobnson ; son's remarks, or if we had known what [t was not, and it is not our purpose to and Caswell. Fort Caswell is the fortifcation |e had said in explanation of his views iuisrepresent him. The cause of present oo Oak Island, Fort Johnson is simply a garri-{on the above points, we should have re-'disunion, which he advocates, is weak son or barracks at Smithville. Neither of these | ported him accordingly. We did hear enongh of itself; and there is no reason, works have bad any troops in thein for years,|the rumor, some week or two since, that therefore, why we should misrepresent consequently there was no resistance made to) Mr. Person had given the casting vote in him, eveu if we were disposed to do so. their being occupied, and, of course no collision, Committee against submitting the acuon The truth is, we presume—as hinted to barm done to che property. Weare of the Convention to the people; but ue by a triend—that the following lan- uut aware of the immediate cause of this move 8 ment on the part of our fellow-citizens of Brons wick, although we have heard that a despatch had been received to the etlect that a revenue utter, the F lestined bor apy ‘this rumor. If the rumor be true, Mr. Thareday, was the real reason why Messrs. Person can confirm it, it he chooses, in Person and Avery exhibited such feeling lis place in the Commons, if it be un- in their remarks about us: “The seces- tounded, he can so state, if he chooses to sion leaders have been cumpelled by pub- ‘do go. lie opinion te come to vur position that a | So far as secession is concerned, we un-' bare majority of the Legislature cannot jderstood Mr. Person distinctly to declare call a Convention; and we now notif that if a Convention should be called, Ae! them that they will have to fall a peg by would counsel that body at once to with: jroviding that the action of the proposed draw the State of North-Carclina grom Convention shall not be final until rati the Union. He certainly said that. We tied or rejected by the people.” also understood Mr. Person to state, in peat and stand to this language. some briefremarksinade by himnon Thurs: Mr. Erwin, of Bancumbe, also referred day in reply to Mr. Crumpler, that while in his place in Senate on Thursday, to our he was willing to recommend to the Con- brief notice of bis remarks, and eom- vention that its action should be submit- plained that we had done hin injustice ted to the people for their approval or re: in stating, or in leaving the inference to orward, Was on ber way with troops, How far this may Is mnore than we ean say. No doubt the despatch was received and ftom a relable source, for Fort Caswell but all sources of infurmatioa are apt to be mis ead thetiselves, aud theretcre to tuislead others iu these times. Mr f Commons a few days since, he This ts the in which Person said, n the House wold lose his | Phe Journal, it own despatches, sent from eigh, and from Laleigh all cite the people, are a part of the disunivn pro- gramue,— al, Standard cause We re- i nec to doubt Wilmington to Lal wer the State to ex seems, begins “7. ing binding, inight be disregarded by the his reasons for desiring « Couvention was deem that the erisis upon the conntry at) and the s¢atus of the free negro. Wedid the time it adjourned demanded iomedi- pot bear all of Mr. Erwin’s remarks; bot ateand finalaction, Isuotthatsoé And he dwelt at some length upon the fact in which he sifted the record of Lincoln, if se, might not the yentlemau’s recom: | that an unlimited Convention could take mendation result, in a certain contingen- up and dispose of these questions, and be Who does not remember Mr. Benja min’s famous speech, s» recently cireula than Douglas, and less objectionable to, ey) 10 a refusal to give the people an op. concluded by saying that his views on se And yet, this samme Mr. Ben- portunity to pass tinally on the action of cession were well known. Still we knew jamin since then said in the Senate that) the Convention ¢ that Mr. Erwin’s main object in voting the Southern States would be ruined and We teli Mr. Person, once for all, that fora Convention was to consider of and decraded if they did nof at once secede We are just as incapable of intentional cetermine on federal affairs ; and so, hav- nireaiae of Lineoln’s election. What! misrepresentation as he is. We tell him ing stated that, we went on to say that sublime patriotisin ; what charming con- North Carolina as he is, and just as) stank" to the zood a Democrat as le is. We oo fur changes referred to. Certainly we ther and say, thataifit be truc that be has not design to represent him aa urgi despaired of preserving the Union by an Convention with the view of eff appeal to the people of the States,—and these changes as one of its primary ob if it be true that in a certain continzenc he would make the action of one hundre: did though in lis opinion “secession cannot be peaceful” but means civil war. Amer inhy ican freemen! has it come to this, that PARTY LEADERS can plunge the people into tion of Lincolu than Senator Benjamin, jection tua Convention in this State, if devoid for Judge Douglas was the real competi tor of Lincoln; and what could be more ° \ ! rar encouraging to the Abolitionists than a) 10 Convention, and the people of all the differ radically with such a MAN as Erwin speech from a Louisiana Senator inform: States in Convention, in the full belief and still maintain with him pleasant per ing the Northern people that Lincoln was, that the Republic can yet be saved, we sonal relations; for, ag he is a just, a pa is Donglas—the same devoted patriot should have an opportunity of ratifying aud our only regret is that he feels it t who is now laboring Mr. Benjamin contines his efforts to ad- vocating precipitate secession. On! that the people of the North and ] J the South, the East and the West would tage of the gentleman. We reygretto lave to lead and contro! them raily around the banner of Crittenden to allude to party at all in discussing We call attention to Mr, Convention, This 18 Democracy of the as Messrs. Avery and Person. — Tnsteac purest Jeffersonian stamp, and in this re of going with such men, Mr. Erwin is tit whit |this is the first allusion we have made to guage, used by us in the Stundard of jection, still this recommendation not be- be drawn from our statement, that one ot Convention, if in its wisdom it should | to make changes in relation to ad valorem | furthermore, that we are just as devoted “in addit/on” he would be disposed to cial friends of the measure declare to be their| oF the States to no good effect, He moves that! sistency! Clearly, Mr. Benjamin would, to the Convention to make the n jects, but only as incidental or germaine! , : 1 to the leading purpose tor which it would | the horrors of civil and servile war, when-,and twenty men final in Convention, be called. We take pleasure in setting Mr. room to doubt but that the purpose of such a Con- for any purpose, then, in the name of all We) __And have we now forgotten that powerful lever their own aspirations or plans are withont allowing the people to pass upon [. entirely right in our columns, especially vention is simply to declare the State out uf the Un-) bold dear in free constitutional governments, let Friend ? or do we imagine we no longer need | defeated ! {their doings, then we are a better Deimo- as his manner and language in referring to No man contributed more to the elec. | crat than he is; for, while we have noob- the matter were kind and respectfal, and } ! of that bitterness and harshness Ch (the people desire it, and while we would which characterizad the tone and Jan- trust the people of the slaveholding States yuage of Mr. A very. Wecan differ, and for the South, while or rejecting what might be done by that be bis duty to act with such disuntonists spect it may be that we have the advan- ted, by his genius, boldness and eloquence win'’s Card, of a inajority of the Northern States. Let the question be transferred from a politi- cal assembly to the ballot box, and the people will redress their grievances. In ‘this, our heaviest calamity, let a trial be jimade, before we plunge into the assump- 'tion that there is no alternative. Let us jhave reflection, —Would that South Car- olina had reflected. | tle appeals to Congressmen to say, in | their might, that the Union shall and | nust be preserved, and recommends them jto devote themselves to strong action, with a view to peace. A division on the \\ine of 36 deg. 30 min. is suggested as [calculated to prodace au adjustment.— ”\It is an imputation on members to say }that they will hesitate at such a move- ‘ment. The danger is on us. In several ‘States forte and arsenals have been seized | by aggressive acts. Ile states as reasons why he refused to send troops to Charleston harbor, that \this would have farnished a pretext, if [not provocation, for aggression, on the part of South Carolina. Referring to Major Anderson, be says that officer could not, before he left Fort Moultrie, have held the place more than forty-eight or sixty hours. | Ife (the President) bad warned the ;country of its danger, and felt thas bis |duty hed been faithfally, though imper- fectly, performed. He was consctous that {he meant well for his country. | eer | Wrong Names.—We constantly hear the ters federal confederaey, confedera- jtion, federation, compact, league, as if | these were the exclusive appropriate de- |signations of our form of Government. /One of our contemporaries pertinently | asks: | ‘Are those who use these terms aware that only one of them is to be foomd in the Constitation, and that by way ef con- ‘tradistinction? The single instamce in ‘which any oue of these phrases occurs is in the first clarse of the sixth article, as follows: “All debts centracted, and en, ‘inents intered into, before the adoption of this Constitation, shall be as valid against the United States ander this Con- stitution as ubder the Confederation.” ' “The necessary inferenee from this clause is that the Constitntioa is not a league or confederation. In the. Articles of Confederation it is declared, ithat— | “Art. IE. The said States hereby sev- erally enter into a firm leagoe of friend- \ ship with each other for the common de- fence, &e., binding themselves to assist leaeb other azainst all foree offered to or attacks tmade upon then,’ &e. “In striking contrast with this article of the old Confederation, we find the tirst words of the Constitution asserting that— “Wi the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, (&c., do ordain and establish this Consti- Ytion.” Mie | Letters from Charleston.—We are in receipt of two letters from gentlemen in arleston, one of which, intended by \the writer for poblication, cannot have a ‘place in the Observer, if for no other » reason for this, that the writer says :— “| 1 feel satisfied that old North Caroli- ,na will soon cry alond and ask protection under the Palmetto flag.” Should North Carolina ever sink to that depth of degradation, we will en- deavor to be indifferent to ber further fate The other letter is from a valaed friend not intended for pablication, but to cor- rect two errors as to South Carolina which have beeu copied into and cement- ed iu the Observer. First, that a tax of ) | and Douglas, and restore peace, prosperi- questions so far above party; but while owe publish below: ty, safety and happiness to our country, We know no party when the | ne Is ul . “orfolk (Va.) Herald. stake, or when the bonor or the rights of . the State are involved, we ure neverthe less compelled to make these allusions in Raveiau, Jan. 11, 1861. To the Kiditor of the Standard Dian Sie: In the Standard of the 10th inst Sr. Lovis, Jan. 11.—BDy order of Lieut #16 had been laid on every negro; and secoud, that an agent had been in Wall street endeavoring to negotiate the State loan.— fay. Observer. self-defence, as asystematic effortis being made in certain quarters, and provabry with the concurrence and sanction of Mi Person himself, to injure the influence of this journal as one of the organs of the Constitutional Union men, by impeach ing its fidelity to its party principles and yarty associates. So far as Mr Avery is concerned, we certainly understood him to admit the idea of calling a Convention by a hare solved in hot water, yields a capital soup majority bad been abandoned, and there General Winfield Scott, a detachment of United States troops have taken posses- sion of the Sub-Treasury, Post-Office and Custom House in this city. No cause is assigned for this remarkable movement | Coneentrated [ations._-A Parisian cook has introduced a new kind of con centrated food \ piece about the size of a visiting card, and as thin, when dis “that 100,000 rations may be packed in a space fore the two-thirds provision had been in nine feet nine inches square serted in the substitute.” We did not ——- state who had abandoned the idea it was War Preraratios Perley, the Washington enough for us that the fact was se, as al, says that forty are now on the way from ofthe Boston Jo correspondent two shown by the substitute. Tf the position SSO or viewa of Mr. Person and Mr. Avery Jey ngisian a ler the charge ot Adams , ( le . ri ata amounts to over $6, are in conflict on this pornt, we aro not (Wy) 1 responsible tor it, and cannot help it; nor, mine the future status of the free colored popu straints T tind the following paragraph in your editorial seconnt of the debate whieh the Scuate on the 9th ce. Supremacy of the Law, the need of the Times. —No* country can long pros- “Mr. Person aud Mr. Avery, it seems, want a per, be it republic or monarchy, where Convention to take the State at once out of the the laws are not supreme and reverence Union, the them is not general.. Evasions of Coustitulion with reference to ud valorem and law, under whatever pretext, are but the free persons of « , tirst steps toward open and bold defiance It you understood me to say, and therefore ot it, and of such defiance of it anarchy intended to make the impression upon your rea and pain are the certain unavoidable con- ders, that T did say that [desired a ¢ occurred in wud io additieu to make changes in for : covention sequences V. ¥. Com. to be valled now for the purpose of adopting ad | A errrentmiratherehonidineren TEAC ESSA SOARES VES HINES th Hast cyan Ge, col corcrariiio chon and have unintentionally no doubt dooe me an > y and "est J they be uppermost in men’s minds in At Oyitesiodie: wales like the present, when there are so cor and strife, which had better he diaposad of any Secminy incentives to violenca Io way, and only suggested that the sul) such times upright sand patriotie men stitute offered by Mr. Avery to the Convention Should be careful by word and deed to tnll, would enable the people, if they wished to set an example of faithful observance of do 40, to settle this question as well as to deter al] legal and moral obligations and re- Observer yustice, TL only alluded to ad valorem taxabion is A present existing clament nh some ; 4 So o n ! ee From the Rak Regist LETTER FROM MR. VANCE We publish the anuexed letter from the Hon. Z. B. Vance to Mr. Folk, the We concur From the National Intelligencer Disunion Programm The subjoined communication, disclos- ing the designs of those who have ander- taken to lead the movement now threa- Commoner from Watauza. teving a permanent dissolution of the entirely with Mr. Vance. North Carolina Union, comes to us from a distinguished citizen of the South, who formerly repre: sented his State with great distinction in ought not to refrain longer from taking a porttion. Ter sister States of the slave the popular branch of Congress. Tem heidi section are ali in notion, and ac povarily sojourning in this citv, be bas tion her is necessary it she would se become authentically informed ot ' weiclit wi Scene een facts recited in the subjoined letter, which Ggnsel with her sister States. Acreads he communicates to us under a sense ot ee ee wy laeten lena duty, aud for the accuracy of which te 0 as as makes himself responsible. Nothoa but portion, were glad wlieves have ta assurances coming from such an iutelli ken two Ports in this State which belong gent, reliable source could iotice us te te ths Gace accept the authenticity of thes 2 while wholly anjastl cil statements, which so deeply concern met C only the welfare but the honor of the biel : Soutbern people. To them we submis, Which taay spread, u without present comment, the prosramme to which they are expected to yieid then implicit adhesion, without any scruples of conecience ag without any regard to their own safety. bederal ninent., ‘This act, and tressoua ble, vet shows a restlessness at non action North Carolina mnay be forced by the secessionists tite a the Feleral Government, of which she is, and professes to be constituent part. Action may be prompt and yet jadicious, Leta bill convention be passed al majority vention be collision with 74 to calla vy the constitution Let the action of this con- submitted to the people tor ratiication at thea pods, and we shall Know the trae opinion of these who con- stitute the sovereignty of the State: WasHINGTON, January 9, 1861 night a can Southern Se “T charge that on last Saturd cus was held in this city by the cession Senators from Florida, Greorgia, Alabania, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, aud Pexas. it was theo and there resolved in etleet to assume to themselves the political power of the South Hove oF Rispiee sr arivis, ) and, to control all political and tmulitary Washingt@n Cxy, Jan. 9, 156) ) tions for the preseut, they teleyrap! lope Ste: plete the plan of seizing forts, arseuals, and cus- tom- houses, and advised in sessiou, and soon to assemble, tu pass ordi nances for immediate secession ; but, in order to thwart any operations of the Government bere, the Conventions of the Seceding States are to retain their representations in the Senate and the House. They also advised, ordered, or directed the assembling of a Convention of Delegates from opera to com he tapdity and magnitude of pessitge events, preguant with the issues of pes the Cunveutions now Giution amd civil war, make me f course, pain fully iuterested in the action of vour body. Such my devotion ta the Union, and so deep my appreciation of the blessin has [ve gs it has shower ed upon the American people, that 1 eannot bro myself to look upon the possibility of its festruction without the extremest sorrow. Bt we are swallowed up and hurried alony in the rusting ude of the Umes, aud, having reached a the Seceding States at Montgomery on the 1th poi Sy of February. This can of course only be done becomes us wo prepare, if possibi by the revolutionary Conventions usurping ‘le powers of the people and sending delegates over the rusling volume whorn they will lose all control in the estabush- we miust Go as we can ment of » Lrovisional Government, which is the wisely plan of the dictators. wot This caucus also resolved to t the imost interests seem to require io the { effectual means to dragoun the Legislatures of of : it where we can po longer steer it. now vy for our safety wud hotior by steering with, and not a FALSE Unable to do as we wish, Whether wisely or un vie Southern neighbors are every where yu, taking such steps is their satety and artful condition times. Ought North Carolina alone to Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Pixos. s Dstt Whether she dvenes tu renain in aod Virginia into following the Secrding States Union. to ye t Southern Cont - : J ie onfederacy, # Maryland is also to be influenced by such ap Central Contederacy, or to set up tor herself ir \ | : Cup for herself in peals to popular passion as have Jed tothe revo volves a wreat aud penlous responsibility And lutionary steps which promise a coufhet with the | hold that issues as dese, embracing: Such « State and Federal Governments in Texas They have possessed themselves of a avenues of information in the South —the graph, the press, and the general control of the postmacters. ‘They also coutidentiv rely traordinary aod fuflamental changes in ber natioual condition, should be committed direct people, in woom all polivcal power is As they, alter mature deithe ration, see Upon proper » take the political bed, so they must defections in the army and navy omits, it they se fit and think it best to The spectacle bere presented is startling to destroy our pre eel tarmecand Gbeututs an - contemplate. Senators entrusted with the re pre mat a ti the meantine, with all the stern ang sentative sovereignty of the States. aud sworn desout ng cons jWeuces attendant on such to support the Cunstituuion of the Uuited States, Chane, then the responsibility rests. as does t! stile vel acting as the privy couueilions of the suffering, with the a ' ia oF estos President, and anatuusiy Jovked to by their « [slo not regard ‘ all-of'a Convention as stituents to effect some practical plau of 4 wsumion movement: Lrevard it rather as tl : nent, deliberately conceive a couspiracy for the con fucting steel to tt helits tix trevelitead ul overthrow of the (rovernment through ‘he tule Firm, Leiperate and decid do accien may se tary organizations, the dangerous secret the Knights of the Golden Cire!«, of Safety,” Southern leagues, and other azeneies at their command ; rough a military and civil carsed a maddened country Its not ditticult to fore ermmeot wich a hurriedly thrown together at Montgomery will irrevocably ourr tend the Union, too: non action will Minitlees precipitate us into disunion, We want a Con seul for other purposes than secession alone nstituted asthe thousch others, T know, desire at for espotlis 7 ! \ ' Jespotsm as es objes We want it for the purpose they have neo olher of demand lug tering of the Northern people e the furm of gov. retu Convention f they are (hen tor making our veice heard with thus the Southern States which are rapidly Inuocu ating the people with many dowmas, of which fasten upon ade vf JSnspect | North Carolina does pot approve Above al! It Ist essentially be “a monarchy founded upon we wanta Convention for the purpose Gt cot mil pou or itcannot endure, Those sutoation conceruing tae comm a i Though who popower ever fail to forge strony sone of our Southetn sisters have es emmy ru chains ously retused to consult the wishes of the 100 Tt may be too late to sound the alarm, Noth. cue Qehtne men, over whose dead t bodies an ing may be able to arrest the action of revalu inva biog horde, treading t roush the ashes of tionary tribunals whose decrees are principally homes, tiust reach them, vet th . I } : ‘ ere Are Renorat SOT Neer paloess Tpeiehaens ! 1 ID “Secret Segsict ! Ticadiint; # peopl hers who anxiously seek coneral ane! fraterna | teet | ry r yt 1 ) . ~ is to pause and retlect Inf) yewearetorced (Osir course and them desire &» should coard render every principle of iberty or to flit those Tu stent iy opines ienee } ig I 1ony ofan no better method who are becoming their masters rather than their cuuid be devised to pron the peace, the n f : u L ace, the ma servants. baton teria: interests and the howor of our State. than As confirming the intellivence furnish Ute calm of an open ated anrestiicted Conven ed by our informant we may cite the Pthe peeple to consdec of our natioua lowing extract from the Washinton OSES AS iach othe urgeney of respondence of vesierdiv’s Balti tre wil permit, 7 vuthern peo San: . . toaseintved through 1 freshly elected del eottes, United] y and simucaneously demvanedit uv “The leaders of 2 consulting as to the best 1 their interests into a Cunte 4 Sg uthe m nde of consolitatin Jeracy under a /’ro wisronal Glovernment. ‘Lue plan is to mak Senator Husten, of Virginia, Provisional Pre Movement are a omoederate and reasonat« ultunatum of the North. ow dan MY Opinion, vet it: Mates Chat desired to ren atl those inthe Union Upon whilst those that honorable terins could do so, think it accursed and datonable, and pr sident, and Jerrerson Davis Commatderin voutrather than stay in on any term 1 y vod : { ‘ 10 erms, could Chief of the ariny of detence, Mr. Hunter pos 5, ante ih een . sesses In amore eminent desree trey opty | \ I stronid be y'ad to bear from you. and ton cal characteristics of Jetlerson than any other ‘ ee eae Stalesman pow living. Col. layin isa of West Point, was distinzuisiied for bane aavice often, uraduate Most truly sours, TaLlantry ; i 2 a 7. b. VANCE at Buena Vista, and served as Secretary of War GN Basu, Member of te [house a voder President Prekek, aud is ! ( a en vt ee oe Gen. Scott in military seveuce « es — AN ELOQUEN | MEETING IN BALIIMOIZE Wi ae . eh lcten irre nuinber of the fr , A very large Union meeting was bel) 7 par yy _ ae : n FNew York city and Wty vd at baltimore on) Thursday evenuiy \ fi ' Ainony the must dietinguisned speakers ay the present Crying etisia was Hon. Reverdy Johnson. He mace a teva! arguinent « } iat nylit of secessio MIF fereived Atl anivecs: ter the Soult leruy Wranher thes seetion t yeliee tioche ration [tis similar in sen tinent and spit to dhe one trom Chieaeo great cenutii of the They ask the South to wait fora reaction at the He also thouesht it North, necessary that tine should be had to af wn ford an opportunits to the Northern States tou make CcConceselons which Wisi guaran tee to all the States their rights. Tie North was the aggressor and to blame, and the South was not blameless. Dut ltl beet regarded, no necessity for the the tune would come when ali the dith / ayiscs cu tlie culties could be healed, and peace and " i eae prosperity be restored. Mr. Johneo wd pot vet ta give up hope for the [on The great ditheulty is that these appeals ars signed and otten up, chiefly, by men who have aways been conservative, and who, alas! are Ina mononty iv that section, If their coutsels ap ais woud have Union wouid Phe action of a fanat ity has already driven four Stues out mfederacy apoke at length, and lis retnarke were so; E i ae Hinde inte, / : reoraja, Louisiana ard Terns, will probably protracted that but a faint idea of them ce and a ren ' és : ee domes a compromise, such as that can be given, 60 late Was tre hour when tuposet hy Mr. Crit pel K, and approy is he concluded. Throughout be quently interrupted by ary ; vnee or twice by confusion on tie ff At the conclusion of his reniarks three low, cheers were given Gov. Th voll, for Maj. Anderson, three wroatis tor Pig Sbees is raped setting in that direction It Was Tree (nen men of all sections, is avreed to by th alia POA IN Canaiesd wliehiele lt la io present, the Tarder Sates Mark, we do not cay thes Public xentiment in these gident Buchanan and three proans for th" Nai cieits col cunesiuthieree anit South Carolina. Miriiteere tite Wiel tee the teens fy aspen Resolutions were adopted Xpres ‘ HUD OM ae mistian brettiren at the of a desire fora compromise fog tie Saat ae us worthy of attent and thoear Hl tlement of existing difficulties o C Ten Sse Sli nbs disre santa a Kays Ren ert etitutional basis, and that suen of tia Northern States as have passed Pers oma Li : ) 1 ) Le Sina f New \ red ziberty Lills shail repeal the same font Vy Cia : . Pe velare-te the Cerar wo rea Nortolk Herald (orealie Seantinsen [tes MeN Younes Momate a fe 1 ( ase Weapr ' Type Foundry.—N\mong the une fire 4 Datel pid St . eet gresa in manufactures and art on‘) ae tlle > may mention as very striking the estal pea oni . of a Type Foundry by Messrs. Walker & | apie i ‘ : . . uy ! kh ‘ louze, of New York These gentlemen ‘i | ki ‘ Hct ale or menced business Lere a chort time since w Way Hf / much energy, and we trust they will meet « liberal encouragement. They are masters of the + The House ot Re Paleo! eee art. Their's is the first foundry of the kind ever Sa AN passim CULES AEA CONV ES established south of Baltimore, and the first it Con to tet on the Dei of Belrnary Clie de of types they cust was forthe Dispatch, which yates ar elected on the Sth, and its will soon appear in ite new dresa We com provided hataf the convention shonld pase an meod Mesars, Wd 1’ to the Southern press, ordinance: of secession, the question stiall be sul and are sure that they will give satixfaction to al], mitted to a vote of the who may favor them with orders Kichmond Drepatch ale people The same bi! has also passed to aseconu reading in the Ser SUBMISSIONISTS. Every citizen who lovea the Union, and respects their oathe to support the consti tution of the United States, is ridiculed and sneered at as a “ submissionists,”’ al- though he may have shed blood in sus- taining that independence bequeathed by such a man as George Washington aud a host of other pure patriots. Does the existence of a fanatical party in one section of the confederacy, jusuty the organization of an arrogant faction in the other # Thas it come to pass in en livhtened Aimeriea, atnongst a people profing themselvgs upon the liberality of thea institutions and the latitude altowed to ndividaal opinion, that for no other than an difference upon questions of publie policy, men who lave cause honest vrown orev in the service of their coun trv are to be jeered at as ‘submission sts wy pPrecochous chins tire ** patriots, Upon Whose down of adolesence” is scarce Iv visible? Must veterans of fifty vears’ standing bow to the behests of selfcon stituted levgders in a crusade, the merits of which fiave been patent to them for wear a tnouth, but to our duller compre heusion a half a century's experience has fated to make apparent? Forbid it Hea cut New converts are proverbial for \ their zeal and devotion, and we are pre pared to forgive a yvreat deal in amb Hous fledgelings; there isa pointhowever, beyond which, “forbearance ceases to be a virtue.’ At the present time, ques tous of mort momentous inport Rreeue tating the country, those who tail to meet the issues promptly and decidedly, are unworthy the privileges of citizenship,— but to brand as anreliable and danver ous, such are willing to make another ap ‘voice of justice and consan guinity, 18 carrying a senseless prejudice to an unwarrantable extent. We vield to no tnan in reverence to the institutions of tiie south, peal to the? they were our heritage by birth,—in pride of manhood we sustain when assailed by the minions of a foreign despotism we penitied hte and property in fensey—and ina few brief years hope to thine ed them from choiee, their de cour dust with the soul of cur lov ed Louisiane ) but to give up all the good We tase enjoved for the uncertainties of whew eApenunent, isa sacrifiee we are hot } fepared to Inake. Having tor near seventy vears participated inthe benetits of the Union, and estimating its value alii price, we canhot consent to can While a single column renmiains, we will battle in its de template a dissolution, with all the into du praver is, (iat we may pa Tehee Wher, mores « past, 10 crutities carhiest UT RAVAN AV ICL and bet live to see a pillar of its once fair lending: support to a meaner ellevings We Cap yet tind jus Tie equality ia the Conte tera Na “thay forget her cunning andor tenwne cleave to the roof of our neuth, ee we utter a Sentence, Cabetia ted in any Way, to loosen the bonds ot tunity between the States. Aout flakes and a unon A uuton of States none say aa n beats and ati 1 wads, \ the Bia Cosa ever Shreeeport, La Sonth Wexler From the Raleigh SN MURA NGIE JOSCO RASS TBE SOS that the position of Mr. Pea of the Secession Democra ev in the House of Cominons, is a most Hewister thie extraordinary one, and we think we can vive reasous Which will induce every ir partial reader to concur With ls in opin wen. Mr. Person is the Chatman of the Jomut Committee on the part ot the Hous wt Cora son Foderal rela t Conmomttee tad tad under ¢ for some Gine past the subject of a ca of a State Convention. Prestous to report of tue Commiuttee, Mr Donne, a member of the Con the House to ask the opitien of the Sn preme Court as to the power of the L Ininittee, objected to ahs siature to calla Convention by a ba Inajerity vere, Ta the discussion grew ite ot Mr. Ps preposition, Mr. Pers tire Kane Prouanent part. ane tints wats obhieeed te seu (hat Mr Donnell a mein Which Wats alnout to be reported, cal a Convention by a majority vote, tistean of a voteoof two-thirds of caeh Hose, as the Constitution requires. Subsequently a bul was reported, in the enacting: clause words “two thirds of cuch were ontted, tits of which, the TL eviase conmeurring Hee Uesertinier tisk it ts ve rpetent fora bare majority ot the Lecislature t calla Conscution Pirin sutoje Was tis cussed in toe Legistature, in tue new perssin the boarcdine drouses, and om the streets, and was, tn fact, the uppermost su Tae recess yeetinevery man’s mind, fp Chiristiias passed aWay, and iu two days after the resumption of Mi. Person reported to the Louse, and Mr. Avery to the Senate, a substitate for the original bill, HuUsitiess, The enacting clause of SIRO epacted, two thirds of each house concur: ring, We. &e. In reporting this substi tute, Mr. Person said that the omission of these words in the original bill was wady Now it 80 happened, that at Mr, | Was ad Iressing the House, Mr. Avery, the clair this substitute is in these words: fentirona! the very inoment Person inan of the Joint Comittee on the part body en the substitute, and tn the course of tos of the Senate, was addressing that tetmarks sard that he bad at fret bere ce bata bare majority of the Legislature could cath a Convention —that io tat opinion be was foratied by the opinion of Jade Ruthin, but sabsequentiv dadge R vad reconsidered: dis opition, and come Pthe conetuston that ne vote tess than thatoe twothirds of both houses, could exta Sate Convention. Thus did Mr Averys remarks prove that the subject }obeen ciscusscd by the Comunitte min, it (he omiasion sa the Ghachny tase of the original bill was uninten why did Mr Porson, on ona report tye The substitute, Bay. tn substance, tat the wis pon toe cortyinabl brit made te dat 6 ‘ i wwoaf it 4 by a ) vayerity of both liouses, tue Speaker heeach Would ahtouree tie vote that the ’ ddopot passed 4 We daimisy think uwotowill puzzle Mr. Person to recon eile this declaration with fegal learning thtional dore, or tha iamost ordinary Hothing: ot lee, to Ras Rtatesiial Be Secretary klovd. in a speech ata han ynet given hin at Kiehmond on Enday mght, charg ed the vised resistance to eoercior I’resident with breach of faith, and ad Frow the Upson (tra) Pilot STATE CONVENTION Dofore the next issue of the Pilot, the State Convention will have assembled. — The cyes of all, will turn eagerly upon tt, and the prayers and hearts ofevery pati: ot will be evoked and pulsate I hese, that * Justice, Wisdom und Modteratom” will control its counse:s evil to be brought by its ac | Our beautiful contederated Ke Vie good or ny is incl ella le ie, With ite mig glorious associations for quar hty interests and re pub ters of a centary of common battles, of Compnyeny tt inmnphe and common saeritices, will reecive additional life and streneth, Pye TOrtiebe pieces, t it Peek CN Wels ce aay of the good Quir prod ta tonal bird will fall from bis home in the clots, pierced by asthalt winged tren Hos putode, or rise higherata higher, and woth a still more nuda Zo up the sum, Our Gnieon of States has been beaut fully compared to the Rocking Stare of . that a chila’s tinger would makeit tremble, but the Drnids—so equaliy baranee an earthquake conld scarce shake it trom ts base. The tread of that earthquake po as. Its elec: qnivertigs (sad precutsers of ruin ata dissocuti > How teltain every nerve acl bone and a le tthe body litte [eevee ur © TPelegraplie wire, every wind trom tnd and ocean, bear on ats wits toe Host feartal portents Lhe government is ndlininietered) ig fer canse itis corrupted aud) bankrupted Our Our Our national credit He, ated techie be finanees are deranged com meres is destroyed is rothed—our bends at a discount COS EV Se rer States and Federal Government eon trom twelve cent, and fronting eaeh other in hostile array Where this sad eventful distory is te end. to one ds wise enotil to see, ! isn ys serve te vind Nt wt wed Some future Hume oor Gatbon inex humming dusty records 5 with a pen of ston and tablets of Pass, Wir 6Cir Cie Twice ct CUP SUpreme Wisden or stay Tous tally Qurelildren and ebhidren’ Tren, wil Peeat tor eos. sont Crit Ine eteinyplis of USTTALIS Ep ve PEO Sy, 4 TO a Cth Tyrie t t TC VT hee T es May Veg POAWeNT: GOCHUSE Tay MWe f I cart love or d 1 Wie har eCruver \\ ' Pah on TES EU URGE Res LG css ~ ‘ ( ‘ tou vA saava ‘ WEN > - tns ror 1 TL er 1 ts Chet r shnyots wotest tever ow ' t Jrast, MW eel ypo present nN 1 t . $ tl } ou 5 Serb Lite ! ai | iiknewn fa ' she sl val is HENS: thiosery ve will cling to s thie r rceuint of suffers May Gel prosery vl direct PONesGis So iat forests wha bghis tay be pr ytuoted and scCUFent, MIVESTWa ion eT i Were ave below th ) | ution of Mf Seward’s speech det ‘ rer na weliy das tepubieanisin is st t lence xe , name and Jer ten free ieee ee } tied as far as x pow \ ! rs should rey t t > mis onderst. od im te wl ram ins) > nour ! \ 1 \\ ew Prequ t 4 r ‘ ‘ th * ‘ 1 son hiherty ise hy som SAG sions Ne ret Tle was w fheoan amen dinent (onsituthou aif at ‘ran the afterward Cal . \\ let cress trad 1 te I “ “ Wo Dever ¢ t ArPV stave wliore Wis ow ” , Such a prop te thnvol thes M SOTA, vation wer ' Cele tariteste rel in the two Shates he toote out of ree Perritory Wirt se eeoenth, nents of disnnion 1 noe) teen bora vl 1 in red, ‘ nt Vea i we Would cons callie a tationa ‘ Hoot tod my COV At VE sch, Wiligtt ut hid Yet y the orvetal Lew He was a heprition cl thiat Gosder tee ' HC) u 1 ie peoy that 4 wrt perereney rn rity oo bar pl that hos Was the best wower eons oe could bo concerned by the iind of man. H Wits fei to vote tor pr vo ognarded jaws to Suppress mnVaston of ahd Sy States. amd beliewed that two ragreads to the Poeitie shouid de can. structed sone trom the 1 foot thee Missies pi. and the other trom the contluenes of the Mis sessing ated Missouri, He had jearned early {Pein would not always dow fae te that it Wise duty tO fou i theo ' weecoubl not dead. He tad subaorted thes Propositions with great lid id 6 | eh ties best efforts to th Maton af y alors mnus Vinivine Iaur stile aang meneed but he hoped stliter the Constitution viel the Chon, pott ra dns trast » wisdom American people II ind patmoensm: of tl) st violence and sedition might re pray un mere vocal, and that whatever dangers were to be inet shonld be met in a spirit of discreet deter mcaty o lor (ion ou atews he would a ‘ Spa It sthoulal « Ue and etodire, ated amet noatter years should Clare that s eoneralon saved the Utiron by the exer tomas timity which even exceeded that of the genera tion witch in former days founded the wovern Trent ra the games of Liberty, Pustee and da Tanity [ Applause | Vie Virginia Cony. Wel provides for t eleenion of one hundred and fifty two dele gates on the 4thoot February —the convention to as semble on the Toth bebruary On the same das that delegates vlected a separate poll is to be oper to tak sense of the voters as . at thre ¢ ver n lissoly r nie vith the f ray Uomoen or ry the orga vwoof the State, shia ‘ Prittedto the people for ratitioation or repe tron Delegates must he 25 vears of age oe The Bialeof Cral War Phe Dike of Ws r in the VY f Peers A memorable sa Mv fjords, Ta tose who have prohal raged] mare of wan war than most men, and prine Weis war too. and Pmust say fhe, that at I could avoid, by any sacrifice whateocver en one month of civil waran the country to which Tam attached, Tw 1 sacrifice my life in on y accomplis Carolina Gélatebman. USAR ae PNGNEU ALY, 22h lest Corrections Phere were twoerrers in onr last paper which we desire to correct, w the Union meeting Vt) speaker rot held oat the Courthouse in this place, when May. dames Ek. Kerr made a speech, we said “on the first Saturday in dann ary inst,” when we shonwdd have said, Ve daxt Saturday in December. Inthe ota line of the Sth column of Hon. Bedford Brown's speeeh, the reader will see that Wirtniscron should take the There were only vlace of Washington two copies of the =f (ei pete to handred ot paper that went out with th wyof a Un Mr. Hail prese thoteetit vei i Liowan Mero ELatl said that the reso is did tot ex press the sentiment of tis county Lhiose pouss ny these resolutious were but acecorporal’s stead Phe said that his « by at least tivy hundred majority sUNTY Was fora couvetlion We quote the above from the proce ! usof the Tlouse of Representatives of Assembly of the State, on nst. The meeting referred to was Rowan Mails; and we copy te tet the gentlemen coneerned tu that ow ther representative, Mr tneeting nee | Hall felt himsell calle tipo to speak of aEead Cunt € \ i vutersat ¢ meeting, se ' tilt yeh, NC, TS AVOEEED TCH CEL ~ oat notice their representalies _— " ee ‘ ‘ td ‘ ‘ mn Nore \ \ at WwW 1 tw cS . ries he --: { Lup ad HI Witiacn oN Viruiart }, es tue dist ' torent 1 Seth ee mci eat tkten ttc fas bsetise t ! serve ies ‘ Ue ie te Santen tox nea wot ous Poe cannery ' -s SAYS A Special s] fit n ! Anyuere ey that ‘ my twolloe tendered to Ny er Se Wars cnuton ) ever cotemporary of the Jes pee don taee tirenieh thea f these thse orimors eoneurnins vA r mata, Mr Gatner and Ton. Bedford Drown, neither of wioom, as we un wer ved ater fa price ether : ( inet Of the TOS eee ttt nites ln rautieey Piese fale tod. the " =t Htkelw sturtad bay tle cis ate | moeennt EAM IREN ECT EL t ‘ \ ‘ Ff PceetT, Thy ‘ ut wr oftheir taes \ ros qege ‘ oveemators beid to be odiens and i Cajsen i pecs. a Jin | vor sO ern NAN Ta SUpposend to Thine» HW oalotiere toaand of course Mr. Grahain wild te wagered in the estioathen of Ul Southern men ifit stud appear that fis postition is amehas toecattract the offer foaseatin Lineotn’s Cybenet Ni Cra liar bas reeetved moa such other, and of course com not deel ne at Was hot tendered te iin se: SRA EIN Clot Et letter wellenlentated in crartle the citizens of t section of the couniey, foand oon the read -mide teaghhborhood of ‘T nore Choreh, has been | ur hands for pab ny but contents areof such a character that we regard of proper ue Lo give tout publie ty. Suffice ato easy thatthe ent Test Mec burg and of the adjommng counties had best be watehtol Weare noi disposed to be an alarmist, and only eaten on ow eitizens to he vweoilane rthey may PAC wurdl cr tia waa teiantiiarn Charlee BN ita tn be surprised eiizens of no section need be startled or at ali alarmed abont this} tter lis contents ar not tt tor 7 aton forthe best of all reasons, Vizt there sone truth in then he letter isa hore and we think it bears that character upon s fac Some of th yt Yent people in Thivatira congres with tl higinal on ther possession, had this letter utider iavest ration, apd satisted themselves the wit hing met Pure Whisker Woe tiaved made the re erent of eof tat pure corn whis key, from onr old friends, ( [a nian and Famnea I, St Fthe Oli North State. This TREE Sof Secession whiskey — pare Wee lina paper p the above from a Sonth Caro Wonld not be surprised that Tiskey isthe parent of secoeion, Those whe use it most, invarnabty e Te from every thing that is lovely, walnable and of good report, for time and etornit Additions ta our Lis Nant TR eatry idence of the Union sentiment of th part f the State, we have had | arge additione to our lat within the last few weeks, and inoatly from democratic neighborhoods A bill was recently submitted to the South by Mr. Simonton, providing for the observance of holidays by the Banks of that State, Five regular holidays ave named, but the Fourth of duly is omitted from the list! Great God! has the gallant State of South Carolina become so deeply infatuated as to ig nore the existence of that day in the calendar, which to American hearts is dearest: aud most glorious, and whieh has twined around it re mmembraices that can never die so lous ax the Monmouth, or Carolina Legislature, rises Wares above the graves: al the billows clasp the shelving shores of Sullt vanes Island. When the South Carolinians for et the blood poured forth at Eutew, ( amden, tnd the Cowpens, then, and uot tll then, Jet Dem foret the day upon which the compact North Car J her share do the Fourth of was stened that that blood sealed. Olina can newer vie duly Woershan Sculored This reminds us of the remark of a friend, whe ,u teow days ago, alluding to Gao. Washington, said “that name which we all sed to reverence so highly, and he oped we wonld ayuin, or words to that effect. When the fact is, the de struction of this Country, frou whatever cause, (that event being the sabject fn commection with the remark.) can never din in the least the lustre of that yreat hame; buten the contrary, the extreme folly of his degenerated country men in ita overthrow, will serve to bring ont oon ef than ever, the virracs, the rkabie qualities holder the ren neler hington and the 4th Daly are both securely. fixed nankind, and will never perish in the hearts of «oe COMMITTEE CURT yee Eee gre ‘ yo the Committee t= Le seotupreitise ob the voc “ seis Ube t v1 Vast xe cer ey ee Ved hese Tent an ; WN io ah MW v wily vt \ t te 5 < ty a ‘ wwe Savery \ r y dies I \ ‘ ‘ x n Ps t Vinee t ‘ 4 ficitive . awe a no ‘ Zens i: Severs 8 . “ 8 . » event ai f s ' ah y etal parts of bine } I MNS 1 I ‘ ‘ vit A a towork Ant ‘ \ ain e teoee taal exbit <p ah A dere aa nee 1 ‘ + ’ 5 ta + a ab ‘ 1 « 4 v trae by renius atid ery sola ‘ nit . a vow 4 vy Hnorovengent fror ‘ weed \ ‘ iS aN t ia facia ! ve ' ‘ “\. 1V ‘ Par cy com ey ted . 1 Ww t 1 as theory 0 Ia Sehain Una ye bagitd st wlan nag th auth Art will be oy | (eX pia i) ie Cust an ‘ Se tat > ay wd ta er SF Ce 1 Stand Se ye Neel ust Peale od. tia Mr. Doocean kh. Mchae, whoin Tie eciection Calipaigns Was a strony veonai, & Douglas Democrat, Has reese vy become a red hot disunien st. bis os resarted here as a coed sign for the Tonien : always waits on Mr Medtve ane the party he supports Let the friends @& constitutional anion stand firm ea?” Wit Lb a rosie te do miny be bes \ 4 t Con u { ee cone ol Ait On paw y ! ' - Aeon. A , Voediate diginion wiyone y petationist I es W we te i a ath tu y “ atiayor tyoot titeen on the Convention Lis parst 4 nt wool tha ese geet Uh shy toning the er ne alas fina an! rot through at the Ca Hoon Ae dexchoarnisnrodid dren tian are Thiet indications that thew hoqueation of time The sectional nn and the trumphant Re eat States, have ao willed at. that : ! pee ten © Roathern Strate eet Ebbers’ and Deacons Convention Doring 1] ¢ Synod at Statesville, the Com 1 the meotingof the Convention to be held in Favette O SOSSiOns 4 mites of Nerangements appoint: heyt Veoin the mouth of March. and they request weootticers of the kavett yvecoxact toe in that month ville church to tix Tn comphance with this request, the Session have de signated the first Wedr sday, the 6th day of the month, 7PM ’ The Fayetteville and as the moat snitable time Western Railroad 1s now finshed for 40 miles, and delegates com in from West of Raleigh will leave the No ¢ Huailroad at Morriseille or Page's in the morn ih Tayettevil Fay Preshiyte rium hooaned ey ‘the same day Foti aweling hone naa) antennae <i I sy ilomiles of this place, was burnt dey i you Wire accid Toa ' Nontit Caronisa, poy Rowan County eos M me An alection was held in Capt. J yok r frist te [ [nsun thie ‘ ‘ 1 i l and one f , W JNO W FISHER, Capt NOME BREAN TORTS REAVER CT cy W oF FRRPERMAN INO RICE WoW GLOVER INO © RROWN es MK. RAMSAY'S CONVENTION BIL We invite attention to the subjoined submitted in the Senate of the General ms Aven bly, by our Senatorial Representative, Dr, ine say . The provisions of this Bill are ty etrict a9. cordance with the Constitutional mode fop : é \ am Call. ing a State Convention. They are eminent) conservative, and give the people all mceieoe er the grave subject of disunion. This js right, for whatever consequences follow in the train of revolution, must fall upon the people; and Tine being so, they should have the privilege aS it j t , " their nuht, to dispose of the whole matter, A Bill to ascertain the voice of the Peo ple upon the propriety of holding 's Convention, and for other Purposes Worthas, One or nore States have passed ond ha of secession trom the general Kovernment ‘probable that other States may follow the exauple and whereas, This General Asserubly hag ve that # portion of the youd reas: tebe of this State desire a convention to determine vurse that they should pursue in’ the fecer uu our nauvenul affairs: aud whereas, Tha General Assembly does uot believe that a conven. tion of the people should be called contrary to the will ob a igerity of the peuple: Therefore, Srerton 1. fie it enacted by the General Amen, bly of the Slite of North Carolina, and tt is her enacted hy the authority of the same, two-thirds of bath houses concurring, That upon the ratuticatiog Vet the Governor be, and he is hereby ay tl vel aud required to issue his proclamation of. deog an cleetion to be beld in each and every county in thie State op Friday, the fifteenth day of March, §86), to ascertain the sense of the propriety Oh heotug a eouvention " she 2 [te it further enacted, That it sisall te the daty of the shentls of the several counues ig this State to appeint two er tore frecholdery to supenptend the election at each Pprecinet in their several counties, aod to do such other acts and per es and ' receive suct t i receive such Coupensation ag ted te pertorin and receive for tor meinbers of the Greneral As forty ste they are now req soe are NOt BCONSISTEnL With wr enacted, That under the prososiots of this act ail persons now enutled « \ uM { the House of Commons. shall bee {to vote an said election, and all persons V a“ act ih a popet oor parchment Upon W abl be watt sted ~ Convention,” or Ne Conve 1, and eon another paper or po 1° Vien *Disunton ss 4 fhe it further enacted, That the euperin ‘ Tictsvaat veral election. precincts Slate wid the ele ta { ‘ wind ¢ \ ‘ hon and no conyention also Rea f hisioren under the same ‘ ware thw itopesed by law, and sad can eoopened and compared at the re sin pe esin- each connty on the day one Ny fete len tie (irestores t acs staterient thereof deli tc hentlov the clerk, onder seal of office. and } sual, Wethin ten days, transmit the same Chie Sa GUC EVER StN See 5 bbe at further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Serretary State in the presence of the Grovernor Cotuptroder and Treasurer ot State, t a bya a the returos, and to dei ver 5 Ue sen Sinte, ace vetes east for cor ‘ ‘ wun and 1 2 ma tse certificate : i i Sts clegate “ tthe Stare Oo Mods. the twentbetn enacted, Vit the saul e Lard cond aeted on we eo@arne places as elecuone won Nesermoly are now heid 1 votes s be CoubteAd and ‘ S aed e a ' Tbiw Pas ee Al Ta caw anv Vas auey ‘ dea e 1 a ’ th wose bie pee ( ‘ weit bcaee tet ine ’ the y w bh vac an vay 1 atte ee Posty te thot Ow as ot v eiered V Vitae ive A le ety Spm Ala ‘ ss vi aare f Aroot te al aN Tr it ther eructed Vit the said co ‘ . fred and twenty vie the SS sha € eae i i wr of yates ad Mas Une severt counties are now en ted respect vely te nhers of the House of i Lf su . tin ‘ t =k 0 fait rurthe no deiegate sia Wate nthe sad een on anal be shal have taken and subernb {tne ny ow before any judge of the sa- pore supe trot any yustiee of the peace oO Wa Ny WEE ASN I, as do swerniy von ail avt oa av y that [ wil ” mya cemieaey to the wet mt the (nr eral Assemey onneer owlreh this convention 3 vie word coat bow WY aod taititally discharge ths convention, accord eral wledge and ability, # ! Ned See 1 Be at farther emacted ‘Vnat the said convendon shall have fall power and authority to Ons a gTieVanves ipa nng oF af- c itsof the State of North Carolina as a mierine 1 the United States, and m wesorentinanees as it inay see proper Prooded Vhatnoactor ordinance of said convenvon shalt have auy corce or vahdity art the sad act oF reamance stall have been sabmitted to the cinzeos of the r orejec- ite vote for member ratification + mention shall preseribe the inode forthe tatficaton or reyection of the same: Pro reded, That sad acts or ordinances siall be adver t lat \e “ vast thirty days in six or more hewspa wits be State betire the people shall be called mon te Vote pan the same See V1 feat further enacted, That the mem- bers oft sand convention shall be entitied to the same tnilewge and per diem received by members of the General Asseribly, to be paid ont of the treasury regame manner as tho said metnbers are 00¥ convertion shall by vote fix the pay of all ther ers and oof any delegates or repre s whom they may apport to any conven- tion or State, and shall provide for all other ex- mivention, to be parl out sentative penses incurred by the « moneys in the treasury in the manner they may Ree. 12 [eit further enacted, That the said convention shall have power to elect such officers they may deem necessary to their organisation and todo and perform all ench acts and things a they may consider neediul to carry ont the true!) tent and tneaning of this act, and the acts al purposes of card convention She 13. Beat further enacted, That thie act shall eon force trumecbately thom and after ts rata: tion Taking Time by the Forelock '— A secession letter writer from Raleigh to the Uvtersburg Kz prese apeaks of the secession of North Carolina as an understood thing so soon as the Conve? and among other things *ay* “already there are many candidates tor brige dier General of the N.C. Volunteers, and stil More numerous applications for a place 00 the staff” Thos Cession lave no idea of serving ip the ranks tion assumbles ; Fay. Observer who are making the most nome fr s¢ Ingh privates.” ‘Tbey must be Captains, Col onels, and Greverals. Of course the honest, bard Im working people will have to foot the bill. Auses toediate secession by this State for existing © would be the hightof folly and madness Ral. Standard ee A dispateh from Norfolk says that the steam er Express, of Baltimore, steamed up to Fory Norfolk on Friday night, and took on board & She steamed away * quantity of ammunition Rumor says eight o'clock Saturday mormng she went to Fort Monroe SPOND! word about pong O01 Fapl out in the ¢ Palmetto Gu able compan, House. pied by Capt Hare exfingul i for themsel pb is chief ec ies, | believe, here can be s atall All ry over their city, seem 4 cart-loads ot ied down to read of the agrath, ares gave notice West.” At ym are Vigna on Light Int have Cadets— About 150 hat Fort Mou jus dragoon dd The for ut 1,500 mer ths of the v. protection of he Governor beseagre, Progr yw enlisted fo w, porisit | upon it T bioit. The # /pell SeSMOD, | LATEST | eliable desps tthe Preside will not be | same The jeorgia will | Fit Digits noming ung debate, ieit will b M Tutyre ss ing intttee on ¢ The Alabama pac to-day, te further infor’ vhama refuse ~ postpone k + Abohuor rut article. matin € mut prov arleston wed their ye to por ber us } we el appowtit inJ Allen a with all ¢ wat terms werved, and what Stat which wall: yoy mcut State ( Neuthern Na s Sigyests ed as the uy itr ratic ——\ yur excha we learn anand prints © ot the 3 sopended fe untradicted. eral Seott radveted » Armam n for the lature, me as composed horough M * North Carc er that the cenerally ki rest satis; what we f the best GE Mutrongris <n secret e racon, it ad ty of Georg nmittee of s cession. Ye Mivtepeervit muon, to-day litions asa s °0-operation uth, to meet nson's resol Mr. Stevens, determined better, There are ca ‘other den nee 18 WAVIN THE V Ricnmonp, J ted the Hou: nal Convent he House p hee of the St recent. treasi ANDER: New York, n COLTER a itions to A Psive | but af hring upon tteries, Another cor Renator, tliat five a Com M not withh ized ambas tee W AaMINGTOS the vote ¢ aidered, a Monday ne es *choldery to scl in their Cls and per th New York on the oceasion of Heipers at Jan. Int, 1=60 tde33 ” - N BILL, ebSPONDENCK OF THE SOUTH CARO FROM MAIN ROREC HOM w Arena) TEC Cr OTOIMIOCTIORT ET Cnt: 4 } , i BTUs Ii * . . TANT) 0, (4 \'ct 1 + bined Hit, LINIAN. Acuvara, Me, dau. 16—Besolutious aie pen Bat I will Love Thee Tho’ MIIECE tS Grenivanenaee Hldtwlenev atl onvaided th High Point Female School, Equity Sales of Land. | AKER & CO'S MEDICINAL PAL Assen UnincerroniJanuaryi Gniselme or the Leyislature, loging to Wie full arniny ot Iu Auswer To, the Stomach, orany other like wffeetion. i second HIG SLOINDA NGO: \ I Y VIRTUE of a Decree of the Coart of Equity, | TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OLL the State I May Not Love Thee, B ty none in Ameren or abroad. ‘To be able tu state I will offer the following lands for sale at public - 1D : e, But ke d ; CUBE ere . ; ieee ee : ue Kam. word about our wiilitary preparations, These — = coufidently that the © Bitters” are » certain cure for Ae SPRING SESSION, 1861, will begim oH Quoc THE TRUE AND GENUINE poing OD oe Morris’ Island, which is tae RUMORED BLOCKADE OF THLE MISS But ( wil love thee! tho’ dyspepsia and hke diseases, is to the proprietot Moaday, February 4th, wih Hite Leo A A SOVERE FOURTEEN or Fifteew Houses and Lots UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTS. I strict out in the channel, is fortified at several port: SIPPI. Sparned may the off ring be source of wnalluyed pleasure, It removes ail morbid BOARD OF INSTRUCTION nthe town of Sutiabury, belonging to the estate of VEING THE SWEETEST AND BERT PREPARED. le for mi Palmetto Guard, of about 110 men, a brave Nas Cnnans, Jan, 16-5 Mbis rijuored thar 1 Fou theu alune last toached matter i 7 stomach, purifies the blood, parts LANDER, A. M, Principal cl ee dd This idee y ae vile a “D. de . : ; ; ; One ie , ; renewed vitality to the nerve Pm, giving : tthe Co nse on S the day o| Call - able company, is stationed at Morris’ Island Federal Government designs to blockade tie M Benud me by uelady, tone and es pees ate Reed eta uns Re ea t 2 bru ‘i . ei aR M. : Pa 7 5 Pte use, i tairly tried, will soon restore the Somg ) emine House. They are under strict orders, com- a 1 Pree as thy spirit, love! rergy se tudispensable for the restoration Wien MoJo ‘Pecwen. > Assistants ebomiry next, at 1) oclor wae a cl eet ae arinelot the dive ‘i tly : , ea EOS a , ONE offealth ‘The numerous acknowledgements of its Mrs. LA. Lanven, Y 12 months, with suterest efler 6 moutos, purchasers * D digestive oryanx, invigorate the S Power ow, pded by Capt. diddleton. All lights on the ts- = Ges (wettitiy heart tw thee! superior excellence and beueficient results, } CG atannana es yoving boud with approved security. BI00 ae Dowd give general rotundity to the figure, . v ¢ extinguished at7 p.m. The compauies MISSOCL CONVENTION 2 rycen] Worrav i tacit 1 i penee : i al CHARGES PER SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS me PE ‘ vty ed add energy to the mind and vervous =f ie right, a Sr eieelwlien tar oneal dl t } ey Re ul sured the proprietors that it cannot but prove 8 EFL Ly inctudiug f et : ALSO, the enme,on the premises. the fullowing AW yiem, le walne hug t | ee eee ‘ M for the! yer eve tha orporal L. + e , , whe it to ee vi Cured the ahlaeiand tiie CoH UI card, includtog fuchand washing, lghixextees) , ; . : 5 " , ae ale alue has b i ubly the train of bb is chief couk for the Palinettoes The com) 7! aay AL 4 eee ia ough Seni 7 sr as ee ree ee Hee ee 1 Fe a a evidenced hy ta wnaileriil restorative: pow= 7% vee (oe ll t Yor Ae a x ; ‘ b Aeros inore of loss, ettuated bu Cae Dace — a ; + and th ies, | believe, do their own washing and ironing, | : Pad to 2 Whe tall aves thie vate Marr Twill dove thee tt mee gener Pee eats hecps Enon $10, 12. 50 vod 15.00 fe me rg i fen. eas crt when ey tonies ha been vainly vone Cag d to be f the latte cide at the election if the Secession Ordiunauce s Mass din ost Music on Pirne sud Grota SU Ma Pay Bate GE , ‘ CP le exhausted. FC affords nourmhment to the é here Can be said to be any of the latter wo k i ‘ ae a ‘ aye ati th) Never r r lean, sit {near the AS Cy CHO, WS it ig eat all All seem tube in fine spirits, aud make Le submitted ta the people for runtication, 1 Varney with tear aw SALISBURY PRICES Drawing, Waa Prod. or Binbrower 0s ee ae Fn CREAT AEE Gok bey when no ater ean he barnes and > 4 NA Wer, ry over their hardships. Their teaiale icnds int election is tole held on the T8th wad the Conver Doutta I. : Nee vequc yuan da ticals tiers \ {weet £ i 1 Hedtcn Omen lurnishiee the frame with fut in a truly re- % ; tomou t 28th of February Brehy, ast J 4 Ve . We make vo eharge tor Virtuo Preach, Bats * Se a pe Ss mackable manner city, seem to be Fery attentive Co their wellur he 28th ‘ ' ENGNG IE Vy melied, wel ; ’ ; Walecouemder tin tnd ay) : . an — the peo. cart-loads of good Uuings are contuually beg 11 yy . Sl cas thy Whisper tl sruty NeipA ee Buaim in Tone cinta aan on a sal Mines tele? ee ‘ oe Seti at the wiiie une and phe. Lowit attr = ae CONSUMPTION and BRONCHL & ( . i ‘ t | ‘ FAW thinen fee + Baco 2 er iret sy evan ote above lat of elanges \ ~ “ wrime t “ holding ie ed down to thea. At Cane Bunnie on the LO ne eo ie an i \ thee rules iuiy otis eC euree) Gla dae eu Dia alan take aceite: renee ean ealauhii dance Getougiam tie Wei ul 2S 9 78), SRO REL dam all ate deeclopmente > ' rend of the Island, the Lush Volunteers, Cape : y CGT NTA Se tea Sata Me TO a To. Molaween, 33.4 555 Erich Poatoee ( 1 fustitatton wh ate Crvetie tie Nta Joho de Hendlewan de'd . conmetue of one wt ee =a Fas, WHEE ANENS, WASTING ee om Tposes, agrath, are stationed, Ms Was the company Cempertasp, Mi Jan 15 ~The Union t eS Breccia: Mars Sweet Potatoes, 60a 705 Peas. Park is em ee eae a TVS) ENGST mest IOS e ARs ent W NGM ULES Col cast) Peery oie af DR BITE, ium (curstive : parsed oni gave notice of the approve: of (le ost ot Northern aid ‘ tert Wirwinie is teen w iH : ; Ls Ce Th eStcar souls Ieitnw Ua lei hed 1 ie tt Mikes tir cesyuuhiocuy GuheericCeCe re Mri ka rsa Mire Grier niin ; ae a ; = - ear . e ‘ ear hs t ) . : a WU lastanee the tollo , j rf PRI Uiernte slants y Orvis Koverninent West.” At Fort Moris tive « nya es yun | Gen ( wpe Saas Vande Ma \ ; : ; Fi 20a Bl Ws Whiskey. 50 a 1.00 a Fi ane aI Me ane Wiepcreaavied (Mie suit aa TUNE te on euete uh : fe denen Rnierclsit mt tee =) y follow the om. are Viglant fits the Coadel Cuitets, Wash Grol a wthe line of the Balumore and Ola y ree . Pe Came arian nari ti evaciaenen Cartes the widow's duwer ee ae . Sa cin std liente Wain i eeinigadawihuad ssetubly hag on Light Infantry. German Artdlery. and) the Kua owd, to-di 2 Wilt every token of enthosiasi (it t . Ce > 7p , Aa SAC eee aL) Lee aa aie SS ctortis ihe most seustive stomach. Ttssu- @ soud have Cadets—in all about 300 strong —are plae Theve isto be a great pablie demnstes ae : EW Wel e/a) ScECIAL INDUCE MENTS Jeli Satret and others, ‘Termeni cnonthea credit ate eauiigousdiee ea auniore teense -rmine bee About 150 men are stationed at Purt Joliuson, bere on Phiurs: Avo representing all at Wester M i. : eae ri VaR tony cys EN, eee ike ne ieee es Ve ice mete Ne ep lees tit sii Rett) Baa UY , $0 A verintven of genainearss, has guurantoed for an the present ) at Fort Moultrie, and 250 at Castle Pinckney. ty land The Cottenden prog e pee ha eine a on fi Morrison, RUFUS BARRINGER, Bag ofConeurd, (0 UU a o t aie 7 | aoe On the Statday oe Januery wext. | wil am i the commendation of the most eminent 4 hereas, Thy jous dragoon companies are taking care of Tie tet with alive stun versal apy oval on ta : \ | cas tei ROSALIE AedauchterptNenus (ilu, 600 0 ug ne sss % , : Hewing tracts tor pale at the residence OF Aa Physi ions throughout the States; the writ. Cy , This i any bourding pup. ! Hit dowey, at t x tthe Ity ofthe b di ta conr, d The furce in’ the harbor is estimated at oe +e: of Asheville (dg ten testimony of the taealty ofthe best medi- at A COnven. 20 rachers, Whe are all native North Caro- ~ : rt on Mil ¥ 2 n 1,500 Th i 1 \ = 5 2. Our Peach whe ar t o> Aeres, more or fess, belonging Gs Alen ler, Ze) eal achooln; the Profexmoen of the Urary tO the ut 1500 men. There are good torts at the! yN PLCOERCION MEELING INN. YORK PROM AN OCC YSION AL CORELAPOS DENT a ce eR oo : waus, are worthy, well qaaldied and expenenced er the heise of Paul Mallee. ‘Phisjand ww situat- | RG eaten Sitters ay aes ths of the various talets, and these are under | : DIED: WOE OetrUtWillin od Seeley caltthi suny erie. Fe CHAT tea AR DRIMEL milcar inset, SAR ee One NSYLVANIA, ae] eral Amen, protection of Uke Parish troops. A most aml ana and ANU nercion meet z 2 4 Phe Board.og Department ander the mimediate aay uc ge the lands of Martin Josey, Malas Shape Bet ee CULLEGE OF PHILA- = Trae be Governor sent in, to-day, to the Legislacore. Linge was held in Brodes da New York, on Rater N. t we 16, 1864 In Okclona, Misx oon the ath Dee last of Reyer supervision of the Prueipal and his wife, has hereto: aod others Phi tractus all woodland ‘Terias—t 1p Tit CORI NCOLUEGEI NEDO y0-thirds 7 beseagre, proposiny tO raise LW tore be ctinents Puesday eventtve fast, whet strona cute coer fi Mi. Ps 1} ' preliaw the 29th yearof his age. Mr WILLDAM RVC Ciitahe ete SKA URUCTE Denial aiid ateurity 500 4 ees an JLEGE « . a 4 ye enlisted for three years’ service 1 do uot) pas ; : = Mee tee PTET OMY OME STRELA formerly off tredell county $0 Vie pots rooms ate wi heated wich tire pocwees Se nf Bee i peat oenee ee os hase 4 5 hat acnon will ia + pea cca ea pe Be Vie Thitise bis caseed a resutttion aaiuniat " coitus Oo ies mil Noparatue 2 ¢ “i lest) Gus ALSO, atthe same tune und ple, 3D Neres, Lavalids should be ¢ retail 10 purebase oil Do hereby ay Pbecermera tre tarict wer ment Mmemern Wi citerat eee tae cauatau GALS ISI AI CCCs Us IE i ee an . me ; " dre or boss belonging te Joh A: Holehouter on. af uadoubted reputation if they deatee the pam AMAon of- au a The flows itis vt ie lo Swill eenical oe Me Mabon, in stpport of the resolutions, wes ae Winorty vote dechainu that the BARGAENS, BARGAINS, Bees G Uvereumlisrequirad im atniers pellicle Hie Chiesa Bowdl une ae ea ae ce SS mest aciive and imine diate advantages of = aud every ae coon ncn ee teyp c piewewed with every cack of approbation o. Fedea! Goverment tas ne rghit ta eneree a vr TE ACRE etn rnnuitiee EU ITCATO TSO 0) ey eee tee ae ee he reneiy “That which we prepare bas 2 enth day of eer? — (Tr tanAwnr ven watt ese S i \ POVVED tC Pate [ee (0h APE eT ET Tea OM EU etre PMT ea Coins cal nee erate cree al ULES ee UA Ue MERU ws eters pol aSiIDATint CN) (Overs oUirers al le propriety - i; ee Ate hat Bes bi meat the ofuty ot the VW. BRENNER'S STA RAGE nle eth nie Ree ea ee di wiih bond and seeurity $3.00 theuuds. Wanufaetured only by Kg : LATEST FROM WASHINGTON &C jones withartes of North Corebia te tos st the pas 1 ‘The pups poy at the tuae for every aciels (he Foil Hquity wales the purchasers wiet judie of ee JOUN © BAKER & CO, shall ‘ INDIGNTLY PO COL. THUS zal RED JOH Hele arena gees aig ftw sad quantity ofan, as Tdi ast sell Guly the Luiporicts und Dealers in tas 1C sisal be Cc - 4 t todernl t tt eae a \ boy. ‘Phes inake no aecomuts, enther direcuty ort { f Roan Wanipstox, January 17 ‘ i une vit Jeral troops throats: this Suu Naas ( EY ' eer aes lnteremt of the petitoners = DrcuenGisemicalat acct aan } a ehable despatches received in this city. state Ul LCOS totter s: cal ANAS tin tigetcr muha ilustar emi elie leniaiicsent eren aera ced | i ld 10. Loss Pertis —We adimit.a limited nuinter o 1. BLACKMER, ©. MR | Nov 13, 1860 6m26 i worthy poor young fadies, crediung: them tor therr oy N. THIRD STREET, tthe President refuses to surrender Port Saute: swort Seer lee ately sit (Ciel an 4 . ‘ 0 * a rhe “ ‘ i a 15 ' Uae tohed V STREET will not be aguressive, The staéns wall remain | (!apet lecture. The vext moneug it AP pei. TALN STREET, tuition tll they can pry fort by teaching or other | | Tmo icntimcihcdertan (adGmnn Ue cciiare nicmceil weqp tutte coy NOME ag IRL HE onsen Crest ner RE SIGs Gl Ge ta (etearmosOmliia 6p 1s oti Ce inte el idrie wiciart un Western N. ©. Rail Road | suieationtas ware i. ne cans it ite ay ’ ; ce ' ' TIE becaiee a ; F licueat | Ga EAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP ee ( jeorgta will be out of the Puion in two days emen that the arcest of | was ati ty tlett to “eusint ih devine War denis! the | subsenber desires te ieform the public of Pustitugen ae IGEWENT iste z Ss ESCEINE. lor : ir a Salisbury. Rowan and adjoimme Coumiesthathe! 11. We have barely roam to mention the Library, WINTER ARRANGEMENT MANUFACTORY retieral As provoked outrawe, atid be was dicen red wid Cotted Stiles, or adhennuye to a erties J 5 ? 4 : ’ : , ae i oe ‘ Poa ‘ “ ees. is at present the Reading Room, the Gyanusiuin, the Eveaiig Ee eae Reed FROM WARHINGTON ysevere repriniaial te thie poli eer Wage ten onicnearien os Ostet: SELLING OFF! Nate eerie woul) lueaiteriminationptaereceien Hees {oe JOHN DOOLEY, WecHinGraNdaniualeel Pelee ae (selene ae : ; 1 t ! Lbetal patronage, net electioneermng, wot by extravia pe = No. ol, Main Sruxt, Ricnmonn, Va., under the 2 seers oes e LE LSU the Salanee of bis New, Freeh and Fashionable vant promises. pot by a high-soundime name, but z = « Manufacturer and Dealer in . 4 y oO eXeculve Sessuc wused ali atrl Ys stars trop tiga! , . . t . { that a ss entitled Hivits vurninauou i executive sessivn caused Chek Shur ata nieken t ! ; val flag a FALL AND WINTER STOCK O1 sunply by convinciug the evlighteaed public that we 4 13 & FUR, STRAW, LEGHORN, PANAMA, SOPT AND MOLE BKIN mons. shal] uog debate, on account of bis betng @ coetriou ca SU Tatoment : F F P . ; . re Worthy of their patran Fora Corealar, apply s s pres HATE all persons Hot wil be coutirmed to-worrow Cilio. dan 18 / eae en Ready- Made Clothing, © ET a a : > ne ca ment upon M Tutyre's numination is still suspeuded in ’ hut for swort a people to advrse . ao Jan 15, td Sitede < es i] 2 WAVE now ready my Spring stock of vention,” of mittee on Commerce Catan Line tealestetiates Covel vowcro: tnt nent ‘i i 5 yrevieus to parchosig bis SPRING and SUMMER i Foran 2 Z HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, 7m . ri rally i t : Sen ‘i VES EOS CRETE Stel hs OnnDs oi : ' ae x o ‘ ould tavite the attentic Pr paner or The Alabama Senators recerved a despatel from ed ty 346 bales, at extremes rangi trot 84 to Gourds a In Time of Peace Pepare for War. s = foe whieh Tw a vil te i al m of. pie to-day, telling them ty remain in their seats Tze, Market unebanged > eee teen Nt aus Reduced Prices 7 ee ee ects daliy Wenn ten pak nen . : ‘ ; 7 ie essee, confident of ny abi o supply them wi the eunerin further informed, as the delegates trom Nort ( Or shat in toot fe elie is nt ot vie teats Cee yey iT, 1 s . : : Kee ea ee viata refiase to sigur te Oration ol Sows MTEe Nene falls ' MITAGLE fo Tit TIMES, MEBRONEY & BROTHER : ay eee ee A es ee net. yey steeds tl mens ris that wloor oat ‘ ermn a Pye Ie cure CUTE coun ss postponed unui alter the tout ot Marl. ate : HUN Se he tateuds keeping roustantly on hand a large a RB offering te the pubbe the best: assorimenut of S —|- j tr i nent of the 7 Mowior, fan 14 eo power atl havnt rate Viner) well selected ptuck ot A —OPTRE ARAL SEU crawl ielrentecnntantiyitulllbyitheladd: Fen UON also FROM NEW YORK Sales of Cotton 2.000 tales, mo tf Joy #etvesse the thacot the we sures MEN So YOUTH SAND BOY'S es brought to this market CotUs Balt ane ee DL = ten at everything new or desrable; and, having er the same eon ae i S PIE is oe 1 Yetols, old and new model: alse, Srath & . = cressed iny imtuufacturing factives, man Sanit New Your, January 16 Market da | uy Clothing and I urnishing troods, sos seven shot; Sharp's Mounee Pistol, that ean be = e styles will be ofimy own manufacture My Atanas Tie Aboliuon Tribune of Cas worming coutened Vron, then she ist a sae a Vet lower prices thaw any other estabhishinent of Carnes tithe vest poeket, will shoot Chrongh an inch ; > shin Hat is still in the front rank, and is on the day ient article, urging the State authorities to -cize i hat , ast et e \ hind. Cossumes suttatie for Promeuading, [ira 7 yaras. Sharp's 1007, shoot through an inet c int superior, to anything produced in the peti a eammiip Coluiiuialin orice (ce) queen \4 : ; ' M4 eer oad Partners. 1 ters. Ml S$, Macliisrecaidlser cute Doitd kUUey arias naitation Colts’ at reduced: prices ss > a My assortment of Boys, Mivsee’ and Chil- Nite ereaar eri provistona ATi@ia ital DO ence eee at , >in sneCtutiona power ly Vsupyress a st seo also a darye stock of Boots aud Shoes, Hats ar Bras Carnidge Pistol, 6 shot, Riders sett eoek mi eiel = dren's nebly trinmed Hate and Flate of all the diff- Ir 2 I ena ttn wa ‘1 ea ee dd M . . een Caps Sere my xteck betere p ye hae EN DL eeit-coeking y aleo Bowie Waivers. assert Caen of Sl erent sivles of Brad and Leghorne cannot be excel- office, and Charleston. The people of New York, for ones a aa a Ce tn : ee i s "RED Sporting Ritles, will KUL BLO y urd 2) 7 ted - nit the same wed el good sense and ou vs atte t AO cn ates $ ue welt dave ' teu A Tt nN LISA AIT the Ta PACARY M BRENNER nw , ead Phey offer their stock of AN >) ta Military Goods, [ean furnish anything required. , ade to prevent ber leaving Lai i oe weateded in M sried iutned ar [aaeccranercc lat ; Poet Mreterarts Be ee ee u nces for cashyas they mtend devi = = My stock of the various qualities of Army ‘Regula- shal! be the dat ber usual bieur event the joanuration Mt boneohi. a y ; (eee | cs Noche ape nae SE eencree, 1 Their renvunine x oek coomsts o oaray = tions’? Hate is very complete, and any of the different presence of wll Progres« throu the State te he , aia somted prottes : oe i< Mane I ae ee | Combs. Brasher, Buttons, Suspeudeis. Belts, Pans ma a styles of Hate or Cups made to order ut short notiee. | t ‘ Watehes, Jewelry. Silver Plated Ware taney head : J N sEY. rr ot State, PENNSYLVANIA cap ited ye trait shits Se mPa a US etal na JAMES C. TURNER, ae Dea Oe to deliver ) ‘ ! ry 1 fede Rois; umery, Extracts, faney and toilet sonps z x . Mareh 13, 160 1f43 its mn The savy thie travelhal asa Vo ean 4 ‘ i seus . De Me Wa eer ae Dar ancaeeineet Wiraa\warn Salisbury, Nov. 26, 1X60 Eng. §& Supt _ eer Salisbury Female Seminary. 73070 (7c ayinig ares Wipe Musi I RELIEF IN TEN M{NUTES. yey > waged af ues ' : a a z : . Gime arcitat eMule q “none ae Sees BOOKS! | "nae aa tee ey depoaitesl on bach by pegs «dope ap be mb tevouiten bad coine to restau ele git h =1N TH TERM of this School will borin oS) Paney Groceries, Praits, Cygne Tidiices, Saul | . ps Oeeercec mings No patel nce a ee eens te OE Gly Mela ations Bae ett lens oueane ta Pulmonic Waters! brary an se the Det July respotsitye les “ we toast ! ! tou ' ‘ i l : : au St [ic been merescaine in nutubers every jeri ef wien tb UST COLO BUMS . 1 | Tie oniity er Ment iy Esrantisien ix INIT, and frat article PONT ROSES tan RU dts great bod aay Usa viel Mila C MT aelnmmmlertsritytuiiben iiienaliiiwicen te Phose iidebted tous, must eal and pay thei not = NOTICE. of the kind enor introducel under the name of “ PuLwoxto 1 thse tit th Jenartnent are lie tesittoal ees tleere eee veat ANUP fe tte tier I iilimr einer (nermuce Sais. eanuercounts byetheatimidavnt Rebrotry. aie wali . = SURKE Woarers. in (hin or any other country; all other Pulmonic Hiciwost Jan Tous sworn to tanta tle | u@p Phe ounaing of reason aiven why Co titres d verhitt wucy will have whatat has neve d, 4 petivan piace all accounts then anpad ro the hands of oticerr THE misdae the late tim of BURKE & Wofersare counterfeits The Genuine can be known by Teer etait ane Roe ey ee be ot pe eens ee Ce a sens: . on ey : See Boece ey EE ee tor collec MERONEY & BRO STEWART, have been placed in the hands of an | the name BRYAN heing stamped on each WAFER, appointing Senator HOu \ TREE goa aa 2 a . ee ra t : WE it Ses et Westie We United tntes PERMS Sali bury’ Jen. 7, 1-61 34th r, those Who are indebted, will come forward | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS fee Cres : ae Lo potice, teat i these les sus: have to nght or power to al we troupe : . ye sau! eve pin J Allen and George Wo Saninere te corte — ne i eRe ee A : i Roard, with washing, fuel and bois, $50 per Tera Vg Te , 7 > . andsettle immediately, otherwise they must be{ Belleve Coughs, Colds, Sore Threat, Hear -sones i eee vt t i & é jacted vn tue Lwith all the State governments ty ascertan | te ABR tres on sctowtted seves, But Ue seceding State <1 <2 Jia Evalish. from So ao tot PATE OF NOWTIH CALOLINA. | , ae Isat . | BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS ¥ sheer necessi de Mo 5 if Rn cbect ica bial es at ees i aes 1 tier one of the Cutted States —at so. thes Tastin au ~DPANIGYE« OlN TY o eS At KE STEWART | Relleve Asthma, Bronchitis, DiMeult Breathing. are now hed ved and fonot then apon wha ‘ aud FOR Tb WAT IIMAN should the (nited States declare war on a se Mie Pian row ha) Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November BUR & STI AI \ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS rumted. and what States a new Coulederary can ve | eet teens = 7 \ ceding Siate they would tot Geciare war on sot Tistrument, Term 1>60 Jan. Sth, EX60 ' Relleve Spitting of Blood, Palus in the Ch é real Nreten tee a ‘ : ‘ tal expenses i . i | | Noe a eacaeeemr i ee ee a \v ‘ ‘ hemselves” bat ota furergn power w — | GUM CHEAOEO CE Tiinon Carter, Exeentor of Sarah Stoker, decd, | BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS . poyment of their Uy CHE le : | f : Hanger made tran the rutranice as mr 6 1 t 1 ow i. : . i aeolian Cun een enol a ce NY ttods. And it, the seceaiag Paeereedranniiees , araiist . | () THE Pl | BI I( Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. tate Conver a ne nventou on the Jed ony ty an clieiiacives: Uianiat tern toc. i CO ENCrCINS ON Robert Carter, Green Carter, Snsan Carter, Vien 4 JL. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS , ee aa) liane Aku tera ios Jan 22, 1-61-1886 Prnceqpal Beaveciectiatnd wilietty au 1cn AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE- Relieve Irritation of the Cynla and Tonstis, cas ane ‘ u i vat 1 i . ¥ 5 re Miawrnrs To J 1 J E Ve ‘ a : Greiner fat oe el ' PETITION FOR SEPPLEMWENT tor of the BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ne t x i 1 1 "py ’ . | Arana ! = t <a Dy | i ‘ | 4 Tt appearing to the -atisfaction of the Court, that ‘ ‘ 'mvV y r wT > 1 | asa. I hain . . pa i 4 slaw ha wits. Ti loan at NO | IC kK. Pe eS CeaTnCeTe aU RITA EE MTT a tasae acl aE TIES SALISBL RY BOOK STOR Ek, Relieve the above Complaints In Ten minwves. Brest tg ai 2 Ee ati ie " : eo : MY Vollelvraian Wore tormel toanake act periut GENE subscribers haye enpaved Me JB Wane ine Stand ire therkh eral | BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAVEMB » Mi the DNe Ik ' ' ‘ rit t : I ' é . ai SE a era inlet naa yee a ees fersigned would offer bh } he to the «| . i ‘ . A . Be 1 K ua | “1 Sent Coe t yeu wks to Ju 6 lle by the Court, that pubbeation be made in (he Caro POSTE UE i if ana : pil Are a Blessing to all Classes and © stitutions, oe eb eal aes : bly bead aya. pty Wy teat Coen are ema tn ecu tn Wai preseut ows diiim and they must te setied eicier tina Watchman, a newspaper published i the tow he patronage extended tothe House while coo BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ma! atwd eae Pees ee ie ea ; Veet cue or : ae b USal sburv. for ix weeks, commanding thesudde- ducted by the late firmof Berce & Srewenr, und’ gre adapted for Vocalists aod Pablie Speakers. ‘ a ae ea fo yg ; eG | peaks Renee onlay t i fendent to sud appear betore the Justices of our Met a uy es c tite e ee BRYAN’ PULMONIC WAFERS aot as are ut for Spree NX aly conve ts ths . z Sige ae ‘ ; ‘ re i ee £ poe Se eg uate vt Courtof Pieas and Quarter Sessions to be hele SOR OO Rene eae oe ale 1 the" “Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. : dee ate SA ile lee aed mags AGGIE an aioe meRcdoccrs ‘ ua ish put bedissedveadl. Mi [cat WHITEHEAD & CALEWELI reine er PStanly at the Courthouse in tt ee d ee ee eee BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS feat ee - Tarde 2 wo though: weought to s ‘ re eit eae inaeinOten hewn the 2 Monday i Pebriary 0° and valduble works ate broaght out. He os Seay : erheard two a \ : ' Waidlaw wea ‘ es d e ' r \ Biexsd Vines : y ae reais = : - Behe y aliout daly communication with he lirgest Pul seh Not only relieve, bat effect rapid and lasting Cures, ° Ig South ac sqaes VOY Day Bos ' ea Span retused to sell ber, becuse ste being th NOG Er ee ty ede Mouse ay Now eS chang Bivoinys) en ileal WRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ay ; Ties vu ehice e oot ee ee! SEU et \ i a nae eee : rerdily supply by Baxprees sueh orders seat “tam ax Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. A , es x s ~ » tit ti . Silber ae NAT 4 ; \ , i Sta lie Gant i 5 Meo Buchanan and the party who live Ae t a os aes REEL i Wit fone fied i leanne erunet be otherwiwe Hlled, Hie stucn of Stationers, apa 1 , onal Au I . CF J itiste of the Stale usa thie cores ; a pee i ‘ Seca Ritle Guard, having Gaos : See es De WV Maers afr Inu be kep ith regular eaieyents that tie jonian cela ee Pie ene j . = “ Lin say thata foreten nation may . | Preis 1 Comp rr taf} A nemarie. the 2 Monday in Nu a + Sey will aley be a ie FEW AICE No FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OP edas the matiunal air ot the Southern | (tour feetand anoonr flanks and not resert a eretiten itl mee by te tact ; A D.. bso, and th Panels nes ee Geos cce APS Bry: 1 monic Wafers, aly: : Eee ssatety deetrine$ Butatis useless to 1 Pebroar Y ‘ CHES { INTHE HOT SE ; ? ' \ Ne ¢ sind nat ee law and : ey . PAG, WENDY, (Fann Dyce Toe stiet bia No TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT & SUPPLY OF no delegate 8 aud Tens iG Prospeot High School, Bryan's Pulmenic Wafers, ae : . : SP besotted ¢ talk f : the cons have seunded and the law ore aes ‘utrrutie —-We have misse | the Koo i Se an So nein aang take pen The Ad Valorem Banner, ROWAN, CON. ¢ a Hua eee aon in Sou wohna, aud 4 > hia nt “ander arma lejos selunt Whe nd sabernib ; ' nth eT ) or se ] eke past. Onan T * PERS WILL 1 1 re of the sa- Pea ene D8 GO Gra BS cos Des © same ta een SUH considering the convention tilband the de Now T: , DAILY AND WEEKLY COSMITH, Priverrat, a geidnate of David NOPEBTSOS SW LURE VERE G Datu Ty BErOR . v. we learn that the editor Mr Dogar Store 5 i 2 pone pees « ‘ Fe Bryan's hhnonic Wafers, of the peace A e SN pe piece Gato eaten ay Art He Set = © e son College and anexpenencedtescher “The : : f acand printers, have all take Gane eerie ihe ct AN SNIDER Pe un baiek NS ates ot wreoften able and signitiesp Gren es : Af ; a CENTRE RCEETE dy swietaniy Dole eaStat Ti) Inockern spoke wiectcr lus and. fiver: Meneame o short time sence L issued a prospeetne for a first seesion will commence the Tt oflanuary, 161 . . ei rot the State @ paper Wal cotseque : a See NC LOLS gh PARTE TT tere oom tate Orn Ccnere ab the AD VALOREM aad is desyrned te bea permanent Sehoo! JON MOSES, Bole Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y. : «pended for several weeks Brom te Newer n Droqress say's bill for subiitting the quesion of a ebm l . : ae bnnee © nS Th ws NER fe ould ay ie: Gite heats Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNIRS, and all Drug Cee TEE Colnuinieear a f spetothied | ft a , SHOP in the rooms formerly vecumed by Horvee se CU Due piri se yun ah ThitMo Phi SEASSL a HM a AEN e Fl ne 1M Ne people An s . pales ’ ee encourareme tl v ae OPIN tte . ovention s (AIRE ANE TUR: IST STP 2 ENT et : prestion Of Hf, Beard, dee’d. Hie experience ard qualitientions Ue seuesileenmiiWie ehayu ree lseu) x Griuelien BT 0 Atay v9, 19 Iyl ates a < ee ales Me Cine ov disumion, Me 1hGues SHA Uee eh ee CrO Min Rene Hee eins atelcnieiie oeeeinlncetsin cgi) : reer Bete ae MENSE LOss OF PROPER ra ret , ‘ Dae ; Onienets tho nbedt ulelnel ie tueliterin Winans d OE hone acacs Gulradcttad oTikeiercned acre tenreCei MVE NS Pee RA) ton of persoual priv dy ye telative toa able tomest the most fasadions d ern ) ee Se ue ic a De chavernitter Mavens ni NO HU Mi BUG ' i % S ‘ i mis ¢ tatic 1 S 7 of pe gel yourg ents ofit vou, mmede ta Fist, d : Aas ree oe Met Soard including w ing Sper mi ah : d ability, # eral Scott and Mr Toomba in authoritatively Niwnrrs, darnary both. misrepresentation in tl Journal of 1 eo & a se oe i hoy mt 1 HSM cRt ML TE INOS N be lieCotl aye k hoard ivelu Mi gy washing and fuel SX per month A x radieted.— New York Express : marks reported to tiave been made by himself i WW ; Rh ‘ pea See aS Sm ATEN. Pavevers—Rev oS. Frontes, Jaines 1 Jamison, ; eae : nit ” ae a 1 7 ade othe Stores *: : ’ . sO « ‘ orhle, a o at the said — An immense fire ceeurred in this tot and Mr. Barnnger an debate Mr. Barringer! en: ms a nort Sitar as the Buoner takes vides with pobtied pyna Cambor. DTU Ose ea sealed ey A i puthority, to . thisamorning. ft orgromsted, we are in: substantiated Mr ere reer | eer ‘ : meu en a sarties, it willbe Demoersic; bat with reward to 0 AETE¥e ; ¢ ale P Apmament af North Carolina, o TUR te : £ substantiated M wok of the mat! Produce Gaken i evciioge for w ee a ee ae CePA TER GER eae Rieeia hominy dling o O a ost ! aOR formed, between Messrs. C. A. Ehart. Bro. ter and thus the TORIC WY HOWARD erial bopravements, a change VW AN ae data. Choccieg oe 1 At ea ; 7 » purchase of capooulal ition as mut ‘ a rtp : : Se ives dont ressly, avis, and James b | ae ate of North n for the purchase Arius, appomit yi CCauaticere Dit Sieur Nu cal ee i lay Rie. SY ith d Tex 1 othe preservation of a Cou ritatie ial ¢ - Sela Sata remene Orc aici hme am nme tne ae s large Tin ani reet Tron nu ally, al keloid bonoribly explained aud 2" : Woe vol Kaew no party. bat will be a ze ches i. Meer aaa AY echo oueremspreitutiyenitirine chim former gee proper composed of Governor Ellis, Col Tew, ot the factory, commer of Broad and Middle adjusted ates mi Sree, Hee omen tle es Jin rth, 156 bu mise cums uiinecicmrnllyathaldheriaid es . r e 7 Joonvention horaugh Military Academy, and Maj. Hill ot streets, and the City Reeterannt, ke pt by Asancvidenee that the chainionists will not New Firm wher the spentof the Constitution is otten ved ited termined tomene «a echange io bis preseut business, aed acllor * on nas Military Enetirnte Tt isa Mr. B. Wilkins, and: forme-ly occupied bo satisticd unless they Gury oat Cher desiuns - = preked and portal ¢ wentons, aad the seheniug ROCK QUARRY on a before Janaery next, and will commence sell- i . s shoul , » Gi s r rie: ie A ; aes of tie real demayogues ond heat s ng bis Shae trea ver that the kind and quahty of the arms should yy Mr. BF. Banveret. Ina short time both i fo show Gientte yoof attempting: ta con x demag 1 r 1 bers of the cenerally known, but the people of the State 2 7 in flanes, and wd. CaM them bye convention or in any other MURR & SOSSAMON, SE GUS ease _— EXTENSIVE STOCK tised that the purchased arms, together there buildings were RMS OF THE DAILY BANS EL pani reiec: rest way. | wteertion tothe fact that Mr, Erwin OF ene what we now have, will make North Carobna Jomming ones in tmincdiate danger, vclanetul \ : ae AY ING wurchased ot J.D. Brown & One copy 1 year, in advance, Sasa) same) Pro roof the best armed and equipped in the Sout! The Court [louse was enve loped RCI ice, Eas fs Lo ae (Oe aG I Co, ther entire stoen af five cops . — ama rR a ly Wade Clothing 4, 7 re iy convent Meet this State 1 | ” 1 * e. sili silver Charlotte Bulietin tire, and beine a three story building, and : an : oe jn a a ae i pee ve TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER- TERMS OF THE WEEKLY AASSER i ac Je =) . . a are a Alt om 16 von le Nteneder ore DEWSpa — | wou aad ‘: Ree : : WAKE. SLOVES, om One copy |b yearoin advance, - 2 + + $2 01 . ‘ . . : ny F a te — but few of our citizens beimg present, (iy jets the mountaiu Peoria tnt arte : sf eel erie wens ea | Gent's Farnishing Goods, Peace GEORGIA CONVENTION AVM Rog une leeay CO MURYALOgsnVCMIta= cui eail ar crm nite ec tic i Cleric thant acai Tianent hanes poe ee “ 1 00 Hats, C er. at Cost ae ; Fan ; ae cP AW as " ounties form the State G. PARLOR and ¢ RCH STOVES ever Ven eee ee (ES. CUS. ey C., O08 t the mem- Mutroagrinir, January I8— The Convention Lhe old tuwn elock ehimed out the hour gs posite and unite them to South Carolina. coffered inthis warket, and will sell tor cash ae low a8 Adress, FRANK E WILSON, FAITH, GEIST GSTS Gas TEER t s 4 - ; . si ris 1 > oP Ww > 1 i , . aes o 4 , SIGNE OT | to the same in secret eession all day, At d oclock inthe of five, buta moment after the whole roof Pe also deciared that he wanted the convention Can be hadin Western North Carolina socal ends out Le | NAG aLinMnrania geal a MeCOROCIO - i ibers of the ce it adopted resolution first, declaring itthe of the building was falling in. solely tosever he colpection of this State with (ol Uiaut ani clapalied TIN WATE snl S110 Ts : ’ . - for MILL STONES, cnet ip that he L, Ls ss S ST Il A N C OST. the treasury we neo Hor secede) 5 ne ale De F Before 6 o'clock, larve numbers of peo- the Government; aud if other thinus were con ment eid i" DIS Od nets Leis Lt N ( MR I H KR N can furnish the best quality of a 7 nmittee of seventeen to report the Ordinance of work done at the shortest notice from this date, forthe purpose of closing. The balanee ers arc now esgion, Yeas 165, nays 131 ple were collected around the Court) sidered i the convention, they would be suber MURR & SOSSA WON LIME FOR SALE. GRANITE remaining will be sold at public vendue e fix the pay il . y Gee yuse, and exerted themaelves with de. dinated to that end. Surely after his there can Salisbury, Jan, 29, 1561 156 | ' vos or rmpre- SECOND DESPATCH ee) : : “ “ : LARGE qaanuity of Northern lime (undacked ent in any thape. and atthe lowest possible mitre for] Sucre ald you can, and call early ut any conven- MiLLeporviLiR, Jone 1R—p. m.—In the Cun termined vigor to arrest the progress of be no mistake. fe eer ear the bushel, for sale oat Sim CASED His Quarry is: sitiited Be South of . \ 1) ae) I other ex- muon, to-day, Hon. rY Tanners fieredicedree tie tines — Mr. Fleming spoke today in the House on Stop the Thief! HiceeRtn) Vurdie LC wilibe eqtiiveraehen ie atonal iron iniea othe Oumennpime cg UAItievan M. HO} FLIN'S. be pard out oe ee for those adopted, looking The fle ames spread rapidly to the store federal matters. Next Saturday is set apart for QUTOLEN from the subserber, iving ia the lawer sale or retail WILEY HOLTSHOUSER Corner of Mansion Hotel. : f the appointment of Mayistrates. Sta healing On TNH eani ie nilii Gus Taran uincconinnisten|lientharee stl (icc mmelisnicc aieN ae 20th, lRGd Gm = Td years of age iat the sad !.inson's resolutions were lost. ‘ ; . g Siad Mare has white spots on hee Green and Dry Hides alwaye in demand a7 cash such. officers Wh Ecos climapelicadines ceuifinentGene Ml that direction by the fire proot burl \T MURPHY’S HALL—!r Lbvt Mle and a knot baht | van. au IMONTON, ook ae ery | TC erence itn mencertennec nanner they co-operation, and inviting a Convention of the and dwellir 3 M Nees 5 x ® 8 gy louse of Alr. N. Indale, f sl H to meet in Atlanta, (ta. roar Instant, BAY MARE, between 1 d and Harne waye on hand and tor sal . om F ary M when the progress f the fire was stopped AAS iio ut nel 1 ; ' | ! . r y ne : ere "XEr i wre dew tid Maire was stile an who ealis Salisby Jul if organization elena Radlitoleeca nat itetetonunl alieniion samt or Mev rae ilaae acho iss sme iGlieeec Cues! a few nights only, commencing Monday, Janu) ue . ay a BE Si SN et OD es Gentleman's Winter Wacer Proof Boots, which and things a better. tions and energy on the partoof our Cities ary Qsth, IX6L, the Splendid M Miri: DABas ‘ : : forst and w ae tre superior te anything that is r : i n) A ORI ELEG MN anSniGHiUbe Movies Mi irrineen (reli vicnitie «ae ceie emma) eum eT rani aren emmeam : IN ything t the true!D There are eannon firing, sky rockete flying music zens BUNYAN TABLEAUX. showing Seenes 30 ¢ hee ae ane, i feciieaaen ie het To the Creditors . nade or tor sale in this market and at lese price. he acts and iother demonstrationa The flag of indepen (hovstore it Mr Philips, Onn GaAVGEt FRET in width, and weighing over 4.000 pounds gether agin cn MORTON Te SNOUT (Drerenerrt SA LISBU R } . Call vid see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT, made nee is waving from the eapite a : Supposed by the best judges to be the finest, a8 1 1¢ ” posttere addressed me at New Caatle, Wilke, ( avs . : ot the hest French Calf Skin and Waier-proof thie act sball corner, and Mr. I CULE mote GET onceagtte: larivet Danaea is ihe weriler Te NSC | Gere fia : Teemu eartencl ok ; TC re ee eer inronghout, and whieh will last longer than any op ia ratica ae corner, and Mr. Woilliam’s Bakery, on the of sity Wagsivicesy Scenve, with figures « ROBERT bo CALLOW AY AO Saat et a \ nA ae Se aE Ge seta Be ther Boot, home-made or otherwise. THE VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE, East corner of Broad and Middle streets, ee ee Me wed allegory Jan 1d, ING] Aipdto Pea Cat nne cesar earRIn lv tlen Eqns forthe Coneord, Gold Hil. Mocksve i. Grecusbors’, Leving- ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, ui 2, bay SEEN % SUPERS ey 1 f , nl Weel s forth ” tye 6 o he oundag eo w do e Soles anc E ’ me te Ricnwomp, January 14.--The Senate, to-day,de- and the market-house im the middle of Cards of admission oU cents, children and eervante wettlement of the estate; anda dns net forthwith Morgenton, Newtons a surroundiag com h Double Soles und Upper, a capital Boot for A secession tod the F ; W. JON Ices M ) Frewetted indue fur ot inw will te fireverbired: | 1ry Wenetiliy; Wjathe lam stelnmind Roun Bint Winter, and warranted ; ed the House resolutions contemplating a Na roa stree civ escape » dee | ce Oo Yi i cori ; oe , Pen le os ' orsburg BF a Gaaeenn solutions contemplating a Nao Broad street, narrowly eseaped the dee halt pri » Doors epen at 7 o'clock Mirror wil a IJ WISENUEIMERS 7 cy ; Tycen atl Willlih, (lacey Tere Gel va or ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. ‘aroliD® ‘ _ vouring element, with several others, move acThovelock precisely AS permanently locate he town of Sale JACOB LUDWICH, \ ue de his | Maste Books. Law BReoks. and uble Sole and Upper and warranted rth Caroll he House appropriated $1,000,000 for the de 5S . \ Also exhibitions on Wednesday and Saturday after bury, and offers his services to the public ia the ACO Plans Cat f Ne St r 14 tl ort mile : . the Conver ie of the Stale, andlauthonzed the issue of six SMete wlitcl: was tle) residence 0! Mi ron arntcitneicek, ltonr pen at 22 ‘| iit cnarementdn(aveli ton ae ae Bt alee lle Pitts aaiieaente tena eae cia AUS AMUEES es SUNS GUN TS URE ACALE Pee? f ori Ss of Oa ov clor 2OTS Opeth it ve mis depa so professio ; : Le s eatah nent ean be fonud on the second Aerts er ¢ ee ee things says r cent. treasury notes CGrrabain. Real ROBERT J GRE tin ile CINCO MANE A RGlemeli done ahave. Bure Mond eo oe Rye : i a eu a : i} rong and of the very best mate- . H a i snes Jabered lard, ane nally Jin J2—tt Manager and Proprietor Cutaetin: 1 f ) | Cae eaten kes s for Brige : Our citizens labore ard, alt feet } 7 Onders from a distance pronptly actended te ‘ < ene “ a 4 till NDERSON’'S INSTRUC VS s hecked the flames under many disadvan Jan fds Money, Money. WOR DECKS ALSO, MILES & SON'S PUMP SOLE AND GENTS era, and § ANDERSON’S INSTRUCTIONS, &¢ che Lo Hoe o eae haat eae D Maki 1 . . Serene NTC eh te DRESS BOOTS. Miles’ Boots for beauty, dura- piace on te New Y. J THe Feri ens acl ene Lhe fire, being up in the centre eS aking: ‘ ah ; [Eben Ee Ne ae ™ nity and pos asant wonr, are celebrated throughout pw York, Janua eo Terali 8 : . vole we te eall ou . det . * ras sbelae eo ay a rate ee of, the town, some distance from the try . os H. ( JONES NG SON, [olReusst ' t . , . Un tid rea © praise Leorrespondent eave that the President i RS SPEARS announces ty her frends and t ‘ ean ny fecby pong WILLIAM © LORD ‘ rot B W h noise for 9¢ iehiona to Anderson are to act stictly onthe de ts, bo water conld be got, excepting that pobhe. that she as now earvrag on thes bust Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. « realue na We haved : haavante paces iseete sane oe K raving and at pnees that dety compe ttioa the ranks # Bsive : but af the authorities repeat the expeninent im the pumps, ana the Y Were SPOT NEATLY ness, and sole orders She t \pe \\V lst oeatet Tea fo enema otitis fin call will be duly remit ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW H OTLHENS ee AI hring upon vessels, Fort Sumter will open her all drained renee inthe bog nese, rnd her Kolvasqiieient Chime ind in the Supreme ¢ (hee eae NOB Our aeeonnts are mde ont oa res 7 pla ’ ; an at tains, CO treries who have trie Sheiccpecis ta koa macelwilmwill nla ; - ct Teadell and Cahyp, fetthement Luterest will be cha-wed on all accounts List sf foot and Shoe Store, bard Riera yndent says the authority of The property consnined was considera en i, yd wt c ' i ae Rh e a All: j eS Br OUT eis anal ly Dee alee Wi ILD, Practice and im otis Oct 2 1A SALISBURY, N € F ‘ ! Gi rao authority o at , re fashions, and certainly dea k the ris Connnes se ent te then for eco I ‘ ‘ t ‘“ honest, DM A pe ee : ble. The Messrs. Hart & Coos stock vet eubstantial manne Tecan \ ey { BROWN, COPEIN & MOCK ’ rived me Catawha Cou bill, Im nator, that although the President refusea to m 1 Panwa NEERING cl ; i : 1g as nine rive a Cominiaaioner from any single State, he alone, we heard estimated ar SINT ON SHiecnias: Be ltorie ten esd tome iM res lacs Dn ier oe det oe ness ne a rites ee es bed ‘ ee es 1... Lindsay's Select School a Teco arte oN lowes é f a . e Lath oh. ay a , a M not withhold official recognition from an an which there was a very mod insur | oO Tee i yerssece! aca Pl Pp I soasea 1s Nea Webra Sr x. Grn q N.¢ dnes rized b dor fror BAL a 1 o a from ac anee prom atiended Jan 13, IR61 CCR | \ an ' s \ 8 rern Ca, 2 eared we ambassador from a conteleracy of seceding anee, MARTIN H SPEARS ease ay. peel eA re eee ere , We will give particulars of ss in to Saleabngy. Dar 22, [HOI tin I PREEN DS a Fi sui eof tm remot ot Tener leulatad ine Suits. ct : Alcuntesi tN tthe «team : morrow morning's Progress , e SCHOOL | FOR BOYS. \ ete eee ae . i , Ree ee eaten PETITES ESS IRa . 4 IER ) 4 it a . A RECS f af ae AY athon them for that pur ee v di * I oe ah \ ao ay : wee AV Ae up to Fory a ENCE SEL The nec of the walls prevented 4 First-Rate Blacksmith to Hire. Pv nday the 21st AN oo ten ba i rw st ris \ ES Lek ri ‘i a sieav ag Sate on board & PI SOTOS ie bay 18 5 In the Senate. to the Court Honse from caving in Any person wanting to hie a No. 1 slave Bineh~ the teat ontemine E Se Rie An Ariandellon ine ainnurin nuce werent Lompariam of DAVID WEIL Narellan oe eee 1 vote on Mr nttendena@ reaelutions wa : ain ve ‘ Tition $10 per quarter i P { Teh i : - 9 < eal a 6 a rey Peat and b nl ig imines pera portant that thoae indebted should «erthe np | THE Stan — Vo 9, Min phye Gram) Coassent tnition per ave a2 00. med away ® neiinrede wilitl@ anlucea wae ited tim orinr Merete 1ock tlrenta wil wag Ruf [iasctt 1 SUMMERELI Aira Sette saeco ae nee : Pod SUMMERELI ip ON day Nt A aire cient ed Rumor «ats Monday next j be out of all danger Jan 8th 3194 AnlisbateNnt es 1 Sth, peed tt 95 who Cina I ™ } | ; ea at CALENDAR LOR , a , i | he 5 ' ee ao te e a 1 _ ‘ b ae ‘ vi isd - le € z ‘ 7 - Fer ‘ a | / 1 1 dé ae : Lb \ Mai = ; ‘| 4 PN lol 1 no] e lin ts - - ~ x | Sys ap bse j < Ard 1 f ~ 3 : RK ¢ 1 | fe ls ote Bie mY pds 7 2 rye Maa 1 a or . a | ; s £ ‘ Is | bt) is a Text I \ < “ { ‘ lt 2 l ii Ps a £ | 2th a a5 me be Q or ~ a LA Xv rt Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. SSENT, DENT sL ‘ e De SABRDR. BES H S REMOVED vr. ae on the corner former e@onnected with tis profession where he is prepared to atiend « Jan. 1, In6U WY JL. TRAVIS, DENTIST, DiS A Nel Maren 13. stn p V4 Drs. M, WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, © Merc ae associated themselves ip the practice ROOMS Basow erations LAW PAR TNRSGHP. Ho & B.A. CALOWELE, OFFICE che formerly hacen, (ie Rarely Waters SAUOTS Bal oe Nee Marct ot) BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CC., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCIAN! RICHMOND, VA. NOM MeRTIN, § hop asy Rok MORTIN Wok weeTIN wows To ers pro oO f pemvlx Rerenexce —9 A Davin, FE t Use 4. 155% WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Reisil Commission Werchants 2 aN KR t i ‘ tie Lie Wines. Cigare and Tabac Sent consis ! I f t ere, Beeswin. Poo Ti erally Agetite Heuer sreces bis ~ = DG WORTH Nc ON Nock Late 4 \ ny ‘ Sept fs. 1-60 ORRELL & a Munalacturers ang WH HATS, CAP: Straw and Millinery ‘Goods | Umbrellas, Parasols Ribbons No. 18 Courtlandt Street, Flowers, &e., i Vi sTArKe yariyouvile, soc, | (ie ac woe hermes J JAMES HORA WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SACINIST KY ENG e One door below HK +A A. Waphy's Zee Pa crustnntincon nandia oeueens cir WATCHES JEWELRY fall kinds Clocks, Watcher and Jew fevers descr reparedin the bert manuer aud on the mests Gie Cerin February 14, 1560 ly 3s MICHAEL BROWN, (OMISSION MERCI. SALISBURY N. ©. PROMPT BA) tantly PERSONAL purchase of all konds ¢ ATTEN Fhoe # PRET ysigninents te be @old in th « other Poms February 14 And shipped t I=60 Collecting Agent. Grocers, Veor York | Nfepe. HE nodersened ofers te nen Coll ri He holds the anpniiiins foe Town. and therefore feele crther to cor Superintendent and (oon m7 fications, Ae JON PRE Ve Aprl 10, Ime60 [fae Cou gol LL PERSONS whe a ndehted reapectfally requeau ‘ aicke diate payment, ae Par veiteg ha and ar thie) firs me ot Tha ‘ ‘ Mende. T hope they will come wp promptly RP BRSS EN Nov. 29 1734 BIB SALE AT DEEDS FOR TIIIS OF EICL | HOSTETTER’S STOMAGH BITTERS. The proprietors and 1 TENT ERS GUE YN appenl w can th pertect CHIZOMS 44 e the arti tation here re unknows this port spec volumes ot bsserti The cons not ters for the .a-t year ut million be and increase in totes past the coming near one milli could never u bottles turers of ViED STOMACH BIT ar the consumption wil have been scld ti. Hos y than ving puttery mack Bit o over a half tusfest ste uly ining reach tthatd ense ame fun unt the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of physicians where the a P sections recommen Bitters to are ready efficacy tsep ( 1 und the diseases resulting ¢ This is etatemporary poy by extraor ry effort. in peting the ¢ alities of the | estimation « invalua! destined 1 as endurir Hoste Stomact a Godsen! regions whe and vari ther bihous ¢ counted their victims hy tun able to state confidently that are acella ure for th ye spe Lise uses he pre ved ple e. It remey fium tie stomach fie: inpariaren: wel vi geving it thar tone 1 for the rest ration of health the stomact ver. anmbeother dip wildly but powerfully, and s« nessentia: to the heal ) ons of mature E ‘ler! yt the most pr is best known their times to give test the persons may use the! ominent the country who not only patients, but momials to its lerangements btained way of trom ers, but a solid ine, which is reds he » Bitters psinand hke ins directions on the bottle, and tt taust ant peculiarly adapt long years, a it is pleasant Invigorating tothe bowels, exce vod rejuvenating erally We hav dence of thousands of aged me who have exper ne preparation wh fr rangem: the advice of phy all deleterious cs at merita of this arnile A few gentler sex, There are certain tein cures are so harassing th the tria The re ingly he he {on ind is ene A necess the energies he systen mother to bear uy and t rally prefer the bi cesponsibi ers to any of them f mother hat the x apt to the wear of . Here, Ant fo recupe and enable the ider her exhausting Nursing uw all « trials ers gene- her invigora- tors that receive ise endersement of plysi- chins, becnuse it igrecable to the eas well us certain te give a permanent increase of t y streng pers Whotn we have particu- rred al to wit: sufferers from rand agne. cased by malaria, diarrhaa, Indiges) on, loss of nppetite, and or derangements of the stomach, ted it [s. per f sedentary oecupabon, and nm mothers. will consult their own physical welfare hy giving to Hos- terete Ce ebrated mach I satria CONG Nace the public Era ae 1 f the mony unitation muptere feits ask for STRTTEE > CELEBRATED Seay ] see that each botlle has hewords Dr Ho tetter’s Stomach Bitrere’ wn thet and stumped veri r and rve that our autograph signature is on the ae Prepared and sold by HOBTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throug! rica, and Germany mae VO te SNe Sele tor it the United States, South Ame- ADE. STS IR. via O) ~ 1 oi noel W r M . WI oe AEE ST AVELI oO f ' ‘ i Browns Livery Lo , oa { ‘ \ Hore Its MV ‘ay 3 1 IIE AVUESII rate SS DER Stable. HA ‘House Painter, Grainer, Laser HS ey ( Main Nt nocite Maury © anate Row "SALISBURY. N.C Tal TRon ms BLUE SPECIAL NOTICE. 3000 Ibs. For nile b y STONE, BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. HENDERSON © ENNISS 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nive dielew nale by EEE NEES TPN ak ENA ES THERMOMETERS Curing Tobacco. For Veom JU 10,000 210 dew , tor sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS POUNDS OF 10.000. ee White Lead in 0il, HENDERSON w ENNISS 1 une PERI, 10 Bdls. For sale by t vy GALLS 1000 LINSEED OIL. HENDERSON Tanner's Ol. ENA 10. f{ENDERSON © ENNISS Ague and Fever Cured ( Enniss’ WARRINTED MR NO PAY. leue and Fever Pills, ToC (ahah HENDERSON ENN TS= Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By Cn Mel yftor LWENDERSON & | WOR TOMAETEN TL vnal fri n J v NSS RENCH BRANDY. Brand Isto y HENDERSON & ENNISS SPICES! ! SPICES! : Cinnamon, and 30 ets. Npice Mustard Nati PRBS b=) Ne Ma tur gale hy ENN ios VINEGAR! Pare Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. HENDERSON: & ENNITSS Greensborough Mutual INSURANCH COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: want H wane smtisburry. Wa TOER, ) tet Wood WeCon COP Mend h pop W James WM. Garsett doh fe Woke dey AX Win, Barringer, Da Me h ao “ Jed HE Greensborou wou W \A rt Robert Bo Proyv. bare yainayie “Wakeman Newton: Phadeas M ( | ial aes \ 1) W ¢ va wh R ko M ir Freak Heer NN Wiis ” PA tts WNL) S President IED. HOLLANDS AY ‘ Pree PE Nelo sere loon \ Pleo Ro NADA Ss > 1 ' CM HO CU SENT: ( \ Te Vict CNN Elen } [aN t ! ( ih Sh a 1 - \ ‘ nin teiw Vice, sheulabe addressee Cee VD AVS 1 r Nit ) elite) ' ~ > > aa oe 2, SOO. W. R. WILSON ‘ IN Watches, ance of the ‘iy and war his etook ev 16 ver Clocks ever wae sold ony at reed from. Ware, aber tiem 1 uy Jewedry bestof Watchmake os wil anit 12 menths Please one door from McNeely & Yeni he Northern Cia PAIN Te a Ntore et American Watches. WwW RO WILSON hath eINEA Shin tes ew tere WW Parent Lever ! mol t \ Juss . et 1 Age MERIC AN WATCHES which ena them for tess than they canbe bout e has alee on addon, the Bagitsh Hunting Case is Waiches, Detache ig Cylinders, Ge whorh ows } ah Don’t fireet me whe wa an Watehea silat WOR Wols next deor to MoNecy a Y NC tf nev forthe GENT Ladies Watches. UST opened some the bandsemest Watcher a st the aw stom yle ever ottered wit rm, motte ve Jewel yy, 5 1 x fu, ¢ { {Silver Phinibles, Gro, " ( ’ ex. Ta «, Char har ‘ Mover and € fren {oa grend mar uum ue m wo alt oog whoct bargains for cast the Jewelry Stor ig Wok WILSON Hm tt ted : ’ > EN 1c le tay “WR MW lew Store a J “ ri ; ay en meat “TE ' as 1 Cratore ke R ‘ fe Bark h k en ier aecmen teenie a vow Don g ve ne ano we wile WoR WITSON Buagies and Rockaiways. eee Ko gies and Rockawave, terns Jan 24 heeribe [man thas a Jot which he PHOS w } of handsome new Bog Deel on gone BROWN ts lie BF subserber ( HOTELS North Carolina Foundry AND MANSION (Me HOTEL, MACHINE WORKS! SALISBURY. friends, and th talhen thin long oes ented by a careful the propaetor poy A connfortable the arriva Witt the ukes aid haw made every pe date the business, ¢ he poble un the mos Particuker attent pleasurein wounonerng to his ubli hed and we tog aod Visits generally that he hiowan itistaclory inanuer paid to he 8 ri and to s personal allenuiou OWNIBE s rublie patronage is Junuary 25th. t © cate ullyoulest M W bet runs reyular ssible preparation Co aces TABLE, and every comfort is provided tn his ROOMS. abundantly supphed and at- y share t har Hotel time iy portions « departmen's “ROW nk: Me) THE WALTON HOUSE. Morganton, N. C. TPSILLS superb New UH ts gained the reputation | mga FIRS POL ASS HOUSE, and second oboe cn the State Aw a evidet ofat, Preterto fhe ananiy faverictole cen by ot the State and the very titreralp 1 t It u pen uerer havin ber f . rely upon tire reputetiou ot the Th Lhave arra ism t larly with F Fish oe fact with ever eaey Usua a LN. Brown & Cols Stage Office, satths Hou Phen FOUR HOOK Serre aire We So Mondays, W day tL rid 1 te, Puesd ! ‘ ~ 5 COACHES 1 HACKS yuta 1 Prout Ces PUAN p Juve d4 Ge tihen Pa Stn : t \ iN ! Hl t I New I ( 1 Salist fC Gane Mount Vernon House. eel Tike CS l ste L tL Phe Prope cine Ju SI AT “THE aoe N (" NPAT “THE UNION,” PHILADELPHIA. tero Spb RST Ny eine el JOHN F.. BROAD OS, \i PON ONES, NGNUCCN YE ie Haovrey Proy Whetor See yr, alinaies oT ¢ EEN I (LOTHING EAMPORIL DAVID: WEIL. im . RET nd awl | AVING Gentlemens Purrnis egal Docteyes ioceat lie) ature q Cravate, S Maya ee es ‘ “ We nV eh da me thor ver ow t VOU TIME VORMCI AT Viet Is ee tamenneee eer, , neSalishe Resnick heretofore hew fel eine Reinet hes No WERPHYS GRANT San = ( PD ERKOM THE LVR eh % hing lrawers 1 COM ilar ie > Re; idy-Hade Clothing ‘ore Goods, NOW Ss ROW National Flag! WML. M. BARKER Bw av Ot INFORM Carriage Business, and prepare ‘ ARRT AG He ha work mach eve ' I 1B Y west] ' x gemeute wel North d hy and soheie a M HIS OLD he RARKER 22 White Hands Wi tie sa Hu reas tina Ajip SN Ali ie Ve Ma ' ey 1 Painphiets. I ay SN g ( are { kindeot toh Work , # ofbee NING He wrda N ¢ NWiank« ited FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCEBBORS TO BOYDEN & SON, \\ : I “i votinue to inacufaeture and keep AQ KI I TURAL IMPLEMENTS \ full assortment of aide her Plows Culuvators, neshelers Straw and Feed Cutte Horse Powers, Send Sowers | r terind) Sagar Mule 1h) Se pit » They also manufar ture Shatting and Machinery for Groat Malls, Corealarand Vertieal Saw Malls, Go Copper and Sdver Mies, Pobacco Presses and Fi Na ey OP eA SS oC ob Charlotte: We INO A BRADSHAW ly ig COWAN’S on ts d x LGN TEN Grass SENS rid FINESEER DD WoOTRK every deserijil u ‘ wid warren ONSEN tpartrotevery deserplion « nets Naren be 0 134 Stindird, Raleaghs Patriot, Greensboro’. Demo stern Advocate, Asheville, Caro Vegetable Lithontriptic, BREEN DAE BEE MAN: FAALELY DISEASE » AIDNEYS, Lah i fj uf : t M a ’ ; | 1) Al SVN HARDWARE!! te » . : on ve A i it Jy toch of Hardware M Me ’ ; en wal ro beta x \ . . qi noh & ON SEAN M =y Md SOU TTEEETTIN BOOT AND SHOE WANCRACTORY : SMITH & MILLER, MEANT NVC PISCE CS (0 Gentfemea’s Boots, Shoes and Graiters, ae { he Backs Shoes & aes New + ela al fi te wane WilQLESALE UND RETAIL, Co iat W . OPE lel OO i Vy (. wt ' I 1 rated eek ee { Ties Anew sf French Nea € MMLIliay MULE. THOMASVILLE, V6 1 , . 1orseo ’ THOMASVILLE BOOTS and SHOES. Manufiactored by WILLER & THOMAS. UST RECKEW BD asappivof GENTLEMENS CONNER ROOES INE EN ES EAC Ky): BOOTEES, wanataccand by Mirek & Thomas, Photmmasedte, NOC. whieh nee fa equal style te ty Northern work. and a great deal better an work f eae (deka N Nils Oe 2 eo Root and shoe store HATS AND CAPS. Vis TEC EIVED a tires eappty at Capes on aati vod Mere NNISS ID eRe eve eee ragned gives not SHE | iteay AND) ME CTS \ Doraying rd wall merce wll ' favor calle hiehine on aeeomr nting terine GEORGE WOWERY Ma Oth, iSh0 ttAd Gente a al a “ k ‘ Vatabin . Obs er, Payettoville ; ! Express will publish damenths and forward fF REAL ESTATE 4 yt . | Cenitate tiny hands on one place myo Wineb Tonow y ACRES Most ofthe sot is! cnder a dark loom, equalin fer Ni baltot the iract woods, « u vedeabottioe tunber vhta we N CORR There is about 40 Aer B 1 LOMA LN MEADOW, ot ties: r Phe DWELEING is well arranged 1 1 ‘ Yadkin River and Sane KR 1 tap aye ! ' 1 ™ fo wheh oa thew tie u ' \ 1 1 ive cs I : a ' Vota i (ocain, bruit are ar Tirhibited in MER PRE SUPSCRIBE Rw Ce Me NaC A RN Es A CARD. $= SEEING IS BELIEVING ! i Bl Tbe ie fe IE sl oy 1D EXTENSIVE Ok LOTHIAN G, AND Subscribers eves Nod whiet we ldap beretefore at aipres od ion wits who enumerate yuk an eka na ' k . \ then ' sept buyers. ate t Ne an Reva 1 k “ . thy . | ) in 1 tit f he sam S FRANKFORD’ S.' TOC OT N Pity H ANT dicall the atte WEE TEA N ESS terete 1a ad Swoch DRY GOODS. Clothing and Groceries. COE SHS lal sas Ss. HOLESALE \ on vane Pe ee = = era nee a — el se | eee Zils = : z= = == Cc a = 72 occas rr orn | ne ; Cra Red AS MURPHY DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES Sept 25, 1260 uly Ge aNwl BARGAINS C LOr HING! Sige now off PANTS at @2,00 w rth 2,00 1M “ 100 » 00 6.50 ENTS cans 0 1h 0 () 700 ae 10.00 14.0 14.00 1s.00 « at J OW ENNISS ‘ nine Ela tunil Sie Nd ore re 0 Fine Shirts and Collars. | rowrah te chase fine Shirts an Colt Emporium of DAVID WEIL No 2, Gramire Row STOCK. MOST DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Salisbury, artieles PFRANKEFORD. FRANKFORD'.. Hate, Caps and Bonnets ra, Coffee, Salt, Mo Jages, Syrup. Nace, Hf vid Wale Shoew Sole fa ee, Call Sk » ta ane Binoing Skins, dee x Ne Xe Are now recening Jarre additions to ther Stock towlhech they tovite the attentrou of the coizenn of Salisbury, Rowan and the adjoming Counties Prompt attention given to orders R. & A MURPHY Serofula or King’s Eyil, Ts a constitutional disease, a corr i by which this fluid becomes vitieled, ecu’ blog Being iu the circulation, it pervades the eke Powe and may barst out in disease on any part of organ is free from ite attacks, nor ie there o, . it may not destroy. ‘Phe scrofulous tain, ARs whey ly caused by mercurial disease, low liv) a : edorunhealthy food, impure air, filth and ffi the depressing vices, and, abuve all, by the Y be infection, Whatever be its origin, it is median the cousttution, descending * from parentero Sh unto the third and POUL eenerationy, indeed, re to be the rod of him who says, pee via quities of the fathers upou their childre oe [ts effects commence by deposition ie th ofcorrupt or ulcerous master, whieh, in tres liver, {internal orgaps, is termed labere glauds, swellings; and ou the surface This foul corruption, which Renders j blood, depresses the energies of life, so thatse, constitutions not only suffer from ee lew; in sores rofulous plaints, but they have far less power to With the attacks of other diseases 5 Consequently, vast y disorders which, altbough not jous io (heir nature, are still rendered fatal by Most of the consumption) decinates the human family has ite origin direeuy Umereesanircitcmek ney sutrenw aud) jw all the organs, atise from or are aggravated by the bers perish by talutin the system this scrofulous conlumination ; and many dei satin Cause One quarter of all our people are ecrufulogs: personsare invaded by this lurking infection, ang health is anderinined by uw. ‘To cleanse it from system we wust renovate the blood by an alters fin More it by healthy ood and exe, Such medica: we supply an Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, Phe most ethectual remedy which the media skill ‘heir ‘he TOM the Live Inedicine, ane cise. PUT Ueiee & ae “ rothis every wiles esieveg and fatal mi clady ry combined from the most ue. have be live ren et n discovered fur the eg. > touldisorder trom the blood, and | the fot dhe pursation of t rescue o wonvate q He eoly serotula, but al» 11 Ile deStrMe Ve Comveguey, nee at employed for the eure of ng those other affections anee such aw Eruptive and Skin Diseases, 8 Anibe ny's ire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Punples, Pustoles, Brorches, Blainy aud Bowls, ‘Tumors, Tetter and Salt ia ruin, Seuld Head, Ringworm, Rheumatem, Sypa. Hite dand Mircartal Diseases. Dropey, Dyspepsia De bility. vod. coded, all Cociplacae arising from Viug. edu lint Bins The popular belief in iipan. ty ct the blood” is douueced sa truth, for serofula 1 degr ner of Bhavan Phe particular pura, and virtu Nis Sorsaparitta in to purify and reer. aie ew vital Mord, without whieh sound heals Hope abl mlaminated constitutions. Wer s Cathartie Pills Ul the prrpoaes of hamily Phywc , seare Aithin the rangeul their ‘ : tard of evade tiem — ‘Their pemcribig ye cess arch and cleanse, and ing " tth Tystiem, correet i hand restonug us bealthy y . i peqgur ier of these properties, the Renin do dew woth para or phyrical de . ' dhe heaihore eEZY restur eeriasy cso sunple and inviung «very -day compia, formidable Ite y Caie the 4 nd daagrroes th ow named iw plewred . fur ie | Nanurseatl Aliidiaey colltal ume cere ey een run ons for their ase Costiveness, Heartenr sdache, 1 Stomach, Naoe, ES naclion of the Bee. 1 Lossot Nppetite, Jaundice, anduse rom 8 low stale uf i ‘vous Cherry Pectoral, pre ne or ‘ Brug. ( ‘ ik » p sens publely teuw . bs eming aud even aes 1 eure Whea mice 1 \ovei every olber meadecime of to ‘ pee Cave Oeervalion, and when ‘ i. pubbe ne longer besiae , “ \ vary c . Who many we Hn Nave aby DRC, AYER & CO, Tie NG \ by Woe Nt a] A ot Ha SS “A Cha ees eel MI ' I Y $v aC 4 \ vat u (orp iat ss Mia vai SAN Fu... 5 LIVER INVIGUKATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES, ea SeeSLY from Gume, 4 fact ndard Meticine Loewe hat c tuned it. and is eow “> P| a the diseases (or wach # ‘ sarele wrhn the ele men * a s frevet oumervar ' ament of tbe rete LIVER IS- ORATOR, 4" Liver Com- tacks, Dyspep Summer Co ty, Dropsy. Costiveness, ra Morbus, Cholera lence, Jaundice, es, and may be need ry Family M HEADACH twenty minutes, if spoonfuls are tak- attack All who use itare 1m ita favor MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bettie. SANFORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FRO! a Rae y t en pa AGrReiat le Extracts, and Par we plain Dysente- Stomach, Habitual tc, Cholera, Chele- Infantam, Flatec Female Weakness~ |comafuily ae an Ordtna~ jedne, Kwticore SE K jthousands can testify) te jtwe er three Tea- jen ‘at commencement of giving (er \eeaimosy Pure Gd . Famit “a-| get thartic PIC ee tle pnt active Jsethartie| hich the bee we more Ten twenty, ae ny hie practice le x find the sal); .cuun whee i. trea, baa Indiced meto plese ‘1 ie Pr fractal oes that different Cochartion rile of a 1 CAs raves io oe vere fo mention te this a27e 348 Broadway. New “hor Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Deca ann Cir wars. Saliebory, NOC Jul Tsay WP NOPICE. CALL AND SETTLE: or ot ALE PERSONS yenate u are not if the am ut romet® envery indulgent towards our eae tha acknowledge our ndebted *o ve, ! eret iat payment‘ “ 1 delay Wo have be He This oceasion to “uu oi is a aie clay that tls ee gee sels ther ib moat 0 seer d busines ‘ott x Vite barged on all atanding #¢% — HARRIS & SELL Ma Hho dan Sth. DS61 MALRIAG HE ELC E NSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFF ) a ED Single e Five Ten cy] Clubs e $1.50 eae co Tae follow ace kept seul by i expense, Civil Wareae Vasas & Be Writs. C.& Kxecutions Subpanas, | ic Juror Ticke Proseeation Delivery B« Administrat Bastarday, Appeal, Senator matle Thui Mr. & and subs speech o used to submitte ing pate be want) to the fi all the f hibition Mr. Lt. v tions we old nos 1 Mr. lt. v pgssessic great fus ong had mat the pos: Phat Se comliary than M sbielded to publ ever, wa appeare The den because us to de er urdel miyht was nol to bis he ned. at Cats ae control bo its ju Lounces any S pretext, K. said ity. ane that get as one of atu son. | states ti states a slavery World TEOCOE aveu Al ject. The sel iciec doen aa Uuwo ing the lies at ator ne to the them the St aod ha men of guise, | raids tl arb ue wait” } not cot ty had and to can me ty tho worth prised fourth Senato But th of Line was ek was ar. Bat th the dis by an slumb sudden nority dent ¢ had p Suppo ing wu years. compr up—c raged let our we col Tt h od the would dissoly Wore | fore, a if stat. surpri: lieved Yance ten yer try du aince t been ences” years ‘ lution bave | aearely by thi why h death suffer aon w Rens mito t Webs Upon event! ee ees - een s J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ae nae eee wee oo ee none} ment of a firm and stable national government, radically and essentially different from dood league that had previously bound the States together, was well understood by the people of America, and by no portion of them better than by the citizens of . South Carolina. The system was elaborately dis- cussed in the Legislature which called the Conven- ? ' tion to pass upon the Constitution; aud Caarces ' | Prvoxwey, Coantes Coresworra Pinckney, sad J Joun Rutiever, all of whom had been in the Fed- / eral Convention, were all there to explain the pro- visions of the instrument. They were explained. The necessity of departing from the old system was clearly shown; and so far from pretending that the new one was a compact between “sovereign and independent States,” Gen. Charles Cotesworth . Pinckney scouted the idea of the States ever havin; N U \ | ) I: I 37 been even separately independent, or individu a s rIule dle ‘ sovereign. After a warm eulogiom upon the Deo- larauou of Indepeudence—which, be thought, ought TERMS R Single eopy, e200 Five copies, $800 Ten copies, $1500 Clubs exceeding ten iu the same proportion | 7 yy $1.50 each Paytaent alw ovsin advance. - VO OY g yw BLANKS Tae following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS are kept on hand tor sade, at this oftice, Can te V( 1. X V | | I Q \ I | inal! = . ‘ 4 | us fa ie va, w living, di th and flity im Al, by the Vous rit 18 hereditg PATeDLS 6 oh ' indeed, it will yj, ildren.” mt the lon from the § ich, in the \ d tabercles ace \ LY 5 ty » PTUptioy ch genders in +» 5O thatserg 0 8crofulous Wer Lo with, BURY, N. C., JANUARY 29, 1 gent by wail to any parc vf the country, at « xpense, quently, vag CE eee Com Rutel Deck Be] = eo re al to be taught as a carmen necessarium, to the youog though not Wie G. ke cers, Witestenieniatys \ t nee , nen of the couutry —be quoted the language of the ered Kxecutions, 0. & 4 C reof Admuimistration D ) p Fa " 4 + 3 { 3 € h x d 8 i li d il ¢ { national manifesto, iu which it is declared “that a aay fart @ ate Serbia | Devoted to Politics, News, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. ee ea eae eee " w kets, C.a 8. C Martivge bicenses, | : : ~ - ss as Sr tek Tee ee Origin direetly Furse Tiekeale iu Certitiente \ FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES:” and 1 many destruct Proseeation Bonds, © & S.C. Various Kynity Ly | : a on ae commence added: ~The separate independence and individual in, and, indeed Bail Bene crim Tal peniye seas Vthat dissolution could onls take pl in ff ty : : I ‘ sovereignty of the several States were never tought ABE ravated by iy Attachment Writs, Deeds in Trust, le ie re 4 oi ij i piece rn he ae his respects to the members of that party who a reaction, both North avd South; but [have FROM THE FAYETTEVILLE ORBERV)K account of religion, sovereignty, trade. or any other | of by the enlightened band of patriots who framed Delivery Hoes Uy phere Dee ae » that the States would divice and subdi- fought for Union ander Braccheurdye and lave been disappointed ; but that is no reason why Messrs, Editors.—-I desire, through the mediuin pretence whatever this Declaration ; the several States are not even duainin do. Zayas do Seni Re ete ow (ee : ; : a ‘ aS " cae * rtalote; ta nate NuteR OCH ABU en a that : ! io usies and Wars among since that Gime hoisted the disumon flay; but the Union should be dissolved. , Vee vout paper, to notice certain resolutions pass Sauls So es eet nee retained “ its} mentioned Ly name in any part of it—as if it was fection, and they ~— “ Notes to Bank each other would render them au easy prey to Mr. Ramsay must be permitted to express The S Mita . les “ sovervignty, Ireedomn, and independence, aud ever puded f America, th . . A y a e permitter PXPross, at The Sevator refers to my votes. T suppose he | ‘uesda: : " : ¢ Y {intended to impress this maxim on Awerica, that dokine it from the And wany other forme of vue frequentuse. oPlaok 8248) freien nations. fn view of these opinions and the sane time, his ast Le ite Ne Nene A: - _ ane ' ee arcane pages of eee a ee Lee a ae ee and right, “which was not by | our freedom and independence arose from our Un- yan alt dst pans ones eae ; . re ee oe u ! Meet OS . : ‘ordered for pablicaden in the server, a in the the Coates tion ex dek Mithe © : thy food canes the voice of history, Mr. 1. beyged pardon for seutimeuts expressed here by a large portion of %300,000 to arm the State. I ain not opposed : : Ha On : Le See are et wc we ee ee mining Nortb|Caralinaitovavoid) catuugling al Wilmington Journal. I was not of the meetin, [ Ruates in Congress as nor independent. Let us, then, consider all attempts ~ . S the Democracy, when he reflected upon the fact to arming the State, but Iam glad I voted : A Const be other band ‘ ini 4 oe Af _ 2 le g a S = lid not hear of it ertised, Li A Constitution, oa t ver band, is a funda-} tuo weaken this Union, by maintaining that Remarks of Mr. RAMSAY, | hances, and to have herself in readiness to stand that their Union saving propensides were so against that bill. ] have as much confidence [F Me cer until Teaw it ad UAC ental hiw-—« law protnulgate—an ordinance es- | State is separately and jielividually thaleperideat as , . . —_— |alone, or enter x central confederacy. Why stiong before the election that even the party in Gov. Ellis as | ought to have; but Lam op le rae and my ns saana eagiaty “4s tablished. It organizes ® body politic, [It con-|a species of political heresy which can never bene- sarsaparilla Senator from Rowan & Dave, in Com-| should we go with South Caroling or the Cotton! with which he had acted wasdenonuced f \ ee ebero Muri tieiew Grd er afiaaeinie merce teeta ne) eng par 8 stitutes a State, The national, or poliucal society | fit as, but bring th i di i 1a { wasdenonoced for pare posed. in these tines, to} iz c jtion in the proceedings, I heatd the resolutions it as, but may bring on us the most serigus dis the medier! ska mittee of the Whole, in the Senate, on | 3? Mr. Ii. would say vothing against Soath | suing a eourse calculated in the opinion of some any one man’s hands. Tf the ameudment otfer- lead, and was proseut, as @ spectator, at their {inal organized by the ‘ustrumest kuown as the Consti- | tresses.” 4 kiliot's Debates, 301. y where prevail e . }Carohina: Tf there was any glory ju the act of of the detnocraey, ty destroy the Union hee ed to properly distabate the arins ip the several | passage Tn the main, they appeared to be iid tation of the United States, isa State in eonteinpla- | Such were the doctrines proclaimed by the lead- frou the most a¢ Thursday 10th of Junuery, 101. Jeecesxiun, why in Gud'sname, let her have it. ferences was made to thas diem ey ave bad prevailed, 1 might and conciliatory yet, they did Mot express my sn tion of eee law t aud oo ovly State that }ing statesinen of South Carola, pending the adop- : s ' a y uw PSUS a ue t Be 3 : : seen b we can cla : cl r , A evened up the a, j | But she had not coosulted us nor did she regard to show that lad the couners of the W Hut [believed the bill ments; nor do I believe they ‘ought to be regard- ig diene i Si eaiaree eee on [oc cee) | Goa the Coustitution, and who can say that Ube blood, and iby odependeat powers of the earth, An! that is pre- | sure of her gallant sons of the present day may celebrated “THAT ers Mr. Ramsay said he had “watchel, wartec Vavel spies Ge Uientall: CLIVE come ques, and submitted” for more than two hours, to the heh a Ss ie aullaes J yee a ty ee followed, the present state of attains wos designed to furnish arts for other purposes Deacon, Lae ee berees what the framers <> Constitution mtend- {not yet lament that this speech of the foarieere : BhithelSenalor from) Jackson, We are |(ntd)recommnendad the auisiaturc of South Care would iol now exit Aud Mr kt. could not thaa the defence of the State. ee saaowat (al Give’ CXsure Ll cance nome should do—wheg ratified in the manner |Ouskies Ooreswortu Prickxsy had aot beeu im- ffections arse ra 1to submitting to such speeches: we Have lina to prolilit the introduction and aale of slaves |help indulying the suspicion—in view of the (Phe Seuators from Burke, Cabarrus and Bun- Be it BNEW oe ai DR at unk that gant ut propose ane us as on people in e political soot } pressed upon his youthful mind «8 6 carman neuts- sty lor certain enumerated purposes, consolidate | suriam? Of ove thing at least, J think this ex- them, like myself} were mere lookers on, who had | the U Rowan charged them as voting with that de j nothing to say, pro or con, touching the proceed- |the Union, and give us a separate mationalty among | tract (with others that might be made) ought to in that Ntate from such border States’ as right past--that we should not now have this dim combe all rose and asked if the Senator trom | hot become members of the Southern Cuntedera about our ears if the democratic party lad been eaves, St Anibe. Punples, Pustele, submitted so long that, we appear to be want- 8, Tetter ing patriotism, and if | (said Mr. Kt.) appear to] oo me i the other nations of the earth. To accompli: , and thet i and Sak ean F ia haeoevinilons remarking “let them keep them in their own retained in power, si —the Senator from Cabarrus saying, tbatjiogs. For these reasons, and others iat might be | org, 3 Plsh this /convince the imparual reader, tis, ly t win I B 5 heumatiom, sy pa. be wanting patriotism, It INAV Possluly Bi y lero ‘ ie ' fetal ‘ ‘ ieene Hae - y greal purpose, it was necessary to submit tke work | when the good people of South Carolina ratifi 'V, Dyspepsia De to the fact that that Senator has monopolized orders, and the only alternatys deft them wel bey Tt was said that nevroes were permived to i the Senator tram Rowan so charged, it was wot | 14: utioned, T desire to be heard. ol Une Convention to the people of the U. States for | the ( f ) : ee : ie : ie : ; ; Be f , ‘ Acar I is Pametl : ‘ . for | the Constitution, they did not think they were form- re aa emancipation by their own ae or by the action vote at the Nort ier) ‘ ; s Uies ore I suinbe asked f aXe hose resolutious, | say, as passed, did not meet | fi Be = arising from Vius. all the patriotism of the Senate. After the ex ; a ‘ at tli orth [hat was se in a few im so. he Senatur from Buucombe asked for an e gee i thee Cll their rauticauon and aduption, It was done. They ing a league, or compact, with “sovereign and in- Rale F ates lottheir own confederates. : (hie oe awe ne a albania uy yprobauion : and my objechiow JEL WAS | ayn, : oT : : ety es hibition of courage the Senator had given us,| ero a ) rate \ vy, Mr aman, stances aud ito was wrong, But did not) Sena) planation.) ; cee A yO} {approved it, adopted it, and promulgated it as an dependent States,” and if not, according to their prea Sagi Mr. Rt. was surprised to find that Ins lucubra jthat will be treaung us as bi as the Vatheos, tors remember that free tegroes were permitted Mr. Ramsay discliimed personal allusion, or In the first place. they required the call of a Con- rupert and establenr.ent of their own, and |own doctrine, they have no right to secede. Searles pace none Ware su a by disturbed by that obscure they propose to hem usiu: South Carghiadoes to vote in North Carcioa tp to the year D255) anyintention to re tect on the motives of Scnators Benton ie re jecilily A a hea ie the purpose thenvetorth became the supreme law of the land ;' Hitherto the testimony which I have introduced nd rege. ‘ stu B4 , ¢ i ; 5 | mm, te 2) iy asseinbled, ey 10 ‘ : y ’ i auund Kean, Bate Ua [incolverttennl tlaatownperty Lit the satue— stich is ber love ur uy! ut dis and that it wis a questica of graye debate and resumed: Phe arms might be used to assiot Fo: taking into consideration the crisi¢: supposed to Gus eccean ae well as the judicial and legisla- |g to the character of the Constitution has been ions : vee ‘ j \ une ib as vou will, there 18 growity, dispost amoung some ot the we meres scaly Canine and to aid Uie mineie ind Gr Le TGs weer ties Soa ane Are eke authorities, of every State, became thereby | tacen from its own text, and from the lipe of those B nome he Helper book had also disturbed) tim : 1/8 : : u yosome ot the vravest aud wisest members South Carolina, and to ale e xe umpending over the South, and, in a oe rain hound, any thing in the Constitutions or laws of their | engaped ban ra of aa areen WT? Pills Mp cewae curitime Watrelmctng (entre tien south of us to re-open the \fica siave trade. of the Convention at that tiie whether or uot taking fort Caswell, 1 intend vo reflection on |coutingency, to take arrangements for interposing | respective Statessto the conary butwithstanding Waar : a oe ndGcs other evidence from the 7 ee Pe ae Suppose we were in a Souvern Coufederaey, the prvilewe should be ene ft leaouneon the Gravertic but volunteer companies might the “sovereignty” of the State between her citizens : : : Vy eRe 12) Kepionnstn’d Ghats cS mvaly Physic peseeelo8 of sie lesan ar a t would be the result on this points We st a , , ne ‘ s ine micas - ee A eee Me ey ie a land the General Goverment. Aud second!y, they | gy Su Uns being the true nature and theory of speedues and writings of other eminent statesmen yac great fuss had been mane about the fact that some i ‘ “ } s fri 7 Hinonalty Satoto bed been done and at was form aud ask the arms inn UU GOED CISC) | oie ae aarti cia ere aual: Cauaecil ca (! ve Coutitution, it is pertectly uauiest (hist the peo- | who Imve occupied high places in the confidence eee eee we Ler one bad sentitto Mr. Gilmer; aod } twain) Would. if that tra Je were opered, suthar ad pr cht our safety requincdit. ‘Toe Neth would amght wot feel that he lad the tight to refuse 3 BA eee in ed amon eer LR THRE | ple of no State tn this Unwwn have uny right, ether | and esteem of their countrymen; but I find this nee i ad sent it ts “ gE 1 t i ; : q aintained ty enemies of tie Uuion in / : : de tiem Their the possession of the Senator Coole SC ne Nae the vatue of our wes, ated beste soon do the sate t a ihn wwe Chetan and the arms might be used to make raids Up-| oer States) aud pretty plainly to intimate au ap- iy their legislative assemblies, or by any (Convention | communication growing too long on my hands. — eee n ye [iaticcnatotouclUtocknew tial (wast: that be taxed tu keep up a toy larse chow fier eur En Ue Nochern people onthe property of the United States, and tol yroval of the same—at iV Tecate e tie rommnen jee fae eae es or en miss, to nulli/y.| My purpose is to show that the Constitution was ipaatte eee Senator ought to hue sat asa ie | roval of the same —i dged, both from ther | abrogate, disregar is the C : : when i" Mr Reuite cemliary document, and one le uriuigle i) aeieoe the trade agarunt te combined power tad deen d aganst thos negro equahty, by at overawe the Union loving people. T have seen Tenor and the gusty with which they were receives Vor United See ee Gly ms ee : Soi a Sa 2 it i yon oi ‘ Umieuk s nd ol less cls L - = Yy suited F an: or (aw | ted States; and if so, then, that it is not a “com- ' | of the civilized world. Wee uld voteouseutte overwhelan ner (i Ae ltt . feneen are irc 5 ce (si : AMAL iscliled Lock tae BGtIOr 5 ; ' t be properticn, the than Mr. Kj might suppose the Senator had | ee " ; a a“ : nae Flew anust deat Self it stated that there are three hundred thouraud lee ae a ae ie uy a ate SS Ai eee way | Deemed tn pursuance thereof: fur secession is but a} pact Lutween sovereign and independent States,” a1 of phy vical de abjelded: hinsathauder be senatunal vriese sper PENT that twas cheape ty ston Cen cli rtiawoof uaturetequiced af Southern League meu in the South, and that} As toa Conventiun, fain by bo means convimed | igre extensive and couiplete pulliicauon—a wore ! and, cons (joently, that secession has no leg oa bor energy restr = fito uk theinees|walaly = remecitie ser Rly Fs tt ; Win era ale (nrg ; f the vulf States did of Ge propriety of calliug such an assemblage to-] \ : 7s nes : u Velen if ae \ ieee a ay th } ¢ mya tidone of us fin Kasey Conve Pointe of Une pur tales at J 5 © {entre disobedieuce to the Constituven and We laws ‘ t cceeded ; and imviuing to publish he He ee What © beacon tlh elie Pep orre cree ak i he St Neo Men Crom WionMMCND es Lola this time; nordu T believe the people of | ad treaties ae auc Teel cent Moca tO'stend) Tuk I have es f ae y Fi wat ‘ that ; t TS 4ven Me ye ve cot ay ed hi othe ta that os ros ado vot withdraw the é e : s ‘ a 2 bury y Q ny : : -day compiasig ever, was uiltizated fact that the Senator { iy . : the County experience any serious solicitude on the | 44 : ei ; [Rey pea Sac Wve reap eC Un ree eee ble and daszeres appeared to beopposed publeling specehes Sher Getentiog Tit OW) ce tnd tis paises pomtted te wote tere, ta untuer us the secrsstowists Inlenied to orgamac under tiile| uc Maat the politicians suffer a good deal ou aving procceded tuur far in viudication of the oe of Chief Justice Jar, of Chief Justice i s ; Vi | , RECO ee net ; \ eGR Cle GOTLINnes Tees Ceri crs ated totes the State out atthe point] go : na gene 2 character ol the Consutuuoa, TL might stop, aad take | Mansiatt, of Chancellor Kent, and of Judge Srory tw plewred fur. The Senator appear: dready todiwolyve the (amon pegy ary account of the “crisis,” I can very well beleve, F ’ eecilteluae ant ie ce ! i ; Panter nfy per cont. op Seare| CHUnyi) CARTE SO) (SCOUT «cL home ale ien Gro er vi auiruuse ts Glatt itl genie ew lic T reat anltnelmmeseaiCieibone adit uiy stand upon the letter of the instrument: itself — each of whon left behind bim “an ever radiant yecause tbat tiiseratile teliow per, bad dad - e ‘ wee ; ; oars eS re “lfirmly entrenched belund its own pr a . , ma’ ‘aced pet UN am us todo it Our courage oughta be of a ited cy Aue tica ars liu eur owt, ob this subject. that it as tet qroper that the isstiould be properly distri: |sinew of tue land, L bave heard of uo particular | y bl cee ‘Ged by provisious, and | streain of light, by which his course may be tr ness, Harter a le mete, see se , a wes for practions | ol Poncetiial 1 t ey f } Land eared for _ anxiety touching the pen impending over them ey fo y the established rules of in-| through the Courts below while he is rendering Stomach, Naom er urder than to be daunted ty a dare, Mer] | Ba DUCTAL Ces Mae nota Velie VG ne Ui ORCA dt esas ! ! we 8 terpretauon for that as weil as for all other written | sublimer service in the high Court above’—all of aes wb itty lives must be sacrtid ' Pletal Braet ; eb Us exer has nutated the Senator from Bun.) bat, let the necessity of a Convention be assuined ; 2 g faction of (hehe mMinbul be ured to cole sue feat aa . : ' 1 thas 4 ax tus ] tave omy ntated the ‘ ; jon ARUesL Ser cemurnca te soulgmssCantacit at courpositions, — But, for tue edification of those who | whou though dead, yet speak, and tell us that the aunidies, and ure was nofeasog why le stiouil pluie 4 ! ee qe lice [Ste CIE Set ae spatenee aud chonty aud abn yet combe to teadinw Tront Sewands s i It anritany Breathe ‘5 SOHC Ol ail reason ale |imay wish further to pursu® the juvesyaton of this | Constitution is a fundamental law of the people of bow mate of a toblheart. lie seontennncenred tol patil refused ta Siren our Til zit ives eee Tot lave not abused bin or read the objectionable | 0 CGE Fouad im We ive ominsmhee bad Jsubject, and who may not bave devoted so much | the United States, ordained and established by : Sadavdilal ue hat Done te Phat was aiise, and owas owen Met Me hw Peete Wie alt, or thatuces vf 1 forum) eG iiunieecary stole ii olmanoureds qt ie ecldonntie Pen riier onl Muenem T have. 1 shall briefly refer to some| them, and not a couipact between sovereign States. ned AD ' ' te ties 4 Yo treat : : speed son Vvoket s geld ii ovince of | 2 : - , | Neer i Ceeut eer t cell t fen ft iar ’ vortions of such admunicular mouy, in ec a- | Vie dress te ve ctoral, rons 2 eee a en | ‘ bee ah to passin fey wer is sevede ’ ’ Ju a work of superrowation, The Senator and [wisdom to hurry the muses into action un matters } eae ne ea ee ane | ee ie e ita oe of New York, f but unt Woh had wot kKoown stat se 1 He bad. on a fortier oevasion tu addressing the ts pds Jeave notte to be dune iu that line, | of importance rely wc re important mat- | 20 i ees ety PRY se | Ne eid 2 OR fans deral Constitution, ay Von, leslie! PCCM Ta eee ; SSMEATTY 1, oe 4 it - Is 1) Seay - ‘ : i a per abce 7 an 1 surely wo inure important mat- 16d on the Conternporaneous history of the gov-|by the Hon. Joux Jay; 1 Ell. Deb. 496; also‘ Mar- Men ‘ | : fee 1 poof these Suates tad these b cousequebtly be Setiate, alluded to the practioat etieety uf seers They lave abused the North to their hearts’ }ter could be presented to the cousideration of te) |, t is a 2 : y ae , a ' ter Brus. Ml es sla : Fan { not stithered sensibly te t n }s wl t ! $d Ht but at tent 1 to tlt ntent of the Cout (ry people of North Carulina than & proposition to as |‘ reas sts Se leat Sr Ra Sen ce Cee ee 304 | aloo 1 Suey t ! WAG AUN UU patients dls Geophys cop emeenN eels rea ee Fe ee ee a EL De Erie ETSI ge E et OTE eS ree ING ee ete : pommoe 22" | of respectable commeutators, and of lea:ned sages | Commentaries, Chap. 3; 1 Kent's Commentaries trad . ' ae ; ty had certain emen been + quiet about these due te and ty those be represented to But because | have it that uadone, Ido not} semble in Convention for the purpose of taking into | | RS Chap. 10 P d eiagyes ; Cats aeee ' ooeach tate to order at 7 had aall i Il ) een - , | consideration their relation to the American Unmon I lk ; er 5 sie Uo ctrn te tawu linet tel oe Weenie mneof them ba sisted fur twenty recognize the existing stale of thins econ jutend to be comsidered asin auy way favoring Ought they not to have ume for patient inquiry t is well known to every one at all acquainted lo opposition to all those high authorities—for Se dientie ror erun rns Jilacthey cde vesinn | llte fnet that they hal vately become so cratulated himself aud his pouty chat had) WoOVD, Seward or lis polley. ral rite die Guny Gnrae dhar on ate with the history of the Constitution, that the metm-|sach (ley may well be called—the secessionists pa- pats pudyin eS “ t the de s 2 u e deli beratc P y, sgh Be ” s vere ae i Tien : armed fore of Gulvus MighCinduce the suspcgn that the Cmou ne agency cu bein cng about the revolutionary o<s0 step Without being well assured that they Reape bees of the ae vention assembled in Philadelpiia} rade “the Virginia Resolutions” of 1798-911! ; : Neue « , = ' a ed force o : : rf 2 : + Us ) r: Pp r x rae 7 i these reso- DUH Ga Kno aay “tale ur Tar, bo walter wader whal would not have been endangered by them if a tines that were upon us. Tu bos opiuign they From the Aranta (Ge Confederacy moving in the right direction? Their national go = Fendiua ee Soe ie \ ies ae ae Peereeg Fm T Muley vee ar tale or le vt ratte le ic . hos : : ; % 5 : ne compact between the! lutions. Suffice it to say, that copies of these reao- cert tv iad been retain d io power. but were brought upuu us by bad men voth North \ : Jak vernment 18 a great and glorious structure. tslG , : SAN hence . atnunye Nearer monte Nip cou ap Are I 5 i ) A CONSTITUTIONAL MONAKCAY, 5 } States more effective. They soon bee: = tran: the ure. Whea ue pretect, 4s @ a . 7 i it was areucd thar ifthe Nech was a freun and South A setuement however would have erection cost years of tuil, of trouble, of deep solici- | low tu hose hs peceme coneincs Pus wee eee eee of all ner medicime of ie K. anid Me. Seward was coustidered wood author : 2 : TIGHTEN etandenl | ecracaual lrashicclnredlatiiag inaiteenaitaiiitultansttcemirheinentiy arcs ecient jed, however, that those arucles were radically de-| the other States, and that they were not sanctioned Eure oan a hen ity. and read from bis (hicago woh. where Dation we could veyoliate a creaty and secure to be made with the North, and perhaps this i ry Fuk qe dkdleny, Cry ho ie ae ee Dente “ 2 i an “ te tl t a fective; that no amendments could supply their in- | by a single one of them ; that said resolutions never » touger bewiaw Mia mC ea anh peakerorith Re ‘ cay the surreader of slaves mnore fect ually Chan as woo a proper tiie to make Tt We vcued evo = eeovelaipest ai i ! gece! ‘elt : oe se apeeh 4" a Bean oe es 7 a | herent deficiencies; and that to effectuate a per-|contcimplated secession as a remedy for a State that ; val ge an speaks of Ue | o : J ; lest. in existence r, Toombs says that the | cautious pow th ry into Convention, and le se : : ee asin and ces at fie wetanee cueee, SNUB we oe fare paces 30° bert weascy Tuer Chat! | 7 68 manent or ellicrent Union of the States, the whole | might focl herself aggrieved in the Union ; and, fi- t i as “of peace atid uroral sdas.ob —4 | enlae Shy neuhyare 2 {them see well to it whom they select to represent ’ Voorgans thai oy as HE ae foun ae Beye ad Gti ken) le dee icone NN | nee i ay an eeu ; 7 oe monarchy of Great Brean is the best govern i ky Hae ety ead Beane Beh nt ors of WMtet must be changed, Accordinzly, the very | nally, that Mr. Mapison himself, the author of the nfernot reme ruineut— wiicy by tures Gat of re > . ' ) existence. Thr © see t ab : Bute ee eas = C. S| ned : : one ee 2 Sided al = 2 fie ae } lave reached Canada lie wastree. Webul no 1850 be resturd. Lat tbe liberty bits be re | aoe ley UU rece naa jdomy them harm. Let therm remember that the first resolution passed by the Convention, after} scsolutions, did not believe that a State had any right ave faded andres gon. It leaves the subject of slavery in the lave : i A ie Tele k 1 ting pon the wall, Mr. Stephens 18 exerting | ‘ E agreeing upon the rules of order, was in these words: | to secele frum the Union. In reply to a letter from SV PVery tna cee 1 oF sel lave freaty to remand bin to slavery Phe eisiozed pealed > and let proper guarattess be given that | | facuous and incompetent, the restiess and aspiring, “Resolved. Tt | | Moliamil zs states to the care atid responsibility of Che shay : ae . oy) himself to perpetuate the Union and save the) ae cs at Nil solved, That a navonal government ouylit to be| Mr. Hamilton, while a member of the New York wi ever! ogy , world was agatust the iostituuon of slavery and very Wou not be loteriered th im the are, general! boid, active and clamorous, while e states alone, ebiding by the constitution of the On Was amaln ? Ne ' r | If tol 2 y : 7 established, consisting of a supreme legislature, ju-| Convention, stating that some of the opponents of hoe hua rbabe ee B iat bce weld pe cece Hef we ec A Ree le wae oe ME, de 1. Toomts exerting hiinself Coty ,e conservauve, tie faithful, and the trustworthy i ane : C : : prone country, what inahe We ate on thar @e tHe z - ! “ < flee Ter anouul’ mtr ve Lum overnarerit. (arecmonst Mian: Rese i Ari Al iitat diewry, and executive.” Soine of the members} the Constitution required its rautication to Le on : = Hl can task Chit Wabtact srt after th 0 tool settiett tid for ts sul the : : a 2 [ea reece eae OES ones se [AW > much op to this © that they left} condition th Poe ! 2 . subject, sovergn” M wut washadene ion, OMT 2 A Mr. Stevens as satitied woh the present work- [ter of so imuch iniportance as the calling of # Con- Bre UIOC HON se rte uae Le aaa ee al ee een Ue ae mn J ; ' ‘ { it } I g t ’ ad k 1} adopted 1 OenT aided Ou wo ee h Mr Today > dissolve dow and ) beat Leeiseny, peat of the Vater sos lt { , } . Module tie liceiino) Wenig, allimelner ace iietoadiiese | the body and returned home The Convention sul] adopted in a imited time the State should be at & ( Q,, ee ie ' io , [oe , tte will tot wtuNl, OUT simven Wh ie We tan theo i ment. latediat (eee ero ect Os CUNT CSU ACEC aaa Ul Ae Aeule ae liam é S| preserved, floished tts labors, and, in the letter ac- {liberty to withdraw, Mr. Madison replied : es not defend Uetia . tu “ 4g Talat A ‘ De errr ar Mec cos ler (ee Ome en ' lon a abe Cuustitacot But Mi. Tools hates Democraey ae Tene ge }cotmmpanying the draft of the Cousututuun seat to The Conusttuuon requires an adoption in toto ete nites ~ atau we ated 0 GUA diwone wg ment, ' rat n wlio ed | 4 1 ‘ . he ndly {s tu the doctrine of secession, Tiuis I ? 55 LE ee pe . tow dout aflcrwards caveat Une y Peer rpc eee rane] ia Satradd of conventts cannot trust the} enue erie ti a Saute lave vuetess luis sail and forever, Lt has been so adopted by the other Ne f reason” at “total suas Wot pareve : ; S people —eonsequentty the rovernment of Eug 1 Re 5 | In all our deliberations on this subject, we kept} States. Au adoption for limited ume would be as . heated and their at ‘ : ri et ane sti ! 2 > i ) her own will leasure, without 3 ace and arrument ou the sulyect ot ssavery / ir ee OR oe ‘ . ek ee ' i hia tliate. the United Statusey (es oe eee a Out) teadily in our view, that which appears to us the | defective as an adoption of some of the articles on- 2 \ (crews as reuienias t ol Peers : ian that ation or hindrance, when she cote es | : PE I : Let us not thus acknowl: for our cause a a 1 . a / ay i 1 _ - ; 1 7 ; 7 won, Mid i eto rere alow nluinesiierna ee Set by amen donren ber Gos ~ | rreatest: interest of ene yo true Ay the | Iv LOE any cond ifn whatever tuust viliate Wen enreen ay i ditnter econ: Wenner CUEOn meets aout ted. dtd wot des 1 1 | ‘ eee er 2 / re ain , a consolidation of our Unien, in whieh is involved | the rathcation hat the new Congress, by vir- I : ‘ } fl ralic overtime ad fi a » and jade o use the language | " wen a ee Series rensalat edie (er a wal chee roment and form a mae iN mt ; : : e Fe our prosperity, febeity, safety, perhaps our atonal | tue of the power to adivit States, may be able and flavery could Geo otete HE) ht e " Vioded 5 ‘ Ny l esther sa iobert, Lord hob pd ackson ia aon to this an ts kh = . x + ce 5 i ree anon ieee neal fF RAE UCoroT ‘ : - existence, | disposed t. do in such case, I do not inquire, as I wt World ob futdamentar | jot ae Pelation A F a oe ' ; oe ee eee is. Count Bobuel, or uke Toumbs. He }nulbfication, I regard as contradicted 5 mi heet ene ranamitted to Congress, that it| suppose that is not the | : r Pen onretN ea gd we sll ae emorepedied Mi, ta f New The ia = Aaa Be eee = r could ti, onl fora short. titne, as) 99 the letter of the Constitution, unantho y | a ; oO ee ab a tran: u oe 9 fe gies 2 a aie Y eo : Eevee > point at Pere iE i 4 : : fadte dee iiteal Sie, Seon . ee ee Moni et Wei one cel to ac ‘ rridid wv. : Haein Gland ineoueedtmiimevern prineicron | night be sent out for rauficauon, met with serous) have vot a uome d more than my_ferve ot even Appear to slriuk frum reason va the eub Cobb woud erther concoct a yun powder plot | Lear oe Fobjections in many qaarters; and) amoug tise OG | wishes for your success and happiness. The idea t ‘agreed that under Uae Constitution ofthe (usted fas ‘yin a matter of so much manent, Ws t j feobar dun talikel cee eas founded, and destructive uf the freat) ns the one (liat was, pd urged wit | of right to withdraw was started at Richmond, and 5 : = for tis estructio ds oly de Ke : \Jections the one th, s, pechaps, urged with tore u . le Ie , Take log) , f States we were entitled to demand and hive a owe itto the pastote they Tope orc der Gadhia a aot ie renee [object for which it was formed.” And, as Tbe 1 ertinacity than all mbeniee that t! w sy loonsdered asa conditional ratification, which was he Senator from dackson tad also spoken o ! ! ! pees Haire reece tele tlic Gino ta ((7 01 waren try | ice rm ne erwin Wonuareie cent nner fer afl res Legal x that the uew sy+ loons a cond ; KATOR, Lincole men ie North arabia? aud? had far decliange ofthat obligation whet el enerahons to pruse betiare we tare down this Puscrr) ut Shee wal a a ate nee ey : the : cles of woubl be tein proposed te wstablisicient of a rate! yor |itelt abandoned at worse than a rejection.” Works i ; . i othe States in reward ty the rend.on of teniple berty We owe it to the hopes of 4" oN Saas : : eee eee eV ernment, to be ratitie the people, and to operate | of Mumulton, Vol. 1, page 465. teen aid by others that we oust notte imake Ol 4 : i cei , ‘ ; ‘ ' Pe Or sons. Would Sir Robert ezree that Sing How-! ledge of the Constitution which they undertake to ernment, to be ratitied by ee ee ee nulton, Vol. 1, page 465. U cer fugitive slaves, and he was wi ti freedom throughout the word. Were can the )* het : cane pec arse Pei rsiaivien| eres (aatorva titan y {directly upon them, instead of a confederabou of! — And this the last prop being knocked from un- speeches i We Were (has encourag s ‘ia ¢ all, the appre cald qiietiy cOrona- ; expound , » Behe gre 2 ire : ri + eles i - . . Honea eee a Ss io j ; willtue—tbat there slat be an «oppressed and the down trodden of the Glin . we bein apparent, should be quiet a ne: | Buia tes ora dieeieretrannitc(o wehere Jol States, to be ratified by the States in their sover- | der the crazy doctrine of secession, it must fall to dceatwieea? tug the abyl Bae a hi one tee nic and amelie performance of mori’ Semronteet ue (oethis (aUd==tinsisile i ccnass the first rnler of t ay HE ASAE Le Hae Gia a eal SoG Nt Meare etre icy | ee CAPSS: see Lather Martias letter to the) the ground, and drag down with it those who choose : lies at the South. Tro uoght be well for the Sea sa Ss i : 5 ana and St. Simon's [si " we have no doubt 4 oF 1D ies et y MY on, Thomas Cockey Dye. Speaker of the House |to cling to a heresy so palpabl een te cieaeal - t ublish | reech 2 stomoyght tall an Ae Orsi ee eae r ear Gl Fee ee ee ed eae ae ea: Loa t ealtt 7, t Sa Robert would Sst sential ADE va ATED ele LS ACRES . i fae F ft ee ae ni aot Mr | I fas not di tea das not dispute ¢ rublish lain spree ‘ wy \on- > einer vealthy ) obe oul s of Delegates of ) vivo the tre v r 4 ed, s the ae the numero ator bot to pu ’ } x qunlehinuierupnnd We enrocd W Fisun ‘the groan sliules of repose baneatli thn mayest conve | tenant LS Ska man,) to ‘ ‘ees of a failure, I propose, at more length I fear | , 3 2 . ae , f : pute, temperament oe to the bands of the abuliiiouists and encourage ~PM ET 1 : ‘ i ve thie af the: #t otce be declared chaneciior of the CORI APCTE, Meas ay cay uecierritlucratiled emrorerenee cian CORTE Martin before the House of Delezates (1 ElLots)nght of the people to make a revolution when op- eb cues a8 Mer Tien wun Gee lest Uvavecrin tl! Liberty vile, Kepeal them to morrow and panded tree of liberty ere is the flag : ON Tints tls olnecbiot tilualorson the lee lveteaeSnnlnmienisishnwa ceria i! f thie! Debates, pages 344, 387.) j pression itnpels them to such an extremity ; but, at Els ae ie eas eta Le yan cannot ato Fue Cen alinn Nae tern (ars Vereatl) whee! are] als 5 ee le tts si eee Cole Ga ie eatin ae yd v 2 i t Be e i ine as an | The fiends of the Cousotution did not shrink j ais tuue | know of no such wrong inflicted upon » § “as ‘ Mast ~« ofthe i , » mediate Secession” pe reorg SHbUAL l yretended meh of secess: vod may cone ov. | - } DR ATOR, ms" coe ' ft i p bills were wanted as a preteyt te Net ath- safetw a Phat 4 Sorespected, and ; peer 7 pe es ny i ; a nga t tele Hfrore the contest, nor shirk the objection presented. |any portion of the people of the United States as . ced some ve Gest at hoes es a thouarcl here Is not a duubt. . { we cath} and uus alone is ology tur the obibusin. | Vers Pe ts, Billows At- aod had devout me of tand tro ern heart” aud precipitate dissolution, at) their; has power, because it covers cunghty peopl a tnouatchy there ts not a ! 1 < + a ne ; py Bly ee a an ernie the contrary they avowed the Chane, showed) would. in my estimation, justify a resort to the ul- ie a or aud | ted luton, 1 as . 1 . alee e Capita or lying a e foundation of t ’ ‘ - : nie Dtarrhoes, men of the State as Jiiack Kepubleans in dis see Tier : ape Wit tiss (nme lida eon: anda Ai vielen arletore the freemen of Georg, iu all sincerity, that] a a a ere ae aa a E " abe ee propriety, and vindicated the wisdoin of suc an | tina ratio regum. is dons ire to ehentir ' iro Sh Ue a eo an 2 te : in ‘ ae) | whe v0 “ir Votes for candidates ning | pretended right, consists 1 asaiinplon Chat Lalo é ; Tepe . guise, had fone tor yeneourice dol Brown iannoueinon (ie South) that extent the thers of the severed ca oeee when they cast their votes for candidates running UN eranieic eho wurandi leaps tedian (olcnnsr (6 alteration. In the Convention of Pena yin a As it seemed to me that the enginery of the meet- | Jude Wilson, who had been a incimber of the |ing at Rockingham was worked by certain gentle- | Federal Conveution, said, aa reply to the opposi- | uien known to belong to that respectable class of tion: | var felow-citizens who conceived it their duty to ING ULES NEL Tenn ol ust 7 Mts an the! would be power! | upon the “ unmediate secession” ticket, that they | Sut it wes soten at our rights vould be powerless , \ tare volt a th eolom, aud by the act. Ferdtorivs were dentadue | Witoee oo Tut) thd been cul iat we woul have ciel |Ale VUES Btsy | la frelom, aud by the aids than any class of iadividue The Senator had derided the “ watel and wait” policy. Why not wate hoand wait - why tion of the United States, ig not, what it purports 7 \to be. @ constitution of governinent but a mere; are ouly preparing their necks for the yoke of | reuie or compact. betweon sovereign and indepen: | ale Weaknese~ yasan Ordina~ © triiterial quessiun had all beea settled ta: war if we dil not calla Convention and follow } “Tam astonishes ear te ill-founded doctrine, | suppe i ale Lan f trwtileore SICK not count the cost! The very Tighest author au Uae : a er { VI despots aul monarchs. }deut States and, as a necessary corollary to Cabs | Dacneston halitoy any , ae My Un pal supecce el Ursin tile: aud @ ticket at the Nate | re oh a ae Rava 1850, and peace and quiet bad been? stored to South Carolina ont of the Umon, Who ts to : cee uh earn lve. (RIT yr {flat the States alune ought w be represeuted in the | late presideubal elcction, it would, I confess, afford y had told us te cont re eoatoot the buildings ay J proposstios yo CONT a utringred ¢ " | : : t ty had t sae reat aH al the country. In that se’ lement the North had! make the wor? certainly ot those who wish to| LE We suvite the arention of our readers tyckeu | ee ior ie cuitaierey die olka | isa kosemimicn(, (these ast pista) sOverele ie peculiar pleasure to make for their especial edi- and to consider whether with ten Chousaind we f AW lic a Welw thes) : : e Fanthority, forsooth, and the people be forvot No. | fication, a tew excerps from a certain Prociama- ho the | J peur = waven ap the Wilmot Proviso, and the people. remain in the | i remay. each for itself, judge not only of the in when they come to form a State Government, disunionists, Mr ht warued wil such that the to the following extract for the letter ad Jressed ¢ ‘ ae * * ; { traction ut also of the mode aud tneaaure of re by Gov. Magottin, of Keusucky, to the Alabaina | can meet those that come against us wath (wen ty thousand. Mr. K thought the Government DT worth one more effort to save it, but was «ar > SWALLO | Let us reascend to t st pune ples That expression | troy issued by one Axprew Jackson, umguhile Tres Keetoa tte NodtiM cortary coeilotans ieee nt NE: epongh to do tay ideas justi Let) President of these United States and long esteem- dress Wa MS TOs : : hus retain first principal Tue people ot the United) ed as ope of the Patron Saints of Democracy. But were to devide whether tuey would have slavery people were not yet ready to go out of the Un- : juestow yon They were intent upon exbausting every Cominissioner. Mow dilerent the language | passed by the Legislature of Virgiuia in 17YS-¥ are or tot; aud au the meactime, if any a we would wait even to the ae | ; i [States are now in the posession and exercise ot[ this communication is already too long. must, pene ate | a ‘ HET Kaine AeSO th reward toslavers, whilein the territorial | effort consistent with honor before they would from that employed by Gov. Ellis in bis mes- ee ee cor the {tir original rights; wud hei deetane, however, be allowed to recommend the paper to Bettie. March. when ia the option of some s x Q . . ; i NN : ont stopping to investigate the merits or the | 5 ' x t abies = can ae aie eet condition, it was to ba referred to the Courts.’ give up the Union. When that was done, the | sage, and in his letter laving the letter of Mera aD ro eee et shin ale known and operates, we shall have a cure tor every | their considerate perusal, It was once received >’ s : atc a a ; vate, But in an evil hour Mr. Douglas had disturbed people woall be a unit If the attempt WAS Thompson, the Mississipp: Commissioner, LEGS ces seiner ra arti tljanianeler Oral Ccrit ler cc a) amon (2 El Deb. 47x, 479.) with high favor by the people of North Carolina ; e Se 0 ‘ reve ye tnaugurauio sue 4 \ ° ee : ‘ TOveT | Le yer: a aes z . i miloe {sor : 5 si ut the Senator would pre f ia oy + that compromise by the Kansas Nebraska ill, made te fore: theur ont before that time, civil | our Legislature! Gov, Mayoftin hopes that re) ia of ston Tappeal to the Constitution it-| Ayain, in the samme speech, Judge Wilson sad: }and [ thiok they will there find something like the eoln a 4 e, for the reason that he 4 ; / eal _ eee a oe ) HD lepiie inte aioe aie é at Failluscoeie Ievaneaee tees of Lincoln at that tine, tor ' and the repeal of the Missouri compromise line. wart rbt come, If blows were given. blows! dress inay be obtained i tue Union Gov. Elis! gait for an exposition of its uwn meaning, and de The State povernments make a t arya with | HOw ng language ; was elected by a ininority of the people. Tha ' f : i | pliant | licen Ie ; a . ‘ Claniind. ; ; fone another; that is the doctrme that endeavored | “The States severally have not retained their } " : , > In following Mr. Douglas, the doctrine of squat; would tive to be token, or bimseit, Re pelos to the “uo hope” party. — Standard. | mand, in the name of that sacred instrument, v Clay eye ae : | ae esas t bh ra iM wasarcasun Why his electiou should be tolerated, ‘ie | ee de enitnloreltc whiclale ' } peelite Bae We eeeiiq a irene Ua De canon um Uy) the gentlemen ia opposon— | entre sovereignty ; ithas been shown that, in be- ind put mpi R S een cnn ie aie cnn mty had been recownized and the used uo threats; but he tad mghts, ve | Gov. M. says: {chould. not hkeall other writiags, be allowed to 4} tint Stace covemigation well (y We weprecentod? | coming parts of a bation, not members of « legue, ’ os oo tong 1 king > ‘ eae Ma ie ee AN ie vat Sta 80 \ i“ sh to ‘ i , g ‘ ¥ and will keep ut the . age * , : - a ee bia South bad surrendered the myht to the protec intends | to maintain. Le had represented SIE vance ie ei of the Southern {for its It aud to tell us what : Wiha nw nee Nita tipiatine Pee esntiiga imeeser dhelConvedtan tees sient ieee ita serie Wecseclisl pect ee the discovery. Mr. Tuchan . f } had tou of slavery in the tert tories, Mr. Clingman’s generous constituency for some time in the Gen- eer eine nr nai aol cere SaGS cee rtain is ou ne ot a pole w i 2 ae end (ar lliee are those cliiveyed inite ayeuia lsGvenivatya (Thetncht!tollmake|\trentlen (declare ‘the proprietor ht by a ey a the people; the: - ae va apeech inthe Senate on the Sth and 9th of last eral Asscmbiy, but he was willing to retire and ; Ct Oee a eae tn nee sale a any t we of ins ae fe : te Fu | ital fee ty tigen seerins woilisive glia wad wenty year Jumbered on that tact four Vocus, at vad now 7 2 ; : . ry we. ° ve UY hope « ul j ment itsel & consu 1e Wort anid fron a : ) ) ; . es 2 s net vt slumbered on tha : Pane lint olitical grave ecoald bt : t © wiviad Van been Ot mi ane ie ‘ A free eee by am . Mas, was authority for this assertion: and the to lie down way tical grave if hb uld t ion. We yet look hopefully to assurances that |these sources of informatioa we draw our concli- | Aa thie subject has been often mentioned, and | yistive powers, were all of them functions of sover suddenly found out that being elects az often misunderstood, ittuay pot be improper tol eign power, The States, then, for all these impor- nority of the people was a reasou why a Dros 4 Mr. President, ! tant purposes, were no longer sovereign, The alle- : * a Induced me 0 pine nnental in saving the Union fact that Mr. Brown of Mississippt, could get but inst | a powerful re actionisoing onin the North. You! sions. The purpose which the writer or maker Hiake some farther notice of it ferent Carbartion od ve Southern Senators in Congress to vote for The Senator from Buncombe rephed to Mr : el ae ee ratince RACH GOTAT UL 1 ; vere 7 dent elect should not take lis seat. Helper three Southern Senators 1 i : h Hy He : k Titra ea ee ea rs (taller seek # reinedy in secession from the Union. We;! Hy n view any a a . \ i ees ue , kota government founded upon compact ; it 18 | grance of their citizens was transferred, wm the first BTC cd et had presented bis uitimatum to (heescuche ees hE pasion Haye eunagan onan ae ge eee cen ae ‘ feu t Jthat 1 wish (ie united aetiay Of the alate States, as ” me Wh a iunit a ee tanoughn to be ja keuat upon: tbe over of tha people They ex- instance, to the government of the United States ; cay Q he had: the South had been present to interpose and pass such laws as will atford & Uitepeeualorerosy My utegl. a 1, sembled in Convention within the Union, You: Cee eC Una S C pres inthe name and their authority—" We, the! they became American citizens, and owed obedience Bad bein IO eee al N " f al Ne t ten clave property in the territories that protection would subimt to Black hepuablican rule. I tell would actseparately ; weunitediy. If Alabama tale ey event af ee : ordain ani establish, & hii their rati- | to the constitution of the United States and to laws q ; the Not ‘or the last) ter : y | ould act se : 5 wlyi se rulesto the conatitution, we f ‘ . , F 5 | x mnie! ; : Ing uldmatums to th a a ‘lwhieh is given te other kinds of property” —— the Senator that I will submit to the laws aod and other slave States would meet us in Con HO aS i ie wo alone itis to take its constitutional authen- | made in conformity with the powers i vested in years. Men at the Sous Na) a alia proposition was made before the Charles the Coustituon of nif Country and to Abrasy oo \ a Na Je or elsewhere, as early POS UINGUIEY Gn as ea Ben i 5 : a Without that, 4 no more than drbularase | Congress. "THis LAS? POSITION HAS NOT BEEN, AND Ls 1 v : option, Sav a anti or else a, ly ine to a correet conclusion as to the part , compromines™, men it Cie Sana Thea) Gite tou Convention--was further ewtlence of the han Lincoln as lung as he administers the Gov.) 5 e } tI nary, | do vot doubt but ek : : ae H a a cael ee : f know very well all the conmon-place rant of lo qssorT eg periNeD. How, then, can that State be | 4p Sain t o OUMGUE : & s the tif ay « i ary, | do wot doubt vn vax ratified te ver on ‘ 1 up—could we complain! Ue Sac elon fact. ‘The passnge of the Kansas Nebras: oroment under them, and according to them eee ue aiawe \ ' Sa aati cae no weeny. MMe sovereumnes aud that goverment 1 foutd said to be sovereign and independent, ‘whose citi- raged us, bat there were faults on both sides fn as i ee ; 5 fe blecory tu fe Wien le estar thom lie shall be aupcuched we would agree in fey engl re ul ‘ SL eenae han. re ae sa a eaten ee, a original compact Lf that position was ex zens owe obedieuce to laws not made by it, and ’ q ’ uv my ostave € \ ° Aes wiafes ‘ ie ie pact oO sped vy : WHEL m0 al ’ one i cles RSE SUCROSE Ee ST COE : sasonable quarantess, by way of amendments pact entered inte ta Const ; freil ; fay eLULOdie via ailimelioeaurcain ee let our escutchiun be eutir yest yay ' ves, was heralded forth amid the rejoie: atthe bar of the Senate, if the Southern States feng ioe cae v Stu jo rstanisnep—not by the Slates, nor by Ue peop 80 wll is ae yee very well whose tagistrates are sworn to disregard those wi uld appeal to mauhind aganst the North COLONES aN ee a Nierentc tothe Constitution of tie United Stites, as would 1” eae, Seats aint Goin gr vite Uk. Cue Une mails of feo vovermnent Tt laws when they come in contiet with those passed oo le i ‘i nee ccreruensl. (Ue Of Checoutlient aciyecacy manuel uc iui aawi ll tlath en yarresen(alivas nein SLs Lies : ROisinandiat least’ ti approbation of our ou He the Ntates vesy : rely : t . get ied not nit Me Mie nee on a the «ysten | by another? [were there aay. t Peeune iia d been se at some Senators rey ae . ee F NE i sr © Tetcas a fague, ors apt \ een : : ‘ ; 7h € - See Ea Coates Glae clan lea Ghy with whick Mr. Ko acted was denounce: there ts an opposition majority 1 both branches Peer icucemrictl States, and by paving ell me ti Fl ee a ee laos Tb. 407, 408 tockinghain mecting?] What shows, couclusive- od the present state of albars . 5% slnst tha ad gs untrue to. (ie South becauseit, wou nat of Concress against him and conve him and Ce es sean eee a i s : hot Ieee us he Ss wee a : nee, Nour ye litictareeienno: belsidltolbaveltressrred in blow over: but that cabineta were z is , 7 : t ‘ ann ie aU shaun : yy whom it was oral and estabush 1 eo eee ¢ ee ' t | leg rejuice too. Who eise re) reed with the south> hang tim as ligh as Haran, If that cannot ple there, such reaction in puble opinion might! Goes it not say so? Tf ats framers intended it fora ‘T have already si. wn that thie <vatem is not a) 80 Oud led sovereignty, is, that they expressly dissolving, states distutcerating, and VOICADOeS | . Witham iL Se be done am! he juvades our rights, we will then : \ F ceded the right to punish treason—not treason pt ae Nallicsolwednbe were democracy? Why, it was Wallam @- be done and le tava ay j) take place as to secure our rights and save the jleague, or acompact, why did they puta le ii is eompact or contract the avatem itself tells you ane er i ee were beneath us. ae a ward and tis followers, Ilear what he sav8 in resort te the suered right of revolution T will ace aes: forehead 2? They were, inauy of thern, greatraas what itis) iis ar Jinance and establishinent of | 824 2 ee enamel ul ff 6 mf SNNISS, Dee fore, and volcanoes bal shook the eae ns Chicaya speech not skulk behind the doctrine of secession and —* i oo levee wearin tantiace: wluehitlin Initruinen as teas Une aUthe Cnc ch the unreduee yl ted ae ee 3 ol <e. on if states had vot dissolved before, Mr. Re was not the repeal of the deny the right of the government to coerce me Teena inte owatnliel porapainh toaneak: (ey wer: sinypss cel teny Olu tale tlelwmayk anys by Auli aioli, Peguatlts cei aa metas a i an tote iyo surprised that such was the case now, Ile be &Mr. Douglas in proposing the per ver of I wall take the alternative of conquering ur be ae felis fecturealonme The | of profound and varied learning, and the dilerence: [¢t¢ nol an unmeniing flourish The expressions | Power to pais at ah Missouri Compromise, shattered the power : attempting to deliver le “Detwen a league or compact anda Constitution was d ‘tare, in @ practical manner, the principle of this “ We think our fathers fools, so wise we gro lieved before the election that it would occur. Mr. Noman ing bung. These are my options Laake bo Wiig euateme cf labor a Cluton Dall, all the parties and disintegrated then known to all of them. That dite: sprain and Constutut Tt scrdained and establehed by the Qur sens, in future days, will Uunk us so. ; Il sey and others desired to dissolve the (uion : ne La os be tar la lamin y L ( . ee : Witness tha prosperity of the couu- ever rejoice] more over the birth of the first boast of pers nal Sia m cack ACe New York, on Monday evening, but the | padical, A league, a compact, is an aureei people themselves: a J Wi give our votes for + Vory respectfully, ae Marae th or i luring no decade | born than Tr jorced when | saw the folly and omy opimtons to the it “ . ae ‘ i trustees closed tie Hall against hit. — | contract. an aggresation of mruds, aggregate 9 toarer xt rvonstituents We. \ Citizen or Ricamonn Ooo . try duriug Lhe past (en years. ur ee } M Com- in the Senate Chamber have taken an val ) slmluy Lord Coke called, atid it ry as well te 1 Lond te onmelves, we aryy J , e ) ee Ineas of the repeal af the ssourt Com 10 t : v) - wa crowd aasern bled, wid Cal mm as laird Co a 1 ss oll LE. nineg the foundation of the Government bad there the malin AA : Kansas, [raised to support (he Constitution ofthe Ut tod States, (Quite a large croy | ‘ it § arr [oe abetwman: sos ieiien UG Bole : Ce } Rly | wre ae. 9 the reyeetion of 4 a Matos at a celebrity, was eRLCO me ; : - te on oe aE eae a eh ” ae Ca ei . i esong of Miram whea | and w thany adeas of right, Teannot do so I nee of Kansas celebrity, Tire Asticles of Contederation amd perpe tua tia Convention, Gov, Randolph, and Ricumonn, Jan. 1s.—A bill aathorig ya, hy Aele” nation t dunng the past ten a song of yoy the (he song ot : ‘| orailackunmon Ge lig7 Tike pallies Meet wracre tha Stat aeint Nes Tan alutue Nao aha ; tin ; Sevan hem ences of eee Mt ne BU Hl i { ns oe ae thenceforth the battle was ended! accord all the honor, couraye an 1 a isn to by I ' west a ates w Hainps! Ia etal a haps wilieras cy ing the Governor to issue Treasury notes yeara of happiness and prosperty Re ees ewan" Yor. tha senator from uncombe which he: desires, : musetts Bay, Rv Teneo Tia FT 0 that the wed systet Wast e a3 enone ficon takon place ten years ago all this woul 1'The battle is ended, and the victory won : oa to [cust anv imputavien upon hia mouves At Kochester, New York, on Friday night mus, Connecti pray Penn), ets Ree f : net exceoding in the aggregate a million sour ‘ race te + . 7 , vam. when nor do [ cast an pu n upon tl : , ie é et Re i ; 2 z pledae our net bave been lost to ue and our postenty: for itis Sewar 1 raised a song of jo Lei a . le : Civself in ablition demonstration wastorcibly prevented sylvauia, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, No meaty of ana al eng, der dollars, for the defence of the State, “ihey will 1Pe* \ ble that 9 evince cerns) citi ctonken (irnbital ti tron trandeals Viale ssOus | 3 1 SIA 3 S15 Shi ‘ cet eceohhecarta Viien meeting held nits na, South Carohita and Georgia, entered cit ate javeery directly thew the peopl YMy stents : j : le wen (ee aearoly poss ‘a ; cou a gee dt naialian ein nur alsysrilansat dau Lhiat her my L I ; i hearin the inseription, No eam or to the establishnent of the present torn 5 ee Sarena iia. a ticcecn ieee tla Lonse to-day eA ‘ . { solut: vast take place, ¢ aut « alte Le 0 ; Wat ow stenc avr he: ete ‘ : elias by this tim Tf dissolutton nin I ue rad BRA en ct | Buthow sava ler lod know ; t allowed to be hiument, was a leame between‘ aoverenn Stat Theiermotliacnniir ie earner: Ihe Minute Men here have up & pos ea hae ero why Wanten the eter —wly “run away from) ena” anil the demacrary. 1°98) (Anon cl vars but P shall ear: promiae with slavery,” was not allowe Sunni ne peice tolbrcon watnce | Lctinders ne aludiale i apencsbleran i tinarente! : : t aa ” . i 1 Scareel PEAT ISO LOW eS OLS z nde ‘ it tre ¢ ort ! . : ON leriinneail feof the moat intlammator racter : eat by dying”! Wo must all at some tine ie tt now 7 Scarcelg any " an Beara craneeed Wav Hogiee me: Any suspended across Jhattalo street The oe Adi Cron Ge aeons Craik Fee NO eee ima tor t moa vmate y cbarac Ce Sei iv’ suffer the pangs of dissolation © 1s that any rea: reverence to the Kansas “a sty has wlitrle attentive observe! wsciner events might have tes lad to interfer preventia gereral rot ear The cand States hereby severally et troductory step te: thea ow in dndcavie due\ermemler timnitienQniedintormenrce if i democrati: pa AS Ut . ‘ feel \ hon why we aAbauld cominit siiciade t arga portion of the democrat’ | nileende th + rs tlfeeanitih Cait n that T did ; ter inte a tiem league of trendstiup with ea: nee the Hovuse he ne esotyof the Trion that they w make a grand demonstra _ _ ( ren e come to th Uelareee. Bi} eve , ‘ fat t! is Nenators spoke ofa simple livisenoftheaountry ad right round, after having M 7 4 feenpiortad: \ollnnde everett and told the At Newark, New Jersey, on Friday eveniog, 4). Gomnnon defence, the security ot their ' md that the pire ede MESES SM ee Genin, Ut nt mated by several that , l ‘ ye rratact ave in the rritoras, eee ee . ms ‘ 4 a ack ed resolutions against) , aleayieae Loeneral we! | ve and i t f do 7 a P ‘ CEN NES Into two sechona. Washington, Jackson, Clay, power of nes ue (ya file Tanai tl pectic sia T Veheve |] the safety of the Conntey a Repablieoan meetit adopted ¢ Wior ag ariel thie ita velln ae, 1 ; : BN a : a - I F ye Geet terial be upon Fortress Mon , Roary p iose. iG ate 3 now threaten 0 Oe i 1 ) } nent 60: yoise, and avor of sustasnings the Con: ) selyvea to asses ’ Cr wen © fac A 5 . / Webster and all the tathers whe pimooa are and oo eee herr cone depended upon tho oleetion did hope that compromise, @ : vain hem. or anvot ther Uerantiniatalnilad Vconte plated the ratabhsh broe. —Cor. Petersburg bnyress. : not protected uch is. th ! YW Vani: snforoing the laws to, or attacks made nyon them, or anv em A {ely 11S OFF Upon record to guide ue throagh this dark and {slavery was not f a hae paid "betfor tinea were coming that thera would befentution an zg , i . | The Senator from Caawol as par bet le ' . eventful period did not thruk ao. They beheved | sistency ae FROM AN OCCASIUNAL CORRESPONDENT. MOV EMENTS OF THE PENNEY LV ANIg e LBGISLATURE IN FAVOR OF COMPRo: MISE, Mr. Bruner :—-The Convention Bill passed the Harnissvro, Jan, Flouse to-day by a vote of 86 to 26; and the Sen-) The republicans of the House, favorable to ate, by 37 to 9, The bills of the two Houses are repeal of the vbvoxious provisions in the penal The House bill calls for the election relative to the rendition of slaves, held a Caucus jo. day, when twenty-four were present, Ttisre that their vote, combined with the detnocratic y (ef" Mr. Douglas, in his late speech, Vorth Carolina’s interest in the Un- said, the real tssue before the people is sun.—Mr. Henry, of Bertie county, made | compromise or war, Mr. Seward, in bis a speech in the Legislature, on the 17th late speech aleo said, the springy would instant, from which we extract the fol- open upon a civil war on this side of the | lowing: | Atlantic. The tone of the speeches by! «Ina destruction of this Union, North-Carolina | has much to lose, and nothing to gan In the Janxcary 8th, 1861. by whose impartial hand the dogs of war may be held in lease till the final verdict of the people is Address, igiven. Surely God has not given us over to mad- % the Clergy and Laity of the hess, but the issue might sull be that they should | Christian Churehes of the Country ; theu be chained up forever, instead uf being now | let loose ton gommon mother. Aud fur- Dear Lrethren :-—-When evils so great impend Sane Re oG ee, sas over our beloted country, every citizen should do ther, we would humbly appeal to all Christians, of * his utmost to avert thein: and especially should Rarnea, N, O., Jan. 24th, 1861. Mr. Ramsay aid, in the Su owing report d the Senate “Mr. Barrin, iat Senators | not identical North and South, to exert every where the mo- : on the 28th of February, and the Senate bill on 2 derating influences opiate Lv the followers of the | : : ‘ $ “ oe ore ae ae Prince of Peace. It cannot but appear to the rea- black republicans in Congress mostly | Union she stands a free and independent people, the 21st The House bill permite the Couvention wil] carry the repeal of these obnoxious tewilhien f sending arn f ore “We han hare ie aia nan Bie but able mind most unsuitable, chat Christian men, look to war as the inevitable consequen- | bat out of it she must become a third or fourth de- ty alter the State Couftution— the Senate bl con- the House, A speech was :nade by Mr Artustro » arm the Stu a 1 re lore Pl i a ’ “i t & i a rene ; : atly to t ‘a ) wo ble attention to the Ne eer ere enon ace Haasan =< ces of secession All the yvreat futherg gree appendage to some of the more powerful i es it to federal alain, These differences will tepublican, in the Elouse to-day, favoring the ada! “Mr, Ramesa Pane a aoe : Sole tt it Ps : : i t frout of party movements, when all history tells us ~ : a 2 States. No large towns and cities to furnish sol ras ; és eandca i Pa Con. lon ot Mr. Ceittenden’s amendments to the a “Mr. Barrio « y pws ti z sat ypropriate tO 4) It ao + aul i i doubtle mw recoucied, ane » calling © yl ¥ p f ; fe imagle 6 Gad nee lay Raabe See eae eS AU fr ‘ ! % Oe a eee et the OPIB hers and raise money, her farming population must aS =a “ ‘ : } sutution. It produced a powertul effect, It me “Mr. Avery ™ Re acericoalPiy Tonal w iCLIdIVien REM ee ae ea tog, meLOLu ule nnn a, Urea bouy a1 Uc | arg ma } al f man. ion that war must follow disunion ag sure. bear the burthen of taxes, and fight the battles of vention muy be looked upon, hencelorth, as @ seC ie jist ellurt of the session in either House, pplymg Wo an ance ETH Bi oe ner fogetlie Grod has given the Chinstian members a | Relhe (ial / d ft their country Nelf-prese rvation is the first great. tled fact. Decause, m (withstanding the question ut E rl he Should ; < ons of the Bea S r “tu . : renee the mata y neh y roi ’ 3 : : re MOK Tw REPT i ; as ear aera aur eras Gre cat nae ereerlie nuns ike eM Me ee Ce natural er oltows the going down ofthe jay of uature, and will force thousands to leave Ue a Convention is xubuntted to the people, tamouuts RESOLUTIONS OF THE REPUBLICAN gpy Mr. kane ? 3 teh regu nd moderates the whole < a7 ¥ Ps ae gin vs Fre . etl ve : ; AO . eave es fe me rl i retracted ite allegiance to the Un: others are pny. nen eu eu ie es SALISBURY. NOC sun, .\nd yet the secessionists tell the lnad of their birth, and seek peace and rest ike the os teil ow far vote on. that reitamenamen le ATE OF NEW YORK. ch impr 4 "1 y to follow APea terrace cit ieeiets Caen Uimamouiee arene ae the oonimien body is the result id L try 4G. POM ior reromed| ce d they pilvram fathers of old. Sir, the people of North i he Governor ; ie ere : en a ~ Bs ae 7 ; nie _ ant ol imauy concurring lures, of which, if some people there will be no war, and they Carolia are quiet, peaceable, and happy. Her) Obtained, when we Gike into consideration the fact Aupany, Jan, 29 ng in his mes ; Kes th uc «We are midst of a re- ’ ; an ; . nt , f t . : . i ra oe ret : less : ei Ha MUrvUay (hele cue ee loo)slugiisiatishly (are always tou TUESDAY EVENING TR ., tell them this in the fuce of the fact that) schools and clutches are all flourishing, to the hon- that die delegates ate to be elected oo the same In the Senate to-day, Mr. Connolly . Ramsay vor LE YO eee aos MONET a ae) unpetuous. The Christian tay Waeretore sately con SDA ENING, JANUARY 29, 1801 : : 5 or and ylory of” God. Her fields aud work-shops| day — { rd “¢ dissolving the con-) (dl 4 series of resolutions setting forth that th ie Senator fr comphoations assume a more angry aspect aw tatal odo iar h duty will be best performed by acting every Southerp Statc, aud many of the ,o' sae y Cetin a cle day Cis true) uo) utdinance! dissowiniy tel tons| 6 oe Bticunaraisel Gomis ecneeis at the ey ays re a r yg all aes with trighttul ra- Sie ; ; Els . ; ; give employtnent and food to thousands of conten arbre aa ind intee ee i a > border States to sanctior pial | ar Ce i ae iy Be ‘ ae one a a with the moderate instead of the vebement. Gods STATE CONVENTION! Northoru States, are resounding with pre-e souls CE eae 1 as re 8 unconstitutional meusares of the secession Tohag hat Senator t Me a ee a OnLy (mae vam n Panter ple ar . if Pac fee ‘ a . . ) \ : have any force aud validity unul it shall have beew) ment the ack Dodoo aad to 1 a pee : de atill. expecting leas the PCORIE are the regulstors ul the soc wal mactune YAN TS .y 7 ‘yy parations tur war. The read tseue is com- With the blessings of God, aod the Union of the) base any F w acknowledgements of the people of ported to ha ; oy cn oy ae ms Eo } Ae mi sina einer Shall they forget this ino-) necessary and whole CANDIDATS TO BE NOMINATED! t dee UPD . It ThOnTiGON tal (ete us intl the de velopmi utot her various resour- sulutted to the people for raufeation or reyection York. That the refusal of Gov. Hicks. Ohlsen eport could bh iB e een ach s trol es am 2 ) 2 c £0 : . : Me E ! some fuacuon, and throw their whole mormentuin pes ar: CO ve North Carolina at no very distant period, will have vou that that question, | yeall a convention to promote the object of t 1 bad wo = freighted with the resounding crash of civil war, which may soon be re-echoed trou all other quar- The counsels of rulers seem to be turned into dis- appointment, and the lover of bis country knows not whither to look for retuge, except to God. Bat, in this extremity, a cheering voice reaches us from to hurry that moton which they should regulate? Mavs Meeting of Union Men, Theu nothing can be expected but that the machine ON SATURDAY OF FEBRUARY COURT will wreck itself with its own mad velocity, Let us then all study moderation of political senuments, | i : . of resentments, and of language. Let us keep a ing passed a Bill calliug a Convention watch before the door of our lips, lest some need- for the purpose of deciding the question leas word issue forth to, exasperate whats already The Legislature of North Carolina hav- then comes war; and the people had just as well begin to prepare for it. Set your houses in order, for the hour is coming ou the switt wings of ume. -- se The Vote in Alahima.—The popular offer inducements to. laborers, capital and intelli- xeuce unsurpassed by any of her sister Southern Her love of freedom, unsullicd integrity, and wisdom in council, demands as a boon ty pos- terity, that she should live to reach over into. an- In the name of homamty, I ask States, other generation why destroy this Umon, and with it the greatest but what assurance 4 will be submitted 4 [tis denied by many, who voted for the bill, that the Legislature has any myht lto restrict the Conveuton, They also deny that \ j the people are to be restaicted wheu they call their { ’ own Convention. Soime of the embers have said | secesmonists excites our profoundest admirati and that the country will ackuowledge him a Dati. otof the hishest order. That hberty will owa ee axa benetactor of the human race. Also ordered that a copy of the resolutions be sent tu Gov, Hicka, The resolutions were adopted—yeas 27, nay | pou the mot wand the Sen. understoud | as taking his uf I intended 9.’ Now, fe d no intent ; : : 4 . ; the great city of New York, in the turm of a Cbris- é a, whether North a sh : ' eerie Pie e(eeenta i vo . oe . : ance pene eon God in the South, and (28 8¥ety. Let us see to 1 tut we do wot itnitate a Carolina shall go out vote in Alabamn for delegates to the Cone. Ration on the fuse ot the cart? I ask members! that were they metibery of the Couvention, they) 1 N1ON MEETING AT TRENTON, NJ oudemn som ‘ Bonen nts ron teoie ol thal mat belowalimiile tues ae a share the guili of those who have pers of the Union, the Union men of Rowan i P 5 i to stop, to think of theirawfal responsibility to God | would disregard the oath, thats, refuse to take it | Taseronsies be $300,000 i. " ’ ce 4 Ve 3 s ses Jhiris t Piya . : yeuth s gas 2 be elles wet * , Dare RSS azee . 1, erable names amony the clergy of various Christan notes Pato teat atu ess (CL rans oN County are invited to assemble in Muss ecu OU EBEOO’ Whe) OF HIME TALE 8 and to milous of be nies) jouls’ whose ve ry exisi- Others 3855 thatif the Convention does not secede, | A great Union demonstrati | Lop my Or RN denon 1 . “ fy their mahyuant teelings, Let the Sabbath, with nee Cession, 24.445 kor co-operation, 38,. cuce hang, it may be, upon the ends of the tongues | they will disregard latectreecluterany:) B : on was held here to. 1 eXpresson ' enumiuauons, ; . its sacred cali, be reserved more jealously than ev- Meeting in Murphy's Hall, on Saturday > ok, : | a a, HL nieenienee) they will disregard its mandates, re m0 ute any how. | melt, at City Hall, Kesolations were adopted de. Peart oti en } A similar a peal is also seued by most revered ec for vopies truly divine, ia order that 1s recurring the Vth of Feb f t . 685! And yet the Con vention, in the . What farth will snel wen keep ? Will they be nice | ploring the state of tue country, and recommnendin un of the bi : and influential Christians, from Chicago, in the great ee ebruary, tor the purpose of : oss in-times of revoluuon? They say boldly, they) 4 4 means of settling the ditficultes, the adoptiog rterioe "de North West. The object of both ts to summon God's people to the rescue of ther country, aud to the blessed work of peace makers; to hokd out to Saucuues may aid i. tempering the excitement vi . i | the people. Me this is the wise ordinance of Hin VUNNating candidates to represent them | who “made the Sabbath on man,” that this week-/ in said Convention. jly breach ju the cuemeit ob) our secular cares, and tuce of this overwhelining vote, pat the ‘State out of the Union just as quick as it could be done. ‘khis shows low much A gentleman to a friend in Fayetteville, utters the following senti- writing want this Convention for 17 other pir pose than to | pass an ordinance of sécbssion. | | Look to your true and tred men, yet them rea- | by the people, of the Crittenden resolutions, Or sume other paciic inewsures, with such modifications s may be deemed necessary, They also recommend design” that d L explain ng on the G. - us the right hand of love and sympathy, across the |) mbering und elovefing contrast of heavenly | It is hoped the Union men of the Conn- 2 ments, which will commend themselves; dy, we may yet be gayed, | the Legislature in New Jersey to pass a law an- ive of argum chasm which threatens to divide our country; to! — : ~ - PecUna ees : respect the precipitators have for the peo: , ; ; thorizng a vote to be 2 ee templavon ht t the fl f hly ¢ lle his t « ne on by the oe eee gain eat tionalism | CoMtemplauons, might prevent the flow of earthly ty will come to this meeting by hundreds. to intelligent and unprejudiced men: ‘or conquer 'we must, ‘ 3 - People on the. Mr.. db con. give us their solemn assurances, that secuonalism | rt 5 ) W ied and tl I a Crittenden resoluuons. The rove of if 2 ‘ er 25th j[ Passions trom becoming morbid, and chafing the “Py uy g} ld b ‘ . ple. e tell them, and they ought to! : Our case itis just b Y approve of the coune aving made and fanaticism are not domimant at the north ; and é ivy should meet together often, in these . * 6 * Dissolution is no longer a question of of the Virgina Legislature ip i to pledge theuiselves to the noble work of breaking | soul into frenzy. Lg i ; knowlltathabeuchiviolcucertostho rete ; Saiiiermees nant And this be our motto ee ¥ i appotuting a commis the remarks © the risin wer, and restoring to us our rights in| It is usually found that wherever the excitements | perilous times, to take counsel together. | ) ” tn seuttncnt South Carolina has repudiated the point Tn God ia our trust.” yener tu zo to Washington, and recommend the ed, that Sen $ . 2! a { a | g - tf ‘i we 2 he Tee ur the Dale sae d © sulemn convictiot Ua the Cf Our wecidy debates am allowed to intrude iuto! Quine up, fellow Union men, and let us and interests of the people will beget, of hougr. and i ei me ee eines The Convention vill wuld not ] J witl a ae oe ie ee Bi ard t . Stat le on . pr iiaes owe Sea | , . . ae 106 oral we abe She has} ww Convention bill evuld not have passed with Soercion lutions » by , ‘ as the sanctuary, the pulpit and the Sabbath, a fever- ’ Ve ne eee cease . Sa arg Hen ot matenal wealth and prosperity he has | t I erciol besolu uaving been offered, and f the gocurn victory ae ee error can ye - | thchienurtmncimor pile nts italk together. |¥ iolence and disregard of rights ; and ere Jeonsulted ber own interests only; let North Caro-/out Union votes, Tris net fn ine to reflect on tuo-f red out of order by the chaingan, ate eae 7 oe a ‘ ae le he aurea Tne urgency of our Qouatry's dangers will be Many Usiox Men or Sauispury jthese men are prepared for it, will over: | ve oonsults te In her rec a 48 seltishoess 2 Use a sallon lu ith al oe pale | fee withdrew and oryanized another mee ting. uesUon pul | 9 nere, they lore the So 7 4 s a“ . ; s hesitated te sriflee 1c for her ueig voliey rather than rghit has brought the country to} For a tine there was quite fe \ pur apology tor ain seechin . . xs . vetact}y | Has not lesitated to sacrifice millions for her ueigh- | pottey rath a Ye e al exertet: PO prea pitale Lnesnuiptire ol tie Contederaton) be; thren. i Dee ee Ge ee Toi . UL Sah te cole bors: det her interests then and the interests of fits present: deplorable ondition: and will) unless! fortunate secession of shart of tne wae sk a a eed fore they are allowed t go behiud the heated or in- Teulada ali — cae Pen a Union Meetings. ‘natural that sach actions should beget. those who accept her guidance be forever ignored, | arrested, finish the work ofdesolavion The follows a row ig preven — terested partizans, who have misdirected puble pi ’ IME elinee tied U a : : [pees : fe eb = ork She wants free trade and cheap negroes, and hence | ing are the itamortal 1 Whe voted apaiust the ; opiuion, and make the appeal to the honest and is not barder than the nether mill-stone, will surely | ehave heard some Union men speaking against | evil fruits—it has been so ever since man \ . poueg , and hence | Ng i a Ares EXCITEMENT IN: BOSTON tons betweet sion, e appet « v hones d pa- | . : . 6 : . 4 ere Is 7 bh » the Senate her ow or f . vA : t N. trioue people. Every anera a die shat oa Jeouut the cost at such a time as this, and view de- the Union meetiags which the people are now hold ‘earned war sand it will come just as Te “4% trade. With her there is no good: but) bill ir a ee a 1 ee ch au : ver marked | concur in mecdne these fratee nal an i rr a id hiberately the termble results which may possibly ine in the Country. They seen to be afraid that 89reas human natare is the same in all Soe a Ge 1 Mh a Ie ; ei | a nee 1 ae ‘ " aan ch | oe January 21. sould have 5 2 . s eet ore Oe eet or provabl 3 ar Oanhi Gees oe wae ot Z : : ae ee to ping Let North Carolina then discard the chi g0V. Elis, Tam iatorued, calicd on some of the RCT TOT are 5 ves vances, tn the spintin which they are made. We le ns a peat: ae ae e these meetings are doing more harm than good, luges and in al climes. aang Soview of the question, and look at it as it re | Union men at their pooted this even to present ; eae i a ! ad ue aga cae ae a - know that we may bid our Northern brethren Grod | a oe ours 7 : Mr. C ‘ov - | ‘ ; Pe aac mal to pledpe tiuselt to protect the ant-slaver le) ep ) : T brethren Hohn iy ac hiy ae zi via rane, Gov, Ellis, and all the disunionists, take | oe own itnediate interests and prospecuy ~ congratulation wien ther Votes for the Conven : artnme fa qete te y ee epeediinitierr work intenaliol ucouiien Olis: wh ase avon and atrocities may appal the world / a wee lonists, take een “anc to. . ae PT | aOR ix Th - } ci any nt “ bea convenuon bext Thursday an order was introduce . that occas ans. We joyfully reciprocated their affectiomate The wisest hearts adnit the fear. Let each man thatview of it) But they do not desire a settle Ls The Children’s Friend” paid us eee ee UCC Up Oge SLT A aie E ; fn ene ee eee Fest iu the Senate thee afternoon to consider the ex. ) reflect upo : s i , fer ae BRES Chen place hunself now betore itis too late, in the met of tl jestion l eoabian eat | y Slay . loud she rencin with Tennessee, Kentucky and sas feeling lvrer dag | malls spreabitig, tharithey | i eney alia spetntiira Boston police by the 3 sry fog it, a aeree eg ood pea yg (rol tat toy amis be success rei threrneaibielororfol thatisetnel ial jfueab of the quesbousin dispute between the North a visiton Wednesday last. He came fory ytaviand. in the Union? World not the Grade of fever dit in ther live, Rotor says Snetinan chal (1 I a } 7 the State, Ha fulsa moderauny animoaties. and removing mise) oe CIE lOtrors of that fratnicidal war | and the Sout ty desire : : tee , ‘ t ee A ir { Phas move erates mach excitement sy such €Xp Sanaa “ Sepa el ele rem ‘ gum Ce niighbet Cree ary iediatentintey sees teria 2 q . ith: they a ire to break up the Union’ the purpose of lecturing ayainto the chil- Wilt aleulat ‘ d. and the har- te ps pene o-day and that the latter replied Onters were adopted in the House to mquire “lh Clusracte : ia Ne AEA) LIE Lhe el lds: lute ae {they are cheer South Carolina and the other se . sey aor t—-the best ¢ t ( xt south ¢ that he woukd twht@he toriaer a% soon as his ser i ‘ its Helds lately smiliug with snty, s ad by 2 : BN el Lake te other re r 5 | : : - th neler tree ore ; vat Lai y treat tavm to lose no tine ins work so urgeutly - nei ‘ a " dee y Seas rae jeeding States, aud openly declare that N. _ dren on the subject of Sabbath Schools, Ni we the cents of a vast conmmeree ¢ voce becanre of as uate service te the country as SEIIEE SUN ai) a alo wes 8) jury) ak lis onde PecdedhtOlallay i hunuscmnnreuen ec iera rane Ue aud the carnage of tellow-aiuzens, and brethren 2 States, and openly declare that North Caro. Ne “ } Uae personal oberty bill is amended as proposed, euploy Uectae 5 y DBS te APD e USI Os OLE COa ra gt aerkclne ‘ines sacke cer lneunrlitet y . but the weather being very inclement And woat would be the effect on the railroad were Parner ade a rood speech ia the Sen j ee ee a , ple. But now does it not become Gagne non Christianity, its cit sacked or de- lina vaght to go out tuo, But the Union men ot 5 , ies k Mt Also whether citizens of Massachusetts have been trad. but for ‘ wa ae ‘ dean ees x eacetul homes desu : ‘ cone Warat anid t ces of the State da harper ou speke ernmon spk A brethreu of the South, to co-operate in var sphere in ae ! rps piciealeener tare ce sa and a sae towan entertain very different views, and they concluded to postpone lis lectures to an- ‘ , ' ae Ve andl ) An \ Hwee Cdr). PPK S ea mange tung artis for rebels. e es ROMA Take displaced OY Herve anarchy, didet him ask bim- | PRMERMGL, ioe : oe pe tek COMM x ae Lona thse , Whether, as be stauds amidst ruin he will be have as vood a nght to their opinions as those who other time. Mir. Hunter tas been lec + ol t this tex wrout Years . INATIONAL CONVENTION TO BE PROPUS Mr Ramsa seeiaons ee enue a eee a ia lable tu take Heaven to witness that none of its | (fer with them have to theirs, They have never turing in thia State and Virevinia’ for We uy all oe | BO BY Th REPUBLICANS, nade had en: NSIOL “pu @, Ro OXY rauions of feel-! , ’ 5 ‘ inti 1 : ruil is on its skirts. Let each man remember that Yel eXperieneocd feather’s “elit of Gpnre ' ! ! au Resse = FROM AN OCCABION SL CORRESPONDENT } | : ’ ‘ ake the stat ing and language to confess, and n Neandesl tore BS. ba 3 Decl Seat Weight oF oppress.au vu i eos 7 ee F j i ; Sv Lovr, January 21 ss beg pean erence ons ae advances t {he must auswer at the judgment seat of Christ, for! frou this Government: but on the neon twelve months past, and, at the re quest: suet nti GOV BRAGG'S SPEECH, JAN 25, 1861 A -peeial dispatel: to the Republiear en An fron that } Routt . arian stay | his couduct as @ ciuze: agi tt iar ae e ee O°" of taany triends of the cause le advocates, & Ct of a ee ee sis PETES TIE tM Ua ty ) Sprnog- oh; : All Southern Christians would deplore an unne- meats Ne % ye nies - ae ee al ae See hell every (helm eurtathncimierthe beet Mostinii | ; ds of the cause he advocates, er oe fie a é Brae bayog heen ea'lgal home on ac: Shy ailimtlcnnurecnianiikclloee) heditarcted bably as b cessary rupture of the Federal beqavali- | Be Be A De aL OL reat em en erece nC Carat ent af has consented to continue in the same CR etc aoe, ek of the lines of cioeniber or his family, Was there and was in contecence with Lincotn. The ed to 6s by our heros os Sy a. al] (ue wives that suall be widowed, of all the chil- er) id freest Government on earth, Ta! : : : alread Ww Wath the induced by tie party fens to address the inembers riers : iat f ous work. and She Wineat yeh i atiier (dreu that shail be cous. cued to orphanage. and des. of all that is good, why then, destroy in?) Weed during Mag prosent year, Weknow Tonuesser toads 7 a Pthe South-west ot the beyinature aad overs onthe Commons Hall | eae aes aa Pa i : a ae tee es et 2 ne ss hy v a titan, uf all the uoary parents that shall be be castaway such a peail of great price, and t ite girls and boys, und our citizens Wo un hase to pis Ne to M sx abd hence tihis eveuig at four geek “Phe Governor com ' foe ue in deg pea Spare t was l Sutera agg the grrgs SER Or reenter nae) Sanaa inate 8 , ‘ sh OEE would be sent d rect ty Peatitor nf menerd by alluding ta the state of the eour y Pebevet thatthe Keputheans, with Lincoln's: sanc- the “Empire Republic” to ar ; eaved of their soug in wis quarrel, and of the then vo grappling Ir j F i Get 4 vuntry, and | . , , ae ; i Bees a ‘ eee penis ly au t havo nenurlnniaed 4lieaielvaun nel cer hile welts wen go grappling a ue in the dark, amidst the wenerally, will weve him a heurty wel- Lan perstmded by the present fei Ktion recognized atx eondition, remarking that he woald i 1 > ree belhbg a natoval convention and Nature 1 ieee eat pee : te Ce ew | waging the work uf mutual destruction, he shall be #reatest dangers, to search fora better one? The come whenever tie can make it conven of things the “ uy States and by the pra not allude to the cause of the present trouble. He | re scl anOlithe cll ht nm hne to Cab- ns of the A into the horrors a fre leat ee es | so [able to sppeal to the Searqa@r ef Hearts that none people of Rowan arc utterly opposed to such terri- ient tu visit us aga n. . Ve Ge VU Ord Gua eC DVes GC cra mma raul ae De Could ened sata “ms revlgUs apy Gaen Pee ne 7 ; ha : 5 eae folit was lis doing: dat ghery wit of this moan- ble folly, They Delewe itis easier, sater aud Letter, ° +e. J been cur iiinebiog supporters, that secession isnot! ed whe ae weal 2 Wis oy aad he bad less) Evol WO RIANA iM feces | copengean ana he t | tanvus aggregate of guilt belonzs to his adversa- ty seek a redress lor rievances in the U han} Full J eri . yo vily no remedy tor our polneal evils but that it iy wiacthe bad ro boys ibatany thing would be Nu. 22, aud vs see ee persor cl power nies and not to bimselt. that be had exhausted ev _— Se ee ances ee ul up the Pauks.—We have two vol | iuust become inore an Te an agyravation. Cons) oe. ue Leetara nt waa lie vatistac tary muthe PSST aos atte, he crisis, in i its enormous standin armies, its crushing taxation Heeunrerle taney maura aediexcried (tro eee of st: and Lonce they meet together in their unteer Companies in’ this place hich: ted-og for our mghts iu tie Union, we have hun ISouth. He alluded to tor veuemble Cittendenand | At ten nom ts pis thak to-day the rote aa : and, ultimately, its despotic amen: wasicove| y es ; | ' eee nin Ren ea an coc esIn me aheni ee : | pe 5 : place, which! | iia ardeiet eeCeotoandeat ie Nort, 1 pee effris Wo wave the Country 5 and bis feelmg trbate | af tie Ceidinar : Herat ceaercaanits a and othe ering the claims of Anie C ‘ yp | power to avoid it Tt, bretisren, vou can do this. it COUNOY Meetings and so declare themselves. They have been in a lanenishing condition for —-. de eg ee Sa SUG. evo the pairioianior have iblexu i f th SAE Ae AUN GSU seas a) wae de: iz claims of American nity an! Re m ; i ie * auyvnishing condition for Reaetirnrrte (fa me at ohh tet : ; 3 ey AS edoan of thein | care. ollGan= s ; uel ag been 4 pubhicanism with failure and disgrace be! th | will be well with you, uoweyer il it may be with | are vot untrue to their rights, and sensible meu, | fl \ = TI = 1 ' Sas ie aout ! f : Un thes! all,"’ was heartily applauded by the audience As ese OE sabe geen at hag JET Cts eee ere et ; hong aie “IN ae A _ hsome tim ssec. icre is scarely yotnends become passive or downryght aenve ene- . : sa ; world; as destroying our ral Weight and glo- : Be a van i eee ie : me — cas be Set eg Co ays bey do not desire, (*7N8 eee Saesiag cet aN wes T will ince to bope deh Me Ube A pote sre Laas Gn grees cuuld dovnotileg ihe alladed | Special dspant te the Charleston Courier Heston ry and thus our person P abrou) oa ee] ee se EDUC tat blespaline Grortallis mat yeu or do cuy cept by a Uiueterine menacing armour to donbt tliat civillwar willlapenis Sen CHEE ile ; ee » ON te the substation of Clark's reeclatien for those of ft onbes He a ere Soraled « appointing the hopes ot : lost Andif only his chaneb shall have grace given , = ese ae a sta inde iby the imbecile insclence Critteuden: tothe ¢ wideralion of those of the IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON ‘ But ihe nanoneiean 3 “ty ner equal to ber duty: if she can only mse above [Ue fo accomphsh what tay be better accomplish-) Ure Spring—it secins to us almost inevb ot ier Southern neylite coke potader avteratter they had ®een voted down “by the re- | w J ae Jw soluuons, i Sanne or : i Se ns fe the Vegan iasts of prejidioe, talae pride and mutual ed by a ment and by an appeal to furness jus table And if so, then we shuuld be pre: tie Nipiettia, wot net ton hersell nt fusalot six Soathera Se uators to votes” and to the! sstUNGTON January 20, ae ruptions and Gaus ie ae ms OS reerumiuations ; if abe stall steadily htt upthecalin, ace and truth, But tor the Cun people in the pared for z merecnc el: . mo. the diseretion and the divuity of fact that the preseut propomtion to refer those resobu Ve affidavet trae been taker before Judge Taney acne Sue i Baye an loving and potential voice of Gods Law, apeabiog: Sout a settlement with + ae eee pared for any etuergency that may arise. y. Lasdleontuue te bope that at dea bons toa direct vote Herren ime fhiean war ceieeliareanientccacin amiltial <enalorsmendl vlimillee, 4 Of the rmissranary Geandircactic sadn ini peace to the turnults of the people, and even to the || Toco ieerankssof oun oupanies should be oo! North Carolina will be the last to intel ee was iain coy ne tables oC Onyre sa Representatives at the seceding States. Tt includes nico and Pa ! eu ae a Riek a yl UPd ECU Omen Ie the bands of Christian Love /UY 29 appeal to arms, would be impossible Perens ae Retiree i Heave and that she will keep back, and endea-, The ee then pornted oot the reason why! the Senatenal apd blouse Deleyation from south eocnede tie ] far eha nani: é nici re HW Se ae are now made stroug, to kuifayain the bands whiet: The Caton men of the Scuth are the only conserve jo Cr CEO Laie wtekeepotcem back tom the plange auto that ay A a eo dope by ; ongrtess, and traced ito Car hiia. Senator Dav aud Brown: ex-Secrete- ‘ : eae Pee UCM anciy and aelie : ae Poms willetors Ul thea ‘ re Country Sut for them, every otier necessary preparatio ade falt ol Woes uokuown wud iterate RON LORA ECU Sie eo a Oda Ul os cen ieee t aa mi Sipe aaa) UAT wie s Deeb ena acs atulity of a resi he t - on oo Bae a af andl their 7 is pene ny A 1 ae : i ee al a ‘ wes Le ody of extreme inen Nerthin Cougres= ) and aliu ; = ‘ ea i ei 1 4 Tine sae 1 for the wd iW eimnelle dtu it by « See oe ee BUNS Cohen ord andh see Barts Or arin’ »Mhe Cnion men of the + sdiate eel ahi ) . eee ‘ded, approvingly, to the fe a ihtinee . , , Pet MChad Ol Mieasippy § « nexor hart as i uw oe ( armomte ane | how blessed to bis creatur Fellow-Cbristians. | North could not stand for a moment. They would Oe DREN SU ZL er wr Nateomal Trouhd Why dea 4 i‘ , : a 7 ' . ‘ ie hw . . ein : Dereuat aa iI aud) Mixers: Taylor Davd- Ses re xorle ter re heart of itistan, por : a . . i ' ' 3 al 7 Wes y deavoring to wiaod ia breakwater between the ex- ) ee 3a Ch 411, flecus arse as one man, an. accompli it. And fall before the extremists of that section, and a civil should, without delay, second the cfforts : ‘ ; Neco RMicumibaiaan tedine week on spe Landenm ana all the members wid to prea D anses then exist? We would dietiner. | 21%) (at is peacefal riaory may be won: wel Wr Would be inevitable as, indeed, itscemsto be al of these companies by contribution of , ; cea , flr alluded to the proposition of Virginia that all) {f the late Georgia mn cexeept: Mr. HN; a reconst So : j sh Hel TP would repeat the call to praver, -' God is our Re- | ree It is then, to save our Country from hor “ : ty Jane Te HOON TEU t Ne States should seed delegaien io Washington (0 Abevaing Dolegacon except Mr Cobb: Sens. r= there + a ee a Gv us 80 tooe and Strength, a very. peasant Help in trou to preserve our independence and secure the Money and other aids, to put them on a: \ Ci eat WR ge that the (OF Wogtali and Ropoeseutatire Reagan of Texas Hest L ithern States ort I uy eth, 4 pi i : : a y alc “ee ubothe : , volved, Vash jie” Let us cununue, daily betore the throne of coutinued prosperity of all our interests, that die footing for instant action . Ce ese , Me fer eth a dture should wiheat delay appant comms. Seller Lane, od Qrevon Senatom Hnoter and : tt eee 1 the “| the heavenly grace, those bunihations and entres-| Union meetings are held: and with these motive ve. . : 3 : i Feet, Muneree “Phat was the opeaiig deer to reconeha. Mason aodea Cox Wis ot Virginia Represen- le is, Uh cat ; 7 ava {ties to which we were calkd by our venerable | for action, We Coen men will struggle while there WS Sautierie Aelia ey Te" Thi ; aan oh al : ul ton, We hoped all or mone ofthe states woud be tare Poven, ob Norcia, aud ex Seon tary Floyd, NiGAus ae au ; i t i perty up n, | Chief Mavnstrate, unul God tave merey upon ua, 118 hope. NMuthern Leela au remule This onan é i ere Pe preeenbes Prat proportion jemed to peace Veni & ch we x tharos cae ee a i Bede) and the sword, which is stetched out over the! ++ jis the nate of an exceient paper pub- | ia oe wine ae "a a ee wx the Dre 1 Teehanan Gon Scott Gen Gusa, and iste pa ty hat uses do exist, and fo ; ae : re ule Ses wlen nly hope forthe Una © honke he propom: Secretar 5 eos t Jand, is withdrawn, And we will t j ) = 8 Vv Q ati} i ’ ; - i ep weretares Pack and Eloit have been suimmoned to " however lamentable Must be met Rorniwh ; d, ue ae Pi Ue , Look out.—It is very probable that jjjed at Aiteustas Gacy Jiastis Galuniie 12 Leeeoiaventnii crimination a wu tohold A couvention in uit State nea peace appear as wr: fie NI Mohuaron ton . ed sd and petweiih hae Sa pee ; our sery s, for Curis ake, thes . ‘ 7 . . aaah . ge ; esmere fer Proseentio: eh Mapudier dee 1 and yet w a the resolution of freemen, Bat ’ oe anne feome sort of a Convention bill will pass proprictor, Its naine indicates its cha a ua. weasare. He urged unced actin hete and depre RUE ati nsctin eotes mit arming south arcs ae on the other hand, we cord.ally appreciaue the bor Pastor ist Presbyt huh e Wilariag Cdl . . . 4 ‘ Par gtr assion, break ther party tes and act the cated divisrou in all ihe South, The south 5 onl ‘ we Sales a Di Bite lt estas terian “huh: Wilmington, N.C. our Legislature, and the election will b ‘ ) wth ne be dna ant ole: States of the Uno, bave conspired ' vrable sincerity of the reverend Brethieu of t | 3.1. PRICHARD, 0 gls ’ © racter. It is a large and beantiful 8 page partotstiesmen and pateots Tt is to be feared auited to prevent war He spoke iepetuiiy b a gd ay Ss le J nd Brethren of th ;: ae ae arg o age hey petuily BOC met at the Comat eave 3 , ¢ lemane North. assure us that in their opin: Pastor Ist Bene * sy iteinieton) Ne cy brought on as soon as possible, in order paper 7 ris —@2 in advance. Weekly.” At tutds at thems can agree « 10 atuend confidently of @ reac cen oy the tounds ot the North Se ee ve : e ee i vernme rt x pur Deru stioni 3 ultimate resort dus Pastor Front at.M. F church, Wilmington, N.C to nrevent th core fae ihacio G a é a J: Ww LT cotupose our t ero people as distingu.sbed from the poliicians, and amd ba me ewntted treason and other igh Reso ii pease al MoM MCQUEEN. {toy © people | g tine cL NEMOU WI? ere Cerin Oran ever ten yale: caigtiiatanal ain: , expremed a bevef thatthe North would heetate « tect the peace and weltare of the said ved, eee Pastor “al Presbyterian thurch, Wilminguon, NC= to coliberate and reflect: Sut let the| Inabl k "i i lel ake Maan a decimod a Naas enn long time before it would resort te war wih wou. | Ett States ; sespotism of | Beaiar Res lanharen Muarchy Wiletostoa SEC ven laertiiialniealinnbatihimnbnand heres VAINA DLE WOT EPO UL Cuat eA EN St At rare we nnan the people now alive te the Gd South. He did vot recommend or dewuade the | The Re pullean Senators held a cancus this eve- ment, we th ‘ Annona tag uy | Wh whowe names are undersignes, coinctde in the general | ta : y ’ e We lelieve it is the best of the class in er wonld send wire and diecrect tuen nor EPgisture Gn relation to semdiug commusioners te) DIN. apd resolved to accept the withdrawal of the Resolved, ae ! UNE “| eentiments of the above addrete, and seeond ite recomurnda pecially careful to select the best conser- € : It) i jp eltictane by trade, Tnsncha Convention a wett Montgomery, Alabanis, ou che dthof Pebroary yf but) ten «aed ng Senatees as an actasl resignation. — fue era : Sel ae cee A he Country, yas been enlarged an Mey ea Me SOU Bae mw eeienlnn thm heart teenies Tr pee Wein é Cn fee ntial election, vast with THOS. ATKINSON, vative men as delevates to that Oonven- : aus nent would be quickly made ou whieh all could ree Ream Ue Aras aE Way einen iomos terol ryolution it s é ¢ ee 5 a ? wroyeet he hoped but wtle from it, but expressed at | - 1 mantiness in favor of oar right Bishop of the Inovese of North Carolina, ee otherwise improved. Monthly. safely and honorably stand. Thisisaremedy which | j a Wasnrvcroy, Jan. 25-9 15, p.m wey will a eae ae maa JA WAINRIGHT, tion. There will be, no donbt, papers : : ‘ rearribeel Whe ane veg iva the same Unie a conidenee, based upon knowledge. | Lae : vay wil ye ce a q wench ha ’ Reeeotet Rete HER Ger rity aa : handed { | . , : LETTER FR ae ‘ , : w ancestor " vy not try thatthe seceding States, except South Carohea,) Tue Prestent received Mr Tyler courteoosly constitutions he sentimeut there , s He anded are ‘ ‘ at 5 . rotlat ether there is ¢ State whic mae ' ! r 7 he i fe Lopes tnd Dencon Be Fania anes ye Pauded around soliciting sizcatn res, in HEE ROME ORG TAS i wit i iy : ay an = h Hot would return tothe Uvoa af proper guarantees were ud spoke very favorably of the Virgina what we, of ae wewslators Kk. B. DRANE, Iv ronoiurtic i ml re ' : e He ESIETE NCHS to aeeede to 1 wo meeuered “Our condvmn” said Gov Bo will be fi oa ny ten wittenemnt of > politic bles » cone ; and fo at oteath and right Rector St, Jaiaes’ Parish, Wilmington, N.C.4 iting particular men to be candidates ; A friend in Georgia, w mong tons mn. joo nos pending Cefore both branches of our betterin the Canon than outfit, if Bape! Me 1g) hee = } i . es oe ne ihond pices: : at abe ret THOS MURPHY, ee : 4 Papi . a tie a , ‘ J ich was submitted b ¥ yeni h ae eee P Nour can we permit this] Pastor of St. Thomas’ (hurch, Wilmington, N. C fund theu will be the tine, a8 also at the der date of the 15th Jannary » instant, wee Ne Coe ee ee aed cee 4 ee wer ieee ‘ rope to be ext pertingcity of the |} JW.) WITEELER, vols, for every man to eo vel . hyo it not “1? Beeanse the leader e alluded to the pulley of the incoming adminw ~er develop ; 4 ae | i ; L . olls, fe : ‘ nsider well A s save— ) £ n oe ee : i leaders uh tat ean ae Pastor Fifth st. M.E. Church, Wilmington, N.C. . z d | speaking of disuuion, says tajerity dort wantanaticahbeaderment, They tration ax far aa he conld gather, and alew to that of Avvany, N. Y., Jan. 18.—The com- » provided ; rights, when ther ¢ nay be sofully expla}, ; a. ee ¢ in doing before he acts. ; “Lam glid the old revelutouary woldiera are all Want a Chey openly avew, to break ec the Bouthern Confearraey ; and saw no chance to mittee on Federal Relations in the As Kesolved, } ed by the pers was ofiormer pouiwai) WILL N. C. BE REPRESENTED? {Sinee this was written the Lill dias gone. Et would be a aad diy tor them. ‘Their toil ton with the tree States: —and the apy nie vod war A uuited South might prevent it The) 2) I . conan aberpatli r collisions, by their at eX Pectation that t =| . , ssc] and suf-rng all gone for naught, or for but a few ol dissolving the Vioniga state Convention ta cone Proposed Convention a) Washington eity might, and sembly bave Teported resolutions mm Ta - ft Pp hb 7 imprudent haste of soine part of tue i atl Pie appointment of five distingnished | [8ss~! brief years of prowperity. We could have stood this. Siler ot ed Relations, No such Convertian i {fall fatled, North Carctina mast go with the Soath-| Vor of the Union, denying the right of era ; ple would cotuprom justice Ol tlh ventlemens by thence ture at Nari \ on oe. ay ae ) political shock better any coe a The drouth,’ sith by the Constitution or was ever called a on i end ' fa 4 ' secession, and giving the whole power of Wa. F.( - Se ne : tnas detferson, in his first Inaugural Ad- last year, wae so severe that we have no provisions. or any otter pagnose i P or, ” a idetitiy does put look upon dissolu- oes . u. F. unscionsness tat Tay as Comtuissioners to proceed to Wash-!) : niet abacay PY Ae upset LACIE Toit aaa blewstig lela parton yth war ae atm the State to suppress it; desiring to avoid tore the mation, and by their { the peaceful tnur { be the final downfall of their « al rigtit’ Would { consut Osh ambien Dipeton Cityson the 4:0 February, to meet of Mareh 4th, (801, thus laid down one nal principles of Democracy ani! we can't eat cotton,) to that we are forced to depend upon the North and North-west for bread Will tie cotton States ever learn sense, and raise It would have no Constimtional power to ask Cou gresscto send Delegates to a National Convention inevitable in that eveni(—thioke it better to remain inthe Union if we can get our rights than go out of civil war; expressing readiness to meet sister States in a spirit of conciliation and Weran cage bel | Enea ithe Comoissioners a tay be appointed | wy psoneT ACQUIBSCENCE IN THE DE meeaany Cons tien in ; 3 i un musiderd : Spe ¥ | ABSOL AC uNCE [2 2 DE 5 bread Ht leaeccucion]® owe oan J Ly Uuing else Uwould be a revoluton-it—tooks to exhausting all efforte f F . . . \ ) may protpt them to deny us justice, and yet tar, 2Y Ole States, and éonfer with them for |CISIONS OF THE MAJORITY THE VITAL ee Petar re ee eer ee an ary Assembly and every Union man, every: lover dianinent tei eaten nares pr Ayers remove all canses of complaint ; willing: VOICE k he ne nst.uents would be more just to us than these | Hie purpose of cffeetne, possible, some | PRINCIPLE OF REPUBLICS—FROM WHICH though nov the ending of the drama.” eiaw and oder, onwlitin ne manuer to counten prot confident that we will be successful He appear. NE8® 10 divide the territory, with proper Mr Entra ie 1 oe ) epresent t a Moreover, it secs) rat infactory settlement of existing ditticui- ae aREcre ae on Vane the ean of auch a Conse tot Jedto Pirie the iden of breehing upiorder tore. restrictions after the manner of the Mis- vee onal diferences. so long and so kuenly contested.) ties, ip the test ractica! PAL PRINCIPLE A? MMEDIATE PA-{ | constraen e looks upou reconstruction as very doubt y is 1 . By 4 cw iovement to- |, ‘ ‘ ve eh r Dod see ydoubt’ gour! Compromise. . had not produced many misconceptions on Beth ) RENT OF DESPOTISM | LOOK AT IT! [ful—but impossble in the event of civil w But | ost unani : J eptions 4 Waris tho atth : 7 oR ‘ So i srt tie en " of civil war ulin oe aides, we slould have be nore or less than rast 1 oe one nett SURE ie april {Aud yet gentlemen who said last September that | segsionise in Riclinond, V atte | MI. ELEMING. [GarercCarecanatrachinl lareit:tavonofexcitnp ther | ° ee - ' gnevan tan, and our purty distury would be diferent trom | 4 ile object, which has yet been made.— daa f)reak up the Union, on account f'! po eccore on sala aYian aD This gentlemar tinthe T i Fagland States, He was parucularly severe upon | Hire it was Received.—The Natches \" a muster that of all other free nations At aaiion ae There haa be mn ki nl d i , ’ , wot break it nion, On ace of i (irene : VW Vee an us gentleman came ontin 1e 0g 18- the puritan blood and remarked that th Ne ’ ‘ - . ‘ us May not patience | > hi cn speaking and manepu- J yeutn’s election, now say they will break itupon to the Charleston aereury in regard to ; : ateven the New) (Mias.) Courier of the 11th instant, thas ita F and isenons discosdion, in the ireselice of interests] Verio. enough alread. tc ae eA a ee : y te 8 . ‘lature, a few days ago, and declared bim- FENCINnt Gmeeteerniuprn nati mesi er meee aD cister grout so solemn and tremendous, dissipate those niscon.| % enongh aleady, to show the ut. that account. They may be Mexican. or Miranon the prospect of Virginia's going out of if a : = chow to behave theimaelves.” He wound up by urg-, peaks of the reception in that city of the present, t Dna Ts 7 ee ‘seon-| ter hopelessness of anything from Con- of Juarez Democrats, but they are not true follow , oT} self iy favor of IMMEDIATE SECESSION. LH | ing prompt action on the part f North Caroli 5 eee oeeeeieees erptions? Is there not etill grotind to Lope that, if aein De AU Ne eee ala wien tane) the Union saya: *¢The only thing that). . OR Pe part of North Carolina. “news of the secession of Mississippi from ther Bts We Southern people would carefully avoid compli- [Krers, and it is time that the Legislatares ("50 rien Mags Standard, , ] ite tl x! le South Ba Ve alien asiite (Comventian for | eons Laie ane Cun “ni , pal livers cating their righteous cause, by any undue haste, or | Of the States that have'nat seceded, should) They may be true swadlowers of Col. CAD Save Us, and unite Te whee South, |) ecpress prerpose to put the St ite ont of - ae aes mr er enies ee deen Tne nea i # : \ Lat ; J B hn 2 Ly, ' s : | c « SL > ole, ° re: leer : Maun thee hy nfangins upon existing laws, or even prejudices, do something to avent the calamity that UGhlemnsteccession whiskey We have (‘Me capture of Fort Sumter before the| eee ee erie ie eae ee Fe al The Secession Ordinance wan reveived yenter ees ‘ - 46 ae S e Orel - . = ere - aiid ee ont ae day with almost unanimous disapproval and ges 1 * tore than the absolute n u- ¢ lence require ; z : ; if the sea were cared back ad re emintterd: party tu the body of tie taens, disencuibere of all other States, and which have aeted, have, inne wverhanys the conmry, The Conventions one 3 heard of liquor being so bad as to make Which have been called jn the Southern an honest nan steal, and if that be true end of this month, This will bring all Virginia to arma, and the Tsorder States: will follow her.” * * * “Therefore, as Mr. Fleming is not representing the will of his constituents. The people of ish the speech much. [tC amacked of the “watch and wait’ poltey a litle two strong for them. T moat cay that although FE diffet in several particulars very essenually with the Gavernor, yet 1 was better pleas- condemnation, © TLasty,” “ ill judged,” “wrong,” were the terms yenerally applied to it, Our citizens, generally, felt that the Convention bad timedjat questions. of ae oar : Vee ae Tretorn a , it is net unreasonable tl , change ot Balt and of pave weal Instance, made any attempt to remedy ; 5 : sonable there should be ticinaey| lenlurarlitoeceledtet a neta Rowan are decidedly opposed to putting ed than T feared 1 would te seh inne Wobtinedenothi which were recently mixed wath the Noih ex sing evils, but have miade immediate some bad enough to make men forget!" } : ie a UW NortheGarol @ fthe Uni Veeder ~~ ee ee ee were asked whether she would yield tous a geter secension the bosivece Cie on) vise prompt action :” North Carona out of the Union, and he The Free Trader yesterday announced that im T pritiary cir pledges made to the people on the Mas and (inc: rat a Beatie : a , : will find it s0, when they come to the ° The Legialfure has appomnted the following gen tal rie i ae ‘ oF pe f , ee j ste “CERR seat : 2 : : Rimes the future punctually olserv, Vintae a, Winvement t Voirgioia, ia a pleasiny evi etuinp. Vis whole system of secession is set 1 g Nemen to thie Convention, to wit: Jndge Ruffin, i furoe us ty ananwilliny. necesary cet Genes of the desire of the people of that ros ou tire of hell. The people have been poils. ays Morehead, Geo. Davis, Gov. Reid and DM lof ( Nee , ; , : ; aur | Harring. defon : onts: te the mon tle aiswen wool, Lol tibetaatry an honorable adjustment of Who are Responsible If this Government igde- wickedly wrought up to countenancin ml = es fe F nl rey which woul restore peace ty an anxivus coun- difficulties jérsé, and allow the result of atroyel one national name blotted out; our hap Meer arora Canta eaten fal By 34 The second immnber of the Carolina Flag, Gy eal ou remem En ere CT Meee IA te . ‘ ‘ re thing sxcifemen ase NO > ; : oe i yy Ae ‘ , om, and John nidgera en ey oe jtherr etfort to guide the action of the Con- puess aud prosperity ruined forever, the respousi- i i PAE published at Concord, NOC. by J. W. Gorman, has : Z v ( yimhdy urge upon vou, dear bret), ne t ' ‘ aan ee : crete een Pee ee a sie VOICNUILATLER unite: mer an entenicr etna ite Tercera) ac rumors, and on Caves manufactared fOr een receteed. Tt is swell getup. and will donht- i : 7 the express purpose--provoking them to Eirtraordinary Weather.—We had an enter rere niiad eh a ip Good, and die especially sand ol I te that we | ne more opportunity to a Lieve our r peace for us by the w Apous of arguine eparable step as long ax there Wike men te Washinton. We arg anxious that North woling ae le twnen who are cutivating ug te ive ther should be represented at that Conterence. gi. 1 They commenced and have carned forward Vook of destruction They are the Secession. tury, and driving them into secession fer pee potent for oe and will be joy © reconedable Southern Confederacy men without allowing time for reflection Now, | ra es ao : . i veard with respec eer eae de Gimemnemircrumeraul tite inet Goverument the sun, it geems, the peuple of Virginia require. We supyast a spark of hope ? ever shote upon 6 : . } ; i t . And to our br ofthe North and South alge. tue uainas of Judge Rutto, Hon W. A One of thar anencin former tinea, looking at a heavy dose of excitement to bring them ; wwe would say Vat ott ete cee Graham, Pon. Jesse Gr. Shepherd, and Fore h otal ff reason and enm- UP [9 secession, and Fort Sumter must A lay dot oeve {Ie Iwi Pearle at coe : ‘ a - 6 ° ] oo Bisa Hon. F ae G. Reade, That comme jin e : ewods of trith and be captured at the cost of many lives in jing weressity. be Y Glen 4 ‘et wy " tee . \ Clann k : \ De aD PUOT Meg Tne We copy tem the addess of Mr order to supply the needed stimulous! eee emer Apts ot Petiinos ten tipaect alrcalrscag sees ; , ae A : . ul ain Ww ‘i ' ae . 7 I Boy ( reople of that State Do men think that God’s eyes are closed wore a true Lying park ot on ae soni, Ple ol Wie State, Nertieret thesis ai tin S / . ot be better ta wa bat uncerta coe Legislature, and ali nase cocuied bic pC iee ne een ee rau Ul exuroceauiihoratlintal lanwallatiou eee neni i e } r deus -ts pe remedy Tt is no redrees for the part, it , iu : al iu f ‘ . ' wo ldees Wil. Herald mune security forthe future Ttieonly a magoifieant avenge niesys and alterwards be haunted pera hy Poe parr f the present, without in any wise gaining set dagcowery that we tad precpeiated (ae , tthe fuiure Such ie the intenaty of my eonvie MUNICIVAL ELECTION without act eeesaaty Wed ae) Praying th I yer Mr. Rhett, in tha con on the subject, that if <eceaston ahould take = : si e measures truly necessary { j © South Carolina Senate. on Eriday. ade place sof whieh Thave no idea, for Leannot believe There is a Municipal Election here to lelayed a suugle day. but we would respect ete . , _ thanch eterespoue mapsves—/ shall conaider the , i Mani a oe ‘ fvitraly shal iiwoon bend, : Pd yecg, (tutte Pia trex eumunuyatniS tate ini ssn) lelarergine dormed andiihetine Cres! fe tas Ee NC aed al (aire Christian citizens, to serk the ¢ ’ o jo the coming year were estimated at (Wo God. in our bimdness, has made os the instruments Mmisaioners, and the former Intendant, neasures as would cut af or enibatiass the 4 (oti bots aud the tet resources of the ef tus destruction John I. Shaver, ix the only ticket ont—a from the rulers to the pou une North oa ald Stat i : : a } : ; the peg uw North, a uid State amounted toonly one ainillion five Suc Mr Boyce bax bowed « 2 p mune lyaeniiica x ee eye wnt Bat Mr. Royer bax bowed to the storm: he 1s) numerous Opposition not chosing to bring Tene Du Uy <i! hondred and fifty-five thonsand dollare. aow helping his people to work out the “eupen , ' noes, and, above all, such measures as would set out aticket. Woe learn that considerabie 00 fire the destroying passions of civil war. Tt be omes iis even while we prepare for the worst, to look | Were not diligently on all wdes t meatiating utopire y They must look oat, he said, that they | dows madiess” of secession, aud to extemponze @ ‘ . i bankrnpt before the end of the, nator out of Routh Carolina’ Blood and carnage, activity was used ip getting roters to the ear. So says the Washington Sfzr is tae only remedy we fear for sah made , polls less supply a want felt by the people of the town Price 2 extraordinary sleet, snow, &c., last week. ooo ‘The trees were 8o heavily laden with ice THE TROTH IN A FEW Words, The Now York 7Terald, closes an article on and county on Thursday as to break down many of them. Our shade trees were a good deal | the crisis in the following words, which aro true, | damaged. and directly to the point : ® of? . | Ce?" To alluding to a visit to Lineoln ton last week, the Editor of the Char- lotte Democrat says: The Wil, Char., & Ruth., Railroad now completed to withir 7 miles of Lin colnton, and when finished to that town, the citizens expect an iucrease of business of all kinds From the head of the Railroad 4 horse coaches run to Lirfeolntoy, The proprie- tor, Mr. Sutherland, exerte himself to af. ford safe and comfortable accommoda- fiona. He contemplates running the fine coaches West by the time the summer travel “The power and the responsibility belong to Phey can inake peace Both how under their eon the republican party Phey can restore the Union houses of Cougress are practically : trol, They have ouly to abandon a paltry party abstraction or two, and the good work is done The Crittenden compromise will open the way to peace and reunion, if submitted at once to the people. Tn default of some such measure of encouragement to Southern Uuion men they will be borne down by the disunion pressure, which is upon them even in the border slave States, and the only cbowe to the incoming ad ministration may thus be a disastrous civil war to all concerned, of au extra seasion of ( ougress to provide for the recognition of ap independent Southern confederacy.” commences. An easy and pleas- ant ronte to the mountains will thue be afforded honor of the event bells would be rang, cannoo fired, and an illumination would oecur, with tire works. To the credit of the city we men- ton that none of those things took place. Sad- ness and gloom, instead of rejoicing, marked both day and night. The same paper contains also the fol- lowing: We have lived to hear guns fired in honor of jan attempted dissolution of the American Un- ion, Thank God, we had tears to shed; tears of bitter grief and of indignant reproach— alike against the fanaticism of the North, which bee ‘given the excuse or apology for the act, and against the wild madness of partisans at the South, who, ever hating the Union, have pre cipitated the Cotton States into revolution. 2. B27 A vast quantity of ammunition, hombsbells, balls and powder, together with gun carriages, passed through Pe tersbnrg on Friday last consigned to Charleston The Albany Evening Journal contin: nes its appeals to the representatives oO} the Republican party in Congress. In ite number of the 17th inst., it says: “To save this Union, and to avert the horrors of a civil war, we implore meinbers of Congress to meot the reasonable propositions of the Ua- Jon men of the South,” Mr Editors lighted rautatol, he yresa, wh wn. [gist mt to de vould fail) u ‘ror of tha ' dreamer, Pork of art | ich valual f various ki Wof the « Vass Ty and the lh greatly ervalued pric ry to the n Prompt te P be hoped healthy p Qise the vile common i cloqnes asian Pough enee | tron grey {ue advic a RYLVANLA | COMPRO. G, Jan, 2 rable to he penal cody a Caucus to. Ttis reported vocraue y, laws throu, : Armstrong Ug the adop- + © the con. oct At Was. Louse, ICAN Sky. r, Jan. 22 nolly Offer. hat the con- SANCLION the <s10n Sta ople of N GA ary leat bject of the admiration hima Patri. vill own him i Iso. ordered » Gov, Hicks, }, May |, IN, NJ \, Jan. 2), eld here to adopted de. OM Ine adin 2€ adoptiva, 1ODS, OF sume lifications ag recommend Sa law ay. eople on the- of Lhe course g & commis- mimend the offered, and . Nutnber of er meeting. ent, bot the g prevented N. buary 21. yor Wigh- &ul-slavery 8 Introduc- Ker the ex- 'Y the State, to mauire ajory inal Ss proposed, have been ls. | PROPOS Sy nuary 21 rom Spring- had arnved neon. The in reference es Lt was coln's sanc- vention and ine to Cah- Jan. 20. lay the vote on was de- Courier 3TON noary 25. ndge Taney rnators and It includes from South @x-Secrela- Rouben Da- 1, Senators David- ¢ imembers Mr. Hill; rity Sena- of Texas, Inoter and Ke presen - tary Floyd, peor » Casa, and 1nmoned to South Caro- (© conspired nt of the U. | other high of the said us this eve- awal of the aymation,—— 1 the roll, 15, p. m. courteously he Virgina cal troubles y that gep- The com- the As ns in fa- right of power of gto avoid 3 to meet ation and ; willing: th proper ‘the Mis- Natchez ant, thos sity of the ppi from ved yenter- proval and .” “wrong,” o it. Our rention bad. othing. roed that in ng, cannon ecur, with: y we mend- lace. Sad- g, marked > the fol- in honor of erican Un- shed ; tears yach— alike which bes o act, and ans at the have pre- lution. munition, together ough Pe signed to il. contin: tatives of ress. In says: the horrors f Congress wf the Une Au old otticer of the French army, who Whom the Republican party has a right) Mr, Ramsay rose to a personal explanation. He * gaw the fall of the Empire in 1814,7}'° demand better things, are doing their: aid, in the State Journal of the 16th inst., the fol- owing report is roade of what was said by himse!® d the Senator from Cabarrus, (Mr. Barringer.) “Mr. Barringer—Does the Senator mean to say aud who “ wears the St. Helena medal,” has addressed a communication to the | utmnoat to indace Republican members of ' Congress to vote for the adoption of Com-| wat Senators voted for that bill with the purpose f sending armed men to South Carolina aud wot y arm the State ? “Mr, Ramsay—That is my opinion. “Mr, Barringer—I[t is untrue. “Mr, Avery said if the imputation was general pplying to any Senator who had voted tor that il, be should resent ie “Mr. Ramsay disclaimed auy intention of castius uch imputation upon Senators, buc tattaated Chat he Governor had these objects when recoil’ ud: og in his messaye an appropriation.” r. Ramsay said if the question was asked jie Senator from Cabarrus, and the answer was made by myselt as reported iu Uae Jourial dieu hat Senator had the ryit to give the answee lie is ported ty have given, eport could have been wade, tor b distiuetly state | t 1 bad wo intention of castiug any iaipatariou hy Tidy tot see low ae measures which will humble the, Pree Spirit of the country. And certain’ Senators und Representatives, whose con-. stituents do pot dream of their lack of tie, delity to principle and duty, are yielding gradually to these seductions. Let the! People of the North ply their servants at) Washington with home influences that shall encourage the faithful, strengthen the faltering, and recall to their senses those who meditate detection. The crisis impends.— V. }” Z'ribune. : . We desire to see no better evidence of Prench organ iv this country—the Cou- rier des Etats Unis-—in which he pre- dicts the lullowing results from the die- tacmberment of the Union : “The United States, as they now stand, are respected by all the nations of the cath; butif they were to divide them selves into two or three confederations, then would begin reclamations trou ail the Powers which imight: think them. selves entitled to wake them. * As I saw the tall of the French em- pire ia 1814 and 1815, and that each pow: er regained often more than it had lost, i vau tell you what would happen in Ame- the returning reason of the North than is afforded by the article above, which we copy from the Zrdhune. Mr. Greeley is pou the motives of Senators TI did not auder- Clea, if the United States should beparate tand the sere as having ord asreported.—— and find themaclves reduced to civil war D understood lus remark as qualyied, Just as he Jy, the tiret place, France would retake as taking his seat, [ understuod him to say Chat eueian: Seordiie a os if I imtended to impute such a design it was not © DPACCO RGU FOP AN Cent Treaties 5 9.’ Now, feeling, knowing and expressing that | Spain would reclaim Florida ; England d no intention of the kind—because [would thus! would appropriate Oregon and several oudemn some o ae Haas, who voted toriother States; Mexico, under English pro be $300,000 bill—T did not think it necessary to tection, would retake the territory of New top my argumeut for a personal matter, 1 Nhesucauy, \ . 5 1 expression which may lave given rise to the re UXO, LeXis and Calitornias and Eng marks of Senators. I said that “I believed the de land might perhaps keep California as an gu of the bi was to make aggression, aud vot Wdemnity tor the subsidies furnished to petence.” I explained, a ei that Lineantby the Mexican government in’ this design” that such uught be the effect: of the bill, ayainat the former United States d Lexplained how cis could be without reflect rN : ” ng on the Governor. Mr. Kamsay repeated his Now you will ask ine low all these Aine of argument at this pomt. i resutuplons could take place, and by Mr. db concluded his explanation by saying that’ What right; that is Very ew@oy to explain aving made these remarks, and having understood I, ig Lous Napoleon who would begin the remarks of the Senator from Cabarrus as quali by a very simple andl lyvical ed, that Senator can ar for bimself (oe y . I ihe Mr, Barringer said: Mr. Speaker, my recollection | T° Se of the occurrence alluded to, accords frerivetly with poleou TL aims at consolidat ny he statement of the Sewator from Iowan. The Napoleon | liad in view, witar erard tu question put by sayseli was intended tu be quabtied foreign policy. Now, Napoleou 1, ip u the mauner, wow stated by that Senator. Tit pyos” euy al ro Cn) ce Wallncliselexpresscdlath ihe (imielrmnslionldniinye | ne) eded Lousiana tu the U, States ween, The courtesy of debate and the kind vr the sum oof five uullions of dollars, cons between the Senor and myself, wach have Which the yovernuiment of the United ver marked our intercourse, alike demand that 1 States cuyayed to pay to the A feriean vould have put the questiob iu that form 1 as i ire the Senator (aud Tain glad to make Uae a-sur- b 7 . Minit harprescnteloln Ciel seanie Wrilluintlsuee| con seized during the wars ofthe French \ that occasion any form of words which secined Pepublic, froin P72 to TSGL. Putas the ) reflect upon his personal honor in any way, fan Uuited States Lave not paid te sorry fugit, aud it atlords ine pleasure ty withdiaw way such expression. Ll know w ly Character of Wie Senatur. | have long esteem ot Lis fnendstiup, uses war process of fur every one ktows that Na- all that rela- werchatits whose poods ane ships lad atoresaid five tuillions, and as, for dere than forty the = how value Yeats, we lave seen brought ore | on To excitement of debate we may BEES, Besdion after cession, a crench spo loy terms which are calculated wo sung and ot (abon bill, which bas never len passed, ud. but for my part I believe we are alt gentle. Cherefore, as soon as the Uo sliall be e nere, 8 Lerec * she Came. { 1 vere, and that our intercourse stuuld be bh disnelved, those who clatu tis sum will comes gentlemen, | Mr. Recsay was glad that the remarks te iad Ulrees thetselves ter Louie Napoleon, male had enabled the Senator frum Cabarrus ty 100 TE bave te doubt, consid ne its cha ake the statements, He had expected notin, acter, that he will pay ther demande s¢ from that Senator who be had huownas logy and retake Louisiana, boglard, wre sus “bably as he says te has hoowu riysell pects eomme such Unite, ties aleady order : ed several clups-ofwar tu te Galt of Fur the Watchrneim Mexico, See tow Wrov lderee, liavities EN LON MEETING. such wan instrument as Lou Napoleou ‘y Naturdav. PYthoe aot, a number of per TOG ARETE Gas bring every body back ny Of this wrunty inet, in accordance with nL revigus appeuntioent, at District School Huuse, _ ~ Nu. 22, aud alter cousiderable discussion upou SOUTH-CAROLINA PREFERS DIs- NOS, In i850 Mr. Preston, of Soath Caroli ag been appointed to the Chair, and Win, F lina, satd he “was opposed to calling When a motion 4 Convention, because he thoahtitwould unpede the action of the State. //¢ thought ehwould cpt our pwogtess lo he crisis, iu which Messe. Partee, Bauder Kite a and others participated. Tfeory Vless hav soiger lo act as Decrelary, prevailed (o constitute a Commiltee to prepare Wheo on motion of Mr. Jesoluuions. Butler, disunton. Mr. Weitt said “he I tor electing Milnes I. Partee was Appoiuted chairtuan of said would guetamn the viimnittee, with Jacub Setzar, Creorye Kendle When the © burned they reported the folluwing : luap waemneas, We cherst the highest re deleyates to a Southern mio and Paul Kibelin. Tonien.” Tn tue recent debates in the Convention of that State Mr “Thave been et redo iu this ted public the rard forthe Union of these Staten and our © yy trent under the ¢ wd to peaceable retire: Foch for Wert said: 2 tid es witli some hope vet 4 reconstruction of the same ; Woven aver I Ws Ra TeT yp Set ty lite. We have cured Pheretore, : the body of this Union, to its last resuag place, fi solved, That the popular sentiment of this an! Pe we will drop the fag over its cave.” tle is, that we striuzle oo and use ali lauda ; . > Mivabs ty a cobeiliation of difficulties by Mr. Thott said ; ch we are surrounded, before taki any The ssiut of South Carolina is tot an wsteps to accomplish the same eventot «day. Tots not any thang pj eoduced Kesolved, That we regard secession as hasty by Mr. Lincuin’s elecuou, or ty the ton execu wi injadicious, and favorconcet ot action bs ol ol ihe fuitive slave law UU eee ea. Sales ayyrieved, ii an uciiatuin of reason matter which has boon vathering head vir thurty e lerpands as redress, before we eau ure to years.” }srupton of the Guvernment The leaders of South Carolina for Resolved, That we are opposed to a imilitary ; : disumion. Tn TS50 the attempt was iiace sspotism of absolutism, the sort of Govern cia leeriitenr ct per oO tame the Slate or le per Vi ment, we think, secession will lead tu. a “ac + ‘ ‘ ' 4 TER - . . “ ‘ ali Be ro out Resolved, That from recent: demonstrations ed upou it aud refused to go n the late election for delegates to the Con veutign not ture than talf the peopie voted, Those of them whe are opposed {the North, we have reason to hope from the ryolution io public sentiment, as shown, that Wey will yet acknowledge due respect to the ' custitutional rights of the South, aud concede (? disunton were overawed and kept from “bat we, of right, may gemand the polls by the charge that in votin Resolved, That we a nut strictly regard « agailist secession, they would be ygivin Nveution necessary at present, aud should fur, countenance to abolimonisin, er developments make it necessary, then only, Raleigh Standard. & provided by the Constitution. | Kesolved, That the proceedings of this meet, zbe published. When the meeting adjour ‘after a harmonious conference of some tours HENRY PLES, Cho. Wa. F. Goucen, Sec. o uy 5 datter from bear Presid nt Fillmore iThe Ifon. Mitlard Fillmore was, a few weeks ago, suggested by a | nion meeting jin New York, as a suitable person to yo - 12: ) ‘that State the assurrances of the citizens ; ss Eee ACU . of New York that the North would res- ‘OICE FROM SCOTCH IRELAND. pect and uphold the constitutional rights This mission Mr. Fillmore declined, aud in lis letter remarked : Mr. Eptror: [ write to let you, and the public of the South, evally, know, that the people of this vicinity are i ost uuanimously opposed to secession proved) «Whacthey want, and what I want, is some © gnevances can be redressed, in the Union. | assurance from the Republican party, now dom \ a muster on the 12th inst. at Capt. Barber + jnant at the North, that they, or at least the con- ister ground—to ascertain the sense of the peo “present, the question was put, whether, if tlie therm Btates that have passe! those olious pet ual liberty bills, would repeal them, we would re servalive portion of them, are ready and willing ‘to come forward and repeal all unconstitutional State laws; live up to the compromises of the constitution, execute the laws of Congress bon- vinmmittee Congress, because he thouglt 2 would bring about a nore speedy dissolution of | to Sonth Carolina to tender the people of | shrewd enough to foresee the events which gre about tooccur, and has already begun to exert himself to prevent them, Sew: ard’s speech, though falling very farshert of what the South bas a right to insiet on, was a severe blow to the Junior partner, | and now there are other men of whom the Republicans “have aright to demand | better things,” doing their utmost forthe Ir “adoption of compromise measures.” does our heart good to hear such news. in its Jast issue for ad valorem / We had almost despaired of any good And vow that a beyinmng bas been made i direction, we hope that it may be contin ved until all the canses of dissension be thitye Couns from that quarter, tween the sections tay be perinanently removed, and the reign of peace, barniony and yood feeling onee more re established throughout the length and breadth of the land. The people at the North woul be better employed in efforts to tind work tor the thousands of operatives who are | suffering through the banetul influences of the resuits of Republican ayitations, | than in endeavors to weaken the hands of those who are engaged in the work of ad Justmnent and conciliation, Pretershury Lntelligencer. MIRVOPADS( TOS TIRIDIEIGTE SOIR INNS: IR GEISG: JP NOSIS RBI SGT IES Dis ta As a atriking commentary tpen the beautiful consstency ag well as upon the ample, vea, (erhiatestible rexoiirecx ot tha so-called Porergn Power, or tuck petedent Republic « ply state the fact, as an item of “st (pps WoSonth Carolina, we willsio news,” that the city of New York sells, at this very thae, to the “elivalry ff South Carolina. no less than two farce steunship toads, per week, of: potatoes, ind other northern try, vevetables, p and varions other teats, batter, cheese, and all other products raised apon abeli tion soil by the sweat of abolition brows And this is not all. (steamers from the foreign port of Charles- ton go loaded with the “raw material,” the yreater part of whieh finds its way to the Massachusetts spindles, giving work to —-— thousands of the abolitionists of Massachusetts! Well, this is just about in keeping with the “wisdom” this. for ein nation has displayed in many other respects! We would advise those among ug who expect to “be off” pretty shortly to the seat of war, not to forget to carry with them their own their stomachs are suthcientiy accoimmeo- dating to digest Cotton . Raleigh legistr, I hese semi weekly “rations,” unless Patristic Adrice —TVhe Louisville Jour nal alvises that the gallant spirits who lare straggling to obviate the dithen|ties which he in the way of pacification and compromise, tunst uot be discourazed if thev meet with lakewaruiness or tind their appeals disregarded. When crossing the Alps the soldiers of Suwarrotf, over whelmed with fatigue, and dispirited with lardships, no longer obeyed isis voice or observed their usual discipline. Ile ordered a ditch to be dug, and stretch- ing himself in it, cried out to his mutin ous soldiers, ‘Cover me up with earth ; | your (reneral desires to be interred, since }you abandon him,’ They all threw then. | |selves at lis feet, and followed him with | devotion and enthusiasm. Surely the} people of the United States will not al-| ‘low Crittenden and Douglas and their as | sociates to be buricd beneath the ruins of |their country. | | We learn that a personal rencounter took place between Col, J. Wo Alspangh | Ohief Clerk of the Senate, and Dr. King, | jof High Point, at the latter place on Sat- furday night last, in which Col. A. was Ishot, bat not dangerously injured. The | dificnlty was the resnit of a foriner mis- understanding in relation to personal mat- ters. Col. A. may be prevented for se- veral days from attending to his duties in ithe Senate [lis eseape from death was la very narrow one.—ARal. Standard. . me We learn by reliable authority from Springfield that it will be the custom | | bereatter in Washington, to ask the Pre-| jsident not to ‘grind an axe,” but to “split ja rail.” an in tag Umion or go out; the vote being taken, ere ware sixty for remaining in the Union, to two inmedjate secession. Yours, &e., — ee estly and faithfully, and treat our Southero bre- thren as friends, When I can Have any such . 5 jreliable assurance as this to give, 1 will yo most | Newbern Prices Current. jeheertully and urge our southera brethren to | Reported by _ follow our example, and restore harmony and | JNO. FO FOARD, - fraternal affection betweeo the North and the For the Watchman South. At present, our labors should be here. ) | Grocer and General Commission Merchant, Lot put ourselves right, and then we can with Newners, Jan. 29, 1861 ot us put ourselves nght, and the ee P " Guin bey. : The Bunyan Table aux. tore confidence aud Justice appeal to them, Cors per bbl $3000 32 Oar, 05 a ON Vr Editor —Please permit an eye-witness and Corres, 10jall sNet per a 0 ! | CoPFRE, 6 iach, he hghted spectator, to say a word in behalf of the FIRE IN WAKE Sagas N77 ance nich kn 0 swuutul, heart-touching Panorama of Pilgrinss, a ‘ “ ! Laguira, 1On17 5 ineh, goa gresa, which will eoon be on exibition in your | We learn that, on Satarday night last, Rio, I4n 16 Tao pr Ib ir ” a y re i rar TNT | St. Dom. ny Tes oo. * ‘an wn. Iyisnotmy purpose, however, to dare the at j the cotton gin on the premises of Mr. I. eres Hav NC prl00 ‘apt to dehneate its rare beauties, for the pen! C. Ligon, in this county, was set dn fire “patiow, 15 2.00 pounds, 81.20 a 140 Yould fail, utterly, in sketching us magnificent and burnt to the ground, Lose from! Adamantine, 23.900 Line prbbl @1.10 a 125 Mer “ | 2 81.500, T ; in| Sperm, 10.200 Morasses pr hhd ror of that unearpassed allegory of the “immior $1,200 to ee 5 The follow Ing se mM mi Le 155K. Guba nuhhd, 08 20 | dreamer.” As another has truly said- “aa a, relation to the varning of this gin CAVE ee, per bbl ebb Aa BS rork of art it is of a high order; 1t also conveys no doubt that the fire was the work of an Muilets. €6.064 | Eng. Ie hhd, 33 0 36 : ‘ i att ’ ° 1 soos bhl 35 9 38 h valuable imformation by ite representations incendiary. We learn that Mr. Ligon be ee: i , a 1 wena ate " various kinds of scenery, while religiously the | longs to a patrol, and that he has recent lO NEGE Macirelie a(4 |Naice, prlb f the noble old allegory shines throuzh the | ly taken up and chastised eeveral negroes | «eg bbl 7a 00) Cat, 04100 vase Tous it really gratifies the reason, the who were withont passes, On Saturday Trout, ie 64 OW TRUER 10 a 104 ’ ; ‘ varal Frour. N.C. per bb r gallon, Prandithelheartmedoollourmarton ivauintiicay (Uta cs LL, in company with several UR arn mann greatly monopolised by those who have un othera belonging to the patrol, learning Supertine, xy 00 [irnine 60 9 65 ervalued ety; and when it is really made tribu that a hegro party was to come off on Fine, Tha 00 Mend Whale 100 4 oe mp : ; Seite tert i Tavp Procter, #1) 000 wards 11001 F ‘ Q ntation, Y to the noblest truth, the religious public should that might at Dr. fy w pos pus Mel Oaraperbuah. 75 a0 Onn N ©. Bacow pr tb Prompt to encourage it” And 1 will add, it is about two and a half miles from Mr bike 00 a x0 fame, [enela Pe hoped the day is not far distant, when such gous, went over there and arrested and pyr perth 03 a 05 Nidew 12a 124 ‘ ( ‘ . when ei . at healthy “4 : ’ hal) Chastised several negroes The patrol Uynre per ti Sholders, 12a 124 : ty public sentiment will obtain, as shal i Permian: 1 flor start Dry 10 n 124 0 Weatrn Baron 9 a 12 ‘ , ack atte fi : on @ise the vile, vulgar and contammanag exhibitions, t Tenatarted |0ac y ANS RON , Svaar per bbl NC Larpprh) ida 0 common in our land, to give place to such pi ing, discovered a fire in the direction of ¢ rushed 194 00 Rirrer © 200295 ‘ ¢ ( ‘ ‘ ; : . nal el r ee } ! Mr. Ligon’s residence. They made all’ Granulated, Ura 120 Cireesy 100 124 al cloqnence of the good, the trne and the beau Wy rene Ma [-cemnidiewirenitncy eae AG) IN Mowe asia mirrored on the “ Bunyan Tableaux.” 8PCC! ; “ Port Rico, (Xa tO Alam pr bush 00 0 25 ‘enough. it must be reen to be appreciated arrived there, found that the BIN WARN Orleans, ON 810 Liverpoolsack 14 2 00 r I WW to all 1 Ny th nearly burned to the ground. There were [oaf& Crush 109 11 Fine Alum! ions fa “nee " ‘ a , : ; ( eee ne ana eet vaix bales of cotton, 25 bashela of wheat, Grove —Perngian per ton he ; Om ogo and see ct, and you will not regret tak | . \ ' “ Reese's Mamp'd, per ton, 50 04 tue ad and 25 bashela of peas in the gin © Whellock’a oH 50 00 + . eC y > . ' ® pein. Bileigh Te yister Supar Phow Lime 00 Tir Comores FPareep oe i SENATE. | WORTH THINKING ABOUT. | ar Oertai | pom yew wavcuns oo pe Ba ; nye ji Weosusvay, Jan, 161h, 186). | a aan goa ae, REMEMBER THE POOR, In Time of Peace Pepare for War, Equity Sales of Land. AKER & 0O’S MEDICINAL Y VIRTUE of « Decree of the Court of Equity, 1 qill offer the following Jaads for sale at public The snow! the snow! the cold white snow, O'er the face of nature spread, Lu a lordly ball, ly dead ar E e sing of another theme ; MERONEY & BROTHER | * |" ARE offering to the pablie the best amortipent of| SOMK FOURTEEN or Fifteen Houses and Lois | di FIRE ARMS in the town of Salisbury, belonging to the estate of This property will be offer- | TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL THE TRUE UNSURPASSED IN ND GENUINE QUALITY AND EFFECTS. BEING THK SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARKD, | ever brought to this market. Colt’s Belt and Pock- | Horaee H. Beard dec’ let Pistols, old and new model: also, Smith & Wes- ed at the Coart House on Satarda wu's seven hot; Shagp’s 8 vunce Pistol, that canbe Febraary next, at 11 o'clock, A. | curried in the vest pucket, will shoot through an inch | 12 months, with interest after 6 months, perchasers |bourd 75 yards. Sharp's 10oz., shoote through aniuch giving bond with approved seeurity g3.00 | O'er the milk-white sea of snow | board LOU yards ; imitation Colts’ at reduced prices! ALSO, the same, on the premises, the following Ae Ufosales ohare members Poot | Bhs’ Cartridge Pistol, 6 shot; Rider's self-cock-“tands belonging to Daniel Huffman and his children: Or isk hea aul aud newa aura niles jing; IX Li eelf-cocking ; aloo Bowie Koives, assort- 136 Acres, more or less, situated in the Dutch Set- While others rejoice in healeh, [ed sizew; Sharp's Sporting Rifles, will kill 300 yards, iement being very five farming land, aud another [xy jand a good lot of guus. They offer their stock of tract of 39 Acres, tinvre of less, tilouted near the | yvods at reduced prices fur cash, as they intend doing Terme—six meoths eredit, | 4 cush business A eceemne) Poe are Of with bond and security, The firet menuened tract | a iaurkable anner od halt Wout Gian fos a | Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Suspenders, Belts, Faus, wij be offered wt the bid of B528. $3.00 | 3) ermens mt eyes - De uiiMble gui vecSare lus wisailng uly | Watches, Jowelry, Silver Plated Ware, fancy head "AT SG ut the aune time wad place, Twill ocr = ne CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI- = | Pius, Perfumery, Extracts, fancy aud iolles espe ror gale the valuable lauds belonging ty the heirs of FL) (ky) SCROFULA in all its developmenta, Yor many there be in this land, I ween, Who flad it ne downy bed. In Southern homes there's litthe want, For the fire burns cvery where ; And we look abroad with contented eye Well clad travellers passing by, the 9d day of , ,on a credit of | oq! Its uve, if fairly tried, will soon restore the; G4 ~ lowe uf the digestive organs, mvigorate the ax po, bluod, give general rotundity to the figure, ~~” and add energy to the mind and vervoue er system. Its value has been remarkably | evidenced by its wonderful restorative pow- "7 ers, when ordinary tonics had been vainly exhausted. [It affords oourshinent to the body when po other can borne, and © 2 furnishes the frame with fat in a truly re- . oO L iuter’s day, the cold winds play, And many there are, this Thre 4 be first mentioned tract 4 How many a widow, with cheek so pale, | >, Crouches close on her hearth, while the blasting gulu j stalloucry articles, Portmonais, Pocket Buoks, Work ‘Joho Lo Rendleman de'd., consisting of one tract of 6 ‘ a pre chs rudely, doo. « i +f ‘ ‘ ‘ 0 WE UNS, WASTING, « ener Sh a i La ea Boxes, Razors, fine and common pocket Cutlery, RaSTAcrosrenralorlicanlkuse ulsel(nerScergedG art ~ For EAR ERTT ne and ¥ iareinee Viyatarelinlafarsd/ etn tere walking Caves, sporting articles, Whips, Mugieal Ln r Siantation, 100 Acres, more OF less, adjoining the Sey el NONE ead 1 NG CUTULIVe epee Her babes want dread, aud her bursting heart struments, Ww dlow W are, Baskets, Pravehug Batch. Lov elurac(al being thavedialnder Of ihevild boniestend aaa Properties are unrivaled ao With ite quick thin current would freely part els, Faucy Groceries, Fruits, Cigars, Tobscco, Suutf, iC oaair(as (here down GowerieasialolCed raid nat fo inay be taken without direhel by the IO Tu increase her lite store How many an orphau’s walling cry, Goes up from cellars where suffer tng These birds without a nest! The cold without, the heat within, Are not long parted by garments thin— And Coroners know the rest! O! happy men—with wives so dear, Aud children, whose voices you Wve to hear— Ou whose hearths the fire burns bright and clear— Remember the suffering poor ! For he who lends what grace lath given, Becures God's bond for stock in Heaven By mercy tu the pour CHARLEY JAY. +o te The Wilmington Journal is ont} The Editor thinks the proposed State Conven- und vumeroas other arlcles too tedious lo mention, erent intirelericanadjuliiag the lil ro(doni Weer co) cee wumernavellivand Srackined a wilfout allot which they offer at low prices, Those indebted to ur, must call aud pay their motes and accounts by the first dav of February, as we shall John Satret and others. Terms—rix months eredit, bond and secunty-. £3.00 ¢ all accounts then unpaid in the hands of officers Ou the 3ist day of January next, [ will offer the | collection. MERONEY & BRO. — (wo following tracts for ale at, the residence of | Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1561. gat Theophilus Josey, at 12 o'clock, M \ : ee ee 55 Acres, snore or less, pare to Allen Miller, | ove of the heirs of Paul Miller. This lands» situat- The Ad Valorem Banner, DAILY AND WEEKLY. plac ed on the Charleston Road, 8 miler from Salimbury, adjoining the lands of Martin Josey, Milus Shuping, | ‘and others. ‘This tract is all Wwodiand. T+rins—6 ‘mouths credit, bond and seeurity. $3.00 | ALSO, at the same time and place, 39 Acres, | more or less, belonging to John A. Holshouser, on| A short time sinee I issued a prospertus for a | Weekly newspaper, to be called the AD VALOREM BANNER, to be published ia the City of Raleigh, N.C. The encouragement [ have received, fur ex- ceeding My Most sanguine hopes, induces me to issue thie prospet, the object of which is to inform the pub- provements, adjoining the lands ef Jacob Holshauser, | Paul Holshouser, and othera. © Terina—6 2 the Cheraw Road, 9 miles from towa, with good un- A months r efforciu the most seumitive s ra Tits su e perority inthis aud other important charac © teristics of yentiocness, has guaranteed for othe commendation of the most eminent Qa Physicicns throughout the States; the wmt- ~~ tea testimony of the faeulty of the best nedi-, ¢ cal schools ; the Professors of the \ UNIVERSITY OF PEN SYLVANTA,| peg JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA-, DELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI-: CINE, and others. Sp Tovalidw should be eareful to purchase oil p>» eof undoubted reputation if they desire the pug immediate advantages of —@% That whieh we prepare has © decided evidences of superiority over other) P= ~ = = a 1 sa r most aciuve and the remedy. Hon should amend the Constitution so ag to lic that I will on the 1st of January, 1861, commenc. credit with boud and security. $3.00 AQ brands Manufactured only by img tax slaves like other property. Who has the publication of the BANNER, aot only WEEK- Iu all Equity sales the purehasere must jedge of | mp | JOHN ©. BAKER & CO., | committed treasen now $. But perhaps LY, but DAILY. , tiles and quantity of land, as fdo not sel! only the | Inporters and Dealers in ioe) . . [po 8 8) So far as the Banner tokes sides with political | jntereni of the petitioners. (D> Drugs, Chemicals, &c. lo dispensation has been issued from Kal-| parties, it will be Democratic; but with regard | L. BLACKMER.C. MoE. |! Nov. 13, 1860 6m26 a eigh to the Editor of the Journal,—and | Internal Improvements, a change in oar system of} Jan, 1st, 1460. tda33 ie = a eeeeenee > what was very wrong in July last is very jp exation iene tee preservation - Ne mpunaiee : Se nes ond eet: N. THI RD STREET. . 1 SLT z . 2, | Umon, it will know no party, but wi e a zealou — - nicht now, The Editor “seeks a solution , advoeate of all these, repudiating secret caucuses, | Western N. C. Rail oad. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. of this vexed, and to him troublesome | (where the spirit of the Constitation 1s often viotated,) | WINTER ARRANGEMENT. . Question in the proposed Convention.— | Packed and partial Conventions, and the scheming! . AN'S Will he find it? } pe Sti iS of would-be political demagogues and tricksters. {| > Ey Zi? | | 2, LIRR 3 ‘— ful. Standard. shall be just and fear not. . a garcia D 4 Pulmonic “W afers! TITER TEAMS OF THE DAILY BANNER : a 12 "3s ei E we | Sg | THe Owain as, Meprcine EsraniianeD (x 1837, and frst article THE USE OF DR. HOSTETTER’SSTOMACH | 9 dvauce, - - - - - 00; =13 s * S reg Of the hind over introduced under the name of \ PULMONIC Ae an One copy 1 year, in a ce, $5 es oé BITTERS for Dyspepsia, Flatuleavy, Heaviness of | Five copies 1 “ woo. 2 ee. 2000) 91 ° he ae Warers) in this or any other country ; all other Pulmonio the Stomach, or auy other like affection, is second TREMe OF THE WEEKLY BANNER: | = ree Wafers are counterfeits. The Genuine oun be known by ty nove in America or abroad ‘To be able to state “=e 5 |==, dz ]o | Me mime BRYAN being stumped on cach WAFER, contidenutly that the “Bitters” are 4 certain cure for| ne copy | year, tn advance, - - - - - . a 4 = 22 - < £5 BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS coe hanna ‘ “ Cee en O nC eye a ne . “ “— dyspepma aud like diseases, is to the proprietors a | SIX cupies ! . ‘ is a las 1D PIPUM 12 = | Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoar ‘ssauas nource of unatloyed pleasure. [t removes all morbid | Fen ! So creas antes CO UONINS Gino a | samylt |e te pr npeneetens ma ter from the stomach, purifies the blood, imparts Address, FRANK I. WILSON, 4 z oe | avi Ze BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS renewed vitality (o the nervous ») elem, giving that 3134 Raleigh, N.C. a == x|> | a ; Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, DiMlcait Breathing. tone wud energy so indispensable for the re toration _ . . Fy s oe I > Sule BABS] Ree ab BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS of health. ‘The numerous ackuowledgements of us| BARGAINS, BARGAINS, — BARGAINS,| & & # —|L= | Retleve Spitting of Bi Pains im the Chest. nupertor excellence and beneficent results, have as- aT | p23 < ze BRYAN’S) PULMONIC WAFERS sured the proprietors that it cannot bat prove © great M BRENNER’S | == = =| @ Believe Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases, eure Wo the attheted, aad unpart vitality to the thor. | sani - | se x = | BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS MES EL | R E D J AC KE T | 3 ie S x Relieve Irritation of the Uvala and Tensils, dee advertisement in another column. 1m35. 1 ' ' oo Es = | HRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ( sg S tY AN’? MO? r . ’ , , L 0 r H I N G ll A L L . e = Relieve the above Complaints In Ten Minuwves. XN Sy , LP Te jew Z =? | i ALISBULY PLICKS. | MAIN STREET | > wis Ud = | BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFRRB Jancany, 29, 1861 _ ce aN , eS (EPMA Are a Blessing to all Classes and (stitutions, % m a e e . = - : ) , next door to Brown, Coffin § Mock’s Store ; BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Reef 5462 Bacon. In 124: Butter, 15 a 205] ane F subscriber desires ty ivform the public of ieee wAusy 4 | Are, adapted for Voeallsts and Public Speakers. Cont, ba a tas Flower, 84.00 a Lard, 104124; HB Salisbury, Rowan and adjoining Counties that he S Sete MOTTA NTGHE AV ERS Meal 704755 Molayses, 35 4555 Ineh Boratves, is at present ‘oaney , ‘ ra US Sweet Pots 60 a 70; Peas, 65; Pork, | 1B I ING OFF ' Are tn a simple form aud pleasaat te the taste. Uidaaece guy oitvacrs ade! Fallow, 10a 124; Wheat, S iL sLinu ’ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Whiskey, 50 a $1 00. $120 a 81 HN, | MARRIED: | At St. Bartholomew's church, Pittsborough, on| the morting of Tuesday, the Toth inst, by Rev Mr. Sutton, Mr. EDWARD J. HALE, Jr, of Fay- etteville, to Miss MARIA RHETT HILL, daugh- ter of Thornas Hill, Esq, of Haivron, near Pittstbo rough On the 17th inst. by Rev. J. 3. Walthall, Mr. W R DICKS, of Salisbury, and Miss BETTIE W. BRUCE, of Raleigh T MURPHY’S HALL—Fer ZX a few nights only, commencing Monday, Janu- ary 28th, R61, the Splendid Moving-Mirror of the BUNYAN TABLEAUX, showing Scenes 30 FEET in width, and weighiag over 4,000 pounds Supposed by the best judges to be ‘he finest, as itt one ofthe largest Panoramas in the world, consisting of Sixty MaGsirickNT Scenes, with figures of lite- size iilnetratiog Banyan'’s world-renowned allegory of the PILGRIM'S PROGRESS of admission SU cents, chilcren and servants 7 o'eloek. Merron wall Cards halfpree Doors open at move at 74 o'clock precinely Also exlibions on Wednesday ani Saturday after: | noous at So clock Doors open ut <4 o'clock ROBERT J. GREENWOOD, Jan 2W—w Manager and Proprietor TYDT OL NOTICE, THE SUBSCRIBER though most thankful for the ising patronage bestowed upon him for the last three years, must now, to enable him as far as his means are required in establishing @ reconstruc- tion of the Union—decline selling except for Cash Hie stock is, and will be kept, fa'l and complete at W.H. WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 184 Main st., panic pnees. | RET! | JACKET JAMES C. TURNER, | Eng. § Supt the balance of hix Now, Fresh and Fashionable FALL AND WINTER OCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, | previous to purchasing his SPRING and SUMMER ssa - BOOKS! Reduoed Prioes . SUITABLE TO THE TIMES, | NOTICE. THE accounts due the late firm of BURKE & as he iutends keeping constantly on band a large and , well selected stock of | STEWART, have been placed in the hands of an MEN’S, YOUTH’S AND BOY'S olficer, those who are indebted, will come forward Clothing and Furnishing Goods, and settle immediately, otherwise they must be | and at lower prices than any other establishment of | the kind. Costumes suitable for Promenading, | Farmers, Planters, Miners, Machinims, and Servants | nee, also a large stuck of Boots and Shoes, Hats and | Caps. Call and examine my stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. Oi Remember the Sign of the RED M. BRENNER. | P. S.—Having made proper arrangements with our | Baltimore firm, Lam at all tunes prepared to fulfill ; any orders in the Merchant Tailoring business at | shortest notice M. BB | Jan. 22, 1361 fin22 Salisbury, Nov. 26, 1860. pushed, as necessity demands it BURKE & RTEWART Jan. &th, 1860. ty and cara. Oct. 9, 1860. Prospeot High School, AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE- the undersigned would offer hig thanks to the public jof ite friends. He will conetautly replemsh the | MURR & SOSSAMON, rir.ciiciy Ssinmmaoncion with th largest Publish TIN, SHEET-IRON cannot be otherwise filled His stock of Stationery, } tf 21 CHURCH STOVES ever! can be hadin Western North Carolina, Also, all kinds | | work done at the shortest notice. I ). Be euneisen iedievener ve TO THE PUBLIC. ] I tor of the ’ ‘ - an y SALISBURY BOOK STORE, - —— for the patronage extended to the House while con- J NA | ducted by the lute firm of Burke & Stewart, and New kK irm. | molicit for it the continued comfidence and patronage USTOCK OF BOOKS, and will make additions us| new and valuable works are brought out. He is in AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & ing Houses in New York and Philade!phia, and can a! Co., their entire stuck of readily supply by Express such orders sent him as ; ; > Falxo be kept up, with regolari- WARE, STOVE | WalliBaper, g:c:; wil pt up, with regal | ' ; J J.STEWART. | now offer the largest and handsomest lot of COOK- { ING, PARLOR and offered in this market, and will sell for cush av low oa | | of Plain and Japaned TIN-WA RE and STILLS | ROWAN, CU, N.C, kepton hend. All kinds Tin, Sheet-Iron or Copper Rue Mirtiteteee cutie peri MURR & SOSSAMON. ie : Salisbury, Jan. 22, 186) 1y36 \ fret session will commence the 7th of January, LS6l ’ ‘ aud is designed to be a permanent School Not ou.y relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ome. ——o— NO PAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, IN THE HOCSE. NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan’s Pulmenic Wafers, INS HIS POCKKT NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVB POR Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, TWENTY-FIVE CENTR. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y. fold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNIS8, and all Drag ‘ iets May 29, 1860. lyl GKEAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY, JOHN DOOLEY, No, $1, Mans Strat, Ricnmonp, Va., Manufacturer and Dealer in FUR, 8TRAW, LEGHORN, PANAMA, SOFT AND MOLE BKIN DRESS HATS. HAVE now ready my Spring stock of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, to which T would invite the the merchants of Virginia, North Carolina and Ten- nessee, confident of my ability to supply them with everything they may wantin my fine, on ag good terms as they can be procured in any market in the attention of Feountry | My stock will be kept constantly fall by the addi- ‘tion of everything new or desirable ; and, having | yreat!y increased my manufacturing facilities, many | desirable styles will be of my own manufaciure. My | Black Mole-skio Hat is still in the front rank, and is Jeqnal, if uot superior, to anything produced in the conatry. My assortment of Boys,’ Misses’ and Chil- dreu's richly trimmed Hate and Flats of all the diff- J erent styles of Braid and Leghorne cannot be excel- \led | In Military Goods, I can furnish anything required. | My stoek of the various qualities of Army ‘‘Regula- ‘tions’ Hats is very complete, and any of the different j Salisbury, N.C | e ay 5 R TRAMS TEW SESHION | nty le « of Hate or Caps made pone eee mee: 4 * a 4 . All those indchted will please cal. and settle NOR I H I , ALE | Tuiuon in Elementary branches, we . ae March 13, 1860, 1143 ; 7 LIM | Advanced English to 2009 Sin are oee Oy 2 | £g ’ 3 eS - 7 a a E FOR 8 . Languages and higher Mathematics Be OU, NO ll U MBUG ! ie x Y LARGE quantity of Northern lime (unalacked Board including washing and fuel && per month ie yw. FOR HIRE. EX io barrelaor by the bushel, for sale at Sunon- | ‘Tarsrees—Rev 8. Frontis, Inmes F Jamison. 6 firet-rate House Servant. Sheisatout, healthy, | ton's Tan Yard. Tt will be sold very cheap, whole Juhu C. Jamison, Dr. Jno Re McCorkle, and ea ii O C yy [ ‘dye: if ag erehild ao _ | sale or retail | Hargrave 5 oO ff : Ul é : Naat re: Br Unaaveinetegl chet A large quantity of finished Leather. Sole, Upper) — Rarers to: Prof, Rockwell, Rev. Jethro Rumple, Ne ing Z at ost ie T.G HAUGHTON, and Barnes) alwave on hand and for site i Rey John C. Prevaly, D. A. Davis, and James E ere Jan. 29, 1861. ary Green and Dry Hides always in demand at cash) Kerr 634 MWE subscriber respectfully informs his former prices H.C, SIMONTON Jun. Bth, 1861. “ patrons, and the public generally, that he is de- . Salisbury, July 27th, TS60. 10 ee See ae — | termined to make a change in his present business, Dress Making! a - - ~~ UAR R Y on or before January next, and will commence sell- coon YPICE ROCK Q a [ie bie RS. SPEARS announces to her friends and the se MM ieiie that anes mew curring on the boss | LE PERSONS not now members. the EXTENSIVE STOCK ness, and solicits orders. She hae considerable expe- Rowan Rifle Guard, hee Guns or ae rience in the business, and her work has pleased thore | Equipments belonging to said Company are . who have tried it, She expeets to keep pace with | notified to return the same by the Ist of Ready -HMade Clothing, the fashions, sud will certainly de all work in the | February. UME NERLYeurt J” J 3 most substantial manner, . McNEELY, Cap : ’ shing G Ss Sheninvibeaaund nt ered himes( Miree Baris |eedanez2 et co! 136 Gent's Furnishing Goods, hart's,) in the North-western end of Town, — a Hats, Caps, Sc., at Cost Orders from a distance promptly attended to. ; , ; MARTHA H. SPEARS ae UNDERSIGNED TAKES oe va AND Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1861 3m thod of imforming all pertonain want ef ROC Nolet EN J 1 4 et | for MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that he LESS HAN COST. . a can farmeh the best quality of, : a i mi : : from thie date, forthe parpose of closing. ‘The balance a eee a WATCH MAKER GRANITE. Fina ting wil be x id-ay pable venone — AND TOW RLER, : - TAVUE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin Salisbury. cut in any shape, nnd at the lowest possible rir: tor! Save ul you can, and call early at the 11th Febrnary and close the Lat July. ‘The | CASH. His Quarry is situated 5 nutes South of) M. HOFFLIN’S. echool has been increasing in owmbers every term. | | Salitbary, Known we the Old Shaping QUARRY "| Cucner of Mavwan Batel. We have now a goodly number, dat could take a few | | , WILEY HYLT SugUSE lu | more. Uf the number continues to increase, Salis- | Rowan Co., Nov. 20th, 1860. imer2T | ' ; bury will have what it has never hed, a permanent | - 2 BOOTS | BOOTS | schoo! | Money, Money. TERMS January 29, 156: ty Vantten ehchwekavanrmeRncun J I]. ENNISS is now receiving his stock of . . _ Fo heavy payment which we have to maky com- seriisinantehWinter Waler ‘tat Board, with “ ashing, fuel aud lighta, £50 per Term . ' l pele ua to call on those indebted to us to assis in { o us nds mene Winter we ie ne emnlch ECT TD es from toy u Bail Stop the Thief . raining money fo do so, by paying at least a part of " 1 ’ e aoe Bi in this m ke and at less price ¢ «Lawn. 5 . . me Jolgent made or for sale sm and 3 ¢ i YTOLEN fr i t ber, living in the lower what they are doe as. We havebeen very indulg . . . BUS! a e 1 S heiwecn 12 N. B.—Our xecounts are innde out and ready for of the beat French Calf Skin and Water-proo! Incisental expenses, 1.00 {3d instant, a bright BAY MARE, between 12 and ee aoe u reer will be charged on allaecounts throughout, and which will last longer than any Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular address A (6 NOTICE. WILKINSON, Principal. D 99 Jan. 22, 1961 TPNVAR, subscribers have empinyed Mr. J.B. Moowr He to settle up their books to January, 161. will present oar bille and they muat be settled etbe by cash or note Tt is best for all the parties concerned that Phys cian’e bill should be closed ac the end of each years. WHITEHEAD & CALDWELL 22, 1261 4tpd36 Jan % New Tailor Shop. Ho... alk Eo snhecriber has opened a new TATLOE SHOP in he roome formerly oceapied by Horac H. Reard, dee'd inthia line, warrant him in saying that nble to meet the moet fastidions demands he will b Catlan d \ get your garments cut to fit vou, and made to lant, rstead of baying the slouchy, half-made rage i Ready Made Clothing Stores Cutting and Repairing done to order Produce taken im etchange for work WM HOWARD Im34 Jan Sth, Peed His expenence and qualifications 14 years of age. Said Mare has white spore on her | back caused by the saddle and a knot on ber mght ifore leg. Said Mare was stolen by a uian who enils himeelf Stewart 1 Pwillgive a reward of Ten Dollare for the mare | (if delivered to me, or for inforom ion, so that L exn | get her again Letters addressed me at New Caatle, Wilkes, Co ,) N.C, will reeeive prompt attention | ROBERT F. CALLOWAY from firet of January and July in ¢ach vear BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK Salisbury, Dec. 25, 1860. 6132 Please Pay. \ their accounts; or, if they will signify when may call oa them for that purpose. Twill do eo. T 1 por h howe indebted should sect! 1. W. JON Ce M. 1D.. portant that th rudebt See ee RUT WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N AS permanently located in: the town of Sale bury, and offers his services to the puabhe im the various departments of his profession Office on Main Streat, first door above Bure Jan 15, 161 Bind 5 " ountie AT HG. JONES & SON, WV ileen stacy teenies ' Office ro the corner of Cowan's Building opposite * Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. i. nick Stare TULL, prnetice in the Conrta of Rowan Connty Feb 14, 1860 tf32 and in the Sapreme Court HC Jones, yr n willalso practice in the Courts of Iredell and Cabar Fine Shirts and Collars. rus Connues All claima entrust dito them for col / lection will meet prompt attention If you wiah to purehage fine Shirte an Colar 17 Offer No 3, Brick Row. nearthe Courthouse jeall atthe Great Clothing Emportnm of HEC Jones, we WoC Joxea. pr DAVID WEITE Jan Lo, [sel 35 | Nepe 2a ly Nod Cranrre Row Y FRIENDS are requested to call and pay TILE Practice and make prompt collections in other Boot, home-made or otherwise ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, with Double Soles and Upper, a capital Buot for Winter, and warranted ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. Double Sole and Upper and warranted ALSO, MILES & SON'S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT, V wade stout and stroug and of the very best mate- t rials, warranted. f 15, 1861 Stpd35 am thankful for the patronage I receive, and as % Me cole — lee j ae aen en nly dependents fr export it iw very im, 2USO, MILES & SON'S PUMP-SOLE AND GENTS Drapes : DRESS BOOTS. Miles Boots for beauty, dura bility and pleasant w vare celebrated throughout the Union and require ne praise Calland get you a pair of Boots for Winter worth having and at priees that dety compel ton ACLs ENN Boot and Shoe Store, Oc«t 2 1 £20) SARISRBERY YG. 1. €. Lindsay's Select School, Nev Meleava Srariox, Gripronn Co, N. ¢ Dhiedoention wae chosen fora elaseculechen | cauee of tta reno from cafinences calentat dratraet the attention reaper thy mnorala, ar ener age exiravagance The third season w inmenee the ', ® Rosird in good famiies at &8 per mont Classieal tuition per seamen #25 00 Fny from & on M Loans iD Ve I> ee d eens cee How Georgia was Carri Jor Secs It svems that the day of clve tion in Georgia despatches were circula sor onl ted through the State, asserting that the United States troops were bombar Ling Charle alist sayo: ton » We are clearly of the opinion that Georgia has been « di tor session by the grossest frauds, way of y sensation ches, that were ever practiced on a conbd ople abd we cibbliace ihe phere nl rhe L lo Wa them not to be deceived during the session the Couvention by simalar thohk- A corre dent of Constitu Ist, wt 1 Clark county, buys: * The proximate cause of the iame meqonty Was the rumor, putye 1a telewrap die dyspate Succes Wer tot ey th could not be other. absurd aud t Us, Wits ths it produced an ast vw etfect upon the aread greauy vveit Mara Ubis start ding news received just about the time polis opene Tam not sutherently prothoent in ethical casutsiry t OLE PM te r ference betweet " gest Att Vat sided mun k were led t lenge fessed teachers of morality. Kron ralss aan The Clarhoville (Penn.) Chrouicle asks if you single out the men woo the Most conspicuous for distilen, an their characters for wisdom, ree t and exalted public services, are they st ne 1 Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICK. MESSE Cae SADR. BESSENT, AS REMOVE! tuk DENTAL ROOMS | vn the corner y wecupied by Dra Bason where he ts attend all operations onaceted with his “ , Te FRG0! tm Ale CE \ ee vii s 18 ve 4 Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A Sa ndofte:t Sa Bice: CAPA HAE sted heir I have actt the pabli Me wy case, WECHOUL BUSINESS CARDS. WH. 4. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., o ME N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO. GROCERS iW LTERSBU he COMMISSION RCHANTS, ig WANG © CONT MERCH IN, RICU MOND, NOM waaTiy a MAR iN W ow. MARTIN, roars Revers une ‘ men as vou would vo to for wiviee in any | of the practical concerns of every da lite Not one of them! W Yiarniees and Toombs—who and what are they / Impetuous, hotheaded, crack brained tonis whe think they are winning tetmer te bhouors oN bullying the North, or by star ling the which they deserve a trattor’s dem. 1D you find any of Uils class pica cause of the Union? Not om and agitation are the elemencu they delight; their aets are dice and theire ison, Why You accept them us leaders f Vivry their Soidness cheat that they outh sere bold propect blbe Satay Insel tre you are heneet and teuarless pot wro! your « fouls as men ou and be ken 1 etatestie! pr themselves. L the otter side, ashamed of The 3 Kansas Territorial 1 ted tu luca the Tern ; the te t toe d slit Lhe tere b attairs CoWL lots, o threve hundred aud tw ued $5, 640 000; total erty, 22, 000, VOU: total aud 1560 pnor to 150 township. « ee of bl u aa sal thiuk~ ‘ Lista ! owing tu woth 4 + a <1 koe | ee \ A. ANNATIILL, PLUMMER, No M. MAKTIN, Lattenton given to the sale s for goods promptly fled. | 1 A. Davis, CF Fisher, Bisg ed WORTH &'DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, “Commi ssion Werchants. a I \ ‘ Ay J) te We | ( Row, Frost st WH WING sof Groceries Pr irs I ° ts ot | ame How I ‘7 ee Vel ss ORRELL & GRADY, M HATS id W A Ps, | Straw,and Millinery Goods Umbrellas, ae Le WATCH- one door below R.A A. oles Paraseis, Flowers, Ribbons, &c., No. 18 Coartlandt Street, STAtt Vew York Na ) S WORAT MAKER AN 3 Jee NELER, er ly WATCHES cid JEWELRY Clocke, Wat a dow February lst a en hit ee 1s lyse MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION WE Kt ! \\ I, SALISBURY, STEN PONS GL 1 ICONIC BE sornarket abet Sales res toquah BEARD ting Avent Wuply s Store. Bindery; oe 1000 Reon 7 ve ira Cen Prowler PERSON AL A Frenchman, resvived t On rene Verona nine ve wold iu t life, weut a little before lis t Car a, ee post set up by the seasick iH Nea BE et ye | Collecting Agent. ava i i - wy , . aS tied ane end Be Outendie Are tame trey ve ae ‘ Retire _ montende Reece os a ' Ne JOLIN t 4 An ban atts ( a A 1 4 wiich he wi b@a, extineuis “ | IN and a Water elit \ t | swal, counteracte Cre , a SA I, Is BU K Y. thus, teofy vUtions R k DVRS Presper and nu: wred : nt ; We My ‘ High Point Female School,... 000 "woh i HIGH POINT, N.< | Ls eetablinhune be MHE SPRING SESSION. Dstt, 0 Poetic Monday, February 4 Hthe fuslow vg , mad romp BOARD OF INSTRUCTION S LANDER, A M., Prive pa Mise J Ge Lasoray Mies MJ oI Asaiet 8 Mre I. A. Las ARGEE TUR SPeR ON OF TWENTY WEEE Board. neladine tus a ashi slitw extras ay : ot ' Gu cach ! . fox ne eharge for Ta n Bre 1 or Vocal Mu r for wer ot] Ui By exanucing the « obec rest that thin ie - Cheapeat Tnatitutian of ite Grade in the Tins fact mak . inetance th Trews —~Twentyt 4oliare reon ' the ba sneer at the {othe ow FeusL MEN Sr 1% yet 2 ' the ae ma the f Sesh cent « x d a v A u en \ 2 Oar l x, whe are all native N ( Hotane, are w we " an xp 2 he lie Necfaroar 4 Vhe Bos I under tl OUpery mil 1 1 xu ' fore vene nal 5 “ou f 1 4 4 an 7 ing, W A kK The | calle fron 9 The pu bo 1 k ¢ dire o 4 j Wi a ” ty we | . 1 we Wow t i the hg I ‘ ' Wath MHL Vbeta y gn yovan amply y a publ Wy arew 1 ( ' r « SA ER et Fen 18 1%6 D1p.d3 Ww uy \ t tae it tire stout & POW ec t mative ' ewe Viv ive Coetr Wa . ‘ Ca ! theerher Ree PELE MEAS E Denes Tele} Robbe hs Pts eat lexperinien BROWN House Painter, Grainer. T NSE aph Ams « Warn St, appease Many lore Gra SALISBURY, N.C A: [owe reonaly attended oe one 1A \) L PRRs . Vor juested ef nm ' ' 1 Biueots wekawaye, whieh he THON K ite Rew > ! and Ror WAIPAYS ww ft BROWN, ya Livery Stable. 3000 Ibs. 30 ets. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and ee ctectarers of HOS- TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can Shpee! with perfect confidence tq hysicians and citizens generally of the United Bice because the article has attained arepu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blizoning puffery The consumption of Hostetter s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half. million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during year the consimption will reach This inimense amount the comimy near one million bottles could ever have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in toe sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend (he Bitters to their patients, but are ready at al! times ty give testimonials to its efficacy in all cuses of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting (herefrom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by eee efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estiination of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague aud various otber bilious complaints have counted their victims ty hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the ‘ Bitters” rain cure for the Dyspepsia and like ~ to the propr-etors & source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality (o the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the resturaon of health. It operates upon the stomach. liver, and cther digestive organs, wildly bat }: werfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential tu the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persous may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent asa tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while eur er ok from stomach de- rangemenmts tnd general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them ider the trial. The relation of mother » absorbingly tender, that the mother, expecially if she be young, is apt to forget ber own health in Ler extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity the wear of are acy diseases arrive during the summer season body and mindis generally aggravated. Here, then, is a me stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the to bear up under her exhausting trials Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigera- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- it ig agreeable to the taste as mother and responsibilities. cians, because ertain to give & permanent increase strength All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referret ubove, tu wit erers from fever and ague dysentery, ind caused by mals appet ite, and the stomach, gestion, r derangeme mothers, will con all diseases ¢ ed invalids nd nu superant ns of sedentary own phy welfure by giving to rx Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial TLON.—We caution the public against CN using any of the many imitations or counter- ask for HostetTTer’s CELEBRATED 3:rteRs, and see that each bottle has the words Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stumach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped ¢ cap covering the cork, and ir autugraph signature is on the feits, but Stomacn I on the mel observe that ¢ label &y- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER& BMITH, F burgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, groce and dealers generally throughout the United Btates, South Ame- rica, and Germany, SCOVIL Neeson WTOTIES VIE Vlei NES \ ty | soLD BY U & ob = J ooRee ‘ 4 wf o > wt SPECIAL NOTICE, Bh STON k. BLUE STONE. Peeacaly Wt ENA te= Ni eieaeies LOVERSILED. oO Bars, € N PTE TR MOU TIERS or Curing Tobacco. ] eh Lyd (PE NIRERS ONG ENS fs > POUNDS aot Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON w ENNTI 100 GALLONS fone INE NN DOLE 1 ‘ y {iE NIE SN SBA NG 10 Bhs. Onl, e by HENDERSON & 11). END ES Tanners Fores Ague and Fever Cured Nae {eue and Fever Pills, Noe tie): thy OR Eniss’ Wey ¢ Tie Th Net Seer Fluid and Kerosine Oil. ib ot t EE SS het! See yr re FRENCH BRANDY. VINEGAR! Pure Cider Vinegar HEP SEER ON kiN l= 3000 ibs. HM), 30 ets MANSION $B HOTEL, SAL HOTELS North Carolina Foundry © | WACHINE WORKS! 3; BURY. \ Te robserthber takes pleastrem ananoncing ty bas] friends, atid thre ble gre ally, that he ae Sa et el tae in| FRERCKS & RAEDER, dat wet jens nd siting portions ov =) . enema virus sae “ N. BOYDEN & SON, Parteurr attention os paid to tis | W Hole coutiiue to imqnutactare and keep on SC AI Le, AGRICUL Vea infort is vided ite his IMPLEMENTS ROOMS. : ba ows Cultivators His STABLES are chundautly suppled and Com ots Straw cand Peed Catters, fee by a eareful ortier; and to all departmenty Phos t Swe the proprietor gives fs personal attention Clits sliet Cider and Sugar Mit A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularty to the pire t Piey also manutac ture roton the arrty tears With these eflorcs ic, ailiberalslinre sc Shutting amu Machinery puble patronage ts entlysoleited op Grist Mills, ¢ ind Vertieal Saw Mille. Gerold WM. ROWZEER Copper { ver Mine Tobacco Presses and Fix January 6 it u-35 THE WALTON HOUSE. tures, A rg 1hkoN AND BRASS FORGINGS and PINTISHED Rep fevery desctipuon of Machinery ASTIN GS. WORK Us inoevery of every 4 \ C Jan 21st 1\ 34 \ }os mmf R fee Patrot. Coccenst Demo rit. Charlottes W v Ads Asheville; Caro ! = : Coluniing cUbserver, Pay ettevitle Morganton, N.C. ! : ay eT LSE SEEIN EXTEN 5 3 ' Senha rofula or King's Evil, | ts a constitutional disease, a corruption by which this fluid be new vilialed, Weak Being si the circulation, i pervades the whe and may burst out io disease on any part uric a j organ is free from its attuchs, nor is there 4 "4 it may not destroy N, Ye Whie * Various. divurde The serofulous taint ly caused by mercurial disease, low living, ‘N ledorunheulthy food, unpure air, fil and filthy pet A ( y A | the depressing vices, and, above all, by the ie Hab, = is : infection, Whatever be iteorigin, it is herednet the constitution, descer Atary | DRY GOODS,) °° 0 LOTTE DN Gy ince a (|) ee (er ARGENT ig Tron parents to @ third and fourth maleretly i hildre deed, it vey, Iw "viet the nes of the fathers upou their children unite the be the rod of bun who says, [is etheets commence by depostion from the bie I\ Rk IEVING | ofeorrapt ar uleet toasters which, in the iggy] a { liver, cud juternal oigans, im termed tuberc tt \ ] 1 1 ‘ : hi : ga © e uber few, > 1M the] yl welling; and ou the surface, erupix 208 uy Kencery ih vy Do thal serofuy from serofulous ay eam power to witha consequently, vast which, Vhs tou which bse Te eer sorte suffer I sore eorsupiien plants, but they have far the attieks ot otberd bers perish by dis Al A JO) NEDSS IE ree although not uel are sull rendered fatal by th svetem 1vEN VC mnton the Mostof the cousampe 1OU whiel| \ OCK. deewistes the huinav fanny haw i ongin direetly dere fousta their nature, IVE lus scrotulous Contiiipation ; and many destryey Moinensuecnt lie iven ei Ve, brain, wud. indeed, g , fall the organs, arise from oor are aggravat i t ravaled b Saou - One quarter of all our people are serof \ Nuloan: th ei Prone are vaded by this lurkiog tafeeuou, at their from ah febeay 2“ term b To cleanse blow wove th trative tau ener cise Sael medic iecinaule yin Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla Hieet ermedy which the anediea shill ca lam every where prevaa wie! fatal ae badly Vie Combined trou the Must ar, een dincovered tor the eg, TIXILLS superb New Hotel has gained Ure reputatie l » on Cite e Enns Hot See an ANT desoreer Tutu Ube blood, and tae Sidi An a eee i Uirale Greensborough Mutual 4 ed anes Cuan the many favorab titre coat ; cuployed forthe cure of md sranimive calieenii ue tet ANCOR COMPAS Yo er eo rege ale ta atie open jwere: havirg Spiess tit ie sewer, St Antha rely apou the repo (ee peruniecs Pays all Losses Promptly! Gi 1 y¢ I AR i ks. if ' ‘ a Vanpirw, Pusculey 1 have cereus tiie ! keyit cujilic . { al fates mors Jarly with Beesh bostotrorm SN hes Newher DRE CTORS: Rho. Seatd Roceworn, Rhean a tT er enn Mieais (aia latent) fet ln) Meee T Cine Qran Waele \T RC Onn ieC MERE cng vere OME nUSirueianere Hevea Meu cei Water) CASS: HOES ii Ae wears ives M1 ‘ wre “ * aly her m ever ” and. tedeed. al! Coonploaits copes Cearre had 1. Code fted or tinpare Blood ‘Lhe popular bel CIN. Brown & Co’s Ntawe Office, Xt? Warssrss Wx. Hs 7 Dass M se blood” 4s fooudeal in red s s Stage Office. 0. etn c arhibited ino Nalishury. teers Hr ea eeu eames reavths Hove hier FOTOS teCoy\CTl We Ve ertio, ; nk vere Be Rete ULL! pL rp ES eee cttle Wee G [ale hiiciectnD \ r Miller mel SEER SUA Me SUMO LY BU Tope Ml BID Wind geeno went: Topr As Neen IG (aetnus Jncorson MN aie NN ni rawad ) for lt ' Stel) ores Conse} alba ani) ect Tienyes Uiateoaenia naturiene (HAE RASC Te We th ea ay : pce ee a eee ( 3 te HES TEAC Res vetany dour wndtor ft (incite de AN W ville bt s us Wer - “Caherite Pills US LOWS us wate : NOGA NTA RNTISINIIE NRE) 0 Spree et eae Pic ! Hae eis Nis ALY \ Pree t eat here Vee ' \ Tee ester es Tn ele) \ , ae eds BU aay ee Tip 1 ero ! \ eto TENN leer wee ANSI Lai renee Ways Res sGuualis tes and mn the A ! VW \ \\ I peu ws ‘ \ | f ib oats ‘ i uy \ wean ener ers r \ 1 t , Pil | : tes ® bealthy 5 Bye | : ; : then : eens ess \- 0 e Eieoerties di \ : . mote ‘ a’ \ ted ' ; Wa ence ys ce slut - 1 : » nd sui ny tool VLAN ow , ye vrtny toy . _ , bin and Gangeny AT THE DEPOT. a ar \ \ elaine SSG ay COWAN’S hein Ce coe ee HW : sree st nnacd Na it ne > : oe. ’ | i iene ae Ti. able Lithontriptic, S- FRANKFORD’S.’ | ! = 5 “YOR Dp se ‘ ¢ r Pit ’ Pu LUATENGNS aS Eley LO ( (yl \ | IY ‘ : vay 7% eu 1 na bhe . \ Hes Cherry Pectorsf, Camper Lie | DISSASED KIDNEYS, i? tS Bhs | a \ ‘ (ora 1 ‘ Rive fhe P \ - ' 1"! ' tet ul 1 ( ‘ othelanisentos ‘ Nn Teed fimenel hin i Be ‘ ee : rANIIS M (onic . Peete Ji ie is Ee Sev I Nica ay Stat vale Concord and FC PVUE SUBSE LIEBE AS 6 call the attention of 2 oe Ue ais eases i Lene | COUN ERY MEEHAN VS, to his large ond ue ia pels ade Na PRA Tin a0 oe roi s i , ; W “THE UNION, 20a JOHN F. BRoAD W ad Sock DRY GOODS, Sn ! a Te PHILADELPHIA. rar Es i ea Seis or HARDWARE!! Clothing and Groceries. \ TT rer jeeeeae wine he WHOLESALE . ’ ' ( e ' ! . . ; a ‘ . nen Rae eG eS eG Stock of Hardware a _ ane ee Ets . SN FRANKFORD eo a eee ue ; : 14 q W : Nan , ASHINGTON TLOTEL, _ an \\ HO LESALE. 1 Ue a JONES, Proprictor , |" - ee " oS es S. FRANKFORD’S. STREET, SOUL THERN . BOOT AND SHOE CARTE AT IL SCTE SHEEN TE ca erage ‘ ene & MILLER, a (LOTIGENPORI DAVID WEIL. ee | [poe ee +E eri Cuties wot a lieterts Gentlemens yo \ a pe 7 , 3 ' ; F nat a bye ow. ae eee = FN ui ; : a mcnianl shales a WANUFACTORY ¢ Se nore ee Gaiters: ' Ne omaene 4 Thies offer at CANT Niet it VEL Te hate te WHOLESALE Wo RETANE ! ‘ in | ( \ ‘D U N O L VY Ap O O Q O H | “H o d oO p s n SANTI : LIVER INVIGURATOR, \ A O I Z U N T W i } d d S NEVER DEBILITATES hd VA \ IGOKA™ TOR, as te, Billoas \t- “ LIVER 1 com Liver Com- Dyspepeta, Dysente> abitnal ry. Dropsy, Sour Costiveness, Chot-) Chole- us, Cholera Plate Female Weaknese> onal aap Ordinas teore SICK s cay testy) Vo two or three Tee twenty mi women cement t “S O W CS L L E L a N TE SN Os u sr aircon Cals are tnk- ene ae Alt who use itare Gi viimg ther weumees : ata as MIX WATKIN THE MOUTIE WITH a THE INVIGORATOR, AND 3W ALLOW = BOTH TOC HER, Soe Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD'S . ‘ 5 — ! t SATE, bE SPEER EIEN 3 Ready-Made Clothing.» ce CATHARTIC PILLS, yo oe ‘ . ( t Pisa ne tdi Seesionk, Newenber / “ sa, OUT OPE Af < / B Oo Oo T 2 an Pure NeRTtRbIe! Rie awd put apts ribs - I bb 1 cual ult Vines ¢ woot Sarah Stoker, deed , 8 Eb Alr Tight, and will kee? q iN ' cy (. ! ' ib hea Robert Cy aniee Susan (nrter, AM i 1 ‘ bee teournd wife Betty A len \ 4 | ' : RECON Eom Se Ts ENG i SOW | i [tM be Pate lei NE BNERG NIN=| ae I fan nee en i ' i ie 7 a : ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ww tt fore dered x : SMITE WELDER Won Pleat lls tee hea i : ° POM VANIER N * ! f a TE tee wnid dle YMG ITS State et vA ! ; a Ai : aan ant ' THOMASMILTE .BROSr eS. ee a hehe : . 7 Mh KL and SHOES. ..., ». Pree iaheartveety) on et este ational Flag! “ue tn He heard Manufactured by MILLER & THOWAS, (es k Marrs ( rer i ie re a ee : Be es WM. M. BARKER el He ae ee ta ae Le Ne AD, 1860, ane oe : ei 2 ' 1 -\\ OULD INFORM TIS ObD pee N AD! wn M Koh Promas, Dee Lath, 160 /W.SANFORD, M. ae “ Ut: Wale i a ee RI 335 aresawen: “New York: nis It i a G 3 WAP BARGAINS ret PISS OPN: 4 isos Cariage Business, ohn wort ENNIS i, Se RLGGY 6 a ‘ (| OTILIING ! pues i! . ' | \ “ priced 4 q nviee HATS AND CAPS. _,,, NOTICE. 4 nea : eet HIVED \ ; a \ ; eee any CALL AND SETTLE: : Peet a ‘ Aa VETER SONS iiehiedied ie fs \ I my) tok Sesto nC fet) ' ' Wot MO PARKER ‘ ee : i aes u | NOTICE THI. eo RR ea 50 White Hands an ' { is L 1 . o a ” - s \ . . 4 i a n ee g* a oe Ce ASN mt HINT ee ( ' Fine Shirts and Collars ee 1 aval ' , Manes 7 es ; Is eae SANK DEEDS ee eden MAREIAGE TICES We FU SALEOAT TIMS OFFIC RAID WEtl ne SALE AT THIS OF —— a J EDIT Single cop) Five copie Ton copies Clubs exc $1.50 each, r) Tue followin are kept on gent by mail expense. Civil Warrants Casas & Bonds Writs. C. & 8. Execations, O Bubpwoas, C. 1 Witness Cicket uror Tickets Peiasutiin Sa Bail Bonds, cfr Bail Bonds, cr: Attachment W Delivery Bond Administration Bastarday, Appeal, And many ot! printed to orde emma nino an For The Rocking the Tent! ly calls and we | ca)!, thal on the p tlemen, | the acti« meet in to the p dorseme has alre: the to subr any Co of wen | Tes alter an The que for ther shall ta whether themse! | uowillin were th p rtant p wrival Ox y deiit Seale t into the gentlen { ios ' niet bear U to the | next Its iu our eppecta profesn the peo People of aclt., look aj the me the I Bhey is medial Coavcr Liat ac « Tipe ta dow ted to few aw Cons tcl es exp on Whi bind jesty a sume deleyit sume f tion re expres Peopl fluenc and li vente refuse it, be it, thet the in trasnp blast | Oh, any a ot Vir eral ¢ subini appro comes fore, « roary vote Conve ultitn is the citize the d tician Fel Same our) party ginia nitud whic! bette it.—| Ni the I dite men city thou idle | don into talk liean the + butt is to ow Kay! not ¢ men gury I ee Seen s Evil, PUCK Of the blo. d. weak and S the whole Seal J. J. BRUNER | . Ee et . . " | ’ : Inittee with only a little. I have here a pamphlet | \entitled, “Who are the Disunionists ¥’ and marked EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. “Breckinridge and Lane Campaign Document, No. 16,° which was widely circulated in this Suate.— The object of this document was to show that HY part of jy N ie : - . e there one wh. a Whie| 1s aay 48 Various TERMS neither the memibers of that party or its candidates Lan dtd Single copy, $200 | were disuniouists. It quotes from Mr. Breckin q \ eal hy haba Five copics, $3.00 | ridge’s speev:!: as follows ' he ve a fae heweyrnttea Ten copies, — $15.00 “Laman Amencan citizen—a Kentuckian, who parenteral Clubs exceeding teu,in the same proportivn never did an act of cherished a thought that was not Ditto ely $1.50 each. Pay went always in advance. full of devotion to the Constitution and the Union.” S eu } Pwill visit th | It has the following passage from a speech of | General Lave, which | will read dren?” me ih we AN ok ~) ion tron ik M the bla a] be “Thave been influenced from early mauhood to this moment by love of country; and I shall ever iehy in the | lon, 1 hel Tuc following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS continue to be @ patriot and a true friend of the Con- ' stitution and the Union. Let no man ever say that {8C6, crupiu, ; : fegaideen are kept on hand for sale, at this ofBee, Can be Me XVII | IITDWY Y \ NITES YT yur © . “wy TIDY? YO peice a im iby gent by mail to any part of the country, at sinal \ ( yL. e A aU R y s N . ( Jes I: EBRI A RY Os IS6 | . N { M | 1D ks ee there was any disumonisin in the Cooveotion which placed ju nousnation the gallant aad gifted Kemtuck- V tubercles 160 thatae Bc ou expense. | ; Wer to withatagd Civil Warrants, Com. totake Depo C.&e8.€ - ‘ a ie ier eouny ere ib re aaa ae ou queDUy, vast q Casas & Bonds, Agprentics q Wiig Het d yo further lo preserve thi nion hough not sero eG rao tetirenexdniatscceene D mae r . Ps a . . . ihe er as gear eee . a Oa Hee See ec. Music me Devoted to Politics, Wevs, Agriculture, Juternal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Moralitn, and the Family Circle. Dune ee ; Onein directly , Fee cise mond C.& Bc Vari us ey Uiieitanke, te Mit eeciae 1 fimay be par ee for aes ane desta ell bonds ieacages: £0, again " a Neh se tate mated be postin that be Agravaied by ye Noa Bee DESI ied ae disveliewile Coser | From the Ralevh Ba Is ae So/—We hear it stated, upoa what Coercion” in Alabame, — Vie tollow S Pio E CH still batt with loyal zeal for the Union, that he o Administration, do. Kyuity do lO THE EDITORS. (ACU SES SAN CON VIEN TICINS seems to be good authority that only about jyy significant paragraph is taken trom — th me and other conservative men 1) the Grete a Kara ie Rotor to Wank, Rarein, Jan. 26, 1861 From the foundation of Republe of the 10,0001 sacle were cust ak the Clertigy 1c) saat te Nasheale fuenere Tir TLouse being in Committee of the Waole up TT Sean aa ee ae ee leone thm GA Sitanieraer sosiniecies Mn BO an a eieee Gut eteas Vera ee ee We Sue ‘ vn ta coneaeatnta of the Hl to eslla Convenr hat ite owns party and eadélawes were for the ieraes Hae printed to Messrs. Hal cb Sons :—I notice in the Gielen) Sweetie anne ou ener aie : which passed the Ordinance of Secession, If “We learn that quite an exciang scene . f - a Mite Hi ercouitecwanart U, i at aa teri ie Pee en CPE Ny fund sud eae : oy Obeerver of the 24th inst. Lam represent: (ye diferent parties desi cat ‘A aye this be su, aud we consider that the State has occurred in the Alabama Convention at . aoe ae oa Mt ’ ul the great condi the popular beart of North Caro- From the Richmond Whiz cd assaying in the Senate, that [owas 4 He \ \ i Seen ‘ ee a GU,0OU voters, it ts easy to see why the se ter that body had refused, by w deeded Coe et a ee a iia. Ww be rans touched it they Lope to Forewarned is Forearmed. every day tnore and more coufiemed on ia Te 4 MRO TES ee ssioniates were unwilling to allow the people ty vote, to submit then action to the pee Fa : eae oe ve ee uy eee Come Win, it foes tarther aud charges that every body el. arsaparilla, The Vulley Democrat, published in Wh ee oes people end not wish Isat the fey Sea Sa ise tat: one eee ae pe Phe Hon, Nicholas Davisee! Hints: eanon, and te reply to the aber aud dist Dane the nets _ teat Wee ental: Z Ue ine dural obj Rockingham & ubtynght on the riot . Ce i Co ae ene he and paralyte Couvention it clearly proves alter all, that the Sa TSU SAC STG Tea er AS Taupe wes Tuer existing, and eatablish several others. I ie ae sco a Ee ! tnistake: of yan Ritelh Reporter. Liter wlio Tul not walked wisiep for jaca ofthe people i cain an i of North Alabama woatd never abide cet unuudtal ob my want os periet be liber call ihe ate it the conmuttee tu the eonclud {row the moet a the Tenth Legion of Democracy, earnest is what Tsaid: Every day’s obrervation O80 years, and bait ot whose beet Was ded sian he lve Senay Teh the action of that Convention, it denied *! e ae non alt lisp o ae : Be tira nit olattiiet eaniypiilt Ttiarestia) az) Gl rvered lor the eg, ly calls upon the pe We tu remember, aud experence contictng ne qore and Phe party died rowt strong sit had) cleeted os : ie ‘ the right of voting upon it, Mr. Yanevy i fe S ite ho a b ip i at i 4 tu < aot is tlhe View, and the and we heartily endorse and reecho the ‘nore iy the opinion, tint a convention Jetirson, Mawson amd Monroe) and bke We presume itis wv fact that Bia One thereupon denounced the peopleet North ack clouds drive a @aitevane quarter aisle) cs Lee rel cininuds ow Orde The plot is about ie eres Nett Os ffor W he ie WHS Hite ded And Uceigicdelyeiteaact Ven eum Dane AL ESesOnULEEAbE did not tenth of the people of South pee YO. Alabama us tories, traitors, and rebels, the prospects of my country’s aia tag janiae OR0R Curae. ou ! Western Confederacy, of witch ous CONS IEG GIGI GUNNS Gh ye MAME Conds as a door through which to carry desire a President in fact, but ouly an automa ted for Delegates to the State Convention.” and gaid they ought to be coerced into a@ rhtol terror were F to remain silent, f Me a a Hel oe ee if which Johnson, Bell, : fee Gos ariee fry Bs el that Twas untme to myself untae te” gaat, Clemens § Co., are to be the Chicfa! The f those a . ) t eecise. ni i 7 ‘i ifthose who inane No doubt this was the case in all the sybinisgion to the decree of the Conven leo ppocene a rete 0 yilemrovedeat: (lia ' eases, St Auth onthe part of the “precipitating” gev- the State out of Khe Union, and that 1 did ton, to We tuowed at Ube will « ‘unples, P oe : facture ' il © Srates timitiimve secane sat arctic the loyal people whose repres © Lar at ; ar oo : fo wh *, Pustules tlemen, to defeat the provision requiring not inte el presto eirctelesene Yactured it, I ins. bat States that have seca: Phat areh-tiend ton, Mr. Davis replied that they might | at PEO eae r if * i if ; i Vorthern Confederacy will be Nana oes ta desea ws. Tetter and Sai ; : f ‘ : e . fe, it Oiieunits \ cif, was : CUE tet une t ul 2 Seward §& Co. All these parties are leagued togeth- heumatiem Sra the action of the Convention which will further than to subont tae plain question . ' hisuny i; Wat 1. Yancey hits on Was attempt coercion, but North Alabaina qnan idle, to deuy that the country is in a most ne ’ ie roetiee Sean then Aes Sc tbecn een = ee aeinthe elected a Delevate > ow very il . ) ; ; er to cor Anco) e < ‘ Vv. Dyepepsia, De meet in February, to be submitted back of convention of no Conv ition, Wit.out / ; Meee elected a Delegate Us very staal (would meet them upon the line and dee perilous 1 Albe ruption ot the disumonts supporting Doaglas and Bell will rawe hen. trom View rar | f Wine ¢ r complention, to he peop ‘ a , Hort y OF UWE Peay ut Ins connty. The cide the issne at the point of the bayo: Govern + began ' the banner of disunion, and then these Coufederacies ; belie fin am 0 2 people o Irvinia for their ob hem fie peay ob areal mtor Cont F rackles: hi . herself out of the Ur © to be formed! T ‘ h d eon Ta! . ' L confess, Messrs. Belitors, that [recard ' cle prople are for I nion, and reckless poll yet, Thus the spirit of these revolution. P the Pian . ( ie : i hus Oe ee eee : ne ulaisy dorsement or rejection LICCMCSS CCL ATT Me emerrennie tt nn miiae tees) Wer: : Pt A CUES CIA S ak EC oe UUs tLtO Th mete ie dinclonedl MOC tonal aeCcencion a laration that the Douglas Fxeeutive Committee tu : Particular Purp : ie gt oe ! a ! OT party Chaties Ache) resist Ccouecressnnitia Teen i Prodi MoO a ae here ey imay have conan to denounce all attempts to bring together the con- S PP WUETY wth rope, has already gone ott vesnen totet be do the main of star Uinoorty ta uriny ee The Peopl s Can ia notable fact Chat net one oF Te ty prevent thea from treason 8 terrible, secession ordinances. A revolutiot veryative vote of the country against: Mr. Lincoln Fi Poe the result, Are the [Up ee: Sy elike] ULC at! Calitics ob Lie iucrcitse in my dostrict dadat etait Vai df Haun seceding States bave gone out bY The hot to furee men inte an abandonment of commenced, and, as yet, no etter It war to thinend that Mr. Douglas eGo ane sone 7 Ae " A ‘ , UENO ere ; Velde apd _ voice of t people The politicians have at treason is legitimate. Calaiimin led prog Tee eens cine be Mocs Capa ee ee ost union with the friends Pills to submit this importan question to t Isc IDL Mieco ob 1 this fest om wer | Merce i sae d i : hi “ ! wit aly. Wal SNe ATT Sr eentlaecon al ot Mr Breckinridge! ‘This infamous conspiracy Coren ; ay toca ees Pere acre ty re ye ec ede CURUIIC SEO CR OU UN Ce See nen will notice these and similar radica ene ia Seni ‘ e Sought to aroune the patniotiom of the country to most if oO S a , t . t f t yose Who Laver Tau 1 tit Tees, 1 uw i Layee any nven ’ au ec foe eee Ue fen tea ' poayye BE tHG tail of a cart. Not one of thent tons. and consider well before they come a : : WO Vuperhtanan etlorts to overiirow wad thwart tt. rr . x : note usurp tle hit te ee opener fared tr het tts to the decision of wie the true Con men rally tothe rescue—rally arounc hewr aa ‘| Me ve a vreater pun ! 5 ve frauds of ps ' ‘ Wolaiokes Vata Uniiste (liein ets toe nes tet stal mit their destinies to the keeping of such pose brielly to examine the eases of the ihe peteaguered flag ot the Union and the Coustitu- Ve alter and amend the ernment! cutertarn different UCase tp fo Wey chael Teor dar UIE [CO t as ; ny . : ; precipitators.” ! condition ob citys snot wath (ie pulps ton, now my gallantly waving in the hands of the tes and vig The question is Beture the people [tis © reumstunces | ‘ J bat Demian the petp ts es then North Carolina is called Rip Van Win of saying that we shoul da not! coats Tes aafied and intrepid Kentuckian, and with “hnked 3 Sante g for them to say whether c vont aot d amines 2 re: ce we teawst mon hlemand is considered sleepy-headed j Tehabod ! [ehabhit!—TVhe aory has de eee tai ft precytateL apon i wt eit je tueha and dauntlens steps, follow it to ita noblest ® bealth ‘ v0 Bd hether a neent Haakon ‘ chibi . Ubnd, SUIS ‘ , ean siecoed iu sh ‘ Nes every ney ; a8 ‘ ~ : : Paul teuinn’ tte ai wet 1oou toy were Dutdether pouticliis attempt fo te ver . ‘ i re ‘ | : een : *y vi y ennane dL shi s , Gite ae ie 1 US SS Bd Guth set wD t ¢ varte Never says the Londou Diners, gers whieh Mow meus “i wre ida ' Peete ] . C phyrieal a shall take Chem out of the Union, ot | pee . rai ; ‘ ! u ' | ‘ people, like a dead heady behind « cart, | i : 2 : ; ; i , ' ; HR mist ted that we all told) the te j ; prefer redieinee te pra Mee CME . in an article which we vive elsewhere, " Wan delberate jy y | Sa ae eae : Worenctyy r whether they will reserve that power to ! ae vt ‘ 1 blets Riel Cutie aE re evidences of Wake MeO) aU Ce are . : ; eer varnpenl t a ele \ ( the I CANVASS WE wid omit ny ie ‘lve AVeceatt : ia CAT STLRO MEE NSS UNECE UITECUS | ce [Seed ee eats : e : eNever for many years can the Uuited pS \v wothe Lovo, and thatit was notto be brokea themselves © feel Lae we wou " Loess hoot on politic se uns : me euUNTEY tr are is 1 1 v i i 3 1 neeiaey UCU DA Ain] mill riper ' Huet Ho Noe aise kod ‘ Bile ; ; States be to the world what they have o. ; foes ‘ tl was elected, Is there any good: rea- ii ga i uowilling to trust anv Gedy of tact ever ‘ 4 Youre Tee hat they Ut ou r x 7 p | \ se oy alae ‘ < | reout positiot 1 beheve Uanger ‘ wo ‘ CekENE ‘ s \ t nt n . heen 1 3 e President bias 3 NOt an, th tani van =) : “7 piloaeid a tye were Chey as pure as ates, in m4 . : ‘ : t fr owe have a Convention ite acts ‘ ‘ ; N cone the prospect ' f \ So Sa Nes my ved \ , sipated the that the States which i thn ot 1 Pout Wea: Dotter a it can portant cris.s, Without er «tt ( t Sy Nt to the people 5) 4 \ ae eh e i ny son its is Lette re : pps tvelostt ee tn : | | ! hectodohiim GONStILUTG coine orl ss \Vics Ya ee : ; ' me ot Lincoln's election, or at fe iilege of pasesug on ther 4 <1 ‘ By rt Ter sees sce Meter ueec nin tiotual ¢ rs ‘ “ eG Se on eee ar bir cae , LAE Se ' mia os ow | Uae eee or \ t po ro rad thought the federation was of Che ta . . ; . y rey several years before, The Gov- Stumiiet, Nave Werations ca ; gn . ‘ moet Cs ’ | ve 4 1 a Basle o fate. re Pe yee enero mart i at . : : ‘i Nit neliding the g ‘ fin Be people not to surrender their sows ty . Se ; ' : iL ae: okt eonens Se rps ot Naw Y sylvania, have ne Ftenthie tntadeca en i resses WUE Wetec iets - Tee Omari N bles mn inore than a partmersiip. Hany State | worleofthe | veo Vi ie tal olaenanenutadlite lnws “ ; ; . : { Pete , i : bay, oon grounds satisfactory to aw tocar ces u isu | 4 ; ; ' nner nil : gentlemen, but requ re that t is Cans . . ‘ F | a \ . iinber of ey , : re \ i , ; ‘ ip ot slave property, ane 3 1 + ‘ t 1 tonvention, dissolve Che Miten retweet oe ee :: . * ;? wl th personal liberty bit aud ho m ostia t east aiw Ut t ’ . eat t x 1 = i; art v ctore| . : ' i ' ‘ ‘ pea " : aud its fellows; if discontent with Hs i ‘ ; ve observer of events can fail . ‘ ‘ i { ' s t fie r 1 a oa t y 1 . oO er - | ‘ ‘ ' > va R ! i he ection of a President, Or Ue pass www to inne that o i 4 Z 1 the norther 4 Pevinieot Jue tlre pu \ , ; : i ray esheh t. that af the : ! ‘ tae insbas \ - ‘ ‘ \ | eed va my gave of an obnoxtons law by abother spate, bad betile ( i, } tet Woatiy ‘ it : q ma he . lero etsy etn an ; ’ ! i‘ As Woetecton cou! Lhe reconsidered to-mor re } ‘ ee a ites : ( . In Wis a 1 DE) sae latt jourtal or, Tt tniy be, ib restrictive tat Hiv Cat 7 | veel w ibe defeated by an overwhelm > i ‘ cor Any , : . rown Bales 20 > Fam : errs | (has eth As eS State the ¢right of revolution, and: per 7 t y Letus then <tand firmly on the posi ips Gil ira te icone ei i Nera: wel Tere on ae cartel {tis a wnuhne relecuan to knawe thatthe US itto withdraw itself from the com ve toon | constituents, [am not : seat aie ot t er Sues an © ay a ak a i ~ : : heretic i tle Amer ' wepared te veedel (hia ind. Lintend to breast ? . rs Ee ve Wee tes CMU wore t atte st. and ¢ it would creat inaienty of the Seauthera Democracy tavor munity, then the position oO 1 Aten yous ona | . : tS MOU tte ‘ 1 ls ried 5 F = Z ‘ 1 wad batt uuional nion as ‘ ) ics Re eal , su t : w tay tine penesnit p 1 Minis (heexciision Of fiveueries ron Mier {suf / can people with respect to foreigi pow 1 wed yhists i Bae rsa Fey Ghitops mleknow specias — rdli tiveat lees : : ra \, iat ‘i u ” Mi even are | f ; ‘ : © peeded Ws a Lovw : rot Veaist Werke! Wu, 4 wie us Vas fraye, in case a Southern Con racy istorm ers is completely altered, ae ees Custer of South: Carolina aud her imitators Ulessud sac 4 bas ie TCO 4 ' ‘ : : this vily nd ot ; Ma, 4 A eee Se Be ! the] 1 Yeo that het Pores. | and ANAS ed. We have conversed with a yreat wurmber it : ; . jj to tanat those who are iuwilhug to sanction: thetr ery e be people-—shouid seek to take from Che 1 , , j Hererpysecs ail , es Ae : , a > ¢ Bee eats ne them submissionists. Sir orn > boat i ! s eis ! pe the aid Congres ‘ lena sve of sensible, cnfluential Democrats on this suby cet Snutor (Clnupaineabae | Winston ie ahobelt alling then 1 st Ir, I cople the preceds and tivaiiatee tf t : ' Petacchi t heat Ra t universally fireralve al 7 ; J - ' ‘ Eee he ubmnt wo the laws rightfully enact- Fs : ar = et era et \ ( the st univers: concerte ti a 5 ae ; ieaeclne : oer viele Rotel ) : of selfsrovertiient, Tiese tu te 1 ; , ! Simic ac ; Sereth edaly Teemu . ir Sentred bas a letter froin ue eu) i ae a pee ithe ¢ wy of my country: bat he look wpou the forth (an Se Tiinantelias eee See on ' h : i " pt ee ee Una whosays there is Tittle hope \ “dew yowent tH elie seat that 1 oF naleveC mon imenaonll ‘ Tete byt 2 ook upon the fortheote ny Conventiot 4 iy { ns and when Poet Sopalpable that the faermn ofr t Has Ee ant Oe ) t 1 teetiy Uiewe e Un : mS then ie lostrutent t rh \ & Sate wall be d tbat x 7 . Pee ; ; = [eat he gays, cif North Carolina had \ Sere het ce ‘ ‘ wets av tuowhotn dact upon tls question, wood he mere lis tent tela ret citat ee Ay ther tese rain, a \ Countrd, thine vitiee andesturer tr ; s prot Ut tia i eleney, Vs Bates. | ot ‘ , erieal, thee tlits cut t tide t Pivot March Fi i ‘ y called a convention and armed ey t t SUE Bry CW My ually att ' the Lion, witthouta wiy ora. efore 4 a ut Charleston and at Bacon Conventions: secured Lineolids deetenn” Be ee Co , ae ah vlog prohenon: H PETC N TE ee is the hor Norti: Carolina, is a sl . ree ‘ , ‘ ruspeetable peonen on y Reem 4 | our people, yeheve a good resale might | feret ithe Con nat Charleston: but there : : Phey imdulye the tant) ope thot ne | : ie moo peTe MALOU UO ODE AD DES Se ae The Montgomery Mart ar unit a \ Hee rd Ve scpyod | would be no disruption of the party. And he ane) ee ee esto } coe INCd Cate CUesTaT es , ; Sy r pea ' rpan ~ ee ek Sh uk merit " have penn obtamed, , es, that Bo Beet a I im in al rine , f, ml nee to tak h artillery and { ce é = \ 4 i > p . i result” for which Mr. Chiaogiman has been | Mies Oe a eas the man who lat such a tim this, leave | oven mayen . { ee : . 1d ‘ wv ‘ sy tthe Sate Couventione mist {that although the members of t narty Wise i ~ alaty } thataction wy te i ee Pa ‘ . use thet Tethat ow | : ; eat ns of \ laboring so long, to-wit, disunion. Hey Convention it w Later thee Rea nine! , | ne duty ) : BRS SLE ES : vi : ' : t See ae ay Pe coal aa ror tke | . ae Hen ve t yen may = ai 5 Vw CO: CRE Cent si | i vss rueletee? ting th \ Cree Souci sundeiite clude Uinutcndenu sey a. 209) Ole with other stuff of like} | Chatter llore uw that party Ww enn aan any ved, ae oan : : ; : ; \ ; 3 : | wand unworthy of the humblest post among che ‘ ; o 2 ort ts . i tre WM ReT La a Seti tt ne igs errant st] eu ' ». tenor, “the course of the srotessed Union slings, its nstaets, bie v huss : . ] and without aeeord them te yadrive ont those of th bs Woo are airendy ’ t | ; ninels who goard the ramparts of freedom. And Norte winnie wate ie : ! ' er be eareth fib=t ik ) ies Am sow, tanates ther [his as Know vist with a ven f the Sonth is eminently caicu ated | ye wud a ; ao We wlide Lata determined to do my duty to the whole - ran er ‘ \! Pe eet Sahel at vianitet | Dest be se Se Wa the tes, Loe Weer Seaeitigh aad f Teer le (NSOL chrore cok Ute Tet a be sehen cial, at Chrartsste ‘ ; ine i Miceeudu ey toneclits oth Carahia, s\aiinit M asi : : ee . ; et ° x ronest ditferences 0: prediction would “ Nea aac “ : We TTA ea NST ON ara tee Nance ‘ ! ‘ Sat : : and at the same time make taat dissotue| ‘ 1 mel ee ty Ee ae 7 ‘ : beta ; ms 7 e ms gh Ot : , M ) ps eens . : oe ‘ wi bo tnodet eelaare not te prevail, af eae as ( Canettatien an tat sali volo : | Apranlof th: Prople Sis amost no. ben blooly. If that were se, why does | vo witethie ti \ i‘ at ‘ ‘ ee Oil (6 COT crete mu Hi : | s | q \ \ \ ; 5 . } + Flv psk : : } " : a Tee en oes ‘ ~ | : mio fact Cat hot amneet teothwe titer uot Mr. Clingman join the Union men by im diphs ant wath sa peso , MG ierene Ll tiludto iniysell ‘ aur ‘ sty eee Te (tt i ‘ Tess t a | c Arie 1 i , est : I 5 . i Peeing Gantt r ce Tevet a} : that liawe seceded eit yn Ile Gannot diave torrotten ties rte ie i i : unl . ow edram shall aus ‘ dit mee ita so ith t 4 Lthev Ww . “ ¥. at ath t 5 4 } ' \ ( ' , r ‘ fee e mah t fe Vere cisco ti tre mses, pu turns ' wn 1 shall sound, and whea the rour of Cerh tua vaite ltl tscen ce tateet neat Fabien, ar 5 : power, ated burl fram place an pos ie veto upon the question of ratitica, nde Years Ae per : {Was Unons ious it sun und en Cater teat dn wi ter crear ite hater t ' an ormrercetrolieat. bie HiMUMunce: ait st anlks SOLCstEICSs of the Souta tn case oe dip forevenisa ; i py i . RSLS ACU GG Sia) ee aca teas feabet or reyeetiou 1 very ee A mn . wii bia d ved and betes \ AW re eae : ia Bien panied ae \ es Yi ot % found as far advaneed against i mort, itv t 4 ‘ Cessio = ie ole yyy WON. Pplot betin dt tu hee ebie Wioan TL ‘ os > a Convention duples to tte « ' : . and would wow ter wer them HON) Viiv th Hao Pgh a , , : ; ia : I E ranks ot North Carolina foes as the ") Q iremelneer tet ' ‘ ce : ee Coes Neer (urcen tial ewe subwe baeae lees Taine people 4 Aod etiert tino Bue all that has prevented satistacto: | cey, Ww iited Loa wt ene : ene r then In the meantime, j : tee a EE at CN . Ree : : ; \ ; i ene er Mette ere oul Hue sssassin & space, t ; . at j XATOR, C8 expresses, OH setue subycet ot ier nt fe ple ow ree W © Joes al Uy the Deiociata, wlan sn tilt jo V0 set ttelitel hetiare thisare the aeta off a ue ea a | io ae ouraelves robbed of 1b Tes ON MiCl tice Limetsniiure deceer ' Utne peel : [S61 to the sfandand at saaiis A. 1) ts. Pexstonis of ‘ fori Pieciita co) tren 0G bse CG eC Citta aU! hie ne L Ko ers beg eathed to us without an ermrrea bind them-—-t ae ‘ 1 ae! tt : ‘ a : ws werallied to Jacksas in 1828, Wewant people? Can there be any otter reason whole South tad followed t r example et ; : ‘ alauuity = 2 the rat t ypeles am theth tna, , . : x 7 aes : ta. let us see whether » ob- : , ee CS vist aL 1 Very ne anveinie andi clomiiess but weyanultordit than a Wellet tit trencupleswentitis8 peacefil settlement wound now be oat Demo “ . uM See ee Jesty and power, are to be a m4 i eT . f ; rou , Fe ' : A i ‘I , : : ‘ the disunion programme, are pancane ; ' Se end) d= afar, pen and honest expressiot not sanction their rash proceedings? We of the question People cu this country witha . on sree ear aheney es Ya TAN sprotisil vy. M [> eh ae ee . 4 Peet . : a F ow yar parsait, an rether or tr Teledat a vin i ae | Ae : , “ Guin The Conve SYST EELS doubt whether this would have been dene in auy partet ti re Mohrengiat tou ‘i ny ea neere. Prudent men do not always ac delegated asevinbly 1s t u ma VLEIC 1) DOCKERY Pate tat nil oweosiy Pees Cire ae aes - Santh Cap seusecot Justice | Glee lity 5 i eel ‘ t y declaration which pobt- mec irate: Poy ( backs in any one of the States except Son Ler CUBE SOL Jurlrce j SAG itn ; pune every declaration uel poh ¢ ete tel i Lene 4 i. \ ' Aa 1 tor to \ye - ) ; - ere ¥ . F ‘ oo tives oe ny = ] es ee es \\ uy \ the Gtina, and there the people are accustom hvsil ' fone \ oa een \ weit mots and Tam unwil : tloo resolve ot any per sat acho, at DaAWuer al w A ( . yw roti 1 ) ie a | e the declarations of the disanions as to ‘ SOK ATOR, * exp! Ricci ancien , . { / i 2 / aT ° ed to less voting than probably any ot 2 peer ueeits i . p. They say their on Ate Xpress punctiou + wat auchon bb Y cee ‘ : - : ; \ i , ey 5 1 onic Diarrhoes, People will give ita momentum and in ¢ Meret ee eer Pipl er state in tie Union , Or Course. —A Detneeratie nan Menuet etna Tene 1 te ge the ag ions of the Dy sente> fh i cae eee , le oa | Whatever others may do, the Legisla i) ay Hoining enunty, weit as on soe Sorth. They say the Fugitive slave law isnot ’ pence, that lmake is cxecution iss \ Fr ELC Clent te Ce merrier ieee eee j My rs ; | ae in-an adjoining cot , tt oa ster i os a ne , et (Mabttaal Se ee ‘ - Phe feng 1 Poorsan Ahalitioassts Mr n Boston. ture of North Carotina is net going bras a : a ee ee be ‘ Foawdthat we canuot have our } and iigh tf, on the cantrary, tne ot hoe ‘ ys | rt] Fer . ; usiness, adds, ‘ I t to redress these ev Vv | J u ey estate S ‘ Se Wwetan- Gane 220 A meeting of the:sume to its the responsibility of deuy OS ‘ Te Puere is 4 \ se e t I et ‘ - rention decide oth al in OUT RTED Stith, atta a . , 2 : | . Cy +] 1 ug are todissolve the Cmion iat nale Weakness £ t 1 Ber fst eet teexe jan erent 1 trot toy w their constute ee atte at r “ rust | this tine we bave a Con v1 of the North—_w ey coy Spon a sean Ordin Petter onliwetlel int hy aieeupee Apu tel To aCe ewe eer niciiten 15 ing their constittents a ve upon th L trast by thi m e have a ent in ; i : : ae nee Neco ion «lenre SICK or ae 4 Chal eu nee tactl arts | Is pre: 4 é Most important question they ever had vention cabled, over whieh you die Gon Gira \ satan isensuwee ne Bur it, because it tears they wiil tot approve So ay | disperse} by amler of the Mayor, on ac 1 wean les) ( i 5 ie ee 4 | . ee. ee : ne 1 } ‘ wth t Mii ot : a , to decide. — ity. Obs / mon with all true Sontnervera will teeth 4 vai a ; v \ i North would bea toreign gov © . ore eal tisdiiero th Wetted ene ht wel ov 1 DEEATENTC Geer, AG loweract SAT arenas : : 1 ta vown din ueotie lation « ; : 2 inessare d ie ee Ww ie an tty vit i ; ; ; / count of the disturbance among the and | rejoiced, as out destiny is now fixed oe es al that (men Meee Ae 1 wave tiv sort of claim upon ‘ sid de indignant ated otra re i ex will at imeetct of the tie disunton elepue ‘a . : ; % . : . > \ 5 ; verry beives vould) be) bringing * yon iceice Ree Teel: . - i ee UBC } 1 ence Afterwards acrowd of about] 9 County Court of Aso The rate of cession or the abolition of slavery by de- vt i‘ ; Le a att ie Sanit 5 + Ing ramnple the Convention dite the dust, at oopuecied witha eraforesaid, Omi = ONO porsens aes Dad Femina tualire . : 7 ) wreus is wal we HAVO tod), and DEEN | 1 thada dow " 1 re Sout . mouTIL WITH blast it with their exeerations fff a. id a a) mie ees taxation, Js fixed by the Court tor the cur- © ik be fi i rece aw ig} uve to step across the hae, and f r i Hots Com ibe bode © nese AN Gist :, Reecliean| eat TOPCO C! AG THITOL 7 7 the two hnow where you will be foul, : tle weld I and under the r ND SWALLOW Oh, no —if the Convention resolves at ee! “ ded mont Temny Baht dispersed without any | rent year is as foilows ‘ - ' ‘ ( : t : 1 ty demand that the é r Bottle any action seriously alfecting: the stats my elements! Let the mames of dellet (action Another large crowd appeared | DP. iat Certainly the writer knows what we webs Lunt ‘ ae ane emt ul rth . y vat x : , : eee oe eee acer sa Lins’ louse cdfey , PRC : il enactments of some ¢ he th : of Virginia and its relations witht tie Fed) son, Madison, 1 Jackson “pale theirine in frontef Wendell Phillips’ honse, thre ‘i ert Si would do in the alternative he states in non seh ward to ye slaves, shall be ’ 1 . i itr lenee, but > was Ct tte: eS . race inoue z t lt at earch D's eral Governmnent, taat action must be ctiial thre before these modern ble m4 . SE tarn w ; ‘ pene . County ) his closing sentenee, There would be ne t » ec Vat ‘ asd ~ and that ne whole torce of th { t ‘: ; Sloat AN reculve te! ial i eae ee ' Aldus he negroes are alarmed by apprehen | 4 ua . =. Sailer Nai mer be employed) to carry inte exe ? PILLS ee ] in at ie ve lights, for their doctr nes w ald subject Pent ed ent meee EN Mice a | Railroad, a difference between lim and 3. Bat we t ce Foetal id return to us our escaped slaves f approval at the ballot box before t * them likewise to excoummnnication . te pigeons us > ‘ AY SPECT thes " nae kewise t ‘ lon, i ee Gar ) i woe ne , an vat ot stanling tit Tot ROM ! ‘ht feiialadd eoorele And, there ; fa . | Phos mornin a erowd gathered in front | | ‘ | 4 do not believe that “our destiny is NOW -earry out tie disuuion pr aint ian ages | fof stantin ee sh i nincen ts comes final and irreversi Ole i . : Lo be sertous, Co Brown-—-standing y, ; | , \ 1 Niteon nell rin | Tusane, lo 8 : e . . . A ieian nt i are feuand teen t ahd will hep fore, on election day—on the 4th of Feb- jy the broad principles of Democracy of the Temple, but a SvOr UU On ‘ixed,” or that the only alternative is se] | ie : : vely wun sas will ins cogmtion § = t “eon tive Preasse arth 10 onven- | . } peat a . t 1 Re Oihts ove to been ttc PITE seem roary—let the People all over the State and the Constitution. will no doubt look bidden the reassembling of the ¢ ene os Su) eession or the abolition of slavery by de er et re prapese MIS ahL py Pen n © rf 1 . bd a ay ’ nme t 3 r 40e % : i t be s VWosurret to ot en D , Sepp on . eenve : / 1 : ere were some rotons procces : | : = tly obvse | we shall surreuder to our en ae VOL fT HG Arri ny, UNG UIMGTION VALLE Svc hvecinn Wei iy ite GUTRiI Gus and defy its ee cnn ar \ is | The finances of the county are ina grees.” We are not yet ofthe “no hope eae : the very r by which they are secured “™ awention lack 4 Mereca far encima a ceton 1 1, ings, bat nothing serious. A large police ! : ' Wy at i . < | Pexcitements most readily v sey vary a ote Conve ntion rach » themselves t UPON ee SC sat seats sute who them ee ene, 5 flourishing condition class. We do hope and believe, om the}, eens ey TS TT irae ree a eerie Ny thea vwenayy. and all the physical ultitnate ratification or rejection Phat selves. by disumon and alien elements } a 1 ‘i an anal ei il ; . sei ee a oan Wioower by which they to be entorced i enate ee anicaaa fa tlie enfel nnlewinen) ake, atpdl ee whee : : m4) F ve following erect > were tnade by contrary, that the North will concede al | tuien ra) ‘ \ ) ve tron hee Lee ees 1 me K fe > Bi i PROMO Nyt eh he uiited, are cutee of Mocralie Peer ? , ok Hi : vrai tars W Ad their ploos aud s ae tates : TANTO niet te citizens of Virginia adopt it, in spite of yl Plana hoasaining to export Nolon Borland Gets heyy from Solu 3 rn , ' that we are entitled to demand. Let us}, 5 he lame cael ue and 1 ek ie ‘ oy _ ) Utell le ee ; > ) va) 1 , Cinect = Cole, charriiany, ae : , ; fo we w 1 ry will the dictation ot reckless and selfish poll Domoeratie doctrines, are guilty ot brae | 2/7, Solon Borland made a speech in Pp fr ee Sn cons vive them a reasonable time to do it in. | whe eas wy e waned uy , : Sia ante vrohmrdsity os. \ StNOnS . : , ; WV ' y tna E 1 dans. ae ae, Rta Poul. Prown retases Nas Veo Chutes min . i ie ‘ , A few montis int ve lite-tiine of a mation W yale mm D ’ F : . Mie elaer cane ticlans zen presi] ) It Brown rena Nashville, Tharsday night He (Sut NV eMC onnls bao 4 ; aw Nacelhy i ak . , i ; The Territor : tay fill al tive teed f permite waihien cy } s but as a tnoment O preserve ‘ 4 , ce Cy ent, a Fellow citizens of North CGaroutes Porta LTO We TN CHG vin-of erratic poutienl the eourse of his remarks, that the Mice Joe [aeete, rested oe) i aeags \ : i nen ! comets who bave te fixed position in t | ms nag , ; ny = i ao ttt Union in its orginal integrity, aud te ie . ; ee Wet ort tof comme we relin . seas een lamen acrnts etone yal A nucry xc i ! titution nioh paryy, and its achnow sunt rust ee hy tte: i i a ) ; meee Teter Lene tonlescas same fundamental ciple isa ‘ haaeincutait ia any cow miteigzor (eal \ U pary uty 4 ae wrod eivil war and aimimclia, ts worth) are ibeiy tod het yanthe Territories a firiaient, | ivateaasen il Vane nnatlie Lshovo’ Argus : , F eek ' vernments. our State; and it ts assated by Me same oe a adherence te Demoeratie Stat i champion, dobn Bell, had belittle uf years of patient waiting, Only let us 1 Henan New \ Sat has fi Ih \ “ oO F ; : Gaited to lie . , i i radeaie remedy party that desires te lestrey I Vn Nite py co prineyp les, whi ey eds ceca rine that the cleetion of Lincoln wonld _ i \ ee see and feel that tines at the North ee led to be bank a ' en ee : ‘i ; War bea just ease for the dissolution of the PROTECTION OF BUDS. yrovressing towards that lappy tes Lee vernent todivid ginia. It isa principle of the first amity? with every tieon It .3 abe Lea : a : 4 prog Oe : re Sa errant wa ' ae Maal | ‘ Laie a pir itu ise y font tion Npon Slaaptaews m the clique aloressal Lite talk Union Jobn Bell, who was io the ands If our agricultural friends would read and we can affor} to wait for at pee inet es ieee wa 1 wey have ot easons tor the ce tos - deo and is the very fourndat 10 2 ee te i lay ae 1 raat . " ! : <r : (owishes to get mad of tary, throw and Family | a ; ‘ Sie ' \ f excommanteating ay onl Stare fits Cee, reset d denied the eharge. Upon) \udubon's account of the number ot an fitys he Dhserinr Tras tame we kuress fo { tn Mal ge ' \ fe : es riaaiale ae sie Sealy tis ane 5 ‘ WAT Cate Sg i) 5 i Nai nee . : i , , ' id bave tree. trade howl the aren town which your freedom: rest Howon e eaioerat from its ranks whose record is thiss savs the Nashville Democrat, the seets he has found in the craw a single —— s Si | ye ; toatit ty at (oat t } ws FANT neraiiy t rerhecie” aan . ‘ ; . ee Wothont reserve trust youent up : better to part with life than to part wae eliait reproach, as it would be ina tur Chet rane: aeain and again through the wren, a robbin or a thrush, ete. they Soldicring —Onr exchanges annonnee = ena ( Thats tos i 7 : . ‘ F t lial tistvi ( he predonn ne area an q . n si W nea wee leo anki ; ; Tbe WACO UMIASN baned Turk to assume to read Christians WUE sts a nb thre ne lomi-| would feel convinced that small birds the departure of several younyc men front the genie nant vow Hf midlet the peo | : Ms oe out of the church of the true futh, On nant Vauten feeling in that a no : sliould be protect and encouraged. —. different portions of our Strate, tear ie le re tee Gd . sont ted f ' notwithstand e ysnmior ‘Teme ‘hey ¢ sheaner : ¢ Gwile : ; ‘ , , : , niet varot and protect n 6 AD Tito Might. —VWissaid that ly Qouk ef Vath Jogh n, who notwithstanding ft | ce m clement They are cheaper than insect pow lers, ject being to enlist in the Seath Caroline It may not he a MUG Re ON TCL SP iriteaieat (oO rt ates the Unit a tes reeruitin HHieers find sa subject of Queen WV hotnee) Type tom) UN tRNOME Ws : a Ir. | oo tore Vand should not be destroyed There can army Wo guess the “boys” w ! find ie Li Osean . ' ( bus c 1 that vastitut 18 nted States recruiting ciireers y =o) . Tyan erat yLoresst he lope ande + ‘ . aa aaa ! : esd locanva or ‘ HITEC Ty diticulty now in filling np the ranks th’ April last, rea Tate ot tenarts a Jeri) BO esi Sl . FE er ie be no excuse at any tine for shooting el goldiering, in reality, quite ad (Tener iray va cane \ vo diametieally opposite e c BEES ' US sani : : mn that all woul et be ow witl yor os 7 5 i : ye i ji ‘ elle I. ee Nai iniscinitnetevory: en and ocrat who bas an uninen shied, aan tronor ’ ual wou Vs well. with ther of the following : . ; thing from what their imaginations have a fie eae \ ee ‘ h \i . : , “l \ a, a eine able. aud a useful reese d cl . ovens! amd this declaration was) Te The night or mosquito hawk, chimney painted it, Shoaldavt be surprised tone . \ y ss : a . ' way ty 1 mh con ASU UR ECU UOES SII SSR UU Seat . 7 vay Ren sa . rye . Wea “| f L ” CULO BUG 1 , Sil COUN ONS B Lert Wests SU ppt td awallow, martin or whippoorwilly oanmpaien enares the most desperire ca pie ; ; i ihe toate die win Ave ‘ inipalen i \ at sia thonsan cs of whieh cunekoo, king birt or bee martin, wood wow at tone, bors al ai re! ver bin Sas ‘ , 5 , & ' 0 neans of support, Hey , ” 1 i i) ’ y : wise f 1 I i ‘ LL wad ae and without t - | ' , Pi tit re Puente MR CAMERON TEEROWN OVEREOARD pecker, clatp o1 hivh-hole, cat bird, wren, Goeht you mast, for your own State , : I i 0 ‘ do not care to aecept ( VW wion ’ i x ‘ , . , j . - , . ae 4 : ’ ‘ ‘ reel 1 x t ' ‘ ea r ‘ etyy into tl ry A ul rreat deal ot Convent th Athan Anny , Tate Vico cae) Vent) i f Tuesday blue bird, meadow or brown thrasher, Redd, Biaarer Nae nee aoale 1 ‘ ‘ othea © tie ar PONE ae omer ere : rercletin ie yan: : ‘ \ : warts ' » } her dove, tire bird or sutmimer red bird, Dang 7 . ; i t | ‘ } reat talk amon the ardent, platform Repahe ry x call sarod INT Bit bird Phil on chewing (on! Oh, no iy all means let them p> i Oona wiedge oe : sna eee anaeare ies Ne tee eaten tn ne bird, ground b or che ky babe ; ; in they w is a ean , licans alent coercing the secession! TPA ee ‘ Int Senn terlayaceondng $9 our tak or rice bird. robbing snow or ebip “ ! Us ¥ . . i ) Re ee ny mln \ mnat which Ht i ' est the South by meansot Northerg siltiers, this city euhy 1 Ne i Weomeesle a ere yt SME Url) Eat 8 mee" ping bird, blaejay and the small owl! std \ at | | r { r t { ‘ eT | ‘ 1 ‘ rie ' mit 1 + es ue : or J : ' ‘ tw ‘ accu but the indieatjons are that the figtiting petitrans hav een | Tenner ast ‘ Warenitse ypost » legal matte dan ‘Wing either t é \ But ow wil atandene ' oe Nel Sinan Ere al tneutects eee TINE en a ee c Phe legal penalty for shooting either { ‘a Ia \ ; re \ ; : Fenn: 1 aa la ' : - \ t eet } ' ‘ = \ nd the above, or for the destruction of their c ta { | ‘ ie ‘ ~( iy cari ta PTish wie toten wroita tak sfeps rpresy a her te 1 wn py ] 4 was ; ‘ ° > \ ‘ ved ss 1 ow care t ee! | : Carre iy : . : ay eves, is five dollars for each offence, We ir \ , i . arty Rt i nd h rty it, the convent as the t | ' the Seatheruy Senator 3 . : ‘ \ les A AIChE WY Ale : ome . Ven i ts i \ ‘ Hicanet te hie Should ike to see a hundred of those who t all thre | ‘ | ereiial ar Puy I to keep the qovern the present eExerte sta o il | " r me, Ww 1 ‘ ”s . “ Et ‘ yun , }s not only for pay, bat ee roel ! | | Pane Cabmet. [fhe Shoot them spenaing a few daya inthe would leave the Union I y \ Pfch NS nt toe rthat there imay be a treating. a breach of the pio PRC ce SOU wm Veen fra! ab he t 5”. . 1 1 \ ‘ \l ( : me me oe 4 ' eres oe hee Farm ta hare ROU fillets any, of reterbution for ment was that disaunion was desirable be- yp could peo ‘ v sury from whieh Yo draw their py be inevitable, and sige) tte 1d to: sOrions | be truly reported, Ire may an ; ) : \ ! PSOne / / | PAreny rated th rblican party.” their folly Working Farmer jcauao it w sald abolish slavery jot what 1 have ss I tro ttn 4 yes a uy oehester neon results ' 1 ! : \ : . ‘ ‘ \ i ates) has k i Te i crelva imnoneet: oing what they eon- existen iL four ¢ Brom the Raleigh Kegist RECONSTRUCTION |! Cie Nie: oom tice cortcisn | f \ £ s y i ae MY ; : ere } ea res eres pea A CARD : ; ; ‘ » prevented or checked by North Carol | ; i ‘ y : 2 nists are in the halst of : ae ona whi a cue. Hea sae a og ie “ . The disnnionists are she remains in the Union ?’— Rough Not hile ; j ‘ ey NGS au a : é ie rains abe Weal Ono the 23d instant Jue. Spelwan. | wa telling the people that the surest way to . #8. pation by law ugameat the slave trade ot tert i . Galt bid aan esti upon me wath the request that L would bear at e : k You bad better wonder how it can be CRP tee Pe Ran SUT ue ere Teenie He pap 1 i ihe, ator SNUG YUE Mies prea aco meu, CET Tit eh cn mie ic save the Country is to secede, or break up Lif sl 3 pre. vtsupplys aud druiand alone bt we de mot wont the : \> ago, declared he Senate mo lis) ou au the verth, and I have uo!” ies vase I ; att vented Il sue Goes out. Yoo seem to think “gr he hour had Pwhen tl fo doate wut it \ nal ae tain offensive expressions Which had) appear iu the present Union And thev goon then i that Negroes: ich do nel have Cis 1f wi do wane wh 1a \ ist Jubii iat at a Nitonal Conventions 1 grandad’ ot the qitl va er, a ; : a united South would scare a united N; b theme Uc OeMinnen (ILL ne (elie eh eepAlationcol a bt acy, with delegates tiesh ti ‘ easscubled, the the “Standard” of the [ith d o explain, that that is the only way to : OFtD 49 £ ‘ I J i fae \ ; to explain, that (hat 18 the Jy bad as ke } tol Gelenverurd tert tat cu oe reales Now Hat ica Uncen ee eae That Convention, 2¢¢ for Mr, Spelina the bay puts 3 : . — ee ad as to make her come right down 00 he POR dances Weitere narnia \ FrETt iy wiedeai ol een POM TMOM aching Ga resnun wore cing ueetroy, son of certain tz fe - : os i Me secure our Constitution rights, fo o Matrow Uantaand cea tirie Unive ae : Mr. Pryor ae wh would be the eff ) jay { eat 1 rol le nsible, Uo a mit : eae iy , \ ( Ml be ve-const Ce ‘ i Clase of porpoun Ete iil ba s uy ( : y mill ea Pe nu doubl the Caton will be reconsti uctedy ay ig your idea, under the operation of the — Sah a ey : > il ? Nfy IT te thie wing = ufter awhile, und the South will then see sane rule it is fair to suppose thata united N Tees oe cu Te IV diel hs ~ . XN PT CRC NATL ESUPERDELL MeclinedL la red Nunth ann 5 ie 4 hy be. Gi. Hay { ‘ rie [ 5 ddl at hman to il (hut até ler reghts ¢ ‘ » would seare such Southera meo 8 YOu into “ayh, sof capttcue ~ \ : ‘ Ee , At 0 na é ‘ ( Wh. This hind of tatk satisfies some few per mission.” bn sh 5 ‘ : : : hee. t i sons, and go tle hope of a reconstruction We are un ifectedly surprised thata N. Cap they oa ee “ late \ : TlOEe ye only er eeal “ be SRN en recldy conimmds theirasscnut toa present olinian (you tay be w foreigner however) shoul Ea g . ' Soe et ‘ destruction. ut what are the facts in undertake to accomplish any thing by the game. re Ser ' i : AD Fuge re ry Py roa regard to are construction 4 The tulluw. of brag, We are the poorest bragearts iD the Africa, ¢ | | \ | ' : Ss | | | orl 4 , nee ue i: : / pe ae | 1 cn I ee a en er ne ine, we think, throws a little light on this ¥ wid. Our people never studdied the game He 1 vou r I : : : 1 . y utr F . . CE Lt IE NCL ON ghlject, amlreceals te munds: tundation they know nothing about it If the Union de- " \ \ ' CANDEDATS TOBE NOMEN AVEED OE upoo whieh the re-constractionists stand : pended on no better chanee than the part North ‘ ae ‘ eR ie \ A Carolina could play at that game, we : ie : ~ . | 1S biy wy ers : en ee Ctetety bo SalGs would g 1 wis . SOS ici AIS Viass Meeting of Union Wen, NSN VES Te CUE ION funenu once cle val aa give ' : F : ; ; F ; top at ones ve Yankees could) and Would j ors 1 \ a ; ul i : yee \ on | ' o ; / ( a M Pet isl EY ; ae aT Roan: m seats out of sight: they would run right Over vat N ‘ ‘ ! ‘ . t i r fea } ‘ ’ e es ‘ ! Te a 2 \y Ne 1 Tie | varcef N Ca ads we ue : 1 us until they struck South Carolina, She Would le \ eG : ‘ \ ERS es ee Senn settle a dled we DNm them to a stand! Yes, sinee ! they : i a a 1) forthe purpose of deciding the question (4 voany \ « South would have to stop dere, Then. if the Ala \ sli I | la ( HI : : : o wt 1 ¢ 1 a . ie 4, M ppl aud some of the Arkansas Ss It \ \ a , oft | te thie 4 omen of \ a : ' rhoss could be brought up io Line with their ‘ ff ) eed ~ ‘ oe | 2 ~ County are invited to a role ‘ " ‘ tue Aeaey erduanee, the yankees would blush! ; we ! f M: J VW erin Marrph /1 WoNutiredery Phev woull be ashamed of their dadey and run pee : ; ; fn ee ' ' ey ; ; ; oe : ea | Ue Care eC MONEE Eien) 6 Wick LEESON VENTION RIT, ! ‘ au the ( | : n ( vention 1 tus ware the frends of Provides for the ef ; 1 . ure in Wal fried t ovides for the clecti 5 : « : is ; . ; te g on of 120 dele. bu . 2 : ; zi : 1 \ ae , Bois hepoa the Linton men e Conn: the Ant t Is te be the tramp gates to be elected on Pharsday the 28th ! WN Lik ty willeometo tsimeetine by Lamdreds. ean ofthe disunimnists in North Carolina, of February, instant I ! ‘ Init eal Mes si f : Fen) ; , t ' } eect There ne : ae by ! mee? towers Jinthese They will pr vreat devotion to. thie Phere never has been and never will ; ; \ Ml \l ' ‘ Sy Ne tat Canin tevether. Union. and w y te convince you that be agatu, a more inportant clection than - | ak ' ( \ uot tat tet ne Cae eee ‘ . ‘ : a ; : ‘ . ‘ Tea Tie Uf val Phe poopie of North ( arolipa will t u ! lee , } } , ’ : lat, sou ie Hpon tie principle of on that day. decide the oe Ge rie Ne re i | Principle « lay; le the future condition ‘ CHEERS 3 ith by cutting of PT See ant thie Country oy AS > heal Ver? ( tutional Uoion Mea Vy t ae Se ao asclect tare best and . . , ' | Scie ct ! \ , , ' ’ a \ i . E ul Wint ! ' »scnd to this Convention teat : ‘ . wy butwh : aad . (pec : ue [iow is led to two delegates ; , : f eee MELA SEPN D) 1tii eel Lik ic | i ; . ae : ee ’ r = er ULANKS ea ie 2d ‘ 4 | Ne / ' ! ! ! i We stony plied oar shesves with K : ' | 1 a . , t [ot Cont Thanks, got up on good / Lea . Ue yeaper ane avery supertoretyle, Coun. ( ‘ fig tid . \ t+ | A ( ! t | Vand Spe r Court forms, and Consta- ‘ hoa . \ ¢ é Ns oe bianks Wo6o cents per quire — . i 5 t ‘ PAS) sTieth a distance promy attend. ‘ ue zi ‘ Jeud by the pnrehaser 1 | 1 at t Por ve. : ei ter ra Lael tine tia are ive : ; | chaiticd: Heike M Laas ta wadable quble dueu = i = tment . ‘ \\ athurs beeonie settled, we ' I t ' bish valoab e\tracta \ : ' » Patent WEN \ i to tin x = ‘ ; 1 = ‘ ‘ Vaviv tf ntother i “ pecatirt i sections i tM \ ae beer Dib eonce 106 auiiom eh ihn 7 1D) ] Light Surin eo Chey wee beer ng to see \ ta . : “that there vet lefta large remnant of that Sata tht , monessinpathy between the people which t r t | ties f tion of our National Un F ‘ heat ina al ' ( - 1 1 ’ t mo ' (eo ; | na \ sa NAP wees ‘ anid " . © pene 4 \ } / ‘ s as rl ‘ felt ft ter Soalca \ / ! 1 sot Crt Una! dit NW LO treet ly 1 3 ! . Tuer Wie ane ' : , t / Lhe Was wt (eer, an ‘ ! feof 1 of Proessulens ror We bb iia fe tor the dast time t 1y. : \ Pits i ENN? YES ave \ cs 1 It ‘ ‘ © 4 ( ' PrN vata! shown us a , ie 1 the? auk of Wilmiogton, re : at Thy gues 7 sof a jess denomna ; ie A le. l han five a 7 . H j \ r \ \ ee her (oer Creu us i Mie » i 1 \ A : . VEN ty POR a . We Tianna \ a 4 “ « | \ , y ‘ ; eee i rire tine , r t caer yh ; 7 aly ' ‘ Tete wn has - i ( PP Ta Len i MM chet aa | A ba : e 5 ‘ volar t ' ‘ : it Leo Viet : erty M 5. 2s py have } to v4 . ' : cue Li Green ty hecontinue we | ‘ het { ten \e tod Congress, and f \ i i Govethor ated Legislature of the ‘ N ie a ‘ 5 ‘ ; i , +2: \ ] : i \ , 3 A ‘ | oleae An lias heen re-elected ‘ io “ oe cacti tale State The isa alison | { i ‘ \ hny-ts j : " : ta , ie | 1 fe Ga ai tha ‘ : Veeoeti ; Ts " : ee) ‘ . ie , 1 ore all ' , a Ili le feondent.--On Tuesday last, Fi e , CCN eau) | Noe . a brenchman nam 4 Grailmett, employed ‘ any \ ' Sotore ¢ Te ceri i ats : , es Zi i nthe ranlwav woodshed at [sland Pond, on en ' i a in ‘ ! Vt. was instantiv killed in a shocking ey \: ny ty ‘ \ re ; : 4 A and singuiar manner Ilo was sawing ' ‘ ; i \ \ ‘ " \ \ wood with a cirenlar saw, ron by steam He 4 : y / vel power when the saw burst, One of the ; . ‘ : ! i frasanents p | thronech his breast, tak- Hani att thes rey . ! yy ‘ “ . ? “OS Une out apart of hia heart and liver, The 4 ‘ i é do au . | \ ! ' ore ra prece of the saw, after passing throngh Ae foe ) ; ; ‘ hin, was embedded in a hard wood stick I ! A ; : / { | Ihe iat « of tiunber te the depth of four inches i t I " | { : : : ‘ : VATS ote C ens sue : ! i p20 The Michmend Angadrer comes ; ok re ; RECA SOU SECIS esti / / " out balfin German, and the other in Eng SN if ; ‘ \ iy WAL. Pas NEE EIT. v f I int ' trond : ; ay) 4 , ' lish. Webhave nodoub? the former is very ao Toner ia : i 4 ° . aor : nteresting, buat the type Aurts our eyee ee : 7 oe bap TRL iar Ae SCHEV U AS GGG ORE NCCE We saw the word © Bottes” however, and , : A | t : rte eh we find the fol taining ove ms with the Batvain bib | Ca there can be little doubt that the unfor f t \ 1 vs cans, will open t eX few freer : ' tunate man who bears that name is to be ; ' ie ' : ; F ; : f IP my ; \ 1 . Pteted orsoented in Pentonie, as well as Anglo ate , a . ay wveat & ' ' M ; SEN cnn Piis is * doubling” on a man l ve va 4} hee rather sti ind as a ineans of self pre ; Pye oY i Wwe r tha t e ‘ toand 4! ; i tt Ser ania role ' i servation we would Sayyvest the employ tte fot . oe eet i : ee i Rew TEN yf ee tt) Anal puilh s oh 0 ri : wee bye nent by I. M.D. of an interpreter ’ ; oa ae ee Th Wash of The cit : Wil. Herald t /, (, ’ we 1 1 RSIS ATE, Jer many obligationa to our ~ wl qT 4 . ee | ! IE reat A ‘ I rethren of the Press, for kindly notreing : ‘ ‘ SM \ : i in advertisement to dispose of our 10 ' 1 4 ' ( und ‘ { \ o% - \ Seward ik or ed to tere nthe Patriot We have been 10 1) \ i ' eeacier : paliged Tacwishilvaie orn reposition tocelle ; - i ! 1 i an ‘ on dhe shall henceforth devote out time and ' ’ ' past Ms tl a ! ‘ r ' ta tnd that the CMerIcs te the paper Bditors giving mer ‘ i " wry ' ae “ tl Woomsertron will place us under re ; |) Hk k sentativ \ hood t operat is 1 : t my haat ut newer 1 9 he : a+ ton oof Mr M " fy een intry, | p We nthe specen JAMES A. LONG i \ ree ¢ want Clon mem oer Lally ned touota int PEeEnCer, Wee dt t l v ¢ os. } Burk he | 1 “ wee and £6 te erly Ralergh be qist. which they depict . ne ie ve ae? ny altaxteain io cas mt Erleicentae, SLi | ‘ MAE ENT I ty. N. C., on their way to Oto awaiting sale in the Southern market we = Pursuant to pre pectiog of the citi House, District Nc tbe present disturt on Saturday, 26th Op motion, Mr. Chair, aud TOnG After the object ed, the following Committee to rep ing, to wit, A. G Rufus R. Kuox. the Cominittee ret ing, Viz: Resolved, That Constitution aud t that we will use + maintain ther tn all our grievances tine. 9, Resolved, Vi Jature, wheu they election, Were the and if they dave should, in honor, true expougnls 3. Resolve sion uulil we hay Inaintain our lige have youd tedsun ty of the citizens us, as we think th value —de labs rate abut the last of Union, she will » and debberation 1 4. Resolved, ‘1 asm and meddli too of the citizen we cousider Seces vores and there agol ; tend mautuley io our rights 5. Resodeed, 1 the President to Arsenaly and al! wt ta uy Slates 6. lesolecd, | prope db reseia li tor Ciitter teal the veaed pues! be submitted tu t 7. hesolecd, 1 fuouee to cle 8. Mesulerd, | the sworn friends gti Un wt ry j The warnan woud t then ani oon jue ¥ ise 1! i 4 via teow ( WV “a { uf wW Iu se; vation ot ee , : t u 4 ss = ¥ \V Sell, Veuietit ta gy botthe ext mrs tittle ans ‘ Coat ue ‘ \ Ai} aS as Ma ise ith ba i er Ww haxeept in 1" aprvaija ‘ Otnwre u wl) suth Hection af ove If the differe: know each othe etter, aud there Tiere should nes » slavery «qi eve Uhat the | web for the ul power. An er people at t sbext days, A President f Maryland from one of t Visited since, Presi details used with rey of Maryland : Ti the Balitors of Whilst \ with twa ot Ne we ow Keo dima itt (ore Ont gentlemen A Mary la ven Bore : Lae (asa dete Vion and a Rhi Debt. Vive | Question : ST Is and seced pay the publ Unvand dow’ ona. t Te bay the del Lager gmarees Fe — = newer re or eee ~ - ewe baa at, ae MIE RALEIGH STANDARD ON GOV. THE FINAL DECISION OF 8. CAROLINA PERSONAL RENCOPN 1} Pursuant ta previous potice there was a large BRAGG AND SENATOR CLINGMAN In Time of Peace _Pepare for War, b: AKER & CO’'S ME DIC INAL Equity Sales of Land. th h Neen Che South Carolina Legislature, on Monday, A personal rencountre ocentred yesterday eye. weeting of the ezens of Rowan, held at Schou! Messrs. Bragg and Clingm man uuaninously adopted the following resolutions; 0iNe i front « f the Yarbrouch Hone in this city ERON IRANSPARENT cob LIVER OLL ‘ ] Y VIRTUF of a Decree of the Coart of Equity, House, District No. 4, tu take into cousideration w blist * ‘ Hebel taa oy : : between WoW. Holden, Bye. ant Me Jolin Spx IVI BY & BROTHER THE TRUE AND GENUINE { will offer the following bands for sule at public : ; : © publish to-day an outline of the k ved unaraniously, That the General As- ian, the former the editor of the © N.C Stand: z . Le ' aaa et t nouks : i c tandard RE offering tu the public the be 7 ie ea ‘ 5 es + tbe present disturbed condition of the Couutiy, or Senator Bragy, delivered in the « tons *2bly of South Carutina tenders to the Legis. and the latter the editor of the ~ Stat. Taine \ offering pe ne best assortment of UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY 480 beFECTS SOME FOURTEEN or Fifteen Hoases and Lote ov Saturday, 26th of January. Hail ou k riday evening last; also, the letter of tate of Virginia their acknow le: {gements of The tacts, so far us we can learn. are these Mr. ever brought to this marker. Colt’s Belt and Pock eee Te ere AND bit cone it Pe iaie ee rane LANG) eetls of Oo motion, Mr. S, F. Cowan was called to the Mr. ¢ lingivan, addressed. to Mr Thomas the friendly mouve whieh in- pived the mission Holden, on seeing Gov. Ellis pass the Hotel. 1 ade et Pistols, old and new model: also, Smith & Wes _ deat the aL teed ie ae oy wil be crete TCG : , : , . Ke i Tico resto Cant vi nase O10 r the Chair, and T. C, Grabam nade Secretary. It is & siynuicant fact that the State Journag (utrust ed to the Hun, Judge Robertson, her te temart thine aud coupled M eiinaun’g MOu'R seven shot; Sharp's is @ Pistol, that cunhe oA . Tow x ‘ a fa leat : is xt Rug February eels h ee ue ne ns easy oe 2 i tat . atk BRT oO} ' ee seg bame owitl 3 ode ations The rho, Cetried iu the vest pocke shoot through ans ve eee o Br UMNAVOTatG Cie fom 7 After the object of the meeting was explain pubh ishe s fiov. Braya's remarks without op ‘out slot, ie . an Mrs i . nh re uy lena . i‘ oe ce sien a ee ee et a o blood al rotuudity to the figure, Co’ 12 months, with interest after 6 months, purchasers ed, the following gentleme n were appointed # word of commen Tatious Mia (a adiliaen cil Fru Resolved ananimously, Vhatthe candor whic hi ‘ a ae ‘ {van an ‘ i EC eel ies he oy at avi pana ue i aah yee ane doyervoon mem BIVINg bond with approved secunty, $3.00 Committee to report Resulativns for said mect that the S ech of the Senator was “uo ; abe due to the loony contiuued sVinpathy aud oe , : Rie ce ec Bahu: Miley ee moot fis value haw bee reuin yoo ALSO, the same, on the premises, the following A ayo will. Gs (luldun clon olin moar coral neni tae re » an mre ee se eet Cn ; mee elena Hiro fase ln being co Dunichitutiinrid his children; $ ae > i - , i it he mi ‘ < Haripy ton worth Vat 36 Inore or less, situated in the Dutch Set- 4 rufus Ro Kuox. After retire, «a short ts nat dito thro tan nn a t it \ wiry Ou 2 ' Wie nee 2 @ as Bn aie fae . i fi 7 of the Jun nal ho doubt oa y : yotod ‘ ; nel ema ct ! ‘i fi rds neu Pty ihe lene ngvery tine farming land, and avother the Com ed aid reported the toto order, The ol que Would atiack an ea vido tlvisable ! duced ae i : 1 or cal erne, ane 3 BC *, More 5, situated pear the ing, VIZ: ; at tot fear of commeutten ‘ ties I ineeeenl o ' ves the frame with fat 1 I first trae “ix months eredit, Resulved, That we are truly devoted to th ‘ * op ba Bro chem, Bute ae, Su pene f howe KoDle my noer a, a reuse first ineuuoned tract Constitution and the waite of the Strat tant is aNAtOUS te cenvarliie | Unusual i " wu ie 1 Pal val WwW | For CONSUMPTION « BRONCHL. w * : ; the dad oF $3.00 we _P ‘ 1 7 : IN VE at the pane wine aud place, I will offer 4 soul © tnfleenes ' ‘5 , tu ) eure a © nel that we will use allt tof i WseUs to destroy Ge, [ ts t "i at irl seal Coenen Par SCROFULA an all aad Viluable lands belonging to the hers of P maintain Chem tn their tesrity, b Sothat tae is in favor of exhausting all dertresrsd Dent or new wuaragtces Le (axteiiyar {i Focal RCS I WEAANIENS, WONT? VG are | w fi lug of one tract of HON de. all our grievances Gan id ow red Means ty obtain our tuhts before reser t of tae | Lei ~ e \ Ca ss pportiig attiees, W Wasi ) ct moot DEBILIT) sou mane LON i) Sree athe George Gar- ; Ge cai Si Mee Cee ee To the Public. rerameshis, Wits Wares Beh GT aetmg Mec Qf BRIE ran unrivaled Tooke II Acton, ante or Ieee anoing the 5 Fee necd AU caa eee ; e , Sow . . 7 5 - Sais 1 ! Gas { \ yivteu ~- tr ghey remainder of the old homestead ; 2, Kevoleed, Vuatour ieriivrs ty the Vo gy Mme causes, Con Vaase te aaitit cd He AATHIAKEAS eotont fin coral re ae a finns Se renee es itive (uwenwanslatvedeetani de ; Jature, whe they Were before the pos tor uy tule, and bloodsinet > Mer, ¢ ! ft tite Mcinscita vy ue injure nie, woot . PT RAS oe et 1 it i : < oe : ‘ pup ht bo he ‘ et — Pe au a docu s ‘ rless adjonnug the land ofdoho Yout, election, Were the avowed trends ot w ‘ Palen tant ‘ a er ee : ‘ ! t | ie aliner ; Mea Ee b Ga he Satret aad others. ‘Pertus—six mopths credit, and if they bas. ritteed) (ibe t HET HOS G USEC gtitin nieve i ' * 1 vat haight hay u ‘ ; ! — fo oui howe | rinceed for pe WhDd au! eecurity £3.00 should, in honor, resign, as they are not our Us all in ciibable calamitne (rare lena tee t ia . 5 Niienee : ! son ner on of t Kt canes January next, £ will offer the true expongnts, the watel of peace: Me. Ciinunan waves ee o 4 ne St Jun, 211 aa ss See ania eN GUC te a ale a is S us ene Dr momnccocen Of j 3. Kesaloed, That we are opposed to Srevs. Ure torels of civil discord wt. Vat this Asem y - — —— “ Si ea ela eae. Allen Mill 3 ehiave tricd all honorable menus ¢ * is x | will This . Aiea — rediools ie Professore ita snore ur leas. belonging to en Miller, § sion uutil w ny ried all honorat me ut ) x ; . * y - ' er tek Si , The Ad Valorem Banner 2 | NIVERSIPY OF PEN VV NIA) eee wits of Paul Miller. This land is sitoqs- toaintain our tights in the Curious and that w Wetnake to threat owe throw tet : : He eer : , ey Cts Treqaper : JEVFERSON COLLEGE OF Pita. °o on Road. » iniles trom Salisbury, fravereooulnencurn tt le cine (epee ln 1 fidence ; ie : mich / Jee) 5 NL Y — OPELPHIA. ire i _ uhsof Marta Josey, Milas Shuping, trio lic cl uaetiseol Non eons Saw Meena , hey ! i 1 mn PHICADELPUTA COLLIGE of MEDI — 7 Wow tract» olf woodland, “‘Teris—6 ty ' ~ ' \ V short + I wia , Te nnGT Nt ‘haat mee tentlis t nd security $3.00 us, as we think they possess one virtue of CUS aabiba wiles vedosopmie Mi te Cees \ reoud \ 1 A LARNIALTE AV a be js ‘ NB. and other { jt t j Pilumeou oer i lime anne tyes . ‘ ae ee . Pernt es tf ae BANNER : : a . (| ’ ils sh caret. pare hy ose oe same tine aud place, 39 Acres, } ; y ! / : A Tae : j te Tih, ; : : re undoubtec PB ey ctentre: the me nyiag tu Joh A. Holshouser, on abval the last of ' We orginal UV ber es itites a yeexter tested: (ountv, ow oe Se TT ERS see ‘ VSO ' ws ent aciive vedia idvantayes Go: Ww d. 9 nites from towa, wath good im- Union, she will show the Saisie wise prndenen \ Wton ig ' : ein OP DR WOSTET PERS STOMACH Feet Ge bond aes ‘ WUich Woe prepare hus GD iio the funds of Jacob folshouser, and debberation in retiring wnt listed tes the treat 1 ; Sle Mais ‘ ’ MN ! » Bhatueu yt = ny : ee _ OL - es of sapertoty over other meme Pe ‘ ind others. ‘lerms—6 months a : > nit , Sonn bar a an " BENE AL OAT) Sel ccunis . Mitiiiartured only : mt woud and ‘ ie 28th 4. Resolved, Puut we tritly dete «t farnet a Pe Cer tiie sect et toatl tig - 4 ' ‘ oe BANS WV Tole lye ees ONC An © CO Zz } i a ae ud i dsm and ineddl ng prochwities of a lane ne en sinew tha i trordties at Wastinetan fase ’ ip Ve dete stat 1y a tanec ae : . —= va!) Vaway sales mine purchasers must judge of ~ F 2 ‘ f ; ‘ , tiporte rs a alers in ' ved aan ud, as [de 0 uoo of the citizens of the Northern States: bu TEL eRt ONS EN | rodN: ! ! Jiwsentt i POE dcimenenmandie in ttre elite eee ! ras Banner takes mdes with political (Nuee Cheuliting ae Se lutea anche | oe vas Edo not well only the er will we cousider Secession the remedy only of dem the fi -_ Med ree nn te ere dee t : i fee ee Den rane a eth rear Na a 40) rat - L. BLACKMER,C. VM. E agormes and their dupes, aud that we will con the Geaoral Accu : Vtroopss apd om a 1 ne fi te oud. anparts ae aera at T HI | RDS , Rie ET. Jan. Ist, 1860 tde333 ‘ ' c i Herat Ttiort ou z ‘ ; ‘ Se ane uy . tend mautully in the Union, for the Cu tnd eat | ‘ a arty, but wall be cee Hevitont dunnen ri (eae oe Seis All theses repudiating seer EST Western N. C. Rail Road. 5. Resudeed, Vat we consnder it th dary of bo: eUiistanees the \ “ i ' . un ca rehution t COB Te WAP IENGHLISII REMEDY WINTER ARRANGEMENT the Piemdentto detend al the Ports, fox ” Das ‘ t § ce ers of co te j ' omer ; , eure ne a ne t auve se 4 rr Ane pee . whale avial oh aie - Le kt Vo, | Roose, Hea f Vieira it en ee ib ete vl stipart $e thes “ ee es és ! SIR JAWES CLARKE’S = Pg z Arsenaly ania Pubic property, a i , ail be just ated tour ate 1 x2 ee ; heshadtveh ™ Petit ste Pred ! ! q itis ' ‘ WW c z D aS AE REET EE ein aay . ; a oe sean _ rece Pann etre CELEBRATED FEMALE Py ALS, 5 a [BS las { ‘ a i P 1 0” Vang e- | Ei> - : 2<]79 ul . , ya c VO Fa = > oy 6. Hiesoleed, Live ‘ coat : | : ' eae wiry nen ‘ 1 yin PROTECTED i 2. io tc een = cs 5 f 1 - Sis : cea bled LEAT, . Be # = - cae iy 4 Bio Rs aece oat Ui fai Se, | / : er ee | , , , 1 y ANNER BY ROYAL S opyprsyr : 2 a]i5 A i ie! 20 ‘ - 2 2s 3 the vexed question « Ube, ‘ : \\ ' ts (oe R 1 } ' , Ve 1 loou 4 t , ” ? z oay & zz ‘ be submitted’ tu the prople HONE aay \ a ! ea ta | ia 1 toe lawl , i hed z 3 os 1 7. Iesuleed, Vat y frael aa : " oy ! ( J ’ vy a : 1 p Midrens, Eee ROLeNe TES CIN The iovatua! t eathe oi “nny =i { # “ } + 1 r 1 atid AL wh 2 tabives Chat itis our wish tha on ess! eK | ‘ \ an ' aS | fon BS Kalen. N 4 x wuc! 2 = ze . : dceetaarahiae cre a : petbeet, Durrtis \\ ( , | 3 gi Sie les Ue \ B\RGAIN< ane ve bun : Tat hSNe ‘ Pee e aauary i 4 Coun- a ey i i es eos . u } . ee : 2x1 Ms Sibu TE BISNIS AS To Marricd Inadics ol ee 8 Mevederd, That wo be in et al “ : ee “r 7 | vl Fon the Fa ae the sworn friends of the ty rk 1 : | ‘ \ t epee Fly SIP RENN 2G Get ; ‘ : i at di if) Pees, NTO ; : ‘ cS stamp 255 1 by over the (4 i rea i a I Me $ > £5 7 Lelawain cine RED JACKET Caution. ie = ‘ ‘| . : \ eo ea ; Pibnn reaiae he FLEST a 2/7 Rue rceUoay on \ - & \ \ : CLOTHING MAES 1 E MONT a a ing = At, He debts \ : pam end NU Mesh. a ; at z = af * t : I ! © Ow WUE I EE \ ‘ . ‘ th Be TET NSS rere \ tN Ne] ow C \ ; = NIN TREE re : ! : yee ies = SIS =} S , ie ‘ a ee) 2 i whet > 2 = pti ‘ ( ‘ ‘it ' . nertdy Brown, Calin & Mocks Store ‘ 4 tM ow re The (barman then anneuneed hat the ve i i Meeps be Coe ~ee cgtey | woud be taken os WHEY oth art ! Fetes } .* Weava tt a : OS : pine : is = ; : : 6 i anton the question bone put ous \ ‘ nih NCE AoE NEN ee ae “ 2 2 Nem semen wecnurnas , ‘ \ aavary s 4 , r ' i a Must = studs paced a Mis Hhay eit f : iesidoa!l Kowan Rifle Guard eee les (Gaede! , \ . a he ; ‘ ee en ; Sh int anit e pos enietos 1 JAMES C. TURNER, | : WM no aot ‘ bo. , STA AN SWING Fel tN tT “pe HW tt a cgay ENT Nhe BTS b0 hs eoaaNer! ; ‘ oe : ; I ~ i os > W . \ . ‘ : Oi , a) Fread-Made Clothing, eso. tate sey tots. vo BOOKS ! | ; | \ f \ ‘ ce ‘ Horgers, Tass —— “| Se wpe ; ' ; , : phis SPRING ca SU VAEEDR Ae Nd ons Ve Ne = \ . uy , } / GOMbs ¢ s . \ : ; 1 : e x - Gas SOU THEGN TAT AND OAR es i ; \ \ \ Us . Wale BkaWN 0 Reduced Prioes “ ae Le . ; , tt oi \\ \ © t , , rer ' : f i { y ; “a SPUPAULE Tr Ti TINGS, oe ae NAT CE . a pre '') shea , ‘ ner : Lye FORN DOOLLZTY, j 7! the tat 1of BURKE & of this V/ ie ; Nita Ni { . ii ao 1. ; t1tval ‘I . Mie é pot 1 : for Vive fees { 1a e stock 4 AIM Street, hice. ‘ Ua DE NE 1 en piaeed om the hands of aa 1: aay : } a ’ : mide veneer = : : REOYY NS NTR ALAR RAY WEN's. SUL TS AND hoy Manufacturer saint Deal } 11 ome Leome forward 7 t a teow . “ ms ‘ Tanne ’ . Putte NT ¥. . rm . . ' PUR, ETRAW, LEGHORN, PANAMA, SOPT AND MOLE SKIN , of that i Poa ee S| 5 eterna CONT EON coormeet. Clothing and Furnishing Goods, . . . a e must be ' . roo on MI a ' DRESS If\1s | \ 4 vy i re \ i ay See SC ; ; in rae ; jrre as ti 1 : te { é rm . Serie yan roesta f Dnow ready my Sprang atoek of 2 IW ROARA LOS h 1 vo Prony ] It Ses CAS a SPRAW GOOTS, } BURKE & STEWART I ' \ Pr \l vee ene ; ie ae J TSO) \ he Dan ~ Hes Cx ‘ { ‘ - i 130.009 Ht Tree ; ‘ E ! t y z ; : eek ee Ni ee TO THE PUBLIC i \ \ \ { i , for DACAET WoOBRENNER ieee ee ; 4 JUL. as - ; "ot ‘ = Px Hae) eee ae : 8 ] ] AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE- i \ West Green Nurseries. ' ne u Kowill tie hep a Cae € , ; Ml ie io i , : SPITP VY k CT ’ ee rs ie oe SALISBURY BOOK STORE, ad hn ’ ’ : ry e ee \ } aN ENTIAL ‘ , \ tudersirned would offer hie thanks to the public : ; 1 still ir the pa tue extended to the House while ' : g tet , ¢ coo- ina \ j ' ', . 1 u nt ' the late tirm of Berne & Stewart, and { { ; ; . { at sole the continued confidence and patronage - ‘ ry : ue frends Ue will constantly replenish the \ Ge ; ; \\ Ni | s Pp 8 t be exce nit h Oe BOOKS } will make additions as | SPECIFIC PILES Aa ; : ee w ! bronght out. He is in : ’ = Ad a5 iI, y : u . mm wich the largest Publish. ; eter Rs I : 2u Sand Philadelphia, and can : ! : t i i ' : s a é He sent him as \ : le , ane fs ty stock of Stationery, vw “ . ~ Ving : " oa : M 1 st ee _ sees, Iso be kept up, with regalari- alin , Sans ( ; Se ” Wor Wt x ile B yeti casts JT STEWART. t Le / i . , . Ord sey tf 2 bs hing ty Res ane @ Weber a NO HUMBUG! ao Dharty 2 Geli Cey try in ry AMAINS t N M - e * eae i se oe Cee eee | — Prospect High School, cenuntindin ' Velour a wo ( i : vo : ete i Pai “ Nt oS a ° , ROWAN, CO, N.C, 5 igi aoe , : would das fond al ‘ is pete et j tlean mee EX ¥ : eA 2 . . Y : F , eet asian ener , te Lite President reer wea BOOKS. SUATIONERY Selling Off at Cost !! 1), SR NUEH: Pesscira, « graduate of Davi f as Grane per sa : sé even Colles dan experienced teacher he ee age t 7 i . na | and Wall Paper, one oe + Biss Sisson i's cnmenen the 3th of Sanuery D6 ’ ; o , Dae emeln) ee Tee Cert ee ; 1G saboaee Lat Peon te UDGe teslaned al hela pertvanent Sanco ' oy He or speerfil : : ' ‘ em 5 a ie State lee Con Tv a ; : ee ee : jstreu, aii ha ged iat een Pre er nee a as ye the fi { Stay ‘ =| . f nt ot ‘ pa Ma Pent uty at . ! Bien y branches, 87 60 , ‘ I’ ; att time par Mirces for tie 1 : ee ; ; a his raced En qlist 10 00 to 20 00 ‘ ‘ eo. She es i Books and Staci ine. se ee Pore apoer aciaceiwipl Ineher Mathes ice, 25 00 ee ae \ ee Te en: “ Cen moe Pa OVA Re ee Revri meludiig washing and fuel 88 per month } ie ‘ i Ali VE NEN Pati " "7 eg Tene ih easatee t 8 qi : ed ae ' na E ? srers—Rev oS. Frontis, James 1 Jamison, viet Wane S wall oe ! COsOMGr iG r Haken \ John © Jamison, Dr. Jno R. MeCarkle, and J.C Cees Nod iene ere ee I apes Re : three we t Happened Visa, . ; re@ad( al Le epe rs ean e Need yn 18 toy tee (he ean er tl CONC ny the | oa NA a a ' ie oes , New ¢ Vises 5 1 ‘lo hag rees tos Prof Rockwell, Rev. Jethro Rumple, eae : Se ‘ tS BU ater aN mn Gr COndnctn a i! : ROBERT 1 CVLLOW AY Geat s Tannit ve Goods, * ie Joba © Poesy, DOA. Davis, and James E, | ee re — eH f ( Ys a el Scan, | See eC a ie eee ; ! eres Fan 4 pods Hats, Caps, &&., at Cost Jan i ek 6134 : Vel tte li 1 PENS POS tee aida Ut? fruity we ‘ 7 pera ticnt i elle ibe ee ue f . No : _ e le ele eae a ate oe — ae 8 | 1 W.JONES, M.D rr ‘ ast ] \ ' ‘ { i ! ' fr ve Nee Nae FEN ee les % E Nd erin > 1 <rmy A Yy 1 ' Ca ae i be : a: . . 7 : ‘ KB ted tay q ; i i Je \ oe Sees \fars wy est med fr his zen Salisbury Female Seminary. ie ee ene BESS PHAN COS EF. ° “ i thes \ ‘ ‘ i mh s t . , 5 ° etia ‘ e 1 ( ‘ en | it as ( beter 5 1 TT ppose tals ‘ © : : ‘ © loay ‘ { iny tr é ee Tila tees men eo ee eee ' ‘ ee io pub 1 vl} st ver We SUS Zeca pous bil int wean bat yy eek : sais ie] | A adil, The , eu ea ‘ 2 ; N y toca aig at + t i : ; Vos Wir Can tacet it strate Wann 70) fees 5 ‘ Mats nan ron erin ; \ Hise relies ee pide tn edaiveaciie 0 ie / We have now a ge celly ccriber Hd (ake fen : La Baad. NM. Ik EI ale INS. | i \ ease! er eri i" ; Si rie Minewn Hotel — | advantages of ante « pace a . Hes ordinary Mepis elect [- Phe teeiahe teaiw an tha N. © \ ) ‘ \ NORTETIER. eee Mere cir 7 . es vorditiary legislative dro Cont) In Rativea dr n} the track in the eastern. * ' f tree ihe . “ aia aoe bot \I . TuRVS LIME FOR SALE. BOOTS ! BOOTS ! \ [UIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS MEA ployed Pond, If the different sections 4 oe ti choas the Under cored part ot Ga rowdy or nd ( ’ | ae nD eee nae Saas \ necking k w each other tien i ; COSTS ROH as AVI we Comvention, imu fast, env sup two cars, and badly 4 ; ‘ \ TRC eter ee Noe err: } LEN NIRS oe eee ie es Epis eps oat! of ROCK 3 BA WINS . eet ru Uh { t the Wisest ane aest men danuit twernare, and tearing ap the I rc ist ash sale oat Sion. CF @ Gentlenan’s Way hae Bias - furoish the best qua be Pe UAC San etnat Be , steam oy ; shontd compose it abot sills at read for some distanee, — F Milam Girne (arn ie STan Yost Tow ea warryer leat wi for eivie wad work aie: anperor to anyth te CHa yas? « glavery qt \ RiteyaCt SAC Beth: SUAS RLY AS Ch tH) 7 i t , r tis n Rt Re . st, tak nuck for the nero for rhe Dreandht forward and made By a , mene ( ! : EE: ! Woe Se a a SEA ilar a Ql iLTED BOTTON. a made "nut in-any shape. and at the lowest possible rates for i ‘tlhe eee re eae iy WNLADAd fap the pale we tie oe ee Mies: 1 iota ' ee ee seat ede aa ye se ae WS His Query is Stunted 3 miles South of Prrongh Tprople at the Novi, that thas party lia ‘ Lelrig's Be geste ONO onttt Cees veel AD WILKINSON a Wc sPMON FON ther Boor, hone -tned here mes ” ere bY TOLTSHOUSER , : 3 t day Marae ’ i i : es a CULE Ws pated aed ye s , Rael Tuty 2th, pst tro ar acs SE «< hd stick toa ' ew cleared off for the trains to passasasnal 7 sil i ‘ - ALSO. Fine Calf WATER. PROOF jBOOTS, © Rowan Cn, Now znthy 1860 61027 hes Py 1 /, Lied Sa - : . Pigts i th r earres < : ne een . President Buchwan on the Pose : Bertie H.C. JONES & SON bras ware Ee ie Tae | A eauhwice «i xia gee ay eae . oe Dress Making! NP: x SON, ALSO, GENTS FINE CORKSOLE BOOTS Please Pay. comes t Maryland.--Vhe following letter | \ te a foul te M M Ndi Hs ATE INC TIS VT VT V CGT) CMC thas Tyee nr ence! ; Horboys and Conmselfors at Law, wid Vy wor | VoERLENUS are requested to call and pay n hog trom one of the party of gentlemen who ba Doarditie Eon Me AContaAM Tuer Ceti Vel int tis city west rdny haopn \{ ni] a WV ’ Grea meaty tene ( r on Me Lis a soy uaa FIVE CALE Boot, COSA BY eee . S “ ; ‘ aa ~ * abet ee eee ee. : . Sy ‘ He ) fe stout and sito 1 iron ON Cu aaseiety: for that p o will do ao. is very visited President Buchanan a tew « $ The yer Mtehked: Tat MM ; i ee ; I \ i ere } : vet Tred en te T receive, and as ur eyes. Sinee, detaile the precise tangnae fe TES TIN See ' : DSU ais tat Pacer | Ce . sea ie si Vibeclumsaentonse d en ot VLNO, MULES & SON'S PUEP-SOLE WWb unyts CNY only depe Iie Sun pOn sy ts every: im ler, and used with regard te the present position ea maf Me tawe daw Wee ane Wed ail sixty tive wt them), .) alan FC oF 7 oa 5 URES RIGS: Vide ene Ly. dara. Bertant that these eee a ae t a ; iY nies ‘ id ee N 3 i ' Aree aie mera " seas an DRELL. é unfor of Maryland : reeantion to-eut off all tater Be acy m vost manuer ea Tc ‘ ' . ‘ mm sth, Tset 634 sto he i ie oun Ef e\ Eel ayine premises WW Tif ast Pk ee fas yenery, Sheanay be found a 1M On ee ree : f F and require reais . ne Editors of the Ame ” 5 F . . fort's in the Northey dof Powr { ( ” Were worth * Anglo ‘ Trost that no needless alert oar patie wil +o eecan ms nae ve ; ; a ae \( TICE : me i e ; ee W [LLLAM (Cl, LORD, F ‘ tan Wa vida \ | ; ' | t : ‘ nS J < . ' - d ‘ r man etel Phe \ tathed with the r hy Teatce cera t SN UAT Das . “o i de fil SN f a a ee ie i. i ; discase arrived hor the fewer upon the sta ar erie ein Sabshury, sain 22, 1501 nm HE ST RSC RTE evel niet chvndul J fall Sine Store: ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Red bin it he had a word of cont 1 hin, althongh the eruptior " yoowen the Putordmer [lead Reonerene ia jacrenmim heatnwelanen ieee cee nee Mi S(ISRURY. NEC SALISBURY, NOC : We teatied, 4 vannnt<ay . ) bel beter ‘ pla as beforestated t ‘ Tae F uo i \ Fe I * 1 * . MELE Practice and make prompt collections in bint ‘ oe re ie a ‘ ‘ ee ee ‘ Nay aa) \ » Strect » | N] last thre Ketast tw, to enat vas far one i ° Rowan, Stanty. Tredell and Catawba Countie Me coutlemen, the salvation \ ’ ing. Persons unvaecinated sould, at en matslockeded wel eciucle and i ( Ww al or ‘ Op. Vew Kirn iN ; 4 au ae Ronnies j a Ate oon i f aS | i Wwitl at .an bie ine required in esta rare tru | : corn »wan's Building opposite ' ‘ : “1 take that great preeaution | tT nption must be that our Cr 0 d ed ea? th toh Sto } \ (ese the above w lone at \ business Te anh has opacd a onow TATLOR 4) . eos 1198 yt aU NH t rau Fae) tN toe : 1 + ho ow ; ‘ AAS ) sy) a yee ; : y r i rea \ ' uM ie oa Creat Cloth Emp mof ve Newdip ae ( t l we | ieee , : { , , } ; ; ‘ “ ' . . i , hone rium De 7 he ’ x Hf f ea home from Phitece phia w Co POR I yf 1) l (la . ; ee : ‘ LENG SHEP Re NCO IER DAVID WEI é Yi he Providence Journal as the )adeiv I) of ' trae HC eee t ol teed ain EEG , ‘ WIRE. STON] 4 . mrt N Gravtre Row i cs ee ae MC lnmedt sieve werent sath le i) : he Pi ee val a a uae MURR & SOSSAMON, Fine Shirts and Collars. io : Ny 1s at ‘ tod ter vote ds 4 uy Risdy Mf ( sestions “Thal the Statcsexcept isle jy he work of vaceinat Wee nas 1 en [ete lin ee erences and R ' COCK te | Mlandegeccdo tram tia t 1 ete peice are recine tate va ' ee mae ; i: i ei nee } TNE NGOS a CHE RCH STOVES NOVI kK. Q ; | ! The ‘ bon u ! ten 10 k ) 5 < pay the public debt?” Gu to bed. little I [haste en ee GSN Sun IE EE eS et triage , ‘ rele tal r i l vo eaand et a ; 7 , ‘yo iWes \ ' Kinds bees Z Mand dowt be asking inipertinent ques i ; ya ! vat NOVPECE, i eee a STILLS 4 setae ‘ fore or Lone You know ver \ ) : eens , nn ry Well von eontdn't Nocittowle, 2 Panes : acc FBNII) . WE \ J , ! Cony a ny ey the debt, if called upon, Pel i : | Fine Suits. i ) : ‘ t men YOu think the fore tape ee In spote of the ery of da other { ! \ \ nor If von wid toby BENE SE EES of CLOTHING will p \ ; BTS TSS ANUS PMY MONBELY. Cape Ind bar what ty] nT r ees : Eis vot ve in this y and ora rtysand Capt oho oR Dn ' tle yonsposst niloit the ¢ Ciith by ensh m ; Vyate 1 mised wn Mise, to tind y ; A Sa Up vhie many ir merehants are reta fain ean and J. Mo Tayl wave eet oe { DAS TD MEAT | e at Phys Vy : marvyou, hidden as you are between ns Peed want of freight ed by the Crave Pont lent na ast De SATE ‘ " Foe Greer ty va ' ‘ MARRIAGE LLCEVSES VES : } ket ty eninitie and thoatutiae Ce, their Operabons, m a want rejioh ' : a POV tor Lotsiana as hie’, Rae os iy, N WHITEHEAD a ALDWEEA 7 y uv BLANK DEEDS }j 6 jToom vids de campy Sept 25 9 it It 4pd.te Pema ay (7 7IIS OF FUCK EULESS ele WAT ELLE Se TKIICE | ™ : a oe \ . | ; | Wanete : dr “ney Scrofula or Kine’s E eS HORSE TAMING. | Professional Cards. | HOSTETTER’S HO1 ELS. | North Car olina Foun y | Is a covstitutional disease, a pela J Since the appearance of Mr. Rarey with| | \ | AND by which this fluid beoomes vitinted, weak eee ‘ i . ms r ‘N Pia oe ei ° and » bie wondertal feat ot horseraming bie: WNT AL, NOTICE SOE Eee MANSION HOTEL, MACHINE WORKS! plying Gigpiemmipalgs EDITOR i terest of the public in the management, wes 4 ; 2 0} The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- | 4 *| | organ is free from it attacks, nor is there one whee » of vicioas animals has received a decided | War heen See scone ee oskinece | IN | y a ages aa gg ane ie veri : ; 5 aie oe eel or perf . wed nereur Nisei ieigeey impulse. The Spirit of the Times iin-| FORK DR B ESS hk N l, physicians and citizens generally of the United SA LISB URY. | | C A R D edmeaaieal (fucarimpurenire alk mn fereret Caen : 2 A i : proves the occasion of Mr. Rarey’s exhi-} States, because the article has attained a repu- the depressing viees, and, above all, by th ne ? a <0 —— a : ‘ © Venere hive copies, bition by rehearsing certain extraordinary | "AS REMOVED 1) rue DENTAL ROOMS Hien ahaa ont epee fe kara mnranttuleuuer F : ' Deemer Pyne econ os He origin sit 08 Reredita i Teruo pie Te op are a ClereGrner(anieciceupeliby lm BAsoN is point will speak more powerfully than | subscriber takes pleasurein auunoncing ty his the constitution, descending © from parents to ebj Benen ‘ scenes which the editor witnessed years tae rae a reat . eae all »perations volumes of bare assertion or blazon ug puffery. friends, and the public generally, that he hus | unto the third wud fourth generation” indeed fpraeay ; ih Wer : ago: Laren The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit- tukeu this long established and well known Hote! R (eee | to be the rod of bin who says, 1 hy Soe “ . e Pcted WICH Day professiots I g #01) | —_() | ys will visit ue ar ieee ters for the last year amvunted to over a half- and has made every poosifle preparation to wecommo FRERCKS & RAEDE 9 | quities of the fathers upou their children.” the im. “Ss >, ey rR EAT > sath, 1, PS60, eae : Some fifteen or twenty Years avo We million bottles, and from its manifest steady date the business, travelling and visiting portions 0 KUCCESRORS TO Lis effeets commence by deposition from the ‘ se) 5 witnessed a * horse taming periormancs iucrease in times past, it is evident that during the public, su the qostsatistaetory inanuer ; iN : WING ) WIN) | feorrupt or ulcerous mater, whiet bong z xt , : ; rater . 5 e ; ¢ Ip r 4 y yar | of €¢ ‘ oO iter, 1,10 th t Ww. d Ballet the coming year the consumption will reach Pau ticular attention is paid to bis N : BC y\ DI aN & s¢ YN ’ : Kh IMG \ BEL ‘\ | (i i liver, itd internal organs, is lenned iubareine lungs, on ; ) among the Osage Indians. The oceasion - PORUCTTe wat E rita ' feet in th A i esti ak 2 cones ' near one million bottles. ‘This immense amount VW JL. continue to manufacture and keep (ylands, swellinge; and on the surface ie rf owing Ce bo question was one of the anni tes D E N Hy I S le could never have been sold but for the rare iT A x nny hana all sores. ‘his foul corruption, which Godse = sept ol tier vals common with our aborigines, and) Oe Te eGnch Nee medicinal properties contained in the prepara- : AGRICULTURAL EMPL EMENTS | Wood, depresses the energien of life, ev tbatecronse® e eny iariecur most of the amusements parte k of equus R . : tion, and the sanction of the most prominent and every comfort is provided in his AMET ‘ Vat ft. Se oO a Jeonstitutions uot only suffer from scrofulous Sos oe y NOL “ 4 : i 5 z s al Bi tian performances. Atter ti tutes fr Sa AU: Puls physicians in those eee of the country ROO VS. tnade beretotere A full assortment of plamts, but they have far less power to Wwilheteas ‘ : nearly ended, and the warrior an Fe ee ee en er the STABLES Mua dupnled sand ate bows Culuvators, THE LARGEST AND MOS 7, theattacksofother diseases; cousequently, vast ay ) ea, ane Je Walriers that sult Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J.A.CALDWELL recommend the Bitters to their patients, but t ae peobes eee as Scraw un(ichued Guclers, bers perish by disorders which, ulthough pot a ciently displayed their feats of horseman Soa sagen tcnene : ane are ready at all times to give testimonials to its tended by a careful esters and to all Ueparuneiea ae Cee eewers Hjousin their nature, are still rendered fatal Rabel ; ship, common in peace and war, @ sfrany I ae ie oe ee oe aul Thee a im pe Saati ee (ee aaa cae uae ay fee ce ponent rly tothe Clresier , Cider and Sugar Malls ‘We! yy Ww [tartan the syatem. Most of the consumption vane w ir ‘kets, Ge ms moni . 1 , Who wis t an havett ’ ) any Case, withoa and the diseases resu, ung therefrom comfortable > ruts regularty vo he Threst LARS The ulead (alain EXTE \N \ k ( dec cemule iu faimilwhenic nr u 1 ; : muscular Osage ¢ ame into camp, WONG i a This is nota temporary popularity, obtained depot on the arrival ove tin ul Cee eee . WY \ Oe ee a uate Aaa Si se origin dive in ss : by a halter che of the largest black stil BT Otice the oame oe yrcenily Dr Wien by extraordinary efferts in the way of trum- With theaeeflorte tolease, 4 tberal share of ln Shafting and Machinery cifeeawialialen liveeirlintyas Wrein@add tse Mp ae ain : Davember Vt 10s. f ss . Mh ieiPonREe (ocumiene saciid ? _ : , ’ » Indeed, ai! Bo crim : liane ever caught on the prairies, be peting the Aas of ae nae but . sud public patronage | tthy a a ‘ ROWZER for Grat Milla, Curenlarand Vertien! Saw Mille, Gold, OP | ll (he organs, arise from or ure aggravated by ie ; mii ka . vert z : a : ation of an invaluable medicine, which is ‘ at ep SG iniioDbecsses! « o ee cune n bee irae ier was powerfully built, and in his w. cd to be as enduring as time itself. Junuary 25th, Inti Udo Coppenaidos(iver Wifes Lib JESGSG Chey Lite a be Dee eee ; ’ ‘ RI TESS ; } One quarter of allo , - oc growth his mane Gescended to lis hice -. Bl » N | = ( A R Ds. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved EU ee oN : / pep were “ ps ‘ i ve | tte nt ie Tofaloas; their @ Godsend to regions where fever and ague TRON NN BINS CST IN GS. SO ee UE Cte and heir Avi and lis tail swept the ground; lis nes a Y y Ee - wy j aioe wnokeoanod) Un tle The as Leyes re . : 1 oe ‘ 4 ! and various other bilious complaints have i} \ ! 1¢) LPORGENGS and FINEMIED WORK of eve \ { | . : ee ange it from the eee Uhl disten Jed, while his vyes bites N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., counted their victims by pune’ To be L ! | cee _ ' ee ved i ee ware ite in es y \ eer Mie a an i " ae aS eat alterative a a a erally flashed tire of reseutnent and an GROCERS VAD COM MISSTON able to state confidently that the ‘ Bitters” ft Whe . bee bt MNT 8 nedicne, and mvigorute it by healthy food und exes. g e peet Reaairsotevery deseriptit cine, Such wedioniewe suppl ger. = are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and liko 2 ESIC US Wier UPB W * Among the ‘outsiders’ associate: | witl M — R Cc a A N I S ’ diseases, is (o the proprietors a source of un- pth tsi asrociate | with atu linstarday, drat im S Jan 2, 1s60 ly34 Ayer’s Bik eth 1 alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter € TRANSPA the Osages was a white hunter, wie, St ‘ from the sumach, purifes the blood, and Standard, Raden; Patcet, Greensboro’; Deme ‘ rn ava | Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, from bis prowess, had gained the wan PERSIST Teta \ Ae imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, ge Ee pa Cis Wace cn NLS eee ee ( | ( ) | | | | \ ( be iat rsa beards which tie wed pe of the thorse-tamer.” The In it load giving it that tone and energy indispensable Wor ainiiorn TT Cc rat tr ee hiv Columbia: Observer, Pay Au ville ; i i I ; | ‘i ‘ -s » : i ee teal skill of UNSURPASSI ia : Matis fad | ar : Nios sod [toatl dese Will publish Samoushes wud tor wae OUT Linem ean crying for thos every where preva often spoken to us about him, aud a N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO Oe ee eae an , 54 ae i ee and fuabinalody Teas combined from the eVailing BEING THE : a Cepos a ee . a. nN, 4 the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, FEMMES supers New U oy Neen nts \ loveless presented hituselt at this particular tine, 10) . yal 1G mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them | PA eine es Thos vise: | eae ae vered for the ey Pied his welcome was boisterous. ‘Lhe unsue { (Mi NMI \ H : \ to acondition essential to the healthy discharge ay a : Recon \s : pa ONL) 1 tte er from the blood, and the » . mas fal efforts WM. ab Le 4 of the functions of nature. ain : i ee Greensborough Mutual le ms sean tons ta dencruchive convequen, + bone : cessful efforts to ride the horse before y the many faverible aediees by the Prossof the State Rec emetic itietmearee pes ee eel him were seon detailed, and le wi ihe aud the very Ube ralpatron * a. ae ty at as Chal ee eae OR ANCE COMPANY. Fouly serofuli, hut alse those other affeetions arise from Sand add en Ss yuests tay 4 ( 1 4’ bony iy stch ow Emiptive and Skin Diseases, St. Anthe. BEN OE ut berger i Pays all Losses Promptly! a : Phe 1g ys Fie, or Lryeipelus, Panples, Pustales, FS evidenced | per directions on the bottle, and they will find lenged to ake atrial bimse!!. Now owscriyes | KO FANNAUILE, | init astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort verer Wied PIM TOT, YAN Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as lie ‘ tes R.A MATIN, | WoL PLIwMER, declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, oe Y 4 2 ‘ he hunter on this geeasion was ev WOR MARTINS NOM WAWUIS, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tunic, : a i r f \ he : i sienak i iy «Tumors, Petter and Sai aN omc dently fatigued—the pack of trestle sk Ree meee caer viven to the sale of, and rejuvenating generally. Webavetheevi- | (')* “it ''" tom ' aed DIRECTORS: | Rheum, Seald Head Rivgworm, Rheumatiom, Syph ea * . vetw ever Wee yo suai tee t ane ite ‘ erreur Nes rn e * yee " he brought into the Camp on tis shoul (produce Orders tor goods promis tiled f | dence of thousands of aged men and women eh KotOR ris JalneA. Vieiae.c VN a mined, Po Wenden rir wanes PLINCES ater en einen ' mn a uric! Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De, ies e A ee 2 nae Fiend mie i i i; ; a f ' E ' a mhity, and, dail Comp aut uring from Vy luruinnee Ob ders waste inules pinded = merits Tee Dn et To reeerers who have experienced the benetit of using this ee: - . ayy We Wer at [ea Cedar Nisnareewliedle | a ek g Zoniny “ en Camano: Ai ; a re preparation while suffering from stomach de- CON. Brown ahs Co's Ntage ¢« fic ra i Nacho , I 7 . / . s 7 / beers nme yu x pebef in ‘impun = an usin t yw Slus, as Well us tiie slow Seater a rangements and general debility; acting under . Moss J oreagh I rhib (iu r 5 of the blood’ is foande truth, for serofula is , 5 4 ; Poin ‘ J ee é MSALISOULPY, Fan . walk.adl deneled a love and latrines . the advice of physicians, they have abandoned 1) (Thus POG RSULO GS EEGs Ny Wilniagte whet B Pty dati 4 le : HOEY dexen See the Mood. “Phe particular puryse = TIS, ) ae ‘i lata rar rr mute Es rind ' tt NVeeEN lt K i : and virtue of this Sarsaparila is to purfy and _ Fur NER Cliuse Still the tamer dal hourctuse: all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the ; ' \ t r ‘ Vhadens We , i PMEEY (ane 'tey = : . Tank WesGHiitercd: wee : ay nes ‘ W ORTH & DANIEL, merits of this article. A few words to the M wha Wali - | ae NEN E K 1 ban Vareesville: Dr And which willbe s is heretofore at unpreceden ne i ee! lth ou which sound heaib + — Bo WE X : ban a vdeo with words, ' . , gentler sex. There are certain periods when ville. Pitend ys \ satundaye ENTRA yy Gye. WW ' Tew WC. Mayarard ae VB pew sttyh sols ot PE MIeLe UT ODECOMONS y form to see buw inuc Pe there would be Wholesale and Retail Grocers, their cares are so harassing that many of them CONG S « ELV GKS : Ve ee ee ‘ Die Ee ROW AW arate ted Moprires, “Thin as ' Aver'’s Cathartle Pills in ridine the lo le ene ei Py aoe oe the ire: ane reece of ree wy pot ’ . AWN een ; ; i a rr Sy Ph scovercd 4 lente . or a e and child is so absorbingly tender, tha he ie a \ : iu re , ak ’ ‘ "Ty VL ie ‘opr ei or tl Oh Per pros o tinily Phasi, : a ‘ ne One ‘ COMMISSION Vercha nt mother, especially if she be young, is apt to Picornik re NOU West Veesie _ NOt \\ I 4 [)\ ER i INING | tn ASE a z Gate, gained, tis prde prompted aon: ta a , i ct forget her own health in her extreme anxiety Taeeieno ; UE ES Vege lcci Moe Scie aii ase WIL the range ot their tempt Cie t ys Geese 4 Haw. Pee ee for her infant. Should the period of maternity ie ten . oe Sy aed ‘ ; ae ci Suna iberaee te Hilietend of evode them, ‘Their Staal Gielen , ; arrive during the summer season, the wear of ea : i Ce te EE ENTS Als Set Veins pened pig ies s areh and cleanse, and invig- a ee Ses ‘ body and mindy generally aggravated. Here, : vy Soe ; SN Cont Ngan 8 work wef stork and pres will eft es croc of the Liman organwem, correet- ne Vivsteroms wate ou the proececa fie “hors: bp i ' fant theu, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- . i i s p yl GN NT ! : : ay . : ihe diise Heu, ond restormg te healthy vi aa tena tamer. Tie tne = wii liad eri { [x wae rate the energies of the system, and enable the a ras Nees In i orn eae ° : : ORE: a » os Conse que ot these properties, the es <choole in.ddepain tue Ud rely ; a RS - . eT oy) ear eieon ee to esGuD praia: her exHBUBUNE trials . , PN et : \ an (it = : Pa RECON ott uN : ie in oer oan as “2 1 \IVERS 5 Boswex J nea and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- } : { \ a shea \ ; = “ ' ; tot d te heelihorenergy restor PCEFERS ar ic ‘ i » I eo og : ey ey Arete ala , ter b ao ory hiv ; ae Seis rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigura- si vH ¢ THON OIIN « ‘ Y single vud inviting on pDreeru wets p : © ta Wart NG DANTE! tors that receive the endorsement of physi- PIPER VD AMS Sere K ' we past ta , Uae aig Any COIR sisal PULL ADE Incsr AS LOuTSiite I cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as t \ s ( Nai ! host 1 | 2 y tocnidable aud dangerous toNck lost a tioulny t r ' \ “ a ee te fore . yee zs . rerners, o : i tenn ae eamed tu fe Sa equestrians oe | Lae i . % (Ce CHaNN ri wel as cer hin to give a permanent increase AT THE DEPOT. , ‘ wee w Livalida te ‘ of Vodily strength nae ' eat \ \ 1 Contarning cen ; and tuat they Beer tt Soin is vhs All th i ( se persons, to whom we have particu- Sis ye 5 . , ; ce Neve Cure a eeCome for their ase ia een acre larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from ¢ -OWAN S A byes Fal ya) Costveness, Heartber neds lees th . Me Tetow ta f Pera aC WTICet valaria, diarrhea, ow it t~ Hes : Ue Tue rel stuart tN epee ohabG eva neat ORRELL & GRADY a ii tee pee ia 17 . tas FG tare tao aone Movil Matin ihe Be girth of Dee fe ae ee eae sane: aaa le are LL as Vegetable Lithontriptic, S. FRANKFORD’S. ', een ooo taypingatiacied wits we Te BS, Te al ee re) COUNTRY cw ES their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- : ' t bit Vil Novel Wid ~— - \ Chersy Peetoral, = : CAUTION.—We caution the public against 1 fue : ha we , 7 ay NaN 4 : \ Gmbrellasd Tins ols nivareiss Wibas aac.) using any of the many imitations or counter- REST HIP ASED KIDNEYS, \| |: | ) ( | | \ ‘ | XN . Oe fet . The Pr : : ai ; r \ eae : -- Croup. B No. 18 Courtland: Street, feits, but ask for HostTettek’s CELEBRATED brated Stomach Bitters a trial D a gouse-neck tran the sare. to sce + Straw.and Millinery Goods — tiers cele was firm; then, with cautions a cal care, he drew ver re Oiler nents eee Srowacn Brrrgrs, and see that each bottle bas ‘ Ada y eee Cac ae wis aca ' cc! the words «Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” aa , Petes. eh ‘ ‘ gre of ue ' read, Se ) Neve York blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped add : i ‘ [Ge re . . . on the metallic cap covering the cork, and ; Nee tts PRN i . = Joort ue Nie observe that our autograph signature is on the She 1 k 8 fl FP st Bs Lt t fenton of) Ole « ' Ho ane ‘ All these tuin bento is sitintae Lees) Ty Ney label : t ( apee ic RU ere aie , : i t 41) petdons pobleiy knows tion € next vroceuled t / up : “ pees ae Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & ! milling rarthersh p I ay ON St er aud ow saci ebaret cring Rudeets oe F Se satis yphan Wp seem fey power SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all or be U y ] Q 33 \ ! ‘ , cit Varied St oA es BS aul ne suse When dian b.anhket, ip HRs Dale Wes seliatie 4A i Oe AAKED Bids JE VCLER, druggists, grocers, and dealers generally 4 E i RM 3 . : uM ws afeemrere| i ‘ ted Ls miiprr ret Seer ‘ Potten eee ie : the wu rn) Ot ct si Sei aisle yee Net throughout the United States, South Ame- ; , ay = . hendae rat caret Fila iacreeciniend where tl VN ion Cyt tics ceimhs. ot 4 ; san n , : i rica, and Germany. Ee 4 : \ . ; ; null awoal DR) GOODS | Heros 4 ua DOT aye door below AL. Wa phy ts stores . ; eae ye oe, pee -_ eee PHILADELPHIA. io NUS i N. FEDS Inte teoertinent o . 4 21. 1> 1S. if sth deer skin I WATCHES cot JEWELRY of ail kinds SC WIL S Mua 2 LUSTY top MA OA CICELES priihuerticata te Cloeks, Watches aud Jewelry of every teseription WHOLENALE AGENTS PBN ONDERSIGNT Dias ‘ wae \ : a s ’ rot te ne, erp tedia tar aes eran ese Pao ee i : HARDWARE!! Clothing and Groceries. = pre 7 . uy ‘ ‘ His r , , t ee ; At pre: Fora 9 BY lyk SOLD BY Henderson a Ennss, and WOH) \ 6 hae DUS Seat rae WHODES VO paraten be. the tamer procee Wonk Sule He Rea t cnconieaii on et f : ; aD { ‘ I ded te mount magat SInhost power - ~ Dieter eect Oren AbOrO CON GC ana at we rr tit t ' beau MAC | MICHAEL BROWN, ws "8" hI fa ok Stock of Mardware ee puiioz bi: ir it ‘ iy a 0 ar are ; an ae ere ) M S FRANKEFORD. oo. rotor ente by 6taii \- us ice S0 COMMISSION MERCHIVT, «0 SPECIAL | Se Le atria S PIRAS swe oa eo? liebe per TEN Nese NOTICE. WASHINGTON (lOTEL. 2 We R Adie \\ HOLES ALE, te eee " and bang out, “Let lam 20.” Tne oder ) , PET oe ' POV PERS NAT oN TB Na Ne CoE ~p - : . : “ L Was acculipaliied ov &@ puoUut that made ] is | aret noes PRUUCE 1 [ee ENTS ' e bows, bea ett an the weikin ring stad ony ricere ea ane een Cac inNeke M N CON Saison: Nort \ i ever alarined, wave one Seis attr 1 Por rious effuris to throw off wis arse 2 4 ~ - BL I: NT ¢ yN I, this had veen antic pated. fora ie th 9 + Rap himseit inte tae ar. toe wk bea Collect.ng Agent. 3000 Ibs. BLUE STO JOHN F. JONES, Propricter : yy" hE eae variety 9 er arlecten : Ca ae S$. FRANKFORD’S. “"' . Mee BROAD STREET, SOUTHEEN a SORE ante BOCTANDSHOE LIVER INVigunaTOR, BY z the rder te lis seat. 7 ac) bel, -9ay ' ee oe t eby HESDERSUS & ENNies oe on cee a ' _ ae ee | oem WANNER ACTORY 0 25 oe sees ee Nellin ee ee wer syne tetieiens permis 30 Bush, CLOVER SEED. nts EAT ce ee = #2225 eee Cog ona the ek hn we : ser pr ihe ee : os \ ‘ ey eee ee (| VIN UPAR CMITH & MILLER, > = . E S eco ‘he lant yw rr {putt see ie se ee 2 OR OE i i 1 J . A z eee ate uni rier Wel ain A riba eR wv Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, 7 _ ‘ ay bea ta he f eile 1 A rR : wclcure Liver Com- 5 plaints, Billens At- AY Se | ! ta r d p first time, tet the poss ie at aatehen Summer Com- plaints, Dysente- ry, Dropsy, Sour Costiveness, Chol- ra Morbus, Cholera ‘ S U N O L V Y {P V H god prolonged suit fe owed the in ie ‘ Dy THERMOMETERS | et ware Laas « BOOK Bindery yr’ Garing Tobacco. DAVID WEIL, gg HSS geesteserns bie proud beariny, was aeity tun as “ HENDERSON EN Nias ie ow far ai of hs euceeunis vats we SALISBURY. fom 3 1 ee | . a “ y t Stomach tacks, Dyspepsla, Chronte Diarrhoes, R mad ro } UO |P L w PU N O IQ I E Dh CI I CI C E A S TY Sa s s A D I L O N W i d d d S | © ests as sad wot lence, Jaundice, alaweakncees Cra - ; ; Negrin 4 Pe aerraine ile ‘ . vaod may be used aoe | as an € = win, iteiced, were : Aes \| : ws ee : POUNDS ¥ 4 Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, oe Family Medi- etne, iwiicare SICK i remcewrr Tet eR ' ‘ wa c : ¢ on . HEADACILR, us Penianoda ean teatify.) to Hats, 7 ° be opat 4 : ow : i senile ‘ »} '‘ ‘ ' J Es - twenty minates,1f two or three ot a es iin Bede S . Vesa fret . ‘ . oT = meucemen aeimed t fore ' us bis » Book Beso 2 = - -“ Aaa are ee at com! ve cemed ail knees bt . 2 ve otox tse Pure White Lead in Oil, 5 ; ch a se ace wars! qivtmg wow ianuny LES: wd jot . at - \ ' an : it = . M : -c m iiafavor ee - a iv] miko chet Noe) For sale by EEE DUS CEN een Silos Tatas u ut ae ay, i WAKE IN| THE MOUTID WITH Coneiwaite ! . ‘ " ae ‘ ee AVING RI ' Wh Norn nas : a THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW ReatALENI ye S in borserny bliship af , . ingoon the xeeond SU i aN Sy wy ‘ _ aye BOTH TOGETHER. a eee ace Sen Ea Ve eC . Fie enh ber ows ComPER aT WHOLESILE AND RETAIL, Price One Dollar per Bottle. Sane all ned we a thre rod n attended to Me), AP LILA SS Seevlies) Stork of incl rincdiaanteet preheat alt SET OF NORTE CAROLYN A! ALan, - ki e aivantage Of is iniurrated sieti MW fe lle ks ; Sere reaver 1 7. lee . a ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ d SANFORD’S em creer acuen eere Sines es : URE LINSEED O Ready-Wade Cloti ee He Pvt Gore eer enicrrcron (ct Welw fh Poet an Uk | nh. | Cady Wade othing es ; . VEY COUNTY RT LY. jerk careened the forse over on ii Gentlemens Purnishing Goods, ’ r US ‘arivinelis lead dermiy it) am ~ O Pi hikes / RB O O T , Tilmon Carter Beecutorof Sarah Stoker, deed . COMPOUNDED FROM apis frivingg his head deoy yon ne sili Veraistion age ou Demat is Pore Seances sed D3 ap ne , Stuuved and con rindod, the 10 Bbls. Tanners Oil, 10. Sirs, Cravate. \ Th ie ion Rene ae 1 French Cal er eta Corr UareeeGra iin CATUCenA I at Then ylelinates ie Goenee J peeled ‘ lew toned anima! rollet u eri te HENDERSON & ENNISS fe venue aeS ‘ eae ie oe fh ie ! a t aud Breueh Calf mee wt nd wife Betty Alien yiie Family Cas) for atyle and ant tee tamer tliress ey a ce ete ; : i ss eee . PON FOR SETTLEMENT oe back aud € t | E i re - aie eee : Bear ene aa a : od Siw [x I 4 ee ta v rig he AVRIL Te eet LIT? aa that ‘ aed ase Was corp, let uerets te Hise peace rant : ee eee fick VOU VIME VGH GRUNT We tise oe Fo : i : . ne Fees Pei se oe frou head t i afdiowned wit ‘ Ague and Fever Cured EU ea? ao : eee UNAS) ie i ! arcliige tie 2 = ‘ ei ante i en 7 be " t i _ a hee the profuse sweat that ro ced fr ‘ : : an Lovoher and Proven > 2 > . ace eS yarres } 1 Watehinan eWwepapren pelurlend he tow i : Pe ne ae i eam aioe () NC) Returinie any Rete Trl panne . pery meth " ALSO, Fin t Widest, be Cinta took wf rina! wats dex ie HUM ASH BROWN, NOS Beene eee ane SMI MILLER, {Salaharys for § weeks, commmnansing the wd ds Sih ows : a j Maro ae seers) . eee es > ‘ t = Al XS dent rnd appar before the Wuctees of our NW inter at the crowd, and fig tars wenn Tet ' \ Enniss’ leue and Fever P ‘ Weriainilis sony . SLE ae Ce me ue) | ee ae a ever Pills, RT iy etree July 2. no an enon les inl Oprtsr meee ee To Ne ti ALSO, GE } EES ‘i oo sty WARRANTED TO CURE silinbury, N \ ne er ‘ € : n Diuble Sol Ob QUErer : & ) a ‘ whe mapeont , mda po Bebroar { ic mY a | . BEM oi | ER, CIEE ae ESSIRS tol Ww THO \\\ ILI |’ ROOTS neat. thes and there to poe Loswert tay fy i: ALSO, MILE: A litte coax ny | Lent Nin ony is . “ . ’ > hae o made ator , fete saddid wie niuay | {eee ouse Painter. Grainer. \ F ti ; | I" | : ' MLASUIULD and SHOES, ,0 000002 8t weianieese Pe aot } een Pe ae . . Natlotia ag. crippem ee ect eitn tence neem cere ALO, MULE : : Fluid and Kerosine Oil. Manufactured by VILLER & THOMAS, atetice Vibert the 26 Monday on Neve noel! pg net many dies DRESS Bt gta ino | ' cee Hann & i _— / A ae Monday in November, te) QD to nent tn th ei ' j Mil eee one ae u “ ital By tie Gallon or Barrel for sale at Ww STR ii NTLEME PO eee aie LLU Re DU She THREE OM ret § a ’ ‘ | te kL or SALISBURY. N. C HENTEMSON Sob NS Tse M. M. BARKER ° i a Hie Pai i\p pt a Ce ) RALENICR Ts te ver Inviacratorlens LG ioaatlesn Poin 2 toes lniee coe ae rw ' ac cniacreanred te "OULD INFORM WIS OLD BOOTEES, inanutaciied iy Mirren Pues Dates) BOBS AN galt Trade tn all the lat Call and get where he waits patiently toda his : : ie ee x \ Pens ind Guxaioraitbnc hares Tice NiCd ae having au Brondway, tere bluding, * seeie a eae EF ean wih ee Rear BARGAINS ans oN q Cur Countrymen Aheond.= Papers at A Mle PERSONS wt oe RRENCH BRANDY Carriage Business, _ et e “ ae in ee ( ‘ i OI i I NG ' ican coupe ee ~ er 2 ee 4 home and abroad coneur in stating that + « mel ne r i a aM , —— ° gee Es : ent eof BUGGY or 4 QM. { ee! : there wre alas there t wacdstone fi) htt sie Be meth bee rlitiam $60 Mefesmal Bronk Broke 100 Apneien sida mcnentie Sten AATS AND CAPS. (11 Fier etcn sn YPTOw low-citizens awa) from ther nat ve oon , ‘ est a : " une oe a oe po ' ee USP RECKIVED a ee . Celene Set 1 #200 worth 3,00 al ) | 1¢ Le : . a ' wet r ' ‘ bao We may suppose that one alt of flies HE NIERSON WN Ss \w ' ore : mith North. @F Boye Mate and Caps wand quater a nf s We are absent a whee year, and sper 1 Pee Bin meiih Gerciate Wh Cede pe TN eee tare es " an ‘ nH CAH AND SETTLE. MU DR \ NE NGG Pe Peowt wha the finest wid ee LEN I GENTS: COVES in Se an average, two thousand d ira ct ha work ‘ t ail we <a _ Hat uM ! aa ne ‘ oo as pec 7 or ae aerate ie el tu a eee | SPICES! SPICES! (wens nee bet 2 FN ures aici me meet ill Prine, S G rr, Ma 1] art \ , WM M. BARKER ' aa eon oairestieret ied that payment © he If « se tushionablc ieee) ‘ : z . ' 7 pen Weta ‘ : 7 m 1 1 pian require (ier without delay other - of thre ne Da VTE free AND WAGON , ‘ / . ) NOTICE THI. Ls.n 00 Werhave heen vers mdulent towards one custome Ne ater ye to epend one thousan Wars per antiu Den " tw aI Non with are LITE RES bs. 151M niinke thin orensnm toatkonwiedge oot 60s! Bh and we have &4,500.000 Veer calles wes De ‘ ce MEN HERON eho NSS 50 White Hands Til ; ' ‘ / ru | NI a He wieit (core UN Galerie: lat, cheve well ere’ y : { Hae Ot, ant ) GEORG nv vy : feta nd Shoe Store, comply woh th Laveen Tat a nnd them Pe ; ; a ; Wd Apilesgiontl an Teeny ' } \ Oey > 2 an euhove notice and eave 1 HER an bere ot people on the continent de; ond March he Mi \\ miata ( Radehntherined: [vdeltrs donna e me . a retranble about ureettled Pee erent Bes oi, ae an vat nded ty yer 2 7, mNVgG! n hear they Apply ‘ i S574 niarest charged on al} atending ™ work dune on this suin, and that expende sees . Pack: ; VINEGAR ’ Ey MSEC TT ee Fine Suits. alter the Let January AFA PAL SL : . > y) Buggies and Rochkawrays. 4 4 SAME VAM i mh : Livan lish and Russian travellers, for these suy a4 : : ‘ May ~. t=! A Cannan 1). G If vou wad toons FINEST CPSop CLOTHING WARTS & SULLIV arate vas 36 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ets. ference nineven enn A mmmIden Terie Eesti unas ry port. Hotels, steamboats and railroads HE enbeerber hae alot of handsome new Bug 77 5 ae sant lnt | , cand Rockaways, which he willeellon good, 49 ct# per Gallon at Pe Pamuiicnte, Pures, Vietio Varies: Hina BI ANK ‘TD ; : ae HOM DAVID WEIL , innamerable base their calculations OD perme THOS b RROWN, HEN DERSONG& LN NISSINN( euincalaid Alikindeotluh Worknently ere culer aXe DEEDS Vr Rewewnea tie Sraxp— Nod Murphy's Gran MARRIAGE LICENSES Me ite Row, Salrabury, N ¢ Sept 25 ing WIR SALLIE AIP IPS OFF yh Fok s foreign influx. Jan 24, 1860 195 Spt 1s, 1860 (fk enn ae FOR SALE. AT THIS OFFICE —~—21eee ,ee is preached all over the South in every neigh ae J.BRUN KR,borbood;and the southern people do,whether ;justly or vot,honestly believe that the Repub- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR lean party —a yreat and powerful party at theNorth—do intend to interfere with slavery where it exists in the States;and if the North will TERMS $2.00 come up in this solemn iwanner,and put this sinade copy Re Vin perpetual guarantee in the Constitution against hive copies,i “the power of Congress,then the men who dis- a ):a 2 roen tn the same proportion ?tract the South with this idea will be coutradict h Payment always in advance ed by you in the most positive and indubitable manuer forall time tocome.And here kt me make ®remark to northern gentlemen,in all kinduess,and without meaniog any offeuse to ait the inj. M the blengthelungs, hak xh apy ove.You say you have elected your Pre- Clee;inthe r Howie Court and isisec vos WEAN IS <3 t y i "WT YYrP +¢sident constitutionally,IT admit it.You ex-Ferro eerie Jeet Uo eae cra teen a Ta Ne S sBURY :,FEBRUARY 12,[S61 NUMBER 39.|prise tl South shou!ere in eal re 7 F:or pres onde u y :t oulrdthe:We ray pate ollie cntven on Eee .ae eke vu *uN *Dr L .a,2a 4 ress wonder and sur rise that the South should 8 TOfulouy sont by tivadl any A be alarmed at this.Now,Jet me reason with uloUs com,ie ae .vou Lhe presentation of the converseuf a pro- »Withetang pees a sob sometines puts the question itself in a echt ae een wt Sri ‘1 it t dither ntiyht.Suppose the posit on of the twomee©nee ee liti ici ternal Jn.ts,€the Arts and 5,Morality,and the family Circle.Sena ital by thie pvc Ba a evoted to 0itics,C05,«qricaltare,il erihd Npctoveimen 5,ommerce,¢t ee C 5 ail -Cuences,,t ora \y,¢sclions uf the es reversed ;es the Ption whie,kets,Cow ‘j &e $-slave Siates were etghteen,and the free States r Tirkets Me Nea ~7 . tes ;verti Bonds,C ASC.Vartuwy bquity haicke,~-__—ieaeeeeeae 2 BS is .Ntten a pose the slave ies a :m yey e Bal Nanda,byil vary :.,4 ;in tits House,a majority im the Senate,and aeitaiscrim,¢Land Deeds,,.c !Pere Re G Gren USNC IERU NE te OLE peu You ow pain VWiieasur x othsedaiponds,«1 Deca cai,bog elite Tustin \Watence State of the Union.Teas ite ;pur |A |'\ne |ie iigorty in the electoral college;suppose the y the Shen@ Deeds cae ‘:struction of Che Growerntiment beds ae pu ‘te the whole co J .@ :it wauity dy Dee esmeels:CSUSSD sa)TSC)tee)ca GC)UeeR Ma.Borrow:—The following lee were orgginaby ;lad nah 4 voi ar ,Nene Oki Crees am ealin Tee neti yen siguiente rea O)huld a convention,and ap- PCat ©i =PE ose and a desi alt :o ‘‘\5 \‘ats :.é Wloas;their astarday,pe iia ore ral week tow ne had Wutten by a bereaved mother oa che death of hee SPEECH OF |‘|;i 'itp R (om .\tlinawoudi vouconie lire ui eles Lee ncerolmestin®as tar South as theyaneht.jnteety ek,as or BEVE ceks past,we cave had :;:“pian and hodesthearted Democrat.or an oid 1m canvass;that y ‘Be ald,oa \:‘e their Aad many ther ferme af tees (eeyuent wre eT Wank 'ohild,Lihve taken the tiberts ofchanzine the au.Bon,JOHN A.GILMER,Vi i enti ene ate Sareea firth.(ist Ueuuris tipoulsqel ani feaweran thie 1y ut Mobile;that there should be noTomtheidbonleronmalantmaticeaheavy,leaden werscht bans about Vhogt yl Nour’ms leleyales in that convention from the free States; W alte poe r youve only so far as wos necessary co render it ap Ne TO AROLINA |red nant eet tia te divin (eat 4 Nore ne UaeNS NERY Lecom neame here,Your a Bedrce ourheartin relation te the future of our |,preter f hiet lected OF NOR “_ae .Wey ae ,ji ,en before leat swindle wax per hat they should pnomimate two candidates,oneaxet!propriate to (he purpose for whieh il im seleete ,ulGniite design aint quinone tnove election took place before ti dle Was per |ie.7p ee »TTNG .be eee ata :.:,‘[XN unk Hots of Ritrkesent Givi,5 ,:_from bkicnda and the other froin Texas,and AKER &COS MEDICINAL country,We wish we tad the power te ON THE DEATH OF LITT JIMMIE ENNISS tent is to sever finally amd fetescr those pe Paid presented te "ie “ve should wind up their proceedings by the adop- *'arth di S mocninilcle avr '26 'Mine statis Fon nceeialielelnces without dusteaenion ou acted under the a ‘°:PRANSPARENT COD LIVER OTL remove it.Would that some wood Batry My little Jemume's gone to rest,January,26,1861 ave Slates frome the th :NN :\a s fouled vider the wl sical wresslution,iutimatiag thet it ie in the art ~vente \,wy |val .,(evince he wou studder att Vico of scuthert:cotservall eh,a you yy ‘.. parilla,HE TRUE AND GENUINE seal teuch our evelsds with a whit Tis eu Gi Weis iiss 5 Phe Louse having under consideriton the yowlic io hamsidger a FL CES eT TNC RREA ec TOMACOUPAC Cn tir apeneg bun ecuotly Less,ms well as the daty of Con- F °'..|ie pratcrig toogue Les sitin death ‘eae °ai ’“a een ‘i pts i ess.to provide y )ri ve Stul s |diea!skill of UNSURPASSED TN QUALIPY AND RRRBGTS woud atid diseipate the clouds and dark Mie pr Passel :"repart (ruin the scleet Committee of UY yard tad they Kiowa the tray.fd caleuincsanceauct xour omtlisn ani!cove that i!:he 1 tat .more tree ;i shall ~rulle yr all are oe ‘.1 ve cd ttan le into the Won,aod shou elecPrevailingDEINGTHESWEETHETANDBESTPERICKEDbossthatnewlowertponourviston,We Mireur Kee lay:‘Cline been told that,ou the failure of that ticker ats crtsis,Do so now,aud your comstituents will ties pen Aes nm nateduboltlenelavenstates ©Moat xe.L¢Pere :Nacmore 11)brash vhy etdey bane :ndid to dissolve the Union.The approve and rejoice in your course.Etell you,:v .for the ex dé.will 'ee we enutiet feel,the respben Mr GPL MET sia Benue tits 'J oa he J aivbe,suppose all these things were to happen .ne,ef farcly tried.will suai feriure ae os No tnere thy fo riobrace "i Sete M11 ln v if vou will only be advised by me,who lives at ‘» vod,and the ee i Jieestive organs,cavecorwte th am tent uderies Geen and felt by others)in m ee ,Mio Spranen:Phe storm that now rages Cee aU OTCUS eh ee aa Sun :“Ole :\‘‘aud then speeches,assurances,aud telegrams,conse ae len GE Uae ean es Nid clip thee toast no dear \them,Should the bunest farmers,mechanics,the heart of Ue South —a man in whom Tbe toscca=jihud,vive geierat rotaudity to the figuer i rem eqteornalessly TIM FINTEOUT :fe Ge Crieatent beta)Ic a home,Te :aren ,haven fidence asa fair minded 220 be freely circulated throagh your coun- ‘cure Desa nae "ules ty tiie We ES ee i pty sem ‘.:taco aa See areal .hy eve you have some contidence as a fair mindes “.ne area tikes TS and add energy ty the and and uerven —_|eee Aid kien thy stn bo iueremset atabsrilieqmereasing,[tas near ad therchants of the Suwth:be tol ts tru :heave soe confi lee as fa muted Gy iat the Suuth ratend (0 makeal the States wobeeu reivtrhlt!r wpe ,\fone nl ON ;Pa obyee!.x Un ,e ro.Man st uo dvised b ee,ALK ou caRAGFoayeTievaluefanheed',ome Or portion oO PERTH :Nn enter iia eimaclerans Co teunt,audine dliewruel ue Tutins teunmmetint (be catjeetsisatie:nis ul disruption of th aM :k ble pat.Sl#veholding Stutes:[submit to you,my north- Torvidenced by rte wandecful rentorative row:UZ !|,ce f |t ,ernment,they would shudder at the idea country will say that you acted dike woble put .i*,Pustules had been varity vovelty aud Guana .Fee ’Ahont mv neck so weet Lope that same action of the two Pouses:of ty ):nee ;ern fiends,would you not be very much warm-re when ordinary (Ou vad b .WI tNrow out a decoy duck,and tell riots in acrisis which was forced upon you.You ‘cs yenene ee ed Pt ufferds wounehie ut toe aa Lhe French soul and found ot No more EU eal dear Jemine mine,Conctess would,ere thas,lore dayed this treat Be I -,‘|:anil fi]EAISeAPC (RIT MO tio UiteNIC ne cone biee enue that southern movement,and be-1 Mae ee 7 =a t Bcert <ur x i ve the praise foall vour cout en,.ee BB bedty when no other can he bere,cud oa orate ae at th caer 1 Careeractleawenceo th ering tempest,Pceret that it has not been thetn this deception,this syren song,that th 'Il Po ee hontee lila yourwarel Dadlsenallifolkellin this pepsia,De.ra sward the clogeo ecast and the cor &a 7 ye Mio alent tr vousands and millions of unborn souls will ceePeps‘Ta turiinnes the frame willy tat im mw itoly ft ,.Wine alten tha |feast,hata es aot ee obly #inovament of the soulheru States :ane "aa ‘a ee Ceverurseiuimavwouldtyoulnotrcelllikelicoking ”ut i er unt the:tpest :OA ir uly fi erm that |ped nas :nOiRalitae ‘i c eoup ty say,Shesse ve the eu 1 O06in“impar <i ble tacaner ::ONCL =x"ment oot veoger 1 in s t 1 corti mmeraveilnivin to (elon laeetline Uiuiveressmal TOCUlCnn Lecut)truchon of this Government,is p ty say ;ae ee uut fur yourselves,at Jenat to the extent panes :SOMPTION vod B J 14 ’eorhall callin ;2 i a clerenuentih ou deceive ‘a this crisis and suved this great co 7serofulasy=By CONSOMPTIO seeds of Dbood and mten olan the res Nevtnoce te!al by which this Government may yet be presery ubniit,with great deference,Hat you decery e cen vy .es ee ing fur some guarantee!T throw out th's idea 1 ca tS =We hoon ehourbabs where 1 Neevuatruction?You might as weil Why,sis,you tell me Congress can make slave ALOR E lise Loos! SCROFUL bon all ite deeet pment fonituiieeattves Laetitia lireelunectiet oe a ed,ated peace ane TmOny restureal to tlie ells SC ee 2 :;oo ri ,UY way of some excuse or extenuativn of these re Peper ae oe a BEAKNESS.WASTING,and 7.:i ‘al }7 ss OE "ailesttialion widetie areatest people pou vil me,after you bad taken a debeate watel,ty tr,or not aie ha Ne ee ‘in ravings and thieatenings to the peace and quiet —ey .,toad at e ‘t Then,>e .‘x i ‘|an We r ou te ethatany law that Congressnealib»Mem nt DEBILILY,in cucstive ope toredd star stented in he wy tana ieee Sane URIETG oud he cath Lust confess |feel discouraved by #0 {put it ander the pou lerous blows ofa forge a slit you clin ‘y :a Wy erin .fee aricuied oe PAI wl Dacen tare conmetionl exon nmel lorena ...rine eet f Ie have,up te lminer,that you only did it that you mm wht iiht pass would stop the waters |the Missis Titre ucnest CCnicreeandtint Uatllterree :_!;Oe eenen nie ==::eK peter ors ul wothat our northern fien He eras oe ppt trot thoy g incu the Gall of Mexteu,as to z ifens;om opat te at the Star Tue Mexveut NOE ear rere ele ei ries inate.TheGcko fi obi.SoVibo Une WCU MBSE He WW Jew et with the gentleman from Virginia [Mr.Mrec-—_—veer ud reo tued wile :’hes ;=ve the ULOFENS C4 gislate slavery ouyPhysic,.ee i me ‘|ce lt yourm,baa propre sed Daen ward \,!ey intend todo se orhet,|am iot assur py bery.EP bae t “"wy me UL ite Hesse It |;at ke ‘i sox|—that our presevt territorial question isNorhensalive®ae 'Fi is '»tion,Putof :i ti ilo an erritory annot be sue,geo th ~hey onthis and othe unpartantel ont Out ooM Pothat boa ttar geese TCA Coane ont ecm lMnty:tte coset)amu we mune Tt “wey :Fe aN ae “:substantially settled,and that it is rather an ex-we git Z ,a Pe meal Nasiata nent alt |::None bata eG haieneetta ite ogy L fear they wil fail and *bshould not I More than that,gentomen,whet ts ne 1 Ga eae At Ree ete erreatiat peir 4 REE,Me =-.Se us !iS ne a 1 ,:a ee a et it an J decistation to be invoked?ot iS i»and invig-ve tha ted *:hrothe A flee ee Abs en States.A tinal eff rhete |Sa Siar)Ne ican Tho Ti)=eas oc ‘tulure,as heretofore,soil,climate,and ' correct.ae Phvstcrens throagheut the Statee :the wil A>:ae 5 \,hey loves how bet ''it ttle ther first step tad been te break the trast s esha for ©Only when (he of ie fuctious would settle thie question ofslavery '=i ih finales ela :v.threetsMeepor rte af thy f ;PO Sate Tes ial 7 ned me Ms (licomtory inilenteeuncue Hostinuvent n,|;healthy vi .a 'a 1 3 ai:bet t I 1 1 .ROE Tir eclacal Cargiee qarneen mule Lhonor Virgsinia and Ss rth ©arolina |soedien 'ithe ‘Lertitoriva,if peace and'quiet were reator- bperties,the eel schools ’te fe emer ’shod thre sane moo 1 ‘>v ote .:“/indeall/tlressoutlierin ssciles tliat RM aunt RECS:tid avade the rierlit Su lung tot ype i .Con-‘1 .—.nh we would o tfiave Mee dwell coows st he lyatteerdluernernirtlimelnstentirreunar ]\fter ali thatbasbeensaid apd dupe,Coo tphysicaldeONIVERSHYCLRDENN-\(cattery Carentan liens a !i 1 'Te aerate ow ele aryl cuetytmearel Uriel tea lk Hit esttliiic Shasta Ore ene tio)wit(ampe 4 lerRY restor POEFERSOS COLLEGE OF PITTLA 2 7 W 1 aie me rei Toni Venta WWaornel was lei wetliatentart ses UE aaa ‘.~Dae aa )uiese has never nade a@ free State out of anyTieOrn=.aw 1 ne tte ‘:‘“!ee St ieee MV GeR irene tie :whats really covered up inthe crv of a reel »teyislation ds not askee es :vals Teil clue Uutirer tended ermelnte Otte: 1 \yom ost ‘tet PSU Nt chest ner cle ann ‘.‘STC fate Fe ut Vion the people are detormined lave 2 i 5 OMplaiute oy :ADE UaPHTA ROE EGYe 6 WEEE au 2 ay .5k ;Pe i einial we vitstineut of (ie Governimcn |1 :tid has never made a slave State out of territo-,araaeet a Hn .-;ie el :Phanseo hin racked wot It wan stad ty be a peaceful reinedy ‘;:,ferent aeartann gure flow a .iv ‘ETE esuably oupies i i cm ‘i "sid bo The only constitutional remedy ty woul say tomy northern friends erat 1 hen ,>VY where (ree labour Ce e preblaamedtofarLuvalidashoudbevarfpopulymeonoeTHEedateererWeewIvtq(8 rw eG Rens .neowillsuch legislation be effeeus Lhe yp f A .,\:*1 .r bobthosnens between a State and the Coot manbers of the Republein party,Guat vou lave a el You eaunyt,by your W ilusot proviso,pre-Annee ;iy a redness ere ie come ae ve ‘wd th thon o key 1 in the eres t their ase a i ice aaianinneiiare Guana ters Gh j=oath ae oe "De diet Ce ut ment Won te power,eoubkl be it ie your puwer,and that too,bE eoteeive,with ‘vent he establishment of slavery in any ternto-Se est acuve and nin Z cal fa Wl meeenicett ee aieieaten |ess ‘tomrike a sane 'i 7 Hearber neds That which we prepoce has ota ee laced Teco,ctr at Beet et ee :i ‘{0 Bat when that heresy was eros yulausy maternal scoutee of any prneide va -,er ry whore the people can use compulsory labor ict,Nawses ea ren _Teen ax \et he mive a t pees ue >bett J owith yre profit than any otber,andaeLo'eS :'rite the a Stratiou of Gen.Jack abie tu you or amy one cle.to crus stent |ce eee de Cea TEC Oey ,tithe ere —“.II .s tes and wstod :... i as a .ie a WiKI rae ey ~‘We pray tee sweet Jem be Leh at reson Was te secessign.Tn order cutan anhour You tive the power att yet |feet he i ‘a cework Where they can culuvate rice,tobacco,cotten,4 t a RASS us Lwyu =tod leat 10 :t ,tel |thet Iscust cHeonat !'>ied,anil sugar,better than anything else.—=1 .fees an —-\i Lk ove ec]iL,1b Was sa "ght tu guiet the niinds of ai cow ,ms Weriiiiest aiijausnrtw aC cur g Fl =~(anes ape wofi ¢pres 2 |,\.weeful at .tractor Nuttie ater Save States,Vou live it--atel 1 say ee Heb .pel WIhen such a ren)bas got a population large A %.euat abd beloved cou 4 .2 a ¢i ~‘pote es PR bate ‘Teste i 4!ye 4 x}aii "yyeeer lL diave fil 1 y {Pls reo meant eye Cee ruat res iirc WSC UTAN As Cath OME ieee?,.,Pee Norilncen noueli forthe establishment of a goveroment, a 7 ‘>15)Ce eo t 'ro in :ver Vdiave had mans fiietels,were chnet teerush out the enemies of this greatiand alo ley RUSSEL TAY ATES NMS vid you tender them a territorial goveroment,\TU es We nels CUNO GA CSTs Te ty “cet x mn M \“ee »a ropositon ;hotperl:e ::/)WW cae that thar advoentes wn tlre eRe Tinton mu Se COT CTU LUNEWl (vomreresne GEA UL CNEL TIER InUSI SUGLINRO (eos SLITENU ES bast)rbot Wei the Wilmot proviso init,they will throw :oa Be ec eS ae 1 eal ee corn ,‘.l ::cause ibs suo much better Ghar some others as heat PPE cor e rata éupBsseeNATANDoar!}surances that they were cor ational (aan SEU RUEAV CET sist ute Whi UFC taeeicn it back iu your faces}and whes they bave su ack ok see ‘‘,v1s 4 oe ett der sk .a 8 .‘'lt {)should hue ¢iat f :1TheaeConst)01 ‘j ;:.DN Tseastg 1 Bitsy ‘y ee TCD eCneeNCer eal stl prs on atachiment ta 1 VeCause it is of any vale do them?Whit rleeme an udmatan,of that we should bse goat population for a State,they will organizePfoyJenrfotjena\f ,-‘Vi Oe :‘.‘5:fu NA ’ikpoetsVERLCTORY,":SE ee Uist GRR aca EL e@uusttucunranl Ue l moneeanil (int (lemewen Voulct\(or lieiimtnkemetnaatatewt Os tcmuenescicl ai)RITES Nort)Dyatessco Cl ules ‘Cgovernipent of their own,republican in form,,vidual opinion candid Apress for miyeeif,,men F ‘or ‘dose nu JOmN DOOLEY,\Seat na i -i Oh wecnlialir nner asia net darechion which they ded was the better forthe then vou hand over to them what will bet Har epitiien candy <a :ie aud apply for admission,aud,according to yourwe;in :FOTOUCUATIISE It Be!ne weeplalie to oul A i Toke 'every a Maw ter Ke ome ve t Oi if I eos HO aac Orally proservation of Coch Lbese qills were made them their politreal wrodtr to Dtisnot be ul Geese it inf tu be ia es ;wo pruciple,you will be bouud to admit them. riy Ruows Nee .ovat aes pene Piet mo Ars tac den an’fee aceeputbie wilh the te ct seductive assurances cause ids a thing which as really valuable t Le Ue eee »Se Lam only showing you whata very litle thing q||ud evendes.,,WANE tore SKINS Gt ene |nv it Vt "’i f youd designs aud |pury ho South that they desne protection,veri it tut territory herealicr to be acquired,Give ds ots that we Lave got this country so much by \ When ones )\ie At (ey ,[eer eG Commnnak er Riere A eee be any injury tot Neotiv at ‘its Foie oft all Meuday.Eo you.gare about,and if we getina proper humor,} “ne otre PAV Ewe fay aie atch of \in |“‘°Woo thes tater,wine toshowthattlos vou erant at They demand ib beeause they ™fve us the Crittenden proposition,give ow easy it would be for sensible gentlemen to } anes te |TUN JRO Nes canid iy eI SNCs he Le \\:!4 f oe ees Bee iy ae cot CC TIM er CaRTIER yin nic inane Sut mUOHUCE OUCGsaU [USt1O1F Tt not that,og tusether and settle it. gand da \Se a ::4 ety ‘‘Toe Geen a GAY Noe,BHA dane lie our iewsll:Ue flariedtitol tae en booeus the propositua of the commutes of Wis.gentlemen,pray what is this territorial th Nee \1 Vea a I =rt 5 :..:.,j ,ty thine.nditied,iP you please,to conform uation /ssumed its ie se |\‘Webee iinet -\\nthe |eMC port entot breakin up this Goverutheut =lee cery yuestion f tis one that bas only assum 7 nor tems ,mu e mec os ~et vy ‘~-.s Seti Vere trite weer Cty ice lenders cece.Wosubstatice aa in etlect to the two tiistnamed importance within a short time,because ultra i sed nites beak Pie CUE tel cui eatine!oo HE Te RULE OR RUIN Her erat athanseceiureate@unrietan sanitelsal .It posure;bur iet us all go together every arcisans bave magnified and misrepresented it t Fee ‘oe cen Te centaneetier Towecral nice teenie Pav ilesnashes (a Ushi Oe mn Jinan who loves lis county aud his Cutony fer ior the purpose cf inflaming the public mind Ly bits Veen Keres t ed a .cen i :|cee soe .yoard i /;:o a irdan when |oaddress vou ast ern tt Wething at Will Cerlalioy give peace lo our North aud South.In this they have succeeded i aan :PS)ERE UU wht Yn I)ut ..hon 1 Unde lie ter ees ul ect APO Votracted and distressed cosutrymen of all see ty a most fearful and alarming exteat,This is aH '':vein :ues ‘ete ask Vou one questiet Het alle the true c lai ut lich we are afflicted f:w ‘‘i .i <7 (ENE RG Ges Sa cr Tecate HS a)“pla ies the true complaint with)which we are .i :.et '‘(ant seat ue lonited States wer Jurss oa 4 }CC .F or ,1 laeer ;,118 i \-a ''si mi free to say ave given the This is che disease which bas brought us to the'4 shi (are ‘ni ‘2 oo Veretonctient Mir ltmeckanertetanes:Lanta tle Queren (ot fun ccierurtni eekcane worstneni Mies .foam free to say that To bave given is.ohh sease x : '1 eel ere I feel)(iiemedine Gareleds teat Gertie (enn Weeve atl)SRI Nccmoeer ditties mau ue he veDUS host caretul examination to these various propoo verge of the grave.5 Mee i‘l :enw shoud rusk (y ry 'TeneeN ;li ‘‘:}v Pettit ons and Tam cheered to tind them ai verg I find in the newspapers of the day a .':t !-ey x !‘::sen tes pthe same ends They do rot that our nurthera friends say we have got the _ne fare ."4 it s 1 ‘-R F ‘feat y lady ‘eta ad 5 1 ‘j 'i‘a ‘‘Go Spee ::‘,.:a (taok thar a \,m ‘bso wadboy as to justity Fiona men in fel Dio d Scott deeisivn5 that that decision makes !\«1 r {:)>'x rm oof a rireent Pune a eae te :'haout by the way,and fang to agree,Phe shaery the normal condition of the Territones, “‘\'ie :::5 pea ‘”eit I eS el aaeeti Creeted by the adopion of any one ot and that the same prneiple there established,if=1 ”fatadoand |Was cer ted PORCIS Ox)CL Leu ev Gr ‘Y ‘ah s"i =i ee suis ie SURG SSN a TILL *‘{be |by the adoption of }out,would carry slavery into the freeeet‘':fae et \\Towel arcused kines tudisuniots ‘S Co thet ourhit pot to be duss by the adopn cn 1 ‘arry slavery dnt EY arerion €°yprw ta .-‘“=asiach Catise for dissalving the (tien =kit wet Tnatke a solitary Shave eon Sey eae eee WI \Wrateel de:hea one :=.''ee i"bers.Pnoamy particuiars,and ter Pemson tes ho ean wouder that that idea,whe!JOUN DOOLEY ne /,lp Gate ere .f ny +bee '‘yout it TIMOR CnES 1 tur be “134 1 1M4uveermamsUG..TES VEEN EL SLURS SPELT ee ages enn omienre 'CSS Se eS self bave tet tine new to assngn,Po dnitk jresented to northern audences,should excite tos Hep ww sca ot ‘:‘!party,now ee ranipant t ee ei,E anuek ,Who ,North had “equal chan ar aoe Wellof the report of the committeeofUairty three si acainst the South,and set them railingj;,5d voy ‘Pat imost:ina \'ti Toe tories intl feat ;. :,Vi Rt “(7 Y Lite rty firs!(tenn OES py Was feding,quicted all tei a ;>oT ,avon £ae ee ge be Ee or Cader ad the eneutmstances,boimeline to)the ?And so,whena Democrat gets up j =_‘ue Sac Cae tnote sl !reas uot a al .Ise |°FiNOHlI,>a EAE NSS)NCH Sh CSC Gah tee US a recenstans about danwer |”Wig ucron le comer rastcatculrcelll ;mance tl ee Bas pa 8 \".p opiison Chat ticie propositen to adjust the ter fore a southern audieuce and tells them thatedth!Tate we Goce no t tis fi hon ts neat cat .CRORE Wen bate bee NL a Ser tanlawnd But the on eenewlrace ccnulnuitleetine [srrckina eeekte cet who can now put tis hand ay k ‘ritoral question should be well consid red,be the wreat sechunal Republican party has got the ,*Sy i ae ee ~Wouetamnieterceelttence:i (acinar wlioclinve iste:1 neers CURES eCere ar Canta wd cause i shows a teching on the part of northern power,and has determined to set all the slaves7.:’’‘.;vita 4 e me TMG It ered meta '<State mure or bess,or ole free Suite chur ;ne f ie oo \:ar enn neni t eel Neo Mh Ng Of al (OS ae reece Gee ra Ged aie Ypon whieh they bad rio bern peaceful in its ebarwter—who have ad ‘‘i ,Aid af yon gehtlemen that L bad nut expected.The objec tree,who can wonder that they become exci! ™:}Cent '.ST SRN aN ,,'Pere ostiit 'Worelates to the ve °:wns slavesterViewhiCOUN!‘the Gection.of a tran not vocated secession as a peace’)remedy 2 wheter oe CHoctaily to bovak wp this disunien mes tion to the proposition,so far as it relates to the Who aed r 1 the men ue os Megas ote .ar,,ethos Vito l ‘ted :heaatlories 'COURTS hha proposttiot foo D k 2 an son mt bw ware meaty dear te ecery ben ye 'CT TT Guntigtitiiionenl Wats,cre they $Dom ail they can,everswtete,too To i e .Biman tones,cabtiol Cons TESS Oy I:ks up tis old rifle,and that he ar :ea :qe sub-eriber respectial’y caformia tie Gerace:7 cw ;i ,oe har iieatroyie tii :Ua)aie.2 Visell:butt must be somewhere than i)are for fighting when thus assured?Partisans patrons,and the pubue gowrriny.tat he is de :tad 4 aC 2 i isi ‘Nc ETN Pl MENV Tmtremecn cena pet .oe 'Oo wtedt Lean see on tts face EC must bo because ud demagogues have wrought all this nuschief. ee trrnaedto weme elas ia b cancion ‘Bont ere a ;in 'ner |}.PSU SEEN SSO eV baste tae tte =:los tet come from what gentlemen consider [he Supreme Court,as I midoretand it,has not before Jvunary uek.,aid wo coun ee 8 .Coane *mal ae 1 t 4 ub e to mterupt tan?TIER atso leet t eet eit .a é ee 7m ta he iis The Sie tm Ct |cur \‘‘ket .re Mom VN le T dechin i She ee )ee we on tofestraide senres Tread Casitas written.L deered that the normal condition of the Terri- tens A ,EXTENSIVE SOG Piece tan 'CRAIG tan nls wream °8u Jilate adhd n Teele the pa jew \Wiaeeie ha vaven to all the M1 eal eed tL thovk,a fiir and iipartial coustruchon.tory is either slave or free.No,sir.I used to fccava4)ts “™fies ‘;et raid oR ows Natis the co if ave the power to form a Sfate consliitien,\\4 cs a ;:r 'ie treasure remain ia thelr prediyate an i WVEOLI SOM et me :5 1 d yoes a lougwy ”3 Miss compromise was consti-OF pO,was been snes evens r the!He a een 'that can)U8 *Po wive the country ref Dat nete meer tinea enw ectriieleemticteacwcry icles wil doit an ae ich,abd yor "ne think that ine ea P i.oe 1 . too '‘Vas ,corroupe hands ROUSSE Ss ::]aaa >:bon Aeaptlsd settle all territeer quarrels as to tutona woking to the men wh *fe ..n ov porawided streets af ]bet -I )ae rat Moderne the country te {Aes nine,they stall permitted to come dn with al”‘we :ia ‘Ve Nate iee u ;4 eit eee rine poids nad of 4 al \-a ¢ue 0 t He,TERE,AT UR SUE ART SI EE wea.ia ee a 7 |t!Tigwed to consider stat Uiey sleet Tt a oe a Mave constitubon,as they desire Jy tte Bermivories we pew ues :at vs i I mneluded.I ‘thought._t t ene ey ets eatlo ry ‘TTS UU AA (1 Rene 2 \have all poerties under at,Eso oc dec j op :catanttie thie eats UME Ns Las bans ;:7 ;Ne ae IMSL MRSA TLIAUTSE UHC TEES this,and vou comld de nothangthat would dr ,.F .Me vonieonte 4raineeGent's Furnishing (hoods,::a ue ad mes tliat policy oft Phi aes The Democrats qi anya was ealline lier eo wen thot At mo ™ele ane:J profer Mr,CRietespes’s proposition ao far that partners to 1 i conid divide their land as sare SICK..nek eh ‘'fn otainecesemnt Uirennnen "i Fd ee ee ;feral he Distret of Colum constitunonaliy as they car sell it or jointly oc-4 ,(;:ir pourty ted Inha ]sisstpyat sus calli her ent pton,what died we :)relates Co Slavery in Ul €:4teatify,)ta Hats,Caps,&ec.,at ost Lorena theacerwmeded wats.[twas tied r}os a ¢eae ee tion caw lhere would ee eae am nyt .yl,mery see tnd Amoi ot atl cotta teleg tler tolowra ny worms ,;bit,and ain the forts,amenis,and dock yards.cup)5reeTea-,.PAV Or eH Stati tieteentnt cH Itoenety bene see ©foutd telegram atter :“Perel eerie converte ae atlas tiie stan :;; eucement of 7 st :me 'ae m ;‘||[ote (eve teenie tenee still Cuttranathia place:net tur peace,not fer reasor \\:ioctl ais )Batoortrern gentlemen sav,that if von satmiit I can illustrate,ina few words,bow I under <~hits ava of Scothatd,wom ap ane 4 :}asses oweepine,Moulin,and Wace '::ie :ey iJ testimony L Lbss r Il A N «Os’I.Gets Nit ;‘a :|Mocratic party,keep up tie agitation of not for reflection.bac smi farther to mnthane the ‘;ie irons ies 1 these bttle questions of constitutionar amend stated this decision,and the extent to which it ".Sita the reatest ease and se :a :aud wospoesdy o the ante s ,sun area 5 ..,SDSL LLU is ;CIG RUMEN]&ction,dmatnd out-of Cone southern mind:st tarther to fire the southern }\erarennet reotment te the people,and some of toem are voted tas gone,Pardon ine if I do so by example. 14]WITH from thin date.forthe purpose ofclong ‘Vhebataree eviity.Many believed that the steam ass 5 1 ::::.a,ott pel 41s Bi i Jown,vou wil be worse oth than you were be Sapnose to old farmers,Me.North and Mr.South,y ALLOW remarning will be seld at pablie we dae cae Fetuiciitects lUresGa)ql linvecmat er mee co mmcce tperacretity 20)})yposed themias heart:stl further to run into madnessy rites fet mverermund-yotut the ations Leernip :u a ,a j i/,Ceo ee eee a is eee 'although owning hun- meonsiderate action,the whole southern people t less,finals,atid swited ane Votore,and these are all srodh amd unamportant:jaye bought,and exch owns,a large tract o} te.Nua I Seen DO en a ae fred the South forthe ex North Carutna and Virgin are now entities |ver tiled was net of y je qtestions compared with the questiou of slavery aol under a Government which permits slavery1LENOEEL.G Sontihy ‘-ate a :=°u a Th the Wats)sat a x i i es Se 4 »HC FEL SN meton the road,bat such was fond hy ;'_veivine the honest conventions;and what is the «pursosd 'Re aen reer Sethe nthe States,The question as te (he interfer:Mf)North says be does mot want slaves on bis : 3 Toon aMn sin Glace trial not to be the ease,and the only lif press ete ee io ‘i 2 eee tl by mon professing to want to preserve this ‘Tee ‘3 1 Pa line (ite teprewaiuire @1veelauerysln these places has only had plantation 5 he will do without thein,and makes ‘ one es oof the peeple and securtuy reir Uae:=i Sonth had to steugy a ue WUE RHE 1 .P ;at os vate : ee)ie le eo nf to i th ‘ae Jreain ottice and af.178:Fowl!only eail a STA SS AU EMS eure ct yin Mtn NUten WICINetis eins UincuISUTsO CR DSS Mh the South as settling a principle faily law that all slaves brought the.en ;rtes,fo Cp)CHCINSEIVES °us ‘}:wll ar 'toterference pan e y come b souse 5 L ’BOOTS !BOOTS ee to i |t Ry tees Gell Why eames stad gi yesterday's Coote,Here tts Co lcn li nmueiilment becuse ih antd tyauniems menschey alee ed would iead Wie he ee lancds shall be a if they come y the a ent ‘.The com 1 Caithne tates,will turd teem opportunity to pols CNG kare i ye }I fi 'ran with slavery au the States vethber slavery of the owner.e common Government saysreprice,Lore aithness states,wit 3 r eo \tte frou Ruchmees tsa Pon Vga seoule of Kansas,a Lercitory nurtli Of the tre 5 ,) as J Ho ENNISS in now receiiag how stock of Bo cere re rolueced afterw few nyere shall Ghee mtoof countless millions,w 'ch ne ap .annie :ee ian Me 6 ROL AHe or Mii noulave alauert tao be employed in these places or not is 8 this homestead law you may make But Mr: 0)eo Gentlenan'e Winter Wacer Proof Boots,whieh ©|been proved,tine amy again,tat ey oN is,a uiving am \th Mrresscar .eine :,question smiail compared with the question of South owns slaves,aad says that he will and rave been constructed,69 that the wari |tax they plewed.Many of you Were it 4]P): for atyle and work are auperion to anything that 'f Fea ener enyy eae Vid.Darin ad]this tine,the Demoern a)jpcceedsiies iy reference t:(he vreat question at JY t dl ey there bene any slave State north shWery an the Scares,bot it becomes ab impor joes inake his family law,making it legal to 2‘,fexpe re :>more itted agains:the eM sli tet aimadeorforsaleraChiemarketaodatlesepriceWSEASaeeei‘“3 ry lard ev bad the President,and both branches the day.and the proba de action of Cot ou italy 'a We prevaved on tant one in the South,beeanse af that power Conmand the obedience and service of bis‘slaves.; .F Toomade Certalt HACE THAINGS uv tnedde :.2 \OP Ue riba ,3u eoprevaped on a ino . ed mete piace ‘1 ne SE Be,wear u t ae!oO ‘cf Congress by an over wheliming major ‘i BG ee ne A umenie apectlenrant Ac fast:Were exercised by Congress,our people take Ml Py is murht the Government aforesaid,common to anes ;seat a ‘alf aie nM ae :i TON ANDTOBA )ty of the State Legislatures;and with al "Hed tat v'Y ss ea Cant ea ay for eranted that the next step would be to at (hein both,recoynizes.These old gentlemen,Cathartics thronghout,aid which wi ast longer than any Sal pO COTTON A TOR ACCC o «ey aevtoli st ‘,ieee =1 Lisi '4 8 you caine up and voled Ww tho a tew cotsers ive <A .wis ' al a :)Siive 1 2 Sales Sutaf,as gentlemen fter s conclude to buy,for the joint bene-other Boot,home-tiadeor otherwise a ,eo Pree these,they poxsessed the poiter to secur:ss eiuoy coe aa)the bus :Tie owenPOritine Soatlietore:tile aceon,Uae am sewcuyate ie ales,4 ins ae "af a ee ete topes oe ":ie PROT Vor Ite «io Me c ;S fa te eofvaee,.Ure pve us acougressional pledie thy remselves e 8,ge bodyALSO,Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS,—The Feveentive Committee of the Meek:the picts of the Somth in the Copriteriess desggis by axl wary oe by eeene fue sau nwing the people of Kansae to take tle fis dna veal er 'cet ee Hand ad)near to their saidwithDoubleSolesaadUpper,a capital Boot tor Jenbure Aerienltural Society,whose faty and dispose Metleuel ony questiin HE Ven crn cty ieee tis]CRT reese mire cet the law Ho ther awn bands and say whether then pen these subjects,aod then give boat)TE fnew a ee a oe or near a ‘ie tematic .Teer ‘:arene oat ott :Benen Pere arantee ayaiust Uheveter ryan and fannlies,a common deed toSaracen”itowas to award prominens for the Targes er,Why did they not doit?Because Wegstshall ta 'alia :should be slavery there crnot.u MpRet se Per pelus eat nee .Sue Se ene I af ALSO,GENTS FINE CORK-SOLEBOOTS viel bef cotton and tobacca,mot lat weel {iat coud Srates are denevrniicel a Vitae i \ia eeonee of Conweess wth slavery in the Suttes :Loi,jotman the payment of the purchase Lela A ia um adi i tl riitieates of compet URE GHESOTAY GEST)ANY 1)agi VAT as CO MAKE St BE ee os ne e :a j ‘lhe reat area of fiend where i exvistytor al ayn and the deed is made to them and theirstyinnerecertificatesofeommp‘vtra ;sas shows tha!woyatee ta Hay N +ALSO.MILES &SOVSS GEYTS FIVE CULE Boot,2M ,ie a 'i"Meet 6 was ail he capital they possessed Ge trade aidiess concludes by ete eesuterin Kansas shows "eta te ic wari aneel a OR NEe as eteg oamailletetl untay costes madamgut audieirong uidzaf iNelyely bests nin eaear Rail '.er wpen cand of that were settled,Denies .Woptonapt and !wn fe In thateourse,On thatprinerple vou never tebe aliered or adisturbed except by the ofa tew weeks Mr.North gues,with his sonsetreeemeramy:fie Mirren at piineipie matnls.tor mrp WO tty Cat 1 : Frauema tne ntee Jo Mary ,_.ie vs .‘u raey,ot rather its deaders,mist perish.of Vira a !'‘'.}vent a ‘"i Coupe ot alt the siirsot lis).tory Wye (id apprentices,oxen and carts,out into this ;’>>:14 aaiae —‘a <P Sele means onder the prowoenee fod am aver cel 5 tren frown upetn veursectioALSO,MIL p29 &SON'S PIMP-SOLK AND GENTS fled to the thrst preminm,aositver y ©And we now see —all nee -that when the ma :m :0 Led Tow wil cotlais,iets |rentye The apprebensious ew purchased land to cat timber,and Mr JDRESSBOOTS.Miles Boots tor beauty.dare a)dayienet lat fate /(the finpernt ig evil wai.and preserving a hepe ol jag |believe there are but how,1 any |, bility and jleacant wear,ure cclabrated throughout TSU UT SN Lee Py Wendetmictetivempanty lw O aC SCTE N/A ir ting a Union alruady issulve .{j ,Vo poopie w ‘at decree romoved Qoush sends his sons and slaves,with borses and iF f na Eee To anil marco jaa!ls eeeh toe Ret :‘ot this Caron,many who bave cous -:;RIG ;¥.the Union and require no praige MECC SU EE ast .:them own game,by the republicans,Here are two idew,partealariy dangerous 1 }ME LIV UNITES aLUUC UN Un Rantala \weotu these daniiat se localities Wien the warons,tu do the same.When these parties H Call and get you a pair of Boote for Winter worth Also,to Me.Larris the first prenitinn bat they waw wre dissolving the Uaron,and a |i :Mein chin oh li Non ies '.:|\bieo!the tree States base given (hema uz qneeton these newly purchases)lands,and a:=,oy character,Wie Th Hs address,ve t 0 rrintapely feu is .having aud al privew that defy competion largest yield on one acre 1400)pounds plonging the county inte civtl war ee 'a ‘Vv.Die Beer amen a ete he ty wnt i \totes far Che perpeiel enjoyment ot therm inst)quar begins,Mr.North addresses the sons of ’fe x .Eset el i a ‘Hest as,tha irgintas only sate Me tin na corbeet,tot ‘‘is | at J.Ho ENNIS»Yo Mr.Peter Cox of Cabarrus,the first Cant be impossible that the Tomert ans Cnion he the second is cyually fathe eran:ete 'tf chat Tani TN lree us titieen lawn Mp South,and says that,although the land is j or Boot and Shoe Story premiain,asilver pitcher,bor largest vie id people of the country of North aroliat Cons,equally dangerous;apd tas,thee thats itn :\Piundred and tity thousand square male commnon to both famihes,Mr.South had no 4 “Oot QW er}SALISBURY,N ¢(Pah alt se of tnproved Jail Oh e evcth bestorveré im the world,the most yyyht te send bis shaves into this new purchase,, ;t PAOD LYE tsLU Sea LU SCE act2 1]a Ih partici will follow the lead of euch the oaly way to recon rucd thy Goverment.Top ave at vou t y one Le ;+1 hin (Mr.North’f 1y6 1.579 pounds }a fa mi viet (oa Ya OL ee ee Fe Wy the North Warolina 4 Mires nits ,f }\ae Produ tthe eet,and the mest gn)am consequence of this a oe orth’s) tT .e 1 A EN Nes oy Tee esta /oe Ue ae ‘;oul ist nao yer w Pedsotne hivestead law,the slaves are free.No,sir,reNewFirmPeMagZonasA.Grier of Mente yet fella citigens,that if a disse standard,a Demoerate paper,but sit @ 00 icy geome Ue appomting power Hien best aie cing isu cys then -peonng stasis pew ree,No ain re V i :1 tne Mores erever clumate,4,©fohe,these slaves,Om m:ae :burg,tor largest vield of Pobacen on font yee at the Uaion re absolutely ne ion standard,referciny (oa letter scat from |i eoniie caneniie ica lee an ¢weed t t wi ‘piv the gone,th ; r :yell |)i418 Ih ma a ‘.;Senator {North Car \‘i :.ne ,ten lone ry tthiment pooh,belonged to our father oa the old place )‘7»—PERO ye x o ‘,(xt |.t by a Senator from ”‘ol vag ee \\tat \+4neresofDNinproves;anil 4 ‘ins rvour safety cid welfare,tha e a nator from ))ane h 1 |Sonne psay thal Wo have a gqoint night and a joint possession tTLEMURR&SOSSAMON,—re tistyremimersterepteier Now (age are wot te hunch angn fet Mt Me eanuavey own Ment |Lora CUA nee a jn olat nat penn | re f y ono ’FG ','mone athe \r ?eT MTA rerpaliant reve Set t ‘1 vt|LL Ae NG:to same,for largest:yie!AE Sue your b ap GIT I)Resa N ‘i wl {ix st el :slavery Seanin ti Weare as much at bome with theseAVINGpurchasedofJDBrown&0.;:i rc ecu ree aera ee ,ener 8h.perp Co.,their entie stock of 1,703 tbs.-the first premiinin asia SiG tore Akt)Wate tMlees VA Camel a ho }Ee =ws to the Gaye and these horses,as you are with vour te or #°.:Char.Dem ft ‘1 a 'the delay in the BLAU SULT hg ‘will sea aA set ot men dia ott eh tis \ney .i pen S ame TIN,SHEET-IRON,COPPER Hanersty they would seli vour birth Riepubleat that thi Riuck Requily a vw ;in hoe \eet RESCLINTS:oven aid apprentices.Mr.North rephes,it you i Weta WARE,STOVEN.&baglit tosectre atuess of pothagge for Chem gi oppo ty t ‘we Routh?Oana :lu Oleh re with Savery wand vour nezroes to work on this land,youa5!'?leetye ‘al ida Cyrene!1 ‘=; ar eumomen nowoffer the largest and handsoment Cook WU ATTO inl tarrierren HI LUKenCIViGee Ann NEMt TT oe nee on Scan wea leu Wane tgn)Tecie aciant 6 aholishing Send them bome to tnd ene ad ust act thems or L will set them free,T ,::Pet ’:.j e ea nnn Vd sappointes Lask vouted ,ne ,our nant ae ARLOR me CHURCH pa y .idol SHU Chece Nialueal erie ceomaloctnew ile i env eay yuo lt eet Sey cides Gee livery should ¢vr allord Ul \\apy s .Ceentlnenaens it this os wituw ther une ne ot Mr South say.uf you do,wa will de nee dil atte re hus ark t wand wall eellfar enehaelow as .rte vu,tor the sake o '¢=sre .iewillepeeSeniesaraNorthCanakindaUnioniaRichanan,the Norwich RBalletin re Led UM Beprese pectext MhaP 'ji o wes hereto oe ge ere with much bari toe you.So bere arses the que ene nt Pini nnd Jeane TIN WAR E and STULES sponds:*Yer,thave the caunon everybody n .ey on baa ee Why,Mr.Speaker.thi idea of a reconstruc teapy ies i‘a |.les San Noeeiliacend ihe Supreme Coart deckies that peithe me Parl kepton hend.AN kinds Tin.Sheet-lron or Copper wants ty sec discharged ™‘,,Yon af the Union is only a part and parce!«'oe ie Mees .:Stats LD have these partes have gone from home,ther x: ng nt ay tha nian ou never ano rine the ;,erin stat ee ges ny en an ower Wow bole nindingWiirkidonkptUheahorvesiioticeneeMewsehatthe(awn ee"the fruitful capedrents by wlach the popula uM -';Setteli linn Ae reel :[do vot gain tenants ia common and the same nylts + N MURR &SOSA MON ddereat uf the den at party Lae portion 4 Hite actions MT TRELI®TCE Ceen leery ind you w aA gr |seen a ees :‘t first homesSCTLIVGCeenanfgieaedeniearncients:Knoay ae dene p 'naind ast u ey \ce NG oy Bin keaiiey anime eee te Gulf lel)youre qamlemunstrum,theaproperty thateach had atandon ther fi f y !.,-t wak b ,varti ‘the raanner 4 »diifted into the terrible consequences e earth ee i 'renee ve ct new puretias :chan vives the sttatance af tha verdict af a tne ™en pat Dial ‘:ees tt Talli ancend to the para at alse ’North,that ihe item of a er which 1 have they retain when they meet on the ='nt 7 , ee ,y "wise RS SPCIR CUS TUTE NK SEN tune of the disraptiot aE CEU :,.Senator to the the condiven of which,after the said)yor ,»p ELS 7 .reeent coroners jury on aman whe died A i .}Via arcl actin.a erly beeve,he tnadiine read to vou to-day,sent by the Senator toNSESMARRIAGELICEVATStateofinebriation:“Death by banging -round wat Wie remark was based upon a Kuowledge of air,get the fifteen slave States of this ion who are acting,ae ly nae Piiavmye Sule esl haem SEE ales,GHUNE Wa Th ae iy aiid iinusl Mam aroshen atate of inebrintio }’Mr ¢‘)Prati COrAninin on 0 capital ot m 1 \.:arate.)from the eighitern ©States as the You will lose nothing OFFICE FOR SALE AT TUS OFFICE wim sbop Poetat ee SUSI Lael st me hey ms — to the coudition,rights,aud iutereste of its joiut owners.But suppose an honeat,impartial ulegh- bor should come up while the quarrel progressedbetweentheparties,aud they would agres to leave the matter in dispute tu hinn;he would uot likely decide that the negroes were free ,be would more likely advise them to divide thew |indy as pearly equal Letweet (hom as they could,and cach stay with hisawn pergons and things ou his own sida Dut if told the court common to both parties had decided that this caunot be doug constitutionally,the neighbor would then Likely ad vise the parties to make friends,get an freudlyandpeaceablywiththeirpersonsatlthings, until the members of the fanyily nasrey,aud secUenewfarmsorplantationsonUieseGewlypurchasedlands,and then let these new Combes determine each for jtself about these staves,just as Mr.North and Mr.South onyiaaity did tor themselves and there faiilies olethencomestothis:can we agree?Ts tt poss ble that the sons of American fathers cannot agree in this trifing matter!Uf wot then we Lave lost the spit of our fathers What di! «hey du When they framed the Constuimti, nearly all the States own slaves;sume cid not Vhey recognired and generousiy provided fortherechweofallimthesethenStriesastoslave ry and every other matter.‘hey provided iaAbeircommonorganicluwthatifaslaveranawayfromhismasterintoafreeState,he should be returned.Move than that,they agreed,by way of compromise,and to forma Virion with slave States,to let the Afnean slave trade be kept open for twenty-one years.‘Jhat is what they did.When North Carolina granted to you Tennessce,it was put expressly in the bond that slavery should not be abolished by Con gress in that Territory,That is what our fa thers did.What,pray you,would they do if! they were bere ia our places to-day!Whiy,! they would setije this question iminediately.—| They would not go to dinner before they hadsettiedit.They never would have broken upthisUnionratherthandowhat|requestof you to do;never!When the eountry vomcs to} understand this,and looks back upon what our| fathers did,this Congress will be disgraced for uot baving settled this question satisfactorily, aud that,too,speedily.Strip it of al)the mns- representations and exagyerauous which have Lew sq improperly crowded around it to creat: s.2tional jealousy aud hatred,and it becomes one so simple and plain,that were the plain, longest masses heru that we assuine to represen! they would settle it before the yoing down of avether sur, Now,Mr.Apeaker.T want to refer tu ihe pro position of the committee of thirty three,Lam not drposed to look behind their action to ser what this member or that member of the som mittee may have said.The country wil!makeupitsjudgmentonthereportitself.\S h they recommend!To let the Dred scott ie etsion alone.They say in silence to the South you have got that Dred Scott decision in your favor;it gives to you vourslavesand you to hold thea in all the Terr:North and Routh;but we have got the power tu secur free setUements and fair decisions in the Terri tories,and we will take care of the northern ter ritory ourselves.Weleave you the southern terri tory under cireumstances which will euable you to establish slavery there,if you ever could du it under any circumstances.We leave ile Dred Seott dectsion untouched,uncuntradicted,and withoat criticism,by making no reference Ww it in the cormpromise.Take your southern torri tory,under the compromise of 1550,aud under the J'red Scott decision,and with the protec tion and right to sue for your slave,which it declares,and do just what you please with it and we wi!’take the territory north of the Mis sour dine just in the same way weask nu pre hibition anywhere in auy terctory. pot make that north of 836°30 slave territory : and therefore we care nothing for the Dred Seats deeision,But do you take the southern tern tory,with the Dred Scott decision ;take it now, wihibt the statues of slavery is upon it,fined by torntona f vou can north of the hne, quesiioa rtrright tones You can Jaw.and make a slave State cut of it We ask nu prohibit tion of slavery We trustto climate,suil,aud productions,Tf any of your negroes come over nto our terntory,the that come,or ar brought.may remain until the people of t Yerntory.in forming «a S:ate otherwise dete enestiiuuen,shal be.If Tam notmietaken,and Tthink I cannot be,in my construction there is po other on its face.I think this propesition may be safely accepted by the South. only applies to the territory that we have,but it applies also to what we ever may have have soutbern gentlemen think of it. Tut it is said that there are men in tae NorthwhomakewarvpontheDredSeuttdecision.| wk,‘>this the first decision of the ( A Wound Suy reine ‘out that was ever devounced by a polinen party!Gur Democratic frends talk now muc! spout etanding by the decisions uf the Supreme Court.TE thiwk 1 oouced tle resolution was offered cotmuntiing the De tnveraQe party ty be bound by the deaisions of the Supreme Coart ou all constitutional ques bens,butit did not get many votes, at al Chanestou a Tt comes with iil grace,I respectfully submit,from the Tbemocratic party,to be p reac!yut planed ing up to the Dred Scott deamon,when you can pot to-day get them to ple preme Court,even the we themselves tliat the Present court,isto le the waebn juestions arsine They never base dune se.They de uounced the decision of the wher UneConsttyt Supreme Court u the case of the United States Bank >and a theugt vey had General Jackson Luey,other Presidents of ul lad the control of watt,they never tried to amend t ton in that respect,orto take away the efleet of thatdecision;never! same faitlaltalmostevery State govern Coustitu The Reputhean parts e 1 \ery impsoperly follow a bad exampis which wae set for Chem;but,|Imagme,with nu bet ler suceess.Experience,under the decimion,will bul require its revers T tel]you it never will love,T tell you,gentemen,that,in my ‘jinion,the more that is understood by yentl: ten ofthe North and South,the less inelned will they Le to disturb it.Tk was well asad by the yenUeman from Virginia,[Mr.Mincsos : it was a decision,mark you,connected with this Kansas trouble—that it pave to the North the kernel,and to the South the the whole of it. bull;aud that os aleoul Now,Mr.Speaker,[lave presented thos coumJerations,hoping thereby ta vetus cu pre perfraine of mind and dispoaition to work for the peace of this country,because |desire to de toy duty,and my whole duty,while Pan in the Union,and if lam forced we go out of at,| way be also enabled tudo my duty them |tell ventiernen that if,in spite of all Whe etlorts uf wise and good men,the State from which Looe decides tu dissolve her eannection with this Go vermment,my destinies are,and will be,with ber,|know that when that cvent oceure peace cannot Jong continue.A war,a terrible war,will enswe,Whenever the people of the North and boutl Lave ones appealed to Uke God of battles for whieb J look wrth mot fea ful Apprehension wocivil war will follow that wil end ouly in the destruction of ad]Use greal interests of a!)ee tiom of the country,Whenever that comes,L know my duty:and whether |lias the nerve to be there my self of wot,|know that such will be my duty,and thetit wil)also berry duty to devote to the service my means.niyseit and ny ehildrem,Whenever (hat struggle conn you will fied,North aad south,that the niet who have sought most to preserve the Union who have leew the last to give it up,wil)be the first men to be fonnd im the rank and tie on both sides of the bloody eontest,ther means most liberally and freely be devoted to belp ing and maintaining the great,terrific,and bloody struggle,and they will cater it ou ether aide for victory or death»and if they fal in event tho efforts fur tho first,they will be fund with thear back tu the fisld,aud their fect to the foe IL wict and South to tiath nes come,when this yeotlemen S when these t! Uloody strife engages,qa uc cerlaiuly will unless this spirit of @istanion can be checked>wheu, mark vou,thig Country sii:|be laid waste;when altourchanvela and coumumeations of trade shall be broke ap5 who the shippougin our ports shall be destroyed MY Worle when our dostitutigus of learning and religion coowither away on be torn doway when your >shall given uy for gel Aer and foe shan ri whet your seus sod rey sons,Vour ners ind tiny tehihoes sted Ge canned from (ies bicedy tei ots atch owe wothers,Our sistts Our Wives,§ fauhters,shall assenil Ar Use eiiely seats Wovpny eyes aud clones weatls,save.VY Could Mot vou have dove son by,could)not vou have siad sulietaing,that would lave averted this dreadful evlamity |want Conselenoe aud tn my soul that [have duty,[Bappressed apy cise J |wantyeu,fel ‘ow tnen of the North,i.be able to say that, Upon a mere abstraction,that uf be practical importin + wut and refused to yield peace to the country?|. to feel in any ve my Upon a quescuat hdMeFeil you haave cannot give up this ir 4 bor with all due respect,I ¢wvereney the feel ings of the man,Nort er South,whe,when that day of butele FY and destruction shall come, will tecl in lis heart that he stood cutona mere port ofc “quette |thatthe bad yielded aw tint terofino practical tmportance to tam,or tis constitucnts,all trouble could entlemen,North and South,if they will vot unite in settline these abstract questions Nave been avend and give peace to the country ¢ oe INTERESTING EXTRACT. We make the following extract from the spocel: of the Hoo.Wilham Bigler,of Pennsylvania, delicvered in the Scuste of the Lunted States Jan.21,18015 “Tn my opinion,sucession ts the wort posi ble remedy for the evils complained of by the Southern States,and coercion the niaddcst ofall the remeches suggested for secession.Phe States ought to five tn fraternal bonds|but if they will not,shall ope balf put the other to the sword ¢ Such a war would be one of extermination Neither aide ver oulguer,and if thecouldi Vorthern States could conquer,what would a Jo with the Southern States as provinces¢ Senator from Va waa met that port the other}day oo completely Puced not discuss it,ButGolforbid:that war should ever bein!Lam wut it.vod I grant anything ip reason to reconeiie th tended States aod the offended peopl Tam ready to implore them to remain i the | Lam ready to fight for their constitutional rithts to the last hour;bat to shed a brother's biood rantricidal war,[shall be ready —never Dues Pam for peace ;lin feandy to er! Put soll T have an ab vs faith hat the na jon cu saved)not by tuere losanas to the Union,thourh Plike them exceedins Tt will require works as weil as faith,When Rome wasin the full tide of her decline,it)was the boast of the Ronmiaus that,while the Colliseum The boast for “tune’s cffeeting finger”ever points to the The humbited pride and departed grandeur of the once mistress of the world are a fitony commentary upon worldly ambitiou,Stil,the Ametican boast,that white the Union stands,Amerien wilt stand,is far more wise ard rational. stands,Kome wall stand.was van; tallacy of expectation Hut means mast he used — Pier boasts may be smdulyed.Phe at the resolutions of the Benator from Wentucks by the vote of all parties in Congress,would at assurance of retmon and whee wine would.Ie to trembling over the wires from State t State.from city to ety,from town to town,bell valiey,and house to house,tirech this broad land;and how teany hearts)would in pulsively thank God for is mercies!Cur Go vertiuent ly too Youn to etd now (ompar live y speaking,| Ides ntaney It has only s years of #very aid oman:and som there ara stul alive who vcd before leper dence,Cant be that is existence is to be so meted,seMeeting$asey rocket amen the na hous,ly tise ho mores |du not beheve this Gol bas more ia store for Amenea thau this.It required the homan et)ire about five bundred years to reach the elumnax of its yrreatness,ated about an equal periud tod cline and fall,Daby Jun bad cxisted sixteen Contunes when the mys terious charactors om the wall wave the alfiuht ed hing notes that the tine of ils dawntali was The Athen:eas cet more than (welve times the penod which ours has been in existence.‘1! at tian,Crovermment hoolsh Goverinent Over SIX centures stnee Ure dave of Magna Charta;the Aiencan Uaion has net Could it be v bas keen saved andseenone,recom structed,as faras Uroken noeht we ut hope that its foundations were deeper nd firm er than ever;that the ordeal throurh which it Is now passing would root its foundations more ettectively and completely on the attections of the people ¢ But Senators talk of war: Weah’s nerves:that widely and it disturbs ne porated States and tnen of th rete rejons of the Cutten states,away up in Mame and Vermont aus shake their gory locks at those diititing a neck of land in the tropes Of Aimenea,Known as blo rida,aud the Floridians,in turn,may manifest a beliwercut desion,Buch «tht wil Ge thood communities should daoso.Che Massachusetts,can ~butt will be far othirwise with the tree ated slave Slates,bordenig on cach other,should that They be within stoking distance,and to them this war wril be no idle bravade.Te will be a amatter ut lite aud Look at the posinou of our own glo No broad river,or high moun ton,of deep chasm,on digh wall,divides her from the slivebolding States.From the waters ot the Olio to those of the Delaware,her broad side hes nestliog close up against the sides ot her shiveholding sisters,birst,ow the comes Virginia,then Maryland,and then,full up her yeperons boseu,reste her little sinter be the line of division, death, ous old State. went Delaware,with the leads of both reclining on the banks of the river where,at the sare ino ent,the rays of the morning sun may kiss the For foue bundred the Ohno to the Delaware,her south side re not the brow of both mitles,frome elles Worth stde ot slaveledebnsy Shites| lev to berliborhood,brother to brother,sister to sis mountain CO mowntam,bre to dad,eal valley,farm to farin,nerghborhoud to ter,bane ty band,and heart to heart,bbe line tas been,to fraternal ciigens on either side.un they lave passed from the North to nud from the Routh to the North without even a thoueht that itnarked the be Aa the South nung of a pe opleslran vers 10 «a h other,miu h less ahens and caving in mariage Phe sens of tnarned the of Penneyly ania Norsinta fave daughters of Meuu avbont and the sons have Hime te 4a daughters of Vinci wand ®o tou Leen with Marviand and Delaware Vdewt lite oenetned by all the tees that ean ends mie each other pelitrod:waned Comeneccial tres sof tilerest and custom:tes of cote ty wid affection Croat Croat Ave all toonark the boundaries of otiemies ?et Humanity and justi theee to te wesered i Ponncvbownia will never become the eneniy of Virvinin Penneyteania will never draw the swordion Virgamia;an she we ne ese fection ate to Ler other sisters Tn yood tanh she has performed her part in penee and in war For faany long veare she bas endenvored to stay the tide of disaffection amd abenation between the two sactions She has been truly the keystone of the Federal arch,and the bulwark of the Tike sume mightyrightsofbersisters preuins sula between two heaving seas,she has resisted and rolled bach the waves of discord and strife; Lut alas!the waves have risen higher,and she is quite submerged,until ler counsels of peace are powerless. For myself,|have but a few days longer to serve here,when T shall retara to share her fate. She is iy mother,aud [love her with filial af fectian.She has made me what little bam; wud Mhough at times she has cherished and ca ressed,and then frowned —whetber smiling or frown Lb dowe her sell Frowning though fast she his been just and generous and come weal or woe ber to hers in this wiht diy peace or war vause will be maw auuse,1 ray preacnoe,in Cie tuuching linuage of ineffable eo AN an iiuerorce [ienlimcer wherethouTodiesttwilllodgesthypeopleshallle Hay pee and thy God my God Letler from Goy,Graham, Po NOM.Wacoxrr,Bsa, Wilacngton Me rald In your paper of the Ist inst.,T hiave observed the publication of the proceed: ings of armeeting of ©Minute Men,”in the town of Wilmington,in which my name is nsed to sanction,by implication at least,a proceeding trom which J whol- ly disscnt,The fourth resolution of the necting iss tulluwes 1 Resolved,That we havescen with pleasure an nent,sad to be based upon the best ao that the Hon,Win A.Grahata we net aoseat in tho cabmet ot thortty Condescend to accept faineola.and at itis me: a North Caruhna statesman to accept ofhee uudera Black Republican adunuistration,iw equally incon stent with the dyguity of the trea people of NorthCarolinatobesubjectsofanadministiationsotho roughly lostile tu their rights and interests nsistent with the dignity of Thave not been offersd a seat in Mr. Lincoln’s Cabinet.T have no personal acquaintance with him,and have never had any eorrespondenee,either with him or any person authorized to make such an offer,Since the publications in the news papers some time since,of my name in connection with those of others,as one, to whom such an appointment might be tendered,the subject has been referred to,bot nufrequently in conversations,and in tWwooor three instances in correspond ence with my friends.To them [have stated,that such an offer had not been nade,and that if it were made,itwould From these conversations which were without reserve,the article published in the Npiritor the Aq and al luded toan the resolution,no doubt had its orivin.Lhad no knowledge of it how- ever,until copied into the Fayetteville Obscrrer ot week,While it states the faet that TL wonld decline te accept,it does so in lanenage,which wonld subject me to the imputation of arroganee had it been employed by me. Sut while unwilling to become the contidential adviserofa President,whose election was effected upon sectional prin ciples and by see ‘nat votes,it is well known that Dam far froin believing,hi- election merely is a sufficient cause for the abandonment of the Government of one father,and especially for its over be declined. last cthrow by unlawfal vielence,such gs is propose d ly the meeting in question,aud Which threatens destruction alike to the antherities of the State,as well as the Federal Government.AL such proceedings are bused on the mis taben supposition,that the Government is atnonarchy,and the President a soy erergn fo Wiiorm We owe allevianee,ane who may regulate and inthience our des constihiited tinjes at his pleasnre.whereas he is but the chief servant among those of the na msehold.whom the people trom nal h ete time,call to the performance o =Vimited and detined by the Con stitution and Laws Although the per J has no elaim upon on tou,except that he has son now clecte section of the [ been elected according te the provisions of the Constitution,that is suthcient te inte office,and ul funetions -acquiescence in the decision of inajori “says Jefferson con questions com mitted te majorities)is the vital prinet ple of Republics,from which there is no appeal but to force,the vital principle,parent of despotism.” aflce ac requirements of the Grow. entitle him te induction to the exercise of its les ties and immediate Let hin then,be installed jn relies tor the cut gtider w sich | and give to the uation a siaimmaryof his The spoechos on the hastings are nei always the gnides inthe putitical administration of Government.—Let us hear before we strike —there will be ne abatement of ainanly spirit:to vindicate our rights,after this ensues,trom what existed before The real erievanees of which the South has aright te complain hone are more earnest in desiring redress than myself -are not the result of Pre cle ntial nsurpations :they spring fro i disregard of the obligations of the Con ©was clected poliey and as to which = stitution,among a large portion of the people of the non-slaveholding States, favoring in many instances by the action of their State Governments.The reme dies for them,if the present Congress tail to agree npon them,should,in my opin- ion,be songht by a calm appeal to the people throngh a Convention of all the States.Snel a body has never assem Wed since the adoption of the Federal Constitution It would probably be free from the asperities which lave charac terized the deliberations of Congress vid npon-a candid confession of ee found to be irreeonciliable,it could provide for rons or differences:should be that peneerble separation xo much to be doaf it aust come,and which is hardly possible in any other mode.Thin may be too dilatory ta aecommodate the Views of more ardent natares,butitmay heormed in far less time than onr fathers’ with desire pont in ctforty for reconcilintion their brethren bevend the Atlantic,be fore the final beverance In not the pre servation of the Government of our an tostors,hallowed by their wisdom,and consecrated to us through a thousand re (cetions of national yreatucess,prosper i indorenewn,worthy of such an expe ont aud thus imuch delay 4 Inendea Vonnpe te study and anderetand it by the holt of the history of the past.it liean fecaned toque that it waa a Crovernment fir this people,and the people tornel the Chocernment Dat ns preserve ane revtlate it ify ywsible not destroy it [lin Lat Hitthe hope of seeing another securing tous go much freedom,prosper ity nnd safety,Thiave still Jess from a reconstruction,which ts the faverite idea It was diffleult to pro cure its adoption by nineteen Stites amid Cireniistances ot the mort pressing ne It will be still more difficult te ew of itn destroyers Censtts obtain the ratification of a ystems by fifteen,with the diverse theories olvovernment,interest,and safety which pervade theua.All these risques of the future,I shall,T trust,be as ready as oth er men to eneounter,if the public iniur: est,or safety,or honor shall require it = But I would have North Caroling to sige nalixe her devotion tu that constitution, which her people have loved so well,and whose covenants she has so faithfully kept,by moderation,forbearance,and abstinence from prceipitatte action:~to prevent the disintesration of the Conted craoy,at least uptil its different members rhalf have suffielent time and opportuni- ty in candor and a spirit Of justice,to understand the poritions and ideasofcach other.When this shall have been done, |do not despair of sccing a return of peaec,amity and union.f not,and the tlestruction of the Goverliment a necessity,we shall at least have the consolation to know that our best efforts were not wanting for its preservation, Very Respectfully.yours, WM.A.GRATLAM. Hilleboro’,Feb.5th,US6l. Who are to Fight the Battles? The Mobile (Alabama)AMegexter,a dis Nnion paper,recently published an arti becomes cle on the formation of volunteer compa nies.Speaking of several already fori ed,if says: ©The ranks of these companics are re cruited from the flower of the youth of the city.They fill posts of duty and re sponsibility in almost every departinent of business,and thure is scarcely a ter cantile house in the city whose routing of business has not been deranged by the joss of a clerk.Pour have taken from our own olfice.We feel,doubt ess, as every merchant feels,that we cannot afford to pay salaries to clerss and vive their services to the State,to the cetr ment of cur own business.We mention this,notio begrudge the State the pre sent service,but to illustrate An ae book keepe omen Aataple, been complisied whose services are worth three thousand dollars a year,is certainly too and costly a unin to carry a musket at valuable eight dollars per tu nth and ratios.The can serve the Siate bettur da a civil ca paaty than ae a private the ranks;or, if duty calle limi te the field, an |lig training have titted the most efficient service tu the public as an oftticer “Tn the event of war,wh seems most probable,anarimy mast be organ acd by enlistment for rozulur service,ot the State orast call for voluntears for thre Rither plan will apecdily eccure the But it will never do te expose the flower of our youth,the crea war, toree uceded, of our wnilitary tuentan dl spirit,eva mateane, as ‘food for powder.’They would tilt gallantly,bat the laare!Chaplets whieh they would hang upon the arins of the Commonwealth would be wreathed with cypress,and carry mourning to cvery fannly in the city.Bad eeonomy to make privato soldiers out of our schools for of ficers.[ft is to destroy the sonree of a fruitful springy,Insteacd of taking water trom the waste of the stream supphed by wthe Mobile A/Po which an artic. wepliscr responds an AS “The above extra’strikessas makiqg An UDTeCessary sUCha tion.A book keeper or clerk,Whe vets 5.000 a vear, tnay bea very nice voung tian,with bos kid glowea,his elegant shirt,handsome neck te,and perfiin Lhandherelief,but we cannot seo any renson why be Tand proper sfood tor powder as any tety else 1) levels all distinctions,and at lus feet al should beequally weicomed.Why short not ‘ice youl men i ¢ndefenceofthe State as well as others 4 We patse fora reply.‘Too much i:justice is ever done to the most deserving,whe,in quiet and obscurity,bear the bewiest burdens of really world not make as + war,and become I>tiost Wnimerous and tiost suffering vietins. upon ne how,and Ha tnost nuincrous vic Let war come tums will be the tuo sle artisane,whose tate will bermourned notin Smarble balls With ostentatious secrow,batin the ham ble cottave,by wife and children,whose sorrow is sharpened by poverty and des tation.We are rv rs freely as water at tice need of cur State, lout it is crue Wy elton te our vo rennnded that foes will rialpipe ly to offer onr lives hearts to taourn for ous reyret that we have become ‘oud tor powder.We can bot forget that our rinks have always furnished,notancrely the bones and sin ews of war,but also tie bravest officers to Win its victones and the wisest:states men to direct its counsels. “The undersigned are now forming a nnlitary corps forthe defence of the State, offering themselves as ‘food for powder, tall,or a yehorous vnd they most earnestly lope and yasthy demand that all otvers clerks,book keepers,and all,mice or otherwise shall be with them at the banquet of death 5 aud they stronyly protest ayainstany ic ritalin distinctions iu the future between them and others Toren Ti spina Mrcuantes.” =oceo Stioekine Desi —A dad in Wilming ton,N.C.named Jak.Eo Dickson,too coough of his mothers money,Wednes day last,to bay two siiall shot gone, woth whieh he and a companion went shooting.“Phe gun of lis companion ac cidentally exploded,shooting Dickson in the load,as le was crossing a branch near the town,The trightened boy fled home,leaving Dickson lying halt buried inoimud and water.tle was found Fri day morning,still alive,and lived till Saturday,when he died,after relating the mannor of the accident.Tia lying in the mud,dying almost,fortwo nights and a day,is aveful. ——* The following occurred in a drugyist’s other nauseous A person having shop where cigars and substances are sold Havana’s commencedpurchasedsOoTne snoking one of them,when his eye caught a notice,“No smoking allowed in “Woll,”he exclaimed,‘that you sell a inan cheap won't let this store.” 18 a pretty joke ‘ ciara,and then hon smoke them!“Yea,replied the druggist,Sand emetics,too,but TE don't intend te have them taken here.” sell Children wouldn't crosa thelr paronta 40 often when they grow up,if they were to croas their mother's knees a little often er whan they are little Carolina Celatehman. SALISBURY,N.C. TUMSDAY EVENING,FEBRUARY 12,1361. To the Voters of Rowan. to prota,EF hereby give notice thiat iw ol 40 tt and to micladed to aeeepl the noc expectedly conferred on tne last at !|ofony ability,wall Labor for the Conmstit hon and the Union,and for the titerestsof North Carolia in Ghat Cain Your [servantWA TOUCH Febraary Tt,Tse eee \ MASS MEERTING IN ROWAN.! The reader is referred to another col- un for the official account of the mect Murphy's There was deep interest inanifested in all the ing held here on Saturday. large Hall was pretty well filled. proceedings,Tho sentiment of Rowan is decidedly conservative,and the peo ple will not give up the Union until they have first made an honest effort to pre serve It. fori.Warning has been given avainst forresin Rowan,“Phe notice comes froma secession qoarter,Tf the author will inquire into the history of some ot fiottest for ade the men who are now structiou of the Union,it will be found that their ancestors were tories in the Ke volution THE PEACE CONGRESS. p47 The peace Congress,or Conver ion at Washington,has come within + votes of agreeing Mnanimonsly upon a Hopes aro cbtertiaine | Let the peopl stand firin,and pray that they iiay ou plan of sttlement. that they wall vot agree ced A NEW JSSUR. The secessionists have raised another sie apon Which to promote disnnien, vig:the new Variff tail whieh bas just been reperton to Congress.Shontd all the demands of the disuoton States on the negro question be fully met,itis very kely this new issue will be quite suth cient te prevent a final settlement and of the seceding States,unless that elontd alsa be winde exactly agrecial le It is plain to see how yvreatare the dit tes in the way of an adjustment when oneof the parties require every hinge to conform to their views and in terest without regard to the interest and views of the other.All government ta hut a system of compromise,and without be no mutual reConPOMLIBGtherecan spectand contideuce,no Larmony and no fea We have heard faithful etd prenels er in Anson,who,in addressing his cor She sateotn iy bie cariits A elit titi oe alidtcd tethe presentex tron of t countey,and condemmed the insane til Lawless port which is so Coumion a this tone.In the eonrse of his remarks ie tnade the following declaration;“1 tell vou ow tas,frends,there are a vreat mawy people,wowed days,whose patuiotisin begins and ends wa Breve Bat fone nid Whiskey sand TP need not as sure vou farther that they are a poor de pendence ina real cmergencey. ON reo) We hace beard it proposed that our Tailors,Messrs.(oN. Howard and Jolin Stockton,etal excellent Price, Win be apperoted a Committee to proceed te Rate eaccertain,by actual measurement,the oh forthwith,with the intape strines, t aciabeloneation of certain membersofthe Goneral Assembly consequent npn the “old Domin me”The extraordinary case of Mr.1 \e Caltavell,deter hy the County Surveyor,ispinted by two sworn chain carriers. result of the cleetion in the of Rowan,will be tated Ti ras State is te be referred to the people for The secession Ordinanceofthis ratification or reyection,Texas is,low ever,claimed as a seceding State,which way dideed be true;but it is far from celtain on what vide the State ay be The was clected under peculiar chasscd until the people have voted Convention circumstances very subversive of conser vative action,though the Legislature sub sequently ratifiedtheproceedings.When atairand full vote of the people shall have been taken,itie not unlikely a dit ferent result may be attained, Virginia.—-Tire election for delevates tou the Convention in this State,has re suited tn the overwheuning defeat of the Tho action of back to the people having also voted hnmecdiate Secessioniete. the Convention is to be referred the people “reference”by an overwlichuing majority The Convention meets on the 18th of February. Missouri.This State haa also called a Convention,which will be held on the zsth of February.Its action is to be re ferred to the people |Tennessee.—-Tho action of the Conven ‘tion of this State will also Lo referred to the people. Kontucky Mury!ml DT)lanpare has called no Convention has called no Convention has called no Convention Vorth Carolina.-The election for del ecates to the Convention takea place on the ysth day of February.There is no day fixed for the mecting of the Conven tion;but the Bill provides that the Gov ernor may eummon the members “not soonor than the Lith of Mareh.’The action of the Convention,if it passes a seoeasion Ordinance,isto be referred to the poople UNLON OR DISUNION As the Raleigh Standard says,Units is the ds sue presented to the people of North Carolina the issue which they must decide tor themselves and their posteriy 8 the 28th inst.10 thee lee tion of Delegates to the Convention.Ivis fully presented by the open declarations in the Le wislatare,ofthe |:ae of the Convention move fuente Messrs.Avery,Burton,Erwin,Person, Hoke,and in Congress by Mesars.Chingiman, Craige,Ruttin,and Winslow,all of whenr are| ily,which is disunion,by whatopenlyforsecession,| 1 tinal and irremedisunion and we doubt if any deevernaivecalled dhable,with no te sire,of teconstruchion. Jelowates let the people trust po uuderTuselecting doubtful candidate—no man false colors,A tnistake may be irremediable Many will doubdess attempt to smuggle them selves into the Convention upon professions of | fealty to the Union,for the purposeof betraying that Union and its friends,“The people cannot be too careful.Let them send their ablest and who sails most relieble men. Rowan,; their The disunion candidates ia Messrs.Canowent and Keres,in speeches fiere on Lueeday last,accepting their holiwnavions,Came out very cunpha Mr.Caldwell repu uny tically for disunion. diated all idea of a settlement of jkind;but was out-and-outfor joining the Southern Confedoracy.Mr.Kerr said) the Union was already dissolved and it) was not worth while to talk about it;aud’ that if the people should honor bin with ascatun the Convention he would vote to take the State vut of the Union as quick | us he could.\ These gentlemen made not the least| concealment on (hese points,and weare| wlad of it.The people need not,there | fore,be deceived jn voting for them,Bat) these ventlemen will tind that the people| ot Rowan are not infaver of breaking up| this Union,-destioying this goverpinent —the burdens of which they have borne | without feehny them;and the blessings| of which have been to them like the car | Jattertyamdthe rain at the people will wot cachanye the pre sent Union tora Southern Contederacy. Lhey hnow ad abeat the benetits of the present:government and they love its atl str pe They hoow nothing abont the Souther Confederacy which sole of the vilest traitors in the world are bow tryamg te patel ap at Montyom !ery,Ato It woali be the madness of Polly to throw away Che best vovernment Prick thc ala tler one is iM Hoe\stenee a danvers of vet ine another as yond Aud,a follow an the lend of possible.move all,they will not traitors who hac been plotting for vears the down full of But the appeal is made to the people them therr country Such is oar Opinion selves,through the ballot boxes of the State Then lot the people vote! Bring ont the bacet boxes and let the peo ple speak.Until then,we shall contin Ne to sing mourn bear from morning un55 Taveht,day by day Tin star spanlet canoe obo loti nav it wave ’”Vee tia ated thet bein od the ba aor A MUSTY [shcohkpD It os enterts nine to thost pecnde te get nd oof old hewopapers and trace tic urse of past events,and the sentiments of the actorsin them Abe older such re cords the tnore entertammony they are bat we donot prooose at this thinetotreatone readets tod thing very nncent.On the contrary,itis not quite (wo years ofl;but foracl that,we ventore to pre het thatat wo be mene the beas mterenst ny toa tare namber an Rowan,and mnal District 1S50,the Wives Dintriet others in this Congres of May, ]Srensh ial Ou the Is i tiieat tie held a Convention i the town of Charlotte,for nominating a candidate te the purpose of for Connors ynothe proceedings of which Conte tion we extract the tollow- ing intorestiny puppage : Phe Won tion he wished Bovden said he tad a resin offer for the ce Thad just fs of a Convention now bein mideration of ths meeting.HH fen areport of a part of the proces hed at Viekshur scted on in whieh there was a subject thaton his opinion,deserved the no Het vdeliberate purpose entertained by certain South tice of this Convention,lheved there was ery deinoerats,to bering about a dissolution”of this Union,if posible.kor one,he was deter wnined to Oppose and denounce it,on all ceca sions,ty tbo utmost of his strenuth;aod he lopedethat was ch er Whigs throu: deterinination of lin broth ut the State,He then offered the following,who h passed unantiinously : Reealrrd,Hresolation just pas-ed at the Southern Cots oal Conuventon,now sitting at h-burg,call pon Congress to repeal the laws fthe United Sta wrainst the Affican slave trade meets the deetded condemnation of the peaple ot North Carolina.That an the opinion of this Con vention there it not ole man ina Chousand,i the tate.that and that the ea press pra pose of us passage by the Vicksburg Conve Son ane to enable the Blick ep ublicans to curry the nert Presidentwl election,and to build up on that a pretert for a dissolution of the Uniwn. sires A repeal ol said laws *****s “ROA.Caldwell,Faq.now responded to a call from a number of the w embers.He hear ly concurred in the resolution just passed.The course of the Democratic party,on the subject of slavery,was hypoentical and dangerous in the extreme,They had used it for years,for party purposes and nothing more,Mr.C.then gave arunning history of the slavery ayitation, and showed how the democratic pa tty had sought to make political capital out of it,and how,at this time,the secessioniata were aceking: to make it the instrament of a dissolution of the Union.” eres)- Sad Loss.—Weleart that Mr.John A ‘Troutinan,of Cabarrua,bad four valua blo horses drowned in attempting to cross Adama’Creek,Saturday week,with his creekWakerPhe was awollen by the reesut losavy rain This driver and one horse narrowly escaped, OSOUTHERN STATE'S RIGHTS MBELING.” They woll tind |.8 Fone sbucdd cue Ue trebd ateens Union Meeting tn Salixbury, Bus 9th,ise] In pursuance of Appointinent,::alargemectingofthecitizensofRowanmetataMarphy’sflall on this day for the Purpose of nominating candidates for elevates to the State Convention called by an Ack of the Legislature. On motion of Dr.J.W.dMall,Drs Kerr was called to the Chair;and (.AL Bingham and J.J.Broner were Appoint. ed Secretarics. The Chairman explained the objvet of Ile hoped all had come here deeply impressed with the solemn circumstances by which we were gar. the meeting. rounded,and that all would act with a The Chairman then invited Hon.N,Boyden religious fidelity to his country, to address the meeting. Mr.Boyden responded to the juvits. tion ina speech of great pertinence.Af. ter he had coucluded,the Chairinan jp. quired if it was the wish of the Meeting now to proceed to the nomination of can. dates,and if so,he hoped names mipht be subinitted. Col.ED.Austin said he was ready to take up that business,bat that he hoped there would be no nominating Commit tee appoiute |,and no names proposed to the meeting;but that every Union man in the house would write on a slip of pa. per the names he preferred,and drop the slip ina hat,which should be carried around for the purpose of receiving them, Then count the ballots,and we would very soon find vut who was the choice of the people to run as candidates in this most important election. Dr.J.W.Wall seconded this motion, aud sustained it with a few very spirited and approps tale remarks. Yhe plan was adopted by eominon cone ent.The following is the result of the ‘tirst ballot: FOR Shober 183 Wm.A.Houck,oT! No Boyehar 965 Ib CO.Jones ye,9:Dr JW tail mM.fo Helios G.CL.Partes,&;Jd 1nero)BD Nonun,2:J.MM Colin,by Lobia. mer | in inoten of Dr.JW.Hall,FL E.Shot. was declared unanimously electedOninetionthemeetngthenproceeded t: tetween Meer.Boyden aod Hovek,all other nav +s been withdrawn.Tt resulted as follow. Mr Houck,145,Mr Boyden,5&Oo moteoa,Mi.Houck was declared una hy chetedt \cail was then tame for Mr hie Rhober Hoa auoern nrombst chev Mrseowithwhiehtoexpe|ieee We lind wsaeyuliled cepded tie] baad cme vest scleui character Pincre was eoteeh a mectioy badd na obl Rewa: ~fbi mortification ane grief that soc a the deplored)the orl the Consatry.aud while be debt bcuseit a Ways 0 eis to bey der cbetimands bor serve trot ot yet,a (ae pool cas conseioas of lis owo weae pene be feit that his tellow ctaens of Rowan tad Lovored bins tar beyond his ment He was peeJoundlythanktattotherafortheirparuality,and however reluctant be was to approach (he responsWhetaskbesbouldyetdoww!te alality be couklox . oe fe Mr Houck M prohsed ill completely surprised atothebabiot,ever ba wimg dreagied that stvet | won vall was then moa w sta we hee The peop was'spetoide Phads be be table to tect eee]to some Gi Ob Un wow ou He Gerstah Vo tae OX Swe ster i the boeme whee scer eh ken yD he Rend a penond an bie w ben thetheration:and catia were Preberatod nat over the passiotis atiet feebnesofthebanas1Bisgodyuaent t astacp the acho ot the mes tug in the aclecton [ Nini Letuy wiedly uowxpertedl i was nit doc peer to answer whether or mot le voopptt FL woukl aonoume by acid aoe west Watebauan dus deterumalonVinbomNoPeaoyebetsUaetaddressed the te we on tie Convention Bail and sume of it Lerxplaued the votes whseb were to « wiv few wor!aguemsdaCouvenuen Li ie oar4veoretanrksbesaadbewae(yposed to a ( vetitict:atid woemel voder agement 1¢Mi Hog k thet reappeared upon the stand aid sed te desu there shoukd be po uaermderstae amd his felhow ctamis and te hover dav sapyrsted tod : peoqoety od khown to this inertins Trews in neuen tea Comvemton the sam!be war In tavor fa Coanentme@andbehad beseeter >rrr the Presidential clertion That thecoat pen of Conutry and the theeatennag aspect of enn po cabatlons adtoeuiushed twa that a Cogrertro the people <bowbd be Ickd,amd as action,whalersHonmghtbe,referred bak to the people ter tier LOOP pT ABC ®OF Lgeeton,was just sag an appeal tothe source of soversigea power at be felt was greatly needed.Tle desired,therefare thatlic pe'Louk be corberstood:pe was ioc the Cuca wlonyoas there wasca plank af at betty stand 0} Bat it after all that could be Jeane,withee the sacritice of ponerple and heme at tidst ce dawn,be woull approach the gull ab disanion ke Satan approached pendition when dnyen lor Heave No forthee business being before the necting 4 vetott, swan al vou between bit retaatkes of M Tab ioy SAME KERR,Charman. Bisarias,ee JS Vict ane \friend at Moryanton,N.C.,writing to ns on business,adds the following [ost acript : Old Bort,un Me Dowell eounty,bas been eyaen4 ted and is now in powseson of Troops fren Ire land)No lives dost, Later,—Fort Defiance,in well garrisoned.aud itis thought no atten)” beonade to take itantil the Hon,Horace Ore? is inaugurated Presdent in 1965. Caldwell countyww 7s Those who voted for Mr.Clingna? were, Mosars.Speaker,Avery,Burton,Bled soe,Dickson,Dobson,Faison,Hall,Har risa,of Chatham,Humphrey,Lane,pitch ford,Rogers,Shaw,Simmons,Speight.Street,Stowe,Taylor,of Granville,Tay lor,of Brunewick,Thomas,of Jackson, Walker,Watson,Waugh,Whitaker,Wio- stead-—27. Mosers.Arondell,Dockery,Eure,(irish Morehead,Sharp,Slaughter,Spencer Thomas,of Davidson,and Whedbee, voted for Mr.Brown. Mr.Brown voted for Mr.baton,Mr Sunpron,for David 8.Reid;Mr.TuetorGeo.E.Badger;Mr.Worth,for ( mer;Mosera.Barringer,Blount, Stubbs,for Mr.Rogers;Mesers.T lor, of Nash,aud Walkup had pairod off. “2: 4 Southern Rival to Lynn —Thoinat ville,a dittle town in North Caroling 5 that cnata cop (Iba (he anne lle fe bids fair,aecording to the papers of . an State,to bevome the rival of Lyon,this place on Pueaday last,under a call headed ’nf Newnan)Minmeoljnce open tic)Riba glioc:inagniactiieings)Wath)rove,the olyeet of whic 6 ate ye f seve)Powasto nominate ]nyland It alroady bonats of 8¢ver candidates for the State Convention Jas kK. wera Kerr,Esq,and Rh.A both deelared selves for immediate secession from the Union Caldwell, nominated,—They them aolextensiveeatablishmentswhereshoe a quality in no respect inferior to a GanadeNorth,are manufactured tn [AT South Carolinian. ae quantities \ontH CAt Yesterday the the charter of th jutherfor T Railr ie coupon bond: one milhun dolla ‘he same amour hy way of seerrrit vation to the Alt Company for tw juilars,by @ vole [he Senate wi pills,aud other n nog the morning Hobs Nothing perfe today,except th with,as one of 1 ity knocked out ny and arming and @ re-orgaligs the election of of the volunteer cor bill to charter tt amended as to from Dauville,\ thus amended it the House to-da The Revenue special order to- the remainder ou special order fro dispose d of.Sk 1x58-9 have b which is a reduc tu 15 cents ou t the laying of a receipts of mint owned by nonr posing tu laxItouwhenthe I yes Rem tional tronble had.The ol ure.The St under it.It present:Unio eve of dissulu and sedition | Some years navigation of renal lu ds menaced tts ¢ Valey of the omlinat vy avoide soul coulryey entre.Eve paired of ute Carelina bris at mel pow van offeeted isu the Us toyony orles!s:gtswreany vss Hhroughs 8,and yo and power, lu as our father ome er,and cow danyers Chat them aud dc gitvia leads t TAZ Leti ue refuse to Worst os fore fatiech Weer med, ublic ‘«le he permsli!Mis wil liber enjoyed ip pers wath ayeur,but| bern depos lant,atid titted Chinn verty hime| States and | are invinerl vid towel pac contemptbl Mandard. Are they asked sever tor wae ctf, Convention Section 4th ed Constita “No person (rust or profit t partment there State of Gover +R OFFIC oF pi ity of tha Sta House of the G ng here:co Militia or Jase The Con the authori conclasive any other & not eligible and Justice And it is pose that a inlature is Legislature Convention to hold the elected.-¢ Af Y esterd: rang his lo the city eli tones,and priate rou the Texas streets we tar-barrelsenlivened Although tion is not kive enous it will be ballot-box sion of thie Texas may ont of the ern Union DRIVIN The Mob ioading ar among othe “2d.Rh low white Such peoph should be r This is tl ple who d people’—-t ty,and oug towns,and with hate Wthouce s en y. Stl ‘large met at UTbose lc ites WN act Dr.s, IGA Ppoint. Jeet of 1 come solemn Te sur. with 9 The Boyden JOVite. ce.Af. Nan in. necting of can. somiphe cadly to e hoped ominit osed to On Man ip of pa- trop the Carried 1g them, )Would hoice of du this toton, spirited on Cou- lof the te alien }her nanrs follows Vat Staats ald Vem hersi ae a ard we erin an)be war Peter>ier heen ot te er po peerm a whaterer e fer tier an appeal o fe wasathispe the Union »Stated of ve,Willeulomastgo sapien Lke Inven from neetng 4 Hairrman ’writing ring Post ee vacua ps fron Ire. I county attempt race (rey Clinginan ton,Bled Hall,Har ne,Pitch Speight. ville,‘Tay Jackson, sker,Wio- ure,Crist, Spencer, W hadbee, aton;Mr Ir.Turner, h,for (| punt,and -s,Ta Jor, od off. —Thomas Caroling ora of that Lynn,the n of Newotseveral e aloesof to those din large —_— SOnDH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE HidthyY IMPORTANT “i \.\moe z .LE vOL ‘UK ee pees a he 2 State of North Carolina.his seat in said convention until he shall SENATE.(unfeilerute States of North a ,fee iin have taken and subscribed the following K ins A PROCLAMATION oath,before any Judge of the SupremerelitinytoSouthernGQovermment.be ,;Mitirourvince Pel o Yesterday the Senate passed the bill to amend Hon,Jeflerson Davis,of Mississipui was todat4ftMissWasto day the charter of the Wilmington,Charfotte wnd y ununiiously elected President,and Hon AH Sic trutherfort Railroad Company,by substituting vens of Georgla,View President of the Contedernte Carolina,to wit Tuvasp vy,Feb.7,1867 Ry Scum W.Kuta,Governor of North Curouua.or Superior Courts,or any justice of the vtel peace of Wake county,towit:I,AB,hy the General Assombly of the State of Novi do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case inay be)that I will not do any act con- Warrtas,The tollowing law has been en ie coupon bonds of the State to the amount of States ot North America.:MAT NYT UTS iss .3 Rhy.i aetat the.@ee ne milheo dollars for the Company's bonds of Universi interest was mauitested ty tl a AN ACT CORO EN ENG ACOs ES Te s ees ue wee edie dhe same ammount,and taking «lien on the road ‘lay,aud tie Convention hall aud palicry were PONTO EE PO)12 Tels under which t iB CONVE ation is called 5 co i and that IT will duly and faithfully dis eroweled wy way of seenrity,It refused a like accomo rhe ay je :ne the Albemarle and Chesapeake Can il Mio Mevininger presented a beantital cide)of Whereas,The present perilous comli charge my duties as a member of this UD ne eamemeny BPN Vtlay duade by South Carolina ladies.Tt he tion of the country demands,in the jade convention ae y to e bes § py for two hundred and tly.thousand ss ::J |e nvention according to the best of uy r yuna 4 eset a yu Eposssiti re Geld sud pevcu StnISAre On iiWsnroetLOUClG!CUiisoGreTOn iiekwncMnini\a cnt UIC knowledye and ability,80 help ine Grod Le ae fe ‘he meen rsilronel "i tughly sid ui wee presented auother sovereien people of this State should as Seo.12.Be it further enacted,That The Seale GRY Chigae ta ond)iiodel Sy a pentleman of Charl-stom,with across semble .ne 5 a ...i pills,and other matters of minur importance du tid Hfteen stars ona teld of stripes Arig ‘in convention to effect an honora this act shall be in foree froin and after nog the morning sepsion,A committee has been appomted te teport ona oo A Mstinent of existing dithenltics its ratification. lee whereby the Federal Union is endanger Read three times and ratified in Gene HOUSE OF COMMONS,mitteerof Forcign Allairs,Finanee,Malia }.ud oa wise,to determine what ae ral Assembly this Ist day of February, Sathing perfected cto Hane:vse ay a 0 Cities delay rahe re ee u i tion will bust preserve the honor and pro-A.1).,1861. ere Danette mote the interests of Nerth ¢arolina 5 with,as one OF 18 Crtetids Obmerved,all tts vital \resolution was unanimously adopted,appoint and,whereas,this General Asseinb y,on wy knocked out of it.”Lt provides for dhe rats ne Sen cae three of uke Alabatnia delegate=HeAters of such grave Ce involving ny and arming of ten thousand voluntecr Croops a Mont ela ie earn ie a a ait the relations of North Carolina to bers. and @ re-orguliZation of the Militia,and ives ie rl ‘pita Teer a ot the Cy if es 8 Whe esate I Rures H.Pace,Seeretary of State in and for the election of officers,Loth in the militia and iy racy,under the Provisional geen itede adopt any settled policy without the sense yi.State of Novt-Carolina,do hers oe ae (lia the volunteer corps to the rank and file.The of the people,in whot,under our yove the foregoing is a true copy of the orginal on hh bill to charter the Danville convection was so |"aled of altered by the Southern Cougressall law.erninent,all sovercignty resides,being in this ofhes amended as to change the northern terminus!of the United States in turce or use on the first of first ascertained :.‘Given auder my hand this Ist day of February Hace seat aris and motto tor the Conte teaey Phe President has been directed to appoint W.T.DORICIE &Fo fi,T-CLAAK,B.S. STATE OF NORTH-CARKOLINA,7} Orrick OF SECRETARY oF Srark y today,except the passage of the Milvtooary ball, ericy,Is reluctant to A till was passed continuing in force,until re from Dauville,Va,to Leaksville,N.C.and is See not rl with the Constita |Sao 1.Be it therefore enacted by sol./;,; thus amended it passed on ils second reading in ch icationea insite aA ad the General Assenitl the Sete A RUFUS TH.PAGI . he House to-day stood that under this law wasa tantf tor raisin rey :i al Assembly oo ig State vo Seeretary of Staste the |ve .ae for the support of the CGroverunu North Carolina,and its hereby enacted N +]t}.al Shy fhe Revenue till was taken up,being the Greualint Lote A :Fj f :;ne therfore this i=tarcommmaml the Sheth a.resolution Wag adopted authorizing the appoot by the authority of the same,(wo thirds spective Counties of the State,to cause an special order to-day at 12 u’clos ky wid cceupied Gaent of a coummttes to report a Coustitution fora oul :ee 3s:;ioSt oe '‘En 1 ie a of both MSCS CONCUPEIY,)That Upon cle:to be held in the manter pres ritver)try sanel the remainder of the murning session,audios the peruanent Government toc the Coutederacy tl ful he mG y ,;f Fel Ne an Sf ie passaye o naoact,the Grovernor of ea a PY OLE COUNTY oa wa tales » special order from nession to sessiuo dativ,until i ait ae a rie I 1 |Whew all persons qualified to vote for inerubers of disposed of.Some amendinents tu the bill of DE et Aves Sere ROTOR ATU CRT CeCe eee ee eee eee eae ee ers LO etal \escni((vatioyavale (ieiGrerialstcd 1x58-9 have been adopted,the principal of today.‘Phe balunee of the tine,open:seseiot idpue a proclamation commanding Ue Sage Convention and ta ‘ales thereto)and nheriffsof the respective countios in the they are turthermore eryjiued:to eoutoria i all te which is a reduction of the tay on land frou 20 1 ASIII RG 2 ‘i ;:eTos Reb 8 Crairoetarguen walla wtb mailed Mk Flee PENUIFRIACT Reo eat to 15 cents ou the hundred dollars value,and Oy)dayne Special Rnvoy of south Carelan |ate to open polls at the several election spects iil equirciients of said Let fisen under iv Land and attested by theinpaidconnties,on the 2h tea the laying of a lax of ove per cent.on the gross and Lieut.hall bearer of diepateles ty Maj.Andes preesnct Ae ses ia receipts of mining companies,where the stock Is son left Wachineton for Ch his morn,ay of Pedraary,Dsot,when and where te fe ees Pann iC ke ee tia a owned by non residents,An amendment pro The whole of the corres pet etween Col all persons qualified to vote for members yp em ae ee posing to Gar State bonds,was under cousidera ,Hay the President was loo beloie Coustess of the General Assernbly aiay vote for By the Governor Wall No Wa ELIS non when the Houses adjourned at 2 0'cloc ke Urs tretrnits:-or against a State convention,(ase whe Grass Daves revate Secretary, ome Special Dispatch te the Chart ston Con wish a convention voting with a written Lae Merry paper in the State will copy the fore ‘ pei”Remember that our present na MATTERS AT MONTOUOMERY,or printed ticket,“convention,”atid those soites with:this netics,one tn tionul tronbles are nut the first we have Ntsc cies.ky a who do hot Wish a Convention Voli i anes, had.The old Confederation was a fail-°‘oneht The The same way She convention 2”also,to Woe lel Vis ure.The States and the people suffered i and:pi coat tai LW estat Pen)OE polla,at the said:thine and)Phe Alabama Lewislatnre has passed a under it.It required years to form the :i 3 :US o i !places,for the election of delepates tothe ls iy appropriating W000 in aid of present Union.|Im 1798 it wagon the pag dhe acn Fay alee ay convention,ta be desemetel on stein aihern independence,The Governor eve of dissolution ou account of the alten to elect a Brevis Peadent 1 Jen toe ee hhetern der provided,paid yas signed the legalizing bank suspen: and sedition lawe,Virginia saved itthen,app.tls ‘polis to be enperimtended by tepectots ine”The stay law tas been defeated in some years later the dispute about the BASES ah ORC ATA EE SS Oe Te ae |te the raf,with S WUVICE he Senate 5 but itis thouglt that a suc thirece pstices ‘the Peace oO tue res navigation of the Mississippi placed it in cessfal effort will be made to reconsider con!Tu PS12 the Hartford Convention wetive counties,whe shall be gworn acSNUGOESYoNePeesei[Ista eca mensecd its existence;aud in YSIS whe}!rte te the provisions af seethn 4 Lhere is news fro Austin,Texas,to Valey of the Missiesippi was saved,and Was :Haprer on,revised code the 20h wituny, Cevernor touston his ;SiR ro fatter canceleda Dimct jc nne eG Miri Gse:tenets the Leyisiatura cou Co igbotinons treaty of peace most pro Pie TP ent ies 2 ~:‘::;vall be the duty of the Sheritls te tiake downingtheresolutionsofthe New York ny avoided by the triumph of dack |"nl !Dalit New Orleane|[neiscur lan Mie NL Caer elie Peer 'it dupheate statements of their potls it Leginatire which tender men and te sur.Coutroversy bliauk the Union to ite)~ae oe PUTTAR FCCC UIUC EN SUL |ey ter Gyarahit Mie)Citic,aid)ex presets entre.Even Mr.dctferson alist des:!fYoSeconvention and Sha conver e hope that the people of ‘Lexus will paired of Us preservation,Tu IS3z South REFUSKD To Dib Hit ~wern te before the elerk of the eonite AT a Bln ee Tapia ended walk able wcnict aie .vk int,one espy of which wha’!eateposy Live Next House las passed a bil estab ceneral goverument,bata compromise ]Feti at ted in eaid clerk's office and the othe:Hewiug patrols Uirunghout the State. Oreriitctecburd tien tiicuteaveda ln Pv oMeale atthe New Oneat Coron TL may transmitted te the @Movernor of the The Washington Convention was or rue the Eien passed through another :gy AU ae Ls Feral 'State,at Ridlergh,ander the same miles anized yesterday,by the election of Jhon. tyongordeal,butat survived.Ttas iow le Hina oar Se wero ie ile Stati es Pregalations and under the sane pen a Tye r,of Vir,Inia,aS permanent ul age to but we Delicwe it wall canertiig:certiticatest Slanndtien ues crt UNCS its are presertbed in the Cus president,aud Tlon.S.E.Wright,of vs Hitough this trial as Uirough former|en ty be parking New Orlea retarns of the SC electors of Pres Qtie,as secretary.Ip his address,on va,and yo borward gathering strength,°<:dent and Vico President,as now preserih taking the chair,Mr.Yyler did not indi REV AES GICiN CIV RON tee DY ie ed by law immed ately after the cee cate his opinion as to the measures uf NEW YORK VESS DS ae @ few farther enected,That pacification proper to be adopted by the GSavisean Feb 8.She.re it further enacted,2hat 1 convention.He said our ancesturs pro- shail be the duty of the Governor,as 800u Latly committed a blunder in not hav- cad power,ded glory for tong ages to! me.da Geod’s name,let us have faith as our fathers had faith —letus not shiv One of the humanitarian movements of the BARGAINS, tunes although little known as such,can hardly M.BRENNER'S well being of our widely scattered communities.N O T I 6 E RED J ACKE Ty The population of the American States is in ('q THE accounts due the late finu of BURKE &J,N H A L L i many sections so sparse,that skilful I’hysicians : :Ss STEWART.have been place!the hands of an MAIN BTREET officer those who are indebted willeome forward nert door to Brown,Coffin 4 Mock’s StoreotbeTesubscriberdesirestoinformthepublic of Salsbary,Rowan and adjoumug Counties that beinntprenent ter,Teneo arises the great consumption ef Jun sch.160 SELLING OFF! ;-the S lanee of his New,Fresh and Fashionable in any of the old countries,where skilful physi TOTH K PU BLIC FALL AND WINTER 3TOCK OF oe ee 1 canes Mut rnsiie ]AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE Ready-Made Clothing, men have long availed themselves of this neers AVISE BO kK ||1;previous Co purchasing bis SPRING aad SUMMER NF S URY ()\TORE,GOODS at mn sect atierhie .oa Reduced Prices ie tenetciae mextcnded)usite enone NCITABLE TO THE TIMES, ithe East,Di Aven.is pursuing a conse ducted by the bate firm of Boake &Srewaar.und vel iitends keeping constantly on handalarge and fle brings notonty sebent cori the contimued confidence and patronage well rcleeted stock of ofits frend WW yi constantly repletist he NO ,THIS os lis own but the best skill of cue tines to bea Sok RE ar Ca mene ait abe!nin .‘MENS,YOUTHS AND BOY'S'‘Lota ,..Clothing and Furnishing Goods,for the production of the best remedies which new and valuable works are brought out.He uta and at lower paces than any other estadlishment ofdhnestdalycommumeatioawilthelargestPublishinyHousesinNewYorkandPhiladelphia,and can the kind Costumes suitable for Promenading, Fartuers,Pliuters,Miners,Machinists,and Servants»readily supply by Express such orders sent hun as pls will wo inere buy poor Inedicens distead of cannot be otherwise filled.His st of Statronery,ane,alee a lirge stuck of Boots and Shoes,Hats and Caps Call and examine my stock before purchas-te ood,at the same cost,than they will bean ine Wall Paper,&e.,will aleo be kept up,with regalarsBeaded:whe teactable consequence of ty wml ene J JSTEWART.:ad of thour,The inevitable Conse giiel af yun cs a va 1 rRemermber the Sign of the RED tina is,that the vile compounds that Hood our i M.BRENNER ountry are cd to suse Which honest!country are discorded tor those which bouestly WesternN.C.Rail Road.PS —Ulaving made proper arrangementswithour BOOKS!~~... be over estimated in its importance upon the are hardly available tu them.Vast numbers of our people,are obliged to employ in sickness,nl:timediate such inedical retief as they can hear of from «ach ie wi ECUSMILY other,or indeed any they can yet from any quar BURKE &STEWART { Patent Medicines amony us,greater by far thon sity ty palin off their worthless nostrums~,wut the word has become synonynions with tnpest tion and cheat,One of our leading Cheniists which defeats this iniquity. can be made.These are supplicd to the vorld ihow Convenient form,at low prices,and the peo accomplish the end in view,-—which cure,Ths —vn Balumore titi,Lam at all times prepared to fulfill we ever estimate ibs importanes,it beleving WINTER ARRANGEMENT any orders ia the Merchant Tailoring buainess at that this)prospect of supplanting the by-worl)apzrse4 shortest notice M.B inedicines,with those of actual worth and,isn a Jan NG 6m22 fought with iminense consequence for yood,to 3 z Sheen ec nao the inasses of our people £¥a)RELIEF IN TEM M{WUTES. Gazette and Chronicle,Peru,La.E im oa an \:id z]ee |BRYAN'S =:ri2ge 6 APPOINTMENTS.?ema ete s |Pulmonic Wafers! The C t s :PS ey 2 [5 &|Tee Onicisa Mapicine Fstascisnep 1887,and frst article ne Candidates for the cea onvention will ad «3 Blaise Ts Lape (eid Gaed onder thalmcmme of ST CUmonTC drees the people of Rowan County,at the following ‘2 eAUdy ele |4,"in thin or any other country,ali other Pulmonic times and places:2 Eo |Wufereure counterfeits,The Genuine can be known by Gold-Hit,Wednesday,February 13th.e OFF sanary Jae |Menus BRYAN doing stumpedoneach as JC.Rosemac’s,Thursday 14th.?=i BKYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Litaker’s,Friday 15th.7x Ge Relieve Coughs,Colds,Sere Threat,Hear ‘sues Atwell’s,Saturday 16th aR ae |BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS ; Gheen's Bridge,Monday 18th 5 Pasa =2 |Relleve Asthma,Broaehitis,Ditlewtt Breathing. |Krider's Store,Tuesday 19h a zg £2 |r |a e &g =BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Rowan Mills,Wednesday 20:h.=Ee :;|.be chant F.McLaughlin's Tharrday 21st.|E z =|Relleve Spitting of Bleed,Pates tm : Hatters Shap,Friday 22d 5 ee 3 BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Morgan's,Saturday 234 |one Bon PIS I =Relieve Incipient Consumption,Lung Diseases. Beard’s Steuim Mills,Monday 25th.!=£pow aeeun 6 BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS |Hartman's Tuesday 26th.-te 4 |Relieve Irritation of the Gyula and Toasts. a ee Bs wad |BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPRRS 1 oY = SALISH CRY SeIviGEes.a oS eee 4 |Believe (he above Complaints in Ten Minutes. .m ;S a I =|HRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Fensrvanry,12,1861.~TES TURNER “|Are a Blessing to allClasses and €stitations. Peer EGe Green ello (en Barer Shee Meee eno <UGian METIS pt URYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ;:mar ans v Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Com,75 ax0;Flour,3.20 1 83.30>Lard,1 a 124 Meal,75 a KO;Molasses,34.055;Ineh Potatoes, i)a RO:Sweet Potatoes,60 a 70;Peas.65.Pork, 6h a 7h:Sugar,9 ally:Tallow,100124,Wheat, $1.20 a $1.40;Whiskey,5U a $1 00. .|BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Prospect High School,|Are im a simple form and pleasant to the taste. ROWAN,CO,N.C,BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS ear "3 |Not only relieve,bat effect rapid and lasting Cares, |)COSMITH,Paincirac,a graduate of David BRYAN’?PULMONIC WAFERS «son College.andauexperienced teacher ‘The . °~°tisfae vel enue.atom |tae mares a(n ciate sn acon eates col nanan son)te ever! MARRIED: On the Stet ult.by Rev.J A.Vann,Mr.Aanox and in designed to be a perinanent Nehool.|ee ge ‘Lest af Rowan,to Mies Avarise S.Corr of yeuMs FER wESsiUS ||Ko FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT &BOX OF rrus .a ee Tuiuen in Elementary branches,#700 Bryan’s Pulmenmic Wafers, In this County on the Gth instant,by Matthew gdyauced English,10 00 to 20 00 In THE BoUBE. Viummer,Eeq.,Mr.Joux Lecanto Miss Mary Dory 7 yyuages and Ingher Mathematics,25 Hy|NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Board including washing and fuel $*per month |Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, |IN HIS POCKET.Tasters—Rev So Frootis,James f Jamison, To Farmers and Mechanics.John ©Jamison,Dr Joo R.McCorkle,and JCMa |grave.| | NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR Bryan’s PulmenicWafers, TWENTY-FIVE CExTS. JOB MO8Ki,Sole Proprietor,Roshester,N.Y. Reveas to:Prof.Rockwell,Rev Jethro Rum)McCUBBINS &FOSTER : Rev Jobn C.Pressly,Do A.Davis,and James E | |I AVE just received a very large lot of FARM.4, |ING IRON,consisting of Shovel Mote ar a ty Rth,1861 6134 |Suld ia Salisbury by HENDERSON &ENNISS,and all Drug |Tron,Wagon tire 1},1g and 2 inch;Buggy My “ae .eae in aud 1}iuch;Oval Troa 4,f,and }inch;Square ‘ROCK QUARRY.In Timeof Peace Pepare for War. r the “oh -.a vie afore ‘aer,and cower,and despoind oetore the!Cob Lawton femoceeac une memriectaci ened otlMenncinims Of tlt 1 Irow |and 14 web;Buggy Springs and Axles, dangers Chat surround as,but let us meet:as sco ae woeim New Yorn va CCG se Teno ‘ing fixed upon every fifth decade for a!Pateut and Eoameled Leather:Bands,Bolis,&c .> them anddo our duty like men,Vir joe WOR Ries ate i Ts wd athe A si m ue oe of the Secretary |call of a general convention to amend and |Ee ee genera!assortment of |aa geet?voar -c he 5 f d ©;'Upc adie ca ene TR Cte and peeve Werkess 8 tints al ia eiate,Fale tyeeereo ey er ie Cura aa ne ARE ||MERONEY&BROTHER ist.Let us hope for the best,and let he see Sonn ‘oe ele ':Her,to compare the nuniher DEEL vext to insormountable the difficulty of,QUEENSWARRK,\RE off ereatualine be a us refuse to accept the worst antil the .Creiry i ne ae DS Sei vesie Ff et comnplishing amendments,Thisdithcul 1 1 CSEAUZE LAREN ,A es “SIRE ARMS =me '(,,she appear th a major of re tes :;Us “aps,Ss a hens |aaa Worstos forced upon us.Bat uvay the ©vere ay ear:New )‘Ne ALY ee VIncC ASA DIS the Votes ty however,he trusted the patriotism of p ocianee Re Diese tnes nae nN ever brought to this market.Colt’s Belt and Pock- latter never be What a shout wil s Ccatidactory reply te lis omguines touching polled are ia favor of a convention,be tie egnvention would overcome,if they pork,LISHICORFER,TA RURAL AS et Pistols,old and new model:also,Smith &Wes- Chen the nations,when it atoll ty :Shall forthwith fasne a preehamation in ould but accomplish one triamph inad-LARD,BUPTER,&e.to which None tale Neauislecvemshel,BherpalscrncsFistel,thal eanbe OCaricd "te —,sich wtnanner as he may think proper.:ue Me heneguccibenonia ;[prue UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME-|cared in the vest pocket,will shoot throughaninch See oe So ie ]Ww Tia eee er ei titeen Giclee)VCC umet CPUs pT NGI AIS.es aie —ee thod of infurming all persons in want of ROCK |board75yards.Sharp's 10.0z.,shoots through anineh hlic lives aud yives promese of oy &ye :SUITE SN TEE UGS CE ek :Py ere ‘Jenkins’Corner,Salisbury,MoCo fue WULL-STONES,of buidiag purposos,that he |board 100 yards;imitation Colts’at reduced prices. pvethe latest arrivals,that the folie,Golvcnt is dforesiet ty.cous Phe California express of the Lach ulti Fel)12th,(61 ny ca furwialy the beat qualityof Bliss’Cartridge Pistol,6 shot;Rider's self-cock- is arrived at Fort A arny The mes ot the Governor ot Wornia is yin favor of the Usien.The lect Congressmen Scott and Bureh,9 p &duraten /Dutwhatititelould persb!Mark it,good reader —mark it! ness of tue several Enropean Govern:[alenh,on euch day na lie may des nets is al presentas tollawe:Great Bro nate in his sa d prochunation:277 en tain,90,800,000,France,$1.00,The day designated be not carcer thaw 0,000.Russia,FLounjnuoe7 Nus the Hith of March:and aif a majority of ters ol tra,B1,075,000,000 .Spain,Hoo,the votes polled are against aconvention,YeC iting the ereetionof a Pacitic I wil Liberty,agit has een known and enpoved in England aad America,will perosh with w—not ina day,a ionth,or avear,but the seeds of death will have bern deposited,and they will spring forth lant,and scourge,aud destroy to the yopers.A cealinon has been formed be tween the Republicans and Democrats tn a the Leyislature to elect a United States gq Senettor, :.ns The Massachusetts [ouse of Assembly See.4.Be it farther enacted,That the yosterday passed the Senate Peaelations Bealagh European States are ground inte the dust fieeae eae ae shall be for the appointment of commissioners te by high taxes and military rate Shall ated So ane See ee Washington.Phe Governor bas apport :a a ODE eneral’eg John Goodrich,Charics Ailen,Georye Nee OF Miho Wa bere ue we imitate their example?Are we in Assembly,aud the vote shall be counted S.Bontwell,and Messrs Forbes,Crown ao oeveral Feaif A J Wipeout een love with ruin?a ie scrolls compared and corals Ss inshield,Chandler,aud Waters,us said :!ed in the same manner as prescribed.ojumissioners. r wae eligible te a sent in the State by law for members of the [louse of Convention just called by the Legislature )xeneral poverty and want!Tf se,lets (oumone, Seetion 4th of Article 4th ef the Amound |£0 ewe for disunion,Letus break up and Sec.5.Be it further enacted,‘Dhat if wd Constitation of North Carolina says:fight,if we would be ee the tases are vacancy shall occur by the death,resiy- in Europe.Raleigh Stauterd.‘nation,or removal from the State,or by MO OENTIUA CONE Fi eNO Ye the refusal to serve of any personelected breach.Members are bound by party :delegate as aforesaid,the presiding offi |tes,and the only alternative is the Union SPGo00.000;Sardigin,S1TS.000.000)a prociamation of that tact. Belynain,€125,000,000 ,Denmark,Silo,case the assembling of the ‘ YUU W003 ali others,BIO Yo elected as aforesaid,under the provi tal,$10,955,000,000 f this act,is hereby declared illegal as These debts are the resulte of tone ane f no effect. wootted tunes.ATL duatury teaches Uiat verty hae been lost by divisions amony Sates and peoples The strullest States areinvineible when united;the largest wid tiost populous ciipires are weak and exhausting ware.The people of these contemptible when divided. Mandard. “>: Areowe ready for aris tocracies,tigh taxes,military rule,and At alarge Union meeting held yester day at Fancuil Hail,Boston,a letter from “No person who shall hoki any office or place of)(rust or profit ander the Umted States,or any de partment thereof,er under this Siate,or any other State or Government,shad]hold or exerevse any oT +n orvicn or place of(raator profil under the author-,.7 ily of this State,of beeligible Ww a seat im euiher Express,written by a large slave volder:'to the sheriff of the county in which snch! House of the Geacral Assembly ;provided that moih-...vacancy av hav PERT t ng here contasued shall extend to otheers in (he cal hope North Carolina will cling to vacancy may have occurred,after euch Militia of Jasticesof the Peace.”the Union as long as she ean with duc re:notice as the convention may order, gard to hor interest and honor.It scema|open a poll to fill such vacaney under the, to me,that in the event of a “Central same rules and regulations as here-in-be |‘essrs. Wnfedoracy”that it would be better for;fore preseribed for the election of dele-|Virginia and other border States to re North Carolina to cast her lot in it,thau yates.|natn faithful to the Union,coneeding the ina Southern Confederacy,where there Si 6)Be it further enacted,That the equal rights of all the States in the com is aprobability of the African Slave trade Fmon ACTS and AD PEOUTAS:the com And it is also a fair inference to sup j being re opened and free trade;both of dred and twenty delegates,and each coun-,promise resolutions of Senator Critten pose that »member of the present Ley jwhich,1 would regard,as at direct vari ty shall be entitled to the same number |den. >/ance with the interests of North Caro of delegates as members of the House of)The New Orleans customn-house autho he Union anast be preserved.”—Resola Messrs.Seward and Adume,appealing t The Convention being called ‘ander the authority of this State,”it appearsconclusivethataJadyeorSolicitor,oFanyotherStateorGovernmentofficer,is not cligible to a seat—military othieers aaid convention shall consist of one hanandJusticesofthePeacealoueexcepted; noo:PPolland,%459,000,0005 Prassii the governor shall,in bke imanner,issue TC.Bre verely denounced by the pa! ‘lon.Edward Everett was read,statin, “\3,i y .o Cthat“Congress is anable to heal the 6 very select varieties for the Spring Planting,for .g spa le a »Extract froin a business letter ty the cer of the Cunvention shall issue his writ OF a bloody strife.”His letter concludes: “Let the ery ring out from Faneuil Tall,Qoaes,Green House and Bedin to tions were passed expressing love for the Union,approving the recent speeches of Trp ing:IX L self-cocking;ulso Bowie Knives,assort- GRANITE,Ved sizex;Sharp's Sporting Rifles,will kill 300 yards, aie a geod jot of guns.They offer their stock of |goods at reduced prices for cash,as they intend doingRE-ORGANIZATION cut in any shape,and at the lowest possible rates fur HE x it ‘3 :if r ;ne CASTE“hue Quarry situated3mulesSouth of i eiah business.Their remaining,ck,consis of 7 x .WILEY HOLTSHOUSER |Combs,Brushes,Buttons,Suspenders,Belts,Fans, ROW Al A RTI LLERY.ReranGoreNuy Oe !a Lo Waiches,Jewelry,Silver Plated Ware,famey |Pros,Perfumery,Extracts,fancy and toilet soape, stationery articles,Portmonais,Pocket Books,Work~STAINTON | 'BOOKS,ST A l ION kK RY Soxes,Razors,fine and common aso Cutlery, |walking Canes,sporting articles,Whips,Musical Ip- and Wall Paper.|e ircens,Willow Ware,Baskets,Traveling Sateh- FENUE subscriber respectfully invites the attention|el Funey Groceries,Fruits,Cigars,‘Tobacco,Sauff, tend the Meetin ofthe public,and School Teachers to parveular and numerous other articles (of tediogs to mention, s to his beautiful assortinent of-i allof whieh they offer at low prices. Attention!Rowan Rifle Guard!Books and Stationery,‘Those indebted to as,must call and pay their notes YOU are hereby commanded to appear at Head:Wall Paper,Blank Bouoke,Visiting Carde,nk and accounts by the first day of February,as weshall place all accounts then onpaid in the handsofofficers Quarters,Fob.22d,armed and equipped,with 20)Purses,Bibles,Prayer d Hymn Books,No rounda of blank cartridges and 5 rounds of ball paper aad in cloth.| for collection MERONEY &BRO. ‘There will be an eleevon of all Officers for thre ea. THERE will be a meeting at theCourt-House on Thursday evening, he 1th Feb,for the purpose of re- organizing the Rowan Arullery.All pereons desiring to become members ot the Company are requested to al- yeln 1“Sshiebary,Jun.7,1861.34tf ALSO,|Peeeeneneacicleee several large and Beautiful MAPS of the State of “The Ad Valorem Banner, |DAILY AND WEEKLY.suing yearCourtMartial after Parade.By order of Che CaptWMSBROWN OOS Feb.5,1861 uy 150,000 Fruit Trees North Carolina,very cheap | Orders by mail solicited aud promp'ly attended to | i i 0.STEWART Feb.3,1861 tx A short time since I issueda prospectus for a |Weekly newspaper,to be called the AD VA LOREM .:BANNER,to be published in the City of Raleigh, Salisbury Female Seminary.|v (Tic encouragement I have received,far ex- Bees (ceeding my most sanguine hopes,induces me toissne [POAT TICICUTeRERMiaiteisenc meniirerin|ue pomesc wacuonct oly hen eea:inform the pab- PTE eaTSel nie eae Caden GiomE L wey Wie coade pwilligny Legh st OC)aneals DG commence sed Rcpcnt weeeady 1 wocibes otan tlecr he paula GE Mie ANS Reese WEEK Aas Geran n paaigitamberautircialukaa((iews Mma DAIL If the namber continues to inerease,Salis sule at the . West Green Nurseries. yreensx,Shrubery, Aleo u large collection of Ev TEE a eee eT =So far ay the Banner takes sides with political WESTBROOK &INDE ale SeaPropehore willhavewhalithamiievenhed,@ periuncn)(Uni loet will be Democratic;but with regard lo eS oe school Internal Iinprovements,a change in our system of Greensboro’,N.C.Feb.5,1861 Aids SS TERMS:Taxation,and the preservation of a Constitutional mee Union,it will know no party,but will be a zealous Bourd,with washing,fuel aod lights,$50 per Te ;nar rps ring aa :A :W y A I l Ss EPuitianiaihnglisle(roe advocate ofall theee,repudiating secret caucuses B01 00 Vivere the mpirit of the Constitutionis often violated,) .SPECIFIC PILLS.“Latin,.5M packed and partial Conventions,and the scheming Music on Piano,from 15 to 200 ev anid-be political demagogues and tricksters.I WITHOUT TASTE OR SMELL.For cither Has of et ees ae shall be jnat and fear not. male or female.The most wonderful Medicine Tyg te SEEean ihe cmeofeutrance TEAMS OF THE DAILY BANNER : cathe Meter Medica.PRICE $1.00.Prepared Fur parvicular addrese |Oue copy U year,in advawee,=>>>=#5 00 by W.H WYATT,A.D.WILKINSON,Five copes 1‘oe Se og 2 6 6 et i Jan.22,1961—1136 Pracipal.TERMS OF THE WEEKLY BANNER: Druggist and Apothecary, islature ig not eligible,for even if the |,”::|: Lecgrelatitesware hy adsoutn rene ve Viinaee Commons,under the last apportionment.|ities refuse to deliver up foreign goods Nos.186 and 18%Main st Dr Maki jie pas copy pyser advunce,==>>-.a 2 :»the ve.aay -:a a)7 8 ':'38 aki Six copies Lo ~++ee Convention ‘mé thre web eantinucl ae ane .\She 7.Be it further enac ted,That the consizned to Louisville importers unless Feb.5-413)Scishary 8 re ng:Ten oboe eee ee 800 |ects,1 ors c peel The National Intelligencer says)mileaze and per diem pay of tho dele the Louisville surveyor will grant cancel:oe .ncaa .Address,FRANK L.WILSON, to hold their places until their successors |ije sejection by South Caroli tite t 4 Y rVey re |sa see \RS SPEARSannounces to her friendandthe aa NE CaneNne 3 ction by s arolina oO ie gates to sail convention shall be the same ling certificates for the goods and the du H Cc JON KES &SON ;\.public,that #he is now carrying on this bum:|at ae ee »‘;i |S pee \clected.-O/ay:.Tpen 4 rt ee ,;hay.TDemocra mediation proffered by V irginia has made as that of members of the General As ties thereon be paid at New Orleans. it apparent she has marked out for her!sembly,to be paid in the same manner, conduct a very different line of policy!and said convention shall have the power +from that which commends itself to the to fix the pay of all iss otlicers and of any to have received a message from CovertorBrown,of Georgia,demanding the im Governor Morgan,ofNew York,is saicACTIONOFTEXAS. Yesterday,at 12 o'clock,*Soccasion’:ae rang his loudest peals,the other bells of|adoption of Virginia.It will bring sor representative to any convention or State, the city chiming tn,with more subdned |::‘; tones,aud the cannon boomed.its appro.showing the implacable _alienation of be paid ont of the treasury,as it may di board:the steamer Monticello, South Carolina to the Union and the rect.not replied to the demand. priate rounds in honor of the action of!°2 ; the Texas Convention.At evening,the Seuthern States,and at will be oqually |Sec.§.Be it further enacted,That the streets were illuminated with burning| tar-barrels,and the erowd collected were | He la The New York State anti-slavery con up by the roots the hopes they had uf co elect its officers and preseribe qualitica enlivened by musio from a brass band.operation,,ton es its members,not inconsistent other marks of disapprobation per acnn Although the action of the ‘'exas Conven-.with the true intent of this act...me cont re SUPREME COURT.|"Sec.9.Bo it further enacted,mele finally broken up by the disorder.Th tion is not final,it is nevertheless deci |' sive enough to indicate very clearly that,By Prarsos,©.J.In Tomlinson vg,|Said convention shall have the power to it will be snetained by the people at the Payne,from Wilson,afhirming the judy consider all grievances affecting North ballot-box.Notwithstanding the submis)ment.In Williams vs.Schermorhorn,Caroling,as a nember of the confederacy A dispateh from Pensacola,dated o sion of the Ordinancetothe popular vote,from Moore,affirming the jadgment.In jaccording to the trug intent and meaning Jast Saturday,says “a truce has beo Texas may now virtually be considered Williams vs.Daniel,inequity,from War of this act,the assent or dissent of the concluded,and the Mississippians wi ont of the old Union,and with the South-|ren,demurrer allowed and bill disinissed | ern Union.—So.Carohan,Heb.8.jIn Hunt va.Frasior,in equity from Gran reing reapective u as ville.convention”or “no convention,”at the duced them disperse. y exprossed by the vote {troops will remain until relieved.” {row to the Union men of Virgima in and shall provide for other expenses,to mediate surrender of muskets seized on tecuon will meet prompt attention unpalatable to the Secessionista,as it cuts said convention shall have the power to :vention,which metat Albany on Mon day,was much disturbed by hisses and Mayor addressed the nob,and at last in- rseople ta the pores herein contained)return home on Monday.The Alabama,Hl AS perinanently located in the town of Salie-| :|tess,and solicits orders.She has considerable expe |Attormeys and Counsellors at Law,|rence inthe basinors,snd ber work has pleased those who have tried it.She expects to keep pace with the fashions,and will certnivly do all work in the moat substantial manner. She may be found at her old home,(Mire Farnheart's.)in the North-western end of Towa, Orders from a distance promptly atrended to ARTHA H SPEARS 3m 1 \JILL practice ia the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court,H.C.Jones,or, willalas practice in the Courts of Tredell and Cabar WATCH MAKERANDJEWELER,ros Counties All claims encrast-d to thein for col Salisbury. 8 Ji Offer No.3,Brick Row,near the Courthouse t 1 ©Joven.#r HC Joyre.jr ’ Jan 15,1561 ifs Saliabury,Jan,@2,1861 WILLIAM ©.LORD.ATTORNEY AT LAW,Please Pay. VI‘FRIENDS are reqnested to call and pay 5 thorr nceounts;or.if they will mignify when Ty on.1861 :-:2m,:3 SALISBURY,N.¢may call on them for that purpose.[will de wo.1 aman 7 8 THLE Practice and make prompt collections in am thankful for the patronage 1 oreceive,and ne \Rowan,Stanly,bredell and Catawba Counties tre my only dependence for eupport,it im very:ine ipporie portant that those indebted should settle u | J.J SUMMERELL .Stop the Thief! !Cx TOLEN from the subscriber,living in the lower img |Jan Bth,1R61 61394 1S edge of Wilkes county,on Thursday night the D 3d inmant,a bight BAY MARE,between 12 and SS eee =ee OPTOULD ‘ n!.:,14 years of age.Said Mare has white spots on her 1 I.W.JONES,M.D..|NOTICE.‘hack caused by the saddle and a kmot on her right |PEE eubecribers huve employed Mr.J.B.Moose foreleg.Said Mare was stolen by a man who calls to settle up their books to Jauuary,1X61 We hunself Stowart bury,and offers hia services to the public iu tbe wit present our bills und they must be eattled either |will give «reward of Ten Dollars for the mare various deparimenta of hia profesmou by Peahinripcie if delivered to me,or for information,#0 that I can |Offee an the corner of Cowau's Building « \the Book Store |Feb.14,1860 2 .time and in the mode hereinbefore pro DRIVING OCE POOR WHITE MEN!9%Barrer,J.from Guilford,declaring there is no et The Mobile Mereury,of the 27th ult.in a ror Warner va.Robbing,in equity from loading article headed "Vigilance Needed,”Beaufort,decree reversed and ri formed aon other things,says:In Alston va.Lee,in equity,from Hah ‘ 20,Rilnvea are constantly associating with fax,diamiasing the bill with,coats In been ratified by a majority of the qn Woe the very article,Tterftecte in all cas tied voters for members of tho Cr Neral are almost magical Tt restores the tonegeetiveorgans,infuacefreeh vitality into the whe La eas OGL eer ver THE PECULIARITIESofthe female const Ms .tion and the various tials to which the sex is subjee Sre.10.Re it further enaetell,That no ed,demand an occasional recouree to sUinulants ordinances of sail convertion ainle have important however .)1 \e «°t ceomplish the d any force or validity until it slail have jess nature,and atthe same tine accomplish (he¢ of debili low white people,who are not slave owners Such people are dangerous to a community,and should be made to leave our city.” Phis is the spirit.of secession!All whita peo Beddard va.Hart,in equity,from Pitt By Masry,J.In Mendenhall va Pe rish,from Cinilford,affirming the judy Assembly,to whom ait shall he submitted aired end Hortetters Celebrated Stomach Bitterscoertains HL New Tailor Shop.Bi of the di ae,anbecriber has opened anew PALTLOR 1 i 1 i eystem,and gives that cheerfulness to the tempera Ho Beard,dee'd His exp according to the mode preseribedtor ele:iment.whichvethe most valuable of feminine attrac iu this line,warreut hun in saying thot Hone of mombers to the [louse of Cont Gaps The propristore feel flattered from the (act alle ty inet the moat faatidwus demain Call ain LT Office on Main Stroet,firet door above Bure It 1a best for all the parties concerned that Ehyetieciiice again cran’s bill should be costed at the end of each years Lettere addressed me at New Castle,Wilkes,Co, WHITEHEAD &CALDWELL N.C,will receive prom pt attention. ROBERT F.CALLOWAY Jan 15,1861 Stpd35 NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. ae Confectionery ; ’Jan 15,1x61 Gigs It Jan 22,1261 dtpd3e Fine Shirts and Collars. If vou wieh to porehase Aine Shirts an ¢obars call atthe Great Clactiag Emporium of DAVID WEILSint2apelin)No 2.Gaasice Row NOMIC: ty rle SHOP in the roometormedy ccconed by Hore see nnd qualieatians \LARGE quanticy of Northern lime (unginek V barrels or by the bushel,for sale at Sion Van Yard tt will be sold very cheap,whole he wall be ‘‘fa ment In Bland vs.Scott,from Chat ple who do not own negroes,are “low white i Tinta the nesciit haxent of the people that many of the moat promment medical gentlemen get your garments cut (o fit vom,an tmarde ty Inst LE.PERSONS pot now membersofihe people’—-they are dangerous to any communi ham,jodgment reversed and venire de ,nasont or dissent of THO peopre ee heatowed enconiuma upon the inetead of buying the alouchy,hallmade mgs 10 PA Rowan Rifle Guard,baying Gime or eatin Gr retail ty,and aught to be made to leave the cities and OM?In Ehorn va.Waldo,in equity,hereto being expreased as in prece Vl putters.the virtues of which they huve frequently Ready-Made Clothing Stores Equipine nts belonging to emd Company are A lag soa ty of Aus 'epee ve,Upper i .:rt ;.:a y se ;Pane tar i a Oca ane arnes)alwaye on hand and for eee cere ree |eeeMMC geetSam COLT Martin,dismissing tho bill {1 section of this act tested and acknowledged ;here a ue rouy :itong and Reparning done iy paler ue to return the ame by the Ist of coum yet aenateavelin eee ;::;;:Tae ye |,ey at 9 Trmnterfeits offered for sale,®Lofwhich are destitute,Produce taken in exehange for wor ebruary ,ce :ae th Rhetts doctrine of allowing none to vote Mitchell va.Ward,in «juity,fre m Mar See 11 Beit further enacted,Phat no fe igent.and pomtively injurious tothe syatem |WM HOWARD POM Y WNEELY,Capt oo hee ane tue SIMON TON a Wthoce who own Jand on negroes tin,reverain,y tho order Ral.Standard l dale gate olected shall be permitte Ito take Tmo 39)|dan Bil.dset nd Tan fd ent 1706 Sahabory.Jaby 270h,16 a } ect ilaranaat li THE SONG OF WAR. Weary and wounded and wer, Wounded and ready to dje— A wolfier they left,all aloye aud forlorn a the Geld of Beith io Lap5 Froin tho Daily Banner PATRIOTS NORTIL. We hear daily,from where therehappens to bo a tor,”the ery that theBouth has ne toends HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HO8- TETTER'S CE.EBRATED STOMACH BIT- every quater, SyeheChy Via Preidedfaud Aying alone North and that none,above Mason and TERS can sence!with Restor ne “ i Se nik :toa 8 5 physicians and citizens generally of the UniteCouldtheirpresenceavdpityafford,D:xou’s line,are dis)oe dito dour justice,Brcienieazdue tiaver inleneafatr dined etrsnis While with a sed and terrible tone He oang the goug of the sword Tofessions,whatever may be tot such we commend pte follow ay tation heretofore unknown,A few facts upon the rr this point will speak more powerfully than .")°volumes of bare assertion or blizoning pufferFight!fight!fight’ten recently passe!bya Deiiiog oe The consumption of Hostetter's Sisueeh bie Thange @ theysaud fathers die —Convertion in Ola SATO Spee 1 ters for the last year amounted to over a half Fight!fight!fight!nude of the wise un »our Lee million bottles,and from its manifest stcady Though thousands of children ery Piero ncl tiie Verein aes Wis oridentihal duce Fight!fight!fight!tite to Seuthern Re near one nnlliga bottles.This faaiense amountWhilstwothersandwiveslanent,Diperiired lier kere aur nt relarnc elec could never have been sold but for the rare And Fight!Fight'Fight Roane ety eee e peuple of the United medicinal properties contained in the prepara While millions of money are spent Stutes,ft th North ang sath,greetng.aud when on,and ube genguee of the ee Promiiept a nl it ‘LY SICTANS nh those sections 0 the countrFight!fight!fight:Pacers he Neri ty rcs ae ae ee eee eeShouldthecausebefairurfou!eS header)be a)Cs a recoumend the Bitters tu their patients,but sideration the question «are ready at all times to give testimonials to its cern cion..efhcac)im all cases of stomachic derangements 'and the diseases resuluug therefromTheaboveweeh)Toin the Cin tl This is nota temporary popularity,obtained paper STORE by extraordinary efforts in tbe way of trum ee peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solidsieestimationofaninvaluablemedicine,which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved @ Godsend to regions where fever and ague Though al]\iat’s gained is an empiy wame, And a tax too great to bear; ruht and propriety of An empty mame and a paltry faine And thousands lying dead, While every glorious victory Muat rajse the price of bread hnqiarer,and int Seley We the loHowins paras ell adorewa “General Jacksow,iu his fare io the War!war!war!March.LOST.thus alnided to Aierncam people,a Fire and famine aad sword,coeromu.He id: AY euch a struggbe is ever begun,wud the erizens and various other bilious complainis haveDesolatofields,and desulate lows,Tenientacteuol there re (omnis counted their victims by hundreds J °be And thousands scattered abroad @yuinet those of iota daubtus confttet,let the able to state confidently that the ‘BittersWithneverahomeandveyerashedbattlevexultus1hmay,core will be wa end ty tie are accertaia cure for the Dyspepsia and like While nations perish and fal’,t noM,aud with it wh ent the hupes af Jreemen diseases,is to (he propri€tors @ souree of un-t he viot nee Aerie alloyed pleasure It removes all morbid matterAndhundredsofthousandsarelyingdead,Phe victory of chee halo Wa RUTH Bie Tag Ata from the stomach,purifies the blood,and And alt—for nothing at all MG jfice Bee ae oe a pane wae imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, Ab!why should such mortals as 1 is giving it that tone and energy indispensable Kill those whom we never could late,Phese words of the venerable padrut ought te bs Hicuteeeormae oa ieee ane“Ta obey 20 om ee ee eensca afie tilly but powerflly,and som reatren thenisthelawoftheswordaudtheStave,Unisal Uocno Republican’ater ila ep eeutie to acondition essential to the healthy discharge For we are the veriest slaves quote Andrew Juckooa cu favor of cocretn of the functions of nature.Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily ashh,iBesarghastlyperdirections on the bettle,and they will findFonteptevselihalwmiarecliyrentrentlAftersncexpressivescutimentsastic er 'thove.we lope tuat the General Assen init a stimulantpeculiarly adapted to comfort eal cur eee npn cath dy with pot endeaver te wideu a bieach poclining years,aa lt lejplessant (2.(he palate,Wart wert war!eo L :;i erepne invigorating tothe bowels,excellent as a tonic, by notichy the contemptible actions of and rejuvenating generally.We have the evi-Musket,powder and ball,filyeoe le spublieans of that State,in voth dence of thousands of aged men and women Oh!What do we fight ~for Ob?why have we battles at wit "Tie yastice must be done,they say, who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rungements and general debility;acting under the advice of physicians,they have abandoned ernamner,Cate dignith doand conic mipin selenice, ‘The ustea’s bover to keep;;eee ‘all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the And haman life so cheap.A PANTRTOMS VOICE:merits of this article.A few words to the °Pie sad that a christian faud,The filles orief leer ese tlie Po gentler sex.Thereare certain periods when Avarolceredly chitmaaciate .=ie their cares are so harassing that many of themP;pia ersburg Axpress,was received verter sink under the trial.The relation of mother Should thus deepise that high command Min econ!and child is s0 absorbingly tender,that theaybsayeu Su waeful andso great ;\amof thisety,why hus mother,especially if she be young,is apt to Delivered by Christ himself ou earth ily petonitied ts to use ue:forget her own bealth in her extreme anxiety )care ‘de to b &:for her iufant.Should the period of waternity parses ny coeds |SONY ASISGHWORS,of ite Bul,JES arrive during the summer season,the wear ofToujayeourneighbors,ne ourselves,;ee it Tadeo canine Otros body and mind is generally aggravated.Here,Aud bless our cyeiy a ta hee theu,is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe-pe SO 1s yt it there os rate the energies of the system,andenabletheWar!war’war!{lp of pes wp peace dnd the tx mother to bear up under her exbausting triale *Mieery,marder and crime,Leon \depends on tie sehen vt Vir a Seat vee monet gene- r m j ei |z ‘ra.orefer the Bitters other invigora-age NE paren Uva inne:hb add the |der States.Jl taey re ine ae receive the endorsement ef physi- Erma tmysyouth)to thes prerent tame,main the Cin and ado ter aud cians,because it is agreeable to the taste as Musery,murder and crine,Just sctrlement,toe ie Hay ethake ls te well as certain to give a permanent increase Crime,muery,murder and woe ;oe ved But if the y Beerde u vet be a of bodily aieoete Ah!wonldI bed known in my younger days,‘All those persons,to whom we have particu i °°Lab Gestsrn of a recotoetiucn ty b teat larly referred above,to wit:sufferers fromTamyhoarseofboyishglee,|hoa &fae save \Tinlad,aid we fever and ague,caused by malaria,diarrhoea, A teuth of its misery,iy ee {Mi -dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and ]now had been joining a happy band |r i all diseases or derangements of the stomach, Ot wif j |YSU Vesa he superannuated invulids,persons of sedentarywifeandehtidrendear,ry :3 ‘:!SNe Direras occupation,and nursing mothers,will consultAndIhaddiedinmynative‘and |?their own physical welfare by giving to Hos-Justeadof dying bere Douetas and Crittenden are Liberties Leiter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.torsvo™buteent De dimnetr went cabled CAUTION —We caution the public againstWearyandwoundedandworn,:ae using any of the many imitations of counter- Wonanded sud ready to die ire waht te roy Mero Miso segine feits,but ask for HostxtTTex's CELEBRATED Asoldier they left,all atone and “u ‘ur Mave le luees ee eevc i Cliearrinier:Stomace Birrans,and see that eaeh bottle has On the fetd of butte io he;the words *Dr.J Hostetter’s Stomach Bitterszé‘DVN)eyo Lec leah tas tw blown on the side of the bottle,and stampedThedeadanddyingwloue,'\(on {he metallic cap covering the cork,andCouldtheirpresenceendptyaffordMPasenprecisesticuulPhesainohwervethatourautographsignatureisonthe if adtemriblentar Tse tye BuO aeeny labeleeasadandterribletone,a s os re BO uaas gaeens by ACRONIS& two t those truths were more per ae PEI SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa,and sold by all fectly known {druggists,grocers,and dealers generally 2 8,th atc ,>\5 teen throughout the United States,South Ame-»«He anng tae xs e sword ACK NOW LEDG MEN |Demet Garaneee eee Ww tel kreturnoursincere toto onr friends for tocir The Vuxtness of London.—The nor ee SCOVIL &MEADE, T become acquainted with London the|ue ase the eireulation of the Standard WHOLESALE AGENTS, more |ain amazed and lost in wonder||We have just issued a prospectus,wheel Ny eins,bs and astevishinent at the vastness of ite|“®Gobet Te ECTS 5 CIN :trust that every fiend into whose hands S0bD BY Henderson &Enns,and Wo oHwealth,its poverty,and its crimes.The}ne of these prospectuses may fa W Salish Jo Reed.Coneord,and by eity of London is a very small place Ii]nake up a club of subscribers |i ys a covers an area of only S70 acres,not as We return our thanks to Mr A.1 large,I believe,as the uew park in New|MeNeil,ot Me !7 lobo thirteen SPECIAL'ee iVorkIhiaiatherc<tentut theyll.a):;:aM Averushorough,for a chin of el ve v V 4 NtunoftheLordMayoroiLoudon,Bis |isomer O\fekGnleit (uccmmuni tele rec iT aan } the whole metropoiis covers am area of)fora clus of ten.Aliso,te Mr.MOOD a e not lees than 54,000 acres,and containsa,Williams,of Chatoain,fer a einb ot population of nearly or qnite $400,000 |TWeve eeEt os |%© The loans of one single banking-louee in)for Tie a »"TE.ap Sy London exceed cise 000 a nna Tease ott Loril St BLU O S I ON Bedo:0Y,7,U0U,U)pe annom.]9 _i iy :and twenty-nine bankers now clea Aerie On Momiiie cen enit 3000 Ibs,BLUE STONE.3000Ibs.through the clearing house,per annom.vs an aecident ocerred an the For sale by HENDERSON &ENNIES more than £1,000,000,000 fa thousand,Char.&Ruth.Rarod near Brovart's ae millione of pounds steriing,or ®5,000,Sta ion Aras ee ee}2 JUO,1 Sty i rey u }000,000!a eum bo great that I confess Ann ber FOU clearer ieLomue metre AV Bush.CLOVER SEED. le utterly beyond my comprehension.1)backwards,when an avicor wie!t ‘*nd only know it ig a vast sum.The vata |Ct ae tw ot tre of WEN DERSON &ENNIS -of real property in London insured ag inet down an cabankimert 20 feet fre,though probably not fitty per cen:CHG Tire Crea Ce Tera ern ae 7 wry 5isactuallyinsared,amountsto the sumo!were buds injured-—neoa Mr.Tag 'PHERMOMETERS at least $29,000,000,000.Tomade a re iths county,it is supposed is.fatally For Curing Tobacco. Cent visit again to the London docks,ac wounded.Toe oth MUEWCUC Ml Eikiaetl MNErer iat nite a tOidamie tarieateniiy companied by the missionary who labor:nore or loss and ote severely burned bs HENDERSON &ENNISS mostly in one of the docks,and there |a Rove witch waedn che car.Phe trach saw cranes creaking with riches,the eX was eons:|rally claci ced,bat das sine aentofwhiehTIcouldnotyrasp.I suw een Pepa te ce ee Dehorcrdl.l(),()()Pol VDS 1);(MM) warelt ruses stored with goouls,the valu Ol ' of which could be measured only by in gote of untold gold.Piles of treasures N.M.MARTIN,BRO.&CO.,Ds White Lead iin Oil, were there,aboveand beneuth the wroaneA¥by HENDERSONw ENNISSwichseemedtobealinostusbomndles-NM ER Cc H A N T Ss 5astheseasoverwhichtheyhaltraverszcoSipeot a et.There were literally acres pon acrer Pp 1 IERSBURG,VA W000 GALLONS 1000 of troasureé—enoug!,it would sec te ooo oe .,TO-2 eee —PURE LINSEED OYT.supply the whole ert Indeed,it wir N.M.MARTIN,SON &CO soficient to make the brain ache to at ee -For eale by HENDERSON &ENNISS tempt to comprehend the amonnt of rich es there culiveted.—;Correspondence of Sunday School Ti mes, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND,VA. 10 Bols.Oil.10.Tanner's -No M MARTIN,87 RO TANWAHILL,For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS :RA MARTIN,Mon PLUMMER,Wendell /?hillip sun Necssion.~Wen aeaiecix:a eee ene de'|Phil!Ips,the notorious abolitionist,T 7 Stret personal attenuen given to the rale of in his speech in Boston recently,cuary Seward with having attempted toga by, conservatiom what he failed to secure|al litioniem —the next presidency.I’ lips’chief argomeut was that diss:)desirable becanse it wil;ee slavery produce.Orders for goods prompuly filled.4D -D.A F.Fisher.Eaq vg Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY, Enniss’lene and Fever Pills, WARRANTED Rererence June 14,1859 WORTH &DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Davie,© " OSGI: He called pon the North totellthe so avo HENDERSON &ENNISS what (uey‘really mean,namely,~.\1 thon Any compromise made ly (ommission Mercha nts.gress would not affect the Northern 4 sa ee Ng Ficeed ,Fluid antl Kerosine Oil. and eonscicuce.He argued the Norn eo ee ASSIS en ee us B Gavon or Barrel for gale at would gain by disnmien,and teed tae ts :a HENDERSON &ENNISSlowinglanguege‘Bacntice everythin Dp neon Hato one s.Proviswns,Proc for te Union?God forbid!Sacrities 2"‘gui eerie Rene..Poheit conmguun ots ¢Flon 1 I n 7 :everything to keep South Carolina iu ft)or Bees is id Country Produce gen WIS OLT NAT Rather barld a bridge of vold and pay corly Ageuts tor How weeleiea Seales \Yaa ;7 ber tol!over it.Let her miareh off with DEG WON |re ae a »ee ea }RENC ll BR AN DY . banners apd trnmpets and we will speed pact achebor’,NC |TC RG Wong Wert pene and.etthepartingguests.Let her not ae)Seu le 1460 ete S40.Medicinal French Brandy.1840 the order of her going,but io at (bet steven brough Give her the forts a’!arse:it oot)de iN |’nae Ay Ran treasaries,aud lend jer jewels Ul sist |: 4 ri 4NOT raterlpdgeld,and a will rejotee that sh ~ has arted.”©began his purorai c eeswithtbewords—"All bail ntace” @@®DR.BESSENT,IS SPICES! He narrowly escaped mialtreatoient eee Hen enn re P-+Muata Mace the mob while guing bone.|[*Ren er rere edinaiiw tate (annaman,and Nutmeva,for aale hy _-where ie Prenared to attend al operations HENDERSON &KENNISS The New York papers say that a i ee Oa Ee)ry ing speckled brook trout,weighing 5 ths .E 10 oz.,is now swimming in Barnaio’s W.TL.BARRIER Vv INEGA RMuseumAquaria.Jt arrived Iriday,Cmca '.from Andes,Delaware county,N.York DENTIS re ay cle:.Jac idee Vimegar.30 ets. Bareum one hundred and fifty dol MT.PLEASANT NC HENDERSON &ENNISSJare($150)for it.March 12,1260)pangs Rapt 18,1860 re —; ’>)\.eAyer’s Narsaparilly A compound remedy,in which we |ay, produce the moet efl-ctual ailermative tj, made,[tisaconcentrated extract of Pa, parila,so combined with other subrtaue. Greater aerate power aa to eflurd liduty fur the diseusee Surrapartia North Carolina Foundry MAC GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREATCLOTHINGEMPORIUM lain HINE WORKS!}sof yauetteenve| te reputed,oF ‘Tijie celreyed(heieuchtalriutednateirre vue;/1}:who snffer from Strumous complaints.and gee |DAVID W KIL =*winch will wecomplirh their eure must prov,a oemenseservicetythislargeclaseufourati,ronlow-ciuzens.How completely this compound ypeeEe———————Y——_it hae beeo proven by expertpent on ina,\nce(Ok lait:SL oe FRERCKS &RAEDER,worst cagestobefoundin the following iMicees Nt .puso sa ,5 ra 7 THELWA Scmovuls any Scaorvcous Cometaivts,&i fs ‘i NG BOY DEN &SON,)WM IN BEIIk WING |avo Bacertve Diseases,Us euns,Pramas,DiancontiugelomauufactureaudkeepouVOUWa’‘Tumons,Batt Muscm,Seat Mean,Beri 4) Woe Syruititie Avene TiIONS,Mrmcumiar Diswase, ior katoia ok Tic Dot vocanus,Dewy, Linon a AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS °aia ant Expicierwn,avetretas,Rove wa soo! Sepaes -ns,+Ae rer Tore A tull assortment of nunc e acy mei deed the tide Clams if » mude heretolol F ay platuts arnoing fro Tmruxity of Tux Bros, AVING REFURN ED FROW THE NORTH.Plows,Ceeee FUE LARGEST AND MOST vin compouud wal me found ©great pruwmiter3wo-Shellers ‘and Poed Cutters,h t k h ;\|cri Cilive with DakteD and COMME i Feed Cee nana reatth,wheu taken ja the spring,to expel ihe i, humors whieh tester in Che Blood at that seuss,5theyearBytheumelyexpulemaoftherce log diporders are Ble dit Ube bud bittercan,by the aid ot this re ucdy,Spare (ben selves,: the endarcnee of foal eruptions and aleciour a,Ae Cider aud Sugar Mitts They also manufacturePhireshers Threster and Separators, Shafting and MachineryReady-Made Clothing EXTENSIVE STOCK.*:. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,for Grist Mls,Circularand Verticul Saw Wille,Gold OF through which the system will etrive to rid tc,.i 2 Copper and Silver Mines,Tobacco Presses aud Fix seatiee |)ea pare ee Such we Boots,Shoes,Hats,Caps Drawers,Under tures,&e.,Xe,ay ate wali ehunnels of the bedy by aa alerative MedicineHaudkeaud Mite.Cravate,Noe s re i ‘:TRON AND BILASS CA S7LN GS;-Clewnme vor the vittarcd blood whemever you hudfayeattienetafShut'n atl Collar,Sey Aa.i Oe re WORK of every \lniparsies bursting (hroagh the wkin iw puppies,«.,whieh bavices vour te dea Moeattent rey wn tious.or sore;cleanse10 whenvoufind stint;i En deecrn Cini to order,and warranted a every j ms ueliascrnHaveledCasteaadWw«ae up sery i Peis dueeri pnt Marner y ed and singgieh ia the veine;cleause it wheneve, a \Rak BAG ‘Res :where ne particular disorderimfelt,peuple enjoy be,an deteommed to aellcs aper than any other house Sahabury.N.C.Jan 2,1e60 1y34 ee enitiwitwa iverbreree Witrkel’canna senate u Sulisbury ,Standard,Ratewh;Patriot,Greensboro’;Demo {ry Y 1 Keep the ed heakby,and all w wells bar wRetarmngmythanksfortheNbetalpatrooigeoatCharlotte:Western Advucate,Asheville ;¢Va ()'(hon palatine of life disordered,there can iheHeretoforebestowe)Dihope for a comtimance of the a tig weekly Columbia s Obsetver,Fayetteville;:d 1 I 'Ine healthy Sooner orlutersomething mast po wrysineRemembe~at ved Tredell Express will publish Saionths aodforwa d and the great machiners of te i disordered or ReN02)MURPHY 3G Rane a Ry recounts throwaSalisbury '!.,;=.Sarstpar ta his and deserves much,the reputationSip,EA uty 1 AND of weomydhing these ends But the word jasGreensboroughMutua\ber egregiously deceived by preparations ofit,pars )e \'.neat ‘weause the drug whone hae not all the victne ibeeeTeWy)©thatNationalFla@!(tysuranck COMPANY.7y aay See eee ten =5)1 ops |'([¢)¢:|:R I }:preleading te ie mere extracts of ib,cont.)——o—Pays all Losses Promptly!a 4 _Ab but Wie uf the virtue uf Sarsaparilla,ur any th,W ARKER aeerM.B DIRLETORS:During late vears the pable have been misled syutLDANFORMHtsOUygMebue,Wo.WeConnel,C PB Wenden-Aram we pent minileusubscnuerercves larye bottles,pretending to give w quart of ByfepaeaemdCustuanermitinCNew)We)AAV,Jiunes Me lrurrett,Juliul «an hot Sapsspariiia for ove dullar Mosc of thenaiipyrvininthe©i .Sees Wen Riscmayeenn cin Sle Sanh .beeu Fauce upon the mek,fur they wot only c1g'ee .')"a MoS sherwood,Jed He Licdeay.Greensborough Leah thited tn Nalisbury,ttle Wf any,Sureapanita,bat often no earaive jy,a Business,WoO Wright,Wilmiogton;Robert B.Troy,Law FP eruen whatever.Hence,bitter and painful dapberton;Alexander Mile ewbern;VPhadeaus Me poutuocut has followed the uve ofthe various:ur.Faud preper d to furnish any BUGGY or ¢;#,Haleaghs Diane Joie,Yauergyites On Aug wud wal ~ae herctofore at uupreceden-of Sureopurilla which flood the market,uyCARRIAGE,from the best to che lowest priced NG Ge nee Nea dee berncceH 1 Milena :i naine tise!me pustly despised,aud haw becon,: He thas recently visied a niin Me NGUNGr Tp ktintans Wr hk Wartean,\§aleonvilie Fee eS Pee ne mous with vnpe iew end cheat Bal we cal pie Nay tes Me ee ;it ‘!~7 i wy SEERA a d Ser la,:a eet BULBS such «temprovements vim line,anit ade accoangement s ’‘a SDT DY oretueds an shail rem the ©mnt iietiehitMihicalprinar)Ntrtiet yale VLU SONG President NO CAUNIDEN DE RATS INGE REVS Basses ee f »we "he mae =Rowe f..ern work muri che sper than cout |if by ters wee ue A ee ;"i j :for behevimgtt bar er whirh areirreset wasusle yt itetids to baile :.state PER Ab Cae a we re Common wahomins wt enamerute thet articles,be by the orcivary ru of thy divearee ie utendendfestaorkescerorDotheeoantrnysolicitsnt‘teint coder ton cute ther conp etecia calbattheSazaot he Naftonal Bias DAU Tay Riche Sant tale Nott Bevwume an ett fee sihee ‘tien from the avetern.the remedy shen ib deyyWVOMAleaAVCCUNGNEISIabay1)‘r f ty taken according to direeitous oo thet ‘,31,ls8o teu JE NEVE NON:tz Bixee enn '|A)~meyers e uke ing fi ke ‘TOM 05 interes \ORO Renee PRED AKEO BY x auanea ation riness ne edw.tl the A x aT ~Book BinderUf he RN ea atone nev moos wha geucate oh DR.J.C,IVER &C0,,PETER ADAMS.Secretar cose f Rewan Jreeni counts for part fa LOWE CEN ASS: IN Oise Sct SeNel al 4 vere.Pope by chow atention to my basiness,|Sl pee Bortie,3sa Boviaes rong, uae he wonSBEAuneSALISCOWAN’S Wioecouit s euse nen anor tee vers Cherry Pectoral, ROWoR DECKS would the as WOnnGril=cl(eck alrepewm (awithecureatceriV’I etizens of sao sbary,Cher Statesville ...vane ty of Phroat oud Lung Complaint.that iveCond.bald thi,rkontle revues teane =Weeetadble Lithontriptic,S:PRANKFORD Soe eeva.Morganton,N ya surton y e ,yaa :He vitues wheveter tt hae been ep hove eo‘5 ‘>(re pern that he Wee eatatile "Has long been oe Comstunt ume Cbeotobeul thy o-ae ceea ate leat receive oF FIENDOF THE MU MAN FAMILY lO (Ol N I RY ne Turheneers eeGersiodaatine,Music Books,Law Bow TEPERIAL Pan ty tat ire een Periodic bs,bouod i ern;aus style »7 <j J A se Leb){oleate ct rida f thi fieDPMeeaneaedeineDISEASEDKIDNEYS\||:|(||\\|Ne eeeflooroverthePoaOtice;))ree d d rl I"9sitsNtonLnedNolnens,Weak YnGa?Orders from «dustance p a i ares fortil Nobu A Aye.3 Cathartic Fills, Salisbary,Sept I=,1860 ..a nee ot the Loinn,beM.»ty r Cos we Di apere fad portionneville,Salixiory Stutesy Corcund aod PPVUIE SUBSCRIBE alee h ‘ees t i .\eran Vitis enter.Bunt S Tosietaa Hovey atBrown’S Live ry res ee en Sacer ne ‘|CON tan eG CN Iiseveniiatstgeten dl Lifts (He)pales ven esliae Dice eer) ept a ash |ace "‘a iW varied Stock of eee oes a in oe a A nim thot this establishinent sie Seen Pui itying the Blood eS a AU GAG eee irene es ent RY GOODS Tice ate sngur rented so thet the mm ors :ee ee Mf es ‘pees festa ba.Ales SN A ~~,Cal dane thea pleesomtly,and they are .ratuin asi ar oe tae :ee jt oe a yacrent ih the world fur oil the purpiees ula ’7 7 Parr Oh os en Bou,Five RoweneachpiseralyearnedlectionViaHARDWARE!!Clothing and Groceries.’7 ee ee ee are oefyalHorsesPHOSbPROWS ;_us ee.Mi He.isco til TT Aaa 4 ie Mi snd a y a a,ne aM olin 4d +5 _ie ti -.)Ph " wht S iky ai the il G kun certiy che urpuraleled usefulness of theAneslBEM[IS |ER anti RON ulexnented dies,but our space tere will not permit ihe oicte,Stock of Hardware 8.oe oe cen ae a..*C d Pa ‘:House Painter,Grainer.;z aa mur Marios Niaayec 18 mba sory PAPER IY ae everhirs diy this Market,whiclvhaving beeu tough S.PRANKEFORD.Rea He ara e LeSeseatheMinefactucenortherazenteexcluniatenessdMainSt,opponte Warpay's Grant Row,ch Dhey are prenared !fice ;‘YO \Co ai ree .SALISBURY,N.C HN a ear a eee \\I |)|’\||;Dee atNaepect!node Pie .dla v a )1K it etki)aAyres.d cthers The eck wAMworkpersonallyaitfteoundwornYerbreJUNBS&OVERMAN evs ef .4 . F -tae @ Workinauoke manaer ,Naot Mar 13.tebu |ie ee “h ,”.m,a y shouts bay an.22,156 vin one einedics are for wnle by::"Sw oH Wait,Satmbury,RutMICHAELBROWN,SOUTHERN ee :ee ieee a,as cee Hatehineon &Co,Charlotte,COMMISSION MERCHANT BOOT AND SHOE Ser ey UAL c a 4 ARAL 4 V ANUFACTORY 'on MA AC A Samos,Nortotk,Vi.SALISBURY,NY.€MANOR AD .=Peed ot Pere Contig aROMPE IPERSONAL VPTENTION GI ee =CsPPSiainevaretiasectailinterPRODI:E SMITH &MILLER >—BAW EG... And vie toaonents be sold in this market J ==oohshivants-WANTRACTIRE ES 01 a ,wet LIVER INVIGULATC:,;a Olaee ;at ae ~—-NEVER DEBILITATES.a‘feriea’s Boots,Shoes and Gaiters,-}=4 [Uiycomponnded satire from Gums. ORRELL &GRADY,j I IN ah her patie ner ex a es a t e and apy eerf\batMoe herent teres eereteuringnvaterialaofthesoe=.aMiniteran“Wheels Deals im hent eeeBENGerd cee Nine tes to ene ekhis the em yee cereHATS,CAPS provemedita—and the mort fmeved Work :SBP S oeee ee eeeATS,CAPS,rec Thaice tate Kins gE Ce fees:Straw,and Millinery Goods a BGO able ;.=i eo Uimbretias,Parasols.Flowers,Ribbous,&e.,Boots,Shoes &Gaiters,ae =ce eee fdleraiel EA ei . No.18 Conrtlandt Street,spurl Jou New Puylaud for rhe sue x _=se,As |tacks,Dyspepsia,&\Chvontec Diarrhoes. bp Ont eA )UP STAIRS :.m a ay ::Pe i “t ==ZR =a )Sammesr Com -|66 iptaines,iysates ieee eevee cts rmoug theme branch ot =oh)j Vew York oa fare gow ehurely miihe handmol abuliiianien,Lx es =coWnotberevaiordiregacerd.Theyoffeat es a ge open|i JAMES HOR AT WHOLESALE UND REVAL >a ry Famity Medt-|PBleine,hwiioure SiC KA“a HK AD ACHE,(ss,Bg reenndecantest iy-Fine Chaunnetted Bor French Calf ea ae PENS..,r twenty minutes,1 twe or three Tra-WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER,f°(eeust Bev Fon ca SPATE OF NORTH CAROLINA spceutaiaae wi Jeu ot commeccoment of BAGISIIIY SNe HIME Wen SNAVCC Netey “AN who mse Hare!etvingtae weninenruAeorBelowWERtsWupicelwen:Doubte Soles Court of Plane ond Quarter Sessions,November ta ltetavor,MIX WATEN IN THE MOUTH WITHTHEINVIGORATOR,ABD SWALLOWBOTHTOGETHER. ‘Term J*60 bxeentor of Sarah Stoker,deo'd.,7 RLS consti tlyKKWATCHESsadJEAD rand a large assortment o Ee OPERA BOOTS.ati {Tilmon Carteallkine c Watches and Jewelry ofevers feseription etree ‘,ee ahi Gal Besley Price One Dollar per Bottle. Se 4 Pine Open Gaiters,Patent Leather and French Calf,Fes ernian and wife Betty Allen,SANFORD’S‘,::; ie ii y 14,LR6O ly3e :er Sin a aay res a PETITION FOR SETPLEMENT.PAMILY,‘r ene “noeateaSe Re Ti appearing to the antisfaction of the Comet,that H T Pi LL$Ici Be Lesa (@)ewan ty FENCES Robert Courter ane of the defendante in thin case ve JN(yy |(r |.J Ge to them and supply your wants and i fie a non-resident of the States Et is therefore ordered COMPOUNDED FROM ;F Ste ture you will purchase ne Boots,Shoow ar Gaiters.by the Court,(hat publeation be made in the Cuero Pure Vegetable Extracts,and put up lv,P LAS Tig!and will keep_save thode inanifactured by finn Wachiivn,a'bewspaper pablished in the tuwn te opetimate Se bad:ar pry SMVEIRG SOE f Salsbury.for six weeka,commanding the soid de ertte RETE.bscee,‘'.:‘Atl,).ding 6 :cone?CALL AND SEITLE Dnt UV Sore call dem rere dice ea:“iene 4 SerieInly24,ee 9 ne xe our of Meas and Quarter Sessions to be held ioe:TS tantSreytae whe NUMER AGNES ee DURANt tenets the Cavity of Btauly at the Coorthause in the’alerts in rogantto S|pa =Mea ec ocereaneu vie\Pepe ani cdtnai nnre ite eet r NIE cos Traci ec Mile sro flenna)Seren ernie renvet that guicent Catbares 41eeesaeBOOnewthenandtheretoplead.anewer of deinar to end nt aca af we ee nrre Pr,A 1 *-AVC Ge ear perunamaleenllt cetimenen tenes |;and SH ES.i Petition of the some will be heard exparte ua to hae m,n operas wo the otwiepied SSnidtakeUimoressentouchoomouritanke:pele Buia,“‘taf>|table Bxtenets,whied alike 1.00 bePelaCearamiceNUNLInenTthese,Richard Harrie,Clerk of our end Court,!Stuur een aon 24 in atoneCOMRUNheWoloteeollereswereCULaMeaclmredbsMILLER&THOMAS.“tin Mhemarte.the @ Munday in Noweinber te nvery)6”Gatbnae‘’a veh th 1 me a ran .ca a dca F trouble about unset tied busine sn UST RECEIVED a supply of GENTLEMEN'S Oe avila fe Talaur lacepeaaencs Sontiwene ataayMiterestchargedonallstandingaccountsWINTERBOOTSANDGENTSLACEDter15th,1460 .6 8550 fhe wmode’vier the Let January .:BOOTRES,manutactared by Mituen &Tuomas,,TAA 20%re Loom at |ea genes HARRIS &St LLIVAN Phomnsvifte,NOC,which are fully equalinstyle to GRE ToldPhi,Jan 8th.1860 1134 any Northern work,and a great deal better in worl 7 nA BARGAINS INCLOTIIING insuship and equally as towCallandseethemat Oct.2-120) rier Jt}ENNIS<' Boot aod Shoe Store Collecting Agent. VTE na deraiens sa a Collecting Avent in and eT Here bie rorvices to the public (bout Satiebury — Ue holds the apporotment of “Pax Collector for the|HATS AND CAPS JIUE offs yi re1andthereforefeelsauthorzedtoreferpersons.4 EIN Ie Bory Ste ror 21.LOA p SRD,oDand PreprieterHySiperintendentandCominissinermnatoqnali:WisT REGRIVED a lorgr supply of Gents ong “UO SN EN SU $244)worth)$3.00 aa)Si eeheae kee oPhentiona,de JOUN BRAKD,Bove Hate and Caps,all wizen and qualities wnd at tin 4.00.Sold by URNDERSON &BNNISS,DuApallO,PS600 cure Collecting Agent prices remarkably low :'.ee 6.59 tvo Cormiate Sulinbory,N ¢(ul oe TENN Te Cele t .ae 0 Inty 5,1859.1\6eo;ar w ©“)EUPRERSONSiwlopsreniide ce mUmniemer Mat und Cap wud Root and Shoe Store Sh a ;Faapey (ally rege stedlin cell)and)iakeiinmes meOL?upa0 et Tot Buggies and Rockaways. tale p 1 s sompelled to have 0 deh Mal E adiniepaymentLamempeltJtyhavemoney;:Be vee LSA CINER ee REE ele tee Arandas¢hisie the firat time that have called on my .ein wnetand Rockawave,which he wil aeil on nmSenapeinwiltpeNOTICETHIS.st Bim ite sien rains>BESSEN x +23,00 :XE y Nov 9h,1659 et a!THE ee Jil.ENNISS'Jan.a4.1860 tile.)Akai th {Clothing,Wat and Shae StorePRAYINGoeitesoeonina 50 White Handsi1:t ne ed may A 1 oops )W:ULL fiad etendy employment npon thettleryeeenetwillherreidlyenforcei:W >i7aentofeveryaccount¥wo ie force Fine Suits.magton,Chaptotte ond Rutherford Rail 2WEuodermgnedgivennoticethathekeepen-Se a htobay FINE nt og mens (his pli Apply!WE .een ae ear thin place Apply teITEAMANDIWACONSforthepepoate1s59Te}fires tlie eee edie POR LOLILUS SAM'L MeNINGHDraying.and will serve all whe may favor han with ne Rinne Hiatt collat this G@ cat Uis¢h-Way H.1m60)(4(50)Chrartoite,NoDAVIDWEILMcalleiathislineonaccommodatingterns GEORGE MOWERY 164 BLANK DEEDSSALEATTHISOF FIUR JF Rewewnen ree Span Ng oOtteRow,Salrabury,NC Kept.25 phys Gray TT Pampotete ng Carda, Ciroulaee,and wll Rinds ar fee neatly exe’ office March th,1860 iForR ing i thre nee J. EDITOR wie COPY copies Toe following Corkeptonhand y mail t »All ppetise vil Warrants,yeas &Bonds,Coie k Me CountyeqensCa8)CcanaraChBACWoncasCickete,CoaJurorTicketsnecutivnBond Bail Kone yore i)Bonds,crim reihiuede wie: very Bou ctuiniatrationHastarday,appeal,:Avd many other fortpnotedtyurderousl ee FARM,G1 ADOK lowe has at the simple pec ought tu be,for eat and drink at pleasure,raliona Cultivated man about home.I f cultivatic VA. of tam to study oad ioed homey or even Just as crvaili fan the homsel tind craves a bs a beaut ful born just been told:¢ ever had ache IIe and lis sat F nal Lonors,0 t {ve bewutifa ties Ginggustit «i at thad reunet \ist ti \‘ want ns evo .1 . ‘V “fae at r iay a web a 5 watk Ri ery rees about th an sc cal to the nie wither MM don 1 “ 4h woul: trees cr et ween od Pur supsl trees a of without oms ra turd with Jesolation.| nly,grow se he tratlad inte withal so fres cbout every | lustry,sprigl Then come beside the do ners of the fe Jerly,so as of beauty and No,let ery child with Hower seeds es and beds, They love to love to sce th ed,then let t trast of color order.A e inside be peace ore! t} virtue, PORES “Now,wl trees,and ar he well to in Collect they make e hqwid secret to ina heap,be ry thing in (bese reason would use t Swine,usin hetter,as th creased It amount of u mers shoul: theowofsevhewing kn benefit and “Tn the {kind of cov penetrates | may be seer ve Moving Aw found unfro der Yulhe eaves this sound mn th or somethit wing aw ¢,c ” - i n who ;.It was the maonlyacoldaehoptwoweeksbefore,d called at his shop bere had called b rice of lumber.and inquired ':ity as ever,but he7«4aoeSdnone and the carriage \ drove a splendi , i vas @ costly one.>sked,af- ee —Who is that man #”Peter asked, ave <i nani ne.= ae - or the stranger had go innewie =CUNER :eee ae J.J.BRUNER, (y *That,”returne ;know him? :IETOR ‘Z \ Jent surprise;“don't J a EDITOR AND PROPR |LB .da yy NX .°Erie Who is it?Vilkine.” . f pes ree r.Wilkins. |4 ~—< “Why shat is M nD , :Vy :ilking,of Byfield.. TERMS ( : “Sumner Wilkina,ing to build the $2.00 ;;aa \7 UuDiceetny irene going a €Toy SX 00 ee)s f ons re ot y ae We $15.00 “A z z Ae :|Wactory - Fie 4),> TOUTE AL \*: :;.. .rn emt feu 3 fing tenon the same propottor _ lit and the Family Cire t .(valet te rooinewith a oe z ee :AG Tdyauenvalway'ain aieanel be Arts and Sciences,Alora ty,& Pater wl by the time eee a hie jac ;: he Y -: reart yaad by sick.Whata fa , fi opt sick. a Lants — t mprovements,Commerce,the 2 eH eee anne nae Hieted 4.wt '¢nal 3 .>(Ile went home le story. Soe are ture ner UMRB ot ee =i ied the whole Wd wi gy are - 4 wite had learne Oza SLANT News Agricul ve 4 =Hic Tilo wile Na hat the great ; \ cellancous BL d {{y af ’ cnn Iready learned tha : I towing Cour ant eth aS evoted to Politics, ARY 19.18«E. oe alealy learned that the great ;T +following 1 for sale,at th i a SPST 1D \j ly been given to ano : Ue at Gai sBURY,N.C., “POLITENESS PAYS why it bad been know who be an Ke Depo CAR S aaeVId ° LOL *Why didn’t he let me hoitulead ,Uwony apense Cte eee Cs wo. z ory ;CH .:into my shop ticemt Tot ro ‘: :SKETCH. »iy lnto my “vi Warrant,Tes A,Vo!XVIII. i A Touching Story .AN EVERYDAY ty Was when he ents hone .ot rity,(Borene Lttere af Alii (Ht < STRONG TALK r (The following affecting :to Among Pie eejasie iret pr.Peter ina an BS qheation.es gested the fay Crutous Cb 8 ’.in en otSaaSSN .is Kin at Creare te fo 2 ya father t Among Jox;and fam sor-That isnt th :f possi-' ee ee In Perineal ee ee EX PRESIDENT TYLERS Abbr t ‘the Hon.John P.x eo ties ports to fave been give i me Lo Mew neCaien stern a Hittle stock of epeaking as age ar ‘ Ween TU Various tquity (hat ~ 5 Se 'ble and eloquen a Jetter o }.as a warning de Me Pri aay that,from b :wie,‘be better ’ Juror Tick da,C &8 ¢idactivents ROT nae tow the adiirab has written ¢.t State,in lis son,as a .rleving anc y to say ’ged,he in )“Tt would be i bim re- j ye isecutiva Bonds,a De : FR Vege:Bect CCPaerrati lis Hele j Mout lis eata wustas ith tlie 1 ‘‘rience of gr x ry .have possessed,fa lsle ies treat him erp Getter. ash orsprace pole ta within a fow .h "DNC)UST Unt fe ous Committee in Augusta, own bitter ¢ee ive ana counenl:patience he re in Politeness.At all would ask why didn’t ea your own ac- Sw rie Bherif Dee's Pau wring orinserta wrouslat :tan of the Conference o hich he says: i esisting a mother’s ;hers vested none o itwhen he enter rully It seemsa,imple and cee ck i fthe end;then putonaring fe piledveny ax thar Chater wii .in the way ofan ¢5 ;sible on my mother's id not do it whe :,speerfully very simp ian 1 Vo icaatnit ds Kiser A a he Hoet iG so as to present the pol Gs é ters at Wash Bu ieee “The great dificalty a Nl t a preat What agony was visible 1 he said and events,he a r wasabuilder by trade ena,that he esked a eatin a8 an u OU was Re tardays ;SU a C7 Bieoks tl and c vospread it the night width of a fear you have commit i q nenlatiom 13 Mra hp |she saw that all 6 »cd busines.Pete hh and faith-nestion—sach a que: Nea 1 a of tees frequent uve spitting:farther;sprea Winust grad GENTLEMEN Ve HOS ME TD SN dl eee en dont want it.6 oo y ou pmet She rose to ¢f the most thorough BECLEr Gh with pleasare. Wd itaete¢many other forme |5 ear the trotch,where 4 n appointing me to the “:our feading m ,BA fered failed to move 1 listanec,and one o :y.If he un caght to answer pay if roegh (t.hid Se pr art ladder,until p this apes bore and in feat error in apy |many of on A too republican -t sufferer 11 fullowed at a dista 1 tal rkmen in the Country.hee Cnn og husband,porrreness babi of ‘ ,pruted too ve,confine itm this Shape:=}V ‘broinent is te ive ey vil ba}cached ful we sure to per-you,my hu 2 babit -i Medicine P \ually curve,con aii i rend Si Cionevcrue ta Our Governut ie because they vo home, 2 till Ble reach tract,he was tel]you, e your } ; 3 distanes My —_;vem,ty sto me Hi contra = Treom eet FARM,GARDEN AND ORCHARD sert rounds the proper d ;uty elon awtl a ot from ct ! free and too we a 'Lae tos Hei Sie spoke no inore ty dert .a a punctastly and pene ‘Tf you could only ena ¥,yon wonld Pers ery f ’ to poky mp through any bith rene cat Uoetiles of ae Honet obey and subentt te and yn door :“Go,forin his p ys emploved,for ating strangers6 % Opi i Tew liearenay ' ire :trong and ‘roown .’d she.a, leways e ploy treating :z Rem ci TOME ie frnly auaioet a stall branch y shout whole f should tind cul ronson ta!Is filled with v isions of a :whale 2 re is schoo]time now,”gai oe Suli he was ne ee eee Nave hired be greatly the gainer oe sore and pe Foe ADOLN MENT UMS WSS earn teyehilan event ue Me fin toable and tel Petter aT did Governinents,we i te,and ny son,and once more ee y aid.”Liye)oe Pby dns uncosth inan-Par suine days Peter ay commenced , ie earn tien Un ane ,as an fae ene gti little aplen gy with bayonets,¢'Mee y What T have sa were repulsed by ,‘etanee ‘>saw the wor : yy bel owe bas a meaning :[Oy ieeietere, .iad dithtent from the pana &like these,ane has but hit country Kiistensng !epanlettes,they you to think upor ea leeaid him,ae w them,and sousht assieta morose.Ile ie vithout his assistance, ie ibe th “ont H fruit lade butlin times |should ;harimnor and ep:’,to school, roof treatin , story witho t)io “ Je necesnars INGE NG [We Tave 4 Patd unwieldy)but cee :al covsideravons littering with arin ernie tand “T ghan’t go y coldtiess,ner¢c upon the factory ld have but little € baw the simple woamore than a pla !ore comaplieated and un left Wi person ;he country lit 2 rhamotied by being 1 '}tonished at ury ‘Isewhere ..|one eve.UF hat he shou d i pe tis tay .ht to be,for something at :Seto,tbove,and am \J to trees that will not beat eye hitlyin the balance.TI 1 Wish the people tu Lthe tejling mil She looked l Nai “said his wife to him,on lost,aud feared tha time tocome.He ae et :SUpUUtO UE,Iris fur eu.ho better adapted to We took a werd but iaditly on te attest take tie t vs,aid the alia replied firmly —aC *Peter,”6:rou have losta 38 for some time :harc : ge Wrong ales: nue an nA \ Deleon. ‘i down with 'ONCE W Hut replies J ities com chow that ye ae siness fo ver dr ver eat and drink aud »ne and improvement,the weight of a fadder and .ie renee ;nan Cee rewire reenter elit Mccain tiro tse!TicKt ‘Ges you will go,Alfred;1 noms De me Ww Mr Graham 2 ae been inclined!to.ae rae f ; pal enjoyment,ae der some twelve fie a noassmned bine wool Vat Vins redie Mian one position at wert,wo Gl etirraton nye Mr.and *t fire Jilking;bat whe : Jeasure,ratio Wy exhibits come t common la ;oan an 8 aitiet 5 fii Phe von \They are right i oF)Ton f defi job just by from bis paper,ar f Suuner Wilkins ;!ht differ- !ne ;ole !wtnd adjust ||,‘Rong ,md ,el ;‘!Sut ugh Cpu lation |{oman generally ee A al hcorarently ele 6)Hestpe ea ined Hes ty tert hier Da uiment Wourd give eee)said I,in a tone «eter looked up tro A >calmly,hetho wor'd has Cultivatec Ny the itidex ted ae .Ne top a pain of ewe a ‘uvited her aan SHE a over hundred “Twill not,”s¢: ee at ehe meant..to-veflect more ler that the man 6 Ee is general wi cond rounds att }:euia has t ny with his six 1 ked her what e ilat Nic sould not wonde fit pa out hore Jeaver his hon ‘the outside ©e Tat vit ee Napoleon,te the Push iy ae t do,Al asked "replied,“tha ;ently.He cou :leness. abe ilivessavate lie (icire (ar dive 4 i Nal f ente thi ela F ,Os ;|:r|:4 ‘‘rude me thay is ‘fenitivation.The say ;ne it unworthy p aN HM nee d spreading s !ea :hae was bess a tnd amen,would cxeca ve Shave “One of two things ay ae mean “|oe fe J tt to build his new had bees repulsed shies and Peter le paratins ree ;banan deems itu asthe ladder,g 'vk ut smn | us Nettraiity lawess i to school this mn:3 Hata bas hired Leavit ':‘aturday afte ay ink- Peles itarta Pe ratae ren f sey Slave laws, t J—eilther vo Pohkeep trans be [twas “atu -y but thin ; 16)Font wnad ited formments of fi Tom,dy prepocre Clete f Soa aed ok thee laws.and with fred—el ba MUP roc atc '”;gers th .joing nothing b a 4 ie fect 4 :mon a len lovameenl aii c aah llock vou in y MUCHeM iees ,aid Peter,ratl ras in lie shop,doing :»looked 7 ion:at UU atu nary contort peu teain ts .-!se et Ist .:“ee rl ei to juries.We wenld y ce ne an you promise imprcit obed ~Well —what of oe i.wh snosoeme one entered.LHe /even for ordi halealy tlisties Gani re }.‘ot itsulon L whether re vou there :he future Riley many Tilking Wsled by home:or even 'Stqeracen lal ny ae ie sof are as ow E (u k i ices 1 NCSye ;shies In the fut :ernstily. »that le meant nd saw Mr.Wi a italiet! # :ervilizaten advan Wale Ui esDes ;el !!a Ihevt ee Hee collect plenty Panis i I SUCCRUOSITS SWiTothe y you cant getme or thy,Lam vers ea a up,ti Moe to said the capitalis et ans ;yi \cul f .appre s ;we te]'oe ai iy he aetna) ‘I dare you to do it:d aN live Ren tlicen ils in |“low dye dof’6 }the builder. myof the pee b eC TTT in : ko with some ot eet : 7 red you tu di !s .-”returnec ag): seltin the hom fulhome.And what tak 1 from 4 !‘pws!We ey ~3 ymarke ae HA Themes Te tiny ence “suid ny mother,to have hiree re-dene so tad you uot of “tow dye do ry busy,I take it, Jeravesa beautitul ho Tee eee j :i Whe |(Curren eaters y UE Alfred,choose tow,”said ty Si he would bave {“You are not very busy, aiind « t wealth,te PAS of 7 j s t ye Wortive Atred,Chi0o8 )ario see :‘ .Maes ‘ ef Tis tote 1 ‘ Pahce ‘ ; Tore Wit mati an ty ded him 1s ee Neqot(alor dy Hesoune,olin ‘Lg we i)sete of rthe way te Cay ga’laid ter band up leadly pales fended ti Leffend hint?.tdted Wilkins.swer was tnaking ite a told ot a inan worth ®2 — i en ne “ale ee rf Wil v ied avanicrulvaanleane 4 !it How dtd him when he wish A quick,rough anew pe diurapae TNtelcelietanlt kee Crertlimc nice 1 OMY Peas ::’‘ tht ue nacin al trembled Dan hock you,said |,Rein ot tistenine toh ie :alles ;but he ACE See totes OW WO MISE |‘|‘4 Dave new sie a “TY you touch ane V1 knows To hiuew pe toyou les plan for the build wav to,Peter's Shae hself in season.He a r Lon ride stools,Hoas tet y ;:Madi tnh ‘eee ee ae!they x terrible rage,God kn ga TB CE EID) t.He recollected .higation upon him- He nnd bias sat ,ent.thie tak r HSS TN Seah vise ::i ml Me ae ane lemnn oblige i |honors,nor deariiog,tot ta '‘a :wr (nays :i they baa not what TP said,Alfred 2” Me H lan was a foolish .teat nes liad taken a@ a vuld not allow any more val |(opener tt nerd ,or } \ PETE eatire TAC eth on,mee ENV TT an yo,Z leone led |”is |:pose it was:ifvon ta self that he wot Negomiamoueh up- ie be autita Reet r :t : ve Croverninent,be a ;No,”TL rephed,bu ee 4 ay foetal mse,you sneh words to go ou ¢ . (cal s1 rele \!Ne ' Bitioeacts aa ‘such . EPA erUn(tire torn :' :;wu WE ENE ;tani:- .Ve ee al lie failewinien ;mitlia yuh isa ‘ ;(:ee GeV Baie et an 'iv fora ot SA er ete PaO WaeTOias ee lhenecitl aera ae it tlt verloneniteine:po ap of OO his follow he repljed,as soon a i =F ;i}';mew Toda ‘:Pv rtved hy :PE EMC)Ton fallow:ane:micht have ]Peter,with a snaps “No,sir,”he Hed:“I am not f ;ikon te 4 .a ey “‘;:ieee t VOR Metal ees,Mn ue ‘7 i my arm firmly ‘rane we saliee cme ‘f politeness in bu Mec t had been fue a .A /'>m4 .:Sony \i Nt ;rhe be der wrarpe ee MyVsop,hearine !.“don't talk of pol 3 16 CSTE By w.”.7 went and cata suns the ae \\ie ae “coe tet the w te I raised my fin EE 1 her--my his finger,4 to bother inyself to Ix Daisy (Iau no ld like to work for } “floes Cotiye oa :at . ':'i fae a mt I i ed my foot and hiekee '(eu tome wean Ltd were |ho happened te call erhaps you woulc tnust have at Tehsbants 1 bt'y : ek {y atti west t Pals ..Veets 7 bod Vic Ey yoy al \x er Hee |ine ;;-id (jy ‘Pe |cy [ati a matis i.ted tether!How my hea Soc oo bo 7 ve my bands full ” { cutifa us ere ae as ‘Paci vty pests are <ainite sera ,shes o !:shonk 1)>:a -F ypeniaehat tare a)(k ‘;1 :r Viton thes as i I cx @ torrent of memory ru ile woman Ipontnes T sh nit pay,”ventured the .you wish a “Tamin want i ;t ‘ ( ~! 1 a feeble :FOUL pray ye c . ae ems he ' i lw Soin ett hes TL bave x ee T kicked my mother,a fee !back a fea “Pthink it we sail a ite to employ you. micpatotte Rare '.\"‘ ey sie stucrerca Weck 7 ..;me uld li ; oral, eta proj bom.ar 1 pes ;ei ‘ ny nother:he ide the wall,She w :dvd at the idea:a olhe of help,ee employedy you pape vommust be i 5 tres !:He ya ; se vaned agains trent Peto poe ‘Jt read,aut to have employe ‘wh i 4 ‘ tous tliat os sa steps and leane =heart bea ie wha >wanted t IT ineau ‘nagine why nna petnts of compare,A nh,#:‘:}.\ aa Aa look at me —T saw her told his wife re this Peter came and perhaps you can eee he saw Pe- hat ,ee \,ae i /‘Now It 1d eh liao Wenge .lehe.“fore Abont a OU a vita lilemielcen ae Ilowever,”he et haces nernned < ‘k r ; nit ne 3s a ¢irits. . .P !te. i ‘ ap Ob!Heavenly Father,en does!”Lome:in unusual a iimeeanunadieen ter’s countenance fa \y for the lesson it \ E )‘‘ eed ::€dues.i.»,:Gi er ant a Q ve hiti —he knows not wha 1 the door,out of work for pd eviies Ilis wife no of referring to that,oulof your rndeness ! <4 . nt "Ive 5 ‘asse:::oD e E F ‘ae : '1 .1 eae t 2 The yardner just then paS and almost rather moody a >,and asked hii what teaches.1 felt oe more so,because I e ‘.s TT .- Neti ss ea nym tes pale a d.She ticed the change,;very deeply;and the means any © x ene ei. aan \leit !for the Convent a oe A A ort herself,stopped.Sh iad happened,tot neare aitien ce ae not seenwlienein lad gv | )|Ma Sport lates for the :unaide to sup ae rospect o Ee Bo ores 7 i a \;.ere . &TES A Pros]we SID ‘5 , ‘Toate ‘re Sere 1 ,i 7 be suet.tin ire ;(ee ieee beckoned Jiinw in.Amacom ain Phere ae >toy Irawery lhretives Hines occasion forit ae ecnionten frankly; i i .:\' Foni nistnber sand st r ,Als sston,without reserva ee Pake thos boy up stairs an sak wyitied)|“We ay Ikina,of Pvticld,has “T was rude,”ret inutodualeroandia P =‘a 5 t ere ‘ 14 i Tor secess!an, eee Oye - 1 :4 or iRINS : .‘y ,=';ti NON Ti cree ral lint 4 t ce Tenn “‘lturned from a fouls tans Shiner ;et water power on and as you as en (ess teat A \ '\Now |te a wee 'ae ma ae EU Recast Vesa his ros ning her room,ht the whole of the wa eves i tl asuit;anc ‘ keene ea a +3 ue 5 rect a fe le tes ? i A ree Tee gia ;'1 tes F Wiig te back as she wa rornnyled with boaeh .olng to erect a 7)...{lesson in ae . os .iv a :oe “7 . We hn Mied ie rave a look of agony nung ie last)our sale:ea au the Jobe They profit by it.—And so we'll let . A :‘‘co ee k Mr.Osh ene sas also.van ae nse love!—it was tl v here.oy Sytner AO a.eo Se 2d his hand Soe \sseta -|ee ‘ \‘:mama wortlimuk Mo :\tre ose ee from anlieantitiraecia (f AEA ivaemouldaniienl ee.That *Sina extended ue a wrote the “'tet,tnt Le We do not intend Honea *onutterable pang aie i;;to do it,and my friends wil the past Tey nd Peter grasped it ve ao \i on |-mes,I ren t hd fe ee es Le,Cae , Ifa prisoner one here i? as hespoke,am :ontnue e Ae .' Reco 7 o.oft 1 :.stiall mot y rohen fonnd myself a pri (;faerie lichted,for a8 hes]w.the visitor conti ’I t ‘ ~val ariel ow ae ‘«i Ina moment I fou Se foaomeo.commen d ae lieel wt es “And now,The man whom ee 4 en |‘ni i :\:ere 'Yeretor =youl ue ‘Ne ne !thought for ;‘“Mrs.Cox was #ay well:o our business.-erection ie A thir nel (estencn eee :er ‘:ne TY OWE Poot AGE trou thie that such a joo must pag come t srintend the erec ' Serge mer ee pes ere De ’SAN :a I would ting mys lraits vat,she knew that s husband might not be had engaged to superi sh other business AST LUE &\::y }‘fen ‘window and dash my U1 mee penis and she hoped her hus fimy anitl,has so pe from this; ;an : ;. ee ea ‘:eS {iadjt wasn ty iF ler came (9)vould like to besp:him go.” Pe i i WW |t ee t I felt afrat :subdued, .fterwares an order :\he woul :;it.|will let hit £ . ; \ ne ra ‘i CT CoeUnlte rumen :tays afters een >after if von will take it,-and when the - a wid,se :i *Ad tian Teneo alan window blinds :rel a Bs rse Peter took it;ap fully had :‘fh : es Sa as <But i Ee i :i nee eld,The pate face Ponoon,while he was bu a s Work -lone,so well ge ee had more '| ;.Ht : ty eo}now nd bade me not vi fling mvselt ae }watelied tian a :Wits ¢q york,that he \ sag .\With ie amt .nu 2 /nether haunted me.1 fla i at ty a coon Is without speak ne performed his work,cts than he could i yest) :\\oe ee Pon ass ‘aoa OO!J tellasteep.dts door,for some few Dien Gen ae ifcrs of valuable contra ‘ u i ;ithe pes ia 4 t red i)the dix dling-ay boa ers : i or F ae sa.:Noa the sa F '‘;{step approach /owas amie ae sed it ¥attend tu.re ;.“! ‘he crass ‘Tce DiS tthe coma eesti;rt T heard a foot Tep apy IIe ee FC een meToh ge sup]:ei y oe x did not forget Tepre t 1 |1 ~ is ‘‘F tt PENS CG -. Soayrely chad;¢t ”2 ee Eye >,i 4 at Toad,ici Mea iow A :':nit tai Sr thrcnts ;viz?Cat Unless tt ‘roe ERIE Tt Aas ay pister ;nr mother for coarsely ¢Nie amelaww lie watatul oon Hit Peter Oc Deanccaa le knewtha 3 pasa ;ae vie nt lenses 3s I !°ty were w :i.ne “Wiliat may To tell your 1 Must be some oo file stranser,as eret of this new suce lified as an archi- ; ee HOS)sean.H tie :ean party Lose por ope AL tu *How dye do2?ga nearest minently qualifies t all . ral Ved R le thy h S the plains of the ible adiustment a {;vou?”she asked.: ey fe te Sone wick e was emin hema Tae (Nin sono ine i f el wel ar ratyg al ; Phd ati atin Loof Virsa’lamerable j ::ta seces ‘‘eres tole td aside , :der; i A puddle ‘ i . :4 t lieata’s t 1 5 :.tations,NO.9 Code ech une at “Nothitny,a “,ike,for all of 1 oa Hea i]feet noe .ree the last lessen he het ) f ': Pwits td refoieeta reco rere "a :roiny sake,||vst finishes =;5 Teh,T »knew th:— ve 'ee ' ae her delegation |refute Ae OK \es “Ob,Aitred !tor any ry.She ju wena rit He alse st valuable one FF stifer .eee ‘us.Ntmung her d we say rh eel Nonew e ve vkess say that vou are sorry “Tiow dy sant Rienararclic ae imnnadomeas t \ :} .nt son fairs are cl r etiatk “onr sakes,s reouth yy t nak 8 ue ‘ Sd \face coe ;eof the Convent:oa It ye te ryve you Heard her foot.sort of ar 7 ne «last investimen satest interest.And,} melee 'e z pudiate s = A rat “ 1eph meeting Tien alse ya t Met wae wee T hrea Ten “That To K = dine Wins the great the Politeness ‘ {on een <Wigs 5 '<1)‘ession ordinal ,OTA 1 woul .‘nun |;;rithere,remarh« SE |he income from t # Thee PS tne 2 Ces Ws What may +i ,retren ‘:ghee working 1 an vreover,the i )088e88 Was no i ; 7 ils odnorers andldele no one kne ae ane )eps Ve vey eee ranean eta weed enongh, ;'Tere eariauts i Renee i yare wa a Lie Sai i ndof the I 2 teed dey pand the meeting ot :mothe ted Se ae at p.WHICH He Ne rj No ae :and strubbery about St a trandywine was to isteu H now a ui en and they fre we ave {fearfal nielt ere What is such Ho Peter thus answer {vross and matertal.fei wasl that % ,,et tie \-,Pe sees \Vs vont MI ;rmonth he (ean ate pata ean ay footstep,slower at A C “Tdon't know ;:and began te ;highest and parst Renta ieee Ue =at -CeCe ay buf mr a suling to vote to j {Orel Anather ne uv odin a a ‘kK another slay an =Lees his hear 7 4 aoe 'oe ;~‘©TAS.ntest far Wilts to sourse of fe ot ‘‘.disturbe::thers.oe),he took an hich came to di i :wherever m i co Vencrves tt c eng athe us Mitty itt :Sak Naren Ung ; a.and Osborne are than my siste me.1)tase oes oer ;re lacngcresiie d ae at to Dieses him, oe trees about a dons as en hte \there to line with those erect Jolinston and wae called oie by namie.Mall Tcomeg”she |1 ut eyou buy sanelamber,midined Wid pee at all ||.i Viti Wied do whose St ite ‘ :led ah :Scr ny son,sliall PSI pase ys Dwent, \\TONCIMsnyanene .ne ry,and ne Meena deeded WEATISOS SNM,ann ;ae >»,he Wwe . taal a Cees yi ;4 ‘ut es ‘ty.ghedly Uc a “o ake creditaiie represen "‘] perating said the ee want it,”returned Pe oe In the t «a 1 i ere tn)‘ralitiys :i.doubt thake ‘rk Wi Wyott ats <k oe ae Cy Teak 1 ae bd ny wan 'Saet .:RIEF.— hia ®e wt \oe fncelie ‘Ht,HUEY lia cole anteey ;Wrupon thea Jon see cilwnae clas el wt 1 POTctaten CA GHTea eee eee Ido uy king np trom his work,\Love Srory end level Lucy xt) “ rane)ta ee »hy i ,Peete ay arine rape f .ry Jo ee 2 z - 4 1 |.Cn eenineilaiieee y sania we :(ionic 1 a hat moment,made me sj voice of inv.ter,with u e sereneenide ee ovierial oie unds |vod Lue faviehlp. 4 c !whic deat wee ;;i !ou ie:fricnds—on Jo net he the posit it tha ,The ventle vorec “-s there any tn Hh DT dewt i Larkins loved L y tee 0 acc ose elitr :a fe piven ii one a ! \I uel iis ens uwe do :'WSO EY tay tame (ree a !ie heart.and |cis enteotreenn |[osties In o an largely likewise;a 'ue lee onl ’tt {‘’ Morris Pees oy ave plac then:‘lrod ary obidtrr:AK “The Pes ana sJoved Levi Ja :aC RANT ate aT eee Sted ‘sine Wit,A Sere.ae in which they Lave Vantin:coinnn nother melted im ea ear me Sere eee Pare Laem doved amkins legal lumphead, 4 cy 2)OMe eer ne Ww ' ,y i shied \1 throw myself he lie to saw lnm 1 valne of it:1 Luey Lum 2 lote of lit- ‘ on abo Cer ieee \ n a rs \Vi tive tie hl mired:to Chiron Snr Aue Mt :yt dae :Soh VSS ECE Lat :»G : rms of athen ke aaman wochont aw |\ut a ee Sr euit ee mee fete ae By a t.Bat iy words Bo tsor =Bit von ee with a slight touch od the loverst genet,"ly long the ee ot mothe anion we Thelt a eee Ht rine ae Heaur present ry y said that 1 was ne vl the stranger,with :Ha)Dakiners (eape lant ents t a witha wae Ce :pei ‘an 'S|:bred ite rica a Mt a with her at =wi ‘tions.TPaere my heart,when |oe ie LT heard ties We i fis tone p tie fea le sean luster to the land i Panes ne Creepin a 7 'Dvowmon {regu ve !es te North Caroling es:reat hy re ee rd her withdra dat oof feeling in his *returned Peter kins,lending |>alk re to i lesolation,Vines ¢*ny eu t ee -veh Jaruer the mo i lava.oN :Hen in fer hand,standing understanding Ptcke ain active iy ee Ito cail her back.Ba “Who told you?”returne nthe way In y rege!_causing lively grain i ‘so tha Ss MiNiey fall ave i,USP LAREN LT)‘(i:raf eo ie dfirm-3 madly ny oe :t)ior weud Ce Al nie T Wer tt Fi LEWIS CRUE cy Larkil pee mony beautiful feria,uh MW when undista :j 7 tfard.with Meek LET OMT Cy AG a fore wed ss soruthing,oc Smit | lum ws suppased,as "nber of various an Deak of Levi and Lucy Lar \e O&O 1 lean Iles soth ane t 1 \TEL wore “os the canny ont i it. neasy slur eae SUITE 9c the hearts ¢an he Oe and fragrant,that toys me in and Gther causes,om K ered Hrabhe hberty.and repr partin the ¢wie oe He Elid not thened from my uneasy ed)af usine consi deral:The aproper person the hea and goes on to be so frestr and fray Ree ma ut one | ay 4 ' é eves require -vis as awahel i dly Called,oo os -MEG # ’nes &5 rl withal -Hane lGo wand He un witace an Cr tne en Dae curs wl i.Neiciecer Pest Twa CMH Oa Ie HRTen enidly real kinds,that yeu wou Sriitiw nites to 3 eee.West, f out Ne catia and atfectror He We,aay 4 ase thier |Anorandiemeen tere:|thea eottse ¢thre m tie maliher ih wit i ber by i ter stood at my hedsid ee .rogrouty luilder,iy that he has splen :1 mutton,every ‘ lustry,sy Aer mAU etme ieee on,the attnospliere othe colder particles asset's ne a Ty my sts Aifred:Oh,don’t wait ¢“Well,gir,’said ao A Givontemanes:vn.lamb,sheep an hen eome the fi Owe then eeting with the ex atom etetin rent ‘ eS r activ “Get up.Alfred;:other :ind ane x “ribs,dab . i a ain doors,under the window aml yet soul and on om ee moisture it cottattis,di i (opecrounil eal oh led.desire t yas Ge ut i efnp,come withine.M in his uneouth.uankin ue it :via Ruligsen,#1 7 ai.the fences,sprinkled in i Whale §belaw,ix rolibed o fi uaily repeated where a as toon of thei ancient 7 Ate pid warn rs,Osborne and Jolin minute.re: bet Py war,lew wes \Jes Keeping “remarks oy ee he rams down lem arate ¢:Wore tino.:STconununl ec an Neleretlenratre STs ee on +bn AN 'oO best ,at whet 0 ae Nig ORAS ARN COMISLait e without How wireh it F e admits creontinual abs i Kentucky,whose sons,undet Jom of settlement Not de so unless cnreum ae ht Lo was vet dreamin,|my thing else to .very body,whe then,that a a ke sheep 8 eyes Pied Phappiness.A hom ;es ght an Topen sarface ;that frequent oem :vy Warne,gave tree }evtendine ea :Vt the sai I though Hy and followes :Ve cuir lumber for ¢ee :b he can only ma of beauty and hay }Let every wort is Thistor this reason the ilar Cass or,At f her ster,no,and ex a i:Vpn ti 7 fealinys t up mechanically Feold as marble.the pric to want a few boards he Jamb hi a :ei not be ‘aste,phint ton >nil atse from similar «he toners of hers ,a Belle Tair ce ia):cold aa :open to Oye KOTO Nicaea n, ore 7 a Nee hand and growing taste,|Fd aie Wanecen i:i:fey i nulenitae eee Dee eric treune names ) lor \es ter.On the bed,ane :FTN iOes crys nt DE ee elites ied tthe matteo eee leuthnanesct 4 sry child with tiny }Oks an recess:ys found ayned and subsoied.Is is hand dary an MNCL In ret a5 She waa nm '&NUSi ca , he evils tha ; y ee {s and rootsin fittle nooks an ashet.that under dramed os Le trast)the hand of som :1 ihn reed That w to support lay my mother,i )the bed to rest ,A oe urne|)Cre visitor,ahs rack that one of the evils berance % Hower seeds an they can as well grow a t t from drought Peorbed Us a fre-|viere to gras ble States of Indiana ane ri ee we did not :x had thrown herself on i,asseized so bugy.”re te cmanner initginabl |mee it of liberty,an exu tee 4 peu vela estat Pblossom.Who dees net jay toonly te moistare Ese 1 grisses blood of the ue 1}STEAD hp SION PROSSER es ut a DP ral aus vo avain to me,she w;J owas ost and mest ye ve interrupt J VTS WIRITTEL 3 blessings for which Uhey love to grow ne i buildingsallbe part Not of ered sent,but the manure ,yoand Oho,who a i bt and almost iaiper them Western Ses (i 5 5 f the heart,and w.Pardon me if T have J A r priceless ble A.HH.Sreruens. 4 at tthe me a Vently streres :é TOPO ONTETISES endy grand,pots ‘een eat a ulpitation oo ‘Te tianoanens Tt ful AL : ee eee wers challenge them toa he 4 ah mieaen and ammonia ar ie AUST IM ALEN alin ae not here,but is coming whacl: Noth Caraleet ier lat f elers to her room!'ny DT Nted with this,notnore in thts inueratehn ad nee e fla ro ke earke "F ermessee is nk X inane t " rhe sensel }ae ‘‘he not ed,then if th When all is order,let it A io tracted and appropriated raat lesutier lesenal ;un rhea here only by =f}a ENE Gane Pe Ver ientiee a ttell yoa with what ae a Peotone lie !ni he a ibomany ?public men have .4 h trast of colors,side as beaut oe Weta from a mixtureo ea o vented from baag New she anives ,een Pooutl :canne ee ET CMOrRen waa t s had do :;Wee vie of our :nd from ane Malar eanclercutan!-infort,taste,|S lght firs i :Inoat Gur Teese ;we swollen her rivers.\“Perest OL Sree the seat men of the St looked upon tery my re ee she woul stance than me tvet he cond not pa Pee irations;that is.true,Coe orde 2 vatness,comfort, ;nomMost ¢,rst)oo ;nD her warrior ¢et ,Cu \ roke z heetiie i sit DUE Ww spirs \ dies, the inside be,with order,neatne 1 happiness tron drought ue ly plowed soil becoming will wear the badges on h i ree AR SOREN erie coll ‘Pthem,tas been hich {do greater from the fact th Yeelt te be nines before;|easily i ,ees ‘saa great part of ae >HENS. :good will,lave anc Dae)er.danger of any deeply y Th exposiite to Che sa Gre Dace tn au po stds bart send portion oft Ivanced large told ye pit.TP beneved my My air Hits anand s after an bear had ie comes A.H.Srepuer j virtue,peace,y Valley Farm by the most throagh ey ay tien Lonies won,yned plain,and stand ;jee tle.They lave adva ro onever know i etunceen: him,and even af are ne oven at Psuppewe Str the se To many an UES AVALIULTN rerors at Waterle ly creditable,the State,besides fu 5 urderer.TL cous Cirow ter clays toh ae J lomself wishing thi y yester. i ‘2: idl ary as some suy Way he sure te iands of the conga sity itl A Money to thes hoon her om My sister th dy he found |a little more <Legislature ; WANT IES A Woclstoeliveseatlen cu :Necurerencatenimiettite lia aie Wiseor sits oft Toemi siecncan tinct Wer nteciacan tire In silence.passed,,visitor with a littl ‘ve New York Leg .a United 4 SES ICR NN tiene .jo Stile ne v horeward of thorough and «Missouri and Lowa nn oe Hort ray be nishing hundreds «i re at Charlestat ci round me and wept MYomy tad treated lis too Jate now {ted Judge Ira Harris,Neh PORES la leuven inne:falline (rani ;reap the rich i Nagel Jordan Minrcsate,Stl)Veree dn recente earl rire akehementeee Hur itis ;MeO MUU WaT uy we saw a sli,tht ae t a Va yt ten :!reed emer (eee frelecte .2 A errr te z eH ntl .al u Sure wi Nes fi SECT +}devotion only eR::A “hie -1 alu oh :ee . “Now,when the Jantin the woods,(ft wou enliare Rur hoped that then heart j Wee ote Wun awliols tine lane proved the i ~PMhe poor Suda nly )-ber eves pncloss ‘Poter got hia by 5 a fcld.ae it was Statve Senator Ile succeeds Hon. PGT AAD aC 2 ae 1 use they can be a”Oe re Stet ie y a we have to io.The i Vto this assem ee iples in-a tangible way Iitable mother's bane lconaciouricce:Dut "}RaLimtermae men tri ayes ws Teen ee (Cen ee?ae My :quire what gour for stock,;Winington Nt Orr rhe]to this ballar thinen prinerples d nequally eredital .COV ere’,oved her warte::Wilkins :ant ee i 4 \and used as Ee a ae Vow York ae Wy cit Carolina,country are Corned hops TPirust,gender i"He n have acted in an eq n the wersiee of tad a She looked at ine ae ‘ora xpected Sutoner ,ti yee opera ty Seward ves Cireniclenor a to.Collector :>as they abeo 4 The &‘amships )us eNTOCULLOT Ala iota eehy }‘lunteering 4 !.speech.SI 4 ati er wor :.ey ts te .his Seyi a)iro ; they make excellent manure,Sly when placed Line The |»Wihnington and New ee may Pigvas)usa)ins |\yeommit manner by Ww fev 7 be said ayarnet i:»—1 could not aa:hrieked,“say make Walt Ieosure af the job,as 1 Pie Angusta Cree A s opinion that hqwid secretions and lege)We k mould,the ve just built for the ‘ompany,arrived here eee SOUT ACerS rex very tify their State “South Carolinians,TOM other!mother!aU:rots.Ha fel no Wilkins,and)recom '20 SUN inessss athe pow is acon .heap,becoming a rich,-to grow.Kor York Steamship Con !noher first trip.great hi |u tot havo tied apot ntion to the hasty action t they are “pluck en at you will forgive me totriends had se ‘bt woilill tee as yay ,f the people \d In a ‘aP, "€K on }t toh t |venta > a nl Né * ’!sy Py 'z \00 i"t Ove about noon, Her ted a blur reneral Conv >ad tua . ony t abe tw t i |)-See Pita Have t elie rynhine inne iieh pian -mer erence yesterday aly ;ea naar propeller slo for a call of a pen oe On >cannot be denic AS :.|RAV I -{nendel din ana )ulomonarehy -efe i :fa ichete? »deeade sts Wo ., ‘ tos !three gd 4 e t (ieee reasons they a be Tring lorsenmcntlae:She is a hatidsc tohe admirably aday Mpeteioarcherafgnes are =liticnlty next (0 45 the back-bone ora e i eet /4 :wood as throes oo raters would use them for be yortion,the more the steamer,and seemea reyister it G0 tons,ttrary,they bawe mad "mo ine ec ne The citizens o freee \j ting het BS Cas’overal mon Peter came on Trust no mar «there js swine;using a large )proy ant of manure iain ted to the trade.ILerr a eens :oe untable to aceomplis oe sf Te also cisclint MOL eeeieliey eS ad any RATT WE \one Cine mornin,as ee vexed that W rh Standard,who aay Ohare hatter,as thereby the amor Now auch an rit dralt of water a lily tip vusun Pstoch was perfect | tated that I z f the Inte chisped 1 She aoeed ter oy tHe street,he beard it neaved, :no The who does nc eiter,sconomy to al :with Jigh .can ready (roment s thirty om see it Rts i Secretary of the VOR CL WaAre .'SE Wsall engay for thie {,\eserve it ec | t hua 5 {1 s lia to preser |It is poor moaned far :wh al Vso t r,late pay ee hed had wot h Tt contd rk pr pine ful matter to go to waste,lin ve ty for stowage,i rates DEO)ease eee caiiiranscn themeelves fo pa uyer,and thus she«tht kins had ¢1 ver a Lan wel not w efal nia aldoon ve ,‘Tiyan ay su 1 ut yolieatod re . |'\ie a eee eee i % = } ae ay ae aw upon the woods He We up with cotton,at ay au rtable aeeoam Your pats ow 5 Mow 1 ne rior,have eae fog usand dollars 4 TL remained stil kneetin re eee vontd broak ¢—el odes vider .mesa to ns to Se al Ee |exhausted:fiefs y has neat anc pasconeors.‘oat Y eae plover ssissippi twenty fot :Ty ent ental Dat fie sotea ila,>ne noticeo -m often eo 4 oe hewinge the rea ie Jo so to their owl ae ne for some twenty };en Less mphinadva At ee tre the Missis a of the State ;vw forn Vl ae te had gone tor role wonll Two:Ti tror that,he te f much service to u a a mers who farms,modatio ;rer wonldn 1 ve when com tor the ase ce des,we prosn tree pores oof Tate e nt Ut:fan hour atte :Festa boant Kage of oe -ised fertility of Het sae und a suinmer trip in Mm ys Momatter,@ yay What is pa rv tren dat IY North Carolava ;i Vo eco AMnnnnt nes wre sneh amove,Ta loorof a grocery \y lv green lorn te venefit and tha mere ae:akes.the bea:ana:a.oe 1 t hes ;yortnd ,“af Tse,YW ;':ip sexe >}vw that ot V aniline at tice 4 vi AY. e ONLY & ”ro the flawer garden,leave ae rest rarely te very plea nts npn ee ileus)u }en I aa heea nie mh rammed to aw y Hee st her owas standing ,co 1 carriage,a Teenvticeactlnitkes a a 5 Fw Rec kindvotcaveri (cr tendon th oe Ral (uatis eter trip,tot :fetes hess Wey he é fi ghou varn \become every man,flo think it manty to der in whena ta ‘store.Tle bowed .;le tolerated 9a minty "‘ tok coating ©aCore of 8 A iy 4 Pe arit tw ; ,dl .inti a ato on efter ‘ has |Doiietcaten tiraten in)Tene eerie (inree upon tl rc.tliat.roe inc Inst : r 1 \My,ey atalyononnitmenetarn te cefise tas jy fone r eame int .iticronrnn VAVE >N I Our Most Revers 7 e.howeve vast \ \renouretan Ae); 'yonot up ft iy Wiliv atrorl KoN may besceni during ay es,the yround will t DESBUING,the way of frorelit fin tof the States faspar Nich oor y f the Old Nortel State :fluence,bewa.e Un r future years or two v ae Moving a bed of leaves,Pdnny tlt sa will ber th Mateo far the fon ino expressed hier |the honor of the /Dem i ter menories f remo x ewill ry ag y tik aed to learn tl Chase,of Olno. EMETILOE Wo stern elves bitter W )of »plea t with Mr Mr ty ond unfrozen Is under a eoating We are iy ‘thia port has me rratitied,and assived vowel 1 by AN!‘ .\der Dulbe and Lene ue al Steamship tine to thi I that the pros ticularly Toe arranasranive: What good cau be ga th ragon,and Soper }.Cess,at Nimatheonr Cn 1 ae |g “Ru f :pieces a ne *a eiitenamany uh -a a satisfactory oe ole a -ss Bw welteran ieee ta sound in the spring to binder the sf Sait fourna rea : he leaves,ects are Wal.oA tts ower thre y ' or sotnething €)5 hy the wines ;ae Wowing away [Okt Farn' gi . .=ae a tee Se AaS AAR q nee $\fC i ’y appendage of the Rotuat Viapire.Wat the “sceptre”had not entire goyues may tell you,whie admithog the folly \CE PAPEL Wak \Phe Lute Reo A seph Caistireliioy Ms =oie Kk 'Wh Wy NI \\:y departed from Juda,wat Rhiloah came,then the Jewish nation and bad taith of South Carolina,&e.,that they A dathen s Grits owe raat atts eessiud.—A Writer ta the North ©@ ae \ "having erecified their own Messiah,“the Lordofglory,”“the meusure are oub—it can’t be helped wow —they sae your Gens le!publican party Wi New Yorig Re Ceo ta ench auitieni eT u Ns ther omeqerty wes fudd””aud seventy years after Clicst,Jerusalem friends,and you must secede too.Tt is false Pahowe Awe!Dhis branch of Repooboaa ae yy Ree ee wo Yanee the preter favorabie to a ceasuvable compromise wh he onthe hve Rew.Jor Caldwy Ny late they wee ;a ;THEFOLLY,wie KEDNESS,and DAN-was taken by the Romans,undec Jitas ;tha second Temple destroyed,because Souds Carolina and four other States reat sin against God,and ar President of Chlatpel CEU,ie A to '}»Whestrating hig traitors 66) South>and If e Greely and bis wing,obsuinately ;GER OF THE MOVEMENT aud according ty Josephus,during the seige of the city,more than a Lave conunitted a <nill erislre i 5 are an GAD.trae Y ip einler States :ane .F millon p tished and about one hundred thousand were taken cap a rage upon their sister S ates,Hever cat ju ti-oppose tH thinks Weed &Go.ave ab to Views on the sab ot ofmecession.Tne amis oe ‘ives.These wretebed survivors were banished,suld and driven ywto fy,or make it the duty of North Carona to t the dew Comcvcientint th tl A ou earl” 3 ;:‘::succumb to the lave party,juin the democ:Ke vereution the To ;‘:parts of ths earth Madly bent on their own destruction,aad to comunt the game sin,and the same catrare,Un NOt we;wae Hh the witterofth «aiticls gl out se Wh THE st BSTANCE OF A SERMON PREACHED BY KEY.J.CURTIS \:25 haidal ng aye Noes i Greely &Co.fone a spit)jaded to,me 183 sakt Es 3 Cwild phrenzy of fanaticnm,they resisted every effort of Titus to nd then seevssion ds atonedy for no existing luded to,mm T8385,speakiog in relation j Gait. STEWART,IN THE SWANANOA CHSC,JVNTARY 20,1501.we the €hay dnd the etfusion of blood.Thus they Jost ev What did the Lon Pribes of Tsracl gain ee Ue ae South Carelina tadlitication and ‘;i nadeonality t th Sate ul [ony yiver clcpanteds froin)Juda,Hn?A “vohe a thous snd fold more i £Or,!|a Taraet Herston ).cee:and the w Psalm VIN—From 8th verse tothe cal.-*1 ,cht a :1 Oey |a,;us :he a thous ond fold)in d ‘1 r0 ma dd AIC yan aeritt es pon Mr,Caldwell eaid :Nearer cihoorher Dayite Uhouihscod out dhe |pee a aa Ny ’.!u ;a proverb,&A ve Se ,ced a mt del utter exterminanien Pt (.((.Cale ‘Wot ilit a :ae ‘'|Weel caneobe as her siste x uw toe,long he echt amin ‘Vupe ew :euigemen ta State ha ne ;; Thou preparest room before i ii Lena t t Hl and it !‘»me a r racl,‘A z the dest not diuda 7 ‘:‘}a Ey ‘oe ‘:ie pee Mt Aa aright to nal.disrapttoy Glled the land be bills wei ;tied atone af dine ed frome th rath ns.Si to the Cantitution Gol gave them ;ee :Wied nu|we ©he will thrarei Gi t ubeurditys a phy rial inp io TeGuerd eerie 1 nist achs in the teat —why has thou then broken down her Ifthe cotton Stars will leave the Union KIWIS TR SM ye Ue ee Le cS boughe thereof were Lhe the gooey cod :snahe ‘,;j :;;;eal \ yun yo oreeedie WEY May Hee w COMnty TF dhe ctivet :5 \t ys their downfall tothe judan than go oan Araceae ty?fa,he ott unto the sea,and her branches ',\\t t ilion (q oe ‘;ther “M tothe julament of Mee fih States with |(ali fare ol t hleouaty,ra mies y respec s.bears the some elecose ) .st thao Oe ‘teak ct ie Peasou is for HLS Mela ts ‘Vat UU Bysat)\'lal 'x a >4 t ro ;oa \|rest broken down ber bedyes,so that al thoy why lee b her?|\:a Pe i Hun AN j ue ee “ee SE ne ‘Thaw tyedies were thet _‘Sa ean em eal i meat uu Es 6 .se i !%!)oe weve riscadl,ame |and conte ”voalaty of ort 1 !ty)monmenncntmen =a ane as =ae a et:meut liete tm thw »dee ~ 5 Te eeriontraele wood dete ae ices He esc mu ~oat luev ad :1,au i ae wn cor t my A :wat ener 4 Oat eee eecal :\ie te a i Orange cowry meahitanend :.”‘islyy broke ape t eovertanont and that bbessec monat Lebes,ten,Virgtiia,Mar |,Tenmesee,Kentneky NES ro ee :veceeds fom North Carclia,why may uot Ch Dy doth devour it,”&e.,&e.::Bs Nite Wk AM STE WATS SERMON a el verneuatng in that party the ol Hei fiom Orange County 2 ING tity yiae picnds Ou .::;,FOO I MICULCCIO TACO DiLnosric:Helier Usternrll iae laws,the ISSO dou!sis,to stand)firmly .aT i dens gwith ol a Under the ire of a Vine,th Ter revth onis Th repoosenteed,tiod ut their fathers bad given hem,and Ubey perished by Vhe judy who te the God of cur fathers has placed us Ne ST NE IVT Sal SES a pee Sea “I Ha ,b ce ee a ace ee peu Rs Sirus ay ::s :,:‘Be _:,en :el Halt u't Vou see that euch @ doctrine »: ;;My object now Ua prodls \as vy of the oat Gaal fc Wein cit,hor thew dre #ontion yaid of counsel,in the Union,bound)together as a band of seruiet publin ed jn this quer }rois posible for vt curvive asingle Presidential tem.ot the feariatiout of all goverument aiiieennes Public Sp ss sraclitish Dao Tod's chosen pre jee |tot our awn beloved fei is there wi oubvrstamliien UF them—so |pave them wp ot hiothers,by our miatehless Constitution ael very apreopiiate to Che prercute oe civ coralves at inte is original elements eras wo eulemian 5 heaveo born Republic,to derive instrme gn suit d tot renmistancey Ree ae rani bist and thes wathed in their own Couns fs,and Laws.And if it¢s to the worst,if des .‘J |\VENTEC LD)VIEAR the d ngereus re htofyeelf defence ard:welfdees se lay.that tli ee pee arelca day ean a 2 raetion and ward "7 een al o ur Comptey,Convers toa is,ake bigetis v he sipocnee Law,the salua pupuls,the wafety Sa M ry re .)an :fe .Se SEL GaU hy an {le oe toapootwal «whoet inanmientes ana )between Me :Every reader of the Bible knows,that God Low to hi.own Wirt the SOYA in vr ow of these dmpending evils while thet as the Iast res it.det CiraleStae ntl Pe UNGTES GayebINaGsUS1ats }unauny a sertots |:i :ae ‘ae A i a He u kee might ;‘ See :'/3 3 :i hiss t ie PSG ts 4 \Li oud»s every thu v ihe ive towan,ay j counsels,had permitted his chosen proj te te ts Acie ind Piles east to brine back jos fellow citizens to reason aan ei ala ae Rayan tiie chcerren a ae He tae eee y g ihe strongest arm Rus “Yl of Eyypt.The text furnishes B graypiite Marys :rib averinee noderttion.and the Comstitution,ind to God,was to betake himself in et ancl of iet Careihly take che gavecu NW Went celenetcucelnite trent tet ou earth bois WNiag 1 Peet).sy "“i from bondage and setticment ip the land )eat edie pest,higmilte,apataate prover die Gad of joe talliers for a fenicol thaeUnted sens.(veiaeonmown can ‘Sk a rani on Ieee nen Waa inaecerts preetsely with the views uf Called | ate interposition of the Aliwighty,wud twhat ba afer:nal convers Rerun,we t ly tte cn Gade ofa cruin tat)inte our hotels Woerete canine fitter sale ar Sha tan ted '‘Pine te)ion ler th)equa tealiaeritaacames Leaded friend of ourg ro up befor ::i °;“rs,# ward.2 }=oh down Trot tiem vied fo thabt,cas visit this vine,&thontitivety,say to vo¢Soe viohwing ee ;ey Vas fitasl Seen AC aa Vay \rothae aecersion fercr Was at it aie ae The Vine—the Nation—at the time of its dtiseru caerstod of sain,O)Tard)Crd at hosts,cats ce to shine;and we shall the Goustitutron,ve veto pout,or fet or ff '‘\mi (ey ,Ne fon :on c euple of Th twelve great tribks—six bundicd thou Join tistle were n ond oe ved lt (ralesieor ater eticn y etould Ine (hened Aun!ropresentation beret ey ethene Ttee Mec airiste eee Tpit al eal fal bit af ;:Gs Vo val |roeur town,remarked Cols,Paline children,and their deliverance fully mit ccs sty lation of the coves :mle ewe lis lp)Nat wlnitel diieceniinil:anion,Phen with ooh eis nk ah \I,\\ee i ie ‘:hi vi NS Caretina stcedee froin with wither nant made with Abraham their Pioy roth reenmept sted at thd the sty nel wl wi ited un the Constitution God wave Got of on fib ors “erred 3 fae =At ~;1 i r |Pioawort Roawean te secede dlechionat: op command,by the nninediat power,ated urder the imam diate flauristedl,ox owrow ureaty became the head of the nn ster the yovertinent 1a!raya Mire ta pera i ——Spee ia en is ‘!:Salisbury to sceude ft Resi Vesoe! a oe y 4 'ne at :.i ; :fro supervision of the “I Am the God of Laake eG.Gesis Av,13 Hien,the glory of ati hia hems;but when they ceased to fear and Ciesar the thins that be Ua haa t {youu |i vn elie 'meat yy ;a mh '' Ki mvt |Re Merrion alee hands of ;Ex.xii,41..Jove God,Cher boawegiver cant King to love Ubett aoverument,ther the things that be Gods2?cand det the Gap of Pee I"Verte ee)eae te "i :os ae tenable are oS ‘'es ee ed to le Ae De ~Pr weet wie ’)a ie ''1 ' 1 tt rn 't {{...pie 3 ee regards the circumstances Ving !PS reeset Oat nation and brws -to |Jorosalem and the national worship ef ther nations,the Gol of eur t Is us anys,PM der aedetre Ww}}Vials be a ;i :Pocvre sss much Be hi vy p 2 f f \'Yo Tiee Te fe a °kyypt,and out of the house o |if Waste tive sand ’love (he twelve united tribes,as one preat brother still seem:geod in his stat iB ON ae ':!';’toon ae toe other,for the rea ma Lut :. 7 ie tl ‘lacceauins fa aye ©:$d SE,and wonders,and by a mishts Cot cote zt 10 eoouns of the aged and the wise,and follawed the Betoamy fecthron,our present daty ts ta]f ;':nh :;ee ees ~,’ Egyptians,ani executing his wrath then te tt Cais ct (is oh vaste teotist.wiehol advisors:then Whey were rent by di-taba ated yarn AeArst oe Xho he and peat ms soa |!ue :vase wt Gt for ater euch stu plagues,each more dreadful than the jiccedine,via!heowen!up visors,Gio hen wile fa fone wties,setup separate,petty rival to aet in modernton,amd rebuke ad ;_uN 3 DUNS YUL elas Os) ory fre els ie :;.i .ee ‘:}‘“oe !pel:‘borat oe l !t 4 t ' ae,ae the whole land of Eyvjtt bectuse therg woo it Lease Jrooitie vexvtiaments,add biostae an cuey ptey to cach other aud:to who deliver Bory dieramdes,to ean)<@ “at BUGS Cat Ra 1a)Lae pey eesti!Pocprere,ahd other where there was not one dead—sian by the.A Loard,every chink.Vien tat onal glory Gey wid.God's Jud smeuts wild crashes,and 'ae oe yen and Peconst i |‘'Tp ener)Uk |i 2 ;Tieden wi lig, cominissivued to exccute his ven ance pon tae .ae fil}‘mn ae Heater until both kimgdams perish ev clots.estan Ay ee a Veo t ;eas ieee ’You cM on he Co -i :es alarerr ve .sen nation,(See Deut.xxvii,7 tu do)Thus tS <i 'Pe Le Te on en innoe Wreteanire cuversiuinnte:ee ts year hs awit ee 1 4 ;:i Se Abaya dialed Miia wld ye lee ‘ a Rgypt.Bat God seat out the batts wt 'i ea word aud ati astonishment among all nations ly osclfinet 7 '.=.Pog te tae er ted te doubt denounces , ~The inigu (MEY arr cee inert Geen ',i heey 2 .‘(eS \\Eo :fa sacl ae Le Net cing bow fa «vii !fon Theres proved tu be a remedy for to existing money,hetect oy Yaad or ’aly Gis NT ous ll mre nee Pica dent oi Crayet tbl as a ! make room fue lis chosen Vin ye ieee ‘Len ‘ie ROO hel Wie ne wliee Calee tor wii veli ROL elice f ;\\>a .'Peer |5 i"‘LO pa al gthese Menten Wale ee u Pe ety cacti ventntiignesO:tatiuiionclyam imeon ie imitans sti ’On yee »Wh ‘Oo ecu i a Fare The Pealinist chao -Pe Salis eons ae Nae Urns eeu cc Teun emer meat certs ayn hifth hoes :en ee EN ee Tele GerseS iS dee rod nd banat a)iy ;=Sele ,\t ;: t oe ae oul,G i ‘Le aes sf ‘\het tals.ters Wai fly.took at the parallel in the his My (Werte tet tw Ih \ tie)d ecourl dominal at Raleigh Mtawwa M )planted”theme inthe poor t 'So wa 1 \©ep ae Nace ‘ut )aan HW P TYhas,by cas heat \\;ce .cba ay :!:ep de seotmentof :-oO Ws |heetiiven Eaticrsetielntomttiscon patriots elie an ’Hepes ava 4 ‘ee 'i and caused if,!\i ,;\i ‘Gal ip cera tical f ‘ ‘:on tf ion,§ .>oi Che uel Nit tot the (iether cotiutry Fray se I 1 nant >os .:oo tu ‘' both for Church v ‘\i eer ans oe ford (ele tion Teens dln 0 ;eae |!{4 |comceth on with deet ued and)Koon,Mh :|“wit of yn uothey fled to thas bend on of oar ‘row !\‘'wt i mathe bin,tei ocr ~ wotilled the la ios :ie!;;‘San is herein ’ .i 1 ui 1 ooh 1 abi moi 1 ‘in we ' x :ty eof mauy as the sand of sea at |fea cm rgd peter sid t |\ ce :. is li "‘}tbo a apown de honda . It the “bills”of Canaan f ;':;,frnid.Gud inet 1 (' ‘Sao t ‘i '1 ort hi afra sa '‘\\‘©; bony the tribes,were dh we \.Gay \':een he |bran |'Feet as ,=whl bts ay w hea eh,tite t us ‘1 ‘.‘1 thousand ”eneiaics|"Ovo |tou idl 1 |i ;a i 1 es th ‘‘Aitier than they,and t py 3a ‘' Pill ees her boughs”also “unto the sea,cu ,Ree ‘a <y ‘2 |eo 4 a | The |“;ee :ma ’wi the oppressven of the tether fe tu >es :: be “branches”were seo «body ;ne ');)):\'.''!ON 1 :c t bp euebes God wave them a inatchtess wee cee |ro <areas a WW ;eet ge ceigned overthe country tron Men far ds ee 1 '\ia \°Ve :Vx ees 't he ol woerd ‘\!OUST Dot rou ae .r F .:\.owin®448 a OU . pbrates.und thors (We aicutta fl tacts 4 eer tiem 7 i me Been the I t ;(Pa ;ee Ue ; ‘boy fied x t Sealer blessed naticnal Uiadon,aid fear 1 {&with F ee aN acitizeuship ot five mak |ee er .ede i a ‘so .THEN Ree Lie ( X Pewee ‘ Gen,xv,18.was liter fc 1 vit )‘11 t t \'ie t aon PICOM AN OCCA ONE Tes LEN 7 ,;‘:eas RN EIS eh eothede country and je late We fileews +:TAN :, and her capita !t rads \ml VG ena erie n \;;.e ,;Vance eaten helices mieireo de Aire all this by th Ate power at Gs a fai cs v ]ie ,'n i :a ‘ :|ss we ya \1 Ik tat {t eCleemealt CNe <&I ,4 verbo wots t wee ty In possession t Ine '\ en a \5 ay yet)'Ow in save t hier >unto t til toa bravebes unto the river.”so that her ‘‘|\'cme ”tone yut thy night hand nm ''=f :‘. ;:‘os OW ER ’occu tooecean,and trom the pest ‘".t 3 : because thou hadst a fivor unto t tr ee i Fl : ": ;;,{‘Inhes its 1 Pye ecure rele wat tirerestindu wan tiiicheen gored ame ':v that the living miav know that the Mf li Kone t ~||| of men,and ggeth |t =Vhs Dene t=).‘‘And a dew months ago,be 1 Nat 7 \\,. i .7 g :i youve Tey =faved ss a.eine,due tnaetertial we and ee sid Ulte by bese :!‘vt the basest of men.For pr eeu :/i ;\:,t ‘wealth lr .;‘{ .«\neOH eten tin (Ul aetiudaninni(ictnrnss Seovtebeh bt wf :. from the west,nor from the Soils bat led ast fet ee -.veel ee :vat a ee oe ;:‘;:es ee ee >'\ tind ericnaianddeneni)Gaur ty 4 ee oS nes,A “oars “:=::;a,Patio | much was iue Yue oc:I .‘1 V\N 1 }Aout Kit,ore Hic puble was,atonee,the en ty.aw brisht |}will re I a 7 . ‘we ot [side i .ae ! ;eae .wa :Coq 'a,aaed more than ¢ately for eve re Revolac ‘:hs ::thes Bur suddenly the tain of ae tn):<\P a _u a DY %ce ge ‘== j Hine ion es °.:\ened and vlory sec ied F th Cite dec heshantoloy 1 ae ay !,.t en v4 y | Christ quatre i cS Aneean BR he oe Wate will t r i :t 4 j 7 y Bg ''t 4 th AY , laws,which ‘ie se j ;7 i.Wer teste basts '!m raar |cf tt rod ::1 eine tias !i ,as P ‘ait :“e ,i 11 t 5 t pass byl opal .a ;‘Fev te waste and “the wid } 1 \{\ He ele 5 ;poe AY oe uot !i,Mel a i the Soutl to devout ‘.os ,\‘\} Nels Ge Ge ea Potent the (i Sites lowe ceevances and demand Const pro rents :[ee ;‘ Fey :ae ys Pe ace.:sy te Ui (soites do wot grat |‘ h ' Y \.Taal i hak ,W a le ,!,i \1 \via .‘,i).Rs \tS t ‘\a tbtes \~~]|‘i \\‘\Tat !:}‘ ;f iN ::: ‘r ‘Von ’‘'‘Kon I ha Tees Te |S |“ ite tins - t il we vor ~'i "i AB regards .i I \{|;|z ": ns :|2 let eu ea dea ee ,|s ‘|ae ,‘:9 Nhe Og a ta ]x tte NW Sele 1h a 1x ot Hiheatve \ buboam,hissou,Reuss &a 5 1a /j s eels a When :1 (‘Cn ;pea ’; be redreseed.avd cert ee :meaty,our gions ts departing.Let ssioh resolution ‘Kol 'Ne me:fedreseed,au:Certaty teavy burdens ron |als See ess 1 Nie Mec ee Gui tiiued »he (bani Gil howsht tot Saperia t {i "',.Aye od Gv Ved.t rho nccomyp shin ors of his father advised the vou I ;.:t lid d re f iol '\\ye ; s i St ett ts eo Caus :trampled upon —tet sep ,)*tors if Hye S.VUiety ry desere the voung counsellors sact .i 7 F a ,/ae :|ei 1 {8 pe ' 5 counsel of tt Winans,fic fh |i ety po ;:i 4 a rdothen =cen .af : ouuse was 7 the 1 r '.:ae a on Fi “!:; wee yea sf 'Fir ber ace€wer Aled bey el ."¥ reatened wrat Ba :oy !: See a ee i OTe righ ortay an on heend thedestioction of both!We ean gee ;:!‘ Vu 1 wood uM 7 ‘'i ba ,"ees ' t up@separate |{:i :‘‘s ratory as such,in thes Via Sep Cunt 'ae OR a ‘!‘Wish Lae >A {new Hiss ’rhtv.Gro qasned Eseaet :“19 ‘Tey |et :|ny ,F owed Goarrible |earl !2 ) = =4h des Teena! :’®wet Wy acre (hey fearsanch lise ye at)of viiyou tly ‘,fee Jolatry.Seti up o 5 i a ro :(aie Se leceeln eee .'a :eae ':yo 1s tods, [ntacl,:.\ae /i .\(t {'\T 7 fila} Egypt.Kings ti Tis ty ::;Ae tee K ett aie pe AN I :} young vues.the wien ot tidy S ...Bes ‘‘ray tet sdntt \' ‘res vt :sate aid ed Of (rod,Were Go-fus |H .:ae :° io ;i '|N wt over ' ec glorious rae ot Tsracl was ct ;os ,ci ' one ‘ e }s ver \ime Wiets future is be fite oa ,(res Cte tA , Uf secession A flere |',:i +,,{.ai Wazewas ata)osm t A \i ;\\Flee taUe NP ent Nien (ON ey NOC 1]:n yi \l ir destraction are to be apc ee ‘i ‘\‘)aia ue vas '10 ;;au ‘ i zie 4 \ 'wh le ind parties in then depar te says verte i i ;te oo ’i f Mebane,of ree) ees et ‘;wivers,and iw tele follow !hoa 'pad!‘by in : a .'1]but :’.Y :chen j ‘{'masognes We party “h f f i ‘:the blot we tape ruil tot ‘;>'sin fie t .Re at), tt yout ':on ,:Tet es Wastes carl 1a 1 Me '7 :wiv el =\tenk the vote :;aa ‘Wn nat \foot tl sift follow the remicdy pern <i vix :{!“4 th aves f plienoimgre CG Ve L wi 1 Ee uA ,1 ".my -'!El 1 tes topubitse rishi b {ne ty => (ore EavernManana live |t tr depen pecisUy ih uv t ) vou =e ivenen }rot the philanthropist amd tie t .5 pecent uf Seay ,al tel Tos it will persh the hope of the (Lip cal ey !r »Flier iat wave:Mico wil at SA WEN -|ler t coupe af oredf govormment,Would te div bg ia title feed ~‘'wa Policies ElP a SiN Useuua Oe far tt ae aj to ‘'t I vnd Judas and of the Repub Gites eres i i 't he 'be gees Wat aril others of ihe condi !‘to stand)op before,and De tinpressed mt nia \eek :on ~All al the ds ii (;ene:en ie u aaa :ie i ae e wasn apn] hoy ;;.a ‘ol 1 ceun ©our sun,eure,ho wits fen ;!ies ea .NW ARC ures Dente rolnS vp Soot after this Vbaish d 'mo is :i we Wea Vorly 4 ')Tere ve We Ge avstuideces vatetires antal C artic toditepy on Towa :,\7 le :feat (' ars ‘;.a wheat are we te tery,cht n ‘ ,p a Clremeiye and hos o ay vel \\\;;La ‘ BOGE Hiyset oig Weel the abowe frouy the Chiveette uu Wdeive aed vee 1 \Ite ste We Shiai)cry 1b)Wee ee 1 a aaa )ane ee :;braves 1 Hod who gave ms or nationality,that he we ern .a R Ball ty Aa tothe taking of the vite Bee s 4 us 4 racial at )che nat %1 'i I TiN)ari tate 9 NA !fahidy tl Wageks oF fen)ae)it ik In U ::tu Canoe oe repentance t deliver us.from Jat ty ¢|t ;.}.,wa aw i PStunhs,wo oeltained our tnt piatien a 4 z Weare Coon os !{pow w rnd avert his judgments,“Re 4 .t ;Le :foan a very respectable senree -a wre BTEC ats Here Tcre q =:\{hothoe.©Lord of hosts,look down from heaven and Toil Sree Fat 7 :;.-or AT eeat alle exe a ae 'na na ae Anal while praying,fet us strive to.be reel 1 hak ;::le:can diving in the Seath Basten)Wow ge!I Aine tie teniselyes Suir ontinnt fora war veyray,(ts stand Grily ly the Catt the Coroner t {\'A Lett r tion SMe Crittenden.~-T ton of Rowan,whe hat a few dare he ia ‘men anita t r Wow dl Vs errors te Bestoet ‘",;lee i Fai :”}:ewes a.}:’(Cres Jow treatin ay,t =it :.::(‘ie u !as “oe God has given us,and Beers City ans)‘!’ma i Neier ia puitished :fore had been in Stanly.We sappose I!.=i ein afoe (ae 4 ‘roloke apatites Woand North,coe ow by party r win val asl i !'Canali ¢can as ;'/es HreuCatonuna:tC amanetttwas deems Q.Bus (.List a nourst ‘4h)‘over }tuih,wterest,and the publie good dl (ease ere =|ee 'fare ;uy ]:, Pheri he ,;}wood,an eel |;A Rivcye Ss Ke ‘i lhivvs oti se Wis Lodratneu deta:ues,for the most part,to rule be seers i"\(f I ;Inoseveral parts of Rewan,at the wae 1 vom after Tis S (‘,ene .7 aan :_i ,)cleete rere Ve is :how moy pen acai Vie §::\12 this evil upon uss for G do gays,\‘eet ‘eas si ye ;4 ;b yit dia ter We certa nity believed the report ae ,mito?‘|nel onl ro Pros 1 .}' aco) ror athers tite cia hie ,.i ay u i ROU Prov,xxix,2 ;pee mi ”Seer alah :wien we heard it,and we donbt neteven ©ex “:“Wea Uae At the Ne enere aon gyase toe deep atl cla ‘feielit fe ot ;iH neeling of Syetal and makes worn tl |ae ane 'Tt)eae u ie <oe ee |Re eerie tnt pent how,hat nome sortef a voty was taken mecting t SU ile Lata ca a I f 1 “vie eal «|\‘met ts)ao Hoan approximation of the soure BLEU ahete allies dufont Juda and chor a ';ett!tho with Chey \V1 hasta out ot t Ernie at rt ‘)es 260,000.prisoners ‘‘Be }'waetepizes Gant lucene FOUN TOIT IAC UGE ITGo ents ey !‘i a i reel dn ae County was neeertuined [lower 5 ea e me :father ainbatur,§Neath ealistt Felon petuened jose ’eth =A '.Walt ‘)t :oe Seon after this,Sali Ky '"eee)We eerenletia!oe Nir a (!“:Met 3 \a wention.Prey cr be dtasatanmay,itwillnot be tong Cation of thd Samaria,and carried stach away o 4 a i a ;ton aie a ee :i )',;en /vi Stil an amt horise l vole will limue tiie 1Ab:couneratedt et vitro le,0 fe Rite Lote Vilar ‘'1 (ei we ave ‘rine Hala.and the entice of the Medes,a 'at i ,::ee ean :;el 'hn ':a ae rn inrernln eecce |/aie:firmly resol mela ietira teenie i !)esd ns tnesse anal bleep ite tag cowesn |Pout Wee of face es ‘wy te Te SN,ve shall see haw near oar 8 North Carat le jane ‘[er la ‘i i 1 pit ,,vy oehanving te f \ bere the Ve xcced Per !Cier Ue Sct at ek vo,A sat Vos 1 Re \/:A ment is realized the United 1 trary 4 i .i Pol cidoeh etipscinie se bhar donto toh for bine at el le wee are ;!Pe at ,the Uinon ts Dostana overs ;ae n ‘.van :,atl fal,aed tamu [n re ply to the latter part of the above aah on : »‘‘t i tw \abite 'NW mene :.' LEO and tribes,ane mas ::q ;:wht fo seeelonity what pads rie i |Avi n fght tie vowmd the |ran,such anen s ‘Hou Jer wi \iy ;i Ce rete ean Geeniismauuee Ueline anialia :paragraph,itis enough to say that the Palrotie sac] Othe Geing.torn the d \’t 4 )'ae ee Bee :Ad secures ment,and brol P ,oven ar ‘ree bovstinett,ab the elmrehy of reli Mia ]\‘Coin nest ‘We lave mitisaat soalinel Noon Varpeet and sort respoctable Souther MS ae ‘i ’ol aa !'t mo i;\1 |is i re four (ecu!eet t ke i 1 ;1"elu (ined ee -x a :i Need Te veang Uh met .hos :|ol halt n f ee ;va 2 un Iw ates in the Union,Virginia,Tennessee People al thd iver é ;,pestered natin Z bu wintliy vt provides .Tents recy i yom \'‘‘ih oe ..Fea , ;y w i they p ristoad x SN ea race Meiers Si etn ue ae .eee cig:Nice Bresntent Bern ae Of face Kentucky and Maryland,have m re than a pee \ ribes which deay ise ,“"ee tiite ..o |an }ment God yave to ti e |\Voaten of aii and for v|ne thew rs teomiely ease Yo POO e Cini,elie wcnmal mel bepemetere |ined the course pursued by the pee tory te the -:.x !’\''I tl 'yy lhe |) ee *,4 to eoye beginning,in ity work ;‘;ee 'u SSIS dieu for ot snl 1 :,4 a}A ,pleat North Caralinas and any man who EL at The kingdom of two |ou ‘'‘seh <4 te i ud :‘Vo dreten date sayt int these States have act i laws given |ik ;su ur,ba te ‘‘ . el Le hee ;4 ca ns i Heet '\t the Vag sod t ]ve atid peor ctl cedoin a way to make them contempt pe oy ened by At ae 1 Toul 'Fe 'biwe | egieh tea cts ".winners 1 ;fie ste at a t truck Pook Tie tee at Hf }ale ae .In the eyea of the Country and the ones Rees depopulated,and au ’'‘!;ee :‘whteh,ary at i leet :cine |i a ia dimply sich anass ns to be unworthy Len Uicd aay aE 'at ‘|!{’:r=is \1 .‘ nt Aud hence,sve er 4 eae ;"eany body's Whee!whet !|:Sa)| Aria traes ,‘.ne sene \worst \ja ‘:Hon of tL wet Vaclryloon wn io b t '’ce .Siena 1 Nreraee:lors 1 inaaen 4 /a)‘A Tle writer free nthetis Whided t it yet again,afterabrie!yt ‘\la Ehey tewwe ita ..i ' ple wor pluudered and bur |j '/Es :eA rel >~OA nec]gt ler interes :\:Hanks we onvht te AL or cobain WE \aie }eevee aie ie ila <ee boon very nels »Na es 'duty ret ‘Nine OA ae V ty ent loneacotia aronirarcttheSagtienndeertitiere™‘ingen ian Bat becauseof bis pronion \OTS RTS AE EAN 1 Ge ‘:,er my ea Cometal Basie nad wn re.Trorabalitial nied bikes destroy his jroy Meet ‘ny ee es Heh ta !!})Will any aan dare ;a A ny hae lisa) and rebaildthei \“4 and the decen m4 .<|If war should ba it Sonat leg Tia ett mieelligencule nc neue North,inetendof pleuding ‘EW GUY and Peampie tote iJ tala |t nee |,},.we PVE TNT CARE DCS ; ieiiemaeet acne in :l a ilow }‘x excepted,would be a curse to very bad |and (est how reaping a ay,we a our trends tn theme gh Neat ana BAIN heen retary Ateek leat the Finion If be and sued like wel !’ :mat Litsaken Dis neni and <ny 'A ermine crecate Rent The chenntieobelieca tine vi borhood ),Atty :ecklenbur .contal Jerted successively tu |reians,hing os “4 ty);;"a..a '"we ,.Nene a Dr.PL A ford ta wareh iliomsamieanissonth Caran.who (wal ~permit themselvestolook at the fact that ah ,(.'now we shall |peace for Clos)Save most lawless boy inthe community.[is aaheck-the ollow troea forthe editor ofthe Flay.4 ae)ee Re fi]so {,WW /He will be sure to ran]eet P SS,,Le ‘naelt,t )the Government lina always aipatalne {( ‘/ewillb vto n bome ta he NeCmOwcrvmnesniliiite sic year before Christ they wore conquered!by d 'i ;; 4 'Wade ar we ribet 'authority.the people rejoice Doma ob ing ease in any port of y 1 *vee i 4 ¢our Caisse Ne qe 8 et aera A OR Rearo a tell on S,volte,and that the South has always For the Watelinan REMARKS OF MI.WORTH,THE TENNESSE LECTION HEAVY MA SATISE CRY VIZRICES Ww }Oa rey everything she exer demanded for Newrom.N.C.,Feb.7th,1sG1 JORITIES AGAINST UOLDING A CON FR 19.1861 \q UL,L.\M U.LORD,®eY :&.OF KANDULVH,7 VENTION EBRUABY 861.s Ww,MOT Hiey the proteciion of her peculiar inet on ceny,Mr Jo J.Beoxer Dear Bir:P write to sutra ;:soe ea ee L :|ATTORNEY AT LAwell|Al nen tree (ho Anal tlitude of Joe of the proceedings of meeting held bere to Dbivered tw the Senate on the Stuy Bill.Mewrius,Feb.11.—This State voted on Saturday Pie!5 Ge roe Ma 12g;3 Bullets 1s a 20 :}—-SALISBURY,N'ey lat y would de ay oyna ea ude ‘Ss 4 vention and th rj wh,@o a BO;jour,3 Lard,10»124;,‘’»late they woe day,lo nonmmmate a candidate to represent Cats ba Abilbentitled a billto alter the juris lunge uae to a State convention aid the propric-|Me Wl,75 @ 80;Mubussor euirck Poin NOT ICk \deine ec enue calial:punch Lectiome ea {:<t poverty t eUAThigtraitorstethofreehandbetgoverment8“es i valter the j lyof calling one ee y.50 G40;Sweet Potatues.Ga 703 Pew,63;P “os Rowan,Stanly,fredell and Catawba Couaties.;nies ‘nthe State Convention diction of the courts of the State and the This ty gives four hundred majority forthe Un-2)4?oe een ae eas,655;Por THE acconnts due the late finan of BURKE &|Office in Uie cornerofCowan's Building oppositeTncon.Cup CH Cepeda MTUtircrtr attic mCe ti |tie wnsaiiyc ire ienlhten eaten te St eee 6ha 745 Sugar,9 al2h:Tallow,1041255 Whe ,,'ar ingriean g opp\naeeti “tcalbag tpoa a Leal 1 ‘lou candidates ‘7 SE a beOt oH ty oof an}the Book >witicle al course Wil reeatt in the destenetion et he ‘nen to meetonto-day,A lane 1 tes ef leolng,tar the relief of the pec West Tennesse gives Union an gorities,#120 a R140,Whinkey,50a 81 00 STEWART.bate been ie ‘{OF rca st 138 «‘:]\Fear ct ‘Ns tu as heard trom the quesi of h 1 Bie «<eeerelationae!The eccersionists ef the South did come;aud they came fiom Ul pre TOP Cong soriion ity ie FY |)South.me oF Esa eL .Convention tas lice defeated by ic tn Mmapotaty Daal ee un ul Of ,tlw wand .head tionieteatthe North are naw meet abode Vethe county,and not tru the eh onthe oti of bebsaas >\.2S Union !‘tuo :‘nd :|I.a .gO ’“M.D..BECUR.and the wboliGaniets Je ACC |ss 1 1 M ee ::——Vt Palermo,Rowan Co,NC,on the LOCh inet Y ee located in the town of Satieworkinglacie.MeN tarclien (iratiic excitable villazes,where people are so ats Mr.Worth submitted the follows wie i i ee “Rie an let las ELORENCI pur é ae ete ieapabig athewnBiBeraneerienient‘or avirlson ci WAY,second daughter of de J Ram |es nei .oa (imate disraption of tae Union ate gov fora The proeipitators or Secessionists pers”thous lit {\Reece \vention,at 1 Ue eek x ao ot Sonat dorinbovenB esa ianbetegue,o ee ite _Cerra mene :Veg ob rth Ha ny provides Reape t wow he ie dead,aes .weability ie ylorigua Dratheri ¢Meeyy HUG hey had everything arranged to theit satistaction 4 Cee ete Ge H Wien Wy us a a :Lang ilinhiekig sid tole VO 7 i]kK DI 3]ft 'oe ;eneCOUNLYfangtheotherbecancetheyreethata+THom aonepted a cliuminan,We.to suit them:the ofc,,;\F =ae io ie ‘'TUMECO EI Ce tea 14 Hato ee Cet dese ue ;td)‘\ieee ,na \SAINmeTelaGonwywalresulttuthespeedydowntalloftitheuieetexpeywoulletendantqoifayWastingnew.Fopiny thee,be meen TY AVISG BECOME TUE sobn Puopnit.OOM BARGAINS,BARGAINS,etal Govern,.Pod i v .co uy ie sd for 818 A peer \well wih thee?Ja if we j ve =Tange court miehitution of os CIN,Which its ee ‘,I tins:efi The xb required Cipeeecne pW t wal ee bood x ell with the eh dd?Ave ae “é ie .,a P %}Sree Sei ae.Ciera neem oe ee teen a a ee SUUSBERY Bek SeeR?.1.BRENNER'SithenerectedlsGuledteOybeOGeee:Sirenmerorinlectae,Eien peticae ‘Ret Nasuvinte,Tress Feb,1@--We have reese |h i et iiteaurJaUeCOATSUITLSTap,e a ab West,Mew pe ME ee Cot may B ht retivis by telograply abd raioud,team]ee en Cote Hy Me the noder ined would offer his Chala te che pute RiDITJTACKE T "votrine strike,i PA Vet 'Vt the close of tie eddies,Rev,PoC.Hinkle wos scat be transterred tet!Sapevior Court \aio ie tine seat eae ;vet Nae ;ae Pad erinte Nadecextindedty cre dtsas oe 1 eelray 14 'i,disintegrates Public Spec Mc Bae are (mW hawination;he being present,wis call HUCK vere icu ser lennelatanclitaec tenant lies 7 that Tennesste has cone ler ¢Vain bye send V)yew van wh ;pee [lie firm of B x 14 I fl f a q dpe “Xalte a oe Who was at.ye yet to hnow whether be would aeeepl fi re feet :Bey (vege Coninel heya v heavy tia y.The disnn 'we Lae Pl eta :sith tithe oH u nes “nooace @ 'MAIN STREET 3dbelfdeciionday,that the pul )these ol Mit aby eet liven ties :vith ,i ‘ames i a Veen Tr Ae \fuente fe owe Uy oe pp AIN STREET,P14,the wafety Ae ea meets ite Ci rare Cal er ue NS iat val 'ee pine f bc ty tte MANA Ret ere.vemmesces 1 LI und ale a .nie aniveians Cena Meck’s StareMikewmightUtterMiestsnyttottheepar,‘!iit a Hesitg Way berittiay cts te frase ;Crete terres,TARGA ns 8 ;a ee as eae te EIU cub cuher desires(uinform ibe pubhe @Srinigentaa,Rowan,aud Cols eee =Int s Wis of ;een Siren ':ie er en See )~ee a A F |:;-A q 4 B ae a re ial eu 1 E ie \Pivctinds |by nid uds a "Tenens Eri USTs CUES VRC eh,lie Wondd aeeent,thon a 1 ,|iene |‘ul eeosubecnber thowsh most cach tal fer oh 'resin Now York and :tun |A'1 Wats qi Os.Wt eee atelier }t i;,:cole jutnediaie secessionists,‘Nee Regan Ue ss 1 is 3heviewsufCaldwellhaysnc!i i een ere Ley expected bun tededine and one of their men 104 TEV tel tele tae ter it 4 nin I }10 1 |‘w |..t verwise led U1 Stat \eleANG OF F!een Nita sot up before i [ues a ;i -ey would thea be nombigted,int:wtodepowoflin te reting tena wey has voted aban tm r :''‘!Few ko b i ren and Bushiooetle i War atity eve :'ee y wie tes ‘t ie Ciapnedectine «t fur (Ont a Veta faut cen crock oF Hpeupleoftit"pep ‘ae a ‘re rmatked—5 ie \:‘‘\{1 tas s ;fe key enter acre net a cadd-bhade othi g,bf':Cols :en nied heet .on ‘Healer serait Peres eile e ee:mente !,C.Rail Road.deead ae Made Cl us fPTsrn“atl the aft !te aN 1 ',*.—,chow e 5 e ,‘4es"with wi “ear ye La ditstion «idles Liegandid ai Teeter Pel Nass a Foie to eat WoW WYArt,WINTER ARRASGEMENT aie .vee PRING fl SUMMER 5©secede nilectionate leave ob 1 pt !ei ent Wty ands tua Pompe hy eo Us ey Cran,as Tee ed '’uD ad Apei cory,ot Ba ne i :.code from Caldwell,end (ietirally tan ted tet a loreal ca eee ee r |Reduced Prices | Once prarnls of these cea ee hs ‘\vt oc,Shay Se)eta Bo =F SI IPABLE TO THE TIMES,i:pplied fo lun thet dae pot steep.Has (slr eden ere aan ;We ae eared:ae SH i |nah e|=“42 ‘2 =Rees pieicoerentiviog hendla lanes ced :as nich Se eee todos?watliall the shally tae :ae ’j -'"Hee ::PXTR wl {2°55 z :,LE iwhALUMSUEC!i \‘t (ite elope ap eh lac mr Senet :ae +>or the rea en ene toate om ot M lt ied ul ven ene f aL:we :<TRA NOTICE!ae 22 YOUTIVS AND BOY'Spate;Aaa eae ‘a eae :faa ]y tte Coe W.oTh WYATT hereby ackuowledgesunder the =-NPayouchniestha:et aa ee va.Pia aye ie Pott See smen marin ==eS Clothing rad Furnishing Goods,aRarer_vee Phe west odort was tac 1 Who weld i ey gent depression in business,his euler for Janwary eee.a‘fst #Pent Veta!Efnench cent ar i !Tae ;Cor tliaeter mectiibtast ear tanheve ir ae :=a Lat lower;vi auy other establishment of r\A \ot ':eet ''det !'°=n x s suitcble for Promenadiandotheriyia'Mini leo:!aus veel a ual Sytem will ot ian i];1 i e f 5g Fyiroicra,Pl ooters.Miners M achinisis,and Serva ttndpubleevan|:a CREME Wee OUI m Ura en Gis GGUS ese ag A se abe a lar ‘kof Boots and Shoes,Hate and a|nA slapped Mr Gu ::‘‘|:La wellkep:up good tock,aflirdins purchas is!¢2 t 2%Cups Call aud examine my stock before purehas-|55.'i 4 ay ae ens es t ‘\NVI eT Ceara Cem CORA clin brace Ole So =Iowtere,1,Remeuler the Sign of the REDoumnneee:bil ie ‘'sy i es ee ae leas SNe Ron?M.BRENNER.j !th .2 1 =e 1 ¥=ills aaa Mevericriieant \—tat!dei -1 :che =:tide,Oem We ava,iy hae wud rue -Z =VS Hasire mad:proper arrangements withowe .amet wd :.';\t ~5 Bite hem,Pam oot all umes prepared to fulfilloat.|'Vig bin a call before parchasmg yo ;:_ie"vi \3 e myoortors ja the Merchant ‘Tanoring business af 1ircenJire.:\\pared and Med Soc gf SSE rales wie M.B.q mare rm 8 h 1 !ud day iS mo}Jay 2:intl 622 "etelyp x ry ’g "au wa NV ::\!1 '|Ae 1 as Pe oe ete ~hTentot‘tay ae aie ‘uy we =RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES.;i in {.;j iHantie,ok nevery Pint eas S f ewttl an Oe vo :1 Son ee C Pe tte nels Ce Sees muy ;BRY ANSwith:,‘(Set {.:ioLowias{ata “‘:ne tee 3 .mitt -Ai ee ',Prerrea _;\|ey i !Sie \el ;Seer Z 3 onic W afers!mg<“TCT.devia 1 ‘‘I ay |DEATING heim,for €\N l 1So7 |frst artiela .:it :{\!yu eu cue Sea ee ie SIS,and fire ‘nt fe mal 7 /:4 {Ta 1»We aa nana .;,°a hice tei es tie nane of “PrLmowe i;i‘,\T i ae meee IVES |ro all other Pulmonia 4«hone -‘The G tm be known by':=a aoe Sas tie a yee aN EVAN vet iy shined on each WAFER a.|;:me ')‘Waste Poor Acne Drois.eurcnin d winute 2 PY AS'S PULMONIC.WAFBR f beret ',’'{NATE el mere ts Cyr GEieenise,sae Retleve Co (olds.Sore Threat,Hoar -sseeas 5pleComsteee.‘:ve Trent |i rrr +Piss tarte or sie,€1 U4 SVANS PULMONIC WAFERS ;iaeak aul Caccinaon a !\'i :44 ]\wy Moree Pameaie Bepson for Connmptony,§Relieve 4sthart,Bronuchitts,DiMeait Breathing.ca vai y aneowil fuceble ia .ax :rs AOL at :.‘WwW.HH.WAT r,BRYAN PULMONIC WAFERS F a :,NIETO EC GO orn eCecLC rT {'i )'TRC ‘.Relleve Spitting of Blood,Pains iu the Chest.’antry and .~::'Ne es pe Loaf I ee BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS\.‘It tr Nous :nH AN Urae:ne .ture !Reon -:Q For eiar ea ie ee a i i ue 2 i {Relieve Incipient Comsamption,Luag Diseases. ‘De ‘,oe I Wut !!!}i ead BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERSt-n we .-,*ai x ¥f ‘Fh ¢S61 0 a ,‘:';19,4140,NDERSIGNED TAKES TITS VU Relicve Irritation of the Cvata aud Teastis.-nie =),as ‘ue ar mK |BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS +1 7 Moo :\.1 al!persons mo wartof ROCK bs.ie a 1 c ;\§i@\!HS.or baiding purposes,that he Rejieve zhe above Complatots In Ten Minates..'ey \+C4 wis heat cuatiny of ‘2 PLIMONIC WAFERS ¥Ss ‘=ya SHE Q CAC EES GR \lies |dreafh to all Classes and © stitations,Aeen,(Gall fee,(N02 WRI,a 7 VANS PULMONIC WAFERSSy‘wtinasy sie mw Nerds for adapted fer alist.and Public Speakers,\PB.16,161 INIT TICCon ene nt a ae SONC ey meee aeons woag Vaca peaWAV\Ns PULMONIC WAFERSTceifatsWokee/!me lore Salsbury,Kiows us the OM Shue QUARRY : -mateatt ad aa ,\ILEY HOLTSHOUS Are ju a sinvde form and pleasant to the taste.ae (oe /‘a ;p =HE Conmsseoned O ref cad Reginens ,Row Ein,Sen 1860.‘(han .|WKY AN'S PULMONIC WAFERS.\Re ;:oe ‘ates ae I AU rau Ssae "Not only relleve,but effet rapid andlastlag Cures,)|,K j 'ie perc ‘'iy :oryson the Sthoof March.prow,at 10 ate ,.f ‘3 OP SIC ,1 1 oh }%|EEYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERSee:reg meee es a.ar be \CoA at pa ee ae)A)ih Fi eets ad ba pide ok war ee BOOKS,STATIONERY |(re warrauted tu give satisfaction to every ome.:,‘na wot 1 ia bs Maar Dot.Act Cob Camus indant |;!i ’:,ne election tia |lia i |''|a Wo 1A BRADSIDAW and Wall Hapel -oes (:::es pte vt i ,\uy PENILE.subscriber r fully invites ttention |Ly eT\,ip i 1 {No PAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF.'7 es :To the Pr ntlic.Boatihe puttin aad Shoo Peach:ss porte dhart Itryun’s Pulmomic Wafers,|‘OV Werenue Gabnnenan he Sadents to hie beast ful assortae at of Womwetoytake4stafaadperi‘‘I uN he tat re wilbtake ple on tle No Lb BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY or\a wl ag TE sos tn Gay eet hy Ut oem atry Bogshs <1)Sia lionery,onic Waters: .\Ir d ;1S It Contest.betw onthe Pian wan p Ditka emey cai om eei(~i I!5 bx w WE OO Pier,1 rand Wyiia Books,Novels in)\bitsoN WILL R OBJECTTO GIVE FORon''oO a :;,‘Piper aed ui |ryan’s Pulmonte Wafers,*:As monterest in Che Fu of Educ Velie i KMS:Tne ?Ti 5 :f.ae e oo,Pe auAVe tet Ue ite uiehen tg 4 SUT Re eecet ha ume tov iece tld 0 He HEN Te SIE SS (TU Jon Mt Cpe eTSi(ey \Pp ’Vote ''cheap gy y TENDERSON &ENNISS,and amE‘i TEN Wee ea yl \!)i 1 ik :Feb 19,is 61 ube Overs by uacol scherted ramp ty attended to |.aanemodrer:::,5 ‘pe JJ STEWART May a 1y1,id ".::»DAK ER «&(‘Os>MEDIC [NATE Pout eet t3n eeefaeeaMh:.,Tho objpoe Wo Wie ee es OL ag {M vide f),.:en wat te es ne NO aes eae ne TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL ichure Female soniaae lu Fi of Peace Pepare for War.aOtt=secu what Nort ’haw \LR \\~“‘‘en !Po Ati Cita The sides fe ten eT walt a pate :Me ‘.SETS SRR?Ras CaleNtoiyb A115 Mf e e iy re a Hein Geen |e dew |VSSED IN UO MLITY AND :HoRenS .2 i TRONEY &BROTHER;:Ciel sel EAL G Loti ma he Ne that |t!.,ad priser !su eet “‘=Potonaycun Heetse lotsa eal:eek t he pab othe best assortment of:lad :ween |,—3 row ti \wry cern ON FIRE ARMSmt,:'_.ti .Sais Mart 1 In Sites from a (tte at Gorey Ur ee Te PRR BG ot 4 ryan mat .chet Colts Belt and Poek-:necks :eee \oc bee ire de the nanher 260 Hotei,So .fey ers agiesnithid Wer:ae ‘‘eS a \ml ES eee y vot hae hid,@ peraia \!>onee Pistol,that canbe (he fe aay)—A "ie t nea i Cr leat a Naa Rev ‘Be et a tite Ea ji i actiontl r "si pocket,wil shoot throagh an inch ae eae \\ek to do als ectls We kita Bor ioe aay i ’)shy Tid \ordS Shary's Hoz,shoots Ea iuae ee welt <,ye ,e )a x i -s ):‘rel es sities ha ';ton Cows at reduced neces.Toleir Iii i \D Ire ]1";at we sure forbidden to by ie ‘a :t |Tees)eeUIN)“Zs |ni ih i s San end Pista.6 shot;Rider paltvenek®LES i p watlinctns ::voted.Tt a rauertimienit:tx at t,1X lo Bowie Knives,assort-Tits aid [hw cat :re fo Gr li ceiannt !''a »)Shes sporuag Ritles,will kuil 300 yards,Payldtéamd1\}z ;J ;Ree i or ,»4 .ona '-*x pa Soe ae *Vhey offer their stock of { Pome Conve ce Mie on eh ee dau of ;the «oy ot ,eh F 2 :Ut !a Se cae tlie oie 1 esforeish.as they intend doing Monea:pV ts a Nat aan \ws te SS FPecoveryprioy PeONCHT Res eee !remaining stock consiets of YNTY 'n preg gros atyecl af eS OL wa Ti a:I '‘:i}suspenders,Belts,Fans,baa i ;‘”a ones A ss Fur SCROFULA fo Ul tele elim ce i)WILRINSOS,co J iver Plated Ware,fauey headie:efon the da ‘:o en ,;:1 3 yee SCR EIR NESS ASTON.Gt so ony is P Pros.Perf ts.faney and toilet soaps,fran,of Ge :a A i 4 HANGS A Nee ee ces iNGsmt ;viata very fam af DEBILATY,ts curative:fateh inonu s,Pocket Books,Work Gece en i '\ite tic ¢tems aval pete the <olt i (tial fT oproperGes are unrival (oe a i.Has Raz snd common pocket Cutlery,eat ee “mr at te 1 ve Piece nite tnttenneec cri nn 3 .Se apeeniactteenierie nn Dress Ifakineg!@ lei igre ep rung articles Wiipes Muscat Tu:Wwe alee uf open RU ee eet eae TV Cat a)5 EBi:aces eV et Stats «cas tin ‘Arun at ;=:een ave hanties trosasnisy Welow Ware.Baskets,Traveling Sateh-iat are ean een n Lon '.Wort a Ata eoling of the —~!~Issn at VERS SPEARSann ste her fortis and t!s.Facey Ciroeores,Prats,Cigars,Tobaoeo,Saaff,Aiowine re 12 Vile MC REE NaN eNO INL Vi 1 :.\dat Ee i.en Heese te)©gecurs tae Ailral Mitel wast eain +r ovriels too tedious to mention,SC liverca anne ee rege core wt my woe lConetanianectecia (mesh are:Ly snderatic eiatarsoF Was PA PE oe bes aa ness assem ced furs vaieos aretors 'hens o Fat iow prices, of Seay ;'rike tor th 1 }in wbavo dines it |witli oak WA pied teen,Pen,Pai Vie wets ca Wale ec:ten ol 4 St SUVS Ya)Pome Ges 'oo f Gis oe a pt ud pay theirpolesrow7NativetieninTeiematee:‘saan 'r Ne ote row -ive toed She tot \1 stcay of F.bruary,as we shall aie ‘Oh for tt F ieee eel ;s IWS Cee ,to,ow oh CMs dod coe yet eat,Ft Tp teculen it thre feat iiilies ee teal fushiiee,.vod will oor g ity 'at apa hen vopaid inthe handsofofficerspeowretedSHEDOTSTCater)tt es wine iteg [iy Ronan Al ei 1 ST cae ''iS ;See eet nea rte ee ‘.MERONEY&BRO..sowal Af 1 :\)Ba Gl Seer vy.—athe Professors of the ivinele Rati a titre che ME NE i;ery at the candtantes fer tle State Chretien I iro ye A rire Te cy Oo Bw es IVIRSIEY OF PENNSYEVAUNEN.St Sens be Gand at Whoa,Mrs t ware J Ge doot Sut 1s Niale 7 MUR.(ISG NEWS :Peay *Tale 4 2 “SPEER !-ON COLLEGE GQ Pilla.mt hi thre aot “Pown,-—Was neeprreteal ieetinig very mucin |atte al 1 Tract thect ti tiisd pass,cred \\i ,.t i :_spl ee ;\MEG ake ain 3!ths y 'ea eis Onders bi it )qv 7SaatourRowanmectineinMarghstsWallTtneTaeeGceesaanonhteUlMcmmceeeMAte:attiy (ceo Cs eh,Ge Mise [yt (uc Geri Gann intentrete SA ee ats ihe Ad Valorem Banner,oes :es xt {ie la ee Sa Py 20s am Diy AND WERBKLY.;Cleese ‘1 net ’Cin Spree yt tlie ¢s Monae tie ‘'0 Lee Woe tay in aera nel naman m—CINE a /i ChelCnarhutteeeSencooiveetcnureleeran“ree ean ‘he vete i vates L ble i tive mn iy --l a :;eu :ey .i l peo a Sy eh ace wou esire Fiae Shirts and Collars,Qe Une suce TP issucd a prospeetas for aPottie;::a:pawhiel)it ts oe that Mr.Clingaman,3!'He GE a)ENS mu |\RO eens we Tein wit enarchise Gaeo Stine ean Golur °Wepapers t illed the AD VALOREMfortnatienKihevetoalthemecha;and vide urg wethe tight of the Sour le "lol totave bv the terns ot 1 een hich «pur De Re CWC EC IC OLa TR Neeley mn erin BANNER,tobe palishedin the City of Rateigh,Ren Bilted on the first ballot,in Me @ietee ot and for tres dite POC GIMENO wile Ccoll Siesta CTCr ine ext Wie etry tir t !,\wd LY eral eh pay ty WEIL.N Phe enc rem we L have relned at ex- at am 2 ae en pat iain toes )HE ‘Ma tind 4 :oF 1)>ire Ras ea my mest §ne hopes,ces me toissueaf&.f :aed anes ‘Ie Is ra let on ates of \Sepr 5 )No Yiterwire Re gater:the Wing Gentlemen,to wits ett me Mr ee .ener ae *:5 a ‘pts —JN©UARER ©CO,NOTICE ype :nehittninformthepab- WoW.Lolden,344 votes ieee sment of dothcalties Vii Pa Senet tl.'e pleasure —Tenner anrielyerieet \j a fie that Ewall of Jinnary,I861,commenee "days he:cs Tw y oe Snppose a Crittenden’s compromise,the I.tire,Tf the Logislatare mesy ‘a)Drage,Chem:LICRERS ONS ny mete he on dteat .uf vi WAYNE R,not ooly WEEK-? ease TU de Utes :Pn _.ce 0 ae Me ay AME )BIL prprrse W (i,Res i :or something better,was tendered te the Pass @oew coving catension of tim ;=Nite Ue Rowan Rifle Gaurd.bayng Guaoe or :ve Rainer tikes ides with politicaltedidiornsQ.busbee,185 South by the Repubheans and snehsouth:fet six montis,it may extend the tiie 14 NOIR DOSE Ric :ceenis bebe sines rvad €eupany:are Lea tents ena be likithiere pardele the mona Phey Were then de dured anancnons)s crn anenas Clingman were to asree to it fora your,or six veats,or forty vears,x oe ,A el Ee es Ve ae n Taternal Laprovemests,1 change in our system of:4 oe ebrua ,the servation o ‘ous i,t elected,asa eetlement.what would be the ac No nein ean tell when he mas be able to ven To Farmers and Mechanies.MOY WeNEELY.Capt Va ud the pre ation of 4 Coustitationaderepor:,:in a ',F ;H ‘1ehoa Vinw tw ‘weno party,bat wil be a realopaaWienritaternmnrtitepreceedingsefthetenofDelegateselectedtotheN.Cara.Cobect a ty and ¢Grd t ecnnixe rn eae nl iin Fe diathipsseerel.eaasaoes! oe meeting the follos eras Hie),Una Convention pledged to go for seces will be destroyed,the ::a :ee 'se :ee er .op Rif nd!ie gol sche a spolated.)was taken eee es sion®Ttscemes to ns that ainanelected ple injared,and one permanent bea Prowse eae )]Vik quit reeriwed alvery large luof 1ARM A(fention !Nawan Rifle Guard!ventions,and the seheming the sonre neem tous very appropriate and right:Nid Cra Clercetanernctarr eta crrlnamem ctl weet lfctan lramcrsmriuyaigs leu tameriad nen tnelara yl:af boaman teh.i a !She ae _Miles es Vins wee Aiwa ;Mi mogogues and tricksters.Iscree:i t nder |we ta yo for secession,withen !!we Wawa tice th.|tues Rugey rie Th ae ,end eat ae {Taare:a Tinea Oar tthe Fany reservation,wontd be bond todess Whos:Denclit this cuactuent ip propused ee \ired)Mt taser fo i es |ee ae {oe alae a eicduron Siin cr ueeueaeuthCarolna,never w vbinwt to thee Tras MILT OMerT Creat Terra a ,ur Yoinch ture ris ‘Views ,4etongmnPainnlanOakdsudlGavenintentonhepianianesenaePDIWOcorseandWardonssosPateraGeomfolLeathersBars,Rosa de,The se coy Lyear in advance,+>>>>85 00 Jtebetak:mneinted Byline Dlach Iu iionpartysanilinenc ise miele he made by the Republiean Spry Zave The Wilmington Scena!EB je at :(dette (heMechton mingiher Guth wecencn)ceaitmnenes a Mned at 'roan 0 en oOathFheBlacopalarty,and i ::3 ;/1etitite 7 1 imac Fi i h f z Court tial afer Parnde F ee ;iheeflonlyresolvedoottesureuderanyrighttowhiiPty.Therefore we think it taproper speaks as followa,on this eubiject:bare counte,[lope ley wal be wall beaten DIY GOOsc ©re EOIN teat ee TERME TUE EEE UTS EASIER toursaleNorthCaroliaiseutithedunderdheCoastitutionofforanymantopledgetoinsclftaaei.a Y We epee ALIEN ET.nN ay ia Seat is ‘WAS.BROWN,OS One copy Lvear,in advance,-+-=+$200paeaeieestainconrseimadvance,Mi Hout Know tie ote He ae au e a lle i Hn {a Goratauaieamaaceaes toy ERTES Pat elo wey ia ;on Y ‘ *‘mou formed by onstituhion,and ois PAT TraNT it a y neo betwee ::aM 2 Pp :the above ithe liberty wnil tiles a i a by Senay ai what occurrences may take a DEtWOUN TT,jeucn.ihe Preponderating seatinent here ie naaiist ANE SEEN Es [tte ss 7 ue !Se t SoReal!159.0%Fru ie \FRANK U WILSON,that the Pee |a aa ees ELT aud the meetingof the Convention,ity the gencnd option beg that us operation will The (Tren ees TRC Oty TMEV TINT Lee ia ATA SS EUS el Saat oe :Se)Raleigh,N.C.va yne sacrificesof our revolotiouary foi elathe '[ae eve ucoty sitter unearne eenn ened ve ‘eviuiebl StieeG Ulelelahe oat t way \ieee fer fart error Manilinie cnr aie Southern nyt eecured tous nnder the Constitution,with Ue might aay that oniter present ciredin foil dolce.Sieamte te cect ke seeeatiie dress Cis ieamimat |Coaniy.at the followin EaRD,RE STER,&wheeh thy te thew Nee:VSE . =tappealing to the States themselves,or to stances he wonld go tor secession,but he a ta _‘io a :a a mn :axis /ienleoes A inarcmune uur vi h ..,}\Mi imuane themierhanieand)cantiie Wer \,1 .aFonnessee,Wthe States through the ballot box,for should be deft untramineled by pledges or avast mejores of thes (RATIO RE held ai White auton eda hoch:EM Jenkin’Corner,Salish y,Vo West Green iNurseries. more than eee ndme ms to that ie penne 2 Af the people have contidence enough in the aubteet a the Town Hallion Saturday mght Rowan Malis,Wee y 20h Wait tou.TAU nea Alan a large coils of Boergreens,Shrubery.Such guarantees as may be acceptable and satisdar :vee ,Eee :)Phey will be bad before both houses Fo McLaughlin's Ut Jay 2lat f Rises,Green How d Bodine oar PI .y the per Lory ta the people of the States,and more especially him to elect him a delegate,they should inate Shane Renn 221 WY —I:Ree eH eee ANTI OSES RTE 4 an ala to the people of the wlavebuldiag States,have confidence enough to trust lin to Mite aimesatandan ail \’eeenerceer have act Reso rd Hal w a regal a I ae do va pe Mt .the tune of the meet MI BADGERS SPEECH Lee ste a.Mails ee sth SPECIFIC PILLS.t 4 So eee nlS $13s Hf Wor Whess ou vespenity of ing of the Gouvention crtinan'’s “Trends ,temprible own f ‘PEER CONTIIERS ®eon 4 li speech made bw Mr.Badver on ee eee Cee ob Aer SNR Par “NH New Tailor Sho ) id Z Vea atthe Boderal Government ta a CVOMIMEE,ofr re tne th nd THE CLOSING VEARS OF LEPE wre «|l :|“‘c HEheworl’,Pete eta TRINH BUT ipltbenine ot ‘)ae ‘a o revdbeed seuoueien PIMA eee aie:Leanna in Medica.PRICK RLU Prepa esPeOrtily)teenaged c ;a ’Het We noveed on onrsticets vestorday VY nation as a cand for faqe tliat whoa ::ACE ite oa letJptedaaywhiHncAvAlentiahbevelSerithencnicrsaieKarenGEakinint 5 :ALORantI1nyW.ooS.Asie.wearing th TL Seeession bad i )7 i Db Coe ‘HM os ,“1 i ‘yt mm |nhiarv,we be ve th ad ~VA Ne oO ie Uyspoust edFoiteof hi Ateetionm of th siomach,as roorgane :4 eon Sen HW untVitionoftheStatestotasafounSomeYankeeismeherforittdVirlonon.wie Weeder ere ies \1 a Muded tr tant of Bon Ih wae a mixture of a eapeneh anda cocina tually make Che rvianse:|!ee Nery ne a!Le "yp ’:J :'1 cappines Pynne /naturally mn 1 een ee f h rf NORTHERN ine will)1 vlads )va!1 y Iie ta with die derrbors and fend mpl vod dtroenisune forced 1]C .NS ahi Ga tneet thie ¢{Vanda Calla rNththeexandprotectognaanor'Beware of fisuuiomsts inthe garbofmoderate:Ttwaa charaeteriz Ponce by prefaund Testis beivect i mer “Then ul :c 3 ys ;,;):LIMxS FCOR SALE.'the .i 1 tte acs rath v eve att trea i i a'nai atc Be ee te re a IN NUS es Nene WOLD erie ie nel wit ty tor ilns 4 je ee :Viorneys:haw,',slay reed PeNietre vouhern lime (onslaeked)1abolitioandPhesangsmiknowyntoanytherpehenetallyGuche:ee cee HESS BERETS SE Sa ‘hit He an ee Mate Coors r \for sate at Sinen r eedpad fhatovs pl 've or 1 reves vf !t ’ar.)1 ;:iu .a rd NE sd :ent r >vending¢;|ee ':Jor omiibar that thadiaumonisty tulit yout (\Upp lacnse fin ALoulewairetiriha tint atone Lit gestion,Voarrhira,Dy \\(i 4 Pos Va tow very cheap,who!W ;';‘pee :7 aor :ke would n and who vs Jame the sentiment elechon of Lincoln would not be cimse fordis atothers shouts of langhter,Mr Bady SURES unl Liver Comy ie Vhe first pies wis wel As Pp a J :i WM HOWARD ul ab Center ity Whooaayi:,inthe ceuntry wre loud an there praiwks of thie pre one 1 4 antrost a them ¢es .!then .4 4 >fret that ontained in the foregone resolutions,and above solution and a since the ane el He ae er and his eo candidates will be els aus Si gover cies uaa ce)SOalae Se enacting eee ta Naa bon ine Fr,TRE)ama "real ,WSlige 1.OT Vieacnasa Atliriy ae teccMLAl oT ..n dong all they ean t we the bonds 5 .''yyy rt .ere {Pry tt «vA my and oot emscnatainedmanatelinmnwcilingtosubmittheaebeenloingaleycanlobreakthbythiscountytotheConventionbyaithatitiesepatibletaiyhePrOe:No Riek Row Net yous Wo culici lite ele EAN aS POs c ,a SEMONTON .Cor t tot way woratiication They baye deceived vou once,see toi that they :‘,d reed even asa he wed .UC doses.yt 7 ;ey a.5 ;‘.epotmoue do nat decieve you again Jarve majority Ral.Register Bald tia ne Nanni Ten os ist OG EOS Nelo {fo]ERS OURIELOE !Y 10 * en Se UE ents State of North Carolina, A PROCLAMATION: Ry Jons W.Eucs, Wuenzas,The following law has Governor af North-Carolina enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North been Caroljna,to-wit AN ACT CONCERNING A CONVEN- TION OF THE PEOPLE. Whereas,The present perilous conti tion of the coantry demands,in the jody ment of this General Assembly,that the suvereign people of this State should as semble in convention to effect an honorableadjustmentofexistingditlic whereby the Federal Union is endanjen ed;or otherwise,to determine tion will best preserve the hone inote the interests of North © and,whereas,this General Assemb y, tnatters of such grave import,involving the relations of North CaroMua to her sis ters in the confederacy,is reluctant to adopt any settled policy without the s ittes what ae und aro} pretWas of the people,in whom,under our gos ernment,all sovereignty resides,beng first ascertained : Sretion 1.Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the Nate ot North Carolina,and itis hereby enacted by the authority of the same,(two thirds of both Houses concurrins,)That upon the passage of this act,the Governor of the State‘ba and he is eres requited te issue a proclamation commanding the sheriffs of the respective counties in:the State to open polls at the several clecthon precincts,In said couaties,on the day of February,1861,when and where all persons qualitied to vete for members of the General Assernbly day vote for or ainst a State convention,those who Wish a convention votin wowith written or printed ticket, Who do not wish a convention 2sth and those voit sotrien tne in the same way “no convention yooalee,Go open separate polls,at the said time and places,for the clection of deleuiates to 1 convention,to be Waoled oon suel terms as are here provided,sud polls to be superi slbobyou n appointed oy the slerdtts,with the wiv ies of three justices of the peace of toe res pective counties,wher sti be sie r cording to the provisions of os 4 chapter 52,of revised code Sere.2,Be it tu eee shall be the duty of tt foun ak out duplic ty Fa |.on their respec 1 the gy = of “convention”and Sno conven ion aworn to bef clerk of the «\ court,one ¢hich stra eid ted in said thee vnd the copy transmitted to the Grive rouf State,at Ralersh,wader ¢Rate Uh ern and regulations and un ler He peu alties as are preserived in the ease ot the returns of the cleViolfor dent and Vice President, \[ex di ed by law immediately 1 ror tion. See.3.Beit further enacted,That i shall be the duty of the Govern ‘ as he aball received the returns ot sheriffs,in the presence ot tes "a of the State,Public Trea raul Cun troller,to co pare the Wat tet heen for and acainst a con TCT shall appear that a majority of the vores polled aie}wor of a n shall such aimanner 4 summoning the convention forthwith issue on MS teresa,by cu Raleigh,on Heelan aise tren nmety (les nate in lis said pr ait /’,Le The day designated te Care)4theLithofMnvoy the votes p dateas fa Convent the governor shall han a proclamation of t t s anil case the assembling of the said deterate , elected as aforesail,ander the provysin s of this act,is hereby declared wryofnoeffect. Sec.4.Be it further eva That election for delewates as atoress ( held and conducted in the same erunes as clections for members of the \ Assembly id the vote stall i ( and the serolls c Loatel corti issued in the same ras pres by Taw for mem tt Hou Commons. Ste.5.Bo it further itavacancyshalloccurbyAtlresis bation,or removal fiom the State, the refusal to serve ae ainy person eluct delegate as aforesaid,the |fine ; cer of the Conver Ltd:isan to the sheriff of the county whielr s vacancy may have cecus ,after wd notice uv the convention orton f open a poll to fill such vacuiey neder th and rey litnciia (ere | fore prescribed for the c yates, Sree 6.Be it far said convention shail ¢ same ruler ection oF dele That th ymSist of one th ther enacted, dred and twenty delepates,and cach eotn ty shall be entitled to the of delegates as members of the [onuse of Cominons,under the lust Apportionment Src.7.Be it further enacted,That the mileage and per diem pay of the del gates to said convention shall be the same ae that of of tie Ger As sane number members veral sembly,to be paid in the sume manner, and said convention shall have the power to fix the pay of all its officers and of any representative to any Convention or Strate, and shall provide for other expe =fan he paid out of the treasury,as it may di Foul. Siw.8.Be it further enacted,That t éaid convention siiall have the po its officers and que Gon for its Hot tieonusistent with the trae Sec.9.Be it further said convention shall tia consider Carolina, preseribe mombers, Intent of this qet Piatt the po all grievances aftfectinu Nout as amember of the enacted, we wer | according to the trae intent ant ivedan ne of this nee the assent or clissent of the people to the pro yieherein contained being respectively exrr Die ate “convention”or “no convention.at tie fime and in the mode hereinbe!pro vided. Ske.10.Be it further enacted,TPuatno rdinance of said convent I y foreeorvalidity unti toktr ven ratified by aimajority of the q tied voters for members of the ¢: Assembly,to whom it shall be entin according to the mode pre seribed fa tions of members to the House of mons,the assent or dissent of the peo ple hereto being expressed as in prec Ve section of this act See.11.Be it further enacted,That no delegate elected shall be permitted to take feonnected with hie profession |‘his seat in said convention antil he shall have aber and subscribed the following ‘oath,before any Judge of the Supreme, {or Superior Courts,or any justice of the peace of Wake county,to wit:I,A B., ‘do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case| may be)that Twill not do any net con- trary to the act of the General Assembly, junder which this convention is called; and that Twill daly and faithfully dis charge iy duties as a member of this convention aeeording to the best of try Kieewledloe and ate Je belpoie Crud See 19.De it taser enacted.“Viat this act shall bein terce trom:and:atter Its ratiiention Read three times aod tatitied in Gene ral A-sentily this Pst day oof Pebruary, AC isd AV IOC UCI Ser LLG HW.7.CL STATE OR NOETH ObrICE OF ARK,S CARUEINA / BPARY OF STATE 4 eyes Teleco kets Of State iu and:for th woNorth-Carol to hereby ceroty thattheforerongisatrae«1othe onjamal ou til in thas often Given nuder ty hand }-t day of FebruaryIsc RU L LH te cn Now he ‘vil1sp(aa the Stats election tot Win th une pore | \tothe avo!February \em ||Vote font Tibetibiee the Gat vote for waist a C ne dele un we fa 1 It onto Vie: 3p 'yt bouts of sad et (t fer my hatud ated atte Thy aRat(irear Seabal the Sts I)tthe Ciey Ia -t fay otPol Ne)| hy Chovern FeV TIBN OS Petes Cixatam Davis,Le sat Hea bios py Che for gig,t lalphia tian lis tecvivesd i Ve le wercey in Nert Caroiuma r x e proceeds of a debt ff estehel a ue hasta rt rt rt cone l vor Waly ‘! out i \ev n i I \Vhed Ro \i I t vou knew t ‘It fered wot Lo out y 7 1 welt be v Sea RSA to fore r North Carolin |‘hit t trem an No owark,New \Lt vGrox.bolts for SPO 0OU w oO ssiit G EAP SOULHILRN HAT AND CAP AAEM IE SUP IED The) JOIN DOoOOoUbFDY, 41,Mains oy,Reva,Va Mat aerand DD. PER STRAW Lb HORN ANAMA SOPE AND DM ksh Tht laT |fear ‘4 =wes ’ BS tai ~PRAW Coordes wt Pwoold \he on1Vira Met f 1 ow ate yun \ i 'h sla 1 =cn) Lee ‘1 M‘eadthongpoe'ai Misacn’aad:(iia atlaeeeanyeox est Cacieet in M »various wot Ary OR ‘ i “Oy he ditoperGur;ech JOOP als ateey:"i NO TEU MBE Gs! ;7Selling Or at Cost! 1 Hos resp von stew former nat d othe publ Hee ua «de rin eoachang .sent buaihessDanitywest,vied wil cininveqen on EN NESTA ON OKC 1Or aReady-Wade Clothing, Gent s Furnishing Goods, flats,Ops yes at Cost Nelte!7 ‘LESS T iH iN COST. nihisd rhe parp ing.“The balanemantitegwillbeoldat]venue\MH yon canal call early al M.HO PTINS. BOOTS!BOOTS! J),TL ENSESS i nom ook of .wineh reeerong bis ainan’s Winter Waves Proof Boot tors on superior to aoything thats Made cor for tematket and at lese Collaad see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT.nad: of the best Fre ho Call skin and)Water-proat throughout,and whieh will last longer than any otver Boot,homemade or otherwise ALSO,Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, with Double Soles and ape a capital Boot for WeNteeeeiiiwatraan d a ae ALS0,GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTSloubleSoleaudUpperandwarranted Se MILES &SON'S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT, made stout and «troug and ohaletartantedi. ALSO,MILES &SON'S PLP SOLE DRESS BOOTS,Mil Boots |bility and pleasant wear brated thronghontheUine the very best inate ANTY r beauty GENTS dary band require Caulbund Vou a paar ,for Wonter werth wing aud at prees ite ompe tien elaine NaN oss Boot and Shoe Stor 1007 ten SALISBURY,N.C New Firm. MURR &SOSSAMON, ]AVING purchneed of TOD Brown & Co ther entire stock of TIN,SHEN TAIRON VGCOMICER |WARE,STOVES,4 yowoffer the largest and handsomest (COOK ISS LEVIN GEOG ah UT Te it ms CU |ever Fered thet and wad«e rreneh ae low ie inde hh W wN (1 ATS \, Pos ead depaned AN Ww ARE aud STILEtlend.A nde Tin,Sheet Tr wr Copp 'h by {treMURR &SO ieshaOoPett OWN TAL NOTICE, "ME DR.BESSENT, REMOVED secupied by Dr Basow,where he is preparedio attend ul AS y y oorne DENTAL ROOMS XN,|on the corner formerly 36 et‘perations tan 1,160 (f92 HOSTETTER’SSTOMAGHBITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS-TETTBR'S CELEBRATED 8TOMACH BIT-TERS can ap with perfect confidence tophysiciansandgitizensgenerallyoftheUnitedBiates,because the article has attained a repu-tation heretofore unknown.A few facts upon this peint will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery, The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit-ters for the last year amounted (o over a half- million bot}les,and from its manifest steady increase in times past,it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near ove million bottles.This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion,and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known,who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients,but are ready atall times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom.This is nota temporary popularity,obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine,which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved 8 Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds.To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases,is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid watier from the stomach,purifies the blood,and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health.lt operates upon the stomach,liver,and uiher digestive organs,mildly but powerfully,and soon restores themtoaconditionessentialtothehealthydischarge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use theBitters daily as per directions om the bottle,and they will find in it astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years,as it is fee to the palate,invigorating to the bowels,excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally.We have theevi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rang teand general debility;acting under the advice of physicians,they have abandonedalldeleteriousdrugsandfairlytestedthe merits of this article.A few words to the gentler sex.There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,that the mother,especially if she be young,is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxietyforberinfant.Should the period of maternity arrive auring the summer season,the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated.Here, then,1s a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system,and enable the motber to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians,because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength All those persons,to whom we have particu- larly referred above,to wit:sufferers fromfeverandague,caused by malaria,diarrhora, lysentery,indigestion,logs of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,persons of sedentary occupauon,and nursing mothers,will consulttheirownphysicalwelfarebygivingtoHos- tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations ur counter- by WENDERSON&ENNISS GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREATCLOTHINGBAPORICM AND |North Carolina Foundry MACHINE WORKS! RE IOa Ar ene rm Nee .Ayers Sarsaparilla A compound remedy,in whieh we hoy produce the most eff ctuol alternative t 0 made.[tis #conceutrated extract uf Para s?parilla,eo combined with other substances oo greater alterative power as to efford au etter.:©an.tidote for the dineanes Sareaperiila ie reputes y It is believed thal such w remedy is Wanted by ge’who suffer from Stromous complaints,and thar...which will accomplish their cure must prove ot\menee service to thin large class of our atthe e,|R,(low-citizens.How completely this compound «|—_it ha»been proven by expenwent on inany 5FRERCKS&RAEDE worst cases (o be found in the following cou)‘successons To ,aitia 1 1 4)SEMOFULA AND BCKOFULUES COMPLAINTS,Davi iicnBs}N BOY DEN &SON,Nh BING Is BRIE VIN |anv Excerive Diveases,Utcens,Pimries,Bios,oncKILLcontinuetomanufactureandkeepon40denOPBURSTMeSCREOAeeuSieis|,i\;:Syemiiic Arrecrions,Mercumial Dinvass.b),,ay;\Ee mys \a Nevwataiaon Vie Docroumeux,Dewtiiiy,by o,,eet th AGRIC ULTL RA L IMPLEMEN ———-0-———BIA AND PAH CRRTUN:Levert se Rowe on si ay ;:made heretofure.A full assortment of pataieenaiie Roi eens Ps |[AVNG RETURNED FROM THENORTIE.Plows,Cultivators,THE LARGEST AND MOST ©hig compoand will be ound«great promoter of|eru Cites with a LARGE and COMPLETE Corn-Shellers,Straw and Feed Cutters,health,wheu tuken in the apring,to expel the jarPreeHore:Powers,Seed-Suwers,humors which fester in the blood at that »: Cider and Sugar Mille They also manufacture Theeshers,Thresher aud Separators, Shafting and MachineryReady-Made Clothing KXTE mou oftheyear.By the Gmely expulsion of (hein Manyruuktngdisorderswrenippediuthebud.Mulitudescau,by the aid of this remedy,spare (hetmsely en {,,in 11onoei..‘Sh .the eudarcice of foul eruptions and ulcerour sure Genticmews Purnt ung Gvods,for Grist Mills,Circular and Vertical Saw Mills,Gold,OF through which the system will strive to rid eleSuchasBoots,Shoes,Hats,Caps Drawers,Under.Copper and Silver Mines,Tobacco Presses and Fix-corruptions,if not assixted to do this through theShirts,Cravats,Neck-ties,Handkerchiefs,and a tures,&c.,&e.,natural chanuele of the body by an wlerauive iiedie uefineaasortinentofShirtsundCollars,&c.,&e..to (PON AND BRASS CASTINGS;Cleanse oat the vitinted blood whenever \ou find whieh he duvites your wamediate attention.‘They FORGINGS aid FINISHED WORK of every \impariies bursting through the skin im pin ples rup-have been purchased fur cash,and willbe wold cheap-Gescription made to order,und warranted in every I N ons.or sures;cleanse it when youfind iin cba ue,MPtlinilevariwerenifcrad vere:belie NOW Tsicce chee ’§ed aud sluggish in the veins;cleause it wheneveria.ATED respect.Repairs of every description of Machinery : YOUR TIME FOR GKEAT BARGAINS,ae 1 dole Ge Ga ie is foul,and your feelings will tell you when Byen sin determined to sell cheaper than any other house Salisbury,N Yan 201k61 ly 34 im Salisbury Retoruog my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed,[hope for a coutinuance of the Standard, erat,Charlotte Raleoe Patriot,Greensboro’;Demo- ;Western Advocate,Asheville ; Observer,Fayetteville; Caro-{ Columbia ;}EdRememberthesand,liman (tre weeklysameNO.2,MURPH Y's GRANTTPE ROW,and Eredell Bapress will publieh 3unouths wud forward Salisbury,N ¢accouuly Rept 25,160 uy ANDGreensboroughMutual J 6 'e \e 'National Flag?iyseraxce CoMPANY|a .*+4 4 *a .us 1 =1 N * Pays all Losses Promptly!G ROC kK RivtM.BARKER :emTOULDINFORMfHISLAUEROLSNE 33\\frieuds aud customers that John A Mebane,Wood.WeConnel,CP Wenden A agin in the hall,DOP.Weir,James Mo Garreit,Johu bo Oe NTE 1D)Wilkou,Win.Barringer,David Mely a OLD he is re now openog at the flese ayer (he fine -Uitiee OTH Subscriber's ever where no particular disorder is felt,people cj: ter health,and live longer,for cleansing thy {heep the bicod healthy,and all is well; thes pabulaus of life disordered,there ¢I ing healthandtheyrs thrownSurmaparilla hus,and deserves much,the reputation, accomplishing there ends But world has rgiously deceived by preparations of it,partly se the drug ulone has not all the virtue that i x clauped for it,but more because many preparations }:es preteading to be concentrated extracts of it,conta Ab 5 bat lithe of the virtue of Sarsapanila,or any th og lee Dunng late vears the public have been musled bylargebottler,pretending to give @ quart of Bxtrer ef Sareapariiia for one dollar,Most of these havebeeufraudsupouthemek,for they wot only ecuian bet loud but witibevollaa eonerorlatersome thing must go Wrong atmachivers of life is disordered or over the .7 Pe :a8CarriageBusinessMossterwied:Jed He bundway,Grovushonusis A rhebited tae Salisbhaary,ie Can,serraperits,vncotten no curative jy'WoO Wright,Wilinington;Robert Eo Troy,bum of erties whatever Hence,bitter and painfultndpreparedtofurnehanystyleofBUGGYorbertonyAlexanderMiller,Newberu;Thudean Me porntinent has followed the use of the viriousextrac.yCARRIAGEfromthebeattothextpricedGee,Raleigh;Thomas Jovusen,Yaneeyville;Dr Aud which will be sold ae heretofore at anpreeeden-of Sarraparitia which food the market,wit)ie He bas reeentiy Visited a nuit he Northern WoC)Ramsey,Wadesborough >Rev RoC.Maynard,ted er erin name iselfis justly despised,and has become ey 014ManufactonesandacquartedhaneeitwithalltheFroanktintoa;Dr Bo F.Watson,Wateonville Siow t mous with unposition and cheat.Sail we cad uaelateunprogementsonhielo.cud made areanqenente Cir ena \"compeund Sarsepariiia,und itend to eurply such a by which he can sappy those pret wewith North:oS ap op.WELSON,Prewdeut NO \NI AL ERTISING PHRA k aS ax xhall rescue the mame from the joad ofhecheaperthancouldbedonebyorderyepGPLINDSAY,-We Parilait ‘nee obloquy which rests upon it,And we tick we haveb.We mteuds ty build the finest aud Cp WENDENIUALE ee ground forbeheving 1 has virtwes whieh arises pts rdene ia the countiy and soles a pRTER ADAMS,-Seety and ‘Creasy Common wahine yy who enumerate thea articles ble by she cadiuacy run of the disease in iuiended euliat vi the Natinul Blas sive a i to cure nordertosecure therr eonplete eracienWALVWBARKER‘W a ‘te ee :eae Because an exam cation of the stock and pees.ell io fun the eyetem.the remedy shouid by jud eosJuly31,160 wy 1A WERANE Hpecntiee Comtter Convince the inves scepte,and Closest buyers,of he ly liken accordingto directionsouthe botce e POM GARRET EP :J truth of the asser on Ste ED RYRooBinderyteneatallenesscameTE6BturningmysueereackunwledgementstoUhDR.J.C.AVER &C€0., e Ee IN a Mss eeres eitieens cf Rowar ond adjacent counties for part ta MON.Ee MASS IN Cireeusborough,Ne ©,June 19,160 ut vorw.E hope by ¢attention to my basiners,lo Pare,&l rex Bortte;Six Borries ron $5 SA I,JsSB R Y.nent cuntinuanee of the same A ;Ch P | co WAN’S “No trouble as usual to show Goods at yer s erry ectora !\I ROW KR DICKS won p HI fe ,has won for itself such a renown for the cureofeveryvalidSalisbury‘bas S.FRANKFORD Ss.variety of Throat and Lang Complaint.that sirenweartsCodHsMths\Vegetable Lithontriptic,nirels uiuceessary (in un Ur ecuuarthey Seite;tait:‘‘s tes ;,nipae ,tevirtues.wherever it has been employed Xe ik.y a .j ()((yl N\l ry has tong beenimeoustant use throughoutthie eectem=Pe eae ere BU SU OG SPN:WT AS:fe OTHE 2 wero Piiore Tau assure(hepeople eg!Sn:Ve Flock iad tyr Hu temtarccwser iligbsties ali alRoriavtsetecomiitycetteFinanrytuJeanbetound«if 5 ‘fe Breer[1 Uva eer atineliiont oa bon DINEASED KIDNEYS,|QT tec tenn \‘VER |Marnutie rrenew entirely inthe bandsof abolitioniats, |will not be va warn or des guided.‘They offer at LO L d JAMES THOR AM HAN ra Morbus,Cholera|Jaundice,|jIufantam,Fiata-lence,Female Weakness- 8,and may be used soc Se as an Ordina- feits,but ask for Hostetter’s CELEBRATED i ;)ae a ape 5 Srowvcu Brrrers,and see that eachbottle has BRIT a,eae ER ES a eS Stone inthe Bladder and Koln les i >Jo Anih }the words"Dr.J.Hostetter's Stomach Bitters”a re te Aye.cathartic Pills,blown on the side of the bottle,and stamped Salisbury Se peelisil ois ma)u ”a on the metallic cap covering the cork,and FAN ’.at a )hserve that our autograph signature is on the B peng |i ory ‘ti ||»Muneeee Concord and CEYELE SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of Caslernesa un 1tateneoanAentery,Foul S inde“e-Preparedand sold by HOSTETTER&rOWNS LAV¢ry N apie.ieee oe |COUNTRY MERCHAN DES,to his large and Rheumatuen,F ene Ne isSMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa,and sold by all Skeplapacheretofore Eooegrate wah John bo ieee pared oteck Complaint,Dinpoy,Vetter,Tamora and Salt Rheum druggists,grocers,and dealers generally rn I fving tohimn that thie rstablihinent,(,.15 "ia ae menos Worms,Gout,Neuralgia,asa Dinner Pill,and ‘orthroughouttheUnitedStates,South Ame-Iomss becimnul y eduubialenpaeninnt ;a ae Purstying the Blood rica,and Germany.RONeeL aha ;fit ‘tT dewiles NG eal ices ey rie oo ‘DRY GOODS The ,Ee ear ated,wo ui the mos ve ratuny and aes en Vravelern thers this plane EoD)AGS TIN Sy can take thew pleesonthy,aod they are the .SCOVIL &MEADE,woalwayaavetearwaisg te cee wel!wap Jue a aU eRe aE Biche WHOLESALE AGENTS,(aaliierarailitve (annonce lana ier oi Ese Cl hi d G :Deno oceartcr elas Hinvaiearerie eta:Re iie saieecle Sena|ty othing an roceries.cr Pins ta ee bindSS a HARDWARE!6 whee >BY Haren eaeketities:Mas titet.Ped 1 CEM Saphaniat ug a 'j es Great unimbers of ¢:lay ee a r :Rs ee pth wetoc he he HW WHOLES (LE sn low at 20 qyaneand siunent perecn ;: fk fonwry N BEMISTER,ee ie ee oe:.7 {il |Ral MaRS TED ex cr pie:Pi cieree ice yenias tenant 1G :House Painter,Grainer.Stor 0 are W ax ..as PUEIAME Re Aiuicar ARR fe SPECIAL PATER WANGHI:,&Peeculce lie Markecewitalevastie beenlcneht S.k RARKFORD.eet aiseate oes nie eam , Nom C N Miura S mute!yin (eranate Row Hthe Manufacturers or their ageuts.+a ae eal .i ‘:BLUSE Beles Tee)cel ered to ale anduce Dojnctsbe mitaihbsannpritipled dea irre >uf e SALISBURY,N.C.a «AS iealcesls or Reta buyers A call im re \\|{(yi [eNA|,I,ae tons they make mere profit i AM work sonally Ptoand warts Taleb /=)an Ayrn’s.and tak thers.‘The neeWecerminaeELDSESEASCLYISTUNIIUNwidthereisforthem,aud they alould haveaJasiaealNaeaeUlHo|[""SKIRTS tn endless variety at ei :Four Remedies are for sale byBLUESTONE,_MICHAEL BROWN,SOUTHERN a ee eeeovenve.LS 66 25-1 :3000 Ibs BI UE STONE 3000 Ibs Hutchinson &Co,Charlotte,IVC Ds.:“CH iAESTONE.30 BOOT AND SHOE |18m,teers HENDERSON&ENNISS :Cm Perry,Sunpeon &Lowe,Lexington,Wwe 1 r ae —MoS 8)C A)Suntoe,NontolecVaNeiayWANIkKACTORY'=et ecsenmm de Co Charleston S 2 7 5 aa Rea ~a =Ualeee arch 6,1x60 4150Bush,CLOVER SEED.er PERSON YI EN TION GIy os:_—adewanlessENtithepurchaseofabkindeofPRODUCE3we :Wihmore ema ot en tonecel SMITA &MILLER,|—BANSCBiaudeeian(arts x RAO RTSSyogeierienot)See j =2 Laver INVGu iii,|xnmoo\fentiemea’s Boots,Shoes and Gaiters.)7 =—Reem DE RILITALES:te aoe ORRELL &GRADY :7 [tincemmemnaeecietyoem nmeForCuringTobacco.|.’As I Cee ae a —Sent eit hdc gf faeces Su Prom 21 wr 240 dew,for wile hy |RUS re SN Ntese mea aca Weeunieults SAAT atrat es iatee ieiris C P iecaanearea oo ihe:laat ieoi years HENDERS¢Ne Ne iss |ALA'TS,¢4 A Ps,provements:sna Chee test thiimliee Work _—Seanadcoral peel ‘at ee giae ‘Straw_and Millinery Goods |agoigauaes 6 oe =SSSae|>sellamw geod an arte te ee geoDuy om.baw vin dictatesof your jndgment gride vowiptheI(),(00)POUNDS )|Cmbrettns,Parasols,Flowers,Kibboms,&e.,Boots,Shoes &Gaiters,=Cc)EE Besa yor.gll tame ene ww ray ;No.18 Courtlandt Street,Fetoa h murehaced in New England for the wane,3 le ——=]ieee Dyepersta,Dlnnece yw oD ORIEL UP STAIRS |rene Vhey theretore feel coutidenttha ‘<i C ::nn F )A |wey that ther ap Summer Com CoB Tatras Nit fieriizenwentChe South toe simciin pein 4 pease ry,Dropsy,Seur|euie WhiteLead i in Oil,Hee By ta )Veur a LK bien siaiele Ini rou aiiaie thin healt 7 at Cc Costiveness,Chot-|‘te,Cholera,Chole- eshans PERT For rale hy (ATL ILCD NYS LINSEED O17. HENDERSON &ENNISS 1000 10 Bhs. For aale by 10. &ENNISS Tanner's:Oil. HENDERSON Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’Ague and Fever WARK AN TED: at HENDERSON &ENNISS' Pills, TO CURE Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By th Gallou or Barrel for sale at (EN DERSON €&917s NESS MEDICTN AL FRENCH BRANDY. Into WMedietnal Irench Brandy.VWAo tivo uy by Fodere tue te ever brought ¢Leu torssled Hbev DER RONi’ES NESS SPICES!!SPICES! Nyce,Muatard,Clores,Ginger,Mace Cinnarion,and Nutmecge,for aale by HENDERSON &WNNISS VINEGAR Pure Cider Vinegar. Gallon at HENDERSON &ENNISS’ {rye B30 cts per Sept 18,1860 30 cts.| sWILOLESILEANDRETAIL, ry Family Medi-cline,Itwilicure SICK ||||WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER |,j HEADACHE,(as!ire can testify.)tm )».Tea-9 |bine Chanuetred Boots,Freneh Calf 5 x ro ;twenty minutes,if itwo or threeSALISBURY.NOC [Vine Peench Bdge,a GREAT BA RGAIT)spoonfulsare =fe ft commencement of Blaly Welte,oe i {N MALL their testimonyOnedoorbelowR.A AL Waphy ts ee Double Soles |-bm itefa)Scaeeeore|jixane ‘izMIXWATERcoTHEMOUTH WITHBERSponetiniycndinndlargeassortments>Cl Q’/wWASearchesandSETRLRDofelihankOPERABOO|A x !Cre TesiyninClocks,Watches and Jewelry of every te seription|P leer ..i |Price One Dollar per Bottic.repairedin the best minnerand on the most reasone |Decal cr and Ecenohic alt JH.Exniss now offers to se =ALSO;—_ble terme Ui ne op n Gaiters,Patent Leather and French Calf,|TS PANT 9 Ww ’Bolrustsl tealaco bya Congressa tere,French Calf,at Eee iS at Ae ones en SA TFORD sOxford‘Tien,French €alf,é i “800 ne eeUiionTies.(anew atyle)French Am Calf |i «700 O 900 C AT H A RTIC P ]LLS$ey res ;9,AN ()|I (‘I;17 Geto them and aupply your wante and in fu |GE vTS COATS «©350000 «Aleo Soa SC NEESer j .se tore you will purchase no Boots,Shoes or Gaiters,““5,00 “7,50 Pure Vesuetaiete macasuteae a@ put aptypaver\iveininnulacciredlis |ok rT GLASS CASES,Air Tight,and wit!keep«r ;‘1::|“«“"7 .yCALLANDSEVSMITIL&MILLER,10,00 14.00,ce Fapaity,thartte PITT sreiN;;M a i as ‘at active oe haePHOMASVILLE,N.C i.1 io Lined in hie.practice enneestail5.An ““in ‘se 5 fro wheNUITIERCONSomenoneennterreerieeiocumweteCallnt1ENNISGbeerageSEERedoneS:F ;:'||"ae aN S all express use,hasinduced met ).aceHotoareherebynotitiedthatpaymentafthesane|Clothing,Hat and Shoe Store,them Within the Feuchof allSequinedtabemadewithoutdehyay)BOOTS |Oct.2 120 onfiteran ger onaof the poeta|Wehave been very indulgent towardeourenatomers WE ut ie CAR TRARTIC LIPvrtcrver(i'seucitwits wcinra lticem remtrea be MM:JL and SHOES.WORTH &D espe angorthofavers.and trast that they wall epeedily "fiet d by MII LE ANIEL,isleEra nich valLeomplywihtheabovenoticeandsaveanandthem.|Manufietared by ULE r ca where)0 Cetharte i :a a y Jathartic tsAIanloeataeneetbuteWholesaleandRetailGrocers,|Rigtipinie gtTiterestchargedonallstandingaeconnteDCEIVE1)a supply of GEN TLEM male Costly tS ‘Esp|:rtNeie idananny R BOOTS AND GENTS LAC the.wi ceHARRIS&SULLIVAN |!Lmanufnetured hy Minter &Toman,?Commission Merchants,vor Posi eek e-|be tice,|(ufdeltiladan Hine TRET 34 Thomasville,NC,which are fully equalin style to|satios Sora =Coll A Jany Northern work,and a great deal better in work No.2 Granite Row,Front Srarert,|a Th ae astollectinent.manship and equally as low in price Re ee pr or Adul|ore,-B “Ag |Call and eee them ac FW ENNISS!A kame ot ILMINGTON,N.C.ariiter sae Wheel and my tees ersigned offers his eerviees to the public Oe«t 2-1f20)Boot and Shoe Store |eaters in all kinde of Groceries,Provisions,Fruit,! ™*%Dew.|yu ollvching Agant in and about Satiabury |bts es Wines,Cignrs,and Tobacco The I.Sar eaten ond toeTananroeWiniallWinCECTETinaConlonteatlie|Solicit consignmenteof Flour,Dried Fruit,Feath.i SmartieRill are retatiedNa x|v MN.NTC RERIPASTRRIA wuthorized to refer peraniis HATS AND CAPS.Jerr Herawar,Tobaceo,and Country Produce gen s.Tw.BAN]allt erstmeee your Superintendent and Commissioners as to qual cn xi jets y Agente for Howe's celebrated Scaler es Heed syand!ibe arirerinineaeesJONREARDUSTRECEIVEDalargemupplyofGenteand}DOG WORTH.NG.DANIEL renee eice Pm sauteApril10,INGO [ore Collecting Agent.|9 Roya Hate and Caps.all azes and qualities and at Pee eet Sold hy HENDERSON &ENNISS,|prices remarkably low Late of Asheboro’,NC TC €BG Wer wah aso Comwinte,Salisbury,N.C|oe why «,ORT frlyPERSONS)whorarelsuidelitedi io ime are|SS Sept 18,1860 :i hy Gs UKE)panee (ally peau ed 4a call and inne Hat and Cap and Root and Shoe Store TyiR'quasied ta and make imme-|Gar g eae Buggies and Rock ysMiementeliamcompelled(a havalmoney:2 Fi Bes an ockwawalaidfani(haa se ieemitireniccilinnrerenticdeeniity |ine Suits.illevenhentiber laste ether lenient IReendaeleinie(heel imuntaipnicninnty NOTICE THIS Ifyou wixh tobny FINE SULPS TELE I nena Neha\:ae via .of CLOTHING x an ockawaya,which “|ROP BESSENT .[foras litle money amp oesibie,call at the Great ne terns PHOS BORROWS|Nov Wh,DRAD +197 THE andersigned having taken up the booke of a Ee Denar of DAVID WEIL Jan 94,1880 d ;a Jthe late firm of Bell &James,gives th | Rewrwnre tin Stann—No 9,Murphy's Gren-:|PRAYING.Tae AV eerceee |een nea ee a ite Row.Salishury,N.C phy's Gran 50 White Hands|:STR aatantlatrenere Crain yeanlke cairns jept 25 tng \W ILL find steady employment op a.S =on,Charlotte and Rutherford KR z|JNUEF andersigned gives notice that he keepe a WoAMI .;mington I TEAM AND WAGONS for the purpose of|Dee.27,1859 171 W.1.BARRIER,Se Ueriaes a MeNINCHDrsviitenandiwilliancy\call whois (avorshiniaeith ?;onMay8.1X60 (150)ChanecallthielineonaeonsrdintteIkyyDlaLNsOeMCIIANaBLANKDEEDSENTIST,Mm Panpnicie.Peer Views Cute ||March 20th,1860 143 FOR SALE AT TUIS OFFICER)w MT OPV ENS NNT NSO Cireilarel andiaii mi iteae dike ieneutareh13,1960,mime hearer‘atic W moment aod apa estobi the family otiam the R sparn i All curity on ap liance uokno' ap to Gel the segssi a of the eons, a have jut,tdWeiata,OOP era cetancesvy efleciy“ve ap.Feputed (o,on®oted by up,feeandtharritproveofiy,Br afflicted 4.).DM POUN willmauyof¥of thngcompHainNTEEvcesret »DyKORSy aa Ctass of contBoon. t promoter of expel the fuythatseasoyet Of them imapd.Muliitude,emselves fromuleerousSores,lo rid itselfof through the tive Medicineeryoufinditpimples,crap. nd tb iB Obst rue.it whenever it when.Evenopleenjoybet. ng the bhodell;but wih an be no last. Ost Bo wrong,dered or over. thereputation,he wor'd has ne of it,partly virtue that is Y Preparations,of it,Contain or any thing en misled by art of Extractofthesehaveptoniycontain Curative pr painful disap rious extrac et,unl the Come ky nony- we call thiempplyucha the load of hink we have hare irrewets- At is intended te eradien. d by judiewus- bottle 0., eS ror $) oral, eure of every +that itisen- we evidence ofloyedAsaCiieeertia ople ils qua ei.andni Pills, Mus dad Keaton, dache,Pies eases,LivesaltRheum Pill,and fer owt KeLISIL re ethebeetofafamy ror 100 ’y mas,sodknowsfanowrewhich# two yearspumerous .new BogeHongROWN 1735 the WRailRo»d Blankstedexecu J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS $2.00 $2.00 $15.00 the same proporuon Paymeut always in advance. feu s wabs eacecding tea,tn beuch53 a RIN ES wing Courtand miscellancous BLANKS on hand for sale,at this ollice nailto aby pact of the country Cau be at stil Warrants, &Bonds,c¢.&8.Court,anc asc vis,CB B.C, Com.totake Depo.C&S.ApprenticeLettersTestamentary Lettermot Ataimistradse de,pecinibetters duMarriageLicenses, Do CortificaterVariourEquityBiauks,ve Ladictmenta,Land Deeds,Decdsin Trust,Shell Deeds.uity JoesoftHand,otesto Bank,y other tucmy of less frequent use. order on short notice ladentures tons,© nas,CsoHickt ainistracion,a JAY,y 1manaedt> $9 Blanks RAILINIGUIR Ns we Gt VICY P20 SGNIBSDAYEVENINGEB WHO ARE TILE SUBMISSION ISts¢ The term “Submissionists ” ron lip to lip,and is evidentiv intended as a reproach to persons entertaining cerien opinions Who,then,are the subsiissionists ?Let us see. The Republicans say to the South:"You have yvghts in the Territories —they belong to the ort.”The Gulf States answer:©We sub- take Territories—we withdraw our claim.” non seceding States,on the other hand,say : We have nghlts in the Territories,and demand | en recognition aud better sceurity,or we will| wssulve partnership and insist upon our share of| jie property in dispute.We submit to no such srogant claim as that vou set up.”Which are| ve submissionists|which is 1 that flies before le pHems,slikes and leaves its bagyaye be-| tind ?--Auch mond Whig. Such insolent epithets we sometimes bear ap is benny bandied hed to good and true Southern Rights men in, Gessloosy;and always by those who are try vty runaway,coward lke,as fast as ther legs» an carry (hem,by resorung to the miserable aud |!angerous heresy,secesstun Itis,asevery man! ymmon ser>>knows,a remedy for nol ove syle yrievane under which we lub ur’but ities jorough and complete desertion of our rights ever\Uhiug appertaimng to the Government,\who advocate secessionva The only true wd manly way of defending our rights,is to van]square up to the North or the offending “ates,and in language aot to Le misunderstood, cy them that we intend to lave them Jet the ts sat wise eowhat thes may.The doctrinejuences sssiots is destructive of every Ching he a rsubstantal guverument —a govern wioch our tees aud property will be he teasun that whenever a State io cknowlel ing the mht of a State mecames dissatisfied that very rolect on as at an end, son begine.Who wish ve ulder @ government built upon sich a dation©Evers man who lias tyand peace of his countre,of bis art,and who has one spark of patn mason for the heroes and sayes of han ed owith this glon n and foe ali the weed Associa m lin yes rohis ite ats manent gor beating 4.ANN 2of North nome “ro }leraeVourselvesUnie su hh rh as thatotferedtyyou by Scoesm ests withea sattendant horrora,war,Argh tares and tis eh y rmiliary decpotiam of thie most Jamal, n det ur not,put yoar seal Heaton irbers of your peace,y+prosperity and the security of your ife and that yuur wives andchildren,on Thnrsday the 28th instant. =e JUSTICE TO GENERAL SCOTT Vder this bead we find the following candid observations in the Columbus (Geo.)Anguarrer, a paper which has always been pohtically host to Gren,Scott,but which can stl do justice t+ the veteran chief at a time when he is strang.'y sngled out for attack and misrepreseptation ly acertain class of puliticians: “AC this Gime,when the most harsh and on just epithets are daily apphed to the veteran Lieutenant General of the Federal Umon—when he is flippantly denounced as ‘a bloody diets tor’‘Butcher Scott,”&e.-think it opper tune to copy from the National Intelligencer his ‘Views’on the present political crisis.It will be seen that he expressly repudiates any desire to resort to coercion with a view of retaming a State in the Unfon,deprecates civil war as the worst of calainities,and,strong as is his attac h ment to the Union,declares that disunion is smaller evil’than such a war as would follow the aitempt to maintain the (Coton intact by force. ©Ac the aan time,Gen,Scott,as au offierr of the Federal Government,especially entrusted | with the protection of its military posts,feels it) bis duty to recommend that steps be taken to secure them against surprise and sudden attacks On this point his *Views,’submitted before the election of Lincoln,were remarkably correct- time having almost fulfilled his apprehensions to the letter.However,we,who clam the mylt lo take these positions as @ necessary menvure of self-defence,uray be able to sustaia ourselves in a controversy with the Federal Government oa this point,it seems to us that all candid,reflect ing Men must admit that Gen,Scott but dis charges hie duty ia endeavoring to maintain them so long as his Government Persists in tts claim to them and be remains an officer of that (rovernment. we ‘a We are for doing justice even to (hose whom positio may make our eoenues,es pecially when they are actuated by the humane motives whieh General Scott's ‘Views!disclose, and we think that Southern mea injure their own cause when they refuse to do so and heap re proaches on the head of one who cannot favor their claims. “Wedo not beleve that itcan be shown,up on any reliable evidence,that le has done or ra commended anything variant from the policy above set forth —that of avaiding coercion by arms.but at the same time holding for the pres eut the government property,the property which hie position binds him to make an effort to retarn sy long as hie government persista in claiming tt It will be seen that he expressly repudiates the pohey of blockading the ports of a seceded State,mrrian li ymof the r torcign vesaela entering by cutters outside recommends free vesaele leaving enne from of theherporteandthecollect barber This van leas concession,10s tere,tian the aeeeding States clatn for they assert \hesr Devoted to Politics,Wews,Agriculture,Internal Improvements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences, AOL.XVIIE. own right to collect and use the revenue; sas much as Gen,Seott could be expected to until voverutnent untkes the re: noubecement that would authorize lim to go fur ther. “Tn view of these facts we, but it concede his who have never been a political frient of trea,Sool,who cre- fused to support him whea he was the candidate of our party fee the Pe ideney,and have never since been willing to support hun for that office, Ciek itour duty Wwe todo him simple justice whee beleve lin to be mistiderstood and misre presented;and simple justee as,we think,al that wo clanu for hin in this article. Es PIG et Laying aside every fecliag tion save that af deva- we have placed at the head of our paper,the names of Josern TH.Witson tu our CouDlry jand Wa.FL Davipsox,the yeotleman nomi nated by the meeting of the Couservative Sctte Rights meu,on Saturday last.We lave no doubt the Ucket will command the sapport of every Conservadve man in Mecklenbury county f elected,both geathemen will go to the Cou vention uptrammeled by pledges,free to act as We are wilhmg to trust them,having wo fear Chat ether of them willdo anything of comant any act that me aud cireuinstances may natdictate,We ace wing to trust them,having no fear that elther ofthem will do any thing or commit any oot that! wil time and circuinstances nay dictate. compromise evher t utes North Cerolina The candidates are now bs st Fi wv fore the pearls and L rewains fer them to interest of Meckler uve! ny to whos lin iste ts Ube be eutr Let nan who ts des'rot fimaint and we inean ah hongrabie peace irmor and labor manfully for the ef Conservative ticket Phe tiine watort and whit ever your hanes find to do,do quick! Tote tava (ot and with your whole mgt.¢/Whey View of our Difficulties from a Dif- ferent Stand Point. Giss mwa, \ C an of Arkanegas,as lately\;al tress thatcitizensof State,imowheel le takes @ view of out dithentties very different trom that usual ly taken by Southern secthonaiost We ach altent ne tothe followrig strubstcik Inge passage trom Crov.Conway o produc Thom: OTC is ati Secret}5 isto disturb the domestic Trang the United States ee es break up and destroy our Government, eet nd ofa powerful rival,extend the arva of British Douiuiens on th nent,and becowne the chief and control America.It EE eeubeubc meth onk x ypinion that theHewoftheBritish yeov Ss Conty ling power in aware that tlre ee ter of dostur ted States, wags ath fir fie free Dials that Moigons of a aud wail Ue N bo tbas ce Vaya, nany years,abd is naw unceasing efforts to over ertinent ||\ that t ved mpen the y comply ting its agents and emssarics he chief and outrages perpet slaves staics a nated,planned and por trated by the Abolition citizens of the f States [tis my opentoan that th British gav ernment ia the row author and instigator of the mischief and outry ayuat the slave lites,at il seem to have been or e «perpetrated that it te the duty of one federal Gover ment and of the patriotic people of the United States, to bold the British Government rer pons ble for disturbing the diricetic tranquil ity of the United States It igany opinion that the British gov erument hae determined that aa long ae ouryoverninent shall ex st there shall henceforth be uo dumest:tranquility in the United States. Tt is my opinion that Dritish Gold has been and will be used to fire unprincipled Abolitiontsta from the free states,and send thei into slave states,instructed to x commit euch outrages that the people will become 6o hostile to those of the North, and the aggreasions and outrages corn mitted upon the southern states by hired Abouticn British emissaries from the free states will be so ofen aggravated,that civil war will be produced,the Union dissolved,and anarchy,with all its deso lating evils and deeds of plunder,robbe ry,outrage,Chines aud murder,prevail. It will be recollected by the student of current political history that the Abol tion crusader inthis country was Geers Thou.peon,Esq.an English Abolition emissary who visited the Northern States, and addreesed large audiences through out the prineiple towns and cities,about twenty-seven yeare ayo, He was remarkably eloquent man,an 1 subeequently,on his return ty England was elected to Parliament.There was no sich! thing known then in the country aa that which we now anderstand by Abolition The sentiments generally prevailing upon the subject of slavery both north and south were such as had existed from the organization of the government,and such as were entertaine!by the founders the government itaelf.There was no po litical anti-slavery,no party and no agitation worthy of notice Gen tof his glo ition Jackson was then in the lrei.s ry,and parties were divided npon other iasuees than those of slavery Al)parties were then vational and patriotic Thomp gon retuained in the country for several yeara,and then it wasp fitical Abolitict first showed itself Phe English Abolition Emissary by his insidiona,yet eloqnent appeals,prepared the public mind tor its advent,and the |or two, Morality, SALISBURY,N.C.,FEBRUARY 26,1861. denial of the right to petition ia Congress aright which was vebly defended by Jolin Bell and the late Vice President King of Alabatna,also late SenatorKing of Georgia,and severnl others—at once set the pestiferous ball in motion and yuve it importance.We verily believe that if the advice of John Bell,with reference to the right of petition had then heen taken,Abo- litionism never would have obtained anch a foothold as it has secured in this eoun- try.Mr.Bell’s advice was indeed snbse- quently taken,but the tuischief had been done.Demagognes nerth and south at once seized eagerly hold of the slavery agitation for the purpose of making po litical capital,and they have rode the hobby ever since,and have well nigh Drought the country tu the very ve destraction, Thompson was sent over by the British Abolition Societies to set the ball in me tion and how well he performed his work let hia snecessors answer.We do net think he had any direcet connection with the British government at the time he visited the United States:he wmtoubted ly represented the andaus of the Govern ment That Government acted out its convictions with a bold hand at the ex pense of the possessions,AS every ane knows,and whieh inflicted a blow upon the Beitish West Indios fron:whieh they have never recovered and proba cr Wil We are not going toendorse Gov C way's views;bat we are froe ta eonfess that we think they contain matter worthy Mf profonnd reflection, janctore in our political condi We \ nishment,the hin rye of nd eapeeialy al tthis 1” with tndignatr t fre have seen, ist paentty nt in some of the dosnn in slicets Southern States that the Coton once :the d forma ar Great Britain offensive and deter sive.and henee,incase of difficulty,could dis Soath cot fepend upon British power for protec ton!Wedonatauppose that those throw ont ofingthesehints,were atall aware ithe real nature ofthe proposition to whieh tuestorethan ft they thns referred,any are aware of the coalt Ire¢" on of these States lesa than vith again te the condition of a British)Provinee,and to make her dependent upon foreign aid and the ea that has not leat, tated to rnin the finest island it ever pos seaaod for the sake of abolishing ey \ If vie,fu watare of the propsit: ion todissolve framountsta uithie oiore or ' reduce the S proce of a government Hehe ith y aware of theany nh,can entertan ita blush we envy perther tis head t Aak Great avland comfort tot wolfto protect and foster theHyat cheryt heart reece oa conetrictor the ox? the friendship of Great Dritain,teran stitution whieh it has d pate Hie than all other nations ¢ Phe people who surest tl of Britis! about their Avnor,about S is prepes alliance talk largely aid he thern | What becomes of it when they make this proposition!Let them go stand by the statue of Jackson and retlect.Let them perform a pilgrimage to the plains of Chalmette and divest their riuds of the unworthy idea, No foreign entanglements forever,one and indiy istble No British protectorate Tica yng our pro tection.The American flay is the syn bel of our safety and our henor,Let no star be eraced from it.--.V Orleans Bul' letin,} oo. aon America motitut From the Iredell Firpress Who will be the Fighting Men? We desire to propound one serions question to those persons who clamorfor | secession,liere and elsewhere,if North Carolina should determine to withdraw from the Union,do they stand ready to) shoulder their muskets and incet the foe t| Now,it is not our opinion that they ex-! pect to do any such thingt+we have no idea they would doit.They,most hikely,! would remain at home,many of them in some grog shop,and utter “brave words,”| at a safe distance from danger. Wonld those editors,whose sheets teem with “blood and thunder”daily and week-| ly,go forth to the “fight?”?Not one of, them!Not one of these blood-thirsty tribe—upon paper that we can learn, has “gone to the ware”in the seceded| States!Neither will they.Will those politicians,members who have left Con yress,and deserted their posts sn the hone of need,and othera who are now figuring in Southern Conventions,be foremost ta the fray?Will the dignnioniste and fire caters In our Legislature,who are using every alift to take the State ont of the Union,sacrifice their patriotic lives for the rights of the South—except on paper? They would sooner leap snto a cauldroo of scalding water and come forth skinless CarcanRee Well,there be some who will have to yo forth,do the tighang und become food for powder,and whot The mechanicr, the farmer's aoe,and others,who have had little or nothing to do with getting np the ‘onan,and who desire uo better government than the one they will be required to overthrow —ly there mouth ing,worthless,dishonest politicians,who live npon the spoils of office,and drink Let their rights at the polla on the osth February Gerinane to tl following from the Raleigh Standard : asaert ofmeanliquor!honest men via articla we tranefer the “To ‘all and singniar’the restless apirite who are atriving to rueh North Carolina ont of the Union in the course of a month we say gentlemen,yon will pot Ve allowed to do it.)The people will go Laying Spoou-Fashion for a Wife. to the potts and vote you down.They ” ;ee “Yes,you are right,”observe |the Doe- will neither embmit to abolition rule nor tor he drew closer up to the bar room‘i :or ye wv the bar re to you.They ate just as trne to the vee Oe ae I South as you aro,if not truer;and thes i :?Sed oo ar ,>;“There is a variety of cunans incidents are us hostile to b'ack Republican princ :; 5 :connected with the marriage of most peo ples as you are.But they will not break :i ale U i i Je,that would excito the risibles of qyite up the Union just now.They will watch .Boe :a number,were they generally known and whit,and try to save it;and if they "wv a :’“Eve beard that your marriage prew shonid in the end abandon it,and :A » .ont of some funny circamatanesor other, avout to establish new forme,they will \:';caid Unese ben,as he favored the glow- not call the medern hotspurs,who wear j :ing anthrocite before him with a copious bye cockaies and talk blood and thunder ‘ne hy .expectoration of the V rps leaf,Out when vo enemy is near,to aid them in i :, :”:_with it,Doctor,and lets have a chance she work of reconstructing the fabric of :’+ rey alredl That eri 1 to laugh a bit.PU be bound there's a :id Gove yal e ‘, Soe es mab crisi®WUT Tote somewhere,or the twinkle of your call for men,net unbalauced intellects *\ and vai oastere.Mark it,ge >e : ain boasters,Mark it,gentlemen,«Perhaps there was a joke previous to,| the people will put their inark npon you..5 1 ;an and accessory to ole warriage,In fact | Pine with you to work mischief will soon ’‘bat Pm not quite sure that wy good lady come ta auend,and the reckoning with .:* :K would care about having it repeated, you of your masters,the people,will bei said the Doctor. terrible.” stove, woie veye belies you sadly.” ..Nearly a dozen vears ago,I was on my .vA Ree an .,:Reena i oe A FLIMSY ARGUMENT.return t »the old homestead in the good| TheT r .State of Connecticut,having just complet he Tennessee¢Arunecle remarks that,ed my stndies as a student of medicine.| as an argument in favor fimmediate €e-fa eampany with a goodly namber of Noelia nes UCT ay Ae people,|stopped for the night at a coun- Northern States hare violated the Con try im in the town of K——,not being stitution,nalliticd a law of Congress,and able to resuine my journey to a@ late heut nided in guving us a sectional President 4 whose leading political idea is Opposition to glavery. than ths, on the following day.Llaving always A ea ey been an admires of the country,|was not iv is all true:and more’at all dissatisticd with the arranzement, ChGTe ICR a see aU ott and my pleasure wasfar farther entianced granted them by the reselus jy iny finding at the well Jaid supper cniscal was vit reputa rable two ladies of surpassing loveliness, ted a decision of the Supreme Court,aco the younger of whom thought the inost ordinate Department of the Government bewitching little creature in existence. put ¢sit ilow,because lawless fan::Bat dic foilow,because lawlesa fanat The ladies were acco:npanied by a yen the Teense ay cist has done thes tithes the Unionte bing-,1 'eman about my own age,Ww th whom I abandon its rig!could not but feel exceedingly annoy ed. !Ho not only engrossed all their attention vie and fly trem the up tted armoof the var,ineky dog as he was,seem determit enemy and eeck safety and protection uf (ed that ne other person shonld partici ate ler another government vet to be organ ee alt sii ifs n \ submit to theae wrongs wi ut astray tthe amusement.An offer of some [it the way statesmen and rie delicacy by mysel!to the younger of tots oudlit te aeh at | tmAioistot ease[we trust the two ladies,was Inet by an icy sort o taat Virginia will not fly astonasthereis Goliteness on his part,that.effectually achance for victory,but bravely face the chilled any further attempts at intimacy enemy,and if defeated hon retreat with f eoon left the table,but could not dr ve honor toa pesitten ontsr de of the Union.‘the image of the lovely being wehad j ist It wil be as easy Line ‘left from my mind rething wiisper coln as it is under the dotard who now fod te we that wo would become acquaint dozes in the White Huuse,and it will be cd at come tntnre tint nore Magnansmous to defy the Repuvi |teat more than usua can leader,whem the proper time comes ed to be not } than to elude the unbecile to secede under i Dutin Me intertn y uneasy at an intitna’e ec Tlony ACAI yiasp of Ba guee,but an accepted lover,and liad chanan for fear that aetronger hand may been possessed ofal hold the r Should enercion be the poliev of t Ineoming lap Administration,Virg |stand ready In the excitement under which [|was to casehurge her whole daty,bat whalst then laboring,lL thonehta walk might do that question is im agcvanee,ret her pur t hotated by trae patweeDdf tthe Woretn the wealth of Crepsts, ring of Gove .eins of Govertinent.sitatingly pours PitanTwouldhaveuneineher naw me good,bat on opening the door for neve for that purpose btound the mbt had set i as datk as brebus,and being au entire a! 5 tred my the here Washo hnowipg whats ‘Ait enevunter,eo [inade wv tnise Vic matter Ly Vocniim ann ¢bed Dretrred,but ter a tony rol ind tassed abont sadly t Takin new one plan |ce toe vouny tady would suggecel itsrot,and Nyrnatized aa eat oH y at dast d found myseit dreamy. y wihielr DP aniebt arate acquaintance of nunether,tpt Linesln can arn:as nen nt he 5 bas aA Oa cal le after lis iaInet Pnavy.it he rate velery rf [fancied I inoments a sort of igh ly ett Tow 1Ur Care,Mw the army can tnake tens tight,and the cnjpty Treasury.if make it available he be held upyas a | into acuon tle the controverted 1 by inangurating ¢\ a hecan near my bed,bat it paaaneeelieaintsdWh,then,shonle yeas,antl,sudd vo ,onmeasi cuiy,seme one sprang ogbeur te frighten 08)into the bed,and clasjang her aris about asly If he chooses Ts bel we,whispered giits !Sontl war,le 1 the responsibility;but whet there rt}drea co}]it in te ta {bay,hare, .VesUgh!how \4 'UNE?we ehalh base te bay j spoon fasion or else we sali freeze.” peace,let Virginia atric Here was an incident,What te say ot by securing her own rights inthe Union,ow to act was a question not and with them the mylhts of her master:sotved At inst | slave States.-eich.Wary.enongh to ejventate, Bae Read me above again. to continne it eastly mustercd courage “Pear imadnam,here is sate taistuke bil it Thelady did net wait for me ta eas any With a sharp,quick ecream, she sprang fom the bed and belted from og.|the apartinent T was wondering whag of the duce it contd all mean,when a ser vant bronglt a lamp into my room,yoek ed np what dadies apparel abe could fine Jabout the promises,avd leftthe apartment on can well believe,gentlemen,that my slumber that evening were fur trom quiet. In the morning T know not how it waa pnt T was vividly impressed with the iden that my nocturnal visitor was one of the two Jadies who had sapped with me the evening previous,bat which,I could nog conjecture.1 resolved,however,to ae certain,on the first favorable Opportunity which might present itecif,aud sit of) inyself beyond the doubt. On taking my seat ut the table the next morning,Ty opposite the ladies,and was revo! inv inind the incident of the previous Sreceasion [NcospisTency.—Jt scene ty Ovens when the younger of the (we us that Southern secessionists are cerfain passed Ler plate,and begged me te favor ly the most persistent in inconsistency ot her with the preserves hear ine. any set of men on earth Jecaueo some “Certainly,ma'am,”sald Lt,as the of their rights in the Union have been thought sprang into my head that she aseailed,they choose to surrender all,might be the lady in question,Toadded, Because one or two tecth ache they ex-Will you take them spoon fushion?™ tract the whole of them.Determined to Vie Va whip the North,they purchase all their dye face instantly nasumed the hue of aring and ammonition from the North.criunson dablia,while her compamon Contending the Constitution of the United secined go culd and passivuless that |wae States does vot protect them,they adopt satisfied sho had kept her own counsel it as the Constitution of their governinent.scraped au acqualitunce While thev revile that old hero,Gen,love,and when Treached home |bad the Scorr,his “Tactics are more popniar pleasure of preaenting to the old folka my among thei than fy,the present Mrs.Mal re Cite Ga MA Hla ole yt tea De be bel) The voice of Virginia,at the late elec tions,1a very accurately interpreted by the Washington correapondent ofthe B ton Court-r,“The voice Virginia is significant and hopefnl Tt is! aknell to the disnnioni:'s North no leas than South.Attempts are made in both quarters to pervert it,and to give if,if possible,an oncertain sound On the part of the Santh,it ts pretended that a Unionist in Virginia is at best bute a! man who will insist upon auch conces giona from the North as he knows will pot be made.And on the part of the North,the *back bone”ants compromise leaders--disunioniats in fact—would fain persuade themselves and their followers, that Virginia has spoken so emphatically for the Union,that vo proposals for con- ciliation,bo movemeute Whalever on their part,are needed to securetheiradherence tu the Union as it is.—/tichmond Whig “2 mere who says: Vreakfast daced uryselt ving *U Eureka!what an explosion 4 fell deeply vu their Bibles.With estimablo In great preparations for war,they declare dax” they are for peace-Daily Banner --- A letter from Athena,Alabama,8 Jated January 29,atates that the work ryt )inthe public one fellow Harry Peek's Serenade. peaking of masie,reininda me of Har eakia serenade.Harry wasavanes ingmen of that piace met ae full of pokes asa mushkinelon aquare and fired thirty three guns for the Union,and that the national flag waves Some half dozen of Harry's friende over the eourt honse Mr.Yancey wae among wham were Sam Welch,and Bill burned in effigy at night,and great ex:Hagner and Joe Brown (all wage by citement prevailod way)concluded,one mght,| ‘i is of seed o give Harry on aurprise serenade;b yobd intormed tiem:Croat Mr ‘much that planters object to “Book Farming,” the that they secure that knowledge,and insiat lover the farm accounts to their keeping. Fur- nish the girls us well as the boys with he Gvcli- ties for adquiring this knowledge.Tt ie as coson- tia}to one ne the ether.Let the girls keep up the housebuld accounts.Loterest thers in this, Let them learn the lesson figures teach when us- Jed to designate receipts aud expenses.They will |thus learn economy—-to calculate.Do not fear jthey will Lecome sordid.This process will give igreater powet to indulge in poetic fancies aod ‘poetic employments.And they will realty be |poetic,for they will be based upon facts.Pras- rie Furiaer .- SAVE THE ASHES. Oar readers peed not be told that ashes,from the amount of potash and other fertilizing mat tor which (hoy eontav,are very valuable for wer Wurng purposes mixed with leaves and wood or coal ciucders,Uiey take ap excellent manure.— There are many who are pot fanuers,yet posseas ama!plow of land for gardeniag pur —— Such patrons can us:their ashes or cinders with at somehow or other much advan‘age,|should not throw them fn- frig to the street to be wasted and raked over by the chiffons. Barmers also can use their ashes with more profit on farms than by selling them. Taking into hie eonfidence a young The virtue of ashes as a manure,-been ling in hie own neighborhoad,known andestecined fromavery early date.It Tat Peleg .:|was a very common practice among the Jewsto he gave hin the necussary et Ce burn their stubbie,whilo Cato recommended to towers and atan early hour his house WA8 pe oinanaihe burning of the twigs and braneb- closed,and he retired ty bed to waat Ue.of troges und spreadingthe ashes on their lands. Sage The GAR treatise on husbandry,by Her- Midnight caine and with it the screnad-csbaebius,priuted asearly as 1578,tells that “ia ors.Ranging thenselves alony the pave f cdy they like so well the use of ashes,as ment,Stink-a tink”went the preparatory comitfarre above any doung,thinking toneh of Sam's gitar;sypho pelea,”follow.not meete to be used for the unholsom- ed Bill's flute;and the key baving been Their use,at the present day,is struck,they commenced with “Ever of j almost universal in some countries of Europe, Thee’—which,to do them justice,was whereby crops of grass,routs and grain bave,in played and sung rewarkally well.“Bon.{maimerons inatances,been sein sore ny Eloise”was then performed,followed |Lants ne ee a a ee aS ie : by several popular airs;bat no acy ber eats oy cumPletaltsCx lea Li ore a aeponided—-no window weso;ened—not a a fertilized condition by the constant addition Leela |jashes,combined with other manures.The Ger- Coe heard..Ad .in@@ farmers not untrequently go to the distanee “Lets give him Dixies Land,andif he!o¢wwouty or thirty miles after them.It would don't came down,we'll pall the bell,and!ig iw posible for ‘the English farms to support knock at the door.”.Jeuch a large population were it not for the lop That favorite air was accordingly exe j dressing afforded by the ashes,derived from the cuted in fine style--but no reponse.burning of wood,coal,turf,peat and burnt clay. “Pall the bell,”said Sam.‘On account of the native richness of their soil, “Knock at the door,”gait Bill,‘American busbandmen have not,1p tbe past,set Tiukle,tinkle,went the ell;Lang@ that estimate on the reinvigorating qualities of bang,went their knuckles on the door —Varians manares which they are sow coming to when,at lost,the young bia stepped ap,from veer sity,from the exhaustionof the lands, Beck Did paren sy tus New England States.The virtue of bones as a manure,arises partly from the large atnount of phosphate of Inne whieh tbev contain,varying in amount from 374 per cent.in the bones of the ox to 35 per coat ia thuse of the hare.A careful analy sis of the ash- 2 J :kinds of trees siow that they pes- street,”atid M6 ug.gy large amount of this ;hosphate of lime; purposely,the rest which is valuable a>fuod for vegetable life,But their chief value is iu the alkahne matter which, acting upub tbe vegetable matler of the soil, 69,causes ILto decay more rapidly,and yield ite am- the use of the growing plants.Asb- ‘eached,of course lose a portion of and the Family Circle. NUMBER 41. ALY Larry got wind of the smatter anid ready brain econ informed him how to 'receive thew.\ peese thereof.” removed that day “Thats wood,”said doe. “suld,by Japiter said Lil. *Paving to an empty house garg Sain “Pla bal where's Peck moved ¢ion “To No,2007 C vot man,givin es of Var.ous v, denevofa crusty old ’Ca tchelor,who detest serena ders “Tt will never do to give its rw raid Sam.“Lets have it And they departed for ©sirect,es that an s they soon arrived.Siriking the their fertilizing properties,bat should by no key,@ number of airs were perforused5 ans he thrown away.According to Baron sul ny one responded Liebiz,one hundred and ten pounds of these ks I Penis common beach tree will farnish Vins is very fanny,”6aid Sam.A lime as five hundred aad SA Hittle strange!”said Joe.:ae <5 Let’velhin,‘Conie brother aronse!?seven pounds of the mehest manare.Flint,ia ee rr rive -»ebre 24 1 eet Sets e ey lis recently revi‘oa sed work on grasses,states that and ‘he dou tshow hrnself,we'll knock 5)tou to the acre,Lae bees se him Gowh eached ashes,as to gield Avda hie three tons to the acre,Coal ashes,of which so HEY ICAONE tons are apnually wasted in this and oth- ein,composed of a greater extent of aterials,and less phosphate of line,are a bounce,and not su beveficial,yet,they are far from being val- Ava top dressing fur many kinds of Lord Albemarle esteemed them superior tu all other fertilizers.For suff clay land they ‘‘ellentethe cinders making the soil more to the gasses of the atmos- phere.and easier of cultivator ton Unis account they are especially desirabic for potato and tur :king the soil light and dey fulness of the Itis eary sown peas,when the ground neb in thick- Javs earlier than ies have not been apphed, up, Ve nut fuonis for Whit made from the as much phesphate of producti oeprodueniigot imprused by the use ut \Sa ae ;arty chorus was giten, TUALY “Ionock hin:down :i And bang,ang,they the door,when snddenty, beard on the floor gelessyrasces, pulltoe bell out? ty andered on earthly m er cries, thon hasty steps were above,and the window was opencd,aud a head protry Jed. “Hfalloa,Harry!bow are you me “Whatdo you want i ask od the bache- lor,“coming bere this tine ol night to disturb people.“Thank you to beyone (| “Ja Peck in?”pM4ene it “Peck don't live here!” are porous,more open da,since hy ma healt tubers. il wor the :Also Said b eB case of “Where in the mischief does he tse,y ey are covered on the surbice oh then!vi ashes @ wierora |;{ “Pyon't know;he don't Pve in this 1..\Uaee or f alt CE -guare!*haan Gu tie AS And !vwent his head,and d wwenowent see Jig)Pet CLV AIE”VINEYARD. resid the seret ul “Well this is pretty fos ess. “Ginesa well hase tu yxive he RN Lets yey howe.” And home they went.Ou Cher way, Va pany,VGIUMARCE NEAATiD eNom aud tmimediately cut down bo (wo eves.Expe- cluded tokeepdark ,but the affarr Jenk-es Hutte onrci tall planting A vd out Qhrough the young mat,ne doubt \iye sec in the sutume (and it should be doneas and Harry stuck to it that he did net gon as the leaf falls)wall,io three years,be as hear a pote of the serenade.strong and capable of bearing a crop of fruit as one of five years old set in the spring.The .>‘of venes may be at once simple and or FAIRY,GARDEN AND ORCHARD.namental,The first year two shoots showld be '~Vallowed to grow,and as they elongate,let them PLANTERS,READ MORE,be carried [irally,both ‘athe Lin direction, If agricnlturiste generally,would read more.abont five inches apart,around the stake,and aid reflect upon what they read,there would be thie may be continued antil they reach the top. fewer complaints,and their jonrnals would be The ‘ater:he allowed to grow at random, come more a necessity with them,Jt is not so In the fail they stioutd be pruned hack to with- in eighteen inches of the ground,and the laterals Ww one eye.Second verr,coulinue the two canes and entertaining character of Agricultural liter “from the two uppermost eyes,as directed in the ature and information is not appreciated Read first year.The laterals will require summer planters,and you will be better pleased pruning.In thefail,cut back the canes to with- wiih your papers —culttyate a spirit of inquiry in eighteen inches of last year's wood.Contio- after bidden troths in your profession,and you)ye this course until the vine is established the will soon perceive that you cannot get along!whole length of the post—whatever sermounts without these ards,When the mail boy returns jt,is to arent hack.The fruit is horne upon the from the office,they will be the first inquired for.|site ghoots,and the pruning ison the short spar and the first to be read with stacons attention.!system.The form of the vine may be shaped They will atfurd more pleasure and protit,becanse!es the taste of the cultivator;that of the pyr» you will find (hat which bears nearest relation to!jyid is decidedly the best. your pursuits.Never throw aside your Agricul . tural papers,but read altentively till you know every thing in them.It may be bard to do it at first,but persevere,cultivate the habit,and soon, what has heretofure been irksome and unpleas ant will be your chief pleasure.Papers are tov frequently thrown aside,and pronounced worth leas,because they have not been read, Doo't do thia—it is unjust to yourselves.Again,we kay read more—and more allentively—break the pay good prices crust ang get all the good within You can ne ore pronounce juigment on your paper with out reading,than you ean tell the flavor of «thing |; without smelling or lasting.well pared,well cored,and carefully dried ap- sei]for double the price of those poorly pre- Two shillings worth of time and care in sushel will not unfrequently add a Voliur or more to its marketable value.Applies Hote Uoryay be quickly dried by shaving them wholly ite ising Poetry DL A dows not pay if iach thin parings,and spreading them upon plates there is not eatisfactory material results.But oe earthenware dishes to dry.“Apple leathes,” Tina dollar and cent Wams 3).Sometimes catled,isa convenient article action to produce and market a crap—from the 1,i.nade by preparing the fruit as if for sance, turning of the first furrow to the delivery oF the 11.)then,after cooking,spreading it thinly on Jaxt bushel,money is involved.—Parming should,aeihen dishes and drying it in hieiNocnentcere accontingly,be conducted in a business manDer vey.ket at ac low a temperature as to avoid Kach item of expenta,each moment of time,all all danger of scorching.The thia dried sheete expenditureof labor,should be barged the crops.oy as prepared.will keep a long time in a dry. and if the market price of the produce GOO HOE coin and be ready for Use whenever they are cover this cost and leave a baianoe,that kind of wanted,by simply svaking them.Peaches may husbandry had better be abandoned.fed peeonsnet Rs FAtaarican! Most men acknowledge the foree of the above yy cudtarist. posiuon,bat say —'Why,we have not the know 5 rege necessary to systemize our business,keep eh ful Mhus BOR SEPM a book account with the farin,and do things ae Very well A.(y.Hapeltine gives in the Country Bonile suppose you are not capal)Grant itl There man,the result ofa trial of cut and whole pota is something which can be done.Your children hy The whole potatoes may be so edveated that thoy akall not follow in plauted were of larye #20,yt ded leas than the your footsteps per force -—be obhged to sebmit to others,of inferior quality and.knoWy appearnnoe. the yoke your Wgnorance1mmposes Upon you See The yield from the cnt potatoes,with one velo that the hull,was the largest in every case,sil of Give uniform size and fine shape. Tn preparing for the vines,the ground should tee Liwa feet deep,and the top soil put at Sinkes,eight fees bong,should be distance of seven feet apart each should be y-lanted to each stake, tatneue tl be the bottom wn then set ab the way.one vine is preatly traning ann bat they read and reflect 8 hiitie that the wthity more, SAVE THE FRUIT. ry section of the country there is a great apple crop.Peaches also abound in a few places,and the excess of fruit should not be wasted,There are millions of people in our ei- tes and villages and in newer sections,where fruit trees are not yet planted,who willgladly for dried apples and peaches—— We cannot do better than to repeat our former advice:It pays well and pays weak LO prepare and dry frint carefully.Cleas, Tn nearly eve ipweil presersed “= FARMING TS BUSINESS. Too many forget this,There is poetry in farming,to be sure,if itis rightly managed,but -ples, parcd preparing al farming 8 business. n a similar manner.— 2: we see it is only protitable todo.” toes j lanted sid side thes put it in practice as they obtain,it.\ =ees ————— ' a,1 :'CTD 'ee |..,Special dispatch to the Petersburg Bapress LUE ACTION OF ibe The followin communication was PUbe Arcwabecthof sclisconinmmeceric nt PNTRAORDINARY LEPIRK EKOM GOV.)The Charlotte Bulletin publishes the follow a os ee AEG ae BVIKGUNLA.rite';”es tETIE ',;i Ss ‘hng :ON :‘:‘y Speakisg y Mores Aeron Ma lished in the Tenaessee papers price te ng”politiviang iv a convention,more \pean?:jug dispatch ee eae iat MENT ‘ne :'e ot the FeCeNE elect,Me foeeeioetrustwortlthoaawlioaretopivWeJearnthatthedisanionistshaveheardoENeeod):Siena .us Bee ©probable nection of (he me the vote taken in that Suite ou the ques-Lee MUULY ALOR G eies °~Aiditor Bulletin:There is ao chance what Ricrwonn,Feb.do Inthe present emengeuey.the®one aA ar SDS a):the taxes,do the fighting,and bear all a letter from Ex Govergor Morehead,in which ':i ‘\keucy,the’Augusta (7 Neantoctl Gen of a Convention.Wo pablish it by .7W or ‘%:ever for Crittenden's proposition.North Caro It is reliably stated here that the prace oj gual Seats !ena ‘hron,tive~the burthensef the Btate ¢ith the reins|he advises all his Union frieuds to secede justas |:od mneainn jan wer!..:,aa y DEEMES Nenttrg Wii orn,Peace request.{ft is trom the pen of a native i lima must secede or Anooln in making ticing ship at Annapolis is now stored —8 Organ of th,the Peace 1 }a )now in our o@p hands,shall we,in mere}svon ws possible.Mr.Morehiead’s friends bere he South,T.L.CupoMan.|Se ea 5 !,Fe largest rnd most prosperous of the seced : of Granville county,in this State:helplessness,@grrender them to those who k hj a Tone ;ce ae ** }with arms and six month SDre ys ola holds the following lane ended Statey It will:toay drive ag pecklessly over the preci-|now nothing about it,and they brand it asa Nope,Carolina did not ask Mr.Cling:}g purpose unknown,Richiond is quict thont fi ;L pe the prop: .|/ ;_ane s without sivnificance,an :; Vote Down the Convention.jpice offinal rif?\bus falsehood.lanan to toll her whether or nag there ia |The Seriniittes on Federal Relations ha nnd me accordingly diva mittee isTt§We,the people of Tennessee,can vote here will be hundeeds of false reports jut any “chance”for Crittenden’s or any other been busy all the evening.They expect attention to its observations;originally a uy bests generally prose at atthe cue ORC SHS aimee)ane hii ~.or into circulation between this and the electivn.—i chance ne :PING TOUR gr memnIEe nose Thursday.Lively tres are But while there ia nudoubledly a host ery)The Con gl or i PSA)§.fe };‘»y a cep Is dictation as };'j i*aoe .Q .=i rs : {oa Sa Coe :~.ne Can i"when we are ready for the change,Bor do arolina Odlatchman,Beheve them uot.They will be made on pur SL oe be i i anticipated,but the eccessionists are in ite majorly of the Cony vention &ie Maine,N oO ’c onvention,ta tbe ID “ a ‘.2 'terliate Se@essto ::Ss -eee :the present,let us say to the ayents of Oo free tomeleceivee nal emedieleveniolea @oriiipme co what she must do in regard to seces low spirits II n «uit is still no doubt true 1)Vermont, Nashville on the 25th of February,and inutiur rv ;Tek eye !fuel .Phy ston oraidiog Lineoln in making war on Nera re a Nove from the Charlotte Virginia will not consent toremain inthe U 7 d Virgi the delegates to which are ta be elected Gisutnten,that we will ner tien oo :ISH E TESTS,oe (EE HIE OTNES CCU Sou,Wie Ja ol coubtnicd ty 2 me .e Ee ee UCSC id EST Unless sone adjustment bem :Mun,auontheehofthesamemonth.ned,dragg@d nor cheatéd out of our right SALISEULY,N.C.the inost unquestionable authority.[the South.She believes that an heuora-|Bulletin ot the 28d inst.Triana wonder.adjustment will she require #“Vedat ile o settle sation fer selves .:ee ;Fenlres ‘;Ee ;;ite ‘;reAtthesametimethatthedelegates|ae a ie a \AS Pe ESDAY EN ESING)REIT AY ond oa Me settlement of our national difficulties 4)piece of tafermation!“The Govern.woul prefer the Crittenden Compromignd a ( are to be elected,and upon the same trek fe :Pee ees ee :aut Sea a he Secessioiiats of Cabarrus have now Carita cect cr MAniel Ce lrasmedoterinined Pe acu a peace a Ha nile us a lst account,but infir Ce 7 a S7et,the people Are to vote upon the ques“laa ’ie :A WORD TO UISUNIONISIS nated Mio Victor Co Barringer as there candidat to allow time fora fair trial in that good Pa TNanerOt core eine elie af ight bring back the eceeded See f arton,Convention or No Conrontion,[y “8 Wil atten Ato them,when they a .for delegate to the State Comvention.Mr,Bare bk MWe Clingian &ane of He nen :However.the present appearance of Uhings ing ire Ha majority Oftlie qualitied voters of tpt a practical avgression Upon our Who you goto the poll next Thursday,with eee (eer renaTiee ieera jeeene work.Mr.Ingman is «every mosementitmakes,Mave they net)cates pretty clearly,that)the seceded States id.the debut \ ye ts cleeted:to b Levish:>lasts ‘-Mlet arewhohaslaboredtostart:ther Misr ion the State elall say on their tickets Wy Tights.We have now todeal with waimore a disumon Ueket im your bands,recall to ujind ‘movement,and he knows sery well if it ".aright te huow when a U.S.seldien met for any Kind of reconstrucion—aConvention,then none wil!be held.and Pressing danger—d’sunion and treason the fact that this Goverument has never apprers appoar anseemstobethefeelingamongthedi mer asa Bell and Everett Von man.Like all: the mertlensethat uN is ou the ia duing it for?elegates ’5 i 7 .3 var candidates at that Cine,be took the ground j ae .2,moans his yan what h 4 Aeron:lhl ;at ote the election of delegates will pass for no #Mongst and around us.When we have |you,Tt has bore so lightly mpon its citizens ‘‘8 fails he will be politically rnined.Where-Mic@oneht not the frosident of the Ul See meretas by wud by,the People may benefit ut \;"s vl :crushed the viper now ready to dart his :4 that the clection of Lincolu would not be a suf ee :Ane ongelit:ne ie OSI |Sospeck aditferent langunee,unless the Mi i Co tigress thing.Otherwise,if a Majority of tick 3 ;:as that they were scarcely aware of ils caistene:5 Fi as,if it sneceeds,he may stand a chance <a eee .(Wevinm Seccsse i eo Serene MOU On Z lalla wankediContenteweienitivat body Yerom int>own vitala it will te tine Ca meer ‘t i Naren’cause for a dissolution of the Union.But ''oy erent @ S.tosh the permission of eve Seces LIA ye excacitinisly (discreet in ity a tion to th i ’2 Au (has po “Cle sur lote An our be ad reg ‘»Sonthern at .ne e :et s will assemble at the appointed time,and enough to look for chemies beyond Ma.ait i eee eu)7 :an es a Fi sconen had tre got to Raleigh aod counselled 1 LOEB TE WLAN “"h On s :,;stonist in Virginia,South Carolina,and ‘i :the pressi3aeaeLe.;5 onosoethctunty,as to banish ;ears and yo ade .‘,a spoilsof o Pl ;;reouneanditonal rejeet -7 ee volte Tennessee oul of the Cnion.There 8°"and Dicksen’s line.If we cannot a eet ,~i.;aaa .4 ,ie Sane Then secession sts,than he tarned right federucy,and fatten on the I :erewhere,to be allowed to store a sh [na oP Mireritat i"J ae re South (aro}tu postert .i ’P p ac rave dad down at oight,from years end to is 7 ice a >»,4 a;See CPOSTHON Tor recone|]}S is wo other possible thing whieh a Con-te ae oe Me deadly oe cc i :a a .ae a a sound and went to work to destroy the Union fice.The people have no ear nor heart or move a soldier?tas Wintel lately to the enceess ve on last chanc:of a Souther ederaey,\c -end,rested securely©and arose the me :;:ee ne ts .ree .J =%C OFtheop vention can do that mav not as well be de Gs bs oe Const a ‘ae,Vt malt 7 It end,an securely |and arose in the morn tin the fee of this gross inconsistency for the men who car see “no chance”to Vern)Una Giercrnmren matal iam Tere teeter ites Nireini oO morrow tdonebytheLegislature.@ what cise may happen—after that ing to pursde your business aud:pleasure with Weeting which nominated him,has bad dhe Save this great conntry from rain,be,batty |niet Sie that scored Suates have net any if ve FL He Recs?'.»,2 j .etates choles ee JAG ‘5 vountry lias«10 fom pn ase.y oe The act of Assembly calling t Gon:a the Deluge.ip hone to arrestor disturb the plans of your hay Nira nee Hertel -metal cause they are sure such men will do ‘i deci Wreoosnit her wishes,ber feelogs,orpe as Lise .:+fe oa :7 y ie j :we g tess tosa “Pieetuen of Cabarrus,we have .::2.’er.‘the vention also prescribes that it that body Wat we may bes wed from disimion |,Hees,Recans tu anind the faet,that there is ne .se van hee =,:oo teyrt to listen t mele ne shall ete npon secession,they shall and its conntless and indescribaable hor .!tt thke at Wal hd eles ua dene ie pe ee ee rie ee ns ':A is deal ascea _hethe Vicon min be saved 4 es is :their con {’SBLOM LIC VOSENE ether formrot Goveroment like winall the tlds :r aa :i '1 »OF Tecons submit this vote of the people to b rors,let us,my conntrymen,with one ac ':ig es Eouerin whouseod:Cured:citrus:yourtuters but on the contrary,all they can to widen Representaives of the United States to ced,Therefore,with all sympathies for beau,A din} >.:rh:7 >pe yo es .me nute other under which the eitizen is so free :::aren A Sout}, fied or rejected.This part of the act,cord,Vote pown rite (Ban SS ?el bedi wentenesuet seni ee cstn the breach and aggravate the diffical ies CONOCtatlierecai Cra ods imported ti shiveholditue sisters.whe feels that she har can BAYS: .#*aHe and tnd pendent >aod in which privileges ares ... ever,is wortlt less timnsu mull be }i oe ECD Nae ‘Thats what we call capping theclimayofim:in the way of a serttement.eetimececnin Cat een He +nnd gallant old commonwealth They w oe ’:'=:=omn and all high stations so acerssible t ‘.5 ‘oF ©that she Ne turns her at j . vaper,since the Convention,represeutin nee oe ——foci 16 ius panne wl Cabarrus can i les et the people etand firmly by the ak mo 'er attention solely to he :the sovereignty of the people f unnot te DONT ENCE UREN W COMERN SBM ecearsrcine toni |e mii the lene er }'iNet crac ‘(the Uni tp |Heed ete 2 SO ASAT se ccc wd ty hg cornraen interest ofthe Virgil : he 1 »Ci ae .:::daily such stall as tat alter what they have Constitution and the Union aud demam lhe :.-rile are a Bs Jirginia: limited or controlled by the inferior au-,Phe Charleston Mercury “pitches into”the and terrible strugule which our forefathers en RceHetlenils weullescent (I Gite ciate tees,iat We 7 the porta of entry.Bor iG ps of the South—8tates moreinti D f fan :.:Z Betas aw ee ;L seen,the ould see wey can ead into their rights \e well,Mi,Thee a ot ;:Ale sund r E 0 thority of the General Assembly.The Provisional Government,and protests strongly dured to establish this Government;aud how Oe ree )weg ie its,coo all will b t 1 The ether most 1Mportant measures of i ae or und .ves herdestiny than thesece ie ‘a;Convention once elected aud assembled, *“#*'ast severabof its features.We quote fru amidst tears aud prayers for the biessing of God es PIME!is all important,and will work this Congress are a revised tariff act,und UK DUites.She hets conscious,that while shg SF S 1 j isivosted Swiilirlone lial f tig,i i840 of Auesdn yz ay Ee ‘Tis @ surprisiay thing tous that all the bon ont the right results.Whereas,preeipi-|4)ae :/Cannot nm honor,subanit to Lincola’srule,except ee —@ power o MBi aw releravi RECN e a upon their labors,they laid its foundations and ae ¢:aa (he proposttion to build a number of war!y ron her teria,sb fi declined 1 Dtate—above the Legislature;above the!Ve regret that any Provisional Government|Ul urs in the gilt of the people of Cabarrus should tation will leave us plenty of time for if namie ws far removed in interes;CeO{Constitution ;abov he ;|TR was fortued a1 all,aud in one or two important built the superstructure:how,as xfterwards be heaped upon a few individuals in that county nen ‘pei ales BICamicrs jfrem the proposed Cotton States Confederacy {tis sal uve :reaped upon a few indivic nt cour oesn :'fc utieepeople.Y particularsconfess tu disappointinent nadsurprise bowed beneath the weight of years,with (.)'repentance.~pespectally ws that Conf lerncy is for free trad,na and M can .mine He a te f wars a oe at the (juvetamentaud lune vhacted,le owe ae nes an ree eve Col.Jos Losd,who was a fathtul advecate of ea A Pulse Chary It is reported at;aad direct taxation,anil possibly for the African ing the re Pact os accor alti to tclewttt atid:ciara Catted citer roveigenAnAner STiin.auts outminerctats meen lectionof Breekinridize,and who wu thers THE PRESIDENT ELECT slave trade, Washington that North Carolina mem:Sere ..delegatesMr.Lincoln bas been journeying frou.hers of¢ongress have jnat fonnd ont that eee Rreat,noble,glorious,she jority con4viderotherpropositionsthantheMesors.Crittenden compromise,Tf she should Consent,brough wandmakingspeechesataBreathmanyperingwiththemails,and that all seces.)#00 ler border sisters of the South with ber,to Gon to reyonetlheBorde,places on the route.These speeches ex ‘sion docnimente sent out by them have |!Herder proposition of the Adams,we Rives andVbosortofdoubtshewouldwettl Tis save her bh i pal ap roval. pteasnre.There is no ditference of opin-'tas been adopted,and that peaticercon den for a Momeut ob ity margin,they bequeathed to .:<:;:j ’4 c .ion among Coustitntional jawyers as to nation af the institution of slavery through the their children the sacred heritage of au unequal.\.e }“Ls o ,:this power of a Convention,jtlave trade,has been iaserted into the Constita cd Constitution aud fraternal |tion,aod exbort-Fellow citizens,before we placo this ton itself,Neither uf these did.we eApeettremcudonspowerinthehandsoffiftyeedidnotsupposethatanySouthernGovern. |eres tQnewen,it becomes us to ptuse and so ot,whether for a month or a year,would i ::S Hot much of a crop to reap;oF what ip better,(ha a !}{,a !e ree ani ,nbit ho supertor talent whatever,and a ena a lemnly reflect.In ordinary times,and,Shction the policy of Protective ‘Tarith.The "St with all their honors fresh and EL TS TH CPR ceed afl Farmer,Coiistorukr Men .be ‘ee —:heen s or,The Bonler State Com .for ordinary Purposes,ihe re tuay be Little 4 of '37 is odious and oppressive in its dis them.Recall,too,the unexampled prosperity Chor,Esq,with tos well taughtarm and shining "8"inadequate notion of the serious na cy ras weare concerned 5 for we have promise,we beheve,iste prohibit slavery,by con ea danger iil Cunvention,The live of pop.Crminations Le was made to favor Northern!and raj il growth of the land of Washingtot ture of the disturbances which have rent received a namber of secession speeches,SUtubenal provision,North of 86 deg.40 min.Marylaud, far in advance of Mr Barringer,on the sul Jeet of secession,has been snubbed,ay usual,and his home in THlinois to Washingtou City,ithere has been the most outrageous tam-:Alatter day saint is pul up to reap a harvest °Wy to chersls them as most precious yitls,to be which the Cul.sowed.Perl aps,however,theretransmittedtochildren’s children,they sank to pped We hnow this isnot trae,' Ulade of trath,will cut a swath so wile and ularity auong the delegates will induce ue i ml i"tes Bui Ae i People ol the Grder the iistituuous which ‘he lett US Seow echaarene (y put Mr.Bartineerout of countenance (le Union.tndued,tere is a deeree of!yider the franks of Messrs.Clingman a se uM to come into me Linton as ae Wa ruth —a huge free-list for them --the ts :2 sancabp ASIA CS 5 ‘ues with or without slave :t le ' the-u to be very submissive tu the people.22 :elas es WGC Ia Gaithree million we have,in the short space for the bal fala lea Stanly Puerility and barrenness abont them tru:Craive.and others :See LUE COLA yl ‘ Lat the meo wl 0,if the disuni t vt (axation for us to bear,and we ny uotan ‘i De Ee ely Cosa pity Stanly :wre,2 1 Vers prescribe,with «distinct declaration hat Mr.Sed >y 2 ):2 dirhity:Ce ,‘Rete tr ne SER ..Y a .; tied ce ;5 ;e disuntonis .ie adver ta reveru,unjust in pringiple,ad op of eighty vears,grown to thirty-one millions in CUCT IvecumtiUuMaienw cdl ULOMta oman liancniitli:ly sarprsiti.He inte at coercion v«e-THRU CoTnestee ieee Lit r Congress nor the Tern i the cominUnionoteeeeaeeienseospressiveinpractice.Whether this is brought population:with a conimerce which covers eve Contest,a5 she dil in elocting Mr.Barringer to Casiowally,but does wotcene out ane cee ANE TaN Glyaes kN torial Legislature shall probibtt or establish slare f res plan ‘ j >nothing more to 4 ..:Baa eS : ier lane arte e !'e ."7 =a about by a partial remission in duties or a par ory seat a wealth,equal to any enw DOS ar easunuterut Norte Caron:seurt that that will be ihe policy of lis ad The Uoaigharge (ean correspondent of the TO.eaviug itto take the chances ander the lee report,wh t 2nhessee voter rey wt ‘F ee ‘i 7 .a a ms :::ss ea ,he Const oO “Pee .. Idok Tor their reward (oa CASE NE Hal ipusitiog,itis sull the same in effect.W e could desire;a power among the nations which .e.Teen TtewonlOe nid ie)finer aime ocrNZ ci ie at speaking of the demoral.Ut Cetsttution and the decion ofthe Sepreae by Ex Pre |arc a ere NO Guar enter aur protest avast the scheme and PCy.ermine he ale ah ra }ILLINGIS bOocUMENT 3 .Z Court Addams pre poses to adit New Meney evbrough ter.Well paid preferment conferred Ope bath as regards Ottrsclves audiin the results,oo ne te respect of thes and with .:8rationoftheRenublyeomrumicalion)Neoltodosesforevenhisownparty.te say uae Rey SUS TAN ONG Ol estate wo ea,without slavery,as its cons views.OF us.Thes om them by th potcntates of the Cotton]far as foreiga mauons are ¢steal resources enough to moke us the great Adeter fom a gentieman in Hhinois,whesoeea::Enipire,will enable them to regard with fmenidship,at thistine,ix valuable to us.In est ualion on earth,Den trate,in imaginatign,satis timseit Dowty Liystik,way banded us for yncerned,and ther Savesnothingofalargebodyoftheconsevative tution nay prescribe slavery being already repeopleoftheNorth,would vive that i Pore ty no Republean majority to rely up wrired by territorial Juw——and to amend the Qontempt and defiance the re-entment of!each respect Pree Trade is the true policy of the the future:and Judging it by the past,determine publication,which we deelined.on the round il |i Ptusylvatia Leyislatune Phe Chica Constitutiog so is to prohibit Congress from er are:Bit :'i anes :;;:on ‘\Uppe @ Honoe beanie .:'ae :\sever their betrayed and ruinved constitucuts i ailetlerate States you can,the magnificence of this country titty Uhat Mr.Linster is without a record,so faraswe [62 UO support ;Bh Eee Sen ounlitetn Sse td Ly.botwith Herne with slavery im the States,in any 4 :ine neBenedictArnoldbxtrayedbistrust,and We deem it also unfortunate and mal Oe re rit euee nines prosided)wreouldveny vm hioweanti teens ie felwer nent a ielsca doilar for such a PUpesey ard eanliow the Mrpuntiina haves tony Aine wiativer Looking to practical efhets,er too meetriedtobetrayliscountry,but what did 2"that the stigma of illegitimacy and eal -::’;withoutinoney there ean benep os Mee rity of forty tun uit om Proportions unay perliape be safe PANE oo ee ty should be placed upon the imantut ;the same instititions and the «ame d uree of any other noms who POSSESSES Uo euitalval ;:poo Taree,,Cth vacant he care for the scort:and hatred left by UY oul be placed uj OD olys 'oe ae os ;teattemnt encreioh,Capitalists wil!|oe ees eaeeder sScutb)at Mion clit:ei eying iwel-ooinnuoy by a fendamental law against the sla,prosperity under them And then ask your.*to reason fron facts,and from exuse and cfeet :I 1 [hereelorl Mote owas epnitm)con \Vedness CCl Stace wspreicmlly lm thie tues af the fact that Tilk llo ;a i de i Wwe ,ieee,yerelicar /Mn Lep ice EU r from taking loans wl th i levine ;te : in the Britseh arian new aniedmare|a In our Opimon,its a matter of pulley,selves you are reas yotu the siyhtof Teaver,to Mr Linster usa North (imiin by birth,bat ht V takin tis When ey hivev it Tay die Dstheanec.in presence of both Houses of MU fre at presenteoan bring the Cotton States Tinwe abianded principalite in Cannde Ge a not -priperple,to be deeded now and commencea work of destruction which shallend loug a resident:in liluois,a free State He is to be used in destroying all feat ALY re eee eet ye Hcasdotadtis back \-parmeiple is every inan for him Pe rate He H dereatter,from:sound 2 nee F ;..=e ::De ean tT take "es epoagh for a smal!State.[ante nmeee eos Wee Cl Cicer cers)(Venn ail this process —all this happtness,and the re thinks the Scuthern States ousht to secede Ado of the redemption of those loans I ite ,,vr take the hindinost,”we thik |V1 !ha :,safety of our people We think at aw proper 3 4 ;‘'od Hannibal Hann Vice yt Digh!y prods PUmerlnrenChe teirereciacs ject lrouy i The Cotton States are extreme!ANX 'sutyect of legislation.”nown aud glory of this great country,—sinking the most ultoa abolitionists of the Norsh veree Would therefore make very little diffe [eeeeecenr er lire (Sor (EAT rithe Aus prey will I ae Wort 7 ee ie Whe ‘;;‘-tee 1 States erica OF tle m emi tion,will be satisfactory to weettor ) lous that Tennessee sloomld secede Phey Nr pont let Soot angii 470k,ime Sourown and vourclilderen’s prospeets toa depth with him in that opinton:bat the conservative ence of Mr Lineoln were to announce cos Vireialan V tier iamediate sisters,and that the th | st etyely «f 7 ¥ae norte ai r a ,;e :.ae heir hie ee fi Fae uae ey I Fi dintely meecde!ELuw can ale sta 1othe op so profound as to be bevond the ken of mortal menof that section,(and they area vast m Yoerity)somany round words that he would ec TST ress Jif thes |tite states liseniean:}Neither Contedergey may safely count on net \i ste Quard their northern froucier.Phey pressiourof te Governiventul tin 4 omfederate yan?disagree with chem on this vital point,So also erce .A preelamutian to vene the Senate in extra Mer chan seven ore:tht States,and no territo ae :an Will pay the mon well who will manage |States of North America !"—Richie ayy aaas i jo .i "teus thinps eee re 5 Pura at to ai .hitched on to the tail of tl Wel .:ee La Ob!what madness!—andall the work of par de the people of V irginia,Kentucky,Missouri,core Sssioh at nova onthe 4th of March,“to receive Oo !.UES ee ss ene can eles nee nieery rat g S hitched «to th t VI!le x eo .Our apprebenscor As owe have refused to eos ‘ confederacy vce Gounennonmenlt con {STILL SECEDING,tizan leaders!Arkansas and Tennessee,divagree with them.Mr.Clark,of Craven presented a resolation that ald aet upon such communications mayen trees tty Winder Cente PECsrn ee ee are its her Bibl Olea nincred meni rs,of whom per |Nothing bat the blast of ridic tie weal eco What theo Mr.Lanster opinion worth as aay an oa t .:i Sereda Us teu ‘Nthe part of the bvcests Phis leche dd cure seqaratin perpetual no tertns be ail ca 'hape forty will yo in as disanivnists.—,Sevld follow,prevents South Carulina from se WIELAE WILL YOU pot BE ALS See 2S)Vihar Cetsy ec tiem pai enecfm an eg ::narrow biicg With usage,toenable theeinenm tae ostened to,we believe the Korler States will RGU NTELCan't ali the power and wealth of King cling from the new Southern Confederacy.[1 The cisuntouits about Town are becoming Siguiticant as to be of ne worth at allo and £ro Mr Fienniog moy aM uG aby mclgitre sla)w Pres ter h le for confine on the eau rven ls theve cant yrtiwliat A, fl %I!hk race .:Clara ‘depend i Che Canevricer i “SECA eup oleae Petey ese coe Uotciouan bili ouyraveneleeenimeittn ee ioe ae ae oe Ls SUC ver wvanmsiitetdayce clectiontrawaniahs tee mlal tacenmive el cnietien oar inioe eee i EEE Gee a ens reentetne teal .ts aa picomaLisl a i S 0 ;.nal oe to break out of the field by going throyeh ¢2 ‘pee ge GL mee 1)Ue Ce eee :1 "wes sen,soon ir ) wake a majority ©With ottice and mo-ore tatene a Ne ne ee i Deen ttHCl:ny almost every countryman they see Wouble our readers with it gf +=.;i : hey together,|think the thing may be Tere eee i.ne ae Uta |ees aa NCIUEn ont mi clea carn “Mr)sladennavid ta lay the whole matter anti AURA Ty te WAIN TET soo Were wit J Seon inside the fick Pleite ceca,:,©streets,y stand about on the corners ee *be :=‘;;:Fee , done a ed it ’o +Mt winish aunaz /-;ee ae :ie at Ol Selah py r TEE NNN CN Ts Jota em take Vall,Go Mase sean the a perro USC Ui tp aitss If satillein counn was nearly all day te country people by calling US ETON er el let alo Mri Yee dend 1ocy my w led ty ye “i \)Hiys noaud iy,ave s me thie navers : lies bes a w \i te dee hhevest ier :i. .ze nol more amusing than the present them “snlitutenotists AVESencar e T 4“a4 {Wels Wie are without chanics Me wu may be prov dedifiiean cisoeat tienen au }m wn .Wards and “fools The secessionists are moving al the ee 2 ae oul J i :1 owl (urdlia The Moa aw ;;i Lien Pex fea et 1 'Be eas (oT vent cent bas eter Saanane \i ;'1 fav vara hiveestenia teal eae aaa ia eaheve isan extract f !Pea a te a Uttar se ee :I : Does any «6 ask owe the people.jaye adopted the Mansissippa plan ::EEN Ee powers that Se’’to inthane the mind='):‘Tye es ‘ks he fitsy mh ale wits rien tis ane t It as gre to obtain inr :Secu mcr)erence:Ms Bean,ae Weolatse Wear oh frequent cusea at te ean Ol Teopucn lena thenewa qatetins cleriga,Coy es eel e Touse of Representatives:¢ares,desiri toy claire {hei eee !!|oth sections tthus (anirerees?WI re ees P .Y ‘Le GZ he hw fe ws HEED !cs Tot the Stite leat a 1!‘|f ces ?IS.Bin,Wee url fave teria pablie:lecteda Procdent a;:Winene tele lveatcerte Vella ulna pono ror Othe State Legistiture,on the 19th o rerecanested(Ay nen correspanien ce Vea was 3 1 tl vublic,‘estdeat and Vice President 4 [ey Lf you heave ¢,ove wiltechy ecoure |F a :re reanestor 1 ‘}Asa was “1 i Bie a m \FO-ODCTAT ON Ty !|{’ PUCJe ON Wat i)we rdn,and the Adnon and reenavted the Cola)Sites tir the abol DyL ,:l Februar I Whe seen tl ‘ne i '\)op u :Da le >ttf zs un,and tl 1 ote ¢hed tes Cuustitution 107 the abolitionists of the North.or po aeith nour ¢}.PETE GN RTE SC ELC Cv tem fe toner ety Test)|een at \rae ,eae us ay ‘ingtlo tive Sant Ane )Mer Nes altersto break up this F ae y :'r 'Vous ou y i of belonging to the Southern Con eltra Hitt Oneal is del Clinrestou Wertiiy friends of thy South which will x udol As ay Tey i ae |resentative,Mr.Flomnins tl Het }(Na ere to a a t '0 ¥.0-n :oy P pits cy.Do you like the bargaint If hot,ys ie eT :ie .ee eC SCN a,met i Peautead a .:‘a atone a eae eats b ‘::f Wows as th Heston 1s,we are sorry 4 \cay CAS ened tie 4 ,We s tan t huy rather be fy we : ten vole duwn the Convention Every principle of right eover ):oe 'thon he:but the most miserable atten Hh ,,‘C :hadera of Ne ees to oe :ie bee fair a gard 4 mbPorthielastfuuryeuretie»usin modi very dicta balicy sete ee i CSAS LEN SNS EOE CAT eg Urata HMSO Wars OG)Crencrat Waele oN 0 EA Oe elitement ol tenet nt!ate He»Wliern die jetties to be azunist tp Gi totneds rer vectrawist aay ayant :’shee 2 |i Nl cceqeer roe ere ne oe {FON SmICECNI EE UI ener E vere crrein |:once cine fence \:Fi uty teadof the usnatural,distorted, UMen ws have pursued their obpeet stea-Pi wall)et Sea aaa ih Sila s Lil ae mae moe barewed Nddress,“The most srered |n 1 oy!operon any fy ‘r ::PCC TH Straittcl sn aie se :cn )i 1 tent wh itis believed me diiy,perseveringly,and so far anceerstal 1"than tsa sundty behind this sehen Py toof winton or aise 1,ane eeyou ae a 'a tinneee ire:now treated lw dieniGanicte ven .-eee eee oS :Sethe "2 Portas believed aaay.1 cirpian has beer,aud tw k ep the (meting ete than the polo of reeonsteactiny be akin Has Union unl esery fr fret Taehson,ha.written a letter 1 he licen lee cee oe an ;j aoa twent bye TA er,and to Kee ae 5‘i pee oe eet UELU OUST ENF F with sneers and ridiente :Bat qe waet ct Pty Tiree }sPotestnety at the hour?hy twenty people aronsed aga nstthe North —to ae the (niON Fake the Consutution of tie Hite posers iuhasiued.It theless con.luSicctistituent=eve days before,bat ,7 ‘eek i Dastor Mies are about abd titty on uravate and misresresent the dunvera t ted States aa itas,with all its constrnetiy 'je bad dated it the 2201 Feb what anise CTU Sen MU See eCrea i te spre Totes apart Toth are now vaennt,Phat save the Wiclinend Why,ie al i :a :aan “vemy and get the tromier States Ny Utier@sorh :s Tans,Chere will be an avpeal to the people i a aie :c ae |A Lenyarar :;'|’}Were MME e Nantol fe aduen..v ,oohedorg A a ees edorenates ST ACS UITSe ein Cac MerLion Tuer cera rt iiaiis le ;‘em enor eon ont,and may be fa ‘ ae ne fe a i :q ‘rte OVC panier us,will the Cometitution exer be altered¢0 4 Shes There as ne doubt the ques!thle qrostitation ut tae bith dae af rt Le ee Hats oa c veothe old ar i e Suiotiued our gaze fixed ont}ieee ares i 2 mn .:.forcsladaw the evils the COUPoee Wy FAV Ooe rent ita aenaane cian at tdhedons oa ural hister evelopment o 7 3rie=ee ae 'e |we »Will we ever be freed from tie same tromblen Gon can be ctbisted'to the honor and satiefaction Waslinatens)urging os ne ye todicany en(t -ut .ne a ms \!I |oleae:onary 7 ake Co of RS STS EL Coty Gn Gy isa dangers we haye been contending apainst 6 ti Wists.ane)heey,elit Uo home stealote trier alice vhole coiatrs De INT :ie ,place |vy will pas ecely Bt!were | maddened bs ffa Verein (naileaiet thee Centertian peniee ne I :|‘try aoe ee 6 nee he fey wear Eo Va Sere miguel tieslavie |Whether ws 5 thirt ]‘fer y bee Seoneeneto Cinwas the thao ‘asin:tea i the race 5 SN sian)ES y anid headlong into the pit which they lave and Misrourl have beoe prtvetive tant!tans De ee Lerten ante 1 SST ee ie wil (et comes pose alls or thronghtheknifeofthe ‘irve thousdiggedforus.That pits a State Con and all of them an favor of internal improve Chament while there is hope that it may ence bad broken un.and that all hope 'ee ..-DR ae i etiaise Uc saliry at ‘iil Een teen rare Jiary a *prematal .me Ove .°.:Leese teeta vie hee -tRmtasit the rh of the incendiary,we vention—to usin Tetnessee the bittondess Menis.Suppose the Constitutionof the Un ted served.Tf the time shoukd ever come when our,was gone!‘Lhis.eine ular he had printed In a es Tae y Py Le ie Vite terwards,oy ;A ercli and forty e ty es i ‘al cy boot avy r aeet tha r '!Nosileriatve i Me J puy political pe rditoon.Suates is taken as it im,with ite consoldation nghts under the constitution shall be refused or for the purpose of thading hig aj trict ue eM hav.Mr.Men aa .ee and there| Already tice sutessleiuemens cded,all copstructins,to obtain their union with us,will uterfered with,we will then be united.and car hy .ee al nin,the Coman estuner tort Crit cin Nia (Leeyea aeliieecliaencoalinemiven iene ©1 These nen are opposed to all com.la VendaabJonvEeutionssan:-Ves jthey consent to lave it altered aoas t na;::mowith them ertunately however Joe thoroughly exploded the silly insenren z .ron sv even ta the bitter end sch y nveutions;and on io single in 3 SOFAS OT cee eee ler ee ee :!)OU OAr arom Hillel imac al feen thon stance have the Prople Veen allowed to Comstrucuve abuses And af not altered.will a EB EILOEIIONE ANI”T river,tie Senator fron Orange,got hold that the South intendsordesires a res iva]N \I !ae :’Sines ldrea B t «:;a Es ‘4 :cae eats the ns vote upon the question.So will it be i)Me NOt bave the same He to fyht over with [new of one of these print fies the nightot Uf the Afvican slave trade (fe suid that ‘a NEETU VG ea 2 WoO MORE ST WAM bos OUEST TUBDS 10Ay ruprcien Ty :'.them,afte:aeho v So far frou t “hio en going eab.!is)i thoa trade we “yr t Wasi a fiom abam ‘i ait to lier thers Lyte D :j Tennessee,if we ea!!a Cor vention,what Pee of oor a z haiverboen tr nthe Union men going with the ab rico Oimtgatl expoed te ocelenen i be loa el was begun.it was cape uo Alabamacou a visit to ber fathers,ION BAND!MISSOURLAND AR brat tlic ;‘w Ne ce aioe 7 ‘;nel rs s .42 here 'snd.and t]fi i nil }-,NOTE TE , ever false pretences may be held forth ne foe om ae ras .North Bn Se olitonists,the abolitionists want the Union bro fig eoualenaen tence ere an ible bo say where it would end,and that Col A Shaw.dod of the disease,whieh KANSAS FOLLOWING TIE LEAD “prison, 1 ::2 «x ©ed inaster t are In 6uC ANG:sas .thy .AY :rf nk ‘ety 8)ikAtCOOL now The Union and Aerie.thats J yeu asters,utowill pay up.They and the secessionists are in agree 1)7 rp }:.5 the Cotton States had ne ide aot being as ne?known to be small pox nati ot!CONE’NTORGTOS TEN ASS ID TENNESSEE.wet sl OniOnvOr eat auNG cee:'4 Southern Confederacy exist at all with such a 'y toe.Parner can do.Votersof Rowan,swamped by Aftcan barbers.If Vir |ah .a yee r ryan at Nashevill 1S sometim i :i Ve »destro ere}r rm fs i =.i ithe 2:W ra |]+ ees ae i ;5 :615 sometin N policy£Wall wot all the Northern States come ePt te destroy it,and are rejoicing:with shouts,are You to be imposed upon in this way?gina wae uot eatistiod on this point,then,{?Me?hera io ¢family were taken An election took place in Missouri for r the pera yvesse!,ai n las o wee !-°:;Bre vo :heaton :oie els ;::Redo} pe J df el t tw )_Ks.aga into the Union with ust!Why shoul)Of Joy at the secession of the cotton States.iAre you to be lied into a course your vad Mr Remminys etter cea)Chmmin oS Gull oh Sok Bae Ofsted hy nom Uelesates toa State Convention on Sator bedoin,of re uty Ne I say hie prot which they nut!‘They are satisfied with the Consti-|o--:|better judgement disclaims?It not,take sonerste Montionicey BOLO CMI n Wins UC crcl rtinicrancnnmeentny day last,wienthe State went overwhelm-perished. i con concocted.ae aS ef HP ee eee ee |1 ;Kg ea Dram stipules wi eh,hi were about 3 amattheproson:my xFeah Te its Joy tution of the United States xs it is,open to their SEVEN SECEDING STATES care how you believe the reports that tion,to that effect from the new ¢Hee de ahereone at Inentiuernh lig ingly forthe Unien.There are not tea Let the p> 1 alee OF epeeay success,that it)mterpretation.It establishes a capital despo Tin)States’which Nave wecetsd are Sou Wu!domlitless flacd!(ercountey etwoen Bret Bu :.|ee NE SOR CME Racine eae mists eloeted in the whole State reflect.well cau ly one Iho &.ty 5 ,5 ‘vs ne ave seceded are,South 2 :4 e rH,er.ten,uletive len :¢ae . 4):an oan ho tourer Since the,a uuder their Power.©course they will 'Dee ie ‘lal vl this and the day of the cleetion.Doli :ed the whole ne ghborhood will be in The city of St Lonis alone gave 5 000 tothe wild vin Ch re ty Politics z er -2 ;wrovina,sida,Georgia,Alabama,Missies ::j mle eee ’..‘“ors " “c He itical foe rs ls ie ry eT ee And willit not ae gy oe ,nothing but what you know to be well What is the nse to go all the way to ted,Considerable excitement Prevails Unoon majority tating:demg Is-l-Sippt and Alabaina,the organ vay be done es,Certainly,under this scheme.'pp!,Loutsiana anc eXas,n all these States,Hep ie ::°.liecre 1 7 1 i 7 7 > }3 :established.Montyomer Ali for informatio there Im consequence :sng Deviate ,ay been telling as that the (ennai j.After all,we will have run round a circle and the people were but inditferendly beard.Io prabiiied ye al _=St me “x ae is “s ae .moe oe i .Ba re ee pol ; \ee .Ae ,‘& ene o .endcwhe .::.‘is subject.Stop in South arolitia-F :pa BELAY Tale onvention,va notte eubinit its work te the penple,wa!nd where we started.The Union will be re South Carolina and Texas,particularly,the vote THE TRUE ISSUE J ;k ,The appointment of Horatio King,of Now VAG!al eennnionline m i Conven Those Cor.leith becupabiae ?and i (tured,with @ few guarantics about negroes :BREN Teh O SS)Xe .call on Mr.Spratt;or whatis easier,con ;pom te (ucstion ot Con nanufact :MEU fo do go,atid WV A *waavery small,vot more than onein threeorfour ,York,as Postanaster General,wis eon frmed by thon or ne Conventi ut little bas eae people or any Mortnola eter te such as the frowtier States want,but winch care ;;The isane now presented to the people salt Ine late letter on that subject andthe F :ae ay pane Nay!ledienoe to the d f that body,"2 Coumatemee ta the cottan Stater;and we *enling the election.In none of these States of Nurth Carolina to decide,ig not wheth-Cliurlest Ve I ty SO Nel aie heen heard from the vote in this State,“aylam at Gleuienge to the deerees vat body,Be 5 ;ne rarleston Mi revry hrom these gon eats i ;{ry Hey al en ae --*willagain enter upon the broad road of consol As the action of the Convention referred back (er they will preserve the Union in ite ine ‘pale :tay ‘gonT Seinen ser but that little places the fact beyond “rved atte s i aie WTO5 on,e F i "en 01 ortatye .1 ‘Onver :"ER ‘,'6 Cera fea TaUontandir ain tothe people for their ratifieation or rejection,tegrity or deatroy it,If that wae the ig.COS OF Information the Virginia Conven es CPS doubt that Arkansas has ranged herself hants haveteushallpassanordinaeea.Cessiot BE Mercer esadently right in its conclu exergy t Iexes,the result of which we have no:se.there would in thia State be but one Con will see that the Afnean slave trade Phe fe the Snpentor Courts will ride Alongside Virginia,Tennessee and Mie R&Al] uh aa nee BUCUseIiito)ne .ae iN .,a Cline Wrists ne aoltewe pace s Rete oer ae ‘tons;and the oniy course left for South Caro ere side to the question,and there would be is to be re opened,or else South Carolina!nta lows sourt,on the side of the Union.The bate 4 :J :peapee is opposed to tun in to segeile again}Che fact is,that South :.ho necessity for advocating it.But the yall ,:;Filenton,Inger Chelyarnt counties of Benton Washington,Sebas-ea it,we will resistit by force of arms if ne.(srolion wants all the ad .Conventions were alse called in Virginia,Ten :EK :re well never consent to remain a portion ot eta re \:‘:‘ar , i aye u :all the advantages of a «trong 4 inane is very different from thie.[tia ‘ee Newlert Heth tan and Crawford,in the Western part any they —REY:ea,we may do that,if we Govermnent,without any of ite responsibilities,nessee,North Carolina,Missouri and Arkansas whether North Carolina will th tl the Seutlien Confoderney Mr Spratt Raleh Paley of the State,gave 4.000 Union majority the Nort! choore to resort to revolution and a ble Jy Ut detnssnde ov hey suited tot ...Pauly MEET)INA WHT go with the ,irene ep.Bi ETS Be ,oa f ¥une nds my ‘taelf !‘first .fi a ,a :t urrues ¢snoth i ave re Geter Holi borouch “cieil war jm the States—not atherwiaes wiltns t ley ey aries f ne i am ee thesteo frst the Unisnicanitidtal etrumphed South op with the North G7 Jiaray7)anes at TS SHIeGR at a vk Wl nie A :"Ue AnH TeitinG against holding a Conven-By-the w. ;}a,-)COTS rat eee ne crneer wilted nit Me majorities —Tennessee refusing w iN ae =it,and says that was the route)work ot Mmangton,Sannders tron th for the people will have parted with their [thas carted on ow the ultra independent plan :gz e will stay in the present Union,2 a ltelne ae Renal '.hat the cor what:politiea!Power tiihy CO aveui a Ali enurine ware ne,cineen by SO000 majorty to holda Convention.And indermtiia (Concntniameciic),the secession movement.He a res Nea :1 Hurrah!for MSasonrt and Arkansas!Uactured { ole hh wer te »Conve f AY kerve nvince the .:>Is o guaran.ms DOE MLE .i :- And fi that war we <lyalliiavo ty onnta Chivalry that Government iuvolves duties and fhe pews from Arkansas and Missouri is jC OO®og TectectCn of ncreontrantinLaeneee with Seward,Lineoln,Hale,and othe:It the Jeadera would allow the people tute te 4 .>Pr.y vote sseccded S , not only with Tennessee disani sacrifices as well as lepaiings omungin,and ax far as heard from,they are =I aa ultra abolitionists on the deetrine of &itera ;-fo vote in the seceded State 8,they would | _es nil .d J y.Iomescccesianmentiacear Catton neo Ir he disautonisteare attempting to produce the come back to the U ve have no {round hy On Ue alam iirea and Itiatienten Richmonk Whiy,speaking ont for the Union by an overwhelming ier k f .repressible conflict’—save he entertains )Mapresion that the Union men are inclined to Tent :AY Non,we hha the B ant ?re ,;.Mates makes up vw ous no neceas:-:2 ‘favor cera:.ies .MAHL 1 O6.roo Bob J dayne,but the revolution Te i ieSunckrcelae lispatel Vole TICR WelrinOMtlte iTercmerene ae Wor coereon,“The impression i utterly un . gions of Missiesip;AGC ome é 8 avo dispatches were Nir Curo vanoumnacvill tareit@er ten met eo a tC Out ioncantracyeRantinlan ,:‘Heuided Pie Uirton cannot be Maintained by eee Mand,we y are ole e rm ‘Set ’.i ‘a yia will bepoured Pn ene “t i es over the siynature of re ;::Closet ty aner Troperty animareiteand flict long before those gentlemen anuneia for As We Sand dast summer,“at caldera!Ge A steatalip line has been estab-the State. ;:‘on,ruston Polk,U.S.Ser ee ee instar at the mono omen rally strong,ane i ’‘5 F ‘Bee ithe to ves at tla st ucl ()Fi -le Le Ce Misevuri stating that there wa fe lee that their attachment to the Union ia as 800 veligions freedom are concerned,our ge Ni uct a ae HCl Fanny pe i a e Marea:et istweon New York anil Murehead tere at hot ti i :co 7 ns ie Fas HO hope 7 y lie »r v..eTeIvA power Ntandar :,} co bared t thre as No ah UVenane eter ee oe dronted ag that of any other State,There iana Chaneca are ten fold more favorabla to why there ehoold be a Northern and City,ard the first vessel of the line ar “lla ata go e@cntire procramineof blood was ;i J hen Southern Confederacy Mr.Benning.of ;.5 _:Conte WivmR el Pa ae Ainrllpe ee niodl tla ienean|t Mowpntel:teuticil sist wat ge forthe (an iy 5 oe.cern Nieuiwlteroeaaearcl (rant Pomait i‘‘J Benning,of Lop ep vy,ue ens hat Morehead city last Tneeday eve {beingtonandWalkerontheneai.“and ‘va were sent by hin In order to nftoct tuendous taper with the eeceders Can any man with [eerg!s,will have to explode Mr PSPUAE CG eOeuCN TeapienyVietariy,wel nkefrom its eon DMM.taking the voyage in three Jaya f y ne a I the ,a :rae ;}‘i .a ,;;°'vei:nti:A ‘na a f ‘and Sout ti refor Ine !..;t ”)fe eanion chdaing in dlerteaam allt the Va gina eleetion,sensation d.aputel Ve seve ouicurads Milter tmernth en Ghee Ctiscn tty)ny te ioderstand that Govern 2?|ath Carolina bef Hee waar expel ade aS reste pliy the port of q anda hu fe port will some day be ae Ma other.oe Te saut to a State annonnceine pe .ne ee fe nee econ practical Uv,testvate for the idea that the reopening the Atmean »a [OTe vrai.Cainer Cee mithUR eMeetive loent cirts Nyerously:.Inforcemante to ort Sninter.cenere)u ee ies ‘i SS :fe tron,lie dhidly were t wn noe )x ITEPapainiatt tiny be eal werellccnl :\'.;.alave trade is not a prime object of the :Hay te suid,a farewell 4,Pe ;cumOonia o yh Ae mn tee (!;Ace Many ofthermh pretending tube fron Maks pea fare yer sae :be troment to choose to stay 10 There is ,;}rll Bimeeriiationtantr:addleeseed)Thin COD SLAC AUU SUES rel wil &i y ee Ohariectancand pane llaving the tamsant ®ab Convention or any thomg ele.so itis lesa risk to wtay in than to gwoont,and jp ROCeseatata 'ey ete ery en ;+--‘ANETEr! 200d and trim men ow wills 1 ia -*-2 oy AUETUTY F ’in <op :;;ne rant i ,'roy ;ire | feactian to the popular vote.[wernt ::f Fesfog atyned to thom W a Pright—and ret ab be tie people,and will aurely be time enough to qa out 1).)f T I Hae ;ee Tua er i Pie at al February,was ccle a pave the enwventmn i witli,Ae at ire @ names of these gen a vw deed ost order Barat ittbe when real cana presents themeaelves A o nM ,1 prerte Uta aa The tention UFaled IW Ue town by the Rifle Guard‘eft te pedir oO mettle t Ove +4 e EEC Oty)aay mint ae o hever yi ty |ett |;vf pray that such nay be the real pnt We are renaated to any that Mr Sts ;ES SND Oo !9 ‘t,al 6 ;I rea ce Why weil be ist We tee by the Mulletin that it wae de bef Mr 3 ‘cee re «;%en .ny we wr reLoe :';>'‘12 |ttre aly?!re "eve * why depend Upan conhinyencics or even POW,one of the Oominoners from Iredel!,,-2 a vee in sheep's clothing Ct ase Sees r+ee i :f Pete atra Veted to aeression epeeches in Charlotte the ¢Conar sional DP)W Vote tor ''!'! probabilities,when wo ean hace certain.wonld have voted for the conventin nari smtronal Poonumen QU ALOEVOtoltie nt ROMEO EA NSE UO SW HU ech Wolk tw Vert line lone tine Gein end |‘om te)Washing \,eee favar ;Trt ’a ;.riahed es >ede vin ftowok zenlomel dd bopefull Vert ed pit the dif ‘/t {Y Passed vesotutions declaring in favo =r tyf nil reat Memes cant Na tad been presen Mr Sinica idettedt q ne B Cran,J M Dracn es a ai .i }ce a bs IY Tiliningew lichitimestivoyelimea trina sted ee |i ’lave ge 4 !i 5 Ae ee aiconvention,our destiny,under G 4d,isin voted for the bill to arm and equip the ar te ee Grint pec nureasional d !\‘a |oe inore Dusineaa than could 4 iy:tren a aren |wbut)Yan d STATE CEU CES SS GUSBLU CLON Ct w romacn .. Cis.ititet tl n A Yas Te Licetne Rea ES 4 hes (,‘s \te }’{. urown hands.W theepit there State State Jornal uments and papera Ce ae 7 |i hort at ne /mea eis pe Weeetion with the Federal Govern feebuttretinpitm'nion Standare done imko Rhort a time vatt le /7 i reataL’ressure for an Adjustin nt.May Heayeycompfuct reavedorexplain the 7 “BY ~.meee mars yeperary a feed Deis all i a NOTFICK t ~~rm —ee TEE PEACE Prope ; : Vth VOL PROVOSTHO MS From the Standard REBUMING THEIR SOVEREIGNTY. Nevetal King's EvilScrolulaorng>EVE, Phe following ts aaiotny dhe statements JOUN SPELMAN.Louisiana,purchased from the king oo Franee, ::Wastincion,Jul 5 Wssenie : and speculations of the ae wapapers,celit John Spelinan,the nominal Editor of 8¢8 cost of many millions of dollars.bas decter on thy P.ay :A ,,a i We heine GS a nop The subscriber though must thankful for the in te A COM pareeeeenee @ Corruption uf the blood BUste Chy,,tive to the report of the (muinittes of the State Journad was naturalized |ed that she no Jonger belongs to the United 5 ;.reiTit Cregpingpatrynage pempowed upom hn for the last Hy h thin flaid becom a vit ted,weak and poor ,a ,rane)eer @al cite haves »Adjnettsont satisfactory to the Middle three yrare,must now to cusble hin,ne far an hin BYUK 'n (he cueulation.tt pervades the whole bedy, Pp OTKANof tp,the Peace Conference:Ayeril last.In Angast 1857,he vielat ad Tas ke Ee lm ea UB SORcreignty,States,ip¢reases.The Lon.Sherratd .q ORAS ired,in,enxtablihi sud tay bare cat in dieses on any pan of hk.No feed:|:.1 :,WEG That is,she goes back as a Fron hh province.atal x %wai tall 2s TEENS EXE TEGO ES.1G,emoblivbing &reconstruction,20 Ieee from 16 attacks,hor in there one which Mate will be seen,Upon Comparison,thar te law of the land by voling in Wake is again subject to the governme we _Clemens,one of the strongest Union inen ofthe Cua,dechnue eelling,except fir Cash ay vatoy Phe serefeloes tintte arcos- t yu}ya that 7 :e "4 )the government of Branve ;J STEWART 18 PRE a y the propesiUon,as adopted by the Corny county.The full wing ia the proof:her people being subjects of Navoceon II]in Virginia,and the representative inthe J a ae ce Arey i net i Hes Stock ts,and will be kept full asd complete,|clus VY ineroural disease,haw dwing,disurder- mittve id Vustly different from the one Siareux Neat Cannas having first taken the Precaution to steal seven Convention from the Pan Handle by strict ee eee pee eens ree epee et pantteritee ,ce rruube at ve peeseh seers ,ees STATE OF |JAKOLINA j ,‘;aly Faded vie ‘vy uk Mg cused:‘e originally Bubinitted Uy Mr.Guthic Wrnio Chane.!millions of dollars for her wew mister,Floula which went almost UAB D ely fir [may be wanted,al lowept prices posmble tle ul wat ma 1 Y,rafeet Viilever be itmongin,it ie bereditary in The Comittee stood twelve to mine (Tiynnnenenletl ‘4 :ne \Woo,purchased from Spain,and trom her fod)fom,te Opis tony Tel tied tay weve keen oq)bie a owell tetectef lot ot cheap Ding fae Apotherary,',descendiag ©from parenteie childrea we Nee ea Be,i ue -Utley,Clerk of the Court ais by the sacritve of many fives and atthe Some immediate action shoutd be tae,!suily Bibles,Bibles tur Churches with Myinus ¢Noe 1-6 and ths Man v,vat Und aud fourth veneration”indeed,ut seme a My pelivre,Mssicclia t ot tis wand Quarter Sessions fo WVotcmeneapne :;‘_aati Ae ret We Jatest aud dost populace publleations of (he si ,oN '1 a ‘whe says,2 will viskt th ~ Vermont,Connecticut and Nuw \on (‘‘i pa oN the cost of proballe seventy tive millionsof is,by the Peaee Conference,ts sa y toy Wea aad priutiug paper ofall sizes,cheaper camels:Se aay tks “am u yy de bereby Certify that Jol Spel samen her soseniaty.”That is.she fathers apon their children ,it .‘in Couservallve sentiment of tnandd,ou the Oth day of August,AL becomes subject to the Spanish woverniner CED MOD sieve ietorcfertd ehyatiel ee ents aineein Sie oa ee ninmences welaennertirny teenie pittsminion.”and to aid in keeping down tue book Books of every description and size,Pens EXTRA NOTICE!uleerous mister,which,ia the lungs, and Virgitia,re presented liv Mr, A Waal Ure prepdedia noe,:i :na Mans aeA iv ;at en II),1357,at an election held for “Mon,Nod Texas who somzhta union with the cone secession elementa,which aoe «velopery,Pictures,ele,ele :MW UL WYATT betel)sobpow leds uintcr ic ‘roa!ongaus,is lermed tubercles;in the Islan woted for the prvitemitiont bers of Conure Se,aiditivnt ta aie Poleratel Suntes an Pho was recered with open ttreneth at Pretimrond e IN K §.Pree WC depresmon in tnsinie.hia ules for Jonny,2 srw ‘Cogs:and on the surface,erupuone or, .ie '.,‘I a .! 2 wich sfoul ce er DNS ComNen ion cid tit consi teu otitntion,(Pree Sattrase,S tperion #etus,aol hee debtof ten wnillons ur more Ped,‘The President fins informed cove 7 oil Span over the corresponding meth last year te hive i J poe.hick Boutere is the i report,hit Allee ss Wager ict Sas Geneva conn hetae aes ae i,Unease rail nears oie anee:4 5 i 8 us ’ae Motied sever sins ii suieon ine =Tok eee Wer cer erin parcel “Ti Cuniswe es,sthe ea ee ae see ;.i aves a !;is erutic Senuters,Cat jae 4 a er)em,Black,Blue aod Red,Uacnauu'e Car .‘ont ow u ro Bc ro om -i ine jl ness,adjourned ett tonne bee's precinet far Meiupbora of Ounces becomes one of thy Mexican St ites,subject to ee ie ay fa dee ,n,a ;fuk,Arould’s Wing Bliud,the eabee:be continued,wih au inereised attention to bu heen iH tury have (ar lean power to withstand Ween the debate will opeu.ated te ea pore cat Vedi ntto Constitution,and County “odemiegged Santa Anna,heul baltne Am aK ein en 'Fe a cohen hi lahen'nuda well Kept op gund stuck,ettordins purchas ow Ke ohetd seanen;Consequently,vast nam- are :rae fl ‘adie 1 ivarcl a te character ©ererctan r >>t ,:sorders Which,although pet scrofu- appearances wil oe lively May A ont €lerk,us apponra frou conti pudia,or whoever the chances of cial war may VW“A L I 4 ;Of Drugs,Medicines,Toilet Anictes,Punts,O's ;fepet ieee The meni bers wlio ler reuior paec atitier ;a ut {etl tuake master of the country m an ,re oe ‘!APER ‘yes,Varnish,Spires,Sends,Medicinal Whew gre eeusataueeredacecal by iihie 4 t :CECT,git :.ferrble bragedy at fort Suu Arhitnsas teeta y:erty NS MMOESE ELC ::Dats)ae ae oS BERR PUC nH Weel Tes cast at said pce ty aul Cnn oni :.ble 7 ly at ¢Sanit {Hy large und bewutial "tof ,,:Most of the courumption whet ile may Beveht al Wi east Wie.i reovon tile in ie office EOE Arana pest is Le satura Shay bee cath eeenin:ise wl paber,be has fast reowived a jurge feat the Reaudy,Seo fhe advantage,a line aud money,1 Katan fandy has ite ongia directly ia SY ne Goll Csn ll Cauo NW One eee Tie ian NecCrien :\;'.10,tee,atth auntie tier people become,ns ane of .‘oh pat:ren,wheal for bemute,syte,and chee by giimy bine cell before Purchasing.(ofdlous contamination;wad many destractive Tontyon a De lero ence)ie ee bogissn iil cuales erin ’ Pe pel tee aie ,ee }Ss hie inet mtd deseandanta of the di er ,.,Levees ua sure lar sapenor to @uy ever boigre Cibered i AM Ph _Glee ‘'r oliver,Kidueys,brain,and.indeed,of COSI three:thon Co the fu Hey ated afford ta Ve BES SE SOMES et teenie mauts.”Vernly freedom is abroad:na feant.jt Cueto dtee city Tact eeht ||a be market.Window Shuder,Fire Screens,ete.Pharinacental prepariions per enue m vlit his,arse from or are aggravated by the the press.Uhey wie auxions te en dean |i ae i ;vad 3 eet UT casi M clara elise ee (Dil)ie ROESr ero ne Coen diepensed by homse!f oli und 5 Sere F ;2 ol 4 48.bY Piteuner .x a:t =s *t C +’ South Caro}to posterity,wel Pealge that fis 6 has Leste eel eC reek ‘temal tine CGrecery of a Grama aaraial Phy thebury,N.C,Feb 39,oud.thal Specialities On aeitey of allowr people are scrofulves;thew reconciliat;last chance Mipetontewsit railed iy ,’ace .S i ;'!>-———’‘1 ovaced by thus lurking tafeetion,and their evoriine ae kon be votud the Doruneratie ARKANSAS ELECHION,toed mii eels nere||SS"NTATE OF NORTH OAROLINA Which should be het vp emery J'am.ty,Ins rovonved by it.Ta eleanse it from the \We op morrow toaduiit the presa,batitis data 6 14 \\-:on both mites,the barkeeper tua)batelee,“sve INTY.Weta x c Ww age an so feast renovate the blood by an allerative TEI poy ful if it suceceds,as tue majority of tin.U reweuhl Tave been puntshed Sc ee eels vas shot thoomeh the tart and ated estate BOISSNECOUNTT Ye Ge ies ete .ae a oY ted :‘worateitby healihy foud and exer- PY disposition Mambers ware tind cien,and ada 'he tad bev ia Poernrtine,with At tlie cleetion today a large number Waere yoeeiseil a steot in tie t ULouddn a Court of Pleae and (Quarter Bessone,Fetraary i 1X ol the unporter,Pres 15,25 50 4 2100 cee S rel nedicine we sepply in OF bet inter cer een ra pe Pinthaeutne t !ee BT UCSC Creuse viniat Hollie (Cone mnt ma enatnal tp ih.—Term obi Watt's Lemons nag Birreaa,wor Gear Weak Ayer’s ~ris:eC Chuicisins Ve OST tet SE EECOCECE UG Conn thar NOU Clive diva stay 5 y ue o t Rots th aanyterms:venti Mt tdsnnae |prrellt ec uf the divers,Goore:1 Nie en Holmes;ee poseedy te . E ane their conduct.DO Greml Selene camtitenr tala wan farscer lt ita ie ,i i rf a oe Pe ne ae eee "ree Mat .|vrrace MENT Wrarr's Tose ¢Pia,for Chitty nt Revers std Compotad Extract of Sarsaparilla, :,;,Mag,(he stars atid etripes,over the Court PRUE OU ILEA UNTO Cet hand Phe GoM Min.Co.’:) :Tandilee bteqiic 2 ;'i r .|a } a 6 ‘Deals ore :-; i‘en A diapateh te the Haltmare Hh feveser,fe Tins the Gover Heriot House,the cuthisiasin of the crowd way fuarded tay ecos ey ot Heather VU appearing to the watifeetion of the Court hat ee ‘:oe Uae ee i a ee arc east hat “aN BAYS:t!'aT ‘P ay 4 iain fc age é yatre Toorn Acar ,J te 20 ¢our lines can devise for thie every wher va she ha ca 4)UN ENG acini esaresiiy aii mnided,aud cheer after cheer wax,(Oo Seq fi ‘iy :a vllicers of the Gold-Aill Miviug Gompauy are Weare aren .,nennitecouene munan 2 ie ani rel we i dy ‘G eubleedifee i efesea = They were reported with but theced rinoraees liinnin retirn—<a lovine rn ent up tHe ilizens Vi 4 wet sour |:tends ub of this State,it imphere lure ordered aid es INTMENT,Certain Guin,DC eer eit hace been tdisenveredterll ke aes y ::ving pa !Us ::es :,eat ,r hale that he me nting voices,vie:Messra.Sellon.of i ,,,Nico tine oly idge ds that publication be twade ia the Cary a BEES cc Pris,no tunte or emell,#100 Purgation of this foul disorder from-ttre blood,swede Be g .:C VU USN Seirilarvacetn a 7 Fors Svat A feb.20 1 Watchman for ai cc yeeks notifying W >'na maa Rete .\;bu lr TH,AkkK ,ree)ali ho tman xX successive wee nouify tag yorts Purmoste Bausam,foe Coammption,61.00 receur of the eaten from its destructive eo,ene V irginka:Kuttin,of North Carolin pet Ont pwhe tie where tl A 'The counties of Benton,Wand !}Deni ;FE ey pinbay end ta ofisers We ve atte Site WwW H wy.:fo Benee it should be canployedfor the cureof net Doniphan,of Missouri,all three S !-,Bie eae Satned ss “|all aaa As the tloleh dates die Juaticrsof oar Court at Plenw und Quirter Se»‘=ATT,‘He bat also th a ffectwons ariesfi ionists,who stated at length therobje ;,.Sebastian,aud Crawtord.in the western WO Vice ar TB vetior vas sum,at the nea:Court ty be held far the Countyof DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,it ails ual Br fiiveedet)eepam nescaceata hegre sion .t :a i ate Chen oles Repu fa —Itis reported at Leigh thas part ot Arkanens,wave 4.000 Union iia Ley ie LOOM itr Rowan,wt the Court House iu Sahebury,va the Now.156 and 188 Main Street taal hire R x r ines Jas Pines Pustules. 4 aud reasote ronot Cones 1 b ‘«ae -.:i Be 2 t 5 HS Main $7 +Rose,oy 7 5 is 7 tiots isons aE nL eee |ale willoarey Rowan by [oy Jority,and the same avainet felelpee ;tar ted the prsonois to,filet Muuday su May gext,hea aud there to plead SALISBURY,N.C Botches,Blane and Boils,‘Tamors,Tetter and Salt declined making a minority report (nce 5 c ;O oe vr replevy ollberwise judgment wall be reudered in .:SOE eee (th.sia,Suatt ead,Riseweres Rheumatiom Syph- leis said that Virginia,North Carol erty,and that Lo AL Caldwell will Sa aed cee ae EPO RMS fiver uf Renben J.Uf tmes,plaioutf,aud the land Feb.19,1861.’4040 ifitic ad Mercurial Dis its Dropay Dy ie B - v7 es a a en ,o-.ne titer,Vir 1 om custody |and other property levied up ma be auld iv satisfy the }or ay ey :fea cia ene eens for free trad,na and Missouri will vote against adept Goelected by Loo Lue voters of Row an W eer Giclee oyna (err san Tere ayn Tie ty nate =~ATTE 10 'are Panes oro pee oven ytens <-Z =ASHI SG TOM,Reb.4 Utah |t Wits ‘¢.ee :ted or Tupure Blood ‘The . r the Africay ing the report,a tajority of cach ot these willatell very diffrent story on Thursday In thes i Het upon and instantly holed,The crow)[ion Witaess,James B.Kerr,Clack of uur said Court A ;iene Cee haannanie aan BARAT epee .i 'etal toe ti Postal serie ,‘es oi i ,ne fo ec ; delegates beiny Opposed to it,and a ta Neen Rennie te Hl at athe fates toakiv,Losta roee Bot cis qilereitnes erence ene et ‘iC otfige,the first Ml wdas aa February,A.D.bnéi,HEA D4 VARTERS degeneration of the blood.The particular — a B Howill vun let gi }’bp perpe glorious,she jority controls the vote of the State k j k Vion //lie i rbated.Mr Tlunter qpake against Uh phew of execution,fut,before they coukd exrry Ue 4 acca ace hires cn 63d Reg N.C.Militia.208 ote of dus Sarenpariiaw to party andLachaxts a Be ake “.pe ANd neck,and botle be déstancer th Withdrawal of the services from the ¢calepbe 2 a .,el .©Saeco *erate th i flui ; ns than ch .eet and Brock moth ODE ENCE ne Clas suintionitese sien eh.Q6 :5 eee ra is vital fluid,without which soand health is te BN ;poate as 7 |i anil Is DRS Ge race evinces Gece ae he See t ie rd he a a te tid Feb.26,1361.(6e4u}pr ady $5.500 =m FER 16,1561.iNiporsibly iu goulgmiuated constitutions ; nasa prough will urge the rina mven :ral :eek a .secured the ptisoge gs an Ted theme in Green ogng agp Mowry,pom i‘Fal .} .chitin al!er the Get MCL ierast fa the House,Mr.Stanton’s la ee POTING é O Ae eros wey ber,tu Von to reyect the proposition,and Moser.le wall tl -a ae .ao a j ea ay tl fate ie 'f a "wood jal.The excitement in regard te the af ies ee oe aD HE Comniumoned!Officers f sad Keguneat Ayer :CatharticPills |-’©«1 en AnsWwe dem,and say me Ee Eee UEex CRUE eI att .‘i ROWAN COUNTY hee SUS Bue ..,.° dams,we Rives ad Suuners will tecunasid te 2 mee ,a oe far stil continues,atid is ratetise !:fre here!y commanded (shave thevselvax in Sata.Aur add the piurposes of Famély Physic, them,ang roval SEATED et ees i Court of Pleas and Quarter Scemians.Februar,bury,on the @th of Murch,prox.1 10 o'elock,A >*ap o . ene n M",t ..a 5 :>:pee ‘.e ‘re ye abe s Btate Com a he majority.of tl |1 "ee ee YA vonng man in New Orleans,named Mom Ticats U6t LM,with Fureloeks wid 11)cotides tf bleuk cere ane nn Tee a fe ee very,by con Jorit ,1 delew.1 Se liesoncrernc une palitudlyneee The Senate an beccatis SSUES ECO ea TaN catty fie!(ew Eplraun Meovey,)./for Dat,Act.Col Commandant ,Fee one ee nee eee =~di . eg.30 min Marylaud,Kentucky aud Tenuces ;&contin Mr.lack as Justice of the Supreme Cee Gera ae Tene \ATTACHMENT.40 2 J.AL BRADSHAW is arena ni oo eee eee he Uy :stand by the reportot the comunttee an act Caning “all goods,wares and mer ¢rurt iia |:1 Witlaan A.MeCorkte.4 Ep yes ‘nein eal eg Hee ia ls eae: NOM Rg ee ;.io ia ney we ale 5 ‘‘%test diseased wetion,aud reatoring its thy vi- The Wasti Klou Sderot Satur lay say iehee iinported from any one of the ;Cet eran tk Py aeberetii gianapes ec umn cl we Citar cal |dA KER &CO 5 MEDIC INAL Pin SCR Guetice of thead propertira,the ‘i Nersanie n Wve ene er a Pe PEW CONVEN Pox \the defendent Wathaw A.MeCurkdey resides wtb|)TRANSPARENT COD LIVER ULL Hvahd whow bowed dawn with pain orphysieal de- ee teal packed Hae u mes,Hot wtineuiber of that .Ne hats of the State,1 us therefure urdered and uate lihtx'ts siti hve ts tid fia heelih re ect pea i iy the Ce voted azuust Me tra (teduracy Weleari teat our fellow Woasuiscios,Feb.2}ap eer tex —\onl ea Aree ie pablesation be sit:to the Carcha THE TRUE AND GENIINE ed (4 fetiedy tance so wimple and hve:ne tablish stare _anlevory tine ;[oresent ce :{cies Erect aati Coane tiehoan for mix suecessive weeks noulying lum to UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND KFRRCTS hv Nedenivire vied ce y ; PaIALe nes p ®‘He w jee ‘Zetia,Me-ers.Chirk &Reeves,are The proceedings thay were un rhar be and appese tetore the Justices of oar Court of ss ‘,Ua TU na he fnc oey complalatscg nder the jy hict ;Fi f i ‘;dv,butalse many formidable aad di /=report,which,it is -at,he gion Ler eee ieee mf 'Haast leva Dts Pontsv bane New me ee CUS Pevewed Quarter Sessous,at the next Court to be BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED \ Tithocnniele seacneee the Sepr-oe ‘ee thing bas toad Contracts for Tobaces,:i :a ned .f ees diseane ve ugent below named ia pleated to fer- L prrowe by Ex President Tyler and Jide Brock DET Mantle re leew eens anvention,biomght tour eld forthe County of Ruwen,at the Court Mosse |,‘|Hisherathe ti)Amencun Alwunue,Cimtal ube ex New Mercy enbrongh,Mr Roses fds ws parate (1 he Southern Conieden GN ECON iene ws rie leytreres at Broyaete een Hct 06 Neat the Cour:i Salisbury oo the first Monday on May meat,then Me nes if fairly tried,wit @ion restore the Se a licen cant ulreenelejae (rec nee ra its cv }’'\:;tid there to plead or reqlevy.othe digine:+fone of Che digestive organs,Bivigarate ‘lie ;: See views,Such are the rumors wine reach btw shall Keto operate |Veetata delegates whl pohallly die J Dee eT ‘pisteesin tie Torte antag will Gent adimeaent lise fivnceay cee Te blood.sive general Priaics fe the flenre,Oo a fs ee See &Ue ocre lgeriians .:"4 ’vodache,ar re are :aves. ;.uw.The strony Onion om Say HIE :Nopedt was held an 'Tet We Veal EON”Vi ieee ploroud and tbe laud kvied upon be auld mm ind add ene Tgy te the mind and nervour se Lid eee Pate a Mt.nad rene?-u 2 amend the anwise speeches uf Mr Loncolatoe teen Lae)Palgersten,Uae {eet her i Soe Te ae Cy ee em Ieee Tee Lo maliefy the «ume Do tater’Tts valne haw bben remarkably eZ,lw se lee eik ie ad Sasa aoe M88 fron ev erent iy 'i a had US elt eles sane CI eae Cal <Witness.Jemen b Kerr,Clerk of ome mid Court 2 Videnced by ite wonderfal femocutive pow kari SiRaiaLe apaiae te e Bi vee eae ] lates,in any ee puna.Be Ue as ee idm Nepicwsna Cry,Feb.vo ‘.F ,wt othiee,the firet Manday in Febraamy,A.B.lob!ros °%when ordinary tonice had beet vainly Ceol GHalaaearie HaesTne waoece the 7 Shel (ean ert moet the other ride with pease et rss tee {eee ne etree Oe :::‘ae COL THOS A ALLISON vicim theeghty fifth year of owr Independence.HR vhanete@.Ub efordsanriebsueat tou.;'3 :.2 )ort Kearney was tak See Carre tey clr el 'el errr JAMES E KER body whem no other eas be borne,and ‘rs Ch lintie helen vances ae r ache are ;:‘rE Geciate ti y Hy Tare ans ESE KERRY em v G b 7 Ayer's err ectoral Apis he sale Nee 4,a Ut Gdxpress ordere from,4 Monday IZlitaetivencl ements ie Pee Feb 96,186I.(6140)pr adv $5 30 Tt furnishes the frame with fat wa truly re OS J i ’hetaine Tuk Hol tue Deperal Government This boke whe pan yy tie Patient ‘1 |:nen ee ca erence -par ne BATe.Cuen oF t 3 CPO?)C{N4 i ‘i he alinetto 4 v A —Tene .1 Oe .. the fact hat itt fi I ESTE AN NEL PRCT het ericetete eta ne Tiligg gen Gee eee er For the Woo9 Hides For Leather.wm For CONSUMPTIONandBRONCHTI A Court olde Totluenza,Hoarseness,Crop,Brom- Jotton States Thoee who are investi oe oa,aatettes rine }‘HORIEN Cot Es Pee TUL us Ds rene a ere ee oe wy PIs,=chivs cut Consumption,and for thereliefof N iat for h 5 !tore down the tlay atl hoisted the aation ,,TMA .CE sabscrber off-rs to exchange Raw Uudes for =Per SCROFULA in all ited?elopments Fa Con-umpuye Patieutsin adveuced sta of m 1 i 4 ' ir a !gee the :and pworde tid,for thie Sport tes ex Pes TEP ETON al eneien ee 19 el ‘Penned Leather,10 the rus oh good uality Dog!igg WEAKNESS,WASTING,and TJ DienPechbrowsacivadweer.ae °Fee ale i “M «p,“eee .ne F.LYNCH,‘ecery’form of DEBILIFY,v6 curntive Ro wide is thy field of ite usefuluess and so numer-Z je !3 4 ‘‘.fons PM oe ele Teandwene ts Baennemn 1.Ge Wed ca)i 7 Cheraw Tannery and Shoe Factory To properties are unrivaled.ZT vasare the cuses of 18 cares,that almost every see-1 Usfactory tw §MCU CON CON Gitta Mis tito mel ional Mik Wiourn Fwrorrest Pisratey The patel rf 'in \v cure eu tao!4ual Skt may be taken withoat der tsh by the ©"toa of couatey aboundsia Persoux publicly knowa, jared that sbe °epatlistent ua the Avg sora ¢Wels a ‘‘—moat delicate patient d rétained without whe have been restored from al d their anloly efforts ts rT wiry ne na ren usereanieas ire ety .Hey ‘\>r ate patient,and rétar without sm V resto rom alorming wad even des- CUnt On net a —-a ‘""r Missteviwe kK WW !hee I Tree unaat ]ae (eer WILLIAM C,LORD,So ffortinthe most sensitive stomach —Tt»en aes Perete dincases of the lungs by ite ase.Whenonce cces LUC)cto fi ere tr 4 ‘x mn Se viicet t rerionity ta this fothe ‘7 tried,ite saperiorit y by di no territo :,tal faery i )he lesen hice a)woes te Chia and other importint ch vie.Ned nied,itn saperionity over every other me icine of its ETS rors Cate tie poate Cra aietiyatie dente se to te has beeu eugadia between thos:Mea ue Niue i .rail a F ae =;ATTORNEY AT LAW,ZB teristire of genuineness,haw gnsrantecd fours kin 10 «Hi FE UE LoeReape Observation,and where neery rather prot &vs heretofore heen warn ersouai friends «,ertitnest w (i){r rc ;;SAS aN.G ithe commendation of the moat eminent We virtics awe Known,the public no longer hesitate !a ty He ,ee :Q ,:2m,Physicians throoghont the Stutee:the wat."what anudote to employ tur the distresmng and dap- are its fiorr te Jae |mon ow we a Frilegl ves ay ta HE svcrties Pies ier TEA,Practice and inake prompt collécuuns in 2S Eo LS s Be ies .:et eile ., Korwan.Stanly.Predefiand Catawba Coauties eo ft testimony of (he fheutl yof the best medi-men gerous atfecuons of the pultoonary organs that are poutine eee Ge tu v!ia wantd t t ane a :"Vira note was bordered wits 1 read omni Vie corner of Cowau's Building oopomte ee Cal schools5 the Professors of the war incident to our clinate.While many inferior reme- eines,mC CNN ren i G0 5 é m4 ne,wo ©been edoupon ana SOUTHELUN CONGRESS,a rer eeanenti es Reena .sa UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,diew thraes Spon thre commuuty havefoiled andbeen eae eee ae)cla nee ne "nan oon on Has at Weta r that Mocca a ,(CK Corliton 1 'eta ime |JEFFERSON COLLEG&OF PHILA.=discarded,this has gained friends by every tral,con-e ¥;a ,ere ;{UL NONCIRGH EOIN RNA CHIE ey MROD SE =i eae a)DELPHIA \ferred henefite on the afflicted they cannever forget, Veale Sut WATT tet 1 vu ‘1 ;Met Vor dave att FESO ,.TE Ah)“1p .OP x =|and peeduced -ures too numeroas aud r kable ,\.nts without boone pr ace 1 e tae ena .}\\]Ny JONES M D PIRLADELPUTA COLLEGE of MEDI.=<ne aud tov remarked 1 teas -_.;:!}Len ,:ate NED IVE 5 jas 5 tobe forgmlen uu og Ws “a tees’Tah een repay Rice roe VI Nee bee Stet t ''bo ;,a eae mee CINE,and others —6 i WHEN hd tee tak pee Tae sites (lune aeuieecat .(inne teste |nan cni renner (ee et Howes HT '||\*pormnently lorated in the town of Satie|Tavalids should be careful io purchase on DR PREPLHED By Hentai on :E .CEE le ec wicex vuittherputiic tithe ome af mudaugced raputa innit meter bes \PIS aga "as {F 'Hoexporte|from the Cy -Tea aieay :4 MCHC ther he t p ley desire the .‘ Senn E :!‘:Ae etry fers Liter ase Whe =i HY ps ules i rates ean va Pomen te of his peofemmtet <>Tniwt achive!apdiliinruediare advantages of ©*|J.(2 2 y ER &CO.., neat pron ,:Cy tron deserted for dwe ting and viven place t aes Ne :an ||oO Mav Street,Girst door above Bus the remedy.That which we prepire hie ae b MWTHLL,MASS _ Pie Tima ack i ne cen Sil atun low alacant |rew whet wee ator ted ‘FS eS ei Con foetone ry (7 ese ael laniees of MUN CER Cy over ther lee THE _ actw |or baal boty yoatty \enn obome t ‘eof humana i oy mt Pay f ea ::'I ALDRICH Eye LRU eee ie —~pesads Manuaee lees co m GREAT ENGLISED R EMEDY futtire sliould thots petsey |‘}'red au dcrashod out on ae ount of a NN MNES ACUMEN Sis OU N Eis.BARGAINS BAKGAINS BARG UNS,=j =a . i .',:}‘WN ra \eLy o 'pe ees ine ca an SIR SACIES CLARKE’S AGA Wariner to th }ine x ,ek mpgs ewe ade,Ge DT Ppp ana ral ’ 5 Kk '!1s }.Aras eal en Se Peete 4 ‘.PP . nee tcs a ,rae MW.BRENNER'S Nov.18,1580 6nd w ELEBR \TED FEMALE PILLS. ee uM }ey rH )py j mp Von ‘ bres an asa RED JACEET lokN.THIRD SPREER uu.I8\some wins and inscrutable slave Vrrny \a wNS fee ERO ay Ve tts doreibie re 1 a , mt es ;,.:tury of Wart.Vope Winn of oR WEAN ):,a ie !.in ’:\‘J OTHING Il 4]]!:ArH ani are ecole Ue dito]een ie a Oa WoWOL EY (,NG ALL!To Farmers and Mechanics.oes ee |ih Wack ONEA ——-aes : idwinnn,wil tae vin toe tatey nly ;Feet en ae ;,.,.cre )";SS Prejmtredfooapresriptam of SirJ.Clarke,It.DyPhage eae ie aS Un tS cen ae ee fin [Evan mi 4 f Ce ERE Catenion Viste an Wawa (ae ve NW 1ST CN MAIN STRERT.McCUBBINS d&FOSTER 4 ey Ha ope ie Is believed ny ‘i 4 ‘a wre Cre Mud society Hl 4 Voy f Veep ner!duar ta Rimirn,Com G Mo he Store AVE jnet received w very lorie Yo of FARM Tile inentuabl met ob nthe careof all th ‘':Onre f ‘“A pacnet f R fin r |v lorie Yor ;h all those promeng |Chamber of 04 vi should be s lant Glbs pinestan ta pirhelming Majority Ajine ;ee ola subectior denen to deform,the publie of ING TRON,consisting of Shovel Molex,Rar Poufaoudd Dare eae Bee cc ivelecomstlia ya :::.rire m3 orn ublie o i u yee nolerates alle xcess and removes 4 twenty tien 1 ce adie eran fit mel iy anaiier jaw sw loi tan SE -;ths RONG Tay 'Sat Ss Rowan and adparning Couaties that he Jton,Wagon tire 14.12 end ®inghs Buggy wre 0 fl oe spooty cure way be relied on. creniteecn (eee ,F .yon plenee ar fis oh Wyo \SO)Foicix,ely,20a The State las beet S i ,ne present and Tyiochs Oval Tron dy §.and }inet:Square an eed ;:.1 oe eretary Name TR Na tits ,-Trou Land 14 inch,Buggy “pres and Aales °arrice a os Ceas lmHINeeI Teo CCTIN telnet tien :LonClrercUnicaal Lis TUE tea Petey bok an overwhelming amaority tor the |1,MoI ‘Sk !Ny ay vat ul ‘1 7 ie peentiuriy suites “ft will,in a short time,bringomthe i :;7 4 wares LOPFLIN ay Slot Li NG OF}Pivencare naumled Legdrer:Riis Bobs,Soren tee larity eilotued by the order ot tie Mev:©Ethie k andact as lant no ater whats dereuates ey MOD sccesmion ata tei ene ea te #Whis Now,Fresh ond Penn thle Logether wrth a gener!amdrtine at'ol rs ny Twilar,bears the Government temp 'ins ,enn ae,eters ha oth to been elected to the Conventio 7 ee a RY G ys of reat Britain,bo preys nt conmterfebta. wnary Tribanals:thirty two thous aa oe ne :“en ices cen elected to the Convention TUDO vemeeece it ieee PVA ONIN TER STOCK Ob /DRY eee eae .aad Be Giss viethios under Cartier vt Ny ,\ae :i a e /2 -!..ie :By ,rendered wretched by aleanes \i.i;2».dy |l 7 Cl th S a QUEENSWARRE,The ne Dvile shoul.l not he taken by fomales duringthe FIRST ethe rat a z ‘“gna op elesrap hy vemselves and easily cure t at f 2 J 8 <ENyTT tu}ae v «Ys Whether é thirty two thousand at Lynas:Fo Mo aves be an went mtg aad t Significant Sépy Toe telesraph im thea neddy-shade Clothing,ROCKIES.ca Uistatmitgh nash teahd ayeeee Pr iifeatahe mea thousand foce lain Semen yey "i Cin Tawe nothing te dowith vou informs us a tanirelaeteren capitalists ha AMees nal the lver,stomach.aod other tan ‘MEP eP RING ues {¥ainand Cape,Borie and Ahoes Thee keep een fame sen ih Neen Sp nal (aoucake!5a .:;:;;Iron ow DE SU CU CUR URI facta tig :(rithm eodeerned iy dignstian,ore the mest faq vt I pe eaten belo gli Se a \utty on hand a sappy of FLOUR,BACON,Hi rnl Limns,Patyne on slight exertion,Palpitesiom ob ii liary,io prematoce child birth;three lindred oe HR ifilanr all aeiivews @LIttra tiie cimbiie elas oy end AU SEILU SUAS LY GTI UmnS cer cat lea eae anced Ne rvann,seritalle GOONS ut PORK.FISH CORFE BUG AR,MOT (SSEie,Moatt Hysteric:aud Whites,these BNlis will ellects eure whee . Ani tcanten and forty ight in chitd birth trou sai cure,roneon,all Chat is within ns.revolts ateg Webt loan un)oar nauonal diMientties compfaring,and reliuves and intends are Reduced Prices LARD,BUY Seroan ed!TER,&c.,to which thy iavite the ut |; ntimony,or apything burttalto wd there were slain duiinge the wat are settled.What dees iis imean$Tq bear ihe bennr of ther M@haaner Fl Ux cone =nstrowe an abeardity When we look at the lle tl j fetters Stom och Bitters wil prove au edi 1 SNe OTe amie AN benuonietitne rabls ..Caround each package whieh la Vendeo nine Nandied thouscid ive Shatred,medics and aactoitablencs whieh Uposetie that Mie metier a Bee ih aeenie Ut i)DEI SSE to ite esl enue Keene onM ni lvnelmnd a lnreetn iit Ba enkins Corner,Slishury,ven Agent States and Canad: “feen thonaand women,AUT OLA e CR .ean te Tet en ae ardunnouneres ale politcal abominations is Peally COMINGTO whole phy weal ore azation,but endrely cure the welltek cred stock of |Feb 12h,U6?eth Sule Ag a 1 States anc apa:w0eEs, dren.Iu this enmimeration ace ne oonader the injustion,the erucity whieh have Ct ae Abolitionis's mobbed aud UA Tie iste abse va tui msl ea Dye MEN'S,YOUTHS AND Boy's |~eR ta ar eer :Heraeacinne mprehendod the massacres at Versat eu practiced:the blood which has been beoted inthe “Atheus of Amerioa,”and le He flee Cloibine and F ishi i,W y A J j :eat,wit .“anny Ne by return mail. tl Ab !:|eae i ;Sostan merchants refuse to take aay.(Lhe comtry ore Cant in their praise oF this oivias an urnishing broods,z Salish vierson&Eaniae,W.i Wyatt,apd me ane Abt the Cassandonly i Jy ailth sanerswhichhasbenin Hoston:mera sen rh Atle ce a Te a toe tatheeepratthaaaueatertodshimerof =SPIBGIFIO PILLS ase ‘“prigone,on the 2d of Septeribe the !6 Weare at Quy loss to determine from ernment loans tes UU OEt SCG WM istrsy sithat ire ee palin dil te the laste that at may be :Poscert,Lavu &Ce,Rickmoud,Ve Wholesale meu }1 i |tL tOid Abel Wall need even asm hover Terepy Ok butte suitable for Proienading..WETLOUT TASTE ORSMELE Por hither an ee ‘ctims shot at Toulon and Mareailh so Shenee thie iden of prose Joon sprang,formian,thon of UES ON Ae,PUTT Ser Taian a es Vaciere.Plicters,Miners,Machinists.and Servants male or female.The most wonderfal Medics A £the pereons alnin io the litte townat A 1ENCe |by ev)PISSED SS ASCs oUt ders evel Cuase!a Cue funond W Au ~pee u vee nats roe xtock of Bugte and Shoes,Hate and a)the Nise Medica.PRICE 4.00.Ciemeta Bedouin,of which the whole population &We beast to tis fiellaw creatures,‘The devi Seea Oy Cull and examine my stock before purehas by W.H.WYATT ! ’eS ay vein pee |'\SALISBUR KE PRICES ieglsew tere i Remember the Sun of the RED D eal ae ' brew hedm-[erished,neunate never conceived or put into the min NC ‘Trou ecee ling Scent Wa La i ‘A JICKEL M.BRENNER Ivete aes eae } fin otal ty a More Tohasleor boheal we u ot :need ’,°.‘Suntan Nos.186 aud JES Main et. not ten Let the people took on that preture,atid fee 'a :ne ree a \aa an :apite of their ortinances,seein to be nos Pinnrany,26,1501 Pos Having made proper arrangements withour Feb.5 4132}Nao,NC :tas the offsprine wid the childof pe \7 ":eee ee dies te State effeee well before they lend Chemgel ys Hitien,And,for one,we envy wot the feelings Where recognized as out of the Union Beef.Sa G2 Reeon.Win 124:Rater,16 0 90 eae a a;oe one ie tees to fulfil H.C NES 2 ye 5,000 Ve wild ontid tani schemes of vec y ;,e }‘counted in with Kans:be Gem.toasts Flour B20 Sas Lord,Wa 12g)BUY Ordere in the Merchant Tailoring business at -&.JO?ES &SON ANG rash scheme preci of Unit uta.who so far forpeta whatia due to ¢iey are counted ip with Kansas to mak:Wiel Ul wins aa |‘shortest notice 1 'y ‘ating demayoyues,Fimself,to tis God,and to his fellow,as to put thirty four States,and enter into all cal BU mine sete hm ey eeu aT eee ane 622 Atterneys and Couase Jory at Law,|i .fin pra tes culations which look to the action of a Oh 4 Ths Savar Ya l2h:Tallow,10m 12h ;Whent,|me a a wiepractice in the Coarts Rowen ConntyvantTh,a We have penned these remarks in no spirit’majority of the States Indeed,they do $120 «140,Whiskey sia $1 uo een Senay UpEGHLaR ONLEL er vse Corn Brooms.~The corn bionins,e have fF vese remarks in no sp ajority States,::'|fae >:iM aleo praetive i Contis of Treda Cs iTPPUR UNDERSIGN TAK SME 7 fangeror retaliation,but simply te show eur!not secon to recognize themselves as out Se ee Sax,‘See we ere ree ‘ont ol ened and Cabur ||Wh UNDERSIGNED TAKRS THIS MEL Danufactured by vue Deaf and Dum is ::.VAR DT .Se :#}rus Counces Al claims extrast't!to tiem for cul-thed of imforming all persous sn want of ROCK ey!:alter condemnation of any such practice.We of the Union,and freely avail themselves MA i ie a Wis “Inoue wil!mect prompt atcaniin,for MULL-STONES,of buiding purposes,that he ‘aylam at Raleigh,have attracted de have too much tuth an abo fatal So Mi Oa oiulaSrrm gieney One mine cher GN Widioniica Hpek x Sia Nemec _,L Wa"Office No.3,Back Row)vearthe Canrihouse cin turnish the beat quality of bey ond “tved attention.Several of our mer people of North Carolinata believe Chat any euch ever and whenever they ean he of proti 8 nie Boeut by the ley te me Be we Vas WATCH WaAKea Ws Fara .Bere I GR ANIT E trance eT ETAT =Stati ap i vine 1 49 Maze Broce OV SHOAL OR é °"|)As .{i hervelf hants have ordered lots of them,Messrs PU bee can obtain to any extent in thi ial table use.The children are not wean hy quel ee Se |i S ud Mis r Charlotte Whig Lare excusable for |.th a Nae Ree 150,000 Froft Trees (At im any shape,and al the lowest possible raire forThenokA.Marphy have some now on ;anc oe fy Pans Ta te pe ans als ‘by ee tes ’ree WASH.“Ihe Quirty is sitwated 5 miles South of y.':teat.—heichimaii At]eG le ::5 ee SBTSebas-‘and;and they eay they are far RUPE ior’! Of very select varicteesforthe ne Planting,f Salish yk a ee’Ol Ss U if “Peace Vpon some terina,we all Pie a balla ak “A hg THOLTSEOKE ‘ palette S '.WILEY HOLTSHGUSER.rn part any they have over been able te bis on a ae of i ARMS AND AMMUNELION,inom,aff West Green Nurseries.Se ee Ss ajority,the North at eimalas prices.GS SAU SOW CARA GEALS We do not profess to be a special student of Mecklenburg county,to Miss Unasne My da ghter“;:a :;ae Also a large collection of Evergeesos,Shrube ry :7 Conven-By th ,mre re6 we coy with him further —“peacewemust history,but we have real the histaries of (ha Of Phos Brown,Bag Finuary 20,Ish 13 Roses,Green Huger ayd Reding oul Preis Salisbury Female Semin a y-the way,wo were surprisedtolearn oo..bu teh A ;x i a ys Pa five tnt we prefer peavein the Union United cle,oe giant wit nthe county.on the Vth est,hy Win 4 WESTBROOK &MENDENTALL.:mR 46 corm outof which they are man x .Cy Uy lec UGS aickuve tien Mae Cues twin Sines th Mice ate Western IN.C.Rail Road.ProprietorstomeWohavealentreadDouteranuny,fel s Ragen ud Kongs,and In Tredeth eo,on the Lith eRe ER erin WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Ginreerre,dianihter of CapiThMockevitle,on Toesday by Rev BoSeott Krider,My eI by inet let us exhaust every honorable effort tokansas!:‘Vactured jg brought frou Mednose !have this peace under the off flag—bat,PVE SIXTA TERM of this School will begin people mosh Oo)Way Feb 5.wR).413>the 1]th February and close the Ist July.The and second Samuel,first and see te e why 3Coots Sotylho}tr ;a:,qi .es r school has-been increas mon 2 ly would Ught there Uy the ton,and sh pped do nothing hasty,nor submit to od divers other histones of wars;bit aesen until mM Ua Mis ae aD S(ezrosz7iwisace r New Failor Sho »We have now a gundly waumber ree ce view =;i a S i county,o le omen.ob eee:ae <‘.ea fe facets tound by Railroad.This ought nots “dishonorable.After wa have exiansted iho Cotton etates colour to th North for arma vets 2 tect Min ee :ee Ba :t 'I .nore UT the number continues to increase,Salis. x z |:oto Miss Soca s way 7 a See is «;’ ‘he.B et ;Mrenment,and etill find oppression and and anmunition have we ever foutd an instance os :5 —p—:bory will have what it has vever hed,«peamaneut1.TUCO LIE Lois finely in Row miisroate Starring usin the face,(fea will in which one of the partes combatint was de z :5 =e _,E 2 ape subecnher has opened a aew TATLOR Slice!TER t any i :;z 3 hae 2 :TERMS me re We Kopporse,any where else in deapond for the Union —tura our backs pendant upon the enemy for the munitions of Obituary.,a >eg.oe the any coup ied by;Barnge »h wash ;o a estao-the ,.Thr»“V¥”:3 .dee’erie and i mid.with waehing,shia,£50preheatcgWeDYmayitnothecain1vpndatgloriousolth,and bod it war The Yanko thst ee ail hav From ine HC chieinn dura,|Et cong EYEE ton motes Saran ie ng ie aia Peed,tye,Mal a ahs 80 peTmPhae710oOpreteritCrieTnSahebory,N ar eait ,inetn wae a =>wie is =i Ney 7 2 :ip f xe ohn € rhea re at homed We understand that it adieu!Then,we ahall feel that wo have.the cons mg reflection that they die with South Rime aes x ni fea ner cl ok éfo ve whl to meet the mont Ramtidiout dwinande Call aver ;Latin 5.00 Inne ar ia ata good price,and we doubt notit,dong our duty to preserve the legacy be crn punay in their pockets expended for the fallreshceplinfSentsl dateene ghaRiGnett i Bea ie Ts Reaper ne Ltr eae tails Re Lee Coy bent Narr oe)tia stray Me 20G Suld be nade a ve ry profitahl r jueathed to us by the blood ofour fathers 8 ms and ammanioon that ace used to kill thea dave .:wi Pee Pay ©Wied of buving the ekuchy.tattmade cage in Use of Tnstrimenc,250 :ae Y 2 St ree ‘‘:o rte ‘':nay So ‘Ieendy Wade Che Rives TP cine i]expetien then may we appeal to God with acon Pemust ales be a proud refleetion.on the Part OF Tie weeping parenta ha 'RC RUDRER Ve :oe :oe i:;i en ore 1 0G ‘e t s :,rt the ty fit Js a a Sa i ae twig F ni hereavn:,ee hat ‘rf yee t “yt te aT en tr her ’~ne eC lee!entrance ern ON Yor Ntdersen vid te he felent hope that be will sastain ae in ear OU )ee e oo :bec an ae a oe a ::2a med Produce tmlten br exabnoge for week Bor p ress f jders 4 SRI oe tn on i hat [2 Hak shat Southern mote bas boon 4 pT erge teareler ada,«uy r wes i ==WE row AR LD WILKINSON verously allan’Fort S eee sfortiberty and equality Istha (on V abhealcarluna tamer inten ineee be fuceral wad todowed 6 vibania of ie wa eee ee =ieee eee er ".ae cae ee »Snr CEH AN ronot,friend Pennington?—D.a/y \‘Nile boy to Me cemetery 1 was right 6 ary Pates pie “4 {3 :H ‘CUlONIA It i alse re;rrted that Wwe :;a Tew soe enly weap ae ren Ve |mtr}eae Attached uo Kalle marks +Mee lik e ax z .:5 2 xe a FS 4 NOT IC 2FanrrendertheFortpoPeemepectatlSSUsCantcatcutieMlcnaehNo)cee ve By So mes Penrice >Dress Making! SOME Tule ac :oe us the maqnsofdomgy sold Valorem Banur Mowere and the evergreens I fern See Scour.=[35 ea Ce . Ar CHototen an Tent ROROMEC Merete Vion,Angnetna Hall,Chicf dnetiea af pore nnd lovely in the "a)a =ss ::Soy ‘o oe oon Etat PRR somone to her frmnibeeid the u ae -|5 ,,We Cel wt caiee ,I rae De ry Lapin its eo we 1!Company ore \]‘d Nebraska Territory,is dead AQoon,Rive One nt tie cnlearatel,ne OC Uh eee Se -=uiuiadl al mr ueiithe Manin ee Tad ee os :thie bassdberoM,ff ;lat W =Peace (enee at Washington Proll enitess spat wad watted age ole tote rad }t :\.heave mink Keo i dil was de jneoln arrived a asletige |Selanne esane\(antyaniery ‘een Benen Te .;:Peasy PAY Ww verry ee pleneed thier ne th 2,4 V x ‘ite members frour readir HO ARP pers »:.'esa ing al nad keep:nece * arlotte -Ata fas passed an act establishing the while the beady ie i !fron ;:f r ‘,SA.ie 1 a cena sity de.wll wor iy Te won one \'bong the eT ,:'" tee ae Feonasggten of the Misussippi river,walking abont the Hatt ah dea inember iectgitamrcimer sero Aung the 4 Fine Shirts and Collacs oe es wo Leena?Ae Coan een se ..1 ‘.joe].‘»>“oAp 4 wo 0h Veet of i 1 Stat pon in speaking Tf all dy eve ee Nel :e Uv wehbe parchaee fer Shite an tose}m earn FOTAAR TINCT SAT Tint Tea nnest Sriall Ps Vi sdisease hasappeared had sach rules busineas would be nore ®beet ale im i se eWlel heloce clarkiee ini a otCryoreutoss(promptly transacted f i :i jee DAVID Whit NOVA Tr Spey' :epe \emaNt hoe i se Ry n e ret eeekeseieieemalenapre PaROD’. Mw QODMAN,SPARE THAT TREE.” jo .Time of Pease | Pepare for War.’ Aludmen,spare thet flag,a icwaeulaes !Bitoffen:paths ols te et een ‘rem sea to mountain crag ‘ever broaght 19 able ist.Colt’s Brit and Puck-|It»stripes have gieamedefar ;neeCara,d new mode!:aso,Smith &Wes-| o ,UdSree Ena eou's seven shot;Sharp's B ounce Pretul,that canbe | j eo crane carried tn the vest pockat,will shoot through an iach agen ae ee aoe board foyerge,Sharp's 10o2.,shouts through an iech “—ee board 100 yards;imitation Cults’at reduced prices.| That flag of Liberty,Biss’Cartridge Pistol,6 shot;Rider's welf-cock- Whoee glory aud teowh ing;1X L eetf-eocking;ales Bowie Knives.ansort-(| Are spread o'er land atid sea;ed sizes,Sharp's Sportiag Rites,will kill 300 yards, And would ye strike it down’wand a good tut of guug "They offer Use work of Madmen,smepend your will,goods at rédyced prited fr cosh,se they intend dang Cut eet its beaven-born ties;a cosh basmmesa,‘Their remaining stock conmet<of Opr Cowntry’s ensign still,Combe,Brushes,Buttoua,Su-penders.Heke,Fane, Stteaked with celestial dyes Watches,Jewelry,Siver Piaicd Ware,faucy bead|Pius,Perfumery,Extracts,fancy and toiler soups.| On Ocean's wave and heath,stationery articles,Porumon Pocket Books,Work, fn battle and in blast.Boxer,Rators,fine and common pocket Cadery,! Gur fathers cheered benexth,walkiag Canes,sporting articles,Whips,Mumea)fo-: Or Nailed it to the mast ;strameuix,Witlow Ware,Bask ts,Traveling Sateh-| A tear for those who fe!!,ela,Faucy Groceries.Prax,Cigar,Tobacce,Soult, For those who lived,renown,and numerous other articles too tedious to mention, T caught their Jaci furewell—*all of whieh they offer at low prices. Oh!do not hew it down.‘Those indebted te us,myet call and pay their aries| pnd uecuents by the firet day of February.os we shall Quer beart-giriags round thee chug,place all accogais then unpaid iu the hends of officers And mem'ries oe!thee Crows;for collection,YWERONEY &BRO Pea field and deck thy wing Has been a freeman’s shroud! Salisbury,Jen.4.1661.aut Qld flag,the storm stil brave ;=aAndTraitors,teave the apot;The Ad Valorem Banner, While we've an arm to save,:CruEer Te Your rage shall harm it not.DA TL )A ND W LEK L Y.\ ic cea A yyort tine eluce F innued x prospectus for a} Weekly newspaper,to be called the AD VALOREMVONPRNTMENTBETTERTHANWEALTHgnNeR,to be pubushed in she City of Relogh, “Helen,don’t you wish you were that lithe N.C.‘The cagayragemeut L have received,far ex: ..7 ..ceeding my meat sunguine hopes.jndyces me ty issue gyel riding in the grand carriage1”saul Wile Sa i,prcepet.the Maen Bflahickisei form the pubs he that |will om the Ist of Junuary,1861,commenc. the publication of the RANN AK,not only WEEK.| LY,bur DAILY.So far ax the Banner takes sides with politicul rat Brown to her sis,as they sat by ap open win dow,one pleasant suminer’s afternoon,wales,ing the passers-by. a Wiees Barahiiimaled cles \parties,it will he Democratic;bat with regard to ae ere |Tnternal Innprovemants,a ehange iv our aysem of «Why,Helen,don't you see her beautiful pink |Taxation,sree preservation of 1 Courtitationalie;Jinon,it will know Bo party,but will be a zealousbonnet,and ler lovely white parasol!and,oh!)ivccate uf all these,repadiating reeret caucu:|dear,what a splendid silk dress!Helen,she |(where the spirit of the Constitution 1s often viokat must be very happy.\;packed and partial Conventioas,and the scheminglfThadafrockjastlike|of woald-be pobtic@)demagogues und tricksters.| that,and could ride in a carriage,how happy Tj shalt be just and fear nos. should be!”{Peewee OF THE DAILY GANER ; --$5 00,3 .One copy t year,madvavce,-:Belen aud Sarah Brown were the children of Five ies iy Geiger ae Gee 20 vv a jaborous mechasic in humble,though very|TERMSOFTHE WEEKLY BANNER comfortable coumstavces.One copy 1 year,im adeanee,-§2 00) Mx eo ei “#-2 es ee 10 60Mrs.Brown,whe was working iy the back part ‘Tea a »«‘-+15 WL af tke soem,ovetheard Sarah's resnarks,an!to Address,FRANK I WILSON,!:334 Raleigh,N.C. correct in the bud what might i the end be-|aa came acaretous diaposition,called ihe two chil NORTH kK RN j dren to ber site.LIMB FOR SALE. t Sereh,wy daughter,are you not happy?”\LARGE quantity of Northern lime ‘vasiacked) said the matber.2X tn garralp oe py the bushel,forsale at Simon- .‘tion's Tan Yard twill be auld very cheap,whole- *Gb yes,mawma,iam very happy indeed.”sale or retail.reptied Sarah t oe ;A lenge quaatits of figishad Leather.(Sole,Upper h Seo ete DEOL and Harngs)qlways oo hand and for aie ers Question.'Green and Dry Hides alway#in demand at cash “:.prices.H.C.SIMONTON.And yet,my child,did I not hear you wish:"saisbury,July 27th,1960, lag for riches,that you might be happy I”a a Sarah blusbed as she jeplied: ©Pwas only thinking,mamina,that rich peo ple,who can have everything in the world that they want,must bevery bappy.” tno GMEAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY,i JOoQ ew DOoOOL EFHY, No.M1,Mats Stat,Riewwoxp,Va., Magufactorer and Dealer in “Listen to une,Marah,and Twill tell you a fa-rom,STRAW,LEGHORN,PANAMA,SOFT AND MOLE SKIN ble of a rich man;and try,my children,to take,DRES®MATS. note of Ks moral,HAVE now ready iny Spring stock of “Th ted al r ee HATS,CAPBaadSTRAW GOODS,‘ ere lived a rich man at the court of Kiag ww which I would invite the attention of Herod.He was lord chamberlain,and cluthed the merchants of Virgins,North Carolina and Tea- Apel _prgsee,Confidemt of my ability to eupply them withbimselfinperpleandfinelinen,and lived in very evervihing they may Wap iu my fine,om ag good great magnificence.j terms 3s they gam be procured in any market im the *There came tohim f afar di RE:a aaiere COUD!My sioek will be kept constantly full by the addi-tey,9 friend of bis youth,who had bees his com.)von of everything new or desirable ;and,havingpapionwhenbewarasitmplecountryboy,whom greatly iucreased my mauufactaring facilities,many ites ,‘°destrable styles will be of my own manafaciure.My' e Not seen fof many years,Black Wole-«kiu Hat is still in the frout rank,and i») *To do honour to his friend,the chamberlain |cual.f not superior,to anything roduced iv the 4 fanatics ::couatry.My assortment of Boys,’Misses’and Chil-made a sumptuous feast,and invited all his great |dreu's richty trimmed Hate and Flats of afl theaig sequaruiances.There stvod upon the table a treat styles of Braid and Leghorne canno?be exce\vanety of costly delicacies,in gold and sitver dish e In Military Goods,Lean furnish anything reqnired My stock of the varines qualities of Army ‘Regula tians”Hols is very complete,and any of the differeut) styles of Hate ar Caps made to order at short noticeJOHROOLRYMarch13,1969.(49 es and costly vases with periumes and vimlmetits, together with wine of rarest Vintage. “And the neh man sat at the head of the ta ble,aud was hospitable to all,and bis frend who had come from a distant country,sat at his right y 7 mr ! hand.3nd they ate and drank,and were sat N O H U M Bl G .ged >——0—-—— “Then the stranger addressed the chamberlain|Selling OF at Cost !i of the King:“Such splendour an!waguificence see aj your house contains,is not tu be foun!in my ae bt ;:2 ’patrons,nad the e generally,that he is de country,far or wide 7 And he spoke highly of 4.Pata to meee Eesogette iC ees fears ving his |EXTENSIVE STOCK OFselectedapapplefromaguldendish.The ap phe was large aud beaatiful;its color was yellow, ny i)ent's Gee sard:~This apple has rested oo yol |and ite form Gente Forskbiag , is very beautiful!”Sohe reached it to the strang-,Hats,C aps,§r.,at Cost “The friend cut the apple,and behold in tts’LESS TH A N COST. middle wasa worm!Then the stranger cast lis from this date.forthe perpose ofclusiag.The balance | lain looked upon the ground and sighed surrow Sice all you can,and call early at fully.There was a worm at the heart of all his M.HOFFLIN’S. “My children,beware of covetonsness;for,as ae \BOOTS!BOOTS!| pot in the abundance of the things he poss -sseth.’J Tl.FNNISS is now receiving hie stuck of! A contented beart,a quiet conscience,a soal at ©for style and work are superior tu anything thut is! happiness Call and see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT,made of the best Freneh Calf Skin and Water-proof ELE sabseriher reapeetiuly imforme his former his state,aad pronounced him che bappiest vt on er before January next,and will commence sell- “But the rich man,the king's chamberlain,| Ready-Made Clothin,J g,streaked with red.And he took the apple and er,the friend of his youth.\on eres on the chamberlaiu;bat the lord chamber.remataing will be sold at public vendue grandear.Corner of Mineton Hotel Obrist Jesus has said:*A man’s life eonsisteth «Gentleman's Winter Water Proof Boots,which | peace with God—these are the true sources Of made or for sale in thie market and at ieee price.| throngbeat,and which wii last longer thea anyAng,now,my daught«rT want you ty car. ry this little provert im your heart:*Coutent-|other Boot,home-made or otherwise.\ ment os better than wealth.”ALSO,Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, epee ee |wie Double Soles and Upper,a capital Boot for jimter,and LRELIEFINTENMiNUTES.ee aesALSO,GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS.|”Beowble seule and Upper and warranted.| >s ;ALSO,MILES &SON'S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT,|Pulwonic Wafers!nade iqout and strong and of the very best mate. maul esets tl acc 1e makins teeecntals@et irene Arete ricci en ere ee0Ubebindeverintreducedunderthenameef“Puimomc ALSO,MILES&SON’S PCNP-SOLE AND CENTS ‘wravene,”in this or any other country;allother Pulmonie bDeess Miles’Bots fur beauty,dara “Wafers are cownterfcita,The Genuine cam be known by bility and pleawha!wear,ere celebrated throughoat tha arma BRYAN Detng stamped on oach WAPFR.the Union aud requite eo praiee.\ BRYAN PULMONIC WAFERS Call and get yoo a pair of Bonts for Winter worth Relleve Coughs.Colds,Sere Throat,Wear -ssonas =having and at prices rat Chen BRYAN’'S Oct.2-1120)} i ING,PARLOR and CHURCH STOVER everofferedinthismarketandwillsellforcachaslownecanbehadinWeaternNorthCarolina.Also,all kinds Plan and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILISkeptomhead,All kince Tia,Shert-Trom or Copper work done at the shortest noticeMURR &SO<SAMON arecaBRYAN'S PULMONIO WAFERS at i ae Kdlieve Acthma,Broveditis,DiMicult Breathing,°Syut ant Shoe Store. BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS SALISBURY.N © Rellese Spitting ef Blood,Pains tm the Chest,BRYAN’S PULMONIO WAFERS N Fi Relieve tweiptent Concamption,Leeg Diseases.ew rm. BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS — Relieve frrttation of the Uvnta aed Tonstfis.WRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERR MURR &SOSSAMON, Relieve the above Comptaiats ip Tee Minaves.:AVING parchasedofJ.D Brown & Pp wareas I 4 h i k ofBBYAN'S PULMONIC ‘7o.,their entire ttack of Are a Blessing (o all Classes and (stitetions.TIN,SHEET-IRON,COPPER- BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS WARE,STOVES,§<, Are adapted for \ocalixts and Public Speakers.BRYANR PULMONIC WAFERS Are tn a simple form and pleasant te the taste.BRYAN"S LMONTC WAFERS Net omly relieve,bat effect rapid avd fasting Cores, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. es Saliebury,Jan 22,1861 1)36 NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT «a BOY OF ~Tie Shae = Bryan’s Pulmenic Wafers,VU T YT \soe DENTAL NOTICE NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BUPPLY OF J.4 4 Bryan’s Pulmeonic Wafers,ARR 1 me poCker WO PRRSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR Bryan’s Pulmonte Wafers, (FAB DR.BESSENT, Twmery rive cars AS REMOVED ro tre DENTAL KOOMB 3@ et JOB MORES,Sole Proprietor,Rochester,N.Y ||on thecornérformerly cecupred by Da Bacon,. fold ip Balisbary by HENDERRON &RNNISR and afl Drug where he is prepared to attend a!!sperations riven connected with his profession May 90,1800 ty!|Jan.1,1960 192 ° SOLD BY|Wyatt,Salisbary Punter &Gorreli,Greeusboru’,N.C May 29,e600 11 10.000 Gs HOSTETTER’S ; STOMACH-BITTERS.|Xt elle.=ary hina eadasTER"az BIT- TERS ean with cou!te |pe citizens of the Unitedtates,because the article has attained a repy-pation heretofore unknown.A few facts npopthispointwillgpeakmorepowerfullyhaevolumesofbareassertionorngeaingeneTheconsumptionofHootetter’s Stomach Bit-ters for the year amounted to over a half-million bottles,and from its manifest steady jpcrease in times past,it is evident that durinthecomingyeartheconsumptionwillreac’near one million bottles.This immense amountcouldneverhave-deem sold but for the raremedicinalpropertiescontainedintheprepara- tion,and the sanctionofthe most prominentphysiciansiuthosesectionsoftheesuntrywherethearticletsbestknown,who mot oalyrecommendtheBitterstotheiypatients,butarereadyatalltimestogivelestimonialstoiteefficacyinallcasesofstomachicderangements and the discases resulting atu Thie is nota popularity,obtained by eae ween ©the way ef trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters,but »solid estimation of an invaluable medicine,which is destined to be as as time itself. Hostetier's Stomach Bitters have presse e Godsend to regions where fever and agueandvariousotherbitienscomplaintshave counted their victims by hundreds.To be able to state confidently that the ‘Biiters” are a ¢ertain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases,is to the proprietors a source of un-alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matier from the stomach,purifies the blood,andimpartsrenewedvitalitytothenervousaystem,iving it that tone and energy indispensable prth restoration of health.It operates uponthestomach,liver,and other digestive organs,mildly but powerfully,and soon restores themtoaconditionessentialtothehealthydischarge of me fynetions of eetElderty08useitters daity as8onthebottle,and they will findmulantpeculiartyadaptedtocomfort declining years,as it tspleasant to the palate,invigorating to the bowels,excellent as a tonic,aodrejaveastlel|Berret,We have the evi-dence of thous:of aged men and womenwhohaveexperiencedthebenefitofusingthispreparationwhilesufferingfromstomachde- rangemenis and lity ;aeting under the advice of ee one abandoned | alf deleterious drugs apd ly tested themeritsofthisarti.A few words to thegentlervex.There are certain periods whentheircaresare90thetmanyofthemsinkunderthetrial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,that the mother,especially if ahe be young,is apt to forget ber own health in her extreme anxietyforherinfant.Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season,the wear ofbodyandmindisgenerallyaggravated.Here,then,is a necessity fora stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system,anc omable themothertebearupunderberexhaustingtrials | and responsibilities,Nursing mothers gene-| rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians,beeause it is agreeable to the taste aswellascertaintogivespermanentincrease | of bodily strength.' All those persona,to wh:larly referred above,to w fever and ague,caused by malaria,diarrhea, dysentery,ad penne:loss of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, supéranauated invalids,persons of sedentaryeceupetion,and mursing mothers,wil)consult their own physical welfare by giving 10 Hos-tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters @ trial.CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter-feita,but ask for Hoorsrrmn's CansshateD Stomach Brrrers,and see that each bottle has the words ‘Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle,and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,and observe that our autograph signature is on the label.a@-Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa,and sold by all Gruggista,grocers,and dealers generally | throughout the Umited States,South Ame nea,and Germany. SCOVIL &MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, |\\ New Oxteans,LA, Henderson &Ennies,aod WH by J Reed,Concord,and by SPECIALNOTICE,*sisies x: oO BLUE STO? VK, 3000 Ibs.BLUE STONE.3600 ibs. Fur eale by HENDERSON &ENNI¥S 50 Bush.CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for aule byHENDERSON &ENNISS THERMOMETERS For O©uring Tobaoco. From 210 tu 940 deg.for sale byHENDERSON &ENN(SS 10,000. Pure White Lead in Oil, HEND)280ON &ENNISS POUNDS For sule by 1900 GALLONS 1000 PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS 40 Bobls. For sale by Tanner's Oil.40. HENDERSON &ENNISS Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY. Enniss’Agne and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE at HENDERSON &ENNISS' Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel fur sule atHENDERSON &ENNISS' MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. nowaffer the largest and handsumest lot of COOK-1840.Medicinal French Brandy.1340 Given ap by Jadges to be the beat ever brought to this market,for sale bvHENDERSON &ENNISS SPICES!SPICES! Pepper,Spice,Mustard,Cloree,Ginger,Mace, Cinnamon,and Nutmege,for sale by HENDERSON &ENNIS VINEGAR! Pure Cider Vinegar.30 ets. 30 ctr per Gallon atHENDERSON &FNNISS’ Rept 1%,1980 1ry@ Coneord,Gold Hilt,M COMMISION.MERCHAVT |pe PERSONAL A GREAT EXCITEMEN AT THE GREATCLOTHINGEMPORIUM OF DAVID WEIL. |AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH- ern Cities with a LARGE aud COMPLETE Stock ofReady-Made Clothingaoe,Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, Such a»Baots,Shoes,Hats,Caps Drawers,Under-Slurte,Cravate,Neck-ticw,Mandkerchiefs,and a fine aesrtment of Shirts and Collars,&e.,&e..to whieh he jovies your immediate attention.‘They!have been purchased for cash.and will be sold eheap- er than ever were offered here before.NOW Is YOUR TIME FOR GRE VE BARGAINS,af U au determined to sell cheaper than any other house m SalisburyReturning inv thanks for the liberal patronageheretoforebestowed,E hope for a coucuuance of the Remember the Stand, MURPHY's GRANITE ROW,Salinbury,No ¢ Sept.25,160 fd National Flag! WM.M.BARKER .AVE?INFORM HIS OLDooefactsaasomennhateageninthe Carriage Business, same Ny ‘and prepared to furneh any style of BUGGY or CARRLAG om the best to the lowest priced He has re Uy visiied a number of the Northern manafactories and acquaiuted him-elf with all the late improvements ia hishne,aud made aroange mente by which he can supply those prefering it with North- ern work inuch cheaper thaw could be done by order ing «single job.He untends to Sod the finest and best work ever done ta the country and soles a call atthe Sign of the Natioval FlagWvVM BARKER July 3b,PROO nu Book Bindery IN SALISBURY. R DICKS would respeet!\Res etme ns of Salisbary,¢ark keaville Gree y inform the Siatesville, usbore’,Lexing ton,Morganton,Newton,and the sarroanding coun try generally ti he haw estaboshed a Boow Bina ery in this place.wud will be pleased to receive oF ders ia his tin Music Books.Law Books,and Periodic rts,boo cd te pattern.or in any style to emt TP Mis estabisiinent ean be feand on the eeeond fluor over the PonJ?Orders!trended toDICKS Onis tance promptly WoR Salisbury,Se 18,1560 Brown's Livery Stable. Skeptupas heretofore Tis grati l fying totum that Chis establishment, ke becon,al first.aa doubtlulexpenment, has proved tothe public a great deside- ivelers,and others ratum anda can always have ther wants,on the tue,weil sup pledCash prees pad for Carnie Bamber and Provea der.And the subseriber is always ready to sell or buy good Horses THOMASb BROWN May 3iet 1 T.BEMISTER, House Painter,Grainer.PAPER HANGER,& a 1 opposite M is Crane Row sonally atte ‘warranted to done vu &Work ike mauner Jan 52,[561 MICHAEL BROWN, F836 SALISBURY,N.C. NIUENON Gy LY the purchase of ali kinds of PRODUCEBNtoudabeonusygamentvesuldinthismarketor toother Ports February 14,1860.(f3R ORRELL &GRADY, Maoufacturera and Wholesale Dealers in HATS,CAPS, \Straw_and Millinery Goods 1 Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers,Ribbons,&c., No.18 Courtlandt Street, ' UP STAIRS, New York JAMES HORAH |WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SA UISBUR YY NC lone door below BR.&A.Waphyse sgore. \EEPS constantly on hand a large assortment o WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kindsClocks,Watches and Jewelry of evervdeseription repatredin the best manner and ou the most reasona ble terme 'February 14,1860 13x NOTICE, CALL AND SETTLE. ALL PERSONS indebted to us,by note or ac comat,are hereby notified that payment of the sane is required to be made without delay Wehave bee ards our customers,and tike this occasion to acknowledge our thanks ye their favors,and truct that they will speedilycomplywiththeuboveneticsusandthem- aecives further trouble about ucsetiled busmess NR —Taterest charged ov all standing accounts after the Ist January novery indulgent te and sav HARRIS &SULLIVAN. Gold FAM,Jan kth,1861 134 Colleoting Agent. FYE andersigned offers his servicer to the public asin Collecting Agent in and about Salisbury He hold«the appomntment of Tax Collector for theTowa,and therefore ferla authorized to refer persone Pr dent and Comrmiesoners aa to qaal-JOUN BEARD, Collectiag Agent April 10)~H [0646] LI,PERSONS who are indebted to me arerespecifullyrequestedtocallandmakeimme disre payment,»@ Tam compelled to have money;and ae this:the firat time that Ehave eatled on myfriends,hope they will eome up promptlyPRBESSENTNov29th,1859 197 DRA YING. DE ec giver notion that he keepe «| TEAM AND WAGONS for the porpose of Draying,and will eerve all who may favor hia with calle in this line on accommodating terms GEORGE MOWERY March Wh 1MBO 14% —“North Carolina Foundry ee oe 7Seeeeee= \)| AND | MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS &RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO .BOYDEN &SOD \ILL ecoutinue (0 manufacture and keep ov haad all AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full assortment of SEEING IS BELIEVING ! made heretofore Cultivators,Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills. They alse manufacture Klowg, Corm-Shevlers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, THE LARUBST AND HOST Thresher aud Separators,EXTENSIVE STOCK. Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills,Circular and Vertical Saw Mills.Gold,OF Copper and Silver Miaes,‘Tobacco Presses apd Fis-| tures,&e Xe,‘ IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS,|. FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every){ description made to order,and warranted in every J \ respeet.Repairs ofevery description of Machiuery § done at short notice.| Salisbury,N.C.,Jan.2,1061 ly34 | Patriot,Greensboro’,Demo-| Standard,Raleigh;c |aA -1 crat,Charlotte;Western Adver te,Asheville;Caro-|\, lntan te weekly Colunbia;Observer,Fayetteville :|j y i ]r nnd Tredel!Express will pablish 3 monthsavdforward accomuls Greensborough Mutual AND INSURANCE COMPANY.Ge oe OMe G ROCERIES. DIRECTORS: | John A.Mebine,W.J.MeConuel,C.P.Menden hall,WP Weir,James M.Garrett,Joho L Cole,| Not D Wilson,Win.Barriuger,David Mech ui ope .=.|Exrhibited in:Salisbury, Are now opening at the Subserber's ever Mos Sherwood,Jed H.Lindsay,GreensborougWAWright,Wilmington;Robert FE.Troy,Lum.|berton;Alexander Miller,Newbern;Phadeos Me-| Gee,Raleigh;‘Thouas Jovusen,Yaneeywile;Dr.)Aad which will be sold as heretofore at wnpreeeden- WC Ruansey,Wadesborongh;Rev RoC.Mayuaed,|Frankhuten;Dr.BF.Wateon,Watsonville OFFICERSNEoDWILSON,===JED H LINDSAY,COP MWENDENHALE, tedly low prices.The is | NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRA Common with ueny,who enumerate thar articles PresidentVice-President Attorney PETER ADAMS,-See'ty and Treas’r WM.HH CUMMING,-Genern|Agent.Because an examination of the stock and prices,will Woo MccoNnSNBalt } JA MEBANE Preculive Canitires Cuauace the most sceptic.nad closest buyers,of the 4 CARREY teuth of the arserion Ailcommunicatenton businessconnected withthe Office,should be addressedtoPETER ADAMS.SecretaryGreensborough,N.C.June 19,1860 aa) COWAN’S U7 No trowble us usual to show Goods at , Vegetable Lithontriptic,S-FRANKFORD’S. !ry)7 TRIED UY FRIENDOFTHE HUMAN FAMILY,ro (Ol N |RY hACP a .q ){meen 1DISEASEDKIDNEYS,MERCIUIANTS, Stone inthe Bladdi and Nadneys,Weak-\~.7 ' nese of the Loina,ce.a FONTS vee clnable Medi War ksvitle,Salsbury State Returning my sincere acknowledgements to the citizenscf Rowan and adjacent counties for past fa.’ vors,I hope by close attention to my busness,to inertt a continuance of the sume SUFFERING PR is for mate onty at! sville,Concord and yo SUBSCRIBER would call the atteatiou of) Fayetteville,and at Col)Ausun’s and no where ebve COUNTRY MERCHANTS,to bie large andPhesubeeriberhavingenteredtatecopartnership with Johu F fiecure and 8+ original patentee,forthe mage vaned Stock of ihove Medicine,is prepared ofaruish asapply hy addressing him at Salisbury.|NG Mine altioiaehia resdeice Oi roilesiiwert lot!DRY GOODS this place POD AUSTIN |5 June 2),1R55.15 HARDWARE!! FANE Subscribers are receving and opening at the old stand of GM &T.Jonen,thelargest Stoch of Hardware this Market,which having been boeght| Clothing and Groceries. which he wills t WHOLESALE as low as can be bought many cty ww the Union,the Great Em portam New Yura,wot excepted S.FRANKFORD. y oot the Manufacturers or their ageuls,exclu Fi \ \tor ca They are prepared to offer induce:|1 4 Wholesale or Reta!buyers A call is re-!\\|l()||:~\|| sper .|shabu.aad JONES &OVERWAN Salabuary.War.13,1e6t fat We"SRE TRE UIeABrarie A SOUTHERN ee RAM EORD ES: BOOT AND SHOE :ii GmWANUPACTORY!==2222MA.AU .=seca —t Se -on aoe--=22:>EraSMITH&MILLER,=__-22:2 =;a eee y =owMANUFACTURERSOFx=eee Ons,_—_———Gentlemen's B G Sree Ooo'‘=&4 =seniiemen's Boots,Shoes and s 4 ome F ]AVING epared neither peine nor ex-ia Aas — peuse,in procuring materiale of the &ay Ssbestquality—Wachinery of the latest im cae eSprovements—and the niost finished Work:|‘re >eemen,they flutter thempelves that they can |Se.&— sell aw geodan article of =aves Boo Ga "g6°=3'Gats,Shoes &iters,zs 5S as can be purchased in New England for the sum wm@ 5S 5h pom vnoney.‘They therefore feelenatident that their ap.2 @ >aepealtethecizensoftheSouthtosustainthemi=san feed their endeaver to introdnee among them a branch of Ss =o od —— Manufacture now cotirely in the handaof abotitioniars,7 2.¢9 will not bein vain or disregarded.‘They offer at rr Sa)an =i WHOLESALE {ND RETAIL,aaa . eerea GREAT BARGAINS Half Weite,““- PERT I CLOTHINGOPERABOOT Patent Leather aud Freneh Calf) Pine Open Gaiters,Pateut Leather and French Calf,GENTS PANTS at©Congress Gaiters,Freach Calf,|vem; — worth §3,00a“Oxford Ties,French Calf,Fe ati ca i CenUnion‘Ties.(a new style)French Am.Calf if ““te 9.00 If Goto them and supply your wante and in fa-GENTS COATS “0 +50 ture you will purchase no Boots,Shoes of Gaiters,““‘7.50savethoremanufacturedby"‘ us 15,00 25,00 ENNISS'Clothing,Hut and Shoe Store, SMITH &MILLER,:.:THOMASVILLE,N.C :: July 24,1860 19 THOMACVILTE BOOTS.msTWOMAWVILLES83.naar «panren Manufactured by MILLER&THOMAS.Wholesale and Retail Grocers, UST RECEIVED avupply of GENTLEMEN'S AND Call at WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS LACEDBOOTEES,manufaciured by Mitcer g&Thomas Commission Merchants.Thomasville,N.C,which are fully eqnul in xtyle toanyNorthernwork,and a grent deal better in workmanshipandequallyastowinprice;Call and see then at JUOct2-1f20) No 2 Gramrty Row,Fron?Stace, WILMINGTON,NC. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries,Provisions,Froit,Liquo-s,Wines,Cigars,and Tobacen Solicit consigmments of Flour,Dried Fruit,Feath era,Beeswar,Tobaceo,and Country Produce gen ENNIs3’ Hoot aud Shoe Store. 'HATS AND CAPS.erally.Agents for Howe's celebratsd SealesUSTRECEIVEDalargesupplyofGenteand)=D G WORTH.|oN G DANIELepimvaliietaand(G sonnllisiccacidiaunilicesadiat Forte part Tiycrrs with|prices remarkulily low Lateof Asheborn’,N (T.C.&8G.WontnCallardttENNISSennanHatandCayandBootandShoeMore:Sale Oct.2 1f20|Fine Suits.NOTICE THIS. TUE undermgned having taken up the books of the late firin of Bell &Jan Ifyou wish tobay FINE SUITS of CLOTHING for us Wetle Money aspossible,call at the Great €loth ing Emporinm of DAVID WEIL17RewewavetieStavn-—No 9 Murphy's Orangivesthisnotace,that t S eh ‘ thoae indebted may have a chance to pay,as the c fees bury,N settlenent nf every account will he rigidly enfieced es no ~W.IJAMEN.i Dec,27,1859 3 WoT.RARRIER, _DENTIST,MT PLEASANT NC pals 69 BLANK DKEDS[FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE)Mareh 12.[RRO pobloguy whieh resis upon it Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy,in which we have te produce (he wost cfretual alternative rele =)made.Itisa concentrated extract of Purge be purilla,so combined wilh other substances citesagreaterallerauivepowerastoeflurdaneffi tidote fur the diseases Sarsapuritia is ee It iw believed thal such w remedy is wamed b ‘keewhosufferfromStruuouscomplaints,and tearwhichwillaccomplrhtheircuremustprovelee mene werviee tu thiv large otuss uf our ufftieted "aelow-citizeus.How completely this compound wills a has been proven by experiment on many of ieworstcasestobefoundinthefollowingcompjainte; Scnoreta avo Scnorecous Compcaints,Bicsiecs anv Exurtive Diseases,Utcens,Pimpies,Buorowe,:‘Yosons,dace Riuvtm,Scary Heap,Syriiuis ae Syrmiicic Aereovions,Memcuntat Disease,Da . Nevuatcis on Vic Dorrocrnex,Dreiurry,Dy sta aNd ENDIGESTION Orer, errr.huverretas,Rost on St.Ay vnony's Fine,und indeed the whole clase of com.plaints arising from Imrvarry er Tun Buoep. This compound will be tound «great promoter ofhealth,when taken in the spring,to expel the feel humors which fester in the blood at thut season oftheyearBythetunelyeapulsonofthemmayy rauklig dimoiders are nipped iu the bad,Multitudes can,by the wid of this remedy,spare themweelves from the endaracee of foul erupbous and alecrous sores, through which the systcm will strive to rid itvelfof corruptions,tf nol assisted to do this through the vatural channels of the body by an alerative medicine Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find it Hopaciies bursting through the ekiu to pimples,erap- Gos.or sures;cleanse it wheu you flud itisobetsuer- ed vnd slugyieh in the vein;cleatwe it whemever it is foul,and your feelings will tell you whee.Evenwherenoparticulardisorderiefell,people enjoy bet. ter health,aud live longer,for cleansing Une bleedKeepthebloodhealiiy,aud all is wells bat withthiepaladuurofiitedisordered,there can be no last.Soouerorlatersomething mast go wrong and the great machinery of lie iw disordered pr evern thrown Sarsupanda lor aud deserves much,tbe re putatipn,of accomplishing there ends But the world hag been eqregious,deceived by preparations cereperty is ing health Secause the drug ulone has not all the virtee ¢ claimed for it,but more because Many preparetions, preteading to be coucentrated extracts of it,contaig but late of the viriae of Sursaparilla,of any thing eleeDuring late years the public heve been misted byInryebottles,pretending tu give a qwart of ExtractofSarsaparilieforon.dollar.Mom of (bese havebeenfraucsuponthesick,for they not only contain little.if any,Sarsapariits,but often no curative Prop- eruien whatever,tevee,bitter and painfal disap. pointinent has followed the useof the variousextracie of Sursuparilla which flood the market,until the name itself im justly despised,and hasbecomeryneny- with tinpomtiow und cheal.Sull we eal)hisowpoundSarsaporiia,and intend to sapply such a remedy aw shall rescue the name from the load of And we think we have growed forbeheving (t has virtues which areirresiqus bie by the ordiwary run of the diseases ut ws intended to ence lu order to secure their complete eredica- tion from the systein,the remedy should by judicioas. ly takem according to dirrcuuns an the bette. PREVAKED RY DR.J.C.AYER &C0.,LOWELL,MASS, Paice,81 ren Borrie,Six Botrirs roa 65. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for siself such a renown for the care of every vanety of Throat and Lung Complaint,Unat it sen.tirely Uns veeusury for us tu recount the evidence ol iisvitoes wherever it has heen employed.Ae it has loug been io Constant owe throughout thie section We bers bol de more (ian mseure ihe people de qualelytakletverhamNeen,and thet tara ft th ip relief all it hue ever beets Aye.’s Cathartic Pills, Costicencss,Jom o+Wyspepaaa,Indigestion,Dye- Pia’Lene bi Headache,Pries, Rhenmatam Koo pte and Skin Diseases,LiverCompoaint,Diopsy,Letier,Tumors and Salt Rheum, Warma,Gout,Neuralgia,a8 a Dinner Pall,end forPurtfyingtheBlood They are sugar ¢ enters sipe us sated.@o that the most seusitive can take them plecssntiv,aud they are the best Vapenent in the word for al the purposes ofa famuyphyec Paice 25 cesrerrn Bow;Five Bovre ror 8100 Gr nbere nen,Physicars.Setee- "4 Hooeut permenages,have lent ther sames tocert (y the uw paralleled usefulneseof these reme s.buteurep re will wot perinol the inpertion f n 1 Agra helow named furnrh gras Aw aseA ase whecb they are given with aro fill ese ne of the above comptainis, and the ifoatment al eb do be followed for ther uteD be putobs uoprnerpled dealerswithother prepor ''profit on Demand Ayrwnia \bers The sch want the best acc there ister then,and they shookd haveit All our Remedies are for sale byWHieSatetury,6.ty Henderson &Eivase Hatchineoo A Co,Charlotte,. JM Johnson,Mochsvnie,“Perry,Sanpeen a Lowe,Lexington,© Mo A.A©A Santos,Norfolk,Va, Haviland.Stevenson &Co,Charleston,SoMarch6,1660 lyat BAITS .-»LIVER INVIGUKATGS, NEVER DEBILITATES. dentirely [oT Gams,so4iehedfetafLandardMedicine,.avd approved by all thet have weed it aadlsbow '¢sorted fo with ronbdence im lal!the diseases for a recommen ted | IU ba cured thousands |within the lest two yearewhobadgivenupellhopejofreitefastheBumeroue unselie certificatesio ‘q shewThedosemustbetothetemperamentofthe Wodivtdams aking it,us|in such quantities 00 tofacigeoulyontheBowes,Vat ne dictares of your!use of ne LIVER IN) suleure Liver mt judgmentguide youim the a Costiveness,Cho!=! raMorbus,Cholera!lence,Jaundice,Female Weaknese* es,andmaybe weed one|jeeesfullye2an Orediine= ry Family Medi-einesIt witeureSIC K HEADACHE,(s,\tbousandscan\esufy.)Im twenty minates,f twe or three Tea- spoonfulsare tak-len a commencement of attack thetr testimonyeatineetarejetvins MIX WATE 1N THE MOUTH wir THE INVIGORATOR,AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER.Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD'SCATHARTICPILLS, COMPOT NDE Pure Ve reanne KExtraets,and put ep tu GLASS CASES,Alr Tight,and will heep tn any elt . The Fa yy.Ca~thartte PIL tle bot active Cathartic whieh aaed inTheconatantly increahave‘ong nerd piasallexprese{n regardtothetrtherewithinthereachofallTheProfranic on differenttheFAMILW CA-ARTenjswellaatahll fart,dbeencompoundedfromavariety of the purest VegetableRrtracta,which act Alike on every part of [healimentarycanal,and are ene ea where 8 Onthartic from sudden cold,whichendMmalongcourseofFetite,a Creeple g =e"'ch men DD.nels aHICKTHREFiTheLivenvikoratortharticPilre_rrtailed t fa generally,& auld whoirsale Trade in all the jarce towne. 8S.T.W.SANFORD,M,D,,rufact ster and Proprietor,335 Broa@way,New York Sold by HENDERSON &ENNISS,Devs AND Curmisres Saliwbury,No @July5,1N30 1y6 Buggics and Rockaways. eee ratciaibor ibs tit)atetyann cre Gtk Ld res and Reekaswaya,which he will sell ofgood termes rHos EB BROWN Jan 94,1880 as 50 White Hands w1ILD.find ateady employment upon thee ington,Charlotte and Rutherford Ral Roo atornenr thie p Apply te SAME,MeNENCH May ®.INGO.(150)Charlotte.N- .aneTATPampntete.Poatera,Viesing Carde.RI a CHEMLRTA AIA WIL RUG GLEE WN arm eet nee ” Heh ti e rm a n EDIT Single cop)Five copie Ten copter Clubs exec $1.50 each. } The following are kept ou geut by madd eXpeuse, Civil Warvemta,Casas &Bonds, writs.C.&B.C Executions,C. Subpwans,OC.& Witness TicketsJurorTickets Prosecution Bo: Bail Bonds,civ Bail Bonds,cri Attachment wrDeliveryBonds aAdministrallon, Bastarday, Appeal,aNAT [From the We hav es the late other poit terest and satisfactio thing has Conferenc of a thre nant of th There | common!) if it passe nal separ other inte ahow tha not be c sels will will ma k tration,in lish the it Fr Dist] lt is at jority of t lature was aelves De ed thems deepest d. the action be called, allowing ' own other a ductrust fur self yr The pe ment,bu electing > sent thea to be th power tre tendency believe U pouisin,p are strivi trying to ment,the world,th that we ment 71 them We tr these me foot of in | Woasui Tae tits ar ference. Dunng first brane’ Mung slave cogniziog line.The be admitt respective ceived ad Commissic confident this os sat Mates.17 ference wi Tuesday. Vester from Kan: The del characteri: while pro Ing views. After | sioners ha the Presic ton some good effec Lincoly tended se The Ns letter :— Gentle eity expre ceding St people of hopefully in the Ur these Bor back afte 1 the pe« surance © tution insuggests, conspiral guarantees ent Cons arrayed + States;a would pu ita provie The s aba ;— I knov of it,V Propositi two-thirc —will v wer I nion |“ifa,? not,str sheep & M Misco land,Vi eleetion Union + to the ¢ aeJ.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS .st veruinents of a Mon oe .tay look with indaul- io ty nthe spirit of par- |us character,in tspirit notto udency, Single copy, Five copies, 2.00 Ten copies, $8.00 Clubs excecdin $15 y B ten,in the 5.00 $1.50 vach.Payment diwayeineudva proportion nee. - .i" | 33 IN eS ve )to » pe aie 3 Ch Vt 2 he followipg Co a e,D urt and miscellar oS =peers are kept ou hand for suleince nas BLANKS '| | »Verne.seutby mail ars tis ollice, ‘ Nw &é ne a ST Ay ak ty any part ef the cory be D . Y Y S 4 F °Roll ealeer y ,at stil ) ongh of th ne :Devoted to Voli pry’Sate gh ot th ’oie worremia,oS 5 ew P Se & a vil there be by as mt a — 4 7a o romoler of prea ends Coes to eae Uae Geis | s By Agricatt = ‘\::he vttort ought el the (Eiecutions,C.a Letters f udentures =ure il ‘4 yi ypu ai foul ious,C.&8.0 re Cestumentar y a teas tion,to mnitiga t season of Serpernaeg 48.0 Wettera st Aditutstrats 0 , 2 2 mprovements Ce 1 »be quet en inne Hien okac.enti VOI ,Cammerce,tye Xrts and Sci nt a) Muliitudes prosecution Bonds,C4 8.0 ode Gerinent ee ]| pbyk veh nD Science Pte : et prevent its pevesieon QM i bone rg C2 Varlowe tat inn . .!Ciences,,Moerelits,ect the ol of warmingit WF bores.onda,crim Gm Lcranent Ken Rai aly oh 2 Selsey ¢f rf,,Astachment Writ Land Deeds a I ’+ Fld itneit af pares Daaslene es Ou T ITTD : | lh,,ust M wet xt! Ale ey rough the sdmipistration,40 Bheriff Deeds,”MR.WOODSON'S pp = :r C —Farn eo ee a anos »N.0.MARCIE 5,is ee eae eens y ;ppeal,“of Hanc ntunuron,Feb.§:\ - :ve bee you find it Moan tacee!tte WION,Feb,24.-—T1 ;The Moy. wee _— ,INGI ‘Lien!LCc IY, ples,erup-‘:ank,ted to the Hone vest 16 Proposition eub ovements of Wr.Li ®eo nee ‘ at ae )your readers te obsisuer.[From the Watchman—Ext son,of Missourt,for tl ee by Mr.Wood._Ur.Lincotn,dent elect }:=o ~ AAW cy eo a ts)aa:will be usefal pene it THE LATES Btra,heb.27,18Gt |divcets the President ‘i Dressouiion oly prac:The feception at ar Comeis ti cid shake haw ls all i ee ee eee as ;Phe subject that I he 6 ite to withers ae, Lf erect ie 4 th oul : oa 4> Soe Ww IST NEWS.troops and employees.fr .i draw the federal York—Ad at the City Hall in New miatinder ui at which time thet /ie pe !ind its sovereiy’ 5 nublic mY orn the t —;.Z ive :vote le Mie !Ee ¢ -‘ 'a] isevtees e have gathered fram our exe!jublie worke in the sec the forts and other Addressof Mayor Wood —Be apiece be content with x |eer we gn Leal rank Paiiiollateatiiesr exchang feat property to be t died States.AN the|sponse of Mr.Lincol of vod —[ee , i ,! \ 'we enn be no ta -etrum Washington and but the jurisd urned over to thega ‘ eeption—Shaki wln—A Public Le INCIDENTS OF SHE :ah tol <WW tind Vertsbd ett learned ;at other points,which pos x and yy,Jurisdiction of the Ur em in trust,:Shaking Mande wi e TY 1s OF $HE LIybi 'amen eee an 1 pa re the bite of M fo wrong eau ‘,posacss A general in oonattie is fot surrendered ited States over, Wescuoue OC;dy with a Pru 16 crowd,as a general te \ied Ww?vind F wo oheowing that it w a pn over.ne aod presentitia this form for tl pelea GS red.Ail (he personal)Scenes,rood tighly Arnuat alfenthusiastic;cur ee rule,were tot te ete mdi ne wee,Ten ue satisfaction of for the ded States,9 be removed from th nes,(ec.Ainusing the controlli ’osity apparent!cae :oy PU rors posttivon |:ractice,obser- re putatip, ofas many as may 3 ,but points f f the sece. :ontrolling ele #fy wits Ve toreth 1 Saar inne (baw a,e NIAY BEC It,N ined ts for collee ;y clement whicl \!' Vea :we taught thing has yet t No to Le -establ -ction até auth s ed their pr sich dad tad \'! ‘a Ripe nie ‘cht me veen perfected t >ar ablished outsid TOE ——r presence;thi 2 ZINE SHAN a }noof any ki ;are Wy be tak ide of the 1 .:3 thie was uc wit 1 ;weve it any kind both Conference ::ry the Power taken to preve am.Means ..Mr.Lineo! rowever,W at the case |‘; ';east Toni cee Washington,vorany vue laws along th prevent evasiuns of the York Lincaln,Whospent tl ;whe ,with an ardent youth oft rvs Aalst)Sal bes ;:Ui nt m2 1 woth a nk no farmer of a threatening cl ’ny thing the other S ig the lines separatne reve.)York on Wodnes tay re day in Ne snot content wath Boe WeEIY.ae with a Cue e Avice RIE! ;.Ponteietiononct aah fiMecnts ae jaracter by the re a rer States,~them from the Hon.M ay,broakfusted xv aud kiesed the s gras,wentoset :fie ee a eed tesa : Piero anmeat tral in his un nant of the U.S.C .ee ais propositi lel :8 Grinne Ad ploeer e somewhat dave Phe ralits sat rad con fet thor learn :aa ake a spoon- any thi Congre: ition hasa :Aock nnell te Presich 'yan ot f the Sv tad bathe ng The :xress.mune of U Atteneted the atts ck was escorted »and at ten rlcur clects |Oud ro es th ta reve f .t ithe the wound f rere is a bill now bef 2 ee re members of the [att-ntion of the comine oe by Canna No heny inthe faced :ue geutlormieaiy on dodist Ree etl tetera clan et | 1 Ve ltoreen ec Xe for a :coinmutily call ,ore Congress,o¢ees,the object being t eaee Const ilies Tesi?th the Ci eof shad ta st fuced,remarked that |Isturbeed,even in the ;y !! oe 'It requires eight of Bateac 7 y 4 ed the Furec Bild.4 y of civil war and te ie Geawouleuiecalatn ere an iimense thy ity Tal r .shake bande wie repr re (ae doileratony (cts ‘be te nite ae i. j us it dovaa tnau,Here tbeee hare Hit passes will d y Wheel,|peace 2 promote the /ESET ea iia {yet :csidunt nv CPTOSEH EEN Plate .cuth of 86°3 1);' meof thet ‘ eeide the ype acedi!re conseniet we speedy lePeyteetaerceey ha al Pelsis as A tivatander rer Vistontsthe se th ter fon 16 thot Extreme nly conta i Ve quention .ft ietion of !and hott ditt ate ler cenarked tha ole reittcit 1 \; ;ene ca- t abt & moot ints of Stat *val.1 yi hae toapecuher Wats a pit sed taal wveful sett!ithe :im this \ rative prop.nal separation between the Stat 'Witure perfect and cil Te hey 'AL TKi ol WN oclerniin!-:Nicene!hen ati crg lal “Vv eek etenment,The Se ae LE a why dee \: tia liborhood, intel dear.alway unullivence tnt Statuses out Tenens Etat aie city Ginna mercy i MON Ren er,tetnand spceifie provisions for AL!th extreaiiste,OO ‘etl Cinlepeay ;(;ae suiminer,where the us extracie al)!Pp ot lie Foire ee FROM WASHL the Governors ve theo press Reena wery in New Mes i le protection oll UE Wits get :lover thirty hours standi Mental ow that Lincolu’s adininiste K Xe PENG ON his position San)ean erey oh lat cane leeeaeetenia cues AE Glee ie Sean Pas Gail he tre aiee WEEN (ete canine a anding, :Fi -Na :UrtiMelnere MOE Cao i \j ::es (aay ion SH i ee vortl dupes rec Mews ::‘2 me ry nen)wer Neleoenciven Wertlhink ation will 7 AWA o ee Teer ena conte lie excnclesd|vhooreje ced inthe ps fi wy an justifiable «re 4 Di :Woardeas treeputried a ey the eal this nk wise he |;‘beb,voth ‘ashingt wed tebe 7 Variety of fiirsn?Ste The fi .pee’one Nua!fs Pe Oe ;ue oil and sele will pre Ise Coun eace Cout on the ett vbotos Waiting \t filrsute append he fact is that |; ie spoontul,whiel he t prevail,and that ¢'might sbferenee oon oS he entiance of the |OUI i ypperd ces,on asked for tl wa Prost 26r,Tras,Br |o tris antd »which created 4 wil nal:at conciliation x paid a visit te Saturday Elaine ee PA resi en :Redeton tlrernauirret Ri ET ea Tl Cen ght,Gh eK /antidote for arsemie 8 nk wae tae the policy of the new ai!‘versed:freely an tte Linea,whe ve Wilate rbeckosed Lam tory ;SERCH UIT Ns ;Ali !tory of New M ae slavery in the ‘Ve {.Z ih Drevin,Din 1s |'m {[?wileure b arsenic or stryeh- areirre sig).tration,in order to presery BMWS ete it |oe wl made a brief :ircsseedl hith as folios :Was the reply.:se)Aoeaf (he South,Shav eo,they are utterly tse!Uae ’i mice ne ie ho Ov enting too fre foat in cattie,caused ’sand re }ie:In suid iS )fave <sto vA ei yy ‘ reely ‘ He \olepded lish the Union eand re estat his policy,|fe ernie wa Nort laser ee et .territorial lew twos aiready proteeted ther ME.TE a!Haste —oe TOetine.BLUE nu iresh clover;it ©eredica- . ‘y,bat mothi TE Sve et Hl,let le ReGen anON mnt einen eect lewistation,and te ‘rere Meo ha Bs .inv of beese,8 Y judieis ae me ely one ea Me J noes ids we lng aie)Wink Pari inn pecitie protectin that «Cy aa eee em ls tees we ail ws eee oe -§Fro ‘ ”\;!‘Peep CTC wae ts NUEGSIs Ul an ever be tS Venuess.,J :Te also cure pe ue ?rom the Raleigh Daily Bur The Conference in :,'tes THN vow Dari = tort ae mate and ':[lav s)i):Wopelsoned by Lees :DISTRUST OF TH ner eticeaeren 7 «ee on ;Foe ee |©iinet is aM lint New Nixie =)aed produ ae }Yes,La re .,s a low run- ‘|.E PROP A Acre An rae :ul :}:ae t 5 ¢hy e vier shail a EDN :me dobe vt (May t D LT .me Teima romarkallect BD tale (ere arene Seat Met Hoveet !ten ee cnt a :t one e 1 forte ieee oat e vod ,called jority of able fact that a lar protiabiy |;i ‘:ca tle ater ,Meg 4 t Mr.I ve in tl torlvoag tie eeb edt}.itor Net " (,:.i re iv tke acted on t \:'t :\\vow i ’i }: ‘y of the disanionists in our lat "LEN aati MY eo Nine nt fever Cfharce ie t ,aes :t es tae ee s ie i ‘1 Pr Stony Minded Wo :our tate re vita at {reser +uae ‘ 2 i lo TS fats tai ,Iventur aye Se ature Was composed of ,wey it ri,voted !oe Rely erebated,Ww u ‘ |thins tle ( \ee i irous African ex O- aelves D af inen call ot 1 Pot cenee { t Hes SS ‘1 * leer .ng 2 1 explorer. o ON eu rs '1 4 yoF | .ales ‘ e oral,ie emocrata,who neverthele ) ae 7 yout I ”foaivawwo tls teal veut at gre .\ :ere a recent letter, HL 2 reless slay OY .2 Chit \tors ot the s : jent Vet Wine an ;remselves to be federal nS NOTeo tieist etiam tn ;ved pony on ‘eat ‘'Poder ayes:Loineven :a ‘i ;iz _more remark- per eaery deepest dio ca aliste of thre Llfcrevarclinn uienen Mt hee cee ,1 om !mm Aveta me i -jew ret ae intellivent tribes al itis ea.oe ae otloiy against in wired t :MEA Neath 6 '"eH FG Vep . tee .Prtiat smete po |a M a)3 nhesa as the re " acidenecia the action of any aie EOE yoy He Secession can -:(oe =e :PLC)Mie foM bis eee AVor lv cnlit OCGas VWas une oo .jute t \Pil taiwan 1e respect uni- ead Ae i Rereniedet Jane ah thal a Sow ttn avo eae pe pde ba recs i vd T cee ocstine arieand lic ton often hereto PAs mee ay men by them.— a (haleceings i ,to the people,by vat ,ee arr aNt ee or rests Rat eat ;soll wT eens oe ,;am cratefalt ™Hoolsistency wl wie S iow the t Waee ewer ener ott A coverned by afe- ait muti fai /More .:Tr ele]en)ele Y i >eus tates a Tiedt tee hi .:het a>not ' ‘ae \ple se 9 allowing the rank asd filet Ae Be ena atid 4 \'sete ol Va ro aaa 1 ft een en runs:re canons,M sary nwa ,ae 3 demand anythingof L.and thes Tara yclect t F s i 2 eeuti url We Cast fl 1 £tet sey ret t Iy,potuted’y and cor ve t!‘itks the intrepi es i otheers i it '’Ie ‘\)!tl tl eoticiu f : fe repi¢ nll it hue ever |.ot)ry 2 \latien HS i 'Men ious pre ves Po yal tos s os is ls rie !Vibes act fom th)te samen :=,"|willtalk to ul “explorer, a duetrust oa ‘tha Elsewdier Pict}remar)4 Seta ln omen fs ih t So Yael i]op noth Hecate!215 au ;vas ads enGiince iy wife about aprcity ot t }ji 5 ‘ts ty hie ;eee ee Senator f fe nen 2 eet clay in Consents,yot Dp:fell OM al e pespe eh bs ro ''Coan Paris wih Lt en v fuitegle Sones Sua mode con,LS SU cee recom #8 .reerae eet your demand ills,Th "ped |ie ,Withe they si ‘ey :aire |:cy rn 4 4 Tiereniveerone 1 :e Senate,that a fa ::>oe you receive a at “Pattee er !|Ise wey y Co oy f Mi m ;pouch:prote | es er Nene]are capable of Ae eee na Lol retort -‘‘Sita Lear t ‘me ey Sea ny evan Y .You have tot got protect ees Ret nen voteinall pub- ment,but witortunas Bee REST .i wtheat th \;Sle '}Ceersiiel eS ’LST A (suc (Gl ;:vont eqanbty ;and thon oe Nena ites \Arnong the Becha :5 matory they |Vito )1 wo Yor 1 Vosatioty ne °Pye ritaties.\ 7 ,and th on you te :comer nas and restion,Dya electing sone men .PAU as)' Love pore (eaten ‘here,even int s Mr.Jolinsou sand |VM Rea ee nG we thie Tdi ovs rewear by their fathe ache,Puce sent thei We tre nie to _4 |ail poetical d perenal titert,Urat :ee .wk to ‘tt Pet DCee Dt v the veritable¢rs erases Lae rat i oF Poe rerenanta tava ESS hi \.yall !ee =(arts nud hands of :(er clea Cue wuts Tuscan i (he port at ow ''ie es u favor c te centre of tt .Africans,occu Selt Rien,ye the tasters They assumed i ‘\\i ai i .Hy te winadicaie an r peopl os A fe eure neal nt .uu rT ee (icc &:wr ‘Saas se continent,they UL,and for power from the many tot ee hs u :Ml cae they dive,nd wl eee dora ssisipt (Mr.tha low it 1 was ‘i)nother 11 ©young 5 :to the fe netieg ;!‘revit iwe,ond wheel:;|ae eels ;) sith )Neen crue ; ee tendency te to a despe tien we few hay 2 Has aie oe !\a !ee :re Gl fam Wiss /'ty or Mink fo Alwnee :Ya i e with a inaiden of an- ma cane Ue leveuivecnne:Bb io and weverrsy Whaat way te get a .nee 'mt th << ten ee i eri »for ;cee vu +u leaves his own and takes , x 4 i ‘ t te ‘As * .te \ Re Hey x It i Cy , Saha tae potism,provided toc -Y Wt eV eeotee one !toe!te :re it verriment bine ‘st eo |.fiir,candid and jas j Ae her's.Ile ts obliged are striving for.1 BE As inane anion loaney t :ie i |*reff tae f fa .ia :wine we cia ;i ypart tor the mC nian ane zs z peti :Bteelar tlie \‘ie a4 .Ney ck Wa Ct trvectvene truivetice cer 1 rey ;. ROL verse Annet teeeur thats at lata awe #100 rying to preserve I al te es sei haves vmope MUbrEMney al x ety ts,ve ;Seen a ye tet devil oie rr Sea :.eee Pe en rete :ue atid tu resume a re- :1 as lees ener (\GaN en :‘bot ’t =~Wet -beorasd aiid wiconst oa ‘posortof semi : <i nid the freest and th wern ogreater ila?W i ew with itativer at it Po vou,thea Pore tity perinh with the first 4 thot ‘:CH ee ee =‘ne ee “i ye ubee ss ic ey I pl eeu)Ruesicg wor :woh ;!Re e have see ‘:erores chose .fl lou Chattiin Gan be xt Ary Peet ats =ape t oar aes .:‘Was Bi °, ae ae ee S they declare thatit wee in the lave heard none :ey i ieee uss Aenea i ice Ure es artnet u stow 4 ee a Ter eves i i \'1 att pecially wor '7 Oe ieee nneeh so mu h aston- thes vanits ee eee ee ee een cantlveeeis ene era rit cpl tye CORO DICHLCIILEN svi ey the head of (le eitigen owes t oS eos ere rea aa cuir ime manana rie at Tenquired pe uarcspectafor rese ren nent.The onteotiren power oll vee!Foot frat }o We Took fe i ms sto fis government ela Al mat a emnay,0 preeteetian t Bene igaired of the DP nance ,Hic plate bee sot 4 pe Cee eee 7,Of fraternal relations rarestorat plause;)and wi Pee Corniment,(op leant reseint thinents to come in aft \ir nto Slavery in the es ol always bee the Portuguese n the pe ce ° is bet th yo ition,t Alem etic cei i Tater been the | urnrh grate people are anit tor lf.foals pocerve at ¢Phsunten a ele tele eate :oe tlre State sud your head your hands,your hearts lead Th tu insert the following ra as nine mouths ne ries A \.duey asst ee iabit of the ale Ge aNGtouelt tal ian 4 Sa OH desi et 1 Can ‘my ea Wee arnt :you will rediy to it A etheeexisuine co Ee ©grave testiticny of ¢yoathl vet we have &psa ECL HIG that sueb b _ c rit npen !'}eT (OG tH :Its sup rrituriesof t g condition of Kec of che vers ;:vy the eus ch had le comptes them i a eA Pine Hl I “ r é y thee Re 1 I Hite wid i storm.Lear of the United Stat }tion of the Secessien Woven ate leaders of the ise. El elie St Ct ‘\\v t wet an 7 ©lterve .es does me .ent t not : ed for ther We trust the lite a i nae Nine then y (Crt u ;'ay se f ee ae fr neenion ut Canwress:4 ie Cree dite needed then.at note whatever Was ':__ eee.SOmT on Gna lercnrent!place,by a break on eh,reo wn 1 ,B he eonelii ee ope rthe protection pLLING A MINISTER ere with other ten,aud frat ;! ewe arter .[eee Comite ie fia red ::M you ,~foo Saotre Sk :is oh. f 0 :meu ':his journey,4 es tired 1 he Ae ;Washing ‘ t Skinner,’s:. am Denand foot of indignatior !tounder the 'vines |We!exces (and .ree aN,ua OR ee ee asbington’s Farewell ddd:ven aera ae Deacon Jones, nt ih , -Ma mid,”4 ,v Ree \\ ness aware that¢ie ee 2 e best eee Nee ta ! Toe lave na ‘\a titi :;.Sil as at Wieewive lelow FOX:bec cami nantes a meeting has ' P ee,:mop lel ‘ O-Wer ‘ae Fe word “hot”q S t some catracts {)A a m :;eeide on setti THE PEACE (COAG \ena Waiting t ‘wp that Ly iF yu rt cana rin ;Vinost inspired addr PELE URLS c ite for he ‘setting our Wasnisutos,I ca Ens Cuneisisa’I eee \sine the ¢UT 1G)Vice NSC .' eo oy Ol eeee Trin eye ieee.ther try;and T called ‘: ’es r at *ie :»Warnings (hej Pace i Wo he received i : oe AroNulste be wuts bn Various amend “Onn peopis woth teow oul le :K ep Uli.Lo worl »luany ee <a w your approba- erence "tlhe Peace ¢Whariitnetis \:.edyerment THY teh anes \Eee 1 voor ! =vany are Tow ¢us S34]‘‘ : on ny Cn 4 teh w rid 0 ! =wory a 'Sail tet 5 Dunng | vor of such 'ot oven no ‘mova)1 een ii Lage Es |; ui It a 5 ;.ve for hii.”said Squi .g last night's sess vehoa Convention =ett \ily mee boreal:‘|a ‘ >ans : said Squire first branch eat ston,thev agreed t as)Somer ‘pas Mi]‘New at Corre MI .Motive alsre nn c ';ad 1 (ach of the pendrin |greed to the nmer,whach these $a \1 i City anit Mire ET seit: .Hoang a ¢ R iting ‘ie peel af ate v San -eee sere ;,i maint ’s mes ’youu tin : ing slavery North of the |t vebeh ving people opposed.”Ee cata,(te Ie shane ty ileeet 4 :eer .not Cor ee ee nt )und in doe- cogniziog re tine of 36 30.H aye Wy (vith a!:coe Sst 5 . the d Fe lin in theee al Uantaelantrn co ards tmajority,<ty |i ;:rodloa Ce ;wes ie :MA ‘ «| .:ee \ :Patt mess (Cc Me Toa a what worthy at f al ae 5 ie hanancienue ont ath ot tlyat The Journal Se fini Tem ee ae :pede liemesu iueuatd Messescippyi,mie ;yet enisay re wid’Te squire p admitted :ed 4 UTS 'th yore :}Sand his seeor {omit ¢!.tt : ¢ > ae ted with or with a note trom Dr.1)We ef eee that for al nse 3 iis -ceoted wife,She cake Pel idk is};e ,Wa , er . rs ee ae ig report that he ns.statue thar Our government tf hh j ;ve,aud well be bkely ean :if the termtor -(one Wantlist spurs O ees o~ oS Pspeaker Y asked the rived a deented . Clee. Sec +,¢|;he !scied ton of Conuress f the Toenas Ww :ed at a 1 CANCEL CENT yor ¢ :and popula : a iY ee Ree };, Cae ae mine wath a ‘’pnite unanio i {:popiiar on Gee <ciidinvee ta atl No riets.atid if ae 1 oreo ier :+Oppose intake,as le stl canf g litticnities that } 2 Xt t to sth ei =wth >:,yap eet tes »said the squi Pere Oar net |E tenieter tll confines ee ne ' Nar ee ae la)won am ‘|+an agreeable man fi juire. Hse fe tscveral ateeptinns ped th Vek RC itamlau:Unat \\.ee jos =soit },Hav 43 reow °=nf inquir Deva t :oS e ‘i y eu ESE : ‘On et :, Dates The rclsl ae fprmeviratiy ie.Border fous 1 Btieodneeityetit a \|Pci,+}ah ‘th ot eel that ;0 Van ee nee | ,e ;. ference will not com ;nee reer tiation Uta Oa eC GENS Vali ee [ern ix :Sti ae Ho oe .;ret ven iN ’eta } respects,re- Tuesday.i thete labors tvfore i -,1 t re uN ;\:oh t i ;a I 4 ven eet Youtord aes asl tale }‘1 Gat 'a S78 ' .leard somethi wtorday fur cot My Uevolenn tant Nor Fre outa 't ! ! Den we fron Kankes COMMMssLOnETA Were reeecive it ‘;[err a en Miian Do tea Daathee and |Lowi 'Net (|'Mt a,it said the deacon. The delit .The stear ES een ee Chitin ff LS ated TOU fren tiie ‘Toate :\nt lo: L d the equire a Iberations have been,it Qn;.eamer Sonth Car vy with wi iy ‘ntti (yum piece!tie lel cheaeat 1 A , ent . eee hy diene Cis represents d aturday wath prow sai tiead «terditig tat Oeuinel tentqi een bele Chosy ig)ees Sip ine)ala SI vt re F ':uid the deacon, Dyecnte-while Nanity,ability ala :{[eit A :a preervation oft ie owd—thetraint :eee nyt ears \,\l G , e frank ins oe ren ai ile proper respect lias been sl yo and candor Charlest: Cry |tear that top erat he Union HWowith Mrs \PAT tee ki time,S10]Clan sooo .,i H raw it :A matter of 60 a,Chole-ng views. hown to confhiet wee Tice ;ane Smee tk Cea |3 feed eee ee ne ;nut.¢aN ;u Ie 'ca so |a .yy you have any aaa + y ! Wa =t int tend i ‘?:ae | e set veh 7 J. .Fiate-After adjournment |A despatch fron V4 I briog (‘Peer nesel rcs y t eee oat «Dats,Dexon,Dood i ;;Wg de bbe :tlement of Mr.Steb- eaknaees)signers ad ast night the ;eeenan i Ml oeion ne ae eee re <\ON fea tee i Ma eel 4 ales you will tell me Ordine-the I’&brief but pleasant 1 en Seuth Carolina Tex Men!}Bicre 'at rthe U owas Hein]Wives Hams,U1 aity Ae bane;ppeveat 'Ime what they careBACK ebiiresidcnimelcctaew lGerntt fuorview wih Riese wile i 'tiber of Con to cot 7 ‘t Ciel rere’ee a ,len neea be Wiha?5 ee ;2 ». Se Prose Is ee ‘ay 'oi ‘Or ' A !| |1 At ‘F ae teoury)Im ton some of them say |Pca Wiel CueCe On ts friends in the city.t .shy ;on l | \rv,VI eS \ee eet !k his long-ni ‘Tea- em say has alread K Sumter i y.true Gal ete :t ||\‘\):‘ cdl long-nine ont A pond cHecu a nonuealiiral eady produced a ect Mbanct Ul be attacked t ae |};LG ,;me Tiw | i ,}, beldit at some dist ‘les 4 nex?1 hie Tyo Se act fi ee s ;1 4 ,i Be . ! ’‘Som 3 Lincoln to-day in com ce rt ORneet ex The Monteciiers \):ea oe a :not not 1 ;Aaa 1 24 t Wa !‘i ‘\\ +. (he Taw aL ked ate ance testthncoy .A OM pany 7 1 ‘ErOSe 18 LOTTE ot :nerenl eitw of N :re ‘Poi at .‘\!i ,a i },]oked stre tended service at St.J AGvan selina seat oir the peapl ee ato be isnored tn rh,atte whole eotnt f New ‘! tot un 2 \ly «traight MOWITH +John’s (Epmcopal Churel ._'id Crovernmiet af Ae a ey VN.LESTE Re CSchEATSUES !20S , oe!i : nee a ea ALLOW a yy lar by the majerity of tl {this Sta Tan ae Sit te for thie purp VP On ay eT Levert 4 a t \.t ints [;ed “deacon Jones. THE COTTON Avance idiom lneist :em.South Car i ve tat ttsed :Pos CCl :NE sn of Monepess t the ou a nee forall,the ay 1 STA super kre al In ;Howas fo |trlestor ; vst ‘.fins :.v that Dw he.The National |ATES \tieularl {ree trade,aud telerstand the sl GAN SHC CORES ' wedi te] neal yl wi letter :-—al Intelligencer has the follow F tly Opposed to the pr iene re tiptoe be made for 'ee :in :eae:Rene ,tea ‘as settled over ue hig i:of duties on imported cargo.UW Stitt oreo oe int aee chore tie made fa RSLS ee rs :5 pik '; rs in when he ighes am row \tow NOW CenlE ti it rie etetcnne \mo :,F \:i ;, eT Lovinvisie,(Ky)Reb.t ee trate which she will consentt !And tt Vonton al ee |abandoned t 4 ne t fi AL No rp ;,. LLs ey emen:—Southern letters \x and a quarier cent ypay,ed,unless it fail i HEE Oita malian)batt ree es Pree ate i mere \cae ae ;!1 : i :Te saw the j y express strouy g’received vo this Any thing bey i son imports.presersat fails the posstiility res al vet ';‘'o er : .»and it was folly t ela &y grounds for hope th ie a youd this Retain I Ory Dens)*of tts *Rey eeneel pari) Sonth Cay Wii ,<4 Dee j in Butt y to put mpi»ng States will pe uiat the ae |2Mte Oppe "e disowned valle :Wet wed tee a tiet nt ’it tie deac wreak eee people of Loui iNretarn.They declare tt a ved cept hy throwing 1 ease to exist exe ttt ik a :i mers?Vou el ~t Vet ore el 1 acon Was & ‘,; ihe over .;:rt Sumts declan ;at Co i 5 {idl not \ for posta and other States ace oe tn [nt and passeuges iS i CEL MRt ee Crecente cues ute Teen vinter (in ea SHA TAS 0 MenCentartet Lito alee tlee ~‘r es hot a to go ly to the Border sly s looking ‘nto PMNs a pera.Su long,Nret a \eae ae TECK :a 2 Fen irreeable it in the Unio slave States rem ch }on for Congh .possible UT Tortenelem le Seta k Wet canted an at t Habe Uliekenian wl ;;npres- )aS Ga)aming Wer x .o Jhing 3 \n van and net Nan, SOLUTE!':,‘3 Unit KE .Z Gees ap assurance (hat hey.tis a Se a A correspondent of the N 2 oof the people |or pounders bearins in the sane d eC i he Gel a ;;watteint en an 1,so he said in back eee raeamritat nmrewin Ga)pan veninge,Post,writ ee a pany eopreservesd in this Vo wae tl eS eteR nS E iret Ver tet ie Jee of tw eet PSU aces Tt ey ner posible,@ Sqaire Adler (heniclaniollaccces Paced olindayan tel ,est Donce spent Tu Ss ;Wet Pattery,deat Ba pS ots!ae (ite wield en Ue or three enh hee WOUs!<tnint pane ype you will attend the 1 if the peopl accession in over:that!Eat 3 voor,on my wa pels gate it Nor Be yper enncat ,Joy ‘iWesbits a .Potell the court ‘1 Wate ene id the meet- surance ple of the Gulf States obte \vat Tattended the French Prot ay te Daly.coptior pi you |rat Te on Mores’|not |;ot -id esses at tus ;toes wal avout |'ete tight,and tear what oa oe f of a faithful enforesment of ie the as (The form of worst rotestant Chare!plion given,cana ee Van tive eit (eae Iva q rn i Tran ete sown M ee Ctr cayon the eniject.BP r 0; UO we OPS 5 :lore rit Mortis tat aah :fer | i \out for '‘t subject,.. a nin some such form as the C thor@onstmetiioml reslteter pois very mu My ihe 4 ‘ eons Caen me wn ;fi \oo }s ‘;hike Gah ae ’(Po alnneoninciCen OY 08: guests,they the attendant "ans:and ;rae ‘Tae un ‘oe :Wenreunies ;!satt omnes Teer foe:ews.our :4 smaelves will at ter pre il Pie tottiister {AUCOU app } :\f vi ) whe ttt ire entitled to niuel conspir, Wl coerce thie aching about te (tle re ppearedd te beh fre ttt faectl ong eas ‘soy |fie tow | ;vuch consic : i piratora:that forthe Union ier own!pod rather al it Lifter Witites,stop Peer eateient oe ae it }ee \oa. 1 roy istnd an alll tale lera aranteed rights of the Soutl sand the clearly!whieh I abruptly,pronounced a Jomincinerclasccent|vty.Ud bia edt edo te doomn cre !='"\ all fairness to :so Ea AW)‘e -eee "wl wk,a . 6 80 1 Lay ge Mbt Cunactulloniat Ulonl uth,under the pres]Pits os he alee”aud a Wo ae deal eomavar came ts ae eos placed ate |' ; 'ey :oie ;popular with the Arrave.ie mited Sta minediately »AH Rat oy desk and rhaok |t-lnnereet sive)reas ty nay % f uk there 4 rayed a vast majority of tates,there 1 ately the wh wit k fian s cine cor i will be a ver *wi s o *We 4 +t 1 t ’to t States:and that pe y of the poopleoftheGalf which had hitherto be COMO AEL ty bed f ‘wed q .ue)crt demted tle Ein poeta |theory t \ y ior ys would put down ail erie athe Se Us :ESC |Hote,Tied \I ieee ame le ‘' rose in great excite p -all whe <r ;sappeared to be ‘j Vout an uuu ‘.n mn ;: ee ?S xe its provisions.”»abould exclaim agains!fits of coughing nnd oe -ena 'ft Cone Wed Won,: .e ‘ 7 vas thashed,his Jeft hand he plew tie te reciente ee fo presented Loothers,Outside of Bort [at < ‘ne !erie ' amtly 07 The same paper has tl ;Ferr Hoser,Bome took CT fGiamerucs \Voy Spe Oey rt M nes “4 ¥oliat eae po Nult raysed enerailye’4 Aba;—~re following degre Rost ,elt ':'seomorter t Tes AK | gen ,; ing from Tad crese the moigkes ¢|cel :Rice etutetaite /\ i Wecnict interval .eased,and oatter at POU it ;a Im the Anat tonnean| : . ,r+1 Dene isp of five minutes,t |'been os [eateries : a ine GS UO es fre tear T know thie St laANavoris,Feb.14 sumed his diseous othe iiinister st 'd rthata ;renathend ;\.‘‘'\t J owith th ‘i ie State well,+‘;ourse,and tinisl yoatPoeds dt i ving bi ::‘\: ' e :of ,hand hex m out fi !ved)it t fe tay elit stil nobout ' 1 re Iss,Davee!It,"Whonever the Critten APTA)Tara further mterrupet ‘Jit Jarceriiy ayn Rea Pen ee leer reat stat , ,*Deacon Proposition 15 sul ‘enden or other similar tom mdeed CU eee al vas |od :i.vt tery ts :{\ )Cae er: 1y6 two-th submitted to the people of be the waite nt courte oa te that it ow | |»thati irda of the people of Indiana Wohear tla 5 art ay des an mete pase um -more hkely 2 Adj lierlit wt ‘not veoh It .{ F i a pastor will :ikely three Att ; rikinge upe |i 1 ron EF neays:Iesle (rete Iteeareorth'wree-fourtbs |i)wtant General Om Neel caren Kinge upou Mer Lane oles «Aenarele)Uaioe oceans who toes in when in of this.ast Capt.Tek tesday wed his posin vee We:tact w \Vo}a , ’ oot :. ume new Bog sr" fr Tilokeatlon Go eee -ront fayma an ant :’; ,air,will abon- ei He : rom Eine maton koto the we ‘A he : (Ha : a z 7 e that is Jtne@attt ver \ate sou )thant taeer ;{ i will sell oo g™t .ia not hopefall ae ,was elec ted Ad i bo the hori eeoney diver : hureh r RROWN Union ie against it,1 pefally for the eral of the State wit!;Aire Cater eae De cee eS iat Bene pon,atid will be cover eres ar tl \ ns ife,”“ane”menntdacaiendi ive ne Hy enlire ot Siesuue \\foto he ts Four cannon,s *ma vt \ t t . ‘in a)1 ne”or “bute.”HH c Vv iiC vecple Tae Ue te (\ustate i RR VRtomalaneheiys i Reisaat Roun TP ae , Grim r ative ef a ot,strives not R e that hopes what duties arc t lispared ta know \1 ; ;:!\kee i ’g wa ;‘ ear is Paticcler nds sheep sk Pree rorof eulvcnan neuniiG eto be performed worth OTN Tiki s to st Sit Hes fa re Re fe SER Le eat i .‘raced by all lawful uot npon the W ‘ns. Ly 1 eclhaealary >Gut we cannet tell BE Poe miaver re .PND t ’mow n SULT : vee 20 awful ieans :eean ie : i ; rt :;: eet Rail Road hey mnat apply to higher leo lawk oo i:iN 4 reali \;.\; :niseliief when they are MISS¢ (tov vher antl 'ny tM : MISSOURT FOR THE UN .tovernor Joun W voritye Fenevedt i)ap ;ch M j \'me it emi te malice NINCH Miseouri taker posit NION taking care of |has is evidentiy wi |rd ;ia \\:\ \'ee cnt ay : faite,Nad A I arti Sateh UNA x of his owt nn 8 roa ; i . arlotte,!nd)Virginians Kantur k Delaware,Mary Ware die erean) |, ‘rena the Cards,Bink eleetion last acky and Tenncesaee,The tt peapla may easily see ! Ve neativere vee leaner meek reauiciciin aniovanwiit ne CHING,VIZ That.the ve t 'j ‘fis, ' eee capitis Aaliitee Gf .aconsiniiats bean th i ;\ to the Cor Not ten sesestonists arc cae erre to provide for themsels Hu (\,! yenbon elected pense otmet lie people +‘ve the en 'nd isi aba:H ecanon ah a ee 9 Real.Banney ie al leit Phe oar }oa \ Rcel De committe,wast ai Pp Mee |Sou <ne tus ir ;| ‘;tea w Prosi have |t ;‘ oe, ave been alopt ee is rereon + ’ frie ’ee Caene Why : ’run \é 'trier tla j : Feather 10 ue ' ‘t teh , fe t e De wa e Prom 0 Exposure of Official Walfeasance. National lntellyrence AB-THAC TION OF THE INDIAN BONT)v AL PHoizbhe ACOLPLANCES Ob THE TA SRCREZARY Ob WAK The Select Committee of the {fouse of Representatives,consisting of Messrs Isaac N.Morris,of [liu James H Thomas,of Tennessee,J.Morrrison Har ris,of Maryland,Roscoe Conkling,of N York,and Charles Case,of Indiana.whe were appointed under a resolution af the House adopted on the 24th of December last,directing them toy inqiutrs tor are report the facts in relation to the recent fraudulent abstraction froa ve Depart ment of the Interiorof certain eau by the Government in trust tor the tnd au tribes,and to whom were aiso reterre d a communication from the Hon,Joho Floyd,the late Secretary of War.anda letter from the Hon.Robert MeCieiwn formerly Secretary of the Interior,ves terday submitted to the ILouse an ciate Fate yeport,accompauicd by a mass of testimony,upon the transactions which they were charged to investigate The late hour at which we received this report,prevents us from doing full justice to its contents in this day’s paper.[tre cites the facts connected with the abstrac tian of the Indian bonds by Godard Dai ley,the clerk who was charged with their custody,and their delivery by tim to Wil liam H.Russell,the bead of the firin of Messrs.Russell,Majors &Waddell,with most of the particulars of which the pub-lic has been heretofore informed.It ap- pears that these persons had no acquaint. ance with each other prior to about the 13th of July last,when they met,as it wouid geem,by arrangement of other par- ties,at the War Department,where they were introduced to each other by Mr. Drinkard,the chief clerk of that Depart ment.It was here,the report states,that they had their first interview. “Mr.Drinkard,as shown by his awn evidence,with the belief that Mr.Russell was a gentleman of great respectability and pecuniary resvurces,and that if the acceptances of the Secretary of War were allowed to go to protest,he (the Secretary would be greatly agonized and disturbed, Messrs.Russell &Bailey held a private interview in thethird story of the Depart ment,and in a few }oars thereafter Mr Builey delivered to Mr.Russell one handredandfiftythousanddollarsofbondsat the room of the latter in Washington city, and on the same morning the recipient re tarned with them to New York.Mr Russell states that he left with Mr.Bai ley one note of Russell,Majors &Wad de!]in their stead as security. “According to the statenent of Mr Russell there was no farther correspond ence or commanication between Mr.Buileyandhimselfunti!the September fo: Jowiay.At that time he returned & Washington fur the purpose of obta ning others.An interview was lield with MrBailey,the result of which wast! hundred and eighty seven bonds in ad tion to those first taken were transferred to Mr.Russell on the following day.The protection:the honor of Secretary bloyd,would be made upon this or any fatare 35 o00,000,which you can say covers it! the necessity for providing for the other acceptances as t!e bonds previously deliv- Jolin i Is vravely sued Oy the Seeretiacs vat tires the time of the disclosure by Crodurd Bai ley On the other hand,owever,the Ton gommittee,as will be scen hy the follow: Ing extract therefrom : “When the iniqucous act pc rpetrated CUTE He Te titi cath meCC a tit@es is autiogized by daw atd deceptive a y ducted from the §6,170395 of uncon lit cracter,bod beenis Woaran favaro Mia hedinCo ANeehven As fratdinent ut their« Messis R ese) @ portion of Mese cae HSEAPAlN Cth nected with tue [its t bole Deagcrment,138 pa pert thst te Gogbits nto the ¢nstat wet ene Chet ve sue. “Tt {3 gtales!by ae day die nade bie las Russel thaton thre app heaton forseen rities,Mr.Dailey agreed to furnish thous onthe nition thar there should te de posited:with eeplancer of Gov,bioyd,as Seeretary of ot War.Mr.Russel,it ow had then on band S755,000 of capitis yyeces,$72,000 oF which were uieondityonad, om,in thei place,the ae appear aod tie balance Cou ditional,and poy abies outof the earnings of Russell,Majors A Waddell,for USGL.The amonat af the bouds le received on that and previogs Voere was, thercloie,wanting tom rke up the re qua Gecislinsy Was SSTU0Ud site stun ul seeuriiies £135,000,and we ac cording)¥find that there is an acceptance beariug date December 13th for that pre Cise qinount.When it i remembered that that is the date of the tirst delivery of bonds,and of the receipt therefor,the inference seems unavoidable that the ac ceptance was,igsued to make up ascer tained deficiency,aud that it was antici pated that it would go into the possession of Bailey. There gre other facts Which soul)be statedsuthis conuexion Mr.Russell tix es thw probable carnings of bis firm ter the year 156]nt from g500,000 to SH00, ond,whale Capt Van View estimated them af S483 000 for T8603 and Geueral Jobuson says in prescnt vear they will be vere in TS6O,w lh Was S510,009,incind ny a payment made in Washington by Capt.Millerof alittle more than 344,000 vont what they The conditional acceptances given to Mr Bailey amount to 3 more than the maximum sani that cou have been earned by Mesers.Russell,Ma .'del uit aving been written to dy tlie Jore&Waddellduring that year,iccor Jing Answer.Lhave got but an idea about J J!aa nage ae :tunes withoours Under the Governinent we ++;11 eders of Ne oor tore these accept to the estimates of the Department based it It was very Jarge.Teannottell how ©‘;‘es)(vecnstituted,for thas your Constituvon makes s ances,called apen the Pressdent apd in upen the earnitys af the previous year The acceptances tor the 3145.000 were the only econdstional ones issued,and ta those ft 2 OW Isthese,together w as a loss,as the Government will doaubr jess acknowledie the oblicxation te replace te the Tndian trust the bonds belons fund;and there is littie reasor that Russell,Ma a return of what they have received, If vour comm niTteeljustifiedinexpressingthe becon Def that there are no o'hel heal Congress in oonnexion with these extra ordinary prageedinis,t! it is aamatter of yreat uncertainty wheth eror not the ¥840,000 should be deducted The pro deuce that every acceptance which loyd,the date Seeretary of War,bability ir,that when the acceptances made “ran against uncarned money,”and mplicated in the report of the were revurned to Gaversor Floyd by Mr.7 from the sum heretofore stated, time for the eume amount,of which there was no registry made. tional acceptances tnade and registered an itor of the War Department,$5,339,395 sti! Paty t War Department is a deticit of SO1387, the Govermunent, The or dence shows that the acceptan and to ascertain positively whether Rus:jae associates,the Northern States,we have agcounted for,and as owners are daily til stestimeny that forthe $798,000,or B2bS.000 of your own knowledge aud recollection neonditionally,mast be regarded rexpectLENO! ok Waddell will inabe could rest here,and utstap ding Habiines,and that no further demands woald deem by the | Satisis. was des Russell,he accepted others at the same tors)“ul Gyoone ct tie subomiuatre utivers of tira C&O &)proceed upon the supposition about tl Juterior Departisen nthe abstraett yy that the acceptances inade in the place of to see tl tials wae de hrmmen (aese deco Chose rctutied!Ewa reyistered,Upon to the this hypatiesis the $840,000 must be de testiniot and of [ no ostuteme Sed to th virculanion;and to this amount the 3 Oo ot conditional acceptances rece ved oarnings and pay nents, by Mro tha ley in hen of the bonds,and the Lore,then,con rds ot Yppear,Leica mest tuo rite stitemount to the rec be HOO stiitll ot te there has not been discovered the slight Jt is deemed suf.est indication that he made any inquiry ty Say,Upon this point,that Mr.Russell sroper officer at Leavenworth cit ; Gov.Floyd adinitted in evi-measure of defence which,sooner or later,secu. 5 he eurity may require. is the export of a commodity required in every inanufacturing country,our true policy is peace, and the freest trade of which our necessities will permit, A It is alike our interest,and that of all those 1e payments,or coneerncd himself Arie earerareeoa|dllieslla candi framilcw lion we vat they were,when made,applied vould buy,that there should be the fewest prac acceptances.Reference to the (cable restrictions upon the iaterchange of com vey of Gen.Johnson,of the army,modities.There can be bat little rivalry be- fon,Mr.Atkinson,the Third Au tween ours and other manufacturing,or the igued to give them (the contrac ie credit of their con ract.”Yet the Treasury,and to a detailed:navigating communities,such as the States of ntof the payments which present-|the American Union.It must follow,therefore, e committee the amnoants of the that mutual interest should invite good wil)and will more fully kind feelings.If,however,passion or Just should Jt would,perhaps,be suftticient Clead the judgment or inflame the ambition of emergency,and maintain bF the tinal arbitra: iment of the sword,the position which we have >ussuined among the nations of the earth. ledges’that there is now bat a wo dug lis firm for current earn BO5 t fall apr /lili if these tee Hoss ,,ae :Paes m the hot :os ee f '3 ,yeredodaairabl We bave entered upon a cateer of indepen Canes,a Be Ussbied Gh guile WAY UY satit wae considered desirable to re vdenoe,and jb must t inflexibly pursued.— hove all uncertainty frou this question,Through many years of coutroversy with our ces have heen sold in various parts of the sell,Majors &Waddell had ever present:vainly endeavored ty secure tranquility and cb United States,wherever a bank or private:ed any claim to the War Dopartinent for tain respect for those rigbts to which we were extra services,and whether any claim for entitled such services had ever been paid by that.resorted to the remedy of separation,aud beneindividualcouldbeinducedtopurchase Inasmuch,however,as the amount o those that bave been traced directly inte:departu the hands ot present holders constituted cording Dutasmall fraction of the sam stil un ferred t ing additional claims atthe War Depart fo I ait Av ar, Jolson,Quartermaster General, As a necessily,Hot as choice,we have vent,and correspondence Was ac forth our chergies must be directed to the con ly had with the present Sccretary the Hon.Joseph lolt,who re- he letter of the committee to Gen us peaceably lo pursue our separate poblical en reer,my most earnest desire will have been ful ment,itis deenes necessary to givea and Col J.B.Baylor,Acting Comuissa-|¢‘leemed winecessary to give wa JD EaneX cline Couluiizes filled.Bucif this be devicd us,and the tte detuled statement of the discovered ac ory of G ceptances,or to make other mention of It wi ahem than to refer to the papers relating no snch claim thereto presented by the War Departinent allowed. and to the general evidence.It is prop er,however,to remark,ip this connection,to 827,¢ that “hile your committee do not dean it late Sec necessary to vive said details,the data in duced t the War Departinent fixes the minimum We alse amonnt of outstanding acceptances known 4tlioof. to that departinent at $1,440,000. Mr.Richard B.rein,the taithfyl and)be deducted $15,000 for a duplicate pay intelligent clerk to whom reference has!ment. been made elsewhere in this report,says)telegra in his report;“There nay,of course,ba place the accounts of Russeil,Majors & other outstanding acceptances,of the Wadde whereabouts of which the departinent las not ime the knowledge?”eet sG!facts,therefore,are,that Russell,Palen To aver your cottiin Appearances of nofairness,w WittowGolisideritpropertopave Mr.Rassel’s estimate of the atnount of Sums© acceptance issued,as set forth in the fol tracts,ed fronlowingextractfromlistestimony:/).Ve £stQueston.State as nearly as you can,1's iBAHes ThetheamountofacceptancesofGovFloyd, showu by that {his}account to yout larve.|believe it exceeds $3,000,000.i Pe‘fortued tice of mse ilies ts of the ,mt .4 (2 Does it not execed $4,000,00U.ane oa ;the not the jinicmiett aid wal of the peopes :p .Seeret:Wart sand thatthe President ol ae mm {NG eigenen ae ;:with Ue States from which we hase ae epetbot L je KNOW thir ge of them Pe tae ct }t |Ue eccced 35 000.200 \;al other practicable wor desirab An :>aod,with dany expressionsof Contiderce |'evelupe te reso arg ‘judge nots it ls all impression on ;'1 »jiige tot,atts ai)Taye 3 in the Secretary of Ware referred Mr.pp ties of a Confederacy.4 may ptr ,to bam for tre infortateon te sought as os reg re stosuldl be secanately al lie (2 Cun you state that von have not re :'.iy ::'te the anthority under stich tie aecept mes Wellare of every |n CEN EE Wot sptance an aimot 2s .| :i ea ee to an amount es ees were viven,lntherterview which shall b hie whole;where thes de ceeding OOO.G00,.: ‘\a Ai :kd!followed with Mr bievd he admitted EN Sate en genitered,whict B;pbot thet nave t |r tlre!it ::nan that the practice was wrong,and protiise State]should result or CSc er iat) YW EEE DC Ss Han SA OOO car Liens {orl hie ire 'i }1 less An PHO,CAM hart nadnets acceptances suonld be viven th wotuated sciouy Gy he deatre to preserve Yooh si is toe amet ur own tights otote row edar \1 ;CU a Butat never heless appears Chat atter this |Se eR Ca ie Z Voll not Hx the ameonnt now 1 Se AEALIO f Tete teeat ee ,™ fee “)aa promise M Fiovd issued acc plances to en pt SNL we Daa I ua Bees the atount of 82.163 000 pomatked by te apgiesston pon others at (2 Wal you Ax any amount short ot .z .7 woo bw no deat ce convulsion tlur oan :]Pais report is concurred ii ay ail the ;pen ad .steml purstits [ove received to cheek Lhe ‘nembers of the compittee ’f ifA.Ido not think itexceeds§£000,000 :cullivation of our fleads has proveressed,as here el tofore;abd even suauid we be involved in watQQ)Can you state to the cominittee© ered,and wich were alleged to have been this an occasion for congratulation tothe qithina haifmillion of dollars,theamount hypothecated,were assigned as the rea Bons for requ.ti this,as a vel! scl,Macome &W rity. “Tn Qetever Mr.Itnsseit returnes:theehminesfoie ance,the paper of leus addell was left as secu aanFlorida bonds hondred and forty or taineu tuat he coued net neg and North Carolina bonds were suo ted in their stead “Mr.Russel! grounds sosuccessfally relic viz:the protection of the War Depart wnent frum disgrace,and the bonds prey Ousily taken,trom sacrif bled to obtain from Mr.I dred and thirty-three bonds >rib abatracted cight hundred avd seventy $8.The Cr an tick peare to have cluse Ythe )Dus:ness rel itions of these two persons,60 far,at least.as they related t ;the abstraction of bonds “Why Mr.Bailey abstricted the bond tea question to which vour counimithes present no satisfactory answer.As | and Mr.Russell were entire & previeusly to their mecting at t Deypurtment,neither the otiieat frietilelifp nor the suggestions of kind feeling seem to have prompted Me as Mr.Rasseil insiete that no ineney ore Tatas GGG (fr Valuave Cole Mr.Bailey,or,indeed,way ever mienth ed in their interviews.Mr Bailey con firrne this statement in Various commis cations which have reached your commit it Mr came suddenly mito the possessien large amounts of money.Hits bank acconnt was kept with Mesers.10 yyre tee,Itisnot ascertained,either.t Banes of any &Co.,of Washingtoncity,and Mr.he testifies that,between duly and the [51 of December,his depussie nereased Lire ly over furmer one-,bot aineinted in the agsregate to not more tian five or x tists thonsand doliars 1a LarpeOne Lo Ve VIG pees Casiin lt person whose salary in Gut wo Casi dollars per annum,an las ing a family,yet it weald tot constituteaground for a pray Jacier or afford a clue te the dis \t purposes of the abstraction %.>tMyBatleyinliteconversa various witnesses,stated was to protect the chatacter of Gaovgit Klovd,and to save him from the dish and rptirement frotun the Ca et tl would be necessarily ine tatioet 1 test and adiscavery af the acca bane which had heen legally ised tetae mh of Russell,Majors &Waddell Wiiet er this co sideration was thes not of his conduct ta left to the HT ro cde fermine Your cornjpmittee ate ACN constrained to expressthe canerety nT beland the events that have beee mtd sonepicuaus,and beneath the exteriot the trancactionsthathave been desert WA PUTO W ch.altoongeh Indden,wag none the less poseertias a efficient,and hag gtven unity and vita to the schemes now partially oxy sed +}']Asan act of sheer justice to the Jacob Thompacon,the late Secretary of the Interior,the committee say “that they have discovered nothing to involve him in the glighteat degre inthe abstraction,anees at the Departinent or at his or tbat he bad any knowledge of it until r further assistance.In apen before, Tee,Le Was eh advance,making the entire niiuber 1 V Wats otipprort that bow ce rr velr suecessfally ry »y r .\.,,Or 's . House.Bat,unfortanately,there are ofthe acceptances of Gov.Tioaieewiniel ;he production of the saples wheh base con q '-:SrtLine eam cet tantse cin Ih cl transactions ofa similar character,butoft you h eared?.re par vowlael)the con rm c :un have paul )1 :.Speen in ; a stil)vreater magnitude,that claim your A.No,sir.|cannot,We have cer |RESIDEN |DAV Is.S tebe ponterest,scarcely Tess than on ':;:WW Gavninon Wuiutese ob piulin attention fain ¥paid rawards of S35 000.000,atid &f na?ihe €Vibe 9 PINES ‘i '': Z ,:’.i ;;,,,ster can on ”tercepted by esterior In 1858.the Seeretary of War com,\TOW,anid Caneel reNutae Nhrtes of ctmerice —Frid anil F ”Y 'yea eet |.Pica)‘t :Onn :,;,whet Ud obstrnet ots Uasnpsston 4 inenced the issue Gf gecepteuces,a a (1s Called to Hitheordt amd respecns ao ' 'ae ‘i ae ,ot condos why The same tine wreteto various banks an )Jemma eayerthe amount $7"a pe .‘t lt 1 i ‘eee pee aa,r }i be As Wot , Fienliie ie Ue clin ema A :‘Vinnona!Crovernmenut vou have distitoted i nd :a wv We u a i)a ey nN Icann tsay pasitively,Dacca.le al coef the dates ay (hebhtnental tea tanatienicins and comeners Cou Heol fis setters,Aid :a Q.Can ven mane a anim whieh you ‘,2 itieresteetinneale Sb Trent ere omet any }]atl,i sued me with buimt Sastoof iy ateities Mr.Drinkard,clict cerk of the ur De ean be positive does cover the amount?:1 Coaverninent tram ow wee hits rt st J t {Souter ey v:|=ees :yt Wi a suitable cer et the wisdernoft ' partment,to James f Sontter,hog.tre Tear rasa SP \3 tRALONe ae sles temtlnaa :ter On nOt tt R 1 A.Lam snry we have pod 82,000,060 tho-e whe are to guid tou me am the wh ar ee nee lets sais t te Sete ae vonk of Ne wi ()Are you sure you nave dan niscation of public athor,and an at =DEEN IDA UA GARIN Aa)don be fond toeladed inthe testis taken Ganeebled BB.000,000¢fain ie sinerandey draueisot (he be hotated by even the stron ie rn in New York.Copies of variais othe Fas)"MrLecitale .i Hae onjary pon as batat othenwiee,a terbts :||p :A.Well,Lam pretty confident in my Teun Cirasrl tenieecneed vars (Cue tien i ; trors relating {lie Sine Side ba V4 :Fae witlirest uot Une me uiters Tein to ti Dee ak mired that we have.uf a permanent gover tito take the place ot ,;LER ERS a a welictiemie tlw NVcur ':;;:wand fomibone went tes ~HU Wi :mu )Can you state any amonnt Jarver this.and which,by Ms cater mnoral and plays ,ame ; —\he D teams Fenn 1 :a t gesa of our a Ganpany Unis report Mig Th (ethan nohato whieh von are comfient in your cal power will be bet uc mecamlal ,X de Mitek Hl 5 ity phere Sy ~‘rs mie wre wil ren of New Yorn city,testified before the com owe mind was pad and cancelled the unat may arise from th ak ‘ 1 ia 1 soteetor ., mittes that Abe Soutter,ta whom peter va wir {tte nations,|ter i ( '1 et ee .,oe och tl Wwese titeons fer ty Gulba ence dias already Qe trade,sit ta han QQ Vedoyen neat pay at 1 cat Gin pon tl Coenvelivclineten lite a ‘1 rel j vanrty that Liat aeleat {Paaceptarces tan aumant barge eve 'pat re treet renee ec atte Wr alt)lita OCairrp caer tiie ' wid with ita letter trom the Sec t i 'tian So oUUUeLe of our caterer aa a Con?|oaey miny nut be ol}fry -,hk : \:f t .Yvon Hess tit " etary of Wary statis iat ve badd issued eee let S3uucuog will caver the >ed by hostile op to otin enpownent ee Gar wee (i el an op Was abeut to deste votances in f 1 of sepourate existence 7 bdepetdence,ow :t ie 4 [prey Hered }stint Tau very confident ino my own ie ';j toare the price ot others)ebesataon re ‘fe We aside :we tase asserted,antl wool the bless vor of Rast,Majus &Waddeil,foie alent yo will,‘awa i (You wil see many errurs tu forgive,many ok ';a Wen ioe lecen Soret mracn ac n ;idence intend to mainte ur present Coudt :5 fate tine slouid fe tsstie Cis ac Mr.Russell then stated that,besides 'Conetes te tolerate,but you shall not find im whoety be of bs own knowled ze, was wet Ine to foe parties for sery cos atready performed Mr.Seutter vee calle boon fo produee this coms hicut Oy ,eave that *hhe iat Hyp esp lath, und sapposed it was derived from the let ter of Mr.Floyd,that the Wor Dd spat tt t iesitect vptar stothe extent on yoofone half of the amount that wou yee me dag te Rasseli,\ dell on work in process of cxeention Although an examination of the letiers y“rwillingness to make an extitit of tis received by the bank and his own private:ytfairs,that your committee have consid letters failed to bring to light sneha com munication a8 le had expected ty Bnd,upon the records furnished by the Wear Mr.Soutter does not chanye his opimion, bat concludes that was derived from the ‘ieeo recone MECCA TALtOTORtGT : at aii na ‘a on These records are of a character too the Government created by that compactsbould will (roe Hy xlue alelsece it cae the Bank of Wiltmrvton 60>eente:the Bank of statements of sorne persons Whose names 1;Veet .es elt nit ;;will hope,by «diligence lie performance oy.Ge 4 ; Le a i peculiar to be passed wi HOME CONUHOTE:|use ty eet,ip ihe ihey qwerely wert the of joy douse.thoagh £4 hy i Charlotte,bg cents,Ue Bank of Sahabury 60 cents, he eannot now recall Phese letters and py reference to the testimony of ene meer Ue ae eel pret eet err ca :.thongh AVE SHIM TV THITU aVeaNae mire (Kyte atin \srctienell enero mmc wile)ll ser representations are Tinportant,as showing (an a clerk in the War Department,of 1776 detined to be inaienal Ot the tun a ;‘i ae j er SDE Uo ne Be ee a ane ae‘,)176 det re thane rte etme hing of the pour i ane omtidence eng mil ent r Mie means adopt doby the Secretary of 4 be ween that he kept a registry ot }oceaston of ite exererse,Ul ne mae BSL TRIM DN otis NL pues CU SN)al W i eek the ‘iro fear orate “ee .5 -‘2 cise,Cheyas soveret tus,which you weleome my entranes into othee ach stock,andin that proportiontor sharesof a leas a “BE (ip see toe aeceptanecs on loose pieces Pee hnal judges each for iteelf Tie am Pas joveus,tn the amdst of penious tines valine CAH ATOR,-mnlvoas they were reported to hia thom praia vid eabgatencd verdet ot aankind Will te took around apon a people united in heart (and in pase the eaid officers of any bank aball 7 ¢rt »yee rmhanees ster j {Fr |t 'tInrelationtotheaeec}vee ol tae te time,and moe other was made.9 toate the recotude of our cordnet,and He where one purpose of high resolve animates and meyleetior tail to pay the Gar as herem required, Ine aniatientielive tay UG bile Seereriey [Te states,too,that there wae no registra ln vias the hearts of men,RN Wee eiitaa tlie wall hehe tive aera a i bank shall pay de the armountofsaid tax War your conmmittee degim itt ity tthe STHS fe of Conditional cecept rowth whachowe laboredtopresente the inde are not wenghed in the batanee RO ee a DN iL TOE GS yale 4 *f 'el ‘i aN ,-Cee Peetctluiesn (ne ewan Cea ;Nien :u mn Atrocney General in the name of the State,in the etuite win tl wets they bra Mirren tte ,nto Mr.Dares lianas ¢:‘ow |.memor,nuhty bbery,amd oeqaahty .oobstaches snpener count ot the county of Wake i pos ‘Onak r t att soler prochanpedk at the Mitiionwl (hye Ds :is odniy ats 4]orl Tint tes)atele atlerd ie discar ery ia ject ta ,ma roay retard,bat)they cannot long prevent the Seo 3)Hereatter the clerks of the county courts !Sunt (ere REM Er ss mh ‘'He thistraetien F fic bite es ae eert Fi at i tet Ww hho bias be “i reathiome ve The Vrrweress of Che trovemeut,sanetitiod by ite yas shall have nont the tenth day of Apolin the year et Sule a er teretant n (eet arany teiwer athe limeae ney recut nde He alts s ae stbsequently admitted ee and sustared by a virtuous peopl Tey.custuer the taking of the tax hist,to deliver to tbe i TORUS CUE CAE NV LUC SUSUR Ut TUS Me tr enter an older of cancelhs ale ea)1789,widest y recognise 10 orently let us abwoke the God of our fathers te An ui neh a a ancbunder the same pen i e the power to restinie the Ol x alteasare preseribedanthe fortie reich ties Trown baex Upat the Creverinnrcent an Pec=e cle cen agli r pak USS T ;;t he Wouriide ound protect us on our efforts Coperpetuate a 4 s yr bed vi the fornieth (Oth)section I i i ]:f Few RCs e erereint lL i (rip Tala Viroig:te agunes ool Ne tie)Seti;ie qper,as hie Fl oerinercnie a)f a the principles whieh,by Fis blessing they were lara Gointaveed Renee EG ;Der ae ene |the Sovereign Soces here represented ave pro able to vinheate,establish,and transmit te ; i iy fat 4 eS (val)I i 'init on thera Gaeit hal trietarmeniiverCcqitcuen:Ariel RATTPEE ERS,9.5 is fase dp lata tu Taiorrvaat |‘\ae :a fey and Hos bY AN thea postenty,and with the continuance of this . \S )t t [t+1 -1 Pa aha ne ie that their et Has Veen de twor,ever geratefully:acknowledgrod,we taas ‘Harta Chatham Paalroat Company From ,(eee pest mt it |rf HaaWe neaeninat reveluhen “Pex formed no wew tap bok forward to success,to peace,and |nal yl pe tea Nalcieli assay imental t PTC CeO TLIC Sunt)Sint ‘feed there by Mr Parley,on a hanes bat when each Stale a government ro prospery \\tate awd by exchange of bemds for mo were returned to the Deprtient |,He olveve vere te anlgcc Gtlcentiiae eevmom (Mle anicitcgl (la qrarsst,ail prom |Sanit for peelation Mr Ra :weve ee 'ewtel atime,was eumpile penis,whith Ghe unt been discwrliod.Ur agent t )Lo Woe GR Railroad Ex :.Hi =,»‘-Wdbe fen aw Wie te detwe 4 pedniin S200 GUN a ineutiet tie Cravens Ui letemueln Winona liay ari nraiie xual will freien HITE IREDELL EXPRESS ;DELON : ,et ;nd is :|er I compleron of Western Ratroad from Fay.| :ohh eae}cr states wt a“t toceptances ET VEC VAU UN RUIN DCTS airline neat teed,but this does not necessarily [he Messrs DAKE asks us the following etrevill te Coalfields,and extension to NOC Road 'prances Whi Jd retutn were tase 4 Hiren ROAM Ca anrer ithy miei uae eroational relations,sustained question|S200 000 exchange of bonds for the one,and $10, ALE u vals Ma ]Tete for lecatiy wseucd,it contd not hy th Tis Inte that the transition from the .,,OO per rite tor the other »abi)hatatt hag 1k ile ,,ie "(tien the present’Confederacy,did A Ta retook vou a question t t vie and equipmentof Mibeniade ar le if ,.\a ten cararel in pia We think we bear you say (tpeake Canal Appropriates $200 000 he (Hon \ul the feat tlie r :\ ||i Pree)Pe ilies Conner Genus any Canute”LUN UN nratareal rates J i branch fron Wook W.Road to er t t wr ns les re )‘\t :,;''1 é eat t ”'F ::va se :. }t nS aK \\)''t or unl war follawe =will vay io qn)ate syint ey Bxchanie of bonds for $200 i hanced,Are et yot Me \fs ent ul oon !:'Ue evens loaen es CDN 1 nto wlt Wheres anxious anner and be fare Vie fray and cowed Che clerk in the War Departinent 'ie UN nee ;};4 j ie Cinecnshito wid laukar ie Rall hy :::meetdotars,Rascell Major A a caitieate |"eoweh all na post of danger where balls fy thickest SSE ued Sad teanverenn SU Nanas UE Iial ror thre ‘3 ee \ke core wen ty thes .1 :I ?. }en ine \\we aD we !ey 'Mowe nd word war,we You |ryorate Milton and Yaneeyuille Panetion manner sa whit In Bees as tral Pele aecteirerse cht ERO UH Jer their qiay at least,oy thow you Tiqhonlmanawrrtodjimalcveiscair nies oul |Sip pcopiiat Ly that gentleman and the tte aNe etary ¢Mf ton amonry from the Groserntent \basing 'Portlra cantina mtn Aes WO RTedecliws I 1 ite Statensville and Tennessee Turn of War,and from the faet thatot was the Toe agereate amount of the payments Qaordhly justitied she il eran wo will tes freed ready to de all we may be alile Le Gy habit of Grovernor Fdoyd to issne ac Lajors &Wad ning im dis possession,(the lat !;American idea,that Gos roment mast resC upon peg }?,RU ree Teer two Gn trgns)inaieu cet Gaon eae,;re eit itheetion Poor ue terostty tas bestowed npon '.=a -.=i amy tts ved distinet lie tie vyumountGov,kiya gave him others that the people should outer or aboli et x E ::von which tou;(ni ther conuhenordesire:onthe contintanes wl rhe rettuned,aftised,te the War gents whenever they b cone destrictive of the in is \es ’oe \of Tat segstorpetet ACMCR Up tet VOUP Wisshes wt Phepre ttn t It evidence shontd be wiv:ends tor whichUl Wererstablishied:1 ml bee;A patriot rely to direct and Supportmoe en to these explanations the amount of Phe declared surpose af the eonipaet of 1 ::::aa tel Hes Gare [ate Pothe the pet mice of the duty required aton recep hance etdloutstandingisverylarge.[no owhich ow ive witloliawe was cle [janis .‘ pn Dea TS TAETIIETLS TLTOeS Oe:|yheet tiee rpente d '}1BarMeRaIV's staterrne Ure yramib:establish justice,mmeore domesne trarmgah ry,pro We havechanged oor consntient parts.but lio,Vagee,and unsatisfactory,and le vide tor the eommon Iefenee.prouute the wen the svstemoof our Gevertinent,andthe Coast shows such utter Ignorance of the details cral weitare,an Psecure the Tiessnus of Wlerty tron tormed by our fathers,is that of these Con of iis busimess,and such incapacity,or for ontselves and Ae pester ty)and when an teterate States.fa thea eXposttion of it,andtfiglenienttothionssThottNedejiistesi:Pign Stites new com an jacherd constructions at has received,wevostneethisConfederneVeenurrracenicnl:|tt nfedericy teat 'have a Dighit which reveals ots trie measuring. Ponti RattCn loli cieie Cole isonet)ue aay LCE Sees ly ea twas onbuned.Thus onstricted as to the just interpretation of and ceaserh to abswer thas ends for wi Department nade to tiem on cash during the INps,2850,and 1860,ia Sissy. or at whatever place he h ippened te be,band a Jarye portion of (hig aut was pal the ines,to be B27,700.40,from whieh aus! a lent, heres Pereeliaglitamtie A f tion las been achieve cophances taexcecd one ladtofthe amount che ACCU PLUnces he bad used and these ert establis box declared that so our part and by wanton aurresstod an tle pa of others,there can be no eause to doubt that especially they should be lange ones Charlotte | coeral Bubsistence. I ho geen,from their replies,that Will at least remain for us,with fir resulve,to General Johnson,however,Providence on our just cause states that there Is an account amounting As consequence of our new condition, 390 $9 stilt suspended,which the and with a view to ineet antiwipated wants,1 cretary of War directed to be re will be evesaary ta provide a speedy and effi: ry a “disallowance”of 8,12 ystates the sam due them on the Departinent,Lavin spec lal charge of forenen io Janoary last,upon current earn bere urse,fiawnee,mibtary attats,and postal ser -Vigan For purposes of defense the Confederate viates inay,under ordinary circarmstances,rely This amount was ascertained by IN nly upon them miltay but itis deemed ad>ame a sti pling to Leavenworth,(at whieh 7thereshouldbeawellinstructed and disetp lined is ;ary.more numerous than would ustally bere {hare Kept.)an 1,altheoole ats Poured ina peace establishment 1 aleo suyyleearulieeiaceieanPei;Jude other eartings in New Mex rest tor the protection of ear barbers and somlyincreased.annot be dar ‘ Magers those objects,will be reqitneat,“These neceset diel net only absorbed all the ces hive deubtiess engaged the attention 0 armed by Chem ander ther cou Cotrn ss ined soldl all the bonds they receiv Wath a Constitution ditheriog onby from that y Mr.Bade,Gutaleo maecd vers of our fathers in su tar as Wt ts explanatory 0 Tis ef money npon the wceeptances ther well kKnewn tntent,Weed from sectona hy the Seeretary of Wa.conthers,which have interfered with the por -1 Sit euiter fee ie reat treport,wich is of consid rable TEA ern Gr ai Wistareg iE Is onOlUn reas palstitSouthernStatesfromwhichwehavefurtiier¢tates that Mr.Senator “SP \oparted may seek to umte their for thequate provision,But bevotd this.at Dns TeeGlore lanes lele Cail thet nn Pie no cousshorable dimioution Qa MMaAnber uNprece ; i thor watt ab Zeck nthe fistors of stions,Unstratinwe tbe Is te dne higiest in hepe and of niast etabears fir as they were concerted Perhaps we may try tperforin rete nel pataetiameot the people at tha sullen >Confederate States will be found equal to any| An agricultural people,whose chief interest thuse States,we Must prepare to meet this dnet of our own affairs,and the perpetuity of the Confederacy which we lave formed.Ifa just perception of mutual interest shall permit "first day of July ty of our territorial jurisdichon be assailed,1s has ever been inade,or appeal to arms,and invoke the Dlessings of 2 olent organization of branches of the Ryvecuuve visable,in the present condition of attairs,thet RC ace mle cli weacntlint ce Nacvemtlaptesllce he ot tidelity to the Gutse,that WV what was the oustrament,and even remembenny that all hed,and a peacetal appeal to the halio€othees are bat trusta for the people,and that dhebeorted powers are to be strictly construed,f Aots of the Legislature. AN ACT 70 AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED KEV ENCE | Beurmon 1,That ap “Act ented Revenue which was ratified on the 16th day ol Feb.1859, be amended in the following manner,to-w!t In addition to the +xemption spec ified in section 29, there shall also be exempted from taxation all such Works To incorporate railroad fron:D;3 te State and County Agneultural Societies wud be Ey 8.ea ye n Dallas,Gaston Co, For relief of Greenville and Raleigh To iveorporate Caswell Railroad Co *amend charter of Atlautic,Tenn.and Ob railroad.a Yancey &McDowell Turnpiketer;appropriates $3,000,Western N.C.Railroad charter For a public road Trou Statesville to Wilkesboro! Amending an act to extend powers of New property and estate and their profits,as ay belong set apart and used by then tor agneultaral fairs, aud all sugh,ant their profits,as below to any jus society,and be set apart and church or reusedbyhens tor jitisonayes. SCHEDULE As 2 The aendmenats under seledule \stall be as follow s (1)Real property,with the Hiprovement there- ou,including chtocs of land.shall be taxed annual ly 18 cents ou every SLUG of ity valus (2)The provisions of paragraph (6)shall be construed to ear id bo unfecest ceceuved ae accrued upon the sabje:bere uamed,whether held i obe's own right,o°as guardian,excentor achuinis trator,clerk,or lech and taster of Auy eourt,oF as trustee,or aye ol any kind whatever and the person or persons bobting airy sich subyect at taxa Gon shall list the sume for laxation(3)Every cident ol this Stare,owning anyMauds(bunds)of he State ot Nort Carlini,issued| fafier the ratification of this act,shall be lable to a tax of d ceuts oO cyery dullae of miterest yeernsedt from such invest.cul (4)Paragragt 17)shall be amended as follows Every dollar of net dividend or profit net prey iouslyhsted,declared secenved,uF due on or betoce the| euch year upeu looney OF cay tal favested ay shares in the Bank of Washington,the Merchaut’s bauuk of Newbern,the Ikink of|Wadesboro,the Bauk of Fayetteville,the Commer | cinl Bank of Wilmington,the Fartmet’s Bank ofNorthCarolus,the Bank of Chaslutte,and the| Bauk ot Yanceyville,shall pay an annual tax of 9 |eonts,and in shecee tn all other bauks,or in any other ncorporwtivu or Wading Company,OF 10 steain | Vessels of Uwenly tous burden of upwards,4 ceubs jAndanypersonhsunganydividendsofprofit.of} the banks berem specially named,shall be patie fo hist the satis panccely frou any vther divelendorprofittorwhiehheshabletoatax,and also to speeuy the name ef the bank fen which said divi waved dendois due on bias been te(0)Every resident:surgeon dentet,physician awe peat ret OF Hiivahiane peritates UAC DAL arte!on other persons taking Lihenesses of the hu | that faee every Combi sion mete frat,factor,pre | |duce broker,and auetoueer,every State and coun ty otheer cexcept pudycourtspeveryplesideat amd cashier ob treasurer on anv bank radroad ar other incorporated company Wiese atinual total reccipis and wneome,inthe way} of practee.salary,tees,Wages,perqucites,and | ha ws amount rare worth S500 or up Wards.TP percent on such total receipts and meotie and se qiuet ol parays VCE)seledute Aas iin | pres EAN rymite soother than those beret hathied os hereby jee tax unpesed by paragraph Clr)upon Ste ated aes oshiad ver uaalte te 4,Arid(his parcgaph se arnended is her ny .ved tee ses te Bare the Gan Guageeset ‘+t herealter be viven rod pad under thre sere cules renlations and penalties isan prose iby rd sa case of mrerelhat!stax “a To taciittate the cedeetion of the tax orcollationeveryexecutororadinaustraterball biscuventory whether the estete of the any as to the wal om oe al relatiots ot 1 nefif tee edegree offre PH Eve)MO)Wolo sen cre and SGU UCT ES x er sebed te “\s !\ey 4 beoted on woke a fire rt t ‘Tea eey ft RO fee eae ws eohas another or place of business,a “wet inle Uncen.ww hetoue witl wt topatposesonthe place on aii so act,and shal le hatte 2 ‘5 aoresident of this a ‘State cu the ca vont Frusenure ual atid with Che ene fo eeerang any of the fame tons ofa ine fey evchaus broker,shall pay the sum of F500 ee ,4 heostall wet asa n Loatt t Ty the ster ‘,4 ‘ot lanes I \te:romry ‘men toate,sll pay Note thes tot ‘staet suet aed 2 the elon thes wh hatha wot 4 rn shen for .atid \Whee stiall ite t \!wird peuy the <“y 1 Yt the vw ‘hee ony be die one-th ” \Steril ated Une pensiantiber stom ‘ane f faves 1 ostieda poet is ba jad ty a iui ‘ Le eoky sien fretted oo '"State ,«‘wa poromdioae tay sanaite . \.er tes beer deiiverte soil |Ww tke tore mothe.Hosnet i hn it one:sever atid still be tore triekartag ‘tla Siitte ne tom shen] y nels Plopeses todo business Pett4 with Tarte ssne owheneve reer shee veep woth ser urtvorn the eur fess H ‘or TAN Hereby tinpersed i eb the sae totes 1 oregealis Tfor tle pay rect ob merchants AX son Volanag the p net i “teem peters al Bont cs 1)bie <berth SOO at w Toslvall a rnitend {pard as other state taxes.and eta able tosvudictinentas tor a tits 4 tiod Cie $Nid t amendinetits Wuader saiedaule © Wt Sn follow =“oowal Tlie pore rand cashier of the banks here {omar bona:the Gear dav of Ova " eact vear,shall jou inte the pabbe treasury the fol. \tak oneast yhare ob stk owned by indyhadesorearsmstowTheBankoffWasongton,2acente,the Men iante Bank of Newberg Zo cau the «uh oof Wislesbero TL§ent the Bankot Mayettevtle,Pag eeuts:tae Com meron!Bank of Wihoegton 25 conte:the Partners Sunk oot North Caroling 25 cents,the Bauk of| Nortl ‘ Weeegte,the Miner and Planters’Bank,30 cents the Bank of Commerce 3o-cents,the Bauk of Clar Carolina Ge endon 3é-cent=:the Hank of Cape Fear G0 cents, rdodge tee eee KoA te Road to increase capital to ‘ville and¢ road No appropnatior {iimon Ay Newbern, Wilwtoy Waters Works Cu,Bancombe RiflemenCityofMoreheadFayetteileGasCompanyTownotBofieldACrecatanicesNonOlean VatBall's Creek Cainp Gruuud,Ca tawha, Beller ae esul The saprenie and superior | | thang pwnouf Lockin !svilie,Marsu HM farayes,Popsart Rote snville Ladey Black Mountatn Tart Thomasville * Turnpike road trom Trenton Jones Salem & and sane t ceuts,the Bank of Lexangton Fstablishing Clay Cotmty For ruuming line | Concerning County ( tax hist in Oregon Dist,ving atl hybting Capitol,$2500 Prohibiting emancipation of slaves by will For protection of Haywood academies Reynoldsan Tasttate,Gates Aimonding charter of Pergqminons Academy foldsbara’Rail 'o provide for continuauion —of Deep Riy er ACTS OF INCORPORATION, deo Valley Mining Compan Gibsou Till Mining Co,Guilford, Balt.&N.C.Copper &Gold Min. ing Company. Silver Valley Mining ¢bao ee Davidson Copper Mining Co,Valley River Min.Co.,Cherokee Chatham Mining Company . Carrollton Copper Mining Co,ofBalumore. Adarus Hill Miniag:Company Riddiek's Croek Minug Co Concord Copper & Lincoln Copper and Gold Mining Comp. Cataw Ai Mavoagah mining company Cherokee wining coulpany Judson Female Col,Headerson, Green Swamp C Greensboro’Gas Bwanoanoa Lod,OF.Asheville.Duplo Riflemen, Tally Ho Female Academy,Gran villeGreen Hill Cemetery,Buncombe Asheville Water © Kilwinning Lodge,No. Mo)Wadesboro Jetlerson Academy,Ashe.fireensboro Hotel CompanyWilmingtonHorseArt.Troup Mech.&Com by Seay, Buneonibe Powder Mapufactun uy Company Piney Woods t Dragoons,de. faznt Tnfantry bibre Cotupany vee Bouhaite beatles ré Species Carp Grou: of Boon EDI Steet Man Conipany Mao onal neod Hib Posotate, nocton &Wrghtsvilie Toru ’ mA SON O au Joh Alien Hi Kd at Fiske Cee InL aid poopie 1 at bnen on F y Come in N.C. Heise Si Pind a Over wud Co Charred with mac on a Towtnlar court Not thaaapiomGesotWoBullock,late artes ol taxes Wad late Sherntl tate Shen (Pad ae Weel \Meson Bate Kor relieg ab Damel DoughertyRopealingacegrantugBarke Superior Coort tel exclusiwe jarscdiottan ab all)crumina causes and State prosecutions where the interven tron of a jury inay be necessary Altering tring of opening polls at Mahebury,Wil pomgetony,Avsbeow ude aod Le xsoyton. Chisnigtiag Die ob closing:peolhs relatiaye to Statesville Authormog coumussiouers of Elertord Aidghormng new snbjects of taxation 19 g additional inspector of toar de,in Extending biateot Asbevilles alteringformer acts Amending charter of EdentonBlizabeth CityRalishury Lincolnton Franklin,Macon County NewbernMorganton Warsaw Charlotte “—Thomasville.Extending limits of Lexingtoni““Monroe,Union Co.To permit sale of certain property (a Stal Repealing an act couceming Robeson and Chere To appoint tax collectors for Wayne,Haywood, Rarke,Pasqnotank,Mecklenburg,Iredell,David gon.Anson,Uion and other counties;and an act Kstablisbing Transylvania County frou Buncombe Act supplemental therete. etstableling Mitchell County,from Yancy.MsDowell,Barke and Watauya To pernnt less than a majority of jastices to tran sact county business in Tredell and Chatham.For two additional terms of Saperior Court Conceming payment of tales jurors rctween Wayne and Gre‘Surry and Wilkes For sale of old jail in Wilkes.—Abolishing jury tials in Cry C Changmg place of hiohing Wantens)Ct Raseoinhe CollegeMareHillCollegeDavidsonCollege ee To incorporate Wiltaington &Tarboro’R, No appropriation |Concerning W.&W.Railroad time on bonds due the State. To incorporate Charlotte and St No appropriation, To incoporate University Railroad Co. Extension (atharine’s Plank Road ,No,56,I.0, mipany Academy,Begafort (x Albetnarie Steam Packet Co Hillsboro’Military Acaderny Tokay Wine Co,Fayetteville Goewnsbore’Cemetery Company Salew Sale Ground,Lanoutu ©“ge,Davidson Oak Hill Mihtary Academy,Gran ville Cavalry Rath-men didinstoa. NA sewnaticr ant Grays Upeals pena A $300,000 Shen of Brine wick to ediect arrears samme for oS 1 Jobo Tapscott,lat vw Wastingtoa Act supplemental Act supplemental ts.of Polk “Watauga uy «&Cherokee Repealing provisions,Rev Code,as to courts 10 Washington connty mirts in Columbus daily reading of Court Records. public roadein Watanga;grants $5000 taxes in Ashe and Alleghany Reanfort Coveerning Common Schools.| for completing Deaf aud Dumb institut oD,$2,000 Concerning Insane Asylum;$10,000. Authorizing Certain persons in Wake to send children to common schools in Granville.Against felling Cimber in certain streams in’[re dell;same in Forsyth;sate in Hertford For relief of sufferers Sy burning of Pitt Court House.To permit Evans Ferguson and Ben Smith,freeblacks,to choose masters. Extending time for registering grauts,deeds,&e og “8 perfecung ule te eutercd Scrofula or King’s Evil. fe bhood A resolution of thanks to the officers was ssed,and the Couference adjourned sine die I¢is understood tuat Mr.Lincoln approves of the compromise adopted.There is much re ose joicing here over the action of the Cottercace,F2 The clection here was warty contested,Pee the conservatives think it will save the U uvion,{As we understand it,the plan adopte!was ortcnally offered by r.Fravklin,of Pennsyl We have heard |vania,as a substitute for the report of the comvloneortwocasesofpersonalcollision,resulung,|mittee and rejected.Tt wall be seen that itishowever,in no damage to the parties concerned |proposed to incorporate itin the Constitution of“--.|the Onited States.The following is the subst T4~The figitive slave case,Anderson,hasbeen |tule as offered at the night session of the CouthesubjectofacorrespoudeucebetweenourGov-|ference last Saturday night.JernwentandthatofKugland,and nay become a Arties L. MARRIED: In Salisbury,Feb 3d,by Rev.L.C.Groseclose, Mr.Rurus Coan and Miss Cuartorre S.Bac Also,by the suine,Feb 27th,Mr.Mo L.Mc and Mise Exriine Dowy eeeeeetreleoe Ta Rowau county on the 27th of Febraury.Many Woo,iufeut daugtitccof Joseph wad Margaret Hen detwon,aged ove year and three days. A thower Cranrplant to the Eben above, Where all is purity,blise and love ‘pity beneath the protection of the stare and stripes under which our liberty was|>"‘gained by the fathers of the Revolution. Ts myn whNOTICE!subscnber though most thavkfal for the in Is &constitutional diwease,a corraption of by which this fluid becomes vitiated,wenk aud poorsethewholebe Thy creasing patronage bestowed upou hiu for the last Catharine’y Herug on th y ahd may berstoutin dtacase on any part of ii No organ ie free frou its attacks,nor is there ome which Moainay pot destroy.“The scrofuloms taint is vaneus-iy caused by mercarial disease,low fiving,diverder- edorubheaihy Wod,uopure air,tith aid fithy habits the depressing vices,and,above ail,by the venereal Whatever be itsurigin,wos hereditary in arene ivehildren erreulanion,it pervadmthreeyears,must pow to enable hin,as far as tisi)means are required,in establishing a reconstrac tionNoap aud in some cases,ugly words were sometimes used,|ol the Union,decline selling,except for Cash Deep River fiuprudent persons are to be met with in every com juunity,and we have them here. His Stock is,aud willbe kept full and comptete, at panic prices Gaston @,WH.WYAPT Draggist aod Apotheenry, Now GF6 wud [X@ Wain st, Salisbury,N EXTRA NOTICE!WYATT hereby ackuowledyes uuder the tufection the constituGen,descending ©Frou ante the third and fourth geueration to be the of him whe says,'PF wall visit the ini.quiver of ihe fithers upom ther chidrenfiseffclscommencebydepositionfrom the blood uleerous matter,whoeh,im the lungs, in Ue sudeed,it seeine rec lands. Conceruing poor in Forsyth,prolibits sale of lie quors to Paupers, Wake County Wardens ol the Poor Carolina Colatcbman. SALISBUL Y,TAX NOTICE. VALL at ofeorrupl vt sternal organs,ie termed tabercles; Arnipike char. W). liver C.Inall the present territory of the (Office and give i your Parables yyvepersonaserivusaffair,The Senate was in executive session |United States,not embraced by the Cherkie for the ‘Town,within the first teu dave ul the glaude,swellings;aud on the sagface,eruptions or,AuthorizingA.Ne and D.2.Jolnson to estab TUESDAY EVENING.MARCH 5.1x01 ou this correspondence last week,j treaty,North of the parallel of thirty six degrees present mouth .ee present depresmion in business,his sales for Jauuary.goyo8 ‘ior foul corruption,whieh gendere in thelishatollbridgeonCatawbarivera“1 |and thirty minutes of North latitude,involuntary THOMAS MeNEELY,over the eorresponding month last year,to have in depromes the energiesot life,ao thats crofulogs betowrct To prevent obstacles in Salmon cre “2.|;:z COB.Commiasionere crowned yearly 5 per ceat.The Cash Syntein will sotutens hol only suffer from serefalaus com:a ‘damage by camp fires ome lalate FINE CHEWING TOBACCO ee rvitude except in punishment of crime,is pro Salisbury.Mareh 2d,[NOt 422 ie ;;'J cae ;'‘plaues bur they have far |power to withetand“it free negroce hirmig of coutrolois an :Tie inesticliee cr enee :|hibited.Jn all the present territory Souta be Continued,with an suerear 1.DOU erea ea (iatkonientne dileaeces consequenthy,Vast nnan-are 2 Miercnutent diecloenmet NT teen ig Tobacco we lave ever seen,lof jhat line,the astalus of personnel ate N(YUU ’i snd a Well kept up good stock,affording purchas i yy,pereh by arcrders which,although pol scrote.a is y o by!store.*-ae 7 »|(To change rules of evideure du iuitictnents for Olina,whatever itamay be.and however a er Mersey Se Usk iuanuliu.cited pservice or labor,as it mow exists,Sal)pot 7H desire to purchace Cape Bear Bank Stock ff Wits Vedianeeh UNSER tac:einttGe (iby deme ie taiatencags Aull oenttrary (evel)Ce Mo trating vith slives,ditferent the feeling if !|eae Factory,in Davie couuty,[Tt took the |be changed by law nor shall the richts ans \\Adres A.a&B.Naleburw,NC.and ©tb,yee Viruieh,Spices;Seeds.Medicina Was,‘401 octhe ae ee ae Sy UERMLRLO ce;..“re »fee f nas .:Le ...:8 ;a ;fee miter the han 1 a ong ee HRequiringregistrationMLGOONeTene:te ’#e of these who view it premium at the Mecklenburg Fair,and)sold there ing from said relation be impaires!s but the same Cascade POO,Pottsylvania,Virgin Brandy,&e,a hhe advantage,in Gine aud in Teena m ye u t i a oh ay ,a renee us ee af ite ie a ur v whe CRATES .::;re :242 Se ;if ;Himse rofulods cout taniatie id s der ro Lanne N "eae HECHT Cariots whind points,will net oo the ground at two dollars a pound \hall be a je)to jodical cognizance in the Mech 3,Ustl !By gevtog hin a call before purcuaming.diseases of the liver,kidneys,brain,and,indeed,ofDP:Mt alter two or more prominent facta |:-.Federal Cows-.accordingly to the common law A!Pharmaceutal preparsticus prepacedand Medi.all the organs,anise from or are aggravated by the{were in the |gly prey prep KE yvfJonathan's Creek Turnpohe Adanuc Insurance Co Amending charter ;:Se When wuy torntor.,North of South of sid line,cues dispensed by bimaself,hight aud day tnine euuseissuenewmadebetweenthepeopleofTHERESUBOOKS!LT IN ROWAN One quarter of all our people are serofuloas;their .“B .‘7 en Awe ee within such bond s Congress m:we -eas‘La Grange Mining Co the two eections.The struggle bere bas COLNE |a Sipe ey ES Congress may prescribe,Speoialities,pesconsaresnvaded by Uns lurking iafecuon,and therRetnittingpenaltiesincurredundersaidcharter2...._stall coutain a population equalto that required J STEWART TS PREPARED TO FUR ce ’health is nudermiued by it.‘To cleanse it from theAuthorizingraisingvolunteercorpsinWashbeenbetweentheconservativesandwl.U .j fur a member of Congress,itexball,uf its form of J eonish at xhort notice Colleges,Sehoole,Veade hich should he kept in eeery Family System we must renovate the blood by an alerativeeeetras;und between the friends of the Un nion Sentiment jKevernment be republican,be weniitted into the tice wad the pablie geaeritly with any Dox thar Wyore's Scrmxion Conoive Warren,at half the aredeme and mvigorate it by healthy food and exer-ning rape cane e nt jUtion on an equal footing with the original ty be wanted,ut lowest prices porn!He ni breew ot the amporter.Prices 15,25,50 a k100 Cie Such medicine we supply inKaesadivgiereantclCarearcenDiltttJonasformedbyourfathers.and the ad.|TRIUMPHANT!ratceemieer Mee cee’servitude,Aye keeps on hand a well weleeted Mot of cheap Wey soe Tesmmoma rane Brerhas ar UorerallWiecake Ayer’s£Rev.code as to “wrecks vocafes of a Sourthern Conte leracy.We Tie following is the result of the lection in Row.as the ¢onstitution of such State ma:le,PoeunSe Silas Beles foc Cibo ew Uinta i cue we :“Bh an Gian °ic oie such State may provide.cuit the latest and most populace publicatane of the |ats mere Me Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla‘Lees Nepe and beheve that it has resulted int!County,Feb.25th,1861.—tines,Wrting and printing paper ofall sizes,cheaper Wyart's Posie &Pais,for Chile nd Fevere,#1 00 :LT ei ITEMS FROM WASTING?etree eden rr f !dy which ub dical ekill of““MMi Wwa the trina nt the Noh .a A F “MS FRO)AS COrCi Ns thin ever before offered,by the ream oor at retail,Wyerr'n Coanrat,for Dvsent KM &e.Wet ve test effectual remedy which the medical skill »"ae ‘bows ae ‘tmphoof the National Union,and,OFFICIAL RETURNS.:blank Book#of every description und size,Pens,Eu.wy.me Caney eee eee ee our Wines can devise for thin every where prevailingSiacONthatthepeopleofthisStatehavedeter.Usioy.—Diaesios Wastisason,Feb 28.veiopes,Pictures,etc,ete eee !Po ON are ere,EEE mente NE awl tacal ausinly Tce combined from the most we-SUN |}Oita Nr,certain cure,2ct»emeds utt 1 discovered for the ex-“““.ae mane Von a Z Lieaeresident lasedeteriss e io A NN Tea boa,tive remedials that have been discovere .ex‘“ws fr free negroes noined te range North Ontotina with hert a =a iz oie Sinn sale i a ola 0 ‘se the IN K 8 6 NVISWE @ICrRCIEICIP Lin uo (eels anreells $1.00 porgation of this foulidinorder{from the Mood,and the ée i wie ey Ci eel 34 more Conservative Southern nieters,Vir-PRECINCTS é Sg =a he lof Dinners Noose asia eases tetiitlA Warrisou’s Ink,Harrison's Columbian Tok,Japan,Wyart's PuLMonic Bataan,for Covenmption,$1.00 Tercve of the system from its destructive conseqaew-sec 11,ch Sz ae S ie res =a =a on the Rrouu of treason:Tokaullsisce’Gack,Blecund Red?llarriaiteCurc!ces Hence it should be employed for the cure of netaueAvinia,Kentucky,M land,T a :W.H.WY isee4ch93BUENoAPCDVTANTLEUNCREE,P z o About fitty Kepubleans voted with members.mime Ink,Arnold's W nung Fluid,the best known,|..ATT,jenly serofula,but also those other affectionsarise fromemy,Gran ch o Agrealtare and Geo Missouri and Delaware;and with thes Sulcbory-qe nee Pi of all the other polite!parties for Corwin'’s very eheap for cash.\DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,jean ee Eruellye i he Deeear anneologyiear;;i :be 4u AChE torte e ’a ps +’,RG aes ny’e Fire,Rose,or Erysipelas,Pimples,Pustules,,Buncombs “concerning idigts and ta.WHite tn eff vig ta restore ta dinity of one Neelys Mill 14001)ag Ree leeuarius aie a nano W A L L p A P EK R .|eer a :ae Hest:[Blotches,Blains and Boils,Tumors,Tetter and SalthparnatesyioriousCountry,and so puar Ve sal aes ald Ark was the only Southers meaber ws SOLU)Me rorhisralready larsawid besutuliaecortnreuleds SALISBURY,N.C |Rheum,Scald Head,Ringworm,Rheamatism,Syph-F Renealiipascere chili law neers :a se ellarantee (he:vtwells,LG a Ga with the Republicansin the negative,The action wall paper,he haw just received aw large lot of the Feb.19,1s61.440 jue and Mercurial Diseases,Dropsy,Dyspepsia,De-iinirinaiecosealiifen tite een eau widintarbed progressofChose liberal prin-Litaker's 19 139 36 96 of the House gives much joy tu the Conserva tatest patterns,which for beauty,style,aud cheap |a ==bility,wad,indeed,all Complaints arising from Vitia-a ciple which have wale iva enced rhe uae,ta tan ou teatefetormperrte tay eter wovetteed'|Sal EENTION 'icecstonoetttes!“rhepatar sien perANAS.Morgan's,M7 te 4 9 ‘;F LHiMETKELOMEV dim Siladees bite Serceiaeic i 4 °|ty of the blood’is founded in trath,for serofala ia aeripationt4PhePresidenthasapprovedthebillestablish:e ‘;5Mare'To amend charter of Bauk of Comunerce,New.fest and most prosperous Nations in the Harkey’s,DM Sd 30 30 Hredhotriaia tl vt ercnnn it Orders of anythingin his fine rulicited.|HEAD QUARTERS 80101000 of the blood.‘The particular purpose_Troup hen ar aie Wak nh a oe &the territorial Government of Colorado,in Salisbury,N.C.,Feb.19,1241.1t40 o i afm and virtue of this Sarsaparilia is to purify and regen-Com So To amend charter of Pariner<’Bank |“]ic arent re SN 4 P215 W218 837 4 RSD D150 cludtag Pike's Peak The bill does wot say a peasant ieoneal wa s —|63d Reg.NC.Militia.erate this vital fluid,without which sound health ietBan'a 2 B37 N24 XN?11S )Incorporating Bank of Roxboro.capital feng,Sheerfal hope,as we de at this time,that word about slavery STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,FEB,16,1561 Ub acetelaiuecucetninetcd ico bstta tone:|se )ST y 4 AROLINA,|16,’Turks (4 4%090 all will yet be well,int! The following returns have come in since.yyz | Ayer’s Cathartic Pills .,he accomplish Alutehe Cagns D2 Wasnixcros,March 1.ROWAN COUNTY wn —_—Pista ill iene!»;eae aS SACO CU ATG aN CAN 'HE Commissioned Officers of said Regiment!47 ‘amily Physi“Weer NC inentol such an wojustinent as will ene)vennon,158.Hes.Mi Hauke,(causrvaure Lieutenants Montgomery and Bailey,of the Court of Plees and Quarter Seastons,February!”ee eats nes teers of said Regiment for all the purposes of Family Physic,ror )tg )ys Tea are herehy commended to have theateelves ia Salam-\fuud moneys Wnproperly cullcete Ltrou the SUF these erand results delegate,Artillery,both of Georgia,resigned r .i.bury,on the Nth of March,prox .at 10 o'clock,A are so Composed that disease within the rangeol theirBanksButthefactawhichthelatecloetioninayuutedia-Ne Convention about 500 majority Phe sloop of war Pawnee arived here to day.|Pybreitn Msineyy LRERC MENT Mi with Firelucks and 10)coundsof bivuk cartridges action can rarely withstand or evade them,‘TheirKESOLUTIONS‘;!Uirot cantetace,BOW doues,elected Hy The Mochican is Xpected fa Siege i dete Ffo-Drill Act Col Commandant pevetrating properties search and cleanse,and iavig-:ow Ue UMC UTR Gr eau coe eaCihur cain eos tanienuvecnnayeted ialcer aii slsml CIIiMictuntnem icin colar nite Pie eee aoa SRI NT SU ANY SO SCS Ch Oe Ua name OFEE blew)correct;Ty Favon oF —Sureves of GoW Glass Col Kel must be ws final eettheanent af tlhe slavery Hole Pade fone 9 jae Holt ny _oM pa a :ome COL IT appears g to the satisfaction of the Court that ae ..tug tt diseased netion,und restoring its healthy vi-Yart src Thomas D PC [ally Sen a HT ee a eae a :so a ei ane M cee ee ne ew rtrd,;Chase,¢‘meron.|the defeudent William A MeCorkle,rendes without y\K ER &CO's M EDICI N A :;talities.Asa consequence of these properties,theCoemanCooperPrinceandJWHarwquestionwofaranthereisanspowerow:ee ‘POO ou ontgomery,lair,of Maryland,Simith,Wells!the linus of the State,i is therefore ordered and er eh oe tuvalid who ws bowed dow:with pain or physieal de-Vawel Withs and David Lewis:cureties ot SOM ade at the Sr eae icle Vern \ee o and Bates asjadged that publication be mude in the Carvhas PRANSPARENT COD LIVER OLL MihCy (aeCoutebed Co find hes heulchoreaergy reator-Ray,meretion of GH Holland Julen Poss me Shi :Htories where Char 'candidates elected by about Measrs,Wigfall and Hempdlild siti eetie Rep Waichinan for sx successive weeks notifying hin to THE TRUE AND GENUINE jed by w remedy at once so simple and inviting.Iwan Joa eekins:W Poa {IU OGxiets,fo CXercise any control over at euvention,1456;couven ,‘ae be wand appear before the Justices of our Court of 5 ie an |Not only do they cure the every-day complaiats oidWieaceedlyattd,s Ver it.:the Senate to morrow bt :é UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTS.y Jes ey,"% \Mocwan:suretion Gf WW)Wark)Ganmic Such iawer it ce ;Pabctieend ls iri Co Haraer Secowiciat vkcic Pleas and Quarter Sessions,wt the next Court to be .me 2 Oiteaee every body,but also many formidable and dangerousPowhett;Ciray Bynum:Judges Heath,Howard PS CUS ESE XISIR SU ma VcH Ue (a My el aneraaes ‘+:held for the Couvty of Rowan,at ihe Court House BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PRETARED diseases,‘The agent below named is pleased to far-letny,Grav and Saunders,and Ate.Gen Tonk nel Soret et a fby tocexist,oust be renoved:and the Ved ects ae THE INDIAN BONDS LODBBERY tn Sahebury oo che first Mouday in May next,then a tush gratis my American Almanac,containing certi-Gree JOH Minne (Sloe tieetn ind fecnen uate ten |'mel tina Paced eh eae —.:eaten:and there to plerd or replevy.atherwine jndgivent 3!Tts use,if fairly tried,will soon restore the aq ticates of their cures and direcuows for their use intmufecturueCoane.'tetas <Toetiturion left te the exclusive control of u ot candidates elected NCCE Une eng willbe rendered against hin vu favor of Ephraun 4 tone of the digestive organs,iiviserate the SS the following complainta:Costiveness,Heartburn,.Waean aie ene ae MW Uilice ewlorarcntincctismentccmen iii La cee He Naweon ,;:Gey Miciaerapisiim arid (hetaddi levied pen)versio tuned give gelieral rotund an (horfivuce (ca atlenducheuatlnnelinim discrdered Stomach)Nasees:J y a *a i t a 1 N K on :a ZT.Three Uinton delegates elected General Cushing,late Attorney General,has to sausfy the sane .TO and add energy to the and and uervous =Ladigestion,Pan in and Morbid Inaction of the Bow-on Collinge Q.Baebes and others Clerks dee Toe Waied mend North Varalian stand Ladli —Con my Noe Wen an opinion on the question of the leygality Witness,James B.Kerr,Clerk of our suid Conrt 0 syatein Tis value haw been remarkably 7%ele.Flaruleney,Lowe of Appetite,Jaundice,and otherLsalutDoorkeepersDato!Tucker Col.(UU INTRO OEATIO RWne Meri rti Ort orian mCi Mie wet GT noe af Ue Acre (atic ensionuediby (avernin Bl |at office,the first Monday in February,AOD.19610.)7S evidenced by its wonderful restorative:pow-kindred complaints,arising from a low state of theLCanrwel,©Bad)BOP Satwell HP WBacley jpeity ground,ane reat tes EUeet ace Seu ea |-OVO snd in the eighty-litth year of our Independeace ye ers,when ordit aie bee uly AS body or obstruction of its fanctious.:.:rs ;.leavin tice t hat t Mo gz )b rN nordinary tones had been vainly y0ewsGeorgeCootWAEPihreCueBete;lito cAtartiecr jrnint:eer drive Ne Convention 471 majouty Sp wa WIN been submitted fo bim by Mr.Crilinore,JAMES E RERR,Clk xhvasted.It atforde neurshment te the «©7 ‘eon Wo dha Siler LECCE Pr ricrermniin (emcen tens mn 440 may over Bouthit of Ponneyleania.te holds.ona fall disenssior Feb 26,Intl.(6140)piety £5 50 ey id cmwhemucniiicracan)be iborie nti |Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,2 of ce on of scced i .‘;5 —Woe kar -Yudben =No Convention about low yaa of the subjoct,that the habihtw of the United 7 furnishes the frame with fat ia truly ree OO .1 J *.c CURE 0;oe,va OF Mainpioyg thea batch ce es :Sites fin lice!ceeaiteacan i Geet ie mxielhen Wides For Leath |S markable manner >(earn aie=aanebeesivezeaConvention,B66 No Convention,ides For Leather.eerie ae Ne Coughs,Colds,Influenza,Hoarteness,Croup,Bron-!Cherokee of ties The trinmpl of the Cai W812 Ratrell UT EL.Douthit,©7260 Har.(lve decisions of the Supreme Court in POE Vea ©gahariik fr }Hw esr Tie OR SUNT ON aE RON OHI a weil lucipient Consamption,and for therelief of':oe io See Tce een A RPorn,.Sere .+a T subseriber offere to exchange Raw fides for oy Ss,::2iai.ca K thea thiwe ni umphed.y de e ::t t it “\.soot th ae tiature,ee ACIS I Panned Leather,in the rough,of good quatity For SCROFULA in all ite derelopments,=A umm uve Patientsin acvanced stages of the1tsLieswtburlVERYateaeiginst,47 tia Cota o on yess Hsopliton is wiven ip bebalf of Apply F LYNCH .a *AVC 7 407 ay iseaseaaePeraitrn-:a o Apply to .:Fur WEAKNESS,WASTING,and J”‘‘aediti GENE Dt eel seSeL Vc?ni LT tay Pierce &Bacon,of Boston,whe are innocent Cheraw Tannery and Shoe Factory erery form of DEBILATY,iis curatee a Bama 8 1c Bela of tlsimecfelncesendiccrumer-oi ;pealclass Maite ‘sertinent fir!Rockingham —settle and Brodeumy «lecter!hulders of Russell,Majors &Waddell’s drafig!Feb.22d,1461 aul t properties are unrivaled.Bas are AE fusceof le cucens ASE SUertL OVely,SeesfoeephaCyfirilasimhiegliaattaxfetexyg4tonefcountryaboandsinpersonspublicnown,‘Suial poornls &mek bb Dy i 2 -euch a mensuag,and thar it wool?de fdoston-Vr SN Johnston S RoxGp go og Mecepted by Floyd.Ttis asserted that 1 are Silt may be taken without disretish by the who have been restored fre aintniee And sueHdew:ae ‘a 3 M {a only six hundred thousand dail;WIT T ]AM tC LORD >\most deheate patient,and retained without amteateottaxes[DP mieecs tiowaks Speas ti scl eve Wet gue eerie ters axwell ber Maxwell was loalicer ati |aud dollars hese atk &is LD,SHE RROrnC aenaee einen cdtaieue eee te diseases of the lungs by its use.When once~ae ,:7 a i acceptanecs outstanding t re TSE ‘es foo Veen Se awe if ed,ite ,y very CBeteBerkspendisttitmamanchonia(etarncter the -pcememet BOW a 7 Mlle outdid W Aeiiane matmng,Heenan leat)AORRY AT LAW,|p (rn insti slestesimprtni churn:SS ty tesupenonty ave rer oler peelsof:BN XY LP SSECCETRETR wey SOR elected Pall Malle 1016.Trary Whether that is true,’AZ teristics of genuineness,has guaranieed for>|;eee :t men of North Carol uaare not less S0u.Cabiniss 425.Hollatieht 152 ners SALISBURY.N,¢the commendation of the most eminent eee ae ee Wate aniniaksoy¥..4 ven ,>.e (ce a the oy rollee tia i 5 al Stale y .rc .LN FVSURIUOIOISG SARNSAAS.opposed te tis doetite beeause they Lincolk—Win Lander,SR ted by 620 ina CHILLS aso FEVER!CHILLS avo FEVERS!Hipanaeoed SRD A DAE UU U UUme Physicians throughout the Ststes;the writ.erous affyctions of the pulmonary organs that areViDeryreg¥imtfRowan,Stanly,Predell and Catawba Counties ten testimony of the faculty of the best medi-e.-\ele hlutlre fan ot tlic ea aly “One of the greatest remedies that has ever been Ome line SOP OCE®rel een een el Baa ea SI incideut to our climate.While many inferior reme-A atory of the Jeorri He Ireatinent jn.Dave condemnes i@ action of the secec Tothiana eleitien (ries Garona Deane fuid before (he public,fir Wever end Kee rr ny ue ae sruer oS Cowan's Buildug opposite (wl 08 ic ole;se)ploweore 2 uy e ;=dies thrust upon the community havefailed und beenAetetiPatkerOlilveenbontameSateaiewitWenGpeeCheembichhavetecetredshencheatevenmiunietreashe|hectaMk Sete,ine ad UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,~discarded,this has gained friends by everytrial,con-Olleavarca dnc i ited Mex ocnuii Minvenrcninmr eet ;a :eee in a ee press and ihe people.is DR J HOSTETLIER'S ,:JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA-F™ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget,:ys any ny SL CUSTER IT Ie cy raat ‘EG te Cewst anueMadi on Cre BBRA TEU RERUERSe Avi rwnuld endare r TRG | DELPHIA,.vee |and produced cures too numerousand too remarkableasaleeadybeentold:bot the tollowing \vhcnt te there feelings.and tether ean flette Cait catolates Aco CinCireneunlatiig train vilieere crib re Ree atena eel I.W.JONES,M.D..2 PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI-P|ty be forgottenTaAnnatiecratelcreitaustenpen/;6 Pree HiaeNt os =ioe al i nhe wo busily cured’Whe euuld eodure the ne ;=;ie mes CINE,and others ail PREPARED CYCicrreintCreMiesn\n chenscf duty.They entertain the opir Cire ete oTa eee Toa tive pions nighis,burning fevers aud vey chills a ]SCUOLA PGA UGCLIy Me Musil Salta:Tnvelile sh pliie earela ogpurch xe.ou cat DR.J.C AYER &CO2;ron thatthe punishment of pertiitting the Pon JG Shepherd.and ¢=is ;“ternately,when a remedy cau be oboaned fora u aa et ocea ateip an lieth -2 of undoubted reputation if they desire the 7}fan ce 4 arowingTtWaawritentethebrothera}aia eer Bares aes as ._u :Ur trifle’And yet how many families bageronea par See OOS RGUa His peal easinn ww most active and immediate advantages of |LOW ELE ALSofbodsistera,whe:sides tn Favette eeceders to go ont and take care of them.a ie ee ee en NY ful existence under this deadly blight,and donethiug ic Deities GiaMisin atigucairst corte Dive ies the remedy.‘That which we prepare has (7)—:::;|Oo conventona small majority :££Confectionery ty decided evidences of superiority over ottv.Favette Connts %Vette ah geen }.pre:none)SP een esn rd bot gulp down quinine,antilit becomes ax roman,..ct ev p iy er OLbET jue;::Wty,Ss tas.J Us ‘Mer selves will be great enon in the end:Roheson —Union candidates 6000 majority,Noo as their daily meale,and vet they are ant Pe Janetoe tel bd +brands.Manufactured only by ee 1 Ar :ee x ~2RUAUEarkerUCtatUCCCnecliedithalitliatlimonDrinenleurlacheeancrolanmicc:th sanie None but the foolish and weak would hesitae to BURGATNS BARGAIN ARG AINS.1c JOUN ©BAKER &CO.,ro GREAT ENGLISH REMEDYIssa:Fea?Ge Omi Ghia!&ence ci tine UMAR CE ROVER ren cure (renee luaniuaiiitrced es mimeyent mercen aN aa iencna:ID.ox AICO)SIR JAMES CLARKE’Vie Dy ).Tart aye UO visttation o Ire and sword can ever :?)x Bee ate ete S io ,;av Drugs,Chemicals,&e ‘.‘Mie Deas tei The Tndianes diave :jority and No Convention t ng old by dragy ste and dpalers gen-.~—-:g So K ‘EI EB rn )FEM A]>p 4)gain come down ajo us,usutdermg &sweeten or tame them as tomake them TOL alea IAT rat vca taneE Coie eet seTR TS oe ch aw liars \;M.BRENNER'S _—Nov.13 :es ;po)-CELE RA TEI “Me iE }ILLS.i P :8 .:4 u V {i idvertisement in wnother column.Im42 5 J '.orysadhaaeMarthaASion0[Gd rothara iraveraiann bond ee me RED JACKET [NS VETER SURE toe cren -ADB,TeensCoseedateaodoffertearetoedoertoteNordotheUnionarenafNorthCarLheAortyavainstconvention7")1 ~~..4 Ephpeneterealtlqieltof)tmmsarne wink Pare Vaceieinerra Duriug the conflagrationof Canton eauned by ihe ('1il x 'To Farmers and Mechanies.|BY ROYAL JAR a\.PATENT.eee fainted A i"ate:‘ha tl fe AR NSCs a Franklin—Mayority for convention 864 bombardment of the British,the extensive medical a “4 *ane |~:soul tute despair,aad von eee that these ;:eee ee)LOCOS TOT:Se.’STREET {“Ul 3 &FOSTE |Prepared from a preacription of Sir J.Clark:D.,Phy-lines are neacly obliterated by tears.To equator inferior station in the Union Jones—Majonty for courention 200 warehouse of our countryman Dr JC.AverofLow eS E neo ne ist EAAaread ail ihe Onto ceeBSCSLOISUeHee::erceraat tin Poe ac |Coffin Mock'e 8!VE just recrived a very large lot of FARM i fsks;.:oe OVATE RVATTLMATRLE CC IMET Tat:Cys a |pe iaey enna ee ell,the depot of his Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic next door to Brown,Coffin &Mock’Store ]AVE j f 'This invaluable medicineis unfailing in thecure of all thosesickenanddietytheordinarye:reumn They demand an !yatain for their Lenuir—Majority for convention 250 Pile ord Cheirmere atta|Mente erteOmnT Tents MAB subscriber desires to ieforin the pubhe of ING TRON,conmsting of Shovel Moles.Bar painfatand dangerous diseases to which the female conetitu-’It moderates all exeess and removesallobstrac Staneca of Providence,is but ime derate suffering—but to safle the thousand deathe of a dying one at the hands of the pitlese savage,melts the heart to con template.iTheIndianswenttoMrShermvan’s, house,shook bands with all aud asked| for something to eat.Tt was dinner time! and they gave the Indians the table mother the position of equality and hon er she has ever enjoyed,believing thar! nothing less can preserve that amity and! || | goad feeling indispensible to the commen apes odt Le‘h "welfare. CON VE NEON So far as we bave been able to deter prion Court all crimina eointersven W ileon—Majonity for convenuon 300. Colunhuas—M aye ention 400 Carterel-—Majornty tor No ten 200Edgecombe—Convention 671 Johuson votes the Umon ticket by a large ma oOnrity Mmon Branswick,New Hanover and Wayne,are re- ported as having gone for disnnion .| The dsumon candidates im Haltax,Granville and Ty ahore ‘onver sutyoemery is reported as Lay ny gone for the l makes a demand upon our government forindemuity from the joss of hit property.aud ice will grow another nut tocrack with our elder beother Johuny Suck tot Doctors and if our Government maintains oor rights wherever your Pills are sold.we shallouls be unprotected om tracts that are very birren Reformer,Trenton,N J RELIGIOUS VOTICE, |Salisbury,Rowan and adjoruing Counties that heIsUlpresent SELLING OFF! the Sitanee of tis New,Preah and Fashionnble FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, prewous to parchasing his SPRING «id SUMMER GOODS at Reduced Prices Toon,Wagou tire 1h.Fdand 2 inch;Bagey tue 14wudLynch:Oval Trou.d.and Bioeth Square |Tron Land 14 inch;Buggy Springs and Axes: Patent and Enameled Leather;Bands,Bolle,&e, jogether with a genera)assortment of DRY GOODS,HARDWARE |QUEENS WARK,| GROCERIES.|Hareand Caps,Roots and Shoes.They keep constrmtlyonplyofFLOUR,BACON 4SUGAR,MOLASSES,|hand PORK,FISH,COF ton is subjecttions,and a speedy cure may be relied om, To Married Taadicsitispeculiarlysuited.It will,in a short time,bring on themonthlyperiodwithregularityEachbottle,price One Dotiar,bears the Government stampofGreatBritain,to prevent counterfeits, Caution.Thene Pilia should not he taken by femates during the FIRST THREK MONTHS of Pregnancy,as they are mureto bringonMixcurriage,but atany other time they are anInalleasesofNervousandSpina)AMections,Pain in th Rack and Limbs,Fatigue on slight exertion,Palpitation of thHeart,Hysterics and Whites,these Pills will effecta cure whena.lother means have failed ;and although a powerfal remedy se :re cars i }JINPE i2aeaMaeedoMr;:Uo Tinen fromutlacecattecedireniicta Reliels Te hehnioe has been defeated Meee nine ence emt etree LARD,Be)BEN &e.,to which thy tavite the al |46 not contain iron,calomel,antimony,or anything hurtful tobWileavehome.e did go,takiay wath hia ‘forevthe goes against Cony on ajority .;i ee .sy Cade hee a fi Te we tention of the puble the constitudionuyintonelalifIe4e.have come in,we are inelined to believe]op son:R i Patt rent iT ’5 Ww.ae YJ.Reweve wall preach at East 2 Yadkin coun SUITABLE TO THE TIMES,>af?ae Y .-Full directionsin the pamphlet around each package whichNewifeandthreeliftleclildren.They :‘cee asia LEU VOU SNAIL TTD RHC eS entE clue:anti gerne iitendmkecninm cluscang un landalt and BE A nkine Corner,Salisbury,N.C.)aout ne carctany preservedasutei.ve .;9 red Ww Heater cleoyates e bs Es eat af -+-arate a .:a iS -ie y sited States and C da,Ra hadgot off some fiveor six hundred yards,tat Convention has Deer carricd What]Cuion.elected delegat me ,Ith of Maresh.>L well selected «tock of Feb 12th,(x61 39 eee eee eee eeuh MORES&Tn Person County,Hon E.G Reade,Union.is Rochester,N.¥ When the Indians overtook them;sister)will be the character of the Convention| wae carried back ta the lone by thease as between Union and disunion,we can though we think it will be decidedly Un Hlected over James Holeniuan,secessionist by a largeonty,and the county goes tor convention fillHavingtopassthroughMocksville,to the j above appointment,at the s might MEN'S,YOUTH'’s AND Clothiag and Furnishing Goods, BOY'S he kind Cos umes suitable Prom nading. WYAT T'S WITHOUT TASTE OR SMELL.Foe either N.R $10)and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorisedAgent,will insure a bottle,containing 5)pills,by return mail.|may :::al aving )S Serie .|‘.;‘of the Presbyternan church t!i Sold in Salisbury,by Henderson &Euntss,W.H.Wyatt,angalone,leaving Mr.and and the chil not at present make ont with certainty,|wl Caswe a (youty,H yn Redford Brow o and congregation,he wall peeach at Guat place and at lower prices than any other estaSlishment of SPECIFIC PILLS.al respectable Draggists 4”dren.The heartless wretchea here be m.Long,Esq.are elected over Jobin A.Graves the loth te Percent,Lavo &Co,Richmond,Va,Wholesalegantheirbrutaloutrases,whipping her)a ..:hae iL i ay ak u ns ae POLY MESS)Nel ont (aemetnran (ean eth will sit)Farmers,Phiuters,Miners,Machines,and Servants enale or female.The most woaderful Wediciae |A8O™sallthewaytothehouse,over the face |100.North Carolina is conservative of |ai ‘I ae Nee TEN EBL en Yadkinville,and fill any apy went the christian uae.dhee a large stock of Boots and Shors,Hats and athe Materia Medica,PRICE S10.PreparedPeraandhead,with their whips.After reach.onr ancient,well-tried and well proved |ale,sce een are Renin by aK)eCiLy Th people of that place may make tor tan ou Mot ae ou wud uns ny Ae s Des pee by WoULWYarr,ROCK QUA ing the house,they took from it every inetitutions;and though the Unionists county has voted asuinst convent ou .jmsht es)JACKED ie om ON TREN NER,sei Tae WaalACHohsoffalne,even th the ted clothing,|entertain strong hopes that the Union can|Fae NE aE egysaanner PS —Having made proper arrangemeniswithour Feb.54138):Salishvry,N.C ee : thon took poor sister by the hair of the vention ( | SIVEASIEOTE I HOIRICHEN, Baltimore firm,|am at all Gines prepared to fulfill be preserved on terms both satisfactory |(Dupho.Lenoir and Greene are reported as he :a a mire 7head,one of the brutes on either side ot }:):ad evel iiiuanncmsa a for [ee u ue Mane 5.1861 any orders in the Merchant Tatlorg business at H.C.JON ES &SON,herd rorrit (ane and id?aceardanee with the epirit which||":ie :Oy DSO).|shorten notice Mo#dragging her along,etill beating and the politcal character of the delegates eee s Bin 2s AY d¢lors iraeoeexieinallyf.Vi d will labor for i oT ex Beef.5.26;Bacon.11a 12h;Butter,15 920 Jan In61 622 torneys and Counsellors at Law,whipping her.They even stuck pins in Originally formed it,and will labor for it)The dissnion teket is reported to have succeed-Coen a5 ani Flea $3.40 099.55;Lard,Wa 124;"YAVILL practice in the Courts af Rowan Count««4.<j ei i ee .3 ea ih 1 4 wL.pra e Co owan Counberflesh,and tortured ber in every pos (a8 a means of avoiding most fearful ca-|!im Warren,but no particulars are given Meal 79a 20)Malaixex,Qu ga:[nich Potatorn RG Noy \and in the Sapreme Court.HC.Jones,in,sible manner;finally took off her cloth lamities,yet she will enbmit to no deg.se ~~eo a :ae east fae fue 70 paticee:65 aa s silualss,Beanie He Courts of Higdel and Cabar ae UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME~1g,Continging to whip her,uff,nature’predation Oana eae Laie 81.20 adi 10 Whe key Sue $1.00 Set Ost:;me VUES,eet eaeres &Rate nea Ho then for col:rhodio(i iircia pe cm ie apes nua ROCs,:ee ,=;skey,5 ecto 'ompt attention.3°Ibe ..Co exhansted,she sank uoder the burden of Skxare.—Mr.Crittenden,from the select ieee 4 ?,ea y,UREN &ee Rigi near teCont een for PLE SON Es,i oor purposes,that he States fe relentless cruelty.They then scalped her,Oy TOTITAC KGET (AE Committee,reported back the Peace Congress NORFOI K MA Rk ET Ryo |WAT GN Hee OS er ae ee i Oe RA1Chero-taki |IMPORTANT NEW yropositions,with a recommendation that they ~~Ma ee .eae Jan.15,1S61 35 G R ANITEandCherakingoffeverystrandofherdearhialproyODS,ommendation that they i :ees a Jan 15,i861.35 trRAL LerT:1 be 2 ae 2 se i :Ja;leaving the skult bone bare.And to clap |The news announced by usin an extra!be celebs oe State Legislatures,Seward,fperted Weekly by ta Nene b 1 cut in any shape,and at the lowest possible rates forwood,|:2 De mite::',F wee 7 ee :‘3hellDeidtheclimax,they shot her through the sheet last Wednesday evening,of the em the same Cominittee,dimented,anid intr ROWLAND &BROTHERS vans ew ai or Sho ».UnCY ame CogaIa)Commu tonaletl,Lav!Blionidanin ent:ie iy 4 ae ars on duced a resolution to prohibit a National Con ,;EON ok eee Salisbury,known as the Old Shuping QUARRY.”and an act a qr,rte a as they Mhougit,'paseage by Congresa of HPORANC WOR Cuoien Critciden'e report 1a the epecinl order COMMISSION WERCIEANTS,ae as0 WILEY HOLTSHOUSER;die struggling in her own Jite’s blood URGE looking to the pacification of onr Na-for tomorrow.The postal appropriations was For the Watchman,eer EB 26.)(HG)es FPRUWVE subscriber has opensd a new TATLOR Rowan Co,Nov 20th,1860 6inw:27iBuncotbeHereshewasfoundbyhierhusband,try 1 Be XS SHOP in the room:formerly cecupred by Horace:1:Iny to drag her alm Ate less if ih vi a tional tronbles,hae been confirmed,a ful-!debated FLOUR—Family,a 0.00 TanGareOuiRG Tas Hy Reardydectd)(aexpenence andequalilic ri ..b on :yody to 5H ,ae .:oO :STAG .'|‘alificatinnsYaney,Mi &ee J lernccountr iwi elmer tive tonnes House.—The House reconsidered the vote Extra,10 |in thin bine,warrant bin in meving that he will be Salisbury Female Seminary.oa mud hole near by.In thie mangled state ae :sterday c ‘oT Superfine,£6.00 2 000 ble .:':velupplenentalay:Y y §yesterday on Corwin's proposition for a resely ope wy ea ‘q West N.G.R able Lo meet the most fastidious demitnds Call and;ie lived four days,eaffering more than paper.tion that the State Lewislatares amend the Con y yaad BA ain :_estern .C.Rail Road...VERA UREN CAL)fit vou,and made to Jast.|CVE SIXTH TERM of thie School will begimtal.or multe ::Oar ee cas HOS e Gs ysten bs he sfouchy.half e tlogethe Thesppletnentsanguagecandescribe.;7 sutution to the effect thatCon gress shall no pow WHEAT —White,eat Read ‘Mee ue :ane Nui Diaded ene cin Ne ‘Ith February and close oF TnJuly.TheOb!pitying heaven!grant that it may ::ny .-er to interfere with slavery in the States.Stan Red,$110 4 120 c ik school has been increasing in numbers every termiestotrapa5Disunion|z ]Jisunionists of :i>OTT ‘uding aud Repacing done to order,We have now «goodly namber,dut could take a fewsineverbemylotagaintoweepoversuchton,author of the Force Bill.moved a reconsid ;OT ios lbw 12 Produce taken in eachiage for work Prem CU nemiinhe feniiiian (OMIncrecTOmnS cinvam.oar a i o eR EAS Bh Le ';more em ontinges pace,Salis-¢Court 10 another acene.Mother and brother were Salisbury,provoked by their defeat in/eration,He said he would recognize the inde rs Ril ve None ae ees WM.HOWARD.|pury will have what it has never hed,a permanentwithheriaherdyingmoments.Not Rowan,and by Rcoing the gloricus stare pendence of the Confederate States sooner than FLAXSEED Bees <Jan Ailey N61 334 achoul withstanding the severity of ler treat.and stripes of our once happy Country in a -ais with ‘hem me ne ry a eee BEESWAX,2 SL NWEE OT IN ORE CO AECVLNAG TERMS ;™Ment,she was scusible to everything that i scunitie the border States in the Union he Repubhean FE GS in barrels,per der =z ROWAN COUNTS owed,wiih washing,fact aud lights,R50 per erm pieced My dear |he rc 5 {the breeze,have suspended a disunion party ought to make sacrifices for them.Cor |DREED APPLES perbos of 28 be no sales i Court of Pleas and Quarter Srrsiona,February |Pmcon.i Bnghsh,froin BestBen),Ue RIAU LOSLCOICADE YCWas UNLt flag across the street froin Eenderson &‘s resol y t yoted fora .i a PEACHES 40 °°80010 a 000 peal'd bs Trim Vsbi He Cris pythie,and nes }es se ag ‘‘1 8 XW owan’s resolution was then voted for and carries a _p s|>?¥P .30 ic,not resent the wrangs perpetra .;,fabeer denrine)\\‘10 g0.00 aiaated ol Router salen Ausic on Piano,trom 15 to 20 0€ ted upon your own dear sister!Oan you Ennias’Drug Store to the Mansion Eotel,by over two thirds,amid:prolonged and raptur |ga CON —Western Shoulders 94%{|2=ee :ATTACUMENT Vee of Tustrument,250:..ous applause from floor and galleries.|do Sidis 1 ean s |:Ineivental expenses,1.00806thosethreelittlechildren.and not [tis an nnweleome stranger to all who §|Sic imeis 8 the Gotd-thit Min ¢pe:i ’~;4 y oe.N Co and Va Hog round,00 a 00 iT ,Charges made from the time of entrancePuredetheirmother’s murderera?Can cherish a hope that the Nationality of [Special Dispatch to the Charleston Courier,|UARD—N.C and Va Not,00 a 00 i Riek a Tee es ine Cone hat Bogie iculscalidcers D WILKINSONyOuseF:.:.i re oa:;L ye fficera of the Crold Hi onpeny are A LKINSON,a a her aut the hands of thore this great Country nay yet be preserved,IMPORTANT FROM WASHIMOGTGN MACKEREL—No 1 None thy as +2 remdent of Lis State,(hae therefore ordered aud|Jan 22.1361 136 PrincipalitoeEUECR,Oe yo Me ee and that a day of paternal regard will yet Wastixatos Feb.27,|“Ne2 aii no 6,aha en e eete ee at |ost you your life Can you averaleep 4.is :|’3 tt Se toe Wareham tor sit auetoemive weeke noulving‘::dawn upon and bleas usasa people.This +;+e ,3 amall $5.50 2 A .'wll remembering her cries,with up ce ks ey -:re,ae me ue eneted a Passel STAVES RO Hhd £1»On 213 eee aan pees Egan ion Dress Making!if Pe °ange bunting congists OAL ed by a vote of Vto8 vrobbably vating by States,:ve aL .he es of our Court of Ple ws anc uarter Nee 1eehands,invoking the Father of mer .e !:iel an :the Franklin aoa for rhe enttss le r re Ge “2 heading .ioe =ghee at the ex:Cert tube held for the Comity of|RS SPE URS announces to her Mende and theciestoapareherlife,as she was struck Cross on a white tield,with one large star .:o den o u id heading BHO a 70 =*Tm Rimadeatiiha Cour Huan Seki)ceie \{Fer RM ap Ur ieee pin eenne ean ae down by the club of the black-hearted in the centre of the cross;seven well de ee "i i a a)Bae hee a REMARKS -ne =woe 2 5 Jest Monday in Mav nect.thes aad there ta plead|nras,and sulci ortare.She has conauierable expeWilvceNo!a 'ie ve ;;arolinw are divided a majonty ofeach Delega Flour,the Pees ne aa riche :oat z rrplevy otherwise judgment will be rendered in hee ia the bueness;and her work has pleased thosea;ae Nene!betes !’fined,and seven or eight out-lined stars,(on being agarnst it Mr Franklin's plan i sib:gad nan 'ne ‘-ar =ayes e !a a e fooret Reaben J tines,plonutl,and the tend |who hate ined i She repects to keep pace »we oe Poor is mene Ws ri rT WAS filling the four prongs of the crosa.Tt stantially the Missourt Compromise,The Con |good and salen are readily madeal quotations aceord ;SN Wother property levied upon be sold to satiafy the [the Matons,and will certainly do all work in therittenianow(the Galveston Verws un f ;e same |most sobetental manner:;:a at ference has reecomme J thatit be incorporated ;'ng to quality,&e,Peas,Wo Bye,fe wevernl =Q moat aobatantial manne ;duratanda)on tharfrontlanicrenninadity,hae little beauty to attract,and,we trust,-we St a fis a er es CU Lees Bee nee Pe;et ce 4 n Sion Witness,Tames Eo Kerr,Clerk of our smd Coust,|She may be found at her ald home,(Mra En'a»4 ”ye side _®vee —Meeith rs r \"~*qavenyehieunfortunatesister's wrong and Will never become the standard of those 1p vale eee ee OO ndiineetealeatnlvaedUR Tite AC nlllikende arene =z=ane Wefirst Monday in Bebrnary,AD 1N61,[hart's in the North western end of Towi5sg.ference--Ex President Tyler ——has been Feq Vestal esloshlal iSiacealare tulenialiiet oni bi '.andin the eighty fifth vearof our Independence Orders from a distance promptly attended tedeath|who have lived go prosperously and Nap-/ed to communicate it ta (pagresn.Fraliel fully piece pply na Senay ,I AMES ©CPURNER JAMES FB.KERR,Cite MARTHA HSER ARSiBeaEEGBog§Nupt 1 Feb,28 KEL (614M)pe ady $6.50 Salisbury,Jan 22,1561 ' ects aa~Ayers Sarsapar TetaTimeofReserPepareforWar:1Oo'L EATER'S GREAT EX AES North Carolina Founar _Aa a “Ag AT TE GRE,AND }A cotpound remedy,in which we have 1 *BROTHER STORIESGH BITTERS.price the mut sAEetuel alternative tae eee :ve bo MERONEY &BROTH 1 WILY]WACHINE WORKS!ta Sea ence b con wee ithe othe eesKbottogtothepeCreareuTheproprictorsandianufacturersofHOS4DEESOSPowithothermousteiaesofFIRE)\kM>Teens Client eies tens cH Til SSatASS Bene Sleds ati vercge .I yrhit te Cis mark Cols Boltand Pock PERS can appest with perfect confidence to {Ant eee eee Geel Hea tae le CepULedrocure!",,De wer aneistte wits vise,Math &oWe phystoriis an)etigens poner lly ct the Urated oF Te sates ne 's wauted by thoseYByivaisaevenshot,Sharp's ©Pistol.that can be Stir Aine t is ttased a repu ,f y perenne)Tose Phy aCe CCABIE NR,BadbyjakeabeeeeseeDAVIDWEILJaialeseiaad Lo hi!t ;Sante en ..ib e at vm.Pets 'A ial Slates uievsitens ireuahial Ae ’Ret ret :lic tine ROrViee te «clubs of our alll)erate ann Ai readies AE ea circ escort ani tiseatn ng puttery low cnizene How eomplevely this compound wit‘ah i py penimaemate ie a Cennureee Si)‘i 'e :ERE ——_()———iohas been preven by expertinento.of a\;n ee re 2 we hw kK 5 eco ieies nae Sa aeRD Tun a ey Na ENCKS &RAEDER,eicomsunl itn the following curpia ped The follo:ea ;v se iw aes ers for e Ta ye 1 “»OVE eG i +S #ise |e OM planta,co it a ‘1 \:CORRDORB LO Minors gs Woot oe levybord+.'}osiger harp >Sporty Le niall:n hoties,aud trom its manifest steady 5 ;F }PAN R TT 1 ee 7 WORE EA ANG LOuRn MYLAINTS,Excrtions are kept qeeaeaesadkfO°gune thea jucrease in times past,it fs evident that during Presa x BOY Die N &CON.1 OPE |‘Th Joisset os Dine anne,Ureene,Biri,Buuren svat by}el :e ter z ‘1 ,«sun o Il reach x \Pome ace Karnes cacy Heap,Su1ces)the conang year the consumption will reac.'.;roe lk iba dba ‘YR ie any e Pat.me 7 ee oe es Beepche dee Tie atiee eenvunt :na ay ILE.cootinue ty mauutactare and keep an]-Vici sn Mime ciaL Dineen,Daur ,CPAP, Sena Combs,Brushes Buttons.sve re.Bette bous c have beet iohut for the rare yy 4%hace |Nivn cae He Doctocwees,Dewey,Dare Ree a Wacher Jewers.Silveri 1 Wate taney bea ee Le tial properues contarne he prepara LORI?Ra TEBE |(yee i \Laosnetan,Rowe on Si ay ky y i ai PAtra ‘thon,and the sanetion to pretuinent '|>bine the whole clase of com.“‘Poru me \phymieans am Vioee Reasons of the country ;A fall assortine ss ;;pep ee rns wid oF THe Broun DG HeHaR ;Hoe (ice athe 'where the article is best huown,who pot only EMP ren\Cat Lem CUR elle Lai ar Lahl [eee ace s 2 |j ’u Kreul promoterof ta E “Curie SI arUnive Revit Miu |tol the Bitters to their parionts,but LARGE COMPLETE.Cor Seine ||+lO expel the foul \RUE Ww As 1 “ready atait t 'duionials ty its Hl Il ads |.‘W 1 ihe al that weEany(4 t |:;toma hic derangements é ;;ae YWEvnvet THY ry 1 ht Oe eens Gnne aa a!seekeesyeeneideClothingeeWATESIVESTOCK.yroisathe bad “Mfgnanet Il giesPha‘AiomE weinieel}'1 tater rr }puluricy.obtained =;Perit telis dy os)fretiicnsels fi aeenee|er es hs Ge Bie eomay ot tin .coattiag and Machinery |wef ot eruphons aud alerrous wee pasterdey .,‘.F aiid aceooute by he tile Ebay,ans peting the qu sof the Bitters,but a solid Ceculiemcirs Furnishing Goods,ts M (=Cireihirand Vertreat Saw Mills:Gaatd ol hesvetoin will SVE LO rid iteelt,eeeFARM.GARDEN AND GEOHARD.cra A wu 'estimation of un invalualle mediciue,which is ,ver Mines,Pobacco Presses aud Fix con,ie ror aesinted to do thie through a ;aa amieTPN[oY axe Rand destin ito he as enduring as ime itself.sul Boos.Shoes,Hats,Caps Drawers,Under Ne |wisettl Wy by an alerative medwing FAR~“4 wat osiciior’a Stomach Bitters have proved Shirte,Cravais,Nec sta trai a \,,ue the blow ene ve "NS AS WAST noe “ae sata tele el 1B)ehS STN Gs ;Meee ean ou niali a Giovisend oo regions where fever und ague thas vento shate and €i bil 1 1 ho ‘PINISEEED WORK ot ev ~ues See bate PxEPUn ples,eran.:ZandvariousetherbiliuuscomplaintshaveWieVeuvessyouweediate+vue TOS PC rleual Nis .wat th oot eve :eta wonton indy Hie firmer of the interior wy cont tke Phe Ad Valorem TAREE,cuunted ther viclime by Wuudreds.To be fase le au purchased fy cast,and vs shi Cheat eas sipinn tiabe (onder,mudd wareautedl 1m oven j Bo a)Hin ubetruet ‘ resto aml to be ground \tot }:ate confidently that the *orK””wore If SS ls \'bot wneny aime I Whenever a yg ud \Sethe WI HENS able to state Bitters ‘i “'you wh “fe;aie ncertain Cure for the Dyspepsia and like YOUR VIVE VOt GONE AT BURNING,eT gy ;i ene EU euceerille bernie eee ‘Doe tlopt an easier process =preqoer Pipe one b SPU LOR EAL alleged plemsure IU rene ves all uiorbid matter S iistiy i‘re .icon ;oe _i fa ad ta em Pin MANNER te be ptvoat mot I anise SN ee ee ene (\Ue teste ay leat Dablia C;oe!ae Wty to the nerves ‘ie fe utieccreh ai 5 MN Ale Pi iedenerite :Ons t eect melts Key ;:é ioe :‘;Niele)\'“’dorwad rOimortered uF over.lst.FiI;\Mt iy Le \:Ly we hay ‘‘pal focor ;ne ‘a a iS Sas Nt fier ;ficient quwitclilonescwayanneed"eerie .a oan RULE erinyed,the 2 BANNER i WhEh ;AN Pewee ues ploy were hoa eens Sly PALLY ee a ee 1 'Greensborough MWutual Mittens elemuuts 1!ihe fh .a y use the Bitters daily as \{i |i |op Ey <oeas ee oie hale ‘ated (iktheyensmiaieBhbistPemapoetaNalionaCeeCer:ae es hostess inratinn,tivated | ro Vhevia a 1a lean for t eoma 1 ne t our osy Apel mitre 4 4 i Pactr ob it,contig 2a.Aaed)PUT Gass lee vtly!1 /|A ,\k Sel vane re I :to the palate,Pays Geb EOsees EPompery .b 7s i hoor any thing perpbospl .‘ity Skulls al tle we :|eee ag ee Te u Nove been tisled by fertilizer tai‘en avi bot i ‘1 women y A.3}(Oy Gb AW REU C op Mend 4 woepeiid Sli 'ved :te quatt of Batre of crop,b m id ash sous netipetlis pow \Mo oGiact ‘Lean 1 Mord ut these have \“wea 1 awd ie richat |i Le me :‘:ar;Mok ...Pesce te cats generallyeyrfromstemachde\|\\By |’7 'é Q $i"pe ate)ge nll te ba Lei (rat alien gatnilen Carriage Business lea HI toe stuch:Prhibited in Salisbury,jit Hae eae ne Buratiye jeg ete anWelheeDALYBasseeofphysicians,they have abandoned thiage SAN OO rns \ei I oPioy.ban .‘bier and painful disap a4\ive Lowo 7 \a es 4 fale lnugs und Tairly terted the .j F ox BUGGY \ul Nita {Ni}a ee a)decay in ‘\w hes .!4 emis of this arucles A dew words to she Pict X ;te K \\\“(Comment %t ,unbl the temperatd |Tiere \‘evn coe r geutler sex Phere are certain periods when wee ‘i oo 1 treat 'Fi 7 I ne es Sy en !.}_ain ‘,their cares are su harassing that many of them u eee bo Ld W Wits See che ccealithie gaan of‘venerated.The ashes cently Yue 'f :sink under the trial The relationof mother ay rer ,ets eens euch a |manure~es .i ‘9 :y :SE a .Sree be ead 0edithowIttheopioffeee1:kaye and child is so ee y tender,that ae wh .At tl \!t NO \N1 \IN ERTISING PHRASE \wr ihi&Web a u alay‘;0 mother 1 ily if rhe be you is apt to ;,ek ‘a a PECTS EUR UT FCM ait ey :Pasi sds Tse ies a ryet her own bealth in her eatreme anxiety ate i /|Wot i cr i .t si Lass irre eewyy invredivn Wars Ted yo fine be ther,et pt Usb tte ear fia herontans.Shoubl the period of sates nity \/ek 2 ,liar $.‘Rinses A Gace ;sintended eet P ar Turing tl Teer set .the wear of .:ee 7S i :‘;oe |a oe cine Ht rradica e fduced\mi Align:tii.shes “NOR PTS Vody and uit generally aggravated oS ‘oo MI .a ;ber aus Tavs 1 4 4 *nce x ee f plants oudeeue:oy eee een thet,is a me y imulant to recupe=”;ee i ::'aa j Re LIMB FCR SALE.riety the energies ystems,and enable the a ‘a L dircet >eT !)“Heo meataiann }sting trials 5 '.'2 will supeeeeLe(eta ons els bab ta fitene’—BRaaghe BRiiadeoray.‘eee DR dt.ALER &C0,en ae Il ee -i rally prefer che Bit ther invigera oO a Ci dtl i :wees ’ ao ful a i ’wy 1 Lora fiw .y fore Uhbal puccive ent of physi VitelTeeeNi ae Nees A cow tg ene piel ta \aed ase,7] alterr avers W |7 eo ‘ae '-ae fen hen at cians,because it is agreeable to the taste as IN .en A rere rm ae .oe .mbes i i >'Sia Boriten ror $5 caulbecntl a .ia Ba eee -.to give a permanent increase Rie on 2 a k Y f 1 }C1 T P ieee!Gergelytl was east m=.4 P ESERBE ceie rel!5 nerry vectoral,gaSanyitdiate~~.HCSTMON TON !to whom we have particn-ry Ri’Ss \su sts moniacalpriig(oi hosel)wit sutra tient rae eR <a (le 7a)Dy Hireuredihevers :,tin ‘w the aa ,ya :caused bhwomalaria arrhaea,\{;i Z a 1]F ..Q NKFORD’S !‘ui ee phosphatd Parnes hay ;]Seach earch ene '<of appetite.and /;5 nta .Ibs ~.heer ‘.‘e 2 ‘AEN GoOSAP SOUTIERN HAT AND CAP a dl ane ee ce 2 eh !.vegetable sithontriptic,’HL Le evade a cal matt;Nh :oy uM ,)e Peiiovel sent::meee VAN era eays wed inva +of sedentary ae oo Pp 1 U SEY 5 eres stituents4 4 Ms .no and nurs will consult FRC |()(()\‘;;ue 'FOEIN DOOCUAY,w sical w riving to Hos-.\'i :a ae ut i A oe uae ue =.Mt Ag tetter’s Celet ers a trial p \%ae me er ianow ‘“t mae \CAUTION public against |'PoP ASE RADSEYS \j I"IE an \‘; .\any of hs or counter-F ::!‘‘(i vie :>CU AUR EEBest Ge wy son Swe foe iene tor iecmiremiCerrinarno }ME ra 1h !\N :boy :A an ://yr ~t .,'1 oy ./Jf tae !{7 qa R lls Ces AUN UU ELS faSiasho st mr _Sromvon Birtets,and see that each bottle has r 1 hy Peale ills,ie ‘\'TA te cine ret ee eho eer the worls fr.J Hortetter’s Stomach Bitters : c HAs ES 4 VRAW p side of ‘aud seine!a reeonre LIE i Aion §.set @aldeuny ee cup covering the cer AL rae ‘“!TPG in rent .'.ie -Nar 1 1 tied i ut we tibetan is on the )A'ten al i (re PUM st hae IB ,;hes uA .iF ese oY pean nha Howat \i .‘\[cous Ved inne K !hover HDD.be wwerliawed aud built up asain,moe 'iB nin i edand sold by HOSTETTER &.rst “oe .(7 i Sau kewm TaumlanVitaealeeeeAea:See eel |oe ee Pe Bil ant te PerusinnUistiiecearbetheap.the pro Ok ies the viitedl States,South Ame-/.=.';\eee produced Bress of a moav be trace t,from tt uy cee Pes rae ae eh ea rica,aud Geripaay,:a fee Oe Tt DRY GOODS.ne i ae k WeedenasaelsevaibedsSloottheapeesEasymtmaSV1.&MEADE,gs !2 Eneeeenw@sUndce.s>that ammonia aS OES ERED Se i i .eB |I Lis rok q ;fertulin-equal,fuot superior,tu at 'WofEIAGN Ais Ate le Neres Cash priees padtor é Paar '‘t r=Fe yeaIbyfastleay,Tees fk meri,foaa prada th eS :wee eee -HARDWARE!!Clothing and Groceries.Hs vered st Kiv with earth or muck.)dren'snehly trimmedH Flats of all th t >as goad Hoses FO STS ICES Parint ,;.“‘1 ie Siatee J plate of |],.erent styles Braid and rhe cannot be eace .bey a .s "May 4 ,7 :ea ae fhe willl =W ut 1 -VL ..oe Aerraue f =fn Mil tary Gordes,Dean f vilvugerequ red tk &Nu ny SNe tee)Ne one of mtrEeec(—oe Pihe varius aa eof Very oT u it My I.[PE etock ol Hardy are —Sra 3 \iA 1 i nn upootensTrigverycompletesnleediterintvysoPainter.Grainer rat:4 «;DeeLAKynNrTereMENSerHotyinees._Elouse Painter,Grainer..7 x ;hee Thee effortmeee,fos OGL SPECIAL ot ‘/Ss FRANA FORD.ea seen facet LE aS s lint tee ee V q q M u K I I 'idraiers witicather might beSarateeSsyouunsee:N@QPECIR,sure no |Wp}oe Bo F he a a “t ethat To sup a ae AUS E NS .:EV TEESE :iver vention t ;Pinca tas Mern §{vonass ‘fs .eae j 4 od Ppoeop kl :\'He reeScllingOFFatCost!.oct]|-es NiiAUTAes)CUES aS er eve ,~ql Ti aes ‘|CN I TAITATY DDN |S FRANKFORD’S.||-\tural and 'yexperience and my theory.My theory ts pu Bere ee ne panne I di Jt ie EN MICHAEL S2OWN,‘|r S stated th Csi ets as ioe ccpccencs HOM PHRSINE Mt COMMISION WERCHANT,BOOT AND SHOE gs.PIE tesa ni éi think a species of hvdrophobi ees j yg tue .\VEVGn .=a)ut :a!ano,in Pp F serva’fo ilie diseacs e ;Os.tts |JEN IE SSIES Me STRORE TE de 1d ele {i A LORY ‘:2 =..and thiseetereeneneOtBOD2pFyPoetFs1spower1BSSYPONvd_=are SA:pluyedfe 2 ae 2 ,{:aS ies I er =:aeeeReady-Wade Clothing,>|!.!H &WiLL Sea =haicun ilkalueLi0aee‘\H WAILLEL Dae :LIVER livvi .iGii THE FA:Wat wee Ge ee ree ’:'p ~4 aa F -~a YluUvonH i 5 ;i:Gent F ‘i}I f =£=2 VEVEM DL HILOD VES.‘Nel:‘ily wavered,Hav :rents Furnishing Go ods,cam i r . .¢vt oe —oe Crely Com Games q The stabeancybeattankrHats,Caps.Wen at Cost THERMOMETERS oe ee a 'ee amineeefeeTHOT:-WD Di aveuha sce ahaha Ly e a F |<4 ;“or more ,‘ne Wales bl :BR yeas TN ’pe .MI \wD go alts eK ==i a ce Me Sie cameos Agricults .wt r A io Bares cHa‘COD:i’.!':A CAUITE NGa0 a PDE:Cee .—_=ie a 2 Re eatin reel ike like 1w:‘el faeern ee |Heo Buse ©Abo.7 ;\i a ==:can orn)son.if t :Ee »_=‘phe .a Straw and Miilinery Goods #7.=ye REMeAP Cri sad up to.fo .S19 '!;/-co :2 :?:.Nant EN!:r>7)7 ‘mycelias,Parasols 9 :is,Rt :Se ee ‘+Liver Com-simdnts,iiboms Ate enterprish,|2 Me TOPFLSS,HOH PPS AMIN,eh ot e aiicntemanen eeea.:;aie :Lal Se {\;(}Ol ''No 18 Cou sa re 3 Es 4 ra 3 1 —_=a poe Summer Com-Cee years acomn) !:!‘:.--.z '‘=“L_,~Sow ab itomisJasan\nowt 1 Dyee “aThitea 3c 7 Fj ae oa =3's 5,jd :pany Ui\RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES.Pure White Lead in Cil,.)ee)=itt 4 — =:ee Por MEADERSON @ LNNISS )i=25 =:Boe foun Ordinas ;‘;.b ”'4 os Wid \°Z 2 oo Er ry Family ‘Met Bf Sue tra)yen fe In the‘id ‘tha |?]2 \\V Pes vars SOE.a MEADACHE,«,Veil rie Mii CEG Nica an tee ,.ee —;va aise RReEN,ESTE =:See mena nexoon Hive UCL FarmersTrinidikensetnneserrAe/.'ane \)MATCH-D4AKES AUD JEWELER.ee ata emiatean WIL NIEL srauCaleimyel eae [2 ety sore ammcucamcnt of correnpe .tomy w mis romunt a st eee ,f oy et .i"'ae WORTH &DA E aneck ;their tentumonyOeeeeGePietHiseeeOTF.ee Pecan iors pl aii te etd rly she d el Witers t Pet known?en eee ,‘ae Ge wiTHeeoeaeaeeeaaeeieea,BbsteSaty ictal Matt Gee eeselasaa Maeat.i TANS cs Raine t leak 1 anu rai y a L ‘ ae :"Relieve Gaicun ¢ots Sere riraat,Hoar ‘ssones iN wists aa Ca De Re i fp @ oO Ts :INN]\‘|‘|._ers ie D otine per Bottle.iny expe|Ning tment,tae atlve tray,Breve Cambs,Cats Pie GH cen ae ae OPERG B S.Commission Herchants eeyak=:BRYAN |PULMONIC WVRELS (ONG Fanner s Oi AO.aa ':A 5 SANFORD’3 ;; teria ‘1s i Not bear ¢Relieve Asthma,Bronehitis,DiMlealt Breathing.}!THN Tere Ne ee r foot he Dates Nino GAGALTE Ruse ERUNS REIS ea the Mieht sn sie ot (yoweiton yeucmni ton WRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS .(pis orer ey Tete vee ty r |;ean AWAA ;beca ine ,P ;Relieve Spitting of Blood,Pains in the Chest.(G I Ca ;''¢AT H A RT 1 Cc P |LLS,anotherine‘‘t \A romouth a seed pt WC REE =a eh ’1 ‘i in he \i mies Dr ee,Vy cup ta tbat hige !ae }Viney 'i i |‘!“‘Pare egetabte nia Dae ee 0hyneyhiaRelievethetiletceeeeeliesDiseases,Agre an d Fever Cu red NOTICE.oat !Nae i oe ites Bare poetics:Lee eet aut ote ‘!ae ane :Mer [Srrinae nce litle Crauiry bt gen ta any ctiniate.ch be ;Clay ,Relieve ftrritation of the Uvata and Teasils.(yay Ay rs eee ,.Kt St r Ceuters ,Cr [Almas ae Meinontty Cn-the dayfiLeVANSSPULMONICWAPERE(VT,8 1p)She]|Lab.:i vn DG Wo TH NG NTE Sore eRe,:eee iota (ce ‘* Retieve thejaseve Complaint ley Ceo His ess:Uuaiss Sene and Vever Pills,=HUH MSIE ee ys an or eee facto whe each of.LJ rhe 7 '.i a iN 1 Mode WARRRA ;HEN TEEN ,puree Ne Cp MINTASsPht I 14 t.x fo wt i (WN 4 3 ae 4 y e ere oi trea Electing te all Classes and©stitmtioms.WAAC STI)elf \i my hy };;hat diterent Catharies ' .vs REUAHINE AN AEE EC ..almewt a‘y wv TMNT tre adapted for Voesiists and Pubic Speakers.ma ae:eG tres aearananon ©Yeu Hirm —DENPAL NOTICE. Wy AN pois Abt iu when th part ot The day 80 bad ay off the rd short tin neae over Net ouiy ceive.bat elieat rapid and jasting Cares,whieh n \TOP angag ~~—)’1 si ,;4 \.yf v Natt .:Seti ae course of i'a oa oo MURR &SOSSAMON,‘ace BESSENT.ner vale au cn new dit dab voce 'eHINT nt hice thine Vie warranted to give sai faelion lo every cue rv\tH (eine WWENt ine Tuite =deere the body,Reatl place (rh «‘finial Li,ee ‘As RE MOV ETD DENEVE ROOMS takenmLEERaesyNoPAMIEYHobsVthbonobWane,Nant).i .pop eae Pr ieive lone Manet fovthure pat "i wd salt Bryants Patimonie Waters.Cc a Vix SUL AES COPPER soprepred teat bev ab Jerations a:s ..,VERS A aig BDAD ®:i WIRE ve cy ne y ;made tts] ‘i ‘m feels ee :i i F QA id b a AND}ruyiy COO nl 'me 'aseFat.UO to Hlaedbetfor‘‘so Pulmonte Waters ah.°j 1°fi)CO SiN :tae by :.ye leh ru Bryants Pu ::\on 'aouans [Tieseuro).“;;;,L a beh A Sate .BOTW.SAN ORD,M.b..2 .a '\'“4 :‘ad |M\.('\Is t«Fine Suits.a of the faroutl'|‘a |lapanndy PEN WIE x Crs BAe aalriery Nd se yank =.'Bryans Pulmonic Waters,a (Fone ee ee \eer oe .Ho son wis!Wy FINE SUES of CLOTHING (RN Ren we ENNIS,Dace!joint Sis :mu ._\TES CEN REIN WHE \‘':’“Pp cng ‘vm the jugu5WateTiptaydt!ue Fert Fl {oisks,=we Ney "tl Vw 'I PAS WW ie iE fea 1,6 -a,WeNT Nog FS :‘x i Re wew *Sty Nu 2,Murphys Granru}Wit 'm1 ow oa *~~ee "K \v¢»}»h efsatesandRaCas. 12>2¥=9 q =PisC ac f \Bu VM a beochka " oS a aie mw:'as ah Se ore rHiT A en i rk a 150.000 Fruit Trees i 'we NOTICE THIS.i ‘will set)on good the subdNVcenntieBRENafelluern ‘!''\uo owWa|DENTIST aaaWestGreenNurseriesak|a .50 White Hands a mee Chia Iv bs A hit jetties N ':,Dik V ENG M \\ml 'Uaalelerne ineheswf wot ®.OOk &ENDL EAI .aONhld.Aae f ae ee.Fine Shirts and Collars.VM)MeNTNCH an inch;P Cider Vin Ra “‘aN“Sel 17!ing 20 cts tre (Cider pinecar.cts,1Se s "ie Crate tages of ee Ss ,BLASTN TDIELEIDS eh fevaa ':tude,Binuke ‘'\loading,Pee er tnielamecter cere iltrred MAHRLAGHE LICENSES z grewheret a VERVE WRT \\‘\:far ‘17 fF {1))ae A egwenns i » pron CALE ACL TEGIS E I »M LE A TI LCR ae | labored a at Can beareSaree. res of atl)ective ay.Ledlocure d bY those'that one OVE Uf jy.Hlicted fe), und w Nde OY Of theOmplainte,"KUPTION Bro a FOMOLEE ofeltbefoul L Beason of hem Many Ullitudes68fromTOUsures, rid,Nee lf of trough the ©Mediine you find itIples,erup. 1m obat rues.henever atetBvey#HyLY bet(he blood but with wee beat. YO Wrong dor over. repulatien, werd beeHALpartlywethatae Poratious, Wy Conti auy Mhing thisled by of Batracyhevehave ellenALIVEpip Mul disap Urextracsuntilthe msynonycalthehoch ofhehove Ire Hwyntended rradica wdiriousVe ror $5 oral, re ofevery Ae i oF o i ills, Es Fists bre Lt Rheum ; we! a {roand v4l attimony WITH LLOW LS, up tn|meep ,langenoorbas ae ce r »CRPORAR. na Sicily een .8 %we){i ad hy =kas Cael ye €1N 00CePanicepienar,prupertionalwaysia-advauce.wksttofThefalloIngCourtandmtagneousBLANKS are kept on handfor sale,at this office.Can besyotbymal!to ‘any part of the cowutry,at sinal $2.00 $8.00 Bisa gaa a {Tleabae GAY!Com.tatake Depo.O.48.¢‘Apprentice (odenturestatsTostamentury,Letters of Adi@ivistration Speeiaibettars do.,MvrringeLicenses, Do CertitienterProsevationearFyuyBlokeBaltooEmllctements,Bal sok os Land Deeds,a Doeds tn Trust,aoe Sheriff Deeds,a ty doprdtarday,NutesofHandNatsto FARM,GARDEN AND ORCHARD. “»BAKN YARD MANURE. PhefoMowing is n condensation of the opin fogsof Di.Cameron,of the Trish Ayiicultus ad Reviois,exprastied at a Jute mecting «| Dablia Chéntical Society: Ist.Farin vard manure,when applied in suf. ficiemt quantity,is the best minute which oon be employed alone,tuasinuch as it eoniaine all the elements required to uoursh covery hod of cul tivated plant. 2d.A miatare of farm yard manure acd su perphosphate of lime and ynano,fornied die best fertilizer that could fe employed for every hood of crop,but more especially tun Tan toot crops The farnt vad magenerally The ouyiqnies wil the elements of the food of platy.aod ty ite decay in soil causes the datter to have a higher temperature thin it would have if arunred wich guano or superphospliates tone The artifiend manure wae a valtble auxiliony to the watueal: iocontibuted ane.and sometimes two.and three invredionte of the food of phate:bat it pectally useful asaomenns of forcing the your plants out of the reach of fly 3d.Whilst 1. will superpbospliate of lime,or farui vard ina TUNTAE bi it nobowation hure,Was a most valudhle adjmnet vet its contisdedastapercewouldWrewind:(wii nine ro sulte and for the followli gy tous Tsrusten guaoo contained avery burn Preportion of au Montacal (Mather mm tebateer lo lie Vibount phosphate of Lime found in ot Lis aminonie cal tiation acted as a sorcut pon certain con stituentsofthe coil and fered Uren avait! for the pu pose ot vos we wh er than would |‘fog aa we i Elbe bt Why tibutedia 1 (>tied «!an ‘a reson rcest fi!\1 in gerewt abs Pa worilovaqiend Tne \tnatie' Under the stunted oy }eool the tatie Ja dantae —the othe is ot p seb nee ot Perusian guane tay be ety near dite thoseproducedbythealyOleeratetestsWodensyatvnofbcos[a te suil will soouer uf later be Oxtlicist dof iis store of ferulimag matters.| 4th.Vhosphate manure,such as saperphos phate of bme and eveu vs Na iv an yiiany,which contarmed amoterdte pr ' of mlrogenous matters exerts tba .action upon the fagtihzing conspticits the <a] The effects hor ®“euch mands wer obacrvedta produce ont!ones might be attributed sells or.tonent af forded by those nannns.and net ty the ter vention bet we n"plant ne ey ! He reeominen bal the en!Wet of ' turaland artifiers!or -‘ stated that the resnoe fly own ol,‘ him to reeommen |oa mo xtor tw ! superphosphate of time an tot fF Peruetin un ano,in preference to th:f wna il and this mixtare might with advantage be cm ployed for every vanity of cropa THE FARMER.THB PRE R APTS Orn NT NOP.Wolhtis of the Afar 7 : ©The atar of the farmer teon the vise Toten demunyutshed inan nowadays there is no safer or more substantial way than to he an Semin! Agriceulturist,‘successful Hortien'turist or th ltke—a Longworth,a Wilder a Granta dotin son.There is no way fora nian to be clioked up to,for the next baifia centacy.bike being an enterprising and sn certainly no way lo pass life en pe amly an fariner,and there re ! vashal ne vocation which is so sare te keep tau com pany till he dies HOG CHOLERA Tn the “Notes and Queres”of the Zak Farmer's Gazette,we find ihe following trom a correspondent,and the editor's reply at the close: *Wihilat so many pigs are dying from what 18 believed to be cholera,|consider it to be but night to give you and vour readers an aceonnt of ny experience in the matter,Some time ago T! had sevem nice bonhams;three of thei died from the above named disease,and immediatelybeeameblackintheflesh.A shert time after, another becaine wawell,when it occurred to me that bleeding might Josomething im the matter: 80 1 cut off the tal entirely;he rmmediately got much better,but got auwell next day,and died the day following.The remanmng three took il in a few days,when T cut off the first joint of each of their taile upon which i better,and fed pretty wells bat next day almowt at bad as al first,so bent of another joint, when they soon got relief,aud fed very well The day foltowing.they wore if agin (hot nots@badastheyhadbeenprevious)when Tout off (he remaining portion of thea tulsa and ina short time their appetite returned,and they are now doing well.Please say if there is any other place (than the tail)from which E could fave taken mere blood,a«|baliewe the eure (at Jeastinthiscase}conmstod in bleeding.as the disease Made its appearance,Also,say the best place to Dlard a ieep or bow,in ease the he hoy appeared were y require it [Pigs are best Wed from a vein at the ins of the foreleg,about two inches above the knee joint.The beat place to bleed a shee por dow is the jugular vein | .- FAKM WAGONS, A writer in the Genrere Farmer,recommendstheaubstituvoeofamallerwheelswith felloer and tires for the present large wheeled Marrow tired,fart)wagons,The front ahoald be two tosix inches high,the wheels three feet,with felloes and tires Hee on six ime@hea wide.Phe tiras need not be very thick as ite width will vive it anffemnmt atraniith,if half an inch,or even joss,thick. tages of such a willwagon, loading,less hiable ta ove broad wheels |Tarn Among the advan Vn rharn on ste yreater case of Jo Walle,andfargrentoreaseofdrawingoversoftground whore the narrow ties cut in,and also the ad Devotedte Wolitics,Wews,Agriculture,Jateraal Inprovements,Commerce,the Arts and Scieaces,Morality, VOL.NVILIL. fore aa: Vantave of bere able to ZOO Ward)Froud to draw out inanore to epel@g When the seroond is soft.thus forwarding the preparation for spring eres oo - THE WORTH OF A GOOD GARDEN Who has made the estimate)Not ane in fiftyWebehevethatawellcultiesateVygwrdenwallvcd ope thad,if not babf,Ube support of a family The potitoes,turnips,beans, L sabbages,proms,fetrsnips,correts.straw berties,raspherrics,Ge, ke pall of which arg the products of a yuod ra den,coustitute a lange portion of And if we would vive more Man's most wholesome food aiter tom te thos Veaneh and fur rvegetables,our faior bn vom alived The sub of husbandry tosh our tables with bet Nee would use fe me ubsequently tore healthy,happy and Jeet ts worthy of oun atlention We hope aan cultural secretes with give that degree of prem weoncetothe subject of}Youre which itsim pottance deus LOSES ETN (oS (VRE INTE telntNto) (lute reeently,whale since un tle caaredden tie Mie Tied WN Prana Tio,OS,WP, he calicd ty attention to toe sill stakes whiell nUppotted the raspberry canes Phe endian the cuted as well as the port hove,was as sontad amd bright as if bat ‘lyon »Int he tufotined te Chat thes load teen sUstant Use twelve Veare SadTo Ot conn they are kena4 Vas he reptied ned we ss nol and cheap that at desers sto te usr ore dts Krown,and itis ssuipy ou Wha vittiol tu tw Voqueaits wae Prinses the vititen woth bowing water }othet adi the renuvinderPheendoftheatickisndropguedintethe Tuten.and heft to ete n tive dhiys,tor Hgts Catee deve well auowen,atid bor pets Boilie ae megtiat 1 ({{ah tile maturation takes |Ve ttyetgl Vetwe eA kee ved GON.tor tle ren hat many tearrel ow \asta bak | fica wn !koas otherthjineds''‘,then a ve tae i tWas baen'y chen,Sin Ceres \s 'i Me Fan rithed atthe |z PRU are puting a saae process wolhies Wy tiave wwe tin . ,‘.ae !i 4 ‘‘he aye Pha not expen noted May t .mn eh ba ber ecuiyy Phe process is ro sanple ttl cheap as to be within the conven nee of ovo ther ated gar dewer,even,ned |therefore thowelt 1 so val table as ty warritt «@ special wotee of ib--& YU.Pardee. “2. MOW PEA NUTS GROW A correspondent oft Countian GeatlemanwritingtromSea't’s PEI,N ©),says The ga pal cropetisedtothas wierntty as tl It seas ny ‘ th tre than eotten where the tan! somiitalite for their ¢ine Py have been souree ot grent wos to thr s-ctron of t! ounte Live wie ds the feof cults !rey «lhe ikes ho noheched tPoiwo and aed te rob Wore Pwo shelled nthe tall Vin y hoy ate col vated by PANU SSSR GT as roowhteer ches tow bbe both wey be wliceh:the wrod 5 fred weil aroun dt ny ll the qrrass token out Very .ied f 8 tity des .test phe !if ou wal every owo week t \aid vet the wrauued vl vil vee ter gree,wheel ay about Yr 'Year ve of Vhey repairs very es 1 rh weentirels oan tt [hv SlossthefieldpoeVortheypatontasteinfram oom ela)Penetratee the on foabont three tnebes,woen the peas formed on che end off Phey are dag with a plow made tor that purpose pieked theult thoy for an inex they When nearly ali the leaves ypen nig, nee they will d passin the banei.wie are Ab atsportenerd pot wider nthey sare,Tis a tu hrow bat wid the prem on when are ripe eterna osbed nearly all present aed shappe at toring Crood Land ow bushels ;produce from fitty to enty fhye to the acre TCT NN There are von los of Killing:hee ateatie,Yo tow snaff,sifted on the leads and backs of animals is pretty snre to kill the thee.Sonffis better than ACE via stipe tno, onn tnest common hinds « tobacco yuiee,as itis more safe and not hkely to! ond there are certain votafoud of santh Well, ly itto the heads and do anv harm Ruatoat kinds of he take some tampon and:aye ot the cattle. ofall kivds are very disnun able to vermin,and whch ar shoulders Ont and yreasy matter we doubt not a thoroush smearing of the head and neck aud back of antinals will drive away all these troublesome vis tors Ashes sorukted on te the backs of cattle will often clear them of vermin,So will sand oor any kind of earthy matter,Cattle that he ont,where they ean choose for themselves.are sellom Jonsy Chey are fond of covering thems wes with sand when ever they ean find a loose bank te seaterabout.Tlens cunnmge at large,and where they find sendin plonty te wallow are tot usually Iatisy No bed of ashes still better,and they stiould alwaysbe secon bated MOC IEPANaoletNi T lave for some years had a lish pre pared inomy fin ly,which T newer met with tat think it quite equal to of Tre the heat way Fitesp Entricnss else,andrrapin,Talsoncewheremanyany Fee Wine net course —bat many,|aay.do to cook a chicken of which [have any knowl edge,andif once tried,1 will be preferred.Tt is this: Boil the chieken —and no ehicken shoukd ev er he cooked in ane other Way over one year old suntil the meat iw pretty tendur namall pieces,say about the same aize we would then ent py ul the large bones andAterrapin,removing al rough parts,but retning the win‘pee Hi \ dra sticks.”and Thon put in a stew pot, and dress precisely as fora terrapin,viz butter anlt,eavenna pepper,cream,a little flour,the yolk of an egg well beaten,and some powdered sugar.Just before diehing,add one or two glasses Madeira Wine,to suit the taste, PMOLS RE SALISBURY,N een:- wedish,and when a %¢ tread but exceedingly handy and rery “mer.” town Telegraph, This isa’'ey is ny os Gerinona company or olliets reneerrrirece PROCEEDING OF CONGRESS ITA Nel lee pNeae =itenerr Hing hour passed with nethany Veupeos taunt Phe proposinonsof the Ceace Ooutia ence were then taken up Mr.Unter woved to anid by stk Ingeoont the first seetion and iieertiage is leu of it,the first artele of the Critics dev plan of adjustment Wan clisenssed liv \Pessrs Collamer,Bigler,Seward,Trumbatl,Cri tenden,Mason and others,oH the Secat adjourned, The inotion Houvsk.—The Ariuy Uill was taken up and debated,bat was davl over tor the reportol the Conmmtiee of Tarrty Pirce The act,forming part of paid report,whieh provides for the lion Now wea Converdien on Mexico to frame a Conetit Trninary to the adi ry into the Union as a State, without slavery,asther Constitution mia “wWwatin ad provide,”Was dad on tive facie. The act amending the Fastee SI Law,forming.alse,part of the Was prdrscc Change introduced tn the law as it at:Hsints Wiaibdy ina provision that when a fagtse,after |ieairemanded,shalt then Le te to be delivered to the mre of the Dramict from to lave exeaped, Mamint thet tre as tree, HEN Weis dae wie shall prod eer myitive before one of the Jindsesot te Circuit ¢of United at Statecor Dretret,wht euit the Stato t he to cause a jury to be eipanied try the mssne whether sne@i fagitive ove tubooror service to the pers byow ' wos Chaonwed,snd the fective s +th fi hey hie:J ('Cl ay i * eesses for withe.se !Cost t { States”Voss net torther Fea tliat to Cine ty sla doe Gempented to aod marsh ol sant Ey Lie when foree to ved abrestPhe per ein x fives fre ny tice his x ' sa Peport,Was doodle daca bey ‘ {This was an net intence ydbect sue Cases as Thal now pendrin before the Sa preme Court,at the suit of Kentucky against Ohiv,growing out of the refusal|of the Governor of the latter State,on de {mand of the Governor of the former,to surrender aman charged neerees to abacond with indueina from their owners vis KenutekytheGovernor of Olio,ba Ee its refusal on tie ground that sac act Was not reeewnized as a crime Ly the lawe of On Piese were the Jat of fies MCactler Propo cd in us Corwin t AB WH ptr ol ne The Speaker asked porn’ Hlonse for its actoon.tie f adj Istrient acreed ob oby Cor ference,; before tive Objection was made Phe Honse then took a recess tll nmeouht Nicht Session.—The House to molt fused to take up the plan of the Peace Conference.The vote stood ayes 92,noes 65,bat a two-thirds vote bem required, t was lost The Nevado Yerritorial bi] up and will eetrt Was taken probally pass. oe.: NCES AST oteTT 1a) But a few days agro,the people of Vir vinia expreased there opinion on the pre}ancided aguinst and inen rent criss,by a vote wl rash of *prec pit Secession, {Vr be ree Uien,onli with the just rights of the* ave {poss math secure We think,as does our contemporary of the Alexandria Ghaizedte, really pay deference a *voree of the State” that those who respect to the world be content to receive the verdict rendered,and wait for the action of the Convention.But we find the *Immediate Secessionists,” in Several qnarters,persistent,throngh them writitars,and apeeches,and inother ways.in aft/7 urging immediate seces sion,”as the panacea for all the evils we sutfer—and we observe that the Conven tion ia,in the same qnartera,evidently not reparded with any favor.Ite ‘Scom plexion”is not considered “very flatter ing to Southern pride.”In other words, itis likely that wisdom,jndyment,com mon sense,and patriotism will prevail i the Convention—and so believing and thinking,we will have trust and conti dence in it,and hope for the best results trom its deliberations Rich,Whiy. AN OSTEANE IMIG ASN (On Cr) CHOV ERNMENT odian.an inflacn Ta AST ay soto the sortoof The Grate Cory tin)sceessson pony poulilishe Id views Creorgia,given constitution the seceding States should adept.Tt contends that tee President and Vice President should continine office ten ye that each State should have but one Senator,and he to hold of fice Vike the President and Vice Presi dent for ten )that all States, big andlittle,shontd have the same nui, mm Ts, years 4 the her of members in Congress,they to be elected for five vears by the Stare at large,and not by di-tricts,and that each State Honee of should be entitled to only mn the Representatives one Vote. eres) An Overlooked National on Davis’inaugural spec calamity Wo Jef coh at Mont of disun for gomery indicates on fon which has nothadits dae prominence in the catalogue of woes which that event will,it is supposed,proiuce.Pwo Confederacies will give two Presidential messages —and we all know how ditticalt heretofore it has been for our people to |bear with one.—Boston Lranseript. ~C.,MARC the Peace Conference Setdement, Sdoption «f Wheth rCongrosa,whieh is tied wil ranting ale tingoenes and dia ch-tert | ticlans,will vete to refer the Pea forence settignient te tie sevens! t "\t Tate went or net,we are tually suaded that nine tenths of the peoples the Union,North and South,would cor diy and heartily endorse an |ratify that settlement at the polls the first moment ty,honk prosented to It is tet tele lenied trdHesofbethmeet Prperten ut (he ex tre forereddy Oy prose: Ptheul bs have steadily and Ynetment of our pendine Tieir object has r tion of the t and with about a permanent dissolu hen,with ar without canse, to the cor "quences Hence all their effort. been constantly direet spect of tt wav of nt regard abled eheruies he ive ed to the single rows .|)|elon im thi an jUstient,lopli Bat VERE tocuefeatan avjastient altogether Conservalivism,patrrotiain and oo and we soho far,,.treatapeed Hope soon to record tue yratifving faet Vat the people wil certainly accept the,Peace Conference sctttoment by nntold Majyorntes every Statee?the ConfedertN From onr N xe!received on vester tay,werere:ive nreinstakeable Meatons tuat this proposed setdenent obtain the nrequivecal approval of “all parties at Nort!excesit ca t Repu viens Abolithonists Mo-tet the New York and Philadelphia the }mad rials indicate a dispotion to support Belticrment,ond reeominend it te th «pifen of the peauie,That the olin Abolition yay ate it.1s ecout Hod repend CAT ver t !|tinearty{)al {.ae \ '&. vonataral,7 ¢Tike w tse (ifomerte acces ere we the people,Wha tie }!t eae hate vas.and whe desire peace and not war We observe that the opponents of this adjustinent,for the parpose of prepndi cing it with the people,are rehearsing their stale platitudes about the rights of the South in the Territories!This is all hombag,pore and nom terated.Ta the Pesee Conference settiement,the exist enee of Slavery ra th Terre TTT t vo yooh,is \Loyeaindy Biel thie |flee St se vetthat settlen r that n e present terri bat {' (Ces “4 1 even 1 Cy ey x“‘or iby Pet 'PALS =steal not be ¢LOO LN AW ove Joiseeel by Congres t ferrites aivintate to dander or 4 ent the u VY,her tora i iaeah Young SIE Pebai ines but aioqeet to judi cog cris Courts,aecor)- ny to the contse of ‘vaty Law,But this whole tert 1 al question,as we have said,is a om mn there ts not a foot ot te:he Jono)tothe Unit So et Hess to slave labor,or inte white vl n ta fool wishes or expectsto trie 3s slaves And vet in the prop.sed Tastavent the abstract rights of the South in those Fer nrories ave fully reeounized and prov ided for,This awit yg loritoral aime,then, is then iy flayed toand the people should pay no mer pect te the wail inva and howlingof thes svien leaders in regard to it,than they do te the idle wind,[tis alliun rate And,resid acres of territory sustalce Limoonshinenf if there ©were a ws to slave taber, we have not the newroes top ypirlate at, there being a dematol iu the existing States for double or treble tle nutaher we now awn Let it be universally voted, then,that thie territorial issne 2 hom bug wad a nutsanee,wh ch no sensible man ald distarb hitself abent fora e,tiare ia en braced osed by the Peace toatl generous complianes with UU]the ves velo wist Shiros:nd demands ot ern wal sel)temy t case,the people,re gardioss of the dhetaton ot professional aeitators and disapoointed pree pitutors, should rally te SUpporh as one aan, and fhets restor. qeer Poperee and harmony between the sects Tt is clear that those who Fretnse teaceept this settlement,ay eed feeceptingg may settlement,the yeet beta a thoromed permanent J sruption of the Union, to be followed,Cine vitably weuld be, by all the¢es,tion dese lations of a ery vedal,ane SUL Phe peopla of Virginia,and ot Yon der States,have the politreal ay tators and destroctives “on the lip,and let them be admonished by the bitter mem ories of the past net to commit their des tinies Info sach banda again We be lieve,ton,that tt people of nearly every Northera State,the moment an oprmortn mity disallowed ‘aem,wol *erast eat ticlans ere.and vote t th |Y the vent V tliretquroad Mw botwee t eetray (et wa)das for onany cen 1 In conelnsion,we again incite the pes pleot Virginia toexamine the Pence Gon- ference settlement,candidly aud vinpar tially,and then say whether it is not em for}worthy eir endorsement andatinentty acceptance Isubimitted tea vote of the people at the |herembefore mentioned be cast as a part forth that the Conference having ini @s Agte come Tear and (he family Circle. )odeNUMBER4 yes it wand)te Piet tees than depted Vv a tapering seveuty five thous ondRich.Whig. From the Fayetteville Observer SEE ele)Teele ly We vive below the plan f ac Ypostment aereed upon by the Peace Conference, before ite adjonrmiment on Wednesday Mast,and annex to it the vote by States pon its adophion and some other state tnents connected with it,Tt willbe seen that ite principal feature was adopted by aare majority of the States voting.We cay its principal feature,not because the territorial question haa now any practical importance,but because politicians have nade a point of it,from which side las been willing to recede. We do not hesitate to say,that we think ita fir and fall settlement of the question,which oust to be satisfactory to all parties aud eections,And we deep. lv regret to see that the vote of North Carolina waa cast of the vainst them in-company woth the altra fanatical States of Vermont,Maine,New [ampeshire. Massachusetts,Conneeticut and Towa Livin Ware bad company for North Carolina Aa the reader will see,Jadye Ruthin and troy.Morehead |rotested ag of their Srate being heither avrainst reven propositions and cast ¢ most tinst the vote ayainet the And we think the people ot North Carolina will also protest against it whenever they have the opportunity te vivenpropositions, dogo,Let our readers etudy cach prope sien and its accotipanying vote,and toake Up their own aninds. We see that desperate efforts are to be to defeat the settlement.fu the fret place itis doubtful whether Congress mace has,by a twoethirds vote,peruitted at te Dito the States for vatetication to the Constitnt Pie chanecs seemed,at our last advices, to be slovtiaible isan amendment on. avainst such a deci though a stadt.And} sottof effort will be made ‘a! Yar Tortlargemajority were favor: nen every tray the people ay unet in At Rich an two of the Delegates,President ad Mer Seddon,have alieads hiker the stimp againet it,What par at objection they make ts not stated the only definite objection we have seen by a in this State, which objects to it as “abolishing slavery North of 36 dey.30 min,and not qguaran- teeing it South of that line.’To us it seems that both these propositions are no slavery in any 4 eecession paper erroneonsa There is territory Nor f 36 dee.30min.to hols Tiere is a vast differonce be \“abolishing”slavery and “forbid wot to be established where it does norenist,never did exist,and where the iw Ninate,hot less than the charac tet inhabitants themselves,forbid at it ever can exist,The reader can see for himself that neither ¢ inv Pert sorial TL Vfawint te Heress ned mitted vislature is etn wit !lithe rights rs to Garry let there y territory South of 30 dey. He appears fo us distinethy ¢ Y Sta vetl aul slaves ing Oo ttaidh. azharanty the existence of the institution noalbthe territory South of that line het the people have a vete upon the plan.Tf a fadr and reasonable one,at \dontbttess be adented by far and reasonable men beth North and Sonth ‘Tivat it,nt,Wl oppos ed hy Southern and Neriuers extrecaists, we bave no dontt. or any sot len Bato potriot should hesitate to Jet the people have mo vote nponait Pt will reqnire a j Sa three fonrths of the States to adopt it. Wn ENC en rainnreane hig. ENGR ICONIEEIIENCG hasta TILIE SUES TE, The following is the plan finally upon by the Peace Conference,recently assembled at Washington,for an adjust: of differences . merely to commend toc whole subject to the fall and candid con sideration of our readers,satisfied that ana Jjustment so fair,just and complete, meet with the enthusiastic and al Most unaninous approval of the people of the whole country : See.1.In all the present territory of the United States north of the parallel of thirty-six depyrees and thirty mint tes of north latitude,involuntary servitade,ox cept in punishment for crime,is prolibit: ed.Tn all the present territory south of that line,the status of persons held tain voluntary service or Inbor,as ot THE nent our national take occasion will How ©@x iste,shall not be changed,mor shall any Peri prevent taw he passed hy Congress or the torial Lew to the taking,of such persons from amy of the States of this Unien te sa istature hinder or even: Ww, hor to impair he rights arisine from said shal berelation¢bat the same te jud Clal Gognivanee db tue eral Couate,accor ing ta the court Petite onmemion Law Wohrenany Perritery nortl oreonth of anid dine,within sireh ben dary as Congress inay preseribe,shall contain a population cqnal te that requrr: ed for a member of Congresa,it shall,it ite form of Government be repnbliean, be ndimitted into the Uriton on an equal footme with the orminal States,wath or without involuntary servitude,as the con stitationn of hee.2 such S! No terrors shall vie may provide be acquired by the United States except hy discovery for dep ts,and tiateit ot rot naval and commercial stations. theout e Sena ler,ow the CONGCHPERHCE Aimaperity at allt tora from States whych alton lantary f ail thes tors from States which prohibit that rola servitude,and aimaypority META, ton, treaty unless the votes nor shall tesritory be acquired by of tee two thirds inajority.necessary to the ratification of such treaty, Sto.3.Nether the Constitntion.nor any amendment thereof,shall be constra edo te give Congress power to regulate, abolish.or control,within anv State,the tchition established or reeoegniaed by the laws thereof touching persona beld te labor or invelmntary service therein,nor to interfere with or abolish inveluntary service in the District of Columbia with- ent the consent of Marviland ane without the consent of the owners,or making the ownere who do uet consent just compen:| ;nor the power to interfere with| or prohibit:Representatives and others from bringing with thein to the District! of Coluinbia,retaining,and taking away, persous so held to labor or service;nor the power to interfere with or abolish in voluntary service in places under the ex- clusive jurisdiction of the United States within those States and Territories where tho same is established or recognized 5 hor the power to prohibit the removal or) transportation of persons held te labor or involuntary service in any State or Ter-| ritory of the United States to any other State or Territory thereof where it is es:| tablished or recognized by law or usage 5} wud right during transportation sea or river of touching at ports,shorer,| ration the toy | and landings,and of landing tn case of| ietress,stall exist;but not the rivht of; transitin or through any State or Terri-| tory,or of sale or traf against the lawe| hereof.Nor shall Congress have power) te anthorize any higher rate of taxation of persons beld te labor or on Land. than |rvice The bringing into the Distrier of Columbia of persons eld te Taber or| service for aalo.or plac reer them inde pots to be afterwards transterred to other laces for sale as merchandize,ie prohib-| dS. sic.4.The third paragraph of the second section of the fourth of the Cou stitntion shall not be constrned to prevert) any of the States,by appropriate legisla: tien and through the action of their youd: cialand ministerial officers,from enfore- ing the delivery of fag oves from labor te the person to whom such service of labor is due sic bd.The foreign slave trade i+ hereby forever prolabated;and it)shall }be the duty of Congress to pass laws to prevent the importationof slaves,coolies,or persons held to service or labor intotheUnitedStatesandtheTerritoriesfromplacesbeyondthelimitsthereof. i Ste G6.The first)third,and.fifth see Htions,together with this section of these amendinents,and the third paragraph of the second section of the first article of the Constitution,and the third paragraph of the second section of the fourth article thereof,sha'l net be amended or abolish ed without the con-ent of all thes mide 7 tates Congress shall provide by law at the United States ehall pay to the full value of his fugitive frou Moai |powner the tubo,cases whieh the niarshal or pother officer,whose duty it was to arrcet pouch fuvitive,was prevented from so do niug,by stolence or Mitiinidation,fron mobs or proteus assemblages,or when, after arrest,sneb fisitive was rescued by like Violence or intimidation.and the owner deprived of the same: pand the acceptance of such payment shal ‘precinde the owner frou further cham te such fugitive iwofer scouring to the citizens of each thereby Co 1 LPess shall provide by Staite the privileges and iinmanities 0! citizens in the several State. e The Peace Confrrence —The tollowing From the Balimore Ainencan. is the vote,by States,in the Peace Con ,Kllowing proposed amendments to the Constitu- Hien,”recowinguds them to the immediate action “of Congress as galeulated to restore peace and harmony to the country.A vote y taken ou this recommendation to Congress,it)wae adopted)unavimously,and thus it woes to Coa- ‘gress with the sanction of the cufire Covention. (A cominittee was then a)pointed to convey it direct to Congress,when the Convention adjourn- ed sine die. Vote on the Territorial Clause.—The great struggle in the Conference was oa the Ist sec- tion,in relanon to slavery in the Territories. This was passed by a vote of aves @;nays 8— New York being divided,Indana dechmag to vole,Waneas and Missouri being diwided,aod Virginia and North Carolina volng againat it. bet Phas bl uot Indiana declined to vole,aud New York cool Kansas lost their vutes by divis- !wioch was doubtless dune to allow Wto gees it would have been defeated. Moers Wi'tiam @)Rives and Samuters,of Vir ,Peotested agatinst the vote of the State being cast us inst the conipromise,bat were overrvled by their seecesston eolleagacs,Messrs. Wyler,Scddon and Brocken borough,who voted throughout with the most uncompromising of the Republeans.They Leing a majority of the deleganon cast the vote of the State,and an doubtediy cast it in opposiuen to what they knew to he the popular sentiment of the people, asteprescnted ja Convention pow in sessivh at Richinond Judve Rofin and Gov.Morehead,of Nurth Carolina,also entered a strong protest against the vote of that State being cast against the pro- ard no on»even for a moment doubts that these two gentlemen represent the views of a large majority of the rae of the State. The other clauses were adopted by heavier af- firmative votes,indicating the variety of opinions eotertained by the Commissioners.As for in- stance,Virginia voted against that clause which provides fur the pavment of rumaway slaves whose recovery is obstructed.Massachusetts,to cap the climax,voted,with several of the New England States,against the clause which probi- bits the opening of the slave trade,or the intro- duction of coolie apprentices into the country.— Moassachusetts also voted against the clause cal- ealated to check filibustering by the acquisition of new territory. The action of Indiana requires some explana- tion.The delegates were instructed not to voteontheterritorialquestionwithoutfirstsubmit ting it to the Legislature.Under these instrve tions they did not vote on the tesrilorial clause, thouyt all ia favor of it On the other clauses of the proposition,they took the responsibility of casting the vote of the State in the affirmative. position TUE FEARFUL RECKONING. In the vear 1851,apon the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of Wash- ington,Mr.Everett delivered in the city ae York a most eloquent and patriotic adress,the concluding portion of which we tranefer to onr columns to day.Con- sidered merely asa rhetorical perform- ance th's extract wonld abnndantly re- pay perusal,whilst its sage counsels and solemn warnings will,as we trust,sink decp into the heart of every reader. EXTRACT FROM THE ADDRESS. T regard it as demonstrable that,in the event of a acparation,as certainly as the sun will set in the west,the san of theRepublicwillyodownfromthemeridian and set in blood.I know that some per- sons of sanguine temperament,dallying, as I think,unwarrantably with thesedreadfulfaturities,have persuaded them- selxos that it would only be a change totwoConfederaciesinsteadofone,and that in other respects all would go on much ag it did betore.Sir,Tam very loth to enter into any specolations of this kind on one side or the other,but ininy bur. ble judgment there will not be two Com tederacies,bor eventually any Confeder- s,out as many despotic (roVvernmcnts, asin tie chances of emnguest and recon- quest milbtary chieftains may be able and willing to estalish.Let Germany teach Ilow did she come out of the chaos tthe dark ages after a thousand years of ne wart Did she come out oftwithtwoorthreeConfederacies?She manted mere than three hundred inde-wrdent Principalities,as they called themselves,but all lying at the mercy ofthenearestdespotandthestrongestarmy. T presnine pot to leok into that darkthyss.T turn from it with the same hor- ror,a thousand fold increased,that I felt when any youth was surprised on the Violack and caleined edge of the crater of Vosuving,while the sides of the mountain were already qnivering with the conval sive throes of an approaching craption. Po attempt to give form apd outline,to nerease the foree,to caleulate the direcHonofthemolonelements,boiling and AC (ds. iotertiecd ference,by which tic several propositions were adopted ‘ On the Furst Proposition.—Y eas—Delaware DPennevivania,Rhode Island and Tennesse— Nays Connectieut,Lowa,Maine,Massachusetts Vv nia 8.Dividis d -New York and Kansas (7-2.Not voting —Iidiana, a} |Second Proposition,—Yeas—)-laware,Indi ana,Kentucky,Maryland,Missouri,New Jersey Ohio,Pennsy i ania,Rhode Island,Tennessee and Virginia—11.Nays Connecticut.Iihnois,Towa, Maine,Massachusetts,North Carolina,New ‘Hoainpshire and Vermout—8. York and Kansas —2. Third Propostion,—Yeas—Delaware,[hin ots.Kentocky,Maryland,Missouri,New JerseyNorthCarolina,Olio,Penusylyania,Rhode Ts 1l2. necitoul,Todiana,howa,Mane,Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vernront—7.Divided— New York and Kansas —2 Fourth Delaware Jand,Tennessee and Virginia ConNays Proposition.-Yeas —Connecticut, Mlitas,Indiana,Kentucky,Maryland Missours,swoodersev,North Carolina,Olivo: Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,Ponnessee,Vermont nod Virginian —15. Navs--lowa,Maine,Missa ehusetts and Now Tlamypstire 4 Divided —> Now York and Kansas --2 Pitth Proposition Yeas Connectiout,Dela ware,Lliwoss,Lodiana,Keotacky,Maryland Now Jersey,Now York,New Hanpsbire,Oto. Pounsyly via,Rhode band,Pennesses,Vermont and Kansas it Nays —lows,Maine,Massa chasetts,North Carolina aud Virgiova--5 Sirth Proposition.Yvas—Delaware,Tin ois,Kentucky,Maryland,Missouri,New Jersey Oboe.Poennaylyoania,Rhode [sland and Tennessee i Naya Massachusetts Vermont York Seventh Proposition —Yoas troow,Indiana,Kentucky,MaryNowHampshire,Obie,Pennim)Virgina neeheut,Indiana,Lowa,Maine, North Can nod Virginia Tr dware,T! and,New Persey sania,Rhode Is ind,Tennesses }2.Nays-=Con necticut,Lowa,Maine,North Carohoa,Missoun and Vermont —7 Divided —~New York,Not vouing —Massaeliusette A Tinanimons Wore \fter the whole plan This statement setadopted“th Uivwed —New | may,New Than pabire, Davide —-New of compromise,as above gren,had been passed aA majority Of 4 statement was drawn up to acoompany its judgment,ifit were the Senators from each class of States presentation to Congress vel the flery depths below,and jJustroady to be letloose by the hand of God fon their pathway of destruction,would DRLTea aay reed ,Himes,Kentueky,Marland,New Jersey,Ohio [be as unavail ng and presninptnons in‘a as in the natural world.One We political thing.however,[think is certain. We 'North Carolina,New Hampshire,Vermont and |talk of the separation of these States,as- stiming that they would still,in other re- spects,remain the States they are new ,but LT think it is certain as demonstration that their ancient boundaries,founded iu inany cases not at all on featu esof pliys- ical geography,ronning as they do in open deflance of the mountains and riv- ers,drawn without the slighest regard to j military defence,as if it were the design fof Providence that we should be bound together,not by material ligatures but by lcords of love,boundaries resting on char- ters,on prescription and agreement,and jrendered at teast sacred by the Coustito- tion and Union of the United States,I think it certain that eomo of those bounlirieswillfallthefirstsacrificetoasep aration of the Union.Do yon suppose, Mr.Chairman,that thirty-one States, when the constitutionalities which now ‘ind them are broken,and when a new scramble for separate power shall begin, are voing to pay regard to those unseen and uystieal intrenehmentsa,within which .stont httle Rhode Island,in eomparison with some other States,rather a corpfieldoraflowergardenthanaState,hes as safely fortified as your own imperial N. York,whieh lLolds the Hudson in the Lo!- +low of her hand,and extends her colossal limbs froin the lakes ta the oecan ¢When *the Union is dissolved,do you think that holy constitutional spell will remain uan- broken prevents your powerful neighbor,Peansylvana,enthroned upon the Ajbegianies,with the broad Iran for tre rsparkling eimeture,and the tributaries ot the Oto for the salver fi lets of her temples,from maging so mp asa tinger against gallant little Delawa which uestles securely within the fring ot the gorgeons robe ot ler queet "ysis ter? Bufore the Revolution Ure were which Susqie s troversieson the subypect of Doub ¥ twee MmanV of t ‘Hines They were adjudicated by the Privy Coanoll,often arbitrarily enough,gener aliv against the larger and in favyr of the wenker colonies.ut the deoision cxu tuted itself.Pacts tmponerc marem wis the motto of the home decided as they pleased.; liked the decision it was well,if they quverninent,They If the colonies did not they might do gainething else,tor which there isa homely word,winch 1 will not repeat.When the royal govern toent wae thrown off,same of these con trovercies survived,and seme new orgs spring op.There had been,or were,dis putes between Pennsylvania und Connec ticut,N.Y.Massachusetts and all 1) N.England colonies.But first the td Con federation,with its tribunals,(such they were,)and then still me: py constitution of 1789,Vreathed their vitality and power into the ancipet niments of the land.Disputes were set tled,controversies adjusted,“Vhe zentas of the Univn,with the Jaw of the land in the right hand aud the law of love in the left,peraubulated (to use te surveyors expression)the lines between border States and discord ceaeed.Bu’, tlemen,if you divide this Union,if you take from these boundaries the charactur of constitutional security which is attach ed to them in the way L have describ d,what thenisto happen #When the Con- stitution shall be swept away,when the States shall start on a new Ccarcer of sell ish and ambitious ascendency,inflamed by the passions invariably raging at such tunes between border yoveruiments,thicy wil!not be held back by parchment t tles proceeding from dead kings and queens of England,whose bones for two ite luay tia yen- hundred years have been huddied np ins crypts of Westinineter Abbey,Sir,when the family of States,no,not family of States,(for we are going to reject the kindly name and the blessed thing it ex expresses,)but when this group of hostile and rival States shall rush forth against each other,with hostile projects and heat- cd passions,on anew political career,can their hands be kept from each others throats by dusty parchiments,signed by lauds which are themselves long since turned to dust#When we have repnili ated our Madison and flamilten,when we have repndiated their wok,f don’t think we shall pay superstitious defers ence to the work of Charles and James and Elizabeth.When we have turned a deaf ear to the voice of Washington anc Adams and Jefferson aud Franklin,the Moses and the prophets of oar political dispensation,do you think we are soing to permit a creature like the Duke ot York,whom his own people,aye,his own dangiiters,drove with scorn trom the thrune,to rise trom the dead after two lundred years and govern us by a papyr sceptre? Bien,gentlemen,as to the Supreme Conrt of the U.States.2 de nor know what others may think on the subject, but for mysclt,vir,(addressed te Chau cellor Walworth,who sathy Mr Evor ett’s side,)J will say,thatitatl the Libors, the sacrifices,and the waste of Geasure and blood from the first landiag at James town or Wymonth were to give us ny th ing else but the Supreme Court of the l States,this revered tribunal for the set tlement of international disputes,(for such it may be called.)[should say the sacritice was well made.Ihave trodden with emotion the threshold of Westunin- ster Hall and of the Palace of Justice in Frances PE thought with respect ofa lou }istrions chancellors and ju Ieres, cunded the ot ofttice, clothed in scarlot and ermine,who with n these ancient halls have,without fe line of at aye Tusteutaenrr or favor,adiaintetercd just e between powerful litigants.Aud itis with deep emotions of reverenee,it is with rome thing like awe that L have entered the Supreme Court at Washington,Net that T pave there heard straing of forensic clo qnence rarely equalled,never surpassed, rom the Wiets,the Pinckueys,aud the Websters;but because [have seen there a bright display of the perfection of the moral sublime tn haman affairs.T have witnessed how,froin the low,dark bench, destitute of the emblems of power,frou the lips of somegrave and venerable ma gistrate,to whom years and yiay hairs could add no new titles to respect,(I need te no name under that por naty the voce of fusttce and equity has yone forth tu the most powerful States of the Union, adiuinistering the law between cit zens of independent States,settling das controversies,adjusting dixputed bend: aries,apnulling unconstitutional laws,re versing erruneous decisions,and,with a few mild words of judicial wisdom,dis posing of questions a handred fold more mportaut than these which,wethia the past year,from the plains of Holstein, have shaken the pillars of Continental Europe,and all bat broaghe a mallion of nto deadly conflict with cach other. When the Union is broken,when the States are separated,what is to become of your Supreme Court?How then are you to settle great aud difficult questions? And plenty vf them,believe me,you will have.Think of these mighty rivers con ning across thee suntry in every direction and the controversies which will present themsclvet about their navigation:Is there tou be any way of settling them?Again: hegtile tariff’,desiyned toundernine the revoaue and commerce of neighboring: Statea will jufallibly be enacted,and then thie very qteation which tow ayt tates tthe Union.What in the name of Heaven are you to do with alb those con troversies when you hace Tost Uae pecat aud anguet tribunal¢ rerous met Grenticinen,when thie tie comes,it Peoneylvania,for instance,should look round her and find that Virginia has puch ed Up &harrow strip forming a couple of counties behind her western boundary, to keep hee entirety aloof from the lett bavk of the Ohlo,and if she shall take it into hee head to redress this inigalarity, as she would beapt tothink if,what will be the resalt§Po youthink,Ciancclior, addressing Obance(ler Walwort!:.)‘here membrance of the case of Oliasieaud wid nduce ber to remain quiet?if No York rlrould take itinto her head to revive her cla Co a monopoly of the Btenin navies tus of her watere,and give effect to her “rast to the representarive of Fulton, who proseatad to No York and the world the grea mechanical miracle of modern Cuines,would the ease of Gibbons and Oy den prev ont ber froin exeenting thie yor pose!No.When we come to that the dav of chancellors and judges is passed We etinll ehut op the volumes of Petere, and Wheater,end Dallas,and Cranch ;i"nion ie unbroken,and to the extent of my jabih they would wish to either accept or refuse other ‘we shall repudiate the authority of the Kents and the Storys,the Walworths and the Marshalls;we shall go to the ares nals of the old despotisin for Nie accurs ed logic,the ultima rulio rogum,and set tle all disputes @g the port of the pikeandthemeathefthecannon,| I can only allade to the disastrous ef- fects of a separation of the States on all the relations of the country at home and abroad ; of geciety,by substitu ny insecurity and tothe blight which will tall upon fhe ew Srates and to the complete demoraligation confi ct tor peace and quiet; Tenitores,BPIseeh ee like ao exhiala ton trom thy sail theonghout the gautr | nent And then,strc think of our pe sition belore the worl i hew deplorath will thatbe changed !Loe United States a tepubtie new te proat and powerful, and so respected,raised fo an Tuportance which wit enable us before dong to hold the balance of publi opinion beinccen the contending Erapires of the world5 Wait be when broken up and frit tered away to twenty or thirty petty so vereiguties,and,ia the Japse of time,per haps two or three tiundred miserable | pomeipalities | Eee |LINCOLN'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS.'{ felluw Citizens of the United StatesTaqoinpliaucewithacustuin as old as Uae govermuent itgstf,appear before you to address yoo brietly,and to take in your presenee the oath prescribed]by the Constitution of the United States ty be akeu by the President before he caters ou, the exevution of lis office.1 do not consider it) necessary at present for me to discuss those mailers| of a@onuistratuion,abobt which there is pu epevial| anxiety or excitement.| Approbension setims to exist among the people offtheSouthernStates;that by the aovession of a Re- peblean adiimstration Cher property,aud their |peace,and personal seeuity,are tu ue enlangered There has never been any re ! soch apprehension,Tndeed the most uinple ev | dete to the contrary,bas all the time existed)and| Ttis taund |ly wil Che public speeches of hin who aw addres:| T do but quate trai Chose specetes whenVdetarePhavenepurpasedireatlyarindirectlytointerterewiththeinsthtronA Dlales where 't exists, Whit wi \ able cause for been open to there tispection,hear sea you orotslavery the| [Scheve Dhave na lawful tio de su,and [have uo ipehnation,Woe Gouidated aid elected uye did We hal Kuewledge that liad tuade Cia,aud wauy} similar declarations,and bad never recanted then, acd core thaw this,phoed in the platform for my and as a hew Co themselves and to me,thet cleat aud eaipbate resolution,which T now bead; in st su mw Ceplanes, ©Resulved,That Che maintenance inviolate of therightsoftueStates,gud especially of the right of each State to order and Institutions,according ty ‘ontiol its own dotneste sown pulgment exclusively,is vascnial to the balance of power on which tie pe wi aud endui ance of our pobteal tytire depend,aod we denousce tie lawless iivasion by auy >ituatrerGuderwhatpretext,as among the yiVestol teeth arived force of the gail of wale ul ne inies.T now reite tte Che sevbarents,and in dome so T oily press upon the puuiie atlention tae most rawwill be followed tv,I shall take care,as the Constitution itself expresslyenjoysuponme,that the laws of the Unjoubefyitbtullyexecuted,Doing this,T deen it to be a stinple daty eu my part,and T shall pectoris itaspracticable,unless my rightfil masters the Jiuuicau people—shall withhold the requisite Biauies,OF 1D SOME authoritative Mauner directtothecontrary,J trust thig will not be regarded aS @ incnace,Lut only as the declared purposes of the Ura that it will constitutionally delend and maintain ttsell any bloodshed op viclenve,and there shall be none unless forced apou the Natuoual authority Vhe occupy and posses the property and pl wu fi ballpoawercoufidedtomewallbeusedte ing t ie gavel Hposts byt beyond what tent aud ty collect the duties and Lic font these objects there will be ng invason vor usiig oflurceayalustocatongthepeapleanywhereWherebosulitytotheUnitedStatesinany lowality shall be so great and so uimiversal a miay Teer say brerior to pre veut coupeteat resident enizens trom:holding the Pederalothees there wall be to attempt to turee ob ays amon the peopl:for that object al rivlit exat in the gov yee the of these offices,the allemipl to do seo would be soirntating and so near | Worxnoas strats muy eotitent Goett He NETcine Hopi ceaiie Withal that Pdeem it better toegoteratinetheusesofsuchoffees. Phe mals coless repelled,will continue to be Turrashed in all pasts the Uaon.So far as pos stole,the peopoe everywhere shall lave that senseOLperfectsecantywhiehismiostfavorabletocal Vicushtt and retiecuun,The course here tidieated dnless currentevents and whfication or change to he pro pel,and tu every case and exigency my best dis cretion Will be excrosed according ta circumestancesnctuallyexisting,and with a view and a hop:of a peaceful solution of the national troubles and restoration of fraternal <viipathies and affections. That there are ferous in owe seetion or anotherwhoseektudestroytheUntonatallevents,and are glad of any pretext to doit,[will neither athensnordeny;butat there Se such To need address no word to then,To those,however,who really love the Lautan,may |uot speak before entering upon gu yrave au qiater as the destruction of our national fabric with all its lenetits,its anemones,and itshopes?Would it nat be wise fa ascertain precise- Wyowhy dort?Will you hazard so degperate a step While there ig any possibihty that any portion af the alls you ty from have no real existence?Will you,while the certain ills you ty to,are greater than all thy evi!ones you fly frou?Will you riskthecommissionofsofeartulaioistake2Allprotesstobecontent.the Union,if all the constitu tonal tights can be quaintamed sic true,then,(hat any right plainly written ia the Constitution has Leeu denied#Tthiuk not.Happily the ha-Man initd is So consututed that uo party can reach to the andacity of duing this,Thiyk,if you can,of a stogle wustance in whieh a phunly wiitten provi siuu ol denied It Uy a there foree of nuribers a majonty should ce poe &tainority ob any clearly written constini tion expert cuce shall show the constitution bas ever been, Wen What,i a tuotal port ol view,justty revolution Sevitainty would af such might were a vital one:bat sach is not our case,All the vitalnightsofminoritesandofindividualsaresoplainlyassuredtythetbyaffirmationsandnegations,gual abloes abd prolibsGons,in the cousotuuoncontroversivsHeverarisecopcemungthem,Bat ne organic law can ever be wil a provisionciallyapplicabletoeveryquestivnwhichtayicaladmimestration.No toresight can weiiGcipate,wor any document of reasonable length voutaim «Npec ss t that franied Wisigl tor all possible questions.Shall tugiuyes alor by state ot expressly say iu the (erritories, BEES sey trom labor be surrenuered by nation2The Congress probibit slavery mathor eomsttuten does May The constitniion does not ex Must Congress prohibit slavery i the conelusiye evidenes of wack the case is suscepti)Ternitones ©Vie Coustiuion dues not expresslybecthattheprosperity,pace and sveunty of no |Say Frogs qurstons of Unis class sprang all our section ace to be in anyerse eudangered by the censtitational controversies,and we divide upon how incoming administration.Chem iito iiegorites and nunonties Tf the minor Towild,too,thadalt the protection which,consis 1tY will nat acquiesce,the rajorty must.or the tendy with the constitul to and tie laws can be)governs Ist cease There ds uo other alter given.wall be cheerfally ,Wo all tpi yor ewtan the goverbinent Gut aweyuies- When lawflilly denjaud tor whatever On ole s the other Tt a iiinerty un cheertally to one seotion os another such case wi!ede pather than acquiesce:ey Phere ts much controversy gloat delivering op!take a peecedl at witeloin tarn wall divide and ru fagitives from acevoe ar ivvur. ‘Pbe clagse bonew oa Caer,Were a nimunty of their own will to se lead is as jdauly wriQeu ou the Consututen as any CC Thos Ta Whenever a tuajonity rehises to te yther of it~provisigus:~~No peisoa held ty ser- vider the laws theccol escaping to another,shalt in consequence of any law or regulation therem,be discharged from such service or labor,but sal be delivered upon theclaimofthepartytowhomsuchserviceorlabor may be due.”\ Ty questioned that this proviss itntendedbythosewhemadeatforthe : of what we call tomure slates.and the optentron vice,ov labor in cue Stu Tt scar Was reelaty ot the law gover as the law.All menibers of Con vress swear thivit pont bo thie whole Consitation pth pouvicun,weh wsty aby olue « poston then that shaves whose cases ein ui the tertus of Chis clanag shal!be delivered ap thetr oaths are unanimous,Now af they would Hake toe effort iu good temper,could hey pot wi Hearly equal ula yo irate and parm aw law by nieaus ol Whol to keep md tuat Ghai ficu> cath ' There 14 ome difference of opinion wheter thts clause should be entorced by National or by Stare authority,but surely that iflerenee is nota mate gue.Lt che slave is (a bebeofleconsequenceteiy.; sHrrendered it or we ott dd any one,a rial cae aby which authe rity atid any case be content that bis on a tierely shall be hept % AK shall go nukept 1 antral Goutooversy as to tow ot iW any law upon this subject ought not all Lberty known in givilaed and soe to be observed,sa thata free Chit dalilamane junispeu nan be net any case supreudered as a slave and imyebtou net be well at the same tine ta)pro vide Gy law for the enforcement of that clause ip The coostituftion.which guarantees that the ciugens of cach State shall be entitled to all the ose aud inuunitiesof citizens in the several State [take the oMficial vath W-day with no mental re servations pubpose to construe Uae turton.ar laws by any hypoontical rules.andwhile[do not Choose now to specify particalar acts ol Co ed,TdostUiatitwilhwoMcial and private stations ta cumorm to.aud abide by,allThameactwitelstandwarepealad,Chae ta violate aud with tu const! to be entWSSasprey to all Ai ths auy of thei,Gusti to fad ampunry iu baving toe held tu be uoconstitutionad Tt as seventy-two ye sinuc the first inaugura ent under onr National Conatity hop.During that pernod fifteen difiiront and great ly disthayutsied citizens bave,in su adininteredtheExecativetwayobof-the Goverpment—They have conducted tt through mnany perils,and generally with great suecvas;yet,with all thisSeopeforprecedent,Snow emier wpon the same tack,for the brief consntutional term of four years, under great and peenhar diffenlty.A disruption of the Federal Union,heretofore only menaced,19! didably attempted.DP hold thatin eontem-| platen of universal law and of the Cenusttanon tion of a Prest 100 how t the Luu of thee States rpgural Peepewisy omtpled.af net expre ay Me fundamental law all National Governments,[tas safe to assert that no government properwver had a provision in t anié Jaw for its own tegmuatton,Continue ute all (he express provaaons ot our Nation tanow atel the Gouvon wil endure forever, WbOup iipos.ble to destroy itexcept by some ac hen bet prodded for an the instrument itoelt Veun af the United States he aft a government iner batan mesociation of Stgfes,in the tatare cats it,asa contact,be py than all Uae partics who tr acea toca tra merely Ty cririaaete by bens ade One party toa contragt may violete it brake at itdoes ct uot require all to bawfally from these veneral prince the vthat lon be perpetnal confirmedby the timtory of the Un awe find legal contemplaron the Un ronateelt The Cinon is maeb older thanthe Coost- »Te was tormed intact by the articles of aa- peealien a Liddy at was tmatired,and contiiued by the Declaration of Todependenes an T7e6G,—rt was farther matored,aud the faith of all the fir toon Bates exproety phighted and engayed shrondd db erpemnal by warticles of Confeds n of 1776.And finally in T7R7 one of the declared obyects tor ordain and establishiag the CC.petit tro wea ta torn a taaee peters Uinicg i I deste edrot of the (awa ty one ar bya peut only of the States be lawful,poeably ine Minton is leas perfect than be fey y 1 r+wt the vital lement ty Trt Nows rm theee vewe that Upen He mere motion can faw folly getoont of the Topton.tuat resdces and ordinances to that offeer ar ravly nd and that acts of violence within any tate or States against the authority of theUnitedStates,are insurrectlonary or revolutionary mcording ¢t I therefore that in view Constitution avd the consider the meatanc of the laws sty N controlled by Fur why inay botany poruon of anew Coutederacy,a yout or two hence arbitranly secede again,precisely as pecuiony of the preseut Umon now claim tu secede from qty All who cherish disunion sentiments,are now being educated to the exact temper of doimy tus,[sx there amoty the States to such hunerity Iustance, such pertect idenucy Inpese a ew ob Uiterests Umon,as to pred ice harmony only sid to prevent renewed se cession¢ Vlatuly,the ceutral lea ol sec t reorssener ob abately.A tagority beid an restrair hy os otal chan ns aid d mus and always vate cas dy wot erate esol popalar ypiibens abd sentrnetits.os Che only trie sovereagn ha tree precple Wher li te it des of eees sity thy anarchy or te despotism.Unaumaty os Lposabhe.Phe mle ofa cuimenty as a permanent Hratadwebt,ts Whody iaddissable;so \ney ti le.anarchy:or Sir 't ie Patais Ht Pdleoiet foret the position issued AY Bole that Constitutional questions are to be decided t toe Saprenie Court wor do T deny that such de: son must be banhngy in any case upon the partes tu a stu to the object of that suit,while they ate aals ed to very tigh respect and consider- al lel cases,by all other Uppartnents of the Govertin And le its obviorsly Vie duat such decmgon may be erroneousy ANY une en case,sal]tie evil effects following at,be hin (ted ta Ghat qaurt cular Case,with the chance that tt tbe can be thay be overs tor other « evils ofa diferent practice aud dent etter borne than could the At the same time the candid @aazen must contess that if the pohes of the never become a pr governmer upau vital questions affecting the whole people,te ta be irevucably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court,the instant they are made in ordi- Daly Hhiyation between par :Use pu No personal act edto be ther own rulers,hava to that extent practically resigned their Gov itnent igto the hands of that eminent.trbanal or ds there in this view any assaullupen the Court dodges Ttasadaty trom which they may hut shruik Co decide cases properly brought ‘beforethem,acd ats no fault of theirs,af others seek to turh there dectstans to pobtical purposes,Que sec: tion of out Comatry believes that)slavery is nahtandoughttobeextended,while the other beheves that itis wroug,and ought uot to be extended,—This is the only substantial chispute,The fugiuveslaveclauseoftheCoustitutiouandthelawforthesuppressionoftheforeignslavetradeboth well enforced as any law can ever be in the com tunity where the moral seuse of the people imper-fecily supports tue law itselt. he roles will have ce: ur the are ax The great body af the people abide by the drv legal obligatious in both cases,anda few breakoverineach,This,I think,canmot be perfectlycured,and it would be worse in both cases aftertheseparationofthesectiousthanbetoreThefor- 20 slave trade new iinpertectly suppressed,wouldbeulumatelyrevivedwithoutarestoetieninone section,while fagitives now only partially surrenderedwooldnotbesurrenderedatallbytheother Hhiysically speaking,we cannot separate,we can- Det remove ours Clive sections from each other alban qmipassable wall them.Ahosbandaudwitetravutot each other, bat the diflerent parte of coteonntry cannot de this they cannot but teria face to face,and intercourse mined amicable or hort hetwern be divorced:and the prekonce and beyoud the reach « hostile must conte | tween them Pst possible then,to make that imtercatirwemoreadvantageous,or inore atistactary,after sep ation than before 7 Can aliens rake cap tnake laws 7 treaties easter than tend Oan treaties he more Gitully cutorced between aliens,than hiwe ean youn Ines©Sappose you go te war,you cane bot Hight always Aud when after aoach floss on Hoth sides Pte yamon either,you cease fight tug.the identical old question as to terns of iter coome are agmin upon you This eaunter with its iQons belong to the people who inhabit Ve cuewer dhey shall grow weary of the esosting poverninent,(hey can exercise them cousxtitwuonnl oht of aver toon their re onary right te aeimber or avert wot Teannot be ignorant Pthe daet that many worthy and patriotte citizens sry esiionds of having the nanonal constitution etided Winle Poraake no reeommendation ofsoeninentsTfullyrecomoietheriyhttulauthor tyoof the people over the wh subject,to be ex joereed in etther of the modes serbed in the ar strament tee)bf ahonkd oon exiting arenam es,davon rather than oppose a far opportumity being aflorded the people te met pon it,C wall Venture toondd,that,te me,the coaverntion tamed Reems preferable in that it allows amendments tu igtnate with the people themselves,wastead of nly permitting them to take or reject Proposition ONginated by others not eepecially voomem (or the purpody,end whiel wight not be preemely such as Tun To doing this there need not be! a SIGNS OF DISCONTENT AND TROUBLE IN THE SECEDING STATIS derstand a proposed gineudment lo the Consttu tion (which amendment,however,[have uot secu) has passed Congress,to the effect that the Federal Goyerament shall never interfere with the domest inatitutions of the States,including that of petsous held to service,‘To avoid miscoustruction of what{have said,I depart from my parpowe Hol Go speak of particular amendments far as to say,Chat, holding such a provision to new be tnpled const tutional law,T have no objection to its bes tice cypress and irrevocable The Chief Magistrat:all rot the people,and they lave coulerred teue up vy tam to fix terms far the separation of the States The people themselves can do this also,if they It Js not to be denied that olemeuts of discord are already at work iu the Souther Ounfederacy.In proof of the fact,wil ness the following expracts frou various papers within the limits of the Cunfederute States.The Tuscuwbia North Alabumtan ln its issue of the oad,remariing upou the course of the Coa- |gress al Munigomery,Says“However our people,in this section of the StatedifferedwithatotheConventiontuaching themuljectoflinmedtateamong@sInsupportufthedeclarationthehonoranddignityofAlabamawhethhow may havepaticy.there | derives Sis authority ty 1th should byUnrate wilh sustaieeoranailedbyConsties North oe South"Thatuanifestdistrustordisregardofthe |of Alabama,in with? be hay beenpolarxcutlinentIdingthessandUbetendeicystill but the Executive as sach,has nothing to iVdowitht,tis duty is to adimoister the present si Kovertinent ax at came te his hands, rit tt uuupaired by bine to his:sue cess leading politicians viruathepople Is,if we are fot mistaken Ju the movements of the politial chess-buard of those leaders,to remove stil further all power€he pe and to tras exsor |Why there not be a pavent confidence in the ult. |from the homesite «thea wpe eh they mate justice of the people 2 Ts there any better or p owhich that Congress has ratifying the € eqaal Lope un the world Tu onr present diMical adopted?By wht authority have mae Raia Hie t 1 ,dent been elected Go Chet ate States+meres yeu ee ee ee ee aay The ia ete iad sourteaibers tie State Convention,didyouauthor nyghe? Ufthe Almighty Rader ot nations,with Fis jae a bare nm afonity of that baly Gr elect embers tea Congresssulfurthe }f thew Gower nnien a water imecfernaltouthandjusticebeonyoursideofthe‘ee a ee af 2 Norho or on yours of the South,that crath and that iLother offeials?These are questions for your serious considerationThatablwudvaluableexchange,the New Orleans DMoayune, (=) Justice will surely prevail by the judgiment of the reat til of the Atmerican people.By the frame of the zovermment under which we five,this nal oo rpdaine o wer which has The exercise by the State Convention of a 1 a people tive wisely given their pubbe servants peated an the assemb log of a Congress at M com=\Relec ;dno direct vueHatlitlepowertktehalaveavosedafcitigensInwhoseelectionthepooplehadn ae aD ue De ara Bs achiot tedevod of any direct responsibilityCothe peopleWisdenpeovidedforthereturnofChathetletothen|Accuhed power wae uilimlied when il assembled Couted own bands,at very shortintervals,While the|Ue suymimition Uy the Congress upon the neces i eracy of a President lee President,in whose «lec Bie ineteny ou rann Clin ytlance no adiain ree had no dircct share,and the patting iat operatraten.by any extreme of wiekeduess or folly.Constitation without ity betag subjected to the customary breyection at the ballot box.”the 1m tase it re Pence Cougress,”with the declaration that “we aball continue ty bope of ratification + And in its issu bukes the aneers aimed by the ultras at the Washington * ean very seriously injure the goverument in short space of four years. My countrymen,one and all,thik caluty and well upou Uns subject by taking time.Ef thefe be an object to hurry any|‘ of you thngwe toa step which you would not take !The Tuscaloosa(Ala)Menger thus s deliberutely,that object will be fous rsted by teking of the saccee ting day Nothing valuable can be lar’ for are union se long as even the shadow ofa chance retialinnsUpitsobjectionsto the proceedings of the Alabarna State Convention and of Che Souther Congress at Montgomerytune5batuegoodobjectcaubefrustratedbyitathernCongress«/, ..4 x “We bolt first,that the ordinance of secession should haveSuch86youasarenotdiatisfied0HDI(Oe Ce ee tenn eee een nnn tiene eatiMeatiem ut regertion stiiotion unimpaired,vod on Che scoscve poral,(Ne)gecondly,that the ordinance passed by the Convention Brea laws of your own frumimg under it;while the new (fave awaited the tesae of Unis decision:thirdly,that thw people had the right,a4 ies ould have been yiven them,(o have che wens the delegates (ow Congress which was to have (ramed bor them»government for weal of for woe,And we now demand that the Government formed its President,Vice Presidens,and-should be submitted tu the wple for theie approval or .Heapproval LOiCi not,we shall,comme weal or wo,at empe ty fon Tateligeace,palnotiem,christianity,and a fires |pee the people's heark,Gr educate the somind,te koew reliance ou Tim who has never yetforsaken Unae land |there ryfits and to tire maintain then We are ne sabmiatin 7 !''4 he be Hour)its Dut right is ght and wrong is wroug,afd we WU nol beareetilcompetenttoadjust,in the best wiry,all our |4b,At Ree eee tthe people Site present difficalties.Tn your hands,my dissatisfied|jeand,ant being heard,to be obeyed,And we intend to keep fellaw-coantrymea,notin mine,is the momentous them posted a what we consider to be ap dofringement of their rights and of their privileges,let the worst come to theworst)Tf itis tremscu ayataet the new Confederacy,taake Ur You—syou can have wo conthet without being your |qyserot it We know we are right,and unirammelbed ant cnselvestheaygrestors.You have ne oath registered awed,we will defend the right.” in Heaven to destroy the Government,while Eshall The jhave the wost solemu une to preserve,protect and (toa spirit of inter ice defend it representatives of the Disanion press at the 301th !Tam toth toclose We are notearmi-s,but frie ude|We mast not be enemice.Though pasaionm y hive etrammed,do must vot break our bonds of affkeuon The mystic clouds of memory stretching from every living heart and hearth-stone all over the broad land , will yet swell the adimastration will bave no immediate power,if il would,to change either,[fit were admitted th tyou ‘who are dissatisfied hold Che ryght side in the dispute,there stiilis ne single good rearon for precipitate ac had a issue of civil war ‘The Government will not assatl | Lagrange (Ga)Reporter aliades in the following Germs tow frequently betrayed by certain de rancor in nifested by a porhave“Weregret to see a spirit of intionofth list hey erent Beery tht litieal that de net conform ty .o\as treasonable,and aromto iastounte Chat any thtng face ate teowoviewswillnotbetoleratedintheSoatheraCoateleracyHasthereignofterrorbexun?Are the of RedHepablica{fit has come to this,then we are certainty un rorue of the Union wheutonehed assarely they wall be,by the better angles ofourna:(done We areas ready as any town te uffer up ous Tife,if bee.‘be,in sorighteof the South,and we hold that we se on thee rights theo these hotspurs when we ex ress we ookd Chim of our fathers Af yh is try ay for acytiaen of the Southern Coofede racy toe vpresa hin disaatisfaction#pre Union,was it not equally ae greatacrimetsdenouncethealdUninn®Treason hua the mime defnitioninteenevesithadinUeoldConatabutiomWeholdtheSouthernConfederacynndwegreatWspositiontoinaugurateterrunieminodfeseedtricone sons ae follows upon the p licy of receiving the Border slave holing States cote the Southern Confederacy Wedo not want such cements in oar new Confederacy,WdesireneassuctationwithunwillingMtates,who,forgetial of bya f politica)cousangulouy,abd yoverbed valyHerwhePowiththereerringsisters “yo Carolina GOlatchman,HeShAe oeol at permanent organgreaswidmake (hytonoCumber‘ SALINE ORY N.C)Mie ees a) woald be Oar peoplCinenaeue Tl EsD.AY HVENING,MARCH 12 dent y teiaer sla the MRO LINCOEN SINAVGURAE DR iss While paper In Georien,pel willbe found tn thes paper Bla views eur F reece at Bene ty the decisions of the Supreme Court and tlie ina Naw Nak OM party alaenin:leu f the Snpremme wid na nme SGU Lene e ay onty puinciple,is universally eendemued tere a Southern Cinfederacy tte viticfy the ererir ::é Mice seekers The Waynesboro’ewe also haga similar theketandtispledgetosupporttheCoushcationumdetverymanofwhichisaDratWehopetheydenotreCalHectthesentimentsoftheolDemworatioparty.If they doforcethelaws,alll wach he tad just swoon todo Sie anninuceaue intettiah bi fanle with all oar oigbt is condemued by the disgntouists We vaniat see ent that diabolical obt party Por the sake of common honesty we hope Mab okt party avs erations will nut be regardedbythepeapleofGeorgia.The Democratic preases,«peckersratarehaveassuredosthattheseoldpartyaffliationsWiddotbeconsideredastestsforofficeunderthenewadistrationofaireThey,have secn that Democratic policy what clse he could baye sant atter just taking the oath to efhce,unless he wtended to do the very op poste of what he had sworn to do proved futile to save the noblest guverement ever made itVWeiAHUTHURAceGateworettcnsae.thi flestroy any government under the sun.and we WopeulLaveenes$tie ret thar twit woth oluced to destroy the be pes ofpresstouchingthisaddresa,fr.dl beobserved that tha Southern (sae acy wh Letjwirpolicybetyputourbestmeninrt-foiMiroLincolnhaspomorepowerforharm—te :GaCAelaiGaie timer hentalicects Cur tieaanyePATty thin ",1 ‘that ‘fave y apiritand |ambition have destroyed oar form govermonthanMeBuchanaandtha\Ne ECA Gee et rr erat tne efieable for the:dattes 1 Toth theres Bat wilh on porary think tow,that pearly af wot qa und eptores 4 haw in fet 1 Every er Seria paairesrtow Laiauthtn Rea Eel‘a Ie Don erate?There may bea change of condition tuemetalytooMrDLineubaoWhathewilatterop. iw aay titel Ons tserins clear we i ooresceeteteeceetldine aetieematiomeetiementiend aul thats.hes with ney and wathont ANOTHER TROUBLE fs eeMen otto warrant et hat|ry Th Nae eo Patt odes that 7‘lane toaye fuel another causaeplichanygoodbyforeund,thenfure,w the uifeliirits “sratesSeancecalceinceilneeeepoochesthemnow.Ther call fia Yankee «wine,donot beheve he will attempt And h Inchare Dit ities oradheally wrong They want the pepe ¢rood ground of hope that the Union men of North ounte cetite man ie th aypertiouinent of tepresentations;io @ cone white man and one theisand newenes down there tCarinamayyetdomntemeestablighthe(in.be equal,in politient power,lo une thousand are!ome white en:Now we rather think this would he regarited ae radjon.and restore harmony ap afernity to our dts in the border Bates.in a Otofitersey componentaththnunnteelcererceaWerandslaveteldingStates,the three AnthsvetedyoTetumandworktke|five ANte principle might be proper:bat inaeeMt(Heute mel anehitttem tre cenecian aeively of abave Staten,owtite folka”a tte of representation Veteran thewallaward)the haghest pirat we owho botdionat States are compeiied to lenve the Carin they will “white folks”verument,if the Sta «longest against the efforts adiven tu destroy alicgiuee & this great county <2. --LATER ND IMPORTANT PROM TEXAS RESISTANCETOTHIKSECKSETONISTSeeRer1gay”Washington City,as nsnal,on vee cass Mirchdt —Ateieve trom Teac any that Cap o tain Wi tyes refinebh ties be yl oof tne Texas Cont oresuchOCCASLENB,Was fairly overrnu WICH for the eurrender of Port Brown at Browneyille,of the vty=:property ander biccommant Captain Hil had seat t)Ringofficeseekersforseveraldaysbeforethe(hireacke Cee (ifarcimals Gorelake tyenraperly cit)ive Government @n Kraaos Islandmeneat A collision was considered imhanguration,and will cantinne to be go; ar will have aternble task to perform tu sat |osLinentn|for some weeks to come.A SOUTHERN CONFEDERACYInthetangnageoaKentuckycontemporaryInsujrableohyectiontoBomtheraConfederacy:Ita funda mental pr CHANGE,INSTABILITY,ANARCHY!|All ite advocates affirm th haan right to nullifyAnyObnoxinuslawandte+from the Confederacy wheneyerahefanciesherrichteareinvadedThisisthegreatideaofallthepreeapitatorsofRouthCareTheyboastofarabeofwhichtheyholdinconmoreoMexicanGrensers,yw ho no souner install one ruler then they have bim conrt-mar- toaled wad abet Ww will consent te live;:Pwnich is deatruc ery We have no respectCounticsinfavorofat|terany gevernm at which has no stability,no bend of anion,Poo atrength,hat is the wretched creatare of whi and capriceRichmondWhiy we have one isfy the starving pach,iflie should atten pt he 46 such a foolish thing. 2? Ges”The difficulties of secession,is sven in the votes of the several Counties of this State 1 no Confederacy sewfont ve he vole almiost nnanimonsly,and those op}.+.posed,thesanie way.Tt the whole State]|IMPORTANT MOVEMENT [IN TENNESSEE Tie Nashville Patriot,an inflaential advocate of the conser|Vative action,pablishes in ite issue of the 26eh nit. cot ston,signed by #aumber of sabstantial andofManeycounry,angerating the propriety of onthe firat Mond.jo March,to instruct amd arge its delegateschownattheIngeeleetiontomeetattheCapitolinNashville,yor before the third Monday of March,that they may a finethepositionoftheStateofTennoaserinrotationtotheexistiogNationalerisia,‘This anggeation the Patriot fally endorses,andctBaThedeleteclotfromCatawba.)otAlhou th Mr.Tike, woes ont,it 18 apparent that practical! coercion will bear aganet whole innmities which have as much right to secede as the State, hy a popular vole to call a>Convention,the people ed delegates by overwhelmin,fnenieaye achinemnoeecend|nition,the people have elected delegatesby overwhelming Is i yorihes toa Convention,and indoing so have «aid that thes:,r ‘sentlemen sefleet thelr opinions amt acntiments,In thew ofsomeoofthepapersasadientnionisASymeoofthepapersasadiennronistThiseyetoeal»Comventh notfsanoteconrcctmCatlinkmeMranHeiman)jbo iincemenl eter sume pen ieee y {public affairs by whieh we are now surrounded than Hoa ineeting of these de ThsalaoKnownthatpextAngiat,whatever may rin the mean;fe dae ee eur aSuchiistheimpres-¢borrner and members of the dtat )wo fer dsunion asa tastand only resort,eaten but net otherwise ‘be done,in nion,rewards Titania 'sion we det ive from a Cataw ba CUPTUR [the preet ant w ay an eye 4 m «ent ah ryency;sees ou bath wide ectuslly we moneponaent.ani mtg.atltohere that we shold hoes an varly al nea Practicible,«tas and fale expression of the weal views of th:a people.Thiccanbe door by the delegates elected on the 9th ofWoinviteattentiontotheadvertise.February;:;peementinanothercolumnofDavinFaust:}The Southern Oongreet hat pasaed the postal bili,which roe&Co Phe many friguds of the old vate:te rate of postage,and all mattess connected with theee:terving of the maila,de.Ft will po inte efort very eon TtTectiaManust,Winebrener ©provides the following raves of postage:On letters 4)miles,;RELL CHOTE A tr eur Ree si sens UO AE Ceeee ieee atts ONL Calee)Weenie tan Say De ntiesteecinelesdltlt pera Cather than thosepleasedtolearnthat)Benjamin Ny,[2neoitee Inatead on et ublication,)nowapapare and magaTherewiatensbolished entre ratesnopreeut CX ratowfrankingprivilegear No mad thedoubletCresaranddoheTanoldbavebecomeueGonletterayatemantth nine |are HAPOCTATOG Vaving Heen actively engage doin cman anIIfmatAJUMBLEOFCONTRADICTIONS. ose Tor thany years,and are well t Lonieville Democrat calls public attention to the niatte pret wee profeestons mid practic hich ewteknowntoimostofearmerchantsMeDRTeEReRTCTLcawihieonesEteee hadn't the right to recor He ain er eeHhowenotaeqnaintedwiththemembera!:HEROL ETNin Me Sere rember meat pedy Ys to give np the reght altogether we oe They complained that they had not cqual rights In the Terrtofthenewfirm,we can say that thes lie The remedy in ta put the whole right on the harard ofowar,wich all chanoes ayaliat thareenuetathefillesteouhdence,Gt)|Fi.1 preset great aporshanalon that the Weer mae Gao|wont be probihited Xpresaly reserve the rheht te protititandourfriendswilldowellantradingWith|itin thar cite and én Mreaten ty eeereien it hey complained of datiec on unporte as injurious to thera,intheta,ining (he profits on thetr ataples;and they levy ihe amiran|at make them still heavier Wthey oxHhtomeecttheirexpeneesinthatmodeTheydenouncedtheUnionforexpendingitarevengeintheNorthandtheynowendthelrownmoneyNorthwbaytheirwarapplies A Ton Scciteng from a County Scotttownelip,in Fremont county,bows, The ploncere in the move 1 the Virgen for gro line netually receded from ehe connt Ph RUAM TER:IATzicenm slave,tem Eee Solerae5romeyyandtheilnaehiutfoatavery,They forthwith peohitist it forever vathetrownConatituttonHavetheyehargedasinglewrongupontheyarenot(hemaelves more gusty Can such a self etaltifiedConfederacypresentanythinglivitingtoVirginin®They keepupaclamorabountheirVasantsurrenderalltheirrightenelgovernmenttoirresponsible,despotic bodies,called QontonsThepeoplehadhatterlookintothematter “set up for itaelf “A hist of grievances the Union of whichwasenumerated,and commisioners were appomnted to confer with other disaffee- ted townships, 1 Rich Whig ee posed by he dieubppiets tebe,sindif Alviseetcngofforceshallbeattempted,abundant rnbeyivenofit”If they tad lost the Pe;late election jthey would have sulomitted to the defeat cs yielded @ realy frompliance to the expressed |will of the people,asin duty bound;bor theepeoplehavingplainlycondemnedthedivvnion, ORDERS EXTRAORDINARY. The following orders have beew issued by the new Adjutant General of this Beate©ADJUTANT-GENERAL'R OFFICE,|Ra.wtaa,Feb.ds,150!f Onwuns No.1 eH To the Commanding (pficersofthe 1Tth Brigade uf the North Carolina Militia:You are commanded to assemble the commis of your regiinents at Une isfeeael Wie ot fares ‘ ne 27 of 1,a jer ' cee here r-Geoeral of the Tih Dr deen ee flue Mititia,The ofcers holding such civction tore |dentructive schemes of the mad whe turn the result tothe Adjutant -Generat's office,men are “winning to destroy their Government,the UnioajineuwilldefendtheirrightsinthePremiseswithalltheenergyGodandtheircausewillyivethein, The majority principle is the foundation “4varGovernmentalsysteonallqUentionsof[proper appeal to the people.When a majoritybofthepeopleofNurthCarolinahaveSpokenfurjotagninat©measure,that should be an end of ie Ky order of the Commander ia Coleen etcernt The 17th Brigade fe compose fof Nash,Warren,Franklin and Wak:beslow” Cantwell is the candidate for Major General of Tih Div | This Order was addressed (0 one of the Caplaine it ty,aud the foregoing is a tree copy.We have publiched it with n view of oviting attention to the ieot that (he Adjatent aloof the Slate.iu hie veey Stet Order,i Mee for the extraurdinary purjose of apnouncing to jile subordinates that a certaln person ts a candidate for office!‘BA.Cantwell ts the Candidate for Major-General of Th Division” Itcertinly ts,for the order Je before as Is onthe part of the Adjutant General onmiityey When was tlever this coun:| used hin Cun this he true ® such conduet Rralynised becnuse they are the sovereigns and their au Is thereaprecedentfor ict j word im the law, known (hat Orders by a high military officer for an election Cun bheutous*Those who would raise them.prelves in opporition to this fundamental princi.pile,mealestly nesume io take away from the peo- j le ther sovereignty —their freedom / Kut we apprehend that the Governor didNotjtendtobeunderstoodasfavoring.aby violation continent announcements of the pames of cuoditates? Vb/ites,Abd we aay?Why,0 far aswe cau judge from (his Ondedate for Major-Generalof Th Division.” ome tlature Cantwell is tee camdl there is only one candidate --"F Hoke the Mf Adjutant General by | the tisuaion cllque fn dhe late Le Gen was electel to It was the crown toy act acts of that body.This xen omen made himself conspicavus ag a member of the Cos by his disunion sentiments,apd by the wanner in which he re the ovany anfortunat of the expressed will of the people,though whatjhedidicanisnotaltogetherasclearaswewouldAmericanthe.huk Theos ly kk \}ieee and for Rh unifor nahierenes ton thew:|fe wc tnust surely kuow that Slate secessionUndersuchcireutistanees,would lay a SteppingstoneforCountyrecession5andthus,by anaturalandeasyprocess,be might sown find Hettase tl vs waste ti tbiass Lincoln,90 far as his fleeted on tb He waselected as a reward for tly diswntoe Hig very firat order has demonstrated He has lowered his oMce by 5 Me hae retleet tion Governor fiiness for the poslttendidateioroffee in his Geovral Orders ing 8a allothers who may think of becoming candidates by an.|pouncing “Pa Cantwell”as tae cambidate.”He has attempttdtydictatetohissubordinatesbythrustingbeforepaineWrbevotedforforMajor-General;and all this he callsLfteshouklguomatthisratewhatwillOrHokeis@disuaiogists,and so is Mr.We tell the people that the disapion clique them a | j power for the caccution of the laws are con: Urdere NodRees cerned.ders No ‘lube?Geu ee NTKA SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. Some of the disunionists were rejvieing here Cantwell | mined to “rule or rain They want high military offices withbigsalaries,und gold Ince,and fine feathers,and boots andspurstorileroughshodover“evrmmon”follgs;and they want |the people the Nant babded farmers and mechanics—to foot thebillTheywantdisnuiunbeewusedisunionwillbringwar,aud they want war becwuse war will tring Chear commissiong and )want these commissions and That is the Yesterday morning ou the failure to electa Cos. vention,which,itis said,was luet by 700 votes and many of 1d: hag salaries They inform us that the Governor will now call au exlra seastan of the Legislature,wud vheywillpassauotherConventionbill,and thes tier will Bact nghte , Wigh salaricn beeataer lay to work Bryleads of it ever dul a hard day's work? they are teHowmanyarethere of your cocksde mea who Look at them and judge for your elven We call the attention of thr Commander-In Chief to the Ad We desire toknow if Aituce military Orders and if 80,whether it would not be fair tal KUnoUDEe jutant General Now,tllow citizens,you have Just declaredwreWwbeofthisatanp,add thewheatTheCanaucuner in Chief we knowHefenotaSeotthylearningofbypractice,but he is nearly sedowillat! once perceive the propriety or iapropriety of this conduct of|Missubordinate,Geo Moke.That he will rebute it if he perceivesClobeuaproperwehavenoues,for the anders ar ding |sbiaio all the ofees they can,| your Wishes on (ie sabljoct,and that dec laraboo acts indi tates the bene@t of anc : aa uuer Is entitledforespect,Iiefor you tu say wheiberitshallorshallnotberespected isa iniitary roan and we feel sure that Ada military mi by tnteition Woll the members of the Leyislature clase at. tempt to force »Convention upon the neople And then look at the complemon of the de legates after they hase said they do pot wantin!among the disuni nc lique is & ant never to fall out by the way lest their uefarious We Chought Ae f the Od But where is Gea Cotton® Oneshouldbeexposed just chosen by the peo TeorwastheAdjutantGeneralfarlifewordforit‘)pees)Vowa mea for every disuuioniet, Hero of Chatham had been Atjutant General on the Sith of February,be such Order would have emanated from bh He a wou Nave fad better sense,oot more respeet for hie sabordi-| Protas te gton Herald,Marc 3 We find the following editonal paragraph in the Potersburg Apress of yesterday, not te to Nave told Chew fo 4 General Order that a certain *the candidate fur Mager General of Tub DivisionRaleighStandard nates tt prreon w We caa-Just let the Tth Diviston mominate and elect aman of their | eve that Mr.Gilmer sent the documents referred to,knowing the persons to whom they were ad dressed.That would be a erie of which OWL choice without respect ty Ue man put up for them tp this etatonal manner By th Jemocrate of the Aeart WAy,can!be possibile that (he disunionWavecoollyCakkemCitethetr euds thatthe people We Would Hol beheve acy North Carolina gen 1 dee iity until we were forced by Me 0 nee necks api bear whatenever burdens they (leman co Ott hss.And ifthey (on Wave determined to pach thhy grand assumptten teva prvet pal wi mee kty bow oh many choose ta boy upon them eally to belie we se,Wel bore to } wodlonial frome Miro Glave of wal Fes potstbl for such on acts ON teonahle lo [NN Hinged:be the Nautients have been reeencd wielother North Carolina Post Off test,Gad save us asa people ty12. .Souther €GOV.ELLIS’SPEECH AT WILMINGTON,een,fers from Various sources made @ some length,inspeechof om planing thee at Littlet te ait commented ao Ate tysand{1 wis linpiiveible biel Wheltine the pape of Sith OntO oe Sipecied 11)fren weoriwea.underPaliated1Comecttienanidtheoenalbesacerargrova,under the frank ofTheintemtwasnveryckmevar!Nutatuneihing he wnseell (he tone dolo A.Gimer ite dee tothe pro-wesured Vi that the people Nad defeated the Convention |).or .ye to iriten lellbe neeraity of reeomeutering heir |Vie Of North Carolina that Mr.Giliner explainonducthyCircumstanceswboattotranspire,over whieh they)(lis tnatler,as we cannot bebeve that be wouldVednecontentTwwouldbe(riven oat of the Unive by the knowingly frank his speeches or any vther due uments to free negroes.Such a coorme is pot only repagnant to the feelings of every Southern inan,but utterly without precedent,we bebeve, ww the history of Nomb Carubiva’s represenia tives in Congress. Don't the Wiimniogtoe Herald apd the le policy of the Incoming administratean Our affections,oar imlereata,aud our destiny were with the Roath,and the people,soak!go owsocneroInterhadjustatoeanttithe|and ty bold the goveroment pr rre these led them Mr Liacule4demeantcoercionit) wt the Acct blow that wae Brack for independence at (deaseHsidebyRachactiononthepartofYeausurpationofpowerwhichthe y would potheadmioistration we:f North Cacetina ve fr men would Neve a right ter re-thon te be formaly sanembbed rly Unere,And that mesot ytsit,without waiting fora |} ee eee eee ihuee ee eer tersburg Apress both understand this thing ee ee ae ve See a a ite a hinted ‘perfectly welll The same foul gasne was played cae ae en heceaesty en ae ee oe jagarnst Mr.Clemens,of the Preeiing Disinet, Ces *ay y Han Virginia,Tt was iu that case,as also in this eu me ie ee Comes ioe and in she ft "aygaipst Mr.Gilmer,deliberately done by sume (ebere Teenie eae ees ey eeeree cowardly enemy to the copservative and unioosentforInepatrictionacdmapacity,Phy that bewty —ineerted in the Con;sentiments of thase gentlemen,10 damage them cme patorm Muth as the Peace Cor ee pdan Ht had heen defeated 10 (he estimation of the peophe of their States: tealbothenatin!)etions Ane Lancaia'eTicururat ads)Whately ct ennid Mr.Giliner have in sending Cae no ae ee,Serine ee amt reer documents to free negroes?[i is abswrd.[st faba heat coxis)ale he sual wand be waeregardter oretended that he desires to instigate an insur- an Ah ae |Gig,MO ae elenece aay Tolatnand Mint Tein anylie couyyh Gade i al@ave met at theic bore!vteen eeitine Dire part of the Mate by communeations throagh the Post Offices| There is black heartedness atianOfelCharacter.sri be was here om thi occasion moresisPeelthyrotgood,aodwouldafhedhomtomeethisf-low the bottom of elvokedt them,amet clawed bie re his busitiess am any one of common sense mayNirksambiatoheersfwCoeGonertor,eeceesion de.ler JWiiminytumPerpace.oo.The Governor,it tS an above.Combine ntalRee:soe hee 5 Stuffing the Anile¢Box ——We have oflea heardmetreiswtingLisvoteavainstthe line att t }Confer MC ballet boxes are sumetiaaes "a uffed”ia the largewhateettlementacpte:gee (sethBesEENme OT tee and fraudulent resalis attained;but we haveenceMiDaviehaste“di hy oters,of never,unt!now,hed to reeord amy such an attempt in thisCounty.‘The returns (rum Morgan's precinet, ofthe electwa on the 2th Kebruary,exhebit a clear e fan atirimpted fraud The yrdges of the elec- oriae wate to defeat these tyore than ary North Carolina del Heasures:for a settlement of ther oor national troubles and vet Ae as the man wham vor disunien Governor singles ont for special ton there,certify w the following retura corppliment.How Goes this agree with the past Sheer ay oe Serena €2-Ne Convention,87. acton of the Govertor and bis disunion faction ?—Kerr,49,Caldwell,49;Couventwa, Tatale,134 136 422nizetheTagslatnretocall{On examining the (iat af vetera,we find only )23Judg.(yMes fecordedJamesFE \few weeks agam.Joye Roffin’s be: opmren was rehed on to autt aState Conventien on a majority vote Thas st wm apparent that every |voter,voted esther for or against Cooventiwn,as the |vote on that qnestion agrees with the whale aumber of voters hated 1¢ie also apparent that the franda- all sidesIhdSpreerti Huifin wae quoted by:Kerr of Rowan,itheehadfoundWimnselt ices Moat. e said that to defer to the opin 1 n 0 Junat and belleved it wa j lent Votes were given to Mesers.Kerr and CaldwrtthlawhilteeallaConveyatnayeSRseeiiyealCoteUoDy&tnajorty:vote nuce No Convention,”Houck and Shober reeeiredThehighcharacterofJudgeRatlingavethen x7 each,aud Kerr and Caldwell beat “Convention” that the Judge *by 13 majority,winch w just the differemce between opinion had been wave under a misapprehension of the number of names lieted,and the numberof voirrs the section in the Consutaution referring to the cal-returned as cast for them and for the Union Ticket. ling of Conventions;In other words,if Kerr aud Caldwell bad received, he acknowledged ig-errog,and recalled his opine |each,36 votes instead of 49,the list of voters ond ton great strength.bat i tarned out and as soon as he read it, This same eminent Jurrt,for tany yeura a;the whole namber of votes returned,wuald have Chief Justice of the Saprene Coart of North Care (agreeds bat receiving 49,the namber is too great 0 compared with the het of voters,by 13.These taken off,as they ought to be,the Union candidates would a majority of 404 olna,was ales a metober of the Peace Conterence and by bis distingni-hing talents,practical sense av and great learning.attrnetod more attention in that he onanty. hody than any other mau init He voted for apd EA a leshe?uh Aeeretetives Sateeeeerr*.iy rs this matieradvocatedthePeacemeasuresadoptedbythat eebodyandheamdGovernorMureheGahernilyaa2::.eS :TNT SHHHEDG,The Missouri State Convention.—ThisprotLoavaustthevoteofthetatebemgcastagainstthen,Aud yet Judge Ruffin and Govern-j body met on the 28th Feb.—The ReportMoreheadarequietlypushedaside,and thearad Of the Committee on Rales and Officers vice hisregacded and the advice and counsel of Contained,also,@ resolution requiring the the Younis feti bike Davis,adopted by the Gov-members to take an oath to snpport the ernorol North Carahna,impor whonr he lavishes Constitution of the United Statea,and ofitheStatoofMissonri,A warm debate jensued on this resolution,bat it passed, and the members took the oath,and mov- ed the Convention from Jefferson to St. Louis.a Convention \ i¢utterances bia complmenta Jat the peopl tank these proceedings well BAD ENOUGH ABUL Worst p Phe Governor it will he gheerved speaks of the “necessity of resistance.”as reported inthe Journal,that *7f ane do not Aave The communication of the Georgia Minissioners was laid on the table. “oe Fatal Fall —Mr.Caas.Wise,farmer,aged about 45 or SO,resident about seven mies West of this pinoe,foll into the rath road cut six miles above this place,Saturday night last,and was killed was doubtless owing to his condition that he lost his Ife.The cut 19 45 feet deep,very rocky and A coroner's inquest was held on his now.we would have one aoun.” Vhrese whieh were imede words,In comnection with te fore the & tion,the grasp.| Ing atter power of disunion offictaky and the apir Pet wolenee which inaniferts itself so clearly wpongst the disnmoniat leaders every where, ary calculated to arouse auspicione of aw dualen He bad ten drinking heavily,and ittoAttumpttoerrybyforce,what the people of has Tea drinking eeaTheShitehavejostdeclaredattheby: shin)! rt boxes Now af the AUZOTALE CIV]War AMONgat bot be done by their consent reeipitusCuoverbordesirestyinpreeipitu the people of N body Inst Sunday,and the verdict was in recordwthCarolina,he can easily do1bygivingencouragementte ance with the above stabement.law friends to at Phe Union men of North {Carolina are not the subinissioniate they Are aap ec =leompt thes thing This useful commodity will be ratherlor arce in this warket fections.” The Balrin speechia pac erron *will netunce of au The Charles thing,it mewnareready,” There i¢m in regard to dtates andt the South thal night from ite act ont hie we precisely the 4 sage bo Congercoven. psuith sare and soe) hie Me sea he new ove varcute the la held.Cougre:Republican W] whe sutroduce what was cull edhis readine the seceded S pot thrnk that "coereFayOv}mort te hes THE OATH ‘The venereal thee la will?farth Call tated Statra, proteetseeve thy saye heyertyapdplectthedud ad jee,wale «Readthe Mr.Liscor e must ube in boneaty off inreat Khe posttively ae only auch the reweuues & Wherein dorst asa?)Tern Iwo men ratnn fihe so Vc Ta nomen mt:terre of the Cotitaten of ony ofth sha,uw According t dected witha) ak tanneot bel quialy emler hascalive aver a regulatie wtacle anaes erevenue te th ug q Pastry ca@nne) foeege to be bg4earnstob wagnees POATy pow gc The regu raed of it al Mao ice have reelywom the ‘World. ave President Vd eit +ability. SCs Siportant uly ackm ied States @ “+federal reve man Cag be vseut,the Jaw! isirameuts inwine te farsidingamong and the *|atleapt tapublicproperty oromd rdioum of aut ould be foand“il have to con “Lainple Tit a penalty, shere the erimel*viewnnge. marshal,who*il consent 10 nobody will ¢prosecution “prrnble obstac! ‘ates,would col “hel under laws! “rir allegiance 7rellywalls htnioed from © “lection distrie ted.a Inege @ hor members,| Ned it would hlsummerBa: fen ae imperatilfotLincolnwil ‘epecial seanion| ‘ons ae the est ‘he value of rrondered by Vexme is eatin Sates Troopa wi ‘ent means of take with the “!there aide al «was apa "chief of the q Yad not reache Wr for which J “carly as the a, yi ectxine }proof wil) iteelection, defeat und ©Xpressed 1;but the disunion 1 who a the Unica ©Premises avec wil] dationof 1eNLIONS of tal prinei- m the peo. Or did not Y Violation ough what we would €RECURSION 'Stepping us,by a soun find far as lis are con. ATURE, cing here HCl a Cop. 100 votes, |bow cal] wad they then they declared eC lAraLee Whether «late at->people, bi And delegates wo ineo te graph ipWecan- pcUMents om theyofwhich ina ven- jorced by hope to porteribal cn, s suUres receiv Post OFF frank of the peo- kplan be Would her due- e is bob Southern p be herve, preseOla the I’e- i thing vm pohaved Distniet, >on this by suime dj unioo ge them r Males sending d.isu i insur- to du tees | ttom of woe may o heard ibe large we have attempt precinet, a clear the elee- ion,RT. % 123 ly 323 t every ,as the number frauda- aldwel, received vention” retween of vovers Tiekes. eceived, ere and Id have greal ae pe taken rs would pexplain —This Report fticers ng the rt the snd of jebate assed, mov- to St. orgia le. ,aged ,West miles x]was and it he lost ky and on his ecord rather THE PROSPECT. Our readers will share our gruatifica-Hon in reading the following article,which wo take this morning from one of the best and most reliable journals in all the land : The ‘Opinions ef ‘the Ipangural, ‘The Petersbhrg Express,a moderate secession pa- per,onye that it at Gret considered the Iueagaral as uhostile (o ull phins of adjustment which have been proposed and discussed,aud o@ breathing the very spirit of coereion.”Rat,anya the Express,A more auentive examination of it and @ collation of ite di!ferent parte will somewhatsuften down this uufnvor- pie umpression.”Aad it goes on to cile ije language jostifylog thie latter view of the ducument.Vex, this wall be.the effect of a careful perusal upon ull caudid wen Whe are Bol disavionists per ve. The National fotetligenecer *That it leaves to conservative citizens good renaon to expect a con- cilalory courre et the hands of the new President, aad canna demands that he should be uilr indicate by his practical policy the justice o injus- tice of the hopes inspired by the pledve he mukes io the effect that hip **best discretion will be exercised,according to Girnumetaners wctoulty existing.«ith « view to @ peacefal solation of the witional trouble® snd the restora:of fraternal syimpathice und af- fections.” Coming Rounp.—In a political crisislikethepresentitisusefultotukeanoc casional Ghaervation to discover how far the position of things has changed.Onthe7thofNovemberwesawtheRepublicanpartytrinmphant,and rejoicingovervictorywhichtheWilsons,the Sam ners,and the Groglys claimed would foreverestablishtheprinciplesoftheOhi cave platform.No new slave State should ever be adinitted inte:the Union,and innopartofourTerritoriesshouldslaveryhetolerated5andthedemandfortherepealofthePersonalLisertytillswas, sccording:to these yentlemen,mere iinpertinence. Three months have past,wheel.in the The Baltimore American save’the speech ia pacific.” love of the The Richmond Whig considers it coercive,und co ercron will be wet with stern and unyielding re-inetunceof@entedSouth.”existence of a nation,is ascaresly we find that a nomber of thy prominent leaders of the Republican party have openly declared VppreTheCharlestonCouriersays,thet if i;meansany-Clable space of tine,aul thing,it mewoe war,Aud adds,lei it come.Weareready,” There i¢much in Mr.Lincoln's words.particularly their willingness to sucritiee the moat in regard to non-interference with slavery in the {Cberighed article of their platforms iu or states and the delivery uf fugitive slaves,to wsure Her to save the U4 Phe originator of the South that it need anticipate no violation ofius Che doctrine of the Irrepressible con hon nights from its administration.We trust that he will fet,”has hinselt offered te inake sueh act ont his words.As tu the seceded Sietes he (akon conffet impossible ly an amendivent «tpreciselythepositionsofMrBuchanantohisnes!4 eae t the commencement of she date SM Constitution,Ie has dechired WhatGoercianeiillinlMeeeSecorymiiintlic:Len rituihics tant louver na Mr.Adams,formerlyoftheextremeleftoftheRepoutbean party,and sapposed te ber cordial eon sage to ©reerSomepersons saw * pomston save and soe iw thw Tuauguralhemessage,gor bas any one seen it allemptedWedonotseeiatheTnaugural,wor de we expecttoseeattempted.As the late President said,and ‘: he new ove says,iin the Prevident’saworm duty to Municntion with the Abotitiouista,lias otpaneuleleeremceemeaureiesSaneeferedtaadmitthewholeterritorysouth held.Cougresa hae withheld thea,aud the leadiag,7 ge i,44):Qian esRepudlicunUShairmanaftheMiltatyComnitiees|!36 des 30 min,wa a Shute,with thewhovutroducedthe(defeated bill to graul them,—becogtlaes what was called the *Force Bill’—distinctly declars in ita Code of tersitorial baw,if the inivalsoShisreadinesatoacknowledgetheIndependenceofhe;‘the MrthesecededSiatesratherthanfightthemWedo(F W A .oot think thac th can be any posibility of wre ameron,Thurow Weed,Ju lve Kellogy, sortie ‘coercion2)tt would be the maddest of fol-and other prominent Republicans,hive Fay.Observer intinated adopt Mfr. Crittenden’s original resolutions,The re peal of the Personal Liberty bills is pre tuised by them all,and one of the States We did wetmee i practical question, Inetitution of stuvery,already ants of Territory so desire lies their readiness to.-- THE OATH-INAUGURAL-MR.BUCHANAN, ‘The venerable Hoo.Reava B Tasry,Chief Jus cee of the United States,adininistered the oath ofthee1aMrLiscoun,which is,in effect,that he Has already led the way in the return tewillsfathfullyexecutetheofficeofPresidentofthetheConstitutionallintsof|Imted Statea,and will tothe beet of his ability,pre-proteet and defend the Coustitution of the U wistation Phere is every indication that the exacn ple will be penerally followed by the Northern Lepislature Every clection for local officers whieh has taken place at the North singe No vourber las shown aomarked resection in serve siote”” Tn hes ineugoral,Mr Lincotn reiterates hin soluvoblgatoa,ta the following language :-— He saya he will “hold,orcupy and possess the cope rt\and places belongirgto the Government aud ect the duves of imports,”he dices,unless he made up te aund Ue peure bin Reid the wath,and draw \ouroweu conctusionsMr.Liscous had prevarieated.r cust ubliee seCenmeut,would have conceded to in boneatyof purpose.Bat,it will be eomiended threatens the seeeded Siales wiih coerewn could not have The pentitnents of tiene people kven in Massachusetts and Coutral New York the\bolitionists are now denied «a hearuy abe,net even Phousanda of Republicans oneress tn fay Htve eine rofthe Crt Lu the wrest State adinetted followin aie petitions te —heyoettively declares mt ty coerce @ State,but to tenden CAAP Pout se.ae ounly auch forse as may he neceenary to collect fen eiz:ennsy ret Witt change of postiong Let Ntract frou the correspon| New Youk Zi hen: “Our citizens are too trans revenue,and held the government property — When does thie differ from the poliey of Mr Bee wes’)To mate a d ru between the vewstwomemwouldbeanicejub-—eomethiug Ihecratonfepltiag«hain:and ye a large watheSomberStateshaveapprovedWrBe “nee af ofS aurtov last sliow of siguingveyeteunthepresentcome—Ral Banner petitions fer the enactment of Critten;“+:_densoutrageous proposition,wostof themTakOTHOFOFFICEhetknowinwhattis,lit the yroatstswhechargeMeLinenwithiorewin,because he says he must evecute : trathe to dete,give him eredit for M0 Mla lo have gone over bodily to the ene | cgrity fer itus well known (hat all Wey Principle PECINE yiving Way to exs.fom Lincoln and Clingwan down to pediency” Jas f (he Pewee,take au oath to support the sutiGen of Che Onaited States,at the salve time inany ofthe are phtuagt t.Sach the,uofertanetely,mean motoing oow-u-dave—liste of which there are seme among uslikewhatarecalled.in the slang phrase,coe:MpetolorilTiePeailaConaneeeesSeesOw‘a thata majority of the pedple of al no I rece wen Republican majority in the Legislature e |eo sweunder bn The advocates of a Convention in Ma rvland, certh uw and even the avowed Secession They eee every Northern State woald Cust,.e- Geena rein)lorivginal resolutions.And yet these versAccordingtomarntinelaw,all duties must be|*;2 viected within one manne league of the port,and [NECN,who know that the people of the,wik cannot be broken until the vessel has beea North are anxious to do justice,passion.| entered within the harbor Should the The! quiarly :ately uryeapon us to take before the 4thMenaceeteciiadictrsotMuchtheterevoeuhleetepwhieh|a regulations,cargues will be furfeted.»fresh WOUld plunge our State tuto ruin,and ous miacte arses.The machinery for the colleediouof whole countey inte civil war,uiless acteventetepatahineexecutiveTheJadeseyfewpoliticiansatWashingtonwillbetorthugtoduwothitPui\icanmuGeeialpuinmiguecsehiulleran (UaAGiling nda tlle provoscdicnninoliistreesetobehadbeforeadistnetyndgeandajury’)And these insanely Uinpatient counéellors 4 eugeneCobeeinpanciled from the omtnet where diy not hesitate to Lratel as falne to thenagneesfemdeWherewoadCiegovernmenta1ren,!ie idge or jury in Charnes Savannah,Mobil:honor and Miterests al Maryland ail wh , Now Onleanal consider the Union and the peace of the The Consttacen and Sowe are so fromed thatthe conntry worth a few month of powered phen Undue ea ae Be effort,and who are determined mot tewehannepowerwhatsoeverMrSewardi+obstacles which surround the goverument fr Hcrifice the mation itsell to the obstinacy vsuch stupid people as the Chevalier Webb of a few fuithles=aud seltish membersadfanSheGrecly,who abut ther even Congress,will be repmiiated he fact that without the coufernug by Congress ‘ll |.cap ;enary power upon the Prendent he con do voth |Coee Wher they misrepresent,c The regutar army ston sual for the server Balt.Amesioin ined of st already,aod the Premdewt cunnet ine | Many of the best officers in the anited vcr have resigned.and their entiredisor zauiza shy vo meaue improbable ~orld,”a Repubbean New York paper Reet ly neil DON'T WANT)TO RESIGN THE SEARS AND STRIPES Vhe staid aud dicntfied old Commercial Bud ve letin,Of New Orleans,pleads earnestly aud elo President Tancoln declares,in his inaugural,that quen0y in favor of the retention by the Coofede the * willtake care that the laws of the Union bet rate States of the Stars and Stipes,nen just and| 1 hfully eufweced im all the states,to the extent oftability,Under existing ciicam+(ances this iw a proper deference to ay unmistakable popular sen «el operant qualification.asthePresident barre if f t That ey "ied a og eeuallyackwuwledgesthat,of the large body of “tC Of banners Chat heralded the dawn of free ind States etatuses,the e fur the cotlectwoe of dom,that has been hailed with rapture on every “federal revenae are the only ones whichhe deems sea,and in every cline Uhat rejoices im the lightidvveubleofpracticabletoenforceimtherebelofcivilizationLetusneversurreuderweTtasThelawsoftheUnitedStatesareexecutedLotiproracediaccorve\i erent br aermenukertincoughtheegeneyofsubordinatelocalofficers,Ax 2 'ysoman@agbeeompeltedtoholdofficewithouthisCliblemofallUiatispoble,truthful,unseltish in isrul,the Jaws become inoperative from the want.patriotiamn,glorious,heroic,free and sublime inisirumeutstoexecutethem.Mr.Lincola deem#!(he history of our country.There is no reason inwine to farches irntate &disaffected peuple,by whiy we should now give it Up.Millions of ieee ie Li eee ee hearts have quivered with delight beneath its *|attempt io the seceded States will be to hotdthe beautcous folda Dying eyes have growa bright public property add collect the revenue.Tt may as their last yaze upon earth bas rested upon it,‘urly be questioned whether exiting laws are ade-and, Viale to emuble bim to maintain even the small vdieum of authority;and if,on examination,11 .‘ould be fonnd that they are not:the President in the darkest hours it nerved the arm that was “have to consider the éxpediency of calling nn ready to falter,and given hope to the despairing ty ron of Congress.From its stare lyht bas streamed athwart our boc Pape eee ext in the somes tee ae rekindled an.Wa perenn eommite a erime (rmaygling for,(He first that were ready to become ¢xuuct.It ‘vanple)to which the lawa of the Uuited States ts the flag of Washington.It is the flag of our ‘Tita penalty,he can be tried only in the state country’s infancy,It witnessed the sufferings “here the crime was committed,and by @ jury of at Vulley Forge.It flonted over the heads ofpeiiagemDetleo)pareun eile atic eBeal i evrrcatioatriouand bis bandiiviiiecesinitheirmarshal,whe will samngon the jury?If nobody |*Ilonsent 10 be jndge,w#ho will bold the court?¢ver tnemorable retreat through the snows of 'nobody willbedistrict attorney,who will inanage awe Jersey.Tt was at Trenton,Princeton'*prosecution?Or,if we conld overlook there in-and Monmouth,Saratoga,King’s Muantain,the “parable obstacles,what jary,in one of the seceded (oy pens and Yorktown.ItviclanderMacetewhtenGoaghanacheatgercdwatersofLakeEric,Ti shed lustre upon Lan “rr allegiance?A law without a penaltyis practi-dy's Lang,and every star in its folds beard)the tient, “By the rockets red glare,” colsecrated “ally nol;but how are pemaliinstobe inflicted when reveille upon the plansof Chalmette.We have whole machinery for admmimistering jnstice ie yx good aright toi asthe North.[tis the flag ‘ken down and destroyed?of the frea and the light of the world.[tis the\<it is impossible to coflect the revenue,under “Usting laws,without an immediate collimon between*federal and Stute authenities,it is hy proba‘=(hat the Prestdent wit!audertake i:oui!be hax‘nioed from Congress authority to mboheh existing“ection districta,and establish custom houres on ‘ard ships.‘The?whole tone of the inaugural indi-ee ‘rathat he will not take any hasty steps;end,w-Upon that banner ved.mo large a number of States have yet to elect strain to assert that it can never be supplanted we members,that if aa extra rersion should be in the hearts of the Southern people,‘Ned it would hardly aesemble before the beginning summer Bacthe duty of collecting the revenue “en a imperative that we deem it probable Presi.|;tent Lincoln will feel impelled to assemble Congrese olina,Chronicle,bas expressed a hope that ‘epecial session,und lay before it euch recommen.North Carolina has not made an “ass”of herself‘ons ae the exigency may render proper ;by voting to remain in the Union.—We will not ee ‘say that South Carolina has at all made an *|Me valueof the property of the United States of herself by departing from the Union,butif we “rendered by Qen.Twiggs to the revolutionists owed a party a very great aga,and were to offerVexme,is eatimated at &1,300,000.The United the Editor of the Chronicle in hquidaton,we Atos troopa were permitted to use the Govern would cousider the long-eared “haminal”a legal “nt means of transportation to the const,and tender take with them three or four pieses of cannon.;,F '(isicnida arias,Séverat @reka ago.Colanal A line of steamships is proposed be Vaite wae Appointed to aneoeed General Twiga tween Charleston and Liverpool,witha“chief of the miktary department of Texas,bat eapital of R750,000.One half of the stock4::1‘ad not reached there at the time of the surren.ia to be taken in Charleston,and a Com “for which Twiggs ia anid to have negotiated|mittee has been appointed to elicit sub- “carly as the 7th instant seriptions, banner of our fathers.They made it,they bal lowed it,carried it to victory,to glory and to They —=''Tore the azure robes of night, And ert the stars of glory” peace. And proceeds in a simitar oa 88 ‘ therr votes in favor of Mr.Crittenden’s| |the close of bis speech,the Peace Conference ta the| Suaarv.—The Kditor of the Rock Hill.S.Car-, HON.J.M.MUREHEAD,|VOTE OF NORTH CAROLINA.The Peace Congress having finished their la- | t :ae '1 §tl a ber life,it had been very much improved.She left;The subscriber though.most thaukful for the in-sors,aod having adjourned,Ex Gv.Morebead Memarrs.z |2 an infant but two days old.In the opinion of her creasing patronage bestowed upon him for the lastreached—by the Express train on the Sar ——S q |?pee aeen.she was rapidly recovering;indeed,he three years,must now to emable hins,a5 fer as hieurdayeveng.The Governor found in waiting |a z 4 \q vad but just left the house,aiter paying his daily wens are required,in establishing a reconstructionattheStativnananxiouscrowd,desiring to Counties.3 q clk 2 visit,whew Mrs.Hace remarked,that she felt fa-of the Union,decline selling,except for Cash.know what had been dene,and what was the e 3 :z Ugued aud Uought ee would sleep;aud closing Hie Stock is,aad will be kept tull and completeprospectforpeace.La order to impart this in “:>her eyes,almost instantly expired;sv silently,it-t panic prices._formation in the most satisfactory manner toall,'er Sate arr deed,that the nurse could scarce mote the change.®&!P»Pi :H.WYATT,Gov.Morehead repaired at once to the Court Ne ae an DG Dene Cho areub alenuraniets eu bot et tls [ist and A poth iulhelAlexander,1,0 Hn 00U apparently withouta pain,calmly and silently,as Draggist and Apothecary,vuse,Which was in a short ime nearly filled.Alleghany,00.0)000 000 the How of some gentle stream,passed a pare clins-Noe 16 aud 158 Main ot,Having been travelling all day,the Gov.dechin-Anson,Jan fu 461 fan spieit from the dates of earth tu the full frui-Babsbary,N.Ccdakingaspeech,bat taking a seat ou the Ashe,....ined (mW)TOO bon of the joys of Eterity —bench where all could seg and hear,he proceed.Beaufort,.2)oT 650 Mrs.Hack was remarkable for the psineerty,EXTRA NOTICE!|ed jo 4 conversational way to detail briefly,what Bertie,31 0 138 632 vathfulhess and consistency of her character,even am :had taken place iu the Peace Conference.It Bladen,1 0 4x0 460 frow childhood ve deceived vo oneghy word or Ww.i WYAT hereby ackuowledges under thewascomposedligraidofsomeofthemostdisBranswick,Oe G27 |61 aot When she spoke,Wuth was the essence of hor present depression in business.his sales for Junaary,tinguished men of the natio Malemonle Buneowbe,.eo 1219 SSH language.Frou ber actions,none could draw dover the corresponding month last year,to huve in-ee Tneena a j a ;i i ws Ve ™Barke,ee)mi 263 false conclusion.“These were the natural beantics creased uexrly 50 perceat.The Cash System will‘sold,h leebtey aud who bad retired from Cabarrus 0 1 BUN 306 ot wet dispositivn.She had been for many wears ipubheiife.A committee of one from cach State Caldwell,1!0 1g TM eATnITIicalMEET RULE ITO earart Pics be couiinued,with an increased attention to or Was appointed at the beginning of their session Camden,1 0 OO 450 pal Chureh,and was a truly elistign woman Peruse cbuse,8a eae eGurcive,parcheettspreparebustuess,Hon.Thotas Ruffin wax Carteret,Jn oe CUM tet rant UReM itl erieranie wDAUEIneTemnemenes Wcclctaaru saeCe Ncicien aliiehy Olle,ou tas committer from North Carolina,Inthis Caswell,20 O82 137 POUL,aged 50 years pe ee ee ee alCUMclcem(enUrgMe cil ira mune nnrcclinlile oar oi ‘158 Seine se eR chee eee Lele os ees ana40Wal>by gdebating.‘The Gay.spoke inthe lighest terms peattus uy TVS 7 5 by giving bun a call befure pureliasing.::.0 WOEMeRatha)tlistinieure retina teres ne nine cone:1 oe Nic FIRM.Al!Pharmaceutal preparations prepared and Medi.Create ruiuflnanee:HATER:CIlertiRCen he Saar i i 5 aR THe BSCRIBERS (Succesee to FAUST.cineca dispensed by himeelf,mght uud day.Oe en en a ene el i WINEBRENER &CO)have formed a co uoagesthaténe™Be a ‘ae pumas:.ul 1x3 pertuership under the firm of Specialities,fave wot along without Jadge Kutin ‘Vhatthe Craven,.2 399tce.:‘'iConferencewascomposedofagreatmanydisCutuberland.3.0 718 DAVID FAUST &Co.,|Which should be kept in -cery Family,linguished lawyers,to allo”whom Mr.Rattin was Cutrituek,adhe uv 0 VOU for the purpose of continuing the HARDWARE Wrorr's Surernion Covoane Water,at half thekoownbyreputationhavingservedsolongasee;5 3 yale BUSINESS at the old stand prieew of the wiporter,Prices 15,0 &$1 01)Cluef Justice of owe Supreme Court,The Gov om es or No.94 North Third St.,Philadelphia.)Wsuvs Invigonatina Birtens,for General Weak- said,that when they first met,New York,nor Edgecombe ‘Ooi =17,We respeetfully invite the attention of our frends!Bes.price MetsMassachusetiawererepresented,and every thing |Forsyth .2 0 66 1409 aud bayers geverally,tu our |Wyrart’s Toxic @ Pitts,forChills nd Fevers.$100wentonquireharmoniouslyuntilthedelegatesFranklin,.:uo ol oot 79 New Stook ofGoods,|Wrart's Convrat,fr Dysentery,Flux,&e.,IetsHowthoseStatestooktheirseats:that as soon Gaston,‘Ore!Red V6 which will he found (o be more complet?than ueeit Warts Toorn Acne Daors,curcsin |mivate 20 cia>the aneinbere frou New York and Masieliu a oo ae YOU "many new styles have been added,and our new|Watt's Ircn Oivtment,certain ewe,Beseltsccame,that they commenced throwing fire [1 4uvt le,a #Hy)743 Firm hope,that with renewad exertions ty please,Wrvorr's Speciesc Pitis,no taste or sinef,$1.00-Greene 1 0 4 3 e Ybradsamongthem.New York bad nine dele Gawiona 310 ne ae they may be favored with a coatinuance of the pal-'Wrarr's Petwonic Bavoam,for (onsomptwn,§1.00uWtord........:Ee |ales,ve of whom secmed determined to op i.i =4 ws ronuge heretofore extended to the H use.WwW WwWallaxood),lod co y .,pose call Comprotutse,but that the other four were ieee 0 0 453 oy |eve ene DRUG ‘mee SieMsposedtobrugxboutanadjustment.That Haywood,1 vu low Tr)|JOHN HANOLD.||GG AND A HEC ,the four Union delegates dared the other five to Heuderson,1 0 000 a |Philadelphia,Murch 12,1861.33 |2 2 ‘submit the matter to the peoph:of New York,Ieruord,1 0 218269 |N.B—We are Agenis fur Suiru &Wessos's|BALLS BURY,Bothandtheywouldbevoteddownby100,000 ta Hyde,lv 476 161 Cantaipaes,which are unequalled by any other!Feb 19,1861 440jority.When the final young came vn the vote ey S j a at inake,they are sure fire.Co A K ER &CO’S MEI ric M NA LufNewYorkwasnotcasteitherway,as one of (On ia :ee eee):|p .ot Jol 2 )7 i 7 Shed naethecompromisedelegates,for sone eauns ory ttlsta,2 01 iat vet Ten Dollars Reward.|FRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL. vitier was not preseut,which made a tie,and 80.Lenoir 0 1 447 195 |UN AWAY from the subscriber,oa the 4th THE TRUE AND GENUINE,the vote of the State was not cast.Lincoln,01 600 AGERE ook Sear eter UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND RFFECTS..::;3 about thirty-eig years old,rea jack,ral ik zsRhodeIsland,saul the Govertor,stood by the Macon,,.1,0 goo :‘feet high,has large full white eyes,wud slightly grey|BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPAREDsshf!J Mad 1 0 000 z ee y ehily yvithfromthebegining. Sodid New Jersey,Madison,...ow S00 on the top of the head.‘The abuve reward will beVhedelegatesfromOhio,headed by Thomas Marua,....OF vOO paid to any person who will retura said slave to ine,|7 Tis use,if fairly ined,will soon restore the Sabeingwereveryconservative,and did all they McDowell,1 0 638 at my residence oo Second Creek,wear the line of |+tone of the digestive organs,invizerate the CDsellsWingalentwu,diate Tillie Meee coun oO 2 144s 2 the Weateru NC.Railroad,or lodge hun ia any |22 blood,give geueral rotundity to the figure,==SMUD me Montgomery,lo)Bl RTO jail wo that Teva get haa.je and add energy to the mind and nervous =vote tty (arog Won cast Againiet the pro Moure,1 0 Ta 1257 |JOHN FREEZE Bu syetem.Tis value has been remarkably 4Pestonasposed.bat that Mr,Kathin,and be Nash,|YX x3)|)March 12,1861.5143 |evmeneed by its wonderful remorsive pow-Mi.Morel ad,vated tor thee Vhe Governor New Hanover ‘Ue 1781 210 yy Crs,when ordinary tonies had beew vainlyHietioGeSoul)hiaull holaunied wach Soobenpron 20 76 Sup |BARGAINS,BARGAINS,BARGAINS,|S Cahausted.ade woanehinent tu thetheplanadopted,aud that itis every thing we Onslow,Uae on #9 |a 1S eae the es a away seHadanyreasontohopefor,fle did net chink Onause,|ab ie |M.BRENNER’S os Ruckableanmenie:>‘weqiotal (0 a(tat the present Congress,as the time was so!ei ee a aay |RED JACKET |For CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI-.3.short and asso mach tid feeling bad been got port!ans an Via gy :ns:son,7 ]iRetbanewanlUiUeablutorcnerstierlacetlineset)4 :au (LO .ll I N G |A L L Vo For SCROFULA in all its decelopments,72heUiveruor,however,seeed:«erean Wun i 1 eu Ma ‘L 0 For WEAKNESS.WASTING,andue:Med quite sanguine,Potk 0 vO 000 every form of DEBILITY,16 curative(that bine would bring all Chings mylt,but that Randolph 2 0 45 2466 |MAIN STREET,ae properties are unrivaled.xfnothoogcouldbedoue,that the border slave Richmond 1 0 SRS 251 |nex door to Brown,Coffin &Mock's Store CEU IC aay Geltakea elisealtcareldt hence koe“tates,tugetler with the borderfree States,would)Kebesun 200 533 w7 pee subscriber desires to irfurin the public of >moat deleate patient,and retuned withont CoMenriiews(constiiionnlor Uremmalver end tle Hates eal 2 i Eee ot0 Salisbury,Rowan aud adj ining Counties that he So -fortin the most sensiive atomach —Tissu.SeTInReeRIFnCOli(hieMeUCTTUCTIIS CAT ea Rhatether ae 7 7 ;fa Ue Is at preseut \2 penority a the aud ANG merece moans a:Latherfors 2 7 JOS gat yy \Lerieties enuineness,has guaranieed furwouldnevergooutoftheUnion,but would stay Sampson (Cee 968 631 “ELLING OF }!er thee cinaienuetns of the most eminent |inthe Uinen,hold oa ta the Cajital and Mount Stanly loo 000 HT |the balance of his New,Fresh and Fashionable |a Physicians throughout the States;the wnt:“S,Vernon,aud let the New Enaland States stongh 1 ov ud S00 FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF |Len testimony of the facalty of the best medi-=|He The Gov.said a great deal more,but ax Surry 1 0 207 1136 R 1 .jo cul schools;the Professors of the _ the «ame information is contained in other artices Tyrrell,1 y ae cady-Made Clothing,;UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,|Par Va ema cee er ates wenlteer ett (oun 0 1 548 JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA.=put weg ks siege moe om aes previous to purchasing his SPRING und SUMMER 2a”DELPHIA,Zture.—Greensborough Patriot,Ranncean 1 a 238 |GOODS at van PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI.&NACE CET eUEAOn GONPunnere Cees loo 72 Reduced Prices aE ee eSNALE©)iV EAGE CO)GENCE,acre )<e |re oa en rer uvalide should be careful to purchaseotalTrea\Narlironi Cniecornee nlnime tie ee eit ne hon ee OCMC AIILTE TKO THUS TUNES,|n aenaictveciaaeneinn th Ce)det tLe eoaRoeaenlieatcioeeseMealBr5racesheintendskeepingcoustantlyonhandalargeandmostactiveandimmediateadvantagesofnoreAmencan,writing Friday says E ,e well selecied stock of the remedy.That which we prepare hae CoTheprdingsintheSenatetodayontlbuleozae.el |dreided ae f superiorit ;ver ther jam+proceedings ©Senate to day on the 2 MEN'S,YOUTH'S AND BOY'S ad pelet constant gin ek BapropositionsofthePeaceConferenceindicatethatvee.2 5 ea a Clothi aF ixhi &|brands.Manufactured only =:ancey,|,‘0.they are to be strangled by the Se othiag and Furnishing Goods,|JOHN©.BAKER&CO.,ey a to be strangled by the South without =|5 .x,Importers and Dealers in atheaidoftheRepubheans.Senators Mason and VU 00 GOURD YUQUQ |and at lower prices than any other estadlishment of 2 Drugs,Chemicals,&c|Hunter,of Virginia,made an onslaught on them |:a jthe kind |Costumes suitable for Promenading,|Nov.13,1260.626 >le >:.|Bose|as soon as they were called up,pronvuncing them |piacere;Ulnuters,Mitierss Muchinisisvatd Serran(s|io 7 ]"Wh ygarnne;'oe |..Fuse,also a large stock of Boots and Shoes,Hats and |l 5)1 N TH I RD ST RE KTanoassofabwurditiescalculatedtooppressrather|The North river wharves,were the southern Caps.Call wud examine my stock before purchas-|he i :-—-Mr.Hunter insisted on amending them and,speaking against tine,ad than relieve the SX¢the South,steamers have their births exlilit extraordinary amination,in the shipment of woods,to fill or-dressed the Senate for two hours Phe galleries were crowded,when be commenced,with an anx.ders for Charleston,Savannah,Mobile,and Newlousthrongofpeoplebuttheysoondissened,Orleans,before the new tariff shall Ko 1Oto Operadespondingandhopeless,at this efforton the part qon of Virgima politicians tu defeat the will of the The Hunter was sueb,that at Tredell Express. ee SALISBURY PRICES.Mancu 12,1561 CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS,GROUE! People as represented in the Conference spirit evinced by Mr Hors were abondoned by Mr Crittenden as FLOUR FGGS,per dosen,TSO ONhopeless,and Mr.Douglas made the Corwin Family,APPLES— .b ;Sa@i 25resolutionsandamendmenttotheConstitutionsatine,gree Reitheorderofthedayforto-morrow at 12 o'clock cons d Mixed,©S0@0 00 nacos,cials;nite and Mixed,¢ACON,iTUisunderstoodthatMr,Crittenden will sustain Yellow,0 75@078 Hames,11 @ 12'Re :.WHEAT—"@10(heme as the only Project attainable at this late White,$1 50@0on eae AY aedayinthesession.If they go to tbe country Red,1 8@1 40 “Hog Round 10 @il°Se -COTTON,vx 10 IL mwithhisendorsement,they will meet with morc ppas—ee nal?favor than they have hith obtained.Black Eye,80@1 0 No.1,$20 00jaeeeeeRe).Redand Black,60075 No 8 $15.00|There is,however,great doubt whether they FLAXSEED,15@000 No.8,$900canobtainatwo-thirds vote in the Senate,with BEESWAX,eee eis.|:=|Senators Mason,Hanter,Lane,»nd Wigfall sure |NORFOLK MARKET. The moat fanatical of thetovoleagainstthem.Norrore,March 5,1561RepubheansandtheDisumonstsoftheSouth|CORRECTED WERELY BY ROWLAND &BROTHKES,GAUCERS ' ;‘|;FLOUR—|COTTON Wa 1'o 0 ’work in harness together,giving their united Family,07.00 9 7.25'RGGS,por don.12ya 00strengthandvotestodefeatcreryProposition|Extra,675 2 0.00 BACUN—|“8 Shouldelookingtopeaceaudharmony.;Virginia called |Wyant:tes icin mee mie 'ithe Peace Confers and Virginia laid it away |White 1.95 a 150 MACKE |j \'but he BS 1.10 ©1.80 No J,$16.00intswindingsheettoday—and there is but lit |codn,|No @ 10.00|::te :|White,6 a Bi No.8 10.00||Cle doubt that V inginin will save the Re publicans Mined nod Vomeetil 66 Gilt iona vax ' the treuble of opposing any other proposition|PEA Kr 1.00 a 0.00 Red Oak,hhd.36 a 87)A 28 Bsnom.White “*awthatmaybebrouyhtforward.“|Meading 70 2 |“o\1.25 a 1.90|on ota Ramaaxs.—Plour receipts are fair with a good demand for|‘STRANGE,consumption,some low grades shipping.Wheat,receipts small|The Lonisville Democrat says it is ae eoeuee Coru comes in freely,and meets with reaese,eean,_|dy sales;all good dry jote of White taken for Engiand and Ire-|strange that whilst two thirds of the PCO-|naa.Peas,B.Eye ciapiearedisgnstedwiththepresentposi s =|tion of political affairs,and would adjust |NEWBERN PRICES.| |this matter if they could get hold of it,|Newasay,Marck 5.128):REPORTED BY JOM.FOARD,GROCER AND COMMIRGION MERCHANT.|so tnuch embarrassment and apprehen-i ae te CORN,perbbdi.00 a 3.25 LAND PLASTER,$1.75 a 00}sien exist The reason is,that:officials |coTtos,14 a 11 'OATS,per bushel z j|ze |COFPFER,|PRAS,oS}stand in the way.The talent to get of |Java,17 a 18 |RICK,per B..7).L 4 16 7 y ‘tice ia not the talent to fill it.Hundreds git™Ma inkyreeye aussepednl«“ttl &t.Dom,14 a 15 Crushed,12 a 90havesnece.ded in getting offices,and are CaNDUR,Cerne:aie cet‘not fit to filltthem.Wait till the people pcx 1D 060 Loaf,10a ilAdamantine,a 00 Porto Rico,wajhaveonechancetogettheworthlessluin-|sperm,aie Gu iNew Oriccoe 8a i6.i.7 3 a Pe FEATHERS.4 a St Loaf&Crash.Wadd|ber out of the way.—Rich.Whig.|soar,oezFaTALLOW,wallThereareaboutascoreinNorthCar[MOLASSDS,per hhd.83 a 36:ee :R OLD N.C,BACON,jolina,beginning with the Governor,whi |Mackerel,12.00 Hams,16.017i\half bbl.7.00 9 0.00 Sides,12 alyareworsethanuselesslumbertothe|riorr,N.C.per bb [Rhoulders,12a 1diFamity,69:50 2 0.00 SALT,1State.Superfine,8.00 0 0.00 Liverpool Sack,—$1.25 9 9.00|\Fine,7.50 2 0.00)Pine Alum,2 a2 60 For the Watchman.—| CORPORAL'S GUARD |RELIGIOUS NOTICE. |Major Hull after reading (he resolutions parsed,Pursnant t ent ol Presbytery »Re[by at least 125 votes,at Rowan Mille on the 3 at of ree paproun men ial)aD YE ry eae.JF Remece will preach at East Bend,Yadkin coun-Dee,IM60,eaying they wanted ‘no Convention,ty,on Saturday might and Sabbath,the 16th and took oecastou to aay thal said resoluGons were passed 17th of March. by only «“Corporal'y Guard”and did not give the!Having to pass through Mockeville,to fill thejaboveappointment,at the saggestion of a member of the Presbyterian church there,if agrveable to thejcongregation,he will preach at that place Friday,‘might the 15th. And on his retorn from East Bend,he will visit Yadkinville,and fill any appointment the chriatianpeopleofthatplacemaymakeforhimonMonday Perhaps it takes a great many,"Kht the b&th,'\ optaron of Rowan—'that Rowan weald go for Con- by 500 majonty”’Thank God he hae |proved to he a false prophet,and old Rowan has |vention ‘done her work nobly by voting down Convention Bat Major Hall how many men it takes lo make a ‘¢ Hozza!for old Rowan T only write to ask =poral’s Guard"? more than we are aware of = BON SS MARRIED:| At Cottage Home,Rowan co.,on the 6th instant, by DR Bradshaw,Eeqg.,Mr Samven 8.Uraiaur to Mies Turza Broapwar.All in favor of the Union How long together we are to dwell, There's none on earth that us can tell;One thing certain,we both concede, MILLS CHILLS aso FEVER!CHILLS aso FEVER!! —One of the greatest remedire that has ever been laid before the pnblic,for Fever amd Ague,and which have received the highest encomimmsa from the nd the people.DR 3S.HOSTFRTTER'S -EBRATED RBITTERS Who woukd endure the tortares ariaing from this terrible disease,when That from thie U'nson we'll never secede ntean he ay easly cured?Whe wonld endure the On the evening of the 7th inat.,by the Rev J Atleeplesamghis,burning fevers and icy chilla,al-Linn,Mr Wa A.Borewan to Miss Evaanernternately,when a reamedy ean he obtained foramere J.Horenen intle And yet how many famileslingerout a pain- fol existence under (hie deadly blight,and denothing bot gulp down qauiaine,wntil i becomes as commoe aa their daily menia,and vet they are not relieved None but the foolish and weak puld hesitate bo procure theese valoable Bitters,and cave themselves intense ageny Sold by druggists and dealers gen erally everywhere |OT See advertisement in another column. —_—_—_—_—_—— DIED—On the 24th day of February,last,in Canadaignia,New York,Mra Saran Hace,wife of Trronorr H.Hane,and danghter of Hon N_, Rorpen,in the 320 year of Mer age.Mra Fane, up to the time of her marriage,was a reauleat of this plaee,and the melancholy circumstances of her death,will doubtless be read with interest,by her 1m4Q many fnends.Her health,for some years,had|been eee though within the few months of NOTICE! ing elsewhere.1s Remember the Sign of the REDWereSMART To Farmers and Mechanics, Pos —Having tnade proper arrangemenis with ourBalumoretirm,Fam at all times prepared to fulfill|any orders io the Merehant Tailoring business at!IshortestnoviceMB1x61 McCUBBINS &FOSTER AVE just received a very large lot of FARM- ING TRON,consisting of Shovel Moles,BarTron,Wagon tire 14.1}and 2 inch;Buggy tue 1hland1}inch;Oval Tron 4,4,and }ineh;Square Iron Land 14 inch;Buggy Springs and Axles|Pateut and Enameled Leather;Bands,Bolte,&.,|vogether with a general assuriment of|DRY GOODS,|HARDWARE, QUEENSWARF, GROCERIES,Hate and Caps,Boots and Shoes.They keep evn- J etantly on hand a sopply of FLOUR,BACON, PORK,FISH,COFFEE,SUGAR,WOLASSES,LARD,BUTTER,&c.,to which thy invite the at- Cention of the puble tat Jenkins’Corner,Salisbury,V.C Feb 12th,(861.vayH.C.JONES &SON,Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, \V ILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County Jun.22,622 }AND sRwKLY || Salis ry. Warcantot January 29,156! Western N.C.Rail Road. WINTER ARR \NGEWENT, fi New Tailor Shop. oe =ae subscriber has opened a new TAILOR SHOP in the rooms formeny occapied by Horace H.Beard,dec'd.Mis experience and qualifications lin this line,warrant him in saying that be will be |able lo meet the most fastidious demands.Call aud gel vour garments cut to fit vou,and made to Lastinsteadofbuyingtheshoachy,balf-made rage inReady.Made Clothing Stores Cutting sad Reparriag dume to order Prodace tukea in exchange for work|WM HOWARD 5 daw.ih,1861 3m34 Ne Aer em een ViCO ig a AlenVAeROWANCOUNTY|Court af Pleas and Quarter Sessions,February |Term R61. Reuben J.Holmes,fva.ATTACH MB!-|The Gold-Hill Min.Co.§ IT appearing to the satinfactiomof the Court that|the officers of the Guld-Hill Mining Company are non-remdent of this Stase,1s therefore ordered and udged that publication be made iw the Care JAMES ©.TURNER, Sahsbury,Nov.26,1860.Eng.&Supt BOOKS! J J STEWART [8 PREPARED TO FUR. e eh at short notice Colleges,Schoole.AcadetueeandthepublicgenerallywithanyBook«that! may be wanted,at lowest prices posuble.tHe al-|ways keepe on hand a well selected lot of cheap, Family Bibles,Bibles for Charches with Hymos to suit the titest and most popular publications of theLines,writing and printing paper ofall eines,cheaper than ever before offered,by the ream or al retail, blank Books of every desenption und mae,Pens,Bnvelopes,Pictures,ete, ete INKS. Harrison's Tok,Harneon's Columbian Ink,Japan Tuk»all sizes,Black,Blue and Red;Morrie mine Tok,Arnolds Wriing Floid,the beat kverycheapforexh PAPER. WALL To his alvendy large and beautiful nseortment of wall paper,he has jut reorived a large lot of the latest patterms,which for beauty,atyle eud Company an@ its officers to be and appear beforeandcheap nese mre far superior to any ever before offered in this market.Window Shades,Fire Screens,ete Orders of anything to bis line solicited. Salsbury,N C.,Feb 19,161 TAX NOTICE. VALE at my Office and give in your Taruliles for the Town,within the first ten dayaof the Rowan,et the Court House in Sahebary,on the first Monday in May next.then aad there to pleadjorreplexyotherwisejudgmentwillherenderedinfavorafReubenJdd 1140 sme wt office,the first Monday in Febrnarv,A.D mouthpresentmonth aTITO Misia ee ny nud io the eghty-Gfth year of our Independence. C R Counce .JAMES E.KERR,ClkRaChaoTnIGEl493\=—Feb.26,1861.[6140]pr ady $5.50 Hid :»TICE.es For Leather ;eeanbecriber offers to exchange Raw Hides for\*F desire to p hare Cape Fens Pant Stock Tanned Leather,in the rengh.of good qualityAddrene4&Salisbury,N CO,amd ©OD.!Appty to PaLyN CHCancadePOO)Pout Iwania,Ving nin Cheraw Tannery and Shoe FactoryMarch5,161 2142 |Reb 22a 8x61 .aval ! |To Marricea s 2s Fi ,and in the Supreme Court,Hi.©.Jones,jr.,7 i g 3 |willalso praviice in the Courts of Iredell and Cabar3zg7|rusCoanies.All claims entrust dio them far col- s rglia |Jeciion will meet prompt attention {z)Pe LF Office No.3,Brick Row,nerr the Courthouse£i H.C.Joves,or.HEC Jox=ses Jan.15,1361.33Reyespeea=5 Bs mz =7geras2FWILLIAM C.LORD,s Sas:awy|s?)ATTORNEY AT LAW,5 ee zo SALISBURY,N.C. a 1 aawe We \TILL Practice and make prompt collections inzi&Ble Rowan,Stanly,UredellandCatawba Countiesq<a Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite2=|the Book StoreBeFeb.14,1R60 taig||peeeenatetaba ee x 3 TheESSI.W.JONES.M.D., Sale I AS permanently located in the town of Sali - mows SN eG =bury,and offers his services to the public in the PVP eR ateue ->|various departments of his profeseon. .~\Soni 2 LF Office on Main Street,first door above Buis’ S a 3 s °eausy 4 >|Confectionery.Sana s =|Jan.15,1861.635eeejpoon|Ets R ‘Tina Watchman for six successive weeks noufyrng | the Justicesof wear Court of Pleve and Quarter Sex.|shone,at the next Coart to be held for the County of and other property levied upon be sold to aatefy the | Witness,James BE.Kerr.Clerk of our said Coart, 61, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disease,@ corraption of the blood which this fluid becomes vitiaied,weak aud poor cing in the circulation,))pervades the whole body,and way burst vat in divesse on any partof i.Neorgantefreefromitsattacks,ner b there obe which“may not destroy.The scrofalues taint is vatouslycausedbymercurialdisease,low bial dipurder-ed of aahealthyfood,impure air,filth and Gliky habicethedepressingvicesboveall,by the vepeteal infeelion hatever origin,it is hereditary bn the constum un,descending ‘from parentstochildrencutethethirdandfourthgewetatun”indeed,it seems to be the rod of hun whe says,*I widl vies the ini-guitics of thef upeo their childrea.” lis effee’s eoummence by depostion from the Youd of corrupt or uleerous matter,which,in the Junge, liver,and suternal organs,ia termed tuberetes;inthe glands,swellings;and on the eurfaee,eruptions os, sores ‘Thesfowl corruption,which genders in the Liwd,depresses the energiesof life,sothat s:rofalous consulitous not only suffer from serefulous com-planix but they have fur lees power to withstand the aliicks of other diseases;eonsequentty,vad nem bers perish by disorders which,although not scrofe~ jours in (heir wature,are etill rendered fatal by thie (aration the system.Most of the coosamption which decim ites the human family has its origin direetly ia thix scrofelogs contomination;and many destraciive diseases of the hver,kidneys,brain,and,indeed,ofalltheorgans,urise from or are aggravated by the came CuuseQuequarter of ull owr people are scrofulous;(beirpersonsareinvadedhythislarkiaginfection,and theirhealthisanderminedbyit.To cleanse ifrom thesystemwemustrenovatethebloodbyanalterativemedicine,and invigorate it by healily fod and exer-Such inedicine we supply ia Ayer's |Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, The moet effectual remedy which the medicalshill of jvur Uines can deviee for this every where prevailingandfatalmalady.Tt is eombined from the mest ac-lve remediale that have been discovered for the ex-pargation of this fual disorder from theblood,aad the ‘rescue of the system from ite destructive consequen-cer [lence it should be employed for the cure of aut Fe ly serofula,but also those etheraffectionsarisefrom cise it,such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases,St.Antho- Nos.186 and 18%Main Street,ites Fire,Rose,or Erysipelas,Pimples,Pustubes,Blotches,Blaius and Boils,Tumors,Tetter and Sak Rheum,Scald Head,Ringworm,Rheamatiom,8:|ilitic and Merearial Diseases,Dropey,Dyspepsia,bility,and,indeed,all Complaints arising frow Vitie-ted or Impure Blood.The popularbelief in “imperi- |ty of the blood”isfounded ia truth,for serofula is aidegenerationoftheblood.The particular parpase|aud virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regen- erate (he vital fluid,without which sownd health is imporsible in coutamigated constitutions Ayer’s Cathartie Pills |For all the purposes of Family Physic, |are s»composed that disease within the rangeof their ;action can rarely wihstand or evade them.Theirpenetratingpeapertiessearchandcleanse,and iavig- |wite every portiva of the human organism,correet- jing itt diseased action,and restoring its healthy vi- talnies.As w consequence of these properties,thetuvalidwhoisboweddownwithpainorphysicalde-bility is aetuniebed to fiud his healthor emergy restor-‘ed hy a remedy at once so simple and inviti Not only do they cure the every-day nts ofeverybudy,but also many formidable and dangerous |diseases.The agent below named is pleased to fur- \nish gratie my American Almanac,containing certi- ficatrs of their cures and directione for their use inthefollowingcomplaints:Costiveness,Hearibarn, Headache,arising from disordered Stomach,Nausea, Tndigestwa,Pain in and Morbid Inactionofthe Bow- els.Flatulency,Loss of Appetite,Jaundice,and otherkindredcomplaints,arising from a low state of thebodyorobstructionofitsfanctions. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF |Coagha,Colds,Influenza,Hearseness,Croap,Broa- chius,Lucipreat Coosamplion,and for therelief of |Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the Disease. So wide is the fieldofits usefulness andsonumer- ous are the cases of iis cures,that almost every see- Hon of coantry abounds ia persons publicly knowa,|who have heen restored frum alarmiag vnd even des-(|Pernte diseases of the lungs by its use.When onee tried,its superiority over every other medicine of its ‘kind is too apparent to escape observation,and where is virtues are kaown,the public no longer hesitate |what autidote (o employ for the distressing and dan- |gerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are tneident to our climate.White many inferior reme- dies thrust upon the commanity havefailed and been discarded,this has gained friends by every trial,con- ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous aad too remarkable to be forgotten.PREPARED BYDR.J.C.AYER &CO., |LOWELL,MASS. |THE‘GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE’S"CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS.|~PROTECTED ,@&We LETTERS PATENT. | Deena ste (csersatIDO PaesCrepared(row alpreec Sir J..Daore:Ceegeet eeeosas ncaa . |This invaluable medicine is anfailing in the cure of ali these|painful and dangerous diseasesto wi!the female constite- tion Is subject."moderatesall excessand removesallobstrug |tioms,and aspeedycure mayberelied on. Deacdios|iths peculiarly suited.It will,in a short time,bringop the|monthly period with regularity.Each bottle,priee One Dollar,bears the Government Stamp'of Great Britain,to prevent counterfetts. |Caution. |These PillashouldnotbetakenbyfemaicsduringtheFIRST|THREEMONTHSofPregnancy,aetheyareeurete bring | e on slight exertion,Palpitation ofhites,these Pill i al other means have failed ;and althou; lo not contain iron,calomel),antimony,|th e constitation.Full directions ta the pamphlet aroand each package which|st ould be carefully preserved. |Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,JOB M'Rokenee Y,|_N.B.—$1.00 and 6postagestamps enclosedtoany authorised|\geot,will insarea bottle,containing50 pills by revere mailSianAanshory,by Renderton &Rncies,WH.Wyatt,andallrespectableDruggists.2 Purcect,Lavv &Co.,Richmond,Va,Wholesalegents |ROCK QUARRY. HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME- |thod of imforming all persons in want of ROCK|for MILL-_STONES,or buiding perposes,that he can farnish the best quality ofi1 yDGRANITE, leat in any shape,and at the lowest possibleratesforCASH.His Quarry is situated 5 miles South ofSalisbury,known as the “Old Shuping QUARRY.”WILEY HOLTSHOUSER.Rowan Co.,Nov 20th,1860,6mo:27|eeteeoee see aes ‘Salisbury Female Seminary. { HE SIXTH TERM of thie Schoe?will be; the }lth February and close the bet July. vehool has been increasing in nurebers every term. We have now a goodly namber,Sat eould takeafew more.Uf the number continueste imereate,Salie- bury will have what it has never had,a permanent school . ! TERMS: |Bonrd,with washing,fuel and lights,$50 per Term. Torvon,tu Eaeheh,from $5 to 17.00ce~Lave,5.00 Music on Piane,from 15 to 20.00 Use of Tostrmmema,2.50Incteentalexpenses,1.08 Chargee made from the time of entrance. |For partremlar addressA.D.WILKINSOR, Jan.22,19361 —t136 Principal. olmes,pharnuff,and the land aDressMaking! \Rs SPEARS announces to her friends and the pubhe.that she is now carrying on thie bes~ ‘news,and sabeus orders She bas considerable expe- rrevee in the business,and her work has pleased thase who have ined 4.She expects to heep pace with the fashions,aad will certainly do all work in the most substaatial manner ,She may be foand at her old home,(Mre hart’s ‘in the North western and of Town,Orders from a distance promptly atiended te MARTHA H SPR ABS Jan 22.161 Eare- Sahabury From the Spirit of the Age The Last Tear. ‘N MEMORY OF JAME@ BALGER KN VINS A figdle child with pale and quiet faceQudeath's cold bose:eaued his weuryAtthooghhivteuderfectneverKnewa thorn, or pressed the scorching sand yr chifliug guow,Still had he trod the ways of sufferingHadoftbeenpilgriuutotheshrineof wor Just ae the eprit winged its skywurd flight, Aad ae the mother knelt beside the couch, Teo kiew bie rausuined son!«laet udu, One tiny tear escaped hix closing eye, Aud hie a peart of beaaty decked his check All tears have Jamguage deep and tail of power, Fee this x language specimily iis own tad if shed out wow,bil me es be whe’Me's gag where there's we mute weed Ul cule;Phe wiagiag spirit sent wie te dec.Wes ever-Wving tunduess,and give A holy prouuse Uyat id will regenVeeearchCompanionatheKiang Day“ar hewise eupbleas of ie miurminug dew }pon the spocess bly.eayieg sweet,Whe wight is gone!|Phin lite ay agit toAndwore,Pur inbute a noders juve; [coins lo ipeet her (euder partiog bows, For Tin luye’s biest language,sae T al-o sprang from holy thouWhichmadetheSaviourweep at BethsuyMyininsweistorsympathy(o those Who sui!aust suffer in a Lrombloys would, hile there's a world so woudrous sweet as [eaven leaves Ab'there's a beauiy in the soul,this life With all its myrivd tongues caunot reve! Aud there's a better fife,the Crammeliod sou ‘ t ap dream but taiuthy of,whiie preowned heseThere's much of loveliness to temper earth;Bat oh!the ghoy of the Land of Lov here’s moch of music here to bless the | With charms of Peace and thrills of sacred joy Rich music floating from the countless harps Of Mercy,strung by more thap ange!hand, And made to poar their soothing welody Upon the bosomof this ‘tmiuted air: etoh!we know that here we do net catchThefaintestechoesofthefadedyotes OF that celestial melody whjch rings Through Heaven in one eternal gale of sony, Vibrati og,avit rings,on golden wiresWhichswiminmasicfrointheshinug Lurps That sound harmovious with the voie of God There's werey there we cannot ouderstand, Or else the hearts that love us here and fee ‘Yo each a tand,would weep to know that we Sti faint and shiver vu a we ! rid of sin wmees FLORIDA ITEMS We cup the toRowing from the Feaaud.na Fos Flondian Teardde Tragedy—We have been antormed ot the ouUdues of a ternble Gavedy wiael ocen Bamier County,near Adan <vill A man by the nune of on tae Prt Andrewe who wi reeentiy.a Methodist preacher,Ll:that alay two persons.Mess Melellan and Gi Mo Cou! and wounded two othors.Lane aud C's li was iumediately ar 4 ue Van ing day Sad decadent —A Mio Lee planter ob theoJolio’s River,was accibeutally just over uand tron the steamer St Mary sou the inoriimy of the Ltt grat,off Si Simbas.Boats were ied ately jow ered.and -iery exertion made to efoct tos reson without avail Melariclioli ?An I (wye Tan from St Mars ha,cas 1 sitting rvom of the Pioneer Hou 3 dare the night of die 14d.inst 1 he MO tascumstances:The deceased appeared to hi 4 Ube cuipres+laches ny fe ay esYwoul ‘‘pistol at tus ead he =kol WMMediatery above 4fatal1)three ours,Rian.rh Ea Tal persons who ow i ) Yofer that this sad wa !decrased not bet:ely pe tol t head.tha .Ni inquest was bel!aud a Ww ve a eee AONEM PEA Yesterday morning the yuung men of Char Jotte buisted a very neat Flay and suspended jt to arope stretched across ihe main street from the Mansion House to Mr. Tavion’s store Prepared especially for the oocasio:Tre Flv was de Vl jeantellneytr EDA.Aitisiss breticets Ht upon him ashe is Gut au aimateur in he art The tyureson one sible te God «sof Liberty and the fn fylenty with I Routh move Tore er os ory barat a) the reserve a:a stapdly i gual a hatlic:: Saak.coiled a te hase,over whoek the adinu DILON Is written “Jiout tread ou we.” Chartette Bulletin o-. Arrest of a Supposed Murders,A young Mean,giving his name as W.EB.Fiera,was arrested yesterday on the Norfolk Kail Roml,by Thomas Hail,aud J.C.Thomas of ele of Wiahi as JK.Chipman,the su)posed murder of Mutha Pewix,of Guilford,North Carolina.a few weeks ,for whose arrest the Governor cf rsa rewari! €1,000. Falerum comes up tothe desenpuon Given very.accurately,Luc demes.of beg yuiily Of the charge preferrd.He states that he feorm Lerue County and,walked froin there since Friday jast.His deportment is very susy alubough be may be innocent.THe wae Coutine sd imthe cityjail last myht,and will be probably takep (o North Caroli berg Latedligener. uu ta this moruing,—Peters Gone Through.—T«ahing 18, $81 pounds,and 115 shelle we shing $0.25 vounds,ant TLS shells wogl 1G,2 tthe Peterebe re [rpot vest tea,The cannon are 6 ineh bor frst that have been shy Works ee TEXAS RAISING AN ARMY. The Texas Leyistature las paseed a bill to guthorize the orauization of compaDiesofmountedmel,FiAty amen in evel frentie:county,ten of whou may remaitconstantlytuservice,and eal}out the re mainder of the eompany for any time not exocoding twelve duys at any oue tine; the said companies to furnish their own aring,horses,provision and amununition, and to reeeive pay as follows:Privates and won-comimissioned officers,$1 50; Neutenauts,615 captains, for ever fy pre vide money,the Homee has passe la 4 authorizing the issuance of treasury war rants to all parties having clanne aint the Stare,and maki ceivable for taxes eT fouse lita alee passed a bill authorizing the Gs owerner te ecanoons w lige >proutidsstriventerialwens And are tie pped from the Tredeyur 2 OW per day day's actual service much Matranta re issue State busds to the amount of five Barntdred flonsand dotiars,in fee tasion from any quarter,one fill ot the whole annual State tax to be appropriatedaeasinkingfundvutilthebandsare paid. RIOMOE ILE MONI ON TROLS A, ROWAN COUNTY @ourt of Pleae and Quarter Term IFGL Seamons,February Epbrain Mauney, ve.ATTACHMENT,Walliaw A MeCorkle FE appears:gto the satiniscuon of the Court thatthedefendentWathaalA.MeCoriie resides withont the hits of the State,1:8 heredere ordered and adjudged that publication he mr ©CC onretinn Watchmen for ax saccessive weeks petifvmg blin tobeandappearbeforetheJustieesofourCourtof Prous and Quarter Semswis,os the next Gourt te held for theCounty of Rowan,at the Cann How tw Rehebury on the frat Momdayion May next,ie and there to plead of replevy.oiherwice |)willbe rendered agamet him in faver of Ephraun Mawney plain and the land levied upon be sold te entisy the same Witwees,James Eo Kerr,Clerk of oar said Court dynes aele,the first Monday in February,AD.1R61, and in the eighty fifth yenr of Inde peadenee JAMES EF KERR,CI'k Feb 26,1861.(6140,pr adv $5.50 a cane a ne MERONEY &BROTHER :\bE ever bn et Pist mous scvew shot;Sharp FIRE \KMS ght to this aiark old and new mde! I la Time of en Popare for War, vitereupg dorthe pubbe the beet use iment of Colts Bela and Pock so,South &Wes Koonce Preted,that cou be ER'SSTGMAGHBITTERS. The proprintors and nvnufacturers of HOS- TEITER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confilence to Physigagsanct ettzens generally of the United Bates,because the article has attained a GREA _North Carolina Foundry AT THE GREATCLOTHINGEMPORILY MACHINE Works: A CARD ae a,Ayer’s Sarsaparil|:| A compound rougdy,in whieh we have |g)produce the wopt efictodl alteruatice aat¢made.It ie a concentrated extract oi pe Can |,treyparillu,so combined with other Pubsta ig "4 Ban, esgreateralterativepowerustoeM Udote for the dive dees Sursuparill Tt is belteved that saet a redy wd an eHeerny, 4 reputed,ea t O-repu re AY who suller frou Stromous Plaiuce.ani thhbeardnoyordeBinarytgskeotsChrWenchthipostwilespeakqaorepowerfully)than f .mever service ly th large Claas uf uur aMictegVartisdosaaColts:E pr j Voluines uf bare ansertion or blizoning putiery.0 ne gus ne How scenetely this Compound var)Car udge P f Lider seth eock The consuupt.vn of Hostetter e Stomach DBit-e Rs eter aaa Whar buen proveu by experiwent on ina,PN setfeeock STE ihtyes sence!ters for the last year awounted to over a half &..<1 AU ee FRERCKS &RAEGER,wort cuses to be found i the fullowing SaneitestSharyn>wilt ky |SCO yuerds millon bottles,and from ite manifest steady roe _SUCCESSORS TO wn \1 1 when sae La ae Senorc Lore Camriaiate,ye!Seis wert alset banat orease a tings past,itis evident that during fg S|:Gee 1 i,eX L SON }Nf)j |asp Rxcrvive Diseases,Usckes,Pires,BeeutredueCpbatheyintendonythecomingyeartheconsumptionwillreacheeSJieeeNeSBOYDIoN&S(EG A Wi I TLEL ;‘Tumors,Sauer Riko,Scanp Heap,SitiLrsentemmngstockcoreOlnearonemilticnbottles,This immense amount ma PN \MELT,couttioe to manutacture cud beep on :Siruiiiiie Avewctions,Mawetnian Dincaee ttCoabe.trusts s Su -peadert,Belte Fw,eould never have been sold but for the rare F ie 2 4 had alt ,Nevratoia ow Tic Devrocasur,Dewy TipeWatchesJewFrPistedWere.tau y Wed medicianl properies contained in the prepura-S Vr ty }SA TONES pas rea pee sia AND Lnpiccwmion,Kiapirecas,Rose oe yetiastruesAyereerieGou,and the sunedion of the most’prounent Ree -ne AGRI({ie I U tA L,iM LEM EN I viony’s Fike,and mdeed the whole ete ni SstaPokerBospuysiciausinthosesectionsofthecountry|inude heretolure.A full asseriment af ;;;Pn ee plaints wriotny trom Laur curry oy Tye Huey toHage:pork t Cutlery Where the article is best kucwn,who net only |WING RE EUR ED PROM THENORTIL plows.Clon TIERS ie Ne AN IP:This compound will be found a gie Promote,walking sport tees Wiups Maste tT decouuwend the Bitters tu their patients,but ||Aerie V LARGE at COMPLETE.ieee Sree fu beedtal tere health,when taken i the spung,to expel ih iBLTieee=dow .Vaveing sae are ready atall times to give testimonials to ite |Tey ie :flo.:Shed Sowers aie Hamers woreh fester in the bled wt thai ae foal‘uy tes oat ies efheney ta ad vs of stoma feraugements |.(cnlienaalesa Nile Y Wry Wet mY an the year By the toely expulmon of hens nuieeeeerecaert—Beady-Yade Clothing ee Tey ae mactoctore —FOR TENS 4 Wy ie ee)es Nea a RYGN on omlinniy charts IneiRene ny Ot ay °we ‘Shafting and Machinery the sudurvee of fol eruptions wud ulecune aotwoseesoreSirsAtaneeeEee)BUR Bus Ue (Esl CINCH NGL I-01 LN/110/cams OO(L<rem mmen Teeter mer TiVontie sealer cald Oo through which ibe systeu will #tnve to na meet,the Ir esiomation ef am invaluable wedieime,wich ag Cogaer cod Silver Mines,Tobacco Presses and Fix corruptions,if not werirted to do thie throy ee1dest[tu be as enduring as time itself.:Sreh os Boots,Shoor,Hats,Caps Drawers,Under fan ‘ee natural chaunels of the bod\by an wletativg ae thbursJen7,deal i (ors Stomach iters have prove Mi Cravats,N ties,Mandsverehicfs.,and it ‘ee ,mre ee oo Clea neeaG time hein tence eed (aes leva-at ult)regions where fever and ague tine ansortineut rwad Collars,ke,ke.to LON AS TMS ASS Caw 1\(Cas,a 1 :Pipher vatet ren ete (Nite abi plug findmel2tndvioousotherbiluuseomplaingsbivewheelsheanvyowieterrtoeutionPheyFINISHEDSVORKofeveryeianteseeeendehenryHewerupiheAdValorenBanner,coumed ther vietims Ly huudreds.To be Nave teen puretii cash and be sald cheap ;owen Rat edu ery q \9 avi La paren Aa aaron iautaere cee eeMAILYANYWhi)able tu sccy coufidently that the Bitters beeen ste ar a SOW ts Covey deren of Machinery te foul,aud your feeiuge will tell yum wheg y.areacentcu ure fer the Dyspepsia and like Seer (VEC TeCCutR SteleLe Nelms Vel VEN Ss !nen Mr ecneGlincierteri aeseert NokAgtI{pects fur a diseases,is he propricters a suurce of un md ar Aiea i ter house ea eGl ly34 mea ie eine aa i ee ties ao berHeCiaesauaaa|ter hes and live tony ‘orc MOK the begWeeklynewepjpcrtehesaltedthe(DD VALOREM alloyed pless.re.Tt removesall morbid maicer oes SIC el eRe eee heat ane ron enih ais :Keep the blood healihy.and all ie wells r31(iired fro the ich,purifies Che blood,aud Ker yoy 'i al patronay vd k 4 {{f ote +but wiHESuPeaesSnWalaWestAsAshville(aco iho pubes We disordered,there cuu be noteKtlisaie;Wiener a lamek Imparts rene Vvitalicy tu the nervous system,lereted beatin Pop 1 Houtanee of the ete vail c ean a Me ane ,I :an ere eer Ware mete oezi:~~See Rie weet:a eee ee ;\oa At arn val sand toward :and the great machinery of tie te disordered geen'hon von it pie ya tor the resturatiou of health,Tt operates upon lee VE ee)Vv esataheneNclel ooM ;l hfe e wall 5 es ered ur overthestomach.liver,and other digestive organs,>‘Ned n“fw te dstot dg enwirs,INOL tine ve r p é paella hos ad deserves mueh,the reputicIVScollWEEKmildlybutpowerfully,aud soon restures them Hep 24,1s wy NLD Ptieonnlichivs eve rites CRuG ie t 1 1 ie ey i ck shes ;ea ::nx .coon plishin t ends Mer'd haeyoNeeee'Greensborough Mutual been egre mousy deeevedby prepatatians otityps1heBecie‘wes woth poteca c Rede silos eaeeane ;Z i ,\!Seenuse the dia alone has not all the nie\,;es ;ta Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as Ye t |His ;Ey 8 )“yr “\evitue thatnSTINAcedepeinAouadateirareres|ay per directions on the bottle,and they will find Nallo ha a =:HSSIIRAVSOTE,(COUP SOS 4 (nN NY ety tM Dut ais Laceuae many fice beretsr,.at :ms oa ae ;t P a ic in it astimulaot peculiarly adapted to comfort =x p il |Prom nly 'G R O¢fh R I I:ws ae is ie ae ae u oe ene of 0,rutitydochfosoiutisal-f .ne !j Uile ¢©ovirjue of Sarsapur ,Uren fe wall ems ut yotrtys wil fy pdeen veneer WM.M.BARKER ee >alg “ESVoraleatAMChose.reynadia one ow MREta a Beer aww ene ieee te ee i DIREC HONS:Yoring tote years the pablic reeeiabeandrejuveuatinggenerally.We have the evi-wey "OULD INFORM WIS OLt ny Pe ea »a :in ay ReeG Psst ‘aledN'denee of thousands of aged men and women :ty reel nue eatin i A Mebias,WoJo MeCounel,Cot euden Are wow (peng at the Subscuber'e eves i ,!give a quart of Bai,‘Neca a Ge fe {Who have experienced the benefit of using this eee eres te :Lt erent ee NID (Garret OUn Tmt ule a CSnrenparitin tor one dollar Most of these hyteaaaaa!CY RES:EY TES preparation while suffering from stomach de-seanies .N Pret)NN Woo,Baronger,David WeKuishe,'wpe .‘.Vheen france upom the mek.for they not onrlwilbejustand1a’wt rangementsand general debility;acting under Carria e Busines3 Mes Showed ded MW tandav,Gree storoueh:Pe ehibited an Salisbury.tide.sf ay.Sareaputoly,bot often wo eureTERMSretorACLNe(ue advice of physicians,they have abandyucd 5 IG,WA OW ht,Wiln ngton:Robert Bo Prey,Lain Bi ete eee ne Honer bitter and pastyo1veardva$5)all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the eal eae eA mar ene NOGGY or verion.Xeacnger Witler,Newbern:Thadeas Mi p ee Hagens ae )'aut he Varuunenovepales20meritsctthisarticleAfewwordstotheGOAIEICIENUTetaoerclieawith(R 1 ite el Assis Nilces,villeen lr mA alm hia lei emad dace leretdinerat Wupreceden tine partlla By wh flood the nathet,y ,renwe Ha RLY DANN ESOS eC ns Const oncom mm nen Usain Hetes rn eont we Novthern WOOK W sist RC Mawmitrd,jedly low prices,‘This in ae Seen ee fe aomeeeee“eo their cares are so harassingthat many of them ea Mere WOU Salli Uli eee h uni Dre fe At Wiarteis Le :els ere tiert aan Ball we mnoheaeiatsinkunderthetrial.The relation of mother ee ;ee iam .a \\PUR \I ae Ww %4 i :WE When to Bus ply such-and child is so absorbingly tender,that the :-::‘:’\T VV ERTIS {Nf trated gs eh emu ihe note Fan the lediboslo00beTeeeetwithNorthosapopwinseayRreeatounNOUNAUNISINVEUiidedoeneniceaaneerekiMiimother,especially if she he young,is apt to eee wee Wt ;‘:ubloguy oh ipo AU We huh We bev:yees,Fe Ne forget her own health in hirextromennxiety (78 Sanh totale per tui eal ba oa by arler jinn HW LIND NA View Pormident geno Gor bebesang st has soriuce which aie stron:he for heriutant.Should the periodof maternity ie }alae MS ee r |ae Atel Attornes :Cape wee EHO tate oor artieles,wie b ee TEN CUNUCH he dinemee wn iitel tive itdWTVOMnitereeaiecnelesttemMakeheT"u Else ett kcal:VATS Seety and ‘Trean’s ;ee,ar pee ee\Opie Maes Be Le snmier Fensans tie wear¢cult atthe si “Nat 1g AVDANCe Uonerd Agent Bec ime an evan HeHUieee tek Mil Ccme Walls:mee rranitie KV RiTtt Ue CeInEe aNRNNbodyandmindi#generally aggravated Here,Stra cea ie z i inv \ney ReneNoniSATLEthen,ts a necessity fora stimulant to recupe-Teer ae ss |a ae |Th ‘ees ,meu buverstov BV EUE ue Te bets «LIM lu PO 3A SEN.rate the energies of the system,and enable the :Aa ye a o eeieley\[Alte Hy toni me hyn mother to hear up under her exhunsting trials >oO fMRI :ees D J AYERtredyhebusfieeeantiemscSyineayandiespousibiliges.,Nursing mothers gene R I:hi i ppe Aulieerras rl ieee wt tee neeted with th eens we aibnawiaves rieclontny R.ma R &C0.ms «Tan ¥1 wilt =t ry cheap.w ae ly preter the Biters to all ether invigera 00 a ned ¢}]Oiveeeahecie as <‘uoy ‘na ":a ‘tors that receive the endorsement of physi e USL AMS Se cretiny.ciiaenst Rowan aud adjacent counties hoe geet fa CON GM ASSAbergquantifinishedLeather,Sole,Upper claus beeause it is agreealle tu the taste as IN G Were Ne@ eine Tie l=t Dae iree Ihtaniliv el cane (ce minencnanivactnetiere nt:tebe (KR Serie SIN Noni ies gsaiei5:well as certain fo give a permanent increase ‘e>ms :'Green aud Ory i dew w'wave in demand at ensh of bodily strenyth.‘..A ie j Ss ii Aa Y .ACEI u Fee Tau Ayer S Cherry PectoralpriceHCSIMONTONAlltho-e peng,to Whom we Lave partiou-Nw Tee oN cco alilneaavistraileesiiawy (ie aleon 'ee an ml Une aneitrell aires culentr aries aren Rae Dick Ste cnnie een COWAN’S eefeverandague.cansed by malaria,diarrhaa,.De eee nce ei ren Sra ee F ANK RD’S ,ce otal :I PA Ruta ata5:-lysentery.indigestion,Joss of appetite,and r .tt eee .T.;Thi bl ey h }1 Ss.R FO =.ee nee eenseycaVATeetrencreernara)Meer cL eee _be«Wegetable Lithontriptic,a ee aN/M ee eer ele sUperunntaccl invalids,personsof sedentary ;ee jie es aay :Se :ty):wecupa tuathers,will comsuit :;ae HO)(OME SS IP HRYY Bee C sJOHNDOOLUBY,their ,re hy givingto Hos a Rien:;ae :es tN eh NE Tey):S ‘»i Sia Via tetter’s Celebrated Stomach rsa trial p ; M ETN We caution the public against ;ns "W ia ee Tet )‘ton 1FeetAnttinSuse»OE ASHI S6IS uHlgaus che many tatohy renters g OTS DE LASLD KIDNEYS,WERE ANTESfeits,isk for Hosterpen’s Cerenkaren oe py ;AN i 'p :r \ra “ySiomacnBirrens,and see that cach bowe has a i >f A py AY,‘en tlc Pills,PLAY now the words Dr J Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters”<I ved {Rrs OAs.blown on the side of the bottle,and stamped "ot ;oe Iw neiitea creme ctr aerurinf aiemecnemaid ..i‘!!‘i Ce fl ;the vier cia \beerve that cur autograph signature is on (he B i age Sti ||,\‘PUNE SURG (ti tw and Maer erennr tne ::a ee2oeaenrowisLiveryStable.4!°,co et te alicia ce Ptnga necestac gee BREA Tues aa ogv\nant Homeen acaet Be Prepared and suidbyHOSTETTER &.f earned,!.As ee ea Seenter,yoeuciad th tu th SMITH,fottsburgh,Pa,and sold by all \Bp jl ee ae ie ee "‘druggists,giccers,aud dealers generally Wa Say !win tty vine >tabiset 'Heal lowest :oy ;ip uM ;i;;vias uea Dinner wal oyMpoeonsolayahathroughouttheUnitedStates,South Ame-f Lhe Cheers foee ttc eee hee 'Seo ere a ’aeyeeeeeaeBUCEESfFOitesein'us NC ier Galli wt tus readenee,(0 tinlen went af DRY GOOD i en,ane reenae“eee Fiemme ‘Mir ike atvCreareWanutectatiogfacilites,ma 1 atainaida sing!oo!BUC e rs br plat EDU ST IN 9 apenent inthe world vilthe putjpemes ota veAesirctle-tyles w ©Of My)OWN banutae ure My 1 i +Ey 4 can always tabe i “w i Hatites tte ‘Black Moleskin Hotes eatin ih Crack,and is mCOVTIX MEN DE,:‘aes ki orequal,if net super ano th ug produced im the WHO CES (iE SACNTS.Cach priers padfir {Cl thi d G ie rich 25 cose rer Bo Wwe Bovnwoea ¢quuiliry Ms Ueeirtiieeit il Based Wisaie wil Chal tlle each i DWARE!!otning an roceries.reuse iehly taamed Hats and Fivisof all tne diff.Sa OR N=len Se ecbles PER Vs use N iAR A E ee :‘E Deo ur ee mnuat bb ce st.15 1 Sitar PCa net fae atest treat leruvmen ny eie a .t f Braid Leg ore ¢be excel SOLD BY I ‘I i wou May 41 lay fl Ce cs te a ‘\A ‘t PAT erence EW IA Token Tatiate recs.ce :_vy .by (!aud +1 ont i calTsMistaryGuede,Dean tiruieb any the g requ "a an ?:rt eae ver eeaneiivet the Corea:Bay he Cortiy che a wine oe ofParanaCayG(ye AD 'Ie BeMyTNvn<A I LIS IEMS WEAR.lhea,bus car -jea pern7%M '|1 -morrumm New Voce.tol eareptes Tie Nye teow sed tur t ul r Wploue,and nie obthe dlter ..wf +h {Il;|.'thei ve Nyewa named tuiueeHousePainter,Grainer.NOC 0 araw are |aes oe ;A cernsE Cremer n canna alow‘“YY 'n x aime ure va .e wt . voy Inu pooLes SPECIAL PAPER TANGER,d \Sea awe S.FRANK FORD,eo eee sa ie a ==g ,1 ai .s.enelu reWe\MV (Beh :i.a gat TaN {N !a duce Me \Deo net be put ofl pNOHUMBUG!I i SALISBURY,N.C.vim h Se (uN en ies lees~.out freed dbus atue ee HN—\:Gomnadoner 'Hl Role o¢Aven6.and take .”rh ene FONTS&OWLR WAN and there vebor thean,wad oh ould haveul;=i:=’.‘1 sere =al Mar $moe :<Nee 1 Rs ye ,Peiniedieionce:CerealsSellingOF]at Cost !!2 |j CUBIS lester cence es Aloo Reade are fut m ,‘.Cr aa c 12 gaEltoSONiGeeS.FRANKFORD'S.een bos .PUR were meen ones torr BLUE STONE,MICHAEL BROWN,SOUTHERN a ee astearsTiepublicwenerdiv,thet We ‘y ~Fy +6 :e ee ~Jotinent:,Wir.evel “ery ee deamee Hci een sea Y 3000 Tbs,BLUE STONE,3000 Ibs.1 (1 Tay)1 BOOT AND SHOE 1 eevorbefaredavaarynew,aud will comucence nel 'igs HEN ERSON ©ENN I<<MW.NY YE i 'a ao Cc-—2 MA KE A Nratoe Ngts.f a Se ee cee s;-:hE MBE wy ‘"AY VN mae oa a=—LEN So.aS OC IN AEN tieVee Nan WANUE 4 ror z <=2 .°a Morea foua;;ans rae WA.:.LS =3OFa)sik LOT DU IT RSL ieIA PROPS PGS oR ST A PPEN io Gye a a =ae Ai\e EN ware !nd-ot PRODUCE =SS -SAisa - !-Ae °Bert 'il =~)-2 _Ready-Wade Clothing,(eee,eG ;Pore eS a aeeut's Furnishing 6 Fe ch wi 3m 2t=Es OLIVER INViiuiAie.,Gears Furnishing 6 Velrcins 14,Let fie Wavrrver ures or Soe tas eb ew AITaGal::\RER =eS rMhais,€aps.&e.,at’Cost mei VOM Eris ;;'Ny _~~A =Y —=—[Tis comnoundeden '.‘:ORRELL &GRAY remieutens Boots,saves aad Gaiters =,ss :Weave oe ;:For Curing Tobacco a ena ee .Bem o :Licss THAN COST a cee 6 oe :Ml he rae eee lecaipan init in 7 SUN Reece art aerneaittrees “2 i Tee wealen its :beac as oe :rmNGs 4 a el tars Uist)materiale of the ===5 iuaebetedcertifentestumy peared eefromthmedate.terche purposes ofelonny.‘Phe bulauer HENDERSON &ENNISS ii A i Py CA Ps,‘\bext quality —Wuehivers ofthe Inlest pn .C2 FS pe ce eee ae thea‘nae |-—Straw and Millinery Goods J Peete mevliauieeas fe Bes LAC the “aletatenaneeeia}POUNDS Uinbretis.Parasol Flowers,Ribbons,&e.,Skil osteait ':=>ei nition ones plaints,Bitton VtNieHI)k F LI N ‘\()()()Or |i No 18 Coartlandt Street,Boots,Shoes &Gaiters =>——tacks,Dyspepe!rente DiarrhocsCornerofMavenHole').._:;an 2 “‘7 —=So ——Saminer Com |;7 r .i bow is,iperntal ait Ted carat aaa eee Sj Sh ry,Dropey,sour Stomach,HabtiuaD4,y ee ;2 Is sfRELIEFINTENMiNUTES.Pure White Lead in Oil,bow wteany .;ame Vor se!fore Ge cond wn that neon Se i7te faet :ki late ot Waduiniygion,N ¢Pek te ete lies te suet an these 4 aa pa olera'i BRS SN ss ‘ei ;soe ae 5 ¥ale Weak NON rs.y HENDERSON x»ENNIS a be denvar to untrodies wong hem ;Y meh of is San &eC ad pee eee Litatlee ea>Bo y ,._JAMES ap anaterire now entitely in tie handsof sbeltionwets 22505 Ese Famtiy (medi Ohl cimes twnicores1CXPultnoniceWaters!SAMES HOR ATL Whaat bein vice ordictegasied.“They offer at .2 ae TEE ADACHBr,(on Ed ithoumandecantatty)1TihOatetsoiMenicineEarantDINISTamdficatirticleJinn¢(PAN Mote NAT?:ir tC ,ph ~:twenty minates,1 ewe or three Tes” Fans Min 2 tm eat rte PAVE Sant AATCA-MAKER AND JEWELED,WiLESALE AND RETAIL,Pinkodeauieea eed)“henge lnestoeasl aorealervienbeyPURELINSEEDO71.SALISEERY NOU,We ranneted Bede ret Oth WORTH &DANIEL,“AT whouseit are!pd igi ving their testi!Bee te aie Tec ae ;Hiue French Kader “:wwtisfaver idthenameBRYANcingadatnjedonvithWAFER.|For sale by HENDERSON ©ENNISS One door below BR.4 A,Waphyts Stare,hiss.Wholesale and Retail Grocers,MIX WATEM IN THE MOUTH WITYae:;Ma WALLBEVAN3)PULMONIC WAFER I HERS ants ontya riinento Doubie Sues ‘AND THE INVIGORATOR,AND 8o;;BOTH TOGETHER.Relive Cumzl=)Colds:Nere Threal,tear “weno NO Warctihs nd seweery ,;ny r :Patel None |>r {r Price Que Dollar per Bottle.WATANE PULMONIC WAFERS 10 Bbls.Tanner's Oil,AO.ne a :haan oe a win OUP As Rud BOO :Commission Werchants —se)re pal the b ‘nd on the an re al JRelieveAsthma,Bronehitis.Ditienlt Breathing..oo oe ee sates aU ie:SANFORD’SREVANSPULMONICWOFERSForsa’by HEN DERSON)©NN TSS '\Patent)Levther aod French Calt No 2 Gnwsire Row,Frost Sraver,ve Lent lya ,;;7RelieveSpittingofBlood,Paias in the Ohest.=aly Moe Open Gatters,Patent Leather and French Calf,WALES Gd ON NCBRYANPOLMONIEWAVERS Relleve Tectptent Concamptlon,Lung Diseases. bie PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Toastis, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERE Relieve the above Complaints In Ten Minates. ar KEY NS PULMONIC WAPEERS Are a Blessing to all Classes and©titrations, Pity vX*s.LMONTO WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists aud Public Speaters, WAN'S LMUNIC WARRRS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste BRYAN®PrEMONTE Wrens Vot wily relieve,bat efleet rapid and tasting Cures, BRY ANTS PULMONIC WAPEKS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. MCRAE Y SHOUT BE Witt §Roy oF Abrysents Imenic Waters,faanee? Nera bir SNOUT Ve WwHitl §SUTELY OF Cory seen’9 nic Wafers,ee SO PERSON WILE FYE ORIFCT 10 GIVE FOR Rrynn’s Imontc Wafers,ee ere nh Most Proprie Rochester,NOY fad ary by WEN DEMAON AEN Nisa,niw all Deo, bax om {ae 150,000 Fruit Trees OF very welect vanetes forthe Spee Planting 'pale at tig West Green Nurseries. Nie a lar New of Ever ShroheryWoeGiecuitimerahednpPen WEN TBROOK &MENDLNUALL ProprietorsCarcari,Sits,(Pally an suse MARRIAGE LIVENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Ague and Fever Cured UR NU RAY, Enaisy dene and Fever Pills, WVKLANT ERD Ta Cire: HEN DER ONL NaNia Fiuid and Kerosine Oil. 3)Ure Gatien of Barrelforeale a HENDERSON &BNNISS VE BTCLVAY. PRUENCH BRANDY. Nh Brody (St ee Die Next eve A} St ye wl fren Vices fothietomeceet,jor wale by SPICES!SPICES! VW on fon nate | Carver aie tis N cisewil ‘nen,and Nubmey« HEME RAGAN A Nias VINEGAR! Pu30cts. icten 1HENDERSON &ENNISS taeReptin,x60 re Cider Vinegar.30ets.| NOTICE,ee Cay >, Ppewders rn ail kinda eres,Provisions,Fruit, lec aalt Paquees,Was Cigars and Pobaceatf:Soha cousgnine nts of Flour Dred Frat,FeathmeatehWATTleaeeeeesParseUlsnnnamldimironsenprapCATSDSacmeONReneeteSMITHSMILLERDG.Wok TH,|Nee AN TG::MI Po Ue past 7 yenee wothALLPRASONSindebtedioua,h 'Re LEVEN:Gale ae Ne Lite of Anheboro’,No ¢|ECW ih Wonets‘r ;ted t Pay tt aie Ob thee mame,fr bone Sept iy ps60 ly 1s‘artnet with Aes tovetvindalen|towardsourcuas «.Xe'hi a VAT :my 17.k LyPieergeosNew Firm.DENPAL NOTICElwplswohneticifservenendthems4ai4diEdewelventuethentbeetwie)tial tustie ne Ao orSetechargedonalHidingaecounts fzeeMURR&SOSSAMON,S48 DR.BESSENT Pe ie oe eo Sa as RVING our eedne Tatyana it :role ty da t ,34 Comet fie stnckue AS REMOVED to rae DENTAL ROOMSTIN,SHEET IRON.COPPER seethe cornet formedly cecupedhyDa Bason,Collecting Agent.WARE.STOVES.ae where hee prepared to attend all operationsFPNILEandersignedoffershieeorvicestotheinblicpawofferthelerepsonneetedrhhispeeSeesaoaeenawferhelargestam!tare ;test toot COOK Sani eer)124HertungAgenmtSatiSUNGEAECOIideCTERTSatinever()He holds the apportineat of Tax Cotlector for the affered on thie market.ane aw Mell faranunlene lnwinnUSAacaseas(eele uth iezadi turetaupacsnnw maw he nadia:wienlerd Nori GHraiie Miocalieinde Fine Suits.t reur Superiuicude at aad Leia uinnaneceaebegeal 6 Plan and Japaned TIN WARE.and STHMonsGeJOUNREARDtannertwine)QMS I sie oo Hf von ws vehNto UTS Celt ttt NisApr46,Collecting Avent eae ay thee elvacias ea for ae tte money mepommihle,call at the Go eat ChathMEIWXUesEmporiumofDAVIDWEIL,VET ERRNO ONS Iwiearaerdii te iain:Sista tu 99 10)en Tr Kevewnce rims rasn—No)Mur phy'e Wron-\erin ich !!|tte Row,Nalrebniy,Npec’ine +pavenent f od ha Tete ~)0 1fi9WeisVa“4 NOTICE THIS.eta on a i uy MO iets:tas Pity le ned ta Kel ap theitoa!ae I Deca i DENTIST,t 4 y t rose ~ft 7IDIANSIDStoaveMTA wee eee;1 “witha ry \og }" ——\W PATH pal wt,ee ee 180 tay -HE underigned gives notice that he keepa on ‘=,FEA MOAN DWIAGONS:(orl theminireece i Fine Shirts and Collars.Draying,and wl)serve all whe may faver hin with ‘Lr yr 1 Uf you with th purehaae ft Shorts CobureenlleinthielineAcoommodatingternsBIUAINKDEEDScalherteiany(Hee Limporanin oGEORGEMOWERY:DAVID WEINo March 0h,1860 Ht BOR SALE AT THIS BE RIOR an os ai eC cwece ow CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM aisPureVegetableKuxtracts,d pataGLASSCASES,Alr Tight,and will heepInanyctfmne feagen The Cam thartic :ada awtacirmmecalsareet he the propre ie hananbiepractiremore)than twenty yearstantlyieoe,demand fever tines mhThePresandtheantintactionfreewe4une,hasincteed met pine”!(inp the rei !1TheetasteeetCine!BS mat dttterent Cathertion#°©diferent portions ef the|revit4heeLW¢€Ap!MeniaewithAuereference.ta’on Jd fre perte sunron or laid Betsays,Weta etaey|EO BomesnecesameatMose.1tr3.'THKHER Pit!Ae,neThe11wvigoratorsoniaWsAaeytharticPilteareciatedbyDripeinecrelfold«bolanale by the Trade imal the large (uw u* Ss.T.W.SANFOKD,M,DD anderen and wey. Sold by HENDERSON @ ENNISS,Ve annoy iene @ ATU ES ce Buggies and Rackarrays EUMEE covert ee it Fuad ‘giog mad Roeka terns Ian 94.THAN 50 White Hands TLD.tnd atendy Manylon, ways,whe h he wri set oll BTHOSEBowin employment ne:Charlotte cud Ruthertord ReApplytoSAW.WeNINCUChrrrhort W vaatornearthwplace May 2 1HAN fA Pomtora,Viewing Gaede.|rod al kin1°Panpoters Corentarentthieoffice' —— J EDITO Single copyFivecopies Ten copies, Clubs excet $1.50 vach.| as FARM,¢ ADVANTAC ING GRA The experi and other por grain,has lon, of this metho farmers are ni tages of the d even go to th in the seed by uotformity 1 ing the seed. of land,and t should adopt seeding,and est possible b of scattering land,without In broadea of the seed is deep,or by u to be picked fore it begins irregularly,e drought,as ing the roots prov ements 1 ed it quite pe quantity of aud al the sa action of the d in the best pe during winter njurious act north and so other great 3 sup and air,t the tendeney Besides the it lias been a Jiilled wheat more bushels broadcast ins reres of land and estimate and it will an yo onough to Staley,a ides. \tnony the nthe yea d another,Wu almost Any Ce wid soo com ht be Werle ueceee ada the ow fer,below bate prepara ‘ bare vel |wat mine t CON ‘row Toe are unistaken, ehond t the 1 bound Owe sit ret, to how 6 vwhy an ai its mot lo nd that the 24 Mater jou the jantines of sy actively if cated,in dey sub soil plow lejos ren dem etc.,they a may be obs Farmer. We have farmers vive Why they ai cabbages,wl hb)with the 'Wi ASPAre es,ten are ig fuced at the reasvo thatt because thr y they have nc production. tons have a to say the fo termination 3 bot having every farm b The questioncoonpliahec it.We call vbowe,with | 1OO8e. elery study,and p repaid in the tor, GARI Suceeas it depends,ver the preparat Judyment ex for seeding 4 festly impos acclimate as week upon commence | from the gre others,Spe May state th easily under of the hardi Moreover,ae be thorough feet and th should be ay to be succule (hey vary in quired to pr nll other leg demanding the cabbage they are fur wen who cultiva: Pheme f they were ledge there ty and qibar J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, Five copies, $s 00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proporuon $1.50 vach, Payment always iu advance aa ctntancln SALE FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. $e vp ADVANTAGES OF THE DRILL IN SEL ING GRAIN OVER BROADCAST SOWING The experieuee of the farmers of Bouland, and other portions of Kurupe, tu Che seed of snail grain, has lony since csinblished the nd vantages of this method of seeding, Tudeed, the Euvslish farmers are Not satistied with (he yvroat adeai tages of the dell over broadleast sowing, bur they even go bo the soll greater « Xpense of VOL. XVIIE. ! promoter 7 expel Lbbing & — SVS BURY, N. C., MARCIE 19, 1 iences, Soralitn, Gis seed by band, in ord ‘ . te , in the se y order Wy secure wreates portant a staple of food in town ay uniformity ia the depth and manner of dy post ' ' SOS ing the seed. ut ia our country the low prey Tee vols. of land, and the scareity of labor require Uiat we SowixG Skeps iN vith OPEN atc Where should adopt some tnere expeditious method of seeding, and at the same me secure the yroat- ible bevetits, over the primitive meth : ele the seed Pera nie te fon cok mae by shrubbery or a close fence, land, without regard tu depth or distance should be heavily dressed with finely Io broadenst suwinyg, one eigth to one quarter cd manure, which should be dug of the oe is i by being road ee A ee pulverized and raked finely, Upon this bed sow deep, or by bol vingg Covered: alo mil, ated Jebel Rae . , : ee . ue sok iF Sei ean Dy ele te different sorts of early Cabbage, Cauliflower fore it begins lo vegetate. ‘ Rake the irregularly, exposes the plants to snypory fron seeds in hyhtly, and comprene the sil hghtty drought, as well as to the action of frost in heavy A but carefully, about the seeds, ing the roots out in winter. The various im provements made in the grain dell have reader ed it quite perfect, sy much so that any required Gail f in quanlily of seed way be dropped Upon an acre,” a dressing of crushed bones and wood ashes aud at the same Ome at «4 uattoria depit. The marsh mack cotmpasted or ph spl action of the drill upon the lend leaves the ground | de« idedly the Nest, for the Production of peas in the best possibl: condita to protect thecrop Tf weit during winter from che washing rams and the njurious action of frost. there are not hot beds, a plot ef round in the garden faciug to the South, and well protected Setup, HCI te otetige wWheney,, When. by, dee om pos and the soil Seed deposited so Broccoli, Egg Vlants, and Lettuce Pras —A light loamy soil als woding tn phos R vitae that Y preporat, eof ut, phates or well furnished with them inthe shape r on Cr auy thy lave yvutio, ts her of these special manures are attainable, Kooning the drills a moderate diesing of wellrotted manure will vorth and south, when practicable, secures ap other great advantage fo giving free access of (iverize it well rake all sm suo and air, and thus i a great degree checking then lay off the drills in dou! the tendency ta rust. thalf feet apart, and three in Besides the saving tn the amount of seed sown, 4) thas been ascertained Uhat ou most lands the 2. {wheat will yield from three to fire at 1 4 nore bushels per acre over that which is sowed [laced ata greater distance a Nh wie trteme be found serviceable, Spade the ground deeply th and fine, and tows three ana , deep Prop ve peas along the drills, and cover with the rake For the larger and later sorts | frill “rows should be rt, beaving the Iioadewst in similar soil, Take the wither of broad space between fur the cu livation of bee is {yok THe warctman | The Martyrdom of Faithful in Vanity Fair, [Nuggested partly by a sketch in David Seort’s MWustratious of the Pilyrin’s Progress, and pablished iy Chambers’ Keinbarg Jouraal—the wane ot the author nut given | 1 The great human whirlpool! — ‘tie ceethiag aud seething Ob! Ne Giie for shrieking out —ne time for breathing All toiling and molting rome feebler, come boller, But each seen a friend -face grin over his rhouller Thus merrily live they in Vanity Fair! The y eathuman caldron its be Ie ever higher Some drowning, some sinking , while sowe creeping uigher Nome thirsting to lean o'er tte outermost verges, Or touch as a child's feet touch, trembling the surges; One plunge—Ho! more souls swamped iu Vanity Fair! “Let's live while we live,” for to-morrow alls aver Drink deep, drunkard bold) and kine close, thou mad lover Smile, hypocrite, smile itis ns auch hard labor, While each with red hands tears the heart of his peightor All styly Hist! Though wnan’s no apbulder and woman no svother ; oth straggte alike bere Pah ! fight out the ? Hat ha The mad erowd divides, aud th We're stranve folk in Vanity Fair ! each for himself or herself, which sounds smoother What, weeping what, raving! tthe all’ ne time for saving! Vanity Pair p cluses awift after ; Afar, towers the pyre Nt with shou ing and lau-chter What new sport is this?” Lisps a reveller, hl turning , One faithful, poor wreteh! who a ted to the baring, He cumbered us sorely in Vanity Pair! A dreamer who Adevery man for a brother , A coward—Wwhe, stoiton oue cheek, gaye the other whose Dind truth, ave, beheved all knaves lying Tou siinple to Hive how Btted for dying Ha! such are beet swept out of Vanity Fair.” OP hee W scres of land sown to wheat in any one State, parsnps bore woxuecoa a few rows of Sileaee! though the flame-drifts wave and flutter, and estimate the gain by this method of seeding eosin hthe crowd there curses: mutter Me peas should be drilled in every two weeks Shenae ated it will amount to millions of dallars onnu al hn Pe | " vis flery purgatory | BEANS ‘ ove i Beat steading up a seal “ yr otough ta purchase a dell for every firmer road Wodoes a i beading ay whory i } ' tale, ated then leave a lege surplus te fen ceed ow u tice neat See the white lips with no moans are trembling, j ' ’ ; Hate of foes or plaint of friends’ dissemblin ides. ne YP planted at allat os Eee catty a ee 5 If sighs come toot patient prayers oatdive then Ntnuny the MALY I prOvereninarerenl iy tide bye sprinast lasiu fit (oo Pade ELanle these Kiineia wnEU(beyae GR iea ve tke ti othe yew drill, we eatnot recomend one Toeeption, Saw tyle dolls twoawnd a halt feet ; ; xl WIS two ate alf feet the roaring flames ale glowing another, But itas better to buy @ yood one, at apart, and wi feourlettesees cena Here tc eee almost any Cost, than to receme « fran ote as ay teal at sith Beetle . ariel Mlures the feree and flery trial { ' | vb dias ! tnd so of any other miploament on mae tine ho inataney livestnustsri ta SEV 4 iy ‘ * nes drown the earth — denial Wet ht bawe said in ender to use th clay m Now the amorous des b-fires, gleaming ruddy WUE xuecims, the late! tire? Vo wall gerbe ata at ; , Cine lite col imentiig Carnetiateer weucare ' i \ j : ' bas vtalthe w Bote s ‘ ; . Nievbretcew Ao} ‘ : ' Vereen an thie Wet Shoots the beautecus sual This thin is dyeny ' 1 Mal Pl eke and bath prepara th pays i Le! the opening heavens with splendor rifted ‘ » “ ; 44 . . a ! : jad aA Fofor twenty 1 ' ePoos that wait those hands ed f t ow ' i inh a ; Bt = \ \ ! ~ and fi Hariot cloud deacer v ts ios ; Ny ; fod ape it ct j trogen t weed Area sed gages clise attending ’ ‘ ( 1 ' ' " x) Vr hau r =; : Let his p Just mingle with the embers | toast w 1 Aweepm on and none retuemhers , i ; crane Sait» aud angels Qeuugh the taftatte glory \ 1eNv Tear ' Praieing Goat, recount the tarty e's story ‘ SUP NY PALES viously 4 rpth ot at lea e trial fires bewilde ‘ | b ' Iu ‘ I | act thy chatdeer ‘ i ' a pee | hey ' ‘ ‘ AOU ES the baton } Cle xcottines [es iVitee Atria etary Lay oth act " Vahoat ve marty e's pa lu cles eae een ain ‘ . Trey iey ' \ a NR ee aroimistaken, Manas but an epiome ol ail ta ee Honches apo Yer wios 3 MICS EINCOUENS SINAC RAE i : eat pic Vout plants carefully ii the whan tin, ane that it wear tec trite ; a Our readers wll fod this document in cur pa (ie. Honda eet \ Hels 4 foot apart, and bee stir niet to injure ths : ; ‘. ‘ Wy eae etl eters Wt foe ete . : per of te day. On all sides, we hear Che ques und to oeeupy, + anne ' ' euder thhrous 4 Sivonen aarti) teenies 7 ‘ DU Osc ti, taratiy and | : bon, what do you think of the Inaugural’ We joist estan le lneecael : ae ferred for asparag In the fall, clear otf the, ! , ‘ 4 : : us ' : ; have read it with the utmost attention—we have WW th, Aad ate ‘ ' r talks eover the bed with manure and seatter 2 SEA ToaaIN seule Apel ; ‘ Cnn nt re formed an opinion upon it, and we intend to ex penetnane . ver the beter a top dressing of tite «a : , : ; ‘ hurdan onsite sim ae maior any betel press that opinion, We shall do this fearlessly t Kiealer vanety of food, provided tha Ir oF Sut taee plants for heading and firmly sump ton bund Mant os welooas sort cd wochkins conditiant ; ; Fi ; | tr ; ‘ = Our opinions in relation to the Chicago plat noadd tion to thes, tt Winer may 4 ; ; ‘ ' ae iat leapt mt form, Abraham Lincoln, and the black Republi beoetitty ywourdenimg in a canety of ways ay | ee ay ' : ey hae é ; ; LSS [SSS Eek mopatty are well known. We are as bos secabled ta wheerie the aPortt ta fot ) : : : ft \ wher hy well sivud Sito Mr Lincotn and to the seetonal party that t BWHON A renter Varkis” of ints: he | io 7 Fatal p i | \ paudin ' ‘ a : i SO ay Heh pO WHTEN lected fim asin weasonable min adie soni Ay, It Tile yardeu, Oy Inet " ee plants come up, thin them out to two or sig sence tay be tuples an alien 4 ree yn thin fiw tide | he amiy ak iis Ethie ques twhy an old warden ts ciple of produ ae ves Apart beets pufera rich sandy loan at Donap the Bary leep and rake finely, make t! s nol to be found a tis fills, ard tie nas fi Cie art, one onc dee 1 that the ae Approperaiou ot the anor : ; ! nuts an Vileey arial fataiee vinty al thin out nae the dlls and wien the plants a@cematenal of the solu piaec | - palioully decay ut | are well cfs the weskest hearin the render the wuil capable of p most vigorous at a distance of six inehes apart mducir ee lien 1 = jHantitios of higher chased plans, than when not Keep owe the grace and weeda with the hoe, sy actively in-use: all the cffeets may be dunt avd Occasionally fousen the soi! about Che plants y - ye hy at ; cated, in degree, in the field, by under drening 4 the season advances, | sub soil plow ny, snd the growin « AGHIOS es | PRESERVING JEAMS Hang on the upper tier, take Chem side up, and cover with perfectly de etc. they are but the may be observed jn every garden ‘ Furmer, Ike SUM Ate te smoke ter ts vou ks woth flesh mileached as inuch as can be puton. bhes must be off and lay on sti We have often wondered why iia that our irmers give go little attention to chen gardens Why they are satisfied (o raise a few Curnipe and cabbages, when itis so easy to suphly ther ta Yowith the finest quality of woretables, if thes vse, Where one will provide fis wife with f ashies, ut them from 1 Ham meht heonjyured by getting the ashes wet he urease or If the hows wre killed Inte in Oty Dot necessary to finish sinokine before ap above the rest of the meat, to being as the tast Ppred oon rain, the season, vlery. asparagas, endive, cau flower and cress plying the ashes, asat can be just as well done es ten are ignorant that such thitegs can be pro fuced at the South reasoo that they do notcultivate (hee veuetabl:s fter ashing as befare No bag or worm can Some asco the very poor ever reach the Tam. as tong as the ashes are on 1G Two boys can ash one hundred Hams in two because they requite too tnuch labors others say sf or three hours they have not the peculiar kind of sort for ther production. Now, the trath is, bath these objec ; : JLOIL ED re may Hons have a bad foundation. Tt is poor polices OEE DUI SE a | Tavis to aay the fortress cannot be taken —take the de It should be cut from a well kept rump, and termination and make the attempt. And as to they are generally liked about three quarters of vot having the suitable land, it can be found on #8 1h hulnek. Most cooks beat them with a roll every farm by taking the trouble to look for it, I pi for ten minutes; but if the meat is of The question to be settled is, is the thing to be Zod quality, and the rump has been well kept, there ! Just before Histors “2. accomplished worthy of the trouble, and if'aede will be no negessity for this. it. We call particular attention to the extract fooshing, rub a lamp of butter over, and habtly rbove, with double assurance that whoever will dredge with pepper and salt, Pickles and scrap ed tone radish make a good garnish, and for & sauce, sult your taste. study, and pursue ite adviee, will he mare than repaid in the end. —La Tastee Buyiness Direc tor, “>: LIME FOR PRESERVING: SITINGLES Hon dD. Hunter, in a detrer pubblshed in the Rural Intelligencer, says that slaked lime sprin Kled on the roofs of tuifdines on rainy days, will 2 GARDEN WORK FOR MARCH pag up tu Hl keep Success in the raising of garden vegetables depends, ve ry largely, upon the completeness of remove mose and preserve tieshingles (ir nest the preparatory operations, and in the skill and dy double the time they wonld threk enough to make the roof look white, and two applications will clean last if not thus Jidment exercised in seizing the proper period treated, Putat on for seeding and planting. Of course, itis mani roof white and clean bataf the Ve as not to be had verv eonvemen dy, wood ashes will week upon which the work in the garden should newer the parpose off the moss 1 leave the festly Impossible, in so changeable and vnecrtam dO kth J f : c Tr should be applied annuals @climate as ours, to indicate the particular day or commence 5 o2e SSM ETHESSIG [ESS Nicorre for At some seasons, frost disappears , 0) from the ground at least a month earlier than at Posts others Speaking, thea, tn general terns, we rondent of the New Hampshire Jour nalof Agriculture says, that Minty years age Mey state that as soon as the soil will crumble ve set some fence posta which, upon recent ex Vhis preservation be attributes to the fact of bis hay easily under the spade, it is fil for the reception of the hardier kinds of seeda Moreover, aa an axiom, (hat every garden should ing bored cach post with atwo inch auger, about b thoroughly spaded over to the depth of two three inches above the yr nd, filing the hoe ‘ with walt and plugging it up. The qnanuty of salt to each post was about fialf a pint. —_—_——_—_—_—_———— amination, proved toa he porfeetly satnd We lay it down, feet, and that the richest nitrogenous mInanures should be applied to the beds. All vegetables to be succulent should be grown rapidly, although The feeling of caste is so strong in India, that a soldier lying wounded on a battle field has been known to die rather than drink water offered bim by one of a lower caste. A sick soldier in the hosp tal at Agra anffered two hours rather than receive water froman Enyliah lady The worde were, “though no man sea me drink, Giod will eee me” “2: (hey vary in the relative amount of manure re quired to produce them in perfection. Peas and all other leguminous vegetables for inatance demanding large supplies of phosphates, whilst the cabbage tribe flourish most vigorously when they are furnished with au abundance of uitro wen, These are sitnple facta which every one who cultivates a garden ought to remember, and f they were to act jndicionsly upon this know Seven persona were bornt to death in ledge there would be fewor failures in the quah a fireina Now York yesterday morning j p tenement louse in pyantity of the esenlents that form soim |must do justice to the North. I troht, not darkness. We will never subimot to the adaninistrabon of the government on the principles of that parts so far as they relate to slavery in the Territories but while we sap Une for the hundredth time, wealso bold that justice should be done even to Mr. Lincoln and his party, and that he who would leliberately fan the flame of sectional strife, in stead of doing all he can to pot out the fires of hscord which threaten to consume the temple of the Union, is guilty of an inevpiable crime. We want peace, oot war. We want Union, not dis- We want justice for the South, but we We fong for We beheve that the Union umou can be preserved. and we are willing to bear and witch and to labor ina fra ternal soimt to achieve this most desirable result forbear— to wat offers us the olive braneh we reject it. When he approaches us porting to his oath, yet i the sprit of amity, we will notrush upon him yythebhe sword. — When he pleads for the Cifon we will pernt to the Constins fboth of us should then pause, we would then go wit him tothe foon ople of the States, and there, foundations for equality and brotherhood When the enemy will not Clon) ane tain of all power, the seck there, and estab if possible, new So far as coercion is concerned, Mr. Lincoln occupies the very ground occupied by Mr. Bue hanan, We have compared the Inaugural in this respect with Mr. Buchanan's message, and the facts so. We cannot, as an honest man, denounce (a Me. Lincoln what we approved in Mr. Buchanan, The man had jast taken an vath to suppott the Constitution and to enforce What was he todo? Was he to say seven are out of the Who yave him that authority? Has saidoat? No. ffave the Amerieun people sandatl No. The mails are stall furnish ed to these States, and Mr. Lineo!n says be will continue to furnish them unless they are repel! ed. Bat he says he must execute the laws, and the laws to the Union? cotton States, you Congress in the next breath he virtually omits the cotton States as Mr. Bachauan omitted South Carolina, forthe simple reason that he has no officers in those States and cannot execute them that an He says where competent resident cruizens will not or cannot hold the off ces, there will be “antecior localities ” to attempt to force obnox lous strangers” on the But he says he ople will collect the revenne an the cotton States How! Hleotoust do ot, af Houses, for he has no authority te do se on ship woallat the Custom board of the uress has made no other provision The law provides only for the collection Houses. Con What thent Why he can do nothing in this respect. Mr revepne at the Custom Bachanaa could da nothing ta thes respect in Sonth Carolina, vet he sand. as Mr that the laws must be enforced tt Mr to subjugate the Southern States, or even it bh Lincoln says, Eincota were tad enough to attempt were disposed to do so—as his Inaugural shows he os tot —he bas no army at fia command, — He might spare a thousand troops from the forts and frontiers, but what could these do againet the armies of the fifteen slaveholding Suates? ‘Theo We has no money. The Treasury is empty Phen he has no authority for musing troops, even if be had money to pay them with The ‘foree bill so called, was defeated in the House of Re presentatives, What then? He as powerless Hes not only powerless at prosent, but the tone of his Tnaugural shows that hei alarmed in view of the that Will be be stronger in future? We do not believe he wall His party is already demoralized, and in addition calamities inpend to this, the great body of the Northern people wili never eon to an aggressive warion the South, Tht seen cotton States had remain edoin the Crnen, both branches of Congress would hace been agatnst Mr Lineelu by large Majorittes, and the Senate cowl) have diet aed all his MMportantappommtments. Bat they aban doved the Uiion— abandoned itseltchly and for no sufhewent cause, and left us at the men yas shall We trust not. Have we of the middle Sates au 6 it re speet-—no will of curownd = W they suy, of w dominant seetloua party we go oul simply because they did! think we lave some will ot our own, for we are still in the Co tut. Mr. Lincoln will have no more power to en force the laws in the “Confederate States” than the late President bad; and all keow that Mr Buchanan enforced vo law in South Carolina af ter that State assumed to secede, and the only cocreion he attempted was in the shape of letters and newspapers which he showered from his marl batterics all over that State. Mr. Lincoln is inclined to favor a Convention of all the States. We think the condition of the country atid the progress of events will compel him to assemble Congress at an ear Iwday. Tf he should do that, a Convention of All the States could be called. and such a body we make no doubt, would b ¢ the Union on an enduring basis, able to reeonstruet Failing te do Chat, however, it could at least provide fur a peaceable separation, We do not propose to comment further on Itist reour readers, and each one of therm will read and) stud this document it ecarefully tor Himself We approve portions of it, and we dis tpprove other portions, [lis rola war imessu ye Tuas not, stretly speaking, a black Repubhean Messae for while be recounies slavery in Che “tales as perpetual and as uever to be itertered with in any way by the abolitionists, be detiber ly refrains from pressing te thatn perie ple it > platform, to wit, the exclucon of the South from all the Ternrories of the Pinon, [tis not unfrendly to the South Pt de precates war and bloodshed, and it pleads for the Union That ty portion of i willbe approved by the Disur touisis we have to idea. Ef ic had breathed vig ence and war—if ihad clarmed the Qovernment for the North exclusively, and bad threat: ued the South with subj sat the Document sts would have shouted for joy. as they did in Charles on when they learned that Lneoln was elected fur they would then fave beet sure of the attain mentof ther dathay purpose, dhe permanent and final diseupnon of the Uniot Rat, Standard ‘th inst From the Raleiyh Bauner. We make the following extract from a private or semi-private letter from an esteemed corres Our readers will find poodent. t well worthy a perusal, The writer spraug trom the people aud bas worked his way by industry and strict integrity, to place and position, both in society toed in our Legislative balls. He says “Tt dues my soul good when DT remeniber What the peonle Havedone an will din aceuty far Chis country Tors Co the tiasses. with, Grd’ ¢ vor, we have to look and trast Large bolies move slowly > but every pulsa ft hearts of the veormanry is nuht, and beats truly te the Umon. the Consttation, the stars and stripes For th Mathers endured much at Valley Forge, Kons M many other places, and the tro brave fathers will rally in due time to save the Uinon, and perpetuate the liberties and govern ment they toiled so heroically to establish Don't despair. as a sentiment ~" My conntrs always be mgbt; but, right or wrong. my country” I will paraphraze this and say ~ Phe majority : may it always be right, but neht or wrong, the majority and how any Democrat, Repobhean Whig or American —ean think of any other doctrine, I cannot life. If the ritle SNAps ONCE We Must Hot throw it away, but pick our flint and try it agen. Ti! the majority should be gulled, or vexed, or fright ened, so as to make a blunder and elect the wrony inan, shall we become Mexicans and labor to get Up a pronunciamento and queii la stam nys we enjoy, our Intain, and sous of these A noble naval hero once wave may she anne eomprelend forms pide, ana] Make a grand lt against the Government wih a view of overturning it, that orranized bands of reckless men and guentia desperadoes may have the better chanee to plunder the imnocent and : Noy rie nthe Ueno and detenceless ver, but like Varn Buren, while ffeaven io merey torad | fubting to matotain the government, we wall, though our enemy be in) power, and rampant with delight, appeal with calin contidence to the sober second thought of the people, to the dis chiminatiog tutellyenee of the Amencan Demoe- racy to correct all their blunders Sud my word for ut, they will hereafter, as they have heretofore Jane that with ality and delight. urd the blander er will this) be doue, do Phe more : the soon ippears, done, This is Consttntional, Amencan, Whig, Democratic deetiine, and stands oat in®oll, patiotic reliet tod) Republiean IDoppostion to the pew fanubed, promsuarecwmern fo secession, disunion. Mexican inertia, neve ending revolutionary doetrine of the secessionist who. in ther hearts, desprse the anesses. and are laborine with abl ther skill and ablitw te day teep the foundations of a throne and pave a Highway to monarchs, bop that (herr poste mtvomay vet become ihe betrs apparent t Sort] renowned: sires i { thrones and manors 2 aed Lords whe have a tong and pros} of mang notte ants ste non \monen basely forgetting: thy vubhoan teachin of ou forefathers that © Man opon man de He soon returns to so vid br tk the cham feoagoin An of fair virgin'a dvieing ty atound, Each binds another aid herself ia bound, On either hand a sacred tribe he sees, By those nesinted, and asmisiing there ; While to the generu! welfare all belong. The high in power, Che low in numbers «trong ” This extract from Crabb. embodies in a fiw words, the Democratic Tt is but the all homan experience pure Repubhean creed of this nation embodiment. in verse of consolidated, hard common sense, the doctrine that underlies and supports all our free rnstitugons and gov rnment the great principle that invigorates and gives mo mentum and life to every thing thats Ameri can. The propelling power that has made usa aAonation, what we oa vob will yet. it adhe to with the Constitution, the Union and on Flag. carry us up and onward in our course as a nation, along a bright and ever bughrening path until the Umited States shall be acknowledged by all. to be the nation of all others, worthy to be placed as the crowmog chaplet upou the mighty column of the civilized States of the earth,” JUDGE KUPFIN We learn that Judge fuffin made a profound Hopression on the Peace Conference by iis learn 2 abiity, firmness and patriotism. ln the ticoage of a fnend who fad opportunites of oleenving abd judging of the value of is servi cos in that body, “he was a head and shoulders taller than any man in the Conference.” Messrs. Reid, Barringer, and Davis differed with Judge Ruffin and Gov, Morehead on seve ral sections of the Franklin substitute, ane the When be vole was thus cast ayalust (he Best section which relates to slavery in the Terntories, Judge Kuffin rose to enter bis dinseat and that of Gov, Morehead to the vote of the majority. He said, among other things, that be bad taken his seat in that body with a sincere desire to establish Jitslice aud restore harmony between the States ; (nat be not ouly boped this would be done, but le would labor to accomplish it, that he was vider than the Federal Constitution and Union, avd did not wish to survive them; and that, as he had lived under them for more than seventy years, and had enjoyed their protection and bet efits, be desired to die aud be baried under them, velo of the Suite was cast accordingly and to Crapeimit them as a precious inheritance remtiacks were greeted with enthusiastic applause by the North to coming generations. These ern commissioners, and iudeed by all who were tious tu settle eaistiag: ditticulles, We do not propos Franklin substiute to day to discusa the We may do so hereafter Sut we will say this, that for one we will accept We Ttegives to the South quite as uioch as was claimed by the last Democratic State Convento of North Carolina, and quite as much as was claimed by the Tennessee resolution ii relation to slavery tugthe Territories; and we will show this to be su by the record itself, if necessary We will not and Davis in wo with Messrs. Barringer, Heid demands and movements whieh sul further excite the public mind and sul the Uniwu aud views of such men as Raffin and Morehead further divide apuunt the opiates Our only purpose at present 18 to refer to the Npression produced by Jad Radin on she Peace Conterence, and to expr: sour own wish conversed of the ~ 4 fall account of th tod that of all with whom we bave that bre State, by dette wotd carnish to tis fellow citizens rorotherw) action of that body, tow er with bis views of the various sections of the Frankiin substitute Bol Stondord, Vth inst TESTS NON tsa 20s SUE ETON Ub The d'sunionista in this city are intensely en sful termination of the labors They had belref that the To-day they are try raged at the suece f the chuck resplt would be otherwise, Peace Convention been ing. for a week, over the ing to cheat themselves into the belief that the border slaveholding States will not accept the terms. The truth is, the disunionists wanted no set Uement whatever. How terribly they have been Hsappernted ta bettie auable to defeat harmon ous action by the Peace Congress, will soon be known to the pubhe through the howling of ths Kichmond Angaerer and the suarting of the Charleston Mercury, Vheir game has been to ve matter left altogether in doubt: and then to: precipitate armed collision, in the hope Jrawong the border States into war. on the side of disumon Washington Star The Mercury ond Sonth ¢ Sproat A friend in thereto] do not think vou are right in taking Mr. Spratt and the Mer & | represent wolNa Wrtes ns, tives of South Carolina ihe matter of the slave trade. TP believe at ten mense majocity of our citizens are opposed to be re opemny of the slave trade.” We hope that our corre spondent is right Bat we have been so accustgsned to ae South Carolina follow the lewd of the Mercusy, that we have come. correct) we thik. to regard it as the Claim organ, nob pet naps of public opini oF pahte actor present ot prospective ricvdle Ob reer Signs in the Heavens.--Ow Tuesday afier noon last about 4 o'clock, one of those rare coh Vial phenomena, a pourhelon. or mock suns, wa seen by many persons here, and we observe was tlso seen at Tach Potnt, 100 miles weet of thos place, There was aimock sun North and anothes Sonth oot the sun The Vie ann, of equal size, but simaller than usual accompaniune nt of a whi cicle passing through the visibie On the same evening about 9} o'clock, th hoon presented the strange apperance of a pal hcht cross passing through it and extending in four directions some half a degree beyond its outer rin, mock suns was xlsy These phenomena are of course owing to some pecuhar condition of the atinosphere.-— Foy ctleville’ Observer Re The disunion press in this State is “still for war.” [tas not willing to submit to the people, Tt savs the people didn't understand the matter—that is that che people were foule The Wilmington Jorrnal says, “at was for the wantofa canvass” that the Union sentiment pre: vated. Oy the pohtians will go forth and show to vota—then they will instruct the | vote might, perhaps. ff they do, why they are “vervointelhgent citizens” — otherwise they area parcel of “ognorant mineot poops.” Ceatlenien the people know ther own bustiess, and they tid would attend to yours Ratigh Banner only wish you kuew Vhe New York Mr Black rs addressed a cirenlar Jetter to all Tithune says cently Coveruments, protesting ta deemed terms against the reeagaition of the Confederate States as an Independent Government, and assigned ther atlength which io cuced the remoustrance protest will ofcourse, be renewed. and. perhaps \cdrovnisteation, emphaized by the present that when Mr lavues get abroad, they may dis Vaneey and lis diplomatic col over (hal recog mition by the Great Powers is less easy than was supposed at Mongomery ere Pet” We are innech gratified to lens that Mr Nelson, whe had the amall pax recovered Mi wy Mondavi ornng in this city, has entirely N_ left for his home Natl fevaieter Re Mr Farth ong Garrard waa thrown from his mole, and against a tree, in Orange county last Sunday, and so badly hurt as to cause his death Hle was a oad man DONT CONSULT 1ILe PEOVLE The Newbern (rogsexs advises his Ex celleney if the proposition tora Conven tion is voted down, (18 rt ie.) to convene the Legislature atonce, even without con sulting the people. Why, friend Pro yrom, the people hare heen consulted They say they do not want a Qonvention We are sorry they said so, but we are op posed to the Governor's trying to thrust any thing on the peo they do net want Be assured the lenders in thig disnnion movement will eansult the people jast as little as possible. Your advice was whol Vy onnecessary. Dut, it the Legislature is convencd we feel very contident thatevery Union mem ber representing a county or district which gave a majority for secession at the late election, and every secession inemnber representing ®eounty or district which gave a majority for Union, ought to resizn his seat and let the people elect avain. We think they arein honor bound to do so, ‘They must do this or misrep- rerent their constituents. They were elee ted before the question of Union or dis | ution had assumed any proportions, In the Legislature they only thempelves, and as the ress represented Tt ul ec clee tion on the 28th shows, they did) not re- flect the will of their constituents. We now have an expression of the willof the people, fresh and full, We think bere should clianye front or resign. Wen It is no bonor to misrepresent any people. Raleigh Banner The Carthayve (lHinois) Republican, a | , Brrony Doulas paper, indulees in the fi lowing, towards a hegre worshipping colemporary > ibis rich, rare, racy, aud to the pout: “Again, while our hand isin, we will give a little more plain talk. Tf party, by ite obstinacy in rejecting all propesi Honot compromise, force the border elave Mates out, a strong attempt will be made to divide the State of Hlineis, by running ting paratfel with the North line of the Stateof Missouri, near the 41st degree, with a view of uniting with the Soathern When the Uiionis broken up. each part is justified in seek its own interests and waking the best arrange iment forthe future. The interest of south ern Llnois is certainly with that of the great outlet, the Gulfstream. Now howl over that, if you like.” Contederacy In the Missouri convention, on Wednes- day, resolutions were offered by several members, and referred to the committee on federal relations, moving that a con vention be called of all the southern States which have not seceded, to meet at Nash ville, Tennessee, on the 15th of April: providing for such amendments to the Constitution as shall secare to ali States equal rights in the Union, declar ing that to reason existed why Missouri =} injuriona te the onld seeede; that it wonld be highly do so; declaring that the States having once bonnd themselves to vether, contd not dissever their connec: tion at pleasure; that) Missoun should adopt a poley according to her trae in teresta, and invite an effort to maintain the Union peacefully and unbroken Col, Doniphan offered a resolution de- claring that any attempt to Nse Coercion by the Pederal Government itably resoltin civil war and military des potism. would inev Mr. Crittenden was serenaded last night Ina speech to the assenbled crowd, he said he expected his friends to uphold the Constitution and the Union, which have conferred unbonnded blessing pon nes all [Te expressed his contidence in the intel i; settle the distracting questions. ‘nee of the people, who now alone can Theses troubles, he said, were fomented and kept alive by petty eross road polititions, for selfish purposes. Preserve the Union, and the Union will preserve us. “The Yankee Buzzard will soon be plucked, gutted, dried aud peppered. The better.” sooner the The above is the langnage of the Char lotte Bulletin in regard to our national flag. It is a matter of taste and feelinj:, and we envy no man who can entertain such taste and feeling as prompted the above language, In or ont of the Union there are mem ories clustering around that old flag that every patriotic heart will would as desecrate the Wasutseron himeelf’ as revile the tlie under he fought throneh the wa of Independence. We beg the people to lnodk to the sentiments, uttered by ad " kKedness, what revere Wi soon of wrave which ) Mis s sand tesee what madness une folly nwetnate them N comment eonuld do justice to the above lanwnage of the Billiton, and we shall attempt none Daly Bunner t Mastrious Parlimentary Thicat {i Speaker of the Efause of Commons may eal) out the name of a retractory meoonber Lhe ether f LIS parhamentary penalty when the speaker sa omember by name, was once the subject of inquiry in the Touse of Commons A omem ber not obeving the Speakers call to order, the Speaker at last exclaimed, in a voice of thunder If the member es not me to onmler. the Chair will call him by ons whereit the member dropped tio his as if he had beon shot Mer the Hoase had djourned, he ay proached the Speakor sabme Wweand inquired what would probably have been the conse jaener f the chan bad eared on threat of eadlin him by name ? Phe Lond only Knows.” re phed the Speaker +. vtold Mr CAREER OF A RICH MAN. We have seen it stated lately, upon what appeared to be reliable authority, that the wealth of William B. Astor, of New York, amounts to at least forty mil- lions of dollars. It is curious to trace this broad yellow stream to its first little beyinuings in the early career of John Ja- cob Astor, father of the present million- aire From a sketch of this remarkable man which appears in a work entitled, “ Fifty Years in Both tLemispheres,” by Vincent Nolie, we learn that John Jaeob Astor was born in Heidelberg, where the orig- nal name of his lal is said to have lon Aschter, and that he came to New York as a furrier’s apprentice. He was at that tine as poor as any other appren- tice boy, then or now in New York. The wares be got in the pelfry warehouse for boating out and preparing varions skins, he it verted in the purchase of all kinds of peltry— bear, mink and rabbit skins, wiich he got from the Indians, who, at that tine, wandered about the streets of New York, and as scon as he had coflec- ted a certain quantity he sent them to Europe, particlarly to the Leipsic Fair. There, it is stated, he traded them off for Nureuberg wares, cheap knives, glase beads, and other articles adapted to trade with the Indians on the Canadian fron- tiers, and took them himself to the latter potuts where he again exchanged them tor furs of various kinds. He has often Nolte that he earried on this work untiringly for twelve long years, going in person alternately, to the Cana- diau frontiers and then to the Leipsic Fair, aud lived all the while, as he had been accustomed to do, humbly and spar- ingly. After he had thas managed to bring together a considerable capital, he gradually became a freighter of ships, and fitted out expeditions to the North- west coast to trade with the Indians of Novtka Sound for furs. Another and very considerable round up to the ladder of fortune was takén by Astor in Jand speculation. Some of his countrymen owned land in New York by i virtue of being relations and heirs of Ger- man soldiers who had fought in the Ame- rican Army in the Revolation, and to who Cougress bad voted land iu conse- quence, Many of the soldiers died with- oul converting their property into money, and Astor, after a visit to Heidelber made arrangements with the heirs hick was mutually agreeable; they thinking t better to lave a litle ready cash thao ‘vy own a greal of land, the value of which was Very slow in inereasing, and be hav- ing foresight to anticipate, aud the pa tience to await the result. So the heirs got their money,aod Astor obtained their land, some of which is now amon. the most important in the city of New York. In this way a fortune of twelve millions of dollars was accuma- lated. The vast increase under tbe man- avement of lis son, William B. Astor, Esq., sliows that he inherits the energy and business habite of bie father, bat af- fords no sach demonstration of money- making genius a8 the career of John Ja- ludecd, the latter is reported to have said that it cost him more trouble to make the first thousand dollars thao all the remainder of his forune.— Budté- more American. cob Losr u1s Mvie.—A Paris paper tells the following very Frenchy story of “a 'worthy gentleman,” who, unfortunately having married a termagant, resolved to become a widower ina way hot to expose himself to the penalties of the law. With- out expressing ap opinion as to the moral of the fusband’s conduct, we copy the anecdote, trusting that his experience will not fnd Tmitators in this region : “IIe owned a beautiful country seat, sitiatcd on the bank of a delightful river, rowlich lis lady waa much attached, and which she visited regularly every Sanday morning. She fl coe this par- ose a charming little mule, with splen- iid trappings, and of which great care was tuken. For three days previous to the lady’s accustomed visit, the husband ad deprived the animal of all drink, so that it was alinost famished. Sunday mornings came; the lady set ont on her mde, accompanied by her husband, who was to see the sport. The poor beast sovght water on all sides, and had ne sooner discovered the river than with the rapidity of lightning he started off, and stopped nottll be had plunged himself head and ears into the river. The bank Was sleep, ind the stream was buth rapid aud deep at this place, and lady and mule were seon buried beneath the waves. Vhe husband reyretted the loas—of the mnie; but reasoned like a philosopber, that to accomplish one’s purpose sacrifices tuust be made.” Os Murder of an Oficer.—We learn from the Amite (Miss.) Democrat, of the 20th ult., that on Saturday of last week, be- tween foor and five o'clock, Mr. Robert Wilson, who resided in the north-eastern part of Amite connty, and who was con- stable in that beat, went to the house of one John Clark, to levy an execution ap. on his property. Abontthe time Wilson reached the house of Clark, Mr. Crossly, a neighbor, heard the report of a gun.— Shortly afterwards Clark came to Croes- iy’s to borrow a horse, us he wished to go nesearch of one of his children, who he said had got lost in the woods. Crossly ached tin what he shot at. He replied arablat. The next morning, about nine relock, Mr y went to see Clark about his t He found Clark's house deserted, and the lifeless body of Mr. Wilson tying in the yard. From the po- sition of the body and appearance of the wontnds, it was believed the shot was fir- ed from the house, while the mordered man had tis right side quartering to it. Fitty two Jock shot took effect in the side and back, between the hip and shoulder, some of them passing entirely through the body, The murdered man’s pockets ifled. Rumor says the warderer lroakfasted at his mother in-law’s ou Sat urday morning, The mother and sister of the deceased offer a reward of $1000 for Clark's apprehension Crossly orse were 4d Valorem in Virginia. —A resolu tion was offered in the Virginia State Convention on Saturday toamend the Con stitution, 80 as to tax slaves withoat ex rptram, acearding to value A majority of the judges of the an urtof Marne, it is now declared PrremMe ce President Lincoln declared last Friday night Wid unite in an opinion that the perseniy to Southern yen made the that “his inaugural meant peace.” lemen wh are verty law oot that State is uuconsttu onal, ~F << ee t FIRE IN NEWBERN. We learn from the /rogress of the 9th, that a fire broke ont on the premises of KON. Taylor, on Pollock street, on Fri- day morning, and consumed the dwelling fre house, together with the residence of Mrs. Hunt, adjoining. Logs estimated at $6, 000. The Progress adds : “ Aud now a word: These fires are be comingserions to the whole country, Ma ny believe, and we are of the niutiber, that there isu regular organized baud of rlegraphed to the South Carolinian oulhern Congress. Monvoominy, Mareh 11, The Injunction of secrecy was remove vn the Permanent Constitution to day. The main features are as follows : No person of foreign birth, not a citi zen of the Confederate States, shall be allowed to vote for any ottcer, civil or political, State or Federal Under the first census, Seuth Carolina noes ; will beentitled tea representatien of five incendiaries and burglare iu our ialdst, ee ( ; 4) a as e Conrress Peele teniee Claghtatt and if such be the fact no nian’s i \ : ; TrOpieLeyii oleic fameateriend IGE i Ua tWo, Mosstselppl seven; PESTS YB BN me feowstina sixy Togas six. Each Swe to thing then imust be done. Qyr vip ; . si > Sy ase tivo Setators, must be increased. Some protection we inci 1 mI = Ute Eeuwrelatiire my thypeach a inust have, and the soojer the better, — } fone Tomer nice eteeclcnn orl . : obil Coat a ‘ eat TI Ae heey Mt JFhere can be nu doubs bat tis tie wa ee it S hav co esta . j _ tchirge Im subl Oid Vow two thin the work uf an incendiary, ama ot ise ba th Newed that the one on Wednesday was Both branch f 4 o. arent We CS On t , sigs ECCSS SN CAV We are saticficd that eur tows autho me 1 aoe te nae are willing to do all they ean inthe pre OO" sen ie Oe ATS i ee ay ue we in) a ‘ a ' principal officer af cach Exceutive De tulses for protection, Gut they dust cee as well as the community that U.o presen: Citizen’s Wateh is inefticient. More lave occurred sluce the urganizate a oi the Citizen’s Watch than for the two ot three years preceding. Let us have some ebange then. Either cetablish a thorougl and ctcieut bired watch, ob a patrol o: watch by the volunteer coinpauies of the tuwa. Asa member of one of the com panics we are willing to serve, at leat upuil the band of incendiaries which we believe now infest the town be biuhke up. And as a wholesome cgasuple let : the gontract is licthret ubende : Teruel | 3 the firs vifender or offenders detected be ade and or Uereducred: sWwuby lo tue nearest tiee. | very law of resolution having force Artemas Wardon Washingten.— Are of law shall relate to but one subject, aud mas Ward, in lis great “orashun” on be expressed by the title, Washington, says: “G. Washington was The tenure of the office of President a clear headed, Urave and stndy goin aud Vice Presidcit shall be for eix years. man. He never sropr over! The pre- The procipal ottcers of the Depart- vailing weaknees of most publie men is, ent and Diplomatic service removable toSLOP OVER! [Put thetn words in at the pleasure of the President. The large letters.--A. W.] They git filled other eivil officers removable when their up and slop. They rash things. They services are unnecessary, or for other good travel too much on the high presher prin. Causes, but the causes of removal minet ciple. They git onto the first popular be reported to the Senate, practically hobby hoss who trots along, not carin and no captions removals will be tolcrat whether the beest is even goin, clear sited ed. and sound, orspavined, blind and bawky. Ovher States may be admitted into the Of course they git throwed eventooly if net sooner. When they sce the maltitood geing it blind they go pel mel with it in stid of exertin themselves to set right,— They can’t sce that the crowd whitch is now bearin them trinmphantly ou its shoulders will soon diskiver its Crror and east them into the hoss pond of oblivyun pertinent, vith the prvilege of diseussine in tocasures rdating te tis depsurtinent, Wes os : . he representation of three tiktbe claves s CONMENeEe Congresstot alowed, thronph duties, to tester any branede of industry, The torcign slave trade is prolabited, Congress ts prolibjted trom making ap 3 Voto of two thirds of Loth Louses, except the appro: prgtion asked by avme Departuseut or tie resident, No extra compensation allowed any contractor or agent after Proprmations waless by a both Hous The Confederacy may acquire territory, and slavery shali be acknowledged and protected by Congress and the Territorial Government, When tive States ratify it, this Consti tution will be established for said States: without the slightest hesitashun, Waist. Wott ratified, the Provisional Constitution . +). . > 1] . e . t | . ington never Slopt over. That wasn’) Will be continged in foree, not eatending George’s stile! He luved his Gauntry deerty. MWe wasn't after the sprie— Il was aman augilin a 3 kornered bat and nice britches, and we shant see his like . sre right away. My friends, weeant all be | bY one year Nothing of gpecial acted ih interest was trans the Congress to day We may wave doubts whether the Washingtons, but we can all be patric, “Ole azainst eu UC fects ina Christian manner, Woe weseea 1OY detiberate will of the people ot North brother going down till te ruin det as aot Carolina. We may be inehied to think i is 2 he ot nel of le give Win a push, but let us seige rite hob that atthe question had been fully tender af Nistccunity se and rie tinh back: stood, or, indeed ito niainy who either vo S cout tails ai ug | ba to ted ayanet it, or retuscd to vote at all, had really sapposed for a moment thatat a suthy been cast for morality. - +. The South Carolina Loan --On the 2th of February the State Bank of South Carolina, as nn inall tle principal jonsnala fora loan to the wav erninent of thonsanud dollars, to bear seven per cent would be deteate t, ot namber ot votes would lave secured its bemy cd ed We very think this, and we do toink ity butter all that, the vote just ascertained! was cast accord Ing to the forms of law, by those author it to lave to advertised sx hnndred and seventy-ti Interest, whee misht be taken in sumyg 14 dote cast it, and the presturpoon of ot froin fy to five Iundred dollars. Vawis Chatit: retleets their opinions and records their judgment, and aa such i must stand until reverscd by the same authority by whi¢h it has been prepoune Therefore, while we believe that the At fi -tthe advertisenent, which contain eda stort but very patriotic stump speee! Ippealing to tue people in behalf of the State to come forward with their dimes, el tuok t! f people will, under a chatved state of tuel ments, and for a few ainony sho; \ eo usnal course of and certificates cndorgi quack medicines shape, was spread out ther advertise dave was Joeated ing sentiment, browsht about by a tl Well As a epers’ bn-iness notices and Changed position of aitYurs, as the qualities o! tudler auderstanding and apprectatian of Pee t t ie 9 Ey hen it took a new Peapped with a anid ¢ harger Jetter head, and was honored wit ar xe Which remain unchaneed, demand another oj, portunity tor expressing then serves at the polls or in some other wiv, a place at thebead of the columns of th Conetobly freely aenut, hat etron iy iy various papers. Thus it stood tor near]. {sist that this demand aust cone as at a week, at the end of whieh time it was estabb-bed fact from the people not as again changed, and we now tind it occu pying the most prominent position which can be given on the pages of the Charles ton Mercury, with an editorial introduc It isan established partiamentary rule, tion anda lony leader, arguing the neces that only those who have voted in gity of money ed men coming direetly up of any peopoe! on can th we for a recon tothe relief of the State, and calling upon sideration. AC rmajority: of thaae voting all faithful citizens to invest in the loan, om the question of * Convention” or tn: whether their piles be large or small,— Convention” have voted ue We merely state these facts without in. ten “ TEowever small that Gulying im comment. — VY. Y JA ral however d ee merely specilative supposition foauded jpon any individual orothor opiuion that such ought te be the case. favor Conven tn a DETON, G, retire subttal it may be ow really represents the dohberate determi: Reconstruction of the Federal Criom ation or wieh of the peop —We have already called attention Gaye majority and its resi t the Vicksburg Wsy) toa test vote, taken cording to law. Shall some days since, on a proposition leaking the Legislature, or any! dy, tur radi to the future reconstruction of the federal poitotfin the face of tlasenanleeen yea Union, on a more periect and equvable the people, * Vote ag Soyat didiel basis. A still more decisive Wat know vour own minds.” We say net, given last Satnrday, which would seem to aud say this distinctly, to prevent any indicate that Misei-sippt does trot despair Wiktpprehension of mistepresen tation a of a reformation of thc Mr Ellett, of Claiborne, who has recent justify the calling again ofa Convention, jamped from conservatisin to the furthest eatrome of radical sm, offered the follow ing resolution: e, still it da tea verdict, ac the Governor, or vote republic. eur views as heretofore indicated. va resortagain fo the people, the facts of the case aust be ch inved, either hy reason of such iinportant changes in the Resolved, By the people of the Srate postion of our Federal relations as will of Mise ev ppi, iu Convention assembled, imperatively demand a reterence to the That the reconstrution of the Union of people, or by such a change in the minds the United States of America is imprac of the people themselves as will lead (hen Heable and unadviaable, and that here to demand it. Uifeither ease, the daty after Mississippiought te confedrate only of the Executive, and of the Leyislature. with States having similar domesticin would be plain, and could bardly adinit slitutions to her own. ofany doubt. A motion to Tay it on the table was We may take it for granted that mobo gatiied—yeas 45, nays 39 ry wontd be or could be weak enongh te pose that, by the mere re assembl ne Asscinbiy. and the ct by that bois, Paintul Shooting Afar © Coninl thaton Seturday might, atent a qnarter ' past 10.0 'cho mere Se OF. ACORN a Yost wiatorturtestiet , ] force) to reconsider ing affair took yp ace on Market mes Pig aren my, RO ener R in faneeni'e near the Civ Herel, resalting an the on RU 2 fr any teuarks Aicvign Ol Es panel ent Cs Otiemy elo ty caer (le neh weonnUln pon Mi N ls Cetin, wuiies Uiert ve ot fe; tn mpt teinake t serious and we fear, very dapsrercos one L) Leve that they deduce any sa pon Mr. Lewis Erambert. The wanrde _ ar were inflicted by arevolver tired by a, young man named Pinekney Shell s- Bhelley gave himself uy and wae released upon tail, teapy Gar bictll SLAVES farther exanina’on, Hate fast roriathe. catne mea ly ate CLs, / yo yesterday f cander or eitice IN NEW JERSEY remccreee cleat iaiien here are so mary accounts aflowtal NO RN ie eylers a2} the origi of the d tliealty. and eo inany (COnteecrat USUenie wiles (ae opinions expres 1, tliat we But dred eure erica elit Succ ¢ roe Wye to any detaghe units. the SrtA TLEY veb reuaimings: on t State, «ol takes place Hunderdon counts three, Hlesex Universal : pathy z expressed for mes dn Sorts one. to Passaie two, aud on Mr. Erambert, whewe thigh bene is te Gayepeet one tured, and whose position ja both fan tal aad dangerous, the more especially ne le Ditvitheis he vote in Dy ideon i. Was bo party to the traneagtion save as a tost ywratityange ~ tre peopre oat David peace meker. We trust that lie reeove ron have thrown the politien ins asides a ry may be more certain and amore raphl acted an them own padgenent Col Uber thag even bie medical attendanta can at prave cant iead Day dson ont of the Un present hope lon Soonkla Conventien tlled, Du The dangerous habit of carrying dead- vidson will beably represented by Messrs ly weapone ie patntuliv, we had aimost Kittre!] and Douthit, both sound and re said, criminally, comenon Wil, Jour. liable Union mnen.— Greens, Patriot, Contederacy by a vote of two thirds of THE STARS AND STRIPES “You tay attempt to reduce us to subjection or yeu tiny, under color of enterging your laws erecollveting your revenue, blockade our ports This will be war, aad we shall meet it with dif fereat bat equally efficient weapons. We will not permit the consumption or introduction of any of yourmanufactures. Every sea will swarm with our vohtnteer militia of the ocean, with the stoped bunting floating over their heads, for we fo notmean to give up that flag without a hoo taints iene Ours as much as y tie dnote stars tay alive Toe root clalinen if not we, alice t oeohst i No tore rust rc ‘ crore tespkepdant (han yours,” Vise alive patriotic am belo tent passkae, front the speech of the Hon. Jun si deil ot I tet his farewell te t! tate con Moreday Now York * Day Book,” eall tina resianse \ ery trie Nmmercan teat. 1 a Souther Contederey be furmed, and vt shall adoyt the ones nowith dhe Dred Seott unterpec tur tel th ne wee over it the glorious Stars a Reipes io wilt have amor force and powertlv wilbas scot snnthitate the Black Repatie ais as f Coatiu Hos auger ehonht visit than with 1 Aye naing punishment of che destroving anu | Gnd why. indeed, should the South give up hi claims to the Amenean Union or the Amerieun ‘ Has si. toboth | Whe Vongeri(y in nearly Northern State t years past under the lead of a fanatics! pouty have trampled upon both, the Southern States have potrtotie her Vlas? not been tra every iy sustained them: amdonow, if led te rescue thera destroetion, let her not abandon them to tetitors and chsanioniste, What! leiwe all the assocritions, all the blessed memories of the Stars and Stripes to such faithless cowards as Sumner Hale, Giddings, Chase, Greely and Seward! Forbid it heaven! tens of thousands of lives, and milli she finds herself comp frown wlortou Tt has cost thousands and 18 of treas ure, to make that standard what it ts. Tt has been compelled to fight its: way through tony and doubtful wars, our fathers’ blood has made holy and if,as Col Davis traly said. it must be Tard aside, even for amoment, “let it be pre "Jet no hand rudely vssail it, but det it be revered for the memory ait served as a sacred vestare 3” the past. Above all, det it not be given up to Abolition traitors, Let not its prestige and glo ry be claimed by those who Lave fousht asamet every step of national eser swranathtsed with its enemies and our progress, who have ven Vand comfort.” Tour view could be of any avalowe would aay, if a Southern Contedera 5 s to he fosmid wfopt it, with ao scar for every no matter what and That nur be sivteen. one for gallant New Jerey that has never passed law trying t the shoatitest degree the ery this will relieve wal State for the present pet trust to the fu ' how may be their position ture to set all things right tshould a Ntate to evade in snstitnition Such a course as the Souther ‘ Moverment entin ly of the charges sdisunte seeessten From the Union,” wow so dela tread by the Le Mieans tu the Nerthern tid by which they snecesd ia debadin ousands Wiateg pe who oa Unselect pe chitaetideaner ead ! Ure albert position womnitte to stand by ther W tli and they will apes ethoon the surface aa well as in reahty, ty ts nahting for the Uaiien — for the Constitution ane Joe the Sonerivaty fig. as it is ve at wos, tte l ast ever slioall te -the slonvas ciblem of a whit tonality Wehoowil be traitors thea? Those who stand Wy the Constiquon aa it bas beet judeiouste ey vneds on those Who trample upon it and rect Lap thus ierpreted £ Den, too, we wball lence the Gorreet issue before the peuple of the Norti wlich our dishonest Democrat politeiius has. so dong determined sould nut be placed befure them. ‘Tien we can test the estioh ae to whether oor Northern fellow entizens are true to the Constitution as it was formed, or whether they prefer to bave it misinterpreted by Seward Sarner, Giddings and the whole crew of de, batched and deyraded antislaversites, whe, for \ te been io teagne with British Tones t sverthrow it, Pat word, we shall then be al to test whether th Mh Uibdsses preder Or froedumd to white t recdoun Sach are some of the tissues, which, throu uch doubt, duainess atid uneeniainty, seem We era day doom up before the mind ia th fistant fara tothe @ Peave Conferen i Washington stall be fruith se of any bara Mions or as is now alinost universally con ‘ twill be, then we presuine there can to Mit as to the course of Virginia, and as she 9 goes all the border States, Tt will then of States or wheth VA question as to whether we WE jain ihe United wpe a Northern Repathe in name the nddingses and perhaps ere long rites. ery Westhrall t Miewrve al bert Seward: te Chinare ter att Pto Canada and come again under the foorown, Soch oan issue as that. Werth in n band patriotisin will invite the Northen poopde to accept and in less than twelve months Peeassiony with sach frets and arguments as arc tdily aeerssible to thea, we cannot doubt thes r would beeome ay firmly convineed of the rghit Pneceo subordination as Alabama now is, and vsresolute in defending the the cmbhan of white supremacy, as any ° fir tarsand Stripes as eater on the banks of the Santee or Tombigbee A DISUNION FLAG the people of and we le of the State—have put. thet Rowan Althoush trast, te mes I f 1 seacof con donnaton upon disunion, and have via darge tm ‘jority, voted down a Convention, vet we see from the Watchman, that the seers sloniats of Salisbury have raised a disunion flag in that town, This is just what we have ex preted from the t there is a certain to hurry Union, whether the Wb ning | setin the State who are North Carolina out of the determined people desire itor not. Submitting the qnes hon to the people, whether they would awe a Convention or not, was, with these men, a mer sham. Tf a Convention was catled, and the Mate went out an that way, well and good Butoifia Convention was not called, tt Intend ed to trnore the voree of the people. Wher we caled upon our readers, Weapon the peo sae disunionists 2 When we ple. to beware of had we not wood cance to ido so ippeated te the fe to Voto neiistia Convention, aid we potdoow and st onet mow evident. diac niyo reason why cotbum men wanted a Conven Hon was to break op the Government £1 lecom men ean very indhanant meacmet thease of the Legisatore who votcd agaist the ea toa tanvention -and ery out acinus, ret that thay were afratd to trust the pede u when th people have apoken, amd by the ( howe deehured) for the Union, thease sin Riienuethicmmancauiieseeide Cireeret then Upoerunst the amajority, and rose the fle of diqgnvton Poor fifows! Voare to tbe pitted Greenshorongh Patriot see The Trouble among the Republicans Journal of Commerce, alluding to some alleged Itoatnes an 1 Rey oMheans ast apport firth hes the following eheertal and tet ‘ wil rospeet befline ius \ 1 1 . {lain ‘ eas Alpen ya weutine ine alin lucia two fichans, with powerfal teadere fie each, tl hither ew reaching the Cabinet iteett, © * dry Doittlese very pleasant t tristy alb stdbes ar t ee ees } " ' t ' ice butts ap ‘ read than don hoe NT will achknow Phere the Republican party which w rend yt edge after a few years of tra ceondbeatous that a storm it tno dbstant reWIn iD " day asander Lemay not survive the present Administration, ” From the Columbus, (Ga) Kuquirer HUE SLAVE TRADE WITH THE OLD UNION, m Prayer VIRGINIA STATE CONVENTION. Suunpay, Manen 9, bsod Cobvention met at 12 o'clock M by the Rey De Hodge, of the Presbyterian Church IN FR EDEMICESBL KU Mi MAY RE presented the proceedings of a poblic ectug Pd at Bredesichsbarg, which was read wud laid upou the table FeUBRAL Ke ATIONS Mr CONKAD of Frederick, pis sented the from the Goriuittee on Federal il tions The Com on Federal Relatiows have had uuder cousideration the several proy A proposition bas been introduced inte our Provisignal Congress, looking to the prolibition of the slave trade between our Coufederaey and the States of the Federal Union we learn (hat it has many supporters. We vith propositve aothing bat disastor aud amiselact MEMTING following report CHUL se a to order, terred ty aceords iuanes 1+ and we trust (hate will be detested Tie Af ern fp bey te ve report for ¢ umes the Convention, the following preamble and reat stave trade boing probitoted, the further ict taives of the people of Vingiia in Convestiot | ! : tl i J othe dttembhed, are profoundly seneinde of the ditt ala, dbiiacy | mot the trade with Virginia and t) antrnpes Poof the duty whieh, i Dedience to te paula honteyslivchalling) Statex would Use aisctions will, ties) ou acutely peutera Vhey the Mus yowt inf duet bey riva to our own people, “The two meas | i rae far onghit at t ni u Wad bean etleetial bar to the spread ot 1 role le tistory We ieiabed od ev OF Ke iincite ne pruee tent the dust ition, and there is reasga to bur blab ties recognise the faci that the great questions w! press naidern area notre wrveltv nnd of « rete the pool would fiasten the extinetion of slavery uc raideracion are of ont’ movelt a (ek : Helty j : " ’ f Wthe bearder State We ave already noticed Ph gowetn Fal wt UT pos rapabe . faa : rise uf the bude ise oth, cadet om tel fai thes ton of Black Kepubbean papers, that lee ! wl Ao etl Blah ctl tow States, the koa Ni : ' yo table Res gry boa \ ae Government em day ap the alaves in the igettes oy ui oatiule \ ial Horder States: and this prolubition, by maki s Mh thet ; , . Woryy Hf folial toons of Chea, withou! f int nl " ' cr } : 7 | in their dirnits. are such as have ed the weopte of Virgins Wording tthe proscut outlet to regions where 7 : Y eee ; Comm be trade more protitade, will play inte Pa Seinen ia ' Yorigtite sd the pe iph vesheve le dung ot ther hoivdids and abd herr selieies Piet inmdecd yey BIPA alee lie wmaeicmeoieee | } “ tot yoet wil be tatiled the tear whieh we Tiave express AW Le re eats aden vl, Ut the aearny equal diviston of the justite a prop ep . aerate | zi thutthey shell retrain during the pondeney of tere on of sla ery into two politeal oncunzations Viaie bbe yurtinead, Hom wih act bending © pigdew a cable aed ' will bo frtnaht with dag or and coon he ene re A Poe ides that this protiatou ean be justified joginen or + fin in : 1 ieee t ' * ek ‘ MNase ol rotate neisee punta Callncyones Garter My eee od WWliat WAC Hive we to retaliate Gu Vargitie d= aetepange that ai triment the ot . sooate wile the people of the ayo Our own vet Of eceess otis based upon Ub prin ey ft ; een 11s ciple that each State oe a pectect mht to take peat xy Hy pees th onthe Gs vod untnoke her own pool poutnerheps ai peter wit 1 wba tercede Mat sy a etal Cee eA oN rire al ie aiy anerital pictet teeter teainice th 4 i th Mtioke et ey Low Sficpa at re “ not td as thal fe ae py ptacde Nanted \ @inetiie Winati we Ie gti gat h prudiaty iso the wdea of cuereion aaaitiet Virgite 2 at Sane ete ne orae Reo > } wher ence , atic h fer nt Besides, we should bear in mind thar tie re te BIE AUG NG SInCGeme oii Tha RMI Ye ee cot decision of Virgiuia (Go iudecd she bas yet | horeof js in derogation froos phan right, contrary | 1 7 t statute Honmive wind angeroths Wade a decision) may uot be a permanent one, ae Cea ee ees tnd Cia age poles ts to eeaciiate atid Invite, NUL Cbisted tor tt cat Ses oe : tain opanie) fustitutions « lo Oda perate aid repos hier. He one se i romiths of the Montgomery Zust on this ten tee p sath at Ue aaliintntrativs hovets ; Wen, sty te weekor te the doug tio ve quesGon are so tently Gur own vice that we Copy secuo teaboae, and is ineonptible with mo safety | hose Whose cnterests cere umpernited . the furtmation, Cher store SURO Natal s te Picea or scetioual parties in cespect te federal pode op ' hitrary Go the priuciples on whieh our systeu a sts aud TOR POM TOF Titi licliie UNorslewestrt lactate MArae) Callie incite , tween the Confederate States and the border 4) the terrftories of the United States constitute a trast ate ' ! Use vento bets slave Slates ts being urged by some as a proper eo! Dy oui Mi outse we pursued b (rove CULT @aky spret te greater benefits cn “ ise to be | u dby Ui verum ue Bits sir ee : a ae ner they do not secede from the Coion. The rea Tsay trary Geequakty, ated peeguatics ol te the : . ) Reroat ms eager Whose equal betoflt the t terested Uf svt dssitied for this policy are several ia num Siri winteaiee Tai Cara Tete ite RE ber, but neither of them, we Chink, wise, prodent etoy excites uufri:ndty conthiet between stews, 4 fn ; ; partition of the territories ought to be made between Met. atid or pheusibie. ta the fist place, the disposition [eit cloner aa viiirelliuies at onwinates from cspiritof retaliation — but whilst Were ton eS ie Were ites te federal porte. arsenate , wore Vecupom then by ref cthem atar f the States of this Union, w pur bie ! s 1 ' " 1 States t for ther ' vel AC Cheat Wand yurislietion vor eats ee Ket for their own plas slaves, we atthe sam he comiion purposes of the Union, during tte ect thine ath et our tterest —boentse if it was f bates, euch yarisde ' rt yoby winch th bot as much to ou tes today Ui ae tO jay ie auttiiay heirs to sell, we would not be Ekely to do so, the tenn pees tS cans even without restr ns bein tiposed npou the 7 Ite intimidate a ) ‘ ; ee f the purge right tod se Bat itis sand azsin, thatthe 4 : eae tendency of t tortor Svates ts toward Hi ouns Ves, ih whe 4 aut Crivit war, Inu thine of prof wih ‘ mt WUE byl ie ter tiem tien irien| eure in ; ) non a ' ji Fesarrilitin Cletrelieesie cine eee ; Pn ite ean “thse 1 rena Thstituty t This wer > ft oA mete ineenary view of the subject, . ae tether comprelends thi frets in the case, 6 Peep ! 1 iain hort) Meaty Hemeerapumeingl) lives dias : a LOW i Jed fo teetoase dn gum rs anid tog i. ‘ ‘ vs y Par Stites the dost t hye Cieait nay Det th ‘ y 4 w y urs, bet . 4 au CN ite one fraterial footings t ‘ Hothroueh ott \ Voshows both a disposition and ; 1 1 fo perpeb nite it Bota we west Weta bie parece f omaneipabon, we CORT ue CET enc Te Tnte LT RTnneuetn i me wd coping theirs We | rth irewa tnits, Tn ths warw ustitut ' } . ' , te comparatively un protinabie te tod when yp mee dt becomes on titab’ dt scon becothes an popular, sted thetr Wr ray 0s Noo see dberad el throurh the eho + Wit tien ; . Moe cbreehou aod by such means as tly sha fin the consent ty the nid a fe Woy it ile f hem wat Cai Myst aatisable, : tas tow th draw from ther nse Gein m ' od ' ents Wee ' h esate teen hes retietin in Co states, aul te erect mew eoverniuents for theie better seanrt'y Gur pole ty tulen ¢ ate towards tint) he ey ce ar ! or Rae IE ee ne . be po f subpas SATS Lied Fat th wwe hitherto ex ‘ Secs sted. ane one rit ydeave the rater State 3 Else eS aN ce) ourlana on “a8 slave trade, Lhe al ro property, subject only if h : leas givets rig be dew t tl ! lz roe fod 1 at +4 nted wet a tease ' . vat ae and Ma x fl ut DADE | nthinately alfectins the rights cote yoof the ros tes tee : ' M at ees “ * K Won inte ! the ceecdling stat r WIEVE WIE EiSb 1 EMG ral authorities, the Consttat ” Werner (tee Com tira Carmel Corietial ie Senne eit ieee Penn ingen abd el war, Ww salisty our dsunie ‘ 1 Renn 1 \s Lhey Wanted a © onset t, wed tle to Wot Cop ob query foow 1 ' ’ teu ' bu ‘ 1 th. ‘ 4 ot peopde sand they wou have dt. Thev sand op HEN ate Re Ul SainceoT Ris } ¢ i Lascots would inake ow ttt he hasn't. done 2 SU ole tonne the yo seem disur shout theat They neon wisn th trite if ae \ j {vu seevrding States. atl be in a tet Hiebteb ham to with Southern troops, ‘ F ne pes hea i mel naw that ats prea he will do so. they : : ie ; : b tte r , say he wonldi’t only the he is eompelled to. ' Neen o . tes nur f ite 1 ' Phey are determiped eto be saiistied any was i a . us ee , : eartuest reese ne . Ih are splitting their throats bawling ' re: possible the p ople eo andte them appeal for 7 | i = \ y theref i eens ms Satisfactory ndyast ryinia, therefore, reqaest= the peo action That rem More in their Tee sites eioeee itaers popular vot ie throats aud on their pen Vv where ol None , te re Gt. ee ey rartiest conve : tien awaenined in the foregoing ' Phey are a persontionts Moserihle. who a i RT eA Relat thet 4 is determined not to bec iter Thev think the ™ ne her ae aay Aidin the event ay Con Mnwee ihe tobe cin Se tinfactiny pespmanens tee people are fools, and roon'y gleam of hap: fam the non-slavehobling Btates, che wit! feel eoripeled to re \ Joby her Utaber the Constion t € Pitesa ois in that thou They breaktast on Chire(l apn har comer eet iat 1 dine on ane, baup upon © buts, "= Reamer eaten Tthes can stand such olet we cau stand ours : but they propose nothin. they urge nothing, page they do vothing bat growl and think ike the ple tet 1 - awionof t o f Dutchiman’s tithe boy —* tam We receom Ie nan teenact the | ' mend Mrs. (not) Mr) Wisstow's “soothing Ror any measure resorted Uy, pre nof thie would regard any action of the parte as hurtfal and unfiiendly syrup,” ent in double doses, frequently repeated, fealeigh Banner soe their fatnre potiey jas ¥ A 18. The pecuinar relatiogs of the states of Delaware, Mary The Election.—Of the whole number of Pele. land. Verginis, Nerth Caroline, Tennessee, Kentucky, Wesenrt , , and Arkuimsws te the other States, rake it prey re the fried vates ®2 are Constitutional Union men and 38 Ce judg thet th rt euch m See ssionita. The Unmon matonty, therefore, is dewiand, ar rather more than two too popular ma Mtates are ri qnest Fore ie A et ea ee is re eee we tet i : ae Pr a f ple of this State. at Founkford, in thy State of Kentucky, on the the same proportion ; . last Monday iu May next We have abundant signs from some disunion oe wisp presented a subst too dong for our paper at organs that they wish to treat the voiee of the present people, thus expressed with contempt, Pt is Mr HARVIF presented the flow og as a nul atinat ne - ma: ) ari meni The undersigned, a iminartty of he Conanttt Petleral Re pretend d that there lias heen a ureat reaction oe. report that having had under ¢ Jeration the 1 since the ohetion. Tot t +, tke the great re ot refe Fito the said Coniaut ond tig m the A report of the majority, recommend tthe Convention the adep actions we heard of hefore the election, ig a HUN: tien of the following eeadatie Resoleed, That the & tee on Pederal Relat structed to report an ordinance resuming the pu by Virginia te the Federal Gov for ent bug. mmit ne be in Tt may be that two or three lave joined the nolay secessionists in.one or two of the towns: the the great Uneky of tie 1 ' eds litting the eam: to the « bat the great body of the peu] tre firm Ils eV mie euich (sein we pion or will not be frtrhtene a They will Re-peettally the . Lewis Bo Wanver Ywait They willeoe what Lineotn Roprat Lo Mostar Hower O Witte attempta fo do. ty fare they take the Me BARROUR. of Calpeppe >, submitted Nhe following asa de edt Ohne ye substirote m Resokerd, That Convention hie witnessed, with deep ‘ Hothe faite: ont) are ot Ne ith Ped tu Katra S We Some « TOT DNGAN tal Qiverninwal, aul avin rity of 11h Coils Rint Operant reprise tl eT ele eo] aewwieiecnil CHIN Gut ceienrren eet eboueny alaaneiey MulueMi a aut sie en SOT e ty (Cretan: Union ont ietent with dy rity of they ofthe Weare suqased to find an idea prevatha ™ Prebeiinmena ie reeg “ett yowmy extent Coat the men bers otf the late heyy mie inet by ere SAA a mi Honse of Representatives would be niomibers of mentocouadiderations of pablle uty induce ua t foam wel an extra session. Their tertus absolutely i ere f vprred on the tthoonstant, aud North Carolina reatore the be [as fae Hee ati of that Eon So that, in Geer cae yes before aut texnlac clic Nugist special eleeton will be neces nthe day after the adoprion Jutione, appoint thre Commi Montgomery to confer with te auth Beates In reference to he present gray hie affairs toners te procerd t the Conted ¢ Cmergenoy incur pal MY yr he A an lais Every county | The report and amendinenta were taid upon the title, and ot k f : ‘| dered to be printed westoef the Blne Radye has elect od anian dele On nation of Me COX of Oh cord ' fT futessand nearly ail thase dying along the eastern ereen PEAY, aL EATS ce Sa ae emer | Ih not the tale that was told us here dn ineticn of Mr PATRICK, the ¢ AetMenies Fist wretor by some inembers of the Legislature Od tar that a 1 Wonder how our friend Mar THR NEW APPORTIONMENT ous Rawon willy inte effect his threat la take Population uf the United States by cenane of Iset Al RAT 10 Deduct population of tern tories 16 Raa, thounts | le ont of the Union ANYHOW, Deduct tw filth of lave population, | 1,0r4 108 0 { the ! ‘ 4 ) ' s foo eak whether the State went or not He i: WAKO penmuan tate pruniatiyn mien ty ase Suchen qisnilcroussweiplital Clucws oe wne iiiee starentniete (ore ee rcr len we) 1 i } A hy law at 283, at the cammeneem: nt of each Ce bad better abandon the idea, as the people seem 2), ee ie aive owithog to yg Raligh Banw are a athe of at aos Portieument for euch ment Wize Vader thie ' nt, tt ' E a 4 ‘ ’ would etand thas, compared with the present fan Pexa- wil tbe oanuch the gainer by te beeen New Anpy pent tohing poasession of the United Statea fon Save Bintes of e property on the frontier The United 1 7s Majority nt 6 States Government oxpenda About®3.000, Maine) Memachasnuacnicne) Noval Carohae, Geu gia ' Alabama, acd M bor wit ’ Pene Iva OOOTa na Ly ek Ceti e mite UCAY Pantera gene td cn ce eure one eis. AI defences in tl at State Phin expense | and New York willose three membre, Arkansas and . ( wid each gain one meiber, Terns, Michigan, wort Texag will now have Npon her own trea | Misenart will each gain two membe Wieeonain and fowa wi each gain three mem |The rest remain as before and [inoie will gain foar members aury Ral. Negister errr re - = —— ited Stat Vopulation of the U The Supenntende: (ofthe Census has prepared the following ts fhe several Btstes aud Territories, the elave populates wid the Hutuber of Representatives to which cach State is ent! ted e Blave ; Population, Population Represeatats Muioe, 19 Bebe . . New Hampshire, e Vermont, .. achusetts, Ww Ma Rhode Island, Connecticut,... ey 1 1 c 4 4 Ww i t : . oe AS M 8 eee wit ‘ “ 6 Issa 1 & uM te 1 ‘ 1 Ce ta s hetea 1 t Lot Sta dv a ab hee Por Ty oe ne reer fits Sibreka New Mex Git Iyeleital v Vien “uunbs T fC Territeeric kre APETe LA tON Bree po patte fiw weosbatge wad Persitnk sie ited te YT MIN ao Slay Poputatinn, Lal Bopuicuon, 81,645,906 «ems wee ee Pty Pyne Consttition ts diay Pet cs lot, my How fur they have got ite wel who wl be Ral daal cae cs pomlent Cantot aweertarn We beard, however, tipember of Conuress say, chat he thouwht that would bo fished this week. Your tuenbers ‘ tho did tora Coustitattun sack as) the people ot South Cacaiine will approve of} but iis denbttul of they will sueeeed. Tf the fren Her States were da the Congress, their fatlure ht By nll meaner let your Doris, AN woud wet adit of a dor tee Bleck Repuitine toot wis hoop t noountil ttmtbot ds rie ated dato ard sson dk Coy are unwittingly doing (ke the Abolitionists) the South Mine nse —KMrtvact trom the Montygom cry Correspondence of the Charleston Mercary. by don hear service © frontier States | From the fore sotng, t Hat if thes Southern Confegeraes, they would be un Will ree, Were men bers of the er the hecesstty of op postoye aid SOc fot ote ptemesed proviss cms ef Sati (Oy) ¢, Very benetictal te lier atid | Judienal to th can What toes pbovine tis the ave af ba we bo dunt bat athyetes r oo owdane Ce Site eT, etta ! blacks Selle On WW fey ca) 1 er Words we Pogo tha to | ‘ rete tp rest uted puet as 100,000 whiten woud ' > eet ey i ote Circa] os fepresettation | ees ng dC aetison ti Vermcutlces Mu ‘ j att “A Jirot wive her Pewee, E “wl Hes Vole ot eT Hilelin We thew 2 Ve fihiett leigh Ty xt cee Te MLieeeee7 4 ei phis Appear that the Mreaiaaryp p) Lesistature tas desied an additional Dat oti: per ¢ 1 resent: GU Kemeny benet 1 the Croverner ! TOA Aeraenitr, ts et cletves cat tay Je Ey Pet vsthie voc, (Wan ad thre Vico, baad t w Rite GE Nocatee vel GET Sarre | Pisa trai tren catinty at Vicks Via pididisties tiv falow ne poe aaa t Dy areca) Hequal interes! to proper tay ti leit ) aed s er por SOU. Lin fae Line a a tl ' Lie nati i an Cat conte tially TIEV at cs me he x ‘ ' Rack Sat You PVM eh notitbedt ' { | Htooy atid pit We \ a Neola veu! has Uriel te ayeX money feane | vnts cle OG ean al ta anes kept from er Wiatlon with the State, st becomes t TERE NEN ett Naver te appear at the Snert se oftice mid givein anderoath, said tesessrrentiof cnoney, ferth woth, oder a penalty oof thy theoowsced chatlans. This tity 2 viipose Who have bere hae pads traxeseae) tye Cini tet pauted thea WM Meh E. Sherif, r Noth » the Vorthern Sipeund (1 on t Prenat vf = an me time ag New Orleans Crescent advocated the is suing Jettters of marque at do reprisal againet Northern ocean and other com meree, and th inatter has been disensaed in the Congress of the Southern confed Tt traae be eracy tnetiyvested that proper vessels for thos serviee cannot be eanily obtained; Wat that ditliculty, it appears, remedied very oe vy, a niimber of Northern slop owners Saving offered and can be i to furnish vesse's armament crews gratis - sailing papers only bein: reqaired In other werds, there are to be found men inthe Northern States who will, in view of the money to be made out of the ope ration, envive in the destraction of their nelalbors’ ships and the eontisea tion of their goods, At the first view this seems grossly tinprobable; but when we reflect that for many vears slave ships have heen fitted out almost exelusively from Northern ports, itis not altogether unlikely that the abolitionista wonld po a step farther, and turn a penny or two ly plaundcting honest triders on the sea, View York eratd. Union, heats No Woodfin, about TOO votes in Buncombe Phis os the County our friend Erwin hails trom, Whe came to Raleigh with a disun fog te dast November, Add Valorem Banner tk one of those old dhention, bine cocka Mi Wiley who joined the Democracy, and then went ff after the Heehpots of disun ho We are glad that the old Democrate of The poo Wiliattend ta all euch leaders herest ter, Including Mir Olyarel Person, who Woodtin line lay pot cleay such allios gave the casting vote in the coumittee my federal relations aga allowing the to ote at the polla on the action of. the proposd Conventian Mr. Person won's tose Grovernor, and the disunion Clique in tops City during the late xeasion of tee Legislature nade arran cements ae Let the gentenan try it W. Slandard No fava Saaon, li iw now gener ty that the Gro the Legislature CS ilieretee ty oni Vetnor w hot commerne We do mot speak “by vu at present thority,” hat we think thos may be relied (ed oA ue / — ey biom the Advalorem Banner Mic Kurron:—On Inst Monday two other Uenicn aud myself weee sil Gng tozesber in conn : We sation when we were jolned by Mir Rane Sr, ria After the usual salutations one ies of the ge tlemen asked Mr how he came to maker gen. Mnstake in printing that oath for Mr, Cantwell tie S replicd that he made no mistake at all, bat penn elit acworth the copy furnished by Me, Ces that Mr, Chisel rend the proof three times. We were all astonished at. this auswer, and Mr ish Mr. © with certifleate stating that the alteration in the oath w, a typographical error? He rephed that Cant wel ticle the proposition to him that if he Mfr 8 would take the responsibility apon himself, und give Natu (Mr ©) a certificate to the effect that the Ae Wasa typogtaplicel error, he (Me, 8, weouore printing, Mr 3. gave the verti. stated. with the expres understandin, that twas not tobe published. and was to be Sowa asked hiow be eame to fia heate, he shown only ta the comiittes appotitod to invesugate the against Mr C. of having wtered the fur(her stated that instead pf having ty boa his given the certificate hac pity. He also said that his partner, Mr, Mar- huew nothing of the watter at the time and Foo bane in giving the certificate : Rach Mr Battor isin bref the smbatance of Mr Si KOTIRH'S statement 1 think Bach corruption xposed, ad tor that) reason, and that chary M.S \ vath, been a ! proved pote an cow suuiddl bee aloue, dor Thave ne jersuual all will towards the pardes, Pdlesue you to publsl this, You wea berty to vive toy tain audalso the uames of the Ro cuaw tN on 1 to any one desiring them, SUSTICE, Lise pleasure te publish the above,—Far from ity but justice denateds it We say Justice demands hth two rold sense Tf these things be go the peo. picshonld know them: if they be not so the par. hes now Lave opportanity of exculpating thems ees Our calvin ate open to them for that pars tose Phe iter has been freely talked about up. he ue vite last two days. The people Mon He ON plain oO espou (isa that of respectability apd Nty and so are the other two gentlemen None of them are politicians They are peaceable, dntelliwnt indastous mechanics, at citiens, bois probably Necessary, for a full uoderstauding of the mutter, that we give the val preveribed by the Constitution tor members of the Legislature, also the oath which Mr. Caytwoy administered ta thea at the beginning of the last session. add the certificate signed by Mr. Steotiuer perio: the name af his partner with his own, — After the alteration was discovered, a comimittes Was appointed to iovestigate the charge against Mr Cool having intentionally altered the vath, which, acting Upou the certibeate sgued by Strotume & Marco, wequitted haw The and vs alterations will) be seen by comparing the \ twooaths We have put then it anc? cups tCOnsTITE TIONAL GATaAL “EA. Bde -olemmuly and: saiucercty swear (or hii Ghat Powall be daatbtul end bear true alleg 1 Novth-Carulitia, and wo the feet. , we vad authagities, whieh ace or my en for the powverutuent there 1 a Powille 1 to support mainta sand State, net “mt the United d ' ent owith the eonstitation of Statec oy the Get otiny huowledye and ability > so belp me Gol Pde adermniy swear that wall support tne tut vl o Uimited States: so help we, Yeod 1 ANTWELE A OOATH if ‘ rely swear Chat [wall al atid be woabe ance tu the State of oS ‘ aay at rtitutional powers Pee emer ert Vee rm ttowill endeaver “ny Vthe Constinat ‘ . tw tre Cie Latoot i o fo otuy POWRK Be vies i fis, AES Pottkieen rf , tr Rye Pest sci irre) sta) ut nD Petes Mee of Conen oF eines 1! Na ithe War bad % ep e fon V Yeon tim . nyonaldrattin the handwrine of Ma Cantwell Pot Wiikela We peouat 1 the Cha he saityseritecd in the House ob Coduti tos Vth sustan ) wl owe wvrias adie Ue agute “ ‘ ( sas ! t ' 1 ! Ww. vith eae! wee the nal af h \ i foes previa ‘ ws Yon that the words pe tiek that . ahd hia tw woatiterd “frat ! woe porcer helwt und ability I ur ‘ erode We ted tend ¢ ane . ‘ bee . 2 4 vied Wwe arte { {tual y a ! ‘ ' TDene Coney ‘ ws a a Vewtl Weare re-perttilly yvonne SPROTHER & MARKCOM Perm aad bo Printers TS Payetteviie ot Rualeigh i w ave heretolore motrerd thas matter ale t Ay reg Tito copy the above see GOVERNOR FLOYD A Wastooet oo uispoteh. of the Gth inst. sare Bx Secretary Floy Tarrived here to-day He ussetts that hea Ik fo expose sonue of the trans ‘ sot othe date Adusinantraton, [tas thought 4 pse NV place ONd Back and dis Cabinet co ery e hie Light before the country, Mr I} tatitiat the elu: ye = taade avwist tim. It ras ty hoped othe ex Secretary Ww ' te noof exp. the transae t tthe bate A strabots fontit if the voolthe 4ecret transactions of that set of wen Lhe written it will expose the greatest amount ole muery. decepoon and fraud that was ever vied toward a confiding people by their aioe length of tine that they held the cine of povermnent.-No oC Argus oe nga” nthe poor hethe imsginfleant States of Coutal Amenea, reduerd below the contemprof carer i atile \ people. by internal strites and wars, ern disposed to take advantage of our prese ut dif feuldes and poten wis towards this country. A late arrival fron Aspinwall says Caet the New Gre yyorntment has refused to raufy the treaty entered inte sometiow ago with the Goverment of the Uinted States, saying that © they do not want tomnake any treaty with us, as they are a inatch the Northern or the Southern Govern mente ot Amerten Hi such as the feeling: already evincing itsell toward us by such petty States as sare ( tor ether New Grevada what will be the feeling of os of danger wrowth at out dissetsionsy Contre VOC Argun «<- P aT The Buchanan A dmanistration Die ceNpIree Boclanan Adinmostration, as a contemporary s4* has sucked the Treasury dey. rained the Pote Credit lett Indian War, Choetaw, and other cass to the amount of many milhous, hanging over the Government, and allowed its confidential agent to steal Trnst Funds, and: iene bogus certificates of cncury indebtedness to the amonnt of milhuns Never, since the close of the war of ieee Joral finances so utterly collapsed: am é more were the turned as they are to-d -e- The New York Tferald saya: “The trade of this great metropolis ts suffering asad revalaion in the present political Merchants are breaking every day; several branches of manufacturers being suspended, Con thrown out ef employment, the Southert trad everythin It is troe there is plenty of money in the banks, but that belongs for the most part to Fnglial Caprtatista, lodyved there to par ariel and they crisis are mochanies is reduc down to nothing, alt ‘mis to be yong to the dogs Chase breadstutfs will yet them.” cotton, The Election in’ Arkaunsax — The Lit | He Rock (Arkansas) Srte Gazette of ht 2d natant, says that in inany parta ofthe State not more than half the usual vote Had there been a fall vote the conser for all wae polled throughout the State, it adds, vative maponmty, now eoflichent a 1 practionl purposes, would have been 1 uienss, TUESDA) —e “Great Cl There is qu of the State a von,” and it tavor of seces nue: sounded trae, but vill awell out an: improved our ef almost eve there been at the election— ticket 7” Ar we have hea the contrary, who have wi voted the There is a people on th and discontet de tix qu peitectly ed up. brig who love the Vent reasou talve alarm v to time, to % eeReiuicls wl to regard tne your therm a ty flee wheu have allemp' feel Leld) aceuun! yevaler wise! comfort. sepicnves of (hone aster ect parts of hommorentd (aovernoc of tant General ft me thee iat ( upta Petal e te toanda t w Qe oan luis weti and rood pr things. tom they are to preps fovuds ot “a apd o ard ow NaN ite) Cay » thay and told | Which be pr ‘he SOC ESS strevta.) 3B tion of ich unt with cheers Dissarise are evident! election in t did not unde resemlabous to such ane hove mot thu propositions whe do not quesuiens w! to dietharge thia, we me had been =m 'maginable ; say Lneoin thea all rig that” He and did not land atterty to interfere At coln get the what power could not gi States He seamed power that maimed in; to plung iat arr. Anott down on an who Propose Charif wes These ca Vvolers tut Means whic control the ceptional on who, if the full diseuse ae was the the State, a on the men he to deride mony of v Ke “‘misrepre se for their def to go before Prove, to th vaste. Vautages of fontending Ic is well & aud the di therefore, a advocated, Owing tot dates. Mr of the appe mo eonmplai champions meeti Againnt one are caid to 8 * the eats derstanding © be shown esUgale the } the cath MAK been a tiad proved t, Mr. Map. time, and ance of My. COrMption a and that Wards the You wea tability and gentlemen ans. They mechanics, Steotuce 118 Own comiittes paring the cups. swear (or allegy. Ww the Sup jmat the > lelp we, st dav He bf the trans Is thouptit Cabinet io putry. Mr sth mbt. if the wet of men «stamount C¥OCE by their ry held the Was t States of pontempt of and) wars, preseut dif erDinen o not want hre a ina n Grovern ny already as States porary <ay* Vat athers the ficates et ificate nythons Hapred and a: @The suffering political Z every factnreré ics are Souther ing, and ie ding ey inthe ost part reto pur ie conser for all been wa A NEW SECESSION MOVEMENT We see that the citizens of Cabarrus, led on Nee Barnuger, held a Mecho in Con- cord on the Loth, aud passed resolutions fay or Wig a withdrawal of Morth Carolina fom the VUinon, and Pledging ‘themselves te unite with by Mecklenburg for that perpose, A stinilar mect jue Was behd ia Charlotte, last Saturday, to which the Cabartus (Heeling appormled a farce fist of delegates. Another sigjlar mceting was te t \y “Slabs Righty Purty” of the whole Stan Is sumadoned toy tect ith Copvention at Golds 31 Carolina Celatehman, bo ssw tenes NA ELISE CRY NAC. hero’ on the 23d and. It is very evident, we TUESDAY BVINING. MARCH 1y. Isc Le Soe ee ere ee CSCS HE OINCnded toreanrile: if prossitile, thn : . wil of the peopbe us rece) expteesed throush Great Changes sinee the Eleetion.” joi ox . There is quite a wi fee Wilted bow Mexia! Since the above was waltten, we lice receps of the State about © great changes since the elec ol Che Wilmipyton Herald, coutiauins Proceed von,” and itos said the Union men have tioned mn its of a ineeting at Warsaw N © trom w tavor of secession, We have heard the same key we extract the wing prowl Wace nuts sounded here-—rather usdestly pitehed, it is tons: true, but sad the same, Anteipating thatit night OAVINEN A Unt filmes rn outhis 4 awell out and heeome a general choras, we have “iver aotigal eypmeston loa detetininspen at all improved our opportunities the past week to laquire hazurds to matotain our Hult=. which las been ef almost every countryman we have seen—* have vomnitestade Prat te one sucnital to Come ren been any changes 9 your neighborhood snes sont remedy. Sreatd by an a, pen A the ebection—any body sucy they voted the Pino UN ar sense Of Jushee on the partet our Nort ticket?" And how many changes do you pone OO brethren aid bethy, to our own citizens Lis we have heard of? Not one! --nairy tiene’ 0 ee eu Nake itliourselscr, aid Tian srtratly bile ‘ o st df tut Ma Guages Wet teat gl a heen et adi he two first, coe rudy : ' la AT tedst su tar ts to tmake us cles wt who have wished, since the elect PEST VAUNS aT era muah Perey thet. tats ™ voted the Union ticket Mir red Vst, As aimtnorty linving Ge Tan There is a wide palf of dif-aenee between the ci nets ow declare henson it pals st people ob their farts in the country, atid thame sdie ay Gastrates “ald all Yovettinienta at whateve and discontented persona abont our Town as re- pretensions aod that we as a comunity dare Mis question of Wuion and Disanion and it ta~intain dem re pecteetly certain that thar gulf will ver clos Phuy otis plain, that those whe weted in th ed up. beniged, or otherwise passed by the peopl Wo eaw theetin, have « psel trp far who love the Moian, weul can see youd aud sulli thetsetves, “ascinst all nays sain) a te \ yent reason for it They wall wot heed dhe cries ol eritnents of whatever pretensions,” “ tale alartn whiel will doubtless be rsed, from tine i to time, to seare them from their postion These, Soin Tei evita a Trea eessiguists are awlully alraid of ald Abe, aud seers |) 10 COM Co pass the South the latest news rere; Vinticeaatteenbuternett from Texas inforius us that G Set dense to dee The pil vo Satouel EH vour them and destroy their property ten refuses to recognise the authority of the l \ ty flee wheu no wan pursueth them.) Men who 4) Convention, and the said) Cons Noo threat have attempted a great wickedness are not apt to ens te leet another Governor auless. le Vague feel comfortable if detected, and ae Phely to be acd that {loukton ys 0 Sn Soop on his oie bel acruuntable, but ane awure apt to utanpta vccount PiU inaeoatedivnets ie ce jet yecater wischiel as amends of escape from the cone. Rtn ae sequences of the Alret deed au Lin view of thos fact P Vhese ate threatening igy and they pro Iheme is @ reasonable distrust eprint % ' ai i ‘ ! eevd fron a party whose sehemes: delils el ent parte of the State as te what ecurse wil nea , 4 ees acntets enuisnedste (ieee ce cnenne a bed tid fous Kept secret, are thas Kradually de and prosperity of dhe eouutry. A witer an Ping themselves, We ds not believe that Rale gh Banner exprexe< 1} { Fe hein tweaty of those who are act ny with this thing will be attempted by organizing t ot party, have any idea what the alterion aun of the State under Whe os leant never Mee lenders: tug have evusidered the horror aud 3 alfention to tt wet The whieb may be brought Bpon the country oy ther of the Stat Ady f 1 i Governor he Sux yu Tf this party had ne oth Jp utpose tant General wa Dysart “ r . : sana a ae BE She: tisbenee ty Che se ctestotia of Nou ten faniann Vepersal the G wad the vacant 4 posed of : H 4 the ms fs Migr, b ‘ ir \ v ty . i - tof the fn tl woud ote Gath renee with quod distnnet WW ' ut ' rel ted eee 2 “ The poop he cf the Sah, provided, hat i 1 : inthis sate to be se zed fh s (9 PSHE SUISSE a Net ae i hose ends. dun ‘ ( , fedand were bad to ded ede eS ive dooneay netieas tht aeheral Us tet VA “1 sebeies of Ulis party eonteniy ate a restriction yt 1 ‘ upon the civil iberty of the pes pre ated Chat the 1 dao ‘ “ ei | f pease Be reste ‘ Partoade Gsins wid be t Licabie one HC wage to. t a v ” tell the stray pound 4 x Me uate ; " - v fm. eran} tow Cee teen ‘ eo ad a The Evacuation of } Sumter — 7 iin the cank cot tie com ’ yh ( Ce wd Mi Wo eigetlis : a j > pS bivw Fur Mted, Was a duasterly <troh: ER: as Ae ’ at 1 + fy if { rey and serves the ood purpose of ra A Neh a 1 ‘ * \ 4 ' ! ‘ ‘ die to lead dae anititna tothe ie wn avert ALG EET aes (can Wyre eee w Pde G rf < : He ume Tt teneves the appreben-rons of the $oauel tiv F eo Seuth, and cootiias them in Tess weth cuonpte ter ca ite ie atid order ; ; lo a fur a jm and rood poweriment wea : aboot Of ou Wonal troubles, aud at Ung. to meter widheie ves 4 oo, White “they wt there - sel rrr dv prataly sed all Va and Co prepare for it far ev amide Poet oe ' : 6 uiiry. This news a ' ‘ A the Vie be very ite hee; ‘ E \ Sea) nay a sr abd obew the lin sani ow ta “ ue i \ we has ule bow The wea nt t To thes Ye Vd owe lon iw We Chai besten carbon as, thew dod gid Watcht | wsdl al coay yricd ‘ ‘ ) woth ot the ! ’ nt ! ; f ‘ . » Capta (4 W (i t “ eu ' Wotrust tlic . fF rhe they thar Conipra . y ls Whe permitted g there Gi a cat } rte a “eset . cb ats t . ! and told the Conway tw bad Hs b to ometh re poctitable tha ' Which he proposed bo scbetitare We ts iba 7 7 : : Gun of ruined Neat) mecdecte A be sevesion flay w sth! ys ; icy Bot he | ane ; ane for tins vement of their ol daeny Dot the Stars and St.pes. and wou \ wess. For it Pparent, that the Vout ancueh until ie was brouett back ani to Port Sumter as a~ Joumemt ota ye with chi TERE ~Ticy against the tates and that ules s2- by petsetenthy ¢ Nites (avrinnen dD heat Peader the disuion p ; ISBATIBPLEL Tie) aders of OD BRGY 0 coh ah del eOvinta conde ereewillele ane are evidently dissatnfied ot the resuli of the hie ton tn thie State They inmat that the peop _— ! not understand the true issue; and that sms p Bee The Mi Vernon Hotel n the alam Fesralabous and suppressons of facta were pract crs t Pheecownel by Mio Joba 1 Shave it to auch an extent a® to nrialead them eoupied Ly Mi 3 Benjamin, ea fire oo This, to oar mind, is equal to saying the perple Pilay morning last between Wand Lo o'ebock an | hove mol the intelligence to understand the planes SAS euuiely de-troyed. Nearly all the farnatur Propesitions ; aud we aduvt there are some for voure Was saved. Lt is not known with certainty how who do pot give enough attention to the poeliveal (he fre oosipated. A reoler had been on the queevens which divide the couatry to evable them haitdine a short tune before, with bis hand furnace to dietharge their duty aright An an evidence of and ts supposed be mast have matted the wood topping a Jeak Ite mre on the rect, or px had beem made to helieve the most abeurd henge utd imaginable; for instauee, one said to us—“but they | a say Lneotn is gomg io ect the niggers free, and leave (hem all right here amongst us, avd I'm opposed io that” thia, we met with sume ou the day of election who it tolalicwlions it with It wae IIMMN cate ah valnat t establish and) the loss S estimates 50 000. Partially msured We have also heard that one of the chiamneys hot eut the day before the fire. and eome think rae He thoaght Lincoln hud the power to do this and did mut kouw that every black repubhean im the \ Hand utterly denies the party hae any nght or desire the fie nisy have orjinated frou that circumstance We do not know how the tire started fo interfere with the domertic imetitutione of the States Angther sad—I'in opposed to lecing Lin. ‘ ae . | coln get the power over was” and upon beng asked A SHALLOW ATTEMPT | One of the shallowest attenmpts of the alg to the Unien, is the terror they hold op over us that Lincoun can draft ue and exact money from us for the parpose of whipping nthe seceding States Any man, woman or child with an ounce of brains, knows that he could d what power can he get over you in the Onion that he could not get if the Stain eeceden, he conld aot tel He seamed tu have w horrid dread of ene ternble power that Lincoln woald get over bom if he re- maimed inj and like a frighted creature, was reay disunion coerce US Out of ly no fo plung into certain ruin to avo an tmaginary dan. such thing. Were he to attenpt it, then the arr. Another said—< Tit never consent to be pat Would he a rebelhon for cause and such a one down on an equali'y with wygers” On berg arhed Would net and notexpend all its foree in words who proposed to do that: he rephed, ‘it wil eome to eae a at ae “ i vo e " oe iL iS iy Chat we stay in the Uiion.” May, Leonie Wtntetistie eet ia ian cn These cases will iMustrate the ineapaciy ol a tew jo does not wish to du? Whodoosnot know that Voters ty understand potttical issues, and also the Laxcoun could not get one sol lier or one cent in meana which party leaders and strikere employ to North Carolina tor the parposs of maki wa i Conttul the votes of the ignorant. But they are ox (MMe South 2 Teas all stuf and) ysummon, and ccptionni Ga ratend Oy caCcomremacautt Who mame: these who use such atgumenis Know there an trodh oom them Vnd what grounds have they for snel arsnment None upon earth, in the heavens above, or in the who, if they have the benefit of he aring a free and fall diseussion of the qorstions involved in a contest, se was the case in this aud most other Counties i waters beneath the earth, Ou the conteary, Lax the Sttte, ace as compe teat Co form correct opinions COCS says he will Not attempt coercion He has on the merit of the questions discussed ae they would Mt the power of he liad the will to use coeretey be to decide ease ia the jury le apan the teac. ME We do tet beleve be has the will weattempen 7 I only a ht of disunion desperation that causes a Mony of witnesses Tt ie a poor complinent to 1 resort to such means, or else disantonists think the Measra “‘Miarepresentation” Kerr and Caldwell to eet np the plear of Ts are egregious fouls, Perhaps it is both Raleigh Barner and “aupprension’ aan excuse for theirdefeat,forinaiance Ttwantherr apecial duty This is (rue If the 1 have to be every word of it deman (0 go before the people and explain, illaatrate, and Prove, to the beat of their ability. the superior Vaulages of sammediate secession over the policy of for troops were made. it wat directed nil fo fhe Governor We suppose the Governor would rm Put it he day ‘ 1 The fontending for onr Constitutional nghte in the Union i Ls St Hey ve Ted aot the 4 t of tars t It ie well Known that (hey did ay exert theinselyen: i” Se GO SUSIE acl! ee aud the derided majority given against them oa,” Seu Souly Carotina at any oilien svanilath therefore, a verdict either aguinm the dectrine they lhe bar frome if, And yet the people tia iar : } Bdvocated, or againat the advocatra themeclyea, ENTS Under the State Govertinent in the ' Owing to the ill-health of one of the Union cand winch (hey may be fore! to stand up Sr dates, Mr. Houck, who wee unable to attend bnt few they tots of the appointments for debate, there ought to be ete MO complaint from the disumeniates for their tue aoe <4 A champions were promptly on the ground at every EOE AEION OF VIRGINYA Meeling; audit ie well known that ew far on two Whites, 1.049.619 Sguinet one could have the advantage (iwo heade Free Colored, - $9,609 ave seid to he betier thay ones they had Lk | Slaver, 490,897 SLAVERY IN TILE STATES. The House of Representatives aod Senate of ANOTHER IMPORTANT CASE DE CIDED. Wasiincton, March t4.—Chief Justice by a two-thirds vote a proposed ameudment to Tarey delivered the opinion of the Su for all time to preme Court today in the mandamus case of the Governor of Kentucky against the Governor of Ohio, to compel the fat ter to surrender a fugitive slave. Thi Court decided in favorof the right of dhe formor to such fugitive, adding that the States Governor of Olio bad ao right to go tne P whether the fuoit Vie blacks | and about the tite, or soon atter Was acensed of any crime or net ia Ken ul tacky. But as Congress cannot ini se any federal dnaty on State officers uot the United States, before they adjouroed, passed the Constitution ruaranteeing The ment passed the House by 185 to 65, and the Senate by 34 to 12 compe slavery in the States Proposed amend The people of this Coun ty wad State have been told that the Republi cans intended to abolish slavery in the and to reduce the whites to an equality with to the question of e we people were thus told, the amendment re- ferted Co Was passed by a Senate and iter trolled t (Wace: i _ oh Ing but good faith and the good sense mitrolte . i ‘ beats i ! nitro y el Hac . epubbean ef ! the offleers of the State iste be relied wu fowinge ts the Joint resolution, with Mr. Corwin's MCT nt len aa hencinmen ny (ad neh its be granted. x “Beil enacted by the and House of fe presen tatives af the Vite Stutex of Ameri Senate Tats From J: New York. March 14. rate Congress assembled, (lao thirds Uf buth p Tie steanshiy / weocing.) | yal Ube folowing waticle Jorpg dare from | op wit Ve proposed to the Deut atures of the several 4 5 Fees 3 ; datos te toe vien, es EN Ag Whendinent to the Constitution oy J i die w\ Leawott aid Vigo had ery Te Utica outess a liciheatne cuted ire “ a ‘ fourths all sal La ciphacites Padua ah 7, 0m ae SIT Len, , 4 : TEES The Enna brings £260.000 08) Sou 0008 etitsyar fut pases as part Sa Terai heer : re ae ie a ped ‘ in Specie) Nearly $300,000 more was ; booked on the Arabia. Nee XU No anvendunit of thin Constiin OUP ES aes tin phat iiterterenee within GUNUAT. NEWS I StTeS eae tin deiiat tetheet tn teetinens Leta [euissclvttiel Cattiitreten atrongly Wd those deserihed in ection «weaned of the tiest deprecated the policy of Aierica in pre 1 he Consiit b ! ! venting the right of reareh and permit yg Lead o . < \L 0 s te ms wy te ce Pegi AGN CSTs AL Bol at the sane tine a prostitution of her flay / CRY eer Nets att = wii thts, on stead Mr. Baxton expressed dis fears that tee tt ssettoef every one ot tl | . _ : SM Southern Contederacy wonld reviee the Zilina U wivay ; 5 S Virican slave trade, The hoped that En tedaient A . : vland would never recognize the inde Novus ndunent siavi be unmade to the Cones) petdenee of the Confederacy without an BA ee EAU: pe CAL Oa Xpress elipulatiou against any such at Vee power toabolh or interim withia the Sau i lhe alaty Mastic ul Us Welly the a ost Tyan eteat eatiel te r . S 1 a UO ieee se a us Phe ship Gen. Parkhill, from Liverpow! that of persons held to dibor cr service by the bound for Charleston, had) returned.— Shortly after leaving Liverpool her crew killed Capt. Pyke, aud seriously wound acd the mate. The crew had been all at laws of asd Slate.” Tt bas tow hy three fourths ob the State Legislatures, when at will becoune clause of the Con-Gttion of the United States. rusted. “7: | M. Thouvenel fad officially assured the THE REACTION AT THE NORTH American Minister that ao delegaton ' . . ’ { lan Pleslectinhinn yes a oy NY tat from any Southern State lad been receiv | week. the vole goud—cemorrate, 12%; sepubheans, ed, either by the Eniperor or bicuself, ua A Netier rays | _ ) COMMERCIAL The d Sab te pubic cian yor iy oflast fi) is wiped : = : . 1 Daneel inauciia! im eudorme dt over the teft 4 Livitvoor, Pel. 27. —Catton quiet and | Phe resalt of the town meetings in this eounty quotations barely maintained. Sales fer init glorious and nalisfactars 64 the» (eH vn of a return of et wilaely ape The : Tithe republicans are wiped oui’ ‘Phe demoerare § tlators and « Aportors took 4,000. read the twenty towne last all; they cliffs quiet buat steady, how gninethal vive a els 4 ae thow waene dar vice ice Console 914 to alg Phere bas been no other bath rates. i the two days 45,000 ba! reeond thought” of the people Majority a carted but x of Provisions dull now Carey nine, ar init ity in fiver of Union weit war oud the court re uu a in thre amit in’ an +-- Wastixcton, March Tt Ti in curre (Ik renorted that the order forthe wih Election of (OS. Senator Wal ot Wajee Cfo we CONE Ie 1 bie teeuy , | Bare ea ee Pa VWartientne. Pa. March 14.—David Wilmot nerrow A apectal in erwill probably t Cire iis Nea Was elected today a Senatorot the United States Woydace of Simon Cameron, resigned. ‘The vote peratendent Rennes Pitre Corpus Ho Wits 05 to 36 Ram Uethiny rimanee Mos : , ote \ States tt afiew ditess ot] “ a se . 7 cong ener ows ) ae KRuetug the Trenont House, Chicago. —The ecrencicen eng Glow aerloes Cremmout Hotse, and ahout an acne of houses the mixticeto Meats hereon, comtnenced raising to arade thts morn Seeretety Canter of war, and Wels. of the Na r Theneare tive Wicusie ccrewent der ¢ VV. have beenio eonauttation with che officers ot the Ve i Peril lente . cereal Brshe He. Bowd retain ita Orem recult vita we uk yas ee ee nese vrei a estableh user and Beacousin the come LIME each man the supervision of len screws of the seers Staten the power was applied at ter o'clock this fore Phe © vonilssenec tint Conledera'® Sintex, have toon sudo leven oh ck the taamense weiedy thaw far, fled to obtain an iulervicw with either Se fobuldings bad been raised three ietes It warden Lovecln has vet five feet nite tnebes to tise, which the ee contractors assure us will be completed on Sat ALABAMA ADOPTS THE CONFEDERATE 1 het t ti (on f CONS TT terion itday ight mext. je COUlraclors Inform us ‘ that the fremont rises better and more satisfac Moxroomery, Mareh 13 Mlabania Conventon ratified, toe wel stitution of the Confederate State Of MT yenete 5 naye tonly than any building they ever raised in Chi te Der! nea.— Chicayo Journal 25th. hy a (ren Jamison, a les Porat iiste ook ed: poslew iuitayvon ofits rit REVIEW u OF TIE WITLMINGION MARIE. Sere Cleese tas been ppemted Mages Geuerul aoe Ve Hatiee were fOR THE WEEK PNDTSO. Manen 13, «2. COTTON — We note butune sale ducing the week M aRaNeeTos sl are hand) which was a lot of 203 bales, at J) i crnte per B. for . nddiimng te grade u as yer or middliig Inthe Senate, Me Douvlasintrwduced x reeale ton panes ace eae mia me rood grades requesting inforniasiwu armenian, wavy BEER CATTES = Arenounmantwaried: clin yvatde and «o r 4 tiie ot hie me stockoan butchers’ hauds lias becuie ceduerc cening St vow in actual posseamon of ihe | quote at 6 to 7 eents per pounds Apri arte st . antes He teh ete fra ttinen , hg 8. would brug much better fgares whether teimforcemdnte ar necessary tare COVE PH here temciely uretailedetn andes thea; ve Government hax the power snd ineaus ig Ube pid atock oF ln inortiteswhiti uides ile eustingtiweto supply such reritoreements rerelliog iu late to sutt at from 134 Hayes per tb el UN aero CW VNOE-NG. lUPerayrane Sti Recset Manip es es ey SN CED eT eeu gno MAmericene@ilienaiccmie mene: { Vortupas and Ke id Co recapture ihase : f ann v Weal. and ww recaptu n ver ton. of 2,000 [bs Superphosphaie of Lime, €5U. vrvted by the seceded States, ¢ acept with a view to and Land Plaster, 10 per ton RICE —There is @ good stock in store with mere- ly a retard demand . we quote at 44a dgers per th HAY —We note the arrival emcee fast report of 715 bales New York, 420 of winch sold from wharf in boty to suit, at 90 cis per 00 Ibe; 395 bales at 45 cts per 100 Ibs —90 days MOLASSES.—The cargoes noted as arrived in our last, have nearly been worked of ‘There ie how: | ever, aemall quantity still on market, whieh is sell tug from wharf in lots of Lto 3 thds.. at 25 ty 26 cts aod 5 hhds and npwards, a 24 (0 25 cts per gal SUGAR —We note the at auction, of 36 hhde. Muscovady and New Orleans, at 6} to 7} cis | . per pound | nation, the New York Tribune remarks | N.C. BACON.—The sales dunng the werk | the subjegaton and cecapation of those States 3 and ihsach be the thotive for recapture, what force of re flare mod volunteers willbe uecessary to reduee them subjugation and protect the Federal Capital, The renolation lies over Mr Fessenden moved a resoluion to strke front the roll of Senators the names of Messrs Benyanin, Brown, Clay, Davis, Ma lory and Toombs. The re- tolution les over for Executive session +. EVACUATION GF FURT SUMTER | Ou the strengib of the rumor of the iutended evac- TUE PROBABLE sale ve amounted to about 20,000, at 1id to LEZ ccs per ib for hog round, | LARD —There ig a very goud tockof both NC and Western in dealers hands. with bot a mc demand “The pevple wall be prepared, it Chis withdrawwal | of Lroops does take place, fora Vellof exultaion from | every (raitorin the land. tor taunts wed swelling con- | inen who labored more earnestly chan any others for the destraction of the { de rate | We quote the former at 12h a 13 cts per| gratotadeus from the have Wins cued mena maint eantee Gai and comprinnis. | Ib.. and the latter at 12 a 124 cts per Ib. ee; butlet all remen berthat he strength has not yet | ee | departed from our flag, and that this movement may | | be ouly we the crouch whtes i ty precede the hon's| WA RR ED: | leap eomatter if the treason which haw wove n| around us its toils, compels a step which no one wish ee tenike foo mutter if rebellion seems to have ad Venced tle banners.or treason turns inore confidently towates as its brazen from. The poncy of the gov: | eroment reaiine anehanged, and its firin foot im just as mimevable as cveron the Coustitution and the On the Tih inst. by Rev S.J. Fetzer. Mr Jous M. Davwart to Miss Catmarive Suive, all of Cabar rus county. SALISBURY PRICES Marom 19, 1561 laws | CORRRCTED WRERLY BY SPRAGEE MROTHRRS, GROCERS | oe = | FLorr EGOS, per dosen, Ta@0 0s 17 The editor of the Charleston Courter mentiona Family. $7 Sig0 On) APPLES | “ Extra, T 0@0 00 Green M1 25 the receipt of # presen: from a gentleman in that city Superfine, 675@0 WO Dried, 0Oa0 HO | of a mess of green peas, and save the donor has been CORN PEACHES, 0 10@O 00 indulging (0 that taxury for more than three weeks S at pou Ali xal Here Haees, ; ' ! : , ellow, Tey Ham Ly wiry Wu. Herald WHEAT Shoulders, 9 ain White, BOA Sider, ete ; ; Red, P3801 ¥) How Round Walt From Trraxs— Gov, Houston Refuees to Reco) COTTON, W9@010 BARD. Ing aie . ' “ PRAg WAC a nize the State Conpontion, Ete Mick Ese Sage 1 on ‘ : FOOREL $20 00 Red and Black, , Sod a1hini Gatvestox, March PL —Gen. Houston has FL ANSEED, a Naa aig refused to rerowia te Stan: Convention, Pp, JHEERWAN aceite 2s considers that its funetions termnated a sub : eT F aces PN OITE CHIEN NIN Ts Fy imittiog the secession ordinance to th pl Nowrour, March 12, 1861 He tells the Convention that he and. the . CORMRCTED WHHRET RY KOR) UND A ORROTHERS, GROCERS Iiture, whieh meets onthe PR aust, wall at . VOTTON Sass F y 8.00 8 FUGR. per dow Tye 0 tend to pubhe questions, He favors the hh Wding Wxtray 625k 4 BACON Oo Conventhe oe ge the State Consttatns Superfine BO at Shoulders 9a 9 {on vention to chang ’ State Conustitation, WHEAT. ree Ripe te bot opposes Povas joni the Southern Confed White VQ alo MACKEREL . . ed, lilo Nol, #18 00 eres CORN, Nod Joan The convention in reply have passed an on White, A ibe small fo i0 ; ae Lede ASS PARE ERA h Mixed and Vellow, 60 a °° STAVES banec chanting full soverern pewWer, promising PEAS, ROB Liaw a 1 Red Oak, hd Bin ante ienere socal . . . APPLES. dried 2S Bee White 6 to consiumaiate ae speedily as possible the con PEACHES a teeing ci necvon of Texas with the Confederate States, FLAXSEED, bu 12 a1 Rewarus -Flour, thy market ia with a fair aupply, and Wheat The convention will at one: of the State tot all ean oath of allegiance to sup Ce athects jana tors neumption beedpte are tsht Corn receipte ate good, ales readily made at quotations a port the new government and carry ont the eon: It Yo that Clark will be patin Gov, blouston’s place if the datrer refuses to take the oath. | ried that Gov Houston is raising troops ow bis own cording to dryness aud qaidity Peas, Binck Kye, are in mod vention orditances IS Te porto erate eupply and demand. Dried Prait, we ean report no sales ceipts continae goo better Jow grades neglected qualities in fair supply is also rey ae NEW BIEORN PRICES. count, Fitteen hundred tevan tre ps are at Newnxry, March > vnd near Brownsviile REPORTED BY JOHN F. FOAKD, GROCER COD COMMISSION WRRCH AT Brazos. Mareh 6 Avirangements e been CORN, per bbl SRO a 2) LAND PLASTER $1 aw = COTTON, lay a OATS per bashel , Made for the Federal troope to leave as acon as COFFEE PEAS exns of transportation shall be provide , Jara, sae BUY Roper Mer ans portation Wt he provided Che Tassirn Chee HVDEN Her anedes steamer Danced Webster is war ing R 14.8 1K XE GAR. per not St Dom da Crashes a ‘ z , CANDLES ranulated * Nir Soper ensiaiee aenn SOUL paper as ten 1A eo Lot n an apologist tor Lincons Het tia Wo Ade 2s Fr R Sino} fase toy 4 [ \ 1 ‘ State che Mane Sa Or me , : FRATIRRS ae dont oy al We He yiston tay “ wt Fist bh SOAP ae aL ‘ We hy * told the S86 ah TALLOW Wat ‘ 4 a 4) MOL ASSDS por Dhd RR RE stated matters as they are gis the devil his dive AM a 6 OLD N © RACON aud Chat ie all Et the Joe! would do as nine NoC Mackerel, 12.00.1800 Hame 16017 : z ee ‘ Dail bbl 70 a OO Sidew Pa idhy Wowoatd then he as poten yood agit how is tor pLoRR NG caritel Sa iece PAIRS evil —just about, and bow: might be cyphered out Famity P2502 HM SALT wt 0 Delph hanner * iz Superfine, S00 8 10 Liverpeal Rack, Si Baan with a Rulegh banne rine. 7.0 a 0 Fine Alam, 2a 2 60 DIED In this coauty, on the Ist inst., of Paralysis, Mrs Maxcaret Lona, widow of John Loag, dec'd., aged 1) moaths. nan Reformed Church at Mt. Gilead On the Mth post, 1a this county, aleo of Paralysis, Mi Henny Srinewacr, in the 72od year of his aye He was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Churet wat Mt. Morieh “Blessed ure the dead which die wn the Lord from heaceforth, vea, saith (he Spirit, that they may rest from their labors aud their works do follow them” sa Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment, MARCH To the Comansstoned Ofpeess of eucd Regiment tiih, tec) TOY order of his Uvee'leney the Commander i » Peetion wit te hela the Courthonse ins ithe 27th day of Aprtaeytoot Magor Generitof the tih Division Yppere at watd plece «rac? aud equipped asap vate, at the hour of Mhateack, YM RR WOORK, C52 Comland't KOOP Breeevr, Wl utane March Ly, Deut ifty Farmers, Look Out! Souey, Lome ond TVisher Saved / Pohove the richt to Vandemarlos Portable Feuee. all Mid withont posts, ia the Counties 6f AMtuninc: Rantolih, Rock such us, DavSdeon, Roawin. Carr is nd WecMenbu go Cleapoese. durebTity, aod eon votence are ite chfef advantiges, refotnaend tie Fb (osiw qaillowoers, farmers fat wt. have fences toomake. We willseff Farin or County nahte A cloutie stating cuets, plan ofiutdiag, de sent free to any address ¢ yptic tinn to UNO doa\s (il hie Mo bones tle Mar 19, 1361-3144) Mimanee, NOC a%e Charlotte Demacrut please copy Uarce mouths und forward bill Tto nulsenber. x N | NEW FIRM. | aHe SUBSCRIBERS (Successors to FAUST, | WINEBRENER & CO.) bave formed uw co-! pertoersbip under the firm of DAVID FAUST & CO, _ for the purpore of contuaing the HARDWARE BUSINESS at the old stand | No, 94 North Third St, Philadelphia. | We respectfully invite the attention of oar ca and buyers geuerally, to our New Stock of Goods, | whieh will be found to be nore complete Usan asaal, hany new styles have been added, nad ver ue wt Firta hope, that with renewed exertions to please, they may be favored witu a coationance of the pat ronuge beretufure exteuded to the Huse. DAVID FAUST, BENJI. N. COREG AR, JOHN HANOLD | Philadelphia, March 12, 1x61 Bs N.B—We are Ageuts fur Swirt & Wessov's Cantarpers, which are unequaled by any other! inake, (hey arb sore fire Feaco Strayed oe my plautatou oa the 2th March, a black tare inule, ved shoul three yours, woud mine ae cordiny lo age The wave ie roacved, and ibe tut bobbed off There is a stnall collar brace on one shoulder. The wale vas raced near Back Creek | thseaunaty. A liberal reward sill be given tor her it ery, Address fetter to Wood Lawn, Rows ceouaty SARAH J. ARMELELD March 22, 1e6l 343 | BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS, | M. BRENNER'S RED JACKET CLOTHING HALL! Ak I WAIN STREET, next dow ty Biaws, Calin de Mack's Store. MER cabeeciber desires to ieform the pultie ot I Sabshoy, Rowan and adjoining Counties that he teal prese ut SELLING OFF! | the bdance of hie New, Fresh and Fastionatle — |} PALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, previous to purchasiag bis SPRING and SUMMER! GOODS at Reduced Prices | ee a OMMIGEE Ee PGES wh gz coustautly on hund a barge and ok ot MEN'S, YOUTHS AND BOY'S Clothing and Purnist lutends keep well selrcted & w Goods, sod at dower pr Chane nny elher cane itrelite vernd ve hed Cos imes suitehle foe Promened Farmer, Plooters. Minecs, Waehiiists, aud Secvaute Use, Caps. ing elsewhere ala large stock of Boors and Shoes, Huts aad my stock before purelas Pe Remember the Sin of the RED VACK EL EY Mo ooBRENNER Te tien proper acrasgent Balumore tirm, fam ot alt Call and examin wpomad nite with our doto fulfill Vulloting business at ties Merenaut poewirs auy orders im th shortest notice vB | Jan 22, 1-6) Gurr “= | January 29, Isf! (37 | Western N. C. Rail Road. WINTER ARRANGEMENT 7 2 < | = > ° = 4 5 = 2 F CS Td z jo 2 5 CSUN Ts |S : 7[2F z eAuy eae = ss ead - fat a ¢ s ees z Z S= yi ae = ara es : a > oe ae z z 3 = me oa eee bis 1s (y - = yee ANN: 2 e ae ” Pew d = vey = Soa oes a TENA tae ri R Salisbury, Now. 2h, isin Eng de Nap 4 y D> os J STEWART Is PREPARED TO FUR e nish aC whorl notice Caflewen, Schoile 4 mies and the pubhe gonerdly with any Books tha may be wante RmteWeke ir ees sible He al waye keeps on hand a owell awteetd lot of eheap Family Bibles, Bibles tart iimehes with Hons t suit the berewt end meal popatie put : : Mhan ever before ener do hy a} ” ‘ ' blank Books of every decor poon and ate, Peas, t velopea, Pictures, otc. ot INKS Warraon'a Fuk, [arnson’s Columian Tok. Dean foke athe Winch, Baa | a) 1 vine Tok. Nr WW t bet koi \ heap fe : WoO Tat, 1 & PIR. ! tr already | \ ea Ree wall paper. he has post receiwed a large det ot th tateet pattorne, whoeoh tor heanty. style. and cheay eee are far super Hv ever before ofBed thee market. Window Shades, F s¢ Order of nuyth rhow dy heted Salisbury, NC beh bo, ist ty i She was a worthy member of Creasing patronage bestowed upon hia fur the last of the Cuion, decline selling, execpt for Cash H New Ta OTICE! The subscnber though most thankful fur the in | Scrofula or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of thre blood by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak an@ poor Being vu the circulation, it pervades the whole bodhyy Ulin disease on any partof iu. No orgaa is tree from its attacks. nor iv there ome which The scrofulous taint is various- Jy cansed by mercurial disease, low Siving, disorder- ed ueunhealthy food, impure air, filth aud fitthy habits the depressiny vices, and, above all, by the venercal Whatever be ite ongin,its hereditary in ; { , thecoorstitunon, descending © from pareuts to childrem Druge! oe Spo leoat note the third aid (Saruigeuesetnid indeed, itecemn Now 16 wid 188 Mat a. tobe the cod of hun who says, ‘Twill visit the ini Subebury, NOC. | {oe fathers upon Cheie children’? — ine nee by deposition from the blood EXTRA NOTICE! ulceret® mater, which, ia the bongs, WYATT heveby arknowledwes uw ler te three years, must now to enable hin, as far ae his and way bure mens are required, in establishing a reconstraction itinay nol destroy Hin Stock is, aud will be kept fall wad complete, at pane prices W H. WYATT, ‘Yann, ® lepmed tubercles; inthe \ " -ocilmgs, aud op the surface, eruptions or, present depression to tumiiete. lie wales tor Jonnars Ios foul corruption, whieh gendere in the Wert Maresponding mouth bist Vear te hewe on en the everver of life, ov thats crofulous oan a : area ’ “ only suffer from eerofulous com. ehcaped Gerhy OU per ceat Phe Casts Sy stein a , y have fur less power to wilfstand be coulnied, wih wn iweredwed attention to busuens, heed senses: conseqaenthy, vast num- ida weil keptap geod aleck atlurding parchaa nm yo... Civordere which, althoagh net serofe- rene cr cova ( eat mile “lire, ate stil rendered fatal by Chie ' : 1 \ sue tom. Most ot the consamption whieh Dyce, Varnieh, Spire See Medial W ; YG IMG Aint REL ey eS Ue te CUS i neem eee aimintici midanaiy derlruclive So yestog Lane weal before puretiasing. . eo ieee ramen erat iy Nii Puarmaccntal peepneat etHand Medio llth oo cans, arise fiom or are uggravated by the ee mrves by Minwet a ce en ounce le eteent a teere herr ded by thus lurking 1 feetion, and ther ndermined by it, Vo cleanse it from the ist repovate Che blood by an sherative end tovigorate it by heelily feud end exer- rch medicine we sapply ba Ayer’s Compound Extraet of Sarsaparilla, Specialities, lL Which ahvuld be kepe i every Ban ly, Woarrea, it 25; Ve Coronet Woati's Ixvseonariac Birt ue, dor General Seah SOPeRIOR prees of the unporter s 15 ws KIND Nees, Wrorr's Tour prise 40 etm & Piucs, forChitts nd Fevers £100 . ; Theor ei etvat ened y witch the medieal kill of Worart’s Corian, for Dyaentery, Flux. &e. Qicts y / : Z " rr cn devive for thie every where prevailing Wirarts Toor Acun Daves, curcsiu bininute 20 ¢8 ce itan aimlads Tt iw cocsbraed frum the mast ac- Warns brow ive ser, certain care, Boe wee reine ithave beeu discovered for the ex- Wrere's Srecivic Pita, 10 teste or smelt. S100 purtacon of hie foul disorder fo the blood, and the \ » . an i resene of the ayatem from its destructive Consequen- CSS eae Sel GUC aun Guns Loo ces beuece it chould be employed for the care of net Ww . H. W YATT, only sercfula, bat also chose other affections arise from ee -p a Tare ity such as Eraptive and Skin Diseases, 8t. Antho- uA le : ae eee a uy's Pie, Rose, or Erysipekis, Pumples, Pastules, AUST CL mec al iG MAUD treet Bor tes, Bias wud Boils, Tamura, Tetter and Balt SALISBURY, N.C. Rhewn, Scald Head, Riugworms, Rheamatiam,Syph- Feb 19, 1861. 440 ‘ive and Mercunal Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- eee a luhiy, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitie- A K kK R & COS MEDIC I N A L ted Lmpare Blood The popular belief in *impari- . TR ee Aen ty ot the blood’ os founded i» trath. for srrofala is a PRANSPARENT COD LIVER OTL legeuciation of the blood. The particalur parpose THE TRUE AN DG ENUINE sud virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purfy and regen- UNEL ae oo ae aE aes erate (his vidas flaid, without whieh soand health is SURPARSE! ri i 20 tipossble in contaminated constitutions, Ayer's Cathartte Pils BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. a | ac, Timases if fuirly tried, will son restore the SA, ald the purposes of Family Physic, “tone of the digesuyve organs, sovizorate the cS ‘ : = blood. give general rotundity Co the figure. mee are se composed that disease within the range of their TS and add energy te the am nd nervoar action con rarely withstand or evede them Their De svete Eis value haw been remarkably WA penenocig properties seareh and cleanse, and invig- Doevideneed by ite wonderful restondive pow erate every portion of the human orgunism, correct- roa ets, When urdinary Condes bal beeu vaiely “Sing ste diseased action, and restoring its healthy vi- SS exhausted. Ht affords nomrahment tothe © * Githics Awa consequence of these properties, the DQ body when noe other can borne, and ny is bowed dowu with pain or phy steal de- a tarnishes the frametmith fat in a traly re OH lonished te fiud his healih or energy reetor- aS markuble muuner. ~ ed by a nee Yee opce = sample =e fecal ; . ‘ONS 7 rc Notonty do they cure the every-day eomy 80 = Ti ee NO ett! a every body, bat Hes many firuitéebla cea dangerous a en SCROFULA 19 ald tts developments, TTD dine une The agent below named D pleared to fur- a Fir WEAKNESS, WASTING, aud nish U+my American Almanac, Sonulaining certi- ae DERBIBIEY. vis curative fieotes of theirenres aud directions for their use in pee i rm of : i the followiog complaints: Costiveness, Heartburn, ae ee ein recta mnuan a hele | he Uecdach- , arissag from disordered Stomach, Nauvea, coe eS Ce ee RU aes Lidigent Guat iiiinenndsMoruilkinacttanotiheliows - delicate patent, and retuned wilt Pehle la Gann anetiteslaGnacetenaldhen Se Tarsus ce ey psa aes ice kindre Mplaiots, arizing from a low state of the preblortts vo Unis at he portant et af ' elena F 5 aw, erintica of geuaiurness, bas susranieed for body or obsttuction of ite functions hohe commendation of (he inowt emlarnt Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, ae Physictins throoghout the Sotes; the writ ~ teu testimony of the fealty of the best med FOR THE RAPID CURE OF rt Professors of the INNS YUVA NTA af OF PHILA the ONIN GST Ey JEFFERSON DELPHIEA, PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE cal echoots ; Coughs, Colds, luflacnza, Hoarseness, Croap, Bron- clits, Laciieat Consumption, and for the releef of Consuuptive Patients in advanced stages of the Ween Se wde isthe fidd of its usefolpess and so numer- of MIEDI- 4Q V T T H d “O O N & SQ CINE, and others Ous are the Com of iis Cures, that almost every see- Tovalide should be carefal io purchase oi! tonef country abounds io persons pablicly known, 22 of undoubted reputation Wo they desire the FZ whe have heen restored from afarming ind even dee- fw inestactive and immediate advantages of 0 perite diseas sof the lungs by its use. When once be remedy. ‘“Mrat which we prepore has ¢ tried, its sapernorily over every other medicine of ite vy dreaded evidences of superiity over other wee kid «too cpp uent to escape observation, and where ey eran Minnwiuctiedionlel ~ ie virtucs are kuown. the publie no longer hesitate = JOHN © BAKER & CO. Bl what wntidote to employ far the distressing end daa- Importers and Dealers in wee KO TOUR affec ons of the pulmonary organs that are GD Drugs, Chemicals, &e | incident to our cliunate. While many infener reme- Nov. 18, 1560 6126 — dive hruat upon the commonity have fuiledundbeen > Mises ried, this has gained friends by every trial. con- ferred henefirs on the afflicted they can never forget, {cures (oo numer ve aud too remarkable \ . THIRD STREET’ To Farmers and YWechanies. Jana pradaced to be forgotten. PKEPKED BY DRI. C AYER & CO., McCUBBINS & FOSTER AVE just reerived a very Jorge Jor of FARM. | TOW GLa MASS I ING TRON, consizting of Shovel Moles. Bar J LL, 4 _ eae Waemiire la. L Duneh; Bagyy tre 1h CEU Up ke One ese oa. DERE ee Tron Land 4 inch; Bu x and Aves, GREAT ENGUISEE REMEDY Patent and Knsineled Leathers Bolis, ae . 7 7 rstheor wih a general asavrlurent ol | SIR JAMES CLARKE'S DEY GOODS | CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS ENS WARE: ' ios Beis yy GROCERIES.) PRO'YECTED h3_ LETTERS “ge Mw Hats and Cpe, Boots aud shoes “Chey keep om) py nova, Sales PATENT. RO onl halla Kapil mnt ECOU RS BACON OE ; Pi t PORK, FISH, COPPER, SUGAR, MOLASSES, a preacitption of Sie J. Clarke, M. D., Phy- LARD, BUYTER, &c., to which thy mvite the at ? nician Ketritordinary to tha Queen, tention of the pubic T valuable med cine is unfailing inthe cure of all these diand dangerous dis ich the female econstite Bet dnkins Corner, Salisbury, V. ¢ ect. It moderates all excess and removes all obstrac ' tion is subj c vnd a xpeedy core may be retied on. Feb 12th, tn6l way Phony. ar Bante be cee ring on the ‘ Tey , £ tis jeeutiarly suited. Lt will, in a short time, b H. C JONES & SON, Saintly perio ath egularity. ‘ Fach battle, price One Dollar, bears the Government seamp Attormeys and Counselors at baw, oi UScinl jevent counterfetts. Caution. TELL practice i the C: ia hint not be tiken by females during the FIRST arte of Rowan County \ Ss Then and in the Supreme Court, Ub Co Jones. yr, MILO TUS TU Dregne canluiey turacere tel brimg willalse pracuee i uae Courts of Tredell aud Cab Raa eaLit nny yeni cytice wy tos Coun ies All claima eniiust d tv hem fer col Ih ileu-ee of Nerveut aad Spinal Afectivas, Pain te @ vi ineet Mpt attenvou Bak and Liha, Fatigue on nletes xerfion, Palpitation of th iPcHun wal meee Mim P Late iL Oe mart, ysterics and Whites, these Pill will effecta cure when } 7 Office No 3, Back Row, vearithe Courthouse HC. Sones, sr {fC Soxes, yr Jan low table to TAX NOTICE. TALC at my Office and give in your Taxahtes ( for the “Town, within the | present mouth | THOMAS McNFELY. Cc 1 vLotherinewns have failed, and although a powerfal rem on, calomel, antimony, or anything hartful te. nphlet around each package which Luited States and Canada, JOB MOSES, Rochester, N. Y. NB #1) and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorised \gent will insure a bottle, containing 50 pile, by rerarm mail Solid in Salisbury, by Henderson & Eoniss, W.U. Wyatt, and Ut respectable Dri 49 Puccenr, Laop & Co, Rirhmond, Va, Wholesale Vie first tea days of B. Comaiesiwoness Salisbury, Warch 2d, trét 422 aan — LW.JONES. M.D. =, ROCK QUARRY. AS permanently docated in the town of Sali-- | —— a AY Pe i and offers his services te the publte tia dhe various dey { riments of his profession 17 Office on Main Street, first door above Bais Confectionery. ! Jan. 15, Ik61. 6m35 ilor Shop. —— He UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME~ thod ofimfonning all persons in want of ROCK for MILL-STONES, or boiding purposes, that he con furcish thea best quality of MIE sahseriter has opened SHOP tn the rooms formerly TAILOR recapied by Horne: new ‘I Ho Beard, deed. Us expenence and qailileation ‘DANTDTL in thie ae, warrant him tn sayrog that be wi) be GR ANI | kK, rhte too meet the most fastidagus denmaods Call { ent roy chine. and at tow possible rotes for Uyour garments cut to fit vou. ant made to dast. COAXSTE Eh. Quarry as ettasted Smiles Soath of crtead af baying the alaaehy halfanade mpe in Sal sbary. Koown asthe © OH Shujare QUARRY Ready Made Clothins Stores WILEY HOUTPSHOUSER Crtting wad Repacing done to order Rowan Co. Nov 20th, E60 bine 27 Produce taken in oxchaoge for work = WY OWARD . . eee tow i’ Salisbury Female Seminary. SP APE OF Vee ClO A VINE SIXTH TERM of this Schott wilt Begin 4q ROWAN COUNTY the Llth Febraary and elose ibe Lat July. The Coat of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Fehr y school has been neremug lo nupabers every cera ania ela We teve aw a guodl aumber, Sat coutd Cake a few R Te iatng more Vi the mamabereontmmues to inereave, Salis i ' AE ACH WEN bury will hays what ithas never hed, « permanem Trees extn \ se honds 1 ae ? TERMS ty pearviy t eatatfyet fothe Court chat . ; F , Ne officeneat the Golf HAM Mioine Conpany sen Stent web carding, fet and tights, 836 per Term be tesids mt of this Plane tigcelanentt af | Rohr ea) royndyed th polices Sr Ne Teevaere (rt : Eatin sav Ine Waidhman tor sx micereive weeks neniviny ¥ ; Oma) eae sod Compas and Here te Ne aa mppea ! cu ‘ , oe ee By, J WV eupenas, bee Mispot bie hee Cut teat a oe a at sad my (ne ineofentrance : Fo partrenion address Row et tthe Coe ‘ ury Fe ys nt \ a i A 1) WELKINSON reples ¥ tt Jan QQ dsel 196 Prinepal verof Reuben J I one ) tid eats ine 2” pee sats Dress Making! Wirwess, James bo Reet, Clerk of our anid Con F ee iin wath RR aN erect ee Re Cul VW SPE URSGsiconnecn to her friende med tiie . whe thay snow earreng on thie tee V the eighty ti varot our tn dene : : jee TA rem ere Ci teats and ssecie cardire Nie has conmilernbly es pe Ke YG. Leh bra prady 85.50 ree vie vr the tam work las pleased th oe Bho have tre it She oepects to keep pene wiih Hides For Leather. ae re alae SSS mos Miantial manner pe subsenber thre to euhongs Raw Urdee for Sheimay be found at her abd hone. Mrs Earn Panoed Leather, in the rough. of good quality hots com ihe North western ond t Tow Apply to PoGY NCH Ordera from a die tanee poor eter Cheraw Cannery and Shoe Factory AK UIEN H st vrs Feb 22d. 1561 4:41 Salsbury. J Mohd ' For the Watchman ‘In Time of Peace Pepare for War. A Seng of the Evils of Whiskey. | — ms | MERONEY & BROTHER TANCE AD CEGIECN CCD CIEE EEL RE offering to the publ the best arsorineut of Why are her lamentations such, \ "FIRE KMS Why does she sigh x long and loud, ever brought to this marke Colts Bett and Poek Why dou't she mingle with the crowd! hisinenld anu ewe y Sunt a Wer Her husband's fond of Whiskey ! Rl ete peintiaotar etait a Why are her clutldren ail my rude reedin the Veet poeket will shoot Chroagh an iach WA sucha wild ryar b Sharp's | sheute through anne Why are they lea ber Lust yards: unitation Colts) at reduced prves Why never any work to do Biss’ Carcudge Pistol, (sb Riders » oh Their father's fond of Whiskey ! vag DNL selt-cocking ae wie Ray ee ! ed aizen | Shares Sports Sites well oo Why has you farm gone lo decay, ndag et el gone otter ther haul Why fences ali in ruse tay, Les fuced paces SOUR TARE x Why briars, thorns and (histles there, reo) bust can Ebest cau sloth Conn Why with t nothing asetul bear’ Combe, Brartes, Buttoue re. Belts. Pause The owner's fond of Whirhes Wasehos Jowelry. Silver V Ware, taney tie d Pros, Pertuu cy. Evarac a ' nie es Why ws the shop eo ever sull stationery cles, Porin an. t 1 Books, Work Why has the miller Jett tis nil Boxes, Raw nie and rainen pocket Cacery Why hae the tailor left hin beard wothing Cacea. sporting a es, Whips. Must ! Why bas the soldier lost bir swore mtruicenin, Wilow Ware Birk ts, Praveen caret Because they ali love Whiskey ate ches tr tigate. Tobocou, >nul tid ou artis Us teneention Why is the carpenter a oud / i a ‘ Why is the blacksmich never e Oe ey Ay Geta nok ibe eee poe Piiose vate bted to we, pay the Why such confusion, tell tie, s6 . fi whe td vero sb feet t Why can the hatter get or They're all tow fond of Whirkey ! , ry um we 2 Vihe bands of otticers WERONEY & BRO oonts thea un for eadlee tam Why all the notse on public day, Salisbury Jen. 7. TROL aER Why angry books and bloody fray, Why eves and faces all so red, Why napkins wound around the head” The Ad Valorem Banner, "Tie all the effects of Whiskey WALES ANG WEEART ) Why has your town to rain gone A short tune smece I ued a prospectus for a Why there no more the cheerful song, Weekly newspaper Co be called the VD VAT Ok M Why are the people all in debt, BANNER, to be published nn the City of Raiagh Why do they now repiue and frei’ NC (Vhe eucoursgemeus Phase received, faren Because they all love Whiskey ceeding win) net sriguine lopeeaiiirer tine (teed hie prompet. che obyeet of whieh i te cntorm the pub Why has the judge his seat formook, he thet TE owall the Tstot Januiry. DROd ce nmene Why has the shen vie tem poy naw heehee list ales the pleat seh CNN EI ico) Wh Ek Why ie the chent out of place, LY.t DAILY Why has the lawyer lost his case? See 2 Misyirevall toe fond OCwitekede So taras the Banner token ec with poli al partes, it will be Democrane , but with + dole Why has the surgeon lost his skull, Tite rcal Daproveme ste, a change i our pysten ot Why does he vot collect his bilis, Pavaoon, ood the preservation of © Coustitutie sal Cine. at wall Know ne party, bat w tous Why does he une fiery cup, {be ave Why does he burn his vitals up? fadvecate ot all these. repodiaing caucures "Tis cruviug for more Whitkey * where the spit of tie ¢ Hu bou often vielited packed and purttal ¢ eitiens, and ot henry Why has the pastor left his staud, be polical cemagogurs and treoketers. | Why wot the church go hand-in-haud, ust and fear in Why are the dours all brokeu down, Pees Pee Why dunt they sing a jubal «ing ’ i : Pie Whiskey! Ob! ‘us Whiskey ! ui Se Res fe Kise copes | . 20) Why do men eel this liquid fire, ee ere Why don’t they raise their morals higher, Wiis dint dey give weReason Why Mo aes a Why allin ueirg eoun will die? Rae ae Bat vill they eell siure Whiskey! ee : 6 ; lie ; a Vidress, PAN WESSON Why do you deal the poisonous siulf, Vela Raleiwh, N ¢ Why make men's legs and faces putt, . Why do you charge ten ceais a dram, | NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. Why sink the dnuker with the damn'd And charge the sin to Whinkey Why do you not this traffic hate, Why will vou seal the children's fate, \ Fe a Ne i Why do you kill the father dead, : : Cb ee Why will you break the others head / ea Nabe a To reap the g neuf Whiskey mee Eta , Qiligs quent \ sole U pipe Now, men-of- sense, pray stop and chink Sid omen niwayelcumiand aineuinmate How near you stand upon the brink Grreen and Drv Hides alwaye in deinand a rsh Of fiery billows, that will roll Whee H COSEWONTON And dash around your guilty soul Sab July 27 [noo Ho All scented with your Whiskey IRw G.bAT SO ILARN BAT AND CAP McLeanville, N ©, Feb. 25th a ee ee Water.- WEIL AY EE SUPT. IE Fresh JOHN DOOLEY, Seta pitcher of water in a room, and in a few hours it will lave Novae Mts shee MUS Ve Manula and DD. 1 absorbed nearly all the respired and per PUR STRAW LEGHOKN PANAMA. SOFT AND MOLE SKIN spired gases in the room, the air of which ‘ : Dibss Wats will have become purer but the water ut : ane i ee I HAVE now ren Sprar stock terly filthy. The coller the water in, the HAS ¢ VPSa PRAW GOODS 2 greater its capacity Cycontain these cases sowie Powewtd ons hea At ordinary temperatures a pintof wat h \ Net cra) (esa) mes : : : hide of \ h . will contain a pint of car ne wen gt é athey mas « nd aie and several pints of amon i Vis cays sor taey ean be bred met \ city is nearly doubled ty Jue the ei f Ms v be | Combontey fu te ond water to the temperature ot ice. Hone Lae ( a vervitiag new oor derraide : aod. basing water kept in the room aw le i ote reeds mayo eturenp ta wan gee. For the sane reason, the water in desteble styles will be ofimy own mantic ure Wy Black Wole-skin Hatin 0 lin the fr rok and &@ puinp stock should all be pumped ous ; equal foot superior, 1 ythong produced an the in the mourning befure any is deed. Litt aucune, Mi aeworunentid Boxe, Mise ace bl pure water is more ij irious to the health dreos nebly Commer Hat PRhaeot al ine duf than inp ure air rent styles of Braid and Leghorne cause: be eae led To Miltary Goods, Peau furnish wnyche ‘ j ae Qe ? " ‘ te A Teri NG OFFER ENDY INESECTHIY Nf, ck afthe various quaknves ul Ximy — [erate Avo Engitsh paper says that when the a Werte ce ee plete yaett! } Rev. Heory Grattan Guinness was lately Me DEL See br (apsaniad SO vee in Philadelphia, a young lady of “wealtl " ee a and position made hem oan offer of her beart, hand and purse. Tie mit pled: “I came tu America pot tu seek a wife, bnt to preach the gospel. Your ster re NO HUMBUG! note atnikes me as much out of place Selling Off at Cost vy and iny advice to you mat You plve . 2 your toney, wiicl you sccm Willina Ielrmnigi aquecriin eapeviiieon mene nie tirmer bestow on me, to the poor, your heart t patre nad the pubhlie reser diy. that he ie de the Lord, and your hand to the frst one trimord vine a chang his present: bus vor before Jauuary next, and will commence se that aske for it.” hie EMEA STV OF , ' Saat ady-Made Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, §c., at) Cost LESS THAN COST. Tue Arap’s Proor.—Some years agoa STOCA Frenciman, who, like many of lis coun trymen, bad won alig einen Re of science, yet who denied the at Gor who is the author of all croseing the great Salara, inc with an Arab guide eneer, tliat at whatever obstacles might aris’, | all aside, and kneeling on the ratiun ator pany Henoneed. wolia his pute Certain Uines them burnin sands, called on lin Gr ond Duy after slay aN io a ape Rane Ble alae ee and still the Aral tever fuied, Neer all youn, and oll earthy at till at last one evening the plilesonter a when be arose from ti a ey : teked dion a H¢ i FTAA \ >. with a contemptious sriile, “Tow davon Ce 2. Sen OEY Ti rear know there ia a God!" Pie snide fined - his burning eye on tue seothor tor am RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. ment in wonder, and thea sad soleamly e : STUY ANS “How do [know do I know that a ian there is a Cro ¢ How ees ee eee eat nics Wafers! 1h passed iny liut last night, in the darkness ¢ Te Oia M Brot ADU MSIE IS CBS ak tet Was itnot by the print of iis foot im the A ae - a as a ; y ae a ae sand?) Even so,” and he potnted to the Wi ace ek ee : te nee i gun, whose last rays were flashing OEE ube tine BRAUN beuig autres toh WAKER the lonely desert, “that footprint is net ee ee that of man.” Relieve Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat, Hoar swsaues BRYAN S PULMONIC WAFERS An ice machine, Harr con's invention, Belleve Asthma, Broochiths, DiMealt Breathing. ie at work in London, producing, wi mRy ays rUP TONIC Wrens Rane eeu CuTamec CNEC ET Mirena Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS pounds of ice a) Pies four diours, at a metleve Incipient Cousnmption, Lang Diseases, total expense of B250 per ton, whyen is LRYANS PULMONIC WAPRRE paid to be fifty percent. cheaper Caan im Relieve Irritation of the Evala and Toasils. ported ice PRY AN PULMONIC WAPERS owe Relieve the above Complaiots In fem Minutes. Ina Quindiry Petiive cen real Bu ANS PULMONIC WA PERS ing the attacke of the Abotioncers and Are a Glesing to all Classes and @ stitations. of our Southern seceders upon the [rad SONS AM EUATRUSII Ae del. ad fa Mets a . . gural, and trying to disenver tre adapted for Voeall-ts aad Public Speakers, whieh albus HEY ANS PUL MONTO WRB ed it the Fest; Viut for the lite of 4 ' / BG FUG S Are im a simple form and pleasant to the taste cannot tel Phe aboh gis -avitisa iv AN = Pt NiO WES cowardly, submission document ~ ands Vot only relieve. but edeet rapid and lasting Cares, WHY ANS PEL MONIC WARRRS Beceders say it like. Every one to lis taste. 3 threatening acd w Peale, Are warranted to give sath faction to every one. Banner. PAWIEY SHOULD Re WERHOE TD 0 Bay oe Hryants Paulmonic Wafers, STATES NOTH Cth A re aii ROWAN COUN TY ‘ TRAVELER ny rh WEPHON T CPELY SF Court Piva Gall Quit Sosdeney Felnwiey Hryans Pulmonic Waters, ee ed 1s cer Ephrain Mauoey. SO PERSON WILE RVER O1SKET Trae ATTACHMENT ve Hrywe’s Pulinomic Wafers, Wiliam A McCorkle \ “ rwenry # eR VT appear g to the satislaetion of the Court that JOR MOSES 8 6 Propric or NY the defendent Willam A Met fom w vy HPNDEESON & RN the bmi he State, it om edo Wall lunmiiler bx sunnier vreau cer nat! ; orien becca eng mece WLILD AME, Loe Plean ard Qoarter Semen oth et , Mid or ike wns Rowse wine tom Hoe ATTORNEY AT LAW, n Salhebury on the first Wonday Way neat, hen Seu Tey Nt and there to plead or replesy Werwine jndgeaent a 5 willbe rendered agwinet hin in fay fo Eaheacn \\ nt Ririetiog a, a f Mauney. plarotuf and the land fevied upon be sold a wnt, Sta NaH ene to pauuafy the ware Oh the cor Cowan Hud ng I Witness, James Bo Kerr, Clerk of our amd Count, oo" rh Store ; at office, the firet Wonday in Febrowry, A DD 1K6I Fete ano uae and tn the cighty-@(lk ian et aug Liviipendence pp , ' Qh Rat ee peng MARRIAG! LICENSES Feb 26, 1s61 [6140 pr adv $5.90 IMO SNIEIS LNA TOTES, COIS OTS 10.000 tos LeTTER’S STOMAGH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TEETER S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect’ confidence to physiciusand citizens generally of the Uuited Suates, because the article bas attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak imore powerfully than Volumes of bare assertion or blizoning puflery Phe cousumphon of Hostetters Stomach Bit ters for the lust year amounted to over a half- mall and from its manifest steady Increase in Umes past, itis evident that during n bottles, uing year the consumption will reach near one williog bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal pr: perties contained in che prepara- ton, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those secticus uf the country where the article is best huown, who mot only recoumuend the Bitters to their patients, but give Cestinnoninds to ite the oc ure ready atall tim ethcncy Nl cuses of maclic derangements and the discuses resulding therefrom This is veta temporary p pularity, obtained by exeravrdinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as (ime itself. Hosteier's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend t) regiuns where fever and ague and various otber bilious compluints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the * Bitters” are acertuin cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure It removes all morbid matter from the stomoch, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, gving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health Tt operates upon the stumach, liver, and uther digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores (bem toacondition essential to the healthy discharge of the fuuctivns of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it wstimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thouxands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and geveral debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they huve abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the this article. A few words to the There are certain periods when merits of gentler sex their cares ure so harassing (hat many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget ber own health in ber extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rote the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials Nursing mothers gene- and responsibilities. rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora. tors that receive the endorsement of plysi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as As certain Oo give a permanent increase wel of bodi'y strength All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused hy malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids. persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter'® Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feite, but ask for Hostetter’s CELEBRATED Sromscw Bertexs, and see that each bottle has tt Dr. J) Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” side of the bottle, and stamped ring the cork, and signature 1s on the words blown on the n the cap cove »bserve that our autograph label &e Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and suld by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rice, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Ontrons, La, SOLD BY te vy & Enns, and WH Woyait. Sultebury y J Reed) Concord, and by , Role i ae bre SPECIAL NOTICE. BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs, BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. For sale by TE SERA N SEAN ISS: 50 Bush. CLOVER SELD. ee ES DERSON & ENNISS THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. 1 n 3h to 2A dee x HENDERSON & BSSies POUNDS con Pure White Lead in Oil, For ssle ty PA Feel la kilo aE ENO CALLIN S LINSEED OTL, HENDERSON 1000 Poon PERE vale by Re RNG: Loss) 100MM), 30 ets. EXCITEMENT THE GREAT | GREAT - North Carolina Foundry | CLOTHING EMPORILY MACHINE Works: DAVID WEIL, ep a FRERCKS & RAEDER, ’ 2a : Wie 4 eee, | AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BUCCERBOKRS N. BOYDEN & SON, tinue to manulueture aod ou &, ales. Fe imude heretofore A full assortment of | | AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH. | Plows, Cultivators, cru Cites with a LARGE aad COMPLETE Corn shellers, Straw wad Peed Cutters = “ tt Vowere, ved Sawer, Phresher Cider wud Sogar Mills Phresteraid Separators, ‘Phey alo manufacture Shafting and Machinery tor Girost Mills, Cireular aud Werteal Saw Wille Gold Ready-Made Clothing Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under Copper and Silver Wines, Vobacco Presses and Fix Shirts, Cravats, Neoh Ges. taodkerchie and a (res ae, ita Gecunienont afsitienes all Clin. Gn Ge, to PREY ANTE RASS CASTINGS. whieh be vites your vomrdote ateation. They bog pNas and FINISHED WORK of every Ue Tee NaS ae va a set Ula poon made to order and warmuted im every Yul ik V1 \ ra f t ARE oa respects Repairs of every deseriptiou of Machinery done at shart neuce we ‘ COAT TIGRE EHTS UALS TESS Sir Usa Sy heed ly 34 i Salisbury ) Recuring my Ginake fr lhe liberwl patronage | SGendard: Ralewhs Vatnots Greensboru 5 Demo. heretofore bestowed, | fir Goctaiinuatice ut (lie Orabel ractiatheg \Vrethed tl) Wiig als Asheville | Care sume Remember the stand Miia we Wer kl Caltunbina (bnervers Pay ctlevtties NOr2, WORPHY Sta NEE ROSY tad Tredell Express will publish Sinooths aod forward Sahebury, NOC Ae COUnLS March 25, 1X61 utd \ Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: National Flag! WM. M. BARKER AN chee INFORM HIS OLD I! eR Ete TOUTE nice) commer te Ae Lest caves Vou mn VRIECeD Cire y acd Po Menden or ithe DP Weir, James M. Garrett, Johu bo Cole sa . SH) Witseen, Wan, Barcager, David Mo buigh C B 6 MoS Sherwood, Jed He bi ay, Greensborough arrlage USINESS, WooA Waneht, Wiluragtons Robert Bo Prov. bum vod pared to furnish any xt BUGGY of bertor Alena r Miler, Newlero; Phadeus We COUR REAGE trom the best io the tow need ier, Ral jas Diivnean, Yo Dr He has reeentty vistted a nimoer of the Northern WoC Ramsey borough Rey ard Mauitae teres tnted fianself wat all the Prooklitouy Or. Bo bo Watain, Watronvelle late improve cad made areangements Serene by whieh he pret with) Nori ep V1 UScN Presideut ern work muebh che cper than could be done by order IED UW LINDSAY Veep enon re Ue Trees eal u vd OP VEN DEN EDALL Niteenes Le Nene ee ‘ = # PRTER AD VMS Seely aud Vreun's Petes Ve See the Nateayeal blag WAH CUMMING ia peral Neon! ; WAL M BARKER WJ WeCONNELL / bee al) ce JV MEBANE By Con ce e NNW GN CE Lele \ Book Bindery wooo < PEPER ADAMS Secretary IN hres sath AI Get \eguNGa Core APU nee lecdnegh east? 14 SALISBURY. Me ee Cenid EEN Mie Keville Os " COWAN’S « Vegetable Lithontriptic, M r New M B 1 et ae PERN Oe Toh be bil SENN OB Sth y Vee : r : . St PER MING PRO ee econ ve DINEASED RIDNEYS. te Oder , S ee) Mrclicny se Wiech WN ! blokes Caen < = Vero iets nexwof the Lona, Qe. * : py vila M ne (aT ene a TTS ‘ry Stable (cette = eer etre ane Browns Livery Stable oo8 on 1 subeer ber ted te ro er v L me oe ie fh Ct Dee cat tis cts rat new i ce @ 4447 Coie pa = ny Nhe a wei side ON er ealling at hoe ree ' ratum anda complete siecess Uriveteresa he ne analwaye have there Wauis, ii thee toe, well sup Vine ete bean ‘ , , for Car ase Lorber aud Proven de \ bserib: reat Oeitr RD R 7 bay “i . PthoMAS 1 BROWN HA WA E! = May dist 1°59 u Pe nE na Conen ing a ns a EB Subscribers are the old stand of G@ M & A TO Jones, the Seo aN See ine House Painter, Grainer. PAPER Stock of Hardware TEV NOE nA this Marke whe hawt Mu N rpposte M ve Grantee Roi, ! tthe Manufacturers on the t rary = - \ ish Phey pared tio eth nduc SALISBURY. N.C Ana meres ra ree eee ee AT work persons atte find wartenied ihe cesT sku leented ena work ke manner SINE Se 0) V ee AN any Sl Giga Salsbory. Mar 13, Ds60) 143, MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N.C. PERSON NI SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE WANUFACTORY ! yROMPT AI PEN GON Ce BN purchase rik ot) PROOF 2 ae oye coi ien lenin Mt peo an SUN NICE NGS AICE RS Ok denis ORRELL & GRADY, Wit trerx and W sale Dealers in | I AVING spared vember patie nor ex ' peure cin promur ng materiale of the HATS, CAPS, a ae Straw_and Millinery Goods Le acu ee Boot ny t Urbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, &ec., No 18 Courtlandt Street, 8, Shoes bt Hd ) CP STAIns TONE ' i en's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, & Gaiters, bay eevities St vate givbd for the same he _ ae Pig tbetelon ft Clrah hat cucap ; EOTCENE | ) Voor York es ICR ZC CES OU Cneetiat Rene aver torntroduce among them a branch JAMES HOR AT eee WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, WHOLESALE WD RETAIL, SSVGIE SIAC WET Ait, Pine Channetted Boots. I oh Call Pine Pieneh Edge, Drcsatote OPERA BOOTS. e door below RH. A A. Waphyts istantly on i irye assor Soles SEWEERY of oO alt I WATCHES and Watches and Jewe t A CARD SEEING IS BELIEVING ! pene (5 een WIE 1 AIR GLE ST A WIO MOSH KATEN ‘OCK. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. | AND GROCERIES Are Terhibited in 7) how opeuing at the Subscriber's ever | Salisbury. And wt fhe wold ae heretofore al aupreceden bow ediy low prices Tis os NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRASE Common withoinany, whe enumerate there articles Beouuee ¢ Vanity fihe stock and prices, will ‘ ! post see pie. and clomeet buyers, of he truth of the assertion ht . a kheiw yemeote oo the genet Rowan wod adjacent counties for part ta sore, Lbope by close uttenbon by aiy basen, 1 nent a eout nuance of the same S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNERY MERCHANTS. ible we usua show Conds at CBSO REBR woe 1 he atte NALTEY ruvtit Cot MEK HAN PR oto tie darue 9 1 stock of DRY GOODS. Clothing and Groceries. which he will se! at WHOLESALE ws low as ear be bought in wns ty inthe Cou, the Creat Fan porn New Wor: not excepted S. FRANKEFORD. ALES a bale OOP SAEED ip endless oamety at | | S. FRANKFORU’S. March 19) 1st »L-44 —_—- Gn2 a=) = x ea i = ca = L See = = “ re = —_ Sa oo Ze a = so == S 22¢- < = =a: cx WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, 10 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. 10. ATE a reparredin the beat iniauer vad on Che most reason Har enlerty HENDERSON & ENNISS / Patent Leather and French Calf No 2 Granite Row, Frove Sracer, Be Vy se rine Open Gaiters, Patent Leather and breneh Call WEEN: Gg VN. aC : ee ae . Pe et enter nilmn(terncerices Proyieenes Fruit eae ‘ a oie as UAE Z ‘ Page Wan rare and “Pobsaece Ague and Fever Cured NOTICT. Cina Tien, anew aty te Beene Non Colt a eae ene as ; ; (ae to them and <upply sens MEW ery, Beeswan, Pabaeeo, and Conntry Produce gen OR NO PAY. ; : eee Peco tater eer tees MaT pa mene eee tc tr ee Pata ares vermeil erring f aan CAT AND SEHD ois eee Enniss’ lene and Fever Pills, SMI MIT LER, Earilte past divenrecenti WURRINTED Love hale Sh, PL ESEY NS Ne Gere. APU OU ViaNerc Veta @eNG ct Late ot Unbehora No ) PC & Bo Woatn Ae ' Wen Cherie ute uel July 20. 1880 ‘ F et m HENDERSON a ENNISS ieee ua " poss we Ma ” ' ' \ 7 \ a : law ow ’ TAT New Firm DENTAL NOTICE Fluid and Kerosine Oil. Caan ee nveaia ‘ ° Ae id Pd 1 de er eOniiotee Lane letaeeelntt boutvise the . Oe (IN DERSON & BN \Is5 ee! ae Rar le g _ NWI TR We ae MURR & SOSSAMON, = “HDR. BESSEVT, HARRIS & SULLIVAN rt ae nee ege CEN (PRTG. Ta y INI her | AMEN Cnet ay rown & | | REMY E Dene ENTER EIS Vi ' ; eon Wy the corner formerly occupied by Da Basos eee eee Collecting Agent. ee cher iasi repr dlcemnrvend) s(iliparetitns PRON HRANDY. Gate see ee ay ™ wale Verent oon au wwint Satiehies PNG, PARLOR aod CURE STOVES TSN Waeieanal (neh cbariedipe lth Cle Hala Shetscppramntiantse! Mex e ullaeiir We othe cotta re diiychia sack rod wi well for canbe low aw : wos Java ieeen trast t : ' thee RAEN Piler Pa csoum) “car bintiniinn Warstacs Nortlit + Nise all hinds Fine Suits. Gav nny poeta be the bea ever broaght Mont oand Camacssonere act qual af By he Cer a (rae : : wa aioe JOUN BEARD ' ren Rae Se eae es fvonwshtobuy FINE SUPPS of CLOTOING HENDERSON & ENNISS \ TeGt 46 Collecting Agent Rea thee hae ner Ud re possbl co alliat the Great Cloth r . , Pn porem of DAVID WRI MURR & SOSSAMON Sa . . i \! Pee ae nee itice teres UESalahuredine Donel a / i Hea rises et No) Murphy'a Gran « fel n on nake vinme res ou ARNE Ys SPICES! SPICES! Ce Oa bts wis iene arin co eat ‘NOTICE THIS. yuan e » ne up \ ' , ale ty SLDYE NGAI aie (bi ROP BESSENT th maa ; WEN ve Nae A Nes ‘ ' Bee: Dell I DENTIST, : Nice] Noel DA YING ; be Ma Ms aka aa ’ * VMI pdly VINEGAR! See leven olin uel ie eee 8 IN | ER UM WN) WW\GONS fin then pirese ni Fine Shirts and Collars. 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. i to HENDERSON & ENNISS Sept 1s, TREO ' a 1 “ stl whe may vor hi with BLANK DEEDS |FORS LEAT THIS OFF GEORGE MOWERY ray E ! wish purohase fine Shorts oan © ol Creat Clothing Emporium of ; DAVID WEIT Taps No 2, Grampre Row Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have | the most eff-ctaal alternative he trade [uis u concentrated extract of pardla, so combined with other substa girateralleralive power ae to afford an efile, live idote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is Teputedio a Li in believed that sack a remedy is waned sone? who stfer fon Stumons complaints. and Aire wich wil aecompleh ther eare mast Prove an tiene service Ly this large clase of our atfleted Lee weed i, that cay, be Para Bares DEEK Of ai] produ ue in fel. Ide of the Haints Urtions low 4 How completely this compound wi 1 i hae been proven by experiment on many Ceuses to be found in the following coup WOrCL A AND Sector Lous Complaints, Bq wp Eacriive Disnasis, UrCrn Patras, By Pi woxs. Sane Rueiwy, Scany Heap, te. Bloveuns, Syrviis Srnec Verecriose, Maaccnian Diseaae, Deg ene + Dory » Dyeree. hnverrecas, Rose on Sy Ke riony's Puck, and ideed the whole clase of co. om. placods arising (rom barckiry oF THe Boop. oa This compouud wil be found @ great promoter wealth, When taken in the #pringy lo expel the for oul Neckaboia ow bie Dotrouneux, Daeamiy mia AND Dx bic barton Sumnore whieh fester in the bleed at that season (ie By the tanely eapulsion of then ma tukl ug dine dere are nipped in the bad Multitode, can, by the wd of thie remedy, spare thewselves from ibe of foul eruptonn and ulcerour surge hroogh which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions if fet arsinted to do thie through the natucal channels of Lhe body by an alerative Medicine Cleanee oul the vitiated blood whenever you find ry tmapuccdes bursting through the sien in biuples, crap cleanse it when you find itis obstruet. in the veins, cleause it whenever it is teul, and your tecliuge will tell you when, year ah ndur nee one. OF more ® ed aud slugy E Where te particular disorder is felt, people enjoy bee lec health, aud live longer, for cleansing the blond Keep the blood healthy, and all te well; but wih pabulunso Lite disordered, there cau be no Inet. ing bealth Sconerorlater something aust go Wroug and the great machiners of life w disordered ot over, thrown i Sarsapaniin hae and deserves much, the reputation But the wor'd has ioegr gously decewed by preparations of it, partly scanme the drug alone has not all the virtue that ie clans Inphshing these eudn forit, but nore because many preparats pretecding to be concentrated extracts of it, conta but lite ol the virtue of Sarwaparilla, or any thing else During late years the public have beea misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract f Sarsupariita for ove dollar Most of these hare been frauce upon the sek. for they vot only contain ‘tle af any, Sereaparila, but oftea no curative Prop. erties wit Henee, bitter and painful d rap. porctinent has followed the une ofthe various entre sporiiia wheel flood the market, anti! the eit ts jurtiy denpined, and has become «ynony- hho and cheat. Soll call thie saportiia, wand otend to supply eech a caly aw shail ceseue the naine the load of And we think we have Virtues which are irresett- ver wich vip: we omp: dou Sa from obloquy whech reste upon st (tor beleving ot has Webs he wilinury runoCile diveanes 0 is inteaded cue fn order to secure thew vmplete eradica- Lion trom (be eyetem, (he remedy should by yudicwus y ahh acceding te directeur on the boitle Viki whe BY DR. J. ©. AVUR & €0., POM PEEL, MASS Price tlorek Ro itr, Sux Borties row §5 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, ’ 4 mown forth ure ’ 1 * nog Com plant ’ nrary © peer unt the nee of whe lon brea cinploved Xe “ c Une Wr aghout Wir serine at ‘ ig teluit al vivax 8 4 4 . . Aye.’s Cathartic Yills ‘ cones 1 / aad , / t ! ‘ Vt fee a Sp int . / Sainm DP) sense / Camp ant Pian Fier, hamnana Sait Kreom Wormer. Great Ne “ sa Dinner Pili, umd jor ft fe “B ‘ Vhes a mo th Ne moet re ke han ples sanity d th om peent he word for alihe purposes ota lenny phy ne Parr fo 0est- rea Bow, Pie Roane run ¢! U0 Great nuinbern of Clergvinen, Physiciare Sates hen and cite have lent ibe ri cmes ee, aa ilivcasas thuwecer aye { r ' to permit the onsen son wu 1 Ages ow named turnin gra oe Variax Vis whieh ihey an gore ws nee the above con ’ nd ie reminent ot howd be followed for thor cure Ip he Coffs copre crpled dealers with other p she teahe inere profi wo Dev ang yor whe there The sick war oe a there im tent nd hey asbonld have it At oour iemedies are tor sale by Ve Sausbury, Nic ite *, : Hau 4 bharlette Nia ey tthe on Perry on & Lawes MA A © A Sine N Haviland. Stevenson & Oc March 6. 1x60. byal BSBANFU..—~ ~ LIVER INVIGUKATGK, NEVER DEBILITATES. a irely from Gam [Tiscompoandtes y from Gun ord it amd la ee diseases for which ¥ 4 od [tae cured Uru nce wh hed giveo up all bepes noe ieited cerufeate in iny Tur toe tntast he aelapte ating it aed uo within the last two yeare of relief as the Bemerous saareah 0 he © The temperament of the Jed in such quautiies as to Jadement guide you im the VIGO plaint ;Chrontc Diarrhoca. vee (Ce LIVE I wileure Liver Com- tacks, Dyspepeta, Summer Com- ry, Drop Costivene ‘Female Weaknese- |comefully as an Ordina- icine: liwilleare SICK thousands ean testify) te ‘twe or three Tee [en ce commeccemeet of Family Me: ry HEADACHE, (ss twenty minutes, 1f spoonfuls are tak-! “ah who use rare! \gtvimg their tesuimony i ita favor. ‘ MIX WATEM IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. — ALso, — SANFORD’'S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and pnt ap tv GLASS CASES, Alr Tight, and will keep ny climate. r y ome Cathart te PILL bare th prenriator ha than demand from and the satiataction bas induced me " use} in hi The constantly incre have jong ased the PIT! ot nreear practice pace “ use them within the that different Cathartice at erent portions of the bowels 7 FAMTEY CA THARTIC PIIL bas with tue refarence to] thie well eatablished ft mponnded from» variety of the f Kalracta, which act Dose, 11 i PRICK THREE DIM r Inv ( 335 Broadway, New York Sold WEN DERSON & RNNISS, De ASD Cipwiers Salinbury, Noo 1\6 Juty 5, 1659 Buewies and Rockaways- eu - er hnen lot of handeome new Bag ines and Rockuwase, which he will eell on goed ott PHOS Bb BROWN, Ian 24 1660 ins 560 White Hands win find wterdy cimplovment open the Wil hangton, Charlotte and Ratherford Rail Roe aALornear thie plice. Apply SAM'L McNINCH May X. 160 (1150) Chorintte, N & Tr Paropnteta, Powtere, Vieng Carda, Dee tlnre, wind wll kindest Jub Work neatly exeoul® nt thie office ee EDIT Single cop Kive copie ‘Ten copie: Clubs exe $1.50 each ee FARM, HUSBA Every fart use, Inust se manures for around bim. associated ha effects result! maoures, bu blind to the obtaining th This ignor the fact that the expenieu have the ad\y ed with suce We recoll our county, nure hauled was consider that our fart had not lear nure might | yard and sta from these which might and attentio this, Prof. M Working Fa a subscriber found that v way of mak race with or upon the mi we publishe discovered t thousands of that just ad jc salt marsh, t ed. We we ty for the co of cora bore Vrof Mapes the stables o aud <appdyir mooth with plan all of tb ii the mack, ‘| make on inne from mould sbou ka, be du hen let a ly be placed « u'd be de espace of te 1 othe prerr han and ate > the tarn hich we ne rin otf pre hoees ora ts Lhe helt (ie he VWornp and the ammonia, wl Mmposed ve arate fod med wan, fromm at Y ter disc from ifs use. pron © which was n whet wats sl at whieh h \penment x stotor the ws that we fe, We hi gh she fa particalar re Manure ay. when on 1 whole The arnvard ts 4 mmornia. vered that wee Vvear use of AS strot nur State hay valid be obt: «farm. T far famed gu: ‘ntion to t wanuty of n he guano. With the a have, our pbintity of a applied to thi stituents ¢ 7: hime, po nt of the veatly defied «eu iuformes ‘at with his tred Varre)s ‘old pear the | Nad deft a | hould be ba le reason th or quantity oO Irrent of wi We hope tha ger to rep ‘uly business » read and i ne in Agric f the world. I This, one means of imy esteemed ce stiff nec! ‘pon soils ap udest in ite tour hears Yress their “4d our farms m they wor sound rea Apparent oy deep pl deeper than v * practiced dent, but wit ich is only Mor eight in N8e too mu Moughe to a Vd diminis Mien the farr nature cde “torn up Manuring will, ina f “hand hig We think | | plowed d tthat they hen very d Ke loudly a three ye “be seer by J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, $200 Five copie Fro0 Ten copies, 315.00 Clubs exceeding tep,in the Sale propucti $1.50 each. Payment always in advance FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. | “KURT iong Broreiey Mite any HUSBANDING MANERES FoR ITE FARM Every farmer who bas availed himself of their ©, Unory nN Deere Ny An use, must see the great Mn portance of cullvetiug uianures for his crope from the various resources around bim, hose with whom we fave been VOL. associated have ever beer | tly to aed tie seed effects resulting from the Proper appheation ot Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Juprovements, Co AVIIL. SALISBURY, N. C., MARCHE 25, 1X61, minetce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle, Gue. Allis in Wilininytua.—We vee from the Wilmington papers, that Ellis has been in that town speechifying. The Gov. seems to be taking on at a dreadfal rate. He is determined not to submit to the will, or the voice of the veople. No indeed. Tle is master, aah the people are servants. What cares massa Ellis for luis people, his servants® The Herald reports lit as saying that he would ra- ther sce the Chicago platform, adopted inte the Constitation of the United States, itn Soe plan proposed by the Peace Con- ferenee We have neo doabt but that he wontl > neeause EMis isa disunionist, and tie ow shows, that if the Peace Com ferenee pio is earricd ont, that be and avootber hannionists in the State will jm- mediately wo ty per Poor Ellis he is eje mad for sures inad Lecanse the peopie NUMBER uted to epeak for theniselves, manures, but at the same tine they secin to be our farmers th blind to the many resources which they have fur: matters of this obtaining them, ithe Sand wasir This ignorance on their part is cause} from te the matter plowing enabk the fact that they have neglected to sead from funerals the experience anid rerearch of thome fartice why jem a have the advantage of education, and have farm depth in wet ed with success, subsoil many We reeollect very well that fone cears pastoaun @biet are tag nure hauled out in the Sprig upon a large farm ¢Sltusted by OF Over that our farmers thought thems: Ives all wise and Menta to the ¢ had not learned the many ways by which ma (ly vember of nure might be made. that time, the barn | Plow deeper a reputation, wor'd has ft, parily we that i¢ epurations, ly tontay aay thing from these they did not make the tenth part | than from any which might have beea made with a fittle care Deep ploughir and attention on their part. A short time after | the surface pl this, Prof. Mapes began the publication of the! Aud we woule Miele d by of Extracy he guano, t have, our farmers could accumulate a large Piaee wu the envi huuity of ashes, which area fine manure when 24> Pelicf will be applied to those suils which are defich ntof the ustituents of which they are mainly composed, . AVA 7: Jime, potash, and soda, and we are eure that I he unpleasan mt of the worn out Tands of our State are ts frequently the vatly deficient in these constituents, We have gentlemen, some wen informed by a large farmer in Eelyoc: mbe, cess as their tell Sat with his trash gang he gathered six hun Nothing os siniged “id near the river where the freshet in the Spring: thaw bv the app! Nad deft. large quantity of timber Ashes and perfumes aa "quantity of the asbes are blown nway by the ina basin of wa We hope that our farmers will not continue any and sweet as one tread and inform themselves of what is being perienced physic ‘ine in Agricultural iMprovement in other parts burg Lipress. f the world. —¥. Planter, This, one of the most essential mechanical of tnolaace, anil means of improving soils, is becoming to be ve- esteemed among farmers, Many who were ce stiff necked in regard to ita injurious effects ‘pon soils and plants, are now, matiy of chem, udest in ite praise. Scarcely a day passes with- “Cour hearing some one speak in its favorand tut An exchange g recipe by which made, which is se tess their ratonixtiinent at the results, “41 Our farmers given this subject proper reflee. & Correspondent, “pparent to be doubted for amoment, Tt your life in onder ‘oy deep plowing only that a auil can be made The offervescing i “per thaw what itnaturally is Manuring may Two ee tar “practiced and all otber means of improve. Stary the juiee ent, but without deep plowing they wall fail to Of water ese the soil a xreater depth. What is meant Y deep plowing, is not to plow a aail at ance 804 the whites of its eight inches the firet plowing Phin would fergreen Bottle, "8 too much of the clay or sub ail to be Take two tablaspr ugbt to the surface at once, and fora time bler of male an Nd diminish the products of the land. But spoonful of soda en the farmer begins to plow a soil deeper, of Nature described above, he shouid the first “r turn UP one or two inches of clay, and then Ad Ginna, Manuring and a continuation of thie proceas, sends the fall nays. Pr naan Rug I well on good RROWS, 0 Will, in a few years, have a soil twelve inehes cory srood substite “hand highly fervile bemdes Cut sound, ripe Wertitimk thacidral tallies oh (ioseewlin yeara the juice through *\ plowed deep, May be ascribed entire Vy ter thee Hamid add one pir that they would take a very thin soil and break until of the conse been, very dean, at once, and the auecending crop tok e three years’ time the advant ye was plainty SCM Rat rise “loudly against thie Plan: aud thoagh in fi Blank« ued fo suit the taste ‘Le seen by kn observing man, still the most of. fing preparation our county, ove hundred and fifty Joads of ama Ponts whieh even on the Strtiten 5 yard and stable were their only dependence, and | has found sreater advantages With the quantity of uncleared Jands which 4 SMall poece of raw cotton «ith the ’ ty of the tooth, and justantane Boil together five minutes wing re aucht «oy tice of Wivestivati was considered a large qaantity, for the reason being wixed with the top soil, affords the el Me nopratay Writer Wectgias (around Latiale [4 tain Pieler: 1. Baler stood in the door way | VOTE OF NORTH CAROLINI. ind they at once weal say UAC selin othi ken) which was an excelent sauce with « ta { ohis hand We had po a ured, and pay no further attention for thang Mane, puddings, ¢ Wearly xcept his nite clase whieh co si Besides deepetng the soil, dec p = : Huartere Phe brea Nike a Fourth of July thay Mustibins 2 oe sthe routs of plants tu detise im ns- He sed,“ Vuuvre a man of sin” then groaped = 4 4 Z eper depth in dry weather, and al ALTEMAS WARD ON THE SHAKERS and went away, Covsties < 3 c Z Js erlinmtopnecct ily a Greater a Lent tet nteot ied et : 2 z weather “here are also Gn (he Pe Stitkers is the stratgest 1s Hgtous sex Dever with the pretty ueented on ay | Wines certain tuueral elements met Vd beara telat en ated Pd nem with Caltorny bar sisted Ou steerin ai ity UNPORMMUUTO (escciweth at the thet broad Grinvd hats and long wastid Coats; Vale dor iy douryard in i: ville, aud that Alamance, ‘ a sth Tho NOUAN GOS IU Lal ta vncr ccbhivint: ainelivemiiackewalinnn ds 6 den. ca) cuit anil give foveal ue RN hE a cu ei ) : i a ers Alea al m (ake | lea s Pa Sch a pantal of Was woke op early Deyhauy, i : wooaed cropping. and th wy " i ae ie a oe + a \ a ne : i ceeoiaiane He ee Palatine » v vy 4030 . > ; Pe P Ow Stas MYT Sayia 1 ania aan’ Clisin aah koA lit vbany 8) ol, Glee CGetes OTH EGU TG tte sae Mtn wey was Aisgised in white peple’s clase, so Meee rON Tinie : Beautort, 2 0 653 this Journal, sav~ that one most Tdidat know lon, No [l Ses yennedtian the erry tothe room where Bertie, , 0 OSL CUTGeebtr Uy terres uid tla ie |) Buen the Spring of 1s A other labor spe IZ MAY DOL Only be practiced with Twas forced to ti up with th: rw, but alo with the Phere remark, that Woany fartior vister of the futer fob 1 BO yearns, toed * afforded LUABLE SECRET, todor produced by perspiration, source af sexation to fides and, Here all 16 peas of Khem are as subject to iteey womortals of another color jer than the removal of the odor | don't aboose their wives — wives don't worrit thie trod barrels of ashes ina very few Javs on al at mach less expense, and muc Y . teation of such costly unguents| Nothin to wornt us here, No wicked matrimo are in-use. It is only necessa vould be burnt from small heaps of wood, for ry to procure some of the compound spirits of . Beerent lie reason that when the heap i large, the great. ammonia, and place about two table Spoous full} 1 had now bisted in as big a load of pervishuns a from deep plowing the exterior of rhton the farm. — steesey night when the winds blue Pitytsly, and soppose they wasup te? Tawein and lassin like Buncombe, uv : leet Young lovers on their gosbingist state, Sez LoMy Burke, . Sliiken (renids 1 reles etter suspend the Caharr' ! I was toilin threw the mod. when in the dim Mlether trends 1 kon youl better su ae) ake Rees) subsoil plow saturate misture, and " hemor eflvetually | Nusbans, There's no children here to worrit oe | | J got swamp it the wartes was, Deuin across Elder aud the old | Bladen New York State one dark and female Dumet thet tt what dye Beaugwick, . rules and git imarried Caldwell, erved the gleams of a tal ¥ ee SS S ot . he { t | | ; : 5 You must excoos Brother | ah,” sed the fe- Camden, a Working Farmer in New York, and we DCT ape ma cits Lae PO we weewuuld mvice ten canill: TSU ritiest tatty GH Nica wale, vhe’s subjeck to and haint got no com. Carteret, u a subsenber and a close reader, atid we very soon | Yue te buy first a Noo, Wares Iinproved Sub- tail to kinder ens ourage hin, P soon reached the mand over bieself when Le's jute ‘em. Caswell 0 found that we had been doing bothing in the (#0! Plow, which may be had at any Agricatear: Place, TP Kuocked atthe d vor, which it was open Mautiily, Ween Levee bin took that way inves If | Catawba 1 86 s ° . 1 7 : Z ae ” way of making manure, though we bad kept al ware root, . Thi No of pow large enough ed unto ie by a tall « tek faced, solum fookin frequent | Chatham, ; i face with cur neighbors. We read bis articles | (0 begin with, it will break (he and to the ds pth Welivideoal, who turned out to bea Fl fer Youre a nan of sin,” said the Elder. 1¢ Hae : p . : : Loe ‘ tet breaklast my [i shaker trends cum in) Chowat t means upon the mixture of salt, line and mack, whieh | Of cight of toy inchs a which will te <utticient for Mister Shaker” ned T, © you see before you A Hike i fa paket alrciid) Cn ey ice i o 8 vig he ynony- ; ' . eo fret t i SUG bandos . 2 hy ' ley Str (mre {te ayn Coto clear away the dishes eaveland, os - Z call thie we published in our Apnt number, and we soon cu Dist tate BUEN and, those withon a8 Va) up the A) : ty specks and Ine ax My pretty dears,” sez 1, “shall we yay agin’ Coluabus, eet IRS discovered that we had resources for making My subsoil, of couse do not heed this kind of Shelter of yuu \ Nay,” dey sed, and I nay d Craven, .. 2 Sei thousands of loads of good manure, from the fact Plowing. but all bend wrth acl Sosubsoil may be “Vay.” sed the Shaker, and heh dithe way The Shakers axed ine ty #0 to their meetin, tt ey | Cumberfand 5 0 71s that just adjoining our farm, was located a large really improved by it. We dave bail farmers dite the ho ase, another Shaker bein seut to Put was to have sarvice that mornin. so I putonaclean | Curritnek, eel nt salt marsh upon which the tide ebbed and flaw | be tefl us that the sulmoil plosedinu had bene fit omy tosses and w Aer Uber kiver buted rag and went, The meetin h use was as neat | Davidson, 2 a ed. We went to work and composted ma quant (Wd thei facuis at least fifty oer cent Ue fires \solum femaie, lookin sumwhat like a Jast pin. ‘Phe floor was a white as chalk and senvoth ne : i ¥ : r| ie 5 ae i if duplin, 2 Judicwus ty for the corn crop, aud the next year's growth) eae which willpay the owner Wea farm forsach veac's bean pule stack tuto a long meal bays cum 4% glass, ie Shakers was all on ae a lean : at ae t 0 9 \- i . f 1 2) Wrshibs ar eal bape. ran or > floor Like | Elgecombe, 7 Ue uf cora bore the beat testimony of its utihey,— | fiber as as on Pred to do whi hind of we ik Mi and axed ine was J athayst tid ded To bargr “ aoe ae is re one ~ i Wu es sid i He neil » 9 l4uy Oe al . . . ¢ lhe wecdacn topreten dd te WEE One towlich Durhanely an Safews “Sliewenl) uu! SOFAS ie ales 0 ee =“ Viof Mapes also recommended the Nyoing / ge Fi ! ) woth SNe ! ae ees mS ae 4 roons. anit the females on tother, They commenst (Franklin, .... 1 A the stables out to the depth of two or more f, _ farmot will make this NEONATE vet it wil ort Ana Teltavet Us Open a cobversashun wit eppin hands and sinzin and danen; iD tancullicton, . (el 1u6 aud ~uppdying the place of the clay once in a Upon such lawl as we | we bsenhed pay very the old ian h slow at fust, but as they got wartued up they | Gates 1 0 MW month with wack or woods mould. by whieh well We ould “ay to the Crmer, plow deep “Elder T speet 2? sed I, Sev aUdiwid very tiveak, (uMliyous lblient nah. jcmnville 3 143 plan all of the urine of the horse or ONS rete Ul and deeper and Mnprave Vvauesotl and entire le alemerd Pm partcler exhibited a richit start ¢ anee of spry- | Greene, y 7 be am ' { ' } } t ' t { Croailtor . a ii the mack, and by placing inten loads atat egy USCS Pare w tnt hin jae lenie re bder in TT se coren ta lereeheri a - es. consis vs Utne of Nife, aud as Me i ; ‘ a vow make one hundrd and Cwenty fonds of roc) US 1 Ur testimony in its favor, aad bet US cutive Vay nia ar © Tsot, Preward vita vo ie eau f, son re ' fant el hin with wapprovir le and sed: “Goon boy! | Harnett, vou on niinure from every stable tse Phe mnck oe Che remaining few of the Gent advantages to ty Wills the a Aesofa KF rowhen he under i : eee ee Havwood v 1 07 t her} yeh } { ro Vogay and festive cuss Wy wood. 7 wemld sboult, after tring in the stuble twa tne Pt hie oechsmiesd tans of umproviny stole bis big ee ee Tapani t liaise bon 67 weeks, be dug ap and turned top aide down, aul > Planter Gem cratooitu ! Hertfo 10 Jr Cen let a light coating of straw A wetie krod OED Ning ! tas Mey ca itt Tashow, Hvde 1 Y 1O1 te filaced over it Every farmer's tarnvard TST Nese man cnr . fee wes Dany a Lew arks hey was) [redeli, <i ce ty 1 f t seston ~ OTD: Jat ROD vo ford No wd be dug conten the fem of a basin lente aK Wloit saves" Loe Galowan, Vay Wrest and seeteekost peopl wo vearth (Jackson a ea a 7 : = lf t it ri 4 Te "het people was sintul as they could be. by. td Joluston - ‘ oes tepnee of ten feet around for the carte ty Taree pe tinct Veetticauitim tar conn abide testi int Ee ECON Et ! ON ela le ee ea oe GY Cu Der Da Nake ie iy ert) xy OL tthe pees whoa " ten eit tips othe mrss dager Ute Gs Sa van j je f tay SENS a SSA RUT SO NNES Hi ZO Ke Pstap ta | ) e es I | F prov duce feof My servants having tte eae ; Reon te Seren baaitir ae 440 ih fon and atatlen to walk « ted. By doing by chance broken « kites &. CGerurred Yay Me tenmtte tora ein, tit flea {ge ) Lineoln 0] 70s aH } e fla ! 4 | od sir at ree | : ‘ 5 ue rai » a Be euros Girt atid maruirea cuit tliat teal Get. Shey eleven fey te bal Mid srw tats (liepien 81 Ue | Macon CU 9 rel we ates ipo mast tering re cuffired tos <0 ay tes turi fem Wy tts vauty die conn oy Me Oe EE Nisa Vartsswaitca rele) ace (ee Tet Wand sang agin and) Meclson ee OS tev oth probably te manure x tut of evpreas the Ata nicat oiceilige wey eie oileat ls nits (ete ley wean wowed we what 1) Macca. Y 2 oe S F “ rice Jowe 0 63s Gy hnewe ora hog near be elie ere iter ae ec et Vay wt ofa EN cll too ie ca hie shelter ni of ingnnrse is of creat ime ' the plan and found Nesters aia; Ppl a ninit, ated then thark on Pd b fase Rez 1 What daz it eenerty ? Os a25 Ihe shelter ne of ina sof reat impor 11} teat d found coat rH hat es | he 2 1 oO Al on OAD armiers Ee VAS returns toe ie mssUtool lari |G tifeniilaneetn eaves ¢ eis Sle Vera ied ses how tliat waned ron] <b wee ane 7 ‘i rt Te 7 ) 2 f Wethe shoulder, bust inte a hae re bv this Jatppig np and siagie 2 hie dong cle ener 2 , (iene ¢ eh ere aa) eee fat Tes tied attacks yy pens: an suspend Hin om th voulder, bu nto a harty Jarf a coe et i 1] 43 | Bay es Wes bizn and thus auti-tuatianony ides My ash | . PROS thesbe ntti iraisid i dalenriae ap aj dw. Nirclar | rok lass ainon zt Chem. the a A ie allt peel | tends, you are eat and ty fy. Your ae ee pn New Hanover v2 Cae a ammo whieh wthe an AUN pit rps Fe ramders lett the place, Phe t Hts attacked ty We punpe up ast Baru water had bit SEO ae milk and honey, Your broor sas filoe and! Northnapton 2 0 6 327 eMiaoenl vereintte wonton (eat mie tle cckls pear.to whieb + Seem very partigh— tl iuto bis ear, groaned, rolled his ey os PDAS sc ote Canin os ethene When aman baysa kag | Onslow a. O31 he Ate fo Penman tha Voth whale wintorey A bit of looking glase saspended in front of the the sealin and sed Youre « man of sin iM apple sas of you he done tind « grate many SBOE 2 0 ae re Sst eUN Tenet tee ec eomted in their tee puta stop tothe mischief Me aryece were the tht walkt gut of the room: Pua O is Util a few lnvcrs Ol Gassie a ile Crise Pasquotank, a) : By a ' mM ae ‘ : we tat tratirecterra| tt inlererne? 5 : ta say < ) Skene esturs Perqucnaus | Y) Ae 7 UO e ous tonticcenrl they areata ele nity Vamaged, before they wore ripe, by Fest then the fetmate in the any bag stick her | ean ae! AUCEs tur ae i nO er te ted to daseredit Be ISS eS oie inst econnauleetay tiie near et ie Cn lass Hed inte the room and: statid that refreshments lan anaes i ee ui 1 ae 2 WY Yt 7 = ie * : a titel the weary travel : Sahat . “nh woepron the rock of Gibralter probly - ae cf fram is user The last Venn we wae an. Nprer drove these swan, ard eta rape Was touched oe teh eo Avelor ox 1 J ed if it wa Sala a youd mess of gardug ses. You are Volk oO 0 ! TB eoen willy clitered manne atlitlal ato win de.) {tc hers fred nay plans, but ey i i oy 1 “ er nee ee LCS aa iis Hate oY) s You air quiet and dont) Randolpl 2 0 WINCH Was Nod sheltered. and the «7 from that Ver tound ary so ethectual as the above” Sa TET BUG TUG Shree Feat PAG f pay all this fy vr redit, But? Bichtond, fe 1 which waa sheitered was twin as fro - Peet down tu the table and the f Mate in (he finon is anvali pertaterns | Peay You Robesen 2 0 7 Sine HE sored! Goh stim) iva, “She Gal ay Ga euetiies precled tockinehan 2 0 70 atehieh had teen exposed te the an [hte CHURNING AND J ThER Work ING, teal i ! Me um tea, z it te WAY Vo lives rem sue wretchedness ; fake ' a con \permeat we took apenas being quite a fair ns : Bae eS eee licensing! teen cisgunallltty BES Cee La re a> 0 2 See Vee eam, save a writer ir Travsaetion foun was aon wooden cloek, which Koon a theks woth your Pecooler adees. except when H Rathertord, & Polk 0 431 stotor the reason that it was o von twelve i ve ‘i ee 5 7 Pot Ae . - ; I loners Sauips« uv 2 bt) ATAU ee ober icc retin cies iene ir WTS, ott Wes lel ghd Leas fulinanner, in the corner, This (fan Na ‘ ae poe) tee se cae ns is Fe : ‘ om #2 to 65 degre.’ qd < Re eie-oneast. and | demerc SUE Gea aw Uriah a Shy Witeh 9 a ou } We have often been ainused when pass ae aa Lalit ay a ese Tdtertnin : feller urt tike red. Bel prt 1 0 Zt a Tells Shedfariieqarur canine; ee ee dates tretirie ttht elty tik tu the female ot bust, So sez | y oe . Sai i at ad Surry ] 0 207 1136 ‘V particalar the farmer a. nut to apread any : pee ; | RS gr ue tu Toby fieve maven ( lowny Love 1 = prattle is ever Tyrrell, 1 Lit Tox re mature thaw he cam turn under dur withe ne re ee : ie : arn around your harthstuns—vou air ina dreary . peal en one Pte bse cise t ‘ HOUNSexee len <trickle ans apeet? tow All hectiiie, and ve matt tHe G eel ake, 5 i 2465 as. when in fact, the manure hae bern # posed feneen Re | ae rickly apart, T apeet eae ie tine, and you treat the jally sunshine af con aie ey rag We t whole year peelape tet! ' hstoke s thet Yoy eas tho at was a thief driven ue your dours " BSUS 1 is ee ole vei ve othe sun and pattie at ce , . 5 es Vs atauy: D6, fie use ot plaster in the stables at Lover the ! ! “Tes kinder sing sez J, puttin on my most Yo thea we EES INEOUE CO peat co 1 » 7 ste e statles and over the Fe ee } ' ; es ; ee een Aaa » 33 arnvard is of great adeant Hee betaine tlie 1} ca ‘ ce ae ya . tee ae SELON walens air as shiek 7 ans \. 1, Wayne, O 2 212 vid be ay tro fs ade as tho Ve ed + S BN ED ; 5 ‘ amiouias CAfter tiny is cunauleritily we dis . | : ; a . ‘ i de ‘ vy. i; ee mgt Witehad pe vy pie ther hele agii weeks whith kive tikes . - v Tin vered tbat our <table manure wie ter the smell LOUTH ACHE REMEDY (SD likely feller ! _ he was upward ev hor manly harts, while yo Vheds fool youre, Walsen : : 1 f : Wie AS strong aa before sine it Eurmivelin a MN . : Gf 40 and home Iv asa stump fence, but T thawt jselves with the idee that they a Hitaiiein nial Yadk hn, ] 0 nt ue) ur State have but lithe aden bow much mar ure Ae ansthing that will rdieve Staal Pd ticket her | un here. and aircontented. ~ F you air, all pend | Yancey yr ? 0) nS voll be obtained from the + meds fowl. upon # Tare more or less atlicted. she ald tad “T don't lke men! she sed. very short, up by yereselves, talkin about “sins of a world ~ OM pmrrch eialoaie 8 “lhe “ ae tens fowls ipa ” ; : : esa ad Tos o farm, They seem tu b+ eager te obtain the KNOWN, We take pleasare in publishing the fllaw. | * Wall, | dutino,” says 1“ they tte rartherim: yuu don't know nolan of Meaiwhile said world a2 {ure 4 far famed guano, when if they were te ture there UK tetnedy for tooth ache, furdished by a fend, | portant part of the pepulashan, LT don't scacely, neuen De aon Dee ES EL ree ha ame Meee Peis cribs Accilent = (liliumfornteniteianniae lage Wire at could git wlonge without om.” Tokers 24 hours, sutjeck to the Constitation of the fC , . Dion to thetr fowls, thes Could make a large ree ; i of fall 1 \ Uaited States, and ta a very pleasant place of resi-| 27 We learn that Miro (ell nh Tenneck ' 6 following proportions : ate s poor w folks Wonk oft alone : acuity of manure which is but little inferior tu i te 4 fe BrS baronies siz a ferin | TOUS CUT Sey alongs zi yalf ouner, Tann 1 : ia dence. Its unnatre! onreasonable and dismal life} and Mr. ¢ al better if there was no men : youre leadin here. So it st kes me. My shake 1 Youll exeoos me, marm, but [ don't think j ‘ : Q Soe ’ tier, of Us Stale wore aber eeaty urate coln’s Cabinet. Mr. Bell pr plied that : pee eenos Wino wibilevan a welcome aloo. You have | under the circuinstances he could not sec eptun that air would work. It wouldnt be regelet, treated me exceedin well. Thank you kindly. one less the incoming President would furnish hin ; > Pm atraid of men!" she sed jan all oS { Phats ongecessary, marm Vox aimtin no A base exlibitor Pdeprave Pont fret vourself on that pint” ee WAX Works! sed ee "Here, we're shot out from the ainfal wurk PENN Uriah, sue TOT mest ferent yon aan : Hes De clG Wall, look out for the mM tits ot | sukeys aud on | danger { this should be done, and he shonid be thereby : assured that no movement would be made by veurn, and don't the President and Cabinet ininneal to his section, catch culd aud die an the doar of your beauty Here we air brothers and sis ters. We dou't marry, anid consckently we tave no domestic troubles or diticulties. Tusbans youth and ‘and he should be also thus assured that he would be able to act harmouiously wich the adininis [tration, he would aceept a place in the Cabinet, {A special programme was not furnished, but he | Was referred to the Tuangural as etmbodying the views of the President. Mr G Jer, we learn, made the same reply; but in both cases the po said Jobn. «J Want you to. sitions referred to were at first declined, and the Aud T resoomed my serney.— Vinity Fair “PLAYING FOR KEEPS.” “See, mother, what a lot of marbles pny here. Would thow hke to be a Shaker /” ha o” sez 1 at nia’t my stile,” r | & . : terms as above given were not required until ter, Washing the face, hands, #8 [ could carry comfortable, and leanin back in’ take me a great big bag to pnt them in.” terms 7 ci 4 Irrent of wind which is created t va large fire. and arms with this, leaves the skin as clean, fresh | Dy cheer, commenst pickin mv teeth witha fork. | could wish. The wash being | The female went oat, leavin me alone with the! "ger to repulse information ta regard to thin! perfecdy harmless, and very cheap, we recom- uly business of their lives, and at once heyin mend it, on the authority of one of our most ex ans, lo our readers.—J’eters eee | A GOOD RECIPE FOR VINEGAR. ee DEEP PLOUGHING, | Take forty gallona of rain water, one gallon four pounds acetic acid. It will be fit for use in a few dave Acetic acid costs Twenty five cents per pound This is the most of the eider vinegar is Ad in the country stores. aoe CREAM BEER. ves the following recipe from who states that it makes an ef. , cing « r Nemsnyte ‘ 1 ™they would not be surprised at its effects, fervescing Me but far plomsanter than AD the sound reasoning upow which it is founded is 88Cer. Inasinsch as you do not have ta dink for fo wel your money ® worth s much more slow + tanie neds two ponnds white of balf @ lemon: three pints theea eye well beaten with a “och is only three inches deep, to the depth of cup of flour, and a balf ounce of essence of win and keep in a cold place vonfuls of this syrup for a tum 1 add one quarter of a table. oe. TOMATO HONEY Nock Teland eonnty, Wir Ne, we which he save isa ite for honey tomatoes jn ct & 1 prog acloth. To eact pnt of the tof sugar, and hoil the whole teney of houag, comoving the may he flavored with lomon or athar + xtraat Tha writer hinc tneted av ry of this kind made from the Ky When nearly cold jmy elbors and rabtin my eyes, and Leaw the fol again, and may (tod help you | they were pressed a second time to occupy seats in the Cabinet, We give the above as rumor, hut we have no doubt it may be relied on as Substantially cor rect.— Standard, “Why, where did You get so many, my clock. T hadn't sot thar long before the Elder 800 2" asked his mother, lpoked lis Head in at the door, © You're a man | of sin.” he sed and groaned and went awry. Direckly thar cum in two young Shakeresses, as patty and shiek looking gals as | ever met. It Is (roo they were drest in meal bags like the old “Twon them from Pote Jones, See, [ got his glass taw, too. | loaned him — one af mine to play with while he put THOSE DISPATCHES, thatin the ring, Isnt it pretty ?” We learn that our paper bas bven compli ivy ' 7 . . ay Fs ie 7 4 iv PR OO é f t one Td met previely, and their shiny, silky har a ene , on pay hin for them 2” mented with many curses on account of TTA was ind from sight by long white caps, sich al Pay hin! Nothing—he and I play dispatches we published just before the election. spose female ghosts wear: but their eyes sparkled ed keeps, and I was the best player and Ml we h DEN OUEAMIISS Liat Une dispatches Ee like diminds, their cheeks was like roses and they | “on all his.” iseued from the telegraph office here, with respon was charimin euutt to make a man throw stuns “Tow mnch did they cost Peter, do sible uames attatehed. Nut one of them was di AU Iieerenl ania chey arent ct fey JOU Suppose ” rected to us, but we saw ae all, and had no commenst clearin away the dishes, castin shy “TP he bonght them they innat have on to doubt their truthfulness lances atime all the time. 1 got excited. cost him about a dollar” forgot Betsy dame in ay rapler, and sez. “my “And you got them for nothing 7 i rp i _ Y tions o (a race Conference w srob: pretty dear low ar you ¢ “] played “upon the c(are, and Pete ton CSUASE DP eacel Cunlerencrn owas probably a . é a : mMAlter pf opinion only an the part of Che ser said ] got them all fair : , i , of the dispatches; but our disnnion frends ces “So now you have got a dollars worth Tn the main they were true, The force DIL was defeated, as stated The action of Congress on the Proposi Oe \NerAIta se etlieeaniemnlrert) Hay “War's the old nan ¢? sed [in a soft voice, : : ainly could not have been influenced by that “OF whom doest thow speak —Brother Uri- : Cae , op pay Lan ‘ : i aa lles for sohiah gust wroar paid one tor thon ts Coan egg ttt ae Au cend J said his mother slowly and with af f ; 0 UL eutaat hearty laters Reeareere ie ce y The fuss is all about n thing, only certain dis. Te Aman of sin : i emphasis, ( eleva rnieaye . f Shouldn't wonder if his aame Umonists have nothing etse to serateh the In iteb wae Unah. John, who was an honest bos, looked ng heads ayniast.— Kaleigh Banner. oF eaearoirad ae at her as if he did not tully comprehend “Wall, my pretty dears,” ser I, “let's have the extent of her meaning sum fun Mr Lowly,” continued hig mother, We mentioned some time ago A rumor cur 18.8 gambler, and he wing other people's rent on our streets that Attorney General dex money in the same way He plays Sup. iss had said ina speech at Weldon that Raleigh “Wall my pretty dears, haven't arrayed my on the aqnare’ he says’ was an abolition hole, and if ber citizens were Proud form in a long weskit vit. but af they was Aa the trath flashed npon John that Av killed he would see to it that nobody should be all bke vou perbaps Pd Jine’em. Asitis I'ma rouge agumbler, be burst into tears, and ung for such Killing. We still hear th rumor, asked his mother what he must do and as it has not been contradicted, many By After show!ng how little evils expand. Tsposed. though reluctantly to heheve it Wy z } THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, Let's play pussin the corner. What say (” “ Air you a Shaker. sir?" they axed. Shaker pro temporary.” They was full of fun, leeed that at fust, on he as a teetle ekoerod [tawt % pus . cannot credit the statement yet and we trier thi ey was 8 fe skeored. { tawt ‘on pat! ed dato Kreator, and how persons were 1 the corner, and ich like plase, anil we had a aise : ee : i wlendl Attorney Goneral will contradict it. We acain Mine, Keep quiet so the old man should not hear, (2 Pted to cheat and defrand » den there allude (Co 1t from a sense of duty. ac well as at When we booke ses Lo otiny pretty doare, oar | %8% & Prospect to make anything by it, the request of gentlemen of unr City Ritter 2a wma Heo ea ie Tete anne cele tluehimita natura al} Poter’a marbles eat ' His! Ii an rom feolings ara heing engendered in the minds ot many here, and we trust Mr JesKisa will set bimself night We respectfully call upon him Who of the bove that read thie article to do 80, and awoke up bya ate in the habit of playing © for keeps’? purpose upon hed, leanin on Determine that you wi I never do the hke cuntiiae aT parted and then to go and asked God to forgive NAY (hey aedeand) Tyan han T went Up stare ta hed snoozing hala hour when | T spose Pd heen offer him our columns for that Raleagh Banner He has now danied it, as we learn from the Nowe at the door T sot Banner of later date. U with a written programme of his peliey: thatat mes aid have ret given heed to the dictates ON TICONRTE leer peli drial, ANOTHER VOICE FROM ALABAMA yet) i Prtres ee We published a day or (wo ago the procsed What he Means.—It is said a southern ings of a pubhe meeting 1 Alabama, detuncia gentleman called on Mr. Lincoln some tory of the course of the Preeijitators in the days avo and desired to know the exaot Paull States, aod favoring the retura of Alabana Weaning of his [raugurat Address. Mr. tothe fold of the old Union Lincoln as rey ted to have replied : lence of the dissatisfaction @xialinw wane te / . . & Is there nat something humiliating In the fiet thata President of the U, States, wheoatter weeke if not months of thought acts dawn in his chamber and deliberate: does not imply Approval”; Ty pens iy (per setting forth the policy Jet the voters of Franklin county and North oe hits Geran eating, heuld, after ita de- Alabama remember that ucyriescence dors nor HVery; leave the whole COUERULY, in doubt tuply opproval. Notwithstanding the de “ten AS to whether he teans one thing or os from North Alabama to the State Convention actly its Opposite, on the gravest question acquiesced, So far as to remain in the Convention Haat ever engaged the attention ofa peo- and tke part in its deliberations, after the act ple? One thing cannot be qnestioned of secession had been passed, yet from beginning Lincoln has cheated som body. If he to end, they were Vuanimously opposed ta that means war, he cheated the South, and if act, and sul further, with becoming tirmuess and he means peace he has cheated the North. ‘respect for the woll of their constituents, they | San, [Republican. trved that it ought nor te be enforced unless | Poe a Se to the Pees Pe by aa The Great “Sule.” Cos nie rom Chis begining, violative of the expressed : i . : j wall of the alii onan wish of ee Mla Jown ts g. Mevlth has the following, jbama, if not a Majority of the popular vote of which speaks for ee Ue entire State, it is hardly to be presumed that | Dear Doc TOR : I will be one hundred those who opposed secessian can ook with pa. (tod Beventy-five years old next October. Hence or indifference on the subsed nent procecd For Winety four years Ihave been an ib- igs growing out of that ewactment. So lone! valid, unable to move except when stirred as our people alain the right ef Felt government, | with) a lov, r uta year ago last Thurs- they will wateh with zealous Vigilance all appre jday Po heard of the Granicular Sirup. I rent usurpation of their rights. They will v: ry bought natarally enquire whether a governinent formed tound | agarust thor wall, is designed for ther prolection or their subjugation, As further ey people of that State. we call attention to the suf Joined article fiom the Tuscumbia worth Ma bomoan, under the caption of ~ Acquiesceuce a bottle smelt of the cork; and ne-clf anew man. IT can pow rrun twelve aed a half miles an hour, and throw nineteen doable somersets withort Under the Constitution of the new Confedera ey, the war making power ts vested in the Cou " 11 S Httle of yenr A scoumsetone tess nOW 10 session at Mootyomers val oon ' es x se ee ' B : wi Ive ary Pte a wooden leg, reduced stitution can only be altered or amended tow a : ‘ : oe ferential fie ted: Niles a rompound fracture in nineteen mibutes, ron oe Unrds of that body: and we sce qr | : : ‘ wi IS nee acai : ths slated ina telegray hie despatch from Presiden) }@U4 wecoverny the Linb with a fresh : “ute TC Me te rin ine bark Tavis that all who oppose them will * yn (7 Cubicle of whit sun pine bark, Nouthorn powder, and feel Southern stee( 0. — 4 LT Whether this declaration ts demgned to apply te) Erom the London Times, Ul who tive within the new Government, and Nae WE CRYSTAL PALACE. Reatest their opposition by veting and speakiny nyainst the policy of their measures, or to those only who may array themselves in a hostile at te Daring all Thurs lay the wind blew ude feo beyond its linits, we ate Not adviser ee se hills of Norwood gee Seo In either case it grates harshly on the cur, and, bary Hercenese fall agaist the front of PS Op nste=-Conigras) it dove trem tencmetie) lites facing toward London. That credited exceutive head of a civil Government it was nore violent here than in other sn- I betrays that reckless, deBant spirit which, fron : b the beyinoity, has marked tha Urse of those PUTT SETiCIS ta (ey inced by tho broken ireeypitators, who have hurried the country inte’ branches of tre es, the palings, and even ls present distracted, revulutionary condition, ‘warden Walls blown down inthe neighbor. We trust the time has not so suddenty and hood. Unexpectedly arrived, when the ga 1s to be placed | : - wy a mouths of all who do re tale hat the gale upon the ‘ hole eurface of the Pal- “Kong can do no wrong.” If so, it is digh Omer ace, amounted in the agerecite to sever- that the people should enquire into the legality | ‘of the authority by which the King presumes to | fulmuate his edict from the bead of this new )we have stated, nota single pane of vlass born yoverpment. Was he piscediiihere: by) pc no oo i ad Sees 7 their authority, or by the authority of any body, ¥48 broken, ul ees a aD - of men having the assent of the people to act in ball past seven o'cl a we es et their stead? It appears to us that the people of when, during one of the feartn IE Alabama have had very Tittle, if anything, to dy) Which then SNS OOlete the hill, some oo in this whole matter, aud that those who bave 10 (he carpenters’ room heard a litte assumed the authority to act for them, have ay | crashing of glass andiron, and imuue late sumed a high dictatorial position by the declara ly ran out on the terrace garden. Tu an- Gon that ther power shall not be wrested fr: mother minute, with an appatliog crash, the them without the consent of two-thirds of ther! j own body. Had we forescen the extent to which this s: cession Wedure was designed to separate Alabama, finally from the great body of the other States; aud heard the declarations since made by those Dow assuming to command: that the Separation the earth, a mere mass of splinters is designed to be final: that under do circum he ee ee eee stances will they ever consent tu a reunion under oe pei LOn: Anything more the stars and stripes that have ever heen the pride | But, although the pressure of the al thousand tons, not the smallest pereept- ible ctfect wa: produced UpeD it, and, as tive tower fell over a Hong some trees, led into millions ef frag- ound, In the course of nutes more the rest of the Niue went, tiv 80 or 40 yards at a time, Lou total length of about 110 yarde wed lav sta Ww woUtireey pote than the destruction it would of our friends and the terror of our foes, we Pe td wltto eee ue . ] shontd have deemed it advisable and patron for The appearance of the rulooratver eng; the cooperation delegates to have retired from wes's that every part of the building bas (he Convention, after the act of secession bad been carefully broken into stall pieces been consummated, and left the responsibility of thin that it had been merely blown down, our further achon wholly to the disanion mem.) A bere As ait is, they have, with few exceptions. ¢U}y ‘efused to sign the ordinance of Secessivo, and We trust (hey ever will sign it, untess instruc ted lo do so by a Majority of their copstituents, Not that the withbolding of their naues woule tmake the act tess legal, but itis due to Chen tremendous explosion could not possi- have shattered the place hore effec- tuely. The wood work is all in sinall eces the cast iron columns are broken wla-s anil the tie rods twisted and torn every shape. Portnately, there was np bke nolleny in this wing but the clmpty pens and the people they represent, that the record | } Oa il : 5 or med atthe Poaltry shew, and a number should show who were i favor of further efforts ‘ i A a ae to restore lo the South peace and fraternal nla UP Ren seats 5 il these, of cou Sepae Hons with the other States, and why were infa. More on Tess destraved, As the wind vor of precipitating the South mto revolution, in Cate ft 3 Soni WS Sty rp sed the tower Violation of the wishes of at least a very respect, Ultel have oscilated to such a levree as able minority, of not an actual thajority of the Co force tue Corner ¢ ‘amn, on which the people of Alabama, WAN strap came, out af its Perpendicn- ese lar, when, if suay ped at once It was no j a hy Ther ¢ tS eh the car- An Uneertain Sound.—The Raleigh disunion ee Gee a i a oat ale terrace; when the tower: thas deprived of its main support, fell instantly before the neat blast. It is a vreat proof, however, of the streneth of the structure, that when the Wing was thus weakened and broken by the fall of the tows it Was not instantly Tu another editorial in the same column, it ay, T stocd for several m nutes, and on- organ, the State Journal says,— ~ We have been given to understand that Lin colu bas abandoned the Foree Bill, Forts sum ler and Pickens are to be evacuated, and the troops in Texas recalled. Until the first of Oe tober we are to have a respite, The angel of peace is suddenly reealled.” BAYS; Wy fe pices liv yicce as etal swept “The people were deceived by Wing telegrapice down tom it with a st the foree of har- dispatches sent out on the eve of the election by rey Vie sere ethoof either of these party tricksters of the submission setiool, Now Wings, loawever, ts not to bec mpared that the veiled prophet has shown lis face, and yy the enormons strength and mpact the Wsdrons forms of coercion and civil war are ress with which the main build ne is put fore ther, The coat ofretn Wing the north Moos stated, would not amount to than £6,000, bat at lately it wag Adisunion paper has the follow. ever used f ranuything but the poultry fhe paper is de shows, whieh can Justas well be held in Lenten im his countenane . they turn with bor tor fro tas presence,” Muriming yg “starthag intelligence.’ * the south wine. it ds rbable that i cided!y fast,” as oo other bas the news + ! : ; mae Ae faenot pravaole that 16 ‘ a eroeount at all Phere has already boon a plan concocted by Seward of New York, and Johnson and Eth . an : ‘ 1 rte ( aradlini an Sinn Md Mr cordge. of Tent, to tev to destroy all chanees of ee ee u Un we secession in the border States, and then by agi. ‘ \. Cameron, tron North ¢ arelina, fabon, try to array one class of our citizens Was on Monday last, ut Memphis, Initia- agattiet the other, and thus carry out ther vie Ted ont the arts and nivsteries of the con- ous pohey. Dues at net look hike there ore fhtence oar men in North Carolina who bave x hand vo this alley vame ! We advise you to keep your eves opens ne. [le was in a honse on the wweon Court aud Madison streats ind Vous offered me Ne No men io North Carolina 80 likely have a tones r th Carolina Pivinentot lis purease, it wag fiised, w Mr. Armatrer ares Wie Galle vandoon tas game as those «ho manufactured FC ed din ot ‘ 7 rrontt Hou Boch w Atory = Riw. Obsrrner t ey ease Ity he wonld er rare Koithy caTored » take ' | ) . ' Peas , ’ Petvrshurg for Secexstim Polls were open Ii tetiost Crt Uthre ner, wh no} ent rot edo Petersburg last week and after three days’ [Cs i for tor . with an readily ace voting the people ineteneted their de egate to go 1 ; 1 . ed the ‘ vred thas for secession, 879 to TEL The secession vote, «| i ee : ; ed ive 0 { the Potorsbury Express ava, is 452 larger than ne fab cn on at the electicn on February 4 hy when the Une th, r hen ae a ry jon men carried the election heard from po m n n n n w From the National [ntelliyencer A SIGNIFICANT RETROSPECT. In casually perusing, a few days ago, a : : report of the discussione had - tle seh ee ee epee found tc ate on the question of submitting the pro- coe por ee ae ee : i positions of the Peace Conference to the ca oe Lean ers ratification or rejection of the people Slee rene . ing to them while occas the respective States, our e¢ by the following reference, which Mr. Seuatur Green, of Misseuri, took occa sion to make to the celebrated Koen. yup opposition to the Nebraska bill: “7 will never put slave property hope we shall be al above other property, [ put it exac Sarit and if you nave a right to appeal to the Raprenae Court} where other property > Yavolved, 8 have a right to appeal [to the tie basis on MAY Supreme Cour t] where slave property is invelved ) but it you ti neti the une case, you ought to have the nett inthe other case, The question wil aviv wiry, fen, Was it put into the sores of IR50 and the humbug Nebraska bill 18542 1 will tell vou why. Tt was then be a comtroverted point of ‘principle, hot « Ww compronn sé sar to prope but of constituuonal power, aud 10 was neces suey to pat the right to appeal in neston of constitugonal power We were aware that the Kansas 5 braska Lill did not stand quite as loghin yy the favor of the Southern Deniocracy at : ' e Vie preseat day ast did at the tue ob Gaugmon polioy for the its passage in 1854, but we were noten, in such derogatory terms, by the late De 4 mocratic Chairman of the Committee on Territories; for our readers POET LG hi ae = fe c ders will remem | Convention, while dechoing, u ven “ soundness” on the 48S | to her Border sisters to) fowh an pt of aieeee ar Aired i ee . | D ie’ order glers, ay ur . inne y ; errifarigs was wade | ratum, in advance of the t ae a est of Democratic orthodoxy, tye Border States Conference } ABdccp lace : : } e Douglas _— displaced by the Dem gent her own views and wishes? veratic caucus of the Senate from the poo) ynd explicit form, so tl sition he bad so long held at the head of yey.) North and South 4 é ‘ { S ‘ that committee, and Mr. Green appoint: ajrpistakeably understand ed in his stead, to represent the current We have not vet carefully ¢ hon that six years from this date, Gisupion counsel shall have been brought : rouounee it The debates of Congress ure ates to nought, they will not pronounce 1G Senatorial phrase, “a humbug interesting for their incidental observa . . 5 t 1 w tious as for their more formal speeches. slin| | etand/io apy ee urgation of the sincer ve was cang! 7 ; eo was CHURN Goi soine of their measure when their in Or who of the angry ob e butexcited tnen hold in less are inthe habit ot award jonally dissenting: ¢ As we are new just fied out of the youths of t 7 other pre servatiets property ; I will never pat slave property below ont ineneriuy What We pres doubt that the Convention now he Southern Democrtcy tn Nebraska bill, we Nowed to advocate the of the National Unien with suininary Sen eunce for Suninpriscu of treason, | Virginia will Dot MS" BORDER STATES CONFERENCE me there is te reasonable in Session vthaya cuy will recommend a conference of the Border Slave States, Frankfort, or sowe ather astetest ue aye Just of May. to be held at pount, towards We fenra that a large vajersty of the members af the Conven Are ie favor Gf Buch GntTeren ce, 1s ve roadierl niting the | i : ehts and interests of the south. tirely prepared to see it offici: mast o a y prep d eitofficially castout. ig this canviction, We sem. It is j-rope faith of hig party at the South on 8) report of the score. Speaking in su ic Cy ° i 2 ean ie ; g in such official capact jarions, submitted to the Conve y, Mr. Green accordingly pronounces pefore yesterday ; the Kansas- Nebraska bill of 1854a Shum | yea) of it Mligror the unanimity : . i iV) bug.” Our ceaders will do us the justice t do us the justice tl jiictee, are not at all in the babit of wiving a the advantage of being sanctioned classical authority, it has certainly tive body of the land. the case, no reasonable ybjection Can But we have not quoted this utterance wee i” as ee urged against it. of the Missouri Senator in order tamake \ Teal DUC it the basis of philological criticisin. is to the politico-historical aspects of the expression that we propose very brietly to calb the attentrou of our reaters. yook decided but not offensive ground against the measure in question. For doing so in obedience to ceived the dictates of personal duty the best interests of the country, we 1 , rEOp lO, slace In our culamns, bi eer . } s, but if itis without States, but of patriotic at HOT which we bear it was endorsed tu ; . re tintied that it embodies admit that this is an epithet to which we Se ieee : an epithet te which We tg just and resonable demands net by ed men in all sections ef the the ale . - - 5 his report seems to embrace all she inerit of being suffic ye hrCmn g sufficiently emphatic, and portant and valuable besides passes current, it woul sce, (0 Crittenden propositions and the high debates of the highest delibera Coutcrence settlement; and , 2 I and are determined to vay = such is not tre Cas th tl It will be remembered that when the ec baeny He Se aes the people, whe ed Kansas Neb i vith its acc: i x ebraska bill, with its accompa honof peace and tranquility, nying repeal of the Missouri compromise yy . 7 7 : gladly accept any of 1820, was firat broached, this jonenal : . : 2 , tains satisfactory rights and therefore, upon t ‘oo tnatter Low be its concessions to the and most efficient means of Jorder States tn suppart of & protection of the And, folly coneur with ir that Vreyinia, through her in duluience ul- neetuing of should pre- n distinct rat the whole coun may clearly and her position, unived the Ite- vthou day Committee on Federal bat from acursery pe with Com of the only of the other Border id rational mind- CUSIEE Vea im features of both the the Peace such being be We know that the rad vonists desive bo adjustinent, be sutietied with full and complete south, Bat sroestly destre a restora and who wil argustnnent that con yuarantees of their An adjustment, interests. people, curred at the time no Little cens rm f : re no Little censure from gijeluning majority political friends as well as opponents.— and to protest againet the course of the : t paper in reference to the pending bil oy Wile, then, Virginia should not ‘Ata caucus of Southern Whig Senators : , ieee ir outhern Whig Senators GQawu an udtamatum on the a cuinmittee was appointed to remeon- vance of the meetin strate with the conductors of this journal, States ‘ Conte dorder Stat not reflecting wishie ° 2 Poe flecting the wishes or sentiments Of alt matum Southern Whigs ; the bootlesa trouble of waiting upon us, in pursuance of th Jeast arraigned the [ntellizencer at the tion enfficienthy grave ta pive us pause. e : ' if Jitieal friends, it is needless to say that |, Vole tabereettie) i enc! f : se : . jossibie ta be setticd im euch manner the “Democracy,” especially of (he 5 uth, \ a So a : 4 ie be restere and perpetdate fhe Union was not virtuously indignant at our walt of faith in a measure which they repre, sented to be eo vital to the section up which oor paper mainly depends fort generons patronage with which it his cen cv long and, we are proud fo sity, mai : : v 5 & , Pee vf 16) 833 the pabtic property of the United St still is honored Of course the minor 7 1 ; Vout class of Democratic orators, in Congres- Le perty, and out, the “stipendiaries® of the pro iy, ke. should \ \ ad ‘ : ; the Joke, so 4 sfosed s by > vincial press, (who, aa” Washington Cor : ae ve tefused us by tne respondents,” have made the respectable 5 their vocation,) and the partiean shect- . 2 abd insist npon their rights of every which suppose themselves to be discuss ing measures of public policy hen tl are ouly bandying nick-names, were lost wn amasgemenit at the monstrous ** dishoy alty iv the South” | | 7 on our part to support a ita go Jurtin itself” and wo rhte iautterly abliorent to us, and we vall never suboiit to sneh folly at Ysucl avolved in the fatlure net deena, ee degradations uotil foreed to ds so by the tmiamitestly . * i omnip erent vores of the people at te * specially com Southern people.” In due tine the bill was passed, A, hondred guns were fired on Capitol Ti cal! ‘a great constitutional victory.” last “stigma” on Sontbhern Southern institutions, as fixed by the. vodions discrimination” of the line es tablished at 36 dey. 30 min. north dati tude, beyond which slavery might not pass, lar honor and} been removed forever. Though baving no it to ghare in these Democratic reyicings, we sneer’ whol ly hoped that the future would vindicate the superior sagacty of those who bad prouoted the passaye of the “great h ie and thas demonstrate the ture of or OWN Wey VIS. Six years have passed and Southern Democracy which tolerated me vrot ' groundless ie the same ‘, have If such was the attitade of our own po i aa ; 1 promptly, tinally ana satinfactonily. a si Hele a meee within a reasonable ay ‘ hat committee spared themsel ve ; of that committee spare remsel¥es that is, within the Wer ear. ej wlevatec “tl ie: . meme eir delegated function, j,gtive for bringing about a specdy it was supposed that the caucus bad at ny see - peaceable adjustment of | ional contr bar of the Suuthern peuple « xe - \ : i peuple on an accusa iyoenthe Northand the: all 3 then det Caer yetween tie yV AM Age ie debt and scriphion w ith aword in laud, ey ) oof seceding and ranting away from solls. and fe tiled, 5 cession movement begaa than in e previous life-time of There las been tnanifested an intolerance of spirit never iaomore, seh the increase, awoand ord perity of The citizens of the Srate fo owot checked and repre ssed, and that doubt of dissent respecting the peerless rout del; yirives of the Kansas Noulruska til’, Tati, speaking uf the present day Creme tome eaves representative man, the Missour Senate, ronoupces the Kansas Nebraska bill a “humbug.” And the same Seuthern Democracy which turned with snc haf we renew, 10 day oar earnest cavocatrons fected loathing from the compromise tine Hpet this pont We call apon the real of 1820, because, as they saul, by the aud snbstantial people to set there faces prohibition of stavery north of ita ‘say agarist the disorder, vielenee, and oan ma was affixed on the inetitutions of the archy whieh the Peecqntationiats secin South,” are now willing to accep the beat an introducing throa shour the Nrate. “Crittenden proposition” pure amd sim for the ballot-hox a the appropriate, le ple, which, in making the same pro’ val, and peacetul remedy for all pote! tion a constitutional arrangement, well itis and grecances, real on nag nary seem to render the “gtiguna” Organit, therefore even more “odious,” if there ever had been any room for such aud cig? tandum exceptions to what it 18 1% axreed to cal] to the just principle of ter ritorial “partition.” In the presence of euch “historical par allele” our readers can discern the fall bility of the men who now-a-days assume to be the peculiar custodians and Southern, righty and Southern What assurance can they give cham prone of honor mediate mur people, ent are the great questions tfoisane, and [ny tace of the order and tofore prevailing, on nearly all ye vy dartat syeitc sipreme all owing to the intoleran apirit manifested by the law, order, and decency the asaemblay Leichinon ita far diviston arth, then, 5 ion, let Virginia ar do the whole Soatl men of their class almost ashamed o SUA LU tig declare War against the Northern States, and fraternal blo Thed gel lay Bolject, in ad of Border rence, we waintain that es Conuterence the iteelf should lay down an ultimatum to the North, said to be accepted or fe jected specified period course of the present egard this as the best alter and this insane sec difficulties be uth aaust, as We werey. ong contended, be e be a peaceable separation two sections, accounted t division of all the pub an eq 1 alle division of ah te of the puble p including navy, public lands and instead of peaceable separa ou , . We rpwdiates « : Titeetlia: cerning the interests and the honor of thie Ce TSO whole idea of peeesrsion, Viiess We first obtain all the rights to which we are en weowhitch we bave been clam \ in celebration of eae Le orig unsuccessfully for so many long 5 years. Ina word, let us not secede and: The rights of the South, we were told turn our backs on our rights, but let us ‘ ‘ maintain and de had now been finally vindicated, and the id to the last fend seer Va Richmond Daily Whag. L Violence.—Itia a melancholy fact that a larger amount of mob vie been developed in Virginia since the se the State. - er, anid to the peace anc pros avo it will tead tat reve toleration, and kindness on thre part ofa no matter how widely differ decorum ler aof Virginta Treemen a wiht wrvel Ue if violence ana anareniy Pern We undertake to say thatits eaalon We again that calinnese, courtesy, and respect for may pres af the Virgina pe Whig pile d the ilusions of reat mass of he basis of the report of what we Col Gye Coninittee on Fuerteral Relations, will! dot only wot be repudiated by the but will be ratitied by them, by an over the settled tionment of the public debt and an equitable he This thing them, at all hazards Jence has the jefore known; and what intolerance is evidently on and anrely bodes noe good te Aud For one forinty comnacled forbearance. and asserilia t and despots advocates af tin centres wb at Brom the Richinynd Whig. The Convention—--Policy of Comserva- tives---Polley of Disunionists, * * * * * We have conversed freely with met: | bers of the Conventicn, and we are per suaded that the action of the body will! be eimineutly wise and conservative, and ag our distant readers will naturally de: sire to know what that action will be, we N THINGS IN SOUTH CARC JLINA. Krom the Colambia (S ©.) correspon dence of the Savannal: (Ga.) Republican we take the following parasrap erence to the stringency of the Palmetto State: “The principal topie here just now te times, which seems to lave culminating point in the susp work on the State Hone. the the stringency reached hs in ref: times in of conversation of the Its pension of : : : : AL svil, f enture, foe theirgatisfaction, tu state our UNeeyi or some time apprehended, took place : reas impressions on the sul ject. i We ! ' J i We botieve that, after fill debate and Be Se nes re 8 : ‘ me , y State having beet Heorenen) oxwiniietisiy ote Cars CTU tI) Tote CplOy Of HG. STALE BLN RT Se welindicate by resolutions the constitue alronendments and guarantecs which, Vthe judgment of Virginia, are ry ter the security of her right tutions. t nNecessb aoand juste When these are agreed on, she Ww States, at Fankfort or Nashville to consider our prapations as an ultimna- tum, but merely as her tk of suggestions ou the ded shive patriolie ChiZens will be sent by the Con vention fo this Conference, and her pro positions will there be considered, and, it mity be, meditied thangh wot ta any essential pardiculars Wien concurrence stall have among the border States, the propositions, 8s agcreed on bY them, will be submitted as nldimeatium Lo the Northern States. This ultimatian, will embrace no unter: sonable features—nothing which is not in strict conformity with the principles.of the Constitution, as understood and acted! on by the fathers of the Republic. Kay should be accepted by the North, the Un ion with be preserved and harmony restor- If, on the other hand, it be rejected, | then the border States will, in oa body, withdraw from the Caion, and unite with such States, both slavebolding and non slaveloliding, as may be willing to adopt them. In the event of rejection, we he- Vere that New York, New Jersey, Penn- exivania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois will unite with the border States. The result inay de to throw off the New England States und the extreme North-western States. The Gault States will soon tind it tes their qiate unite taugmselves Ty Bone Tespects harmony and heen secured we feel assured, ed rest to re to this conservanve Confederacy, and ul- the exscinded Northern States, having learned a lesson of wisdom Humility, will knock at our doors for re admission into the family manston, [his is a noble progamime, and it is one will lead to the rester the Union to all of its pristine ylory and ample proportions. We are satietied that the nitimatarm of the Bor der States will be promptly and yladly embraced by an overwhwning inajority of the Northeru states, and that wineh may feel temporary dissatisfaction tanately and which we believe ation of any will be compelled to aequiesce. The Preeipitators object to a Boarder And why? Simply beeanse not desire any settlement or any of the Union, Ther dream Contederaey —& Breck- co Confederacy based on Conference they de restoration is of w Southern inridsre Democra ar stocratre principles, and susteined by anilitary power, which will protect: the elite from the rode assanlts of the people! plenty’ and in which the a Confederacy which will havea fat offices to bestow, tenure ta for lire, jected to the pouision hy the instead of being sub of ex awvkard contingency voice of the people period of four years: be for such end of every a glorions refage this world ie ase or Mason and the op politicians a Hanter and Mason and the They elu that only three eel whole brood of Virginia Treasury rats! In the judgment of all disinterested men, this Border Conference 1s eminent It is demanded by a juat of the ty expedient. regard to the rights and interests Border States. It offers the only hope ot peaceable adjustment and of restora uf tie) ncaa bt wonld be alike after all to act Southern presum pious avd indecorona, that has occurred, tor Virginia without consultation with her Sera. Ando note cam deny that any ac ton taken with the concinrence of the whole of the non seceded States, would carry with ita werghithan if fo carry ont this pro body far wreater moral adopted by Virginia alone We raine, it) will i -the Convention to have an necessary f adjourned session at some reimnote In the day meantime, the other States will have acted on the ulti matuin submitted by the Border Confer and when the Convention comes to gether adjourned session, it will take aneh final action as circumstances may require. This line of policy will, we feel assur ed, meet the approbation of Virginia.— The conservatives proper approve it, and the wiser and more considerate af those who are not cegarded as altogether con servative—such as Ex-President Tyler and Governor Wise _have favored some thing very nearly akin to i In the mean time, may we r Western friends to postpone the con sideration of the State Constitution until the adjourned session t There is not tine paw to act on these questions, Moreover, they are calenlated to produce embarrass ment in the adjustment of federal ith culties. Let them he over ootil the ad jyonrned session. The Convention not elected with reference t these State Let the members J eonsult their people, and come ftie belly ded, and settle them al} elections, judicial tenure, courts and satfrage Let all be overhauled and our iniserable boteh of a Con inte something like decent shape. At the adjourned session there will be unple aay in October ence on was home back when excitement has subsi questions. go an Yaata, taxation, county stitution be yout ane and urge the postponement of them until the Fall ‘ar all these things, avain we pers Voth Carolina — Aa high minded, as asa senaltive to Wr honorable, ony, AB | eof ita honor, as true fo the South, ae Soath Carolina or any other State, and chien has just eanse of complaint against the North ae Sonth Carolina ever had us, according to the latest acconnts, not aly lecited against Secession, bat agains! Welding a State © nvention to considet Secession, She doubtless watts (as all the Southern States ahould have waited) for nniied comnsela, WAite doaction, on the part of the Sonthern States still in the Union. Tkad the whole Sonth acted to gether on the Union, and for the Union, matead of adopting separate Secession, and deserting the Uaion, it than ‘rable t ja more at it wonld have, by thia Cine, it asked, and perpetual, safe, and glo pr aeonredd evere yenarantee made the Unto nour -Alecandrut (azelle, not exhort discharged. the Legislatnre for the purpose the construction of this cannot be sold, and so ung pended “Bat the State House is pot The ing offices are working a smal founderes, Machine shops, | le catring down expenses. employees, aud the harlotte lise: potits five passenger couductor dnees Tpay, rming one Crip ww besides reducing all J have net oy of complaint fro whose pay lias beet veduccd, al President down. one syllable eutistied that ib was inewitable, perhaps, make even greater ‘sacrifices si State or Confederacy require temporary, and berg FROM WASHINGLO the work wntinged the night express train, the salaries, Yhe bonds authorized by of contin building 1s pts the only Hanvite a conference of the non gece : ‘ fe a ie interest that has suffered from the tines. and print r nomber contribution to . ‘ of hands than asual, and the railroads are 6 The Greenville ve of her wisest and most : eae St Fond tas reduced: the salaries of all its has and re road rs OTD eck each, from the et heard in those { seeming though, wilhug te vould Che them.” Union party of this county at the ' | ) NE Wastixerox, Mareh 17, 1s61 The city ie remarkably quiet tnost hone, and abandoned © ul ed Union.” yone gone All eyes are bow just now, of the Southern agitators having re aCCUrs turned to Virwinia, and the secession pressure on eg the Convention is intense. THE SUUTHEMRN The Southern Commissiovers reply from Mr unfavorable they propose te lea to Morrow diately, and assert that prepara he immediately made tor the Port Pickens. The President, at Seward and Cameron fully appr my por ance the refusal may lave on the peace The Cur of the Administration ers fiave, in tue meantime, Seward a copy of their metic nanding thes irrender of ever Seward. of the issue, with the COMMISSTON EARS. expect a If ve imme tions will attack of d Messrs eciate the effect policy nmisslor eent to Mr tions, de y fort, in cluding Key West and Tortugas. Gov Ramin, the third Commisstoner, is CX pected Vere toamerbow, & desputes bay vie Leen rece ived from lim at tom, The Commissioners state Vat Colonel Segar has been here al days an ae bers of the Viriina Comvention a personal with t dent and each member of the € the subject Isttation. ‘Withitesteied Chota consultation He will retarn to I tomorrow and report that he of the policy of the Washing the © on fedurmied siatvs bare clised a contr tet vtor tet eloops of war with ther armaments complete Tk POLTCY Is VRACE freee ve? the mien wand bad Presi abinet, on Admin tichienud he has every nyscrunamee fines Wiel qiaiiiear oa) Whe Aduiin istration 1s peace an Jcone tation CHE VIRGINDS CONVENTION Phe secessionists profess to have news from Richmond touigst that indicates the passage of a Secession Ordinance. — are requ red to masnte ordinance, and prof will be obtained: tet week by inateactions the pass Te vba cle ADICTANT GENERAL «t Colonel 8. Cooper, late Adju oral of the United states Ari, South to aceept the Rate tie: Saikelleg aN GTN; THR SOUTH METHODIS 1 sh RSRION. intelligence has bccn recerve tee ar Vin day trou s taunton, Virginia, to that the Virginia C! | to gecede from the Baltunore Ce GOIN) SOUTH more aye of an tobelieve that this se of the ERN ARMY tant Gren has zone peortof AdjutantGen d here te the cfftc! webes have resolved suference It is understood that Joseph S Wilson, late Commissioner Office, will Sout charge of the landed interests © tederated States. be invited THE PACLFIC APPOINT MEN The Pacifie representatives a inty a considera! ot oftice. le snarl aver of the General Land 1 to take fthe Con re re getting the spoils It seems that Senator Baker determined fo Operate npon his own in- dividual influence, and secare for his friends. citic managers, t to checkmate Senator Baker a friends. The pesnit has been between Mr. inet, and withdrawal of all hi tions for appointments, with ae of war in the Senate upon the tration, This so incense hat they set $l ) a Whe could dthe Pa vemmelves nd all bis a flare up tker and most of the Cab s applica Yelaration Adinints LOOK OUT for the COUNTERFEITER | A person passed throngh this place on Thorsday night, the J4th onst., evidently having in hig possession & large atucunt of counterfert money, jndy ny quantity he uttered during the he waain this place The indiv himeelf Davia, and put out tha frome Mississi py H}e is abort high, uprightop his carriage, he the short tine idnal ealis t he was it aix feet savy whis from kers, with color tending towards chesnnt, Jair a decidid chesnut Quiek in’ his speech eyes light blue, showing a good deal of white. High cheek bones, and face rather broad and intelligent, He bad when bere, aa old bay hor se with @ white spot on 16 neck, with a waygon saddle. [fia clothing rough, ing shawl and legyings. Sa and wear- {ile bags » denomi youd. He passed about €70 here, all on the same bank and of the sare nation— *10'a on the Commercial Bank of Co C., letter A and is No. 337 int the first ina bine black —date Feb Feb The note purporta to be lumbia,S wo places » old brownish ink, the aecond Wth, 44 19 0n the aame fady ink aa tne tirat Nineeebat ths and 49," in the bloe black ink. The signature of the Preai A. Caniford ; but diatit something J ier BLD Joya, ia quite tho signatores and all the tilling in, dent looks the Caah Both ex ret cept the tirat noimbering and Feb 19, are evidently done by one hand. acrosa the right end of the note in the middle, slightly turned, The aero >haxs an X the onter part leanmng towarda the top of the note, the inner towards the bottom per is very thin and rough The pa The word TEN is in red ink, and has been quite re cently puton, still having the gloss upon it. This note purports to have been en graved by Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New York. Our Impression ts, that only Notes engraved by the American Bank Note Company have the red printing on them. Look out for this man. [tis not known what direction he took after leaving here. He may still be in North Carolina, or he may have gone inte South Carolina. It atill in this State, be vay attempt to utter ouly South Carolina money y buriiin the latter State he may put in circulation North Carolina money. ps. Fi 15. --This scamp has been seen here tonight, and attempted tosteal a negro wom belonging to Mr 1. M Hamilton. lle was pursned, but escaped It is highly probable that this ian OTe of a gaug who are operating this section. Id only mn) LS UNION MEETING IN YADKIN On the Tih mostant, Superior Court, a large it being the week of our portion of the ciuzens of the county assembled in the court house in Yad kimvaille, Ou motion of Dr Cb Cook, Ao M Martin, Bey. was enlled to the chair, At the request of the Chairman, A.C Cowles, Esq. a brief speech explained the olyject of the meet ine, stating that it bad been called for the pur pose of taking steps tow turds eral Convention of the In assembling a gen people of this Conzres sional District to Select a candidate to represent (le sixth district Uiutex ti Conc eas of the U. States, and to. express the gratifeation of the result of the and to tender the hand of fel of what rece elec Lions lowship to all constitutional Union men, ever political hope and belief that the storm clouds which would be dispelled and our coun trys sun, now enveloped in the threating clouds wouhl vet shed its genial rays upon a happy, tree and united people On motion of AWC he. F. Armfield, George foleomh, Wotan Petajolo and Jobn Lille, were appomnted ations, During the absence of the committee lr KR. HL Parks, of Iredell county, called for and respouded in ope of bis happiest efforts, declaring his devotion to the Union and antecedents; and expressing the lower over Us, of civil war, Cowles, a committee to draft reso was loudly solemnly warned the people AZAiDst preedp irate achon, recommending obedience to the constitu tional authorities se long as the Grovernment ts sdministered according: to the vital prinerples of the Uonstitntion, Eis remarks were recerved with profonttest racter, apd the ed + das cha \\ attention which his ag portance of the subject so we tnd made a deep luypression upen the mttids of Ghose present. At the conclusion of his speech, the chairman reported the following re solutions Rersotvod, Thit we rold with delight: the prospees freturtonu peace and trateroal feeling 6 the d Ae rent sec je of our country, and that Wy Tw ‘ w 6 pe the assurance of ir profound devetion to the Cimon of these SE are} Our Ulter ot f ition to Secession both " sory atnd py belesing thatourr ubt- can be ait we Coen, by argument oF EE ' it . red, Viat we declare our gratification at hap uN preset ( Uinon sentimentio Cl Sonal Dictect jn the zeleetionn san the Jasth February. hyo the elivetion in oevery 1 lof Ui elevates) to (he Conyven tie and overwhelm vote against A Conven n Resolved, That inthe opty onof this meeting there ought to be a Convention of the Limon wevcof this Congressional Distrret, to select a ied oe nd date ta represen e Jstret in the pevt Consress, and Unat we supecest Monday the vith dav of April as the me, and Yadhinyiil asthe plren, for bobbing said Convention Tr 2. Cook ai a short bat able speech ful yo oetdored the resolutions and recommend r adopron. They were thew eabnnittes sed without a dissenting votce Koko Armtield Cwas vuciferously calle ) for and respond an able, eloquent and pa triotie speeeliy nung out the darwzers of Se esto deci ar civil war and anarchy are e tewstinat ind exhorted the pesoph vst yobs Coctsttt and the Corot Ho specel was concluded on the midst f pr a Leer 4 at} ~ Cos were then made far Wiliam A Robey Beg, Te apps ted. and in a few pertinent remarks, EXpresse 1 his unequal fied apprey dof the resolutions, and aoved that the procerdins meeting be publ Loan the Raleugh ard, Hegoster, Salem: Press Tredeil Express ireensboro Pater Oy uation, the meeting a Yourned A.M, MARTIN, Chin Teale Ie uae, fone Me L Secretartes. Fels tes GEN HOUSPON FOR THE 1 NION Ina letter written by Gen, Houston te an friend ald recently, he says: ’ You say itie reported Tam for secession Ask those who say so to point ta @ word of mine authorising the etatement. T bave declared my eelf in favor of peace, of harmony, of com pro- mise, In order to obtain a far expresston of the people Dangerous as may be the precedent in augurated by the Convention, before the majesty of the law, which recognizes its power to susboanat the questan of disumion to the people, PE yreld. spurit that actuated Andrew Jackson in paying the fine arbitrarily imposed on hin at New Orleans. Lam determined that those who would overthrow law shall learn no lesson from in the J still believe that secession will bring ruin and civtlwar. Yet.if the people will, l can bear iowith them. Sixty-seven years of freedom, the recollection of past tinmphs and sufferings, the memories of heroes whom Lhaveseen and known, and whose venerated shades would haunt my footsteps were P to falyer now, may perbape have rivacds too devoted to the Constitution and the [ Be it ae. Tid T believe that liber ty and the rights of the South demand the sac ntice, | would not me mon T beheve that lesa concession than was beeessury to frame the Con hesitate stitution will now preserve it Vhus bebeving, | carnot vole for sacs tan ST have hesitated to say anything on thatop c, because [ desired the people to act for them elven. My views are on record, Yet at ia per heaps but ryght that mv old friend should know that the charge that [am a secessionist 1s false INSANE ASYLUM We have received the Report of the President and Directors and Supermtendent of the [n-ane Asylum of North Carolina, for the year ending Nov, Jat, PSO 80, From at we leara that the patents admitted from Nov, 1. 1898 to October Bat, 160, were T5R: of the number O4 were males and 54 females. Vatenta in the Ayton during the lwo vears 802. males 186. females 116 Remaining Oct Stst, PR60 179. malea 14. femalea 65 Patients discharged, melading death, 123, G1, fe males 51 Recovered, 27 mates and 17 females Deathe 33 one elopement and males of whom 23 died last year Randolph Randolph county laa cov ered herself with ylory Others have done well, but she lias carried off the palo. Nobly have the people of Ran dolph anatained her representatlves, Mes era. Worth, Foust and Winslow (ireenas boro’ Patriot THE LAS! LEGISLA PURE. We would that we could simply say our late Legislature was an unprofitable body, and that all its shortcomings were only begative 10 their effects tu say It wa pasitively injurious. ; lis first act was to relieve the banks, by ex empling therm from the penalties imposed Upou therm for the protection of the people. The soul money were sbrived of all - but stern facts constrarn Us Jess corporalons of their past ins and au indulyence ad libituana tor the Assis Lance was extended to those that did not need 1 and withheld from (.8¢ thatdid, The neh an ) aided, and the poor and: powerless commission of jwore WAS granted Powe cful were were rendered poorer aud More powerless An exorbitant tax, DO doubt ar the setince of the banks bas been levied Upon resident bro kere. These brokers wv benefit to the peeple, In fact they are now, way of tax, the bot are a terror to banks. after paying 8500 4 year in the vuly restraint upon the panks, vn the ouly pro tection the people lave ayalist & monied anieloe racy, We have always been able to obtain ae commodativas from brokers of better teritis (hau from banks. ‘bhetax apoo brokers is tur the benetic of the banks, avd injury of the people. Vhe State debt bas been largely Tne reas dy wot so much for the the State and ulumately but to reward devoted servants of the euable Useless offices have been created, and useless oth deselopmeut of the reseurces: of to add to its wealth ; Executive, ana to Tbe to strat i reylmentals cers placed in them Three hundred thousand dollars were appro printed for the pureliase of aris. State bouds with bigh salaries. sold to raise this amount Phiese bouds are 15 per cent. below BEVEL tor about £260,000 worth of arms — aclear loss of 40,000, oF upwards Thea Goo- erals, d&e., tnust be pad. Men must Jose Wine from ther daly avocanons for repeated drills ; and then the crea of the joke is that the people must be heavily Gaxed to detray these useless ex are about par, We aiist jay penditures, avd ehable bose in power lo revel iu fat salartes. And last and worst u! tempted to force the people W antlisGlonr, wll, the Legislature at- tuto a resolution, — {tv yenored the Hay ol outraged patniouisn, and but for the good svund, conser vative sepse of the people, it would bave plunged cil war. We do not including all the mero flere was a gallant them sito the vortex uf wish to be understood as bers of the Legislature mpibonty determined ta live and diero the b biun, or to die in defence of their nights 19 Union, who exerted » wholesome restraint apon the Baxccutive and bis” But tor this tt preenprtiate sy ayouity rentiv, we would mow be foundenoyg i the un curtaluty of the and ambitious demage revolution, aud like the people ol Cotton States, tie slaves of pootitical leaders wes, We trast— we bervently and sincerely hope, that the Almaty Ruler han permitted ws (0 sul fer enoogh vader the ast Legisiature to justly lim, with true repentabce of our part, as a peo ple, to forgave us tor past ofenees, and bever hore tointhet wpow ue such @ Legislative body } MANCLRU WICH recive HIELO SAR here Raleigh Banner Pron tle Bevery le (Ose Cer Startling Ness f— Lhe Wilnrngton Journal vathers and in a fastnen uf its own speculates Ueeosunimenavaleranior.s lle) Journal says this [paiurday | we fod sundeg cums and reports, to the effect Uhat sev Sdn enn exchanges recenved Inorming teleyraplie an }otherwire, eral baht draft) vessers indeed pearly all the @adalie ight da Verse Teoria to the General Geoverbrbent, bad been pot ready for cen, and that they bad been sup poed with arms, Jhe report was that the tlarnet yrosisions and mets f Crusader, Mobawk Lane, national ves $ sels, and the Steamers hipire City ao J star of the West, arerchant vessels, were ut der orders lo fenve New York Ga last Wednesday naght, euppised destination Soutliward, to supply a! ! Fiigtorce elie arte onO UENO. Pushes tal ot the L hited Stater {he Jaurnal then proce fo “rather (bink at venceis Auer heen ordered Meoutt Dutra tis too poor a tot te efheet ther thinks also that much, shoubte wile her such would be sent te a place fort fed che Charkston.” but ritinates mischief in prepect sone where and coatts bot that the anther tes of the seceded States) are wartied and prepourt Lat every posit. We We have ben too buss thie murning to kuow any ching of the pane sdoubstlens created: be thos acartling News or Co beat wh ther some of cur fi mee * spoiling f raficht (+ver Sree a aise eruaned that (here wae 7 ne iepe mh Bort sauiter) are prepanng to e for s Swae whaebl os somewhat midet tit val py the rumots aforesaid, at dans Vie wav Aay 8 ft all about te spo” Ne trust that were tot tou late to prevent so de plorable a res at Innoubenta (has the vessels tiave Yaeer ver Jisebecttent Every vessel above Film antie Suews Weunk Harbor on Fiiday, ty Comat fiat: breach of orders” lawing fabed to deave on Wednesday {he curious may as certain Unis, as we did, by reference to the ma fie and gion news of tte Journal of Com merce ofthat morning, Ay also that the Eniyare ary, Star al che West and Coatzacoaleos were then warthy tinal orders to sail (4s they have nan expedition for the “coercion a of Texas— by bringing away tbe troops in that State. Sut the Journal has something nearer home: Hrs alan sad that the schooner Mo Po Hnd sailed from New York on Tuesday for Fort Jobnson, N. ¢ ‘ ete. Fort dohnson is merely a depat or batracks and not a fortification, ” since done): son Swith a cargo of provisions, cat thon, We rather euppose that there is truth in the fact that the Hudson has sailed with the stores, ete, for Fart Johnson No such Toesday. vessel sailed from New York on A reference to the marine news of the Journab of Commerce of Thursday shows that that vessel rd clear on Wednesday, not for Fort Johnson butfor Key West, F Jorida, as the Journal might bave seen, we suppose, by reference to any New York paper received on the day before it published this © kensation story.” Provisions and cannon must be plenty with the government if it sends them to Fort Johnsen, where it bas vo soldiers to eat the one or fire the other. Liehmond and Petersbnrg, Va, were ina prodt- gious ferment the otber day about a great scheme for the “coercion” of Virginia and the Border States, which originated we believe, in the Wash- the N. Y. Herald. ‘The reader will tind a notice of it elsewhere from the Wing. Tt bas died oat, Probably it did duty for the Petersburg election. . But the Herald has another from its Wash Ington correspondent to Ail up the vacancy, Viz: that the most active , ington correspondence of Lincoln has progtess for the naval measures ID concentration of a prodygous hlockade the coast from Routh Carolina to the Rio Grande, and to do sundry other of all Preandent Davis has been advised by frends at Washington, to the tremendous exettement of the Confederate States, whose forces be is concentrating lo mareb oo Washington with 50,000 men and open Old Nt White force to terable things ; which eorare with the sound of cannon tear the rons before he Mont “ke the Tlerald’s man sent to Mont Houee, unless be cute and Dravie gets there, The reader will see yomery dispateh about the “five vessele We gomers Sppose the dreadful pews from thia country aod to New York the alarming news from the South The “appears have reached those places simultaneously atthe same tone ‘news We of Arkanans have tasted the bitter fruit of the L mon tree Well, eat to can Kee ceed Arkansas exchange the core, and then perhaps you Prentice, Charleston Mercury bad blabbed. lowing Prom the Fayetteville Observer, THE SLAVE TRADE. After all the dewials of our South Caroling friends, we subsoil to therselves: whether Presi, dent Davis’ veto, which we eopy from the Charleston Mercury, does not show that there is a strong party 10 the Southern Confederacy in favor of meirectby, but cttectually legalizing the African slave trade}? It will be seem that the very body which adopted the Constitution pro- libiting the slave trade, and withia # few days afer adopting it passed an act, tn secret session winel, scoording to Presidvat Davis, and mani. festly, made provision for the sate, as slaves, of Africans Who tnuzht be imported. [tis true that the athxed a penalty to the importation: but it is well hnowa that public opinion tas bot permitted any luudy to be punished for such im portations heretofore; and is nat a whit more likely to permit it hereafter. lt i» also true thas Wie aw made a pretence of offering any such unported Africans to foreign States or societies upon condition of deportation and future free Bat this is the shatlowest of all shallow In the first: place, we would like to see the Slate or soctety that would venture to go ty the Confederacy to get possession vf such Ata. cans, And tr the neat place, who will believe tit at the Confederacy really meant to have nod freed, that Vheir pode would allow nny but themmelves Co deport and free them Lhe bow was what Mr Webster called “a cou law dom, pretences them deported sna President Davis bas showe thas he se appreciated 1G AS ine vt temiptiule s Keen after lis veto, inbers vat of 39 Voted to pass It 1b spite bim. What a apectacle does the incident present | Within afew days after making the Constitu- tion, the very men whe ryade i ect wlout Lo vio Jate it by indrrechont Aad an effort appears to have been unade to keep the whole matter a se- cret, The veto is dated the 28th February, and voly published ou the 15th March, after the See the fol from the Mobile Advertiser of the 1th ; “Our own correspondent has failed to wake us acquaated with Ubis important fact, aod we bave searched the Montgomery papers with much assiduity, butin vain, to find any mention yfit. The couelusivo is that the veto bas been kept quite seeret, and that the Mercury corres pondent has opportunities for obtaining informa- ton dot Open to reporters geverally. Ans the matter has thus leaked out, the veto itself might as well be publisbed. Our idea was tbat the slave trade act was passed before the President was inaugurated, in whieh case 16 would not re- quire lus sancbun to give itetficiency. But per- haps in this we were mistaken.” Mourst.— The Virginia Secesssonists are as Htth: pleased wath the Convention actually sitting in Kichinond as the North Carohnn secessonies people have refused to allow a Coo In both cases, the people have sl cided agatost the disunionists and nnd Wberr plots) and oa both cases they are uo vuice of tbe people. lo both cases the disunioniats fixed the emrbest time are that the vention to meet mu Kakagh. wilhog to subenit to the that thes could obtarn for the electwn, insisting the earliest possible day, and in both they now say it was 100 early, tov bref upon ils being al a notes, the people didn't understand. The re al ditticalts cs that the poople understand snore than the cbsantenste supposed they would. Ibe Alexandria Seutine) enies Milos ~ feb un base a new election Phe present members were clecied advent withoulu canvass, aniounder a cot btn of things different fron the present, fiom the optmen of a vast namber of the people Chat they do not represent the seo iment uf the Stat. Let ue test It Lavws have une electtur, SENT Cece lo reasouades oly ctor, while it would subserve the iinportant parpose of satistyiny the people by vosaring their CUrrect represt utatvoa The Wash N.Y. Expres relates ~ Lincoln's Jacksonian (rit ington correspopdent ofthe the following rather wnpeabable story in reler enee to the evacuation of Fort Sumter — “At the (abenet meeting w y the surpet was dixcusteed, there were only two obyected. = Mesars Blair and Chane, Theme were vere no leutin ther denunciation of the proposed change of Mr Lincoln, as set forth in his Mr Chase tuvk the President sererel! in the peliey naugaral to du for even thinking ofevacuating Fort sum whereupon the President 1s represented a nang yp all bie agesty abd informing Mr. Chase that he merely the Hhetate as to what tie actions should be Jnvited him to a seatin the Cab net for purpose ot consultation alone, and nek to and if Mr. Chase or Blair were not satistied with This position, they had the prvileve of retinng This to be the first exbabiten of Uneie Abe's Jacksonian grt sibce his asrivad bere ws said A Dirrenesce. — While the dieunton paper are contending that there was § Jisamon delegates elected: te the the Mountain Eagh, pubhshed at Shelby, congratulates rreelf (hat there was ama jorey against Convention, * asa majority of the delegates elected would have sold the State for womess at Lincoln's table.” _— Raleigh Banner A.W. Burton, Eaq., State Senator from Ruth erford, Polk, de. ie one of the Editors of this ps of the disunion leaders in the That is the way these Disuo of the men chosen as represent two-thirds of the peo” In Unis section of Convention, majority per. He was one Jost Legislature. joo leaders talk ing the wishes of at least ple of North Carolina, The leaders of the one (ind appear to think that all the honesty and patriotism and intelhyence of the State is co _centrated io themselves. — Fay. Observer | Our late Congressmen. — Our late Congress men, with few exceptions, having been pie ing immediate Secereson 18 Washington 4° the winter and having done all in their power '° de feat an adjustinent of pending difficultves, bavet® turned home, and are now peraimbalating their respective disteicta, stirring up strife and dliseon tent among their constituents. They are all hot ‘yified at the idea of remaining in the Union ® inoment longer; and yet, strange to say, whey are all hankering for 9 re-election to Congr under this infernal Abolitionized Governn" nt Tt is not a hitthe singular, Co a persoe a whines that these gentlemen desire to serve the at Washington for another term of wo sean : Richmond W hy: people | Iwrortaxt Semure oF A Vessni At New York. — The achr. Restless, of Great Fed oe N. J, recently obtained a cargo at no Tlavana. Her captain, as usual, surrenslere) ie license and applied to the collector at Mobi in a register. ‘The collector replied that be : sensed to be a United States officer, and that 9 conld not furnish # United States register i captain entered his protest, had it Se : the Spanish Consul at Mobile. and aa! ane Havana, whence after discharging and aon 4 he aniled for New York, arriving there on On jis arrival the achooner an eit Jer the hy nesday. diately seized by Collector Schell, un section of the “Act for enrolling mn ships, a&c.," dated goth February, 17% ia the firat case of the kind which bas New York since the secession of the seu States, raed T TRADE. BETWEEN THE Ni AND SOUTHL The New York World says, week nine achooners and ateamalit that port for Chacleaton, tive for in nah, six for New Orleans, one for: ‘ two for Galveaton, and two for se i ville, nearly all of them af large “1? va heavily Jaden with provisions, articlé ek celothing, and assorted commodit that | hips Aye, bet Ue and firm. jr huise AD4 They red BE. men were a trict whose forces, prep State, and of the part Agitate think is tbe in that wa. end desire fore empioy myers auc cessful to U ve tarrus, J of Wilms at (roldets Impaue the politic Th ples of um that vo dispute and pitch for a Con cuss the» to calhng they wan ble day having be was bo U that the (rive us gambler a over. ington prease: AKER & CO’S MEDICINAL! — Serofula or King’s Evil. Le Sim Rawxty, a free man of color, for THE CONVENTIONS OF 1835 AND 1861.| NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION Moassuchuselts Perfonal Liberty Law —The! - some tite past employed by Messrs, Waterhouse . ae . Returns from one handred and thirty six towns bill modifying the personal liberty bill, whick TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL. | be @ constitutional disease, » corruption of the blood 4 pe & Bowes in the Gas Houee, at this place, got The Raleigh Standard of the 20th instant! give Nuthaniei S. Berry, the Repebiican candi passed the Mamachinette Benate last week, passed | ‘THE TRUE AND GENUINE ay ore ee Be a serine ween ay er ys: —The Conve ) 35—the fi 0v" 4 ‘ 7 - Me \ x : — reals into an altercation with anotber free negro on "2° The Convention of 1835—the first and jdate ory Governor 20,008 Seat oo the House of Representatives Thorsday, after a ONSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND HFYECTS. and may buret cat in disease on any partof it. Ne Mm the ovly body of the kind ever assembled in this | Stark, (Opposition) 21,568 —urajority 4,496.— riven vill organ se free frum ite estacks, nor ws there one whieh t there ie Sunday the 17th instant, pear the depot; aud Last year the Republican majority was 4 601 on warn debate, by a vote of BI to 45. BYING THE SWEETEST AND BEBT PREPARED. The eerofulous taint ie varoas- ey | ‘ ot destro : State ¢ ) 2 Jit may not destroy deracy in in the midst of the disturbance between thei ‘ . inet in Raleigh on the 4th day of Juve, the Governor's vote, ard 9,109 on the vote for mvitied the present law materially. . ' ate caused by mercarial disease, tow livin , divorder- izing the Mr. DP. Willamson, a magistrate, interfered aud 1845. Te was composed of 116 delegates, beINE President ace a "Gare oe Sipiecerass! the S ee an ae a sepa each a 2 To tone of the digestive o7 iy iheld vices, and, above all, by the veweres that the stuck Sib with a stick, fur which be etruck Mr. °° RigteaC GU UNY YE Ihe Republicans have also elected three metn Wm. H.H rto — blood. give general rotandity to the figure. mp aoe nutever be ite origin it is hereditary in On pro. , The Convent f 1&G6l.c iere bers of Congress, being all to which the State is Dr. m. . nowe n,- \ jad and uerwmas bt” » : : : ; He : : Williamson, and then fled. Tle was pursued ' snvention of 1861, conditionally called bers of Congress, berg» tow . : Sound add energy to the m py the conetitntion, descending “from parents to children few daya “ } ( t ' \ by the Leyislature but rejected by the people at evtitled. The names of the successful candidates pine Te AUD EEA Quisyerem lie vatee bas been remarkably vA unio the third and fourth generation ” indeed, i. seeme . 7 2 . sfuse ) J : ji o abury, offers his profes ‘ ‘i ' rt session, - and overtaken by white men, but refused ty be irene lanivay are, Gilham Marston, Edward A. Kolhos, aud pervicen taste elUseia Oy vee che wiauainarrounde tren evidenced by ite wonderful restorsive pow to be the fud of him who says, ‘1 will visit the imi . ; “5 : , , polls, would have consisted of 120 members; = ers, when orditrary tonics had heew vundy “- . hildrea.” nd tnanj- | AY a man. taken, vod threatened to ball with a knife (wtieh Thot M. Edwards, The Detnoeratic candi ing county r , D quiere of ihe fithers pon their childrea “dicen nan they (louratttes, (high cormunlliye ten leer romas M. FE a Ne wt a times (unless professionally engaged) may be found So exhausted. ft afforde nourrehiment to the + 1c ct-eta commence by deposition from the aera slaves, of he beld in bis haud,) any one who should ay : ; gto feder Gates were, Daniel Marey, Samuel 1) Bell, and ac the: tarpem Mousa” ve Ditty when ne other can be borwe, aud een eermersas master, which, 1m the lunge true that SALISBURY, N.C proach Liu. He wlso threw a stone at one of SADE PULAU William Burps. ors eq turnisher the frame with fat nn truly fe liver, aud internal organs, im termed tubercles; in the RALLON “" a" Ins pursuers, who narrowly escaped a most f The Convention of 1835 was called to delib Swan Island Guano Sp HHIMER a Dagens Oe OTT FH glands, sweltings; wad ou the varface, eruptions or, , , y escaped a most fear : : ne enti ; or _ ‘ONSU N and BRONC . rimeicnaleee “h gendere in the : ™ wot HUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1861 ful biow, But Sib wae taken, notwithstanding eptelno lil ye Guest iicittalr age ho pel iene was the! In the Miesouri Soe ies oa FOR SALB BY Sris cupriones tian oe ean of Rife, an thet exotulog? suc ISDA EVENING, M: 2 $ aken, standing 9, i : ay Sian , SALE / Mead de prem : i hin, Hee edurtronatra cit rae taal Coron at that day, aud so well contented were a resolution of UA UKe RCO UOLS Sai +p vTvL. BRO _ For SCROFULA in all its derelopmenta. qe coostitulons not only suffer from serofulous com- aries ’ ee ee UI people in all quarters with the operations of tenden and Douglas was unanimously SI RAGL Kk I o Fu WEAKNESS. WASTING, aod Z plant bur they have far less power to withstand . m ‘ ” ne ers 1 ope « ah . . pacetaal STAN DSU: tore the Tntendant Mi Joh L Shaver, Thee yng federal g een meer oor ieg adopted. The Committee on Federal ¢Qsi1b above Guano ip said to be @ better fertibzer reery finm of DEBILITY, 9 ¥ curs i atiacksofo her diseases; consequently, vast pum - any such its Tai . North Carel amination resulted in an order for his committal pe OA UNO we” Relations have reperted against Secee | for the eul:ure of Tobecen, Cotton, Grarue, Roots fs properties are unrivaled bers perish by disorders whieh, alt not serofa- r eucieties Aye; let Urs Daa ' _ TC sl re ies COn ee CUL te eu Lua UNL mes lite see en “R ported 8 . Grapes, &e. than any other impor ed may be taken wihuat disrelish by the jones heiroature, are ati rendered fatal by thie ture free. ad firm, The secessionists are tnerenstn unless be gave bail ina bond uf $200 for bis aye to believe, and to wet on the be NOC te emer came el IRAE GT. A tral allthat i necessary te prove ie enperi ~ aatdeleate paticnt, and reteined without a‘ iaint in Che sveten Moat of the cowsnmption which I! shall ir nuise aod agitation as their numbers de pearance atthe beat Court, Failing to give bail, Union, like the sun in the heavens, weuld coo ont SPRAGUE BRO CS ctfortin the moet wensitive atomuch Tiss Sad decun tes the human family has its origin directly in = ‘ . tt f ‘ . : ' en ites ‘ r | 7 ‘ Wat Mareh 25 fas, reriertty in thin and ether bmpurtout charac ~~ J this nerofulons cont Hind Fen 5 nod many dertructive ld | " 5 f the officer was taking bint fowl , jt in its Course, aud that ats dissolution was For the Watchman fareh 25, ' 2 i ‘ id bike to vase. ‘They are constantly praying for some eee ee ee oi eer ilanntiie entree (al nin PIS AEANSIIP. A ierimtion of genuine ners, haw wusranteed for? ‘disvarca of the liver, kidueys, braie, and, indeed, of (ure to go to turn up, and constantly laboring to tury interfered nod tuok him from the officer ail led ange of human probability . : Attention! Rewan Rifle Guard! bo the commendation of the most eminent uilthe orsane, arise from or are aggravated by the mechNAcS! ng , : fe aeay ean | ‘ , Woeomay imagine the patriotic earnestness with We the love} students: having taken a : ' . eta Ae Phyricivue thrmghout the Buster; the writ dane Cous ill bel something, by whieh they can arouse the pas." Vito bang bins ns Mev wate 0 which the great men of that body would have coure of beesons in Peumanship onder Prot iN YOU are hereby commanded to appear et Inu temumony of the faculty of (he bea! medi One quarter of allaur people are scrofuloas ; their tt ie ns of the people. We are just beyinning to derstand that after aroving at the place where woarned Uren country tien azattsl the dangers ot py . : xe ( 4 ah i t your Head Quarters, wrined and equipped Zo cal achoolss the Professors of the Peetirerauledby tis lurking infection, and shale O Nave BE in vias, are Lightly grattied with the proficeney heal directs, on the 13h Aprit, woh cree pees - : TaN — fifi J by it. To cleanse it from the » 4 “1 “ “ aug ‘ wqQ disumion. iit bad been wive ‘ el ne ‘ | ieee eee _ Bibs . UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, health is audernin y, he de would nd out that therc is a vast deal eo wisdom in tt was proposed to hang bin, Sib was naked ne i ‘ . he n x vet to ie lo eth we have tnade in that beautiful act. Ths mode of fifteen rounds blank cartridges eG VoERneos COLLEGE OF PHILA, Dot sates we must renovate the blood by ao altera free them? Holden's motto, “ Watch and wart. Hwhich he would prefer, 500. lashes or hanging : sr oe ty ee a _ Pee | At teaching the art of Penmanalip, ments the appre vk There will be an ck elvan beats Pas _— DELPHIA, SB inedvws snd iu sigorate Ht by ealiey food and exer “ we would Lave been ia entire accor for First Li enantan Sergeau 5 : : cobs : Cle “ "7 . acow Every little cireummtance at all doubtful, is aud Chat he replied he would rather te killed) yat we all know of their¢ i. a ve a : ‘bation of the entire class The engasing manner ot Fur A eee ae r ae rgeat a Se COLLEGE of WEDL. 2% cise Seeh we deeane we supply 0 nas sf ee : Pane Pee: i Fee ee eee ee eee ele: ; NTULU SLU LV F © FQ CINE. aud there — ia tee. agerly seized upon and magnified «hundred (ran take 800 Tuntveny illu ety neem nnipritr: SHeNTrreee Menlboteri (nite UITiereew Gl linea eeetrns (oy wulcls Wane CUBE LIU ai, eee MNS BRO Javalida ahuuld Ue careful io parchsee ca Ayer’s cn spite i jd, and blowed with lightning speed all over ther ceremony, the rope, already around las ueck, ee Of fusliiene vie linkiewors violence: an) te OY. lar demonstration ou the black -board, and arch 25 c of undoubted ear Hey Cesire a mea Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, vey would at least have advised deliberation acommodates them: 10 fhe capacities of youth, ts WS est acuive and immediate advantazer o| he State— war, war! - -Lincoln is guing to make wie thrown over the limb cf atree, atd the lead- That which we bay vtectual remedy whieh the medical shill of [EW FIRM. he remedy prep ite TT The nent t present ! war on the South—ie going to free the niggers ers of this lawless company drew tim up. How a Y ee at they woul lave characterized an aanple dlustration of the Re lira SUE RIBERS LON ELA Canis ee dreided evidences of superionty over other meg var timer can devise for this every where prevailing ‘ . weed Gans oa ides: srefore most clice recommen i, ¥ at PRS (SS e “ Wie. x 4 f, : , ace ‘ ‘ - Wonetiius wantelto)put themmuneaniequallty Sr comne iouaitielligngawe don aou kunws esrmeron tte fo r " tow” in such a crisis as unwise aud We do therefore most cheertully . . ne i nt | Ue NER & ee cae brands eee. ee 6 aud fetal io ! ty uM .o eerarponniadl gare a at to the pubhe at large el JENTS. are ave — u é . a _ sive remedial vat have beeu 0 UL LO Ve arn white folks, and any amount of such stuff, leaders suon relented, bowever, and called out (Oui hienilerss otto Conventiuncal 1835 Cee pertoership ander the firm of aan Liuporters wod Dealers ia on purgation of this foul disurder from the blood, and the appears lo : . : ; WU cee urc ala) ele ~ “op Chemieula, &e 7 rescue of U1 em from its destructive consequen- oat If the Union meno of North Carolioa want to) cul him down When lowered, he fell on bis there are sally the tollowing 2 A bo Me DAVID FAUST & co., oe N 13. 1860 Ee Ocha ~ eet ve PTTL mployed for the cure of net | . , +“ ~ . . > . , , awa. . . . Dy rem ie eit Bho -. sh a io all they can lo preserve the Nationality of face, bieeding at the nose and ear, atid lay sore Milau and Geonge Bower, of Asi Dravidl hat CHLILLS asp FEVER! CHILLS axp FEVER! for the parpore of cywtiuaing the HARDWARE 3 2 f 7 . ees Dalniceracalambulmled. those other affections arise from ary, \ ; Mr ree (0netil Deswnniinta Hanceaiem Ole! lielvronecuceiiudizs (mal enue] eer lisus a0 SINESS at the old stand i154 N. 7 HIRD STREE Pega) 4 Shin Dieeaves, St Antbo- afier the thie great country, to secure to themnclves and | lime ip a senmeless coodivon, When sufficient ere are 2 Nt eo! lar before the pubhe, for Fever and Ague, aud iN. , 4Ps its sack as erupt ss o aS ee aae . i e raither, a pee) $ lage fi a : i Se es J = = ae ~ ea .. we, or Erys ne, Pust , ee the fol- posterity the blessings of a stable and free Gove | ty recovered, he was taken Co the Gas House and a Nol ‘ - c a ‘ al eee ae wineh have received the highest encotmiume from the No. 94 North Third St, Phitadetphia. NOTICE Y peenes Blais and Bails Er esanea etier and Salt ‘ Abeliche r .. lerea all Wal © Melehor, of Cabarrus, Calvin Groves of Cas ress aud (be people, is DR J HOSTETTEL'S We respectfully invite the attenuun nfgace (femib e I Rh Neald lead Ri cm, Rheomatisn, Syph- < ernment, let them stand firm, and pay no be eg) Lilet Cel AINel. Ws eve, Ub sent off tu wells Jeremial Pearsall, of Papin Woo CELEBRATED BITTERS. Who would endure and boyers gewerally, to var The subscriber thongh most thankful for Aenea Rhee Mies il thet apna ne \ , ot ° : , ibe ane ere 4 a . 'y a ~ d to wake to the false assertions and groundless scusation Chadotle ob (he peat trait Willams, of Frankhoas RoW. Gilliam and Jost the tortures arieing from this terrible disease, when | N Sst ik of G a | creasing patronage bestowed upon hia for the last! bility. and, Indeed, all C ‘ata erage frow Vitia- ct, and we . Per incralunmet( : . ‘Lean be so easity cared? Who would endure the ew oo ‘ooads, \ ee : eee eh : cries witb which the very air is luaded by the se | Sib bas been represented to us, by ene who Ai Writ up, of Granville; Jotin Mo Morebead, of ren ry chill ! three years, must pow to enable hin, a6 far as his) ted or laipure Blood ‘The popular belief ia “impel pers with . Ie eotuerpacuntoene cr (ain ere ttireia hes Guilford: Joho Branch. of Halifax: Kenneth sleepless uighis, burning fevers and icy chills, al- | which will be found to be more complete thau uxval, Lame earn ci ticneta ee ey of the baud” is founded in truth, for ecrofule is & y mention cessionists. | ‘ , uth, as bear leer llertrnd nat > Canal 1 ternately, when @ remedy can be obtained fer@tnere inany new styles have been added, aud our uew Means are req ' e : degeneration of the blood. ‘The particular parpnse Ae —_ ing & pretty good character 16 hadlutiecwtlere ay 7 O erlford 5 ery ansler, of Lin’ tafle? And yet how many tamtheslingerouca pains Firin hope, that with renew:d exeruons to please, of the Union, decline selling, except for Cash. ‘and virtue of this Sarsaperilia is to parfy and regen- a . : ’ col; Asa Bigys, of Martin; James L. Gaines, ful existence under this deadly blight, and do nothing | (hey may be favored with a continuance of the pat- ae : , | . ; 7 . te ur . , he is well kvowns and we | hee ld tl ue: b His Stock in, aud will be kept full and comp'ete, lerate this vital fluid, without which sound health i Ge Goldsboro’ Meeting.—The disunionists upon ails © have been told that ot Montgomery ¢ Alfied Dockery, of Richmond; bet gulp dowa qainine, votitit becomes as ho ronage heretofore exteuded to the House at panic prices \imporsble in eoataminated constitutions. % uforma- . pera) | be holds property to the value of €1500 of €2000 bP. Broduax, of Rockingtia Baatit , ki: ax their daily meals, and yet they are not relieve: DAVID FAUST, 7 ’ athe a remarkable short notice, held a sort of general | ; perty | DUO oO ae “ a | fi ue Serul ee _ ROT ELUTION Meitcinee a ka wuutdiinesttatent BEN. N.CREGAR, | w.H. WYATT, Ayer's Cathartie Pills ‘ : Goldutorovon the O20) —anetecUy ACHUIS. sak GinGUil TANCE UCU) he PAN | Als ee CUS crocure these valuable Bitters, and rave themselves | JOUN HANOLD Drogyist and Apothecary, ee : self migh meeting of tbe State at Go! 2 ; ; pede on : procure th ab s, | N HANOL ' > ee en Sad ‘Welkare oot ween a hil iayeaet ofits ioe Car earereccneer intention nti ie ous Jones, of Wake; WON Edwards, intense agony. Sold by druggists and dealers gen-| Philadelphia, March 12, 1861. 343 | Nie wediine Wain ets ee all the purposes of Family Physic, Dreads . w lg t ‘ \ color and alation ate likely to experience aucl of Warren; dames W. Bryan, of Carteret; Juhu. erally everywhere i B—We ure Agents for Sswrrn & Wesson’! Salisbury, N.C. are sp enmposed that disease within the range of their eee Ce proceedings. @ areltold however, at exer.) ; : ! westch Lo Batley, of Pasquotank; Samuel Calvert,’ 14 See adverusenent in another column. 1M42) Canrarvars, which are unequalled by ans other | — “action can rarely wahetaud or evade them. Their . re “ : J prospenty without a pretty good repulation, FON hae : g k hey fire. DF. & CU ! Deel Grn pr tties Brarch aod cleanse, and invig- fA ching done and said, “had the ring of the true Pot 1 yg ! of Northampton; So To Sawyer, of Chowan; | wuke, they are sure fire. | pence (ing prope e. ic oe pac BD yctal”——disunion, we suppose. Two oem ‘The law abiding people of oor town, without dosiah Collins, je, of RV Ac erOT maT Comic)! mmeaae Mion Al ceMulDOLEES glare nue Eee OBADIAN | | EXTRA NOTICE . crite every portion of the human orga niem, corres t= ie ; | (vata? ane | en WOODSON ana Candidate for the office of County Farmers, Look Out! WOU WYATT hereby acknowledges under the jug ur diseared action, and restoring He healthy vi- men were appointed for each Congreasional dis- 1H Cxerpllon se far as we know, comtemn this tO ee bere may be others who Cour Clerk of Row au County . ea u re : present depression in business, bie sules for Juwuary, (altites, Ana consequence of these propertire, the avert Wea eactdary die louorgante: a Veo Do coanniig neces liuathel (een are living, but we do pot koow the fact Bor Money, Time and Timber Saved !! nary een ret iiuethcen (navel snvald who ws bowed down with pain or phyrical de- ne ? SE ates, three of the members of the Convention of 1835 . ‘ . : : on tit Lantehed to find his Beahh or energy restor- 4 sally sitting forees, prepare for a thorough canvass of the Set Popuution in the South, are anuiserable and | ™ : ‘ - Bre, ‘ eee - fa ATA IR IB ie IO & | Ta beSeatie Melt ache creaned nearly 50 percent. ‘The Cash Syntem wold Eee aaa pecan ictecalievil ae } 5 ve lelieve, have been chosen delewa moihe os y ; rf ecessionists State, and other wise promote the peculiar views Wortblese class; butio view of therrereumscnb: jare Convention, to wit, W. Po Wi TW: At Ln Tred. it county, by Rev WoW. Pharr, Mr Vandemark’s Portable Fence. be continued, with un increased attention to busimrse, |; Noi only do they eure the every-day complaints o} | penta { the part cde conditun, and helplessness and dependence Frankha, Edward T. Brodoax. of I wckin iain Dame tt Vertos, of Cubartusn ta Mize Mancusi) Mido without posta, iv the Counties of Alamance. sud a well kept op Brad sock, affording purchas re, every body, bul leo many cherldarcse one ay | n cases, the Cee ea a , i eee IE errr si te ay dwughteref Bo Gas, Enq. fn fucor, Randulph, Rockingham, Derideou, Rowan, Cabarrox uf Drugs, Medicines Par eomiphinneOlen ie secre ue ancnl Domw/mased [el Peeveclio a / paints gad Agitate !—aormate | !--AGITATE! | '-- ou the cletneney of the whiter all through: lite, a La ‘ cea a aren of Union and Mecklenburg Cheapners, durablity, and cou- yyeg, Varuish, Spices, Serde, Meiticinal Wines, | a Ererne Ametes Aleta ee ce ie i Toe rof +e Hild diave been most pro ‘van ti 5 Ha ienans euienc chief advantages. We recommend e u : featrwof their cares and directions fot chi . recliner qt Maynauimity should prompt ust weure to MOTO OSE WIEC ew O4} 1 Phough against oor will the Union may venience are ite che aplag re nt ; . \ ; sais tns | rey are ue thik is the motto of the party, behesing that By ee be ae & ae ininent in the Convention of 1861 are Be broken ap without de'ny, he Fence to saw-imill owuers, farmers, and all whe Brandy, &o., alike advantage, in time and movey. (he falowiag complaints; Costive ness, Hesient people. lo in that way they will be able ty accom) ish the thei at beast a far trial at Ue haw for whatet a2) wn of Caswell, and George Eo Badan ot Bat one thing *ure—by us decreed | have fences to make. We wall sell Faruy or County by giving him a call before parchasing. Headac’ +, ariniug from Set Sonar ee ; ‘ z ° =f a i a \ eo - Sicmcime QM aa derek Tht he nee men ete = oeten they may commis Bede, ma Wak Me Hu ater pe ME tego he reve npn Resin ana iaingce "A Pharmaetl parse peda Me Rae eet tan eget ad NH, iBsistin, - . \ eitut aa | , ¢ . eer 1 hi onthe J4th clk e deed Se OEE LULA A Der leee ae emer dispense | ht and d aoe le day a fore employed by them— au eternal fuss about (#4 #4 fenrful institution: itty blind, herdlene the war of 1812, having been elected to the oe ea Se es ee VATED r dispen iE S himeelf night and doy kandred complatots, arising fromm low state of the 3, tov brief muggers and the abeltonsta, Having been se 0 fieotanpneteen con he Olt wollen (levi) te Tm Rein reed! WAU Ores sor i aa SU US Mebanesville. Specialities, sid) Gr hUsicutitonjofilte ferrclons: BEd les = a mene 2 ee if sof ag y owas active eer Mar. 19, 1961-31144) Alamauce, N. ¢ : i. The re Peedi to Uren mefeemskcnmany ce lenin eta vattin ta tnaeleevece DEC UO Uti oman is Pee Years ot aye, He was active ines supperlot aig, am the same day and by she wume, Mr Wit Se ea rae Which should he kept in every Family, Ayer’s Cherry Peetoral, ela wed \ ee 4 hal ee ; heowar and Mr. Madison, Me. Dido pepte uiaw A. Campsenn to Mow Many M> Goopmas ate Charlotte Democrat please copy three mouths yy cig Serenion Cotoaxe Warra, at half the ‘ » ei ao they may. un Che people wis tree Yaccomplish the nalwaye Lentoeven hough Che really gu Uy ated the town of Newbert® in the Coinmons aud forward bill to subscriber. : P 15, 25,50 « 91.00 FOR THE RAPID CURE OF , would. [be ° “ . 1 . i uum ED prices of the unporter riees 15, 25, 50 & | , j secession of North Carolina. May sometiiies else escape, Lo ren ress thos dan during t ession, we teve, of PRL7 5 ; : Coughs. Colds, lotluenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- rt ~ i : . Wryert's Inviconatine Brrrers, for General Weak- : : ; : ‘ wad ; NED Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment shuts, luciprewt Consumption, and for the relief of ; , VC iurcceue al cted atalein col Came cots Nawir These discngusbet and pow veoerable men DIE 8 ; ’ \ 1 f he present s 2 s ness, price 40cis Cousumptive Patients in advanced stages of the Pe ves barrus, JOA Fos, of Chiastotte, and Mir Moare er va . Ihave al A a pobticnily, but ia the late fa Henry conaty, Va. March 12th, 1861, Mes MARCHE 17th, 1861 Wyart’s Toxic & Pitts, for Chills -nd Fevers, $1.00 ere ie i . LEP A Istl cyttest forthe Union they stood! side hy stde Maauaner Co Dinzenn, aaed 30 ye and 2 wonth 1 . cota a. 7 5 ' 4 he field of i fal 4 mer- je fw ute ‘ rs . : : are and 2iaonths,, To the Commissioned Offices s Ww for Dyaentery, Fi &e. 2: so wide isthe field of its usefulness and so nu ferent tom of Wilmingtoa, were the onecurs « € the meeting AV iiitledy leat Seek il waneen iranmieiGnut aud shoulder to shoulder Both were bitterly wife of Dr Jot Ro Ditiard and only daughter of Mr.) ee of sasd Regiment aes a rane - nae nee . e canara ous are the cases of is cures, that alrwost every sec- 1 tock) GUT tied at Groldsboru’ Naf sed _ ae assailed by the disuniunists, aud buth were un M. Brown of Charloite, NC She leaves an} pyy aides of bis Faxcelleney the Commander-in Wrarr’s Toots Ache Daors,curesin | moute 20¢1* 11 4¢ couutry aloaude im persons pablicty Koown, (i ent the sen ae the Rowan Rifle Guard to Greensboro, toy umiplinnily suatanied by tlie yx me ieee affectionate husband and three sweet little children D Chief, un election will be held nthe Courtiouse Wyatt's Iss W OINTWENT, Certain cure, Zet® whe have heen restored from alarming and even des it, Letus TATEEIENCE with the Ceuifird Grusone: bration ther Ane yy honeang them as co work fecae e te Bie eae Teva TINTe Tica pelle Cann cM ayn oo’ ATS Sklar aL aaa ainell, #1005 pernte diseases of the tangs by its wee. When once ' ‘ , CE » hon we the sco workers in tie Cres Dearest sister, thea hast left ur, ra i . : Done wr Cons o rradet se riority over every other medicine of its vy reasotial ri 1 , f the f ar ny The Guard was a tended by the Sal cause, have shown that in a great orsis the the Here thy loss we deeply feel: Se Se A a and equi dasa Atari Soe se ea a iad is Sea sire pean erat oatred where : a erent tlie Re atlroat ies tn , ) Dpea \ ; S eae \ ae ‘ ie im , 1 wm ‘ ene jrase Band. The Grange Guards and | Ot, party is but as “sin all duet in the bal Bue tis God that hath bereft us ane ye the hour ie 10 o'clock, A. M ore o WwW. H. WYATT, jis virtaes are koown, the pubhe no longer hesitate euritig Ueir the political world, and a very serious one at a ” eilheu Hed e can all our sorrows heal \ v RE. Gol Comiand) \ IGGIST AND APOTHECARY what wulidote lo employ for the distressing and dan- : thet: faint) Gna @creatso invited ues ANC when weighed ayant the country, ee Dee wah BR. MOORE, Col. Com'and't DRUGGIST Ad APO S (i | - tun Tike eecessinnicial are reulatbaltcnexay anviile (Va) Grays were Risa Oye Ques einen her best days could boast of uo purer Met azainiwobups (agi gu inee RP Bessent, Adjutant. Nos. 186 aud 158 Main Street | gerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are on this oceasion, “The Greensboro’ Patriot gives : | ; When the dav of life is fled, March 19, 166) (f44 \ aces , ‘incident to ourclimate. While many inferior reme- Phe Wost ples of impauence They want every yuestion A ys en A ea abler or better men than George Bo Bader and Then in heaven with joy to greet thee, | oe | SALISBURY, N. C. | ie theast wpon the eominunity have failed und been ae 0 ¢ RINT DLCECACLIRERCCUU DS 2 eC PU © edfond Brown, Letthe yoan { thre Sate Where no farewell lear is shed | : 4140 ! ) to dispute settled right off. They fairy raved i ae ey g menol Ure scale ‘ oa Te La Ad) | Feb. 19, 1861. discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, con- [CERES ASS. I have heard several of the members of the Rows ook to them as models in eloquence, statesin in Of Consamption, in Mockeviile, NC Peale | : | ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, ory in refer and pitched, bike mad rains. in he Leonslature mh : 0 Po Dee eLet| id preduced|c t eaud ti markabdle ag Guard, and others of the Band, apeabing in ship. integrity, and patrietisn, instant, Wr Avevanpen Dyaven, aged about 35 \ To F ad Mechanics | and produced cures too numerous and too rema _ en ean ; o Farmers a chanies. eee ae ora Convention, They could not aff nd to eis Hild cecanron dintctstatt We believe eves The } i ay MM oe ce ‘The deceased was a peaceable cuzen, a kind \ _ je urgotten the subpet asset) een Geconiny Wuront Heel wares : : . ‘ oa Ee Ne Nee becrver save in addition to gud duntal sen, aud leaves an aged widowed mother ett rae yee PREPARED BY ee Me NS pedreonnin, bor WONEL MET a with a Loquet of sweet flowers Che above we ad tas stl living, Joseph White, and twe brothers to mourn bis joes “The writer had MeCUUBINS 2.2 05TE8 e revel es : DR. J.C. AYER & CO ( eae calling one in the uly constitunomal modes huton hole of bis comt, Ebat shows the of Anson; Frederick J. Hill mnaWWane luelinl cee relunous conversations with him during he AND JEWELE I AVE just received a very large lot uf Bae oJ ULL a aa ; ' ee . " ee een eens antl owns alle ne ’ Salis ory. ING IRON, consiating of Shovel Moles, Bar om iS +4 Fe Lut ineisted that a mayonity vot Merent # protracted iilaess, which, though not entirely satis y NG ’ \ - roned change Mr se Cee a company they were in. andthe fare they rece dof Brunswick , Henry W. Harrington, of Kiel factory in every respect, leave « foundatian for hope scr sn tes Tron, Wagon tire Uj, 1g and 2 inch; Buggy tire Th LOWELL, MASS. t forth in bis And when, finally, it was agreed to call one eee Nden onal’ 1 of Rol i, j that hae sp rt. wearied from iis amon and sympathy EERE aud lf inch; Oval Iron 4. &. and } inch; Square All oar Remedies are for sale by ” ‘ ei “or a cheld . i 3 Jet severeit they wanted the electiva at the earliest poss THE MARYLAND COMMISSIONERS , well, of Robeson, Geberal iy 4 suffering body, hae flown to that happy land Iron Land 14 inch; Buggy Sponge and Axles; W. H. Wyatt, Salsbury, rg Fort Sum One ee ver ccneean hina liiccomnAut! 1 : rene it or Mex. Grav, of Randolph; John 1. Martin, of where the weary are at rest, © B eased are the dend Patent and Enameled Leather: Bands, Bolts, &c, Henderson & Enniss, * ‘ renee a 4 id | : nthe meeting held in Baltimore last yg itgomers, Thirty seven out of 116 os alange “ die in the Lord, for they rest from their hab ors | tani eich a general assortment of sere & Hoe ae ae havin ought on the election as soon as they week. and by white 1 Comings itera were 4 : ‘ , Ln are | DRY GOODS, Johnson, Mocksville, “ gM hess es 4 i r/ ty | omonths, tl ih ‘| ‘ ' ‘ Jto Vorginta, there were as Me proportion to be living at the ead of 26 yours Jnmuary 29, 161 137 HARDWARE Perry, Simpson & Lowe, Lexington, © in the Cab ord are meat liens Vere Vcre SUCUCIR ETS i teal | a PGs) eo uw" feel SALISBURY PRICE QUEENSWARE, M A. & C.A Santos, Norfolk, Va ; Bs oe | the members bert generally elderty inet a SAL RE, . : . Norfolk, Va, | n ulone) rand Limon men desired they now declare that there learn trom the Daltinore papers, ouly LTGELY ) 3 SnGi 1561 Western N. C. Rail Road GROCERIES. Havana. Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S.C. | ae 5 Ke ; cnr doty four persons present “and vet this Set tune CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAOCK KRUTHERS, aa sea ee * Hate and Caps, Bootes and Shoes, They keep eon Marel 6, 1860. hyal ns she ald > was ot time allowed to cane the State and ren a Cee ae ance erated en FLOUR 7 EGGS, per dosen, Teno WINTER ARRANGEMENT. stantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BA SON, _ a eee ee satisfied with that the whole thing ought te be gone over me : = eo Loe Ophea ODO EAE GE wo, op#22e2 dine = 2 PORK, FISH, COFFEE, sUG AR, WOLAS TEE re of reliring Give us another trial, they acerca Convention of the people ot Mary tan The $15,000,000 Debt.—The Southern Con 22" Aine isa0m Tac eee | Sane Dey LARD, BUSTER, d&c., to which thy invite the ut Ne rr rs : * , rothe . ~ just tke the ; : Superfine, is a dz » , : : ) 4 : wn of Uncie : % i 8 ee ar On this subject, the Baltimore tivicricare ifedurne authoriacd aicanof $1 OO0}000 which Gye y= te oc uin ® omgom sles e = tention of the pubhe. GREAT ENGLISH REM EDY | a) Bar 7 ; 2 : ’ ’ ‘ White and , 0 Tana i g]2 =< : pee cae ee eer SEs : Wer kere ns i = and alw os nants to a « jas ine following remarks, which we Cont i. yy said, will be taken in New Orleans. They Ye “ OTe TE Hasus, liye 212 <= 2 . yar nkine’ Corner, Salisbury, N. ©. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S i over. vey had better stop their hanterina. for mend to the consideration of members ot - WHEA Shoulders, 9 aly oe = Feb 12th, (861 139 . , lave levied a tax on every bale of cotton export. White, 81 OBO NM Silex, 1 @ig £ eb 12th, 39 ‘ ; , S Tinton papers we think another tral would result im fairly beat. one Convention. That paper says: “Let : . a po \ 180@140 Hog Round 10 all = a ( EL EBRATED FEM ALE PILLS Aer ad fara Celt net : Man Gneent cinot Virginia mudora ed, to create a sinking fund for the payment of COTTON 09@010 I vt : lo @ie = rien = H C JO 1S & SON ' g them out of their small clothes, ‘ erty ‘ e EAS MACKEREL- = x bes . . 4 cE aNy PROTECTED LETTERS i a » the f : ; ; ‘ this debt, whieh, according to an estimate in the rk EB Niels go F Fan s . i; ve J~ that-of the Comunitiee scuiito (hd bs Re eae Or Nee fism, s SS Attorneys and Connsellors at Law, py rovar PATENT. pubhshed at this partizan ascerablave, but ong cut of Mobile Adverter, will iquidate itin nine years FLAXSEED, Sted $900 z e . . 2: WAR NOT PEACE. I Tae : BEFSWAX, 7 ANN \ TILL practice in the Coarts of Rowan County F ee the six approacies to being « represcntt _~ z ” and in the Supreme Court, HC Jones. jr, Prepared from a prescription of Sie J. Clarke, M.D., Phy- f ajority of ibs The Alexandria Gazelle calls attention to the tive of the sentiment of the peaple of THAT PROPOSITION We iS eraser) will also practice in the Courte of Fredell aud Cabar 8 ss Bree ee vies! cane : \ * “Ne fe . 5 Se : . a valuable medi hose ee for fact that the Washiazton correspondent of the Maryland on the all absorbing subyect of The following ia ti roy March 25th, 1861. | me - Heer con eet ie aan Cras an ty theur for cule teal and gerne dlgeases te srhich the female const ite i lanner : i i : : 7 eat eee ve following ts the precise language a zz lec wt ELI R TUS Se ee on is subject. ft moderates all excess and removes Richmond Dispatch uses the following Ianguaze the day Respectable, excellent, sincere, ° > l pus : S ae 5 17 Office No.3, Brick Row, near the Courthouse eee nent gpeedy cure may be relied on. } from Ruth in hie letter: —" Lincoln threatened war because \ \ in which Mr. Fisher made his proposition | & 3 z . s ; | , nee fetter : ARK DER eeu cause and intelligent men they are, geotemen : } NEW | z é& H.C. Jones, ar. H.C. Joven. jr Marriea Ladies ? ors of this pa be koows his hands are tied. War is not the fit to meet Virgina gentlemen, but re the members of the Convention from | - ig = Jan, 15, FBG. 135 it ts peesitariy exited ait ei MB chert time, bring on the 4 i A“ eae, i : dij , od i a S 5 S £ $< | monthly periot with repatarit: i eaders in the thing we ought to fear. | Peace is our destrne - views of Mr, Summers md) le, Wicca the West, as we find it reported in the <4 1 | = 3 £ TAX NOTICE rnanthly period with atin, bears the Government mtamy 5 these [isu tions war ourealvation.” [sx wot this siynificant : . ' Fnrgnirer of vesterday : = < = ¢ of Great Britain, ls prevent coanterfelts, 4 see L . : * are those which find aceeptance with s : Lk ‘ S J : v|s : as represent Is it not “rule or ruin!” Will not the people |. 1 f ; ler “T will aay for mvself, sir, whether my : 2 a CALL at my Office and give in your Taxables Caution. ’ of the peo of Virgini k thie? Will they yield the nine tenthe of our people, who are devot 5 e ake ae vig c ( m) . y micur Pilla showlsd nol be saben by motes during the FIRST 8 the pec inginia mark this ill they yield them : ' conatitnenta will endorse it or not, that? 2 = for the Town, within the first ten days of the 7, eT car Pregnancy, aa they ave rnrete & 1 ad lovers of the Union, and who are ut ‘ ape THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, y¥ ring ra of the one- selves to those who hold and express such sent Se | eee ' i ' : 1 i there (Western) gentlemen give me an or- fe UNE = preseat month Gn Nara cs Or ele a ee repay oe io in th a: : : . : ; P g Ss Ss MeNEELY oases of Nervo oF Spin. ctions, Pain honesty and ments—sentiments destructive to their best and terly incapable of the” tiadiiees or te \ dinance of secession that shall be adopted i | S teauiy 3 TU OM ASEM cy WEY meen Fatigue’ct igh Taertion, Palpitations of th , State is coo dearest interests, and utterly subversive of their! of “going out of the Union to yet back, - . PENHE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE n C. B. Commuseioners el and Whites, these Pills will effeeta care whe i , : onan: : ni > by their peaple and the Commonwealth, = te ‘ -= Salisbury. March 2d, 1861 12.2 have failed, and affhough a powerful remedy beerver highest hopes. We are to desire war —civil | of Mseceding to procure a reconstruction. they PAIL have UAXATIONECTONIECL ATES rail HH Sepa 10 his feiss and eet (ee: Jae a7] iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to | a = z : eel ier ad ee earn 4 AY ? PON SL °S ally, that he is receiving his usual Stock of SPRING Te Sssoe ’ . : ‘ war bloodshed every thing calculated to ruin | The Convention uty Baltimore Was Wn) ee TWELVE YEARS OF AGE, AND ALL AND SUMMER GOODS, comprising « rich assurt- ee I. W. JON ES. M. D see ioe in the pamphtes preand each package whieh late Congress us—eo that Secession may be carried out here, irregular, irresponsible, bogus affair alto- °° Ce ea enete ey ee mae mea eiallliine . | JAMES C. TURNER, 0 eae paeee 2 eae OX) |p uuld be earcfully preserved. « 4 i a . : 8 ROVE ; | Salis 26 : ; Side Agent fo 8 i t and protected elsewhere! “ Nevep eich | SLAVES OVER THAT AGE SHALL BE TAXED | Salisbury, Now. 26, 1860. Eng. & Supt Sali. ste Agent for the Caited States amd Cameds, - been preach: ington all the r power 10 de Whig, We ask the People of North Carolina to note peilies, and the Commissioners # gent to Jirginia, however respectable and honor- able as individuals, are bogus Commis: | ACCORDING TO THEIR VALUE.” Have we not often told the slave hold- LATEST STYLES I AS permanently located in the town of bur, and offers hus services to the public in the Rochester, N.Y. N. B.91.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized gent, will insore a bottle, containing 50 pills, by return mail fers of Virginia, and the whole people of | Virginia, that they wonld find Secession a terribly costly Inxury 1— Rich. Whig. ‘Sold in Salisbary, by Henderson & Enniss, W.H. Wyatt, and | all respectable Druggists. o Puercect, Lapp & Co, Richmond, Va, Wholesale {New Tailor Shop. 3 pock QUARRY. ultves, have re bulating their fe and discon ey are all hot n the Union ® eo to say, they this fact, admitted by the writer of a Secession \sioners, and are entitled to no ofhcial con- ; ; ) that : ; c|sideratinn at the hands of the Conven- | pape at peace is the destruction of the hopes of | tion. Richmond Whig. | the Seceasioniete, and WAR their only hope of succes We wish the People to note another : : fact, that the Secessionists are OPPOSED TO “seceding to procure @ reconstruction ! | | various departments of his professmn | 17 Office on Main Street, first door above Buis’ s Confectionery. \ J } STEWART IS PREPARED TO FUR.| J" 15: 1861. ce oF eo mish at ehort notice Colleges, Schools, Acade- mies and the public geverally with any Books that may be wanted, at lowest prees possible. He al ways keeps oo hand a well seleeted lot of cheap LADIES DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Silks, Bereges, Grenadines. Brrage- Anglaise, Morambiques, Organdies, Challies, and a large Stock of EMBROLDERIES, to all of which he asks a specid examination = | “Going ont of the Unjon to get back ; PROGRAMME. n to Congress. These are now obsolete ideas in North, | + | THE TRUE | Family Bibles, Brbles for Charehes with Hymas to suit the Jatest and most popular publications of the Aso, « full assortment of Bieached rr yee . Domestic, e heartily indorse the following Motto, Panens, House Reetingi cls menace 4 subscriber has opemed a new TATLOR ANY SKHTTLEMENT WHATEVER! Seat p . e scupi , overnment : ‘ 7 Ht 7 KR") : ur } j | which we find at the head of the editorial MYERS times, writing and prinung paper ofall sacs, eheaper SO Beta tle (ears cin ot Ys cupied by Hora Gs , simply for the sake of destroying the Union ! Carolina. Our seceders made great use . e : : : ! La Leen relenered beh Rents Beurd decid) Mtlisiexpenckce and qualilications mon u,) a tree ‘| column of the New York npress, a No. 4 Granite Building, than ever before offered, by the ream or at retud. tig tine, warrant him in raving that he wit be eve the people of two years ond Whig All their papers and speakers are of the NO HOPE SCHOOL, and are not willing to make. even one more effort to preserve the freest and best Government in the world —for which Wash of them for a while, and got a good many steady men to fall in with them on these grounds. But then, as they were only intended as entering wedges, they have March 25 —45tf blank Books of every description and size, Pens. En Salisbury, No ¢ Union (Bell- Everett) joornal : The following is the true programme for action now among the States: Equity and Equality ! BARGAINS, BARGAINS, | aT BARGAINS, velopes, Pictures, efe., ete INKS. Harrison's fuk, Harnson'e Columbian Unk. Japan Inks all sizes, Black. Blue and Red ; Hosrrison's Car able to meet the most fastidious demands Cal! and gel vour garments ent to fil voa, and made to Bast visterd of baying the sloochy, half-momde rage in Ready. Made Cloimog Stores. Curing sud Repariag done to order. . New a . , ONN % a, aken su ene efor wo eOoUN <i Ss aunt AT a ington and all the heroes and sages of the Rev long since dropped reconstrvetion, and pais aes ‘ eee scr M. BRENNER'S mine Ink, Arnold's Wriing Flaid, the best known, Gridmce (Abou bie scbee gu an i aay lee UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME vt Ey Harbor. . : , : . JUSTICE AND FRATERNITY R very cheap fur cash Wit HOWARD Chad of imtorming all pereous in want of ROCK at Mobile for olution struggled. No, the no hope Secession- now go for the Southern Confederacy, ta NO CIVIL WAR! ef ED J ACK Pa e ' ‘ Jan sth, P86) 3indh Fe TILES TONES. uri batd purpescelithal he urrendered tis ists eare not how many lives may be sacrificed — and a final separation from the old Union The Ballot before the Ballet ! CLOTHING HALL 1 WALL PAPER. To bis alrendy large and beautiful assortment uw SLATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, can feruiah the best quality of GRANITE, rat Mobile 1) they care not bow bigh the Working People are They have done passed “reconstruction” rOW “OUNTY he ha 3 : t oes ® MAIN STREET wall peper, he has jast reerived a large lot of the ROWAN COUNTY . } that 5 ‘ Taxed, 80 they are put into office with large in the disunion book. The seceders of SUQGES Ra iey ica nes Ietest patterns, which for beauty, sivle, and cheap Court of Pleas und Quarter Sessions, February contin any shane, and at the loweat possible ratew fer er, and that be aalarien! This ia what they aro after. They A SUGGESTION. next door to Brown, Coffin § Mock's Store fei airtel ans ecoreituce aie alatn Term 1861 CASH. Hie Quarry is situated 5 mites South of register ere ae Maryland are slow, Our eeceders hare! a4 thay havo ancceeded in forming a’ “Jit subscriber desires to infin th pubbr of ihmiarket, Winduw Shades, Fite Screen, ete Reuben J Moimess 4 Salsbury, known as the Old Shaping QUARRY.” eigne’ are no more the peculiar guardians of Southern 3 a dozen leaves beyoud that Ware : \ es eae Salisbury, Rowan and adjoming Counties that he | Orders of any thong in box line ted v ATTACHMENT WILEY HOLTSHOUSER P counter ar . . . goue a de zen leaves beyou vat, and are very admirable Constitution the Confed i ue * y " oe and aailed institutions than thousands of the good and true yw Jearning “ae paration for everlastin ac : ee ‘4 rene: has na en , Salisbury, NOC, Feb. 19, 1X61 4 Phe Gold Hill Min Co Rowan Co., Nov 20th, 1860 Gr :27 ; y ae paratlre « rpeorlas Je » Stater, i rde » 1 ss és . . 1 reloading Union men of our State, not balf so much, for ra a : gy crate ea aie Cee aia JUS | R KC ‘EI \ ED EP appeanmy to the satisfaction of the Court that Tere on Wel > ; j : OO" and all eternity” atrament still more perfect, ought to in a Now, Fresh and Fashionable Dress Making! Wooten lite, Gali Hill Misa Conpany ar Salisbury Female Seminary. there a a Peace and the continued prosperity of the whole wee sert therein a clanse, declaring that no SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF i son-resdeut of this State, 1 ie the cefese esdered and DEES he “t country is the only objeet of the Union men in Ohio Legixlature,—( \eveland, March 21 person shall receive an office who goes to - . \ RS, SPEARS announces to her friendenad tha * Jodged that publention ie pode 0 Re AE ae of TERM. s be e pBOUeT i t e ble di (the S John She ted last mght at Col the t of Gove nt petitioni f Ready-. Made Clothing AVE patton that the ig now errryving on thie baw. ln Warchaau fr six successive weeks noniving { EDU c(aihing School tells gia | y and Jieanelt resisting the treasonable designs of the Seces obnet rerag was pomna d ny my a : ‘ t ve ben rovernment peti toning for ‘ OO) news. and sohens orders She has canst rable expe sud Comperny aid its officers to be and appear helor the Tith February and close the 1st Joly The y, 1793 Thy sionista. They are not endowed with greater umbus for araciy in place of Salmon PD. Chase, it. This wonld keep the rogues seatter AND se reminthe huanres; nudher work hi pleuerd those Cie dimtines of cnr (onrt of Pleis und Quarter Ke school hae heen mcreasing is puree ore es “a yee fan . , _ on the 79th ballot ed, and have a decidedly moral influence ob 7 ; who have tried it, She expects to keep pace with <wris, at the new Chort to beheld kr the Coan, of We Dive sows geediy number, dat could take a few h has aren pomersio(speccot a enable them to see fur OT ree egolution requesting Congress to call @ both npon the Government and the peo Gent's Furnishing Goods, aa ee ered wil certainly in wil woirk on the Rowan. ec the Ceort Hove in Salicbary, on the sic If the number continaes to increase, Sals- of the Sou ther into the future than other men, and conse Naijional Convention, lias passed both Houses of] uh 1 Dail Wy fe © pe FOR MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S WEAR, most substental manner fret Monday in Way nant. then and there to plend bury will have what it has newer hed, a permanens ; cil : pie EATING TY, Ug \ BT nhel ater (aealertolpattin Si oneuscle onnd. ae hecmldiboneen\! cea Eurieses Copieeviolnecwifc le dement awl 2) rendered in school sequently, are not worthy of eutifidence. the Legislature. nang rok ae tee hart's.) in the North-western end of Tawn, favor of Renben J Hoimes, pt land TERMS: E xontl Fellow-citizene of North Carolina, if you de ste 2: LM Prices Suitable to the Times, I Orders from a dietance promptly attended to Pound the sod other property levied upon be # » matiafy the Bord, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per Term sire the honor of your State kept OntaciiRhed Another Denial. Washington, March 21 A Mr. Quose, a native of Orange conmty, and. and at lower prices than any other estadliahment of MARTHA Ho SPEARS same Tamou, im Englah, from $2 to 17.00 hurl the T) : } “Tn Administration aircies itis reported with an ® «lave owner, was recently threatened with a the kind, and to which FE challenge competion Sabsbury, Jon 22, 1861 dm Marea, James Bo Kerr, Clerk of our said Court Laan, 500 ; tla you muat hurl the T)isumiontets from the pos cir of autliorily that no reinforenenta will be ee: coat ee aera ceaiticeaiat Couiietoromellivne Costumes auitable for Promenading, Farmers ; toMice, the first Monday in Febroary, AD 1*61, Mume on Piano, fram 15 to 20.0€ ya, tha’ rf WEN hacia : . Planters, Miners, Machinists, and Servante use Strayed vodin the eighty fifth year of ove Tedependencr Uae of Lastrument 250 yamal ps ORAL TEC ey now occupy against your ek: gant South, and that no ordere have been wseued only offence eeema to have heen that he Was @ Alan n large xtock of Hate and Caps Call and ex aati : : ee \ JAMES F. KERR, CV'k 1 ey ena ite : ‘ : z 5 5 . ; u OW my planteton on che ath chon hhack , De eee , newenta . a for sare Jennie . te oe February last They e r sth es ae ] te Phis intelligence may mon a nue eee i nion ene oie my oo helt Dechas ag a ire |: wate GEA a Beem eelig ath oe Rab 6140 prady 95.00 Charges made from the time of entrance ~ Mob muat be taught that the revolutionary schemen he considered relaiie nder the despotam of diaunion fanaticism qmmemonr thr IgM ef (Re Kr a cording t ce we roachad, and the Cul : a For particular adidress y al vow bein a ted in various portions of the oa Union men must, in self defence, prepare to de M BRENNER Ninbeniad sei here is ‘Saal collar heuer eee Hides For Leather. A D WILKINSON, y Aric ona o , ; for Ja ~ a « P } Another Vessel Seired. — Augusta, March 21. fend themaclves, The Commander-in chief and |. P: S.—Having made proper arrangemente with our shoulder The mule vaeramed near Back Creck in “pus mahacrivanaheralioiecchengaRawstlides (ir Jan 22, 1961 — 196 Principal ange § ze ate to onerride this decision against them, will The sloop Axabella, Capt. Jones, laden with his «nbordinates are arrayed againat the pecple, De firm, ; are a ates prepared to fulfill this county A liberal reward ill be given for her Tanned Leather, in the rongh of geod quahty = les . an ordera the ere the @ ette ” mm 4 7 ’ an vt y e: % na, arti pol be submitted to,~that we have laws which provisions for the U.S fleet off Pensacola, was) and the people muat take care of themseives irene nee , ean basing is BUSTED OY ELy men Uliese ss ; i i: } | us e Bien Nery te . uA AT Pampnicie, Prstere, Vesting Cards. His ake pod ties will be upheld seized last night. | Raleigh Banner March 25, 1261 6m22 Mar h 2% 1861 —_ ‘ ‘ a " Feb, 22d i ere Teenser aad Shes Fee ee : S ae m2 arc. , x | eb. 22d, 1861 aval al thie office | 3 y (Prom the Washington States aad Union| THE FLAG OF THE FREE Aim —Ked, White and Biue. Ob well we remember the alory, Wheo Columbia, the child of a day, Bore her banner, all covered with glary, Wherever the tyrant held sway ! Neath the stare and the stripes see (hem gacber From the mountain, the plaia, and the rea Aud (beir shouts reut the blae vaulis of ether, “We die ou the field or are free!” Cronve—* We die on the fheld ur ure free, We die on the field wr are tree.” And théir shouts rent the blue vaults of ciher, “We dee on the field ot are tree!" The memory be cherished forever, Of he wariyrs who fell on the field, Whe swore that their beart-striags should sever Bee to Tyranuy's wandates the. yield, Ob! sacred Une spot where they periehsd, Aud greeu may their graves ever be, Aad age after age shall be cherished ‘Lhe flag that waved over the fice! The heroes have gone to their sluinb:r All silent and peaceful they le While the stars, still increasing in number, Like a wave seem to mirror ihe sky — And high over land, wnd on ocean, Th vict'ry it streame far and wide, Till our hearts seem to burst with cinotien, As we gaze on that banner with pride Whercer dash the wild waves of ocean, Where'er its dark waters divade, Where the storm-bird foretelle its commotion, Phere foals vur bower iw prde,— On meuntah top, plain or in valley, Wherever a uoteep may be, The bemte of Columbra doth rally, And sheat fur the Flag of the free ! Ob brethren say, 84Y, Would ye sever, The boad once cemented iu gure! Would ye shame that proud bauuer? Tul Time aud its trials are o'er Beneath ite broad fulde—and no ornern— Whew discord aud wadness shall flee Let us rally, cech man as a beother, Aad shout for the Flag ot the Free ' oe a “A CUP OF COLD WATER” A cup of cold water! Oh, never forget Tu the music of Heavon ite ripples are set, Auda halo of light from the fuant wheoce it flows Shall rest upoo him who its fresh vess bestuws. Oh never! A cup of cold water! Ah, dark iw the way, And mauy the wraderers benghted that stray ; They fart by the waynide, they hoger aud die, Whale the strong iw their vigor pass hecdiesely by They thirst, and ao merey the cloud may drop down. No edges of gtory thes dark waeses (rown ; They dook ap im vain for the soft, conling shower, To wate up the bloow of their life's fachug flower They thirst for the love that bath blessed them of yore, The kind words aud wes that are theirs evermore , They fetus for the stroug words of courage aud hope, To light wp the dark way alung whieh they grape They thirst, and the weakest and hamblest that live, Can eiretch forth a hand that cool draught to give, And « look er a tone, or 4 soft word uf love, Those sad eyes may turn to the starlight above That cap of cold water! Oh, never forget To the music of Heaven it ripples are eet, And a halo of fight from the foamt whence it fows, Shalt rest upon him who its freshness bestows. SS LOVE, NOT HATE. The Baltimore Americun gently rv bakes a cotemporary wlio expressed nde sie to see some evil men “bated out of the nehborlood,” and proceeds to de- liver a very excellent sermon on the beau- ties of Charity and the pecessity for its exercise towards the erring, frou wliel; we we make the following tocliny extract: There never was a man yet reclaimed from evil by Aate. There never was a! tual yet saved but by love. Criminals long hardened by vice have been known to ex. In Time of Peace Pepare for War. MERONEY & BROTHER \ RE offerag to the public the best assurtineut of ss FIRE ARMS ever brought to thes market. Colt’s Belt and Pock- et Pistola, old aad new wodel. also, Smith & Wee ‘eon'e eeven whut; Sharp's Nounce Pistol, thut can be carrted ta the vest pocket, will shoud through an ich board 75 yards. Sharp's 10 uz, shoots through ou iuch bowrd 100 vards 5 iamtaven Coulis’ ai reduced prices Biss’ Cariridge Pistol, © shot; Rider's sell cock ing: UX 1. welt-cueking ed wiser; itso Bowie Rives. assert y Rithes. will kel 360 yards, and a ged jet of guns Lie. utter Uhein stock of Beads wi duced puces sh & Com Dusen “Phere roocmiug stock Combes, Brushes, Battous, Saspender. Belta, Pous Woytches, Jewelsy, Sdver Pisied Ware, a y head Sharp's Sports sthey iitead deny Curmml. of Pioe, Pectumory, Batracis, faucy and to poopie Malopery aricles, Portinoaas, Puck et Bucks, Work Boxee. Kazore, rine a inion pocket Cucery walking Canes. sporting articles, Whips, Musics! En struments, Wiluw Ware, Back ts, Traveling Sach els, Fancy Groceries, Brus, bueco, Suull, and wonerous other aruens con tedious to menton allof which they offer at tow prices Phowe sadehted teas, In ond pay their notes end recounts by Ne file oa of Febraary, ag we shall flece a eis then oi foothe hands of otfheers Jor eeadlec MERONEY & BKO Salisbury dou 7, Deel Savf The Ad Valorem Banner, TINE YAN EBSAS ey, Acriert tire since Possued 0 prospeetum for a Weekly cewepaper tobe sdiedthe AD VALOKEM BANNER, to be pubsshed in the City of Rateagh Nc Wragemen! Thave received, far ex ceeding my most yanguiie hopes joduces me to issue hie peop tthe objeet of which it to inform the pab he that [will ou the Est of January. DRED. con nc} the mublicatns ofthe BANNER uot oi LY, bur DALY So ter aus the Banner tikes eides with political, iy OW EEK V partes, it willbe Democrane; bac with regard to 'Tnterual Improvements, a change inv oar system of | Taravou, and ie peeservatwa of 6 Coustitutional Uison. it will knew pe party, but wit! be a ze: advocate uf ail these, repadiating secret caucuses (Where the spirit of the Constitution isofien violated, peebediend partlal Conventions, and the scheming | lous lof would be poten! demagogoes und tricksters. I | shat be just and fear nos. It | \ \ \ THKMS OF THE DAILY BANNER: One copy 1 year, in advance, #9 1 Five copies b= a 20 04 TERMS OF TIKK WEEMLY BANNER One copy 1 year, in advamee, = - R20 VS Mab 28 is 2 te Seer Ten “J 15 00 Adress, FRANK TE WILSON 3a Raleigh, N ¢ NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. LvkG a Xin borrets ur by the bashel, for male at ton’s Tan Yard BE quantity of Northern lime anstacked Sine Tt will be sold very cheap. whole sale or retan A large qusntiy of finished Leather, Sole, Upper and Warner alwayeon Green and Dry A hand and for # ile always in demand at eash | pees H ©. SIMONTON Sahsbory. July 27th, 1m60. WO G CPAP SOUTHERN MAT AND Cap MEUM CIE MMC IEDR IY, JOHN DOOLEY, Noost, Mare srr, Rictwoxp, Va, Manufa and Dealer in PUR, STRAW, LEGHOKN, PANAMA, SOFT AND MOLE SKIN Dikss WATS. HAVE now ready iy Sprrog stock of HATS, CAPS andSTRAWGOODS to which Pwoold invite the atlenion of the merenants of Virguus, North Carolme and Ten- Nessce, « ubofiay ability to supply them with everyiliog they may wantin my tue, en as good terine as chey can be procured in any imarket in the country Wy sock will be kept coustantly full by the add: Hou of everything uwew or desirable; and. having grenii mereased my manufactaring faciities, many desirable stylee will be of my own manufacture Wy Black Wole-skin Hat is stllom the fromt rink, and is hibit feeling tor the first tine when tho- | TAs tf eet superior, to anything produced ithe j country My assortinent of Boys,” Misses’ and Chil- rouglily convinced that they were regard: | dren's rehly immed Hats and Flite of all the diff. | ed with kindness by others, and from the | erent styles of Braid and Leghorne cannot be exce! . . ! rough and ragged crevices of their gran- ite natores flewers of purity and joy have’ led Tu Military Goods, I can fern nything required Wy stock of the various qualities of Army “Regula peeped forth to greet the sunlight of af- tons” Hate in very complete, and any of the different fection. all Lurman and celestiai happiness. That great and beautiful truth is proclaimed | In every star that twinkles in the blue! sky 5 in the joyous laugh of the cradled | chiid as the morning light crimsens the | drapery of his couch, and in the swelling chant ofthe mighty archangel ashe bathes his pinions in a flood of golden radiance r HE from the San of Righteousnes:. And it well becomes those who would © hate” Man out of society to reflect where all mana iid would be if Eternal Hate instead of Eternal Love ruled the counsels of the bkiee. FORGIVENESS. | Nothing is more moving to man than the spectacle of reconciliation ; our weak. | nesses are thas indemnified, and are not | too costly, being the price we pay for the | hour ef forgiveness; and the archangel, | “God fe Love” is the secret of styles of Hate or Caps wade to order at short notice JOHN DOOLEY March 13, 1860 tf43. | . tT gn NO HUMBUG! ——— | Selling Off at Cost !! 2. { subscriber respeettully informa his former | Prtrous, and Che publie generidly, that he ia de termined to mane a change in tis present basinexs, | enor before Jivgary uext, and will commence sell. | rug. his EXE N SIGE SS LOCAS | OF Ready-Made Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cups, &., at Cost | LESS 'THAN COST. who has never felt auger, has reason to! from thiedate. forthe porpose of closing. The balance envy the man who subdues it. When thou forgettest, the man whe bas plerced thy heart stands to thee in the relation of the cea worm that perforates the shell of the uuecle 5 which etraightway closes the woond with a pearl. | “MY FATUER—MY MOTIIER, LOVED ME.” Send your little child to bed happy.— Whatever cares press, yive it a wari good-uisht kies, as it goes to its pilow, — ‘Tbe wemory of this, in the stormy years which fate may have in store for the lit tle one, will be like Bethlehem’s star to the beWRddred shepherds. “My fatl er—iny mother loved me!” Pate eannot Tae Omron ac Mapicing BxTARLISHED IN 1837, umd firat article {remaining will be suld at public vendue. Nive ald you can, and call early at M. HOFFLIN’ Corner of Muusw Ort 2, 1860. 120 RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. BRYAN'S | Pulmonic Wafers! y | Of the kind erer introduced under the nume of © Pci monic Wapnns,” in this or any other country, all other Pulmonte Wifersare countertrite, The Genuine can be known by the mame BRYAN being stamped on ach WAPER. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFER& | Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sere Throat, Hoar ‘canes | GRYAN's PULMONIC WArERS | Relleve Asthma, Bronchitis, DiMealt Breathing. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS take awa that blessed ineart balin. Lips Reteve Spitting of Blood, Pains iw the Chest. parched ith the world’s fever will be come dewy again at this thrilbof youth ful memores. Kisa your little chiud be fore it gues to sleep. Bad We observe that Mi © was sworn in for lis new teri on Instant, Nytnan we 4h He consents, then, to verve un der Lincoln. The gentleman is * wates- lng and waiting.” Like some oniers in his State, federal gold ie stil acceptacte to bim ors tu destroy the very government he was comiuissioned tu serve and nplrodd Ral. Standard ep eee aes Silt HIE OE SOIR TEL COM IRASTEN SEA ROWAN COUNTY Cowrt of Pleas and Quaricr Scessons. February Term 1561 Epbraun Mouney, va ATTACHMENT .Wulam A McCorkle. § TT appeariig to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendent Witham A. MeCorkle, remdes without the benits of the State, it is therefore ordered and «ete adjudged that pobfieation be made in the Carotinn Watchinan for six cucceneve weeks notifying him to be and appear before ihe Justices of our Court of Pleas ard Quarta: Sessions. al the mext Court to he held forthe County of Rowan, at the Coan Hines in Sabebury oo the first Moudny in Way next, then and there to plead or replevy, otherwise jadgite Relieve Incipient Co: BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS mption, Lang Diseases, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS | Relieve Irritation of the Lvala and Tonstiis. | BRYAN'S PULMONIC Warm Relieve the above Complaints Im Tea minuses. BRYAN'S PCLMONIO WArKRS Are a Blessing to all Classes amd © xtitations. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPEKS Are adapted for \Vuealists and Publie Speakers. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are im a simple form and pleasant to the taste BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS He holds tis seat, and code sy. Vet only retleve, but effeet rapid and lasting Cares, BRYAN PULMONIC WAPEES ted to give vati-factiom (o every one. NO FAMILY #NOCLD BE WIThOUR a BoX or Bryan’s Patmonic Wafers, TW Norse Are war NO TRAVELER SHOULD RFE WITHOUT A RU PPLY oF Wyatt, Porter & Gorreli, Greeusburo’, N. ( 0.000. °°". SOSTET TERS STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- PETTERS CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS cup sya! wilh perfect’ coufidence to physiciuns and citizens generally of the Uutted States, because the artiete lias attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown, A few facts apon this point will speak more powerfully thao volumes of bare assertion or blizoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over « half- tuillion bottles, and from its manifest steady sucrease in ines past, it is evident that during the eee yee the evuswinplien will reach near oue miMton bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties coytained in the prepura- Gon, and the sametion of the most prominent physicians in those seclons of the country where the article is best Known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but fre realy atall times to give testimonials to ite efficacy in all cuses of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peling the qualities of the Bitters, Lut « solid estimation of un invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted (heir victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure Tt removes all morbid matter from the stumich, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to (he mervous systein, giving it chat toue and energy indispensable for the restoration of health It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the fanctions of nature. Etderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it @ stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating tu the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- deuce of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of pliysicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial, The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own bealth in ber extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during (he summer season, the wear of body aud wind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to reeupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities, Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, hecause it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodity strength All those persons, to whom we have partieu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and agne, caused hy malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persone of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feits, but ask for Hosrerrer’s CeLEBRATED Sromacn Birrenrs, and see that each bottle has the words © Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metalhe cap covering the cork, and observe that our autogrflph signature is on the label #e@ Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orveans, La., SOLD BY Henderson & Enniss, aud WH Salisbury; by J Reed, Concord, aud by May 29, 1860. ly1 SPECIAL NOTICE. o BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. For sate by HENDERSON & ENNIES 00 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clea EN DERSON & ENNISS THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacoo. From 210 to 240 deg, for wale hy HENDERSON & ENNISS. 10.000. Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS POUNDS For wale by mae | 1900 GALLONS 1000 PURL LINSEED O11. | For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS 10 Bbls. For sale by Tanner's Oil. 40. HENDERSON & ENNISS. | | | Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ (gue and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Galloy or Barrel for ale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ MEDIC) NATL FRENCH BRANDY. Bryan's Palmo r Wafers, oss In wie Pinker Ish. Medicinal French Brandy. 1340 NO PERBON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR Give phy Judges to be the beat ever brought to hicmarker, for wale by JOR MOSER, Bole Proprietor, Rochester, NY Sold in Mattsbary by HENDERBON & KNNIRB, and all Dray May £9, 1-69 ly} WILLIAM © LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISRE RY No THEE, Practicn and make prompt collections in esi cenger ed nee ee in favor of eeu \\ Kowam, Stamty. Dredell and Catawba Countien Mauney, plaintiff, and the land levied upon be pal Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite to satiafy the same % Witness. Jnmee Eo Kerr. Clerk of oar anid Court, at office, the first Monday m February, AD 1661, aod in the wighty-Bfth yenr of our Independence JAMES F KERR. Crk pr ads $5 Feb 26, IRG1 [6140 |FOR SALK AT THIS the Book Store Feh 14, 160 {MA MARRIAGE LICENSES Pepper, Spice 30 ets. 30 cts per HENDERSON & ENNISS SPICES! SPICES! Muatard, Clones, Ginger, Mace, Crnnanon and Nutmege. far ale hy HIRNDERSON & ENNISS VINEGAR! Pare Cider Vinegar. 30 ets. HENDERSON & ENNISS’ OFFIVE: wept 18, 1860 tI | WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, | | kK FBEPS constantly ou hand « large assortment o GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT North ,Carolina Foundry AND CLOTHING BUPORIL "4cwLNi: Wonks DAVID WEIL eh ASL nr - ‘ 2 be : ‘ | AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH ero Caves with a LARGE and COMPLETE | Corn-Shellers, Ready-Made {Clothing Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods | | | FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, yy ie continue to manufacture and keep on hand all AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | made heretofore. A full assurtment of -| Plows, Caltivatore, Horse-Powers, Seed-Sowers, | Phrexhers, Cider and Sugar Mills 'Thresherand Separators, They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery y Shirts, Cravate, Neck-wes, Handkerchiefs, aud a, tures, &e., &e | fine assorUnent of Shirts aud Collars, &e, &c, which he tovites your wuinediate attention. ‘They have been purchased tor cash, aud willbe sold cheap- er than ever were otlered here before, NOW [s am deterumioed to sell cheaper Chan any other house tu Salisbary Returomg my thauke for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, | hope fora couguuance of the | erat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, sume Remember the Stud NO. 2, MURPHY's GRANITE ROW, Salsbury, NOC Maveh 25, 1x61 hd National Flag! WM. M. BARKER ee ¥ \ INFORM HIS OLD ae = friends aud customers that he ix! | 3 agai iu the _ Carriage Business, and prepared to furnish any style of BUGGY or! bertony Ale CARRIAGE frou the best io the lowest priced He has recently vised a number of the Northern Mauuluctories aud acquaiuted hinself with all the! late improvements 10 bistine, and made arrangements by which he ean sapply those prefering «with North- ern work inuch cheaper (hau could be done by order- ing a single job He intends to build the finest and best work ever dene in the coantry and solicits a call at the Sign of the National Flag WM. M. BARKER July 31, x60 110 Book Bi ndery SALISBURY. i \ ROW OR DICKS would respectfully tuform the GWizeue of Salisbury, Cherlotte, Sratesville, Gold thi, Mocksville, Gr: cil pore’, Lexinig Newton, and the surrounding eoun erty, that he has estabushed a Boow Bixp key in place and will be pleased ts receive or ders on his tine Muste Books, Gaw Books. and Periods ihe bond te pattern, or in any atvle te wast 1 His estabuohinent cau be found oa the x 4 Perdis feet Seed Ta tdistanee pro \ ty Wo DTORS Sali-burv, Sept Is, 1560, Guin Browns Livery Stable. Skeptup as heretofore Ttis grati { ~ fying to hun that this establishine ut he begun, at first, as a duabtlulexperunent | hae pro othe pubhe a great deside ratum anda complete success Travelers, and others can always have their wants, in ths we, well sup plied Cash prices pad for Carnave Larher and Proven der And the subsertber is swan ready te well or bay good Horses THOMAS E BROWN May 31st, 1859 tl T. BEMISTER., House Painter, Grainer. PAPER HANGER, &. Main St, opponte Murpiys Granite Row, SALISBURY, N.C. | All work personally attended (o and warranted to be done ina workman ike manuer Jan 22, 1R61 6m36 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMON MERCHANT prower PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV EN tothe purchase of ai kinds of PRODUCE And te all consignments to be auld in this market or [shipped ta other Ports | February 14, 1x60 (138 | | ORRELL & GRADY, | Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in | HATS, CAPS, | Straw and Millinery Goods | Umbretias, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, &e., ' No. 18 Courtlandt Street, DD ORRELL, ) UP STAIRS, rly of Fayetteville, N. 0, ' - \py New York | ——= JAMES HORATI f BF Re j | late of Wilmington, N.C SALISBURY, N.C., | | One deor bclow BR. & A. Muphy’s Store, WATCHES und SEWELRY «f ull kinds. | Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description | repairedin the best manner and on the most seasone ble terme February 14, 1860. NOTICE. CALL AND SETTLE, ly38 | ALL PERSONS indebted to us, by note or ac court. are hereby poufied that payment of the same Is required to be inade without delay We have been very indulgent towards our customers and tike this occasion to ceknowledge our thanks or their favors, and trast that they will pee dily comply with the above notice and eave us and them- selves further trouble about unsettled business | No Bostitereat charged on all standing aecounte after the Ist Janoary { HARRIS & SULLIVAN, | Gold-Hill, Jan 8th, IK61 j done at short notice Salisbury, N.C., Jan 2, 161 ly34 | Standard, Raleigh ; Demo triot, Greensboro! ; Asheville ; Caro Hinian ‘tri weekly) Columbia; Observer, Payette ville TenGiiredelBapcten willipucleny oie atimadd cree accoulls Greensborough Mutual oe ore ae INSURANCE COMPANY. | Pays all Losses Promptly! | DIRECTORS: Joho A. Mebane, Wo J. MeCounel, C. Po Menden “hall, DOP. Weir, Jumes M. Garrett, Johu L. Cole IN OD. Wilson, Wan, Barniager, David Webuight MoS. Sherwood, Jed He Lindsay, Greensborough WoOA Wright, Wilmagton ; sauder Miller, Newbern; Thadeus We Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johoson, Yanceyville; Dr WG. Ramsey, W adesborough ,» Rev RC. Maynard Franklinton; Dro Eo FP. Watson, Watsonville \ OFFICERS N UD WILSON, President JED HW LINDSAY Vice-President C. BP. WENDENHALE, Attorney PETER ADAMS, | WM. HW CUMWING, - LW JO McCON NEE, iJ. A. MEBAN : |J M.GARRETT, - <~ All communicationson bustuessconnected withth: Office, shouldbe addressed to PETER ADAMS. Secretary Greensborough, N.C. June 19, 1560 tid COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, - See'ty and Treas’r General Agent Executive Cuin'tee on PREP NIDIGE VHC ALS Nok S Wildy SUMP EWING PROD DISDASED KIDNEYS, Nomen the Bladder and Kidiacy nex of the Loins, te | PO PNE> savaluable Medione is for wale only mi Mocksville, Sal's Mut + Concord and Fay ttevitte, and at Cot Vustin’s and ne where else ‘The subseriber having entered inte copartnership with John F Cowan onginal patentee, forthe mane uie and sale of Che above Medicnue, im prepared eturcish a supply by addressing him at salisbury NC orcalling at hoy residence, 10 inden west of this place EOD AUSTIN June 21, 1655 uf HARDWARE!! opie Subseribern ure receiving and opening at the old stand of G. M & A. TO Jonen, the largest Stock of Hardware ever oferedin this Market, which haying heen bought direetly of the Manufacturers or their agents, exetu Mively for cash ey mnduce- A call in re They are prepared to mento Wholesale of Retail buyers spectfully soloed JONES & OVLRWAN Salisbury, Mar 13, 1560 4a SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY ! SMITH & MILLER, MANUFACTURERS OF Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, I AVING spared neher paing nor ex penre,in procuring inatenals of the best quality — Machinery of the latest om provementx—and the most finished Work men, they flatter themselves that they can sell an good an article of Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, axcan be purchased im New Bagland for the aame money ‘They therefore feel coutident that their ap. | peal te the eitizens of the South to sustain them in| their endeavor to introduce among them a branch of | Manufactore now entirely tothe handsof abolitionists, will not be in vain or disregarded. ‘They offer ut WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fine Channetted Boots, French Calf, Fine Freach Edge, . Half Wells, Se ce Double Soles, “ OPERA BOOTS. Patent Leather and French Calf) Fine Open Gaiters, Patent Leather and French Calf, “Congress Gaiters, Freneh Calf, | ‘Oxford Ties, French Calf, Union Ties. (a new style) Freneh Am. Calf | J 7 Go to them and eupply your wants and in fu-! (ure you will purchase no Boots, Shoes or Gaiters, tured by SMITH & MILLER, | THOMASVILLE, NC Jnly 24, 1860. my | New Firm. | | edof J.D. Brown & | Co., their entre stock of Rave those mane MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purch 4 I : TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER Collecting Agent. | WARE, STOVES, §, | FANILE ondersigned offers his perviers to the pubhe asin Collecting Agent in and about Satimbury He holde the apportinemt of Tex Collector for the Town, ind therefore feale wuthorized to refer pe rons your Superintendent and Commissioners as to qual fieationn, JOHN BEARD, April 10, 1660. (0f46] Collecting Agent LE, PERSONS who are indebted to me are reapec(fally requested to eall and make imme. | diate payment, v@ Tam compelled to have money ; and as thie the firat tine that Phave called on my friende, [ hope they will come up promptly P.BESSENT | Nov. 29th, 1259 1027 DRAYING. pur undersigned gives notice that he keepa a TEAM AND WAGONS for the purpose of Nwho may favor him with mmodating terms GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 160 149 Draying, and willaerce a calle ia thie line on ace kept on hend work done at the shortest notice the late firm of Rell & James o those indebted may have a chance to pay. aa the | setdement of every aroonnt will be miodly enforced now offer the Jargest and handsomest lot of COOK. ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES ever, offered in thie market, and will sell for cash ar low an | canbe hadia Western North Carolina Also, allkinds | of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARKE and STILLS All kinds Tin, Sheet-Tron or Copper MURR & SUSSAMON Salisbury, Jan. 22, 146) 1y36 NOTICE THIS. THE undersigned having taken np the books of athienotioe th. Wo JAMES. Dec. 27, 1859 tty BLANK DEEDS Straw and Feed Cutters, | for Grist Mule, Cireularand Vertical Saw Mulls, Gold, OF Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under | Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix. TRON AND BRASS CASTINGS | = | Tvou find iy FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every, \ { J mpariiee bareting through the enin im plmptes, ery ) I \ [Hone or sores: cleaiee it when YOU Bnd im ubetrue § heal auc Wwtsh tn the veins: Cleaner " GEO Lael i J ta . I d * Robert E. Troy, Lum- call atthe Great Clothing Emporinm of \PORS LE AT THIS OFFICE | sep 95-9} | a Ayers Sarsap @ | yers parila A compound » im which we he \ produce the oot Aten alternative “ag bed ie | made, Leds a concgaihyled extract of Pury Oo b | pariila, a6 combined with ‘other-ubstung., | Breater alierWuive power #8 10 Cfibed.an offic,” Mi! tidote fur - disen see Bursapaiita is Tepuledipeg [tis believed that mech edy | ae wt 8 Wanted by thore | | A C A RD who suller from Strume any th: | woich will accomplioh their cure must ! vue Prove vf mense service to this large class of our afflicieg ya low ciizeus. How completely this compouud « fl: it has beew preven by experiment on many me worst cases (o be found in the following com » =e . < SCROFULA AND SckorULous Compiainrs, § ale | Hy {\ | an Excerive Dineages, Urceus. Pimrins, fi | ‘ Temons, Sart Rixem, Seacy Heap, Byrn, Svrwiniric Arreerions, MERCURIAL Distany a joa Necrareia on Vic Doucovesux, Desiiry via axd Ixvicesrion, Mayeiretas, Rose oR rony’s Fine, wid indeed the whole Clase . m ne , av) plaiite acing from Lmrunity o¥ THE Bio, AEM ENTE TISIC AMID MOOS 10h ae eoipoued will be found « rote health, when taken in the apring, to expel ier! humors which fester in the blowd at that sera.” the yenr By the tanely expuleion of thee” rwokling disorders are nipped in the bud "May at) can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themeelves fr & the vudurnee of fuul eruptions and ulceryus go iroogh which the oystem will strive to rid. iter | corrupuons, if not asmeted to do this through he | matural chavicls of the body by an alerative me dient | Cleanse out the vitinted blood wheneve a +RUPTi Ong BLO tes ——- Of cen EXTENSIVE STOCK. deseripbon made to order, aud warranted in every spee aire of eve i ou of Mach YOUK TIME FOR GREVE BARGAINS, ae pi fespect.: Repair ofevery description oi achinery " it whenever Vand your feelings will tell you when where ue pariicula: diswrder ie felt, ter health, aud live longer rT Even Pople wujoy ber. for ¢ leanming the bloud Kerp the blood healthy, aud all ie well; [tre pabuluns of ile disurderd, thare cau be no haat ling heulth Sianeruelater cometh ‘ | is fou £ Mus! po wrong and the great machinery of life i disordered o : lihrown ; | WSkrapariin tious aadilenervesuiug JS 18) Neca mpbshiag these coda r over. hy the reputations Bat the word hae | | been egreg-ourly deci ived by Preparations uf it, partly | | ‘eause the drug alove has not all the Virtue that is | claimed for it, but more because MANY Preperation ona, MN R C ‘NX R I EK | pretending to be concentrated extracts of a“, sonia ' 1 : ( ( ) I: ‘ : ‘4 5 j eesti vl the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or avy thing | a Daring lute years the public have been misled by Are now opening al the Subscriber's ever large bottles, preveudiug to Give @ quart of Extracy of Sarsapacitta for ove dollar Most of these have been fraucs opon the sick for the y : 1 — . . % ‘ y not only contain Tirhibited tn} alisbury. jiitle. i any, Sareaparita, but often no curative prop. jetties whatever ence, bitler and painful disap. j Pporntment hos followed the ase ofthe Veriousextracs Aud which will be sold na heretofore at anpreceden- {OF Sareopariiia which flood the guarket, watt the Th name ttse!fis justly despised, and has become *Ynouy ie lester Uunpemttion and cheat. Bull we eall the Jeompound Sarrnparitia, and wlead to supply such a E | remedy av shall rescue the name frum the load of And we think we have Lobloquy whieh resis apon it [ground for beheving st has virtues whic N are irressei- Common with many, who enumerate ther articles, | ble by ihe ordinary run of the diseases it i intended to cure tedly low prices. NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRA Ta order to secure thee complete eradien, Becwuse an examination of the stock and prices, will tion from ihe aysten the remedy should by judicious. convince the most see pic, and closest buyers, of che | ly Cakeu according to directions op the buttle truth of the assertion BESET TS by Returning my sincere acknowle dgements to the | DR. J. Cc. AY ER & CO., cuzensof Rowan and adjsceat countes for past fa | LOW EI Ss vars, hope by close attention to my business, to | Pave, €l ree Borrie, scx Borries ron $5 | Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, ban won for S. FRANKFORD’S, (ti i eee inptane hae ee nent a continaanee of the same [7° No trouble ae usual to show Goods at tirel\ Unnecessary for us io reecunt the evidence of amie a In vViture. white ham been employed Ap TO COl N RY n heb c MiP See on 1 \ arn t vn Je > gua 1, wud thet WERCHANT Sc. es Aye.’s Cathartic Pills, Ma ieee Cw or Costirencas, Julies, Daape; era : GIMME SOUSCRTEE Rew mideven rematteuttcuculs eeance SGI aia cotion ys ‘si Foye Aibuche; Pore COUNTRY MEKOHAN DS, to hin large and tONden Dineneca, Lover Tan 1 Niit RA um Varied Stock of sed Viewer PP und tor D Y GOODS Be thal (he inost sensitiv R dothey are the beet Sy a) the pre pene w fane'y phy see . . iron anomeric nen Boves rua) tt Clothing and Groceries. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physserans, St - which he will sel at WHOLESALE as low as can mien, and comuent pore ' have leut re r eens be honght many ty inthe Union, the Great Ein ty eerily che do paratieled usefilneme of these reme dies, bul our space here will vot permit the inserioe poruin New York not excepted hem Poe Agente teicw rived fariieh grace . eer vor Nurmi Viwense cn whol they ar pot ss I R A iN kK I: ORD With mia fall desenipricns of the abeve compte rts : a aud (he raiment stat boud be followed for ther curr y iN , Doone! be pit of ts injcincipted dealere with L, By plas Preparscoom they take more Al on bD- a Ayou'a nnu take 1 eee eomch want the best wid there aa forthe, and they alontd have it All our Remedies are for nate by OOP SKIRTS | | 8. FRANKFORD’S. }).".°°"; hoendlesa variety at Savebury, NaC March 19, sol mtd Hotehinein & Cs, Charionte IM Wack avule, WN fewe Lecigron, © WA AC A Santon, Norfolk, Va, Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charlestou, SC March 6, [R60 i ) AD I L O N ‘T W d d d \ tyal BAIS. 2.2 LIVER INVIGULATOR, 4d ’ ‘O O R T LE Sn g Wo k YY so O \ V K NEVER DEBILITATES. T tecon ndedentirely from Gam aod approved by ai Unat sorted (o with confidence tn za It bas cured thousands who had en all bop tees bave need Kh. aed is ae re nll the diseases for which ¥ lwithin the lst two years jot reef, as the aumerous | husobe: rates im my omeesaion show | The dose must be Ko the temperamest of the { individual tating it, aod ue ed in such quantities as to | art gently on the Bowela | Let we dictates of your! ndgment guide you im the nen of be LIVER T¥-! VIGORATOR, a04 0 willeure Liver Com- piaints, Biltous At- ‘d u Su i v u d pu r pa t Aq sn v3 y q Q o [E M yA N O . O R 4o v1 0 U Aq | | tacks, Dyspepsia, Chronte Diarrhoea, Zz | Summer Com-| plaints, Dysente- | ry, Dropsy, Soeur Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Chei-) ra Morbas, Chelers| jressfally ae an cine, I wileure SICK thonsands ean testify.) fm two or three Tea- jem a4 commencement of 3 “U 0 9 OF SN vI G B U o Oo } ¢ JU N O AY ry Family Medi- HEADACHE, (as) twenty minutes,! spoonfuls are tak- ‘S O L GA L E G a G NT SN O S Y 1 | WORTH & DANIEL, At who use it are Givimg their testimony Ct Wholesale and Retail Grocers, MIX WATEM IN THE MOUTH WITH ae THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW Commission Merchants, Price One Dollar per Bottle. No. 2 Granite Row, Front Sraeer, —— ALSO. — SANFORD'S WILMINGTON, N.C FAMILY Dealersin nil knde of tineeren, Provionn Fro, CATHARTIC PILLS, Liquors, Wines, Cigare, and Tobacco, ay a et dA yeni Sohet cousguments of Flour, Died Fruit, Feath GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will keep era, Beeswax, Tobacco, and Country Produce gen in any elimate. ei erally. Agente tor Howe's celebrated Seal alte, amity, Ae Cmarsiorany: ores. D.G WORTH, NaG DANIEL, eed in ble practice more than tale vo re For the past 7 years sat 2 demand from those who Dave long asad the PAL) at and the satisfaction which TC & BOG Worn. ail express io regard to thet: 3 use, bas induced me to place Late of Asheboro’, NC them within the reach of all . ¥ The Profeaaion well koow that different Cathartica act Sept Ua, 160 lyin Woe cart igiricsnietiies bowels. aes lit The FA ine CA- THARTIC PILL bas, with due reference to thie well extablished fact, Vvreny : rh 11) | been compounded from & vartety of the pirest Vege i | | table Ratracts, which act alike on every part of t { } | | alimentary canal, and are Ode in all coo AL A ee ’ oo where. a Caiharte le ch De- ra ed, euch as ote ee! Bat and Weihe. «1 from) anton vested, hick end tn a long course of F tite, a Cree the bod cighelse jernace, Wor mor Admits, Mmatisrn Penitee Sree eed Pe eee ene ence te heir, too namerous| GQ to mention in this advertise: AR DR. BESSENT, | Ho REMOVED ro tie DENTAL ROOMS; on the corner formerly ocenpied by Da. Bason, where hei# prepared iv attend all operations ment Dose, | to connected with lis profession | RIC THREE DIMES, san 1, IN60 1732 The Tiver Invigorator and Family Ca- thartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, aod wholesale by the Tradein all the large towns. 8. T. W. SANFORD, M. D,, anntactnter aod P 335 Broadway, New Vo Ifyou wish toboy FINE SUITS of CLOTHING | Suld hy IENDERSON & ENNISS, Davoat foray httle money aaponmible, call at the Great Cloth. ann Carmien Saliabury, N.C ing Emporium of DAVID WEIL July 5, 1939 ly6 TP Kemewnece tie Stann—No 2, Murphy's @ran ite Row, Salishury, N.C Sept 25 nga Fine Suits. lator, Buggies and Rockaways. pe F aubecriber hae» lot of handsome new Bug gies and Rockaways, which he will sell on good terms THOS E BROWN, Jun 24, 1860 1195 50 White Hands TILL find atendy employment upon the Wil mington, Charlotte and Rotherford Rail Road. Apply to SAM'L MceNINCH, 150) Charlotte, N © WoL. BARRIER, DENTIST, MT. VLEABANT, N.C pdiys3 \ . . ator near thie place Fine Shirts and Collars. Tf vou wish to purchase fine Shirte aq Colare Maroh 13, (R60 May &, 1860 Tr Pampntete, Postera, Viening Carde, Blanks, Crrentara, nnd all kindsof Job Work neatly executed ie this office DAVID WEIL No 2, Gaanjre Row EDIT Single coy Five cop) Teu copic Clubs ex: $1.50 each. Ee OSIER W D. Reps Dear Sur: ed by you | my mode vo Willow, 1 your pape represents { from the c ground las think whe turn cattle It retains | October, 2 tings from left a han over dead every farn Willow b hedges iv mention : and subst ble one ; | to keep it yield a lal will grow braska, w by heat o ly bitter —this cal and the ¢ field «mice The H bank of 1 thirty-the drawing aod cutt) the hoe; through each side up by a: top of th hedye fo two 1peb stakes, » abluon Thive 1 ruvots Mt tuaterial baskets stnall ec [' Yor think ve A Iled, useful a wecon Jesire t er low freshets low for bly on drained scarce | pleaty willow other fi is used. anoual! Osiers, worthle supply turo to very g INFLI In o Farme physio! indeed of tbe ers cot A. says: ot wheo. differe resea) to aris imagi Altho doubt be cor Sec “Ther made. breed of Et that | with | eeque the re ciple 8u of gr numl Good In Cour unm The | onel Al fine | by a alter ro Doler oy el the foul Ube blond bat Ke wrong, id or over. Te seu. intended J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS £2.00 Single copy, Kive copies, $a.u0 Teu copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, io the same proportion $1.50 each. Payment always in advauce FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. Fium the Southeru Cultisutor, OSIER WILLOWS FORK HEDGING, BAS KET MAKING, de D. Repwonn, Editor Southern Caltivato Dear Sur: ed by you are forwarded with this The Osicr Willow cuttings order Po explain my mode of growing a five fence from the Ostet Willow, T thought best to send for inscitiou in your paper the accompanying engraving It represents a section of about 87 rods, lwo years from the cuttings, and cut back close to the ground last sprog. Tt is vow mine feet high. 1 think when interlaced it will be stout enunyh to turn cattle, and thick enough to stop stall stuck. It retains ite silvery green foliage until late ie October, and ws exceedingly pretty. The tings from it last spring pard all expense, and cul- Jef a handsome profi, “The advantage of live over dead fence, for dow lands, 1s from Appareal to the Osier tl every farmer, but 4 live fences Willow has many advaulages over other hedges in many respects, a few mention : First, it will wot only and substantial fence, but 1 will make a profila ble one, for instead of being a Constant expeuse of which Twill make a durable to keep it trimmed, the annual Cimuing will yield a large profit. Second, tots hardy, and wil) grow in any lattitude, from Georgia to Ne braska, without the least danger of being injured by heat or frost. Third, the bark is 80 intemse ly bitter that mice and rabbits will not gnaw it ethie cannot be said of any of the thorn family and the Osage Orange is lable to be injured by field mice. The Hidge above represented was ret on the bank of a small ditch, ina steaght sintle row) thirty-three cutings to the rod. tranmed by drawing a fine at three feet from the surface, aad cetting off a stew cht row of Cie willuwa by the hwe; Chowne cut off were usd ae standards, lous Shoots left uneut on through which th each side of the line were swteriaecd up by a sort of rope ike binding running atthe top of the cut standard — the entire nedth of hedye forming a stout rey eof na . two ipehes wn doameter died on ple) ba , stakes, which te frewhet of overtow va able da move froma os far atat The te a TE ds Mow bet spree le roots wou Voli poo row t . tuatenial foro res ow sod whips, ated baskcta—a Hletec that huts 4 tight feace, «4 small cost, (adorn "a wane y win) Chaat Ww last as tong uw wit }orass grows Please, sir, 4 : KS fr ir hit Netter, and tiv best wishes for tle success of fra tical Ae euilite ‘ a \ tent 1! peess aby ad Resperthacy PSs Victory, Cayura Cu, NOY) Feb 17, 286) [our correspendent gives us a teow and we think very practical use fur the oor Willow — A Hedge such as te descobes would be bot useful auf ornamental on ouany colitis, and we commend itte Che arGouden oof those whe desire to enclone Lend or r teotlons th er low grounds, so often untoned tw heavy freshets. We bare trap the Osicr W low for years, and trod 1 Is ve dennis bly ow all Gur om yet proper drained ewatnpa, de \W Chak OS eran scarce in manny localities, ate We ought Lo taine preaty of the Crier Ww tor Cott baskets willow cradles, clodles | ato Ue vine tital woeher work other forms for wlach ort Woudreds of thousands of dol anoually paid to is used. ary Are { (uw) 20 counties tor in por Osiers, while we have waste, wet and worthless land in the South to raise sufficient to supply ‘ihe whole civilized workl We shall ne turo to this subject bercatter, as we deem it) of very great importance to our section Mids | INFLUENCK OF FIRST IMEREGNATION In our waue of Jan. sth, (says the Hasieorn Farmer.) iv an article “A curious theory 10 Ure physiology of breeding" we biuted a possible, indeed, a probable solution of the “cause of many of the disappointments of which practical breed ers complain.” A writer in the Southern Rural gays: Geutloman “It bas been asserted by some observers, that wheo a female breeds successively from several | different males, the offspring often bears a strong resemblance to the first uiale, which is supposed to arise from certain impressions made on the imagination or nervous system of the female Although this is sometimes or often theca doubt very much whether it is so frequent as to a we be considered a rule.” Secretary Goodale’s Report for 1260, says, “There can be nu Joubt such ao impression ix made, and demands the special attention of all breeders” = With of England it ia fast becoming a settled opinion the most celebrated breeders that tbe “male first having fruitful intercourse with a female, exerts an influcnce upon her aub sequent offspring by other mites,” (hat it is not the result of chauce or accident, buta fixed >..0 ciple io the laws of re-production. Such a strauge and mysterious theory — one of great importance —is borne out by a great number of facts, a few of which we quote frum Goodale's Jast Report. In several foals in the royal stud at Hamptou Court, got by the hurse “Acton,” there were unmistakable marks of the horse “Colouel.”- The dame of these foals were bred from by Col onel (he previous years Alexander Morrison, Faq. of Bognie, had a fine Clydesdale mare which in 1843 war served by a Spanish ass, and produced a mole. She edterwards had a colt by a horse, which bore a very marked hkeness to a mule—seeo at a dis tanoe, every one sets it down at once as a mule. The cara are vine and one half inches Jong. Tt appears to have been known among the Arabs for centuries, that amare which has. first borve a mule, is ever after unfit to breed pure horses A pure Abordeanshire beifer, the property of aw farmer in Forgue, was served with a pure Teeswater bull, to which she bad a first cross calf. The following season the same cow was Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, end the Family Circle, VOL. AVITT. SALISBURY, N. C., APRIL 2, Is61, a Snes LON; BOA served with « pure Abeordecustire bull the pros From the N.C) University Magaz ae rp wlcleue wee tattrncdniiiwerenuie mint dues Wis 1 appeavanee a cros bred cali which On What Does (he Security of our the people Free tried a repuable< i at two years, had long hore; the parents were lustitulions Depend ! povertins wt tailed for want of 1 both bottles 4 ; rersctl Ka Tetoe, Plenee it is seen and Six very superior pare bred black faced horned The AS! ee clearly proved in the history of the world meemiOeion vine ty eMeatimcinweer Deval he Uinted Sater, tssuredly tue ereat- that if universal knowledge be not dit Custate, were served by a Leicester ram, (white est tepublic now existing, or that ever fared throthout a people, they cannot ’ existed, on the globe, has reached the maintain need and hornless) The lambs were crosses, — The next year they were served by a ram of ex the astonishinent, the lambs were vetly the same breeds as Po Mr. Shaw's without an exception fiornitess and brownish on the face The ‘ord ven (Y996.) ther were avtin served ewes theninelves instead of bere black and lorned — by nosnpertor ram of their own breed, and again the lambs were monyrels A sow of the black and white breed became preguant by a bear of the wild breed of a deep ches duat color The [tee produced were duly wxed, the color of the bear be Hue LD Sevttte ce predowpinant. The sow bong afterwards put to a boar of the same breed as vetself, some of the produce was still staimed or tarked with the chestnut color which prevailed in the irred third SAME OCC Cor wl hoha tian, the bear being then of the sanic hind as herself. Wat adda to ree OF this case gs What iu the course of mony years ubacrvaliont De bree di question wos never know? pro duce progeny having the x. gtest tinge of nut or A vouee woman. ress ne in Bdiobree at burn of white porns, bo dose ave tMer 7 Vigus to her trad \ t otuulat | \ Aero Inah set Vahl, on to Est t ‘ Wetter Thus tat eat un ropes f a widow who Las usace cong to diectt It ese lirlacd gf ptaat . } Avery stoking tact yt elated an this on, which wl AN romay ave a practical bearing the tires fee Westie abithars, sti Ws y w Wy ! . are some ol the saws ploduction Tt oas stated try the coh berate AR eie tao. antl ie Mra lolita isso de) Wane |e f Now South Wades and Vaan Duenar’s | esa! very be saya," frurtiul inte tise dias Chet pes between at aborign vant dan kaurepedd male, that aboryginad wou is forever atten in Capa of betog impr coated by a tate of her seh pation, although she may agai be forthe with an hurojean. A rehable fariner relates to us a tomarkable Vnstaner within tas own observation, io prof ot the inffuence of a first iiopregnation, We re peat hes lag uiecce Shor mane veare my father Was possessed of a breed of eutle whieh be cal) he belly atraye slew wh woh cl Nception of a stripe of wt wrouted the belly When the first Dur hullw htroduced mat intewn. one of cur Ty strpe cows was pts v bien, with the | (hon brani 4 cal tesetobing the bull, but to our reat Vsappornt ment, the call, a heifer, was a bel strep I] raised the calf—— when two vears old she was served by a Durham bull) and produced ale | Nye laving the keness of the bu re was after bat the cdlt was watds served by a bely » a Durham whieh Such instances as those already given fincte hed to an number, might be mula; cabot be the result of imprachouble vagaries of of whimsical imagination bat are of so math ed a character as to deserve and deoand a cao did and thorough investigation FACTSIABOU1 SEE: wr of the England Firmer, states the following interesting facts at Vow Simon Brown, & a meeting of the Concord Farmers’ Club: with the had He remarked that he was familiar care of sheep from his youth. He heen obliged to sit up night after might, in cold weath er, to care for lambs because they were dropped too carly, The firs¢ broadcloth he ever wore was made from the woul of sheep which he had assisted to raise, Sheep raising was formerly profitable, but it bas been discontinued among us chicfly on account of the losses occasioned by dogs. He had been informed that in the ad joining county of Essex, there were only five hundred sheep, but there were three thonsand A good many persons are A new has been awakened upon the subject. five hundred dogs. now entering upon the business spint Sheep have been improved in size and productiveness, asipuch as, and perhaps, more than cattle. bitis years ago, a quarter of wutton, in England, that weighed fifteen or twen'y pounds, was thought farge. Now a quarter of mutton is frequently seen, and one werghing sixty pounds was recent ly exhibsted in Boston Market, good demand for mutton, sheep rating must profitable, We had ng doubt demand for all the mutton that might be raised He spoke of the ctfeets He knew a@ tract of land in If there as on dye there would bea f keeping sheep in re claiming pastures. Plymouth county that was formerly so covered with briars and rose bushes, that it was almost Not. We saw it dest impossible te walk thre fall and it was 4 beautiful piece of yreen pasture, with a smooth surface, and not a bush or briar upon it, it had been reclaimed by the ose of sheep alone TEACHING CUTEDREN Do allin your power to teach vour elit dren self povermment If achild is pas sionate, teach dim by gentle and patent toeang, to curb hie temper Tf he ak gree dy, cultivate Tberality in hiu. Tt sulky, charm him ont of it by encouray ng frank, good humor. Ifhe ia indolent, accustom him to exertion. If pride makes his obedience reluctant, anbdue him by connsel or discipline. tn stort, give your children the babit of overcoming their besetting sin. | he is {tion, and as the ballot box becomes more Sot yeut ot its mdependence. Since its Torth, ia tered Vo hae capi ded ti iteise Ww and, having prostessed steadily, eaeh SHECESRIVE VOU, in eXtent, power, ate Wisdom, and faevitiee wor the 1 speetand aliniahonol toecivdig d world, it eanks at this tine gusong the Brewtest nations Tins tar, we have maintain ed our wationality, and retained inviolate ea Noort ebb Cocrieucd of the ave. PUSETa One, provi ro the world the sucecss of a avetem: of wovern ment, 80 Wisely designed, and adapted to our situation and wants. Burope was WMNAZCU, sO Certain Was she of ite tarlare; we were ineulted treated with con- tempt, bat after a second strugele for im dependence (and for national rights in thex Justance,y with England, we forced and from that proud hation a discontionance of her insulting course toward ts, the re- spect stig owed to all tations, and, at the sane time, won peace aod froin] Thin condition of our coun adipiration rape, toy, bow so ylorous, is out exatipled an the antuals ot tune. Notevou Roae aod Crreece can Compare W whos Our sreat ness deattributable chiefly te our pocuhar rastititions, ft they are preserved bere alter, as Letore, noone Cau estiarate the possible degeee of yreaiuess at whicn we may oarive, The pate . tet naturally ingaere, on w does the seen ty these dustitanons depered ¢ Tt depends, fleet, on Une puatita ot t Gailot box Poe ballot box one of n sPonyert Sup ypetts 6 EUS \\ evotosdonbtfs whether tha: papa Cc wld Ye ascettia ‘ “wT it Thabty er Corpecthess It at cor eet foen fo tepubbican government could ox Int Dut atoe ebsious te ail that we are Ce Vieira mec ete rect Hay ter. pre ‘ N Hhens ( ie one dane VIN Y VV CL Wad that we he. ibom UNNECessars should ther could, or Whether a vovermnent onrs houtthe oa! Jihe could pot, exist wit lot box, Sill there ¢y en to b that we tiagy for lheb, tea oye Let uss: cits purity. the her, UinCuss Which would result trom this. and we will doubt less see that the success of repubhean iistituttotis depends largely uy purity of the ballot box. Jn the bistery of Rote one may COnPEg ven CEs thre reviewing tind teabity verless proots of the pernicious effect of briting voters. Cres, Crasstis, Pir ee, Marius, Svidla, Auzustus, and Pe ets others ned an thas wav, alimest un hounded power and wrousht he desteu fon of a mations | berties Pie scrttre corruption abd beibery has, to our stature and dissrace, actually eppeared in United States. Tt is plain that Roman beroes ac quired power and thus effected the desteuction. of ties, so ambitious, corrupt Men thav sac ceed (a our own country, aud wrest from its people their liberties. Lut why de bate this longer¢ Corraptness and brib ery have appeared so portions of the con federacy, leaving a foal stain pon the ballot box. True, itinay seem that bot little or no evil has resulted, but the gro grese of corruption tx grudual, Nt fivst we tnay regard with euspiciod aad pucish such unprincipled men, bat as we gradu- ally progr ila as The Roman tiie ssin degeneracy and corrop polluted, they will sacceed in their vile schemes and eventually destroy our lib erties. The assertion, then, that without purity of the ballot box arepublic cannot exist is sulliciently proved —indeed its trath is 80 plain thatit were hardly ne cessary to discuss it. It depends, seeoudly, on the diffusion of knowledge. It ia nutorious that in the early history of the world no republican government was known. From the crea- tion of Adam to the deluge~—a period of near)y three thousand years—the customs and manners of the people were those of barbarians. They lived in ignorance and rural simplicity, never studied the arts of refiuement and civilization, nor, in sneli a rade state of life, did the y restrain them selves by conventionalities. Henee they paid bat little attention to forms of gov ernment, and cared not in. what manner they were ruled, provided they lived peacefully. The patriarchal system a government originatiag ia the tiesto stinets of a wild race, and resulting al most necessarily from their peace sul hab its —was the earliest Known amoug them othe course of time, the pate rite hho head of fannily, beszan to rasp at more evtensive pow ey und ere long lis wars ern ment Was Cransformed jute that of aca lonent ap on their Iherties, the simple people dared not resist, for the despots power was al most universally dreaded, In some Cases they probally may have shaken off the chains of aterant, but only to be bound anew by others still ore galling and powerful. Phus they tived unl the flood ; after that event there was sti) no change The absolute monarehy continued prevalent until the Jews be. Their first forsn of erbipent wis re } ul hie av pts hatore 4) et lodve poicous despot, Dias eneroiae in governments came a pation woVv from their want of uacversal know and colightenmment, it seen became mot atchigdl The Roman Republe now be known; but Cause owas Cranstortmed jute an Kinyire, gan to oe from the same and, after a few bundred years, ceased to bea tation. Phe world in the course of time became more civilized and learned, and examined more closely yovernmental her freedom, and renaming at thie tome, with the United States, the only proof that re publican institutions cannot exist unless avatetnsa. Soon Switrerland asserted a republican government Therefere when we beenne ignorant and degenerate, the United States cau no long er exist as a rejulitie. Thirdly, on the maintenance of Pre testantisin. Tf we only glance at the his tory of nations, enough will be seen to eatiofy us ef the trath of this proposition We may refer to the Roman and Grecian Repotlics and the eartier governments of nvefern nations Pranee, Austria, Prussia, Russia. In all of these except one the Cathobe religion prevails. In Russia the Greek Church, almost Cathol/e, is univer The effectof Paganism, Catholicism, and the Greek Choreh Religion is to pro duce ignorance and superstition among the masses with immorality and vice, the influence of which most effectually de- grades a people. We have just proved that a people in this state cannot main tain a republic; hence, it follows that, where the citizens are tiot Protestants. a free system of Government cannot exsist Therefore, if Americans would not lose their liberties, they most not suffer Pro testantiom to be supqdeuted by any other sal. religion, We might add to the the press of a sarcuments that effeers MIS fatieatts COUDTEY toch in A vreut t deal more renderina sec ene les \ : woute deal lias been he, atday “ be accomplished Gv such agent It a wel Prance hKrown thatoain 1 KI Where Uhre pross tnt combaritive the Hence The pos a tike the t Let them the hitlot lite, tor Mien {? cf ed no teedan CNet Cliiine:t tts ind a Cespotisin, vst dn ite aoyreat and free country States shoul tower bes watchtully enard th, bor. inerease the foi iM OF i eaik adhere Coascotilinds 10 testantism, and, agssaicdly, our ipsbthtions will retnaiu secure as jon as the world exists, November 4th, PSas Mr. Everett's Oration on Washing(on. The following ts ar extract from a state Mr. (ait request of the Massachusetts [istoncal Seecrety,) relative ta tue preparation delivery of bis discourse on the Charae ter of Was! The first proposal for the purchase of ment submitted ty Everett tlic and Mieton Monit Vernon be perso satses py : as far as Lam awa'e. was made tour years azo by Miss Ann Pameta Canuinesham, abative of South Cir te Ol ay Peeve a herrly on the tbeatser's soley and te tet zeal, perseverance. and uy in ascribed whatever success das ative i themovenctt. Tifsmostexceflent lady, poder the snmatare ot oA Southern Mat Wheel she tas rota ned until cer lately, publ shed in the vear S53 an ad diess tu the women of the Uneted States calling pon trem fo en wage ina veneria effort for the parchise of Mount Vernon Somewhat later, and in conseqence ot this address, an association of fadies was formed in Virginia for the promotion of this object, with branches in several of the other States, principally at the Soath Phe payment of ad the ! adottar was ionof membership, and ju this way a eon considerable fund was raised, Such was the state of things, when, ia the antamn of 2555, 1 was requested by the Chairinan ot the Lecture Commit tee of the Boston Mercantile Library As sociation, to deliver the introductory ot some other Jeetare in these approaching course, But it was vot it my power to comply with this request. It to me, however, seon after that the next oecurred winter wou'd ce pple G2 COU Bi Ce the tirst three visits made by Washington 1776, and 17Su would in 1756, circumstance to Boston —viz: and that an appropriate oceeston for a Comme nmola furnish tive discourse on the 22d of February 5 particalarly if, on examination, it should turnout that Washineton passed bis birth day in the year Tir eat did not prove to be tc Boston, whieh The gener us 1 retleeted tipon it, and P deter oned at tength to propose to the Lecture Committee of rhe Mercantile Littary Association that th ey case, al subject grew Vpon me shoald celebrate the next ! the berthdas of W: prepare for thatoceasion a discourse apot WONIVOrSary ao hington, offering to his character, the proceeds to be apples to some alive tended te treat its historical comlmpenert purpose [4 the sulagcet vocv avech tu ispects, and on connection visits to Boston atready re with the thee: se olPer was readily acer pt ferred te. FT 1 ed, and the } roposed celebration was an nounced in the Boston papers About this time. TP reeeeed an invita tion to deliver an address before some socety in Tochmond, Valo -b think the Young Meu’s Christian Association, So humerous are the Invitations received by ine fo deliver public addresses and lec tures, that, fo avoid making diserimina tions, Lam obliged, generally speaking, to excuse myself altogether IT accord ingiy did go on this occasion, but havin accidentally seen a short time before, i the “Nation! Entelligencer.” some notice of the organization and objecta of the dies’ Mount Vernon Associitiong” | offered to re peat ont Riebmond, for the benefit of that on the character of Instithtion the discon NUS hich I was cader envavement to prepare for | Boston Merear the ensning 224 of nw the Vssociation on Phie offer was readily accepted; and this was the tle Library Febroary commencement of the repetition of my discourse tor the benefit of the Mount Vernon NUMBER AG <a wo ae ae: as = * * e * * + * * * W ApoalfP8oo) Pimade ajonrnes South; be te repeat my & Fea fon” ronnider enenrement Yin and Wash inseveral plices, pribe pally on Vor niacand North Carolina. To oase the “Wishirorton” at Wilmington, N. on the Dith of Aja, before au dimense an dhenee (to whieh Powas presented | Puvis. J 4 that ety and the nett boring coontey : at Newbern, on the Pech, Vv Gres tron toa very full louse, to which Twas pre sented by Jodge Donnell; at Ralecsh, on the 14th, inthe presence of Goveror Bilis, Senator Bragg, Judze Badger, Guorge W. wrdecat, aod other distinguished persons, and a very large assembly, inthe Commons Tfall of the Capitol; at Chapel Hill, on the 16th, belore the faculty aud students of the University of North Caro- ipa, aud a very large audience to which [ was introduced by Governor Swain, the Wetinguished bead of the university, Oa the Both LT vave the address at Staunton ia Virginia, before a crowded audience, tu whielt f wan imtroduced by thon. A HL. HD. Stuart, in the Jasge JVlall of the Asyluin for the Deat, Dumb and Blind, [he net proceeds of these tive evenings were Harty three tindred and forty-three dollars and torty-tour cents: ) the proceeds at Wiluinetou aloue bere one thousand aod ninety-one dollars and enchty cents: Ne population at thaterly totexscecding, 1 believe, ten or twelve thousand. CAUSESOR OUI BOT IGN Allo is TUE ANC es We have nocdisposition, in times t these, 6 Feb VE party feet r WW concenve that we rend. Tee) fanart love to sich @ Cuurge when we direct thie poubuc au 1, yply WAS SNE! Wat Wer wud adtnatitien fer the futare, tothe reai Catises of our present trout Wew e Americug people, ¢ vialy wiih rut disttiction ol party, Ww trospecbve view of padl cement oof the Ty re Comat Pork adimiidetiatcon ay Pstd, aud, with erfect datpartial tv, trace to then so ces ail the evils, both acteal av] pres pech ve, Witte When the cuuntiy ts tow threatened, Tt would thea be seen, be youd the shadow of a doubt that the Shole fearfal train of calamities aed cur ses with which we are visited aod men aced is but the bitter frait of a polcw tush by Chat potent cabal, the Bali more convention, which pousntaed Polk and Dallas for the Presideney and Vice Presideney of the United States. We were never among the advocates of John VTy'er, and no admirers of course ered in his Few Whigs have reason to ven Bat when Joba Tyler af the Presidency he left the U States in a comparatively proud, respect erate lis memory. went ott able and prosperous cond tit ig Nc eretary of State brought to a close the ] } } Titer tle aN Te tote Gispated ieutst ero boundary 3 the Tard qpitestt ESAS was 4c) an] PEW pee Na fall blast, stimasating Nec ric dusters and supplying an Sab Treasury vaalt of death where the people had bn red it instead of their versal peace and frippiness Lite thanks to Mr which bat for his erretie course would have been far mere decided and The Whies of Congress h the Tariff of $2) prosper a Whi beer pede Wits ale tee eereeed yy par thre mooeyv. and unt vated, — Py ler for this reaalr, OSTONSIVE | \ it ny Hare, ane wv statesman, Daniel Webster, had honorably preserved vs frou war with the most powerful bation on the wlobe Above all, the Union was secure and nas heen preserved inviolate from domestic Such was the Pressdent Pyter re Nngaished the Executive Caair ol this Polk, tut, before this period at the tine when as well vs foreien enemies state of thins wher conatey to dames i hig sreeesser was trominated, the conchaer which fulfilled the predvetion, he that is Jast shall be first” in elevating Volk oves the heads of Cafhoan, Van Buren, Wright Cass; and Deaton, sowed also the secds of that how surrounding us on every side. A new element was introduced into Presi dendal contests in develpoing the passion for serritocial acquisitton which was be harvest of destruction which is heved to fire the hearts of our people Polk was the kite. and Texas and Orezon the magnificent tad, with which the pop ular taste was to be tickled. Who can forget the watch word apen every Dem ocratic banner, the rativing ery of every Democratic column —~—Lolh, Jadhas. Vey as and Orraos -soablime clinax! Oa the other hand, the Whi eardidate stood atone, disdarine to moar) oe prindes te ay Woseray tous Appetite t tore Note ritory, and warntu his ¢ Irvimen. on wotds that now read like Se a pheeles, af the disasteats ce vrsc fiGes of the polley of annexation, Tat salen tones of adagienithan were Lorhed at as the avtidelusiag intidels ta dont the warnings of Noali Toras acd Oregon proved too strong for Henry Clay. They sailed into port with flyieg colors and an der aluavy press of Canvass. towing along Polk and of two first chiss ocean steqmers On the 4th of Mareb, S45, when Pre ident: Polk delivered tis tia Ad diess, aos perty, pre Dallas, ike yawly on the wake vernal tate ol ceoneral pr ken ed thoushonot the country found peace and n vhri ION prevas Two veurs had tot ohipsed 1 t half hts term exp red and the public treasury was on tie verge of bankraptey, an enoriicds national debt created, the torch of war lighted upon cour Setthern bed. es, and t rat seit threatened w PV [vat appa ar ata trople which now hangs Phe a buick thuuder clond over our beads Every one of these unporalicled calaciuttes tay distinetly to the | Adininistration which sueceeded John be traced and direetly weet woe ww President Polk's Layla of January, £816, to Pvier, beginning woth memorable order t the Pod General * wd vance from Corpus Christy te the Tie Grids A memorable order, indeed but for which there would tave been ta contest with Mexico, and nod spute a Tew termites, Pesbake the present Puson te Wa fontilation, and threaten it with all the horrors of civil war! Alas t alas! to whathas this uataliow cd yereed for territorial expension already led ue? What enoruious sats of treasure, what lives, more precious than py rauide of gold, have purchased, aud may yet be expended for the lessou we are about to lcarn in sack cloth and ashes, that with Governments as with individuals, “ [ou esty is the beat policy.” And is this to be the conclusion of our manifest desti ny Txour * vaulting ambition” go soon to“ oOerleap itself” Texas, the young Southern bride, with her rich dowery of blood and beokeo heads, and sparkling inthe magnificent Jewels which we had ravished from Che trembling dvadem of Mesico, ber rightful lod, las already de serted her new home. lustead of annex- Ing the territory of others, we are in dan- wer toetead of con puest, We are threatened with aici of fosing oar own ' TWINS The above which we take from the Dal- more American, tells the truth as a far as it goes, but does not tell all the truth. foun’ght bave added that the Democrat ‘ party, by keeping the question of slave ty for party purposes constantly ia the arena for pe charging every Whig opponent with be- Vical thievery years, and by lavennsound on the slavery question, lave malt up the Abolition Party en to dt its present etrenyth In Gen. Parrison, Mr. Clas, and atv. turn, Gen. Taylor, George W. Suinmers, and the other dav Joba Bell were charged with abolition prochvines by southern democrats, who ms told the abolitionists that they bad tmpathizers among the shaveholders of The most dancerans enemies of the malutenance of slavery ia Virginia, are her owa disunion press and orators. If they succeed in either coaxing or bully ing the people of the State into giving up their liberties enjoyed under the Consti tution of the United States, and in lien thereof bending their necks to the yoke of the oligarchy’s despotisn, ther sarely bring the Canada line down to Pennayl vania’s southern border, so far as future secarity for Virginia to relia quish the ex- tine constitutional gnarantee for the re- torn of fa itive slaves; releasing Peon s¥ilvania voluntary and wholly from its Docerton dpon ter Phev make almost STN att ny Peorsy athe bother and ter ve eneiny of very, because by the eces ait hae tmominathe for stave ryes beaeht, they will lace joccensed tc fold the business dHeolties and fnaneial troubles which Peansvivania has already moeurred throneh the secession of the Galf States, Thas, they not only render it ceraio thatevery ranaway who ia tres toredac! Ponnevivacia will be lost to his owner, past the possthilty of reclatsation, tut they satse op in Peonsylyania a hoandred achive workers in the bosiness of The conseaqnence cannot fail te he tic saecess Molescape of fifty Virgioia ronawes where one successfully escapes now. Who fail sieving, where there ig one now te realize (hia selfevident fiaet 4 From the mMonent Vorg a sece les this trouble will roerease ut svelioa roped lates asthat in a sia: ear those in Vie vinta whe tave slives exposed to be thos Yost, will cither move further Soath wiih then, abandoning their V or Gf the latter be worth thar there meerocs) they reonta estates nore to thein will finery the Vatter into the market 3 selling them Sooth very cenerally for what they mag beable fo vet for them under the dag ect—to prices ner ef: of the glat thas beougtt about. While the seceded States wall reep the advantage of getting Virginia's negroes either by emigration, or by pin chase at very low prices, Virginia will sarely be paralized beyond expression for the tine y the immense productive labor she will se saddente sas tan, Her se |, ) bein, by Joss of cliipate and ather adedn ewever, too cront te adit the ‘dea that vortbern and foretyn labor w TV SES AO, vot rash aa hy thousavds to stop w athe vacnnin. To tess tag theree vears tren the hiv that) Viewtaiaws do san ess it VALET MAS cCHhint WaeUitheesn ae TLR Veh at ire oboarchy’s despot am. the ew Gamers Wil have se strensheued the Mpprosttye odhat government, as that they woul vote \ Tea tele nto ihe | yy qe ree, ort tyoot two tor cvane ; nar y and will doubtless (toe State then berog well nigh rey ution reel Vie rea A retheetion wi ent abolish the ip aves.) clear of s fiom the State, by a change of tiotit he Os eo phon that any moan TIA Ut seek bth toon off et of secession Upon the future «at Savery rn Vi tutta is concuried, a ts des tined vo be J ws we descoibe ot iadiosa Wash ddnraciun ot Lote hiv ca t Shas Moot TQ00 vadiidaals, 24 I ' ' Zee from teethone convulsions and worme Cvasies > 2 women in dha Tela aif t lon, a andotl reine Myplans 50 of fever. V2 af appoph ov. amd 41 of ¥. Cron another port of view Lae <1) 200 die within tf Po year, BO a the se 1 40 in the third, and 2 on the foneth » ant within the first encht veare of tife, 445 roa mostons half of the number are cut oth tia pre mature death on ! MR. CRITTENDEN’S FAREWELL SPEECH. Phe following is the latter portion of Mr. Crit tenden'’s farewell speech, delivered on Sunday night, March 3d: Now, in regard tu the South and the Border States, [ would have them trust to the Unies avd to the people. The North has given aseur- ances of Uh syinpathy tor them, and justice will be done. TL believe it. There are assuraa- cea given of kindness aud that wilt that sympathy and kindness whieh exists in the North will attract others to it; ite Staudioolof Liberty and Justice will be raised ' the country to the other, aod owd around it until States shall ome tod anke offrious to thetr brethren.— sy waleome, and twill be a happy day. e this and T would bave the South and ve Phoed Our Northern fe- entitled themselves to confi- Faction upon these very resolu \ sods lave come bere with petitions ater have petitioned for thea ; Nis Trecoguize a spint of kind tees patriotism be redeemed from oe e rStates believe it. ee tee by th whoh stow] bind the hearts of Southern mea. wills tae for the Union; | aa act for se- cesstut No, Sir And ay to my native State, Powili say te ber, more thin to others, I desire by the Uuiun of the country. votf unless an imperious necessity forces You have given to the world long contia- ted evidences of your consistency, your patriot- isin, and your fidelity to the Union. Stand by t Yo hve stood there heretofore ; why net You fiave titerally founded your State ta see vott stad Donor you pou wiuk. Yes Sir, upon a rock that State stouuded, aud you bave engraven on a roek your tesamony tothe Cmon. The stone you sentte be a portion of the monument to Wasb- vygton bore upou its Kentucky marble froot Unese words: “Kentucky was the first to enter the Union after the adoption of the Constita- tion; she will be the last to leave it” That sentiment she has engraved upon marble, and it now stands sanctified still more by forming @ portion of the inonument to George Washbing- I want to see her true to that great aod noble sentiment. It swetls the beart within me, There is nothing, it seems to me, in all the hope of (rumph—nothing of the manly beart-sweb hog character of the feelings with this poble aad patioWc septiment bas called forth! Let ber ~taud there with us; and stand by those senti- ments. Let ber be the fast to leave that Caioa which js covered with so much of glory, so wuch of triumph, and so tauch of blessing. This ia the only Government on earth, under which mnaa can contro} his action, can speak his own thoughts and where no man is imprisoned unlawfully from one end to the other—from San Franciseo to Portaad. What if our Treasury isempty and our money speut, and our government badly administered # Sull, with all these faults, 1 is the best govera- It is here only, in the arms of this great and mighty Empire, that Liberty Was presented to the world, in all ber might, and In the litthe Republics, ia be Alpine hills of Europe, whose little territe- too sinali to attract the ambition or ca- i ofiunpersd power, their Liberty is kept tsa thing to be looked at aod petted, but bere he stands in all her majesty and might, with lug across 4 continent. Who does not love this great country, with its mighty y citizen! The name of this country goes before bim like a host, and is @ over The very pame contains a cham aud a spell which attaches to him in every reson of the world; and its greatness ton, ment yn the world, Wher usefulaess. bles wt her aris strete Dbevebis to en shined him, tal Wosone iy magnified sill more every day. Psu PT hope Neatucky will stand for the Unies. fry sud try it again! If one Congress does vet Judie mohuy aud dues not act rightly anoth- erwili, tds a principle of our Government that these frequent changes will give us justica, and every State in the Caron should exercise pa- Hence and forbearance. Let us wait; aod when, if it be our sad fate, rebellion and revolution shall have passed over the whole land, I waat to see old Kentucky standing up, eveo in that day unabated stren oth and with the Flay of our Union in her haod standing upon ber unconqoered Gelds Whe the last soldier of a brave and vallapt band; ind then, whea the Chica is no more, and also of dissolution —standing up with stand then the image of a patrictisin, heer, berosnr and fidelity to the Umon to the last; Ven and not tll then, 1 would have ber consid- eulettextis ta be dane, for herself My Is. take care of the Uoion. It is the Walla noof Government. Take care of it, cid it will take care of you. HONEST, THOUGH BEATEN, we Warrenton Vos, sinee the inauguration of Mr. Lineotn, bas arrayed itself on the side of ie secession party in: this State, conceiviag, as odid, the inaugural to be a declaration of hos- res. Dut. the vote of this State having beeo vned to be against secession, the .Vews holds the following language in its issue of Fri- day last: / “Phe majority against Convention is triffirg \ppearaner, being enly, with the vote of Da- vie, about seven hundred ; this, in a vote of 93,- YOO. Is avery sunall majority, but a short analy- vis of ut will prove that this is not a correct view to take of the sulject. The real question at is sue therefore the majority vote of 46.693 must be taken as decided! y against event tact Wils “Secession shitty that question into consideration, — While the vole of 46.409, contains a large pum Ver of AL secessionists, who wish to give pab- ail ultra ants secessionists. csesniment a legitinate mode of expression, bute pot at all pre pared, al present, to vote for immediate secession, Had the question been “Secession.” or ¢No Secession,” instead of “Con- veutioa,” or “No Convention,” the majority ATMOSL secession, we firmly believe, would be instead of Lundreds. This view is strenasthened by the undeniable fact, that what ave called “Usion delegates,” are in a considera: blo mgority ; hence, we must consider that the mgorty of the people of the States are in favor of “waiting” some time longer, before exercising thousands their privilege of leaving the Union.” We commend the language and the senti- ments to the seeossion Orzans inthe State > and Iy do we call the the two , ally attention of rra!s to the lovalty of the “Cardinah.”— “weomust bey of at to observe whe yoes along ; for, if, as it "No the majority would have “been thouw- vu bad beeu “Secession” or a nsteal of hundreds” against secession, ele eo Moes must admit, that Mr. Braocb, wet seepsstan uatians dredured, does not or d torepresent the 4th Congressional Dns thie Rahiioh Ranner Voter, what ire you doing to tbat boy i” ok yoseventoen, how many wall re- yolaster wanted to know of Jo took ten of his apples to show him, Wants ine to vive them back to hn whe don't you do it!” “ Why, revue he world forget how many are left.” \ ! woentahtening a farmer upon ani ed hea inerose ype to the cheese, Now. look and see them wigele.” \ <n farmer placiue the cheese itt them w Pean stand ” Wisat Nea ‘ voone can divide, but Ode VAN see w t las been divided ? Wa er To keep apples from roting ~put them inte adry cullar with fifteen bove if a THE PEACE CONFERENCE In au able aud Colpervative speech de livered a few days ago by the Hon. Jas. Gathee before the citizens of Louisville, meseitied in uass wecting, that distin yeished gentleman gave the following ‘inside view” of the Peace Conference, af which, itis known, he was a leading dewber : “Virginia, the State of Washington, JoMerson and Madison, the mother ot statestnen, bad still alveart of love tort d to the States, aod thgy auswered ber call, aud at Wasting ten, though twenty-one Stites were vey regented, there were bat seven Slave States, a8 Arkansas did not send delegates, At Washington we metthem. Liat was a noble appeal of Virginia to the States that had elected Lincoln; it was an an peal to their justice and their love of nie Union, and it was not male inv New Jersey responded favoral| Penn-ytvania, though five out of seven of her delegates had voted for Lincoli: so did Ohio by five out uf seven, all of whom, but one, voted for Lincoln, Our aeighboring State of Iudiana sent tive Republieans, and it did not seem to ine that there were any Deinocrats, Whics, oe Americans on that side of the rivers sul) ten of these were ready to vrant eon cessions to the South, and the State dele gation tinally decided to vote on the main propositions. Ilfinois, the State of the President, Mr. Lincoln sent tive dele gates, al) of whom had voted for him, but three of these maintained that the South ero States were entitled to new vuaran fees in the new condition of things, and one of them said to me that no macrinice Was too great for the preservation of the Cuion. Kansas was divided, but there were two noble spirits from that State who said we were entitled to additional guarantees and thev were ready to vive them. The great State of New York sent delegates by her Republican Levis Intarc, and five out of the cleven foure for conceesion and viving us of the South every thing we could require. But) fur- tNer North we had some hard bargains They wanted to know what they had done that this thing shoul] happen? - They were told that they lad taken the aboljGonists to their arts and used them until we could no longer believe that our sucial inpstitutivus were safe, and that Were had been a great upheaving at the south owing to their platform and their Repablican orators, and that against the doctrines thus proclaimed the re were 1 free people of proper not rebel when their rights and interest avout to be sacrificed. The Peaes Conference paseed thirteen articles amen datory to the Constitution and sent them to Congress. Lat Washineton was the worst place in the Union, und it was a great mistake that the Conferenee met there, where the tiereest partizansh pora ged in the Senate and House, to put down the Democratic party and eet contol o the ottices and Governinent and the an neal distribution of one bandred ailian of reveune in patronave. We felt ther influence in the Pence Conference, fo they sent the } Cuion; she appe cin so «lie vat would i li fe ifneyle th = Micl A ointirate oe us, ur Work to: Congress ‘outer all kinds of pro And Wheb We sent to be carnival Crastination it was left to their saccessurs aud not reterred to the States that the peepee tnigdhit vote directly Qpon ont pro positions. Tsay here to night, that I ver uv believe that a majority in the free Slates are reacy tow ve all required guar antees and bold the Union together wien ever the people have an ¢ pportanity. te epeak andtnaket voices heard througl, the val x. Thew will change their ruler ive men and elect these who w be wilt 1 represc to grant us all Wecdeste. Dut it will take times they Geceted thur members of huss Ponany of their Legislatures, and im practicable inen were sent te tie Peace Conference, and what we obtained, we obtained tromm many gradsingty. Low 1 5 ° should they have responded to ta appealng to the Ne the nollie actof Vi ‘ when she knew tuat the Border Stave States were shorn of their strength ty seven Seceding States going out of the Umion? They shontd tueaction of the Peace Couterence, rant ¢d treely what we asked, and reterred it to the people. The delay was uifortu hate, buttue tinge will come when tho people will lave anopportanity to speck aod when the North does speak, an» weoing to speak, it will be in faver of the Union and the flag of our country, the flay of Liberty.” . have ree Leta Zee ENGIN DIAN DE ITEeCON Peni e ATE STATES. This not only a very remarkable coin cidence, but a very significant fact, says the New York //-radd/, that onthe 4th of March, the day whieh nshered our new Adininistration at Washington inte pow er, Mr. Gregory, in the British House of Commons, syare notice that onan carly diay he wild call the attention yy he My aty x government to the cry dicncey of a prompt recognition of the Southern Cong deriey of America.” Tima, whl from Wael ngtou the indiesotuble ghar acter of our old U moot November tas was procla med to the world, its disriye Won Was fortiaddy annonneced in the Bert ish Parliament, and with the view te the otheial recognition of that independent gevernment setup at Montyomery, Ala mona. which Mr. |, necln’s Admini-tra tion theoretically ignores. Not Quite a Lear Sunday even ne there was a prosp wrow atthe Central Depot in thas city On the arrival of the froin Grubdabe r on owhich were ou Jelegites re ' yer a S Arnie tran he uieetiy at tat qace, Wor os were pissed Veoheeen x vate Ob thee Pasoeneers aid some of oar cilizens A comlusion of tougues and adheplay of the Nuts revaivers Were the reeult | ton mike RChueeeh tai Yo tenn ooked as thougl re mange it be bP Sunien of the opposing forces; but the whistle blew, and the a ew were sd e delegates poiig Wet and on Cozens remaining bone teal Bann, Rawk Rolbriy ae New York New Vo Marmh ¥ An attempt was node bat night to robihe bachange dank ane thiacnan Tlie (ann Aare had burrowed thee way for seventy tive feet to Che bank butday lyhtewrprised thom be fore they ¢ mild open the safe They got only thoasand doWars, which wae ina tin box in the vafe The burulare eseaped, bat ona man has beew arrested on suspicion COMMISSIONED TS PROM TEA AS LS ANEW MENICO, ARIZONA, BONO RA AND CHUTIUAHUA Woasiixaron, March 24, 1861. —Intel ligence lias just been received here and it was laid at once before thy aduiinistra- tion that commissioners are now in New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora, and Chihuahua, dispatched hence by the independent State of Texas to confer with the people in these Territories in relation to the pres ent political crisis, and to invite their co formation of the Routh Operation in t ern Coniederacy ta be compored of such slave States as may unity themselves for this otjqect Phe comnts. following sivniticant lanwniare in their ad dress te the people in those Territories : “Every argument and every appeal bith nets Use the ertoniade in behalf of the prosperity of aur glorious conutry seen to have proved Inadequate te the task of crushing out the black fanaticism of the North, and: the cnrrent of secession, dmipelled om ya sense of duty and hereditary honor by thy South, cannot be turned back to its tonntain, Erreconcileable as the thought mav be tothe American patriot, He stern fact is palpable that the Londs ot our U Nien are severed Phe beacon hight of hope, which a few days aco loomed up in the lieart of every lave of tis country, now flickers dimly in the socket, and ap parently no earthly power can avert the dissolution of the slave and ion-shave States of this Unjon. Tt must be deter mined whether you will Yonare Ps tecding upon hope, live injandtrelivy, ‘or forget a government by whom you lave been dis carded, even turning a deaf gar to your sMpplications, at whose door you can jast ly lay the tives and fortunes of many ot your best citizens.” The matter seems to be well reecived The Commissioners are invited to attend a Convention, convened tomeet on March 16, at Messilla, for the purpose of taking into considvration the present political crisis of the cenntry, This Convention, it was confidently believed, would adopt some plan for the carrying ont. of the movement cuntemplated by the Comins stoners This intellivence has caused great un easiness ay the part of the Adiuiunistra tion, This ig another enibarrassiny ques tion; bat it has to be met and that promptly, tee, far the Administration clearly see in the movement the designs of the South towards the fertile plains ot Mexico. ition to the Grovernor, besides Cee yt pulitie meetings, are wetting up through ont tie ditferent counties of the State, te COME THE o Leg latuc;e and place the nvettion agaly betore them—the said petition | rally signed by ad/ peirtees du this county, and may be found atthe Post Office.—aAs (hy Little. The “rule or ruin” policy or rether the role aud rain policy, is te be perse vered in by the preeipitationists, and their Governor is relied pon tor trapor : The # phe hats hereto as been ver tore Ve feted inticwted there 1s) tat pe party an Cleveland, bat when it snits lis purposes, Ef can spe ikoof a penton Lethe vsiened Ly all p erties.” We presyine it te renerally Known that we are no special admirer of Gov. Ellis, although he has declared we wonld have a convention Boon, We cannot bring our- self to believe that be will fly in the face of two thirds of the voters of the State, Poliey, if not principle, will prevent his doing and reassemble the Levislature, For what purpose is the Legislature desired ta he convened? Only for the purpose of calling a convention. And desired that a convention be rthe express purpose none r Hleaven—-of carrvinie the > Union. r Union tnen—tens of thousands of them we voted for a eon We voted forit because we believed the bonds of Union strenwroncd by it Qharbetiet | was well feanded, and though a small vention om the 28 alt. wend b inajomty voted down a convention, the ion oof mmsve than two thirds of Union el that the strenuth of Union was so great in the hearts of the veople That Go Convention Wak Necessary o give expression to the wilh of North olina, The very fact that a conven on was voted down at all, proves con chosivery the all conquering power of the Union sentiment, under present cron affairs Those who new advocate the dioldin stances dtd the present aspect of of acconvention, do ose) for the express purpose of disu sneatonce between 6U,000 Union men ion. This nakes an ts and 30,000 disnnioniets, and the vete for Union would be in the same proportion Sut would the Legislature, if convened call a Convention? We think not—we think the Governor thinks vot, and there- fore we think he will not convene the Legislature. A convention can he called only by a two-thirds vote of both Tlousess and two-thirds of the members of the Leyislature would certainly not be 80 forsetfal of responsibility a8 to so ut- terly distegard the will of two thirds of the people. But the political gamblers in the State will continne to agetate. They have nothing to tose, and may win, Phe cban ces in their favor arg ery stall, but itas acone sided operation with them, tor there Is he possibility of ther dosti Leth igh Bann r WILMINGTON, CITARLOEIERNN 1) UD AUVES IEC OD TRUE OAD We dearn from a reliable sonree that the Presulent avd Cinef Engineer lave recently closed a eontract for the geada ation of all the untet Rouiroad, from the head of the road in Reelin county to the town of Clow " Pie contractor in Mer. Tarvey, of feelmond, Va a gentleman of exper ence, great energy and aly seetpots oom the lity and secood tonene on this eontinent: for oveconting work on this departiant fhe las heen er gered tor several venrs in buy! ling the celebrated “Don Pedra’ railroad Loa z Phe whole work os te be copdeterd Ny the end oof next year and , tse velie We also decrn that Mr Atkon con. the Cliet Engineer, and Mr. Smith, he Euginceer of Br Pee Dee and view a tinge the other streams, Wilh Che preparing the places for crogaine ta te secure an qarly We, and ail with oe, may fee, assured that this: great State work is now in) good and will be pressed, with energy, to a Wibeaboro Argus thuse efreatmes, § completion of ve rod hana, happy conelasion (op the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Virginia. ar Fiom the Alecandria Sentinel DISCOVERY OF SECRETED ATMS. We have in our possession several sam COMMUNICATION, Parermo, Rowan Co. N.C, ) ples ot a murderous instrument, some of March 27, 186) \ a large number, of whieh the following yt J.J. Beexek—Some one doubtless atiiend account is given by a merchant in Wash- has entme a copy of the Lady Suuth Curate find the totlow ington city, who has them for sale; beacinyg date March 25d, ia wii . uyself hy the wditer He says they were brought to him by j ee i % y ‘d niltev 7 Tver aman of the name of Mailey, who lives Rea men ees Tite in Paintax county, with instructions te Xo Carolina ina speech ata recent Umon meet Io says Bailey informed tin ine that he found them secreted amt ea pale yotice o Cer veiy) wn Cihice seeker clared thathe “would rather be ibheansot the North than Red South. That the South was uv es the ow Re handred Guiel by Ning Cotton, aud he was opposed to all tng. “Phere were about two handres Kings That af an army trots the North should at —hearly owe liandred ane tefipt to past through Nort Ca Hiity were deposited for sale, as above South he would be in fave stated \ he South Carolimans do ther own fghtuy sell ther Be, OF TN pore Ol | them on all hha to coerce the of allawing them to and let Phe weapon itself is in) form like a 4 u as follows ; roves OlL to consi tomahawk, except that the part opposite We yubt that tie Unionists ‘Ulade is beate oastrong spike . the blade i ten Gut inte we strong §] ke vot ieee ee leespnal orspeary sholtty curved tiward, and ter Gn Fewerane chin’ aly are qiotukely to Mmibating baa sharp port. Vie blade is wetmueh of an obstack: Goon army tiarchiog tive inches long, and three inches wide either: Nol South Phe spike or spear partis | Where th \ long, Aostout handle of ash) ton, upon which be ha at the cdye editor got the ve piece of informa four duches Whose sateastic and fa wood, two fect long, is very strongly i eenous, le bas a hoetantormed us ana bat tor the i nthe cite effusie serted and secured by jaws six and a half qerence Liaw ti e, thatiiy net inches deny. The haudbe Tras a rim jas bec called tol ue one regards aroun | the end to p event it frome: bei it ew \ atte Tosh Tet the t ' at ‘ ‘ ‘ terab en o drawn throagh the bands ot the bolder Sela ag Ata phenmoral er n i ave something with which Lienert considerably misted by the which must have something with which i Aposury, the pobhe mond and crher cannot, of tlic sources of Its very paarticulaa as Althoagh these are fearful weapons for a hand tohand encounter. Their nam renee hong an it Loli) anu bers and their secretion, and the w URI a rstanelbeayes Prenton fs itselt, imiicate an extensive acale of tour: ther to miyseltor the puble, Pow props derous purpose, and point to the agents ly, substantially an expected ty be employed. ry, atter a Ae s of : . ame, in order t Whether there are other military de- , we know not, bat cireumstan- . ces have been mentioned tous which will Yooh and the Red epubheans of the Seath sod justty distrnsr Mysterious and suspie [de nat wish te live under either, Lineolu is not cions looking boxes have been received 8 kins or an autocrat, to rule over Arendt: people here from the North, and taken into the att the ji : ws ste interior. Inquiry is already on the track ae of some of these, But the discovery ot e certainty has net the power with the niaport such deadly weapons under such circum- ty ol at inees, and in seach numbers as above against han stated, is of itself suthicient to awake the : : con utmost vigilance of our people. Who yo conenerenee of tliat a are there, that while good men sleep, ALE Sate then, of the few regard my ag baiet- as | can, t Ce TH Thedon at the Ing about the ty positories he Black Republ Serva, swore to sup he, the ieve he has the disposition ted execute, not irm vilfion sind alt of the Atmetiuan peaple Dee the Supreme Court alo. “Phore rome to tet and be youl Cone ts to oMeu, w mat fon unnb the Gault s seceded and left the border States im acm yotmabe tis appoint collecting imour forests, and by handreds, monty. Suchoas the rove torus Wh ther ree the instruments of wholesale murder? tor vuterest, Tory create the dibealty of our A soldier who served at Harper's Ferry, ve bar ene RUSTE NS Tet Dee ee wid beeame familiar with the weapons |, ‘ hone oat Tee oe captured at John Browa’s mountain de- war Batata sac! Rea (renner errr pet. says that the appearance and the now hie and the woridentine Without co Hiish of these battieaxes, and of the ail o ver deual tae Soul canuot handles to them, are precisely similar to 89" 0" Cee he : ue those of Brown's pikes. Like them, also. a. cur) : 1 ‘i ta these do not contain the mame of the edtabvennderany king | woo atroch us manufacturer, ler hire Cott ny othe Bat ever since the We have deemed it due to the public ss ebm te eS ee ‘ to taake known these facts, as revealing oni ‘ é the necessity for a vreater vigclanee than we lave as vet displayed, ind) for an adequate military preparavion When we revs. ‘Whe prove obtain fuller information, we will recur SESS SS wea to the subject. es Seale neon trast ’ Ww ary desporisa) a nien HE GOLDSBORO GL MEETING. Ce pena Consilerug that (ru orouwh is the centre ha rip vt % ‘ : Le ‘ t “ ' | ve ' frwtrowds from the four quarters of the State =) ‘ ie © Gan vet <joah Nevh. Seath, Bast and West ;—that passengers eet conv ya ant Tintend te make a cleat were vorted over them all at halt priee y that breast ot ot Twist to pes vou my uaithy a rexel ; ne the season 4 comparatively idle one, and the el Ther TUppinete SCiiseah paste al weather good + and considering the prodigious \ wry ‘i sand T bebeve we oan fuss which the secessionists keep up, we are : a i : o Uni aud tig cathe tant peated at greatly surprised that this wondertul inass meet . Sonth Caroling a eal seceded States teceorn ing, tis outpouring of the people, that Mlied the jock Dowie vou te take this course because thy streets of Goldsborough, so the papers told as. desniy ot Nort Carolina tonst be my de v If amounted to only 216 persons from outside of in atau expression Chopin, a tiajoiity eo Wavne county, There are @1 counties that have ple say we tiget diselve UES SSS UD a chrect ratiraad connection with Goldsborougzh not ae ale : et and of those auly 18 were represented. We are IAN) ay! : ! Z ‘ ! wll tu sce that’so little encouragement way ex LOTS : ni mn ie tended to this attempt to overrule the decision ‘ oll S . of the people, through the insulting pretence that inrieneee 5 i Nie peaple did) got understand what they were iy Var seus w i Jotng haery , , ‘V [he sperohes as reported are of vers hettle force thew ut Or att They Fhe dost prominent thers — waited upon hy give up tn ue uM uu 1 escand requested to speak —were Mr ES Cimtua Pee , ee “a Moses of Sonth Carolia, and Me Rattin new 7 Be ee er Meret eaten santo teofthe same State but better known as r ae nate a Virsiuian And the onty thing worthy of vycat Washington special remark said by either was 4 recommen Hlag of the Un Iihon to take possession of the Ul oS. forts io North Carolina, because it would be dittcult to ci | ted by every nation canse tos the representative of the retake them af the North was allowed to fill We thiok there are jite enonsh in opr own State ready to advise thei with men,” thiee Ietitsy serful States Tn the reason without Tnporting orators from a” for nel a oe tect nity as they clan to be org 12 i \s to the tesulutions which we copy cle I ved we na Ie t \ ee na by the contemptuons designa jas over te f North Cae na te coer ees © Vaneey | tthe Nortia, ae tite York of clestr Bihan an! ey expect us ta th f Non of this at (uton as the %; United States, ney of the v and © the Union or Confederacy ; 3 raged iu the aboty known as the United States, "—the only thing to which we trelpetielet th ¢ ve ma would call a tention ts the organ , f Valion for the purpose of agitating the public ood and Longing it to sanction and demand theasnres koala directly and avowedly to dis titan The trends of the anion, who have not I Ae lesparcd of a satisfactory and peaceful adjust a : i he U H ment Cf the sectional question, wil take pote of 11° * Le neal : 16 purpose Comrong one seer! thisaind Ie prepared to counteract the movements iy the Uion, Mr Buchanan «ays Coneiess ha of the disumiotists, The agitators are acuve ys i, , many ofthem have pothing else to do, and some \y¢ Ver bo Coeree a that weaie tarourt te say are paid salaries which enable them to devote to declare war a cunst a har time to this evil work. Those who differs erher vet in the Cn with them, and who desire to preserve the Union, they are in the Enon, Con ha onder the Constitution, will have themselves to Dut it lies not the power to Meni A Stare ie aliadea, aud vou aay ath ol a blame af they fail to exert: there influence tn connteraoting the efforts of these men.— Fayette 20 0% ae a he eae ville Ohseraer, ie nal it tmareh one te not comy nile man to aet “What Thent—In the course of a few days be people rreleet the teprest Mrcutormml use eaticer ew lleticlareiiplliemeay oon en UCAS EU Inty to the Confederate Stites to the line of the ee ae ae ben , : ea _ NCO Ce ee Merl Mite bee tora | Cailperrli (econ cm rane Mie (User dee | ghee atc a enters the State of South Carolina HAUGEN GEN crn x lie? NHI CEROMEE PEAOnUe ietlieaitod: passenger zormg oreotmimg will be hable to have ran Thave no nahn te reid the passage of Federa! Nis trunks examined. and bis baggage ransacked, i tresnibot Ging State t kK theta vd every fretcht train will be compelled to un ne l Seber Re. aU ESTE Cetera deryo the siime sermtiry What wail be the ef a Ba oneal tclscea sy i Dlisvies IN * fed (ho tn (hatviaimerot dint ronleand of Ue et Toad Cat lls ies sl owt of Wilmington) This ts avery inter iat ot tie nen FAA TE nT We questian toa people, the merc hat ! ie vad To jeeter that she stonld do het Iuistoese men particularly and we weall | Ga aawtn | hear whatthey have to say abont it Will any weds cate , | ew we or wall atiytecds Une ste t \ bt Tas the tow Herat Who bas tron cht about the state of affrirs of Witning whi vou complain Mr Herald t+ You know, ,, a Heal CAA tied date notdony that itis wour own friends ar cat yer Coercion ty then reall neht eons syipathisers, Phe General Government has once then ithe very pink of ehivalry I may trot had ans hand wot You and yours per net prose nioen ofa obstacle to an acne march p tale awrong and then Gey ty hota other res 0! | Le" Tata oft , ' ‘ wut of it | potilde for the effects of that «rong Youer : ; ug : lik ae ” 1 t nes WAV Seeded le ve : : mere oat the sane tine i i : H LMNs oo - and at the san ME eniiay alr 1 ease sear does come, T wal Ee eae , endeavor tot at Tiorer says ot the much de- presume Chat offlerla of the New Cone aaded acu ol Beculapens . f, | ”s '] anne , fideracy w be the only ones that will annoy \owove Physician sailed our wounds to heal travel] ta hy rabsacking thes baryae Tn fact fe wore Haicarnna he publie weal ' ” ho benny traveller tube annoyed Vive Beli the South Carolnawan may now trates Plc prospech of grape vine Gravats, and new ) Lat 5 mn fer iis bent faligt nity head te rr uls a ‘ ili INE CioGre e « will ne Ajo ten of Narth Ca a he Ukely to attrack customers, — Ral, Pagner Bn nati ac kee a Gbon AGI a lin ¢ zs nD hued v Ad Seuators to stand with Diseont upon a Counterfeiang Extablehinent, We i Sotng agaiiet tie Couvention bill 1G the sts Ce nciinenmcn, Way ball No fare mcizure othe eee Tate wostaroed by @ mayoriy of the i re earpl Woaether the 470s. men would 7 terfoat, boygue altered hank notes, platec and PeOrs i ° noch ob an obstacle + an army naar ‘ lies was effected in thia etty, by Detective Keese oy mthooar South may be best known hy a few slave ago them Atanyorate they mma bo hase ab ¥260.000, including $60,000 in counterfeits ey rl tt | hood thie! hee [he whole amount is eatimated MrT Cth sbstita thor Laws ott ( ‘ ast He ALO to used by the people as dire ected by politichins We are sure the editor of the Journad will adopt Balogh Banner fatitully administered, and we are auwille coed: becnuse we have lost an election, or becaum South Carolina hasaccoruplished the work for w hick hay been duburmy Jor forty years. Lincoln We think we huow oat tt We kuow that we have more negroes in North Carolina (han they South Carolina, and we have ye our detiniGons she was not elected forty: years: age alta and interests too have white people in more white people than they have, audas ; : tellizent, brave people tou, and some of us believe that most of our people Lave myre of that virtue, told George Washington was pradence, Wath all these whieh Gen. Lee rascally in hin e Virtues amd we do notimean to beast of then — 1 must stl cay We babe va sdb ty sstonists aniedh us, Last water the sede meeting in Wayne eounty passed strong secession Peso ton Mercury though not quire aweabe, ts Carolina Colatchman. preparatory Ee Pannen SALISBURY, VC fice ths lence ol the ver . iw which Care ‘ t iy 2 he a ated Porerin t LU tha steal t GHETE SIGN TUAY ESTES AVI Son} her frren ts. the frre-ealers, th what es ali Uineninen £ Whered the Seta es . : nae cn Haan ae ah aarti GOLDSBORO? GATHERING. task f htuents fre-caters, and net y pocketed the ansult te There were about 23 Countios repre: PVCs oluinletian mer Cig ieuseedin tics oo : le sented in the discnion mecting at Golds \z ut Eaters dowtreast, felt called open. Goro’ on the 28d and 28d March. Every net dong suee te say some py PDN ae Clete eily ta airuve iyavieeterien tm ietlo, Wane CU SaenCpUCRCId! BauqsT aia :tsi7101¥ dele reeenv cd the following letter t 7, South Carolina le ona South Carolinian gates as there were persons willing to go } } represented: by the Fin la sibivisstun biditor of Mee Uerald Some wel handred, Son, ad yon 4 some by fifties, same by twenties, and onntymen, and Lopes one of these days to have “oe about half by from three te one delegates all poltroous like You dma clas to cultivate mer poe atl cotton, cot trom the Esto associa cach. A Mr. Moses, from Seuth Carlie hou) MON SIEN yet al la was there by special invitation, and made areal * Carehna” disunion speceb. nites Sau Dee co it yon will botimay God save the State trom iutanty Who will veme, when T tell st that the last tine TL heard trom that halitor he wasup in Wayne z CeLeLaLy Ol a secesoian Inceuug, cheek ly fowl with sembly Was foo prOus-Cuons bor tliat , Wut i Mr. Moses trou South Carolina Now. iewever we lave no doubt Cever this nivel abased ditde BE nay tn 1 avof Miro Afoses, that he cannot bet adewoor he would not have been among these Mercury conpared to geome Had te peeparatory pruuts, atthe former meet tld yup, “after Stoletthan by a fitrand fall vote of the people, and you hail We presume, however that there was one very important feature omitted : the as he whiepered into the cars of the leaders, (hat at would nol do to trust the vRowll lo curry secession, ho the ok ‘ : ee tt No State has vet gore out of the Union ee awh te : a . the probability Is strony that the people ee Wiolintan watts . " : me commended to Lanceda as an office seek nor Wilh yet vindieate ther Constitutional ws a soldier, In regant tothe solher pact of lus ppalita nits. commuubication, Tau rigut well pleased, J am as Inorder that onr readers may known moe oot the cles aod oUher bivelitgs io guided by a certain Valuable to suiciat as fied t th. Who are re what was done at this meeting, and what they prope se to do thereabouts as¢ x we suljom the pre s Which were adop and tio better, im omany resperts, thar thuse coluiieu sort of t that Editor mtmates amble and resotatie tu the State, bat atthe wgghit te shot ac will less bob Lineulu s se Saree wiht dn De the valerons poopie ho Whnkkas, The Gener Asseribly ofthe State Carob teed tat be spened sil thee otis ob at North Carolina reeenty tn session. passed by slave No the wav oof taxes ~p. wil constitute opal megernty, @® act anthonzing hae eS een | ea ee Vie oof the State, at theirdtseretion, to call priter asd ton olaet par lot tear TL pre oti a rane i areas Convencion tor the conscaleretion of the rela Wigs WG ea f Sette North (arena tothe Fed ~ Peeler tin e ene eral Governiient or agency ot Che United States 1 poster k sstohien wonnt nd te the cotherent States comy withe Cinen cud usa wer, bat as an otfies seek) op Conf decuy known asthe United States: and ! ‘ SAG sof Neeth Carotiina, ardentiy Me : HitAT WeHeast(ianve leave terieciielcntill mrentiattis On nstlations web whieh ther have been raised \ flea n tomer ie ii oa Lee ieee Fs ‘ Ttial | Waste vedo teat smaittedd te thee from ener Tee shoul fect. era nie aes Peer Vontiersters, hance on sortie cases tl ’ nel Co tetiden t Ean bow “ recown zo the fet these met ~ : Ph trae prone upon whieh they \\ [ower Were luni + beech ily subverted, onal hea sort Ca schoact wer teeogthiged Gave atin hoped that Lu vata Dean 1s tas rhe hall Mel mabe te tcnt ‘ seitie | on OP Cot prctanise : cobs ta bith ‘ ores ic Ve ny el whereas further events 1 Pati hGt ee Gia : fave sotheronth and most conchisively: shown, ' taste ett rusts i frolze tearty the wi that se far al efforts to obi oun proper ane the oitees on the State Ouecof the most rated satistactury unarantoes for the praecetion of sis TD know--a Goan who want- wir dte threatened a yhts of the Southern States, (and tC North Carolia tay be gotten cat ob the tt North Carolina claims tobe in the fullest sense beng Of the wonla Southern and not inerely a border ed By the way. why (sit that certiis cr ee Statep have fuled, abd we beheve will fart al sensitive about ofhee ® To have son (he) have te oad ¥ heve ail, be therefore ed that they think thernselves entinbed vhokiall Ue othees by a sortal divine right) and ceas Cjuplaceutiy asi Resoleed, Vhat the interest as well as the THEE 22 they meen to regard it as asin honoref North Carolina patorally and imipera ! ghost politeally goter uvely demand that her potitieal conmectens ee ae Yowzetl Lereafter should be with ber sister States of the : ry E88 South atad nok with the States of the North, op Vea Torn eriice Vuiliieras wil posed te her as they are om scorn rnseturth ys 4 yeh Plc of doturs ol Wel Peennrary pte peste abd etettes 4s they Mii a have shown themes to ben both relations t ' Sd Kexolead, That we respecthuliy reeominend ado been be the formation of an gation whee object Tara iG! it sliall be: to te the ficts apd present “ for thematelves instead of breakiog ap the, wguner ypon this peur te the peo Bas noel ete ble ob every ( nthe State wh Nonh Caro eeokom the 4 lina, which oreanizstion shall te eailed the tin a Dice Detalucn lie southern Lights partyoof Nori Carcuaa, be Other ober vert of nen and things, a hesing that when facts, prion as well as belned: have remarked, subsequent, te the diay of election, (28th of Peb eurpbedts in othee, Wrst 1 ISGL )are fatty mniberstood, the estaens af North a tol Bed away ty aid ot the Carobna wii reconsicer there actiety ited deumpnal Dela of the tower Hames from ther servants, ie Goverkor abd Goperal Tove my office from the people Je in North Carohua, They r Do the people rile in Sonth Carolina” ryorver Voted tor a Presidenmtad the Unite Assent: ty to se express their throwerls the be dlot- ban That for the parpose of dissermina nthe Unrted wishes ‘ own Goverbor, or pave the ie net facets, and presenting the APY viTwe ols Lany « o Confederate States nthe or loeibie therefrom, we styyest, tiret, that the Nees of secesstom whieh hav eipttated Mem President of this meeting appoltt a State bx rot the Union? Not nol! “0 yONT prenpele eoutive Comtutteer of two from cach Congres ie Hea a a ee seated sional Prstriet, whose duty it eball be to adept ee Te at eer een BG wU or Tse a) } proper incans for carrying oul ; Tes c Youtatabont «the aint be objets and deterd ig the principles of the father resistinee.: aid) this maken Lalita Onuberneluichtavotercrol Nort) (Aaroling: States Renator ont ofa nian who said im TRaa ~ te Lesotred, Vhat we respecttully recommend to praple ave belo whatever we cournutnl them, the Southern Kights citizens of each County in Bar Mi. Bint f une torambling letter tou tance woth the editor oft i an [Ttakeort that heracentlenian bot he hae ay en aready ¢ Pout bring this toe done aud the State to form, at the earliest practical Unie, T haven County organigatons, whose proper exec utive officers shall correspond wath the Southern Rights rte those, who Lfear would rather Executive Committee vy blaine, than my pracse. and | uwet Resolved, Vit the forts of the Federal Gov- Withah Lolo ued Cement, on the sultio! North Carouna, were ia wilhog te pay the tended to defend aud proteer and not menace otny position, and have heretofore heen rate hercitizens, and that any additional Aito take care of suvself ATED ak of force, placed ino such forts, not simply without to stand oat of my sunshine f 7 sia : ty sunshine Had | the request, but against the wishes of the people or popularity alone my eourse would with Cat beport fo ayo that editor bas been rude wever, Fas alway or subj: Tan enone Any one is seu ht offer Ay earecoryaulittcrenttetrd iicenauirtiteee Uren mass the State, unust be regarded as a mepaoe, and ood people of Rowan and Davie will bearme 981 ihinipary to subjugation, which, as North thatin the darkeee heues of the party te Carolinians, we must not only denounce, but in which Phave stood firm and the AYq of the Union the last resort resist at all hazard, there flig—our flay—-has neve: trailed in the deat ah In accordance woth the third resolution, the ay a ey days % spussedh byt : tas hades Tate anys ats mee passed FY Chie announced the following gentleincn as meta Wa are vet iu the Union -clet us«tamd coustitnting the Executive Comnitttce of the fia Ae for ivself my conrse-e clear, ft willnot Southern Rights party of North Carolina: Vor Gd erties fo my count a pain Harn tite Wet District — LL J. dohnson, Perquimans, H. Shaw, Carritnek. 2d Dnstrct —J. Lb as Pam. feeble as Pinay he DT shall endeavor sate yg WoNorth Carola <houit ever ga out ot Lridyers, ikelyecombe, Dr Coraorn and the oh , rordered Crone fie en ianee ‘ Hote “Milton Selby, Hyde | tonal eye snliy erews bl Pastner OP Meares, New Hanover, W T Cine eee 0 el ; fo lanes tietnian Kespecttutly ; 4h Prstnet—Dr. Pride Jones, Oraage, F. A. Vhoenton, Waren oth Distmet - nos. McLean, Gu wel PPG, Caswell Facts and arguments used to be constitutional Goh istic! = bl Wi. Sain Hargrave. Davi Tth Uistret-— EE. flamimnond, Anson, Rufus Barringer, Cabarras sth Distries<—Gen, OC. M. Avery, Burke, N.W Woodfin, Baueonts tord, Sam Stockton, Iredell, Col lon and legal weapons in a free country mington Journal, Wo are proud to know our contemporary of the Jonrnal covneides with usin opimon, Ue OX presses OUT views exactly The trath of his- tory “as vindeated in the abows extract, and we There is one notable fact standing out eudorse it Until © coereton of the Southern prominently in Connection with these wople was atternpled t Sowhern politucians peo pled hy er Polllelans, roceedings to which we desire to call facts amd argumeuts used to be constitutiona the attention of our readers, and that. is, vines and tur and feathers have been substituted, an entire absence of any Miaposition what ind degal weapons in a free country (irape however and the Jouraal and ourself are deter over, to preserve the Union. The reader mined to put down all such “weapone in a free will look in vain for any thing which gountry, provided a free country can be sub contemplates its reestablishment, and a stantiated i Some inay have doubts about the agreement restoration of of the editor of the Journal and what constitutes: that amity and brother Pourelt ae to hood between the sectiona which have “a free country and “ consiy . . tnional aud lewal weapons,” theron, We lng (tle this aie af tle most prosperue ane that vll such doubts be thrown away, Weare happy nations on the face of the earth Jetormined toagree with the eddorofthe Journal On the contrary every thought and every word, pointe to a destruction of the Vnien and to a Southern Confederacy. — He can't “eoerce us to disagree with Lim \ trea country "ig one im which the people are atliberty taobew the commands of the poltrerans and © constitubonal and legal weapons “are thove; Lhe whole question is therefore narrowed down to this,--will von give up now, and for existing causes, the present Union, and join the Southern Confederacy in preference to trying any longer to Bave it? On the zsth of February last, the peo. ple of North Carolina voted at the bal- lot box that they did not desire a State Convention even for the purpose of eon. But in order that the State should not be taken ont of the sidering this question. Union, the people elected a large Major- itv of delegates who were pledged to ex. hanst every possible effort to restore har- mony between the sections and preserve it. The facts that some of the Northern States have virtually nullified the Con. stitution and the laws relating tothe ren. dition of fugitive slaves, and that a par. ty entertaining political dogmas violative of the rights of the Sooth had gained the reins of Government, and that the fears of those whose rights were thus me- naced are founded an just cause, and that new and ample guarantees shoald be iv- en for their security as a basis of @ set. tlement between the two seetions, were all distinctly recognized by all the can- didates. All parties adinit them, even to the most ultra Union man elected by the people in the recent election; and we honestly believe there was not a single delegate chosen who would be willing that the present conflict on the slavery subject should snb-ide without such a settlement as would afford a reasonable hope of exemption from future agitations on this exciting and Jangerons subject. And yet theee important facts are virtually ignored by those styling themselves the Southern Tughts party, who with deter- mination press on in their efforts to pre- cipitate secession. The expressed will ofthe people always heretofore the end itizens of the State on political sulycets, seens to have failed of strife between the at this time to eatiaty those who have so Recr and repeatedly seen other parties vielding up the offices of tenst and profit atits comma: d , Has it iost its potency to those who have so long Or has it fired them hecanse enjoyed its favor? revenge, immortal hate, Aad cournge never to snbmit of yreld %” We trast net, bat rather hope that argu- mentoa tho are to be the ar- Siler ae asin all other qnestions whieh 4 rine Wiliteee hl e¢ people to de- termit Poe apt ots national tron: bles is sn tynet te fieqnent changes dependent epen the bappening of new events in diToront parte of the Coun trvy and open tie developments of a new adininistration; andin view of this fact, we see reason why the will of the people should be more frequently consult- If the South ern Rights men really desire a new ex ed than at ordinary times. presaion of the popular voice let it be or- dered ina regular way, and let the qnes arly put as that ake about it, We are always ready to submit to the wall of tions be Bo faily and cl there shall be no unis the people, and if they say yo ont of the Union, we shall net ask thei to recon: sider it see A ylalivrn. -Vive ziadest man we have seen for somne time, was one of onr North Carolina monntarn Ors, who had just re- turned! froma trip to South Carolina. He got the impression, while in that State, that secession was % playing the a —with its" and having been told that Virginta and North Carolina woald) certainly se- cede also, he « Hberately onade up his intod never to stable lis horse antl he he Uoited States. Tle had Ins cye ou old Kentack” tint, and Mia- souri next. but on arriving bere, aod Podiny that bis mountain Lome was yet vet back into t cally reposing bencath the “stars and stripes,” lia impetnons spirit, like the torrents of lia native hyila, leaped and sparkled with delight, for which, thongh ready of tongne, he had no snfficient at (erence: Secession Dofrated in Arkrenaita,— Ad- vices have been reecived from Little Rock Arkansas, which state that the State Con- vention voted down the ordinance of se- cession, This act was followed by great excitement, and finally a compromise was agreed upon, A proposition to the effect that the people shali vote on the first Monday ia August for Secession or Co operation wie adopted. In the mean: time delegates will be sent to the Border State Convention, and report to an ad- jonrned meeting on the third Monday in Angust, to which time the Convention adjourned. otto - Many of the stories set athoat recently about emigration from Virginia to cer tain other States are said to be all gam- mon. The probability is that the emigra- tion will be fo Virginia. Our State is the hest, vrontest, safest Innd on the eontinent of America. — Norfolk Herald. The State whose peopte shall most faith- fully keep the national covenant of our fathers, and inost scrnputousty observe all its requirements; most fairly execnte righteous laws in the protection of the weak and defense of the innocent ; most clearly own the sovereign authority of Al- mighty God; and most zealously strive to be right rather than powerful ard great, will be the “ Aest, greatert and wrfent land onthe continent of America” or im the world. We are willing that it shall be Virginia. Be” A resolution, requesting Congress to call a National Convention of all the States, passed both Houses of the Onhfo ris Or » 2 . Legislature on the 21st. see fF A Washington dispateh aaye that foreiyn pooda, doty free, arc arrive at St. Lous, Missoon, via New Orleans, _—_—— The object ts uty iw Nor (eto suspee tt vis Wot Oy hat that thet controlled ins have bgen ve vl tyes@ p je ad ANG O them wel [he Sentened Lito speak out le ape vouslyy”: ¢ irae AUS Loed to forware the way for av coborts.” \We do not be Jer the epbes ) like to knos saspeclng th way inthe Stat he abolitivnl There is a | wt ip the S ibe North art wintry: they | ition of the ho bell.” Th \nioe beca st way in the on we consid ts of that me «boundary | wyland aod mld have to. to cross that he abolition we men and 0 ace laborit 1 tational co hing examp! wowhat are en strangeby | is. By There td avo on for the tion of tl onlightence x1 fo it, Its tion as t “J, and aa ves of the t moral ets pp ple, who vod tag por ence, Hv cxtent Khe So cuted an of thi Waet th t $ sur red hans . f " lecres ‘ © fe we surd? the de Hiv fon; Rot Chore js err TWO perma that part ts, fet stent glo tate the uy Atel istafice | eo titutian vie CULT ter taah miht spe tas ada diful Source CHRD there 4s rpréscot t athee of t oy ourselve tel Th voted ¢ ' Federal nts, reso 1 eum Ui the or anber of ditheatio thel¥ suamediz nber in be Conseil acy as itr nded a elimi ke owes i! Ensult the Ml to that ‘i to om pe that Vresented | prob 0 te Th name Ite cotm " Congres trict — Se ‘ , ! ry (IAQ J INAT ‘and Fhe object is to build up a Black Republi The Dogma that the Negro is entitled to the FOR THE WATCHMAN. ANNUAL REPORT OF DEATHS IN THE DIED March 25th, 1861. | | AKER & CO'S M EDICINAL hots ee Bon hpi ove ne i wi sume liberty or rights as the White Mun The disunion newspapers and politicians, TOWN OF CHARLOTTE DURING THE At his remdence w St. Francis county, Ark, on TRANSPARENT COD LIVBR OIL. . . ro suspeel nos! rtevously (ia! ye abolt it _ : . . ‘ ay 24 z ; a —— cy in ! . i uty bb vvy thels ee cinunget | Nees my eons that the different Siates siparting uoder their signal defeat in this State, | Se we Sibiu sce ene Howson aes NEW THE TRUE AND GENUINE SOG OU ys i 5 ave the power 4 ro a cilize! ” » i SIBBON Db. I ANIEL oy . oe , : ' 3 Save hat that there are gome papers in the State Ganley be ea ea have cast about for an excuse; and now ebarge | UCU ALL PDI tt _ 45 years 7 months and 2 days. UNBURPASSED IN QUALITY AND KPvEUTS , controlled by these emiisaries, or by some ieaeoneiean that the late election was no test of the will of ee Tutaoturm, a Asu le ae Me Wood was eniyerss ty r n and Summer BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. , Fi ‘ . : : yseulery, ‘ respected and esteemed iu the community where he K p J —— GC peo. as have bgen caused to forward the A plans, A tree negro of the African race. ee ances the people ou the question of a Convention. As Typhoid Fever 5 lived. He wae the son of pious Presbyterian pareuix, Its use, if fairly tried, will soon reatore the | tae mon ye ol these papers are now DASE the way tors were My it to tas country and sold oF Teele ania of this charge, they urge, with much Membranous Croup, 4 aud through life continued to entertain the same re- | T tone of the digestive organs, invigorate the > je advange of the Black Republena colorts, bora ce within the inaking of the Const : : . \poplexy 3 wpect and veneration for the institution and ordinances — bludd. give general rotundity to the ‘figure, plate Rrra et teed SSP ea sce 7 in Guage nem ctlrootery, the people, the “imtelivent masses, Premature Births 3. o religion which hud been impressed upon bis mind | o “Hound add energy to the mind and nervous x uo yen the Constitution was adopted, they were ay they are woot to call ther were deceived t seh , 4 in-childhood. No one was more liberal aud generous! ve i , AL vate lis value ha» been remarbably “A f con. Fe Sentinel owes itto the publ, and to it not regarded im any of the States as members ol ,, BS eae sad ras Goce ocvag ) iene 2} tw support of the Church Noone more anxious to (YUE SUBS RIBER elon ay c Be tevke = ey i ciccauarralirasiocnivelpew: rthat to speak our ploaly, and tell what papers the community whieh constituted the State. and extras and lying despatches. We believe no Ganene an % see it prosper, thoagh he never ec nected hitneelf : span unee pears ae MEER Ra MITC crs, when ordinary tonice had beea vainly a ee were nol numbered among its! people or citizens such thing , itis nothing but a trick of disap 1 , 2 with the church, there is reason to believe, hie lant ally. ¢ at he ix receiving his usual § i exhaneted. [t affords nourishment to the ¢ af tli ie Ste Th Bie renee Le ASS EY le juently, the spe ial, rights and immunit sol a De 2 Mlictions were eminently suactiied thin. Lancon- AND SUM WER GOODS, comprising u Mel weer: a naene, and ; onsequently, the e Shea MES yaty ae . ; ; emacs Te ee » E> nx , . Najor- yously,”: @r@ contedlled by abolition em guaranteed to citizens do not apply to them.” — Su TBE VURPORUCLAD SS AUU SAL Lary SLLOnehiALiLioto eee hee | ili ” verration with afrieud sume Lime before hie d ath. ment of all the a lurmehes the frame with fat im a truly re- w Nas : sypli = - . F c T . by what means “they have been preme Court of the US. ne ee aa * 2 aU al iteegs Looe Pe amit eG Hats Wc tar a emma LATEST STYLES 3 markable manner. - to ex. pare | BIT) ; bee Tin eanretenitee Tre lieae _ Diarrhea, = recover he remurked, that since he had been wick, bs, CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI- eha ved to forward their plans,” and are “now pay ere ts an evident autagonism of opinion be- eT ee sup estoy Uses ex tas Were Dropey, 1 he had been thinking a great deal ouncerniny bie con- OF ee oes ; 4 on 5 a a the way for Che wilvance of the Black Repule tween the President, the great embodiment, centre pregnant with hes, (which we deny) we would (jastrilis, , dition, and that he had mide up hin inind, if hin Me 7 \ = Fo. SCROFULA in all ite d ented -RErve the way and representative of abohuonisia, Black Republi ask were there not extras from the disunion Meningitis, war spared, to change the coarse of his life. He ] } ) 2. Pw WEAKNESS, WASTING, and tt av cyburts.” eanisin, and negro equality, and the Supreme Court : Epilepsy 1 leaves a wife and six fittle children, and many friends 4 4 / a ‘DEBILITY, ite curate ern hie . press circulated by the disunionists on the day ; 1 fo mourn hix untimely end. coosisting in part of Sika, Bereges, Greaadiuies ceery furm of A P ¥ } t believe thre isa paper in the State 0! Uw United States ) Hemiplegia, : © proporesx are unrivaled. Con. ee ial we } ; ; hu i ? ‘ z | #. he NOC Presbyterian plese insert the nbove. Berige Anglaise indiques, Org Ss Clial ea eg le pyeon® ‘ . Jon , By which of these opitiens wall the per of of election, which they loudly asserted were true ! Diptheria one i v IDEL [te inay be taken without disrelish by the Jer he wppdsyl of abdigieniets, and would te: x ory Carolina be yoverned 2 State Jonrual ‘ a Introausception | Lu Davidson county, near Bringle’s Ferry, on 22d end» Merge Stock of {BROIDEKIES, to atl of ‘ ‘4 4 fee e@ ren- ; af im } M Had they oo effeett Are we to understand the Te 1 Mich nat Mew Bees Reap, wifeof Mr Richmond which he asks # special examination meat debate patient, and retamed withowt ea | par. ) like to know what scosow uy ene cau offer When have the people of North Carolina ever sccessionists to charge that the people are such [lars Bae Ta pedicGnts amiveure “The decrused wesw Aes, a full asartment of Bicached Domestic, “Horii the most seasitive stomuch. pe 5 lat; suspecting there is, Weal believe there me | tug wy he governed by the osinions of the alta 1 sli satus 1 great eulferer for a long time previous to her death, Linens, House-kee ging Goode fe Be ay teers i ele eka ue aera ea eS lative oe . £ y i we iynorapt tuels as to be more casily imposed up | Huiny x He AiPecheeUiniiietleplwhichtwarwnipiiatedl(wo A. MYERS, 7) cenmticn of genuineness, gue : inthe State aiding in gorwardocg the plaus 7 - ; ' . 2 , g: p ; N ; 3 the canmendation of the most eminent rai ut Bes : Supreme Court of the United States? When on by falschood than convinced by truth 2 Tcis years go, and subsequently in the abdemew, which v4 Granite Budding, i Soe aes abolitionists, though they every one deny . 5 0 1 1 eM 4 ) le Marel 25 —45ef Sal-bury, NC 22 Physicisns throughout the States; the wnt- it the Te aaa 5 ? ) can * have they signitied an wnedllnqness to be vow an old saying, “trath is powerful and will pre- eee ere 1 grew e pues nize. el he eae 2: | Sten tesiiminy Bike teal yt the best medi-' or ape s 4 ‘ t F : u : 4 profession of celigion duniag her illness, aa ed in : _ . . r. ae hee There isa di Walon party ta tlhe Nort 28" erned by them! When have they everexpross: vail" <has the maui been su suddenly and py enty one of these under two years of age the Rentutg vent Pea neath Biegler large BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS, (St) cul chooks; the Professors of the = oe | ip the South, The rinkext abolitionists oy favorable word of Lincoln's dogma acret completely reversed, that the ecracions despatch. 1 from two years ty ten tuuilyfind aumercas friends to hanewt ber death —— | ar ? Paula erties oF co eat a sn tho North dre the Vittrest disumbonite bn tha Gartghovet Nov one hay ever charged then ex of the “State Jourual” mnd Wellin” GIy Tse Baa Mow three ory M. BRENNER'S DELPIIA, oo 2 oa “y ef eurs denounced the C Sirst, That Charlotte i tree from local ~ 4 5 . ya x & pintry : they have Or vent denounced the Cone vin gi of these things, because there iano etl born? STC emer hall Gl hemlet nemncaalGt PENMANSH IP. RED JACKET PUILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI & set- f the United States ay a compact : ; in mat Qo CINE. and others. o Bon Ole eet VCE round for so charging then, Nor isthereany fy the Mass’ The secessionists have asin. clildren ander ten years of ase a ‘i That the Pg HE SUBSCRIBER thes thus method to re- 1 1 Tavalds should be careful 1o parchase oi were Ay bell” They are in favor of breaking up van . . tnortalty in Charlotte is greatly below the avenue turn bes thauks to tliuse who patreuzed hes ¢(; l 0 I I N Gi L L + of undoubted reputation if they desire the » CAN. bec they believe dt to be the spee- grayad for fearing that the poople wil at some gulary happy manner of badering complinents vs ccrahty throughout the workL Divide our 2800 School of Peumanship, the fiat course of which ex: 4 (eter mana ane ie Meriva unallinmmediz aaeccisese of ms - Union because they tx i futttre day, aceept the opinion of Lineolo in pre: ty the sovereign people popntation by 57, and you will get a quotient of pired last week. Aud he would tube this vecasou to MAIN STREET. the reinedy. ‘Theat which we prepare has ven to st way in the world to free the negroes sand ieee ty that of the Supreme Court To brat But itis strange, passing strange, those tern abent 50: that is the average mortally in Chat aunyunce thet iv compliance with argept tule eli aa next door to Biown, Cofin § Mock's Store le dreaded evidences of superiarity. over other py by the on we consider that one of the tomediate re- | lane aph i ae - o . lotte is 1 in 30, wherens from 4 uomber of perrous, he re cara her rr FB ounbecriber desires to inform the publie of S ivpyttrs Manufactured only by ; 5 an er such a thing is aniusult to the peophe of the ble bay-bears, these lying despateties,” which I, Russia ‘i S 1 fn 4] course wbout the 1th of Are ‘ ee w ponte) Babsbary. Rowan and adjdming Counties that he ap JOUN C. BAKER & CO,, rs d we PON TRU Ga sre awe be Ce State; and to aay Ut, is toy pronuunce a libel up tiave so frightened our secession fiends: from 6 Franc : ‘ ‘ e us 40 Hens ee esas a a fated ca rea . e e ‘ = topnriers aed Deslerte ree . a G i Tainan vitals . . : - (the Book Store, where they are rd tee » ’ {tl \ re: Themical c. single 4 boundary inne down to the line of Virginia, ou then. Why then, does, the Jourwal ash the ther propnety, should have produced sueh dif Buytand, i ne enter their names, Tu order iv ace dule a waua- JUST RECEIV ED i Nov. 13. 1860. UH) 6m26 > vil tinny wylaud aod Kentucky, ini that all a negro question, “ by which of these opinions will the ferent results indifferent localities, Por instance Se ae a BS ber of young ladicw who derire w take ane mii e New, Fresh and Fushionable lac THIRD STREET’ if wid have to da to secure his freedom, would | ern naT 5 w Ne Si ren ble arraugements have beeu made with Mr Wit SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF 5 “ avery people of North Caroboa be governed ( Cabarrus, it which they were circulated, elected Philwdelplia, + kinson for the use of his shool ruon. ‘Those . - ee uch a ty crossthat unobstructed boundary, the trath The suggestion of a falsehood ts teaver than a disumonist by only one hundred and thirty five eae i . fe j HUHiNG Cue oer ae Banh ty eee ra hie Ready-Made Clothing, ‘ rat GLISH REM Y c de. nc . sit apparent, | * = 5 . 4 Charleston V4) quested to emter (heir pames va the ladies list al the J snable he abolition idea becomes forcibly Ay " nt fan opeuly declared one. majority, while she gave nearly six hundred mae ae 0 a il melee tee eee) nr GREAT ENGL : ED . we mon and papers in the South, therefore, | co: ; Re ae : 40 April 2, 1861 B46 ‘ ’ | R JAMES CLARKE S ations 1 onty fora Convention Union, where we pre- London, Ap , : | Gent s Furnishing Goods | SIR JA 3c A si ; sak | i : “ ‘ . oy : eee < sy ibject ware laboring with the abulitionieta to break | Ovricrat, STATEMENT OF THE RATE OF TAX. stune, none were circulated, and where there was Vieuua, POSITIVE SALE FOR MEN's, YOUTH'S AND Boy's wear,| CELEBRATED FEMALEPILLS tually foo mone pe, hee nea Tall anow im Soctu Canenina, ror auk vo Union candidate, gave “Couvention” culy - fe | ‘ 4 S! 4B4 which I offer for sale Lo patrons at | hing example of how catremes do meet , and | . Ac . There was a destrnetive fire in Sumter, 22 Prices Suitable to the Times, ay | PROTECTED LETTERS , yEAR L861. sixty-five majority. ‘ t OF nes, ? ’ navi wowhat are must discordant elements, do yet Fiiward Vroet, Geeretary of the Tren \ Why this difference! If the charge of th S. ©, on the 27th. The town Hall, and \ ] h 7 and af dower paces than any other estadlixhinent of BY ROY AT PATENT. eter- on strangely h ducins grand re- z nk : aS te : : . di : A] U ABI E RE AL the kind, and to which [ challenge compeiuon, en strangely hannonize in producing grand re \ ' eens : , . Hf l f : tO pr natrangely : “ ° leurv of S. Carolina, under date, Marcel Steesttenists now, be true, the reason Cabarrug ten or twelve other builditige werd a | , = Costumes suitable for Promenading, Farmers, | Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phy- j Hos es Loui sul Wil ’ Alreaton ‘ hed. gave such a large vote for * Convention,” might stroyed, AND Piinters, Miners, Machinisis, and Servants use en eee ee aes will a + arumient whic! i =suth, 2 Ublishes the fullow liye seed: > Se s 5 x _. WV Also o large slwok of Llate and Caps. Call wad ex-: Thisinvaluable medicine fs ote 1 ctr ree i le nt ee ene, ede tewane Ihe rq tere ei he PERSONAL ESTATE! ccrcoctesice Oe oa cerca aa ca sat ie end on for the destruction of slavery by the de. ule ofthe fax rates io Cat State for the ' fat ree t New Post Ojtice. —A new Post-Office haa been A MB ‘ Se eee aba KeeSieuiel (MREDUNGK ET Sani peat ec gu oeeder alae nt es res [ae " . . thost postive manner of they did not go for # f & a g ons, and a iSuate tion of the Unions and that ie that all current year. ‘ ; ae tablished in the new County of Alleghany, under AVING determined to leave Rowan county for M. BRENNER led iuacics f iled tened nations of th irth being o The ro liave heen several une ficial stat Moni Verte eat eee ne f New R ib Willuun is Post l the N.C. White Sulphur Springs, Uo offer for P.5.—Having mad» proper arrangements with our itt. Bones suited. Teel ie & chert time, bring on the faile tene sof the earth being op: | : heen sever Meial state ‘ the uame of New Rice S ains is Pos , ; tas ee ; ul with regularity. noten days — and Lineoln would draft them to sale all my property im Rowan cuweaty, bath Real gejumore firm, Lom at all Gunes prepared vo fulfill mentily perial with reg ee ¥ ' ) . ' pret bates Dotlar, bears the Government stamp ave 80 -xf to it, its strength will be diminished in’ inente on tiie sulject given te the put South Wecauly sugueat thas Wutster na Pipecndie MOTs bhi ben Uerclunteclauonieabumiersdetny es AB leas Meehan ; rion as the number of tts defenders are re- | lic. ; of th ave | matlis - — . z ene - 1, y . . + thortest notice . UB Caution. parties Loci a ’ ide - e-'Tic, and some of thet have De Se is of anal ng our unfortunate frends to PT neRO Rance Land, Town Lots, Negroes, Stoek, Warch 25, 166! Ro Mw Pits shoul nat hetaten by fomaes during the FIRST «| > and a@ a separation of c free an " ! pape a Mente 4 ‘ aa . . oy ae se er rs > ' re to ) profit ee coe ; ’ be “ne ed it oe papery and we are glad te og ape the dilemma ino which they have, unwit Ate called meeung of Mocksville Lodge, Nu. 134, Hose hotd a oe ey eae is ee in N a Ww FI ener sage tal ebony cer tie the ‘arene ae otency sera » once depnve it of have it in our power to give a correct , heovna Nivenreciees TY ey . / Friday St unproved state and will be divice o sinall par. ‘ R M To atleises uf Nervous and Spinal A¥ections, Pato tn 7 VEST CELTS 084 va) gies held atthe Masome Lodge in Mocksville, om Fr cele if desired ant purchasers it in in Che innme- a 2 he, Fat slight exertion, Patpttation of th ora! port of eightecn or twenty millions , ‘ ; . PS cinemas cio! Pp ‘ i ' NT eran es oe US Ree eer itr eee Il effect a cure wh 0 long ere seny, g Beane 0 1190 qmapority for the Limon candidates, and the 28d of March, A 1. 5861, AD TS61, the fol dite weruty of Salsbury, contains abot 500 Acres. ple SUBSCRIBERS (Succesaore ty FAUST, teart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a : ple, who are gow constitutionally Gaund : ae ; : ae ettetecodiuGorswere paused uuaulinously: well watered and good bouses un it. Alsu fur sute WINEBRENER & CO) have formed 4 co. pl itiecuirane have (allel ined stn ie il te Ithem : CSC tbr Fak TaNke bon TH vb 160 for Convention, What etteet hil the g f ees cae tent grams {a net contain iron, calome: ud it against Ghose mations who hold i ( Veal ' Worrvin, it has pleased Alimghty God in [he ry ’ ee eScuieUEveLeE nd cach package which 5 Ni chaves per head. $126) wonderful, death dealing despatches in that coun il a ROE ren Teaith Ghee Toate co /ottages DAVID FAUST & co Peon a See ee peers ee : } ; ne ere Pe ee tae Providence to remove fro w emer Nec eralip are nveus ales ove ence, M well wertkened (uthat extent, und " : Jor, Getween Ue a el Rumer Taiteos Ace CERO RACE enwRinniit ian , 89 site Agent for the United States and Canada, : tent the cl Ronit itacertt , AVS and 50, cxveptaye Whose Whe are ven he ot Main Street next to Dr. A.W Long, and oearly for the purpose of continuing the HARDWARE JOB MOSES, lay’ Coors aces raeeeami meee eal ae naintaining thernsel vag Tt would seem they Slow beth hot and coll, beea our punfal daty, this diy, Co coumga to the yiate the Court house; the Corner Hove wow BUSINESS at the old stand ea eeer oo cyte tho Glew believe thas, hat thie ' oe | : eral ie a set BEANE cecupred by G. Roberts wea Grocery Store.und three gy N BR —-$1. 00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au| t argu- do cutfideutly ho (hey believe tis, tha ) the value aol die else how account for the vast differs tee between ip up y Tovcr : Nap ; : eecontaining 5” pills, by return mail Beat Reaolee ld, That in hiedeath thin Lodge hax yy a 1 : { - No. 49 North Third St.. Philadelphia. insure a bottle, containing 5 pills, : f colton Stat x be aera cane sLismitieatic . netic ae Relat esileaenni Nercbaoee z ouses aad Lois aud one vacoot Lot adpamy tre . ; ‘iuhary, by Henderson & Ranies, W. H. Wyatt, ead the ar sn of the a th States th Weer darted) bey , mye toek at » 1 a a | < i Men u Dad a . n “ : ! ust ane wd aot etal eel a etenitle ts mor [we Mouse and Lote iene the Lotheran Grave We reopectfilly iivile the uttentwn of our friends mul veapestilibe peeaeines 49 bel SNe lettre eveyone rune iin ay i metal Va \ and Mr 0 aay ~ vert we pes ‘ ‘ bali ie ue a wwe ey sed sane on Shinny Hh; weve ral Bird hiya eclerallito our Puccru, Lave & Co, Richmond, Va, Wholesale § aud town dots, with roveun fom torothercannition any cave large antyse: brother an affectionate brother, and Che commun , vec too that vyoveroment of this charaseter, 1) . . t = ae ' Mis Val ble N Sl 8 N Stock of Goods. Agents to de- x s hnevery S100 of taeowe ar profit, tein eo iniet tien, wives weil fr a Cian, & Toeetabld al tise DE ettizen uable egro aves, ew Cc 5 — Wurnee Vous sumouded. tnust necesaaniiv become | factuiaze cruploytents andy | Pearce. ror nicer eee rent rere Resolred, That in ait petal bercaremee’ We Howse Servants and elegant Cooks, together with a which will be found to be more complete thuu usu, Salisbury Female Seminary. Gis ot rr rte le rrad | atid fiom comnnestone by ovenediue yas -— ‘ : have a striking evidence of the uncertainty of haman eerie art RS IST (ae ae eect gee irc utded endure ue w linnees ! pie nee, be grecually . eure ' fovit dona featlomet: kniw ‘ (S00 ite, ax well as a solemn admonition to tive ap to our & Fi id cell : (een Meriwatcl en cE iran hope, that with renew sd exeriwns tu pleare — ores veal ? aren ae woe Pi EeOal Gi benban ait fhe fawn We Ben as, wot only as Masons, but as rational and woald sell any of all of this property: privately, . , a aeaewe a's witt begs f ey Cia 7 Bees = : reo} : a “bat tntess sold before May Court it will positively be | they may be favored with # contiauanee of the pat- VIVE SIXTH TERM of thie School gin of new esl flly cralan iurtectione DOO Rand a hornet the State Jit cession, or te tse the proper tenn, Disirion areountabl A tie Se cane al gece oes wold to the highest bidder, of whieh due aotice will ron ogre heretofore extended to the Muse the Lith February and close the lat July. The Coun Ory even SENT Westin faa kai Phen why vse such a tempest in a eapot ecennt fine tee eee oan a he be given by hand-bills. Determined to well out and DAVID FAUST, school has been iucrearing in numbers every term overthrow of -] sUtutiot \ r: oor faal summons comes we way be prepared to BENJ. N. CREGAR We have now a goodly namber, out coald take afew A ploved te ncn thie Stat SO Why not confess their defeat with a good wiacet no mistake | nee ate AR, pease Wk ) Y ancw htt ae rl cl tthe On y Spo ott (Ae, \ \ 7 - meet it HL. ROBARDS JOHN HANOLD more Hf the number contianes to increase, Salis- i s cath lieve ot this noevery SI ras Laedit “any Suppose hey had goat a Convention, they would Resolred, That we tender the mother, brothers - . > 1 » | . Bea h has never had, a rina ne at is fact \ ; ee stick 40 ‘ . ; 2 3 ’ oe . For particulars and tering in iny abseuce apply to Philadelphia, March 12, 1-61 304 hury will have what it ne » @ pe a ’ feis pal caus ferorer RUNG eeserall te eee ie \ have cull been hors du combat’ Vie’ Moun and frre ale deceased our heart-felt syinpathy WRU AAV cienitunii mu lOark eR im taulinieed AAEM elere Cages (url Sercmwestic. fala ee en cotati Wen petals Soutiernicnrieders ieee onypatne Poclancti tayo Eau” publisliad al Slielby, and) said tobe 10 vir BGs cen, af our respect and ca: Aarute Cantainces, which tre unequalled by any other TERMS: eneults Picea erie ite tener at ban ndited by AW. Harton, Esq. secession Senator | Resired. tit i eine a ieee irather, we Saliubary, April 2, 1861. 46 make, they are sure fire. DF. & CO Bonrd, with washing, fael and lights, $50 per Term. Sonth f * _ On esery S100 it eades ot wanes and from that district, does not scem to Took through | 7 ra ras ade f mourning for thirty days.) — 5 an | ‘Tuition, in English, from 88 to ue . othe defeners of the mstisution, and thu te rebatidize, tale with wea. ear v2 the same spectacles as our fiery disanionists here: and that our Lodge be clothed iv mourning for three | PaO)S) ashi ay U, Ss | Farmers, Look Out! a . oe Mere aGc ee fly forwyrdang thea plans” On every @LUU of sales of Wares and abouts, but rejoices that a majori 1 Ayains the | OF THE Ty 38, . a eS : ; : eas a z = 8, , jority voted Against inonth ae : | | Money, Time and Timber Saved! ! Use of lustrument, 250 tye or Prot thorn iw drtotlien fret braueht nar try the) wer tanime, H umaile by Uaswent jer: Convention, for the reason, ax he snvs, Unt a | Reavleed, That the Secretaly ferme « Sony © Prémity College Momthly Magazine. | FT are the right to eefl Tecieeatillexpenses 1.60 4 is . oe Beta Ta nla eat eeiclocl edie OU ll NTRe a ROT) Cae OSE Urea RLU Gani ee Eipiaee aie fioan hel neler eutrancel © qnes crithovement Which, to our mind, mena ¢y Majority o! See brott d ty the Carolina Waichmanyin Salisbary. — 7 9 z ‘ Miewervis TEMNOC Hroncenuvictcdnal : : 3 prother, an y ; : 4 aa ine Tet reee ca enter coer ene ct cir el ate yyy the State for a mess at Linculu's table. Geirakilceitte, widithallt Nelsamelbelrecorde diniche| ROG TE OTTORS Vandemark’s Portable Fence, For parvoular addrere son, W ae re : ' See rarer ea a We admire lis philosophy —but as for Wis ren monutes of the Lodge on . Porcanttntnenicre: deahecicn soc reee | Made without posts, iu the Counties of Alamance, Jan. 2, 1861-036 Ratt be Ve tt party which assumes to be its spect a : ! cn sons. if they were “plenty as blac kberties” we H.R. AUSTIN, Secretary BERcoT JQ JACKSON | Randolph, Rockingham, Davideon, Rowan, Cabarrus ’ _ . Comins ial ageueres,. ~! ; ' ; : , 2h) : ch ,darebihty, and con- rc will of ras the author of We allude to ther «yy every X10 0 salaries above $00), 10 would have tome of them, Will secessionists, Cc. C. HINER, W.C. WILLSON, pis eee ea Ra Mdtantoges, We recammeed ROCK UARRY t of the song ators to tix upew the Unga men of fics feentabinoms, per day ; OO Tike doctors, differ t THE GREAT DRAWBACK to persons eiigral H. F GRANGER E.T. BRANCH. ihe Fence to saw-mill owners, farmers, and all who . TnCemUlenetire eG i lat On theatmeal and other sceme eutertam- Vout thas ndieutous charge against the witelly ig to the extreme south aud western country, is the _ ea eat prance ee PMY AU ELIT emt OUn - recon- Dn ee PM RUBE UMMC LEY Ua Seec) re n ments per day 1) once of the people, like a double-rded sword fear they have of the rs pos An iiealhe mort PENILE FIRST NUMBER of thin new Literary right A circular stating coats, plan of building, &e.. Cee Us ule src se alt aan over valilliet (alii: aa cuts {Wo ways, While bestowing compli Soa nee ane Bee eure Candidate for Popatar favor, will be issued in sent free to any address Per te vce that many thent (a majority lie PPh Ghie: ments by ne means honied, upon the soverei ois. cine, without any means of affordipg relief Tu view June The Sociwties of Trinity College are deter- ~“ i ari " Ue } 1 hd ae Ir Hostetter has muued to furnesh the public a Magazine of real ablity Mebanesville, re have Ning class) are qersonally titercsted om Th ae iy it lets fly poisoned shafts against those candidates of 1 ee Gee nee esis nas BU ec eneliUtara aver ethos ree nalihacs there xeeh: Mar 19, 1861-344) AnRnGee NEC North er titan! Whaat are tbe nacural etkeets rie Xr 1Shl who labored, with such ability and desperate en premsated hes 8s 00h . aden Cthe "en. beth mental and mechanical, shall compare fa ete Charlotte Democrat plesse copy three mouthe , Se \! ET ceric cre Gn the ctuny to unfold the Beewdies atvie TERS: whareeueaiive: priwere tor all dieeaser ot thro 70h the beak workrit a winilat characisn (agd feward bill in nutecribor just re ve Cuutse wade Lygbuaiicded and sensitive ‘ (enna A : ; : 5 ee ie PC Rteamtre citar stomach have been warversally acknowledged. Tae ee ath muantte the Liracies : : . the ; : See ese ee ee eee AO SOY eee as POU OB tars, prepared after a long exrpeienee aud deep OU ee ee ' ae rPHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME- na. He wade ty stieup hot blood and engends ul dove satistactory view ef the Suite taxes concerning their duty and interests. Besides.s> ccudy, have received the encomiums of the wost em Eee ae ache Oe ne Western N. C. Rail Road. | (hod of rinterming all persons in want of ROCK State, mess and strife, to es the vitals of eso ae ot Ne ie a ie o ie it not a most foul calumny upon Cov. Brown. inent physais .as ell at all clnrsens (rim Cec a emeeereaiieteuy pac tonne tim (ommiterrecentalen WINTER ARRANGEMENT. for MILL-STON or buiding purposes, that he ith teres aged break Che lvnds of brotherhood / Lead Sood Senin TEA el MLN , whose unanswerable(’) letter was carted around partefourcoantiry, Ca t ae a vat 7 ae Seer 27 can furmsh the bret quality of —wit . wenn Value of lands ii the State 7 Fi ? rane — 4 virtues, all we can say ix to try them, and judge for ae es ae oe 7{#¢ = Z ; ee Brot peatible for men to homethy differ in 3.4000 davea, a¢ $700 per head, is. S270,000 900 by the thousand 2 And is ito Mi moet unkind, themraelven respectively a Ll TERATURE OF TUE DAY pag aie Si 2 GRANITE, irginia thon ATR the best means of accumplsbing 17.900,.000 setae of land, wt 30) per not to say insulting, to Messrs. GN. Folk and “sold by deaggists and dealers generally every where Phe utility of such a work, if property conducted. | aa 2 32 ee een Tee een recitieirates for inly se- ; ie hi a \ MW teri Jos oon on C. Q. Lemonds, whose speeches fell “as thick as 17 See advertisement iv another column, tm 46 canny be Agen A mons ee eee a Sou me oe z = : CASH ‘Ms Quarry is sitaated 5 miler South of . same cad | Suppose Ths daiteteritice shoul: vane ; F leav i Vallainbr But they ery “the thought, clothed ia the forms of refined wue elegun a fs 2. =. = e . “the © Old Sh i QUARRY * li sere at , Da Ser Tea SN tea ea a aaa ice ms dace) e ech, will de much to elevate the tone of sociely s 2-2 > Salsbury, known as the * ( uping eee ah : 3 Din aby, Beil wer amongst gurselees | who taken from the report of the Comp- people did not understand — they were cheated, SALISBURY PRICES. por eee appreciation nnd red the EINE: = 5 = ; WILEY apureHovers, nut he M4 nde not ta see that such a deplorable trollerGeneral for the year 1460 is nothing more than the old cover to which de- APRIL 2, 161 ARES, and to promote our advancing eiviization i = Rowan Co, Nov. 20th, 1860. era ‘ . Is nothing mo , ’ patio FS a = ; ; Le had rrowig ( : ' é tr BLOAT SAS) 2 REDON tod politicians lave long been in the habit of CORRECTED WERELY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS, GROCERS We think we can profit our Luerary Sovieues.aud, FPRuIDyP se £ c gre yout of the existewee uf un dnt } x re ny an 5 2 : ase a1: en: e PLR rdozen, do sume good for (he public. Tnflucuced by these © 2 3 ae : rs and echanics. yd Mia Son wrmengst us, could out possibly eventuate S4ds.0ou,v00 ee Tee oan MMET eee ee Hay, 1b OS AL pea} ey considera tiong, the (wo ell Ge 5 ES To Farme M ; t es w ra voting now, a SUN 2 : Sreeny : a Oe et ene es pa ieee i £ aaa . ‘eo, and that ingtitution, but on Ge contra: |The rate uf taxation pital lg tle ce eel sign people——who, xt tim Faye dsurrest a ealare cee 6 ee eA CiIRS ve" LETERARY SOCIETIES OF TRINETY 3] 7 ae McCUBBINS & FOSTER ute rth san CHZn people . es at ewhd SORN r, ane s _ 3 t Fic mmealtieieene (Uy blie grind to res Wat eetunate Vito yreld e400.0000 which makes an . . : ay : cree | White and Mixed, 075.0080 BACON, fave determined (@ pabish a Monthly Magazine, = a a= AVE. just received a very large lot of FARM- vas yo s peediey § ise pu amy averaye rate of 17 $ cents on every himdred dollars nate and restive nader the rule of demagogues | Yh ee nee = = = J : ellow, THa@0 73 Hams, «126 each number to contain strty pages of reading mal-\ ed —jo ING IRON, consisting of Shovel Moles, Bar rs and tas a daugerous clement of discord. and oc ot the value of ie property which is taxed, have spoken in their majesty to the sad dis: wHkaT— plimanm Router, 2 ter We shall be aided by suine of the mort talented 3 sx FZ tron, Wagon tire 1h. fund 2 bach; Buggy tive 1} : . ‘ Ba les, 2 x IS Le . . 5 ike the Atful sOUCe of myselicf. | 2 .. comfiture of many a trading politician, Tt was! peda,” 18001 48 Hog Round 10 @ll menin the country, and shall epare neither labor nor Zz ga 2 ee und Ib inch; Oval Lrou 4, 4, and j inch; Square Aas sorite arcument with the disunion members COTTON, Want) GARD, Woy alt expense to merit @ liberal patronage. Ge ~e & a Tron Land 14 inch; Ba Springs and Axles, i t the Yi Staadard) trotefilly re oe tf a fav x = ACKEREL. He ‘ , i) S. font wie pes egy Springs , J and co gs igen =e A re oe ‘ Concord Fi male College-—The debt of oe the late (Re eatin eicomtekeer a em amy on BACKER rc) ae 0 per anni, ae y . ateiare ; : ¢ : PCH CERT NCCT eaihers Bendel Bolstta&ce. 4 ‘ pact F . a ee tes 3 . an ne , Red and Black, Ohanth No. t, 1590 J All communications in reference to the Maga- ca 2 ei together with a geners) assortinent of thongh ae Ns Taree, bat beg doit for pargy eftect and this Inetitution, as we learn from a com- advance of the polinerns; are! are they? But’ Or Saern: Mike 8 SUMP Tit ctaidiseind (rreacd ita \ = = DRY GOUDS, rent ate [ratty whet evil passions. But eae the imunieation in the Jredel/ Express, has thes have adeanced in a diferent direction than BEESWAX, wb J. R. COLE. Seenrraay, _ 3 HARDWARE oe ss is Uhre campo the abe . these plotting gentlemen boped they would, | oe ee Sara April 2-146) Trimity College, N.C. See QUEENSWARE, ‘it wy ave wikia) ta believe: been reduced to about aix thousand dol oat Pee Pec mtlil ten in ivnnee at aucli NORFOLK MATK nt iu . Men cine GROCERIES, COWES the Somth, and the resuledd the set | tare, and will soon be putinto ashape e0- disturbers of the peace of their country! We) cunusecrrn went my mowtesp a mnoriinas sits Dress Making! . 3 Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoes. They keep ecn- difieulues betecen the U@absections | : SURREE TRE REEL ee eR | Oaty 3 1 hand 1 f FLOUR. BACON er i irely or the re. . slo »Trus- would not fear to trust the same issue with them | Flour COTTON, Mn 12% ——0 stantly ou hand a supply o} . B! N, ayes embarpawed. © This is just shat the | tirely under t 2 ready cols 1 of the T x ‘ , : ion , vy | Pamily, $7.00 8 7) REGS, per dow Iya RE. SPEARS annonnces in her friemipand th- = PORK, FISH, COPFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, > avain, if necessary. For we feel assured they» : . le Ruck sustswant, They do mot wanca setlewent (tees. The tuetitution will easily pay the “32h a ani Aa Bee ACU ” public. that she is new carrying ov thie bus- samy = LARD, BUYTER, &c., to which thy invite the at- . they are niaving into the anda of (he atli- | wry A would, thea, consign the disunion demagogues | 2nperfine, 6m) a 0.00 Shoolders, Pn oy 4 : : ; 5 Perera ee puldic® ite Con- SARA Ret Us debt ont of the nett profits in the course ‘ . mn f ) WHEAT— Sides, Mba ll'y ness, and solicits orders. She has considerable expe S tentic ep . Its Ee peubin@at. They want dis) ir: : c to a lenth so low that “the hand of resurrection | write 1.25 a 1.90 MACKEREL— can rience in the bosivess, and her work has pleased |hone | JAMES C. TURNER, rer donkine Corner, Salisbury, N.C. e of se- anda eit offices and fionors un.) of five years. DBatif the friends of the could never reach them.” Sena ae em who have tried it, She expects to keep pace with) Salisbury, Nov. 26, 1860. Eng. §& Supt. roe Ta nee 139 y great vew orgs Wall tha pdople break up the Whion College will exert themselves a little in | 62 0 66 No 8 tmall 3.50 the fashions, aud will certainly do all work in the | See : ey : S neur the hazards of war just to accommodate |, Fhe : yee ne ‘ y i Win GAT ST NN ES nest substantial manner. - 7 ry rromise feongilnte pee * + its behalf, a much earlier period will in Ororhauling Baggage. —The baggage P Fe eee te ee hee Hien She may be found at her old home, (Mrs. Earn. | q H. C. JONES & SON, Nog the « that the Union mon | 5 it F is hi of passengers arriving at any port in the pracmps, © wo Heading Ov ao art's) in the North-western end of Town, { to the lg weabes ag Yor A Na tian iei talent sufo its exemption from this hindrance to : k ar 4 oe : ected PUASSERD. tm. Tah a tan Orders from a distance promptly atiended to s 2 ae , Altormeys and ( sellors at Law, on the ' J! ‘its progress. Southern Confederacy is now snbjecte Pree ne Maan Timcenene Uterine cielnenye MARTHA H.SPBARS. | J J es ART IS ne ALD ae fuk ye practice in the Courts of Rowan County there ts any truth im these several views of F Naw \ . 5 rene Officers spelt SiH ira Ue UI a aA Salisbury, Jaw. 22, 1861 3m 03 «nish at short notice Colleges, Schoole, Acade- and in the Supreme Court. A. GC. Jones. jr., sion OF Speeiios oUWion kt We pep lel (nit mente It is a remarkable and strange fact that to searc by the ¢ TES House Oftice Bee eee ee ee iy eae auitie a teautenle mice and the public generally with any Books that wijjqlsy practice in Vcauetaie i lneaail wet ales aca aftice of truth ; for slivisnoullllwenwadlyrie the religious people in connection with There wasa proposition before the Mont any tote is bet shipn Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment, may be wanted: at homes prices Poeuible. (tte Sic ceo orrdlld (re Sem nas Tn eA tcl! order é . . i - < * + | yee Atla f \ Vat i ea: wiaye keeps on hane well selected lot of cheap jeoiion will meet prompt attention Mu ¥ ourselves, Concord Presbytery manifest so little gomery Congress to doclere A Maney ty ie tect ee ene MARCH 17th, 1860. Fasnily Bibles, Bibles for Churches with Uymns to qr Office Na. 3, Back Row, vearthe Courthouse nitny in “-: practical interest in this College. It is Jumbus, Macon, and various other inland grades ure rather dull. TuthelGuamiseioned OMcern eT the ie and real Pvestion ty licmnn th Ghdleceated He Sovas fic > ope Fie * ° a mere : 5 e ye : mea, writing and printing paper ofall sae, cheaper “45 iL. 5 vention Leh The Virginia Convention lasnot one of their own building ; in all points towns ports of entry, and if it was adopt EVERETT & MADDEN’S Rear oe Begnen ' ihninewarbattnonutereds Rares ream of al retail, Se oe : ‘ \ i . , a . sh : ag order of his Excellency the Commanderin . ss a “ Pe D voted on the report of the Committee ‘highly creditable, and should be cherish ed, passengers will hardly be able to pass Bit ee et eae ECCT ead peek oe oe y Gent plow and size, Peus, E TAX NOTICE. ; : ; , 1 y velopes, Pictures, eic.. ¢ ' Federal Relations. Various amend. ed by them with zeal. Suppose they onthe railroads without having their bag: | CONSOLIDATED tn Sahsbary, on the ree day of Apt next.of Mayor u INKS TALL at my Office and give in your TaxnMew . (6 Hof the 4th Dr ee a ecently ats, resolutions, substitutes, &e., have look at in this light and resolve to pat. gage searched, , . 1 . iGhitne * a omen Reenter " ( tor the ‘Town, with the first ten days of the to. cer: ' , ¥ . arie t y Snow Pec ec opener tre Reema cata Harron's Tuk, Harrison's Colamban Tuk, Japan present ao nth tate J some Uwe past engaged the attention ronize it hergafter as thay should, What 12 . ate, eee Oe actents TI CaEL RENTS BCSUEL REACTION Rae PETKOINS SERIOOINY, the Convent he . , Be i : sstablisl Troops in Motéon.-\t is announced , OP. Base , Fine tnk, Arnold's Writing Fla, the best kaown C. B. Communionere. mnigre- ‘ pyrantel at fe ue bere @ is the use te poitd fp such " establish ie wy in too fee ee WILL PERFORM IN : ae er Ad ata ns Pen eon eee Shane March 2da 186 ey e is the tuber of votes taken on these various ment and then leave it te take ec: of that large nombers of Sonthern Confer : ' = z Hoan itheagti f the report i they sb If withoat a tl bt action to eracy fe ‘ps are moving towards Pensa SALISBURY Won ne [. W. JONES M. D Ju Se SUONB Ol CiGrepani an y SoOw al tcell wilnogta,ouK On Ree Ce ees ie ‘ Teri 1 Saturd To hie ulrendy large and beautital assoftineat of : »JUNEDS, . U., tthe Odnvdention iw decidedly opposed sustain it. Patronage is what it needs cola, no doubt in reference to the posses on riday anc aturday, wall piper, he he received wu large i a the I As permanently located in the cee of Nelis- teh. f \ . : Moe ap ‘ . oe . . ° Pcl Onn . APRIL, 12th 1 (3th, latest patterns, which for beauty, style, and cheap- bury. and offers his servers to the pubic in tbe vst faith wincdiate secession. For instanes ® most-—send your daughters to it—and in’ sion of Port Pickens. It is wenerally con and fs ews are fur superior to any ever Before offered i various departments of his profession : . : : > : H ie ! a m of our uber moved that the Convention addpt a short time it will be equal to any simi ceded that Forts Sumter and Pickens will EMRRACING WATOHIMAK: thie inarket. Window Shades, Fire Sereens, ete 17 Office on Main Street, first door above Bais , : : : . + . . . : . mC MIC. -ECOE TEES Orders of anything in his line sobicuted. Confectionery olmerve » Constitution of the Southern Confed- lar Institution in the South. both be given up to the States in which MAGE, MUSK’ COME ee aie Salisbary, N-C., Feb. 19, 1MG1, 0 Jan 13, SBI. 6m35 . . x arce rohe ane onbler | execnte acy as . . i : “- they are situated. ee ee : Sevan - 7 it report ; and on thie motion de ; ms J ' The whole forming a MISCELLANEOUS MA- 1 of the ded a vote, which resplied in an over Fire.—-The Bulletin of yesterday morn- nes LANGE that never faile to please. To effect thie Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, New Tailor Shop. , tL; most cluing refusal: Virginia feels that ing, gives account of three fires in Char- pet” Governor Tlonstinnling boenmdusnine a neve fitted ae a . I wvina PRRVANENTLE LOCATED IN THE _ ‘ | ‘ : own of Salisbury, offers his professboual y of Al- ¢ owes it to her sister border States to lotte on Friday, Saturday and Sunday posed from office by the secession Con Spacious Pavillion, / aervtevs othe cltiains of the! town and! surround Pir habecrike ri baslopened fal new TALCO® aint . vee F Pee : = : ; a ig country. : or - | ey Lneult then) before she takes final action; last. supposed to be the work of incendia- gention of Texas. He 's now making Ca eR ROA and Seats to ACCOMMO- — Jnnuary 20, 1561. 1n7 _ He at Al ewes (anton prefoesonally amen) ny he foment | ano " ioe ee aie d prea 6 a Peat fi e ‘ . , A A » SRSONS r , Hoes / ard, deed 1 al ad ito that end she will doubtless invite ries. The sufferers are W. Ii. Myers, ( spocches denonneing the Convention. ADMISSION. occecceec 0 cece ee SO Conte, Swan Island Guano March 28, 1861 14S thie tine, warrant hin in eying that he will be 5 ‘ \ : : von he Metl CHTLPREN and SERVANTS 25 corte able tomeet the moet fastidious demands Call and : Min to meet her in Convention. We H. Eling, J. M. Springs, and the Metho cae ‘OR SALE RY : : rim the FOR SALE RY \tlention! R Rifle Guard! gel \our garments cut to fit vou, and inade to last, ' Y : i ly d u h, by the destruction of out " . 1, The C 1 perform in Coneord on Alfention | owan e Guard ! : shall be pe that North Carolina will be daly dist Olmrech, by the destructi ‘ 277 The Union party of Tennessee 07 This Company will perfor ° SPRAGUE BRO ee Instead of buying the sluchy, half-inade rage in re ; 1 x , } shich | i the » lot The total ev : Monday and Tueeday, April Xth and Oth. At Lex i ‘ ui 4 . YOU are hereby commanded to appear »t Ready Wads Clothing Stores esented in that ( POVeL Man, i viel houses on the parsonage lo ‘ have catled a Convention for nominating® ington on Monday and Tuesday, April loth and 16th [UP shore Uvaen hi ermtislteralhenanemuces your Hend-Quarters. armed and equipped — Cactag sud Repairing drne te order | probably meet at Frankfort or Nash. lose in all these cases only amounts to a (fovernor, to mest ut Nashville, on H RONETTLETON, Agent far the cullure of Tubsccn, Gotten, (iraiue, Rint, mathe taw directa on the 19h Apri, with Produce Giken in exohacdee Mir wert ongress , about fifteen handred dollars; thongh bat © Mu a , April 2, 1861 246 quran eon hwniangihemupentad ot fonts Henk ‘ Ede ce : WM. HOWARD eptet Ay yo Thursday, May 2 A trial ie all that ia neéesaney: bo. pre t a here will anclecton held after parade Jani kih, [61 3m34 all the =. for the activity of the Fire Department ’ . Fashionable Millinery ee sUiMene anceieens UW pyora GF eaten for Frest Liamtenant and Fifth Sergeant : e Ohfo ef" The Frankfort Commercial raisea and the strenaous efforte of citizens and ' " ej Vy as = 0 March 25, Mis Re onder of tne Capinin Hides For Leath . ervants generally, it would have been Evererr & Mapprn’s cossolidatec a icon WKS. BROWN, O.S. : name of Mr. Orittenden at the head &¢F : 8 He i: ys Wiss GRASSWITT, baving jest retarned lice to Sheriffs ee Ss as T! pitecnhenhatictexchaneel Rae Heiner ite colminne as the people's candidate CORE CN me riety Show, as will be seen from our ad DALLA er yy prince at very low tates, te ¢ : ee Banned Leather, in the rough, of good qual y aye that ; : The police of the town has been in rai Jumna, will axbibit: in. thig sprimly Informs her Precis aiid the Iniivs generally that her as RECEIPTS, neatly printed to order, and 17 Pampblets, Poser, Viesing Cards, Blanks Apply ¢ F LYNCH ving af "Congress from the eighth Kentucky creased, and thorough arrangements made Terlsing columns, ' Ue tear (Oe perso ithe Latest Ste A pat in books if desired, at short notice amd on Cirrnince, and all kinds of Joh Wark memtly executed Chem ‘Pannery and Shae Plotory. ans tree for gnatding the place place on the 12th and 13th Ra lakury Apia sal irae | noulech tc CecuIKu fOr Gaels seus niyomrordere (CSG Hey else eG ae . ‘ ‘ Than auy she'd seen yet Le watched ber playful Gugers The silks and sata toss— sents so striking a contrast with the other papers in the State, that we unset be allowed to make another extract RE offering to the public the best assortmeut of seCesslon Z FIRE ARMS ever brought W this market. Colt’s Belt wad Pock ug The proprietors and monufacturers of HOS- TETTER’S CELEBE ATED STOMACH BU. TERS can appeal with perfect confuvence to CLOTHING EMPORIUY MACHINE WORKS: _ —,. —— “THE IDEAL” ie” The ieee ates 2 ve Waren ‘In Time of Peace Pepare for War. HOSTETTER’S GREAT EXCITEMENT | North Carolina Foundry : She stood beside the counter ton Vers is filled with wholesome ad- ———— T THE GREAT | Me . ey er org vices; and itis ich in thought, and pre- MERONEY & BROTHER STOMACH BITTERS. ‘ AND EDIT She t hoa gl it the masho dearer - Single copy The clerk looked quite uneasy, or two from its columns. Now the fol- et Pistols, old and new model: ulso, Sah d& Wes yy iciansand citizens geurrally of the Unwed OF \ De wot Aud nodded Ww the Loss ‘lowing, no doubt, was penned in view of S85 sree shot; Sharp's & vunce Pistol, that can a States, because the article has attained a repu- 7 \ | ’ ants { : a curried iu (be vest poeket, will shoot through an ich tat heretofore unknown, A few facts upoa I ithe ‘Sundne excitement” which was at gourd 75 yards. Sharp's 1002. shouts through an inch thee wee will, a Ki Clubs exe “Show me some veleet ribbon, Barage wud matiu urk She said.“ 1 want to purchase,” Then gave the goods a jerk, The clerk was all obedience — He traveled “on his shape — buurd 100 yards; imiation Cults’ al reduced prices. Bhs’ Cartridge Pistol, 6 shot; Riders self-cock- tog; LX L sell-cockig ; also Bowie Kuives, axsort- ed sizes; Sharp's Sporting Ratles, will kill 3U0 yards, aud a good Wut of guns. Phey offer their niock of > wt reduced pices lor Cah, as they mbend deny tempted by the meeting in Goldsboro’ on Friday and Saturday iat Mr. Walsh, Iwith the veneration of years apparent ocks, counsels Ady secession as- whout bie | this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blizoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit- ters for the feet year amounted to over a half- million bottles, and from its manifest eteady increase in times past, it is evident that durin medicinal properties contained in the prepara- oe ae FRERCKS & RAEDER, 0 BUCCESRORS TO oe. eax Fy N. BOYDEN & S( O—— KING IS BELIEVING | $1.50 vach eee “JJist! 1 ; sociates inthe followioge fatherty strat. the coming year the consumption will reac! ie At length, with Sesitanon, Prin TORCerTilvauiciilertircer itl kmeereua business “Pheir remainog Black Cousimi~ of near one million bottles. This immense amount AS \\ TL. continue to mavutacture and keep oo THOMETC She bought—a yard of tape! ; | f ; Combs, Grosbes, Bulious, Suspenders, Belts, Fans, gould never have been sold but for the rare oy ve ! pe Ot lieet tetntelia CHhIZChH—=—"t Will, WC \Worcher Jewelryisilver Pisted Ware, lauoy head Tren toll : 2 ’ re : PRODUCERS vs. CONSUMERS. We have’always thought that there sould be an honorable discrimination in Savor of produ Pros, Perfumery, Extracts, fancy and tother rope. staliwery articles, Portumonain, Pocket Books, Work Boxer, Razors, fine and common pocket Cutlery, walking Caves, sporting articies, Whips, Musical bo have no dowbt, draw upon lite bread the curses of the secession leaders—because he, the .Vews, has adopted the ' Wateh and Want” policy inangurated= yea, ie stromeuis, Willow Ware, Baskets, Traveling datch angaratcd in the City of Laleagh, oy W els, Fancy Gruceries. Fruits, Cigar, tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are rendy at all times to give testimonials to ite efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements Stock of | AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full assortment of eeey made here’ tore Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed - Sowers, Cider aud Sugar Mills. Plows, Corn-Sheller and COMPLETE eru Cities wih «a LARGE Haorne-Pows —_—_o———— THE LARGEST AND Mog ou #& pedes from the « spoke, he la The arm, , ‘ x a fi » usul ~ . mie other artic oo ted o mention Aare: ° * Phreshers, . | Ni Nay . ji Sake pany Wan com Curae ise aU. pol aU LS Tete Ilear the News, how in 0 ie Hees SU ed Teg eed) edtoue Lometitiuis end) the diserses realling tlere!ron ied Ready -Hade Clothing Thresteracd Separators, ‘They also manufacture py x | CK and saw a etearly set forth in an exchange paper: - aI POTSyWabet he vec tar at ews nelais This is nota temporary popularity, obtain AH @ iv =. ai se . advancing 3 § ple ads for dame: Those iudebted to us, muse callond pay their voter by extraordinary effurts iu the way of trum. Us Shufting and Machinery Te a ‘ iy f co the first day of Fr a amwesh ‘ ities of rs, b ‘ » . iM Peden: f é : She w When a dollar's worth of powder is placed iw Lot there be no undus exeitement, or Std ian aby he first day ot F ae ages Nall peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a pelle Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, yo. Ges Mi = Cireularand Vertical Saw Malls Gold, | OF he Was as acannon and burned, the only products EAC Scones Be ud ual Ae ne Te Neots Go Mm ONIUAUiol Ola TALE NO ee Copper and silver Mines, Lobacco Presses and Fix posare tot noise aud smoke, and these have no commercial value ef the value that was io the powder is decuve consumption they are not wealth—the consumption ublipro . If a man’s house, worth eect a Convention 5 and, once Conving MERONEY & BKO 340f The for Sahebury tempts tu force publie opinion, Ghanawersble logic of eveuts will vince our people that it was unwise to chon Jen The Ad Valorem Banner, 7. 186) C con destincd to be as eudtaing as time ivself Hoatetter’s Siomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complninis have counted their victims by huudieds. To be Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under Shirts fine wssortinent ofS which he have been parehased for cash. and willbe sold cheap AC, | Vi BRASS CASTINGS, FINISHED WORK of ajtures, &a TRON FORGINGS and and Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs its wand Collars, we, &e, to They Cravats, toviles your ramediaite atrentien description wade oem’ =" DRY GOODS were bare, her, a8 she princess tot of her a sp $5.000 15 burut down, this amount of wealth w Col tile fact, the demand for the reas DAILY AND WGRICKE ): able to state confidently thot the © Bittere” er thanever were offered here before NOW [TS respect: Rejuirs of every) description of Machinery Ve i : . < 5 > all : are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like YOUR TIME FOR GRE VE BARGAINS, ae ft : . | the path, a consumed, without any correspording reproduc (sci ol mi tira epistitiires wally bal A wh I d diseases, is to the proprieiors a source of un- tee {to sell cheaper than auy other house See eam 4 \y3 she slight : i ' : short tice siuce sued a prospectus fur seases, ne an determined ty sell cheaper thawaty other no} Ralis NCE 2, 1rtl 34 tYon, and the wealth, not only of the owner, but cul unanimous throughout He Bate, 40d Weatiynesspiper tv be called the AD VALOREM — alloyed pleasure It removes all ines bid'mtter jy Salisbury ee “ ah | her hands | of the community and of the world, is diwiu jthat before long. The teeling in favor of Ry to be published in the City of Raleigh, from the stomach, purities the blood, and Returning amy thacks for the Nberal patronage Standard, Bateagh; Patriot, rea oie Dems { om al ia ished tu this extent, While an industrious mau | secession is) steadily increasing 5 ene NC. ‘Phe ene saragement [have received, far ex ha paee Terence sipaDhiy (ols er yee: teas heretofore bestowed, [hope tora contimuauee of the faeace harlot : Wornen Milne sisi oS fe ( le () N (; tah i i OLS. : . ot ; ’ i! if . eveding my most so ine h s.ind me to iss ving it that tone and eucigy indi speusuble sume Remember the Stand, inten tri weekly Colunben peerver, Fayette 4 cumpletuc is wearing out a pair of boots, le ts engaged in Haveasth age, the Convention would be vo: Tt aed a Dnata tek Sah ten heme i the restoration of heath, Troperates upou NO. 2, MURPHY'S GRANITE ROW, tod Predel! Evprese will publish Sincuthe wad forward | y Raion Salisbury, NOC uf ductny as much wealth, either, in the same |. Sein ie ! Se PAU RCH LV EEC TEAR pro g tec down by fifteen thousand majority ; @e tie that Ewitton the dst of January, IN6L, commencs the stomach, liver, aud ocher digestive or guns, Wied or sume other form; but while an idle spend thrift is wearing out a pair of boots he is ned produciug a corresponding amount of value, and i A 5 tye t . Ct a eee een be is consequently diminishing the wealth of the \J UU wd mau of the scaled U POL Finen” will be converts to the necessity of the publication « LY, bur DATLY So fur as the Banner takes sides with political parties, it willbe Democranc; but with regard to Internal Improvements, a change ip system of ure nvw con ; before the lapse of acnonth, he BANNER, not only WEEK The secessionists Will be ina decided ma mildly but powerfully, and soon ressores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature Elderly persons may use the Biccis dsily as aa directions on the boule, and they will find n March 25 National Flag! TROL Greensborough Mutual | INSURANE COMPANY. | ANI ) “What! his compar the fastidia asnnburnt country. A man, hywever, who is living in| ; , 5 ; / it astimulant peculiaily adapred co comtort nN if : . . J . e £UCLEBI PR oer Taxation, ond the preservat of a Coustitut ' LU ABUTS DOCU SE IY OSE! wae . . STeteg on the interct of Nis money, ie ner ne | suiedinte secutaion, if the acceded Stata Tazaiin. and the preservation of Countiationall Q.'LUND tan, fea pesca toe pane ARKER Lene eet comely: WEL 4 Ag she ehont cessarily iinpoverishing the community, On| ill not conve hack. Rdvocele null thessurapadiatiigiscerer caucuses Melut comming (albebonclaccsccllani nm Louie: WM. M. B | eos wc er . : a . - | exawiaation, it will be foend that what is called | money at interest really exists in the form of) '¥!: mavufactories or machinery or stocks of goods, | or eaule, or plows, or some other form of pro- perty, which, in the hands of active men, is aid ing.— Ad Valorem Banner. The étaldes in the extractare the Ve vws' we have made no alteration—nei her the crossing of ator the dotting of ut The (where the spirit of the Constitution is often violated,) packed and partial Conventions, and the scheming | of would be political demagogues and tricksters. 1 shall be just aud fear wot | tele there are full ofinean | TRAME OF TAK DAILY BANNBR: and rejuveunting govuerally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men aud womed who have experienced ihe bevel of w-iug thin preparation while sufe iug vot scomach de- rangemenssand general debiliny acting s under the advice o. physiciaue they have abandoaed eR VV INFORM HIS OLD : oe Bs friends aud customers that he is Job A. Mebane, Wo J. MeCounel, C. P. Menden- SOT ag iu tn the hall, DP Weir, James M. Garrett, Joho Lb. Cole, Not DD) Wilson, Won. Barringer, David WeKuight, Carriage Business, MIS Shecwitd: Ved) fl) Gideuyy) Grecusborough’: WoA Wright, Wilmogton,; Robert E. Trey, Lam- Are now opening at th Exchibited in © Subseriber's ever Salisbury ‘The con in w libs} ae had by tha young Med ei ‘ One ex Vives se 5 00! arn " es ml , i Se tera and stare: mg in the production of wealth. ‘The man who ae ne ae i eo So oF bo all dele eerie se ay naan ae it and prepared to furnish any style of BUGGY or bectony Mlexander Miler, Newhern; Thadeus We- and stared acguumulated it, and bas loaned it to these busi- ES : a Pe eiic i amcenteen oes whea CARRIAGE from the bestia the lowest pred Gree, Raleigh: Thomas Joinsen, Yanceyville; Dr | And which witl be sold as heretofore at unprecede deer that fh Ne fica; ihe eure at The Heart and its Diseases.—When re eee eee sim: See cee et geen ltees He has recently visited a numberof the Northern W © Raiusey, Wadeshornagh ; Rev RC. Mayaard, tedly low prices, This ie snpposed 1 ene On Cae Come eomnre eCtntlinte tent rel ] One copy Lyeurinudeance, = = 2 = = 82 UO) UNE Gas a eae ona . Wnunufactories and acquarnted hanself with all the Froukliaton; Dr EF, Wateon, Watsonville cen t liv t B f th ‘ ee i jere are one thousane : sink nuder he bil the vely jon a mo hee stranyver | reas living on his Tolerceat. y means o the Pri leneraietlitart: it Fiteairdntivat Six copies boo . 10 00} i firs Aco (ayes ‘ie taliede late dmprovement= in histone, cad made areoogemente Nr OTCeRE 2 e Renee . \ ie P : Reiloee, ae mibon indab du searth, and that op. o van oo. } end child iso 1, vende. vines Le Lie caus ae ; | , : . nicht, spe tovls which be has made the community is pro: | redhat ee eieroseen tie re en Pen nae ERNE whl aes ww me eR eC TGs tenes Corn co ag by whi i he are oe TL pansies North NOH DP WILSON, President NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRAS peeutallye ducing aw increased amount of wealth greater | He : cas, A? a > | forget her own heath iu heres. eme nuaie y era work much cheaper thin could be doue by order yay tL LINDSAY, Vice-Premdent. | - my J than the quantity which be consumes. But the (1 '"ute. or two thousand iiillion times in 3134 Ruleige NC tics imiaiit pubi ihe pe iod ceaiey Maga stite gobo Me ity Oude thel test wid) (ip NEN DT NTL VEL Attorney ie t “ip . Aoi its way, fee a nes ‘ ever done 1 © connt and sol ace . tee ; mwon with many, who eoumerat f spendgurut who is living op bis capital isiinpow 6 He of eixty years, we must be struck = re . : | eisive du-iug tener secon. che wear OF t i . is ae ie cid soheits 8 DEERE R VD AMS Necttcend Uremsicy coe » any umerate ther artie My dp i } : Lan ‘ a tye call at the Signo ational Flag . ‘ a ershing the community, Tle is consuming itl) Wender—not that there exists heart NORTHERN | body pud nnd ss gene. ls Ssaicuy - WAL M. BARKER a - NI He Grucral Ageut Because an examination of the stuck and prices, “would vo - : sinieed: _ Fees ee ee eit hGe ae ven ie pee hy “Oo wo corne . e t : : ; : wealth without aay corresponding reproduction disease, and that occasionally we meet LIME FOR SALE. | yaterhe ene ies OF se sw oud cantle stew July 31, 1x80 110 JA MEBANE . ( epecutive Comttes, COMMMEE the must see plic, and closest buyers, uf tured ; My Ue aes ibe i ean Sed ee Cie sh erie ay int ea LARGE quantity of Northern time ‘umdacked)) — motlier 10 be» apanses ey Cn) ag) ints . J MOGARRETT, truth of the wave rion B) will give y and all who do not earn an honest Livtnigs 4 wher page of the organ—Dbut with gratitude on 4 in barrels or by the bashel, for sale ut Simon-| aod Se ae ue eae 7 a >» Allocommuneatocrot businesscounected withths Heiurumng my sincere achuowledgemente io Gm sketch von by their exertious or by their capital, When a contenplating how few casnalties occur ton's Tan Yard [will be sold very cheap, whole rally puelaattes bly me 00 u d) c C) Office shouldbe addreneedta ; : ; The girl ; . : a‘ | tore pet ieceive the Creo mee oETER ADAMS. 3 eacus cf Rowan aud @ wi counties for past Wau is producing more wealth than he consumes. . y ‘ : sale or retail e STER ceretary a iP P £ with reference to this incossaut worker, . ; : cians peta eel ts? , he ioe ny ; ns j eae ; ; F ien | yo otber words, living within his income, be ky jel rests pot lay or nieht, Une wit! AUC UU em OURUlal eae ee tao steers well celein bo Give | Herne seme due 8 I) Greate Uiroup iin NC et uner| a i vurs, L hope by clyee alteutiom to my bomuers, iil Nedee . . : CEES STU ra or night, Gut wath and Hames, always ou hud and fur sale. eles : b a ‘ ; omed to 4 "g 2 worlds + a a Sat aoe ele a). one anally . cs “ i adding to the wealth of the world, and wher wouderful instinctive power forever Green aud Dry Hides alway ia demand at cash | od Lolyyasiian one have paices SA I 4 I &s Bt rR Y . rere) ta Was besit selon ies alich the a man is consuming more wealth than he pro AML ose nessons to fl f ae ces SIMONTON | N bbe 1 show Good ne, works on and on and ia never weary, une PO Hs! . vets Aen Re , LF No trouble as usual to est for the duces, in other words living beyond his income, ; 5 ie ie Salisbury, daly 27th, 1860 flO Lislya netaticcanao\g i ! bal Au Pp vor ; ae = Lettie ; oe tii death bids it cease to work forever.— fever omd ene, ait so Ga) ROW OR DICKS wontd respeetfally inform the ’ Coyiey bint he ts diminishing the wealth of the world, Oo d fthe | mieten Ivsenccry. indige oo lo. 6 1 vid ete lis Salsbury. Clrerlotte, S:atesville 1 } j Ss FRANK RD ; “fl : rratic Gievases of the heart, 1 tdi GAchAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP ove ae r 7 : ape , V dl L h . “bhave| e 4 Coe Ge eee sre vee fag . eer ae all diverse oe de i we soe u Concord, Gold iy Mackey iile ea Lexan egeta e it ontriptic, | . : ese Ser NEON SSK! : ee Seu es (1 O/T ten supe aay , 0 rary ton, Worgonton, Newton, and the surrounding eouu . ee Tal ‘Awry Down in Disie — Vester Hive Tentcuuracecan nat appear materially te occupr ion ad oes ee See see hax estublished a Boon Rixo on TC ) C¢ ) [ y NTR Y j areal afterneon the steamer Ack NCU Cape Meare etter ment comme Tere on: TOEHN DOOLEY, ee Bye Des ean ta ree d wall be unas to Fearne st ERIS OT TUE UP WAN FAMILY, z \ oar ‘, : f, folk. fawlue ; SoM), Man anna. Tene, Vs | reiey a Colson Nett : hae nil ine Paks, sok, : i ee a Ls hay lioredenl tenediatosd) ah iakite om bate ee . ' ee a | tee eee ee ; i “ A , mo : De ~ nn nue ret RING FROM ; ‘ on oa Bee a Raj mene Sen Fe en ae NT ; ; lufacturer wid Dealer in Swey wintle, Peotod tepaltenn, oP A ag eu ee . ; f ihe ; a ve . fil C ¢ at a Mets: as vand: thos renderine yop spraw, LEGHORN, PANAMA, SOFT AND MOLE SKIN Wing be wins Pc i ' a a DISEASED KIDNEYS, \ ‘ . ( \ | \ . ° or the regular army of the Confederates litceat tinewictinimseiinieoenntl tree tiny Daee re lene, sol uM a i : 0 Nee meesmrecht a) ey Ne Ian eh ea ait , 4 A \ citer Sts 5 a _ Cc ' ae i | a : ? ares em ¢ vio lehas ees fre a distimee pre thy ' te lone ot ‘ & ate ehueys, a States, which is the secon 1 re au ay ehip iicravasing the malady, should as mach TC ence mn ee oe Fi oO he : oe 1 “Order ' meine ees dean , 4ey ¢ aaa ment from this port, inakiag in all about | 4. possible, while duculeating a ratioual HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, low vaiie sn CeroeeG en mpel ER eOUr Ce Eels Gants nexx of the Loins, be. ae it aps ee Hilts erates eae Sen ey mode of tiving, endeavor to marntain that ae ale oe aN allenliouy of | ow sie anes Wi cen os \ rechg Vial FENHIS wivale Medieone ss for male only at several parties left here for the South, ane ean deta oe the wercnanteot Virgie, North Carohing and Teas] uo sve ba ot ano (arti OG . Mochaville, Salsbury Statesulte, Concord MHE IER ould call (he attention daa! el aie eee peal state ofinind which tone of tie eee ingens of ins ability to supply thom with el Brow IIS Livery Stable oo es any Staten A oncrd ad HE SUBSCRIBER wou dealt he atient . were regularly recerwed by The State av clvet guarantoes of a urctul, pleasant and: everything they may wantin ny fine, en ae gud Ma Prerci ne Oa Osa UE , ! 4 DE ee kate ee mee ey sue cana COUNTRY SIEROMAN TS, to hie large thorities of South Carolina, but these add prolonged itie. Conte wa they oan Ge procice | ui any are he SMITH, Puiu ci AiG pow) GS all ae ae , noe yi u es ee lig oe coneten vervd Mek of oA pe ad to 2) Pwinaly alfodeccten watlen ve. wount | Gruggists pio.cis vw oucules pane ally I ~heptup as heretofore is grati 1 ‘ eater, fo arind Block 1 ed to theee previmnsiy alluded ts will _ . Dee eta e rn ee ee ace Fae sr hi rec nia aetublilipaeit, fuer Midvainciake boo Malievie, ce pepargd Dies amount to mere than three ae and Our Blood —TVhe hig Get HOM lon G arene even tch ig newoor derirubie ; and, having rica, aud Ceswavy. son. at first. asa doubttulexperiment ‘ iroish ou s 5 ad Ie OE a “ Salisbury, - 1 1 Hl fifty uble-Lodied men. The parties whe lis coloriess, and its red Tp euranCenedue grea ier ceva diinauarser trig) fasiiticeartt ~ proved to the pubhe a great desde : r ae ailiag at lia reedenc . . ins Sel uf DRY GOODS first enlisted were composed principally cy the presence of innumerable little bo desirable stylec will be ofmy own mauutaciure. My | COVIEL & MEADE ratum a Ves Sia ocomecieciera valine rae eens * ae | a of Germans and Americans, abd whe, ut Blick Mole-wkin Hat is stillin the front rauk, and ix! oe a 4 alwaymhave ther wants, in the lage, well sap a 5 : 4 ‘i We eine ee iano Pics floating init, which wresc small that) oat sraot superior, to wnything produced in’ the | WHOLESALE (GENTS plied , | ‘ , terly nnable to obtain employment: at! three unilions of them are contaibed 1 @ country. Wy assortment of Boye,’ Misses’ and Chit: | , | past pices Utena ieee unes i ene Gored HARDWARE ! ! | Clothing and Groceries. their respective trades, determined to seek | drup which may be suspended on the dren’s richly trimmed Hats and Flats of all the ditt New Onreaxs, La., a And the subseriber ene ene ar of ! | ; : on a sor tn : : : . . buy goo. : AS : : é] of their fortunes down South, and were ship point ot a needle. These corpascles are cra otyles of Braid and Leghorne cannot be excel SOLD BY Henderwn & Ennis, and WH ye ae | er arte Subseribers are receiving and opemipg 8 cat WHOLESALE as om i lee ‘ an 5 eye ec : 4 . B , ‘| a ich he will ve sESALE ow arr ped by an agent whoresides in N. York. | acs tilled with a componud) eubstance,| — ty Mitiwury Goods, Poun furnish anvthingrequired | W2att Satinbary: by . Hoe ; concord, aud by the id stand of GoM d& AT. Joues, the et , al : } TE te Toce . fi : | cept : . Pur torrell, Greeusboro, 2 y | larges poug 1 e on, Grea E ; Those, bowever, who more recently lett | MUMItE COMI CCHEASCURT aT Cda wilntalctliavicinitekin cnerverinden taitcecmAarinyiccRecala I oa . aoe wor va | T. BEMISTER argest be bought in any city in the Uaion, the b ee 4 here for the Southern Cenfederacy were! tie fin of the sac and its contents are Cone” Hate in very complete, und any of the different | oe . ee a | Nt “k { il; Iw; porums New York, not excepted coe recraited by Robert fb. Haslet and Thomas composed of. Each one of these little etree ai tats eC ses mous LSM EY, P E Cc I A L House Painter, Grainer. , a . Wu a . . , iKE ! alantenaiy, Cy we AA eiree zs vB . ‘ { she J. Gav neh ae i Concord street. i todics has its own life. They are form Mareh 13, 1-69 43 \ 8 TENTCIORTIN Nie Tomar ever offer cn this Market, which having beea bowgbt Ss. | RAN KI ORI ee who contend that, under the circametan erro wena nieces tii. ftleals jee : . , direetly ot Minetacture re ae ther agente, exele oe and srow, and die; and itis calcula: : Vy q 4 N : fo : ! . on Bee a Naa cae 4 y 1 Main St, opposite Murphy'e Granite Row ee ta Q eon are a es a ae yt Ces of The Care, they areal yi te ted that nearly twenty tillions perish at, N O Il U M BU G ! J ! a St nie - Ane ee aa R ‘ feeass r a4 ‘ ‘ ther a National or State law. [Haslett Guy pulganion of the Hears @ SALISBURY, N. C. Rica pee to Ute esl uu yece) | Acenll tects: F ie Adit pie companied the party which left here ves | . aise _ LAN work personally attended to and warranted to be : JONES & OVERMAN | 4 4 ‘ ae * terday afternoon, who, as soon as they | ness is pot only the meanest of vices Ss Ali - ’ ea | dove in a workmanlike manner Salsbury Mar 13, 1860 wag ee , ya : Q ) sclling a JOst f! Die 16 > SK URTS : ' eng a reach Norfolk, will proceed direct dithe parent of all manner of sin and wick a. : ‘ TEN rhe ry | Jan ease cea anal se. aries » the Seal { nie leat ct ia alsu the wreatest of blunders, — 5 oe BI [ |: . 1¢ \1 . no F F Rp PvE you « Cuarleston by the Seaboard and Roanoke } al the greatest of blunders. Ayip pe aubserther reapectiully inforine his. former j a y? oe MICHAEL BROWN SOUTHERN 8S. FRANKFORD lee Paiiroad Co They were in lig! “wi iee bleneell to vine Lian to reeriwe . a ’ Commer waiiroad Company TENE WeCre Mey x : patrons, aud the public generally, that he is de. | . ,opaveE 9° . March 19, be61 mid Lawor, and before the boat left the whart be who gives nothing defrauds himse If no less termined to inaxe « change in bis present basiness, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. whieannl 4 than tis fellows, The man who spends tis life on or hefore January next, and will commence sell | | COMMISSION MERCIAN, BOOT AND SHOE for thint x gave sundry cheers for South Carolina, ; nen f gine For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS | og 2+. Cc : at ‘ the Southern Confederacy, and their good 1) Gans tved lo Ms race, 1s never an unbappy Se CT ee vee : ane “oe 7 a v7 es Zzce ee Nat friends whom they left belind in Balti acii(inia ke that) ae a wie devois e el EXTEN ee STOCK = : aan + | ALISBURY, N.C. W (NUFAC rorRy : | — ZiaS = =r sketehes in : en ner t vine Ace. | : f Si }os mt ‘ < ere more. Three or four of the recruits were eee ita tne must miserable of b Oe DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV | = a2 oe cx nee : 4 sumfurt oft e e . a e = “ married men, and were accoupanied t Ae I: pote he \ Ready -Made Clothing Nice and clean fi + sale hy ENetothe picchitecralkiode ce PRODUCE IS =| a ee you have the boats by their wives, who evidenced, > no .. vs = HENDERSON & ENNISS And toall conmanmnents to be sold in thin market or SMITH & MILI ER. (en er Ca Tam ath ‘ J Tie wreteh concentrated all is self, . Y shipped to other Poris 4 | = Se-27DA a their reyret at parting by copions tears Living, shall forfeit fair renown Gent's Furnishing Goeds, ne Heuresry inet scu MBs | z = ZE= 5%. exec whe that | dt he » general a . \ ‘ , , , . MANUFACTURERS OF ° ssoata fk ' hetely * and foud embraces. It is the general And, doubly dying, shall go down, | HIats, Caps, §c., at Cos THERMOMETERS FACTURERS OF x co SF a5 2 —— bhetel, “at opimnon that they leave here for their ow n Yo the vile dust from whence he sprnag, ae ann. : yi) aie Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. | _ tary y uwill th benefit, and the etrict discipune of the Uuwept, uohonored, and unsung "” \ Youre. FAN y “yr For Curing Tobacco. | ORRELL & GRADY, , y om 's ZS SS “That 1 eaidier cannot fail to improve their hab G85 LESS I il AN Cos I . Ero 210 to Sauilegy tir aaleiliy | Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in | Bly Gisparcd relied ae mor ea & 2as = | iv said the ; ¢ . i 7 "2 om 2 Oe eg, for sale b pense.in procuring materials of the | — SS ; ae F ite and inure them to industry and lard A barber having a very intemperate man lO from thisdate, forthe parpose of closing. The balance HENDERSON & ENNIS3. | iM AES Cc A PS bent quality — Machinery of the Hen ia <A pee Es | Lepuiesca work, Some of them were young ties shave on Sanday, bereged bim to keep his mouth remaining will be sold at public vendue £ Bh ea p29 provements—and the moet finished Work. | sa = —_— partly bor by from eighteen to twenty years of were, shut, as it was a puirsbable offence to open a Save all youu can, and call early at | - Straw,and Millinery Goods “ 5 ae) flatter (he ree Dita(hey teas = ° R 3 2 a pers whe had been sedaced from parcotal an orn hele on the Sabbach, M ] OFF N’S | POUNDS Umbretas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribboms, de. STD ERO ‘ sc g C= what is its therty. Several dispatcher were cent te M. HOFFLT S. . ‘ , Boots, Shoes & Gait oY = “Oh! ye ; | dispatcher were Lee era oer ery i Corner of Mansioa Hotel ’ OF ph iy No. 18 Courtlandt Street, { aiters, — ee 7 es ‘i a Nortock jast evening by datreseed fathers S7A TE ls a ae ROLINA, ox. 2, in6o. tru \ Pure White Lead in Oil [DD ORRELL, ) rr ae iine mere be niiichaccdlia Newe England trem ner ener IMEECD a =O = oe will | aud mothers to secure tie arrest and deo, , COU? ? ' [einen OC Rayst eles Na . money. They heretore feel confident that their | cSKR eee aay, wont Ce Court of Pleae and. Quarter Sessions, February RELIEF IN TEN M{NUTES. UD i kein wheingeeay stn |) Varo Onharennit chacatiacnaer «hem wnalliivateusth inet nesnte a SB #7738 The ebil tention of their chiidren.— Lard Anes Term 1261 . . ree . . | zion, =O vas cn re chi ; ico For sale by HENDERSON w ENNISS, | — oe their endenvor to satroduce among them a branch of = © sel on the spe ~ eae CHEN TT BRYAN'S Te iat Manufacture now entirely inthe handaof abolitioneta, a ° = oo ieee 4 lem f ‘ rico. — ve ATTACH MENT. : . ae i AMIE ! “will not bein vain or disregarded. ‘They offer at . OO iret, had t D. signs ff the Teeans on Merico. ‘The Gold-Hill Min. Co I >; ul mMmotnic W a fe rs ' Pe Rakl 2 55 2 e man. She Vie following passage from a Mexiean IT ay THe On earring tothe satisfaction of the Court that AL Maptcrwe Rseanuisnep is 1337, ond frat article | 1000 GALLONS 1000. { | WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, retorted, 8 ter in the New Orleans Crescent jg the officers ot the Gold-Hill Mining Company are of the tind cer introduce! unde the name of Pvcannic| FTRIE LINSEED oO r een ee ee SEA NITE Cet Bila : AN Ne, ane . SCAG) arenes iter AWE CACoM ist here OrUCr cred Cen Wares lim iAcuec ei rixcel tia cy aus ciken melseine f LO OEINSELT I. SALISBURY, N.C, ee nRrene ey ns LRT Ee WORTH & D. IE any rate, y piyuiticant: adjadged that publication be made in the Caro.) Wufersareconnterfeita, The Gennine can be known by) For vale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. (one door below R.A A. Waphy's Store)‘ Half Walt ‘ “ “ Whelexale and Retail Grocers, A dt Oxpec Hh ranadanoore: ; lina Watchinan for mx successive weeks notifying : . cinght, 6h fe Inost eerions danger at present = Double Sulew AND enon: iipemding over Mexico, and which more hearly tonckes Us Gian any other, is the threatened irroption into this section of the legions which Texas seems to be col Jecting on the Rio Grande, 4 We could calinty observe the approach of ten thous and United States seldiers, for they are said Compiny and ite officers to be and appear before the Justices of oar Coart of Pless and Quarter Sev- sions, at Che mext Court to be held for the County of Rowan, rt the Court House in Saliebury, on the first Monday in May next. then and there to plead or replevy otherwine judgment will be rendered in favor of Reuben J d Imes, plaintiff, and the land and other property levied upon be sold to satisfy the xame BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Coughs, Colds, Sere Threat, Hear -vsoues BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAWERS Relleve Asthma, Bronebitis, DiMeult Breathing. BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Bioed, Pains im the Chest. BRYAN PULMONIC WAPERE Retleve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. the name BRY AN being stamped on catch WAPER. | | Witness. James BE. Kerr. Clerk of our said Court, ATTACHMENT BEY AN'R PULMONIC WAFERS 40 Bbls. For sale by Tamers Oil, W. HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured | 7 OE EPS constantly on hand a large assortment o WATCHES snd JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watches ind Jewelry of every description repaired in the best n inner and on the most zeasone ble terme February 14, 1860 NOTICE, af! rv OPERA BOOTS. Patent Leather and Preach Calf) | Five Open Gaiters, Patent Leather and French Calf, : darters, French Calf, | “© ONford Tiex, Freneh Calf, Union Pree French eeedinan ly3k Congress (anew style Am Calf, comply with the above notice and save um and them- Commission Merchant No. 2 Granite Row , Faon? Sracet, WILMINGTON, \. © Deters in all kinds of Groceries, Proviswns (guiemiWihies (oars andi Tobacce Solicit coumgnments of Flour, Dred Frurt, Feat rapidly do come, Clarence Taugh, inv his compar “You de “UUs @ capi Nothing BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS. : = to them and sapply your waute and in fa mT : ce ge 1 under bonds to keep tie peace of mations: ataffice, dhe first Monday in February, A.D. In61, Ralitve lerilation’ ch helvel nea ree are OR NO PAY. Cire/iny wil puraituecin’ Bolin SiicesinniGellers 1 ce bocawax: Cubsccunend CGuntty SB cniui/ Te you nothin and besides, they are men who have mo and ia the eighty-titth year of our Lndependeace. BRYAN'S PULMONIC a a ony C \ | [ A N D ETI K save thore nanalactured by jerally. Agents for Lowe's celebrated merce png turtle. Ri nnpuneiatt lle rie rien: JAMES EO KERR, Crk Ss cree Eaniss’ dewe and Fever Pills vidbads aha i AW | DG. WORTH, N.G. DANIE “Hang t Hinking apd plo ng to do tor thetnse! ves; Feb. 26, 1N6E (60402 a as at Relieve the above Complains In (ea Mleutes. 4 ag ‘ Hs, i SMIIH & M ILLER, i r the past T years x Lut one Hhousand Texans are a far ithe i ae ae = BUVAN'R PULMONIC WarKKS WARRANTED 10 CORL ALG PERROYS dened wae te ace ae oe 5 : PUOMASVILLE, N.C. | Late of Asheboro’, NC C. & BG Woarm Que woul ent matter. They are all thinkers, and > Nel TY Ob TH UAROLINA, — Area Blessing te all Classes and (© stitations. at HENDERSON & ENN igs) Suit are berebs ncutied tiat povinent of the sane JUTE LBD 9 Sept Ix, 1x60 lyin Tat what: tnost of them take the liberty of acting ae ROWAN COUN TY WRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS = 4 we . is required wade wothout delay —— the clodhe fe ‘ Pm Ont ol lean and Quarter NScaxions, February Are adapted for Vocalists and Pubite S; 2 - We have be ry udu lge F i a 5, rive Tea } a 2 s peakers. rave by yoodulgen Wardour ecustomers, \ kK ‘ themselves. Tnev ull cousder ities ; Term R61 areca ian i ene . and tikactiveiime is ciataly aknnmieten tote leave New lirm i: T Ap’ wa (’ | a a ie ‘ deetiny to congner Mexico, aml woenose: Ephram Maney. 7 Trellananlaslnlformiana:cleacanth on inen (arte Fluid and Kcerosine Oil. or their favors, aud trast that they will speedily 4 3 | YI i J J ance Ty | 2 thes are near thin border they are certacn to be planning expeditvous to extend tus area of freedom We are tally aware y- Withim A MeCorite Vt apy the defeadeat Vet only relieve, bat efeet rapid aud lasting Cares, KRVAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give sathfaction to every one. he watis(oction of the Court that g Wittiom A MeCorkle, remdes without By the Gallon or Bartel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS nelve~ further troubl N. B—[ntereet charged on all atanding accounts after the (st January thomtnseti led buscar se MURR & SOSSAMON, <3 4 DR. BESSENT, ment a di young mer Inn where thie trait in the Texan Character, and the che hinesof the Stive, it in herefore ordered wud - TEARICIS © SULLIVAN AVING parchased of J.D. Brown & ow . autliorities licre are not only dilmmnied at do that pobtication be mde ia the Carohea . . Sian 7 ay Gold Hil, Jan. Rus, TR6T ft l Co, theirentire stock of AB REMOVED ro tHe DENTAL Ri fore. The Comoran eo me eer eI f i wt i tS Iray wurcesnive Weeks notin ing I io NO FAMILY pio Lb BE WITHOUT A BOX uF MEDICINAL avy A oe . _ _ on the oorner formerly occupied by Dr Baro evenin iE Mm ie re Cx! orces a 3 . . a " ! _ r fee ve ee pests ces, di aiieirr betiral theldio ue NhlEeGanee cg Bryans tes omic Wafers, FRE VCH BRA NDY Collecting Agent. : STOV ge where he is prepared to attend al! oper re ae NN ae CSUR TON, Patt ane Nesaiod the aeat Court to be x oe ronareted with his profession againet the danger The Gaverior ot held for ty of Rowen. ot the Court House SO TRAY@RRR BAOULD KE WEPHOUT A RUPPLY OF 4 . © FRR cadermporrotes tis wervieon a ha bl dan. 1, 1560. ’ , 3 ny. Aw e Hr, un'’s Pulmonic Waters, ING, PARLOR and CHURCH SOV ever Tamaulipas lige asked tue Picaident ol the Lepebbicfor plarge force to be placed of) this’ frontier as an ariiy of observa i Saoebury on che first Wouday in Way neat, thea sud where Wo plesd or replevy, otherwme jadgusert witthe rendered agarowt hit, in favor of Bphraamn NO PERSON WILL KVER OBJRCT TO GIVE FOR Wauney. planet, vod the land Irvied upon be sald Bryae’s Pulmenic Wafers, Twie PocKs 1840. Mediinal vench Brandy. 1840 Given op by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market, for eale by wen Collecting He holds the Pax Collector for the Town, «nid theretore feels authorized to refer permona to our Sapermtendent and Consimssioners as to qual: Agenion and about Salisbury offered in Cis market and will sell for cash alow os canbe hadin Western North Carolina, Also, allkinds f Plain and Japaued TIN-WARE and 8 TILLS kept on hond tppore ment of Fine Suits. Perri If you wish to buy FINE SUITS of CLOTH! In the city, ing himneelt delving at : + to waliniy the same cae J ; fications, & JOUN BEARD All kinds Tin, Sheet-Eron or Copper “1 ton, aud we are looking for the acrivat | rd a a a fo eve. Cire ol var andl Court Uebel ode WBNDERAON & ENNISS April 10 TRAN e416 atte vo work done at the shortest notiee . . See Teariael iit aimaney ax pomvibte, call at the oa Y ears pe vt copeiderable detac hwen Bot wold chs ay office, the first Monday in February, A. 1D, IK6t, Bold i Giles Pei ati Me nERG een ie a MURR & SOSKAMON 1g Eon pelems gt 5 N De air risen to be " to meet the emergency. ho the eighty ith year ofour Independence aie ‘ es “8 LEEPERSONS who are iiilahted=taienie ure Salisbury, Jan 22, 1K61 1y36 or Rewewunen THE TAD ive 9, Marpry pictures we 7 JAWES BE OKERRO CT Vly 20, 1800 yt SPICES ! SPICES VN ceapeeitiy eemuested to cull and make ime se re elise e iy fashion hi Fel 26. 1K61 (6440) prady §3.00 8 diate payment, ae Dain competed to have money 5 Sort 22 turned Children, what is it that you can nemer cat . acai WEG a‘ M COT ORD Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, and ax thieis the firs cme that Phave called oo my NOTICE THIS : ec naif you wer Nase after it, as quicksy Buggies and Rockaways. _ ase : Cinnam nd Nutmega, for wale hy friends, T hope they will come op promptly . WwW. L. BARRIER come wpon ' , ere ‘ 7 e my k is Innamon, a uimega, for wale hy ‘ i f . ' ; SPIE sobecriber bas « bot of bandeom ~ Be TT W RP RENSENT TTB andersigned having taken np the books af tomed, Iau mseible, with the swiftest bo » the wore | i S188 « : J “ 56 ' } ee as a ni ere ° " ce , ree and Rookawaye, which he will sell on } A ORNEY AT LA , HENDERSON & ENNISS Nov 29th, 1459 112 the late tro of Bell A Tamme, vives this notice, thn D E NT I ST, the child; can ch the word that has : 5 SALISE r THOs. Kk BROW) . ‘ Viera lobed may have a ot ety ’ D lh N ( rot) . gone oat of your lips Jau 24, 1X60 ins | \W ILL Practios and make prompt collections in — D RA YI NG. ettle nent of every aceouut TCM ee ae M SOD Nes : 3 2 a i Once spoken, it as out of your power, J = Rowan, Stanly, Predel and Catawba Conntes y ‘41 Wo ‘ arch 12, 1RBN m Si RInAl | 5 a 8 JAMES Foun Uestay Culsanlucrertrecaiiitt 560 White Hands Office in the corner of Cowan's Buriding oppoate AY I N EG A R t ae ee « tet Dro 35 yang nin siona, hen . 7 6 Book Store piogivew notice that he keepa a 7 Therefore, take care what you aay, for, ‘In TILL find steady employment mpon the Wa 1% 7 1 TEAM AND WAGONS for it Fine Shirt d Collars Nut eo v ) g ie Feb 14, 1860 ins «= 3M ets. Pure Cider Vinegar, 30 ets pA AGONS fer ihay pitrpase, 7! ne Shirts and Ve , the multitude of words there wanteth not wit \\ mmingion, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. : is Draying, and will wrve all who may favor hea with Colar Dray Was } but he that refraineth his lips, is wine.” orbs 10: 16, Trov MARRIAGE LICENSES |\FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, atornearthie place Apply tc SAM'L McNINCH, May ®. 1960. (1f50) Charlotte, N.C 30 ets per tialton at HENDERSON & ENNISS' Sept 18, 1260 118 | pala in thin tine an ercommadauag terns BLANK GEORGE MOWERY o 2 143 \ LAO SAVILIA AUIP DEEDS March 20th, L&t0 TIUIS OFFICE, If yon wieh to purchase fine Shirte an call at the Great Clothing EB: Sept. 25-1119] mporinm of DAVID WEIE | No 2, Gaanire Re a decayed thera deat ternal une J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR TERMS single copy $2.00 > | hive copies, ow > Pon copies ¥ Clabs exceeding ten in €1.50 vech the same proportion Payment alwaysin advances “COBWEBS.” Vist) look tore!” The speaker was one of two vant men, Why had come Upto the prow Hing expedition from the city of Philadelpia. As | spoke, he laid lis har Pon his compan ns! VO! X y] | | arm. The frersen tre addeessed: Looked, ge 4 . and saw a little eiel, about ten years old, advancing inoau old blackberry She wasas browt as a ou’ pedestrian and sket PARI BEBE E TS esos oe path CSSSS W232 A Oy Sey seer berry from ex firm wnony the \dlechanios posare lo the sutt, aod her feet and the path, and, asthe young ian spokes i had failed to “What! love al fret si SCOUT STOTT Wer sketely tionje. ail td to heres asunburnt fairy! You are eihteen. and From that hour, a new elenn Wt entered the offender to ber feerin rs venue she about ten—ol)! you can afford to cate her lites ele beeame cones lots ES vat A great surprise awaited ier, % f ; ) wait there were other peaple besule the dun, she entered the drawing roan that 1 . The conversation bal been earried an plodding ones wath waou fer lot had ing, the first sltatver she saw wa riber's ever . * In Whispers Phe child, still ads anemng, been cast; she aspired to rise to the level identical € had by thos tune Come opposite tothe two of eaedis all ber lewure tiouars Were Spent young nen watndving ; gradually, tha eh her an and stared Curiously at them, as wvonne Haence, her nuete’s house! el deer tliat fuel never been linnted may le asa barefooted little vin} > ane ther tlie feat tine, sei elacluanhnes: wis the vrent artic lisbury Ou wee ing themmshe stopped SreW tore Who tad spe n al Unprecede or less retined : and. firs vy her Soars area “Towant you toa look vou prettiest to anius food, from lier carliest reeoll Mey Tietleetite ane yae Stanley y ctor To expect were bare, but there was a grace abouts heen spent ata the drudwerv of a farin. aerowd ol be tus aid aeony therm her, as she cate hippos forward, that ae Pig rude but free lite had viven her the Meowlway. the biilland yo ie lawyer pruncess tight have cuvied. Justin tront springy step aud ruddy cheek, whieh biol and Mr. Harvard, The ¢ rice chattns a of hera spide: aad wprute bis trap aweross attracted the YUN ertiat sattention, but iave met vou, and raves everywhere : Wwoule Carty y ated she resolved ta his Companion Vangel “ MER Of never part with it fis refi CU Sse lice tens CREME Can I atmetusecht yl ts the fastidious Clarenee bo. heart to ual face, hannted all her Wy yates. them was a Walt formed rosulve tat When | erence, who hid painted her Steere: look of sii a howhich Nelly courts Mr. sied to ian [iy mortification lessened when. on leaving the louse, he met Clarence on the door <1 l , mattely Che tiie Waporae about your beauty. dhe fatter, who isa but he felt that he liad fi led, ited that she slightly strcped ler heitd etl citing Nene of her nature Sarpirations whieh steal artist, ane: vy ry crieal, Tangles at his rival suspected his rejected. her hands pushed the cobwebs aside, Eh Sid NEGO MetrCh: lel talleeniymewiien = fricial’s 4 iS Mn, Otley Nelly could not avoid janwhing at the wne this artless, natured mevement «hict eae Of Generations of MHecedent ent het vou ery at Coon istic, with erest-fallon look of ler old mirc Her completed the picture tire, “Tie first oreasion on wis GHEE Ce Way le cOno actives Sy) P weely tae ta wate osanner changed, however, when “DT ehould like to pact der” eaid tie Wieler vipulses fad found CONVETI tool Convent tie Inte to” . C)iurence entered reren ifthe triumph: who had spoken, ; NN hen she th Weer the Vou artist “Oni « Cotumon pantie” said Nellie uit satey formentor, she became the con vote took courage atouce, aud ina few mn ly words, eloquent with emotion, laid at s Netlev’s feet Poor Nelly telt tnore like crying with Jov than anything else. Bata little of the old saney apirit was lettin ter. Sle VOU s the 1 for thought she owed it to her sex not to sur tthis render tooeasily 5 and go she said, arclils cons ylancing at Clarence : Hele temptuousiv of ler charms, tler netion “Do yon know, Mr. Harvard, wham ” snpposed to stop and regard the first. limeed? beenme ambitions for Nett VrOvVCd Corveet: far \Lies St inley, dame: yen are proposing tot Pam no heiress, strativer that enters the furest, Te (renee lice aslereamcn | clin etonaented, a dudely wl eacins presente! the stray ver no dijieh-borw eity belle Yat only -let me \ PHRAS bright, speaking face, as she sla ate a Los wife's ¢ treaty, fo sen it He Oat 6 i rote as Mi trend \ shinee jute see —what ia it? only a cominon conan : i vracefully arrested, was tot lens Desutitiul, to a firet class | Vite se vol ISICe TOTS Sipe ONGtiooat Uije ty nity, try rustic. Aud she rose aud courtesied ee A ite way, than ber lithe thane, MOC iccHr ic Gate toned irae Wd matisticd her that he trad not ree ue to Mim, “My dear.” said te taste teaker, whew the young ariist baa a} wd stad wized very and then ele turned away al “lor Tleaven’s sake dunt ving that and prices, “would vow like to be made inte 4 [POEM CUM Gra rUcinlnimeid atCe iinet enter HUME Courtesy, to receive the ea foolish speech ap asinst inet” he eried, st buyers, of , ture ¢- My friend tere ison pater, and ed wean, whe alter ba “Ve Catried oth er fesestar ~ Of Merl Mow bray passionately, trving to take ber band will give youn a dollar of youowtll Jet dian cae hivheot prides al school, Wie Cie bela Poere scere cond Neemetians atwar <b have repented ipthon-aud times d aly, Hgements iv; sketch you” ENV ETC OU BION TOWN Unt wii Weticr ater it ier wie oP evenme All ber Poenee the naiuek¥ ierneat | was betray We ew for past , ae et ee ci " Scans vhs Re Seta isis lity « Por, tains we, romance alorre tree Was wort ny oedoonto savin ot Do tne the Juchice to iy) Sonus ie pa tae tel at ua «+ faee tat unche tad been SEE We, ib oot av lee di hala, Wa ip pel at ties CSCC MRT eN rite rei ten tettemnoas per eemed to restore thie tatveal ecutid ‘ stops eee, 7 tly (ey tin ie eo tid at his pes oat in shich the free and ‘a Pie tier Snir rivwe « awe ertece He lier :y me diet fad Le CoN then, Fowl say nothing more dou Yad for the ieonres \ en Sie CON DRO IA UECeY snes, Ne Li 4 (Nee tne ee) ¢ onatter [Set YRD’S wy sy Uptoh My sat for part i HeVED Vol sve e face tet append th feo foe ee oat at meats] t es ITow ‘s “Dhave read of; ¢ Vai, Le pee z: Cr wat se tiinidsciie ae ENS CSTE Oe tree eit ets NG re isang y aie te so Pot you \ : POUT URL Se acUs eerie rT menial | ony Phau venine ariet, witese howd, aed) hia) corventiedh, SSo figs tenes oxen niet . MR Ga MEL om Siemleettr ey nies tte cent malorn ner ) en The event ate e anserted. at Miss sing” detiarely Try y t even Cis er few VAS ae a wl Coit s wie shee 4 tty ty ey Ces UN AN ite | ster, Ste wh vous \ | \ . Pose ! oe mon | TG et cnn [te ‘ enon Vist <bistaed off Dewi itee Wwaltne * oreight years” C \ RO eso Very re eer nS) 0 ee eases ; mute, WH sake CHT) Tet) TG en Gos anieoae anid ae “Good heavens! he ered aS Gey ea Se aa tien mh ' Uc oe last, Mr Mowlirav’s soli ‘Oi, cang tis whole tace Iiahting % dlow bond I \ sl y Wowel Ten tne 4 Ne Tor erie ent Pere rl tackinnie Few persons liad el Nave heen! Why did not eee it before? ce Teel sel sotee wl Niwtive = fi bioriel i | 1 POMOC ole (nite tiwenwrae del aee he atteaten rai a Loven ~ feet t t x { iit Cm . nue Bole tan ect Bice let obwebs,” eatd Nollie, she taking the to hin large s Wet 4 ly wit at, Ps to Vfror 6 r Are words ontof his moun, ber whole face oe ‘ ! | Ma My 1 RCE i TMCS TT LB parkling with geoy and she drew uff ran t \ Le tow an Ceecheat Olin ton atin esliene acl chhalbeenmask and wave another sweeping courtesy 1 med ta hier, SS Bade ‘ iw Gade neces tare late aparece Pile (are Grnr encarta: Before she had recovered herself, low ) ‘. atshotch after ehetebl tod the faet inal Ly Sect la 2, Wan tip gna: oe * And nay |, too, ask for my favorite!” ever, a pair of strong arm3 were around WC CRANE, rd ghem tasted wo dee poMa Mowlesy day eile Cont brent “Certainty, gir’ she answered, with lier, for Clarence divined now that he was nih Jucement the least bit of hhantear. “ What ie it?” loved. Nellie, all along, had had a halt “Please, 16," sal ale, fille, at act, The ball eame ot and « ws ore oS “Ot ton ead, perhaps, for so gay a secret fear, that when her anitor knew the Swill Vert tye te pOOT re Wet ven part MOV Wneet ter ee with eomoany ‘The Land of the Rn ] past, he might not be so willing to marry wriom an MB fave pantiodat? vita! The Dilfer rent as Cises triadic dine van will consent the barefooted cirlas the brilliant belle, MthecUres: Fae EN Se aitits rp ay rierwdrinan, whieli | Wated te country fo eso tian, her favorite also, and her voice but all this was now gone mt we wall criyg yeni ive Mid meen eonelodwd that very «) ahtly trembled she hexin {orarn Two months later there wasa gay wed f Site tite ta! aot ! dav, reer deehted it favor of dis thig or aon ot! cr eaase, she sang it as ding at st. Mark's. A rmesth atter that, ORI ; Yoshie diced ' 1 ~ Heimat WU A ately cetera | wl never sung it before, and a bridal pair, returninns trom the wea ~ fap with ' yal fava ane Weal, ver when she finished ler eves wore full of ding torr, drove up toa candsome louse foun wren . 3 CH Upto : Jrs tears. She wold have given mnel te in Philadelphia, As Chere: led Nellie | |. Si proud Geheacy Zari aloe pete athe wate aecaitent tad caer ! rs have seen Clarence’s face, but ahe conld through the rooms, dn winch Lis perfeet 4iue ee er re mite ker nut troet berse’h ta lank Wp roam! taste was seen everywhe she otve way tid, tte we tinal Pser ond dat, diet without easing tie box Laie vou, purtly te eaneeal ber emotion, pariiv be t2>e8 laniation atter excamation of le ely a way dear, | Wi Voted WW pated. weet Concise Ciaran center \ Hernia eadden tmontlze, ahe struck inte the lait ORD PVG you one, Cone. « Teeth eae i etiam) \ Tves Miserere of “TI roratere.” Nalaile last thev reached atiny boudo te et Reweanrod, the ebilt teck the nos 4m ¢ \ Sarthe dh itaea there had ever Nefore reatized the full exquisitely carpeted and eurtained a\ nHeated th tiers and Uhre Wire 1 at quickie aaten appriashed Hat tie ipqeuily of that saddest, vet most heanti- jet of gas, burning in an alabaster vase, fr wf war the aitists rare saw only one mall tyatbritiant vescay! fal dirge. Even the selfish heart of Mr. diffused a soft Hehe throwers the room. A ripiddy pafnting, Ph forenoon two ity sod owas Nedhe. Uru aectat torn, Mowbray was affected. When the last solitary pieture hhnng on the walls. Tr rketehes in oil were farted et intediizert face, berstyle a bewity, chord had died away, he was the first one was the orizinal sketeh of her, eit years There, he said, drawal pat arrested ' mut ae ered | he to apenk, aml he was profuse in almira-| before, now very elegantly framed. — The “yoo have been as qetet asa lithe ms ase, Vothat she fal peer in vie 4 + Hen and thanks. Bat Clarence said no. tears gushed to Nellie’s eves, and she Tam a thousand tics ee tA teal A ted itty Mer cenost ox thing. Nellie, at last, looking towards threw herself into her listand’s arma TAKGtUAt one. Mi re wreecllic re ochosively thromcdiont t Re ee ante him, saw that lia eves had heen d m arg * Alt how [love you!” she erie, Ghetclyy “und wins Gen mirie at lice) Cy Nor iad Nel ever hone sor tant wellas heroawn, She felt that his silence Nobody who sees that picture suspects you will think of tins who cave ot to vou! 1¥. SoG Gattal tun bat feel tliat ib was a was the most eloquent of compliment, its origin. It is too gacred a subject for “Timed with all wy file tony. nriless creat cempoiment to be thus suided out and from that hour forgave him for hav. either Nellie or Clarence to allude to —~ Iv said the cliid, raptur. Waly varing on from atone se any But she liad ing called her a common enetie.” | Batit was only the other day that a cel 8 her new PoBeeemion woth an enthusmen: aiother motive for Partly born of the artest seul within jes At the and partly the resnft of; whatis it. own vspectal propert exerting herself to! very first Clarence soon beeame a constant shine tor at Mr. Stanley's ufance, she re Cliditegeny ake of the artet who sad ketehed her eight’ deavored jn DVIPS MSE Gh mMaNapic “OR! yes,” inte rposed the other youl, veure buck, In! ypes to hear something Nellie’s attent Reserved, if not “yon will promise to hia wife He Teg fired, She tee! the eunversatian « fately haughty, lity, won't goa Ming Cohwebal pon art, the city, chil thood, and eve ry weneraliy to his rival; and Nellie, The child's eyes flashed as she turned on the speaker. Ter iuetinet, from the thingy ose that ehe thon ht might be saw indignant, was sometimes tempted ti She could uot be feet a vavety in Mowbray’s compan first, had made ber d ee sheen inere detinite, because she wished to can: which she was far from feeling. mon. She stumped bee precy foot, and ceal ber own idet Ty, for it was evident. gionally, hawever, retorted, swucily, “11 never be yours, at Mi any rate, you old auapping-turtle ” and, ber natural dh feacy shrank from ingu 1 45 1 expecting to have her ears boxed, if ing about a perfect atranger, erught, she darted awny, disappeurtn,s Pie next day, as goon ag etiquette al rapidly down the path whence she had come, fo The Voltaire. Clarence Harvard broke inte raed in these conversations, fangh, in which, after a moment ofanger, lo hing so fresh aud sparkling, in spite of more le felt that, for the first time in his companion joined Yirn the date hours of the night before, that it! life, he had met one who understood | “You deseeve it crohty, said Clarence: contd h udty be considered flattery when “WS @ capital mekuaine, too; | stall call’ her visitor assured her 1! at she Jou nothing else, after this, than snap tiovolier than her loveliest roses png turtle, “Hang the litde jade!” vestive; batun vain. i he AU I L O N TW I S H d S Clarence would of Miss Stanlev’s onest, and at anch ti his elognent talk soon eclipsed even of the brilliant adeoeate, Ag Ne farm. Nellie appeared, beautifal against aomerry ly attired, wea vent Inorning Cress, and ence « co. ved Fruyt, Feat Produce ge od Kenlen 3. DANIEL, fooked the little paneled boudair where Ne Mr. and her friend were sitting, saying \ was the vepiy. which, be said. compelled him te return licited a private interview with the past Tyesre® B.G Woarn “Que wouldn't think she was ee smart tothe city He could net conceal jus mer. Nellie rose at once, for ahe fore hyde Vint what a shrow sve willsinahke! | pty joy when Nefhe's aint, Vivertentty, ded what was coming, and was only Cro reld ivan eve Wttmees sett tien tnudemmehite Nolo sermet anny mee. alad to have this early oppormnity peck hian out of all prea to an early grave.” Nothing more was said, fat at Oot ties Ment a dinner horn nnd the Young man roee to retara te the roadside aud send hin det out (he fact Chat ont ahe fall Nelly was stopping attentions which to pay a visit to an old schoolmate in anendurahle to her Phidie fulploa, Mins M wy f'n ley Mr Mowlray “Ni Het” Ged the Yat ain pase). an his face flushed with pleinre. of had hee: TICE ENT, evidenthy thing fin wie eonnded, unnsiial him Borhe always found Clarence Jeft the field it sonnds from his hips. Mow Iray did not know her: besid sy sert his equal rischt to share the company owed, Mi. Mowbray was seen driving up said in her sceret heart, it was Ruekin take she ter behind a grave, the bullets, And the more Clar-! the grave froin each side every second, One morning the footman came opt Mowbray was full of regrets at crucl fate, Mr. Mowbray was in the parlor, and 80 embar miso he rated, and came di cetly to the pur 1s visi. iebrated leader of fashion said toa frien In anybody lize else except a gonins it wonid be eccen ab. (trie. But von do not know how pretty “What is it? nes “Cobwebs! half, raf y to “>. Ocea- ; DESCRIPTION OF A CHINESE BATTLE as- A Chinese battle is as good as a farce. Some of the litle fights at Shanghar were very amnsiy, mes One day, when a great many soldiers were oul, that i] saw more of the combat tat was pleasant, ‘Hie Having got into the line of tire, | was foroed to Uiey came my wayit was didicult to discover. tor the + they ought to have passed on the other side of hi : ' ; the creek, about twenty yards distant, to the youn - people they were ontended for: bat to see thi fying of the soldiers, then of the rebels, each mee frvice fo evade the other, was alin that L amusing would rush One fellow, ready prrated and loade: i up dee side of the grave to cock, drop his matel for jock over the top, and wotnont taking aun, blaze AHO away, Phere rs po ramiond reqaned tot the stot too they use; the bulletor bar of iron ia mere Iv drop of pedin loose upon the powder Phere was a fine ME Scope ON av Occasion woen the Shanghai rebels Made a sorge; one of Ui iMperal skirtmisher, wh Met was cotolbby an had his piece loaded Sat Phe rebel had no tine to charge ou him, as he ran round @ grave, which was ligh enough to : ce - heop tas enemy frony shooting bin hen oon the inn where they lad stoppod the nicht he olohted Tohave the or ite Kaew pose of his visit, whieh was, aa Nellie ‘ snd * tate tn fi 4 ves teat : ne ’ is rial . : 2 8Pposite side. are honing is nothing to NTAT, ROOM fore, Their tine was hated, aid that Mise Stantey You with be qiifeathiome had suspected, to tenderherhis heart and 2 led by Ln Bare 5 arte evening, kuapsacks on Luck, they were in her set,” he added, Wowing to Nellie; hand. Tle was proceeding in a atrain of! pee iniles away frou the scoue of the tnuin ofor itera, by common consent, the most high thown compliment, when Nellies (2 ng A week later they were both bame enit vated in the city? with an impatient wave of the hand. “Spare me, air. talk ao” Ho looked hia astonishment Tfer ofd distrust revived in the city, Clarence hard at work preifect Nethe bowed coldly ‘ny himeelfin hia art, and his companion in the spenker bad delving at Coke awd Blackstone. Through all the polit of his manner, and Y ears passed, Clarenee Harvard had in spite of bis deferential admiration, she “Many vears ago L answered you Msen to be ap artist of eminenee. His recognized the same sncerit gape, which same question which yon now ask Picturee were the fashion, he waa the helieved in nothing trne or good, from He tenples 1g fashion himeelfi Ocens onally, as lel which she lind stirunk inetinetivelc when surety do not deserve,” he then said, turned over his ohler aketehos, be would come upon “Cobwebs,” as he was aeews evil, but tia ruiore. tomed, laughingly, to aall the sketch of ever, avotd being the child; and then for a moment he she help spe aking with thre uyaltne of CLOTHIN Ik he Creat Cat AVID bib (re Murphy! colored np to the vehild Doring the interview shea was be made a jest of” She could not, tow “Neither do Pimake a jest of vou benatitul; wor could you) t Know ame ST, INC yreneg @T hnever saw you tiff thia sumer You did not always died cap deserrbed hosts ot eneles, an alists was fast getting bhiwn, when the wods pity on his wind, for ly some untuckey el the rebel tripped and 3 ) al, ance, Vhe soldver was at him ina moment, and, to make sure of his prize, put the mazzle of the matchlock to Red caps head, tired and took to his heels as fast as he tho tcould go. Itis difficult to sav who was the most nstounded, when Mr. Red-eap did preewely th “Ti aame. The bullet that dropped down readily on Sty ithe powder fell ont as easly when the barre] was depressed Phe rebel got off with a ood Do (80 serng of his iong hair, Chere were frequently howewer soma very ugly wounds: and wher surgery is at RuCH a dixcodot, the poor wounded i must sotter most severely Phe Chinese rarely pa woul wonder what Mad become of the a dospirit which aly ys characterized “Yousaw ime eight years ago. You ™ eyer ampotate, Jhey use atrong drawing pai Original; Ont, except on thean care peea her conversation; and so Mie Mowbray anda friend were on a pedestrian tour FINcec CMe Coane Thi ioisnianary Wes stone, he never even thonygit of her went away tnore in hive than ever You met alittle barefooted wicl, whom tale Aer Cain ail Alnnel nena net Jlars. Noteo with the child bersell, Nellie A few rmonthe later foand Nellie domi, your friend made a aketeh of, and whom Loharge of ther indfatigabla managars [ra Hobson inte an @olan Bray was a poor orphau, the daughter of eibed for the winter in) Plilade pha, yeu peered at and then nicknamed.” And and Lockart,as also that under the good cara of mof a dec ayed gentloman, who, after her fas Hardly head ehe chaticed her tragedtinu. neing, abe made a moek courtesy, for she, tor Parker late Ph potentiary for dhe iit ID WRIE Nera death, had teen ad ypted by ama droas, when her friend enrne to lerehan her, Row raw she was now recognized: Lam *( Gaanire Be : ’ tornal uncle, living on a wild, upland {webs, at your service, air! ‘ob- jetates to China, dud great good, tndeed it va | im possibie to tell what rand resulis may follow The disc iiite } pnitor never foryot the Was hot » Tle tricd in ovain to asstime an inditferent aspect, selous, trembling woman. Clarence, who Perhaps too, had longed tur dreaded this interview, “ Whata queer pet name Mr. Harvard | coun ned in Mr. Mow vray thecompanion’ Mir Mowbray there hefore him, who en- bas for his beautiful bride! efyn nation mALISBURY, N.C, APRIL 9, 1861, a Rane. the Libors of these gentlemen, were often crowded with wounded soldiers cloetly bem benefited by their skill Phere were ths jwently fights close to Dr. Lockhart’s h rnspatal ? wud ten of both parties had heen carried thither Dr Hobson received upwards of 1000 ¢ soldiers and his re putadon is far spread the miindarins have deizned to notice tas aid True to their ususl polices towards forerners, they vive the credit: bat his barbarian no services were wo great that they could not he passed over so they selected a Chinese lad, who wasasort of medical pupil and paid assistant at the hospital, and dubbed him a mandarin of the - A gravt of land fora hospital would have done much more yood.— Twelve Years in China. ce een LIVe New York Tribune, the leading Black Republican papee of New York, (it will he interesting to all Co see.) thus sketches the fa ture of our ¢ vuntey : FROM THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE PEE C Tele What spectacle is thin country to Present with wthe nest sear? Where shall we be 5 1BG27 ‘Viese questions sire of thi fravest Unport, not ty be passed over suuply be. politically in the vear they are onus Miser cnt Seriots troubles Mreaten us. atid itis cowardly to look away from them and take uo thooht whither thy are like y to dead us Ke fore fast November threats of diannion wer common enonedi, but tio one suposed they were savctiog more than electioneertug tueks [uo deed.so frequently had these threats been mde befor, Uiat no ote had any reason to te gard thei ae er any practical importanee. They were ae cordingly received either with ancitferetice or wih mathful remaths; and the general Opettot seetiied ty be that the South could wot be forced tolthe Unutun Ub was ariel dy those who argue aad] about at, that the conv evistenes « Wwery depended agon the Union: that no slave “Sate would ilare to bave Canada earned dows Vits bordorss that slave imsurtcetions world oc hand of the Poderal Feowercment was wiffidrawn from the institution: ind the dread of John Brown raids wonld alone prove sufficient to keep the slave Stites in the Uimon cur as soon as the heavy Tt would secm now that great inoraves prevailed at the North as tothe real antaation af the slave States At all events, we reckoned toe hapadiy and accepted possible ultimate resales as Hus diate effects Phe slave States whieh oa Host remote fiom the free, have earnestly, boi successfully seceded, and established a Con deracy founded upou slavery, They have framed a Constitution, established ade facto government, assumed an atutude of armed lostility toward the United States, and are at this moment making demands more be- hitting conqnerrors than rebels. Two tiers of slave States lie between them and free States, and those intermediate States are disaffected towards the Union, and act as allies to the seceded States, The actual condition of things is pretty much as Tone of the three partners should be robbinu the i y its property, while a second should hold (he largest proprietor and threaten bim with death in case he resisted The slave States which stil] remain in the Onion, with (wo or three ex: eptions will be ready to leave it as soon as their end of shtekting the seceders shalt be accomplished, ness they ean compel the people of the fres Mites to wlont such degrading and revolt uy lendments to the Consptntion as shall be ae Vows true thar he Union party, so called, is uppermost in the Five States wirich Inve uot seceded > but it is vhout the same. sort ceptable to all the slave Siotes of a Union party as that lately existing in Georgia, with Vi Stephens atits head. If say these Union Stat % Fon covrce the seceded States we will take up If vou Ho not adopt amendments to the Constitution arms aginst you and quit the Union inaking slavery a truly nat ‘hal Institation, we shall withdraw from the Union. [you let the seceders ido exaeuly as they please, and never draw taryver on them, and af you aceept our amendments to the ¢ OD Diu, we will catsent to let you number as stl as. the Union. States of the But if you venture to assert any right, even fo your own money, inthe new Coofedera evoor at you plead that yon settled vorr views on stavery last November, + ibean take ao steps fo make the Constitution abhorrent te cour eon scienees and dlestrnetive to vane int FeSTS, We sh instantly feave vour ( nton, and if weed be tyect you iu the ticld of battle. Such is the tone of the Union slave States, or rather of the Union party in those States: and the day is uot distant when they will ineet th Convention, aud dictate terms to the people and the yovernment of the United States which must cuber be accepted or rejected. The Cine is fast Seward must de clare how sar he is Williny te gro for the Uaien approaching when even Gov and be must respond not in empty declaration, hatin piain, practical language —not in the ab That the beautiful image of that fast sailing frigate entering a for eign port with 34 stars in her bunting is to hide the baleful and ghastly Spectre of slavery exten ction from Mr, Seward’s eves, we dare not believ, Stract, bat in the conerete t when the ytestion Comes ap atas nor to by Det by etittermne wenendities, Et is motte be dosvercd Dy Savinie that “ Preslonyis alway in ' Union.” por sat te be amswetcd by any pes Vhe North w at length be driven to take Position and to held Iteand af the Republican party prove unequal t Nteal nan holding high offiee the occasion, another party will supersede at eves as it anperseded the cfiets and emaculate Wh pouty We hope the position assnined will bea pron] and manly one: we cannot heleve it will be os tame submission, But to refuse to subimt i deurading terms will not be a imere anatter ot form, [t may either involve us in war. or con pel us to treat with the slave States as a sever The way, and we fear the only way of preventing a war, as the alternative of submis sonora treaty, is to be fully prepared for ot Unless we desire to see Mr Lincoln a faite fram Woashinuten, with (ror Seward at bis heal weomust be prepared either to yield WP every thing on the way of political PHoople, or toa knowledge the Southern Confederacy, or protect the seat of vovernment against all comers \5 suming that we shall neither acknowled rethe Black Repabhe, nor submit to the denimnds ot Its ni hes, We cannot too ureutly Adimiiisteation to prepare to meet force with forse, and maint honor and independ of the United States at all hazards te attempt naw ¢ Yypead te th It is foolish hape public pohey to snit the Tf free goods are to ben a clave Statee to he the fraa States, why is it not better at once to rslave States Sowed to enter ent ther te President | { Agricultare, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the amily Circle. NUMBER 47. Phe hospiily ive up the contest, divide the Territories, the Atiny and Navy, snd apake the best terns we Davis! If the ceosrrendered, whether from mitit: y Ne cesmity orothonwise, and everythin that Virzinia choos Ul! coercion ts to be avoided, why notown at oonee ean with Jefferson \ forts are to that the only branch of Government Which the leaders of the BR pubhiean party ean successfully conduct is the distribution of offices f But the future is, ander God, in our own keep ne His aur oma duty to prepare for it: and four means are insutticient to meet its de tnands, isthe doty of the President te eall at exten and ask for all the means There are too many elements of dis cord in our political system to render it sufe to doubt that war can be avoided by any other tueaus than being prepared for it. The price we | are now required to pay, to keep tbe border slave States, is sufficiently monstrous to make us ex session of Cotrress required. pect yet greater exactions, If we show a dis-| Position to pay that price, vizt no evercion, no] collecting the revenue, no holding our fortifies | tions, anid all kinds of conressions on the slavery question, it will not be louy before we are warned | by Virginia not to enlist under another man, vot } fo putin commission another ship, not to eon centrate another re nent, under the penalty of toother stampede of the slave border States, It then, we have, or expect to have, auything that can be called a Government, now is the time for But if we Motend a deplorable serios of back outs and eraw fishing, the sooner we acknowledge the Southern Coutederaer, and tre to make ter better for all concerned deenled, energetic, effective aeton, ns with it, the (LOS AT NTEEARSES IDS SOS RGAE EQ RIES: 4 The pultie will he wdubled tx Gioe. Swain as weare, for the following a l informaton ind correction of an important error as toa his toneal faet Vpotin The Governor's nore extensive in formation and better memory enables him "oy Wane seven other surviving members of the Con vention, making 44 living at the dite of bis let ter, out of 120; since whieh one of the moat os, feemed and venerable of the 44 rewird, has Cuaren Hitt, 27th Mareh, 1861, Gentlemen The Convention of 1835 was composed of 120 instead of 115 inembers, as stated in your paper of the 2istrust. You may tdd to the list of living members of that body trourivete dn thre as gone to his Observer, ” Statiderd and corrected in the Observer, the names of James Gute, of Bun combe, Joseph Cathey and Wallan Welsh, of Haywood, Benjamin So Deittain and Danes \W Cuinn, of Macon, Abner Jervis and Miechus J Smith, of Yancey, making the agers gate number forty four, Mr. Guinn, of Macon, removed to Alabama some years since. I have not heard from him recently, but suppose him to be living. There is another name about which I atm in doubt, but the publication, if erroneous, may serve to call forth information, that [ am anxious to obtain, in relation to these and other members of the Con vention. The two oldest Members, were the President, Nathanie) Macon. and is estimable compeer, Dr. Robert Willis of Pitt. The two Votingest, It is supposed, were Mr, Liayner, of Hertford. and Mr. Sinith, of Yane y, NOW A resi dent of Asheville. . The Standard ia mistaker N sUpposing that “the Convention of 1835 was the tirst body of the kind, ever asscmbled Tt was the fourth nd only hn this State.” The Convention which framed the State Con ia. firet, The Convention whoo met at Litishor ough, in July, 1788, and rejected the Federal Constitution by a vote of INS to 84, was these cond stitntion at Tadfix in Deeen ber, was the The debates of this body were published ina duodecimo volume of 280 pages, and base since been reproduced iu Bilotts eoilection, Federal to 97, was the copy of the no Knowledge of the existence of another in print or Phe Convention whieh ace pled the stitution by a vote of 194 third Journal of this body, and fev Thave before mea print rani ' Phe original has probably been preserved, bat [ have no information in telition to it. This Convention met at Facettesile on the 16th, and adjourned onthe 23] Navernybe tr LTSo It not merely accepted the Federal Constration bur amended the Constituion of the State by coufernng the right of representation Upon Fay etteviile OF this rare pamphlet—a small quarte of six Teen pages, printed at by Tode & Wills, the athe and preamble are as follows: JOURN NG tion, OF vit CON VEN (IG Ni OF Ti SUECVED SE SGYRTTIEC MRICS “At a Convention begun and held at Fayette ville, on the third Monday of ovember, one thousand seveo hundred and eighty nine, agree able to the Resolutions of (he last General As combly, bearing date the seventeenth of Novem- her one thousand seven hundred aud eighty ht.” The Convention of 1788 met on Monday the 2st July and adjourced on Saturday the 2d Atomst, making a session of a fortnight’s dura fion, The Convention of 1789 adjourned as wi Have geon at the end of the viahth day Th: published debates of the former, and the journal of the letter, while they show more idostry than characterizes the proceedings of le wtalative hodtes at the present dia, athord Anapels tous deliberation and donee of any fores(raimed ciseussion,— Noth Caroliiu was une) oO tue taw States an whiel the debates of the (anven Be deral Co re press ed Stenoreapliy was hte Verstionnd on Upon Che vystitutian w Land publish at theet racambitis rather comarkable that our Conven tion was able to secur ecompetent a Reporter The date Indie Cameron, whose extent and a enracy of information. on relation te al of the hy Jong period of dis etizenstiin. was Preator matters sineeted with the history State. diving than those of anyone tb have ever ka rw, told Me vears ago, that the Reporter was the sane person who subsequeativ reported the prone | vngs at the tral of Aaron Burr, at Rr bmond The debates of the | Journal of enfied among eve epvention of TTS8) and ul Ti380. have reeetwed much Jess the best dufommed of our pobue ten, than they deserve, They retlect vers otvesting and Mapertant Taht on the ecnmstrun Yonstitation atid the little and pstooed cautes which gave noe to the besation. on, WV and relietanes with winch it was adopted on th part of this Nuate Ise Pritssing Lenny Ing away The fathers are pass At the last session of the S Conference there were only ten preach list, of all effective thirty years aso eraon the etfeetive Who were | Prom the Advalorem Banner. To the Union Mem of North Carolina, » Fetrow-Crrizens: The question of Un- ion or disunion has been, at baat, distinet- ly wade in thie State by your opponents. The principles and purposes of those who assembled at Goldsboro’ a few days since, mad with excitement and burning with rage at the recent decision of the people, and with hatred against that common voverninent was established by our fore- fithers; the principles and purposes of these men, I say, cannot now be mistak- en, They are boldly proclaimed, and must be as boldly met. They are deter- minel not to submit to the decision of the People! They are resolved to precipitate North Carolina out of the hon cven if ithasx tobe done by revolution and Moalshed in our midst! You, the pro- ritof the State, have once spoken in thun- der tones for the Union, but they scout and scorn your voice, and proclaim that witation and discord shall be the order ofthe dav until yon subinit to their tyran- nical demands and beheste! Are you prepared for this hamiliation? Will you ly submit? Are you disposed to forfert your inheritance as freemen? If not, then TP entreat you to arouse your- selves to aetion. Meet and organize for contest. Vou are not the not the agitators. You are satistivd with the voice and verdict of The people. Stand by it, I beseech you, with firciuess aud courage. T propose that there be held, in the City of Raleigh, a Mass Meeting of the Union men from all parts of the State, on the 4th of July nect, (or gome eartier day) and that in the mean tine Mass Meetings be held in each County and Congression- al District for organization, and the ap- pointment of canvassers, and to rouse up he cnthasiasin of our people in defence of their rights against that band of disor- craven the Gomis g Awressors | ganizers and agitators who are endeavor- ing to poll down the Government and and Union, and destroy our peace. What say you, fellow patriots? Let your voice de at onee heard. A UNION MAN OF 177 Ee oo. = UNNECESSARILY ALARMED, Ic is diicult to restrain a smile at the gravity weth which the Charleston Mercury complains of the provision in the Constitution of the Confede- rate Sates, by which, after Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri tnd Arkansas join the pew Confederacy, the an- lave States of the North and Northwest may into it. It requires a vote of two-thirds to admit a State, and the Mercury is seriously exercised at the idea that such a vote inay be secured after the secession of the seveo ISorler States above named. Its desire was and is, that an express provision should have been Inserted in the Constitution confining the Con- federacy ta slave States oaly. The Mercury obtiin admission says, — “In thas coustructing the fundamental law, of course. a stragule has occurred in the secret sosions of the Moutgomery Cougress, in which those refusing to close the door against the re- cep Uon of anti slavery States bave achieved a victory. Thus the policy of ultimately admitting the vuti stave States of the Northwest first, and fers irds Penusylwania, New York, et cetera, is ubyiously the programme or prevailing idea of the Montgomery Congress. The Union is not to be reconstructed on terms of the old Constitu- tion. It is to be reorganized on the new basis, and we are in danger, if the views of the Consti- tutiot- makers are carried imto practice, of being dragzed back eventually into political affiliation with the States and peoples from whour we have \ Just cut louse,” o+. : FREE SPEECH IN FRANCE, uder the more fiberal system lately allowed by the Emperor of the French in the Senate and tive Body of the Empire, the debat.s we lately been of a most animated char- with the debate on the Address to the Emperor, whieh ran theoueh days in the Senate and was adopted without amendment and with opposition, When the Address comes up in the Legislative body, the debates will probably Ge sll more exciting. In the Senate, during this debate, the whole poley of the Emperor towards [tly was discussed ’ freedom, The speech of Prince oloon, which took every one by surprise for wl tness, opened the moaths of many other The Cardinals aod Bishops that have seats on the Senate, and all the leading men of the Ultramontane party, came, vehemently to the resene of the Pope, and denounced the de ns upon his temporal power in severe languae In the course of the discussions the Senate be- excited. Speeches were interrup- ted by appliuse of cries of disapprobation. At Umes a dozen Senators would chain the floor at ones, and the bserder would be as great as it is nthe [louse of Representatives at Washington. Phe Prestdeut M. Troplony, unaccustomed to os, Was at tis wits’ cod to restore order the Leaist there { acter especuilly was this the case several Hnaily eres dy any th reat came greatly tole sew ce the observance of the rules. Such dy the bennning of free speech in the Levistiture of the excitable French nation. iret \ PERMANENT” GOVERNMENT, The LaGrange (Georgia) Reporter of the 22d March predicts that “Secession and Democracy will burst up the Southern Confederacy in less than a quarter of a century, if tolerated to any great extent.” A quarter of a century! Why in ten years from this time there will be anew crop of states- ten, tar wiser of course than the present, who will, by that time, be voted as “old foyies,” “ &e., and their work in turn disearded. A quarter of a ceutury indeed !— Fuy. Obs, © fossil —— The Od School. ~The North Carolina Prost yterian arenes that there is no ne- erssity for a division of the Old Sehool Presbyterian Charch in the United and Confederate States. “Ufer standards are fixed, and upon them all can agree. If they are allowed to remain as they are, indoif no changes are proposed, the North wid South, the East and West, can act in hares. Let the preamble makers and ve resolotion-mongers keep still, and all will be well.’ ace Hon. Jonx A. Guwer.— It will be seen that is faithful and distinguished Rep- resentative of the Sth District has been Nononated for reelection by a meeting In Randolph county, — Fay. Obaerver The exodus of free Negroes from our ne} ' contindes. Within the tast Yew dive four or five families have left tes coity for Ohio, We suppose that = ve hundred persons of thia class ee enigrated to Ohio during the [a petwo, from Granville county Ocford Leisure (four veut Che name of ¢ ump floyd, in \ vas been Chanzyred to ¢ amp Critt ae ri e s “S g n Ss j ; Es ce i es ha o =e We give the following “doings” at Charlestou, for what they are worth, making ull due allowance for ex reports of aggerition, which seems, unfortunately, to have become so common, ae to justify We ia uot deltewrng, unless it 18 actually The ists cannot hive by peace, and, therefore, published by authority. disuien all kinds of false reports are continually kept afloat by them. We prytle keep cool—be not dee ived by the say to the many sensation reports which are con stantly on the wing for the avowed: pure pose to frighten you from your propriety We honestly believe all things will yet work out right, and that the aristocrats and oligarchs of the secession Coufeder- acy will be most justly uomasbed to a deceived and wronged peop le— From the Charlotce Bullen Cuanceston, April 5 THE END APPROACHED. When it became generally kuown yes: terday morning that the companics Wow on daty at Sullivan's Ieland had been of dered to fill their canteens without delay, aud that the reserves belonging ty the weveral corps were to join there compa nies already on duty, by the 4 o'clock boat, people began to epectlate as to what was yuing to happen next, The pubire Curiosity. grew wore general apon the atriva! of two of the officers of Ander- seu’s command, Licuts. Talbot and Snay- der, with a flag of truce. They were re ceived by the Governoe and Gen. Beau- regard. Lieut. Talbot having been ap pointed by the Government at W ashing ton se Adjutant General for the District of Oregos, with orders to report to that station at auce, desired permission to leave the city to report himeelf ut Wash ington. Leave of course was granted, with the anderstanding that no othcer wasto be permitted to join the garrison «ff Fert Sumter to supply is place, and aocompamed to the depot by Con Moses, wid to the Governor, he lett Charleston ‘oy the two o'clock train, North Rasterns 2ail Road. Meantime, Lieut. Snyder had mentioned the facts of the firing inte the unknown schooner as described in our jasne of yesterday and informed the Gav ernor that the vessel in question was the Boston schooner Jaded with tee bound to Savanuah, and that she put into this bar bor op account of stress of weather, tLe further said that one of the slots lad pasoed through the schiuoners bail. Lieu tenant Suyder then returned to the whart Mb cotppaby with an aid and went back to the fort. During his intersicw with the Governor, the sailors who niannesd the boat had seiged the opportucty to Jay in some coveted individual of whiis key, tobacco, eatables and a hostof other provisions, makiag in all no less than thirty-five packages. The police, low ever, had kept a bright eve upon the sol diers and when the provistons was coin plete they quietly seized all the packages and transferred them to the waatd beruse The whele of yesterday, afternoon, ali kinds of ruiuurs were rite the streets A vague iiupressivn bad somehow gol abroad that the lung agony of suspense aod inaction was to be speedily and ab rubtly cuded, but, when or why, wliose order, wu body could tell. We have made diliygeut enquiry and in the absence of otticial juformation, which in a juncture like thisis seldom made public, we decin- ed the following fact ty Le reasouably certain : Ist. That the sopplies of provisions and wails bitherto furnished rezul the garrison of Furt Sumter are to be cat off today and that no further communica Gou will be allowed between Major An derson and the government at Washing ton. 2d. That the troope at all the State for tifcations are now finally disposed, equip: ped and provided for so as to be ready for aetion ata moments warning. 3d. That no attack made upon Fort Sumter until farther ot ders, anless such an attack show voked by Major Anderson or by an at tempt on the part of lis Government t bring aid to the beliyuered fortress. ou Nata, 4th. That these measures are taken al instance of the Government of the Con federate States, which had jostail confi denee in the professions of the Linest Adminieteation. we have vot given it without sifting the roughly all conflicting reports prevarer jast wight, acd we think it can be rele upon as affording a fair out ne policy to be pursued, bencetforth, with re gard to the saucy evenly Ti UNION SME TIEN The Union meeting here on Toursday mnyglt was well attended, many persons ‘Li frou: the country being present speeches of Mesers. Miller and Dadyer were able indeed, and were listened te attentively. The crowd remained altnoe to aman, to the end, aad would have wil ungly listened tor hours more atfention te the resolutions adopted. ure patriotic, and to the point; peo Vinien men ean and wid endorse them Winile the taproot of the tree o Liberty je threatened by the axe of dis upton, anarchy and civil war, thin ds me time to be cultivating the dit eproute springing from that root severed these eprouta, as an consequence, die. nevatatohe Preserve ity and the sprouts can be attended to hereatter Nether party spit nar personal jog it is asuthcient cause for deserting the cvi-e of Union Ad Valorem Banner. SOMETHING Viere must be some WRONG thing wrong on Randolph co ant against Convention, In 1556 Taide pl cast for Bragg and Gilmer 1542 votes, thre vote cart it infty tor 1860 far Ellie and Pool she gave 2010 votes, ia Nov. for President she ave 1589, and in Febroary La6l, six enti Jater, on the questien of Convention, they run opto 2511, showing @ clear gainosnee August last of 47 votes Now when we of avy kind will be We have ead that tie inforination fag no official sanction, but Of tive ew We eal! cv in duve with them. and ail e joe same duty fei iemrntcure ttt PHE DISUNION FACTION It may not be improper or unprotitable ta enquire to what leaders the present ad- ¢ vocates of digution in North Carolina are) and act in concert. attached 3 or, rather, to show what mas- organizing, tere this faction, is serving We think ¢ we know, and we intend to tell Firet, Governor Jd Pllis, General Jolin there ho Woot is the and second, there is thie tobe. and are Sat d Vern, “OW. keer, Se) Cee er ci Wee feeriraiss Deut Mica Victor. Barringer, and otters, w homay oc be regarded ag the tuste. last Lecislature the Primeipal Clerks ot spirits of diss; Lastly. 1 the two Tlouses. ¢ Mutom ba ae Phere were chiefs of the disuntion squad, e and what did they pro cset First, to call ty ¢ and a Convention of the people of the State: by a bare wayority, in the face ofa plain, palpable proviston er the © smistitulion FES ¢ quiring two-thirds, revolunonary tendencs step they took, The Uo iionimen met them ; ou this, and drove tiem from ther une t tettable postion, Next they Wanted a Convention, Dut packed Convebtions. did not want the aets of that Convention hold tiasa meetings as COL Ven UGns, sulupitted to the decision of the people. no Union man be exeluded from a Frou Chis vround aso they were by the Pinon men; and tinally it was de yates shall in any Case be appointed, let tbe understood that all others wha tay cided by a two-thirds vote that the pro- The State is opposed to dirunion at CONCERT OF ACTION It is highly important that the friends tthe Uinen in this State should unite The disunionis!s are and will leave no means un ned to take the State out of the Union this ine by thirty to forty thousand majort Our opponents are forming what they We are glad that ches Let us Let is endorse Mheir declaration that they dou yistitute awHew party all anew parly ie thos showing there hands, neet them half way in this respect the disurtdom per let as continue to expose them ind ther designs to the people. Bat whatever organization may be set let those en yn foot by the Union men, ind that all organizations are objectiona patting the Coolie trade position for a Convention should be sub. choose to attend shall be entitled toa bear: titted to the people ‘This proposition was voted down on 303 the vsth of February lust, and net being the uancanstitutional desired by these masters, they rise up and say to their sereanty, 81 ry again any thing uoder the constitutional mode —we are likely to go down ourselves un- der the odium of public sentiment -rally fur us, apd save us from the * impending crisis” of political destruction —agitate, organize, fora leagues and combinations -do any thing, but, for the sake of of tice, save us—fairly if you can, but at all mode hazards, save Us, ters, The acrvants have gone earbesthy to work Voev are moving earth and — to de the wilbof the anasters. They are eallog incetinan, organizing, arent ani equ ppl themecives to fight for the masters, ate agaist Ue people. We beg the poeple ty remember these The disunionista in North Carol ha are telowing the lead of thase who facle: desired to violate the Constitution in call nya Convention by aumajority ; aud thea wanted the acte of the Convention to be Hal, without consulting the people Hence, the disumion party ip this State s revolutionary, and seeks to trample the Constitution and the pe yple under foot, carry North Carolua out of Tico donot \WketlinumoN ilies puecttn Wonnto the disuntrene ULL WAS CEY—that it war, prosperity for adversity, happiness ALT wiay tate inay exchange peace for for wusery—and put the masters i pow er, in space of the people Ad Valorem Banner Fiom the Livingston ( Ala) Messenger Tite PARIFR AGAIN Ve Democrat tries to make ibappear thatthe people are not at all injared by the tariff established by Congress, Lutunfortunately the facts over turn its theory. The tariff may not be go high ag the federal tariff, yet itis op pressive for all that paid duties on foreign diiports, and as these importa were mostly the superflai ties of life, the doties fell wholly on the wealthier classes, while the middle and eder the Southern Formerly we only pourer classes paid nothing to the i} Grovernminent Under our vew tariff, Juve and poor Cuberes of society te poy duties aloo. Phe Southern are now actually paying. double reign itnports—a duty is col them at New York and then Wi ly qadtd city on goods taanatactured: it duties on f lected on collected tm Southern ities. former the North “Al Coarconmmen goods—sach ws are meet in-use, are made inthe North, and for these we how have to pay a da ty, conseqiently we pay & handred fold more tax than we ever did: before The duties tovnerty fell on anch aa used the luxuries and snpertiaities of life, but now thes fallon the necessaries its we I] as thie saperfhaitios of life in bars of tranufactured, onr Kerseys, do Our iron, whether mesties, cheap calico, Casinets, ready made clotung, furniture and hats, are allanade tn the North, and lave heretofore come to us free of daty, whereas we how have te pay duties on them ranging trom 24 te percent, The consumer alWays pays this lutv--as it isadded vo the price of the voods ly the retail sellers. We hive Yoalao te pars leave duty on tebacea, whits kev. paints, chemicals and medieines, 2 sities te deng that the Consumer payer i) these dates. Our merchants are co pelled, a sheer self defence, to add the nt to the price of their yoods, and it follows that every inan buving their woods helps to pay the duties imposed. Thisis the iniqnity of tariffs. In addition: to there new burthens, the planter has to ) pay sixty twa centa per hate on his cotton t where he formerly paid nothing at all. = The men that bave been so shocked at protective tariffs, have all at once fallen We pay a duty of 24 per cent. on foreign sugar just to ena “ble the sugar planters of Deursiana Co Is not Chat absolute protec onisiana sugar, ahd dou it drive There war the vnder the old wovernmeue an South have al { vrow sugar, tion to | hoonut for hen competition ? as we oof the ways hated ed that tl proteetive dat esand contend ev are wrong ii theory as well is dudquytows iy practice, we ary posed, cut Neetln i) duties for protection would be lopped off 1 Ose when we from the A oty at 24 er cent ae, beyond al Jeabt, protecthye, aud it clearly slows that bet tor tis duty foreign su rarcotld be bought cheaper than Louniana surat y We Louisiana planter are then eadted with a bonus to the ' We lave before anid that it waa fala { and slanderous to charge ws with dis fection to the new government hecanse Wi the eneers nor we dinapprave of some oof ita acts Neither the calnmoes of the oligarchists repeat it agar stial . keep Gs froin uttering our senutucn's free consider that the vote in August last wis ') by far the largest ever polled in the Suce Gpull Pos ~ Vhia disease, if it existed, and that every county strained its § has disappeared from ont town Phere strength we come deliberately to thes tt ac ince iliveen« line were cne.u e)usou that there ia something Wee ape weil and at large azaa All appre abet the vote against Convention 1 qengivi las tanisbed from the minds of Randolph, and we learn that respectable aap citizens Wowk. Duapatch ventiemen of that county hace eo declar red We hope the matter wit) be afte There were aboat 40 vesaela in Corr and then we shadl have light on the sub tne ko Sonnd, NOC, a few dava age de- NVewherm LP rogi ea HE taiwed by adverse weather ing and shall be considered delegates al- plan in every instance will be te hold | Inass neetings. The vote in those meet ings ean be by ballot, each County hav Lion, a inajority of those preseat deter mining what that voice shall be. ess amend it in many particulars On ed member of the South Carolina State tic - the ¢ Adjutant ty, yet in order to render this miajority proposed therd there effeetive concert of action is indispensa: Th epstol y PeECETV( Here we see their gnyved in it constantly bear in mind that ovine to Foom the Fayetteville Observer TIL SOUTHERN CONFEDERKA Na Tbe new Constitution of our Souther neigh bots appears Lo be unsatistac aad already propostions are » Mr. Middleton, ros tieution, but the Cor the others. Mr ManigaulCs o nthat body tye fiest were pation th said he cou! calendar reunion refuse: bjectlow able ps tory to some of thre thade to euish ven ve dist Ponot support Another, Mr. Manigaalt, Was troportant vmendments for the secret 60 to U4, lo olols were \ 1. lu leaving open the door to the admission | of non slaveholding States into tt 2 In adopting the basi of only of the slaves in calculating the Fe ten sis Confederacy. three fifths eral popula ¢ In granting to the Government of the Con federacy an unlimited power of d Irect taxation 4. In making the protubiton to moport Afr cans a Constitutional the Confederate Government the pow at the very first this government belongs to the people, er to profil of the constitutional should be allowed to keep Creeps, and to appoint principhy, at itv of laws; wll the federal officers within ther its, dhe mer ale South Ral. Standard. ‘ THE PLAIN TRUTH vor MISSOULL the 14th instant, Judge Orr, delegate power, Was AO In the Missouri State Convention, on Gon of power not conferred tion uf a yoverntpenl, tnstituted ot ding the federal Judges; » Should be hindered from peaccably secu ; but we repeat, we believe the best N mid Us ee Pee : dug frown this A onfederacy - flowin ¢ id not merely vit as a matter of expediency, and not ou the same fooung. that the States respective hm wand that te My DB. Wardlaw tatrodues do the following We can’t do ing ity voice according to federal popula- yp colanons: Resolved, That the action of the delegates foncurring in the election of President and Vice President of the Provisional Government, aud issuing by th aud of the worst consequence, Ww ty themselves permanval begs ales audacious abd danyedous usar pa iy Copvebtio the sauces account o from Greene county, spoke some plain ‘ ! : : : U0 hike usurpation upon she part of our late com! } Obedient to the command the meas: . : : SUITE | Joedient te e commandsot the maa trans as to the plot WinticroCcceel oiistsuenr et Ho said: Misscurt to secede. ow Where one negro cecapus to Tlingis, a dozen w valid IT nev- Union, and I of them, we would recover none. er intend to go out of the will dive in Missouri too. Lam going to stay where Tam. Tam going to stay inthe Union. Pam neither voing South or north Sut foam told “You are going North.’ No, sir, Pan t t not coing tetrot with Missoari over te aus f them Well, then, Tam a ceercionist? Let me illastrate by an incident in ty I once had two sons whe took a neten to run away from ine, and pretly soon Oe of them Came back What did IT do then? Instead of shed blood I tears, and next own history ding. shed the morning | pat hin on a horse, and gave any non slavebulding State tut yt him another horse alongside and a stun and told him to go and bring Yrother. of money back dis never thonglt of punishment [ wonld treat Thars ex rethy the way our Southern frethren It was said by the ventleman from Cole (Mr Knott that h rytnuch rearet to stain his hande with His Drother’s blood, So would I. But 1 dou't want my brother to stain lis hands with my Glove wonld ve and it may be wecessary to stain our hands with our bro ther’s blood tu save our wives aud daush ters.” possibly, NOMA eG G * Pde contended that the people of North Car olina bad beet educated ti error This morte sound barsb, vet. it Was true, nevertheless, We have been taught that we owe allegianee to th Crow. This We the Union {o hol swear to support the We Is false. owe Wi but to support (ie Constitution, no allegiances we atlegianes ty North Caroli The above is an extract of V.C. Bar ringers spcech at Gol Isbore’, nthe Journal, Truly tins a * se cond Daniel come to jndynic ae” leney ‘Tay avid that he owed an allegiance to the Government, paramount to his alle waunce to the State of Kentucky. Dat who was Flenry Clas, that lis qudginent should weigh against that of VC. Barringer, Esq. Shay Oo wise ant : as reports Ste: Vloat what of Slat, ntht intee ! , i How much more elder art thon than thy look! And in the estimation of the wise and learned Mr. Barringer, this second Dan el thal pleot North Carolina have been educa tedan error.’ © They have actually been tangit that they owe allegiance to the han come to judpinent, "the peo- Von Most fatal error, tn the aptaton ff Mr Justto think that the people of North Carcliaa, have been gro ping their way in darkness for three quar tersofacentury. fs it oot most lament able? Whata great pity, that Jackson, Clay, Webster, Madison and Jefferson, did not live to see this day! Oh that they should have lived and died tn so wreat “error.” These men when swear hing to support the Constitution of the U. States, ignorantly sapposed that they were awearing allegiance to the Union It has been reserved to Mr. Barringer to explode this great error. Strange that such men as Jefferson, Clay and Jackson should have fallen into so greab an“ er Pat. Darringer. tur, —Greons SUDDEN CILANGE Sincelthe result of the election Convention question has been Known, we on the corm that several members of the Le zis that they lave alwave been atrong Union cnen Were Gat cannot lature fave astertained yee at throunformation nn | derstand tow these atrong Union imen came to vete inthe Layislature to send Thomas L. Clingman tothe United States Sonate, nor what indeed them to vote or Jolin Fo Woke, (one of the leaders of the diatpern party in the Legialature,) for Adjunct Ge neral of North Carolina i niyatery ehould be explained Greene, Patriot aso Of rhat att Nenaeation. Stories arc Mad The papers annonned, about ten a “reinforcement dave ago, that on oa eniatl acute” waa to be made to the Unt ted States troape now etationed at the We learn that the ved nthis fown Arsenal reinforeement duly arr here some dave ago, and consiated of one small man cor boy) the fifer to the ¢ had been left bebind, sick, when the com unipany, whe pany came to this place The “seneation papers” should notice thie alariuiuy atteipt at § Coercion. I uy Observer uy I sortie “Tt would be the height of folly for [Fg an sure cur ¢ Resolerd, Vat we escape, and instead of recovering halt teomer g Montgomery eleetion of two Resoleed, Thatowhile from mot Southern | Jol wates andy and one d Ltell you that tet. ! Conver tions, 144 tol On Uae sane dy third thee pets earl Iw tl Lever sneiets Mir. [etn te tits a nance, (Ww for a new cecessiot Tacs Whereas expert Tuey returned, and J holding and nons wWeboid Ih poace utieder the We, the poople ot rn Convention Wisse aud thas henhy ad should Contederacy oft s constitution we rahily abd cou reeall our tives of harino firey the action suugress, We feel bound to cen delewates to immedively. procecd) to thy he Je legates at large trom the Scie, wate fromm each Conyressivtial dis ve these reso relised) ter te Miro Wardlaw sa bold tia. when ali tiie ocemtredk, Coll sent seaston Of (ie (omen vals \ 1othe woof Writ Seu the wropere it Tuli Seta Gesal es CV ieel tat re el hy then Joottsdas atid su offered: the in case of Uh has prov same (ros gt Me State whled, fod eclured aud ay State hereafter be ad Conmederite dons note t fp South Cu following ond was read aod rete red.) to provid e adunisstou of eoew © onfed ed Anat shee tou Sates Cappel ae uel hint tre tnd on bares Ilia ordaced, States, olerate sl which, wery sult vour judgments foot —for the mike of what! You vo inte a dungeon of fvderal authorty shall shat you inf Halute Were absurd now bo NORTH ALABAMA For some thine past, we have bad wtinat tu tell you to adopt Gist ud then amen Ia your rage tot poselly sa , tirst t Jseal, and then ann 4H t s tirot sign and seal, Wie . : : Kn 7 8 - ‘i naan Orent soles of Maltong feeling of dissatisfaction exisung in retrao sat possible to wones ay ‘ g @eul Yuwagce te dis irselves hand and North Al vbarma with the tyranical aud arbitra Of being unbound. py manner of the disunionists. We bave Kiven ctorwhaté Tog tout aye or two excellent articles from the papers of s there no danger when you go 1H, that the bolts | Hunan | will [eas justas ratify, Geoause at ie Seyhity of that section, and more recently, public meetings gs Poser a have been held in various counties of this here tefore Demoeratie stronghold, all breathing the strongest attachment to the Union of their fy e . am wine iy \ Carolina GEA. ee ee eal ee eee er uses to cea, ipo GO absolve AINA (ee) a | 1 APRIL 9, 16 TUESIAY EV ENING Wepre Gtetlic Gollan eo ltceamwtlt we were TROUBLES IN PHBE SOC CELELN ¢ ON FEDEKACY, Asswanplion of Power by the Ofgt chs Lhe Lreaple demanding thei right to Puss ont the Constitution under which , 1 Cillrey have to come down frome there hag as 4 to ratity the Confederate Constitution, Carolina, iu thy Southera Congre- 10 wiich the people are the distinctly recog stimplion of power, ay Sailow the people | i they will assert there independence ot it Bat perbaps the most rea wkable symptom of To has all aloug appeared Co us as one ols isutheetion 1s (he fo (hye strangest Uiings ta tie fistory ol the \ lines, Miat te people vi those Stites, , ot born and reared under our system, 10 source of all res application, and invented L . a sae u oVv row tized source of all Governmental | Tr wall uot de to say that in toatl great birth might fi svemed, tor a while, that they had lost every spark of Se IC CIOMieilsels it we Tel CmSuite \ 3 that that state of Uhings could tot last, and that the poopie would eveutually iwake, And assert and defend them) with ul their was riostod power, Serussiot ypon therm w hosueh furvoand with such an aneunt of cxeltement, That for wee k- ind menths wo werd of sebleruess ate truth, fork upon ther ears so farnitiy as notte arrest attention Now, however as the wreat noise at do confusion of the PCC eC ate Cam Gaya alien lee grin todooh arantel, count up the prout and london Strib i balance, Uicy discret nye wn ys Agerit { towether t serious Tnbovations pon Dice nh wriotts Crnots, ri Hes Er Ot dithealry which Gemateds Dorie ftorel (Ui CSUN RUE Clay gHITtsh COee ean UNIS enaCni (Cle fon North Carolina to | aitie show about gouty inte the Southern Confederacy, even i SH UV Cr Bes Bite ete Frou the Lavingeton Alabama Messenger \ Pe anoerat hoows (he State Convention Wits elected tur one purpose alone. and that has 1 became functas of The Conver earrisd out that purpose, cra, and that its authority ceased. ton, donived all trom tt people and ls power et ne ; ut its ' s ‘ war . op ts protect u ue nity nT ‘ ' Hd exerense tio power mot delegated to it by Vy suitable legisdation the Governor of the State ' as ee es feelin people the great veurce ate leuntait of of So Cure Silene, ed, forthwath, See power, Asthe people hal never authorized t ystiminen by preecen people of the 7 J ‘ ; ‘ toorate’y aos Constitution, bor Jreamed ot } State of South Carobta to ass mile ty Cansen : ‘ . . nese, the act of ratification Was vias \ fon. and he shall issne wintts of election to de ie ma ; anil arrowant, and it follows that the people are tenn te the time and pore of ha buy the same \ lee tact ; ° y) ¢ ) thou d by the unvuathoraze dt wet: efarch tod the tine and pl assermbbling offs ool ’ ; : eaneuts, Phe poneyal is pot bound by x hat yest eontont : iv ws ey are ty ry : : Le neers aiceal Nacmeacittl nerat stiles t on f the act the L ‘ i ' ‘el w r pot terth the monstrosit aon “ ure whereby this yu Wale Caled : ; yee t ee chosct for one especial purpose, and aa whowe duty atid power were detnned by the La Rey UN Me Cc tata N iat NTE) avitiwe wet thder which it Wa Chisen, bevsiie 1 More tote! Reyabheans are begin ron d with ormntpoteneer, at Twas released from Hie (uee xy wok \ treyvtation at the pros: atl Lhyation ty respect Che wishes and rightsct peets of the North as atf-eted by the Seeessign Une poopie. and Che tradittons and usages of pf seven Southera Sales and especially asin country The Convention was the creature of golved in the cofhctitg: Lanth systems of the t the peopl sod could not do a stnzhe art ana Contuhanacs. In New ¥ th the alarm ot thenzed by the people Does the Deincerat) running into panic \ the republican ongatin ty these vreat elementary principles of Repub there aduat that the new Tariff is run. 1 FeV eITIN ” et f , \ an nt ePereasjlV re Now York Tomer of Friday 5 puts forth dese m Whie pressing a it overruling wees ity tee ea; cadet Genre rie hasty ratdestioan of the Corsttntion Tat Meda a Gnd Wotan boris wneibiss amsbcltepensenlstergte Ute obhyation of consulnins f | g city. a lange and very itnjportant number are the people? Phere was tone whatever WW. Letlntacmiere tian ti fens of Baropeon mat already had a Provisional Constitution atl Gro fener’ For these concerts to silgcet there eenrocn’ on Tuined fer the penod of a year, aul merchandixe to bersy inports, when thew inay i (hes Uitte ties poopie ould base been consult vacape with merely roninal dues moat be an ed. Tlas delev woukl not have Jeoparded the mrcess of absurdity iat we have no nght te an safety of the south Whiy then were not the Herpate . an we may therefore expect that what people ¢ mistilted } 0 Were they ineapettobe ol ub ever wares shall bere ter be shipped trom abroad cil what sort of Constitution Was most eon for a Southern of Western taarket wal week a ducive ta their interests! Thee Peonoerat viel inding place at Southern, rather than Northern those wher tt defers, have vatually said the ports, and, perbaps ske ther way overland so proj le Were tot wapalde « f coveraiment, and ity compete with d wer unlportalions at New that thes vince rr the wowern York. This @xpectat on scatirfromcliaiaiornt: ment (lier were ty hy Pliev hase fron thatatis already ou eve uf realacion, We the outset matifested almost andemoucratie dis have unquestionable vu ord vty for stata the at ont from this erty before it was deemed porsibls that the Monll tant? could beeome a law, have heen cauntermanded, and the manufacturers have liately to ‘Plore, those destined tor sale in heen directed to s New Orleans, the Golf States will enter into eyermpt from the prolibitory inposts of end the goods imnin ereto the amoant of at least BL000.000, sont consumption the Northern tanth: while the remainder will pass intothe Western and Northwestern States wholly fotntain of power, and that the people ar free from duty be doubtful Tievesult of this pohey cannot Notonly will the Federal Govern ment. suffer a mmnens dose of revenue, but th direet prophecies of those who depreeated the election of Mle Lincoln will be verified by the wantea eet rnenye tion bu ts predecessor. potiew transmitted to bis admoanistra Woeshall not only cease to see marble palaces msing along Brondway 5 | es g but reaneed from a national to a inerely provin cal Metrepolis, wharves and earthly influence short of a reversal of the pottey w York but Northern port from: tina frightful destiny, wet questigned referred to every AON TW) MGN E: Wee are yrasa grow on can not only save N WHAT DokS TY MEAN our shopping will rot) at the our streeta, No assured that large nombers of the following cireniar have been sent to the country from his erty those whoa set tl therefore Teave the Your presence Hochmend, on the the trend of We aret ye omaovemprt public to tts RicuMosp, ¥ in the secrets of afoot, and must OWD SUFIDISEs A. ~ x64. trust of the ype, ind we defy them to potnt to a single reference of any question to the peo ple. The Constitution makes several changes 16 the old Federal Constitution, and yet the people were not allowed to say whether they wanted these chanyes or nol Phe t onvention ratited the Constitutiog altnust before the people lad read it. We stand by our asse rtion, that all power re sides in the peoplo that the people are the Capa ble of sclf vawercinent Wee wanted the Constitution ratified as it was WRT, ie. by Vanena Consuntiareacliaeenst presaly for the purpose hy the peopl: We Lit spread before the people and fully dis cussed and examined, Thia was the way our forefathers proceeded The Constitntion was then discussed. and the people knew what they The Federalist planation of it. Phere no effort to dracon the peopl: were dorng. Was WHITE TeX was nd laste -ne arte went diistation ind ho distrust and cont tape of the peant The right ef the peaple to judge and decnte wis nor giibbled away The peo ple chose to the Convention men representing thes views, su that the acts of the Conventions We claro the sain rig? We wiah 'o do as our forefathers did were the acts of the people The Fedecal Constitution. was framed in Sep tember, D787 and not ranfed until «nc moths thus giving the people time to examine (har State after anl wegh it Convention looked on the people asap ignorant herd, and dysidbained to 1s particularly requested at consult them, and fastened a Constitution on the — —day of to consult with Southern Rights as to the course the factory. prople ta two weeks after 1 was turued out tron Does the Democrant defend this which Virgina should pursue 19 the present em. contemptuous disregard of the nyhts of the peo ergeney delegation of true and reliable men from your awn county abyeet in thy surroanding counties and if convenient, ad the sam On arniving at oehmond report yourself and companions tnmediately, lo —-- {s GNxen| rh Woods capaville: s of Jno A. Harman, of Princess Anne, Jno. t Win kFoOG Randolph. of Alt Sinythe rdon Chinn BF. of Barbour: of Augusta of Albemarle wermanie, das —, al J. Chanblias Hlenry A Collier, of Petersburg ¢ Wise, Anderson, of otetourts & When itis confessed to be replete w ih defeets, Please bring with vou, or send, « full ple, and of the traditionary policy of the country 4 The lean upon, talke about the rare facility and t] noauthonaed and Democrat, in its want of something to Ot aren ro the Constitution nks thot it ought te reconcile us fo its arrogatit adoption, and the contempt shown for the rnyhta Vh tarnveness of fe exise of the people, by the oliumr hy Mpotence of the defence beapenks the We withlet Patnck Henry anawer the Domoerat —he wapeakiog in the Virginia Convention, Phos Jefferson aa it pot offering to inault your understandings W Shethey, f 0 to attempt to reason you out of the propriety o rejecting if, Oll it be amended ? Does it notin witch thes We tan procure We alle tdiment of ib Wuless Owe whieh in bemg provided: for thom by the bedy themselves, is # vague abstracton, Wet} able of I yet tamely subunit fo be rebbed of trom the Caion, they arate also declare their determination to elect, i the Convention from oe charge weur , ct, if pos: } : re pation and were gale’. The peo} le had awn abso sible, a member of Congress to represent dite mubt of passing on The Consditation wader them — not at Montgomery —butin the Congress to lives apd thin right bas beet of the United States Vsrogrde dd and atest svt Retore its rare 0. Codumbus (Geargra) Buquirer, of the ad not ad dependent eo other SUstea, bow cue Vhe following article fron instant, shows that this movement of the people ther States eonear with ts. of North Alabama is not looked upon there ay Will the Dotoerat answer the following gibson leit affair, but of sufficient importance to de- tons inabel attention How the tyrants and Ue urperg i Me capable of self governibendt, Are the people capat | { Sa Can can expect anything else, WE CANDOL Bee, AK Liey Lhe suuree uid of ab polrucal | werd this coun have so acted as to prove to the world that the . ae! : | ; . they are to liv try ve unless thes reflect the peoph 3a will 5 In continuing the Post ottice monopoly 1 J : Did the people authorize the State Convention People ace conside ‘d by ther as only so many Q v t ee . : > . ‘ t ? Let there be no cliques, Do CAUCHSES, ne the lands of the Contederate Government. We suljoitn seve ral extracts from oa Wem eine far cute recur (ie ealmaniel Weeay Iris just as easy to Mir. Hntson’s embraced these, and went fur- North Alabatna paper and from oneet the Ifthey didnot, whence did the & OMVENUON ae Breemen of North Carolina to look at thie Let cher, to peo tabit any fiee list in the taritt, so that leading jeepers in Mississtppl, from yduel denve the ryht to ratity ney cathy emi Olne et lenders clitetic: ear there should be pot even incidental protection , it inanitest that the leaders « feu : Are the unnuthoriaed acts of w hathlese agent , \ esl : “a \ ’ \ Tee : PCE LG ASC GSS : yor Ubeselity : driven ing in these pobhe assumnblages. It dele teu provide that each Ste should be the juice binding on the principal t they are willing to be shoved out of the Union by When th answers these questions, we inay fe: ar h demagogaues and traitor —inea who have ur to thas subject, though we Uiaok wb will bard ttken solerin oaths to support the Constitution y wtlenipl Co ams wer then, and Laws of the Coated States, and in the very next breath broke that oath —thereby morally, if Are such meo fit to be trusted with your liberties — From the Mississippliu decide wheth oder the Const “Tt is the myght of Che people t potlezally cocmmtting perjary and treason, rornet they will live Lutior with your priy Meges, sar as to other people on Uae No people of the Old North State, nsession at) Mor If it is not iwht to dose, then, the theory Chat they ace the and should thea mene ommery carth enjoys? they are bot the met fur you to trast with your You privilege of saying what you will do and where you we'l go. power govern destiny. now have the power and the to delude them. — It Sat OCG LU URE te Never surrender it into the bands the terms of cop ae nee of any number of men, and especially into the the other States ar prosenbed 5 Ltt would Ge ryowhich Homan will veo td the pe tation woilb Teal 4 talsticntion of bist hands of such men as bave deliberately blackeued future ermine tt thar characters with the heingus crime of perju phigh honor by Chet subiiiestom TOU RTER tore to be wuilty of ry, nd for we just fiable cause! ut to the Phere inte way of evading Ue premises We qrcicke from the Alagueces face arin: (tice the concoct At ow hich en . ce eee te Feling in North Alubama.—The tels- sraph abosed us, on Wodnesday, that Pr Vieira Caper aie te Coustetation of the Pr tore Miasesssppe hee rnes a party to the conyaet Livenin Wad appented Hon: George We Lane, iat lecsibauit( cecil tov aluate Uf the peo Pode of ther Bode ral Distret Courtof Akwbama. pleor the Stale Moti be done. the question Ww ce hotadviaed whether Judge Lane was an temp nthe remove ec cessiiy cal en cn iaa eee ae pointment, oF whether be will Vernment, (ay Pequi ne: pete tied scln ton, Ine ee u stat bas been couferred Upou Hien wt Cone est (ereclna | me liurys lin Put we boow that he liven ro North (tq bans atel that that ccorwhelmngly Deine tot tebe the mise ivy ote veri nt 10 sel by gs Tend Ure routon there ts a strong anifestabion uot whol ties wilh bas ' " . 4 ouly of ne pun incr but of factions opposition © the Growernine tof che Confederate States, aud t iI ve age sh bede =, ure Een sale Hh ek eo reettie purpose ct recon Ling minal faster “ Pee Ee hay Meet at the Gap etel ot yyy. teething that this appemtinent has been mad he State, or cana tree prens exist here € Wie have heretofore endeavored to ignore ths Tie pretaein shina be ae ved=-and ll aati clon on North Alabums, bal ot som In na fot we WE UIE ¢ bie ot solving it to base now tuken stich a definite form as tere Nate Jourwad quire notice We therefore note the anna Tiecnecconncert lord soars rete of woos wit pepeabar meetin gs tn that sector , ae | ; reports ot moon of whieh wer gow te fre os a the article ta pApelea S peeper ye yey forestene county, on the Path uw Ti) [eee eee Ue Uti ees Voce rep ite Kons Alaa) TNS ANOS NTATY TAT ah hI tag teas cibled sat wleetor Woicel beeie rages practeud Ther Diyas Oat tts Daa ak Sart rate tlhe eair . meatot tr the Seats were oth dae d Union men towards litoself and: others aay jected ‘ 1 tt Y Sa oe h See as) 4 Brauk Lo Woileeu denies the existence of you. ot Treen let ee ee Wine tternuce @aenesdtualmthors liisAvectie til stiest Pan of the Cont sticrate Sines. walking cane, aol persanal seryices to Cea ee ve ‘ stroll tee sta tortartbe OU ae poemtogele ame) dec , M ars Mee est gutectth cbr ciate bd tin in favor of re Dea ae the + " aatnstaiueb, Prank [Ets hatmorous of) slavcholding States give surtable guarantees et the sntqect Phere may not be any thing facetious ra the bot Pat thers ap ee thir Tnforcce ite Athens Banner of the 20th, reporting the ac one t 1 4 taith Witicel orces I ” hon of the meeting, adds that “the people f Bell Thpon OMT Tit, Whe yout crore {0 pameetne bese wo ules ot being depreved of (te speak of intoloranes, an Cheat i wet ie private ob reconstructiog, whenever a suile gun it? how ie tC ee nti reatapencour er nla ura (Masta y have ct sor leon ther nichts as freemen to the pitty four eisewhere South fA teen Woe speaks aa delegates of the Convention why a fis honest Convictions aacainat Se CesstO0 Caine te be the Neate of Abahani SS Simeks Fee me CU isieeet came entiyuctintccyt mstimmihr gle '& Isooppesrten, and a repute Fiety aed alrite Bat Ceri reeie ’ Ee Sen re Sofbonore resoboconany were the proers tiie Seale, there is i sare A> fa pubdie meeting held on Frankfort, brirk wieel: sanet onus te doelarat ra Unet Minty onthe 22d ultima, abd weported 1 wotld be ozht to lang a oman withent Puscumtna North Motsmnn Phe raclut wdopted by thie meet rrowe the course Alene foray (ocerert eral cata melo} Meckling appro We COU TBE yep bebe cowtes tu re fasta Co sya the seers: rinty aatvonatiy ordinaber , abebouney the refusal to subst ood iat loner for a rational wd peaceable wut aad Govtott, ob obaterds veg oeiat {iuanee ty a popular vote, deny the ryaght SeCess1On declare the onto perpetual, aod al penber that they will tet willingly yive our thesent of oor Craeuhes And woe were ‘ sopport to the State of Alaleama ii her proscet Pra leratet nthe date L tes seistature gtan tbat will do a’l that we ean to the cous fC North Cacolina 2 Dido not the seces ry. onlso, “that our Congressional nomine it ag Chee} ae to repre se . ve Cnited Sis sitiisis Feprarcally wists VUiten tien tauat al feepire ser Us 21 the Cited so ese and notin this so called Southern | feoderney toon Cie langage ont net te be - tenebated Anil dik it Union omen, who deter Phere can be mo qnesnon that (hes ra Southern Seated Wot al as facon and revolations it is refiasing to anh thre motto daw aod authortty, and recogminng a) wanes ton for iu power. We, and the me bom genendly of the party with whiel) we hay ist reuse tip mined thes would wot submit te suet an OS cvrestiil Etomite sem Cie “ vttempt te restrata th recdomn Of Spec ht bay assocueted, always acquiesce 1D the deemion But we do not refer to Heese thing to of the State expressed ju a copsblutiggal aud ev may be oppor! legal wanner, however much s Thistory must jostify dotolerance on eother side ora anny ; tothe pobey beture ite adoplea, haces bot rather te condemn whe ) ou | , ‘ ‘ Pt WHEN the Wing party the justive tu record that t ever and Wherever it is atternpted. ft way never a party of factow or violenoe, but a! Y ' mn sill inewite ty work rain to as all Tin to popular deersions and he laws of the ‘ans Peo reyoice ip the consiction that the recent an] been used te the enjoyment of the free Leanne extraordinary. political commotion: fur EXpresston + f their opiiions, and they nish no etception to thos rule. There are mem hers of our party who combemn the action of the ol in Convention, and. the Congress—some, perhitm value 3 noe will they surrender iC except > er ; who look forwarnt hopefully to reconstructs! wrth then lives. Phose who commenced ander proper guarantees; but they know po medium bat the ballot box, and cheerfully ® jknowledice allegiance and perform their duties Very ditherent seems restratned American people have cherisis the ay one of inestimable recht intolerance InN. Carelma are to blaine, iit sbould at last reflect npou them, the new Government. . ne the fe ‘i democratic Noe!) Supprreanion ps eee Ie turna,—*The ae a log a many parts of Democratic Alabatna. Stare authorities of Louismna,” says the In view of these manifestations, is not the oe* 0 National Zntelligencer, persistently refuse Goxvernmept pursuing a very unwise polr to poblish the returns of the Convention adhering leo alpaca) Em UO Ey i ments to office and dispensation of official favor election, although they have been repeat | wy, prosenibe the Whig party, which Anifcats edly and earnestly uryed to dose by the one faction, and recognize as worthy of coutilenc: The w party that furnishes so many |* , oO VN ng Mares, tajority of the popnlar vote, it ia stated, “ rr) a mtents Columbus ( Ga.) Ann . - ‘A pre ‘ conservative journals of that State. or favor las been ascertained to be ist the t We wre sure the farmers and hiboring tn Me secessionists.” Phusare the people cheat. . I " ' ' North Carolina have no desire to have suet ® ed by corropt peliticians of the right to . Ta - state of atfairs as above described, exist bere? chose the government under which they E , e Mhe go Bet bas Le "Y aw Alabama. There a large porhoo of the | are to live. ple, if pot a majonty, have been fore d ayounst cis their will in an attitudes of aptagomsam to As Watching for a © Re action” ~The vorgment whiel his never wronged them an Alexandria Gazette quotes a report frOU Joadud with beory teres, to gratify the Just for the Nortolk Argus that ‘ Gov. Ellis, of Ninth CIT ClnlsaTniedlintanurorac office of ag omaing demagogurs, To berg tot” hae taken place in that Stato, and has determined focal) an extra session of the Leyistatare, lor the purpose of order. bores Co pay avd do the mast of the fiy tng. ing another election of delegates ty a ( Jon keep their eyes on the disupion leaders. vention, and adda: * Phe country ts lke et . ly to by jaw beaotifal condition, Wh this Ss , rte enter 7 watehing for’ re aciion’ is to be rangi VIRGINIA CONS ENTION , rated.” , The Richmend Whig of the dib 8 North Caro aves the following ae the action of tt Carolina clear of such a deplorable cond have the mus the People the workingmen —who This ia news to people in lina, No paper of Gov Elia’s purty in body te ap that date: Wind \ whe the State has mentioned it, and we de hot The debate in Comunttee of the closed yesterday at 12 v'elock, whe! Daring the inornipg = evening resaioua "« tirat tive react nt val who has filled the toar highest: post > we : os 5 (, . Toderal Relate tong under the American Government f the Committee on Fede f believe there i3.any foundation for it . voting began. Martin Van Buren os the only individ , . ine He has beon United Statea Senator, Sec ¥ ith seme sliyht amendinents, ; . . or retary of State, Vice Prestdunt and Pre adopted An amendment for ae ) > \ : ah te dent. naned of Scecssion to ve subeiiite us PR E en ce e eg fot. Ways subunitted peaceably and with good jcrce ji | cople al bya vote “The res tain the su we ncy, rreat 1@y 1 Lhe resol sett the 4 have ever State. Ti amendme tute an, a] Northern solemn de to by thos its delega An imy to some e Comite submitted vention. mittee ve tumatum, which b their fut] Border © consultal States mm action of The sec es frow WI reinforced, off. — 800 me (rrea service. board au a meo ready Cine the democ Uovion car city, Mo. tion in Tu Also, at E| large maj Vortlaud, The military men™ int claiming marching take if France, 1 ers will © worl, Such Worn eS were set poreno plunder, hones al Mouey fire. the oft Mr. J thy beus nately fy) with the plugs of Une sufar Kinley | Chinkes po mh geluin Not charact we hay Intoler at cp nents ing wi canes ti ta aspel those cnet, i ulary « der te tion of aomuel obliga led by of conn {nt empha pa. writte acteré indivi selves their J think some the tw Butial ip it elana \idhed clear slande nor a prove which contra hood its or! Th der ty mors gent gy follo (Ala. a lead few fy explo BION 7 Gove utine Scott Ing ¢ off can t Unite heat fifths decla induq in ba nan no cx ja to chan Fren MUMAaons Misting ig id arbitra: wave even DApers of y Meetings this here athing the f their fa it. They ect, if pos represent ¢ Congress article from, of the 2nd the people on there as ance to de- ud Ue urpers ee, AX (hey Wd that the ly so many We wish ook at this es whether ve Union by who have Jonstitution in the very morally, if ason, Nts liberties — r people on North State, towith your er and the » and where 0 the hands lly into the y blackened be of perju But to the —The tels- tO President e Wo Lane, f Alabama. abe Wasan ‘ther he will ferred upou North At nely Lene festation tot Pposition | States, t id fos ’ been mad iznore ths Ek Seems. TIT) 44 Lh re the anrnos that sector oe te fore We TRth ou wowlectr tor da | peebos by a sdeinand ¢ horate Staley sf Alabarna mil declaw er the no arantees el ow them bot retin the ac be people of t prised ot ine er wile yhavew the fitty four ion whe as Des tasks Fe puta the course the seers: ly subst the nyght of ‘Lual, abd at nyly yive our thier pres to the cone bo nomines, f United sis Southern ( tiem that thes fusing ta ab sarmiziny, als the met biel we ! pW the deension Gtutioual aud ay be Oppose! Thiswory must record that ¢ shemoe, but ai vave th good jcrace i of the lan] he recent an! memotions fur here are mem Paction of tle One, perbars reeomatructs | yey know bo cheerfuiiy ™ there duties ‘rent sees)! pucratic Nor! as not the oe wise poly a pints ppp! official favors hich manifests p of contilenc: ko many 'H v0 ) Anquire, sboringe 1 nol o have such # |, exist here ® ou of the | forend aginst ymism ton!” ged them an] ify the tusi fr To beep Vinh able con! who bave He tiy ting. me» aders. TION the dth ioe! tion of tH of the Wink k, when tbe norning # p reach Al Retation® wer 1 re ot nents, for an mitted ts nh PR E rn ce people at the May elections, was rejected ever done by the North, and we have an entirely loyal and faithful laboring 4 lation, who will, by the'r labors in the corn and cotton fields, enable us to send we fancy, can be made accept bie to the ee ern: a EET ee Ma ; battle tield. serent NBs of the people of Vorgia Phe resolutiona, in the main, strongly as by a vote of forty-Nee to ninety. opu The resolutions of the Committee con tain the substance of a programe, W lich, UNION MEEVING IN DAVIE cert the State Rights principles which: A large and enthusiastic meeting of the have ever been dear to the people ot this Uaion party of Davie County, wae held State. They, together with the proposed at the Court Honse in Mocksville, on amendments to the Constitution, coust: Mareh, (it Court tute an, uldimatum to be submitted to the week) for the purpose of appointing del Northern States, accomponicd with Tuesday, 26th being evates foi Convention to nomibate a ean didate for Congress, in the sixth district Dr KR Martin, was called to the Chair, and solemn declaration, that af net accede: to by those States, this State will resume Oi motion yf Sprouse, inte tse its delegated powers. kK ! An impression prevails in the country HB. Howard, appointed S.cretury The Chairman having explained the ob the to some extent, that by the plain of the Committee this a/ffiatin ta first to be ject of meeting, owas meved by submitted te a Border Slave State Cone Dr Sprouse, and seconded unoticicuely, The € mittee very peoperly make their own vention. This is @ istake. ine that four delegates be ayppointeil|trran enels Pine on ti : Captain’s district te said Conve tiaatum, on the rejection or adoption of whereupon the names of the fol witty which by the nonslaveholding States poentlemen were announces dy te wits Vin SOW ONavloe Wa Ho Me Maliain | rot) WN Wetec eli Tiere Drie bo Will Cuthrell, Stephen Douchit, WoO TT : ; man Cntz, [sane Hotiian, Parson Cook, TD States may be induced to comeur i the pele Do M ae action of \ regina. tith, May Samuel A Holeon, John Co Feand tober Crimp, BOW. Barker, Spencer TPavnes, Jobe G Stewart, Wan. Bailes Si doh Tbavnes Sonuel Bailey, Henry 1. Howard, Woilain 1 March, George Hhantine, Dr, Robert: Sprouse Lanter, W. 1) ‘Lravilbon, aud J. A, their future action will depeod Border Conference is only An seal aneeryal lutehe consultation, in the bope that the Border well, Hs .-- K LATEST EXCHIEMENI The secession papers now report despatch es from Washington Urat Fort Pickens tn to be pop OLY, reinforced. off Great activity inthe Navy Yard at Boston | Anderson's supplies have been cut) Kelley After the of the dele Four war shia ready for vates, Llon. James M. Liacu, being in War ships at New York tiking on . a town, W board an abundance of war stores, Nine luodred . aan, j te (Ww hich he did toa crowded audience in ian announcement — 800 men at work. service. etn as invited to address the meeting, meu ready to sail, &e., &e. | 5 ) cloquentand satiefictery monner for inere Cincinnati elections resulted in the success of ul wane an hour. Tt would be impossible to the democratic candidates by a large majority Kansas Democrats carned the manic] al cle tion in Touluda, Olio, Ala, at Sandusky, NOY Also, at Elmira, NY. Alsos at Brooklyn, iy a Repubbean lect do Mayor of Union candidate for Mayor elected in give,in a short apace tere than a brief city, Mo. avtopesis ot bis epeech, He set ont by declaring bimeelt athoroigh Uxton Mas, ted pointed te the vanens poblic acts and Volos of dite past prot tic We, and expec large majority Portland, Me a! ! y todas reeatd and speceh and constant The Confederate States have a formilabl endeavers during the Dirty exth Con: military force at Pensacola, comprisins the “best bers wilav the ewe teen t and distri men” in the Bowth. Pts reported that Mexieg tions countey, abd premerve the us claiming to be the agditful owner of Toxas. ts reyerity of the Leen eeNe el aweaer marching an army towar Is the frontier tore: ed upon us as a tations : ners take it. The ULS. agents seat to Entand and jet iebtat one tine, aa cnany France, it ia said, Wave reported that these paw. Ey cndiad, perhaps. a cons ere will show the Southern Confederaey no te ae Spare composed of trae | Peet nee cid puting an end tothe wretched at Such ae apart of the “news” by Monday Perec eclaeet { thorns matt Ht ovey or may tat be tr ( 1 ) Alera etree etl ; Wi , ‘ stop ui & peo Phere is plenty more of ie same sort 1 ae 3 osus Hfothe State, to wl ios Cr cern ent le SUNT DUN {7 woos, tad voted dt down, and reeent che We learn thation the miobtof dhe 24th wit the stables ot Mid velepements had shown that they were bo Rinles cof Dawe county, p ohtoas they always are in such case: From the Southern: Guardian RECOGNITION OF SECESSION Wasnincton, April 4 Waar ir Costs.— We find in the Mobile Ze yister w statement that will give some idea of the expense of military preparations, and go to show now fortunate it is for both divisions that a war between the United and Confederate States las (xo far, and we trust in the future) been avoided TU reports that ‘among the tiltary appropria tions of the Confederate Congress, not already Hnnounced, is one of a fittle over 61 300,000 for the support, for six months, of three thousand men at Charleston; and an additional approprl- ation of $860,000 fur the support of two thous and men vow at the same place, sliould the Pre sident think that increase of force necessary.” Columbus ((fa.) Baquirer. Npring Stock for 1861. o— — R. & A. MURPHY, of SPRING Orders went out yesterday from the Departnent the Interior to the Pension Office to the effect bat there should he ne hereafter eceded States respondenee with the IUINFORCING FORT PICHENS. Phe Wastaegton correspondent of the New Youu Herald states y of w cabinet thatthe Brookly tes troops te really iitended to coiferee Fort Prekens. He the past fm | ou the author ottiver says it is stated) that s the Governtient had te advices deading to the beliot that troops bad heen lauded thece. VOR DN PC CPN cle 1 RON Ricuwosp, April 4 opped iu Convention to-day, when nthe report of the Comunittee of othe Majority val weet bdotes Uae dort Feport opposing oni) parties, Wis and the 4th was tly ametided wt opted was i IES Hay HAT CAV TRS Cee RE vow receiving their usual Stock ae eh EN : oe a ON and SUMALER GOODS, embracing the Sth was aren larg simapely FAN \ AND SPARE isecot the fait isto protect r thee oie ce Satopted | the 6th / Zoup Was duade to steke out the J s 9 Woke a ordinance: of secession to be al Ne oan May uext—-—yeas 44 y nv \ 1g ) ST ee BOOTS SUS ayND BONNETS. ( ale vreally reyoicue \ourted ' . ee ee Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, PEG leet ier) Ne least LNs NAILS, SHEETING AND COTTON YARN, PRovinusce, Apu 4 dbof whieh are offered for sale on the moet reason et able terws for cosh, orou time to puretual customers Vie ele su tat Join the Give usu call, and oe. what we bave in store tor { poe beats on Gover you Roe Ae vO REILY, Ue att ted Sulisbury, Apel 9, 1-61 3in47 me y VIBN et PROMTES CIRO NT W YAT ] s Font Keansey, Apo d » Tonic Cordial. ny Express, trou Sau b Ineo t _ eived a certificate from ft G a Hted States Setiate The best Medicine in the world for Pen out af Votes cast. Subse nee Coe ueitan cia CHOLEC. foe vit : (ese wnat Nt - wal lacked ote Ob baying It is Unequalled for ee : DYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands of DIARRHOEA. The best Physicians recommend it for FLUX. Its nae on the first svinptome, and before CONNECTICUT ELECTION Hatieorn Coss. Apeal 2 The Repubheans have elected thea State tieket ser aayortty tices alors betes Poe 4thoas net beard trem teal the Lat Loged Conurressiona brut dost the 2rd a physician can be obtained will prevent CHOLERA. any lives, mach time, sick ST is CHATTER EERE TIS Ir will eave nu acy by) 2A hayOriLy, . nm i hess, suffering and imoney to every FAMILY, keeping it always in the <? South Carolina Convention eihe (ences) 1s Civnirstox, Spri ts veer cn secret 6ession all day discus H O U iS E . " he Confederate Constitution wht i dooltless be ratitigd to morrow bya LENGE SS re EEC) vity. SPOOND DESPATCH Ciantrstos, April 3 Pree Canetti Ot cle ior 20 incatatiis the permanent Constitution of tie Gon i tordav, by @ vote tert States Ninobers will elanze their votes ta prow when the timertty will be re Prepared by W Il. Wyatt, Apothe The whole March 25th, USol. NEW Npring and Summer GOODS! EVERETT & MADDEN’S CONSOLIDATED Variety Show WILL PERFORM IN SALISBURY on Iriday and Saturday, PWNHE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE | AKER & CO'S MEDICINAL TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL THE TRUE AND GENUINE UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTR BEING THK SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. ; Its une, if fairly (red, will soon restore the 4 T htone of the digestive organs, tnvigorate the C) — blood, give general rotundity to the figure, co Ti jand add energy ts the mind and nervous Ay nyeter lis evidenced by its wonderful reatorauve pow- value has been remarkably "2 APRIL 12th and (3th, paar ay etna nda aaa Reiaunlim@siee oO unneunce toh ane Mie gewer= | pam { — EMBRACING — ally, that he ts receiving bis asual Stock of SPRING pyyiel when ordinary tonics aa weet ven eo y : ; a AND SUM WER GOODS, compromng a neh weer an exhausted. It affords nourshment to CGS, SOUSA, CORIEE (IRE DES BISICURUL: FD taxty when no other can be borne, and ment of all the LATEST STYLES LADIES DRESS GOODS, Fun, Faree, Frolie and Foibles 5 MISCELLANEOUS WA- Po effect thie forming @ LANGE that uever Gils to please. they have fitted up a Spacious Pavillion, provided with a Stage, and Seat ty AC COMMO- DAPE x00 PERSONS ADMISSION . : CAILDREN and SERVANTS Anglaise, Wozambiques, Organdies Chath ~ Stock of EMBROIDERIES, to all askew special examination 2 AO cente, 225 cents which he Vo a fall assortment of Bee ached Dotuestie, Ir This Compiny will perform ia Concord 00 Lineus, Housekeeping Goods, Ke Xe Monday and Tuesday, April sth and Oth. At Lew 4A. MYERS, ington oa Monday and ‘Tuerd oy, Apel both and Loh No 4 Graunte Banding. HM. B.NEPTLETON, Agent Mareh —45uf Sali-bury, N 2.16 ° Apnl 2, Intl BARGAIN =; BARGAINS, PENMANSHIP. | Ee SUBSCRIBER takes this method to re patronized tie M. BRENNER'S RED JACKET turo his thanks te ihose who Setoolot Penmanship, the first course of whieh ex pired last week. And he would talee this occasion to announce thatin complance with arge ul soleitatie ne, from a notaber of persous, he will commornee another course about the 15th of April. “Phore who inay MAIN STREE desire to take lessons, will fiud subse ipten histe at next door to Biown, Cofia g& Mock's Store. the Book Store, where they are requested tucalland CPS tL EE wubserber To order to accommodate a nan | desires to urformn the public citer their iaines, Salisbury, Rowan aud ad) vu Counties tha ber of young ladis who desire to take lessons wuita : e ble arrangements bave been made with We Wit kinson for the use of his shoot room Those having daughters who wieh tu take lessons wre re- quested to euter their names on the ladies! list at the Book Store S. A. HARRIS April 2, 1861 346 POSITIVE JUST RECEIVED a New, Fresh and Fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF SALE | AND Gent's Furnishing Goods, conmeting in part of Silks, Bereges, Grenadines DIG LLNS Ready-Made Clothing, shee the frame with fat in a truly Fe- manner = Fy, CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI. 5a Y eens — Fur SCROFULA 1n all tts devel BW: ments, a Se Fur WEAKNES! ASTING, and every form of DEBILITY, it8 curative a ¢ properties are unrivaled 2 S Linsy be taken without disrelish by the e Do meat delicate patient, and retained without a Coe Phys oa ‘ oS SEP RERSON SQ CINE. and othere 'LOTHING WALL! ww most active and SS otfortin the most sensitive stomach ts su- pad perionity in this and other unportent charac- Sw ZH verietics of genuineness, has guaranteed fur * ithe commendation of the most eminent ane throughout the States; the wnt- ten testimony of the faculty of the best medi- acl TD eal wchools ; the Professors of the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, A COLLEGE OF PHILA- E44 DELPHIA, + PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI- > _— Luvalids should be careful to purchase oi! eof undoubted reputation if they desre the ante iuteiladvaniares (ol 3 the remedy. That which we prepare har . dreaded evidences of superionty over other eo Manufactured only by sot 4 brands a, the = JOHN © BAKER & CO.,, put an Importers and Dealers in = — Drugs, Chemicals, &c. , (Dy Now 13, 1860. 6m26 | OF -FOR MEN'S, YOUTHS AND BOY'S WEAR, \ \| U \ Bl E RE \ I which I offer for sale to patrons at | PNCR Nee 4 4h dd | LO” Prices Suitable to the Times, #Y | | AND Fand at lower prices than any other estadliahment of | ‘ x 1 y Net ‘ ' (the kind, aud to which FE challenge competino | | cRS % A Yo) Costumes suitable for Promenading, Fartmers, cabling i \Pleuters, Miners, Machina, aud Servants use. | Atay a large stock of Hats aad Copa. Call and ex: ] AVING deterinmed to leave Rowan county for! the N.C White Sulphur Springs, fooffer for amine my atock before purchasing clue w here sate all my property in Rowan county, Ly Remember the Sign of the REDJACKET and Persenal— M BRENNE Land, Town Lots, Negroes, Stock, The Loud ie tu) any beth Real | | { orders in the Tadonog Household and Kitchen Furniture & \ P S.—Having mad» proper arrangements with our Baltunore tirm, Pai at all tunes preosred to fulfill busine-» al au tmuproved rtate and will be divided inte sinall par , shortest nouce Mos cele af desired, Co sust purclarers—tt 18 it the wime March 25, 1s61 Gin z2 diate vicwmly of alinbury, Coutains about 00 Aeres | ’ * weil watered wud good bouses on it Also for seule | NES WW FIR: rygyY } Tico Cottages LIE SUBSCRIBERS (Suce-more to FAUST, : St | l WINEBRENER & CO ip under the firin of ou Main Street next to Dr, A.W Long, and neart Court house; the Corner Houre prituers pposite the bow | vecupied by G Houser aud Lote and ope vacant Lot udjsuing ese | for the purpose Lots wear the Lutheran Grave | BUSINESS at the old stand Valuable Negro Slaves, bee ecu aee j and buyers geveraily, to our New Stock of Goods, Roberts asa Grocery Stove, aud three of coutiuuing the Pwo Houses aud Yard; one ow Shiny Hill, several House Servants and elegant Cooks, togesher with great variety of other artich ® | P would sell any or all of this property privately re May Cou:t it will positively be but unless sold be sold to the lighest bidder, of whieh dace wotice wil Determined to well oot anc many new sivles have been added, aud our Firm bope, that with renewed favored with @ cou be given by haud-bills verlions to pl no mistake Ney nay nuance of the bave formed a DAVID FAUST & CO,, HARDWARE .. Philadelphia. erespeetfujly invite the attention of our frends whieh will be found to be more complete thun usual, new be mse , pul TREET’ } TEBp GREAT ENGLISH {REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS RAP INSPe LETTERS PATENT. PROTECTED BY ROYAL Prepared from a preset vician Extraordinary to the Queen This invaluable medicine is anfailing in thee painful and dangerous diseases w which the f tinn is cubject, It moderates all excess andremoy anda speedy cure may be relied om. Ui those constita UU cbetruc of arric caics itis pecaliarly sunted. It will, ia a short time, bring on the wothly period with regularity Kach battle, price One Dollar, bears the Government sremy HU tireat Britain, to prevent counterfetts. Caution. Thene Pilla should not be taken by fomates during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, aa they are surg to bring on Miscarriage, but atany other time they are =n ln allcases of Nervous and Spinal Afections ‘ain in th Hack and bimba, Fatigue oo slight exertion, Patpitation of th Heact: Mysterice and Whites, these Pilla will effect a cure when ineans have failed ; and although @ powerful remedy sntain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything bertful to e constitution Full directions ia the pamphlet around bould be earcfully presery Sule Agent for the United Btates and Canada, JOB MOSES, Rochester, N. Y. NB 1 90 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized \gent, will insure a bottle, containing 30 pills, by return mail Su ) Salisbury, by Henderson & ios, W. Wyatt, and all respeetable Druggista. 49 Lapp & Co, Richmond, Va, Wholesale ch package which PURGECE, Agents ‘Salisbury Female Seminary. FENHE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the Lith Febraary and close the Ist July The eis } i ybu ny meurkvown fle wrroed ayacnet and denounced seers duced to ten or tweive ere NX 186 and 188 M Sal pomen or per The dhestyn, ne doubt, was lj ‘wat i: t tl y ' : Sales oe ' lala DS UL. ROBARDS range heretotore extruded to the Huse 4 Mo \ ' \ Fee eee ee ee Colist 4 5 pe Rane Li wena For particulars and terms, in my absence apply t DAVID FAUST, ‘school has been increamag in numbers every term qilnnider, as Darnboandt a sem do law of Mr Cabietie THE GREAT DRAWBACK (5 persons emigrat- April q Ganti ;Wm A Walton or Win. M. Barker, my authors of] BENS N CREGAR, We have uow a goodly number, Dut could take afew honey, was hrown eA Tecntenctiuntilenenyts a , , ge the estrene aenti nud Were eau ty. ar the PRA ois JOHN HANOLD nore Uf the number continues to increave, Salis- pn, . Ho insistd that the States Mat hats pen eee tat Fever Ned Seine net a ; , SG rea Onis! ne Philsdelphia, March 12, 1861 3149 bury will have what it has never hed, a permanent ‘ RanES aL ATTN Wels toatl ' ehatiof al! dise nae n vera we fot pe ree 1 me . . - j ’ Dontaed bial weted not ondy prectpitately aud i 1 Eee My aes \ { = I N B--We are Mig Tore SOI \Wesos ey <6 sl tire, the villains entered Ue dwellng ard cared yy toch te North © Rial a estas diene ad ee Me eee ee 0 i¢ e. 0 armers. : , : Criieiogre, witch are mnequalied yhany) other TERMS : tT tatty bo ‘ atid the yet ' me her en . rduag ree aie ! ~ wands . s ae ‘ 2 of Mr. Barnhardt’s buresa some distance ft veda ' ey Vantaa \ . th ae ieee, t Ai a in ie i ee ; te a ROIS Tyee wake, they are sure fire. DF & CO Board, with scence fuel and lights, Maslin irae the huss, broke it open, and othed at Foray j Oy eat ie BUEBRATED SiOMsC Hy it I Something Valuable to you all! | OF THE ' jbuivoa at ea eure ° "5.00 Hon without jastty toder Has dat TERS, whose curative powers for all dineasen of the | Trinity wr aly Farmers, Look Out! | . g nately for Mr. 1S. te had retnowed all das mionsy 1k f He «! ht t " k ear F field’ Cc ttle P d | Erinity vo ege Montuly | agazine, : Music on Piano. from 15 to 20.0€ i oreus politic heresy of secession, e | stomach have been universally acknow edge he r | oe 7 TT. : an Tey aa ‘ 2.50 wih the exception of @3.90, Thre with three fo nee re aul Biters, prepared after a long exrpeienee and deep onene sva e ow! ers, | seats Money, Tine and Timber Saved ! {| Use of a eee re Dean Ualiaeneaunrer Rene Gey ara later Gealhiwn nie ewiM cx aiatneaneve sented adhere ur ‘eat the mostem. PPVIE ORIGINAL AND GENUIN E—all othere| BOARD OF EDETORS I have the right to seil Lo cldad each eReat ne ime chanltance PT Ne CE TY See OE cote tlieronly clerrituneaSonthoftucceph\ vstane, ssiwcllawsialleolsesca fui lever’ put ep in siunilur atyle are base coanterferts, | coLummian sociery. HESPERIAN SOCIETY Vandemark’s Portable Fenee Charxes Hh 5 eee see me tie iufamous crime got. We uaderstaud Mrag 4 , ‘ Harta apedeutey. (Do thicewtdpubltueruaiy | Peoveelnipis How Deka cure aut all diseunes of 1”) *KSON u : iy ' ors rliculsr aces Peers S TC ONINIC ERI Mel Cet RWItlionwallat J.R COL J.Q JACKSON, ; Cue A. D. WILKINSON, Riniey Ua 1 t 5° : : ue MIEOO yee all welranceeviimioary then ard yodettealorsce aud (alle tuid Keeps (theiny in gid cco ail © 72 ans WoC WILLSON Made without posts, in the Counties of Alamance, | 99. 1961-186 Prtaips! nley lias tis eye on several persous show he a Gj tom to the: Southern revulutiomary Chomselyes respectively fan UL. F GRANGER FT BRANCH, | Randolph, Rockinghard, Davideon, Rowan, Cabarrus Jane Ble RE ae Cainks gurlty of the ere Mr Ko sneceed dS yroc the Repattican pouty: holdin : sont byaingqeetwand dealore ane rally everywhere Perfectly safe under all crcumstunces, and war _ aud Meckleuburg. Cheapness, durability, and con. | ie gal bie bores Gat sate, tn beth Houses of Con rese, tad net atten pted yee Do come per Package FPNHe FIRST NUMBER of this new Literary [ihe Fence to sawmill owners, farmers, and all who oom Rn te CEL ANareearerciem eerie 1 re 7 i Svid by WOH WYATYH, Draggist and Apothecs ( : popular favor, will be issued in| have fences to make. We willsell Farm or County = NINCCIMe SUM TTC URt ree ment ae es Nas MARRIED. ry, Now [#6 and es Main st, Siusbury, N.C June feof Trimty College are deter: | aghis, A circular stating costs, plan of baldiug, & f 3 ! 1@: 4 L a VOUS vip aen to the three Lenatones Gngantzd Oy che oth March, at bis remdence. by Rew T April 9. . a nuued to furnish the public a Magazine of real ability | sent free to any addrege on application to Characteriatios ot toe ovibday upeu woh | sy oe ee Mir J HOON. Dirraro to Mine Carre ind refined Lateratare; they intend that the exeeu JNO. J. WHITE i EEE faye gt Wipes ery Ger that tne ean i ; : vn. both mental and mechameal, aball compare f ain 4 ; ; ra ° on, both nental and mechameal, eb mpare fa WE HAVE IN SPORE vorably with the best works of a aumilar character Mar 19, 18G1 -3m44 we have talien os the spauitoet pane oe He further stated, that Congress thirds diperity tie gat vassedl t ronest d Perences ad passed political opps Pier SESS IL te Cetnbetttes POE Rate! 1 the Intelerance with Which of opraron are treated ly nents. Geratiartorre movie y iny with publre discord, seema im geome any Witetfere nee hey Consnitution prot teres Veetietiae Ureasen Gt with slavery in the States, and cageressed fits tier by the same, oo the 26th inst, at the Man ¥ Nin, ny sin Hes MOE (Magis io iee bi Gms cin 35 bbls. Coffee Sugars. Ait | : f dn leedell conaty. on the 26th inet, by the Rev 10 hhds. Molasses. Siephen Fronts, Mr. Lrasper © MecKor to Miss 6 bbl. N. Orleans Syrup. Many J. WeNexey : the same ume, Mr. 8.3. StH) Ibs. Sole Leather. Phe rank of Trinity College among the Pnsutatens of the South, the tone and culture te be found in her halle and the uprising spent of the Old North State, will reasonably support our cliim lo a representation and forward bil to subse ober in the LITERATURE OF THE DAY: NGEWENT. ete Charlotte Democrat please copy three mouths Western N. C. Rail Road. TPRHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME- thod of imtorming all persons in want of ROCK for MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that be can furnish the best quality of cases to have tated ifs iigeniurty in cred z Also by the same, al to are Mint (lech Glial (encC|NitaricdUsmel Mur ayer taint eet vemw Tats adica ratty Brows to Mise Many A Rose. 50) kegs Nails. The nutty of such a work. if properly conducted | hes t those whuse oniv crime has been at toe . Ss cS sens cannot be questioned. A monthly public ation of fine Ids E =) M To pe ree caer At adecnciin mi cnt Us teactiow. And that this wasthe great aud sul> gp We are authoriged to announce ORADIAH 25 bags Rio Cotlee. thought, clothed in the forms of refined ane elegant) 3] = GRANIT E, : Je 7 vital question at bet WOODSON as a Candidate for the office of County » casks Rice speech, will do much to elevate the tone of socety aie r wy cutin any shape, and at the lowest possible rates for ulary of abuse lian been exhaneted tio Teed ' A Court Clerk of Rowan County , rane F cio increase the appreciation and love of the FINE! 2 13 EY2 FP CASH His Quirry is situated 5 miles South of der tu faruish civective fer the crate Iie said) bart tuleite axetesiriness Ganihlh Tee ie All of which we offer at ai y rad acs ee ARTS, and to promote our advancing civilizaven [a e Salsbury, known asthe Old Shaping QUARRY tion of partizan spite and anieog ty, in fressed, got by deaving the Cimon, but win SALISBURY PRICES. ers RO We think we ean profit our Literary Societies, and 5 WILEY HOLTSHOUSER : a ' APRIL 9, 1861 Bo a do some good for the publie. Lufluenced by these | 4 Es Rowan Co., Now 20th, 1860. 6m0:27 somach that the current disrespect for tie Vion. by th noon and anced action zi ; y mS 1 Z Ce a pe Unset Dy the eas fay ane oe ttn comune eens area amore, orm c unideratwone, the 1980 : ee obligations of tru bas been vuly equal oh Ue en vet he paul he believed 1 pore min aireriieen i@N LITERARY SOCTETIES OF TRINETY 2 ENN led by lemtconte fant ! we would be the proud and Ingh destiny of North Famty, tT toes APPLES ° ' ERT s 4 To Farmers and Mechanics. ed by an impudenCcoatempt fordhe races ) ae inh nga 15 {lave determined to publish a Mooth'y Wagazine.| 2 easy pumas . Carohna, to renmen in the | 1 be ty es at : ! 2 of common decency.— Vat. /nt. Aa a e ie ee ay leita) 6 ima) 00 pee FOR THE cach number te cantan aizty pages of readiey mat: | 5 = McCUBBINS & FOSTER . Instrnmental in restoring peace aod prosperity {| 4 ae ou ter. We shall be aided by sume of the most Inlented | eS amar VE FARM In no State are these ead teuthe more iy the country Me paid an eloquent gl Meee nel eS ee enin the ciamiry, and shallieparc neither uber nor] = = AVE just received a very large lot of p the county eopaid an eloquent, glowing Yet Winau ly oly } m < DEY alene RE: | —|_ ING TRON, consisting of Shovel Motes, Bar emphatically trae than in Neath Car sh tribute to the Von tor what at lad done in Qt st i Sint ‘ nes j x Sore _ #200 on ce aeeT at 1 apa Tron, Wagon tire 14. 1p and 2 inch; Buggy tie 1h na. The silest slaaders are uttecc dy an es a he wee e i 4 — a b wae Rees . ae ; ta ta at Mi 9 < ‘a = Tr All communications in reference to the Maga- | io) 2 9 pia eaten ae tee eee pies t . teeetved with onthusiasin by Che barge aod atten ppras Sadi Cae Ee i an chy vee d a written, and printed, aligning the char ye crowd present . ° Iinek Fe ed ea VW E are now receiving a lot of new and desira- Hc ate sr : ‘Cor E. Skenrrary ae mie Sp eateut aud) eniminleds Teethers Bands Bolts cc Red nid Black, Nid, eide Souda: [0 = i sU RI re . pears ae 2 2 SB jogether with @ geoeral assortment of acters of editors and pablic and private MA ewan Ee Sea ‘ ae Acme js for the SPRING and SUMMER April 2-146] Trimty College, N.C er e : ee cen ne € vera , indivi EESW AX ADE. Z ; individuals, who dare te think for then Headed Vist a: f us : : ‘: - —a}l - HARDWARE, ! fs apy of the proceedings of OUR STOCK Dress Making! weasel = ORE UCAE selves asio the righte and interests of ths inerting be scat to the Predell Express and NORFOLK MARKET, | 8 | alles See EL eetTne . ri « . Sn Mom : . ay their State. Twothide of the people Greenshero’ Patriot for publication, and that the ; Nompour, April. 1561. Will not be ax large aon former seasona, but will RS SPEARS annonnces to her friends and the S12 Hate and Caps, Boots and Shoes. They keep o a- think RNerdoclicl at ta enue Salety Press and Caroloa Watchinan be request: ppoer Gis ome have a good assortment We shell have a very. public. that she ie naw carrying en thie bus: | ALY Poostantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON, Ink as they do, which ougit Ce bets tty copy Se $5.00 a 7 FGS. per dos Ph handsome and select assortment of all kinds of peas. and soliieorders She hac cousterable ¢ xpe = PORK. FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, some presumption te the minority that ' mes : pate Coen Un BACN Nia L di D G d renee inthe basnesa, and her work hax pleased those | eam] @ LARD, BUYTER, &c., to which thy invite the at- th a lime Mac reali yRventi ct poeta ie Bead whet’ Se ee Tee aqdieS Dress 00 S, | who have tried it. She expects to keep pace with | Z tention of the public e ae he ’ Rel e ~ 1 cara ides, _ a } os . ype ee: Ba hoe ‘ 4 ; a ‘i a AS. FL MARTIN, Chairman. Whit 1a a 150 MACKEREL gran ate will offer jee mania iinee reamnrurely olerede ns ae will certainly do all work in th: JAMES ©. TURNER, pet denkins’ Corner, Sulishury, N.C. “ : : s 3 Hh See vt, ‘ No J ost substantial manner ; : ae : Jutia proportion as the one third is Weak, RNKY ywakb, Secretary, CORN, ah too to Chis market and Mees ae See Merin einer onl Renee Mee | Salisbury, Nov. 26, 160. Eng. 4 Supt Feb 12th, I86l 139 ta 4 , < Sr teak Fee . Mite, 2 o null 5.50 . ° ’ shi oe € | — is it virulent, vindictive, abusive, and eae - “as ee i an sta SS ama Especially to Cash Buyers. hari’s jin he North-western ead of Town, | " Aas r » ine vd for the Wilmiueton Herald. PEAR ow ed On @ a : ore fre stane ndite alanceroas, Tho shameless standers pub- heat pen Hee er re Meets | OTA as grt deena cichnng val aes ee (et OUNCE TS | BOOKS ! H. C. JONES & SON, \ithed may be disporved by evidence ne mes : Soe ens Am Spring and Summer and for that parpose offer) siigbury, Jun 22. 1861 3m i s Attorneys and Co sellors at Law, J N 0 . nN 13 FLAXSERD, ba, 1.25 a 1.4% Goods at | een ees . ~ 5 clear as a sonbeam, but what eare the EW ORLEANS, April 9. A) SEMA RIA Spee er errnet ‘ > : } J J STEWART IS PREPARED TO FUR. \ TLL practice in the Courts of Rowan County slanderera? They retract none of them, ! Advices from Gatveston say that Col. We at quotations for consumption Small ] roftits. Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment (Fo mish at short notice Colleges, Schools, Acade and in the Supreme Court. Ho ©. Jones. jr, nor all haere { lieidual 1 Ford had received intelligence from Mat sale readily made, those at outside : 5 * mies and the public generally with any Books that willalso practice in the Courts of tredell and ¢ abar- allow the tajyured individual to dis ‘ e eligence Tron) ea y lots for foreign shipments COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to cal MARCH i7th, 1861. | 24? be wanted, at lowest prices posable. He al- rus Counnes. All claime entrust d to them for col- 2 wayakeeps on hand a well eeleeted lot of cheap jecion will meet prompt atrention prove them through the same veliclea in which they were perpetrated On the contrary, the more clearly is the false hood shown, the more chertshed is it by its originators and circulators Fay. Ob —< The Ideaof Cocrcion keeploded der ty slow how utterly gronndly the ru- more of coercion are dyemed by intelii- In or gent men at the South, we append the following extract from the Montgomery (Ala.) Daily Advertiser of the 28:h inat., l, winch, by a a leading sceessivn Journ few faets and figures satisfactory to itself, explodes the fallacy of these apprehen sions; “How etands the ease? The Federal Government has vuly 2,000 troops at the utinost to send one point, and Gen, Scott would have the pleasure of know ing that those 2,000 were commanded by Ge whore fidelity to Blick Repabh can behests is at least questionable. The United States army bas lost a thied of the best and bravest of ite offeers. Four fifths of the ramainder araknown to hive declared that they would in no event be induced to meet their former comrades in battle array. We have arme forevery inan in the Confederate Statos, we lave ho commerce to protect, for our carrying Se to be dong by Euglieh and French mer chantmen, protected by and French natives, far cheaper than it was English amoros that Gen, Atmpadia was advanc- e, in fair aupply with salea Dried Fruita, all kinds are dull, no sates. Ing upon Brownsville with three thous) Cotton receipts tatr, prime munples are readily taken grades are rather dall and men He declares that Texas is a part of Mexico, and now thatthe federal troope to retake tt. Col Ford is preparing to receive fim are wiehdrawn itis tan McCubbins & Foster RE now in receipt of a very large and well lected Siock of ENTIRELY NEW GOOD bonght for cash at greatly reduced prices, Consist Brownsvilie. FROM WASHINGTON. W ASHINGTON, April 3 in part of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Bide for the eight million loan opened yesterday. The ageregate bids amount: ed to upwards of thirty mitlions, Prices ranged from YU cents to par. The aver- aye was aboot 934 None were accept ed below 93 17-100, Nearty all came fron untae north of Baltimore. Mumcipal elections were held ou Mon day in St. Loaia, Cincinnati, Cleaveland and Toledv, Every one elected Demo cratic tickets by large majorities The news from Richiwond is animpor- tant, and Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, and Leather, Clothing 5 Blacksmiths and Carpenters GROCERIES, oe Unfortunate OQeourrenee —Wai learn Drug, White Lend, Zine; Tanner'e and bine from the Elizabeth City Nouthron, that On, Colored Punta of all kinds, Ride and on Tuesdag, the 19th alt., Mr Benjamin Peis acs. Sires Lie 5 ; Spades, From of all kinda, Skinner, of Perguinions connty, Warm uo IN SHORT fortunately killed in the following man Everything that the People Wan ee These Goode are offered tothe pubhe at ingly Low Prices for Cah or Hayter look for elf Grew inducements Country Merchants MeCURRBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS CORNER, Salisbury, N The deceased was superintending Come lia negrees, who were COting © vod da offered ring the reeent snow, when # large tree was accidentally thrown upon stantly killing both hing and bis borse up on which be woe mounted Iv, ine April 9, IMB 4147 Hard Times don’t stop them. Cutlery, Queensware, Hats, Caps Tools, Mill and Cross Cut’ Saws, R Ercerd and examine our Goode before purchasing BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK April 9, 1x61 Qm4i To the Commiasioncd Officers Family Bibles. Bibles for Churches with le Selva of aad Regiment DY order of his Becetleney the Command: rin Chief, an election will be beldin the Courth than ever before offered, by | Important Announcement | i Salisbury. un the Sih day of April nextoa! Mager blank Books of every deseription and size, the ream or at seneralol the Ith Division velopes, Pictures, ete., ete Appear at ward pluce armed and equipped asa py INKS . 1U o'clock, AO M We are atl Agents for the sale of vate, ut the hour of { : ‘ , . RR MOORE, Col. Cound t Harrison's Ink, Harrison’® Columb Tok, (iroy er & Baker S i ig eer Adjutant a Toke all aizes, Black. Blue and Red; Ubrrrison's Car eee heap for cosh IS, Cevesriren, NotskLEss WALL P PEI Ne eae \ eR ne EIA] eo FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ! : oy Pete eee ee \W HICH are pronounced by all to be the best Machine made We are selling them, deliver edin this plice, at Winufactarers prices. which have very Jatest patterns, which for beauty, styles nese are far supe rior toon (hic market, Window Shades, Fire Orders of any hing ta his toe coberted . Feb 19, Ise ANO JEwaty Yereeus Salis Wer vy. beeu recently reduced from fifteen to twenty five ante percent. Wecan furnish Machines at any price from $10 to R125 Ladies who have a great deal should certainty have one, as it will Salisbury, No ¢ of sewing to de, undoubtly pro long their lives ten (o twenty years We have seld a good many of these Machines all of which have fers town of Salisbury, and aoll continue to give e stactio 29, 16 ue i o ny give entire satistaction January 29, 1561 ing cory Sead for a Painphlet at all times (unless professionally eowagel) may be foand at the 'Bovpen Horsn & A MURPHY ae te Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. Salshary, April 9th, 1861 March 2, 1861 Ta SET By Twoor more active Salesmen to ' : ne ced NV one aeiba cise ike ae leer Attention! Rowan Rifle Gua YOU are hereby commanded Hyinus te suit the Jatest aad Mogt popular publications of the 1 € times, writing and printing paper of all staee, cheaper retat Peus, Er Japa nine Fok, Arnolds Wriing Fluid, the best known ( nent ,elc fad Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, oe, > Hos PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN THE oN his professional services to the citigens of the town und surround. ¢ Te E tf-45 rd! to appenr of ot the ind cheap \ ever b fore offered in varioas departments of hie profession Li Office No. 3, Boek Row, near the Courthouse H.C. Joves, jr to Joves, sr Jan. 15, Ise). I, TAX NOTICE. ( ‘ALL at my Office and give in your Taxables for the ‘Town, wethin the first ten days of the ) preseot month THOMAS McNEELY, * B. Commisnoners Salisbury, March 2d, [X61 422 I. W. JONES. M. D., ] | AS permanently located in the town of Salis. hark, and offers hie services to the public in the 17 Office on Main Street, first door above Bus’ Confectonery Jan 15, IS61 4 New Tailor § ao bm35, hop. #} TATLOR subscriber has opened a new HW. Beard, dec'd ya this bo able to mer get yourg wte rd oof bry 40 Ready Wade ¢ the most fastidious demands cut to fit vou, and made to last half-made sre nts ig the slouchy othing Storms ene Ake fron €2 to @10n das inl - Wy near Ae y ‘ a oS ee He “| Hu [ie above Guang ie anid to be @ better fertihzer your Head Quarters, armed and equipped Curing aad Repair done te order bury N ‘ for the culture of Tobaceo, Co!ton, Grains, Roots, asthe law directs, al Qe'eloek on the 13it Deane Gk Ne eee geet , rapes \ oLNe ' . 2 ely 0 di reduce take in exchaoge for wor April Ena ceo eu UL OL U aed L with fifteen rounds blank eartndges BN MM. HOWARD Ctrial in all that ie neceamary to prove ite supers (ln i ary Oe p rewill be an clection held sfter parade yan Hee RBI so Fashionable Millinery ets SERA UR ee for First Uaeitanantand Eitth Sergeant ry. ehgs 5 and o— Ry order of tne Capon, Hi te M I88 GRASSWITT, having just returned . AES TIROWNEOES des For Leather. Iie lesiterrtiantiy otlicakvnest e Notice to Sheriffs. Mareh 25 has ee qihacnberiifivts to cxchange Raw tHide= Millinory, purchaded at Tanned Leather, m the rough. of good quar y nforr r fiende and the tad Pampniets, Posters, Visring Carda, Riank« Apply to Realy NG epectfally 4 ! TPVAX RECEIPTS, neatly printed to order, and a7 Listant Stylan Oh ek once nek for inapeetion Poner ail ibe : Bey nee en WG ! putin books it desired, at short notice and on Circulare, and all kinds of Job Work neatly exert C. Baliabary, April 24, 1561 146 | moderate terme, for cash, Send in your orders. at this ¢ ed Cheraw Tannery | and Shoe Pacowys | Feb. 22d, 1861 Lu! SHOP in the rooms formerly vecapied by Horace His experience and qualifications warrant him in saying that he will be Call and Tage ie i ri H i | } a a ae s SS S a fn sl Se n t e n c e s nd ee pe ae A LS LES SCG IS: ts nee “ FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. votscmsdesiabletotke ste done theose In Time of Peace Pepare for War. HOSILLETVER’S GRENT EACEPEMEN DT North Carolina Foundry Diiveteal baste aie fantail six busied ters AT THE GREAT ; GARDEN HUSBANDRY Panay rage area of an mcie cacti, co Cat he MERONEY & BROTHER STOMACH BITTERS. ; ; aoe! ' ante N \ r rey : Spent st Se STRAP el qieemeryea en emer mya lec CLOTHING BMPGRITY MACHINE WORKS: % need vcres Ul tae tite : would collect FIRE eine TEETLICS CEE All Ui = : ~ I if L Nt EDIT tn China, where the perfection wate den cults ae ; \ ght to thismarket Colic B Dibieek TERS can appeal with | rthatter eben V to re 4 B ith ; a zi te wop Wesaid to evista feet which we believe fo be eg teetie respite THe in acts Tine aust Strid AS physician and citic us generally : ‘ ot : ’ au | h } 7 hve hundred aer Ts prevent al Sosa seven shot; Sharp's reunes Petal Ul Ws States, because the ariicle has attuned arepa , om ~ Five cot greatly exacgerate d but with this cx eae waehing, wher Is cattiot be conve tn eoveet pocket, wil ehoo Hho waite ration heretofore unknown A tow tars upon Bb 4\ ip W Ki L \ ° ~ * ee market gardeos io the siemity of London, Uatis See fi gris wills ive a Pour cay orle Sharps Po , AUR OU this porut will pews tore powertully than ‘ - ius . s 'n Vb varte ye 1 Colte ‘ peers clues of bare assertion ot hing puttery ee ancl Armatendain, and various othir cities Con vannible purpose for pornpabett petiees, Lua ‘ ; ’ ") a : i ! » Bees Carridge Pista, t ‘ The consumption of Hostetter » Stomach bit- r ; : eerpy r | penne: (ere Unentof Europes may be set ty prs a ae ne ee ae UN ters tur the last year amounted to over a half- t ie BELGKS & R AFLER, | een Pacers \ = Wiles , nothon botties, and (oom its manifest steady BROW est satnples of this kind of he t = ; e , ; ‘ sus Prey cet y res) Inerease in Gines past, i is evident that during . . S Ne | be found in the world. Those nea : a a op ‘ the coming year (he consumption will reach 2 - Ve De ' ND N S ee : : : \ 1 . : \ var one thillicn bottles This immense amount - : 2 ons Aarne ccnce cen actulankes cupy an alluvial soil, which mal Y Is ne bear one million 5 a , i . : / ete A y : . Ba SoS pe tee Heute be could never have been sold but for the rare =) os ra) VO nana flow: v the river Thanics mt | \ ! ) es rt a Wage fecey te vd medicinal! properties contained iu the prepara ae IPLE : rs | DY vears past. has petilaiet cdr ee a(aat ited ad wy ' sor the thn ny a boss Ha {ow ‘ = tion, and (he s@nciivo of the most prominent ay ee ‘ VGA ( iy | ( ie 4 Ml LEMEN Ie ae eae \\thong , i : : It ret ! three ten articles. Pour oho B physicians in those sections of the country Wiehieecloree ec oiulibarnettinait at . sorld d dra n rotected from | ' : . ee ' - i‘ ‘ . ; 5 r y wo and drains, and protec f , - j oe a \ uw ve sud ‘ where the article is best known, who not ouly vy ne RETURNED FROM PURE NORTH Prove uihivaloree THE LAP GY hat AND Ye ST the f bavkineuts similar to the dvkes a EL viand.« stk Cases wpoetrig artic os, Whips, Musi tl recommend the Bitters to their patients, but i TR MEL Tet ere ere Slay lita oer) (ania rll, ta for : wot Wo foas Waa [isket. Porclug sate are ready atall times to give testimonials to its Sa . Toe ee Senden wane. rye, a Che fevee which confines our own Mess) pat ou iene Peete saul) efficncy ih All cases of stomachio derangements : : ( aio UVEMONRIVE & Ee Orovactls ~ ! Ay \ ‘ ey To} - { ° € : ve jolt OXu Feoaicartecliandel lh Creme GAP RODD RA r erie eos be naa and the diseases ree luug therefrou | | » il | ti » FSU e etl eniacneamuuneunts I \l i NNE\ I % ow K : k : : ‘ - fl This is notatemp tary popularity, obtained ba an i AL ( 0 ie | a ; x 4. 4.0 44 ; f mountad Se See) as \ et i ue m1 1 teas, tune ot ved poy by extraordinary efforts in fhe way of trim } ; . | ‘ aie Maehinery } Creel Ke labies to tapid tuiatu i y . Cee 1 teeny nw ‘ peting the qualities of the Hitters, buca sold Cetera Ss ‘Vnantshing Cro0d x, fs Mine ; RY Sy Nites (artil (une cnlat dy yt th it tt F oy ‘ t Shea wn Vive st 4 Vie eatiination of an dmvalaeble mectetue, wluck ts isk NV Pobueco Presses aud bia d \ Ce ea oe nt : WERONEY A Bao destined to be as enduring us time itself, pombe fee HP aot (Were, Under yen ° Reon of manure Phe protit pe 4 : ! r Sole ! int it Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved ~ a aN c. PEisatleretnat ‘ Ot - , Potlcast 4 le : ‘ vee a Giodsend to regions where fever and ague i ilies aus igs, Runes Ree te TAO OS AES AEN IE c ay Te INDE SCS Aiet a S : 2 1 Sacre ecerin mpluints has ned r" HINISHED WOK we Jura i ‘ rn aul various othe us ey hay ' ‘ ime dh Coed mes re 2 Wek : brought to market: the ry YOSIELT AG oN = The sd Valorem Banner, counted their vietins by hundreds To be vied Sioned Walle sold heap é ih . aoe es el an RES : ty miles, @ cr can be made to succerd another a ae : ee ome y } able to state confitencly that the Bitters i a ' feces act NOV es ; ie : piano ro forty wi bre Lie ; hence al al vevety far ‘ ure a ee out fur the Ds pepo un 4 ibe Vor PI Ao ever tebe ey Acts VL N= ean eae (ent ierenianiee ‘ ve te dunt wha een S se ere . 1 ikensva, ie tw the jasirelcrn ay source at 4 ; i : enue ie No 4a iehi Wiha i : Urapecciris eee rately mili eteinn: Clas, es, or ae a vreut y alloyed pleasure. [tren ves all morbid matter ; ; tains whos } : : ‘i i ; Ls ass Solita BANNER ' d he Gt pk from the stomach, purites the blood, and \ \ ' ' ' , =I K Pot (ra eth F a me { ryy wi ' L mentic ; ens there is no able land eh nite ud Set rose 54 Vere ! \ imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, atic eee ale ‘ ; i Canart ties We ate Naty tr Nhe vals ay ( ( } { ( get ft wake i Consurie intone, cers a Pin ees (ust, any eal eae Are we giving it that ton : vensable ma eeecn wee RQ tin (iid cel ro Bus etcewll i iN Uy ; palin Cla ; wh : . Ae, 1 for the restoration ot h ea WU PUN Sock VN TE et NN Pbredeh Bapress wall publics diasatie aid torw ad Sth Fi I coustabt Use —crop lowing crop ow qe a : , . ' v it ae 4 a ae i ee I Coinnche livero duet < ie \ ¢ WasUely i creat mice preity whieh as truly astonisher ' seowl hee , ot : ' ; ‘ { EGNEN ate : t ith nildly but powerful, s sora ist ry | NU) height of ; as te Roe well EY Yoacomdhtion essential to the bealthy . , NEN Hea Gane i garden oa the old fashioned plana ype tte ay tue plan of remtn st abo ee in 8 dl hie of the functions of uature Greensborough Mutual uM waituntl July and A eae a fall ia vs cron Th A page, edd le Da se a St eee ee ae had National Flag! pce yyce Coupayy er they ar | r 7 ' i e e Ee Aaa ON ph . - the shorte supply of vegetables fur the table Pee) = ! : ' Ts i ed pee E it a iimualant peculiarly lapred fo comfort , Wd ‘ ‘ ! \ 4 ( ‘ a NGS the veyeta 2 fe DTC Ce ely ss "i y j ' ’ ) "yy ‘ l ’ , 1S: pe \Nilionu alunedantcarnicon. ake aid WC Se a eo) Sagat aid the a eclining years, ay itis pleasant to the palate, yee - : Pays all Losses Promptly ! A a 4s j t aed 5 ca Hiren! MK) niletone Roms Gh Giianesn nam. 8 Ce as Has enWect aoe! > invigorating tothe bowels, excelent asa tent Wii. M. BARKER . S | 5 sn Gavi repean gardeners bave no fear of extausting the 4 i ae Mean ‘ ' ‘ ee aa : ae and rejurcualing generally Weebave the evi es AW" OlL u TN ORL ACL eects DIRECTORS: | are GVEn 5! yO os ’ t ¢ * > Ee “ 4 { re n " yon ) \ 4 > en . a USN a ese conn etecetett a eee rah i He oe mi ae pT fase mies. tl Vom eh me ae Sica NOE rice : ee pee Mer aero ee iy 4 ‘ ¥ r RS BITE EG RUA E a HERI De poratous in the fall, when all the vacant laud is £ naurishiaent Lae =tlas y ae BY . eae ae ca eal ile suffering from rele dk ea a 1 i o nN a ai “ h i | melted, b reemany trencbed and deeply mannred —far oF Gorteg Uns sortot food will mike it stad her \ rangement¢an | general debility; acting under Garp oo \ ‘ yaw cn liek Ih thibited t S : . hollows. “ all ie ; \ ouch: AG. n Salisbury thea great success depends upon spade husband eras me SE oe ea the alice of physicians, they have wbands ned Udi riag e usiness, Wace, Wali be Rowe bt royy feu Ys of the Jur a Peis fei stabil ion the tle (eo Rec! wy Lvear vy advaace, 2 ‘ all deleterious drugs ant fnirly tested the . hey \ M . Chadian Me RW Over he plow being far | ss the poently brought | ce all dhaeelt as Peni ! | merits of this article. A few words to the ee ; i a pe 1 Y Nee Lemaitre Naalawntive inv toil ae heretofiote at Jn ' ' 5 i cee sa) 1 pre are certn verinds whe Nenagh I ; , with them than itis with us esl OMIT La aianee bu Ral BMWS OF THE WREREV HANS geviler sex The ‘ Ae Roose ean ee! as i : yarterot Che \ Wot) Kansey ov aes ele Wey ROO Maynard : Sane 4 A tote \ ‘ t Ue 1 ire sO hurassty the ' \ i zi « 1€ Gert kiuile cut waerctalsere asew ii etiyilaiia) (nels tae frlacriitem= eaniecee etry fu tee (leap ab yeu iret kennaer . EU eee ue eager ine ayant ‘ te Bath tok bw W » a aa ; : ‘ ‘ eee ‘ moo He i ef aig i ' ‘ ' ‘ RDI popa ; oe v seWiow Kowa! Ge us atemieae bet mA ae Da Se ae Te TE Ge ae nn oy eerie A Hh aR as NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRASE wiilnale te produce plauts that will ber ten set eat ! ta - i“ : an PaANK I i‘ Uy : forge ubealth in her extreme anxiety raweek tn ie ; aby Ie een NN Nein \ rrownd ot pr eepenice | Tn wanna taidene « ‘ bes : fay her intr he period ara a Be ied : Gee rion rate Weer artic reared, an ‘ ‘ of ‘ ‘ during th miner seasen, the wearo ' ‘ sat =e 4 Cent tadinbes. and winter salads are sewn ced ot ak nL fees eae sy \ IRPTHER? tee i ee ‘ . : c mecca) Elta . ! erie AM NTN ' \ it ‘i ' Korte verteeowal) coals. ' ! , : Nf Helgt ripe y ey ee ‘ \\ Ve NIE ' LOE 4 utiful s carey protected in severe wet tne 2 i ‘ 1m cos weowtat w lenom ee r a T ther, is a nes essit ra stinidant to reenpe 5 \ Noli / i ; ee sean an re ' — , , Livi FOR SALE. rats the energies of the syater and enalie the VN (ENE t NRSC mB Lie more t ‘ 2 shaw OF Units Ne ! . Tats ee een fen ae erta hear upoinder her exhaust « _ . ; , ov v1 lil = \ toms One ; fein M i. rie 4 i ‘ : ciel oe ’ r ers tow cr ay ' aC j i _— a mf TOOr. ches or tnder hand wl in ‘ ~'t Yook Tew - peo) ; ; ‘ ANS oe 5D aeaed ( a d I . ; - we 44 i \ ts ae e mt physt ° v4 ‘cee Js Te : ANS pushy : C iUlingee jd tuiseere) nls jacked ce . ' . é ; es ee use it a is to thet is ix ‘ cleeN ct ’ I : : vo bas « a cuutat i Ishesonione and salads ate the eacvest 5 ¢ ] te ee Gs asad rl «er, Vemmagoe repr E PY : v villa “ * ; ; ee odily strengt’ tt Qk ety BEET : : § Set ro mineemmirke ts runtien i aC . \ Hu nee naan \ soos to whom we Lave partion SABRPSBURY. - igen : Be. ileys or ~te ; : ee ~ f £ C 4 NHL a ustia taker t i hag steanl tumictndh las gree, | pte eer ate eek ore - je a ws 2s ke a DON Lia ° a” ends up t Ay 2 : ' wk ein soataria, Laretara, VF vo bb Rs = 4 +o ai lfer li xatealy eo buTevattrs 4 Pris nn it n Sf appetite und 14 ~ ( . r 1 : ve je quit nt . wee A . leer \ ' yt Gc VE SOU PID RN Ar AND GAP : es ene ' uot i Veg able I ithont riptic, - ‘ : tay ee J es 9 suun asthe oe Aorsaret ; | ! ¢ ‘ 0p iS : . ; i ; ; — Maht Pie Peed, . Is, olay TQ) “) . raway i s Mee lnee ear lari ne eee les ee ' FOIIN DOOLEY, a #oow dwelfare iy gry) Mos m el . tn vs tr ‘ 1 taneh | i ] t Vk wanes (eee tle erent Mais t i ait 1 ae etisuite fy - eee We tien th t yoewrrs ’ A 1 { Pe eee ECA eoeniet . ; Pe Aya sey Nop , ie ag ‘ ‘ \ SiSers 3 But the market gar ~ 2 : Ski FUR sth ibaa VN BLAND MeLt Beet PAE et ; . . . a \] ‘ ( [3 \ S ne, / 1 i wan + : 4 , feyin Wit ek ton TW STR nee © PERE . fled = \ ‘ 7 : ‘ selves ¢ cs ve raion ’ Ny . i se a a caw i \ , “ uh b ' t ' : TAS t = sS | q 1 latin v)in bd a Ire { E " . nee 1 Pt wave a Ba b lk " eS ih ' f ‘ ol H : uf stha >» Eves m ‘ ; lee \ Oren ren e ravi " : ahi , e ns pred Kas pherrres , xo Pele A Ne eNa ele \ . ! Voorve that eno ek { £ ry i B nt ain aie th eae, . . ; ee Prevanainneeeld/ ny HOSTETTER © very atip ; 3 ‘ oe j (ory Nodew aM WO eet re AM ae Troe CEE A CRT Tt ae , ; . BMITH, Pittsburg:. Pa, and sold by all . ; ou Serene. wee - : \ druggists wers, wid desdless generally ox ft } ; LS europe ey. bay bres are kh : \ ' t 4 . throughou eo United States, South Ame- ' ‘7 u ; i auiple space ss found iu il dss Leet ' tinct st its ' ' ane rica, and Germany ‘ - ‘ et Saree ene sce lau tha oe ) | ee ois DRY GOODS, Aa i ; Pac} reel ' fe : Mh . M 4 thats vt 4 4 vob, aiid ; . * ee P CULES ica eG waerardencren eA VMhe lieder renr niki sen de eri till esl neces ni leyenda: : ! TT SS AEST. , ise \ : a lows y sfow'. wey Hew! af them beh. more Hie, ck Whew Merete wilh weal Miatiaad oll took oe ee Yow : te MARDWARE!! Clothing and Groceries. ioe ; ne i TM NS bh Tae s ! as! iMacs to Fil Ober wit, PN eset Tis bread UE a wsay fo Tees. thee 1s ean OLD " ‘ “won Neem } Ts reef \ BO wht be wiltertiut WHOLE VEE ae lwas can — : ’ eis Sew ra ro} ee tweed Pas tee beer, at wl Wats fea hile ; ; ne . ey . ‘ ee : _ eee Ce cre : ai . ut a oll co fae t % ‘ ' : Phet wing, Which os Mr J Worson's receipt Mau pet rs ; ‘a ae i (e nek Gr 5 can . BEMIS Tice ooghtin ams . te Union, the derent bm en | Sah pe ET for tnahiig beets the best ee ee eerene Ne eeu a Mina a mel iy ; iL nin New York not ew ented 1 Pe Neary antssane ioe Sulech arellosciing . : Ke ran - ie a : . _ iouse Painter, Grainer. toe h of Hi rdv are . ‘Dp oe . fe ' cree a \ ——— OPECIAL Maier es , S PRANK FORD, ne CVE ate aa . ee Y JQNada 4 i BN v , 4 hg towa sou ‘ M ether and \ ’ , 2 it fa €: ; ‘ : : : v4 \ kite ee | os xomemBpea: NQQPICK, oe | oe ie el - eto ee cs a ‘ “ ' \ NECN 7 ning t , ~ ~ — ~ i ~ we an c e — = ea ~~ o~ ~ ~ % re ~ ~ s ae — ER S a anne - i‘ ; oe 7 a pandnape PHU: on = BLUE STONE, TUCUAZRL BROWN, SO Le Tay S. FRANKFORD'S, “el r SUN Wealier tiv A rae ‘ . ia . , . , . ZON9 Ts, Es. ONE. 3009 tbs 1 . Rlry Gar s a i Fj | ot IP 8 om a wet sate diay ese ved a esate bo CUVEMON ERC, SOOT AND SHOE pe i\ sly VET EATEN? : moe SAMUS HORAN ik eo tees adie eget er 1 incom NN eit! , ae . sth oe sae Wg) oes Lan Pee ey ne Woope se tht CL. ee ee ie ee “ud pe eet fete aes Tow derateat Mit se Ferme tut ead atin’ Sp pes oe AAG 3.1 AKER AND JESELER, Wibobi ick IND REDE, ae i 4 : ; z a - ee io , ilu | gio foe Be eos vee oy a (PUTRI TIN SILI COE, SATIS Nee ae Revere loreneve WORTH & DANIEL, ce be i Reel eee Pare ee . ' et ‘ 4 tr tite The ty ene tek ” I ! s WENDY x ENN ye door Selow He. A OV. Waphy ts Stores Va Wa ve, { Wholesale and Retail Grocers. me One ve “ekR 1 t WOMAN being Vann ad h WAKE) F fh afer] at ty , a j ; Naa aa = ; ray e , cP i . @ 1 1/KN z ! ~ (our seal ee (rear Ug ee ee ae ENTENSIVE SPOCK , . SALI BE RY NO, WANE FACTORY : = a —c, an : : mi att Mb eC eS TP , vy ; ee 2s one F satengal teeta Eben ce i vf Ready-Wade Clothiag, >... D715 ce miceataerkecn PUT Gare ge pees 5 = ESS Boas ot Ruse en ey i: . _arunr —: WES ls Eine eos be stad thy OMITH & IMILLER, eo 2 Gee = - ' \ as wl was Farnishing Goods, ‘ {= 1 = q village BLUME tie ptCUls at fi vit “a G i ea 7 : sa We 1) teldes cht oe = ' ‘ aati tl \ Flite C ” ee. re (Cee pee , . — 2 ae, : — q chalet. : abt) Se hinnala ’ ” . Vi, 7 THERMOS PERS ‘ oLL & Ga Y, Gen temens Dools, chees am Gaiters, = 4 bpon ours ee ; ae ea THAN COST Poy Curing DP absec : Ss p | | ee a = zs Ee our hand s face by tu micane | Na howe . ‘ fron ‘ ‘ ' ‘a ok. , , I wow ; ae Us : ere [his x ee = _ / is Q50is oyinue as noch sk , , ‘ rece Tt eke tes * From 210 wo ee : Hs ane ; . va “ : eG 1S SS yy Meets ; Rs economy) astt We ‘ ' ’ es eu fecal ne ‘ i . ay 4 AeA i my AP: pre ve is ae . Fn ‘ = = — ar a = FOU GT NOMS LHS ‘ ' mont pate x “an oS = are ore Weve oe = Alen tier ae af Sta wennic Millinory ( Coeds TOSSED EAC TB Se 2.82 co ut, what ' ‘ \ ie ; MF : POUNGS if) Linbe Parasuls, Flowers, hibbons, &e f ca ue , = eine = k | firm oe Ne ee ee — i aif ; { : . ae — the winte ; ee an soe Nie HOF I I IN 1(),()(N() ae LOU, Nis Guumlanatecr ter Doots, ho es & Gaiters, ail = = Siieatioal 4 trailer 2 ‘ : Ne ok ae hed CAMELS | cH a nial ! k Sete ' ' lt ~ = not alway » : “4 ; Nig | . — ia a “1 an. Hittin Per nereN MES ae White : u€da cin Uli, ne: A De Ae ws ee » = 3 poems learnt a erect. ne _ aa = . HEND TN So is . ‘ “ \ eee untnnumantcal = Ss Creree of Se 4 / BRY ANS . roo 2 sbi y snttn iS - xr vy alouc I. a ‘ MERE ALL HUCT ein Aneta. Went rast ss te Neg ‘ peo auienn t ee Fer ene nts J rently 1 ‘ ver as rte nt = | AND | vurnal wi , ! : i Pet eee : AN WV TCHES ond JEWELRY ‘ > ad A] i « ail fal Karopean farmer cloce fron a tins | he ee ie sant Quar 2 Relieve Consts. Colds Sare Throat. Hoar tssauas Le ey ae a 4 3 \ Rates aA aT i Ol qe R © / RB O QO T N, ¢ i i W h ts ae wlan meht not th t \ R " ‘ : ) VANS PUL MONIO WAEERS 10 Bole. Pannrr's Oil, ne ae Om SS on ere an S, Jad, I hav Wes ' etotUereye " ra ¢ 1 ons ' 4 ' “" nden MOST Pease a , Set aN I ‘ Redeve Vthata, Browebitis. DiMentt Breathing, 9 boosie hy TRIE NST) SEN ENE ES Is Ha Mee cen i Bilal) Ca) No. 2 Gaayire Row, Paove Seamer, of a hieto : vt 1 pebas ou ul . : ; Nees BRYAN PELMONTO WAFER | ie ist vd Gime Open Gait re, Patent eather and Preach (aif TENSE NG CEN ON OG: note it do ® let anger! ; : a : , ; (ie meres ut, re ; gh nud ss natic ina Ke Reat rout hee Relieve Mera of He sins in the Chest. 1 nm ¢ ane tf un : Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provimune, Frei, ( a i i " yey be Sie putes ' na) PIT MONIC WARE 5 t } o11N f ayor Wr, ray +T3 Von ro. rer ican Fe Gliesainn (ne Liqaors, Wines, Cyne saa me rod that see i ; a Revove Incipient Consumption. bang Diseases. Ague and Fever! ured \Q) VI ( kL. oo LE - i ; a Pa een ldiew ti tecrhrre bull imprisone ; a FP ee ’ eR ere . tee tothe ge ond aappty veur want nd on fu A Oe ere On thre tictuceed : hy cl [he EN eRe nee ’ ' > \ > . in Eee a eee eS swt raresy, WAG SHUEY z . ~— ee Cote Relieve Trvitation of the Cvala and Toots, Ob NO 14 OA eee De al a Tel ; red EE” shit Kans Meee ais) Saale ne I aN = PULMONIC WaArres ees : ' Ll igh: Nd ; , ies | NG DANIEL, we are de trapond of the ae LEN Sts SIN te he vet Gye had 4 aa ae , . DG WORTH i , i aymomdert he Fy ss ; , \ Cees Tleeuciis enctauaplate Gaal nicaicamenieaten Unni Lene and Pever Palsy, Nielele lien lela ntagy | Bur the pant 7 youre with tions and 4 7. , HOON | PLEMONIOG: WAKES AEC (UNS eer Teeter NGatelte leer : a LUO YON es We : Na Lorre EC si oreo Na et & BOG Worn days wer Woeconects (iat cluneriin Sees Pee CON heres] NA Vie ai Vine to al) Classes and & stitations. FOLEUICST eee al pee : : be + : M [ion eel Gt ue this journg | TGIANEING Se (ith sel Y HRY ANS PeEMONTE WARD IES . reqgin d to be di thout detny Adelphia, aud also an M fe op oe ee ee i : wt aa (ar ea eee mee oa , of our da si roar : Are oad for Vocattsts and Pablte Sneakers, ' " . ye 1 aa ay { XY } . grea is better adapted te gas ; Pom V4 en jo ; ew Firm uu \ M () Hh is algo my (eel Siem Ginene te a ponreern nee: Uren aeeinile: (Arienil pleacentiietheniarts Fluid aud Kerosine Oil. a Hes EAT cs . a de Add. de undertake| tha over jneemne, Dermuda, oi ! \ PANS PULMONIC WARE By the Galo h Cri 1 q ty ace - | : The da Pecan dirs } ee : rar , , Notoon'y ceieve. Dre meimaralaea asting Cnres, ut a TEGO % EN NISS | i F e 1 T lave, we | cut Le wera atal Pay th: \\ {af : PUN) eae vr AS. ter the Pst Danan: y MURR & SOSSAMON, DR SNE NT, for severa oui ae aaa : , : ; ; Are vircauted to aive saticfaetiom to every one NE TSU esanCuns UnlaT eT ACS RUENTCATIICH Irae! cima teree na ee ace if not preteus Hab grass w ya ' a Tee Golda Jao ba 1 Bt ibs II, te, het cure Kat AS REMOVED to rae DENTAL ROOMS fee ae luxiantly on poor sols and om Tier incl i AMELY att Poh WHOL AB Mi I" th r ie c {hy De Basos rom the TIN, SHEET TRON, COPPER Ue COEUSS CUSED URL ake Ae ee Such a result ; i ' Bryan's Pulinonic Waters. Collecting Agent. WARK NTOVES, ae where Nee prepa vattend all opera keepers. Gl ee a , a‘ PRENVCH BR ANbY. A a keepers perses r | q " BR site VR WITHODP «os 1 pe toders red aera tik wees t ' nl tin mest lot of COO ' , ri ns appear vers hance are lndispetis bbe . \\ cae ' \ . . Ni LOT and CHURCH STOVES over : i OWhat oe i I ‘ en Vs mr ' fe Waters. ve ywatca | ar wang up a fartorfolo fe bon : * Stet See iar ee ae Ish. VY val tp ; USS ei Pech absentee n Trent cle € adivenae tec \ x onarh Mie deere jaeaelne ew) ae . . ‘ ) Nous poker ‘ fi ; ; i x ae nt hee Fine Suits ny mothe we ao! ton i . . , ; : the vetoes tue, r if on stern Nort retin kon ide 3. ie t \ : " ( ea Hence ' . ( ike Dac Bre ‘ {Plan and bapa PIS WARE and STILLS iy cles and al Ms n \ ae { t » firyiaw’s Swalinomte Wafers, athe; dur wale ; , whe IOUS HEN a \ mio Th, Stteoe lixonen Gap Hf vou wel tobuy FINE SULTS of CLOTHING make mys s grown he fa tokd ; “y ee HENDERSON wOENNTSS Relat Imire } , fur av hittl: mone, aeporsible, call at the Great Cloth ey Best we mim Ge wulidun 40 Vie conten ac 4 wy : oa es ae Loto , \ ; MUI SORA MUN TIC Rinpolinm of DAVID WEIL TeMmarne 2 brootpsedge that appear disposed to er. va : i Vopoise . Gativury by I/MNDEMRON BP NNISS, and 1 ren ctx caer ee ee Rulinsburve dan 92. IMhi 1,36 [7 Kaweware tie Stave — No 2, Mir phy's ren that was Vy , wrasees of much wreater value 8 ' Pe : SPICES! y SPICES! ! \\ Bevolerequcsied Toren eu (ne) ie te Row, Naliabary, NC . little later Ps a, ; ; Fd . ; " ' Sept US ania ; i Med et aaen ‘ ' ' prado \ ‘ At Inst t frat oe en ; o_o N\A Teenie LORD Pepy 1, War nd yes “ira Lew . m NOTICE THIS feachawray leeta ema ienene eae! sere . WoL. RARRIER ed Toa vy paren tn esr bs han“ : : ‘ATTORNEY AT LAW, ere ee ee SS = Bs DENTIST oe anonala, and we) ot Pas nee: vi VN . 4 Who kan toa then ebarans L ie VV BE bec : DRAYING. on , marry ee ernie eee ET ica Cen 1 lew re weeded coms toda, 9 . \ \ vhs Conan , -axge NAS a “ Ce t miurAlIE tes pari for the pemdurtic gs + 50 White Hands te Vala VINEGAR! een. eee ene ee me wet) Pree, and we must ther purelase plane Ox \\V el a , fi ete ea 30 ets. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ets l PE AM AND WAGONS pie us Fine Shirts and Collars. a cn Moa high prise, or extract in fran ay ie ‘ ‘ ; : ’ a “ cee \ ie Tile Ca eilinee iin ce rin nce taake, fo Reema ieee Arar ar re nee Na MARRIAGE LICENSES a fname an ac omanind rg fe mn BLANK DEEDS HEH EATA INTE Reiner late! : Ae oe Et ’ HENDERSON & 4 I> Gah ewes iy eo oe : As the surfaces vert uiesen, wad washes ba “ ‘ yi PONE SSE SIP TOS TETAS, sos Mirren gc, 1 POHIS SAVELE) NIP HES PAP PHOT, pay oy ae Dale aol yan NG | NED AS Ge DCK. > , bury, IRASE ’ ries. RD vi UN Ld ) - ers, EL, are with Vort yie ‘|i ) Mp OOMS Basos p (xray 9 Row Se me J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS le copy, $2.00 Five copies, $5.00 [ou copies, $l5.00 nse dceeding teu, in the same proporuon é) oe each. Payment always in advance UNDER THE SNOW! IN TWO PORTIONS PARY I. Although Switzerland is famous, all the world over, for ita lofty mountains, nll, ia foreign countries, many lade of my ouge, and in amy station of Tite, mivy pot exactly kuow that the dura is achain f mountains formed by several parallel vins which eatend frou: Basle, on Swit verland, quite up to France and a litte way ibty it, running it the diectou trom The leugth of toe Jura is about one handred and seven ty miles, and its breadth from thirty five to forty niles. Tt contains a great nnn ber of deep valleys, and several moun: taing whose summits are very lotry 1 mention these dry details at the ont set, 10 order that you niry better nuder stand what happened to ime; for itis, in creat measure, the differences of the height of the monuttains which renders them more or less habitable. The ligh- er they are, the sharper ta the cold there, the shorter ia the sutumer, Hie scantier ts the veyetation, and the cartier dows the cover it. are CVeh bo lofty that the snow on their tops is never entirely abd completely melted, but remains in the hollaws. Nevertheless, all the mountains of the Jura lose their upper garments of suow every year; some sert of herbage voillivast ty soulliweet. Snow Someof these mountains patches in springs on the highest Suintiits | atin points they are clothed with magnificent woods of beach, oak, and especially tins; whilst other pirts afford excellent pasture vod oo which very tine reared, and particularly oxen, cows, ated cuttle are goats, Notwithstanding owl och, these veautiful mountains are scarcely liabita Jemore than five mouths in the vear, trou M oor June until the Hestnainiy of October, As epvot as the snows are melted aud toe dtr mite are clothed agar with wreen, wovallayes, which are ali bustin the valleys of ob the lower slopes, send their erds up tothe mountaco. his depart veje quite a holiday; and yet we herds. rien have to spend the whore of the sum tier away from our fanilies, leadiog a hard working | We hive 6 With san privatt tr rely oon a th ese diet, which we call by oa alu , ane, Ship Trhohk by Way of a chanpe Lut water Uh Che Bp tiie Wi apete four time do Bgoour et ts abet ob niahkin those ce woe Teandsons Coses ach wre ato ae Crrnvere every frerdsnitn cas. ap on the mean aw chalet, whieh oso T place ' hutnan tabstation, aithouel most! budtof etene, Tt as roofed with mall eal planks hier dhaus staid in rows npou them, press them j calles und prevent the storms from stripe oe them off— The vided inte three ay sed stable or cow Isc interior of a chalet ertiments; a well at oipht; a barrow ! ' ft in rothe milk ts key wis; abd a kitchen, w the eepe on a bed of herd-stnan net 1 bedroom, where requenthy os straw { kitchen voinowhich an cning the milk and hel As the cl nee the whole snemaer s furnis ed witha cast echt enermonrs cal tron, for } tee to convert to cheese tlet ig one rent he “my. we sare ‘ved to store it with many dittle ar lea of necenalfty, to sive basing to go ie wo to the valley fe tetoa thei wh inted unexpectediy Our season hardly fatshes before Ss Denis’s dav, the Oth of October We en quit the mountal, taking a iday, delighted te retary te our fami lie But we dot the village, any more than we did at the chalet. upon ourselves, and are obliged to turn our hands to We make household utenstis, tools, and furniture; we carve wood inte fanev articies, are afterwards dispersed all over kurope Dot, what ia of the greatest importance, the winter allows ua spare time for our education. If the path to the school is not always open, the children are made o learn their lessons at Phe art of writing is not forgotten; and by read ing alond, we amuse and inatraet others as well as ourselves. Tt wasayood thingy for me that T was so brought up It Had not had these resourees tn ony trouble, IT know not what would have beeome of me. One thing at Ieast is clear: the journal which follows could not have ex isted. Although only a Swiss country ‘ad, T have been able to write some sort of a history. Here it is, as | was able to note it down from day to day Novemb r 22. -Sinee it is the will of God that [and my grandfather should be imprisoned in thia chalet, [intend to re cord in writing what happened to us. If we are destined to perish here, our rela tions and friends will learn how our last days were spent; if we are delivered, this journal will preserve the recollections of oar dangera and our sufferings. Lt Walgomy grandfathers wish that I should undertake it. The day before yesterday, in the vil Ural Cdead anodie dite in We are secustomed to epee ne every thing, which home lage, we had been expecting my father for several weeks past. St. Denis’s day was ever; all the herds had come down from the thountain, tovether with their My father alone failed to nake his appearance, and we began to ask, “What ean possibly detain him @" 1 lost bot my on cles and aunts aasured me that [need not make myself uneasy ; that probably there remained some grass to be eaten, and that was why my father kept the herd a little later up the mountain he epera, my mother three years ago; At last my grandfather became alarm ed He anid, ST will pro myself and. see Whiy Franeois does not come [shall not | wry to gee the chalet once more Who knows whether TP ahall be able te Vistit nest sninmer?! Will yon Ike te eowoth med” It was the very re quest Ty Make, for, as Phave no mother, we are Vinest always together, We were soon ready oto start We nounted slowly, cl HER TOHOW I Hallow yorger, 8UIDO | , heavy! Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Acts and Sciences, VOLS AVIIT tines -kirting the brink of deep preci- pices. About a quarter of a league be fore we caine to the chalet, | was attract ed by CUPOsSItV to the edye of a very steep rock, My yvrandfather, who had told me inore than once that he did net hike my hastened forward) to pulline back; but a large stene, rolliog backwards as he stepped upon it, eaused fim te sprain his foot, and put him te considerable pain. domng so, But ina few minutes he felt better, and we hoped that no tad consequences would Wath the Welp of tis stout holly stick, and by lean Ingo on my sheulder, he was able to drag Woiscit as far as this place. chstie, My father was greatly surprived to Bec us. Tle was busy preparing for lis de partare) so that if we lad quietly waited at homeone day longer, lie arrival would Phat very same evening, Pierre was tu set. off with the rematnder of the After a short repose, my yrandfather asked me, “Are vou very tired. Lauin ft” Phe manner in which he tage the Inga ry seemed to betray seme secret inten tion, and Pdid not give a very answer, “1 thinking. hh “thatit meht be prodent te have putan end to oar uneasiness heeses decided aided, Ton the Was with Pierre. The wid has changed luay per: aps Deities us bad weather in the course of the tu ving the hast half tour, ane rn 1 My father oxpressed the sane fear, and ured ure to follow that counsel, “Thad much rather wat ter you,” 1 sail “Grandtatuer, witl s latne toot, stande iu great need of a youd uiyhit’s est There bung over the fire a boiler which Pregarded with greedy eves Mo father understood the strnal, and served us some fonatze floar and with, which foone bowl Soup tate weoate, dike scdters, all « was agreed that we should all go dawn A ernest day, which was yesterday. After which Pwent te bed and fell asleep, without pay ities ich attention to what Was sth ov ty father and cratedtather, Who bad a dene conversa on do ah under tome atter ther supper PNG SOMA Fre I was Loe ESTA edto “lhe toe tain all coy with white us WoWas stilt fair with vital Hews tess, berg deaven ty a Vvielent wind Teliould have been highly auused, fad Tuot remarked my relations’ anxiety [was very uneasy myseclt, when | saw my praudtather try to take a few steps, and drag hi vreat dit culty . Supporting himoelf by the furniture Hsedt abeme waits and ayaioel the wall. Phe accident ot the pay before had caused his toot to swe toand made it very painful “Oro” he said. Lead away the child, fore the snow is deeper, You see itis impose tle for ine to accompany vou.” “But do you suppose, father, To can abandon you im that ways We spent a good portion of the day tat 4 hor to wm de t" Vo tiv . popes that Assistanes would be seit s frety Une Vichy [sail wt | was ve ehosigd te de without a pucde, wud to belomy father to dive the bend My ! representations werg uf bo use, my grand father persisted in tis resolution. fle UX pose comeny a burden would not us to danger, by be om ous My father msisted, almost angrily. 1 ef witnessed the pacatul alter At last Po contrived to putanend weptowh Cation tout, bv saying, “Leave me also in the chalk vou will reach Forme all the soon er You will come back with suttcent clp te fetelh us Grandfather will have vody to wait npeu lim and keep company We shall ne another, and Providence will take | ue both.” some! fain tuke care of. care of “Phe boy is right” iy grandfather said. The snow is already so deep, and the storm eo violent, that I apprenend more danger from tis following you than [lere, Fran- | com, tike my stick, if 18 a strong one and It willhelp you down the mountain, as it helped me up. Let the cows ont of the stable; leave us the voatand all the provisions which remain. Iain tnore anxious about you than Tam abont inyself.” When my father was on the point of starting, T gave tim a handsome flask covercd with fine wicker work, which was a present from my mother, the first tine | come up tothe chalet. Ttcontain- ed wine wlach ft had provided for my grandfather the day before. He pressed me in his arta. from lia staving with me. potnted withoron We drove out the herd, which appear edomuach surprised to find the earth cov Some oof the cows their way, aud kept running in circles round the chalet. At last they congregated ina body, aud ered wath snow seemed at a loss to find set off in the right direction. Ata very few paces’ distanee Soth ty father and the herd disappeared, be my 1 st to sight When we lather appear in the wlhairls of snow them no longer, my pra ed to follow them with his eyes. Tle leaned in against the window, but his lps appeared to be articulating words; his hands were clasped and lis eyes raised to heaven ~ We were roused from serions by the increasing violence of the wind We were wrapped round by a curtain of thick black clouds, and nightfall came al nmiost snddenly Neverthelegs, oar wood en clock had only just struck three. We had been go anxious all dav long, that we and I moment, RAW silence thonyhts had never thought of taking food, At that [made grandfather listen how the goat was dying of hunger war bleating ‘ said or Blanchette!” he “She her milk. She is Tight the HW yo and initk her, and then wante to be relroved of calling us to como and do it Tatnp, we we will sup” SALISBURY, N. C., APRIL 16, 1861. The wind roared way ouder forced. its the roof, would fancied the whole roof was wo ny to be loudly 5 it bardeaux of tnaking them ratde; you the have cariied away. “Dou't be alarmed,” iny grandfather sail 8 This house has resisted many a Dheattack. The bardeaus are laden with very heavy stones, and the roof, with its eliht inehnation, wives very hittle hold to the wind.” When the goat saw us she redoubled her bleatings , she seemed as if she would rent her rope to get atos. How greedi- ly she licked the few grains of salt which Toothered an my hand. She gave us a large potuot milk. DP stood in need of it My yvrandtather said, as we returned to the kitchen. “We must take good care vot to forget Blanchette; we must feed her well, and walk ber punetually morn iny and evening. Our life depends on S) hers. Atter supper, we sat down by the fire ; | hut the flakes of snow which fell down the chimney almost extinguished it. A cold draught of air also descended, and we could ouly keep ourselves warm by gouny te bed, after commending ourselves, by prayer, tu the Lord’s protection. Tis morning, on waking, | found my self in complete darkness, and at first supposed that sleep had left me earlier than usual, Dut hearing iy grandfather zroping tis way about the room, frubbed and saw clearer for The suew bad blocked up the win THILO ny nohe the that tow ~ This window is low,” the old inan re tathed. * Desides, it is probable that the snow has been drifted into a heap on That parnentar spot; perhaps we should net tad it more than a couple of teet deep a tew paces from the wall.” “Tn that ease, they will come and help Us out!” aI hope so; buat, supposing that we are to be detained here for any length of rust what resvorces we have, when we have done that, we will seu Eanes We consder how we can best employ them Lie dav has davened, there cau be uo doe t) forthe hourhand of the wooden s fortunate | wind it tp last night We must always be punctual with Blan chette.” November 23 points to seven. It tforget to oat holt -Yesterday morning, when we discovered that we were more close prisoners than we were the day be- fore, We were Very mach depressed and saddened ; nevertheless, we did not for Whilst wrandfather was milking ber, T watched him closely, with great attention He neticed it, and advised to try and learn vet our breakfast and the goat. inorder to replace loan, i case J made clamey and unsuaceesstul at Dlanchette slifting her ground, as if aware of uy on experience; but ] lnproved greatly after three or four trials. When we had taken stock of our pro tons and utensils, we wished to know an attempt, which Was first, expe cally as kept wincing and whatsort of weather it was out of dours. T went under the chimney and looked up through the only outlet which remained open in the ehalet. In a few minutes, the sun suddenly shone upon the snow which rose around the opening to a cou siderable height. coiustances to wy grandfather. We could exactly distinguish the thickness of the layer of snow, because the chiinney does hot rise outside above the root. In fact, there is situply a hole in the roof, the out side chimney having been blown down | in a storm. “Tf we had a ladder,” iny grandfather said, “yon might get up and disengage a trap which your father lately tixed on the top of the chimney, to keep out cold | and wet, until the outer climney is re- paired.” * Never mind the ladder,” I replied. “Tsawoin the stable a long tir pole, and that is all fF want. I bave often climbed up trees no thicker than that, and the pole has still its bark on, which makes it easicr to mount.” I set to work, tying a string to my waisthand, to haul up a shovel after I got to the top. [managed so well with feet and hands, and by pressing against the walls of the chimney as the Savoyards do, that IT reached the roof. With the shovel, T cleared away an open space and found that there was about three feet of snow on the roof. Around the chalet it appeared to ine that there was a great deal more. In fact, the wind had swept it up into a heap ; nevertheless, there inust have fallen an enormons mass of show in a very short space of time. Ev ery thing round aboat the chalet is hid- den unde. a thick white carpet; the for- est of tir-trees, which surrounds it in the direction of the valley, and whieh shuts prospect, is white like the rest, with the exception of the trunks, which appear all black. Many trees are erosh ed by the weight; 1 saw large branches, and even that were broken into fragments. At that moment, there blew astrong and bitter cold wind the north; the dark clouds which it drove before it opened at intervals sunshine flashed throngh the openings, ran the field of anow with tho swiftness of an arrow. The cold began to lay hold of me When T tried to deseribe to my grandta ther what Leaw, be heard that my teeth chattered Ile told me to and clear the trap, and as far as TP could reach aronnd the aperture of the elim It took work: bntot warmed me Followmg my grandfather's the string | had broaght, through a pully, in anch a way that, by pulling from below, the trap would open, while its own weight mothe stems, trom Gleams ot and ONCE make laste ney some time, and was hard directions, | passed T pointed out the cir-) weer shut. When we bad rele@arecd ti = tle mahunuvre two ot that it worked proper ly, L descendol niore easily than i had tnouuted, My clothes were all wet, and IT had no others to put on. We fi fire of twigs and fir-cones, and then low ering the trap and leaving no iore than the necessary space for the smoke to es cape, we spent the vreater part of the day by the chimney corner, with no other light than that from the hearth ; for out stock of ofl was very small, and we clear ly saw that we must not expect to quit our prison s0 soon, We did not light oar would cance it three thie ete sce wed a bright lamp till it was time to milk the goat. | We find ita very unaccustomed and melancholy lite, to have to drag through a whole day in thisdull manner. Sull I Unok that the hours would be less wea tisome, if we were not living ib a con- stant state of expectation. Ttalways seems as if some one were on the point of com ing to rescue us. 1 mounted a second tine upon the roof to look whether any- ed grandpapa. Ile is in hope, he says, if | could not find some beoks. that wy father vever went ap to the cha let without taking with hin a Bible and several religious books, which he read to lis workmen Sundays, to supply in some degree the public service which they at- tend in the village. But, apparently, he had sent his little library away We mueh regretted, in our solitary pris on, hot having this means of sustaining and consoling ourse’ves during our long watches 1 palled it out, thinking that it anght NUMBEL 45. I knew where she would be least inour way, fix: | ing it firinly with aconpleof stakes; aud, without further delay, introduced Blan- chette into our sitting room. How delighted she is at the change! She does nothing but thank as, in her way. If it went on 60, she would be- come fatiguing; bat when ehe is accus tomed to her novel position, she will be) gnieter, At this very moment, while am committing these details to paper, Lam writing her history, [itherto, she STILL UNCONQUEKED, Recent advices from Europe give us accounts of another upbeaving and threatened revolution in Poland. The agitation resulted in aa irregular conflict with the Kussian troops, and the loss of a vumber of valuable citizens; and at one ime a emacs resort to revolutionary violence seemed limmineat. Better counsels, however, prevailed, | and order was restored. ‘Lhe agitation sooe as- sumed a legal form, and a petition to the Em- peror of Russia was being signed by the best men of the land, to induce @ reorganization of Poland under the Coostitution of 1815. The petition jsut» forth, with iatense feeling and noble brevity, the wrongs of Poland, and appeals to the mag- | nanimity and justice of the Emperor for relief.—- | It contains this significant and startling declara- | tun: “Every iohabitaet of this unfortuante countre entertuios im his beart a deep-rected | sentiment of nationality, quite distinct from that of the other people of Europe. This sentiment ‘resists the eflects of time and events. Misfortene, viostead of weakening it, bas served to strengtbea i Tiius, in plain and lofty language, is the Czar tuld that Poland is not dead, and cannot dic, so long as there lives a Pole in whose heart ‘the memorivs of the past can rest. The struggles of Italy, Hungary aod Poland, from age to age ‘tor a wationality and existence, must ere long ‘drive into the thick skull of Legitimacy an ap- preciation of the fact that the Japhetie races can- Inot and will not be atieed: that from age | to age they will struggle to reassert their nation- ality ; cach generation, though conquered, leaving the confhet as am heirloom to its children. All \ To day, having noticed, be- she is lying on some fresh litter, chewing | Kurupe me kept fike a boiling cauldron by the hind the okd oak wardrobes, a plank which the cud peaceably, and gazing at me 80 smothered irtatotine somebody had stuck there ont of the way, contentedly that she seems te guces that | whole agitation of Bu nationalities. The could be ealmed by | doing the simple acts of justice, of permitting serve some useful purpose. With it there has wanted for nothing, and at least there | Hulstein, Hungary, Poland and Italy to assert fell down an old dusty book which must have been lost and forgotten fur several years. It was a Bible. November 27.—Continually snowing ! In spite of that, I cannot get over my sur- is one happy being inside the chalet. December 3.—The sunshine to day at tracted me out on the roof. weather has succeeded to the continued snow storms. How my eyes were daz- Cold: dry | | ubveir nationality and their own givilization. | Richmond Whig. E\ rs.— Emerson, in his new volume, the Con- ; duct of Life, tkas discourses of the human eye : prise at my father’s not coming to our as- izled by the great white expanse, and how!) —«The eyes of wen converse as much as their siatanee, nor can | help expressing it.— beautiful the forest looked! 1 hardly j tongues, with the advantage that the ocular dia- Hitherto, my yrandtather has not allow. dared mention to grandfather the delight lect needs no dictionary, but is understood all the ed me to perceive his uneasiness ; our conversation to-day has shown that he is body had arrived ; I incessantly queation- that my father reached Lome safely ; but! perhaps the roads are completely choked by the drifted snow. | At last, after completely closing the chimuey by weans of the trap, we went to bed, hoping that somebody might come to our assistance tu day ; but this morn ing we tind that, forthe present, the thing 18 altnost impossible. As fur as we can observe, it must have snowed all night. We had considerable dithculty in open ing the trap to tight our fire; 1 found two feet of fresh snow. Noo mber 2o.—The snow continues to tull abundantly. 1 baveagain had yreat dithculty in raising the trap. We think it prudent to clear tue roof of a puriion of the snow with which it is laden. It employed a great part of the day. Lleave Giee iny feet a layer of snow sulficicnly Unick to keep out the culd, and | throw off the rest. It is some amusement to escape out of my duogeoo for a littie while, and yet what 1 do see is very sad. The inequal ues of ground around us are searcely dis Unguishing ; the whole landscape 18 Most forlorn, The earth is white, the sky is black. IL have read at school the narra- tives of voyages in the Icy Sea and the Polar regions ; I fancy we must be trans- ported there. But since those wretched travelers, who suffered sv much from cold and incurred such great dangers, Lave sumetitnes returned to their native land, [hope that we also shall svemy father aba our Villaye agall, We are not deprived of every comfort We have found more hay and straw than DBlan- chette would consume ina whole twelve month tor food and bedding. It she eon tinnes to yield us milk, we have in ber @ valuable in-our sequestered habiiation, accident might deprive us of her; and we were vel lad to find, in the corner of the , a small stock of potatoes, We have begun tu cover them with straw, to protect thein from the frost. My father liad packed the wood-stack also in the stable; but there is nuCcnonyh to carry jus through a long winter. Wedid right, therefore, in thinking of closing the trap at the times when we have no urgent need of tire; as we have reason to fear that four fuel may run short, it is a good thing to be able to keep out the cold. Fortua nately, the snow, which imprisons us, also ‘shelters us. Lam surprsed that we feel the cold go little, buricd up as we are.— “That is why,” my grandfather observed, “the young wheat gets through the win- ter 80 well.” We will do the same. We will lie snug and close all the winter, and in spring we will put our heads out of | the window. But what a wearisome time | we have to get through till then, and God grant that that may be all we have to suffer ! | To make up tor the wood, we have a , heap of fir cones, which I partly collected imyself, to burn atthe village. It is a jmere chance they were not taken there. And in short, if we are driven to it, we shall not hesitate to burn the hay-racks and the mangers in the stable. When it becomes a question of life and death, we must not look too closely at trifles; we shall be acting like the navigators who cast their cargoes into the sea. Our people had already in part unfar vished the chalet. What we regret the least, is the great caldron for making cheese. They bave left us a few necessa ry kitehen utensils; and besides, a hatch et all jagyed at the edges, and a saw which will hardly cut. We have each resource. Pint oan stable of us a pocket knife. Although our housekeeping articles are very ineom plete, we shall manage to get on with these. We much more regret the pro vision; ours are but scanty. Whata pity we could only find the sort which are kept for a whole vear inthe mountain, and which are obliged at last to be chopped up with a hatchet! We also found plenty of salt, a small quantity of ground coffee, five bottles of old white wine, a little oil and a sinall stock of pork lard We have only one bed, but we sleep at onr case. Aceording to our inountarn custom, it is big enongh to hold tive or three loaves 0 rix persons. Tt stands ain the corner of our obly living room, whieh in also the kitehen and the cheese factory Only nlett uss it it enough, we must make nee of bay and “TL oonly ett contd do as the marmota do, zo to sleep one blanket has | Is tot atraw wish,” T said, indo remain toro! until the return of sprites . Vorembeor OR While examining the state of onr furnitare and our provisions, T have searched into every corner, t vot less alarmed than myself. “Tn fact,” 1 said, “this immense fall of snow did come all at once. On the first, the second, and even the third day | of our captivity, they might, one would think, have cleared a path up to the cha leta “T am certain,” said my grandfather, {that Francois has done all he could ; See, but perhaps be could not get our friends and neighbors to share his fears, and it was out of his power to rescue us with out aasistance.” “Do yon believe that, if it had been possible to fetch us away, they would have left us here, at the risk of finding us dead inthe spring? Can they be less humane than the persons of whom we read in the newspapers, who make the vreutest exertions, often at the peril of their lives, to save some unfortunate fel- low creature who is buried in a mine, in digging a well, or under a vault which has fallen in ¢” “Tyrant, my dear Louis, that our po sition is very sad; but after all, they know that we are ander shelter, and lave some provisions.” We went on for some time in thia strain. When my grandfather was sileut, 1 took his hands in mine, and said : * Hide nothing from me, I entreat you. Tell me, are you not quite as uneasy as | am? Speak frankly. 1 am able to bow with resignation to the will of God, I therefore deserve your contidence. Ac quaint me with your suppositions, and do not let ne torment myself with my own alone. I had rather look misfortune full in the face, and know what you really think.” *Well, ny poor boy, I cannot deny that L fear some accident has happened to your father. Now it bas come to this, I had better tell you 80 at once. But, in short, L hardly know what to think of it; because, in default of him, other persons ought to have borne us in mind.” At this, I could not restrain my tears avd sebs no longer. My grandfather al lowed me to give way to my grief. The tire went out as we sat before it. We re inained there in the dark, tllit was quite late. My grandfather kept one of my hands in his, pressing it from time to tine. “T have told you my fears,” he said, last; ‘ but do not forget that T stl have hopes. We cannot tell what unforeseen causes may have prevented their coming. All may yet turn ont well. Pat your trust in Providence.” December. 1.—1 cannot conqner the terror which seizes me as I write this. It some of the Noveinber days appeared so long and wearisome, what will they be this month? At least it would be bear able if we were sure this were the last of our captivity! But [no longer dare tix any terin to it. The snow is heaped up tosucha height that it looks as if it would take the whole summer long to meitit It is now on a level with the roof; and if I did not get up every day to clear the chimney, we should soon be unable to open the trap or to light a fire. It vexes me that my grandfather can not sometimes step out of this contined vault into the open air. T asked him this morning what he longed for the most, and he said, “* A ray of sunshine. Neverthe lesa,” he added, “our lot is much less wretched than that of very many prison ers, a number of whom have not deseryv ed imprisonment any more than we have. We enjoy a certain amount of liberty in our seclusion, and we find subjects of amusement which are not attamable iim side the four walls of adunygeon ; we are not visited every day by a suspicious or eruel or even an indifferent jailer, The evils which we soffer from the hand of God the which we believe we may attribate to the Injustice of men, and lastly wy boy, we have never bitterness of those are bot in solitary confinement; and your presence here causes ine to feel re gret for your sake, which Lmake ne at tempt to conceal, it also sustains me, ane Is alinost necessary to my existence, [do not think you are very digsatistied with your , everything even up to Blanchette, ts seme alievia companion , alout ue, isanerely for her milk’s sake that [feel attached to her These last words set me thinking, and T proposed to Tet the poor crentare dive More TD our company “She i uncom tortable all ‘she bleats freqnently, and that may de What iethere te alone in-the etable.”’ bsad : her harm, and us alse hinder us from letting her have a corner here? There is plenty of room for all ot us, She will be mueh obliged to us tor the honor we do her” To naited a little manger against the wall, in the corner it gave me; but it suggested that I might dig away the snow in front to the door, and make a slopping path upwards from it to the surface of the snow drift. [have already set to work, and my grandfather will soon enjoy what he has long been wishing for, a ray of sunshine. December 4.—My task progresses ; I labor at it as long as my grandfather will allow. The idea had strack him before it oceurred to me, and | lave seolded him for not communicating it. Ue was afraid that the exertion and the moisture to my feet might do me harm. December 5.—We can step ont of our house; the path is tnade; I have had the pleasure of leading my grandfather along it, supporting him on one side. We remained several micutes at the end of our avenue, which ie not long; bat the day was gloomy, and it made us very sad to see the black forest, the cloudy sky, and the snow surrounding us with the silence of death. We beheld only one living creature, a bird of prey, which passed at a distance with a hoarse scream. It flew down towards the valley in the direction of our village. The pagans would have derived some omen from it, but we have no such superstition. . December 9.— What a dreadful day ! 1 had yet to learn what a hurricane up in the mountains was like. [ean hardly de- scribe what passed out of doors. We heard a frightful roaring. When we tried ‘to open the door ajar, the chalet was fill- ed with a whirlwind of snow; the wind rushed in with such fury that we had yreat difficulty in closing the door again. ' We were obliged to drop the trap of the chimney ; and, besides, it was impossibie to light a fire, becanse the sinoke was continually driven down again. We ate our milk without boiling. My grandfa- ther keeps up my courage by his calin bebavior, as well as by his grave and pt- ons words. At the time when one would say that the wrath of God was hanging over us, he speaks to ine of Tlis compas sion and [fis mercy. On trying a second time to open the door, we found that a mass of snow had falien back upon it, 8o that we are completely imprisoned, as be- fore. What I moet regret is my window; itis drifted up again. Decidedly, as soon as the weather permits, [ will make a fresh attempt to regain a little light and liberty. December 11.—The cold is much sharp er. Although we are buried under the snow, which perhaps prevents our hear ing the storm, the frost strikes to our ve ry bones. My grandfather savs that, to be felt so keenly inside the chalet, the cold ust be extremely intense. [le sup voses that the wind has chanyed to the ore December 13.—1 was milking the woat, while my grandfather lighted the tire. Suddently, she pricked up her ears, as if she heard some extraordinary noise. She trembled violently from head to foot. “What is the matter, Blanchette @ | asked, caressing her. IT coald not bear the uoises; they were low and distant how! ings, which gradually grew louder and louder. We then heard handreds of feet pattering on the crisp snow overhead; we heard a rush of animals, a fierce struggle above us, mingled with horrid cries that made iny blood run cold. “ Whatisthat?#? Lasked though | knew what it mnst be without asking. “Tush! The wolves!” said my grand- father in a whisper, blowing ont the light and extinguishing the tire. “ Keep Blan chette quiet; take her in your arms, and vive ber a little salt to lick to keep her from bleating.” (ro BE CONTINUED ) ee REMARKABLE TENACTIEY OF LIFE—THE NINE LIN ESOP SAUCA TL, Voider the head of Carluke, the /famdton Ad rertiser bas the following :— About seven weeks arotwocats, belonging to Mr. Jolin Cassels, farin Create sand as may tear Crossford, were missin s ho tree of them could be got, Min Cassels family world over. When the eyes say one thing, aad | the tongue another, a practiced tnan relies on the j language of the first. If the man is off his cea- ltre the eyes show it. You can read in the eyes |of your companion whether your argument hits ‘him, though his tongue will not ee it. | There is a look by which a man shows be is going (o say a good thing, and a look when be has said it. Vain and forgotten are all the fine otfers and offices of hospitality if there is no bel- iday in the eye. How many furtive inclinations avowed by the eye though dissembled by the lipe! One comes away from a company, in which, it uay easily happen, be has said lkiog: anil no important remark bas been addressed to lim.and yet, if in sympathy with the socie- ty, he shall have a sense of this fact, and out of lim, through the eyes. There are eyes, to be sure, that give Bo more admission into the man than blueberries. Others are liquid and deep— wells that a man might fall into; others are ag- gressive and devouring, seem to call out the po- lice, take too much notice, and require crowded Hsroadways, and the security of millions, to pro- tect individuals against them, The military eye [ meet, now darkly sparkling under clerieal, now under rustic brows; ‘tis the city of Lacedamon — us a stack of bayonets. There are askin; eyes, asserting eyes, prowling eyes, and eyes fall of fate ~some of good and some of sinister omen. The alleged power to charm down insanity, or ferocity is a power behind the eye. It mast be a victory achieved ia the will, before it can be siguiticd in the eye.” Qvuexk Peopte.—Chambers’ Journal, discuse- ing a recent book of missionary travels in Afri- ca, thus alludes to one of the tribes which are found in that terra incognita : “ But the strangest of all are the stories told of the Dokos, who live among the moist, warm bainboo woods to the south of Kaffa and Susa. Only four feet higb, of a dark olive color, savage aud naked, they have neither bouseboid temples, fire, vor human food. They live on ants, mice, and serpents, diversified by afew roots and fruits, They let their nails grow long like talons, the bet- ter to dig for ants, and the more easily to tear in pieces their favorite snakes. They do not marry, but live indiscriminative lives of animals, multyplying very rapidly, and with very little material instinet. The mother nurses ler child for only a short time, accustom. ing it to eat ants and serpents as soon as possi- ble; and when it can help itself, it wanders away where it will, and the mother thinks no more abont it. The Dokos are invaluable as slaves, aud are (aken in large oumbers. The slave hap- ters hold up bright colored clothes as soon as they come to the moist, warm bamboo woods where these human monkeys live, and the poor Dekos cannot resist the attraction offered by such supe- They crowd around them, and are taken in thousands. In slavery they are docile, attached, obedient, with few wants and excellent health. They have only one fault—a love of ants, mice and and a habit of speaking to Yor with their heads on the ground, and tbeir beels in the air. Yor is their idea of «a superior power, to whom they talk in this comical nature when they are dispini- ted or angry, or tired of ants and snakes, aad longing for unknown food. The Dukus seem to come nearest of all people yet discovered to that terrible cousin of humanity—tbe ape.” rior people, Divrnerra aN otp Visttor in New Ene- rasp. —The throat disease known as diptheria, sand to be an old disease with a new name.— The word is from a Greek word signifying skin, and should be spelled diphtheria, and not, as it usually is, diptheria. The disease visited this country as long ago as 1737, and raged with great We find, says the Portland Transcript. in Parson Smith's Journal, frequent notices of its ravages inthis region, Under date of October 31,1737, he says a fast was held on account of this throat distemper. Il was am epi- demic, and commencing at Kingston, New Hampshire, spread through New Hampshire aad Massachusetts, and was two years in reachiag the Hudson River. In New Hampshire not less than one thousand persons fell victims to this malignant distemper, and in Boston four tbous- an persons had the disease, and one buodred ind fourteen hed. In May, 1737, Parson Smith mentions that seventy-five had died of it in this violence, town Under date of October 13, 1737, he says: --* The distemper is still bad at Scarbor- ouzh. No one has tived that has had it of late.” It was the most fatal scourge that ever visited Now Frnuiand. and rapidly burried its subjects to the throat swelled, beeame covered with ash coloured specks, great debility and pros tation ensued, with putrefaction. Under the unproved methods of treatment of the present the weaves concluded that they were shot, or that some day it is less fatal. — Boston Post, other mishap had befallen them > but about a fortmabt ago, Mrs. Cassels requinins something Vi Binns asp Awimars of Laprapor.— ont of her chest of drawers, wloch stands in a W roher damp room. one of the drawers mot open Mie cacilyy her iliushani cami ty mcs sv cat’s fool was put out at the hole bong speedily opened. in it were found the two Missing ents, literally skin and bone, One o them jamped ont and commenced heking some foul water that stood nears the othe lively, bat was able to leave the drawer Roth are new doing well, to the no sinall distoas of the Mrs mice lhe drawer opened taking some clothes out when five weeks before, an Probably, th stuall quantity of light and air the cats enjoy tended These are gong from home about bad not been openins it sine to their almost marvel facts IS preserva and in Hion to our captivity, and Toassare vou lt tis haste pulled one of the tandles off, when lo! Vhe drawer rewas scarcely Cassela remembered having cannot but remark bow careful the anmals of the ley country are protected by nature from When man goes forth upon the snow to hunt, where, upon the spotless mantle the saallest dark object would readily be reveal- there enemies » ead then they are robed im white. The white f partridge fhes up from his very feet, where be + opercerved hut lamps of feathery snow. The deer, hear fox ermine all clad in white, pase him with Ihd not hunger lead them to the their deeply embedded tracks “ prate whereabouts,” seldom would they fall sto man. In the samimer they are slaty 1 oatil mouse-coloured, hke the rocks, or wood col e yored, ike the trees; and in many ap inaginary J oroek, or shek, or stub, there a acimal hte, woroh ie ihenteniiselt snags eseape offers, — VEY Vo trApR. oF of tt veo ys oF when pporta ¥, Paper, ity of easy eg al my emt ors 2 eee OCR MOSTITON The Messenger hae lately come in tor @ tuil share of abuse, misropresentation 2104 Kentucky aud Missourt are begin and slander from those bigots and pup pete whe have been stung to madiess by our fearless exposure of the incipient steps istration ming to poke out their heads wud | puratory in @m@wling, ander the tire laid upon their backs by the Lincoln Admin- But North Carolina and Ten: for the enslavement of the people and the nesses, under a streaun of molten laya waniged by calling Michael Shotluer, bs LN LOUNGE UNCON CLR e Cri: leven Gun BATILE GHULAD, ALAMANCE COUNT) According to Previous apporotment a poruon of the cit zens of the surrounding country met at De, Wo. Denny's, near the Regulation Battle trround, on Saturday the 80th ult. Ou inotion of Dr. Deuny. the meeting was or building up ofa splendid and aristocratic Powlng upon them, would not even shake Chair, aud appointing ALB Kuliss, Rey. Score geverunent. We lave been denounced as Bud) tai what clse. We have he Wis charge of submission to tie couite ee a falsehood, and we wish ail wio aias hereafter: corculate tis charge, bo remen ber that they circulate a fa calumny. Tf they cannot answer our ar guments, they resort to insinaiutions that charge the Messenjver with dsafheetion to the Confederate Govertinent, and sab mission sedtimants generally, he ping, this pitifal trick, to induce the po close their ears to onr appeals and arg ments. The charge that we are > ro ' Bionists is a base falsehood, and we want to brand it upon the foreleuds of all such B® circulate it. Wo areas true tu the South and as ready to eiand by ber, through every 5 phaze of ber furtines, as those noiey teuth ers vi the South, who have assailed ts with the weapons of wisrepresentauon, Misstatement and calumoy, and threaten- ed us with the gag and the falter, We are not in favor of reconstruction, and have never published a line favering such a poliey 3 and we believe the South can become great and prosperous if the South ern people do not blindly follow a set of corrupt and designing politicians bent upon the enslavement of the people. We stand prepared to approve and to advo cate any measure calculated to advance the permanent welfare of the Confederate States, but we have never surrendered out right of private Judgment and never intend to do so. We shall continue tu of the battle. for the ‘ualleuable righ veople, and to ceusure and denounce ev t ’ ery effet to deprive them of these rights I ¥ and fasten tyrauny upou them. We lias separated from the North now, and cay discuss questions affecting the Sent! alone, without ncarring the charve of submission and dislovalty. Come what may, neither falsehood vor mis tation, nor threats por sueer thy slang of blackynards, ; reser e ft Diba of character, shall turn us from cur par pose, or frighten us intu silence. Thatk God, the people have not yet lost all at tachment to liberty, wor couse:ted to be ruled aud bectored over by half a dozen demayogues and rowdier.— Livinystun (Aa. ) Alessenge te PAITY AND ITS FRUITS The Livingston (Ala.) Meraser ies pron trays purty in the following trathtal man ner: What las party spirit and party ever done for our country! Las it livugin “lasts from Heil or blessings from \ Heaven! Ttiay be tracked by its shine, rancor and biyvtry, but not by any be nigh iutluences. What bas party done for the country 4 Let its fruits derermine iG has ree valyar and dishonest dem agogues inte power over patriots a statesmen —it has enabled b defeat scher men—simypletons tu defeat ( won @f intelli cence fitnic Hach eo i: Peover iner al wen tte wo fforene between T unfitucss—drunken eso it 3 ( cyen ience all dus’ ~Servilily, And wiiost duit a@iized aad debsuched the wie'e counters These are tis fruits, its tropiier and ite lilies ty our love and respect Puc his tery of (he country te one | vad y teat against party spirit. The ex oerrenes of every mau must have satistied hin that party pave no regard te ment or fit mess, an dlonks only tusascendancy. Sha! we dig around and manure a tree that yroduces such bitter and potsonous fiuits catitduwn root and branel »see a more liberal aud tri intreduced. Tt wiil tn happy dour forthe country, when I bg Caucus shall be deposed and wheu cic man sha!! scorn to vote fur any nin of Whow they arc ashamed, and when ion @ety aud fitness siall turn the seales a: athe bestuwal of office, and nota few dirty demagoyies and party tools. We want to wee the peoule use their sutfra ces ath, jedyment and intel! venes Rather !e Wels iC spi 1 bear ni ft ’ vote for ans 3 t possessed Tes and tnoral fitness a Quai Spurn ne the tricker f demas ‘ We beveve that tie eo aH Ave Te} Detter rpirit and } ee oe. From the Baltumore Republican Excttenunt ino Went County— Hounes Boerne Down --T iro Persone Burned to Death The connncunity under A, im> Our ren lere are awa e of the Appoint ment of a Black Republican Postuna ter at boll Pond, Kent county, against the solenn protest of nearly the whole em munity. This man. backed by gone halt! doren friends, went to the post cftice and demanded its surrender, Te was met ! \ an excited (Growd. wis worncd) le 1 leave the State or he ly nected thes Tle prefered to leave. tints Bch eval Hext the Louoes of the two amest prom bentin thie wovement were buried toad and in one of them two of the fans acre barned to death. Upeu thee toe be coming kuown, the whole community arose, and, suspicion attaching to the tv Black Reputlicane in the county, they were sinmediately notified to leave, on ain of being enmimarily coctt wit Mhese are the etatementa white) ar en by parties who pre fees t ive ble infortuation of the facts oe A Forcihie Comparison Me Batt more Aterican likene secession toa sup posed separating of the Sianiese tw om "Tf une of the Siamese by ra, ia Brsted woth bis lite long ¢ Ntnet wats the other, ride y tte diel! awa, ay Pig weunder a cat that Good nd mature Peas : i dteded to be perpetivas, ed teeta apoon Limeelt tie same Phecine onpury tat we anflicts Upote iim fer “ Kael =p vert ny artery. each QGuiveritug tnimeele, enet wounded verve that he tearein the lace eated aide of ioe diacurded ¢ hae an evacteounternartin hie Vv lacerated cide His nd smeide at once INN iON wn equal ntnits fratricide under such aceumulation of wrongs, cou ionists, and threatencd with the gag, the halter, and the Lord onty kins rou us dm peart or land rol ane a sin evidence of the rthem to remain in the Union, and e our operations. if there Soates were seund to the ouce bappy, but now divides e glad to have them; but a milk und What we wantisa pure, un- Soech we now hare, and wach let it ever) of the South, regard and speak of thea litians, the people ot North Carolina have ; , port “the saliva of insul poarive upon them, tvould nut even shah. Suchis the language of the men of the Southern Confederacy 5 and jaye left itis to join in with such men, that we ure, called Upon to desert the Uuien, and to break up the best government that was) qq yy ena nthe Union, and North, than to juin us, and distract our aud cripple our oe; LG i mas One grea! reason why Mey from liquor and desperate from the loss crow pv Joud, is the kKnowledve that Vir giniaand North Carolina, stand between therm and danver Virginia, she ‘the dangers of the - Io to North Carolvosa aud Virginia te pio tect ler, she crows most Instily. She lias forgot the time, perhaps, when she want revolution. --Greas. Lud, lot, Hoar hve tement.— Import nt from lhe Leeasin Fort Sim tor hax not han Beacwited, Woasinserox, April 6 hat there ip serious trouble itmuch uf the milk UNION MEETING IN DAVIDSON the army plated tome this after boou that the first nent, be save, having mt cong inction w seroer plan proposed cave actnall fore of the U States. oily refused to agree y demanded un uncanditional sar These facts were laid before the Presi nee decided that untens thes plan or order proposed FROM PENSACOLA, veti by Goes Pettus’ proclanation that: upon that aallant State, We suppose that the other states ofthe Confederacy will furmich their diffe Alsbama aod Lousiana would turoish 1500 men cach, Georgia 2.000, South Carolina aud Leaas ourown ditth State of Plorda tlle force, fur any cuisbed Pag are of the Confeder ‘the Jgpave Baitallion, company of which, notercutntmnand of Cay amived at Barrancas on Satur das ure of them are expect ] they fooumahe thor todiy rooraiied in Now Orieats yons are bern concentrated at this port, Phe sand batteries ane bein rayidly pushed Woshinuton, anxio sights and aeeclusiot ne lusiog of su brillant Would States 80 slow to move tary By the request of the Cla explatiod the objeetot Che anceting into eotistideration the propatety of ritsing bs Hog of the Union on the Regulation Doettle Sei cithe Ground on the 16th dav of next May, it belug the Anniversary of the He ulation Bicth Whereupon the following preamble cand ese Tutions were offered by fer Deny aud aia thoustly adopted by the mecting Witini vs, The erists Las come when all av and trie Union men should manifest then deve ted fidelity to the wlonous Liberties boule by the blood, Lives aud treasure of theo revelutiet ary fathers — Therefore, Resolved, Viat weoa portion of the Union men of this section of North Carola, feel that man to jen ous and distract our we ean do nothiog that will have a greater ten Ot deney to restore the peace oind prosperity of thes and distracted go verument, than to raise the fay of this nation on the Regulation Batthe Ground on the itch day vf neat May, t being the snuiversary of the Rey ulation Batth Resolved, Voat the chairman appoint a com- mittee of three whose daty it shall be to procure the flag of this nation, with the following inserip We clip th@abdve fronrthe Alleville tion on it: “Te Union and the Coustiturion? The pe ple wl A. Cane lina, cua sec from this how the chivalry Resolved, That we look upon separate State secession as Hleral, anconstitutional and danger ous to our republican restitations Risolred, Vhat we are as much opposed to Andoso. in the estimation of South Caro. the election of a seetional candidate to the Pre ’ stdeney as ty peopke can be, but when thar elecQon is in accordance with the Constitation o! the Cuited States, and that President pursues a Aud “a stream of wolten lava coustituvioual course in lis adtuimeteation, we Jeem it not a suthhient cause fur a disruption of b Ulin yovernmient soled, wtowhilst: our Southern sisters us without our consent, vet we are 6} osed to (es government using any means of a coercive tendeney whatever to brig them back Resolved, That 1 Sinister ie Ae aren inet Min ever formed. = Better for them” anys the tend, Witham A. Grahany, Robert 1 Dick don whan Worth, Phomas Ruthu, Sen. and Gates Meboine, be iuvited to attend Co rauisine: of said 8 Resolved, That the cliviman appoint a ¢ Mitte of three to conf With the above tamed weutlenianr ana ac juest theie attendances Resolied, Vivat the proces ws ot ilis tect ine t dshedin the Gaeet ronec, Jt inl 1a Strnub eee un Uy | ‘| s th week uh, WUSt | Ter Ty Verner ! Ht ! c atole i {u ar | | ittiol el | 1 Werte ' 1 e ing thateia) warancd anarchy were its lect anar e ; : resiits. and conjurmiee the poe to stind their Coustitunon and Vat In obedience to the sccomd and seventh reso lusons, the chatrman aspomted Thomas Wohorton, Wiihain Lo Shottuerand Dantel Keck va ve fo pouaie adloss amt WI Den ny. doe Sbettuer, and Nified BE. Buliss, a coin Hittee of Correspondence On metou of Col Win Peony, the mectoy ly Coronal MICH NET SEEOP ENE Gi. =e Pursuant to 3 Viens netice, a lurere andl enthusiast necting of Union wer assembled at the court feouse in’ Lexouc- ton, on Tuesd iy the 2d oot April, TS86l. Onomoton of BoA Nite, Ksq 4 meeting was ocunanized toy Meritee I. Beall, to the Chair, and appolnl 1g de PGi Rated WoWie titties, See retaries Mr. Kittre!) explaimed the objeet of the meeting to be the appormtment of Dote yates to represent the County of David son in the Dystriet Convention of the Union men to be at Winston on liesciig, the Url d Dele CUiSta, \ ter nominate a eamdidate to represent t n the next Congress of the United States, and eon cluded by offering the following resolu Sixth Coneressional District (tions, which were unanimonsly adopted : Resolocd, Thar we decin ail other po lineal questions incrszed iy the al aliwsorh mie oat 1? that the time Cee el etic s, and Become tor all dither between Cnton men of al parties to ened ‘asthe penis of the country dem ind then united efforts for the common wood Reesolin dd, Vint nore thstanding the at chipted sqparation af : some of the sister States trom the Onion, the feue source of all our greytucss asa nation We GIre tot without bepe that all Natioual troubles mav yet be sattefietorily adpasted by pen dent te ence of the honest conservative iasees Hearance, and the united ootha of all acetions, when they -hatl awe hac tine to reflect, and are permitted to aet Resolred, What wo sincerely regret. to ace manifested at varions mecetinea on the part of some of our fellow eitizens in rent sections of the State dissatistue tion at the clearly expressed will of the majority of the people, and that we ean not bat view such demonstrations nat th, time on the part of restless agitatine apirita, as tendinics to civil ste fe erotica, Vhat we deny that ang State hag the right to dissolve ita connection with the Groon for any cause short of that which would justity revolution; sane that revolution is only justifiable when oppression on the part of the nationa veverniment had dissolved the compact Tingeiod between atand the people; ne I Wo CaR@ Is it pustit te uoatil atl Cor attational remedses Iave been exhausted we tnding the dreldine of ao qathoral eon veboon Reaol ved, Vhat we onre promt ofan ' able and farthtal roprencntitive, the [pow Wrinek Mo Lenehy wheee nattonad patriot re compse an the bast Gonmgress meets wot our toll approbation, and: koowreg fon tebe tence te the Union, and devoted te the Conetitution. wwe prespeetfilly recon meena diay to cour fellow ertrz ne of the district for reecleetion Peso. Virat all citigens of the eonn ty wheooare good Caron men are lerehy Copstitoted deiecates te anid eomventhart Phe meet then | KL Chrn Lawts Ts Iie re PCO hineherneK) 4 : Hoson asm Fontonk paver tie Bicvve We Jone that a purse of BPO O00 tas bes tarsed DN Somme Wealthy wentheomern of Missi wich ow Ie getyers to thee Gest aii raf “Nias Sp} berths who puts tis feet on kort Mickeus in time of war Vobile Pribane On Saturday 40600 chad were browcht to Alex andna, Val and sold at #15 per hundred (Herring sold at #10 a 12 per thousand j» to the JORIS. 74, UB AS SNOT, We loarn that Mr. Vance made a specch at powerful poem, which we copy from the Waynesville, on ‘T uesday of dast week, and an bounced himself a candidate for re election to the next Congress of the (neled States. this speech we are informed, was an able effort, and that be took bold and very decided grounds agent the separation of N. Carolina from the Ciion with out the » operation of the slave States that have not seceded. Fis position, as we understand 1s that the slave States remaining am the Cimon Ht bold a eonfer nes, agree upan a common teool poltey, abd make comuion cause that Us Tne off poliev, when adopted, should be sub titted ty the North States, as an ultonatian If dhis «/tamatam shall be accepted, on the part of the North, then the Union will be preserved aud pouce, aug good will, and fraternity be re stored, But, on the other hand, if itshall be re Jeeted, thea he is for pursumg such a course of pohev as, under the erreumstances, the honor aud borests of North Carolina and the other slave States, with which she is identitied, may dictate for Choir future safety and diay pin ss Me, Vanes stil indulges the Lepe tl the Nooth will, in fue ti te } lee, b ' el re the : ue Litne, fu us ju by yrs ing the ue cessary Constitutional protection We have pot heard of anv one who proposes to become a eand bate aginst Mr. Vanee. al Asuvet ewes diay tient itariwed|thetwillicerta nl bave opposition. la what shape this opposition Woanete, will come, we cannot tell he Que issue vow in North Carolina, as well as du the other nou seceded States, is between those who demand the separate, unconditional, and precipitate seessiot of this State, and those who desire consultiton and cooperiton wath th border Slave States, for the purpose of restoring the Union, C possible.” The forimin which that issng will t lithy modify the language of a Virginia cotemporary is, sdeld Vorth Cus asccede forthwith — or shall she consult with her sister border States ? Tharsis the great issue. [tis one of inealeuluble impor: presented, tos teeta cvery Gitizen of the State, On this, then, fet the battle be fought. and the victory won Mr. Vanee, as already shown, is for standing by North Carolina aud the bo oor States. —.tshe elle Spectator “Bat, the Arner asks us, and we acknow lode bis ngbtin commen with the people, be ing ehe of them. to catcchise a journalist : “Wild non subnet to the willof he mejority on the people of North Carolina & We answer we wil short to the will of tt majority of the people of North Carolina, wien Clearly expressed but we never will reqaresce the deeisten reeenthy promialood. because owas obtuned though fraud oe iany cases sam tot suine taeause wt was be edb that tier th Peace Confrence or the National Loonslatur “ before they adjoaried, wetpa ed theul ssn upon the Nation and eto tt > pra Senet ree recut net ber : 1 Cha cdrad ‘ Critica ciscclme\NG anemia ete i Jeclaratens from ote disat frends it W we Wat Tit ‘ [low cant tl. yu t { bPisunion before the peor Phy tay Chey Tatas ce NG LVN nest The d sts Nave these fanonena and Unio Sms wal Sedroleisn Lei theres fie defote tothe w “" ‘ [nt uci of the War renton Meres ths will the thousas ts whore atowas Lond before: and our trend of the Aeedii ton 1 to submit Woe pirentits the same owe announced on our paper ot Maret Ist, that at tie people tad voted for disunton w would woo tae Poubinit tet! a wins Ahey voteg ‘ur | {the dosumones's would + I ret Paci. Cail or i ere es liste: eer < = } i Tet | Star isin the 1 oe hu po Late: tak a ps for ascertaining he will ott ! CEN) clr dosent at ER ur CONS people \\ | the Matletin wel ney Leiter, Allee Alter ies Crovernar fle canon ve ae the matter, we net. Let him be ea pou by tis dbsanie met ds to subnat the to the people, and vt hi also piedye | fto submit te the wr thie peop! We Gor not how often the peo ploare consulted, We have coufidence am the poop Whey are b ind that is inore than can say of the | aes. They may yet \ Seu ( Work over thd over arin, in r those wl ubt then capacity a learmest d that they really we derstocd the question or which they voted, Tfsoothe Bulletin must sub mit to their decision, \Wiatiaselalwasc Goeeverledthrieliee satan tn doubt be lameled at for telling it, that the peopl have some sense an liliat e peace are nom really, Wie somes of a wera this State, and at hey ithe thie Pot potierars, expat aboset yovernment. Doubtless this wot b hi ro ofl fours Tea by the prose ut sas erst Che peapie, bet we nevertheless puta: forth | apd at the same tame we eal upon thes met toooheer mote t their servants, ate polthe question dit HOH (qn: Vie vou a et of f Kale) ou Tobit sbesd Moss ob SraNes. several spe Mets ob orycinal possi stamps Lave been re el Ve New Yooh Post Oltice from tt Peau e | tre vathoriscd r Viet C r ' eT t s ze teat Vat are \ ; flo WP ostay asters, on ( bable) of waratsh private indive dials np thes novel stamps to alow ther ndepend enee of tha United Srites St sample receive Tat the Past Cute ' haindsomes aod dost portentous of them ie from blorda [te about thee size of the United Ss ates Stamp toate of thick bathe rel paper, and i borter of stars. and Une duser pion 9 3 cetits ” Very famntiy pented ia brouze. Whether th tecentiic spelling of the word “cents * as intend toinstrate the abpolute judependence of Inaker or is an accidental mistake, we will ret tlevtakas tent ct Its a singin faet, bow ver, that the country editor at whose office this teat little job owas dh te, indalaed in a lone ox tltition over hoa speci toof tus ty pacraph eal resouree@ and Ket withont ones aden nto the eente” Phas stamp tend passed throueh he doeal Post fice amd received ite ike mark, thus showing that the Postenaster ther revoir ed its a) vi lit Hu was passed through to this city, butt is alnost unnecessary to say that Postimaster Vayier did uot rece nice the st up tid that three cents were collected from the po son who reserved: the Tetter, Tt would) seem Chea Iii, elit Van we tainys, | ipl vaiuedess 4 wt re wen fe oeenia A pleee fo persons u wtf \v cotinent (wheel is) Is petisa bh yof + “ stipasters Po the credit of Peo Sth anost be sail Chat he appearance: of Vice one toy unps in New York is very re cot that they are dedas a practical heat {the person to whom the heter is adress rather than a deltherate at tempt to defraud] the US. Government VOY. Jour. of Commerce A ehrowd Qhioker friend once arose tn meeting ther beteot rer al rat | e VeEY his nected wid teary mw oharangue, and saved Prvende. ney Mihatons have been distressig Vogreat and desquivting while the brother was apeabinge ated el to say, borne moved by the power wilon toe, concomng the exhortation lore] in ' ht t rammed ated hated it poured ca and at poured out, at held ay aod it ga ol iter 0k wae all aver, thon was nothin of vid the mud was as thick as ever PHERN RIGHTS” Under this head the the Sth inst, makes There is a feartul spirit of trath in this a fe truth Loutsville Journal: e following (ath \ t woshiy ale t clan white The Disunion Banner--4 One-det Drama. mikes upon the siiy aud arrogant chat 9 the digunic: ists set up as the peeuliar Let the people remember wi meu these peculiar frien tor for Presitent, and the wow mane adopted ty fenders of the tights of years past, as now, bave denounced asus of sulphurcer thame, Woave her everlasiing shame, Far and wide its shadows fl be caurnon-vulture’s wrog, Filling evers field and Bow dieiitaudaeidinis tonal smellot human blood, Horrid ne the Hug ot We believe that our people of all parties are trae to thermowa rights aud interests Chivagoiadank lenredniiy memicectek naw Barth vies Weh usin sin, dexpair and woe (aumenmtiyerep int bitter roihings of the great body of poled eee tae fenders and fu'lowers of the secession m wand to ther claim of exclusive @oardivuship of Hor heart's-blood dows tke sununec rain (iisoae Geethenliniimeres dion can does.) * that from the Wohercres of pain, esident, they never sou to those of their supported a President of the Canted States [ex jpcopt Mr. Polk | who bad not expressed aut slave: ty sentiments as ecarbestand beartfeld as any ever puttercd by the Black Kepublean President, Abit f and that the oaly Southera Presi ident [ Mr. Polk] they ever elected, signed the Joimog in a inystic ning Weave each form of sutternny, Th ie murky woof en Darkness, death, and Hell's disorder practical feature of Restless susoicioa larks greatest politi NTRS ed fnendehips sucred Ue Tneredi ble asx, ut first blush Statement ts Hterally true, and can be proved so archon diced arnt itecraet Inevery particular, Martin Van Buren Jin Picree, and James wreiehed worth of dust, suvutky Woot embroider » death, aud Mell» disorder ve White fiehfs and purple every shore, siiduivht rert reposed tain the poles of the event of an attempt to the change of that dread mitt er hey upea then laps marl hae vnpryed Pomaqetyvon ther bands PROM WASHINGTON Charles E. Johoson, Presiden: event of the vessels per the Board Lei present ty being tired upon, Anderson Oo diseh irae all foremen patientein t 0 order Major An deisen unt ot kort Sumter, they also detertummed vl Ure western site ot the ba idins as pores por therem sbound wot be molested, but Motion Vencelatire of Ceenty tive thomscmed af tthe fleer Hilo the State treasury by the respective conntie reach Charkeston to thorrow for that purpose Asvlurn, the earnine Phe fleet will not appro! hustle intents; butan oiaw of the great om Preparabons about hort Sumter, the vessels car tdoas Chat rewily coutibuted bs et wed and reply prompt warlike character tl nerity credited in Wash cong them to Raleia! he Convention question tias been known, we learn that several members of the Legislature have awertaed that they bave al these strong Tnot : yhet what tiduced them to WEY ey che tor tal ell keaton inilentcrent ln Distnion party onthe Legistature,) for Adjutant (reneradof North ( notonly do vast damage to the commerce of the Tnited States, but great yostrengtheo the commercial and politieal pow new Confedericy, and offer a strong ; Lomplation to foreign powers to recognize that ) navel Eyton u Hoclies tueuamieeUua ifaranceN who invented the Cotton gin 1 inpent or modify the South, was cheated out of the reward wid died a poor man worth two hundred thousand dollars, as shown now Lving in athnence, others metnbers of the Beecher family, if not by They hI he ploss in mild of wo “ eS Se a alia ay reereast\\, api runes Cea ineTvaC et eta gentle the molten glaee iain the Spotted Fever lar purpose, and for bolding tl tnoved about, they w ra tnost excellent sae eae MRE YOU NO’ SICH Op [4 Vrteids, are you pot sick nd led unset led condition of affairs? Tune, Why stand Masevery body wot tec) Do vou know why this iasoe dy, y in Why itas that money secks the Nal ger Y Banks onthe cothrs ofthe neh? ‘Then w, you =itas because of (his unsettled eoudy our atlas. Mugettevttle Curolinun Yes, we are all “sick and tired of the ent state of ature, and we call Upon Uy usts to “settle” things, for they have * Hel thom, and brought about the troubl, tow environ us, Their phon seems to be Beto Talk te take a bose, to amrouse bag sions amd te do adh the mis hi-fi MY Cat with as Lule pemoual responeibilily as possible \ ‘ Are they “cowards f” They say the Onion mer a K NEN any Let them attempt to make yood their words Weare “sich and ted” of boastful Word! wre sich sub iissie: ists and “cowards.” We are sich ind ting of having ® few irresponsible : Without conmesponding aeGon, Wy wnd tryed of being denoung slats OVS IVI Eo ey of acbad taame, sod abasing Union nen W, an stick and tired of the ditt disunion syd that would lord it over our City, and that has attempted to rosult Union men bere We are sick and tired” of the abuse of ji) le dhstiion tedulings who think a red rosette upor thet hats isan ornament, @od yives them Mnipor tates We have no objection to the Rratifica Hon of ther elildish vanity, provided they gy bot use itto insult yentlemen. loa word, we tre for pence, whether it ts Voluntarily granted or couguend — Kolegh Banner, i At wilh et be long before the Linculnites of Nowth Careline will begin te sentter, 4 i w Wobe prepared for all apologinta of Abi Fancoln and we hope to see them, ifthey « not leave the countiy soon, forced to take shilt: node: a swinging link | ‘Phe war has commenecsd at Raleigh by unwy brantable assalis Upon troe Southern fight. n weowe tearm by exiracts from the Newbern J’, gress, published elsewhere, and we call Upe tyhts party of North Carolina t tp boldly abd ineet out the most severe tueut to Chose on the other side who perpetrar: ve countenance Violence upou their frends bak el wr wisewhere) =—(huriote Bulletin Slate at at We presume the editor of the Buddten is as mucha’ Liscotstre as any man on Ralerot We bnee endy coven a plain statement of thi facts a {othe qaiste coef the disunion thre fer a | > ary to repeat them, Cy \ fear Dino miictss Hain g tev por Hees th ptper / ‘ ut petper wens al fot ispepresentations of Raleigh and te “Wor bas commencd at Raleigh” qu Bucletin, Wiavent meet ow sp ck of itt Tope the adletes editor is not fnyghtens Thoje t Sb puynacously tehmed, cb Woeoadvie doin to keep cool That “sheiter roa swingsuy limb os nota plensan fou ms about Phe Utst to suyyeet sneha Wed te toe first te avai homie if of sucl ave Vn “ upe how Mar is ) He sae = ast it I Meant Reni y clean Michoacan bas cu nt wt Phe pee pie oft melons hoe ar Vaw ateber ‘ the Patt | Hist otists hen on Vv provoked that rt notin Re et (led Phere are mot \ Met Sorc ad « paper 1 1 Piev ted ta etn . ‘ won cob tate a very poor she : N Was hurt. tb tas the news weut a Was piiticd and men ted, distorted at Noir dtl ptssicns were aroused an tt Vase cate VoenterGebia a preyudier ao Katengh atid ana for sotte thang hh real YW / te Veposed eo ‘ we Protat hal better reconeh rat Ps posttier Nermecliriat Uaeraavery aint topat the nearte of Bale ch oomder tt “a ewone mb WN arrests 1 here Lot we wantin union with swing > Weotrust the Madleon editor will cease provoked Wartare aupernet thre people W huow he cannot erect a shelter ever Us. Tn fact we do not think he ‘a wdiany vody ab all —- Malergh Banner ENGL SEN NGI oN Cel Giaenlilct: (anlee meositex as Boxp ro Ser Migs 2Cullmenoriss of New York bas ect at rah wine Circular froin the Tins Trt sstry Deraniwess March 30, 1861 s | ‘ ef the warehouses of owt ut! , proms arol Sta South Cn Tet To un Miss ! fora Florey ar P Powe having bees 1 treble tt alec? aathortty of those Se ned thes Theers of the casters aetine onder Wtherity ofthe (inted States having been f Macexeti hd trons thea proper fanetone im | custody of qrerehoamdise and: supenntendence Une et tes fa warehousing and withdrawal, bas bcos Ipractieabie to eentinwe the pr Wag ot btaites fon transportation to thome ports (ee sob the costorns are according! ber ny ! Whe etties for Uabaportat bond ta tt Me ocun be pertuitted: wnt ors ths Dep arte nt. Neary UNS, vour ob 't serv ’s SE CuNs Seeretury of th tl Cu tees wirrens cimovem Nowe Nite Phe New York Afrald’s correspond yives us the follows “The nergy and shill Colonel Ripley uas played on strengthening the works are quite aj parent, and begs cntithed to credit for the ex Jon disc iine observable everywhere ou tb wind, Phe Coleone) is stueth a tempera moan, butat the sate time does not object to} officers using wine, which they oecasionally J inomoderation, and it is rarely that you will find Snot Lieutenant Pola Cor } asollior whe dero of Columbia. at present commanding Richland Rofles in the te mporary abs nee Captiin Miler is aleo a stnetle temperance ne Heo has a son with hin the company whe oss hod taller than himself and full of fight for 2 ry. This company re presents aggregate wer | armonnting to more than half armithoa of dollar Some of its embers, profesmonal gentler have deft Tucrative businesses yrelding ET OU 410.000 per annum, to contobuate: ther avd secure the independence of the State. Tr company are several veterans of the Mexienn 0 ANC OM leLlia tral vinnie tro mmnron! the same capacity io the Palmetto Reumment. 0 was in all the severe fights on the line fron S ra ( nz to the Mexiean capital He ts of service in his present enpacity, asi also Mil Leving who has left a darge businesa in Colum! to accept the humble but bonorable position ' caplan’s clerk in the Kiehland Rifles. Ttas no however, only in this corps that mstances of > macrifice are to be poted. Hundreds ean !* mepboned as bavi g left ther plantations * ont a white soulon them, and the plantins so Wate apices Por thos reason it met ral ne a enti enlentation that the prod cotton in South Carolina the coming yeu How om considerable falling off from pre veoare No State taxis te be levied in Hingis fort! Pest (we james The mucntiiineonculrlieenh fund for paying off the State debt beyond Ment Palang 1 spd the vevenne from Steck mothe Ceontod Taal Road, will defray all the on penses of the State covernment we r e n t —_ Gar TUES a Rev. J: Bethel at Presby ter 74 o'clock, a It wil column, ap attac that the ble that out the we have The « made tl by the t them—! side, an tories It is 5 dent Lis terly un else his tienes to for Wisc dition « go forth was to | frou dia roduee( re cufor the war would | than by Souther to prow two sec ere? yal Man's a the worl querall: heart | bound pe saad jon wef om The Red tion ty it after the w che mi they w frested 4 Contest o ous iow exhibited tharkabte words of but vu de danger, | Tae of tural pe be less, f subject t U pou prone gple Ists that Natiouall we all a The pres izens— hh Umited > have fas cherish: try bind all the pade ha lines, 3 minds a of the ec gious hi aly, Au all echoe I Low ear thjngé 9 ey ! iope-of + tryycand 1 11tgouns sl ty OY th may be rarily tw sectivual timately itself wi WKS an Buti working securing « taut eles lenation for so cx evils cot of pase the peoy long tur It wil graph, tries wh wards u pectabil minds, | fined as such a « voke th ground Sax | Baltimo returnec taining SUPPore upon th Thes comming to the I. Since th some ye been vig this incl ter of «1 lished th and wh ng bee drawal | nih Have * trout) to be Use bay EN CAT LW: sible Ary 160 men Hr Words, aly alow Wate Sap sulin ary AMON Saad tod that has buse of ttle Fonette uy ui thet Hipor he gratifics ed they dy a word, We ry weanted ineulhites of A bal vinta of Ab, if they take sh Tyee Heh Pw bern f'n, ll uy vere Per peteats vr friends at Sulletin ull lenis as n Richeort Ment of the fio f Cy ’ , ” bn b peti 4 tla a! § 5 ' . f c 1 4 ur tease Tess he WW 4 ter “4 e CoA 4 = ee yen tendence hdrawal, y the pr throne: ing) y Porear oun re quite af rthe evs ere ou tet pers abject to | sionally lou will find Jota Cor vanding tl abs. nee rance mia ny whoo glit for yate we n of dollar yenten 1 OT Hur then wd went, a from \ » Colum position [tis ne nces ul dsocan | Anions lantiis Womens any resistance. {be whole island would soon be i the nile of the Syl | GREAT SHAM FIGHT | a large uuw Betweem the Treaps of Dixie Land would Li Ey cone entrat | vtike the advantuye uf any move. MARRIED: | Upoy this strong pocut d upper, ber of troop: ed, prepared Pucsday 9th inst. by Wo A Luckey, Eeq., Mr. J and the great Rail Splitter: i! M MARKISON, of Mecklenburg, te Miss FAN. NIE OWEN, of Rowan, only daugbter of the late James Owen, Kay We are otiti Agents for the exile of SMuent Thely to result in the subjogation of Mexico | VORODY Fonipon art ted Cental Minera, the reoecupation of this Grover & Baker's porto of the Ameriean continent having long —_ ’ orn 7 _ ” The following aecoun! from the Bulletin of a tice! DIED Cer, oa SEEDS nO on been a favorite scheme of the S)aniards, the ' eth a 4 WC extracrdiary battle between the opposing forces ul At his resdence wear Conrad Hitt, Davidaon Co, Bene aLsh toe ee alae Uy AUER Civerlestoatwitiitale sveny todyl Uyeeiinirine, Aire net Ueaee eins Me SON ATUAN SEU Mask I Ds Hovernimept ap these countries has served ta iu (4, policy avowed ou each side, we had supposed 1G SRAISS 2 ioe ail G Saye. vest this plan in their hopeful minds with a cou | ils H are pronvanced by all tw be the best Paro ina vo 4 { see siderable promise of success. As the Sanenecan ‘ , ‘ Machine made. We are selliig them, delivet GNM CGURS FELT orientate that Fort Bumter, iu particular, waste be surrenier \ ring \tock for 1861. Weatranhistniseavet Manufactarers prices, winch have wined the chief obstacle in ed The Confederate President, expeeia iy, had | ) beeu receutty reduced from fifteen to twenty-five ne MEISBE! RYO @ fier Way ie in their view, now failing to pirces that uo fighting was tu be begun on enher side, but [er cent. We eau faruiah Machines at any pice fn #40 lo $125 Ladies who bhuve a great deal of sewing to oe giveu out that he would not “hein the fray," and, aud powerlens they talk openly of the apecdy . > reahzation of this scheiwe. ‘Their ary In about Lie plumes Con aC UO LULL SY R. & A. .. MU RI HY, TURSDAY EVENING, APRIL iG. psa) Uw Vines a luton ae Gur aod wcll: , Here Causes of provocation. “They say laud roe a eertstuly have ene, ax it will undoubtly pre Panne he Bie Be tres UG aS el t(D Brest perforinauce whe lit. We did not ike it as ARE BOM FeCelVing, their usual Stock of SPRING | long their lives ten to twenty years. We have ata ‘ re AUAS itp BCU a Sea alec | aud SUMMER GOODS, embracing a good many of these Machines al! of which tave Rey Jno No Astorss. Pastor of Soamants thet usore than ones faushineat die idea of the tt 2iveds gor ua it atunds i aod sill continue to give entire sitituction eee | FANC Y AND STAPL a | War News from Charleston, eee Saeniet r OR & A MURPHY | Sulishury, April 9th, 1S61. Bunl7 | Telegraphed by the Alan's K ‘epres U7 legraph Lie | an sera aan Me CUBES AN ETS PENMANSHIP. BOOTS, SOT S AND SONNETS JHE SUBSCRIBER takes thie method ta ce. ‘ ’ turn hie thawhe to ihose who petronizod his 1 Sugars. Cc fie and Molasses, Destin tal peanenan p. the fires emer eetteenaee Fevlapedvaml. All dist wigdit the wortar batteries continucd VATS Aud be would take ths ocearion to AvAIN take ies poston among the throwing sbet! ito Port susate ool tt PM auce Withurge utr Lcytattons It in reaiarka- powern of nae earth Our vovernment besrerof the yun battertes re opened fire to whieh \udetsou from a uniiber of persous, he will commence another re despatches, fately from Havana, was in St Pro tepfed vasorousty at To clock course about the Lith of April. “Phore who may Bethel at Wilinington, Noo, ow lecure at th Presbytlenau Church on jueedas the EGG mint, at 7g o'clock, P.M. All are savite dt attend ecoment of the United Soutes, winch as ann le to keep ite subjection a tes cthels at home allompung to restrain a nation of such vast I Patrowt, The iden is . : e . t Quple an attractive ote, iid THE WAIT UMMEICED foould it be canned out and a stale goverment : Tt will be scan by reference to anothe pl be ed to these countries, Spain would be Citantestos, Veit V3) tied speedily ennehed by profits o larece colomal Lddor Charlotte Malletin | : i commerce Which would raj V an attack oa Fort Sater fast week, and would ones that the Fort was taken ble that this should have been done w column, that the war was commenced by MUEE TING AND COTTON YARN, Woof whiel aie otere able Ceres for cash, oron Cine Co parctual customers pired laet week wonounee Chat in Com d for sale on the inest reason iene are (ane betiriaiie cotrin CAnt Ni Wujclouice tM eainok mwenuetomiestiie iar sire ewe aud eae maa Ne Pantie demire to tuke lessons, will find eubee upton tise at out the logs of life oo ether side, as far as a : Pe the parapet rool of Saupters B bee 5c rue : > a [the Hook Store, where hey are frequented (cui and details of the subject have heen viven by him-to : be i! is ae Ralebury, April 9, INGL, Su47 Rnlerl IAN ROG MEIN Ofc mower emiuieinn ian we have been able to learn. the govanment.” No dented notice rma ae he ee eae cee i" WYATT’S ber of youus ladics who dente 60 take le mes mies The secessionists, in this place, howe over, has, elrange to say, pet boon Gken Vicelmcle tie Pee ees y \ [ble urranyemneuts have co ae wih My a re £ : eee ; J kimsen for ct of his shook roons made this event the subject of rejoicing on hel approached (oun Moa. [sland ‘ ar ek C li 1. ee aie uae a rs Hane . roar Rona icra : , , Mew etite ccd atid stated tn was art of DB x by the firing ofcamton, We rejoice with Ol ne ¢ ON CUSIES IIS Mi TRIBIP LRT: (hat sect ea Viiderst ' Hstteras, be latin OnIC Or ( la ieee eee Ue ane : ' | a ee themnm—that no lives were lost oon cities SENTATIV Ec Teenawie alelies mulayeulernls April 2, isGt 3U46 ; a Ma copy to the aa pian bot Won Pic best Me ticine in the world for side, and sincerely |, that all theiivie In Angst vext ih eople af North Hee ye einai lat isen ‘ ‘ rN ve) a . ‘ ‘ DD ne od ‘ ” Ww Bw soncdie x l tories may be ag bloodless, Carona. ncemline to Jase, willohe priv uta gcutemanlandt kicw i cut a gallant | CHOLIC. POSTTIVE SAL ke It is greatly to be deplored that P asi Ate a cl Representatives to repre (euetsy i . i wuld niet tial ‘ It ie Uneqnalled for OF ' bent eacl Woressispa esniee int teins wad must leave details Lo rile, ’ dent Lircoto is proving tomectfte be ut ca Se iceman tonantn b te lrctin DYSENTERY. VAI UABI E REAI 5 ane q NCeTTG ee) of the Contederat aud hieul lhe tha Abus 4 sili terly unfit fur the place he oveeupies, or Phat election will bea very important ach as ae aan : tae Tt has cured Thousands of AND elre his Cabicnt in distracted by dessen: one in North ( ! ‘arolina, for then the peo tag Toe battenes then cow setingank Wg ) OBA, tiene to such an exten! as to disqnality it ple wall, in every Concresmonal Distr et, tepotted to Beaury re 1 , | IARRU EA . PERSON AL ENT AT a! for wise action in the present eritteal const have a favorable Opportunity, (Prot be Phe tollowing are the terus of capitulation The best Physicians recommend it for . ety dition of the country He allowed tt to fore, to wive am Capnecian throne) the AML proper tacil tes will be atlurded tor the ten Fl U X I AVING determined to leave Rowan county for ; ee a i B : a 2 valot Anderson aud fis cunmmand with then ce sUX. the N.C. White Sulphur springs, 1 offer for 0 forth to the world that Fort Sumter Qitlot box in a kein, aon) comune sale all imy property in Rowan county, both Real apd Pers. ual— recree ; FY GirCulustwLCEs inuy be saluted Uy tun ot ‘hysician can be obtained will prevent Hess they prefer to be re U Yue cieuuistances y be salut y tina ¢ a pbysicia anb } Land, Town Lots, Negr 08, Stock, | auhug it down, ‘ Mie Sites CHOLERA. Housebold and Kitchen Furniture. ‘The Land is in May. Anderson will be alloweed to fix the ton , . ‘ It will save many lives, much time, sick-| an impraved state and will be divided jute mamall par- of has surrender on Suan Votemcot tle Seventh Congressionn) De fort Sanater a9 the th uy arios, Colpany property and provate Which le has upleld se long uneer die via was to be evacuted s bat it was delayed jy Its use on the first symptoms, and before rer, What are ther py frown day to-day, and tina ly it was an ACC Wooured that it waste be provisioned anc presented, re cuforced. Tt fe had desired te ferences, and strain Weaneerest most recnectfully, tt the warepiritotthe Sow her peorde, there Ls chin eonniy, at he howe of Ta, Ate, o» LOPOrtant Announcement! | s a \ \ ; Si 1 LU se sean 1861. | | AKER & CO’'S MEDICINAL a TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL. THE TRUE AN AND GENUINE. | UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND KFFECTS. pring and Sammer { BEING THE BWEETEAT AND BEST PREPARED | 3) tte ane. of farty tried, will soon remtore the = th —_ | i bk - GOOoDs! FFIHE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE lo announce l@ his friends aud the public gsuer- ally, that he is receiving his usual Stock of SPRING «tone vf the digestive organs, iivigorite — blood, give general rytuadity to the figure and add energy ty the inind und nervous syaicm, Tis value has beeu reurirkal » AH evidenced by its wonderful restorative pow ets. when ordinary tonics had been vatnly — LP H a AND SUMMER GOODS, compnsmg rich aesort a Cabeurted. be athuris courmhinent ty ihe + went of all the fe) DO When ne oth es an be ee ud J furnishes the finme with fat'in wn traty re Go | LATEST STYLES Btesretei Ment Se OF = ker CONSUMPTION apd BRONCHI 5 1 \ ES. LADIES DRESS GODS, 2 sores ane cremenn 4 a) 4 ~~ bw WHhAANBYS. WASTING, and ZS comeing in pert of Bike, Bereges, Grenadine ray froin of DEBILITY, 16 curaiy. Berige Anglaise, Mozeuiquen, Ogrondies Chater fo prope tte < are tutrtwaled Va vid a darge Stock of EMBROIDEREES, to al of aS Li iniy be taken without dian hel by (he which he asks a spect evar wo pa dedicate paleut, and relmued wohort am Ae, a full assortment Breached Domertic, 7 Morin he ofeat seasiGve stomaeh Pixs Lae Hineus, House -kee sing Goods, We, We, peeiont. iu this and othe: importent charie- A MYERS, A berries on soueine nese, bun tuarituiee! for, Noo 4 Geramie Budding, Wthe commendation of the most enunr ut aoe Mach 450f Sali bury, NOC 98 Physteicns thrmnghemt Ue Blaten; the writ, “SO a (EU Comey al the feeully ol Uig bem une ci ome BARGAINS, — BARGAINS, (WR ATISS Sig ale adios We (eater Cae all aan | av Dea CON IV Ee tleve OCD ITE NN MVAGVA NTA eet : ’ JEFFERSON CULLBGE Of PHILA. = M. BRENNER'S = J ea Se 2 C RED JACKET * PULL ADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI 2 FQ CINE avd othe ra oy a I OT il I N ( tl A L L! futile stivuld he gatefal ‘a gaytchnne si, 4 Of sf uudeuhted reputation if they deme the Sy MABN STREET WS mest acuive und tmrediate Advantages of 7” next door to Brown, Coffin § Mock'« Store | the remedy “That which we propate har . ‘ - (herded eaidences of paperionty aver other pom PEE subscriber dexieen to inform the public of Me brands Waynfactared énty by - Salisbury, Kowan and adjmning Countier that be a JOU C. BAKER @& CO., jac! ep res Raine ts — Tuiporters and Dealers im { Jl S ] RECEIV ED eae Drags, ¢ h teats, Ke, ae 4 Sm 2b | a New, Fresh aud Fashionable | as een: pr a SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF (14i N. THIRD STREET’ Ready-Made Clothing, | ~ G RE AT ENG! L hist (REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S ir RLEBRATED FEMALE PILES FOR MEN'S, YOUTH’S AND BOY's WEAR whieh 1b otfer for wale tu patrous at QM a: | | LP Prices Suitable to the Tones, @F | PROTECTED 4 ae 42 Sy LETTERS > and at lower prices than aay other estsdirtuent off BY ROVAL Seoe'?: < f S PATENT. ¢ kind, and to which Eehallenge comp: cites, Costames sotable for Promenading, Farmers. | Prepared from a preaeviphion of Sir J Clarke, MoD, Phy | Plavters, Miuers, Wachimims, aud Servants are | sician Bgtruurdinary to the Queen Ino a large stock of Hats and Caps. Call and ex | This inealaable medicine is unfailing in the cure of al! those amine any stock before prechusing clee where ae and dangerots diseases te which the female Com#titu i e «and removes all Ubsts uc Tew lyin a om - e ceteif desired, to suit parcta Sil min Che tet bepthersige the REDJACK EI j then es subject Te moderates allexcess and eould have been no eurer way to dott qet opean ae prompty nuder the South- Vodletachaient of the regular Aer el ness, suffering and money to every diate viernity of Subsbury, coatainsabsut 500 Acren, | M4 Remember ihe Sign of the cf ait NNER | tinee aed espeely cor may be rites on. t t t ; ' t ! ever ' S | vel ore d good hi t. Also for male Dadctics than by evacuatitge all the Potts au the gra Kegs Lanner vi bring Par wand the. vats Elatl sil et ae ee millones AHO ass twee sts ACTS | ce tagiy inecagenes ie ap Nei Gt a Eee eee Se a Southern States. (f bewewr, lie desires yyy fy ara man, the Ton , Has teeat halt | Weotidedon sels By kecping it always iu the I WCO Cotta oes | Baltimore firm, Cam at all tunes prepared to futtitt merithiy pervod with rogwlarta- neice eae to promote a veneral wa etvcen the | a ’ r ay \ : en oa y 7 oe }any orders ip the Merchant Tusboring busme-» at ow A Britain, ts present opasiterfults, ee : , ut, i OUSE. Mans (OED TEA Wao d nearly | shortest notice vB two sections, fiis double deatie aint se ' jee j on Main Street next to Dr. / cong, and nearly | a ee Caution. Canine 7. "Wed eae ae ee Pest Gite FYOM MOLI \D Oni OCRLs opposite the Court house; the Corner House now | March 25, 1n61 Ginga | Thome Pilla should not be taken by femaicn during the FIRST cre? policy is well chosen tor that purpose. pyar represent & Soutl r ‘ t eS occupied by G Rabetts asa Grocery Store, aud three | ia . THREE MONTUN Gf Uoipuurey cos ey) GPs em 6 ond " e a oO ‘af ‘e aaa Dialer I ‘ Ct ten} } ‘ Houses and Lots and one vacant Lot adjoining sat N ao W KI Ava. Ooi evesi vt Meat eden Mgaskeclbae ale DEN SOE SE NUTS nia t I : lean Cos wn the batter real |Two Houses nnd Lots near the Latheran Grave | SUE RU a : fick and fants, Patigne on slight exertion, Palpttation of ‘ -o 7 es . : ‘ : Yurd; one on Shinny Hill; several ‘| SUBSCRIBERS (Successors to FAUST. jfeare, Bysterice aud Whites, those Pilla will effects cure mben ; ; Mri eentertielettey clout aycrsin \ Mares of the Powhis ti Aone eee a | WINEBRENER & CU) have formed a co. La bither meni loos failed , and although Ee re Ce es a ee ee cere tier) i uuah icccen nti coe 25 Hes Valuable Negro Slaves, | peniership under the frm of Ole: Cais ia ne , is the lov Country, fetes it at ) , . : eee \ Fall direectiom in the pamphlet arewad each package which rafly. ts the | 6 ek matey, Bae F stary of tis ta be expected tho ue tric ie a / House Servants and elegant Cooks, wgesher wits) DAVID FAUST & CO, mics homey : the world ale uuds with esitenes of the useua 4h ity vam will alle fdas de all nel wv fhn Lee ee ee er arc ee ; 1,,| for the purpose of continuing the HARDWARE Sule gent for the Catted States Ces MOSES, | 1 would we any of aif of this property privatels wey g 7 querald vature oft oy H the bunan tl @ yeu font teed Vessels at w ly Police hay Hai uu leea tania BE Gives Wee Olan elite lil auaitel ein! BUSINESS at the old stand Rochester, NY. , Pow i t ‘ oe t : . whe | Dig ee No B.— 8h on and 6 stage stamps epelosed to any vathorimed Ineart ya Pitt on a 1s ress vee : ES lby WoW Avail [old ta the lnghest ndder. af which due notice wl No, $9 North Third St. Paifadelphia. out at \ Wott, containing Bo pitts, by return mynil ; Paw ive repare y yatt, Apothe | 1. e Jete ed to well « ! Ss x udersom & Enniss, Wo 1 Wyatt, and found pesure ah tc Sou : Nanee Wy vo these snus \ tap e parce a eee T : uN ‘ ta etsy » haud-bilis. Determined to sell ou We reapectfaliy invite the attention of utr fiends SwHLi@ Satclary, by Henderson & Knmise a = ‘ary 3 a’ Sz > mista i i sagd pls ot tle Sout pio! <asceeg ae SO oN ty the ouitticrny Tigo ts pats FROM WASHENG LON e N C EN TEE HL ROBARDS. | #84 beyere geweraily, to our 1 Percent, ann & Co, Rielimond, Va, Wholesale Reel Rien oe ie en : ‘ pe thes Nan : i ae ree | For particalare and terms, in uiy absence apply to] New Stock of Goods, Agente re 2 reer ees endysorus: Apee | April y. DINAN Win AU WV altuntons Wh) Barkin, any) anulanzed mlichewilltie tiie etelai el eee 4 The bd ; i fialletin { ue be found to be more complete thae nanal, . ale Semi : ea ‘ but oo 1 nN ‘ Lee ee Aerie isel iag [many new styler have been aided, aud our ew Salisbury Female WEE tion ty cotati ee oenow eae oe cannes’ Ng ticg- [To Farmers, | Seo tenecre: oN ede _ flor then : i le ae Sie ten Be EGA o “ they may be favorcd with # continuance of the pat VIE SIN TIETER Woof this Seheol wilt begin 1 Gaeta te ‘ bby & TAR ERTS 4 ‘ t ~ t any ~ “3 — als 1 ysuppi a sDibal [othe seceded = PivOs Ze Cw s | romagre heretofore extended to the EP use the Llih Febraar } clome the det July Vh : ‘ Q \ ary and clo ) to dae mer anda le te trem Southern vy States and to cause the laws t daly enforced : F I can all? } DAVIN FAUST, Me eine Deeaieniatiie ae ninib relew tne Seni thew wand pon eee ata ress Phe fist service will probably | ’ ! Something Valuable to you all! OF i v | BENIN CREGAR We hive gow a goodly number, Sut could uke a few i yy forts: places and: property, winely tive te = Trinity Collece Monthly avazine, | JOHN HANOLD aiore Pi the number eununves Lo increase, Salim (eee ae i one . e BO ee rent lent tas Fronefield’s Cattle Powders, | J 5 W285 | Philadelphia, Wareh 12, 1401 SALT eH ene Tere ere laatt Rae hese meade ne in titan ) be ced TL WNT lor var totn alee, ieenroelangatven at weet . | cece : Man 7 . contest on another, dnd v) tual cases are uunier | 4 Oe ‘ t ’ FIVE ORIGINAL AND GENUIN B—all others Se rere : N.B—We are Agent» for Swern & Wreeovs achint Die nicleieeren same Tidignee \ ant without consuling Tomer Gis timine ti dny, The War Depar ty Dury ] Hi up geiitin: cee ombNGe CouTterTeNte BOARD OF EDITORS [Gamtaiuies, wich ‘cel uuequuled by any «ther TERMS: Gus pv PrNOtin 6 Ms tyles brane : ‘ "| : : Nit a . 5 . | . 2 7 Ps te : m Oe diate persona fiends, we stugeemt Lim as cha in preparations teeny Froseriecy's Pownr ns cure most all diseases ot| een eens IAPE So SOC EEN SS inukes (hey are surcifirc. DOP © CO Bead, with washing, fuel oud lights, $56 per Teri ealutated the possession of t 1 UES Ty Cmertitecly lee Represent tive for this Dig. teteated to the sore CA a eer rees ti) @ tel ead keeps them in good condi JR Sree Rey aire | F L k O , Paition, ia Brgtint, trem $2 to V7 00 if . ee ; ‘ t be ed inner EC etllN Es t 2L=UN, | m 4 5.00 trarkable degree, capresse co tteelf not only in gic tye 1 Geom y roth peny Gon C.C.t sy V.C ‘ | armers 00. ut ! anti. sean & I : J retin t ve Southerb Congress. Dut shi by =jn WOKS Perfectly safe under all crreamstauces, aud war-| HH. F. GRANGER. E.'T. BRANCH | pee ’ - s yy Music oo Pisne, from 13 te 20.01 words of Chr nye clogs arVtouhing pathos he decline, which we hope will not be tie rand (ase ae GEfae dna Money, Time and Tindber Sived!. Garay Uicurmients bata decds of togh dating and fearlessness of case af the people tivite tin te serve them THE WAR TI } Pree 2a ceuts per Package HE EIRST NUWRET of thi vaalaie T have the rivht to alt Tiocicental expenses, 6 . aw eC NUNAGN Gli) ; TE ST ° ZR oof this new Literary z wre dani Qsurpassed in the annals of the world another can enaiv be found well quali . S Sold by Wo AV YATT, Druzgist and Apotheca- | Cendidate for popular favor, wall be issued i i , ‘ s ey } Charges made from the lune of entrance. danger, ubsurpa 1 \ of the world { Lo pop andemark s Portable Fence . jana : { ' : ' Ii our news departinent will be found Nes t°6 and iss Mau sc, Setsbury, N.C. The Societies of Trinity College are deter : eat Bo rapacuicaldninctinnse : I ; why ae fee ai eNGrsy fepoect. ta lee vine tie tat | ; 4tay lack y £, : = ; A oD WILKINSON Soe a ro ‘ 2 pt eyo MM matte South ferent ry a telegraphie dispatch from Coarlest acl (40 | mined to furnish the public a Magazine of real ability Mate oe poate in me Count - of Mamance Peeled , ae tard qi th run meted 1 Tiere LEC A Cr RUC AI StS Use 18 : Reels , 5 hes nH “49 5 : 5 and refiued Literatare ; they intend that the exeen. | Raadelph, Rockiaghn, Davideon, Rowan, Cabarrus an. 28, Isii—9b rotcccpat. bctine tye thin Sevctls Canimetiny! [Patrice *. ©, tor witich we are indebted to the WEA VSN eS ROIS lem beth mental and inechanical. shill compare fa.) aod Mreblecbage Cheapness. durcbliiy, aid cons SSO ERS R CVU U Tatts asc We solicit a trea and full expression of Editors of the Charleston Courter, Pena ne : vorably with the best works of a suundar character, | Yemence ate ite chief advantages We incom nd ROCK QUARRY. aMyeet to chang ' st ' ver men ubypect. thre oureot. Vedine the gratifvrnge ttelbeoenen tliat BO Dhl. Coffee Sugars, | The rank of Trinity College among the Luatitutions the Fence to saw-nnll owners, farmers, and al) wh: i. : / a oe SE Oe US Te | eRe nn fonee of Souther 10° hhds. Molasses. Jof the South, the tone and catture to be found inher, have fences io make. We will sel! Paranor County BAS eR Titties ye SUE Fouts quen of ; : : . = , | balls, and the uprising spirit of the Old North stite,| fights A ctreatar stating costs, plan of building, &« princyghs kas it never gecucrad to the weesion- the Dosti ct Charloth Bulieten. Seuthern Lustitations and our homes ane 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. | will reasonably support our claim tom tepreacuiaion emt free to any address on oppliestion is ) ; firesides, lias at last beyun in wood cara Siw fl s “ » Leather in the ‘ INO. J, WHEE, sts that they tn moanently destroy the . Sia » ae SNS ds. NOE eather, tee wigs tinh ’ 4 ; , , eee ' Let the meorvalive quen oof the Tth est.— Charlotta Bidletin MH) keas Nail LITERATURE OF THE DAY: E Age te ereanen Mebanesvill . { MALL G UA CYSOT TRUE Suite Ut States [nipricun as Ceaneey ral D ee Poin eee Teed ean een : Ce Obs | The alitity of auch @ work, if poaperty conducted | elena) Leet aa! weall are onthe babi of coonyg our county) Se : | » FUGUE Sa Ue UEC CETL Seca 25 baes Rio Coilce. cannot be questioned A monthly pabbentienol fine | a%e Charlotte Democrat pleane copy tire tne ths The presenta] esters contained in the alcove art 3 ifying iutellience™ to the secession 2 casks Ric : thought. clothed in the formes of refiued ane elegane “Od forward bil Lo subeenber. We preset i halatant he nate ate ea sa ? = Ct . i : ; i . ; | speech, will do mach to elevate the tone of society er : ee Te : . : feo) CeUTeC AUIS SUC Ot UCe er VOline ta) eioisitolseelcivil war ih) our couutt\=<(lte Allof which we oftur uiter une rm iucedpnecs: 1 che oe Ue Sata ad mind a ae Lee : DHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME- Wensa—have never hoown any other than the e , 3 AQ are es —10 inerease the appreciation and love of the FINE estern N.C. Rail “cad tt He WereolaniwiniROGK I t he fora going te CoC ible . : ek TARTS. Ww promt ie rannupettnen : bec? : pod of suit oriatig all son i Upited Staten as ther country, Ther atfectiong @¥ inan ‘ Wo prefers going te the « most terrible form of war Known to the Aprit 9 eae eae vend ee ne ie a eect ee WINTER ARRANGEMENT for MILL STONES, of buiding purposes, that he bave fastened upon it as arhele and allthe grese of the Southern Confeceraeys, be: luman race. War, in whieh brother . di sine gic! (eet the publics \InBwcnced by (ites Stee = 7 can furnish the best quaticy of ‘ a | : * Sieg ’ \ chesmbud atiiclanents witell inert vincecan couse sich a ropresencative would | koiy against brother, father against son, and GOooDS onside calone nthe two | ic G RANI E. 1 : ; JUKE Y SOCIETIES OF TRINITY = 5 { try bind its prople ta thes Wve bound osteo de therm. more barns Ciat cod If Mr. neighbor against neighbor, are es | ty > reales BGRIN GTS 2 : e eutinany shine, aud at the loweet possible rates for : , vend ; ee ) ; ‘ently FOR THE Have detennined to publish a Monthly Maguzine.| 2 E : GASH el} trey) woimt aut Gleulent oul niar ald the States as one country Char rp aticnal etirends to be acandicbite, we pre to incet each other in dead Se | ench number tn contain mrty pages uf reading mal = = Salabary, koowa isthe © Old Shuping QUARRY prderbasanot (anata bum aslinite: <i yoann lta itl Meetinct meme or mcla eer RANT ethinnt ye, christian pe ople, ot ie ter We aball be aided by some of dhe most talented | = 2 WILEY ITOLTSHUUSER | Noll 1 rp 4 { } M 1 ¢ r menin the country. and shall epare neither labor vor) os ; : z Risin MeeGiek, 166th ban mes, Nothin tose than the whol las til oe et aotee Monten, Cnn cos “aratifying intelligence expense to merit a fiberal patronage i Le i 1 r t« trote ' : | Te x) . relate ivalice oe oa = : minds and on: beat He patrmone (ier y Svathern Confederacy tan, and of . ‘ pal ue Ler pea nal ra oe eg ; Waa lee To Farmers and Meehanies. 5 ae as feat | ee : se ee Ea en Palatal eae aid i Commedia eference to the Sage : ete s 3 4 » ner eee | cin celtee Would fot aecepe a re election to DEAS SNCs \ BielGuote peeing af Tind SUM MERE 286» should be ae “COLE. See | 2 te McCUBBINS & FOSTER POWs st tev Is tcarepli tua pse tradi his cid soatin the United States Congress, ere | TRADE | OC ar enn ne eke Tl euae alyy, and are interwoven woth or amd der are. . ; neh : e April 2-16) Prenity Cotlece, N.C (= 2a! ae I AVE jast received u very large lot of FARM Pines aie fa he reason that he could not eonse Union Men of Rowan, | OUR STOCK D ™ i | ee TRC ELLEN Ee ee een : eau aad ie val : ress Making 5 Tron, Wagon tire 1h. ff and 2 inch; Bugsy tire 14 een diet A den tha die — POMS On Satarday, 4th Way, AN illlnombemas Inceelsecoul firmer reannnen butew ill} | 7 Seed ae ee fe eund (aCciia staan 0 ‘ | he 1 : a : : : : 2 i 1 ; 7 thjagt amzatnet whieh tho sword ona 4 We vominate TE OW. Gitex, Bag. of phe union mew of Rowen are eqnested to attend es : Ce ese Sor ye er va \ RS. SPEARS announoes to her fiends and the = Tron band Ih neh: Baggy Sproge amd Axle \ Ti wont \ re Pa Ans aes CMa Ao elcte vai Muse Weetine nl Marihyie (fil in Mullins, Gil) Goes ey ee ee en) i oll Kinde! o . pe that ee ns He bus 3 alco fae a La aihers, 8 n. Bulis, &« ; casio etry ty oe . : | news, and wliciw orders. She has cousderble expe: | Se egether otha general assortment ol iopeef peopl than te testror thor lave servative mien of the 7th District, Ele the first Saturday in May. Phe dstracted condition Ladies Dress Goods, | reace inthe business, and her work hos pleased tbose | zoos = “Powe PRY GOs, { ' waif ‘ : : Seen ; re - 7 n thes } has been the firstehoiee of alarce portion of our Country an spardizes eresis, eal loudly vg weit offer inducements thin season rarely offered) Who have (red ut. She expects to keep pice wiih | _ wis) 2 z WAKDW VRE, owe . trygtand we then for very bho tha . ae } Upon ux to come toge her mud cousder what is the in this market and , ithe fashions, and will certainly do olf work in the es ia’ QUEENSWARE, ofan le : rho : is ue = CAPE > GROCERIES ‘ CHIE aeons. CC avian four people for several years, and we joo 0 ae eee errant d . / Weintladiiacniiaiirendee : = & : eee ae “oe : poe EES CO ACT res CA ieige @aiCaii Especially to Cash Buyers. \"Sthe may be toand at her old home, View Earn § TU RnIC nna ltonte abil Stream They, hace can , : Know of no one whe would command a ‘ : | aATiees < . y » ty OT the Upited States voand renown from all parts of the Coanty is reqnested AWeln cidcee neue en eiten it our stock thie, hert’s.) in the North-western end af Tuwn, ics ¥ = oxtanth oo hand a sopply of FLOUR. BACON, . ” . ty € e rae : PrN On an =~ eS , : . oe RE og y es 1 may betarnyshed dts stremeth meer he terry mide hearty support. SEVERAL UNION MEN Spring and Sumer and fer that) parpose offer Orders from a distance promptly ateuded to ' 5 PORK Fret! ORF EEL SUGAR, MOLASSES, ie tene b 1 } lf f 2. April 15, 1P61 Giodeat WARTHLA HOSP aks aaa = LARD, BU LTER, &e., 10 whieh thy invite the at- ranly trofen by tbe madness and fanaty o Th ’ jose Sulisbory, Jon 22, R61 FR tention af the public : : e Battle has Begun! Belishurysnn ' sectivual leadera, Lutthe love of conutry wall: | ‘ >. 7s | Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHEANES will da well to eal] Sammie cur Goods before puretasiig BROWN, COPFRIN & MOCK Safichury, Apul 9, IS6l Qins7 THE GREAT DRAWBACK to persons emigrat ing te the extreme soath and wemfern country. is che Gimately burst ontand rise abowe these and assert FOR rst ui i Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment, itself with an ardor which wall bury beneath a MARCH 17th, 1561. fearthey have of the Fever and Ague—the inoet and + Wké av avalanche every thing in its way. ‘ direful of all diseases. Every day we hearof persons CTs ies ote ISO}, : F ‘ attacked by this disease, and made helplessin a short To the Commissioned Officers But in the present diwscutions of our country, 5S oclock, P.M \ time, without any means of affording relief Pn view of said Regiment | of the great demand for a . : De ’ ie ‘e ) ord 3 « derein. | Worl ing Hel een tiWinn eT iota aluay remeron note ey ny Dr, Hoetetter ha Hard Times don t stop them. rae ; irdet of his Exceflency the Commander in “href, an election will be held in the Courthouse Lhe bombardinent ef Fort Sumtereom. TE N x) ue , r MeCubbi lis & I Os ter | Appear at said place armed and equipped ara pai study, have received the eneominms of the most em Mu lected Siock of ENTIRELY NEW GOODS,| RP Beswent, Adyutant. in Salisbury, on the 27th day of April next. of Major stomach have been universally acknowledged The | General of the 4th Division Bo ttere, prepared after a long exrpeience and deep i vate, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A forso extreme a measures nor relic’ in it, for the aod the Floating Battery, placed in Post nent physicians, as well as all classes from every RE now in receipt of ay vy durge and well ae BR. MOURK, Col. Com'and't tion on Wednesday, are doing adinirable part of our country. To thore who doubt ther macny is virtues, all we ean say ete try thea, and jodge tor tonght for cash at greatly reduced prices, consisting; Mareh 19, ix6i. (4 (hemeelves respectively scuring onr nationality, there is lacking an UNpor tS, whose curative powers for all diseases of the taut clement to insure more than a temporary al menced this morning at 4:80 The Tron Battery on Cummings’ Point lenation of its parta. There rs no sufficient canse evils complained of. But there init an exces . service Of passion, and consequent bovlessness, of which in part of Sold by draggiste and dealers generally everywhere | STAPLE AND FANCY Shells are pouring inte Fort Sumter the people wali become ashamed and wile Ve fer as hoard from, lives have yot [i See advertisement im another coumn. lin dt » 4 long turn from it with pentane: and abhurreuee. Leen pe ported as lost COURIER 2 cae : . a 8% Te will be sect itn the subjoned news para = ‘ Br We are anthorized to announce OBADIAT DR j &0 OD S x % \ graph, the fecha of contempt tn forenm coun The annexed digpatel is from a private WOODSON axa Cundidate for the office of County ¥ YD SRWKE Salis ry. Wosrranted yhud expression to \ searou addressed to a yerthommn in Char Core Clerk af Row ad Coaucy if A R PW A R K, lotte, who has kindly placed it at our dis : 7 | pe v1 : . SALISBURY PRICES. Cutlery, Qneensware, Hats, Caps | APRIL 16. 101 and Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, CONRECTRD WAWKEY AY KPRAGrw mROTHERS, 4 , and Beather, Clothing ; tries which alroady begins t wards us aaa people. The loss of national res posal: Pectability may appear sinall to some unretlectings minds, but toa people as well edueated and re Ciakirston, April [2 --6 p.m : Brisk th ng progressing on both sides me - iva verte learn, ie . 4 Vay finad as those of the Vnited States, it must prove Ne ral UL Rd Tale Tents Mae one ‘ene Blacksmiths and ¢ arpenters Coa 2 ‘ J f : es supertine, BOT Dried, mauin + - _ auch a case of pain nt) tortitication as to pir All our Batteries are doing well CORN, Me se orescurs, oonaam “Tools, Mill and Crose-Cut Saws, January 29, In6l aa voke them to strugyle fora recovery of there lost No report of killed or wounded yet re Neem ES fie My aly ¢ ROE ’ K R I ES ground moire , whe, Ay inerng Le vos 4 as Swan Island Guano White NO Rte Len . : . ' Drage, White Lead, Zine, Tanner's and Lanseed a e . . er Roa 1 XS oun 4 Rs Sax Dowisco Wo have received, says the 5 4 TON, ao if men a nieeete Oo), Colord Par sof all kinds, Rifle and FOR SALE BY Baltimore Bxrchange, from aco respondent lately STILE, LATER Phas Blasting Powder; Shovels and SPRAGUE BRO. . ; e Black Eye QP iw Spade n ‘onoofall kinds returned from San Domingo, the following, eon Cusniesron, April b2-- Lost) p.in. ek ni ME 1s We ‘ TEXTE above Guan ia auid to be > beter fertibaer taining some interesting information as to the 7 yoy . cS au I for the cultuce of Tobacea, Cotton, ( Roary “itor litiy i) firing Com BEESWAX, : : ta oO, nate g supposed desizna of the Spanish Government / ee ie ‘i § . } Everything that the People Want. trapes. We than any other impored upon that ishind menced about 4 o'elock this morning and These Goods are offred to the pabhe at Eurceed Atrind ie all that me necessary to prove ite wipe was continned thronghont the day. State Tanner Wanted Lor Prices tur Cook or Barter Come and ority SPRAGUE Bho The ramors current in the United States eon troops acted nobly, and but two men <i - ‘ , , / look for yourselh Great inducements offered March 25 fai cerning the proposed schemes of Spain. in reyard shuhtly wounded iar y ies eeu har Sit id ati Fig NS, °. Cl BRINS & FOSTER a b the ae of St Doan . i: mel founded. "The tire will be renewod at daylight to: obtain « good allusion yen piano ene nee eta Notice to Sheriffs. Since (he contraction of the an by Santana C.fARPER & CO : . orrow nnlese an atte npt is made to re R ‘ . ; 5 : Sen Soe . fome year ago the Spanish Government has deren ‘ : | sieee mail Patteraon, Caldwell en, No ¢ Apes MeoVR GT 414 nlishury, No ¢ ays RECEIPTS, neatly printed to order cand ' wiraitie. io pnt i ntoree, when all the oatteries wal open Ane et aati putin booke Uf desired. at short nonce ant een vigilanily watoliny pPportans uma ‘ CE pe . $37: oe aon eine een Teves ren Rrrriee ae ae a naa OP the enemy. Samter mueh injured ; oo. : Fashionable Millinery. moderate terma, for cnsh endian your orders ter of the Republic nf Dominica. Once estab detual extent unknown Ihe P USTs: Yadkin Navigation Company. GRASSWITT. having just returned W Se eT meatal mur lerm oonat lishntiberndufvardcehihasancantrelahimnaneme litt Lane and a third steamer are off Te RE will he a meeting of the Stockholders of \| . ne in Moet Fachionabe travel through the State Vhe right sort of ta, , nein x bar. Oopaareatniving daily. Our the Yadkin Navigation Company held at Hoots IWEEED A ga eee RU reacen ER ani Uiaktaiaslerat Umen EAD ise fran A ion @CDUAI ce Ge ArT and who can command no forces, the poople hay the bar Proopa are arr KS y aes Yadkin ish Firedanct hel lclidny fate ratty ¥ five Wy that her WoL WYATT, Now [86 and [Sk Wain at. Sale Ing become rapidly demoralized since the with soldiers expect hot work te morrow nee Ge WoSTEN Sts) (ioe ‘ ‘ Toe Jutont Styjlen hares drawal of the whites, woul be unable to offer Wav Lavtnoren Pent ae t Se ; on Apri 4 “4 JAMES C. TURNER Salisbury, Now. 26, 1860. Eng. & Supt Ankins Corner, Silishury, N.C. Feb Th, is6t uy \ “ay . . BOOKS y H. ©. JONES & SON, = Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, J J STEWART IS PREPARED TO FUR OF o nish at short notice Collegos, Schools. Veade \ mies and the pubhe geuerally with any Books thot mony he wanted, at lowest priees powmble te al waye keeps on hand a well selected lot of eheap cae oe Family Bibles, Bibles for hurches with Himns te ey eae Maan oe cuit the trtest und most popatir publentions of the me times, writing and printing paper ofall sizes. cheaper than ever before offered, by the ream or at retit blank Books of every desemption nid size, Pens. By TILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court, He Co Jowes, yr, willalse pracure on the Courts of Tredell aud €abar rus Coun ies AN clnims entrost dite thein for col §, Bock Mow, vere the Courthouse Joves. sr WoC Joves. jr Jun 15, stl 1935 ee TAX NOTICE. IN K S. ( Molle a ny Office and give in your Tarablee tor the wo, within the first ten days of che Presemt meoth Marcien's Fuk, Hacrson'’s Columbian Tak. Prosi Toke all sizes, Black, Blue und Qed: Morrison's Car THOMAS MONBELY, mine Pok, Arnolds Writing Flaw, the beat kiown, C2 B Commisaauesa very heap for eush Syuehury. Wareh %, E861 42.9, , eh d WALL PAPE W. JONES. M.D. To dns already large and beaut 1" ieee wall paper, he has just reo a large fot the AS peruonenthy located in the town of Sab fafest parC ros, whieh for bewnty, <t rid ches ] It ea los ryrees to the pablo ia ihe Wess are far supener to any ever bots i 1 various degartm ots of his professes Ute market. Window Shades, Seremns, of Pe tuhcecn Main Street, Hrae duar uhaees tiv Orders of anything wo hie line sulieited Couteetionery Salsbarv, NOC, Feb 19, 1S61 uf ISG Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, 4 Vew Tailor Nhop. # Ws’ PERMANENTLY LuCaThD iy THe ol <p gervices te the ing country SS ne oa Cy ent er has cpened a new TALEO He at all times (unless profeamonally engage!) may be form SHOP int \ wey oer thy Wor atthe “Bova Howse. UW Beard. dee Is eX penence and qaaluertuns March 25, 1961 ‘ . \ an A , ' " sh fystidfon vids Cal d ' : ’ . r ' Attention! Rowan Rifle Guard | 2 ee cre tea to fie con, ane made ont . K the slouchy alton rege ou YOU ace hereby commanded to appanr at oats Mt Gaines: ‘ your Heud Quarters, armed and equipped ‘ heoig done yecle us the law direety, at 2oveloek. on the Vth r them iaexchange for work Anrit, woh fiftern rounds bok cartedzes WV HOWARD There will be an election held af et parad Jai mth, TNOd Rote iret Decutenant and Fifth Sergeant By order of tae Capoun ee Hides For Leather, March 25 ety ee ‘ ' q iletw Purana, | Vimy Surilselilan AT ae (anes ( ohare and ow k feat Dob WwW k my ea e sa s h a FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. ON THE CULTIVATION OF THE POTATO. The remarkable difference that exists between the preseat yield of the potato, and the large | crops that were raised at an earlier day, certain- ly calls for experiments which shall enable us to | woderstand why it is that land which once pro duced four hundred bushels to the acre, should now yield with difficulty not more than one hun: | dred bushels per acre, and frequnenily a crop even less than that. In the absener of such ex periments as might throw some light upon this Important question, we must do the best we can to ascertain by what method of ¢ Wtvation it is possible yet to realize in favorable sexsons fair and profitable crops. Before entering particu lacly upoe this point, it may not be amias lo re- fer to what te generally regarded as the princi- pal cause of failure. This is variously stated. — Some ascribe it to an impoverishment of the sui! : some to a loss of vitality in the seed ; to that strange aod unaccountable disease, the rot about a diminution of the crop, but we think and some Perhaps all these have combined to bring there is evidence enough to prove that it is main- ly attributable to the cause first mentioned, name- ly; the exhaustion of the soil, by slovenly and incessant culture of those elements which con: | stitute the proper food of the potato. If we turn to Boustingaalt’s analysis of the ashe of the po-| tato, we shall find that one hundred parts of the ash of the tubers and bau!m, made up of respectively, are TUBERS. Hacius. Carbonie Acid, 13.4 110 I*hosphoric Acid, 11.8 10.8 Sulphuric Acid, TA 2.2 Chlorine, 2.7 16 | Lime, 1.8 23 | Magnesia, 5.4 1.8 Potash, 51.4 44.5 Soda, trace trace Silica, 5.6 14.0 Oxide of Iron, 0.5 5.2 | Charcoal and loss, 0.7 7.6 —— ee 100.0 100.0 | If these constituents are found in the requisite abundance in the soil, the yield of potatoes can not fail, ander proper cultivation, to be a good ove. If, on the coutrary, they are wanting, the ratio of production, will naturally be diminished to the point of supply. the abeve synopsis, '. has been justly remarked that, if we deduct the carbonic acid, the propor tion of potash in the tubers exceeds fifty per cent, and if we deduct the charcoal and loss, the the potash to be found ia the ash of the baulm also exceeds fifty per cent. In commenting Upot Ta other words, that more than one half the entire potato, when re duced to an ash, consists of potash. Now, it is well understood by experienced farmers, that the element of fertility which is most specdily ex hausted in soils that are under cultivation, is pot ash ; because it is the one that is the most large ly drawn upon. There may remain in the soil evough of potash to sapply many succeeding crops of cereals, and yet itinight not be sufficient ly abundant to meet the wants of the potato un ul it fi 1s furnished from other soucces. |. is for this reason that the most productive yield uf po tatoes is recorded to bave takeo place on new lands; aod especially on those where the brush and timber have collected and burnt, and the ashes strewed over the soil and ploughed in. been The next largest crops bave been taken from nieadows of a loamy texture that have been for Imany years in grass—the excess of potash re \ juired by the potato being, in this instance, sup- pled by the decomposition of the turf, and of the vegetable fibre with which the sod by re | maining so long undisturbed had become filled [tm evidemt, then, that the potato demands a’ sol which i peculiarly neh in organic matter, and io alkalies and alkaline earths. J’utrescent | for the which these give out during decomposition int Inyunous to the plants, which not valy deliyhts io a light soil filled with vegetable matter, but aud we mapures are of little or no service ; heat i also one that is slightly moist aud cf a cvul equable temperature. Compusta, such as Lave often given in the Rural directions fur king, are therefore better adapted to the of the potato than barnyard manure; and, if, ib making up those composts, twenty bushels of unieashedc ashes and ma growth bushels of fine earth were added to the proportion set apart fur each acre, not only would the yield uf potatoes eal greatly increased thereby, but the land would be left in prime order for any other crops that might follow in rotation. ten To ensure, then, fair pros peet for a profitable return on the outlay expend: ed in cultivating a crop of potatoes, it is neces sery to bear in mind the following facts: That the potato requires alight soil, rather moist than dry, and that a northern exposure is infinitely preferable to a southern. 2. That the sui] should nut only be of a hight texture, bat should be deeply ploughed and com- pletely pulverized. That new Janda, if good quality, after they lave voce been broken, are better than any other for the growth of the potato, and that next to these are nch old pastures that have become gras- bound. 4. That commercial fertilizers in combination with composts forined of woods’ earth, marsh mock. and rough vegetable tibre, should be used in preference to any others in the cultivation of this erop. 5. That a sprinkling of plaster applied in the bill at the time of planting, and aroane the vines when six or eight inches high, will increase the yield upon dry uplands, but bas no effect upon a low moist soil. 6 That care should be taken in the after cul ture to keep the soil perfectly free and loose about the vines, and io the sotervals betwoon the rows, and to bill up the vines at least Uhre tines during the season That repeated experiments vo to prose that early planted potatoes alaost invariably succeed best. A report of Mr. Eastroau to the New York Agricultural Boeety, shows that ut chive lois of potatoes planted ou the same sor and tinder sim and on the 18th of June, and the first produced at ‘ar conditions, on the 18th and 23d of Mav the rate of owe liundred and forty two bushels per acre: the second gave one bindeed and for the third oily cue Raval Requster 2. FABLE ty one bushels, and huaded bushels per nere THE VEG Attend to «|| CHEN work not performed ast month, without delay. Set ont all Cabbage planta, you may have, and cow more Cabbage seed to head in the summer, Flat Dutch i the best, Thin owt Furnmips, as sooo as they have four leaves, and | jbut a little | At the same time, also, sow Okra, | Imperial, "and the “russian Blue fthe spring be dry ey more Turnip seed; Early White Dutch and |Rep Topped Dutch are the best for Spnug use. Also sow the White Nerfolk Turnip; 1 will grow larger aud succeed them. If you have not al- jready sown Onion seed (black,) do it at once ; [they will come into use in the latter part of the jsummer, wheo all that were raised from the sets If you did suw black Ou- {ion seed last fall, it can now be trapsplanted. )Suow Carrots, or buttons are gone. beets, (Bxtra Early is the finest) Lettuce, Phoine, The White tL stiminues best. — in will be found ve when the Parsoips, Salsify, Radishes, Darsely, Belgian © Also, sow Mange) Wurtzel ; Rape, (foe early greens.) Arrot stands our tin ry yood tur late use, other beets are gove. Plant all in rews about 18 inches apart Sow, also, a little spot with Celery and protect the plants from the san, When Cherry trees are in bloom, plant Suap Beans > Early Valeatine is inchued to re Whea and we are to all an excellent variety, commend it ia preference others PApple trees are in Hower plant Squashes, (Seal lop Squash is the best) in hulls three feet apart | also, Cucumbers and Muskimelons six fect apart; the Nutine: aod Citron Melons are very fine and the eathest > Beech wood Melon is very supertor, | The Melon, or © Is. is wn execilent variety, Loo leader tur the later. Persian palan,” | middle States, but does wel! here, All vines are ‘greativ benetitted by guano or poultry uianure, apphed ina liquid form, often, but not too strong PI 1 as Tomatoes aud Egy Plants, Hillup Rhubarb. Asparagus will now begin to sprout; do uot sutfer any to run up to seed, but cut all down, | WATEKMELONS may now be planted in hills | ten feet apart using leaf mould. ashes and poul: | | try manure Kberally in the hill, There are so many different kinds and varieties that we will not undertake to decide as to the best. Plant a full crop of English eas, for a suc Blue ” the best ; | cession, For a late crop, we think the “ when planted at the same time as the © Extra Early,” they will come in three wecks later. THe Orcuarp axp Fret Garpes.— Young | trees if property planted and trimmed, will peed ho stakes; butoaf they are melined to blow mat in the wind, tie them up to # firm stake with a stout aod broad strip of cloth—trilor’s “listing” Should or trebvedue™ Isexcellent for one season aud warm, they must be im mediately “inulcbed ” heavily (as directed: for Kuses behow.) and watered, through the mulehing from time to time. To not delay the mulehing | beyond the middle of April, at all events. one of the inost impertant operations connected with tree culture in the South. in your orchards and gard ame best fnends- pay tei] not only ia anusic and io the dehybt which | affird the destruction of myriads of rapacious insects. As Spare the birds —they are your they “ reut,” | thy eye and the heart, but also in the a further hauy apa number of wide mouthed bottles, half filled protection against: predatory tnscets, with molasses water, im your trees — you will catch a great number of them and set Annu | Tun Frowen Gankbes Propagate out Dabtas plant the seeds of all bards als —inuleh Vout roses with a thick laver of leaves from the hollows of the woods, sprinkling a littl: | soll over the mulching to keep the wind from | blowing it away—transplant Evergreens of all kinds, yust ax the new growth is commencing — the only proper time. Clean up and roll your F | ‘gravel walks—dress your horders—tie up all| herbaceous flowenug plants to stakes of ey pres | ot China tree wood, and put every thing in trim | for the season. If Annual Flower seeds sxe not been sown, | iacs cence e wankerlre ke borin nonelni well —poultry manure is excellent; all Stocks and Gilly Flowers are highly benetitted by it. SWEED POTATOES, | Prepare and bed voor sweet potatoes the first warn, dry sweil of weather that comes on dur Ine Unis month, Spread a pretty heavy coat ot compost manure on the surface of the ground in- | tended for the bed—say five feet wide by the ; | length that will furnish you plants enough—diy | up the land deep with a long grub hee, then | rake smoothe aud pulverize, and lay down your potatoes, the best you lave, nearly touching throughout the entire surface. ‘This duae, cover the potatoes with some hight, well pulverized compost, then throw on (his three to four inches! beds the bed effectually, viving it partially the advantages: of a hot-bed of soil, dug up immediately around the which ditches and drains off Pls should be protected at first dll about the March, by rabbits and chickens mnddle of boards of brush, from the The potato crop, should be hand rams, land ve! temded for the laid out abd thoroughly prepared by deep plowing and | | manurtog, that it may be ready. (when the slips cotves up ou the bed.) by simply throwing up! the rides to receive the slips. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY | Court of Plean and Quarter Seasiona, February Term 1x61 | Reuben J Holmes, / vs ATTACHMENT The Gold-Hill Min. Co IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the officers of the Gold-Hill Mining Company are von-remdent of this State, ie therefore ordered and adjudged that publication be made in the hoa Watehioan for six Caro. | successive weeks nulilyiug suid Company aud its officers to be and appear before the Sustiees of our Court of Pleas and (Quarter Ser- rom at Che ne Court to be held for the County of Re mwonret the Court House in Sahebury, on the thet Monday in Mav next. then and there to plead oO replevy otherw +e favor of Reuben J and other propert judgment will be readered in Himes, plaiptll, wud the land levied upon be wold to satis y the aininve Wotnews. Jounes BoKere Clerk of our said Court, atoffice, che first Monday in February, AD. 161 andou the eqbty Aft year of our Tudependeuce. JAVWVES EB KERR, Crk Feb. 26, IROI 614 prady $5.50 SATO ENO TI TOALSHTCIAN Ae ROW TACT ON) Tey Court of Ploae and Quarter Seamons, February Tern MOL Ephraim Mauney. } ve ATTACHMENT A Mel Willow orkle TT appears gto the satieGetion of the Court that the defenden! Wilham Ao MeCorkle, resdes withoat fthe State, i: te therefore ordered and that pablieation be Carolina the bros acgudaed made in the Wiatchinan for six enecesmice weeks potifiing hier to be and appease before the Jurtiece of ove Coart of Pieue wid Quarier Seesione at the next Court to be held forthe County af Rowan, at the Court Homme tn Satiebury onthe first Monday in May next, then and ther to plesd or replevy. otherwise i rd gener willbe rendered against how im favor of EF iecalns Maroney plant and the bind tevied upon he sold to watefs the «ame Witness Jamon Fo Kerr. Clerk offonr said Cont at offic he firat Monda February, A DP Is6r, andin the vighty fifth year of our Ende pendence JAMES E ORERR, Ok 61.40 prady $550 Feb 26, 1*6) Ivis) ‘termined | from this date. forthe purpose of closing on ‘In Time of Peace oo Fepare for War,’ MERONEY & 7 & BROTHER RE afforing to the pabhe the best assortment of | i FERRE ARMS | ever brought to this. market. et Pistols, old and new ndde!: also, Smith & Wes son's seven shot; Sharp's 5 vance Pistol, that cun be | carried in the vest poeket, will shoot through au iach board 75 yards. Sharp's 100z., shoots throagh an inch board 100 yards; intation Colts’ at reduced prices. Bliss’ Cartridge Pistol, 6 shot; Rider's self-ecock- ing; LX Lself-cocking ; al Bowie Kuives, ussors- | ed disen 5 Sharp's Sportiag Mites, will kill IOV) ards, aud a good jai of yuus. They oder their stock of geods at teduced puces lor cash, as they totead dyiig @ Cush busiuess Combs, Brushes, Buttous, Suspenders, Betta, Faus, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, faucy bead Pius, Perfumery, Extraets, faucy and toilet soups, stationery articles, Porumoua's, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Ragors, fine and common pocket Cutlery, wilkiug Canes, sporting articles, Whips, Musica! Tu Willow Ware, Baskets, Traveling Sateh els, Paney Groceries, Frovis, Cigars, Pobaceo, Suutl, Their reniasuing stock cousimts af BUC EU LS, and gumerous olher ardels too tedious bo iention, allof whech they offer at low prices Those rudelted to as, must catlasod pay their votes aud accounts by the first day of February, aa w place albaccouuts then unpaid in the hands of officers for collection MERONEY & BRO. Sahsbury, Jun 34uf The Ad Valorem Banner, DATLY AND WKEKLY. all 7. 1061 A short time etnce L insued u proepectus for a ‘Weekly newspaper, to be called the AD VALOREM BANNER, Ne) ceeding Iny MORE se his prospet. the obje he that EP wil on the the publication of the BANNER, LY, bor DAILY So far as the Banner takes edes with | parties, it willbe Deimocrauc; but with regard to Internal Tmiproveme ots, 1 change ia our system of to be pubi-hed in the City of Raleigh, Vhe eocoaragenen! TE have received, far ex- ine hopes, induces me to issue of which ix Co tuform the pub- Ist of January, 1O61, commene. uotouly WEEK: noeal ‘Taxabon, and the preservabion of a © oustituuonal Uinoa. it will Know no party, bat will be a zealous advocate of all these, repadiauug secret Caucures, (where-the spirit of the Constitution is often violated,) | and the scheming tricksters. I packed aud partial Conventions, of would-be political demagogues aud shall be just and fear noi TERMS OF THE DAILY BANVEL > One copy | year, iu So ©, 2 2 ee RSD EK) Five copies 1 ee 20) OU rRAMB OF THE WEEKLY BANNER One copy | year, in advance, = 2 == x2 00 Six copier Ls — - 10 09 sic ieee) eee se Selon U0 FRANK L. WILSON, Raleigh, NC NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. LARGE qnantity of Northern tine fur sale at Address, Bb ooslack ed tu barrels or by the bushel, ton's Tan Yard Tt will be sold very sale or retail A large quantity of finished Leather, Suneu cheap, whole Sole, Upper aud Haruer, always ou laud aud for sale. id Dry Hides always on demand H.-C, SIMON TON 1e60. Green a at cash prices Salisbary, July 27th, Aflo GAaEAT SOUTHERN HAT AVD CAP VAN ULAGCT OL), FOREN DOOLEY, \ No. Sl, Maaestaet, Kicumonp, Va., Manufacturer and Dealer ia i FUR, STRAW, LEGHORN, PAN AMY, SOFT AND MOLE SKIN DRESS HATS. HAVE now peady ony Spreag stock of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, to whieh Pwoald iivite the attention ot the werehants of Virginie, North Carolina and Ten u comident of inv ubdity to supply chem with hing they may wali uy tine, ou dou auy uvarket un is (ers as they cau be procur ountry My stock will be kept ecoustauthy full by the add tion of evervthing uew or desirable; aud. having greatly increased ny manufctaring faciities, many desirable styles will be of my own manuafaciore My Black Mole-skin Hats stllin the front rank, and ts equal, if not superior, to anything produced in the country My axsortinent of Boys, Misses’ and Chil dren's nebly tommed Hats and Flats of all tne ditt erent styles of Braid aud Leghorue canno: be excel- Ty Military Goods, [can farnish anything requ.red My stor k of the various qualities of Army “Reg * Hats is very comy and any of the different styles of Hats or Caps made to order at short notice : JOHN DOOLEY tf43 NO HUMBUG! Selling Off at Cost !! tions” March 13, 1860 re Hine subseriber respeetioly informa his former patron-, and the pablie generaty, that he is de Pht bnane ss and will commence sell ANG Ia TERN STAVE ae Sele) Ge OE Ready-Made Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, §e., at Cost AND LESS THAN COST. lo inawe # change in hie pre on or before Janaary next, ing his Caps, The balance remarming will be sold at pablic vendue Save all you can, and call early at M. HOFFLIN'S, Corner of Manson Hotel Oct 2, 1860 tf20 RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S Pulmonice Wate ‘rs! Tre Omieral Mepicing Retainer ix 137 and first ae Of the kind ever introduced under the mame of Warkrs,” Primonic all other Pudinonte | cun be known hy the name BRYAN being damped! on each WAFER. BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAPERS Relieve Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, Hoar ‘ssoaes | BRYAN PULMONIC WAFERS | Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, DiMealt Breathing. RBRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains In the Chest. BRYAN'S MONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consamption, Lang Diseases. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Cvala and Tonstis. in thin or any other country, Waferniuare counterteity. The Genuine BRY ANS (PULMONIC WAPERA ' Relieve the above Complaiats In Tem Mtmares. | BRYAN Ss PULMONIC WAPRhts | Are a Blessing to all Classes and © stitmtions. HWRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Pabile Speakers. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste BRYANS PULMONIC WAFERS Not only retleve, but effect rapid and lastiag Cures, RRYAN'® PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction te every one. No PAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOY OF KBryxnn’s Palmonic Wafers, IN THK HOUSE TRAVELER SHOCLD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan's Pulmomic Waters, ims PooK eT ‘ PERSON WILL PVER OWJECT TO GIVE FOR Rryants Palmentc Wafers, TWENTY FIVE CENTS JOR MOSPS, Sole Proprietor, Rochenter Soldin Salsbury by HENDERSON & ENNIAR, Noy Drag WILLIAM ©. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALI RY Not ILL Practice and make prompt collections in Predelli and Catawba ¢ W Otic Rowan, Stanly oun ties ern the coruer of ¢ the Book Store Feb 14, is60 ywan'e Biniding oppose 1a MAURIE AGE AG NS Jas SALE AT THIS OFFICE Cott’s Belt and Bock: | Poe ‘UT TER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER'’S CELEBRAYVED STOMACH BIT TERS can Gia with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the Uuited States, because the article has attained are; u tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blizoning puffery The consumpuon of Hostetter's Stomach Bit- tere for the last year amounted to over @ half- million bottles, anu ise ': manifest steady Agerease in times past, it is eden that during thé coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- ion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters tu their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy ip all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting there irom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary effort- ia the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, hut a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is desuued to be as endurieg as time iself. Hoscetter’s Scomach itiers have proved a Godsend to vegions wiere fever and ague and varivas other bileus complunts have counted their victims by huudre To be able to state contiutentiy that the ‘Bitters’ are a certain cure for ihe Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the propiiciurs a source of wn- alloyed pleasure [t removes all morbid matter from the stomach, pv incs the blood and imparts renewed vitality (vo the nervous <\stem, iving it that toue aud ene spen-uble fir the restorntion of heath leoperates upon the stomach, liver, and oer digestive orguns, mildly but power fally. aud soon resiores them toacondition esseniial tu be heulihy discharge of the funcaons of nature. Elderly persous pb vy use ibe Biriers daily as per directions on the bowie, aud they will tind in it astimulant peculisaly adiipted to comfort declining yeirs, a4 it is pleasvnt to Wie paluie, invigorating 10 ‘he bowel excellent osu sonic, and rejuvenuing sene lly. We have the evi- dence of ihousauus of aged men ane wouen who have expereuccd the beueti of using thos preparacion while sues my toa sroucl de- rangemenis unit : teobilaey ner the advice of physicivus. ves vive noattoued all delecenous deugs aud iily tested the merits of ihis article. A lew woids to the geniler sex ‘Pere are costain periods when their cares ave 50 haras-ing (hat mans of them sink under the Wil Vhe retain of mother and child is so avsorbingly teuver, ‘iat the mother, especially if she be young. is apt to forget her own heath in her excreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season. the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated Here, then, is a neces<ity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the systems. ane enable the mother to bear up under ler exhuusing tris and responsibilities. Nursing moders geae- rally prefer the Bitters to all oiier mnvigova- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreenble to tne lise as well as certain ‘0 give & permanent increase of bodily strength ind ene aeein All those persons, to whom we hive pr ticu- larly referred above, to wi) sufferers from fever and ague, caused by mal.ria. dw bwa, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite. und all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids. per Sof Secentary occupation, and nursing two 2) consult their own physical welfare by | giving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a Saal CAUTION. —We caution the priiic against using any of the many initations or counter- feits, but ask for HosrerTer s Chine RaTeD Sromach Birtexs, and -ee that each hoitle has the words Dr. J Hostetter's S.omach Bitters” blown on the side of the boti'e, and stamped on the metallic eap covering the cork, an observe that uur auiugraph » label aw Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all druggista, grocers, and dealers generally thronghout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL ghature is up ihe & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS; NG ies enleet SOLD BY Henderson & FEnniss, and W Hy Wyatt. Salisburv: by Jo Reed Coneord, and by Porter & Gorrell, Greensber ea Miy 29, 160 ly) SPECIAL NOTICE, Bias ON: 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS 30 Bayh. CLOVER SEED. Nice forsale by HENDERSON & ENNISS aud «leat THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. Fe ee TENDERSON & ENNISS POUNDS Ib. 000 POF? 10,000. Pure White Lead in Oil, | HENDERSON & ENNISS | | 240 deg, for sale by For sale by 1000 PURE For wale by GALLONS 1000 LINSEED O17. HENDERSON & ENNISS 10 Bols. For aale by Oil, 10. HENDERSON & ENNISS Tanner's Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY, CLOTHING EMPORIUY MACHINE WoRKs: I GREAT EXCITEMENT A’ THE GREAT DAVID WELL. ‘Oe SM gy: ie ? Jp Ba : 4 -~ +e Ee Si AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH. erm Cites with a LARGE kof Re: udy-Made Clothing re nilemowts Purnishing md COMPLETE Grood s, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under Shirts, Crayite, Neckties, Mandkerchiefs, and a fine assortiieut of Shirts and Collars, Xe. &e., whi have hhe been purchased for east Invites your tomnediate attention und willbe sold cheap They NOW [Ss er thin ever were olfered tere before YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, a wii dete timed ty sell cheaper than auy olber bouse iu Saasbury Returning iny thanks for the Mberal patrowage heretofore bescowed, E hope for a continuance of the adie Remetnber rhs Stand, NOP UIC Y SIGIR AN TIE EICONY Salmbury, NOC March 25, 1X61 ud ane A He has recently visiied mat late by whieh he can ern ug best call July eta W National Flag! WM. M. BARKER OULD INFORM ils Obb a, fnends and customers that he Carriage Business, prepar furnish any style of HETAGE mm the best io the lowest prieed a numoer of the safactories and acquaroted himself wroih Improvements in his tine, Supply those 4 work tnuch cheaper than could be asingle gob. He siteads to bud the finest work ever done ti the country and solterts at the Sign of the Natioual Piag WAL M BARKER 31, 1560 ino BUGGY or Northern all the and made arcangements roetenmg itwith North ve by order- tnd Book Bindery « IN 4 WOR DICKS would reepectiully saforcay the eugene of Salisbu Charlotte, Statesvills cord, Gold Hall, Mocksville, ¢ usboro’, Lex ny Mog hag eaegal ee 1 Boon Bist | . ceive 1 ‘ ‘ wo Books. on Wt Hinent ean be teand on the wes werthe | Ottice Onders from a diets " \ ded te Wok DICKS Salsbury, Sept ds, bs b0 bole Brow " ann N “ke f ap as heretofore Huis gra is er tabhebine it ws began, at tiesto an a doubiluleaperine has prove yublie a great deside rata and a complete saerose. Pravelers, and others cau always have their wants, iu thee | ue, well sup Cash proces pad far Proveuder Aud the subse ver i Wats reat loon t Hornen THOMAS BOBROWN Jan In61 UAT T. BEMISTER, House Painter, Grainer. ( PROMPT Ne shipper ny teAG el ap pose IGEN ATTEN, aikees, Muar ph SALISBURY, N. C. Row ys Granete natly attended t ua workinanhke manoer tmol mast MICHAEL BROWN, (IMISSION ME KUL W ha SALISBURY, PERSONAL EN tothe pore ACE NEGUS Get V k nileset PRODUCE sgrnents to be seid vo hase of all 1 thin marker ORRELL & GRADY, HATS, CAPS, able. and wareanted te be Straw and Millinery Goods DD RF One I Cmbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, &e., No. 18 Courtlandt Street, ORKELL ) UP STAs, tteville, No ¢ cu wn NEOTMNES j New York | JAMES HORATI | WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISEUC RY 7 N.Cs, door below R.A A. BEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment WATCHES aod JEWELRY of all kinds Muphy’s Sterc, Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description repairedin the beet minner and on the most seasons ble t Fe perms broary 14, P60 NOTICE. CALL AND SETTLE, Lyte Enniss' (gue and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CERE | AT ie iN ‘ (tone. by note or ne at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ commtoare hereby notfied that payment of the sane f Ne as 1 reg dito be nade wothont delay nese | Wetave to oiveny. cidulie i) towards oureastomers miyd lene it joianeena aaeinnwebedes com tnt Fluid and Kerosine Oil TAU cra aA Ls AU Ui oe ters . comply wih the above poties and save us and them By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. Medicinal French Brandy be the best Is40 1840 Given op by Judges to ever brought to for wale by HENDERSON & ENNISS SPICES! SPICES! hin inarket, Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace Cinnamon nd Nutmege, t wale hy (EN TIEMSON koe NN Is VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar Weis per Gall 30 cts HENDERSON & ENNISS Sepr dy, bse I welves further troahl Hone ied business NOB —Enterest chor AN atanding accounts after the [st Janniry HARRIS & SULEIVAN Gold-Hill, Janu sch, is6d 34 Te rid Colleoting Agent. vened offers he vervics he public 1 hont Salimebury He holds the rpporn lector for the Town. and theretor uthoriae d tefer persons tooour Sapenntendent and Commissioners ae to qual heations, &« JOUN REARD, Apri 10, 1X60, (F486) Collecting Agent LE, PERSONS who are indebted to ome ara CX respeettally requested to eat and make imme diate payment, ae Tain welled ta have money ond this he ti nme Phy enl i don my ide Dope they will come ap promptly ROE ese Nat N yh, 150 1197 Ta Wen Yon le ce nderigned gives notree that he keeps a PEAM AND WAGONS he purpose Dra roand willaery Aowhoonay favor hin with callero thie line on aeeommodating bernie GHORGE MOWERY March 20th, <6 fad North Carolina Foundry AND A CARD SEEING IS BELIEVING —— O——— FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCEBBORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON. 1L1. continue Wine AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full assortment of to manufacture and kecp on tnude heretofore Liew Cultivators, THE LARGEST ANDMNOS8T c Se tier as Straw and Feed Catters Hoose- Powers, Seed Sowers, Phreshers, Phresberaud Separators, Shafling and Machinery for Grist Mills, Circutirand Vertieal Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, ‘Pobacco Presses and Fix tures, & rater “RON AND FORGINGS dexertption made to order Repairs of every deseriptiou of Machinery Cider and Sugar Mills They alao manutacturs EXTENSIVE OF DRY GOODS, LOTILING, AND GROCERIES, Are now opemug at the Subscriber's ever TOCK. BRASS CASTINGS, PINTSHED WORK of vid warranted in every and every respeet eat short vole Salisbury, N.C., Jan 2, brol Iy34 \ Standard, Raleigh; Putriot, Greensboro’ , Demo orat. Charlotte; Western Vdvocate, Asheville | Caro Hunn tri weekly Favetreville and Tredell Express will publish Simouths aod forwa ¢ olumbia y Observer, accounts _ Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIREC PRORS: John A. Mebane, WJ. MeConuel, CP ball, DOP. Weir, James M Mende n- Lo Cob Garrect, Jobo NOH OD Witeou, Win, Barringer, David MeKnight, | MoS Sherwood, Jed HE Lindsay, Greensborough ; Evrhibited in Salisbury PWoOA Wright, Wilaagion; Robert BE. ‘Troy, Lam- ’ bertons Mlexaoder Muler, Newbern; Thadeus Me- | Gee. Ralenh vas J pat Yi esa ile ; Dro And which wall be suld as heretofore at uupreceden- WC Rarnsey, Wadesborongh : Rev ” Maynard a : x ’ dl , Frankluton: Dr, E. FB. Wateon, Watsonville Cooly) Cee Dee menue orn wan eer ip ivy SoD WILSON, Breceut NOCANT ADVERTISING PORASE JED HW LINDSAY, Vice Premdeat \ CoP MENDENUALE Attorney who enumerate thew artistes. Common with many PETER ADAMS, WWOH CUMMING, - W oJ. MccONNELL, See'ty and Treas’r Geueral Agent | Beeouse ao examination of the stock wud priees, will the moat see pti , and closest buyers, of the PN VETINIE: : Executive Contes OOOU ES POM EGEN TCR EE 1s) - truth of the amme rion ny ' pee oe zl e thesseounected withth Ke (ursuig my sincere acknowledgements to ibe ice, shouldbe o PETER ADAMS. Secretary cusens ct Rowan and adjaceat counties for pest fa- sborough, Ne @. June 19, 1-60 un vorm, Lvope by close attention to my business, te inerit a continaanee of the same. COWAN’S : Vegetable Lithontriptic, -§. FRANKFORD'S. TO COUNTRY MERCIAN TS, trouble as usual to show Goods at Pac teN PO ea eE Rit WA NUE A Molt vr BEV PRRING DISEASED KIDNEYS, he Lyf ad Nidacys buble bghaddes ots nexx of the Loing, be. vROM Matec Tee usd M neois for anle onty at Mocksville, Salisbury Statesville, Coneord and PPYHE SURSORIBER wouid co the attention of t ville, at Col Vostacs and ne where etne | COUNTRY WERCHAN TS, to his lege and | theerher Navi fered inte coparinersh p ota Fo Cowancens ne! patentee, forthe manu varied Stock of wotnire and ale af Medictoe, is prepared vtuer apply bya 2 otit at Sabebury we dD AL SEN 95 June Jt 1S HARDWARE!! Clothing and Groceries. SHE the old stand Subseribers are receniog and opening nt ot GM. & A. T. Jones, tne ire et be sell at WHOLESALE an low as whieh he will rought the Union, the Great Em- Stock of Hardware ~~ New York, not ex epted verofferedia this Market S. FRANKFORD. Nree dy of the Manu ah 1 re prepared ther ee , vodesiale or Retas ovis A call in re \\ | I( )| }’N \ | |! iy woliented dbabOLN Tidae JONES & OVERMAN ) 160 4s rans ely io which having bee ou bought clurers or t mroageuts, emela Mar 13 Salisbury \" SKIRTS in endlens varety at SOL THERN S. FRANKFORD’. T March 19, 1=61 bt44 1 a UFACTORY ! = 25 WANI I ii e — s.5>— —w = a 5 - =: NN eae SMITH & MILLER, -mis?it = 2 L = 5s MANU BP ACTURERS OF £ @ 2525 Ee —— Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Pi _ztze7 => EERG& _— I AVING spared neither pains nor ex a) = mas) ae pense in proconng matenale of the — a beat qua Medmnees iileaieten in a = 4 proveiienn--nnd the moat finished Wark -s' 3 — nen, Chey Hatter themselves that they ean eS Sr 2 eellae good au artele of ‘ Sl (om) Boots, h oes & Gaiters, ma os Ss = ' = muy be putehece? a New Eugland tir the sane ‘Ls “ * = They thee core feel confident that their ap = 23 eel pealte the enizens of the South to sustain them im ance iseons Fe caU Kn th Dmennorarm aasemee cindy = Sacro ¢, = Manufacture now eotirely io the handeof abolitioniats, ( On will not bein vain or disregarded. ‘They offer at iS a eA cz eine As oT wean . WHOLESILE AND RETAIL, Ta ne Chounetted Boots, French © aif, } WORTH & DANIEL, Fine Kreach Feder. “ Halt We ca Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Teenereatie AND OPER! BOO TS. Commission Merchants, Patent Leather and French Calf Open Garters No. 2 Granite Row, Fron? Sraget, WILMINGTON, N. C. Patent Leather aud French Calf, bine Y Freneh Calf, aK Coaiters, Dien, Frenet Calf, Dealers sn ail kinds of Groceries, Provieone, Fruit, i ruew a«tyle, French Am. Calf Liquors, Wines, Cigara, and Tubacco 1) Goto them and supply your wants and au fa Solicit conmgninente of Floar, Dried Fruit, Feath- Toe mu imit jee inane Bootes Shues iG allctae Ont Boot axs Vobaceo, and Country Produce gen- save thoee mannufactared by erally. Agents tor Howe's celebrated Scales. DG WORTH, N.G. DANIEL, SMITH & MILLER, For the past 7 yrare with renee, THOMASVILLE, ad Late of Asheburu', N.C T.C. & B.G. os ) Sept in, 1x60 He New Firm. DENTAL NO TICE. —— 43823 —— MURR & SOSSAMON, i II. AVING purchased of J.D. Brown & SS DR. BESSENT, | | AS REMOVED ro toe DENTAL ROOMS on the coruer formerly occupied by Da Bavon, » there otire stock of me SHEET. IRON, COPPER WARE OVES. oes, where he i# prepared to attend all operations connected With his profession vowoffer the largest and hundsomest tot of COOK + 1. N60 1792 ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES ever 7° ' offered in this market, and will sell for cash ax low ne , = Gila hanna Sater NarUn( AThlihaumAlnoell kinds Fine Suits. f Plan and Japaned TEN WARE and STILLS iG kepton hand At kinds ‘Tin, Sheet Dron or Copper If you wish to bay FINE SULTS of CLOTHING UFR AMA Shaeieaundtice for as little money agporsible, call at the Great Cloth DAVID WEIL MURR & SOSSAMON 192 Emporium of Salisbary, Jan 22, 161 1y36 Rewewarn tHe Stann—No 9, Murphy's Gran ute Roi, Salrebury, N. ©. Sept 25 1f9 Cc HIS. Wi UARKI TH ! nedharing taken np the book te tis ey nves thronotiee th DENTIST, Nose lehted may have achance to pav as th MT PLEASANT, N.C wer ul ery account will be rigidly enforced ; xu March 13, 186 rd] 43 2 WIAMES : tee mS D ) Why Fine Shirts and Collars. Shirta an Colare, uw owieh DEEDS oF AT THIS OF FICE s Lo puretmer fine Great Clothing BLANK SALE A um of . F Davi Ip WEIL Pay No 2, Gaanite Row ent 25-1119) © OPH» oh ues, fo ope, i> eieaed groseach. P a UNDI IN PA December fright; the our presence tan some ca thought they show, to stor it is not cert Khu Cearitge Ce they bad ho when the su lard, as 1b te travel qver | sequently, ir little is to bi the mounts svize Whales outekirts of as abrupuy Now that again barri ot snow, chimney is present, Id the air; wh but te rema aApaltiol # se timeto bea suffocated t tube, whicl circular apr trap Tt ts cut oe off 1 neither coff fora time o have made consented t restore his wishes me young, ane hem a that to whi to disagree Deca rhe crandfathe proaching. “Approd winter con HNot ye Winter die roam atrll ay at We at My yrar sang to da a little bre Jent that l more Chee vould Toad Decenbs card nore any and that a lary sileni, anne r mpletel Ubeiend tie the smoke tlakew of ¢ this tarru Liene w Se, inl Toe NV libea! Ty: Weortals Vu Call be Thad Fer ver ave. W wid are b a bright f tunale cul ate evel | would eb ed to be stand? hope that that some island, w will melt Decem voted the We mus! fo apprec has done how bitt How eas ings and nine, bu If I a monntar friends, how nee you wotl other set charity. solitude these thi troubles stand th experier be alon themsel: hife wou chastise! Decer father hb complai supper, of the fi tored, a sistance fire. { tool effort of capable where | him at hands \ toward: raise (h1 and the Couscic OWh grandfi “Cer though “Ho praised ZrO Ws | Bodeid: ed to ( ter for Jan New grandt my ap connne = —— OST \ ss, ever ury, receden- ASE articles. eos, will re, of the 8 to ibe pest fa- nem, le »’S. eniion of jarge and eat Em- RD. RD’S. ud l b U N id a ) © | | L, cers, ints, T, IN: -C. ne, Fruit, t, Feath- uce gen- TEL, years with Woatn ROOMS yn Bavon, pperations 132 THING eat Cloth WEIL yy'e Oran ing j}) 43 Clare, IT. J. J. BRUNER, EDEROR AND PROPRIETOR. © POPYs $2.00 bivc Omples, $00 i copies, ¥lo.00 Ns emgegding tenn the same pr yporben to) each, Payment always ww advavee, UNDER THE SNOW! IN TWO PORTIONS part u.—(Concluded.) December V4.— We ercaped with ine fright; the wolves either did not suspen our presence, or were Nard pressed toob tan some casier prey, AL ome tine, w thought they were burro site tins the snow, to storur our ¢ Htadel ina vody 5 bat itis pot certain whelber they might not Le tearing tu pieces some weiial winch tuew had hunted down vn the spot. But when the surface of the elow is tregcn hard, a6 if ie how, Ub aslows the worves ty travel over it rapidly They do et, con sequently, remain oi the horghty where: little ig tu be had, bat trey neous down the mountain apd tuvade tie poain, te svize Whatever falls in ther woy im tie outekiets of the villages. They deported ’ as abrupdy as they taal arived, Now that the door and tie wits again barricaded by a deep accumulation of snow. Ttis clear that the tray ot the chimney is our weakest pont. Por the low are present, E dare net venture out te bre whic the air; which is sad. 1 have no choice but to remain a close prisoner. Ty ayainet « secoud attack, and at the sams time to beabletolighta fire without being suffocated by sinoke, { have fitted an iron tube, which L found ya the stable ito a circular aperture which [have cutin the trap. Tt te safe and convenient, buat it! cut os off more than ever feo the outer world. Hitherto, ny gran Mather would touch neither coffee nor wine, reserving them foratimeof need Batourtast anxieties Qard have made him so unwell that tie bas consented to try whether they will net restore his appetite and tis etrenjti ie wieltea me to take any shares bat foam young, and can do very well withont rein A long continued uatk diet, bke that to which we are now confined, ts apt ro disagree with persons of his age December VT Time pas vrandfather said to-day ; proaching.” “Approaching! 1 auswered. winter come” Nouvel my “winter 1a ayy “fant according to the almanac Winter does not bein til the twenty first; Soa etrll auton s bat who wend tere At WE Are Me peason ot fruits! My vrandtatier baseaten scarcely any sing to day Poperetts ted deat ta) taste a little bread soaked tin wit It in evi fent that be makes au offer’ to appear nore cheertul than bereally fecha, Woat vould Pda, were be te tall seriously vil f December 22.—MWiis tong we have eard any Delse olla def oodt aecitish th ts nore and were Com picte We conciude that a large qauntity of froele pow has talen, and that the chalet is prooabty completely burned auder the uass. Never theless the wun tube etill rises above ity the suwoke cecapes tecly , today a few tlakew of snow have fallen this narrow chanuel sown throapeo Piiese white resect gers of winter are the omy Cings whieh Keep apa u Mitocatien between oa veg ated world Mt our . cites stomtd dose a Ze m Vo inedin ob ti lay would be the spece s wt We Cafh pee lib tie 1k wake Lise Iron th On abel Very Wits Tr sn i ees ave. When we lias wid are busy a i eta oy Tass vet a tigat fire, We party tunate condition, touch are even certain of out would envy Us Wit ed to be Robinson Crus sland? And yet, le h ype than welave. [twas auict Ut that some stray vessel gat teach at istund, whilst weare certain will melt, sooner or biter December 25, Chi istacrs day W voted the day te dreoditation aid paaves We muat be soffering under mistortunes to appreciate properly what the Svvieur has done for men. Before Tis advent, how bitter adversity muet have been! How easily it mast have led to complain ings and despair! The reflection is not mine, butiny grandfather's. If I am spared to descend from the monntam, [stall be able to say to my friends, “If you had known, as ] have, how needful soviety isto every individ, you would feel towards one another mo other sentiments than those of love and charity. Let us bameh tuto temporary solitude all those who will not understand these things, and who stir op amongst us troubles and war. They will soon under: stand their folly; they will learn from experience that it is net good for man to be alone; they will love, as they love themselves, that nethbor without whom life would no longer be « blessing, but a chastisement of Providence.” December 28.— Yesterday, my grand- father had no appetite; but he did not complain of pain. In the evening, after supper, as be was sitting by the corner, of the fire, he suddenly turned pale, tot- tered, and sank down. Withobt my as: sistance he would bave fallen into the fire. ftook him in my arms, and with an effort of which I did not believe myselt capable, 1 transported lin to his bed, where I first seated bin and then tad him at full length. His head and his hands were cold; the blood had rnshed towards his heart. To took care net te raige the patient’s head, but left it low, and the blood svon flowed back to ait Cousciousness returned af the same tine “Where aw 1?) Ou the bed #” suid iy grandfather. “Certainly; you turned faint, and | thoughe it best fo lay you there.” “Ho bronght me here! Heaven be praised for it! As [ beeowe weaker, be rows stronger,” he said. JI knelt by the Bedeide for awhile, At Inat ha eonsent ed to drink a little wine, and felt the bet ter for it. January 1.- We have beco beepiug Now Year's day as well as wecould, my grand{ather exerted himself to cheer up Ife tried to muse me with Wo toasted eat my spirits connndroina and riddles. Devoted to Politics, Wes, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Moratity, and the Family Circle. VOL. XVITT. EA RN OS, A EH suppor on potatoes cooked dn the ashes, toupicd Cheesy, aud toasted bread eopyed inowine, Lhe poat was not forgotten; L picked out the sweetest lay for her prov cudéers whe bad a clean bed, a double ra tion of salt, uted i triple it owance of Caresnes, (srandfather wishes to add afew words in his own dandwerting : sto the maine of Good, Amen! Ltae possible Chat Pinay be take uw from my friends betore Loan acquaint thea with my fas wishes, LT bave na general directions to give respecting the disposal of any property; Utnat doy bias been pertoray ‘d dong agos but Po owish to acknowledy the care aude devotion of iy d as itis itipossible tore to daake bin the slight anu dsou, Lous Lopraz, bere presont Aud est new year’s offering to day, Tobey my hes to supply the oonssion by giving hin, ‘on inv part, ty tepeater watch; iny carbine; omy Bible, whiel belonged to my father, and lascs iny steel seal, ou which are engraved avy mitials, winteh are the same as those of uy vodson and grandson, “foam couvinced that he will value these shiult tokens for the sake Gt the affectionate ifrendslip whieh unites us, and whieh death Ttself will not ease Co conse Sth ny will “Simed at the Chalet of Nizindes, the Tet of Janie Lovas Lovin” Jandary o> -—My grandtather spoke to tne this tertiitg about tie etate ot tits health, without diaguisine any thing Kevery word be said ts sthtorietig ii oy Cals OM dear teas 7 he sald. after akin is toe att denen bs tissrde, ol can ne to ' conceal from tevecit that the clase of iy feds not far distant Wooether we shall ible te keep anited amy scout and the portion of dat whieh is wlled av bods awh [can withe omer od eranmce. ds Tile tiat cat teh. Ue Pacarcly dare 0) pe it My Weakness bocteuses vrapedity which ae thabes me; andsti te be presumed that Peta tease you tints cur sad Witer quarters alone “You will be, Pb doubt oto mere arieyv edoatoeur eparration than al crmed Uo vour bass > ye Wath Teel Wt ore sit raas that tear Bat Dhave sue ent connence Ho YvOur puuds techies cid your et engi Momnd te be petsaded toat vou wi rot fark tate a culpable degree ot deptes Retiee ye UU) hee cst Your lather, whom You well tre rcdly BCE We, Wt Tae wil huey up your Courage, A lite re flection will cousince vou that, after aos death, vou will be eXporcd to no greater danger in toe chalet tham you were ln fore On the contrary, Lohave rathes been a borden to vous vou will no long er have famine siennge von mi the fae ! ey Vise vet Wasi peitioctit \ I) WoeXxpose Yourself tao a \ Few 5 ‘ a5 Alt tow ck * pa as, et i\ ny ‘ 1 es a t 1 M ui. Lado vy uneasy 0 we ela ea > [ser pilvet ot ny death wy i Wien vou betrid this teats rived of (ate, i wail sterke von witl tee goat terror, perhaps 1 wren dt Iiscunt, whoely ia very Wire ise tte, fiat APEC TESLEy poe yple ArecTista aN EN oN fey et A Myoverel emit utters ta? rehatus ot vote aged trend’ Vic fotome wher Pam asiee sf | ! vou TD tainted, eee uve Hpac Of Taree vend 5 Vout saw bothaig Gat tag becessny of issiet Prope. attd veo did Vora uty dike a Well, then, at you alould eee me fall into that tinal swoon Courageous Unat worch is called death, behave with eqaal My body will require of you only one Last sersice s dare to ren fer it when nature las warned you that the momentiscome. Yourertrength will be quite satficient; vou pave proof of it the other evening, when vou cariied tic presence ot mind and lard me apou this bed. SYou sce that doors it leads to the dairy Woere we hever go now, because You will there dig a vravcoas deep as you can make it, to re ceive my body, wotl you return to fetch tin the spring and yive it a regular funeral in the village cemetery. Its useless to 8 “After those sad moments, you will find this dwelling very lonely; you wall shed many tears; you will perhaps call) me, and T shall not answer. Do not} Waste Vour strength in uscless regrets. | Address your thoughts solely to Hin who never tails to answer when we invoke Him with contidence.” Sach were the exhortations which I received from my grandfather this inorn ing; and, as if he felt reheved by having given them, he bas since been more tran gail, more serene, and almost joyous, For my own part, [ cannot believe that so clear and etrong a mind can be dwell ing ina body which is so near dissolution The danger las been set before my eves, butat still seoma far distant. May God contirm my favorable anticipations? January 7. —Darkness has amore de pressing effect on sick persons than it has on people in health: although itis said tobe injurions evento the robustest health Light was made for man, and man for the hght. We have contrived this morn ing a ode of ecouomizing our oil, with out remaining completely in the dark.—- We have made a oight-light with @ thin slice of cork, through which we bave put avery small wick, Tine feeble ight suf fiees for my work and it cheers my grand father a litle We will make use of this tor the fature, and only rarely light that lurve larp 5 for, upou tral, | tind that 1 ean omanige to write witt thie, January 10. —Tt was the will of God! [oan left alone with Hin, far away from all the reat of the world. ft hap pened the Jay before yesterday, It is impoem Lie to gu on and write the full ac a wes we SALISB ae MO ISS countoof tis death Phe pauperis soaking wet with my tears Sanuary js Yoa, this is really the twellthot January 5 two dives have clape- edo srnce TP wrote the PEeCGn etic. hires. My reason ts retuiming 5 te shall yet the ipper tagd, af tt please Grd Unless I telt that the hord was with me and around me, Td, tea, eliould die, and that of Heigl alas Januny Vo and V4.--Onu the seventh, Iowe te tucbot tepe 5 aay yerand fa (hei appeared to be better than usual , bat betore Pohad fallen aslemp, P heard loin preany and Ppumped tp iietantly, Without Watdig for bint to ask me to wo and help tian, [ dressed tiveclt, lighted the lamp, which stood ready, and asked him how he feit. * P feel faint,” he said; ‘ait will bel ke the other day; or perhaps Pec checked himself. ~ Dear grandfather, will you take a epoontal of wine © “Noy my childs only moisten uvy tein sles and rub iy hands with vinegar toge-pei the Bible. Read me that pass toe, vou huow which, Where bE have plac et mw rudy ob petpes Loobeved Wien | had tinsehed it, he nlerruplod me, dade me core near bin, mids in | hows | lis, ancl uttered a lone prayer. He prononneed the words slow Ivo ttoa feeble voice, andl at constdcrable totervans. Tbe tien iad aie reeite sone portions of Scripture whieh DT kyew Inn Heart; at Hiner, te called to tind pases aes of the Dit'e and words ofthe Saveur which he repeated with a fervor and re pivhiation Ural inelted me to tears lai add one teflung cireuinstance wever, affected aie cere atiy Poanchette: surprised, perbape, at sceiny bbaats ' i th owdastadl beur, set up a eontrued bleatiny . yor Planchette!’ said the dving nang tH oanust caress her pust once more Let her loose, uy boy, and lead her tu my beds do” . . [didi be desired : and Blanchette, in er fabian wayyy put ter two fore feel don t the tected urine for ine little UO bat be given to ter. We ad accuetoined ber to tube trom the baud )tiis wav, a wean or two of salt. I toorgatisiovid bedoing what was agree: efogny patient, a DT tiard a dite salt un fis hand. Bianehette took it instantly, and ticked fis hand atterwards “Always be a good nurse ! ty of milk! he said, passing lis arm round ber neck with an effort. He thea turned aside his bead. IT led Blanchette Give plen away and fastened ber to the nanver Avter that be uttered scarcely any con t { words TiN, te rad wou r ‘ . iomet ' o ~ iy { } t ci ‘ i eves s Co Metre te ek ne. beoin t fed that le Was Coueen ea AN Grex ress His aihecthor, vid tisat I e ouppertnest ta dies Uo at uy Vid Cectae fooudoa few atfeetionate words + \ ties looks briphted ap, and T saw wat would be a pleasure to ham af | awed. DT therefore leaned down to wards Hom, and said with as firm a voice a T could command, “Aden! adieu ! Farewell, til we meet i Tbeaven! Tami resolved te chey yout npunctions faititn dy | icieve i Gal the Father; [belteve in the compassion ind the metits of the Savieui Do not be abxlous On ny accoult Want have prepared me so weil, ial Low stand in need only ot G nds assistance,” Here ny poor grandtather squeezed my hand more torenbly, and, making an nnaeailing effort te answer tre, he could mily express tie jey by a long drawn “PE will take care to remember,” Peon tinned, “atbthe advice you gave for the preservactit ot any hfe. Bor the love of Acs Twin t nothing that can pro oneoiuy eX sienoe and help me to escape from the chalet. Farewell, dear grand father! Farewell! farewell 1” I felt one inere feeble pressure of the hand it was the last; for bis hand, which ‘had graduatly grown colder, let mine drop. He expired withoat effort, with- out convulsion, and without a sigh. My most terrible momenta, after that time, were not the first. It was when [ slowly came to myself, and found myself alone in that habitation with--a dead body 5 it was then that I felt an invelun tary shudder run through me, especially when night came. In the morning, I had suftticient com- mand over myself to wind up the clock and teomilk Blanchette; the cold com- pelled me to light 4 tire--that gave me oc bot | afterwards fe!l into a stu- Unfortunately, that same evening the w ind rose with sueli violence cupation yor of arict that ] could hear the watling of ifs mourn fol guate more plainly than T had done for sometime past. ] was sitting ip the chimney corner, I was watching by the feeble ghimimer of the night lynt, with ay back turned to wardea the bed: little by little, I felt a shivering fit come over me, ] was ne longer urastel of my own ideas. My men tal trouble would bave gone on increas ing, and might have become of serious consequence, if | bad not thonght of a mode of patting an end teat which many people might think would make it worse I went up to the corpse, at tirst con strained) y, afterwards with greater reso Intion Tlooked atit: PE dared to touch t Tt was a pa ntol effort. nevertheless I po ted | repeated the action sever tl tunes, and 7 felt that the shock T bad sotfered became by degrees more sup port able From that time d did not cease, at short intervals, to retarn to the remaios of my ee ee = URY, N. C., APRIL 23, 1X61. departed fieod, [fulfilled with respect lowing inscription on a stall teblet of to thea tac seine afices Which persons maple wood ; vol things perfor coo Here lies the body of Lovie Lopraa, whe died Ig. Phe oyygession of the countenance yy the mght of the Tui 8th of January, Ww the was so Calin and plearant, that it caused arins of bes grandsun Louis Luprva, why burned ine te shed tears. * No,” Peeled aloud tim with lis owe bauds. “Tam not afraid.” I nailed the tablet to a stake, which 1 Nevertheless, my planted on the mound over the grave ; when 1 felt that sleep was elealing over arter which 1 closed the door and return ines; atny age, itis impossible to resist: cd to the kitehen, where Blanchette 1s it, Was Pte go and lie down by the side iny only company. Nevertheless, altho’ of the body ¢ My resolution did not car | feel mere at ease now the body is ne ry me so faras that; and Tsought, Dinust longer lying on the bed, I find that some confess, a Very wretched protection trom remains of weakoese atill linger in my the superstitivus fears which were cesum qiind, T combat them by paying tre-, ing their sway; T went and took refuge quent visits to the grave, and always by the side of Blanchette. The warmth without a tight. I have resolved to say and the vitel motion which L foaud in ny prayers there night and morning. this poor animal, the slight noise she made | ‘January 15.—Yes; my positiva is whiie chewing the cud, reassured me in greatly changed; I become wore and sume slight degree. \more aware of it every day. I had a At last I fell tuto a sound sleep. \friend and a companion, and yet I dured The next day, as soon as | woke, Ire ‘to complain! God is panishing me for commenced the struggle of yesterday; 1!iny former discontent. [ aw left alone— employed myself as much as possible all alone! ‘This thought pursues me the about the goat and my other work, and, i whole day Jong. above all, 1 frequently went near to the! January 16.—I cannot shake off iny | body. Leven held that dear and vener: | weakness. 1 left my bed in @ state of alne head for a evosiderable time iv my |languor and discouragement, which con | hands. The more wy fear diminished, |tinues. Ll write merely for writing’s sake. the more T feltiny grief increase, and 1 off L told the whole truth, this jooroal was pleased with myself on observing se) wou d now be filled with a melancholy reasonable aud so natural a change. My \pictureot despair, I lave hardly the en thonghts then became directed to thelergy to guide my pen. My first distress , preparations for the burial, and I recalled | wuen the wolves threatened tu devour us, roimind whatmy grandfather had said. /and the sad sceues of my grandtathers I celieve that it was with # seeret inten: |death and burial, were as nothing cum | hon that he had sometitnes spoken of the! pared with the prostration of strength in longers of precipitate interments; [re ito which | have fallen. [had no concep: solved, therefore, to wait until natare tion of this kind of suffering. Even prayer should compel ine to accomplish this last does not help me out of it. ‘ iaty. The lively affeetion which I re! Junuary 24.—Providence, to drag me tucued for my grandfather kept une from juut of the weariness of ennui, las sent a vielding to the cowardly wish to get rid yew source of disquietude, The goat yields » a paintul spectacle the very earliest) « smaller quautty of milk. [thought L moment possible. (observed it several duys ayo, at present, Bat L took my tools, and opened the (1 cannot doubt the tact. dairy door. | January 25.—My grandfather certain roOWihataduckcoralletridce ty leantditores foresaw the possibility of iy being de myself.“ Piret, nurse and doctor, and | tained here all by myself, and yave me now grave digger! What other bercay os hints how Ishould act onder such ed relatives are spared the sight of, [au circumstances. One day he raid, What ‘bhyed to execute with my own hands!” should we do if Blanchette were to gy ff dry © It would be absulurely pecessary to pluck up onr resolution to kill her, and live on her flesh as long as we could.”— Iie followed this up with explanation how we should have tu manage, to pre- serve her flush. Am [to be reduced to wccustain a anguish returned Lhe fiest few strokes revolted me, and | [ was obliged to stop short. [Lt was not! that omy arms refised to work, bat my mind was troubled, and deprived me of the requisite energy. Every time [struck the ground, a load echo resonnded from | tye root, which was vaulted with bricks, like Cee ect | January 26.—lf matters Jo not grow | that of a cellar. 1 was obliged to accus- I z tom myself to the sound, aud it took me| Worse, may eet wy mind at ease. Blan-; the whole day to do an amount of work |chette still gives enough milk for my sus: | tenance. I have several cheeses in store. | ! which ought not to have occupied more | toanaconple of hours. Infact, the ground have examined the remainder of my Cod Cui twandetsiiet lnchsmnle stock, and have spent the day in calcula {or ow Ou witlh te sliavel without ve ae” long it would met 1 had a en oblized to break it up previously thing else. It wonld not carry me thro a fortnight. January 27.—The yield of wilk de creases, and the goat fattens in proper lee i cseape from Lon. Consequently, In Cane of her milk ter whether itgis my tarn te die next, I fuling, the poor creature is preparing te sustat any life with her own snbstunce ! 1 took advantage of the circumstance to ya deep grave, foc do to myself rthe chalet lias to be lott empty for ty deneth of tiie Cw lie tto Use iny utinost endeavors to pre serve the body from ravenons beasts. therefore went on with my melancholy task, unt! Twas standing ina grave as deep as TL was Ingh. The clock struck ten. Night was come, and all its black | thoughts with it. ‘shall [ be driven to the necessity of turn ing boteher¢ Shall Tbe obliged, in or der to prolong my own exiefence, to cat the throat of the animal which hae fed ine up to the present? [ fiave now only a half ration of milk. February TI lave tried every expe- dient. Ounce T got a little more inglk by giving ler a tripple allowance of salt, which made her drink more. Buatit was y Ttepessi ble te yo on so ; because I shall re- c > , , § Sige dn the 11th of January, my first tho’ quire all my salt, it— —Poor Blanchette! on waking was to make an end of my pa Bat the vielent exer cise Which Tad taken soon cnabled me , to fall asleep. Tt was only deterred a few minutes by Blanehette ss curesses ; she seems very glad to have me with her, and never refuses to serve as ny pillow. ; { have heard that bens toe fat and well tienttask; when I had lighted the lamp I fold ee bundantivnole : felt my courage oozing away and I was ob- ENO UOUINY, BU) AO UAE yea i: : rs es Benge er ie so Lthoaght 1 would try the effect of giv Be ohave recourse to abew remedy wth ng my goat a smatier quantity ae hay.— which I ought to have been able to diss pay ir did not answer. She vieldod still ee pass oh pee : usnal joes inilk, and I had the vexation of hear on bowed mt and potatoce, b took a hit ing her bleat half the day. It is now not tle bread and wine. lhe a ne of firtinness w hieh I have waited till the evening, in order to cannot ascribe to my own personal yet a little more. But she will hardiy let character, but of which [took advantage j))6 eome near her. hieitedclave t liad well Peal 1] have hurt her tat WIND Ge lay Ua MN CUcONe CCL COsULG by pressing it too hard. means of execution and everything had ‘vbruary 8.—1 will feas cak- been prepared the day before. ede ae ae ness; I shed tears to-day when I tried in Oh, my dear grandfather, whea you. vain to milk Blanchette for the last time. taught me, in front of your house, to. When she saw tbat I gave up the task, she transport a heavy body by the employ “gazed at me distrustfully, as if patting ment of rollers, we little thought that I jerself on her guard against a fresh at- should apply your lessons on so sad au tempt. 1 pushed the basin on one side, oceasion as this. The remembrance of and sat down by the poor creature. I what you then told me was completely threw iny arms around her, and wept bit- refreshed in my memory, I could hear terly. = the sound of your voice, in imagination >) She went on eating all the same, leat and when the funeral burden nodded its ing occasionally, and looking at me nffee- head, as if in sign of approbation, 1 was jtionately. They say that gouts do not so overcome that I turned my eyes away, distinguish persona, and that they never like a person who dreads to look over the) manifest the jealons and devoted attach brink of a proc pice. ment of dogs; nevertheless, Blanchette The way was smoothed: the body was ‘is fond of her companions, and shows con: soon beside the grave. The most easy fidence in them. She looks tome for food way would have been to let it fallin; bat and the necessary attentions to which J I could not make up imy mind to treat it have accustomed ber; and J must now with go little reverence. Every dithculty put a koife into her throat! Tnexper being vangnished at last, what that ree cuced as Lau iu such a task, [can scarce mained to be done gave me but little nn. ly avoid causing ler great and prolonged easiness. I conld freely give way to my suffering yrief Seated on the mound whieh Thad) God bas given the animals to man for raised with my own hands, T wept abun- food. dantly by the side of that open grave. 1 gratitude fur his bounty if we become at ae not resolve to throw in the first tached to those which have reudered us shovelfule of earth without performing Lenetits, and which are of a yeute aud of sume eort of funeral service. I knelt, aud | fectiouute disposition. 1 will, therefors, searched my memory for passages of jdelay the cruel sacrifice up to the last pos Sc.ipture suitable to the occasion. | took sble moment. T have atill a few victuals the Bible, being sufficiently acquainted left, and 1 will ecopoinize them aa closely with it to And fitting portions, and sach as | ean as my grandfather would have pointed T know it; batitis showisy toi I am vow haunted by one bornd idea :, This regimen re worth while milking her twice a day; 0 | February 12.—With so many sorrows the door, @ confused sound of voices, like [led him into the dairy. He knelt be- ‘ide the grave; I did the same; and, asI Jendeavored to tell him in detail what had i passed, he saw, by my agitation, that the attempt was beyond my sttength, | The men who accompanied hiw had en- tered, They were my two uncles, and Pierro, our servant. They all embraced ‘me. They saw my preparations, and ap- proved of them. ey decided to start ‘immediately. My liberators had faeten- ‘ed to thetr fect smal! pieces of board afm- led with little points. They had brought aconple of pairs besides. Ab! one of them was uscless; 1 pat on the other. — Porre took eharge of the sledge. The wolves now might come if they pleased ; -we were gil armed. My fig ee me : . iby the hand, and Tgid on my ghoulder a N U M B AR . 49, hight gon which I knew how fo use. “This is not the time,” be said, “te remove @y father's mortal remains, We will come and teich them as soon as the season allows vs, whea thes shall decently receive the last respect due te them in the villaye cemetery.” “You have divined.™ L replied, “my geand- Sei Sate Se ee er = on ome = giuined by this Violent exercise, is to ox cite my appetite, The idea that IT have scarcely a morsel lef to eat, thakes ine, I believe, all the hungrier itera (nat wisties.”” February 17.— Since yesterday, the We retired for an instant into the dairy ; my frost has become so sharp at night, that I uucles were with wa. After wn few moments of aim obliged to keep ap a constant fire. — stlemee, my father, all tm tears, exclaimed, Certainly, if this weather lasted, | should + Adiew! father, Mo doubt 1 am doing what have ne hesitation in shutuug up iy poor you would request me to do, in removing this victin’s fleeh ww the stable, where it leez lad as won as posable, whose fate mo vst bave es hard, withont any further preparaven, | Caused YoU ie tnooh apprebensiocd aa has giv- Tinust de en us Father, adieu 1” We departed; our eyes were full of tears. — The descent was rapid but fatiguing. I was es- pecially dazzled by the 1 ht of the sum and the brilliancy of the snow. The cold was severe, and [did not complain; it was what had saved Botthe weather may change. cide upon something without delay. lave vnly just chough salt deft, for uy butchering purposes ! February 18.—The cold is intense ; it recalls the visit of the wolves to mind.—! yy. There is nothing now to hinder bem from after travelling over the snow with no other traversing the mountain in all directions. gccident than sinking ins little from time to Under these desperate circumstances, it 18) UW time, we arrived at the spot, stil! a long way the only end which makes ine shudder. | from the village, up to whieh ¢hey had opened Were an avalanche permitted to erneh ine | the road im their endeavors to reach us. | was to-day, I should hail death as a deliver | Astonished to see the immense labor it must bave ance. icost; and I comprebeaded that, without the froat, February 20.—I lave come to a grand |® long ime must still have elapsed before 1 could resvlution! I will leave the chalet to- ve delivered. oe . morrow. Before risking my lite, | wish * You would have been resoued in tee mont ; ; of December, if the frost had held on,” wy fath- to record in my journal what made ine : : ; er said; bat the snow softened, and we bad no come to SO eens : choice but to work as hard as we could at this . Yesterday Ee Blanchette’s bleat undertaking. You must know, my dear Louis, ry woke ane out of a trightiul dream, ‘that oar neighbors have been wanting neither in thought L was standing, with bloody ghanty nor zeal; but, within the memory of ran, hands, cutting up the poor antinal’e GUY never was there sach a heavy fall of snow. Foor ering flee; ber head lay before me; Lunes did we open the road, and four times was could, nevertheless, hear itatter cries of it drifted op avein.” pain. These were what actually did ~ Was it blocked up from the first day i strike my var. | awoke with iy cheeks, inquired. streaming with tears. How delighted | My father then infurmed me of avery unfor- was to behold Blanchette wtll living! J] tunate circumstance. He vearly lost bis life from ran up tu her; she was more affectionate , the sliding of a mass of Shoe, as he was descend - than ever. My joy was nut of long dus, 124 the mountaia, They picked him up ma a dying «tate at the edge of a ravine, aad, a few rativn. T remembered that destitution, oe ee pitas meres stared ine in the face; indecision wae in- paces further on they found my grant possible. T took a knife, and act to work Sak iced home senseless, where to sharpen it on the hearthstore. 1 was je egntinued for three days in a precarious con- atiuny wits end; IT felt as if L were, jaion. They lost all that time ia searchiag for yung Wo Comunit a murder; and, after ad | us amongst the snow at the bottom of the ravine. vanciug upsteadily for the purpose of giv) When inv father eame to himself, it was too tate ing the fatal blow, 1 stopped short, over to make any altempt in our favor, which would powered by feelings of remorse. already lave been very dangerous, f mot impos My hands were benumbed with cold, sible, after the first days i All our neighbors came out to meet me, testi- another reason tur deferring tie act which ‘ inspired we with such disgust and repug fying their fricndly disposition ; and I blushed to nance. I lighted a good fire, and ponde -, have wver doubted it, Every body is curious te naulewarted inyscllmoliiicnwolver; tc Blanchette. She as overwhelmed with ca- 7 ele a resxes on my account. She is treated to the best cau travel over the enow,’ it suddenly ‘ F : Colne » hay and the drvyest litter; she will be the most struck me, “why should not we travel - : yer it woll?? pampered and the happiest of goats. ri ' id i ated ; Aes | God has saved my life. He has not permit- Reo aioe Scare with joys then wa my grandfather to behold his family again. fear stole over wy wind, 1 was about to put the good friend whom | have lost, taught surreuder myself to thoge ravenone brutes. me pever to murmar at the decrees of Prowi- To avuid making Blanchette my prey, 1) deuce. was exposing myself to becume the prey | = a eer of wolves ! | And, if I kill the goat—I afterwards considered —ain I sure that her flesh will suttice fur my support until the momeut Veraciry.—The groundwork of aff manty character is veracity. That virtne hes at the foundation of everything solid ' OD Mowe tart nny How common itis to hear parents aay? of deliverance! LT have sometimes seen, cid so long as he speake the truth, Hh. any the Jura all covered with white quite into jive many faults, butt know be will not{decerve the summer. Linust not lose the oppor ome. Lb bud on that cuntidenee.” They are tunity now offered while the snow is tro on ght Lis a lawlal and just greand to beild yeu. That the wolves will attack usdur- ap ou Awd that isa beautiful comtidence.— ing our Course, is far trom acertaiaty , for, Wihovever errors temptation may betray a child if Letart, our pace will be raprd, we will te long as brave, open truth remains, there descend ina sledge! L sprang to my feet instanily ) my res olution was takeu, and, from tial mment, A labored at its execution. In a sion vspace of time, Thad roughly put together ithe vehicle necessary for our Journey, em is anchor ground, there is a substance at tbe cen- ‘ter, Men of the world feel so about one another. They can be tolerant and forbearing so lgng as their erring brother is true. Tt is the fundamen- tal virtue, Onknary commerce can bardty pro- ceed a step withoat a good measure of it. itd : we cannot beheve what others say to us, we eat- ploying the very best w o0d WICH TEMIALU: Log pet upon it; and, to an diamense extent, that ved. Lyave to the supports of the sledze i. sayy that we eannet act at all, ‘Pruth is» a considerable width, to prevent their common imtercst When we defend it, we de- sinking in the enow. [intend fastemiug: f ud the basis of all social order. When we via- the yoat behind, and tying her feet, so as, dicate it, we vindicate our own footheld. Whea tohinder her from struggling, aud propose we plead fur it, it is like pleading for the aw to to place myself in front. Accustom atin health we breathe. When you undertake to my childish sports to guide a sledge dew Veuefit a tying m in, it is like putting your foot steep slopes, | hope, if no accident vecurs, te the mire. C.F. Huntington. speedily to reach «ve plain. ' Meanwhile, Dam about tu le down to rest, although the excitement woald hard The tulip is the most magaificint tree, ly aliow me to sleep. I cannot gage. and has the tirst place as an ornamental without emoiivn, on the wants of this pris It ie free from all objec- on, where | have suffered so much, and . : : : : :. tion. tis sail to be bard to transplant, where | shall leave grandfather's remains, : I think, with terror, of the distanee which but this is because of delaying tov long ; liew between me and the village; bat T «hea very young it may be easily taken will not draw back. The thought of be up. Its roots spread far; 1 have seeo {ing seon certain respecting my father’s them one hundred feet from the trank ; fates renders ine incredibly UO SUC UN and known it injured by the severe frosts. he sledge is ready. Here is the rope with which I will tie Blanchette’s feet; The seed is in a cone; if obtained from ‘here is the sheaf of straw which istoserve immature trees 18 defective. The seeds ‘her for bed and shelter; here isthe blank | must be sown very thick in the spring 5 et which I will wrap around me; and, in the fall of the first year they must be lastly, here isthe Bible. I will never part taken np and protected. [t canuot be with itmore; itshall accompany me unto propogated by cutting or layers. This is life or unto death. of the Maguolia family. Its flowers are In the lust scene of my captivity, things like a tulip; a tree ten years old may passed ae indifferently to what L had flower being thirty or forty feet high.— expected. It produces mach honey. The wood is On the 2ist of February, the cold struck tine for inside work in house carpentery. ine as increasing in severity; | therefore 7 aie (ddrerinined notin lose aninstant. | Clad) Zens Ach ? Measures. —We find the fol- ‘to open @ passaye wide enough for the lowing ia an exchange, and commend it sledge to pass through; but [could throw to atest by any housekeeping frionds: back the snow inte the ehalet, and that a made iny task casier. LD iminediately set eaten Me ere noes to work, and labored at it so heartily that Ons a Ae aan Deca? atlast Dtelt tired. IT was obliged to rest (Use puUU Rew OrouncesssiOneL quarts but. awhile. Lighted « Gre er, when soft, one pound one ounee 18 dearcely had the smoke rison in the air, DUSEO UNA LOSGERERE broken, one poand isane quarts white sagar, powdered, one whon I heard a great nowe outside. M a : b tirst thought was that the wulves lawl ge TaMike ue nieces one area CAT ugar, one pound two ounces is ore qiart; scent of we, avd that they were on the d ; « ro re point of devouring we. L violently stiat errs AVC reR uss lae co nere Ope nee. {to the door, My fright did vot Last long, Liquid M asure,—Sixteen tablespoon- for Laoca heard wyaell distinctly calle. fuls are half a pint, éight tablespoon fals iby uame, and Leven thought Icon re areone gill; fonr tablespoonfuls are a gill; ‘ooguize the voice. 1 answered with all Scommon sized tumbter holds Ralf a pint; my strength. a common-sized wine glass half gill. Instantly there arose, ia the direction of = - TULIP TREE. rf tree for yards. =a ) t Faperienee teaches us indulgence ; the wisest ‘ut. While reading aloud, it appoared pressing ou me, it is Trapossible to keep that of people excited by their work wi > Ne wha doubts his own judgment with regard tome as if L had quitted my solitude my journal with atrict regularity. My Phe holy volume responded to my emo provisions are all but finished; Blanch tion. Atlast stopped, through exhans ette grows fatter than ever ten; JY collected my thoughts, and no my heart evory time I caress her. Ina short space of time, the grave was I have broken op thé floor in soverat pla filled Tspent the rest of the day in cary. cea, to try and discover if possible, some ing with the point of my knife the fol hiddeo store of provisions, All I have; Tt goes to had Ihave scarcely waited for the breach in the snow longer deferred what remained to be done made a fresh search all over the howse ; to be fairly open. nd, Ina few minutes, atoterably winks [© (he imetuves Think] act wate his) fellow men: opening completed the passage which T ho S t io began, Lt was iy father. He abana ween obet mccries ee ls thought for a moment, and said—“ Meeknese gives smooth answers to rough questions.” Tle darted with a cry : i into the chalet. T was in his arms »| © And your grandfather? he asked. | was too much overcome to answer Tur Wrumineron Jovrsat's past Jonr— says the Journal Bay. Observer. We try bo do justice to al! ee co c a ? ¥ om ce o From the Augusta Constitutonahac. THE LAWS OF WAR, The near prospect of hostilities bet ween the United States Government god the Government of the Coufederate States renders some inquiry into the law of na tions, on this salject, appropriate aud in teresting, What are the legal consequen- ces, and what the practical bearing, of a p state of war upon the individual righte| of citigens of the two Coufederacies hav- ing dealings with each other, gre ques tions which should be clearly understeud., As @ contribytion from a standard author ity to the general stock of knowledge om the subject, we quute, somewhat at length, some extracts from Kent’s Cumiuentaries, We quote first from Leeture 3 !, un the! Law of Natione, vol }: INTERDICTION OF COMMERCIAL IN 1 EKCOL Kak. “One of the immediate and important consequences of the declaration of war, is the absolute interruption and iuterdic- any commercial intercourse of pacific dealing can lawfully eadsiet between the | of the powere at war, except under| the clear and express sanction of the| Government, and without aspecial license, | is utterly inconsistent with the new class | of duties oe out of a state of war. The interdiction flows, necessarily, frou the principle already stated, that a state | of war pats all the members of the two, natious respectively iu hostility to each other; and to suffer individuals to carry | on a friendly or commercial intercouree, | while the two Governments were at war, | would be placing the act of Government! and the acts of individuale in contradic. | tion to each other. It would counteract | the operations of war, and throw obsta- clea in the way of the public efforts, and | lead to disorder, imbecility and treason, | Trading supposes the existence of civil. contracts and relations, aud arceference to; courts of justice; and it is, tlereture, necessarily contradictory in a state uf war. | It affords aid to ap enewy in an effectual | manner, by evabling the merchants of the enemy's country to support their Government, and it facilitates the ineans of conveying intelligenee and carrying on a traitorous Correspoudence with the enemy. These considerations a;jly with peeuliar force to maritiine States where the prinefpal object is to destroy the marine and commerce of the enemy in order to force them to peace. It is a well eetded doctrine in the ieal courts, and with the English jurists, that there can not exist, at the same timea war furarius and a peace for commerce. Tie war puts an end at once to all dealing and ail communication with each other, and places every individual of the respective Governmeute, as well asthe Governmen’s themselves, in a state of hostility. Tris is equally the doctrine of all the authori tative writers on the law of nations, and of the maritime ordinances of allt! great powers of Europe. St ie ey ially the received law of thisconutry. and was so decided freqaently by the Consresa uf the United States during the Revolution ary War, aud again by the Supreme Court of the United States during the Course of the last war; and it is dithcult to conceive of a point of doctrine more deeply or extensively rooted in the gene ral maritime law of Europe, and in the universal and immemorial usage of the whole community of the civilived world. “It follows, a8 a necessary consequence of the doctrine of the illegality of a!l in- tereourse or traffic, without express per- imiséion that all contracts with the enemy ‘ inade during the war, are utterly vod ‘The imsorance of enemy’s property is an Mega! contract, Lecause it is a species uf trade and intereourse with the enemy. The drawing of a bill of exchange, by an alien enemy, 00 » suliject uf tie adsurse country, is an illegal aod void contrat, because it is a communication and eon tract. The purchase of bills on the ene- my’s country, or the remission and deposit of funde there, ie a dangerous and illeyal act, baeanuse it nay be ehenshiny the re evarees and relieving wants of the enemy. The remission of funds, in money or bills, to subjects of the enemy, is onlawful The inhibition reaches to every communi cation, direct or circuitous. All endeav- ors to trade with the enemy, ly the inter vention of third persons, or by partner shipe, have equally failed, and no artitice has sueceeded to legalise the trade, woth out the express perinission of the Gaoy erumem. Every relaxation of the inte tends '@ corrupt the alleyiance of the sulyect, aud prevents the war from ful Giling ite end. The only exceprion to this strict and rigorous rule of interna tional jorfspradeuce, in the case of ran som bille, and they are contracts of ne- cessity, foanded on a State of war, and eugeudered by its violence. It is also a further consequence of the iuability of the two States, to Commune or carry on any correspondence or business together, chat all commercial partnerships existin, between the subjects of the two partice, priag to the war, are dissolved by the mere fgrce and act of the war itself; the’ other coptracts existing prior to war are not extinguished, but the remedy is only suspended, gag this from the inability of an alien eneiny ty sue, or to sustain, in the language of the civilians, a persona standh tn judicy. Tlia whole of this doc trine respecting the Megality of any oon snercial Intercourse betweey the inliahi (ante of two nauons at war, was exten sively 1eviewed, apd the Piet wl a Thorites, aucient aud modern, fureigs and domestic, were accurately examsued, aud the positions which have beay laid down established in the case of Griswold ve Waddington, decided in the Dupre we Court of this State, acd afterwards ul firmged an error.” This is technically, and, in fact the law of nations. But it ie not dificult tu iin agine that at least with respect to the re- lations between the Confederate States aud the slave Btates outside of the Con federagy, thy technica! law will have lit tle actual virtae. The national wants and conveniences of the people of both coun tries, and the stong social and political sympathies uniting them, will override faxmal restraints and jnterdictions It cowmd ovly be by stringent statute regu- lations onder severe walties, that the two people could be kept apart. Evea then the law would prove weaker than mion in ragard at least to seme inde of traffic. For instance, suppose the United Bates Governinent made it penal in a Tennessean to sell to the citi pens of the Confederate States bacon, corn (be less for the two governments tod j the : shops. tioa of all commercial correspondence, | intercourse, aad dealing between the eub- | jects of the two conatries. The ide i aoe : J The idea that ing oar cnemics in a war with the mari-! } i ; jor mules, and for a Virginian to sell to | bacco, flour, or munitions of war¢ Is it probable jud ves, juries and sher | iffs could be foand to enforee the peual- ies of the violation, On the contrary, it ‘is much more probable that a state of jwar would ne {dissolution of the Union of the border slave States with their Northern brethren, acd long in advance of formal secession t | Would not secession very certainly follow in due fori, and leave the Cited States the mere rump uf the old Lion ¢ As to the interdietion of trade with the Northern States of the Union, there will . #8 two sections will uot be drawn to gether by any sach syumpathetic tres. — The Confederate States will look to Eure pean uations to supply them, by means vot European slips, with such articles of jeunvenience and luxury as have hitherto! jusnally come to them throagh Northern ‘perts and from Northern factories and This intercourse, if sought te be tutetterred with, would lead to complica tious that woald thevitably end tiinvely time nations of Europe. But whether this be so or not, the United States could be compelled ta teel sorely the practica ble effect of letters of marque and repri sal-—so sorely, aa soon to compel them to sue for peace, . It would be aybionsly the policy of the Contederate States Governinent to issue such letters.’ j This shogkl be qne of the earliest steps | taken by itih the prosecution of hostili tes. It should not be content to act on the defensive, but give the enemy anu ear where he is moet vital and accessible. troops. DETAHLS OF THE ATTACK UPON FOR Si MIE. } THE FORT 4 MAss OF RUINS. Chaniisron, April 13.—Hostilities for the present have ceased, and the victory belongs to South Carolina, With the display of the tag of truce Fort Sumter at half past one o'clock, the tiring ceased, and an unconditional surrender was made. The Carolinians had ne ideas that the fight was at an end so soon, Af: ter the flay staff was shot away, Colone Woiefall, aid to Gen. Beanregard, went tod Fort Sumter with a white flag to offer as sistance in extinguishing the flames. tHe approached a port hole aud was tmet by Maj. Anderson, who satd he bad just dis- plaved a white flag, but the firing from, the Carolina battertes was kept up never Col. Wigfall replied that Maj Anderson must thown the Federa flag: that no parley would be granted ; “snrrender or fight,” was the word. An derson then hanled down his flaw. and! dis; daved only the flaz of truce. All tir Ing instantly ceased, Two others of Gen, Beauregard’s staff ex-Benator Cheatout and ex Governor Manning, catye over im a boat and stipn fated witit tha Major that smrender shontd be unconditional for the preaeat,: pon theless han subject to the terms of Gren Beane gaurd Maj vp Anderson vas allowed to remain with his men in aetnal possession of the fort, while Messre. Chestnnt and Mann | ing came tn the gity, accompanied by a member of the Palmetto Gnard3 bearing the colors of hie company. These were! met at the pier by hendreds of citizens, and ae they inaréhed hp the streets to the General's qnarters, the crowd swelled to thonsands. Shorts rent the air, and the wildest joy was manifested on account of the weleome tidings. After the surrender, boat and ten men was gent from slips in the Morris’ Tstand, with a reqnest that a mer nt ship, or ohne of the vessels of the with officers of the nyu to Gen. Simmons, at Uoited States, meudit be allowed to enter aud take otf theccommander and enrey son ot Sumter. Gen. Simmons replied, that if no hostilitivs were attempted du ring the night, and no effort was made to reinforce or retake Fort Sumter, he would yive an answer at 9 o'clock San day morning. The otcer signified that he was satisfied with this, and retnrned, accompanied ty officers of Beauregard’s staff, On the visit to Samter, none tint offi cers were allowed to land. [luwever, they went down in @ steamer, and car ned three fire engines for the purpose of the flames; but the flames had been previously extnnished by the exertions of Anderson and his men The fire int quantities of lot shot poared in from Port Moultrie, Woathin Fort Souter thing bntthe casement ia in utter ruin The whole thing looks Tike a blackened inass of ruins. Many of the gas are dis moonted on the side opposite the tren battery at Comming? Point. The hard est fire was feltSfrom the rifled cannon from this place, Which played great hav oc with Fort Sumter. The walls look like honeycomb, Near the top isa breach as biz asacart, on the side opposite to Fort Moultrie. The honey-combing is aleo extensive ou the side opposite to the floating battery. Fort Moultrie is badly damaged. The officers’ quarters and Lar racks are torn ta pieces. The honses on the island were riddled with shot Tn tnany instinees @Whole sides of the honaes are torn out. The fire in Fort Samrer was putout, bat reed ight three titnes du ring tie day Dr. Crawford, Andersen’s surgeon, wits slightly wounded in the face, None of putting ont c barracks was cansed hy every vthe Carolintans are injured The visitors report that Andersen sated he liad surrendered becanse his quarters and barracks were destroyed, and there Was to Jiope of a The flea Jay ialy Ny during the canmonadings, (ou io wre) an either conld or wonld net help Nite Besides, his men were proa trate from oxerexertion, They tad tort tive of them duirt--one badly —due ‘te thought mortatia The eet were out. The explosiowa that were heanland seen from the city in the morning were cansed by the bursting of loaded shelle These were ignited by fire, andcould not be removed qniek enongh Tie boat was sent from tiris port ty night officially to notify the fleet ontsida: the bar that Anderson had surrendered In the city, after the snarrender, the bells were rung, and cannone fired. rer forgement worn 7: Fion) the Baleneh Register THE WAR COMMENCED BY OOLN’S TREAOHERY We have heard it etated that LIX Lineoln was not reaponaible forthe battle at Fort ty bring about @ virtaal , ly taste of aggressive war in a quarter, Sumter, as the attagk was made b, the Confederate troopsy The facts of the case do not sustain thi assertion, Oa Mon day of-last week Captain. Talbot, of the United States Army, and a Mr. Chew, arrived from Waehingten at Charleston, and requested to be permitted to vicit Fort Snmter, and to have an interview with Major Anderson. On this request being denied, they iuformed Gov, Pick ens and Gen. Beauregard, that they were autheriged by the Pederal Administ tien te inform the Confederate autior tice that #- was ils purpese to supply Port Suinter with provisions, * peaceably of ct could, forcthly if it must.” With there facta before them, and with the know ledge that a large fleet of armed vessels wason its way to Charleston to eoope- rate in the work of provisioning aud te inforcing Fort Sumter, were the Conted erate authorities to await the arrival of that flectutits destination ? Sueh conduct would have been the height of infatnation and folly. Had they await ed the, arrival of the fleet, the battle would have been infinitely more bloody than it has been. Lhe action, there ore, of the Confederate autlrerities has touded to diminish instead of increase the effu sion of blood. But this is wot all that By no ines ‘justifies the Confederate authorities in the course they pursued. Lincola’s whole course has been double dealing & treach crows. lis own declarations to Messrs. Nelson and Maynard, the peaceful yiv ings ontof his Secretary of State, the semi-otticial declarations (iat Fort Sam- ter was to be evacuated, and the dishon- orable conduct of at least of one his em issaries to Charleston, (Fox,) all tend abundantly to justify the onslaught made upon Fort Sumter by the Confecerate This nan Fox, who was an eo insary of the administration, went to Charleston, and reqnested aud received permission to visit aa Sumter on cer tain conditions, which he shamefully and husely violated. le pledged los word of honor that lis unission was pacitic, but intercepted dispatches disclose the fact that while at Fort Sumter ie concocted a plan tor supplying the Port by toree, which plit had been adopted by the Ges vernment at Washington, and was in pre cress of execution, Doubtless to this plan may be attribated the sa hog of the arined fleet trom New York forthe South INCIDENTS CONNECTED WITH ONO OR ROOT SUE Na Bi Wie tullowing from the Charest Courier of the Lath instant Col Wiutall walked round the tially TH! c the On Tatidine lreakwater and crawled Chrough a ease mate, rivate Young and the negroes remain ed without ip Shell shot tel So thick was the sbower the boat and arcdtod them ahe ba thatthe neerves refused lon Cer lo Lem Al EN posed Mr. Yours drow Ins tu shoot the first man Pins etfeeta amd Were about tu jeave, revolver abel threatend who dared to move y quieted therm. Wotail soot after came remain uy fifteen nr tutes. The stars and stipes were then haul down and the white fag Posted. TI returned to Momis’ Ishind and announs the surrendering of the fort. [Tt was receives de moustration off satisfaction. Col party wil every Woowas grested with jov He was lifted vo the sholders uf the inens and carmed into th battery Thos now established bayond a doubt that a floating fortruss or battery of palinetto can by made impreg@nalle—especially when the suns of the Palmetto are the enymecrs, butiders and 1: fenders. Mr. Jetfards reports that the Floatioy Battery reoeived, in all, 163 shots from bur Sumter and discharged 490 balls in return, of which a very large porten lit the mark, an | lust. brought the brick Tle first gun fired from the Tron DBattey at Cummings point was disclarced by vener able Efmond Roffla, He subsequently shot al the gons sod mortars used during the action NWhough durtng the tlorty foar eonsecutty: hours through whieh the boouthardment lasted Hot am oman wasn any way dnyine) upon one cannot be sand Chat our men altogether sile, it escaped Mayor Anderson's balls, As captain Jones was standing inthe Point Battery a spent ball wiieh bad struck the sand bays above, rolled over, stoking hina apou the back of the neck, bat not with sufficient foree to burt bia. The ball -a 32 pounder-—Was preserved as a mem eulo uf the vectrlon I, he Bombardment and Surren der Sartor was delivercond up on Satuc day Hy son, en. Beauregard’s ay Vito receive iand raise upou its Wa filorate Mag. Previous to toaving Major A Wearefully pointed ont the location of the mines which he had tid to defend bis posts also the powder magazines, with the Hanger to whieh he might be exposed be the gross af the fire ete. After pertormnue these she dehvered tp the keys [tos naderstood that Major Anderson had in tendud to fire before stroking the United States Hig, both the vational salute of Uhirty foot or thirty tx yun, ted the President's salute a salute of oue hundred guns of Lventy one guns, — Plis not being particttlarly agreeable to the cap toms of the furt, be determined to fire a full salut The accidcut which happened to bis guuners put a st but one without spre! point. p to his Intention fect Major Whiting wrote an order tur th: Confederate troopa to bury the body in the parade ground of Fort Sumter, with all the honors of war, and sent a copy to Major Ander- son who was visibly affect-d by this token of respeet towards bis brave garrison by their vict fininediately mpon seeing the fatal Us enemies Phe Confederate flay and the ensign of Soul!. Carolina were boisted simultaneously on the ramparts louking towards Charleston flay statts upon which the colurs had been lashed 'o two gpns near one another by Commodore Lartstene, and rose suine filteem feet above the parapet. Ts iy wiated that Anderson's May staff at Fort Sunt was tonched by balls seven times be for the fi shot which ent it down The halvard was cul below the flay on the morning of the teh At Bort Monttrie, where floated both the Confederate and State eolor, the folds of Ue former were pierced by four balla, the latter by three Charleston Merveury Rees From Favettevitle, N.C The Preshytercas poblished at Favetteville, NOC, anneted interesting intelligence * The Foctiny im Firyettenrlle - In the Inst fow days there lias been an entire change of publre sentiment in ont eemmaunity. Oar citizens are now alnrost if not entirely, wianimons for tn- moerhate seceason. Those who the Uimon a weck ago now advocate the Union of the South tu ome Confederacy. ‘The clan ze has been produced by the manifestation of a war pdhey on the part of the Lineuln Adiuinistra vou, Lhey complain that the country bas been deceived by the Government. furnishes the were for Phe largest aud most cothusiastic pubbe meet Ing ever seen 10 Fayetteville was held last Mor day ngght, to organize a Southern Rights Asso ciation Old parties were forgotten and but oye spirit pervaded the wultitud. Major Anderson, Commander of the UW a Arsenal at thie place has resigned hia coimtye sion in the Army lhe two, From the Richmond Whig ALTRKOCIOGS USURPATION 1 WASHINGTON. Phe Administration at Washinton length unmasked iteelf, [tis no longer Const tuioual, but Revolutionary, the very coustitweat clements of the Govern went. [ts acts’ and proceedinus are wholly without warartin the setter or the [tis excrosing powers bot given nyht —and which ii has at Its policy destroys spunit oot Constitution —ustrped without ground o ought to be beld invalid and refused obedience Itty not the question of a Law whose exposition is the pro vince of the Supreme Court, tt is not Revolu ton, Ibis resistance to Revolution | Phe President js now avowedly employing the Army and Navy and Treasury of the Uni ied Stes ty operate forcibly within the limits, aud on the soil, amd ayaiust the people of the seceded States. Where is his authority # Ttas hot the case of an “insurrection in @ State,” Thais course is not uullifeation where, when called on by its Executive, or Legis ’ tture, the Prevident has a dawtid right to em ploy the Army or Navy, or call out the Militia, to suppress it Etis the resistance of a State repelling Pederal joterver tion, ywoof rieit for the Press! nts Jud fur atol attording no loterference of “Lusur shias by force. as cu the eas proy Liscetr nith, Jods not a “comBsnudionw too powerful to be uppressed by the ord mary cyutse of judicial pro ( vested in the Marshals,” inthe sense of thatouly law that can be strain ed ute the fartmat asscmblance of seeming to give authority ty the President to call on the De power sciltise vedi a. OF I pubhe force to stupjitess i Phe question iy not whether the ae Scombination, may not be ‘ 0 be cuployetd to ime rtany sorter extent. of cor. beetion, but it is¥ what does it mean bere? - Bven if the context did uot light us) clearly to the meaning of i the very importance of the provision, aud the digmty of the subject, woull tuake it intredibleethat olstructions olfered to the laws by a State should be described as ob structions oifered by CH combination” — sull | ess (habit could iaiport obstiuctuos Ly a conf der ey af States— Lat veague,” Vallance” or com bation of Siaées” aust assuredly have been the term canployed. Dat the context lowes ne for doubt The ous’ referred ooate plac “combitiat would Le conipet nt te Meal with chy jadetal proceedin wb bythe “Unit d States Marshals, if these could eam mand alequate power to enforce their authority that a Stote noaris, still less am armed Confederacy, assert reo ty such as it but. surely. no one wall contend tavots tall and oxtlusive soverennty iaz ust the United States, is a ease to be dealy wich by the Federat Conrts aud Miuwshals > andy at it be not Justas sureiy, and bY necessary Cousequcbee, | Vy nut the case jJustiviug a peso Cty tore tor ats Uppression, colemiprated aid provid wiby law -the ouly sible daw unice wi lb ch Pee sidett Noprofss ta be ne Niel af mere pr uecd dy that resesices S ates OT ever ha 1 Meant UL struct the (aws itis furtish by hated er chiuse of (he same law, which authorizes tt President to call owt the mit hitns of su. is to spores. them—t rorttnes Ut, pttes titly con ess cot thd vadieals within the Seat “powell, vel lplenon i power ( TRY “ s , onAlie adtiniastou Chat a Soaty bi he Vat its stance tu Weortty of the Cated Sates is tay be renoibutadl by force ot jon, por resistanee by a St ate, cai! tederiton ob States, is the if Mesures tion We COMMOAadon, CO suppres wire the Presi nts authorized ie employ te pubhe torce A tesurt to turee gider such cot ditions, ts Hut war—it Cast war, #0 ebliiiny tle Slate, or Sales, asserting Sovetergnty, by the law of mylits of nations, to all tae Unite (Wieaton p 365) sand so, bgemy war, canbot under (he Con stitupon of the United States be tered upon, or W Aged, save by the war mak ng War Aalst Lic Stites. and other Powers rightfully en Power —and that power, in our Gorerament, 1s the President. but. | ress But, in this easeitis Putiie war. The States as separate Napronatities entered onto the en cerements of the compact of | mn Wethone arinier provided ty pass on the keeping of thos: Umy Doi femeuts, Must of necessity, cs yuckge for ilselt Phey pidce subject, of cours to their rosponstailiky to che other Stites, and t the Federal Gop ecrument allenpt. by el erty exact Unege resp Yes by forerile Me wR, agaist artued resetance by amorganiged State—whatis thes leas, or other than Pub War—and where does “he President tird tt power given him t6é dechire. or make war! If he vie Union, yet. the epposition to Federal nothorins vy them is by them, as States, duterposing State authortty between their pcopde wes the seceded States as still ae th and nov other clam of mpthogssa over and ss notthe aus lawfu’ refusal, towbey the Coated States’ ot uncothorized persons, Bot the whole power of the Federal Goverment to enforce the Ws agerant wrlivid wala, ut bodies of individuals banded uuder uo law, but in defiance of all law, as shown vot omy by the trns of the Consttu and of th hea laws laws awe, to carey it into ex cution \ then Fat shown, ju the rejyootar of ach fo ortve exe Vv the eonvention, that framed it resaly Ale st a State to the Attempt to ¢ this power of ising fore s Federal Government. then hy torce 0 nbedeen’: mpel 1s but war—and, of made hy the President is. st\b itis the sole and 20 ot President is, exelusive tunethou ta mane it zentered in by the Congress, indoits ben sul, st ¥: Usurpation, Whether then viewed othe Union or ont ot the Union, the use of the army and uavy agatost the seceded States is war- and. as such, the at Inpt soto dee them is to usurp a power not fiven htm by the Constitution, and ought therefore, to be waivers; edand rebnked When war shall have been deelared hy Con press vrnet the seceded Seaee, it will be trun enough to deal with wWoas that ease may de mand At present itisanere Arecative War w outrage the gust unqualttied and attrocions ever attempted upon the Constituhon—a usur pation the most fagrant and the worst possible o be imayineds Hlow else tt sh valde dealt with --resisted ip ali forms and everywhere tbr the country, stought to be, and PE hope of ade toot fis ( Pde, as the vet own mere Will and without pling Tkoow not—but oustitation and laws, yortito eri} wear [eee no reason why the Convention of this State the organ, both ef speech and action of the peo in whose very fac pleat Virginia, has been flung, «hould not, at onee, denounee the this act hurpation =procuam allorder to act forcibly agaist the scented States that may have ema pete from the President as the exercise of pow er vet vested inh Jeclare e(feet of the United States, and such as this State and And appeal to al! and of good faith every m by the Constitugon or laws them, in ity opinion, of uo bindiwy whatever on any citizen, soldier, or State, her people aboutd not obey. friends of law, of peace an whore to rise arainst and crush this Black Re publican Faction, whose outrages heretofore, and usurpation now, have broken, and are still break ing to pieces our long, glorious and prosperous Union, and threaten, if not overthrown, to de vote the whole country to blood, desolation and rain ht. Help ! Help! ! Our State Calle Help '! Hauds are wanted to work on the Fort at Avy farmer or other person who can spare one or more will please put him on the road with @ pass, and send him to Capt. M. TD) Craton, sominanding the fart. There will be no 2 Seaufort fare to pay W 8.0 Axonewe 2d Jientenant (roldshoro Hifles Fort Macon, Beanfort Harbor, N. ¢ Beine satistied that the following is a genuine copy of Lincoln's proclamation, we Jay it before Unul thus satisfied wo were ina Some of the articles io this is our readers fox po louger ste were written while in that fog, but in the! editor’ J succeeding the y cclamation may be found our position now.— Auleegh Banner By the President of the United States VOPROCEA MATION Whercas, Ue been for some time past, and tow are, opposed laws of the United Stites have A the execubon thereot! obstructed, in’ the States of South ¢ Mabanis, Blorida, Mississippi Louisiana, and Texus, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by trohina, Georgia, the ordinary course of judierd proceedings, or by the powers vested in the Marshals by law: Now, therefore, 1, Abralatm Pree dent of the United States, in virtue of the pow ers duome vested by the the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call ford, the militia of the several States of ite number of 76,000, combinations, and to Phe de tails for thas object will be tiomediately comma tieated to the State authorites through the War Tappeal to ail loval citizens to effort: to mat Linceln, Constitution aod the Union, to the agureg: To onder ta suppress said cause the laws to be duly executed. I paranent favor, facilitate and aid this ita of our National Union, and the perpetuity of pop Ular Goovernment, and to redress wrongs alread the honor, the integrity and the existence \ Jong enough endured. Pdleem it proper to say that the first: service hy exalled forth, will probably be to repossess the asstgued ty the forces he forts, places and property which Thave been seized from the Union, vent the utmost will be ob and inevery ec vare served, cousstently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation aud destructou ol, of interference with, property, or any disturbance of poscetul citizens incany pot of the country | and Phereby comunind Che persons composing the combinations afuresaid ty disperse aud re- fire peaceably to their respective abodes withio twenty devs thom this diate Lane t ete (ithe present condition « setts an ov raurdintry oeeasion, fda fothe power ina | Heoses of Con ust t Horonivene by hereby inva the ¢ wress—Senators and Rey roaentatives are there fore samme Otesinilh: at pete ory ve (ledubors, abtwelye oc boek, foot, on bars ay the dh day of July next, they and there to to Whatorn then wisdom, the puble satety and ine terest tay seem to deuntted In Wollitas wheoreot 1 brave Hherevitite et ty band, aud cuuscd the seal ot the Stakes to be athe, I toobe city of Wash las Tea te 1 ! e thou on At tas aly toh i [a Si ites this Sah {Stet 1] ARATE AM LINCOLN / Peet Wat HE Siwern Ss big of Sait PUES eee Cub aM AWN Levitan ua Vhie ‘ Ob War adn st Ge See un SatON in er tad porous d re a \ on Ih \ va t th val wt 4 | ‘ fSpah Sep wert h yn uy We Seales, Lteat pow “| ‘ ) Te ' eae fi ai iene : et soly Crab ae i { ( Sesteert 1 Mas, there fae A palpacie usurpanon of detatonil powers Tt stolear invasion et the rights ot the peop le and the Seates, apd ao subverson ol kiee troy rhtnent, coufest now ds the same ino which our hd aht—ibu for the great priuenple of Free Government itis tor Liberty of Death. — uandatthe Nett Tine wuthbortes 1m Wastit while protemsing Peace, base been, during the ast mot t nes ty urs de a ariy ma fide afi t re Oar procranin matin Ul rowed ag ever perper Ai, We Le bet val feces ly ty 1 fA aks Riier (nel nawnaciie gay Flic Sax, Neca and Dane ; Puall the chains we ever wor W> grieved, we sighed, we wept—we never blasheu before Phe countrymen and Kindred of Washingt on ff Henry of the Lees, the Handoipha, the bet torsons. the Ela is, tle Bhan ds, elsons Whe vassals of Yoauker Daskipasters Better ho Uheus wes to stake ewerv thing --hte fens erase, a sl Minesidhse Olan ap endure su \ooradatio Cer at aod smart bd are the oerore of war duit then: are yreater evile than they A hich sprited nation, weand ed and burmhated in tts sense of honor is apa bon lost and dost bevond redempuion There ds nodiing left for us, but to fight) fer ali that ty dear tous. Byer man. woman and child so che Commonwealth feela the necessity Pheer issue as ered upouus Weare com) | Hort ete falit either Gir despot or froidom— toside ether weth our enemics ard pprssues. or our fiends and hiodred. bh Naeibern br Of beaves ais no avtertiatine t ot bests Mermgnuat on. welory or the grave! Amont Whig MeTGETA MENG CALLA ST The Fillowinge mote was recenved in reply toa uote from the enizens of Charloue : Crakrotig, April 1y, 1861. I has date, desininge ty know tiny Views in relation pobey recenty atnounced in the Procla tiation of the President: of the United States, Jed topics, and pr Ss pourhase Geutlancn e just received your note of thas wielother div posing an in ey torview for Tn reply Peg leave to say that while it wont fFord oon pute a pleasnre to confer with the eit wens of Chariotte in whose mane you act, on these dinportant topes as TP design to leave town within the newt two howe), and shall be en- caged in the meantime. Tam compelled to d: I deem proper, however to say on the topie, to whieh aA week io the ho news, | hava seen chine the honor of a porsonal iutersiew, vou refer, that atter an absence of conmtry, Where TP received woth preat rewret the anpnucrition of the designs fthe President of the Catted States, and have to besita vin declan that, if persisted on they can receive no support, bat only resistance in North Comolina Tremain vers respectfally, Your obedient «ervant, WA Grattan We, &e., Com oo GENERAL SCOTT, With intense joy we hear Mesare T. W lrewey from Aa source in which we place tinphiert confidence, that the heart of this gallant old warm for his native State hero beats high aud [tas rumored that, disgusted with and abhoring the atrocious war about to be wayel against Liberty and the South, he will speedily resizo bis hih command. We hope the rumor may be true; and that the old warnor will come down to his native State and unfurl ber Sie WS Tyranmes, to maintaio per the freedom which Wastiogton won. Such oa aw trave a band Richmond Whiy Reott is silent Nagin such hands would rally as ever fonght fur freedom Doubtful Gen | To succeed jy ube world, 418 mach more ue cessary to possess the penetration to discover than to who is a claver who ia fool discover fellow FROM WASHINGTON Washington, April 18 —A dispatch just re ceived by the Secretary of War, Mr. Cameron, states tha the United Arsenal at Ha per’s Ferry, one of the best establishments in the United States, made fianous by Joli Peown was served this worming by the Virguna toons, also that the Custom House at Norfolk was bro ken inte by Gay. Letcher’s orders wad thie curied ott tis rumored and credited here that a formid ables force is now Marching from central Vir Slates Wits a Ky The Pennaylyamia regiment arrived tere to the old ‘DL wo more trains load The most rere, OWING LOA VETS wight; the suldiers are quartered in hhitiof Representatives ed with troops are expected to night. Intetise excitement prevails | general impression that the Virgina troops will | attack the city to night Baltimore, Aprob is — Gov. Hicks has refused toedbout the onlitery of Maryland, exeept for the purpose of pretecting the State and the Ped ors) Capitol, and not tur that nidess at beeones absolutely necessary, Phe secession feeling here andoo Virgina is ganting ground rapidly Kechonid, April 18 -- Vo Gov, Pickens =I came here dat nicht Virginia has seceded: Phe ord st promulgated, and the Cow tederate Hoats over our cay itul Moutgomery, April 18. —North Carolina of fers help to react) Washington, Tennessee of fers 50,000 tnen to defend the South and refuses vne to Lincoln Keatucky oflers volunteers. 1” WHEAT THE, GOVERNOR OF MISSORRI WILL bo. SO Lows, Apnt7.— Ve is understood that Govermoc Jackson will refuse to comply with the requisiiou from Washington, ANOTHER RESIGNATION, -Col Nitjutunt Gener tof the Charles Lee Pristiict uaalitua, Washington, Nprd Ai Joie, Uirew upe Libs comission lonley, Montgourry, Aprol i —Viarty two thousand tu day Paurtecs ruthoriGes that they troops trave been ordered out cobthde toe exists amon the cau whep Linco. General Millow's offer of lis Ponuessee divistun bas been accepted. April Vi A specia) wessenyer bas arrvedcu New Orleans All the courts have wdljourned route from Montromrery to consult about Che de fener of strdes ds great eaas. The tecling of resistance oa ali MANIA DGINGS TN W Wosheuylan, App V7 HINGTON Every pubbe bai sided by might by en Phe street trom the Post Othe: } th obarreis avd boxes weil ty snow wv IsIOns ATEN ion te | } tuwards Geory Ihe avenne today, town | thattery sant ty be erat wt Nig vee (once Mart pth bs ter tendon th an bapproaches Viv guik Ipod VG Gaarge Loval Naw Nagentat tus slatiun, has restened. Washinton fpral 17 Vier isn relation bat not yet tliat ” remett hos otted for 15.000 ational troops Ieestated ti vgneers ane sect pes seston the cone! battenes and around he cit) tor its protect a FORTRESS ALON KO Ay UNITE ie FERRY ‘FO BE REINFORCED NORTHERN TROOPS. Washington, Xpril 16 -—The eyitnen! are ta be ordered to and the Khode Idland aod regi ments to Harper's Ferre Tohave thos on the authority of Seaton Wilson of Mass cchusetts BY; Massachusetts Monroe Cvenreehenut Fortress fuguata, April VT --The stock of eotts the Southerm market as very simali and bat Sort isoffering Ha! dere der and an adv ane Toncots proclamation | ! t Pie Northern offers of voluqteere te er nsider ed bere by miany ag mere gasconade but th arecone Tondped hareitone amd reoponents oft volantecns qaethy forming down her can te foamed the mthernert in case they Vu Unjparrailelad war spint is aroused ao the South, Men and means are freely aod layishsy offered, TCis Leneved to be impossible to sub due her shortof a grand. Waterloo conthet. cats PARTLING NEWS! elyrrl 19 =A terrible ri Paver ere toe ley ott) esnnetot te Unease lia: Raltiuore Were pont Lancutn’s call Ph regyimnesut Washington on obedienes to Mossachnsctta, and the seventh tegument trom New York were allacked by the Galumnorcans and several killed. from Pie Governor tas proelamed mortial law, that the Be Its eurre vies North of Ba the prurosd Uraeks torn up, fater VO pom -Only two of the Masaachau known tot ported rays wnote bave been cut, and Iiets are hiled and three remain here Woutded tizens are k ] Phe city ww uos cornparatively quiet, the State sven ¢ own to be killed and five ree Y Severely we ed Loops and a tull body of poles are under arms Baltimore, Non.) 20 on the Potomac have been temporarily detained The mail steamers up by order of the Governor for prudential reasons Bvorvthing is quiet here, Ver Orleans, April 20.—The steamship Starof thy West was brought into this pott to day a prize to the Confederate State flag. She has on board eight or nine hundred barrels of Prose ions, The steamer Habanna has been purchased by the Confederate States and will be transferred Mito a War vowel carrying eight guos and one pivot yun, Lioops coutinue to arrive bere from the up por panshes Washington, Apri 19.—-It is generally re- ported that the tew Government troops sta Gonetat Harpers Ferry felt themselves unable to hold possession of the pablo works against the superion forees of Varginva, and therefore blew typ the two pemeipal Workshops and the Arse tarand retreated to the Maryland side, Washington, April 20,—The steamers DPaw- nee and Anacostia jeft this city last night, proba bly for Norfolk. Ihe President has issued a Proclamation de claring the ports in the seceded States in a state fo blockade. We have received no mails from beyond Baltimore, owing, it is reported, to the Jestrnetion of a railroad bridge near Baltimore, thus detaining alarge body of troops, bound for Washmgton, at Havre de Orasee Kaltimore is reported to be quiet and in full possession of the State Military this morning, and itis expected that the troops will pas throuyt | to day 2ee THE ANNEXATION OF DOMINICA New Yoax, Apri (1 A letter from Havana to the Sth inet., pablished inthe New Vork Exprees ta-day agye, thal the an nexation of Domimen to Spain, te fally eonfirmed The onnmy to suaimin the movements conmats of 7,000 inen, from the Spanish steamers and frigates there The whole matter only awaits the Queen's ratification Vreendont Santana of Dominion having proclaimed her soxgreignty of the [aland, in an addrese of some ength Hthe reeaplace [ibe authority of Congre Carolina Catchman, NEUES (G [lV anc. TIESVAY BVENUNG, AVRIL 23) Tact Tae i aca ty OUR POSITION. The die ts cast! Chil war is upon as, beyond a doubt, and we are pow called apon to take ou ho Yhen Wi respect ty it, without regard to the Ques bow, Whe bronehtit enor whether it was wisely and pridently done Nm we have no resery, in counselling our people toe roserasce We had breach between thé North aod We had bebeved rat frou the use of polsory force towards the seceding States, He. Uaited States, had told us so He had authorised two respectable members of bess from Tendessée, Meseacs, Nelson and May- mand Cosay (hat he weald not attempt to: collect hoped that he South was pot uubeatialbe. adouistration would desist re President of he the bevenne do these States aud would net attempt vfany of the torts in the hands of the Conte lente forres ot to held those in the bands of tes Gove the Uired Sev went He had, through divers other channels, given us to anderstand that "he deemed the ase of such a furce a declaration ot War and without the sanchon‘of Congres she liad uo Bat be bax censtitubepal power thus tu proceed, )ly falsiBed these assurances, md iy now proceed ug tu levy a war of the most gigantic proportions to rete forts aud ty enforce the laws of the United States iu the Stites that renouuced thes, without This, tu our appreber sous rank usurpation, and as freemen, we cannot te at subi Towards the Union men of tl The cabwet at Washington protupted us to take grounds and ve bor der States, this conduct is aufameous Vo pave assurances to the people which have prov at wal the result is, 90 far as we bave ae aster te peboe scnttvent, the men of that party are iuere Venetment to ther deuuncia Viens of bias upity abd Gourpaiiot thaa any ar Clee ob ou Was, Pothe South, asa tis grew apd iui ler aide woong —to the Uou party, im particular, its treache aii srawd The Piewdent of the Cited Statew tama called br TOW rie 2 Wels sbe want wath this tou ous ay Tle may first sei vicw * will pre aie possee forts & Very litle Votre nse force oan be ised in Chat hind of war tan What then iste te dome woth tbe retmarnder a“ Vand w © ext serene? Pius is vot r edo p my, GUL ine ob Vy se dated it bee peeatilote, Which te tes that a wi bave bern opposed nnd obstruct ed a None Woo Powel (or be sup preset Ure owe nat Wee yp Meas prowwe tag of by Ie pews exe Le sialsbass Pier vsome NV tie Pim nas thought ft to sH tO try Ue 4¢ aN Phas merle servece niu were bere bee heme obshructiona, wud vu pyres these combe vatisa As prool tuat we we rhton thm onterener the proclamation goes on ~conminpe the person compomng Che co vbina- ns aforesaid to dmperse and retire peaceably alawies within twenty dave trom Uber compacta’ te That this 9 an incdewation of war we tinok is toe plara On the outrage against law end proraty abs vbind beplaved in thie mest otfen- sive manitesto we shall comment hereafter, But war ber mest tore sbadowed, the next uuer- Gye ie at ine carne Gut? Vrs a far Juchiow oon nave ono ondea that Le alehorweer hanging Pe ’ Griat nay | inde out ow a (eestor irisebent a ' ye Sein Vache i ' | 1 ' rin the w Ro t \ fe wil cornet + woes ' Ry th nbd pers stated march wt s ty 1 Ger yecute oie tureat< at will mit Mo tar ! state fA North Cacchna that he can cen Peet nt ttre Dunder andi serteomned | ex with Wdoudy Reile ? scoquie what can be the object ths dectaratven of war against the South? cannot believe that there vs any expectation oo } those who have iyitiat ni poney, that we wie hve peaceably woth ther agai onder owermment. A that bad ever been possihie eee b we tow very tyne ti deubty these men just koow that then late couse of conduct has puta passable gulf between us, what then as ther acm than the old Jou We verily bebeve itis nothing lex ristuces ot freemg our slaves, and punishing held Besides tle circucistanees tending to them tacts aud 1 the stgnificance of this procla isa date developement whic: The New Vouk Herd Gvtuch has now begoine an auxiliary Mracatt ite! there puts tie thiter almost beyond questen, wath the Rai Spliter against (be Sowthy in his ve Fy last issme says that Seward, the Secretary of State has vastructed the United States ministers to tie great powers of Europe, to say, in substance, (ha: the desu of this governiment 1s to abolish Awnan davery, wnd that any favor shown by thet courts towards this Southern movement, will be regarded as aidiugoin its perpetuation, aud, to say further, that nine-tenthsof the peuple of the seoeding S:ates are with them in this work of emanepation [1 Here we have the vowitung truth ef the matter, This, hen, isthe fearful issae which we have to meet, ancl this is What we mean to sight unto the death— It isa matter that eoncerns the poorest man amongst us as well as the wealthiest. To have this fair lan! overran with a vicious, zy, wsolent host of free vegroes, would joake it the last place .on earth where aclecent white man would be content to hive, and where Lo ove would live who was any better than a tree wegro birnself, om: Departure of Lroops ~The “Rowan Ritle Guard,” accompanied by the “Ca- bartos Goard,” and the “Oubarras Black Boye,” nnd the “Lredell Blues,” left this place on Sunday morning for Fort Cas An concourse of eitizens assemblod at the depot to witness the departare. It was The men seemed will no doubt give @ good account of themaeires well, t ippmense Juow Wilmington. an impressive scene. resolnte and determined, and when service is required of them. By appointment the Rowan M—ifle Guard assombled atthe Methodist Charch Saturday evening for prayer, and alao at the Presbytermn Chaorch, at 4 o'clock, Sunday morning After the services at the latter place, they marched to the mu sic of the Salisbury Band to the depot There they took leave of their friends . and being joined by the above companies, ‘all proceeded on the same train. PC r e 3 aa ee e a — W. The past cutement, sident Lined swor to the people lave Resistance | sal sentiine Long, conset have labor solution @fs never nee with angut fiold out ue pheity of ! to the quic treely briny ures to off Oh! tert brothers pouthy—in uchievemel now tee | Luring wi helt! Wh damnation who hare, jtation, Dr ones! A they willy geance is 1 The Ro sponded t souu ne the parations, ( they proba The Ro inoaths ag and wills A hone and had th mpg. Thy rively of fut ies re dependent port. Our frie yet begur heard. O sure, of th ctements the railros jab gy corrow wh eliall come ofour ana after the > pasegd ot deliberate and ouch! ol MEEpiL and the tw Nearts bu strain the wioch are rivhts wre them, and Let us ¢ trappitrer, Oo ution of perty, anc ue conte: Tet men t lag mone ren while freely me and every mote the the morn work har did belore iy to you Caggting, cripheome ward hes Virgin: aréan a | ied To ayttinet. th extremity Kentac sistance, ¢ 6lial) mus to the tou Bentac thew war ericans ing Tito i faetytrou in Otto. States isa drafted t ‘Lhe-pe also an fi dies are | United (Vals Na ed the we Viryiu Ferry, th ang sonk strnet Ne There in Relei, have ent olitioti he Provis rebs ff I our warts thie tim have spr bave dou ret com, week old dance is a ness of t lature ci Btate ma our mee votintar The patri fore requ column, bine & ¥ daly for oue Rew Extra Gov. Ell the Legis onthe fl yond a OU) hoe he ques S Wisely Powe in We had orth and ved hag use of He et is wo bers of nd May - oe Collect tex, attempt ds of the hands of through nd that ration of be liad ae be bax Ue uy WeUOTS toe United Without ppreber © Caiout the bor cubitiet nds and ve Ptoy we have Hes tate fis tuuu wil pre ly Netile Lol wa tiaititer Huse is ul ie Which ry obstr wit a ppresye ag or by ght ht to we thus a. nid io twe we goes on bina- wably laye tio war we aw end ost ofle Bat brider P possibie hen autist as pat a ete aim old Johu punishing Psicles tle Filing to + procla at whic: he New auxiliary in his ve of State ris to {lit se, that hh uanan vir COUTTS regarded further Ing S'ales Ht Here This, to meet, dea th.- amongst uc, fair land tol free on earth Knt to live, ny better Rowan he “Ca- Black left this rt Cas nmense at the It was seemed 4) inseives no h Rifle Charch alao at o'clock, vices at the mn depot riends ; npapier, WAR MOVEMENTS The past week was one of continual ox ctoment. Ever since the receipt of Pre sident Lincoln’s proclyrfation, and his an- swor to the Virginia Commissioners, our peo} le hav been ia a perfeet ferment. — Hesistance te She Mast man ie the univer nit! Old Long, conservative inen, who throughout sentiinent of our people. life: have labored nd prayed for « peaceful solution @f Ape npgioual troables, aud have never one gived ap all hope, yielded with anguish of heart when they could The miserable du- thera fold out ue longer. plicity of Alialians Lincoln niu to the quick, and now, one and all, are treely bringing their eons and their treas ures to offer a; ot the altar of Liberty, On! brothers terrible thought! that Americans ey thie triuinjp hes, in Dlood—~in lastone puthy—in trials, difficulues, achievements, civil and wilitary, should now -tee@t @ach other in hostile array, all Luring with a fury that condsimes like | hell! Who would measure the deep damnation due to those, I South, who hace, througl years of ceaseless ay- itation, Drought this terrible calamity up- Peerchie ans ones! Asthere isa just God iu heaven, they will xet their reward , and since ven geauce is fis, let him repay it. The Rowan Rifle Guard prouptly re sponded to the Gevernor’y call, and ax souu ae they could make neccesary pre- parations, departed for Wilmington, here they probably arrived yesterday morning The Rowan Artillery, months ago disbanded, are reorganizing, and will soon be ready for service havin goime A home Guard bes been organized and had their first drill on Saturday eve niby. cively of men advaneed in vears, with This Corps Consists alist exclu fun jes requieing thetr yuurdian care, on dependent on their daily labo for sup port. Our friends in the country have not vet begun to move Ko far as we fave ward. Outef the Wey a great mes cure, of the daily and ubiiost hourly ox cetements which reach our towns wlouy ic railroads, and busily cnpag din plagbuag, we feel sad as we think of the sorbow which wil! visit then: when they eliall come fully to realize the condition ofour @noe fimppy conantry nad wher after Che elort micntil etriwole salt tave parsed one and avother codam ther, wails deliberakely day down his Sari toute and ouchle on the x cord Dire i Hrons Of MOEpPing tellers, Wives did stators, and the willious of prayers povniy Up fron Hearts burdened with weiel wail wot re strat the voluntary hous others wiich are te be made tn defenmee of our riyhts and bener, but rather increase them, and nerve them tor the confl ct Let us all now las aside our old party trappitren, abd dike our fathers in the rey oO stion of 1776, stake “our lives, our pro petty, and our most sacred tonor’? on tie contest upon which we are evleriniy Let men vive up, at once, alliden of sav Inge money tor themselves or ther clold ren while this great trial ig upon aay bat freely wake a sucrender of every tueans and every energy with life itself, to pro ote the commen cause. Rise earlier in the Morning, live (FS eculaime ally , work harder and do more t did before, vet for ads, Biy to your arma, tellow-citizena, of North CagOting, a8 our Lrothers of every South crnphome are deing, and with aneve te wardd heaven swear, victory or pearn Virginie has ar@an a blaze of excitement, Wied To resist the bback rept ay@iWet their rigits wud loner, to the last extremity, Kentocky is aleo raising troope for re sistance, determined to stand hy theSouth Pe rittge with the tetes of mar shal] music, and her warriors are rushing to the touted field. Bentucky and Tennessee are Gamed for thew warriors. Veritarene and Miseonti aro alee com ing@Pito the field. The whote South, in faetytrom one end of it te the other, isin métion, Phe war spirit in the seceded States ia intense, and men have to de rupted to stay at home. ‘The-peopte of the Northern States arc also im farius excitement, and large bo dies are concentrating for war. othe: States troops at the Nurfolk ( Fay avy Yard, have fired und destro y- ed the work shops at that place. Viryiuia troops have taken Harper's Ferry, the Custom Honse at iehmond, ana eonk vessels in the chanuel to ob strnét Norfolk Harbor. There waa a great resistance meeting in Releigh, last week, and the wilitary have entered the service agninst the ab olitioti horde. al von ever Sear fer Country secvded, and lice peaple and deter Provisions for the Army —The rebs ff Rowan will uaderstand that all our wartintvements in this State, city are at this time voluntary. The troops who have sprung forward to serve their State. The Fret company in the service is scarcely a werk old. Jonseqnently what lias teen dane is all owing to the patriotic prompt- ness of the people; and until the Legis lature can itangurate eyetem, and the Btate make provision for the support of our mea io the field, it must be done by voluntary bontributions of the peopla.—- The patriotic citizena of Rowan are there fore requested, as will be seen in another column, to send their gifte to McCub bine & Poeter’s store, and they will be daly forwarded to the encampment of one Rowan men. have done go freely. notice to the Extra Session of the Legislature. Gov Ellie Las called an extra session of the Legistattreto be convencd at Raleigh on the Aret day of May. For the Watchwutn Wasr Post Apul 16, 1s0l (ia Mr. Liditor in your eolamna, 1 will Bllempt tu give you some idea of what we are domg in Dixie Jud Ht you wall pve an old fiend roctn Tsay attempt, for DP well know that my teeble pen ecanpot picture the scenes that are daily trapspining wid Whe great cuthustasm of the Southern people You Who live vider the benign smiles of Abratiin aud have been listemuy to the peaceful words of the otly tougued Seward, no doybt laid down upon your peaceful beds at night, thinking that all would be Well sur Low basely have you been decayed. Tic well in the mo wing Ghat tnortiinig bas come , wide mouthed cannon has roused you trod tact quict @amber, aud pow the stern fact: stares you the face, that when Lincaln speaks peace, he meats war Wheat inewn those groups of men, old met and young anen, standing about the cui iers ut your jAtreets J what means the Hashing of tat sudligtiasait Jeye? What check ? means that tear ou that auxtous mothers The North Carolina patriot feels that te has Leen deceived by an abolition tyrant Does not that ster eve ai) conipressed Mp aay, OD ain ready for the conflict victory or death, ty Southern [ars and diehtaueous Kat, Me, what we are doiggan Dinte Laud, not what effect the Upon the people ot North Carolina but, av, remember Uiat PE owci a North Carolin 5 Bahiton, TP started oat tu tell Wal news la by birth and have speut the better part of uy days inthe Old North State aud then you wit excuse bat to the wwe for feeling that Tamong you still pot Well sit, the pe The country Volunteer Companies are daily form vt the Road are ready for any emergency whole armed canip. is my, while others are being received and inarched “Lee ine go JT fear that there will not be men tate service. The ery ts and really sore en felt at otic to take care Of the women anid Ladies of M sippy have organized « covapany as ow Lome guard n, A drew, 1 nouce receutly that the {to keep the negroes at work, inake cor their busbanuds tadbers aud suns aie d ty r black popu whik ny duty a Pensacola, Such women are wo Even o Uourduds would deseendauts ot the mathers of 976 ton are: aroused witli ia detedce of Che bowies aad teosides of thea tias ters Letine give you at in stace an old gendemin Was about leasing for Pea ame wotd) Glance boy ® ate) you Pic Tig witey may yo with your young n Iw tvou waist (boy replied) ciiaster eH Da we you get dione dat sa ‘ Yannees 4 get dinuit fochate \ Phe banner o ens iota to rvheve May A nat Zolor Carty Owo norte Hatin The shying irpete fer Tie Cuark too hot toe northera heroes Mesut vere net , er don beet weete tWoreghits il ina hon ‘ Loomis tts “ : 4 we the war sons at a col ey sok treet rn 2 te bbe cul tonest move al hithe whet Creneral sale i We bis Gost people ot the x sion that ot wa told one. aN Hore stat Coneceraey Tanever mast she of my native did I North Carolina, ve who Carolina, God bless) ber, come out Pespile State aLawer Tf Whe are the descendants of those tade dl tow hot tor Conuwatis and bis my rinidons, awake! toarius! toarms! Your brethven are all ready in the fell ve \ sweety ithe Galf w ” the sored of boon 4 For P This meouimg hens tins Info for tmbute” The Southern ¢ to Washington with OOMISSYEnETs Welt the olive braneh in their Lands the black repablone Cabinet talked peace but m Mc Duff Meant Wat, BUWwwoe ap &C on an | wilt . olde BLUFFTON wrined Ge ie PEAC SS ERESEN I AIUIN The Rowan Rifle Guard recast avery pret ty company flag last Friday evento. wot up ane presented to them Mis, AJ Myers. It con sits of the Confederate stripes nnd a single star. Non unless it be We de not know the interpre secession and the Southern Cunfede HTRCY, We wore tou far off te tear the address which accom paniod and the respouse by Ist Lieut. HL ¢ Jones, Jr. The Salmbury Band contributed ther Wuvaluable services on this cecasion, a8 also on several others during the past weck, The inet dent was an interesting one. The hearts of suime of our fiends were wrung to see our sons marslodting ander the folds of a strage flay ; but since the “stars and stripes” now cover those who wage waracainst us, it can no longer be our ensiyn oe = A Chane for Unionista.—Lincoln calle for men, and should a reqnisiti on be made upan North Oarolina it 18 to be ex- peeted that the Unionists of North Caro lina will promptly backle on theirarmor and enlist in the Black Bepublican War upon the Seceded States. GY cosrse Mes- srs. Holden, of the Raleigh tandard, and FOL. Wilson, of the Banner, Watchman at Satisbury, and lesser lights who have been the the other fisliting so stubbornly with their pona forthe Onion, will be the first to respond We will "Wart and Watel” but ean't be persua- ded to “piteh in.” — Charlotte Bulletin srimer, “It is to be expected,” should our na tional troubles settle down into a general war, the South against the North, accord ing to secHonal boundaries, as seenis very probable; we aay, in that event, “id de to be expected” that those who lave been sv long aptling for a fight- edly declared they would not accept any coinpromise the North could make, wii! be as doggedly determined to be jirst in the fray. The Britton of the Bullet in, we are sure, will tear away from his young wife and erying babier, and with a zeal who have repeat equal to seven furies, charge upon the Yraakee hoste! Every one of the seces- sionista will at once lay down the every day affaire of life, gird on the sword and throw away the scabbard and pitah in Since the above wes written, the time bas come. We will see what we shall an! SUICIDE Jonn Dosing, a small man aged from 25 to BU years, a Prossian, comuitted su icide at the house of Mr. Arex. Be, in this place, Wednesday forenoon, by shoot ing himself through the heart with a pis tol, Fearing the weapon inight miss tire he todehed it off with a eval, held with the tongs. which he He tuust have died instantly, as when found te still held the Letters found in his that tongs in his band, Possession state, having been de- proved of all his meats of support by the THE GREAT DRAWBACK to persone emigrat- ing to the extreme south and western cowuiry, ix the fear they have ot the Fever wud Ague—the moet direful of ali diseases Every day we hear of persoos etlacke:! by this disense, and made helplesein a short | time, without any means of affording reef In yew of the great demand for a remedy Dr. Hostetter has presented his CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- | TERS, whose curative powers om Seiceaen discases of A momach have been universally a Bitters, prepared after u long Sate spleen oe os study, have received the eneomniume of the most em- tnent physicians, as well as all classes from every part ot our country. ‘To thore who doubt their many | virtues, all we say isto try them, and judge for| themeelvea respectively Sold by druggists aud deaters generatly every where a See advertisement iu another column. 1ma6 OF We ure authorized to announce OBADIAH ! Important Announcement! We are sti!! Agents for the sale of Grover & Baker's Cevepratep, Notse.ess PAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Muchine made. We are selling them, deliver- ed in this place, at Minafecturers prices. which have been recently reduced from fifieen tweaty-tive percent, Weeun furaish Machines ut any price from 840 to RIBS Ladies whu have a great deal of sewing w de! abseonding of as oman te whom he had ' WOODSON as a Cundidate for the office of County | should certainly have one, as it will endowbuly pro: entrusted bis funds. fie tad way of Waking a living, ana preferred death as { a relief from the trouble whieh bad be | fallen iim. He seemed to bea respect able tnas, wid very well educated, LIks mob had assailed Wassachuretis (rope iu passing 20 had been killed 1, La f any one killed, aud the Tt wa» reported here on Saturday, tha: @ through Balimore, and that 300 taken prisouers. and 13 Baliimoracus slain ter accounts say vothing « ‘clumou ie that it Was a very amall atfeir TU was also reported that they were fighting at Fort Pckeus. We see no contirmanon of that LATEST PF 1t¢ MW ASUINGTON, Ayril 18. There is tremendons excitement here W asttuxcton, Large numbers of troops are stationed at every point around the city, and Fiving Avull Hy. With Tmenne brass pounders pornting tothe Virginia shure, keep con olant Gare ! Several compaties have just marched down Penneyleana avenue, and about mine wiles from Baltiawore, on iy pass ave to Washington this afternoon, | pise ed nine car leis ut (roops inovwing to the same destination Several hundred more from Penney Vaid wid Miapoachtinctts are expected ere Us morning, PROM COLUMBIA, Ayed 21 Yard at Portsmouth, Va, might by the Vo States Sout 1,200 mien went to bor Coruna, The Navy Was barned dist ) Troops wis a tress Monrose Hh. avy tinug of cannon was distinetly ard iastiiehtat Columbia alee at Cm bono and Kingsville; supposed te Se in © hrection of Wotan Na State of North Carolina, Ait ant GENERAL s Opnicn, 7 KRanrion, April zo, 1861 \ GENERAL ORDER. 6 SU \ Lif Volunteer forces of the State not thealy ordered inte active service, are tomanded to hefd thenmelees in read besa toomarch atan hour's notice. The liheers are required to send to the Adyu fant Grenerace Othee a peli of the mem tro of the companies, faadirceted by the Groverner to call for the carollment ftiorty thousand voluntects, Orcanize send in the rolls. Contranestons and tite Will be furtiohed. eon readiness to march at a day's notice; dull by day and ty night; fet the citizens eqiip their men, some of your brothers are now in the field. The State bas reason to be proud of the promptness with which they rallied at the call of your Governor, The deeree for car sul Jugation has pone forth, the blow will soon fall; we coust ineet it with the whole enervies of the Stites we ta the world that North Car tualitain ler tights at all haz tidst 6llow Tina well atds By Gaile Comimander-in- Chi Tok Hohe A‘jatant Gencral, of the Tec Cuctrtere O34 Regi ment, worth Carolina Mititet ro APRIL Irol TO THE OFFICERS OF SAID REGIMENT: Meet in Salisbury on Friday the ( (th of May next for drill The Captains will have their Com- panties in Salixbury, and wander arms by 10 o'clock, on the day following. And all Com- Pames without Officers will report themselves ut the sane (irae and place Pos. ~-Captains will aleo ultend to the require meats of the following Act passed by the lust Gene- ral Assemlty of the State SkeTtion I Brit enacted by the General ariel) of the Sinte of North Carolina, and tt ta hereby acted by the authority of the eime, That all ies white males apd apprenices who are of the uge of eighteen yours, and vader the age of fory- five years, and who remade in the State of Nucth Carchoa, except mimaters of the youpel, shall be en- rolled im the auhtea of the Ssate by the capiaa commanding officer of the ifentry ev cpany within whone dietrete euch perenne whut reside, and the mad officer aball monty ach free wh te malewand ap- prentices of their eurolimentsty «non-commissioned officer of his company, and by whom said votice shal! be proved By order of the Col Commandant, K.P. BESSENT, Adjutant thay To the Public! or Apo 23, Is61 ape patriotic citizens of Rowan are call. | ed upon to contribute to the defence of the soil of North Corolina, The contest has com menced, and troops have been sent to Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops from Rowan have gone and are still gong, aud dapend upon their fellew-ciuizens at home to sus fain them There it a Store-Room opened in Salisbury for the reception of anything that may be contribured No freight for transportation on any of the railroads will be charged, und Weaars McCUOBBEIN & FON TER will rereive the freight and wnything else chat may be contributed i Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Bacon, iho any quantities will be taken, erived will be preserved Bacon and thankfully re BR. MOORE, Col. Commandant B34 Regunent CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED ! Great Reduction in Prices ! Selling Of for Cash only. Come and See! A(cseeey & YOUNG, will seit their entre 4 stock of New Spring and Summer Goods at greatly reduoad prices for cash only We have been compelled by oar long credit customers to adopt the above pian. By the reduction in prices it will be greatly to the interest of ali who have moacy to apend for Goods to trade with us. Come and ree! NOTICE —We now make our last eall on all Persons having open accounts with us, to eome for ward and settle either by co We have waited too long already ov a great many persons, and are now dedermined to close up onr accounts McNEELY & YOUNG tf4o hoor note April 29, Unb THE CASH S TEM ADOPTED E are now selling our aock out at redneed pri won for CASH No gooda sold on credit. All per aone indebted to us are requested to call and pay up RA MUR April 22. 186) rao DRY GOODS, | A hetof every inan's name eintonibutes Cou Macy, Court Clerk of Rowan County. i | MILO A. J, ROSEMAN, M.D, ! ] AVING stadied in prominent Medica! Cotteges and Hospitals, North and Sonth, and having been practising in the various departinentsof his prow | fewsion for nine veurs with good success, he conlinves to offer bin eric s the public where he is perman:s | tret atiention to bis profes. | rote ment @ tberal patronage as| od Soler Lonself in rendivess at all hoare, | ently locuted aud b goa will encens heretofore day and night. tor professional calls Liv Offiee at (ace tan's Store. | April 23, .n6t 3mpd49 { Spring Stock for 1861. R. & A. MURPHY, | RE now receiving their ueual Stock of SPRING | / SUMMER GOODS, embeacing FANCY AND STAPLE | be BOOTS. SHOES AND BONNETS, \ | Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, NAILS, SHEETING AND COTTON YARN, oof which are offered for sale on the most reason able ters for caeh, of on tine to parctual customers Give usa call, and sec what we have in store for you K & A. MURPHY Salisbury, April 9, 1561. Sind? WYATT'S | Tonic Cordial. Vhe best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. Tris Uneqnalled for DYSENTERY. Tt has cored Thousands of DIARRHOEA. re best Physicians recommend it for FLUX. Its nse on the first svinptomes, and before a pliysician can be olstained will prevent CHOLERA. Jt will save many wiugh tine, sick ness, euffering and money to cvery FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. Ves, luag their lives ten to tweuty years, We have sold a good many of these Machines ull of which nave and sull continae to give entire sutisfuction ' Sead for u Pamphlet. & A MURPHY Sulishury, Aprif 9th, 1861 PENMANSHIP. FFE SUBSCRIBER takes this method to re- turo his thank« to those who patrouted his School of Penmanship, the first coarse of which ex pired lust week. Aud he would take (his vecasou te with urgent eobentiin ne, annouice that in compliauer from no uun ber of persons, he will so nimence auother coure wbout the 15th ef Aped. ‘Phoee who may | denire Co take tessous, will find sabwciption liste at the Book Store, where they are requested ty cu'l and In order to accommodaie a nam. ber of young ladics who demre to teke lensun*. suite urrunyements have been made with a ay ma kinseon for the ome of his shel roons having daughters who wish to take leemous are re- anes to cuter their ames on the ladies’ let a! the enter their names. POSIT IVE SAL EK VALUABLE REAL PERSONAL ESTATE! I the N.C White Sulphur Springs, | offer for sale all my property in Rowan county, both Real and Personal— Land, Town Lots, Negroes, Stock Household aud Kitchen Faraiture a a7 ' | } ie AVING determined to have Kowan county (oh >| Planters, The Land is in! Atay a lerge stock of Hats and Caps March 23th, 1861. NEW Spring and Sammer | GOODS} to unnownce to his friends ead the public gener. ally. that he os receiving his veual Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, coaiprisiug « mcl aeaurt- went of all the LATEST STYLES LADIES DRESS GOODS, : consisting in purt of Silks, Bereges, Grenedines | Beroge: Anglaise, Moasmbiques, Organdier Chulhes, und u large Stock of EMBROIDERIES. ( which he arks a special examination } Aw, @ full nesortment of MYERS, No 4 Grave Baildug. Betisbary, N.C Ma ch 25 —45if BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS, M. BRENNER RED JAOKET i ln nee} wuie H are pronounced by ali 1 be the best PPXHE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEABURE 2. S ‘oa < to oll of SS { Bicached Dumeriic, taneus, House keeping Goods, &e, ke, | A AKER & CO’S MEDICINAL TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL. THE TRUE AND GENUINE UNSURPASBED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTS BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED fe use, of fairly tried, wit soon restore the} Gag tone of the digestive ungan®, wvigorate the blood, give geucrai rotundfty to the figare,! joo} and add energy Uy the mad amd nerywas F system. Lis value has been remarkably ey > evidenced by fis wonderfal restorntive pow-! ere, when ordinery tomes had been vasmly) exhausted. It affurds noarwhment to the © body when wo other ean be borne, and! farnishes the frame with fat in a truly 10-09 eines wanuer. \y For CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI' TIS, Fer SCROFPULA im all its deve Fur WEAKNESS, WASTI ccery form of DEBILATY, ia curave, Tt preperties are unrivaled. [t imsy be taken without disrelish by the mst delicate patient, end reiaimed without effortin the most sensitive stomach. Ite «u- periority fn Chie and other importen( charac- co 1 Zz tenelice of geuaimencsa, bas guaranteed fur |* te io ea) schools; the Professors of the a al CLOTHING HALL! MAIN STREET, nest door to Brown, Coffin 4 Mocks Store | Salisbury, Rowan and adjromg Counties that be JUST RECEIVED a Now, Fresh and Fashipnsble SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF | eee y-WMade Clothing, AND | Gent's Furnixvhing Geeds, |) most ariive and tnmediate advantages of “HE mubseriber desires wo inferm the pubhe of 2, (eke = Ae 154.N withe commendation of the most eminent Physicfans throaghoat the Siates ; the writ- ~~ en teatinosy of the faculty of the beet medi-' be 2} UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, = JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA. P DELPHIA, oo PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI. & CINE. and others. i luvalids showid be carefal to parchare oi of undoubted reputation If they desire the ie>) the remedy. ‘Thet which we prepare bh oy d-cided evidences of saperiority over otber Le} brands. Manufactured oaty by tas JOHN C. BAKER & CO, me tmporters and Dealers in le Drugs, Choma: ed ee Nov 43, 1860. .N. THIRD 8 TREE |GREAT ENGLISH {REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FOR MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S WEAR, C BLEBRATED FEMALE PILLS which T offer for wale to patrons at BPD lrices Suitable to the Times, wy and at lower prices than any other esadtiahment of a kind, and to which I chaWenge competinon. | Cosiumes suitable Miners, Machinias, aud Servants use Coll and ex- animproved rlate and will be divided wit small pare! amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere cele at desired, to suit parchasera—it in in the tunine- date wiciuty of Sukebury, well watered aud good hoases on it. ‘wo Cottages on Main Street wextto Dr A.W Long, and nearly oppomte the Court house; the Corner House accupted by G. Roberts asa Grocery Store, und ihtee Houses wid Late and one vacant Lot adjaniug satre Two Houses and Lots near the Lutherau Grave Yard: one on Shiny Hill; severul Valuable Negro Slaves, House Servanie aud elegant Couks, together with « yfeat varnets of vther articles 1 would sell any or all of this property privately, but unless sold before May Court it wil positively be th Alen for sule of which dae notice wil Determined ty wel) owt and med t highes: Iidder be given by band-bris no mistake ie contains abst SUO Acres. | | P.S.—Having made proper arrangementa with our | itt. or suited A fa as | " ONUW FIRM. et } WINEBRENER & CO) hav- j ba Remember the Sign of the REDJACKET ' M BRENNER | Baluunore firm, Las at all Gimes prepered io fubni jany orders in the Merchant’ “Pailoriug businer® at shortest notice A Maret 25, tk6t. 22 Gy | 2 SUBSCRIBERS seore to FAUST Succ furmed a Co | peitnersbip ander the firm of DAVID FAUST & CO., for the parpose of comimaing the HARDWARE BUSINESS at the old staud No. 49 North Third St.. Philadelpaia. We rempecttully invite the atteniwu of var tuends and buyers generally, Ww our H OL ROBARDS Fur parveulare and Cerma, in my abeeuce apply to New Stock of Goods, Wm. Ao Walton or Wins Mo Barker, ny authortted | which will be found to be gore complete than usual Agents Jinany new stvles have been added, und our new Salisbery, April 2, lol. 146 Firm hope. that wath renewsd exeriions to please, | hey may be favored with w cuutinuauce uf the par vig: heretofore catended to the Huse Hard Times don’t stop them., DAVID FAUST, i [PROTECTED for Promenading, pecmere in LETTERS BY ROYAL PATENT. t from « prescription ef Sir J. Clarks, M.D, Phy- ee ee lolutn Extraontinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of al! those painful and dangervas diseases to which (he female constite: t ion ie enbject. It moderates all exctss and removes all cbatrue | tons, aud a speedy cure may be relied on. os bring om the mouth! perbod with regularity. Kagh bette, price One Dyliar, bears the Government siemyp of ieee Britain, to prevent eounterfetts. Caution. Theme Pilla should not be taken by fanades during the FIRST , TURE on Mix MONTHS of Pregnancy, a are eureto riage, bud ut any other time they are &, Nervous aod Spinal ASections, In acases of ain jo oh Hack and Limbs, Fatigue oo alight exertion, Palpitation of th Ho urt, Hysterics and Whites, these Pits will efirets cure when ta i had although & powerfe) remedy uther means tate failed 5 {other means tix pecs la LE Levee i red 19 not contain tren, calomel, ¢ constitution Full Hrections io the pamphlet around each package whieh sboukd be carcfully preserved all respectable Draggists. Bole Agent for the United States apd Cam rae. NB --§1 00 and 6 postage stampa enclosed to any authorised \gent, willinsnre a bottle, containing 50 pits, by return mail. Bold oy) Salisbury, by Henderson & Eoniss, W. H acs and Lavo & Co, Richmond, Va, Wholesale Porewie, Agents Salisbury Female ‘Seminary. VUE SINTH TERM of of this School will begin the Lith Febrnary und close the let July. The school has beem increasing 1a numbers every term | | BENJ N CREGAR, Cunt nnd? ber, Sut could take afew It only Coxts — JOUN WANOLD ie (he ee maciiacs ie. ewes wale | Phiiidelpbia, Wareh 12, 1861 a4 ! : : bury wil have what ut haw never hed, @ permanent WeCubbins & Foster | N.H—We are Ages for Smirn & Wemeve.niool 25 TARTHIDGre. Which are unequahed by any other TERMS: RE now in receipt of a very large wnd well se-) make, they are sure fire. Do he& Co) Bord, with washing, fuel aad lights, 850 per Term. AS TD lected Stock of ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, | Tuntioa, ia Baaeininen $5 to 17,00 bough: for cash at greatly reduced prices, consisting | Farmers, Look Out! “ ~~ Latin, 5.00 WTS. i trom 5 to 29.00 ie: ae . Money, Time and Timber Saved !! Mome|ce, sews Eee STAPLE AND FAN I have the right to scl! V acer otal expenses, 100 ac om the ti of eulrance, Prepared ty W. Uf. Wyarr, tea Vandemark’s Portable Fence, | Fore niealey Ses menres . i Wan. 88 wi t. Salie-! Meee, without posts, iu the Counties uf Alagiance, A. D. WILKINBON, pan XN x C 156 and 1 Main g : dulph, Rockingham, Davideun, Rowan, C epee Jan. 22, 1961-1136 Princip! BUEN ss : a | ea Mectlenbarg. Cheapness, durability, and con April Y. Grrd7 } HARDWA RE, vepience ure its chief advantnges. We recommend | i € Notice—To Farmers. Something Valeable to you all! Fronefield’s Cattle Powders, T tHE ORIGINAL ANDGHKNUOIEN E—alt others patop in stiniter atyle ae base counterferte. Froveriety’s Powpeas cure amet all diseases of Horses and Cattle, and keeps them in good eondi Tro. Perfectly safe under all circumstances, and war- ranted to give satisfaction. Price 25 cents per Package | Sold by WW H WYATT, Draggitt and Apotheca- ry, Nos 186 and 188 Main si, Silisbury, N.C Apni 9 147 COODS _ FOR THE SPRING TRADE. W ble Groods for the SPRING und SUMWMEK TRADE. OUR STOCK Will not be as large as on former seasone, bul wel! & good agsortinent. We shall have a very handsome and select asseruinent of all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, have ‘and will offer inducements this season rarely elt ced to Chis market and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are desenous of closing out our stock this and Summer and for that parpose offer | Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goods before purchasing BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK April 9 1s6t Qavt7 Fashionable Millinery. \prss GRASSWITT, having just returned a Al splendid supply of the West Pashienable purchased at very tow rates, re vy t friend and the dadies geperaiy that her Cea (ar nays no To see all the Lattant Stylea Spring froods at Salisbury Apect ae Stock is Salisbury, April 2d, 1561 1146 Tanner Wanted. N exprienced Tanner who ean furnish satisfac i tory evidence of good character and skill inay obtain a good staauon by applying to J ¢ HARPER & CO, Patterron, Caldwell co., NC April 16, 1861 3tpd4s Yadkin Navigation Company. at ERE will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Yadkin Navigation Company held at Hunts ville, Yadkin Co., on Saturday the 4th day of May, 1x61 GW. JOHNSON, Pre« April 16, 3w48 } \ 1R61 Fine Shirts and Collars. If vou wih to purchase fine Bhirte call atthe Great Clothing Em tm of DAVID WEIL. No 2, Gaanrre Row an Colare Sept 25 1119) 17 Pamphlets, Posters, Viewing Carda, Blanks Circnlare, and all kindsof Job Work weatly executed nl (his office BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE | ‘vate, Cutlery, Queensware, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, and Leather, Clothing ; Blacksmiths and Carpenters Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, GROCERIES Drags, White Lead, Zine ; On, Color'd Paints of all kinds; Blasting Powder; Shovels Spades. Iron of all kinds, IN SHORT Everything that the People Want. Rife and and These (Goods are offered to the public at Exceed. | Come and | ingly Low Prices for Cash or Barter. look for yourself. Coantry Merchants McCU BBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS CORNER, April 9, 1861-47] Nalisbury, No ¢ Dress Making! a RS SPEARS announces to her friends and the public. that she ig now carrying on thee busi bess, and soliens orders. She has considerable expe renee tothe boeness, amd her work has pleased those whe have tired it. She expeets to keep pice wit the fashions, and will certainly do all work tu the nes substantial manner, She may be found at her old home, ( Wee im the North-western end of Town, Orders from a distance promptly atieydrd to MARTHA H. SPEAKS Selisbury, Janu. 22, 1861 3in hart» Head-Quarters 63rd Beams MARCH [7th, 186 To the Commissioned Officers of sard Regiment : Y order of his Excelleney the Commander-ia- Chief, am election will be heldin the Courthouse in Salisbury, om the 27th day of April neat, of Majer | General of the 4th Division. Appear at said pleoe armed and equipped as a p-i- at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M BR. MOORE, Col. Com'and't R. P Besser, Adjutant March 19, Dee? (fta WATCHWMAR- AND JEWELe Sallis ry. Worrante} ert Ne rose January 29, 166? Swan Island Guano FOR BALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. ARE nbove Guano is sald to be a better fertilizer for the colture of Tobacce, Cotton, Gn » Reois Grapes, &e., than any her imporied A (rial ie all that is necessary to prove ite super. ony. SPRAGUE BRO March 25, 145 Notice to Sbert oA RECEIPTS, nentty printed wm order, and putin booke if desired, at short notice and on moderate terma, for cash. Send im your orders NV SNEED Soler mere active Saleemen to travel through the Btate The right sort of men can make from @Y to $10 a dey. Apply to W H WYATT, Noe 186 and 188 Main at., Salie- dary, NC, April @ ma7 Tanner's aie a4 Great indecement« offered w | Barn { \ | | | lamiae tak, Aroold’s Wriung Fluid, J jimay be wanted, at lowest prices possible He al the Fence to saw-mill owners, farmers, and all who | | have fences to make. We will sell Farm or County nghte A circular stating costs, plan of building, &e., sent free lo any address on eppheution to INO. 2. WHITE, Mebanesviile, | Mar 19, 1861 -3in44) Alamance, N e*e Charlotte Democrat plense copy three months | wud forward bill to subscriber, Western N. C. Rail Road. WINTER ARRANGEVENT. | | 3 Sfp 74 enc" t i orrerer ys oo = ae Se a - | 3 Sate Cee s az {os v Soak = s ; 8 . a= S282 2 ry74 + ASS SieG 3 = eae : oo axe . Fle: is - 2 3 aye = eee = ze = eee is z 1 oe Son 1S SI 2 le = : Ba deruy f]5a | z BED Dern EIS s | x = : a Zz | 32 Ses coausy TP RE @ te aa) i cen Pen Mea | z O22 oreo! He | [ous e=h8 —-{f_= | | 6 S = | z= zy i es Res = ani rig =F care i cas S cree, 23 2 m = es a he Piza z ae 2 4 2 = Hors wis ES a ( ONS a ae soauay) 4 = Gated ae 2\ Rory ¢ a a cC. TURNER, Eng. 4 Supt. BOOKS ! Nov. 26, 1860. | | | | J STEWART IS PREPARED TO ror.| Sahsbury, e nish at short noties Colleges, Schoole, Acade mies and the public generally with any Books that j ways keeps on hand a well selected lot of eheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Churebes with Hyimus to suit the Intest and most popular publications of the times, writing and printing peper vf all sizes, cheaper, than ever before offered, by the ream or al retail, blank Books of every deseription aud size, Pens, En velopes, Pictures, etc., ete. INES. Harricou's Tuk, Harnsome Columbian Lik, Japan Tok» all stars, Black, Bhar and Red; Harrieon's Car- the beet known, very) heap for cash ; WALL PAPER. | To his alrendy large wud beautiful amsortineut of} wall paprr, he has just received a large toc of the) latest patterns, which for benuty, style, and cheap. | ness are far superior to any ever b-fore offered in the market. Window Shades, Fire Sereeus, ete Order anything in hie line sahicited | Salisbury, N.C. Feb. 19, 1261 1740 “ Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, ROCK QUARRY. pu UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME- thea of pmtormiag all pet=ons ia want of ROCK for MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that he cau fornish the beet quality of a \CASH His Quarry ia sitaated 5 miles Soath of GRANITE, ut in any shape, and at the loweat possible rates for Sahabury, known as the * Old Shupiug QUARRY.” WILEY HOLTSHUUSER. Rowan Co, Nov 20th, 1660, 610-27 To Farmers and Mechantes. McCUBBINS & FOSTER AVE just reerived a very large lot of FARM- ING IRON, corsixting of Shovel Moles, Bar ‘Tron, Wagon ttre 1b, 1} and 2 inch; Buggy tue 1d nnd 1} ine; Trou Land Oval Trou §, §. aud 3 inch; Square 14 inch: Buggy Springs and Axte Patent and baa led Leather; Bauds, Bolie, &e , gether wich o geueral amortaient of DRY GOODS Hairs and Caps, tantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACO? PORK, FISH, LARD, 4 | will also practice in the Courts of Tre me Counsies HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes. They herp ern- COFFEEB, SUGAR, MOLASSES, BUTT RR, &e., to which thy invite the at- eution of ibe pabhe. Ler Jenkins’ Corner, Salisbury, N.C. Heb 12th, 1x61 139 H. C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Conusellors at Law. \W ILL praetice in the Coarts of Rowan Coanty and in the Supreme Court. H. C. Jones, jr, dell aud Cabar. All clrime entrast d to them for evl- leciton will meet Fort alienation. ' | ‘various departments of his profession AVING PRRMANENTLY LOCATED IN ROACH | offers hia town of Salisbury, Le eee? je at all times (emtens Professionally engaged) may he feand ‘at the “Boynxs More.” March 9%, 1861. wes WE HAVE IN STORE 35 bble. Coffee Sugars. 10 hhds. Molasses. 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. 800 Iba. Sole Leather. 0) kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of whieh we offer at greatly reodueed prices R & A MURPHY April 9 der? serviows to the citisens of the town ati pean cerrcoral Ve \ { | LP Office N C Jones, Jan. 15, Boos » Back Row, vear the Courihouse H.C. Jones, yr (935 ‘TAX Ni OTICE. YALE at my Office and give in your Taxables for the Ty within the fitsc ten days of the present month n, THOMAS McNERLY, B. Commissioners Saliebury. March 24, 1R61 422A I. W. JONES. M. D.. AS permmnently located m the town of Salie- bury, and offers his services tu the public in the LT Office on Wain Street, first door above Bare’ ) Confectionery. Jun. 15, 1R61 6m35. ® New Tailor Shop. a pe tae subscriber has opened a new TAILOR SHOP in the rooms formerly veoupied by Horeee H Beard, dee'd Mie experience and qualifications jim thie tine, warrant hrm in saying that he will be able to inect the moat fastidious demands Call and gel your garments out to § vou, and made (o last, instead of baying the sloachy , half-made rage iy | Ready. Made Cinthing Stores. Cutting avd Repasing done te order, Produce taken tu exchange for work WM. HOWARD iret Hides For Leather. ne E subscriber offers to exchange Rew Hides for Tanned Leather, in the races af good quality Apply (o F. LYNC# Cheraw Tannery and Shoe Fee’ Feb 22d, 1861 - 4 ie Jan. Sth, 186) 4 ; FARM, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. INDIAN CORN T will Alter plowing the land, run off the corn rows with a Then witha ‘bulltongue, ornarrow shov el, run on each side, Wile Tam T believe give my plan of planting corn, Witte, ‘shovel plow,’ and drill the corn making a ‘list on the corn, Tn about ten or twelve diy - that is about the tine the corn is sprout ing—take a beard 14 iuches loog and or 10 wide, bore a hele su it, an ew tt on to the shovel plow stock, and iu ines the top of the ‘list’ Tt levels the let down beautifully, kuocks off t clouds, breaks the crust, gives the yours and weeds, which had sprouted, a back setand in a few days the voung corm comes up through this clean mellow bed, is the best And asa scrape eight ready to grow right off. It working the coru can have. hand, with a good horse, cai can get his or ten wcres a day, a farme! whole crop worked over in ow tow day, and thus get the start of his work—ne small matter in 80 busy a season. My main crop has been tebacce for a good nany years, and atsome future tine I may give you the most approved plan of managing that very troublesome, ul profitable crop. crop averaged me one hundred and ty en- The year before last, my ty dollars to the acre, on new ground with out manure. The land cost me four dol lars per acre. Last year I put the same land in tobacco, without manure, and had Just as good a crop as the year before {tis now in Wheat, and if the season isa good one, will make a large vicld. So much for some of our North land. A C- Carolina CAG Greensboro’, N Country Gent APPLE TRIEES The frnit trees men Jar attention at this season of the ve receive parhicn Tt vou neglected to dese in the toagiow ls the tune tocartoutan abundance of aia nere into the orchard, placing iii cousen tent heaps for mulching the trees as roo! as the froet will permit of doing» bas no time in praning, and while dein <0, be on the look out ter the ese Catterpiller eggs of various kh nds win be found capkerworme to the twigs themselves Meare and im the beginning of Apoil, these last forks of twoos, anal plued to the At the fatter part of this wen wentloped worts begin to cou i the growud and ascend the trees tok pos it. The eggs, being laid ont twies af tle trees, ateh, and the sueeets cat fill, and after a time lower themselves ot to the ground, where they are trans ed into male or female worms. Lie te males de after having deposited thei eggs. The most simple means of destroy ing them is by tying tight around tlie butt of a tree a piece of paper smeared T he ker worms crawl inty this, and are unable with common coal tar female can jrain ott \N floor ermipiy the whea he vole ty dry nyse Chat it wali aot stick er Pour the brine into the barrel agai, put in! another bushel of wheat, aud proceed as belo _— KNOWL EDGE NEEDED BY FARMERS Phere is no profession among oJ. 7. Buck inghamn very sensibly save that illustrates tare clearly th: beneticha eMleets of varied intellectins! ewliiie and) sent fic knowled ze apd research tou that oo a farmer \Wu onee beard a vemeralie eloregyman pry fall romark, that when be was a boy “his iorks fury t freed thought de did not how en vito be ! Hoge” Witl ' mela so they sent him te e ttimate that there may on ay t a) out pres good many occupants ott Jearedd protessy otis so ented, who de teat Know ene tah to farm cis, we have no! ation i he soot t that the best ¢ ae educroon ean Ard an roci for the em lovinent of ail at Youre iad the t © fa ! fon \ spss dein, and the young tai w aes Lan ing as being an onout leetial jars are both athe foodieli amd do nut hivew eo sh pass judgment on either We hope ind be Weve a better set tinent Ws yr owlag " vanciy and that itowall aot be mans vears betor tenectture will secure the eecoperton nod ad- Vanes faced unteal ore “ edacatian om: Privise Mire Cows ear aston Duty mien are every ished at the remarkable vield elaned y wresotie danies, reaching Uve or sin hh aedred pounds of cheese amd butter per cow, and ever hoy mutt the weber fodon lay at tesceone. ‘To prove the Crary of these so Mments, We referred t te books of the meretevnt wh nt 1th ducer a f ta ( ws feed, a ean ful da ve ire the dust Gbsiots reasons Chat Hite an producmy thes result, These are att tradi of any one who earbestly sets abou! Yoo how diffemt at as to attain these Lo hest \ . he dary ith is, iat 1 1 “piety too Ui hat i mat 2 ther, ag | ” oome ot ' ne . Win 4 hts ! void ow hoor hoe beelves, bu bivsajh ‘ ") \ “ vow rw 5 Mien " pores \ teohet tel aswered leat, 4 wiv and eations the owner gets of ir Nistae tate | ' ah ‘ Aw ' ' \ nitire dy as sat them town at one cod A darrvins vis oaf Hie season as fmtle arever tutte en . \ : ‘ than the sens Vwo teove and reas bine yous vow five a te wing Macken roa locomotive WN bey walow tine Hol ane watch . toed] sie tid inake “f ' ugh \ ered de \ t o now wl her eheese somal tre ‘ FIMCASSLE 'b uk butter the size POLATORS fia walnut, anda onfal of flour together, and tise vy ,; W t tas grodnallyoina pintofailk thatis heat hastew pans add salt, pepper. and clio; ped parsley; slice « Nd potatoes inte the | y ky otic All together, which, alter reo to extricate themselves. The operation stewing a few iminites, serve asa break should be repeated two or three sprng- fast releh . " ' coe Pe rat 1 in succession, and you wil! find toat th ASTER eat Vitae WR a ea canker worms are nears. if note ce ex ee c { es terminated, ADRENAL Disc oMELT ED eee oe SWEET POTATOES tt wor ea teetotaper” shanti a bray be a ao ! 1 The land best sucted to tbe sweet petou is a terowor lie stom fon \ eae) sandy soil, and should be well broken up. as : y tree hard ! : as the potatoes, which have been presicus'y | : tree ft! " \ ed out, begins to appear, prepare tie ctl as wy yoohkert Stns urha 1 Veni a h lth nn lows = Lay off the rows four fect apart. ri : ) } = 200. pow te Witty Vice om peetine, several mes each way ap] throwing ou vik pokuew hee " si he or and side farrow. In the bottom of this furrow be liad a penis snl eho py bee ts well rotted stable manure or leaf mone) and wood [bere Stands a conn kand | events aca t aca Sheree | fea cies ashes is scattered thickly, and upon thea broad, (ME a : tee alee ut aa tow tie hes eh ne beet ees anon tin, bs wa fiat and mederately high bed is thrown by ot ' : a vi i o4 . 3 me, vi moeathards thet ieacr ern te ning a turning plow twee or three tine nh water Theo a sadbranketrd ame bere sta way. The top of this bed is leveled thous ye tee totier, wi Noa ood dint) rood sat with a hand rake and the draws are planied dur) 24 Yun my il Cares ers slain! Ing moist weather, if possible. ahowt Tx inches | EUGIN SNS HOU C Ie syle ts i statat ! bystander Lthere a tbble or shar; Tee { ; apart. Use ac ye sharp pointed sock for seaval at teeratriaer lis te w plmenog and. if the weather we dry generalls frank ord sta epey Nip the roots mie a theck muck or batter before 9 sotpe fa react sition, pianticg The after culture, consists sin) =" | 1 Pras : ert | keeping down the weeds and perhaps “ : Myer) ae lesen ee eo workiizinen’s Unton candidate, lias be apother furrow to the bed before the vines begin eg M aver by TAO majority to ruo xeroas the middles, Vie bil! ey stom may Gee : be more productive than the doll, but its muel es Mierine ix Ports worn t More tuberous | Andwe niver Galil woodeny= (tc oe ited peemstounhs \ insiias al al eon ° for town officers on Satuibey da 2 by the above simple plat oe PEA VINE HAY Mr. Edenouston, of North an arbcle of forage or fodder, there is none «a penorto the Pea Vor Horses and catth ow eal th wiih avidity, aod in preference to any oul er kiod of tedden Vhe do Carolina save: As ficult) of caving these '" ne en A SRE. oe In Time of Pence Pepare for War. AOSLEITERS MERONEY & BROTHER STOMACH BiTTERS. Kb offering to the pablo the best assortment of WA FIRE Ak MWS 1 rivought te Uueaarket Calin Belt oud Bock r old and new indel: also, Smith & Wes Sounce Pistol. thal can be Phe proprietor Lodwnuts Hos PPERICS CBLLBEALED ploOMA\CH UL LS cap appeal wilh pericet physicians wad eliaeus gett Ruates, becuse he artic! unknown Gurers of ey et Pistois, nosevet whol; Shar) cursed io the vert pooh: (, will shoes through anieel bound Th vurds Sharp's [hoz shoots through wn ined tativu heretulore this point wal bowed LUG yards; imiaton Coils at reduced: pric Volddee ul bare aesentiounn y Riders seleseh 1} tie cousuinpton uf Hostetter s 31 1 ewie Kuives, ace it in TOUT ' UUs Wulwn botiles, aud tre Tike esti fucrease ot Ues past, tb 2 Hy rune ted the coming year the « 1 su bustueos Mike BOK Couns 4 near one unidlion bottles. Ttos Hianmiense amount rs Ueuphes Dot su pendets, Beltre Fas could never have been soll but for the rare cher. Jews ty. Sun Sated Ware, finey h medicipal properties contained in the prepara- frothe u e. Perlwmery. Evteccta, taney and borer si | tion, and the sanction st prominent t Booka, Work Poramonas, Poe SEO TOTS STU Ew: physicians in (hose sections of the country Bowes Razer, fine and common pocket Cucery where the article is begt kuuwa, who not voly w Canes. ep orung articles, Whips, Music recominend the Bitters to their patients, but sera » Withow Ware, Barkets. Pravelig Sait are ready atall times to give lestimonials (0 ite ele bawey Groceries Ee Cigars, Tobacco, Snutl etheacy in all cases of stomachic derangements cd camercatorher artiele@ (oa todays by mye lbs and the diseases resulting (heretron Mw en hey offer at ow: pric s This is nota temporary | pole Htained Phose didebted ty te, nua calland pray there ete by extracidinary efforts eM t nn seeouuts by che tts | Wary, on ‘ peany { ws of tie t 1 ce all wccouite (bon uipatd on lie i. cud> of oll zs estimation of at iivalas 1 which dg for collec den MERONEY & BRO destined to be as endurag as live ised Satebury. den 1. E64 Bau Mostetier's wach Eilters have proved atoolsemd to tegious where fever and ague The Ad Valorem Banner, *"! (ares cee Bennie DAIL) AND WhEAKLY at tu state confidently that the Vitters aren certam cure for (ie Dyspepsia and like A oshort tine eioee Lb oiesued a prorpeetup iveuses, inte the proprietors a source of UN- Woorkly cewspaper, tobe called the AD VAL OREM alleged pleasure Tt removes all mgr tol utter WANNER, to he patoshslin the Cay of Ralensi from the stomach, purities the blood, and N 6 Pi eneourisear ve Wilueg received; tar ox inparta renewed Ors tothe Beever ANG RAUIOAC WMIiBINor fajermidiber tue tuiiavde giving it that tune aud nergy indispensable Sea Te Wie eaonei One Grrl Uc amma LO Haste 0ULOE health Teoperates upon re Weaith on ce oe eee the stomach, liver, and ther digestive organs, tye Tinian cline (RN Ss lbikwuimeoiy SLES diy but powerfully, and soon restores Chem LY lu NILS owcondition essential te the healthy discharge ~ tas the Banner takes aides with politica of the functions of nature eit peti euee rien ie Gere Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as 1 lene nae a ie heen ee per directions on the Vn tile, and thes will find ri ee Pree mn frie a wstinalant peculiar { adapted a Daca } declining years, a3 1C1s plessant to the palate, ‘ : ud La yey LS ae ioe invig eine he orear excellent as TG OO esr ey ages etl almcniins aeneee Ve bet 1s dence of thousands of aged men and women ck d and partial Cooven ous, und che sehewing | i pave experienced the benefit of using this of weldshe olin! demycogues and trickelers : preparation while sutlering from stomach se- Be Tangemculs ant generi debility: acting under TUM ROE THESE SYR Yn St the advice of physicians, they have abando ned oO Tvcar rr Canin : e500 all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Fis 1 zu merits of this article \ tew words to the geutler sex There are certtin periods when of them ‘ their cares vg that many ee ae r a fink under relation of mother ee : ys on aM ebsbl rly tender, that the “ : DANK OL WIESON i mother, expecidly if <be be young, is apt ty Me os n oe f rget her « ealth an her extreme anxiety mu . for her i to Shout the period of inaternity ; R erie dunatye tl lier season, the wear of NOUR TL ON iy net ruil: geneeally aygravated Here, a be sal fur iw statiudn ye LIMS oe SALE. Pa tiene 3 (tie eneiniice tte LARGE qu t Pea a nother to bear apeupler ber exhaasting tines I Vind Ll etinE f CG fl rally preter the Bitters to all other invigera t t cive the endorsement cf physi Atorg t { fiuxhed Leatoer. sole, UY ehuse itis agree t sie us YW . ani auitiih nals cert to give a peru Increase ben and Dry tues awaye 1 Gaal of entity stretgcth , We ¢ SONG ALD those peosens, to whem we ve pur Seeieenan hn na tly referred above, to wit: snflerer- from : a erated ay ed ty ialaria ma H ery ou. loss of petite ad GE VP SOUTHERN V6 AND CAP ee eel a WEN ATTEN OCT TE nvalids. persons of sedentary vecupation, ancl nursing § others, W consul TFTOIIN YDOOULEBEY, r t Ren taes ny Hos. MiG None « 4 te rei brat 1 Stomach Witters a trial ( We ennt the putlic against PUR RIICAW Ceiiot RR ASI SUE stOLE SKIS using f the many imitations or counter- . fe tor HosrktTeh + CeLRN RATED ee x MBit ems, anal see Ne has | AVE wry Spry stock of the words Dr J Hostett ers” WIENS 1) AVS tert yA: CECE ae Wown on the le ut the t tarped ‘ s : yw t et ‘ ip and hia wot Virgina, Nort Uarolit ve tha, bauulog cS x t h “ 1 wi " Prepared a? {by HOSTETTER& Be Vibe per Loos wnarket im uh TH, 2 Pa 4, aid suld by all y KKISTS, ok ! ners KeLerally WE 4 . Wre ghana «! nited States, Bouth Ame- oeveryih og ouew of droit ata, havnt ay and G Ly atv increased aay manutacturny facilites, may destroble stvcen will be ofniy own tanufaccure MM a a Se eN | erecta smh eet ni SO) eNom NID Le 4 fet supenor, te ans thong produ ' ree eh mle Sy MPy amecetnent ot Boyan,’ Mise a and ¢ . : treu'r Hate an F . fr a . prot styles uf Braid wad Leghoriie eannut be exer Ran nee ean led vy s yt : r Fs I “ Nitary Goods, Dean furnish covthing requires cu My koofthe varione qualities of Army o Regn wi Hats tw very conplete. end amy of he ditt : ite Os t JOHN PoOOLBRY M it 18 NO HUMBUG SPECIAL AXOT Shing Off at Cost! A at CLOTHING ENPQRIEY MACHINE Wonks: GREAT PESCYVEMENT North Carolina Foundry rH GREAT VWI A CARD DAVID WEIL. FRERGKS & RAEDER, eh 2 boYDEN'S SON. ADBIVG IS BELIEVING ! ale Wik Wl LPL AL IMPLEMENTS a usseruinent of ULI IVTENSIVE mele GES ACY OEM OS 7 TOCK. Cultivators, RETURNED PROV TIPE NORTH. piiy ' ters Straw and Peed Cutterr LARGE COMPLETE ¢ oF " Vow eel Si ween, Sige Mile manulae lure Neady- Wade Clothing os. oe shadti oc and Machinery Genitomeds Parnishing Goods, , eevee \ naw Mills Good uF B " ‘ ee Vad 4 Sie \ 1 » Presser and bi t ee si Bhs tet rnd uy ats me weet "1 wid “ Apia SS) IP SS TOMSTEE NaS a ae tcet a TS ietend Stas) uc LINESEEE DY WORK of every DRY GOODS, i i wa det and w cauted! mnoevery ue Now ts Pyotr PON GAT Ue AAT Ne, wil eH ‘ q ‘ Ih 134 ' ; > 1 A Veale Patriot Greensbera’ Deny { yy 1 1 lepers t Charlotte: Western Ndvorate, Smheville ; Caro. ; een: ae tan ter Weebly duibor, Observer, Payette ville ; mele) ! ; Noy 2 AL TORY = GN TT ION 1 Dredeli Bapress will publish tea Weand forma a a ih, A wcroul Ch. ieee ue lel os LOS Ie Pade aaalenrerlniel trestles ie 3090 1b. BLEUE STONE. 3900 Tbs. Jeary ox and will Canine we \ , De a ENCETE Ready- Made Clothing. ae Wet |e (ie NS PSN ISS Gent's Furnishing Geods. flits, Caps, §e¢., at Cost THERM le into ’ For Curing Tobacco. Liss P il = COST. From 21) te 2H og vale by bites date for de jpatepy Pie ve HEN, ERSON & ENNIS e ‘ “ secd atop hue ve jue Nore ced ne wll volta at HOF I IF IN’ i POUNDS RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. LEG Nee) No 48 BiGy vs SI ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROW \N COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Seneions, Fehi nari Term rol Reohen Jo Holmes / vs MERACU MENS 4-101 Min Co. he Satinfaction of the Court tt I> tlre NVecte NGHDN EE aoe Sant) yh Mott ty be Tantieie vd first urbe — Ltn cree intend ses women the wremne 07 Be PURE LINSEED OIL, Warne on sny au her T Wohin Wtertite The Genuine cum he knew hy Youn sate HieNtedt DNS tae Sle f emstmns WY AN ) trmped on each WAPER BRYAN'S PUELMONTO WARES Kelieve Coughs. Colds. sore Throat, Hear ‘ssauas 10 Bhls. Tanners Oil, 1. BRYAN PULMONIC WARE RS Relleve Asthma, Brovehitis, DiMealt Breathing, 9 | oes" 9) UES SITES Las SOS PELMONIC WAFERS Pains fn the Chest. BLY ANS Relieve Spitting of Blood, PULMONIC KRY AS 8 WAFFRS eae ee Ague and Fever Cured W000 S10, Pure White Lead in Oil, ENS Mae me AND National Flag! jccmxck vompayy . =: ‘ ee “) ; Ne q ae - WM. M. BARKER emt G ROC he R LES, Pays all Losses Promptly ! “OUCH INFORM Tis 01 tf Fone ace eccneencutne. neue dio X Mtaos Wo MeCounet © P Menden:! Are mon pening at the Subscriber's ever ttre PoP Weir, datnes Mo Geatrett, John Lo Cole, | e . FP 1) Wasa: Vand Z David Mehuight, ’ oer . 1 P ‘riage Busines OT OSs, Creenstormuyh) Harhebited in) Salisbury Cal rlafe usiness, A © Weeks Mee oe P Feovs ban Y, ra ' fos, etvie of BUG Y aor Nhe or Mae Newles Uhudeas We ‘ i “ cad rn ha ! Jo en, Yarveyvalle. Dr And whieh wall be sold se heretofore at unpreeeden- CARRE VG i eee \ P en Ho : Nien On 0 IR \ Res KOC Maynard tedly low prices This se mat 4 woh I h BROW Woarrony Me ' vader a Orr rms ays ip SDPO TA. ) Wie rs appa she te in \ Sob winse Peed NOUANT ADVERTISING PHRASE : " : (meant Nae Vice Prenide Tee ae ee ; Vb Nene ; e : ' i a ‘ . ul VE ene ra ate wwah men. whe enuinerate ther mrticles ' ' Sern WAP TE CE MMING Ganon Agent Beou ‘ en be stock aud prices, will \ BARK Oy wd i ONNELL, ' A vanes) mM oeney sud closest buyers, of the ny PEANT ex Cor ! Gilad el \ ret of the vem u \ dwith thi R a koowledgemente to the > 7 book ' { cuutes for past fa. PEEL UD AMS secs b Bidar ce & \ LISBUK Y. | _ a | ner a cs ¥ eae a rn COWAN’S } traible we BANAT tarshows (inde: et eee ee Vegetable Lithontriptic, S- FRANKFORD'S. oe TO COUNTRY bial 1 EE tec a MeNeN EX Mol AY, \ PINCASED KIDNEYS Ce wesc ES, 1 Nii lis i = ) * : “ Pthe | ws, ol browns Livery Stable va eee | ae ak Wa eee _ 1 Ve eee eee Sanam aiden 4 ea bod) AE SNTEN DRY GOODS, ee ee HARDWARE!! Clothing and Groceries. Ian is BSUS = i OE PUEES 2 tne: ne willaetl as WHOLESALE ctl be oughta aweoty cathe Coca, ihe Great Ea T. BEMISTER, tiouse Painter, Grainer. puta New York os S PRANKEFORD. ‘ . Sa : C : s \ | I( ENA Lh. notex epled toch of Hardware — a cna OOP SRERT Sv ve a uy gt p MICHAEL BROWN, NTT aN I ce FRANEPORDS. BCOT AND SHCE (Ui. HMO MERCIAN, —- Gn2 . .agvE r a ale SALISBURY, N.C MANUFACTORY ! = =o Pe - ror gress _— = = a \ nities CiailH & MILLER, — mw i - ca ! bse PQS Oe tect £5 Bs z a ORRELL & GRADY, acnilemen’s Boots, shoes and Gaiters, 2 a a — tn - = ans: \ ec ee eee Ste es HATS, CAPS, ee ee aoe ee Straw and Millinery Goods * BT liver themcisdai halle yo fe ZS [mbeotlas, Paracote Powers, Ribbons, &e., f ‘ S50 Cas No 18 Courtiandt Street, =e ho es & Gaiters, ——_ = ——a rob oiiedt ) r ca ) CNow Balad for the same Zz => e ea N« ) Neve Jork ; besa hn i ca ia them : = 2 pS ve i ! r tr etinong them a branch of ™ os g © Cat JAMBS THOR ATI eee ose S iis, EFA WildLESILE AND RETAIL, — WORTH & DANIEL, ATSA-AAKER AND JEWELER, SALTS. URY, N.C. ee ny Breorh Call, rye door below 6. & U. Wiply ts Sé Hit Wolte “ Wholesale and Retail Grocers, (large aneortme i ; ; i AND I WATCHES 0 SEWEERY “ae > Lp re 1 en ae wd Views : ae ! squmin Of I R e l B O O 1 S. Commission Merchants, ae “— uv Patent (eather aml Prench Cell) No 2 Gaanrre, Row, Froxe Starner, Boornary 14, DEH, hy 3s tin Open Gaiters, Patent Leather and French Calt, WILMINGTON, N. ©. Congress Gator, Preach Calf, \ Orford Ps Bremh Coat De nda of Groceries, Provisions, Frait, Liquors, Wines, Cigara, and ‘Tobacco \ ¢ YT | ( s I. Von Ties erty le Gch Am. Calf 1 Heer titer Eigueni ried Heels Feath pert ¢ sines bas consututed the elie Iyecliou te F Sold Hail Misuag Compass are Retleve Incipient Con-amption, Lang Dlveases. ( Fe { i a ‘ fo te the sidanpply your wauta and in fu fi T {Country Produce gen Mss Phe wruet believes that thes ean canny ba wtf ' fore ordered and VEINS SE OMS AERA OR NO PAY rr twill parehase no Boots, Shoes or Gaiters OU UNECE is LE ee mh Scal ‘ ee ee ennar ee ‘ (a guiged ; ma tle Beles letiaiion of the Lrata xnd Teosiiu, \ f 4 ‘ ee 5 ‘ Tee reece nemnnnreerT ac x erally Agents for Howe's celebrated Scales Se . ui Ciure Ty ses va Was { Xone week necfyr REY ANS PULMONIC WAFER Haniel saval (Posen (PAM ( NEIL Ne ) Sieh | plan MILE MIT er DG WORTH, | NG DANIEL, with wtasp hoes in the inonth of sje et ty ! Mi he Relleve the above Complaints in Ten ‘never. A eee M \ MILDER, . For the past 7 vents mie and then, having first, provided Grke oo! . aa | Conta Pt Ko BRYAN PULMONIC WATRERA WIRRIVTED TOCERE VLE. DER Ono ' qf ; LTLSUM ESL TL ons Late of Anhebora’ No ¢ We CLEC a * syaace oe ' he dye tad " t ¥ ) ; 1M ~ meat lyIk& Pisgetht fornieriuntuecnunion en ce Chea time nasaten Se tre a Blexsing to all Classes and © stitations. HENDERSON & ENNTAN ore terete ya Us opt is, 1s60 y ee i f Best Mondas ie Mat mot then and spies BRYA SUSIE AL ERS ; wudino paaer the poles wpow nt feplaey pierwoce qari en hear i tre adapted for \Voeaitste and Pablie Speakers. had : at) \ ’ Ki he ry\ \ ,* common sized tian cma clasp bis bates over toe eas om Woemntnth, mand he Pane BRY\\ - PULMONIC WAPFRIS : ' A ( WwW Ir. ye 4 A 6 ' ore 5 poles. [peo they muat be about os er eraperty bevied apa be sold to wate - Are in a shmple form and pleasant to the taste Fluid and Kerosine Oil. ee F % Ak ‘ - BRYAN = PULMONIC WARERS ean licen Gaon Teniaae | Papas \ ie grown | Piaee raids, with one cid , AGiiieeankt BOK & ASC . ae ‘ : - th We es Voi wuly retieve. bat effect raptd and lastine Cares, Teletee ele VA J Ti ee ' wo \ upon the pole, about am or enght ineies port, nt ft - . Mey 1 A i r=) MRVAN S PULMONIC WAPFRS Want iteieuonoua cy MURR & SOSSAMON, DR. BESS kK N T, after the manner of a top stack or fi aoa ' ee ees hie rarravnted to give satlsfaction to every one HARRIES & SULLIVAN AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & : rner of a top stack yosbir 4 ee ee aA WES EB Kt Di vk 1) , Coathfhll, dan Rib, tK6I ints Uheneontire natal mw AS REMOVED ro tur DENTAL ROOMS as itis called. leaving both ends open. and opon C vt ' art ee) ens ; ry EAT ' STAG Vial / A iSy SHTESIP TIEDIOSS IPIDT SE on the corner formerty occupied by Da Baron. ae. ; i sf é e . toon! these rails throw the vines, unti ther are shou S74 7b GE VOTH CAROLINA Mry aus y alee Wafers. I" R ii VC a Bik AN DY. colleoun’ Bee WARE. STOVES, &e. et Ns ae attend all operatio one fagt deep, throw over all mute straw or RUDNVEN Sete EY CAVELER #tf6 2b Be WITHOUT A UP) T | fp Sees yie es a Ee ! i ane } Tae ir ae OOh Jan 1, I™6N 13a a z A F feeting Ayeut ou aud ab i i ' ( STOVES ever grass, and a good supply of the best fo uae 1 Court of Pleae and (Quarter Seamonn Pebrum Miryunte B Wafers. F nC ere OT x ee : Sr mre ise bik nia ae vid milch eows, ig olen Kindo xe | Term ie Le tel lee Ss Soe Velen din peed ' Pr, nu \ VAWaeehoriy Natl denn Ab ' i Sui < ae a israeli heen Ephraim Manne y i FREON WH) EXER OMIROT TO Gir F Ciive phot etate the beet ever broueht i lend rae : ‘ : A 5, canes ay se | ! | TNECGRIEG a sti Fine Suite. ¢ obtained : ATT ACTIMENT tryants onte Wafers, ' nt ' JOWN HEARD i eno neti aes lene inehneteimtine Cn pre If vou wish to buy FINE SULTS ¢ of CLOTHING end es Wilnin A Met orate. \ r socrers HENDERSON & ENNISS net Von Cites Ager oa ty LUetheeloruesiennine onus little money axpormble, call at the Great Crt 7 : ‘ 5 z cee CET EN : ‘ ; ny 1 porinm " WHEAT—CLEANING THE SEED PT oapnesr gto the sate ection of the Court tha JOR MOSER. Sole Proprieter, Rocherter, N.Y MURR & SOSSA WON pnd Emenee Papas —— the defende Witham Wet a iden wit Sold van bury by HENDERSON & ENNERS, and al! Drug <! TEL RS LYN eae et connie adie tamer ailen Sallehury, Jan 22, 1R61 ly / Ueber: . Es Eee ee ‘}, Murphy The following pda is recommendes| for clea: Iditeof the State, +e therefere ordese . SPICES ' SPICES ! epeeifull, requested tea eel and inake omme : oe sania ne . thot pall : : 4 ithe ¢ 2 ty? . nt Loan aye ted te haee mot = : Ine coed whats Aa abate an 4s ta DUH eal te nde othe ah tan ne Mo NOTICE THIS to two thirds full of brine, strong eaoagh to der Lappe se hednpe the Paeticea af ane One ee ee \{ LOR, ‘ 4a] ‘ . foe pene e WoL. BARRIER, hr eapend acy PSone. at Whe ment Court Us Me KP BESR EN potato, pour into i oue bushel of wheat: sk ow i i y PR W i u ‘ Rouweu, at che Coors tt tt ” wa ‘ ' 1 ' off all that fluate; atin and turn up the wd + shary nn Ay aext Monday in Mny ' AT TORNEY AT LA y ' D E NTI §T, Ve , ' acer! vthe wine nega thes ) \ : re to pay, MT PLBAS skom and stir it aguia, as long ae anything ris * eas eT ao rash OVA EEE Practice and coake prompt ecileetions i DREN NGG ve Ma 1st pdiyt3 After skimgoing all you ewe get from Ure brine M4 HL GuA And Thetwndllaicd vemin bee \ ws Prede | aid © eta ba Counters VINEGA R! S ANATES . ae ue Olbce in tue Conierol Cowan's Batld “pp * al) he Riep a4 ! af eS) tA oh r : carefully OF (10 a6 not agitate the wheat) in «tub, } eee ‘ ee , : a ean - Vine Shirts and Collars. ; ; Witieese J vine Warne (leek al our saad) sera 80cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ¢8s ! there will be some cless mixed by the skimmer ft be frat Moniay in Kebrnaey, AOD Feb id, int Go ¢ ae “I zt ‘ RB wait a ' I svat OMe ahirte mn Cath ~ ' y+ ' ‘4 he careful Co make 1 at! run off with the brine Sad im tae entity fab ven of oer Integer fence WARRTAGE TICENSES parGaban et eo aN DEEDS Pellet ihe Great Glareg Reporters et an . ; = PRO w ee t DAVID LL. When the wheat begins to come, place yourLand Feb 26. 176) Fi 4! pr adv $5.50 KOR SALE ALT THIS OF FICK som 60 4 M Min TEEA i Ay i fae LT LES OVE LOE tap Qh flo] No 2, Gaanire Rew ne ee EI Single Five e Ten ec Clubs $1.50 ea LET Ts th a good safely i Wen The toe thertiel era, yo ern Ch they fiy answer, The Ch up arm 1etanc ordered tu war ple of Secor Agarnet fered h Lhi ed that and res how the pre them t Fut , Roman hot rec byob, The | denied Hence Is th dhe Sou Befo: justify 12th el the 24 see tha aor ane ter the rested | A g Uh) alefence war su temple aa the j erate ‘ of tnair among He vie | Allyte strony Allt cause to Ist Oded Mossiot hearty to Chr wloft ilizatts they a and in of wea RoC aL advance the cry acces his me this, at fore, w gad ftatives ty Wa only af Ry tiie ure ty perty. Jiries allow 4th. sailed | rights tees, tl sought temmprte the cry 5th. and re past ar tend te insoler ly ‘fea the sw 6th. and lo yrOWwn that on subink oft pow we mu 7th. tually eros | and by troops force, O's re North vile pr It n many pleade R ‘pub ruin, nu the So volting amaly crowd corrap wreak dy vor North grade, Inoour For tian § with a the pe energy and cl vah in Tet with t never is alw faith n han univer W. State w up his « ary, ireeeden- RANE articles ces, will of ihe entien of large and es, reat Kom RD. wit, Feath duce gen ales NIEL, years with s. Woatn ly th ICE. 1 LE ROOMS Dar Baron. 1] operation’ 1732 LOTHING Great Cloth D WEIL. S. an ¢ are EIL. amit Row J.J. BRUNER, —_ , EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy F200 Five eepies, $s.00 Ter cupies, s15.0y Clubs excecdjag ten in the same proportion $1.50 @ach. Payment alwaysiu advance, From the Charlotte Bulletin LETTER FROM SALISBURY Banbury, No C.. April 23 te De fad Cn ey Devoted to Politics, Wes, Agriculture, Internat Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. a good eonscience and trast her cane safely im the hands of God ¢ We are in the midst ot a tersible war ) ray The toesity eounds, and we tmuat laste te V OL. X \ I I I. therfield of strite, Can we. us Sauthorn ere, goin the named Golf Cay Soi, == — ern Christians be fuithtul te God while they fight the cause of the Souci ge We answer, Uihostatin gly, ia the athicnanive From the Matile Regisic f Rist! endecvate te eeer this separation peace Invincibility of a Brave People, tally and amicauiv. Davis’ Proclamation, She appeals to the The Christion may be juscticd i taking History attends ne parallel to the strig eredte dnd the good sense ot the Nowth roe! Co hy the President of th Up arme against bis fellow anen income YC by Which the United States of tue Ul behalf of such w mode of dissolution, Comtenen States op America instances; fur, first, Phe Riciteous Gand Yeerlanis Woe this was the true style In the langnae of the patciarchal shep Winanas, \rabain Lineo'tn, President ordered and commissioned the Holrews #0d wtlieral ttle of the Datel Gonfeder Hayplores her confederate to SOM TI rCal “ > i Coe tilitencirert lene A : tu war avast the Anialekites ail poo ite Repub) aelieved their rm inesotes eorht thatthe tay eo te the tett, “ited States, lias ty prochumatiar anbounced his inteaton of ple ef Canaan. pand potttoad liberty. Lr was this Sirah es + pe GaSe Ceuta tiara ca ( | tfederacy with an armed foree tor tlie Secondly, David wayed a riolitecis war, Khe Witch drained Spain, then the great UO EM thd toe other AM hee wcertares agarnet Ammon, becaise of the inowit of C8E emptre of he world, eo completely of BEG Papen Vow ith epithets of rebel, trait fered his ambassadors. her resources and vitality, that it has te! eee Lhirdly, Vie \aws ot Moraes all SUppes ken her more ¢ hundred vears to Finally, aetoal war is levied. and le ed that Israel bad the roht ite jess war YEN potttralty recover fron the eet ieee ose she eco nigsd the faetof war ated and resist ther cncinies, , Hon. “To the poot, the dranatiat and the #€6 "pen thy Pat she is prononuced the hourthly, Joby the Daptist recognized Nhistorfan, ofevery | } tiktessot 5 and the ow : NEN tee as the profession of seldicrs by directing the ipost unequal, the fiercest, and the on witht dy what? [sit tu save the them to be content weth ther wagra Heal protracted on record, bas been an wend Noy for war destroys a deape Eijthiy, Vernal eunncnths Heained the “ker fertile and favorite theme. ‘Tote (re: trae tere ynquer tie South, dias Rowan Centurion tor das faith, and did -MWerican colonier it al aded an enconr (2 teiee hee to the condition of a eal hot require hin to abatiion fis prtes Wing precedent, and, acecrdn w oto the JEGUE [no tice: Pt pose of capturing the fartresses, and thereby subverting tte Independence, and subjecting the tree people therest to the doninion ota toreign power; and, where as, it has this become the dety of this ran ty Government to repel the threatened iva: ances this coutest, clon, and defend the nyhts and liberties faWs Of nations and the usaves of civilized warfare place at its deposal—— Now, therefore, ft, Jefferson Davis, reGord meGincd eae j ela , P ; lees : sion. records of the Conve ty Of TIs9, sug leis toast le ance ie fr, At a oi Acnerica, do issue this my Proclamation, Curae are eae ee and cay, , es : : . eaten cnatis rad ‘ tine ' ’ = ou Lends The right tu engage in war is no where sested the name whieh, tila few ments Verouient of will and choice, but an ar inviting all those thats Ve-dceitcs ton ene ence erie Jer Ad SEE: : 6 nie coucumencne tiem tae cil: hee ,! o wm thay Gestre To be Your country adjares, ative aud defeud her ! denied tne the Clinietian «Ser plires 40, ont gc The greatest Irepublic aa litrary yover mnt! tore, Vins te to it service ith pirivite armed veasels on the Defend, &« Hence the only question i. = eS Eee panei na at sera Hie soa, to nid (ie Guwerninent il ree The National Fagtc above ax now floating, Is this war Justittable on the part of Wighls yeura the conteat lasted, one on tue North Atmerten cottinent sictigy on Watton and wicked an ageres Will seed on the vitae of loved ones be gloating ; qiosoatnt een moanbertiin a from the other Fung is te be overthrown the poneiple ston, to make application for comussions ie pee sont ie ee eed Scores ise ier BATS ity 1 \ R(eaer \ ’ | i toxpuru ye bis sway—delay not uy hour. . Before considering: the causes wh tg, aie the ' ( a ys oD re marked 5 consent, Sor which so much Glood was or letters of Marque and reprisal, ty be een &c 2 . justify war, let me refer the reader tothe O% F i ae POG terran as ne otier shed, so aiany years of elragel: were issued ander tin seal of the Coutederate apy, Stars anpied Banners dishonorediserresrnine ‘ - Y fen ' fitstar ea | , Spe ‘ Ret | yl if * pee ’ ah hay oA IK mee Wu ihe eeree tae! . aan Vowas Ktrown Poputa speotoand so nssed) glory won, ie the wae States; aid | do further Hotty all pers Olerbandsot fanatics, (herr swords are now gleaming ; the 24th verses inelasive Tee ele cuaibacu \WiRatisiesten@iiec. Ptr shoot Pits is the Corner stone sons applying for letters ot marque, to They thirst for the blood of (hose you inost cherish, bee that Good Justitie dan aver ty Tec thd strove ers ra +1 | “Htoneusty bethenetustde: thake @ stateaet i Writiny, giving the se ie aula Bis Sree ct sh feuieh : , : fo i ' ; efeod, &e REC eaA TOI AGEineel et epee ain, aN ' Ia ‘ ose at A toate Tarrest fabric of dibersy that mane and a suitable der. Viption of the r Ae el he Sud ' he O' pal! . en Hr er anit ea ; Wer Ar fiat ele ; wot / ke POM Arann oTaroce op es . ound the ry of the South ju thousands, rally 3 ter the coerce is teed, the a oo \ ae ! - Vet y per open tier rothe character, lotta OG SOTCCNO( SV CaRel The hain is’ past for freementto dally. rested and dishanded them vt Vid 1A \ Cornel tans WAL CMa mince and splice ait Tesiteuce nt each Your all is at «take, thea geo, and God speed you! A yreat ineral !idos GE Bava t! Te ec tel ‘ t aon 1 Ee eae en the principle of consent! owner cones rhed therem, and tntende Aud onward to glory aud victory lead you! : } ; : i » id * the objects of Just war Mencken Heeb l teol Weer cay ttn We tie vice then the evolu et onniaber of crew, and to sion puch State cisnees . ve | . } 1 ' es < ST A AT cc a alefenee or separation een were Wow on heats nut Wed and ail the Ver (OS ete ae tay ately lie Cece } } ) : , Ct ane fo the . War sUpposes al jiry p pee OTE) Pea ee Geil pages of our Non aw eben TPIS CAT VCO Sanur Colecnan Gti i init Fiam the Boston Courier ; ; i ( os Mr 5 nay. 5 | . ‘ tempted or feared {I Dy Hie See YE ES itor neers rel Wipe rasne cui : we oerty atid pros runeNs ab enh ot te C afoderute Stites. to in CIVIL W AK: the Justify. 1 CW ses at are cheb ; Ee Le heut Pfeil Pict lsh ! Ht by him trast.’ ta the Seeremry of At list the war is absolutely begun,—and erate invasion of richits. aud the neeessiy 2) Ut ab Vessels Peni ut ' =r Sl wear hota te tutis States aud ddo farther natity all ppl ipod the heads of those who have given the of tnainta UO ee rit ‘ ‘ t Popower “ wleetes Whit t t% Bee Ns au S Calle atoresad, befure a WY Cotitiiesiol vec wal be the respousilnlity, We have amonget weigbboring not ite veut Mie jared ato ¢ hithers Por totstorabre, deepotie Paritut avues or letter cf Mary de ds issued ty any vex Gtesty advocated peace, secre in that ch single State os € ‘ ot ; ‘ ew! ‘ ’ te 1 Him Poe jae ih eee sel, or GMC GE UN ters) (erin. gil Vorational qneans of sett! Gur) teouhles Sic ene c ‘ ele ee eee eee wie (70) (She Camden la Wie tony Meare, Draraiey Setdassion dial anboited and aatnlid jude 1 ' x sh 7 , } ! eeUEt Dee 3 5 . All tise? (Gist = eae at Gen ft - yore, Ohad proves ar ean ENC foe very slioute of 2 Metiietis wt are reqitired te give bond te tue Conted bl SESE : Ms sway Bat in evil Cause te jp eify Sot Hew erse CHreiistances a poopie. thu Wim Oeil Sowa witie tie reocis erate States, with atleast tay rrespaustile pater - httle chanee for Jndgine OM Tete (tee ca TO Wee a, ATs en ater ianes! Me niacin Lic Go tie Lieut SUE CU CORN METI enis can iesi Chim VOCseC) i Tntl samen ue Lamm e ne CHER Gx “es an hy th aa ' Ww Ihew - ‘ ' i ° u t five y ' i may Jecd thirty milhons of people, 1 unbappe ™ oa \ " { +o: sun Ive thousand dotlars, | ; san vithe tnadiess of the hour is not checked by re we v Rees: Of 1! Au | re , } tp she \ | ie) Kore esa ek itl E: ‘ ' t Hocet te Aneel , . BY PUGS TI SUT Spe NS : : Peewtued: WHE qoetian ou thie, ite first furrous timpulse, 1s be CRI Zobel: akan \ . u , BER ESS Oe 2 dod fifty aren, youd the power of human conjecture Arica rece Weodre ! . : ! Teel al festa \ Hothe penal sum ot ten thonsand Tis proper for us, at this moment. to look as Mossiotat es | 1 arte us i ; es : oe ee eee ott ae etliers, with condition that the owners cattipose hy as we can apon the iiedtare steps nearty halfian i emai ea) a uccat { : a ea | Me Greer Gree Weed euecetiilavert ewlich Nave lel teluwteeehs co Mihail / ae n Seti eat ele argent ose \ } to Christta ctv a Tice ta twee Loree h IN moyen } ; mm Uoard such ssioticd vessel, hands yo tutu) blowd, and wet to alley our (wat ternative {fv ath ; with \ a? ear low ENN Sort ot tir PR sil ! seive tle Siwe of te € Eel haa : tee Lee hed feninutactes ul | sul ¢ ein are raj voudyves hen i \ Wren tian antares foe : PN EHC tive te dorate States selves to be diverted: frome fac y nail iby lization White they are thre Cans \ ‘ r - ! Me ’ F i © aid inetrnetions fice them for rewu ap serutinized and weighed by the judymient of the . , etl, DP Riales, ain cae ae : ite j ; they are aypplyong tear faber t da Est WEL ce me SCN ET Mica oe a ¢ id a ran ing their conducts that they shall satisfy World, taty side issues calculate: meowilder and : ; ane i ' rat hon Hd idorvanized as overninert - : ‘5 rin and industrial pursuits, pointing medion. SEE pres toces wpe ts el Tatiews ob the | Rc mae nn ‘ , all damages done contrary to the tenor mish ad the mind. af weal inte the mths of strat ay See Seay an (Cee reat Syouneh Panpite, i‘ ees a Hl as | thereof by suel such vessel during her Tf anvthing is certain, it is that the nation ae . lose States au rebel ee ine : S eborn tedious beliece mike BOCIMtIONS. ate] Cte ihe welirene Suet lat Tie qin t al wITCIE Ge ; Rs CNC a i : Mi ,eetamission, and pliver up the same ue - P led to bebeve that a pacific ponies ae , ener. amd Have so notitivs : esicen ould be puesias , 7 Marnier advanetty Cie strech ond efficiency of APE tat oe ‘ Voderperate © , I iS \ " " restoe ih hen required by the President of the ~oul! et nae a Dae Rares , ae i: ' ‘ fer fates Ove all the , . ; warery oof “Coerclo me « bets the civilized world Sach am tity and a Pine a uanee apen the nny of ' Tischer stet ' j Confederate States Ido turther specially vite it ee y on COUT UST IN , : i Sos mInelcmie ssl niin melee ; : abandoned by the party press. ft was not sup successtal Misaouiy eciera: mothe wot Be Ln at Wowd ate fleet ee i tt Ti ayant) qremene Ve Wiine unis ’ : x 1 v4 ess wast y > : , 5 net { tal Status a og ree > , sed thatthe adtuianisteation would jose any ta has never seen We ue Goofs azcutars Syetuest Per tsnls, etletenimaenene yg , PO Ma Ss titer le ation ata aun sei ute th ; i , " | Nlependernt and rele power Hel : voradile ons t o reestablish the author } Tent Fon ; Bye tS (ed ter { ! ~ DICE GnmiteelersitG ss brite mul gece 3 ; : , this, and vet N ‘ t ; ; ; Meee Ber ces ie . AK a a Youre wial ty of the government, where it had temporarily fire, We Fisist iitee ot Cp uf Na ve ; Moet \ fantom the disctiane: af tue diites in 7 * foree of see season hat that acth : ‘ft ' et t 4 ' en i - ‘ 2 ree ane; . , ie Sh eS ar, ee ee ee ts ‘ \ : ; fen ' ; 1] verseluimnn ing sessartly irritating woul) be attempted r at } ‘ : tt | ‘ | ' tatives te Conyress, hh ( hove : . Mit 4 ‘ : oe ete be ured eoot the Contfed. thatit would oot strike the first mortal blow : / ‘ ys j 1 es Can 6 7 ter Wastittictee and th tec a z : . ; : tn at iC cars vA elr country, ind that full and tare oppottupey would be oa ' , et Ome ateotomatt te Only affeott. couteunie 4 Chai tes oo ‘ } ae iiebas they prize | rsa free ved for time and atural catises to work out» ' ‘ » Wor Wetisiv Pine t i : Ry the och at dD , ane ‘ bales . : soverbin t= thie Wroties ot ciel prohlein, besa the reach al politicians season ty ' j 5 vfs tae PTs ATUL NL Be ak) fee rest ance culmea c , ae We AL vnie fr tie byehiost faeultus of states ure fight to resent s Catt i - Sa ae enaen lentind an past and those w Vie ow thmoat . co ~ ' Hhisstcces ‘ a 2 : ened in ' ava ine ; rT id patvrots Poobaneott Va] erent y , a ! ! iain Wielation at the Crneatation. tras . : eS : eS vs ieee ure hattl tuted States woa Tak + Bre ' claret reel aoe ata ‘ ‘ - i ‘ WHOSE EMMY IS Miate taijimeaule becuse : ! HELLER vow sme) a ey Hl ; aie i} » MM eda Proclamation esi a force ae ( oe ARLES sciiamniab te wsautt. unless first assailed Phe ev acdation of perry, Eleters sae eatiee takae (ehesh ehh ! ‘ Ss ONpVoveked, Taal they exert themscleos . : aie: : ned . Sees Yoseventy-five thousand tien, to cause j ; Fort Samtee was held te be certarn, therefore JEG spt iu Oe be tana re par . d Au ol ‘ I . re DW preserv ny onder Woo promoting cot ; . : ! Pe meti ces na eel Se aes ; etawe of the United States to be daly, ta tor why showed be rettued as acause of uur allo } } } ‘ ‘ ‘ Recital | | ; Cord, Tm matntathine the authority ani ‘ th oe st | 4 ae m ’ t Ved over a peopie who are no! Miyrer Ww * : Useless as it Was ty Tavern pew 4c) ent SLC ant oe e } 1 ‘ tt 1 1), Wat ey S | ; ; efficacy tothe baws, and in Supporting | F hho Heil ; ; Ll Perera etl tpartof the Ciion, and on said Proclama nial if ! AUIS URC YOU setts alee idea (reac sa miledieng ‘ . Tee ‘ SEN me Panes and organizing aff toe ieasures ; Ba) eal ee ; , ‘ {' ni alates hon threatens to exert this muusnal toree en aa u a strongly tetitoreed, or ever 6 perastenty held: rights in the t at SU ett es Ea eAS SC ‘ ie we Mee mre ch may be adopted for he conmnon defence 1h Loran eerie aera ANT Tt to ' ce effeey Teeompelobeaience te his ims espa St five anes ran aus tees, thoneh Aaa eta vv “ : i : ‘ ‘ cas, tt Groner \ t wn by which, under the less Nya oot apoarent reason a formidable sqetdean as des ' Ane re Fern. 4 Wherens, e eneral Thee et i ‘ i sought then. deme v juntes are cs Ga t ! t ho ' , om , Divine Providence, we may th pe for a patched. its destinatou beleved to bean Gh arles teippted, and we can te lo atins wil 0 Mes lari S wl | s pea ee ‘ Se speedy, Just and honorable peace Ne tlie Comin len al FarteSumectpsccalted tip s ) ne ee vol aVeaici Hoe unabiinity, od , & ne TES sf Pee : the ery of ‘defence He LS GEES St rr ‘ phered , 2 E ! Tu testimony whereof { retennto ger on toesnenate the fortress, whieh be refus < te J : Mel Uri [nt etn iiemtine watt yfeescool@uetiat (itt stitortt \atervane wana . 1 ~1 { ial ly tt Sth. All their eomlue’, their brava) 8!)- a iti, Wee ye Pie ei lereentl ieee Gal ean 4 my hand and geal, this 17th day ot do—aud fis refusal is clearly based apot ister i { t eis at lneer 4 Weavtwoy Ta any Sea Bedi el conn ee NRL CRE cls 2 Npril, 1861 ~ Maton conveyed to him, that the squridis and reckless Wielition of our rights rt i 5 ; é k April, 1801. t ms ptedron is past and present, assure ns that thes Uv okeep tne Patria on bat pe, the moth ut ie declaration of war, te be resisted JERFERSON DAVIS Mitts way to reinforce him The pohey of the tend to rob ws of our mente wit rathh ss C6 ot tbstant coionies, art tae capital of 1 8 US TA eran iy e bor Vir By the President: \diitintstation, therefore. is coercion, after all, insolence in the future. Ileus we | eee He tapadly develpene trafic with bath Silas and subsequentiy, Ge Convention Ro. Toostis, Secretary of State pO 2) wna tensentucaita tllestiven iti Inopeeeet ‘ i a i ) Cie li itenennlyene Cera simu uterliantre ie) uw llisG=slotre ne sentine the sovereien i . os the South Carolinians are first assathed by those y ‘ fear et preatert isan DelZ, ; ; ‘ mir | } ‘ Da CS EY GUE J , ircseot syuien reel) sat elrenacsoece dts Cl WIIREStatcediassre atlinmedl ti nals Toney who approach them for the purpose of rn daciuy the sword with gouiiy * preeancie Se | y } , a ender of Lroaps Phe two Military } ny : Me Be Sey ee tne Prltcm Voronin lal clance EncrerGtenatewlny Talingst equal), , ¢ them to subintssion. tis useless to ask, under 6th. They asa peapic, let with race “ ; : . HAW ananiiity : amd whereas, the State of Companics of this place—the Payette: such errounsstances, who fired the fist wan wforos tte t eh Hpertant ae pe fenetes in Cee : . : Stat . y and longrany fine Iruiterovertieow, bevy } 1 Nein Seat lee , ville fudependent E cht Tvfantey and dia the assaultis made by him who threat us it t | ‘ S the fatnons aecdtine discovertes of is Sua With thie ‘ : Y ; Heim U2 oe UN ee Toe ete Hence all ied to heragemiuntize CeWhern States. cu the wrongs they have Payette Lirht [ufuntey —vesterday sony “lteheser party the first actual blow is stuck that no reason Gian justity our rieking Bi : oo ered, aint we he t flew dine ; : oe Phe detonation of the Administration, ther: 5 | : Went Pie ow i seetned suddeniv te FERRO SIS SOGOU Ci eta tlio Go Mcrinare amt Cid Cratt alia merce ime . ) subinisston any farther, Pte + babar axty, re as ieee Conn i as fore, is to corrce, abd the future will soon slow of power’ mm already fearfully luste aod UtYe e8panded its wings trom east to serine ye WZ Mae ¢ ye CHorts: vices in the 10.000 Vol inteee Cocps WHC Asloruitiees aretin be warned ly lie par * . * a whe 8 1 . . t t ) . he Fete » % s : me a 2 - 3 . on : - esto ot matey Sheu Tie peacea to compose t differences , , : we tnust be fools or fight Jayde tothe unatdisgy hetehtea cuit, wlich have severed the Uiion, and have’ 4 c#8alry company tas been raiged sit of such a policy, 7th. They diave, as the bast insult wu 1a TAs nestdhizzy hetchte of wealth ¢ - <a . lene: ‘eat funeral . a, At the first reception of the fearful news fiom : . 1 most ace lished ven. (ued in thet attempt throngh this un. Mere SNSIEU CIR Caren Wpwatrdls Gf tually struck che first blow, be a trevel &tel poten PACER ECTS EL ole ted 1 o P Ri) ) . lit : Charleston, though to many hearts it wall bring ] ye \ \ - Warratited aot a 2 De . . : ave Joined it _ erons attempt to reinforce Fort San cpr, ob ais, Che tuost disc oplined and daring in hy ROH a ‘ (he part of the resi J ‘ : expressible anguish, there are multitudes who ull Potantry the world ever bebeld, the best Gels and itis beheved thatthe influences Along list of “A Home Guard” lias will see in at only the signs of a power in the and by calling forth hordes of fanatic 2 ‘ which operate to produce this Proclarna | ae ! troops to invade onr borders and, by od! pped and the most extensive navy, porate } 2 this roclama Just been banded to us, composed of eld. government, of which they dave been Sorry to force, to suppress and crush onp mehte. Coyal and mereantio, of the ape were at MOURA RUC Tseced 1 State wall be ; Pl yl ue the absolute command of the Sovercien, DPOughtte bear upon this Commonwealth, Sach was Spar . if she should exereise ber andoubted ! right to resuine the powers yvranted by meeting to morrow, which ite is under FALSE PL as POR TH WAR. ber people, and itis due te the honor of stood vw erly “zens, ous resistance. -They have even asked North Carolina te lend her and) to this vile purpose. It may well be doubted whether so many CAMses for war eonld in ive pleaded by a nation before Pie I Republicans look taan issue whiel would Ac Raleigh, the Union men hold Mobe merce] in ae tizen’s meet ; In the © Mirae of auable artiele ou the \ Irena that an improper BART CINE a tee Phe leading Union men have start Pose pretexts whreh the North makes tor force against ber people shantd be repell } ) : , ‘ . Jaomlttary: Company, acd Creo. W I: Therefore, J, Jous Lercier, Govern ul I a ie the Rrehenend Dispacei says woof the Commonwealth of Virginia, PERU ni eect Camo AEC cy) ruin, utterly rainy tae yor wiitte mem of it ( The Wat WRIGHT Th re attra tea ware the South » whieh woull produce th +s volting practice, the siekening sin, of an weowo back behind the thir yeofthe have thought proper to order all armed tt preseat Heer atid consider the occur eoluateer regiments or companies within It is said at [Raleigh that there are 300 Teo tiie WAN 1 ( SALISBURY, N. C., APRIE 30, [S61 .- | North Careliaa Called to Arms, AIK —~— OL. vb NOK wy Leaks Ye sons of Curotua, @ BIATE. Potnert atthe onset thie treachetous tuvamon Defend! defend the old North diute forever, Defend, defe ud, Vtic goud old North State! ke from your dreaimuy ! Phe tnanous of Laacola apo us are treaiwiog, Yi Want not tor argument, callbor persuist a fHE NEW YORK HERALD. We are not at all surprised, says the Kich- mond Dispatch, that the New York Herald cheers on the administration to civil war, with all shiverand lungs. It predicts thatthe South will soon be demolished, and winds up its re fl. ctions on the subject with the philosophic con | clusion: “Tt is fortunate for us of the Ewpire City that we will be removed from the horrors of war; and although we will be obliged to bear its expenses, the resuft will be on the whole pe- coniarily beneficial to the commercial metro- polts.” Andagain: [tis trae hat an expensive war will uecessarity entad @ heavy debt upon Ibe country, but thatos a matier which the next veneration imust take care of,” de, Can human selfishness take a wore disgusting exhibition ? Let ous hope that this miverable Herald, which was origiually planted ta a ae ue of "TV? ~ ~ the Helen Jewett tragedy, which was built up XN U M B Ie Ie dl ). by black unl, «hase oats has been publicly i J with conniving at the iofumy of his own id which daily publishes advertisements sOons in its columns, will never more, ia hearof a disciplin d host, uader brave and ex “ACO ¢ ‘ e 2 eC er or are Conqu- Fillin(leratianeell lyemuwcinnatae Matti mice OG AA mulnU Liam e Cooder: st 5 cred, be permitted to enter the South, the Federal government dewen beyvaud tie Poo OOS? YE ‘ tomae? For this direfal eakemiuy might be. “+ thoagh wodo not pretend to anticipate the final Perienc A Chane for Uncontats.—Lineola calls tar wien nud should a reqnisition be made pon North Carolina it ta to be ex- Jasie's anny were swelled by che fuwer and pected that the Unionists of North Caro- stenpth of Ute South and Souiwee, Cana Uw will promptly buokle on their armor uences hike these, aud wavy tines ulnptied and enlist in the Black Repablican War audio all their aspects horrible and feuful are upon the Seceded States. Of course Mes- result, af Che flower and sirgngth of the North were at length concentrated an the Southern border tu resist them, and the nutibers of Gaon O! think of the maidens, (he wives and the mothers. viv clyed in that. destruation of Charleston sre. Holden, of the Raleigh Standard, aud Bly ye tu the rescue, eucs, he And sink in oblivion aff party and section, Your hear Weston Defend! defend the Old North state. of the people by adil means whieh the ooHer oame stands foremost ia Libesty’s story, OF? Carnints wot now ber fame and her glory‘ ride and boo thers ¢ are ooking to vou for protection. which speetacled gentlemen at quiet esemng df i. Wilson, of the Banner, Bruner, the parties have so complicently and yet most sucer Watchman at Salisbary, and the other Hetally indulged themselves in speculating about lesser liyiits who haveybeen fighting so and even hoping tor, so Unat it wight be shown, stubbornly with their pens for the Union, us (hey say, Chat we actually have a government. will be the tirst (to respond. We will Your fathers to sive her, thetr swords bravely wielded, But what sort of a government should we = Wait and Watch” bat can’t be persua- Aud she never has yet to tyranny \ielded ! Q Defeud, &e lees lent@ut ther Couledcrnte Stutcs ifthe tube in itelsweetuesmntherchi(d in ite beauty, see their government apparently iucapable, and they will be ready to rejoice that the insulted erin victory or defe at. Bat it 1 & flay of their country has been vindicated, wheth Hn possible “that other considerations should not soon take the place of these—and we leave them to the devel ‘pment which cannot long be avo ded. - We have te those as vet disti Itthe dikely to see at a wt from seeues + We O. abse! of domys at Charleston, as they saw tl weworndsin the meantime, to of SUV blood, who in our own tnminediate terghburliuod are he Cons ite 06 lia tt er ATE re mTOR Cone eet ete Tee cee A iieaiielicns oo. i ; , : which esalgamatin fae faces whew fryer sete anes Menus i egestas tae eles wae in Wont Mosaic gh Tao ce crowd our land with moultyrodes uf USS ea ee ce tania CW ae anvauteitiees S eee Cupeunat tine Dre nmican tice ew hs gone dawn ty comuman ! tomy ri Pett ET SU ats corropting population whieh EF Le er ceel essen ON tle Mere)? Wirat cm pert te the Nojutaut General of the State ravily, Vhore are inany Tiere, who are bent on war wreaking in moral pestilence, has alrea Testa Tsay WCONt Wis Thelin amenities wi janihers anit pre At Wilmington, two Connpamies mh GX Mey would be wlud ta see, nit only Kart Sum dy vomited tn runous numbers on the Sour ever cammitted, or soa glit te corm pee thenselves tur etticient service, empte” have been organized, to be called ter reufarend — in itelf A bootless enterprise, af Northern coasts; and whieh would dh mit? On the contrary, ccalhuern has the Such companies as are vet aniued and Mmto active service when required Aud successfully earned ont, — but also Charleston grade, starve, annihilate the Atrioan mace havel Tle government among cotllicting fae ded to “piteh in.” —Charlotte Balletin. Uons in civil war, amounts at best to little more oo , ae it than anarchy, If such a war becomes general — This is another slander on the Unionists. and continuous, as itis only too hkely to be in | their counsels had prevailed we should have had this county, when once begua, military rule peace instead of met and all ON rights. _ Bout everywhere would substantially take the place the ext: ues of the North and South have “pre of coil authority. A civil war can only be, io cipitated” the country oto dissolution and every sense, as unfortunate for the North as for) bloodshed. They have created afutare iroagh the South, , If the Border States leave us, as) Which no eve can penetrate—a future of black they are only too likely to doin such an unbap- ners of darkness, leerung with armies, and sound- py case, there will be no Union left, and the tg with the shouts of brother over brotber_fall- North will be divided, as it bas bec and is now, ct in tnurtal condlict, Self protecuion may render military organization “Shake not diy gory locks at me, necessary on two sides, albthe North. The Yuu cau st vot say J did at! glanee at oar revolutionary history, showiay the Kut the Bulletin is as silly as Lineolu in sup- nsulta, persecutions and sulferings, tu whieh posing that the Usivoists of the berder States Whigs and Tories were mutually exposed. espe will countenance coercion, They have been op cially in vurnidd'e States, will be enough to posed to it from the fret; and af war must come take cool beaded and nght heared men shook oy. siandered and wronged Cuion men of the from the idea of laving either to endure or te border States will expend their means as freely, exereise the itrespousible authority of force with quad shed as much blood as those who have slan- ont law, duseparable from such tines dered them. and who are, to no small extent, Nod supporting, atier all tle oweste of blood ti anthors of the terrible calamittes that im- and seenes of unutterable anguish, which we weed nay be called upon to go throngh mw thowanni | Ihe “Unionists of North Carotina will prompt Limes more terrible to contemplate than any ty iuckle on their armor, and euliet io the Bink Wing jn the experence of our re val ronaery fy, publican war upon the seceded States.” Sir, back that slander. Teere is no foundation eful Comber tue tt Neth ing that we bave ever said or writ- ence to setthe again the great question=-whedly can well justly such a charge against us. All er we should be 4 great pation, or asenes ollie yur wrtlugs, and all our declarations on the powed. unequal, jealous aod per aap tiostile stump lave been against cverciun ; apd we are Duttes, and to fix upon the terms of rea ijust inent. Could they again, after sacha fatal ox fathers aod mothers-the dav should arrive when take the surviwers should attempt in prepoaed to eas far as any one in resisting the prochamation of Abrabam Lineoin, peninent, agree arain to Chat pollest charter ot Ral. Standard berty which the world has seen, the Constitu ion if the Wuited States, abtised aod violated iv Another article the Standard says,— tid tratipded pot as it tas been by Che enim “The Bbtar of tis Batletia talks of * mar pabindisposition of amp toappreie amdeh or tyre and tumitary heroes.” The me bas come Ish irt We foar that the result of sueh a een ter bin to show his pluck, He bas done all he flet. as some of our friends are sy ready teen could to brig on the wars now let him do his counter, would be the final overthrow of free oan full share in tizghtiug it oat, Tf Ae is iudeed a sUtunons, They may taney now, that whar “bers” let bin show the fact to the world, vot they call “a stronger government” would be bet by words, but by dee ter, But the danger is, that at would be tec People who slander their neighbors in’ the which they call upon them for Lactlon, are not the inen to do bat are more likely to siink off strong, [tis but a step fromecinsl war to despo tem. ON imhtary ebief, not) a consututone ruler, would probably then beat the heal of at fatrs We have no Washington to inter pose keeeurs with ther tuts between Inoderate counsels and to set the ey anple of ther legs As forthe Union men, let their shan oberg User, We should tae loscour fiber lerces go to Greetishboratat and see who eom Hes cand this, after all we qnay suffer is the pose the Voluuterr Company whieh bot week Wuost dikely feaminpation of the hestle demon offered its senders te the Governor aid was of straon at Charleston dered toone ofthe Bastern forts. it as said that every member of it was a Cniou man, among Er President Mlinore,— Mr. Killimore pros nosonsoof Hon John A Giliwer, and [loo ded ata vreat neeting mm Battale on ‘uesday das ft. Morehead. Also, that a son of Hon. evening Vast. to sustain the er of the Hillsbo vovernment, and Won A. Grealoan as an othe closed a short speeeh oon taking the char as reas Company which bas one to the post of follies’ batrer Woo have further beard a report, that SVow Know ay fielse that ays claviee au) ltapeveli nieces: ( ompany of 70, of whom ‘ HON erabraces the whole Caio faflthar OF fave ben Cnton wen, relates to the adumtnistration of the Goveran We would nor of course, mention these things Thnew no North wo Soeth Bache aud ecory bat for the tee ssity imposed by site standers peridot abike ke emttled torts protection. and | aren a fody of men, composing two-thirds of have that confidence ot Woadaestra tia te Ho whole State whe veld to none in devorion believe that it will reerive it Lthereora think (eddies slits, the @terests, and tha honor, of our Southern brethren have made a great mis North Cuulium— May. Observer, (ake in arraving themselves agaist the woven went for tear vt will be taproperty adaniistere pons , * ah (tui eal Le peaks eeul fe ani PIS UISCPASBED ARRIVAL Gatned tor a short tine unul they could be can Tee tran on the Greenville Railroad yesterday vineed Of Chote error, hat they would voounte broughp down Prof, TL SoC. Lowe, the © Jebria nly unite with us again, or af thas were Wipos. tel awrouant, with los batluon, He attracted ble, that tram. ‘ be geaned for a nmationd mtehatieution, and his account of bis rapid trip ely beheved, until he jonas to enable as to seperate without war, slowed papers thom hac city of the 20ih inst convention, which tight so amend the cousuia from Cineinnat) was sea Datat they commetce an agressive wo faee, we the plvasare of a loony conversation }. whom we found te have no alternative bot ters yori the eon wi ea highly in- eruen and avery phe asant compan sented eathovities, and defend the government But no language can eXpress mv ahiuiration of ton. From him we obtained many items of ia the whole sculed patniotsm disphtyed by tle: faest concermim: his vevage, which we would Mion men of the Border States, They stand be glad te publish at length, bat the crowded hike a tock tn the mitst of the ocean, aounst state of our columns prevents. He left Cinein whieh the surges of secession beat in vain, Not vat on Saturday morning, at 4 o'clock, passed moved by terror or seduced by an unholy am Up the valley of the « Muy river to Virginia, with bition, they have formed a rampart for the pro the intention of landing near Petersburg, bat tection of the Constitution. 1 heir Patrotisnn ss atten CEOS the Alle ghanies, acurrent bore him as pure as the unsullied suow, and their loyalty Seuth between this range and the Blue Ridge as uncorruptible as virtue itself Ht they ask A lide before E o'cloek, he catae down near the further guaranties for any coustitutional “right, line between North amd South Carehn > but which they may think endanvered 1D consequence Hodog himself at too vreat a distance from ava of their relative weakness by secession, P would ratlroad, he ascended again and next came down cheerfully wrantit. [feel that they deserve at, at Pea Ridge, in Vinton Jtietiet at) o'clock fd and that no abstraction shonld induce me tom, having thos traveled, by the course he pur withhold it Sut l speak only for myself. Theo sned, about 1.200 miles in nine hours. This we Meeting will speak its own sentiments, and L think. is the fastest time yet made. Wait its future pleasure.” From Pea Ridge Prof, Lowe was conveyed to The resolutions adupted denounce secession UCmonville, where tie remained until yesterday wd secaders: profess friendsiip for the South, mormne, when he came down to this city, with bat will defemd the Consatunon: “tender ta the dito nation of yoy on in nediately to Wash the tolle amen of the larder Siam Ubanks for ieton, bat on learning that there was doubt of their Bim stand vy the Comstiation and Unron, gong theagl, be etvaged his route, and will whiniration as patriots, love as fends, and we feave Tiis morcimg for Louisville, Ky. where he embrace them ay brothers, united with uy ana Uae located by srestlence, vin Aucasta and Nash noble cause,” ke, &o. ae Tho Walloon has a diameter of 42 feet a3 44 STRAY MONEY LELLERS sands reumterence, 55 feet fiom tap to valve “atoment of dead deters, contamina y, MUL wt held $9000 feet of was tedat the deat] tren affiee during the past The result of this expermental trip goes to oe : conte the belot ot Prot bo in the entire prac ‘ if North ever ceased) in seine fori to trenek equipped will report Uiat tact, Cat they “¢ ‘ominittee of Satety toes beer ap ttself hud ta ashes. Many PSS AUSE MS CLVEAgiist (Quarter ending we ee Uae Teel eile prisn, to un Fon a ms \ Upon the constitutional: ghtsofthe Sonthé may be property suppled pointed, John Dawson, Esq ) Chatman ad standing. of whom better thimgs anuht varch Ue ais letters contaiuing @13 10 87 NS ' Nas devoted ao much time aud money, ek Oo hie . . . ’ . PAD ib leet fi ie BBW), Bay niet that of erossinge th ment ‘i _ Por all of which roagona let the Chris. 4) assail ber purposes and character (In witness whereal, bo hace hereunto A Jetrer from Wilmington, Apert tbe, oMpected, de net beste to avew so much. t Semi Caer ates i ' f the Atianbe ina balloon. This Han Southerner go to the tented field vidoto imdbet der before the world. tor setimy hand and caused the seal of Says: Amt mersalhuiy (Osler lees lot chisel Ge oe ase SSE ea Una l De canigisury yitl or ted « ' . re ; ‘ . ; k i . , king top é nistrat ieee = m 7 th a sw a whetted on the Hibte Let ij, heaviest crames against Grad and ona the Commonwealth to be afived, Thave just witnessed at 12 elock ma putthe sdoinist ian ! an Total, 1860 9790 tae ine Ne r ; ; ie the poor white man fight with all that tune? I herwlinle latory. of the lo nin tlie 1a daot Apert, ISG. wed in the departure O(MUCGan VeOINIC ene mee ben oe homed LON ‘ Yen " i tod Average amount of money to each letter Pes : Kept “ yournal of ineidente during oC i ayo, ieee WEE, ‘ : : : ae Constitution Ta re estahlicli tlie hralectn wy RS 09 He esate fous, xin) lina pranimed us ; 1 ao noe h es Jove of lone aad) with, fordorty years bas been a hostery af one the oth of the Commonwealth panies of about Lo0 men te take [sSet frit 1 ; a . : gre: } ntoof tl ee eae and children, and the reverence of Jetio . .y > f Fort ( yy iol . " DEGRA EA LY ete ECOSSALY toute re than nivetenths of the abou lottersand Mt ot the sme ae noon As practicnble after ‘ continued war ot defamation and slander JOHN LETOHER é Me iy TRWOTE EAST (int at i ‘ ¢ ; | > \ fl ‘ vah inepire. by the North the Sonth F an Snothytle, by order of Gov} Laer towards the attainment of these great en Is Noney have ben sent out and deleted ty Cu treed at Lauserthe whieh we are sare will e wv the North npon the Sonth nally, as ‘ ' Stee 8 © then, howeve Mica dar WES be of 1 vtireret tvs , Let ‘all wyhé with their hands and pray eee ' \ hi rf nite oi PEL ne ene th " however imnch woomight di plare that worst writers Uhereof Those letters con tian Py von Tro cboiiterest to our readers with rir hewtc” “iia Gn neat ae ey "a Ke al wit ve Wty loathing car rue Cous ireetaltcne Du Written of all examples, un armed breve ot the ius (othe owners of which exannot be f ais "i a) Prasdy South Carolinian erage ti re Jone erie eranee Pace in ep ( Ine pit eyeaiey F never count numbers, Che eause of God ee r ‘ Me Pa ke TUE Seah Bthois trom Mobile, Ala t Bre ties cope alles wiielia "y ae twat the application of the own Te nat —* is alway sineible, and at } hey Chowhich she las borne this meessant , Pnportant: Morement —Vhe following gen nothing —or, however, much We anckt won (Hed for before June next the bark o 5 Gore vor fp Whoare traly grat t ES BSN VE UES SUC RURAL Ces vituperatie: Cris tocumeetiye ting 4 7 Mu. Etivon Wik yoking Poor paper Cemen have undertaker to aem and equip, thy uve parcial bac ses Sufferin Woweeer oul tamed in the s will t hf ' \ Tent } a ; t . ‘ : = A nce ‘ } 7 vite or resold for coe any wong abl vat the health of HOU sen erst ied aii VEN tien that her own gallant and chivalrous Some dys aga L dscavied ¢ romedy for the oughly. a Fleing Arhliury Cormpany, now be pably ineusced wb c4 alt beens ee ste ele etree imelen ties <sbuly in \ i eed : nv hand whese seeptre is the axis ol the een ary a aie they forang Ct et coms. which was simply to apply atem. ing organized an Ls We=16 WiMMAnORa TL lr enn el inion tmecett: bal wi tte ae 7 Bs nf poe ‘ ee thongh crowded by : t ce po tor pespeet dre , hi = I vt © ter oan we the wines - Wiotehs sat promp othe entire « universe Prustan Crod ! ae i poy ON te the affected part, 1 wae thea suflermy &20,000 at necded, viz. Dr kd Haywood. « he subject would then presi Fig | ; ‘ Mio Dee bean tira delity to her naive and character, and = : . 4 : | Pe eootayoed in it, less Qian the bscoant, mas ' “ have business with his of! A Wo MaAneew reat patn trom the common my feet wad resolv. Won, Comes. Win. Boylan, Henry Mordecai, Jat very citherent aspeet en , i : i 1 . WMaensbaity to Wrongea onfticted wath es : tained on proper appheation atany tune thes It has been reported that Gow, EP x mL at anes to test its temedial powers, Petite cols Mordecai, ALM Lewis, WM Roylan aud Dut wantd these gentlemen like toeme Rostom of y ! ‘ ey UBS) co ery circumstance of aggravation— desires.) i i _ i . iin * RE Nat Int woot Ts feet health. intends resigning by fi, ner | ; yt it o reboing at might, Pappled the lemon as directed, Ex Gov. Manly. Woe learn also that am n dard in ashes -as perhapa it might be. among — + ' 1 ene oe etearn tha re contactor to furnish this sharply PwWithdraw from gi Amsccratie antl = . ‘ > ' MAL Wee oy ' to | fiat there as not vy vappy Coosay Chat it effected anoentire and half ot wnobe obtar Vive far the contingencies ronow e ‘yr ® = N ; State with &300 000 worth of armne Iyas thro whieh stir ie Peason to tufer isa I ay J 4 ho | . ‘ vie ‘ | us ; ic e a } ‘ oe oe aes 1 Sens POLO Sani AC SnD a ae ‘ ds ens World advise allwho bave corns to give Voltuntear pe l fonation ning of ee a burs ‘oY t atts < Fe up his contrat. -Raleish Banner some fo her aseociute as to hereelf Shoo ag W “ Cat hh eae ca a SAO 4 me ha , Pay " to the aimoke the Mossiseippr fiver and ote tabutare ! a ns (4 thas atvert, Jr | Ralerish rn and Name of battle Or, would they lke to, total value of these is estimateal at 8BO O00 000 hom Ral 7 . att - : | ed ee aa ct ca n e go eat AMERICAN TOPICS ABROAD. From the London Times, March 26th . Ever since Mr. Lincoln deliverd his in angural address the American people have been engaged in the effort to under stand it Whether it means war or peace has not yet been decided by the most acute COMMENLATOM ¢ and their embar- rassment is pardynable, for it is plain that Mr. Lincoln’s Cabinet is equally at tault, and some people say that Mr, Lincoln himself knows no more of his own ten tions than his supporters Know, Tu tier, circumstances will give the explanation of this mysterious document, Like the popular divines who profess te imerpret the Apocalypse, we must wit tor the event, and then it will be easy te show that such and such a passage of (ie tn augural” hod such a meaning and ne other, Inthe mean time, two high an therities differ wholly in their anticipa tions of the Presidential policy. Mr Douglas, the most zealous and a cate of local rights allow the first emigrants inte a territory te decide on the institutions of the future State, and who, consequently, condemns to the uttermost the doetring of cCocreion, declares himself satistied with the Prest dents language, which he is sure means nothing but peace. On the other land, President Davis and the Montgomery Congress are equally sure that wards iin Pondnie: The military preparations at the South are-on a scale which indicates , serious forebodings and strong determina: tien, A very large force is ander arms meh larger than any which the North is likely to have at its command, unless, in deed, a crusade be proclaimed and the Northern militia be brought into action. * * * * * * sadve the man who would It is with no wish to elevate them (that is, the seceding States.) unduly in the eyes of Englishmen that we have called attention to the decorous and statesman- like proceedings of their Congress. Asa nation, we are loo much accustomed both to praise and censure to be flattered by the soft words of the Southerners. We see clearly the aim of these politictans ; it is to gain the good will of toreigu na tions, and particularly England, by plac ing Southern liberality in contrast with the grasping and narrow-minded le gislation of the Free States. Bat surely it is no small thing that even tor their own advantage the Southerner should pay a tribute to the true principles of in ternational intercourse. Whatecer In their motives, tt 8 not for us to ancer then an American community abolishes ite Navigation Laws declares ita Pundanien tal principle that dutics shall neve be bo- vied so as to foster particular branch «of industry and adopts a resolution por the an ee of international copy right. From the London Times, March 24 To pres de There is a bird which is ~aid for its safety by putting its head inte a hole so as not tu see its enemy. A bird of this feather is Abraham Lincelu. 11 - method of dealing with a great evil is net to see it, and to deny its existence Lhe Union is intact. The Uniouisunbroken, because it is theoretically indissolulile No State can have seceded trom it, be cause no State has the right te secede, and consequently the Union exists. and must forever exist, inall its integrity There is no Southern Confederacy, iver mere natne, a titular expression, ho reali ty. ot We arc seven,” persists the child in Wordsworth’s poem, the death of twa ot the number not disturbing the idea tixed in the affections. Nay we are sever -fourwin ike manner fond tsthe American President. And in every respect hut one he intends to act as if the Sonthern Confederacy was a eham and the Union a reality. instead ot the reverse, which is the notorions fact What can be expected, what cau be hoped of a policy based on an enormons aud notorious fiction £ The Pope de clares the encroachments on lis tempo ralities null and void, and that lis autho ritv remain sacred and intact: are mere words thrown into the air as they say in the East, the harmless conse lations of impotence. The American President's assertions of the intallibility of the Constitution are more serious, \ they entail consequences in action. Ac cordingly the President pledges limeclt to hold, ocenpy and possess the poe und places belonging to the Federal Gro vernment, and to collect the duties and iwposts, but not tu use force, except such as may be necessary for those objects, tor which he says, nu bloodshed or vielence is needed, More canning than Shylock, Mr. Lincoln contemplates some Inede ot cutting the pound of flesh nearest to thi heart of the South without spilling a drop of blood. Does he suppose that Fort fCninter can be retained or the other torts recovered, that the Federal property can be restored, the customs duties collected in the Gulf States, without coming to blows? He does not, indeed, propose to insist oo all the Federal obligations. He will not attempt to enforce the discharge ot Federal dutics where people refuse to fill the offices, and as little, when it comes to the point, will he attempt to re-ocen py the torte, recover property, and cts toms, For sveh comparatively trumpery objects, what people would consent to a civil war’ The preservation of the U1 ion, if practicable, might be deemed worth a civil war, but President Lineoln starts with the assumprion that the Union je undissolved, and consequently his civil war would appear to be not for the great ebject of paving the Union itselt, but tor the recovery of ite poor furniture, :- THE YANDAL WAR The acoounts we heas froin Norfoik extirlot mn a strong hight, the character of (he who are mnaking war upon us an] the which that ware to be waged Phe Nother President told the country that Iie purjeos 4s do hold and possess the property of the Kiates. Wath that peculiar perversity distinguishes lim, he redeema tis pledge of pro tection by burning and destroyins dent that hie agents, in alvempting | been Gros port Navy YarJ, acted by hie aithoty fin game dine of eondact waa adopted at PParpers Ferry, This, then, wie system He faites tos oath co protect and defend by devastanon a rain, Of Vv persis hat these wretclies emper Its ev the gentlemen of the apis Qonrse, and wavy are ne part to thes sort of w rte They resign in disgust snd epee eho ee areal to congenial touls The laws fronuribiawar we peapectfully subniit, are pot apy lies veucls aha ters. Thee si Jobe dealt with wees yng te ther enime Incendvanam, by the laws of Vira. wan offence punishable by confine ment iw the Pemientary By allmeans tert Richmond Wh ee eee Celis BURNING AND DESERTION Ol GOSCORD NAVY Yeh) Chir respondence of the Detersdury Baypress Noiroug, April 21, 1861, P. M. Yesterday was an exciting day here. Atan early hour General Taliaferro was Wasted on by an offleer from the frigate Canberland, who informed him that the United States forces here did) not hostilities against Che cit mean to Inadyurate zens of Virginia, but desired culty te be Li they were attacked on thes { with, force world titles of Nea ibe shelled let alone nrovemetits latertered he tet by feree, and tie folk aid Att day dong i was evides Portsmouth wou frou pre ceedings in the harbor, that some unitot Womevement Was about te be made, ia precise nature no one could determine everything, Lowever, pur ow the partot the enemy, to abs iden midicated at pose the Navy Yard und destroy all the pre perty that conid wot be removed, With the ebb tide, quantities ot broken musket stocks floated prant thecity, apd workinen from the yard reported that all the can non had been spiked, and a veneral de property Later in the cay, i owas Uiscuvered that Geertnantow Dy Merrimac, Raritan, Plymouth, ynd D tphin, Had been scat led, and that a path df chormrous sheers used for taking in and out the masts of vessels, wand erected at a copt of B1LI,U00, bad been cut down, crushing with their wart, the stern of the Germantown, Across which they were thrown, Ail these acts and others indicated a purpose tu retreat, Jost after dark, to the surprise of all, and the dismay of many, the Pawnee steamed up the harbor and took positien at the Navy Yard, where she was receiv cd with such shouts of rejoicing as could be distinctly heard in this city. Her ar rival put a new face on matters. It was rumored that she brought large reinforce nents and tuat the Yard would vow be detended to the last extremity; but the reverse of thig was hertmission. Sle was sent to destroy and pot ty protect, She brought with her 200 workmen from the Washington Navy Yard, and large qnar tities of turpentine to be used in tinny the Duddings. There is no doubt that it was the intention of the Government to make the work of destruction compiete, bata panic seize on those employed to carry struction ot Was In prowess the the design into effect, and mach of the nest Valuable property was saved, Suort ly alter the arrival of the Pawnee, the toliitary companies frou Petersburg ar rived and as traius were kept raning uatil alate bourin the might, an lapression prevailed among the enemy Chat rei forcements by the thonsand were bemy thrown inte the city, and that an qimae diate attack upght be expected. Atter that, the only thought was how to escape ft was a conning device of President Ma rene, that running of the trams, ancl he deserves credit tor practising so success tuliy eo abrewd a trick About wmaolaizht the alari was given thatthe Navy Yard was on fire, and sure ehough there it was, to di drones. a wickly blaze that hish tor seemed peter for several Tina, however, was was only the beginning, Phe ude not yet favorable for the escape of the be at flood until Meanwhile men were kept thine HCPCS Wis and would not lay break. Nosy all ute vesse t transicrnog €vecy cof value from the Pennsylvania and the Navy Yard to the Pawnee and the Cum beriand, and both vessels were loaded to lower ports Atlength 4 clock came, and with it theod tide. A rocket Pawnee and therm almost in an hole trontef the Navy Yard seemed Tie next ute streaks of flue flashed alony the cig out etee med slitpes, pletely jp oetery shot up from t astart the w one vast sheet of flame min Ivania and the other andosoon they were com Wet, [i Lin the devouring eb shoarher was now one blige of ect were distinct remotest ol sured flames leaped tad violence, Hoe ets and deared with making hoarse wrath heard at the distance of scv eracmiles, Ebe people of Hampton ana even those who lived beveond, saw the red byht and thought ail Norfolk was a fire It err oe spectac Was certainly a yranid, Uhre ls eto witness, seh an one asaitds met yiven Co mnan mere than once In the midst of the brilliance of the scene, the P. with the © in a hfe time to behold doberfand in tew, ste y through the harbor, fleeing from the destruction she bad been sent to yoty tan vecoinplish, Botthe work of alt pertoracd, vandalisin was onty The inost vatuable por tions of the yard are atll untouched and are now the property of the State ot Nair woina.—The only busidiigs destroys ed are two ship houses, the officers’ quarters, a sail dott filled with eordage, the marine barracks, and some few sheds. All the valuable workshops, with their machine- ry, the boat houses, spar-houses, tanber houses, with their costly contents, are all now in our possession. The dry dock, constructed at 6° much expeuse, and the fluest in the world, was doomed, bat not destroyed. Forty bar rels of powder were introduced inte its chambers and a slyw atch applied. Bat, as it would eeem, by the interposition of Providence, this magnificent work wis spared. The fire after boring a few fect, went ont, and did not tymite the powder Phe dry dock i8 ourein perfect condition with The machinery tn the shops is also per fects the cuttin of a few belts bers the eaxtentof the lunage iflicted on it Tin atures of cumtiy Ginbers: that i¢ his been the work of years to accanmiate, are all male. FF est-ordianee ite the ow fteen hundred pieces of the tin dd, are Compara tvely wohurt, Ttaus trae that the preat er nnmber of then wereaptked, bat then the work was so ciotaaily porforme t, Uiat the spukes for the inoet part can be re moved without the least dithcalty. Some Ptoem ean be preked out with the fin vera Forty two were nospoked yester lavon the course of an heut Ihe slipping destroyed, except the Merrinac nearly new which was a first class stean Irigeate wasotno great valine The Pennsaytvania iano lost, aa everybe ty knows, ‘The Plymouth, Polphin lev t Raritan and n condemned a8 Unsed worthy fine Germantown though old, wae aw tine fioyate Sie can, however, lhe ceimtly cinimedin ee CAI ty) ethos echsGnk Athout wis reat ex pernre The Penn The oth era were Iurnt only fo the water'a edpe, aylvania is utterly dostroyed having been previonsly sunk The Ply nooth was not burnt at ail Two othcers were tnade prisonors this ‘were separated from morning, Lieut. Rogers, of the Navy, and Capt. Wright, of the Engineering Corps of the Army. They were much fright ened when broaght ashore, fearing the violence of the mob which instantly gur-| which has always nobiy vindie: rounded them. But being placed under the protection of a company of soldiers they were taken to the General’s Llead- this hotel—the Atlantie— without any demonstration of violence or insult'on the part of the citizens. They now have the privilege of the hotel op A DELUDED PEOPLE The New York newspapers generally have been compelled to succomb to mob violence 5 cue a of the North as follows : las grown and thrived upon, de luding the peo ther parole, Thes denounce the destruc ten oof the preperty as barbarous and dave preceded i. vandal; but say they were obliged to the the most insidious and hy poert cal of any that, and the Union wars, lias Constitution for years oliey the orders of their poverniment, which, in all our never shown the Voey declare that the utter demolition of every thing that could: not be romoved all at cuce assumes to be its especal guar! was in therrorders, and but for the appre Ai imme diateattuckon oan ded by the arch machinations of these destroy bension of overpowering force, the command would the letter. Tt ruin the dry ; \ 1 * COAZLY . dock > the machine shops aud other struc ; have been carried out to fora! Are the people stark aval! Will they uot pause ated was do contemplation te inten to rea, : son? Letns recur tu a tew tacts tures, abd wieloes ery thing tn one com Not long sinea, a Demovrane ¢ held at Albany. had been frightened by by Judge Smalley. That Convention pledged the Preamocracy and Uiion men of this ' tion ruin, Bat this play could net be Accident precipitated mafvers” somewhat too, A Sergeant of the warines named Myers, knowing wiat was to take place, and net wishing to be eanicd off with his com pany, set fre lo the barracks befure tie cared on for want of tine. solemoly Republicans should either grant some reasonn ble compromise to the South, or else that Mr quiry naturally springs to the lip ple. Phe last phase of this delusion ts perbaps flecting Virginian : A party Chat has denouneed the Yankees—can it be possible! The tion is made by a shrewd Yankee, who is well vecustormed to “calentating,” knows the real value Slightest attachment to the Mimercian flag, NOW of accent, and has a table of an. onneyple of honor. And strange to say, Democrats have been dela tain he bas not rated the South at youd its intrinsic market value. Are they what its rerenoe wii yield) in five years. State to oppose cosreiou, aad denanded that the the Northern market, betrays the tru Fiom the Richmond Whig THE OBIECT OF WAR? Forney, of the Philadelpbia Preas, the fa but weare gratified to state that one journal, qnous Forney, who sought to entrap & friend in ted the rights of ty the copfession of a falsehood in his eups, and the South, stood firm up to Wednesday evening: one of the leaders of the virtuous party at Wasb- in face of the lawless multitude which threaten ington, io urging the Northera people to ed its demolition. We refer to the New York tribute movey to the support of Lineoln, makes Day Book, which appeals Co the deluded people ap honest admission words, that the North could better afford to spend “The Abolition iinposture originated ip, and g300,000,000 than loose the con Ve says im s0 many South! The do of the wore “How is this! The poor, degraded, villitied South, worth 500 millions to asser rates for every We may be perfectly cer wstiver be- Our own con ers of our country — these wore than madmen, \icton is, that be is greatly below the true fiy who talk about preserving the Union by fighting ure is worth The sid English rule was a tine years’ purchase, On Almost any species of property . this principle, the South, which for many de Suvention Was eennials has yielded the North annual profits of It was just after our people of pot less than $200,000,000, would be a good a big seare” gotten Up bargain at two billions | Bat, this open confession by this honest Knave —this public money valuation of the South, in motive and real object of this base and atrocious war Ihe 12 tnithons of people, dwelling between appointed tine, wand endeavored to escape _Crittenden's compromise amendments should be the Delaware and the Galfof Mexico, enjoying submitted to a vote of the people. Ile succeeded, but was t publicans finled to do this, tuat Convention sul shot at several times winte sealing the; walls. ‘This circumstance creating a lack of confidence in their own anen, and fear- ing an attack from without, they discon- tinued the preparations for firing the buildings but marched the men aboard the slips aud waited tor the tide. AUB tiecenverninicnitor was property to the value of seveal mill true to their pledges. ions saved. Ofticers Rogers and Wright say caf the Republouns desire to fight the commands South, feb them doit, but we will bave none of when the conflagration was started and this bloody work £7 Or are they meekly bend rusting to the janding toand commmuni- cation with vessels cut off. They then made all haste to the main entrance way which, when they reached, they found coveluped in flames, through which they tad to make their way at the risk of their lives. Going down to the river they seized w bout and started in pursuit of the retreating slips Lut passing the ferry vanding at Portsmouth, they were head contrived with all due attention ed off uy a boat from shore which fired io sceme display andantencted te arose, and it tiade for Ferry f Pot where they were captured. 1 tothe confusion, tluence, the coercive policy of Lincoln. Where are these men now ¢ Convention will at once be called together, and join hands with the Abolitionists iy tearing down whether they will stand their can papers sav, bas takea plaice ¢ fot beleve it is half as but what reason ts Uhere for any veneral as they sav: change ¢ Let and all the all ats disguise. We have no doubt, vised scheme, on toei, aud they then possil e, exaspetate the Northern people agains the South. well that the sions to Major Muderson tavedeed: gost the Hence ait Lincoln and Seward rivht tooset htiew very Utmost confusion it seems pr ‘vated itt tivessel with prov vamte Wits nace the yard all day yesterday, and all last miyaut. Tie trothis, everybody was drank tse as 4 reinforcemi nt in the way that enabled them to getup a story trom Commodore Macaulay, the com i tuatdaut, down, UALS TUNA vs | Lae Bee ai son” ke, Tt would be bnpossit'e for Seward we Commodore was so drank as tobe qo do anyuhing openly and dee bod Ucapavie of any duty, and had to be Phe neat step was to sacnfice Mager Nivler Nearly ev son Hb ery otheer, it is reported, was having a borne to the slipon a litter. must be defeated at ali hazatds. Yte publicuns, apeniy said hetore the bombardment op kort Sumter Major An defeated mpouse The that they wanted Phev bags Old tine. Tt seers we have aswill lug set opposed tu us, even those till dersun wished to lug the highest stations. A ntleman Democrats of the North, and the Eitune, th: arcved bere this morning, whe, with ses: pext day after the tal of Satter, thus cooly elec cliucktes eral others, was arrested while passiny a j ; : . e dost Fict Sumete ba N ' torongh Washington, tor beng Southern We oT y : ae were hee ets . bis hie tt ath, ora, and taken into the presence of the an ne gee ue j te Nini some Poocrats have been jist) sus wust Baboon. THe declares that Lincoln ; ; ; dunderbeads as te fan unt ny for their was sodennuk that he could scarcely main ¢ ) ception Blind, deiu | See tain tin seat in the chair, and it Was 1) {iow thar stoukl this erty, even he ace tortious ta Waehiugton, that Vreaice DC Ctme ys inn mint patriotic act, th weuld at ot tou state of beastly bntoxication for iere pent of wt By means of the exettement thus than thirty six hours. “he inan isscarcd to death, and few people iu that city are inany better condition they have ensnared a few patriot hut theay ss young ine in New York, who love (sory properly aud very mahtiv)y the Amenecan day an. this means to entist them ona tis a NUS FOSUC IONS ¢ ype bh All dav yesterday soldiers and citizens meow tens, and hope as . . it tor the Ch were busy erecting batteries on portits > = \ cae poattorin fy Chena 1 that Joan uliss below the city I: ~ wor os che Wat / Tae Naval Hospital has been taken te hate form. Vb thes possession of, and tuere the Sout Caroli. ow nt ppesiion to ths iiaus are to be quartered. Some twenty | yistituhiot ut Wier codiere oat three wilisres sek were in if, who are sdffcred to re 'e00" vider it and obew i in its sport ane tet tain, and will be properly tuken Care ul) (Ub he MMIII ase peri nto By means, theretore,+ easy eter Uae At this porntan iron battery 18 tu be erected. Me UAC fyht tor thar | Sand batteries are in process of cone Gefer strichon there gow, vihornt, othe stars and. stripes.” Republoar know that str up the Demoerats perty is py they fighting ypaty, Guns were mounted at old Fort Nor an} so i) was requisite t folk, and preparations are making for arouse their pode, and while under the excite constracting batteries, on Craney [etand. NeNG hurl the country into war, and thus se 2 ture the eternal 8 uf the u Ina few dayea, with the means now at a th . ee ay me f the Umoo--which . pts their cherished objec command, this barvor will be cthciently ) ' 2 We venture to say a tnore gigantic conspira protected Mepiecs. ‘ cy against the principles of tuman liberty and ——————— reedotm has never teeon ected. Who but a From the Atlunta Confederacy, of the Ith, tend could have though( of sacntiemng the gal . lant Mager Aiderson and tis titte tend in rider fORT VICKENs: tecany vit a politica pane? Yet there he . . rtyesix hours anne wy ar bigs . a, q |. a . It is re ported and believed, thata large Anais wile Che fleets ttn reinforcement of troops, MmUMItiONe Of Wal, acist tim coully looked at bis flay of distress aod supplies have been pat inte Fort anc ‘ CNN ee Washing Strange pro was compeited to stand tor th vtorrentoof fhe moved not to bts tance } Pickens by Linculu. We hear a few per riey net? Perhaps the ay setio in aliuding to this matter, advance ington woll vet tell the tale tue idea that General Beagg aod oar South ¢ troops who are stationed there should blbodtuarty as the concervers of this plot, th. naw prevented this; and that, as they country might now bave been shocked with the ives at of this ceeding. bf the wrolintats bad been as have not, they are Useicssly employed. Sanghter of every man in that fatal enelosure Ot course, no one would take such re marks Who thoroughly under tood inatter; and itis for the benetit of such thal Democrats | will you. can you be ted) away such transparent devieesf bwe know many of vou ace opposed to this swith you be duven the by Re pubbeans we now write. uonecessary and unjist war Inthe first place: [t has been in the all a RU Tats CUM Ee power ol Lincoln to land iroops there, at any time sinee the Alabama and Florida forces tirat seized the forts, which could not have been prevented; aud it cannot now be prevented, by all the Contederate forces at the place. 24. The sending of an army there by our governinent was net mtended to pre vent Lincoln from reinforemg Pickens, but to prevent troops from being landed in saticient numbers to re-take from us Fort MeRae, Barrancas Barracks, the Navy Yard, Hospital, Pensaeola City, Phese places contain a large amount of arms, ammunity, stores miitary and naval property, ke, which the hust not getinto his clutches , and nore gees trociuus acts ny such att as iacls Pause, then, and consider by fore you endorse these madinen who are vow, under pretense of preserving: the Union, « must forever divide it. Ti! iw the very thing that they can get one more step in this programme ear ed out, and cause blood to flow, then, perchance they will be sats fied, for it grates ther long cherished hopes and seals the fate of Urrion forever! On the 10th mstant a party of gentlemen went in sear: hoof a runa gto Mr. Wins A and pursaed their way toa red swamp in the distriet, from Some of the party walked in ad Distressing Orcurrence way negro belong! Blount, jr, Chocowrnty some erght miles Washington TCL nel and discovered a cave yn the swatnp, and 2 turned toinforn the others, when all proceeded i yi rer cum nrcn! onward and found ino the cave a quantity of i ul ise Ace Imet no more be eae } pe Scare bailed : treat Notieng foot prints, and following their polluted by the unhallowed tread Of 80 Qn they reached log at whieh they halted i t vere . Vere enemy's foot, Oar troops were sent (here Wijite there, one of the party, Mr Towen Bad te protect these pornts and interest®. — wards, was shot dead by some person seeretnd Iney have dene so—they ean and will watie the surrounding thicket, aud circum continue todo go ttl the stances induced a belief that the murderer was a neuro belonging to Mer. Wibam Grines, why Petar bakit ing a Mr Chapman, which caused him to run hecvssity no mYUEr EXIStS 34. The commerce of Pensacola is not had perpetrated a like crm large and the holding of Pickens by the eneiny is het of so inach tinportance as tiv Forte at Charleston or Savanuah, or other darge and important commercial away, aud he has not yet been found A large prehension reward we learn is offered, for his ap Washington Dispatch ports: -henee the capture of Pickens by yur forces Is bot of such pressing necess! A Spy Tang Capt. Wm. Jones, of ty inany point of view, aa Was that of the sloop Tsatel, has terminated lis brief Snointer Wecan take our tine about it. bnt notorious eareer at the end of a rope The account we hear is, that on the arri val of the Thursday evening cara at Ncoo Tn the end, to muast be surrendered to us, as waa Snonter, Ttean and will be taken yous when the proper tine arrives, if ba, a passenger on the train ported ont hot aooner given ap. There never yet Jones aa boasting to lim of being the per WAR fort tliat Com) Hot be reduced by son who “ provisioned Slemmer,” and outade forces. The real truth is, that that he was on hia way to Washington, cith despatches to Lincoln's Government Ile waa arrested, and) proofa of his trea son found upon tit, and ! ted upon the apot by the enraged citi Motil Adpeitiaer forta, for strongholds and for offensive and defenaive opurations are great hum > was execu boue) and if warfare continues, the world will find this out and abandon them on thine ene ing before the storm of Puritanic al intolerance cain end substance a sit us look at this Fort Sumter tnatter stripy ed oof ther own Cireamstatices prove, that 1 was a unninaly deo Government and all its perquisites If the Ree as they supposed themselves entided to enjoy. the freedom, which their fathers won for them, cinnly pledged itself lo resist, with all their in) are rated as a 4 y Yankees! They wre worth So many dollars to their task masters, We trust the and their absurd, treasonable and rebellious no tons of bberty and independence must be crush let us see Whether these men are now ready ty ed ont at onee by the strong arm of power loth end, the whole people of the North are iiveked to pour forth ther money, ralse ar Are they sull ready (Oo quies and precipitate themselves upon the South fois a movey saving money geting operation Weare a profitable investment, worth 500 mil \ held in bondage. This is the hous atd must be the truce motive to this in and bullvism like that which silenced the men dignant uprising of the great, the pre eminently who protested agaiust the delusion of witcheraft ! moral peuple of the Neoritie Why this sudden change which the Republy our labor are in danger! First, we do that the South seeks to invade them Their profits one It is not: pretended to assall one of thar ngbts—to disturb them 10 the enjoyment of one of the blessings whieh self yovernment conter They WAV upon common they vrabbed the common treasury, the Commo ar them fave seed upon the bave tay and navy and all the other common proper tyoot the partnership But that does not cot eh ther rapacity and ambicon they seek to eatort tie hast dime from thein vassal -tu suck Iie dest Trop ul t from there vietin Whe Jooes ated wetbings of that victim exet nee vars ata ancase there capacity and all the baser pasoosf! hana wavere wel They propore: te Voatonee ther matunity and ther net bs strpeang us pet only of our tberts and proper yo bat even the semblance of self wovernment ' [hey eathus deeheds and Trarturs — which yotar Uamottet to saving we belong Co them \We have reviewed our relations with them, 41 ttind the bili raised tis we wenn cfosale hy which thes history lave exatnined our wd we do het ser tow and when Woowere the thet to assert Pade pen vod werthant any help tre aide ve ont Tndependence, We knew pot when they won us. and bv th ty 1 hie fet eee Ve te iD) The tr veres feted “ rescl@@e abd uncer erable os fais ead unt peepee, they shale tot us tin they Wit Use - en Fete ad ede dele See old Virion haa severed ber connexes with the Yankee States and aaturled ber giortots banner ot Set Nemper Turannis,” Use beth anid 1 vernmentat: Washingt a bas st A the berbtest mates or A [viet t et I H of tt ‘ ra w Hv «© reve tie ooey of the ya nat sous, who, wt the call of their glorious « mat wre gathering aromnd her sutin th emall number we have mentioned, may be foune evidetors ot sod elements of fattrre ipl. be praet Slory rest, a glorious Oh Par, whe his Country's flag the yomany a battle aod breeze, abd Aways Sietotiods | ob] has only t Geb upon hin to te convinced that be hes wenty victores ia hom y Fo orfay ts a nam: 41 the soars of freedom, Maury ts a sete? faniiarto ab the voiecs of Fame. Lee was the Ssocd hero of the Mo xican war. Vese constitute ony the begining of the have f twas degrading to assuciate with the ard seton) Washington As the distant vas defection. They bho higi news ads over the continent and to sens, that Oud Varga dias resumed her positron Woby the sovereigo and independent powers of the earth, ber gallant sons, wherever they may be upholding a degraded fag, wil abandon it at onee, and march to the rescue of the venera tod mother. In tooling over the list of noble patrots who have indignantly spurted the live Hist and pletged their ail to the fre ther nate State, the heart of every Virgiman wis feel oppressed with bomiliatien and shame, atthe abwence of one name. The Romans mathed with emphasis, ay denoting the down fall of the Republic, the absence in a procession Vhe abecnee of the name to which we refer denotes of the insignia ef the honse of Brutus tnclancholy downfall —the downfall One of the sad dest speetactes ip mature is the velolding sus h acharacter hwmg too loug, both for his own We wil not trust ourselves to say more on se painful a Xpress the hope that he still retains enough of honorable sensibility to retann a far more of the virtue of a great moun alory and the welfare of bis country theme, except to + myoof By the President of the United States A PROCLAMATION, Whereas, ap insurrection against the govern ment of the Umted States hus broken outin the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabaina, Flosida, Mississippi, Louisiana and ‘Texas, and the laws of the United States for the edllection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein confurmably to that provision of the Constitution whieh requires duties to be uniform througbout the United States: And whereas a combination of persons enga ged in such insurtection Gave threat ped lo grant netended letters of marque to authorize the bearers thereof ta cummat assaults on the lives, vess Is and property of good citizens of the country lawfully engaged in commerce on the High seas, and in waters of the Umted States = nd whereas an Exccuuve Proclamation has been already issued, requiriag the persons en yaged in these disorderly proceedings to desist therefrom, calling cut a militia force tor the pur pose Of repressing the same, and convening Con uiess db extraordinary session to deliberate and determine thereon + Now, therefore, L Abralvan Lincoln, Presi dent of the Uonted States, with a view lo the Same purposes before mentioned, and to the pro tection of the public peace, and the hives and property of quiet and orderly citizens pursuing their lawful occupations, until Congress shall have assembled and delibarated on the said un Jawtul procecdings, oF unt! the same shall bave ceascd, bave further deemed it advisable to set on foot a blockade of the purts withia the States aforesaid, in pursuance of the laws of the Um ted States and of the vatious io eugh case pro vided. For (his purpose, a competent force will be posted so as to prevent entrance and exit of vessels from the ports aforesaid. If, theretore, with aview te violate saeh blockade, a vessel shall approach, or shall attempt to leave auy of the sind ports, she will be duly warned by the commander of one of the blockading vessels, who will endorse on ber register the fact and date of such warning ; and if the same veseel in attempt toenter or leave the block- it, she wall be eaplured aud sent to the coovenient: port, tor such proceedings against ber and her cargo, as prizes, as may be shall a aded | heabest Jecimed advisable. THE BALTIMORE DIFFICULTY, The President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has issued formal notifica- tion to other roads that he will transport No more troops to Washington over his line. A despatch bas beea received in Baltimore, from the President of the Phil- adelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R. Road, saytay that he wall sead no more troops over his road at present. Among the incidents of the fight in Baltimore, as reported ind long, interest. ing letter in the Petersburg Aapress, we tind the following : « While the cars containing the troops were standing at the President etreet de- rpot, aclerk fromw the castum house went inte one of them and denonneed the sol- diers in bitter terns. A captain ordered him ont, threatening if be did not go, they would fire on him. He replied, they ‘were too cowardly to fire, when the off- cer struck at him with his eword, which blow he received on the left hand, and with the other knocked him down and took his sword from him, as also the-seab- bard) A private interferred, for the pro- ‘tection of hie commander, and he, two, the clerk knocked down with a heavy ‘drawn pistol, and escaped with: his-prige, ((the sword,) the only injury he reovi ved being nw pretty severe ent acrims biehand. “At the intersection of Gay and Pratt streets, while the euldrers were tiring ap- on the crowd, two other clerks from the same place min into the ranks and each kuocked down a soldier with hie flet, and bore off their muskets as the trophies of their exploit.” orn FROM MONTGOMERY. Monroomery, Ala., April 22.— Matters at Fort Pickens are reported as state quo. Lively times may be expected soon at Pensacola. It is rumored that several fights have Aud 1 lereby proclaim and declare that if taken place at St. Lonis, Missouri, be- any person, under the pretended authority of the sand States, or under any other pretense, shall amolest a vessel of the United States, or the on board of ber, such Persons of car persen will be held amenable to the laws of the Uuited Stites fur the prevention aud punishment of pt 1aCN In witness whereof, Phave hereunto set my haud ev seal of the United Done at the city of Washington ard caused tee athves! this nineteenth day of April, an the year of A I eur Lord one thuusand eight buodred and sativoone, and oof the Independence of the United States the enghev fifth ess) ALL AHAM LINCOLN My the President Wiriiew EE Sewane, Seeretars of State. MAJOR ANDERSON IN NEW YORK, Vhes fia conunand moncr Balu, with Mayor Aoderson aod on board Phrsday fast look by nn cote bieted He Stratis a) Woe au WN aslitaiioe receive Anderson The Muyor was received at the Humense Vins quart ties * woe despateb from Mi yor Phormday evening Barrie Ps61. 10. 90 Sip amet Apel is Hay Orr saspy Hoon, \. Movin New York trartiors Ww fet setes naed le yore wa magazine surronnded by from the effects « woe oinjared, the its door closed Mat pork, E accepted tenos of evacuation oftere hy Gr ners) Beauregard — being the sim oferes by hom oon the Pht instant, poor to the con mencement of hospiites—abd marched out o the fortoon Sunday afternoon, the 22th instant with colors Ayong and drums beating. bringin Away Compal private property and saluting wy Was w t gus [OSES TEN NE Sty Ne Mier Vet Nttitery, ( otnmanding Hon Siws Castes, Seeretary of War, NV iciaeeun , Ges From the Daly Bulletin NEEDING IN NEA TON Newros, N.C, April 20. Bditor of the Iiulletin — Dear Sur ny te pre ious notice a very enthusiastic meet ve Court ing was held House for the pur ganic a Volunteer Company to de prose of 0 North Carolina in the caus ‘ence of the South tend the honor ot fhe Rights and Tndepen [eee ets Ih NOB. Paine was appointed: Secretary Vi ‘ posted the oby well was called to the Chair ane orman dba very forcible manner, ex of the meeting On motion, those who wished to voluntee were tr squested ty hand on ther names, when Ure following nies were received : M. Mo Wilson, JH Powell, VB Shirre tl, Geo. Correll, GW. Robioson, H_ A. Barnnger, hvan Grant E.G. Bost, ST Wiltong, ‘TW. Bradburn, GM. Wiltung, Creu, S. Sinyre, JH. Wilson, M. E. Lowrance, JOM. Bradiurn, Thos. McNeal, WA. Long, DD. f. Rowe, Jolin Ray, hk. A. Bost, J. UL Pool, A.B. Lowrance, A.B Paine, HL. Chine, [Oral Lonty, JOM Abernathy, Henderson Kale, JA L Sherritt, J. A. Smirh, M.A. Yount, EP. R. Chine, J. A. Eaton, Ir. Settlemier, 1.1L. Lowe, Settlemier, John Harwedt, W. E. Lowrance, J. WH. Brown, Jobn Abram Daily. The Company then proceeded to organize b electing its Offcers with the following result: PON. Bradburn, Captain, dohn Ray, Ist Lieutebant, the sword, which Virwiuta gave. and whieh th ULB. Sherri 2 at is pu longer worthy to wear Riuh Whig Gr. W. Robinson, 3d cre . So 1. Wittony, Bosgo What Can the South not Do, Yesterday i ne i TER ty when ournelitary companies were beating op for | \ I beat an ‘ reermits, about 60 free negroes volunteered and cn < ee . : ie . went down to Fort Macon last atyht to do bat a smay re, : P . Ue for their country while another gave twenty WI Ge ie unporal, five dollars cash, to help support the war: and a ee , ar . still another, who is a poor man, having just tt Ras Me i, amived at our wharf with a load of wood for D in n Fine Bingen sale, delivered top to the town Anetroneer, w mh a request Cowell itand appropriate itn the sanne way Newhern Progress The Revolution of 1776 and (861 remarkable comeidenece that the first blood sheer nthe revolutionary war, and Great Britain, was at the village 19th of April af Lexing ton, on the L775, ated the tm» | Vhe between the colonies first Bilis, Governor of the State Mee ‘ ing was freqnently entertained wit short bat patnotic addresses from various men dere States to urnived at New York ou ~ was taken to day. concourse of cilizens abd rsatthe Brevoort House 1 to defended Fort Sumter for thirty four reentrely burnt, the 1 tended to intepsity the depres veat tour barrels and three cartridges of powder weighed on the pablic mind, deep down iy being aradlable, xnd@ no provecosremanio uider the: sartace of the delirium ines e The company then unammously agreed to tender ite services to His Excellency John W Each member appeared ready and willing to tween the native Americans at a portion of the German population, in consequence of the latter eudeaving to reinforce the forts The Cabinet has been in session all day. Something important 18 transpiring. Tie Cacinet, at a mneeting held to-day, deeded to call into service 12,000 men, tn addition to the 32,000 already march ing to co operate with the border States. Or these, 2,000 are to come froin Missia- sippi, 2,000 from Georgia, 1,000 from Al- and probably 1,000 from Sooth Carolina. The regiments accepted from North Carolina, Kentueky, Neuere and other border Statee, folly supported bv the ofticers of the Confederate States, have been ordered to report at headquar wana, ters immediately. Tie steamer Habana, at New Orleans, Soe was named the Sumter. Semiues will probably, be ae signed to her comiunanad Ferien Now York Pl VIRGINIA GONE! The announcement yesterday that this old Commonwealth, so intimately ase ciated with about all the past glories of our unfortunate commtry, had de clared Yor the Montgomery Contederacy, sion which now 1 dent to the arrival of Majer Anderson 1 and the departure ef the troops for Wash ing. Men telt that af they could) part f owith Florida, Louisiana and Tennes asi! only a profitable bariness partn slip had been rudely dissolved, theout adequate cause, they now tad aden to the Old) Dominion with sens nents of adar ditherent character. [tis datheult. itis My pesstble to realize, as now realize we must, that Mount Vernon and the Greor Washington are heneetorth, tous erth Americans, in a Yoreign land; and that the mother of statesmen and Presidents is no longer our fhend, bat our foe! re I tint yrave of Accord From the Fayetteville Observer The Sener or GuitrorD.—A_ business letter froma gentleman in ¢ ireensborough to a merchant in Paycttes tle says,— ) Phe community seem all carried away with the war question. Our company left town on the 20th at 3.4. M. Some 15 or 20 persons will leave High Point this week. 4 left this: moraingg. None of the single Union men im the company balked or procured a substitute, One single man, a secessionist, did. Only 4 Demoecrata, [ beheve, went, and they were moderate men, one ® consistent member of the Methodist eharch. No nitra partizans have left am yet. Two other companies are forming, whether a8 ah excnse merely time wall deterinine. Guiltord will be fully represented, much as has Leen said against her.” Letter to the Editors, dated Greexsporo’, N.C. April 23, 1861 Eps Opserven:—I am happy to be able to inform you thet the course ind cated in the Observer of Thursday last on our national troubles, meets the entire approbation of the Union meo in this county, We have fought for the Onion as long as there was @ hope, bat now we ' Y areas thoroughly umted in fuvor of re sistance. A large neeting of the citizen’ held to-day in front of the Court House (tor large as our Court House is, it woule hot accommodate half the crowd ;) was addressed by Gov, Morehead, Ralph Gor rell, and Hon. John A. Giliner, of Gail: ford, and J. W. Thomas, Ksq., of David: gon. The speakers advocated immediate resistance; said the time for talking had passed ; that war toust be met with war, and God protect the right! Guilford has sent one Company of soldiers to Fort Macon, (the Greys)—has another com pany of tminute men organized, and as write thia, the [ome Guards—a company of vlderly nen, are parading the streel*, composed of such men as Rov. N. }) Wilson, Rev. Win, Barringer, Hon. JLA Gilmer and others. Guilford wil! d her whole duty. a 1 -the peor'* march iu defenee of the ngbts and honor of the The excitement is intense Hee ees ee ee land of bis birth. will hardly be satistiod to attend to He on the 19th April PROBL jnst eighty-six vears af A.M POWELL, Cam's Sneiness in Court. War to the ku . ier AB. Paine, See'y and the knife to the lilt, ia the motto © _. all D. Ne> 727 deo TR Pissed Through Captai 1 mrp awsexa ae toe te y lear’ Wright, of the Aroy. and Commander MUIELUAE (rORLLavmlinniie (Hear i bI Raspormt County, arse Wer ‘| he Sth inet, pabliahed Hat Uae Ciizeneat Randolph are gottns Rogers of the Navy, who were captored at Portamonth two oor three daya aye, came up to Peteraburg yesterday after noon, on the Norfolk train, in charge of several Virginians, and were taken on t Richmond, to be property dinpored of by Governor Letcher nexation of Domimea te Spain The anny M00 Hien, ve fully confirme to sustain the movements conmats there ‘The whole matter only awaite the Queen ) ratifertion her moverengnty of the Faland. in on addrean of mye ength inthe New Vork Bacprees te day aaye, that the an from the Speuish steamers and frigaice Preedent Santina of Donmen having proclaimed d vp a volunteer company at Asheboroug! be Edward Cantwell, Faq, ; » volunteered as a private in the ranks . the Wilmington Light Infantry inseny at Fort Cuswell, This ve anlike the cal ers generally, who wait to get offices ve of Raley) — (arolit SAL. TUESDAY 1 fiwe « Wed ave led us to ch yy the Wateluns jemand # more { tierelure commer vive wee 5 I augemedt yy bpt: janent, and pert pet week. ANOTHE The President to issue, apothgg sulting to Ge 54 ot justice, law, a existence of ant i was in the for tain persons “Ct t tureateged, n anid tog rv vagy’ of goad gaged in comme President Linco! ports of the sec a competemt tes prevent thé ent all persons euga be held amenab lur the prevenw Privateering ol warfare amo piraey that the’ son. We have’ revolution, whe is sauctwued t treason, but thu be treated as p' Persons taken precisely the sa nisereants at V all the rights ol tivu threatens, is. @ game at w prisouers of w The most 84 that whick este surrection in tl us into obediet uaps fifteen) t ) wave solemnly an be made ent do this? Lachlow!! call for #oldnt tur the tyne b betweem the 7 a Whole Vvear ™~ tO Ge free acy thing ie nie and fisole ke a spark sued. and Viry er Southern | Maton, to all y had t At H e hunde ed ard, f and | hon Capa preuwpt in ae aelves to bes and wronged led upon? to the seabva and the long that upless s appease thety tex The nn Wasiington grave ae hope for tlral and goodnes friends and « Hr Priv instincts, ha taken up th every Office gone into th less reanemt Bowras, w! ods Obrist ing ” for sey foreman, mablishme pany. Our We have t1 ge, but circ wT Cb compames. should plac ready for Just at ths teady ta wa companies: More panies forn The Rowe: is filling 1 Greys will Company, ok and dr The ladt zens, have paring sup The ladies do their p A ed at Rale ted as the Nies alread Rifles and Hr A suspended the im por: end our b and other aT also intens D W oH Me to pass on army. The Ws ald, says | round he hould ne HR Commisse tia of Nor at Raleigh ee I encam the Railrc wrT heretofore the State ews cadet at ort his in hil- R. OF @® in rest. we aiters $qiso, on at have |, be- rtion lence e the } day. : day, men, parch states. Ml issia- m Al- Seoth b from nessee ported Stutes, iquar rleane, ed tho be as- vat this Y Anee ries vf vad de leracy, which » down ha Ines iderson ~Wash ld part hae vartt without woh h se r. It is vis OW pon and on Min, ther of ger vur are ina business borough Lh ed away oinpany Some h Point None ompany Oue Only 4 nd they pneistent ch. No t. Two ether a8 terinine. d, much “a , 1861 ny to be ree indi winy lust he entire rin this ie Union , now we or of re e ciIZen® rt Louse it woule wi ;) was alph Gor of Guil- of David: mmediate Iking had with war, ‘ilford hae sto Fort her com and as Pcompany ve streets, veo Jon. a A - apil! de he peop't id to thelr the kuife. , motto ©! Dp NaS We lear are geutlls eboroug!! f Raleig) e ranks °! yineervict fe the bead offices —_ Carolina Gatchman. Tee Eleoted Judge.—The Uon. Row- LAND JONES, we see, has been re-elected District Judge, in one of the districts of Free Negroes in the Field. —Filtven fice mien of color left this place Monday morning for the mouth of the Cape Fear, volunteers in the service of the SALISBURY, N. C. Louisiana, his adopted State, beating two’ Be ee ee Ba aa? Swe pl an his bat bearing the inscription, “WE opponents more than double. The peo. WiLL DIB BY THE SOUTH.” yUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1561 sé eee: te es feve « Wedi Phe stirnng events of the umes ave led us to change our present method of issu- y the Watchusan. Mr. Jones has many acquaintances and g jewand # more frequent publication, aud we shall friends here who will doubtless be pleas _etelore commence, this week, to issue a half sheet ed to note this renewed evidence of his ve @ dele’ ; Whig be Pegigped ag a temporary at popularity and worth. In this instance, auyemedt, bats if @ngoureged, may become per 44 i, very many others, the Old State is aanent, and perhaps be jucreascd too three issues ple elect Judges in Louisiana, for a terin of four years. The salary is $4,000 per annum, The wants of the community honored in the persons of her sons, scat tered abroad in the Country. No State: can boast more worthy children, nor sons pet week se ANOTHER PROCLAMATION The President of the Uuited States lias seen to issue, apothgs proclaytun, like the others oe silting to Bie B@uphern people aud grossly violutive ot justice, law, and humanity jit who more fondly eberish her memory, ae “ Southern Rights Party” —We ece Tt recites now, the . : that certain pressed in the State are still existence of an tusarrection in the seceding States, E i harping on party—the “Southern Rivhts twas in the former, a combinution) aud that cer- sie Party” this, that, and the other, Is there tan persons “engaged in such jusurrection have cureateged tagrpat ppetended letters of marque &, AN ANT Southern Rights party any where and t it sion the lives, veasels and pro- lin the State?’ We think there is not now, pegty’ of Atigetty of the country lawfiilly en-'| ere vou was: aged in commerce on the high seas” Therefore, President Lincoln proclaims a blockade of all the ports of the Biates, and says be will have a competemt feree ed gtewh yf these ports to prevent thé enteanca eg exit of vessels, and “that exist. Is it not better, as aw measure of all persons eugaged in the privatecring service will policy, to pursue a different course. be held amenable te the laws uf the United States ior the prevention and panishtnent of poucy . Pyivateering is according to the laws and practice ot warfare among civilized nations, and is Ho Wote praey that thevgesistance of our land forces is treu- We have the highest authority for saying that Foster's Store, revolution, when it has attained a definite shape, and is sancuwued by an organwed government 1s not | treason, but that persons taken Wi aris are entitled be treated as prisoners of war, and not as Uaitors. Persons taken in the privateer source is entitled to Post, of Satarday Last : But if the fanatical Why then continue, ata time when there is not even apparent ne cessity, a designation which ussumes the 3 “The Rowan Lite Guard” are posted at Fort Caswell, for the present. Packages for ther left at MeCubbine & will be duly forwarded. Printing Office Demolished.—We clip the following from the No. Hvening om precisely the same iniinunives, This afternoon, the proprieter of a print- nscreants at Washington, are going to disregarding office, No, 50 Gold street, displayed all the rights of civilized warfare as this prociama: (a Pajmetto flag from one of lis windows vu threatens, they ought to remember that that Au immense crowd immediately gath isa game at which two can play, and if they hanglered wbout the establishment, and de prisouers of war we can do the same manded that the offensive ensign of trea- The most significant part of this proclamation is) gon should be taken down, and the star- that which cites rts policy tu be lo suppress the we and stripes ran up in ite stead. surrection in the South; iu uthe: words, to whip) refused, andthe crowd exeented its threat : ie they lie estal] eliment as into obedience, and compel eight States (per Sto remove the bay isze pale uaps fifteen) to hve under a government which they terally demolished the uave solemnly revounced an be made love. and which they never breaking ali bie material aod pitching ut Can the Repubhean govern in the etreet, t do this? We fancy not! Itisa far cry toy oo low !! Fort Cusuell We earn from Col Moone just = “2 = yp tretu Fort Caswell, that Wie trope at (iat pfs ident Lincotn’« proclauation, and los aie fine <pints, and very alert ia performance call for PAldhteers to coerce the seceding States. hac Jot their duties Capturing every cral! 1 the tyne being, settled every polincal dflerence that comes > betweea the people ot this section, [fhe had spent Ne tants houner ope ol the captare awhile vear in devising a method ta unite Whe attempted to ship away from then atew days ay Southern poopie, he could net have brought out he notions were closely wa { ro any thing imure sueceseful, His proclamation, pu ier weigh, ber caplam, th } nie and fiselent as itis, fell upon the Southern mind covered Ham Lose at one of Uh ha ke a sparkoon powder (Xn inotant explosion ene) brand ibis Land. ready ‘ was sued, and Virgima, North Caroboa, and all (ae odie ter He quickly hauled ag sails, and cas er Southern border States, were at opeo vut uf the auchor agau " “-. aseffectually as The comu Maton, to all intents and p they had been sodder Wy transported across Ue ssioned oMicers of this the 68rd Regi Avante. His cal rs has been answe nent, metin this town ou Satueday last, accordiis laundres 1 Mata tave ieap- to conmmand. for the purpose of voting for Major edturward, pot to serve Lin butto meant he rusuit) General of dis Division ‘ <ispen offred, and to reset the wrong contemplated ty ded. by order of the Gos omnia han Can a people so sensitive in feeling, and so/ sen bled ie hall. ower the Look store, and went prewpt in action as these States have proven them- inte an informal meeting, Col BORO Moore int selves to be withia the leet fifteen days, be tasulted Clair We have not room to poblish the prs So faras we have heard, this portion of our pop ulation have taken up our quarrel with the North with detertminaven, and will do all in their power to defend our cause Even the slaves, themselves, many of them, would gladly enter the service, and many of them will be allowed to do #0, in some form or other a see RESIGNATION OF CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY —FOUR GEORGETOWN COMPANIES DIs- BANDED, ETC The Richmond Enquirer of yesterday, bas the! following important dispateb : Aleoondria, April 26.—Troops are arriving here quite fast, and yreat enthusiasia prevails, The troops are actively engaged in deitting The vener- able Clicf Juste, Roger Bo Taney, of Maryland, also assogate U. 8. Justices, Campbell. of Alabaina. the field The State has reason to be proud of the promptness with which they rallied at the call of your Governor. The decree for one subjugation has gone forth, the blow will soon fall; we must meet it with the whole energics of the State; we must show to the world that North Car- olina will maiotain her rights at all haz- ards. By Order of the Command: r-in- Chief, J. F. HOKE, Adjutant General. “-. FLYING ALTILLERY. Thomas H. Brem, Eeq., has taken in hand and is now endeavoring to raise a sufticieut amount to complete the organ ization of a Flying Artillery corps. Some eight thoasand dollars have already been subscribed, and ag soon as the amount is nade up we will endeavor to procure for publication the names of those patriotic AKER & COS MEDICINAL TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL March 25th, 1361. | NEW pring and Sammer Important Announcement! We are still Ag Grover & Baker's THE TRUE AND GENUINE. QUALITY AND EFFECTS » for the sale of UNBURPASSED IN BRING THB SWRETEST AND BEST PREPARED CecesraTteD, NorseLess © fee uses if fairly Iried, wall soon rewore the So j ] q T tone of the digestive organs, snvigorace the — blood, give general rotundity to the figure, ap : . = PT and add energy to the mind and nereors = JHICH are pronounced by all ts be thetbenn © YHE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE Gu syrtcrn lie value has been remarkably 4 W Machine see We are selling them, deliver- to ann © to hie frends wad the public eoecs eae sv cwice eye wonderful Lane ; 4 F . ; NG ere, when ordinary toutes ha y " C res, which | wily, that he is receiving bis usual Stock of SP ry x : oe Or ead an Sian ie Sai ‘ene AND SUMMER GOODS, comprising & rich assort- = shear: Ie eso eC ea bes . ithe SA boty when ne other can be » ed percent. Wecau furnish Machines al any price ment of a! b ; ee Fae ar reMiralyRree oo 5 a furnishes the frame with fa from $40 to @125 a ae = . Ladiexn who huve a great deal of sewing to doy LATEST STYLES ey Ce a eats TOR DP aRONCHT: - should certarnty have one, ast will uadoublly pro- 0 ; ae ie SONS ~~ Joug their lives Cen to tweuly years We have wold | Nn — s a eel nae 5] a goed many of these Machines all of which Dave ql Fo SCROFULA i" all its levelo pee Bi . A: t) oP WEAKNESS, WASTING, and OQ wod sull continue to give entice salixfaction VEGIGN Bereete Gr ees perv atfirm ta} DEBILITY, is carative ‘existence of a thing which really does not Yiris wan | and Wayne, of yentlemen who hive contribated so lib reorgia, resigned to-day town companies which had taken erally. —C4e. Bruiletin. disbanded to-day. Phirty-two ut the meuibers are now here. \ Four Geor, the nultary ow : Mob Veolewee in Ohio. —A New York paper = veral of the members of the Massachusetts publishes (he tuilowing by telegraph from Wash- Reyiment have relused to take dhe oath. . ae ie New Wolk Scvditli Reyunent reached lngtont A despateh has just reac hed here from Washington to-day by (he overland route trom Au Dayton, Olio, asserting that Mr. Vallandigham hapolis, . a mewber of the last Congress, lias been mobbed : and his house tora down, ob account of hissym oT Arexaxpria, April 26 pathies with the secessionists. Tle publicly an [i was rumored in Ballimore yemterday that the nounced in a speech in Richmond, last winter U.S. Goversment had sent: workmen across the that when the struggle came he would take sides | Suequehune tiver under the protection of infantry. with Virginia. This declaratlon probably has Will not be us large ws an former seasons, but will ia part of have a good assortment handsome aad select assortinent of all kinds of Seud for Pamphlet consieuing in part ea R & A. MURPHY Berage- Anglaise Mozambiques, Organdies. Chathes, 0 properties are unrivaled. Salisbury, April 9th, Lexel. Biudi wud « large Stock of EMBROIDERLES, to all of GQ bomey be tukea without disrelish by the . which be sske a special examination , . uvet deheute patient, and retained without ee Aww, a full assortment of Bieached Domestic, ~? rffortin the moat sensitive stomach. Its sa- 4 Linens, House keeping Goods, do, Wes peronty in thin and other importemt eharec- > A MYERS, A termetice of genuineness, has guaranteed for, * " THE No 4 Gramte Baildi mimendation of the most eminent Fe Much 25 —450f Sal-bury, NC Ge Phymeiane throughoat the States 5 the writ. "O SPRING TRADE Re ea testimony of the faculty of the best medi’ sp . d 3 th TD, © cnt choles the Professors of the = Hard Times on t stop e Me UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Lemay a —_——— JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA. [™ 1 — DELPHIA, ‘ We ina a aUuMER He( ubbin 4 Foster * PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI- ble Goods for the SPRING wand SUMMER a ) ‘ - OO OCINE. and uthers < aaa RE now in receipt of a very large aud well s¢- Juvelds should be cert iS Porcane ey = " tat BNE L :W GOODS, sof undoubted reputation if they ceare the E OUR STOCK We Sock EN PURELY WW GOODS. ¢ 51 Sm mediate advantage Lought for cash at greatly reduced pager, cones mx the remedy. ‘That which we prepare has dreided evidences of superionty over other Le] brands, Manufactured only by JOHN C. BAKER & CO., jee} We shall have a very G | SPAPLE AND FANGY 7, , y. te reconstruct the destroyed bridges over Gunpowder : 3 cep teniree am I Ooi petriiare call) olbel (ial ic had something to do with the reported demon- ; — firwerdiig cf tlienicds culysthe wiliisry, toute: by re Uen against Mr. Vallandigham. | Ladies Dress Goods ‘soa Importers and Dealers ia — lway of Perryville and Annapolis in deemed sufficient pee : ’ S Drugs, Chemicsle, die. fr the Lr ne Legbalatare of Margiand THE GREAT DRAWBACK bo persons emgrat- ie culpa tine wearvn rarely ulfered Fe Nove 3 Eee: ee Sate a tm believed Ubat the Legistetare of Maryland will jay toch ' { Piathey Lt) vnis Aiere Oe eue i u . = | ca howe x quovuen terduyiel Predncksba'g ee resus Apuesike auas HARDWARE, —(154.N. THIRD ST REET Forires® fear they have of the Fever aud Ague—the most dietul of all diseases. Every day wekseer persous I attacked by this disease, and made he!plessin wu short Forires® tune, without any mewns of affording retief bn view | . of the great demand for a remedy Dr. Hostetier has | deral troops now concentrated at presented bie CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- | Annapolis wae at lint accounts 10,000. TERS, whore curative powers for all diseases of the | A large wumber of Federal troops ure ou the Peau- ytomach have been universally acknowledged. ‘The | sylvauia line nearly ready tu move Bitters, prepared after a long exrpeience and deep) y | study, have received the encomiuss of the inost em- ‘Vuent physicians, as well us all clarses from every | part of our country. To theme who doubt theyrinany virtues, all we can say isto try them, aod judge for themeelves respectively sold by druggists and dealers gene rally every where 1 Nee advertisemeut in another column. im46 | MARRIED: ou the 16th inst, by the Rev | HIaui to Mies S. E.! | Monroe ix said to coutain 2000 artillery men A large schooner froin New York ladeved with aul: j tary stores, was brought to and seized by |: 3; | From the South Carolinian. WAR ITEMS, &. Acexanpata, April 26. Lt is reported that General Harney has been cap- ‘tured at Harper's Ferry and sent to Richmond Butler's Regiment, from Maseachusetts, bas ar- rived in Washington. | Several Southerners have been arrested in Wash- ington aud ordered to quit: the city The greatest excitement prevails amoug the ot Washigion, many of whom are leaving South The heights at Georgetown are garrisoned by In this county Stephen Fronts, Mr. T. F Barvenaw and constematon eiaen for the DEED, i In thia evanty, March 2a. of Pucumania, Moaxs defiant L Brows, only child of Martin snd Rebecca C fifteen | Federal troops More troops ure expected at Aunupolis from the North Vie tone of the Northern press is more Riehwine, year, six mouths ond days Tr Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Tennessee papers will please copy the above aod tieultug to the Seuth aged one --- MEETING OF CONGRESS Cmecaco, Apel 20 Tite now a wetiled fact that the extra resmon of a7 We are authorized to announce OBADIAH Goods at Spring Stock for 1861. all uf which are offered for sale on the west reawon able terms for cash, or un time to pur etual custoinere Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of cloming out our stock thie! pring and Summer and fur that purpose offer | Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call Cutlery, Queensweare, Hats, Caps | and Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, | and Leather, Clothing 5 | Blacksmiths and Carpenters Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, ‘Salisbury Female Seminary. HE SIXTH TERM of this Sehool will begin the | les February and else the lst July. The ' school has Sgro increasing in numbers every ‘erin We have now a goodly number, Sat could take afew \ | v nd examine vur Goode before paced — We pave ihe muinber coutinegs 10 increare, Satie- cu 8 B . ‘ ‘ i ny) ‘bury will have what it has never hed, a permaueut Salisbury, April 9, 1-61. Qin47 GROC ERIES, wee : Drugs, White Lend, Zine; Tanners and Linseed TERMS: Oil, Color'd Paints of all) kinds; Rifle and Board, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per Term. Blasting Powder; Shovele aud Tuition, in Eoglieh, from $0 to 17.00 Spades, Pron of all kinds, « ~ Latin. 4.00 IN SHORT Mune on Piano. from 15 to 20.00 2.50 Everything that the People Want. 1 ~ ul Ince eee! | \ | —$——1 —— — R. & A. MURPHY, 2 i s SG | Tnciwental expeores, 1.00 RE now receiving their veual Stock of SPRING | phege Goods are offered to the pubic at Exceed- Bees Ertre SEN Retina ee emirence! and SUMMER GOODS, embracing ingly Low Priees for Cash or Barter, Come and Pur particular addre-a FANCY AND STA PLE Hook for yourself Great inducements offered te A. D. WILKINSON, Country Mercha Jan. 22, 1361 — 136 Priacipal. . ROCK QUARRY. BBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS CORNER, isbury, N McCU DRY GOODS, | BOUTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Farmers, Look Out! Sugars, Cofice and Molasses, | Money, Time and Timber Suced // NAILS, SHEETING AND COTTON YARN, I have the right to «ll ie ’ ny Vandemark’s Portable Fence, Made without poste, in the Counties of Alamance, April 9, 1861-447) Congress whichow to convene on the 4th of July WOODSON ara Candidate foritiieuthce of County Give Uslacall, aid see what we have in mtore for Ryudolph, Reckinghom, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus a ve 7 ett willbe held inthe ny Suitable arranges Court Clerk of Bow an County you PTR AS MURPHY. |g Mecklenburg. Cheapaess, durebibity. aut ron: ee UNDERSIGNED TAKES ee ments have been made for the sesmou by a prt. Salisbury, April 9g, I>61. Buda | venience are ie chief advantages AVE rained thod of SUD all persons im want o ob ie vate Secretary, despatched by the Presdent io thie the Fence to saw millowners, farmers, and all who for MILL-STONES, or buiding perposea, that cau furnish the best quality of Npring Stock for 1861. city web full authority to wet Several members of Lincoli’s Cabinet have alay addreseed leiiers to their freudeio this cily, toquining whether they can engage t Tiae be wil) be the future ea edand coufideutly believed tol of the Lnted suitable quariers HORAI & RAMSAY : T AKE pleasure in informing their friends and the public in general that they are now ta receipt vt TIE PASSAGE OF NORTHERN INVADERS (he largest, smust varied and cheapest stock of ee SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Rocxviner, Mo, There serine to be an entire ananinniy of feeling There prevailing here as to opposing the parsage of North. Goods have all been bought for cash at greatly ce We all duced prices, and will be offered for cash only at) ‘The flag unprecedented low preva Call and see them, hear | | that Cheage States Apri 22 that they ever had the pleasure to offer ern invaders through our county and Lowa applaud the epinted action of Baltimore of the Southern Confederacy, made by the ladies of price and judge for voursclves. Rockville, es now fying from the Courthouse. We Tn view of the uncertainty of every thing in bust had a demonetravon on Saturday mght in honor of times, we have) there revolutionary be the best | nees affairs io anu wronged With Imponty at thay be tramn jineein thie sane but wall nt: deen i OU HERE | Veewinia’s secersion. Abrahan Lancoin was burnt in «doped the cash system believing ito ? The rolh dr from the mountains OF t fii emg aN pa OE? we Preiven nad car iriende \ ted upon ye. Fong arune trom: Ihe pie oh (UOns Role puntence s Cae lem cuUnty ‘Those having open accounts with un, will please to the seaboard, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, were passed One asking the County Court to raise : . : . call without deliy, and close them erther by cash or t A SOUTHERN CAPITAL INVADED : eae sad the long tines of marchmg sokiiers admonish us a fund fur the suppit of the coluntiers from Row ‘ be ietuee eA ood sala So ’ 1 5 = *b * 1 w. & _ | that unless some great event speedily intersears to an the other, appointins the Captain of each Coin oe Arexasoria, Va. Aquil 26. aliebucy, Apr tfo | . The Marviand Legisiature was expected to meet ei 01 vother show ety be t ee. Re eairiieenirnliee g 1 rae ae n, another shock w pad a y aud suppl pee “ LSet NO CREDIT. be we men who ere tow marches towarus © eve We Cocnuty ¢ tosome ot F i ‘e “ Washington City, are gone « ther to wietory onthe! tes have already inade appropriations for Che sap No newe tas vet been received irom the Ley ( HO a ee onie “ S Wosatisty ther We still ate , , 1 alee Nee wer o co le grave Nothing less will sat-ty them : of thew Rowar uld bear her partin ty to adopt this plan fur var safety and we hope no one | Hope for tat intervention—-that God in | : ' j acne Bonet this work pe : . 7 will take offence atit. Persons having accoants with a ep a a‘ ant We understand that each nolitary company in The following is a list of the Officers us wilt please call and close te same by cash or Tris ds ou ause way be sustained PME: 8 ead el 8 a sg bi = Pr , as re Fea a f _“ nt ; : : F Pa ; and Members of the Rowan Rifle Guard," MeCUBBINS & FOSTER eee the county wil Lereatte eoreqaited tube a ; Sulsbary, April 23, 1561 ud BH Printers in this State, tie t ther patnotic thentuly deitls. now at Fort Caswell : TYR instincts, have dropped th sticks and rules and = OFFICERS: NO I I¢ E. taken up the shooting imous State Almost Breakmnan Killed — AX very vainable neg F. MY. McNeely, Captain. I Y VIRTUE of Powerof Attorney regularly | Hs OAR lo amen mon Inde wiv These ayo Udinygaps ts Mania Rendlew f this H.C. Jonet, jr, let Lieut. executed tous by Mo Hofflin, we hereby give | : : \ ae Sam'l Reeves, jr, 2d notice that all persons indebted to the sad Mo Hoff: into the » Many of eaders doubt. | County, was killed on the Western Railroad a few t cowe a eS oo : a ‘ M Hoffa, 3d" In, must qake payinent to ue or to our Attorney less remember, in past years. our “devil Jiwwy days ago, He put his head out at tie ow ndow to Wie Brown, let Sergeant I. Blackmer, on or before the first day of June next, | ewan who greeted then anunally with s face: louk at dog, which was runmng after the car. He WG Mowery 20 for at that date all clauns due Mo Hoffa are direct yous OWristmas address. He has heen © suldier- was looking back, when the cars rin on a bridge My £ Piaey a e ed) to be Senay ion iene All the i 5 is meco Mitchell, se claime due offin wil found in the possession ing” for several years. and when th: Governor call. His head struck against a bridge post killing tum AN Wiseman, Tat Corp. SP ether L. Blackmer or W. J Muls. The Grids ed for troaps to defend our sei, he said © count nie Palmost iastantly James Bowers, 2d ** remasning 1) M. Hofitin's store will be sold at Balu- : mite oe ; _e- Moses | Rean, 3d‘ ae, in” and sure enough, he is now 2 Sipae a ames Kerr, jr sch! HARZBERG & STIEFLE retary, @&., &c., 10 the Rowan Hifle Guard at Fort LADIES AID ASSOCIATION FOR THE 1 P O'Neal Bongo April 23d, 1M61 est Caswell. So also, is H. J Pespretos, son of our VOLUNTRERS Bl) Fearon ae Masier foreman, and for sometime an occasional Land in oor At the suggestion of some of the ladies of Sahs : cero ata MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M. D. eMablighment, and an efeient member of thatcom bury, a meeting was called to organize an Associa- REDD ; m eer ceee I AViNGHtediedinipremmlent Medion (Colleges pany. Our boys will be “on hand’ when seeded ton for the aid of the Volunteers whe have left for Ro Willame, fence ores and Hospitals, North and South, and having ; ’ We have two or three others in our office keen ty Fort Caswell. Seventy five ladies and many gen- Bo Lanter, J F ‘Thompson, been practising in the various departinents of his pro- AeeulasscinniaieeMhic mccuop was opened with M. Roberts, Daniel Moyer, feesion for nive years with good success, he continurs g2, but circumstances forbid 1. at present “-: prayer by Rev. Mr Groseclose. On motion, Mrs. Chatham county is now organizing seven KA Davis was chosen President, Mrs. J. J. Sum Rowan, Davidson, Davie and Tedell erel!, Seerctary, and Mre A Henderson, Treasu should pluck up aud make haste (get their met er A committee, consisting of Mrs. Clark, Mrs. F ready for the tield. Tt is (rue they are not heeded Ennise Mra Go Brown, Mrs. Pace, Mrs, Vogler Mre J Sith Mra. DW. Honeycutt, and Mrs. M i rut they ought to be dnliing. and Ja a ise Ome: HD ney ; “8 : “ Bek: Wihitelre ad, were appointed to purchase and ent out teady tamarch ata moments call There ate three companies vow forming in this county “2 garinents Jayves, fourteen ladies gave blankets. After the or gray dies in a few but sproit-srring: remarks of cheer ir time, and suggested some way by whicl More Companies, —There are three more Com panies forming here, and expect to be teady soon, {1s Wye Rowen Artillery, vader Capt. J. A. Hameny was quite an eloquent appeal to their hearts ane is filling up its ranks; and the Salisbury Rifle | vmpathies Greys will probably organize tis week. A third with such advocates, as the ladies their wants wil Y Pp OTe Company, under Capt. PA. Benverly, is also form, pot be neglected Miss KH. Rive was elected Cor Bog and dritlio (responding Rceretary, to communicate with Capt f- ae McNeely, to ascertain what will promote the com lfort and welfare of his company, Great int The ladies of our Town, and many of our ot- | wag manifested, and itevinced that allt zens, have been working all the past week in pre- ed will be most promptly and cheertally done. paring supplier for the volunteers fram (is caunty The meeting adjourned to meet at A.M. Tues at is need : : ae etree The ladies, heaven bless them, seem deterguiued to day. Aynil 2334 | FE DAVIS, Pres't do their part . (OK Scwwerrer, Seey ie ors The ea have a box ready, (awaiting the Cap GB™ A military encampment has been eatabli slice der.) containing shirts, drawers, towels ed at Raleigh he Fair grounds have been aelec- aocks, a large quantity of bandages, hot old tines spot aa c ol »rarticles wliel ted as the There are eight or mine Compa. “7° blankets, and a number of ather articles wh Les aul will add to the comfort ot the soldiers. * Hies already there, among them, the Hornets’ Next Rifles and Charlotte Greys. HT™ All the publie works of the State have been suspended. The military spirit of the people. and Fort Jonserox, April 22, 1801 Mr. Brrener--We Nett Goldshoro end our homes, render the suspetsion of railroad ahout7 o'clock ; and other publ works a necessity : and after eating trreakfast and look ing around at the wourers, such ar steamboate, ratte EA™ The war feeling in the Northern States is achavaers, skiffe, &e, and marching throngh the also intense. . . streets awhile, we left for this place, in the steam boat W. W. Hefller, and arrived here about 1 Dra Fo J. Haywood, Chas FE Johnson, anc seide: i form z Medieal Hoard at Rale ou fol OR ets to pass on the qualifications of Surgeons in the army. (which you can sec The Washington Correspondent of the N.Y. Her- sec whether they needed us over there ald, says Washington City is to be the great battle recurned, he inferiued us that we would go there i en between the Northern and Sonthern States. two or three dayr Thirisa very pretty place, mee hould not be surprised he is ght shade trees, grassy yards and sandy paveniants We found this pos in command of Cagt. Hedrick with thirty men Our Captain, after arming, left for Fort Caswell very plainly from this point.) te Thirty-one ladies offered to make ban- ration was effected, Dr, Hall addressed the la-, 4,. € the comfort of the soldiers may be enhanced It The soldiers may rest assured that ‘ c this morning the importance for a vigorous deteaes of oor nights aboot one o'clock for Wilmington, and arrived there When he to offer his eervices to the pablic where be is perman- W Bassinger, Andrew Mowery, ewiMahely WoT. bally J ently located. and by strict attention to his profes- 1. M Divic, Thi, G. Wilkamsou mion will endeavor to merit a hberal patronage a MF. Han, Joreph ‘Thompecn . heretofore, nod holds himeelf ia readiness at all hours, PUA BNiwn HVaNcety aie day and night, for professional calls. me heer Win Parker, Or Office at Roseman's Store +. Rowtee, Richard Harrison, April 23, 1861 3mpd49 A Bue Wm. Aldnch,. P fc : RG Kyle. W.H Crawford, Head: Quarters 63d Begiment, M. Hennessy, Jas. W. Roberts, North Carolina Militia. wn Hoff, R. P Dobv, APRIL 19, 1861. Colley, J. F. Kenter, TO THE OFFICERS . Joho Bo Locket, H. J. Pendleton, YEG 1A H. Rowsee, Blackmer, OF SAID REGIMENT Meet in Salisbury on Friday the — w x Metuccm a Capers: 10th of May next for dil 2 | ee La oeaee Phe Captains will have their Com- YL Saunders, = 7 F i. ii panies ia Satiebury, and un ter aris | 1 y e ‘ sumhenseG i ee a tgotte by 10.0'cloek, on the day following And all Com. ! -; Alfred Lowrance, acces beDiey panies withoot Officers will report themselves at the R. F. Rouche, J. L. Lyerly, Linsey Bryant, D. C. Johneon. : " Po y.—-Captarns will also attend to the require.) F Mt. Mills, M. J. Weant, dee Wm. a ene Henry (Geeta mente of the following Act passed by the last Gene- x rul Assembly of the State ' Seerion 1. Beat enacted by the General Asaembly a . of the State of North Carolina, and il 1a hereby en- State of North Carolina, 2.0. ieee Rte i [GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 11] white mates and apprentices who are of the age same tine and place : of eighteen years, and under the age of forty ApicraNr GENERAL'S OFFIok, | five veare, and whe reade in Che State of North Rareion, April 20, 1X61. ( Carolina, exoe pt ministers of the gospel, shall be en rolled in the inthtie of the Ssate by the captain or vwerihun and the 1 First Lientenant Richard H. Riddick, commanding officer of Che infantry company whose distnets such persons shall reside, late of the United States Army, having tore | Pr eow tC tlie stile liwal . said officer shall notify such free white HON USCIS re State, NEI NEE? prentces of their enrollmentaby a nou -comimiamoned by assigned to dy duty as Assistant to the officer of his company, and by whonr mid notice shall Adjutant General, autil further orders, >* proved. By order of the Commander in Chiet, Byerder itech Conmaitent: . . “LD . . R. PO BESSENT, Adjutant JOB. WOKE, Adj. General. mnlex and ap- April 23, 1861 et) [GENERAL ORDERS, NO. TI } ' Apsttand GENERAL'S OFFICK, | To the Public ‘ : Rareiou, April 20, 1861. § GENERAL ORDER, } ’ NOwS \ “Pe patriotic citizens of Rowan are call ed upon to contribute to the defence of the sol of North Cyrolina, The contest has com- menced, and troops have been sent to Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops from Rowan have gone and are will g ; TILE Volunteer forces of the State not . already ordered into active service, are commanded to hold themselves in readi NE The 2 ort Caw ‘ et , Ty r y fellew- “9 OK : HAR. S. Tucker, bas been appointed Acting pus Caan mre ek is acwell ie ab ml Ae © aoes to march at an hour's notice, The ae Avene upon their fellew-cnizens at home to sus ‘¢ y 6 ‘ ‘ coy ya place as this ! of one men eeem to bein Pm. ommissary, with the rank of Captain, in the Mile 3 ! officers are required to send to the Adjn There is a Store Room opened in Saliwbary for fine spirits, evide nily perfectly satisfied and to all engi tfally JR Arn 2.3 tia of North Carolina. All provisions %r dhe army at Raleigh, should be directed to btn BW” It is reported that there is to be a mlitary encampment at Balisbury, and other points along the Railroad. We are all nght, and expect to fight to the Laat — ; Hany thing in the fighting hne comes about veretofore by the contractors, who will be pail by Respects to all at home friends Very respe Oye Letters should be directed thus the State A - ~ Rowan Rifle Guard 7 Janes Camar, son of Hon BR Craige a! Fort Caswell, N.C cadet at Weet Point, reached hoine Saturday night J” ning the reception of anything that may be contmbuted No freagh( for trangportition on any of the railroude will be charged, and Weaare McC BRIN & FOS. TER will receive the freght and anything elee that tant General's Othee a roll of the mem bers of the companies. Tan directed by the Governor to call for the enrollment Organize of thirty thonsand volunteers may be contributed cend in the role. Conrmissions and — Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Pear Beans, de, arme will be furniehed. Bein readiness to in any quantities will be taken, end thankfully re: march at a day’e notice: drill by day ceived A list of every man‘e name who contributes will be preserved and by night, let the citizens equip their taen;, some of your brothers are now In) BR MOORF Col Commandant 6Ad Regiment Tonie Cordial. We wall sell Farm Ty my WYATT’ oer oe s nights A etrenlar stcting coats, plau of burldiag, &e., \ NIT veut free to any addrest on application to G RA N i EK, uw , and at the lowest possible rates for CASH His Quarry is situated 5 miles South of Salisbury, known us the * Old Shuping QUARRY.” | WILEY HOLTSHOUSER \ Nov 20th, 1860. 6m0:27 JNO. J. WHITE, cut in any shape, Mebrnesville Mar 19, 1861 -3m44) NC ate Charlotte Democrat please copy three mouths and forward bill Co subseriber The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It is Unequalled for \ TENN . | Western N. C. Rail Road. DY SENT ERY. | a TER ARRANGEMENT Rowen Co, To Farmers and Mechanies. McCUBBINS & FOSTER Prepared ty W. I Wyovrr, Apethe 186 and 1s8 Main sale all any property in Rowan county, beth Real and Personal— It has cured Thonsands of is reverts : | AVE just received a very large bot of FARM- x & = ING PRON, consmting of Shovel Moles, Bar DIARRHOEA. | 3 = BF fron, Wagou tie 1d, 1} and 2 inch ; Bugey tie 1) : . s ele nies Bean) ie q end it for . eye aud lynch sy Oval Tron 4. §, and } inch; Square The best Eh) piclans resus 2 a es Tron Land 14 inch; Buggy Spnnge and Axle FLUX i ° Z |e % Patentand Eowimcled Leather; Bade, Bulie, de, 2 Soe >Jas together with @ general assortment of Its use on the first symptoms, and before H eS Bl, DRY oe wean : eee a 36 7a! HARDWARE, a physician can be obtained will prevent} = He 3 a5 QUEENSWARE, CHOLERA Z Bes ROC ERIES, se S a . . 2 : _ 2 ; Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes Thev keep cen- It will save many lives, much Ume, sick.) z oer = stantly on hand a Hy of FLOUR, BACOD Pau) inex avery | ” a PORK, FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASS nese, enffering and money ty every < LARD, BUYTER, &ec., to which thy invite the at FAMILY, ane tention of the puble = xn 2 ow 0 - 2p By keeping it always in the a z z be Jenkins Corner, Salisbury, Vie: ° rap e 5 6s x Peb 12th, 1s6l 1f39 HOUSE. | Sef 2 = ei , \ 5 4 > Sag rR x It only Coste | ocwa?| 2 POSITIVE SALE dora s = OF 25 4 é ‘ | « Beetles | wy] VALUABLE REAL = ee 3 AND . | er * PERSONAL ESTATE! | JAMES C. TURNER, 4EWSV. . Sulibury, Nov. 26, 1860 Eng. & Supt Ie . | AVING determined to leave Rowan county for the NC. White Sulphur Springs, | offer for | cary, Nos st., Salis bury, N.C. April 9. BOOKS ! { J J STEWART TS PREPARED TO FUR. | eV eo nish wt short notice Colleges, Schoole, Acade inies and the public generally with any Book« that limay be wanted, at lowest prices possible He ways keeps on band a well s d lotot cheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Churches with Uys to Jeurt the latest and most popular pablications of the times, writing and printing paper ofall mazes, che sper than ever before offered, by the ream or at retail, blank Books of every description and nize, Pens, Bo | velopes, Pictures, ete., ete | INES. | Harrison's Ink, Harrison’® Columbian Tuk, Japan Luks all sizes, Black, Blue and Red; Warrison's Car | mine Fuk, Arnold's Writing Fluid, the beat known, a | WALL PAPER. |) To his already lirge and beautiful agsortinent of | wall paper, he has just wteceived a large lot of the | latest patterns, which for beauty, style, and cheap- ness are far superior to any ever before affered in be given by hand-bills. Notice —To Farmers. this market. Window Shades, Fire Sereens, ec aa auniake f ' Something Valuable (o you all ! Orders of anything in bia line suberted. \ i. 9, | Salisbary, N.C., Feb. 19, Is6l. 1f40 Fronefield’s Cattle Powders, FPRHE ORIGINAL AND GENUIN E—all others | Ww ws : pat opin similar style are base counterfeits | Dr. m. H. Ho erton, Frovrriecy’s Powpena cure most all diseases of | AVING FenM ANE SY, Pea CEN) THE lorse . town o i ra his pro onal Hoesen attle, and keepe them im grnd curdi-| Fees ti ine citisensiet hc town and] earroued jon. ing | country. Perfeatly safe under all circumstances, aod war He at all times (unless professionally engaged) may be found ranted to give satisfaction. at the “Borpew Hover Price 25 cents per Package | March 25, 1561. Said by W. H WYATT, Druggist and Apithecs-| was . , ry, Noa ISG and 188 Mam at, Silsbury, N. ( WE HAVE IN Land, Town Lots, Negroes, Stock, Household and Kitchen Farnitare. The Land ie in an unproved state and will be divided into small par- cela if desired, to sat parchasere—it is in the imme- diate vicruity of Saksbary, contains about 500 Acres, Also for sale 6ndT well watered and good houses ou it. Tiro Cottages on Main Street next to Dr. A. W. Long, and nearly opposite the Court house; the Corner House now occapied by G Reberts asa Grocery Store, and three Houses and Lots and one vacant Lot adjoining same. Two Houses sod Lots near the Lutheran Grave Yard; ove on Shinny Hill; several Valuable Negro Slaves, House Servants and elegant Cooks, together with a great vanety of other articles. } would sell any of all of this property privately, bat unless sold before May Court it will posttively be sold to the Inghest bidder, of which due notice will Determined to sell out and yup JeWeir t 7 | ry. " Sallis Werrantel heap for cash. Javuary 29, 1862. ROBARDS For particulars and terms, in my absence apply to Wim. A. Walton or Win. M. Barker, my authorized Agents Nalishury, April 2, 1R61. H. C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, \ THLE practice in the Courts of Rowan County andin the Supreme Court, HE © Jones, yr, willalar practice inthe Courts of Tredetl aud Cabar- All claime entrast d Ww them for col- 1£46 wes STORE res Coun tes April 9 VAT 35. bbls. Coffee sagars. i iit el ee Nesey aes Hest 5 y Tt Office No 3, Bro ow, ne e Courthor (ASH S\STEM (ADOPTED! 10 hids. Molass S. eC et ‘ ye ieee VU Ae We 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. Jan 15, 1ebt 135 Great Reduction in Prices! 800 Ibs. Sole Leather. 1. W. JONES. M. D Selling Of for Cavh only. A) kegs Nails. . Iss permanently located in the town of Salie- 4 Come and See! 25 baus Rio Cothee. bury. and offers hin rervices tu the public in the » sks Rice various departnents of his profession on Maia Street, first door above Burs’ Vv cNEELY & YOUNG, will sell their entire stock of New Spring and Sur Li Offic Coufeetione Ail ot whieh we offer at greatly reduc 1ee® MURPHY er Goode at \ spend for Goods to trade with ua Come nnd tee! NOTICE perenne having open ac grently reduced prices for cash only © have been R&A land 1s. Wael bards compelled by our long credit customers te adopt the Aprl 9 Mun 4T above plan. By the reduction in prices tt will be 7 : ° \ greatly. to the interest of ali whe have money to Swan Island Guano New aor Nhop. ° make oar last ounte with we, We now tor We watted too long already on a greatmany persons and . FOR SALE BY yue subscriber has opened a new TAILOR -RAGUE BRO. oe SHOP sn the rooms formerty occupied by Horie I UWE above Guano mead to be a beter fertlrer ay oR for the culiuce of Tobseeo, Cotten, Gmane. Rogis ward and settle ether by cash or note ard, dee ‘) Ths expenence and qualihcations are now determined to close up err accounts Inihe tive, warrant hum ia seyiwg that he wil be MONEELY & YOUNG Ccapcan @e ctlva nl atsy Ee (he Loaneet the most fastahous demands Call and April 29, 1~61 fay A tral atl that ae necessary ts prove ite super ge, vane garments cut te fit vou, and made to hast, oY ny: SPRAGUE 1D rowtead of buying the slowchy, half-made rags in THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED ected, ASG Wade Clathing Stores 1 ; ; Crtong and Reparing done to arder \W E are now eelling ours oat at reduced pry Notice to Sheriffs. Produce taken i exchange format ~ . ’ con for CARH. No goods eredt All pers FRXAX RECEEPTS, neatly printed to order, and yy, sy, dee He An sone indebted (o ue are ee putin hooke if desired. at short notice and on ea =m2s moderate terme, for cash. Send in your orders April 22, 1X61 39 Tanner Wanted. TANTED —Twoor more active Salwemen ta Noeaprenced Tanner whe can faraiah sat ief Fine Shirts aad Collars. If you wish to purchase fine Shirts an Cotwra call atthe Great Clothing Emportmm of DAVID WEIL. No. &, Gaara Rew \ The right sort of wea gaw make from B2 to B10 a day Apoty ta bbtan ay W OW WYATT, Now 188 and 188 Wain et, Sake JC bary, N © , April ® good charecter and skill way by applying fe HARPER & CO travel through the State tary evidence ¢ dost © Mapt 25. ef) SPEECH OF WENDELL PHILLIPS. ! [From the Boston Transcript.| We publish the following communica- tion from a correspondeut at New Bedford, as it contains an expression of extreme abolitionists on the present aspect of po litieal affairs : * * * * * * * * * But Tam serry that a gun shouid be fired at Port Sumter r, or that a yun oe be fired from it, forthiaieason: The ad tiinistration at} Washington does net know itetime. Here are aserics ot Sates girdling the Gulf, who think that ther pecoliar iustituiions require should have a eeparate yoveruie t They have a right to dee nto Glial i withont appealing to you or we N large body of people, sufficient ty nicks a nation, have come to the Islan that they will have a government of a certain form. Who denesthem the right ¢ Standing with the principles of 76 behind whocan deny them the right ¢ What is winatter of a few millions dollars or a few forts? Ttis a mere drop inthe buck etelthe great national It thetrs justas much as ous. TP uiaiitain, ou the principles of ’76, that ALL bas no right toa soldier in Bort Santer Bat the question comes secondly, sty pose we had a right to tuterfere, what the good of atf You may punish Seath Carolina tor going outof the Union. Thais does not bring her in, You may subdue her by bandreds of thousands of thous ands ef armies. Bat that does not make her a State. There is no longer a Union 1c is nothing but boy’s play. Mr. detfer- son Davis is angry, aud Abe Lincoln is mad, and they agree to fight. One, two, or three years hence, it the news of the afiernoon is correct, we shall have through a war, spent maliious, required the death of hundreds of thousands of wen, and be cxactly then where they are now —Iwe bations; @& little more angry, little poorer, and a yreat deal wiser; and that will be the only difference. We tnay just as well settle it now as then, You cannot go through Massachusetts #bG reciatt men to bombard C and New Orleans. ‘The Northern will nut bear it. You such a war popular. be borne. The telegraph: may brug news that Anderson has bombard Char ue ton, and you may rejoice. second thought of Mevsachucc: “wasteful, unehristian, guilty ! ! North never qill endorse sich a war Instead of conquering Cuaileston, create a Charleston in New boliat You stir up sympathy forties Therefore it seems to me t eugeration of war ie uot only a violatid of principle, but it is a violation of expe diency. To be for disunion in Boston is to te that they alien couc dis, quceiion Is Heuits Is vr 2 Zone a sabivobets matt Hever Cal tik The first ouset can But tie sober ato the at an Abolitiomst. To be against stolons fe to be an Abolitionist to dey ta the streets of Charleston. Now toat 4 state of thiogs shows thatthe si 2a of the two ts utterly antagonist \\ isthe use of tryiag toy ‘ | Alnatam Douceln capable ot imino and powder he down tosetiver pret If he can, let bing send his army to For Samer and vectpy it, Bat onderstand me, LT belteve ia the Union exactly as you do in the tuture This is iny proposition: Go out, ger thetpens you are welcome ty your cuipire take it.” Let them try the experinent of cheating with one hand | oiadeturss with the other, To kuow that Ged 1 written “Bankruptey” Over sc th ed periuient, If you canonade So Cal Ji ba, Vou Cahohadle se Per OE ! thy of the world Pd | vot bel What a Ht ere ts \ ce but | kuow this, that if tee toys) speaks true tonight, daat Wie wus echoing around Fert Sumter tit t jority wagaimst us, fer it wos s every imap tite & BECEsSIOF ii there 16 another fearful coment tee problem. There is another torribig sideration. We can then no longer ex tend to the black race atthe Sours best sympathy and our best a d We stand tomyht at the begining of anepoch which may lave tie peace the rum of w generation in its inc we huow net ow Inaugurate : ! We are in condiiiet 1 War, will end. he fight. The South is poor and we are ries The poor inan can do twice the ingiry | the veh tan that the rich can dete the Your wealth rides safe!) of the PATENGAG oloene 1 pour bosom + ocean, has its millions afloat. The Neith wh dens every eca withits wealth. Toe Sa hua no commerce, but the can buy the privateers of every race to prey on cons. tis dangerous strife when wealia q ou rels with poverty. Driven to despair, the Southera State inay be poor and bankrapt; batthe poor est man can be a pirate, and as lous as New Enyland’s tonnage is a third of that of the civilized world, the South can pau ieh New England inore than New Envy land can punish ler. t in which we are defenceless. Ttyon the contrary, we bold ourselves to the str of ideas, if we manifest that streny: which despises insult and bides ite lieu we are sure to conquer in the end I distrust those gave at Fort Sumter. | do not believe that Abraham Linc tmeane war. Tdeo notbelieve inthe acl ness of the Cabinet Notlite Vat tina? mess can provoke war with the Gis States. My auspicion is this: that adininistration dares bot compromise — 1 trembles before the Live sand readers of the New York Bat there is a sate Tt is this: Trntidie el theo Lishu way torcouipd seem to provoke War, cities ade the forts. What will be the tirst i sult? New York commerce is jaile bankruptey The atfrighted seateut Bees prase prowl TU Its streets Iho start up every ian Whoge liveth hangea upon trade, interns dyenjy ton Vhose pots tired at bent the & COMMPPOU THe Sumter are only into @ Compromise. {tf the Administration prov ty triyhiten rkes blood sled, is a trick nothing els [jae the masterly canaing of the Jes 1 1 promise, the Secretary of State [lh hotomad enough to let these Ps 4 into ba tle, Tle hiows that the ae { bollets is over Ifa gatos tired reat tere, itis fired at the whiatve fo SG York, at the bank vanlta of Bos it the money of the North, Tt is meantte alarm. {it is policy, not eincerity It mpeana concession, and in twelve months wiih eg thig Lmon 3 netroucted you with a Coustitulcu ithe ery. that ot Mou We provoke a sth te ‘thing they New England may indeed never be co erccd into ash uve confederacy. But when the battles of Abraham Linéoln are end- ed, aud Cou promises Worse than Critten- dens are adopted, New Enyland may claim the right to secede, Aud ag sure as a gun fs fired to night at Fort Sumter, within three years from today you will see these thirty States yathered vider ay Constitution twice as damoable as that of | LEST del al ry ty to principle, to fidelity toe peace, fi Out of that Gaal vos us nothing but hope and brightycss a hi the slave. blood there as sure to be ruin! oo Hilk WAR NEWS FROM BALTIMORE Baltonore, Ayuil 20. ta the collision that vootrred tere Vesterday, seveb clizehs were hill doaid acouta dozen others wounded more ot ee neu onsl) The people here are 4 edt wt th presage of Northera troops at ay Ihe stone bridge atthe Hela Ebouse. ou the lite of the Balthagre aid Ohio beatrocd, nae motes South of this enty, bas been rendered inp oissa rhe [mun lie omeer eee woth between bere aul wdelplia dias beet broke down, so that no umore Yankee soldiers Cab cone by thot rant Mourvlaud as far as is ascertained, is a unit, cds ready to dispute every duel of around Heltimore ps uneencine to resist the pussae of Northor Gaops, bats comparatively ditence ess AM the bridges on the roads heading te the Nowth have been destrayed: and the Surqu baud ferry boatis suck. Phere are not mor five thousand troops 1 thet partot the iu It chergelic the South, Washington may be sez atid possibly Adimuisteation. Thais pet feety reliable and by a gentleman who bad just arived from Ba They are prepannyg iu Baltimore to drive back the Rhode lslaud ent al Washington, with HeUOU On Is more. Atew on both se Witans, sy were Killed yestor v f Daltunore, offers seven to the Tis reported Port McHenry is to bs acco tal Southern Confederacy lhars Vy the Daldmoreaus Mortal law isto be proclaimed in Washing no Pue citizens ate leaving there in cn "i Vets - Fittecnoor twenty thousand) tr ps from th North, en coate to Washington, have been sto yooh at bbas fe Grace byt Whew torial se tt Hetcetates wil eoree promt leer ter Maury have fosegonat, 4 las & | sed ated been epoin Come anedes ( naval) forces Nae cient See teret eomiitnatiabet et ieout Lary forces. Mie Yellore of Battimoes has ented It Iatarr Marviaod toycther Meet a (Geeounen Zoth tistaut, Ti. Linils It has atrecds : | wWoa Ven atne vist Wi 2 ' \ ener osites: ' t ' Lat Sflias Uiiaosinorelallyus posed in ohe fibatend art. ot the New York Mey Book, Nori 17 | mot Wall Street telivna all sy st 4 ’ SS iat * * > Vetginia S04 6 u Used vb owe , ‘ te [Sym vel 7 isy tu t ™ | | utly wa tebe, Vir ita will be what N Veal) os ” vind New Yak | bocid Doster, amet vineda ‘ brokers of Woill street ko m | mesoof comoerce than they at bevtis ‘ Iie other Bordon Soa stocks 1 Laps it writ scare rp t settles stilt I 5 yugatory actos ated then perhaps i wou ote N Shee fie vey oe WN eM 4! 0 Lew sla ‘ Pass oan { for ‘ \ ‘ 1 ' met wou ' 1 ' Or view ; ae ’ ‘ ‘ ites ‘ ; (yu 1 “ mw s ‘ ‘ | ‘ ) nt sover V Pe ~ te dow brave fanny ' < \ \ tne t \ as \\ 1 four i ' | ‘ + A . sf ' Vis seater. vnastnuels as the ( . wit fave tail ito de abl aud os ' ne tern th rslature coud sae 1 Rauligh B waroks Pow ro bar &e.— A correspon Te ae lsat 1 mn pipers wrote trom New York bet daly Teles ps yelat I Cae tiv eras hovoure 1 Way toceat Porvatoes : uke ower than th td su Z MU Crh Waitt \ N then find a dish ‘At to be set before a hing wdore a er nan Irs it P nta@entanen of the Union party in he Jer States tow here, aver that the Goov erfors Mnisrepresent ne pe yple, and have beer Uemyctcnc teron that the services vendent companies ata ning directly to the Pederal Government will be aceepted Washington Digateh to NOY. Brpeess To promesent men have averred any such are tostaken, as they will fiod, The Governors of North Carolina and Kon taeky have refusal the Cravernments eall for ms ess tars oof War will however res the sores of independent eonmparaes W those Slates, Vol datecnmy chy te ah | soe ' ' Dis Northern pou Noteowort, Ttenuht te have been sa wsoullat he conid wt them — Fuy Ohe .o- OO Volant During the last twos t tnd tecrs Tawe otf red th ' mou fothem order dd ta there | [roti \ pari ne wine State wes Tia volynteers di mid seo gd dem the sons and rothers of mony inen digtrogntshed fay gall Servier Bolii rh St Jw Our R Te wre anthoriz ! nye ne Vat all th road mpanios af th State will transport troops and munitions of war forthe av foe State frre of charge, and er tra tease will alwave be in readiness for any mere Raleigh State Journal vu ted n" Voli fon Journal calle Vhorera and money and pre ya fey siete troope at Forte Cinewell and Maco M1 1 wr «! tn speee evn atv ternal re jaested to serd: han along Aonumber of free doved avi lave gen to Bart Caawellia talear Mera CRITI N, whern acnumber bea ge to Fort Macon Ticlined —Wo are mvhorimd to state that | Keq of Haloub, who wae recent Woappornted | oS Marshal for North Carchina,, has dechned to accept the appomntment The only hope of Iberty is in ti-| ‘Wednesday, VIRGINIA INTELLIGENCE We clip the following from the Richmond Dispatch, of the ZOub gostant: Skizure or Vesaeis.—We learn that two Yankee vessels have been seized in the Pamunk- ey river under orders from the proper authority, Six of the rifled larrote Gans recently pore chased for the use of the States, were sent to | Norfolk on Thursday last, by order of the Gov- thor, over the Novfolk aud Petersburg Railroad. The exnnon spoken of are of the most effective kind known, and are designed to aid in the de- tence of that « the theatre It) ot to be doubted that Virginia, ta the exercise her purgate ity whose vicinity may become of nome stirring events ere long sovereignty, a Government will feel called upon ta ex of the of to her own, which when remnants existance ANY inimical the time comes for action, she will do to a moral certavuty Phe Richmond Buqasrer, of the 20th, bas the following Seratrk or Powokk - We Jearn from the Lynchburg Republican that the military author ics of that city, by erder of Gov. Letcher, on seized 66.000 pongds of powder, Pert cmniar rns met in the soit bel wiler Company which was deposited two maa Lunchborg. The powder is now under a uid sufficient te proteet it. and will be nsed as oe casion may etl for it in dh tenes of the State — Gow Letcher seems fully alive to the eras, col to be doi all in his power to preserve the in terests of the Old Dominion Duo last evenine TuieMinvtion ano Torew tioir ~The demousiratvion here in honor of the withdrawal of Virginia from th. Vholtionized Union, was grand and euthusiastic. Vhe man luminated for the distance of nearly a mile, nearly every win dow being lighted up, apd bonfires at vais Ture CRSRITEN street was brilliantly points, The procession was extensive and um posing many of the transparencies beautiful, and most of the mottoes and deviers highly appre priate. The side walks and streets were thrones with ladies and ventlemen to the number of thousands, all of whom manifested the lvelest and deepest interest in the seene. The entire city was lighted up, and the whole ‘ Keelimoad was io the demonstration, We shall mive details hereafter, Phe following ts from the Norfotk Herald. of the 19th. Fort Mosnoe Woe are vatoeuied that Capt Elzv and Pr Jones beth from Marviand. snd stationed at Old Porat, diave sent mn ther ress Hotets now. oor tathen desuewala, as they are called. Both these gentle ou fase served: in the mony with distinetian fer a number of vear ated Jest qn the Mev can war AAR “ hderstan |, dias been to the army for 24 years cdot coms rast fT some r ret at osuredent dently what wore tormerly toendly relate alo the die tas deen east ante bie aie hh " ‘ WV o nl eea) fort hase | kate ge a ‘ wel tor . } ‘ . rook ani ft " the offlerrs u . ' ton ef ni ne \s PD) Banks was red from the ft ‘ ' . noo tk ' ae stor CCT INE “ Photosve 1 . Re lee yre entertainer ‘ ‘ Vooutte om Sot} ‘ srw fescrte | Was stinenandy 4) { troan ' ' tt te Pot sire! ' ‘ ' ylo suppay PA ‘ Soul me tren ta 10 us 2 fO Aes TS Meuoof Predeli--or North Catena VYour Country tue Miuate the Soutis “ \ Lat Chreatened watts suly cat : Leas asides t ‘ ecard i LoMiS | ! oe »( ipa beneath oo Clara ge y | « ‘ ‘ DD levy ENN CI et “ ‘ ‘ ne) ‘ I) t ‘ A rats w toorganez (7h { Woo mside ail peices LCi Tatil tek ire set CN TEIN /, Ly Contribution for Che Volunteers, Boer =p ! ! strane Us a Er a } ‘ n re Less tear hie Gott to far sh ocd thang Ra fit ot Will not be adequate to sapport ten atl othere mew a rote depart tron mdst tu cefond thom country, ! meeting of tae Lg slature low then provide for then; therefore, toe Crizene of the Cou ty ol frede dl are ei edoupen by this netics and requested ty Pond additional add, ian ney and pero Vintons fer the taeof this band of treaty Men, whe fave gone forth te np Hohl the lroner of the Stute and defer d the suil from: tine Ing foe Contrbuteons Thoney, slhhouly 1 handed or mated to ©. A. Carlton, fovt-ypuiuts of Charme | a) at tlie ) Bank 5 and provisions such as bacon, flows, meal, else, should be delivered to J ander, at the Depet These Deane, peas, butter, lard or anythin Alex Contribations should be Ware with as hitthe delay a® possible thes weed “pf oitcan be done —early as possible Donet wiitto be caticd upon, for there Isso Coe for thats bat hasten the relet, pootecessary, ame whiely tiust pive pre to afford lic k TN Grr Vast rae PEO We are requested tv t teroof the Sark Pe amcnt ot toa Militia, now stathone lhe (Quarter Mas SOHN teria We ene it torntorny the pute tis teense of Noth Carolina, that th Hieons at these posts are ii need of \ thine nee ryote the comfort amd eon ehience of t soldiers, and the custa tel they diay beaut pect rota at provistona, fel, baby Pee e TTC Clse NCC, will tre tecussed und prog Aly 1 krowl | Poe ladies especially are appealed to Fier thei firtiel tie with baandig IRE ieee pe Gcits seme AE CARA | ka res intended for our pati > DiC art at: sent trom any part oof tae Stik Alias te ROG. Rankin, Quart or Mapter doth legameat, N.C. Maiti left uiatked ay ime netrer atthe iy of Rankin & Martin, or attheattice Niceara Anderson & Savage, or at the { Mensa Myers & Moore ll reach thea destination safely. plore ¢ “ addres ved the Wil mingion Journal, Letters ean be Nn sane ray HOSTELTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and m firncurers of HOS- TETTER'S CELELRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect coufidemee to physicians apd eitizens geuerully of the IU aited Las attuined arepu- tauiou heretofore unknown, A tew facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare asserGion or blizoning puflery, The cousumption of Hostetter s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a balf- million bottles, und from its manifest steady increase in times paot, it is evident thas during the coming year the consumption will reach near one williep bottles. ‘lus impenge amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contaiued in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the coumiry where (he article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready atall times to give testimonials to its efficucy in all eases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resultiug therefrom. This is notu temporary popularity, obtained Ly extraordinary efforts in the way of tram- the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an duvaluable tae which is destined to be as enduring a» tine itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters: have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victiins by Lundreds. — To be able tu state confidendly that the © Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprictors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, und imparts renewed vitulily (vo (he nervous system, iving it that tone and energy indispemeable foe the restoration of health Tt operates upon the stomach, liver, aud other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and svon restores them towcondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as er directions on the bottle, and they will tind in it astimulant peculinvly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the ev deuce of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility ; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article A few words to the geniler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so burassing (hat many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if xhe be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiely for her infant, Rhould the period of maternity Biates, because the aruich peung lacie arrive during the suminer season borly anal mindis penernlly agginvated Here, then, is @ necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the and enable the inder her exbuusting trials Nursing mothers gene \ntem mother ty bear uy andl responsibilities rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable tu the laste as wel! as certain to give @ permanent increase of bodily strength All those persons to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit) sufferers from fever and ague. cansel}y niwlaria, diarrhea, dysentery indigestion, loss of appetite, and all dis sor derangements of the stomach, superapuuated invalids, persons of sedentary vecupa \ . will consult ther own phys ving to Hos ane CAUTION —We caution the public against using any of the wany imitations or counter- tet fers, but ask for Hostettik’s CRLEBRATED Sromecn Barrens and see that ch bottle has he words Dr Jo Hostetter s Stomach Bitters’ ) own on the «de of the bottle, and stamped on the meluiiie cap cosering the curk, and observe that our autograph eiguature ison the Lihel Be Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Vittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all druggists vio and dealers generally throughs ot the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany S(O) alee ae DE Widdivpaee Se kelicy Nees Nae OD Serres SOLD WY oo . “MoH Vis sleet I aiid 1 A Gee ‘ ae Ms NOTICE. SON. STONE, 3000 Ibs. SCONE AT ENN La bE 3000 Ibs. BLUE rw det Pte ose t 30) Bush, CLOVER SEED. Nece ond ' ' by (OE SER SON ee NN ESS, RAT ONE ees Tobacco. ava For Curing 1 WOE ead con NESS 101.000 10,000. Pure White Lead in Oil, TEN SIGN POUNDS a} Kors LE ERS ON ENN ESS Loon POENGS OO PURE LINSEED OIL. For eale by HENDERSON & ENNISS Oil. 10. ob NN ISS -" . Tanne ves 10 Bhls. For sale by HENDERSON Ague and Fever Cured ORSNO MEN YS Enniss’ dene and Fever Pills, Nee Ne Lad 2 eda) eG Loy nt HENDERSON & ENNISS' Fluid and Kerosine Oil. or Barrel t HENDIISON & ENNISS’ By the Gallon rsale wt VOT TEN Nd ‘TRENCH BRANDY. ISh0. WWedroinad Lrench Brandy. S40 rhy Jodgee to be the best ever browght to , eras HENDERSON & ENNISS SPICES! SPICES! Wuxts ( s, Conger, Mace Pepper, Spruce Cinnamon, and Nutmeyga, t wale ly HENDERSON & ENNISS VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ets HENDERSON £2 °ENNISS ya, 7aAA His GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT DAVID WEIL. 597 ATT. CLOTHING EMPORIT I Stock of AVING RETURNED FROM THE eru Cities with w LARGE and COMPLETL NORTH. Ready-Made Clothing Crentlomen’s Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shatin, Cravats, Neckties, Uandkerchiefa, and in fine ascortment of Shirts aud Collars, de, We. to winch he tavites your immediate attention. ‘Phey ha ve be er than ¢ Your ms ete sine ver rit thabury Returning NO: ofore Remeimbee SALON SCAN TT ir Salisbiiery hee March 25 National Flag! were en purchased tor offered KK ed to well ee POR G cosh tiny thanks here Fe Nall sper fer hie wed, EP bope fora hie trol $a ds the ‘Va Stand BAK thaw fore ny huonee of and willbe seld che Cali os her hou Is tat he os ip Is ay I NOW patronage the ROW Nee iets WM. M. BARKER INFORM custome te OLD shuns cenwt ' voatyie of BUGG. 2 ow ( Cn cale w the he lowest peu We this tee v visited a nurober of the Northert Hauufactories and awcquarn ted bh fowoh all cf abe Mnprowe nies Ohoshae, and tiad) areaipenieate whiel he ppl) Chose profernmy wowith North rao work iuch che sper than cou done by order . tH but the aril Lowe 1 it why mole 1 1 ’ : Nut a Blow WM SB SIRE book SALISBURY Clocks repatredin the best ai af’ pte un Bindery Ksw IN Wd respectfully n te I » Boon PB , Dike, Law Beck t WRG hs ' Mine IBN esate ae tablicdiine ~ kepeup ar! Oy J ‘ bp nu ay ripe 1 Vrav Is yr have thers Wat ut ue spc ade 4 Sam read ne thay ys MLOM AS BL one v subse Hormes x at deme 4 thers su | nay Hiouse Painter, Grainer. | cial el | Nor Man rl Ce SALISBURY?) No.€ MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NALIN BURY Pin TT PERSONAL virehase mls uf lik r be sol eG. ATEN ES MITA BNET 19: to Choe JAMES HOR AR TATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, a SALISBU or below R, oaetinthy + eae HRS and einen RY of allhe Watches and Je mruaty b4, Us60 aA elry raud lees aot ye GIN tithe Store, sige Ansortment « ofever mothe amost re (s le seription ASO ta lyse In Time of Peace Pepare for War. MERONEY & BROTHER \ ih ve ot Pistol, so oe ven shot; icici the vert pocket, bound TA) ards Sharp's 167 be rd P09 wards staat Blas’ Carcnidge Pistol Tp eteN Teel cranek tig ed wifes 2 Sharpes Sports nda greet 1 owe wine Quote at tednced 2 ens basines Their Combs, Brashe« offering to the puble the FIRE rught to this marke ( old and new mode! ARMS un best arroriment of ulsn, oli 6 whet; nlaes re Rifles Uhey remarning & Buitons, Su-penders olUe Bolt and Pook Sovth & Wee Sharp's sounce Pistol, that ean be will shoot throagh an inch shoots through anineh it reduced prices Ride will re welfcock Bowie Koives. assert kil BLO yards, Fer th sforcash, apthey intend doing tr wtoek of Consints of Belts, Fans Witches, Jewels Pisted Ware, faney hee Bios, Perfian ry faney ound totlet secpe taonery artiele thats, Pooked Becks, Work Vax Raz common chet (uth woking Cee. sporting artiel s Whips, Marstcnt struments, Woallow Ware, Basket ely Sateh ele ney Groceries Prats, Cigars bacco, Snatt tnd onerous other artelo@ tow tedions to mentor Wbofowhioh they offer at low preee The tudebted tens, mest call and pay ther notes and accoonta by the first day of February, an weeball ploce wll wecounts then anpard on the Iiends of officer for edieetion MERONEY & BRO Salwbury. Jan TR61 Bie Lt, PERSONS who are indebted me onre respectially requested to enll and make oone dive payment, as Doan compelled to have money | wand one thie friends. Th Now 29th on wide TEAM Ir niomod calls ngs! ‘| Mareh 20th, 1 Hides enneneiie ined Leather, SHE Is Apply to Feb 92d the first ime that Phave + led on omy e they wilheome ap prompely (PR ESSEN 59 a YRAYING. ANE) WVGONS for tle pose “ ‘ nrwy Dever him ow smmoda ting terms a0 Cheraye IRR] tthe re GEORGI MOWERS 4a For Leather. ifters to exchange Raw Hides f ugh. of good qualiiy F LYNCH Tannery and &§ Factory 441 North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORK FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCHsBOKS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, LL \\ hand ail AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS oontinue to uavefuctoure and keep on made beretofore A full ureertine nt of Plows Caltivators, te VShelle ra, Straw and Feed Cutters, one Pow re, Deed Sowerr, rl shes, Cider aud Sagar Mille Thresterand Separators, They alse manufacture ting and Machinery for Grist Mulls Corealeraud Vertreat Saw Mills, Gott, ‘ver Mines, Pobacco Presser and Fin Cy ANI) BHASS CASTINGS FINISHED WORK Copper aud > turen, &e THD AY PORGINGS and of every demeiiption inade ta ordsr, and warranted in every respect Repair ofevery description of Machinery dour at short notice Sulisbury, N.C. Jan 2, 1-61 ly3a Standerd, Raleigh» Patriot, Greensbore’ , Demo Advocate, Caro » Observer Charlotte: Wee tri weekly ¢ cud Tredell Bagere Asheville : Payet e will publish Sancouthe aod forwa c ville } tant oluus bin seconds Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE. COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECFORS: John A. Mebene, WJ. MeCouuel, ©. Po Meade: tall, DOP Were, Janes Mo Garrett, Joho Lo Cole NOEL DD Witsen, Win Barringer, David MeKary MoS Soerweed, ded Lindsay, Ceara eb: » Robert FE ‘inedeast Mo to Walaigete Troy, Miler, ex tuder Newbern; re, Rulagh: Phanay Jouneon, Yanceyville; Dr WW apes) rogh Rev ROC Maynard Franklintoa; De uv. Wateonville OFFICER NOH DP WEESON, = - President tet EE ONES ACY Vice-President CP WE NDEN LEN Ct, Atlormey POPC NEDA Nis Secty and VTrean’r WME TH CUMMING Gooneral Ayeut Wire CN Nes, PONS Vt Executive Com tee MEG ACR Te Il - \ \ ye bastnemsconnected with thy Omhece sh uldbe addrersedto PETER SDAMS. Secretary sborowgeh N.C. June 14, 1560 tH COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontripti egetable Lithontriptic, on Pi NG EG EARNS FAM HIE RiP RING PROM DINEASED KEDNEYS, SO aed rie 1? Kidacys, Weak Hess of thc Larix, ec. Series M xf wate only at \ ~ wile, Concord a ‘ Nustin'n aie Whee ee rubseriber ha nied inte eopartnersthip A tt Fo Cowar ' petentee forthe mann ele vii sale Medicine, im prepared tisha sippy te ad bess ae hen ot Sale ay atlas > rea dene VO) ta tes we if h NOK) Pe At SN Jtvne 2 [eo ito Peete ie rere ving and 1 2 j } (ee AYE ue a he he ¢ a Stor h of Hardware } mt avong heen boug! 0 ave ts ey Phe pe ott nee Wooles de or Retul taverm Xo. - NE Ne RY Soh M | iets mat RELIEF IN TEN M:iNUTES. BRY ANS DPulmonic Wiaters! Ne PB srecitii me NUNS T treed Meat rtie le ted teed wailer the midine of © Pies “ few all other Pulne ‘ ster Genuine can be known by the PDEA bei sped on cach WAKER, BEY ANS PUL MONIO WAPERS Relieve Cogehs Celds. Sere Threat. Mear sssomas HRY AN © PURMONTO WAFERS Kelicve \sthmea, Brouchitis, Di Meolt Breathing. PIV ANS PULMONTO WAPERS Relleve Spitting of Blood, Pains In the Chest. HRY ANS PULMONIC WARERS Heve tnelpicent Conmsampticn, Lang Diseases. RY ANS PULMONIC WAFERS Kelieve Irritation of the tyvala and Teastts, MRYAN PULMONTC WAPRERE Keltleve the above Complaints In Tea wWinuves. RR\ ANS PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blessing to all Classes and ¢ s(itations, BRVAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Pablie Speakers. BRYAN PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple fora and pleasaut to BEY ANS PULMONIC WAFERS bat cect rapid and lasting Cares, PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every the taste Vot only reileve, HRY ANS onc. WITHOUT A BOX OF ic Waters, NO PUMEEY STroULD Bt IN THR HOUSs No TRAVELER SHOULD BRE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, IN IX POCKET No PERSON WILL REVAR OWJRCT TO GIVE FOR Hryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, TWRNTY FIVE CANTS. JOR MOSM Sole Proprietor, Rochester, NY Mold in Satieury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, and al! Dro gist May 2a, Ineo \yt New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, l AVING purchased of JD Brown & Co, therrentire stock of TIN, SHEET-LRON, COPPER WARE, STOVES, &. er the largest and handsemest lot of COOK it PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES ever and will sell for cash as low w« cunbe hada We co North Carolina Alko, wll kinds f Plan Japaned TIN. WARE STILLS kepte All kinds ‘Tin, Sheet Tron or Copper offered in this market mt and and va heod work done at the -hortest notice MURR & SOSSAMON Salisbury, Jan 22, 186) 1y36 TUE nnderaigned having: taken up 5 the late them of the WA Janes oes tl th be Tiny ' wochanes to pay, as the tat every account w eorindly ont | SW JAMES ly 4 tt br Pampnters Powtera, Vv g Cards, Bloke ( hares amdtoat Roodsaf Tob Work neatly acer ! ‘ hie office BLANK DEEDS JOUR NAVIEDS STE IETHES, (ONETATACTS GROCERIE A CARD ——_ 0——_ IS BELIEVING | —— 0—— SEEIN LE EXTEN ARGEST AND Moye IVE STOCK. Or DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, AEN ID) Are now opening at the Sabscribere ever Eirhibited in Salisbury, And which will be eld as heretofore at unprrerdens tedly low prices, Thisis NOCANT ADVERTISING PHRASE Common with miny. who enumerate ther articles Beenuse an examination of the stock and pnees. will convince the most serpuie, sad clowest bayers, of the truth of the assertion the Returmiug my mucere acknowledgements eiceus f Rowan aod adjacent counties for past fa vors, L hope by close ulteutivg lo my busters. te ment a contingauer of the same a NT trouble as usual to show Goods at S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNTRY MERCHANT SUBSE RIBER would cat He COUNTRY MWERCHAN ES. to varted Stock of DRY GOODS, Clothing and Groceries. which he will reli at WHOLESALE a allention ef hie large and low as ene be bought im any city inthe Uniwe, the Great Em portum New York, not excepted S. PRANKEORD. WIOLESALE | " SKIRTS in 8. FRANKFORD’S. endless variety af March 19, [N61 mid & igizge OO “Bil seD — eo fee, = @ 422:- i ES a —) pee. Ss s : = ¢cp2 Wo¢il- Er = 4 WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commi ion Merchants No. 2 Graxits Row, Frost Staget WILMINGTO. N. Deaterson ail kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fro, Lagu Wines, Cigara, and Tobacco SS rteeouearainmiimat lvoe Wrned Fruity heath ers, Beeswan, Tobacco, and Country Pradoce ae? meales. erally Acents for Howe's celebrated DG. WORTH, Nu. DANIEL, For che past 7 yeare with Late ot (ahebors N. ¢ 1 C & BG Woah lytk Ik Ison DENTAL NOTICE AR |. BESSENT, [| AS REMOVED ro tue DENTAL ROOW fan | Sept on the corner formerly occupied by Dr Bars. where he ie prepared to attend all operate ted with bis pr Is60 1f32 Fine Suits. If \ou wish tabuy FINE SUITS of CLOTHIN® call at the Great CI DAVID WEIL No 9, Murphy's Gre for as Tittle money aeposeible ing. Ee of OF Rememane rie STAVN— ite Rew, Selixbury, N.C 25 ifid TUE LOIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N ¢ W ILL Practices Rowan om Bo thee { Cowa Feb Sept st enllectioas * ba Comme ype! nid make promy Trede land Cats Stont fing ¢ kos tore C4 oth WARE SALE the im TA ee NG Fok A an RICE MAY 2, BEGIN SEMI-WEEKLY Rt “ys, Hale only file, Co" Austin’ i a eopar’ tentet: eo Med- by ad- alive * plece T y. 69 that Ee NS fr - all wh? ‘on ace ERY 3 Vals bers tea (ty oyte ated os - “fe SALISBURY, Ny Y J. J. BRUNER: _ EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. _ sha ete 1 Hee w al, [eae 7 TERMS Single copy, $2,00 Five copies, $8.00, Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same preportian $1.50 each. Payment always it advance. ANOTHER INDRA bg W WIPY LINCOLN. We learn diat delegations from the Young Men’s Christian Associations of Baltimore, head: ed ly Dr. Futlee, af the Baptist Chareh. vised Washington vesturday and cabled eport the Pres- ilent, with the view of tmpressiag: @powhin the importance of arrestiag hostilities: @ They were received Kindly but with rade familiarity. Dr. Poor commeneed the conversation by secking to impress Upow Mr. Lincoln the veet responsibility of the position he oycupied, augh giat_u vie bi Sepended the Tg be, of ipeage pear hr hand a terrible, fatricidal conBiet, and on the other peace, . - Bat.” said Mr. Lincoln, He hat am T te do r | | | | | 4 | { 4 ! | A | “Wii, su det the country knew that you are | isposed to recognize tue’ independente of the | Southern States. [say vothind of seecasion; re- counize the fret that they have forned (4! gue- eruiucutof Weir ow, aid that tbev will never be unied qain with the North, wud peace will iistantly tke the place of rexicty wid suspense and war may be averted.” * \nd what is to become of the revenue! ‘I stad eve vo goveruimpent—po resources.” Lir, Fuller capressed the opunen that the Northern States would constitute an imposing government, and fortish revenue. The conversativo Luroing upon the passage of troops through Maryland, De. Buller expressed very earnestly the hope that ao mure would be ordered over the soil of this Bertes He remark- ed that Maryland bad shed her blood freely ia the war of independence, she was the first to move for the adaption of the Coustitution, aud had only yielded ber chngimg attachinent to the Uniou wher the blogd of ber citizens had been shed by steanvers on their way to # conflict with her sisters of the Soath. Mer. Lincola tusist-d that he wanted the troops only dor the defence of the capital, not for the wuvasiou of the Southern States. “ And.” be said. *T must have the troops, and mathemati- caliy, the necessity exists that they should come through Macykand. They can’t crawl under the earth, and they can’t fy over it, and mathemat- ically they aust cotue across it Whiy, sir, those Carolinians are now crossing Virginia to com lere and hang me, and what can I do #” i some allusion te the fa portance of a peace pokey. Mr. Lincolu remarked that if be adopt- ed it wuder the cireumnstaveed there “ would be no Washingtoa in that, no Jackson in tbat, yo spunk in that” Di. Fuller hoped that Ma Lineola would not allaw “spunk” to override patriotism, Mr. Lincoln doubted if he or Congress could recounize the Southera Coafederacy. With re- wud to he Goverament, le said, “he wust rua the tvachine as he found 4.” Aad ia reference to passing truops throagh Baltimore or Mary- laud le said, “ Now, sir, if you wou’t hit me, I wot hit you.” As the delegations were leaving, Mr. Lincoln sud to one or two of the voung men. “T'll tell vou a stury. You have beard of the Irishinan, who, when a fellow was cutting: bis throat with ‘blunt razor, complained that he fiaggled it.— Now, if L can’t have troops direct Chrongh Mary- tand, And must have them all dhe way. eound by water, or marched across out-ofithe-way territu- ty I shall be haggted.” The delegation, on leaving “(he presence,” conferred together aud agreed an the hopeles- hess of their erran | and the sad prospect of any good thing frem each a sours, aad the exela- tiation was actually made, “God have mercy onus, whea the Government js placed in the liatios of a maa hike this.” Mi-sonris Response to Lincoln's Proclama, fov--Gov. daekson of Missourt, has'veplied ns follows to the’ tequisttion from Linculu's Seore- rot War: Execurnve DeErarRtTMENT OF Missov as, JeeeekSON Curvy, April 17, Sint Youf despatch’ of ‘the 15th instant, taking a call on Missouri for four regiments of on, for treme ate acruee, hap beat boca oN There cau be, 1 ay prebend, no doubt but thay these men are interiddd! fo form's ‘part of thé Presidents army to make wat! ogpdn the fiophe WM the soceded, States. Yor taquidition, ja ray Judgment iw iMegal. unconstity tonal and ravola, onary and its object idHhuman a diabohcal, and cannot be complied with: ''Not ‘one man will the State of Missoutt fusnivh? lo carey dn such an unholy crusade. tht, A C. F, JACKSON, Governor of Missouri. { | | 4 ' \ ' { | | { ! | { | | | | | | taf so —— a ee ee T poem > STUPIDITY OF THE LINCOLN CABINET. The qual at Washington are as witless; as they are wicked. With the shallow pretest of mamtaining the Coustitution and laws, they are trampling both under foot. The last proclama- ion Lingoltvis a moat striding ! ance of selfstullifigation aud folly. We are tokl, that the Southern States have not seceded they, oan- Not kegede—secession is null and void ;, and yetin the same breath, these same States are treated ax @ foreign power, and subjected tO a blockade in pursuance uf the law of na tious.— Whoever before heard of a government block- ading a portion of ils own territory by the “law of nations £" This. is, Gertayn ly, samething new, under the sun, aud must be confessed to be em- iacutly Libcotnian in law dnd logic! What ag- geavates the absurdity, if anything could do tt, wlule thus treating the Southera. Ataten as tm the Unioy aud va of it at the eatme time, the plain prowsten of tha Oanstiqntiqa, whieh ee Pressly probibits any advantages Lo one port over another, is whedl pigoored. The words of the Constitution on le point are worth qio- tng. They are: “No preference shall be given by atiy regtilation of commerce or revenue to the ports of ove State over another” Therefore it is perfeerty evar, that the government cannot leave open ports mone State and ¢lose them in another, Lt cauuot shut up the ports of New Orleans and Charteston, and open those of Bos- ton and New York, & e, by the Coustitution. — This, however, our constitutional ratl-aplitter pays vo regard to. But this blundering crew not coatent with contradictions of which a scheg!-bey world be ashatmned, and oot satisfied with involving them- selves in war with half this continent, are laying down 4 programme which will inevitably draw upou them the navies of Europe. By treaties with England and France, it is expressiy stipu- lated that the vessels of those countries shall have the right of entry to a/f the ports of this country. This paper blockade comes directly across this stipalated right. Think you that England aod France ure the powers tu submit umely to the denial of the peuple froin the mort profitable commerce with this continent! We wake it, that the very first English or Freneh versel that may be molested in its progress to a Southern port will rouse the offended nations to Vigurgus measures of resistance.— Rich. Wheg. Sse N.C. Matuaal Life Insurance Company.— Ata called meeting of the Board of Directors of the North-Carolina Matual Life Insurance Company, lield xt the ottice of the Company, in Raleih, Annl 20, 1861, it was Resoleed 1, That all insurers in this office may enter into active military service against the Jate United States, on giving notes annually or two per cont extra on the amount insured ; said ugtes tu be deducted from the amount in- sured in case of death; Provided, however, that the iusurer may discharge said note at any time by paying one balf its amouet Resolved 2, That all slaves insured in this office way be employed in the military service against the late United States—the owner pay- ing one per cent extra on the amount insured. Resolved 3, Vat the regular salary will be paid to any ofticer of this Company entering the military service against the Inte United States, Other tvurbers of the Board will pegorm the duties of said office, without charge. +4, The Political Meeting.— We believe the peo- ple have abandoned the idea of holding the Maxs Meeting at Newbero and Charlotte, This is well. We want to more meetings of this sort. The people of North Caroliaw are nearly all aroused. Vbeir mind aad heart and of da- ty.— Goldsboro Tribune. ‘ In consequence of recent occurrences we came to the conclusion thal it was undceeksary tu hold the Couvenuua appointed to be held here on the 20th of May, and we believe the cum)nittee of arrangements entertain tho same pinion, but have been wailing for the suggestion. to come from other portions of toe State. If itis thought proper to hold the Convention, arrangements will be made for a, but it seems to us that. cir- cuntances: have rendered it unnecessary. It will requice wd cleclioneering to tuke the State out of the Unrwu now. Western Democrat. Short and Seocct.—The favorite wilitary pro- gramme of our dear friends in Boston is “short and sweet *—which they interpret, an jnstan- taneous subjaga don of the South, They quote Bonaparte’s “donge et courte” to Hocha when he sent him to subdue the Vendeans, and that’s the prescription they would administer to os.— They profess that they ate prompted by merei- fal considerations; they with to relieve os of painful anxieties by giving the coup de grace wt once, We observe that another consideration is sug- geated for speedy action to the same quarter-+- A very bigh fever ia raging just.et this ima in the North, and unless ‘advantage » taken of it to make enlisiments, it may gubside iene along with it tbo possibility of prosecuting the war. " _ iknend Whig. C., MAY 2, 1861. EES i a > ie ee Correspondence gf the. Weatera Demoorus. FORT MACON, ia AvkiL 24th, 1861. MMe. Blitor > Enght-arteh daya hove brought aboat great changes sai Ubiecpare: of “the States Mri dincuto’s Prowl amatvots bewlanted the ped”! ple tn the cause vl the Suuth,) snd “‘vemtstanoy to death” is the watchwotd upen’/every tongue, with bub bere and there an exception. Many whe were ulilra Upiou ine are cow ip aud around Fort Macon, spending their Money aid labor in defence of their bomes aud their fire- sides. This Fort cost over a million and a half of dollars, and m now tn the hands of oat boys. — There are now in the fort seven oF eight eumpn- nies, all under command of Col. Tews and it would do your heart Zoud lu see them ™ work the gnns,” and look at the’ boys drill, “Several gentlemen have furnished stout negro men, to the uumber of about 200; and these are en. ployed vy Col, Tew in [evelling the sand-peaks ubove the Fort so that we cau rake. the eleky with grape-shot if they attempt to land on the Every soldier seewg anxious to do some- thing, aud they work with awill, [understand Old Abe says be will take Fort Macon in ten days aud hang every wan to mt. Bet “the threat of the foot shall perish with its father.” Our flag Hosts to the breeze, and before it’ shall be banled down and a Southrom suspended iu Us place, we will dig the grave of inany a fa- nave at the bottom of Newport chanvel, and give their carcasses Co the fish and vultures ! A few days ago a vessel without colors at- tenipted to sail up the main chavnel, but a 24 pound shot across her bow caused her tw “heave to” and put back to sea. Subsequently, huw- ever, she was permitted to enter, it bang dis- covered that sue was gnly ladeu with corn, I). K. Meltne, Esq., arrived a few days ago with fuar haavy guns from Fort Sumter, We have any amount of brass and otter esnnons, from 6 ty 32 pounders, together with socli, shot, powder, &e.,, &e. ‘Trains are ulinioet constantly arriving with muuilous of wat, provisions for the soldiers, &e. More men have offered their services than are needed, aud Col, Tew has consequently turned tnany back tewards Lowe. Such was the case with a tive company frou Warren county.— Some of them had woe-beyone faces when they were told that the ‘ books were closed ” and they couldn't have the pleasure of stinking a blow trom their altars awl their tires. beach. Under the supervision of Capt. Pender, of the “Atlantic House,” (a graduate of West Point and a volusteer in the late Mexican war). A Battery is) bemg erected on Shackelturd’s Port, opposite Fort Macon, and the ship that lives four hours after getting within range of these death dealing Forts, will deserve the naine of Fire witch / We ae ready for the conflict. We wish to put upon the page of history another Thermo- pyle, Our cause is a righteous one; and, rely- iny upon the God of batiles, we are determined to have a triumphant victory or bonorable graves ! The ladies in) Morehead City are making a splendid Flay for Fort Macon ;: and Ute adies in Beaufort are buisly engaged in inaking Matrasses, &e. The day of grace to extended to the South by the low bred fat-hoat- nan who disgraecs the Presidential cheur, 1s fast drawing to vu close and then the eonfltet thick- We are cheered ani eneouraged by the “Cry huvoc, ens, ladies, and are eager for the fray. and let ship the duys of war!” Yours truly, COLUMBIAD. The free People af Culor.— We are glad to see that iv Charleston and Wilmington, and Newbern, the free people of colur have offered their services to work on the forts, and also te enter the service to fight agaiust their false but professed friends of the North, All honor to them for this. And if they are faithful, as they should be, to their native land and their inter- ests mmong us; which are indentical with ours, they will not be forgotten in the aay of our tri- umyph and prosperity, Let the colored people never forget that the Blrek Republicans are ther very. worst enemies, and that the flrat man that Jolin Brown and bis fanatieon soldiers shut down, Was a colored man, They will shoot the free man of color or tre slave, ff they do not obey their behesta, a8 remorsely as they shoot the white wan.— Washington Dispateh. Military Rendeazrons.— Vive binidines of the N. GU. Miltary Tnstitute at this place bive beeo tendered to the State and are being used as af rendezvous for Volunteers. We leara that Chas. F. Fisher, Esq. is engaged in raising a yegiwwent, and bas already. several wen quartered at tbe Institute.— Western Democrat. -ee we Flying Artillery.— Fifteen or twenty thous- and dollars have been subscribed: by citizens of Charlotte to arm and equip a Flying Artillery Company.— Wea, Dem. NUMBER 51. iil Eiht J tke — « ooo BIVERINE LEAGUE. The cities of Cie ermnatgand Covington New Port,’ po thy dawn ky. sada vf it Wicehare caumredineny: mB combination aud raised » guard for tbeir be ppretbewAs her MetSAt BRRSS (PORE miyyaal | A elentbur eombinnetow thaw bee A fUFted by The sib”! ” les af Louleviie und: New Adau ny wud Joffe reve ville; the: Ludwon, siden . Ala meeting of the Muyure of e three gities, General uy Andigna, aased that thé bhtire peuple of the oh é regsional Dis- tno ‘10 Endiana are ‘prepurivg'to standby Kentucky in any, gad Whexteemitios, end. tad they | will pro: tet the porsiee against aggre ssion ‘from any quarter. Allthe Southern portions of Qhio and Jndiang ang Wlibvis have warm sympathies with the South. Taeir mutes, pork afd eurn cen only tind a market in the Boutbera tates. ~ A tafitf forthe benefit of the N. England Yankees is as qyprersive aud odious ty them es tu ally other portion of the continent. The Yan- kee leaven among them may produce some tempo- rary excitement; but there ie no war fever like that in the North; and af.er the lapee “of w short time, the y wih readily yield to the destiny which their intereste assigu lbem aud hecugye wembers of the great and free Confeteracy of the 8, uth. With the fifteen Slave States und Ohio, Indiana and Iltnoisforming a Uvion, the dther border Stutes on the Lukes and Kansas would speedily knuek st our dugr fur adimwssivn.. PounayJeanta and N. York, left to the mercy of the Yaukes, would be ing de- plorablé condition, and would, in all probability, beg us to to hetp the. But we merely mtended to note the important fact, that the people along the northern bank wf the Ohio ure already asserting their devermination to submit to no agyression fromm Lincoju.against the South. Richmond Whig. we MUCH# IN LITTLE! . The London Times, in commenting ou Mr. Lin- coln’s Inaugural, expressee wore sense in a few words than can be found in every thing Iiacoln amd his Cabinet have writtep,, The Paris Pays was still more terse anc caucise in defining the President’s situation: Recoguitwa of the Southern Confederacy or war. There was no altervative.. If Recognition had been adapted, there would not have been half the violations of the ConstituUon that have atiended the course he has taken—no usurpation of the war power— oo jnfraetion of treatica—no disregard of lew, no absurd blockede uf his owa-perte, under the lew of nations; and instead of having the whole people arrayed in arms, peace and prosperity might now be reiguing over the land. We copy the remarks of the T'tmee, to which we refer: “ Would it not be better to recognize at once the forination of the Sou hern Contederacy,a.dto think a little less of conetititational powers and decoroame® which can end in vothing bat civil war, and a little more of negotiation and arrangement, by which alone that civil war cau be averted? It would be an intel- ilgible course were the President to say that he is yong to negotiate for peace, or that he is gomg to entoree a retur to the Union by arms; but to say that he is going to exercise the powers of the Con- stitution, ignoring the fact of secession, is fo make war certain, while cutting off avy opportunity for ne- gouation.” ome — THE CAPITAL OF THE SOUTH. Circumstonces renderit highly probable that Rich- mond w'll speedily become the Capital of the great Southern Confederacy. Its position—pulitical, com- mercial, strategical, moral and sanitary—gives it vast advantages over all competitors. President Davis, it is supposed, will make it lie headquarters at an early day. The following resolution on thie subject was adopt- edyby the Convention Saturday: Rraolred by this Convention, that the President of the Confederate States and the constitated eathor- ities of the Coufederacy be, andthey are hereby cor- dially and respectfully invited, whenev r in their opinion the pablc interest orconventence may re- quire it, to make the City of Richmond. or sowe oth- er place in this State, the seat of the Government of the Confederacy.— Rich. Whig. oe ie Mail Robber Arrested.—We learn that a man nam- ed Charles H. Sleuman, was arrested and lodged in jail here upon unquestionable evidence of having rob- ed the mail. He hes been driving the sulky «nails for about a year past, first to Raleigh via Summer- ville, then to Fair Bluff and receutly to Gilopolis,— When arrested by the Postmaster and Deputy 5h’ff Hardie. he hud fm his boot # fetter to the Editors of this paper from. whiah he had abstracted a year’s subscripiion, and a letter to E. Murray & Co. cov- ering a draft. for upwards of $400, He confessed to numerous robberies to an umount of which he pro- fessce to have ho idea. After examination betore G. Deming, Beg. he was committed to jail, He isa native ef Comaecticat. The frequen’ losses by mail of late make thie an important arrest, and the public is under obligations to ont efficient Postmaster, James G. Cook, for the effectna) measures he has taken to catch a rogue, and to Mesers. Hardie and Deming for their hearty oo-ope ration.— Fay. Observer. o-: It is believed that the cost to the government by the deatruction of property in the Navy Yard could have been munch short of vight or ten millions. The cost of these immense ind magnificent ship houses and their contents, furs « curederable item in the account, and so does thatof the Peonaylvyanian, — It brings teareinto our eyes when we realize the destrac- tion of thie notlé eHip, so tong the opn@inent vf our harbor. and the wdnvtration of |} Rowsnnds feom all parts of the eountey win vieited our waters. Then there wae that eplendid eprormen of naval architeoture, the new ond beautiful friyate Werginvac and four or five other noble vexeels given to the flames and their val- uabl® aenfrhent to the wep: 0, it fs enough to make any ofe ep to behold eeoh wanton and , d ton of valowble property. wholesale destruction va Norfolk Herald. N.C, SALISBURY, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 1861. THE LEGISLATURE. The Legiwlatare of this State met on the Jet inst. The Governor's message is to hand, but too late for this paper. The Governor shows at some length that President Lingoln has penrped power, and that his paliey is iniconflict with the whole spirit and let- ter of the National Constitution. He recommends the rajsing aud organizing of ten Regiments to serve during the war, and that all appropriate bounties be offered to persons enlisting. ‘He has only expended and contracted awey, about $65,000 of the $300,000 pppropriated by the fest Legislatare ; and says as the Btate‘is already armed, the teinainder may be appropri- cted tp the prepasation of mani tions of war, mapafac- ture ef arme that may be‘hereafier needed. The Governor says the large army being colleeted at Washington is dangedous to us, and that if Maryland and Virgivia sheald be conquered and over run by it, it surely wall march aguinet our State; and that it is our duty to join Virginia and Maryland to keep them in check. He recommends that a State Comvention be called with full and final powers, to pass un ordi- wance of separation from the Union. We have no objection, though we would like to vote on the ques- tion direct. - ee . — Prices —There is an upward tendency of prices on all kinds of produce and groceries. We fear a sort of pante is getting wp. We think there is no sort of ne- cesity for it. There is a plenty of every nece sary article in the land. We suggest to oar citizens to adopt measures to supply the meelves without the in tervention of merehants who are heartless enough to gouge the people at a time like this. Five, ten, twen- or a hundred, cen join their means and purchase abroad such articles us we need with little troable, and so protect themselves, if it should become necesa- ry. oe A Lively Time —We had quite a lively time en our streets on Tuesday night, a number of members of the Legixlature were, on th ir way to Raleigh; and our citizens aesembling in the street, cated on them for speeehes. Mark Erwin. T.N. Crompler, Mr. Merriman and Folk, responded to the calls made on them in very spirited addresses. We have heard Mr. Crumpler’s speech frequentty alluded to since. They kept up the fire until after twetve o’cloek. Ev- ery thing here in the enlisting line, is on a liberat scale and moving as rapidly as possible. Not much else ‘engaging the attention of our people. - “> _ Votuntecra——A Company from Catewba, under Capt. Bradburn, numbering 112 men, an ived hereon Tuesday, on the way to Raleigh. A Company from Davie eownty, under Capt. Jesse Clemment, 90 members, arrived here Wednesday evening. ‘They will all depart for Raleigh to-day or to-morrow. Vol- unteers are orgamizing inte Companies allover the State. oe on Bad Cheracters—We understand that a number of bad characters of both sexes, having been run out If this be so, our vigilance men will be apt to find them out, and of Charlotte, have taken refuge here. take such action in the premises a8 the case requires. If too bad for Charlotte, they are hardly good enough fur Salisbury. - soe ~ Cc. F FISHER. We see it stated in the Raleigh Journal that Mr. C.F Fisher is raising a Regimeut of picked inen— not to move until fighting isto be done, and not to stop until fighting is to cease, It is toembrace com- panies &c. Members are now being quartered at the bar- racks in Charlotte, for justructions are all borne by Mr. Fisher. This is certainly a very liberal enterprise. of smiths, carpenters, masons, engineers, The expenses Discipline —Good discipline ‘6 a most important Let every man in the Stute who is liable to military duty, and every ome who is dets r- mined to do hie part in defence of his State when the enemy approaches, muke tie beet wee of spate time to perfect himself in miliary knowledge und drifl. bt is a dangerous thing to ge to war withoud the discip- line and knowledge which experience hes proven to A Northern horde of fa- natics has resolved upon our destruction. Let us be prepared to receive them in the most approved ond matier in war. be 60 essential to success. scieutific manner. The Adjutant General advives to drill day and night. 11 is good advice. + ee HON. WM. A. GRAHAM. This gentleman delivered an address at Hillsboro’, on Saturday last, in which, alter geviewing the his- tory of our national troubles, and pointing out the er- rors and wrongs which had been committed on both sides, suid the course of the President had forced Virginia to sever her connectioa with the Unon, con- trary to what seemed to be the wilt of the people, and leaves North Carolina no otter alternative but to take the same step. .We must acquiesee wm a neces- sity, and said he gird our loims for the dyties im- posed on us by the present hour. We will publish an extract of this speech in our next. 2 cao 17 Judge Douglas, James Buchanan, Pierce, Fill- more, Diekiveon, Everett, and known to fame, Nave thrown away thelr love for the South, and ncw sband forth pledged to sostrin the black republican usarper, Lieeoln. How falsely hive we trusted them. New York eily ie nine againet ne, almot toa man, nothwithetanding their great pre fessions of friendship. almost every man >e ‘Raise Corn” —The newap-pers every where are advising thé farmers to ratee corn. Phe farmers ia this part of the Stave are doing it. ‘Pidmeco je flat, and firmerg can't do better than raige bre actos uff. Kripatuig. = ‘ selected tha! C “iret Regiment of North Carvlina Volunteers,” and ordered them to be duly organized aceordingly. They longer if they desire it. 1. Orange bight infant rye ome Ashe, %. Warregton Gourtle, Capt. ade, IAoracte N ty Rifles; Capt. Williams, 4. Eufield Blues, Capt. Bell, 5. Lumberton Guards, Capt. Norment, . Duplin Rifles, Capi. Kenan, . Charlotte Greys, Capt. Ross, . Thomasville Rises; Capt. Milley, . Granville Greys, Oupt. Worthan, 10. Columbus Guards, Capt. Ellis. The Cadete of the-*North Carolina Military In- stitute” will be added to this Regiment when the boys shall have obtained the consent of their payents und guardians. we m n a n as - Live Economically.—The papers are also advising the people to live economically. They will be apt to do it in times like. these, because they must know war is expomive, and famines usually treat—en_ ibe heels of armies, Waste nothing, eeve all that can be turned to good account, be diligent and just, and trust in a kind, overruling Providence, and all will come right in the end. > — [7 The appointment for the ‘Southern Rights Meeting,” advertised to be held at Charlotte, on the 20th May, has been officially withdrawn. There is and it will not be held. >. Ricumonp, April. 30. now no necessily for it, The Convention has passed a Stay Law, aad will probably take a recess to-morrow. Avexaneru, April 30. The Maryland House of Delegates has passed. with- out division, resolutions declaring tot e Legislature the power to pass an Ordinance of Secession. 4 ne —--< - WAR ITEMS, &e. Auexanpaia, April 3U.—The steamship Coatza- coaleos, with treope on board, passed here to-day.— The Government of the Unites Siates will call for an additional 25,000 troops, which, with the 75,000 already called, and the regulur army and nevy, will make a total of 183,000 men at the disposal of Lin- coln. Harrissura, Pa., April 28 —By an understanding between the Govervors of New York, Pennsylvrnia, Ohio, and Indiana, those States will act in conjunc- tien to throw troops and provisions into Washington, or elsewhere South, upon the order of the War De- partment. Goy. Curtin, ip his message, earnestly recommends an appropriation of $5,000,000 und the raising of 25,000 men, for domestic defence as well as Federal service. Boston, April 27.—Edward Everett delivered an eloquent speech to-day, in which he says we are bat one heart, one miod, and that the Government must be sustuined. We forget that we were eve: partizans; we remember only that we are Americans. The collector at this port has received orders to grant no clearances to any port South of Delaware Bay. New York, April 29.—In the Northern States, cities, &c., including private subscriptions, the sein of $11.239,000 has been contributed for war purposes. The steamers F. W. Brune, Fanny Cadwalder and Wilim Wodward have been chartered by the United State Government. They left New York on Saturday morning for Trenton, to take troops to Washington. Several seizures of gunpowder on board of vessels were made on Saturday night. About 15,000 troops are quartered here, destined for Washington. Alderman Wilson's Zouaves. 500 strong, are quar- tered in the old Government House on Staten Island. The Tribune says that corn and everything re- quinite to be prepared, will be supplied. There will doubtless be « force of 200,000 men sent to the relief af Fort Pickens, and it will march through, uot around, Baltimore, Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston, Savannah, Montgomery and New Or- leans, being joined at the Jast named city by a like force, whieh will have made its way down the Mis- sixeippi. Puinapevrnia, April 23.—A petition is in circula- tion, arging the President to open the route through to Baltimore. Bautimore, April 29 —Much activity is ubservable to-day between Forts McHenry and Carroll. It is reported that guns have beea taken to the latter, which is being placed in possible condition of defence. The city is quiet. Volunteers are offering in large numbers. - Auexanpnria, April 28. Lincoln directed his Secretary of War to take possession of the Railroad from Washington to Annapolis. The Vice President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad will superintend it. Lineoln also directed his Secretary to take posses- sion of the line of Road between Balti- more and York, Pu. It has been devermined by the govern: ment to increase the regotar army to 25,000 men and also the navy fo 25.000, Lincoln will issue a proctamation to- inorrow declaring to Virginia and North Carolina the blockade. Coin. String- ham will command the blackading squad- ron, The Brazilian Minister demands that the three months noérce of intentron, ac- cording to the law of nations, be yiven before the blockade goes into effeet. Several workmen are in prison in Wash- ington for suspected connection with the secession movernent. The house of a secessionist named Pomfray was entered by U.S. troops but the oecpant had fled, otherwise he wowld have been hardly denlt with. Four steamera passed. up here to day, with troops, Tris the mtemtion ofthe troops toattack Alexandria am@tukethe [enmhte and railroad. They are pearing into Washington in great nawabers and with- dut Winderance. It ia reported that Gov. Hicks has re- aiyned. Qi Prank Blair saya Bat Maryland 15@@ troope mt Raleigh, wnd 1. The Governog hag niew-to compose the Wilt g6 U6 Virglata. Term of service ox month», and > ag mast and shat fo » fred State if other white man in her border hast be killed. {, Raogonp, Spl 2 President Davis is eagerly aud ar xlous- ly and contidently expected to visit some cities considerabty North of Montgomery. Of the time, route, piace and mode of his Vigit.it,s not proper to epeak more folly, ev nts + BF i Si. W. S."Harney of U.S. A. is now in this city and was on his way to Wash- ington to resign when arrested. [le has visited Gov. Letcher. The Virginia Convention to-day decid- ed to establish a naval force to-day of 2000 sailors with rank and pay as if the U.S. navy. A nephew of James Buchanan has en- tered a Pennsylvania company. This is a terrible blow to the South. THE MARYLAND LEGISLATURE. Gov. Hicks of Maryland recommends an armed neutrality. Tthe Senate has directed him to refer the question to the people. ; The House bas appointed a Uommittee to draft a Secession Ordinanee. FROM WASHINGTON. Axexanpria, April 23. Foor vessels—two war steamers and two transports—puassec! up the Potomac this morning, with Northern troops. Governor Hicks, of Maryland, has is- sued a proclaination recommending that State to occupy a neutral position, The steamer Adelaide, of the Norfolk line was tired at by the Harriet Lane, on Friday night, off Rappahannock, in Cliesa- peake Bay. The Adelaide was boarded, and then allowed to proceed. Citizens who are suspeeted of sympa- thizing with the Seuth ave sll being cumpelled to leave Washington. A large quantity of sbebl bas been land- ed at Fort Washington by the Lincoln Governinent. Two persons have been arrested and are now confined in the capitol at Wash- ington for being secessionists. One is a citizen of South Carolina—the other of Washington city. The New York 7th regiment declare that they will not invade the South, They are consequently kooked bpon with suspicion vy the administration, The 71st New York regiment, quartered at Inanguration Llall, revolted on aceonnt of their bad quarters, and wad to be re- moved to the Navy Yard. A man vamed Boyd was shot on the Island (Washington) by two men on ac- count of expressing Southern sentiments. He was called out of his bed atmiduvight, aud shot.—[ Guardian. - me = ABE LINCOLN STEALING NE GROES. Monroomery, April 28. It is reported on reliable authority that the government steamer Baltic touched last week at Tortugas, and took off twenty- two negroes belonging to citizens in Florida. The negroes worked abont the forts. Nothing of interest from Pensa- cola. The Southern Stare —This noble band of Volun- teers from Lincoln County, 98 strong, arrived in Charlotte yesterday afternoon under the command of Capt. W. J. Hoke, bound to Raleigh. They are a noble band of soldiers, and are just the fellows to take eharge of Abe.—Charlutte Bulletin. They passe@ through this place Wednesday morn- ing. Two hundred South Carolina troops passed the night before; and 112 from Catawba County, op Tharsday. Pikes and Short Swords.—In Baltimore they are munufactoring pikes, an excellent weapon, as also the short sword. Our own shops and workmen should at once commence the manufacture of beth these articles.— Char, Bulletin. Teestgn.—-The N. Y. Times plainly con- tends that Lineoln and his Cabinet are not fit for the emeryency, and calls npon them to resign. It says that “the Pres ident rons no small risk of being super- seded in his office.” Plain talk that. me = Two More Survivors.—We are inform ed by letter from one of the two, tbat Wilson T. [lodges of Hyde county and Joseph C. Norcom of Washington county, members of the Convention of 1835, are atill living, making 46 known to be hiv. ing ont of 120. The Blockade.—The proclamation of the Rump President, declaring the porte of the seceded States to be in a state of blockade, ia one of the best jokes of the season. Fifteen hundred miles of sea- eoast blockaded by about two dozen war vessels! Ail the ontside wurld is to see ts trade ent up by anch a contemptible naval force! Great Britain is to snbmit to be ruined by a paper flonrish from the pen of Ahe Lincoln! France ditto] Ev- ery nation in Enrope ditto! What a thougnt !— Petersburg Express. —hre Bedeee of Virginia : ished a “ Convention between } f nogwealth of Virginia and the Corifedéfate’ States of America,” sivned by Alex. H. Stephens, commissioner of | the latter, and Measra. Tyler, Preston, Moore, Holeombe, Bruee and Harvie, op the part of the Virginia Convention, pro- viding that untid Virginia shall beeome a member of the Confederacy, the mili- tary foree and operations of the State shall be under the control of President Davis; that when she becomes a mem- ber of the Confeddracy, the property ac- quired from the Oiited States bhall be turned ever to the Contederacy ; and that the expenses incurred by Virginia shall be paid by the Confederacy, @m@e _ A Gun for the Fimes.—+A citizen of Char- lotte has invented agun which will fire 120 balls ina minute. We have geen it ted, but are not at liberty to particubarize” at present. Compe- tent officers pronounce it a complete success.— The inventor, an ingenious meehanie, has gone to Montgomery for the purpose of exhibiting it to the authorities of the Confederate States. Western Demorrut, TOWN ORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Salisbury hava discretionary powers to urrest and lock up in the Calaboose any person, white or black, who inay be found in the streets of Salisbury after dark whe shall be guilty of any disoderly conduct, or be unable to give a satisfactory account of himself ; and avy person so committed to be brought before ine for further proceedings on tha following morning. JOHN I. SHAVER, Interdant. Spring Stock for 1861. HORAH & RAMSAY ere pleasure im informing their fneuds and the public in geweral that they are new bn receipt of the largest, most varied aad cheapest siock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that they ever had the pleasure to offer ‘These Gouds have all been bought for cash at greatly re- duced prices, and will be offered for cash only at unprecedented low prices. Cull and see them, hear prices and judge for yourselves. In view of the uncertainty of every thing in busi- ness affairs in these revolutionary times, we have adopted the cash systein, helieving it to be the bese for ourselves und oor friends. Those having open accuunts with us, will please call without delay, and close them either by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSAY. Naliebury, Aprit 23d 1861. tf50 NO CREDIT. ( UR TERMS after the Ist of May next will be exclusively Cash or Barter. We are compelled to adopt this plan for our safety and we hope to one will take offence atit. Personshaving wecounts with us will please cull and ctose the sane by cash or note. McCUBBINS & FOSTER. Salisbury, April 23, 1861. tau) ae Ny y NOTICE. i Y VIRTUE of a Power of Attorney regudarly executed to us by M. Hofflin, we hereby give notice that all persons indebted to the satd M. Hot lin, must make payment to us or to onr Attorney L. Blackwer, on or before the firat day of June nex, for at that date all claims due M. Hofflin are direet- ed to be sued upon without reservation. All the claims due M. Hofflin will be found in the possesion of esther L. Blackmer or W. J. Mills. The Goods remaining in M. Hofflin’s store will be sold at Balti- more Cost. HARZBERG & STIEFLE. Awa) April 23d, 1861. MILO) A. J. ROSEMAN, M. Bi 1 AVING etudied in prominent Medical Colleges and Hospitals, North and South, and having been practising in the various departments of his pro- feasion for nine years with good success, he continues to offer his services to the publie where he is perman- ently located, and by strict utiention to his profes- sion will endeavor fo merit a hberal patronage 4s heretofore, and holds himself in,readiness at all hours, duy end night, for professional calls. (L7 Office at Roseman’s Siore. April 23, 1861. 3mpd49 Head- Quarters 63d Regument, North Carolina Milstia. APRIL 19, 1861. TO THE OFFICERS : OF SAID REGIMENT: Meet in Salisbury on Friday the 10th of May next for drill, The Captains will have their €om- panies in Suliebury, and under arms aaa by 10 o’elock, on the day following. And afl Com- panies witbout Officers will report themselves at the same timne and place. P. 8.—Captains will also attend to the require- ments of the following Act passed by the last (rene- ral Assembly of the State : Sections 1. Best enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it ia hereby en- acted by the authority of the same, That all free white males and apprentiaeus who are of the age of eighteen years, and wnder the age of forty- five years, and who reside in the State of North Carolina, exoept ministers of the gospel, shall be en- rolled in the militia of the Ssate by the captuin or commandiag officer of the infantry company within whose districts such persons shall reside, and the said officer shall notify euch free white males and ap- preotices of their enrollments by a non-commissioned officer of hes company, and by whom suid notice sh + be proved. By order of the Col. Commandant. R. P. BESSENT, Adjutant. April 2%, 861. tf49 WE HAVE IN STORE 35 bbls. Coffee Sugars. 10 hhds Molasses. 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. 800 Ibs. Sofe Leather. 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. . All of which we offer at greatly reduced prices. R. & A. MURPHY. 3m47, April 9. Var- alls hot Ipe- — one zit ee | of and ack, after wet, self 5 fore ing. iG 1. the rt of hese Te- y at hear DUS} - bese I ber elled one with ‘h or Re ) Marly yive Hoth rney ne x, yrect- | the “SeIOOTD ro00ds Balti- aE, ) Neges aving 8 pro- ues rm an- rofes- ge ns yours, 361. Com- ut the ‘quire - Gene- gemhly hy en- Il free ye ape fortv- North be en- vin OF within nd the rnd ap- exioned re sh tant. 49 ices. HY. 47, ts! pus patriotie ck of Rowan are call- ed upon to coafribute to the defence of the soil of North Carolina’ The contest has com- menced, and troops have been gent to Forts Caswel} ‘and Macog. Troops from Rowan have gone and are still going, and depeud upon their fellew-citizens at home to sus- tain them. There is a Store-Roomi opened if Salisbury for the reception of anything that may be contributed. No freight for transpartation mae Be pee will be charged, ca Meserp. Map Pras TER will reeeive the freightjand Pag may be contributed. Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Beans, &c., in any quantities will be taken, and thaukfully re- ceived. A list of every inan’s uame whio coatributes will be preserved. ‘ B. R. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63a Regiment, AND Jewsle Salis ry. ,, Wareantod (3 dere fey 29, 186. (f37 Notice—To Farmers. Something Valuable to you all! Fronefield’s Cattle Powders, Tw AE ORIGI NAL AND Grn UINE Soff thes put up in similar style are base counterfeits. FroverikLp’s Powpers cure most all diseases of Horses und Cuttle, and keeps them in good condi- tion. Perfectly safe under all circumstances, and war- ranted te give euefection. Price 25 cents per Package. Sold by W.H WYATT, Druggixt and Apotheca- cy, Nos 156 and 183 Main at., Salisbury, N.C. April 9. 4147 (ASH SYSTEM ADOPTED! Great Reduction in Prices ! Selling Off for Cash only. Come and See! Morr & YOUNG, will sell their entire | stock of New Spring and Sammer Goods at yreatly reduced prices for cash enly. We have been compelled by our lung credit customers to adopt the above plan. By the redaction in prices it will be greatly to the iuterest of ali who have money to Come and see! spend for Goods to trade with us. NOTICL.—We persons having open accounts with us, to come for- wacd and settle either by cash or note, We waited too long already om a great many persons, and are now deterinined to close ap our accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG. April 23, 1X61. ut THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED W E are now selling our stock out at reduced pri- ces for CASHEL No goods sold on credit. sons indebted to us ure requested to call and pay up. R. g& A. MURPHY. ti49 April 22, 161. Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Timber Saved! ! I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence, ! now make our fast call on all have | | All per | | Made without posts, in the Counties of Alamance, Randolph, Rockingham, Dasidepn, Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. Cheapne a) durability, tid con- venience are its chief advantages. We recommend the Fence to saw-mill owners, farmers, and all who have fences to make. We will sell Farm or County rights. A cireutar stating coetw, plain of buifding,; &c:, sent free to any address on epplication to JNO. J. WHITE, Mebanesville, Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44} Alamance, N.C. *, Charlotte Democrat please copy three months and forward bill to subscriber. Western W. ©. Rail Road. INTER ARRANGEMENT. 255 5 L s)er=2793¥ 8a? , TIS Se zee Ste ES ET on | + Tae Ara es 8 3 ~ = nye ft raewe os Zl gs aa B/E 424375352942 2 ik lFa Sais Se ead a 7 re bes Bei a ©* aes a e g =. = = < eae) S = me s (oe t a =a = [a a re eee Sala = Ez] = A wumDw-arnawdH RIS WG 2 as gy audo new — — > . ZUSPSypSRnEa am, 2] « Bt mee — te S ~ wer ne-H-sowe . 3127 ‘4 we > Sy >uwe aAly 2 a Soa ger Soe | 28 4 me SSeS oanay & & e BE ee Se Sesh s <i © @eaacnwenmneQgosns —=||(2 = = S ASAACROLEEIS zs & ‘> SH 5 n .= S je tree eg TOA 8 nN : Le >= x= nF arn ws peasgeiisges 2 1a grOstagees & F te 3 fe gw Fe'- S42 8 wes Br 6G sp = 3 ze — a Pee \ c! 3 $" o gio | | of | eke ata a ez ananassae ass NSO = : 09 0 0- \ SEGLSSL= Gaim pf 3 peed canoe eg os gauay| PY os nw twaw—oS : > Sea _ | = —— oe { | \ ee OR Se "1 2 = Ww > = b in w SSSBKREZSSES n JAMES C. TURNER, Rag. § Supe W AN TKD—Dwo or more active Saleemen to travel tawough the SBtute. The se got of men can. mike ee $2 ta #10 a day Apply to Nos. 186 and 188 Main st., Salis- Salichury, Now, 26, 1860. W.H. WYAT? bury, N.C. April 9 2447 Notice to Sheriffs. AX RECEIPTS, naady ed to ordes, aud put n aon Pact al ee notice and on moderate ‘erma, for cash. Send in your otders. 1 Aran hp cfhgpaig ot Grover & r’s CELEBRATED,Noigspess FAMILY SRWING-AACHINE. WW HCH ae pe prehduaced by ait ie De FRET bow Machine made. We are, selling the ., deliver. edin this place, at Manufacturers price h have been ey fedated frony fifiees Zit nty- five per cent e can furnish, Maching® at a rice from $40 fo 8125. en me Ladies who have, a great d ne to do, should Gey tal uly, huye ona, ds id wil (ore tly pro- long their lives ten to twenty years, “We have sold u good miny of these Machines all of which have and atill continue to give entiré satisfaction. Sead for u Pamphlet. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9th, 1861. Be GOODS SPRING TRADE. \ ] & are now receiving a lot of new and desira- ble Goods for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE, OUR STOCK Will not be as large was oon former seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a very handsome and select assortment of all kinds of Ladies: Dress Goods, and will offer'induce ments this season rarély /offeted in this market aud Especially to Cash’ Bitijers. We are deserious of ¢loving oat’ ofr stock this Spring and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goode before purchasing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. oe Spring Stock for 1861. R. & A. MURPHY, RE now receiving their usual Stock of SPRING aud SUMMER GOODS, embracing FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, NAILS, SHEETING AND COTTON YARN, all of which are offered for sule at greatly redaced prices for cash. Give us a call, and see what we have in store for R. & A. MURPHY. 347 you. Salisbury, April 9, 161. WYATTS Tonic Cordial. The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It is Uneqnatled for DYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands of DIARRHOEA. The best Physicians recommend it for FLUX. Its use on the first symptorma, and before a physician ¢ad be obtained @ill prewent CHOLERA. It will eave many lives, mach time, sick- ness, suffering and money to every FAMILY, 3y keeping it always in the HOUSE. It only Costs \ CENTS. 7 Prepared by W. Hl. Wyarr, Apothe- cary, Nos. 186 and 188 Muin st., Salis- bury, N.C. April 9. 6m47 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. TTHE above Guano ie said to be a better fertilizer for the cultage of Tobacee, Colton, Grate, Roots, Grapes, &c., than any other intpotied. A trial is all that is necessary to proye its euperi- ority. SPRA E BRO. 145 March 25, CA Tanner Wanted. N exprienced Tanner who can farnish satiefac- tory evidenee aN eracter sand ski! may obtain a good site my a,c. PE & ca. cA reon, Caldwell co., N. C. April 16, 1861. 3tpd48 ie iA POSITIVE. SAL valde Ali AND Pee SO NAL) ENTARE ! | Hains: determined to leave Rowan county for the N.C. White Sulphur Springs, I effer for sale all ny ‘property ig Rowan county,-eeth Real and Personat— Land, Town tots; Negroes, Stock, Household and Ki tehen Furniture. The Land is in an iinproved state and will be divided into small pags. cele if desired, to suit purchasers—it is in the iwene~ diate vicinity of Salisbury, contains about SUC Acree, -* well watered and good houses on it. Also for sale Two Cottiges | on Main Street next to Dr. ae MG Louk and _neafty’ opposite the ak ban occupied by @.d@uberts : ons Houses and Lots and one vacant Lot adjoinihg sume. Two Honses gnd Lota, naar thé Luthéreq Grave , Yard; one on Shingy Hill; several Valuable Negro Slaves, House Servante and elegant Cooks, together with a greut variety of other articles. T would sell any or all of this property privately, but unless sold before May Court it will positively be sold to the highest bidder, of which due notice will be given by hand-bills. Determined to sell out and no mistake. i EE H. L. ROBARDS. For particalars and terms, in my absence apply to Wm. A. Walton or Wm. M. Barker, my ‘euthoftized Agents. Salisbary, April 2, 1861. 1f46 March : 25th, “1861. _ NEW Spring ng and Samet rue sudsctitee His THE Phan to anhounce to his friends and the public gener- ally, that he is receiving his asual Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compriging a rich assort- ment of all the LATEST STYLES LADIES BRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Sitks, Bereges, Grenadines Berage-Angluise, Mozambiques, Organdies, Challies, and a large Stock of EMBROIDERIES, to all of eae h he asks a special examination. A so, @ Tall assortment of Bleached Douhich, Linens, House -Keéping Goods, &c., &ec., A. ‘MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building, Salisbury, yy N.C Cc ae eee ee Hard Times don’t stop them. MeCubbins & Foster RE now in receipt of a very large and. well se- lected Stock of ENTIRELY ‘NEW GOODS, bought for cash at greauly reduced prices, consisting in we of APLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, WARD WARE, Cutlery, Queeuswere, Hata, Caps and Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, ~ and Leather, Clothing ; Blacksmiths and Carpentérs Tools, Mal and -Cross-Cut Saws, GROCERIES, Drugs, White Lead, Zinc; Tanner's and Linseed Oil, Color’d Paints of ull kinds; Rifle and Blasting “Powder ;- Bhuvele and Spades, fron of all kinds, _.. chN SHORT Everything that the People Want. These Goods are offered to the public at Egceed- ingly Low Prices for Cash or Barter. Come and look for yourself. Gredt Thdncements offered to Country Merchants. McCUBBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS’ © ORNER, Salisbury, N. C. st J J sTe xt PREP SR MSP TGIF OR e nish at whore hotite Colleye te, Acade- mies and the public génerally with amy, Modka that may be wanted, at lowest prices possible. He al- ways keeps on band a well selected lot of cheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Chasehes with Hymus tw suit the latest and most popular publications of the times, writing and printing paper of all sizes, cheaper than ever before offered, by the ream or at retail, blank Books of every description and size, Pens, En- velopes, Picturee, etc., etc. IN K'S. Harrison's Tuk, #larriaon’s Colambiaa Ruk, Japan Inks all afzeg, Black, Blue and Red; Marrison’s Car- mine Ink, Arnold's Writing Plaid, the best known, very cheap for eash. WALL PAPER. To his alrexndy turge and Seautiful assortment of wall paper,‘he has just received a large bot of the Jatest palterne, which for beaaty, etyle, und cheup- ness are far superior to any ever before offered im this market. Window Shades, Fire Sereens, ete. Orders of anything in his line solicited. Balishary, N.C., Feb. 19, 1861. » Dr. Wm. H. H. Howerton, AVING PERMANENTLY es IN THE town of Bale®ury) offers his professional Set tices to the Gtifens of the town an Mach 25. —45uf April 9, 1861-4147] (40 surround. country. wre at all times (unless professionally engaged) may be foand at the “Borp-n House.’ March 2%, 1661. 1-45 bia |< ww ool r18ged 9on90d to omit BaReR Aces & CO'S-MEDICINAL yo ' PHE TRUE: "AND, GENUINE." UNSURRABBED JN qtarity AND Ck BEING ‘TRE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPAg@ED. wrt | ‘ee w0oi if tuitty tried, will sooweestore the | Gag: \tene of tie digestive organs; invigorate- a -_, bleed, give general rotuedity to the figure,! = and edd energy th the nnd and nervous: A, system, fits value has been remarkably | i pe) | evideneddl by its wonderfil reatorntive Cx) geeaneds Ih ak tonics had been vainly! eghewsted. It afforde nourishment to the! ¢ ‘body ‘when fo ether ean be borne, and} 'furwisdeethd frame with fat in a truly: re-| mecneree wa niier!’ coneeas TION and pronont lb ‘4h ll ite tPeve ne 8, WA eT INO aot emty EBILIVY, i oarateel An pag rae | | } | jcate patient, tnd retained wi{bout ‘wine sa fn aitive @tomach. Its su- 3 fa on othér importent charac: oats. pes yudrdniedd’ for! > the most emigent Saeko the States ; the writ. jten testimony of t i 7. yt medi- £x) |cal schools ; the Ph x Te = UNI OW LV ANLA, Bis te beat ep ate << it : PHI PHTA COLLEGE of fe _ CINE, and others. io A Tnvalids should be carefal to purchase oil! of undoubted reputaden if they desize tye. most active aad lmmediaté advantages p ithe eae That which we prepare has an voided .cvidences of Gapenurity oFer other| mel brands, Manufactured only b ho JOHN C. BAKER & CO., ies Importers and Dealers i in | Drugs, Chemicals, &c.| a Novi 13, 1860. $86 (> Ve 154 N. T N. THIRD STREET” Salisbury Female Seminary. HE sIX#B TERM of thie Sehon) wil bain the 11th February and close the Jat July. school has bé>@ (henéading in Gobibcks Severy We have now a goodly number, pat could tuke a few more. Lf the aumber continues to ipcrefive, Nalie- bury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. TERMS : Board, Washing, fuel aadAights, €50 per Tink Me Ea from $s woV j tin Music on feam 15 nee Use of Te LOaiee ri} Incicental expepees, Charges made froth the time of entrance. For particular addre+s A. D. WILKINSON, “ROOK QUARRY. Tee UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS. ME- thod of imforming aff persons in want of ROCK for MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that he can furnish the best quality of : TT GRANITE, cut in any shape, aad at the lowest posgibierutes for CASH. His Quarry is sitauted 5 miles South of “Sulixbury, Known ae the '* Old Shuping QUARRY.” WILEY HOLTSHOUSER. paces Co., Nov. 20th, 1860. 6mo:27 +--+ To Fururers ‘and *Mechiltes. McOUBBINS d & FORTER Hine just received u very lasge let of FARM. ING IRON, consixting of Shovel Moles, Bar Iron, ween tire 14. Tg mnd 2. ines Baggy ue Mg und 14 "ad [4 deh Iron }, §, and 4 nh ware Tron | an neh Spring? Patent and} led ut ar; ae es together with @ general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUBENSWARRF, VROOCERIES, Hats and Capa, Boots and Shoes. 'Phey keep con- stuntly on band a sepply of FLOUR. BACON, PORK, FISH, COFFEER, SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD, PUP ERT PT tick by ini pup ai- tention of t tes Jenkins’ Corner, Satishury, N.C. Feb. 12th, 1864, £39 zee ree ee H. C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Cqnaseterynt Law, W ILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and, id}the Sappeoy. Cort, H.)C) Jones, jr., will also practice in the Courts of Iredell aud. Cabar- ms Cononties., Ajl claims enteust dw them for eol- tection will meet prompt attention. 7 Office 'No. 3, Brick Row, near the Courthouse H.C. Jones, sr. U.C. Jonrs, yr Jan. 15, 1861. ao I. Ww. JONES. M. D.. AS pernd geared ba the tows of: Satie. bury, dnd, pie services to the public jn the varipue Napabetionta of his profession. 7 Office on Main Street, first door above Bais’ Confection fy. Jan. 15, 1861. pet ola ot. 4 New Tailor Nhop. HE swebhecriber has bes cperied a oew TAILOR SHOP in the rooms formerly aceupied by Hornce H. Beard, dee*d. tia experience eed qualifications in thie line, Warrant him in saying thet be will be able tou meet the pwet Geatlings domadde Call end qe! your garments eut to fit vou, an’! to last. iosiend af buying the elbuchy, helenae: tage in Ready Made Clothing *urew Catting nud-Repai' ing dune to ordes. Prodwee-th ben ia etehaage for work WM. HOWARD. 3m34 A ee ne ge ents Jan. Bh, 1861. AGRE 04H Bid Ad» | re ray Be taketh withodt dierelish by the r wari a! In Time of Peace Pepare for War. AAT ULSE-BO) ¥ HA AA MERONEW be: " PARE meet Le Mat a bars spose of tee ever brought té th Rid Belt dd Pick_ et Pistols aid and new. models al Susith or Woe i #on’s seven shot; Sharp’s 8 ounce Pistol, that ean be carried-Jn the-veat-pesket, will ehont (hroughea iadh board 75 yeeds. Sheep's 10.02, ehoote thpemghia fi nob | board. IDU yerdé ; imitation Colts’ ut reduced, prices, Bliss Cartridge Phat«d, G shot; Ridegia. splfimecks ing; KX b solf-cooking ; els Bowie! Knives, arsort, ed sizes ; Sharp's-tipurting Rifles, wil! kilt 300-yaede, and aguod: tet, of guns... They offee. their etack of | goods at reduced prices for cush, ne they: intend: dasag a Seah busmese, Theis remaining staok eondetn of. CombaBrushes, Buttons, Auspeaders. Baltes-Kama, Watchas, ees Silver Plated Ware, ate Pins, ake, fag statiogie ype orimunais, eit eS es Box tenfine, Ang cam mos speaks ‘wre. walki New pene rete 8 dg le toy, Creve ling Ba els, y Cee. Histo. igare, Tobegcg, and Fagey Gn pene fat vclsh lon, Rae ty mention, Weer sh eon oa all of mhigl Those i tr ty as, eye me Fi ‘pay, th Cnrhstatat and wuss by rhe hres dav of ian place altacoog ats then as \n iain ie for collection. RONEY Saljepary, Jen. 7. ‘1861, SPECIAL . N OTICE. BLUE ST ST ONE, 3000 ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibn. Forwale by HENDBRSON & ENNIS& 50: Bush. CLO VER SEED. Nice ae ethan! for alle by HENDERSON & BNNISS. ” ° wy ERMOM E'VERS see ‘Tobacoo. From 210 to 240 dea. » fot sale by {EN DERSON & ENNISS. 10.000 *°8°" 10,000, Pure White Lead in Oi, HENDERSON & ENNISS. a For sale by 1000 GALLONS 1000 PURR; UIASERD Oe For sale by HEN DERSON & ENNISS. Pn 40 Bbls. Tailors on 4, HENDBRSON & ENNISS. For sale by Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague add Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CORE. at HENDERSON & ENNIss’. Fluid. ang, Kerpsing, Oil. By the Gallen or Barrel for sale at | BENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH. BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy; 1846 Given up by Judges to be the begs ever brought to this markety forsale bv HENDERSON & BNNISs. SPICES ! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Gloves, Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs, for saleby BEN DERSON & ENNISS. j /{ ra | 4 its VINEGAR! t 30 ctx. Pure Cider Vinegar, 30 etw 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. _ Sept. 18, 1860. _ ig New Firm. MURR & BOSSAMON, Tes purchased of J: D. Beown & , Co., their @ntire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER- WARE, STOVES, ¢., now oe " ‘the largest and handswmeet let of COOK- ING, ARLOR an ,HURQGH STOVES ae hee eae Sint fr ee) canbe iedin | otth Iso, all ana f Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kepton hegd. All kinds Tin, Sheet-Iron or Copper , work done atthe enerae nae URR & SOSSAMON. 1y36 Saliebury, Jan. 22, mel “Fine Shirts and Cotlars. Tf you wish to ase Gace Shirts an Co lars call at the Great Clothing Emporium.of . DAVID WELL. Sept 25,-tf19] é F TT T 7 Ss Ke Sires CMMI le ede > iwhich he invites your immedinte atention. .erthag ever, were offered here befare. | { { | { { { { eA No. 2, Gaanita Row, . 1 T EXCITE! [ OTL aurieo4 CLOTHING PORE A plomat streak ery? ener ORTH. PLETE whi a CEA tb E Read eady-Made Clothing Goons Furnislting Goods, m, Us iRiete. Wars fine ugeortment of Shirts and Collars, &c., oe to ey have been purchased for cush, and will be suld cheap- NOW Is YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ae I am determined to sed] cheaper than any other house in Salisbury Returoing, my: thanks for the liberal patronage etetofere bestowed, L hope for a conunaance of the ame. Rem + the Stand, NO. 2, MURPH Y’s GRANITE ROW, Saliebury, N.C. March a. 13861. f44 pee then “Nalsnapiyae: oq te ee Che Rees, ms! OLD i d th he i of en Piet Ye e is Carriage -Bitsiness’~ and prepared to furnish any style of BUGGY or CARRLAAREB from the beat to the lowest priced. ¢ has recently visited » auwber ef the Northern manufactories and acquainted himself with all the late improvemmeptatn gretne, end made-errange ments by which he cad’supply those pre féritg & JibNarih. ern work much cheuper than coald be done by order- ng 4 single est work ef §¢ deve ip the copbdtry: and sdlici te a all at theSigh of the Natsdnal WM. M. BARKER. tfl0 July 31, 1860. Book Bindery SALISBURY. ee w. Ye DIGKS would respectfutly inform the citizens of Salisbury, Charlotte, Statesville, Concur Gold- a Mockswlle, Greepsbory’, Lexings ton, Morgaat eee the surroanding enim, try generally, that ‘he ha ablished w Book Bivv- ERY itt this place, and will be pleased to receive or- ders in his Tine. Music Books, Law Books, and Periodicals, bound te pattern, or in any style to suit. Lr His establishment can be found on the second floor over the Post-Office. Lr Orders frogn & diatunee eee attended to. W.R. DICKS. eee is, t060, Pye wee ee ee Ss S kop up as heretofore It is grail: . Bh fying to him that thieestablich meni, begun, at firet,a¢e@ doubtfulexperiment, has proved to the public a great deside- ratam and « complete snceess. Travelers, and others ie an always have their wants, in thie (re, well saps * plied. Cush prides paid for Peewendér,.) And the bubseri- ber ix always rage to ell or esis SNe. Jan. let. ish’ . t147 T.B EMISTER House Painter, Grainer. Nek PRR TANGER: &. Main St., apposite Murphy's Granite Roar, SALISBURY, N. C. All work persyually attended to and warranted to be done tha workmantike manner 1661. 62g ut! Jan “2 MIGH I COMM SALISBURY, N.C. JROMEPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV. EN to the purchase of af kinds of PRODUCE And toall cousignments to be sold in this market or shipped to other Ports. February 14, 1860. «JAMES HOR 4dh WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N. Cy, One deor below R.& A. Muphy’s Store, 6m36 eek Bette 1f38 EEPS oo wat nutty on hand @ large agsorf(me nt 6 XL WATCHES aud SRWRLRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of everydescription repairedin the best Muaner and og the most reasona ble terme.’ } February 14, 1860. byes » PERSONS who are fdeind to me ate are requ all a ake jp au pesh@als 42 Gt boobhiiea eh : o; aud as this ix he Grat time that | have aalled, Op frie ude, I hype they: will cogne ap promptly. ib ¥ “ROP. BBSSENT 4 Now. 291h, 1859. £27 be intends 40: bajids the: finest nad - ve Inon@Py x 4 W.A, Wrights S7ilmingsos 4 Ng Rana HA K HRA om MACHINE: WORKS: yo 1g § 510%) vei Ee RAKDER, "peteribous To’ N.. BOYDEN & SON, TLD contithe’ to wratiufictare and keep oo AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ‘A full aseortuyg nt of Coltivatore, Straw and Feed-Cuthe rey made heretofore. Plows, Coru-Shellers, Harse- Popyares) 1 1/ Sped-Sowers, Threshers,, Cidew and Suger: Mille, Thresberand Separators, ‘They also manufacture Shafi for Grist st CVI ser Dig: Gold, Copper and oe Mines, Tubscca piel and Fix- tures, &e., ea FOR@ NISA description made to order, and warranted in every rexpect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done at short notice. ; / Salisbury, N, C., Jan.,2, 1861. ly 3a Standard, Raleigh ; Patriot, Greensboro’ ; Demo crat, Charlotte dyormse , Aghe ville xCyro- linian (tri wee a § Obse rveg Fayetteville; and Iredell Express wil! publish 3 months avd forward accounts. recmiehenowg: Mutual Guan Me COMPANY. Pays.all:Losyes Promptly ! DIARECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. MeCononel, C. P. Mende n- hall, D. P. Weir, James M. Garreit, Johu L. Cole, N.H. D. Wilson, Wat. Barr t, David Maffnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jedi 4.’ Bindway , Urednsborvugh ; Rybert k. Proy, Liem ewbern; Thudeus Mc- Dr. berton; Alexunder Muller, } Gee, Raleigh) Thomea Jobason,, ¥ ance y ville ; W.C. Rameey Franklintwa ; Dr. E. F. Waco. Watsonville. pymceag ; N.H. Bo tidons * - A Priddces. a H LINDSAY,- - Vice-President. .P. MEN yyy nee Sas Attorney. Pr TER 4 - + Bec'ty and Treas’rs WM. H.CU MMING, - + - General Agent. W.J. McCONNELL, - - ) J. A. MEBANE, - JOM. GARRETT, » « - Allcommunicationson busine ssc onnectedw tb (pie Office, shéubdlibe ed ‘ tires ADAMS. Secrewry, Greeasbornugh, NVC... Jane19, 1560. tf@ -COWAN’S” Vegetable Lithontriptic, OR FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY, SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bladder aad:hidneys, Weak- NERS et, the Loins, ke. pus hdsiushis fe lakine 4s for ae omy & Mocksville, Salisbury Statesville, Concord and Fayriteville, ind at Col. Austin’s and no where else. The subscriber having entered inty oo; rtnership with John F. Cowan fal pu tefi tes, furihe munu- facture and sale of the above Medicine, is prepared to furnish a ek fy addressing him at Salisbury, ' Exeeutive Com’ tee. N.C., or callin ip residence, 10 miles west of this place. E. D. AUSTIN. June 21, 1855. tf$ HARDWARE!! YHE Subscribers are recei ing et the old stand of G.’M. L A. largest Steck of Hardware opening at » Jones, the , ever offered in thieMarwed, wlhond iving Reohoaghi directly'af she Manufacturers or their agents, exclu. sively for cash. They are prepared to offec induce- menis to Wholesale of Retail buyers. A cull is res spectfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN. Salisbury, Mur. 33, 1860. 1f43 WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, oumielea Merchants | No. 2 Granite Row, Mabsar Srreer, WHAUNGTON N.C. Dealers in ail kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigars. and Tobacco, Solicit eee of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feath- ers, Beeswax, Tobaceo, and C oantry Produce gun- erally. Agents for Howe's celebrated Soales. D.G. WORTH. N.G. DANIBL, For the past 7 years with T.C. & B.G. Worth. Late of Asheboro', N.C. Sept. Ik, 1860. ly aD tte er OG heed ENT AL NOTICE. aan BESSEN'. AS REMOVED ro tue DENTAL, ROOMS 4 on the corner formerly occupied by Dr Bacon, wheré he is prepared to attend all operations eonmected with his Profeaajon. . San. 1, 1R6U. “\a2 BLANK DEEDS | FOR SA L#) AT THIS OFFICE. » Wadesborough ; Rev. R.C. Maynard, . | | gS EUS. | | } ! ' ) ' | | \ | | | | | SBBING' IN’ BELIEVING ! oe THE LA ROEST NDHMOST A « A elu r EXTENSIVE STOCK. & 0 - DRY. GOODS, CULO TING, PY oe AND GROCERIES, Are now opening at the Subscriber's ever Erhibited in Salisbury, And which will be enld ae heretofore at onpreceden- This is tedly low prices. NO CART! itbh ie PARANE Common with many, who enumesate their articles. Becnose an examination of the stock and prices, will convince the most’ “sceplic, id cides ot bayer: of the truth of the assertion. Returning my: sincere acknowledgements to the citizens uf Rowan and adjacent counties for past fa- vors, I hope by eluse attention to my business, to merit a continuapee of the same. 37 No trouble as usual to show Goods 41 'S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. ee i) 3 PINHE SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS, to his large and varied Stock pf DRY GOODS, Clothing and Groceries. which he will self at WHOLESALE us low as ean be bonght in any eity'in the Unioa, the Great Em- , porium New ¥ork, not exeepted. S.. FRANKFORD. WHOLESALE, 8S, FRANKFORD’S, Hy March 19, 1861. Bi-44 on20 - Hp = e es E Sige =o Ss ae, , ee erst = me isisG — ~w rtg ta ~ : #oBR Beco) CG) ES ten | Le west | » 6235 — @ 3" 25: | 4 Sc SA: a BFS Se = ae J Bosies oS ~ $2.5 Eras Fagus MAR aphk Ow rece SES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE ec. se onty ’Con. AGstin’s Copary. Mleniee, Fe Med.by ag. ling a Place. TIN. 15 tual y! »C.P. Garrett,Barrin. ’dedWright, Dberion;, ur Me. Wuncey- gh;Rev -War t. fesidenc. TreasAgent. Com. mrected to retury. tt4 ON, of J.D. Fr entire ,COP- at lot of URCH et,and in Wen of Plain STILLS t-Tron @& otice MON. 1y36 ‘ de vely clored pired with ourselvee forced ™ DRPHY. Bw42 x)N, AAMT ) C. ENTION |kinds of bents to be ther Ports 138 10P ory; VEY ds and the ry,where Bieckam IAGES, Workmesfidentthat ith any © ve on han to keep * very vee beral terD® RAH,RONEY 1f23 i}anies furnishh e gue CaP otwellmales rice. ss:6 sbury,N SundayousBook® RT'S .NidAL 7 ad SENI-WEEKLY.‘!cr l@ SALISBURY,N.C.,MAY 7,1861. aYarvone>se ”ree 4 5.8 aot w}+.af WORM asd oy att acuc wti Qe wemecstsmepleereo yh th gi twat yahoo be NUMBER'524.°)ami @ i J A Rey Teicha|A) VOL.XVI. ee See: J.J.BRUNER, _EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR. ¥': Shugle copy,$2.00 Five copies,$8.00 Ten copies,$15.00Clubsexceedingten,in the same proportion $1.50 each."Payment alwavs in advance. Governor Ellis’Message. T.the Honorable,the General Asseenbly of North Carolina: ‘The safety and welfare of the State,in my jucg- tuent,demanded that vou shouid be convened at this unusual period.Atthe time of your adjournment,six of the Stites bad,in the most solemn wunner known to our tosii- canous,withdrawn from the Feceral Union und es- tablished a Confederate Government,able aud deter- ained to matntain its indeprudence. Whatever differeuce of opinion may have existed cs to the wisdom of the successive steps tal en by chose States,at was generally conceded in North Caroling that they could not righ(ully be coustrain- ed by foree toremain in the Oaion You were greatly divided inapinienas to the right fa State to secede trom the Uuion,and also as to ihe expediency of exercising the right at that time, admitting it to exist;but all admitted that if coneili- cory inessures shonld fai ta reston che seceding States to the Unien.they should he permited lo with. draw in peace.Probably not one of your number ev- op believed that the Bederal Government:would ever be guilty of the wickedness if drawing the «word without havieg first tevidered the olive branch ‘The right aow esse ried by the constituted author- ities of Chat goverument,Co vee a military force tor che parpoke df coe feing a Stute to remain in the Un- ion aguined'ieg wilt.fiids ne Warreutia the Constita- Gon,and still lees inthe pritciples.ow wich all our Republican Bey ptioug ure based.Ours is a Guvernment ofthe popotar will,and not of force.YT:ite éenetraction the Goavent of the gov- cerned was stbetituted for the rule of the sward—the foriner beivg regarded us the ‘vital principles,”and the latter as *the immediate parent of despotism.” As our fathers loved liberty and hated tyranny,they selected thal power of government which conserves the one,and rejected that which sooneror later,nev- er fails to prodage the other Upon this principle our State Governments:were formed—each #complete and one soverneign repub- we withtn iteelf>aud in federal Union they did not surrender it,for such eetasurienderof their rigitet self poy eroment.Thos theory of our Government precludes the idea of an wathority vested inthe federal head to cverce.by force of arms,a State acting in its sover- eign capacity.More explicit ewidence ofthe intent of the framers of the Constitution is furnished by the journals and proceedings of the Convention.This evidence can- vot be kept tuo prominently tn view,as it illustrates the character of our Confederacy,and furnishes a safe guide for the performance of public duty. ‘Two distinct propositions were made in the Con- veution to confer upou the Federal Goverument pow- er tu coerce a State. The first wus a proposition to confer upon the Nu- tionat Legislature the power ‘to call forth the force of the Union ugainst any member of the Union failing ty perform its duty under the articles thereof.” ‘The second was in these words:‘'If any States or any body of men inany State shall oppose or pre- cent the carrying into execution such actsor treaties, the Federal Executive shail be authorized to call forth the power of the Confederate States,ur so much there- of an may be necessary to enforce and compel an obe- dience to snch acts ur an observance of euch treaties.” All the meaabers who spoke upon these propositions spoke aguinst them,and aH,including their movers, voted ayvatust them. ‘The sentimenus then expreseed by the two leading ininds of the Ceuvention,representing ibe two oppo- sing cl.sses of political opinions which divided it,leave huthing to doabt ax to thé true iuterpretation of 8 Helion. Mr.Madison observed,°°that the mare he refleet- ed on the use of furee,the inure he doubted the prac- ucability.the justice and the efficacy of it,when ap- pled 10 the people collecG@vely wad ot individually. An Union of the States,coutviniag ench ingredients, seemed to provide for its own destruction,Phe use of furce aguingt a Siate would ludk more Ithe a decla- ration of war that’an inflietion of punishment,’und would probably he considered by the party autagked as dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be beund,”: General Hamilton,speaking on the samé vobject, said:“But how can thie force be exerted apet the states ealectively 7 $4 is possible.It amnonpte ion war heiweea the parties,Foreiyy powers aleo wil not be idle spectators:They will intetpose.The confationgwill increané and u dissulaiiarat he Union will ensae.”?Aguin,dttustreting.by #1 bletorientex- the conwequences of un exereine of lagu a Seas associalug themselves ina would have ample, power by a Contederaed Government,he euid : decrees were signals of wir” The Declaration of Independence hud ditinetly declared:y “Phat whenever any form of governm ut becomes deatrncrion Of theretg nda (the seettiity of Weir rights.)itis the mght wf the people Co alter of (6 abelial it,aud to indtitate @ pew governinemt,du ying its foundation on augt principles and omauizing its powers in such form a@ to them shall dein most like- ly to effect their aufetynnd huppinese.””And to have viven w the F hea ney re to compe! thé orgaifized commdunies of States to téemaltr on- Jer the Goveinagsht Wyeihar sete willy woutd have beentoive voit «power.which the Decaratiba of Independence hed declared could nate popreseed by avy Government whatever,Heute we pre ant sur- prised to find that Pane oe a power hadno advoewte th tieConvent After a Government had been orga nisadions Of the eurliest,ae it wes undoubtedly one of the most im- portant and delicate duties devolving om Congress, was 10fdratbivshe Providhut wh °- aaryto entitlehim es faithfully execated,”and to pass such laws as might Ge uecesBury bo ‘provide for calling forth the militia to execute the biwe of the Onion,suppress insurrec-tion and repel aivasion.” Accordingly we find that us early 48 1793 a law Wars passed for the purpose.Tt having been found defective,&was ruperseded by the act of 2th of February,1795,which,without addition or amend- Ineut,das remained the law on the rubject dowa to the present time,enacted by a Congress,which,to a lirye exteut,was composed of the individuals who had assisted tu fiaming the Coustitution,it is the best iuterpreter of the geuecal language used in thattostiumentsandtromthedayafitspusxugedownte the 4th of March.of the preseut year,vo President has ever cuustrued it as giving him power louse mil- tury force except as a posse comitatus,or otherwise in aid of civil process.Ours being a government of law and not a military despotism.noe other construc:tion could be placed wpou that act.When in 1833, the State of Soath Carolina forbude the execution of the ‘Pauat®aw within ber limits,the act of 1795 Was in force precisely as it is to-day;but President Jackson Knowing that the act only wathorized the use of the military force ta aid of civil process,and that there would be ne courts iu South Carolina to issue process,called upon Cougress for additional powers, and that body enacted whet has been familiarly kuown as the “Borce Bill”That act was in ny option viddalive of the ConustituGon but no attempt was ever utade to exercise the powers conferred by it,and it expired by ite own limitation,ta 1835.The poutieal trends of the present Adummistration,well kuowing that there was po law on the statute book under which the President could use military foree ii the States from which the Federal Judges,Mar- shale.and other civil officers had been expelled.urged Congress at tts lust session to enact laws Conte ring ou bine sach authority.‘Phe Journals of that body wil show that bills for the purpose were pressed w ith the utmost pertinacity,aud ulso that they were vot enaeted tno laws.. He usurped the coveted powers which Congress bad refused to coufer on him,whilst)Cormiunis- sioners from the Couftderate Staies were ot the seat of woverntient urging a peaceful settlement of all qurstions in dispute and striving to avert fiom fhe country the cabumities of civil war—whilst the peo- ple were being deluded by daily protestations from the Ptesident of his firm purpose to preserve the peace,and we were in momeutary expectation of heariuy that Fort Sumter,in Churleston harber,hid been evacuated,a secret:expedition was fitted out and steathily dispatched to commence the war,by an attempt to throw reinforcements into that fortit- eation.‘Vo high eruninality in suvolving the coun- ay 1)civil war,was added base pertidy in exciting hopes wud expectations to be dashed at the moment of fromtion Having thus commenced the war, and the President, on pretence that the act of 1795 couters on him pow. er to do issued a Proclamation calling on the Nrates to furnish seventy-five thousand meu for car- rving itou,and the Secretary of War officially in- forined ine that North Carolina was expected to fur- nish two Regiments to aid the North ino subjugating her rister Staies—we might wih propriety say of sine oof them her daughters—of the South.1 promptly replied to that functionary that TD regarda levy of troops for the purpose of subjugating the States of the South asin violation of the Constitu- tion and an usurpation of power,I can be ‘no partytothiswickedvielationoftheLawsofthecountry, and to this war upow the liberties of a free people. You ean get no troops from North Carolina.” The outburst of indignation wih which the Procla- mation of the President has been received by all the citizens of the State,convinces me that I did not mistake the people whore Chief Magistrate I am.— The alacrity with which they have sprung to arms, outstripping the slow forms of law and enabling me to assemble an army from the plow and the work- shop in less ume than it has required to convene the General Assembly,is proof that long years of peace and order have ouly made more dear to them their right»and iiberties and bave notin the least impuir-ed their readines»and their «bility to defend them. Under the advice of the Council of State I have established at the sewt of Government a Camp of [netraction.to which T have orcered such troops as are ready for service und ure not needed for the pro- tection of the veabourd A ueurper who had already seized the sword with- out authority of law and wus using it agvinst his own coumtrvineti,could not with safety to the State be allowed to establish himself in the strongholds and fortified plrees within our limite.I,therefore,in dechurge ofa plain obligation devolving on me 4s Governor of the State,and in virtue of the powers veeted in me us Governor and Captain General and Communderin.Chief of the militia,lost no time in tnksuy possession.in the name of the State.of the Fints,Areenule and other ptoperty of the Federal Government within the State,and they ure now held under ny ordere by adequate garrieous. I will in dae time lay before yoo a.statement of the property thus taken inte possesion 80 Foon 4s reports can be prepared by the proper departments. Experience devin browght to liybtradicul defect inthe laws for the organization of Uke miltary forces of the State,d invite your curly attention to the anb- jret.Ii ix believed that the legislation of your late wexeion hax not materially improved our military rye- teun;end Lhave no hesitation in.expressiag the ogin- iow dwt the existing laws are wholly ipadequasa se the ewnergeucy.thut ie upon us.J forbear,making suggestions in,detail pon this aubjagt,«nd will opns lent myaell merely with reinacking that the miktery regulations of winer countries,especially thupe,rer nowued for achievements in aris,should vet be.lost rivht of iw the trying necessity by which we are sur- rounded.The efficiency of this bratich of the pub- fie nerviee réquifes,in my opinion,&thoroughrevieion tetect-rpetliiention of existinglegialation on the embjeet. [would respectfully recomend thy ra sing aud rganization of ten regiments to serve daring the war,sibel seperate boanties te.offered to u!! e fréon isting,;. x aye eeaha Hundred thonaand Bolluts ap- ropriated thFea cs serdion for uring thé State, have expended €35390 £5.which amount wil be increased by outstanding contractsto the furtHer sum of $25,000 or thereabonts.r Statebeinguvpreesnt> wndid evodtnmensthet die renmitderof oe prietionbe direeted to tie propuration of wee of war and the manofactureofsemipthet Bay here- Bey witharms | afler be needed.‘The Arsenal at Fayetteville is iv all respectsa suitable location fur the prosecution of such works Our senbourd defences are of the atmost impor- lunce and‘have engaged a large ehare of the utten-tion of this departmeat.Speeitic plans for the cou- struction of new works uud making good our defence in that quarter will with wore propriety be luid before the proper comanittves of your body. Au expenditure has beeu made for various parpos-es,connected with the defence of the State,the de- tailsand umount of which will be communicated to you by the proper officers.A portion of it has been ad- vanerd hy private individuals and a portion remains unpaid.Ad-quple ineans should be provided to meetthisexpenditan@andalsotoenabletheStutetucarry ou the war in’detence of its rights and liberties. {i gives me pleasure tu ucknewledge the timely and important aid rendered me by the Governors of Virginie wud South Carolina townrds placing eur for- tifications on the sea coast in a defensible condition. I cheerfully reciprocated this favor to the extent of my ability by sending to the Governor of Virginia a pertgn of the arus i our possession aud which cold conveuiently be spared. The Northern Government is now concentratinga large force in the District of Columbia,ostensibly to protect the seat of Government,but such aforce ean- not be allowed to remain within the Jimits o.Mary- land aud «ou the borders of Virginia,without serious- ly endangering the tberties of the people of those States.Tf they be conquered und overrun,North Carolina will beeome the next prey to the invaders. Polley then,as well as syinpathy and feeling of bro- th rhood,engendered by a common interest,requires us to exert our energies in the defence of Maryland and Virgina Every battle fought there will be a battle fougi tin behalf of North Carolina,aud there troops should be speedily seut. There can be wo doubt that the people of our State are now fa'ly united os to the policy to be pursued with reference to the future Northern Government, Tt is a settled conviction of the public mind that the time has arrived when we must separate from the peopre of that section of the country.They have drawn the sword against us and are now seeking our blood.‘Phey hive promised to partition our property and the earnings of our peovle among their mercenn- ry soldiers ufter our subjugation shall have been ef- fected.Kven those among them who professed to he our fiends are now most zea‘ous tn this wieked ern sade against us.All frarernity of feelin i toot be- tween us and them.‘Phere must be a x potion at onee and forever. With the view,therefore,of the secess oa of North Carolina from the Northern Government ane ber Une ion with the Confederate States,at aseariy a period as practicable,I ould respectfully recommend that a Convention of the people be called with fall and final powers.The powers of the Convention should be full,because the sovereignty of the people must be frequently resorted to daring the war;and it therefore,becomes becessary that it should be tem- porarily reposed in the Convention,The action of the Conventionshould be final,because of the importance of a speedy separation from the Northern Govern- ment,and the well Known fact that upou this point our people are “su uit.this communi ation withon! gratulating you upon the harmony of feeling and the Union of purpose now existing among the people in every part of Nerh Carolina,No eoonet wax it seen that our liberties were menaced by the usurper,than all party fends were forgotten,and the patriotic fires that burned in the bosoms of our ancestors were re- kindled in the breasts of their descendants.The heurts of the people everywhere is prepared for the contest before as.Let us fervently implore Almigh- ty God,that nnited counsels and an harmony of pur- pose may prevail among us,that we may be enabled to preserve the blessings of liberty that we have in- herited from our fathers. [cannot close con- JOHN W.ELLIS. Executive DepartMEnT,? Raleigh,May Ist,1861.§ CROPS IN MISSOURL Evcouracing Prospects.—We doubt if the fields of Missouri ever presented @ better appearance than how.or gave promise of a more bountitul yield of grain,fruit,#od other stuple products.There is but one account from all portions of the State.Wheat standing thick on the ground,and looking a8 thoitry and vigorous ws it could look;pastures covered with the densest and richest clover and gruss,and stock growing fat und sleek on the fresh grazing¢the fruit trees covered with bads or young fruit that have thus fur escuped the frost;outs springing up ihriftily and vivorously;and farmers evervwhere busy all day long plowing and ‘putting in?a big crop of corn. ‘The prospect is mont fluttering and cheering.The brendth of wheat wnennusaully large,aud Lhe amount of corn planted will be larger than u ual,With ve uutimely frost,there will be un abandance of trait; und if the season should avt be anfavorable for grein, we will have the moet bontiful harvest ever yather- ed it MixdonriaSe Louie News. ome r Lt in steded ia Cinchonati pepet,ow the authority of w ember of the Cubinet,tht a few duys after the innugurationan ugent war sept to Europe,to purchase 500,000 stand of wrme,und they are now arriving by évery vtewmer at New York. Thi in considered pretty:géod evideree of.the duplicity of the Cabinet in pretending to favors peace policy,Wag wae their abject from the begining. ~~me -- It ia sinted in the Northern papers that many people are thinking of dapereeding Lincoln,ad tot equal to the cham A ‘secret organization for the porpore wleesdyexixtn The prine:ple greund of eom- plaint ia that be tne wot laid Baligoce ia ashes Liberal —Mre.Sarah Meflig,near Gold Hill,has made the'fveral donotion of one Hundred dollate for the benefit of the Rowan Volanitesrs,now entering the Soeiher army for the defenev of our Rights. ?tetth lp een A Trettor iwthe ¢Withington Herald mye that tthe NewYork World,{Ltneoin’e N.Work organ;eddthé.mest.villaiwobs ehe ot in the eoantry,) hud &atin NeathGarolinnwhodetesbis ‘“4Vadkin,N.©,”Latok 016 for tits fellow and wheefound ag,miei dim. [row ra wirédus x}reTHERESOURCESOFNORTHCAROLININTHEPRESENTCRISIS.|’It is &remmarkwble'fast,"tha Nor ‘CxPolica produces,(or can produce)’withther’bofders the product of every Otherportion “St wihtWas lately the United States,By care,ii”buch’atimeasthepresenttoberesodredsrhay’be rhinde invaluable.‘To shéw what North Gutdlina can ditgl wil]enumerate what her citizens did ‘¢ iu the days of the Revolgtion ;they made ropes, iron,salt,lend aed gaupewdan,ney-te allude ito the homer;ain eteth,de,dtheydid that then, how vastly moré éxh ‘they make fiw) Buta portion of the State,from the inzensi- ty which oue pyeswit basbeenfollowed,js com- paratively without the meaos of eustesunger— their provisions baving heretofore been obtain- ed from the North.The Western portion of our State raises a surplus of beef,pork andgrain. This surplus bas heretofore found sale in theStatesofVirginiaandSouthCarolina.Self preservation is the first prineiple whieh usually rules social life,aud in times like these,it_would Henge,I deem it to be the first duty of our’citizens Ww supply their own State citizens first,and if there be more If :this course is adopted,all will be well,but if not, then there will be great suffering in Ure South- eastern portion of the State.Let them send their flour and Bacow to Wilmingedd,*Fayeite-ville and Newberti,ahd dfive theff beevés ‘nbd hogs to the same section.“Thereare,meu in the sections surrouading thoeg towns abo have been dependent for their daily living,upen,the tur- pentwe or timber they could-make;neither of these articles now being saleable théy must ne- If they join the army they provide for themselves,but they leave their fam- ilies without means of support.These,persons will stand some chanee to.get a few provisions, if the produes:of oar own State is brouglit to our own markets,batif #t fs not many of them will starve.Supply home“first,our neighbors be well to apply it to States, than sufticcient,let it go elsewhere. cessarily suffér. afterwards.' The stoppage or lessenitg:of eotmmerce will cause us to be deprived’of Yhitty:'Rittries and necessaries,The forthet,we”are best’without,d ‘<Ore h Ol)5k.Lfthelatterwemystmanagetomake,or substitute, suinething else,Sale,ean,be made from.the waters of the ocean by boiling.This is»mtedious process,bat may beneceshary:”*dron;more than sufficient to sippyourState,‘tall sdontie pro- duced within out awaBorder,fromthe charcoal forges and furnacesof the Wess,and frofo those which should be greeted on Deep River,Lead exists in a minetal state but bas wet:yet.been extensively worked —snficient quantities of this inctal exixt in other Suuthere States..The great thing im the manufertereofGanpowdur ipasita- ble woodea for charcoal,‘Phen -edist in the Western part of tte State ‘in!large qitrmtities, an]in the east lo some extent,Willow makes the best artitle of rifle-powder;the manufac: ture ix simple.requires cara,and the,works cost but betes ©The last Legishtare,chartered a company for its manufacture,bee¢cannotdearn whether they,have,made any mong towards erecting worka,South Caroline.bas:two manu- factories,but she also broagtt fatye qiantities of powder frum the North.Saltpetre and sul- phur,it is cheapest ‘to import from India and Italy.Cotton and woolen goods,leather,&c., we ure gradonlly manufactitingfor otirselves.— It shoud buUts endesvors ofalttolivem-cheap ly ax possible,to lerfd ahelping hand to suffer- ers whenewer It is possible,and to tid dwencour- aving wbefforts to producat horas.theas arti- tices for:whieh we have been depesdent upon others.Let all strive:tosvards these @mda,aod mak things will beaotoriplished whidh,seem Jiffeuli,and many a *torm pags awayWhich how seemnn inevitable.¥. oe Terrible Weapon,—The cenftrifugabsteanr guo« of Mn Dickson,on exhibiien in Baltifiiere for sonré fitte past,bays the Sen,has been pur. chasedby de cityyand witl de usedimith De.an ron tera SSE ie Je totadaingwarmsatignastamorahAnd8{Kran Carol sarmeoe State Convention.—The Legislature wf North Car- olina met on the tat of May;sud ou the same day paseed a bill fur a Stute Convention.‘The election of delegates takes pluce on Monday the 13ih,and the Convention will assemble on the 20th,oF the next Monday following.Attend the election on Mowday thal ."{feannieteataid. A UNITED CALL TO ‘THE PEOPLE OF It is proposed thata public peeting of citi-uens be held op Tyeeday,Uie 7th,of May iust., at theCoust-hons.,for the purpose of selecting two eandidates,to represept Bowan County in the,Stgte Convention to be held on the 20th inswyt,One delegate from ench of the old par- ties will be selected,{to by ghosen by each re- spcctively,)and jointly reevm mended to the sup- port of the people withowt distinction,to join the Oaufederate States of Amerien, The meeting to be held et 2 welock.P.M —+(eabhe 1 The people oaPalrad)Grepkheldw public mee'- ing a the Camp Asgousid nens Rrwan Milis on the 3d instant,to tube action im reference to the present condition of the eountry.The toveting was well at- tended,several addresses were @elivered,and a wnl- itary cdi paoYue organized.Fhe people of that neighborhoodaré faily aroused tu the exigencies of the times,and are all united as ene man to resist the aggressions of the usurper,Limeoln.Sume of the best blood of the Revolution of F776 flows through the viens of the Scotch Frisk of Rowan.They will we yh Dear Wadchmans—1 @gppose you would hear occasignally fran thgRowan Rife Guarg.Of Y course ourt et er denge is quite liggited, Lat 1 steala fe meni to iiform you the high distinction conferred upon our beautiful flay. This being Ist of May,at ten minutes before nine o'elouk,our battalion wasparaded upon the grees in front of the barracks,where a pole,eighty fect high,bad been erected by order of owe gallant com- ruander,J.Pegdones of the Contgderste Ar- my.At Qo'cluck,preciselg,the flagofthe Rowan LURE Guard waS bfdered 10 thé frost Where Tt was receivedt by Mr.J.MeL.Turver,who bored it to the poly,aus at the signal raised 1 alott.As 2 rose,the battallion presented:artis,aud when our boys siev it floabmg Ligh in the breeze,proudly Wavy above them,they stood yaaing Upon it ww silewt adtuiration,every heart wis swelling,every 2 was of howe: eye Was Qoaming,aud every thoug ol Rows,lovely !elorious old Row bills and her “yes ner forests;ubowe all,they thought of those fair hands that conabined those beautiful colors,of those tearful eyes that:followed them upon that beautitul Sabbath mot ping when they bade them farewell.Vhere wax vo mistaking that common feeling,©wae writte upon every face,eloquent in every eye.They were proud of their flag,prond of their kindred,their country and vb,her vreen Se never eurtender while God gives them breath or strengthto‘pall @ triger.Phat was their ancient character,andit has not chanced. we OF Fort Johusten is commanded by Capt.Ji P3 Sones,Confederate States Army ;Lt.Sum!Reeves hus been appdimted Adjutant;and H.C.Jones,Jr, Past Querter Master;Eli A.Pearson,Assistant Q.| Master.: The command numbers about 300 men.Three more companies expected daily.The meu are being thoroughly dried.All well,at the last account. -ome...-\ SALISBURY BRASS BAND. Among the ead evente ofthe times,we regret the probability that the Salisbury Brass Band will be dismembered and broken up.This Company of am- ateur muticiane has no eqtal in many miles around, and no supetiorin the Southern States.Pt has been training for six or seven years;and for the last three veareand ahalf under the direction of one of the best ingtegetore in the Country.In its present state of advancement in musical science,it ix an or- nament to our town and State;and many of our citizens wifl végard its destruction as a sad event. Somoof its inembers desire that the whole corps shal! offer their servieeato aceompany onraamy.fi is a capital idea.We verily believe this Band would be of more service in the army than ten times their number with muskets in their hands. me Savagecs'Phe Now,YorkTribune recommends to lay Baltimgrein eshes,if U.S.Troops are again ob- structed jn tbr paseuge through,it. And Mr.Dfekinson,eo much talked of lust year asthe Dethderitte chndidate:‘Tor President,says he “would,it déeésbary;wipese'Bauth from the face of the easth”9 ’ If these sentiments indieate the progrumme of the aggreseurs,gur peaple ought tw know it;for they will the ery the vem,an@ Mrect their sifiirs wcootinee RY Wich nson Will have us hare n job. of wiping’tedid Wire.Partington,When with mop | and puil die’attetypted ‘te Wipe wp the waters of un | angry séey whee autging!waver,driven by furions | Winds,invaded ber huashe cottage on the sore. =. A “GOOD SUGGESTION. The Rickiiond Whig eupgdete that it would be bet-| ter for Southern mewbpupere to keep durk about the movements cf ous troops,There ien yreat proneness among newARApers |o blow every thing;but in this case we think prudence dictates the practice of selt- denial.Tfout énetmies waht to kuow what we are | doing,they will proBabty ‘com:and tee,tend will ex-| pect Ue tobe réudy tereecivé them,We ought nut to diseppoigs them.».‘| MeMDowell Rifle Company.The followlag'tthefist ofOMicetéaud Privates belonging to the McDowell ve femme i CERS ;Capt.J.M.feat,9d Lieut,John Carson,1st Lt-A.G,Meplyburton,84 bieut.J.Mills Higgins, Ord.Bigt,Wm.Whealan,8:Sgt.“4 0.Neal,2a WeRMerson,4h “W,&Gonnelly, 1st.BP 31 Oorp.@.H,Garden,SP PME BR ACP SE dargen, Eneign,&B.Bolton,Sefgeon,T.J.Biackwell. .by pee fee ' Crane.nj:John poe,&2.Adams, Bivior ral aM Wa aiebariwinFor:.ton,.Allred, Ww.B.'hel,whi my J.Ww,.paces,J.Ah geared .Hy Perrefl,| Marion had.Bavnés,ssper Pawnrds,John 357.James Hall,eas ww),'5.WK.Pintey,J.B,F.Es ElijoteDavid}Witien,Gesepe Stoiks, Fielding Sisk,Jamde Tuithdr, pmax, J.Laray,George hewis,k Smith,1.A.Chappman,R.A.Tae,neon Oonléy,John Young,2.B.Bwan,J.M.Bargwyn,Thomas Pleasing,Wm.Sustive,Peter Justice, Z.D.Goodman,G.W.eae amisoon.28S cetent’ fenoegoon a Eintfe is too.‘nedté douty | wit Ow hh their cause.But it the sous of Rowan were proud of their Mag,their comrades iu arms were not tess sot the brave sous of Cabarrus,our kindred and our pelebbors,were there to do homage to our (lag,theirs were not the sisters that wronght if, bat theirs was the cause.They saw there the stu suey worshiped,that single star,that enblem of North Carolina's uutarnished fame.It was an in- spiug sight.All combined to heighten the effeer. ha the distance the eye traced the white beach, virt with those terrible oreakers,whose foaming crests cab bever perunt the advancing mernddous of Lincoln to invade the hallowed soil of North Carolina,while noon pomt the of beach tat bor- ders the channel,Fort Caswell frowned,jealous aud watelitul—the advancing tide with its mea- sared cadence swept along the shell ssrewed Leach, The sun shone brightly as we have so oftex seen the May sun brighten the green hills of Rowau.— And this was all part awd parcel of North Carvtna our own loved State.And tew were the hearts in that line of volunteer soldiers,that did not swell with devotion to her honor and berinterests.The Mag lingered awhile alott,its beautiful tolds reilected trom the restless waters of the ¢‘ape Fear,then slows ly descended.As it neared the earth,the artillery belehed forth its thunders,Capt.MoeNeely of our company firing the first gan.mine euns were fired When Capt.MeNeely received it and retwrned it to the kusigu.Thogwas our flag honored,Many times again Ltrast we will Louor it.should Lizeoln ever dare to Invade our beloved State.or her sistersof the shuny South,Her sous are leave and determined They die but never blush;their blood may drench the soil)bat oue thing we cannot forget,tis the Anglo Saxon blood that Never warmed the loathsoue carcass of a slave.‘Vo-day the boat brought us a quantiay of tents, provisions,clothing,&e,from our considerate friends at home,aud as lopg as they display tais spirit of liberality and tender regard tor tue welfare of the coupany,we were the worst of iIngrates did we noa suiive to reflect credit:wpou our country,We are well provided for ia every way.and alloar men are cheertul aud couteated.sternly determiwed to see the ¢lose of the drana We sre the Watchman verasiowilly,and Dassure you it sevives many ten- kK.G, —they cahnot be conqaered, der memories of ome. al FAPELICATION FOR MELIPARY OFFICES. Vhe applications for maitary o®ers in this State areas thick as blackbeermes.,North Carolina never Kuew until now,that hex bosow bad wurtured such a generation of Weljlugtons,Napoleons and Marlbor- oughs.There must be some discretion,however,exercised by the appointing power.There must he a good many to serve in the ranks,und in compara- tively subordinate offices.It is utterly inpos:ible for all to be Geuerals,Colonels and Majors,and nonebutthebestshouldreceivesuchappointments.This is no time for mustering and reviewing the corn-stalkregimentswhichanymancouldmanagewhoknew his right hand from his left—Raleigh Register. Publish a list of the applicants:for office.Thepeoplewouldliketoknow,we dare suy,who they are that aspires to become great. =seats : MORE TROOPS AND ARMS. Troops continue to arrive here by almest everytgain,and we suppose that there are some 2,000 attheenciuiapmentnearthiscity,On Wednesday theeasterntrambroughtupasplendidbatteryofsixpieces,with caisons and everything to match,takenwiththeotherarmsfromtheArsenalatFavetteville.This battery was taken in charge by the Ellis LightArtillery.—Ralesg)Reygisler. ome WHO OUGH?TO FIGHT? Speaking of the noble soms of the South whoarewowrallyingemmassetotheealloftheireountrytheNewYorkPourkalofCommercesays:“When men of high social and officialposition,and unaccustomed to hardship,volun-teerto toil with the shovel and hanl the ponder- ous Machines of wartuae nothing but an overs whelming force:ean crush then,Thesprrit thatprevadesallclassesabkemostleavethem)invin-cible while breath and Tite remain.They areo0hiredmerceniaricnwhomakewarfareatradewhooffertheirlivesas*food for powder.”Theyareworthyofmorenublefoementhanmanyoftheemployedtroopsthathavebeessentagainstthem.If “a life for #life is to begiven,let the vaunting editors of the North,theSharpe's rify preachers,aud the whole hordeofAbolitionfinaticswhoaresoelamesousforwar,coercion and no “compromise with traitors *and who ery “hang the repele:”volunteer tomarchagaistthem.The country which theyhaveruinedeanwellsparethem.and they willnothaveoccasiontocomplainofthereceptiontheywillmeetwith.Those who have jraisedthewarshoulddothefightimg. oe —_— Rooxincuam County.—Messrs.Settle,A.M.Seales and Chalmers Glenn,of Rockingham,passedtheongbGreensboronghthisnorningontheirwaytoRaleigh,to tender tothe Governor two compa-—of Volunteers gr thatcan »The officersenecempanyareHon.R jes,Captain;HenryMot eho,first-Lieutemam;John L.delaséoond*David Settle,dhird.OF @e other,Hon.beef a Captait :oeant?i Hipnicocks,2nd Robért HL”WerdnGin’Fate ae ee,ANormaRsrapclt Fea fate:in r"7 HE URGES A WAR OF BXTERMARATIONAGASPTRHE Susruen ‘ARNOLD Devaxras,who,beets Ser gion,oneduttheStateofthifgeinWe riously from Apaanam’s boson,addry+sed both houses of theLlinvisLegislaureintheRepresestuiine Hall, ut Springfield,ow the night of the oth imstant.He said:™2 i s">R wat of extermination aad oppression is new belng oe the Goverament,Walker bougis that on the first of May the Confederate flay will wave from the dome of the National Capitol,wud en the 4th of July willocenpy Independence Hall.Abready their piratical Hug ix unfurled against our comauerce, and the navigation of the Mississippi!1s obstructed, and we are required to pay tabute ats moral.“The question is,shall wa allow this to procs ed,ox meet the oppression!—bhe said there was nu cuuse tor this rebellion;that no.evidence had been presented that their institutions were insecure,that the fuyiive slave laws were never executed with more firmness than recently at Chicago.Are we to inaugurate the Mexican svstem in the W@ States?Had the candidate of the disunionists been elected,and the Republicans of the North rebelled,I would have used my besi efrts to erush them,The fwst dury of American eitiseus is obedience tocourtsand Jaws.In my opin- ion it is our duty to lay aside all party creeds and platforwas until you bave secured the country from ber assvilaw(s.Lwill never neqmesce in any war- fare upon the constitutional rights or institutions of the South.Tf amy attempt is made to tuvade those mghts or ineite servile insurrection umocg them,I would be the first to rash to the rescue,yet they must distinctly understand that E wall never acquiesce in their invasion of our constitntiouat ryhts.Tt is a erane agamet constitutional freecom,to attempt to guieh the United States oat of the map of christen- dom.He appealed te the men of all parties not to atlow their passious te wet the better of judgment, und mot to attempt to manufacture evptal cute the inisenes and struggles of their country To Demeo- crats he would say douw’t wllow porty considerations to make you traitors.The most stopendous and unanimous preparation for war is the shortest way to peace.‘The greater the nuanimity,the less blood will be shed.Every friend of liberty must feel that this cause is hisown.The seceded States have pro- ceeded to obstruct our mest inalienable right of navi- gation of the Mississippi.‘The people of the Missis- stypi Walley can never consent to be excluded from free aceess to the Gulfof Mexieo.Twillnever cease to urge My countrymen to take up arms and fight Jo the death in detenee of these rights.[tis «war of selfdelence.Lbelieve it is a duty we owe to ourselves,our Children and our God to protect and sustain eur Government and flag from every assatl- ant.He was frequently interrupted with enthusiasuc applause. orenere HOW SECESSIONISTS PROPOSE TO PAY THEIR DEBTS. Asn advertiing bill from:this ofhee was enclosed some time since toa frm in Memphis,Tennessee, with a request for remitteuee The dill was reture- ed last week,with the foll wing reply appended: Messrs.M.D.Porrer &Co:Your request will be atteuded to after the close of “your war.” J.D.MORTON &CO. N.B.—Exehange on the North i#now very high ; will pay you double the amount im our currency,if pervsanal application is made at our office. JD.Ww.&CO Cemiment ts unnecessary —Cincinnati Commercial Not entirely *taunecessary 3”ad@ia word by way of set-off Some weeks ayo,we for- warded a bill to @ higbly respectable honse in New York.to which the parties responded by not even promising to pay at the close ofthe war ‘Thoy were unprepared to do it thea,as the South had got tbe country into trouble,they didnt care ad wheter they ever paid it or not—Naraunah Rep we desire to we Charlesion,May 3 —Tennessee all haidat b45 PyM.Yesterday we had the pleasure of announcing to the public the news of the action of the Leyisla- ture of this powerful Sovereignty,The news spread like wild fire and every one gave olterance to tbeir Joyous feelings.Some people there were whodid notbelieveituntilnearsnuduwnaudthentheytoobe-came excited. Richmond,May 2.—The James River is blockadedandcommunicationswithNorfolkentoffThesteamerGleneoeforNorfolkwascompelledtore-torn.Some eitizens apprehend an aitick on Rieh-mond, The Abbeville Guards,Capt Perryman,one hun-dred,from Abbeville,8.C,and the ConfederateGuards,Capt.Walker,ninety-one men,from Geor-gia,have arrived svfely. Montgomeny,May 2 --In Congress to-day,MrWright,of Ga,introduced a bill,authorizing thePresidenttoacceptvulunteerswithouttheformalityofacallontheState;which was referred to thecommitteeoaMilitaryAffuirs. A bill (by Mr.Bartow)was passed.for the appoint-ment of us many chaplains in the ariny as the Presi-dent cousiaers expedient,wt wa sulary of Bx5 permonth,without any other aJowar ces. Washington,May 2.—The Seeretary of the Trea-sury has advertixed four proposals,autil the 3Uth Ipat.,wuless the whole amount be suoner taken at par,foruearly$14,009,000.under the wet of June,1860. “>—FO BE REMEMBERED. The \ar fever which raged in the New York Leg-islature,seems not to have attacked eve rvbody,«fterall.There were some few good und true patriots intheLegislaturewhorefusedtovotetotaxthepeopleoftheirStatethreemillionsofdollarstobeginawur«fl i cadaalloaai and emancipation”against theSouth, ‘The following are the peece voters:;Assemblynenm—Luke F.Cozans,William J.C.Kenny,George W.Varian,Wm.Walsh,DanielYoung—ail of the eity of New York.Senators.—Ed,A.Lawrence,of Queens,ThomA.Gardiner,of Kings.re meWelldone,good and faithfal servants.Blessedarethepeace-makers. =omeRumorhavingsuetedthat a battery had beenthrownFbyVirginiatroopsontheheightsnattheWhiteHouse,below Fort Washington,an aetualaxaminatronwasyesterdaymadeofthegroundtihére,ané for a mile or two atl ronnd,und nothing of thekindwasanywherediscoverable—Nutionnl Intelli-Zencer of Monday. What is the meaning of this?Hasn’t Virginia oarighttoerectbatteriesonherownpoilwherevershe chooses?Who made his examination,end by whatauthorityRichmondWhig.eae Mr.Wm.H.Clark,of Halifax,has given 500topurchasearmsforthecounty,and $500 more to-wards ipping the volonteers,and pledges himselftoprovideforneedyfamiliesofsoldierssolongashiemeansgut. Sam Houston danies:that be ever asked Linén!ntosendtroopstoTexas.desayshe will stand bytheSouthatali:hanapde,andwill die if:nsed.be isdefenceofharsight’iam di @ae wep cept stan xine Of he hen UXPerrEiee fii shurg Ezpresp, Va.April 25, alion continne inexcellentepiritaand:in good health,ey. a little temporary Incon venience achange of water.A few dave wii!he sifficient io accommodate them te it,wher they wall be in full vigor,They were re. ceived with a warn weleome,and theippraiseisonthebpsofeverybodyasit well deserves to be.My heart melts when Lthink of offering BO prgebone nv sucrificsevenuponthealmofLiberzy.u God shield them in the day of battle,7 The ammunition of wiiel Oot May was in charge has been replaced in the magazine,abd bis eommand bas just join- ed the yemaimderof the battaliou at their quarters at the Pair Ground, At the Navy Yard the preparationsfor waroare in full last.Every hoor dis. closes to us new eccasion for gratimde, en account of the frostration of the mali- cleus purpose of eur enenes by wa kind Providence.The Plyimonth will be yor. ten inte the deck to-day,and will soon be ready for service,The falling of the large shears on the Germhantewn—intend. editor herntter dest)wetiot—edal ber in uch, jess damage Dhan was feared,while by variying away her masts and rigging,it ryt!herftromy ruin hy Copthigzation >They have alrendy eommemeed raising her.— Vie Merrimae ds probabiy aire injured; but itis bebeved thadshe nave erill be turned to gooud. Besiler,she has 80,006 pentds of powder in ber magazine which although under water is ver secure beiuy enclosed in copper receivers that there ts ne dianver of cts bemyg damaged.Ter battery of five ZUNe—one of the best in the world—was gotten up yesterday and removed to Sewell’s Point where it was remonited bebind a strong breast work, and will eloqnently respond to any at romptofia hostile ship to pass throngh the Roads.When a similar battery shall hey danted on Lambert's Point—wihich will teoeffected ina few daya—the navy of the Northern ayvrinidions will be effec: tually backed dowu to the gerlectiny: beach of Fortress Monrve. The waynificent Howitzer battery of the Germantown,consisting of ten guns,wns nls raised yesterday and sent to Lichmond on the steamer Northampton. This will fully enable our sister city te vive another welcome to the New York seventh regiment,orto any other friends who may challenge their reapects. The shot,shell and other ammunition, Whieh were thrown inte the river by the vandal hordes,before their flight,are als so being raised in lagge quantines.,And itis granbyimy to learn that—contrary tos our first lanpressions and beleft—in their baste and tight they sctually left several hendred yuns ina remote paat ef the yard nnspiked The defences at Cramey Island and the Thospital are going farwasd very success- fully.At the latter plaee.six of the Dali- grem thirty wo pounders and two brass field-pieces,save already been mounted; and six more guns of the former rank will,within two days,be placed beside them.This ia a hot-show battery,and will be irresmtible,as,in order to pass if,vessela miuet eome within a half mile of it,and between itand a similar battery at Koat Norfolk.The furnace of one Los- pital battery is already up and im good working order.Anpassant,to show the prowiptwess anal enthusiaan of the menmthevard,Lam credibly intormed that they were hard at work at this furnace by LLo’chocw on Sunday,while the fires were yet burning,and before the iznoblehovitiveswerefairlyontofsight.Ln theireaverhaste,they have left ws more aries,ammunition and eqnipments thau weeouldprodweeinfiveyearsAlargecoanpanyofgallautandhardy-Woking men,hately arrived from:Geor-gia,is commanded by a minister of the gospel.kam told they are all trne teme yperance men.On their arrival they were breaktfeated at the Macon House;and itWaanMaposingandcheeringspectacletuseethetninthefiercehabilenentsofwar,reverently standing around the table,while their reverend Captain devont- ly implored the blessing of God on theirrepast.Can suck men be conquered 1—Never! Men are still coming in from differentgearters,aud the aspectof affairs is bright:ening.E shall lose the mail if I stop to tell youofotherincidents.Yonrs, aOeOoSia .The New Orleans Catholic:Standard says >8 for ourself,we have no Money to invest,butshaltakeaflonstowebondofthe$15,000,000oan,and placing #4 ia &PRawx oF nowon,bang‘ton the walls of ow humble cottage as a patri-aspen of the first Joan issued,by our be ~_ome 8 atten Lincoln's agente have been tr te ‘buy asmfromtheCunedagovernmens,bat eevofganb —_— ) B thou tof T tom u cil ciate Cor dy Hew the pl rue A by a alut bers. Gak ol P Hou Lau ceed com with Strat acct by th Th ole ! hand Just Lit Perr ‘Th thous wil. AL pissa atd tf FOR atel inti Re Mhe To! A trom rents wiiet Ne TS Su lock t whot dirk | or be anda tie ho Sp TS re the lu § that t Goods duced unpre prieee bus esa adopt for ow The call w gote, Salt O- to add will ts us wil vote. Sah Be aouce ho,m L.Ble tor at ed to claime of eitl remai yore ¢ it I If"{ boomy fe s@ios fo offe ently. von herete day al Tr Apr fe1¢ ¢SO 52dAit Apr ee 25. le in ‘ex. LCE Trin i be \herp re. their Hn it whetne i ny May the Join- heir 8 for dis- rade, Nall kinegor. BOON the ‘end: aneh a Levelt they re red: be 00 hich elu reds Her st jn and Wily TOT ut- muh, Hilt che avy ffec- Tage y of Uns, t to ton. Vy ti Tork snids thon, the e al- Anil Velheir eras the the ‘Case alii - rass. teds ‘auik side and 8 it, eof tery Jos- rover the men that 1ACe jres ble hei THR, Wwe rdy- ear- the emir ere dit acle got y ta- ont- heir1 rant lit: you se ays* t000 fang.atri- | “PROCEEDINGSIWWALMWORE,2.”av’©May.ig ne yyhat fittethacaeupeurhaverRetdshetethdarepayWiprfe.0))Ty"tae Bag He to foro’a pm Ttom House yesterday,aud the hulyards were cut by x citiana’paned-Geutyes Semmuns,who was imine- diately areoted @ud bouud vverby the United Stuttes Comamiasiavuet.5 >.~Judge Boud @henged the Graad Jury tofind iudict-ricute ugeses allpersags concer:ed ia the vffeir of the 19th Apeil,and ay siust afl kuowa oe have ob. ptructed ratlrueds or interrupted telegraph wisvs. Annarouis.May 3——The Maryland Senate tinduy, by a vote uf fuarteen ayew ty eight noes parsed @ re-a lution éppototing Governortieks,Baekial &)Chain bers.Juhu O.L,MeMahou,Thomas Winans,Phas,G.Pratie,Louw Lowe and Walter Mitchett,a BRourd of Public Sufety.-A-depotation agreed to hy bothHouses,and emedsting of Otho Seon,Robert Mo Mc-Laue and Win.J.Ross,received a eonminwn to pro-ceed ty Waahidgron,and uecsrtaln whether any be- coining arrangements are pruetieable in connection with the mututamance of the aad homer ef theSrate,and the security of ite fohabitantsin regard tococupationofits'suil and the pruperty of che StarebytheGeneralGovernment. “The New York fireman's Zouaves,one thougund ove hundred strong,und R.1.Murine Artillery,on- hundred and fifty in number,arrived in Washington Just mage. Large nembers of Keatuckiane urrived at Harper's Ferry to-day. The Sivtveniuth New York Regiment,(Lrish)three thousand strong,are at Annapolis,and three thous- und Jersevmen are oo their wayAvexinonra,May 3 —A resolution providing forthe pissage of troops through Baltimore,hos been offeredaidreferredintheMarylandLegislature.{Nneciat Dispatch to Charleston Gourier. WANTED. FOR THE ENGINEERS,ARTILLERY,IN- FANTRY AND CAVALRY OF THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 2,5002litelligent,wetive young men.|Pay from day of en- listment ac from $12.40 +0 $21.00 per month.Rendezvous at Satiebury,NC. ROBERT ©WILL,Corps of Artitlery,C.3.army, General Reerviting Ufficer. May 6,1868.u52 To the Farmers of Qowan and adjein- ing Counties. se our intercourse with the North ie now effect-LA.ually broken up ond curmurket mast be sapplied from the upcoatt:y,the under-iyned suliciisceonsign-nents of Floar,Baeon,Lasd,Hav,Butter,&e.,gc., which shall have his persona!attention. Newbern,Mav 1,1861 RiwhQ TOWN ORDER. fe is hereby oxdered that the Town Patrol of lock up ia the Calaboose any person,white or black, who inay befoandja the wreets of Sulisbury afterdirkwhoshaltbeguiltyofunydisorderlyconduct,or be awable tugive «sn tiatwctury uccouut of hinself;and «ny pertonao coumelted jo be brought before mie for farther proeeedings en the follawing moraing.JOHN JT.SHAVER, Totevdant. Suliebury haw»diseretiguasy powers to arrest and | | May 3,18614f5t)ae < Spring Stock for 1861. HORAH &RAMSAY ap tee pleaaure in informing their friends aad the public in genoral that they uve aow in receipt ofthelargest,moét varied and cheapest stock af SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that they exer had the plenauze to afr.These | Goody bave all beem bought for cash at greatly res |duced prices,aad will be offered for cash only at | unprecedensed low prices.Cull aud see ahem,hear | prices und jadge,for yourselves. bu view of the aucertainty of every thing im dusi-| Deas e@eire ju thene revolutionary tines,we have |adopted the cash system,heliexing it 10 be the best | tor owrrelves wad ourtende.|These having open uccuunts with us,wih pleaxe | call without delay,usd close themeitherbg euch or | gote.HORAH &RAMSAY. Naliebuey,April 98d 1861.50waeWOCREDIT. |(UR TERMS after the Iat of May next will be | exclusively Case or Barter.We ure compelled |to adopt this plan for our safety and we hope no one |will take offence atit.Persons having »reounte withvswillpleasecallandclorethesamebveushor |yote.McCUBBINS &FOSTER. ee!April 28,1861.tr50 || | || T YNOTICE. I Y VIRTUB of 2 Power of Attorney rezuiarlyexeeutet4ousbyM.Hofflin,we hereby giveaotcethataifpersonsindebtedtothesaidM.Hetf-kn,must nike payment to us of to our Attorney L.Blackine?,an or before the firet dav of Jane next,tor at that dat®all cluims due M.Hofflin wee direct-ed to be sted’upon without reservation.AW theclaimsdueM.Hofflin will he found in the posee ssion of either L.Blackmer or W.J.Mills.The GoodsremainingitM.Hofflin’s store will be sold at Balti- yore cost. HARZBERG &STTEFLE. 4w50 Aprit29d,1861.MILO).J,ROSEMAN,M.D. ‘AVING etudied in prominent Medical Colleges and Hyspitals,North and South,'anad having beom practising in the various departmentsof hia pro- feseion Jar aime)years with good saccess,he continues (0 offer bis aggyices to the public where hats perman- ently.located,dnd by strict attention to hia profer- Hoa wilLeadeavor to merit a libern!palednage heretofore,and holds himeelf in rendiness at all hours, day and nights-for professional calls. TF?Office ut Roseman’s Store. April 23,1868. “WE HAVE IN STORE 35 bbls.Coffee Sugars. 10 hhds.Molasses.6 bbls.N.Orleans Syrup, 800 Ibs.Sote Leather.50 kegs Nails.25 bags Rio Coffee.2 caske Rice. All of whiel!we offer seseltyvotened on April 9. 8mpd49 JOLIN F.FOARD.| bo RS!thee ' )/tr cigigg }re call-shes ntehuig of thd doves octheJettinn.*test =com. meneed,and troops huve beensent to Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops from Rowsn have gong aud are sti)!Zoing,and depend vpon their fellgwghiizens at home w sus-tain them There ix 4 Store-Roow,opened in Salivbury forthereceptiomwafanythingthitamybecodtributed,No freight fou transeertation on any of the railroads will be charged,and Megars.MCCUBBIN &FOs.TER will receive the freight aud unythiog else thatuaybeeoutributed. Bacon,Meal,Flour,Corn,Peas,Beans,dc, in any quantities will be taken,and thawkfully re-ceived.A fst of every inau’s ame who contributeswillbepreserved. B.R.MOORE,Col.Commandant 63d Regiment. WATCH MAK: AND JEWoLe# Salis ty.(ote Worewuteal rlootive _Jxnuary 29,1582.(f37Notice.-To Farmers. Something Vajuable to you all! Fronefield’s Cattle Powders, TQXYHE OREIGINAL AND GENUIN E—all others pul vp in similar style are base counterfeits.Froverigup’s Powners cure must all diseases of Horses aud Cattle,and keeps them in good condi- tton, Perfectly safe under all circumstances,and war- ranted to give sulisfaction, Price 25 cenix per PackageSoldbyW.EH WYATT,Drugyist and Apotheca- ry,Nos 186 and 183 Maia st.,Sclisbury,N.C. April 9.4147(ASH SYSTEM ADOPTED! Great Reduction in Prices! Selling Of for Casb only. Come and See! A eee &YOUNG,will sell their entire 4 stock of New Spring and Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices for cash only.We have been compelled by our long credit custoiners to adopt theaboveplan.By the reduction in prices it will be greatly to the interest of ali who have money tospendforGoodstotradewithus.! Come and see! NOTICE.—We wow make our fast call on all persous having open accounts with us,to come for- ward and settle either by cash or note.We have waited too long already on a great many persons,and are now determined to cloxe up our accounts McNEELY &YOUNG. April 23.1661.uf THE CASH SYSTEW ADOPTED W E are vow selling our stock out at reduced p si- ces for CASH.No goods sold ou credit.All per- sons indebted to us are requested to call and pay up. R.gf A.MURRAY. April 22,1864.tf9 —_Farmers,Look Out ! Money,Time und Timber Saved !/ I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fenee, Made without poess,in the Counties of Alamance, Randolph,Roekin ,Duvideon,Rowan,CaburrusandMevtlenbury.Cheupnees,durubility,and con-venience are ite chief advantages.We recommendtheFencetosavw-imil]owners,farmers,and all who have féhcer to make.We will sell Farm or County rights,A circular stating costs,ne of building,&c., Ww E sent free to uby adérese diyJNO... Mebuuesville,Mar,19,1861.-3m44)Alamance,N.C. ate Chorlotte Democrat please copy three months und forward tul to subsesiber.oe esWesternN.CO.Rail Road. WINTBR ARRANGE WENT. 3permrsziwesaan ’F[SS Fels Ps FeFe 425 mn ey pe eel FI(Sy ESP Le Nn I.afPP scare Rese,F ayc=SINS Sees esOd ee 5.isisasfTeeeteFFleeapeeSee(Pas E a eS ee nN Bane cFlo«Bmmsamsam #1g9°181G'2 BSzTDNWwwsas=B=sSESRSesse.(1 r04m)HF ==w--S==Ssoewe ~7 -we seen ses |aA Be2eosreRE3ASes¢!wpe =Re i 4-HOSS BN a4:sipeeeskoe gue 2SosaceeTeeZePaePOFSRoea3FeasteattlrgnJ:sitcagwases 3,2 |lesgiSegaesgegi&a82275e78?Fs 5 8 iss"224-3 2 Fe eteors<rag =So ad 4:=aaae |»>zoey Enya s=SWGET ©SeB=32-awimal = et =s PwWwwWNN—ON —rauiy 4 - Bei Sy i en =ee & BWwWUNM—~OWY-'S >avo z.|BE3bRehss&3 JAMES C.TURNER, Salishury,Nov.26,1860.Eng.§&Supt. \JANTED—Two or more active Salesmen totravelthroughtheState.The right sort of men can mike from $2 to $10 a day.Apply teW.H.WY4TT,Nos.186 and 188 Main et.,Salis- bury,N.C. eel 9.2147 Notice to Sheriffs. rT\AX RB PTS,neatly!pringed tq wrder,andTataifwana.t short fotice and on moderate totes,fo8 dah,Bendin your ordets. Impartaat,,Aanouncemont | We are stil!Agents for the sule ofcabatsyELEBRATE0PA‘JEIVAG.WASHINE HICH are pronounced by all to be the bestMachinemade.We are selling them,deliver-ed in this ptace,wt Mannfagturerspricesswhich havebeenrecentlyreducedfromfifieentotwenty-fivepercent.We cuu furnieh Machines at avy pricefrom$40 to 193.>Ludiex who have a great deal of swing to do,should certainly have one,as it will andoubtly py-long their lives ten to tweuty years.We huve madagoodmanyoftheseMachinesallofwhichtayoaudstillcontinuetogiveentiresatisfaction.Send for a Painpphiet.R.&A.MURPHY.Salisbury,April 9th,1661.3m47=2 =e oa —— 'FOR THE |SPRINGTRADE. VW I.are now receiving a lot of vew and desira-ble Goods for the SPRING and SUMMERTRADE. OUR STOCK Will not be as large as on former seasons,but wilthaveagoodassortment.We shall have a veryhandsomeandselectassortmentofallkindsof Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer indugements this season rarely offered in this murket and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing oat our stock this Spring and Summer and fer thew panpose offer - Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will dowell to call und examine oat Goods betore purchasiag. BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK. Salisbury,April 9,1861.2m47 Npring Stockfor 1861. R.&A.MURPHY, RE now receiving their usual Stock of SPRING£¥%and SUMMER GOODS,embracing FANCY AND STAPLEDR-Y GOODS, BOOTS,SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars,Coffee and Molasses, NAILS,SHEETING AND COTTON YARN, allot which are offered forwale at greatly reduced prices for Cash Give usa call,and see what we have in store for you R.&A.MURPHY. Salisbory,April 9,16%.3m47 WYATT’S: Tonic Cordial. The best Medicine in the world forCHOLIC. It is Uneqnalled for DYSENTERY. It has cared Thousands of IMARRHOEA.| The best Abiysicians recoummend it for FLUX. Its uae on the first evinptoma,and betore a physician can he obtaived will preventCHOLERA.Tt will eave inaty Fiver,much time,sick- nese,suffering und money to everyFAMYFLY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. It only Coats 7 \eENes./.€Z A Prepared by W.Il.Warr,Apothe- cary,Ve.186 and 188 Main st.,Sualie-bury,N.C. April 9.6in4d7 Swan Island GuanoFORSALEBY SPRAGUE BRO. THE above (Guang is suid to be a better fertidgerforthecultureofTobacco,Cotton,Graiua,Roota,Grapes,&c.,than any other imported.A trial is all that is necessary to prove its superi-ority.SPRAGUE BRO. March 25,tf4$ Tanner Wanted. AN expriencéd Tanner who ean furnidh sajesinc-i <X tory evidenee of good chagaeter.and.shill)may obtain goed.situativn a to | .4.ae c@.,Patterson,Caldwell co.,N.C.‘\Rapeap Apa 16,1863. a) RAMwy4)of pees “hip ee tal)ode td anne.»¢ane Moka vores oe_FAVING-determinndtelpeee.avone Ve 1S Gerais |Springs»4 “sule-all-m y :propent y»1 @opety,s borh :ondPessotel—»+):te kotor ogturrun I Hodechold und Kitehon Ruraitara:‘The Ladd ip in.an improved ate dud witOe di aeervemull:pat.:cele if desired,40 Sairpapertgan is imthejapme~>dine viciolty Ur att ety shoes600evden:well wat ant ea ea on Main Stré6 wext Yo Dr.4.VU.'Long,and nelsoppositetheCoart-houds theGefner:Mourene:ocodpled by @..Réherweaca Grocery Steve:engshee .Howees andLoew eandonp vucdat botailpining cameTwoHowsesandLote:neet the kutharun GreYard}-one-on Shbany Hill5 several)ie anValuableNegroBldres, House Servants and éleynrt Cooke,logether with e,greut varietyofother articles.:seTwouldeellanyevallery”privately, but unless sold before ayer «positively be. sold to the highest higsder,cif ich due notice willbegivenNandiideBgtas7nomigtaké.for ve+9 3 8.Bak,R'D 4 For particalays and terma,in iny ubsence apply to Wm.A.Walton or Wm.M.Barker,my authorized Agents._Sualisdury,Apel %yp jeeMerchAth,1861.~NEWSpringandSummercoops!FINHE SUBSCRSBER HAS 'FHE PLEASURE lo annonnee Je pis trip nds ¢Rc ally,that he i»re@eivinghié wuANDSUMMERGOQGDS,somguiyey ah pguyt-ment of all the F eonaisting fn i iFaebogin,MonamiereCapele‘purt of Silks,Bereges,Grena inet which he asks a spegiate:tian.xaminatioAeo,a full assortment vf Bfeached Domestic, Linens,House-keeping Goode,&e.,&e., A.MYERS,No.&Geanite Building, ‘M ach 25.—4f ‘aunty N.CHardTimesdon't stop them. MeCubbins&Foster RE now ia receipt ofa very large and well se. lected Stock of ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought for cash at greatly reduced prieea,,qousisting in part ofSTAPLE AND FANOY.”DRY GOODS, HARDWARE,Cutlery,Quéensware,Hata,Caps and Bonnets,Boots,Shoes, ee ateCopenigrs Tools,Mill and CroeeCut Saws, GROCERIES, Drugs,White Lena!Zinc;Padnaré.and Linseed N SHORT Everything that the Peopte Want.These Goods wre étfePed 18 the public (pi sree’ingly Law Prices for Cash er Bartér.*Come’tnt, look for yourself.”Great dacements offered to Country Merchants.»es Moth S&F SR.4ARSteres0April9,1861-447]Salisbury,©. BOOKS! J J STEWART IS PREPARED TO FUR. eJ «nish at short potice Colleges,Schools,Acade-mies and the publie’gémeqellywidiay ke thatmaybewanted,at lowest prines pusmble.He al-waye kenpe og shaed @ Wwefl,ji of cheap FamilyBbice.Bivles for Chare oA Hymus tosuitthelttestandmystpopular.pi ations of thetimes,wiling oretapor ofall sizes,cheaper than everbeforeoffered,by the ream of at retail, blank Books of every degerption and sige,Pens,En- velopes,Picturesyi é‘k fy’? nN 8. Harrisons Lniky ewsColumbian n Tink»all meer ae wna Red $Wu)j Br:-mine Ink,Arnult’x Writing Plaid,the begt Kmown,. very heap for cush. i aha,iiWALLPAPERe To his already lurge and beautiful assortment ofwailpaper;he hae just received a large bot of thelatestpatterns,which for beauty,style,and ehpap-ness are far enperiorto any ever before offered inthismarket.Window Shades,Fire Sereons,ete. Orders of enythieg:io his five solicited. Salisbury,N.C.,Feb 39,186).1040 yDr.Wm.B.: =Ar ee easootalimonalanarPplonlysaifuedShidybewend«Sel «e RE offering to theA;FIR etndb DET Selb SRROIS sou’s seven shot;Shaap's 8 cance Pistol,that.cancurtiodby(ee weet prettey aGRanceed board75yurdb.Mhueg"s|Oub,snorethrveght niboutd200vardegtiationCaltd.at vedmeed prites.Blies’Curtridge Pistol,6 shot;Rider's self-evct- tog ;|‘ie ageort-.wdtel SuarbSopaedag mhdes:wih Binbebo ytandagiédiatWorn(They .cffas shais.tock ufgoodsatredacedprices@rquah,werbey intend duingacashbusineos,.Rheir,jeiew aiock coneists ofCosnbe,Brusbea,Ratioon,Suspeadom,Bole,Fins,Watches,dowelsy,Silver Plated:Wom,fancy headPins,Perfumery,Extracts,cy and tailét roupe. stationery ar 8 s,Work Boxee,Siac and common pocket Cutlery, walking Canes,gpertiug articles,Whips,Musien!)Im SLrunsen toy:Willow:Were,Basketay Traveling Saich-els,Panny 6roverives Hraite,Gigam,Trbsove,Snuff,and vum@ouvether:ettickee tue tedious (da mention, all of whichcheyeforat jew-pripes.-ous! Those indebted to ue,mustedi gudpay their aotes d 'easndscowlWokeSmetFearyarateforeulleetion,.,4°,MEBRONEY &,BRO,Salisbury,Jen.7.1861...34ifSPECIALNOTICE. BLUE STONE,3000 Ibs.BLUE STONE.3000 Ibs. HRPSAYON &ENNISS. 50 Fisk CLOVER SEED. pie ete ENDERA EN NISs. THERMOMETERS Por Ouring Tobaooco. From 210 gorge raeeABAHENDERGONa ENNIss. 1.00Poe*111000 Pare White:Lead in Oil, HENDERSON &ENNISS. 1000 GALLOWS 1000. PURE LINSEED Of.For saleby |:HENDERSON &HNNISS. For sale by For sale by 40 bls.}Tdaners Oid)do. HENDERSON &ENNISS. Ague and Feyer Cured — For sale by ]Wi PA Ye»iy whibhakd Gatdes Seah U WheretTEDSTO\cRR eB.||2$HENDERSON &ENNISS’. | |a | Fluid andKerésine Oil.| By the Gallon of Butret'tit sale at |:|HBNDERBON &ENNISS’. | ye eee ~4 wR APB BlogsMEDICINAFRENCHBRANDY. TPoOMe1849..Mpdieina drench Brandy.1840,| Given-ap by Judgestu be the best ever brought te |thispagal &saleby ee |.HENDERSON &ENNIss.| SPICES!SPICES:Peomer,Spice,meget dy Cloves,Ginger,Mace, Cithe 191 rar %- z | ND Y ERNINS.| VINEGAR! 30ets.Pure Cider Vinegar,30 ctx | ew pen MalloncdeRSON BL ENNISS,|_SepteIR 1860 7 | |penceCo.,their edtire stock of 1 TEN,SHEET-IRQN.COPPER-Ji ol WARE,STOVES,&c., note offertretaryeet and-tatdvoment!Int-of COOK- ING;PARLOR ‘and “CHURCH:STOVES.ever offeredin thie apache.,tad Will cell forcashax hiw ws || caf béhadia WetrehnNortCarolina.Atecyalltinds f Platt und Japaned PIS-WARB ahd STILLS’|kept on hend.Alldeinds Tim,Sheet-Tronor Copper | work done at the shortest nofice.fMURR&SOSSAMON.Sebel PRE cir eaPineShirtsndCothary.; (fb aT ri call atthe Great ClothingEi ae Sejm 95-1119]No.@,jnamer willow»| ~ ReKonecheeiIe"| \@ 4ebe,Ae PEE ei linens)CLOTHING EMPORIAaetitaoALARPAA POARN,es 4 Eiigernnreineri’aetcrt ote Hv GRBTURNEP FROM THE NORTH. era Cities with »n LARGE and COMPLETE Stock ofReadpiade:Ctoching Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, euchlad Beptage Gate,Caps,Drawere,Under- Shipts.‘Clayars,Nod-tdes,Mundkprehiefs,and a fine assortment of Shirts und Collars,&c.,&c..to which he invites your immedinte atiention.They have been purchased for cash,and will be sold cheap- er than ever were offered here before.NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS,av I um determined to sell cheaper than uny other houseinSalisbury. Returning my thanks for the ltheref patronage er etofore bestowed,I hope for a coutineance of theame.Remember the Stand, NO.2,MURPHY’s GRANITE ROW, Salisbury,N.C. March 95,1861.‘(f44 National Flag! WM.M.BARKER Were INFORM HIS OLD gee frieuds aad customers that he isagain‘in the Carriage Business, and prepared to furnish any style of BUGGY or CARRIAGE from the best to the lowest priced. He hax recently vistied anuinber of the NorthernmandfadteticsangGioquaigtedhimselfwithallthelateimprovementeinhisliiaé,and nade atrangements by which he can supply those prefering it with North- ern work ma@h*che aper tfinn éould be done by order- ng 4 singe Job.He ihtends to build the finest and est work ever done in the country and solicits aallattheSignoftheNationalFlag. WM.M.BARKER.July 31,1860.fl Book .Bindery SALISBURY. \R.W.R.DICKS woul respec(fally inform the EE eitizens of SalisburySU harlotte,Statesville, Concord,Gold-Hill,Mocksville,Greensboro’,Lexing- tou,Morganton,Newton,aud the strrounding coun- try generally,thac he has established a Book Bixn- ery in this place,and will be pleased to receive or- ders in hts line.Viusie:Books,Law Books,and Periodicals,bound ta pattern,or im vpy style to suitLL?His establishineht can Se found on the secondflooroverthePost-Office. LT Orde ep ffom a distance promptly attended to. Salisbury;Sept.12,1260,oe eon Browns.Livery Stable. ADS bept apes heretofore It ig grati-fying fo lim that this establighment, begun,at first,asa doubtfulexperiment,hus proved to the public u great deside- ratum and a complete emecess.,‘Travelers,andothers can always have theinwauts,iu ths dine,well sup- lied. ‘Cash prices paid for Provender.And the eubscri- ber ix always ready tw sellor buy good HorsesTAOMASE.BROWN.Jan.Ist,1861.tr47 T.BEM ISTER., House Painter,Grainer.PAPER HANGER,dex Main St.,oppeaite Murphy's Granite Row,SALISBURY,N.C. All work personally attended:to and warrunted to be done in.workmadlike maaner Jan.22,1861.6m36 MICHAEL BROWN,oga DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV- KN to the purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE And to al]¢onsignenedite tobe sold in this muerket or shipped to other Putts. February 14,1860.{38 JAMES HORA WATC-MAKEBAND JEWELER,S.\LISBURY,N.C, One door below R;&AL Muphy’s Storc, |}*EEPS constantly an hind a latge assortment oWATCHESgidJEWELRYofallkinds. Clocks,Watches and Jewelry vf every description repuitadia the best manner and on the most yeasona ‘ble terms. February 14,1860.ly38 qt PERROUMY Whe!bre havea TO me are Le verpectfully:tequestetto:call brid make imte- dime payatendyas>d)am:sompeticd to have monry; jand as this ie thefirse thet [Anse called on myfriends,I hope Ahmy Sf.mptly. 5)Man New hia?on °fe we SENT Now,S00s/:1 859.rit Ver FRERCKS &RAEOER,BUOOEMORE TO.N.BOYDEN &SON, yi continue to manuufagture und keep on hand att AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS mude heretofure.A full assortment of Caltivators.Plows ‘Straw und Foed-Cutters,Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers,Seed-Sowers, Threshers,Cider end Sugar Mills. Thresher and Separators,They fteo nanufucture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mille,Circular und Vertical Saw Mills.Gold,Copper and SHlvet Mines,Tobacco Preswex and Fix- tures,&c4 We,. IRON AVD BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order,and warranted in every respect.Repaits of every description of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury,N.C.,Jun.2,1861.ly34 Standard,Raleigh;Patriot,Greensboro’;Demo-crat,Charlotte;Western Advomate,Aphevibe ;(aro- linian (tri-weekly )\Colambia ;Obsefver,Fayetteville ‘ and Iredell Express will publish 3 mouths and forwaid accounts. icrasaabarccel Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTCRS: John A.Mebane,W.J.McConnel,C.Po Wenden- hall,D.P.Weir,James M.Garrett,Joha b.Cole, N.H.D.Wilson,Wm.Barringer,David MeKuicht, M.8.Sherwood,Jed.H.Lindsay,Greensborouph; W.A.Wright,Wilmington;Robert E.troy.Lum- berton;Alexander Miller,Newhero:Phadeox Ve- Gee,Releighs Thomas Johason.Yunceyvije;Wr.W.C.Ramsey,Wadesboroagh :Rev,KC.Maynard,Franklinton’;Dr.E.F.Watson,Wathonville. OFFICERS; N.H.D.WILSON,---Presideut. JED.H LINDSAY,--VicePresident.C.P.MENDENHALL,-Adsternpy. PETERIADAMS,—-=- WM.H.COMMING,-.-- W.JS.MeCONNELL,-- J.4,.MERANE.=-- JOM.GARRETT,--- Allcommanicationron businessconnected withthi» Office,shouldbe addressedto -Seety and Treas’r. General’Agent. Executive Com’tee. PETER ADAMS.Secretary. Greensborough,N.C...June 19,1860.tf4 COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, OK FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY, SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone inthe Bladder and Kidneys,Weak: ness of the Loins,Be. FENHIS invaluable Medicine is for sale only atMocksville,Salisbury Stateevite,Concord andFayetteville,and at Cal.Augtin’s.and no where elee‘Tho subsotiber Navinig entefed!mts comirmershipwithJohnF.Cowan,original patentee,forthe imann-facture,und sale of the:above Medicine,is prepuredtofurnish»supply by addressing him at Salisbury.N.C.,of callingat his residence,10 wiles weet ofthisplace,E.D.AUSTIN.dune 21,1855.1 . HARDWARE!! CVU Subscribers are receiving und opening attheofdwtandofG.M.&A.T.Jouex,thelargest: Steck of Hardware ever offeredinthis Market,which hieving bern boughtdirecthyoftheManufacturersortheiraveite,exelu-sively for cash.They att prepared to offer indtice-mentelto Wholesule ur Retail bayers.A cull in re-xpeotfallysolicited.|JONES &OVERMAN.Salfsbury,Mar.13,1860.tf43WORTH&DANIEL,Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commission Mercha nts, No.2Granite.Row,Faont Strexr,WILMINGTON,N.C Dealers in all kinds of Acertes,Provisions,Fruit,Liquors,Wines,Cigu ra,odd Tobtrcen,Solicit consigninents af Phour,Dried Fruit,Feath- ers,ewax,Tobacco,and Country Predace wen.erally,-Agente for Howe's celebrated Scales. N.G.DANIEL,For the part 7 years with T.C.&BG.Wontn D.G.WORTH. |Late of Asheboro’,N.C. !||DENTAL NOTICE,—~238 SR DR.BESSENT, H*REMOVED wo rite DENTAL ROOMS ba thé ¢omer formetty oceapied by Da.Bikeon,where he is prepared to attend all operationsconnectedwithhisprofession, san.1,1860.(f32=a atheLEBRY Heh toleray,D aFORSALEATTHISOx10k. |BLANK. | ©The -proptieters and wanwketvtrersof 1109->PETPERS COLEDRATOD 8TuaracH Lit.TERS ea appeal with perfect confidence to physician»ap cildseny generally of the Unired Hiales,vecnusethearticle bas at nines RE)Ue vation heretofore ‘ubbnown,|A few tarts wouthisponewillspéwksnore!pewebtiubiy chin velumenofbave devertion'ar-)L.zoning yuithery, The commewpuen of Hestetters Sivimuel bir .werefor:the:peat!amounted te over a half. willigebottles,end from ité manifes:Bealy énéteaseih tithes past:it is evidert that uringabecomingsheconsumptionwillreach bearone-milBen bottles.Thix towenseanount could mever have been cold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara-tion,amd she amnction of the moxt prominent ydeinns in these sections of ihe eountrScanarticleisbestknown,whe notonly recommend the Bitters to their peticuin,but are ready at all timesto give testimanial~iu iis efficady iv-all cavesoftiumachia dernngemenisandthédiseasesresuRingtheretrom. This ie vot atemporary popularity,obtained by extraordinary effort:in the way of trum- peting the qutalities of the Bitters,but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine,which ig destined to be as endyring as tine itself.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regioug.where fever aud ague and various other bilious complaints have counted tbeir victims.by hundreds.To Leabletoxtateconfidentlythatthe*Bitiers” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases,is to the-proprietors a.seurce of un-alloyed pleasure,J¢pemoyeg all morbid matter from the stothdoly puMife’ti blood,andimpartesrenewedvitalitytothenervousaysiem,giving it that tone and energy indispensablefortherestorationofhealth.i operates upon the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfylly,.and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of matute, Elderly persops may usethe Bitters daily asperdirectionsonthebottle,and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted io comfort declining:yeass,as it is t to the palate,invigorating to the bowels,excallent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally.We have thie evi-dence of thousands of aged menand women who have experienced the benefit of using thispreparationwhilesufferingfromatomachde- rangeinents and general debility ;,acting under the advice of pl )they-Bave abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested (iemeriteofthisarticle.A.few words 'o thegentlercex.There,are certain periods when their cares are 80 ing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation yt mother apd child is s0 ane tender,that themother,especially if she,be young,4s ap!toforgetherownhealthinherextremeanxietyforheripfaga}.;bhavathe @ pplerniry arrive during the summer seasop,the wenr of body and nfind is’generatly nggrnvated:Here, then,is a ‘necestity for-s stimulant to reeupe- rate the energies ofthe systeni,sud ethble themothertobearupunderherexbevetingtrinisahdresponsibilities.Nursing mothers gene-rally prefer the Bitter#to si?otfier invigorn- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians,because it is agreenble to the tnrste as well as certain to give a permanent increaseofbodilystrength. All those persons,to whom we have particu-larly referred above,to wit;sufferers fromfeverandague,caused hy malaria,difrrhea,dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite.andalldisgasesorderangementsofthe’stoiacli, supérannuaied invalids,persone of sedentary occupation,and nursing mothers,will consult their own physical welfare by giving ,to Hus-tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitterg a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public againstusttigtisyofthemenyimitatYonso¢Géudter- feits,but ask for Hosretten’s CerennateD Stomach Birrers,and see thaféach bottle hasthewords“Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach’Bitters”blown on the side of the bottle,amd stampedonthemetalliccapcoveringthecork,andersthatourautographsignatdtefsontheél.'. aa Prepated and sold by HOST ETTER & SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa.,and sold by all druggists,grocers,and ‘Gealers:>generally througout the United States,Geuth Ame-riea,and Germany, SCOVIL &MEADE,WHOLESALE ACENTS, N¥w Orxrwans.Lai, SOLD BY Henderson &Ennies,vd W.HlWyau,Salisbury;by J.Keed,Cuncurd,and by Porter &Gorrell,Greeuaborw’,N,C. _Mary 28,2860.oe ee Wd -Frere,SeSegla——5.S82o85 .EeSeis=ee peed Xow2-aeee —_Se 2222 Ee TEE2 o mF ae me]i eeBSSeoOMeeeefeMeom- DRAYING. “[Andel red five «wetice that he keeps |TEAM AND WAGONSfor the,purpowe !Drayint and wil serve ull who may faye him wit!)culls inghis line on accomendatiug teram ,te GEORGE MOWERYMarch@0th;L860.''"FA me 1fa3 |Fine Suit. If you wish tobuy FINE SUI of CLOTHIN”for ua little money dapo thie,ck the Great Clot’ ing Emporium oftr.DAVID W IL1bfetcheshe2,Murghy'eOre a :ifs ED P D Q e m a m c c e t s m = a n e he m fed he ha Ine ly q the fre the sho chol roong, In ff here (uni it ® ind furt cult d, a osah eS up organ 8 tha hay daily ill fi comfy pala &ton thee wom MN g hd bg un andon Bted | to pds why fy of th moth that iS api anxid patern wear . He o recu mable 4 ng 1 8 ge nvigo pb taste incre p parti ers f diarrhd tite, stoma sedent ill cons to H a trial. lic agsi cound LEBRA bottle h Bittes d stam cork, is oD r CH d by ge ne [S. Kadi ae or sale exvile: a). Au into ° a) pate above hy DY iy calli this pla AUST! tf + TI: co tl GON ve al fine 0 owek 1143 of cl VOL. XIX. J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS single copy, Five copies, $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten,in the same pro- poruen $1.50 each. Payiaent always in advance. ————————_—_[__ EEE MESSAGE OF President Jefferson Davis, Gentlemen of the Congress ; $200 It is my pleasing duty to announce to you that the Constitutten framed tor the estab- lishment of a permanent government for the Contederate States has been ratified by Con- ventions in each of these to which it was re- terred. To inaugurate the government in its Vill proportions and upon its own substantial basis of the popular will, it only remains that elections should be held for the designation of the officers to admiuister it. There is every reason to believe that at no “ La WW tae ES ET BAH gs ee SALISBURY, N. Fg rier i the reservation, by the Scates, of all thetic so- , delegated to the United stitution. aout day other States ideatified in poliue | val priuciples and conununity of interests with tose Which yeu represent, will join tis Con- iedevacy; giving to its typical constellation iicreased splendor—to its government of tree, equal and sovereign States, @ wider sphere of usetulness, and tu the trieuds of constitntuion- al liberty a greater security for its harmoni- vas and perpetnal existence, Ir was not, however, for the purpose of raking tis announcement that T have deciu- }timy duty to convoke you at an cartier lay) than that fixed by yourselves for yous mecting. The declaratiou of war made against tue Conederacy by Abraham Lineolu, the Veraignty, rights aud powers; .not OX) LgSB States by the Cony Strange indeed inust it appear to’ the ith- partial observer, but it is hone the ‘less fae, that all these curetnlly worded claeses prov- ed unavailing to prevent the tise aad ‘growth in the Northern “States of a pot ‘school which has persistently claimed that thé Go- verument thns forured was not compact between States, but was in effect a National Government, set up- above and over the States. An organization, created by the States to se- cure the blessings ¢f liberty aud independence agaist foreign aggression has beeu gradually perverted tuto a mechine lor Uueir control in their domestic atlairs—the creatipe-has been exalted: abyve its oreators; the principals have becn nade subordinate to the agent ap- pointed by themselves. The people of the Southern States, whose almost exclusive occupation was agricultore, early perceived a tendency in the Northern States to render the common goverument ebservient to their own purposes, by impo- sing burthens 00 culmmerce as a protection to their mauufacturiug and shipping interests. Loagand angry coutroversy grew outol these allemnpts, often suceesstal to benefit ove sec- tion of the country at the expense of the oth- er. And the danyer of disruption arising from this cause was euhanced by the fact that the Northern population was inereasing by im- migration and other causes in a greater ratio than the population of the South. By de- grees, as the Northern States gained prepon- derance in the National Couvress, self-inter- jest taught their people to yield ready assent President of the United States in hia Procla- | uation issued oa the fifteenth day of the pre- sent inendh, rendered it necessary. iu my ciigment, that you should couvene at the | carhest practicable moment. to devise the | measures necessary for the defence of the | eomMtry, The occasion is indeed an extraordinary | It justifies me in a brief review of the | iadous heretofore existing between us and States which now unite iu warfare against us, aud in a suceinct statement of the events viach have resulted in this wartare; to the | cad that mankind nay pass intelligent and pattial Judgment ou its motives and ob- ects During the war waged against Great Brit- hv her colomes on this continent. a com- danger impelled them toa close alhance, to the formation of a Confederation, by terms of which the colonies, styling them- | ~lyes States, entered “severally into a firm | ague of friendship with each other for their niutual and general welfare, binding them- ~if@s to assist each other against all force of- | ‘interest of such transcendent magnitude, as at ‘all time to create the appreheusiou in the vred to or attacks made upou them, on ac- count of religion, sovereignty, trade or any ier pretence whatever.” In urder to guard against any miscunstruc- von of heir contract the several States made to auy plausible advocacy of their right as a Muajonity to govern the minority without con- trol: they learned to listen with impatience ty the suggestion of any constitutional imped- iment to the exercise of their will; and so utterly have the principlesof the Constitution bee corrupted in the Northern mind, that in the mangnral address delivered by President Lineoln in March last, be asserts as an axiom, which he plainly deems to be nndeniable, that the theory of the Constitution requires that in all cases the majority shall govern; and in another memorable instance, the same Chief Magistrate did not diesitate to liken the rela- tions between a State and the United States to those which exist between a country and the State in which it is situated and Ly which it was created. This is tue lamentable and fundamental error on which rests the policy that has culininated in lis deckaration of war against these Conutederate States, In addition to the loug continued and deep seated resentment felt by the Soutbern States at the persistent abnse of the powers they had delegated to the Congress, for the pur- pose of enriching the manufactering and ship- ping classes of the North at the expense of the South, there has existed for nearly balfa century another subject of discord, involving ininds of many devoted lovers of the Union, | that its permanence was impossible. expheit declaration, in a distinct article that | erch State relains its sovereignty, freedoin | and independence, and every power, jurisdic- “on and right which is not by this Confed- vation expressly delegated to the United States 1 Congress assembled.” Under this contract of alliance, the war of ‘le Revolution was successfully waged, and resulted in a treaty of peace with Great Brit- , ain in 1783, by the terms of which the sev- , eral States were each by name, recognized to be independent. The articles of confederation contained a! clause whereby all alterations were prohibit- ed onless confirmed by the Legislature of vey State, after being agreed to by the Con- ces: and in obedience to this provision, un- | ey the resolution of Congress of the 21st I hruary, 1787, the several States appointed wlegates, who attended a Convention © for ‘iw sole and express purpose of revising the | ticles of confederation, and reporting to Cougress and the several Legislatures such wicrations and provisions therein as_ shall When agreed to in Congress, ard confirmed y the States, render the Federal Constituton wlequate to the exigencies of government and tie preservation of the Union.” It was, by the delegates chosen by the se- reral States, under the resolution just qnoted, taut the Constitution of the United States | Was framed in 1787, and snbniitfed to the | éervral States for ratification, as shown by | | nating fram themselves, tie Tih artide, which ig in these words : . ~The ratification of the Convention of wire Stes shall shall be sufficient for the extab ‘siinent ot this Coustitution between the Sales xu ratifying the saue.- T have ttaligiged certain words in the qno- When the several States delegated certain powers to the United States Congress, a large portion of the laboring population consisted of African slaves imported into the colonies by the mother country. In twelve ont of the thirteen Stases, negro slavery existed and the right of property was recognized in the Con- sUtution, and provision was made against its luss by the escape ol the slave. The increase in the number of slaves by furtber importa- tion from Africa was also secured by a clause forbidding Congress to prohibit’ the slave trade anterior to a certain date: and in no clause can there be found any delegation of power to the Congress authorizing it in any manner to legislate to the prejudice, detriment or discouragement of the owners of that spe- cies of property, or exelnding it from the pro- ' tection of the povernment. The climate and soilofthe Northern States soon proved unpropitions to the continuance of slave labor, whilst the couverse was the case at the South, Under the unrestricted free intercourse between the two sections, the Northern States consulted their own in- terest by selling their slaves to the South, aud prohibiting slavery within their limits, The south were willing purchasers of a property stutable to therr wants, and patd the price of the acqnisition without harboring a suspicion that their quiet possession was to be disturb- ed by those who were inhibited, a only by want of constitutional authority, but by good fuith as vendors, from disqnieting a tithe ema- As soon, bowever, as the Northern States that prohibited African slavery within their ‘inuts had reached a uuimber sullicient to give “ons just made, dor the purpose of attract: | Ni attention to the singular and niacked cam hon with which the States endeavored, 1m “ery possible farm, to exclude the idea that ‘he separate and independent sovereignty of 1 State (vag merged into one common ‘mmnent and nation ; ‘ (hey evinged to impress on the Constitt- i its true character—that of a compact BE ‘FEN independent States. The Constitution of 1787 having, however vuitted the glause already recited from the siucles of confederauwa, which provided, ip "\plcit terms, tbat each State retained its ‘ver. ignty and independene,, some alarm was ‘ltin the States when invited to ratify the Constitution, lest this omission shi suld be con- ‘Imed into an abandonment ot their cherivh- punciple and they refused to be satisfied hl amendments were added to the C Ons ti- “ton. placing beyond any pretence of doubt ut and the earnest de- | their representatives a coudolnug voice in the Congress, a persistent and organized system ot hostile mensures agaist the rights of the owners of slaves in the Southern States was inanvurated, and yradually extended. A eon- tinnone eenes of nreasures was devised and pre raccnterl for the porpose ot rendering inse- cnre the tenure of property in slaves > fanati- cal organizations, supplied with money by voluntary subscriptions, were assiduously en- waged in exciting amougst the slaves a spirit vl discontent apd revolt; means were fur etd > were at SE MI-WEEKLY. C., MAY Were mobbed, and even murdered in the arrest of a fugitive slave: the dogmas of these voluntary organizations soon obtained! control of the legislatures of many of the Northern States, and laws were passed pro- viding for the puntshment by minons fines and loog contiuued imprisonment in jails and Pen eaURnes, of citizens of the Southern States who should dare to ask aid of the offi- cers of the law for the recovery of their pro- perty. Emboldened by suecess, the theatre of agi- tation and aggression against the clearly ex- ressed constitutional rights of the Southern States was transferred to the Congress; Sen- ators aud Representatives were sent to the Common Councils of the nation, whose chief title to this distinction consisted in the dis- play of a spirit of ultra fanaticism, and whose business was, not “to promote the general wellare or ensure domestic tranquility.” but to awaken the bitterest hatred against the eitizens of sister States by violent denuncia- tion of their institutions; the transaction of public affairs was impeded by repeated efforts to usurp powers not delegated by the Con- stitution, for the purpose of impairing the se- curity of property in slaves, and) reducing those States which held slaves to a condition of inferiority. Finally a great party was organized for the purpose of obtaining the administration of the government, with the avowed object. of using its power tor the total exclusion of the slave States from all participation in the ben- | efits of the public domain. acquired by all the States in common, whether by conquest or | nished for their escape from their owners, and | agents secretly einployed to entice them to abseond; the eonstitutional provision for their rendition to their owners was first evaded, then openly denounced asa vio- | well established, and so necessary for self- lation of consctentious obhyation and religious duty ; men were tanght it was a merit to | elnde, disobey amd violently oppose the exe- cution of the laws enacted to secure the per- formance of the promise contained in the constitutional compact; owners of slaves purchase ; or surrounding them entirely by States in which slavery should be prohibited: thus rendering the property in slaves so Inseenre as to be comparatively worthless, : open ly}. day, solely for applying to a magistrate “al \ | | and thereby annililating in’ effect property | worth thousands of millions of dollars, This party, Chas organized, succeeded in the month of November last, in the election of its can- dicace for the Presidency of the U. States, In the meantime, nuder the mild and gen- ial climate of the Southern States, aud the mereasing care and attention for the well be- ing and comfort of the laboring class, dicta- ted alike by interest and humanity, the Atri- can slaves had augmented in number from about 600,000, at the date of the adoption of the constitutional compact, to upwards of 4.000.000. Tn moral aid social condition they have been elevated trom brutal savages | into docile. intelligent and civilized agricul- tural laborers, and.suppted not only with bo- | dily comforts, Strnetion, Under the supervision of a superior race, their labor had been so directed as not only eto allow a gradual and marked amelioration of their own condition, bat to convert handreds of thousands of square imles of the wilder- bot with careful religious i- | | fort compatible with self-respect and the dig- , neas into cultivated lands, covered with a| prosperous people; towns and cities had sprung into existence, and had rapidly ins iUS- ed in wealth and population under the social | system of the South; the white population of | the Southern slaveholding States had aug- mented from about 1,250,000 at the date of the adoption of the Constitution, to more than 8,500,000 in 1860; and the productions of the South in cotton, rice, sugar and tobac- co, for the developmnent and continuance of which the labor of American slaves was, and is, indispensable, had swollen to an amount , which formed nearly three-fourths of the | exports of the whole United States, and be- come absolutely necessary to the wants of civilized men. With interests of such overwhelming mag- nitude imperiled, the people of the Southeru States were driven, by the condact of the North, to the adoption of some course of ac- tion to avert the danger with which they were openly menaced. With this view. the Legislatures of the several States invited the people to select delegates to Conventions to be held for the purpose of determining for themselves what measures were best adopted to meet so alarming a crisis in their history, Ifere it may be proper to observe that from a period as early as 1798, there lad existed in all of the States of the Union a party, al- most uuinterruptedly in the majority, based upon the creed that each State was, in the last resort, the sole jndye as well of its wrongs as of the mode and measure of redress. — In- deed, it is obvious, that under the law of na- tions, this principle is an axiom as applied to the relations of independent sovereign States, such as those which had united themselves under the constituvonal compact, The De- mocratic party of the United States repeated in its successful canvass in 1856, the declara- tion nade in numerous previous political con- tests, that it would ‘faithfully abide by and uphold the principles laid down in the Ken- tucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia Legislature in 1799; and that it adopts those principles as constituting one of the main foundations of its political creed” The principles thus cunphatically annonne- ed, embrace that to which T have already ad- verted, the right of each State to judge of and redress the wrongs of which it complains. These principles were malutained by over- whelming majorities of the people of all the States of the { 1825. Mr. Madison in 1809, and Mr. Pierce in 1852. In the exercise of aright so ancient, so preservation, the people of the Confederate States in their Conventions determined that the wrongs which they liad suffered, and the evils with which they were menaced, required that they should revoke the delegation of pow - Seater ets to the Fed. Government which they had ratiffed in their several Conventions. They conseqnently passed ordinahves, resaming all their rights ,as sovereign independent NUMBER |. ery of an answer to their official commanica- tion of the 12th March, and theregpon re- ceived, on the 8th Aprila reply dated on the 25th of the previous month, ‘from ‘which it States and dissolved their ‘péfmection with | appears tbat, during the whole interval, whilst the other States of the Uniurs: Having done this, they et to form a new compact amongst themsefves by new articles of confederation, which have been al- so ratified by the Conventions of ‘the several States, with an approach to unanimity far exceeding that of the Conventions which adopted the Constitution of 1787. They have organized their new government in all its de- partments; the functions of the Executive, Legilative and Judicial Magistrates are per- formed in accordance with the will of the people as displayed, not mercly in a cheerful arquiescence, but in the enthusiastic support of the government thus established by tbem- selves; and but for the interlerence of the Go- vernment of the United States in this legiti- mate exercise of the right of a people of self government, peace, bappiness aud prosperity would now stnile on our lana. That peace is ardently desired by this Go- vernment and people, has been manifested in every possible form. Scarce had you assem- bled in February last, when, prior even to | the inauguration of the Chief Magistrate you | had elected, you passed a resolution express- ive of our desire for the appointment of com- missioners to be to the Government of the United States © for the purpose of nego- tiating tnendly relations between that Gov- ernment and the Confuderate States of Aimer- ica, and tor the settlement of all questions of disagreement between the two Governments Upon principles of right. justice, equity and good fain.” It was my pleasure as well as my duty to sent co-operate with von in this work of peace. — ° Indeed. inimy address to yon on taking the oath of office, and receiving from: yon the communication of this resolution, T had said, “as oa Necessity, nota choice, we have resorted to the remedy ot separation, and henceforth our energies must be directed to the conduet of onr own affairs, and the per- petuity of the Confederacy which we have formed. [fa just perception of mutual inter- betore est shall permit: us peaceably to pursue our | separate polities) career. tiny most earnest de- sire will have been t ihtled It wae in ft views of the Corn I made choice of tinguished thice discreet, able and dis- o repaired to Wash- Aided hy them cordial co-operation, and that of the Secretary of State, every ef- CV Ze Ineton nity of the Confederacy was exhausted before T allowed myself to yield to the convietion that the vovernment of the United States | was determined to attempt the conquest of | this people and that our cherished hopes of peace were nnattatable. On the arrival of our Commissioners in Washington, on the 5th March, they post- poued, at the justigation ofa friendly interme- diary, doing more than yiving intormal no- tice of ther arrival. This was done witha view to afford tune to the President, who had just been inaugurated, for the discharge | of other pressing official duties in the organi- zation of his Administration, before engaging his attention m the object of their mission.— It was not unul the 12th of the mouth that they officially addressed the Secretary of Strate. informing him of the purpose of their arrival, and stating in the language of their , | well-deserved tribute to the noble State, the instructions their wish * to make to the gov- lernment of the Unired States overtures for “the opening of negotiations, assuring the Go- Tnion at diferent glections, ex- | pecially in the elections of Mr. Jefferson in | vernment of the United States, that the Pre- sident, Congress and the people of the Con- federate States carnestly desire a peaceful so- lution of these vreat questions: thatit is nei- ther their interest nor thei wish to make any demand which is not founded on strict- est justice, nor do any act to injure their late confederates.” To this communication no formal reply was received antl the 8th of April, Daring the intecval the commissioners had consented to waive all questions of form. With the firm | resolve to avoid war if possible, they went so far, even, as to lold, during that Jong pe- | riod, unofticial intercourse, through an inter- mediary, whose high position and character inspired the hope of snecess, and throagh Wwouom constant assurance were received from the Government of the United States of peaceful itentions : of the determination to evacuate Fort Suniter. and further, that no measure changing the existing status preju- dicmlly to the Confederate States, especially at Fort: Pickens, was in contemplation, but that in the event ol any change of imteuhon on the subject, nonce would be given to the COM MHsstouers macy ean scarcely formsh an example so wanting in courtesy, in candor, and directness, as was the course of the United States Gov- ernment towards our Commissioners in Wash- invton, nexed docutments, marked—taken in connec: tion with further facts which [now proceed to relate : Barly in April the attention of the whole counmy, as well as that of our Commission- ers, Was attracted to extraordinary prepara- tions for an extensive military and naval ex- pedition in New York and other Northern | ports. These preparations commenced tn se- crecy, for an expedition whose destinatton was concenled, only became known when nearly completed, and on the 5th, 6th and 7th April, transports and vessels of war, with troops, monitions and military supplies sailed from, Northem ports, bound Southward.— Alarmed by so extraordinary a demonstra- tion, the Commissioners requested the deliv- rauce of these accordant | ess and the Executive, that , _ Major Anderson, The crooked paths of diplo- | For proot ot this bLoreter to the ane | the commissioners were receiving asstirances calculated to inspire hope of the sviceéas of their mission, the Secretary of State and the Presideat of the United States had deter- mined to hold no intercourse with them what ever; to refuse even to listen to any propo- isals they had to make, and had profited by the delay created by their own assurances, in order to prepare secretly the meansfor effec tive hostile operations. That these assurances were given, has becn virtually confessed by the Government of the | United States by its sending a messenger (0 | Charleston, to give notice of its purpose, t» use force, if opposed in its intention of sup- | plying Fort Sumter. No more striking prov! of the ubsence of good faith in the conduct o! ithe Government of the United States to- | wards the Confederacy can be required than | is contained in the cirenmstances which ac- | companied the notice. According to the uxu- al course of navigation, the vessels composin + the expedition designed for the relief of Fovr Suinter, might be expected to reach Charles ton harbor on the 9th of April, yet with our commissiouers actually in Washington, de- tained under assurances that notice shoul: be given of any military movement, the no- tice was not addressed to them, but a messen- ver was sent to Charleston to give the notic:: to the Governor of South Carolina, and the notice was so given at a late hour on the &i April, the eve of the very day on which the feet might be expected to arrive. That the manceuvre failed in its purpose was not the fault of those who contrived i. A heavy tempest delayed the arrival of the expedition, and gave time to the command: of our forces at Charleston to ask and receive the instructions of this government. Even then, under all the provocation incident t) ' the contemptuons refusal to listen to our com- missioners, and the tortuous course of tlc Government of the United States, I was sin- cerely auxious to avoid the effusion of blood, and directed a proposal to be made to the commander of Fort Sumter, who had avowed himself to be nearly out of provisions, that wr |; would abstain from directing our fire on For: Sumter if he would promise not to open fire on our forces, unless first attacked. This pro posal was refused, and the conclusion was reached that the design of the U. States was to place the besieging forces at Charleston betyveen the simultaneous fire of the fleet an the fort. There remained, therefore, no al- ternative but to direct that the fort should at onee be reduced, This order was executed by Gen. Beaure- gard with the skill and suecess which were naturally to be expected from the well known character of that gallant officer; and, although the boinbardment lasted but 33 bours our flag did not wave over its battered walls until after the appearance of the hostile fleet off Char- lestov. Fortunately not a life was lost on our _ side, and we were gratified in being spared the necessity of a useless effusion of blood by the prudent caution of the officers who commanded the fleet, in abstaining from the evidently tu- tile effort to enter the harbor for the relief oi I refer to the report of the Secretary of War, and the papers which ac- company it, for further details of this brilliant affair. In this connection I cannot refrain from a eminent soldierly qualities of whose people were so conspicuously displayed in the port ot Charleston. For months they had been irri- tated by the spectacle of # fortress held with- in their principal harbor, ag a standing menace against their peace and independence. Built in part with their own money, its custody con- fided with their own consent to an agent who held no power over them otherthan such as they had theinselves delegated for thelr own benefit, intended to be used by that agent for theirown protection against foreign attack, they saw it held with persistent tenacity as a means of o! fence against them by the very Government they had established for their protection. They had beleagnred it for months—felt ea- tire confidence in their power to capture it yet yielded to the requirements of discipline. curbed their impatience, submitted without complaint to the unaccustomed hardships, !a hors, and privations of a protracted siege ; ani! when at length their patience was rewarde:! by the signal for attack, and suceess ha‘! crowned their steady and gallant conduct even in tbe very moment of triumph—thes evinced a chivalrous regard for the feelings 0! the brave bunt unfortanate officer who ha: been compelled to lower his flag. All the manifestations of exultation were checked *) his presence, Their commanding general, with their cor- dial approval and the consent of his Govern ment, refrained from imposing any terms tha‘ would wonnd the sensibilities of the comman der of the fort. He was permitted to retire with the honors of war, to salute his flag, 10 | depart freely with afl bis command, and was °s corted to the vesgelin which hé was embarked, with the highest mark of respect from thos: avainst whom his guns had been so recently directed. Not only does every event connec ted with the siege reflect the highest honor 01) South Carolina, bat the forbeararice of he people, and of this Government, frum makin; any harsh nse of a victory obtained under cumstances of such peculiar provocation, atts’ to the fullest extent the absence of any p11! pose beyond secoring their own tranquility and the sincere desire to avoid the calamitic of war | Aearecly had the President of the United States received intelligence of the the scheme which he had devised f intoreement of Fort Sumter, whe the declaration of war against @is cy, which prompted me to con¥ok this extraordinary production that high func- Uicnary affects total ignorance of the existence of an independent Government, which posses- sing the entre and enthusiastic devouon of its people, is exercising its functions without question over seven sovereign States—over tore thay four millions of the people—and over a Jerritory } » area‘ exceeds halt a inillion ‘of square miles. He terms sovereiyn States “combinations, too powerful to be sup- | pressed by the Ofiinary course Of judicial pro- ceedings, or by the powers vested in the mar- shals by law.” Hg calls for en army gf seveuty-five thou- sand men to act as posst comitatus in aid of the process of the courts of justice in States where po courts exist whose mandates and decrees are not cheerfully obeyed and respec- ted by awilling people. Heavows that “ the first service to be assigned to the forces called out” will be, ‘not to execute the process of courts, but to capture forts and strongholds” situated within the admitted limits of this Con- federacy, and garrisoned by its troops; and declares that “this eflurt” is intended “ to maintain the perpetuity of popular govern- ment.” He concludes by commanding * the persons composing the combination aforesaid,” to wit: the five millions of inhabitants of these States, “to retire peaceably to their respec- tive abodes within twenty days.” Apparently contradictory as are the terms of this singular document, one point was un- rnistakeably evident. The President of the United States called for an army of seventy- five thousand men, whose first service was to be to capture our forts. It was a plain dec- laration of war, which I was not at liberty to di rd, because of my knowledge under the Constitution of the United States the Pre- sident was usurping a power granted exclu- sively to the Congress. He is the sole organ of communication between that country and foreign powers. The law of nations did not permit me to question the authority of the Ex- ecutive of a foreign nativa tu declare war against this Confederacy. Although I might Lave refrained from tak- ing active measures for our defence if the States of the Union lad all imitated the ac- tion of Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, by de- nouncing the call for troups 4s an unconstitu- tional usurpation of power to which they re- fused to respond. I was not at liberty to dis- regard the fact that many of the States seem- ed quite content to submit to the exercise of the power assumed by the President of the United States, and were actively engaged in levying troops to be used for the purpose indi- cated in the proclamation. Deprived of the aid of Congress at the mo- ment, I was under the necessity of confining my action to acall on the States for volunteers for the common defence, in accordance with the authority you had confided to me before your adjournment. I deemed it proper fur- ther to issue a proclamation inviting apphea- | tions from persons disposed to wd our defence in private armed vessels ou the high seas, to | the end that preparations might be made tor the immediate issue of letters of marque and reprisal. which you alone, under the Coustitu- tion, have power to grant. I entertain no doubt you will concur with me in the opinien that, in the absence of a fleet of public ves- sels, it will be eminently expedient to supply their place by private armed vessels, su lappi- ly ‘styled by the publicists of the United States dhe militia of the sea,’ and so often and justly relied on by them as an efficient and admira- ble instrument of defensive wartare. nestly recommend the passage of a law au- thorizing me to accept the numetous prope- | sals already received. I canvot close this review of the acts of the rovernment of the United States without re- erring to a proclamation issued by their Pre- | sident, under date of the 19th instant. in which after declaring that ap insurrection has bioken out in this Confederacy against the govern- ment of the United States, be announces a | blockade of all the ports of these States, and threatens to punish as pirates al! persons who shall molest any cee of the United States under letters of marque issued by this govern- ment Notwithstanding the authenticity of | this proclamation, you will concur with te that it is hard to bell anated from a President of the United States. Its announcement of a mere paper block- ade is so wanilestly a violation of the law of hations that it would seem incredible that it could have been issued by authority —but cou- ceding this to be the case su far as the Exec- utive is concerned, it will be difficult tu satis- fy the people of these States that their late confederates will sanction its declarations, will determine to ignore the usages of civilized na- tions, and will inaugurate a war of extermiua- tion on both sides, by treating as pirates, open cnemies acting under the authority of commns- sions issued by an organized government. If such proclamation was issued, it conld only have ence of pene and we inay rest assured mian- kind will be spared the horrors of the conflict it seems to invite. For the details of the administration of the different departments, I refer to the reports of the secretaries which accompany this nessage. The State Department bas furnished the ne- cessary instructions for three Commissioners, who have been sent to England, France, Rus- sia, and Belgium, since your adjournment, to ask our recognition as a member of the fani- ly of nations, and to make with each of those powers treaties of amity and commerce, Fir- ther steps will be taken to enter into hke ne gotiations with the other European powers, 11 ursuance of your resolutions passed at the | astaession. Sufficient time has not yet claps- ed since the departure of these Commissioners for the receipt of any intelligence from them. As J deem it desirable that Commissioners, or other diplomatic agents, should also be sent at an early period to the independent American | powers sonth of our Confederacy, with all of whom it is our interest and earnest wish to inaintain the most cordial and friendly rela- you." In’ 1 ear- | ieve that it could have eui- | en published under the sudden influ- | wo Ae Le a Bind tar he bpolitical relaGions wi oh ibje at thistimeto establigh, I @ théHon. Alex. B. Stephens, of the Confederate States, to répre- sent this Government at Richmond. happy to inform you that he has concluded a convention with the State of Virginia, by which that honored Commonwealth, so long and justly distinguished among her sister States, and so dear to the hearts of thousands of her children in the Confederate States, has united her power and her fortunes with ours, and become one ol us. The convention, together with the ordinance of Virginia adopting thé provisional constitu- tion of the Confederacy, will be laid before you for your constitubonal action. 1 have satisfactury ussurauces from other of our late confederates that they are on the point of adopting siinllar measures, and I cannot doubt that ere you shall have been man weeks in session, the whole of the slaveholding States of the late Union will respond to the call of honor and affection, and, by uniting their for- uines with ours, promote our common inter- ests and secure our common safety. In the Treasury Department regulativns have been devised, aud put into execution, for carrying out the policy indicated in your le- gislation on the subject of the navigation of the Miesissippi river, as well as tor the collec- tion of the revenue on the frontier. Free transit has been secured for vessels and mer- chandize passing through the Confederate States: and delay and inconvenience have been avoided as far as possible in organizing the revenue service for the various railways en- tering our territory. As fast as experience shall indicate the possibility of improverment in these regulations, no effort will be spared to free commerce trom all unuccessary embar- rassments aud obstrucuous. Under your act authorizing a loan, propo: sals were issued inviting subscriptions for five millions of dollars, and the call was answered by the prompt subscription of more than eight millions by our own citizens, and not a sin- gle bid was made under par. The rapid de- velupment of the purpose of the President of the United Sta#es to invade our soil, capture | against us, induced me to direct that the en- ure subscribtion should be accepted. It will now Lecome necessary to raise means to a much larger amount to defray the expenses of maintaining our independence and repell- ing invasion. I invite your special attention to this subject. and the financial condition of and means for the supply of the Treasury, will be presented to you in a suparate com- Mmubicauion, To the Department of Justice you have confided not only the organization and super- vision of all matters connected with the courts of justice, but also those connected with pa- tents and with the bureau of public printing. Since your adjournment all the courts, w ith the exception of those of Mississippi and Tex- as, have been organized by the appointment of Marshals and Distuict Attorneys, and are now prepared for the exercise of their fune- tons. In two States, just named, the gentlemen | confirmed as judges declined to accept the appolutinent, and vo dpotamations have vet | T refer you to the report of the Attorney General, and Feoncur in iis recommendation for immediate legislation, especially on the subject of patent jrights. Barly provision shonld be made to secure to the subjects of foreign nations the full enjoyment of their property in valuable been made to till the vacancies. assigued by persons not alien or enemies. ; extensive and important than had been ant- cipated, ! though confined under the law exclusively to seventy per month, showing the necessity for the prompt organization of a bureau of pat- ents: | The Secretary of War, in his report and accompanying documents, conveys full infor- mation coucerning the forces, regular, volun- | teer, and provisional, raised and called for un- ization and distribution. Also, an account of the expenditures already made, and the fur- ther estimates for the fiscal year ending on the 18th of February, 1362, reudered by re- cent events. T refer to this report also fora \ Il am | our forts, blockade our ports, and wage war | the Government, with the suggestion of ways | has been made for the SPpensions to our citizens. | rao" Ble, | ns are advanced in Ble, | vagment of i \faby of th they have no meas of support, and by: the eecession of these States have been deprived of therr claim against the Government of the United States. I recommend the appropra- | tion of the sum necessary to pay these pen- sioners, as Well'as those of the army, whose | claims can searcely exceed seventy thousand dollars per annum, The Por General bas already suc- ceeded in organizing his department to such an extent as to be in readiness to assume the direction of our postal affairs, on the occur- | rence of the contingency contemplated by the | Aet of 15th March, ISG1, or even sooner, if; desired by Congress. The various books and | circulars have been prepared, and measures | taken to secure supplies of blauks, postage stamps, stamped envelopes, mail bags, locks, , keys, &e. He presents a detailed classifica- tion and arrangement vt his clerical force, and | asks for its increase. | ‘An auditor of the Treasury for this depart- ment is necessary, and a plan is submitted for the organization of his bureau, The great number and magnitude of the accounts ol this department, require an increase of the clerical force in the accounting branch ta the Treasury. The revenue of this department are collected and disbursed in modes peculiar to itself, and require a special bureau to se- cure a proper accountability in the adminis- tration of its finances. I call your attention to the additional legis- | latiun required for this Department to the re- commendation for the changes in the law fix- ing the rates of postage on newspapers, peri- odicals, and sealed packages of certain kinds, and specially to the recommendation of the Secretary, in which I concur, that you pro- vide at once for the assumption by him of the control of our entire postal service. In the military organizations of the States, provision is made for brigadier-general.— Hence it will no doubt sometimes occur that where troops of the Confederacy do duty with the militia, the general selected for the command, and possessed of the views and purposes of this government, will be superse- ded by an officer of the militia not having the same advantages. To avoid this contingency in the least objectionable manner, T recom- mend that additional rank be given to the general of the Confederate army, and coucur- ring in the policy of having but one grade of generals in the army of the Confederacy, I recommend that the law of this organization be amended, so that the grade be that of lereneri) genera To secure a thorough military education, it is deemed essential that officers should enter upou the study of their profession at an early period of life, and have elementary instruc- tion ina military school. Until such school shall be established, it is recommended that cadets be appointed and attached to compa- nies until they shall have attained the age and have acquired the knowledge to fit them inventions, but for such as may have been The patent office business is much more | The applications for patents, al-/ citizens of our Confederacy, already average | forthe duties of eutenants. Lalso call your attention to an omission in the law organizing the army, in relation” to military chaplains, and recommend that pro- vision be made for their Aappointin Le Jun couclusion, TP congratulate you on the facet. that in roon ob our country, there has been extubited the most: patriotic devotion to our common cause, CN CEN Ca Transporta- tion companies have treely tendered the use of their lines for troops and supphes. The Presidents of Railroads of the Contedcracy, in company with others who control lines of communication with States that we hope soon to greet as sisters, assembled in Conven- tion in this city, and not only reduced largely the rates heretofore demanded for mail ser- vice, and conveyance of troops and munitions, but voluntarily proffered to receive their compensation at these reduced rates in the bonds of the Confederacy, for the purpose of leaving all the resources of the Government at its disposal for the common defence. Re- quisitions for troops have been met with such alacrity that the numbers tendering their ser- vices have, in every instance, greatly exceed- ed the demand, Men of the highest official and social position are serving as volunteers der the several acts of Congress, their organ- | full history of the occurrences in) Charleston | harbor, prior to and including the bombard- ment and reduetion ef Fort Sumter, and of the meastives subsequently taken for the com- mon defence, on receiving: intelhgence of the declaration of war against us made by the President of the United States, There are now in the field at Charleston, Pensacola. Forts Morgan, Jackson, St. Phil- lip and Pulaski, nineteen thousand men. atid sixteen thousand are now en route tor Vir- winia Tt is proposed to organize and hold in readiness for iustant action, a view of tue present exigences of the country, an ariny of / one hupdced thousand men. If farther force sbould be needed the wisdom and patriotism | of Congress can be confidently appealed to ‘for authority to eall into the field additioval are constantly tendering service far in excess of our wants. The operations of the Navy Departinent | have been necessarily restricted by the fact that sufficient tine has not yet elapsed: tor the porchase or construetion of more than a lnnited number of vessels adapted to the pnb- lie service, "Two vessels purchased have been named the & Sumter” and “ Machree,” and ane now being prepared for sea at New Or- leans with all possible dispatch, Contracts have also been made at that city with two different establishments for the casting of | ordnance, cannon shot and shell, with a view | to encourge the manufacture of these articles so indispensable for our defence, at as many | points within our territory as possible, | [call your attention to the recommenda- tion of the Secretary for the establishment of a magazine and laboratory for preparation of ordnance stores, and the necessary appropria- tion for that purpose. Hitherto such stores tions, I suggest the expediency of making the | have usually been prepared at the navy yards, uecessary appropiations for that purpose, and no appropriation was made at your last Having been officially notified by the pub- | session for this object. |. authorities of Virgiian that she had with- The Secretary also calls attention to the uumbers of our noble-spirited volunteers, who | in the ranks. The gravity of age and the zeal of youth rival each other in the desire to be foremost for the public defence, and thongh at no other point than the one here- tofore noticed, have they been stimulated by the excitement incident to actual engagement, and the hepe of distinetion for individual achievement, they have borne what for new troops is the most severe ordeal, patient toil and constant vigil, and all the exposure and discomfort of active service, with a resolution and fortitude such as to command approba- tion and justify the highest expectation of their condnet when active valor shall be re- quired in place of steady endurance. A people thus united and resolved cannot shrink frome any seevifice which they may be called on to dike, it can there bea reason- able donb of their tinal sticcess, however long snel severe may be the test of their determi- Nation to madutaim ther birth-right of free- dom and equality, as a trust which it is their first duty to transmit, undiminished to their posterity. A bounteons Providence cheers us with the promise of abundant crops. The fields of yrain, which will, within a few weeks, be ready for the sickle, give assurance of the amplest supply of food for man; whilst the corn, cotton, and other staple productions of onr soil, afford abundant proof that up to this period the season has been propitious. We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice, save that of honor and independence ; we seck no conquest, u0 agyrandisement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated ; all we ask is to be ‘let alone, that those who never held power over us, shall not now attempt our subjuga- tion by arms. This we will, this we must resist to the direst extremity. The moment that this pretension is aban- doned the sword will drop from our grasp, and we shall be ready to enter into treaties of amity and commerce that cannot but be mutually beneficial. So long as this preten- sion is maintained, with a firm reliance on that Divine Power which overs with its pro- tection the just cause, we will continue to — . ae ; struggle for ur inherept right of fred@onr, in- > ghd self-government, ) : anes * “JERFEBSON DAVIS. Monigomery, April 20, 186L SPEECH OF THE Hon. Wm. A. Graham. On the occasion of the ineeting of the offi cers of the Militia of the county, and a large assembly of the citizens of Orange in the Court- house in Hilsborough, on Saturday last, the Hon. Win. A. Graham, who had been absent from home during the two preceding weeks, in compliance with the general desire address- ed the people on the presen critical and excil- ing state of the country. We are able to pre- sent but a meagre outline of his remarks, which occupied about an hour in the delivery. Mr. Granam said: We are in the midet of great events. For mouths past our political skies have been dark aud lowering. The coun- try has stood in anxious suspense on the peril- ous edge of civil war. And in despite of the eounsels and exertions of national, patriotic and conservative men, at the head of whom it is not invidious to place the name of the gal- Jant and veteran stalesman, Jobn J. Critien- den of Kentucky, and, as I believe, in despite of the wishes and sentiments of a majority of American people North and South, if the voice of the people could be allowed to be heard, civ- il war is actually upon us. In regard to the earlier causes leading und tending to this dire event and their suffici ney to produce such # resuti, some of us have entertained diverse opinions. It is well known that 1 among oth- ers, have insisted, that the election of Mr. Lin- coln and his being invested with the power of | President of the United States, obnoxious as were his own avowals of sentiment lu relation to slavery in the South, und still more obnox- ious as was the spirit of hostility to us, which | animated the muss of his party followers, was not a sufficient cause for a dismemberment of this Government, and the destruction of the Union, that the restraining provisions of the Constitution, the counteracting influences of the Legislative and Judicial departments of the Government, both of which, for the presen: al least, were known to be 1) opposition to the objecionable creed of himself: and nis party, and the well established fact, that his election was effected by divisions among his opposers, and not by a majority of the people, afforded a sufficient security against usurpations or the abuses of his power to our injury, should he be so inclined ; and that, thengh not insenst- ble to the recreaney of many of the Northern States to their obligations ander the Const tovon in relation to slavery . and te the gross and persistent vituperation of wany ot these presses and political aciors towards the people and institutions of the South, we yet chensh- ed an ardent atiachment to the Union, and a feeling of veneration for the Constitution of our fathers, and hoped by a vuew unde rstand- ing of its provisions, and by amendments put- ting its interpretations beyond all doubt, that the Government under which the country had prospered ulinest beyond example. and had ac- quired a name which wis passport and a protection to the ends of the earth, might son be preserved to ourselves and Lo onr posterity We therefore disapproved the counsels whieh sought the overthrow of the Government, up: on the announcement of the late Presidential eleciion, andon thir disepproval Were sustained, it is bo exaggeration Losayv, by a large majority of the people of North Caro- lina The seven States, however, se retching from our southern frontier to the coufines of Mexico, one by one in rapid succession declared them- selves separated from the Government of the United States. and formed x new confedera- tion. They found in the election which had taken place sofficient cuuse or oecasion, in their estimation, for this hitherto untried course of proceeding, and levied armies to defend it by force. ‘The authorities of the United States demed the nght of secession claimed by these States, and the danger became great of a col- lision of arms. ‘The issue was made. but eva- ded under the administration of Mr. Buchanan. Its solution by Mr. Lincoln has been a matter of anxious contemplation to the people of the country since his accession to power. ever may be the true construction of the Con- stitution, or the President’s idea of his daty to enforce the laws, a wise statesmanship can- not close its eves to facts. Ttis impossible to treat ao extensive a revolution like a petty re- bellion ; fer if suppressed by foree, it would be at the expense of desolation and roin te the country. He should have dealt with it, as did Wellington and Peel with the question of Cath- olic emancipation, or Clay with the ersis of 1834—yielded tu the necessities by which he was surrounded, and adjusted by arrangement the result o what he found it impossible to control by force, | or if possible, only at» sacrifice to the nation itself never to be repaired. Wad Mr. Lincoln risen to the height of the great occasion, promptly withdrawn his troops from fortifiea- tions which he could not defend; conve ed Congress in extra session 5; recommended and procured the passage of a law, or amendment of the Constitution, acknowledging the inde- pendence of the seceded States, and granting the guarantees proposed by Crittenden, or some equivalent proposition, to the otherslave-hold- ing Statce which yet retaimed their connexion with the Union, (a course of ineasures which would have stripped the Northern States of no rights, vor subjected them to no humiliation,) heimight vet have maintained a Union of twenty-seven contented States, with twenty- seven milhons of inhabitants, and with all the resources of a great empire. And afteranex- periment of a few years, there might and in my opimon probubly would have been, # re- annexation of the seeeded States themselves But instead of this bold and magnanimous ‘policy, his action has been vascilating. Hix inaugural address is equivecal. Interpreted by some, on ite first appearance, as portending force, assurances are ‘Arowy ont that his im- tentious are only peucefnl. And when the public mind in all the eight slaveholding States that had not seceded, was settling down inthe conviction that the forts were to be evacuated and reyose wae to be allowed, so favorable to conciliation and harmony, a Proclamation sud- denly bursts upon the country announcing a determination on coercion, and calling for a militia force so great as to endanger the safe- ty of more than the seceded States. A part of this militia is reqoired of North Carolina, and other slave-holding States. It was not enough for the President that the conservative | people of these States had been willing to ac- quiesce in his election, and upon a peaceful course of action towards the seceded States, | and proper guarantees of their own rights in What- | ee, | view of The laus of their strength in the * of Congtees, By reason of the withdrawa) their confedepgtes, and for a more fait hy of servunce of Constitution in regard to ae iateresis, he Should exercise tur the publie efit the functions of the office, and fistce n. | its patronage among his followers. [y, of “5 | quires more than this. Careless of any ier \ of conciliation, or adjustment of differeyo | with the border States, he resolves. but not i after his own adherents have been demoralized | by his hesitation and professions of peace uv | the application of force Ww maintain the Biba lity of the Goveroment in the States wo have withdrawn. and requires us to cooperite as instruments in theirsubjugation, This ore sents to us a question far different from that of acquiescence in, oF Fesistunce of an electiy, inade according to the provisions of the Conn. | tution. The sober sense of the people ef North | ¢ arotina had met ae and for ther. | selves had settled it. Ardent in their attach. | ment to the Constitiation and the Union, they | had copudemned separate State secession ay | rash and precipitate, and wanting in respect ,, the sister States of identical interests; and as long as there was hope of an adjustment of seo. | tional differences, they were unwilling to part | with the Government, and give success to the | movement for its overthrow, which appeared | on the part of some at least, to be but the rey. | elation of a lang cherished design. But i). | President gives tu the question new alterna. tives. These are, on the one hand, to j, with him in a war of eonquest, for it is nothing | less, against our brethren of the seceding States, | or, on the other, resistance to and throwing off the obligations of the Federal Constitution | Of the two, we do not benitate to accept the | latter. Blood is thicker than water, However | widely we have differed trom, and freely eriti- | ciaed the coarse taken by these States, they | are much more closely united with us, by ihe ties of kindred, affection, and a peculiar inter. ext, which is denounced und waired upon at | the North, without reference to any Joeality | in our own section, than to any of the North. ern States. And withal, we cannot exclude from our contemplation the idea, that when | they shall be subdved upon the issues involved in the contest, our turn will come next; our | only exemption ubove theirs being, that, | ike the victims of the Cyclops, we shall be last wu be devoured. I do not mean that Mr. sew- } ard, Mr. Chase, or even Mr. Lincoln bimseit, | entertain any present design of extinguishing slavery in the South. Their sweeping gener- alities, that the Government could not enuure with a country half slave and half free, and that there was a necessary conflict: whether | treemen could cultivate the fields of the Sout) or tlaves till those of the North was the rher- oric of the hustings on which they were can. i vassing for free-soil voles. But this rhei tic had its effeet in influencing, if not forming pob- he opinion among the masses. and as ofien hap- pens, thowe who blow up a flame are anatie to blow it out. To regard a war of the Gover- ment of the United States upon the seceded States, therefore, with the design of compel- ling thetr submission to the Jaws, and retury lo the Union agin its consequence,a war Up u ihe instituvions of the Southern Statesin ges eral The course of the President has compelled Virginia to sever her connexion with the Vain contrary to what had seemed to be the wishes ot her people, and Jeaves North Carolipa i other alternative but to tuke the same ste). Indeed from the action of Virginia and that ot the other States on our limits, this severance isnow but woinatter of furm. Tennessee t tog only a coterminous State which has woe clared her separation. We must therefore ac- qiiesce ina necessity Whieh our bee! ifforts could not avert, a dissolution of the Gover: ment of the Gaited States. The announee- inent of this fact inspires in me no feeling): a painful sadness. I believe ro grevt a cates tuophe to the whole country and to the Wr’ could have been, and ought to have been pre vented, and that even now, if the people of the two sections, whose urinies are being marshal led in hostile array, could be allowed to com: mune together, and compare opinions in calny | deliberation, if they could not agree on serus of reumon, could at least devise measures {or a separation in peace. Batlet us yield to ne feeling of despondeney, but gird var Juins tor the duties imposed on vs by the present ai’ awaiting us in thse future. North Caroline. with only less than a smullion of inhab:tauts. with the vast resources for war oy for pear: can readily maintain her position as a separel- power of the earth. or as a member of any new politica] organization into which she may en!rr What condition in this reepeet she may resoltr io occupy must be feft to the futore te deter- mine. Her first care at present must be *4- dressed to the impending war, in which. If must come, she can bear no neotral part. bu! mast ally herself with her sister States of tr South, at least until the rmecogmition of her et! their common independenee. Unuil that © achieved let as postpone any difference whieh may separate us ve to the responsibilities and causes of the preseut condition of affairs, | the new agencies for the taking care of eur | national inte rests which we may find tt expe: | dient toadopt. Inexpressing these sentiment I have changed no opinions, and entertuin ne regrets asto the recent action of the people” the State. Tconcurred in the decision which they made, and in my opinion wisely mad ugainst the call of a Conyention. And what ever opinion may be held in relation to its WI dom, it was eminently a decision of the peopl: themselves. ‘The Leyisiature, the public pret> es and public men of all parties with bul rar’ exceptions were fora Convention. with ne vem clearly defined ideas of what it was to uccol! plish except on the purt of those who favored immediate secession for then existing cauret The people regarded the proposed Convent? asa measure to effect revolution, and not hav- ing exhansted the means of reconriliation au peace, which in the eimeerity of ther hove for the Constitution and the Union, they desi" 10 see attempted, they rejected the mensure f the polls. But it would be altogether * falre interpretation of that decision to say that ul there were any sanction or encouragement | the use of coercive ineasures against the States which had withdrawn. On the contrary, 8ucl! a course was universally condemned and pre nounced to be just cause for resistance by une opponents of Convention. Had the dissolution of the Government resulted from a Convent!" then called and for then existing causes, thes would have fait that the blame might beim?" table to themselves. from the high handed action of the Presiden’, they feel acquitted from its destruction, aM will meet the issue with no doubting hear® The decision and the delay therefore Pa placed the Government of the United ia in the wrong and relieved us from any inter!” divisions. Mr. Graham made other remarks, on dir?! ing our whole energies to the public defen’” \ and Coming as it now must: —= aud oa had Ro should of a8. THI Dele here on and Ho inthe of the & elecllot many | should iar ttt apol wident | will bee ui. exel as for | as agua thal Ww view Cd abot nand f veulen Tt with v North SY eeks devote 'y Me [out a cor in his (Ce Lindre fo anu remat vat Ul rapid! bal | ferou lite "hem two and & the b aro same mane have of th pony Ou veek 4 uy oly ut The tend Ure ( sent | Ver, Th 4 Spl ihe ore ni — Oleg lof ob. heir ben. bute re- PTINy. Uces Cyl! lized » On thor. High Tale | pre. that Clog NBL). North hem. tach. they Nn as eC Lo nd as f sec. ) part 10 the eared 6 rey. the eTna- > Jorn thing tates, owng ‘ution pl the Wever criti. they Vv the inter ON at reality North. xelude when volved (} our t, ike last to _ Sew- imseil, vishing gener. endure ey and hether South e rher- P ran. hei tic vg pob- ph hap- able to BOVETH- seceded SOU) pel - Teturi ar Up iF iM gel mpelled e Union Wishes lipa on @ step, thatot Verance aser fe mole: fore ac- | a ttorts yi ha Tike pauEcre lng buat a catvs wg’ ven pre e of the marshal: to com: in cali yn seruis sures {Or Id to ne Joins for cent and “wrolina. ab:tants. r peas . se paral: any new ay enter y result o deter st be vd- ich. if it part, bu! pe ol the fer and that i ex which ties wid vires, and eof eur Ht expe: ytiments ertuin ve people of sn which Jy made do what po its Wis he peopl: plic press but rare hone very mY accom ; favored ig cause® onvention ) pot have ation an rhove for v desiret! ensure a ep a fulee that mw tl rement ti Fhe Scates rary, sucl! ) and pre ce by the fiasolu tion onventie!! ures, thes t beimp! ow must: President tion, and ig earls fore hav’ ed State? y intestun: on direc! 3 defence: —_ aes ee ee i eee aud on demoustrgting to the world that if we had nvtBeed @¥it w enter the Qearrel, we shuuld pa baal ity pa the eppower Aypy Raniniy het 9 8 of 08.5, * — Che ; SALISBURY, N.C,: oe THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1851. dikatchman, oe For the State Convention. How. BURTON CRAIGE, H. C. JONES, Esq. Delegates to the Convention —The meeting ere on Tuesday, nominated H, C. Jones, ksq., and Hoa B. Craige, to represent this County i the State Conveotion. Circulate the news ofthe appuintment and urge all to attend the election oa next Monday. We think there are many reusons why every voterin the State <hould record his vote at this election. ——- a j° We are under the necessity of making Pre- wdent Davis’ message, the importance of which will become apparent to every one who reads a apology for this number of vac paper. i. excludes our usual news matter. Excuse as for lack of uews items, therefore. Excuse us again, for tardiuess. It will be observec that we have re-modeled our paper wiih a yew to its permanency This required extra Beside, the unexpected absence of one nand for two days, has beeu a serious incon- veulence to us. woul FROM THE CAPE FEAR. Iris gratifying to watch the rapidity with which the iartial spirit of the Old North Btate is ceveloping. Bat a few weeks ago all was quiet within her bor- now, from laps 3 mountain to ocean, we ‘oar the onward tramp of thousands of ber devoted sons, who have left their homes +) weet the tuvaders of her ballowed soil. hut more especially, do we listen with ea- cor interest for tidiags from the mouth of rie Cape Fear, where are stationed our Kindred and friends, and we are gratified 1) angounce upon the authority-of a gen- “eman just returned from Fort Jolinson, cat the troops, stationed at that place, are rapidly improving, and will soon reach ‘Lat point of efficiency, when ‘twill be dan- crous for the hirelings of the North to en- iter them. Our tuformaut represents ‘he men as contented and light-hearted, ‘atatthe same time resolate aud deter- mined. Many of them, we know well, for song them, we recognize the sous of Ca- RIAA te A me nm ee ee Wedbadl ous of def licly,. an tneau transaction ? Spool thread .agd oyberarticles) have been pocchased froin stores at 50 cents’ per dozen spools, und an advance of 100 per cent is now demanded un those purctrases. Is that right ! Charlotte Bulletin. No! Let their names be published, after they have bad an opportunily to explain Abeir conduct, or vindicate their cause before, the public. LETTER FROM RALEIGH, — Correspondence ef the Daily Bulletin.) Rargicu, N.C., May'6th, 1861. » Mx. Butretin: The House has been in se- cret session all day. In the Senate, there has been but little done. A bill passed its second reading, empowering the defferent companies of voluntvers to vote for the candidates in their respective Counties. Other bis of ininor im- portance were passed. ‘I'he bill coucerning (he North Carolina Military [nstitute was call- ed up—the Senator from Orange, who is so well known throagh the State, and in the North, proposed to amend it, by inserting Hills- boro’ Mifitury Academy. As noone appeared to advocate the cluims of the Institute, the bill was deteated. The Army bill was read the first tine, and ordered to be printed. As there are a great many mistary menin the Senate, no doubt they will all understand it. An effort was made to pass itimmediately, so that a regiment may be formed. Ltis very dygubtfal when a regiment will be ready to move, when things are so managed. The wisdom of the Legis- lature is of a peculiar kind. All seem to know what is wanted, but do uot understand how to accomplish their object. When the different subjects are referred to, gentlemen, who do know what is wanted, und how to manage it—théré seems to be u want of confidence in them. Thus matters stand fur the present. How long they shall continue in that state, is a very different mutter to determine. Those that know the least appear the most officious, which is very natural. The greatest curiosity of the age is here, something that excells “the What is It’ It talks from morning woul might and from uight until morning. T learn that it has donesu for a number of years. There will be a bili introduced into the Sen- ate immediately, befure going into secret ses- ‘ion, to give the Governor power to take charge svrus, descendants of the first champions the firse war of indepetdence. They 1 now side by side with the Rowan litle Guard, and side by side may ther sand tL the wreat work is nccomplished. Lhe commander at Fort Jolinsun is Capt. J.P. Jones, an officer of considerable expre- nence, having held commission in the United States Army. Upon the com- of the telegraph fines Yours &c., Hac. PUBLIC MEETING OF CITIZENS. Candidates for State Convention. Agreeably to previous notice, a large number of the citizens of Rowan County met in the Court- house, on Tuesday 7th lust, for the purpose of nominating two catididates lu represent this county in the State Convention which is called to meet vn the 20th distant, The meetfie was organized by appoint: iny Bexsawis StmMyeEr, Esq. to the Chair, and Jk. Burke Secretary. Several propositions as to the plan of nominalion were made for the parpose of uniting and harmonizing the two old po htierl parties—daring the discussion of which the following Preamble and Reso lution was adopted : Whereas, the courte pursued by Abra- ‘ham Lincoln, President of the late United States. is contrary to the letter and sprrit oof the Constitution, aud violative of the mencement of the difficulties between the | two sections, he resigned his conmissiun and accepted one in the Confederate Ar-, vy. He was in command of a battery at ‘ie bombardinent of Surnter. Tle is, we rights of States, and evidently iutended to be avaressive, and destructive to our nights and iuterests as a people; aud, whereas, re- sistance to his usurpations, and our own self-defence are demanded by every con- j sideration of honor aud salfety. Therefore, arn, a strict disciplinarian, but at the | same time highly popular with his com- We have already astrony force at the mouth mand, both officers and privates. Resolved, That we the people of Rowan are for resistance to lust extremity, and that we unanimously declare that the Convention of North Carolina soon to assemble. should im- mediately dissolve the connection which bas existed botween the State and the Federal | Government and connect the destinies of the ofthe Cape Fear, aud recruits are daily | sounng ing Let Mr. Lineolu send some ‘lis holiday soldiers aronnd by that way and our word for it, they will open their vesas to the tien they lave to deal with. | “ ars = Our County Court has been is session this verk, | uppropriation of 00.000 for the aid of the olunteers from Rowan, and the families they ‘t behind. The patrol of Salisbury were authorized 10 ex- The order passed unanimously. The most important action had was) State with the destinies of the Confederate States of America. The names of TL. C. Jones, Sen., Esq. and Hon. B. Cxarge, having been potin nomination before the meeting, Chey were almost uoatitnously chosen as bie Candi- dates to represent usin the Convention, The nominees both being present, accept: ed the nominations, IIon. 1 Mo Barringer being in the house, was called apon and addressed the Fmeeting upon the important questions now ‘end their jurisdiction to the limits of the en- Ure County. Suiteand prosecations against ub- seit Vonluteers were either dismissed or laid over, The Hon Z. B. Vance, who is now Capt. of “splendid company of Buncombe county vol “Oleers, paid eur town a visit last Wednesday 'vening. Our xplendid Band, did him the hon- Tolserenading bim at hisstopping place, and | Chief, His Excellency the Governor of the gireets of Salisbury aficr dark who shall Like all | "was called out to make u speech. ‘is elforts this one abounded with common sense, No vesty, candor and quaintness. Ha said ma 'Y good things in an excellent manner. | | | | | | | | order from the Governor the election was sus- Our whole community are settling down up- | ‘the conclusion that war, inevitable, and as ““Vage as faunticiam can make it, is our only ‘'ernative ; and thev are looking it in the face “ith the sternness of a deliberate resolve to | vet it with all the powers that God has giv- ‘U8. There is no division amongst us: some ‘a little confused and slow ; bat al are truc. Richmond, May 7.—The most extraordinary "tary movements are iv preparation and we ‘’ now im constant expectation of stirring “mes, before the people of the South. Oy motion it was decided to have the proceediugs of this meeting published in the papers of our Town, On motion, the meeting adjourned, BENJ. SUMNER, Chim’n, J. K. Burke, Sec. FOR THE WATCHMAN. Saresury, May 7th, 1861. SE Ny. my ALO tie has been engaged in buying up all sorte of weap- a » pBvacdly §nd Hpub- aad ee Ie ace in that line, have put apew thea g tacit of ove hundred per cea .. Who has eogaged in that Als bn vO : Wasnnagy We the commissioned waof the 69d Regiment, seeing tliat there Tatar. ened danger of the State being overrun, sub- mbps M encked, by the ttembhieddnd ‘abd aggre Gindtradon of fhe . ham Lincoln, and whereas there is a present and preseing need for m two ippin, and pr ning the voltae Sok, Ube gone or who may hereafter go from the county of Rawan to defend our homes and ear firesides, | Therefore, Resalved, That we most respectively peti- tied. the Worshipful County Cowrt®t Rowan county, tomeke appropriation of Afty thousand dollara-or go Much as may be necessary, thousand dollars, to be raised as the wu Court deem wost expedient, to be. the.porposes aforesaid under the direction ofa committee io be appointed for that purposes. Riectords For the purposes of further ing in the raisng, equipping and providonial volunteers, the Col. Commandant, cppelatt e captaia or spme other discreet persou ja.emth company of this Regiment, a committeetan to enlist volunteers and solicit donations of mo- ney and provisions. On motion of Col. Bradshaw, the President of this meeting be requested to present these resolutions to the justices of the county at their next session of Court. B. R. MOORE, President. Levi Trexter, } RK. J. Moumes, § ul Sec’ys. These proceedings were introduced into court by Cul. Moore, 4 majority of the Magis- trates being present. The whole amount ask- ed for was appropfiated withoat one dissenting voice. MECHANICS’ GUARD. Ata meeting of the Mechanics’ Guard, of Salisbury, the following Preamble aud Resolu- tions were offered and ununimouely udopted: Whereas, As it is the avowed purpose of this Company 10 protect our homes, and ren- der service abroad, if necessary, and inasmuch as we do approve of the prompt action of the Governor in seizing the public property of the State, and tuking possession of the Forts, and other measures which he has adupted for our protection and safety, which merit aur greatest confidence in him, be it therefore, Resolved, That we do pledge ourselves as an independent volauteer company to hold our- selves in readiness and to respond, through our Captain, to any call from the Governor of the State ant march immediately to the defence of our country, trusting that our cause is right- eous, and if so, victory for us is inevitable. Resolved, ‘That we believe the time is fast approaching when we will have to meet the enemy of our Country—the coinmon enemy of our institutions, the aggressors of our rights and laws, and the invaders of homes and firesides. prayer is power with God, and as it is the on- lv meuns of enlisting His Almighty power iu our favor, therefore, it is requested that each himself, by earnest praver, to meet this awfal conflict: that he pray devotedly to God to direct him in all things that are right, and shield him from wrony, and to give him a | brave heart to do his Masters’ will. | Richmond, May 7.—Vhe Carolina regiment | under Col. Kershaw are expecting immediate orders to move to a point nearer the line of battle. Richmond, May 7.—The batteries around Norfolk are considered fully aniple for the pro- tection of that place Gold Hill Mining Company. — TINUE Stockholders of the Gold Hill Mining Annual Meeting for the election of Directors, &c., will be held at their Office No. 84 Beaver Street, on Tuesday the 14th day of May next, between 12 and 1 o’elock, P. M. AMOS HOWES, Pres. New York, April 30, 1861. 3tpdl WANTED. FOR THE ENGINEERS, ARTILLERY, INFANTRY AND CAVALRY OF THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 2,500 Intelligent, active young men. Pay from day of enlistment at from $12.00 to R21 00 per month. Rendezvous at Salisbury, N. C. ROBERT C HILL, Corps of Artillery, ©. 5. Army, General Recruiting Officer. L522 May 6, 1861. - To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- Joining Counties. S our intercourse with the North is now LX. effect ually broken up and our market | must be supplied from the up country. the un- | dersigned solicits consignments of Flour, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Butter, &c., ge. which shall | have his personal attention. JOUN F. FOARD. ; Newbern, May 1, 1861 Fmh2 a TOWN ORDER. | FT is hereby ordered that the ‘Town Patrol | of Salisbury hav discretionary powers lo) ; : | arrest und lock up in the Calabouse any per- | Acca ig oauetalerelt he en san white or itaek. who may be found in the be o> + aT aaa oy And agit is our religious belief that sincere | and every member of this Company prepure | Company, are hereby notified that the 8th | ; April 9. State, the commissioued officers of the 63d guilly of any disorderly conduct, or be unable a Contest ihes commenced, and, teeppes Dave beemaentto9 6c fi worl MATA) Forty Caswell and Macon. Troops from. Rowen have gqne apd are, slit going, aod depend. upon their fellem,-ciizeng at home. Lo sustuiy chem, ' There isa Siore-Room opaued in Salis, bury forthe reception ef anything that may be contribytad. No freight fon, tranepomtution ov any pf the railroads will be charged, and Moses, McCUBBIN y&,, FOSTER . will re- ceive the freight-and apytWing else that may be contributed. Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Beans, ¢<., in any quansitiee wit be tegen, {and thauk- fully recei \ Ab lidt of every taan’s name who coatributes will ere “Cot. Cotindidans 832 Bee del Important Apnoancemepit! °, We are still Agents for the sulée of Grover & Baker’s CELEBRATED, NoIsELEss FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. wie are pronounced by all t be the best Machine nade. We ure selling them, delivered in thie place, at Manufacturers prices, which have been recently reduced from fifleen to twenty-five per cent. We can far- nish Machines at any price from $40 to $125. Ladies who have a great deal of sewing to do, should certainly have one, as it will undoubtly prolong their lives ten to twenty years. We have sold a good many of these Machines all of which have and still continue to give entire sutiefuction. Sead for a Pamphlet. kK. & A. MURPHY. | Salisbury, April 9th, 1861. 3m47 Spring Stook for 1861. HORAH & RAMSAY THYAKE pleasure in informing their friends and the public in general that they are now in receipt ot the largest, most varfed and cheapeat atock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS | thatthey ever had the pleasure to offer. These | Goods have all been bought for cash at greatly | reduted prices, and will be offered for cash only at unprécedented low prices. Call und see them, heur prices and judge for yourselves. Tn view of the uncertainty of every thing | in business affairs in these revolutionary times, | we have adopted the cash system, believing | it to'be the bese for ourselves and our friends. | Those having open accounts with as, will | please call without delay, and close them either | by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSAY. | Saliebury, April 23d 1861. 1150 CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED! | Great Reduction in Prices ! | Selling Off for Cash only. Come and See! Vii ree w& YOUNG, will sell their 4 entire stock of New Spring and Sum- mer Goods ut yreatly reduced prices for cash only. We have been compelled by our long | credit Custamers to adopt the nbove plan. By ) the reduction in prices it will be greatly to the imerest of uli who have money to spend tor Goods to trade with ws. Come and see! NOTICE.—We wow make our last call on all persone having open accounts with us. | to come forward and eettle either by ensh or | note. We have waited too long already on 4 | great many persons, and are uow determined | to close up our accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG. April 23. 1564. W449 NOTICE. Y VIRTUE of a Power of Attorney re- guiarly executed tous by VM. Hofflin, we ‘hereby give notice tuat all persons indebted to the suid M. HefHin, inuxt make paytnent to | nyorto oar Attorney L. Blackmer, on or be- | fore the first dav of June next, for at thatdate | all cluime dae M_ Hofflin are directed to he sved upon without! reservation, All the claims due M. Lofflin will be found in the posseaston of ether L. Blackmer or W. J. Mills. The Goods remuining in M. tlofflin’s store will be | sold at Baltimore coat. HARZBERG & STIEFLE. | Apri 23. TIRED. 4w50 WE HAVE IN STORE | 35 bbls. Coffee Sugars. | 10> hhds. Molasses. 6 800 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. Ibs. Sole Leather. | 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly redaced Pricer. rn. & A. MURPHY. Rm47 faa Taaahier: to give a satisfuctory wccount of himself; and | any person so committed to be bronght before . further proceedings on the following | eee at JOUN I. SHAVER, | Mati bury, and offerm hin ervices to the May 3, 1861.-1f51] Interdant. , public in the various depattments of his proter- Notice to Sheriffs, Te RECEIPTS, neatly printed to ercer, I. W. JONIS. M. D.. Regiment met in the cown of Salisbury for the purpose of vouing fora Major General of the fourth Division of North Carolina Miltia. By | ; \ | ; pended, bat after breaking ranks, the officers | Er Office on Main Street, first door above | Buis’ Confeetione ry. Jan. 15, 1861. went into an informal meeting to entertam | propositions and petitions, Col. B. R. Moore and pat in. books it Rake atbehort wolice was calted to the chair, and Capt. Levi Trex- and ow moderate terms, for eusb. Sead in sone ler, Lieut. R. J. Holmes were elected Secre- your orders. | NO CREDIT. | : UR TERME after the het ay next Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, () will be exclusively Cush or Barter. AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED ure compelled to adopt this plan for var safety Ir. the town of @alisbury, offers hi*| and we hope no one will take offence at it. professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding countty. He at all mesti (unlese profeatonally en gaged) may be foundat the ‘‘BorpeN Hovss.” March %, 1861, 6m35 taries. ‘The meeting was addressed by Lient. Ca.) Bradshaw, Capt. Trexler, Cupt. Bowers and others, on the present dangers, and the de- | fenseleas condition of the State. The folowing revolution wus offered by Col | Bradshaw and unanimously adopied : call und close the same by cash or note. MoCUBBINS & FOSTER. 150 gs Salisbury, April 23, 1861. t AS permonentl) lycated .m the towp of We Persope having accounts wiih us will please | Hard Tey Hog Atay Them! MéCabbins & Hester Aen ee duced prices,, g : i F Y oat £00: ¥y st é HARDWARE, Cutlery, Queensware; *AeattyCepe, and Bonneg, at Phoee an Leather, Clothing § Black- smiths end Carpenters Toola; Milk and Crose# Out: Saws, vogue Bad ny 3 and Liusced Qj, Color'd Pai inde ; “Rifle and Blasting vee , ¢ls'and Spades, Iron of all kinds, in short Everything Usat the People Want. These Goods are offered vo the public at Exceedingly Low Prices for Cash or Barter. Come and look ‘for yourself ‘Greut induce- ments offered to Country Merehants, McCUBBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS’ CORNER, April 9, 1861-4147] J J. STEWART IS PREPARED TO e furnish at short notice Colleges, Schoole, Academies and the public generally with any Books tbat may be wanted, at lowest prices possible. He always keeps on hand a well selveted Jot of cheap Family Bitfes, Bitles for Churches with Hymue to epit the jatest and moat popular publications of the times, writing and printing paper of all sizes, cheaper than ever befure offered, by 4be ream or at retail, blak Bouks of '¢ a f m end size, Pens, Envelopes, Fic tureg> ete,, INK Harrivon’s: Tak, Berrison’s Columbian Ink, Japa Tks oll sizes, Blagh,: Blbe and Red ; Harrison's Carmine Ink, Arnold’s Writing Finid, the best known, very «heap for cash. WALL PAPER. To hia alrendy large and beatiful assort- ment of walkprper, he has jug received a large bov-ofthe latest patterns, “whieh for beauty, style, and cheapness are far superior to any ever before offered inthis market. Window Shades, Fire Screens, ete. Orders of anything in bis line solicited. Salisbury, N.C., Feb. 19, 1861. 140 a “March 25th, 1861. : NEW. Spring and Summer _GOoopDs! FENUE subscriber hus the pleasure to an- ounnce to his friends und the publie gener- ally, that he is receiving his usual Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compris- ing » fich assortinent of all the LATEST STYLES. LADIEN DRERS “GOODS, consisting in purt of Silks, Bereges, Grepa- dines, Berage-Anglaise, Mozambiques, Organ- dies, Challies and u large Stock of EMBRO D- ERLES, to all of which he asks a@ special eX MIN atau. A sv, a tall assorsment of ‘Bigaétied Do- icetic, Lineus, House-keeping Goods, &e., A. MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building, Mach 25 —45tf Salisbury, N.C. Notice. —To Farmers. Something Valuable to you all! PRON BRIELD'S |." CATTLE POWDERS, , 4 pre onsetal AND GENOINE—all | others put up in similar style are’ base cuutlericits | Faoneririy’s Powpene cure most ali diseases | of Horses und Cuttle, and keeps them in good | condition. | Perfectly sufe ander all circumstances, and | warranted to give satisfaction. Price 25 cemm™ pec Puckage. | Suld by W. Hh. WYATT, Druggist and | Apotheenry, Nos 186 aud 188 Main at., Salis- bury, N.C. | April 9. 447 | Farmers, Look Out! | Money, Time und Timber Saved ! ! I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence, | Made without posis, in the Counties of Ala- mance, Randolph, Rockingham, Davidson, Rowan, Cabasrue aud Mecklenburg, Cheap- nese. duftébthly, und conVeniened ‘te chiel adyantuges. We recommend the Fence to suw-willowuers, farmers, and all who bave fevees to make. We wil! sell Farm or County rights. A circular stating epete, plan of build- ing, &c., sent free to any address on applica- tiou to | JNO. J. WHITE, | Mebanesville, | Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44] Alamance, N.C e"e Churlotte Democrat please copy three ~ | months and furward bill to subseriber. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED ae | | E are now selling our etock out at re- duced prices fur CASH, No goods sold on credit. All petsone indebted to us are request- | ed to call and pay up. R. ¢ A. MURPHY. April 22, 1861. th49 | re etntton Pits AO ae ORME 'Teno Goddiahs ' | ¥ € Jt hea duted Thousaude of rae DPA RBHEBA. : ; the best physicians recommend it for FLUX. Ite use on the Gret. syuéptoma, and before a physician can be obtained CHOLERA. It wil! save many lives, much time, sickness, suffering and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. It only Costs 25 A SS \ Ey Ts, Prepared by W. I. st:, Salisbury, N.C. April 9. 6m47 GOODS FOR THE SPRING TRADE. E are now receiving a lot of new and desirable Goods for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. OUR STOCK Witt not be as lurge ws on former seasons, but wifl have a good assortment. We shill have a very handsome and select assurtinent of all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this murket and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of eloving oul our stock U Soe ee Summer aud for that purpose offer sal Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Guods before purchas- ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2m47 Spfing Stock for 1861. Ri& A. MURPHY, Wyarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Main — - ' a OTD National Flag! ae el OLD friends and mere that be je egwig in ase and prepared (o furnish any style of BUGGY or CARRIAGE from the best 10 the jowest priced,..... 1; ! He has recently visited ‘ mt a number of the Northern mauufaetories and acquuinted him- self with aff the late'improvements in hisline, and made yrrangements by which he can sup~ pty those prefering it with Northern work mach Cheuper than’ could be dohe by orderng'« single job. He intends to’ baild thé finest and cheap- est work ever done fn ne Prpatry and’ soli- et cits a call ‘at the ign of tidndt Peg’. | : é ' WM. M. BARKER. July 31, 1860. tld New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of J. D. Brows Ce., their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COP- PER-WARE, STOVES, &., now offer the largest and handsomest jot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered iv thie market, and will sell for cash as low us canbe had in West era North Carolina. Also, all kidds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hend. All kinds Tin, Sheet-Irog or Copper work done at the shortest notice MURR & SOSSAMON. Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1861. ly36 ( V QL U N T[ d i d s \U n O d I B 40 9J O U AQ ‘O 9 O S T SL T Ai n e ‘S A OL GH . LY G C N L SN O S U A d 'T ‘s s o u I s n g 4n o on u y -U 0 9 07 : 6 0 oq L U D 0) 4) L AA R Y ys t t Y pu k e Ae u o W ‘d u Zu i s e d pu r pr e m i o Bu r g i o = = = t o ae [og <5 = le a % = = Sc = Wholesale and Retail Grocers, | { \ | RE now receiving their usual Stock of | SPRING and SUMMER GJOODs, em bracing FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, | BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for sale at greatly reduced prices for eush. Give usa call, and kee what we have in store for you. R. « A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, 1>61. 3urd7 Swan Island Guano FUR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. HIE above Guano is sid to be fertilizer forthe culture of Tuobseeo, Cotton. Grains, Roots, Grapes, &e., than any other imported. A trial is all that is necessary to prove itr superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. March 25, tf45 SAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R.& A. Murphy's Store, SALISBURY, N.C.. 7 EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ment of WATCUBKS and JEWRLE) of ‘kinds. ‘locks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- iption repaitedin the bewt wuaner and on *most reasonable terms. *ebruary 14, 1860 lyse MILO A. J, ROSEMAN, M. D. AVING studied in prominent Medien! Colleges and Horpitals, North and South, ‘having been ptactising in the vyrious de jents of his profession tor bine years with soccess, he continues to ofter his services e public where he is permanently located, by strict atiention to his profession will deavor to merit a Itbera) patronage -elofore, and holds binteelf in rendinese at all ips, duy and night, for professional calls. a7 Office ut Rosaman’s Store. 3mpd49 April 23, 1961, i wd A i. ne i ~~! LL PERSONS who are indebted to me are respectfully requested to cal! and » immediate payinent, «se | am cumpell- » have money; and as thie iv the firs that Lhave called om my friends, [ hope wil couthe “ap promptly. R. P. BESSENT 29th, 1X59 | better | { \ | | WORTH DANIEL, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liqaors, Wines, Cigars. and Tobacco. Solicit cousizuinents of Floar, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobacco, and Country Produce generally. Agents for Howe's cele- bratsd Scales. D.G. WORTH. Late of Asheboro’, NOC. Sept. lx. 1560. N.G. DANIEL, For past 7 years with T.C. & B.G. Woatn. lyls Brown's Livery Stable. S keptup as heretofore It} I is gratifying to him that this establishment, began, at firet, ar 4 doubtfulexperiment, has proved | to the public a great desideratum and # com- | plete success. ‘Travelers, and others can al- ways have their wants, in ths line, well sup- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. And the subseriber is always ready to sell or buy good Horses. THOMAS E BROWN. 1147 HARDWARE!! | HE Subscribers are receiving and open- jug at the old stand of G. M. & ALT. Jones. the largest Janu Ist, P61 Stock of Hardware ever offeredin this Market, which having been ) bought directly of the Manufaeturers or their avents, exciusively for eash. | tail buyers. They are pre- pared to offer mducements to Wholesale or Re- A call is respectfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN. Salisbury. Mar 14) 1260 td DENTAL NOTICE. SSS FR YR. BESSENT. I AS REMOVED vo rie ROOMS on the eerter tormerly occu pied by Dr Baron, where he is prepar edto wttend all operations connected with his profession tRo0 132 ean |, T. BEMISTER, - House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &e.. Main St, opposite Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warrant- ) ed to be done in a workmanlike manner | Jun. 22, A861, 6m36 Hine Shirts and Collars. rium of DAVID WEIL. Sept. 25-1119) No. 2. Granite Row MARRIAGKH LICENSES 127 fae SALE AT THIS OFFICE. | Tuition, in English, from I GREAT EXCITEMENT 4, AT THE GREAT CLOTHING. EMPORICM DAVID WEIL eee AVING RETURNED FROM THE Hire Cities with a LARGE and OMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Nandker- chiefs, anda fine assurtment of Shirts and Collars, &c., &c., to which he invites your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ag I am determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO.2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. March 25, IR61. if44 Iu Time of Peace Pepare for War. MERONEY & BROTHER, RE offering to the public the best assort- <\X ment of FIRE ARMS ever brought to this market. Colt’s Belt and Pocket Pistols, old and new model: also, Smith & Wesson’s seven shot; Sharp’s 4 ounce Pistol, that can be carried in the vest pocket, will shoot through aninch board 75 yards. Sharp's 1U oz., shoots through aninch board 100 yards; imitation Colts’ at reduced prices. Bliss’ Cartridge Pistol, 6 shot; Rider’s self- cock-ing; I X L eelf-cocking ; also Bowie Knives. assorted sizes ; Sharp's Sportng Rifles, will kill 300 yards, and a good lot of guns. They offer their stock of guods at reduced prices for cash, asthey intend doing a cush bu- siness, Their remaining stock consists of Combs Brushes, Buttous, Suspenders, Belts, Fans, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, fancy head Pins, Perfumery, Extracts, fancy and toilet soaps, stationery articles, Portmonais, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Razors, fine and common pocket Cutlery, walking Canes, sport- ing articles, Whips, Musical Instruments, W1l- low Ware, Baskets, Traveling Satchels, Fan- cy Groceries. Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Snaff, and numerous otter articles too tedious to mention, all of which they offer at low prices. Those indebted to us, must call and pay their notes and accounts by the first day of July, as we shall place all accounts then unpaid ip the hands of officers fur collection. MERONEY & BRO. Salisbury, Jen. 7, 1861 S4ef Salisbury Female Seminary. TANUE SIXTH TERM of this Sehool will begin the T1th February and close the lat July. The school has been increasing in num- bers every ierm We have now a goodly number, gut could take a fewmore. If the nomber continues to increase, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per Term #8 to 17.00 ts “ Latin. 5.00 Music on Piany. from 15 to 20.0€ Use of Instrument, 2.50 Tncicvental expenses, 1.00 Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular addrers A. D. WILKINSON, Jan. 22, 1861—1136 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS & FOSTER AVE just reerived a very large lot of FARMING IRON, consisting of Shovel Moles, Bar Lron, Wayoo tire 1g, 13 and 2 inch ; Buggy tire 14 and 14 inch; Oval Iron 4, &, and { ineh: Square Tron 1 and 14° ineh; Buyyy Springs und Axles; Patent und En- am led Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., together | with» general assortment of DENTAL | | Horsce H. Beard, dec’d. | | | DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, . GROCERIES, Hats and Capes, Boots and Shoes. They keep constantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD. BUITER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Sinkins Corner, Salisbury, N.C. Feb 12th, 1861. tf39 4 New Tailor Shop. r es E subscriber hax opened a new TAILOR SHOP in the rooms formerly oectpied by His experience and qualifications in this le, warrant him in eay- ing that he will be able to meet the most tastidious demands. Call and get your gar- ments cut to fit vou, and made to last, in- | stead of buying the slouchy. half-made rags | in Ready-Made Clothing Stores. Cutting aud Repaiing done to order. Prodace taken in exchaoge for work. WM. HOWARD. 3m34 H.C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, \ Jun. Ril, 1861. TILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and jin the Supreme Gourt. H. . ‘G6. j ; ) . : If you wish to parchase fine Shirtw and Col- | Jones, jr., wilh ntao pracnee in the Courts lars cuff at the Great Clothing Em of Tredell aud Cubarros Counties. A elaims entrust d to them for collection prompt attention. LL? Offiee No. 3, Brick Row, near the Coari- house. H.C. Jones. sr Jan. 15, 1R61 H.C. Jones, jr tf35 BLUE. STONE, 9000 ibe. BLUE STONE, for sale by HENDERSON & ENN18£8. 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean fur aule by HENDERSON & ENNIsS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. From 210 to 240 deg., for sale by HENDERSON & ENN{ISS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For saleby HENDERSON & ENNI38. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. 40. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. ut HENDERSON & ENNIss’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought to this inarket, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SPIVES! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon. and Nutmegs, for sale hy HENDERSON & ENNIsS. VINEGAR! 30 ets. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Galton at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 1x, 1x60 tfk North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! \ FRERCKS & RAEDER, RUCCESBBORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, ILL continue to nunufacture and keep on hand all Agricultural Implements made heretofore. Plows, Corn-Shellers, Horse- Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators, They also manutucture Shafling and Machinery for Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, ‘Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtures, &e., &e., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order, and warrant- edinevery respect. Repairs of every dexerip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury, N. C.. Jan 2.1561. 134 Standard, Raleigh ; hore’ Democrat. Charktte; Western Advoente, Asheville ; Caroliman (tri weekly) Columbia; Observer, Fayetteville > und Tredell Expres will publish 3 months wand forwa d accoants A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw und Feed-Catters, Seed-Sowers, Cider & Sugar Mills. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnell, C. P Mendenhall, U.P. Weir, Jamex M, Garrett, John L. Cole, NH. D. Wilson, Win. Barrin- Patriot. Greensboro’ ; | gtr, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. ! Hf. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton; Alexander Miller, Newbern; ‘Thadens Mc- Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yancey- ville; Dr WoC. Ramsey. Wadeshorough ; Rev. KC Mavnard, Franklinton; Dr. Eo FL Wat- rou, Watsonville. OFFICERS : N.H.D. WILSON, President. JED. H LINDSAY. - - Vice-President CP. MENDENHALL, Attorney, PETER ADAMS, - - WM. H.CUMMING,- - W J. McCONNELL, - JLA.MEBANE. - - JM. GARRETT, - - Allcommuanicutions on business connected Sec. and Treas. General Agent. Execative Com | withthir Office. should be uddrecsedto | Wil!’ meet | | PETER ADDY MS. Secretary : Greensboro’, N.C... June 19, 1860 tft MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. €. PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION PRODUCE. sold in thie market o1 sbipped to other Ports. February 14, 1860 tf3R GIVEN tothe purchase of all kinde of And toall consignments to be | pe eee See HOSTETTER’s _ STOMAGH BITTERS, The sietors and magefpcturers , TETTERS CELEBRATED STONIGG te TERS can appeal with perfect confid physicians and citizens generally of the States, because the article has attained a7, tation heretofore unknown. A few facts el this point will speak more powerfully ne volumes of bare assertion or bl. zoning Puffer, The consumption of Hostetter's Stumach be ters for the last year amounted to over a hii, million bottles, and from its manifest Stenly increase in times past, it is evident that dur,,, the coming year thé consumption will rah near one million bottles. Thiv immense an, could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal perties contained in the prepara. tion, and the sanction of the most Prominen physicians in those sections of the Country where the article is best known, who not op) recommend the Bitters to their patients, a are ready at all times to give testimonials \, jj, efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangenni, and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtaing by extraordinary efforts in the way of tru. peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a «jj estimation of an invaluable medicine, which ;, destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have prove) a Godsend to regions where fever and rgue and various other bilious complaints hay, counted their victims by hundreds. 1, }, able to state confidently that the “Bitter are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and |:: diseases, is to the proprietors a source of \y. alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matiry from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous systen, iving it that tone and energy indispensai), or the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily .: r directions on the bottle, and they will finJ in it astimulant peculiarly adapted to comin declining years, as it is pleasant to the palatc invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tou): and rejuvenating generally. We have the ey dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using ti. preparation while suffering from stomach 1 rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandunei all deleterious drugs and fairly tested 1!» merits of this article. A few words to ie gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of tle: sink under the trial. The relation of wotler and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is api iv forget her own health in her extreme anxie!s for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear «! body and mind is generally aggravated. Her: then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting tris. and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigors- tors that receive the endorsement of physi: cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhwa. dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, an! all diseases or derangements of the stomaci:, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consu' their own physical welfare by giving to Ho: tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostxrrer’s CELEBRATE) Sromacu Birrers, and see that each bottle has the words ‘‘ Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, sud observe that our autograph signature is on the label. &e- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by 1! druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE. WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orvxans, La., SOLD BY Henderson & Enniss, und H. Wyatt, Salisbury; by Jo Reed, Concord and by Porter & Gorrell, Greensboro’, NaC Muy 29, 1860. lyl COWAN’S _ Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bladder and hidne Weakness of the Loins, ke. TENHIS invaluable Medicine is for sale only at Mockaville, Salisbury Statesville, Cou cord and Fayetteville, and at Col, Ausiut and no where elxe. The subscriber having entered into copal! nership with Jobn F. Cowan, original patenter forthe manufacture and sale of the above Med icloue, ts prepared to furnieh uw supply by drexsing him at Salishury, N.C., or calling his residence, 10 miles weet of this place FE. ). AUSTIN tf ence lo Uniteg June 21, 1855, 171 DRA YING. es jae YHE nndersigned givex netice thal he keeps a TRAM AND WAGONS for the purpose of Draying and will serve all wh: may faver hin with calls myhis line on # commodating terms. , GEORGE MOWERY 1260. 43 Fine Suits. If you wish 10 buy Fine SUITS of CLO I i ING for as httle money as possible, call at 1 Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL 1? Remewave tie Srawn—No.), Mur! Granite Row, Salrebury, N.C. Sept. 25. BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE March 20th, fi9 (S a i n i : Su e cl i e n t e aa es ee at h e 0 Ri s s e Or m c o ee ea e as Bn e t aL . is ee Fe tte ir He ence ate dr VOL. XIX, +F J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Dingle copy, $2,00 Five copies, $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten,in the same pro- portion $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. errs | has roused all the fierce passious which, if ENGLISH VIEWS. The London Times of the 19th and 20th ult. bas earnest articles on the Amer- ican crisis, founded on the information it | ity of the country in every latitude: aud had then received of the impending attack : both are impelled towards it by the eee lest sympathy that can animate friendly na- on Fort Sumter. Whilst deprecating a war here as a terrible calamity, it shows a strong leaning towards the Southern Con- federacy, in stich sentences as the follow- Te |tions would have recourse to thie diaboli-| the Emperor and his jeal policy; and yet, short of it, wei can | ' | see no reasonable prospect of suctess jn | soliciting an encounter with the South. | ~The latest accounts from America are | ominious in the extreme, aud it is greatly tearud that the North aud the South will after all, come to blows. We had hoped a different result, and we lope so still, but iL is téeless lo disguise the feeling which prevads not less in New York than in Charleston, that a deadly colision 1s im- pending,—a fratricidal war iinmineat. For this imdancholy state of things peuple in Europe were not prepared.” “Supposing that the worst has happen- , aud, either through the naval Opera tions of the United States or an attack on the Federal forts by their rivals, hostilities have begun, it ts plain that a conthet of vo cyummon kiad muat follow. The Con- el | ting eath other's throats under circutustan- federate States, (ough without a navy, and consequently forced for the most part to remain on the defensive, will be an en- | emy pot easy to deal with.” “It would bea great political error, nol ty say acrime, if the Republican Presi- lent should plurye the new world into war cn order to show his uttackhment to his pur- ty or his consistency with his former prin- ciples.” * The war, though short, may be as sav- age as any that bas been carried on even by the Spanish cace. The Amerteaas are in the highest degree excitable and sia the ferocity which they carry 1o- *o their domestic conflicts would be in- creased largely when one side fancied it- self to be resisting tyrants and the other punishing traitors, But we had rather vol speculate or su great a calamity as such a war would be. We would rather hope that the good sense of the Americans and the peaceful counsels of this country may briny about a reconciliation before the dispute bas beea tou far euvenomed, As long as the two sections of the Union re- train from Lostilities, it would be the height of arrogance and folly to interfere; but, hietive ; when the soil aad seas of the New World | are likely to be stained with blood, foreign gations may s@rely remonstrate in the cause of humanity.” “As war seetns to be regarded as cer- cain, the cuestian that rewtains to be usk- od is, What will the priacipals gain by it? Jtis evident that J’resideat Lincoln lias ueither an army nor anavy at hand tw make the Sout submit, and tc is equally orham Chat the South is evea more anx- vous than the North tu text it oy a trial of strength, The old Government las cer- tainly one alterautive to which i may re- | wers only advisory officers, and that with ‘the President remained the initiative and ‘the responsibility of public acts such as sort: but it is so terrible in cancepuoa, | aud wyald prove so malignant ia practice, that we will da Mr. Lincolu the justice of | “xXpreseiag oue disbelief in his ever having | | s recourse to it The South tx so strong on ets ewan greand that noamount of Fed- eral force’ ethick can be brought into the ried, within auy reasonable period, tcould stand a chance of success ; but the Wash- ington government might readily * * * A * * war thus inaugarated, wuald pro- bably be one of the blvodiest: and fiercest in the whole records of mankiud, and, \ while the men of the South were euguged | putting it down, their seaboard aught be scoured, their cities ravaged, thete yrogeerts: coutisuated ur destroyed, by the Untoain party. An extreme and desperate aller pative like this would gest the atrenyth of | \ the South, but the probabclity tx that, even | against suck accumulated di fficullies and odds, the South would wltimately trumph. | Bat what woald be the feeling that such | au uct wowld leave behind? * * * The most malignant hatred towards his own | countrymen in the other sections of the Hepublic—an animosity would be engen- dered that time could not soften nor cir- cumstances modify, and the fouadation would be laid for ijnternicine wars more furjous and destructive than any which the Republicans ever waged against the Red Tadiais of the prairies. We cannot, as we have said, suppose that Mr. Lincoln and hia supporters, after tbeir recent deol ara- | | , Which must look with horror and dismay nition “Tf civil war has really commenced be- tween the North and the South, we hope that the representatives of Eygland and | France ut Washington have been instruct. ed by their reapeetive governments to tender their aid as mediators before the struggle continued for any length of time, are cer- tain to be called into play. Both nations wish well to the American people: both are alike interested in the general prosper- tions. This seems to us the last resource before the sword is drawn and the seab- bard thrown away, and probably the sug- gestion would meet the approval of that large class in both extremes of the country at the prospect of men and brothers cut. ces so fearfulty provocative of vengeance.” [ We have substituted asterisks fur some language tmanfestly iinproper to be pub- lished ] The Manchester Guardian says that “ The enterprise of attempting to force the seeeding States to return to their alle- | glance is far less justifiable now than it | would have been at the beginning of Mr, Lincolu’s administration, because it has | | become by the lapse of time infinitely dit- ficult.” ome Correspondence of the N. ¥. Times. IMPORTANT FROM FRANCE. Paris, Thursday, April 18, 1861.—The American Minister at Paris, Mr. Faulkouer, | has just had an interview with the French | Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Thouvenel, on the subject of the recognition of the Southeru Confederacy. Mr. Faolkner informed the Minister that le was instructed to say tbat the Presi- ! dent’s policy was to be found in the Inau- gural Address in full; but in brief, on the question of x recoguition of the Southern Confederacy, the President held that there was no fut acconyke as yet, and that to recognise the Confederacy under the pres- ent state of things would be not only ille- gal but an act of bad faith to a friendly | Power desirous of settling its own internal | affairs in its own way. Mr. Faulkoer fin- | ished by protesting In the most solemn mannet against any recognition of the Southern Confederacy until the new Min- ister, Mr. Dayton, should arrive. M. Thouvenel then demanded to know if the Cabinet at WasKiugton were not dt | vided in sentiment on this question of re- cognition! To whichthe American Mia- ister ceplied, that under any circumstan- | ces the members of the American Cabinet these. bat these were the President's views, and that these alone were to be ta- ken as guides in diplomatic actions. M. Thouvene! thea eaid that the Goo- ernment of the Uvited States need not have aay apprekension of a speedy recog- nition of the Southern Confederacy by the Goverament of France. [t was not the ‘habit of the French (rovernment to act hastily in questions of so delicate a char- acter. He potuted out the case of Italy, where appareaty there could be no special objection te the recognition, and yet from prudential motives the recognition was withheld. The French Government, ad- ded M. Thouvenel, sees the present dissen- tions in Aimerica with pain, and not only: wouké desire to see the broken eletnents ryunited, but would never step in by any act whatever to widen the division or add tuel to the flames. At the sane time M. Thouvenel said that the practice of France, xs indeed of | wnost of the Kuropextn powers, was now ‘clently understuod in these cases of recog - » of new Government. A Govern- ment clearly established beyond dispute was ° » Government de Sacto, nnd must be recoy- nised, and when the new American Gfoy- eminent arrived at that point, he presum- ed, although he lad no nght to prejudge the future, it would be recognised. M. Thouvenel then demanded informa- tion on the subject of the new tariff, which, | he said, so deeply affected French com. | merce. Mr. Faulkner informed bim that! from indieations from Washington he be- | lieved there would be av extra session of | Congress, and tbat the tariff would be | modified—a declaration which gave the! Foreign Secretary great satisfaction, and indaced him to say to Mr. Faulkner that at the bext meeting of the Cabinet he would be pleased to report this hope to \ SALISBURY, N. C Shel « 3 sed Sa sas ayy oe SEMI-WEEKLY. Sr Ste geet et == ., MAY 13, 1861. NUMBER 2. oe ee ee = eae eet ees eee colleagues in the’ vermment. M. -Thouvenal assured Mr. Faulkner that bp to the present time he had not been “poked to by any ove on the subject of the ac | | recpyaltion of the Southern Confeder- | an The Apocalyptic Vials Opened. | —It one will pause and takes view of the world at this moment he will see what was never more pertectly | seen upon the face of the earth. The world is convulsed, as it probably | never has been since the creation, | with wars and rumors of wars, by | fainine and desolation. History does not present such a general tumult of nations a8 we now see. It would seem that the vials of the Revela- tions were opened, and that discord and blood were rained down upon our generation, What the issne will be of all the dreadful entanglements | which now environ the nations time | only will show. Certainly no one; can divine it. Within a few years | we have bebeld the most magnifi- | cently dreadful wars of which histo- ry bas any record. Nations have: been conquered and subjugated to | the caprices of ambitious and tyran nical sovereigns. Indian revolts, Syrian tiassacres, and imurderous sieves have sapped the life-Llood of millions. Europe is just now con: | vulsed from centre to circumference. | Poland and Hungary are ripe for re- | volt. Russia las emancipated her | serfs, and annexed # large tract of'| country lately derived from China, | whose coasts are still infested and | guarded by English and Trench | eets. Sardinia stands demanding | Venitia and Rome, and Austria and | Germany proper resist her. France holds Syria for the Sultan of that) wretched country, but is ready to, appropriate it to Lerself whenever | ‘kmperor Napoleon thinks it policy i to do 80. England and France are | fitting out naval fleets for the coasts of the United States, and the United | States themselves are disrupted, | threateuing civil warat any moinent. Spain has seized upon San Domingo and threatens Hayti and Mexico, while Mexico on her part threatens to conquer Texas. Several of the! South American Republics are gues relling. Buenos Ayres and Para- guay are at swords’ points. In In- dia famine is following a dreadful massacre and revolt, and this famine reaches into Persia and China. In Holland the inundation of the conn- try, caused by the breaking away of the dikes, has destroyed its thons- ands, and left homeless and starving ' thousands upon thousands more.— The temporal power of the Pope topples. The whole world seems on the eve of a general war, and is only wailing for some one to strike the first blow.— Athen (U.) Messenger. Well done, Tennessee !—Twocoun- ties in the gallant Volunteer State— Lincoln and Franklin—have turnish- ed one entire Regiment of eleven hundred men, who passed through Knoxville on the 2d instant on their way to Virginia. In this Regiment there are over two hundred men over six feet high, and two hundred able bodied men under twenty years of aye. The whole Regiment are remarkable for their fine physical appearance and soldierly bearing. [They have ar- rived at Lynchburg, Va.) re Steamboat Seized.—The authori- ties at Napvleon, Ark., took posses- sion, on Monday, of the steamboat Hetty Gilmore, another boat owned in Cincinnati, They are determined 'to “bold and possess” all steamboats 'owned in Cincinnati, at Jeast till the arms and ammunition belunging to Arkansas are delivered up. Ricumonp, May 7.—The New Or- leans Kegiment, which arrived last evening, over 500 etrong, are a splen- did looking body of men. Gen. Harney has published a let- ter declaring his loyalty to the Un- joo avd remonstrating against the secession of Missouri. | this yreat cause. of a digsolution of this Union, peace- jinent ‘fired eight millions four hundred | ronnds. eT SEWARD ON THE UNION. | The Adwinistration has published Secretary Seward’s Instructions to Mr. Dayton, who has just sailed as Minister to France. The following is the material paragraph: “ You cannot be too decided ar too | explicit in makiag known to the French Government that there is not pow, nor has there been, nor will there be—the least idea existing in this Governinent of suffering a dis solution of this Union to take place in any way whatever. ‘There will be | here only one nation and one gov. | ernment, and there will be the same | constitutional Union that have al-: ready survived a dozen national changes, and changes of government | inalmostevery other country, These. will stand bereafter as they are now, objects of hhuinan wonder and human affection. You have seen on the eve , vf your departure the elasticity of the national spimt, the vigor of the | national Government, and the lavish devotion of the national treasares to | Tell M. Thonven- el then, with the highest considera- tion and good fesling, that the tho’t; ably or by foree, has never entered into the mind of any candid states- man here, anditis high time that it be distnissed by statesinen in Europe.” After ten years of exhausting war, | Mr. Seward, if be should live su long, | may chanye Ins opinion about there being adissolution of the Union, and may possibly think that it would been well to have done justice now, ,ard’s instruction /canno tersburg Express. a Resignsp.—Capt. Solornon Wil- | liams, a native of Nash county, bas resigned bis commission in the U.S. Army, and bes retarned trom Now Mexico to place himeelf at the ser- vice of his mative State. Capt. W. adoated with distinction at West Point, has seen much: service ard is reputed to be & most gallant officer. The State needs such men.— Laleigh Journal, Look ovr For Lrxootn Spirs.— There is reason to believe that the Lincoln Government has sent out a number of spies to the South for the | purpose of learning our defences, our numbers and plans of our military ‘uperations. Let our boarding-hous- les, hotels, and restauranta, keep a bright look out as to the character of their guests. This notice, or a sitnilar one, has already appeared in the columns of the Express, but it t be repeated too often.--/v- The vekadiing Moree tle block- ading force under Captain String- ham will consist of at least fifty war vessels, accompanied by a suflicient | number of steam transports for the accommodation of a land force of 20,000 strong. Thus it will be enongh to make an efficient block- ade of every inlet on the southern coast, into which any vessel drawing six feet of water might otherwise enter.— Washington Letter. From Washington wma Alecan- _dria.—Aexanpria, May 7.—Sew- 8 to Dayton, the or to have cunscuted to a peaceable; Mew Minister to France, are per- dissolution. CHANCES OF BEING KILLED In War. —Marsbal Saxe, a high authority in | such things, was in the habit of say- | nition an -emptory to oppose the recognition of ithe Southern Confederacy. | determined to wage a civil war. He is Large quantities of troops, ammu- supplies are passing up ing that kill a man in battle, the | to Washington in ships. man’s weight in lead must be expen- | ded. A French medical and surgi- | cal Gazette, published at Lyons, says this fact was verified at Solferino, : even with the recent great improve- in firearms. The Anetriane | The loss of the French and Italians was two thousand killed and | ten thousand wounded. Each man , hit cost seven hundred rounds, and | every tan killed, cost four thousand | two hundred rounds. The mean Two ve weight of balls is one ounce; thus, | we tind that it required, on an aver | age, two hundred and geventy Ibe. of lead to kill a man. If any of our friends should get into a military | figbt, they should feel great comfort in the fact that seven hundred shots ' may be fired at thein before they are | hit, and fonr thousand two lundred before they “shuffle off the wortal coil.” Conneetiout.—Dansury, Conn,, May 5.—A large indignation meet- ing was held here this afternoon, and resolutions passed complaining ot the scantinese of provisions, W&c., fur- ‘nished the First Regiment of Con- necticnt volunteers, now quartered at New Haven. Instead of 30 cents worth of provisions, they yet less than 12 cents worth per day. The ration for one meal is as follows :— ry small potatoes, one onnce of Snead! and one quarter of an ounce of fat meat. uch feeling is manifested, and if the matter is not remedied, there will probably be trouble. Getting Rid of the Rogues.—One hundred and fifty-one of the Zouaves ‘have been deprived of their places from them, and they sent home. Two “THe JUNALUSKA ZOUAVES.” —Col., | W.L. Thomas, Senator from Jack- son, las at the service of the State one of the most remarkable oodies of wen in the country. It is u compa- ny of 200 Cherokee Indiane, organ- ized for battle and etyled the “Ju- naluska Zonaves.” Colonel Thuinas, ‘who is the business agent of the Cherokees, lately called a council of. the Indians and explained to them the condition of the country. The chiets discussed the inatter, and said , that although they did uot under. staud the national dithcalty, they did kuow North Carolina, and would stand by her. any position in her defence. Outof a | rene a nation of some 1500, they muster | a gurinent of the same description 200 warriors for the detence of North Carolina. ‘The Cherokees are expert riflumen. They kvow nothing of inilitary tactics, but show them their work and then they have only to be told when to cease fighting. They fightin theirown way and every man for himself. The ‘ Zouaves” are ready ata momonts notice— Lalegh Journal. By the last pews from Japan, we learn that a town of ten thousand in- habitants, situated some two hun- dred miles from Kanayawa, was en- tirely swallowed up by an eartb- quake, a few months since. Hiiey were Deady 108 |e io bas gone forth to defend the ot Congress from North Carolina, in the ranks, their uniforms taken New York detectives are here pick- ing ont the disrepntable characters. — Wash. Let. to N. Y. Trmes. Twenty of the Zouaves are in irons for breaking into the steward’s pan- try. Others were found with stones in their pockets, and many now pa rade the streets singing patriotic songs. New Yorkers are rather dis- posed to laugh at their pranks. Wash. Letter to N.Y. he. Red Petticoat Regiment.— We are informed that the ladies will present ‘Red Petticoats” to the members who clainored for secession and made furious War speeches, but not one evil; the ladies will likewise present to the Editors of all the secession Journals in the State, that raved 60 vehemently for Disunion, for their bravery in remaining at home, when the South is being invaded.— /redel Express. Good. Let them be sent oat. A large Union meeting was beld| at Wheeling on Saturday evening Resistance to secession was urged and a division of the State favored There are 5,000 troops in camp &| Harrisborg. They refase to eat mes ork. Sabsietence cost $1,200 pe ay. SOUTHERN ILLIN The Memphis Avalanche April 15th, 1861.” honors. following is the extrnet alluded to : will command us. Mr. Conley. Structed us to do.” CLAMORING FOR BLOOD. adopted.” his Cabinet for ten Gaye past. unit. necessity of such a course. ANOTHER LIE EXPOSED. in Staunton, Va., were driven away from the place after being imprisoned, etc. Mr. G. 8. Raymond, late foreman of the Staun- lander, has the honor and morat eoutage © refute this gratuitous slander. He pub- Jishes a card in tbe Journal, in which be says that the party referred to “were not interfered with in any manner at Staun- on, but were melted) free to po away or emain, as they chose. Ft seems that they tire roule without any molestation what- ever.” Mr. Raymond closes his eard by saying ; » “T have to advise the frends of those semaiaing there that they peed kave yo fear regarding their safety—they are tree to, remain or leave, as they choose. The prover is that they wil leave, as they ave a perfectly free route from Staunton © the Pennsylvania line by stages. the Staunton Shoe Company, and justice to the good people of Staunton generally, demands of mé these statements,” THE NORTHERN ULTIMATUN. ‘Fhe Southern people will get some idea naticy of the North by reading the fullow- iag:coneluding portion of an editorial in the Cigcinnat! Gazette of Monday week : 4. “If the Confederates do uot attack Washington, the United States army must move. fyrward promptly and attack the tebels wherever they shall be found. The heads of the leading traitors, and a gen- éral submission to the regutar cohstifated pauthorities of the country ate the onty terms tpon which the people of the North will agree to cheek the movernent that lias been set on foot for the suppression of re- elliod. This is the ultimatuin of those “ho have pledged “their lives their for- dunes and their sacred honor” in defence of the Goverhwment. C.. -.. a MILILARY CAMP AT STATESVILLE. Military Cartip to be located at Statesville, ander the command of Cap. J. B. Andrews: one of the best Drill-officers in the State. from Alexander, Wilkes, Alleghany, Ashe. Wateuga, Yadkin, Iredell, dc. Citizens in the above named Counties, we bave no doubt will contribute Hberally of Provisions Hor the yse of the Volunteers at this place, without delay. ndrews, west of Town near the R. Road. HONS. J. M. LEAOH AND 7. B. VANCE Jobgress are raisivg volunteers to march giinst Lincom, Cap. Vance is expected | © pass with his Guards any day. The sheville papers speak of the Vance Guard fn the highest terms.—Jredell Mrprese, SYMPATHY FOR THE SOUZ# IN AW b been shown 4u extract from a letter to Mr. Dan. Clark, al present in that city, from bis son, Frank- | lin Clark, dated “Paris, Edgar county, IIl., | Mr. Clark’s father was the first setder at Wheeling, Va, fought nobly dyring the Revolutfog, was in four- teen battles, and was gathered to his fath- crs ata vipe old. age, full of years and of This veteran’s grandson is true to the rights he helped to achieve, and like shim, is willing to fight for them. ‘The | lie on is not always to be had. ; 4. The best military hat in use is the | ; t : “There are five hundred volunteers par- | light-colored soft felt; the crown being sutf- | and tree government, It shows itself most taded in this town to-day, fron thie nod | ciently high to allow space tor air over the | w the recommendations to make war on | brain, You can fasten it up as a conti- | Lelpless women andchildren. The editors nental in fair weather, or turn it down when | of the 7'ribune, Times, Courier and Sun, not one of them, it is believed, a native of 5. Let your beard grow, so as to pro- | the State, whose dignity they thus degrade, do not besitate to urge measures that in- 6. Keep your entire person elean. This, voles inevitably the destruction of entire prevents fever and bowel complaints in | families; the laying waste of cities, by way warm climates. Wasb your body each | Avoid stroug coffee and Coles county, armed and equippad fur the South—as fine looking young men as you ever paw, and ready ig,march at an hour's | Notice. Mr. Green, a lawyer of eminent talent, thiuks that poder the present egcite- | tect the throat and lunge. ment there will be no court held there. He | I have put the a under care of John Wilson Hannibal.— My brother has left the store under care of | day, if possible, We have both volunteered. | oily meat, ) You may think we have done wrong, but | free use of these together with neglect iu we have doue what you have always in- | keeping the skin cleau, cost many a sold- ‘Lhe Boston Courier, of ast Friday, says: We learn that Senator Wilson, Judge KE. R, Hoar of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, and Mr. Attorney General Dwight Foster of this State are in Washington, urging upon the administration “the im- perative demands of the country that ac- tive and positive aggressive measures be It is asserted that President Lincoin’s policy now and henceforth is war, and to this conctnsion he has urged Messrs. Chase, Blair and Cameron entered heart and soul into the plan, and bat for the wa- vering of Messis. Seward and Welles on this point the Cubinet would bave beeo a Mr. Welles has received sueli let- ters, petitions, avd appeals from bis own State aa have insured bis conversion to an anti-peace doctrine, and finally Mr. Seward has acded his undoubting assent to the ‘The Boston Journal reeently published @ statement to the effect that several Yan- kee shoemakers, who had been ew ployed ton Shoe Factory, who is atso a haw Eng- preferred to leave, and weat “through the | « Justice to the honorabte gentlemen of | ofthe real purposes of the infuriated fa *(r0¥./'FAlis “has issned at order for a: Ads will be the rendezvouw for voluiteecrs . The Camp has been located by Capt. , Thesé two gentlemen, late mémbers of | ‘% ' Aw ‘ bother es 2 young Soldiers : men die of sickness thon by the bullet, duty during a storm:. Most of the wet or shiny. hier his life in Mexico. | 7. A sudden check of perspiration by chill | deat : | get your blanket. The Grayson Dure Devits.— We have tract from a letter received by a gentle- burg and need sot add that we share in “We were ull very much mortified to- day, at the return of the Grayson Dare- Devils. ‘They numbered one hundred pre- cisely all packed and unfailing rifle shots aod the finest looking body of men I ever saw. The services of such men ought never to be rejected. I am told that they cried like babies at the Junction when met with a dispatch ordering them to return. If the State could not furnish them with arms they were willing to fight and get them, if they had to do it with rocks.— Without intending to disparage any, | must say I never before saw, in une body one handred more efficieut looking men for war purposes, aud I am very wuch mistaken if they cannot whip any four hundred Yankees that could be sent against them.” | We learn from ancther source that the | company consisted of one hundred and | thirty-five men, but that their commander pmarined them that only one hundred would be allowed to come to Richmond, | and to deeide which of them should enjoy ‘that deserved privilege they fired at a mark running, and the hundred who struck the target nearest to or exactly in the centre were accordingly detailed, to [the chagrin of the remainder, who were as eontident as their comrades that they | could send a ball at every crack through | the vitals of a Liucolu-poop, | “ Kentucky.—Gov. Mavoffiun, of Ken- (icky has written a letter to the Louisville Foarnul, explaming his movements. He auys he bus been engaged in an effurt fo preserve friendly relations with the Border Free-Status. He disclaims any intention | OF sendmy treops South to aid any Soath- erm States, and savs no State arms have ‘been furnished for that purpose. ‘The een- pon which exine throagh with Capt, De- ‘sha’s companies from Louisville were ex reute for Paducah, as a part of the arws ; properly belonging to that division of the State. He says in conclusion : I beg the people of those States, [Ohio and Indiana, | and of my own glorious | State, recardiess of all partisan assaults on | te, to rely Chat my most earnest, faithful jand assiduous efforts to have been and shall be directed to these two objects :— ~ Atining Kentaeky, so that she may main- tir any position ste inxy finally assunte, and caltivating friendly relations woth the Border Free States, and maintaining the peace between them aid ourselves, w the hope that by the favor of God, we may ‘Yet save the country trom utler, iretiieta ble and hopeless ruin. RALEIGH PERCUSSION TORY. Owing to the skill of Professor Emmons in indking the composition, and the ine- clrantenl dexterity of Mr. Charles Kuester in ming it for the requisite purpose, we shad) bave ns much. of that article su easen- tial In war, percussion capa, as we may. need. We have seun a speciinen of the | caps, and dhev fully answer the end wn view. Prot) kimmons bas also suggested the mode of MavUlactory any quanuty of abe melt sort of powder. This is a be- a beginning of enterprises by Southern people tou supply themselves with those things for which they have been so long dependént on their Northern enemies.— We shall expect to see tannenes, munn- | factories of leather, of clotb, of hats, and , every requisite for the comforts und neces- sities of life springing up all over the CAI RAG. | Sowth.— Raleigh Register. | 4¢ The City Conncil of Nashville, | Tenn., bas approptiated $1,000,000 to arn | the city. 2. Line your blanket with one thickness | York. id whol the of brown drilling. This adds but four | protect against the deliberate and systemat- ounces in weight, and doubles the warmth. | ic incitement and fostoring, by many of ofk daily newspapers, of acragl, (only $1 50) to lay on thé ground of to'| savage, robber like spirit of wart ‘a : throw over your shoulders when on guard | spirit of blood- thirsty malignity, and wn- Posten: manty hatred, prompting to deedsof mur der and rapive ; a spirit belonging to wild ‘nen and wild beasts, but which ought to ‘be vebuked among the citizens of a bumane 3. Buy a small India rubber A atl the New troops are provided with these. / Straw to | or night air often causes fever and | When thus exposed, do not for- | been permitted to take the following ex- , man of this city, on Saturday, from Lyncb- : tbe motification expressed by the writer: , ubliggtions and its material interests.” = ee ———— ———— é S af % # INSENSIBLE JO | North Carcting’s Wat Sepge. AME. A sr hain: Ane Ipurip dies, born in the Bylider, o> @ ° — | States, but pow residing in New York, We leave our pleasant homesteads, | 1. Remember that im a campaign more | lave published an Address to the Union 4 ae Hayek ® | Defapcs Comnit' | I ‘ é savaye, an asa reward for military services. | bestialities have already provoked iudig- af nant comments from the Canadian press, which, with the fresh memories of Indban and Chinese massacres by England, pro- nounce the United States Government in advance of all despotisms in the extent of these proposals. It is respeetfully suggest- ed that there should be astop put to this.” Richmond Whig. A LUCID INTERVAL Common sense, humaaity, and prudence, lip spite of all restraints, and all attempts at | repression, will show themselves, especial- ly in minds where conservative opinions have once influenced the judgment and i; conduct, Hence we read the following trom the Boston Courier: “In view of the awful struggle which lies before us, in view of the fact that civil war is impending between two portions of | / & great empire, moved by such passion and fed by sueli resources, we trust that it , will uot be deemed treasonable, and “giv- ing aid and comfort to the enemy,” if we suggest to the humanity and Christianity | | of the whole country to pause for a while, and see if it be not possible to find some other solution to the dread probleins before ,us than the sharp edge which solved the | Gordian riddle. And raay we not further presume—we are aware how presumptu- | ous it is in us to Bave any opinions in op- | positions to the majority of the community ' around us—to express the hope that the , Government will contine itself to defensive Measures, and not attempt any war of con- quest or repossession, at least until Con- gress assembles.” THE SINEWS OF WAR, ‘Tbe Auquirer, of yesterday, contains the fullowing paragraph + “Mr-C. D. Everett, of Albemarle, has applied 8500 to finish equipping the vol- unteers of that county, and authorizes the Governor to check on him, through the Mouticello Bauk at Charlottesville, for $500 to be applied to the defence of Old Vir | Ginia, and as necessity may require to pre- ‘vent the Old dominion from submiesion. The Governor is authorized to repeat bis i check for a similar amount, one humdred , times, and the checks will be honored: “Mr. Everett was a decided friend of the Unien, so long as be thought there was a hope for its recoustruction upon its original principles. of such re-construction till the appearance | of Linculu’s Proclamation calling for 75,- 000 nen te crush out the Southern States, He is now thoroughly alive to the impor- tance of preparing’ for the approach of the Black Republienn foe. He is a noble specimen of the Virginians of 2861,’ who have pledged “their lives, their fortunes, wnd their sacred honor,” in deferee of the soil their native land,” We have seen the letter in which this assurance was giver to the Governor. Ks A gentleman who never says what he dees not menu, and never promises what he eannot perform. Let his name be tor- cet honored, = Wuehiond Whig. ~The Somsh eanmot make a more fatal : mistake than ce SP Owe that the North means anytlinw else (lian a conquest of is rebellion. It will be done. It cannos be otherwise ; fur we have the right, and the will, and the strevgth to do it. The sooner the South understands this fact, and governs itself accordingly, the better it will be fos its pride, the Letter for all its moral So says the N.Y. World, The thing is said, that is one thing. It will be anoth- errand a very different thing, Wwe predict to do it.— Fuy. Observer, CAPT. Z. B. VANCE. With his Company of 100 men, arrived here from Buneombe by the cars on Tues- day last, they have gone to the Camp near this place to drill. They are the finest specimen of mountaineers, and will reader efficient aid in thrashing old Abe’s mer: | ceneries from the Capitol where they bave quartered their vile earcasses of pollution and filth——Jredell A'rpress. The Gov. of Virginia has determined to station a large number of troops in Peters. burg, of precaution ; the plamning of raids into neighboring States to drive owt the proprie- Geu. Scott said that the too tors of the soil, and take possession of iL Their He did vot give up all hope | Mr. | We leave our smiling furms, At the first call of duty, We rush al once to arms— We rush at once to arms, To guard our coasts we fly, For the land our mothers liv’d on Brayely te bleed or die. H. Up! boys, and quit your pleasure, Upt- men, and quit your toil, The invader’s foot must never Be prese’d upon our suil— Be press’d upon our soil Ja which our fathers sleep, Their blessed grave our care, boys, Most sacredly must keep. III. ’"Twasin our brave old State, men, That first of all was sung, The thrilling song of Freedom ‘That thro’ the Jand hath rang,r— ‘That thro’ the land hath rung, And we'll sound its notes once more, Till our men and children shout it From the mountain to the shore. IV. Sweet eves are fill’d with tears, men, Sweet tears of love and pride, As our wives and sweethearts bid us Go, meet what’er betide— Go meet what’er betide, And God our guide shall be, As we drive the foe before us And rush to victory. THE BLOCKADE OF CHARLESTON. This place of folly, sO long threatenec by the Linculn Governmeut, has at ast been attempted, by the sending of the steam frigate Niagara, whoch arrived off the bar yesterday morning. The Niagara is the largest of the men-of-war belonging to the United States Government. | | 600 men on board. Large as slie is, she }inay be captured, for such things have We Jearn that | been done before, a day days We have not heard of that bet bering taken 2 but shoold permissiute be given thear to carry Out their plans, then partly matured, we are sure they would suceeed, We have learned that the tirm of Jolin Alexander & Co, of this city, have a lod of iron on board a Buush ship, from Glas gow, which is expected tu arnve at Clarles- ton during the comming week. Tf the Ni agala altewpts to blockade agalust such ships, it will present a ques tion of international law about whieh Jolin Bull will have sumething to say. erate States in less thaw Ten cuforce a South Curolinian. — The New Comet.—A new comet bas been discovered recently, which one of our exchanges says is now plaigly visible to the naked eve, and locates it “in the quadrangle of the * Dipper,” in the Great Bear, a hazy star, near the brightest of the four.” OU HANGING “TRAITORS.” The letters written by the Northern volunteers in Washinton, to the hewspa- | pers of their respective towns and \ Ulages abound in marvellous iawidents aud char- acteristic concen. ‘The following informa- tion is communicated by meimbers of the the New York Seventl Regiment, and may be true, although the Washington papers | have beer: silemt on the subject : “Six secessionists were caught Vester day im treasonable acts, and two were alot tis morning atthe Navy Yard. One js to be shot tosanorrow morniue, Tle was tn the emplov uf the Ordnance Department and had been set to work tilling bombs, but instead of chargwig them with powder, he pot sand in them. Several men have becw arrested for teariog up the track otf the railroad, and they will be suinmaridy dealt witb.” : A Jetter from Annapohs, April 28th, says : “And now to give you an example of the punishment traitors recelve, We can see trom where | am writing, xbout two miles from shore, on the yard-arm of the Uni- ted States brig Caledonia, two men hang - Ing——one for smuygling provisions and ‘ powder to the rebels at) Charleston > apd other for piloting the Seventh Regiment ou the Chesapeake bar-—with the INten- tion that the Baltimonenns migbt get pos- session of Annapolis before the Seventh could land. dle was not quite sharp \ enough for the boys. They suspected his ‘Intentions, put hin in irons, and conveye:| him on board the briy, and now he hanging for bis crime.” The New York Day Book aske: © De the Aduinistration hang men With treason without trial 2” Is charged , Lincoln has stationed 3000 }at the Relay Honse, | 8 miles from | Baltrmcre, where the Baltimore and | Ohio railroad connects with that to Washington. troops A kleet of Merohanimen off Oid Poont.—Norvork, May 7.—Thirty vessels, large and emall, are off Old Point, inetnding a Riehmond ship with coffee from Rio. She | carmes 50 yuus, and 18 reported to have or two since, when the report of the bloek- | ade reached Charleston, a number of inar- , ‘itime men offered to Let that if she eame,_ she would be In Possession of the Confed- che Watchman, SALISBURY, a - a ome | { | | | MONDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1861. GENERAL MUSTER We had a general muster here. ou Sat. urday. ‘There was a full turn out of the miki vs The day was pleasant. ‘The people seemed to have a proper appreciation of [the state of the country, and about 65 | tnemenrolied their games as voluoteers.— These, with the Rowan Rifle Guard now at Fort Caswell, the Rowaa Artillery, 100 strong, and rapidly completing their pre- parations for service; and the Rowan Gireys, also nearly ready for the field, will be over three hundred men from this county. We suppose Rowan can and «jl! furnish from 800 to 500 men for the field during the war. It is a heavy burden, but rather than be “wiped out” of exis- tence by the barbarians of the North, we AIT that we are will furnish a Regiment. disposed to ask is that they mag be placed: under the command of qualiied and: wor- | | { | thy officers, and not assizned to mere par: | tizan favorites, more ambitious for place and | pay than for distinction as patriots and j soldiers. We have a number of men of | force in the State, we know, who, we think .} could and would be of great service to the 'South if they could be seen beyond the mores conceited crowd which packs the av- ; ubaes leading to position. Itis a comfort to hope for the best, and we shall there- fore hope os, The spirit of our men, and justice of our Course may compensate for | deficiencies in other respects, and give us the victury i spite of the narrow minded- Hess of parby, me — HEAD QUARTERS. AdsJUTaAst GENERAL'S OFFICE, / Raleigh, May 6th, T3861. 4 The names of Col. Caleb Bohanan and Captain Criles Futhine, both of the 106ih Regiment of North Carolina Milita, have been stricken from the Rolls, for treasona- ble conduct to thew native State. lty order of the Governor, J. F. HOKE, Adjputunt General. Were they given an opportnnity to an- sweron the charge involving their fidelity to the South?) We have reason to believe that no such opportunity was given to Mr. Bohanan. The “ treasonable conduct” re- fers, we suppose, to language used by Mr. BB. some three or four weeks ago— perhaps We leary that be did about that time, use language before Lincoln's proclamation. which, nuder other circumstances, he would not have used. His words were caught up by persons in his neighborhood, and circulated iv bis prejudice; and we have just learned from a yentlemau who was at the district Convention in Yadkin county on the 27th ult., that Mr. Bohanan em- braced that opportunity to denounce pub- hicly, the reports in circulation about him. as false and slanderous. Jie claimed w be as loyal to N. Carolina and the South. as any of her sons; and said any assertio! to the contrary was utterly false. Under these circumstances, which an related to us by good authority, we sin cerely hope that Mr. Bohanan many be al lowed an opportanity to defend himsel! before he shall be disyraced, v NV, Curolina White Sulphur Springs —It will he seen that this excellent: water ‘ing place and summer retreat, will soon be opened for the accommodation of th: public, with several uNportant additional comforts and; conveniences, Lnvalids who desire healing, waters, a bracing atmosphere and a pleasant wetreat from the grout noise and confusion of the world, would find them, here, Mrs. Robards is deservedly popular in ber avocation, and possessiny al! the characteristics of & trae Southern lady. een The Wiest Croz—We have a fit prospect fos a wheat crop. Fhe more tur- ward crops are out in hend, and some slightly “turning.” If no disaster befulls the crop before gathered, it will be most abuadant. * Sonthesa Field and Hireside.’—TVbis ‘ws the title of An first rate Literary Journai published at Agusta, Ga. Ht is beyond | doubt a highly meritorious paper, beaut) | fully got up, and in all points worthy of (*upport. Price 82 a year. Address Jas | Gardner, Proprietor. | | Fatal Aorident—Daniel Agner, a member | of the Rowan Artillery, aceidenthy shot hin- relf with a pistol hetween 19 and 1 o'clock. | Monday. The ball entered Ris ubdomen. U IN Delleved it wil Prove fatal. Mae Ba tion to vere exists sources 4 4 to rel ) al Vol ary on tl vce, Ol ie, Lron, ¢ | the coat’ te yielded tie Texa , abundal ad monet (ies, as nd South: re of gun fyitrous € 110 Vire Char bie aud nbinatior huret of i yerals ab vfis adap e need fut rials turn ye CADE Imost infit the Sout tthe Wot lk et will ty vy live tn Swill not nts. Uavtes jl’ We my some Ul ving OUT VO 199 time <u, provest ante in Sa I coffee, &« ne advanitit | their ter assum ~plenty of ds it io ane ald the SCD ae! were all Abe's bo and for Ve und ot | ave adopt SOMUNON f clors ‘Vhereas, Be ehithane ie general rh Carey i proper d Pood | 4C CIES yminatide d the State Bese biy oO ad ‘Ther Kesolved ‘onld fort] ssioners : disburse the troo ve Fear, nlcments ecled with late as ma nd, \nother ve purp he nots or Ji town af ply be offer Ma 825,00 ye AMO We haw meuksof th 'owith th Phe State the pabl may ln Matter | holice nr "of the Mate the eae “Y of thy ise will To are ¢ ; tke profi "C poor, "sonable they his J trom th Aptad ya i baeony Tigh tian be marke monte W MSG) HES ‘the volu hs “eager Speculat © poor, NE Wwe Nl ma aisy ac 10 refuse Heclenge of > 10 patric ‘ate be it ‘re. — Pal For the Watchman. Voc oS ¥ ve Son SE ITY sas to blec ‘}: ure exists considerable anxiety about the sources of The Southern States. {t is -y to relieve the minds of such, in repaid vaimost every thing that is required to \ on the war or to enable us to enjoy ace. Our mpineral wealth ig inexbausti- », Lon, copper aod coal abound in nearly \ the coast States. Vast Quantities of salt . yielded by Arkansas, Kentucky, Vir: va, Texas, Alabama, &e. Sugar is made xbundance in the South West. Vass ad mines are worked in Virginia and yori, atrd fead is found in Tennessee | South Carolina, Ag to the manufac- iw of gun powder, there is a vast supply fyitrous earth (from whieh we get selpe- jin Virginia, Kentucky, Texas, Tenres- Charcoal of course is always obtuin: i. aud sulpbur is procured from its binatious with irea—the pyrites, sul- puret of iron, d&c, Nearly all the useful myerals abound in various portions. The jis adapted to the production of all that e need fur food. We can raisé the ma— als tur manufactures, aud the tnauufac- mig capacity of some of the States is joost infinite. To truth you might wall -the Southern Confederacy from the rest the world aud (viewing ib with the lim= sotwill have in a few days) it could not iy hive but prosper, Batsach * wating ill not be effectually attempted by ar- ves Davies or any other earthly power. A. W.M. are jy We in some UNKNOWN persen protesting against ung our volunteers Whiskey, on the grouud 199 tiraes out of 100 it contains poison — ~, protesting against patronizing those mer- its iu Salsbury who have run ap the price have received & communication } ) coffee, &c, as if they were determined to | - advantage of the misfortune of the times | ther pockets with filthy lucre. The cer assumes (o be an old lady, and says she | -plenty of “groand ivy for tea, and recom- ds it io the Salisbury coffee dealers to Address She saysher ‘boys axea// thelr meaaaess strike out.” 4 C.D. Me. Vernon.” were all for the Union, are ready (o meet \be's borde—bat the cockade imen ain't wud” for the work. eS ees ‘Ve understand that the Board of Di- | etors of the four Banks in uns town ave adopted the following preamble and SOIMNON ? ‘Vhercas, Itis of vital importance that P ehtiance to the Cape Fear River aud Pe general approaches to the State of ih Caronna should be placed in # state Proper defence without delay, and it is wrstood that the means pecessary in this emergency of our State can nut be Fninauded by the constituted authorities the State autil the meeting of theGeneral Rescusbly of North Carolina, soon to be ‘Therefore, Kesolved That the sam of &100,000 ‘ould forthwith be founed to the com. sioners of the town of Wilmington, to ) disbursed by them for the subsistence ‘the troops at the mouth of the river ye Fear, the purchase of munitions and plements of war, and other purposes con- ecled with the common detence of the fate as may be decided hy thone iu com Nal, \nother vesolution direets that for the \e purpose the casbiers shall discount Teale on lois of the commissioners of I town af Wilinington, in stteh suis as Py be offered not exceeding in the agure- $25,000. As there are four Banks, Pe atnount will be &100,000. We have eeasow (0 beliewe Chat the ) nV} 41) viuks of this town! stand ren by to Go eperss with the other Banks and fnstitations DLO State ty sistant the public Mterests, the pubhe credit, to any further amount We allude to all matter for the purpose of bringing to mohice and ecommendme to the inita- of the other Monetary institutions of Pe omav be required, } State the example set by the banks here. Wilmington Journal. see o< "Every person who possesses “Y oof the “anilk of tamian kind se Willdenonnceand abbor those 'Oare disposed in this erieia: te : ike profits out of the necessities of “poor, We offey no objection to “onable profite by shop keepers, "they lave a right to expect a liv- {trom their Dnainess; batthe man etal who Duys up flourand corm, Me bacon at this tine, to sell agnin Uh fignres tothe needy, deserves : “marked andshunned by all yood "re We have ancyeon soe who "ve refused to contribute one cent the Volunteers, but who are said to . “gaged ye the infamous business ‘Speculating on the necessities of © poor, ME we ‘1 luay do so hereatter. We Y 4iso add that the man of wealth 0 refugee to o lenee of his country in this crisis, <0 patriot. For the honor of the ‘ate be it suid, snch eharacters are ‘"e.— Raleigh Standard, pen his purse for the | We call po names now, , - — Abiotioy Gebreay’s Dard © Rakigh, N.C. April 20, asi. The! foHowing | constitufes a dptnplete outfit necessary for a Company 0d Yoon. teers, in arder to bé able to take the fleld for a campaign, viz: For the ery ! _ Tents, Cooking Uteusils, Mess Furniture, viz; Water Buckets, Knives and Forks, Tin Plates, Cups and Pans, Strong Bags for Bationa, Axes and Spades, (ten éach,) six Hatghets. For Each Man : Two pair Pants, (very loose,) two Sack Coats, two Flannel Shirts, and as few Draw- ers, Socks aud under Shirts as possible. Oug Felt Hat, if not supplied with Caps, two Pair of Shoes. Nu Boot, except for Mouted Service, one Blanket, one Knap- sack, one Haversack, one Canteen, to be covered with cloth or leather, one Gutta Pereha or Rubber Overcoat, if it cau be procured. When the generous patriotism of the community offers to supply the wants of Companics, it is recommended the above articles be procered as far as practicable. The State will endeavor to supply the deficiencies when the Legislature shall have | made the necessary appropriation, J. F. HOKE, | Adjutant General. — | —— 0-—— CITARLESTON BLOCKADED. Charleston, May 11,-The United States War steamer Niagara arrived off this port this moruiny, and now lies just off the bar. | HIGHLY IMPORTANT, Alerandria, May 11.-The United States steninter Pawnee stipped her cable late this evening at the Washington Navy Yard and dropped down to Alexandria. She now hes off the city, close to the wharves, | with port-holes opened and guns run owt. | | | | i} | St. Louis, May 11.—Shipments South are suspended. Balumore, May 14.—In the Maryland Leyislature, the Committee on Federal Re- lations Lave reported that war was uneot- sttuboual althousrh they sympathize deep- ly with the South. They implore Lincoln to accept the olive branch held out by the Confederate States. They ask a peaceable recoumtion of Southern iudependence, and say that the present military occupation is a flagrant violaGivn of the Constitution. — In conelusion, they advise the citizeus not to molest Federal troops. Washington, May 11.—It is rumored that the Missouri State troops, under Gov, Jackson, have invested St. Louis, and some eiglit thousand, under Blair, are defending the city, Large numbers of Confederate troops, with heavy ordnance, are yoncentrating at Alexandria. A dare Confederate Force is marching towards Harper's Ferry. Tt is supposed that a heavy force ison the way into Peon- sylvanta to cause a liversion of the Federal forces. Baltimore, May 1).--[tis reported that the mountain forests on the Maryland side | of the Potomac have been fired. Kigbt handred Kentuekians and Vir- | ginians are ordercd to tnan the batteries at Jefferson, New York, May 11.—The steamer IIli- nois has arrived from Fort Pickens via Key West. She reports everything quiet. Boston, May Vb.—The steamer Pein- broke sailed to-day with reinforcements provisivos, aud munitions for Fort Monroe, Cal, Diumick is mounting Columbiads and barbettes ou the land side of the fort. | New York, Mav 11.-The first Vermont Reoiment has arrived. St, Louis, May 11.—The Western Da- cific Railway Bill las passed the Senate. | The House was ip secret session yesterday, , { Washington, May 11.—General Me- Clelian, of Ohio, has been appointed Com. | wander of the Departinent: of Olio, In- diana and Tlinors, a { Philadelphia Troops. Yo the volun- | teer army of the goverument, Philadelphia | bas thas far furnished ei@ht regiments tive | of whieb are tully armed and equipped. | The remaimder, 1 is said, willbe fully pro- | vided for, at farthest, ta day or two henee, | aud the whoke foree will be ready to take | the fiekd. Death of a Soddier.— Henry St. (reorge Tucker, son of Prof. fb), H. ‘Tucker, of | Richmond, Va, hed last week from illness | contracted by exposure as a member of the @oyernor’s ¢ruard in that city. ~~. 6 | é )) PH LEGISLATURE, This body has passed the bi!) organizing a regular army of ten thousand troops — Tt has also passed a bill establishing a Mili- tary board to act as advisers to the Gov- ernor in the wikitary operations of the State. end of the law. Ad’ act has also been passed by both Houses, allowing volunteers in camp to vate ° we t© the Conventipy for oF ; + @Dudties; the polla ip 0 Th camp by tie Captains or other otticers i 0 4 J of the respective com- panies, Lae Kee to foruish the vote thus t&kérd to’ the Sheriff of the Counties in which the voters are entitled to regis- tration. _ The Stay Jaw has passed the Scuate, and 18 wider -cogsideration in the House. 4 bill to @ and punish treason has also passed the Sénate; and will pass the House All these bills we will give as soon as we can make room for them, The Volunteer bill, or as it is entitled “the bill to provide for the public detence,” passed the Senate on Wednesday, and on Thursday in the House was amended and seut to ‘the Senate. This and the militia bill, together with those alluded to above, comprise all the bills of importance before the Legislature, and when these are finished up that body will probably ad- journ.— Standard : oO OF The Legislature of this State hay passed a Stay Law which suspends the collection of | all old debts, whether notes, accounts, or judg- ments. The objects is to prevent property from being sold at ruinous sacrifices. Lutereat | ou debts may be collected. MARRIED: At “Owen Hill,” in Bladen County, on the 3Uth April, by Rev. Mr. McDumie!, H. W. Guiox, Esq, of Lincolnton, to Miss Exuen P., only child of the late Governor Owen THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, - Situated near the Western N. C. R. R. in the County of Catawba. Clerk of Rowan. — . a —Wy~ TT. LT We ae wethotaed wy hundenct OBA. DIAH WOODSON usa Ca ate the of- fiee of County Court Clerk wen County. i) To the Public ' ae patriotic citkténs of Rowan are called upon wo contribate to The troops have the defence of the soil of North Curolina. contest has commenced, and been sent to Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops froin Rowan have gone and are still going, and depend upon their fellew-citizens at home to sustain them. There is a Store-Room opened in Salie- bury for the reception of anything that may be contributed. No freight for transportation on any of the railraads will be gharged, und Messrs. MoQUBBIN & om MER will re- ceive the freight and unything Awe that may be contributed. Bucon, Meal, Fleur, Corn, Peas, Brans, §., in any quantities will be taken,” and thank- fully received. A list of every jngw’s name who contributes will be preserved. B R. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63d Regiment. important Announcement ! We are still Agents for the sale of ‘ 9 Grover & Baker's | CELEBRATED, NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, W HICH are pronounced by all to be the best Machine made. We are selling them, delivered in this place, at Manufacturers prices, which have beet recently reduced from fifteen to twenty-five per cent. We can fur- weh Machines at any price from 840 to $125. Ladies who huve » great deal of sewing Beene Pitotags fe gebehoe Ippon Hard Yimes Doa't Stop Them! McCubbins & Foster RE now in receipt of a very large’ and well scloptgd Bwoocki af’ BNTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought for chsh’at greatly re- doced prices, consisting im part of STAPLE AND BANGY DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Cutlery. Queensware, , /lats, Cape, and Bonnets, Boots,’Shoes an Leather, Clothing ; Black, smiths and Carpenters Tools, Mill and Crose-Cut Savos, GROCERIES, Druge, White CRE Tanner's and Linseed Oil, Color’d Paints of all kitrds ; Rifle and Blasting Powder; Shov- | ely and Spades, Iron of all , kinda, in short Everything that the People Want. These Goods are offered to the poblic at Exceedingly Low Prices for Queh or Barter. Come and look for yourself. Great induce- ments offered to Country Merchants. McCUBRBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS’ CORNER, April 9, 1861-4147] Salisbury, N.C. BOOKS ! | J. STEWART IS PREPARED TO e furnish at short notice Colleges, Schools, Academies und the public generally withy any Books thut inay be wanted, at lowest pricen possible. He always keeps on hand a .well selected lot of cheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Churches with Hymus to suit the Jatest and most popular publications of the times, to do, should certainly have one, us it will undoubtly prolong their lives ten to twenty ane popular Summer resort, with addition- al buildmgs siuce last season. will be open- ed for visitors on the 1l«t of June. Ample arrangements made tor comfort and amuseinent of Gueste. engaged for the season. New Bowlng Alley aud Bathing Saloon erected. Every etiort will be inade to make thie a pleasunt end safe retreat for the families: of those who may be at this crisis called from home—indeed umple arrangements made to insure this MRS EL J. ROBARDS. 2m2 CASH SYSTEM !! FINHE undersigned ye notice that business will hereafter be the CASH PLAN. vy for this course is tt all necessary, the pe- culigr state of our public affairs rendering it imperative. ‘They will he pleased to sel to their friends end customers at the most favor- able prices possible ; but from and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. LURL MEL NOTICE, Those indebted to us by account, are re- quested to come forward and close the same by cash or note. : HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill, May 10th. 1861. tfl Miy 13, 1861. their Volunteers Wanted for the Salis- bury Greys. CTIVE and vigorous men. anxious to serve their Country, are invited to join the new Rifle Company—Salisbury Greys. “Form, Rilemen Form.” May 9, 1861. | Gold Hill Mining Company. FEXULE Stockholders of the Gold Hill Mining Company, are hereby notified that the xth Annual Meeting for the election of Direetors, &c., will be held at their Office No. 84 Beaver uf Street, on Tuesday the 14th day of May next, | between 12 and 1 o'clock, P.M. AWMOs HOWES, Pres New York, April 30, 1861. 3tpdl NOTICE S hereby given to all persons not to trade I for w note, made payable ut the Branch Bank of North Carolina, Selisbury. to A.C. | Smith of Ruasell county, Virginia, avd signed separately by the undersigned, due five mowths after March isth, for three hundred and eu dollars. with interest. As the same with not be patd unless we are compelled to do so atthe FRERCK & RABDER Salisbury, N.C... May 7th, JR61. tint WANTED. FOR THE ENGINEERS, ARTILLERY. INFANTRY AND CAVALRY OF THE REGULAR ARMY OF THB CONFEDERATE STATES, 2,600 Intelligent, active young men of enlistment at from 1100 Inouth. Rendezvous at Salishury, NC ROBERT ©€ HILL, Corps of Artillery. CS. Army, General Recruiting Officer tear, Pav from day to S21 00 per May 6, 1861 To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- joining Counties. S our mtereogrse with the North ie now effectually broken up and our markes mast be supplied from the up country, the ans dersighed solicits consignments of Flow, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Butter, &e.. fic. which sbadl have his personal attention. JOHN FO FOARD. Newbern, May 1, 1861 3m52 Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED inthe town of Salsbury, offers his professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country He at all mesti (unless professionally ee gaged) may be fonndat the “Borpan Hopsr,” March 95, 1961. if A fine Band of Music | conducted on) They teel that no apolo- | Years. We have sold a good many of these to give entire satisfaction. Send tor a Pamphlet. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9th, 1&6). wisi Spring Stock for 1861. HORAH & RAMSAY AKE pleasure in informing their friends and the public in general that they are now in receipt of the largest, most varied and cheapest stock of _ SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that they ever had the pleasure to offer, ‘Thexe Goods have all been bought for cash at greatly reduced prices, and will be offered tor cash only at unpreeedented bow prices. Cu and see them, hear prices and judge fer yourselves. In view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairs in these revolutionary times, we have adupted the cash system, believing it to be the best for ourselves and our friends. Those haviug open xecounts with us, will | please call without delny, and close thei either by cash or uote. HORAH & RAMSAY. Naliebury, April 23d 1261. tf ! ! (ANH SYSTEM ADOPTED Great Reduction in Prices ! Selling Of for Cash only, Come and See! bY Nene & YOUNG, will sell their : eure stock of New Spring and Suam- mer Goods ut greully reduced prices tos enxh ooly. We have been compelled by oor tong credit customers to adept the nbove play. By the reduction in prices it will be urenihy to the interest of ali who have money to, epend for Goods to trade with us. Come und cee! NOTICE.—We vow make our last eal on all persons having open weconnts with us. ’ to come forward and settle either by cum’ or, pote, Wee have waited too lone alreacy on a " grent wins Persons, and are to chose Up our aeeounts MeNKELY & YOUNG rag bow determined April 2, 1861. . uy I) ex) NOVICK, i Y VIRTUE of a Power of Attorney lire gilariv eveented to us dy M. Hoffin. we hereby give notiee that all persons indebted THe fliny ontit make pryinent to neorto our Attorney La. Boeckiner, on or bee fore (be first dav of dune vert, tur at that date all clyims due M Hot¥in ened Qpon without reservation. AW the claws due M. Hothin will be found in the possession of either LE. Blackiner or Wed. Valls. Phe Goods remaining tM. bbotthn’s store will be sold at Baltiinere cost HARZBERG & STIEELE. April 23d. TRL. dw5t Wh HAVE IN STORE 3O bbls. Coffee Sugars. to ihe sated 3o 10° hinds. Molasses. 6 bbls. Nv Orteans Syrup. 800 tbs. Sole Leather. H) kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Cotlee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer wt vreat!y redinced prices. Ro& A MURPEY April 9 Ania 1. W. JONES, M. D.. AS permanently loeated in the town of | } Salibury, and offers his services to the public in the various departments of his profes. 8tol) 17 Office on Main Street, first door ubove Bois’ Confectionery. Jan. 15, 161. Gm35 Notice to Sheriffs. rHXAX RECEFPTS, neatly primted to order, | and putin book « if delved: ot short notice pe on moderate terma, for cash. Send in your orders. Machines af! of which huve und stil! continue | ure directed to be | writing and printing paper of all sigae, cheaper than ever before ofered by thé régm or at j retail, blank Books of every deacrigtion and size, Pens, Envelopes, Pictures, ett., etc. INKS. Harrison's Ink, Harrison's Colymthatt Ink, Japan Tuks all sizes, Black, Blue and Red; | Harrison's Carmine Ink, Arnold’s Writing | Fluid, the best known, very cheap for caghy WALL PAPER. To his already large and benwtiful assort- nent of wall paper, he has juet received a {large lot of the latest patteras, which for | beauty, style, and cheapness are far superior [to any ever before offered inthis market. | Window Shades, Fire Screens, etc. Orders of wwything in his line eolicited. Salisbury, N.€., Feb. 19, 186). £40 March 25th, 1861. : NEW Npring and Summer Coops! FANHE subscriber has the pleasare to an- # oupnce to his friends aud the public gener- ally, thut he ix receiving his asual Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compris- iug w cigh weeorunent of all the LATEST STYLES | LADIES DRESS GOOHS consixting in part of Silks, Bereges, Gfena- dines, Berage-Auglaise, Mogumbiques, Organ- dies, Challies and a large Stock of EMBROID- ERLES, to .ull of whieh he age A special cxumbnution. wy had Apo, wu fall assortinent of Bleagked Do- inretic, Lineus, House-keeping Goods, &c., A. MvERe: : No. 4 Granite Byilding. Maeh 25 —tout Salisbury, N.C. Notice~-To Farmers. Something Valuable to you all! FRONEFIELD'S CATTLE BOWDERS, yr HE ORLGENAL AND GRNUINES-all others put up in sinilar styte ure base comnterferts Froverincy's Powprasecure most all diseases of Horses and Cattle, and keeps them in good condition. Perfectly sofe under all circumstances, and Warranted to give satefaction. Price 25 cents per Puckage. Sold by W. H WYATT, Druggigt «nd Apotheears Nos 1s aud 188 Main at., Salis- Eevee Noe April 9 AGT Farmers, Look Out} Moncey, Lime and Timber Saved'! f I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence, Made without posts, in the Counties of Ala- maoce, Randolph, Rockitghwmy Davidson. Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. Cheap- ness. darn bihty, and convepience ape ite ghie We reeominend the Fence to cawonnllownens, farmers, and al who have We will sell Farm or County HAVA EO leneer fo make nyhis A cireatur stating costs, ptan of build my, &c., sent free to uny address on applica- tion to JNO. J. WHITE, Mebunesville, Mar. 19, ING! -3m44) Alamance, No a*. Charlotte Democrat please eopy ’three monthe and torwurd bill to w@beagibler- THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED ' | / | E are now ralling eur stock out at re | duced prices fur CASH. No goods sold on credit. All persons indebted te.us are request- dt Hand pay up | sateen kg A. MURBHY | April 22, 1861. £49 { 98 0 WY ALES Tonic Cordial. The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It is Unequalled for DYSENTERY. It has eurad Thousands of DIARRHOEA. ‘The best physicians recommend it for FLUX. Ite use on the first symptome, and before a physician can be obtained will prevent CHOLERA. Tt will save many lives, much time, sickness, sufferiug and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. ‘Nattonal Flag! | ‘WM. M. BARKER OULD INFORM HIS ase OLD friends and eusto- mers that he is again in the f . ee Carriage Busitiess, | and prepared to furnish any style of BUGGY r CARRIAGE from the best 10 che lowest | priced. He has recently visiied a number of the Northern manufactories and acquaiuted him+ self with all the late improvements in hisline, and made arrangements b which he can sup- ply those preferiag it with Northern work much cheuper than could be done by orderng 4 single job. He intends to build the finest and cheap- est work ever done in the country and soli- cits a call at the Sign of the Natsonal Flag. WM. M. BARKER. July 31, 1860. tf10 New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, Hee purchased of J. D. Brown & Co., their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COP- It only Costs \ | \ | ‘ GENTS. / ‘ Prepared by W. HU. Wryarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 aud 188 Main | st., Salisbury, N. C. April 9. 6m47 - GOODS © FOR THE SPRING TRADE. E are now receiving a Jot of new and desirable Goods fur the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. OUR STOCK Wilt not be as large as on former seasons, but , will have a good assortment. We shall have | a very handsome nd select ussortinent of all | kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer igducements this season rarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock | this Spring and Summer aud fur that purpose | offer at ! Small Profits. | COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goods before purchas- ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1561. 2inds Spring Stock for 1861. —_—<9 —— — R.& A. MURPHY, RE now receiving theif usual Stoek ot SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, em bracing FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, — BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, | Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for wale at greatly reduced prices for cash. Give wa call, and gee whut we have in store for you. R. « A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, 1m61. Sint7 Swan Island Guano FOR sALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. Tee above Guano is snid to be beter fertilizer forthe culture ot Tobrecu, Cotton, Grains, Roots, Grapes, &e., than any other imported. A trialis all that is necessary to prove its superionly. SPRAGUE BRO. March 25, 45 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R.& A. Murphy's Store, SALISBURY, N.C. EEBPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ment of WATUHES und JEWRLEY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- scription repairedin the bert weinuer aud on the most reasonable terins. February 14, 1860 MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M.D, AVING studied in prominent Medien! I Colleges aud Hospitals, North and South, and having beeu practising in the various de- , purtinents of his profession for nine yeurs with good succens, he continues (o offer bis services to the public wher» he is permanently located, and by strict utiention to his profession will endeavor to mefit a liberal patronage heretofore, and holds himeelf in readiness at all hours, dwy and night, for professional calls fa” Office ut Roseman’s Store. \ April 23, 1361. 3mpd49 Lyte Aue PERSONS who are indebted to me | are respectfully requested to call abd | moke immediate payment, us I am compell- ed to huve money; and as thm iw the first time that Phuve called on my friends, I hope | they will come up (27 promptly P RRSSENT, Now. 24h, 1R59 heey PER-WARE, STOVES, ¢c., now offer the largest and handsuomest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered in this market, and will sell for cash as low 4s canbe had in West ern North Carolina. Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hand. All kinds Tin, Sheet-[ron or Copper work done at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. Salisbary, Jan. 22, 186). ly36 2.5 2 . Fie Gea! c e2ae. = = on = — #si:4 fx ~) 7S ¢6°S Sees eae a are 2,5 8 (, > gS S225 2 = 2°76 = Bp lsrs a) eae te So oe se —_ a oS | ee 2" ee oes | cS ie Sy Oo | > me — SS = = 2 peel | — iSO ao oc-= be 527¢ : Se 337¢ f= 5 cut were. } FEF | WORTH & IEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, | No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions. Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigars. aud Tobacco. Solicit conagnments of Flour, Dred Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobacco, and Cotniry Prodace generally. Agents for Howe's cele- brated Seales. D.G. WORTH. | Late of Asheboro’, NaC Sept. IR, 1860. j | N.G DANIET, For past 7 years with T.C. & B. G. Woartn. ly18 's Livery Stable, Ll keptup as heretofore It | is gratifying to him that this | Brown establishment, begun, at first, as hee doubtfulexperiment, has proved ! to the public a great dexideratum and & com- | plete success. Travelers, and others can als _ ways have their wants, in ths line, well sup- | plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. Aud the subscriber ix always ready to xell or buy good Horses. : THOMAS E BROWN. tray HARDWARE!! ‘| WE Subscribers are receiving and open. Ingatthe old stand of GM. & A.'T. Jonen. the largest Stock of tlardware ever offeredin this Market, which having been | Jan Ist. PSol booght directly of the Manafacturers or their’ avents, exclusively tor cash. ‘They are pre- pared tootter inducements to Wholesule or Re- tatl buyers. A cull ix respectfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN. Salisbury. Mar 13. 1860 1f434 DENTAL NOTICE. SS - SSR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED sro toe DENTAL ROOAS ou the corner formerly oeceu pied by Dra Baron, where he is prepar ed edto attend all operations connected with his profession bs TL. BEMISTER. House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &e.. Main St., opposite Murphy's Cramite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. PRADO. 1139 ean All work personally attended to und warrant- | edto be done in a workmanlike manner Jan. 22, 1861 6m36 Fine Shirts and Collars. If you wish to purchase fine Shirt» and Col- lare call ut the Great Clothing Emporium of | DAVID WEIL. | Sept. 25-1719) No. 2. Granite Row “MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICK.| Jun. ' Knives, aseorted sizes ; Sharp's Sportng Rifles, ‘will kill 300 yards, and a guod lot of guns. | mention, all of which they offer at jow prices. | eChool. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT a CLOTHING EMPORICM DAVID WEIL or 75 LIT AVING RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and CUMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, MNundker- chiefs, anda fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &c., &c., to which he invites your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ay I um determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore beetowed, I hope for « con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO. 2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. March 25, 1861. 1f44 In Time of Peace Pepare for War. MERONEY & BROTHER, | RE offering to the public the best assort- i ment of FIRE ARMS ever brought to thie market. Colt’s Belt and Pucket Pistols, | old and new model: also, Smith & Werson’s | seven shot; Sharp’s 8 ounce Pistol, that can be | carried in the vest pocket, will shoot through aninch board 75 yards. Sharp’s 10 oz., shoots through anipch board 100 yards; imitation Colts’ at reduced prices. Bliss’ Cartridge Pistol, 6 shot; Rider's self- cock-ing: I X L self-cocking ; also Bowie They offer their stock of goods at reduced prices for cash, ax they intend doing a cush bu- siness. Their remaining stock consists of Combs Brushes, Buttons, Suspenders, Belts, Fans, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, fancy head Pins, Perfumery, Extracts, fancy and toilet soaps, stabonery articles, Portmonais, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Razors, nine and commen pocket Cutlery, walking Canes, sport. | ing articles, Whips, Musicn! Instraments, Wil- | low Ware, Baskets, Traveling Satchels, Fan- cy Groceries. Fruits, Cigars, ‘Tobacco, Snaff, and numerous other articles too tedious to ‘Those indebted to as, wust call und pay their notes and uccuunts by the first day of July, as | we ahall place al! accounts then unpaidin the hands of officers tor collection. MERONEY & BRO. Salisbury, Jen. 7, 1861. S4tf | Salisbury Female Seminary. FFNUE SIXTH TERM of thie Sehoot will | begin the [1th February and close the Ist The school has been increasing in num- | July. bers every term. We have now a goodly | number, sot could take a fewmore. If the | humber coulinues LO increase, Salisbury will , have what it has never hed, a permanent | made heretofore. | Plows, | Corn-Shellers, TERMS: Bonrd, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per ‘Term Tuition, in Euglish, from $5 to 17.00 “ «Latin, 5.00 Muse on Piano, tron 15 to 20.0C Use of Instrument, 2.50 Incicental expenses, 1.00 Charges made from the time of entrance, For particular addrexs A. D. WILKINSON, Jun. 22, 1861—tf36 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanies. McCUBBINS & FOSTER AVE just received a very large lot of | FARMING TRON, consixting of Shovel | l , Moles, Bar Tron, Wagon tire 14, 13 and 2 inch ; | Buggy tire 14 and 14 inch; Oval Iron 9, 3, and } ineh; Square Iron 1 and 14. inch; | Buyyy Springs and Axles; Patent and En- ameled Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., together with # general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Hate and Caps, Boots They and Shoes. GROCERIES, | keep constantly on hand « supply of FLOUR, | BACON, PORK, FISH, COPFEE, SUGAR, I John A. Mebane, W. J. MeConnel, C. P. MOLASSES, LARD, BUYTER, &e., to | Mendenhall. D. P. Weir, James M. Garrett,» John L. Cole, N. H. D. Wileou, Wm. Barrin. | er, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. ' Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, | which thy invite the attention of the public. Sinkins Corner, Salisbury, NV. C. leb 12th, IR61. 4 New Tailor Shop. ° r | SHOP in the rooms formerly ocecupied by Horner H. Beard, dee’d. Mie experience and qualiicutions in this tbe, warrant him in say- ing that he will be able to meet the most tustidious demands. Call and get your gar- Meuts cnt to fit von, and made to last. in- stead of buying the slouchy, hulf-made rage in Ready-Made Clothing Stores. Cuttog and Repuining done to order. Produce taken in exchange for work WM. HOWARD 3m34 H.C. JONES & SON, Jnu. 8th, PRG61 Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ‘\ JILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court. H. c of Iredell and Cabarrus Counties. All cluime entrusted to them for collection will meet prompt attention. FP Office No. 3, Brick Row, neurthaC house. H.C. Jonrs, ar 5, IS61 H.C. Jonea, jr (M$ Jones, jr, willalso practice in the Courte | i tf39 | { MILE, subscriber has opened anew TATLOR | | ' | | | | ourt- P Pure White Lead in Oil, brought to this market, for sale by “practal Norte BLUE STONE, 3000 ibs. BLUE STONE, for sale by HENDBRSON & ENNISB. 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for sale b HENDERSON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. From 210 to 24@ deg., for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIBSS. 10,000 Pounds of For suleby HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & BNNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. 0. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNIBS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNIss’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barre! for sule at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal Hrench Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever HENDERSON & ENNISs. So LOLS! STAC ise Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, | Cinnamon, and Nutmegn, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNI5S. VINEGAR! 30 ctx. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 18, 1860 tfls North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, N. BOYDEN & SON, | ed eos to manufacture and keep Agricultural Implements A full assortment of Collivators, Straw und Feed-Cutters, | Seed-Sowers, Cider & Sugar Mills. Horse -Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators, They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mitts, Circularand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobaceo Pres- ses and Fixtures, &c., &e., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of | every description made to order. and warrant- edinevery respect. Repairs of every descrip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury, N.©., Jau. 2. 1-6). ly34 Standard, Raleigh; Putriot, Greensboro’ Democrat, Charlotte: Western Advorate, Asheville : Curolinian (tri weekly) Columbia; Observer, Fayetteville: and Iredell Express will publish 3 months and forward accounts. Greensborough Mutual | INSURANCE COMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS? Wilmington; Robert E. ‘Troy, Lumberton; Alexuider Miller, Newbern; Thadeus Mc- Gee. Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yunceey- ville; Dr. W.C. Rammey, Wadexborough ; Rev. R.C. Mavnard, Franklinton; Dr BE. FL Wat- ~on, Watsonville. OFFICERS : N.H.D. WILSON, - President. JED. H LINDSAY, - Vice-President. C.P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, WM. H. CUMMING, - W oJ. McCONNELL, - J.A.WEBANFE. - J.M. GARRETT, - Allcommunication® on business connected withth: Offlee. ehoald be addrensedto PETER ADAMS. Secretary. Greensboro’, N. ©.. Jane 19, 1860. tf4 MICHAEL BROWN, See. and ‘Trews. Gsenernl Agent. Executive Com COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN tothe purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE. And toall consignments to hy sold in this market of shipped to other Bayt February 14, 1860 ie so = - STOMACH BITTER ek oprietors and manovfact ‘CELEBRATED 8TOu TERS can Perfect confer, " oppes! with Dp ppegrabee) citizens generally of thet ates, because the article has attained, 0! tation heretofore unknown. A few (4... this point will speak more powerful Upon volames of bare assertion or blazoniny - The co om of Hostetter's Seen ters for the year amounted to pm bi. tmailjion bottles, and from its manifeat increase in times past, it is evident ; hat the coming # hen the consumption y;}) ,.." near one million bottles. This immeng wt could never have been sold but for t,o” medicinal properties contained in the pre mae tion, and the sanction of the most ieee Den, physicians in those sections of the ¢;, where the article is best known, who no, fr recommend the Bitters to their patien, m ore réady at all times to give testimoniai, i efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangen, iy and the diseases resulting theretron, This is nota temporary popularity, obi,;, ‘ by extraordinary efforts in the way of pe peting the qualities of the Bitters, bu: , i estimation of on invaluable medicine, whic, . destined to be es enduring as time itself Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have pry; a Godsend to regions where fever and ,,, and various other bilious complains he counted their victims by hundreds. 1, ;, able to state confidently that the “Bit... are a certain cure the Dyspepsia and |i, diseases, is to the proprietors a source of y), alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid mai), from the stomach, purifies the blood, x); imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sysiex, giving it that tone and energy indispenssi), for the restoration of health. It operates upos the stomach, liver, asd other digestive organs mildly but powerfully, and soon restores jj»; to acondition essential to the healthy dischs:,. of the functions of nature. i Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily, per ms on the bottle, and they will in; in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comi: declining years, as it is pleasant to the pala: invigorating to the bowels, excellent asa to1)- and rejuvenating generally. We have the ¢ dence of thousands of aged men and won: who have experienced the benefit of using 1): preparation while suffering from stomach ¢: rangements and general debility; acting unte the advice of physicians, they have abandone all deleterious drugs and fairly tested 1 merits of this article. A few words to tir entler sex. There are certain periods whi eir cares are so harassing that many of thir sink under the trial. The relation of moth and child is so absorbing)ly tender, that (:: mother, especially if she be young, is ay: forget her own health in her extreme anxi for her infant. Should the period of matern’: arrive during the summer season, the wear’ body and mind is generally aggravated. liv: then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recuy rate the energies of the system, and enable :i: mother to bear up under her exhausting tru: and responsibilities, Nursing mothers ge rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigors tors that receive the endorsement of phy: cians, because it is agreeable (o the tasie well as certain to give a permanent increav of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have partici: larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from of Hog. CH bit Stead dur | fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrici dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite. uxd all diseases or derangements of the stomact, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will conuli ' their own physical welfare by giving to Ho tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trl. CAUTION.—We caution the public sgain! using any of the many imitations or counter: feits, but ask for Hosrxrrzn’s CUrirsRitt) | Stomace Birrgas, and see that each bottle be | the words ‘‘ Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitter: | blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork. snd observe that our autograph signatore is 01 iit label. wa Prepared and sold by HOSTETTERS _ SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ant rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orvwans. La. SOLD BY Henderson & Ennis, + H. Wryait, Salisbury 5 by J. Reed, Cone and by Porter & Gortrell. Greensboro. \ | Miy 29, 3860. ly] COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontript FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FaM!! SUFYERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. \ “Stone in the Bladder and kid’ Weakness of the Loins, fr FENHIS invaluable Medicine is for *” at Mockaville, Salisbury States! ! _ cord and Fayetteville, and at Col ah and nv where elre. ‘The subscriber having entered say '" | nership with John F. Cowan, origina! Pl’ forthe manofecture and sale pt rhe above We | icine, is prepared (o farmieh a su)p! b : dressing jee at Sulisburv. N.C. 07 calls ‘his residence, 10 miles west of tht na E. p. aust! June 21, 1855. LS ) DRAYING. 0 XHE ondersgned give keope 9 TEAM AND , the purpose of Druying and will s¢ , may favor hin with calls inghis Hine 00 | commodating terms. GEORGE 3 March 20th, 1860. | Fine Suits. If you wish to buy Fine SUITS ” ' i eaniee neice WaGor® me al w pOW ERS 43 | ING for us little money as possih! | Great Clothing Emperium DAVID \\ Na 7 Rememace tug Sranp—No > | Granite Row, Salisbury, N. © Rept. 95. BLANK DE KOR; SALE, 4& THLS wv EDS | Orr ‘ | J Ww ord. C: ac- she VOL. XIX. S.d BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS wre Single copy, $2,00 Five copies, $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs eek ten, in the same pro- portion $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. == From the Philade iphiu Peesbyterina. CHRIST IN THE STORM. In that storm Yhat swept the sea off Galilee, when Jesus lay asleep on the pil- low, the disciples’ hearts failed them with fear, The litte faith they bad when ua- clouded sunshine was reflected back from the unrippled lake, forsook them when the night winds howled fiercely, when tem- pestuous billows beat over their (ussiug barque, and when a watery grave seemed vawulng to receive them. To the cye of sense 1t was @ time of imimivent peril.— One more beadlong plunge, and the ship and its precious freight might emerge no more. Wecan scarcely woader that the disciples were alarmed. the mind may be sustained by spiritual consolations, there is a physical instinct | which leads us to shrink at the approach of unwinent death, votee of the card-table aud the wine bottle, becomes grave aad thoughtful as the rag: | ing billows mount bigher and higher, and a the guud slop strugyles in valu against the uvequal contest, The disciples were tien of Tike passions with ourselves, aud their positions was obviously on to try the | stoutest heart, The sea was justready to de- vour them, and Jesus was asleep. been on the watch, he might, by his all- powerful word, have sent the wild winds back to their chatnbers, and bade the rag- sug waves be stil, But he is asleep, and meanwhile the barque ts fouadenne. Now, ventle reader, possibly you may tind in this Scripture meient the tvpe of what is now but toe painfully realized, bot 10 our national aad our ecclesiastical affairs. | The storm, violent and unprecedented in its fury, is abroad ; the barque of the State and that of the Church are alke threaten ed; and in thie extremity, judging merely by the eye of sense, we might be tempted to say, Jesus is asleep. Up almost to the momeot the tempest | broke upon them, the disciples were proba- | The sea of | uly unsuspecting and secure. (ralilee is remarkable tor the suddenness and fury of its storms. All may be calin aud pleasant now, but before the next bour the winds will rush out of their biding- places, through every valley and from every hill-top, uatil the furies will seem to be holding their revels on the bosom of that just now quiet sea. With equal sud- denness bas this terrific storm burst on our hitherto happy couotry. No buman mind eould have predicted, a few months since, the scenes we are in the midst of to-day. Whatever of agitation or collision might have been apprehended, the reality has far ; Who could have conjectured | exceeded it. ‘n advance the magnitude and power of this leinpest. have beea precipitated with unparalleled rapidity, and even already with the most astounding results, history, were so many men transferred within so short a time from the pursuits of peace to the camp; never were soldiers im- pelled by a more determined spirit; and i is our firm conviction that when the con- flict comes, if come it must, it will be the | fiercest and most bloody the world bas ever seen, From the Golf of Mexico to the St. Lawrence the roll of the drum and the sound of the bugle have becoine the most tatniliar sounds. From plantations, count ing- houses, professional offices, workshops, | and even trom the pulpit, men are enlist- me under the standard, exger for the strag- gle. The storm is upon us. bring forth when it shall have attained tts full height, who can tell! And yet, xs to all vieible interposition and help, it would | seem to be with us as with the disciples on Galilee, that Jesus is asleep. We had fondly hoped that ere this his gentle voice would ave been heard over the howlings of the storm, But thus far we have listened for that voice in vain; and hope deferred sickens the heart! ‘low many thousands of prayers for that I)ivine interposition bave been offered in the sanctuaries, and bow many tens of thousands at the family altar and in the closet, but apparently in vaia! whole nation bowed in fasting and prayer, pleading with (tod to stretch out his hand and stay the coming storm; bat atill the | freedom ? oud has been cashing on, andl seems vlack c now about to burat in its fury, While the targue struggles, Christ, as to visible mter- | However much | The most reckiess de- | Had he | Even the incipiency of the | secession collision gave no token of such | a wide-spread and ivrious wprising. Events | Never, in the world’s | Whatit may | Hlow a o See Is. CT = eee _ WA SEMI-WEEKLY. AEM ah OO LL TC SESS SEE eer. omen pie SALISBURY, N. C., MAY 16, 1861. gest, lies asieep on his pillow, Atd yet Christ did not, after al), permit the devastating tempest of Galilee to do ita work of death. When things came to the worst he shook off his slumbers, re- buked bis disciples for their unbelief, quell- ed Ube boiling waves and bade the winds be still; and lo, there was a great calm. The “extremity” of bis disciples was the time of the Saviour's “opportuuity.”. The trial of his people's faith is more preeious to ow Redeemer than the trial of silver sag gold, and be will try us by whatever methods our peculiar cireumstuees may demaud. We have been a particolarly proud and self-sufficient people; it no doubt requires a specially severe stroke to humble us, and to lead us to feel where onr true dependence is. As to averting the impending catastrophe, we have ceased ww hope in man. Things have attained to such a pitch that, unless God shall deign lo Inlerpuse, there is no alternative but that civil war, with its inconceivable bor- rors, shall be upon us. The blood of here- tofore peace loving meno is now up, and they no longer wish for peace, but thirst for war, The prospect is gloomy, the ; night is dark, and the storm is wild; but | He who bas piloted us through our past perils in safely, we trust is still in the ship. His churches, his ministers, and his people ; cover the land, and peradventure, be may yet awake to bear them, and bring the welegine Calm. At all events, let us not | coagé to call upon Chmst as our friend and | helper, no matter how fierve the surging _sea/or how wild the ragings of the hurr- cane, However sad and sorrowful we may | be, let us sull sing that Psaln—"God is oug refuge and strength, a very present help iu trouble.” From the New York Daily News. Free Speech Vindicated—-Siuging of the Marseillais Hymn. At imdnight, last evening, of the most astonishing occurrences that ever trans- spired in New York, took place in Broome street, near Wallack’s Theatre. A French- inan, ove of four or tive that go about the streets stuging different songs, happened _to select the Marseillais, for the edification of some parties who hailed in Crosby st. A yany of sixteen or seventeen Abolition ists, four of them in military uniforms, roshed across from Mercer street aud coin- menced hissing, hooting and abusing the the poor vocalist, with the bitterness of savages. There were only five of his pat- roas by. He tried to gu on, with the most soul-stiring song of liberty ever composed; , but a perfect storm of hisses prevented ‘him. Exasperated by the ungenerous and | uncalled for demonstration, he plaintively | protested against the barslness used to- ' ward him. “ Me be von free Frenchman,” , be said; “me always sing di Marseillaise in Ni York, and never no one make me stop before. Fy youdo dis ting! Napo- leon rules you not; ‘Us no crime to spheak von vord for liberty.” “ Well we don’t want ad d South. ern hymn chanted ip these streets,” said a tall lean New Euglander, bolder thau lis fellows. | “That, sir,” replied a stalworth, power- ‘ful man, one of the five that engaged Fren- chy, “is the Marsellaise, an air wedded to ' words which: all freemen reverence.” | “We haint got no objection to the air ‘tself,” replied one of the opposite party, ‘but the rebels duwa South inake it their | national anthem, and we look upon it as a Southern tune, and it shan’t be sung un- | der our uoses, that’s all.” | | | 1 | ) | “You dare not interfere you narrow- minded bigot,” cried the big man, becom- ing warn, “see here, fellows,” he added, turning to hes friends, “stand by this poor foreigner, singing a song of freedom, and the first tyrant or tyrants fool that raises (a hand to harm him, will see stars.”— iThat’s the talk,” responded the four indi- viduals, who came up from Crosby street, “and that’s what you should have said an | hour ago; now jet them ere lank nigger | worshipers come on, if they feel like it, and | if we can’t make them dance to the Mar- | sellatse, there's no Democrats left in Goth- am.” Thus awed, the Republicans fell back, each of them muttering that “people bad better mind bow they talk secession here.” “We do not talk secession, Sirs,” ans- wered another spokesman of the Temo- crats. “We speak for individual freedom. Liberty was the motto on every banner raised in this city—in this nation—uotil | our Abolition President was elected. Who ire since heard in public a word about At what public meeting, since your Captaia’s famous proclamation, has | liberty” been advocated?) On what late occasion bas an American dared to say position, as our fears at least would sug: | one syllable for people's rights! And now | you throw the mask;to the ground, and | come out in your true colors, You would | ae a ‘Soutbera’ Hymn,’ as you call | at Several roe we would not.” Speaker-—“Then, what hymn do you: want All Kepublicans—2“The Star Spangled Bauner.” Speaker—“Why, that, too, is a Soutb- ern byron. It was written by a Southern man; eet to music by a Southern man; first sung by » Southerv san.” The Republicane—" We don’tbelieve i.” Speaker—Because your intelligence and education, like your patriotism, are only skin deep. I tell you what I say is correct. Why, thére is not fire enough in Northern blood to give life to a song of freedom. Even that banner of the stars, whieh you rant so much about, was conceived by a Southern man, first manufactured by a Southera maa, and first flew from a South- ern flagstaff. his took place when your fathers were probably selling cattle in the British army, that it might crush out\the rebels,” of which one George Washingter was the chief. He, tov, was a Souther man. But one Benedict Arnold, was not a Southern man. He who sold his eoun- try and betrayed bis flag was a New Eng- lander——in spirit and feeling the prototype of you, who now spit upon a countryman of La Fayette, because he breathes senti- ments too lofty for your cramped concep- tions. “Down with the rebel,” “down with him,” “yive hin fits.” “let us have him down,” and sneh phrases saluted the var of the speaker; but already the parties had become even. The tive from Crosby street had been reinforced, and the enthusiastic manner in which the eloquent Democrat handled his opponents gained him # host of admirers. They cheered him lustily, and at 12 3-4 o’elock the foiled mob wend- ed its way to Broadway, while the Mar- seillaise was sung alond, chorussed warm. ly and cheered 100 times. So the right metal is at the bottom of our city Demo- crats after all, and we are beyinning to rid ourselves of mob law. LETTER FROM BALTIMORE. Correspondence of the Alexandria Gazette. Baxtimore, May 7, 1861—Itis difficult to beleve what is reported to be the fixed and determined purpose of the North, and particularly the New England States, now that hostilities are commenced, in regard to the South and its institutions. Letters from the North to houses of high com- mereial standing here have been received, urgiug them to close up their business and to return to the places of their nativity, as- suring them that the purpose indicated is tbe tixed programme of the North. The first step seems to be to secure all import- ant points South. Virginia, according to these statements, is first to ba held in sub- jection to the Federal government at Wasb- ington, She is to be secured by superior furees, both by sea and land. Richmond city is Lo be reduced in the accomplishment of the designs now on foot to bring the south to terms. Nortulk is to be occupied, and the Navy yard at Vortsmouth is to be repossessed, For the trausportation of troops from the West it is confidently as- serted that the Baltimore and Ohio rail- road, from Wheeling to Baltimore city, will soon be in possession of Federal troops, and that then the attack on Virginia will be quick and powerful, on or before the 23d instant, the day the Secession act is to be submitted to the people. It is to be ob: | served that the concentration of the troops is mainly towards Virginia. | Roman Catholicism and Slavery both | to be Destroyed.—The New York Day! Book suotes the following from the New | York Z'tmes : “Like property, slavery is incompatible | with the spirit of the aye; or, in other | words, with jiberty aud civilization. Z'heer | progress ts at an end, and fate or Provi- | dence seems to have doomed them to | speedy destruction by the folly of their | devotees.” We are glad to see that at least one pa- | per in New York bas the manliness and | sense to present such views to the foreign | population of the North, who are now ex- | pected to do all the fighting for the man- ufacturers and millionaires of that region. “Keep it before them,” that they are ex- pected to crush their own champion and deliverer. Never let them forget that they must be the next victims; that the fanati- cism of the Puritan mind js aa intense against Roman Catholicism as it is against slavery, as the blackened walls of the Con- vent, near Boston, and the ruine of their churches in the “City of Krotherbood Hlate” testify. — Aeodmond Dispatch. Sedat SOLDIER’S HEALTH. Interesting Suggestions and Recommen- dations. The following article, on “Soldier’s Health,” is from Hall’s New York Journal of Health. It contains much valuable in- formation for both soldiers and civilians : 1. In an ordinary campaign sickness dis- ables or destroys three times as many as the sword. 2. Ona march, from April to Novem- ber, the entire clothing should be a colored flannel shitt, with a loosely-buttoned col- lar, cotton drawers, woolen pantaloons, shoes and stockings, and a light-colored felt hat, with broad brim to protect the eyes and face from the glare of the sun und from the rain, and a substantial but not beavy coat when off duty. 3. Sun-stroke is most cffectually pre- vented by wearing a silk handkerchief in the crown of your hat. 4. Colored blankets are best, and if lined with brown drilling the warmth and dura- bility are doubled, while the protection against dampness from lying ou the ground is almost complete. 5. Never he or sit down on the grass or bare earth for a mom nt; rather use your nat—a handkerchief even, is a great’ pro- tection, The warmer you are the greater need for this proteetion, as a dainp vapor is im nediately generated, to be absorbed by the clothing, and to cool you off too rapidly. 6. While inarching, or on other active duty, the more thirsty you are, the more essential is it to safety of life itself, to rinse out the mouth two or three times, and then take a swallow of water at a time, with short intervals, A brave French general, on a forced inarch, fell dead on the in- stant, by drinking largely of cold water, when snow was on the ground. 7. Abundant slerp is essential to bodily efficiency, and to that alertness of mind which is all important in an engagement; and few things more certainly and more effectually prevent sound sleep than eating heartily after sundown, especially after a heavy march or desperate battle. 8. Nothing is more certain to secure en- durance and capability of long-continued effort, than the avoidance of everything as a drink except cold water, Nor excluding coffee at breakfast. Drink as little as pos- sible, of even cold water. 9. After any sort of exhausting effort, a cup of coffee, bot or cold, is an admirable sustainer of the strength, until nature be- gins to recover herself, 10. Never eat heartily just before a great undertaking ; because the nervous power 18 irresistibly drawn to the stomach to man- age the food eaten, thus drawing off that supply which the brain and muscles so much need. 11. If persons will drink brandy, it is incomparably safer to do so after an effort than before, for it can give only a transient strength, lasting but a few minutes; but us it can never be known how long any given effort is to be kept in continuance, and if longer than the few minutes, the body becomes more feeble than it would have been without the stimulus, it is clear | that its use betore an effort is always ha- zardous, and is always unwise. 12. Never yo to sleep, especially after a great effort, even in hot weather, without some covering over you. 13. Under all circumstances, rather than lie down on the bare ground, lie in the hollow of two logs placed together, or across several smaller pieces of wood, laid side by side; or sit on your hat, leaning against a tree. A nap of ten or fifteen minutes in that position will refresh you more than an hour on the bare earth, with the additional advantage of perfect safety. 14. A cut is less dangerous than a bul- let wound, and heals more rapidly. 15. If from any wound the blood spirts out in jets, instead of a steady stream, you will die in a few minutes, unless it is reme- | died; because an artery has been divided, and that takes the blood direct from the fountain of life. To stop this instantly, tie a handkerchief or other cloth very loose- ly between the wound and the heart; put nw stick, bayonet or ramrod between the skin and the handkerchief, and twist it around until the bleeding ceases, and keep it thus until the surgeon arrives. 16. If the blood flows in a slow, regular stream, a vein has been pierced, and the handkerchief must be on the other side of the wound from the heart; that, is, below the wound. 17. A bullet through the abdomen (belly or stomach) is more certainly fatal than if aimed at the head or heart; for in the latter cases the ball is often glanced off by the bone, or follows round it under the skin; but when it enters the stomach 2 EO oe ven Pane w NUMBER 3. or bowels, from any direction, death is in- evitable under all conceivable circumstan- cea, but is scarcely ever instantaneous. — Generally the lives a day or two with perfect lies of intellect, often not suffering greatly. The praatical bear- ing of thie statement in reference to the great future is clear. 18. Let the whole beard grow, but not longer than some: three jnches. This strengthens and thickens its growth, and thus makes a more perfect protection for the lungs against dust, and of the throat against wiads and cold io winter, while in the summer a greater perspiration of the skin is induced, with an increase of evap- oration; hence, greater coolness of the parts on the outside, while the throat is less feverish, thirsty and dry. 19. Avoid fats and fat meats in summer aud in all warm days. 20. Whenever possible take a plunge jinto any lake or running stream every morning as soon as you get up; if none at hand, endeavor *o wash the body all over as soon as you leave you: bed, for person- al cleanliness acis like a charm against all diseases, always either warding them otf altogether or greatly mitigating their sc- verity and shostening their duration. 21. Keep the hair of the head closely cut, say within an inch and a half of the scalp in every part, repeated on the first of each month, and wash the whole scalp plentifully in cold water every mornioy. 22. Wear woolen atockings and muder- ately loose shoes, keeping the toe and tin- ger-nails always cut close. 23. It is more important to wash the feet well every night than to wash the face and hands of mornings, because it aids in keeping the skin and nails soft, and tu pre- vent. chafings, blisters and corns, all of which greatly interfere with a soldier's duty. 24. The most universally safe position after all stunnings, hurts and wounds, is that of being placed on the back, the head being elevated three or four inches only, aiding more than any one thing else can do, to equalize and restore the proper cir- culation of the blood. 25. The more weary you are after a march or other work, the more easily will you take cold, if you remain still after it is over, unless, the moment you cease motion, you throw a coat or blanket over your shoulders. This precaution should be ta- ken in the warmest weather, especially if there is even a slight air stirring. 26. The greatest physical kindness you can sbow a severely wounded comrade is first to place him on bis back, and then run with all your might for some water to drink; not a second ought to be lost. If no vessel is at hand, take your hat; if no hat, off with your shirt, wring it out once, tie the arms io a knot, as also the lower end, thus making a bag, open at the neck only. A fleet person can convey a buck- etful half a mile in this way. I’ve seen a dying man clutch at a single drop of wa- ter from the finger’s end, with the vora- ciousness of a fumished tiger. 27. If wetto the skin by rain or by awiinming rivers, keep in motion until the | clothes are dried, and no harm will result. | 28. Whenever it is possible, do, by all means, when you have to use water for cooking or drinking from ponds or sluy- gish streams, boil it well, and when cool, shake it, or stir it, so that the oxygen of the air shall get to it, which greatly im- proves it for drinking. Thie boiling ar- rests the process of fermentation which arrises from the presence and inorganic impurities, thus tending to prevent cholera and all bowel diseases, If there is no time for boiling, at least strain it through a cloth, even if you have to use a shirt or trowser-leg. 29. ‘Twelve men are bit in battle dress- ed in red where there are only five dressed in a bluish gray—a ditference of more than two to one; green, seven ; brown, six. 30. Water can be made almost ice cov! in the hottest weather by closely envelop- ing a filled canteen, or other vessel, witli woolen cloth, kept plentifully wetted and ex 81. While on a march lie down the moment you halt for a rest. Every min ute spent in that position refreshes more than five minotes standing or Joiteriny about, 32. A daily evacuation of the bowels is indispensable to bodily health, vigor and enduranee ; this is promoted in many cases by stirring a tablespoonful of corn (Indian meal in a glass of water, and drnking it on rising in the morning. 33. Loose bowels, namely, acting mor: than once a day, with a feeling of debili ty afterwards, is the first step towards cholera. The best remedy is dnstant and perfect quietude of body, eating nothing but boiled rice, with or without boiled milk; in more decided cases a woolen ene Ceca — eee oe te arty ; ai a: di on flannel, with two thicknesses in fi ld i ‘ auf sty le | j ; RYLAND. r ee an a nol i retainers rae Acts pa % ‘ % . rad | ‘ ” = UF é Sri ea aes aaah ee Mies = Bory fl] ave crafehag and cose |e, 7 ur une Deke or feared end Ie 35. To “ have been to the ® K> is a “A + ¥ Me doninal the . F of Maryla b the Fee woe mace, de Sales whe uiide ; Pp p , } one A «& A, under Pian life-long honor, increasing with advancing | ~ mee he aa ae d ee We naries— "A sovereign State in chains reas object of combatting rotest- | the apprehension that the Gordon siya ve vena eticte Waseldied, ip) dela col property, and to suspend proceedings in| ig y practical commentary on the antism, and yet, accoraing to the was prepared to attack them. "An uct sore cotinanilibe aieieossy and che certain cases. Cae aa trines of the des- jast annual report, things do not look The refusal to give the Hilla a lit. “ith chapte glory of your children’s children. Sec. 1. Be it enacted &c., That no ex-| pote at Wad ington! Tive® vallant very bright. Ata meeting of the tle water, which she needed, and at se = — | ecution of fiert factas or ventre exponas | people of Maryland have been sub: Sales held at Marseilles, Monseig- turning her off on another voyage, Deane Sourymen Mex, Par, Bxcellence,—It | founded upon a judgment iu any suit or) jected to thie humiliation by the in-| jong de Segur spoke wilh much was inhuman any ae vilizeg. 4 An a will be sau by aparagrag A ich We cop eee ea aoe ae naa | CMieiemey oF trenenery res, Gov | earnestness:and sorrow, of “the vi- , LbbrBaton Nheh. | ener from the Petersburg Express, that a ier ee ey nee ills o oy i a fe ernor. Bat lét them not be cast | tality of Protestantism. Ho de- : . . feast Neurogsatio-Editor, ul. Musssshota’, D.C. jmat-aedountatwod all other somone fey (ULN a They have the lively yi" plored the progress of “heresy!” én ema pera y Jone has beeo expelled from that community MER ey coos ety MOU CUntaes for pa of freedom’s sons every where. | France and in Italy, declaring that Ch c Got nic m Yl N sae : .- ; noney, demands or contracts for specific : +g: ; . 7 An act and the States, asa man ‘unfeithful to its!” i re tl i Se ‘inl et them bide their time—wait and | it was the work of the devil. Tt was is A Co institutions, If our memorf sétves ts this | bon Se ee eae eee aon omen | watch. The hour of deliverance with grief he informed his hearers aaictetn td wea Hee tlie nda, or in favor of the State, or against with g : ‘ : vi : vane ea man was one of the class of Northern and non-residents. shall be issied from the vas- | BY come, sooner than the tyrants’ tio: in Paris there are fifty Protest: SALISBURY, N.C, : y Resolut foreign Editors in North Cavolina who set supe of iw we by An Y court of record or expect. Ready is the word, when ant schools, and that in a village a ee : oy ig 1 ‘ y . . : : . f male up for a pre eminent devotion to the rights | Rasen ieee me of property until | the signal is given! well known to him, out of six hand. ee ee eat . It Rest Sree enee ty the See otherwise provided by Jaw, nor shall there | The pena ; eae) ae red inbabitants there only remained CONVENTION Pironae aaa el tare Conte they belonged. One of their strong points be any sales under deeds of trusts os de- ng 80 ie eee Mees thirty _who had not abandoned : ; ) eT iesolt we to abuse the Observer ‘and charge it | crees, unless by the consent of parties in- says :——Lvich. W hig. Catholicism for the Protestant faith. The election for Delegates to the State Con- je Gove rin with unedundnesa’ Rebold ihe yesult in | terested votil otherwise provided by law. If, however, the hope is entertain- | These admissions show that there is vention passed off, in this County, with- 13, Resol one case—and wait for it in othera which | . Sec, 2, Where such executiones have | oq that, by adopting this tyrannical , at least some falling off in the ranks | out excitement. A stranger would not have apt tC may yet come to light. abcd and a eke in the ands of ‘al aystem of repression and suppression, | of Popery, and that the evangelical | noticed that an election was going on. Eve. a ae The world is governed by humbuggery. mee vccutiona ical . Othe « me the Sonthern sympathies of the peo- efforts are producing some effect. | ry body seemed to regardit asa mere formal- An uc All over this country, especially, do we see inne nia Sata oats tae hones ple of Maryland wiJl be crnshed out, | The impending political break with | ity. We can now, understand bow it bap- mmpton G prominent instances of it. Whilst our! |) ‘eau weilioub faiiler execution we frankly tell those who are pos: | Rome will, no doubt, help on the | pened that so few votes were polled in those he hand is in, we may as well mention other Thee adi executions upon the same sessed of this delusion not to be de- | good work.—- Phila. Presbyterian. | States which were the first to secede. The “4 heating igor ee ee j judgments shall not issue again votil the | ceived by appearances. Whatever | MORE BLOOD SHED IN ST. a bed eaiied ee mater in their own a os - i. -. North Carolina who some time | Operation of this act ceases ; Provided, may be the opinions that are held | LOUIS. vearts—there was great unanimity—and they us or dele Blea an eae That this act shall not be construed to dis- | amony us, they cannot be radically | . had no pressing motive to attend the polls, wir rexpect any ne pee a Teds charge the lien which has already been ac- changed by a display of force. There | Sr. Louis, May 12. and did not attach much foree to secession as ivorectias eae” of alm pee OARS ER aoe by ane eee execution, may be, and doubtless is, at al Another travedy occurred in this }a means to an end already accomplished in poe opposition to secession and civil war.— | oo oa ni : a ve es ire of ay | juneture, a singular calmness on the | city last night. Ae the Home Guard | their minds. Well, Lincoln's Proclamation came and | cass) ee fa eee as a JUTY, | surface; but who can measure the | were marching throngh the streets, | fon. B. Craige and H. C. Jones, Esq., ar. »= QUO North Carolina must arm and revist. The eats ae ea ei the strenytl: of the under-current? With | they were followed bya crowd, who | were elected delegates to represent this coun- a tire-eating secessionists, who is a rich man | te eee, Sean ae iu ce ef ba the exception of those who are timid | hissed and hooted at them when a | ty. About two-thirds the usual vote was ee having his ample méans invested in bank bile of aacharise Pelee rae nee and time-serving, there are very few | boy discharged a pistol in their rear. | cast. Some fifty or sixty scattering votes a Pana and other stocks, is published as having | menor is aud wrens accounts P i atnong us who have not made up The company fired npon the crowd. were given for Shober, Kerr, Houck, aad i. ib made the enormous contribution of ten! 9) 4 te See ee’ | their minds as to the proper course) The whole coluinn was thrown in- Veen Lol ane Hiotiearavecbelp tlie eames wifiee (he Rat (ey tee elie cemanceces Hl qlenever al fusion, broke ranks and tired | noah p ’ b contracts fur specific articles. to be pursued whenever the occa-| to confusion, broke ranks and Bre Messrs. Badger, Holden and Battle, were The st tora, who depend Biaroly omeieln at el Sec. 4. This act shall not apply to lia | Sion is opportune and a free and un- | down their own line as well 885 | Glected to represent Wake county. Vegund ther living, gave ten times as nroehid Cas) bilities upon the part of public officers, | biased expression of the popular will among the crowd on the sidewalk. | Messrs. Graham and Berry, to represent on | a and their own a Povey ns ee either to the State, counties, corporations | can be had. If, as some assert, we | Four soldiers and four citizens were | Oranze. : | Mt : es ete cents of or individuals; nor to State, county or cor- | are powerless, at this time, to suc-, killed and many wounded. Great | . ees _ : ds a eanien apart F om their ae peleuen taxes, nor to debts hereafter con- | cessfully resent the outrages that) excitement prevailed. ROWAN RIFLE GUARD. a el and business. We do not mention names ! re ' nee oe ue on pate have put npou us, why then we have | Gen. Harney. has issued a procla- | A letter from a member of this Company The I but this is no fancy picture. It is fact.— | at: Drevided. That no eee f Peete ho recourse but to bear them with | mation, expressing his regret at such | yow at Fort Caswell, informs us that all are een We are looking daily for the crowning act : ote, Dill ol accep- | what patience we may. We must! a state of affair, and says the milita: | \utand in fine spirits. Nothing of special ae Arn d : | tance, or other obligation, the consideration ot a snag office being conferred on the ten , of which is any debt or obligation at present rai maa by Gov. Ellis or President | extsting, shall be held or cousidered as | learn to suffer and—to wait. To | ry under his command will only be! | steadfast souls whatever may bethe | compelled to resort to imartial law a . . i | darkness of the Present, the Fnture | to prevent excitement. Vhe regu a MOH iCTS A | | The vote of the Company was taken fur rween Ne Havana | debt hereafter contracted delegates to the Convention. Craige and Scher eles v3 patty . | z . . . . : are a 1 . : , | a AMIerS. et qi nas ee ne Sncese ihe interest whichthastaccrued:| cl discloses its bow of promise. | a will he used to aid the do- Jones received a majority ot the whole num- The Cc who villi e g | since the Ist day of January, A. 1D. 1860 hen men dare not speak their in- | cal anthorities. ber cast, though the vote was very much di- Vorthwe Wilmington Journal some three months! 9) vps, may hereafter accrue upon any most thoughts, it is an act of prn-| The surrender of Cainp dobnson | \.jed between other persons . AW eel ago, and then soe ee to eee bond, or promissory note which was pay- | dence to remain silent. It would caused great excitement in the Mis- . Ee = a eno aa ca a may ae _ e AE how | able before the passage of this act may be be madness and not courage that souri Levislature. TAKE CARE. ne Leen Pawar his Sens | collected by action of debt or assumpsit,, Would counsel resistance to an over: | The military bill has passed both We haye been requested to give notice that oe SU a J . . 3 . . ae sented, aan ee pane nial fir ae akine bobs | before any justice of the peace, if the whelming force. Pav “the wir: | Houses. he Rowen ssnullery hecestvth el acece as alba sic unve wolnecred! 5 | amount of interest sued for within his ju- gig of Time” brings about its chang: | The State Treasury bas been re- cnard aronnd their encampment at night, aud ee 8 . aoe : . aan y : . oe : ‘ Pe Tet Aye of lie Same Sori-—-Since the’ een a pals a Uy the County | 68, and we warn the Administration moved, as well as the powder pur: idle persons are warned to keep ont ot the lie W above was in type, Saturday’s Standard is 7 Ce eaera eee Ce ee SO GCA ECC Eee ea wt re . vn at hand, with a reply of Mr. Holden of! oa ae i. ae for ve broaght does not always inply acquiescence, The citizens are enrolling them- --* re Ke , excep j > Interes ( > year | - : ie ; ‘ 2 ; : : . . . Hers Fe tie Standard to Mr. John Spelman of the | ae (als we ce . ee ; OT) nor must abstention from active op- selves ina Home Guard, in obedi- | Military Capa,—Miss Sariie Poor, of thre Hae _ : . 1 . “ LAYS) AKING ah even number ora : : . . ’ . “ ’ Ce State Journal. Mr. Hulden is a native |) Pont ec ae es uD | position be taken for abject subinis- ence to a special order of the Grov- Mace. is manufactaring Military and Citizen . ae - Y, ee ee Bee ae e Ue : . : Caps of a very hands tyle. ‘The H * North Carolinian, and one of the most | the interest upon such bend or promissory | sion. ernor. a “ I avery handsome style ¢ Home any true and patriotic of ber sons. Spelman | satus Gein a AcueWe oat a One traueaud [Meni saliateers) (uel tue Rowan Aruilery ard Mr Fishers There : | crue. : cre is an Englishinan, who, as stated by Mr. ca 5 Teta : . . are stationed at Caseyville. seven Regiment, will all be furnished with caps man- me : SEC, GO, n : t ! Of? | : Ny : 7 : z Be . "ae Holden, “ was naturalized onty about one forcoveniin pro Ce oe. oe \ FRANCE AND POPERY. ‘miles distant J , , ufactured by ladies of this place. They are ve heut i erly oO 0) 2 State : i . ar vear ago, having voted before he was nate i cut the ane ; ie Geli i i One of the most remarkable indi- made almost entirely of goods manefactured . Brown ‘Aigo an violati Hew tychaaee tlie c nt of his creditors, shall | 2 : FEELING IN NEW YORK innthens int lf hadt cm in Pe uralize +n oO a i mz li S A fe ; hot be entitled to the benefit of this act. | cations as to the coming downfall of TI 7 ail. , ee : IK, State. ' ms vad been raising an army i Te eae ce veh a Ne ; a | See, 7. That nll mortgages madeteeds va. Popery is the growing hostility he- 1 fe of Commerce of the 9th | ° hee a eee enemy, we sold bare yton yi usual, Mr. van. Flo hiner ie ae = | trost for the benefit of creditors, hereafter, tween the Papacy and France. The Po tiff CAE OC e OUCERA TTA PEAT ANCE ase od . i can ime cape eoppeciag At int Ay / g- . | Pye ; Sa Oe a eats Oe OL a ae executed, whether registered or not, and breach constantly widens, and the Ht m tof me Ne he ee of ei : vee mande ini ee J ed from the following paragraph trot Ce ail waenventa contcaed. dun | : : re part of many merchants hitherto care. Dow thatourludies have got their hands into the x 2 PSS€ airing the con- | | ne: : , : Holden's Card: | ve a ta en prospect 18 that ee ue ee a ful of their eredit; and many are making Work. it is found to be easy to supply ourselves er “I have several relatives in the army, Rnd of vio @EALck : ae "Ne ogin Fr e gull. Lhe I0- | no effort to stem the tide bearing them on, Che Caps are well made and furnished at alow te Mi and an apprentice, and I have contribnted | Sec. 8. The time daring which this law DUES OURS ae eee ahs in Dee _ to insolvency,” | rate. Orders sent to J. H. Enniss or to Mise tat the P a \ . ° s | y . aa , 1 . 2 freely of my means to equip three Com- Perera cll for he computed oe \ Sree ae ele Th feei- The New York Failures.—The Even- Sallie Pool, will receive early attention. ai praver : . ‘ : . . : Bue j } j > . 3 alt . : | ail pac raised in Raleigh ’ but the only PEE | Case where the statute of limitations comes ea ae CU OGIS then aD take og) Post, leading Republican ee | _ “** a son who went from the Journal office into | ; question part with the Pope, whilst their per- | “Our dry goods auctioneers are reduced | §¥7 In our notice of military companies to the ; . { . . . ef { i < ae 9 ihe ranks, deserted yesterday morning, at | Ske. 9. That this act shall be in force | sonal comfort and security render it | to the necessity of refusing to make sales. from this county, we omitted to mention the Mi ai c 2:40 speed, and is no doubt now reposing | 6 oin and after its eaeaun necessary that they should at least The banks will’not take their paper, and) © Sooceh Ireland Greys," seventy-five or cigh nN a : , \ ° ¢ | : | ag 5 mae 2 i woNorth in Abraham's bosom. | regret to have tu ' render the semblance of compliance | the owners of goods could not stand the ty strong. They will go into << piece ou thats make these statements, but [ have done so | ee op etree pyc _ tothe Emperor. But Louis Napo- excessive street rates. In fact, we have ov in foray a g a ean ia defence.”— Fay, Observer. FROM TENNESSEE- THE TROUBLES | jeon’s sharp eyes can readily see. reached an extremity bordering on general : _e.. weet auto OF JOHNSON ANI) NELSON, throngh their thin disguise, and he ene ee Of payment it stan i447" There are now 21 volunteer cempa y ’ , SQ, - oe ple branches of trade.” i ; ° MI JON ATHAN WORTH, ae ; Barsrot, Tenn, May i. ae already discovered that they are ee eee Mies) al Raleisin, several at Welion, nna « ‘ is We find io the last Raleigh Stendard) Jolinson and Nelson, on approaching 8 real and most dangerous enemies,, The Blochude passed by an Eng: number at other places, drilling, and awaiting Lal (ue the following brief letter frem Jonathan; Blountville were met by a deputation of always engaged in machinations for lish Shop.—The ship A & A” of orders - oe be ; } ‘* ! . . . . . . i ee tee ) : Worth, State Senator from aieeetey are | citzens, who presented them the note of mischief. Their influence in their London, Captain H. Hutchinson, in 1 Vin Ltandolph, to Mr. Meadenhall, one of the) the committee of forty-two. They re- wreyvatio i a! ! ; ; ~~ ors ’ : Hrs ’ | th vee i Ny ye _congreyatic Nd OF through their mon ; ballast trom Belfast, arrived at the Home Guord end Virilance Dommilier— . vary (Commoners trom Grulllord ; | spon ec that Ia majority of the meeting astic institutions, too, renders them Charleston Bar at 6 P. M. Snnda The H G Coe : f atthe By } Asukporo, May 6, 1861. | did not wish to hear them, they would not g most formidable and dangerous. ardaxeveni Gens Y The Home Guard and Vigilance Committee o 8 Vern | ; 1 Afoudenjiall: Eag.c in fli : i | ang (vesterc ay) evening. Saw a large Salisbury, are reqnested to meet in Murphy's ee | Curus P. ae rae | infliet_a speech upon thei, Whereupon, | power to the State; the more 80 be-| steamship (Niazara) off at | ahaa: ; vp mB Ge My Dear Sir: Reflecuon bas at last; the vote was again taken upon the question | cates they ano ie her own bor. f Se eee : a vont eight yar next Saturday, at 3 o'clock, p. m. Bu- St Low brought me to this conclusion ; that peace | of permitting them to speak. The meeting jorg This w a: of e« ‘i or ten miles distant. he ship made sineew of great importance claims their early deft | inwat be preserved, if it can be dove by | was composed of tifteen hundred persons, S ; — re a ee t tian * fare : for North Channel, and anchored attention, and it ie very desirable that a unan- a any honorable means—and that uhis is) Five persons voted to hear them, three Ee EES OO ER Pe SRO Tes Opposite during the night. She came imons attendance be given, h | likeliest to be attained by unity among our- of them came up on the traia with John- and hence the imperial eo sy | under the British colors—the Union SS ce selves, and determined, united Military re-, son and Nelson, and were citizens of Carter have had orders to keep vigilant Jack at the foremast and the ensign Female Seminary.—See Vr. Wilkinson's no- 1s to-da sistance. In thie view, I shall take the; county. Finding such an overwhelming watch over them, and rigidly to en- at the mizzen penk, NO Notice Wus iiss im anather colunin, We are lad 10 see ‘he route, stump to-morrow, and urgeour young men | majority against them, they concluded not torce the lawe. Already several re- | at any tine taken of her by the Ni-' he intends to remain io thie place # Hie choo! UarRO, to volunteer. The painful aneertainty, 10 to aoa ; . ligious bodies have been dissolved, | agara—s! e took a pilot this morn- ought to be cherished by our eitizens. It is “avisions iny sind, as to the Meomerngeara raion . Sullivan county is now a unit for the | their foreign members having re- | ing at 7 o'clock, and was bronght not an easy matier to get a good teacher whes “onned at and a dese sorecioucte that | ee ye | Souih. ceived notice to qnit the country, into Port by the steamer Gordon, needed. It is much better to keep. one alren- Wasa ability — ee e See ee te | . amongst whom are the Redemptorist “unchallenged and unmolested. The dy with us. bord ae me ene mes “ oe Me | ln Incident ut the Orphan House-—S Fathers, established at Donai some “ A & A” ia consigned to Messrs. | .. cle eda before I left Raleigh I will | friend while on a visit Wo this noble insti- ten years pice: The Inquiry has Patterson & Stock. Please be Prompt —We omit to send the 1 ae faot, did so gh. tution on Tuesday afteruoon, relates the also been raised as to whether the What d Il thi an? inas- Watchm: i a ‘th you on Wednesday or Thureday, , : oo ces . a oes a 18 meant inas-) Watchman to a number of ovr friends this Pwo pri be with § y > tollowing pleasing and striking incident: law for expulsion does not apply to } } | eae . : < . oo . apd do all leap. I think i¢ was best tor Aireaclalinedla cede nein wi | h I % pp ‘ much as other vessels, under British week, whose paid term hasexpired The new ere, ¢ ; yo fai : mn an Bee an : Be icrana caieeestiapanenlles to ¢ faithful and devoted Principal, whose the Jesuits. The more faithful colors, as for instance the Hilja, were arrangement involves cousiderable additional sionadi the cou n * whole efforts are made in behalf of this French Papists are to the Pope, in. « j a . : ; Vein doinestte affairs, for me to be here two days. Gort sari lad wiled a nuiiber ot fG6 | j ioe , : pe, warned One prev ented from en- abor and expense to us; and for ihe present Irn ; Yours, very truly, glildren to write the text of Scripture each L th xisting state of things, the more tering the port—it cannot be inferred , the only additional requirement we make, i* — JONATHAN WORTH. had committed to memory, and when it PT eS ar they to their ONE BOs that the blockade is not to be en- | that our friends shall be prompt in their pay- rela — cariee toile ith oF one Ae lhe rose, and | ernment. They must he silenced forced agaivst foreign vessels. There '™°"!* wi WILLIAM C. LORD, with a couptaoance beaming with pleasure, Hd the iron rod of the Emperor, or, may be a motive, however, to pro- | — an _— ted Newer omiliedce ly antag taal ou riven vo Of course, all this, pitiate the I-uropean nations, and ; AE LA we | in ‘i 7 i oA | ; : A LEXAND , ckinso ¢ ee ATTORNEY AT LAW, | Chapter first part of 6th verse : eae rely 8 to render the Church and appeal to them not to recognize the ay abet Winn for a ae xine n a : . : ‘ tate : : - : : 2 eines \ rent o Aus fo en nn, was no SALISBURY, N. C. | “Say unto the North give up, and to the ae One completely distiuct, | Southern Confederacy. Butif it ex- arrested, aw reported. A few siscea of the BI 4 ae Prartice and make prompt collec. | the South keep nat back.” if not vostile, and to prepare the | iste the Blockade will bea mockery, | machinery were taxen by the Lincolnites on- ! era ree ces Stanly, Iredell and Ca-) The principal, the visitor and those pres- ere it is e be hoped, for a final ) a8 Southern exports and imports can | der nuns Be Kareena ge vee Lea “ iwha Go m : ees rta ; : NEAT OW a : : . a | —iopecis spatch lo pston Co ETA (ig AoA) cochereal (Cowen Bulditg ent who understood the happy bit of patri- | and complote divorce between the be made in foreign vessels. tia ee ela ee Sea le Cer 1c the Book Store otie ardor of onr youthful friend were much | two. | Sonth, having bunt few merchantile Paymaster Rhett, of the U. 8. army, has Appowe ! 14, 148@ 1138 | amused at it. —(Charleston Courier. Meanwhile the people are bocom- ships, will be but little injared. resigned ail “Journed (ase Te IE Of Acts ca (ener at, sered int Rpl | A joint resolution for-epecial messeugers s ihe Fvecutive department, . a “) An act 60 repesh the Sth eastion of the cath chapter of the Revised. Cads,- entited Yate.” oe ect eae 4, Jount resolu Livm coace sniag the equipme mt- and proviesol ug of Vvaluatests.: ‘ t ; 4, Aun act to autburwe nad require the Gog, nur of North Garekna to call » Conveatiea i the people. e . ‘ 5, An act @ reopen) reat nietiossapon fiehingy : ,, Joe reavlution copee mang the equipment ad provisionag of valanteers.. , | “- An act to raise Leachuusand 5 tate troops, SNTONE ous, of ae! ecetg NORM ITS i: ae be 3.0. deen mee were eppointed and State nd a aydgs re’ wat ed. HA disoad Ltd ike a a 1d. J. | Jackson tad. John, & Cpslile. Phe former thought s diviewnof the State premature; the atter said they must have immediate and wy echap. (We w ny hes nw paper pester: The Donvamithta journed til to: | Morrow. ‘ , The ceremony of hoisting a National flag peer Oe House wus very imposing. Over mw thoupaad peogig gathered | wboat ‘the building, en oy Were sung and ‘ppcot@hie aed Oy arlife: ai@ditiobs. .: ALEXANDAaIA, May 14.—Ned Buatline alone | crossed the long Bridge to-day, He was ar- «, An act ¢o provide for the manufactare af | rested by the Virginians, brought here and arms and other mupittens of war, y Resolutions on Federal retevons. jy). An act lo amend the charter uf the city | af Raleigh and other cites and tawns. ‘||, Resolatton to pay Coremissioners to the pace Conference at Washington and she Con- vence at Moatgomery, Ala. \ j2 Resolution of thanks to bis Exceltency | Governoe of the State. - =f ' \3. Resolution authorizing the Governor to aypount & Commission. )4 Resolution authorizing the Treasurer to ayo Edward Yarborough ten dollars. | 5) An uct to aker the name of the “Nor- pampton Guards.” iy, An act to repeal ah act appropriating iw thousand five headred dollars for lighting ad heating the capitol. 7, An act for patrol. is An act authorizing the volunteers ta cae for delegates tu the State Convention, for vir respective counties, being sapplementual - ithe act authorizing the Governor to call a’ convention of the peuple. eae ALexanprra, May 13. 27,000 troups are now in Wash- agton. Desertions from the Feder- al army are nuineroiws. | rested by the United States troops » Washington, The steamer Pawnee, lying off Alexandria, to day monnted two ad- vional gans. The U. States steam- -r Mount Vernon stopped opposite ‘day, and eoumanicated with the Pawnee. The United States Postinaster— ieneral has made arrangements for | ‘he transportation of the nraile be: “ween New York, Fort Pickens and. Havana by the Federal Government | ~eamers. The Convention of delegates from \orthwestern Virginia met to-day ' Wheeling, tor the parpose of form. oy aeaparate State. Lt i¢ rumored “atover thirty Counties are repre- sited. The proceedings are un- SHOW T), Later uccounts say 25 counties. lic Virginia and U. State troops ve rapidly concentratiog at dlar- ors Ferry. The defensible points eal possessed und fortified by the Virginians. A fights daily antici- pated There is no truth in the ramor of ‘ue Keutueky insurrection. Grown, the bearer of despatches | “om Pensacola, arrived in Wash- vton yesterday. LATEST NEWS. SOUTHERN CONGRESS. Moxrcomery, May 14,—In the Congress, t-uay, Mr. T. RR. Cobb offered a resolution | ‘.at He Presideat appoint a day of fasting prayer, Which was adapted. Mr. Oldhain offeved a resolation of inquiry 0 the expediency of making Houston, | vis. a port of entry and delivery. Mr. Clingman presented the resolutions of ' North Carolina House of Commons, pla- ‘that State in opposition to Lincoln's usur- us and Goveruimeut. The Congress then Sen tinto secret: session, MILTA RY) MOVEMENTS, &c. Mus rgoMkRY, May 14.—The Oglethrope Loht Tnfautry. of Savannah, Capt. Batton, been accepted for the war and are go- Virginia. ay W\anredrox, Mav 14.—The indications are | “s) the Federal troops intend to retake Har- * Derry, A portion of the African fleet ss been ordered home “1 Lours. May 13.—Ten thonsand persons ‘left this city within the last two days, sequence of the panic aad fight. To- everything is quiet. Iatrmtorm May 13.--A mail and passen- tain arrived in this erty from Philiadel- 1. to-day. There was great rejoicing on *or routes Cairo, May 13.—Several Arkansas com- oes reached Memphis by boats to-day. “ovsions aud munitions will hereafter be “ooped at Cairo. Woaenisatox, May 14 Alexandria was P to-day. The Pawnee is still menacing ty. New solontecr conmpaies are ra TRAM nAe { URDENER’s Tstanp, New York, May 14 SO piivateers were eaptared by a frigate | on Saturday night, after & severe , Soouading. [Donbtful ] VasimGros, May 14. The Secretary of lreasury lias just gsued a circular to all and othe: oflicers of eus relative to oomauerce with Southern Willi the tolewing addition: Among ted ineluded. coals, tele porous cups, plau org, surveyor Upples are uments, wire l Won theriInG, Va. May 14 The city 1s wild tement. All day the United States | were flying from all dhe prinerpal build town Conwenuoa met atid o'elock, and af ‘ ‘ppommting @ Commuiliee on Credenuals, | On re-assembiing, | <Jjourned tit 3 o'clock. | discharged. ie acid, zine, and all telegraph ma- , (— ‘ FOR THE WaTtCHMaN, | . Mr. Editor:—When we read the accounts from the North, showing with what zeal and alacrity they are preparing for ea war of exter- mination againgt us, the question arises, are we equally active in preparing to meét our en- emies. If war must come, there are, at least, three things essential to the succeseful prose- cution of the war. First, we must have sol- diers to fight our batdes Secondly, the sol- | diers must be well provided for in arms, food and clothing, and thirdty, ithe State must have money to parchase ech things as we cunvot inanufacture at home. ' In order that the first of these essentials niay be provided jet every mun who js not eugayed in some business, im veratively demanding his personal attention, enfist as a Volunteer, and drill, and’ make himself efficient tu the use of the implements of war, and let all who cannot | go pow agree.to support and see the. families /of such as do voluuteer provided for as cam- | furtably ua possible. Tu order that we may have enough of bread stuffs for the support of the army and our fam- ilies, let every man, and woman tov, resolve last.year, notwithstanding the workiug force may have been diminished. Labor is honora- ble, and in case-of necessity labor im the field is no disgrace to a lady: then if you have a , brother that wishes to volunteer aad his ser- vices on the farm may hinder, show yourself a worthy descendant of revolutionary mothers, aod step forward aad take yanr brother's place, | 80 far as you can, and you will show yourself Thirdly, in order | worthy of double honor. that we may have the perauiary resources necessary, we mast all begin to ¢conomize. Let us curtail our mode of living, dispense with luxuries and use the conveniences of life fru- | gally, in order that we may save something to contribute to the commun good. When we go to town, let us buy such things, only, as aie es- kential ta our comfort. Ip economizing, the ladies Cau render material aid. We read that on one occasion the ladies of Rome voluntarily contributed all their mugs aad jewels, to assist the gov®roment, and that, in a war, not near so sacred ax ours. But we do not ask the la- dies to give their rings und jewelsat this time, but we ask them to forege the parchaee of all superfluous gewguws and flummery of all kinds; resolve that you will dispenge with the new mee | that this yeur’s crop shall be } to, that of | Runaways from Virginia are ar-- kee La ‘ dress that had beeu promised you, and let your | ‘bonnet be fixed tp, so that H will he rexpecta- ble for another year, even ff it isa little old fashioned. Make these littl sacrifices, and you will assist naterially in lightening the bur- dens of the tax payers. [vatly, ia onr domes- tic habif’,we inust economize: dispeuse with cof- fee and all such superfluities at least twice aduy, and wheo visitors call in, don’t faster about aud prepare a feast for them, but place befure ther enough of the substantials of life, and if they sneer at your homely fare, it will be evi- dence that the spark of patriotism barus dinly in their bosome. And is net our cause worthy ofa little xelf-denial? When the North is offer- | ing ite millions to Lincoln for the purpose of , crushing us ont of existence, shall we use no exertion to save something to offer upon the altar of oar common country. Then let us all economize, and we can easily pay our taxes | struggle for indepe ade nice. OREN. At ameeting of the Rowan Artillery on the Murdock were appointed Secretaries, and the ‘following members ak a commiltee to draft resolutions in regard to the tad accident bap- | pened to one of our members on Monday last. Committee—Lieut. Black, Serg’t. Kearns. Privates Morgan, Louder, und Kinney. The following resolntions were adopted : Whereas, in the mvysterions Providence of | denty enfled from time to éternity, leaving a vacancy ip eur ranks and a deep sense of sor- | row on one hearie. therefore, Resolved: Vhat we bow with meek aubmis- sion io this sad dispeosation, and would take to ourselves this lesson of oar mortality. Reaoloed, Thut we sinecrely sympathize with the farrily and friends of our deceased | brother, and would direct their minds to God as the Great Ruler. who directeth all things | according to the counsel of his own will in goodness and mercy. Resolved, That we will wear the usoal badge | of mourning for the space of thirty dys. Resolred, That » copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother, and publithed ia the Salisbury papers. Lieut. Jones, the Hero of Uarper’s Ferry, ‘has been apporated Assmstant Quariermasier Creneral. ee TOWN ORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrot| of Sulixvbury have discretionary powers Co | arrest and lock up in the Calaboose any pete son, white or bfiek, who inay be foand in the gireets of Salisbury ater dark who shall be to give a sutisfactory account of himself; and any person so committed to be brought before | ine for furthér proceedings on the following morning. JOUN IT, SHAVER, May 3, 1861.41) Intendant NO CREDIT. UR TERMS afterthe Ia of May next will be exclusively Cash of Barter. We { are compelled to adopt thie plan for our safety . | and we hope no one will take offence at it Persona having aceounte wih a ve It pleaee call and elose the surne by crsh hate MoCUBBINS Wb LOSTER, Salisbary, April 23, 1861 (50 and live better than our fathers did in their | 14th inst.. Mr. J. F. Woodard and Mr. Wm. | guilty of any disorderly conduct, or be unable | NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. wi In j Spring Tepe, a 3 r inar J Ww. artow ef fee ep nk dec’d., and Benuet Austin, aud wife Mar- oe - achion garet. oF; 8 9 AM 3 fo ong ed ' nade Bein ; of the Ci ’ t Beunet tin did Bis wife Margaret, are not inhabitants of this State: It is ordered, thet publication bewmade, for six waeke, 1A (tie Carolina, Watchman. for the said defendants to be and: @t the next Te i of Bq tebe held for the Cott : i nts House in Mocks ye, after the 4th Monday in*August next, and pfead, answeror demmr to complainant's biM, os the sams wil} bé,tuken, pro Gonfesso, ca the cause set for hearing ex parte, as tu them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk: und Master of the Court'of Eqaity for eatd Oounty, at offite, the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in Feb- ruary, 1861. ehlits L. BINGHAM, C M.E.- May 16, 1861. 6w3 pr. adv. $5.50. Salisbary Female Seminary. OPE pasteles of this institution will be continued as heretofore, under the direc- tion of the subscriber. In consequence of the disturbed piate of our public affairs he has changed his purpose to remove, und bopes to make himself us useful to this community during these troublous times as posrible, Be- Neving that his lubyrs have been generally satisfactory, he solicits an extended patronage, aud would ask his friends (o aid him in increus- ing the number of his pupils. A. D. WILKINSON. May 16, 1861. | State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Cort of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 186). RDERED by the Court that D. A. Davia, John J. Shaver and A. Hendersee act as a Committee to raise on the faith and eredit of the Couuty of Rowan either by means of county boods or by any other meuna in their power, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, tv be uppled under their direction to the arming, equipping and supporting volunteers of the County of Rowan and for the comfort | and support of the fam:besof volunteers whieh are left in need; that any bond given under this aathority shall be signed by the Clerk of this court under the seul of aaid court for such a sum and on such terins as the said committe may think proper, with coupons attached, signed by the clerk, and that said committee be aathorized to sell bonds executed under this | authority for the best price they wil bring. Itis further ordered and declared that coupons | itiughed to the bends above authorized, be | receivable in diseharge of alt county taxes _ and other county dues, and that this order be published ia both the Salisbury Banner and Carolina Watehman. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. us Sate ERSTE th a OESSE: HE, pntrintic oitizeve. ef Rowan | ure called upon to contribute to. |, the defenceof the aoilef, North Cyroliog,, The contest has commenced, sod trope have been sent le ‘ Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops from Rowan have gope and are ailil going, aud depend upou their fellew-citizens at home to sustain them. - There is a Store-Room opened in. Snlip- bury for the reception of anything that may be contributed. No freight for tgunsportation on any of the railroads will be charged, und Messrs. Mc ,UBBIN i FOS will re- ceive the robe end @nyt that may be contributed. * Bacon, M. leur, Corn, Peas, ” in pay’ ities wilt be taken. &: fully received. A list of every, man’s name who contributes will be preserved. R. MOORS, Col, Commandant 634 Regiment: ” 5 Important Announcement ! We are still Agents for the sale of Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED, NoisELess | FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. V J HICH are pronouneed by all to be the best Machine made. e are selling them, @eliveréd in this place, at Manufacturers prices, which have been recently reduced from fifteen twenty-five percent. We can far- nish Machines at any price from §40 to $125. Ladies who have a great dewl of sewing to du, should certainly have oe, as it will andoybtly prolong their lives ten to twenty years, ‘fe have sold a good many of these Machines al] of which have and still continue to pite.eml gpa Send a Panphlet. 4 ft R. & A. MURPHY. Salishury, April 9th, 1861. 3m47 Spring .Stook for 1861. HORAH & RAMSEY AAKE pleasure. in informing thejr friends penethe Public in general tbat they ure avw in febeipt of the- largest, most varied and chet ew vibe of RING AND SUMMER Q@DDS that they ever hud'the ple esure to offer. There Goods have al] been bougin far cash at greatly reduced prices, and will be offered fur cash so ae . State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Terms, 1861. ( RDERED by the Court that all patrol companies in the county have leave to go | any where they may please in the county and discharge the regular duties of patrol companies, when they see fit, as fully out of their districts as they have heretofore discharged the in with- in their respective disiricts. JAMES E KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. uf3 THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Western N.C. R.R. in the County of Catarwha. al buildings since last season, will be open- | ed for visitors on the Ist of June. Ample arrangements made for comfort and — amusement of Guests. A fine Band of Music | engaged fot the season. New Bowling Aléy , and Bathing Saloon erected. Every effort will be’ made ‘to make this a pleasant and safe retreat for the families of | those who may be at thie crisis called from | home—indeed ample arrangements made to , ‘insure this. HIS popular Summer reaort, with nddition- MRS. E.J. ROBARDS. | May 13, 4861. _ ame CASH SYSTEM!! Almighty God, our respected fellow soldier and | FEXMAE undersigned give notice that their brother in arms Danren AGNeR, has'been sad- | business will hereafter be conducted on | the CASH PLAN. They feel thut no apolo- gv for this course is at all necessary, the pr. | ‘cuhar state of our pablic affairs rendering it imperative. They will be pleased to sell to their friends end customers at the most favor- | able prices possible ; but from and after this) day will trade only on the cosh or barter plan. | FURTHER NOTICE Those indebted to os by account, are re- quested to come forward and close the same by cash or note. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. tfl | Gold-Hill, May LOth. TR61. } ees - Volunteers Wanted for the Salis- | bary Greys. CTIVE and vigorows tnen, LA serve their Coantry, are invited to join | the new Rifle Compawy—Sulisbory Greys. “ Forin, Rillemen Form.” May 9, 1861. | \ | { { anxious to | | \ tft ~ Gold AHL Mining Company, TIME Stockholders of the (rold Hill Mining | i Company, are hereby notified thut the Sib Annual Meeting forthe election of Directors, &c., will be held at ther Otlice No. 84 Beaver Street, on Tuesday the }4th day of May heat, between 12 and 1 o'clock, P.M. AMOS HOWES, Pres. New York, April 30, 1861 Sipdl To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- joining Counties. S ourimtercourse with the North is now | A effectually broken must be supplied irom the up cououtry, the un- | | | dersiyned solicits consignments of Flour, Ba- | | con, Lard, Hay, Butter, &e., ge, which shall Have hie personal attention | JOHN F. FOARD. | Newbern, May 1, Ix6l 3m52 only at ynprecedented low pv Cull, pnd sce thems Wear prices and ju r youtsélves. , Jo view af the peeertabmy, of every thingy in business affairs in these revolutionary times, we have adopted the cash system, believing it 10 be the best for oursetyes.and our frends. Those having open «ecyunts with us, will please calf withoat delay, und close them either by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSEY. Saliebury, April 23d 1561. (130 (ASH SISTEM ADOPTED | Great Reduction in Prices! Selling Of for Cash only. Come and See! Vo & YOUNG, will eeW their 4 entire stock of New Spring and Sum- mer. Goods at greatly reduéed prices for cash only. We have been competed by ‘oat dong credit customers to adopt the nbove plan. By the reduction in prices it will be greatly to the interest of ali who have money towpend | for Goods to trade with us. Come wvd see ! NOTICE.—We now make our last cull on al] persons having open accounts with us, to cume forward and gettle either by cash or | note, We have waited too long aleeady on a@ great many persons. and ware now determined | to cloxe up var accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG. April 23, 1461. 1r49 1 rq 5 ” NOTICE. — B* VIRTUE of-u Power of Attorney re- gularly executed to us by M. Hofflin, we hereby give notice that wl persona indebted tothe said M. Aafflin, most minke paynvent to | usor to car Attorney L. Blackmer, on of be- | fore the fret day of Jane newly for ab & nye all chime dde M: Hofiin wee di ‘bo, sned upon withous reserysigon. All the claims due M. Fofflin wilt he foand in (he poseeksion of either L. Bluckmer or W. J. Mille. The Goods remaining in M. Hodfin’s store wilt be sold at Baltimore cast. WARZBERG & STIEFLE. April 23d. FREI. 4w50 WE HAVE IN STORK 35 bbls. Coffee Sugars, 10 hands. Molasses. 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. 800 Ibs. Sole Leather. +0 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Cotlee. casks Rice. All of which we offer at: greatly reduced prices R. & A, MURPHY. April 3. 3m47 z ane LW. JONES. M. Da. | I AS permanently located in the town o | BB Sali bury, and offers his services to the public in the various departments of his profes- FIO. 4a Office on Main Street, first door above | Bais’ Confectionery. JN Tay Teel] sy ~ &m35 up and oue market | | Notice (0 Sheriffs. We I | and on moderate terme, for cash. | your orders. and put in bouks if desired, at short notice Bend in ec ‘Hard Tygieg Dnt gtapy Them ! Mé@abbins & Fostér R¥ mow in recaipt of a vary jlarde cand k of TIRELY NEW GOOLE bud Utorsent greatly re- duced prices, .consiqling in part of “_ 4 oe STAP HARDWARE, CUdery,) Queensroirs, Lats, Cape, and Bonnet, Roots, Shoes a Leather, Clothing ; Black- ‘omiths and Carpentere “* | Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Sands, Orage ER RE LE! as Lineced Oil, Caloe'd Peinia of oli kintis.; Rifle and Blasting Powder; Shov- . els and Spades, Tron of all kinds, in short Everything tiat hé People Want. These Gouda are offered to the pudlie at Exceedingly Low Pricee for Cash or Barter. Come and look Gor yaekot ld Greut induce- menta offered to Conntry Merahant McCUBBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS’ CORNER, April 9, 1861-4147) Salisbury, N. C. BOGKS ! J. STEWART YS ‘PREPARED TO. e furnish at short notice Colleges, Schoole, Academies and the public generally with any Books that may be wanted, at lowest prices possible. He always keeps on hand a well selected lot of cheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Churches with Hymus to bait thé ‘latest and meet popular publications of the. .tigpes, writing and printing paper of all sizes, cheaper than evesabef; or at retail, blagit fhe ries and size, Potty, J 9 Bd, Ato, ; INKS. Hartieodl'a; Jay Barrisot ¢/C Qh ambiap Bok. Japon Inte SE tech eens: Harrison’s Carmine Ink, Fluid, the best known, ver) cheap for cash, ’ WALL PAPER, To his plrendy large and beautiful aseott- ment ofjwall ppper, {he hag dee Tevelved a large tot ‘ofthe latést patterns, whith for bewuty, style, and cheapness arefar superior to any ever before red inthis market. Window Shades, Fire Screens, ete. : Orders of anything in hie line solicited. Salialigry, N°C., Feb. 19; 1861. tmo |" March 95th, IBL | NEW Spring and Summer _GooDs! INHE subscriber has the pleasure to an- ounnce to his friends and the public gener- ally, that. he is receiving hie venue! Stock o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compue- ing a rich assortment of all the LATEST STYLBR LABIES DRERS consisting ip part of Bitkp, Berpuens y dines, Berage-Anglaise, Mozambiques, dies, Challies avd a large Stock of EMBROID- 'ERIES, to all of which he asks a special examinatian.. C4 A @, t Tan adsortthene of Biekdhae® Do- meetie, Linens, Houseikeeping Grods, ae., No. 4 ak Wodldite 2 Mach Bs 48 _— Baliobary, N.C. Notice.-To Farmers. Something Valuabfe te you alf! ; sree : FRONEFIELD’S CATTLE POWDERS, FEVHE ORIGINAL AND GRENUINE—all others put’ ep in sunifur style are bape | counterfeits. Frovkrfecy’s Powornrs cure most alt divedses of Horses and Cattle, and keeps them in gpod condition. ; ; Peérfertty enfe under all circumstances, and warranted to give satisfaction. Price 25 centx per Package. Sold by WwW. H. WYATT, Dtuggist and ) Apothecary, Nos 186 and 188 Maia at., Salis- | VAX RECEIPTS, neatly printed to order, | bary, N April 9. 4147 Farmers, Look Out! — Money, Time and Timber Saved?! L have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence, Made without posts, in the Conhties of! Ada- mance, Randolph, Rockingham, Davideon, Rowen, @iburras end Mecklenbarg. Clyeap- ness, durability, and convenience are its chie ‘advantages. We freommend the Feure to sew owvers, furmers, und all who have fences to make. We will sel! Kagm or County | Nights A circular stating. caste, plan of: build- | ng, d@&o., sent free touny address on epplica- thon to JNO. J. WHITE, | Mebanesville, | Mar. 19, 1861:.9m44] Alamance, N.C. | g®» Ohurlotte Democrat please copy three months und forward bill to subseriber. | THE Casi SYSTEM ADOPTED W EK are now selling our stoek out at re- | duced prices for CASH. No goods sold on credia All persons indebted to us are request- ed to call and pay up. R. ¢ A MURPHY 49 | | April 22, 1861. ' on iy WYATPS' Bonic’ Udedaab i: The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIE. It is, Uneqnalled for DYSENTERY. | Te liad ghied Pijones Ps DIARRHORA.; The best physicians recommend it for Ite use on the first syinptome, and hefere a physician can be obtained will prevent . ee CHOLERA. It will save many lives, much time, sickness, suffering apd money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. /t only Costs a 25 \ : = i » , GENTS. \ Prepared by W. H. Wryarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Muiu st., Salisbury, N. C. April 9. 6m47 FOR THE SPRING TRADE. E are now receiving a lot of new and desirable Goods for tie SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. OUR STOCK Widt not be as lange ve on former seasons, but wilh have a good assgriment. We shall have a very handsome and select assortment of all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, and wit offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market und Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out o@r stock this Spring ead Summer and fur that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to caff and examine our Goods before purchas- ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2in47 Spring Stock for 1861 R.& A. MURPHY. 1 RE now receiving their usual Stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, em. | bracing FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Jugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, aN of which are offered for sale at greatly reaipet Aged prices for cnsh. eusa store for you. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbary, April 9, 1561. 3m47 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. E above Guano is siid to be r better | <I fertilizer for the culture of Tobacco, Cotton, staine, Roots, Grapes, &c., than any other am ted. Terlal is allthat is necessary to prove its tiorily. SPRAGUE BRO. arch 25, tf45 JAMES HORAN, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R, & A. Murphy’s Store, SALISBURY,N.C., EBPS constantly on hand alarge assort- rmoent of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- scription repaired in the best manner and un the mést reasonable terms. Pehrnary 14, 1860 MILO A. J, ROSEMAN, M.D, AVING studied in prominent Medical Colleges and Hospitals, North and South, and. having been practising in the various de- partments of his profession for nine years with good success, he continues to offer his services to the public where he is permanently loeated, and by strict attention to his profersion will endeavor to merit a liberal patronage as heretofore, and holds himself in rendiness at al! hours, dxy and night, for professional calls. 17 Office at Roseman’s Store. April 23, 1R61. LL PERSONS who are indebted to me are respectfully requested to call and make immediate payment, as I am compell- ed to have money; and ar this is the first time that Ihave called on my friends, I hope they will come op promptly i R.P. BESSENT. tf27 ly38 3mpd49 Nov. 29th, 1859 « call, dnd see what we have in! National Flag! WM: M BARK QULD INFORM BIS OLD friends and -custo- and prepared to furnish any styly of BU ot CARRIAGE from the best 10 (ho lowest priced. He has recently visited a number of the Northern manufaetorite and acquainted him- self with nie late improvements in his line, and magee ge menibby whigh he cay sup- ply hoaeeaee is with Northern work much cheaper than could be done ot orderng u single job. He intends to build the finest and cheap- est work ever done in the country and soli- cits a cal! at the Sign of the National Flag. WM. M. BARKER. July 31, 1860. tr10 New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, omit AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & Co., their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COP- PER-WARE, STOVES, §c., now Offer the largest and handsomest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered in this murket, and Oe eet can be had a vey » alikindsef Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hend. Al) kinds Tip, Sheet-Iron or Copper work done at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1861. ly36 i 50 - . Fss On & Séecb 7S S 5237 Exo Sa seis se | wets. iy egis P= = a © =e 2g gles S 7; E sofo cu “~ 329 bra | | | WORTH & DANIEL, Wholevale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. | Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liguors, Wines, Cigars, und Tobacco. Sulicit cousignments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobaceo, and Couatry Produce generally. bratsd Seales. D. G, WORTH. | Late of Asheboro’, | NEG? | Sept. 1s, 1860. Brown's Livery Stable. N.G. DANIEL, For past 7 years with ly18 ee | | S kept ap as heretofore. is gratifying to him that this | establishment. begun, at first, as a doubtfulexperiment, has proved to the public w great desideratum and # com- plete success. Travelers, anc others can al- ways have their wants, in th's line, well sup- | plied. Cush prices puid for Provender. And the subscriber is always ready to sell or buy good Horses. | BROWN. ttd7 THOMAS E Jan Ist. 1861 HARDWARE!! | T HE Subscribers are receiving and open- ing at the old stand of G. M. & A.'T. ' Jones, the largest Stock of Hardware | ever offered in this Market, which having been bought directly of the Manufacturers or their augeuts, exclusively for cash. They are pre- pared to offer inducements to Wholesale or Re- tuil buyers. A call is respectfully solicited. | JONES & OVERMAN. Saliabury. Mar 13. 1860 tf43 DENTAL NOTICE. aC ae aaa { | EB DR. BESSENT, | AS REMOVED to rue DENTAL | | [ ROOMS onthe corner formerly occu pied by Dr. Barwon, where he is prepar \ edito attend al! operations connected with his | profession can 1. 1860 TV. BEMISTER. House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &c.. Main S1., opposite Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warrant- ed to be done in a workmanlike manner Jan. 22, 1861. 6m36 Fine Shirts and Collars, Tf you wieh to purchase fine Shirts and Col- lars call at the Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL, No. 2, Granire Row (732 Sept. 25.-(f19] MARRIAGE LIVENSES | GREAT EXCITEMENT | | | | | | | Agents for Howe’s cele- | { T.C. & B.G Woatn. | | | | AT THE GREAT _.. CLOTHING EMPORID DAVID WEIL Hams RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and CUMPLETE Swock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Such as Baots, Shoes, Hats, Capa, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Mandker- chiefs, anda fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &c., &c., to which he iuviles your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe sold cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ar I um determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal! pat- ronage heretofure bestowed, I hope fur a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO. 2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. March 25, 1861. uf44 In Time of Peace Pepare for War. MERONEY & BROTHER, RE offering to the public the best asegrt- ZX ment of FIRE ARMS ever brought to this market. Colt’s Belt and Pocket Pistols, old and new model: also, Smith & Wesson’s seven shot; Sharp’s 8 oance Pistol, that cun be curried in the vest pocket, will shoot through anioch board 75 yarde. Sharp’s 10 o2., shoots through aninch board 100 yards; imitation Cults’ at reduced prices. Bliss’ Cartridge Pistol, 6 shot ; Rider's self- cock-ing; L X L self-cocking ; also Bowie Knives, assorted sizes ; Sharp's Sportng Rifles, will kill 300 yards, and a good jot of guns. They offer their stock of goods at reduced prices for cash, as they intend doing a cush ba- siness. Their remaining stock consists of Comba Brushes, Buttons, Saspenders. Belts, Fans, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, taucy ‘head Pins, Perfumery, Extracts, fancy and teilet sonpe, stationery articles, Portmonais, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Razors, tine and commen pocket Cutlery. walking Canes, sport- ing articles, Whips, Musical Instraments, Wit- low Ware, Baskets, ‘Traveling Satehels, Fan- cy Groceries. Fruits, Cigare, Tobacco, Snuff, and pumerous other articles too tedious to | mention, all of which they offer at low prices. Those indebted to as, mast cul! and pay their notes and wecounta by the first day of July, as we shall place all accounts then unpaid in the hands of officers for collection. MERONEY & BRO. Salisbory, Jen. 7, 1861. 34tf Salisbury Female Seminary. . HE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the 11th February and close the Ist July. ‘Phe school has been increasing in num- bers every term. We have now a goodly number, vut could take a fewmore. If the number cuntinuex to ipcrease, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per " Term Tuition, in English, from $5 to 17.00 Ke “Latin, 5.00 It | Music on Piano. frem 15 to 20.0€ Use of Instrument, 2.50 Incicental expenses. 1.00 Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular address A. D. WILKINSON, Jan. 22, 1261—t{36 Priocipal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS & FOSTER AVE just received u very large lot of FARMING IRON, consisting of Shove! | Moles, Bar Tron, Wagon tire 1g, 1} and 2 inch; | | | FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICK. | jan ak sel. Buggy tire 1g and 14 inch; Oval Iron 4, §, and 3 inch; Square Iron 1 and 14° inch; Buggy Springs and Axles; Patent and En- ameled Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., 1ogether with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARF, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. They keep constantly on hand « sapply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FISH, COFFEBR, SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD, BUTTER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Snkine Corner, Salisbury, N.C. Feb. 12th, 1861. tf3Y New Tailor Sho ) p. ©. ve E subscriber hus opened anew TAILOR SHOP in the rooms formerly occupied by Horsce H. Beard, dec’d. qualiications in this line, warrant him in say- Hie experience and | ing that he will be able to meet the most fasuidioux demands. Call and get your gar- | mests cut to fit vou, and made to last, in- stend of buying the sloachy, half-made rags in Ready-Made Clothing Stores. Cutting aud Repairing done to order. Produce taken in exchange for work. WM. HOWARD. 3m34 H.C. JONES & SON, Jan. &th, 1861. Altorneys and Counsellors at Law, \ TILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court. EL. C. Jones, jr, will also practice im the Courts of Tredell and Cabarrus Counties All claims entrusted to them for collection will meet prompt attention 1 Offilee No 3, Bick Row, nearthe Court- house Hee 4.0. Jones, ar Jones, jr tf35 ave BLUE STONE, | be. BLUB STON B, for sale by meee HENDERSON & ENNIS. 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for sale by HENDEREON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Ouring Tobacoo. From 210 to 24@ deg:, for sale by HBENDERBON & ENNISS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For saleby HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. 40. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Ennixs’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNIss’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at . HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL Le FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. Given ap by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SPICES! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger. Mace, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg», for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIs»s. VINEGAR ! 30 cts. Pare Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Galton at HENDERSON & ENNESS’. Sept. IR, 1860 tf North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCES8ORB TO N. BOYDEN & SON, ILL continue to manufactore and keep on hand all V Agricultural Implements made heretofere. Plows, Corn-Shellers, Hocse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators, They also manufacture Shafling and Machinery for Grist Mills, Cireularand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, acres and Silver Mines, Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtares, &e., &c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description madr to order, and. warrant- edinevery rexpect. Repairs of every descrip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. We are Agente for Burnett’s Wheat Fans. Salisbury, N.C., Jan. 2. 1e61. ly34 Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greensbdero’ ; Democrat, Charlotte; Western Advocate. Asheville ; Carolinian (tri-weekly) Columbia ; Observer, Fayetteville; and Iredell Express will publish 3 months and forward accounte. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnel, C. P. Mendenhall. D. P. Weir, James M. Garrett, John L. Cole, N. H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barrin- ie David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed T. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy. Lumberton; Alexauder Miller, Newbern; Thadeux Mc- Gee, Raleigh; ‘Thomas Johnson, Yancey- ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey. Wadeshorongh : Rev. R.C. Maynard, Franklinton; Dr. BE. F. Wat- ron, Wateonville. A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw nnd Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider & Sugar Mills. OFFICERR: N.H.D. WILSON, - President. JED.H LINDSAY,- - Vice-President. C.P. MENDENHALL, - Attorney. PETER ADAMS, WM. H. CUMMING, - W.J. MWcCONNELL, - J. A. MEBANE, - J.M.GARRETT, - Allcommunications on business connected withth: Office, should be addressedto PETER ADAMS. Secretary. Greensboro’, N. C.. June 19,1860. tf4 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. P ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION PRODUCE. GIVEN tothe purchase of all kinds of And toall consiguments to be sold in this market or shipped to other Ports February 14, 1860. {33 Sec. aod Treas. General Agent. - Executive Com | ee reery -+ | HOSTETTER. STOMACH BITTER; The rietore and manufact qerrew CELEBRATED STON ACs, US al with perfect contdene yeicians citizens generally of the Vat to ‘becanse the article has attained, noe heretofore unknown. A fey PiOsa A ot peimt will speak more powe 1) volumes of bure sesertion or eek than The consumption of Hostetter’s reels 7. ters for the: year smounted to over , ae million bottles, and from iis manifes, ga increase in times past, it is evident that re the coming year the consumption ii) , i near one bottles. This immense oo could never have been sold but for th sa medicinal properties contained in the ° ‘ Preparg. tiom, and the sanction of the most promi physicians im these sections of the fee where the article is best known, who not oi? recommend the: Bitters to their patients ‘he are ready at all times to give testimonials toi : efency in all cases of stomachic derangenent and the diseases resulting thereirom, = This is note temporary popularity, by extraordinary efforts in the Way ( peting the qualities of the Bitters, estimation of an inveluable medicine, which destined to be as enduring as time itself . Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have Proved & Gédsend to regions where fever and ague and veriows other bilious complainis have counted their victims by hundreds. 1p }, able to state confidently that the “Bitter, are a. certain cure for the Dyapepsia and jit, diseases, is te the proprietors a source of yp. alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomech, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs mildly but powerfully, and soon restores the: toacondition essential to the healthy discharge of the fumctions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily ag directions on the bottle, and they will fing in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, imyigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic. and rejuvenating generally. We have the ey. dence of thousands of aged men anti womey whe have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from storach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abundoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merita of this article. A few words to the ler sex. There are certain periods wher eir cares are 00 harassing that many of then sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is sc absorbingly tender, that tic mother, especially if she be young, is apt forget her own health im her extreme antie'y for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear :/ body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity fora stimulant to recuye- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trius and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigors- tore that receive the endorsement of phy:i- cians, because it is agreeable to the tasie as well as certain to give a permanent increate of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhwa, are indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannusted invalids, persons of sedentary obtained ot trum. but a solid ; occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hu tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public againtt using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hosretren’s CELesratiD Sromacn Birrens, and see that each bottle hss the words ‘‘ Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic eap covering the cork, and pieces that our autograph signature is on the bel. — a@ Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEE ¢ SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold dy 1! druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. ‘ r _ SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orveans, La., SOLD BY Henderson & Euniss, and W H. Wyatt, Salimbury; by J. Reed, Concor. and by Porter & Gorrell. Gsreeusboro’, N May 29, 1860. lyl COWAN’S _ Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FaMIL)} SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bladder and Kidneii' Weakness of the Loins, &c. HIS invaluable Medicine is for sale ¢"? at Mocksville, Salisbury Statesville. ( cord and Fayetteville, and at Col. Anstii§ and no where else. ‘The subscriber having emtered into nership with John F. Cowan, original paten('? forthe manafecture and sube of rhe above Merce ‘eine, is prepared to furpieh a» supply by bus drexsing him at Saliabory, N.C, or calling” hiv residence, 10 miles west of this place E. D. AUDTIN tf yarl> June 21, 1855. DRA YING. he “FXHE undersigned gives notice thal keepe a TEAM AND WAGONS [ the purpose of Draying and will serve all» may favor him with ealls inghis line 0” ue commodating terme. GEORGE MOWERS March 20th, 1860. 143 Fine Suits. If you wish tobuy Fine SUITS of CLOT! ING for as little money aspussible, cal! 4! Great Clothing Emporium of . DAVID WEI! I? Rememper tie Stanm— No. 2, Mv Granite Row, Salisbury, N.C Sept. 25. BLANK DEEDS | FOR SALE AT THIS OFFIC qty st te lit tiki) ls st abtly ee peratenpah ten —sentpreoampeat pir ttn y , f ‘ SE MI-WEEKLY. —— Seo ts Sone VOL. XIX. SALISBURY, N.C, MAY 20, 1861. 0 0 aa J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS —- ye — ea ite eee UNCLE PHILIP'S LIDE. OR, FATHER KNOWS BES’. It is too mueh té be borie ? as well be a slave at once! ae sig scares a an eee: a ied when he knew he wae wright, and for | bade me ever to speak of it again until) The Medical Soekety of the Stat, she way put into perfect training. My] ° i) 4 ; ‘eee proud will rebelled against this. +. - -Phe,twaldth anoual meeting of this In- wants to drive a puor spiritiess creatare #! stitution was held in the town.pf Morgan- form that enee, with so much equity and | Front ihe Raleigh Standerd. pPleasantness presided over its interests. ut alas! that rulimy spirit’ will pre- side there no more. Low lieshis head in the silent tomb—hushed in that voiee— One might T havea good ee ae . \ . , i ma sapler dee | pulseless that heart. But #& noble work | mind to go anyhow iM I thought; besides, | could show her that; ton on the 8th. instant. We beara that Ten copies, gino | has there been done, He “rests from his! Uncle Philip heged these bitter, iadig- | she was not to kick and rear with the a8 apy altendatice Was not as nofgerous as on labors and his works do follow him.” ; haut wards, as he gat writing letters in the His eountty has been made the better | brary, aud be wondgred what trouble his | _ by bis having lived in it. A trae friend | vephew and gamesake waa in pow. formed the wicked resolve to give hera! ‘to learning und the firm advocate of all!“ Poor boy,” thought Le, with a sigh; first lesson whenever my father should be | no meeting held this year, on account of | that is ioright pare, and goud, he labored | “he is - named, for he has.all the bent | out of the wavy. \ ee the present unsettled state of affairs in the | for the best interest of bis nate county | strong self-will that brought ine so much | . ‘This opportunity came before long y it) ¢:, ; Wik | and Stats, devoting all his time and talent, | misery”—and then he ee and taking his | was court day, wad: father had busivess at! Statwand cowbiry. Notwithstanding, ater se did with James the other day, And Clubs exceeding ten,ioa the same pro- | : es ‘ su yaupting wyself in my owe mind I 61.50 each. Payment always in} former meetings, owing to. the fact that it was generalty reported that there would be Hoy tron ivauee. From the Iredell Express ERECTION OF A MONUMENT TO rib MEMORY OF HUGH R. HALL, ESQ., OF IREDELL, History informs us that Plato the Phi- losopher, a short time betore his death, tlessed and thanked God for three things ; that he had endowed him with a rational soul, that he was born a Greek, aud not a Sarbarian, aud that he had placed his he life-time of Socrates. then should our hearts swell with grati- cade to the same Almighty Dispuser of birth im t vith the vreat philosopher, with the noble tweulies of nud 5 by whose kind Provi- | loncy We have Inherited the glorious rigdts wud privileges of Aimericans—a nobler birthei| Greek ; been born period more celebrated for the gengral dif: : and the than that "rrous and have : > {). il “astom Of Knows): dare extended ! means of edueation renowned of Socrates. wre 2 . toe a . ' In wercttettll recognition of these livher Jans for our reverence and love, we ! rill not be forgetful of the lasuing debe eootitude we owe ty those who have la- bored Lome and faithfully tor our madasidual welfare aud the publig good, Not to im- thortauze a hero or cuInimemorate a saint, has Liis monument been erected; but two record in durable iuarble the respect aud esteem of friends and paptls for him) who now slumbers in the silent home of the lead, and to proclaim to future venera- dons the appreciated worth of the devoted lustructor, whose pame and memury is thus perpetuated. Five years ago in May, sad-hearted watchers around the dying couch pertormed the last acts of kindness that can ever be paid to that excelleut and worthy man—Heen R. Wace. Sl “ Cheerful he gave his being up and weat ‘Yo share the holy rest of a lite well spent.” Embalmed in the tears of coujugal and tifial atfection he now sleeps with lis tath- ers. His race is run—bis course is cuded —his work is finished, and he is gone to his reward. Near the consecrated spot, where his ashes bow repose, he was born, lived, labored and died. Tlow M i received under lis care, it than that possessed by the itlus- | pensation required. in a | ' | | | { | { i uress have echoed with eloquence, which ‘the Sacred Desk. Born September 16th, 1802, near Beth: | any Church, Iredell county, he died May loth, 1856, having spent twenty-five years of his life as Principal of Ebenezer Acad- emy. But little impaired io ntind or body by the decline of uature, or the infirmities of a more advanced age, he was called away in the full maturity of his usefulness. The winter of life bad not yet chilled his energies, ur frozen up the warm impulses of Ins heart. Death at such a time, though ever a Most sulemu event, may in many respects, be reckoned furtunate. Strong as were the cords that bound him to the loved ones of earth, he had nu great anxiety to prolong his hfe to infirm old aye. The substance of his own ex- pression on this point is still fresh in the memory of the writer, that as most per- | suns become comparatively useless and unhappy beyond three score years, he did uot greatly desire to live beyond that pe- nod, But even the last tew years of his three score were reserved for holier em- ployinents, as we trust, im a higher and happier state ef existence, His sun of life, unobscured by the gath- ering mists of years, sank to rest in its ac- custoined splendor, We remeinber him how, not as ons who, bowed down with the decrepitude of age, had long before his departure been numbered among the superanuated ;—Wwhose active, energetic manhood had been succeeded by a second elnldhood. Ue lives in our fond remem brauce as the man of active devotion to lis calling, possessed of all that dignity, knowledge, and experience which sv weil yuecliticd tite for its responsible duties, Well understanding the nature and prov nee of lis office, he becxine an honor un- toit: and Wid muol to promote its din ty and influence. There, far remote from the noise and bustle of the outer world he consecrated all his energies to bis impor- tant mission. To many # passer by, those whispering stoves that surround the old Acadertny, | recall the glad scenes and enlivening sports of younger days, and as the wandering eye fastens upon that now deserted shrine of learning, be looks, aad looks again, to behold the happy throng that onee ocoe- pied its vacant seats, and that dignified to the canse of. Kdveation and the promu- stick, limped to the dour and said jn a low | the county town, which was fifteen miles tion of sound knowledye. Whatever of reputation for veneral in|“ Philip? | telligencs und the apirit of education and,» The boy was standing in the hall with, Mnprovement, the beloved old county of his bat in his band and an irresulute look Irede may now possess, no small share of | upon his flushed and augry face, as hough this is due to his lone and continued eff, be were hesitating whether or nut to do Lone, : away. | and my inother was going part of the way | . ho | induced ' struction—none so rich as to purchase his Ave Who has in 2 s : ¢. . eee S Tneuec us, 1h Common | fayor except in return for virtuous conduct | friend. forts. ‘The rich and the poor were alike | None so poor as to be deaied the full privilege of lis in- \ \ | \ | aad manly deportment. He was emphatically the poor boy's | Phere be could yo, well assured | that to act well los part was all the com Not with shame and confusion of face was he made to feel lis inequality ; he there found not only a kind instructor, but a guardan aud protector, who always consulted his trterest and ad- vancetnent. Manvare now scattered over this broad land, tilling stagens of heh re- spectabrity and influence, who are indebt- | ed to the kindness of tne liberal sprit for | the honorable positiuns in society which | they occupy. Forbearing to mention names, we miglit refer to the biilhant and talented Hishop of Oreyon as one of the most distingmsh- ed sons of which Ebenezer can boast.— But they are to be found in all the puranits | and professtons of lite. The Halls of Con- there first Its rising nowers essayed., We tind them at the Bar, in the Medi- cal profession, in the Martial field, in the Instructor’s chair, and many of them in How few who remain ed under the care of Mr. Hall longenough to recelve any permanent impressions, but | are vow living honorable and useful lives. | These are some of the results of Ins faith | tul labors. | | | | | How appropriate his resting place, be- side the kindred ashes of his own istin- guished Instructor—the pivneer of learning | and reliviou in this section of our Southern country. Where is the man who did more fur the generation in which be lived than | the veuerable Dr. Hallé Lu those dark | and periluus times that tried the souls of our forefathers, he was the great champion of Liverty—a valiant soldier of the cross, and an able defender of our inherited rights. | With the sword of the Spirit in one band and the warriors fieree blade in the other, in harmouious concert such as the world | bas seldoin witnessed, te, with the one | served his God, with the other his country ty the reproach of neither cause. History has never yeb gathered toto her treasury all that is valuable in the life and labors of | this pre-emiveutly useful man, Ap emi.) nent Minister—a profunnd Theoluzian— | an adept io science—a learned Lustructon. —and a yallant chiefiian, le was a pillar | | water to-day. what was in bis mind. He tormed at the ‘sound of his uncle’s voice with a half guil- ty look, aud when the yeutleman said quiet ly. “Put down your hat, Philip, and come in here--I want you,’ he obeyed withouta word, His uncle Jooked at him with a vrave, kind face, as be threw himself sul- leuly into # chair, and said presenily. * Poor fellow ! sometbiuy las pune very wrong with you, indeed. Tell me about | it, and we will see what can be done.’ “Nothing cau be done! broke out the boy, pussiouately, * You know iny tather never gives up for any one? We been planning a boat-race all the. week==a rowing miatcl, you know, iu our tte skits —and father cucouraged it, be- | catise he says he wants me to grow up tellows | have strong aud stout, and all that; aud Ive pracuced so hard Pm pretty sure [should beat} and now, just becanse there’s a bit of black cload in the sky and some white- | caps on the bay, he says Lo cant go. Li's, The other fellows all think Im atraid to try—and they'll brag so at school uext week. I wish 1] bad auuther tather 0 | “Oh, Philip, Philip? sud bis unele, | shocked and grieved ; “where could you | tind a kinder, or more loving one! You are strangely forgetting God's command | to honor thy father.” “Well he need’ut be so terribly deter- tuv bad ! | ued,” said the boy, sullenly. * Yes—wheu he is nyht, as he almost Falways is, as he certainly is now, Philip, If you were not blinded by your eager- | ness, you would sce yourself, that it would be perfect recklessness to go vat upon the This is a wind ecload, and it will burst in a yale by and by; [can hear the distant rumble of the surf even now, and see what a clear black and white the waves are! [ am afraid my boy, if you had yielded to the temptations which caine to vou a while ago, you would have | learned, as bitterly as I did, the lesson that | ather knows best ” “You, Uncle Philip?” How was that?” | You never told me about it.” Unele Philip’s countenance grew shad- owed, and he said, sadly. “No. It is painful to me, even now, , to think of the reckless, self-willed temper that made its slave when Iwas a boy, and brought a lite-Tong misfortune upon me,— | But [ tell you of it, Philip, because [think it may help you to see how wrong your | own feeling 43 just now, 1 pray you may never need such discipline ax | have had ? Philip looked down, abashed, and touch. _Innd seemed to stir up the half wild crea- Suber LT would live or die. He would be goue the whole day, with lim to visit a fried who lived pear | the road he would have to take, [bistened | to the plan with delights it was baying- time, the meu would all be busy in the far | meadow, my sister had permission to pass the afternoon with a school-mate, and the | coast would be clear. It was Saturday — | L shouid yo tor Tom Halstead, my special | chum, and together we would sce if the | pretty Sea-Foain should be queen or not pi ‘Ivery thing turned out favorably for | my plan, ‘Low, whom 1 did not tell of | inv father’s prohibition, was ready enough | fora drive with such a splendid animal, | and together we harnessed ber to a litde , light buggy, spate of ber flashing vye and pawing teet, and started off, wild with the exenement of mastering sactia spirit, All wel a djittle while; L teld the reins witli a firm band aud Sea: Foam sped alouy as lightly aud as whitely as the, wave-crest sue was named for, [had al ready beyun to exult in my triumph, | when suddenly the sound of wheels be- well tot : : | ture like a truinpet-call, and she quickened her gait into such flying rapidity that we | both grew ftigiteuaed and I drew in the | reins with all (ie ~treneth | possessed.— | | The sense of beiny checked irritated ber ; with a long, fierce ucigh and a proud toss | of her head she sprang away, the lives were | jesked from my grasp, she felt free now, | | and it seemed as though her feet were winged. We might be dashed to pieces any moment—it was terrible. Tom scream- ed out, ‘Jump for your hfe! Ishall,” and sprang | out of the buggy, talling heavily upon the ground. I thouytit he was killed, and bu- ried uy fase in my hands to shut out the tearful sight. Another moment and there was a terrible crasli—-I telt myself dashed tu the vruand, and something heavy and sharp passed over over my toot; and then there was a stranve rushing in my head every thing grew dark, aud I kuew no Dole. ‘When I opened my eyes ayain I was } i str a be j yas a rom . . , lying in a stranye bed, but it was my fatl | tating their couvenience and comfort. er who stood by its side, with a stern, mournful counteuance ; + was my mother’s teurful face that bent over me. ‘He 1 ative!” they both exctaimed, and then there was a burst of sobs, and I frint- ed avain, Lneed tot dwell npon all the long, painfal, weary illness that followed, Philip, when my friends—-Tom amony thein, for he bad been only bruised by his fall—-drung rotund me, scarce knowing whe- You know what a token it left we,’ and he glanced sadly at bis aimed aod baling tiib, * aud you cau imagine It was ny last: disobedience, 1 never doubted after that, tather knew of strength iv Church aud State;—and | 4 by the sad, earnest tone, and his uncle | best. Wonld you wish to learn the lesson the canse of education received an impulse | from his self-sacrificing labors, which has | . | ° . . . . produced in the present day many of the try, you know, when we were children, and | fine face suffused with feeling, ‘I never! be gan. * Your mother and I lived in the coun- in the same way, my boy ? ‘Oh, Uncle Philip? said the boy, lie educational advantages which we enjoye— | our father had a good many horses ; fur kuew before how you became lame—I am The reader will pardon this digression, We woald, in conclusion congratulate ithe friends of this noble enterprise—the | erection of the monument——-upon its suc cessful completion. It now stands forth as a most fitung emblem of Inm to whose | meinory it is consecrated, The straight | and unyielding shaft may well represent him Uprightness and int grity of character 5 | the firm and solid pedestal, the sound and | stable principles upon which lis lite and | yetions were based: its npward poinuny, the high aims and heaven directed hopes | whieh were the comfort of bis Ife, and bie support in death, Gone to the embrace of that greatest of Teachers, by whose word and instructions bia eonduct here on earth was moulded, he bas left to his sur- | viving faimily, the rich legacy of a spotless reputation and a life well spent—to stu- dents and friends, an endeared name and memory, and an example worthy of initn- tion; and to the world a hallowed influ- enoe for good, the results of which eterni- ty alone can fally unfold. | **Rest, therefore, thou | Whose early guidance trained our youthful | steps— Reat in the borom of God, till the brief sleep Df Death is over, and a happier life Shal! dawn to waken thine ineensible dust.” April ®, 2861. J. A. he did not do business in the city as yours dues, but he had a Jarze farm.” “T only wish grandfather was living now, and I could go and visit hitn! broke in Philip already soterested. His uncle both sighed and siniled, and | wenton: “When | was about your age, old Hotspur, the horse my father used to | ride when he was a young man, | died of sheer old age, and lis place was taken by a new one—a beautiful cresture, so full of spirit, so graceful, and with such a silky white coat, that your tother said no name would suit ber so well Foam. She claimed her as her horse and wanted to learn to ride ber, but it was soon fouod that, lovely as the creature was, she | possessed so fierce and unruly a will that it would be unsafe to trust her with any one but a strong man, until she should be thoroughly broken in. I thought this very hard, as T lind been accustomed to hurses from a Jittle child, and thought my- self quite capable of managing the most vieious one, [had promised myself great pleasure in driving Sea Foam, the prettiest creature in the country, as I thought, and if she were so spirited, all the better! I longed to match my will against hers. 5 tried to persuade my father to let me AS Dea try her, but be wns like yours, very decid- sorry! Thank you for teHing me, and in- deed, I will try to learn the lesson you wish from your own experience. 1 suppose, of course, father does know best—he wouldn’t cross Ine on purpose.” “No, indeed iy lad,” said his uncle ear- nestly ; © and if be would net, how much jeve would your Lleavenly Father! Learn | to trast Him too, my boy and whatever happens, believe always "4 best.” KON. The Children's Guest The Pulpit on the War,-—The Rev. Mr. Vandyke, of Brooklyn, whose nniti- | abolition sermon has excited so tiuch at tention, preached last Sabbath morning on the state of this Country, setting forth in | strong terms the duty of sustaining the Union, the Government and the Flag of the Country. He adhered, be said, to the opinions set forth in the sermon on slavery preached some mouths since; but while he recognized the right of revolation, he repudiated the theory of secession and in- sisted that when the laws were resisted and the authority of magistrates contemoed, it was the daty of all citizens to rally to the mere the Government—New York . ie town of Mo was quite a number present, an? a very satistactory meeting held. A tumber ot reports were made by diffareut members, upoo the diseases of their counties. Drs, Ketly of Iredell, Payne of Davidson, Sharp of Davie, O. Happoldt of Burke, submit- ted written essays, which were read to the Society, and eligited, a discussion upon the hygenic, thereputical and vaned treatment of the numerous diseases incident to their immediate sections of country. Dr. J. M. Happoldt, of Morganton, also gave a lucid avcount of Vernal Asthua, as it annually oceurred in his own person, ‘Thre case as well us the other s¢ports were ordered to be published in the Medical Journal. It cettainly speaks well for the vitality of the Society, that under the adverse circum- | stances of the times, the physicians should continue to labor jn the promoting of science, We also learn there was ap ad- ditiou of some twelve new members to the Society. The following are the officers eleeted tor the present year: PRESIDENT, Dr. J. JI. SUMMERKLL, Salisbury. VIC K- PRESIDENTS, Dr. J. M. Happoldt, Morganton. ~ J.B. Hughes, Newbern. “ R. L. Payne, Lexington. W. R. Sharp, Davie. “ | SECRETARY, Dr. W. 6. Thomas, Wilmington. PREASURER, Dr. C. W. Grabam, Kenansville. ORATOR, Dr. M. Whitehead, Salisbury. | A resolution was passed unanimously to | sustain the Medical Journal, and a liberal | allowance made to its support. The profession of Morganton were un- ‘tiring in their efforts in bestowing their | hospitalities upon the members during their stay. The convivial party given by them [a Thursday evening at the Mountain | liouse, will long be remiembered by those | who were so fortunate as to be present on ; that occasion. The the proprietor of the Mountain House, the membera generally, “but the Medical Board io particular, feel iunder many lasting obligations for his _ioarked attention and kindness, in facili- | ‘Tbe Board of Medical Bxaminers of the | Suate held their third annual meeting ip rganton on the 6th inst. Members of the Board resent, Drs. J. H. ' Dickson, President, C. E, Jobnson, W. H. i McKee, J. G. Tull, O. BF. Manson, and CU. | Hhapp-oldt, when the following named phy- aiejauis received their certificates to prac- tice medicine within the State according to j laws Jor, R. C. Pearson, of Morganton. H.W, Tate, of Morgauton. C. Hill, of Duplin county. J.C. Sheppard, of New Hanover co. W. J. Love, of Wilmington, J.P. Fuller, of Person county. i) | N.M. Scalés, of Wilkes county. « W. W, Gaither, of Gaaton county. ~ J). A. Shimpock, of Montgomery co. | DP. A. Barrier, of Cabarrus county. | “* J. M. bawing, of Mecklenbarg county. J.C. Gidhey, of Cleaveland county. | The next annual meeting is to be held {in the town of Wilmington on the 2d | Wednesday in May, 1862. | ose ANI) STILL THEY COME. | ‘Twe hwndred toore veterans from Louis ‘ather hnows | iana under the command of Capt. Wm. I. 'Viticett, w sot Of our former townsman, ar- rived héve, yesterday poon, bemg the ad- ‘ vane corpse of 800 who will arrive to-day. | They were furnished with quarters imme- | diately on their arrival. They are a fine, (hearty aud hale looking set of meu, and | when they marched through our streets | made a beautiful display. They looked as! they could swallow old Lincum and his j host of Aiyrmidons at one meal. A lady who noticed their determined and warlike appearance as they marched throng the city, remarked to a genUeman standing near her, “if the Indians are on our sit we are all right.” North Carolina Small Notes.—We are glad to see the North Carolina small notes of the devomination of one, two, three and four dollars are freely passing current in our community,—P4 Ezpress. THE CHALICE RETURNED T9 THEIR LIPS. 7 = The N. Y. Herald of Saturdby week headé an article ‘ Practice Economy.” It remarke ‘Such is the prostration of business that the failures in New York since April 22d number two hundred ; and such is the quantity of pro- tested paper thrown on the banks that they now refuse to accommodate. One of these, day before yesterday, bad $30,000 worth of pa- periprotested. Real ésiate igtnsaleable, and rents are gone down, because people are un- able to pay.” It recommends ‘ those who bought three or four coatein a yeat, now to wearane.” So the holiday part of it is over al- reudy—is it? The New York Evening Post, an vitra Re- publican authority, now before us, suys: ‘* * * Added to these two sourves of trouble, we have the stoppage of all seasonable trade. * * * Our dry goods auctioneers are reduced to a ne- Ceasity of refusing to make public sales, The bauks will not take their paper, and the owners of goods could not stand the excessive street rates. In fact, we have reached an extremity bordering on general commercial suspension of payment in staple branches of trade. * * * Bank officers huve all their euepictons alive that our commerce is destined to general bank- ruptcy, and they reject the paper of houses that are yet solvent, on a sweeping presump- tion that they must fail at last.” The New York Day Book says: The failures, the prostration of business which we now eee on every side of us, is but the com- mencement of the general wreck and misery which muaet fall upon all elasses, as this crue! und unnatura] war progresses. The price of all kinds of provisions will aimost hourly in- crease, while the means of procuring them will constently diminish. The amount of protest- ed paper already in our banks foretells « com- mercial crash, which wust end in the annihi- lation of all business, and in depriving hundreds of thousands of the very meansof support, and of even the necessaries of life. Real estate has no sale at any price ; rents most tumble enor- tously ; the landiorde willfind that the tenants will be unable to pay them ; the price of pro- visions will soon be entirely beyond the ability of the pooer classes to procure, and the visage of want, of antold distress and anguish will stand everywhere in our s:reets, anc in the doors of our houses. While tbe President re- ceives regularly his salary of $25,000, and ihe members of his Cabinet $9,000 a year, in the name of a righteous God, what are the poor people to do?’ The Adminstration is laying out work for a five years’ war, and when it is euded, there will be nothing to show fur it, but the ruin of our merchants, the starvatio:, and demoralization of our people, the graves of our dead, and the bleeding hearts of our widows and orphans. How will these men answer toa righteous and offended God for a these nume- less any needless horrors t—all of which might be honorably averted by calling a General Con- vention of all the States for the settlement of our troubles. From the Philadelphia Bulletin. INTERESTING FROM N. CAROLINA. We had an interview this morning with ap intelligent profeseor of music, a Northern man, who has sojourned in Greensboiu, N. C., for several years, aud who has jyat reached Phila- delphia after a tedious journey of six days. He furnishes us with divers interesting items from the North State. At the time of President Lin- coln’s proclamation, this gentleman was the captain of a volunteer company, a post he has held for several years ; but unwilling to espouse the cause of the South, he frankly stated to his subordivates his desire to retarn to his home | ia Lycoming county, Pa. With a truly chival- | rous sense of hovor, which contrasts nobly wah the, peremptory impressment or * driving out” further South, they ut once passed resulutions declaring that they could not expect him to side with them and they furnished him, more- over, with a recommendation tu Gov. Ellis, who received him ia the same manner, and granted him permission to remeip or depart ut his op- tion. Our informant reports the population of North Carolina as unanimous for resistance to the bitter end—thie determuration extending even to such late enthusiastic Union men as Jobu A. Gilmer. The lauer mude a speech reeently toan immensge crowd, wherin he de clated the following aentiments: “1 have tra- versed our State from Eus to West, bereech- iag its people wth (oursin my ever and prayers io may heart, to hold fust their allegiunce to the Unjou and the Constitution; but the war bus come and we must meet it tothe extent of our means.’ There are, probably, 30,000 men in arms al this time in North Carolina, drilling uight and day, and they compete the flower of the population, The State isconsidered vir- tually out of the Union now and will be form- ally so, upon the assembling of its convention. Oar informant found himpelt compelled to re- main in Richmond lust Sunday. He reports large numbers of troope from variour puints of the South congregated there, aad «thers arriv- | ing with eachtrain. They ate ander constant | exercise and are drifted jn small sqaads by expe- rienced offieers. Resistance tothe biter end seemed the prevailing expression among there troops, 48 our informant passed through the camp; but he heard little said ebout the con- templated raid at Washington. All expect that France, and perhaps England with that pow- er, will eventually thruw their vast rerour- ces into the Southern cawee, and one officer was heard to remark. in this connection, that ‘© Jefferson Davis knew upon whem to build his future hopes.” With regard to business affairs, eur inform- ant states that there exists in North Carelina ngt the slightest idea of repudiation of North- éro debts but all consider the State ‘ good for al she owes,” come weal come woe. The boarding sehools there are almost entirely broken up teraporarily. In conclusion, our informant declares at ex- ceedingly unwise to undervalue the forces und spirit of the rebels; he feels aseured of their resistance to the last. eee The Despotism at the North—A North- | ern paper has the following item, reveal: | ing ® spirit of despotism not equated in any despotic monarelty of Europe : “Four persons suspected of secession sentiments were arrested in Harrisburg yesterday.” “ Arrested” because “suspected” of “sen- tments.” No chatge that they bad said or done ov wrttten anythin 1 Such {s the despotism that wants t6 rule the Sonth '— Liicbsnond Dispateh. — -—---—e _ —— a — = \) ¢fKENWUCKY. a. Lincdp's yan at Washington ia got plegeed At the Agtiog of thie State. 11 obnsideg ite armed neutrality as more dangerous than imme- diate secession. Well, Kentucky has the i to act in her own way—and it is highly proba- ble, though there are some Yankee tories in her borders. that she will act in a manner worthy of her honor and renown. The Lincoln organ has these remarks: Kenrucxy.— We get no confirmation of de- nial of the Louisvilie dispateh of Muy 9. «hati has been agreed at a cunference of the leaders of tbe two parties in Kentucky, to recommend to the Legislature the arming of the State. If Mr. Critteudem has agreed to that, ities am ap- propriate termination of bis mischief-makiug cureer of last winter. The immediate secession of Kentucky would he lesx dangerous, than this insidious arming. under cover of # pretended neutrality. She has refused tw furnish troops to sustain the Union, and she declares that Amer- ican troops shall not cross her soil to strike at the rebellion. All the while, ber territory is a recruiting ground for the conspirators. If, un- der these circumstances, she arms, she will have joined the enemy to ali intents and purposes. a et = - VALUE OF AN EXPLANATION. A certain king it is said, sent to another king saying, “Send mea blue pig wtth a black tail or elree”— The other in high dugeon at the presumed insult, replied, ‘(1 have not one, and if I had” On which weighty cause they went to war for many years. After a satiety of glories and miserier, they finally bethought them, that as their armies and resources were exhausted, and their kingdoms mutually laid waste. it might be well enough to consult about the preliminaries of peace; bat before this could be concluded, a diplomatic explanation was first needed of the insulting language which had formed the ground of the quarrel. “ What could you mean,” asked the second king of the first, ‘by snying, ‘ Send mea blue pig with a black tail, or else?” ‘ Why,” said the other, ‘* [ meant a blue pig with » black tailor else some other culor But,” retorted he, ‘what could you mean by saying, ‘T have not got one, and if I had?” “Why, of course, if I had, I should have sent it!” anexplanation which was entirely satisfactory, and peace was concluded accordc- ingly. Are the North and the South acting mon wisely at preseut, than the two kings above? FORMIDABLE FOE. Vt will be seen by the letter of our Norfolk correspondent, that among the several thousand Confederate forces now at thut poi, is a body of three hundred Indians. These stalwart sons of the forest are from the county of Cherokee, N. ©., and under the skilful training of Gen. Jackson, a distingnished member of the N.C. Senate from Cherokee, are now ready forimine- diate action. A more formidable looking body of men, we are informed by a gentleman who has seen them, never have been congregated on this continent. Not one of them is under six feetin height, and, being built in proportion, they look more like modern Sampsons than any thing else to which we can compare them. The rifle has been their conste nt companion almost from infancy. and they are confessedly the best marksmen the world has ever seen. ring certainty, and load and tire with a rapidity which is really surprising. Each ian carries, besides his rifle, ascalping knife and tomahawk, and should they encounter Billy Wilson’s cut- throats, or Ellsworth’s Zouave pet lambs, the | Lord have merey ou the hirelings, for it is well | kuown the Cherokees will not.—Pet. Express. | WHAT IT COSTs. A Washington letter to the New York Tri- bune says that,— “To arm, equip, and provide « well appuint-_ ed furce of one hundred thousand, including | camp cquipage .artillery, horses, munitions, &c., | and two months’ provistons, will cost twenty - five millions of dollars, and thie for five hundred thousand men is one huudred and twenty five millions. For six months’ service. inclading transportation, this sum must be doubled.” The writer goes on to say that money is want- ed inore thay men, und urges every pairiot to | give &200 a year for the support of the war.— This is doubtless published us an excuse forthe Tribune corps of Editors, who have no fancy | for the fighting purt, but have a prodigious lk- | Nearly half of its Ed- | itors huve been provided with offices, where | ing for Lincolu’s offices. they can readily steal enough to give R2U0 a yeurto the wur. The Northern papers are boasting that *23,- 277.000 have been offered to aid the govern- ment Very well: that will serve for nearly two months. But where is the um to come froin for the nexttwoinenths, und the next,and the next? Fay. Observer. JUST AND SENSIBLE. The Goldsboro’ Rough Notes of Moucay last says,— “What a contrast between the election that is to come off to-day and the one that came off a few months ago for a similar purpose. Then the people of the State were divided in their views as to the best policy fer North Curotina | to pursue. Carolina in the *‘ white man’s government” in the quickest possible time.” There is some sense and justice in this, as there is neither in the attempt which some peo- ple and presses make to produce an impression that there are Lincolnites in North Carolina,.— Fay Observer. The Baltinore South” calls attention to the fact that ‘it takes 30,000 inen to prevent rebellion in the loyal State of Maryland,” (in- cluding Washington City ;) and asks, that be- ing #0, “how many men will it take to sup- prees rebellion in the powerful and revolted States of Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mirsiss- ippi, Louigiana, ‘Texas, Arkansas and Tenner- see? We leave this little sum in arithmetic, with the cost per head of each soldier, calcula ted for the probable duration of the war, to be ciphered oat by the Wall street financiers who have gotten the warup. That it ia going to last eomewhat longer than they at firat antici- pated, may be inferred from the refusal of Go- Vernment to accept any more volunteers, ex- cept for the term of three years.” They | shoot running or standing with the same uner- | Now they are a unit aganet the | Liacolnites, and all are in favorof placing North | SENTIMENTS OF EUROPEAN | f POWERS. The Washfngton correspondent (May 10.) of the New York Express says: (The italics are those of the Exprees,) | | he statesmen of the South, who are em: | barked in the secession cause regard it as morally impossible that France, England, | the exception of Sardinia, sbould not syin- bise with their present movement to break up the American we To the | monarchies of Europe our Government has been for eighty years a continual reproach | and a cause of fear for the perpetuity of | their own dynasties. Destroy it, and you | give them a new lease of power—an un-) limited lease in fact, to be terminated only | by their own folly. The overthrow of the United States Government, or the dis- memberment of the Union, would * block | the game for half a Se the | European Cobdens, Brights, Louis Blancs, Kossuths, Mazzinis, &c., &c. Monarchy and absolutism would breathe freer every- where, and the incapacity of men to govern themselves be regarded, even by those who: have heretofore believed in their capacity | for self government, as an established fact beyond controversy or dispute. Hence we find here in Washington the French, English Prussian, Russian, Aus- trian, Spanish, and Brazilian, Ministers are secretly or openly rejoicing at the downfall of the Americau Republic—and the Chevalier Bertinatti alone the Minister from Sardinia, regretting it. And why: does Bertinatti regret it? Manifestly be- cause he regards it as weakening the cause of a “united Italy.” If the American Union can be disbanded, why not the Ital- | an Union. Bertinatti, with his clearseeing | Italian intellect plainly enough dreads the effort. of our wrangling upon the future of his own country. Whenever, then, the Southern Confed- eracy cun manage to stand alone, tt mill find no difficulty in, securing its recogui- tion by the leading Powers of Furope.— Such at least, is the behef of neutral | Southern men of great intelligence, resident lin this city. We have never supposeed any other re- As to the satisfaction it vives absolutists to see our institutions de- va possible. |g | stroved that can no longer be prevented. If the Union is not dismembered, it can only be held together by force, and that is despotism—military despotism. We prefer to see the South any day under ALEXANDER, NAPOLEON, FRANCIS JOSEPH, Europe than under ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Richmond Dispatch. oO The Charleston Mercury, commenting upon the bloodthirsty articles contained in the last number of Harper's Weekly savs that the gravamen of offence on the part of the South, stimulating this spirit, may be decyphered in the following sentence taken from that warlike sheet. “The prospect of trade, for the present year, being entirely cut off, all that remains is to urge the war vigorously That is the amount of it, says the Mer- cury. Briefly, these Southrons have set up for themselves. ! Setting up for themselves, they set us down forever. |; Protective Tariffs were the first great, ; secret of our princely successes. They have killed off the protective tarith. Next we had seven eighths of the rev- enue realized by the imports. Next, we had the agency of imports and exports, | Our fisheries were protected. We had the monopoly of all manufactures. And having the majority in Congress, We appropriated the public money at pleas- ure, and ad Ubitum ; and, being pious Christians, we--put it all into our own pockets, i Alas! this cursed Secession cuts off our | agency forever; cuts off our fishery boun- lies; cuts off our appropriation of the revenues, Cuts off revenues themselves. British and French yoods will supercede , ours un all these seceded States. , British aud French and Dutch shipping j will carry all ihe cotton, rice, indigo, sugar, molasses, tobacco, lumber, tar, pitch, tur- | pentine and wheat. Our shipping will rot at our wharves, or go over to the ports where they get their | freights. We shall no longer have the monopoly | j of shipbuilding and manufactures. | We shall no longer bave the appropria- | tion of some eighty millions of revenue. | We shall no longer be able to make the , public treasury build our fancy railroads. We shall no longer be able to sustain a, million of office holders. Aud what will become of our Jegions of | lobby members. And what shall become of our bribable meinbers of Congress ! : All cut off, by one fell swoop of the | Secession aulchion. | No wonder that the pious publishers | howl; that the heathen rage; that they cry “havoc,” and let loose the dogs of war. “Othello's occupation’s gone !” Oh! Desdemona! | and the other great Powers of Europe, with | ; Victoria, or any other crowned head of |. SS ee, ADDITIONAL CAPTIONS Acts sed at the 7 Geveral Assombly of North Caro. lina convened in Raleigh, May 1, 1861. | 19. An act to create a military board. | 20. Resolutions concerning the regiment | of volunteers near Kaleigh. 21. An act to establish telegraphic lines | in this State. 22, Resolution in favor of Col, B. Le- | | 23, An act to provide for the public | defence. 24. Resolution authorizing the Govern- or of the State to provide for the provi- sioning of troops while they are passing through thia State. 25. Resolution authorizing and requir- | ing the Governor to commission such offi- cers of North Carolina as have resigned | or may hereafter resign their commission in the army and navy of the U. States. 26. Ao act to detine and punish trea- son against the State of North Carolina, and other offences against the sovereignty of the State. 27. Resolution in favor of LH. D. Turner. 28. Resvlution concerning post offices and post roads. 29. An act concerning taxes. | 30. Resolution authorizing the Govern: | or to erect batteries or other fortifications aud to purchase or charter and equip such | steamers or other vessels as may be neces: | sary for the defence of the sea coast of this | State. | 31. An act to authorize the county | courts and corporate towns and cities, lo | levy taxes for pulive purposes. 32. An act to make valid certain irreg ular progeediugs of the county courts of this State, and for other purposes. Extra Setsion ‘ The dol atebman, SALISBURY, N.C,: oe MONDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 16), 7 The State Convention meets to-day y, and we suppose an ordinance of secession will be passed befure the sum gues down. ewe THE VOTE IN WAKE. Badger, 1193; Holden, 1115; Battle, } 199. Bragg, 1093; Mordecai, 1110; Manly, 1094,” The contest for seats in the State Conven- tion, which meets to-day, was very warm In Wuke, und engendered some bitterness. |; all proceeded either from a disposition to douby the patriotism and fidelity of Messrs. Badger and Holden, or from a determination of the de- mocrats to grab every office to be had. Badg. er and Holden had been elect)d delegates at the former election by some 12('0 majority, and with this strong personal and political ep- dorrement, they announced themselves as candidates for the new Convention, _— oe OF Mr. Vance’s fine Company of Buncombe | county men arrived here about noon yester- ‘They have been ordered to Weldon, and We regret that the Governor did not assign them to a mor day. will leave here to-morrow. elevated post, and leave Weldon to be garri- soned by Eustern troops. These men are al} from the mountains—a high, healthy region— and it really seems that due regard ought to have been had to that fact, eo fur as it was possible. = me - DISBANDED. We learn that a Company from Mc Dowe!| 33. An act to provide against the sac- | connty, which encamped at Statesville for ritices of property, and to suspend special | some time, after exhausting their supplies aud proceedings iu cerlain cases. | failing to obtain acceptance from the authori- 34. Resolution in favor of J.C. Palmer. | ties at Raleigh, disbauded and returned home. 35. Resolution authorizing a settlement with the ayent for the Cherokee bonds. 36. Resolution in favor of LH. J. Brown | and others, 37. An act to repeal an act appointing tax collectors fur certain counties, 38. Resolution io favor of W. WH. & S. Tucker. \ 29. An act to provide ways and means for the public defence. 40. Av act providing Gme when volon- | teers shall receive pay for their services, 41. An act to orgamze the Military De- | partments and for other purposes. 42. An act lo extend the charter of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, for certain purposes. 43. An act to amend an act establish ing a new county by the vame of Mitchell. 44. Resolution in favor of the door: } keepers. From the Raleigh Standard. AN AXCTl, To define and punish Treason against the State of aVorth Carolina. [VAsSED AT THE EXTRA SESSION. ] Section 1. Se it enacted by the Gene- ral Assembly of North Curolina, and is hereby enacted by the authority of the sume, That treason shall consist only in levying war avaiust this State, or in ad hening to its enemies, giving aid and com- fort; or in establishing, without the an- thority of the General Assembly, any Grov- ernment within its limits separate from the existing government; or in holding or’ executing, 1p such usurped government any office, or professing allegiance or fidelity thereto, or assisting the execution of the: laws under color of authority from such usurped yovernment; and such treason, if proved by the tesimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, of by confession in open court, sball be punisned with death, dsc. 2. Be it further enacted, That, if any tree person, Knowing of any such treas- on, shall not as soon as niay be, give tn- formation thereof to the Governor of the State, or lo some conservator of the peace, such person shall be punished by fine and IMprisunment at the discretion of the Court. Sto. 8. Be it further enacted, That, if any free person advise or conspire with a | slave to rebel or to make insurrection in this State, or with any person tu induce a slave to rebel or muke insurrection, such person shall upou couviction suffer death, whether such rebellion or insurrection be made or not. Sku. 4. Le tt further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification, The Blockade, says the Richmond Dis- patch, which Lincoln intends for our inju- ry, Is working in exactly the opposite di- | recion. We have heard of nu less than four important branches of manufacture, (two of then indispensable in ume of war) which this blockade has tanght us to pro duce ourselves. One of these is manufac- | tured at less than balf the price of the Northern article, and is better in every re- spect. ‘The truth is, if he will only con- tinue his bloekade long enough, he will prove the most efficient ally of Southern manufacturing independence that we could possibly command. Rev. I)r. B. M. Palmer, a distinguished Presbyterian Cleryyman, is a private in the ranks of the “Confederate Guard,” New Orleans. | This is a bad business. We have heard mein- | bers of other companies complaining that the | Governor * did not have time” to commission their officers, but that other compunies have since been received and commissioned. We fear there is u screw loose somewhere. me - Asheville Spectator.—Mr. C. R. P. Byers, the editor of the Asheville Spectator, we tind isa member of Mr. Vance's fine Company of mountain men. As a conseqence, the publi- cation of the Spectator has been suspended, Mr. Byers lechanged the pen for the sword: the more pressing demands of the South requiring 2t, i hike a true patriot he steps forth, and says to the State. at your service. Of course lis | Kenerous patrons applaud hun for Ins pratrioue coul aye. for the present. has thus ex- = see Capt. Sniper, and his Company of 96° men trom Tlenderson) county. arrived here last Saturday evening. ‘tor Weldon. They deft this morning i el We had « most delightful ram last mht Health of Parmers, in- | fq: The wheat crop is ve ry promising the country never was hetter. ' dusirious and hopeful. } me ' U7'The Blockade at Charleston is a very im- “pertect one. The Niagara hax not been seen for two days. She was seen down about da vannah. During her absence from Charleston, several valuable ships and cargoes have enter- | ed—one, a Glasgow brig with iron. —- >e =- INVASION OF TEXAS. The papers bring repurts that Montgomery. of Kansas notoriety, has invaded North Wes- | tern ‘Texas with an army of several thousand, and taken Forts Washita and Cobb; und that the Texans ure rallying forces to drive them out. We think the story is doubtfal. From the Balletin. A CAPTURE. A gentieman who reached this eity vester- , day from Wilmington, N. C., (sayethe Charles- ton Courier of the 18th) informs ns that a large ship—name unknown—got aground on the Frying Pan Shoal on Wednesday bast. Her boat came into Smithville, N-C., fer assist ance, when u tng bowt went to her aid. Nhe was assisted off by the tug, her Captuin repre- senting that she was bound on a whalimg expe- dition, but from the very large amount of provis- | ions, on board, the suspicions of the N. Caroli- ‘nian became excited and they had reason to | believe that she is a government transport bound to some militsry post on the Gulf, perhaps © Pensacola. They have consequently taked pos- session of her, and her cargo take out, and hi ve carried the ship to Smithville. The sap- ply of food on boprd is said to have been im- menre, the ship drawing twenty-one feet of water, when taken, and whe is reported to be a large and fine vessel. | P.S.+—Since writing the above we have re- ceived the following dispatch, for which we are _ indebted to the coartery of the Editors of the ' Daily Journal: . * The ship Thomas Watson, Allen, from N. York. was brought in here to-day. She 1s from three to four hundred tons burthen. The char acter of her business in these waters is not yet ascertained. She is now lying at the wharfe leaking badly.” Four members of the Rowan Rifle Guard— Wms Brown, Reoves, Peurson and Davis were among the captoring party. ‘ | THE BANKS OF NORTH CAROLINA. At a meeting of the Presidents of the vari- ous Banke of thie State, held in this city on | Wednesday of last week, it wae agreed that lal the Banks of the State shonid offer to loan | the State 20 per cent. of their capital Stock. The amount thus tendered by the Bonk of N.- Carolina was §500,000. and by the Bank of Cape Fear about ®300,000. We think it prop- er to make this statement, in order to correct an crroneous statement that has gone abroad and whieh was copied into this paper, to the efiect that the Bank of Cape Fear bad tendet- ed a loan of &) 000,000 to the State. ———— A By tha Gov consent of the C William Joh Quarterma L. O'B. Bra Assie R. H. Riddi Com Daniel G. F C c.c. Tew. Meares, 3d Io Jnfautry Lieutes Williain P. Fi tohn W. W C Peter J. M Galloway, He ( T. N. Cran Hayes. Gabriel H. Hi. Brein. Peter E. H J. hneon, 2nd Joseph H. | a, Hardy, le Miller, 2nd kK 2nd Regimen Edwin A. | NAV. Wm. T. M p.U. Mus M. Crosson, Robt. C. Du W. T. Mo John John J.W. Par Oliver S.T Norfolk, Va. Edward V The electi meul, Caine Vuesday. ( SA wasel vith, Lieut the Cleav ure excellens Colouel W vorthy of yroupaly res S urmy anc a her deter vorthy Of st wag hes desi yuirhed bot tits Gol ‘ust the met redict that wiilnever th hey have er Fro Lincoln “tnors of a COINPFrY vue United a sonal yi Phere a oln ranks The pap i New Ve or the sol Have not ¢ [tis be tors Ferry mimanad) Many ou enth Reg ‘rn of en Fro EE \t an ¢ Was eleete Soodwyn honment LATE The doi ‘Mportant Capt. k he Unit HIS SOY MCCS The CO ‘roliaa Mets te It \s yt Pe “a from Many | ihe test 0 ANthority Nish sust THE p The P AS issue “OM men, "angemer ‘6 2M Ans - Oe A A ND ak ROR ad APPOINTMENTS he Govemer ty and with the ad arte the Manly Board. — Commissary General. William Johnstou, with the rank of Colonel. Quartermaster and Paymaster General. L. O'B. Branch, rank Colonel. Assistant Adjutant General. R. H. Riddick, rank Lieutenant Colonel. Commissary of Subsistence. Danie! G. Fowle, rank Captain. Jolonels of Infantry C.C. Tew. 2d Rept. Infantry; Gaston H. Meares, 3d Infantry ; George B. Anderson, Ath Jnfantry Lnreutenant Colonel of Infantry. Williain P. Bynom. First Major of Infantry. John W. Woodfin. Captains of Infantry. Peter J. Mallett, George 3. Lovejoy, TS. Galloway, Henry R. Burgwin, Jr. Captains of Cavalry. T.N.Crampler, J. M. Miller, George W. Hayes. Captains of Artillery. Gabriel H. flill, Alex. D. Moore, ‘Thomas {{. Brein. Surgeons. Peter E. Hines. Ist Reg’t Valunteers, John Jhnvwou, 2nd Regine nt of Volunteers. Assistant Surgeons. Soseph H. Baker, Ist. Regt. Volunteers. John G, Hardy, let Regiment Volunteers. John F. Miller, 2nd Reg’t Volunteers, Wim. 3. Muody, tod Regiment Volunteers. Chaphain. Edwin A. Yates, Ist Regiment Volunteers. NAVAL APPOINTMENTS. Commander. Wm. ‘T. Muse. Tieutenants. Bau: Murphy, W._N. E. Boudinot, Thomas MW. Crosson, Win. W. Roberta, David Coleman, Rob's. C. Duval. Midshipman. W. T. Moore. Paymaster. John Johnston. Chief Engineer. J.W. Parks. Naral Agents. Oliver S. Dewey, Newbern; Marshall Parks | Norfotk, Va. Surgeona. Edward Warren, Wyatt M. Brown. The election of field officersof the 2nd Regi- seut, cate off at the caine, al Graysburg, on Vuvsday. Capt. Sol. Williams, late of the U. ~ A was elected Col; Ed. Cantwell, of Ral- gh, Lieut Colonel; aud AL W. Burton, Capt. the Cleaveland Guards, Major. All of these are excellent selections. Colouel Williams has already proved himself vorthy of the old North State, by his volupily resiguing bis posituop ia the late U. ~ army and coming home to ‘conquer or die u her detence; and she has showed herself sorthy Of such a son and capable of apprecia- vuy his disinterested patriousin, by the dietin- guirhed honors which she has coaferred bin. Leut. Col. Cantwell and Major Barton, are ist the men for the times and place: and we | redict that the gallant mea who elected them vuitever have any Cause la fegret the choice ley have made. From the Charlotte Bulletin, RicuMOND May 16. Lincoln has pledyzed himself tu the Gov- cniots Of all free States that there shal) be Compromise or Gessation of war ual cue United States Hay Hoats over all the ‘ational property, ALEXANDRIA, May 16. There are maauy deserters from the Lin- vin ranks, The papers of Tilmish awd other places ' New Vork, are calling for old clothes or the soldiers, stating that some of them ‘ave not changed linee for three weeks, [Lis believed there are 400 men at Lar ter's Ferry and 3100 at points near it and | mimanding approaches, Many inembers of the New York Sev- ith Regiment have gone home, their “rn of enlistment baving expired. w From the South Carolinian, ELECTION OF OFFICERS, RicuMonn, May 16. \t an election held this day, k, P. Jones ‘s elected Lieutenant Colonel and A. D. ‘oodwyn Major of the Second Palmetto “iment, Seath Caroling Voluateers. LATEST FROM MONTGOMERY. Montcomery May 19. Vhe doings in Congress to-day were un- ‘portant, Capt Elzey is here, having resigned from | “ Cnited States service, and tendered | "S services to the Confederate Goveru- then, — O ALEXANDRIA, May 16, 1861. di Tekers etre of the Customs in North ‘roliaa and Virginia have ceased to make “Urns to the Departinent at Washington. It is Understood that Virginia is exem p- “l fram the operations of the blockade. | | | | | Wasnixeron, May 16, 1861, ; Many of the troops here refuse to take He test oath on account of the municipal } ‘ithorities of their homes refusing to tur- | Mish Sustenance to their families. PE y IST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Montaomery, May 16. | The Postmaster General's proclamation YAS issued to-day, announcing that he will | ““MmMence the control of the postal ar- "atgemenis on the Ist of June. | time, fifteen days, fo leave port, with or with- C , dreve, BTA fT Ry rer Wrekin, Vw. Mdy 15, 1861. A resolution hes passed the Convention sitting here, condemning the erdindues of sceession ; alsa providing for a Conven- Non to be held on the 11th of June, to be composed of counties favoring @ separation of the Stnte. After the adoption of the above the Convention ndjourned sine die. —~-0 —_— Battimors, Md., May 16, 1861. This city is oeeupied by federal troops. Regiments are organizing in Maryland to support the administration, ALEXANDRIA, May 16, Schooner Indiana, with a cargo of nails for this port, was seized to-night, by the United States steamer Pawnee, W ashinaton, May 16. No additional troops arrived to-day. New Yorx, May 16, The steamer Bowman has arrived from Fortress Monroe, with the women and chil- dren of the garrison, an attack being con- sidered not unprobable. : MILITARY MOVEMENTS, &c. Ricumonn, May 15. | Richmond is quiet to-day. A clash of | arins 38 looked for shortly at Larper’s Fer- ry or Norfolk, We learn vothing further to-day in regard to Fortress Monroe. Sev- eral thousand troops arrived here to-day. Gen, Bonham aud staff have gone into camp at the Resevoir. All the South Carolina troops have been mustered into the service of the Confeder- ate States, A iarge and enthusiastic meeting of the Baltimoreans, in this city, was held tbs evening at Market Hall. Daniel Ratclitte, haq., was called to the chair. Addresses | were delivered by Hon. Edmund Lattin. of | Virginia, Clarke, and others. Preliminary NA, ¢ NORTH CAROL ORTH CAROLI . DAVILA COUNTY, | _ Le Basity. Spring Term, 2 Arthur Neéley apainst Joséph ‘W.' Halt and Burton Craige, Exeeators of Solomon Hatl, dec’d., n@dt Beaune: Au@ia, gud wife Mar- aret. , j fn thie case, it appearing to the of the Court, that Beunet Austin Margaret, are not inhabitants of this State: It is ee ast eee be made, for six weeks, In the Carolina Watehman, for the said defendants to be and appear at the new Term of the Conrt of luily, to be held for the Coanty of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday. in Auyust next, and Plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same” will be taken pro Confesso, und the cause set fur hearing ex parte, as to them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity for said County, at office, the 4th Monday afier the 4th Monday ia Feb- ruary, 1861. « 4 satisfaction and his wife L. BINGHAM,C M.E. 6w3 pr. adv. $5.50. May 16, 1861. Salisbury Fe HE exercises of this inetitution will be r pa 4s heretofore, under the direc- tion of the subscriber. In Consequence of the disturbed state of our public affairs he has changed his purpose to remove, and hoper to make himself as useful to this community during these troublous times as posible. Be- lieving that his labors have been generally satisfactory, he solicits an extended patronage, and would ask his friends to aid him in increas- ing the number of his pupils. A. D. WILKINSON. May J6, 1861. 613 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seesions, May Term, I861. (C)EpeRED by the Court that D. A. Davie, John 1. Shaver and A. Heuderson act as a Committee to raise on the faith and credit of the County of Rowan either by means of County bonds or by any other means in their Power, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, tu be applhed under their direction to the arming, equipping and supporting volanteers ef the County of Rowan and for the comfurt steps were taken to organize a regiment of | Marylanders, The Inceting Adjourned to | tivet on Thursday, at 12 m. Barrons, May 15. Gen. Butler has issued a proclamation stating Chat he tas occupied Baltimore to enforce respect to the laws, both State and Federal, and directs that all manufacturers of arms report to him. Le forbids all | (ransportation of arms and stores South: | requests all officers of the Maryland militia | to report to the General in command; pro- | (bibits the display of any flags, banners. | Fensiyns or devices of the Confederate | / States, and eclares all persons who exhibit othem give evidence of a design to afford j aid and comfort to the enemy, Gen. Butler bas seized the arms pur- chased by the city, aud had Ross Winaus, heay., of the [louse of Delegates, arrested in the cars as he was returoing from the | Legislature, refusing the bail offered, and | would not permit other members to see lim, nor would he give Gov. Hicks any | rexson for the arrest, | The Governors of Ohio, Pennsylvania, | Tndiana and Ulinois pledge their States to | | protect the Unionists of Virginia, Kentucky and Missourt, The small pox has undoubtedly broken out in the Capitol at Washington, | } { { ) | | | | | The Blockade.—Secretury Welles, in reply lo interrogations trom Philadelphia, says: “All neutral vessels will be allowed a reasonable out cargo after the blockade is actually insti- tuted” | | Maryland in the Abolition Congress.—Gov. Hicks bus issued his proclamation designating Thursday, the 13th of June. as the day for holding a speial election in Maryland for the choice of members of the Congress which is to assemble in spectal session at Wasttugtoa. on the 4th of Joly. FP The next Quarterly meeting for East Rowau Circuit, will be beld at Yadkin Church, op the Ist and 2d days of June. W.H. BOBBITT, P. k. 1 WY ASH SYSTEM. WING to the great pressure in business, und distracted state of theycountry, we are compelled to adopt the cush system We have a yood stock of Staple and Fancy Dry (roods that we are anxious to sell off for the cash, and will sel) Fancy Goods regardless of cost. We have also on hand, Coffee, Sugar und Sult, all for cash or barter, at the mar- ket cash prices. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, May 20, P62. 4t4 PS. We sre very desirous that those ow- ing by note of account will call und pay up. as we are very needy. B.C. & M. N / Attention! Military Companies, ‘| Home Manufacture and material, well made, and of latest military style at low price. Ad- JAS. fT. ENNISS. Salisbury, N.C. MHE eubecriber is prepered te farnishh to Compamer the Militury Fatigoe Cap of | | | { | J | | May 17, 1861 % ve Tt ’ TOWN ORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Saliebury hava discretionary powers to arrest and lock up in the Calaboose uny per- son, white or black, who may be found tn the streets of Salisbury after dark who shali be guilty of any disorderly conduct, or be uuable | ‘to give a satisfactory account of himself; and any person so committed to be brought before me for further proceedings on the following morning. JOHN I. SHAVER, May 3, 1861.-1f51) Tuteudant. and support of the familiesof volunteers which are left in need; that any bond given under this authority shall be signed by the Clerk of this court under the seal of said court tor such a sum and on such terms as the said committe may think proper, with coupons attached, signed by the clerk, und that said commiliee be authorized to sell bonds executed under this authority for the beet price they wil bring. It is further ordered aud declared that coupons attached ta the bonds above authorized, be receivable in discharge of all county taxes and other county dues, and that this order be pablished in both the Satsbury Banner and Carolina Watchman. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. {3 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Terms, 1361. RDERED by the Court that all patrol JF companies in the county have leave to go any where they may please in the county and discharge the regularduties of patrol companies, ; when they see fit, us fully out of their distric(s | as they have heretofore diseharged them with- | lu their respective districts. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. i) THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Weatern N.C. R. Roin the County of Catawba. i hs popular Summer resort, with addition- al buildings since last season, will be open- ed for visilors on the Ist of June. Ample arrangements made for comfort and umusement of Guests. A fine Band of Music engaged for the season. New Bowling Alley and Bathing Saleon erected. Every effort will be made to make this a pleasant and safe retreat for the families of those who may be at this crisie called from home—indeed ample 4rrangements made to insure this. MRS. E. J. ROBARDS. May 13, 1861. 2m2 CASH SYSTEM !! FIXHE undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASHL PLAN. They feel that no apolo- zy for this course in at all necessary, the pe- culiar state of our public affairs reuderig it imperative. They will be pleased to sell to their friends end curtumers at the most favor- able pzces possible ; but from and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to ua by account, are re- quested to come forward and close the same by cash or note. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill, May 10th. IR61. tfl Volunteers Wanted for the Salis- bary Greys, zi serve their Country, are invited to join the new Ritle Company—Salisbury Greys. “ Form, Riflemen Form.” May 9, 1861. trl To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- joining Counties. Ae oar intercouree with the North is now effectually broken up and our murket must be supplied from the up country, the un- dersigned solicits conrignments of Flour, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Butter, d&e., §c., which shall have his personal attention. JOHN F. FOARD. Newhern, May J, 1861 3m5s NO CREDIT. ( UR TERMS after the ist of May next will be exclosively Cash or Barter. We are compelled to adopt this plan fot our safety, and we hope no one will take offenge at it. Persone having secounte with us will please call and close the same by ensh or note. McCUBBINS & FOSTER. Salisbury, April 23, 1861. 50 ¢ ‘ e attest i ‘ V7 pd dob WL Hard tae on’ me Them ! - MYmRs ag « candidate for County Court . ee) . Clerk of Gaw - . i § fay “y F } ‘Gana gps ope: | MOU sle nik wooosearen ggrecree ope | MCLODRINS & Foster fice Af County Coart Clerk of Rowen County. To the Public! THE patriotic citizens of Roway are called upon to contribute’ to the defence of the soilof North Carolina. The contest has commenced, and ‘troupe have been sent to Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops from Rowen have gone and are atill going, and depend upon their fellew-citizens at home to sustain them. There is » Store-Room opened in Salis-- bury for the reception of anything thut may be contributed. No freight for transportation on any of the railroads wit} be eharged, and Messrs. McCCUBBIN & FOSTER will re- ceive the freight and anything else that may be contributed. Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Beane, dc., in any quantities will be taken, and thank- fully received. A list of every man’s name who contributes will be preserved. B. R. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63d Regiment. Important Apuouncement ! We are atill Agents for the sale of Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED, NOIsELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Wiese are prouounced by all to be the best Machine made. We are selling them, delivered in this place, at Manufacturers ptices, which have been recently reduced from fifleen to twenty-five percent. We can fur- nish Machines at any price from €40 to $125. Ladies who have # yreat deal of sewing to do, should certainly have one, as it will undoubtly prolong their lives ten to tweuty years. We have sold a pood many of these Moechines all of which have and still continue tu give entire satisfaction. Send for a Pamphlet. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9th, 1661. 347 Spring Stock for 1861. HORAH & RAMSEY AKE pleasure in informing their friends aa the public in generatthat they are now in receipt of the Jargest, most varied and cheapest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that thev ever had the pleasure to offer. Thee Goods have all been bought for cash at greatty reduced prices, und will be offered for cash only at unprecedented low prices. Cull and ee them, hear prices nud judge for yourselves. | Tn view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairs iu (hese revolutionary times, we have adopted the cash system, believing it !o be the best for ourselves and our friends. Those having open accounts with us, will please call without delay, und close thein either by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSEY. Saliebury, April 23d 1061. (£50 he Selling Of for Cash only. Come and See! cNEELY & YOUNG, will sell their entire stock of New Sprieg and Sumn- M only. We have been compeffed by our long credit custumers to adapt the »bove plan. By the reduction in prices it will be grently to | the interest of ali who hnve money to spend tor Goods to trade with us. Come and see! NOTICE.—We vow make our fast call | Yon ; . : | dines, Berage-Angluise, Mozamiqnes, mer Goods at grea(ly reduced prices for cash | diet, Challies wud « large Stock of ad | ERTIES, to a) of which he ask a Special RE now im, receipt of .n, v large and well, aletied. bibck ob MNTIRELY NEW GOODS, hough) for eaeb af greatly re. duced prices, copsisting in part of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY &00DS, HARDWARE, Cutlery, Queensroare, //ats, Caps, and Bonnets, Boots, Shoes aad Leather, Clothing ; Black- smiths and Carpenters Tools, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, GROCERIES, Drags, White Lead, Zinc; Tanner's and Linseed Oil, Color’d Peints of al} kinds ; Rifle and Blasting Powder; Shoy- els and Spades, Iron of all kinds, ig short Everything that the People Want. These Goods are offered to the public at Exceedingly Low Prices for Cash or Barter. Come and look for yourself. Great induce. ments offered to Country Merchants. McCUBBINS & FOSTER, JENKINS’ CORNER, April 9, 1861-4t47} Salisbury, N. C. J. STEWART IS PREPARED TO e furnish at short potice Coljeges, Schools, Acudemies and the public generally with any Books that nay be wanted, ut lowest prices possible. He always keeps on hand a well selected lot of cheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Churches with Hymus to suit the letest 4nd must popular publications of the times, writing and printing paper of all sizes, cheaper than ever before offered, by the reagh or at retail, blank Books of every description and size, Pens, Envelopes, Pictures, etc., etc. INKS, | Pfarrison’s Ink, Harrison’s Columbian Ink, | Jnpan Jukes all sizes, Black, Blue and Red; Hurrison’s Carmine Ink, Arnold's Writiag Fluid, the best known, very cheap for eash. WALLPAPER. To hia alrendy large and beautiful tessort- ment of wall paper, be has just received a large lot of the latest patterns, which for beauty, style, and pueepnere are far superior to any ever before offered inthis market. Window Shades, Fire Screens, etc. Orders of anything in his line colicited. Salisbury, N.C., Feb. 19, 186). 1740 March 25th, 1861.” NEW Spring and Summer GOODS! | T HE subscriber has the pleasure to an. } ounnce to his friends and the public gener- | ally, that he is receiving his usual Stock o / SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, comprie- | ing w rich assortment of all the | - TADIES DRESS GOODS, | | consisting in part of Silka, Bereges, Grena- Organ- BROID- | examination, Aso, w full assortment of Bleached Do- | meetic, Linens, House-keeping Goode, de. AL MYERS, | CTIVE and vigorous men, anxious to | | | | No. 4 Granite Buildin g, Mach 25 —45if oa all persous having open wccounts with us, Suliebury, N. G. to come forward and settle either by cash or | note. We have waited too long already on a | great many persons, and are now determined ! Notice.-To Farmers. to close up our accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG. tf49 | Something Valuable to you all ! { April 23, 1&61. ‘ ryy NJUV NOTICE. FRONEFIELD’S Y VIRTUE of a Power of Attorpey re- | ER i gulitrly executed to us by M. Hofflin, we CATTLE POWD 8, hereby give notice that all persoum indebted iT ENHE ORIGINALAND GENUIN E—all tothe said M. Hofflin, must make payment to | others put np in similar style are base usor te our Attorney 1. Blacknier, oa or be- | counterfeits. fore the first daw of Jane uext, for at that date Froveriktip's Powvers care mostall diseases all claims due M Hofftin are directed to be | of Horses and Cattle, aud keeps them in good sued apon without reservation, All the claims | condition. due M. HWofflin will be found in the possession | Perfectly exfe under all circumstances, and of either L. Blackmer or W. J. Mills. The | warranted to give satisfuction. Goods renaining im M. Hofflin’s store will be | Price 25 cents per Puckage. sold at Baltimore cost. { Sold by W. H. WYA‘TT, Druggiet’ and HARZBERG & STIEFLE. | Apothecary, Nos 186 and 188 Main st, Salis- April 23d. 1X6). 4w50 | bury, N.C. WE HAVE IN STORE April 9. 4147 Farmers, Look Out! | 3. bbis. Coffee Sugars. i 3 . = 8 Money, Time and Timber Saved ! ! 10 hhds. Molasses. ay) | I have the right to sell 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup, | Vandemark’s Portable Fence S800 Ibs. Sole Leather. Migs Ga a ene 2 e . Nod. | Made without posts, in the Counties of Ala- o0 kegs Nails. . | mance, Randulph, Rockiugham,* Davidson, 25 bags Rio Coffee, © Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. Cheap- ness, durability, and convenience are Sts Chie advantuges. We recommend the Fence to saw mill owners, farmers, and all who have fetiees to make. We will sel! Farm or County rights. A circular etating coats, plan of build- ing, &c., went free to any address on epplica- | tion to 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly reduced prices. R. & A. MURPHY. April 9. 4m47 | Ty: i 9 eo |. W . JON ES, M. D., AS permonently located in the tewn of | | | Sali:bury, and offers his services to the public in the various departments of hie profes- | son. _ | i” Office on Main Street, first door above | Bais’ Confectionery. } Diane lo Sol. | Notice to Sheriff. | TPXAX RECEIPTS, neatly priated to order, ‘I and put in books if desired, al short notice avd on moderate terms, for eash. Send in your orders JNO. J. WHITE, Mebanesville, Alamance, N.C. please copy three und forward bill to smbseriber. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED E are now selling our stoek out at re- duced prices for CASH. No goods sold on credit. All persons indebted to as are Tequent - ed to call and pay up. R. ¢ A. MURPHY. t£:49 | | | { | Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44] | ae Charlotte Democrat | Mouths 6m35 | | | ‘ April 22, 1861 : . WYAT Tonic, Cordial... Bra voat Meakbn6 W fi CHOLIC, é It is Unequatted ‘for DYSENTERY. ~ Tp tay cured Thous ot i? .o* PTARRMOEA. o. The best ph ysiciaus ¢éc-Gp ngend Jt for FLUX. Its use on the first symptoms, and before a physician can be obtained will prevevt CHOLERA. ; It will save many lives, much time, sickness, suffering and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. Lt only Costs 45k t brs 8 25 | % NES. if Prepared by W. Apothecary, Nos. 136 st., Salisbury, N.C. April 9. 6m47 ~ GOODS FOR THE SPRING TRADE. Wt are now receiving a lot of new and desirable Goods tor the SPRING and SUMMBR TRADE, OUR STOCK Will not be as large «8s on former seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a very handsome and select assurtinent of all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market and Especiaily to Cash Buyers. We are deseriogs of cloging out our stock this Spring and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods ut Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to caft and examine car Goods before purchas- ing. Il. Wrarr, and 188 Main BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2m47 ‘Spring Stock for 1861. ee R.& A. MURPHY, A® now receiving their nedal Stock 5f 2p | | RING and SUMMER GUODS, em | ag ' FANCY AND STAPLE | DRY COODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for aule at greatly | reduced prices for caeh. | Give usa call, and see what we. have in store for you. R.& A. MURPAY. | Salisbury, April 9, 1561. Sind | Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY \ SPRAGUE. BRO. | HE above Guano ie suid to be: better | fertilizer forthe eulture of Tobacco, Cotton, Grains, Roots, Grapes, &c., than any other | imported. A trial is allthat is meceseary to prove its | superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. | March 25, tf45 “JAMES HORA, Watch-Maker and Jerreler, | One door below R. & A. Murphy’s Store, SALISBURY, N.C., | EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ' ment of WATCHES nud JEWELRY of | al) kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- | scription repaired in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. February 14, 1860 1y38 MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M.D, AVING studied in prominent Medical Colleges and Hospitais, North and South, and having been practising in the various de- partments of his profeasion for nine years with good success, he continues to offer his services to the public where he is permaneutly located, and by strict attention to bis profession wall endeavor to merit a dtberal patronage ax heretotore, and hulds bimeelf in readiness at all hours, day and night, for professional calle. Li? Office at Roseman’s Store. April 23, 1861. 3inpd49 LL PEBSQNS who are udebted to me aré\reapectfally requested to cull and | make immediate payment, us T am congpgt!- | ed to have money; and as this iv the’ firsi time that IT have calléd on my friends, I hope | they will come up promptty | R.P. BESSEN'T'. Nov. 29th, 1859. tf27 ‘ugents, exclusively for cash. ll ) st pbtiie WM. M. BARKER PoULOULD. INFORM HIS ; OLD, friends and custo- — mere that Ke Is agali in the | Carriage. Business, A and prepa rnish ‘any style of BUGGY or CARRIAGE from the best to the pwest prieed. ‘ He hus recently visited a number of the Northern manafactories and acquainted him- self with all the Jate imprevements in hisline, and made arrangements by which he ew sup- ply thage pre feriag it with Northern worg much cheaper thau conll be done by ordetng a single job. He intends to build the finest and cheap- eet work ever done in the country and soli- cits a call at the Sign of the Nateonel Flag. WM. M. BARKER. July 31, 1860. tfl0 New Firm. MURE & SOSSAMON ’ AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & Co., their eutire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, PER-WARE, STOVES, &c., now offer the Jargest and handsomest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES everoffered in this market, and will sell for cash ae low as can be had in West ern North Carelina. Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned N-WARE | and) BTILES kept on hend. All kinds Tin, Sheet-Iron or Copper work dune at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. Salisbury, Jan. 22, 186A. ly36 COP- = 2 secu CoO ee — tae Ss = ee.sy Cratad = a So — wp SE _ SO Cy a Qmm 2c .% —_— == = 5 Vf i a “Zorba H =~ 226%) S & e et ein i =P 5 4) ee 35,5 a a wm Ss ry —- — ee ce 2 SS D 005 == = = SIS ~~ fee — GD 3° -¢=> ae S 22° ee a \ WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front StTreet, NG ONS GO) aN Dealers in ail kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigars, and Tobacco. Solicit consigninents of Flour, Dried Front, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobaceo, and Country Produee venerally. Agents for Howe's cele- brated Reales D. G. WORTH. Late of Asheboro’, N.C Sept. 18, 1860. Brown's Livery Stable. S keptup as heretofore It , is gratifying to him that this establishinent, begun, at first, as a doubtfulexperiment, has proved to the public a great desideratuin and a com- plete success. ‘lravelers, and others can al- ways have their wants, in th:s line, well sup- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. And the subscriber ix always ready tosell or buy good Horsex. N.G. DANIEL, For past 7 years with TC. & B.G. Wont lvl THOMAS E. BROWN. Jan. det. 1861 tf47 HARDWARE!! 7 HE Subscribers are receiving and open- ing at the old stand of G. M. & A.T. Jones, the largest Stock of Hardware ever offeredin this Market, which having been bought directly of the Manufacturers or their They are pre- pared to offer inducements to Wholesale or Re- tail buyers. A call ia respectfully solicited. JONES & OVIERMAN. Salisbury. Mar 13. 1860 f43 DENTAL NOTICE. ee a S% DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro rie DENTAL ROOWS on the corner formerly occu pied by Dr. Bason, where he is prepar edto attend all operations eenuected with his profession acti eel th tke TV. BEMISTER. House Painter, Grainer, ENTS IRA ILO (citer meri Main St., opposite Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warrant- adtobe dene in a workmanlike manner Jan. #2, 1X61. 6m36 Fine Shirts and Collars, If you wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col- lars call at the Great Clothing Emporinm of DAVID WEIL. Sept 25nd) No. 2, Granire Row “WARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICS. ar 4 ee ‘Natl 0 pal Flag! CLONING HMPORICM DAVID WEIL. ASE Hee RETURNED FROM THE Narthern Cities with a LARGE and COMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neek-ties, Handker- chiefs, atida@ fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &e., &c., to which he invites your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe sold cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW 1S YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ay | um determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO. 2, MURPHY’S @RANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. March 25, 1861. uf4 Salisbury Female Seminary. THVHE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the 11th Febroury and close the lat Phe school has been increasing in num- bers every term. We have now a goodly nuinber, but could tuke a fewmore. If ‘the number continues to increare, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. dilly TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, &50 per g g P ‘Term Tuition, in Foglish, from $o to 17.00 us “© Juatin. 5.0U Music on Piany. trom 13 to 20.00 Use of Instrument, 2.50 Incicental expenses, 1.00 Charges made trom the time of entrance. For particular addrers A. D. WILKINSON, Jan. 22, 1s61—196 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS & FOSTER He just received a very large lot of FARMING TRON, cousimting of Shovel Moles, Bar Lron, Wagou tire 14, 14 and 2 inch ; Buggy tire 14 and 1} inch; Oval Iron 4, &, and } inch; Square Tron 1 and 14 inch; Baggy Springs und Axtes; Patent and En- ameled Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, tats and Caps, Boots and dhoes. ‘They keep constantly on hand a sapply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FI5H, COFFEE, 3UGAR, MULASSEsS, LARD, BUTTER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Jenkins’ Corner, Salishury, N.C. Peb. 12th, Is6l. tf39 3 4 A eee . ig athe gt cf Seas Widg — « 3 ake Oy \ | /WATCHIMAKE AND JEWELY ie Sew ory. f. fem Warcanted f= 12 Meathe , we y Juuuary 29, a {37 44 New Tailor Shop. ——o 5 ee F, subscriber has opened a mew TAILOR SHOP in the rooms formerly occupied by Hornce H. Beard, dec’d. His experience and qualifications in this fine, warrant him in eay- ing that he will be uble to meet the most fastidious demands. Call and get your gar- ments cut to fit vou, and made to Just, in- stead of buying the sloachy. half-made rags in Ready-Made Clothing Stores. Cutting aud Repairing done to order. Produce tuken in exchange for work. WM. HOWARD. 3m34 {1. C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Comasellers at Law, We practice in the Courts of Rowan Counry and in the Supreme Court. HH. C. Jones, jr, will aloo practice in the Courts of Tredell nnd Cabarrus Counties All claims entrust doo them for collection will méet prompt attention. 1 3 Office No. 3, Brick Row, near the Court- house. Jan. &th, 1861. H.C Jones, sr. Jun, 15, ISH1. H.C. Joxes, jr tia WILLLAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SA LISBOI \emNe Cc: \ ] ILL Practice and make prompt collec- tions in Rowan, Stanly, Tredeli and Ca- tawba Counties Office it the eorner of Cowan's Building opposite the Book Store. Feb. 14, 1860 a Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, } AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED inthe town of Salisbury, offers his professional serviees to the citizens of the town and sarrminting country. He at nit mest! (uniess professionally en- gaged) may be foundat the ‘Bovony Hops.” Mares 9, 1861, tf38 tf-45 ~~ SPECIAL NOTICE. BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLU STONE, for sule:by HENDERSON & ENNIES. 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and eleup for sale by ; HENDERSON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. From 210 to 240 deg., for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bobls. Tanners Oil. Av. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NOPAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. ut HENDERSON & ENNIS)’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal Hrench Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought to chis market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SPICES SPICES Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon, and Nutmegas, for sale hy HENDERSON & ENNISS. a eee VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Viaegar. 3U cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 18, 1860 tfls North Caroliaa Fouadry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, \ / ILL coutinue to oanufacture and keep on band all Agricultural Implements made heretofore. A full assortment of Plows, Cultivators, Straw Corn-Shellers, und Feed-Catters, Horse-Powers, Seed-Sowers, Threshers, Cider & Sugar Mills. Thresherand Separators, They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills, Cireularand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, ‘Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtures, &c., &c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK. of every description made to order. and warrant- edinevery respect. Repuire of every deserip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. We are Agents for Burnett’s Wheat Fume Salisbury, N. ©., duu. 2, 1e61. Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greenshord’ ; Democrat, Chark.tte; Western Advorate, Asheville ; Catolinisn (trt weekly) Columbia ; Observer, Fayettcville; and Iredell Exprese will publish 3 months and forwa:d accounts. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! 1v34 / DIRECTORS: John A. Mebune, W. J. MeConnel, C. P. Mendenhalby. D. P. Weir, Jumes M. Garrett, John L. Cole, N. H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barrin- ger, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed H. Lindsuy, Greensborough ; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy. Lumberton; Alexnnder Miller, Newhern; Thadeus Me- Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yancey- ville; Dr. W.C. Rainsey, Wadeshorongh: Rev. R.C. Mavnard, Franklinton; Dr. BE. FL Wat- son, Watsonville. OFFICERS ¢ N.H.p.WILSON, - - ANAM (BL UPS IDSA Yo = = CORE MIN DWN LEAT PETER ADAMS, - - NV Vea VYING a Wri, WeCONNEDLL J. A. MEBANE, - dL, SE MIRE, = 0 \|}communications on business connected withth:, Office. should be addressedto PETER ADAMS. Secretary Cre unes lol eG Ort ts MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. YROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN tothe purchase of al] kinds of PRODUCE, And toall consignments to be sold in this market of shipped to other Ports. February 14, 160. {38 President. Vice-President Attorney See. and Trees. General Agent, Mxecutive Com Greensboro’, N. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufact TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOM ACG oS TERS can appeal with perfect confdenn physicians and citizens generally of the Un; Btates, because the article has attained ean tation heretofore unknown. A few facts epu- this point will speak more powerf,|! Z B volumes of bare assertion or blizoning ue ze The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach B ters for the last year amounted to over } i million bottles, and from its manifest ees increase in times past, it is evident that durj the coming year the consumption will reac] near one million bottles. This immense ae ' could never have been sold but for the an medicinal properties contained in the prepare, tion, and the sanction of the most Drowinen physicians in those sections of the county where the article is best known, who not ait recommend the Bitters to their patients be are ready atall times to give testimonials Cc its efficacy in all eases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum. peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solig estimation of an invaluable medicine, which je destined to be as enduring as time itself, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various otber bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To fe able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and }ike diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes al) morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. 1t operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores then to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. ” Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily ag per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palare, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic. and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benetit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fuirly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that \): mother, especially if she be young, is apt» forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, tlie wear (f body and mind is generally aggravated. Here. then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreeable to the taste a8 well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: suffercrs from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a tial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hosrsrrer’s CELEBRATED Sromacu Birrers, and see that each bottle has the words ‘Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic eap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. aa- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER& SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Am& rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE. WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orveans, La., SOLD BY Henderson & Ennis, and W H. Wyatt, Salisbury; by Jo Reed, Conco® and by Porter & Gorrell, Greensboro, X-& Muy 29, 1860. lvl COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontriptic FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FaMIL). SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. Stone in the Bladder and hidney Weakness of the Loins, &e. FENHIS invaluable Medicine is for sele ut Mockaville, Salisbury Statesvi! ef a cord and Fayetteville, und at Col, Avsuit and no where else The subseriber having entered inte copat nership with John F. Cowan, original parenter forthe manufacture and sale of che above Mev icine, 18 prepared to furnish a supply by _ dressing him at Salisbury, N.C. 01 caling * hix residence, 10 miles west of this ph kb. p. AUSTIN dence to yer June 21, 1855 DRAYING. NGA G) Nom ry XH E undersigned gives keepr a» TEAM AND the purpose of Draving and will serve @ may faver hin with ealis inghis fine eh commodating terms GEORGE wow! RY March 20th, 1860 ttl { Fine Suits. Tf von wish to bny Fine SUITS « ING for as little money as possible, ¢! [ae ret lat TH the Great Clothing Emporium of F DAVID WEIL 1? Rewewner tire Stann—No. ©, Mary Granite Row, Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 25 YL) , BLANK DEEDS FOR SALK& AT THIS OFFICE. fi9 J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. | TERMS | Single copy, $2,00 Five copes, $8.00 [eu copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten,in the same pro- nortion $1.50 each. Payment: always in advance. Effect of Engtand’s Policy ia New ¥erk. Lord John Russell’s reeognition of the Southern Confederacy as Belligerenta has kuocked the editorial flunkys of New York | into a cocked hat! They are the swora thralls of superior power, aud in the pres- ence of the Britsh Lion they are gentle as lambs. even, ts cowed into silence. It may aot be uninteresting to our read- ers to see the tricks aud devices of the sinailer trv. There were two foreign arrivals the same dav. The fest, the Europa, reported Lord Jolin as speaking ambiguously, and promis- ing something more detinite when the law ofticers lad examined the subject. Upon the strength of this, the N. Y. World, nothing doubting his Lordship’s sympathy | with Yankeedoodiedom, proclaimed that: “Lord Joli Russell's reply, though cane’ Gous and guarded, can leave no doubt that | if the British Government should intertere at all in this contest, 1 will be against the party which, by fitting out privateers, has put British interests in peril” ‘Tins was very comforting, But before (he paper went to press, the Parana, three days later, arrived, and announced that Lord Jobin recognized the Confederate States as belligerents, i.e. that their pri-, The | vateering was legitimate warfare. “World.” with the spirit of a gennine flunky, determined not to be caught in op- posiuon to the overwhelming power of Great Britain, gives this an interpretation still more favorable to Yankee desires. Lt says: “The British Government will not treat. the rebel privateers as pirates; but if they capture British goods in American bottoms, and the Confederate States do not give SALISBURY, N.€., MAY cnn : — Ea interests” with British med-of-war means. The meaning ia, thet England is unxious to eecupy « cunvenient pusition neur our sheres, to ena- ble her to take advantage of eveuts, as ovenis vecur. Imthe-edurse of a few days, therefare, we expect that. aamber of those sieam fri- gates with heathew names, are cruisiag off Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, the passes of the Mississippi, Wc., and making themselves as much as possible at home.there. There are not many British merchant vesselain the ports of the seceding States just now, and even if Jeffersun Davie’s privateers should chance to overbaul one occasionally, we may be a@nre that it wonld not be hurmed—for it has been the policy of the Montgomery Goverument, from the start, to do nothing in any way to hegard the ill-will of Great Brituin. We may reasun- ; ably assume, therefore, that the-fleet. has a | political ws as well as a commercial minsion to perform—the result of which, as like ws not, will be intervention on behalf of the Southern Contederacy, on some such pretexte as those which were employed to justify intervention in the war between the * Stutes” on the river The mighty and ferocious Webb, | Pratte, the “States” of Central America, and jin about ull other countries where internal di- | vistune have been @ temptation to interference. | Hence it behooves our Government to keep au | eye on this coming British fleet and its move- | ments in the Southern waters. Communicn- | tion between it and the Confederates must not | on any account be permitted. and for any ut- tempt to violate the blockade, ber Majesty’s commanders must be held to a striet responsi - | bility. We don’t like to have that fleet on our | seaboard at al{ at this peculiar crisis; but as | its right to be there under the law of nations cannot well be denied, be it cur especial care | to see to it that the right is not abused or per- verted ty our prejudice. SHOWING HIs COLORS. The Eaghshmea who command H.B. M.'s ships with the heathen vuames, off the cuast of Caba, ure reported to be talking with more flip- pancy than discretion in regard to our dumes- tie troubles. Just now there are a good many British officers in Hiavanua,—and one ef them. the Captain of Mer Majesty's ship ‘ Hydra.” is reported to have said to one Capt, Allen, of West Baton Bouge: “ Sic, what du we care about the bloody nig- ger—we have got nothing to do with him; our Government wants colton, and cotton we ‘must have. Go ahead and fight your battles on land. England will take care of the seas, and if necessary, would bridge the Atlantic with her ships, in order to carry your cotton to Manchester.” Thia now is geaine Jobn Ball style. Johu ia an excellent friend of “ humanity,” when it cost nothing, save anti-slavery speeches and breakfasta at Exeter Hall,—but the moment the ** Manchester” nerve is touched, away goes the ‘bloody nigger,” (not our phrase) and Cotton, just as before, is King ! prompt satisfaction and make tall compen: | sation, the British Government will treat the new Confederacy as it wold every other bellizerent which should violate Brit. , Instead, therefore, of being a ish rights. mere punisher of pirates, Great Britain is ina fair way to become a party to the war.” were only well founded. But the privateers do not intend to touch a lair of John Bull's head. The Yankees are their game—to them, and to them alone, they will stick at all times, everywhere and under all cir- cumstances. They look upon England aud themselves as having a common interest. Both seek free trade, and neither will weep over the extermination of Yankee ships and Yankee commerce, We turn from the World to the Lcpress, which exhibts # little more candor in the expression of its appreciation of Enyland’s policy. The following paragraphs, frum that paper, will tell the tale : IMPORTANT FROM ENGLAND. Via St Johns, N. F., the telegraph gives an abstract of a very important debate on Ameri- can uffairs in the Beitish House of Commons— the suin and sobstance of which is, that iu re- gard to the Montgomery Letters of Marque and Reprisal, the Southern Confederacy © must be recognised as a belligerant.” That is the opinion of the Attorney General, the law offi- cer of the Crown, Now, this is but the recognition simply of an existing fact, but the real importance of such recognition just at this critical conjuncture, consists in the comfort it will give to Jeff. Da- vis & Co. to know that they are to be coun- tenanced in aay way at all. Moreover, to recognize it as ‘‘ belligerents”’ Bow, we suppose, must be accepted as un in- clination to ‘ recognize”? the Mongumery »d- ministration as a de facto (tovernme nt by-and- bye. “ To that complexion” (it certainly louks aeif) ‘it must come at lust.” First—The arrival, at this port, (inthe Ara- z0,) of a bearer of despatches for the Southern Confederacy—and, Second—The ordering of a British Squadron to the Coasts of the United States. Momentous consequences hang upon these brief, but important announcements, which but £0 10 show that the near fature is growing big- ver and bigger with august events, to ' make history’? at a rate which might make Clio ber- elf turn pale ! SUSPICIOUS STRANGERS. We are not surprised to learn, as we do, (by ‘he Europa at Halifax,) that a Britieh fleet has been despatched to the coast of the U. States, Drofessediy, as usual in these cases. to look af- \or the interests of her Majesty's subjects, which may be imperilled in the pending war between the North and South. We have look- d for some such demonstration as thie, im ae- cordanee with the aniform practice under like “ircumsances, not only of Great Britain, but of the other leading Europeon Powers. We all " > \ Admirably concluded, if the premises OREY ORDERS—ADVICE TO VOL- UNTEERS. The Mobile Tribune publishes a letter written by a gentleman of Alabama to his |son,a young volunteer, which contains some goud advice. We quote: a soldier shoulders his rifle under the flag of bis conntry, le must surrender to that | country his will, bis whims, tastes, fancies 'and prejudices; and the first, highest and most solernu duty he owes to that couutry | is the most implicit and prompt obedience to the orders of his superior officers, Diso- bedience, even in matters of mipor gravity, i frequently forfeits hfe. If an order is is- sued, shat must be the end of inquiry.— | The suceess of a battle or campaign may idepend upon the concealment of the pur- , poses of the command; and it may be- ; come necessary to punish with death an | ornissiou to Observe that which may seem to be a very unimportant order to the sol dier who dues not understand it, “Napoteow once issued an order that the lights of the camp must be extinguished at 8 o'clock, and on seeing « light burning in the tent of an officer, after that hour had elapsed, he repaired thither in person, and entered the tent just as the officer had fin- ished writing his wife’s name on the back of a letter he had written to her. He tuld the Emperor he had unconsciously violated the law for one moment, and it was done in the enthusiasm of affection, with which he had been overcome by thouyhts of home, “ Uuseal thgt letter,” said the Hinperor, “and write as I dictate.” The officer obeyed, and wrote as follows : “P. S.—T die tu-tnorrow morning, at 8 o'clock for violfting the laws of the camp, by not extinguishing the light in my tent at the precise time | was commanded to dowit.s “That decivion may have seemed savage and barbarous, but when your intellect shall have matured to the comprehension of how much depends upon subordination and a rigid adherence to the laws of the camp, you will see that Napoleon could only be just to the thonwands of lives under his care by assuming the appearance of cruel- ty to this one delinquent, “Obedience is not servility—it is duty. It is, therefore, not cowardly, but honora- ble. ‘Lhe camp is no place for the soft manners of the drawing-room, and soldiers are proverbially blunt; therefore, do not imagine if an officer lo sharply to you that he wants to insult you or browbeat know, however, what ‘‘lookiag after Britidh you.” jrity in avy form, to the caprice of their EMI-WEEKLY. THE 8TAY LAW. The Stay Law passed by the late session | of the Legislature of this State does! not | seem to meet with much favor in this seo- | tion—it is looked upom as an unnecessary and unfortunate interference io the busi- ness of the country. »! It will be seen by the following that the Grand Jurors of Mecklenburg have pre- sented the Law in theshape of a petition to the Legislature. Fae gentlemen whose names are attached tothe resentment are all farmers : STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Mecklenburg County. To the Honorable the Members of the Leg- isluture for the State aforesaid : The undersigned, Graud Jurors for the county aforesaid, May session, 1861, re- spectfully represent to vour honorable body that they have examined and carefully considered the Stay Law lately passed by your Honorable body, and that they be- lieve the provisions of said Law will oper- ate seriously to prejudice the interests of the citizens of our State. In the first place, it seems io them to uppair the obhgation of contracts as exist- ing between. debtor and creditor, by giv- ing to the debtor an opportunity to swin- dle the honest creditor out of lis hard earnings by any disposition of Lis preseut means to pay which he may chvose to make. In the second place, it subjects all per- sons Nuw occupying the pusition of secu- principal, who by other uses of his means thau the payment of the claiins for which they are security, will involve ihem in Whatever amount may be perverted from its proper use. We turther represent that it is our wish that Laws be passed which shall fully shield and protect our brave volunteers “In the first place, then, my son, when | who have (orimay hereafter) nubly respond: | ed to the call of their country inthis the i day of her need, by exempting them from | the service of civil process, and in any and every way otherwise that to your honora- , ble body shall seem meet and proper.— | The success of our cause and tha good of | 'the country we believe demand such ae- tion by your hooorable body at this time, at the same time we as earnestly ask that no single material interest of the country shall be made to feel the weight of your legislation, but that equal and impartial protection may be afforded to every inter- est; that the creditor may be as fully pro- tected as the debtor shall be defended. We further ask for such Legislation by your Honorable body as shall fully protect , all who are now or hereafter may be en- | gaged in the public service of the country, | | froin eztortion in their purchase of the ne. | cessaries of life, so ready to be practiced upon them by the Land Sharks who are ever ready to take advantage of the needy. Ww. M. Grier, Foreman ; John Simpson, Wm. S. Norment, R. A. Sloan, A. F, Sadler, Cyrus Hutchison, DV. S. Hutchison, Alex. Cooper, D. R. Alexander, T. W. Sparrow, J. W. Martin, J. W. Davenport, Sawl. B. Hall, k. A. Mckee, Ss. W, Caldwell, James Kerr. It is requested by the Grand Jurors for the State that the foregoing resulutions be published in the papers of the town of Charlotte, and be forwarded to tha Gener- ul Assembly of the State of North Caro- lina.— Char. Democrat. Orderly and Well Behaved.—There are several companies of soldiers encatnped at sundry points within the limits of Raleigh, and we have yet to hear of the first instance of disorderly conduct on their part. They ure sober, orderly, well-behaved men.—- When we rememier that the companies are composed almost entirely of voung men anaccustomed to the discipline of of a camp, we cannot commend their good conduct too warioly, Au army composed vf such materials mast be invincible, for they carry with them that moral that sus {ains meu under all circumstances, Raleigh Register. The 2d N.C. Regiment.—WBy order of the Adjutant General, the following com- panies have been concentrated at the Camp of Instruction at Weldon, where they have been organized into a regiment: Warrenton Guards, Capt. B O. Wade ; Granville Grays, “George Wortham ; Halifax Light In., J. H. Whitaker ; Cleaveland Guards, A. W. Burton; Catawba Rifles, T. W. Bradburn ; Duplin Rifles. Thos. 8. Keenan; Nash Boys, W. T. Williams ; Warrenton Rifles, Thos Jones; Townsville Guards, H. E. Coleman; 10 Lumberton Guards, R. M. Norment. The field officers are Solomon Williams, Colonel; Edward Cantwell, Lt. Colonel; “6 A. W. Burton, Major.—Char. Democrat. meme ott ree tt the rifle is a subject of remark in the camp, ‘the regiment five out of every six shots “bats, and are commanded by Capt. Blan- ‘ton V. Duncan, a wealthy gentleman of their papers state, that any considerable | vides @ iad Allis aw > A, are 7 23, L861. VIRGINIA ITEMS. Harper's Ferry,— Oue thousand Minnie | muskets arrived last evening from North | Carolina. Marylanders are constantly | comiug in unarmed. Yesterday, about forty of the imembers of the Maryland Leyislature visited this place. The special vbject of this visit is not precisely known. Many supposed that they came here to protest against the seizure of ibe Maryland heights by the Virginia troops, but tbe po- litical complexion of the delegation for- bids such an inference. It may be worthy of uvotice that Ross Wiuans accompanied the delegation. He believes that there will be no war of any consequence, Last night, fifty-five more beeves were seized. There is now waiting the command of the Quarterma-t-r bere 150,000 bush els of grain, all in Jetlerson county, and as much more can be obtained from the same courity if necessary. Thus, you see that Jefferson county can carry on a small war herself—for 300,000 bushels of grain will support for sume time an army of 10,000 men. The Kentucky Regiment.—No visitor to Harper's Ferry can weil fail to have his attention challenged by the appearance of the Kentucky Regiment, not less by the greater frequency with which its uniform is seen over any other than by the striking appearance of the stalwart and keen-eyed MEM COMPosing VW. Better material for good soldiers, it would seem ata ylance, could pot be de- sired. The men were generally above the ordinary height, stoutly framed, and wore Upou their countenances an expression of ready intel izence and of resolution which conveyed a promise of deeds of heroism whenever the hour of action shall come. The majority of them, as I learned from one of its intelligent members, are from the counties of Wo-tern Kentucky, a con- siderable portion of the remainder hailing from Louisville. ‘Their expertness with and was publicly illustrated one day last week, when at a target tiring parade of tired hit the mark within the circumference of thirty-six inches, They number about six hundred, are uniformed in blue woolen hunting shirts and trowsers, with slouched Kentucky, who served in the Regiment of that State with distinction during the Mexican war, Col. Duncan raised, equip- ped and transported his regiment to Vir- ginia entirely at his own expense. The Kentuckians are armed with Minnie rifles. They are specially detailed to guard the, strougly fortified Maryland beigbts, the key to the whole position. They kuow it to be a post of danger, and express an ea- ger desire for the fight, which they believe 1s soon to occur, The Material of our Volunteers.—The Southoro people imake an egreyivus mis- take if they really suppose, as some of poruon of the New York Volunteers is made up of loafers, vagabonds, the seu | of society, &e. lt is a tact of general no- | toriety, trne both North and South, and allover the world, that those worthless | classes never or very rarely enlist, They | will yo to the jail or the workhouse cheer- | fully, before they will enter ou the innu- | merable hardships of a recruit’s existence, | to say nothing of the possible dangers of actual war, from which their debauched | and cowardly souls shrink with terror, It! is well known to us, who live here and | know the volunteers of New York, that | they are principally composed of mechan: | ics and laboring 1en, and are generally intelligent, heakby, and of good habits,— | All classes ot society are represented tn the | ranks, but those which we have specified form by far the largest proportion, boentise | they are by far the most numerons, — If it were trie that most, or even a small frac: | tion, of the 30,000 volunteers now quar- tered in xnd about this city were the sort of inen that sume Southern editors profess to believe them to be, we should vot find, as we now du, that there is no appreciable falling off (beyond what is incident te the summer season) in the weekly lists of va: grants, beggars, and criminals, who receive the “charities” or suffer the * correction” of the Commissioners having thase public interests 1n charge, On the fiield of battle, if not before, these Southern people who uoderrate the valor, physioal strength, and various noble quali- ties of the New York volunteers, will tind themselves greatly mistaken. Equally mistaken are many of our Nor- thern people, as to the fighting powers of the Soathern troops. It will be safer for both sides not to despise their enemies. —Jour- nal Commerce. | the peblie property, and committing THE RT GUNS. The Ciocionati Commercial says : “It eannot be possible that the Govern- ment is overlooking the immense impor- tance of the possession of the artillery ip Gosport Navy Yard by Virginians. The thousands of splendid guns left there are now being distributed over the South as fast as the railroads can carry them. If the Navy Yard is not immediately ed, the banks of the Mississippi will bris- tle with the great guns, of which there were bundreds at Gosport.” We agree with our cotemporary of the Petersburg Hapress, that the Government bas not overlooked the importance of seiz- ing the Navy Yard; but its vigilance comes too lute. After wantonly burving the ferocious act of endeavoring to blow wp’a yard which they had abandoned without a contest, and which others were abont to enter, the officers of the United States have been anxioos ever since to complete their work of ruin, and to carry off or ‘destro the remaining public property. But they were succeeded in that yard by men as sa- gacious and practical, and as resolute and determined as themselves. It was seen at a glance that the first work must be to re- move from the yard to a place of security all cannon not needed in the defence of Norfolk, and at the same time to keep up the work of distributing them to such oth- er points of defence in the Southern Con- federacy as might be necessary. It was a work requiring almost superhuman labor, and when the history of that colossal oper- ation comes to be written, all concerned in it will achieve the most enviable renown. {f the Federal Government goes after the Norfolk Navy Yard now, it will go to shear a wolf and come back shorn.— Petersburg Express. PAY OF VOLUNTEERS. The following are the conditions and regulations under which volunteers are ac- cepted in the Confederate States ; Under the bill for the public defence 100,000 volunteers can be accepted, who will be subject to the rules governing the regular army. ‘The term of service will be twelve months. All volunteers must be tendered by the Governor of a State. Each regiment is composed of ten com- panies, each consisting of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four cor- porals, two buglers, and ninety privates. The pay of Colonel is $175 per month, Lieutenant Colonel $170 per month, Major %150, Captain $108, First Lieutenant $90, & ' Second Lieutenant $80, First Sergeant $21, other Sergeants $17, Corporals and Arti- tioers $18, Privates $11 per month, with vearly allowance of clothing and one ra- tion per day. The volunteers are expect- ed to furnish their own uniforms and wiil be paid in money by the Confederate States Government when mustered into service. Each regiment has a Quartermaster, with the rank of Oaptain, and Commissary with equal rank, a Surgeon and Assistant Sur- geon, Tue Brockank Propiem——ExtTENT oF Coast Lins.—In this day, when the Lip- coln Gruvernmeast is kindly carrying out the forgotten Constitution and demonstrat- ing the equality and sisterhood of the States, by a blockade, it will be interesting to all to learn the extent of our sea-coast lines, We quote from a table given in one of the last speeches pronounced in the Con- veuticle at Washington by L. M. Keitt, of South Carolina, According to his statement, the North- ern or-free States, have 9,334 miles of coast, and Southern, or slave States, 23,- 803——a total North and South of 33,137 miles. Mr. Keitt also gives a tableof the num- ber of harbors in the different States on the const, and the principal ones on the rivers to the head of tide. For the free Statwx—-Maine, New Hampshire, Massa- elueetts, Rhode Island, Connecticat, New York, New Jersey and Pennsy|vania—the number of harbors is put down at 189; nod for the slave States— Delaware, Mary- land, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas—249, showing a dif- ference of 60 harbors ia favor of the South- ern States. Virawnia InvapED AND THreaTEND.— The following dispatch was received in Richmond. Norvoum, May 15.— Virginia is openly invaded now. Troops are being landed in Klizabeth City County. Four arms and residepoge on Mill Creek have been seized. Segar’s and Clopton’s among them. Ham- ton te deserted by the women and children. Mischief ahead in your directiun, . From the New York Weekly Dag- ipl WHAT ARE WE FIGHTIN@#OR! The Republicans have bed Democrats that this is a war to sustain the government, to preserve the Constitution and the Union, and to defend the Stars and Stripes. Under this impression thous- ands of Democrats bave gone to Washing- ton ta defend the coal but we appre- hend thatsth ay will find in the end that’ they Hate been ouf manceuvered and made a cat's-paw of by the most trait- orous party that ever exteted tr -temertoar t politics. After baving. got the Democrats in their meshes, after they are committed to the war, this party now begine to show its cloven foot, its letdera dudtthss ‘eon- gratulating thettiselves that, having started the wat, they can now ‘easily exaspernte the soldiers and goad thei on to accom- plish their designs. The Tribune of May 9th, io an article referring to John C. Cal- houn, says : “His far-reaching mind comprehended the relations of the North and South, and saw, long before any of his cotemporaries had an inkling of the truth, that a conflict between slavery and freedom wae igevitable, and must some day culminate in precisely that deadly struggle that is now upon us.” Here the 7'ribune distinctJy allows that this (using the deceptive language of _Abolitioniam) is a war of “freedom against slavery,” which being interpreted into plain Anglo-Saxon, means a war against white supremacy —an effort to fly in the face of the Almighty and make the negro the equal of the white man, Tho white masses —the laboring, toiling millions of this un- happy land are thus blindly hurled, under the pretense of preserving the Union, upon their white brethren of the South, merely to gratify the hate and revenge, the fanati- cism and enmity to Democratic institutions, of men who have been for years unceas ingly laboring to bring about this very result. But that this is the real object of the leaders and movers of the present war policy, is evident from the tone of nearly all their prominent papers. The Tribune is not alone in the infamous glory of such a detestable scheme. The Zimes of May 9th, says: “In this country the conflict is intensified, because here, more than anywhere else in the wide world, is the difference between the op- posing forers more distinctly marked, more deeply appreciated, and in more immediate contact. On the one hand is an educated and Sulightened freedom that verges npon license, and on the other hand a despotism, in theory at least, whatever ite practical workings may be, the mightiest anJ meanest that the sun or the stars ever shone upon. These two ever- lasting antagonisity have been approaching each other for half a century, and are at Jast standing face to face, with all their passions aroused, and their blood up. The two systems of civilization, so antipode in everything, are in immediate collision. The one recognizing in all men, of whatever race, lineage or color, inalienable rights as men, conceding to all the free enjoyment of life, liberty and the pursuit of hapyiness, regarding these great traths not | as rhetorical abstractions, bat as arucles of ing she p living faith. The other, based upon the liber- ty and domipation of ove race, sustained by the degradation and enslaving of another; | faving for its axiom Freedom for the white man, slavery for the black. A straggie for rapremu- cy between these systems was inevitable.” The issue is well stated in the above, | and we quote it with the more satisfaction | beesuse it exactly corroborates ‘the most extreme charges we have ever made against the Republican party. It exuctly tallies with Me. Lincoln’s own statements of “the equality of all men of whatever race,” which: some people have ventured to deny were his Principles. The Times then yous on to say, as if apprehensive that it had gone too for, that the war was not “for the overthrow of slavery,” but very signif- cantly add: “The march of armies is not promotire of the safety of slavery, and if, as an fricident to this struggle forced upon the fovul States, the institution shalt perish, so be it. We are drift- ing upon the currents of a destiny under the control of a power higher than human agencies. The path of duty is plain, and we must follow it oul, wherever it tray lead, or whatever the end may be. If the mad spirit which precipitated thie conflict shall peri#h be- fure the masch of liberalism, and th cause of our troubles be swept away by the onward movement of the agé—a movement which we cannot control and du net choose to resist, s0 be it. We shall indulge in np regrets, be troubled with no compunetions visiting, for the responsibility will not rest with us." | ‘That is to. say, the South have re- sisted the administration of Mr. Lineoln because it etandsupon a platform declaring equality between negroes aod white men— @ pesition aT hostile to their social life ; they beggeil entreated Mr, Lipooln to ivé’ them: am abaurance of a guarantee -tbdt he: would ot attempt 'to carry out his i or use’ the common government of all the States to injure s portion of them ; but Mr.:Lincoln nor bis party would yive any wud): ¢. On the principle of slf- preservation, firat law of rature, they felt themselves forced to set up Anotirer goverament. Thee the Repeblicane turn about and say, “that is rebellion, treanon, &c., and we shall subjugate you and make you ob4y or government, and, while sub- duing vou fitt obedience, if your social in- stitutions are overthrown, slavery abolished, negroes made equal to whitemen, why the responsibility will not rest with us. You ‘ @iotild not have resisted our policy, but “have allowed us to go on and carry it out ae r ae homie Atlas, the leading organ of Republicanism in New England, says: [>The Meanigg of tf th¢ dood, of ry, bd ong piGovernfent gets i thig Hegs ithe leapwill the capnagé,! o S ~ oh ave (he ail ahd MotivdRof this party as they gradually creep out from amid the vast mass of spread-eagleism with which their journals have recently abound- ed. By wrapping the negro in the Ameri- can flag, they bave succeeded in inducing thousands of honest Democrats to eolist in their ranks, but deapite thein effusta to bide the black imp of their idola ¥, theit read de- signs will crop out. Sooner or later the dis- guise Toner possible, wind: whet” the patriotic pomsse« wha bave been deceived, sew their error, the retribution that will fall npon fhe guilty anthers of this delusion will doubtless be swift and terrible. It may not, perchance, be just now, for such delu- sions mast have their day, bat come it will, and must, fur ‘Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again, The External years of God are hers. From the North Carolina Standord. NORTH CAROLINA STATE CONVEN- TION. On Monday last, the 20th May, the dele- gates recently elected to a Convention of the people of thie State, assembled in the Com- mons Hall in this City. The members were called to urder by Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, on whose motion Messrs. A, W enable, N. W. Woodfin. and R. K. Speed were appointed a committee to receive credeutivls anu‘enrolthe names of delegates. One nundred and twelve delegates answered in their names, and this number was increased befure adjournment to ove hundred and sixteen, being fuur Jess than the whole number chosen Walter F. Leak, Eeq.. of Richmond, nomi- nated for President the Hon. Weldon N. Ed- wards, of Wa ren, and Hon. Geo. E. Badger, of Wake, nominated the Hon. Wm. A. Gra- ham, of Orange, for the same position. The Convention then voted viva voce, when Mr. Edwarda received 65 votes, aud Mr. Grabam, 47. On taking the Chair, Mr Edwards address- ed the Convention in an animated strain refer- ring to the dangers thut menace the country, to the i. portance of the crisis nuw upon us, and the remarkable and happy uvanimity of feeling pervading our whole people in devising and carrying forward those measures necessary for the public defence. His remarks were in every respect appropriate to the occasion, and elicited much applause. Col. Walter L. Steele, of Richmond, was then elected Principal, und Co]. L.C. Edwards, of Granville, Assistant Clerk to the Conven- tion; and James Page, of Randolph, W. R. Lovell, of Surry. and J.C. Moore, of Wake, were appointed Doorkeepers. The Convention being then organized, prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. ‘Tucker, of this City. Hon. F. J. Moses, Commissioner from the State of South Carolina, was then introduced to the Convention. Mr. Moses spoke for about half an bour in explanation of his mission, and with refereuce to the feeling which now ani- mates the people of this State. He was re- joiced to know that North Carolina was ready to sever the last tie that bound her to the old Federal Union, He would tel] the people of bis State, when he returned, that North Car- olina was ready to act, and that his speech was necessarily briefon that account. ‘This would give them more cnuse for rejoicing than any thing else ; and be would assure the Conven- tion that no matter how many guns might be fired here over the ordinance of secession, South | Carolina would fire one more. His speech was well received by the Convention and the au- dience. Mr. Badger offered an ordinance separating North Carolina from the federal government, und Mr. Crnige, of Rowan, also offered an or- dinance of a similar character. Consicerable debate took place, not as to whether an ordin- ance of separation should be pussed, but as to the charaeter of the ordinance, Messre. Buadg er, Craige, Ruffin, Graham, Barnes, Reid, Venable, and others taking part in the debate. About six o’clock P. M. the ordinance offered by Mr. Craige was adopted unanimously, eve- ry member present voting in the affirmative. This ordinance repeals of 1789, by which the federal Constitution was ratified, and declares North Carolina a eovereign and independent State. Ax soon as the vole was announced one hun- dred guna were fired on Capitol Square, anc the belle of the City were rung, amid the shouts of an excit d multitude. _ An ordinance was then onaniinously pasted adopting the Provisional Government of the Coafederate States; and to-day (Tuesday) 10 doubt the Constitution of the Confederate Mates will he adopted, and North Carolina will thus take her place as a member of the Confederate States. Thue wus the anniversary of the Mecklen- barg ‘Declaration of Independence gloriously celebrated by the delegates of the people in Convention assembled. North Carolina has been slow to.act, but she has acied finally.— We think she hae acted wisely from first to lust. Henceforth her destinies are with the States uf the Soath ; und she will make good her act of the 20th of Mey, 1861, wich herlast dotier and her jest man, if such a sacrifice sbhynid be required at her haids. Missovatr—A letter from Davis county Missouri, to the Editors of the Observer, under date of May 4th, says,— Miseouri 1 in a bad predicament, two-thirds eurrounded as she is, without state arms.— The insjority of the citizens of North-west Missouri are for itnmediate recession Flagr have been raised uff over the country and the mom intense excitement prevails throughout this rection. We huve neither corn ner money — farmers failed to make any crops last season, owing tothe drought. Nearly all the Lincoln men have left for fora. We dread marauding partite here more than any thing lee The particalars of two dreadfal collisions in St. Louis will be found in another column ; and the Now York Express says,— “Throughout the State of Miseouri things generatty have @ very suspicious look. The Lagiclature persiste in its ‘secret sessions,” and secret sessions always look to, if they do not mean, secession. The House have passed the Senate bill, withholding the echoo! fund, ‘(to arm the Btate.”—and they have now un- der cousideratiun a sort of Public Safety bill.” Yer, Missouri will join her Southern sisters, and that speedily. Ce el ee ee The New York Hzpress, speaking “ys Union @en/of the North :” “We b never Whg@@sted, advised, nor, fe- ss caradedeit gation. That is pet pos. sible; and if it were possible, would be un- desirable. We are however, for protecting the Governments of the United States aud rédressing the'ifsalt to its flag.” We are certainly under many obliga- tions to the Hxpress for its kind forbearance in npt advibeing an impossible thing, We mean no sheer; but it stands almost alone amoneshe Northern Bie Every other one that we see urges vehemently invasion and subjugation. Aud we cannot say that we understand the concluding words of the Hzpress in n sense different from some sort of invasion. What does it mean by redressing the insult to the flag? How doen it propose to avenge that insult, other wise than by recapturing the forts, &c.— which would involve the necessity of in- vading armies? The editor has had a Southern wife to very little advantage if he has not learnt that, before that could be effected, every man and woman in the South, who can pull a trigger, must be de- terminated. A word about the flag: We do not know by what right the North claim it.— It was as mach our flag as theirs. South- ern men have done as much—it might be immodest to say imore-—to cover it with glory as ever Northern men did. Has nota man a right to do what he will with his own? If this flag was as much ours as theirs, why should they be more sensi- tive to an insolt to it than weft Is it af- fectation—cani—stuff ? Richmond Whig. Appointments.— We Jearn that the Mil- itary Board bas appointed Win. Johnston, Esq., of this place, Commissary General of the State. This is a most excellent ap- pointment, as by Mr. Johnston’s practical, business talent, the State will no doubt be saved many dollars in buvinz provisions, &e. W. W. Morrison ana Daniel G. Fowle are Assistant Commissaries. Hon. L. O'R. Braneh, of Raleigh, has been appointed Quartermaster (General ; John W. Cameron, assistant. We also Jearn that Dr. J. M. Miller, of this town, has been appointed Captain of Cavalry in the ten Regimente of Regulars authorized by late act of Assembly. Thos. H. Brem, of this place, has been appoint- ed Captain of Artillery, and W. P. Bynum, of Lincoln, Lt. Colonel of Infantry. These are good appointments.-— Char. Democrat. Old Harney’s Gratitude. Harney, whom | the Governor thought proper to set free | without a parole or any promise not to | fight against the State of Viryinia, has published a violent diatribe against the South, in the form of a letter to his friend O'Fallon, of St. Louis. He declares that he willserve the Government of the United | States as long as be lives, demes the nght of secession, says that the Southern chiefs aim at a military dictaturship, have made | war on the United States, and dishonored | its flag. He declares his intention to fight for that flag. Such is the reward of Vir- ginia clemency. Others have warmed fro- zen vipers to be stung by them, but only Virginia is wise enough to take into its bosom a viper that was not frozen, and let him bite at liberty. ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. We learn from the Salisbury Watch- man, N. C., that our native and beloved county Rowan in addition to individual subscriptions, has appropriated &50,000 for the aid of the Volunteers from Rowan, and their families. The order passed the Coun- ty Court unanimously. Old Rowan has her bristles up, notwithstanding her past Union sentiments. God support her in the good work.— Upson (Georgia) Pilot Boarding Pikes.——We understand that among the other spoils removed from the Norfolk Navy Yard was astpply of board- ing pikes, such as are used in the Navv in boaraing vessels, and a very formidable weapon for infantry. The cannon at the Yard have been removed to various parts of the country, where they are most need- ed for the public defence. We are glad that this st-p has been adopted, as well as the removal of most of the machinery from the Harper's Ferry Arsenal.— Pet, Hzpress. Release of Ross Winans.—Mr. Winans, of Baltimore, who was arrested by order of the Lincoln administration a few days ago, wae released on Thursday. The charge againat him was treason, in baving furnish- ed material to Virginia—~Pet. Lapress, New Orteans, May 15.—It is stated that Commissioners from Havanna have gone to Montgomery to confer with the Confederate Government concerning Southern shipping at Cuban porte, agninst which the Federal Con- sul-General is‘acting in an unjustifiable man- ner. : ALL FOR THE SOUTH. The Nashville papers, political, literary, see and religious, are all in favor of secession from the old Union, and for Joining the Southern Confederacy. Nearly all of them were decided Union papers till they received Lincoln's orders to take up arms to assist in subjugating the Cotton States, That order ther have answered in a very proper manner, ——— ’ OT 7 = Ay AR ITBMS, &C. hu\4 ‘. Nee fur , pruonn, May 19.--Get, Scott hee erngét- od if Washiugiod a citizen: name Wood, fe ® 8 m the th. : : : ae any other arrests have been made bat it is difficult to obtain reports. The Herald's Washington correspondents report that the Eu- ropean advices indicate a marked and increas- ing proclivity in England and France towards the interests and cause of the South. If com- pelled to take sides, these powers will declare for the South, on account of the grcat interest ipvolved in free trade and commercial resour- des, and will, if possible, avoid any division oth- erwise as to the moral or political issues of the American question It is again asserted that France has confi- dedtial agents and observers ic the South. giv- ing full information, potical and commercial. It is believed abroad also, that important privileg- es will be extended by treaty to the commerce, shipping and manufactures of the powers first recognizing the Confederate States. It is nov plainly evident that Lincoln will endeavor to deal with Missouri as he has done with unfortunate and prostrate Maryland, es- tablishing a military government in all respects. The release of Ross Winans by Gen. Cad- wallader has creaied.great indignation in Wash- ington. The Northern press is sorely troubled and distracted by the aspecis of European opinion. A book for registering the names of suspeci- ed persone is kept at the War Office, and all persons not known to be Lincolnites are con- stantly watched. Volunteers from Southern States continue to arrive, and all are eager for the conflict. An attempt to burn the Tredegar Foundry and work shop buildings wus discovered Inst night in time to prevent injury. The Kentucky Hoose of Representatives hae adopted a resolution in favor of strict neu- trality. Avexanparia, May 18.—Henry Winter Da- vis hus been re-nominuted for Congress by the Unionists of Baltimore. The Kighth New York Regiment, eight hundred strong, have arrived in Washington. It is confidently reported that a new military district or depertment, including Virginia, N. Sarolina and Tennessee, has been declared, and that the command of tbis portion of Lin- coln’s military interest will be assigned to Gen. Benjamin Franklin Butler, of and from Massa- chusetts. Baurimore, May 18.—Three merchants, Je- rome A. Pendergrast, Jas. Whitford and Mc- Gowan, have been arrested under indictments for riots and for obstracting railway tracks | St. Lovis, May 14.—Two pieces of orde- | nance and many kinds of arms, with manitions | &c., have been taken from the Police Com- | missioners by the Lincoln troops. | Many arms have been takeu alsu from stores | and private dwellings. The city ts environed by military posts. New York, May 18.—The transport steam- ers Parkersburg and Mount Vernon, have left this port with provisions for tort Pickens. Four Regiments will start this evening for Washington, ‘The Second Regiments will de- | part on Monday, and the Ninth and Senven- ty-ninth for Fort Monroe. \ [Special Despatch to the Chrrleston Courier . po. A Glimpse of Returning Reason.—We were shown, yesterday, by a gentleman of this city, | a letter received by him from a brekerin New | York, in which it was written, within the last two months J have Jost twenty thnumend | dollars. Once rich, Tam now poor. The South | cannot be subjugated. Though a Republican, lam convinced of the foolishness of continuing the siate of affairs now existing. Let us have a peaceable s-paration, and that quickly.’— The above ¥ the first and only tnstunce of re- turning reason among the deluded people of | the North that has come under notice for a | Jong time —Alerandria Gazette, 17th. = eee | New Hampshire Patriotiom.— Augustus Jen- | kins, Exq.. Collector of the port at Portsmouth | N.H., was mobbed last week, by a gang of drunken Wide Awakes. Though an old and much respected citizen, he was treated with the greatest violence, und the Repubtican city authorities appear to have made no effurt to protect him. The Concord Standard intimates that the Republicans are initiating war at their own doors. oe THE EXECUTION OF GLOVER. Yesterday was a beautiful day and a very large crowd assembled to see this unfortunate man suffer the penalty of a violated law. We were mortified, as we always are on such occasions, to see 80 great an assemblage of peuple, of every age, sex and color, to witness the exeeation. Such scenes though absolutely necessary, should be spared the gaping, thoughtless gaze of the multitude, Tt does no good and produces much evil. — If there was 110 way of avoiding it perhaps we could bare it without a munmnur; but when such ex: ecutions could le in private, we see no apology for gratifying the low, vulgar, preverted tastes of humanity. The Revs. J. H. Smith and L. L. Hen- dren accompanied the culprit to the pal- lows and gave him Spiritual counsel and prayed with him. He denied to the last the intention of killing his wife and alleged it was pcoldapia).-— Cmcenstorougy Times. — me COL. ANDERSON. Lovuisviiix, May 19—Street rumors say that there is likely to be a difficulty here between opposing parties on the advent of Co]. Anderson. Wishing for a Big Pile.—“Bill, I'll tell yer just how much I wish Thad, and I'd be satisfied.” “Well,” said the individual appealed to, “go on; Tl] see if you've got the liberal ideas of a gentleman,” “Well, Bill, 1 wish I had so much gold that a seventy-four gun-ship, loaded down with needles so deep, that if you put in another she'd sink—and all the needles to be worn out in making bags to hold my pile.” “ Darn it, why don't you wish for suthin’ when you undertake it! I wish that I had so much as yours wouldn't pay the interest on mine for ihe time you could hold a red | hs Bil atchman, “SALISBURY, N.C: THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23, 1861. SAVAGE AS EVER. The Northern press still breathe out cruelty and destruction towards the South. They are also still deluded with the idea that we are divided amongst ourselves, and ux a conse- quence, Will be easily subdurd and made obe- dient subjeets to Abe Lincoln’s reign. Their ideas have, however, edrperienced, in some ca- res, an enlargement, as we infer from the fact that it is now reported that agents, represent- ing the money interests of eome of the North- ern and New England States, have visited Washington for the purpose of urging the Ad- ministration to increase the army to 500,000! With this force in the field, they confidently expect that every Southern man weuld wilt down like mown graes—scamper—hide in the swamps, &c., and there would be no resis- tance! He is doubtly armed who hath his quarre) just, we ure told; and if ever a people had a just quarrel, it is the people of the South, whe have borne for years wrongs and agyressions of an abolition and infidel North. The spirit of intolerance and oppression which prompted those wrongs, culminated, at Jast,in an at- tempt to pervert the whole government to our oppression. ‘True, we, of this State, were wil- ling to combat it longer in the field of eivil strife—in the Halls of Congress and before the enlightened American people—still hoping that the last alternative, the sword, would not be appealed to. But contrary to our views and feelings, whole States of the South, most vi- tally interested, at once resolved to make the issue of a separate Confederacy ; and in the progress of events, North Carolina was sud- denly called on to decide, whether she would take sides with the North or her southern rie- ters. It was the work of a moment. cided to stand or fall with her southern risters She de- She knew the North was immensely stronger than her friends of the South; but that never entered into the account. She could make but one choice between degradation and a wasting war. Then let Lincoln send on his abolition horde. The of the South “crushed,” “wiped out,” or “exterminated,” people may be but they have determined to die brave. and car- j ry down with them many a foe, if fall) they most. But they have not yet fallen, nor will they be dismayed even in the presence of a half million of their enemies. 6x59 THREE TIMES THREE There was tremendous stooiing, cheering and rging of bells, at Raleigh, on the passage of the Ordinance which repealed he connec- | uonot the State with the old United States It created no such sensation here. Tt was re- ceived a8 an event contideutly expected, as a matter of course. ‘The separation had been accomplished in the hearts of our people upon the reading of Lincoln’s Proclamation and call for 75.00Y volunteers te enforce Tis black re- publican rule over the Southern Staies. ‘That proclamation was the aunouncement of a sad event, and wae received with a sorrow which grappled with the patnotic heart of every con- servative man around us. Many were the deep drawn sighs which accompunied the firm re- solve instantly made, to sever the ties whicb bound us to the Union, now no longer the Union of brotherly love and affection formed by our revolutionury fathers. Jt was an hour of grief. Hope for the futare greatness and glory of our coontry was expiring. That hope has not revived and may not until our battles are over and our difficulties settled on a basis as liberal and pure as when first established in 1776. We rejoice in the present growing pros- pect of sucess to the Southern Confederacy. as affording the only hope of a restoration of equal rights, equal and just laws, and the peace of every mun onder his own vine aud fig tree. And we rejnice, also, at the unanimity with which the Old North State marched ap to the work of revelu'ien ; and this, we sup- pose, is the grouna of rejuicing ut Raleigh. It is @ worthy cause, and we give in our hearty huzza '!—nine times told. - ox eee FOR THR WATCHMAN. Mr. Eprron: In the present distracted con - dition of our country, it must be admitted that considerable insecurity exisie on account of the absence of a better eystem of Police regula- It is true you have your police in towns | und villages, and we have our patrols in the country, but no such through organization 6 the times demand. There doubtless are, und will be spies und incendiaries lurking ubout, and | tions. they are most likely to operate in the country- In order that we way not be taken by sur- prise, I would suggest that Vigilance Gominit- tees be uppointed all over the Cunanty «nd State. For instance, in the Captain's district where I live, there are seven magisiraics ; NOW atour next Company Master let each.one 0! these magistrates be appointed with three oth- er good citizens in his immediate neighborhood to act as a Vigilance Committee: that will make a Police force of twenty-eight men In one captain’s district, and if adopted throughout the county, it wonld make a force of three hun dred and twenty men inthe county of Row*?: and nearly thirty thousand throaghovt the State. The importance of having a magistrate 1! the head of the several vigilance committee®. hot knattin) seedle in your ear” athat they may isene process agnimet evil an e eS ‘some dues. and if The can se ery co in the system doubt will a States tw ope tics Ve and of some | they T put ou No on extens ed, ap that s mits | turbec neigh ease, form they | let th minu color —the and a ters, ¢ or sta from, man, ng | anyth he sh heare: take ¢ in all fuss. and f restec over f the m Ati held a 1861, ‘ake t relary rend a Res citizen edgem owe t with vy the we emerg ernme dispat gponde are m: people param hath a quer t! Res ty we amagit have 1 magni their + their within an ude home. ventint thact ea Bolt Res Hons | Salsel Salisb H. Ow Office uail n after soFlea will v tere it the ni 18 five ply o them eheap {LL Cu veri o1 ed, w TH ten as of th ont be of m yoons year brates class has bh numb the pr atone Bitte taste, Powel new \ whole enabl witho Sol nelty y are are NBO - obe- Their Dca- fact pent. orth. sited Ad- DOU ! mnitly wilt the eBis- arre) ad a whe ns of it of ipted a at- ,our -wil- ewil e the that rt be and [ ¥i- the » the sud- vould Rie e de- ster onger never ce but isting hition iv be ted,” d car- they r will of a ring sbuve unec- lules PRAT ts ann been upon vd call k re- That wu rad which y COD- deep Here - whicb r the ormed hour s and hope at ties basis ed in | proe- pracy. on of peace dd fig rimity ed up Bup- h. It nearly MAN. d con- d that of the egula- towns in the lon as +, und at, and yuntry- ry sur- pp init- y and Jist ric 6) ow one vf Pe oth- yorhood at will ) In one vut the » hun Rows! wr the rate al nittees. at evil- ee e pe t e St ea e Pinte pete eee =a si il cost nothing. dues. The ie and if it doce ma, harm 2let, 1861 } Mor Flt JOP Tes LOA hw a The above suggestions are good, ot we can see notbing to binder the people in eye | ery community —every ‘Capitath’s district in the State—from organising a. vigilance system within a» month’s time. Ic ia un- doubtedly true that spies and incendiaries will attempt to penetrate the Southern States, and they will most likely exdeavor tu operate in the country,—in eonmmuni- ties remote from the towns and villages and off the lines of travel; and: without some such system as that proposed above, they may evade detection long enough to put on foot little neighborhood troubles.— No one believes for 8 moment, that any extensive scheme could possibly be effect- ed, and iL is uot from any apprehensivn of that sort that the writer of the above sub- wits his plan; but simply for the undis- turbed peace and security of families and neighborhoods, And ia this view of the ease, we think every family should also form a Vigilance Committee ; atd when they see a stranger in their neighborhood, let then look wt the clock——note the very tninute—note his dress—his height,—the color of lis Lair and whiskers-—his words —the direction le takes coming aad going, and if opportunity of- ters, a8, for instance, stopping for dinner, and all about Lim; or staying all night, ascertain where he is trom, and what his object. No honest man, in times like these, will object to be- ing probed with questions. And in case anythiug suspicious is seen in such a one, he should immediately be reported to the nearest magistrate, who would doubtless take such action as the case requires. And in all this, it is not necessary to make any fuss. Do it quietly but with resolution and firmness. When a man has been ar- rested, treat bia kindly, but hand him over to the proper authorities, and there tet the matter res& eee “> —— FOR THE WATCLMAN. Fort Jounson, Mav 18, 1861. Ata meeting of the Rowan Rifle Guards, | held at this place on Saturday the 18th May, 1861, Capt. F. M. Y. McNeely was invited to ‘ake the Chair, and H. C. Long to act as See- retary, when the following resolutions were read and uoanimously passed: Resolved Jt, That we hereby tender the citizens of Rowan County ourearnest acknow!- edyements of the debt of gratitude which we owe them for the promptness and liberality with which they have contributed to relieve ine wants of the Company, ealled upon in 40 | We gate these facts in sclfMeence. Let | ; : . | no follower of Abe Lincoln lay flatterio ernment could not be exercised with sufficient | ’ y g emergency when the forms of the State gov- dispatch, the generous sons of Rowan have re- sponded nobly to the voice of patric iem, and are making sacrifices that we behold onl. ina people whose ardent devotion to liberty, stands paramount over any other passion. Wisdom hath another fessoa for those thut would con- quer them. Resolved 2d, Thatin the Ladies of the coun- {y we recognise invaluable friends, Judicions in imagining the wants of the Company, they have been os active in relieving them ; brave, magnanimous spirits! The recollection of their sacrifices, of their anxious sulicitude, and their zeal in the cause of freedom, bas inspired within us ew pride for our kindred, and thrown an additional tenderness arouad the memory of home. To them, we tender our thanks and venture the hope, that the sequel may prove that they have not bestowed their kiadness up- oa soldiers less resolute than thermselves. Resolred 3d, That a copy of theee resolu- tions be sent to the Carolina Watchman, the Saltebury Banner, und the President of the Salisbury Ladies Association. F. M. Y. McNEELY, Pres't. H. C. Lone, Sec’y. -_—--~—-0@>e ‘ FOR THE WATCHMAN. Owing to the new law in regard to the Post Office, L willon the 3t<t day of this month, vail my Letter Box shut. All letters put in after that.time will have to be- marked paid, snetead of using the postage stamps. Perrous will very much oblige me by putting their let- tersinthe office sooner than before, Under the new regulations the postage on letters sent 19 five cents. Any person having a large sup- ply of three cent stampx, had better return them to me, or write them up while postage ix eheap, before the Ist of June. MOSES A. SMITH, P. M. ome ILLNESS OF SENATOR DOUGLAS. Cuicaeo, May 18.—Stephen A. Douglas is | veri ously ill with typhoid fever, and, it is fear- ed, will not recover. THE FEMALE RGANIZATION is of- | ten us frail as that of «tender flower. Many of the sex enter into murriage relations with- out being able to unde: -go the lnbors and trials of maternity. fn this eoantry thousandé of young and beautiful women ure sacrificed every year from this cause alone. Hostetter’s Cele- brated Stamach Bittera will save many of this class from an untimely grave. Thie medicine has been used with great benefit by immense numbers of people throegtiout the republic, and the proprietors have réeesived graceful commend- Ationa from all sections of the country. The Bitters will be found to be very pleasant to the taste, even as a beverage, and prompt and Powerful in its effect as « medicine. It infuses new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that women who ure it ner enabled to go through with labors which would, withomt jt, be certain to prostrate them Sold by all draggiste. 1m5 Rr! fr mee mgs 1 GS Two DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE, her Commerce. —— Pererssura, May 21. . The latest: advices from Eirope states that the American crisis 18 the all absorbing topic in the British Parliament, and is also occupies ,the attention of the attention of the French Chamber, Last Sunday a powerfil Fleet was toleave England for the Atlanuc coast to protegt Brit- ish Commerce. The Coast Guard at the mouth of the Po- tomac was fired into Sunday Aight by a Rich- mond propeller, Five. U. S. soldiers were killed, and several wounded. Pigayune Butler has been inted ta fy military District of Virginia, agth and Tennessee, and enters upon duty ame diately. The Monticello is badly damaged in her hull and machinery, by Sewell’'s Point Battery Sunday afternoon, arid so completely disabled that she made signals of distress, when a steam tug from Fortress Monroe was immedi- ately sent to her relief, and hauled her off. Six men killed, several wounded. No further attacks so far. KENTUCKY. NEUTRAL. Lovisvitte, May 21. Gov. Magoftin, of Kentucky, has issued a proclamation, notifying and warning all other States, whether separate or united, and espe- cially the United States and Confederate States, against any movewent upon the soil of Kentucky, or occupation of any port or fort, or place, within the limits of Kentucky, by any forces of the aforesaid States, for any purpose whatever, until authorised by the Le- gislature and Executive. ohn Brown Young withdraws from a no- ation for Congress, not desiring a ‘seat in Line -oln’s Rump Congress New Orveans, May 17. Advices from Texas state that Col. Van Dorn has succeeded in causing the surrender of the remaining Federal troops in Texas. Ricumonp, May 21. About 1500 Tennessee troops arrived this morning, Wasnington, May 21. Great fears are entertained here of the small | pox as @ pestilence among the troops. A fugitive slave was arrested by the troops to-day, and given up to his master, who is a Virginian, _ -e- - OBSE RVE THE DIFFERENCE. In every County in the State. so far as we have abserved, in which candidates of the old secession party were elected in February lust, no opposition has been offered by the old Union then. ‘The latter, in order to avoid party strife, have either voted for or woqui- ‘Large Britian Fide! ath 1%. aglnda) te ivbdtoct | esced in the election of the old se ionists re- | ferred to; but in no instance ha e Squads shown the sane liberality towards their former | opponents. | The old Union men are the true men, both } in peace and in war. They exhausted all hon- | | orable tneans to save the Union, and, failingin that, they are contribating more men and more money to the defence of the State than their | fortnes opponents. | { unetion to his soul that the old Union men of | the State are not true to the South. The | Syuade who bave told Abe's followers adiffer- ent tale have lied, and have thus given aid and comfort tothe abolitionists. Raleigh Standard. DIED In thie county on the 2lst instant, Mr. RICHARD THOMASON. (one of the eld- ere of Franklin eburch,) of apoplexy, in the 43d year of his age. Mec. Thomason was a worthy and highly es- teemed citizen. He hae lett a wife and six children te mourn an irreparable loss. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1861. ( RDERED by the Coart, that the Patrol or Guard of the Town of Salisbury, have (ull power to visit any suspected places beyond the limits of the town, and to arrest and con- fine in town any disorderiv or aaspeced per- sone found beyond the limits of town in the same manner 48 they would urrest and confine disorderly or suepected person in town. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. | Salisbury, May I861. 15 CASH SYSTEM. | ( WING to thie great pressure in business, FF and distracted state of the country, we are compelled to adopt the cush system We = a good stock of Staple and Fancy Dry | | | | Goods that we are anxious to sell off for the cash, nnd will sell Fancy Goods regardless of cost. We heave also on hand, Coffee, Sugar and Salt, all for cash or barter, at the mar- ket cash prices. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Saliebury, Mary 20, 1861. 4t4 P. 8. We are very desirous thaj (hose ow- ing by note or account will call and pay up. as & M. we are very needy. B.C. Attention! Military Companies. TIHE subscriber is prepared to farnishh io l Companies the Military Fatigue Cup of Home Manufacture and material, well made, and of fatest military etvle at low price. Ad- | dress, JAS. H. ENNISS. | Mey 17, 1861 Satiobory, NG: TOWN ORDER. T is hereby ordered thut the Town Patrol of Salisbury hav: discretionary powers to arrest and lock op in the Calabouse any per- sof, white or blatk, who may be found in the streets of Balisbury aftet dark who shall, be ghilty of any disorderly conduct, or be unable | to ae a satisfactory account of himeelf; and any person so committed to be brought before me for further proceedings on the following morning. JOHN I. SHAVER, | May 3, 1861.-(f51) Inteudant | In Equity.’ Sprig Trt, 1961. ‘EAR oe Be © garet. La this the ‘action _of the Colt Wh Ae dn joa wife |} ; Margare » are Mot Bn Reo tate: It is ordered that publication iS made, for six weeks, in the Cerolign Watebiman, for the said defendants to be | ar at the next Ter of she male 4 t@ be held for Rt Keereate in ockevilley ufter the 4th Monday eg te ho plead, answye or demyr to apathy pays bill, of the same; Will | berdalben: pro.confesso, and. sbe cauad ee for ox »asto them. ‘Wisness, L. Bingham, Clerk und Masia of the Cour! mor Equity for said County, ce, the 4th Monday ufter the 4th Mon " in eD- ruary, 1861. ° BINGHAM, ©, M. E} Mey 16, 1861. 6w3 pr. adv: 95:50° Salisbury Female Semipary. HE exercises of ie institution will be continued as heretofore, under the direc- tien of the subscriber. In consequence of the disturbed state of uur public affairs he has changed his purpose to remove, and hopes to make himself as useful to this commupity during theee troublous times, ag possible. Be- lieving that his labors have been generally satisfactury, he soljcitean extended patronage, and would ask his friends to aid him in increas- ing the namber of hie piel . WILKINSON. May 16, 1861. 613 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. — Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 186). RDERED by the Court that D. A. Davis, John 1. Shaver and A. Henderson act as a Committee to raise un the faith aud credit of the County of Rowan either by means of county bonds or by any other means in tbeir power, a sum not exceeding fifty. thousand dollars, to be applied ander their direction tuo the arming, equipping andsapporting volunteers of the County of Rowan aud for the comfurt and support of the families of volunteess whici are left in need; that any boud given under this authority shall be sigued by the Clerk of this court under the seal of said court for xueh a sum and on such terms us the said committe may think proper, with coupons attached, signed by the clerk, aud that said committee be authorized to sell bonds executed under this authority for the best price they wil bring. Itis further ordered and declared that cyupons attached to the bonds above authorized, be receivable iu discharge of all county taxes and other county dues, and that this order be published in both the Salisbury Banner and Carolina Watchman. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. 3 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Terms, 1861. ( RDERED by the Court that all patrol companies in the caunty have lenve any where they may please in the county and | discharge the regular duties of patrol companies, | when they see fit. as fully out of their districts | as they have heretofore discharged them with- in their respective districts. JAMES B&. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. tf3 THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Western N.C. R. R.in the County of Catawba. ee popular Summer resort, with addition- al buildipys since fast season, will be open- ed for visitors on thy tet of Jone. Ample arrangements made for comfort and umusetment of Guests. A fine Band of Music engaged for the season. New Bowling Alley and Bathing Salepn erected. Every effort will be made fo make thix a pleasant and safe retreat for the families of those who muy be at this crisis called from home—indeed ample arrangements made to ineare: :504: MRS. E. J. ROBARDS. Moy 13. 186 1861. 2m2_ “CASH SYSTEM!! ‘HE undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN. They feel that no apolo- zy for this course is at all necersary, the pe- culiar state of or public affaire rendering it imperntive. They will be pleased to sell to their friends end customers ut the most favor- able prices possible ; but from and after this day will trade only on the cash or banter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by‘ account, are re- quested to come forward and elose the same by cash or note. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hitl, May (0th, 1861. tfl Volunteers Wantetl for the Salis- bary Greys. CTIVE and vigorous men, anxiove to servé their Coaniry, are invited to join the new Rifle Company —Salisbary Greys. “ Form, Riflemen Form.” May 9, 1861. May to go tf To the Farmers of Rowan nad. aie joining Counties. 8 our intercourse with the North is now effectually broken up and oot market maust be supplied [rom the up country. the u0- dersigned solieits consignments of Fivaur, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Butter, &c., &c., which shall have his personal attention. JOHN F. FOARD. Newborn: Mey 1, 1861 3m52 NO OREDIT. ( UR TERMS after the Ist of May next will be exclusively Cash or Barter. We are compelled to adopt this plan for uur safety, and we hope no one will take offence at it Persons having accounts with @« will please call and close the same by cash or note. McCUBBINS & FOSTER. “ho rews Ow TE TOT ET (7 We are uutherisedto- announce OBA. oe ve ; ney ee. e of- ope. aera china. b, Rowas are called yee the defence of the soil of Bre Care contest hes commenced, and tryopa. i been sent io Wit OM Ate? Forts Caswell and: ‘Macon ° Trogpe from , Rowop have. gohe and ars, ba goiug, end depend upon their Tolle sitthe ma at bome to.auetain them. There. is a Store-Room blag ed tia ‘ galis- bury for the reeeptian of an that may be contributed... No freight waneporatin on any of the reilncads will be. gh end MM soura MeCUBBIN & FOOTER sili ve ceive the frei es 7 that =; be contriby q ‘ Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Pees, Beant in any quaptities will be taken, fully recelvad, JA. Bia. of pai who contributes wil ore | R. Col. Commandant 63d Important Apnounes We are still Agents for the sale of Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED, Norseaass - FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Vere are pronounced by all to be the best Machine made. We are séfling them, delivered in this place, at Manufacturers Pric¢®s,which have.been recently reduced from fifteen to twenty-five per cent. We can. for- ish Machines at any price from $40 to §125. Ladies who have u great deal of sewing to do,sbould certainly have one, as it_will undoubtly, prolong their lives ten to twenty years. We have sold 4 good m of these Machines all of which have and ares to pive entliré satisfactiog. Send for a Pamphlet: R. & A. MORPHY. Salishary, April 9th, 1861. $in47 Spring Stook for 4861. HORAH & RAMSEY ‘AKE pleasure in informing their friends and the public in general that they are now in receipt: of the largest, most Vafied and cheapest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER @@0DS that they ever had the pleasure to offer. These Goods have all been bought for cash at greatly reduced prices, and will be offered for cash only at unprecedented low prices. Call and see them, hear, rices und judge for yourselves. Iu view of he uncertainty uf every thing in business 4 ffairs in these revolutionary . Limes, we have adopted the cash systeni, believing | it lo be the best for oarselves and our friends. Those having open eccounts with ua, will please call without delay, and close them either by eash or note. HORAH & RAMSEY. Nuliebury, April 23d 1861. 50 CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED ! Great Reduction in Prices! Selling Off for Cash only. Come and See! Acree & YOUNG, will sell their entire stock of New Spring and Sum- mer Goods at greatly reduced prices for cush only. We have been compelled by our, long eredit custamers to adopt the ubnve plan. By the reduction in prices it will be grently to the interest of ali who have. money to apend for Goode to trade with us. Come and see! NOTICE.—We wow muke oar tagt call on all persons having open accounts with us. to cone forward and settle either by cash or note. We have waited wo long already on a great many persous, and wre now determined to close up our accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG. tf49 ae 23, 1861. NOTICE. Y VIRTUE of a Power of Attorney re- guiarty executed uaby M.Hofflin, we hereby give uotice that uff EM indebted to the said M. Hofftin, mam make payment to uvort 6ur Attorney Lb. Blaékmer, on of be- fore the firet dav of June néxt, for at that date all claims due M): Gofflip are digectyd ta sbe sued upon withaui reserve tjén. al the ttgiins due M. Hofflin will be found in the possession of either L. Blackmer or W. J. Mille.: Phe Goode remuining in M. Hofflin’s —s will be sold wt Baltimore cont. — - HARZBERG & STIEFLE. April 234, 1861. 4w50 WE HAVE IN STORE 38 bbls. Coffee Sugurs. 10 hinds, Molasses. 6 bbis. N. Orléans Syrap. 800 Ibs. Sole Leather. 30 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly reduced prices. R. & A. MURPHY. 2 a: : eet +41 4 I. W. JONES. M. M. D.. } AS permsnently loeated in the town of Saliebury, and: offers vhie services to the public in the various departments of bis profes- s10n. 17 Office on Main Street, first door above Buis’ Confectionery. Jun. 15, 196). Notice to Sheriffs. es RECEIPTS, neatly printed to order, and put in books if desired, at short notice Send in 6m35 and on moderate terms, for cash. your orders, Salisbury, April 23, 1861. (50 RE now in receipt of a ver A Well, elected Siockuf . NEW GOOD Oe een Sgr i! wets an duced prices, STAPLE AND) RANCY a ‘BUT ceenmoare, Slate, cx Onnets,' Boots,” Shoee co Leather, Clothitg § Black- sine’ eee and Carpenters ‘and Crasa-Cist ‘Save, OR CER : Drage W aye and ExT: : " Rifle and Bigsting NS j ela and pede Te a ki 4a short Everything that the People Wit. These Goods ‘ute“off¥red™to the potter = Exceedingly Low Prices Son Cash or Come and look, for , Great - ments offered. to Coun lerchants. McCUBBINS & FOSTER, . JENKINS’ CORNER, April 9, 1861-4147] __Ralisbury, N.C. BOOKS! a J. STEWART® JPREPARED TO e furnish at short notice Colleges, Schools, Academies and the public generally with any Books that may be wanted, at lowest prices possible, He always keeps on hands ;well seleeted tot of cheap Family Bibles, Bibles for Churches’ with Hymus to suit the latest and most popular publications: of the times, writing and printing paper of all sizes, cheaper than ever eRe offered, by the ream or at retail, blew Bovks..o6 eseription and size, Pens, Bpvelupes, Pare, we etc. ope: TwWES Harrieon’s Ink, Harrison’s caumues Ink, Jupan inks nit biebs, Black, pei Red ; Ha Carmine Idk; Arhdidis jling Ffhid, the best known, ver) cheap ae ‘cash. WALL PAPER, To his already large and beautiful ageort- ment of wall paper, he hag just received a large Jot off the latest patterge,) which for beautt, style, and cheupnedé are fa¥’superior to any ever before. offered inthis market. Window Shades, Fire Screens, ete. , Orders of anything it his line eoliciteds _ Salisbary, N.C., Feb. 19, 1861. feo Marck: woh 28th, 18 1861. NEW Spring and —— Coops! Pas sybscriber bas the pleasure to an- ounnce (o his friends aud the publie gener- ally. that he ix receiving his usual Stéck o | SPRING AND 8UMMER GOQDS, compris- | ing w rich assortment of all the LATEST STYLES LADIBS DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Silks, Beregeey Se. dines, Berage-A ngiaise, er es, O dies, Challies and a large Stock of EMBR ERIES, to all of which he eske @ special examination. rtment of” ak Do- ouse ‘Keeping p&e., | A.éuj @ Tull '» metic; Bihens; t A. MY ERS)}« No. 4 Granite Buildiog, Much 25 —45tf Sultebury, WC. pers gv ae pe Notice.—-To To Farmers. Something Valuable to you all! FRONEFIELD’S CATTLE ‘POWDERS, VHE OBIGINALAND GENUINE—alt éthefe put wp in similar style are, base counterfeits. Fronrritip’s Powpens cure most all diseases of Heirses und Cuttle, and keeps them'in good condition. Perfectly eafe under all circumstances, and warranted to give satisfaction. Price 25 cents per Package wyatt, Druggist and Sold by W. H Apotheeary, Noa 186 atid 188 Main st., Salis- bury, N.C. Aptil 9. aa ge te ep Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Timber Saved! ! I have the right to sell ~ Vandemark’s Portable Fenee, Made without posts, in the Counties wf Ala- mance, Randolph, Roekinghum, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. Cheap- ness, Sore iB ys op cop vebievice ‘ute itp chic adVuntnges e€ recommend thé Fence to mq-milt owners, faimers, and all wha have fences to muke. We will! sell Farai or Coanty righta. A circular etating costs, plan of ‘baild- iny, &e., sent free to any addtess on applica- tion to JNO. J. WHITE; Me banesville, Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44] Alamanee, N.C. *, Charlotte Demoerat please copy three monthe and forward bill to swbseriber. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED E are now eelling our stock out at re- duced prices for CASH. No goods sold on credit. All persone indebted to us age reqness- ed to call and pay up. "Rk g§ A. MORPHY. the April 22, 4861. ATT Cordial" The best Medicine in the world thr CHOLIC. It id Udedwalled foe ’ ~"Tt has cured Thoosgide of pTARMHOBA,! The best physiciaus recommend it for FLUX. iin use on the first symptoms, and before a p sigian can be obtained will prevent 28 8 PVF > CHOLERA. It will save orany lives, much time, sickness, suffering aud money to erery, ; FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. dt only Costs CENTS. J ~< ~ Prepared by W. LH. Wryarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Main st., Salisbury, N. C. April 9. 6in47 coops FOR THE SPRING TRADE. E are now receiving «a lot of new and desirable Goods for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. OUR STOCK Will not be as large xs on former seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a very handsome and select assurtinent of all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock this Spring and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goods before purchas- + | ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2in47 es end AORN oR 6 = oe were See National Flag! and prepared ty fatnish any-etyle of ce or CARRIAGE from the best 10 the joWeat piiéed.*” ~~ ; He has recently visited a number of the Northern manufactories and acquainted him- velf with ailthdiete igprevemente in hip line, and made arrangements by which he can sup- ply thse préfering it with Northern work much cheapér than could be dove My ofderng a single job. He intends to build the Hnest and cheap- est work ever done in the country and eoli- cits a calf at the Sign of the Nationa! Flag. , WM. M. BARKER. July 31, 1860. tfho New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of J. D. "XE Brown & Co., their entire tock of 1, TIN, SHEET-IRON, COP- PER:WARE, STOVES, &c., now offer the largest and handsumest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES .ev ferediin this. market, and wil) soil Mor cash @s low.ap can be hudin Weat ern North Carolina. Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept.on hend. All kinds Tin, Sheet-Jron or Copper work done at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. 1y36 t _ Vo A O I U O N ‘ T W d i d s ‘O 9 s t ‘2 1 41 9 ¢ ° q sh ad t q o [I M Qt n o I D e 40 9) 0 U Aq ‘s u m o Y {p o y o W ‘s S o u I s n g IN O on u l } -U 0 D 07 8N JI q U U D 0} WE BA B Y Js L w W pu e au U O U I ‘d n Su i d e d pu e pa e m s o y Bu i w i 0 9 8 ‘S o OL GU . L A H Q N I SN O S U 4 d T JU B M OA L « | | WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Froit, Liqaors, Wines, Cigars. and Tobacco. | | Spring Stock for 1861. R.& A. MURPHY, RE now receiving EPRING and SU braci ug FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETs, their usual Stock of | ars, Coffee and Molasses, | (s the public « 5 3 k Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, @ of whith are offered for sale at greatly reduced prices for cash. Give usa call, and see what we have in| store for you. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, 1561. 3ind7 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. TTMHE above Guano is said to be v better fertilizer for the culture of Tobacco, Cotton, Graina, Roots, Grapes, &c., thau any other uuported. A trial is all that is necessary to prove its superiority. , SPRAGUE BRO. March 25, tf45 - JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R. & A. Murphy's Store, SALISBURY, N..C., EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ment of WATCHES und JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- scription repaired in the best manfer and on the most reasonable terms. February 14, 1860 ln cl MILO A. J, ROSEMAN, M. D, AVING atudied in prominent Medica! } Colleges and Hospitals, North and South, and having been pructising in the various de- partments of his profession for nine yeurs with good success, he continues to ofter his services to the public where he is permanently located, and by strict atlention to his profession will endéaver to merit a liberal palronuge as hératofore, and hulds himself in readiness at all hours, duy and night, for professional calls. iT Office at Roseman’s Siore. Apél 23, 1861. 3mpd49 LL PERSONS who are indebted to me £2 are respectfully requested to calf and make immediate payment, as IT am compell- ed to have money; and as this is the first me that J have called on my friends, I hope they will come op promptly. .P BESSENT. tf27 Nov. 29th, 1859 | | | | Late MMER GOODS, em. | Solicit consignme ute of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobacco, and Couutry Produce generally. Agents for Howe’s cele- brated Seales. D. G. WORTH, of Asheboro’, N.C. Sept. 18, 1860. N.G. DANIEL, For past 7 years with T.C. & B. G. Wortn. lyl8 Brown's Livery Stable. L keptup as heretofore It is gratifying to him that this establishment, begun, at first, as a donbtfulexperiment, has proved great desideratum and a com- plete success. Travelers, and others can al- wuys have their wants, in th's line, well sup- plied. | Cush prices paid for Provender. And the | subscriber is ulways ready to sell or buy good | ' Horses. | | THOMAS E BROWN. | Jan. Tet. 1861. tf47 - HARDWARE!! t ‘HE Sabseribers ure receiving and open- ing at the uld stand ot G. M. & A. T. Joues, the largest ‘Stock of Hardware ever offeredin this Market, which having been bought directly of the Manufacturers or their agents, exclusively for cush. They are pre- | pared to offer inducements to Wholesale or Re- ‘tail bayers. A call is respectfully solicited. | JONES & OVERMAN. Sulisbury, Mar 13. 1860. (43 DENTAL NOTICE. —— Ake — fem DR. BESSENT, [| REMOVED ro tHe DENTAL | ROOMS on the corner formerly occu pied by Da. Baron, where he is prepar ; edto attend all operutions sonnected with his | profession van. 1. 1R60. T. BEMISTER, House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &e., Main 8t., opposite Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warrant- ed to be done in a workmanlike manner Jan. 22, 1861. 6m36 Fine Shirts and Collars. | If you wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col- lars call at the Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID. WEIT.. No. 2, Gramire Row. 1f32 Sept. 25-1119) MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. a GREAT EXCITE . AT THE GREAT 5 DAVID WEIL. Havtxe RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and COMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Nandkes- chiefs, anda fine assortment of Shirts and Coflars, &c., &c., to which he invites your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe sold cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, as 1 am determmed to self cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal! pat- ronage heretofure bestowed, I hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO.2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. if44 March 25, 1861. Salisbury Female Seminary. "AXHE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the 11th February and close the lat July. The school has been increasing in num- bers every term. We have now a gvodly number, Sut could tuke a fewmore. If the nomber continues to increase, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per Term Tuition, in English, from $8 tv 17.00 ce “ Latin. 5.00 Music on Piano. from 15 to 20.00 Use of Instrument, 2.50 Incicentul expenses, 1.00 Charges made froin the time of entrance. For particular addres A. D. WILKINSON, Jan. 22, 1861—186 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS & FOSTBR I AVE just received a very large lot of FARMING IRON, consisting of Shovel Moles, Bar Tron, Wagon tire 14, 1} und 2 inch ; Buggy tire 14 and 14 ineh; Oval Iron }, §, and } inch; Square Iron 1 and 14 = inch; Buggy Springs and Axles; Patent and En- ameled Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., \ogether with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. They keep constantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FISH, COFFEF, SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD, BUTTER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Jenkins Corner, Salisbury, N.C. Feb. 12th, 1861. t{39 WATCHOM AK ¢ AND JEWELS ry. Sa‘is W srranted January 29, 1561. (f37 4 New Tailor Shop. ° T? E subscriber has opened anew TAILOR A SHOP in the rooms formerly occupied by Horace H. Beard, dec’d. His experience and qualifications in this line, warrant him in say- ing that he will be able to meet the most fastidious demands. Call and get your gar- ments cut to fit vou, and made to last, in- stead of buying the slouchy. half-made rags in Ready-Made Clothing Stores. Cutting and Repairing done to order. Produce tuken in exchange for work. WM. HOWARD. 3m34 Jan. &th, L861. H. C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, W ILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court. H. C. Jones, jr., will also practice in the Courts of Tredell and Cabarrus Counties. All ¢laime entrust d to thein for collection will meet prompt attention, iF Office No. 3, Brick Row, near the Court- house, H.C. Jones, sr. H.C. Jonas, jr Janu. 15, 1861. t35 WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. O. Witt Practice and make prompt collec- tions in Rowan, Stanly, Iredell and Ca- tawba Counties. Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite the Book Store. Feb. 14, 1860. tf38 Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, AVING PPRMANENTLY LOCATED inthe town of Salisbury, offers his professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country. . He at all mesti (anhkess professionally en gaged) may be foundat the “Boyprn Hovrr.”’ March 25, 1861, tf-45 SP CE. CIOL LE Ree BLUE.STONE, | 3000 Ibs. BLU® STONE, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIES. 60 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Ni d clean for sule b aaa HENDERSON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. From 210 to 240 deg., for sale by MENDERSON & ENNISsS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For saleby HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. 0. For sule by HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enpiss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at . HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. Given op by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIss. SPICES! SPrICHS? Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon. and Nutmega, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. VINEGAR! 30 ctx. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Gallon nt HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 18, 1860 (tld North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BBYDEN & SON, y 7 IL émtinve (uo manufacture and keep on hand all Agricultural Implements mude heretofore. A full assurtment of Plows, * Cultivators, Straw Corn-Shellers, and Feed-Cutters, Horse-Powers, Seed-Sowers, Threshers, Cider & Sugar Mills. Thresher and Separators, They also manafacture Shafling and Machinery for Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtures, &e., &c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order, and warrant- edinevery rexpect. Repairs of every descrip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. We ure Agente for Burnett's Wheat Fans. Salisbury, N.C., Jan. 2. 1x61. ly34 Standard, Raleigh; Putriot, Greensbdoro’ ; Demoerat, Charlotte; Western Advocnte, Asheville : Caroliniwn (tri weekly) Columbia ; Obeerver, Fayetteville; and Iredell Exprese will pablixh 3 months and forward accounts. ‘Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnel, C. P Mendenhall. D. P. Weir, James M. Garrett, John L. Cole, N. H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barrin. ger, David McKnight, M. 8. Sherwoed, Jed H. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Enmberton; Alexander Miller, Newhern; Thadeur Mc- Gee, Ruleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yuncey- ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey, Wadeshorough ; Rev R.C. Wavpard, Franklinton; De, B. F. Wat- ron, Wuteonville. OFFICERS? N.H.D. WILSON. - ~- President. JED,H LINDSAY.- - Vice-President C.P. WENDENHALL, - Attorney. PETER ADAMS, - WM. H.CUMMING,.- - W.J.McCONNELL, - J.A.MEBANE.. - J.M.GARRETT,- - Allcommanications on business connected withthi. Office. shonld be addressedio PETER ADAMS, Secretary Greensboro’, N. C.. June 19, 1860. tf4 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. Sec. and Treas. General Agent. ( Executive Com o DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION a GIVEN to the purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE. And to all consignments to be sold in this market or shipped to other Ports February 14, 1460. ((38 es a mee Hing an ares STOMACH BITTE AGH BITTERS, The rictors and manufacturers of HOS. CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT. one epee with perfect confidence to ) ans fizens generally of the United Decadse the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown, A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The copsumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half. million bottles, and from its manifest steady inorease in times past, it is evident that during coming year the consumption will reach néaer oné minion bottles. This immense amount could ‘never have been sold. but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready atal) times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is nots temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved s Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other pilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the ‘‘ Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure. te removes all morhid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving {t that tone and energy indispensable lor the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. ee F Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it astimulent peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and yjavanating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is 80 absorbing)y tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own bealth in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feite, but ask for Hosrerrer’s CELEBRATED Sromacu Birrrns, aad see that each bottle has the words ‘Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic eap covering the cork, and opescrs thet our autograph signature is on the label. . wz Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all Gruggiste, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orvwans, La., SOLD BY Henderson & Ennies, and W. H. Wyatt, Salisbury; by J Reed, Concord. and by Porter & Gorrell, Greeusboro’, N.C Mery 29, )60. lyt COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. BUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bludder and Kidneys. Weakness of the Loins, &e. VENHIS invaluable Medicine is for sale en!y at Mocksville, Salisbury Statesville, Con- cord and Fayetteville, and at Col. Austin's and no where else. The subecriber having entered into copart- nership with Jubn F. Cowan, original patentee. forthe manufacture and sule of the above Med- icine, is prepared to furnish a supply by ud- dressing him at Safiebury, N.C., or calling ui his residence, 10 miles west of thie place E. D. AUSTIN. June 21, 1655. 1f5 DRAYING. YHE undersigned eg netice that he keepe a TEAM AND WAGONS for the parpoxe of Druving and will serve all wh: may favor him with ealls inghis line on a commodating termes. GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 1860. 1f43 Fine Suits. If you wish to buy Fine SUITS of CLOTH ING for as little money aspussible, call at th: Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL 07 RemempBer Tie Stann— No. 9, Murphu « Granite Row, Salisbury, N.C. Sept. Q5. BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICH. 17.0 th no 18 th fed re Wm re i) we VC at ta at OQ el nN Only but MA 10 ite ents ined trum- solid ch ig oved ague bare To be Witters” d like of un- a matter pod, and system, asable ees Upon organs, es them harge daily as will find © comfort he palate, PAS a tonic, je the evi- pd women using this pmach de- ting under abandqned tested the brds to the ods when ny of them of mother , that the , is apt to me anxiety if maternity the wear of d. Here, to recupe- enable the ting trials thers gene invigora- t of physi- he taste as ent increase lave particu- ferers from diarrhoea, p petite, and he stomach, pf sedentary will consult mg to Hoe a trial. lic againsd of counter ELEBRATED h bottle has ch Bitters” nd stamped > cork, and ure is on the BETTER & pid by all generally outh Amm& ADE, S, A., niss, and W ed, Concore boro’, N. ( So triptic, v8. Kidneys: ns, ce. for salo only texville, Oo# Col. Austin § d inte copal! inv} patentrr he above ’ ‘4 ly by # me Y alling : f this place AUSTIN t{ ice that _ AGONS f" gerve all whe line on *° fOW ERY 1(43 3 of CLOTH e, call at the ; weEIL. a Murpit? nid EDS | OFFI! i, > read Glue wl rqueoo .baomadotd of | ‘ ! tet oe buothe AGT TS } ‘fh Wa bor " ai doom t 4 dase ost) bo (av re. dieyV Os were ,f ty eect # VOL. Xf ’ , iT at ar af “he apie Byeony' Py the J Uadided thge the paper idttoe | TE! - i petahed (raltich wes mur di danced! ERMS 3 ’ 9 © J of sepuy ) Mr j fecieds ' 4 a " _ data Mr. a A oy hee Bn det fs oho. Single copy A eos: $2.00 *| Inktong & Poptart Be mee "the ine fave coples, cree g800° ' (ran bus dredee d the (ney ah d We 'reeu wid Ten comes! |! Sey Ou | | ifthey 2 xpretaeet- ths views “te ‘woul tate for! habs oxcogding ten) \9 the rte pra- hems béeit notyowoeldindte ‘hte nt 'k Frberi 4 Pip iaveut alii “in - ob tetletaal di What: Oon vettiniie’* | | The EDITOR AND PROPHIRTOR, | t parr tla 61.50 Seach: tose. oro) has ,botatontan st UN bee a Pbeal Lerauee. _ : Basie etiquette ve SF? + Hayao r soggocted thé riety “of A PROCEEDINGS OF-FiBe >. | puaemenre qovohuthine bein wahuae 1 lna Cece however Weil wl ‘i { Aed 1. . eeenttet Do uod ¢ wale ieee North Carolina Nate tonscntlen,| mrt ; —' Lod ( FIRST DAY. ravage of the Ordinawee of Seoestign Caan: imously ! (p Substitute to shiadlof Mr.’ Budidi? hee iii A ens Mt vast eo Ot rG seer Mi CRAIGHS*SUBSTITUTE ‘TO MR. ‘BADGERS RESOLUTION. _. - AN ORDINANCE sDOPTION OF THE “CONTITUTION ; To diaspolge the Union detween the. State of OF THE CONFEDERATY SUATES. North Carplina qud the other. Siales um ted, ; . w.th her under the eginpact of the. Govern; ment, entitled the Coustitution of ihe United } States. { We, the peuple of the State of North Curor ling in Conveation assembled, du declare and ordain audi is hereby declared und urduined, that the ordinance adopted by the State of North Cyrolipa ua the Convenuva of }789, Higrs t , Oe whereby the Constitution of the United States A.W Veuable, N..W, WoodGny: «ad R,. k. was ratified and udopted, and also wif acts and \ Monpay, Muy 20th, 1861. On Monday last, the 20th May, che gele- gieerecently elected toa Convention of the popleof tis State, assembled im the Com- coos Wallin this City. The members were called to order by Hoa, Ane Bigs, of Martin, on whose inelien Megas. eee +! tof Dedarty ISB) Ma. Croiger thon fered tis wesotuttions use| 44 te Huy | wed VOLE t bask BS ya .aV area OL estou HH odd a Yo ailuir aks ou) whiv V54 SEMI. A avg agiliad Jusmatvvey wfP = a Psd) a Ry! cel td ° iM RY. NC, MAY. { od Sani Ja0( ad of woe shade rl, ' Nrutiaas Tr Trete whee Weiiy! an dag epyraripa eh dald be Wer fifi th te Arditiahee | bow west wets: pre pared to sedeupt chase 40) ulie gee See ee ’ LARSES Wee APY apd ehteng. xeasuiee fire peparntién the were not a i im the pre-, mies Nebahe neater Ove tO ih i bit paaagse atesduding ) cedolatione |: sidpply! deeberiigiahe tasao8 Neil, Get oliaw ond of WARS Rr phe snRatd tee te and present to phe eouivensivn a fri arena ol aege ywecding’ forth the | red sowe fuemutth pepe dation, tidn, ‘rit the’ qitebtion’, beirb p' out, resulted in nays 39. ‘The queguog them recurred ot thy ad@ption of Mr. Craige’s substitate. The mibstitute wes rexd. Mr. Reffiw abjectedte that partiof the ordi+ pance Wich repeals the wouan of ihe eonwen- tion of 1789 adopting the Federal Canstatydon. He thought wedid not go out of the Union by virtae of any such repeal, we had no constitu- tional right feel ically to repeal that ordinance, but. we weet ont eunply becnnse we willed it, and moved thut hut.portiou of the sebsutute which repealed the ordinance of 1789 be vtrick- en oat, Mr. Venable suid there was no necessity for upon Mt ti the affirmmive’ Vous T2y Speed were uppotated a cournp tee Cogeceime parte of wets of the Geheral Assembly ratify erdentitls an. enrgltbe nanics of dylegatea. ing vad adupting amendmente to the said Con- Oo hundred and twelve delegates angwered Le | veation, are hereby repealed rescinded and ub- rnanes, and this namnber was increased roguted. hore adjouromeut Co one pandred and sixteen, We do further declare und ordain that the i four less than the whole uambee chusea | Uninn now xobsistipg between the State of Walter F. Leak, bsg.,uf Righmeoud, avini-¢ North Carolina and the other Statcs, under vied for Promdent the Hon, Welden N, bd- | the Wtle of the United States of Ainerica, is | nis, of Warren, ard Hoy. Geo, B. Badgers} hereby dissolved, and that the Siaty ot Nerth | o Wake, nominated the Hoa, Wa. jA. sores} Carolina is in full possession nad exercise of all | ico af Orange, for the same poation, ‘The / those right« of sovereignty which belong and | Foaveniivn then vated osea goce, wher Mr. } appertain'th a free and independent penpie. | ‘twards recewved 65 votes, aud Mr. Graham, Mr. Dick Offered ‘an mmendment to Mr | : Badgers, cemotations, te submit the ordinance | 40 the people fur ratiticntion. | / Mr. Renee theu moved that the copsidera- , tion of the résofutions and amendments be con- | uated im secret seveint, bat xt ihe suggestion | of geatlemen withdrew the mition. Mr. Baryes revewed it. He ewd he theaght t what the yorce of this cauvention shuald go, Yorth as the anantmous expressivn of the will of i | the peopte, and this wonld be hetler effected | by the diesassion on this subject being conduc- ! ted with chased doors. Mr. Reid suid he ditlered frem the gentle- | man who had just spoken, relative to the pro- | priety of going into secret session. | » sapermtead the electioa There woe perfect mmanimity onthe subject Mr. Bornes ioved that Mr. Steele be op- | of secession; there was only # difference of ated Pemeipal Clers and Mr. b. ©. Bdwards | opinion in regard te the manner of expressing | ‘Granville. assistant ‘at. He demanded the yeur and nays upou the ; Vhe Pressdeut decided the motion eut of | mation. ler. the convention having ugreed to gu iuto | The President said there waa no rule adop- | i election of Principal Clerk. | ted by the Convention by which the yeas and Mr. Burnes moved to reeonsider the deeis- nayx could be erdered. He could ouly have ! ref the Convention te go iato the electiou | them prdeced by a muajorily of the Conveution. Principal Clerk, aud the muuew did not pre- After rome further discussion between sev-} eral gentlemen, the motion for the yeas and | nave was then put and decided in the negutive. | Mr. Barnes demanded tellere, and the Chair ; Mr Edwards buving beea declared duly vcied, was conducted Lo the ehay by Wessra. cake and Badger, and returned his thaaksia ei ioquent and patnatic address, , Atthe conclusion of Mr. Edward's reagorks, MM) Badyer presented a paper whieh he desir- el tu be read. Mr. Venable suggested that the Couveation w be opened with prayer. Mr. Osborme thought the organization of the uventow should be completed atonce, and ceeded to nominate for Priucipal Clerk, W. . Steele of Richmond. Mr. Rewdmoved chat two tellers he appoiated Mr. Battle, of Wake, then nominated J. H. aloore. ‘6 | Messre Winslow and Thompson, of Wayne, | were appownied tellers to superintend the elec- reported yeas 54, nays 59. von and the Convention then proceed to vote | So the motion to yo into secret session did roca tuce, wird resulted in the efection of Mri) net prevail. Rierle. ( Mr. Osborne desired to be informed what the The Convention then proceeded to the elec- | position of tho buswiess was before the Conven- | uppointed Messrs. Barues and Meares, who | striking out. He ekinned the right to repeal simply because we willed it. Both the clamses might be retained, he question then reenrring on the proposi- | in afdineuce sud alse to go out of ibe Union } Mr. Graham renewed it. Mr. Ashe demundec the yeas and asys, yeax 47, nays 655; so the motion vo strike vut did not prevuit. | ‘Phe question war Chen taken directly on the substitule of Mr. Ornige, and anauimoasty | audypted—115 voting. Mr Leake, of Richmond, thea culled for “three cheers for the State of South Carolina the noblest Roman of them all,” which were heartily sven. Mr. Smith, of Halifax. moved that ® com- mittee on credentials be uppomted which was ndopted, and the chair eppomted VMeesrs. How- ard, Mhorntott, Barnes, Battle of Wake, and Biggs. Mr. Rayner moved that the Ordinance of Secession just passed be enrulled upom parch- 'meot, 80 a8 to be ready for the signature of the members of the Convention at 12 o’cluck to- morrow. ‘The motion was umended by the appoint- ment of a commitiee to have the Ordinance propertly enrolled and presented for signature as soon ak practicable. The committee consists of Mesers. Barnes. Rayner. Venable, Ruffin aod Craige. Mr. Barues presented papers concerning the contested election in Halitux. which were re- ferred to the Committee on Credenuals. On motion, acommittee consisting of Messrs. Reid, Graham, Meares, Gilmer and Biggs were appointed to prepare rules for the government | of the Conveation. Mr. Mearea jotrpdueed au ordwanee provi- ding for the adoption of the provisional Govern- {mentof the Confederate States of America, ond the same wae read. | BY MARES OF BRUNSWICK By ABBR dea beP Gh a | UNE LabTe for Cre purpLed of ek Feder sal , i : ; fom Guy Bite apd it must be war against a foreign var (Phe .ganovahdinays; were! /orde rajiapes the | lesplution of My. Ragin! und sraguited, yous | n wt Fa ee dalled fora divin atihe qe | od if A ad a Qos a velo Vay Y Kt a Ae 94 1 eli Weg yitmct bute coed iiajme & ne FST Toe repeats et ont Pee Set RE or oe ‘nh ‘ SF sa te ee oe eee mht , Lhe Conalttmtion, Subset ted.-n.W » bes 1 lieve the Rail, Spliter..iw dhe, brick spree of; | we months, has Uaupplyd ander fugt every Imperlaut proyasion of the Constitutions A Unef seminary will put tae reader ia Tessession Of tlig Lacs, (oie! vi The power to declave was. iacby) the: Cod sUiuLioM pspresely. cantiged he Congress 5 | (oer ect hans nokieog, of the AMatee of, the Can- fedgragyy The ight de wake Ware & Bite was.erpphasion! |i refaned Congress, by the {ou eabos which framed the! Con- SUILULIOR. , Nea tat ee oeys - Limog lt. bas, usurped. this dictonial. mar. power, and. .ja rom waging wan Against tight uf, Une suvereiyn States by, hie own wuthouty. Rey preragative of Congress. Lincolp is assem - bling vo. amy of 75,000. men, wot only Without the authority of Congress but after To raise and sapport armies is the apecial | shee TAS ROEM Nin Mecho tate tet, 4 243] to \ aft gaa) o NV garwollc} \ne naoss far) st e ety VV 9) aos! Tues! { Rett fae wet, vi fom A jarnol ! yogis ' rte Hodes Od lids HCl ise al \ f : { id ote 0 yavs¥ aM, Sila NUMBER: 6. ed Da VOEM Wlewortor Ws tniats 4 > THE NEW ‘yore’ Day fooK. This ' paper, under the reign of ‘tetror, in the face of mobs, pu vad tha e¥en-tenor ‘of fta:mays | lp -imientidtntly conseseatove—- plants, itselfiupon the Wenstitution)and de- | fende Ve rights of the South. . ltsiden én- Cntions;of Abaxdmeanoese » of: A bhigios ibar; and (he undehs tational aud inwies’ course vf abe: Black Repubbioans;! ara: 'tarvib}y- ses vere. : lteeditons are hetoed and inidoreupti-- ble patridte. (The presiure thet has ‘been brought tabear upem -themj:‘of vutides kinda, a6 immensey but ‘like the suctbeatpn: rogk + the troublad, dashing biflews, they Cefy snd tell back the tidy. It is a acene of the morajly:seblyne, :. Bh op deaceve wad thould, and deabtless have;:the thanks of ull trad Southermerse 5 6 0 per: Wes There are over forty other pap ére 4uthe North which take «trong ground ayaiest | the -coutse of | Lineolo, and, bd .doctrinceof hia uoprincipled.. party: . Taney: assure as Cougress bad deliberately refused to give hing such anthorrity, | Congress lias the power to enll forth the | willis lo suppress insurreetiong and repel Insamione. Liucolp law usurped this power | uw bis own bands, ' ~ No prefercnce shall be given by any | regulauou of commerce or revenue to the ; ports of ony State over those of another,” { savs the Constitution. Lincoln abrogates this provision and declares the ports of | { tiow of Mr. Ruffirrto strike ont, he withdrew | nine States to be Llockaded. it Cougress alone ean suspend the writ of habeas corpus ;—marii law reigns io the Capitol af the Republic. ' No sukher shall, in time of pence, be quartered in any house wahout the con- seut of tle owner; mor it tine of war, but in @ manner to be prescribed by law,” | is in the.clause of the Constitution, By! what law bas Lincoln takep military pos- | session of Washington / “The right af the people to be secure in their permatin. Wer sen, papers and effects | agaist Uureasutable searches and seizures: shall not be vielated,” are the words of | lthe Conatituuon. . The inilitary despotism | lal Washington is the practical eommen- | ‘tary on this provision. ' ‘The President is charged with the pro- | ltection and preservation of the pub- | Vic property. Lineolu has. fal led this | ‘ obhyation by destroying and burning the : p public property at Harper's Ferry and | GCrosport Navy Yard. | Lancoln atteets to regard all acts of se- | cession by any of the Diaies as mall and veld, He nevertheless treats the seceding | Stites as forergn powers, by subjecting | them toe blockade, according to the law of Dablops. i North Carolina, which has not vet for- | nally resumed we delegated powers, 18 | also yout voder the ban and declared yn a | state of blockade. that there are thousands who: are with them in beaft atid. haed, and (hatthenem-: ber ws cortainty ipcrensing: Ud the idvasion and attempted ‘subjugation of: then South they; are utterly opposed: ‘Thdy dec pounce ib as in confhot with the princi: ples of the govetn ment —eubwc tsive of the: Constitution and deatructixe -of inherent riglts—rights for which thé paltiois of °76 resisted Georye 1fl,.2ied ‘stroggied through a seven yeare’ bloody war fo defend and Maintain They warp the peopheagainst a military despotiam and the overthiow ‘of their liberties in. the North, The bigb- handed despoie measures of Lincoln ex- cite suspictor, and'miagled fears und con- tempt : ; We honor those-noble men and’ sympa- thize with them in sheir.triale-and strug- glee for the eonstitutional freedom. ‘hey are the nucleus ofa panty; whieh, we sin- cerely bope, will finally triamph dver :bin- coln & Go.— Washing ton (ViC.) Dispatch. PAY OF VOLUNTEERS. The following wet, to provide for the pav- ment of Volunteers, was imtroduced into the House of Commons ‘bv Mr. Marsh, one of the members from this county, and having passed both the House of Commons and Senate, is now the law :— Wash. Dis. Be tt enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and tt is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Thuxt in all cases in which any com- pany of Volunteers may have been or may licreafter be enlisted and organized under the prooltmation of his Excellency, the (covernor, and shall have been tendered io and accepted by the Governor, the said Volunteers shall receive the same pay and _ rations, both officers and privates, as are received by voltihteets after they have been ‘mustered? and received fito the servite of | the State. on of Assistant Clerk, ' { Mr. Reid nominated J. A. Euglehard, of | Edgecombe ; Mr. Venable nominated, Dr. 3. \ Williains, of Grapville ; Mr. Miller namina - oi J. A. Fox, of Mecklenburg; Me. Bares | noniuated L. C. Edwards, of Granydle; und | Mr Brown nomurated M. UU, Pinuix of Gaswelts sooequeuily the latter nowminatiog waa with- | 4 Wi Mescrs. Miller and Barpes, were appaiited <tellert to superinten@ the election, who re- mported Mr. Edwards duly elected. On motion of Me. Biggs, Mr. Bages of Ran- ‘sph, Mr. Lovell, of Surry. aud J.C. Myore, w Wake, were uppoiated Door-keepers. ' Mr. Venable thea renewed bis motion toapen | tion. He thought tbet the amendment to Mr. Dick to Mr. Badger’s resolution to be the first question ander consideration—but requested Mr. Dick to withdraw his umendme nt and pre- een itasa distinet proposition Mr Dick wihdrew tt with ing that he should present it und have a vote ern thereon-@t some early period. the understand. , AN ORDINANCE { | To ratify the Constitution of the Provisional (tovernment of the Confederate States of | ' America. We, the people of North Catolina in Cotrven- tion assumbled, do declure and orduin. und it is hereby declured aud ordained, thit the ® tate | The President is required to conform | B82 me his action to treatirs——now, by ‘treaties : Be it further enacted, That Lereafter the with England, France end other vations, / &Xpenses incurred by them in organizing these Powers have the right of entry to all | and In their transportation, eee to our porte. Linceln repudiates thece trea | their being ‘mustered and’ received into ser- Pies wid denis Uleceweruine ok (basilar 0) shafl be refinded, whether the ‘same stipulated wider them. ‘Phis is to pros | slul be incurred by their commanding voke a War, 4 poWer resting exeiusively athcer, comtties, corporations, or individn- ; ‘Phe question then recurred apon Mr. Craige’s | of North Carolina does hereby assent to and | substituie. | Sratifv. the “Constitution of the Provisional Mr. Biggs raid that # question of such great Government of the Confederate States of (importance enght net to be decided by a sunple | 4 yreri¢a;" adopted af Montgomery in the Stare vole of ayes wad pays, Le supposed that ev> | of Alabnmea onthe eighth day of February, A. ery delegate desired to have his vote on it re- , D. stl, by the Consention of Delegates trom with Congress. We humbly conceive that the assemp- | fon and exercise of these wast powers by one wan apptalate the Coustitatigm, pros. | trate the pnbie Bberties, aud establide an als: Provided Rowever, That proof shall be milde to the eatistietion of the Governor ut the amooutit thus expended, atid that the sane was necessary and proper for thé Vol- uuteers hforesatd, eorded upon the Joarnal Mr. Grahund thought: thet the Convention | the States of South Carelina, Georgia, Flori- da, Alabama, Mississipp. and Louisiana, and ‘deliberations of the Conveution with prayer, might udopt tbe rules of the House of Com-) that North Carolina willenterinto the Federal “hich was eo ueurred it / ; Mons by whieh # cull for the yeas and naye] Agssciation of Statex upon the terins therein Kev. J. W. Tucker, of the Methodiet Epie ; migbt be ordered—and submitted a motion to | proposed when admitted by the Congress or ‘opal Church South, then by inviiation, offer- “10 most sulemu and iipprogsive prayer for the | soporte aud guidance af the Supreme Dispea- { Tul events, in the deliberatigas of this ou the great and nwneutous questions whieh , sould be brought before is ; \ cominuuication from the Hom. F. J. Mo- ~s. Commissioner from the State of S. Carolie , “4 Was unnounced by the President. which Ss tead by the Clerk. Uhe President appointed Wessre. Venable Ruffin to wait ow Myr Moees, did invite | ‘to @ sontun the conventian. oy Vhe cumiuittee haying discharged their dua4 tog barinerss wis suspended: by the yeas and | Oe President on behalf of the Convention vays were ordered ow Me. Groige’s sabstilute. ' omed the Hon. gentleman, who respunded Wren appropriate ant patriotic anya, and ess passed by the Convention wf tte | Meof South Carolan, amd tavited the Co | “ration of North Carolima dhecen \ reaoludign inviting the Clergy of Abercty | hn the daily SHEE s of the Convention | ‘ prayer, wae passed over informally ia ot thar Ui eommittee to prejwre rdée for Tovermiment of the Ouovention might ree "tthe ame ! ‘Ir Meares suggested that the rules of the nhion of 1335 be udopted for the govern: | that effect. Mr. Bigg+' suid he hoped the gentleman would Yecept da his motion that rule which reqaived ent days. : The suggestion was adopted by Mr. G. Mr. Reid thought without adopting the rules the yeas and naysmight be demanded by uuan- mons consent. Mr Sautterthwaite concurred tm the opintop of Mr. Retd and moved that the veus aud pays on the stthstitute be tuken by géneral consent. The snyyvestion was agreed to and all peud- Mr. Badger obtained the Hoor aud +poke in P defence of fis resolution at some length. The sonted his crede utile with ate o:d@uatice of | reportet liepes to Be able to obtain ta wy hopsis. df Mr B'a remarka here flew Mr. Crawge rephed i defence of his resolu- (iow. He thought it waiid be better that a wenple ordinance of recession shyuld be pussed \ now. fle offered the sitbaritute because Mr Badgers resolutions while they embrace many tnd strong reason, they did not set forth all the revsows far u separation. They did not seem to intimate that cause existed for the separation prior to the procla- mation of, Lineoln issacd on the' 16th of Apri, while there were muy members of the con. | veutwn who beheved thyt caases did exist tor | Loft this body. Ts Biggs said he thovght there was no ne- any Competent authority of the Confederate DStiates. Dove at Raleigh the twentieth duv of May, y , any dill to be read three severu] timeson ditter- | in the year of vur Lord one vhousand eight Wundred and sixty-one. | The following aiendment was oftered by Wr, Dick of Guilford to the ‘ordinance of secession introduced by Mr. Badger, bat withdrawn and afterwards offered ne an amendment to the or- | dinanee introduced by Mr. Meares adopting the | Provisional Constitution of the Confederate States: © And thie ardinunce to be in full foree and State, at an election herealter to be held, the | duy and manner of holding said election to be | fixed and provided fur by this convention. Mr. Graham moved thatthe Couveution now ‘adjorrn. Not tdopted: Mr. Ashe demanded the yeaa and nays— | yeas 39, nays Oo. The question then arose on Mr. Meares r so- | lutions. » Mr! Dick thei moved the following amend-* ment, and the queston at once recurring upon hits adoption, oR yeus and nays were demanded. \ Y 34 ‘3 73. The vote | adopted. eas 34, faves 7: ‘ then taken on Meare? fesolation, and it unannnoualy adoptea: Mr Venable then introdnced an erdigauce Not was wie effect when ratified by the legal voters of thir | ‘ty of ad spring roles tmduy: the Couven- { ough! (9 pass au ertipaned ‘of seceRsion Nediately > he was opposed te aay dalay du Hatter Mr. Craige expressad hia concurrence ip pha rinks of the genilanan who had just taken Seat | There was prrfoet VARIES Off teh - lention this wabfer€ throwghout the Hate. Ye wan um favor of phd king a decid ration ef in: ‘pendenee from the,old Bederdl Uinen @ thie “*) particularly. fe said be had an ordinagge ' ty a separation prior to that ime.’ Therefore, whilé many would disaent from the Giews of | the preatrile of Mr. Be resobrtione, Chey Could all coneur in acxinmple dechatation of secession contagmed bu his substitu ée. Mr, Ruftip <aid cbt difBoultics might exist th the rotinds of members ta voting tor either of the ortinantesr, He thenpht that reasons fora depuration should be set forth ia the ordiunhre, but wae pot prepated’ WwW eceept those ia the preamble of Mr. B. without ma weadmepte | to adopt the Consutouon of the Confederate p Srares of Ameficn, which was read dnd mude the order for to=mortew at Tt o’chok. ' "The Convention acjourned: to meet again | te-morrow et hl aweleck. | Not There.mdt in eid that Won. B. Astor, when called on to make goed hie liberat. pro- roine of milbous.to Linge!n's merges la Harry on the war, ineomtinemtly backed down. ‘odious despotisni.— Richmond Whig. Be it further enacted, That the Govern: a . - _arshall bave power to draw upon the Treas. Wouldn't Go.—The Newburyport Her: ary for the sumf pecessaty to carry dut the ald hag a correxpondent accompanying the provisions of this net. 7 , eighth Massachusetts: Regiment. Speak | Be it further enacted, That this act shall ing of his passage through Maryland, he | be if ‘forded from and after its ratification, SAYS > - “Ome gentleman offered to give me a ‘nigger it Leould induce any une of the Dirty he had to Jeave him and go North, affording me full [herty to hold ont any inducements [deemed expedient’ tried ithe experiment, pictured out the blessings bof freedom po far as T was able, Tut it wats Ale Oe and ! Just the darkey. Lururies.—One house in this town sold | Gurteen hundred dollars worth of apuftin | the last week A great deal of this will | be used top by persans who will have to | depend upon charity for bread very, soon. | Tobacco, Snuff and Ligwors arg not necess i sarces, and wealg hope, that the cultivaon vet ‘fobacco and the mapufacture of whis- | ky from grain will be abandoned uytil our The Cubans und the slmerrcan Trou i) troubles are over.—Pragress. | bles. —A Massaclins: tte lady, just returned froin Cat, ows that the precailing teding | oan teeny ne a ; there inoregard to Ree a ne en! Andrew Jackson Donelson.— the Vicks- fiver of the Sonth. Several Cubans po | bors Whig, ofthe 1th: ipstant, gays : Htely invited her to rematn there under) We are delighted thatehis galtant ld the “proted tion of Her Most Cathotie Mat) patriot iefter ol ging to’ vd Union enti ysty of Spain, rrther than face the danuér | further devote would com protisé South- ‘ons Gotha and Vanrtals of the North. She ‘ary honor atid tmperid ‘bis cwitive State. hoed to make them understand thae theit! has annoomeced: bismedn boa of going into fears for her were pertectly groundless, but) active serweée aid drawing tle awerd giv- they wold not be convinced.—— Boston! en te him by General Jackson, in defeneo Tourteal, ' of the South.” - a | SAVANAR, May 21" | S top the Di stiller ves.—" Lat these estal - The spamih barqae bara, frown Barve- | lish ments be ¢losed for the: present in the Jona, has yeast come in. She was chased | name .of Ged and the ‘people?’ se the l fom dayhyght this morning by the Harnet | Iredell Apress says, xud so «oes the voice | lac. hw ind being fair, the Laura out ' of patnobsnayand homanity. Wor soldiers van her, The Uariet Lane fired two or pand suffering: pwor- neg) \eorn fur bread threg shots at her, which the Layra rewirn- | Whiskey: ia, denmoraligm aed rawyoas to 6d. The Harriet Laue is ceported to be} our saldiers. stop the ‘copper-beaded now lying East of the Tybee. devils” at any rate dering the war, 10 wr4ae \ ' \ | \ { | THE AFFAIR NEAR NORF@LEKE. Poy, om 8 We take the following wy of thef ra = attack by the federal ste on (tallow on Sewell’s Point Battery, from the Nor-| battery is on a sand bank and very much folk Day Book Extra, on the 20th inst.— | higher than the steamer, she consequently Later accounts by telegraph and by the did not see everything that was going on, Papers assert that some six of seven men on board the Monticello were killed, and wounded in Pedify' ebgpfement, and the Steamer seriously injured, though the latter appears. to. -have.been -repaired,.-as. she was off the Battery the peat day in company with the Minnesota, and also the day following by herself: The ateam-tug Yahukee, Captain B. Taylor, started dowu on Saturday about del caren Sau eee el the United, were drawn ap in position, Gas at Sewell’s Point. When | tbe whole conceuled from view of the ene- a i i vicinity she saw the | ™Y- . _ See ieee over in the Yesterday (Sanday) evening about four mesth of James River. The Kahukee| °? five o'clock, a small schooner from be- took ber position as near the earth-works low passed up, and when near the Monti- aa prudent, lowered her yaw!) and sent it cello she fired’ gun which passed over the it aehore wilh as qnuuh of the loborare ac battery. It is not known positively wheth- it would carry ; these were landed, and the | °" whe fired mt Hig eee Orch ne Val sty, beat wae about returning for another tond, though it is asserted by some that the when the steamer Montivelio, whieh had schooner got as near the fort as possible steamed away from the mouth of James | #94 sent a man up on her mast head to River and gone im the divection of Old | *PY into the fort, those inside unconscious Point, as those on beard the tog thought of what was going of, and deeming her a came round the point of woads at the ex. | friend. However, that first gun was taken treme end of Sewell’s Point, in chase of | 2° * banter, and the battery answered it, tha Kabekes. The letter Wm gow abow with as inuch spirit and rapidity as couve- three miles below Boush’s Bluff, the only nience would allow, the second ball, we place where there are any guns aku ac) understand, taking effect in her riging, in that mounted. vieiwity, and seeing the inuch of which was cut away. The fring Mont cello about coming after her, steam. | Continued for some considerable time, by ed up the river to cscape. The Montiee]. | both the steagrer and the battery. lo then fired a shot ufter her, which not The two rffle te : is said ee na ‘ . most execution, a shell from one of which peatland ve a ea ere. i itis reported bursted on striking the steam- untierstand exploded about 50 yards inad- | "3 Nigging, though it is not known wheth- vanee of her. In the meantime, the chase | °" 't proved fatal. The steatner was struck had become so exciting to those in com. | ' her hull several times nearly amidships, mand of the Monticelie that she wav about and one hole we understand was knocked getting into a good position to be cracked into her side, large enough for a flour bar- at by Captain Young’s battery at Boush’s rel to enter. ‘The steamer’s battery was . " ira ay y them we understand having {o lay flat o4 their labor. __. On. Sauacday..avening when the firing , ceased, there was not a gun on the Sewell’s Point battery, but by men fighting for thei rights bercalean feats can be performed. — Three sbort 32 pounders were carried duwn from the city, and got in tolerable condi- tion for temporary tse. Besides these, their stomachs to perform, sowie! part of two six-inch field rifle pieecs, the guns of woos | ‘"FURTHR FOREIGN NEWS. |, “The question has been un- erents says; ett. — [der the copsjderatiop of Go they bbe brdukad & havg ¢ tg the opinjon thapthe Southern Co ‘ebralf of Ameria, acéording to those ‘principles which seem to be just, must be | treated nee belligerent.” ney The Londou Times speaking of the te- jection by the United States of the propo- sition tu make privateeting piracy by the universal law of nations, says, that propo- sal having been rejected, the bellizerents holds ancient rights, and that Commissions from President Davis are as good as those from President Lincoln: ‘ As to the res- olution adopted by the New York mer chants, to treat privateers from the unrecog- nised South as pirates, the proposition can- not be maintained. Every jurist must hold, that so long as Mr. Davis is President of sovereign States, he has the same right to issue letters of marque which any Presi- dent of the Republic of either North or South America bas.” AFFAIRS AT HARPER'S FERRY. So fast ure the troops arriving here now, that it is almost impossible to note them. Every train brings several companies ; while the Baltimore and Ohio Road is doing a good business transporting ‘volunteers from Baltimore and other sections in Maryland. Yesterday and this moraing a large nuin- ber of members of the Baltimore City Guards and Independent Greys arrived, in full uniform, but without arms. It is thought that in a few days they will be sufficiently strong to organise a complete Baltimore Regiment. Yesterday morning two more companies of Virginia Infantry arrived. One was from Angusta county, and the other from Alleghany county. From the movements of the Federal | troops in Maryland, an attack upon this is Blaff. Captain Young having now one gun to bear on her, though at long range, let @y at her with that, which was grape shot, and scattered about her like hail stones. The Monticello immediately bank ed her engine, and without turning rownd got out of harm's way. She then drop- ped down opposite the place where we are erecting a battery at Sewell’s Point. She here opened her fire on the unfinished breastworks, with the intention ef demol- ishing them; this she, continved antil as it supposed her ammunition was exhaust- ed ; and io the meantiine the litte steam- er Yankee came upto her aid. They two, together kept up the bombardment for about three hours, say from 1 to 4 o'clock. They were still firing when another lit- tle steamer. supposed to be the Young America, came over from Old Point, when they ceased. The two small steamers the Yankee and Young America, then left for Old Point, and the Monticello kept her position in the neighborhood uatil our in- formant left. These steamers were about a mile irom | the unfinished works, during the time they were hammering away at them so, but we learn have scarcely solled the works, the only damage being the starting of a log of one of the embrasures. Out of about tbirty shot and shell ouly one took effect aa Above. . The women and children living in the neighborhood were very. ouch alarmed left their houses and sought safety by flight. There was no one on the place armed. — A white man had a Sharp's rifle loaded, with which he stood upon the works, took aim and fired; though it is not known finally silenced, and about that time the | two little steamers, the Yankee and the Youug America came up, both of which we understand fired a few balls at the fort. They all three then startled off down the river towards Old Point. It is the general impression that the Monticello ia seriously crippled, from the manner in which she was creened over when she left, and probably from ber hav- ing ceased her fire so quick. The shot and shell from the steamers flew over the battery, many of then strik- ing a mile in the rear. One shell bursted near the battery without injury. A piece of it weighing four or five pounds we saw last night. The tops of the pine trees in the neighborhood were pretty well cut down by the shot and shell from the Yan- Wester, Miceieceen Frid kees, and the boughs and splinters were ere gi arco on Buday: scattered about with a good deal of activi- | A gentleman who left Richmond yester- ty, thongh with no bad results, except the | day says that he passed fifteen thousand scratching of the hand of one of tha staff troops on the railroad in Tennessee, last officers who was present. It gives us pleasure to hear so glowing | a report of thespirit of bravery which was | brought vut in this engagement. We teel : Cae that our Saree the hands of Wasnixotox, May 19. the right kind of men. (Thirty-five thousand troope here have During the cannonading, we understand, | ad none of their usual parades, drills, ete., some of the infantry sallied out on the | to day, owing to the fact that they have beach and discharged their small arms, | been ordered to be ready ata moments no- (Minnie rifles, we presume,) at the Monti- | tice for action. . Religious exercises have cello, she being, what was considered at| been held, however, among most of the the time, within range. It is said that | regiments, and the cold and gloomy day every man engaged on shore acted the | !!8% otherwise passed very pleasantly. To part of a lero; the only regret being that | outside observers there bas: been nothing they were not more thoroughly prepared | whieh would seem to necessitate the extra- expected very soon. A large force is copeentrating at Hagerstown and Harris- burg; and also near Wheeling, It ig thoughts the place will be attacked at two or three different points. But let come at AS many points as they please, and as strong as they please, and there is sufficient to engage them all. Battimors, May 19. A thousand additional Minnie Muskets were received by the Virginia troops at Harper’s Ferry yesterday from North Car- olina. Two batteries of railroad iron, sim- ilar to the floating battery at Charleston, have been erected at the Point of Rocks. A gentleman who saw the troops exercis- ing yesterday in the bayonet drill, says they are perfect in it. A regiment from South well armed. FROM WASHINGTON. for the occasion, by having their heavy Ordinary order alluded to. ordnanee in better condition for the recep- | By Wednesday it is believed that ten | thousand of our soldiers will be encamped ——+- \ ea pthe fidmg. She £ @e un y, ipa g Mamxavpria, Va., May 2 Dpepetiogs ash na herd p|} Jo the Hdjfee gf Commons Lord pha} A going on With the works, The | Russell, in referring to the rights of bellig- °fhodrt of. thé | notwithstanding the strict watch, for the | Crown, Attorney and Solicitor General, and “boys” were at work like moles, some of; the Queen's Advocate. The government ( Pa — —_ ee ; F, Fs :. v ri | Agormiftee was apppinte® Upmake | MORTH GAROLINA STATE Cox areghgemen® for the tragpfer, gee OP vention = CON and the Departibent of Yoo GoaGtongbar | 28 ON. to Richmond. composed of Mr. Rives, Mr. ¢ following is a list of the delegn Hunter, and Mr. Memminger. found to be present at the orgaviastig, ‘ Congress adjourned to meet in Rich- | the State Convention on Monday last: . mond on the 30th July. Alamance—Gitee Mebane, Thus re : | | \ | | | | | friend in Mobile: week, who were en route for Virgiuia, all | absurd rebellion?” giuia, | Forty thousand dollars bave been appro- priated for the removal of the seat of Gov- erument to Richmund, and to rent Govern- honk buildings there: From. the. Washington (N.G,) Diopatety- The following is the richeat and funniest thing of the kind we have ever seen in pring, Rot eee ony Greely'’s gas and Webb's twaddle. e could nbt refrain from laughing when we first read it : “The Southern States are a purely agricul- tural segion. Mechanical arts eanavt thrive side by side with aluvery. There. ie.a foundry at Richmoad, Va., at whieh arme aud mani- tions of war ure manofactured, and there are ove of two other smal| shops ia ether Soathérn Staves where Northern mechgnice make u few guos. But, with sparse exceptions, every pistol, rifle, musket, cannon bayonet, swerd, and bowie-knife, und eve ry pound of powder, every box of caps, every cartndge, every shell, evety guu, and every bullet or bull that is used by Southern troops, was made at the North, aod canoet be replaced ut the South. From the hour the United States oecupy the Richmond foundry, und blockade the Southern ports, the supply of aring to the rebele will be siopped. Every cartridge burned afier that time will be an irretrievable loss. Nor is there nuy chance that foundries wilt be estublished at the South, Slavehulders dare not. The most magniticent pasture lands in America are uuntilled because the Southern whites dare not trust their slaves with scvihes to mow hay; much lees could they suffer armornes and factories to be estab lished whege negroes might obtain powder, ball, and edged touls.”’ Every sentence in this extract is false, and nearly every word. We have found- ries, besides the one at Richmond, and make everything enumerated above. Rifle shops abound in the interior of this State, at which the very best rifles of the old pat- terns and some of the new are made—made by North Carolinians. Until about 265 years ago, a Northern rifle was never seen in that region, avd then we well recoliect it was laughed at. More rifle shops, more fundries are guing up. Powder and per- cussion caps are made. Balls are moulded, and cartridves are made in every direction. And from our earliest reculleetion up to the present, we have seen and do see vur stout: est, begro Men with edyed-touls clearing lands, getting timber, aud with scythes mowing hay and cutting wheat, rye and | oats. We have seen them, guus in hand, bunting with their young masters, and Alexander—A C Stewart. Ashe—J D Furbes. Anson—A Myers, J'& he Bertie—S B Bpraut Sudghict: Beanfori—W J Allison, EJ Morrow Bladen—T, D McDowell, . piston cB. k homas D Meares. Bunoumbe—5 W Wood&n. Buorke—J € McDowell. Cabarrus Phifer. . Caldwell—E W Junca, Camden—D D Ferebee, Carteret—C R Thorrias: Caswell—Bedford Brown, J A Graves. Catawbe—P C rlenkle, I J Merritt. Chathem-—J H Headen, John Manni Chowan—R H J ill rd. ves Cleaveland—W J Miller, J W Tracy. Columboae—Richard Wooten Craven—George Green, John D Whitford Cumbertand—W Winstow, David McNeill Currituck» M Shaw. Davidsoun—B A Kittrell, BC Douthn. Davie—Robt Use. Duplin—W J Houston, Joseph T Rhodes, Edgecombe—W S Battle, Geo How ard. Forsythe—Thos J Wileon, Rufus L Patterns Frapbling—A D Williams. Gaston—8 X Johnson. Gates—A J Walton. Granville—T L Hargove, A W Veuable, Xa Royster. Greeu—W A Dareen. Guilford—Jobu A Gilmer, Ralph Gorreli, R P Dick. Halifax—R H Smith, C J Gee. Hyde—E L Mann. Harnett—A S McNeill. Huy wood—William Hicks. Hendersun—Kenneth Rayner. IredeWH— Anderson Mitchell, ‘IT’ A Allison, Jackson—W H Thomas. Johnston—C B Saunders, W A Smith. Jones—William Foy. Lenvir—John C Washington. Lincoln—Witliam Lander. Mueon—C DV Smith Madison—J A Mc Dowell. Martin—Asu Biggs. Medowell—J H Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J W Osborne, Wm Johnstea. Montgomery—S Al Christian. Moore—H ‘Turner. Nash—A Hi Arrington. New Hanover—Wm S Ashe, R A Cowan, Northamptun—D A Barnes, J M Moody. Oneslow—G W Waid. Orange—Wm A Graham, Ichu Berry Puequotank—Dr R K Speed Perguimons—J 8S Cannon. Pit—F B Satierthwait, B Grimes. Randolph—W. J. Long, A G Foster Rich mond—Walter F Leuk. Robeson——— Fuller, Sutherland. Rochingham— David S Reid, Dr E T Broad some of them are goud shots. We ven- ture that we can pick out scores who can beat, with fowling-piece or rifle, the author | of these falsehoods and slanders on the | slaves. In the rice regions of the Cape | Fear we have seen, at one tine, numbers | | of slaves alone with gons in band shoot- | ' Unon—H M Houston, ing the nce birds. This masterly batch of falsehoods and | hibels on white and colured at the Soutb, | close with this Momebtous question : “What, then, can the South hope from this Bah! Bah!! | Extract from a New York letter to a “ We are in a dreadful state, both North and South. God only knows when the end will be, I believe our Southern cause is just, and if God defend the right we shall be saved. But the dreadful slaughter that must come before the end is terrible tu contemplate. “The people here are suffering failures on all hands, and worse to cote. ‘There must come a tune for reflection and re- action.” ‘ or ee ' / cenary with what effect. Another nan had one |"? of the enemy. nl of Allen's old style pocket pistols which , The only injury, we understand, with | he had left near the beach in the crotch |‘? exception of the staff officer, was that of a tree. received by Mr. Win. Morris, of the Woudis He mentioned the circumstance to ane. , Rifle corps, who got his ankle bruised by gro who volunteered to go after it fur him; ! pets annul et Ses of the hig PAINS: We | he told bim not to do so. The wae understand the injury is very slight. Not | however, watched his chance between fires, * “Nt of the enemy struck the works to | and darted to the tree and got it: thua | injure them, most of thein passing far over- evincing a remarkable degree of fearless. i head, “Nobody hurt"—on ourside, though | aad we don’t believe we can say the same thing The Kahukee's boat then at the shore, | for the enemy, as the apparent confusion put off for the steamer, and the battery at | board seemed to indicate otherwise, the Bluff, mistaking her for one of the en. [t is thought by some that this attack emy's boats, fired a shot after which caus- | 07 Our battery is intended as a ruse to ed het to put back. This shot we under. i draw our attention from some point ot | atand wasa line shot, but the distance was ™0'e importance to the enemy. However, too great to do any damage. ' this may be, tbey will likely tind it unavail- e hands at the works were strongly | ing, as our people now begin to realize | President is authorised to Appoint agents to | serviee. The Captain is an idol with the | tempted to scamper off, till the first two | Hat they are at war, and have got fight- or three shots from the Monticello were '"% '0 do, which judging from the eager- fired, bat finding their ability to dodge | ness displaved by “the boys, they will do them 80 finely, t held their places e | to perfection if the Yankees will only give order to see the fun. Many of the shots {em a chance, sodk alec lathe Plime (eons which By others it is surmised that the attack wore out off, which was the most danger. °” that unfinished battery was intended | ous feature of the whole affair. They how. | merely to demolish it; that they did not | ished by tine and imprisonment. ever kept clear of the trees, and avoided | know it was there till they discovered it | the danger from thatsouree. Thebailand °° Saturday, whilst in pursuit of the shell mostly fell io the rear of the works. steainer Kahukee, and finding it unprepared | in a bog, the mud from which some of thom | 2 "turn their fire they anchored near by | would scatter liken bail ctona, to deter our folks from working on it. We | A ball struck among a flock of crows | ails suspect the answer they got from in the neighborhood, who rose en masse, | ‘° Sewell’s Point battery yesterday even- | ae taining that it came from the | 9 tovk them somewhat by surprise. “d—d Yankees” left in disgust. | Another Kngagement—The Monticello Crippled and Withdrawn, As will appeur from the above the steam- “t Monticello kept the position near the breast-works, where abe hitched on to a Recruiting and drumming up are atill ressed vigorously but not very successful- ly, in Ohio, for those Kentucky regiments which Colonel Robért Anderson will com- mand. Old Times Revived.—1 wo uctogenarians | from Louisa county marched through the | streets, yesterday, on their way tu tbe Fair Grounds— one hing martial music, and | the other accompanying onthe kettle drum. : =e | These old men were soldiers in the war of SOUTHERN CONGRESS, | 1812, and the threatene | subjugation of | Monraomery, May 20. Virginia has awakened the old war fee]- The act of Congress regulating the tele. | i" and brought them from relirement, | graph, enacts that during the existing war They will on Dany, the Louisia troops the President is authorised to take control wherever the fortunes of war may lead | of the lines and offices of the telegraph in them.— Rich. Whig. | the Contedesate States, to cnable him effec- | ne ‘tually to supervise communications to pass- | ; sing throngh, so that none be conveyed in | from Little Rock, Arkansas, says : regard to military operations, or calculated | Capt. Albert Pike has been commiss‘on- , to injure the Confederate States, or give | ed by the Southern Confederacy to raise ) aid and comfort to their enemies. The | #9d equip aregiment of Indians for instant on Arlington Heights, their tents whiten- ing the very ground on which is located the residence of Gen Lee, the commander of the Virginia forces. Albert Pike and the Indians.—A letter | supervise communications and prevent the | Indians on our border. He has sectired | transmission of messages detrimental to the | t0 them so many comforts, and they are public service. No cyphers, or doubtful ; 8° fond of him, that he bas often been urg- | messages to be allowed transmission, unless | 4 by them to become their chief, and he | the sender is known to the agent and the | Can readily procure a command of five | | purport explained. | thousand of them if it be Necessary. Ve ersons vidlating this law will be pun- | goes at once to the nation. Montoomery, May 22. \ REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Congress adjourned Jate last night, to | A gentloman direct from N. Orleans says, meet in Richmond, on the 20th July, | *hat a regimentof Artillery 475 strong was The tariff bill was passed, with unimpor- | 820? to leave that dity. He says this re- tant amendments. | giment is composed of the most effective The act allowing district attorneys in the arti‘lerists on the continent, many of them | field to appoint substitutes during their ab- having served with great distinction during sence from their circuits, and the act estab- |“? Mexican war. liching the Patent Office, were signed by thirty-six powerful field pieces, and one be Prevent | hundred and forty-four horses. We are hey bring with them | nua. Rowan—Borton Craige, H.C. Jones Rutherford and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. ham. Sampson--R A Moseiy, ‘I’ Bunting Stanty—E Herne. Stokes—John Hill. Surryvy—T V Hamiim. Tyrrell—Eli Spruell. Dar- Wate—George I Budger, Kemp P Battle, William W Holden. Warren—W N Edwards, F A Thornton Washington—W 8S Pettigrew. Wataoga—J W Counsel. Wayne—E A Thompson, Geo V Strong Wilkes—J Calloway, Beter Eller Yadkin—R F Armfield. | Yancey— M P Penland. _ seem At the Company Muster held in Cupt. MM er’a district, on Saturday the 25th of May, i- siant. On motion of Jesse Thomason, q., the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were wnun mously adopted. Whereas, the President of the United Stutes has Jeetared war against the South, oatenm bly for the purpose of énforcing the laws, bot ; really for the purpose of enslaving us and de- priving us of ‘our property, and fog that por pose hus turned looee apon us a horde of mer- soldiers, outlaws und pickpoekety whose watch-word is booty and beaaty. Resolved, therefore, That it becomes un te be prepared to meet our foes us becomes med who ave fighting in defence of our homes, ovr firesides, all ve hold dear, we. therefore pledge each other our utmost efforts to defend ov rights and our liberiy to the bitter end. Resolved, That our Captain do appoint eigb! Committees of Vigilance, for this Captain's district, exch Cominittee tu consist of one Ma- Risirate und four other good and reliable men, whore duty it shall be to co-operate with the Poliee and Mayor of the 1own of Salisbury, i# euusing to be arrested all saspivious characters who may be lurking about the country, to the j end that they may be brought to justice. Resolved, That a copy of the ubove be sent to the Salisbury papera with a request to cop) A. MILLER, Capt In accordance with the above, the following Committees ef Vigilunce were appointed: Com. No. 1—W R Fraley, Feq., A L Hat, A Shuping, R Cook, M A Gheen. | ** No, 2—W M Kineaid, Eay., AS Eb j hott, T Howard, C F Wagoner, M A Ager * No 3—Moses Poulis, Eeqg., Adam Trexler, Milas Keply, T Cranford, P L Ber- ringer. “No 4—W. T Marlin, Eeq., Cathey | Rice, J McKnight, Rev. G B Wetmore, Joba 'W Turner. ‘© No. 5—J Thomason, Beg, M & Fra ley, JH Mingus, George F Link, Daniel Peo | inger. ‘* No. 6—John Rice, Keq., J Correll, te bias File, R Cutbertron, 8 S Crlbertaon * No. 7—Devid Leuta, Esq., T R Wal ton, HG Miller, Alfred Maller, Witkon Trott | ‘' No. 8—Wm.H Trott, Eeq., 38 Trott: ‘J Holin, T D Fraley, EC Lentz | Artillery.— A regiment of artillery 475 | strong, with thirty-six field pieces and 144 Mr. Rhodes bas been appoiated Com- | not prepared to announce the destination of horses, were to leave New Orleans on the missioner of Patents. No new military sppointments have been made. Virginia soil before Christnans. this strong arm of defence for the South, | 20th inst., for Virginia. Many of the af but we presume they will find their way to | tillerists were highly efficient in the Mex! can war. ’ The room eved in, the we he see! yote 8¢ Mes uave b tion. Wilsol The writtel ihe se Conve dent, | salled bers W AY day to ot sys me d The vovlites makin lhere vers 1D Aw propos recogt God a xtfairs Ore | Su, o” the His H yresurt vusing hobt. on th » nO ¢ Sus Caroli eneec Count ‘nem | vced an we be Cites t racale, Repor ia Rize ofore Begii of indi North » be be ina ou! which eoulon "UUUE and pi lake t west so enu Cin ¢ weono hey ( Our ss( W Chark (he us Vargel: We rr in Cal Its pr aity C eome KEM Mi radi Korey “mb 10 five Nhe 4] to th and We | hand And left tl tomy wWase The | doub when tul Benj McR Kam note war SON EQ Aley ION o} rell, R tea. on, Broad Dar- ithe, Mm y, in- 1e fot mens butes jenn 5, bot d de- por mer. hety Te mepD ¥, ovr edge on eigb! aon's Ma- men, the y, io clers the pent up) rt wing ialt, EI- per dum Bar- hey obo Fra Ped Nal- rott rott. 475 144 the ar ax! Che WA vabnat? ~BALINBURY, WO: —— ome , MONDAY EVENING, MAY 27, 1861. Pe 7 SS The State Convention. We have not wom in this paper Co publish all the pro, wedings ofthe Convention to the elese of the week. We have given w part, as wilf he seen, in aoother place, And we here note some additional items : Messrs. Syme & Lall, of the Regaster, uave been elected printers to the Conven- sion. Vote, Syme & Hall 57, Frank I, Wilson 80, John Spebnan 24, ‘The Ordinance of Seeession having been written on parchment, was duly signed on she second day by every meinber of the Convention ; eommetcing with the Presi- dent, Mr. Edwards, the counties were then salled in alphabetical erder and the mem- bers went forward and eurolled their names, = Soa A proposition waa made on the third day to equalize taxation, Jt is an ad valur- en system, abd it will no doubt pass some- ume during the sitting of the Convention. The Convention lave an eye to a proper unlitary organization of the Sttte, and are making an examination into the subject. here seems tu be an iinpresston that mat- vers in this departineut ean be improved. Among other Constitutional changes proposed in the Convention, that which recogmzes the existence of an Almighty God and his oveg-1uling providence iu the stfairs of men and nations, is sought to be wore distiuetly and forcibly recognized. eee _ Supertor Court.—Our two weeks Term o” the Superior Court, commenced to day, His Honor Jadge Freneon, presiding. We jresume there will not be a great deal of vusiness transacted, Oscar, the slave of Kobt. Foard, will probably bave a oew trial ov the charge of attempted rape. There » no other important case on our docket. - nae Su spended.—The publication of several N. Carvlina newepapers hus been suspended in eonsequence of the disturbed condition of the Country, the editors and printers of some of ‘oem having joined the army now being orgen- ved in this State. Amony the papers stopped, we bave noticed the N.C. Christian Advo- este, the Wilmington Herald, the Kinston Ad- vicate, Ashenille Spectator, aud High Point Reportor. Several othere have been reduced ‘a xize, from the same cause 3 and several here- ofore weeklies, bave become semi-weekliex Begin to Act.-There are a great many articles o’ indispensable use heretofore obtained from the North which, if the war continues, will have > be sapplied at home. Many of these can b- manufactucned by the wives and daughiers, our section; but there are mmuy others which will require some capital and skill. All cotton and other Factories ought to be kept uuuing regularly at the top of their speed— and private enterprise should be encouraged to take hold of such other branches as our neces- “tesimperatively demand. It is not necensary ‘o enumerate them, if we could, those having ‘in their power to do good in this way, being wc no boss to determine for themselves what they can accomplish. Our attention was directed to this sabject ist week, by meeting here a geAtleman from Charlotte who was looking for blue stone, on (he use of which our wheat crop usually so lirgely depends, it being # specific for smut. We regret to learn that the blue stone works in Cabarrus was sespended edme months ago. ened ik ee aeeted dibs | Its proprietors will, it is hoped, see the néces- "ty of renewing their operations. Tt hae be- eome an indispenrable article. REMARKABLE FREAK OF NATURE. Mr. Starrett showed as, last Saturday, a inddish, from the garden of Col. Allison | Kurewalt, in this county, more closely re- “imbling a human hand than one person [thad ‘iy thumb and fingers almost perfect, even in five hundred could form in wax. ') the joints, knuckles, (on the outside.) and the creases vo the inside. The palm Was rather full, and the wrist was round | ‘stead of flattened. Temarkable freak of nature has rarely been Altogether, a more | Seen: {t was about two and a half inches | ‘1 length by one in width—the ll | hund, . as _ CAPT. JOHN A. RAMSAY, And his Company of Rowan ARTILLERY, ‘eft this place last Saturday morning. ‘This company numbers over 100 members. It *as completely equipped, except as to arms. The men were in fine spirits, and will no doubt give a good account of themselves, when required to act. A rich and beauti- tul flag was presented to them by Mrs. Kenjamin, Miss Mary Myers, and the Miss McRorie’s, on Friday evening, when Capt. Kamsay made a capital speéch in ron hot exceeding ene minute in length, e ' a man for action, not words. | GENERAL ‘ fails—may God in mercy guide ns. ly organizing. Two of ‘bur Regimeats have gone’ to Virginix.’ The Petersburg Hz- Prog wary he frat We Seaiarinenyy phi arrived there, was the best equipped bod y of Woops that had passed. through that place. , +7 eke teed i? LATER PROM BUBOPE. St. Jonn’s, May 25.—The steamship “Etna, Onpt: Rice, hus.arrived fron Queens. town, with dates to the 16th. The Southern. Commissiéners Have been received at Paris, aud had an interview with Thourenel, ev osk WI The British Proclamution deetares it to be the intention of the Government to inxintain «strict impartiality and neutrali- ty between the Government of the United States aud certain States styling themselves the Confederate States, It warns British subjects that they will forfeit their proteo- tiun if they engage on either side. Prrerapura, May 23.—Hon. R. M.T, flenter bas arrived ‘bere, on bia retara from Montyomery. He reports that 25,000 more Southern troops will reach Virginia within a few day A very large body of North Carolina (roops arrived here to-night, and departed fur Richmond, _— THE AMERICAN FLAG TORN DOWN Sr. Joseru, Mo., May 22.—This atter- toon the American flag was buisted over the Post Office. Soon an excited crowd proceeded to the office, cut the pole down, and tore the flag to pieces, and then raised the State flag, The latter, however, was ordered duwn by the leader of the crowd, and subsequently they dispersed without committing further acts of violence, and comparative quiet has been restored. WAR ITEMS. We take the following from the special des- patcues in the Charleston Courier und Mercu- ry: Ricnmonp, May 24.—The number of Fed- eral troops that (ook possession of Alexandriu is suid to be five thousand. The Northern mail has stopped and the tel- egraph wires cut. Fifteen hundred additional troops arrived at Richinoud to-day, and will leave fur the seat of war to-morrow. 6 rp. m—The enemy has eut the wires be- tween Alegundria and Manaseas Junction, but we huve a few more facts frum the seat of war. Our troops. about 600 in number, retired in good order, in fuil view of the «nemy, to Fair- fax Station, ten miles from Alexandria, on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. General Bonham, with the Pulmetto Brigade, consisting of Col. Gregg’s and Col. Kershaw's Regiments. 1600’ strong, is at Manassas Junc- tion. He atso has co mand of Gen. Cocke's ferces at Culpepper Court House, nearer Alex- andtia, making his command in all between 3,000 and 6,000 men. An additional Regiment has to-day beeu sent to hie support. 7 p.m.—We have just received the follow- ing information by telegraph frou Manassas Junction. Manassas Junction, May 24.—Ells- orth, Colonel of the New York Fire Zouaves, this moruing endeavored toremove the Confederate States flag which fluats over the Marshall House, on King street. This was the largest and moet conspicuous banner in Alexandria, being plainly visible from the south windows of the White House ia Washington. The pro- proprietor of the Hotel, Jackson, a dauntless Virginian. and an wneompromisiny secessionist, refused to permit the outrage upon his rights. Upon Ellsworth’s attempting to tear down the flag by foree, he was shot dead by Jackson. The Fire Zouavee immediately fell upon Jackson. and he was literally hacked w pieces by their sabre bayonets. Ricrmonp, May 24—10 p. m.— Advices have just been received here that the United States troops at Old Point Comfort have advanced acrose the bridge, and that they took posses- sion of the little town of Humpton at a late hour lust night. There was no force of Virgin- ians posted at that point. ewe TERRIBLE REBUKE FOR LINCOLN AND HIS BACKERS. The following is the eonclusion of Ex- President Pierce's letter to the Boston Post on the crisis: “The very idea of the dis- memberment of the Union bas always been to me one of terrible significance, Still, if it holds a place in the inevitable march of time—if the uoble fabric must totter to its fall—there is, [ hambly bope. no tn- exorable necessity that its ruins be stained with gore. It our fathers were mistaken, and time has developed in onr system, or if the madness of their sons has planted there the germ of “irrepressible conflict” | which forbids us longer to live together in | j May 16, 1861. peace, then in peace and on just terms let | us separate, FeARFUL WILL BE THE RR- SPONSIBILITY OF THOSK WHO WOULD CAST THE LAST ELEMENT OF HUMAN WOE—THAT OF FRATRICIDAL 8LAUGHTER—INTO THE cuaos. The wisdom I. W. JONES. M. D.. I AS permanently located 1: Sali bury, and offere his services to the son. of man | , and on moderate terms, the town of, | public in the various departments of his profes. | LT Office on Main Street, first door above | Buis’ Confectionery. Jan. 15, 1861. Attention ! Military Companies. 6m35 Tus subscriber es to fornishh io | due M. Hofflin will be found ia the Possession Military Fatigue Cap of | of either L. Blackmer or W. J. Mills. The Home Manofactore and material, well made, | Goods remaining in M. Hofflin’s store will be Ad- | sold at Baltimore cost. | Companies the and of jatest military style at low price. drees, JAS. H. ENNISS. May 17, 1861 Salisbury, N.C 1G N.VS. L ig W. FiO Now the distinebbeh Bub bbe ub sat fe. we says he daily sees ladies wearing out their eyes jn piel lint for the hse ae ond RE ‘their patriotism and charity, he thinks they are Lhrowing away mugh ting which might be more teefillly spent, ee Says thatclean cotten rs just ge well ag ling for dres- sing Maite, ad “Wat some of The best Europeag abse,.eatton in prefer- ence (d Tint. x To these facts he adds hie own. ple experigiee. He has for years been in the habit of using good sample and lint, indiscriminately, in dressing wounds of hi! kinds, and has not been able to see any dif- ference, South Carglinian. a — sg HAMPTON’S LEGION. The Charleston papers announce that the Washington Light Infantry, have re- ceived official notice of their aveeplance into this Legion, The company of Flying Artillery in that city is now nearly com- pleted, for which Col. Hamptoo Tas Be- cured six excellent and approved pieces of ordnance.— South Carolintan, This Legion is expected to pass through this place to-morrow. | eens THE FEMALE )RGANIZATION is of- ten us [rail ws that of a tender flower. Many of the sex enter into Marriage relations with- out being able to undergo the labore and ‘trials of maternity. In this country thousands of young and beautiful women ure sacrificed every year trom this cause alone. Hostetter’s Cele- brated Stomech Bitters will save many of this claes from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with yreat benefit by immense numbers of people throughout thé republic, and the proprietors have received grateful commend- ations from all sections of the country. The Bitters will be found tu be very pleasant to the taste, even as a beverage, and prompt and powerful in its effect as a medicine. It infuses new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, s0 that women who use it a) evabled to go through with labors which would, without il, be certain to prostrate tham Sold by all druggists. m5 MARRIED: On the 16th inst.. by the Rev. J. M. Spruet, Me. J. A. UcARTHUR, of Sampson county, to Miss SUE JONES. of Kenaneville. Observer, Fayetteville, Journal, Wilmington, please copy. Tn this town, the 22nd May, inst., by Rev. Mr. Haughton, Mr. ELDRIDGE SCALES, of Rockingham county, to Miss MARY LORD, daughter of the Jute John B. Lord, Esq. veer aera J 17 We are authorized to announce Jacos S. Myers as a candidate for Coamy Court Clerk of Rowan. (7 We are authorized to announce OBA- DIAH WOODSON as a Candidate for the of: fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County (Lr We are authorised and requested to an- nounce JOSEPH K. BURKE, as a candidate for the office o: County Court Clerk, at the ensai.g August election. Salisbury Female Seminary. PTVHE exercises of this institution will be continued as heretofore, under the direc- | tion of the subseriber. In cousequenee of the | disturbed siate of our public affairs he hus changed his-purpose to remove, and bopes to make himself as useful to this community during these troablous times as posrible. Be- lieving that his Inbors have been generally satisfactory, he solicits an extended patranage, and would agk his friends to aid him in inereas- ing the number of his pupils. A. D. WILKINSON. 63 THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, | | Situated near the Western N.C. R.R. in the County of Catawba. THs popalar Summer resort, with addition- al boildings since last season, will be open- ed for visitors on the Ist of June. Ample arrangements mude for comfort and amusement of Guests. A fine Band of Music eugaged for the season. New Bowling Alley and Bathing Salvon erected. Every effort will be inade to make thie u pleasant and safe retreat for the families of those who may be at thia erisia called from | home—indeed ample arrangements made to insure this, MRS. E. J. ROBARDsS. May 13, 1861. 2m2 ; WE HAVE IN STORE | 35 bbls. Coffee Sugars. | 10 hhds. Molasses. | 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. | 800 Ibs. Sole Leather. 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we afte at greatly reduced | prices. R. & A. MURPHY. April 9. am47 \ Notlee to Sheriffs, ‘TA* RECEIPTS, neatly ptinted to order. | and putin buouks if desired, at short uotice | for cash. Seud in T 7 NOTICE. Y VIRTUE of a Power of Attorney re- | gularly executed to us by M. Hofflin, we | hereby give notice that all persous indebted | to the said M. Hofflin, must make payment to asor to our Attorney L. Blackmer, on or be- fore the firet day of June next, for at that date all claims due M. Hofflin are direéted to be | sued apon without reservation. All the claime your orders HARZBERG & STIEFLE. April 23d, 1861. 4w50 1 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May an en Nat + peer P ¥ P™, oS “ , Y “a } TH patrintic citizens of Roway are called apon to eantribate, to the defence of dof North Carding, ,, The cob hSde bw Mee tebs, that wrabde howe been aent to Forts Caswell and Macon. Troops from Rowan have gone and are still going, and depend wpow their fellew-citizens at | home to sustain them. There is u Store-Ronm opened in Salis. bury for the reception of anything thut may be contributed. No freight for transportation on any of the railroads will he charged, and Mesers. MoCUBBIN & FOSTER will re- ceive the freight and agything glee that may be contributed. — Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peae, Beane, ¢-c., in any quantities Wil be takeo d thauk- fully receivedy 4 fist’ of every? o’s name who contributes will Sa _R. MOORE... , _ Col, Commasdnec tga Sead Important Announcement ! We are atill Agents for the sale'of Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED, NoiseLess FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. W fica are pronounced by af! to be the best Machine inade. e are selling them, detivered in this place, at Manafacturers prices, which have been recehtly reduced from fifleen to twenty-five percent. We can fur- uish Machines at any price fram $40 to $125. Ladies. who have a great deal of sewing to do, should certainly have one, as it will undbubtly profong their lives ten to twenty years. We have sold a good many of these Muchineg ull of which have and atill continue to give entire Butisfaction. Send for a Pamphlet. R. & A. MURPHY. Sulishury, April 9th, 1861. 3m47 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiona, May Term, 1861. ()% DE by the Court that D. A. Davis, F John T, Shaver and A. Hendersof wet as a Cotninittee tq ruise on the faith and credit of the Cotiity of Rowen either by mneans of couply,beadaer by any other meand id heir power, 4 sum not exceeding fifty thé@saud dollars, tu-berupplied under their drept to the arminggeqaipping and supporting volunteers of the Counsy-of Rowan und for the fort and'soppert.of the families of volunteer® which are left in need; that any bond given under this authority shall be signed by the Clerk of this court under the seul of said court for euch a sum and on such terms as the said dommitte may think proper, with coupons attached, signed by the clerk, and that said committee be uuthorized io sell bonds executed under this authority for the best price they wil ering. It is further ordered and declared that coupons attached to the bends above authorized, be receivable in discharge of all county taxes | and other county dues, and that this order be published iu both the Salisbury Banner and Carolina Watchinan. ' JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. | May 16, 1861. tf3 ] rT X NORTH CAROLINA, | DAVIE COUNTY. | In Equity. Spring Term, 1861. i Arthur Neeley against Joxeph W. Hall and | Burton Craige, Executor of Solomon Halt, | dee’d., and Benuet Austin, and wife Mar garet. In thie case. it appearing to thé satisfaction of the Conrt, that Beunet Anstin and his. wife Margaret, are not imhabitants of this State: It { in ordered that publicatron be inade, for | six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said defendants to be and appear at the next Term of the Court of Equity, to be held for | the County of Davie, at the Court House io Mocksville, on the 4th Monday ufter the 4th Monday in Angust next, and plead, answer or demur to coinplainant’s bill, of the same will be taken pro confesso, und the cause set fur | heuring ex paric. as to them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of | the Coart of Equity for aid County, at office, | the 4th Monday after (he 4th Monday in Feb- ' ruary, 1861. ‘ } lL. BINGHAM.C M. F. May 16. 161. 6w3 pr. adv. $5 5. a a eri ena — STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | ROWAN COUNTY. ‘Term, 1861, | ( RDERED by the Court, that the Patrol | or Guard of the Town of Salisbury, have full power to visiluny suepected places beyond | the hmits of the town, and to arrest and con- | fine in town any disorderly or euepece d per- | sone found beyond the limits of town in the sume manner «8 they would srrest and confine dirorderly or aa Persons in towa. AMES FE. KERR, Clerk. Sulisbury, May I861. uf5 | ‘State of North Carolina, ‘are compelled to adopt this plan for var enfety, ROWAN COUNTY. Court ef Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Terms, 1861 ( RDERED by the Court that all patrol companies in the county have leave to gu | any where they may please in the county and discharge the regular duties of pateal companies, when they see fit, as fully out of their districis an they huve heretofore discharged thein with- in their respective districts. JAMES Bb. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. May | ; —— : TOWN ORDER.) [* is hereby ordered that the Towzsr Patrol of Suliebory hava discretionary Powers to arrestand lock upin the Calaboose any per- son, white of black, wio may be found in the streets of Salisbury after dark who shall be guilty of any disorderly condact, or be unable to give @ satisfactory account of, himeelf; and any person eo committed to be brought before | me for farther proceedings on the following | morning JOHN I. SHAVER, May 3, 1861.-(f51) Intendant. | BOOKS! | J. SPEWART 18 PREPARED To @ furnish wt ¢gge, Schools, Academies RE pO RRR with any Books that mey¥.bée! wapted, at Jumest prices possible. al kyon po i well selected oe eee Foun} fb od bles for Churches with Hymus to suit the latest und mot papular publicutions of the times, writing und priyti oof all-gigeer, cheaper than ever befobe ah aLK by ‘hd wream or at retail, blank »ke of every description avd size, Pehs, Envelopes, Pictures, etc., etc. INKSB; Herrivon’a Ink, Hurrivon’s Columbian Ink, Jepev Inks all sizes, Black, Blue aud Red; Harrison’s Carmine Ink, Arnpld’s Writing. Fluid, the best known, ver) cheap for-ceth, WALE PAPER. To his alrendy large and beautiful éseert. ment of wall paper, ha bas just received a large lot of the latest patterns, which for beauty, style, and cheapness are far su : to any ever efors © d jin market. Window Shate®, Prte Sonic Orderw of anything im his line solicited. Salisbury, N.C., Feb. 9, 1864 tf40 March 28th, 1861... VINHE subscriber has the pleasure to an- ouones to tiie friends and the public gewer- ally, that he is receiving his, usual, Stoek o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, comprie- ing a rich aseortment of all the | LATEST STYLES | ABRS DRERS CONS consistiug J art of, Silka, . - sa nya taoen dies, Ctralfles &nd’a large Stock of - ERIES, to all of whieh he asks a special examination. A Aso, a full assortment of Bleached Do- meetic, Linens, House-keeping Goods, &e+ ~ A. MY¥BRS, ‘Ne. 4 Granite’ Balding, Mach 25 —45tf Salisbury, N. Cz i & Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Tipber Saved ! ! A havé the right to gall ibe Vandemark’ Portable Fence, Made without posts, in the Counties of Ale» manee, Randolph, Rockinghum, Davidson Rowan, Cabarrus and Meckleuburg. Cheap ness, durubility, and evnvenience ure ita chie advantages. We recommend the Fence to saw-inill owners, fuimers, and all who have fences to make. We will sell Farmor County rights, A circular stating costs, plan of build- ing, &c., sent free to amy address on applica- tion te JNO. J. WHITE, Mebanesville, Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44] Alamance, N. €. a" Charlotte Democrat plemse copy three an mouthe wrtid torward bill to mabeoribes.: Grreat: Reduction in Prices ! Selling Off for Cash only. Come and See! AP cNEELY, & YOUNG, wip pir M eo of New. Spring Ze mer Goods ut greutly reduced prices for cash only. We have been compelled by our long credit eustumers to adopt the above plan. ‘By the reduction in prices it will be greatly to the interest of ali who have money to spqnd for Gaode to trade with ns. Come and see! NOTICE.—We now make ovr last call on all persons haviug open accounts with us, | 10 come forward ahd eeitle either by cagh or note. We have wuited too long already on a greut many persons, and ure nom determined. to cloxe up utr decou ates | McNEELY & YOUNG, April 23, 1861, ‘ tf49 a a eS ‘| \ ’ ry CASH SYSTEM. (ING ‘o the great preesure im business. nnd distracted atute uf the country, we are compelled to adopt the cush system. We have a gued stock of Staple and Faney Dry Goods that we are anxious to sell off for the cash, and will sell Fancy Goods regardless of | cost. We have alev on hand, Coffe, Sugar and Salt, all for cash or barter, at the mar- ket cash prices. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, May 20, 18@4. 4t4 P.s. We sre very desirous that those ow- ing by note or account wiljjcall and pay up, as we are very needy. B..C.&M NO CREDIT. ( UR TERMS after the Ist of May. next will be exclusively Cush or Barter. We and we hope nu eue will take offence at it. Persons having acedants with us. will please , call and close the same by cash or nate. McCUBBINS & FOSTER. Sulisbury, April 23, 1861, tf50, THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED | W ; | F are now selling our stoek out. at re- ) duced prices for CASH. | credit. 13 1 ed to calt and pay ap, No goods sold on All persons indebted ta us are request R. ¢ A. MURPHY tfi49 To the Farmers of Bowan and ad- Joining Counties. 8 our intereourse with the North is now effectually broken up and our market must be supplied ‘rom the np country, the an- dersignéd soteits Ooneignmenis of Flour, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Butter, &c., &e., which shall have his personal attention JOHN FO FOARD. Newbern, May 1, 1861 4m52 April 22, 1861. 7 WYATTS 8 we AO athe oF, CHOLIC,.: ‘Ht fe Uweqaa lied: for: ‘DYSENTERY. oR » It das cured: Thousands of DIARBHOEA.... ov 4 The best physiciang recommend if for | Mi ® X.: Ite-tee on the firet dyinptoma, and | before, a physician can be obtained wilLprevent CHOLERA: IvwHi save many lives, much time, a? "% a snffing anid indney to tre PAMILY, By: keeping it always in the HOUSE. Lt only Coste 1434 ¥ ° % Prepared by W. Ul. Wyant. Apothecary, Now. 186 and 188 Main at, Balisbary, N. 0. » 6m47 Ap ® AXTA Less Et SPRING TRADE. E are now receiving a lot of new and idesirable Goode for the SPRING aud SUMMER TRADE, - OUR STOCK Witl not be aw targe as on fornrer seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a very hpadson eid belect teevrtinéuk of all | kindg of Ladies Dress Goods, and wilhaffer! indugermrentd thie veason’ rarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers. At { PASSE a pleasure in ST ne : y° public in general tha os ee the” anges, mow 7 red ge ai6ck of ~*~ , RING AND SUMMER eg ..)] that they ever had the pleasure to offer’ Phere | Goods eo ntbone wit helt ate utly reduced prices, an only at Dunptecedented low ‘Sprites. Cull and | see (Neth; hedr prices und judye for yourselves. I view of the uncertwitity pf every thie in Ddstye ered these revolutionary times, me we have Xdopted (he cash ‘kyslem, believing’ it to 'bé ne yew "Yor odraelves and bur Trends. i; Those ddving psn uctosmnts, with né, will pleuse ciil) Wit al a ae “elbae thém either by cash dr nite. ° ve AM ‘& RA d 1861. will be o' wed tyr cash, | See April af wee ll eed ek we. | ‘New firm MUR & BOSSAMON, AVING pprchased of J. ov | Brown: S Cds, theif) mire || agence | IN, 4 SHEET-TRON, ote | PER WARE IVER, Sc ‘ now t a@@® han LeAle Ot; <b COOK NG, PARLOR AND CHURCH | ' STOV Bb: ever ofeted: in: this) market, und | will sel] ui pub low. as canbe hag in, WV est- | ern, Nac bil. so Be dat Plain gud Saree TIN-WARE ay Spay kept on hend. All kincs Tin, Sheet-Iran Jor Copper work done at the sbprtesi notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. 1y36 Salisbury, dan. 22, 1861. | } r t ‘ so | Sm ze 3 = = a = os | os ge & | 13 TESS. J a cS52E @G@=> eM G&S3oe Sesser Se how! Oe er | gob paks hg | . S58" im =F 3 4! ' : ac | @ 220 ee 3 = 3a Be oc nme { . ae a ow pace] | — rn B i276 G72! so | R oGils eo | WORTH & DANIEL, We are deserious of elosing ont oar stock | Wholesale and Retail Grocers, this Spring and Summer and for that a | offer Goods ut Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well, to call and examine our Goods before purchas- ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1561. 2m-47 Spring Stock for 1861. A MURBALY. ine Rit RE. now | fecetti @PRING and SUMMRBR., GOQDS,, em. bracing FANG¥ AND SDAPLE: DRY COODS, BOOTS, SHOES AN!) BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, aft of ‘which are offered for sale at greatly reduced. prices for cash Give ais. call, and see what we Cane store for you. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, L661. am47 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. SHE above Guano, ix suid td be yp hetier fertilizer forthe'clture of Tobucco, Cotton, Gragpe, Roots, Grapes. &e.. than any other unpaged, m A trial is all that is uecessary to ve its superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. Marok a6; 145 JAME us HOR AH, Watch-Maker and Teeter: One door below R.& A. Murphy's Store, SALISBURY, N EEPS coustantly on hand alarge agsort ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, ey. andJewelry Of ewery de- scription repaired in the’ best munner and ou the most reasonuble terms. _ Febiuaty LREO ly3e rte see - HILO A.J, ROSEMAN, M, D. AVING studied in prominent Medica! I Come ges and Hospitale. North and Sopth, and huvittp been practising in the vafibus de partinents of his professjou fo, to the public where he is permanently located ¢ and by Strias ulkention to bis profession will endeavor to, revit 4 liberal patronage us herelatyre, 4nd bulds bunself in readinese ict all vurs, day and night, for protesstom! calls. i Ottee at Roseman’s Store Apriba, 161. Ihe Sinpd4g TAy BYLRSOND ells are sndehted. to me 4 i? Foaneel fully equested to eall muke iininediate paynient) nae Bam @ompo!! ed to have money, and as this ts the tiret tone that Dhavwe ealled on iny trienda, b hope rnd they will come up prowmptly { K.P. BESSEN'E, Nov. 29th, 1859 (27 oy woken. thein asiaf) Stock *of'' A Wye Years Wabl , good dgotdes Déidon tnaes tu ace Mid services | | KOR SASL ' AND | Commission Merchants, No. 2 Gaanirée Row, Fronr 8rrevr, | WILMINGTON NOC. Denlers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, | Frnit. Liquors, Wines, Cigars. and Tobaceo. Solem cousignunguty of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswat, Tobaceo, aud Country Produce yenerally. Agents tor Howe's cele- N.G. DANIBL, ‘Lite of Ashebero’, Por Past 7 vears with N.O, T.C. & B. Gi Worth | pt. vs 1860. lyld Bro was Livery Stable. he keptyp us heretofore It ix gratifying to hun that this | evtablishineat, begun, at first, as | n donbtlulexperiune yt, has proved >to the public a desideratow upd 4 com- plete success. Travelers, and otbers can ay ‘ways have their wauts, in thes line, well sup- | lied. Caxh prices puid for Provender. And the | subscriber is nlways ceudy to sell or buy good | Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN. Jau tst. 1861 tf47 HARDWAR:! a a “TLE Subseribers ure receiving aad apen- ing at the eld stund ut GoM. & ALT. the largest Stock .of. Hardware. ever offeredin this Marker, whieh having been + bought directly of the Manufacturers or their agents, exclusively for eash. "They are pre- pared tootfer inducemente to Wholesale or Re- tail buyers. A cull is respeettully solieded. JONES. & OVERMAN. Salisbury, Mar 13. Lae, 14s DENTAL NOTICE. seer EES te FER DR. BESSEVT. ‘I Jones. YaAn REMOVED vo crak DENTAL, fy ROOMS on the corner formerly oeen pied"uy Da! Bason; whe te he is prepar edifo attend all gperations connected with his profession Tune 1. Tee fee T. BEMISTER, House Painter, Grainer, PAPER UANGER, &c., Main Si, opposite Murphy'a (cronite Row SALISBURY, N. C. All work persandly witended ta and warrint- edtobe done rhioantike Ja, imnoa We Eset manner ainsi Fine Shirts and Ciars: . It you wis ch to purchase fine Shirts and Cx lors eadbat the Great Clothing imperiam ot | VAVID WEIL. | Now. Xopt 25-1119] MARRIAGH LIVENSES Al eet [5 an Lelie Granire how. | | ‘ever were offe ‘the CASH PLAN. ' 2y for this course is al all necesnary, thre pes | ) House.” co in| teow mnbal couQeptal od epne 0): il ‘DAVID: WET. AeBorIA.s 7 é lite rare: ‘RETURNED “PROM THE NonhernyGitiae: with a) ee and COMPLETE Shogk af 60s ani Ready-Made Clothing, Gentjemen's: Furniehing| Gove, | Such us Buots, Shoes, Hate, Capa, Drawers, | Under Shirts, Cana Neqkatiga,, Handkar- chiefs; "afd wu fine assort ay of Shirts upd Coliare, &e., &e., to which he invites your immediate attention. They bifve been pér- ated fur gash, and willbe sold cheaper than’ ed here jbelare., NOW, 1s YOUR TIME'FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ar J am determined tu sell cheaper than any : “BLUB-BTGNE, other house in Salisbury. Returving my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for @ con- Aa ace of the same. Remember the Stand, NO. 2, MURPHY’s GRANITE ROW, Sualjebury, N.C. _ Mageh 25, 1861. 1f44. Sallsbary Female Seminary. {LE SIXTH TERM of thie Sehool will beyin the Lith February and close the let ‘The schuol bas been inereasing in num- bers every orm. We have now a goudty number, vat could take a fewmore. df the Number Coutinues Lo increase, Salisbury witl have, what it has never had, a permenent | ' sehoot. | TERMS: \ ' Board, with washing, fuel and hghts, @50 per} Term. | witiog, in Evglish, from $5 to 17.00 | “Tustin. 5.00 | Wusic on Piany, from 15 to 26.0 | Use of Instrument, 2.50 | \ Tnciceutak expenses, 1.00 | Charges wade trou the imeofeatrance. For particular addre-s A.D. WILKINSON, Jay. 22, 1861 —1t136 enncpel: { To ‘Farmers and Mechanics. | McCU BBINS . & FOSTER id. AVE just received a very large lot of | FARMING IRON, consisting of Shovel Medes, Bar Tron, Wagon tire 14, 1} ad 2 inch; Buggy tere 14 and 14 inch; Oval Tron A f, an@tneh ; Square Tron Towne 1¥ inch; Buggy Springs and Axles; Patent und En- ; umeled Leather; Bands, Bolte, &c., iogether ) with a general assortment of ‘DRY GOODs, HARDWARE, | QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. They | keep constantly ov hand a supply of FLOU R, BACON, PORK, FISH, ee SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD. BUTTER, &c., to! which thy invite the attentiop,of the public. | Jenkins Corner, Salsbury, N.C. ! Feb. 12th, IB61. (39 | | ae : AND FRWELE, | | Satis ry. WV orrantel January Ys 1961 CASH SYSTEM!! TTVHE undersigned give potice that their business will hereafter be eonducted on They teel that ao upolo- € i coliay sycte af our public affairs rendenng it imperative. They will be pleased. (e se to their friends end customers at the most favor. able pices pussible ; but from and after this day will trade oaly on the exsh or barter plan. | FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by acconnt, are re- quested te come forward and close the sume | by cash or pole. HARRIS & Gold Hill. May. 10th. 18, SULLIVAN. | tf H.C. JONES & SON, ‘Attorneys and Cownsetiors at Lav, ULL pructice in the’ Cdurte of Rowan W County aud ay the Supreme Couet. 4 . Jones. or, willatso pragtice wn the Coprts of Tredell and Cabarrus Commnes. Atl el: cine pentrast doto theus for collecden wall ineet Promope attention 127 OMee Noo 3, Brick Row, near the Conr- QouUse. HG ool Jones, sr 15, 1861 WILAAM ©, BORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, < SALPSBURY, N.C. \ ’ PAG he ractice tauwh +e H CG; Joven, jr (8h aud make prompt collec. <n Rowab, Séuily. Dr@dell and Ca- IN Tes lon ae eh the corer of Cowan’ e Boilding * Ys opposite the Rhok Store. Feb 14, 1260 tf} ‘Dr. Wm. H, Fowerton, } AVING PERMANENELY LOCATED » .ip the town MBE T ofers hia Profeeefonatwervfery $e cffimens< of the town and anrreundiie comity Heat all nvgsti (unten profess: anally @n- gaged) may be March 24, 1561 foundat the ‘Burpns | 4 ! W tion of Machinery done PRODUCE oe in this market or shipped to othes Ppriv. AER B, Vorguta By xv0 (/|| aes BARSON fr GN BA8H. ., ‘4 $0 Bite CLUVER SEED. \ by wa vtbed Hrdete bye" 78? | si ue /@EM sone meneien. | THERMOM our iS aad sarong a oF aatt hy 2 ne? 2 AENDBRGOW so a eeruse th “10,900 ) Pounds of © on A * 4 mn White Lead in oil, Ferien iH PAAR EON a ENN ia 400d) GALLONS. PURE LINSEED OTB: For'mile ‘by ACERS We ENNISS.” 71a gt 40. Bois. Tanwerts oa.” ad Fever-0 babs ol Fee Enniss' Ague and Rever Pills, WARRANTED FO CURB - ot HENDERSON & ENNIA!. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the (cation or Bartel fr wte hi | UENDERSON & |KA NISS'. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medical Preach Brenly. Given ap by Judyes to be the’ bent ever brought) w thw maeket, for sale by: HENDERSON & ce SPICES! SPICES Pepper, Spice, Muaterd, Clas erat tnrer, Mace, Cinnamon. and Nutmepa, for aale hy AENDE RAO & AN -S v INEGAR! 30 cts. Pare Cider Vinegar. 30 clr per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Sept. dm, Ls60 tft North Carolina F eaudyy AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCKRSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, i. TL, continue to maontacture und keep on hand all Agricultural Implements made heretofore. A fa@l! assortmesit of Plows. Cultivators, Straw | Corn-Bhellers, und Peed-Catters, Horse-Powers, érd- Sowers, Threshers, Cider & Sugar Mitle. Thresher aud Sepxratorn, They aleo manufacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mits, Cireutar end Vertinw? Saw Ville, Gold, Copper und Sitver Mines, Fobaten Pres. | ses and Fixtures, &e., &e., TRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, t ‘ ‘ ‘ { { | FORGINGS and FINISOUBD WORK ot. every dexéription made to order, aad, warrant: edinevery respect. Repairs of avery Alercripe ett shbott noliee. Weare Agents for Burnett's W heat Fans. ‘ Salisbury, N.C. Jan. 2, 1x61. ly34 Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Grecasdor’ 5, Democrygt, Charlotte; Western Adyocate, , Asheville ; Carolinion (tri weekly) Columbia ey Observer, Fayetteville: and Predell Exprese will publish 3 months and forward ucconnty + tots re cee Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptty! DIRECTORS: A. Mebane, Wo oJ. MeConnel, ec John GAE: | Meadenhet?, DB. P. Weir) James MW. Gurreit, ‘John Li Cole, N H. D. Witeon, Wm. Barrin. ger, Dayid McKuight, M nT rechs Sherwood, Jed. | Lindsay, Greensborough ; W. A. Wright, | | Wilmiugton; Robert E. Troy. Lumberton; Alexander Willer. Newhbern:) TRhadeur Mie Gee, Raleigh: Thomas Johistn: Yaneey- ville; Dr W. ©. Rameeay. een Rev. R.C. Mavaard, Frankhutoa : De, » FF. Wat- sOn, Wesisonvite. UFFICKRS Y ON. HOD. WILSON, President, JED. HW LINDSAY, - Vice-President, C.P.MPNDENH ALT, Attorney ‘ PETER ADAMS. "WM, H GUM MING, - W. J, MoCONN ELL, AD MEBANKw 2 - WoGARRETT.. - S \Necomipnnientions on businegs cComnectad within, UOttce, dhoutd bé@ addre ste dic PETE R ADAMS. decretury, Groeusboro’, N, ©., Jane 19. 1860, 14 MICHAEL BROWN See and Treas. | Executwe Com COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, wN..0.05, | PROMPT PERSONAL MELE Toy GIVEN to the purchase of ull kinds of b And thall conmgumeants to he | February 14, 1860 if3& Ve 1 40. Pein } est) For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS?: ‘ 1 able. to state, gomfide { are he es cure ore | | giving it that tone and energy Pe Een | t elderdy perapns joay use the Bitsers daily as 4 pe invigorating ty the bowels, . gink under {he ‘rial. Gemern) Avent, | - sTaMAGH DITTERS. dry gpa and Toanufacturers eee dete of HO) OL te STOMACH % [TERS ss can ap red a \ perfect confidenee rye eit wee Of the U Heke hes Attained g Hid | |\ easton heretofore ei 1) Gaia eer wi speak mere powerfully " Yolumga af or blazonin ti iY ued pe oa 2 at. | fen ON ftom fe to over a haly. TOM (8 Manitesy | “liegt a it Js evident 4), en | | the dountin gt Une-con sum ption will reat | near one million botdles, This imme : al ne as aa an gold but ieee alfred in the prepara. tion, and ti eae 96, the most prominens we y those sections of the country efe tid article is best known, who not ont Al recommend the Bittong to-their patients, ee are r atajl times to give testimonials to its sefttent jas aff chees of stonachic derangement, 104, Oe dling aciqn, reguiting ar is pot a temporary popularity, obt 4 by ex ord tary’ ann the way of ae poring] the iqualicieg of the Bitters, but a solid pptin. of an jnvaluable medicine, which i, ed to be a8 endurin ". as (Jme itself, Meatetter’'s Gtombcte Bitters have proved z et Godgepd, to negigns, where fever. and ague ‘ and various other Dilious complaints have ' sounted their victims by hundreds. 1. i. at the ‘Bitters’ Yspepsia and like | diseases; ta'to-tke proprietors a source of un. ; allayxed Pieerarse! t removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, ang imperterenewed vitality to the nervous system. indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon ' the stomach, liver; sud other digestive organs. miklly but powerfully, and soon restores them dition essential to the healthy discharge Tunefions’ of’ mature. r directions on the bottle, and tliey will find in it a stimblant’ pecaliarly adapted to comfort declining years, 28 it is pleasant to ihe palate, excellent asa tunic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence. of thoussmise-ef aged men and women . who have eEperiencee the hevetit of using this * preparation wiille euffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under ' the edvice ef-physicians, they bave abandone: _ ell deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the ter sex. Phere are certaty periods when iv cares are so harassing that many of them The relation of mother and child ie ¢0 whsorbingly tender, that the mother, if she be young, is apt forget ce in her goer sinless for her infant, Shouhl the period of tnaternity srrive suring the gummer seasen, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe race the energies’of the system, and éennble the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and reaponaibitilice. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora | tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, beonuee it is agreeable to the taste as well.aa certnin to give s permanent imcrease of bodily strength. All those pei sons, to whom we have partien- larty referred above, to wit: sufferers from , fever and ague, caured by malaria, diarrhea, , dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons o! sedentary ' occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare hy giving to Hos tetter*s Celebrated Stomnch Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public againa using any of. the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hosterrer’s CkLEbRATED SroMacu Birrens, and see that each bottle hae the words “Dr. J Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” ; blowa on the side-of the bottle, and stamped | on the. metallic eap covering the cork, and ae that our autograph signature is on the abet: a@ Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER 8 SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame | riow, and Germany. SCQVIL & MEADE. WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orvrans, La., SOLD BY Henderron & Ennies, and © H. Wyaus, Salsbury; by J. Keed, Coneors _and by Porter & Gorrelj, Greeysbore’, N. May 29, 1860. iv} COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic FRIEND OF nik oie FAMILY). DISEASED KWDNEYS. Stone in the Bladder.and Nidney. Weakness of the Loins, We. LF HIS invaluable Medicine is for sule only at Mockeville, Solisbury Statesville, Con cord and Fuvelteville, and at Col. Astin» and no where alee. The «cubseriber having entered into copa i nership with John F Ce wun, onginel parent forthe manofacture andenle of the above Med loine, is preprred to farnish ou sopply by od drevsing him at Suliehury, NOC or culling af his residence, 10 miles were of this place ' E. D. AUSTIN June Qt, R58. 115 DRAVING. (py YAK andersioned fives netiee that be keeps a PEAW AND WAGONS for the purpose of Draving and will serve al) wir? Way faver bul wielccully dhphia line on +! commodating termes. GEORGR MOWERY March 20th, 1860.: 1/43 Fine Suits. If vou wish tohny Fine &U ITS of ¢ Lou (ANG for a& fitthe mone nepissible, call af th Great | ean Em porimm. of DAVIP Wkil rf Wexruaeneie Sraypo— No, Mirpiy* Gronilg Row, Ment: 25 ei) ops. BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Salishury, NAG it? J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR:| TERMS | Single copy,$2,00Fivecopies,.$8.00,Ten copies,$15.06 Clubs exceeding ten,in the same pro-- portion $1.50 each.Payment afways in advance.| —_—_—_ PROCEEDINGS OF THE North Carolina State Convention. Tcxssay,May 21,1861. The Convention was called to order by the President at 11 o'clock,Prayer by. the Rev.Charles F.Deems,D.D, The journal of Monday was read and amended. Mr.Ruffin stated that Mr.Mebane,who was too ill on yesterday to attend the sit- tng of the Convention,was in bis seat and | desired to have his vote recorded in favor of secessioa,and the request was yranted. Mr,Gorrell also appeared in his seat,and by his colieagus,Mr.Gilmer,desired to have lis vole recorded in favor of the ordi-| vance of secession,and it was agreed to, Mr.Reid,from the committee on rules,| reported the rules of the Conventiou of 1335,with a slight amendment—the re- port WAS read, Mr.Lander propose to strike out the clause requiging all ordinances to be read | on three several davs.He said the Com { vention would sit,perhaps,only a few days, and Uuis rule would tecessarily operate to | tae delay of business.| Mr.Biggs thought the amendment un-| necessary,as the ral+might be dispensed with by two-thirds of the Convention. Mr.Ashe suggested that the rule applies only to propositions for changing the Con- sutution,. Mr.Reid said this was no time to be con- sidering changes in the Constitution,We are hot in a@ situation fur such work —the exigences of the times do uot favor such deliberation.| Mr.Gilmer understood the rule to apply to all ordinances considered in the Conven- ton,aud he thonght it a very tmportant! one and should be retained.He dittered | from tie opinion that the business of the| session Was uearly completed;he thought | there was one subject,at least,that ought nut to be newlected—a change in the Con- stitution in regard to taxation,a negleat to ! attend to which would.be uofortunateat | this particular crisis. Mr.Reid replied.that the subject to| which the gentleman (Mr.Gilmer)alluded, was not now engaging the public mind— the question of ad valorem taxation was searceiy thought of —every body ts think-ing of defending our righty and not about money. ‘The question was then.put on Mr.Lan- der’s amendment and it was adopted. Mr.Ferebee an additional rule,provid- ing for the opening of the daily sessions with prayer,and 1 was adopted. Aud as thus amended,the rales réport- ed by the cominittée were adopted. Mr.Leak,of Richmoud,offered a resolu.| fot ith response to the greeting fran South | Carolina through ber Commissioner,Hun.|| | \ hd.Moses,which passed unanimously. Mr.Howard,from the committee on elections,reported in the contested election | from Lalifax,in favor of Dr.L.W,Batehe-| lor,[Le also presented a commumeation | from Mr.C.J.Gee,who held a certificate | of election,in which Mr.Gee resigned all claims to the seat,and requested that the communication might be spread apon the record.The report was adopted,and the request of Mr.Gee was granted. Mr.Howard stated for Mr.Batchelor, that had he beep in his seat yesterday,he wonld have vot&l in the affirmative ou the | Sucession ordipance, Mr.Ferebee moved that the cules adopt- ed by the Convention be printed,and the| notion prevailed, Mr.Lloward moved that a printer to the | Convention be now elected,and the motion prevailed. The President appointed Messrs.Foy and Reid to superintend the election. Mr.Reid noinated Joha Spelman. Mr.Badger nominated Frank I.Wilsoo, Mr.Foy nominated Syine and Hall. The vote being taken resulted,for Syme and Hall 57;for F.I.Wilson 30;for J. Spelman 24.Mr.Badger,who was absent yesterday when the vote on the secession ordinance was taken,asked to have bis vote recorded in the affirmative thereon,and the request wus granted.- The unfinished.business,being the ordi+ nance offered by Mt.Venable yesterday, for the adoptioa of the Constitugon of the Confederate States of America,was thea taken up. _the g shadow i Other States had not so acted;they had |Ceanrt question. lordinance of secession o@e a Mr.Venable ‘said the Conktitalioh was the same as that of the formerOWnitedStates Constitution,with sone amendments,which stated,he ke ;|Mr.Mr.Sinith:of Halifax,désired toknowiftheeopyoftheConstitutionoffer ed with the ordinance was’authentic, Mr.Venable suid it was a eopy printed by the Public Printer of the Confederate States,Mr.Kittrell said,in such ap important ‘matter,we should be certain what,is is we adopt.In adopting this Constitution, we may not be adopting the Constitutiou of the Coufederate States. Mr,Barues said,this is a grave matter, and one upon Which the Convention ought to act.wittl great deliberation.He ‘was as ‘much io favor of making North Carolina a member of the Southera Confederacy as gentleman from Granville,but he also wished to know when be voted his State into the Confederacy,upou what terms she should go in.He was not willing to take this Constitution asthe true ve,without better evidence.The gentheman from Grauvile is a Jawyer,and in the habit,be presuined of acting on evidence,yet be is willing to take this Coustitution without a of evidence of its correctness.— had oertified copies sent them,and he would Not eonsent to place his State in so updig- mfied a position,as the adoption of this Constitution under such circumstances, would place her, Mr.Osborne thenuht there was no ne-| cessity for haste—deliberace consideration ought to be bad on this grave and impor- He moved the appoiutinent of acotminiitee to whom the ordiuauce shall be referred. ‘The motion prevailed,and the President appointed Messre.Venable,Badger,Barnes, and Rutkin. Mr.Kittrell introduced an ordinunce to re- peal clauses 1 and 2 of section 3 of the 4th article of the amended Constitution,in re yard to subjects of taxation.Read the first time aud ordered to be printed.Mr.Biggs introduced a resolution that all |ordinances for altering or amending the Con- stitution of the State,brought before this Con- vention,shall be Jaid upon the table.Lies over under the rule. Mr.Craige moved that a certified copy of the ordinance passed by this Convention,adopt- ing the Conetitutiun of the Provisional Gov- ernment of the Confederate States,be sent to the Government at Montgomery,and the mo- ton prevailed.Mr.Barnes from the committee to have the enrolled and prepar- ed for signature,reported that the ordinance had been neatly enrolled ou parchment,and would be ready for the signatures of delegates this evening at 8 e’clock,in this Hall,and pro-| posed that ihe same should be signed first by the President and then by the delegates in al- phubetica)order,and the report was adopted. Mr.Batehelor introduced 4 resolution for the appointment of a cotnmittee of thirteen to pre:| |pare business for the Convention, Mr.Woodfin could notsee how a committee could preseribe business fur the Couvention—| he thought the Convention was unrestricted, and he thought that each member for himself had the right to introduce such resolutions and amendmepts as he might vee proper.Sach a committee might have been appropriate in 1835,when the Convention was restricted in ite action,but this Convention could not be so curbed.a Mr.Spruill,of Bertie,agreed in eentiment with the last speaker. cessary,and he thought it would,to make cer- tain changes in the Constitution,and he would pot cousent to thus having the free action of the Convention trameled After some further rematk«by Merers.Reid and Butehelor,in faver of the resolution,and by Mr.Badger aguinst it. Mr.Ferebee invved to lay the resolution on the table and the motion prevailed. On motion of Mr.Meares,the Convention wok a recess until this evening 7 o'clock. EVENING BEBSION. The President called the Convention to or- der at 7 o'clock. The special order of the evening was the signing che ordinance of secession At the suggestion of Mr.Barnes and others, the date of the pussuge of the ordinance wees| affixed to the enrolled copy of that instrument. The President,Hon.Weldon N.Edwards, then affixed his name to the ordinance,in pres genee of the Convention,and a large audience of ladies and pentletnen in the galleries,who| |teatifted uppruval of the act by demonstrations of spplause. The roll of counties Was then called in alpha- betioanl ordér,delegates frorn each county going forward as the counties were called,and affx- ‘ing their names to the ordinance—every dele- gate to the Convention being present and sign- ing. Mr.Osborre then moved that the ordinance \be deposed with the Secretary of State,for safe keeping,and he be authorised to preeure a cas for the same,and,after some discussion, the proposition was adopted. The Conrenne?then adjauyned to 11 o'clock, to-morrow mofning. W epnasprv,May 22,1861. ‘Tao.Converition wad|daited:to order at 1h o'clock.by the President.Prayer by the Rey. T.FE.Skinner.‘The journal of Tuesday wae read and ap- proved.The Presidewthen announced the follawivg Committees to report om a State Flag:Messrs. He said it mizht be ne-| THOS CV Pere ave ot Vinee «& Wwowond wytol cpt rdtompay vst ot.he Y frets pact ise BR4 YOR.Laer 4 owss”Keri TW eta SE bath ———atteaptntelle ite beetpede dentedlSEMI:WEEKLY. TYEE ey TWAT OS TY s \yAseOnye Yoort wy >-»:ae an m Whitford,Graham,Rayner,Smith,ofFoy,Winslow nad‘Cefiaimgham.| Man Grd amemovedthat thé printingofithe: Constitytio Of North Garona,and the act of General Assertbly calling this Convention, MAY- Tiwana Halifax “ ed:' Mr.Osborne:moved thet!when any paper shall be ardered ty be printed,the number ofcopieswhabeopedandredandfifiy,unlees. otherwise ordered,.Mr.Headeh introduced a resotution thatMeesrs:Raffi,Brown,Grahuin)Badger und Gilmer.be appointed a committee to prepare an address setting forth the causes which impelNorihCaroliatoaseparationftomtheUnitedStates. Mr.Lander moved to lay the resolutiav ‘onthetable,and the motigy prevailed.; Mr.Batchclor offered a resolution that framandufterto-day the Conveotion shall mect at 10 a.m.,and adjourn at 2p.m. On motion of Mr.Badger,the resolution was luid on the table.Mr.Satterthwait introduced a resolution thatthereshall‘be a committee of five,appointed by the President,to prepare an address setting forth the causes for the teparetion of North Carolina from the late federal Union. Me.3.said he thought it necessary und pro- per that this Convention elrould declare to the world the causes which led to our s’paration from the fate Union,and send it for‘h with theordinanceofseparation.Mr.Reid suggeated that the nmmber of the committee be enlarged and that the President be udded thereto. of the duties already imposed upon hin. by making the nutnber ten instead of five,and the amendment was accepted.|‘The question wus then put and the resolution \adopted. Mr Jones,of Rowan,moved a resolution to i appoint @ committee of thirteen—naimipg the |committee—to inquire into the constitutionall- ity of the stay law,and if the same be uncon- |stitutional,to report an ordinance far the pur- |pose contemplated in the act that shall be just |wy»debtor and creditor. |Mr.Lander woved to lay the resolution on |the table,but,on the suggestion of a inember, |withdrew it.Mr.Graham moved to strike out the names and leave the apporntment of the committee| ito the President.He said,fom the casual at- tention he had given to the act,he thonght it unconstitational and mischic vous.but that some- )thing of the surt ought to be adopted.He in- |sisted on bis amendmentMr.Ashe hoped the time of the Convention would not be consumed in discussing this mat- iter.There is a tribanal to which the question can be referred—the Supreme Court can de- feide on the constitutionality of the aei,and : therefore there is no necessity for the comimiitee contemplated in the resolution. Mr.Osborne thought there wus a necessity |of looking into this matter,but did not think Mr.Jones’plan the best.The committee was too large.Mr.Brown said,that being a member of the ‘legislature that passed the act,he thoughtit |incumbent on him to say,that wheu the act ce oat of the Union,andthat the clange ot the Constitution of which the act might be |thought to be violative,was of no force and ef- ‘fect in this State.Mr.Howard asked if it were not expected |then,that the State would go into the South- ern Confederacy,which had the same clause in its Constitution.Mr.Brown said,we had not gone into the Southetn Confederacy at thut time;and that |the extraordinary state of affairs warranted the |pussuge of the act.Mr.Lander renewed his motion to lay the resolation on the table. which being ordered,showed yeas 50,nays 3-4;so the motion did not prevail. ithe committee ten,and it was thus carried, 'and as thus amended,the reavlution passed. a ht thwith the rulesof order,and the motion prevail-.i.4 4 The President asked to be excused ou account | Mr Rayner moved to amend the resolution | was passed,North Carolina was considered us pote eetT 30,186 L: amend-|ety of réferring ordinances paneer commit-'t +>nrents to the Constitution,to a specia lee.{‘",.Mx.Rayner explained the plan adoptedby. the Convention of 1835—that mempera pro- posed amendments in ubstrugt terme,which were discuss d,aud if adopted,weie tarred to @ vommiltes ty pat them fn’proper form and were thenfinaly passed upon bythe Conven- ties.q\eit,a Mr.Reid thought the method of neali wm the au eied Convention of 185,o & vot udapt itsetf t6 this Convention.Helibagne every proposition or ordirance should be 2 red to &gondii isee.|.v4 Mr.Holden,effsed.an amendment,to Mx, |Kijtrejl’s grdinayce,to the effect that slaves shall be taxed according to valae,but no high- erthan fod.: |Mer!Brgps seid he wus opposed’to entering| into the consideration uf che subjeest-of wlter-ing the Constitution at thistime.Thatthere are several amendments to be cousidered—in addition to that of removing restrictions on slaves,there should be a Nmit to the pablic debt.He called the attention of the Coaven- tion to a resolution offered by him yesterday, proposing to receive and lay on the table with- out discussion,all propositions for amending the Constitution,during the present session of the Convention.Ht this rerolution be adopted it will supercede all further discussion vf the mutter al thir time. Mr.Brown concurred with the last speaker. This is not the proper time to be considering these amendments.fe thought it would be better to defer it to another sitting of the Con- vention.He was in favor of submitting alter- ations iu the Constitution to the people,al- though he believed there was Lo necessity for it in case of the ordinance of seccstion,be- cause the public sentiment on that subject,was )well known.Mr Wittreil said it was strange that gentle- men should deprecate haste ia this matter who were in such haste to pass an ordinance of se- |cession,and anordinance to gointo the South- lern Confederacy,on Monday Inst.that they ‘were unwilling to give even one day’s cousid- eration to these important questions,The public mind was prepared on the question of, these amendments;there was excitement, and he wished to allay i.He insisted on Mr. Ruffi’s motion to refer,and demanded the yeus and nays.Mr.Ruffian was iu f vor of Mr.Biggs’reso- lution,and proposed (amend his mouon for a reference,so that all mutters pertaining to amendments to the Coustitution shall be refer- red to this commities. Mr.Badger thought the gentleman could not, under the rules,amend his motion to commit, Mr.Ruffin said he gave it up;but he would afterwards offer u resolution for a committeetowhichallproposedamendmentsshouldbe referred.who might report to the present ses- sion or not,asthey might see fit. Mr.Osborne thought that this is a proper time to wmend the Constitution in the partic- ular contemplated in the ordinance now under (eonsideration.Tt is proper fer this Convention )to look into the finanetal condition of the State. We are w the midst of a war which will incur extraordinary expenses,and therefore he tho't lit richt aud necessary that all the sources for tax should be under the control of the legistas ture.Tt was objected,that war wae now ee fore it is mot a fit time io be talking sbont amending the Constitution;but he theaght now a better time than it will be when war is kuocking at the capitol.There are birt few ainendmenis hecessury,but Chere atesome,atid they should be attended to uow-: Mr.Speed suid there were two reasans why we sheuld act on this matter now;let,op ac- |count of the power given the county courts to companies.and they should be wllowed to tux | ‘all species of property 5 and secondly,the peo-| Mr.Ashe demanced the yeas and npys,| Mr.Howard moved (o inake the number of | Mr Myers introduced a resolution to hive| |printed 1,600 copies of certuin public nets,al- |eo 150 copies each of the public acts passed at |the late extra session of the General Arsembly and that the Secretary of State furnish the the Printer to the Convention with certified |copies of said acts. |Convention and to the pnblic at large,that |these acts should be publishea at an early day. {Mr.Houston,of Duplin,offered a substitute |to the effect that the Governor be requested to |have the acts of the recentextra session print- ed immediately. Mr.Badger said,in all his observation of le- gislative eyiecedines!this was the first time ‘he had ever known the Governor to be called upon to da the public printing;he thought it |best to adhere to the old plan. Mr.Houston was not choiee ae to who should have it done,and on suggestion,substituted in the resolution “the Secretary of State”for “the Governor.” original resolution be adopted,and that the sub- stitute could be introduced as a xeparate pro- |position and acted on afterward. The question was then put on the substitute, and it was not adopted, resolution,and decided in the affirmutive. Mr.Saunders introduced an ordinance to a- mend the third section,4th article,of the a- mendments to the Constitution,so that taxa- tion on all property shall be uniform,and that the ordinance sivall be in force if ratified by the people at an electionin August itext.Read once and ordered to be printed. The ordinance of Mr.Kittrell,intyesterday,toamend the Conetitution itothesubjectsofjaxation,was taken up and read the setond time. Me.Kittrell!moved that its further eonsid- eration be postpondd anti!to-morrow. Mr.Ruffin.moved to refer it to.9special qummittee. Sume diseussion then arose as to the propri- 4 Mr.M.said it was important,both to the | Mr.Smith,of Halifux,suggested that the, ‘and liberties of the State demand tt. The question was then put on Mr.Myers’| |property is too great. roduced }question al th n regard|the matter,an ple demand that that property for which they are prepared to csk home,comforts,aud even | their blood,should bear its proportion of the ex- pense. Mr.Reid thought it would be better that there should be a committee who should have | these amendments under eonsideration during | the recess that will probably be taken and re-| pert gn them at the adjourned mecting.— ‘Lbinks we do not understand the question suf- ficiently at this time—he does not.The last time he heard of the question there Wus a nia- jority of six’thoura nd inthe State against it. Mr.Biggs said he wae for sustuining the credit of the State;thinks there is necessity for making some change in the Constitution, but thinks the present time inopportune;pre- fers some delay. Mr.Brown said he hud no disposition to de- feat the measure;be was willing to act. Mr.Leak,of Richmond,said that it is very hard to shake off the influence of party ;men may be ever so honest in theirintention of act- ing independently of party predileotions,and vet not be enurely successful in diecarding thein alt:gether;but he was determyned to act above party on this question 5 it must be met,wend he was ‘for taking the bull by the horns 2%he wished to show by the action of the Convention that shive-ownere were wilting to do justly,to accede to a proper modification of Ue Constitution,und even to surrender ev- ervthing when ‘he maintenance of the nghts Mr.Graham suid that money is the sinews of war.Lt is necessary to raise money by tax- ation.to carry on the present war;the Giffer- ence between the tux on slaves aud on uther He suggeated to Mr.Roffin to withdraw his motion for &‘special commit- tee,and let the question be considered in com- mittee of the whole. Mr.Roffin declined to withdraw his motion. Mr.Ashe regrets the introdaction of:this is time.He.is willing to adjust d to do justi¢e to the wegt and to the east,but not now$thinks it anfortun- até that thiepolitical firebfandshouldbe thrown into the Convention,whem ananiteity ofpenti- ment ta so desirabje a0d so necesstry mtd be- fore the great objects for which the Qanyen- tion was called have been accomplished.He 4 Pyiter,G1Nateite,fiat overds knockingat the bordersof the State,andthere:|United States had against Naples. raise money by taxation to eqaip votonteer| Ow thie motion Mr.)Holden demanded the yoas'and/naye,which being ordered,resulted, yeas 43,nays 73,as follows: Yeoo-~Menera.Arrington,Batchelor,Biggs, Brown,Bynting,Caren,Council,Cowan,Craige,Canpingham,Dardan,Difliard,Dur-ham,Foy,n,Grimes,Hargrove,f McDowe}t of Bladen,Mc lll of Cu ibe d,MeNgill of Harnett,Moody,Moséty,Rayner.Reid,“Rhodes,Roy-set,Shaw,Smith Of Halifax,“Soptherland. Strong,“MHbrnton,‘Tracy,erfuble,Walton,Ward,Williams,and Wooten£43,"|Naye—Meseva:Allison,:Arméield,Badger, )Barnes,Bottle of Fageqgmbe,Bate of Wake,Barry,8B Chpistj Bo qs,Callowsy,AQ dl,sof»Dicks Douthit,Ele El.lison,mre of Ashe,Foster of Ray- dolph,Gilmer,Gurrell,Graham,Greenlee, Hamlin,Hédrne,’‘Héeadéw?Hitks,Holden,Heétstenof Duplia,Hpnstea/ef)U ition,John- son of Geatots Joh tonef Meckle Jones.of Culdwell,JonesofRowan,Kittrell,Lander,; Leake of Anson,Leake of Richmond,Long,Mann,Manning,.McDowell:of Burke,Mc- Dowell of Madison,Meares,Mebane,Merritt, Miltex,Mitchell,Osborne,Patieraon,Penland, Pettigrew,Phifer,Ruffia,Sanders,Satter- waite,Smith of Johnston,Smith of Macon. Speed,Sprouse,Spruill of Bertie,Spruill,ofTyrrell,Stewart,Thonias of Carterett,Tur- ner,Warren,Washington,Whitford,Wileoa and Waodfin—73,sesOnmotionofMr.Meares,the Covention ad- journed to 1 o’clock to-rhorrow morning. RIGHTS OF BELLIGERENTS. See an interesting article on this’subject from the London Times,and the doctrineoftheUnitedStatesGovernmentaslaiddownbySeeretaryMarcy.It is sport to see an engineer hoieted with hisiown petard. It is still tnore amusing to,see a knave vie- timized by his own ‘knavery.The great thunderer has the Yankees ou the hip,and he seems disposed to show them no mer- cy.They have been the especial cham- |pions,iw times past,of neutral rights on the ocean,and of privateers.or “the mili- itia of the seas ;”but by an extraordinaryandunexpectedcombinationofcircum- stances,thei interests are now opposed to peutral righis and privatecring,and they are for proscribing all the doctrines they ever held.But it suits England's interest, just at this time,to bold different opinions, and she is not the party to surrender an advantage. The Times reminds us of a circumstance which had eseaped our recollection,that |the United States bad in the case of the \King of Naples denied the right ofa gov- {ernment to blockade its own ports.The i case comes home with powerful effect up- lou the Yankees themselves.We infer _trom the allusion of the Times that Eng- |land will not be slow to use it against the\rump at Washington.In fact,England \bas much stronger ground for protest |against the Washington blockade than theBy ‘treaty,she bas the right of emtry to all|uur ports.All the Southern ports were established by aa act of Congress,and _cny only be abolished by Cnngreds.Untilthatabolitiontakeseffectshehasanip-contestable right of entry to every Ameni-ican.—Rechmond Whig. ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Mr.Spelman,of the State Jonrnal,bas associated with him as Assistant Ed:tor, Mr.Williatn Robinson,late Editor of the rene |Goldsboro’Roagh Notes.Mr.Robinson is a guad and spicy writer,and will,no doubt,add mueb to the interest of the Journal.Mr.R.in his Salutatory says, that “La appoiatments to office at the pre- sent time,the State must bring into its seryice the best talents and purest patriot- ism.”In this we agree with Mr.Robin- sou,but we regret tg see,that he immedi- ately adds “We have no desire to conceal, however,that we think it the duty of tbat power,(the appointing power,)whenever exercised,to remember those men who have se long labored to place the State in its present.position.”vo the appoint- nants made up to thig time,it is very cer- tain that these men have been remember- ed,aud if the.course as recommended hy Mr.Robimson is garried out as,here- tofore,to the exelusjon of all but the orig- inal secessionists,he and the appointing power may rest assured that a storm of indignation will be raised,that it will pot be very easy to quell.—Greens.Patriot, Memphis,May'22.—Ly a despatch from Paducah,Ky.,dated yesterday,we learn that undoubted information’fad been re- l eived there,to the effect that three or four thousand Federal troop¥wotild be sent from Cairo,on bgard two latge steamers, within a very short titno—sa forty-eight hours.Ths forcé would be merely an ‘wadvance guard”of the Black Republican army ofoceupation.The objects of this expedition are said to be the captore of arms known to be there and the blockade of the mouth of the Tennessee River.It would seein that Kentucky is in afair way to teét thé prarticability of “armed peu- moved to lay the whole rriuttér om the table.urality.” MISSOURI AND THE DESPOTS, The fpllowing resolutions hadoptedGytheLegislatureofMijeonseg Official Appointmenés_ State Troops of North Caroling.” The following appointments ipetgde these beretofore published.+S Appointments in the *State Troops ofCarolina”by the Governor,by and with the advice of the Militury Board: ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. Lieut.Col.,Richard H.Riddick. QUARTER-MASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. Cal.L.O’B Brauch,Quarter-master andPaymastetGeneral)Major,Augnstus M.Lew- 8;“Captains,Jobo W Camevon and Rufus 3. |Commonwealth by the |Washington despotism : -and taken prisoners of war the ancanyp|ment ofState Militia,lately assert bled pearTruckeejthecitvofSt.Louis,In pursuance of lawCommdaliyCenear’s UVed.’{awd by eommund of the Governor,for theGol.Wm.Johnston,Commissary Genera);|PUTpore alone of military instruction ;andCaptains,Daniel G.Fowle,Wm.W.Mortieun ;Whereas the United States oops aforesaid<a David Sehenekl j Assisted by &mob armed under FederalWéGiMENTOFARTILESRYANDeNOtNEERs.§—RUtbDOrIty,have abso murdered,with.un- |of the United States whether those ont- f .uriydn |porter this mgt nig@ftherégent'Maparalleled ogt-|z,/rage committed on the people of that!tles Wueretas,We have learned with aston-|ishment aud indiguation that the troops of |10:50,A.M.—In reply to ‘yénr telegramjtheFederalgovernmenthavesurrounded| (C.E Hillman,engaged in transporting| |directed to make demand of the President : Col.Jus.A.J.Bradford.Chiefof Ordnance;|paralleledatrocity,defenseless men,womenMajor,W.Beverbout Thompson;Captains,j aod children,citizens of Missouri,lawtullyChas.P.Bolles,cy A,Henry T.Guion co B,|ang peaceably asseinbled;now,theretore,Joha C.Winder eo C,Gabriel H:Hill co D,Resolved by the House of RepresentativesAlex.Moore os E,(aes H.sig ee |the Seuate concurring therein,Vliat we,theenerLWLeemancoKfasvailadRepresentativesofthepeopleofMissouri,tor Ordnance duty.in general Assembly convened,do herebyBEGIUENTIORICLESTRY?|protest to thecivilized world,aud especiallySeniorMajor,John W.Woodfin;Captains,|Our Sister States,against the legal,un-F.N Crumpler co A,Geo.M.Hayes co B.J.|christian and inhuman Violation of onrMGcoC.G.N.Fotke co D,Wim.H.rights by the capture of our militia,assem-Cheek co E.bled under the constitution of the United;FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY.States and the Constitution of this State,Colonel,J.H.Winder;Lieut.Colonel,M.|and the murder of our detenseless people.W.Ransom;co A.Capt.‘I.L.Skinner;et Ressolved,That whilst Missouri has beenLieut.John A.Benbury ;2d do,bL.C.on loyal to the Governinent,struggling forry}co B,ad M:See Oe its reconstruction,and is sincercly desirouseeSensTene.8.Galleway co £.|of an honorable adjustment of the existingletLieut.Oliver C.Pettway;co K,2d Lieut.|difficultics,she has received as a rewardR.B.Gilliam.for her fidelity,from persons assuming toSECONDREGIMENTOFINFANTRY.act under Federal authority,unparalleled Golonel,C C Tew;Lieut Colonel,Win P|insult and wrong,ab armed despotismBynum;co A,Capt E D Hall;lat Lieut,|under infuriated paruizan leaders has been in-James Price,2d do,James Sterling aud Jae |augurated in our midst,controlled by po lawPriee;co a ae Gee wanLieut,acl but passion,and actuated by the deepestSeTeeaeCrueanentatesdo,Jos P Roberson and B F Miller;oo D,|their institutions;our railroads are nowCaptainWalkerSStallings,1st Lieut,I C ;under military occupation;the steamboatApplewhite;co E,CaptAlsey J Taylor,Ist fretull MWiluiees St Cag Hence |Beeds Trot the!olty OF Ste Louis to theletLieutMNChadwiek,2d do RS Weth-City of Nashville has been seized byeriugtonandH.J B Clark;co G,Capt Har-|Government troops within the jurisdictionveySawyer;co K,Capt Wm Lee Davidson.|of this State,and the cargo taken out;theIstLieutJohnEBrown,2d do,Wm J Kerr,capitol of the State is openly threatenedVEILCTO?OD SIGASID with capture,and our session is now beingecess:ae Wen nee ae held in the midst of armed citizens hastilyOwan;Muajor m ehoseet;co A,LeCaptDALanvontsIstLieutChasHStephens;assembled eu defense.RenacoB,Capt S D Thurstun,Ist Lieut John Resolved,Phat it is the unquestionableBrown;co C,Capt Peter Mallet,lst Lieut |Constitutional night of the state to armEdeneadaesweTHureeandMeeeAfandequipandorganizehermilitiaforheroae;Co apt Edward Savage,let Lieut saiust aggression from any quarterWeABanioSYerRea|Seangg asay ytF,CaptFranktin ealea @,Capt J oy he says,under authority from Washington,der Faison;co H,Capt Theodore A Sykes,|to use the exercise of this right as an ex-hes ap eae we Tee Ww :neay co|cuse for bis conduct,evinces but too clear-+Capt Jas Kh Marshal,1st Lieut farreu,ly a disposition on the part of the authori-Herel ene ae por ad ties at Washington to disregard and tram-FOURNH PEGINENT Gr NFiRTEY.ple upon the sacred rights of the people of Colonel,Geo B Anderson.Lieut Col.J.A |Missouri.-Young;co A,Capt Menry Burgwin,jr,lst Resolved,That the chargeof Capt.Lyons,Lieut McLeod Turner,2d d>John C Syine jin his letter to General Frost,that theandFranklinHDewey;co B,Capt Geo W |proceedings of that State authorities or ofClayton,Ist Lieut J D Hyman,24 do AG this General Assembly,at any time,fur-HHalyburton;co C,Captain J A Lindsay,Ist ‘ahaa text [ur tlie course quien dtLieutSLander;co D,Capt Robert V Cow-|bished a DEC LeS STON AU TERCOUNEG p SY,am let Lieut R M Nelaon;co B,Capt Alfred |bim,is entirely gratuitous and false,M Waddell;co F,Ist Lieut Edward Sumner;;Resolved,That the Governor is herebycoI,2d Lieut Jacob Shepperd. FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Colonel,Duncan K McRae ;co A,Capt PJSiuctair,Lieuts Henry Mullins,G W Wiyht-man,Benj Robiuson;co B,Cupt J V Jordan;co ©,Solomon B Doudge,Lients JasB Lbuugh-tie,Chas R King;co D,Capt Johu W Lea,Ist Lieut G B Weet ;co K,2d Lieut FrenchStrange. .SIXTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY.Colonel,C F Fisher,Lieut Colonel,Wm TDortch;Captains,co A.Robert McKinney,co B,Robt F Webb,co C,W F Freeland 3 cuD,S McD Tate;co EB,fsuae E Avery;coF,James W Wilson;co G,Jus E Craige ;co |H.J Lil;col,A K Simonton;ev K,PAYorke. We Jearn that Gen Walter Gwyn has beenappointedaBrigadierGeneralbyGovEllishehayingresignedfromtheserviceinVirginia. From the Carolina FlagTHESTAYLAW. State of North Carolina,Cabarrus coun:ty—Superior Court of Law:Spring Term,A.D.,1861.The Grand Jury fur the county of Ca.|barrts do hereby most respectfully expresstotheproperauthoritiesoftheState,theirdisapprovalofthelateActoftheGeneral |Assembly known as “the Stay Law.”We believe all such measures to be un-just and impolitic in themselves ;and,bydestroyingconfidensebothpublicandpri-vate,are calculated to result,in the end,far more injuriously than beneficially tothecountryatlarge. We farther believe that such a law,atthis‘time,when the has been no generaldispositionontherepartofcreditorstoforcecollections,is sure to ptess most heavilyuponthatveryclassofourpeople(theaothn \;tpoor)for whose benefit and relief it seems ,his daty as asoldier advancing to meet our |enemies,and his memory should be rever-| to have been specially designed.We,therefore,earnestly recommend itspeedyrepeal,with such legal provisionsSortheprotectionofourvolunteersasayfbenecessaryandproper.And we further request your boner to.cause this paper to be laid before theGeneralAssembly. Respectfully submitted. Concord,May 23d,1861. J.Misenbeimer,Foreman;Peter Glass,Norris T.White,L.G.Hamilton,E.W.Kimminos John Winecoff,L.C.Kirkpat-rick,P.E.elgg Peter Cox,Charles Lud-wick,Wesley T,Miller,Eduund Foil,Daniel Tucker,D,.M.Moore,D.N.Misep-heimer,J.A,Fisher,Joseph A,Patterson,|bis death,he lay in a speechless,stnpidA.J.Blackwelder.Datriot |‘ |.‘j rages have been authorized by the Govern:ment,and for the womediate return of the |belonging to this State,lately taken fromjourmilltaryuearSt.Louis,and for the{uucanditional release of the State troops.Kesolved,That the Governor be also re-quested to take instant action by calling (forth the militia of the State for the pure|pose of defence,and that the people of Mis-souri should rally as one man to perish if_hecessary,in defendiog their constitutional|rights, |Resolved,That the Governor be re-‘quested to furnish a copy of the forevoing|preamble and resolutions to the President|of the United States,and to the Governors of eavh of the States.eeneee|Sad Acctdent.—Mr.Julins Sadler ofthistowu,a member of the Hornet’s Nest|Riflemen,was killed on Friday night last|between Richmond and Yorktown,by fall-Ing from the cars.On that night the Ist| platform cars,and as all the men had been|without sleep during most of the two pre-|ceding nights,it is supposed that Mr.Sad-|ler dropped to sleep and fell from the caronwhichtewasriding.His remains;were brought home on Sunday night in|cuatge of Mr.Rich'd Viddy.He wasabout22yearsold.The sad news of hisdeathwasreceivedwithsorrowandregret|by this whole community,and we are sure|his afflicted parents have tbe heartfelt syin- |pathy of all. battle,yet he died iu the performance of ed and honored as a gallant North Caro-liniaun who was among the first to answer|the eall of his State. The corpse was followed to the grave on by a large concourse of|,Monday morping_ollzens,escorted by a company of Fisher's|Regiment.—Charlotte Democrat. Death from the Bite ofa Spier.—One|Morning last week,about 7 o'clock,a ne-gro man belonging to Miss Staples,of thisplace,was bitten on the foot by a spider,from the effects of which he died the sameeveningabout8o'clock,18 hours trom thetimeofthebite.For 7 hours preceding aondition.—Greensboro’ arms,cainp equipage and other property| Regiment lett Richmon i for Yorktown in| Although he did not fall in | ee e ee THE TRUSH OUT—NO FIGHT.< We telegraphed to our Richmond Re- to let us know wheth- ith in the report ofébat- having taken place on Saturday last er there was aby nunions of the |at Harper's Ferry and at Hampton.The |following is big geply; f ms {“RicuMosp,Va.May 28th,1861— of this morning,I assure you thai there is no truth °either report,The Dispateb newspaper here is apologizing for the min: take.Yow may,rely upon me for such|information as I know to be correct.” We would take aceasion bere to assure our readers that we have reason to know that our correspondent’s position is stich that his reports are to be considered as authentic,and that it is useless to pay al- tention to oulside rumors.This,of course, is saving a good deal,but at the same time we think onr position,and that of our re-portor at Richmond,requires us to makethisdistinctannouncement.—WilmingtonJournal. The Lincoln Government is going to stop is mails in all the seceded States ex- cept Tennessee.“They are stopped already. We dowt want any mails from the North, and our Southern maile are now runuing Independent of Lincoln. The privateer steamer Calhoun has capturedtwomoresehoouersandbroughtthemintotheportofNewOrleans.SleIsmakingmoney, The reported engagement at Harper's Ferry is not credited.[tis based Upon astatementintheWashingtonStar,a papereditedbythenotoriousDugWallach,amapwhonevercouldtellthetratheven an untrath.—Wil.Journal. [tis reported that the steam tug YankeehasbeencapturedinYorkRiverbyapartyofarmedVirginians,who placed them-selves on board a river craft,which crattwascapturedandtakenintowbythePVankee.”Winey the craft:was made fast|alonuside of the piratieal Lincolnite tug,the men got up from their concealmentjandcapturedthecaptor, | The Richmond Enguirer urges upon theen4aeeeVirginiaBankstheproprietyoftaking|North and South Carolina money on de-|posit,as circumstances have brought agooddealofsuchmoneyintoVirginia, |The news of the invasion of Virginia|has given a stimulus to the niilitary spirit|in South Carolina.Five Regiments have|already offered themselves,They are ready|and equipped,and will move at once.South Carolina was prompt in beginning|the revolution,she will vot be slack in car-Frying iton. | } when it would serve his purpose better than | ,number of the ablest lawyers in the State If! The State Journal.—Mr.Spelman hasassociatedwithhimintheeditorialman-||agement of the paper,Wm.Robinson,Esq.i Mr.Robinson has bad considerable ence as an editor and is an able writer andaliberal,kind-hearted ventleman.Le de-serves success.—Charlotte Democrat, Anderson's Patriotism.—Whilst MajorAndersonwasincommandofFortSumter,jit was said he was a slaveholder and there-fore the South might trust him and not behastyinattackingtheFort. viously sold his negroes to a Louisianaplauter,and still holds the notes of theplanterforthepurchasemoney.chaser bas |son that he will not|he (Auderson) |Who are trying to injure the property forwhichthenotesweregiven,‘that Auderson shall return the notes and|lake possession of the negroes again.We|guess the Major will hardly do that,inas-!imueh as it would lower his standing withtheabolitionpatriots—they have no ob-Jectlon to carrying the value of a veyro in|their pockets,but to own one iD person is)*great criine.—Charlotte Democrat, Secession of North Carolina.—At alittleafterthreeo'clock.yesterday atter-noon,the hews of the secession ot NorthCarolinawasreceived.The bell “Seces-ston”was Ming tor an hour,and a Confed-erate salute tired Ly the ColumbiaArtillery.At might,the streets were illuminated withtarbarrels,&.,and the Independent FireEvgineCompanyturnedoutwithtorches,marching down Main street to the StateHouse,then up to Boundary street,thencedownMainstreetagaintotheirhouse.On reaching Boundary street,near whichseveralCompaniesofvolunteersarequar-;tered,the procession halted and gave three,cheers for the old North State,Columbia Carolintan,22nd. Military Movements :Missouri The People to be cheated,St.Louis,May 24.—Gen.Price,Com-mander of the State Militia,has ordered4,000 State troops stationed at JeffersonCitytodisband.Some were disposed nottoobeythisorder,but it is believed theyhavequietlydispersed, of ammunition,were sent by Genera)Har- Is Co-operating with those exper ' | \ | { It has lately |governed, been made known that Anderson had pre, The pur-and disappointment at the evacuation of Al-recently notified Major Ander-|exandna by the Virginians without an effortpaythenotesbecause|to hold it. He proposes | || |\| | ||| | | | | | |upon the whole race of self-conceits who act The tate Dg7)ftSALISBURY,N.C.: THURSDAY EVENING,MAY 80,1861. FINE COMPANIES. Three of the finest companies in the State, have passed through this place.Taking then in the order of time,they ure Captain Z.B. Vance'’s Rough and Ready Guards,the Stan-|ly Markemten,from Stanty Covnry,‘under| Capt Anderson;and Capt.Stokes,Wilkes- bore’corps;which arrived here last evening| )aud lett this morning.OSG Miss POOLS MILITARY CAPS.| We have the pretucst “Fatigue”cap in| Town or State—a rich,substantial janty af-| fair—as easy and comfortable to the head as| any thing ever worn upon the crown.Miss Pool’s Caps are the admiration of all who see them,She has turned out about 500 within the last three or four weeks,and the demand | increases with the supply.A regiment could be “capped”here in a week. ome ae Rowan Rifle Guard.—Captain McNee- ly paid our town a visita few days ago.— He represents bis company as beingin | good health and tine spirits.He was dep- utized to procure for the company a post tion in one of the Regiments now forming for the public service;and we Jearned| from him that they would go into the 4th Resiment. ees) Stay Law.—Vhe Stay Law passed at the extra session of the Legislature,is very uppopular,There are several petitions in eivculation bere,praying its repeal,or mod- Micallon,$0 as but to impair the rights and Interests of creditors,We percetve that the State Convention is abont to take some | acuion on the subject.There isa large in our Convention,and we feel confident they can devise a law as nearly perfect as any tobunal in the country,[tis hoped | they will do so. ore Office Seekers.—Vhie Raleigh papers al- lude to a crowd of office seekers in that city.[tis a miserable,worthless,and des- picable race.The Convention is clothed with unlimited powers,and we sincerely hope they will do something to stop the breed,This is a time that calls for the , services of men of unobtrusive bot real worth,Shall our lives and sacred inter- ests be placed in the lands,and at the mer- ev,of unprincipled vanpires by high offi clals,when the people themselves,in the selection of officers,would never dream of bestowiny upon them such trusts /A eurse as if they were born with #title to rule the |masses,and presumptuously worm them-selves into positions of authority theycouldneverobtainbytheconsentofthe ->-- ALEXANDRIA,VRIGINIA, Some of our people have expressed surprise A moments reflection willsatisfyanyone.that as a military point.it could beofnoinportancetotheSouthwhilethePo-tomac river was in the command of the ene-my.Moreover,an attempt to hold it mighthaveresultedinthedestructionofthecity,which is one of the most prosperous in theSouthernStates.We have no doubt it was |deliberately yielded trom choice.and that fu-|ture events will demonstrate the wisdom of|the policy which dictated that course,howev-er galling it may be to the sensibilities of ourpeople,some of whom swear that every inchoftheOldNorthshallbedefended,trom thesandbanksontheocean,to the last tree intheWest. ||| DISTRIBUTION OF THE SCHOOL FUND |The Literary Board has published a list of|the amounts to be distributed this the several counties, amount. Spring to| It is but half the usual ! me7 |Day or Fasting anp Prayrer—A pro-|clamation from President Davis recom-|mendsa day of fasting and prayer through.|| } | | out the Contederate States on the 13th dayofJune.The day will be generally ob. served, |Ad).Gen.Hoke’s order,LF The quarrel between the Raleigh paperscontinnes.We can’t see that they are ap-|proaching a satisfactory solation of their difi-|culties >—THE REPORTED BATTLES.The Telegraphic Reporte of Battles,pnb-lished throughout the South,as having been | |A howitzer,Mortar,and a number of|fought at Hampton and Harper's Ferry,appearballsandshell,and three hucdred rounds|to have been «hoax.E97-The Mesers.Noble,of Ro-e,Ga,haveneyfromtheSt,Louis Arsenal to Cairo,taken acontracttomanufacture Rifled Caimon,linois,and have alréady commenced the work. (1p North Carolina betweenn th |the homes of our people,or to sally fort} in our own invaded South 7? right defending South. :;_“wIsk WORDS WELL SPOKkyWeextract'feom the Raleigh Stand,dt,tions,which will Coumeng “We believe it to be the duty of every n:Y ManeCAgesof1kand60,capable of bearing arms,and Who ly2 lag to e€nro}}bh ’name in a military company—to eqD hin not already entered the ariny, self the best he can for Inveting the chewyandtodrillasoftenanpossfble.All wilt ibebeneededtojointhearmyeitherasregularyorvolunteers,but may be needed,to Protec Vty On harrass the Invading foe and check his | Eres, “Let not the crops be neglected,The rr Merchandise mmanutactare,mechanism and other CPR.sary business of aerieculture, é Pursuits,must still go on.But let enough Stay by thestufftotakeeareofit,to develope and ee band our resources,to provide for those Who are unable to help themselves and to support the war.There are enonghof idle men,fan-cy men,apd mes who are rich and whose ne cessities or business do not require then ty stay at home,to go tothe war:and there ang enough of the strong,active,laboring mey oftheland,whose families can be provided for well,and who,thank God,are ready to rush to battle,who can be spared from.the duties of the Held aud the workshop,to meet ou enemies,Let these all rally to the bannersoftheSouthandbearthemWumphantlyte victory.But let us all,whose duty itis togo,and those whose duty it is to stay.be ready as brave men,who stand listening for the first blast of the war-buele,to rash to the detence of our homes,our State and the w hale Sonth.” Re Vhe people of Virginia have rati- fied the Secession Ordinance by about one hundred and fifty thousand majority, eons Bet Guilford and Sampson Counties have each appropnated $50,090 for war purposes, oes 2a F.C.Corr,Exq.,of the Greens. boru’Times has raised a Company anid entered the army, J Phe mail department now pasres into the hands of tie Government of the Seuthero Confederacy. :-me For the Watchman. The following extract trom a letter writ- ten by a lady on Pennsylvania recently to a vounteer im Nowth Carolina,shows the opimoas and feelings of those at the North Who trom atiy eatse are qualified to judye bnpartially.Phe vreat disease of the Northern mind anses frou three Cnseu ——i tirst,false information about the peeoliar Mstitntion|second,the absence of cor- rect knowledge of Southern soclety in ats vartous relations;and third,a lony-nur- tured prejudice against us,which prevents 4 change of opinion or an effort to collect dub to After the address true knowledge about the matter, the retreshing extract! it begins; “Once again has my heart been made gladbythereceptionandperusalofaletterfromAnd80youhavejoinedthearmy’Well,under the circuinstances,I am perfectlywilling;for Lhonestly and candidly believe thatyouhaveenlistedinagoodcauseandujustone{wot for es true as there is a Heaven,theSouthhasbeenrongedandcheatedoutofherrights,and if|were a man,und possessedthesameprinciplesthatIdo,T would die be-fore T would pull a trigger in defence of theNorth,or strike a blow that would deprive theSouthofherrights.*#*#«#1 have a row every day for he (her uncle?wants to make a Black Republican Abolitioniatoutofine,but he can't do it if he tries fromnowtllthenexttimeAbeLincolniselectedPresident,which,by the way,judging frompresentappearanceswillnotbesoon.” The lady who Wrote fully and truly. this,writes beann- When such is felt by theheartoftheiunocentandlovelyovertheborder,what must be the feclings of those The blessings of Heaven shield and prosper stieha spiritasthepureladypossesses!She is worthyofaLettersocietyand@ouldsuitthegenialsunshineofonrfree,patriotic and MAY. For the Watchman. Yankin County,N,C.,May 25th,1861.To Auditor y the Watchman: Sir:I notice inv the last issue of the“»Watchman”an editorial,referring striking from thethenameofCol.Caleb Bohanan.As regards an Opportunity being given boBobanan,to vindicate his course,I would Suppose he could have an examination at Any time,as the charges made against himwerenotm rolls ade by one person alone,butbypumerousgentlemeninourcounty,who stand ready to make good the chargeswhenevercalledon.The treasonable lan-Go used was after the proclamation ofAbeLibcoln.* Se se ae , ae LI A pe! toa,We Jes * {t doe North > starts ff treshed the slay! eleellow tie abol cue tere ceorug,| The passage its pass ean be | We alle repeal o eas and rote Cot ine,LO a soleutt satd a IR ye vad he \d Federal State 5 Ul the form mide pene terms Wi ness,rul are the ¢ mand we wavery | tight for fine has Preyu Nort© me futh rad his wo the de vid are | to Varga any bed the Soul th foto many br Loa \emy tl moment) Oar doeott well world de vr Vou an iany *A 6 Row vat “roe of| CLES ( ane hs Well,by srall ani Nediatl ilrary St he romana Weil, uk,whe ready toe tha MY DOYS read tue Viose wh rreeechy | Ciose wh «ud will) Cor SecCes the fir Woatehm the s homists 1 ore pe de Cossionys sts of 4] |Wher Che wre if tt to be ef thet “trenthy hosition Mie diay terious Ume,wl Wen wal] 4138 \Has seey In the 3 bulk of| ;NAN are m0 filline a S mae eT,thy |Be thiH Vie Surry rerards| Can any ‘Bo with 1, St,ee Nicky,tVicksbuy and twe; The ( hshed a eT %be cor Whithelg mie the led Mantly hing |bis ny. Nh NOt ilary Heey bh ty Pron Chg. lise. dite, the 1 V lio OTE fan- ne TY Ho 2 & SS on Se ea e oo Or e ee by Pahfk ft: Fi —_——ss 7 7 Ry whooLPCTEYFBP.LOMIRLAKAApersonalrend,a vat}ve ¢eth C 2 nna,writes uatréim Tebobbade QiVilas‘,>,asSurceverort,Lag May 11th,186°. J.J.Baunee,Beq.—-Deur dirs,, .***mi {tdoes ny heart good to see that the-“Uld North state”has at lasu arodteed herself wad stares froin her shumbers ike a young pidut rev rreshed trom sleep.1 nat oonfident that ifaet the slave SUves had seceded promptly ow che:cection of &Bluck Repablican,which meet the abolition of shivery tm the United Beuten) cin terrible war,upon which we are tow ene? cenug,would have been avoided.Tne Vaion wis virtuatly dissolvdd by the passage of Che Missouri Gompromise;for bytiapasseweceasedCobeequals,atid therecanbetolastingunionexceptbetweenequate We artempted (o restore chit uqunhity by therepealofCheMissoortCoupromiseintheKan- «is and Nebraska Bill;but the North had be- come (oo strong and too agrutian,in the mean ine,to be controled by ataw of Congress ofasaleuindecisionoftheSupremeCourt.Theysuidamajorityshallrole,and we are a major- y—ignoring the sovereignty of the States, vid holding Chem in the same refution to the Federal Government as we do counties to a sate;thus disregarding the entire history ofchefacmutionoftheFederalCompactbetween midependent sovereigns.We ean mike no terms with the partyin power;it is folly,mad- ness.run,to fos*time in attemptiag it..Theyarethe“irrepressible conflic:’””party,who de-mand an avntteshivery Constitution and un antl. savery God We must vield,or sepirate andtizhtOrourrights.“Vhank God North Caro- fut has al last Chosen the luttor alternative. Prepace to sce that men of all pirtivs in North Carolina have at last been convinced of oe futhlessue s,trewhery &cruelty of Lincoln mid tis prrty,and will,as one ian,resist bin wo the death Weare all of one anind here. vid are prepared to send every ayaifab’o maywyVirgargKentucky,or wherever elxe they nay be iost needed to battle for the rights of ie South.Already have we sentforth nearly wilfof our voting population,but we still have many brave spirits amongst us eager for the ray.who will spring forth with alacrity ata nooiments Warning, Our country is healthy,and our crop of corn | dcotton and small grain,look rewwarkably Mov tittle crop fooks first rate,and it sould do your heart:good to luok upon that rovou gave me.*®Ty may IT hive yet tried. well is more productive || | {«A sample Yeft ia our office by some of vur Rowoag Farmers i Phe pasts worth aebag:and although not lulluwine letter contains several veuded for poatheation,we shall be par- bcd tor ack Chat use of it: Pirssant Rerreat,M:Dowetr,Co.,) N.C.,May 22nd,1561.§ Ma.J.J.Brunee—Dear Sir:Abraham Lin- icleeted President of the U.s.,but fiom ww of principle and good seuse,having, cu.became the bead of a miserable set of, suaics and fool-headed wbolitionists,made a |uaud ou North Curulina for men to cuerce , e Sout,themselves —was immediate- rspouded to by Old Rip,but quite the re- croc ut lis wish,by sending inore than dou- the Cetmaud,aut tu do his pleasure,but to ine tui de his duty.Now,that is al sghe, Weil by a X you make a demand ou ine.1, svaliimitate Old Rip in part—L wall respead, mediately,not double,but the amount,aot rary (o your demand,but in accordanceSUNdsitiswyinteresttodoso,and vourvwmandjwatandhonuvrable—Old Abe's vot Weil,we are all well,except the better; uf,Whois complatning a tittle,yet always ady tor the Watchinan—and she shall have ie —l have got too uld to shoulder the musket5 > Y DOVS too Youn,80 [inust Rluy al home, rad tue Watchman,and work to maintainVioseWhodogo.The mountains echo andrreerhofartheSonth.and more especially| ose who were Union men:they ere ull readycidwillingtodefendourrights.Not so fast |Cirsecessionisis,when dead reality stares (heintheface.Enclosed is the $2.Watchman It can’t:stop—ne, the south Yours Resp, Ss.W.M. Iris also singalar fret that the aboli- Send on the no.Hurta! Potusts of the North are more backward Prom into the army than the conserva ve democrats of that section,The se-, bessonists of the South,and the abslition tsof the North,have accomplished thetr lone cherished wish of a sectional conflict, a ifthey shall now be so fortunate as to Ape the brant of the fight,by leaving “tobe.ted by the conservative men ef the to sections,and reserve their own ‘treneth and energy for the scrainple for Posiuion offea and the spoils,at the close of|ie :Me duana,it will be one of thuse mys: tetious providences left on the record of | } "me which the disencumnbered spirits of| And | \seoms naw to be the way it will wer "en will alone be able to understand. tits In the North,conservative mea form the bulk of the army,and by remnekable yood"inagvement the abolitionists succeeded | ic *:fling (he prnetpal ofhees with their| Men,thus haruessing the conservatives to fu do ther desperate work,Inthe South, tiie o Py .“ite course of Unags is observable as“wird :“rds the Conservatives and extremists,—Can ane ::4N any one cell how things will eventu-“e with such a beginning ¢ eee. Dreadful Sicrmboot Drsaster. { | 1 {|St.Lovis,May 21.—The steamer Ken-Micky,the mail buat between Memphis andicksburg,exploded her boilers yesterday,and twenty lives were lost. The Confederate authorities have estab- | hahed a blockade at Memphis. o- BF The manufacture of swords is about ©be commenced on i ing ecale at Tilton,WThitheld county,Ga. Latest OEPQWELol COREE. Ie ahaoe FabianWOMBN,(13.at one A gentleinan who arrived in Rithmond last seyNEYreport av Plipyg:ae ty re ; Fllsworth ascended ta the roof of the Mar-shall House,and gevured the flag.Comlagdownwiththeflagwrappedatoandhim,hemetMr.Jackson,whep ceva Femurked,+Herey Thyve ob b ptine!”),Inthe replied“Yes,and here ig another priag’’yl the satine£HS doublesbertel ‘shot gud,’&shooting Ellsworth dead on the spot.Jacko wrx speedily wurderediby the Zou-aves.Phe shot that killed him pierced hisbruin. Mrs Jackson and sister,as we ure informed,took.porsessiow of the flay drew rey i Versy auddefiedtheGounves,who endeavored to akedsromthem.‘The ladies tore the flag intothreads,determined that it ehould not Pass intothehandsofLincoln's ruffians.Counected with this affyir,we ma publishthefollowtaycopyofacatd,-which wy.Juck-so had circulated to adveryise hig business,ftshowsthespitoftheman: ARSHALL SE.D HOUSE JAMES W.JACKSON,Proraietor, Corner of King and Pitt Streets, ALEXANDRIA,VIRGINIA. Virginia is determined,and will conquer uu |der the cominand of Jerr.Davis.| Wasinneron,May 29.| The Southern mails will Ge made up nere |aul forwarded via the West They will beconttnaneduntiltuePstofJune,Tt is reported that the Zouave piqnet at-tacked the advanced pusts of the Coutederate |troops,aud after a short cnyagement the|Southerners retreated,leaving six prisouersjinthehandsoftheeneuiy. Butler andcipates reaching Rielimond by the 20d.of July. The N.Y.Tribune says that probably an overwhelming movement will be made against Richmond,within three weeks,independent | of the Washington reserves,and that the po- sition of Harpers Berry may be secured.by | a tlauk movement by Manassus Gap June- tion.Should Lee advance via Harper's Fer-| ry or Mauassus Gap,that uiovement will be | tumediately followed by a further advance on |Notlotk.|The above news is from Northern sources, and oat correspondent suggests that they be taken wath many graius ot salt—Charlotte Bullen,May 30. FURTHER DETAILS. Manassas Junction,May 27. Reports from Alexandria to-day state that the Federal troops are concentrating there.— Washington is almost entirety deserted by Fed-eral troops.The Artington Heights have been Soceupied and fortified by the Lincoluites,to the number of 10,000 tnen Acmember of the Rappahunock Cavalry, watned Audersow,a member of Gen.Bonhum’s Videtis,was shot this morning by the Federal scouts ou the coad between Fairiax Court-house aud Falls Church ‘The Southern troops are anxious fora brush. They will not be s4tisfied until they are im Woashiogton city. On wecount of insubordination the New York Zouaves have been stationed ope mile outside of Alexandria. FROM KENTUCKY LoursvitLr,May 27.{The introduction of guns is contirmed.Gar-| rett Davis and friends rely onthe coustitution-| al guarantee of ciuzens’riglits to bear arms.—| The indications are that most of the arms will | fall into bands that willnot,under any cireum- stances,use them in behalf of Lincoln’s cause, but will use them to sustain Kertucky’s abso-Jute neutrality ;and in case that is impossible,in They aresnid to be in the country,subject to the ordersof Kentucky's legitimate wuthorities Their introduction is considered by pare con- servatiste of the States Rights purty.who an-|doubledly constitute a vast majority of Ken-| tacktaas,a God-send.| Aveusta,May 27, President Davis,Toombs,Wisgfall and T.R. R Cobb passed to-night en route for Richmond.| Great consternation is existing in Washing-| ton to-day.on uwecount of the fear of anattack on the eity by the Confederate (reops.| Tnnumerable batteries and redoubts gaard| the Washington and Alexandita turnpike.| o-—e AN APPEAL TO THE BENEVOLENT AND PATRIOTIC. We that Mrs.Johnson,wife of Captain Bradley Joluson,arrived at her| father’s,Judge Saunder’s Monday evening,| having encountered Che dangers aud fa-| tigues of travel from Harper's Ferry,| Capt.Jobuson lett his home in Frederick, Virginia,as a volunteer,with only 24 men,, that number having already increasedto | 160,and he hopes to get a full regiment.| Thev have been tendered and received,into the Confederate army.They had to leave| ther homes desuitate of everything,and| when she left,had only 35 Blankets. They are now statioued on the Maryland heights with the Kentuckey regiment,des- tile of blankets,tents and every comfort, many They fight! with a halter around their necks,asa re. ward of $500 has been offered by the citi- zeus of his native town,for the apprehen-| sion of Captain Bradley Johnson,and bis | delivery to the Federal authorities.| Mrs.Johnson came to solicit the means | of procuring blankets and other pesessarics | of asoldier’s eainp,She bas with ber twoofficers,who will return to thé camp,and will take charge of anything that might be. contributed. Mr.Dewey,of the State Bank and Mr. Jones,of the Cape Fear Bank,will take|charge of any thing that may bo sent, Kaleigh Register,| learn berny without aris. 'fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County pie exercises of this institution will be 1,amusement of Guests. dress, 'Mord Ptiveter Pritesi—Alrendy,theivateersfromthispart:have reaped AcHEYakon19hell work that for forty-vight hours!salji1AparaAber. THE FEMALE )RGANIZATIONis of.fen yo fretge that of a tander dower.Manyofthenexeterintumactlagerelationswith-.being able to undegguithe labors and trials°'*this comniry thoyeands ofyoungw@tifalwome'n ttre speriticed everyyeurfromM.cnGep alniie,-~Mostetier'n Cele-brated Stonmich Bitters will save many of isclagsfrom.an untimely grave.This m 8,hagkywy weed with great benefit hy Trtaéitueaumbetsofpeoplethroughouttherepublic,audthepropriétorehevereteivedgracefulcomnreigl-;ations Grom ull sections of the country.T efBitterswillbefoundtobeVeryplenennttothetaste,even as 4 beverage,and prom _aidpowerfelinjtsieffeotagahdodeinee”ry wheaewvitalityivtotheframe,and Strengthens thewholesystem,80 that women who use it areenabledtoyothroughwithlaborswhichwoldwithoutit,be certain to prostrate themSoldbyafldruggists.Im5 RELIGIOUS NOTICE. There is a Union Prayer Meeting at theMethodistChurcheverymorningat8o'clock.The object of these meetings is to intercedewithGodforoursoldiersandourCountry.The services are very brief,and allwho canComeureinostearnestlyrequestedtudoao. MARRIED: In this county,on the 23d inst.,by the Rey |Mr.Preslar,Mr.James Youne,of Iredell co.,|to Miss Mary,daughter of W.B.McCorkle,|Esq’. In this county,on the 30th iustan:,by W.|R.Fraley,Esq.,Mr.MONROE PEELERandMissEMALINEHOLSHOUSER. OP We are authorized to announce JacosS.Myers as a candidate for County Court |Clerk of Rowan.| 7 We are authorized to announce OBA-DIAH WOODSON asa Candidate tor the of: FWe are authorised and requested to an-nounce JOSEPH K.BURK KE,ue a candidate |for the office o.County Court Clerk,at the |ensuing August election.| SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Raveicea,May 25,1861. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received\)at this Departinent,for the delivery of|good merchantable Flour at any Ruil Road||Depot within the State,in quantities not less |than Twenty-five Barrels,wntil the 15th July |IBb1. Proposals should be endorsed ‘Proposals for ,Flour”and addressed to the Commissary Gen-eral.WM.JOHNSTON. Commissary General.May 30th,1861.AT Salisbury Female ‘Seminary. continued as heretofore,under the diree-tion of the subseriber.In consequence of thedisturbedsiateofourpublicafftirshehaschangedhispurposetoremove,and hopes toinakehimselfasusefultothiscommunityduringthesetroabloustimesaspossible.Be-|lieving that bis labors have been generally |satiefactory,he solicits un extended patronage,and would ask his friends to aid him in inereas-ing the number of his pupils. A.D.WILKINSON May 16,186).613 THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Western N.C.R.R.in the County of Catawba. .,:or ||PHIS popalar Summer resort,with addition-\ul baiddings since last season,will be open-| ed for visitors on the Ist of June.|defenee of their homes freedom und the South,|Ample arrangements made for comfort and A fine Band of Music engaged for the season.New Bowling Alley and Bathing Saleon erected. Every effort will be mude to make this a pleasant and safe retreat for the families of| those who may be at this crisis called fromhome—indeed ample arrangements inade to |insure this. MRS.E.J.ROBARDS. May 13,1861.Qm2 Wk HAVE IN STORIL 35 bbls.Coflee Sugars. 10 hinds.Molasses. 6 bbls.N.Orleans Syrup. 800 Ibs.Sole Leather. 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly reduced,prices.R.&A.MURPHY.| April 9.sm47 Voluateers Wanted for the Salis- bury Greys. CTIVE and vigorous men,unxious to serve their Country,are invited to jointhenewRifleCompany—Salisbury Greys. «Form,Riflemen Form.” Muy 9,1861.—_ Notice to Sheriffs,Ts RECEIPTS,nesily printed to order, and pat in books if desired,al short notice tf and on moderate for cash.Send in your orders. terms, a teeI.W.JONES.M.D., HH permanently located in the town of, Sali.bury,and offers his services to the |public in the various departments of his profes-sion Buis’Confectionery. Jan.15,1861. “Attention!Milftary Companies. poe subscriber is prepared to furnishhto | Companies the Home Manofacture and material,well made,and of latest military style at low price,Ad- JAS.H.ENNISS Salisbury,N.C 6m35—| May 17,1861 |fifteen to twenty-five per cent. to do,should certainly |Stateay North Carol OT Office on Main Street,first door above | _|arrest and lock up in the Calaboose any ITo thePabite0a »“we hd fh,TPNUE patriotic citizens pf Rows {are catléd tpdh to donthpirte ythedefenceofthesultofNufthCvtreliti.“Phcontesthiscommented,’un troupe have been sent to -“a“Potth GaWalldnd Mucom!!I" Troops from Rowyn have gone and are’prilfng,and aus upon theit fetew-citizeds atothetosnstuli:them. There {x a Btdte-Rooth’opehed In Salle.bury for the recejninn of anyttting thut mubechotribated.No freiyht for transportationouanyoftherailroudswill‘be charged,andMessrs.McCUBBIN &FOSTER will!re-eeive the freight und unything vise that orybecontributed. Bacog,Meal,Flour,Corn,Peds,Beans,;in any quantities will he taken,and thduk- fully received.A list of every inan’s name who contributes wilk pespreserved. :,R.E.Col.Commandant 63d Regiment. Jmportant:ke hduneement! We are still Agents for thesule Of ®Grover &Bakers CELEBRATED,NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. W HICH are prououneed by alt w be the best Machine inade.We are sellingthem,delivered in this place,wt M inufacturersprices,which have been recently redaced from We cuw fur-nish Machines at any price from $40 to $125. Ladies who have a great deal of sewing have one,as it willundonbuly,prolong their lives ten to twentyyears.e have sold a good many of theseMachinesallofwhichbaveundtillcontinuetogiveentiresatisfaction. Send tor a Pamphlet. R.&A.MURPHY.Salishafy,April 9th,1861.3in47 ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas aud Quarter Nessione,May Term,R61.: (prper ED by the Court that D.A.Davis,|John f.Shaverand A.flenderson act as,a Commitiee lo cruise on the faith und creditoftheCountyofRowaneitherbymeansof|county bonds or by any other means in their power,#sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollarg,to be applied under their direetion to the arming,equipping and supporting volunteers of the County of Rowan aud for the eomfortandsupportofthefamiliesofvolunteerswhich are left in need;that any bond given underthisauthorityshallbesignedbytheClerkof this court nuder the seal of suid court for such a sum and on such terins as the said committe may think proper,with coupons attached,|signed by the clerk,aud that said commifeebeauthorizedtosellbondsexecutedunderthis authority for the best price they wll bring. Itis furtherordered and declared that coupons attached to the bonds above authorized,bereceivableindisehargeofalfcountytaxesandothercountydues,and that this order be ‘published in both the Salisbury Banner and Carolina Watchinan. JAMES E.KERR,Clerk. May 16.1861.{3 T ‘T DAVIE,COUNTY. In Equity.Spring Term,1861. Arthur Neeley against Joseph W.Hall and Burton Craige,Execators of Solomon Hall, dec’d.,und Beunet Austin,and wife Mar- garet. [un thie cuse.it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,that Bennet Austin and his wife ! Murgaret.are not inhabitants of this State:[t is ocdered that publication be made,for six weekes,in the Carolinn Watehmaon,for the suid defendants to be and appear at the next Term of the Court of Equity,to be held for |the County of Davie,at the Court House in Mocksville.on the 4th Monday after the 4th | Monday in August next,and plead,answer or demar to complainants bill,or the same will be taken pro confesso,and the cause set for| hearing ex parte.ax to then. Witness.I.Bingham,Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity for suid County,at office.| the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in Feb-ruury,IR61. .L.BINGHAM.C M.F. 6w3 pr.adv.&5 50. STATE GF NORTH CAROLINA, KOWAN COUNTY. May 16,[861 »Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,May ‘Termin,1861, RDERED by the Court,that the Patrol (or Guard of the Town of Salisbury,have tn |power to vist any snspected places beyond the Junits of the town,and to arrest and con- fine in town any disorderly or snepece d per- |sons foand beyond the limits of town in the ‘snine manner as they would atreet and canfine disorderly or suspected persons in town. JAMES EB.KERR,Clerk. Salisbury,Muy 1861.(5 ‘State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,May, Terms,161. (RDERED by the Court that all patrol companies in the county have leave to go any where they may please in the county and discha rge the regular duties of patrol companies, when they see tt,us futly out of their districis as they have heretofore discharged them with- in their respective districts. JAMES £.KERR,Clerk. May 16,1861.tf3 TOWN ORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Salisbury hava discretionary powers to per- son,white or black,who may be found in the streets of Salisbury after dark who shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct,or be unable |are compelled to adopt the cush system. |Aj4 OKS! J.OC 1S PREPARED “ro @ furnish at short notice Colleges,Schoole,Academies andthe public generalty with anyBooksthatingybewanted,af Juwest pricen possible.Hee uledye|bepseo®hand a wel selected lot of ehe Family Bibles,Bibles for Churchea with U$imns to’suit the latest and moa ae ficution®@ of Uwe times, writingCae pér of dl vite®cheuper (hun ever batirg offered,by the foam or at tetuil,blank Buoks of every descfiption and size,Pens,Envelopegg Pteturer,etc.,eic. INES. Uarrison’s Ink,Murripon’s Columbian Ink, Japan Inks all sizes,Black,Blue and Red; Harrison's Carmine Ink,Arnald’s WritingFluid,the best known,very cheap for cash.WALLPAPER. To his alrendy large and beautiful assort-ment of wallpaper,We Bae just:reagived alargebotofthefatest,patterns,which for beauty,style,and cheapness are far superiortoanyeverbeforeafferedinthismarket. Window Shades,Fire Screens,etc. Orders of wuythiug in bis line volicited. Salisbury,N.C.Feb 9,186).tf40 March 25th,1 861. NEWSpringandSummerGOODS! VENUE subscriber bas the pleasure to an- ounnce to his friends and the public gener- ally,that he is receiving his usual Stock o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,compris-ing a rich assortment of all theLATESTSTYLES LADIES DRESS GOODS, ean in purt of Silks,Bereges,.Grena-|dines,Berage-Anglaise,Mozambiques,Organ- |dies,Challies and a large Stock of EMBROID- 'ERTIES,to all of which he asks @ specialexamination.| Aso,a full assortment of Bleached Do- mestic,Linens,House-keeping Goods,&c., A.MYERS, No.4 Granite Building, Mach 25 —45tf Salisbury,N.C. Farmers,Look Out! Money,Time and Timber Saved !! I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence, |Made without posts,in the Counties of Ala-;mance,Randolph,Rockingham,DavidsonRowan,Cabarrus aud Mecklenburg.Cheap‘ness,durability,und convenience are its chieadvantages.We recommend the Fence tosaw-mill owners,farmers,and all who havefencesfomake.We will sell Farm or Countyrights.A circular stating costs,phtn of build-ing,&c.,sent free to any uddress on epplica- |tlon to JNO.J.WHITE, Mebanesville,Mar.19,1861 -3m44)Alamance,N.C.a*e Charlotte Democrat please copy threeMonthsandforwardbilltosubseriber, CASH SISTEM ADOPTED!Grreat Reduction in Prices!Selfing Off for Cash only,Come and See! \[oNreey &YOUNG,will sell their4enurestockofNewSpringandSum-mer Goode at greatly reduced prices for gashonly.We have been compelled by opr fongcredit@ustumerstoadopttheaboveplan.°BythereductioninpricesitwillbegreatlytotheinterestefaltwhohavemoneytyspendforGoodetotradewithus.Come and see!NOTICK —We now meke our fast call‘on all persons having open accounts with us,to come forward and settle either by cash ornote.We have waited too long already on agreatmauypersons,and are now determinedtocloreupouraccounts. McNEELY &YOUNG 1f49 cs ’wonSASHSYSTEM.|(WING to the ee pressure in business,and distracied state of the couptry,wé|WephaveayoodstockofStapleandFancyDryGoodsthatweureanxioustoselloffforthe|cash,and will sell Fancy Goods regardless ofeost.We have also on hand,Coffee,Sugar and Salt,all for cash orbarter,at the mar-ket cash pricen, BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK.Salisbury,May 20,1x61.staP.S.We sr.very desirous that those ow-|ing by note or xecount wil)call ee up,as|>.&M.we ure very needy.B., April 23,106). 3 QO ) Fso3(jE TERMS after the Ist of May nextwillbeexclusivelyCushorBarter.Weurecompelledtoadoptthisplanforoarsafety,and we hope no one will take offence at it.Persons having accounts with us will please j call and close the same by cash or note.McCUBBINS &FOSTERSalisbury,April 23,1861.tf50 THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED W E are now selling our stock out at re-duced prices for CASH.No goods sold oncredit,All persons indebted to us are request-|ed to eall and pay up. R.¢A.MURPHY. th49 To the Farmers of Rowan and ad-|joining Counties, S our intercourse with the North is now effectually broken up and our market must be supplied from the up country,the un- |April 22,1861. ilitary Fatigue Cap of|to give a satisfactory account of himeelf;and |dersigned solicits consignments of Flour,Ba- any person so committed to be browght before |eon,Lard,Hay,Butter,&e.,gc,which shalt me for furthet proceedings on the following|have his personal aitentionmorving.JOHN I.SHAVER,May 3,1861.~-(f51)Tntendant.JOUNSE FCN R DsNewbern,May 1,1861 3u - ROR ta 86,Tobie Come The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It is Unequalled for DYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands ofDIARRHOEA. Tho best physicians retonrmend it for FLUX. Its use on the first symptome,andbeforeaphysiciancan:be obtained will prevent , CHOLERA.I¢will save many lives,much time,sickness,suffering aud money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. Lt only Coste:: and the,public ig general that they ainregeiptao,largest,moss varied and cheapest stock of SPRING,ANR SUMMER &00DS that shey ever had tbePisnenye Ao offer,‘TheseGoodsbaveallbeenboyghtforcaghatgreatly teduced prices,and will be offared for caonlyatunprecedentedJuwprices.Call andseethem,hear prices und e for yourselves, In view of the wncertainty of every thing in business affairsin these revelutionury times, we have adppted the cash syetem,believing it 10 be the best for ourselves and our friends. Those having open accounts with,us,will please call withousdeluy,and close they eitherbycashornote.,HORAH &RAMSEY.Saliebury,April 23d 1861,tf50 New Firm. MURR:&SO8SAMON, HAvixe purchased of J.D. Brown &Co.,‘their entire stéck 2 re ryPRY|PAR)SHRET-TRON,COP: PER-WARE,STOVES,é&c., now offer the Jatgest and handsomest lot of COOKING,PARLOR.AND GHURCH STOVES everoffered in this market,and will sell for cash as low 48 canbe had in Weg- ern North Carolina.Also,all kinds of Pidia and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hend.All kinds Tin,Sheet-Iron or Copper work done ut the shortest notice. MURR &SOSSAMON. Salisbury,Jan,22,ie6).ly36 i 8./CENES / TP ARH plessure fa,Yedioth thel ‘nae GREAT.BXCIPRMENToFAPPHBGREAT > May WetfoDAVID.WEIL Bop ates I AVING RETURNED FROM -THE Northern Cities with a LARGE andCUMPLETE.Stockof »Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's ‘Furnishing Goods, Such ag Boots,Sbaee,Hate,Caps,Drawers,Under Shirts,Cravats,Neck-ties,Handker- chiefs,anda fine assortment of Shirts and Collars,&c.,&c.,to whieh he invites.your immediate attention.They bave been pur-chased for cash,and willbe sold cheaper than ever were offered here before.NOW 15 YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS,as |am determmed to sell cheaper tham any other house in Satisbary.: Retorning my thanks for the Ifbera!l pat- ronage heretofore bestowed,I hope for a con- tinuance of the same.Remember the Stand, NO.2,MURPHY’s GRANITE ROW, Salisbury,N.C. March 25,1861.fad Salisbury Female Seminary. a ,253 2 -a >SIX ";;Prepared by W.Ul.Wyatt,SSS De Cd |(PUNESIXTH TERM of this School will Apothecary,Nes.186 and 488 Main|=ess —begin the Lith February aitd close the 1st ii Per ee to ..=eot=as ae —a July.The school bas been increasingin aum- tC,Salisbury,N.C.te Cmca bers every ierm.We have now a goodly April y,6wt7 wen Cre iss =uumber,dut could take a fewmore.If the ret mn Pe ~~)zs 2o 9 es)number continues to increase,Salisbury will yyy ~_a o—2 mes €ae have what it has never hed,a permanent —4 i oS —1 sc ‘ DS &&a S =s f |be pees school TERMS: FOR THE ee ~ie eR ~Board,with washing,fuel and lights,$50 per eeea |‘Term I Cpe ==.CO Ri or |‘Tuition,iv English,from $8 to 17.00 {O oe a ome |a Latin.5.00 :—ees Music on Piano.from 15 to 20.0¢~~.{ E are vow receiving a lot of new and —_2 =&||Cee of Instrument,2.50WeetiaSrnamewLncicentalexpenses,1.00desirableGoodsfortheSPRINGand=5S 2 me |Ct ReneUUMMERTRADE=<5 4 SS)‘hurges made from the time of entrance. ;os!GC e ew |For particular addressOURSTOCK=.AD.WILKINSON, ue eee ae ="op Jan.22,1861—1136 Principal.Vill not be as large is oh formet seasons,but ow ==wns . ill have a good assortment.We shall bave =<j,~Ne ' »very handsome and select assortment of all oe n e 5 —k a To Farmers and Mechanies. ds of ByeeaisSAG erG a McCUBBINS &FOSTER Ladies Dress Goods,e OLS es oe I AVE just received a very large lot of ==tT «FARMING TRON,consistingof Shovelindwillofferinducementsthisseasonrarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock thig Spring and Summer and for that purposeofferGoodsat Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well WORTH &DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commission Merchants, No.2 Granrre Row,Front Srreet, WILMINGTON,N.C. to call and examine our Goods before purchas-|fyeulers in all kinds of Groceries,Provisions,| Ing.|Fruit,Liquors,Wines,Cigars.and Tobacco..BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK. Selisbury,April 9,1&61.2m47 Spring Stock for 1861.|Feathers,Beeawax,‘Tobacco,and Country |Produce generally.Agents for Howe's ¢ele- brated Scales. D.G.WORTH,N.G.DANIEL, Oana Lute f ¢ko st 7 years withR.&A.MURPHY,(2x rete OwocSept.18,1860.ly18 RE now receiving their usual Stock of |SPRING and SUMMER GOODS,em ,Brown'sLivery Stable.tracing FANCY AND STAPLE It DRY GOODS, BOOTS,SHOES AND BONNETS, S keptup as heretofore to the public «great desideratum aud 4 com- |plete success.‘Travelers,and others can al-Sugars,Coffee and Molasses,.ene : Nails,Sheeting and Cotton Yarn,|Tred have their wauts,in ths line,well sup- ai of which are offered for sale at greatly Cash prices paid for Provender.And the reduced prices for cash.'subscriber is always ready to sell or buy goodGiveusacall,and see what we have in|Horses.store for you.R.&A.MURPHY.| Salisbury,April 9,1561.347 THOMAS E.BROWN. Jan.Ist.U861.tVa7 HARDWARE!! a i “HE Subscribers are receiving and open- ing at the old stand ot G.M.&A.'T. !Jonen,the largest‘Stock of Hardware Swan Island GuanoFURSALEBYSPRAGUEBRO. HE above Guano is said to be :better fertilizer forthe culture of Tobacco,Cotton, Geains,Roots,Grapes,&c.,than any other moporied. A trial is all that is necessary to prove itssuperiority.SPRAGUE BRO. March 25,tf45 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, Qne door below R,&A.Murphy’s Store, SALISBURY,N.C., EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of adj kinds.. Clocks,Watches and Jewelry of every de-| scription repairedin the best muuner and on | the most reasonable terms.| February 14,1860 Ly38 MILO A.J,ROSEMAN,M,D.can.1.1R6O. AVING studied in prominent Medical 7 1 —A “G \a1 Colleges and Hospitals,Nath and South,|1 .BEM Is I ER, wad having been practising 1 the various de-|Flouse Painter,Grainer, artments of his profession for nine years with |ee ore ors success,he continues ta offer his services |PAPER ITANGER,&c., to the public where he is permanently located,Main St.,opposite Murphy's Gronite Row,P I )PP prey and by strict atiention to his profession will SALISBURY,N.C. endeavor to merit a liberal patronage 48)4)oy personally attended to and warrant-heretofore,and holds himself in readiness at all |aatenidopeinte wworkinantike manner hoors,day and night,for professional calls.|Jan.22,1861 6m36 7 Office at Roseman’s Store.Ree!:April 23,1861. |agents,exclusively for cash.They are pre- pared to offer inducemenis to Wholesale or Re- |tail buyers.A call is respectfully solicited, JONES &OVERMAN. |Salisbury.Mar.13.1860.ifs |DENTAL NOTICE. |——-KN hem DR.BESSENT, [|REMOVED vo tue DENTAL ROOMS ov the corner formerly oceu- |pied by Dr.Baron,where he is prepar 'edto attend all »perations sonnected with his |profession tf92 Fine Shirts and Collars. If you wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col-lars call at the Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL. No.2,Gramire Row. 8mpd49 LL PERSONS who are indebted to me are respectfully requested to call and make immediate payment,as I am compell- ed to have money;and as this is the first time that [have called on my friends,I hope they will come up promptly.R.P.BESSENT. CHG Sept.25-119] “MARRIAGE LICENSES LPFOR SIiLE Al THIS OFFICE.Ay rat,§959 Solicit consigninents of Flour,Dried Fruit,! \ |I is gratifying to him that this | establishment,begun,at first,as \a doubtfulexperiment,has proved aver offered in this Market,which having been | bought directly of the Manufacturers or their | Moles,Bar Iron,Wagon tire 14,Lj and 2 inch; Buggy tire 14 and 1}inch;Oval Iron 4,§, ;aud }inch;Square Tron Lb and 14 inch; Buggy Springs ‘and Axles;Patent und En- l'ameled Leather;Bands,Bolis,&c.,together |with a general assortment of|DRY GOODS,HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE,!GROCERIES, They | Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes. |keep constantly ow hand «supply of FLOUR,| BACON,PORK,FISH,COFFEE,SUGAR, MOLASSES,LARD,BUTTER,&c.,to which thy invite the attention of the public.Jenkins’Corner,Salishury,N.C. |Veb.12th,1861.tf39 | ||ao|ae AND JEWELE) |SO S:itis ry. |=Warranted |_January 29,1862.(f37 CASH SYSTEM!! “He undersigned give Motice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN.They fee!that no apoly- gy for this coarse is At all nectseary,the pe- culier state of our public affairs rendering it imperative.They will be pleased to se to their friends end customers at the most favor-able prices possible;but from and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICOR. Those indebted to us by account,are re- oy tc come forward and ¢lose the same |by cash or note. |TTARRIS &SULLIVAN. |Gold-Hill,May lOth.1861.tfl |'Il.C.JONES &SON, |Attorneys aud Counsellorsat Law, WW ttt practice in the Cyurtts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court.H. C.Jones,jr,willulso practice in the CourtofTredellandCabarrusCounties.AJl claims|entrust d to them for collection will meet |prompt attention. ||houre. H.C Jones,sr.H.C.Jones,jr Jan.15,1861.|_.-1735 |WILLIAM C.LORD, |ATTORNEY AT LAW,SALISBURY,N.C. Practice and make prompt eollat- ayaaCTEPAE ded q 17 Office No.3,Brick Row,near the Court-| |Demoerat, |Witt |tions in Rowan,Stanly,Iredell and Ca- tuwba Counties. Office in the corner of Cowan's BuildingoppositetheBookStore. Feb.14,1860.tf38Peayakmowers OOMMISOION MERCHANT FAA Ro Reema geex LOOATED |i in the town of Salfsbury,offers hit |professional servides to the citizens tewn aad surrounding country. er He at al]mesti (unless professionally en- Rover.”mast)oy,teMirch%,lal,{ |{oe tifoundatthe “Borpen|ooia in thin ira |PETER ADAMS, |;WM.H.CUMMING,~.- |J.A.MEBANE.-.|J.M.GARRETT,-- Allcommunications on business connected |Febrisvey ba.tPA i GPROIAD NOTICE.~ —_—Oo——-‘BLUE.STONE, 3000 Ibs.BLUE STONE,for sale by o _RENDERSON&ENNISS., 50 Bush.CLOVER SEED, Nike ane ce DERSON &ENNISS,THERMOMETERS + For Curing Tobacoo. From 210 to 240 dey.,for sale by :‘HENDERSON &ENNISS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oi, For saleby HENDERSON &ENNIS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For dale by HENDERSON &ENNISS. 40 Bbls.Vanner’s Oil.;.40. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS.* Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY. Enniss’Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON &ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sale atHENDERSON&ENNISS'’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840.Medicinal Frouch Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market,for sale byHENDERSON&ENNISS. DS US eae ae Se Pepper,Spice,Mustard,Cloves,Ginger.Mace, Cinnamon.and Nutmegs,for sale by HENDERSON &ENNI=s. Yr 7 x 4VINEGAR! 30 ets.Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts.per Gallon atHENDERSON &ENNISS’. Sept.1X,1b60 "giz %tfls North Carolina FoundryANDMACHINEWORKS! a\ N FRERCKS &BAEDER, RUCCEBSORS TO N.BOYDEN &SON, ILL continue to manufacture and keep on hand all\ Agricultural Implements made heretofore. Plows, Corn-Shellers, Horee-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators, They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills,Circulurand Vertical Saw Milla,Gold,Copper and Silver Mines,‘Tobacco Pres-ses and Fixtures,&c.,&c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every deseription made to order.and warrant- edinevery respect.Repairs of every descrip- tion of Machinery done at short notice.We ure Agents for Burnett's Wheat Fanx.Salisbury,N.C..Jan.2,1861.ly34 Standard,Raleigh;Vatriot,Greenshorv’ Charlotte;Western Advocate, Asheville ;Carolinian (tri weekly)Columbia:Observer,Fayetteville;and Iredell Expresswillpublish3monthsandforwa'd accounts. A fall assortment of Caltivators,Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider &Sugar Mills. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John A.Mebane,W.J.MeCounel,C.P. Mendenhall,D.P.Weir,James M.GarrettJohnL.Cole,N.H.D.Wilson,Wm.Barrin.ger,David McKnight,M.8.Sherwood,Jed.H.Lindsuy,Greensborough;W.A.Wright, Wilmington;Robert E.Troy,Lumberton; Alexander Miller,Newbern;Thadeus Mc-Gee,Raleigh;Thomas Johnson,Yancey- ville;Dr WoC.Rameey,Wadexhorongh +Rey. R.C.Maynard,Franklinton;Dr.BE.F.Wateson,Watsonville. OFFICER: N.H.D.WILSON,-~-President.JED.H LINDSAY,--Vice-President. Attorney, See.and Treas. General Agent. C.P.WENDENHALL,- W.J.McCONNELL,- ie eutiee Com withtth:Office.should be addressedtoPBTERADAMS,Secretary.Greensboro’,N.©..Jone 19,1860,tf4 MICHAEL BROWN, SALISBURY,N.C. DROMPT PERSONAL ATTBNTIONGIVENtotbepurchaseofalikindsofndtoallconsignmentstobePRODUCE., é6t ot shipped to other Ports far |May 29,1860. ’Great Clothing Emporium of TRTTERSGHBITTERs, The proprietera‘and manufactTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH fsTREScansppealwithperfectconfidencephysiolansandeitizensgenerallyoftheGena,tates,because the article has attained ar,tation heretofore unknown.A few facts a this point will speak more powerfully ih : valumes of bave assertion or blizoning muteTheconsumptionofHostetter’s Siomach Betersforthelastyearamountedtooverahalf.million bottles,and from its manites,Bteadyincreageintimes.past,it is evident that deethecomingyeartheconsumptionwil]fisnearonemillionbottles.This immense acouldneverhavebeensoldbutforthe r medicinal properties contained in the provite tion,and the sanction of the most prominen,physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known,who not on)recommend the Bitters to their patients,yy, are readyatall times to give testimonials to i,efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is nota temporary popularity,obtaingd by extraordinary efforts in the way of trun. peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solig estimation of an invaluable medicine,which idestinedtobeasenduringastimeitself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved®Godsend to regions where fever and apy and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds.1 |, able to state confidently that the ‘Bitter are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and likediseases,is to the proprietors a source of up. alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matierfromthestomach,purifies the blood,angimpartsrenewedvitalitytothenervoussystem, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health.It operates upon the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully,and soon restores them toacondition essential to the healthy dischargeofthefunctionsofnature.Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily a er directions on the bottle,and they will find in it astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfordecliningyears,as it is pleasant to the pulate, invigorating to the bowels,excellent as a tunic,and sa bration Ul dared We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this |preparation while suffering from stomach de |rangements and general debility;acting under |the advice of physicians,they have abandqned |all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the|merits of this article.A few words to the |gentler sex.There are certain periods when | | Mount their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,that the|mother,especially if she be young,is apt to forget ber own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant.Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer seasen,the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated.Here, _then,is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- |rate the energies of the system,and enable the |mother to bear up under her exhausting trials \ | and responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to afl other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of phys- |cians,because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase |of bodily strength.All those persons,to whom we have partieu- |larly referred above,to wit:sufferers from fever and ague,caused by malaria,diarrhes |dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and|:\all diseases or derangements of the stomach, |superannuated invalids,persons of sedentary occupation,and nursing mothers,will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hom tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public againsusinganyofthemanyimitationsorcounter feits,but ask for Hosrerrer’s CELEBRATED Sromacn Birrens,and see that each boitle has the words ‘‘Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle,and stamped on the metallic eap covering the cork,and observe that our autograph signature is on the |label...aap Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER& |SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa.,and sold by ll |druggists,grocers,and dealers generally|throughout the United States,South Ame |rica,and Germany. SCOVIL &MEADE. }WHOLESALE AGENTS, |Niw Onn.eans,La. SOLD BY Henderson &Ennis,anc ¥ iH.Wyatt,Salisbury:by J Reed.|neore }and by Porter &GorreH,Greensboro’.Nfnw |COWAN’S — Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAwILS SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNE}S. Stone in the Bladder and hidneys Weakness of the Loins,ke. HIS invaluable Medicine is for sale en at Mocksville,Salisbury Statesville,eb eord and Fayetteville,and at Col.Auscus and no where else. The subscriber having entered inte cope nership with John F.Cowan,origina!pale! forthe mannfactnre and sale of the above a icine,is:prepared to fumieh a supply by bs dressing him at Salisbury,N.C.er calling | hiv residence,10 miles west of this place E.D.AUSTIS {feJune21,1855. o MELE ondersigned gives keeps a TEAM ANDthepurposeofDrayingand will : may faver hin with culls inghis line on * commodating terms he forneticsthatWAGONS serve all wht! GEORGE MOWER} March 20th,1860.1143 Fine Suits. Tf you wish to buy Fine SUITS of CLO! ING for ne little money aspossible,calla i ihe DAVID WEI 1?Rememnce vag Stanp—No.2,Mury'' Granite Row,Salisbury,N.C Sept.25 BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFF! (fot se De h aE ee ad e ta a e — VOL.XIX. ‘J.J.BRUNER,EDITOR ANDPROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy,$2,00 Five copies,$8.00 Ten copies,$15.00 Clubs exceeding ten,iu.the same pro- portion 61.50 each.Payment always in advance. Soe I = KEEP UP TILE SCHOQGLSE: tt tt SALISBURY,X.C.J ‘7 S .¢ ky e ale »oy SEMI-WKEK Tovling over EUlsworth.—The ase>)-y - UNE3,1861. — ;So much for the first case |aver cured|It is deeply to be regretted that bowl of rageand excitement raised with the contents of the inedicine chest!the presetit disturbed state of affairg |through the North over tha death of The bartshorn,combined with the whiskey, is having such a disastrous effect up-j their chief Lally of the Zonaves,is affected the thing. pou the schools of the country,Se-|veral of our giost floarishing inetirn- lions of learning,both anale aud fe:| |Toule,either have already suspended or are expectiug shortly to snepend,i It is of the ntinast isportance that The Right of Privatecriog Recoguted.Or schools should be maintained, “The law officers of the Crown,|and that our children shouid be ed- who have been consnited,have de.|Heated.AN,or nearly all,of ourclared.”said Lord John Russell in|Cducated young men—those to whom the British House of Commonea,;We ae looking iva fom years to be “that the right ta issne.letters of Our divines,OOF Jurist,one phyais snarque belongs to the Southern Con.cheue and our legislators—lave yore federacy.”This important statement:%™the wars. has thrown our Republican coten-doubtless be slain in battle,manyporariesintoextravaganeesofexase|will die vfdisease,while others will peration,Onallsides we hear threyts |hetarn with conetitutions broken of fighting Great Britain,and our!down and ruined,from exposure,and Abolition payers in New York are |from undergoing toils and privations becoming quite as desivons that Lon-beyond their strength,Who,then, duu aud Liverpool should feel war |ate to take their places,if the youth as that Norfolk and New Orleans}ofthe present dag are permitted to should be blockaded.[grow up inignorance#[four fields What addstotheir excessive wrath |ure laid waste and our homes burn:isthe consideration that this reeoy-|ed down,we can re build the one Many of thee will| nition of the rivtits of the Southern | Confederacy to arn and send forth| privateers approaches so nearte a re-| cognition of the mdependence of the | Contederacy as to amount to aboat| the very same thing.[f the Con.| fuderacy be an unauthorized,eit imate,rebellions,never to-be sane- tioued usurpation,then,as a matter of course,all sailors under its flagarepirates,and Great Britain would treat them when caught—as Lineolu and hisrepoblican counselors appear to have expected her to do—with a short shrifttand @ long rope append- ed to a vard-arm.ut it appears| that Great Britain proposes to née| iu them the citizens of an indepen.|dent Government,the formal recog-nition of which she only delays from motives of prodence.This viewis | contirmed by the annuancement that | the Crown is about to issue a procla- ination warning the subjects of Great Britain that they can receive uo protegtion from the Home Gov- ernment if they engaye in the warwhichisanadditionalblowtothe aspirations and hopesof our present | rulers,The right to issue letters of marque was contended for,on behatf of the. United States Governinent,withtmochabilityandunanswerablear-guments,by Secretary Marcy,at thetimeofthesigningoftheTreatyof Paris.It is singular,as the LondonTimesremarks,that the very privi- lege for which our Government then cuntended,and the abolition of which we now refused to coneede to others,| and which we demand that the na-| tions of Europe shall probibit for out safety |The United States,when all the rest of the civilized world wished to abvlishe privateering,alone persisted in maintaining it; the United States alone,of all thecivilizedworld,now insists that pri-vateering shall he pirsey. The clear recognition of the right of privateering by the South,by the British Government,and the evi-dent determination —founded npon the necessity of getting cotton andtobaccooutofourSoathernports—of both Eogland and Frauce to re- Rist the blovkade imposed by Mr.Lincoln,look very much as thought | our Administration would have itshandsfulloftroubleprettysvon.—Asto out merchants and ship-own-ers,the sooner they provide for thesafetyvftheirvesselsthebetter,as ‘land. and re-plant the other,and ina short tine wipe cut every trace left by the enemy 5 butif our school houses are | shut up,even fora few years,and| our common school system broken up,it will take many long and wea- ry Years to regain the position which How occupy,Let not parents be too feartal of parting with their children,tor they tnay rest assuredthatthereisnoplaceinNorthCar- olina where the citizens would not die to the last man before any jaja- WW ry shuald come to the children whe | lave been committed to their care,| and where parents are far away.—Let every parent loak well to the education of his children 5 for should this war continue,the time is not far distant when learning will be much wore valuable to a young man thangoldandsitver—than houses and who are denied the opportunity of going to school,let your idle mo-|ments be few;lay hold uf every valuable book that comes within We would say to our boys| |second only tothe uproar whieh they.,|raised when they tried to intimidate|ieginia from banging that eminent|Olio saint.the late John Brown.:|What an exee¢dingly modernte,mo-|dest and rational idea,-that theshonidinvadeourconntry,most horrid {lireats apaitst all we ‘hold dear,and that Tf we ruise u wea- Jy |pon in self-detgnoe,it is the most in-||ternal outrage upon these excellent|people ever recorded iu the annalslofmankind!They expect their |wen to go to war,and if one.of the*Lawbe”gete killed,it isan un-heared of brntaluy |They expect to‘come on Virginia sml,amd pratane/it with their accursed prusetice,and |not be “weleomed with bloody hande/foa hospitable grave.”We can tell (them that Jackson,wiro fell at the |threshhold aveuging.nobly the infa- /mous act of a piratical invader,is but a type of Sonthern million,who |are ready to die,if need be for their flag,aud who would count death aJoyaudtriumphatanytimerather than be subject to such a people.— jemiles pay the full costof every lite. |On that certainty the invaders may us well base their calculations from (the start.Our anerring marksmen will take down the lurders and off- |cers at every crack of the rifle.We jhave now before ng an envelope of the Young Men’s Christian Associa-ition,of Bondont,New York,seat to (the Young Men's Christian Assocla tion at Richmond,in which that em- inently pious,saintly,week,Chris- tian (iy represents Jeff.Davis hanging from a gallows,which isguardedbytheZouavesofN.York, ‘under their chief.Their chief will not be present to superintend that,operation.He has gone where a good many of lis followers will ere ‘tong be,and where the Young Men’s would join him,if their courage were equal to their malignity. Rich.Dispatch. ey with the,| dut dying,they will wake their en:| Saggestions.Qur people should .yre-pare Lhenanelves (saysthe Macon Telegraph) for suattevieg and eudyrance.,We capnot tell the duratior gf.the.war..Bite We should turn our attentionat once to ery thing that elk support man aod beast.We must be fed at home,as we way,be cut off trom all other supplies. Not only must we be ted at home,bys title.war lasts fur some yeara,wea may; i have to be clothed at hoine,Let mothers, wives aud sinters prepare to clotbe the meu and children.\ Such necessary articles as vegro shoes ‘and eiuthes,agricultural implements,negro atx,and a cousiderable list of such things, will bave ty be wade athome,The soon- er people turn their attention to them the better. We ought to be indulgent to those who owe vs,abd we ought to pay oue another us tar as possible. We must protect and succor the families of those who vo to fight our battles. |Bounty sor Cupturcs,—Some of the |Papers make grent complaint over the act cof the Southern Congress giving a bawly |for prisgugrs captured 5 but these persons fo ot seem to know what our owu laws fou the same point are,Tf they will tarn to the Navy Repister fur 1861,they will }find the following : |And let it be further enacted,that a |bouncy shali be paid by the United States |of $20 for exch persoa on board of au en- |emy at the commenc#ment ef an,engage ment which shall be sank or destroyed by any ship or vessel belonging to the United Staten of equal or interor force,the same to be divided ameony the officers aad crew in the same manner as prize movey.—Vew York Day Boak. Old Maryland.—We observe that one | of the Northern journals refers with ap-| parent surprise to the fact of Marylanders | volunteering in the service of Virginia,and | i declares that “the disatt-etion is not yet | ished out.”jer |What a ximpleton the man muat be,to| aow Tid 1. apA SEAL Rls ‘pp r Nm i >| Fortificetions om the PateneansThe steamerMountVereen,Lieut.Spraston,commana-ing,gratvad,at,Wasbingion from the mouth v:the Fetomae,andreportasome ipaportaat move- mentee thepert of ihe Receasionista wou: the river,At Acquie Creek.battery hases-tebliabed,cone atingof four.guna and.wwe haw -igor,breught.down from:(be.Frederiekabury.The eommnndarof the,Movant Vernon wetWithin.three-quarters of.4 mila of the enemy,but thegunsaf..the betiery,did not open fire,agd declining himesif ‘o Ure Gre the gun,he returnad aad wet on his own coarse.The commander of the Muuat;Vernon reports that 4 tel:graph,by flags,hus been eatabliahed fromthemowaloftheRappahrivertaFeed- enokshargs-6dimanoeef.120 tailes,Tire riv - ania fyrtified at Botes rocks forty.miles.uj),and again aixty miles vp The steamer Poru-hontas.is blockading the mouth of the river.— On shore every man is reported »fighting d<- Gesnionjst,and no Union man.is safe ivthe \:-cinity.The volumteers of Rappubapneck coun-ty ure al wrdesed to be muatared inte service on W.wy.‘The steamer,Page,seized at Alexandria hy the Seceasionists,lies under the gunsof thebatteryatAeqgiaCreek—Wash.Paper. ot PARTY SPIRIT. A very nee esa gentleman,who was in Ruleigh this week,informs us,thut at no timeheretofore,hus he eyer witnessed party epirittorampant.That the declarations of the de-mocratic leaders professing to desire that,all party distinctions should be abolished,are allboshandthatinmakingappointmentsbyt}i1-tle regard is paid to fitness ur qualification,themainquestionbeing‘is hea democrat”Ourinformantsays,thala prominent gentleman told him,that if things did not alter in this re- spect,that there was no hype for us,except in the forbearance of Lincoly aud the mercy of God,for that Democracy in their intolerance,and in their grasping ufter office and the spoils,were harryiig us on to destruction. Greens.Patrivt. SMALL POX. The Enguirer orges upou every soldier inVirginiathegreatimportapceofresortingin lime to the preventive remedy of small-pox,ove of the scourges of wrmies in all countries.The disease 1a guid (o prevail to some extent in theUnitedStatesarmy,and its appearance amongourtroopsatanytimeneednotsurprieeus.— We do not eup that there is nut now a case in the whole Confederate army,but without due precaution,we cannot expect to be ea- empt from the loathsome disease for any con- siderable time.Every man who has not the mark of vaccination upon his person,should at once avail himsel of the sare preventive,an ounce vo!which is worth a pound of eure. Rich.Dispatch. Christian Association of Bondont |suppose that thirty days,or thirty years,We copy the folowing from the CharlestoniwillteachMarylandtoloveandbeloyal|Courier of the 27th inst.The idea is a good to her yankee tyrants!As well attempt|one,and we hope it will be liberally responded to “crnsh out”a Volcano as any State of |rs the South which has onve been free and|your reach ;avail yourself of every |Opportunity to acquire information.|There is not a poor boy in the land how,if he will only apply himeelf, but has it in his power to wake for himself a naine,aod who may not aspire to the moet exalted positions. BITE. |Froma private letter from a coadjutor, '«G,W.K.,”in Texas,under date of the |27th April,we copy the following interest- |independent. MARVELOUS CURK OF A SNAKE|extinet,and upon their sides may grown | |for a time the,olive and the vine,but one |day the crater will open its jaws,and the |look out for‘Pompeii and Hereatangum Richmond Dispatch. Let every boy reinember that in ten or twelve years froin this time,men of learning and wisdem will be indemand.Then let us keep op our eschools;let every parent who can, edneate his children,and let every boy whose parents have not the means of educating him,be diligent to improve every opportunity of learning.Come,boys,don't:«pend‘all your time at the Railway stations,‘gazing at the soldiers as they pass, buat be diligently employed,so as tobeabletotakethepluceofthosewhohaveyoustotightthebattles |of the country,if they should fall jand vever more return,Greens.Patrvot. We notice thut Walter Gwynn, -Eagq.,has been appointed to the po- ‘itiun of Brigadier-General in North ‘Carolina,Without any personal 'bitterness or disrespect to Mr.Gwyim |we wust say that we rezret this ap-‘pointinent,Mr.Gwyon resigned at Niiefull.The world weld think that fale was superseded by Virgiuia,his jnative State,but picked up by N. 'Oarolina.—Wid.Journal. ing account of bis success in treating the | bite of a rattlesnake.It may furnish a| nseful hint for future improvement.—Vew Orleans Ptcayune.relected and a contract partiatly made for Before I forget it,let me inform you!supply.The new stamp is very beauti-| that the medicine chest arrived in due sea-|ful,and quite in contrast with the okd.—| The Confederate Postage Stampe.—| The Montgomery Advertiser says the de-| sign for the Confederate stamps has been | The Firet Mertyr-—A\t henor and honora-The fires may appear to be |ble temembranée should be wod will be paid tothenameofthegallantJacxson,of Alexen-|drin,who gave his life im defence of the Con- |federate flug.Friends who have resided in Washington,and who visited Alexandria,have |told us that he was noble,frank,generous and gallant,and those who knew him best are the |least surprised at his martyrdom.He has giv- en us a great omen and &good example.BraveVirginians,and eff trae sens of the »will sell their lives dearty—striking especialy attheleadetsandoffieéfyoftheinvotentandin-vading hiretings and ruffians who seek to die-grace that chosen standard of4 redvemei!peo- ple. We respectfully propose,without Interfering son,and that just as I opened it I had |The size is a trifle larger,and in the cen-|with any official demofisttution,that a dona- pressing use for one of the articles it con-|tre is an elegant steel engraving of Waush- tuined.I wns looking over the bottles |ington,(a front view,)taken from his well | tion of a smafl amonnt--3:of 5 cents,of even one cent—be givén by every volanteer who when one of my came running in,saying he had been bitten by a rattlesnake!Hewustroldingfasthisleftwrist,while two streams of blood were running from one of his fingers,where the fangs of the snakehadentered.As the man did not use to- bacco,I told him to fill his mouth with salt and sack as hard as he could at his wounds.Inext kept a rag well saturated act the poison.I'then put thirty drops ofhartshorninateacupfulofwhiskeyand ured it down his throat.In five minutes tee this dose,and in five minutes this time I had given him a full quart of strong whiskey and ninety drops of harts- horn,and thought the load was sufficient. The man was an Irishman,an old soldier, and took the matter quite coolly.It was 4 great satisfaction to him to know that another man had killed the snake,which was coiled undera rail he was inoving,in |known portrait painted by Stuart.It will ‘ineet with universal approbation,and will probably meet the public eye easly in |June,or as soon thereafter as practicable. A Philosophical Fact.—A_bulloonist states that be has made the following dis- covery: I take a bar of brass,which when weigh- |fifteen pounds.When I ascended up 3 wiles in the atmosphere and weigh the |brass bar,it actually weighs,by a spring |ballance,seven and one-half puunds.FivemoreIgavehimanotherjustlikeit.By |mites up it only weighs theee aud one-half| |pounds What is the cause of this!‘The waut of atmospheric preasute on it,and the sun's attraction,wlich beeomes moreapparentthenearerwexppronehiteorbit, A VALUABLE SUGGESTION, The following communication makes a the Administration of the political: party which have brought about this war will not be likely to pay the!ratenirou Claw fan Scidiey)Otae owners the valne of their ebipe and Cogie—|wenty thousand tunics,rendered and yoods captared ou the bigh |waterproof,and yet porous,were served ———-0. valuable suggestion :—Ral.Register,the yard,not ten steps from the house.— ‘Mr.Symue:—Dear Sir—It has beenForthreequartersofanbourhesatquiet-| ly,and talked soberly and coolly,while [|suggested to me,by a lady,that if all the kept renewing the bartshorn to the two|ladies in the Southern States were to begin wounds where the fangs of the snake had;now,and make the old negro woinen on has entered or may entef the Confederate ser-vice,towurds &festimoniat and a fand for the surviving family of Jackson,the firet martyr. What suy our brave volunteersand exchanger’ ee —aS A Sufficient Reason.—A vountry gen- tleman ¢alled at our office lately,as was ,his custom whenever be came to town,to i beg a paper.The clerk told him the|prioe was five cents,Why,said be,|with hartshorn on the wound,to counter-|aq on the earth's surfree actually weighs!have bad a twndred papers,sed you neverchargedmeacentbefore!Ofcourse lie did not get one.It will be bard to payexpenses.of printing im these times,and impossible it we give away our.papers.Fay.Obs. |“> Stopped.—No,3 cotton mil]of this city stopped operations on Thu teat,and |we uuderstund that the two remaining mills|will Coase runping when the present stock|of cotton ie used up.This will prove un-|welcome news to the hundreds who have|been dependent upou theie earnings jn the wills for their daily support.Lancaster (Pa.)Herald. >- Fr-President Buchanan.—This “eter- eens.—WV.¥.Daily News. From Norfolk.—We have seen a letter from Norfolk,May 26th,which says: “Laat night signal guns were made from A point about 12 miles from towa,tht troops were landing on the Virginia shore some few miles from Norfolk,Messengers were sent out in every direction to tind out the truth.But this morning it proved to be a false report,afwr keeping us in a creat state of excitement all might.We did not go to bed.” out to the French Army during the late war with Russia.They were prepared af- ter the following recipe: Take 2 Iba,4 on.of alum,and dissolve jit in 10 gallons of water;in like matover dissolve the same quantity of sugar of |lead ia w similar quantity of water and mix the two together.They form a pre- cipttate of the sulphate of lend.The clear Ryaor is now withdrawn,and the cloth {m- mersed for one hour in the soldtion,when itis taken out,dried in the etade,washed in clean water and them dried again. entered his fiuger.LHe said it was too badtodiefromthebiteofa‘pisen sarpint,” while I was astonished he should keep so sober with such a load of raw whiskey on his stomach,In about an hour he coms menced to laugh,then to whistle,next to siug,and finally tried to dance.I had him all nq@ht then;I knew that the whiskey iad got nhead of the poison,and had reached his vitals first.In five minutes more be wasas druttk 28 Bacchus,sprawl: |ed vut on the floor,slept half a day,’aud next morning was at work as well as even the plantation knit course socks,a largesupplymightbegotready,if we should have a winter campaign,On every plan- tation in the South there is a large amount |of labor,which is of very little real value {and by directing it into this channel a want i which will surely arise will be met.A paragraph from you would call attention |to it.Yours,J.D. NoBlockade.—Three British brigs ar- rived at Wilmington on Sunday,from Liverpool,Bologne,aed Cardiff—Obs, nal sunshine”ex-functionary has writtenalettercontendingforthe“sacreduess”ofoathsofmilitaryofficers;whereupon some one remarks that *be holds miditary oathstobesosacred,simply becnuse it fs theonlykindofoaththathenevertook,”aod consequently never violated—Hay.Obs >2 = We Jearn that Dr.Chartes E.Johnson, of thie city,bas received the commissionofSurgeonGeneralinthearmyofNorthGarolina—Releigh Register From the LondonTimes,if Blay. THE SOUTH INVINCIBLEg-1§=WAR WITHOUT AN OB We un this side are disposed to take a very grave and dispassionate view of the Americanquarrel.If we were somewhat indignant at use fell celerity with which the seceding States rushed into viclence,perhaps we have also be-gun to suspect that in the cause they wete ready to muiutain veto death there might be more th ares ght pf./So we wish itwerepossiblechadorsomeotherPow- er might arbitrate in this unnatural conflict,and we ali.feel cure.ranged.People are apt tu think so in a quar- rel which is not their own.‘fn this cate there are ionsto ebviogs,us they seem to us, that they heve oulytobeoffefed and they ure sure to Be adapted.A‘reference,a terrible di- vieion ut once,a mixed commission—enything eoeme better than the berbarods ofdeal of mu-tual destruction m order te find out,not whichiamoseintheright,bat whietts the strongest. Bat vaie our compassion andour wishes.Amer- ica has declared,and no one can doubt it,that she will pot abide the arbitration of any Pow- er,much less oneofthe Old World.But whatifsomehappysuggestionmihewafted across the ocean,or’some eéhemeof settle- ment whieh might seem an inspiration from above?Even this fs impossible.Any ecom- ment or advice that éun be made on the exiet-ing etate of effeire,whatever thatis cennot ar- rive in the States earlier than twenty drys 1—The fortress may have sarrendered,the city may have opened its gates,the fleet may have been wrecked,or some one of the chief actors in the eanguinary piece may have been sud- denty eliminated from the scene.Who,then,can guess the state of things now,though It beonlythirteendayssincethefastbolletinfromtheseatofwar?What flag waves over the Capitol?How many ehips sarvive the Feder- al Government!What is the number of the Seceding States?How haye the NorthernGeneralskeptuptheircommunicationsbe-tween Washington and their basis ofoperations! Yet,if we are wholly in the dark upon anyorallofthesepoints,our wishesfor peace must, be the haziest of all idle sentiments,open even to the suspicion of absolute uoreality.What have we,then,to do but to watch and see thé jasne of these ~fell incensed pointe of hty opposites"Since it must be,let us note the providential uses hidden iu this calam-ity.Is not this 9 necessary peasays in the his-tory of the nation?There are a few great riv- ers that have not at some period of their course to straggle through the gorges of a mountainchain,in which they seem almost to disappear for a time,only to teappearin ampler channels and more abundant streams.It used to be said that every nation must go through the feudal state,or show for ages the effect of an imperfect education like pahappy Ireland ;and it has been added that where this discipline was wanting the chivalry of war might do thework.War,it hus been suid,takes up nations ds the drilf sergeant tukes up the war recruit, and teaches oa grace,harmonious move- ment,and mutual consideration.The army,sav parents is the best school for manners.— The sight of the batth-field has chastened theambitionevenofEmperors.You may tefl the man who has been in a great battle.He will not talk of war,of wounds,or dread artillery, and the sword’s edge quite so glibly as otherpoople.Like J'ante,‘he has seen hell.”Re- collections haunt his mind,and spectral images rivet his gaze.This is not the man to carry about with him a secret armory of destruction, aud to rush into uuy quarrel,simply because he is prepared.May we not perceive in this avwfal conflict the appoiated means for chasten- ing the quarrelsome spirit of the Americans,for blevating self-defence into a public princi- ple,atid for changing thé bravo futo @ soldier? All America has been long pleying at war.— |The manilestproofs Rach aaves oughttp have.e,soueh.of serinus-ness,and seriousness uct tobeobtained with- ous,suferivg and cost,One thing js certnin— America wag uever kely to be taught ber du-\ eM England,or any neighbor je the Old| We have beeutea anxious to avoida |quarrel with this infant lerrible,who would be | certain to imflict more damage on us than thequarrelwesworth.America is pow supply-i rherself che oaissing partof her education.S Nee far.the war.iz one owt of all precedent,and:beyond all caleylation,Atthie moment itiwiibletosaywhatisilsobject,and how ips to be conducted.The reduction of thesecedingSiatesisaualmoetinconceivableidea. he territory is immense,the country difficult, Ahe,climate mobealthy,aad the populationtwelvemillions,Even.if.we suppose aRepublicayarmyof,50,000 mem making guoditepsseagefromBaltimoretotheGulfofMexi- Ce,in the face of every difficulty,eeveral sucharmiesmightaccomplishthefeat,aud yet leuvethequestionastheyfoundit.The effect,undeventhepossibilitygf@blockade,a stoppageofsupplies,or an embargo npr duties,has yet to be seen.As for the slave population there is matthe emallest symptom-of their dis- affection,or of theirwieh to leave their mastersenmasse.Here and there it is likely enoughthat@sulleneaveWhohusqaarteltedwithhis master,or one who veafly is in the hunds of a tyrant,or One cdiisciousof a Gigdre.and quali- tiea.worthy of freedom,may be trendy 10 seize anepporiusity of escape,But the present is an affair,not of individuals,but of milfione.So‘what chance is there of any result to be obtain- ed from the war,unless the possession of the capitelbe a result worth considering?That, in fact,ie the contest at thie moment.It is acontestforthedeadbodyofPatroclus;forthe Holy Places;for a name,for a prestige,for a reality:Ifwe suppose the Northern StutesVigtorigusinseverabbaities,they are Jeft with30,000 men in possessionof a worthless nite in anenemy’s country.Whilé these 30,000 Are locked up there,and switained by inrmonse ef- forte aud at an intolerable expenea,the South- ern Siates ufay be etpadily ppraming their own course of secession,salf-government and con- solidation.ith the single exception of the Capitol,not a fort,mot aft atsefaf,not a yard, not a ship,pot a bit of wood or stone will be left the Federal Government in the Seceding States.If,too,their commerce should be ut the mercy of the Northern privateers,that isagameinwhichtheNortheriershavethemosttofoeeandthebalancemustbeever agri:the richer.The Government now at arhington,if stil!there,and,if it be there, supposing it still free to act,must have these censilerations before it.We know not how itcanescapetheconclusionthatsuchawariscontrarytotheveryratesofwar,seeing that it has no object.A day may throw light on the struggle and show that the vast efforts of the Northern States are not to be lavished invainandallthatnoblebloodspentlikewater. Woe only reason tipon what we see and know, and we are driven to the conefision that thas far ‘hee thirty miffions of car own flesh and bloog ir fignti-g for a shadow ,ae . Hopfederate Brat 4 When apeople who recognize their de- pendence upon God,feel themselves sur- rounded by peril aud difficulty,it becomes them 'to humble themselves under the dis pensation of Divine Providence,to recog- nize His righteous governmeat,to acknowl- edge His goodnuss in timen past,and sup- plicate His merciful protection for the fu- ture. oftheDivine Bless- ing hitherto extended to the efforts of the Confederate States of America to maintainandperpetuatepublicliberty,individualrightsandnationalindependence,demandtheirdevoutandheartfeltgratitude.It becomes them to yive public manifestationofthisgratitude,and of their dependenceupontheJudgeofalltheearth,and toinvokethecontinuanceofHisfavor.Knowing that none but a just and ngbt- eous cause can gain Divine favor,we woul!implore the Lord of Hosts to guide and direct our policy in the paths of righit, duty,justice,get mercy,to unite our ef- forts for the defence of our dearest rights; to strengthen our weakness;crown our arms with success,and enable ns to secure a speedy,just and honorable peace. To these ends,and in conformity with the request of Congress,I invite the people of the Confederate States to the observance of a day of fasting and prayer,by such religious services as my be suitable for the occasion,and T recommend Thursday,the 13th day of June next,for that purpose; and that we may all on that day,with one accord,join in humble and reverential ap- proach to Him in whose hands we are,in- voking him to inspire us with a proper spirit and temper of heart and mind to bear our evils,to bless us with His favor and protection,and to bestow His gracious benediction upon our Government and country. (Signed)JEFFERSON DAVIS.By the President:R.Toomss,Secretary of State. A Reform Needed.—In many places citizens and ladies have been very kind to the gallant volunteers while en route for the seat of war,or encamped at some place where they were strangers.Rather too often,perhaps,this kindness has been man- ifeated ip showers of bouquets,when the soldier was tired and hunyry and wouldhavebeengiadofacupofcotfeeorabis- cuit.But the flowers were far better than nothing,and some of the young men may have thought them better than food.Thefollowing,from the Petersburg Bzpress of Monday,is suggestive of some arrange: ment by which provision should be made by somebody,we know not whom,to have food,or at least some refresliment,spoken for in advance for companies or regiments whilst on the road.Does nut the State supply the soldiers?If so,why should our 2nd Regiment be all day and al)night without a meal?We have heard that Capt.Stare of the Fayetteville Light In- fantry,paid out of his owu pocket $45 for the diuner of lis company at Goldsboro’. The Azpress,calling upon the Ladies of Petersbury to carry buiscuit along with the flowers,says: “We are sure vou will be both grieved und mortified to know that a large body of men have passed through this city withia the past week who bad received noopersupplyoffoodfortwenty-four hours. ‘he Seeoud North Carolipa Regiment al- so,which went on to Richmond Thursdaynight,bad no supper,and were probablyondutyallnighi,and unable to breakfastuntilalatehournextmorning.” Letter to the Editors of the Observer. Crave.Hitt,May 27,1861. Messrs.FE.J.Hale &Sons:We have a report here ofan attack on Wilmington, which I do not believe,but it briugs to mind an incident of the last war with Great Britain.In the full of 1813,greatexchementprevailedandanattackon Wilmington was daily expected.A large body of troops were ordered down (ainong them the Indepeudent Company to whichIbelonged.)At Fort Johnson and about Smithville,Federal Point and Wilminog- ton,aswell as memory serves me,there were over two thousand men.On u certainmoraiogatbreakofdayanalarmed gun was heard,drums beat to arma,thelimeswereformed—and there lay whatappearedtobeaBritishsloopofwarat anchor imuwediately opposite the market wharf,ports open and guus bristling out.She showed no colors,aud the general im- pression was that the town was to be laid under contribution,which might very readily fave been done.But the ship proved tu be the American Privateer Gen, Armstroog,with a crew in mutiny.She had entered the barborin the night,sailed np on aflood tide,and passed all the gaards and fortifications unnoticed.The panic in Wilmington cannot be described,‘The banks did not recover from it until they sent all their specie up to Fayetteville.| trust with so vigilant an officer as (ren, Holmes,they will not keep a better look out. The troopers,who overslept themselves in Alexandria,and were caught Dapping by Lincoln's brigands,are in close confine- ment,while the scoundrels are riding their horses all aronnd thé town and country. ee GUNPOWDER MANUFACTURE The invengipa of gunpovder is nee by the Geruipns @their country men ,Par- tholdus Schwartz;but it is well known to have been in use among the Chinese since A.D.85.. Some of the best qualitie are composed as follows:Nitre.Charcoal.Sulphur. Army powder,75 ib 10Spotting,78 2 10 Mioing,65 15 20 French,18 ‘12.86 0.12 The ingredients are first reduced to an impalpable powder in cylisder mills work- ed by water powder,or between metallic rollers.It is next weighed,then properly mixed in a mixing trough with a wooden roller for three hours,and at some mills it is merely stirred about ine large tub fora short time;but when thisis the case,more time is allowed for incorperating,which isthenextprocess,The cylinders of most incorporating mills are two in number,and made of avery rough description of stone: they each weigh about three tons.The bed of the mill on which they revolve is of the same material;but cylinders and beds of iron are also much used.The ob- jection to irou beds is that they generally wear holluw in the middle,ard it would be out of the question to have stune cylin- ders and iron beds.The charge which is laced in the mill at a time is 42 |bs.,and it ig muistened with two pints of water, which is placed in the mills with the charge,| but this is varied according to the state of | the utmosphere.At the end of three | bours,the charge is withdrawn from the| nil)to be pressed either in a hydraulic or | a powerful screw press;itis separated at | equal distances by plates of copper.so that a uniform pressure may be applied to the whole,which is about six hundred tons.—| When taken from the press it is in thin | solid cakes or layers,called “press cake.”| This is broken in pieces of about «quarter | of an ounce in weight,and removed to the | corning house,where it is granulated by placiog it in seives having a rotary shaking | motion,given to them by machinery,with | two blocks of ‘ignumvite wood which | crush the powder between them and the| sides of the seive;two other seives of dif-| ferent degrees of iineness are placed un- der the first,which catch the powder and separate it into fine and coarse grain (for | artillery and muskets)and the dust,or | meal powder,falls into a box placed be- neath.The powder is now glazed by be-| ing placed in a cask,which revolves on an axle through the centre about thirty times | in a minute,which takes off all the corners | of the grains and gives them a polish. The last process is drying,which is per- formed by steam,radiation froin hot irons or solar heat;it is sometimes again sifted before barreling,to clean it and prevent it from caking together.The pressing and glazing process,although they lessen the effective force of the powder,are absolute- ly necessary ;first,to vive the powder den- sity to prevent its breaking by carriage; second,to grevent its absorbing moisture from the atmosphere,which itis liable to do from the alkali which is in the char- coal;third,to prevent the powder losing its power when kept for any length of of time,The quality of the powder pro- duced depends more on the care taken in its manufacture than on the exact propor- tions of the ingredients, What is to be Done with the Negroes?—The N.Y.7ribunesays:“Com.Chaun.-|cey has orders to take eommand of theSaratogaonthecoastofAfrica.He wastheofficerwhocommandedtheshipwhichtooktheeapturedslavesbacktoAfrica.No doubt he is ordered to that coastagainwithaviewthatheshal!negotiate withtheMonrovianGovernmentfortherecep-lion and disposition of sueh negroes asmaybecapturedbytheGovernmentforcesintheprosecutionofthewarwhichthe,rebel States have declared and are nowwagingagainstthe(sovernment of the,United States.Our Government havingbeenforcedintohostilitieswiththeseced-ed and seceding rebels,will be fully justi-fied by tue civilized world in “carrying thewarintoAfrica,”which process will,of,course,cause many sons of Africa to fallintothepossessionoftheGovernment.|The question in that case will be bow todisposeofthem.If there are four mil-|lous of African slaves now in the Confed-_erate States,how many will there be byandby?” Powder.—The sane correspondent in-|forins us that one of the powder mills in.Pickens istrict,8.C.,made orily blastingpowderfortherailrondtunnel,and when |the work on the tunnel was stopped the|mill stopped also.The other mill,near|Pickens C.H.makes al!kinds of powder,He adds,“It is tedious and expensive | Process to make sulphur from iron or cop-|per pyrites,but it is our only resource now.|North Carolina mines fornish an immense | aniount of highly sulphnrous pyrites.We | have some saltpetre in this State and anyquantityofthebestwoodsforcharcoal.”| Fay.Observer. The Washington Republican,Lineola’s or- gan,intimates that if Ke Government will subjugate her at the point ofthebayonet. Two Columbiads,weighing 16,000 pounds each,reached Weat point,Sunday,all the way from Richmond They were destined for Pen- facola.| |J.P.Bensamin,of La.,Atturney-General. |J.J.Hoorer,of Ala.,Secretary of Congress. /of Cape Henry,undertook to land a boat load |land,but the boat turned back and as soon as ntucky secedes,the |tination,the Quaker City opened fire opon them Y NTFROM st,LOUIS,’IWPOR | horized the formation of a Home Guard, and the Union men at Hannibal and St. Joseph,Kansas City and other places to be furnished with arms,aod mustered into the service of the United States.All the State troops have left Jeffersou City bat two hundred constituting the Governor’s Bedy Guard. | WAR ITEMS,&c.| Wasntxoron,May 28.—Eli Thayer has been made Patent Commissioner. Gossip says that Banks favors throwing 300,000 men into the field. The Secretary has requested the New York Seventh Regiment to remain three months longer.Consenting,they left to take possession of Acquia Creek. Baurimore,May 28.—An officer bear- ing Chief Justice T'aney's attachment for| contempt of Court against Gen.Cxdwala- der,was not admitted into Fort McHenry. COTTON THROUGH NORTHERN PORTS. The Yankee scheme of taking the cot- ton crop over their railroads,and shipping| it at their ports,will prove an entire failure, The Confederate Congress has passed act, making it penal fur any cotton to be exported from the Confederacy,except through their own ports.Not «pound is ever to leave by any inland route,This is the law,and it will be ratified snd en- forced by the patriotism of the Souther people.If England or any other foreign country wants cotton,they must come for it to Norfolk or Charleston,or Mobile,or New Orleans,or Galvastion.It can’t be had elsewhere.—Richmond Whig. GOVERNMENT OF THE CONFEDER- ATE STATES.. As the seat of Government will be re- moved to this city in a few days,it may not be unprofitable to publish the follow:| ing—names of the officers of our Govern- ment: PRESIDENT! JEFFERSON DAVIS,ofMississippi. VICE-PRESIDENT¢ ALEX.H.STEPHENS,of Georgia. CABINET! Rosert Toomas,of Ga,Secretary of State. C.G@ Memmincer,of 8.C.,Sec.of Treasury. L.P.Wacker,of Al,Secretary of War. J.HW.Reagan,of Texas,Postmuster-General. Howee Coss,of Ga,President of Congress. Richmond Whig. :ch riot »hay on Soca re 6.Lovray May 20-_Birdy Poff ie , cupied by the ®edamlish.H y Bn | |will be |MMuyurnted, Percursehy»pe.French Manufeciure,G.D.,whi1cellQtfof-five cents per iba meteausecurethematwnce.—Ral osStenderd,“ghWearepleasedtostatethat&Cohen,notwithstanding the fae ElingbeingeoldinCharlottefor$1 per 1000 00°”ing offered to the State at 45 cents yanMessrs.E &C.,have now on hand200,000 caps and are ready tu supply all =emayneedthematfigagesmuchbelowib aurked else where.Bullgtig.‘ove HE KEPT HIS WORD.The Petersburg Exprees,speakingof the be.mented Jackson,of Alexandria,soys:‘\A gentleman now in Petersburg dined witMr.Jackaun,at the Marabal)Houre,jan Teaday,thie dey two weeks wgo,and amvng a topics of discussion introduced at the dinneris. ble.was the secession flag.Mr.Jackson ramarked,during the conversatiun,that he did not desire the blood of any human being on his hands,but he hal determined to kill the menthatdaredtoremovethatflag.He had heardoftheobjectiontoitinWashington,bat,saig he,the individual that attempts to remove itwilldo80athisperil.Whether it be WinfieigScott,Abraham Lincoln,or Simon Cameron,|will kill him the moment he lavs violent handsuponit.He kept his word,and it ie a matte,of gratulation with the Scath,that the ints. mous Ellsworth was the man who forfeiied his life in attempiing to interfere with the privatepropertyofagentleman.” FROM RICHMOND. Richmonp,Vu.,May 30th,186). Secretary Toomba arrived here this morn. ing.Ger Beauregard and staff are expected to-morrow.Secretary Walker is ulev expect. ed on Saturday. There has been great activily since the Pre. sident’s arrival.He is prudeot,but confident and firm—no backward action permitted. We expect stirring intelligence.The army ratified soon. Red Tape circumlocution is deed. Invasion will be speedily met by counter-ac. tion. No battle yet 1 am vot permitted to communicate army movemen + ’Seseniaae seer ee pene The Piratical War.—The true charac- ter of the war which the Yankees are wa ging against us is developing itself more and more every day.For atrociousness, nothing,in modern times,1s comparable lo )t.Assassination and plunder are its distinguishing traits.Murder aud robbery mark its firat footsteps in Alexandria.Al! along our const,and all along the Ohio riv- er,x universal system of piracy has been The Northern papers boast that they have already seized at the muath: of James Kiver property of the people of this State to the amount of $300,000.The Cincinoat)prpers publish advertisements by the U.5.Marshal of a long jist of guods belonging to Tennessee and other Soutbern Siates,seized by that fuuctionary and offered for sale.Everything belung- ‘ing toa Southern man is fair game fur Kwoxvinie,Tenn.May 29. Charles Douglas,the celebrated Union bul- ly,whe was wounded hereseveral days since by a sbot from a gun,died to-day, Three Regiments of Tennessee volunteers,| numbering moze than I choose to mention,are encamped here,und enger for the word of march.They ure the finest looking body ofmen,physically,]ever saw. A regiment of Artillery,the celebrated New Orleans Washingtonians,are in sight.They are said to be the most splendidly t-ained Ar-| tilleristain the world. Savannau,May 29.|The British and Russian Consuls boarded the |Federal ptopeler Union,off the bar to-day.—|The Captain notified them that the blockade of Charleston and Savanpah had commenced |on Tuesday,wiih the Minnesota,Wabash,Union and another vessel.Neutrals will be allowed fifteen days to de-|pert,but no vessels will be allowed to enter ei-!ther port. Lourevitie,May 23.Neither Harney nor Prentice,who had been |summoned to Frankfort,to give evidence be-|fore a commitiee of the Kentucky Honee of |Representatives,relative to the introdaction of|arma in the State,weut there.The Senate bill gtutifies the States Righismen.|FROM NORFOLK. Norro.x,May 29. Notwithstanding the many startling und falsereports(hut are vet uflout here in regardto the \enemy's movements,and the busy works of|preparation that wre yoingon,and constant ar-|rivals,and marchings aud countermarching ofsoldiersthroughthestreete,giving the entirecilyamilitaryaspect,every thing is temarka-bly calm andquiet.Genteelnesr and quietnessmarkthedeportinentofoursoldiersaswellwhenoffduty,on the streets,as when on dutyatthecamp. The order that was reported to have Beengiventhe2dRegimentofNorthCarolinayol-unteers,toreturn forthwith to defend their ownStatefromanattackthatwassaidtohavebeen ! ‘made on Roanoke Island,wae not given,and |the rumor a fabrication,bearing some similuri-ty to Byron’s *story of the three blaek Crows.”|This regiment,of which Solomon Williannn is|Colonel,and which is composed of ten compn-nies numbering over one thousand men,arrivedhereonthe27th.and is now encamped near |Broad Creek.All the companies are thorough |ly equipped for service,and will give a goodac |count of themselves should they be called upontoexerttheirathleticbodiesintheircountry’sbehalf,.Sundry outrages have been lately committedbytheFederaltroopsonCapeHenryBeach.|On the afternoon of the 24th,the U.S.steam.|er Qoaker City,after reconnottering the stands of men for inimical purposes,when Capt.Fen-treas of Princess Anne cavalry,ordered men totheplacewhereitwassupposedtheywould our company arrived at the place of their dee- yet,although the shots weresowell aimed thateysometimescamewithinthreeorfourfeetofthecompany,no damage was done. PERCUSSION CAPS. these pirates.Luckily,this is a game at which more than one can take a part.— When the Confederate privateers shail have taken the field.we shall hear howls from Yaokeedon,which will jar the river’ Everv adventurer of every nation will be upon them mn every corner of the ocexn. The retribution will be swift ari@ terrible. Richmond Dispatch. oo Another Sign from Baglaund.—A dis patel from Washington,of the 24uh,to a |New York paper,bas some very distre: sing news,which tepda “to increase ibe al-ready unhappy and complicated state inw which our beloved country is tbrown,”— We are disposed to credit the rumor,as itpropagatedbyapartythatdislikesit,andforthefurtherreason,that it 3s highly pro- bable in itself..It assigns a course to Fug Jand which her own interests would dic- |tate,and which,whether adopted now or not,will be in ninety days without the slightest regard to “our beluved Gountry. i.e,Yankeedom. We subjoin the dispatch: Another rumor is afloat here,to tle ef- fect that Secretary Seward has ua rece: ed dispatches from Boyland decltring the Intention of that Goverament vot torecog: vice the Code of Congress of Paris,of1856,which denounces privateering asp racy,anil alleging that this Code was the j act of all the great powers of Europe,im Congress assembled,and jt is manifestly notin her power as one of the signers of that compact,to accept,at this late day. the tardy acceptance of the United States. I do not,and cantot believe this is true. or that Engtand will thug increase the al- ready unhappy and complicated state it which our beloved country is thrown. The most civilized Indians on the co? tinent are the Choctawsa.They are gene™ ally wealthy;in tact their average wealth is greater than that of the none of any State in the Union.They bave a Leg" Jature,Newspapers,Schools and Churches. Like all Southern Indian tribes,they Af slaveholders.Next to the Choctaws come the Cherokees,more numerous nu more heard of,but somewhat leas advances The Chickasaws are also civilized Indian and slaveholders.As men,ipteslectoally. morally and financially,they are much the superiors of the cluss of white men broughtonfromtheNorthbyEllsworth,Wilso" Murderer Sickles,and other vornuted scoundrels.These Indian vations will #* their fate with the South ia all honor 4?" sincerety,and we co trust that their devtionmaybedulyappreciated,and that at last a remnant of a noble race may yetpreservedinthebosomoftheSouther®Confederacy and as one of its States We learnthat Mesers.Elise &Cohen,of Wilmington Journal. c MO Supe other b on trial ant,of Court| day.* in seles noonot and th were wasgt and up jury be The Wilson Wake. ussisled Sharpe Wel tried sides,| [cis wn videe the fat PLS verdiel 4 0'¢ at the swear The stand been,¢ L We re yail,hav Oscar,a fer to th Later Mr. of Mt. Sands 10 o'c cannot his ho eral whose this c ting was ig here | month people he loo feels ¢ who h where The some land \ (ration both J thie the U those sulls ¢ bels| ity th indep ueces their. neces and,| to th too,| First has, Cape one ¢ Mr.. coulc the | posit pron with almo uret \ this com we ¢ S and you Ces | will the| a Wi we allu Bro cere Wor i Ree here Anc Th all met enn! der still doj hid apin foo: Roy tot 1e Tas with Bes. ther Pr la. N re. @ did 1g Oo Man eard Baid ve it afield ‘on,| ands alter infa- d his ivate 61. nore- ected pect. Pre. ident army army arac- wa more ness, rable e its bery All )riv- been Doaat voth te of The mw Dla uw of other wary jung: e fur e al Ties shall owlx iver! I}be eH) ble. ‘A. +the pCO a,of AS pr the win vatlyrsof day. ates. true, e al- into con ener ealtli apy eyis ches. are comer more need dian’ nally. h the ight ilsor) ruted )se8' gpd devo at a et be there al. Cpe Mihai, ——--o»e-—— MONDAY RVENING,JONE 8,1961.a ne ———— Superior Court—Trial of Oscar.—Littte other business than the case of Oscar,wheip on trial for an attempted rape upon Mre.Bry- ant,of Concord,engaged the attention of the Court last week.Tt was taken upon Wednes- day.The latter half of that day was occupied in selecting a jury.Thareduy,and the fore- noon of Friday wasspent in hearing testimony; and the remainder of thatday and Saturday, were consumed in the pleadings.The cuso was given to the Jury about 6g o’elock,p.m. and up ¢o this time the case is undecided,the jury being unable to agree. The prisoner wus defended by Messra.J.H. Wilson,of Charlotte,and H.W.Miller,of Wake.The State Solicitor,Mr.Lander,was ussisted in the prosecution by Mesere.L.Q. Sharpe,of Iredell and N.N.Fleming,of Rowan. We have never known a case more thoroughly tried.The speeches of the Attorneyson both sides,were ofa high order. It is reported that the jury is about equally mvided.They are ‘‘hung,”whatever may be the fate of the prisoner. PS.The Jury in this case returned their verdict of not guilty at 1 o’elock to-day. 4 0’clock,P.M—There is an aagry crowd atthe jail door.demanding Owear,aud they swear he shall be hung. The Court is will in session ;but we under- stand nearly all the eases on the docket huve been,or will be,continued. Later=The Mob Triumphant. We regret to say that the excited people around the jail,have forced the deors of the prison,tookouttheman Oscar,and have led him off for execution.Wesball re-fer to this subject agaia.Later Séill,—Oecar has been hung! _—-ome WHERE WAS IT? Mr.Robert Ramsay,living five miles West of Mt.Mourne,Iredell county,reports that on Sanday morning the 26th May,between 8 and 10 o'clock,he heard repeated diecharger of cannou in an easterly direction,which frum his house,would be towards Salisbary. eral other persons,during the pust week, whose residences are in the Western pert of this county,also report that they heard the firing abont the sametime,and supposed it wasia this town,There was no cannon fired here at that time,nor at any time within a mouth past;nor was it heard by any of our people,an far as we know.Mr.Ramsay says he looked around fur cloude,but saw none,and feels certain it was not thuuder;and others who heard it concur with his statement.Then,where wae the firing? > SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The New York papers,after laboring for some weeks to persuade the country that Eng- Jaod would sympathise with Lincoln's edminis- tration,now give it up,and freely admit that | both England and France willcertainly sy mpa-| thise with the South,aud that hence it becomes the United States to prepare for a war with those great powers,as one of the inevituble re- Sev- | eullsof the attempt to subdue the Southern re- beis!These journals,in view of the probabil- ity that those great powers will recognise the independpence of ihe Confederute States,the their distegard of the blockade afour porte,will necessarily bring on complications and &war;| that the American Advocate,at Kinston,N.C..had)eee It]mag hap been a error,for the Advocate of the 30th May isonaurtable.Senintgee We.1.Squadera Eaq,)haying yoln- teeered his services for the war hae with. drawn from hia editorial cotinection with the Salisbury Banner. ;—-.—ope -—-——The wheat crap in Georgiisrepresentedavunusuallylargeaudveryfine.It isulready coming into market.All the Southern States are ruising large cropsofgrain this year.They will have plenty for the supportof the people and the army.—The wheet erop,in thip part of North Carolina,Is inugnificent. —_———e>e—-—_—— Within a week the ladies of Raleigh,N.C., made and turnedovertothe Adjutant General, 15,000 mattrasses,600 towels,360 uniform jackets,200 pantaloons,400 fatigue shirts and 200 haversacas,the materials of which were obtained chiefly by their contributions and ef- forts. The ladies of Salisbury have alsv performed sewing feais worthy of all praise.How many of the various articles manufact urned,we have not learned.We hope they will preserve some account of their performances. ——te---- Arnestgo.—We have jus heard that a man named Bushrod Vick,a native of Nush county in thie State,who arrived here Tuesday pro- feasediy with dispatches (roan Gov.Letcher to Gov.Filis,wae put ander arrest on Thursday on suspicion that he was one of Lincola’s spies. 1c ie rumored that Gov.Ellis telegraphed Gov. Letcher,and ascertained that the dispatches were spurious.That's right.Keep a sharp eye on the birds—Raleigh Standard let snst. ELECTION.OF OFFICERS. We learn that eleetions of field Officers for the third and fourth regiments of North Caroli- na volunteers,took place at Garysburg on Mon- 4 day lust,and resulted as follows: Third Regiment.—W.D.Pender,Colonel; Lieut.S.D.Rameeur,Lieut.Col.;and D.R. Hamilton,Major. Fourth Regiment.—Maj.M.S.8tokee.Col.; Junius A.Daniel,Lieut.Colonel;and Faieon,Major. We learn that Lieut.Ramsear has declined. His present position as commande of the ‘El- lis Light Artiflery company.”we considder of the very fret importance tw the State—Jb. SURGEON GENERAL. We learn that Dr.Chas.E.Johnson,of this City,has received the appointment of Surgeon General in the army of thia State.Dr.John- sun is wn able and experienced physician.fle will,no doubt,filf the post with honor to him- self and the profession —ZJb. a FROM RICHMOND. Rictumosp,May 28.—Ex-Gov,Wise has been commissioned by President Davis to raise a Legion in Virginia, panies have already enlisted to serve under nin.Capt.I.Clay Pate,of Kansas fame, hus vobenteered to serve in the Governor's Several com: Not tappedANCA wnbcimbedteadie tact |THE FOLLOWING1s sampleoftboa- |Gap. necesaity they are under to get our cotion,and | Legion,and bas raised a coinpany. Kk.M.Smith,Kdhtor of the Alexandra Sentinel,xn uncompromising secession journal,has escaped from Alexandria.He writes here from Warrenton that he man- aged to pass the enemy's hnes unmolested. The Federalsts supposing bin to be con- cealed in Alexandria,have offered a large reward fur his apprebeusion, Gen,Lee and Stat?are now at Manassas They left Richmoud this morning. Our scouts report no enemy within five miles of Manaxsna Gap, The Confederate troups are making ex: and,thereupevi,they urge preparations looking |tensive preparations,anticipating a grand to that ag an event not to be avoided,and that|attack. too,@t an early day. oe ~--H.C.JONES,JR, has,we learn,been appointed to the office of Captain,and,we suppose,assigned a place in one of the 10 Regiments now being organized. Mr.Joneg46 a young wap of fine talents,and| could fill With credi¢t6 hintsélf ‘and profit to the State,a ntveb higher audmore important position,We are pleased to hear he has been promoted,though we heartly sympathize' with the members of the Rowan Rifle Guard, almost every tan of whom sincerely re- uret the lésé of 80 Valuable a member. |A large force of Federal troops hold possession of Hampton.It is supposed ,i they will combine with the troops at New-first Lieutenant of the Rowan Rifle Guard,|port News,and march down to Richmond. Special Dispatch to Charleston Courter. WAR NEWs. The Charlotte Bulletin,of thiemorniug,con- tua the following telegraphic tems on the war |movernents in Virgina: FIGHTING AT ACQUIA CREEK. i _Wasninatoy,June 4, The steamers Freeborn und Atcortia are én- |gaging the battery at Acqua Crrek.©Pwo war 'vexwels have been ordeted to their support. The War Department will remain open all We understand that Mr.Jones is now in |night,to hear the resalt at Acqaia Creek. this county for the purpose of raixing a company.He is deservedly popular,and we doubt not will succeed. Several other members of this company, and some of them very inexperienced and | young,have received appointments to offi- ces of pretty good grade.We hope thev Will prove capable and deserving.One of| {a wife depeudént on his labor for support,|the beat officers in it,however,a man with we are sorry has heen overlooke’.We alluded to the Orderly,Mr. Brown. cere in any corps,nor one who has been More useful in hie company. P.8.—We have just heard that Sati.| Reeves,Jr,and W.L.Sannders,are also here for the purpose of raising companies. And in a conversation with a well inform- ed gentleman,we have been assored that all these companies twill be needed !Young men of Rowan,do you hear that!Your country calls for vour services.The inva- ders are on our borders.Wil!you etand still and sea them advance?You cannot doit.You would hate yourselves and hide your face in shame.Your brave spirite answer the queation.Not another foot shall they advance.Come forth.— Rowan wil!respond to these calls even on- to the last map,old snd young. 'Court Hou Williains News,where the grestest confusion aud euf- There are not many better offi-|fering prevailed. A column,with orders to occupy Fairfax belore day light,is advancing. June 1.—Ex-Gov.Pratt was ar-Ex-BaLtimorrestedtu-day and tsken to Warhingion. |Gev.Lowe has «leo beev arrested. Two columbiads,en route from Pittsburg for Fort McHenry,were spiked in Baltinare.The damage was not discovered till they were inoun- |ted.Cuntcaco,June 1.—Senator Douglas is about the same—if there ivany change itis for the worse.10 p.in.—Douglue iy rapily sinking. Barimore,June 1. General Butler epent Monday at Newport |In comsequence of derangement in the Sab- |sistance department ;foraging parties were rob- bing and destroymg property in the weighbor-| ‘hood.The Baltimore disorderhes approached [the pickets on Feders!Hill,whem the guards |fired on then one was wounded and four taken |prisoners. |Note —Aa an offeett to the above we copy |the annexed from the Lynchburg,Va.Repub- lican of Thuraday morning.—(Ev.Bucietin.| «Our Scoute a4 Work—li wae remored in thie city yesterday,that a party of our scouts, in the neighberhand of Manasess Junction, Weddeainy morning,tad kiled apd tqkee pris- onere-some bight ortet of Lineohr’é shbute. 2 =6 Oa- FROM NORFOLK. Noaroura,Jone }. Troops are »ing pushed forward to Fortress Monroe,and Norfolk ie being threatened by a circuitoas roate. muerous letters Constantly receiving for Hos-tetser'e Stomach Bitters:ty oy }3)|Capanpsova,July 18,40Mocad!Mobietter $Smith,Pia :Pl. ’ enclose y ight dot,Hewtiia Ppbeld bise,mRetpoe forwardviaMichiiganSouthernRailroad,Toledo,Ohio,ond Clayton Station.I have pureiased but the gale ie on the increase w»much that Iwiehtoopenadirectradewithyou.I wus indaeeg totry your Bitters by my physician, for the Lipeteapaint undfeaived cach ma-terial aid that T have recommended it to rsundhavesoldabouttwodozenperweekfor some time.I have al!kindsofmediciag tn mvstore,but there is none that I can so cheerful-ly and truthfully recommend as vour Bitters,for 1 knew they have helped me beyond amy expectation.Yours respectfulPHILOWILSON. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. There isa Union Prayer Meeting at theMethodistChurcheverymorningat8o'clock. The object of these meetings is to intercede with God for our soldiers and our Country. The services are very brief,and all who cant Come are most earnestly requested to do so. MARRIED: In Statesville,on the 30th May,at Concord Female College,by Rev.S.C.Millen,Mr.W.Hl.Neave,of Salisbury;to Mise Joscrnine Lanon. IF We ure authorized to ahvounce Jacos S.Mraeas as a candidate for Couuty Court Clerk of Rowan. 7 We are authorized to announce ORA- DIAH WOODSON as a Cundidatefor the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County frWe are authorised and requested to en- nounce JOSEPH K.BURKE,us a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk,at the ensuing August election. ("We are authorised to announce THOM- AS McNEELY,a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk. Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment N.C.Militia.| Te E OFFICERS of the Regiment,as per order of Court Martial,May 30th,ure hereby notitied to uppear in front of the Adju- tant’s office in Salisbury,at 10 o'eloek,A.M, on the last Friday in June,armed with fire- lock,and acceutred as common militia men,for instruction.R.P.BESSENT, June 3d,1861 —‘f8 Adjutant. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMERT,Raveicu,May 95,1861. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received \)at this Department,for the delivery of vod merchantable Flour at any Ruil Road Jepot within the State,in quantities not lesethanTwenty-five Barrels,until the 15th July186). Proposals should be endorsed ‘‘Proposale for Flour”and addressed to the Commissary Gen- eral.WM.JOHNSTON. Commiesary General. May 30th,1861.AT Salisbury Female Seminary. "PYHE exercises of this iustitution will be coaiinued as heretofore,under the direc- tion of the subseriber.In consequence of the disturbed siage of our public affairs he has cbanged Its purpose to remove,and hoper to inake himself as useful to this community during these troublous times as posrible.Be- lieving that his laburs have been generally satisfactory,be selieits an extended patronage, and would ask hie friends to aid higvin increas- ing the-mumber of his pupilsA.D.WILKINSON. May 16,1861.643THENORTACAROLINAWhiteSulphurSprings, Situated gear the Western N.C.RB.R.in the_County af Catawba: —Gents:—As we are Mrangors,|herewith|Contest has commenced,and troops have been seat to several Uésem botiles at Tolede this summer,|Troope going,and depend upon their fellew-cititens at home to sastain them. bury for the reception of anythingbecontribated.No freight for transportation ceive the freight aud anything elec that may i of the Conrty that ‘f°TCWe Pabtie! i f :cs FdeletitAHESonHEpatrioticcitlzensofRowanLate“oe to ‘coniribace efence ofthesoitof North Osrotine. '‘Ports:Cavwelladd’Muda.|’ froth Rowan havegone undare stil! There is a Storé-Room opened in Salie- that amy on any of the railroads will be charged,and Meesrs.MoCUBBIN &FOSTER wilf re- be contributed. Bacon,Meal,Flour,Corn,Peas,Beans,¢c.,in any quantities will be taken,and thauk- fully received.A list of every man’s name who contributes wit eee4psFB.ORY RE,Cot.Commandant 634 Regiment. hapottast Asnouncepsent}/ We are still Agents for the sale of Grover &Baker's CELEBRATED,NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. HICH are pronounced by all te be the best Muehine mude.We are eolling them,delivered in this place,at Manufacturers prices,which have been recently reduced from fifieen to twenty-five per cent.We caw far-ush Machines at any price from $40 to $125. Ladies who have a great deal of sewing to do,should certainly have one,as it will undowbtlypylong their lives ten to twentyyears.“Wevhave sold a good many of these Meehigee ett of which have and still continue to giv entire sutisfuction. Send for u Paipphiet. R.&A.MURPHY. Salishary,April 9th,1861.347 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pless and Quarter Scesions,MayTerm,1861. RDERED by the Court that D.A.Davie, Jobn I.Shaver and A.Henderson act asaCommitteetoraiseonthefaithandcredit of the Courity of Rowan either by gipans of county bodeor by any other means fh their power,@ e@m not exceeding fifty thousand dollars,tu be applied nuder their direetion to thearming,equipping and supporting volunteers of the Ceunsy of Rowan and for the ‘pomfort apd.suppyrt of thefainiliesof voluntest®whichareJeftinpeed;that any bond givem underthisamthorityshallbesignedbytheOlerkoftheecoastuadertheseulofsaidcourtforeuch a sum und on such terme as the suid committe may think proper,with coupons attuched, signed by the clerk,und (hit enid comtmditieebeauthorizedtoseflbondsexecutedundefthisauthorityforthebestpriestheywilbring.It is further ordered and declared that coupons atlached to the bonds above authorized,be receivable in discharge of ult county taxes and other county dues,and that this order be |BOOKS|. dpauesaefurnish at short notice Colleges,Schools,ion and public y,withwalthatmareeeerareeecae :nd el Seeaisd ons ea;wha ‘Bibes,Bibles for Churehée with Hymns w suit the latest and padlicat of the times, SS ieakadtaeoecict UfLiudp,Wlbapesthaneverbeforeoffered,by the ream or at retuil,Munk Books of every deveripfion and size,Pens,Envelopes,fea,ete.,ete. IW 8, Harrisow’s Ink,Heerieop’s Columbian Ink, Japan Inks all siges,Bleok,Blue and Red; Hurrison’s Carmine Ink,Arnvld's Writing Field,the beet known,ver)cheap for cash. WALL PAPER. To hia already eo beantifel asvort- ment of wall paper,hee jue received a large lot ‘of the latest patterns,which for beauty,style,and chea nessarefar superior to any ever before inthis market. Window Shades,Fire Screens,etc. Orders of unything in his line solicited.Salisbary,N.C,Bet.19,1861,tf40_ March 25th,1961. NEWSpringandSummetCoops! 7 NHE subscriber bas the pleasure to an- ounnce to bis friends and the public gener- ally,that he is receiving his asual Stock o: SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,compris-ing a rich assortinent of all theLATESTSTYLES consictiag in part of Silke,Grena- dines,Berage-Angluise,Mozim)!ués,Organ- diex,Challies und u lerge Stoek of EMBROID-ERIKS,.ta alt of whieh he sake @.umpgcial cxanila thiow.‘¢g BsAw,a full nesortment of Bleachéd Do- mestic,Linens,House-keeping Goods,&c., A.MYERS. No.4 Grunite Bailding, Mach 25 —45tf Sulisbary,N.C. —_ Farmers,Look Out! Money,Time and Timber Saved |! I have the right te well Vandemark’s Portable Fenee, Made without posts,in the Counties of Ala. mance,Randolph,Roekingham,Devideon Rowan,Cuburrus aud Mecklenburg.Cheap ners,durebijity,and convenience ure its chiendvuntuger.We recommend the Fence 1° saw-inill owners,faimers,uad all who hav® fences to make.We will eeft Farmor County rights.A circular stating costs,plan of bawild- ing,&c.,sent frec to uny addrese op appliea- tton to :, Carolina Watchmen. JAMES E.KERR,Clerk.| May 16.1861.{3 ! NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIF COUNTY. In Equity.Spring Term,1861. Arthur Neeley avainst Joseph W.Hull aad | Banton Craige,Executore of Solomon Hall,| dee’d.,and Bennet Austin,wud wife Mar- garet. Ast thin Gupe.i¢arin g to tbe gosiefoggonAinet-A vwetin did hin wife Margaret,ure not inhabitants pf this State:It in ordered that publication jbe “Wade,for nix weeka,in the Carolina Watrhmap,for the suid defendants to be and appear al the textTermoftheCourtofEquity,to be held for | ee popalur Summer resort,with addition- al buildings sivee fast season.will be open-| ed for visitors on the Ist of June.| Ample arrangements inade for comfort and | umusement.of Guests..A fine Band of Music | engaged {dt thé seatou.New Bowhng Alley | aud Bathing Saleon erected.| Every effort will he made to make thi¢a! pleasant and safe reireut for the families of| those who may be at thie crisix called from | home—indeed ample arrangements made to, insure this.} MRS.E.J.ROBARDS. 2m2May13,1861. WE HAVE IN STORE 35.bbls.Coflee Sugars.| 10 hhds.Molasses. 6 bbls.N.Orleans Syrup, 800 Ibs.Sole Leather. 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greativ redn¢ed| prices.R.&A.MURPHY. April 9.3m47 bury Greys. CTIVE and vigorour men,anxioas to serve theit Country,are invited to join the new Rifle Company —Salisbary Greys. “Form,Riflemen Form.” May9,1961.tfl I.W.JONES,M.D. AS permonently located im the town of l Salibury,and offers his services to the gion. [LT Office on Main Street,first door above Boise’Confectionery. Jun.15,1861. Attention !Military Companies. 6m35 Companies the litery Fatigae Cap of Home Manefacture and material,well made, and of latest military style at low price.Ad-dress,JAS.H.ENNI88. May 17,1861 i Goutt of Pleas mint Quthher Seilniori, (RDERED by the Court,that the Patrol |xame manner 4s they w Volunteers Wanted for the Salis-_ public in the various departments of his prufes- ‘Pee subecriber a pare to farnishh io| ! Salispury,N.©| Mocksville,on the 4th Monday after the 4th | Monday in Angust next,and plead,answer or demur to complainvat’s bill,ar the same willbetukenprecoufesso,nnd the cause set for hearing ex parte.a®to them.. Witnem,[..Bingham,Clerk und Master oftheGoartofEquityfor#:.id Coouty,at office, the 4th Monday ufter the 4th Monday in Feb- ruurg,ONGR.-S on BY ot kB i 6eeeSyWindAM.@&ble.May 16,1861.Gw3 pr.adv.$5.50., STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,1 te MA CONT ny | Term,18614. or Guard of the Town of Salisbury,have | {ull power t visit auy xvepected places beyond |the limite of the tows,aud to arrest and con-| fine in town any disorderly of suvpece d per-| sous found beyond the limits of town in theouldusreetandeonfineinesAMESE.»Clerk. Salisbury,May 186)..-MS Pi oe raglandtateofNorthCafolina,ROWAN COUNTY,1 Court of Pleas and Quarter Scesioas,MeyTerms,1861. RDERED by the Court that all patrol| companies in the county have leave to gu nny where they may please in the county and | diseha rge the regular daips ofpatrol companies,| when they see fit.as fully out of their dietricis a®they(tave bercWfore deghatyed them with.| in therr respective diviricts. KBRR,Clerk. uf3 divorderhy aa @ JAMES EMay16,1861. ryN oe %)LOW N ORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Salisbury hava discretionary powers to arrest and lock epin the Calmboose any per- son,white or black,who nay be found in the | streets of Salisbury after durk who shall be| guilty of any disorderly conduct,or be anable10giveawetiefactoryaccountofhimself;and published in both the Salisbury Banner and|JNO.J.WHITE,Mebsneaville. Mar.19,1861.-3m44]Alamance,N.C. e%e Churlotte Democrat pleape copy three mouths and forward bill to subsgriber. ‘cush,wud will sel Fancy Goods re,!cost.We have elee on hand,Coffee,Sugar |and Salt,all for caeh or barter,at the,mar- CARHSYSTEM ADOPT! Gregt irgesiion in Prices| ’Selling Of’for Cash ofrfy.” Come and See!=-McNEELY &YOUNG,will self,their :entire suck of New Spri 8um- mer Goods at greatly ioe for cash‘only.We tave’bern |¢j longcreditShstomeretoaddpttheBy the redegtion in prices it will be grently to t OF!the inteseas of pli who have money to spendtheCountyofDavie,at the Court House in |je Goode ta trude With 06.een ace! NOTIOE.—We ww make oys Japt call op all persons having epen wecounts with us,to eume forward und Bite eiher by cash ornote,We have wuited too lungaltéady op agreutchahypereons,snd are now delerminedtoCloxéupouraccoents.; McNEELY &YOUNG tf49 deed.wTg ay Kk PrTxtrTrra 1 wee Y ’CASH SYSTEM. Ore 10 The great pressure in business. nud distracted state vf the,conategsnrecompelicdroadupithecashay}WehaxeuguodstuckofStapleandFanGoodsthatweareanxivastoselloffforthe April 23,1861. ket eash prices.-BROWN,COFBEN &MOCK.Saliebary,Mfwy 20,1860.5”4t4 YP.3...We ste very d that theséipw-ing bv note or account will calf and pay up.asweureveryneedy.B..ee M. |credit. NO OREDIT..Oka:TENMS after the Tet of May fextwillbeexclusivelyCashorBarter.° tre cohipelted to adop!this plan for out aafety,and we hope no one will take offenee st if. Persons huving accounts with ab Pleabecullwndclosethesamebyeaghornote.McCUBBINS &FOSTER. Saliebary,Apel 23,2861.{30 THE CASH SYSTEM ABOPT 7 W E are now selling our stock oul at re- doeed priees for CASH.No goods sold on All persons indebted to as are request- ed to call and pay up.R.¢A.MURPHY. tf49 April 22,1861. To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- Joining Counties. AS’eur intereowrse with the Nogth is now effectually broken:ap and our washes must be supplied from the up coantry,.the mo-dersigned solicite consignments of Flour,Ba- any peraon ©eommitted to be broaght before |con,Lard,Hay,Butter,&c.,¢c.,which shal me for further proceedings om the following |have hie personal attentionJOUNI.SHAVER,asa Intendam.|May 3,1“61.-4f51) JOHN F.FOARD. Newhern,May ?.1861 3m52 1a e ee|*n he ATrebest Son tyMedtuing4mthe:CHOLIC.tie Vweqoailed.for ~_.DYSENTERY. oe It has cured Thousandsof DIA FA. Thg best DIA HOES mend it foroOPRUX. fte-wee on the.first symptoms,andbefoggaphysigianycupLeobtained UL prevent | >CHOLERA.|Itiwall save.many lives,much time,divkness,suffering and money to every FAMILY, By.keeping it alvegys in theHOUSE. Lt only Costs a ‘ b«d Ate Soe . »,™e eee a Prepared by W.H.Wyatt,Ap arty,Nos.186 and 188 Main st.,Salisbury,N.C.Aerio.647gene’ FOR THESPRINGTRADE. E are now receiving a lot of new anddesirableGoodsfortheSPRINGandSUMMERTRADE.OUR STOCKWillnotbeaslarge«#on former seasons,but will have a good assortment.‘We shati haveaveryhandspmeandselectassortmentofall kinds ofLadies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market andEspeciallytoCash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock thie Spring and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do welltocalfandexamineourGoodsbeforepurchus- ing. BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK. Saliebury,April 9,1861.2n47‘Spring Stockfor 1061.R.&A.MURPHY, Ate now reveivinSPRINGand bracvag FANCY AND STAPLEDRYCOODS, BOOTS,SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars,Ceffee and Molasses, Nails,Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, atl of which are offered for ale at greatlyreducedpricesforcash. Giye ue a call,and see what we have instoreforyou.R.&A.MURPHY.Salisbury,April 9,1561.31n47 Swan Island Guano‘f (KOR 6ALE BYSPRAGUEBRO. E above Guano if suid to be »hetter fertitigerforthe cutture of Tobacco,Corton, Gtrige,Roots,Grapes,&e.,than any other Ww their aeyal Stock ofMMERGOODs,em Atrial is afl that te necessary to prove itsvority.SPRAGUE BRO. arch 25,tf45 SAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker und Jeweler, One door below R.&A.Murphy's Btore, SALISBURY,N.C., EEPS&tuthg)im jh an d eturge asgsort-of WATCHES and JRWEARY of\meatinde._ ocks,Watches aud Jewelry of every de-scription repaitedin the beet miuner and on | tee most reggopable terma.February 14,1860 ehh gage gepeMILOA.J,ROSEMAN,M.D, H SVING!studied iu promideot Medical‘olleges and Hospitals,North and South, aod.having been practising in the various de-partments of his profession fur pine years with good success,he cuatinues tu offer his services to the public where he is permanently located.by.striet attention to his profession will eadeavor to merit x liberal patronage us heretofore,und holds himeelf in readiness at all ure,dvy and aight,for professional calls.woe Hes A hes eerie April 23,1661.; LL PERSONS who ure indehted to me tre Cae requested to cal)and ke immediate payment,as I am compell- ed to have money;and as thie is the first time that I have called on my friends,I hope they will come ap les Reeen _tf27 ly3e "‘3mpd49 Nov.29th,1859 \, 4p ‘the world for PiHORAH &RAMS§Dey pore tole olytpip,receipt of Abe leraeets,met .vazied and cheapest stock of niSPRANG,AND,SUMMER.GO9DS that they ever had thepleaguen to offer,‘TheseGoodshaveallbeen.bought fox caghalgreat)reduced prices,and will be offered.for cu ouly at.anprecedeuted pw prices..Cul|and see them)hens pricey and judge for yourgelyes. In view.of the uncertaity of every thinginbuainessaffaiseinsheserevolutiqnaryLinea,we huye adopted the cash system,helicvingit1@be,the.best,for ourselves and our frivods.Those having open accounts iraewa,mu please call withoat deluy,and close them eithereyornote.AHORA &RAMSEY. Salisbyry,April 23d 1861.150 _New.Firm. MURR’@ SOSSAMON,TAVING purchased of J. “29 Brown &Co.,their entire ao 2 iraeean,SHEET-IRON,COP- PER-WARE,STOVES,&c., now offer the largest and’Randvumest lot of CQOKING,PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES everoffeted in this mufket,und will eel}for canal asiow oscanbe hadin Weat-ern North:Cerolina.Also,aH kindmof Pluin and Jupane@ ‘VIN-WARB and:STILLS kept on hend.All kinas Tin,Sheet-Iren or Copper work done at the shortest natice.MURR:&SOSBAMON. Saliebury,Jan,22,196).hya6 =YS v AO I L O N TW I d d d S yU N C I Z B IO 3} O U AQ q sn o8 y q o BL M LT 41 9 . 3B y -U 0 D 0) SH af q u u o 0) Gt aa B y st o pu r e Ka u e W w ‘O p s ! ‘ Un o Y Aj e N o H ‘s s o f i s n g mo an u y | d pu e pz e a r s o } WA R 2o 8 ‘S N OL GA L G A C G N I SN O S U d d TF yu e m O4 4 cd i ifWORTH&DANIEL,Whelesale and Retail Groeers, AND Commission Merchants, No.2 Granitx Row,Front Street, WILMINGTON,N.C. Denlers i ail kiade of Groceries.Provisions, |Fruit,Liquory,Wines,Cigurs,and Tubseeen.Solicit consignwnents of Flour,Dried Fruit, Feathers,Beeswax,Tobacee,and CountryProduceyenerally.Agents for Howe's cele- brated Scaler. D.G:WORTH.N.G.DANIEL, |Late of Asheboro’,|For past 7 yexrs with!N.C.T.C.&B.G.Woartn. Rept.18,1860. _Brown's Livery Stable. 8 keptap us heretofore It in gratifying to him that this ertuablishment,begun,at first,as «doubt falexperiment,has proved to the public a great dewideratum and «com-plete success.Travelers,and others van al- wuys have their wants,in this fine,well sup- plied.Cash prices paid for Proveader.And the subseriber in always ready to sell or buy good |Hornes.THOMAS E.BROWN. tf47 lyls Jan.Tet,1861.a HARDWARE!! SHE Subscribers ure receiving and open-\¢ |l jug ut the old stand of G.M.&A.T.|Sunes,ihe Jargent Stock of Hardware over offeredin thin Market,which having been bought directly of the Manufacturers ar theiragents,exchwdvely for cash.They ure pre- |paredto offer inducementa to Wholesale or Re- |tail boyers.A call ia respectfully solicited.JONES &OVERMAN.|Salisbury,Mar.13.1860.tf49- DENTAL NOTICE.ah Se|DR.BESSENT, |A&REMOVED ro tug DENTAL |H KOOMWS on the corner formerly occu :pied by Dr.Bason,where he i*prepur|edto attend all operations ¢onnected with hir |profession. Jan.b,1 RBA, | 1f82 |‘T,BEMISTER.|House Painter,Grainer, |PAPER HANGER,&c.. |Main St.,opposite Murphy's Gramte Row, SALISBURY,N.C. |All work perpanmly attended to and warrant- |ed to be done in a workmanlike manner |Jun.29,1862.6m36|eeeapage cee ee ee FineShirts and Collars. If you wish te purchase fine Shirts and Col-lars call ut the Great Clothing Emporium ofDAVIDWEIL. Sept.25.19]No.2,Granite Row. |MARRIAGE LICENSES\FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. | GREAP-EXCITEME Bim eas ING EMPORIONDAVIDWEIL.. ar Harre RETURNED FROM THENorthernCitieswithaLARGEand COMPLETE Stock ofReady-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's Furaishing ,Goods,. Such as Boots,Shoes,Hats,Caps,Drawers, Under Shirts,Cravats,Neck-ties,Nandker-chiefs,aud fine assortment of Shirts and Collars,&c.,&q.,10 which he inyiles yourimmediateattention.They have been pur-chased for cash,and wilkbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before,NOW 15 YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS,ar I um detertiined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbary.i Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed,I hope for &eon- tinuenceofthesame.'Rememberthe Stand, NO.2,MURPHY’s GRANITE ROW,Salisbury,N.C. March 25,1861.\f44 Salisbary FemaleSeminary. HE SIXTH TERM of this Scheol will begin the 1th February apd clone the lat July.Hive schop!hus been increasingin anim-bers every ierm.We have now a goodly hunber,Dut could take a fewmore.If thenumbercontinuestoibcreass,Salisbury will have what it has never hed,a permanent school. .TERMS:Bowrd,with washing,fuel and lights,@50 per Term : Tuition,in Eogtist;from $5 to 17.00 .Latin.5.00 Musie on Piano.from 15 to 20.0 Use of [netrument,2.50 Incivental expensce,1.00 Charges made from the timeof entrance. For particular addre>s A.D.WILKINSON, Jan.22,1861—1136 Prineipal. To Farmers and Mectrtuics. McCUBBINS &FOSTER Hw just received a very large lot of FARMING IRON,cousisting of Shove! Moles,Bar Iron,Wagou tire 1},1}and 2 inch; Buggy tire 1 and 1}inch;Oval Tron 4,8, aud ¢inch;Square Tron 1 and 14°inch; Buggy Springs and Axles;Pateot and En- ameled Leather;Bauds,Bolis,&c.,1ogether with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes.They keep constantly on hand a sopply of FLOUR, BACON,PORK,FIXH,COFFEE,SUGAR, MOLASSES,LARD,BUTTER,@c.,towhichthyinvitetheattentionofthepublic. Jenkins’Corner,Salisbury,N.C. Feb.12th,1861.tf39 AND JEWELy — Salix ry.H Warranted ler Ls Weaths Jnnuuary 29,1862.(37 CASH SYSTEM !! TINHE undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted ontheCANHPLAN.They feel that no apolo- “VY for this course is at all necessury,the pe- Culixe state of our public affaire rendering itimperative.They will be pleased tu se to their friends end customers at the mort fayor-able prices possible;but from and after thin day will trade only on the cush or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by account,are re-rquestedtccomeforwardandclosethesamebycashornote.:HARRIS &SULLIVAN.Gold-Hill,May 10th.1861.tf H.C.JONES &SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Wie practice in the Courte of Rowan Coumry and in the Sapreme Coun,“H. C.Jones,jr,willalso practice in the Courts of Tredell and Cabarrns Conniies.All elnims eutrust d to theta for collection will meet prompt attention. 17 Office No.3,Brick Row,near the Court-house. H.C.Jones,ar. Jan.15,lol. H.C.Jonas,jr ts WILLIAM C.LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY,N.C. JILL Practice and make tawbn Counties. tions in Rowan,Stanly, Office in the corner of Cowan's Building ore the Book Store “eb.14,1R60 tompt colléc- fredel and Ca- {f38 Dr.Wm.H.Howerton, ]AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED inthe town of Salisbury,offer@ his Professional services to the citigens of thetownandsurroundingcountry,He at all mesti (unless professionally en- a @aged)muy be foundat the ‘‘Rowpxs B. March 2f,1861 uf 45 vy |..SPECIAL NOTICE... A .ansvesA ta THeTOMRTPetA ot dans BLUE STONE,| ”aEDERSON &ENN IRS —_—_—50 Bush:CLOVBR SEED. 'feun for ale ByNiteandENDENSON &ENNISA, THERMOMETERSForGuringTobacoo. 416 to 240 deg.,for sale by —;HENDERSON és ENN(33. 10,000‘Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For sale by HENDERSON &ENNIS8. *1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS. 40 Bbls.Tanners Oil.40. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNIS. Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY. Enniss’Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE: ut HENDERSON &ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sule at .HENDERSON &ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BBANDY. 1840.Medicinal Frenoh Brandy. Given up by Judges tu be the best ever brought to thir market,for sale byHENDERSON&ENNISs. SCS SCR. Pepper,Spice,Mustard,Cloves,Ginger,Mace, Cinnainon.and Nutmeys,for wale hy HENDERSON &ENNIss. VINEGAR! 30 cts.Pere Cider Vinegar. 30 cts.per Gallon at HENDERSON &ENNISS. Sept.1,1860 11d »North Carolina Foundry ANDMACHINEWORKS! o FRERCKS &RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TON.BOYDEN &SON, Ww ILL continue to manufacture und keeponhandall Agricultural Implements made heretofure.A full assurtment of Plows,Cullivators,Straw Corn-Shellers,und Feed-Cutters, Horse-Pywers,Need-Suwer, Threshers,Cider &Sugar Mills.Thresherand Separators, They aloo mannfueture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills,Circalurand Vertical Saw Mille, Gold,Copper and Silver Mines,Tobacco Pres- sos and Fixtures,&c.,&c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order,und wartant- edinevery rexpect.Repairs of every deserip- tion of Machinery done at short notice.We are Agente for Burnett's Wheat Funs.Salisbury,N.C.Jau.2.161.ly34 Standnrd,Raleigh;Patriot,Greensboro’; Deinoerat,Charkitte;Western Advocate, Asheville ;Carotinian (tri weekly)Columbia;Observer,Fayetteville;and Iredell Expresswillpublish3monthsandforwa:d accounts Greensborough MutualINSURANCECOMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS:John A.Mebane,W.J.McConnel,C.P.Méndemhall,D.P.Weir,James M.Garrett,John L.Cote,N.A.D.Wileon,Wm.Barrin- ger,David MeKnight,M.S.Sherwood,Jed.H.Lindruy,Greensborough;W.A.Wright,Wilmington;Robert E.Troy.Lumberton; Alexandet Miller,Newhern;Thadens Mg-Gee,Raleigh,‘Vhomase Johnson,Yancey-ville;Dr.W.C.Rameey.Wadexborough:Rev.R.C.Maynard,Franklinton;Dr.E.F.Wat-ron,Wateonville. OFFICERE? N.H.D.WILSON.President.JED.H LINDSAY,-Vice-President. Gap MENDENHUALL,-Attorney.PETER ADAMS,-WM.A.CUMMING.- W.J.MCCONNELL,-J.A.WERANF.- J.-M.GARRETT,- Allcommunications on business connectedwiththyOffice.should be addressedtoPETERADAMS.Necretary.Greensboro’,N.C...June 19,1860.tf4 MICHAEL BROWN,COMMISSION MERCHANT,|SALISBURY,N.C.|psovpr PERSONAL ATTENTIONGIVENtothepurchaseofallkindsofPRODUCE,And toall consigninents ta besoldinthismarketorshippedtootherPortsFebruary14,1860 1f38 Vreus. General Agent. Sec.an Executive Com —— ‘HiT ,TERS,The proprietogs and masufnctaeceePeDERESTrata!tsTERScanappealwitlyperfectconfig physidians eXisensgrnerndly of neBtates,because the article has attained pe ed tation heretofore unknown.A few facts enthispointwillspeakmorewerfullya Vohurties of bare assertion or binzOning puter2ery.The’convum nm of Hoetetter’s Stomach B; ters for the year amounted to over a nagmillion,bottles,and from jts manifest ste,increase in times past,it ig evident that duritheropeearthecomsamptionwil)fanearonemillionbottles.This immense amouy could never have been seld but for the sd medicinal properties contained in thePrepars.tion,and the sanction of the most Prominentphysiciansin’thove sections of the count;where the artidle is best known,who not ox}recommend the.Bitters to their patients,iarereadyatalltimestogivetestimonialsioi efficacy in al}cases of stomachic derahgementsundthediseasestesultittgtherefrom. This is nota temporary popularity,obtainedby.extraordinary eSorts in the way of trun.peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a soliqestimationofaninvaluablemedicine,which j,destined to be ds enduring as time itselfHestetter’s Stomach Bitters have prove,@ Godsend to regions whore fever and agus and various other biljous ¢omplaints harecountedtheirvictimsbyhundreds.1 ty able to state confidently that the ‘Bitter,are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and |ikediseases,is to the proprietors @ source of up- alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid mati;from the stomach,purifies the blood,angimpartsrenewedvitalitytothenervoussystem,giving it thet tone and enetgy indispensad|, for the restoration of health.It operates upon the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs,mildly but powerfully,and soon restores them tow condition essential to the healtiry dischargeofthefunctionsofnature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily xperdjrectiopgopthevbottle,and they will findpitastimulantpeculiarlyadaptedtocomfortdecliningyears,as it ee to the palate,invigorating to the bowels,excellent as a tonic,and rejuvenatin frrerally,We have the ev}dence of thousahds of aged men and womenwhohaveexperiencedthebenefitofusingthispreparationwhilesufferingfromstomachde-Tangements and general debility ;acting undertheadviceofphysicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested themeritsofthisarticle.A few words to the gentler sex.There are certain periods when their cares are so barassing that many of thensinkunderthetrial.The relation of motherandchildissoabsorbingtytender,that the mother,especially if she be young,is apt to fo her own health in her extreme anxictyforherinfant.Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season,the wear ofbodyandmindisgenerallyaggravated.Here, thea,is e necessity for a stinrulanttorecupe- rate the energies of the system,and enable themothertobearupunderherexhsustingtrialsandreeNursingmothersgene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora-tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians,because it is agreeable to thetaste aswellascertaintogiveapermanentincreaseofbodilystrength. All those persons,to whom we have particn-larly referred above,to wit:sufferers from fever and ague,caused by malsria,diarrhea,dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomech, euperannuated invalids,persone of sedentary ocoupation,and nursing mothers,will consulttheirownphysicalwelfarebygivingtoHoetetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.CAUTION.—We caution the publi¢againet using any of the many imitations or counterfeita,but ask for Hosrgrrxn'’s Ce.eBRatsdD Sromacu Birrens,and see that each bottle hssthewords‘‘Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle,and stampedenthemetallicenpcoveringthecork,andLeveeathatourautographsignatureisonthe aa-Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEER & SMITH,Pitteburgh,Pa.and sold by al) druggists,grocers,and dealers generallythroughouttheUnitedStetes,South America,and Germany. SCOVIL &MEADE,WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Oxceans,La., SOLD BY Henderson &Ennies,and W. H.Wyatt,Salixbury;hy J.Reed,Concord, and by Porter &Gorretl,Greeusberu',N.C.COWAN’SVr iptiegetableLithontriptic, oR SUFYKRING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Weakness ofthe Loins,&c. oS HIS invaluable Medicine is for sale os!) cord and Fuaycttevitte,and at Col.Avustip® aod wo where else. negehip with John F.Cowan,original patenter: forthe manwfacture did sale of the above Med: drevsing bim at Salitbury,BD.C.,or culling al hie residence,10 miles west of this place: (5 NG. May 29,180.ly] FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. Stone tu the Bladder and Kidneys. at Mocksville,Salisbury Statesville.Cou- The subscriber having entered intv copat!- icine,in prepared t furnish a aupply by 84 E..p.AUSTIN |June 21,1855.DRAY Tee undersigned gives notice that be |BR keepp 2 TEAM AND WAGONS ('|the purpore of Drayiag and will serve all ¥h° ;May favor hin with culla inghis line on ne |commodating terme.GEORGE MOWERY|March 20th,1960.tf43 —.,.'Fine Suits. |__If von wish to bny Fine SUITS of CLOTH |ING for us little moneyaspussible,cal!at |! Great Clothing Emporjum ofDAVID WEIL(LF Rewgemnrr tig Stann—No.%,Murphy: Granite Row,Saliehury,N.C.|Sept.28. enw a 19 |BLANK DEEDS |FOR SALK AT THIS OFFIC CAG x VOL.XIX. J.J.BRUNER,| EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.| TERMS | Sinule copy,$2.00 Five copies,$8.00 Ten copies,$15.00 Glubs excecding ten,in the same pro- purivn $1.50 each.Payment always in wiVabce.My VIRGINIA AFFAIRS, The Invasion of Aderaudyla,—Early on the moraing alter the election,(ahout3o’clock,)notice was given that prepara- tiuns Were in active progress for Ye occu- pation of Alexaudria by the Federal troaps. fle Captain of the Pawnee came over with a flag of truce,and nutitied Culonel ferritt that the truops in town mnnst sur-render or evacuate by 9 o'clock,“By or- ler of Geueral Lee,commaudant of Vie- nnia forces,the troops were ordered to evacuate,Having done so twice before, the order was not prumptly obeyed,nor udeed was the notice sufficiently exciting ty make them do ao. In accordance with the Punic character of the Adustnistration thus far,the Feder- ‘ral Whoops Were liumried in,and captured ve larger portion of Capt.Ball's compa- ny and it is said,handeufted then,put them on board a sterutbuat,and marched them up to Washingtou aud through theie streets iu triumph,As retnarked above, the capture of the troopers Was partly the result of negtivence,but anore the result the Panic faith of the Black Republi- can soldierg,it baving been well under: stood,time and azaivu,that the troops would bave until 9 o clock to evacuate. Mistrusting the character of the Black Republicans,moxt of the troops collected ind returned to the West end of the town stile the Republicau troops were not over ‘wo hundred yards distaut,and might ea- ~iv have bad an engagement even with ‘ie sinali force of 600,without artillery, sud having it well understood that no staud was to be made.The Republican troops, to the number of several thousand,formed in front of the river,under cover of the Pawnee,whilst the Flying Artillery came lown by the turnpike.The Contederate troops retired in perfect order,and without any hurry,and having stopped the train ibout three or four hundred yards trom the the depot,about 6 o’clock the cars lett for Manassas Junction.The truops statioued in Alexandria had to leave the necessaries of comfort.Their all had to be left in consequence of the shortness of time al- lowed.The troops are now here,havingleftmanyarticlesofclothingandcamp equipments. Both journals have been discontinued, and the editor of the Sentinel retired with the soldiers,As yet the offices have notbeendestroyed,or any special violence ex- hibited,How much longer this will cou- tinue we can’t tell,as the vandals declare ‘leir intention of holding the place for all time. A nuinber of stores have been broken open,the Mansion House seized and occu-jued,the depot books torn up,apd the safe rifled of $75,the Court House seized | and the papers all burnt,besides a number of arrests mate—among the rest,Robert Ashby,the merchant,than whom a better nan dues not live, These facts are in the main fully authen- hey the rest well sustained by current tes- “inony.Tt will thus be seeu that we must but ont our whole strength,and humbly ‘voking the blessing of Heaven on our| cause,advance to the rescue of our people,| helore the vandal hordes gather strength ‘Vv our delays and overrun the State.—| lhere is nu doube that Richmond is het creatend and aim of the set now upat us, and you may rely upon it the thieves sent| athous us will burn and pillage as they go,| when they are fully under way,| The city of Alexandria since the exci Sh eveuts of Friday morning,has become | From the Washington Star We gather the following additional partic: Nears: AU 94 o'clock,on Friday night,the body , of dacksou was Jaid out in the parlor of ‘he Marshall House,the corpse dressed in Neumform of the artillery conipany to wlhoh he lad belonged. Siard about the house,and no crowd.A ‘Ww tneuds ot Jackson were superintend- i the removal of the furniture to the ouutry,and with that exception all was jet in and about the place. The people of the town,at that hour, ‘ore on their faces an expression of anxie- '\,as if some fearful thing was about to tall upon the city,ip consequence of the leath of Col.Ellsworth.Mixed with this *Xpression of apprehension,was a counter one of relief on the countenances of not low.that the Federal forces had not at- ‘hore qmet, There was no| KLY.SEMI-WEEK SALISBURY,N.C.,JUNE 6,1861. tacked the city and reduced it to ashes,ashadbeenprettygenerallyfeared.Thestores,and in fact all places of business,were closed throughout the day,and thecityWoreanaspectassilentasthatoftheSabbath.The business people,however,resumed their several avucations on Satur-day. At the railroad depot,the railroad com-pany bad taken the preeaution to run offallthefreightandpassengercars,engines,etc.,except a few which were being hastilyloadedWithrailroadiron,when the United States troops took possession.About thewhatvesandwarehouses,where hithertothefiteandexcitementOfthetiisieasofthetownhasbeenconcentrated,the silencewusabsolutelyoppressive,and the onlypeopletobeseen,were numbers of negroes who stood about the wharves and corners, with frightened faces,talking in low tones to each other. The Virginia troops hurried out of town in Order,tu beyond the depot,where theyjumpedonthetrain.They numbered be- tween four and tive huodred. The United States troops are occupying the same quarters occupied previously by the routed out troops,and many other build:ngs scattered over the town. All the active and noted secessjonists that had remained in Alexandria up to the arrival of the United States troops,have left on passes issued by the commanding officer,some of them accompanied by their families.Guards are posted over the town.| Col.‘Territt,the commander of the Vir- zinia forces,retreated up the Orange and Alexaudna Railroad.He is said tu have burned all bridyes behind him up to the Manassus Junction,27 miles from Alexan- dria,to prevent pursuit, We hear that the wife and children of Gen.Robert Lee,commandig the disunion troops of Virginia,continue at their resi- dence at Arlington House,and are,there fore,now within the liues of the troops of the United State. A week ago,a Union man of Washing- ton city,who was in Alexandria on busi- ness,was denounced by a Washington ref- ugee,and a band of disunionists threaten ed to shoot or hang him,when Jackson went to lis rescue,and threatened to kill any man who molested him,saved him [Mr.Diffendatter]from the vengeance of the mob. It is reported that the whole United States foree now on the other side of the | river is between 16,000 and 17,000 men. This can hardly be true.Cur estimate is but 8,000 men,with as many more so placed that the commanding general can throw them over there in an hour’s no- tice. FIGHT AT FAIRFAX COURT HOUSE, Saturday morning before day,the ene- my's cavalry,80 in number,rode through the village of Fairfax Court House,firing right and left as they passed through.As they would have to return the same way, preparations were made to receive them. Some delay occurred in consequence of the absence of the Captain (Marr)who had been killed by «random shot—tho’ |the fact was not known till after the fight|was over.Ex-Governor Simith,chancing |to be present,took charge of the men,un- til Col.Ewell,who had also been wound |ed by a chance shot,reached the ground, |As the enemy approached,they were |warinly received and recoiled ;they form: |ed and came again to the charge and were again driven back and took to the fields, Four of their number were killed on the spot and nine taken prisoners with several horses.dnt for the losa of Captain Mart of Fauquirer,who had been shot by chance and without the knowledge of his men,the whole party might have been killed or captured.When our informant Jeft,the result of the pursiait was not known—though froin the wumber of hors- es killed and without riders,the probabil- itv is the list of killed is much larger than reported. Col.Marr,who is)thus Canly cut off, was #gallant otticer of brilliant promise. He was a member of the convention from Fauquier. Col.Ewell only received a sheht flesh wound,which will not imeapacitate him for duty.—Richmond Whig. eee (pene Don't Swear.—YProfanity is one of the most offensive and disgusting habits to which bumanity is given;to say nothing of its sinfulnass,(which every one of course understands,)profane swearing is a vile, vulgar,low-bred habit,from the indulgence of which a proper self-reapect should re- strain a man,even if he has no regard for the dictates of religion.It is a habit,too, whieh increases with fearful rapidity,when once given way to.‘ lown language, a nn ee e ae Seven Warrior's in Pursuit of OldAbe's Minions.—A few days since therearrivedinthiscitysevehsturdyfarmersfromthewildsoftheoldNorthState.—They were vigorous mew,aud from theircouversation,appeared to.be “spilin’for afight.”They were men Well to do in theworld,and came down to fight on theirownhook.Each one had a double bar- rel gun,besides their suaall arms and wereperfectlysatisfiedthattheseven“were good for one hundred of the ‘tarnal curs- ses’if they could only get a chance at them.”It had been told them that Lin-«dln’s forces were in possession of our cityandwerecommittingallsortsofdepreda-tions herexbouts.”‘This,they said was more than-they could stand;so they tooktheirkill-devils with which they said they had killed many a “bar,”and withastock of provisions to last themselves and four negroes they brought aloug with them,for a couple of weeks,they hitched up their mules and came down for serious work, They arrived in the city,and oa fuding they had been deceived,expressed them- selves “dreftul disappointed”in not finding the Hessians here to shoot at.They held a consultation,at which the pros and cons of the case were thoroughly discussed,as to what course they should pursue,wheth er to go home and wait for the batde or stay here and wait for it;and it was final- ly decided that they would put their ne- groes to work on the fortifications,and wait here for a claoce for a brush with the enemy,fur which they are,to use their *drethul anxious.”We want more of the same sort. WVorfolk Day Book,30th inst. MAKE KEADY, Nearly all the military companies form- ed in hichmond aud its vicinity bave been sent into the field.There are as maby more young men,as patriotic,who have been prevented from active military duty by pressing business auu domestic engage- ments,lhe ume has come now,when every man capable of military service should be prepared for the field,Indi- vidual effort cau accomplish but little against the common enemy,compared with the results of au organized mulitary force.We cannot too urgently press up- on the attention of the community the tiu- portanceof every individual becoming a inemober of some company.In the mo- ment of danger,let every man kuow pre- cisely where be is to go and with whom. We understand that Messrs.Roscoe L. Heath,Maxwell G.Clark,Charles S.Mor- yao and others are now engaged in raising 4 Dew volunteer company of Infantry,for | acuive service.Mr.Heath will receive the names of these wishiug to join at the of- tice of the Virginia Life Insurance Com- pany,oorner of Main and 11th street,— Lichmond Whig. —-o FROM LOUISVILLE. Lovrsvitie,May 28.—Ex-Gov.More- head has defined bis “position. lowing is the first paragraph in the Louis.| ville Journal's leader : The public will find in the Journal to- day a letter from our old friend Governor The fol-; Leturn of the Seventh New YorkRegiment—Execution offour out-laws—The avenger of Jackson. The Staunton Vindicator of ‘Friday says :. We are informed by E.C.Randolph,who has resided in Washisgton “for a number of years past,aid who artivedhereyesterday,that the N.Y:°BevetithRegimentcertainlyweut'home on Wed-nesday,the 29th.They say that they only volunteered to defend Washington, and not to invade Virginia. This same gentleman informed us that iN consequence of a fiendish outrage epou a respectable white lady,four of Ellsworth’s Zouaves had been shot.This was done, not so much to punish the crime as to quell the spirit of insubordination that seemed fast asserting supremacy. We learned also from the same source that a brother of Jackson,who was kiiled by the Zouaves,had killed four of Lin- coln’s men to avenge bis brother’s death by wavlaying them. see ane Habeas Corpus of John Merryman. In addition to the many other unconsti- tutional acts of President Lincoln,he has now added the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus.Jobo Merryman,being under arrest by Gen.Cadwallader,he ob- tained a writot Rubeas corpus.Gen,Cad- wallader refused obedience to said)writ, whereupon Chicf Justice Laney issued a writ of atdachment against the General for contempt in refusing obedicuce to the writ. The Marshall returned that he proceeded to Fort Mcllenry on the 28th of May, 1861,for the purpose of serving the writ;that be sent in his name at the outer-gate; that he was not permitted to enter,and consequently could not serve the writ, The Chief Justice excused the Marshal on the ground that alihouyh the Marshall had the power to sumimon the posse comitatus,yet in this case,the power refusing obedi- ence was so notoriously superior to any power that the Marshal could command, that he stood excused.The Chief Justice added : “T ordered this attachment yesterday,be- canse,upon the face of the return,the deten- tion of the prisoner was unlawful,upon the grounds: “First—That the President,under’the con-stitution of the United States,cannot suspend the privilege of the wit of habeas corpus nor au- thorize a military officer to do it. “Second—A military officer has no right to arrest and detain a person not subject to the tules andarticles of war for un offense against the laws of the United States,except in uid of the judicial authority,and subject to its control: and if the party is arrested by the military,it is the duty of the officer to deliver him over immediately to the civil authority to be dealt with according to law.” ‘The Chief Justice concluded by saying ,that he should write out his opinion,file it‘in the office,and cause all the proceedings lto be laid before the President,that hemightperformhisconstitutionalduty. oO FLAG PRESENTATION, On Monday evening tast the two volun- |teer companies,*Forsythe Riflemen”andiGGrays,*marched from their encanipnient {\ \ efining,or striving to define :.5Morehead,d 5 8 |near this place,to the residence of E.Belo,}itle *ree ores Us vas =.his poses!ee can es ee |Fsq.where they were presented with twoCIEeffortisasuccesohi.OY eee 2 |magnificunt Southern Confederate flags,byone.Assuredly it is to us a most uusatis-.::Facioce efor ae cenclices ©several young Jadics of Salem,made withyeffort,Ny y b}y 5 .=2 7 «..ea their owo hands.The following ladies oc:consider the subjugation of the South the :4 reMinganenilauod‘of every material inter:|cupied the terrace in front of the private entrance to Mr.Belo’s mansion,and aidedestinKentucky.If the insane attempt should be persisted in,I fear that the pil- lars of the temple of liberty will be torn down,and all that is now sacred to us will be crushed under their broken frag- ments.”In another paragraph,alluding to a contigency too elaborate tu be explain- ed by telegraph,he says:“1 trust with every patriot in the Jand,that Kentucky will promptly unsheath her sword iu be half of what will have become the com mon cause.”‘he importance of the let- ter will appear when it is remember ed that Gov.Morebead was a candidate for the State at large on the Uniou ticket for the Border State Convention, 0 Messrs.Loeb &Swarzman have shown us some buttons made by them in this place.‘They are of brass,round topped, polished,and about three-fourths of an inch in diameter.They look serviceable and would no doubt show very well on military oniform,These are the largest size and cost eight dollars a gross,sixty- six and two-third cents a dozen.They make a smaller size for vests and other garments. These buttons are perfectly plain,as Messrs.L.&S.inform us that they have not been able to get the dies made as yet so a8 to impress them with the State arms. Wil.Journal, ‘in the presentation:Miss Carrie Fries, |Misses Bettie and Laura Lemley,Misses |Sallhie and Minerva Banner,Miss Nellie delo.l |Miss Bettie Lemly delivered a patriotic |address,which was appropriately respou- i ded to by Messrs.Belo and Whiarton,the |Captains uf the companies.—Salem Press. ——() |Cnusual Patriotism.—Uon.ye D.Wa- lters,a weaithy plenter on the Brazos Riv- ver,Texas,aud an uncle of our able Repre- psentattre,Hon.\V:\Ve Boyce,has tender: ed to President Davis,for the use of the Southern Confederacy,through Mr,Boyce, ithe entire proceeds of Ins crop,(after de |ducting sufficient to carry on his plantation) amounting to twelve hundred bags of cot- ton,five hundred hogsheads of sayar and |tbirty thousand bashels of corn.Mr.W. in his letter to Mr.Boyce,stated that crops in his region of Texas were fine.Ifis cot- ton was knee high,his corn waist high and his sugar shoulder high.—Sumter Watch- man. Teran Volunteers.--ight thousand Texans,completely organized as cavalry, infantry and artillery,have oftered their services to President Davis,in addition to her quota of men to be furnished in com- pliance with his requisition, tt setteiad 9%. THOLA Ve tnlad :t domi chad of Yarsad oat 2s oodat - WUE wiete BS rk soot eet eet cet t NUMBER 9. +bee Cbmat ie , “MINERALS IN NOTH CAROLINA. of North :th TheAssistant Statd GeatogCarolina—,C.D.Binit T Bap "récbbtlyputforth.a,ipteresting Jetter,on,the mineral weatern North Carolina,A copper wrens throagh Macon, Jackson and eounties.|sabe descend 20’hin 5 Tg,6 the leads,and Laingich,..sh:of theoreisyellow:ipyrites,though oc- casionally some tt ‘carbouate and redoxydarefound.They lea’froth 20 to30percent.of matallig.copper.Theminingisquiteextépaive,menr Franklin.Magnetie iron orede jt'gveat abund-ance near Franklio sane Wind of ore|Uat the celebrated Swedes iron ig made |from.Manganese is alsa foupd.in great|quantities.In Cherokee county,the sup- |ply of ematite iron ore is imimehse.It |extends down Valley river to the Georgia ,line,The marble of Cherokee’county is |snow white,variegated,and blugand band- ed.On the Natihala river,there eccurs a fine flesh colored marble.Thick beds,also,of agaimatolite or figure stone,suita- ble for furnaces and fine procelain ware,arrest the attention.There is algo pleaty of coal,which is the main element of power in modern engineering and mining. North Carolina is rich in minera’s,bot capital,labor and railroads are wanted to develop these natural resources. Sharpen your Blades.—We need hardly inform anybody that it is easier tocutwithasharpinstrumentthanwitha blunt one.We suppose everybody hasnoticedthattheusualsabres,sabre-bayo- nets,and other weapons of the kind are,as delivered to the soldier,about as innocentofedgeasacommonbarofironorsteel. You might break a man’s head with one of them,but you could not cud it,you could bardly haggle his throat.TheFrenchsoldierskeeptheirbladesaskeen as they can be kept.—Wil.Journal. We have received notice from the PostMasterhere,to stop sending to the postofficeallpapersintendedtogooutoftheConfederateStates.The law of the Con-federate States requires all such postalmattertobeprepaid,There is no postalarrangementbetweentheoldandtheCon-federate Government.We have accord- ingly struck from our fist all names,inclu- ding exchanges beyond Virginia,Wil.Journal, HARDEE'S TACTICS. We learn from the Richmond Dispatch that Messrs.West &Johnson,of Richmond,have just got out in handsome style that admirable production for the soldier—‘‘Hardee’s Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics.”Persons wishing copies can order them bymailfromthepablishers.Price $1.50 per copy.We notice also that Hardee'sthe.lics are offered for sale by two other book- stores in Richmond,viz:J.W.RandolphandStarke&Cardova.Price $1.25 per copy,or $1.30 by mail.We publish theabovefortheinformationofmilitarymen bereabouts,as there bas been considerableinquirylatelyforHardee's ‘facties. Raleigh Register. Fiendish Outrage by YankeeTroops—What the South may ex-pect from the Invaders.—Under theheadingof“Latest from FortressMonroe,”the Baltimore South,of Wednesday afternoon,publishes the following : “Great excitement has been pro- duced at Old Point by an outrageperpetratedbyGovernmentsoldiersonSaturdaylast.It appeare that apartyofthemhadgonetoagentle- inan’s house near by,and assanitedayonnyladysome16yearsofage, with the design to,outrage her per- Her father,an aged wan,cametoherassistance,when these fiends seized him,and threatened his life, if he raised an alarm;and,with arevolverpointedathishead,he was forced to witness the consummationoftheirvillainouspurposeuponthe person of bis child.Gen.Butler was yesterday afternoon engaged in examining the case,but the result had not transpired when the steamer left.Constant coinplaints are being made to the othicers there by personslivioginthevicinity,whose landsandaailineshavebeeninvadedby the Government soldiers,who stealwhatevertheyfapcyfromtheir houses,and cerry off chickens,sheep,and hogs,wherever they can findthem. BOUL, TLE FAIRFAX FIGHT, Yankee Serprise—iu Rarty Captats Marr—The Euomy oners Taken,&¢- [Special Correspondence of ihe Dispatch.) Faravax,C.H.,June |. At an early bour this morning our village was thrown into great excitement by the arri-val of Federal troops.the firingof guns,on! the yells of the enemy.ew i inveli conseq y aneyFOaietkaean,I coe ly give you such fects as wererepeatedtomeby others. UG tedly a com ofregular CavalwACcracetwadWOMRER;GA Weababy 4 tral :serough the prigcipaj streets,yell-je one and e.vise fight and as they,plengs Capt.Marr,oftheon,Riflas,whope y wansta- ti “a moado'ie feur wy town,onheatingtheerprah‘out to atcértuin thescanes,when le sot down mage Thefactthee’.ihe Rifles ipto confusion,the iretLieutenantpolng anes 3 fe the mean-ti United States Cavalryagain chargedinhthetown.firing and yelling.Ex-Gov.Steth;who wes tem here,hastenedovertothecampoftheRiffesandrallyingthem wee ding to meet the enemy,when Col.Yyell appearedandtookcommand.The Cav- alry,in the meantime,came dashing eethetownforthethirdtime,when «well-di- rected volley emptied a number of saddles,and caused the hireling epidiers to beat a hasty re-treat.Our mencleag spon phe Hessians as speedily as possible and besides killing five of them,aud capturing six or eight fine,horses,_took Sightortun pridoners,thiresofwhom were carried to Manaseas Junction for tafe keeping.A friend.who heard¢heGring,and saw the retreat of the vajjaatcavalry,saya there werenottessthenfifteenortwenty-five horses ecam-pering over the fjeld,minus their riders;and another informs me that he has seen five dead bodies of cuvalry men.In the skirmish whieh took place,our only loves was that of Capt.Marr,than whom a more brave soldier,or ene ere everlivedordied;and he was ng Goabe killed by an accidental shot.Another of our men was slightly wounded.Let us bethankful that theGodofBattlesiswithws,and relying upon Hie providence,and the justnessof gurcuuse,I am sure we shall eventually triumph over our en- emies.VIRGINIA. FreprricxesurG,June let,:861. Dear Dispatch:1 have just returned from our batteries at Aquie Creek,where I witness- ed the fights of yesterday and to-day,between four or five U.S.Steamers and our battery at the Creek.On Thursday evening last four U.S,steam- ers,one of them the “Anacosta,”were seen lyimg off “Maryland Point,”and our brave boys anticipating a brush,prepared at once to give them a warm reception.On Friday morning,about 10 o'clock,the ‘*Anucosta”and three other steamers were seen toget wader way;and approaching with- in two and a half miles of the battery,opened fire enit.Our boys promptly responded,and the fire was Geatlaeed et en hour and a half between the steamers and battery,when Walker's Flying Artillery,supported by the R.L.L.Blues,Capt.Wise,of your city,came up with a run from Marfboro’Point,and open- ed on the steamers,the fire continuing for an hour aud a half.During the engagement sev- eral men were seen to fall on the steamers, and it is generally believed that at least one of the vessels was badly injured,as allof them withdrew from the fight about 4o’ciock Dus ring the engagement a shot from a rifle piece _on one of the steamets passed over battery, about 200 yards over head,and fell two milesinrear.The menin the battery sustained no injury,the only damage done being the tear- ing to pieces ufthe'officers’quarters by a shell from the enemy’s gun.To-day,about 1]o'clock,the “Agacosta,”| a large three-masted steam propeller,suppos-| ed to bethe Pawnee,and feur other vusec)s, came in sight,oe of;the ateamera openingonourbatlery.The fight was continued forsixhours,the vessels firing 599 shot at ns with- out the slightest injury,hotwithetanding the feet that theshel!fell thick as hail uroandourbattery,aud qne of them pussed through a port hole and exploded in our midst.Our bat-tery fired 100 shots,many of which took ef-fect on the vessels,one of them carrying away the flagofthe Anacosta,and another cutting down the mast of the large propeller.The laat shot fired was from one of Walker’s riflepieces,which ricochotted and struckthe largesteamerjustabovethewate:line,immediate- ly after which the fleet got ander way and meved off,probably to repair damages.Daring the Gght our men were as cool as icebergs,every oue eahibiting a bravery and determination that would have done credit to veteran soldiers.During the twe days’fight none of our men were killed,ed cules of them slightly in- jute@—not enough to prevent his taking part in the'fight.Should the enemy attempt to effect alanding at the Creek hereafter,youwil)then learn with certainty that eomebodyhasbeenhurt.—Ricrwonp. dhOtte Brother and Sisters.—Can anything bemoreperfectlybeautifalthanthesightofamealy,thoughtful,gentle boy,trying to interest and please his little sister?Andlet.every interesting little girl,and beauti- ful young lady remember that the boy whe is not attentive and polite to his sisterandmother,is certain not to be so to anyone,It is a bad sign,depend upon it,toseeaboyoryotingmanmoregallantandobligingtootherpeople,than he is to his own mother and sister. Cure for Neuralgia,—Some time since, we publ ,at the request ofa friend,areceiptforneuralgia,If a drachm of eal ammonia in an ounce of camphor wa-ter,to be taken a teaspoonful at a dose, repeated several times at intervals of tive mitutes,ifthe pain be not removed atonee. -—0 —An old tmald hearing of the contempla-through this place Jast Tuesday evening.gen-The Caldwell company had 116 moen.—ted marriage of a young lady with @ Ba nt ute, pee SponSipepnmE=STI SALISBURY,N.C,: wJov7 THURSDAY EVENING ,JUNE 6,1861. (O”Weare autorized to announce WIL- LIAM A.HOUCK,as a Candidate for Coun- ty Court Clerk of Rowan. (G”We are authorized to announce Jacos S.Mygrs as «candidate for County Court Clerk of Rowan. (7 We are authorized to announee OBA- DIAH WOODSON asa Candidate for the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County ("We are authorised and requested to an- nogace JOSEPH K.BURKE,as a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk,at the ensaing August election. {Or We are authorised to announce THOM-AS McNEELY,8 candidate for re-election totheofficeofSuperiorCourtClerk. —————————————Ee MORE TROOPS WANTED. Rowan has not yet furnished ber quota of men for the army.We have only two com- panies in the field.It is true a large number has joined Mr.Fisher’s Regiment,and gone in- to encampment.But owing to little feuds,two of the Companies heretofore spoken of as near- ‘ly ready,have since partly disbanded,and are now in progress of reconstruction.Inthe mean time,four or five recruiting officers have arrived here,all citizens of the county,and there is a capital chance for men to select officers to suit them.Those who can enter the service ought to do so without delay,for every thing now de- pends on prompt and spirited resistance. DRILL!DRILL!! We see that in some of our’Southern States and towns,the people close up their shops and | stores every evening at 5 «’clock.for the pur-| pose of spending the remainder of the day in military drill.Old and young assemble togeth-| er for the purpose.We would suggest the | adoption of the plan here.We all intend to| fight this war out,and it is very evident that | a knowledge of the science of war is all impor-| tant.We ought to be ready drilled,so that at, &moment’s notice we could take our places in | a company and go right off to duty.There| TROOPSt TROOPS!! The 7th Regiment of South Carolina troops from Abbevill@’and}Edgefield Districts,‘un- der the command of Colonel Bacon,passed through this place this morning,on their way to Virginia.They were a formidable look- ‘ing body,ab@ut 1000 strong..They were greeted with round after round of cheering, until the very air seemed filled with human voices.May the God of battles nerve them for duty and pfotect them from a disaster and defeat. The Legislature.—There seems to be little or no difference of opinion here as regards the extra session of the Legislature appointed to be held on the 25th of this month.No one sees the necessity for it,inasmach as the Convention,now in session,is able,and possesses power equal to the emergency of the times. a Barbarous War.—Lincoln’s war on the Sonthhas thus far been mark- ed with barbarity,rapacity and fiend- ishness.The laws of the land and the rules of civilized warfare viola- ted by his men,not yet with impn- nity,it is true;but with such a be- ginning what may we expect? Home Made Writing Paper.—The Mills of Messrs.Oaks &Wiswatt,Lincolnton, N.C.,are turning out the various kinds of writing paper—“Commercial Note”—-“Let- ter”—“Cap”—and “Flat Cap”—ruled and uoruled,blue and white.We have a specimen of their “Cap,”which is very good. They have large orders on band,and are driving their business right ahead. This is an important branch of business, and if the blockade continues,must suc- ceed completely.It ought to have suc- for a similar enterprise was started by ‘reo.Mosteller,Esq.,near ceeded long ago; he answered,that be bad said @l!tbat ‘be could say—he was not guilty,5 The fdend@ of Jaw and order @ill @e- plore this and all similar occurrences.There is no more dangerous thing than a mob. There is no safety to the person or proper- ty of any one,bigh or low,rich or poor, when the broken down law turns loose the excited passions of men.Human na- ture is thoroughly depraved,and without the restraints of law is cruel and desperate. It is because this is so that all prudent people oppose every departure from estab- lished Jaw.And in the present seathing state of the public mind,there are extra- ordinary reasons for fearing the consequen- ces of a violent visitation of even admitted justice;for there is increased danger that what would ip ordinary times scarcely ruffle the surface of society may now stir up a storm of human fury which no bu- man power could arrest before its desolat- ing march bad swept off numbers,of both innocent and yuilty.It is dangerous again,because mobs generally end in the destruction of those who start them. But almost every reader will ask,what were the provoking circumstances in this case exciting a mob?We have heard these mentioned ;The nature of the crime, and the impossibility of guarding against it except by visiting upon offenders the most terrible penalties;the conviction of the prisoner on the frst trial,which,at the time,was regarded to be a fair trial;the introduction of the testimony of Mr.Boy- den,who privately,and befure the Court, protested against giving evidence;the popular belief of the guilt of the prisoner; and the very unpropitious state of the country for turning loose upon the com- munity a negro so generally believed to be guilty of this crime,bowever under the forms of the law entitled to an acquittal. But all these and more,do not justify the violence resorted to,and the open contempt shown to tbe constituted authorities of the land.They may palliate to some extent: but it was all fearfully wrong. In the eyes of our outraged laws,those who committed this violence,those who stood by and assented to it,those who re- fused to respond to Judge French’s call, and those who knew what was going on $s ;THE WATCHMAN, Mr,Eqitor §4-In your last issue,you epamarticlefronyanExchange,ou the dy YGitizent-to keep up our schools.The eae tation is right an commendable;butis it er. well for the school teachers to be infor... that either their prices or their schools nh go down?Every thing that can be dis Bt ed,will be dropped now,unless it js offenatratesconsistentwiththetimes,Bourg and Tuition must come down or there will beamightycomingdownoftheliteraryips). tutions.I make this siggestion inkindnesytoteachorsandwithbestwishesforal]i terested.June 4th,1861. FOR THE WATCHMAN. From Harper’s Weekly of May 18,186).“The American Revolution wus fought upon the princip!>that all men have an equal right to life,liberty,and the parsuit of happiness, and that therefore government must be found.ed on common consent;and the Jeff.Davis rebels are trying to destroy the governmen,lest in some wuy it should prevent their depriy.ing certain people of those rights at their pleas.ure.That a body of men should attempt th. destruction of a government which securesthosefundamentalrightstothegreatmajority is bad enough;but that they should attemp: it becauseit may,by its lawful and peace{y) operation ultimately secure them to all jis devilish.” “Let it then be distinctly understood tha this Jeff.Davis rebeltion is an effort to override the normal operation of oar government by the merest Mexiean anareby ;andit ie pushed with thie desperation becaese the late election shows that,under the peaceful operation of our politi-cal system—the most just and benign knewn to history—the barbarism which has clogged and disgraced us as a nation will be surely and safely eliminated from our society.It is aninsurrectionagainstthecommonsenseand common conscience of mankind,and against the inevitable course of christian civilization.” The Southern men who initiated the present revolation,have acted from the first under the belief that the Republican party were determined,should they obtain the power,to continue the war against the institutions of the Southern States until they should be extirpated,as plainly indi- cated in the above extract from Harper's Weekly.‘They have considered the dan- i ger of rapid yrowtb,and the mere exist- 'enee of the Southern States with their are several officers in town qualified and willing eneo|; to instruct us,while they remain here,and |mice ston BOSDCRy CATS EAC)and kept up whenit is not convenient for Mr.Bradshaw to |bY him while he remained in connection and absented themselves through fear or|bts as sisters in the old Union,no doubt. indifference,are all—all yuilty of the blood|ful problem when that party should obtain serve us,as heretofore he has those who have | attended the drill of the Home Guard.How| many second the motion?How many willat-| tend on the public square to-morrow evening at 5 o’clock for this purpose ?It is hoped many ifnotall,our male citizens between the agesof 16 | 60,will promptly turn out.It is a good idea our more Southern friends have given us—| let us try it.Adjutant Bessent,Captains Ken-— verly,Jones,Reeves,Saunders,Lord,and all other officers in town,are respectfully invited to attend and help forward the undertaking. >The roll of the drum on the public square will be the sigual for meeting.Attend with firelocks,double or single barrells. Will there be a Draft 2—We bave of- ten been asked this question ;and judging from the spirit of the people to volunteer |for the first four or five weeks after the call was made for troops,we have answered no.But there is a startling fact brought | out inthe Standard of the 5th June,and that is,that of the 30,000 troops called| for by the Governor,only 7,000 bave been' received.They are sull coming out,and this number will doubtless be increased.— But we are moving at a slow pace.We ought to have had ten thousand men in Virginia by this time,and our own State strongly defended by bodies of troops atsuitablepointsalongthecoast.It must | be remembered that men have to be tho- roughly drilled and instructed before they | are ready to meet an enemy;and at the present rate,when will we get the thirty thousand called for?North Carolina is bebind the times,and we fear she may be caught napping.We do not believe her sons will wait to be Jrafted—we certainly hope act.Yet the enemy is on our bor- ders,reconnoitering the points of ingress, and evidently imtends to subjugate us ifpossible,In the oame of ail that is patri-otic and brave,is it not a time for speedyaction!Rowan has not yet done her whole du-ty.How long shall this be said of her? oe |T'wo more Companies from the West,— |The mountain counties in North Carolina | |have been truly representedas fully arous-|ed to the necessity of defending our StatejandtheSouthfromthetyrannyoftheLincolnadministration.Two more com-.pamies,one from Lenoir,Caldwell county,junder Capt.W.F.Jones;and another|from McDowell county,as we learn,passed tlemzan who savéd her at the sinking of}The other was not so large.the Laay %remarked,“It’s a veryromantié‘nd doubt,bet I would ee _— ratherbedrowsiedny tite thatto sit ait 2 There was no news by this morn- the night with goung ean,on a.piece |edin menofwreck,in my night-gown! smail.It is reported that abont 50 Lin-ae were killed in the fight at Aquia 'work. with the paper business.He also manu- factured blank books—Ledgers,Dockets, Day Books,&c.,&e.;which,by-the-way, is not less important,at a time like this. me THE MOB. We regret to have to record the death of the negro man,Oscar,in this town,last Monday,by a mob.A part of our Mon- day’s issue contained a brief allusion to the case;but the larger portion was print- ed off before the mob had completed its It will be remembered that Oscar _was charged with an attempted rape on Mrs.Cynthia Bryant,of Concord.He was first put on his trial at the Spring Term of our Court,1860,and convicted and sentenced.But an appeal was taken and the case went up to the Supreme Court,and was thence sent back for anewtrial.It came up againon Wednes- day of last weck;and after a patient and |able investigation,resulted in a verdict ofacquittal,at 10 o’clock on Monday last. Very shortly after the jury returned their verdict,a crowd collected about the Court House and jail,and openly declared that the prisoner should be hung.It chief. ly consisted of non-residents of our town and county;and notwithstanding their threats,few believed they were really in earnest.They seemed to have no leader. The Sheriff did not appear to apprehend violence,and did not call for.belp to pre- vent it,until it was too late,so far as we learn,About 4 o'clock they demanded en- trance into the prison;and on the refusaloftheSherifftogivethemthekeys,they entered with a sledge hammer,forcing the doors from the tirst to the third story.— Judge French had been sent for and ar- rived just at the time the last door was broken down and the prisoner taken.He was not regarded by the mob;and when he called with a loud voice,upon the citi- zens of Salisbury (a large number of whom |were in hearing)to come to the rescue, they did not obey him;but on the con- trary,many turned away and left the place. Finding that he was not to be sustained, the Judge left,closely follored out of the gate by the company having Oscar in charge.The prisoner was marched out _with a rope around his neck,to a grove in the North-Eastern margin of town,and there hung.A moment before he was swung up,he saw among the spectators one of the jurymen who sat on his trial, and asked him to protect him.The jury- man answered that he bad no power to do it,and warned him to tell the truth,and not die with a lie in his mouth.To this of Oscar. Whose bands are clean? ae ane = Firreen Honprep Frere Cororen Mew IN Arsms.—On Monday night a meetingof some two thousand men,“representing,”says the Picayune,‘the flower of the free colored population of New Orleans,”was held,to takeintoconsiderationcommitteeresolutionspre- viously published in city papers.By these resolutions the free colored men of the city offer their services to the municipal authori- ties,in vase of an invasion by the enemy; and,if allowed to torm themselves in military companies,they engave to take arms at a moment’s notice tor the defence of their na- tive soil,and fight,“shoulder by shoulder,” |with the citizens,as their fatheas did in 1814. |The meeting was addressed in an impas- sionate manner by Mr.Armand Lanusse,and the resolutions adopted unaniinously. At the conclusion of the proceedings fifteenhundredofthesepatrioticyellowmenstep- ped forward and signed their names as ready to perform military duty.Their stock hasnotdegenerated,and they will fight as faith- fully as their fathers did with Jackson. Saint Domingo,the free colored most earnest-ly tendered their services for its suppressiontotheauthorities.They were doubted andtheiraidrejected.Had they been accepted.the negroes would not have triumphed.Mostofthewhiteswhoescapedwithlife,weresavedbytheexertionsofthetreecolored. We commend this to the attention of those in the South.if there be any,who arethinkingaboutplayingforyinthiswar.Atory18amanwhoistoocowardlytofightforhiscountry,but would rather hang back, and let the enemy come in and lay on himwhateverburdenhepleases.If the enemytellshimblackmyboots,or wash my fect,the tory bends his supple knees to the task,and when done is ready for the next command.A tory is a very poor spirited creature,andonlyfittobeaslave.No one who has anyrespectforhimselforlovetorhisCountry can be a tory;and we are glad to see that en the free neyeves of New Orleans are tooproudtostandbyandseetheirCountryin-vaded by the Yankevs,without taking uparmstodrivethemback.They know verywellthatdeath,even,is better than subjuga-tion by the wicked and relentless horde now|attempting to reduce us;and they kuow,too,es if the people of the South will standshouldertoshoulderin_this struggle,theYankeescannotconquerusinthirtyyears.They will svon get sick of the war.and oobackhome,It is a hard thing to conquer a|brave people who are fighting for their homes,|their wives and their children, It is almost|an Impossibility.In our case it is IM possi-|'ble. | >-|TO ARMS! It is high time that every man in theStatewasinarmsandreadyforthefight.Companies of Rangers and Sharp-sbootersshouldbeformedineveryneighborhood.Jeff.Davis will embrace every brave man’said.—There should be no more retreating;but every inch of ground should be con.tested.—Rich.Whig. St.Louis,June 1.General Harney hae been removed.HissuccessorisKupposedtebeGen.Lyons. the time of the insurrection of the slaves of | |control of all the machinery of govern- |ment,should they quietly submit to its |rule. |It is true,all could have lived and pros- _pered in that Union with equal Constitu- |tonal rights secured and observed with |honorable and fraternal feelivg;but when the arteries that carried the circulation ‘from the heart of the Confederacy to the /South were tied,while the blood was ‘drained from every vein returning from |them,they thought it time,high time,to inake an effort to prevent the death that ;Awaited Inaction. |As their peace and prosperity was _source of continued revenue to the North, \Increasing with their growth,they did sup- |pose those who were fattening upon their |substance would have selfish foresight enough,if they had no regard for their Constitutional rigbt,to permit them the enjoyment of so much of what bad been pledged to each State when they united, |as would at least bave enured to their own benefit;but the viris of falsehood and |hatred seems so to have impregnated the |whole Northern system,that they ignore the rights of the Southern States,system- |atically plunder their people,and constant- |ly seek to disturb their peace by continu- ous efforts to engender servile insurrections among them;and yet the Northern mind is all “‘patriotisin,”and fully imbued with ;8 love of “Constitutional” liberty—in |theory—but in conduct,when the South- |ern citizen appeals to the coustitution to protect his rights,it is seldom observed: |generally violated not only with the couv- tenance and sopport of their people,bat such violation is often invited by their State governments,and obedience to ils provisions made a crime.When the South appealed to this compact,they were told of “higher Jaw ;”and when they fled to what has been considered and was design ed to be,the great bulwark of our liberties. the Supreme Court of the United States, they saw its decisions repudiated with |Scorn by the popular voice of the North, and the South notified that men would soon be placed on the bench of that court whose decisions upon Southern rights would be in accordance with this Vorther® sentiment.Mr.Lincoln binrself,has over and again told the free states,that tbe |slave States could not long continue under one government with the free.The South used to think differently,and have to the last shown to the world the strongest demonstrations that States could show,that the salvation of their rights,was what theyspught,and not the destruction uf the oldgovernment.They wrote for the Usior. — talked for | jcvad for U the Union, tendeo aod rayed thetheirhand effort to smduafears,| selves to th long beentheUnion. When ul poard,ao’) hands by ¥ ships can © until drow! maliciousSouththin another Cre ciruggling rrom the d course as V tunate fret heir effort enemies,if ternal assu will all be ion morta iheir powe As a 6p liugering ¢ they could well assurtheirindep vifluences ave justie isposIliow ceumperane: jriven fro wv the last ire conced: North do| willing al ‘urther ass partition a lave any 1 and to set partnershy {the fira vutinue i cneir capit they deny theo their ihe couamtheirpriva coward the reuce al sich an ae 'they cal Mr.En Beare toes upon the. we exact Such com il of our vor visitor ‘hey are t VAres,and 1 polities organized |lvarn are unted a p Urely neg our mou -alculate Who are 1 You sx ous pers he hande ind then ire the p suns {—t selected, |believe sotue act committe Manype when it j aw;hen permittec A frien (hose me (age of th tor article use.He nade for Saye;©A eflorte bei Consciengasthisto or the Sts iny kind. Decline “tokeay w Regiment week,de (dloneleydrelined Prizer Er preas, Cape He lydia Fy harque ; Nogany 4 White pin The 7 Carolina Servicaa, erate Ay ever nee a ee e ee ar ee e ee At} an nd hd Ls, eS, h, Wd \(s rn er er th he pst at ey ld »p, ralked for the Union,voted for the Union, wed for the Unipd,ang TR te che Union,to enévurage patriots fi fe euden aad Gilmer who have begged,and prayed the North to give some pledge that ipeir hand would be stayed from further effort to sacrifice them,but they prayed to duaf ears,though they had humbled them-elves bo the position of suppliants,having jong been denied the rights of equale in the Union.~When the North have pitched us over-hoard,xo)jerked every rope out of ourhandsbyWhichwecouldhangtotheold ship,can we be expected to swim ufter it yotil drowned in our effort,or killed by the walicious shots of our enemies?The south think it safer to g@ ashore,stund in another craft and pick up as many of their draggling comrades as they cun recover ‘rom the deep.Humanity prompts to this wurse a8 Well as regard for their anfor- tuvate fnends;and they will continue in cheir efforts until all are saved from their eoemies,if possible,disregardiag the fra- ternal assurances of the North that they will all be elevated above the level of com- mon mortals by the neck,if they fall into iheir power.Asa speedy «death is preferable to a jiugering one of torture evea to cowards, they could net do otherwise even if notvellassuredoftheirabilitytomaintain their independence.They believe strong vifluences always work with taose whoavejustiesupontheirside,and it is their |spositiow to maintain that position with ‘euperanee,but tuwavering firmaess.If riven from one point,they will maintain wy the last all that remaia,until their rights ire conceded or they exterminated.If the North do not love them,they are not only willing Lut desirous to relieve them from ‘ther association,They have offered to partition all property in which the North lave apy interest i@ common with them,and to settle peacefully and honorably all partnership accouuts upon the dissolution {the firm;but they cannot and will not vutinue in business with those who use ‘heir capital and names as partoers,while chey deny their rights as members,refuse divin their share of the gaius,and make ihe common place of business as well as Lueir private domicils,scenes of such hatred coward them.No men of ordinary intel- zeuce and self respect would continue ~ich an association,but dissolve peaceably 'they can,forciby if they must. eeeRare [FOR THE WATCHMAN.] Jonrsvitte,Yadkin Co., May 30,1861. Mr.Eviton:|see your correspondent WR.E.,togetber with your own remarks upon the subject of Vigilance Committees, we exactly in place at such times as these. Such committees are needed in some or ‘|of our mountain counties;they look wt visitors during the summer months— ‘ley are remote from the great thoroagh- ‘ures,and hence free from great excitement 1 polities,there has been a cotminitiee organized in some Captain's districts,and; |\varn are doing well.They have insti- ved a patrol (a thing that has been en- ‘rely neglected for many years)in some of our Mountain counties.We may safely ‘alculate here,upon some being among tts who are not of us,You say in your remarks,when,»suspi- ‘ious person has been arrested,he should | iv handed over to the proper authoritfes, ind then let the matter rest.Now,who ive the proper authortties to try such per- suns !—the vigilance committee,properly | selected,or wait the course of the civil law.| |believe that our Legislature sbould take| ~olug action in regulading and organizing committees ofvigilance at times like these.| Many persons are afraid (o assert and act | when it ig really necessary fyr text of the | law;hence these mischievous persons are permitted to concoct mischief. Yours,&e.,M.T. THE IMUENCY DP.SeeaeRUGGLE. In all human probability this present weekwilloetpevarelycontedledotghge-menyat'Mana notion.*As hdtided dlee- where,the more advanced pickets of the two armies Can almost hail each others they walk their rounds or stand oa guard.Their scout- ing parties have mex gui fought near the cous- ty seal of Fairfax county,some 15 miles from Alexandria and 12 miles from the Junctiov.— Who may eventually be at the head of theLincolnitetroopsonthislinemightbedifficult to suy.They may have some guad,fighters,but taking out Scott,they have na Generals— no heads tu compare with Lee,or B>auregard, or Bonham,or Johnsen,thelatter being in com- mund at Harper's Ferrv. Upon the result of this conflict great moral effects may depend,and these will soon as- sume the form of physical demonstrations.— Who eupposes fora moment that the fire ofresistanceiuMurylandisdead,although the flame be smothered for atime.Who doubts that a rout at Manassas Junction would be fol- lowed by a pursuit on some line into Maryland, and that by an uprising of a desperate,betray- ed and insalted people When the fight does come,we think it will be a desperate hand to hand contest.We know how the Southern troops have chafed at their furced inaction,and we know the des- perate spirit by which they are animated.— They will not give an ineh—they would not stop the work of slaughter to share in the plunder of an imperial treasury. Thc re are no more deadly enemies than brave men who have been forced to dissemble their feelings for atime,or at least to what theycouldneitherpreventnerresent.‘lhe people of Maryland,thousands of them,are thus enemies to che Lincoln despotism,and are thus Tteady at the first opportuuity to start forward in the race for vengeance and independence. Neither Jefferson Davis nor Abe Lincoln can be supposed tu be iguorant of this state of things or insensible to the importance to be at- tached to it,and thusit is that with all the confidence expressed by the peaceful bullies of the New York Tribune und Courier and Enquir- er,there is really a good deal of solicitude ex- pressed and felt in well informed vffieial quar- ters connected with the Washinyton Govern- ment.The Tribune calls for the imposition of a fine upon the city of Alexanaria,for whut it calls the ‘‘murder”of Ellaworth.It seems that the verdict of an Alexandria Jury of Iuquest was that Jacksou came to his death at the bands of United States soldiers,‘‘while defending his own property in his own house”Therefore does the Tribune,assume the killing of Ells- worth to have been murdei,aleo assume the complicity of the whole community in that “murder.”The Tribune ssys ‘Let the bar- barians (us of the South]be taught that we [the Lincolnites]are in earnest ;”and so forth, and suon.Has Greely yet found out whether the Suuth is iu earnest 9—Wil.Journal. —se — The Verdict of the Coroner's Jury at Alex- andria in Relation to the Death of —Some of the citizens of Alexandria evideat- ly regard the death uf Mr.Jacxson,the propri- etor of the Marshall House,in a very different light from what itis looked upon at the North. There the Republican Journals denounce him as an assassin,sod speak of Ellsworth as a inquire into the cause of the death of Jackson, with a boldness which nut even the presence of hostile troups in their midst could deter,em- phatically declared it to be their verdict—‘‘that |the deceased came to hisdeath at the hands of the troops of the United States,while in de- Does not this verdict afford matter for pro- found reflection ’—Balt.Exchange. -ome must uot rely,as heretofore,on getting their gurden seeds from the Northern States.We advise them to be careful in saving a good sup- ply of ull kinds,as they will soon be ripe.— Plant alate crop of Irish potatoes;they will make seed potatoes,if nothing more.Lvok to your interest in time. ome Grorata Mang Decus.—Mr.H.Dran- muller,of Atlanta,Georgia,is manufactur- ing bass and kettle drums,which he quar- antees will be foand more durable and serviceable than any in use in the South. New York,June 1. A portion of the Garibaldi Guards threw r.Jackson.| Martyr;but the curoner’s jury empannelled to| fence of hia private property,in his own house.”| |‘HE NORTH CAROLINA down their muskets to-day ;and said theywould | have rifles.‘T'wo were shot on the spot,when |the balance took up the muskets. The New York Seventh Regiment departed for home to-day. A new military district,to be called the de- |partment of Kentucky,has been formed,the COMPLAINTS. A friend wishes us torap over the knuckles ; son. Col.Anderson's department embraces Ken- tucky within one handred miles of the river. ||| WANTED. ‘oof if ,Artillery |’)v ‘20 SARE able-bodied Cdmpany pow if rice ee aa ihe yar fer rther No.4 GraniteBuilding.ore of A.Myers, June 6,ee of Capt.J.A.mae INFANTRY SERVICE. 75 Active Men ‘Wanted to EnlistFORTHEWAR! THe undersigned having been appointed in the North Carolina State Troops,invite all anxious to serve their coun- try,to enlist under them. Fifteen Dellars Bounty paid to all as soon as mustered;regular pay from $11 to 621,per month,eounting from day of enlistment.Uniform,board and medical at- tendance,free. Apply to the undersignedat Salisbury.W.C.LORI),Captain. G.C.McConnavaney,),.CA ances »Lieutenants. Salisbury,June 6,1861. BANK OF WILMINGTON AS DECLARED a Dividend of 4 per cent.,payable 10th inet. 8S.JEWETT,Cashier. 1t9 June 6,1861. NOTICE. VWNUE firm of N.DEAVER &CO.,is dis-| solved by limitation.All those having claims against the above will present them for payment. June 6,1861. Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment N.C.Milttia. RHE OFFICERS of the Regiment,as per order of Court Martial,May 30th,are |hereby notified to appear in front of the Adju- 'tant’s office in Salisbury,at 10 o’clock,A.M,, on the last Friday in June,armed with fire- lock,and aceoutred as common militia men,for |instruction.R.P.BESSENT, June 3d,1861—tfs Adjutant.'Volumteers Wanted for the Salis- bury Greys. CTIVE and vigorous men,anxious to LX serve their Country,are invited to join |the new Rifle Compauny—Salisbury Greys. |‘Form,Riflemen Form.” May 9,1861.tfl SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Raceicn,May 25,1861. [Soo PROPOSALS will be received at this Department,for the delivery of ood merchantable Flour at any Rail Road Det within the State,in quantities not less ‘than Twenty-five Barrels,until the 15th July 1861.Proposals should be endorsed ‘‘Proposals for Flour”and addressed to the Commissary Gen- eral.WM.JOHNSTON. Commissary General. 47 tf9 May 30th,1861. =Salisbary Female Seminary. going,and depend upon their fellew-citizens at i THE exercises of this institution will be \continued as heretofore,under the direc- |tion of the subscriber. }make himself as useful to this community |during these troablous times as possible.Be- lieving that his labors have been generally satisfactory,he solicitsan extended patronage, and would ask his friends to aid him in increas-| A.D.WILKINSON. 613 |ing the namber of his pupils. May 16,1861. White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Western N.C.R.R.in theCountyofCatawba. ae popular Summer resort,with addition-| al buildings since last season,will be open- ed for visitora on the Ist of June. Ample arrangements made for comfort and | amusement of Guests.A fine Band of Music engaged for the season.New Bowling Alley. and Bathing Saloon erected.| Every effort will be made to make this a! pleasant and safe retreat for the families of| those who may be at this crisix called from| home—indeed ample urrangements made to- |insure this. command of which is assigned to Col,Ander- (hose merchante aud others who take advan-|His head-quarters for the present will be Louis-| ‘age of the tumes to make exorbitunt charges |ville. lor articles that necessity compels the people 'o use.He complains especially of the chargesnadeforsoldiers’caps,equipments,W&c.,and says:“Are mento barter and fatien on the |citorte being made to serve our country?”If “ouscience will alow sueh men at such #timetsthistoextortupowthepeople,the suldiers | orthe State,they are hard enough to brook ‘ny kind of exposure.—N.C.Standard, e Declined.—We understand that Maj.M.S. “tokesy who was élected Colonel of the 4th ‘eviment of Volunteers,ut Gurysburg,last “eek,declined,and has since accepted the “oloneley of the Ist regiment of State troops, drclined by Col.Winder.—N.C.Standard. >- _Prizer—A correspondent of the Petersburg ‘Tpreas,save:That our troops,stationed atapeHatterasInlet,have captured the briglvdiaFrances.of Bridgeport,Conn.,and 4 ce 3 the former loaded with sugar and ma- ‘'gany logs,the latter with lard,flour and‘tite pine,all of which has been confiscated. N.C.Standard. The 7th and 8th Regiments of South “arolina Volunteers,have tendered their Services,to a man,to entist in the Confed-crate Arthg,and go to Virginia,of where- ever needed, THE FOLLOWING ia sampleof the nu-|800 Ibs.Sole Leather. muerous letters constantly receiving for Hos.| |tetter’s Stomach Bitters : Cananpaaua,July 15,1859. Mesere.Hostetter g Smith,Pittsburg,Pa.: —Gents:—Ar we are strangers,[herewith enclose you twenty-eight dollars for four dozen |Ohio,cnd Clayton Station,T have purchased |several dozen bottles at Toledo this Summer, |but the sale is on the increase eo mach that I wish toopen a direct trade with you.T was ‘induced to trv your Bitters by my physician, | |terial aid that T have recommendedit to others some time.I have all kinds of medicine in my store,but there is none that T can 80 cheerful- ly and truthfully recommend as your Bitters, for I know they have helped me beyond my expeciation.Yours respectfalty, PHILO WILSON. —_—See RELIGIOUS NOTICE. There isa Union Prayer Meeting at the Methodist Church every morning at 8 o'clock. The object of these meetings is to intercede with God for our sotdiers and our Country. The services are very brief,and allwho can come are most earnestly requested to do so. Hostetter’s Stomach bitters,which plexse for-, |ward via Michigan Southern Railroad,Toledo,| |for the Liver Complaint,and received such ma-| and have sold about two dozen per week for MRS.E.J.ROBARDS. May 13,1861.2m2 WE HAVE IN STORE | 35 bbls.Coffee Sugars.| 10 hhds.Molasses.6 bbls.N.Orleans Syrup. 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly reduced| prices.R.&A.MURPHY.' April 9.Rm47 7 7%I,W.JONES.M.D., H*permanently located in the town of 'Sali.bury,and offers his services to the public in the various departments of his profes: ;s1IOn. |(L?Office on Main Street,first door ubove Buis'Confectionery. Jan.15,186). Attention!Military Companies. FIDHE subscriber is prepared to furnishh io |Companies the Military Fatigue Cap of| Home Manovfacture and material,well made, and of latest military style at low price.Ad-| |drees,JAS.H.ENNISS. May 17,1861 Nalisbury,N.C | |Notice to Sheriffs, |3 RECEIPTS,neatly printed to order and pot in bouks if desired,at short hottie and on moderate terms,for cash.Send in your orders. a) |NORTH CAROLINA, In consequence of the | disturbed state of our public affairs he has; Save your Seed.—Planters and gardeners |changed his purpose to remove,and hopes to!Arthur Neeley a es i,13 8 HE.patriotic citizens of RowanarecalledtocontributebofenceofthesoilafNorthCarolina.Theconteethascommenced,aad trovpe have been sept to .,.meFortsCaswelland Macon. Troops from Rowan have gone and are atitt home to sustain them.There.ie @ Store-Roug opeved iu Salis. bury for the reception of anything thut maybegontribuied.No freightfor transportation op any of the railroads will he charged,undMessrs.McCUBBIN & ceive the freight and unything else that may be contribated. Bacon,Meal,Flour,Corw,Peas,Beans,&<., in any quantities will be taken,and thawk- fully received.A liet of every man’s nameceeneeeeMODRE;Cot.Commandant 63d Regiment. lngertant Avwouncoment! We are atill Agente for the sale ofGrover&Baker's CELEBRATED,NoOIsELESS FAMILY SBWING MACHINES.* W HICH are pronounced by ail to be the best Machine made.e are selling them,delivered in this place,at Manufacturers prices,which have been recently reduced from fifteen to twenty-five per cent.We can fur- nish Machines at any price from $40 to $125. Ladies who have a great deal of sewing to do,should certainly have one,as it will undoubtly prolong their lives ten to twenty years.e have sold a good many of these Machines al]of which have and still continue to give entire satisfaction.Send for a Pamphlet. R.&A.MURPHY. Salisbury,April 9th,1861.347 State of North Carolina, _ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiona,May ‘erm,1861. (peo ERES by the Court that D.A.Duvis, John |.Shaver und A.Henderson act as a Committee to raise on the faith and credit of the County of Rowan either by means of eounty bonds er by any other imeans in their power.a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollar,tu be applied under their direction to the arming,equipping and supporting volunteers of the County of Rowan and for the comfort and apportof the familiesof volunteers which are left in need;thet any bond given under this aathority shall be signed by the Clerk of thiw court under the seul of said court for such a sum and on such terms as the suid committe may think proper,with coupons attached,signed by the elerk,und fhat said committee be authorized to sell bonds executed under thieauthorityforthebestpricetheywilbring. STER will re-| J "2.T 18 TO job at short.not)Sols)RO pct eccsty wich ntBooksthatmayWegtwestprices possible.He and a well selected lot of Family Bibjee,Bibles for Chp hes with Bym suit test and wm a¢oot es,writing an ei ng peperofall sizes,cheaper than ever peione altered,iby the reagi or atretail,blank Boyke of every,description and size,Pens,Envelopes,:Bhounses,aic.,ete.INKS.=»: Harrisou’s Ink ,Hastieob’s,Columbian Ink, Japan Iuks all eer ue He ot iiag son'e Carmine Ink,Arnpldts.Writing Fluid,the beet kuown,x4Pi cash, To hia al ¥essort- met of by hon,oe Ronoksiecd a Nae ead etabeetcnsBr aepetier;t oo are far rior ito ee ory be %Sed inthis meee.Window Shades,Fire Screens,etc. Orders of unythivg trhis line solicited.Salisbury,N.C.,wa,¥861.-=tf40 March 25th,1861. NEWSpringandSammelCoops! HE subscriber has the pleasure to an- ounnce tohis friends and the public gener- ally,that he is receiving his asual Stock o'SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,compris-ing rich assortment of all theLATESTSTYLES [LADIES DRESS GOODS, consisting in prt of Sitks,Béereges;Grena-dines,Berage-Angluise,Mozambiques,Organ- dies,Challies and a large Stock of EMBROID-ERIES,to al!of which he ask®a special examination.:se A so,a full assortment of Bleached Do- mestic,Linens,House-keeping Goods,&c./A.MYERS, No.4 Granite Building,Mach 25 —45tf Salisbury,N.C. eee Farmers,Look Out! Money,Time and Timber Saved !! I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence, Made without posts,in the Counties of Ala-mance,Randolph,Rockingham,DavidsonRowan,Cuburrus and Mecklenburg.Cheapness,durability,and convenience are ite chie advantuges.We recommend the Fence to saw-mill owners,farmers,and all who have It is further ordered and declared that couponsattachedtothebowdsabpveauthorized,be,|rights.A circular stating coats,plan of afl county taxes |ing,&c.,sent free to nay areceivableindischarge fences to make.We will sefl Farmor Countyild- ees on ¢pplica~ and other county dues,and that this order be |tion to |published in both the Salisbury Banner and Carolina Watchman. JAMES E.KERR,Clerk. May 16,1861.tf3 DAVIE COUNTY. In Equity.Spring Term,1861. Burton Craige,Executore of Solomon Hall, dee’d.,and Bennet Austin,and wife Mar- gare}. In this ease.it eppeuring to the salisfactionoftheCourt,that Beunet Austin and his wife Margaret,are not inhabitants of this State:It is ordered thut publication be inade,for six weeke,in the Carolina Watchman.for the |said defendants to be and appear at the nextTermoftheCourtofEquity,to be held for the Coanty of Davie,at the Court House in Mocksville,on the 4th Monday after the 4th . Monday in August next,and plead,answer or deinur to complainant’s bill,of the same will be tuken pro confesso,and the cuuse set for | hearing ex parte,ux to them. Witneers.L.Bingham,Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity for said Coanty,at office, the 4th Monday ufter the 4th Munday in Feb- ruary,1361.L.BINGHAM.C ™M.E. Way 16,(86).6w3 pe.adv.85 5. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. |Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,May ‘Term,1861], JNO.J.WHITE, 1 Mebenesvitle, gainst Joseph W.Hall and |Greet Mar.19,1861.-3m44]Alamance,N.C.a*e Charlotte Democrat please eopy three|Mouths and forward bill to subscriber. |‘CASH SYSTEM ABOPTHD|Reductian in :Pripes |Selfing Of for Cash only.Come and Bee!Ve &YOUNG,will sell thei. 4VE entire stock of New Spring and Sum- mer Goods at greatly.reduced pricesfox eachonly.We hayes ber con led“by oecredit¢ustumers to adupt the ubove284 By ‘the reduction in pricew it will Be greatly to the ioterest uf ult who have money togpend for Goode to trade with us.Come and seé! NOTICE.—We now make our fest callonallpersonehaviagopenaccountswithus, to come forward und settle either by eash ornote.We have waited too long already on.agreutmuuypersons,end ure now determined to chore ap our accounts.McNEELY &YOUNGtf49April23,1861. =oy epee 0dCASHSYSTEM._ OV.to the great preesare in business. |and distracted etate vf the country,we |ure compelled to udupt the cush system.We |have wu yood «tock of Staple and Faney Dry |Goods that we are anxious to sell offfor the ‘cush,aud will voll Fumey Goods regardless ot|cost.We have also on hand,Coffee,Sugar (RDERED by the Court,that the Patrol |and Salt,all for cash orbarter,at the mar-or Guard of the Town of Saliebury,have |ye,cash prices. sons found beyond the limits of towa in the sume manner ws ahey would ugrest aud coafinedinordertyorsuspettedpersoneintown.JAMES E.KERR,Clerk. Salisbury,May 1861.(5 ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,May Terme,1861. Qe by the Court that all patrol comppnies in the county have leave to go uny where discharge the regular dutiepof patrol companies, wheo they see fity om fully out of their districts as they have heretotore discharged them with- in their reapeetive dittrictx, JAMES E KERR,Clerk.May 16,1561.tra TOWN ORDER. |"ia hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Sulisbury hava discretionary powers to arrest and toek wp in the Calabdore afy per-| son,white or black,who may be found in the streets of Salisbury after dark who shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct,or be unable to give @ satisfactory account of himself;and uny person ea committed to be brought before me for farther ecdings on the wing morning.Pe TOHN TI.SHAVER, May 3,1861.11)Late ndani. ‘full power to visit any suepected places beyond | the limits of the town,and to arrest and con-| fine in town any disorderly or suspece d per-— they may please in the county wad | BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK. Saliebury,May 20,1861.4t4 P.3.We sre very dewrous that those ow- ing bv note or account will call and pay up.as we ure very needy.B.,ca M. WO OREDIT. eee AUR TERMS after the Ist of May next‘State of North Carolina,will be exclusively Cash or Barter.We ure compelled to adopt this plan for wut safety,i and we hope nu one will take offence at it. |Persons having accounts with ae will please gall und close the same by cash or note.McCUBBINS &FOSTER. Salisbury,April 28,1861.(50 THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTEDy——s |W E are now selling our stock out at re- duced pricea for CASH.No goods sold on credit.All persons indebted tous are request- ed to call and pay up. R.¢A.MURPHY. |April 22,1861.tf49 To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- Joining Counties. S ourintereourse with the North is nowofteetuallybrokenupandourmarket must be supplied from the upsari Se un- dersigned solicite consignments of »Ba- oon,Lard,Hay,Batter,&e.,¢e.,which shall, have his personal attention.JOHN F.FOARD. 1861 3m52 Newbern,May 1, 4 world forThebestMedicinainthe CHOLIC. It fe ENE forDYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands of DIARRHOKA. The best physttiabl rédoidmend it for Its use on the first symptoms,ane befor hysiciag b taiwilProeendStVPPes .CHOLERA. It wil!save many lives,much time,sickness,sofferfag and money toeveryoo.FAMILY, By keeping it,always in theHOUSE.M only Costg.w)¢ Baggs \CENTS./ Prepared by W.HU.Wrarr,Apothecary,Nos.186 and 188 Mainst.,Silisbary,N.C.; April 9.6m47 FOR THESPRINGTRADE. E are now receiving a lot of new and desirable Goods for the SPRING andSUMMERTRADE.OUR STOCK Will not bd ae latge xs'un former seasons,but mill have a good assortment.We shall have a very handsome and select assortinent of all kinds ofLadies Dress Goods, an4 will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market aud Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock this 8 ae and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goods before purchas- ing. BROWN,COFFIN &MOOK. Salisbury,April 9,1361.2m47 Syting Stockfor 1801. R.&A.MURPHY, RE no)fev g their usual,Stock of SPRING aad SUMMER GOODs,emugFANCYANDSTAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS,SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars,Coffee and Molasses, Nails,Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for sale at greatlyreducedpricesforcash.. Give usa call,and see what we have in stote for you.R.&A.MURPHY. Salisbury,April 9,1561.3in47 braci Swan Island GuanoFORS4LERYSPRAGUEBRO. TPFNHAE above Gaano is suid to be >better fertilizer for the cultare of ‘Tabacco,Cotton,Grains,Roots,Grapes,&c.,thun any other imported. A trial is all that is necessary to prove itr superiority.SPRAGUE BRO.March 25,145 JAMES HORAH,| Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R.&A.Murphy's Store,SALISBURY,N.C., EEPS c n ment cet ttch t all kinds. Ctocke,Watches and Jewelry of every do- band alarge assort- wnd JEWELRY of soription repairedin the beet mauner and on |the most reasonable terms. February 14,1860 ly38 MILO A.J.ROSEMAN,M.D. The ANG etudied:im.prominent €Negés find Hoapit ats,North and Roath, and having been practising in the various de-|House Painter,Grainer, partments of his profesni6n for nine years with good suceess,he continuds fo offer his eervices to the public where he is permanently located, and by strict atiention to his profession will endeavor to’merit a fiberal patronage as heretofore,wand holds himself in rendiners at all hours,day and night,for professional calls. CT Obes at Rosethan’s Srore. April 23,1861,3mpd49 LL PERSONS who are indebted to me are respeetfully requested to eall and make immediate payment,as [am compell- yd to have money;and as thie is the first ime that Thave called on my friends,I hope yowilbeonye mp promntty Po ns Vern North Carolina. Mettien!| yenTOMERARE Te pleasure in informing thqir fi and the pablic in general that they in feceipt of the largest,most varied and cheapest geeof GOODS SPRING AND.8 MER psthattheyeverhadthep Goods have ll been bought for cash at greatly redaced prices,and will be offered for cash only at unprecedented low prices.Call and see them,hear prices and judge for yourselves. In view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairsio these revolutionary times, we have.adopted the cash system,helieving it to be the best for ourselves and our friends. Those having open accounts with us,will please call without delay,and close them either by:eash or note.|HORAH &RAMSEY. Saliebury,Apri)23d 186).tf50 epee te ae ———$New Firm. MURR &S08 yAVINGpurchasedofJ.D. Brown &Co.,their entire spock .Toe SHRET-ARON,OOP-R-WARE,STOVES,§., now offer the largest and handsumest lot of COOKING,PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVESeveroffered tn this market,and will sell for cash as low us can be had iv Wegt- Also,all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hend.All kinds Tin,Sheet-Iron or Copper work done at the shortest notice.MURR &SOSSAMON. Salisbury,Jan.22,186).ly36 Siocon Gm=csi ==S500 =Z ow git =753 2 ex;5-255Oo =o ee ;=BaitaZSfascs Ewam=we—Z Ss =ba =F =4)2:—fe cma 2 ©]"2251=3 a cs cE-~Ss ist?===B |=-°-tco™=-2.=eOSOG.OuseCoeee eet~22)& WORTH &DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commission Merchants, No.2 Granite Row,Frovt Street, WEES GHODS,6 (C Dealers in all kinds of Groceries,Provisions, Fruit,Liquors,Wines,Cigars.and ‘Tobacco. Solicit consigninentsof Flour,Dried Fruit, Feathers,Beeswax,Tobacco,apd Country| Produce generally.Agents for Howe's cele- bruted Scales. D.G.WORTH. Late of Asheboro’, Nig (CoSept.1s,1860. Brown's Livery Stable.© Le keptup as heretofore.It | is gratifying to him that this | establishment,begun,at first,as | «doubtfulexperiment,has proved to the public a great dexideratum aud 4 com- plete ruccess.‘Travelers,and others cao al-| ways have their wants,in th-s line,well sup-| pled.|Cash prices paid for Provender.And the| subscriber ix always ready to sell or buy good | Horses.| N.G.DANIEL,For past 7 years with |T.C.&B.G.Worth.| lyls THOMAS E.BROWN. Jan lat.beél.ae vi HARDWARE!! TT HE Subscribers are receiving,and open- ing atthe old stand of G.Mo.&ALT. Jonep.(he largest Stock of Hardware ever offeredin this Market,which having been | bought directly of the Manufacturers or their agente,exclusively tor cash.They ate pre- pared to offer inducements to Wholesale or Re- tall buvers.A call is respectfaliv solmited,|JONES &OVERMAN,| Salisbory.,Mar.13,1860 tf43 | --) \ |‘DENTAL NOTICE.ene aee DR.BESSENT,( UP to REMOVED vo bie DENTAL| SF ROOMS on the corner formerly occu i pied by Da.Baron,where he ts prepar edto attend all operations sonuected with his profession aan.1,PRAN, T.BEMISTER.. tf39 | PAPER TANGER,&e.. Main St.,opposite Murphy's Granite Roi, SALISBURY,N.C. All work personally atteuded to and warrant- adto be dond in a Workmanlike manner Jan.#2,1861.6m36 Fine Shirts and Collars. Tf vou wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col-| Jars call at the Great Clothing Bmporinm ofDAVIDWEIL.| Sept.25 -t119)No.2.Grawrre Row.| :| VARRIAGE LICENSES , [EONGee ene eh LANCE (U1 (epee ‘the CASH PLAN. H.C.JONES &SON, |Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,| ¥AS Eee RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and COMPLETE Stock ofReady-Made Clothing, ‘Gentlemen’s Furnishing|Goods, Such as Boots,Shoes,Hats,Caps,Drawers, Under Shirts,Cravats,Neck-ties,Nandker- chiefs,anda fine assortment of Shirts and Collars,&c.,&c.,to which he invites your immediate attention.They have been pur- chased for cash,and willbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before.NOW 1s YOUR ‘TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ag |um determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbary.Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed,I hope for @ con- tinuance of the same.Remember the Stand, NO.2,MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury,N.C. tf4t a March 25.1k61. Salisbury Female Seminary, HE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the Llth February and close the Tet The school has been increasingin nura- bers every term.We have now a goodly number,but could take a,fewmore.If the number coutinues tp increase,Salisbury will it has “never hed,a permanent July. have what school. TERMS: Board,with washing,fuel and lights,$50 per Term. Tuition,iu Eoglish,from $e to 17.00 <“Latin.5.00 Music on Piany.from 15 to 20.0C Use of Instrument,2.50 Tncicental expenses,1.00 Charges made froin the time of entrance. For particular address A.D.WILKINSON, Jan.22,1861—t136 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS &FOSTER l AVE just received a very large lot of FARMING TRON,cousisting of Shove! Moles,Bar Iron,Wagon tire 14,L}and 2 inch3 Buggy tire 14 and 14 ineh;Oval Iron 4,&, aud ¥inch;Square Tron 1 and 14°inch; Buggy Springs and Axles;Pateut und En- ameled Leather;Bands,Bolis,&c.,together with a geueral assurtment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERTES, Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes.TheykeepceustantlyouhandasupplyofFLOUR, BACON,PORK,FISH,COFFEE,SUGAR, MOLASSES,LARD,BUTTER,&c.,to which thy invite the attention of the public. Jenkins’Corner,Salisbury,N.C. Veb.12th,to61.tf39 AND JEWKLP . Salis ry. Warranted t{37 CASH SYSTEM!! ae undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on January 29,1562. They fee!that no apolo- zy tor this course is at all necessary,the pe- culier state of our public affuire rendering itimperative.They will be pleased to se!l to their triends yud customers at the most favor- able prices possible;but trom and after this day will trade oaly on the cash or barter plan. PURTHEK NOTICE Those indebted to us by account,are re- quested to come forward and closé the same by cash or note. HARRIS &SULLIVAN.Gold-Hill,May LOth.1861.tfh \W ILI,practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Sapreme Court.ff.| Co dones.je,willalso practiee in the Courts of Tredell aud Cabarrus Counties.All claims | entrust d oto them for eollection will meet | |prompt nttention.| 7 Office No.3,Brick Row,near the Court.| house.| Ho C.tones.er.He Ga JoN renin: Jan.15,PSOL.ao WILLIAM €.LORD,|)ATTORNEY AT LAW,| SALISBURY,N.GC, \"ILL Practice and make prompt collec.| tions in Rowan,Stanty,[redell and Ca- tawha Counties | Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite the Book Store | ! Feb 14,1X69 Dr.Wm.H.Howerton, AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED li inthe town of Salisgury,offers hix profewkfona)dervices to the Citizens of the town and surrounding country. He at ali mesti (unless professionally en grged)may be foundat the “Rornen | tf3R Hote tt Meo eh ds 1b ' .tr ie F BLUE STONE,i 50 Bush.CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for sale by ;. HENDERSON &ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. From 210 to 240 deg.,for sale by .HENDERSON &ENNISS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For saleby HENDERSON &ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS. 40 Bbls.Tanner's Oil.40. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS. Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY. Enniss’Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON &ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barref for sule at.HENDERSON &ENNISS’. MEDICINALFRENCHBRANDY. 1840.Medicinal French Brandy. Given op by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market,for sale by HENDERSON &ENNISs. SPICES?SFIChS! Pepper,Spice,Mustard,Cloves,Ginger,Mace, Cinnamon.and Nutmeges,for sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS. VINEGAR! 30 cts.Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts.per Gallon at HENDERSON &ENNISS’. Sept.1x,1360 tflo BNorth Carolina FoundryfANDFMACHINEWORKS! FRERCKS&RAEDER, N.BOYDEN &SON, ILD,continue to manufacture and keep on hand all ao Agricultural Implements made heretofore. Plowe, Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators,They also manufacture \ Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills,Circularand Vertical Saw Mills,| Gold,Copper and Silver Mines,Tobacco Pree-| ses and Fixtures.&c.,&c.,\ IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS,| FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of | every description made to order.and warrant-| edinevery respect.Repairs of every descrip-! tion of Machinery done at short notice. We wre Aventa for Burnett's Wheat Fans. Salisbury,N.C.Jan 2.1561,ly34 Standard,Raleigh:Patriot.Greensboro’: Democrat.Chartette;Western Advorate,| Asheville :Carolinian (tri weekly)Columbia¢|Observer,Fayetteville:and Iredell Express| will publish 3 months and forward nccounte. A full assortment of Coltivators,Straw and Feed-Catters, Seed-Sowers, Cider &Sugar Mills. Greensborough Mutual : INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: || “|Jobn A.Mebane,W.J.MeConnel.C.P.| Mendenhall.D.P.Weir,James M.Garrent,| John L.Cole,No H.D.Wilson,Wim.Barrin- ger,David MeKuight,M.S.Sherwood,Jed.| H.Lindsay,Greensborough:W.A.Wright,Wilmington;Robert B.Troy.Lumberton; |Alexander Miller,Newbern;‘Chadeus Mc- Gee,Raleigh;Thomas Johusen,Yancey- ville;Dr WoC.Ramsey,Wadeshorongh;Rev. RoC.WMavnard,Frankhntons Dr.BL FL Wat- son,Wateonville. OFFICERS: Ne TE DEW LCS ON seen resident:JED.HW LINDSAY,-Vice-President, CLP.WENDENUALL,-Attormey.PETER ADAMS,Sec.and Treas. WM.H CUMMING,-General Ageut. WrIevicGOoNN Gib: Ue AY MUG SH.3 = dh MA ARUQ IP,os Allcominunications on busivess connected »Exeeutive Com withthe Office.should be addressedtoPETERADAMS.Secretary. Greensboro’,N.C..June 19.bR60.tf MICHAEL BROWN,|COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY,N.C. PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION| GIVEN tothe purchase of all kinds of{ PRODUCE.And to all consignments to beroldinthiemarkerofshippedtootherPorte. Ieshiveiwe beeen Ge)uds /°PHE undersigned gives { eet eeeHOSTETTER’s /STOMACH BITTERs The ‘proprietors and manufactur.TETTER'S CBLEBRATED STOMACH Bt TERS can pe with perfect confidence »,physicians and citizens generally of the Uni >States,because the aHicls has attained artationheretoforeunknown.A few facts a this point will speak more powerfully th volumesof bare assertion er blazoning puff .The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Be ters for the last year amounted to over 4 ki million bottles,and from its manifest tateincreaseintimespast,it is evident that durin the coming year the consumption will reachnearonemillionbottles.This immense amoycouldneverhavebeensoldbutforthen., medjcinal properties contained in the Prepan tion,and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the county where the article is best known,who not op}recommend the Bitters to their patients,by, are ready atall times to give testimonials to itsefficacyinallcasesofstomachicderangement, and the diseases resulting therefrom.This is not a temporary popularity,obtain by extraordinary efforts in the way of trun.peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solig estimation of an inyaluable medicine,which isdestinedtobeasenduringastimeitself, Hoastetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved &Godsénd to regions where fever and aguc and various other bilious complaints hay,counted their victims by hundreds.Ty }, able to state confidently that the “Bitter” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and }ik,diseases,is to the proprietors a souree of yp. alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matte from the stomach,ue the blood,and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,giving it that tone and energy indispensablefortherestorationofhealth.It operates upon the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully,and soon restores then toacondition essential to the healthy dischargeofthefunctionsofnature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as er directions on the bottle,and they will find nit astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfortdecliningyears,as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels,excellent asa touic, and rejuvenating generally.We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experiencedtheBenefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de-rangements and general debility;acting under the advice of physicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article.A few words to the gentler sex.There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,that the mother,especially if she be young,is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant.Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season,the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated.Here,then,is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system,and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene-rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians,because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certaim to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons,to whofn we have particu- larly referred above,to wit:sufferers from fever and ague,caused by malaria,diarrhea, dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and all disedses or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,persons of sedentary 'occupation,and nursing mothers,will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bittersa trial.CAUTION.—We caution the public against ‘using any of the many imitations or counter- |feits,but ask for Hosrerren’s CrLesrattD |Sromacn Birrerns,and see that each bottle hasthewords‘Dr,J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle,and stampedonthemetalliceapcoveringthecork,and observe that our autograph signature is on the |label.c aa Prepared ahd sold by HOSTETTER & |SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa.and sold by all druggists,grocers,and dealers generally throughout the United States,South Ams rica,and Germany.:SCOVIL&MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Oxverans,La., SOLD BY Henderson &Enniss,and W H.Wyatt,Salisbury;by J.Reed,Concord, |and by Porter &Gorrell,Greensboro’,N.C. ‘COWAN’SVegetableLithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. Stone in the Bladder and Nhidnei Weakness of the Loins,ke. HIS invaluable Medicine is for sale on’ at Mocksville,Salisbury Statesville,Cou cord and Fayetteville,and at Col,Ansuné and no where elre.The subscriber having entered inte co] nership with John F.Cowan,original paren” forthe manufacture and sale of the above Med- icine,is prepared to furnish a supply by 8% dressing him at Saliabury,N.C.,or calling #! his residence,10 miles west of this place"E.D.AUSTIN f5 afte Jine 21.1855, DRAYING.. o———— petice that ? keepe a TEAM AND WAGONS 1°.x ||the purpose of Draying and will serve all ¥ may favor him with culfe inghis line en & commodating terms.mereGEORGEMOWPFRY March 20th,1860.tfa3 Fine Suits. If you wish to buy Fine SUITS of CTA TI ING for as little money agpossible,call #!i Great Clothing Emporium of ;DAVID WEI! >Rememner tue Stanp—No.2,Murphy Granite Row,Salisbury,N.C. Sept.25 BLANK DEED‘ FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. 1 (f19 1 Ee Re oe 1]! EI erp! oor neti seud ME R I SI s woft tes eet ot eee otss= VOL.XIX. WY \* “a a ‘'t \ |!‘wa i 4 ot ,ar ah ‘ae kai [Poe Saal gin ef OF myles ’’ tA tres ete SESS SS SALISBU Prochumation1)THE PEOPLE OF THE CONFED-ERATE STATES: When a people who recognize their de- pendence upon God,feel themselves sur- rounded by peril aud difficulty,it beeomes them to humble themselves underthe dis- ponsxtion of Diviae Providence,te reeag- nize His righteous government,to-rekaowh edge His goodoess in times past,and. plicate His merciful proteetion eats culure. The manifest proofs of the Divine Bles- sing hitherto extended tuo the efforts of the people of the Coufederate States ofAmerjoa ‘io Imantain and pekpetuate publio libertyy iudividualrghte and national!independenceJemaudtheedevoutandheartfeltgeati- aude.Lt becomes them te give public uatifestation of thisgratitude,and of their depepdenee upon the Judge of all the. earth and to invoke the continuaaceof | Us favor.Keaowing that noue but a just ; and righteous eause can gain the Divine fa-| vor,we would implore the Lordof Hoststo | ruide and direet our policy iw-the paths ofight,duty,justice and mercy,to aviteurheartsaudoureffortsforthedefeacditourdearestrights;to steeagthen ear weakness;crown our arms with success,|aud evable us tu secure a speedy,just and| aonorable peace. To tuese ends,and ia conformity with | che request of Congress,Linvite the peo-| vile of the Coutederate States to the obser-| sauce of a day of fasting and prayer,by | such religious services as may be suitable | ‘or the occasion,and I recommend Thurs- aay,the 13¢h day of June,neat for that | purpose;aad that we may alloca that day, wil One accord,join in humble and rever-|votial approach to Hien ia whose hands we|ve,invoking Him to inspire us with a!proper spirit and temper of heart and.mind | ‘)bear our evils,to bless us with his fa-|“vt and protection,and to bestow His gra-|cious benediction upon our Government|sud couatry. (Signed.)JEFFERSON DAVIS.|by the President: k.Toons,Secretary of State.| ' eC A PRAYER, OF red by Rev.Dr.Deems,at the open- ny of the Convention of NV.Carolina, on the day of the signiny of the Ordi nance of Secession. Almighty God,our Heavenly Father, ‘v whom all hearts are open and all ‘Loughits are known and from whom no ~crelts are bid,we most humbly beseech ‘bee to grant us grace whereby we may jresent unto thee our humble and solema | ~acriice of thanksgiving aud prayer. We adore Thee for all Thy good Trovi-lence over us as a péople,froin our begin-|ung down to this present time.Thou has ‘avted us,and cared for us,avd blessed |“ut growth of our prosperity.Thow hast, ‘een with our fathers%@ all their most sol-| on deliberations,Thou hast led our peo- plein battle.Thou bast giver to usmany very great fruits of treeduia richly to en-w.Aud now Thou bast brought us to-|<vther into this Convention,.to perferm | “use acts,upon whiel the future welfare ‘ail our people,under God’s blessing | ‘ust depend QO!Lord God,heat our prayers.Thou artour hope aud trust.Vain is the help ol man,Cursed is he who maketh flesh“sain,and trusteth in the children of|‘ven.We do not depend upon ourselves,| ‘pon our skill,or foree,or numbers,Tue | card relyneth, vt the Lord of all hosts.Aud Thou,O!Lord,bas taught us io all time of tempta-‘unin all time of conflict,in all time of‘rouble,to callaipon Thee,Let our pray- ‘come up before Thee as incense,and thefingupourhandsastheeveningsacti-| org { Almighty and most merciful God,the| ‘sh and mizhty Ruler of the Universe,|“lo from Thy throne dost behold all the wellers upou eaeth,we most humbly be-| “ech Thee,with thy great grace to visit | id bless thy servant,the President of the | mfederate States,Thy servant the Gov-| "nor of this Commonwealth,Thy servant |‘«President of this Convention,and all | ‘se Thy servants who have cal “vl met together in thy nams,to perform “le most solemn national act possible a- ‘ong men,Cleanse the thoughts of the“arts of Thy servants by the inspiration | ‘the Holy Spirit,From all prejudice“d passion,from all selfishness and in- gue,from all rashness and timidity,“ood Lord deliver them.Coming to affix “eir Dames to a decument which resumes ‘©sovereionty of this Commonwaalth, ‘’y they hava grace so to perform this “ugly act as these who are in the fear ‘of ‘rod,in the love of Christ,in the ‘most reverential awe of thy Holy Spirit,and in |ramnd:efthefonaes in and.eboot the remembrance of that dreadday,whereforthis,for all things,they must.give anaccountatthejudgmentseatThouRulerofnations,Thow controffer ofal!evente,grant that the results at this actmaybringpeace,prosperity and hour.toourpeople,and tbat for what we this @aydo,our children,and children’s children,may cRerigh our memory,and bave joyfulmemoryofthiodaydowntothelastgen-eratfon of men.|O!Lord God of Hosts,we beseechTheetovisitandblessourfellawcitizensexposedtothedangersofcamps,gnd oursisterStates,who perhaps while we bowhereinprayer,are in the smoke and blood,of battle,Great God,Thou kbowest ourhearts.Thou kiowest that we have pur-|sued peave and deprecated war.ThouKnowestthatwehaveuotcovetedour Christ. (a A Ny sharp Ata 7feTmessy)rs y I 1 WOMbEA roa Ayel\~bw:4 {7Galaliewe soir f 3 SEMI-WEER bW,.ant 1)ensue See Se ee aN 4OA|PoeeifehogtRopolgh,1 Aprileay)a)aw Telfaivagq Joa eq &'“ua .u ™¥..¢bor mow levis giodw jem eivteinion «UT oute9b)lo!oo;spepeerselt bas-pitosc we::eeagiiter af!Betailng Llgeo 1 19v8 A nigise yTaAd mph Nagi orabsasc x04 Yiaq blo ed to esoatsing of). non matataaybe te,ey eS er et a DtL)etsy deebd thet sel ces peateee Wt oe gta yei dude AiseeeTIVOWO)AW Yo Cot9a1 Ot $A Ot eigen]97 toy)Varese vai vill te ne traRY,Ne Qc JUNE 10 286i ce:oI EER 10YoN.C.UNE 10,186000 00%STEMBER 10.mitts tet s t eoteb udin jogh v ag yromiiled 9c)eats Hag @osaswdb low?gd ga vlc PRR aeTate E TTT eT ee ee PHECTTTOY FAST tyANTS eronOPOntos,‘Mol-tinematswubepe)5.Freedthe Righonnd Wihige fo cl!)|deanthe RehesndABhig.Shoot at ab®tube Uitidas Urineecrs-Be:i $¥C PreabyterignpeblicnnAtretitieg,Erect sei og tsThefolowingextraottrot«pri]vate léttér to'#penthénranin’Mém-phis,dated fronton,Mo.,May28,61."gives the’particularsofthe saviwtol!of that town’bythe Littcolrifed and:affords a fai “picture of he)Stack’republican atrocities now Kethy pert!petrated it”Missourk:'!We ate tyeclinedtobelievethatwaethe*inévasionofIrontony’and the’atrovitieeherein’detailed,that gave rise!to’the: il,cyéNietHomit.eiTen fi Path: i of rocks”tif’iy,16 reports about Jim.Lane beth Bey|tweew Pocahantasand Jackserport: _comnandé®troops perpetrating enc!omtrages as'are here detailed. tel wiclg inflienicg £6 tyson desparisresand’hace thereby edtitver- ONE!AMONGA MILLION.af yd ‘wos ‘called 9.In the RampToteiMOlyBeatehe pia non the.4thbof,Oblo,wi!have,one reprerentative worthy,of a )‘ent:eyby Northera altra:|better.ne rp hon-TA aah Rath aoe neon EYYAW crate paprabeaie on nea aeropndthotrfid’subject OF dlavéty|Hyn,,C.yee igham,,memberattiirlastweetlhinPoteetifrom,theDaytan.ight OY Bold.iabafhcalttfigtipdthewholécarett‘hig enmocigtionofthe right,and fear-rd ginal te Fedesst Govdeaileno™|lug ie ket,wabe rhigeenwerstione,haveproclgimed @ putpogd’tole’|heJ ro ibe Onder ppesed thebrutalpolicyaftheLincelnAdmia-istration,and that with s¢mingk en- Thou art King,and Thou |the Confederate Government should neighbor's land nur servants,Thou seest latter aayws The that oor ehemies have cast Thy word.be-|hind them,have broken their ancient,faith |Yesterday (Wednesday,have flung’away the bondof brotherhood,,W#S @ day never to be forgotten byandgatheredthemselvestogethertolay|U8 in Arcadia Valley.[pray thatwasteoorheritage,aud to desolate our I may never see such another dahomes..ofhorror.Lincoln has guerilla gol-And now,Holy God,to defendajl Thou!diers,composed of the lowést classhastgivenandmadedeartous,in Thy |of Dutcli,which he has turtied loosename,we put ourselves in arra i,and sub-'on the Bordet States,to make warmitourcausetoThee.God,be merciful to us,in Thy name,we put gurselves in|men ds prisoners,and court-martialarray,and submit our cause to Thee,God,sy them for treason if they fail to takeberererin]to us,aud bless us,and cause!she oath of allegiance to the Feder-the fight of Thy countenance to shine up-|1G that Thy wav may be kuown on!®DOvernment.eames:7 syns 90”Early yestérday morning a gen-earth apd Thy saving health among al!na-°ye a g 48tions,Bring us out of these troubles,in-|HeMan came galloping up to onr toa on all the Sécessionists—to take free- large aud wealthy place.Defeat the |house,warning us to bide,that the designs of our énemies,perplex their coun-|Lincoln soldiers would be on nsshort- sels,and bring them to confusion.ly.He said that they had atreadyHavemercyuponoureovtnies.Pardon|shot at him One of my sous wasandforgivethem.Turn them from their|iv the fivid ploughing,and I ran outevilwars.And finally,establish peace in |te tell Lim to hide.our day and bring us to the fife everlast.|ing.‘ God,the Father,bave mercy upon us! God,the Sun,pardon and forgive as!| in every direction,and the women in the valley screaming.I then ran God,the Haly Ghost,cleanse und sauc- tify us!./some on horse aud some on foot.Our Father,who art in Heaven,&c.|erMyson,was ploughinginthe fleld The Removal iRichmond.--The |was seen by them running throngh Richmond Dispatch,commenting'soldiers on horseback started after on the presence uf the Government him.They threw down the fences in that city,and the present situa.|apd pursued hiw.They colwinandedhimtostandandyieldhimselfa |prisoner;he paid no attention to them,bat ran on.They then shot“The presence of the Confederate at him,atd came near striking hii, Government,backed by all the pow-/Finally,he yained the woods and es- er of the Sonthern States,and sup-|caped.ported by the hundreds of regiments,ia to this time they had commit-now on their way to Virginia,will)ted uo depredations in the houee.—put our safety beyond peradventore,!The horsemen then retarned from whatever be the force Gen,Scott the chase to the house,They gut may throw into Virginia.We-shall |{ tion of affairs in that State,has the following sensible comments: imente will s00n be a¢the enemy|split open my closet doors,and scut-and be after him.It is well to ac-|tered my groceries all round.custom our men for a little while |gold watch was hanying in one oftothepreseticeoftheopposiagfortherooms.They stole that.Theyces,and tu {udoctrinate thein in war-|aleostole a new coal,a pair of new tare by skirmishes aud sallies.It ie;boots,a pair of pants,al-o a rifle, ‘well to xecertain by a brief practice saddie and one horse.of the enemy.It is well to Jet him,My som who escaped is still in thepenetratesumewhatintotheinterior,wood,and dares not come inty town, in order that when we do strike he It is dreadful,what will become ofmaybethemorecotnpletelyinourus#They took an oid Doctor of power.It ia well to allow as large our town a prisoner.They even tookfurcesaspossibletoaccumulatehispocketknifefromhim,but in around onr standards before decisive consideration of his discrepitude andineasuresaretaken.It is well that)age released him after two hours de- tention.An old gentleman pained Brown, a very strong Secessionist,aged near80years,they knocked down,jump- becotne a little familiar with the field and with the position of affairs, before the war is opened in earnest. Delays are not dangerous in war when they are employed by the mas-ters of strategy.”obliged to die. --—Two male members of iny family Distress in New York.—The N.!*,fo na still biding out ne 2 a ome and wi CAVE 48 BOON AS possllic, ore Day oa oo!;|Snely are some of the ae ofIneverydirection“this honse to.giyil war in our widst.1 am stroug- o ”,|let,”or ©store tor rent,”“this pro-|ly reinioded,by what bas takenpertyforvale,”“selling off at less than cost,”“assignees’sule;”&e., stare you in the face—flanked by Royalists,IT compare to the Blackhostsoflessimportantbatsimilar|Repnbliewns and the Secessionists announcements.Nor are these of:on the BorderStates,only the Ranndferscuntinedtooldoriuferiorbuild-|Heads went abvat their depredutians place here of Cromwell's tines,The |ings,but hang,like placards on an wie whining ‘bypocrisy,white the,ottigy over the doorposte of some of Black Republicans wee the utnrostthenewestandmostelegantstruc|pofanity. tures on out proadestavenne.From|"Tye Diack Republican soldiers are the Astor House to the corner of semed with Minnie rifles and ba yo-14th street,you may this morning|nets,They shot ata megro boy,andconnt189ofthesecomipercix!epi-|aid they tried to kill him.tdplis. ee In ieee they have a Wagueér,imBeauregardbasresigned.the com-|proved'tified <canbon which wilh throw.s—Charleston.|sell seven miles.Far enough. By the time,I retorned,T heard the guns firing: the rye field,and immediately two. av axe and broke up my furnitare,, suon assuroe the offensive.Our reg-|stole every cent of money we had,, Aw ed upon him,tramped on his brenst | and injured him go much that he is | Round Heads he turned loose on the | Lat the North,the Preabyterfans of ‘that section have no idea of any tion of Lincoln.Sueh a thing jasupholdingtheSupremeCourt,whichitheBlackRepublieanpartyhaslong threatened to reorgunize—that is to'say—render subservient to their par- |poses-—this seeins never to have en- tered their minds.And yet whatis |(the Supreme Court but a part of the |Government?The suepension othe|“Habeas Corpus Act”by Linco!ig |‘one of the most stupendods usirpa-| tion known to modern history,onewhichthevenerableChiefJusticeofthe(late)United States has struck | with the rod of his judicial power.solinnly prenounging it a usurpation.|But all this the General Assembly|give the go by,and are bent on “up- holding the Government.”|The vote stood —yeas 154,nays 66.|The minority,led by Rev.Dr.||Hodge,of Princeton,have presented |‘ap able protest.When more fall, ,of proceedings which form a part of ithe history of these extraordinary||times,and which cannot fail to result.in a final separation of this branch' of the Church. The following are the resolutions as adopted : Resulved,Vhat in view of the present agitate]aud unhappy cunditiva of this country,the fourth day of July nextbeset apart as a day of prayer throughout our bounds,aud that on this day ministers and people are called on humbly to confess and bewuil their national sins,and to offer our thanks to the Father of Light for His abundant and undeserved goodness toward us asa nation,to seek His guidance and: blessing upon our rulers and their councils; as well as the assembled Congress ef the United States,and to implore Him,in the name of Jesug Christ,the great High:Priest of the Christian profession,to turo away His anger frym us,aud speedily re- store us the blessings of a safe aud honor- ble peace. Resolved,That in the judgment of this Assembly,itis the duty of the ministers and churches under its care to do all in their power to promote nud perpetuate the integrity of the United States,und te strougtheu,uphold and eneourage the Fed- eral Governinent in the just exercise of all its functions,under our noble Constitution. On’motion,it was agreed that all per ‘sone who desired to enter «a protest coald do so this morning. One of the two Virginia Commissioners declined to vote.The other voted “No.” ,On the annvoncement of the vote the _Rev.Mr.Hoyt,of Nashville,and others,; asked leave to present protests.Leave was granted them. ‘Phe Assembly then adjourned until 9 o'cluck,A.M,. Vandalisin at Hampton.—We are Hiformed that Butler's vandals| are comlnitting depredations at ,Uampton,Newport's News,and the -country around,that would disgrace the warfare of Camanches of Apa:|ches,They bave stolen fifty negroes| fram our citizens,they have cut down the beautiful fields of wheat,now neariy ready to be garnered tor| fudder,and they have insulted the||women .Ly the moet beastly attitudesandlanguageastheymarchedthro’the streete of Hampton. Det,Expréss. Home Manufacture—A foundry im Memphis is oe in making.brass éar-|j tridyereasesfor dy nard’scelesrgted rifles,Anothershop is making sabres,of»de- seriptiog said:tr equal bey ever manuing. tured in thie ogumtry. It cannot:be:that Genetal;Barney jed forever the unity of the charch.ergy as to have madehimeelf an ob-;gu :It ig not,perhaps,'a very strange fact :ject of menace if not gesault’by the'that in common with so many vthers )abolition mob of Daytop,The officeofhisbomeorganwaeoulypreserv- ed {rum déatruction,some weeksthe22d);Government,except the Administra-|since,by police,Jnterference;bisresidepeeWasmenaced,and his own personal safety threatened;btit he has continued his bold denunciations with a force and vigor which dewon-strate that he is just the man tostemthetideoffanaticismoverridingtheNorth,if saeh a thing is possible. Mr.Vallasdigham has recently written a letter to his constituents,iawhichhesaye(as we Jearn frown theMemphisAvalanche)he always did,and always shall,oppose coerciou— that he has,add will continue to,fa-ver peaceful separation.The seces-sion,“within the last thirty daya,ofVirginia,Arkansas,North Carolina,and Teupeseee,taking with themfourmillionsandahalfpeople,im-mnensée*wéaltt,inexaastible resour-ces,ite hundred :theucand fighting men,aud tie gravesof WashangtenandJackson,”he deplorea,andclaimsthattheactofthogeStatesoffandhidmyselfwhere}could 6e@!and reliable reports are received,wu |had'its origi the mad and fneane the soldiers.They soon came along shall present a more ample acconnt |polé¢y of the Lincoln Government.He tells his constituents he will votetopay.the volunteers now in the field,for three months,(notwithstanding they were organized without author- ity,)because “they had no motivebutsupposeddutyandpatriotismto nove them ;”but he adds:“TheaudacioususurpationofPresident Lincoln,tor which he deserves im- peachment,in daring,agaimet theveryletteroftheOonstitationand without the shadow of law,to ‘raiseandsapportarinies’and to ‘provideandmaintainanavy,’for three ortiveyoars,by mere Krecutive pro- clamation,I wilt not vote to sustainorratify—never.Millions for de- fence,not a man or a dollar for ag-gressive or offensive civil war.”After defining nfé own position,asabove,Mr.Vallandigbern proceedstogivebisopinionastotleinevita-ble result.of the strife.He says: The war has had many motives for its commencement:it can have but one re- sult,whether it last one year or fifty years —tinul,etefnal separation;disunion.As tor conquest afid sdbjugation of the South, 1 will nut impeach the intetligence of anynianamongyou,by asstming that you dream 6f it as at any time of im Any way pussible.Remeinber the warnitig of LotdUbuthamtotheBritishParliament:“My Lords,you cannot conquer America.”A public debt of hundred of millions,weigh- ing us and our posterity down for genera-tious,we cannot escape.Fortunate shall we be if we egcape woth our liberties.In- deed,it js no longer so much &question of war with the South,a’whether we our- selves are to have constitutions and a re-podlidan forarof Goverment hereafter in the North and West. ‘Lhe péxee péliey was tried;it arrested secession,aod promised a restoration ottheUmen.The poligy of war is now up- ov inal:in twenty days it bas dnven four |States and four million and a half of peo-ple vat of the Union and into the Confed- eracy of the South.In a little while lunger,it will drive out,also,two or foururoreStates,avd two millions or threemillionsofpeople.War may,indeed,be the polfey of the Kasr;bat peace is a ne-cessity to the Weer. The New York Day Book gives a listoftweaty-six Northern Demogratic paperswhich’od denounce Mr.Lincoln'swarpoljey,and déclare thé the Northernrivenstionldnetenhistiiitheaftnyofsub-jou.The Day Book thinks thatthesejournalsnodthesentiment whichthey vepresent,will be the pecledsofacueecuiieaewhichmustere long develope the North, 7 ee te eee,PARTY SPIRIT.4TheStandard,in an af deny-lag the existence of the old partylinesofWhigandDemocratinthevention,says:“It is patent to every eye that sofarasaAaerieofthejeeBreckin. who un-aKOFTLE LE©a8 to their disunion ment,MaiGiverdidplan,dnd thoseTeYOORRR4pthemapurposetooverri“©and ignore the Jate Unipn“of boetfMa 1 MR BON thet‘séiBaadladenawl \tfodftdth the Un:ite’SAF Ration:and Land guild i Itimo-ildr Th Itimore pa-|Video,with dates to the 17th o ;pers spea wee regimen mrad we TeUP THATThe nninber destroyed "|signs for the iovasion.of Virginia. aaa ae i JORE VF @perfect parallel 4 und ~Lwe ever it could,enlisted the refo |dreadfal secount of the numbers de- invasi ;reat|the Argentine republi t firet weaprBeLeGeneaaeleyof|were to quater or pen noneN 7,000 or 8,000 Hessiang,‘whose pag-j ther net:than eleven,antimeconsistsinbutcheringeoaeelbyyeaaBostonfrom Monte- at Mendena,andseveralsmal]townsiptheneighborhoodofthatcity,ean:not be less than 20,000,.The Ceo-tinela Puntano,of March 10th,saye:“The reasoa is obscured,the soulsaddened,ipo hear these plrases,Mondosg is to-day 8 mountain of ra-ins,under which remain sepulcher-ed 20,000 of her inbabitants.Hu-man intelligence cannot describe thesadpicturethatMendozaandheradjacentvillagespresent.SenorDouB.Orellano,the last who has arrived from there,and who merits of all the nationatities of Enrope,en-Noted"far N.“York,und paséing thro”Baltimore on ite way tb’Washington.It ie called the Garibaldi Gnard,andi@courposedmainlyofGermans.Swiss,and Hungarians.They are desperate adventurers,whom firecapitalistsofNewYorkwereveryadtoremovefrom&dangerousproximitytotheirstrongboxes.Not&mao among them speaksa wordofEnglish;and they are the roffi-ans whotn old Scott especially de- thion swith‘the Southern 'Oonfedera-:thatsts ON's dideanthih voice ittGotvinsmiaateisentitted’ta?tet WerttAtivesjntheConfertétate’Oot gross’ asehabteat*Riththoad,'Wa.ow ‘the 90th ofJey,‘Ths pédplé have aniple tinieC8‘SILGtthin eHéitivetires.and we believeitisthetytightanddutytodo#.Butthe :8will defeatthepéopleiftheycan.Already welearntheticket¥@ forined.It willOpentheeyesofthepeople,whenteyseeit.They will possibly besutprisedtofind,if they ever see it,that the names of the three conserva.tive gentlemen’so courteously ten-dered to the cdnservatives,are notthere{” The Charlotte Democrat says thatthechargepreferredinsomequar-the present administration,and that|square,gives 20,736 perished.Of The South thus speake of their|entire confidence,says that Meudo-passage through Baltimore:za,comprehending the capital,San“Tt was a sorrowful and humilia-|Jose,San Vicente,Iofernillo,Pan-tiug spectacie,that of yesterday—_quiqua,Plomerilla,aud all the oth-the march of a foreign regiment |er inferiordistricts,is to-dayamoun-through our streets with foreign col-tain of rubbish and corpses—of theoreflying,and the wild blasts of the latter bot less than 18,000 to 20,000.bugle sounding the national aire of|In the space which wae destroyed4foreigncountry,to aid in the/there could not have been leas thanslaughterandsubjugationofAmer.|30,000 of both sexes.Calculatingicancitizens.As if resolved that|that in four leagues of the arenatheparallelbetweentheactionof|there have perished four to each ters that the State administration Givesaparty character to militaryappointments,““is certainly unjast are glad to hear it,and will be atillmoregladtoknowthattheDemocratisright;-@®r though the Observer has of the Bitish ministry who undertook |many families of twenty and thirtythesubjuglemerggshouldfalinnoparticular,it The details of the numerous letters2:seeaadwithout’good foundation.”We its ¢Guards,who passed through yester-,for the first days were cruel;thedayontheirwaytotheCapital,narrative of 30 much suffering rendscomprisemenofalmosteveryna.|the heart.— tion of our patriot fath.|not asingle member bas been saved. 8 that this revolution must have 'from the unhappy persons who es-Hessians too.The Garibaldi.caped are terrible;their sufferings Whe Gre |Borthguakeof y,yeh pehioa.Lae of Kifteen Th _mt additionaf”ar-}of the noteofGeorgeI1]’s ministers,bas,where|rival from South America ewells the and adventurers from Rasspeltor the aire elf aktp head earibiéshd in fay!uw IMPORTAlFheConveee:Se [, ace §7 yaa? et a a ——Pemrecesaceed us a of the pamphlet. heretofore pablibed several of them,bu seen till now,are of public interest: services. and organized under the proclamation ohisExcellencytheGovernor,and shal mustered and received into the service o ing mustered and received into serviceshallberefunded,whether the same shal the company,counties,corporations or in for the volunteers aforesaid.;Sec.2.That the Governor shall havepowertodrawuponthetreasuryforthesumnecessarytocarryouttheprovisionsofthisAct. AN ACT for Patrol,Be it enacted,Yc.That three JusticesofthePeace,if they deem it Necessary,shall have the power to assemble at anytimeandatanyplacewithintheirdistrict,when a patrol is needed,and thea andthereappointandemploysuchanumberofpersonsastheymaythinkbecessaryto ing indie |Uouality in Europe—the refngees|Era ere |mnadeno btich charge,being indie acd adveutures Siar esucerg Guoans.—The N.Y.papers ap-poved to throw avy obstacle in the has its reprecentatives among the pear to be sorely troubled about awayof@perfectunionofallmenin|floatin population of N.York city |defence of the State,yet we have of-tam heard the charge preferred,andsupposedittobeinthemaintrae,because the Governor's organ recent-ly said very plainly that it waspro-per “whenever”appointments weremacetoremembertheoriginalse-céessionists.Of course this exclud-ed the idea of appointing any bat ee Teor eaetheEngliaperfectpo .forei nrahates rench,Bwiee Span |tersburg Express the Courier and|ish,Italian,Magyar,and Germap—|Enquirer says,—|men who,f citizens,and have no intention of be-|a cotton bale in the Pouse of Lordscomingnaturalized.The only col-,|ors which they displayed on the |march were apain of guides,Swiss |of the law on blockades andth debate in the English parliament onexcept|blockade,&c.As quoted in the Pe-yglot of| Or the most part,are not;«There seems to ue to have been on the 16th inst.,instead of a wool-sack,and that all the interpretations priva-teering uttered by the noble Lords ud French ;ose of the regimentwhichwerecarefullycoveredtopro-|The Demo-|tect them from the dust,were thenationalflagsofItalyandHunga-” persons of that class. Crat says,— came trom this seat of cotton.”|And the Times says,— “We know that many of the high-|Ty.est positions have been given by |Gov.Ellis to political opponents,as |well asav equal number of the low.|following editorial appeared inalateerpostsinthewilitary.Ia fact,we |"think Gov.Ellis bas been disposed |to:treat with special favor applica-|cantile prosperity lies in ruins,be-tions from those heretofore Opposed Heath which ten thonsand fortunesingtancespre-|are buried.to him,and in someferredthem,to old political friends.”How far the Demoerat may berightinthis,we know not ;—if it is,the Govornor has been shockinglymlarepresented;—but we do knowthatwealtogetherconcurinwhattheDemocratsaysoughttobedone, as follows :— |al offices of honor and trust ig.right.—Ail parties in the State are united in|ticmaintainingherhonorandindepen-dence—those who were former!ly Un-!ion men are doing as much as any |athers for the southern canse—andnoparticalarprefereneeshouldbegiven.” That is true,and just,andpatriot-ic.—Fayetteville OBserver.eee VIRGINIANS!|It iano time now fo be idling.—The Governor of theCommonwealthhasappealedtoeverymantorallytothestandardofhiscountry.dA |G:foul enemy has invaded our State to curobusofoar,Oar liberty,oer lives and ourhonor,E mo-tive that can auimate manly bosomsurgesustoresistance.Nothing tutfightin—fighting every inch of theground,witn the determination toconqaerordie,can give us gafetyandanhonorablepeage.Our foes have iny pa nomen to mass troops on our borders,to,notwearyusout,and altimately crush eraupbytheirnambers.But onrpoli-|vereyshouldbetogaunkoreahtheirsby&,Vigorou tive and agressivewar.‘Weskingten ”fe on the lipsandintheheartofeverySoutheror,201.4 peace dictated on the |tuiled early and late,bad planned;aud echemed when he should have | grave a dependent and a wreck.” ley makes such a confession as for an improvement. Tlie party of horsemen,who inva.ded Pairfax Court House and fired |right and left,to kill women andchildren,if in the range of theirguns :oar soil.—|troops who were taken prisoners inTheirpolicymaybeteharraseus;Texas,and released on their parole predge| whom they haveto deal. “The disposition of all the deba-|ters is evidently to sv interpret theneutralityofEnglandastomakeitmostefficaciousinaidoftheCon-federate rebels,and we according]find Lord Chancellors and Ex-Chan-cellors declaring the doctrine of thisGovernment,that privateering is pi-racy,to be inadmissable;and LawLordsannonneingthattheexecn- One of Job's Comforters.—The nmber of the New York Tribune: “The fabric of New York’s mner- Many a merchant had ept,and denied himself needful re-20 interpretation,would be a ground | ’which he had just. Last fall,he was a capi- |te«|Stringham,and another,na un-»n—and doomed to go down to his aie :eal eee The state of affairs in New York.appears to roll very munch;ust be truly deplorable when Gree-keeps very near the larger vessel and armed. fleet have a supply of provisions and |;water for 30 dave,at the expiration |«of which time they expect tu be re-|2plenishedorrelieved.The Minnesota draws twenty-four|s|feet aft and twenty-two feet forward All is des-ir and desolation,with no prospect Oh Gotham!tham!how effectually you havetyourownthroat. Petersburg Express. ome —PAROLE.vessels out,the steamer Gen,Clinch,,from Santee,having been chased by,|her yestereay,but the Olinch keep-|'ng in shoal water the frigate couldnotapproachher.—Chas.Cour.1st.|4 |lotresaidtobeaportionoftheOminovs.—The first cannon.fired | honor of the Federal flag,about bo-to bear arma against the Oonfed..jteStates.This bratal foray is a |@raey,exploded and killed four Uni-Y honorable fulfilment of their ted St aod the first man|who attempted to hoiata Unionflag minds too soon as to|dedcharacter:of the enemy with Providenceon our side,aad)if Godiswithus,what dare:we who areRich.Whig.against ug. |Movement by him towards Alexandria,an at-"tempt to retake Arlington Hei hte,ort ;_known,apparently a ship about 600 |hive Wicees a Moilecee They expect an addition to the |hiduadroninafewdays,when the |not yet discovered,manyportwillbecompletelyclosed.The |secretly conveyed from the City,and distribu.| most needed. fect. placed in the pretended loyalty of Maryland, which the presence of Federalandisnearlyunabletokeepsinal]|"estrains. of the difficulty of the task which Lincoln potism over a free people.Ing army of from twenty to thirty thous- into a camp:ing lowered to the Southern Confed.|length held by the military ;Gfty to seven-ty-five thonsand troops on her Northernatessoldiers.The man who|border,ready at the word to invade herItis,aleo,a striking com.|attearpted to cot down the flag of |soil;her citizens are disarmed,seized andinentaryonGeneralSanford’s Proc.|the Southern Confederacy in Virgin-lamation,that he came to protect and ia was shot dead,hette 4nj urge.The people.of Virginia cannot imprisoned ;feel secure. .rarer:people.in Virginia since the State has sece-i ad aa i.Trent cy In every murmur ofthatreachesbisears.fee alarthe aed startles him. forces and his Bpies ; patrol said district;said patrol to be un-der the same rules and regulations as areprescripedinchapter83oftheRevisedCode. RESOLUTIONS Concerning Post OfficesandPostRoads. Resolved,That in the event the mailserviceinthisStateshouldbediscontinued,His Exce!lency the Governor be authorizedandempoweredtotakechargeofthepost-offices,and provide a continuance of themailserviceonsuchroutesnowinopera-tion as he may deem the public interestrequires,until such time as provision shallbemadeforthesame,either by the Con.‘vention or at some future session of theGeneralAssembly. Resolved further,That to enable the|Governor to carry into execution the fore-going resolutions,he be authorized to co}.lect postage at the rates now charged,andtodrawonthePublicTreasurerforsuchsumsofmoneyasmaybenecessarytode-fray the expenses over and above thereceiptsfrompostage. THE FEELING IN MARYLAND[Special to the N.Y.Tribune.}Wasuincton,May 24.—The p.etended Un-ton sentiment of Baltimore is not tobe trustedTheGovernmenthasinformationoftnemosttionofaBritishsubject,under such |direct and positive character,which shows thasUnitedStatestroopsaionekeepthecityinor-||der.laxatton and enjoyment,in order to Of War.,“make his pile’ abont completed,and was preparingtoretireandspendthedeclineoflifeineaseandcoinfort,when the States.crash came and swept everything |before it. The Administration has satisfied i'selfthattherehusexistedacouspiracyagainsttheTheTimessays,it is plain that Federal authorities,and that many beading cit-|.|1Zene are involved in it.they will Sormally acknowledge the conspirators are known,and they will bedealt EtheindependenceoftheConfederate| The bames of these with ad they deserve. There is no deubt that a movement,on aee|large scale,will be made by Maryland seces-The Li In Blockad —At pre-|Sionists,simultaneously with the matchingof |~|the Virginia forces. “We think a fair division of the|tulist ;to-day he is bankrupt—bank.8"there are two steamers off this |nence.just from Baiti,‘t Bar—the Minnesota,Commodoreruptinenergy,in hope,in resolu- A gentleman of promi-|more,says the rebelsthereonlyawaitt'e action of ven.Lee.A | Ferry,will be a signal for gen-or 700 tons,andof light draft,as she |eral Oprisingof ull the secessionistsin the State,|slie |Who have been informed by the Southern Con-|federacy that its utmost energies shall be ex-’|erted in their behalf.ig and could be captured by a couple |he believes the grearerjcoutainedintheparagraphabove°f ordinary steamers weil manned |of Baltimorewill aid thisquoted,A gentleman just from thatoncegreatcominercialmetropolis,|8qreachedPetersbaryFriday.He.tore than confirme the frank cun-feasion of the Tribuoe. My informant also says |Portion of the citizensMovement,although|professing to support the Government.He says there are large quantities of armsawayinthatcity,which Government has‘of which are being ec through the interior of the State,wherever |He alw says information from |rustworthy citizensof Prince George's county,nd other parts of the interior,is the same ef-All agree that no dependence can be ince a strong disunion party till sexists chere troops alone — These paragraphs will afford some idea as undertaken,that of establishing a des- He hasa stand. nd mercenaries stationed in different partsfMaryland—her great commercial city:ba is strongly occupied and overawed by anbytheFederaltroopsatSuniterin|impregnable fort:her capital convertedherrailroadsthroughoutits e fancies he detects a conspira-disapprobation |Every throb of op- d whenhedoubles Legislature to be printed,a friend has sent We have the following,which we bave no where AN ACT to provide for the time when volunteers shall receive pay for their Be it-enacted,dc.,That iv-ail cases:inwhichanycompanyofvolunteersmayhavebeen,or may hereafter be,enlisted have been tendered to the Governor,thesaidvolunteersshallreceive,from and aftertheyhavebeensotenderedandacceptedbytheGovernor,the same pay and rations,both the officers and privates,as are re- ceived by volunteers,after they have been the State,and that thereafter the expepsesincurredbytheminorganizing,and intheirtransportationprevioustotheirbe- be incurred by the commanding officer of dividuals:Provided,however,That proofshallbemadetothesatisfactionoftheGovernor,of the amount they expended,and that the same was necessary and proper apd yet the tyrant does not heHelivesinconstantdreadof tator.”’Itabprningoftheotrageeaodindignant that our authoritiesmentinghiscrtaaateeto persons travelling two soldiers and a1|@pery,fe in the State,he sill tabimeei-4n as great danger as eye,*How long can such a System JagsWhatmustbetheendofwtWithet|tyrant triumph,and will the freeofMarylandknownoMoteforevey thsweetsofLiberty?Moet epies and =< cenary soldiers,or chains and Prisons b,their portion for alt’time?=There i esalternativetothatsadfatebuttheove,throw of the tyrant himself.His toolsconfess,his own fears confess.that the .ple can only be kept iv subjugation to hsdetesteddespotismbythestrongarmforce.That force must be Continually ey.erted,and with inereased violence.‘Anyrelaxationmayenablehisvictimstoes.cape and endanger his own salety—for theknifeisathisthroat,to be Dsed at thefirstopportunity.The contest is implaca.ble and eternal between the Oppressor andftheoppressed.A long enslavement Mightdegradeanddemoralizethepeople;batheywouldstillbeslavesintlamedWiththegallingremembrancethattheyongwerefree. This is the perilous,difficult and alimosimpracticablesystem,which this miseral|ewretchhasinaugeratedintheStatesofMarylandandMissouri,and seeks to ex:tend to all the States of the South.Thathisownvileexistenceisrenderedoneun-ceasing torture by the dread of neRASEiDa.tion and the goadings of aguilty conscience18pleasantforhonestmentocontemplate:but it is a poor and very inadequate eom-pensation for the public exlamity,Wepassoverthegrosserandmoreglaringoutragesofhisdespotism—the IMsecurityofproperty,the imprisonment of citizensWithoutauthorityofJaw,the massacre ofwomenandchildren,as in the streets ofSt.Louis;but how ean honorable men,bora and reared in the pride of freemen,endure the degradation of servitude aniservivethelossoftheirownself-respect !Grant that commercial prosperity werecompatiblewiththeburdensofBoilitaryshackles;—tbat money might be mailebysupportinganimmensestandingarmy—that arbitrary iroprisonment and occasion.al massacres of innocents were only evi.dences of a salutary vigor im the Govern.ment,how is it possible that the sense of|Shame resulting from the loss of liberty|could be endured by people who glory inthememoryofWashington!As Lincoln extends his system,his diffcultieswillincrease.Suppose him estab-lished with armiesofoceupation jnVirgin-ia,Kentucky,Tennessee—in all the SouthernStates,as he is in Maryland an:Missouri—his troubles would be multiphe:iN Proportion to the extent of his despotismHemightvisituntoldmiseriesonthe|peoples but CODSPIracies’,Assassinationsrevoltsandinsurrectionswouldbebursirzfortheveryday;and a million.of ares!Mercenaries would be insufficient to quetheindomitablespintoffreedom.The only true pobey is for every man x’once to rush to arms ;:—and drive out th:tyrant from the States which be has irsa|ded,and crush hin forever. KENTUCkY.We have good accounts from ths The tricks of Prer-tice and other Yankee traitors to|transfer the State to Lincoln,are per:fectly understood,and effective ef:_forts will be made to counteract thew.x-Gov,Morehead has come out iv|4 stirring letter,in denunciation o!the asorpations of Lincoln,and de:claring his readiness in case of inva- People f | |||gallant State. _sion of the Confederate States to un-sheath the eword and make commo:canse with the Sonth. o-——-_ The New York “Tribane,”in oneofitslatemostviolentdiatribesagainsttheSouth,vannting the courageandmightoftheNorth,saysthatNorthernsoldiers“will figlit|tke devils,” We have no donbt,says the CharJestonCourier,that Lincoln’s braveswillfightlikedevils.Those fallen spirits,according to the Bible,arecowaris,for St.James says:‘Keseatthedevilundhewillfleefro»”|You, On the 4th day of March last,in thePresenceofassembledmultitudesofth_American people,the eminent and venerableChiefJusticeoftheUnitedStatesau:ministered to ABRAHAM LuncoLn,as L'res!dent,the solemn oath to “preserve,protec!and defend the Constitution.”In lesthanthreemonths,in the discharge of hishighofficialduties,the Chief Justice find!himself compelled to decide,that the po™ers whieh the President has undertaken (exercise,and also to delegate to others,4!directly in violation of the Coustitution. The London Herald (Lord Derby’s orga”ads an article—«Abraham Lineotn,the Dic- justly argues that by his acte he'* no longer a Constitational President,but *” |autocrat. Pasees Northward.—We are happy to lear”ehaveconeludedto'#A to theiaie©wine and jst detetmination—RichmondDispateh. ~~ 4 Tr ne ¢ ur| pase have arri Davi ‘ant Wes dreds as fa the ¢ Arka Or notif lina | for di in th had3 the] the f chee We | ing The wills weé ol dear ire g Wi Che fi ‘uded wy f hoy Ue gi aca of eos ened, wom when Norta Yoel by a. alro ¢ self Th “UPpa ngly bait Beyo Woa y hands Nu have Niten “ay e ston | Wa eG! brong tresae, aud y **PY forwillimag. AS Ver, em Jast ¢|Wii the ree people Orever the and mer. Prisons,beTC.i§np the Over.His tools al the peo. 10D to his 1g arm ofnuallyex. Mee.AnyTSto¢. Y—for theedatthe 5 implaca. re86Or and ent might ople;bayMedwith bhey Once nd alice miserabie States of KS to ey. tb.That |ONE un- HOBASSi Da. rDScience,emplate: Ate eom- ty,We >glaring security f Citizens Ssacre of streets of ble men, freemen, ude andrespect! ity were military maile by army— OCASION- phy evi. Govern. sense of |liberty glory in his diff- )estab- Virgin. @ South od and tip her: spotism on the nabs UrsuL? Ales O (que Man 3! yut th IS ifva n this Pren- yrs to e per: re el- thew. put iD on of d de- inva: oun: yMon ,one ribes cour: Buys fielit shar: Aves allen are ee ous the the nera- _ad: res! lee! less F his finds DoW in to are n. gan Dic- he '* t an ern mue the jon ar Bete O27 c}t A nt letty‘ell feiaaaoaeaa SALISBURY..N.C,: ——ope ~—— MONDAY EVENING,JUNE 10,ises. SE See ee ur Weere autorized to annoanee WIL- LIAM A.HOUCK,as a CandidateforCoun-cy Court Clerk of Rowan. uyWe are authoriged (0 anpounce Jacos ~Myeas a8 &O80 te fer County Court Clerk of Rowan. ur We are authorized to announce OBA. DIAH WOODSON ag a Candidate for the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County 7We are authorised to apnognce THOM- AS McNEELY,a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk.‘ Our Town Subscribers will hereafter re- ceive their papers from the Post Office.It will save us trouble aad be none to them, as they send (0 the Post Office aay how. -_-~~ FAST DAY. According to the appointment of Presi- dent Davis,next Tharsday,13th igst.,will be observed as @ day of fasting,humiliation and prayer,in view of the disteacted state of the country.There willbe serviges in the Presbytenan Chureh at 104 o'clock, A.M.A sermon adapted to the occasion will be preached by one of the ministers of town.It is hoped that all the stores, shops,and places of business will be closed during the whole day,and the whole pop- ulation unite in the solemn serviee demand- ed by the occasion. -o>:-—— State Convention —The most important act of the State Convention since the passage of the Secession Ordinance,was the unanimous idoption,on Thursday last,of the Constitution of the Confederate States of Americal Thus, vur State is no longer a member the United States.This Conventional act is but the rati- fication of the will of the people. Some patty journals in this State have la- hored to make a great thing out of Governer | Ells’prompt refusal to furnish troops in obe- lence to Lincoln's call ia April,whenthe fact is,the Governor did the only thing he could do with safety—refuse!The people,regarding it as one of the possible events of the times had decided that question before Gov.Ellis was POELAEMPA II IE |Hi)Boe > tet end itd AS Fao LAL “et. ‘.coe j .'ed :fot is tedur :frond a fat pele saisnedoabtCewitelchtsofcon-sidetétion:6of ver cote ries are ve-ry emphatic in their declarations thet for-mer\perty)affilidtion»'shbwld |have o@ infu-ence upon these appointments;while otherslessscrupulous,do uot hesitate to claim theofficesforthePrectpltators,ot In other wordsforthoeswhohayehad@principalsbeteinforciagNorthCarolinaoutoftheUnion;for-gelling that under that regime,Mr.Lineotnandhisadviserswouldunduubtedtymonopolizethewholeofthem.a «®®®*Now our cotemporary,the Charlotte Dem-ocrat,admits that “oll parties im the State areugitedinmaintainingherhonoraodindepen-dence—those who were formerty ‘Union menaredoingasmuchaeanyothetsfortheSvath-ern cause—and no particular preference shouldbegiven.”Our very plausible cotemporaryfurthersuith,**we are confident however,thatGov.Ellis triee to act impartially and do whatisright.”And again,‘we know that manyofthehighestpositionshavebeengivenbyGov.Ellis to political opponents as well as anequalnumberofthelowestpostsinthemilite-ry.”But still further,“in fact,we think Gov.Ellis has been disposed to treat with specialfavorapplicationsfromthoseheretoforeoppos-ed to @im,and in some instances preferredthemtooldpoliticalfriends.” Well,we think it cannot be denied,thatsincetheelectionofAbrahamLincoln,therehavebeenbuttwopafliesintheState,theconservativesaudtheprecipstaters,or the Un-ton men and the Secessionivts.For the sakeoftewtingthecorrectnessoftheDemocrat'saffirmations,we appendalist of all the 8ppoint-ments to “bhigt’’military “positions’fromthecivilranks,made by Governor Ellis undhismilitaryBoard.We leave out those whowereintheU.S Army,for the reason that alladmittheywereentiltedtoofficesintheAr- my.Now tbe Democrat wi!l oblige us if itwillpoimtouta,officer in the followinglet,who se iiee Union manfortheelectionofdelegatestotheConventivninFe-bruary last,and especially up to the time of Lincoln's proclamation.We want no quibbling friend Yates.Come up tothe test like aman.Military Board —W.Winslow.H:W.Guion Brigadier General.—Walter Gwinn. Celonels.—Cols.L.O’B.Branch,Wm.John- stoa,M.8,Stokes,C.C.Tew,G.H.Meares, D.K.MeRae,C.F.Fisher. Lt.Colonels—M.W.Ransom,Win.P By- num,R.H.Cowan,J.A.Young,W.T. Dortch. Majors.—A.M.Lovis,W.Beverhout Thomp- eon Taha W.Woedfin,W.L.De Rossett,Surgeon General.—Dr.Chas.E.Johnston.Chaplains.—Rev.E.A.Yates and Rev.F.Fitzgerald. These are all the uppointments that we know of in the ‘highest positions,”which have been made from civilians.If the Democrat canfindthehalfofalateUnionmanamongthem, it hus the power of discerning spirits quite be-yond our reach —Raleigh Standard. alled on to do so,and thus the Governor was inerely the orgun of the people in returning an :oswer to Mr.Lincoln..Gov.Ellis knew the | people well enough to know that that was the | \uswer he must make ;and we cannot see invismakingit,that there was any thing for nim to brag on. s7e a Trovpe.—The earth is almost vibrating with ‘he (ramp of men marching to battle. ur last,We know not how many troops have passed through this place.Train after train have come and gone,and all going North have arried more or less.A fiue Company from Davie,Capt.Kelly:one from Montgomery,| ‘ant.Christian3 and two or more others from Western counties have come and gone.Hun- dreds aud thousands are pouring into Virginia as fast as steam can push them along;from the Cotton panshes of Louisiana,the Flats of Arkansas and Tennessee,and even Texas. Our eitizens were on Saturday morning last notified that four or five hundred South Carv- ‘ina troops would arrive here in the afterooon for dinner.The ladies immediately set to work in their cook kitehens,and by 2 o’clock they had a magnificent repaet spread for them in the large railroad ehed.The gratifiedfaces,| the free,easy,manly deportment and hearty | cheers of the men were their abundant reward. We have seen nothing in Sulisbury more pleus-| ‘Ng lo every person present than this incident.| The moral effeets of these way-side coartesics|will show themselvesin the hour of battle,aud, we ought to embrace every opportunity to en- dear to oar brave volunteers the land they tre going forth to defend with their lives. Since | | | | {| --o_e - HOME MANUFACTURERS.\ We received from a lady friend,last week,| the following mote,with the articles therein al- ‘uded to for inapection. ‘Mr.Bruner:[send you a pretty specimen f home manufacture,the work of a sweet lit- Ue girl of Cabarrus,of twelve vears,who sent‘t to me asa present.It (the baeket]is made | of coarse thread,with a crochet needle3 stiff- ened,shaped,and painted.With such work-women Mr.Meroney might refurnish his shelves | when necessary without evan wishing to go |Vorth.| Tsend you still another specimen,[basket| Y the same kind of work.)made in Statesville.| bya voung lady there.And IT send you #shaw]| ‘tlko crocheted,which I have just finished my-\melt We did not “Uppose that coarse thread could be so charm- Starch,| | These are all beautiful articles. Ngly wrought into basket purposes. paint and varnish hold them to their shapes. Beyond doubt they are durable.The shaw! ‘Sa superior article for winter use,and very handsome. ~oe —— Sunday Train for Camp Johnsion.—WehavebeesauthorisedbytheGeneralSuper- 'tendent,Mr.Sumner,to state that the Aine “ay eventing excursion train to Camp John-‘ton is discontinned.—Columbia Carohinian. Yes |—“Sunday excursions,”with breach- *s of God's laws in other matters,have bronghton ns,as a people,our present dis- tres Tt hae been ao since the world began,aud will be go to the end, |their newspapers as well as other things |foes. WHAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT FOR. A New York Times of the 25th ult. strayed this way on Tuesday,being the first paper we liad seen for a week or ten days from any place North of Richmond. ga:i ee ae a—ae teeda4avt‘Ricumonn,Jyng 4—All she,Northern pe- =f y ie or SAT Becagyaeveryatavénged.5Itisramoredthatadespatch has ceived sta@fi at!$b ed{Fhe bum-beringwae ae:erday.This is only 23 miles from Harper's erry,andlookslikeanimmediateatiackonthatplplace.The Confederate troops are fully’prepared forit. T areonly 5,000 Federal’in Ma-yee mere than 36,000 fy WashingtonandAlexandda.’Inte¥esting from Washington—From ‘abeStorofFridayeveningweSerefeelThe.has foond Ht ‘necessary,to pressing public business,to deny himself tomanyvighors.The War Department tpk ptopenallmightt>be informed by oeotherwiseofwhatevermaydemandpromptattention.The New York Seventh Regimeut teft thisafternoonatsixo'clock,for home.Noaroix,June 2d,1861.—We are at lengthabletosaythatwearereadyfortheacuthoagh,for the last few weeks,we have beenheldveryuneasy,for fear they would comedownonusandfindusunpreparedtorepulseaforceofthreetoone;but now,let themcome—we will be glad to manure our landswithcarcassea—Cor.Richmond Dispatch.Personal.—Brigadier Gen.Gwynn arrived inNorfolkonMondaynight,and will assumecommandoftheN.C.forces stationed at thatpoint.—Petersburg Express 5th. {A letter in the Express says,what is moreprobable,that he wes on his way tu the North Carolina coast through the canal from Norfolk }—Fay.Observer.. Gen.Beaareguard has assumed command atManaseasGap. E97~Senator Douglas died at Chicago onthe4thinstant. ——-e-m Ee We see in the sketches of (teneral Beauregard,the statement that he graduated in 1838,taking the second position in his class. A friend upon whose accuracy we implicitly rely,has told us who took the first,and thatitwastakenbyWm.Henry Wright,of thetownofWilmington.We need not add thatLieutenantWrighthasbeendeadformanyyears.Perhaps we ought also to state in this con- nection the fact which we have heard,and which we believe to be the truth,that Ca-dets Wnght and Beauregard both stood per- fect and “A No.1”in their examinations,and that their relative positions was decided by lot.It was only thus that Beauregard was second to any body.—Wilmington Jour- nal. ones FOR THE WATCHMAN. Mr.Bruner—In response to the suzges-tions of M.in your last issue,I,as one of theTeachersofRowan,propose that all theTeachersinthecountyreducetheirwagestomerelylivingrates;and I would suggest toCommittee-men the propriety of refusing to pay extravagant prices for teaching during the present crisis.An passant,I would sug- We had quite reconciled ourselves to their absence,and come to the conclusion that | the South will be able to get along without | which we cau either make at home or do without. In this number of the Times we find the most furious tirades about the “murder,” “assassination,”and so forth,of Ellsworth, which occurred ou the day previous,and | about which there were colttimas of tele- graphic dispatches,matched by columns of | editorial ravings.In one of these latter| we find some sentences to which we would | call particular attention,as clearly indicat:| ing the kind of war which fanaticism is | waging against the South.Speaking of Virginia the Times says,— “In a few days more a hundred thousand fighting men will be ou her soil which will| be devastated by the terrible storm of war, her people driven from their homes,their fields blasted,their property destroved,| and their institutions at the mercy of their | Virginia should never have been a Slave State.For the first time in her his- tory,it is in our power to inake it a Sree ”one. Southern men are (hus forwarned of the tril to roll back the ude of war.Our Northern brethren kindly propose to de- vastate our soil,to drive the people from | their homes (which by the way have been | promised to the Five Point rowdies and| thieves,to be parcelled out amongst them.) to blast uur fields,to destroy our property, and to avail themselves of the first oppor-| tunity to make a free State by subjugating| its people. Well,with such «prospect beture them our gallant soldiers in the field)will cer- tainly notask quarter.They would better | die at once than surrender or give way to | demons who entertain such purposes to- wards them,their property,their wives and | theie children. render nor give way. But they will netther sur Such threats will |berve their arms il every man will feel that he has the power of ten imen in his single arm.A people resistmy such a fate will not be conquered by man.Tt may be in the providence of Grod that they shall suffer,but if so,it will be His will,for some wise purpose.We hope and believe,| that it will be otherwise,and that Hr will nerve the arms that strike for life,and_ home,and all things dear.—Fayetteville Observer.a | ANOTHER FIGHT AT PIG'S POINT.| Fortrness Morror,June 5.—The Harriet Lane attacked the Pig’Point battery,oppositeNewportNews,on JamesRiver,to-day.Afterreceivingtwoshote,which wounded five men coveréty,she retired.The Pig's Pointersopened‘Give ombrasares,diselnsing heavy ordnance. gest that we have several other salaried em-| plovees in the country Whose salary might be reduced to a lower figure.If all would re- |duce a small amount,thousands might be say- cd the tax payers of the county.June 10,1861.TEACHER. You are right;There is no justice in pay- ing officials,(already rich.)high salaries and If pa- triotism can be made the rule of action for us all,then all will be satished with the support of themsélves and families,and the remainder will go for the support of our armies, —o-_>eEditorWatchman—Having decided not to be a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk,you will please withdraw my naine and oblige yours,J.kK.BURKE.Salisbury,June 10th,1861. Dates = THE FOLLOWING ix sample of the nu- muervous letters constantly receiving for Hos- etter’s Stomach Bitters: Cananpaaua,July 15,1859. reducing the pay of School Teachers Messrs.Hostetter g&Smith,Pittsburg,Pa., |—Gents:—As we are strangers, enclose you twenty-eight dollars for four dozen | [herewith Hostetter’s Stomach bitters,which plewne for- 'ward via Michigan Southern Railroad,Toledu, Ohio,tnd Clayton Station.I have parchased |fate that is in store fur them should they |several dozen bottles at Toledo this Summer. but the sale is on the increase eo much that Iwishtoopenadirecttradewithyou.T was ‘induced to try your Bitters by my physician, for the Liver Complaint,and received such nna- terial aid that I have recommendedit to others and have sold about two dozen per week for | some time.I have all kinds of medicine in ny store,bnt there is none that I can so cheerful- ly and truthfully recommend as vour Bitters,for I know they have helped me beyond iny expectation.Yours respectfully,PHILO WILSON. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. There isa Union Prayer Meeting at the Methodist Church every morning at 8 o'clock. The object of these meetings is to intercede with God for our soldiers aud our Couutry. The services are very brief,and allwho can come are most earnestly requested to do so, INFANTRY SERVICE. 75 Aetive Men Wanted to Ealisi FOR THE WAR! HE undersigned havingbeenappointedintheNorthCarolinaStateTroops,invite all anxious to serve their Couns try,to enlist under them. Fifteen Deollars Boanty paid te aff ae seen as mustered3 ular pay from $11 to $21 r month,counting fram dayofevliatment.Uniform,board aged gnédical at- teadanee,free.icine Apply to tlie andersigned at Balishury.W.C.LoRb,Cataedin:G.C.McConmavenry, G.A:Brronan,Liawtenants.Galiebury,June 6,1861. aN -—Oe ON RT we en : -aeyoa¢"tet Py tas flit i id Rte|"Worle!=i tte { Pier wrees ‘ fy ORS able-bodiedenwashforthis 1 —2 AcmetiralN pistsinformationengniseatsheStore.of A.Myere,No.4 Granite nilding,By order of Capt.J..A.Ramsar.June 6,1861,te!) BANK OF WILMINGTON AS DECLARED a Dividendof 4 perCent.,payable bOth ipet. 8,JEWET rT;Cashier.June 6,1861.1g NOTIOE. HE firm of N.DEAVER.&CO.,is dis- solved by limitetion.Alt ¢havingclaimsagaingttheabgyewilttthemforpayment..7°°ene June 6,1861.(foHead-Quartors6314 RegimentN.C.Militia, ‘pee OFFICERS of the Regt apper order of Court Murtial,May b,wreherebynotifiedtoappearinfrontoftheAdju-tant’s offiee in Salisbury,at 10 o'clock,A.M., on the last Friday in June,armed with fire-lock,and accoutred as common militia meu,for instruction,R.P.BESSENT,June 3d,1861-118 Adjutaat. Voluateers Wanted for the Salis-bury Greys. A CTIVE and vigorous men,anxious to LX serve their Country,ure invited to join the new Rifle Company—Salisbury Greys.*Form,Riflemeo Form.”May 9,1861.tfl SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Raveian,May 25,1861. GQEALED PROPOSALS will be receivedKJatthisDepartment,for the delivery of ood merchantable Flour at any Rail RoadepotwithintheState,in quantities mot legs than Twenty-five Barrels,until the 15th July 1861. Proposals should be endorsed ‘‘Proposals for Flour”and addressed to the Commia Gen- eral.WM.JOHNSTON. Commissary General. May 30th,1861.a7 Salisbacy Female Seminary. ‘PAE exerciees of this institution will becontinuedasheretofore,under the..diréc- tion of the subscriber.In consequeng@of the disturbed giate of our public affairs be haschangedhispurposetoremove,and hepes tomekehimaelfasusefultothiscomimunitydutingtheseteoubloustimesaspossible:Be- lieving that his Inburs have been generally satisfactory,he solicitsan extended patronage, ao |and weld ask hie friends to aid himin inerens-|ing the numberof his pupils.-A.D.WILKINSON.May16,1861).63 THE NORTHCAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Western N.C.R.R.in the|County of Catawba. Ts popular Summer resort,with addition- nt buildings since last season,will be open-ed for visitors on the Ist of June. Ample arrangements inade for comfort and amusement of Guests.A fine Band of Music enguged for the season.New Bowling Alley and Bathing Saloon erected. Every effort will be made to make this a |pleasant and safe retreat for the families of those who may be at thie crisis called fromhome—indeed ample urrangemeute made to insure this. MRS.E.J.ROBARDS.May 13,1861,2m2 WE HAVE IN STORE 35 bbls.Coffee Sugars. 10 hhds.Molasses. 6 bbls.N.Orleans Syrup. 800 Ibs.Sole Leather. 30 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly reduced prices.R.&A.MURPHY. April 9.3m47 I.W.JONES.M.D., I AS permanently located in the town of |Sali bury,and offers his services tu the |public in the various departments of his profes- {Slon. 03 Office on Main Street,first dour above ‘Buis’Confectionery. Jan.15.1861.635 Attention!Military Companies. Te subscriber ix prepared to furniehh io Companies the Military Fatigue Cap of Home Manufacture and material,well made,and ofMlatest military style at low priee.Ad- dress,JAS.H.ENNISS. Mav 17,1861 Salispury,N.© Notice to Sheriffs, aS RECEIPTS,neatly printed to order aud putin books if desired,at short notice and on moderate terms,for cash.Send in your orders, THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED W FE are now selling our stock out at re- duced prices for CASH.No goods sold «1, credit.All persons indebted to ug are request- ed to call and pay up. R.6 A.MURPHY. tf:49 April 22,1861. To the Farmers of Rowan und ad- joining Counties. |8 oar intercourse with the North ie nowL\effectually broken up and our marketmastbesuppliedfromtheupcouatry,the un- 'dersigned solicits consignments of Flour,Ba-con,Lard,May,Batter,&c:,ge.,which thal! 'h bis persone!attention.“ve JOHN F.FOARD. Ce te Ot OE OPRRHE patsotic citimiraRET been sent to ©any going,énd-depend uped their follow <sititens at home to sustai a)a ;;There is ay Hr:veg FEN ai ioes ee for thereception of anything that,mayBeantribeted:No Trelght for \crahepottstion on any of the ees 'Hip charged,and Messrs.McCUBBIN ER will re- caive the freight aod unything mje.that maybecontribute Bacon,Meal,Flour,Corn,Pease,Beans,¢¢.,in any quantities will be takes,and th ully receiveal.«1)SanteeASUS Col.Commandant Gd.Regiment.. CASH SYSTEM.WING 10 thégreat presbtre ‘In business. and distracted state of tRe country,wearecompelledtoadoptthecushsystem.ehave«good stock of Staple add Fancy Dry Goods that we are anxioug to gell aff for thecash,and will sell Fancy Goods regardless ut cost.We have also on hand,Coffee,Sugar and Sult,al for cash orbarter,«at the mar- ket cash prices.BROWN,GCQFFIN &MOCK. Salisbury,May 20,1862,4t4P.3.We sre very deditows tbat those ow- ing bv note or account will call and pay up.asweareveryneedy.B..C.&M NO CREDIT. UR TERMS after the Ist of May nextwillbeexclusivelyCashorBarter.We ure compelled to adopt this plan for our safety,and we hope nu one will take offence at it. Persons having accounts with us will please call und elose me ,y x v .2. Salisbéry,,i t%a .ee Phila! titiesina.The have State of North Carolina,_ROWAB COUNTY.’)Court of Pleat and Quéatter Seviions,MiTerm,1861. RDERED by the Courtthag D.A.Dagts,John 1.Shuver and A.He Got asaCommitteetoraiseonthefaithandéredit of the Gquaty of oeei yi ae ofcountyfnaet:of ee theirpower,a sum not exceeding fifty thoneand dollars,tu be applied auder their direction tothearming,equipping and ing volunteersoftheCountyofRowanandforthecomfort and support of she familiesef volunteers whicharetehpeed;thet any dood enn wheethisauthorityshallbesignedbytheClerkofthiscourtundertheseulofcourtforswehasumandonsuchtermeasthesaidcommitte may think proper,with eoapons.attaetied,signed by the clerk,and that said committeebeauthorizedtuselbondsexeeutedunderthisauthorityforthebestpricetheywllbring.It isfurther ordered and declared that coupons attached to the bonds ubove authorised,bereceivableindischargeofallcountytaxesandothercountydues,and that this order be published in beth the Salisbury Banner andCarvlinaWatchman. JAMES E.KERR,Clerk.May 16,1861.(f3 "WYNORTH CAROLINA,DAVIE COUNTY.© In Equity.Spring Term,1861. Arthur Neeley against Joseph W.fall andBurtonCraige,Executors of Solemon Ball,dec’d.,and Bennet Austin,and wife,Mar-garet. In thie case.it appearing to the satisfactionoftheCuurt,that Bennet Austin and hig wife Margaret,are notimhabitagis ofthigMigte:It in ordered that”publication be tmadeé,forsixweeks,in the Carolina Watehman,fer the said defendants tu be and appear at the pextTermoftheCourtofEquity,to be held fortheCountyofDavie,at the Conrt Heaste in Morksville,on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in August next,and plead,answer or dewur to complainant's bill,or the seme willbetukenproconfesso,and the cause set for heariag ex parte.as ty them. Witness,L.Bingham,Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity for exid Gouaty,atoffice,the 4th Monday afier thé 4th M in Feb-ruary,186%. L.BINGHAM,C.M.E. 6w3 pr.adv.65.50. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY, Court of Pteas and Quarter Sessions,May Term,1861. ()iveeee by the Court,that the Patrol or Guard of the Townof Saliabory,have full power Ww visit any suspected places beyond May 16,1867. |the limits of the town,and t6 éfrest and con- fine in town any disorderly or euepeceid per-sons found beyond the limits of town in the same manner os they would arrest and confinedisorderlyorreneepersonsintown.AMES E.KERR,Clerk. Salisbury,May 1861.(5 State of ‘North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seesions,MayTerms,1861. (RDERED by the Court that all patro!companies in the county have leave to gv.any where they may please in the eounty and discharge the regular duties of patrol companies,when they see fit,usfully oat of their distric(saxtheyhaveheretoforedischargedthemwith- iu their respective districts.JAMES E.KERR,Clerk. May 16,1861.tf3 rT.iyTOWNORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Salisbury hava diseretionary powers to arrest‘and lock upin the Celaboose any per-son,white or black,who may be found thestreetsofSulisbutyafterdarkwhoshallbeguiltyofany@ieordGooduct,or be unabletogiveasutivfactetytcooumofhinwelf;anderacommittedtobenoseta rther proce oa the £aoa HAVE:JOH May 3,1861-151)Intendant. Newbern,May 1,1861 3m5Q |“piAY FRU best.Modieigg ifiesaT 7 on CHO aig)CHOItisUn Tetes es_DYSENTERY: +.Tt baw eared tebstds of we »DEABRHOEA,°th best ie repochiitad it for Tte*use'on’the fret ivitnonie hebefore.a physician.can ke oyelned prevent. It will:are hadLEI muchaeeickiiees,*su sar “ah money toevery}FaMiuy BY keeping itten inthe!:OUSE. etx .“25 ‘|=|:\CBwrs./ Prepared”‘Gy:iy)H-’W yarr,Apothecary,Nos.186 and 188 Main8tj;Balisbury,N.C. April 9.6m47 COOoDsS GLE (FOR,‘EES‘SPBING TRADE. E are now receiving «lot of new andWchtheefortheSPRINGand ‘OUR STOCK Witrmot be eas large won former seasons,but will have a good assortment.We vhall have aroehandsome and wobett assortusent of all "“Eadies DreseGoods, and_will offer inducements this season ee n this market andEspeciallytoCush Buyers. Weare deserious of closing out our stockthieSpringandSummerandfurthatpurpose eee éverier eres offer.‘Trees |Goods ha heenbought hat yreutlyreddéed’Sh und a nebe otoffered &cash|only ‘at unprecedented low pricés’Oult ‘and see them,poiigen and judge seer ing In vigwpf the uncertainty payitbodinéveaffatrsin+r oy,of Those having open accounts “with Us.mail please call with them either by cash or notéet SeWramsey.fale bury)Mpéll.23d 1861.658”:~New Firm.. muna SOSSAMOK,aged of J.D. QV ousagare entire kof 4 TIN,SHEET-IRON,cop. PBR-WARE,STOVES,¢<., noW offer‘the latyest and handsomest lot of COOKING,PARLOR AND CHURCHSTOVESeverdfférediwthis’murket,andwillsellfofcashwelow«8 canbe hadin Weet- ern North Carolina.Also,all kinds of Ptain and ,Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLSkept'ér’hénd.‘AN Kinds Tih,Shéét.Bron ‘or Copper work donesiihn shortest notice. &SOSSAMON.ly36 ,Salisbury,Jan.22,Be). 8 ya a 4+ kq sa 0 ‘s =:-F32>=c 02 SSwe2.fe ‘a a ober —=SStl aa ‘causSe@232.o™ —SEED |—_Se Fe,| =oS i ‘Wig tab 1 — o Sy jomemeninn iso 4 =s°36 Gn.a-ayu e M 2 WORTH &DANWholesaleandRetail AND rocers, offer ds atSmall Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well| to ecalt and examine our Goods before purchas-|ing. BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK.Saliybury,April 9,1861.2m47SpringStockfor1861, R.&A..MURPHY, RE now receivin ‘®PRENG and 8 bracing FANCY AND STAPLEDRYGOODS,|BQOTS,SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars,Coffee and Molasses,| -Nails,Sheeting and Cotton Yurn, all of which ‘ure offered for sule at greatlyreducedpricesforcash. Give usa call,und see what we have instoreforyou.R.&A.MURPARY. Salisbury,April 9,1661.3m47 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BYSPRAGUEBRO. ee above Guano is siid to be »betteraitfortheevttareofTobacca,Co!tou,Grains;doce,Grapes,&c.,than any othernnported. A tris]is all that is necessary to prove its,supetiotity.SPRAGUE BRO. March 25;tf45 aJAMESHORAH, Watch-Maker und Fowler. Onedoor below R.&A.Marphy’s Store, SALISBURY,N.C.,, K 228 coustantly en hand alage assort-ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY ofallkinds. Clocks,Watches and Jewelry of every de- scriptionrepuiredin the bers muuuer and on their asual Stock of MMER GOODs,em. Lh@whdstre awiniwble termx.pied by Da.Bason,where he ix prepar |Bebra)a 1860 4k edito attend all yperations wnnected with bis|profession.MILO A.J.ROSEMAN OM.D.Jun.1,1860.1132 Hee studied in vostifbelly Medital Colleges and Hospit als,North and Senth,an€bayWee been practising in the various de- pattm@énte of bis profession for mine yeurs withvood#ucceps,hé continues to offer his services1ChepubticWherehoispermanentlylocated,|and py strich atiention to big profersion will|endeavor to merit a Tiberal patrooage as heretofore,aud holds himself in readiness at allhoure,dwyrgnd y 1for prafessjonal calls.Wi Offles at fae?8 Store.April 2%t861.3mpd49 {LtPRRSO NS,whe are indetited to me A are ©ear ¥..layreeied to eall and |} make imme I am compell-ed to ii tao and as (bie ia the fires,time,th called on my friends,[.hope they will come,Op DRO A a oh @yees .P.BEBSENNoval,Aas ¥ie |plete success. |ways have their wuuts,in this line,welisup-| All work personally attended to and warrant- ,edto be done tin @ workmanlike manner a2 8 eer Commission Merchants, na ti itcomeTh en oan,our pee ; .|number continues to increase,Salisbury will OF,W!wot arateveg!eph_date L. Bau L Wil AVING:RETURNED’FROM ‘THE a Cities with’a LARGE and 'B Stockof :ouMe ‘Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Such us Boots,Shoes,Hata,Capa,Drawers,Under Shirts,Crayats,Neck-ties,Handker-chiefs,and a’fing assortment of Shirts and Collars,‘&c.,&c.,to whieh he inyites your immediate atteption.They have been pur-chased for cash,and willbe suld cheaper than ever were fered here before.NOW ISYOURTIMEFORGREATBARGAINS, ar Tum determined to gell cheaper than uny other house in Satisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore béstowed,F hope for a con- tinuance of the sama,Remember the Stand, NQO,2,MURPHY’s GRANITE ROW, Sellebery.i C.March 25,1861.‘ Salisbury FemaleSeminary. HE SIXTH TERMRM of this School.will begin the 11th Febroury and close the Tay July.‘The school bas been incréasingin fum-bers every term.We-have now a goodly numbers,Spt eould take a fewmore.If the have what it has never had,a permanent school.TERMS: Board,with washing,fuel and lights,,$50 per Term.Tuition,in English,from $8 to 17.00 oe “Latin.5.00 Music on Piano.from 15 to 20.0C Use of Instrument,2.50 Incivental expenses,1.00 Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular addres A.D.WILKINSON, Jan,22,1361—1f36 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS &FOSTER L AVE just received a veryslarge lot of FARMING IRON,consistingof Shove!Moles,Bar Iron,Wagon tire 1},1fand2 inch;Boggy tire 1 und 13 inch;Oval Tron 4,}, and }inch;Square Tron 1 and 1}inch; Buggy Springs and Axles;Patent and En-ameled Leuther;Bands,Bolts,dec.,togetherwithagenera)assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, No.2 Gramite Row;Faont Sracer, WILMINGTON,N.C. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries,Provisions, |Fru,Liquors,Wines,Cigars,und ‘Tobacco. Solicit consigaments of Flour,Dried Fruit, Feathers,Beeswax,Tobacco,and Country| Produce generally,Agents tor Howe's cole-| ‘brated Scales.D.G.WORTH.N.G.DANIEL,| Lute of Asheboro’,}For past 7 years with N.C.T.C.&B.G.Wortir.; Sept.18,1860.bys Brown'sLivery Stable. LI:képt up as heretofore | is gratifyiug to him that this| establishment,begun,at firet,as doubpfule xperiment,has proved| to the public a great desideratim and &com-| Fravelers,and othets can al-| lied. p Cush prices paid for Provender,And the subscriberis always ready to sell or buy good”Horses.i THOMAS E.BROWN. Jan Tet,1861.tT HARDWARE! rps Subscribers ure receiving wud oopen-| ing at the old xtand of G.M.&A.T.'; Jones,the largest Stock of Hardware. ever off-redinthis Market,which having heed bought directly of the Manufacturers or their agents,exclusively for cash.They are pre- pared to offer inducements to Wholesale or Re-| A call is respectfully solicited. JONES &OVERMAN.| Mar.13.1860.1f43 | eee ae bes‘DENTAL NOTICE.a Coe SARK DR.BESSENT,|\ [fm REMOVED vo rwe DENTAL.| tail buyers Salisbury, ROOMS on the |corner formerly occu | .REMISTER., -House Painter,Grainer, PAPER HANGER,&c., Maia St.,opposite Murphy's Gronite Row, SALISBURY,N.C. Jan.22,1861 6m36 Fine Shirts und Collars. If you wiek 26 veGnne Shirts and Col- ars cajl at the Great Clothing Emporium ofDAVIDWEILy Sept.25-119]No.2,Gaanire Row. MARRIAGE LICENSES —FOR SALE AE,rHxTs OFFICE.| 'Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes. “the CASH PLAN. QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, TheykeepconstantlyonhandasupplyofFLOUR, BACON,PORK,FISH,COFFEE,SUGAR,MOLASSES,LARD,BUTTER,&c.,towhichthyinvitetheattentionofthepublic.Jenkins’Corner,Salisbury,N.C.Feb.12th,ae tf39 WATCH MAK ?AND JEWBLe Salis ry. January 29,1662. CASH SYSTEM!! TIHE undersigned give notice that their business wil]hereafter be conducted on They feel thet no apolo-ry for this coarse is ut all necessary,thn pe- cuhar state of our public affairs rendering it imperntive.They will be pleased to se!l to |their friends end cu-tomers at the niost favor- uble pees possible;but from and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by account,are re-quested tc come forward and close the samebycashornote. HARRIS &SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill,May 10th.196].tfl H.C.JONES &SON, Winer and Counsellors at a, TILL prnétice ~ii the Coarts of RowanCountyandintheSapromeCourt,Hi.Jones,jr willulgo practice in the CourtsiTedsMandCabarrusCounties.All claims |5 Bush CLOVER skip, for gale byNiceandENDEfotquleson &KAN ISS.” woul “THERMOMETERS“Quring 'Tohaagoo.:9210to 240 deg.,for eute tiy of From HENDERSON &ENNIS. at of,”.'Leadin 08)“yy Forsale by HENDERSON @ENDISS, 4000 GALLONS :PURE LINSEED,O11... For tale by il dadesbi latin &BRIS, 40 Bbdls.Tannet’s On,49. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS,. Ague and Fever Cured ;OR NOPAY.; canbe Ague.and,Fever Pills, RRANTED TO CURE.’HENDERSON &EWN Fes’. mae and Kerosine O11, By the‘Gallon or Barre!forssle at. lis HBT 28 &ENNIS3’.. MEDIOINAL:FRENCH BRANDY. 1840.Medicinal French’Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market,for aale,bwHENDERSON&ENNIay SPICES!)SPICES! Pepper,Spice,Mtstard,Cloves,Ginger:Mare, Cinnamon,and Natmegs,for sated, HENDERSON &BNNINB. Onaw 30ets.Pure Cider Vinegar. 80 cts.per Gallon utHENDERSON &ENNISs’. Sept.1,1860.tA greg eee ——gees =eee North Carolina FoandryANDMACHINEWORKS' FRERCKS &RAEDER, SUCCKSSORS TO 7 N.BOYDEN &SON, W ILD continue to manufacture and keeponhandall Agricultural Implements made heretofore.A full aseyrtment of Plowe,Caltivators,StrawCorn-Shellers,und Feed-Cutters,Horee-Powers,Seed-Sowers,Threshers,Cider &Sugar Mille.Thresher and Separators, They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery | for Grin Mills,Cireolatand Vertical Siw Mills,| Gold,Copper and Silver Mines,Tobaeco Pres:/ ses and Fixtures,&c.,&c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED.WORK of|every description made to order,and warrant.{edinevery rexpeet.Repairs of every dexcrip-|tion of Machinery done at short notice.We are Ageute for Burnese’s Wheut Fanr.’Salisbory,N.C...Jnn.2,161.ly34d |Standard,Raleigh:Democrat,Charlotte;Western Advocate ,|Asheville;Carolininn (tri weekly)Columbia;|Observer,Fayetteville;and fda Express |will publich 3 months and forward accounte. Greensborough Mutual |INSURANCE COMPANY,| Pays all Losses Promptty! DLRECTORS:John A.Mebane,W.J.McConnel,C,PL.Mendenhall.D.P.Weir,James M.Garrett,John L.Cole,NH.D.‘Witson,Wm.Burrin.|ger,David MeKnight,M.'s.Sherwond,Jed.)H.Lindsay,Greensborough;W.A.Wright,Wilmington;Robert E.Troy,Lumberton;|Alexander Miller,Newbern,Thadeus Mc.|Gee,Raleigh;Thomas Johneon,Yancey-|ville;Dr.W.C.Ramsey,Wadesburongh;Rev.R.C.Maynard,Franklinton:Dr.®.F.Wat- entrast d to them for collection will ineet prompt attention. J.7 Office No.3,Brick Row,near the Court- house. H.C.Jonas,sr.H.C.Jongs,jr-Jan.15,861,- WILLIAM C.LORD,ATTORUEY AT LAW, \"ILE Practice and make prompt collec-Aions in Rowan,Stanly,Iredell and Cga{Sieg in the corner of Cowan's BuildingoytheBookStimreome hr.Wm.H.Howerton,— yy PERMANENTLY vod ren(i thie town of MaliProfessionalservicestothedownand’He at ery én-fay be foundat {BorTDK vw Mtn vue +noatndlt 68 tf38 Hovss.” March #5,1861, sou,Watronville. OFFICERR: N.H.D.WILSON.~.~-President.JED.H LINDSAY.--Vice-President.C.P.MENDENHALL,-Attorney.PETER ADAMS. WM.H CUMMING,- \J.MCCONNELL, -A.MEBANE.- :M.GARRETT,-- Allcomimunicationson busines#connected withth:Office,should be addressedto |PETER ADAMS.Secretary. Greensboro’,Nu C..June 19,1860.tre | COMMUNMERCHANTSALISBURY,N.C.3] ae PERSONAL ATPENTION VEN tothe purchate ofalb’kindeof|-mmanate.Aadtoal}cousignientetobe Seco and ‘Vreas. Groeral Agent (Executive Com |sald te thin kew67 shippedtoetherBerton\Pettuary ABEODW ow rere MBB bev nm mq agers VINEGAR!._ Potriot,Greensbore’3. .PREPAR ait notice Collefea,Academies end the puBookstha:aa wb generpoesble.aay always keeps on hand aselecteaNaApilyBBlea,aforG|and most popular Pekar ge e i timewihtiogendprinting,paperofall vines,eheythan,ever hefatavBerun by the tern,etreretail,blank Books af .emaity detosiption :size,Pens,Envelupes,,Pictures,etc.,ote.aedINES. ’¢Lok,Harrison's Columbian 1,tH ake dais,Brack,Bluy and Ret.ine Ink,“Arnold's Writingaid't at’known,ver)cheapforcash,"WALL PAPER.To hisalrenfly eeandoe &e0r1.meni.ol Mell pabese.he baadJust recniyedlargelotofthelatesteeeeerwhichfeebeauty)etyld,und eheepnensare far superio:ta any,ever hefore offered inthis marke;Window Shades,Fite Screens,éte. Orders of anythingim hisline solicited. _Salisbury,N.Gay Feb.19,1861.1140 Marehnol 25th,186], “GOODS! HE apbdcrifershas ‘the ‘pleasure to un. qunnce to hiefrends and the public gener.ally,thut he is eee his usual Stock »SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,compris.ipg:«rich seeotim epé pf‘all thi LATEST STYLES 1 MOE:LADIES DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Sits,Bereges,Grena dines,Berage-Angnise;Mozumiques Orgay dies,Challies audalarge StockofEMBROID.- ERIE ,to al}of which he asks a specia; exauminution.’ A so,:a fall assortment of Bleached Do. ‘event Prices mestit,ALineos,House-kevepimg Goods,&e., .>A MYERS, No.4 Granite Bulgin g,Mach ces Salisbury,N.( Farmers,Look Out! Money,Time and Timber Saved!! T have the right (o sellVandemark’s Portable Fence, Made withomtposia,iti the Connties of Ala. mance,Repdelpb,Rocki m,DavidenRowan,Cabarrus and Meckledburg.Cheap.neve,durwbility,and convenience ure ita chie ndvauteger,“We recommend the Fence to |sew-wilbomwner,farmers,and atl who have fences to make.We willsell Fara or (ounty rights,A circular sing costs,plan of builc- ing,&e.,sent free to any uddress on applica- tion to JNO.J.WHITE, Mebanesville. Mar.19,1861.-3m44}°Alamance,N.¢ “Charlotte Demoerai please copy three ;Months and forward bill to subseriber.CASHAYSTEM ADOPTED! Great Reductionin Prices! Selling Of for Cash only. OGome and See!A GNBBLY &YOUNG,wilt sei!their enfire eteck of New Spring ead Sam- mer Goods at greatly reduced prices for cashonly.We have been compelled by our longcteditcasfomeretoadopttheaboveplan.Bytheredwefioninpricesitwillbe’greatly to the ipterest of alt whe have money:oereat: |for Goode to trade with.as.Come and see! NOTICE—We now make our last cali|on all pérsons having open accounts with vs.to eine forward and seithe either by cash 07 nete,We have wuited toolong-already on 4|RFeut Many persons,and are pow determined'to close up our accoagats, McNEELY &YOUNG1fa9‘COWAN’S_April 23,1862. |Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF cue BunaN FAMIL). BUFFERING From DISEASED.KIDNEXS.|Stone in the Bladder and Kidney. Weahneses of the Loins,&c. |VENHIS invaluable Medteine’isfor sale op!) at Mockevijle,Seliabury Statesville.(0r- cord and>Fayetteville,and as Col.Avetin’s |and ne where else. ‘The subscriber haying entered into copar':nership with Joha F.Cowenyoriginul patenter forthe manwfacture and sale af the nbove Med- ‘ieiwe,is prepared to farmish a»supply by 2- drexsing him at Saliebory.N.C.,or calling #! his residence,10 milew west af thin place E.D.AUSTI}.June a1.ce DRAYING.ee YHE widerigned gives motice that bh keeps.a TEAM AND WAGONS (fe! the puorpoee of Druying and will serve all who 1855. i thay favor him with calls inghis line on 8¢ commodating terms. GEORGE MOWERYMareh20th,1860.1f43 Fine Suits. Tf you wish to-buy Fine SUITS of CLOT!ING for us little moneyab pussible,call at (he|or Clothing Emporium of1DAVID WEI!G7 Rewemngn tux Stann—No.2,Murphy*Granite Row,Salisbury,N.C.as{Raid af a BLANK DEEDS FOR BALB AT THIS OF FICE. A ic e 6D sa Sa a t II E 5 5 en e Ae sa t i s he a : bs es Se a t Ni i a. et h ce he for ac- the yf Ny =C\y —Ly ‘;; *\Kare ¢Tr pe ~Seed nt °4 : :v i 4 Ua r od Wa ¥~a ee eehpe I SNAGORENINSEERBeiMwod=<90 Mo vider’j Dw 4 a?4 rN OM ReMATA.T J |od Ped ww a ss ,; t ol won ede f is eo :i ie :A ow Pea os pc vidANvdoeein”:»|:7 on ital Z We 4 s..-J Ls Mid x yo °a {>?.rc }¢,.Pe myo +oP .4eeereSUEY)auitytiteas vii tad hivboe ah |revae |Of beoqant wal ods bea aoe’ae!)ofPT pe wedge od)We ome ots3£aoa =ese ry ee ee ee .ie ::z eee ee.pera alae TORN IAAY To 'rats 7 it aes wrest TE FOETROT eHF Hey tf aomir saa OCS OI hh ew acase.i fps tees Oe a of i":Verte fal y NV ‘'th)eee?My Netoyrt ck,7)ch 98 rc a Oe . oid b=theed ye y =VN ag tr er ,3)an [wy ‘PEMRLY:ed.ot pia en ‘ene he ge 4 ne ao om —aeacpoettote*eann eeeneg care agogee ae Samsaly iy J stl 1 cl seek .4 BMS wae «t ‘coe maar Stary tine ee ee SE Sete ee St aert at ee aye = = J.J.BRUNER,ates EDITOR ANDPROPRIRTOR. ‘TERMS: Single copy,*nytVivectmen $8.00 Ten coptés,~196.00 Clnbs exceeding ten,in the same pro-}. yortion $1.50 wach.Payment always in der Whatever,forms of Government—and|eayanee :ees itis Ufieylt ta imagine that an Anglo| fyl attack ov Fort Sumter?The répty is,|thatmaycause temporary inconvenience,}butthe Spnth lives by Cotton,as the North ! by copn,s the culture of the crop‘is indis-| Bay While we can pay for eatin,| we may rest certain,sayy Mr.Crawford, $2;00 ee Saxon lon disciplined to liberty,should|irom avbprid 27.ene he a bad one—will!continue to sup-f LOrTe ry,cart e 1 ww j .col TON SUPPEY..!a4,producer ot the cottod used jn : A discussion op Cotton Su ply the Batis manufactures,next.to AmericaSouiesyofArts,whi wat fii!y re |comea Inda But we derive thence only ported im the last uumber of theSocetr’s fifteen per cent.of the whole value.The \ journal,represents im the best-torm the va-|quality of dudian cotton has not been im-» rivus opinions durrent’on’ttre “subject.—|proved,while the quantity imported has| Speculative luquirers,manufacturefs,|men j increased.The soil and climate are not }representative af all Buglish joterests con-|less suitable than those of America,but, cerned,met to discuss one of the mest im-|the cultivator mstead of being’an active | portilat ptaéticul ‘questions of theday,We|and imtelligeot capitalist who owns his ave from time (6 time givey our own view |land in fee simple,and works with im-, of che subject,aud we now propose sim-|proved inpiements of wade,isan uutaught;ply to give an epityme of the whole argu-|Indian peasant,who works as his forefatb-; ment as the debate m the Soeiety .of Arts |ers:worked,witlr ‘a pair or two of ill fed! has fairly represeuted jt,sketemag this |oxen,a hoe worth a shilling,a harrow| week the arguinent of ‘the ijutroductory |warth two shillings,and a plough worth paper,and yext week giving an impartial!perhaps as anach ps four.”Lpstead of; ibstract of the arguments addgced against |sowing seed ip drills,and thinning careful:| a Lly on well-tilled suil,the Indian scatters, The discdssion was introduced by a pa-|his seed broadcast;and the seed le scat- pec trom Mr.Joho Crawford,fate Govern-|ters ia that which bas been reproduced on or of Singapore.Cotpon,ie said,was thesame lanu from tine immemorial,while indigenous to Ebndestan and Amenca,,the American planter introduces fresh sced where it had elothed Indimns in the days from remote places every tive or six years. i Cortes.It has spread from those coun:|The well nourisbed American plant rises ines to within 85 degrees away froin the ‘to a beight of six or eight feet,Iu Iudia, Rquator,vad will tounsh dn anayy differ:it attains only to one-half that heigbu—, cut varteties of soil.Of all great staple!Tbe puny India machine used for cleaning arucies of culuvauign,except maize and the cottoa only yields three pounds a day ; tobaceo,it has the widest geographical |an ordinary American saw gin yields three , range,But for the cheap and sutticient i hundred pounds aday.from mauy Illus- production of a permanent stpply of good j trations hery givea by Mr.Cranford of ; Cotton certain conditions are,“Mr.Craw-'the low quality of all products of rude ford argued,indispensable.“A propitious acriculture that require than the cheapest | comate,asuitable soil,land free from heavy and simplest mavipuladon,we tay select imposts,whether in the shape of rent or tice,a wative plant of Tudia,cultivated iax,a sufficient supply of labor,a skilful’there since the beginning of history.By ind enterprising linsbandry,cheap and the accident of an ludiaman’s touching at easy transport,with a yoweruinent that am-Charlestou,ree was introduced into Caro- piy secures life,property and iiberty.”—hina about the middle of last century,and These,he said,are found to exist in the Carelina rice,raised from the Bengal seed, largest proportion in the Southern States is now worth twice as much as Bengal rice of the American Union.They produce a in the London:market. year’s crop of the worth of forty milhon’s Rent,too,is an essential consideration. sterling;and farnish us out of it with sev-The products of over peopled,highly rented vuty eight per cent.of the quantity,and:lands are enhanced in price.From China eighty ove per cent.of the value of our,there is,for this reasop,uo export of rice! whole supply.or Cotton,but tea can be vrown for ex- The extent of land capable of growin portation,because it ean be grown on the! wtton in those States exceeds by tentlou-hill sides,and occupies land not available sani square miles the whdle area of Eng-for growth of the other staples,of which land aud Wales,but of this immense sur there is yet mure to be bad.So it is with face jittle more tham a sixth part is now exerything in Java but the coffee that! under cultivation.There can be fivefold.grows on the freer tracts of mountain increase of the supply,said Mr.Crawford,land;and the true Cotton producing dis- by the occupation ‘of the virgin land,tricts of India are all under peopled. without any iperease of the cost;and if It happens,again,in India,not onlyallowancebemadeforimprovedsystemsthatthequalityofCottonis,becanse of: of agriculture,that estimate is too low.—its rade cultivation,of the lowest,but that: Since the day when it was first cultivated it has to be brought to market by the worst for expert,American cotton has not risen,roads and the rudest:means of transport but fallen au price.Whithey’s saw sin,from the greatest distances.Atd when and the pushing ot the cultivation into the Cotton arrives at the coast we tnd: nulder regions,have been the main causes that in an extensive count line there are bat! of the fall wn price,Ln 1.798 the price of three vonvenient ports of export;while Upland Georgia was about 21d.a pound,within.the more Jiuited coast of the Now it is abuyt 6d.‘Lhe cultivation bas American Cotton States there are more| bimin the hauds of an eoergetic Euro-than thrice that number.But cannot thepeanrace,an vifshout from England work-European grow Cotton tn India?At the! Ng IM Co-speration with the mother coun-Outset he wil require what he cannot yet! try.Butior our inventions,our enterprise,have,the fee simple of his fand with mod- aud our industry,the cutton of America derate and fixed taxation. would never have reached tbe,yalue of From other couutries than India and the £10,000,000 a year.vor withont the plant-Ataeriean Suites we get at present only. ed colonies would the yale of our mavu-seven parts ia a huadred of our Cotton |Fettrennlitteemrreherlcietcmeniilionss supply.Chief among the lesser sources is | Having thus statedthy grounds of econ.Kgypt,which yields a thirty-second partof tilence iu supply from the Southern States,our whole quantity,from seed vatroduced ' MnO raw cond turned.to ae etal for forly years ago,during which tine there existing besijadgn and distryst.,What if)bas byen no,vers great increase of the Uiwe should come a murrain,like the vine yield,Next to Eyy pt is Brazil,trom or potato disease,ou American cotton J—which a Cotton comes ofan average quality His re ply is that Lhe potato and vine are 13 per cunt,Detter than the average of all Mxoics in Europe,€otton is an indigenous Avuyerican.But Bazil has found it better plant of North Amertea,as itis’of Tndia,,worth while to beat America in the pro- where from tind dimemonial no epidemi«duction of sugar than to compete in the is known to have attacked it production of Gorton,A small quanity Whatiit there rould be an ivdumection of very sapertut Cotton comes trom Chill of the slaves?-His rép ty ie that this js and Peru,that from Peru being the finest untkely.The masters nre othe ‘superior broaght toto the English market.Butin-| heey are two to one,‘Are ergawized,amd dustry id these regions is spent rather one have the power,The Haitt insurrection |wool,miverais and otber products.‘ wis no case in poinf,for there the masters [o all the countries betwee Bengal and were in a minonty,and were divided;Glina,and jp all the considerable islands vuong themselves,while the struggle was |of te Malabar and Philppine Archipele- ried on ina climate and locality favora-;gos the Cotton ant has been always, ble to the slaves and fatal’to the masters.next to qurp,the chief ghject of husbandry. But what will be the effect of the bigh ;But phere bag been Iittle for export,Java!and inerensthg cost of slave labor?Mr.|has elevep millions to clothe,and is even | Crawford's reply is that the abandance of begithidg to ceasefrom its exports of corr.| fertile faud seem to have morethan coun-|China has always had to import a weil as| terbalanced this,as it has more thag coun-|produce both corn and cotton.Ja our} terbalanced in the Northerm Geates the}Weat Indian cdliniee Cotton is superceded eostly labor of freemen.by 4heaugar cake,and not in our colanies }=‘°s ?”,’ PS iat dod)test acta Sele OE YO TeLastly,what of the new revolution now }oulyy but alse infaizlypassedintohostilitiesbythesuecess-»Only:the:Danish cplopy of Bu Thomas } that the Sputhern States of America,“un+}ainative government it bas eaased to pro:| eee ———AUT a (eet yislds ve @ littke Cotton,avd that of the|higheat que lbey s.equat indeed to,the Pe-|ruvjan,and fony.per.oput.better,than,the |average of the Ameniean.St,Domingo |asa Frenel.colongy supplied Franca,with |the chief part of partis now,spoder | dace not only Cotton,but:aleo sugar,and grows some of the.worst coffee knowa,in Europkan markets,.,ansTurkeyonceywhenourwantwas etal,| our sole source Gfssuppty,yields to us still about eexen shqusand pounds worth every |yeas,but(hese are:pot many -Beropeans+ |whe for the extension of the Cotton growth | would invest capital jn the most disorder-1 Wy part of a disordered empire.It is in: Asiatic Turkey that the Cojtoa grows,1) To trapieal Africa there must needs be | rouch advantage both of saiband climate.| But all.other requisites.ang ab present wanting.Will the negroes learn tn a few | generations what the comparatively civi-y lized Lindus have not learned in’all the| uges of past liistory ?imported,tram West Africa in 1858,and| the importatian of 2116 ewts,was.owing| to the bangvolent enterprise of an English |: merchant,Mr.Clegg.In Eastern Africa| there xe none of the navigable rivers and tajluviallandsoftheWest,but Dr.Living-| stone has indieated a platenu near the rive | er Shere,a teibutary of the Zambesi,as al very fit locahty for Cottou planting,There | are ip Uns region a few rude,auarelical| luhabitants;the river Shere has thirty| iniles of Gawaracty;the Zambesi,1p its up-| percourse,18 vavigable ouly by boats,and | iu its lower Course aw breeds malaria,Like} other uncivilized people,the uatives of tropical Afiica show the power of produ ciug any crude commodity,as palm oil. that makes nu exorbitant demand upon| their Knowledge or industry.| ‘Lhe French have failed in etforts to get Cotton trom Algeria,and there has been a scheine for procuring it from the Feejces, becanse those islands,which if planted over wherever growth is possible,would yield ooly a forty-fourth part of our supply,wilt, itis found,grow eotton.But the difficul- ty rather is to tind a place within twenty-| tive degrees ot the Equator that would not, with little care,produce &samypie of good Cotton. Having reviewed all these proposed sources of supply,Mr.Crawtord expressed his opinion that our present information| points only to two countries likely to fur.| nish us with a fair cotton supply in ard of, not in substitntion for the supply from| America.These are our recently required | territories on the Eastern side of the Bay! of Bengal,including Arracan,Peru and| Maraban,but excluding those on the Ten- ‘naserim coast;and the lately formed col-| ony of Qneenstand,in Australia.In our| territories on the Kast coast of Bengal,the | density in Lower Bengal;and the coun- try,of which the greater part is a rich al- Invial plain,watered by one great river and three considerable ones,has on its coast at | least four safe harbors to which there is in-| land water communication.During the! periodical rains,from Apri]to September,| rice and cotton wuuld bave to be cultiva- ted,but the ciler six months probably | would soffice for the growth of cotton.—, Queensland is in the right Jatitades,with | fertile lands easily to be acquired and heid,| and some ¢commodious harbors.The cli-| mate,probably,would make it necessary , to call in the aid of Asiatic labor,From this elaborate review of the present stale| of our means and expectations Mr.Craw.| ford concluded that our main.reliance must still be upon the Southern States of America. THE BATTLE AT PHILLIPPI! Ricawonn,dune 9, Zeliable accounts received here to-day, by way of the central Railroad,from Phile lippi,completely falsify the Cincinnati ae port of the fight at that place between the Lincoln and Confederate troops. The correct statement is,that our truops ‘were attacked on Monday morning last at daybreak by about 3,000 Lincotnites,and being thrown into some confasion,retreat 4 ed two milgs te a hill,where they nade a stand and repulsed the enemy three sever al times,with a loss to the latter believed to be about 70...[ess than 1,000 Conted erates were engaged. The enemy had artillery manned by re gulars from (arlisle (Pa.)barracks, They finally gabe up (he contest,and iv-| gloriously retret ted.| Our Joss,was sik killed,amongst whom |was Oaptain A.F.Richards,of the Bath county cavalry;Quartermaster ‘Thomas Sims,formerly glerk at the depot in Kieh- mend.of the Richmond and Danville rnil- road,and a youug man named J)anger:byld,from Bath county. wt uba.aad,Porto Riga-— The firs\cottou was {! |with an excellent capacity for rations | ‘ton,is the Jast missive we have seen ito do with this epecies of property. bia fe «18 OW ie awT?ay etch De al ew gtawd Kiet eat hs sabes Ermey cme ome ay igyee |ee ~LISBURY 5:Nei,JUNE (3,186100 00 NUMBER 11. * OM MW ELEY TTT Hee TIA Io ma bdnjinicdie eG A Ge aleik9OMTEEROUTMGORQLINIAN,ad to employ,asI ean do very pro-oo HE OLD.MORPH STATB..)|Gitably,the ablerbodied persons "in(Writtenom the!20th Magy 1861,’the day af|the panty,issuing proper food for the|NC «ther,Setssaion)5 |epenenofall,and charging againstShecombs!how eoutd wh o-eta y wayy ‘their services the expense ofcare andaeWinerkdeodesaevsuetenanceofthenon-laborers,keep-"The Od orth Bia tes ving @ strict and..accarate account asTheOldNorth’#tate #?*"so |well of the services as of the expen-eee eae ee |ditares,having the worth of the ser-ee ee alse cen vices and the cost of:expendituresTheoidNeuhStateldeterminedbyaboardofsurveyTheOldNorthState!,‘hereafter ‘to be detailed.I know ofnootbermahnerinwhichtodispose of thie sabject,and .the qnestionsytubtier!stat ho 6 ##¢*‘conigofed therewith:A’a nfatter,of,property,to the insurgents it willlgofverygreatmoment—the nuom- ‘ber that I now have mounting,I aur interned,to what in good timeg )Wanld.be of the value of sixty thous- |and dellare. i “Twelve of these negroes,I ain Already trom her land beloved informed;have escaped from the[ler Mavyeluum:puscdisliea proved:|erection of batteries on Sewell’s Point‘The Old North State!‘whiclr this morning fired upon myTheOldNorthState!‘expedition as it passed by ont o7AndgloriousthingsshallfamerelateRasA.fate,IOFValeschckULLoarinwait“range.As a means of offence,therc- Fow now,ae then,she's good and great,fore,in the enemy’s hands,the ne-nie Oia Nerh State!|groes,Wien able bodied,are of yreatEeCENOMurejimportance.Without therm the bat- -teri¢s could not have béen er Jd, Her wrongs were great,her woundeweredeop,:OTN ag ’Awhile,she seem’d,but seomid sasleep i Sho’g wide awake,awake she'll keep,The Old North State ! The O1d North State ! Quick as she knew desputie hate Our Sosthern soil.weuld desolate, Her pent-up ire burst bar and gate, Brave Old North State! Brave Old North State! ee e The despot’s heel haa removed, Her famous Hornet's Nest is etirr’d,ce Meee bas ich ,at least for many weeks.As ahil- ip has Duc ou the eword ,Vs >>t]}7 7HealdNornStara!;j itary,question,it would seem t@be Brave Old North Stute!|@ measure of necesaity to dep MeThefoethattheewouldsubjugate,|their ajasters of their services. Mast first blot out this day und date.\“flow can this be done?Asa And,then,thy sons annihilate, Brave Old North S:ate!3rave Old North State!M. |political question and a question of |humanity,can I receive the services jot a father and mother and not take itbechildren?Of the humanitarian aspectI have no doubt,of the po- ‘litical one I have no right to judge.T theretore submit all this to your i better judgment ;and,as these ques-Old Point seems to have encounter-tions lave a political aspect,I have ed an unexpected embarrassment.—|ventnred—anrd I trust I am_not These Yankee pirates seem to have wrong in so doing—to daplicate thepartsofmydispatchrelatingtothis subject,and forward them to the Se- cretary of War. Your obedient servant,Bens.F.Burver.”’ them only big buck negroes,who|eer : THE CITIZEN SOLDIERY. them;but when they fonnd that;The sinior editor of the Memphistheyhadtotakewiththeseothers;Avalanche has just returned from a;short visit to the South.He says:What we saw and heard during ourabsenceconvincedusthatthereis they seem tc have concluded that |yo power on earth that can subdue the game was not as profitable as)the Southern people.From Mem they at firstthought.The only thing|phis to New Orleans,every highway to be regretted on our gide is,that |Was choked with a company of braw--yy).|ny tnilitia.From Mobile to Corinth,these helpless negroes are falling in-|Mississippi,every depot swarmed to the hands of creatures who uei-|with stalwart men ready and anx- ther know how to take care of them,ious to march in defence ofthe South. or have the disposition if they knew.Nearly a thonsand troops were onIfthiswerenotso,it would be:the train from Mobile,and we foundateverydepotacompanyofrobust saldiers fall,of robust health,expert“in the use of wespons,inaréd to farming operations,to quarter their |hardships,and barning with enthu- negroes on the enemy,They are;siasin,Jadeed,the South presents thus relieved of much expense and (the appearance of a great camp.—|The very genins of battle seems to\have descended upon our people.The stupendous uprising of the war- thieves will be required to return |ike yeomanry far surpasses public the negroes or pay fur therm.os ao The following trom Butler at For.|Ath ap eater o's er aevvvettn;‘ready to go forth in ence of theirtressMonroetoScottatWashing»Ean kee teentae aabearyiiran :seers to comprehend the mighty is-on the subject:snes for which they are ready to bat-“Since I wrote my last the ques:|tle.“Nor was the heart of man alone tion in revard to slave:property isistirred with patriotic emotions.— "20th May,1775.the date of her first Dec- laration ef Lude pendence. Freebootery Under Disadvantages. The negro thieving bosiness at forgotten,if they ever knew,that| there were such things as negro wo-| mien and children.It was all very | well as long as their roguery bro’t| could be made to do their work for! bnt no other soldierly qualification, very well for tie farmers around, Old Point.dnnngthesaspension of inany trenbles—and they know ve- rv well that when peace is made the hecoming:one of very serions may |Thousands of women’thronged thenitnde,The intiabitant of Virgins |readsidg,and with fireir tears and ia are using there negroes intl bat)smiles nerved the hearts of the sol- teries,and are preparingtosendtheir{dier with etrength and hope.From women and children Sonth., Thet eaeh honse top floated the conteder- escapes fren them are very nniner-|ate Flay,and from almost every win- ous,and a squad bas come in thie |dew und door waveda white hand- morning,(May 27.)and my pickets ketchief.The sleek,fat negro,seein:;Jarebringingtheir women und chil.ing to comprehend that be wae hap- dren.OF course these cannot be}pier and:far better eared for than dealt with ow the theory en which the poor whites of the North,paused I designed to treat the services of !n the thfinished fatrow,and raiscd able-bodied men and women whoj his dusky cap tf cheer’tor the train wight come within my lines,and of|of soldiers that was risiing by.Talk which I gave you a detailed account|about subjugating such a people! in my hast déspateh.|What a profanation { “Yam in the utmost donbt what| :;Adoption of the Permament Constr!Up to this time I have had come tién of the Commlederate’Stater.—On within my lines men and Women,|Thursday afternoon”last,the Convention with their children —entite families,|of this State'fdopted,by a @nanimous vote, each fainily belonging to the sanse!the Perinanem Conativation of the Con- owner.|have,therefore,determin:|fetierate Btutesof America.+Hal,Register. f PS 4 Tae Maw on Honsesace.o-Ifte cible to shut one's eyes to the rapid drif of the couotry into arms of the “mes oa horseback ;”in other words,into the arme of a regular military despotiem.We do not say this in disparagement of the “mao on horseback,”who is now about our bestprotector,and the only defence we arelikelytohavefromanarchy,and that mostdespoticofalldespotisms,the despotism of the mob.‘The-rapid transition we are uu-dergoing,however,from a self-governmenttoagovernmentofguns,is good for re-flection to the contemplative mind.See the proclamations we ptblish to-day—onefromGeneralHarneytothepeopleofMiv- souri,and another from Gen.Butler to the people of Baltimore.—V.¥.Express. “The people entertain an indefinable dread of the results and consequences ofthewar.They are not so confident asmanyoftheirnewspaperorgansprofesstobe,of conquering and reducing the SouthbacktoobediencetotheGovernmentoftheUnion.And more than that,they seeinthefutureanimmenseloadofdebsand taxation,which is to weigh upon their in-dustry and hard labor during their own lives and for generations afterwards.This is &sure and certain result of the war, which all see and comprehend.“But more than all this,they fear a sub-stantial change in the government of the republic.They know too well,that civil war,in republics,results in the prostrationoffreeinstitutions.They sap aod uoder- maine the institutions of law aod order,andestablishintheirplacestheempireofthesword.They beholda military despotism in prospect,as one of the cousegences ofthiswar.And bence they desire peace. “They desire that this fratricidal warshouldcease.They feel that the time toreatoretheUnionwasbeforeitwas80bad-Rien wher patriotic men endeavoredtogsaveitbyreasonableandtimelyconces- uf the just constitutional rights of theS8uth.But the party in power woald not“vield an inch.”And hence the danger- ous civil war that is upon us.”—Concord (N.H.)Standard. The above are a few outcroppings,if we may so speak,of distinct ideas from the superincumbent mass of folly,delusion -if it deserves the name,prevalent in the North.They vary much in character— the first welcoming the advent of “The Man on Horseback”as the only represen- tative of Government,for which the North-ern masses are fit—the other uttering asighofplaintiveregret,rather than of hope for the revival of a liberty,social,civil,and political,which has fled from theNorthernregionsforever.The first is un- doubtedly the prevailing type of opinionamongthinkingmeninthatunhappycountry.Withdrawn from the conserva.tive influence of Southern association—under a system of universal suffrage andpopularelections,wbich bas transferred the power of the State to a most vicious andignorantclass—without the seteadying pressure of ranks,classes and orders to befoundjnEuropeansocieties,or the atill better and wiser substitution of sisvervwhichsolidifiesandsupportsthesucial:fabric in the South—their peculiar exveri- ment of Government,untried befure in thehistoryoftheworld,is in the speedy pro- gress of confessed and appareut failure.Reflecting men see and feel it,and urefearfullyaoticipatingitsconsequences.—Free society,as itis called—a society with- out cheeks und balances social or political, subject in all its operations to the vis major,pure and simple—it demonstrated.to be social and political impossibiltity.Life and property cannot continue to be safe under such an arrangement of thesocialforces.A strong government ceas-ing to rest,or at least.reposing but fittle,on the consent of the governed,is felt tobeanecessity,and so,“the.wan on.horse-back”is welcomed as a stropy deliverer,|Take one of a thousand proofs of this| truth.The Chief Justice of the United States,in the opinion in Metryman's cave,which we publish this morniny,lias uttered «series of grave and undoubted truths,which,however removed from ordinary popular,contemplation,are as plain and palpable to the mind of the least informedlawyerasanytruthioarithmeticormathe-matics,To bow many thousand minds,jegal aod judicial,in the North,do theynotappealwiththeforceofaxioms?And ia what battle before,in which Liberty wastheprizemeastrovefor,in Engliah or |, Ameriean story,fom Somers down,inclu-sive of our great revolutionary struggle, has the yreat and illustrious body of juristsandlawyers—they whose daily walk ndwatcharearoundtherampartsoftheCon-stitution—failed to ripg the alarm,at thu first threat of invasion—and sunk as these degenerate men uow sink helpless and si-lent underthetread of theinvader!‘These |men must know that with them the battle |of free principles and free institutions is |over and decided.They hopelessly acceptafatewhichtheyfeeltobeivevitable,and yteld to the new relations ia which theel@meotsoftheirsocietyareabouttobe‘aGfamed.No less significant is the voice of theif’Press,and their Pulpit,gow be- camea power in the State,They are not, vitke:the legal class,silent through shame “nnd sequiescoat from supposed necessity,but cheer on the usurpations which sweep their liberty,and the Constitution made to | |! \ Ps te oO ce 6 Raitles #2 igen ed up in fe ea secerest combinations of people in the .Y"4 “ ihe i ea Y ey €|ar5‘oA Ee eS enema —LATEST PM§OM FORTRESS MONBOE.The Baltior’Clipper of Tuseday last,The Constitution and the law,designed to|says:enforce it give the President power to call}“piom ngers who arrived from Old out the militia in wid of judicial provess to |point gomsfort this morsigg,we learn that the town of Hampton,a short distance from Fortress Monroe,has been deserted.The inbabitants fearing that the place would be bombarded by the Federal forces fled in terror,leaving their furniture and goods at the mercy of any who might chance lo vis- it the place.Yesterday a number of sol- diers,acting without orders,visited the town and demolished all the furniture that they could lay hands upon,Gen.Butler learning of their unauthorized proceedings, immediately ordered them to their quar: ters,and issued a proclamation forbidding, under the heaviest penalties,a repetition of the disgraceful work. The Light House at Cape Henry has been destroyed by the Confederate forces, and another substituted io its place forty niles further southward.On Monday night,four vessels loaded with railroad iron, deceived by the false light,were captured and held as prizes by the secessionists.— The only light about.Fortress Munroe,is the one at Old Point,and Willoughby light boat.The rest have either been de- stroyed by the Contederate troops,or ex- tinguished by order of the government. There are now in the fort 1800 men, and about 5000 encamped on the farm ofColSegar,a short distance from the for- tress. It is reported that great dissatisfaction exists between the regulars and volunteers, the latter complaining that the regulars are better quartered.The sending back to N. York of the Naval Brigade caused loud murmurs from the volunteers,and a revolt was talked of.How far this news may be correct we are unable to say;we,however, obtained it from a passenger on the boat | that arrived this morning.—| COST OF WAR AT THE NORTH. States against the law too powerful to besuppressedintbeordinarycourseofjudi- cial proceedings.This is the pretect for awarofconquestupontheStatesthemselves, whose people are yielding willing andcheerfulobediencetothelawsandConsti-tution adopted of their own free chuice.The Constitution confines the war makingpowertoCongress.‘bis President wageswar,aod blockades the purts of the States “under the law of nations.”The Consti- tution gives Congress alone power to raise and maintain fleets and armies,but no ap-propriation tor the purpose shall be for alongerperiodthantwoyears,Lincolnraisesandsupportsfleetsandarmiesat his mere will for an indefinite period— “during the war,”as long as he chooses towageit.The Constitution provides thatnomoneyshallLedrawnfromtheTreas- ury except in pursuance of appropriations made by law.Lincoln squanders millionsoutoftheTreasuryforpurposeswhichhisownCongressretusedtoprovidefor,‘The Constitution assures wo every citizen free- dom from legal seizure of bis person, property,and papers—the protection of habeas corpus froin illegal detention,and speedy trial by jury,where the offence is charged to bave been cominitted.Lincoln's hireling subordinates,under lettres de cachet,not aven shown to their victims, seize the body of the citizen in his own domicil,in the dead of night,and immurehimintheGoveromentdungeons,indefin- itely,and without the hope of rescue un-der the outraged laws he has sworn to preserve,defend and enforce.In short,throughout the limits of sovereign States, the courts are sileoced,the laws abrogated, aud the whole population is by executive fiat brought under the rules and articles ofwar,Backed by military force,he dis-|,'“measledgestbatadopce|Teens om “KeeleoatEee)OUST Cee aua Bas power:to ap)accurate exponent of Northern and South:|peal to the militia,and thus himself be-|‘ian f :'Gone:hel tend will drentichima aanbne a ie ations ae ree some idea |tium too powerful to be suppressed”by the |of the resources of the South in a protract- ordinary course of law.has uot left |ed struggle with the North:Constitution enough remaining to impeach|Bounties to fisheries pr.an.North,$1,500,000bim,bad his sudyects virtue aud courage|Customs disbursed,40,000,000enoughtodemandhispuoishment.|a Ore aesWhatamournfulspectacle!How ‘Sheena risand EEOScheeringtotyrants!how galling to the Ee .arenloversoffreegovernment!to tnink that “On travellers (from the ithefreeCoustitutionofourfathers,wrought South,60,000,000outforuswiththeirsweatandtoilandTeachersandothersatblood,and framed and organized with wis-South sent from thedomsosurprising,should,through the and North,5,000,000degeneracyoftheirsons,prove so evanes-eo oe es r08o0b0| cent,that,ia the course of a single life|Capital aan Roa Ne jeu |time,he who watched at its cradle may|South.30,000,000standbyitsgrave.—Richmond Whig.a -.Total from these sources pr.an.$231,500,000 {QF™The Nashville Patriot boasts |These calcalations are all from official thatthe’Tenth District Home Guards |ae Wappeaibarditerenne |.:exis my War |of that city have procured by SCING |were to cost the South one hundred mill-|uuderband means seventy revolving |ions of dollars per aunum,it would not |rifles of Warner's pattern,from the,;‘Las ,amount to one half the sum of which theSpringtield(Mass.)Armory.We}Suuth bas been aunaaliy plundered by the |do not believe the story,unless the ;North;an amount which probably not onearmsarrivedviaBatonRouge.It!man in ten thousand at the South has everigfarmoreprobablethatMassachu-|thought of,andall of which will be preserv-setts arms,and Massachusetts men ;ed to the South by the existing war.to use thei,will bein Nashville a).“If (says Mr.Kettell,)we take the ay-few months hence than that the |gregateof theseitems,for ten years only,theweaponsarenowthere.—Cin.Gaz.result is the enormous sum of two billions,‘Nevertheless,Measlonracrine Ge:es bundred and fifteen millions,and al-:;:.|lowing twenty per cent.of the sum only aszette,the rifles are here,and Were |the aggregate of the fifty previous jenreceiveddirectfromthemanufacto‘the amount is two thousand seven hundredry.-The Guards parade with them |and seventy millions of dollars earned atfrequently.You._must not put too |the South added to Northern accumula-much contidence in the patriotism of |tion.”the X ankees.They would sell their;If any body is at a loss to explain whysoulstothedevilformoney,and |the North is waging the present war,weprate,whilst making the trade,of!can tell them:[t is not for the Union,morality and religion.When Mas |the Constitution,the laws,nor the star-sachnsetts men eart on their journey |spangled banner,but for the sum of moneytothisplace,with arma in their ;contained in the above named items, hande,advise them to bring their|aN :=Ceabet oe STRENGTH OF 7 "winding-sheets along aleo.—Patriot,|:Gees EIEN NIE;|: .The New York Herald thus estimates theAgentlemanjustarrivedfromYork-|strength of the Southern army now in Vir-town,reports a successful feat accomplished|ginia:by three of our scouts.They encountered MEN,nine of Butler's scouts,and knowing that |At Norfolk at the numerous strategicinacontestwiththeoddsofthrevtoone,|,,Positions immediately around it,10,000theywou'd stand but poor chances of suc.miele:up.some twenty miles,on cess,resorted to a ruse which proved suc-Neth.ae penecessful.They retreated,and drew the!een chia Dorband Rap >enemy's fire,and then suddenly turned |At Petersburg and Burksville #600andgavebattle.One of the mercenaries|At Richmond,8,000wasinstantlykilled,two were taken pris-At Lynchburg,25,000oners,aud the other six made good their |At Gordonsville,Charlottesville,Staun-|escape by taking to their heels,Two of Aerie Lexington,8,000ourmenwereexperiencedwarriors,and At Galena suse pohaveseenservicebefure.——Richmond Let-At Dumfries and Acquia Cree aetertuPetersburgHxpress,7th.|At Leesburg 200’3,000|At Harper's Ferry and Point of Rocks,13,000 93,000BARBECUE. We are requested to state that|there will Lea Barbecue given by |Where ts Gen.Lane ?—Nine Cheers for Johnourcitizens,to the Volunteers,on Bell! Total, Saturday next,the 15th inst.Eve-|Hon.John Bell spoke on the 5thrybodyisinvitedtoattend.A few|instant,at Knoxville,Tenn.speeches may be expected.Come|Louisiana troops,urging wants theallwhocan,and partake of the good things which will be furnished for those brave men who have so brave.ly responded to the callof our State.—Concord Fag. death against the North,declaringthatfivemillionsofsoldierscannotconqnertheSoath.Great enthusi-asm for the Sonthern canse was man-ifested.—Charlotte Bulletin. |their employees to volanteer by pro- to the|bands and brothers on the tented en ee.er —————_———RESOLUTION RELATINGYO AWE |i Recumen>,June 14,MENTS ‘OR THE CONSTERUTION oc.of sarebe wit!ovcepy R”'}:OF THfS8 STATE.ee a 15thof July—tif poner’ Resolved,That the Constitution of this State ought to be sn amended,that no able bodied white man should be allowed to vote fur members of the House of Com-mons,who may have refused or failed to pay his poll tax for tbe year irommediately preceding any election at whieh he may offer to vote,for which be may be liable and owing. Resolved further,That the Constitution should be so altered,that no free white man shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate in this State,who shall not have paid a property tax,equal to the tax on one bundred dollars value of land or real estate,for the year immediately ns any election at wbich he may offer to vote for a member of the Senate. Resolved further,That the Constitution of this State should be further amended, so that the right to amend the ConstitutionofthisStatebytheLegislatureshallbe abolished. The above resolutions were offered in the Convention on Thursday last,by Mr. Calloway,of Wilkes,and should have ap-peared in our laat paper,bot the Reporter was unable to secure a copy of them.Raleigh Register. Ex-Governor Wise is very ill.An immediate attack is expecteder’a Ferry.The troops are determineditaThermopylae.About fifteen hundred troops are artidailyatRichmond,and President Duyig aepectedtotakecommandinperson.ae Memruss,Jang 10TheRetarneindicateanalmostvoteforSecession. atHarp. to Tak, UDADIMoy, Ricumony Jone ip,The Southery Commissioners in Europe hboughttwoSteamerswhichwillleaveiediatelyundertheprotectionoftheBritishi, WiLminaton,June 10.. Some commotion wes ereated here,yest,day in conseqaence of the repurted landing ofFederaltroopsbelow,ou the Coast.‘The opinion to-day is that the Veseels seyformedpartof»blockading expedition.. Rareson,June 10. The Standard learns that nearly two headredCompaniesofStuteVolunteershave(aderedtheirservicestotheGovernor. The Permanent Constitution of the Conted. erate States was Ratified,unanimously,» the Convention,to-day. Wasninaton,June 8,186:. The Ceorgetown Pickets were fired Uponlastnighthypartiesentirelyunknown,whieh has caused great surprise and consternation, It is understood that the Goverumeat (Lin. colns,)will make no further Requisitions {o,troops. Federal Senators and Representatives aryarrivinginanticipationofthemeetingofthei; Congress on the 4th of July. Th.best inforined men jn Washington con. sider a brush with England inevitable as ew, as her manufacturing interests peed Cotton Dispatches are said to huve been sent Norh that France would join the South against the North but are deterred by the feur that in » doing she would entirely cripple the only Rival Engiand has.This is entirely baseless,for no. thing in Government Dispatches,letters,or Newspapers,sustaining such a statement,has been received. The Louisville mails have been stopped. The Memphis pos:office has been discontin- ued.A partof the Federal Machinery—loyy) post masters—are directed to forward all maj. ter addressed to Memphis,(Tenn.)tothe dead A PRIZE TAKEN. The Yorktown correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch,writing under date of 4th inst.,furnishes the following: On Saturday morning last a detachment of the *Young Guard,”under command of Lieut.Vannerson and Sergeant Wade, mounted withont saddle or bridle,save ashortpieceofrope,proceeded down the road leading to Hampton,about twenty miles,and took possession of a large light- er capable of carrying three hundred men ; aud after encountering much danger and trouble,at seven o'clock on Sunday morn- ing landed the prize safely at the wharf at Yorktown.This party were in much dan-|lester office,at Washington. ger during the whole of Saturday night,| Itis alleged,as the cause of the suspensionbeingwithinrangeofthegunsofthe|of the Mempbis post office,thut the Postmar.=|ter refuses to distribute the mails. ae steamer,which lies belowthis|It is currently reported thut Acqaia Creek:._|has been reinforced by 3000 troups.Several spies have been captured at this |Waswimoron,June 9. place,and will be examined to-day.|Several companies of regulars have depari There have been varnous rumors of an |ed for Chambersburg to assist in the Harpersattackuponthisplaceforseveraldayspast.|Ferry movement.[i is understood that the Last night the bluckading steamer threw |ines are rapidly cloeng on the Ferry.The.:.ha |Tet Regiment are scouting in Southern Mary. ue signal lights dung the whole of the |lund to prevent supplies being forwarded.night,but no attack tS)made,._|Chambersburg pablications relative to ibe Strange to say,there is not a‘female in |proposed movements are forbidden.the place—not even w negro woman to!Scoating parties from the Harper's Ferry wash our shirts and gloves.|forces have seized thirteen locomotives at Wil) |tamesport which they have switched into Win nial chester road. MUST PAY UP.The batteries are being withdrawn frow ibe .Maryland side and retreating om the route t- The New York merchants who,OD |wards Wincheeler,which hus been sirougit fortified.The Secessionists are strong and gaining 't |Frederick,Md.The Unionmts there are qu oe ;.‘king with apprebension of un advance frommising&continuance of their sala-|amc?bude,9 miko dictowk.ke enim ries,it seenis need a little **coer-,of the Marylandersis indicated by the fact ina i 2 :ay they will,at all hazards continue to furnieb E100:The Tribune threatens them |food to Confederate forces at Harper's Ferry |und Point of Rocks. Noelle sid .a .!The concentration of artillery at Harpersvlittleindignationisfeltincer-|Ferry,either indicutes a retreat,or an advancetainregimentsbymemberswho}via Point of Rocks. were expecting tu serve their coun-| try,and whose employers in New| York had granted them leave of ab-| sence,with continued pay,that they |should now be compelled tO FEBIZN,|Col the federal postepe stampa,a6 they ate «1andreturn,or allow their families to |acknowledged,on reaching the federal domi: suffer on account of the stoppage of|ions,when cancelled South.salaries by the aforesaid employers.|—eaItwouldseemnomorethanjustice;The Boys Cooking.—It is exceeding!if the names of such employers could |interesting to see the soldiers providingfurbepublished.the inner man.Every three or four tents _|havea brush fire in common,and the mem a bers of each tent do their own cooking.Bishop Andrew on the War woe |n ;;'*makingBishoprilccwsanvTetercoelToseethenmukingtheircoffee,makin;ee ©|up batter and frying ment,itis fire to lockSouthernChristianAdvocate,lays |ae but we eter ne fun in havingdownthefollowingpropositionasa!todo.We noticed a stout soldfer stov}:basis for his beliet that the South|ing down the other evening,beating son will prevail In the Impending strug:|thing with the end of a short stick i!gle with the North:tin cup,and on going upto him found ths!let.Because our cause is righte-|he was grinding,or rather poundingcotous.2d.The people of the South—|forhis supper.The life of a soldier ** thanks to Lincoln's folly and pertidy hard life—hard,hard indeed.Aecur’—are now very nearly a unit.3d.|forever be that hell-deservinge faintigem ™Weare fighting at home and for}the North,that has called our peopte fahome.We ask only to be permit-|their.plensant and comfortable Sustedtogovernourselves.We wieh|C2dure the hardships of the tented O°:;in order to driv tk r altars abdtorelieveourluteassociatesfromall|:aos om onparticipationintheGinelie||hearthstones the foul invaders.P wer Ae)‘Temperance Crusadesorelytronbledtheirconsciences.||4th.We have soldiers enough—anarmymadeupoftheverybestina.|terial and commanded by ofticerssecondtononeonearth;and,final.ly and above all we look up for God'sdirectionandblessing.ThousandsofoursoldiersareChristianmen,who are not ashamed to confess |Co.and consigued to Samuel and Wii™Christ in camp ;and every day thou-|Welsh,Philadelphia,The vessel anc cal sands of prayers go np to God invo-|go should be worth over 840,000.!*king his guidance and aid.In many |brig bails from Rockland Maine.of our Churches prayer ineetings ure ||being constantly held,in behalfof |the country,and our sons and hus- the spur of the moment,induced| after this fashion: FROM LOUISVILLE. Lovisvitce,June& The merchants of this city request that ihe Confederate States postmasters will mot cup PRIZE CARGO. The brig Joseph,from Cardenas for Shi adelphia,lately takeu a prize by the ConfederateStatesPrivateerschoonerSav#” nah,says the Charleston Mercury,bas ° bowrd 215 hogsherde,and)47 vere |Muscovado sugar,shipped by Morales & MORE AID. The Nashville Patriot of Wednes’ways that Capt.Brooks,a son ofthe formPresidentoftheBaltimoreandObieieRoad,had raised in Sonthern HinercompanyoffiftymenfurtheConfedearmy.A steamboat lad been procu’oro! fields—and will pot God hear andauewer.a, CARLISLE TO BE ABRESTED. Gov.Letcher,of Vinginia,has issned awarrantforthearrestofMr.Carlisle. bring them across the river from *| opposite Paducah. nion City to join the Tennessee Their deatinatio®» troop volu fede Lin are “thre thei eoly om 1 the oul the the oul — to 10 chmonyPerm). tHarp. to Tak, arriy; Wie ex. ng 10. BDIMOu9 ne 10. pehave>imme. sh Flay, ne }(). )Vester. ndingof ela Been be 10. WO hus. QVe len. Conted. vsly,by 186;. d Upon 1»Whirh ation. at {Ly. jons for ven are of their JOD con. 88 OR oOiton st North net the at in w ly Rival 1s for no- ters,or ent,has ped. eContin- y—loyr! all ma. he dead pension ‘ostmas. a Creek soe 9. depart Harper's that the y.The a Mary. led. to ibe a Ferry at Wil) to Wi rou)(be ‘oute lo- slrouglt ining I Are que ce from »feeling fact (nat furnied o Ferry Yarpers advapcw une & that ihe 90 Cun are bol |domin- edingly dingfor iy tents e mem king. aking to lock ving": Stoo}: f some ‘koin nd thas g cotlee er 84 ocursed jie te from mes d feld ars apd ader or Pn e Con Navan has oP tierce rales 4 WV liam yc]cat ,The nests’ forme! io bi ino * ederi™ ured # 'porn! ition * opt ee an E aa c ha t is Che Wintchnas.Saussure cor THURSDAY EVENING,JUNE 18,186).2st te tee ur We are autorized to annoance WIL- LIAM A.HOUCK,as a Candidate for Coun- ty Court Clerk of Rowan, srWo are aathorized to announce Jacos ®.Mreas as a candidate for Coumy Court Clerk of Rowan. We are authorized to annoence OBA- )IAH WOODSON usa Candidate for the of-fice of County Coart Clerk of Rowan County 7We are authorised to announce THOM. AS McNEBLY,a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk. A BATTLE NEAR NEWPORT NEWS. It is quite certain that there was a battle ovat Norfolk,Va.,last Sunday night or Mon- day morning.The first Regiment of the N.C. volunteers formed the pringipa!part of the Cou- federate force engaged oa this occasion.The Lincoln army amouated to three thousaad.[t s reported the Southerners drove them back three times,and killed aboat one hundred of their men,sqetaming a very emall loss them- eclves.There was certainly a fight,bat there is no offeial account yet uf the resalt of it. —ome—-— 2M The Rowan Rifle Guard has been ordered forward to Virginia,They are uow at “Camp Anderson,near Garyaburg, Northampton county,N.C.”Those de- siring to address their friends in that com- pany will observe this change.The mem- bers of the company were well and in fine «pirits,at last accounts. Lime.—The time of year ie at hand when our citizens should have a care for the health of our Town.There will be ia every town,af- cer the best effurts to prevent it,many places reeking with offensive matter,and sending abroad their uuhealthy vapors into the streets and dwellings.The privys and stop-boles sheuld be carefully looked after when the long contin- ued and vertical rays of our summer suus be- gin to pour upon us with festering power.Lime and copperas,andeven ashes,are good disin- fectants,and should now be freely sprinkled | upon all offeosive matter and anpleasant pluces. A little attention (o this subject may serve the \mportant purpose of preventing sickness.A kind Providence is crowning the year with ma- uy blessings;and by the carcful useof the et hee its tire I at bttackwillbemageoatiacity{Bal a KENTUCKY INVADED. Casra,June 8.Prenties,on Jearninthatthe'seooeonitsWad ebuablBioa'e chert at Eljicott’s Mills,in eent two com-panies there.Col.Wyckliffe remonstratedagainstthisinvasionofaneutralState,butPrentissreplied,“it is‘my determination tosendtroopsinanydirgetionanduponanysoilthatmyGovernmentrequests.” SOUTHERN MAIL STOPPED. Louisvitte,June 7.—The mail to the Southhasbeenstopped.Postmaster Speed has re- ceived instructions from Washington to sendallmailmatterforthesecededStatesandMemphistoWashington,Louisville merchants request that Confede- rate Postmasters do not cancel the Federalpostagestamps,as they are not acknowledg-ed on reaching the Federal dominions whencancelledSouth. Movements or tHE LINcoLN FLEET— Wituineror Brocgapen. Wiiurnaron June 9.-A large war steam er chased a small schooner into New Inlet, this afternoon.The steamer finding pur- suit useless put to sea.Our port is evi- dently blockaded.The Confederate bat- ery boat,from Smithville,has not arrivedup.She has prubably been detained moving the forces. >o—--—BATTLE AT BETHEL CHURCH. Federal Troops ‘Repalsed with Heavy Loss. Ricumonp,June Jl. An eneeneeeent yesterday at Bethel Church, between Newport News and Yorktown. 1200 Confederate troops under Col.J.B. Magruder,were intercepted on the high ground around the Church,and was assailed by 3000 Federal troops,whom the Confederates repuls- ed three tines with heavy loss on the federalside,uur loss (rifling. Coufederates engaged were the first N.C Regiment,Hampton's Battalion,and one com- pany of Richmond Howitzers The enemy retreated toward»Newport News,leaving about 100 dead bodies on the road. Ricumonp,June 11. One report says that 300 of the enemy were killed at Bethel Church engagement, Our loss said to be five. The battle lasted several hours.The enemy had several pieces of artillery.Our troops Lad six cannon.The enemy fired very badly.Our force probably two thou: sand. means to secure it,continued health and free- dom from diseuee may be to us the most pre-| eous of His favors. oe 17 The Concord Flag denies that a single | eitizen of Cabarrus county was engaged in the hanging of Oscar;and very properly denoun- era the mob. the time,that those engaged in it were mostly strangers,We saw the crowd at a distauce, out did pot recognize aciugle man in it. then,we have reason to believe our stulement thatat ‘eousisted chiefly of non-residents ot our towa and county,”may be incorrect. -°sS¢ Var Coast Defences—-Organtzatioa. Under this heading che Wilmington Journal, after denying the truth of the report tat troops had landed on the cuast below that cily,con- ttuues ite remarks thus: Bus let us take the thing fairly into consid.eration,Suppose the alarm last uight had been founded apon fact.Suppose transports had been off our coast.Suppose they Aad landed, troops,aad all these are supposable ciser.Weaskthiequestion—Are we ready to oppose them?Just look wt the thing.Are we ready?We will not auswer that question.We are eontent to propose it for the eonsiderativn of those-who are able,or ough to be able tu giveasatisfaewryanswer.We may be tavuded al any moment.That qaestion wust depend spon the actionof ouradversaries.It remaine with ws huwever,to be ready.If we are not. somebody will be to blame,and we will not be tht somebody.We aay distinctly,knowiag why we say s0,Mat var coast,South of Cape Lookout,onght to he protected efficiently within the next fen days,Hew we obtain the knowledge upenwhichwepredicateouropinionsisanotherinat-ter.We think it correct.Certainly,if it in not correct we will be on the sufe side if we prepared.But in our prior remurke we wieh 1t Uuyderstood that we do not make them a8Movesiaameregametostitpeopleup.If within fourteen days ut the farthest we ure “nprepared it will be by a mere uccident that we will wot have to regret it. >eIMPORTANTFROM SAVANNAH—A PRIZE TAKEN. Savanman,June 6 —The fine,first class ship Xebasticock has been taken possession of by|(he Colleetor of this port,as a prize tothe Con-| lederate States,she having remained beyond |the time granted to foreign vertels tu leave | for their homes.Had the Colieetor not been as | Prompt ta performing thie cuty,other eyes| Were upon the ship,and she would huve been | well taken care of befure this.She was own- ed in Bath,Maine.Efforts.[learn,were made toehange her papere,aad thas make un | Englioh vessel of her,but the trick would aot| ‘ake Special Despatch to Charleston Courier.| >-_— Impertant from Washington,dc. Wasminoron,Juue 7.—It is beliewed thatLordLyonshasreceiveddespatchesunfavora- ble to the Federahats The Cabinet has been1semsioneverydaythisweekonforeignaffairs which are believed to be ominous of tronble. Sr.Louis,June 1.—The District Court at Springfield,Illinois,hae iseued a writ of habeas corpus for McDonald. New Yorn,June 6—The Vandalia sailedto-day,to join the blockadere. W aaninctom,Jone 5.—Barilett’s Naval Brig- nde bave forced themeelves Into nervies. We heard it repeatedly said ut Since | ->e —sa |Wasninoton,June 11. |The latest ndviees from Washington statethatupprehensionsarefelttherethattheSouth- |Troops will advance from the Point of Rocks and make Washington the nextpointof attack. )That another revolt in Baltimore’will be eu- couraged and the Southern forces will advance through Maryland. awuny them a Colonel,naine unknown.—| m sated i Rew Yor.| Lada Cede Ee=war the Southern States contributedWice98@AsymenggfheNorth.ThSouth:SeeDe hE ee,saelyallherworkdonebynegroes,can placeaeherentirepopulationunderarms,na great emergeney,the Southern Statescouldplaceinthefield&willion of men—~the greater part of them being such menaswonthebattlesofBueoaVistaandNewOrleans.” Western Virginia for Secession.—IptheTrans-Alleghany region of the State,(says the Petersburg‘Express )where allOppositiontotheSecessionOrdinancewasmade,23.015 votes weregiven in its favor,to 19,605 against it—showing that Seces-sion triumphed even there by 3,420.Outofthesixty-one counties in Trans-Aliegha-ny,thirty-nine voted io favor,and twenty-two against the Ordinance.The majori- ties given by North Western counties (in the Valley)for Secession being 2,800 it thus appears that Western Virginia did vote for the Ordinance by at least 3,000inajority. soe Rawnpotpn County.—A letter says,—~ “Three volunteer companies have been raised and organized-—oumbering over200men.Other companies are being raised.We are all of one mind,deter-mined to resist Abe Lincoln and his min- ions to the bitter end.” ome Still Pouring In.—For the last few days the daily arrivals of troops from the South in this city have amounted to some- thing like an avalanche.These all came by the Southern road.We learn that even more have been transported to Rich- mond by the Southside road,and the num- ber will be increased on both roads dailv for weeks to come.Virginia has now in her bosom an army fully equipped that relieves her from all apprehensions,let the force of the invaders be what it may. President Davis is a trump,and no mis- tuke.—Petersburg Hzpress,8th. STUDYING THE GAME. Some of our friends are impatient for action,and wondering why the Confeder- ate Forces do pot thus and so on the Vir- ginia borders.We have the utmost con- tidence in President Davis and his counsel- lors and all onr leaders.Be patient fel- low-citizens.They are studying the game, and know very well what they are about. Fear not;all will be well.Do nothiug to disturb or distract efforts.Beware of fault tinding about :natters that you do not --—wee --— ,'FROM RICHMOND. Ricnmonp,June 11. Four thousand troops.of,the Confederate ar- |my are supporting the Acquia Creek Batteries. ‘Jt is thoaght thet Harper's Ferry will be |evacuated on the approach of Federal troops. Ricumonp,June 8. |The City Council yesterday purchased the ‘elegant sud spacious mansion of Lewis D. Crenshaw,corner of Clay and Twelfth strecis, |foc the residence of President Davis.The price"paid for it is about $50,000. ' RETALIATION, |The Richmond.Jispatch quotes from ithe N.Y.Tribune n very decided remark, that the negroes enticed away from their owners and put to hard work by the Lin- |colnites on the fortificativus of Old Point, ean never be given upto their former owners,nor even paid fur under any set- |tlement.”" This is strony ground,Tn view of auch a determination,and of the seizures and destruction of private property at Harmp- ton and elsewhere,(wherever indeed the vandals have had force enough tu take it,)the Dispatch recommenda the establish- ‘inent of a Court of Claims inthe Southern Confederacy,befure which every nan who has had private property teken trom him, whether slaves,provisions or goods,shall be allowed to prove his loss,whereupon he shall be paid by the confiscation of ull real and personal property held by Northern men in the South,of all debts due by |Southern men to Northern men,and of all |atocks of Southera States d&c.,held at the |North.| We have been an advocate fur every | Southern man paying his debts to North.| ern men,to the last dollar.But)we ex-| pected the war,when it caine on,to be | coudueted upon civilized principles.In view of tho monstrous ontrages perpetra-| ted,and the still more desolating fiiries in- tended to be showered upon the South,we | have changed that opinion,and agree with | the Dispareh,that a court of claims should award compensation to our fellow citizens who hive been robbed.It is 4 necessary retaliation.It is justice to those who are in a situation to bear the brunt of this ma- Jignant,devilish war.It is estimated thut Southera people owe at the North fromthirty to sixty millions of dollars,There are perbaps as many millions of Southern State bonds held there.These will furnish an ample fund out ofwhichtopayforSouthernpropertycon-Gecated by Lincoln and bie inyrmidons. ||\ Fay.Obsetver. know,We have statesmen that the world xdmires,aod let us trust them.—Golds- boro’Tribune. |o>e |The English News in New York. '—The effect in New York of the |last news from Englagd is thus de- scribed in the Eapress, “The news from England,and the |comments of the Bev paces have excited today a profound:eensationinWallandotherstreeta;and bat little elee is talked of,or was talked of,last evening.To say.there is ageneralindignationwouldbutfeebly 2 8 1 MEAPIQNEGIETICE.r ASThereinaUnicoPreyerMest oi thdThechi.i orour rea our utry.ee ne ane=Seated,INFANTRYSERVICE. 15 Active Men Wanted to Ealixt FOR THE WAR! HE undersigned havingbeenappointedintbeNorth Carolina State Troops,invite all anxious to serve their coun-try,to ealist under them.Fifteen Deliars Bonaty paid to all as eoon as mustered;regular puy: from 11 to $21,per month,counting from duy of enlistment.Uniform,board and medical at- tendance,free.—g Apply to the undersigned at Salisbury.W.C.LORI),Captain. G.C.MoConnavaury,\Eheutoneate.. G.A.Brvesan, Salisbery,June 6,186).WANTED. Rowan Artillery! 20 MORE able-bodied Men wanted for this Company now in service.— Term of enlietment,one year.For further information enquire at the Store of A.Myers, No.4 Granite Building.:By order of Capt.J.A.Ramsay. foJune6,1861. BANK OF WILMINGTON AS DECLARED a Dividend of 4 percent.,payable 10th inst. 8.JEWETT,Cashier. June 6,1861.19 NOTIOE. HE firm of N.DEAVER &CO.,is dis- solved by limitation.All those having claims against the ubove will present them for payment. June 6,1861.uf9 Head-Quarters 63rdRegiment N.C.Militia. HE OFFICERS of the Regiment,as per order of Court Martial,May 30th,are hereby notified to appear in front of the Adju- tant’s office ia Salisbury,at 10 o'clock,A.M., 4 the last Friduy in Jone,armed with fire- leck,and accoutred as common militia meu,forinstruction.R.P.BESSENT,June 3d,1861.-f8 Adjutant. Volunteers Wanted for the Salis-bury Greys. CTIVE and vigorous men,anxious to serve their Country,are invited to join the new Rifle Company—Salisbury Greys. “Form,Riflemen Form.”May 9,1861. tfl SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT,Raveicn,Muy 25,1861. GEALED PROPOSALS will be received Oat this Department,for the delivery of Food merchantable Flour at any Rail Road pot within the Stute,in quantities not less than Twehty-fice Barrels,antil the 15th July 1861. Proposals should be endorsed ‘‘Proposale for Flour”aud addressed to the Commissary Gen- eral.WM.JOHNSTON.Commissary General. May 30th,1861.AT “Salisbury Female Seminary. ‘THE exercises uf this ivetitution will be continued as heretofore,ander the direc- tiou of the subscriber.In consaquence of thedisturbedeiateofourpublic’affuirs he has changed his purpose to remove,and hopes towakehimeelfususefultothis:community during these troablous times as possible.Be- express the public sentiment.TheBritishMinister's comparison of ns with Turks,and the revolutionistsoftheSonthwiththeGreeks,but exuaperatesthecommonteeling,All sorte:of inovements in reply,or inreprisal,are talked of.Some pro- pose to touch,taste,handle no more British goods,until Great Britain ceases to lend countenance to priva |teering by vur own pyople upon our own commerce and shipr,AntBritishassociationsofallkindsand all sorts are suggested,which would be inischievous to name,as some stretch far beyond law or pro priety.A public ineeting of imer- chants,and others doing business with Eagland,to remonstrate,is sug: gested.” {“oe ~ THE FOLLOWING isa sample of the nu- merous letters constantly receiving for Hos- etter’a Stomach Bitters: Cananpagua,Juty 15,1859. Mesers.Hostetter ¢Smith,Pittsburg,Pn: —Gents:—As we are strangers,[|herewith enclose you twenty-eight dollars for four dozen |Hostetter’s Stomach bitters,which plewre tor- ward via Michigan Southern Railroad,Toledo. Ohio,cnd Clayton Station. several dosen botilesat Toledo this Nummer. bat the sale is on the increase w)wnch that I wish to open w direct trade with you.I wus induced totry your Bitters by my physician, for the Liver Complaint,and received sack ma- terial aid that I have recommendedit to others and have sold about (wo dozen per week for some time.I have all kindsofmedicine in ny store,bul there is nove that [can eo cheerful- ly and tratbfully recommend as your Bitters,| for T kwow they have helped me beyond my expectation.Youra re tfuollPHILOWILSON. SiennaBLANKDEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, it| T have parchased | lieving that his Inbors have been generally xatisfactory,he solicits un extended patronage, and would ask his frienda to aid him in increas- jing the auimber of hia pupils. |A.D.WILKINSON. i May.16,1861.63 TT Genet eae aera neSYST, orien ° aod-Gstracied gate of she a betterto thecpgly osieagoodetockofStaplenidFe DryGocephatweareanxioustoselloffforthecash,ahd wilt seff Faucy Goode teperdietsot cost.We have alee hand,.Cofiee,SugarandSalt,Alt “fot ‘ciel orbattery at the mar- ket cash prices,i .BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK.oe May20,1861,.-ata e sre very desirous Ctint those ow- ing by note or accountweareveryneedy. will cal)aud pay up,as.B.C a M. NO OREDIT. UR TERMS after the tet of May neat will be exclusively Cush or Barter.We are compelled to adop!this plan for vur safety, and we hope nu one will take offence at it.Persaus having accounts with us will pleasecallandclosethesamebycashornote.McCUBBINS &FOSTER.Salisbury,April 23,1861.{50 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY.. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,MayTerm,186). RDERED by the Court that D.A.Davis,John |.Shaver and A.Henderroa act as a Committee to raise vp the faith and credit of the County of Rowan either by meansofcountybondsorbyanyothermeansiatheir power,a suin not exceeding fifty thousand dollars,tu be upplied auder their direction to the arming,equipping and supporting volunteers.of the County of Rowan and for the comfort and support of the famiiesof voluuteers which, are left in need;thet any bond given underthisauthorityshallbesignedbytheClerkof this court uoder the eeal of said court for such a sum and on such terms as the said committe may think proper,with coupone attached, signed by the clerk,und that eaid cammittee be authorized tu sell bonds executed under this. authority for the best price they wil bring,Itisfurther ordered and declared that coupons atlached to the bonds above authorised,be receivable in discharge of all county taxes and ether county dues,and that this order bepublishedinboththeSalisburyBannerand: Carolina Watchman.. JAMES E.KERR,Clerk.May 16.1961.113 _NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. In Equity.Spring Term,1861, Arthur Neeley against Joseph W.Hall and Burton Craige,Executore of Solomon Hall, in business. »we dee’d.,and Bennet Austin,and wife Mar- aret. fn thie case.it appearing to the satipfaction of the Court,that Bennet Austin andhia wife Margaret,are not inhabitants of this State:It is ordered that publication be made,for six weeks,in the Carolinu Watchman,for the said defendants to be and appear at the nextTermoftheCourtofEquity,to be held for the County of Davie,at the Court House in Mocksville,on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in Aaogust next,and plead,answer or demur to complainant’s bill,or the same will be taken pro confesso,and the cause set for heuring ex parte,as to them. Witness,L.Bingham,Clerk und Master of the Court of Eqaity for scid County,at office, the 4th Monday after the 4th Munday in Feb- ruary,1861.‘ L.BINGHAM,C.M.E. May 16,1861.6w3 pr.adv.$5.50. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY,|; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessipns,May Term,1861. RDERED by the Court,that the Patrot or Guard of the Town of Saljebury,have fall power tu visit any suspeeted places beyond: the limits of the town,and to arrest and con- fine in town any disorderly or euspeceid per- sous found beyond the limits of town in thesumemavnervstheywoeldasreétBndconfine dirorderly or suspected persons in town. JAMES E.KERR,Clerk. Salisbury,May 186).MattoStateofNorthOsrolina, ROWAN COUNTY.. Court of Please and Quarter Seapjons,May. Terme,1861. ’(RDERED by the Cour that all.patro’_7 compruies iv the county have leaye to gu THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, Situated near the Western N.C.R.R.in the County of Catupba. FPYIB populir Summer regort,with eddition- nl buildings since last season,will be open- ed for vinitore un the Ist of June.Ample urrangements made for comfort and nmusement of Guests.A fine Band of Musicengugedfortheseason.New Bowling Alley and Bathing Salvon erected. |Every effort will be ninde to make this a ‘pleasant and sufe retreat for the families of thone who may be at this crisia called from home—indeed ample arrangement»made to |insure thie. MRS.E.J.ROBARDS.|May 13,1261,2m2 |WE HAVE IN STORE| 35 bbls.Coffee Sugars. ‘10 hhds.Molasses. '6 bbls.N.Orleans Syrup. R00 ibs.Sole Leather. 50 kegs Nails. 25 bags Rio Coffee. 2 casks Rice. All of whieh we offer at greatly reduced R.&A.MURPHY. 3m47 |prices.April 9. ||Joining Counties. { |mast be supplied from theapcoantdersignedsolicitsconrignmentsof |Nave Biepersonal attentionJOMN F.FOARD.|Newbern,May },1861 4m52 To the Farmers of Rowan und ad-| S our intercourse with the North is now effectually broken up and our market »the an- any where they mey please in the gounty and |dixchargethe regularduties of patrol companies,|when they sec tit,ae fully out of their districts. ;as they have heretafure discharged them with- |in their respective districts.JAMES E.KERR,Clerk. May 16,1861.tf3ontkTOWNORDER.|| T iv hereby ordered that the Towa Patrol. of Salisbury hava discretionary powers to. urrest and Icek up in the Calaboose any per-con,white or black,who nay be found in the sireete of Salisbary after dark who shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct,or be unable to give u sutisfuctory sceount of himself;andi any persan so committed to be brought before |me for further proceedings on the following. ||| morning.JOHN I.SHAVER,May 3,1861.-tf51)Intendant..See I.W.JONES,M.D., fb AS permanently located in the town of Sali bury,and offers hie serviees to the |poblic in the various departments of hie profea- sion. UT Office on Main Street,Sret d&er above |Baie’Confeetionery.‘ Jun.15.186).6m35 \|Atteation!Military Companies. ee subscriber ia pared to furnishh io Companies the Militery Fatigue.Cap of Home Munofacture and méterial,well made, and of latest military style at low,pripe.Ad-dress,JAS.H.ENX : May 17,1861 Baheopry,N.C THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED |V E are now selling our stock omt at re- ur,Ba-|daced prices for CASH.No goeds sold cn con,Lard,Hay,Butter,&e.,ge.,whieh shall!credit.All persone indebted to weare request- ed to call and pay ap. R.¢A.MURPHY. 1h49,|April 2,1961. oe WXRES ““onic ‘Cordial. Tie best Medicihd ia the world for‘CHOLIC.| 'It SENTE for DYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands of DIARRHOEA. ‘The best physicians tebdifimend it for FLUX. ‘Tes nse on the first eymptoma,and before a physician can be obtained wilk prevent,j:,"CHOLERA. Be itl cavad aiany lives;much;time, sickness,suffering and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. Lt only Costs cyur.. bel ED AER AG ad eg ce 4 ,25 \ ):) ‘,\cenecs. / ™, a } Prepared by W.ff.Wrarr,| Apothecary.Nos.186 and 188 Main st.,Balisbary,N.©. April 9.,6m4¢_GOODS—SPRING TRADE. ' EBare now receiving a jot of new and desirable Goods tar the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE.OUR STOCK | Will not be as large ws on former seasons,but , will have a good assortment.We shall have| a‘very handsome and select assortment of all | kinds of | Ladies Dress Goods,| and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers.| We are deserious of closing oat our stock| this Spring and Summer and fur that purpose offar Goods at Small Profits.| COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call ahd examine oar Goods before purchas- ing.BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK.| .‘$dliodary,April 9,Jol.Qm47 j {Spring Stock for 1861. ——_o—-— eR.&A.MURPHY. RE now receiving their usual Stock ot SPRING and SUMMER GOODS,em bracing ; FANCY AND STAPLE DRY COODS,BOOTS,SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars,Coffee and Molasses,| Maile,Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for sale at greatly | reduced prices for cash.{ Give usa call,and see what we have in store for you.R.&A.MURPHY. Salivbury,April 9,161.3ind7 | :| Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO.|i THF above Guano ik suid to be &enter ertilizer forthe culture of ‘Tobacco,Cotton, Grains,Roots,Grapes,&c.,than uny other| |imported. ivni is allthat ie necessary to prove its 'gupetiority.SPRAGUE BRO.! March 25,thas JAMES HORAH, Watich-Maker and Jeweler,| One door below K.&A.Murphy's Store, SALISBURY,N.C., KEPS cdoustuntly on hand alarge assort-| ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds.'Clecks,Watches and Jewelry of every der } dcription repairedin the best hianner and on .the most reasonable terms.; February 14,1860 MILO A.J.ROSEMAN,MOD. ]AVING studied in promivent Medien!, Colleges and Hospitals,North and South, and having been practising in the various de partments of his professiva for pine yours wilh good success,he continues (6 Offer his services to the public where lie is permamattly located., and by etfiet attention to his profea&sion wall endeavor to merit a fiberal patronage heretofore,und holda himself ia tendimess ut all hodre,dey dod night.for professional calls,{ TP Office at Roseman’s Stora, IY April 23,}e61. \ hy 3> aa ' 38mpda9eet~| LL PERSONS who are indebted to me rj are respeatfally requested ao call and make immediate payment,as 1 aim compell- ed to have money;and as this is the frst time that Ihave galled on ny friends,I hope they‘will cone up proiptly.R.P.BESSEN'T DOO,(97Nory7era Ae |subscriberis alw |ever ofteredin this Market,which having been |agente,exchisively for cash. |pared to offer inducemenis to Wholesale or Re-|by caxh or note. Spring wouR'*aa ottHORAE&RAMSEY fot,et valle"andinreceiptIPRINSnDsuMMet/coebsearRRAMAEaTredAEDSMekallwadonlya see them,hear prices and judge for yourselves. fo view of the uncertainty of every ing s affairs th these revolutionary times, dopted the'cash system,,bélieving .best for ourselves-and ourfriends. aving open accounts with us,.will withoutdelay,and olore:the meither HORAH &RAMSEY.4f90 ’oe please.cabycashor note.Saliebury,April 234.1861,aeNewFirm. MURR&SOSSAMON,AVING »purebased .D. Brown &Go.,their entire 0 j TIN,SHEET-IRON,COP-PERHABE,STOVES,day; now offer the largest and handsumest lot of COOKING,PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVESever offered intheAmerke and will sell for cash as low 8s cambe"hud in Weat ern North Carolina.Also,&H kinds of Plain and Japaned “TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hend.AT!kings Tin,Sheet-Iron or Copper work dong at the shortest notice. MURR &SOSSAMON. Salisbury,Jan.22,1561.Ty36 } 1 ¥ : FI GA R Y St i l a pu e Av u o O U u l OO S T “2 1 4y e e ¥ {p o n o n ‘S S U U T S H Q P A N O BN W T ) d pu e pa r a r z o y Su i u r o d UA O D I E AO vf e t l Aq (de 1861.) AL A N D SN O S U M d 1 °=TperZ aea ys} eonSaome2SST |©==:28oa>wy J 26 | §se=es .7 S597 |WORTH &DANIEL,| Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No.2 Gkanith Row,Front Srreer, Na CEN GAN 1 Dealers in all kinds of Groceries.Provisions,| Fruit,Liquors,Wines,Cigars.and Tobacco.| Solicit consigninents of Flour,Dried Fruit,| Feathers,Beeswax,Tobacco,and Country | Produce generally.Agents for Howe's cele- brated Scales. || | INGa)AN oID.G.WORTH. Late of Ashebgro’,|For past 7 yeurs with| N.C.TC.&BG.Wonrn.| Sept.18,1860. Brown's Livery Stable.| S keptup as heretotore Iijsgratifyingtohimthatthis | establishment,begun,at first,ae! a doubt fulexperiment,has proved| to the public a great desideratum ind #com- plete success.Travelers,and othere cun al- Jes )ways have their wants,in th’s Tine,well snap-| plied. Cash prices pald for Provender.And the| ays ready tosell or bay pood Horses.THOMAS F.BROWN. t117 HARDWARE!!_ f Vid Subscubers ace reap e ing at the ofd wtand of G.M Jones,the largest Stock of Hardware und open- e Wea A Ea, \ | thelr|bought direethy of the Manufacturers or They are pre A cull is respectfully solicited.| JONES &OVERMAN. Sulisbury.Mar.13.ooo.43 tail buvers -DENTAL NOTICE.| B®IR.BESSENTCTtyeeDk.JESS uN i §As REMOVRD té vue DENTAL ROOWS on the corner formerly ecu | ‘pled AY Dw Baron,whel be is prepar edto attend all ppaerations cowngebes with his! yrofession { fan 1.1R60 its.el T.BEMISTER.| House Painter,Grainer,| ENS ely Hl ANGER,.d« Main St,opposite Muyphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY,N.C. All work personally attended te and warrant.{ edto be done in a workmanlike manner Sart 92)Bali 7 om36 | \oy 0.")’FFf{he’Shirts and Collars. If you wash 40 purchase line Shirph and Cole { lara call-ng the (reat Clothing Emporinn ot ||DAVID WEIL.| Sopt 254/19]No.2.Granite Row.| MARRIA GE LICENSES |. lor SALB AP THIS OFFICE.|iran, ‘| \ iodo entart OBRaboh adi ww o-pAviD WE.eeSE-Eh G .RETURNED FROM,THEAVIN ae Cities with a LARGE and CUOMPL TE Stock ofReady-Made Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots,Shoes,Hats,Caps,Drawers, Under Shirts,Cravats,Neck-ties,Haiudker- chiefs,and ®fine assortment of Shirts and Coljars,&c.,&e.,(0 whieh he invites your immediate attention.Thay have been pur- chased for cagh,and willbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before.NOW Is YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ae I um determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed,I hope for a con- timuance of the same.Remember the Stand, NO.2,MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury,N.C. Merch 25,1861.(f44 Salisbury Female Seminary. VENTE SIXTH TERM of this Schoo)will bein the Lith February and close the Ist July.‘The school has been increasingin num bers every cerm.We have now a goodly number,but could take a fewmore,If the number continues lO increase,Salisbury will have what it has never hed,«permanent school.TERMS: Board,with washing,fuel aud lights,$50 per ‘Verm Tuition,in $8 to 17.00English,from |1:Latin.Fou| Music on Pian,froin 15 to 20.0( Use of Instrument.DESO Lucisental expenses.1.00 Charges wade from the time of entrance For particular addressA.D.WILKINSON, 22,1261 —t{36 Principal.we,dl an. Yo Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS &FOSTER L AVE just received a very large lot of FARMING TRON,consistingof Shovel Moles,Bar Iron,Wagon tire 14,[Zand 2 inch 5 Buggy tire LA and 14 inch:Oval tron 4,2, and }inch;Square [ron 1 and 14 inch. Buggy Springs and Axles;Patent and En- wmeled Leather;Bands,Bolis,&c., with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE,QUEENSWARKE, logether GROCERIES, Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes.They keep constantly ov hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON.PORK,FISH,COFFBEF,BUGAR, MOLASSES,LARD,BUTTER,&e.,to which thy invite the attention of the public. Jenkins Corner,Saliabury,.V.C. Feb.12th,1861 1f49 KE WATCH MAK © AND JEWELF Salis ry. War inted ib Cogths January 29,1d6?.137 ’Y YEr OT,.CAS HW S}S TEM !! \HE undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN.They feel that no itpulo- wy for this course ix at alk necessary,the pe- Seulier state of our public affairs rendering it imperatives They will be pleased tu se!l to their (riends end customers at the most favor- able prices possible;bat from and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. FURTIER NOTICE. Those Indebtedto as by account.are re- quested tu eome forward and close the ame HARRIS &SULLIVAN, Gold-Hill,May 10th,TR61.tfl “HC.JONES &SON, Attorneys and Coansellors at Law, TILG practice tn the Courts of Rowun Coury and in the Supreme Court.H C.Jones,jr,will aleo pratiioe id the Courts of bredell and Cabarrus Counties.All claims entrust dote thea for collecuon will mect prompt allenution J Ofce No.3,Brick Row,neve the Court. hotre H.C Jones.sr. Jan 15,tRaI WILLIAM ©.LORD,ATTORNEY AT LAW, SATISIBO RN ac \JILL Practica and make prompt collec- tions in Rowan,Stanly,Tredel)and Ca tawba Counties. Office in the corner of Cowan's Buitding opposite the Book Store Fab.14,1860. Dr.Wm.H.Howerton, 1 inthe town of Salisbury,offers hte profersional services ty the citizens of the »own and surro nding country \|He atsQl phes Curd peg beet neingey en gaged)may be w H.C.Jones.pr tno t133, 11-45 AVING PERMANPNTLY LOCATED| | || | | !| | | | 4 } bhov ba att b je Iville;Dr WC SPACEY MORE STONEfredieby |)* MBNPBREONfe RNNIBS. 50 Bush,CLOVER SEED. i d-elenn for vale byNiceanderENDERSON &ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. ie 210 to 240 deg.,fpr sale by ea END SON &ENNISS. 10,000 Pounds of : Pure White Lead in Oil, For gale by HENDERSON &ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HEN DERSON &ENNISS. 40 Bbls.Tanner's Oil.10. For gale by HENDERSON &ENNIbs. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enaiss’Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE.— at HENDERSON &ENNISS'. Ban . Fluid and Kerosine Ou. By the Gallon or Barre!for sale at HENDERSON &ENNISS’ MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840.Medicinal French Brand. Given up hy Judges to be the best ever brought to this market,for sale by ; HENDERSON &ENNISS, SPiCRS £,SLICES. Pepper,Spice,Mustard,Clover,Ginger.Mace, Cinnamon.and Nutmeg,tor sale by HENDERSON &INNESS. VINEGAR! 30 ets.Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ctx.per Gallon atHENDERSON &ENNISS’. IR,T860 if1s Sept North Carolina Foundry ANDMACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS &RAEDER, SUCCRHSORS TON.BOYDEN &SON,\on hand «aff Agricultural Implements "A full assurtment of Coltivatore,Straw and Peed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider &Sugar Miltls. made heretofore. Plows. Corn-Shellers, Horee-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators, They uleo manufacture Shafting apd Machinery for Grist Mills,Cireularand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold,Copper and Silver Mines,Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtures,&c.,&e., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order.and warraut- edinevery rexpeet.Repnire of every descrip- tion of Machinery donr at short notice. Weare Agents for Burnett's Wheat Fans. SHSbUm yeas Crm luis 1e6 Le:1\94 Standard,Raleigh:Patrot,Greenabore’5 Democrat,Charlotte:Westen Advoeate, Asheville >Curolinien ‘trinweekly)Columbia; Observer.Fayetteville:and Lredell Express will publish 3 mouths and torward accounts. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORSA: John A.Mebane,W.J.WeCounel,C.PR. Mendenhall.1).P.Weir,James M.Gurrett, John L.Cole,No H.OD.Wilson,Wm,Barrin- ger,David Mehnight,M.S.Sherwood,Jed H.Lindsey,Greensborough;W.A.Wright, Wilmington:Robert Troy.Dinmberton:Alexander Mifler,Newhern:Thadens Me- Gee,Ruleich;Dthemax Joh peon, Wideshoraugh:RevRiamisey. RoC.Mavnard,Fraualinten;Dr.be FF.Wate, son,Watsonville. OFFICKARS Se 1B 1 AWTHESON President. TE Oetie ini NDS Ate Vice-President. CP MENDENEFFALL,-Attorney. PETER ADA WS, WM.H.CUMMING,- W.J.McCONNELL, JA.MEBANE.- JaMeGARRE Pa.- Allecomimoanications on business connected withthr Office.choald be addreresedto PETER ADAMS.Secretary Greansboro',Ng C..Jane 19,1860 itd MICHAEL BROWN, Sern.and Treas. (reneral Agent. s .Prxecut ive Com COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY,N.C. ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTIONP Febrewry 14,1860 138 ILL continue to manufacture and keep! Yuncey-\ |GIVEN to the purchase of all Kinds of Deo PRODUCE.And toall eonsignmetitr to be | sold In thie market oF shipped to uther Ports, pe cP FRQSRUblic: HE patriotic citizens of Row ayrecaljedy>Contribute ; the detenceof thesoil of Rent Carin contest has commeweed,and troops h vA beea mento rei,“ Forts Caswell and Macon. ‘Troops from Rowan have pone and are ,, going,and depend upon their follow-eitizen, home to sustain them.. Phere us a Store-Room opeved in sx, bury for the reception of anything that the be contributed.No freight tor transportatic, on any ofthe railroads will be charged,4),Messrs.McCUBBIN &FOSTER wil ;ceive the freight and apythiug else tat has be contributed., Bacon,Meal,Flour,Corn,Peas,Beuns,, in any quantities will be taken,and thai) fully received.A fist of every man’s iam.t wheContributeswitbepreserved.|. B.R.MOORE, Col.Commandant 63d Regiment* March 25th,1861. NEWSpringandSummeGOODS! PWNHE subscriber has the pleasure to sy ounndée tohis friends and the public gen ally,that he is receiwng bis usual Stock SPRING AND SU MMER GOODS,compr ing a rich assortment of all theLATESTSTYLES LADIES DRESS GGOD consisting im part of Silks,Bereges,Grey: dines:Berge Angluise,Mozumbiques,Org. dies,Challies and aherge Stock af LMBROJ}) ERIS.to all of which he asks a spe exuminaetion Nev,a full assortment of Bleached |) mertie,Linens,House -keeping Goods,&. A.MYERS, No.4 Granite Building. Mach 25 —45tf salisbary,Noi |Farmers,Look Out: Money,Fime and Timher Saved | 1 have the right to eet! Vandemark’s Portable Fence. Made withput posts,i the Counues of A. muuce,Randolph,Reckinghom, Devics Rowan.Cabarrus and Mecklerburg.Che |ness,durability,and convenience are its ¢ advantages,We recominend the Fence |saw-roill owners,fuimers,avnd all,who h feuces (oy make.We will sell Farmor Cou. nohis.A circular stating costs,plan of bi inv,&c..sent free to any address on epp thon to \JNO.J.WHITE, Mebauesyillr. Mar.19,Is61 -3m44]Net ete Charlotte Democrat plesse copy | mouths and forward bil to subscriberage Selling Of for Cash only. Come and See! \oxrery &YOUNG,will sell vi’ ae entire suck of New Spring and 5" |mer Goods at greatly reduced prices for o> omy.MWe have been compelled by ovr los credit customers to adopt the above pian.h the reduction in prices it will be grea! the interest ef al)who huve money tos)" for Goode to trade with us.Come and serNOTICE—We.now make our lari on all persons having open accounts wilh vs to come forward and setile either by cast note.We have waited too long already 0} |great many persons,and are now determ!) to close up our ace Alamance, ounts. McNEELY &YOUNG (f40|April 23,1861.COWAN’S ‘Vegetable Lithontriptic. |FRIEND OF THE HUMAN’FAMI/ DISEANED KIDNEYS. Stone in the Bladder and Bidw Weakness of the Loéns,we. VYNAIS.jnvaluable Medicine is for sule er * Mat Mocksville,Salisbury Statesville.| cord and Fayetteville,and at Col Austr? and ny where else. The subscriber having entered mlo cop nership with John F.Cowan,original pores” forthe mayufacture and sale of the above Mev icine,is prepared te furnish a supply dressing him ut Salicbaury,N.C.: his resydepce.10 miles weet of this)" FW.Austls y Cu June 21,7855 ,DRA YING. '_—_-1)—-—— pit undersigned gives notice! keeps a TEAM AND WaAGOS> the purpose of Draying and wallscrve & (nav favor bin with calls inghis line on +}commoduting terms.GEORGE MOWE!) »Mareh 20ib,1860.if43 Fine Suits. If you wish tobuy Fine SUITS oF ©15 TING "the ne tittle money as pistthle.: |Greet Olotiing I'mpor arm of :DAVID Wi! M \1 Remewaer tie Stann—No.©.My'Granite Row,Saliahury,N.C- Sept.25 ( Notice to Sheriffs. \pas RECEIPTs,neatly printed te and putin books if desired,al sho!sews and ov moderate terns,for cash. your orders. J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Singte copy, $2.00 Five coptes, $8.00 fen copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten.in the same pro- portion $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. a = r Prrenspere, Va. June 11, 136th. The First Resiment of North Carolina Voluntvars,. Col. {Til, was attacked yest: day moruiug, six mileg from Newport News, by four thousand Yankees under command of Col. Duryea. The Yankees wore repulsed and fled, leavirg nearly three bunds d dead onthe field and carrying North Cardinian killed (uae uuknown) and six away many wounded, But one or seven wounded, The North Carolinians got the enemy in a RWAIND, teft. man on the spot, A FIGHT AT LAST! This is reliable, and comes frum a FULB THOUSAND YANKEE TROOPS ATTACK OVE THOICSAND CONFEDERATES. FIGHTING CON TINUED THREE AND A HALF HOURS. ME YANKEES TWICE RETREAT EAUNG DLC ele ean ws They are Finally Routed aad Parsaed! Their Lows Estimated at Nearly Three Hundted ! HEROIC CONDUCT OF THE CONFEDERATES ! The almost paiuful suspense aad anxiety sito which this community was throw on Monday afternoon, upon the arrival of the traiu from Norfolk, which brought numer- ous runors of Gyliting having taket place in the viemnity of Newport News, on James | River, was most agreeably relieved on yes- erday forenoon by passengers whe came up from York and Elizabeth City counties, ou the James River steamer, Curtis Peck. | These yeutienen bring the particulars of a: warm contest in which the Yankee troops | enzaged our forces for some three and a | balf hours. Several gentlemen traveled on the Curtis Peck for a distance of 60 miles, with pri- vate Causey, of Elizabeth City county, who! was engaged in the conflict and related all the particulars. One Dr. the residence of hia father-in-law, Worsham, in Dinwiddie county. ater the main reliable, buc they may be sihily varied by the official recount, li appeags that oo Friday last, Gen, 7. Bankbead Magruder of the Confederate Atmy, who hay been at bis headquarters 1 Yorktown, for sometime past received firther information of the continued dep redations of the Yankee hireling, who un- der Gen. B. FB. Butler, have squatted at Hampton and Newport News. He re- solved to proceed imunediately in the di- reclion of the localities occupied by the mercenaries and check the lawless proceed: | Wiys of their marauding parues, or at least | cuuting them to more circumseribed linits, | Our forces detailed for this mutssion, we 4iv quformed, cousisted of some Six, oF Wore companies of the First North Caro- Nina Reyituent, Col. D. ET. Hill, « portion of | te Richmond Llowitzers, under Captain) Nuclda, and two coupanies of Cavah y— oie from the county of Charles City, and , he other from, Nuttoway county. The COMMU twoved olds far as a polut bear Medivading dine between Elizabeth City wid York counties, and iu the immediate Vomty of Bethel Church. ‘This is distant ‘bout six miles from Newport News, and “ibe trom Haimptoa, Qur troops were Here halted, aud proceeded to eutrench themselves by turowing up stight earth works, They reached that poiut sometime Curing Saturday morning, and remained | dead ') undisturbed possession of having sent | their ut strong detachments of Cavalry vo! their accounts befure the prec lean be ascertained. “outing duty. Monday morning about seven o'clock, “8 war @tated to our informant, a man who tis said hed deserted from our army and bad concealed bimeclf somewhere in the between Bethel Church and New- of his anditors | was Mr, E. W. Hodgins, a most intelligent | and prosperous farmer of York county, : who left bis arin yesterday morning for Mr. Hne-, gir vives us particulars which we belteve, Re a cae ‘ J % * iff SS eae oe eee ee SEMI- WEEKLY SALISBURY, N. C., JUNE 17, 1861. | port News, came into camp, regretting lis at Newport News, and were advancing in a columa ef four or five thousand strong. This intelligence was received by our officers with sone doubt, but they resolved to be on the alert. aud give the infamous our soil, as hot a reception as rifle, nrusket aud grape shot could extend. ‘The deserters iufornmtion proved to be correct, for a few minutes befors 8 o'clock our scouts were driven in and shortly after our pickets were tired upon. Presently the aivadiny HitetHes made their appearance, and it was plainly to be seen that they had both infautry aud artillery, but no cavalry were visible. As suon as they approached linians and Virginians opened upon them, and poured into their ranks a galling fire. touching our troops. recreaney, and informing our officers that lthe Yankee forces had struck their tents despoilers of our property atid invaders of | | j soldier, a deadly aim was taken. and in a It may be proper bere to remark, that | twinkliug Col Duryea tell picreed through | and raked) them right and | our troops liad the decided advantages of } the heart, the crimson current: spouting | position, being ina thin skirt of forest, | from the wound, and redeuing hits “a } swell the list of killed and wounded, it is | shared the dangers with them, demneaned thought, to a frightful extent. Au inatdnge of bravery is related as hav- ing been exhibited by the Col. George eee : Dire which should not pass uunoticed. Lucktly escaping the more dangerous pore | tigns of tbe dorass, be ascenaed a hill just: as his Men were escaping froin their peril ous position, and retreating with all the haste which their cowardly legs could car- | ry them. Coi. D. taunted them for their | cowardice, and, leaping upon a fence, ruised theinselyes with yreat coolness, and dis- played a courage amounting to heroism throughout the whole engagement. All hail to the brave sons of the Old North State, whom Providence seems to have Uirnst forward in the frst pitched battle ea nay eel Rd NORD MaDe Fs = == —. ee ee a NUMBER 12. 090 men before him with about 85. ‘They fell buck under cover of a house some 30 or 40 paces in front. Capt. B. called for volunteers from bis company to fise.the building. Same five stepped furward to the hezardous ‘ask, amongst them the brave Honry L. Wyatt, who immediately fell, pierced with a rifle batt. He died that evenidg. A companion of Wyatt's shot the Yankee who had killed bis comrade, on Virginia soil in’ behalf of Southern | und the house now being on fire by a shell, the rights and indepeudapce. Our troops fell haek, we hear, after the fight, to the main body of the army at Yorktown, not knowing what numbers the | four comrades retarneéd td their ranks. The Liacolniies made nnuther attempt to dis- Jodge vur troops, and failing, retreated, follow- ed shortly afier by our cavalry who wére out on ecouting duty. The Liticoinites had quite his swoid aloit. and entreated the flying | Yaukees were intrenched in aud around | a start of the Cavalry, bat were so hotly pur- dastards to rally around the stars aud stripes, His appeals; however, were fruit: less; the “stars find stripes” had lost their | talismanic influence, and the Lankees knew it would not protect them from the Minme balls and grape shot. Col Duryea still . * * , wile in the act of raising hir sword aloft, was fired at by a North Caroliman, who re- | { bordertng on the edge of a mill pond. | with a brighter hue. The Yankees were also surrounded by trees, ie more widely seattered than ours, and | found an elegaut gold watch, eighty del: not affording half the protection | "EY a8 . { aad 1 "Phey keptup fring on both aides una | lady friend. Also several letters and) pa- |} 9 o'clock, our troops mainuuning a deadly | pers. ! | while the evemy could neither dodge our lballs. or enuse their shot to reach us with | ladies of New York.” | otfeet. The work finally beeame too hot itor the Yaukee scoundrels, aud they fell | port News for some two or three weeks back, in considerable disorder and copfu- | past, iu command of 1,260 New York sion. | cupied some thiety minutes. Iv the mean selves to their temporary entrenchments aud coolly awaited the approach of the j bireliuygs. At half past pine they again | appeared in view, but in their march had | become involved in a thick morass, from | | ‘tire op the Yankees trom behind the trees | prostrate form, elaborately carved about, and ta the thigk undergrowth around, | the handle, with au insenption apon its | | | 1 | ‘The encmy next made an effort to flank , nee by & letter in a recent isaus of the our men by a circuitous route, which oc- | Herald, he remonstrated with Col. Bartlett, time, the Confederate troops betook them- | acted with great jndiscreetness iv briuging ‘which they fuund it impossible to advance , Lor retreat. . scoundrels just where they desired, and ‘from behind theirtemporary entrenchments deadly fire into their rauks, They caught it right, ieft and iv front, aud finally serau b- ‘Hing out of the morass, fled in the uttest disorder aod confusion, all attempts to rally them by one or two officers, being utterly in vain. Our informant states, that the fliglit was perfectly wild, and betrayed a consternation and dismay, more character: l istic of a herd of buffaloes when suddenly “surprised by a band of Indian bunters, than brave and chtvalrous Yankees, \ed on ‘by the bold and redoubtable Gen. Pica- vune aldtas 1. F. Butler. ~ They were botly pursued by the gallant First Regiment of North Carolina Volun- teers, winle the Richmond Howitzers puur- ed grape and cauister into the rear of the Tbe Confederate forces now had the : { ' | | | | | | | fleenmy New York Kowdies. Our cavalry | word, many are ulterly destitute, coutinued the chase, and pursued the inis- | have been promised pay —yes, everyUuouy | lutt’s pirates returned to New York on the | about the Bethel Church, poured a most) Upon bis body, we are informed, was lars in money, and the likeness of sume A splendid sword also fell by los) lilt, “presented to Col. Duryea by the Col. Durvea has been encamped at New- Zonaves. No dater thau last week, as we of the Naval Brigade, stating that he had seven or eight hundred unarmed, poorly clad, half famished men, to that point. [Te added that there was scarcely room for bis own men, aad as they, as well as Bartlett's, were desperate characters, he feared that a blending of such rowdy material in the | same camp, would lead to an emuete, and | that the patriots might cut each other's | throats. One hundred and eighty of Bart- steamer Coatzacoalcos, and upon reaching the God-forsaken city, published an appeal to the “Union Defence Committee” tur aid, in which they say : “Many of us have been without a change of clothing for a full mouth, having been promised again and again our uniforms, and detained in camp vn scanty rations. | During the last week our camp has bren | a line of huts formed of rails and covered | with brustiwood. We have been posted near the enemy unarmed, and stood guard with clubs for defence, Some are bare- | footed, and others at a distance from their | homes. Had not the brigade been disband - | ed, no doubt: we should have beeume the | vietins of exposure, and fallen from athier | causes than the fire of our enemies. In al We | erably fnyghtencd demons on the Sawyer) —and received nothing.” J Swaiip read, and through the woods, to New Market Bridge, which is) within two and ahalfimiles ot Hampton. Not know- ing the strength of their torces at’ LIamp- F ton, the chase was bere abandoned and the | pursuers returned, It is said that the cowardly scamps be- fore running, quickly divested themsc!ves of kuapsacks, canteens, haves rsacks, side arms and muskets aud some even threw away their coats and caps, determining like drowning men, that nothing should encumber their persons or impede their progress in the race for life which lay before Chem. We have been tunable to ascertain the exact number of Killed, but no one with whom we have conversed estimates it: at less than 130, while uiauy Chink i aust 300. Vhere were also a vreat many wounded. One yenticman counted dead many wounded ina amall natch of woods, have reached over twenty bodies and nod to Use DIS owt expression, Says they were lying about like dead sheep, in every Vdirection to which the eve was turned. Many. of the left ou the field by the enemy, and were brought into our cain, where our soldiers humanely / ministered to their wants. | was busy all the time carrying off their | and wounded, from the outskitts of ranks, and we shall have to await wounded were The enemy | \ | It would probably bave been better for the whole brigade had they returned to New York; aud united in this appeal. It may be mentioned us a rema:kable coincidence, that both Ellsworth and Dur- yea, the inost bighly lauded ofticers of the yankee journals, both commanders of “pet lainbs,” and both occupying high social | positions in vankee Jaud, should be the | first to fall in this unholy and diabolical | crusade against the South. Col. Duryea will be recollected by ma- | ny asthe former commander of the famous | New York Seventh Regiment. He it was ! who commanded that Reyiment ao few years ayo, when they visited Virginia as an escort fur the remains of President Monroe. We are reliably informe) that but one man of the Conlederate forces 1s thought | to be mortally wounded. He as a North Carolinian, but we have been tiable to learn his name. Ie received a bulletin his forehead producing a frightfal wound, and although alive yesterday morning, it was thought that he could not possibly | lung survive. Seven or eight others were | wounded, but their injuries arg vot consid ered fatal. Such remarkable exemption from fatal- | ity, where the danger and peri] were so | imminent, appears almost incredible, [t| can be attributed to nothing else but adi \ wwe Number | rect interposition of Him who rules over all the earth, and who has promised to ‘The morass, where the fire was so eon: | abield and protect from danger, with [lis stant and deadly from the Confederats | own Almighty: Arm, all who rely upon forces. had not been penetrated when our | Him for succor in every time of need, informant left. Scores of them fell there, | We are pleased to xdd that the North and when they are brought out it will | Carolinians, as also the Virginians, who Hampton and Fortress Monroe, They | sued that they abandoued their nupracks, can-. will doubtless march ininediately toward | teen’, &c., on the road and left everything be- Newport News, if they have not already done so, We deem it but pruper to add, in con- clusion, that all accounts save one, esti- within range of our guus, the yallant Caro- maintained his position ou the feuce, and wate the umber of Yaukees engaged at 5.000. If the reports which have reached cus from Northeru sonrees regarding the Chey stood their ground for a few minutes Jimarked, with anger, “Ll will tix you.’ ‘The | uninber encamped at Newport be correct, doing the best they could, but the guns | ball missed its object, but another mfe was | we think 5,000 or even more are probably ail weut wide of their aim, scarcely a shot | quickly seized from the hands of a felow | the correet figures, but we bave adopted the lowest nuinber ~4,000—that we tay certainly be within bounds. OFFICIAL ACCOUN™. Disratcu raom Con. Hint to Gov. Evus. Copy of a letter received this afternoon 4 v'cloc.. by messenger from Yorktown: Yorktown, Va., June llth, 1361. Hon. J. W. Excis, Governor of North Carolina, Sir: I have the honor to report that 500 men of my regiment and 360 Virginians were enguged for 54 hours with 44 regiuents of the enemy at Bethel Church nine miles om Hump- ton. ‘The enemy made three distinct and well sustained charges, but were repyleed with heavy loss. Our Cavalry pursued them for six niles, when their retreat became a total rout. Fearing that heavy reinforcements would be sent up from Fortress Mourve, we fell back at nightfall upon our works at Yorktown. I re- gret to repart tue Joss uf one mankilled, private Henay L. Warr, Edgecomb Guards, and se- ven wounded. ‘The loss of the enemy by their own confess- ion wae 150, but it may be sufely estimated at 250. Our Regiment behaved most gallantly. Not a man shrunk from his post ur showed symp- toms of fear. When more at leisure I will give you a detailed report of the operations. Our Heavenly Father has most wonderfully interposed to shield our heads in the day of battle, unto His great name be all the praise for our success. With much respect, D. H. HILL, Colonel Ist Regiment N.C. Volunteers. FURTHER PARTICULARS. THE FIGHT BY AN EYE-WITNESS. We are indebted for facts contained in the following sketch to Wm. Tiddy, Esq., of Char- lotte, who was present during the whole time ; and for the benefit af those who do net know our infer:munt, We state that he is au inotelli- gent gentleman anc perfeotly reliable: It appeurs that our troops left Yorktown for Bethel Chapel at noou on Thursday laet and reached that point by 7 o'clock The cause of this movement is, of course, beet known tv the officers iu command. Accompanying the troops wana battery of four howitser guns, snanned by the Richmond Artillery. On Saturday the Edgecombe Guards, Capt. Rridgers, were out scouting and killed some seven or eight of the enemy. ‘Vhe time between the arrival at Bethel Chureh and the engagement was devoted to entrenching the position taken by Col. Hill— and our informant saysthe ground was admira- bly well chosen. By Sunday night every thing was in readinexss—breuk works complete and the place made impregnuble. On Monday morning the troops were beat to arms before day and advanced from their posi- tion two or three miles, whan they were met by an old lady from whom they leurned that the Yankees were in force in that neighbor- hood. ‘Chis being confirmed by the scouting parties, the command of Col. Hill was ordered back to their entrenchments. The eneimny’s | advance was reported as they progressed by our scouts. An attack was now ineviluble. Col. Hill delivered his fina! inatructions to his troops, having seen every man at his post and ordered that strict silence shonld be observed and that noman shoald fire before the word was given. The enemy were now w sight. The artillery, under otder of Gol. Hill, waited tif the enemy | was in fall range aud then opened upon therm. i Che firet xhot, as was learned fram one of the wounded, killed four or five and wounded se- veral. ‘Thin fire wus oowned at 500 yards range. The action commenced about 8 o'clock, A. M. The enewy promptly returned the tire front their aetiliery, but did not fight with apir- it. Shot and ehell wére showered al our Lroope \ | but nearly wll passed over the entreuchmeals | ' and did no harm. A flank moveinent wae attempted on the left of our line, but that was gallantly repulsed by the Charlotte Greys fn this attack Col 1), W. Wardrope, of the N.Y. 7th Regiment, fell mortally wounded. (Col. Duryes was not present. and hence the statement of his death is Incorrect.) On the right of our lines, a swamp interven- ing, was posted a num of Virginia troops, with one howitzer gan. By some means this gun becume spiked, owning, it is said, to the needle used at the touch-hole breaking io the vent. The enemy, seeing thie gun w#lenced, charged upon it and took possession of that point, threatening oor right. Capt. Bridgers was ordered to retake that position, which he most guilautly did, sustained by the fire from the butte, y in tho eentre, aiid drove some 2,- hind except their arms. ; The torces are set down by our informant at 4,400 Lincolnites, (ou the authority of one of their wounded) and 1.200 Confederate troops, including the First Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers. The Infantry did not pursue, and lett for Yorktown scon after the fight, where they arrived about miduight. The attack of the Edgecombe Rifles, on the 2,0V0 Lincotnites, is Salis have been a gallant affair. And the manner in which the Rich- mond Artillery manned their guns won for them weil-merited praise. Indeed the corlness and conrage of all the troops, under Col. Hil is suit to have been admirable. The lusees are believed to be accurately reported in the dispatches above published. The Coast Defenees of North Carolina. A rumor having been circulated ia this city on Monday to the effect that a large body of Black Republican troops bad..ip vaded this State at a point below Wilming- tou, Mr. Kitrell in the Convention, moved a resolution of inquiry, soliciting informa- tion from the Governor as to the truth of the report. Governor Ellis promptly re- | sponded to the resolution in the following communication, from which we are grati- fied to learn that our coast is in such a state of defence as to defy the whole power of the U.S. Navy: To the Honorable, the President and Members of the Convention : GENTLEMEN :—In compliance with the annexed resolution of your honorable body, I have to state that the ramor referred ta is wholly without foundation in truth. I furthermore beg leave to assure the Convention, that I am in a situation to obtain reliable intelligence from every part of the State. as soon as any one else can obtain it, and will not delay to advise them of the approach of danger. I take this occasion to say further, that if our batteries are properly served, a fact ot which I could entertain no doubt, the power of the United States Navy is not sufficient to effect an eotrance into any one of the harbors of the Stete. Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. ELLIS. Executive DEPARTMENT, Raleigh June 10, 1860. { We copy the above from the Raleigh Register, and we endorse it in the maip. Our leading harbors are defended. Of that few doubt. That the men at our batteries will serve them properly, we have no doubt. But now it is not our harbors of which people talk, or in regard to which rumors are put afloat. It iv our coast generally. Wili Governor Ellis or any othet gentle- man be so kind as te state where there is a battery either in position, or as light ar- tillery, between Cape Lookout and Copfed- erate Puint, or between Oak Island and Little River, if we except Fort Macon. We lave already stated that no landing has been made or attempted to be made, as yet upon our coast. But let us repeat the question we pee on Monday. S&;pose there bad been an attempt! What then ? It is no use in being too reticent about this matter. We would not put anything in one columns that would give informa- tion to the enemy; but, with men going off North every day, we may rest assared that Lincoln knows our position to @ T. We might as well know it ourselves, Is there a crnnon between Fort Macon and Confederate Point? Is there an artillery company? Is there a regiment ? Wilmington Journal. “The girls in Colombus, Ga., have or- ganized a “ Home Guard,” for the special protection of the young men whe have con- cluded to remam bome. during the exis- tence of the war, We cut the above from the Charleston Mercury,. where it appeara without credit. We do not knew who originated the , base slander, but we do know that every abolition sheet will hasten to publish it. — The Mercury sbould pot give currency to auch patpabte fies. There is no white feathered ones among our youog or old men, oor among our women either; all are doing their parts nobly and well and such sneers pass them as the idle wind, giving only comfort to our enemies. If all the South wil) do as well as Columbus bas done or will con- tinue to do, Butler will never reach Rich- mond. — Columbus Datly Times. = ee THIRD REGIMENT N. CARO. LINA VOLUNTEEBB. We clip the following account of the 3d Reg’t. N. C. V. from a letter published in the Goldsboro’ Tribane of the 14th inst. It speaks well for the Regiment: Cal. Pender, who is in command of the regiment, is a kind and tho- roughly efticient ofticer,—being a raduate of West Point and former- y in the U.S. Dragoon service. He bas seen nuch service npon our Wes- tern frontier. He commands the re- ‘apect of all and will soon guin their affections. Lient. Col. Guy, is a graduate of the Va. Military Insti. tute ; he isa gentieman of command. ing personal appearance, and ack- nowledyed by all to be well titted for his position. Major Hamden is a duate of the South Carolina Mil- ‘atary Academy ; has been an oflicer under Col. Tew, in the Hillsboro Military Academy. There is but one voice concerning him ir the regi- ment. It is—he’ll do; we'll fight ‘under him.” He is au officer and soldier every inch of him, and in the estimation of the writer ie an exain- ple of the old saw, that “the best goods are done up in the smallest bundles.” Many of the men in the ranks as well as the officers are protessional gentlemen of position ; some of them kuown to the public of North Caro- lina. Bat better than this, your corres- pondent finds a large number of Obristians of various denominations. Two or three companies have a ma- jority of Methodists in their ranks, and commanded by gentlemen of the same denomination. Althongh the weather has not been pleasant, but rainy nearly at the time, there las ari been a night in which we have not had prayer meetings in the tents or with the companies at roll call. We have many fine singers and are organizing them into a regi- mental choir. We have preaching ‘twice on Sabbath, and many of our men are Bible readers. So fur as tnilitary discipline is concerned, we have nothing to be ashamed of for the time that we have been in the field. Concerning the deportment of the men in and out of carp it is sufficient to say that not more than three men have been under arrest for drunkenness since we Lave been here. The many tokens of kindness on the part of the citizens, evince the ‘estimation im whieh they hold the regiment. fam glad to know that wherever North Carolina soldiers have heen stationed in Virginia, they have commanded the respect of all who have seen them. Bunt while the Old North State has cause tv be proud of her boys, she or rather _“*the powers that be” have reason to -be ashamed of the fact that these ‘ame boys who have given up all to fight for ber, are thrown into the field with the probability of being any day ealled to fight without the necessary equipments of cartridve boxes or bayonet ecabbards. Last Satarday night we had a stampede in the camp. Whether designedly or not we are not able to We ®usnien THB syiornen Prooras- MATION. whigh bas been issued ty General Beaurgcarp. It is modest, but directly to the point. Beauregard is bound tu make his mark bofore the difficulty is over can resist it might be more or less than a man: Head- Quarters, Dep't of Alexandria, Camp Pickens, June 5th, 1861. A PROCLAMATION TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF THE COUNTIES OF LOUDON, FAIRFAX AND PRINCE WILLIAM. A reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your soil, Abraham Lincoln re gardlegs of all moral, legal aud costitution- al restrainta, has thrown his Abolition hosts among you, who are murdering and imprisoning your citizens, cuntiscating and destroying your property, and committing other acts of violence and outraye, too shocking and revolting to humanity to be enumerated. All rules of civilized warfare are abandoned, and they proclaim by their acts ifnot on their banners, that their war- cry is * Beauty and Booty.” All that is dear to man—your honour, and that of your wives and daughters, your fortunes and your lives, are involved in this mo- mentous contest. In the name therefore, of the constituted authorities of the Confederate States—ir the sacred cause of constitutional liberty und self government, for which we are con- tending—in behalf of civilization aod hu- manity itself, I, G. T. BeacreGanp, Brig- adier- General of the Confederate States, commanding at Camp Pickens, Mannassas Junction, do make this my proclamation and invite and enjoin you, by every con- sideration dear to the hearts of freemen and patriots, by the name and memory of your Revolutionary furthers, and by the purity and sanctity of your domestic fire- sides, to rally to the standard of your State and country, and by every means in your power, compatible with honorable warfare, to drive back and expel the invaders from your land. I conjure yuu to be true and Joyal to your country and her legal and constitutional authorities, aud especially to be vigilant of the movements and acts uf the enemy, so as to enable you to give the earliest authentic information at these Headquarters, or to the officers under my command. I desire to assure you that the utmost Protection in my power will be extended to you all, (Signed) G.T. BEAUREGARD, Brig. Gen'| Comd'g. Official, Tuomas Jorvan, Act'g Ass’t Adj’t Geu’l. BS It will be seen from our telegram North Carolina Volunteers were engaged in the Battle at Bethel Church near New- port News, Va, on Monday last. will no doubt be gratifying to our readers to know what Companies composed the first regiment, we append the following het, which we think is nearly, if not quite correct; Colonel, D. H. Hitl— . Orange Light Lofantry, Capt. Ashe, . Warrenton Guards, Cupt. Wade, - Hornet’s Nest Rifles, Oupt. Williams, . Enfield Blues, Capt. Bell, 1 2 3 4 5. Lumberton Guards, Cupt. Norment, 6. ; 7 R 9 0. - Charlotte Greys, Capt. Ross, » Thomuevitle Rifles, Capt. Miller, . Granville Greys, Capt. Wortham, 1 ; We learn that the two Companies from Fayetteville fill the above blanks. Capt. Kenan’s Company, we learn, is at Norfolk. Capt. Ellis’ Company is here. Both were at tirst in the first regiment. Wilinington Journal. learn. Two men with fence rails at- tempted to drive in one of the senti- nels, and we were startled by the call | of the colonel—® turn out—turn ont, | tarn out.” Immediately the whole | encampment, was alive, every com. | pavy formed and ammunition was | Metributed ; lights put outandevery | thiog ready for the enemy. That the boys would fight isa settled con- véction with the writer; yea, fight like tigers. I passed up and down | the lines freely, and while many , were excited by the sudden alarm | given, I do not believe that a sincle | man would have flinched from lis: duty. Even the negroes to a man, were ready for it. Two of them, who wait upon one mess, seized their axce and took seats upon the boxes | of amunition in the tent, deterinined| | to die in thedefence. Anold neyrs who was with Capt. Walker, when, he was killed in Mexico, was amony the frst to get his musket and take | position in the ranks. VOLUNTEER COMPANIES. Wonld it not be better not only for Up- | son county, but others to form one organ- ized cotnpany instead of the nucleus of a half dozen that never ean be armed and ipped according to Gov. Brown's law ? We’ pause for an answer! Discretion, iT not the better, ts at leust a component part of'valot aed patriotism “ Nuf Sed.” | Upson (Ga.) Pilot. | \pplics as well to Rowan as to Upson. | | roe tast Friday, | fell The N.C. Volunteers.— Wherever they ea ——— His appeal to the people of Loudon Fairfax | and Prince William, is open and he who | in to-day’s paper that the first regiment of | pay for there articles, though it is reported to As it | _ tent men bere put on this work. ,!a our military preparations have necessarily 11 no justice in letting contracts at a rate which yoour men are complimented for their , soldiery and gentlemanly bearing. well they may be, for they’are generally of the best people in the State, whose pa: triotismy insyares thei to the cheerful per And , formance of all the duties of the camp, , however unused to the kind of duties and Jabors there required. A letter from Suffolk, Va, to the Petersburg Express. says.— “The 3d Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers are the most orderty set of men Ihave ever seen. Col. Pender is certain: lv an excellant disciplinarian, or else he has a regiment easy to control.”— Huy- etteville Observer. The Lincoln Fleet.—TVhe steam frivate Wabash and a steam propeller were the | only war vessels in sight off the bar yester- day. On Sunday, two war vessels were xeen off Cape Romain, and there is reason to SUppose that sels previously reported, the fleet have a large sloop cruising off this coast. Charleston Courier, The * Union” Gun Overboard =k 1 ; day of battle. road yesterday —the Sabsath, monster gun called the Union,” east at | Pittsburg, aud weighing upwards of fifty thousand pounds, fell overboard whilst be- ing shipped at Baltimore for Fortress Mon- The water where the gun in was abott six feet deep, but there was under it a soft mud, which was sound- Dispatch, | ed to the depth of six feet more; aud the | gun that evening was about twelve feet below the surface of the water.- Richmond {| mined. | | { | of fault finding, but in order that our State and j also the consequences of daring presump in addition to other ves- ‘Watchman. SALISBURY, N. C.: ~_——- ompeo-- MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, 1861. The | 17 We are wutorized to announce WLL- | LIAM A. HOUCK, as a Candidate fr Coun- ty Court Clerk of Rowan, 17 We ase authorised so .anneuoce Jacos S. Myers us a candidate for Couuy Court Clerk of Rowan. 17 We ure authorized to announce OBA- DIAH WOODSON as a Candidate for the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan Couuty (7 We are authorised to announce TUOM- AS McNEELY, a candidate for re-election to | the office of Superior Court Clerk. neem! Blue Stone.—See next page. Turner Fry.—Seve letter from Hamptonville. ns Mr. Hunter, the Children’s friend, will lec- ture t> the children this afternoon (4 o’clock,) at the Lutheran Church ; and to-night at the Presbyterian Church he will lecture to old and young. All are invited 'owattend. «oe The Fast Day—wae piously observed in this town. Our stores and other places of business were closed during the whole day, and many of oui people attended the religious services held in the Presbyterian and Episcopalian Churches. - ate 7 Battle at Bethel Church.—We publish else- where in this paper, a full account of the betile at Bethel Church. It was a glorious victory Southern which God Our cause is just, and with such for the army, for be praised. signal favor from our Heavenly Father in the hour of battle, our enemies will be brought to acknowledge it, itis hoped, and speedily with- draw from this fruithess contest. Major Hill reports 250 of the enemy killed; but it is reported in the papers of thie morning THE SCOUTS, The report we get through the Virginia papers leave no room te doubt that Lin- coln’s scouting parties in Eastern Virginia are fareing very badly indeed. The Vir- ginians, with their trusty rifles and double barrel shot guns; the Confederate soldiers (regular scouts) with their practical skill in slipping throngh swamps, bushes and brakes iu pursuit of game, are constantly killing and capturing the yankees who are sent out on the perilous duty of spying out the movements of the Southern ariny, In vne place, Capt. Werth came suddenly upon five Yankees; instantly drawing his revolver, he answered their demand for a surrender fiom the muzzle of his pistol, killing two and putting the others to flight. He says the bad ground the fight occur- ! red on prevented him from bagging all five. Capt. McKay and a small party killed three, near Fall's church, at a single fire. Major Randolph with a few men, met a company of the enemy below Wi- liamsbarg, in the road. He had a how itzer along, and quickly unlimbering let fly at them and knocked over 10 or 12 and made the remainder beat a precipitate re- treat. Johu S. Scott avd two coimrads, came upen a party of nine Lincoln men They fired upon Scott and his) friends, but missed within two miles of Hampton. thers all. The latter charged upon them, killed one, wounded avother, and took one prisoner, together with several muskets | and a five shooter, The same day they captured two traitors. And thus we have case after case reci- | Wannah Republican of the 12h reports the nding of a considerabla body ' Lincétn Troops on the coast ut Hilton H in thut vicinity. “4 The excitement at Savanna, was very great, and every body, old and Young, and even some ladies, offered their Services o Commodore Tatnuall, the officer who 100k com. mand, for the purpose of driving out the in. vaders. Commodore T. quickly Bota ler force, including one Company of Artillery, iy line of march, und started for Hilton Heag He supposes, frum tho accounts given him, that the enemy has landed a large force for a reyular campaign. We think the Republican's account is eXng. there gerated and perhaps the alarm is groundless, Nevertheless, if it should prove true that the Lincolnites have really landed w large foree oy the coast of Georgia or South Carolina, (wy ure not certuim in which State Hilton Head 7 loeuted,) it proves that North Carolina may not be secure from such a viskation, notwith. standing the Governor has su vauntingly dy. clared “if our batteries are properly Served, thy power of the U.S. Navy is not sufficient te effect an entrance into one of the harbors vy the State.” They may not attempt to effeg, an entrance into one of our fortified harbors, but if they come in at any exposed pointon thy cuast they may do us much harn as if Coming in at a harbor. ‘The peuple of Wilmington have culled a cilizens’ ineeting for adopting protection measures for their own State shall have bod time to ruise unl the troops for the especial duty of guarding these exposed | points on our coast. #@e - The \st N.C. Regiment.—TVhe peuple of North Carolina bave reason to be mos; devoutly thankful for the victory at Beth. el Church. Our State bas been more | sneered at by her sisters than any other, She wasslow to pive up the Union— prompt in declaring she would not submit | ted with greater particularity than our | ty see the South subjugated, snd first to | that 564 of the enemy were ubsent at the rofl | columns will admit of—all going tu show igainw decided victury in an importani ‘ . . } ™ . CO call after their return to their encampment | thatthe Virginians are determined to make | affair over the invaders of Southern 80), at Newport News. } see their soil tog bot) for Linculu’s northern | | The Ist Regiment, aided by Virginia Ar. CARTRIDGE BOXES—HIGH PRICES, | Mercenaries. And this is to be the fate tillery and Cavalry, have done nobly. The We have just seen specimens of the cartridge | : . | boxes now being made here for the State, un- | | der a contract recently made with a gentlemun | ‘in Davidson county, aud we regret to learn that our State is to pay a good deal more for the work than il is worth, of more than it coald | have been done for. There are two sizes of | boxes; the smull size, including cup-box and | j belt, can be afforded for one dollar and fifty | cents, parties in this town, upon a fair test, having satisfied thenselves there is a reasona- | ble profit on the work at thatprice. There isa better profit on the large size, including cap- box and belt, at three dollars each, than on the We do not know what price the State has contracted: to smaller at one dollar and a_ half. be considerably above these rates. ‘The smal- oo, : ‘ i ler size, it issaid, costs the State three dollars each, and the larger still more. We ullude to this inatter not for the purpose | \ _ military authorities may have the information we couvey in regard 1o what estimate conipe- | Every thing Fs 1 heen pushed forward with as little delay as pos- and watchfulness to guard the public interest | in matters of cost which are really neceksary. No one, however, should be allowed to make enormous profits on the work which the extra- | ordinary state of the country requires. ‘There will allow the contracior to sub-let at Jessthan half the price he is to receive froin the State. That is the system under which the old Gov- ernment of the U.S. grew so corrupt Washington city fairly stunk in the nostrils of | every honest man; and we have no idea that | onr State or Confederate authorities will, in | this the very dawn of our new organization, | Knowingly tolerate the abuses under which that | Government chaffed, disgusted and shamed the people. inte oe Sunday Travelling.— Are we witness: | Just at this mo- ment, saint and sinner almost to the last es against ourselves ? man throughout this part of the country, free at ! i ‘ I i : 1 i ly adinit that God is he Iping us against onr enemres ~is shielding our heads inthe | And yet we heard the | rumbling train running on the Western | It may have heen. right— possibly it was—but those who acknowledge God and their de pendence on Him, and desire Lis coutin- ued favor, are required to remember the conditions upon whieh it is promised; and tion, Sunday work don’t often pay. There Is a gentleman in this town who once sav- ed five or ten thousand brick froin a Sun- day afternoon storm, as he thought ; but | another storm, the next day, swept them off for him with compounded interest, — | Since then, he has never stacked a brick | on Sunday, satisfied that Sunday work | don’t pay. Tt is not reasonable that it | should. | | “> IT The Winston Sentinel says, some thirty eoln’s foreign ubolition horde. | propereneouragement these men could manu- ; ues will look i of the invaders from the Leginning to the) ending. If they persist in their invasion, | they will soon find that it will be In pos lim- | sible to send their scouts beyond the us of their camps without having them killed ? | = “me — Guilford Gun-Makers —Our aitentionshas | been called to the facet, that we have in our | county some 50 men, who have been manu- | facturing, for vears, the very best nfles. Wath facture any quantity—which for price and quality would challenge competition, We heard i itasked, whether or not it would be a good in- vestinent for Guilford County to purchase L000 | good large riflos@fiWe believe nm would be a | safe investment Pad trast the proper authori | pmatiers and see if our worthy | mechanics cannot be encouraged and our Joya! Citizens armed. A thousani men armed with ‘the rifle and the emall arms most of ox could | command, would make quite a foriwidable re- | sistance so the ruthless invaders of our homes. , Greeushorough Times. They will put a ball ight to the place you want it, We have seen these Guilford Rifles. if carefully aimed. Let the manufacturers make them 1o carry pan’ furnieh them with an iron ram rod, and so | far as rifles are concerned they will be No. 1. Our boys are constantly in the habit of using | rifles, knocking squirrels from the tallest treexin | our forests. ‘The Minnie ball will range much farther than the ordinary round one, and do ex- ecution at double the distance. By-the-way, moulds of the Minnie bald ure as that | our ingenious workmento make them of dif- | pitals, ferent sizes for sale. Can't they be mude by the Guilford gun makera, at Raleigh, and else- where. “me A very destructive hail storm passed over | } urday, completely destroying the crops on that plantation, and injuring Very. seriously | a ay other crops in the vicinity. Tt was not ex- tensive, but the work of destruction to crops on the premises attached to the Springs, we are informed, was complete. The nusfortune of the loss fell to de lot of a poor, but indus- | trious and worthy man. erate TYRANNY, The Lincoln Governmut at Washington has caused numbers of persons to be ar- rested and MM prisoned on suspleion of en- No charge Is inade against them, but simply tertaining sympathy for the South, | by the exercise of this most unjust and tyrannical rule, they have been held aa! Prisoners, Thus the the Constitution which Lincoln so Jately swore are Inws and he would observe and cause to be execu: ted, all trampled by bim into the dust. ome GF The 600 Zouaves from New Orleans, who passed through this State a few daya ago, | will be sent to Western Virginia to take care | of tha traitors in that region, ae well aa Lan- Get out of the or forty ladies in an adjoining Connty, having | W8Y) Cartiale. formed themrelves into a company, desire to Procure light rifles or repeaters, having deter- if mecesanry, to defend their homes and the caure of the South Wheat Crop.—An editor in Western Geor- 2'8 names four counties in that State which Nas raised wheat enough this year, to bread the Confederate army of 100,000 men, Virginians speak of it with exultant praine Axotuen Restexation. —John ©. Long. c! this State, First Liemtenantin the U.S. Ar my, having resigned, reached Greensboro ov: vesterday morning, on his way to Raleigh, tender his services to Governor Ellis. Me. Long gratmated at West Point in 1854; Pbeea in the régntar service seven years, anc | when be resigned was stationed at Fort Al- ercrombie, Desota Territory, We learn tion Mr. Long that about 200 officers of the t: ‘ted S.ates Army have resigned, and that |i more will, In order to supply the vacances created by somauy resignations, itis the tention of the Government classes at West Point this year.— Patriots me to eraduate twe FOR THE WATCHMAN, Among the cheenng attentions shown on soldiers by the ladies, we are glad to notice Ue distribution of Religious Tracts, We sawa Tract pinned to a beautitul boquet presenies by a fair hand toa brave heart as the trar stopped at Lexington. The name of the tras was, © Watch and Pray.” bat that soft hans had added another word, and itread.& Wate Fightand Pray.’ Vedi that soldber's hess much good, and so wall all seh gilts be bess ed. Let us contess and manitest our colts chic a perese ia | about 60 balls to the pound, conical shape; dence in God, in every possible manner. | ee URMMENIRnad ceUELLLE ACE UULGL CALE | and build the stocks and locks a little stronger, ION tee Watchman. TRACTS FOR THE SOLDIERS. I have spent much of the time for sev For the fern) weeks among the soldiers, to whom I] gave abont 200,000 pages of tracts, aud . : had) conversations on personal religlen | in demand, and it would be well for some of | With over 2,800 in their Can ps and li I tind wany of them pious, davt reading the Bible and praying to Gu’ Baty by far the largest portion are inne | gious, In three Companies, of about JO new, Only seven were professors oY { | Catawba Springs. in Lincoln county, Jast Sat- | @ion, and there were bat few Bibles ao Testaments among them. Several beret olent glrietials Lave given me {rem $25 we { 50 cents each, to supply the soldiers with Bibles and Testaments, but 1 have alines! | exhausted my supply, besides what 1 cou | get from other accessible sources. From a full supply of suitable religion books Tam striving to put a message | i gospel truth i the hands of every mab Ty camp fife they have many hours for veadinu. The dangers to whieh they 3% bever exposed, incline them to. solemp te Ilection. A dady requested me to give for [hee all Thad of the excellent tract, "Come to Jesus,” $10.76 worth. A copy of whie! | T gave toa soldier one Sunday morning. " which L marked the Q1st) Psalm. The i Sunday following, he wished me to tt sl" jhim in his tent. Tle stated that the track caused him to get his Bible to rend te 'Paalin. On Opening to it he was surpe ied to tind a Piece of paper pived fo “un Psalm, upon whieh was written in beau | ful hand by his sister Emma, these | ines “When from home receding, And from hearts that ache to Needing |} Think of those behind who love thee Think how lony the rayht will be | To the eyes that weep tor thee “God bless thee and keep thee. The melting tenderness before God * (hat tent eantrot be expressed. SO" his mates were religions and ready t courage lim in seeking «aly ol: \ _ A are | read gher long #100 ioflu intel obus inea with aavil the shire I ‘s ¢ send exp! whe as 10 wo | And wee ty, i aries gran more this A eiely can | wing here the | have work all ef have the f page givel ges. secol five JN gine are 8 Trac It = (Uw ment the f copie 81,01 Neit! and I pra unde ciety and | write fur $ some for tl qo Ww May frien with chap 0 se AN Wi that dren, exint Its Mr your recut ply o [ese TGEG | wake Bir dant of va Bh of gu pst {urna MALL, ach grou Yats, Uicet as ‘ol Or pe phur well : treely rod « be kh Se ae Tova leecly @s are Qnor No co opin wood baer dye aan enul When eo) will c @ool | Van y sohd Out ¢ Was ¢ Ingo Nhquor or thy Gster as pu arr) bow du en hin, C@ ther is exXag. OUNd] es, that the foree oy Ina, (wy Head » na may hOtwith- ngly de. rved, the cient te ir bors of to effee, harbors, Nton the f Coming Imington u duping UNL] the Cops for exposed peuple YO TOs ut Beth. n more y other, “Mon— submit Sirst to \portant tr SQ)’, nia Ar. ly. The U praine Long af Sr boro v7 Veit, t is. Me. 54s hue ars, anu ‘ort Al- wD fron the t; that [oo ALL Cis the late (We friok Wh! On” olice @ ee suwa sel ted he tracr the tract Mt hans > Water a hea Le bess ir colts Cl; i i JS for sev: y whim ‘ta, nnd relignion nd Jive ’, dat onan ) erie: rut dU pf rele les vlU bener $25 w TS wiih almost I cout igrons Hat of y mab urs for hey are yn re vive fur A “Come f whic! ing. op _ the ip with trace xd the 1 il to Ws beaut » }ines eding c ) jJod ‘8 ome o! to et w 88 ke — -) va - All are anxigus tdi ggt frets, as ghey. are brief aud poigted, and easy to carry to | read. Being separated from wives, tho- | shore, sisters and otber loved ones, they jong for, and heartily respond to expres- | gions of sympathy, alfection aud christian | influences. I find them to be chiefly our | intelhyent your, Men, the haope of the | church awl couutry ; aud no efforts or | means should be spared to supply them | with what ts interesting, instructive and | saving, that they be not forever ruined by the perilous temptations and dangers | shreateuing them every moment. | Lam nearly out of tracts, and the Way | is closed ap so the Traet Society cannot | wod therm to tne, for which the officers express deep regret, and promise to send | when the way ts open, such publications | av mag be desired to supply the annuities | to Life Directurs wad Lite Members. — | And I would here state, for infurmation, if| we can yet nothing more from this Socie- ty, it has paid tn cash to Culporteur’s sal- ’ North Carolina, besides large aries in | grants of bouks and tracts, about $11,000 more than we ltave given the Society from | this State. Although we are cat off from thie So- | ciety and the North, yet the Tract cause | can and must go on, and Lam apptopria- | ting all funds I cau get to reprint the Tracts | tere fur the soldiers, at our Ensticution: for | the Deaf and Damb and the Blind. 1) have commenced, and shall continne this work under the approval aud counsel of | all the Pastors of this City, each of whom | have read the “Tracts selected, and gave the first donations. L will have 96,000 | pages ready very soon; and every dollar | given willenable me to reprint 1500 pa- ges. Rev. F. Fitz Gerald, Chaplain of the | secoud Regiment, was the first to secure | five doltars’ worth, or 7,500 pages. Rev. | JON. Andrews, Chaplain of the third Re- | ginent has just ortered asupply. ‘There | are several Colporteurs in yreat want of | Tracts. | It is proposed that L have the Tract | “Come to Jesus” and the cheap Testa nent reptinted, which Tecan do as soon as the funds are viven tine. Several thousand copies of each ean be printed here for $1,000, about as cheap as at the North. Neither of these are printed in the South, and we must hace them for our soldiers. I propose to reprint the New Testament, under the sanction of the N.C. Bible So- ety. Let friends respond immediately, and this work shall be done, A_ lady | writes, “Enclosed you will find a check for $160. We were very glad to hear that some way is found out to reprint the Tracts | for the poor soldiers. { 1o what we ean for their never-dying souls, | May God speedily raise up We are willing to many such friends to aid in supplying the with the gospel to read, by which their | chaplains will be helped in getting them | $0 secure the pengs of God in their souls, | as well as the peace of their country, so, that if they tive thes may be God's chil: | dren, and if thev die ther may be Crodl’s | exints, Yours traly. W. J. W CROWDER. Tract Agent for WV, C. Raleizn, June, 1861. soldiers ome FOR THE CAROLINA WATCIIMAN. Blue Stone. Mr. Bruner :—] lately saw wu suggestion in your paper that the Cabacrus works ought to resume the manufacture of this article, to sup- | ply our farmers in seasyn for wheat sowing. Tis not likely chat that work cau be resunied Lore dus season: and, therefore, Lwouldlike to wake pubhe. theougi the Wateliman, a few 8) -vesflOvk Ub May eoable us to yetan abun. | dant wifi work ng mines where orcs | of vapper are Mead. Blue Stone, or blue vitriol, isa combination | Of sulphone acid, copper aud water—copper Psoites, suck as our nines ship to the smelting fiinaee, contam all ef Ue elements for the wianafacture, except water: and of ground in achillian mill just as ordmary gold ore as xeound, and the sand canght mo boxes or Yats, ig in an excellent condition for the man- weeture, Which is (hen a very simple process, | astollows: The sand, heated in an ren pan | or potash kettle, will soon set fire to the sul- | phar in the pyrites. Uf ground fine and kept well stirred (whieh allows it to absorb ox¥gen treely) forty ar fifty minutes heating to a dall ; md color will besutlicient; the sand tay then | be showéled out to cool, and a new charge be | miton the kettle or pan to roast. What is roatted one qlay, ea be put into tabs and “echoed the mex. at thé same mudnner as agh ® are, to make lye; taking eare that the li- Qnor does trot come in contact with ton whieh 4 consoti’s rapidly. and deposites metalic M)pper mstead. Stant pine tubs hooped with wood are very good for leeching aud catehing Mie liquor, which should then be emptied into | a pan of sheet copper or lead, and boiled down | ena) crystals begun to form upon the top, when it shopld be baled aut ito pine tubs to | @ool and Fr yutalize, Crystals of blic vitriol will continue to form for some days in the | fool Itquor, and much faster in cold weather Vian warm. [have had astpach as five inches sohd blweé stone formed in one night, (turning out $60 oF $70 worth) when the temperature was at freezing, In the snumer, if not work ing extensively, it is cheaper to boil down the | hquor from the erystahizing tubs every sccond or third Bay, a8 the stranger the liquor is, the Gster the crystals form; though they are not Qs pure as those that form more slowly. Fur | agricultaral porposes, however, the matter bow under consideration, I think either will du | . j curner boards white, and blinds green, look contradictory accouuts of bimself, bis bu- i had on when arrested a dark brown frock i owner of the hore in recoveriny tim.-- Yadkin Co, N.C. (ya. — An old thend writing to us pivesan ex- cellent heat for boiling down the liguor: the pan td dg itin, cdn be made o si jopper or léad, say four ‘or five féet Wide eight or ten long, by bending Up the sidés and ends to the depth of ten or twelve inches, and lap- plug the corvers against, the sides. The paa can be supported in a’ stout plank box upon a bottom of flat pieces of iron or boiler plate, leaving a few iuches of space beneath for the steam to pass through. To recapitulate. The whole process is— Ist. Pulverise the copper ores finely, (the finer the better.) : 2d. Roast tiem, and keep well stirred while roasting, 3d. Leach them as long as the liquor that comes off, will show metalic gopper on a clean fucce of iron wire wet with it _ 4th. Evaporate the water from the leeched liquor, until crystals begin to forin on thesur- 5th. Put the liquor into tubs to cool and crystalize, Gth. After two or three days, take the li- quor fiom the crystalizing tubs to the evapo- rating pau and proceed as in No. 4. I should mecution before closing, that all of our copper ores, so far as my knowlede goes, conta gold, and chat this plan of treating the ores will prepare the gold for amalgamation better than anyother I have seen tried. Af- ter the sand has been feeched, therefore. it should be ground in a drag «ill or chillian oll with quicksilver, and the result will not often be unsatisfactory. Another fact may be worthy of considera- tion, and that is, that when copper pyrites have been well roasted and leeched, oxyd of iron remains, which is of much value ia @ va- riety of the arts; its value being graduated accordtpg to its Giueness, The common arti- cle for paint. is oue of the most durable that can be apple to wagous aud the outside of buildings. Wood will keep perfectly sound as long as protected by such pumt, and is less liable to take fire, Woden buildines with the window aud door casings, cornices and well painted with oxyd of iron. The expense of manufacturing blue stone after the ores are out of the mine, is small: and very lithe gutlay is reqnired to start it: one or two cotupetent hands can tura outa large quantity as to value and bulk, RW. NORTHROP. | Pioueer Mills, Jane 10, 161. Iampronvitie, Yadkin Co. N. C., June 22, 1861, To the Kiditor of the Watchman: | Dear Sir: A vu va'hng himself Wim, | Wiudhatn, was arrested ins this place on | Private Blepaich tolihe Charleston Conder. {X35 __ GLORIOUS NEws. The chemg ‘Riuted at Ph@lippi—oke Full pessession—tdrge Quantities ammunition and cannon Captured— ber of Prisonere taken, o., ge, Nonvour, Jane, 12. We have no further information yet ua tothe preted ae of this day, ot 12 M., on the enineula, and ao more particu ‘ batile of the 10th. All pele ene. grea from Peterburg, just received staten that a gentleman direct from Manaasus has reliable authority for reporting that our troops being ree inforeéd, touted the enemy at Philippi, killing and wounding one hundred of them, breidee captoring a vumber of prisouers, large quunti- ties of arms and ammunition, with several can- nog. Our loss was very small, and our troops are now iu full possessiun of Phillippi. ie A\gum- NEWS ITEMS FROM. WASHINGTON. . Faxpenicg, June 12. 10,000 Federalisis are between Greencastle and Chambersburg, advancing in Harper's Fer- ry. Foint of Rocks is reported vacated, the force there having coucentrated at the Ferry. Sr. Louis, June 12. Gen. Price, Governor Jackson, Gen. Lyon and Col. Blair had a conference to-day The former proposed the removal of the Federalists from Mirsuori, and the disbandonment of the oulitia, Gen. Lyon refused. After a four hour's session, the conference adjourned, without com- ing lo any agreement, Price aud Jackson went ww Jefferson on a special train. St. Josern’s June 12. A battalion under Major Cully made up from the regulars at the forts, are coming there.— Another brigade is going to Kansas City. Wasuincton, June 11 The gossip of the Times says that Prof. Lewe the b:llooniat, is experimenting with # bajloon containing a telegrapher, connected with. the earth by a rope and wire. Fouraditional regiments have been accept- ed from Indiana. ‘The Governthent will ac- ceptuall regiments that come to Washington, whether by State authority or not. Batrimore, June 12. Marshal Kane has sworn in 1,000 secession- ists ue special patroimen ut the special election It is said that Boonifant will absent himself from Baltimore on election day, lenving a de p- uly—some say from want of nerve. ARMYRESIGNATIONS-TEXAS NEWS | St. Louis, June 12.—T reat culls for a spe- cial session of the United states DistrictCourt on the 20th July, A Santa Fee letter says that Capt. Maury of Virginia, Capt. Lindsay, of Mississippi. Capt. Siephem. of the Fifth Lofantty. aed Ma- vesterday on suspicion of horse stealing. jor Sibley. of the Second Dragoons have re- He wae ridmg «a medium sized bay horse, a good pacer, with sinall white spots on his loft fore shoolder, seemed apxious to sel! him at alrmost any price, and gave eomany and midvite, thag we arrested tim abd sent lia te jatt where he can now be found. Thad forgotten tomention that be rode with au old wagon saddle, an ordina Sltiess, cry single reined beidly, aud that the horse has been appraised tobe about six years | old. The inan Windham las since Ins | inprisonment been identitied as ene Fry | who stole a hore sume six or eight months | ayo from a gentleman in Davidson coanty, | and sold Wim tow Mr. Peter Edmundson | pof this county, and: succeeded im making | He is nbout five feet nine or ten inches high, has dark eves, will weigh about one bundred and ftiy pounds, | aod is twenty eght or thirty years of ave; wood Tis PSCAPIE. Jeans coat, (home-tnade,) aud blue home- spun jeans peut aod dyht colored silk | vest, bine cloth cap. You will please give this an insertion as itinay be instrumental in amding the real The horse will be forthcoming upon appli) cation to J. or A.C, Cowles, Hamptonville, fuctract of a Letter from (Ceor- | | from Dooley County, Ga, ander date | of the LUth June, saye: * Lam glad | tobee that ay old native State is i . , , Sooing the whole hoy” for her rights. | Georgia is “voing the whole hog, | tail and all” We fave two fine | companies in-camp in sight of my | house, on Flint River, awaiting the | oiders of Governor Brown. Bat he | signed. Col. Grayson aud Major Reynolds will soon follow. The Arizona Times sayrthut aheavy armed train for the forts were xeized by Texans re- cently. LATER FROM EUROPE. New York, June 12.—The steamship Adri- atic arrived at St Juho's to-day. She suiled from Galway on the Sth instant. The sales of cotton at Liverpool on Monday and Tuesday amounted to 25,000 beles, the market closing firm and active. Breadstuffs dall. Consels 904 to 914. England aud France will prohibit prizes be- ing brought to their ports. The London ‘Vimes in an editorial oa the Pare meeting, charges the speakers with groundless irritability. Also ulludes to the vin- lent animadversions of the Northern press, and says thatthe Unionists are enraged bec ture England chooses to be weutrul. lt says that if this be the temper of the Northern press vow, what will become a month hence? and conchades by urging a careful avoidance of of- fence to either of the beliverenta — - Lord Joho Russel) hes auvouncéd that the Government hax determined to prohibit urmed vesels from bringing prizes into British porte. STATE NEWS. A British brig of 40@ tous came into Beau- fort Harbor on Monday lust to obtain a carge of naval stores. She wil get the cargo. Our boys at Fort Macon when they first saw her thought they might get a chuuce for a brush, bat the sight of British colors dispelled the hope. The second N.C. Regiment newr Norolk. Va., have to more comfortable quarters, ‘Lhey are about four or five miles north of Norfolk. Randolph.—Thiree compavieshave beeuruis- | ed and organized, and others are being raised. | Old Surry.—Thie County bax about 150 i voters, und has ready for service 500 volun teers. ere re THE FOLLOWING isa sitople of the no- merous letlers constantly receiving tor tlos- etter’s Stomach Bitters: Cananvacua, July 15, 1859. Mesers. Hostetter § Smith, Pittsburg, Pas: —Gents:—As we are strangers, LT herewith v io) xoodd wuiad * pabrd RN 3 Thdre iq 4 Uniog P, Meet h Mathadiet Bhutan, nee ig at hay The object of thepe meetings is to iyterapde with God for onr soldiers Medan Couutry.' The services are vory brief, and al) why can Come are inost earnestly requested lo do vo. INFANTRY SERVICE. 75 Active Men Wanied to Enlist FOR THE WAR! TPXHE undersigned having been appointedin the Nurth Carolina State. Troops, invite all anxious to serve their eoun- try, to enlist under them. Fifteen Deilars Bouaty paid to all as soon as mustered; regular pay from $11 to $21, per month, counting from day of enlistmeat: Uniform, board and medical at- tendunce, frée. : Apply to the undersigned at Salisbury. rm . W. C. LORI, Captain. G. C. McCownwateury, iow G. A. Binenam, i a fenent: Salisbury, June 6, 1861. WANTED. Rowan Artillery ! -~ MORE able -bodjed & 20 Men wanted for this Company now in service.— Term of eolistment, one year. For further information enquire al the Store of A. Myers, No. 4 Granite Building, By order of Capt. J. A. Ramsay. June 6, 1861. (f9 I BANK OF WILMINGTON AS DECLARED a Dividend of 4 per cent., payable 10th inet S. JEWETT, Cashier. June 6, 186). 9 NOTICE... ue firm of N. DBAVER & CO., & dis- solved by limitation, Atl those heving clims against the above will preséise them for payment. | June 6, 1861. ™ 9 Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment N. ¢. Militia. HE OFFICERS of the Regiment, as per order of Court Martial, May 30th, ure -bereby vusified to appear in front: ef.the Adju- tant’s office inSalisbury, at 10 o’cleck, A. M, omthe last Friday in June, urme@ with fire- took, .and-qccoatred as common mifieia men, for tnetructiog. R. P. BESSENT, June 3d, 1861.-tf8 SAi@jutant. ia en ae eel aoe re 2 Volunteers Wanted for the Salis- bary Greys... : Cou and vigprous men, anxious to LA serve thelr Country, are invited’ to join the new Rifle Company—Salisbury Greys. * Form, Riflemen Form.” May 9, 1861. tfl ee = SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Racricgn, May 25, 1861. SEALED PROPOSALS J at this Department, for good merchantable Flour at any Rail Depot within the Styte, in quantities not less | than Twenty-fice Barrels, nul the 15th July 18). Proposals should be endorsed “‘Proposale for Flour” and addressed to the Commiasary Gen- | eral. WW. JOHNSTON, Commissary Geveral. ‘Muy 86th, 186)., ae will be received the delivery of | Road Onn to the t preesere in an ess, dull datiaed slate 9 fed y, we ure compelled to adopt the cush system. We heave w.good stock. of Staple and Fa Goole ae vate lo vet a cash, and wilfis@tl <9! " regardless of cost. We have Wh, Rea codes, Sugar and Sult, afl for cash or barter, at the mar- ket cagh prices. , er } BROWN, CORFEN € BOCK. Salisbury, May 20, 1861. 4t4 P.5. We-sre very desisous that those ow- ing by note or accom, will.cell.and pay up. as we are very needy. : PJ. ttB..C. & M. NO CREDIT. OL TEBMS afters the jst of May next will be exclusively Cush or Barter. We are compelled to adopt this plan for our safety, aud we hope nu one will take offence at it. Persons having accounts with os will please call und close the same by cash of note. ‘~ * MeCUBBINS & FOSTER. Sulisbury, April $3, reér. © * +50 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1861. ; RDERED by the Court that D. A. Davie, John I. Shaver and A. Henderson act as a Gommnittee to raise on the faith and credit of the County of Rowan either by means of county bonds or by any other means in their power, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, to be applied under their direction to the arming, equipping and supporting volunteers. of the Counsy of Rowan end for the comfort and support of the fanitiesof volunteers which are left in need; that any bond given under this aathority shall be signed by the Clerk of this court under the seal of said court for such a sum and on such terms as the suid committe may think; proper, with coupops attached, signed by the clerk, und that said commiftee be authorized to sell bonds execated ander this authority for the best. price they wil brings» Icis furtherordered and declared that gouupons attached to the bonds ubove authorized, be receiv pacdisoharge -efall ,ceyniy taxes and mn uaty dues, étid tbat’ thi ander be publ im. beth the Saliebufy. Banner and Carolina Watcbman. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. Mayil@ 1861. af METER! wrt the gt + #2244 NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. “fs In Equity. Spring Term, 1861! | Arthur Neeley against Joseph W, Half and Bitton Chrige, Exyedutoes of Bofomen Hall, dec’d.,"and Betnet Austin, ind wife Mar- paret. ‘ In this cose. it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Bennet Austin and Wis wife Margaret, are not inhabitants of this State: It is opdered? that. pyubligution meade, for sik. waoke, ia the Carolina Watchman, for the said defendants to be and appear at the next Term of the Court of Equity, to be held for the Couuty of Davie, at the Court Hdose in Moeksvitle, on the 4th Monday ufter the 4th Moaday in August next, and plead, anawer or demmur to complainunt’s bill, or the same. wilk be taken pro confesso, und the cauée eet for hearing ex parte, to them. is Witadep, Li Bingha: Oterk, wd Master of the Court of Equity for sgid County, at office, the 4th Monday after the 4th Munday in Feb- ruary, 186). ‘ L. BINGHAM, C. M-#. May I, 1861. 6w3 pr‘ adv. $5 50. SETS ARAB EARN pyre ee we S ok ‘al ( RDERED by the Court, that the Patrob ot Gaird of the Town of Salisborx have pla h erected eee he - Salisbury Female, Seminary. aus exercises of thie institution will be continued os beretofere, under the direc- tion of the subseriber. Lu consequence of the disturbed siate, of our pablic affuirs he has b NYS Ale LO to Virgeiia, and they seeme tu be soslow they bave joined | enclose you twenty-eight dollars for iaur dozen Tndementcut tice a ext an Rei | Hosteiter’s Stomach bitters, which plese for- the Ine epencen ia SUIS y t Mm | wurd via Michigan Southern Railroad, Voledo, etart tomorrow for V Irydtitat. But | Obio, cud Clayton Staton. 1 baye purchased Gov. Brown save they must not car | several dozen bottles at Toledo this Summer. ‘ . but tne sale is on the increase eo muck Phat | r. off ther sheotiny irons—it they with to open # direct trade with you. “T was do, he will raise a row tke be did | with Bartow. Bat 1 tell you the | for the Liver Complaint, and received euch wa- (terialPuid that T have recommended it to others } and have sold about (wo dozen per week for induced to try your Bittera by my physician, | ,ehotuhy, i Ly excited, few daysngoy oh Renting | 1s also recerving arms. are hot going there cnupty hauded | as dle epectatore. * * * 4% * this been “Our crops are fine date. Wheat and harvested, and those crops are good | Corn Jooks well, mew in) | We have plen- Hp te oats biave full sick and tassel. | tv of veyvetabler, but net mach 2 i . 1 . at fruit, like you fave in N. Carolina.” | Wed. BB) Ti" The idephritng tf abeeid dt reat: >a regard was in thal city. They searched eve- ry awspected hoaae. eek | T 7 Arms have been ent hits Kentueky to | the Secesenomets from Tennessean, eee 2000 sete tate— bee 2-2 Scbets QpeEee cee ome j CORN WANTED.+~-A @mall dot af Corn Apply at THIS OFFICE wanted. sotne time. IT have all kindsof medicive in inv store, but there is none that Tecan so eheerfal- ly and truthfully recommend as yvonr Bitters. for Tknow they have helped me beyond my expeciation. Yours respectiully. PHILO WALSON Shrink not from an Honest Duty ! T ILE undersigned will deduct five per cent no interest added, from the book account, | | and give forty per cent of the amount in sup port of the ©, S. Soldiers, and he will pay. iv full, on presentation, aN book agcounts against hin, provided the holdérs give 25 per cent. to (he same cuuse. : Show your patriotism ! ‘1¢ i yrically Aclésonas | able to take up arms, by thus contri bg enue | in defence of our liberties amd hem ee Walk up and settle WH. WYATT. Juue 17, 1961 12 NOW IS THE TIME? changed his purpose, to remove, and hypet to jinuke honself as urefal to this community j duniug these roublouy umes ax possible. Be- i Weving that bis kuhors have been generally satirfactor\. he solicits an extended patronage, nifd would ask bis tends to aid him in inereas- ing the number of his papils A. D). WILKINSON. ‘ 613 5 May 1 iy Br GM. My = a ee THE NORTH CAROLINA | White Sulphur Springs, Situated neg the Western N. & R.R. sq the 7 : County vf Oh ta robe: 4 4 3 a i a a or ed ; Tee popular Summer resort, with addition. | nl buildings siuce fast season, wil be open- | ad for visitors on the Ist of Jone. f Ample urrangements made for comfort and jamusement of Guests. A fine Band of Music euguged for the season and Bathing Suloon erected. Every effort will be made to make this a pleasent syd wale. reicp al for {05 families of thane ho Siteg rte wt Hhid or ealled from home—indeed ample nrrangemsntx made to hipiure (his. , ee ¢ | MIS K. J. ROBARDS. May 13, Wel. Ym2 WE HAVE IN STORE 35 bbts. Coflee Sugars. 10 hinds. Molasses. 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. NUM fhx. Sole Leather. 50 kegs Natl. 25 bays Rio Cotlec. 2 casks Rice. All of which we offer at greatly reduced | prices R. & A. MURPHY April 9 3m47 To the Farmers of Rowan al Joining Coantte )A dersigned solicits consignments of our, ) Con, have bie perteti! attention ’ JOBN FB. FOARD. Newbern, dfav lt. krol 3m52 New Bowling Alley | giane ad- | ' 5S oumintercourse with the North is new | effectually broken up and oar market ; most be supplied from the up coyntry, the un- Ba- band, Way, Butter, &e., ge. which shall full power to vieitany suspected plageg-hayond | the lumite of the tawits atid to arrest and con- | fine-ag 4h)! Yoo erly pr apspece:d per- nye ach eG i Hdd in the save mapper ns they would arfest afd confine | dixordérly ‘or xnbpetted pedraons in towd. cig. QM BEB KERR: Clank Salisbury, May 186f 0 145 fee EL na poise | State of North Carolina, bo, ROWAN COUNTY. | * | Court bf Pleas anil Quarter Sessioas, May Ferme, 186h. /GYKRDERED by the Court thet all patro* | \Seanmwits pane denbtrbsvegeive tog any where the v say plepse,in the county and discharge Ue regylarda jeg of avrol companies, wheh they bee ‘AL. us HAY vw of their districts | as Wey have hereiofore diacharged the in with- in Uber respective disiricis. : JAMES £. KERR, Clem. May 16. 1861 13 r LTNT aTy ’ TOWN ORDER... | I‘ is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Salisbury hays ditcretiopary powers to arrestand look up in the Calaboore uny per- | x, White ar binck, who may be foundrih the | ireets of Siisbury after dark who shall be guilty of any dirorderly conduct, ov be unable | to give w sath factory eecownt of himself; and | #nX person gw, gomrasted, to be, hehe usta? | we bye further diugs on the fopwing cme malas 3 hk SET HAY ‘ ; May 3, 186) 651) Tatendant. \ tite. yr ‘On Al |. W. JONES, M. D., Hs permunently located in the town of | . Sali bury, and offers his services to the pobiie in the Ab ab pated old dt bts profes- s10n. ' ' Qi Office.on Main Street, first dodr above Burr’ Confeetionery. ait ele 1861. 64135 Sah ae | Attention! Military Companies. ' ane sabecriber ie prepared to fermehh io | Compamer the Military Fatigue Cap of | fhome Manuftotere and material, well made, | and of batest military style at low price. Ad- Gre ce, JAS. fh. ENNISS. | May 17, IN61 Salisbary, N.C THE CASH NYSTEM ADOPTED W FE are now kelling otrr etock ont’ at re- duced pricés for CASH. No goods sold cn credit. Alf Berkhng thdebted to as arérequent- ed 40 calj agd pey up April 22, 1861 Rg A. MURPHY. 16:49 — we a Em Tonic Cordial. The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It ie Unequalled for DYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands of DIARRHOEA. The best physieigus recommend it for FLUX. Tes use on the first symptoms, and before a physician can be obtained will prevent CHOLERA. ¥t will save many lives, much time, iékness, eaffering and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. Lt only Costs % \ CENTS. / Prepared by W. UU. Wryarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Main at., Salisbury, N. C. April 9. 6m47 FOR THE SPRING TRADE. E are vow receiving a lot of new and desirable Goods for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. OUR STOCK Will not be as large as on former seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a very handsome and select assurtment of all kiade of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock thie Spring and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. GCOUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to cal and examine our Goods before purchas- img. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2m47 Spring Stock for 1861. R.& A. MURPHY, RE now receiving &PRING and SUMMER GOODS, em eracieg FANCY AND STAPLE DRY COODS, BOOTS, SHOBS AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for sule at eet reduced prices for cash. Give usa call, and see what we have in store for you. R. w@ A. WURPHY. Saliebury, April 9, 1661. 347 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. HE above Guano is sid to be a better lyate fertilizer forthe cultare of Tobacco, Cotton, Graiue, Roots, Grapes, &c., than any other mnporied. A trial is all that is necessary to prove its superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. March 25, tf45 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R.& A. Murphy’s Store, SALISBURY, N. C., EEPS constantly ou hand alarge assort- ment of WATCHES and JKRWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- scription repaired in the beet manner and on aan reasonable terms. ebruary 14, 1860 MILO A. J, ROSEMAN, M, D. AVING studied in prominent Medical Colleges and Floepitals, North and South, and having been practising in the various de partments of his profession for nine years with geod success, he conliames (o offer bis services ta the pabfic where he is permanently hocated. and by striet atiention to his profersion will eudeavor to merit a liberal patronage is heretofore, and holds himself in readiness at al! hoare, day and night, for professional calls. IZ Office at Roseman’s Store. April 23, 1861. 3mpd49 | Ea | LI. PERSONS who are indelted to me i are respecifally requested to cajl and make immediate payment, us I ain compell- ed to have money; and ae (his is the first | time thet [have called on my friends, I hope | they will come ep promptly. .P. BESSENT. | Now. 29th, 1859 (127 | their usanl Stock of | AS | { | Horses. 4 we ee alinedl Spring took, for, 1861. HORAH & RAMSEY Tee plenenre in fnforming their friends and the public ip general thut they are now in receipt of the ldrgest, most varied and cheapest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that they ever had the pleasure to offer These Goods have all been beught far cash at greatly reduced prices, und will be ‘offered for ewsh only a¢ nupregedented jow precs. Cull aud see therd, héur prices un@ fadge fur yourselves. In view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairs in these revolutionary times, we have adopted the cash system, believing it to be the best fur ourselves and our friends. Those having open accounts with us, will please calf without delay, and close them either by cash of note. / HORAK & RAMSEY. Suliebury, April 23d 1861. {50 New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON 9 _ } AVING purchased of J. D. I Brown & Co., their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, PER-WARE, STOVES, &c., now offer the largest and hagdsomert lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered in this market, and will sell for cash as low #8 cén be had in West ern North Carolina. Atso, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE* end STILLS kept on hend. All kings Tin, Sheet-Iron or Copper work done at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. Salisbury, Jan. 22. 186). ly36 COP- = by o = — =e o Ss fe ° e "A = 5 o JA R U JS T M U pu e Av u o w ‘d n da r t e d pu e pa v a r s o y Fu r u i 0 9 {Q O [[ i M “y U N O O O B 40 94 0 U AV I O N Tl d d d s ‘B U N O K VY Ap o o N o H NO S U d d T’ ‘S S a L H t S N S sn os t Si OL G4 U . L E d a d iT -U 0 9 07 SN af q u u o 0} “F I Aq , JU B A L 9 AA avy WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, \ 5 t Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigurs, and Tobacco. Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, ‘Tobaceo, and Country Produce generally. Agents for Howe’s cele- brated Scales. | D.G. WORTH. N.G.DANIEL, | Late of Asheboro’, | For past 7 yeurs with | N.C. T.C.&B.G Woatn. | Sept. 18, 1860. lyi8 | e | j _ Brown's Livery Stable. | Ik keptap aw heretofore It! is gratifying to him that this | estubliehment, begun, at first, as | a doubtfulexperiment, has proved | | to the public a great desideratum and # com- | pe success. Travelers, and others can ul- ways huve their wants, in thes line, well sup- plied. | Cush prices paid for Provender. And the | | subscriber ix always ready to sell or buy good | THOMAS E. BROWN. | Jan. let. 1861. t47 HARDWARE!! | Tv HB Soabecribers are feceiving and opeu- | ing atthe old xtumd of G. M. & ALT. ' Jones, the lurgest Stock of Hardware | ever offeredin this Market, which having been bought directly of the Manufacturers or their | agents, exclusively for cash. They are pre- | pared to offer inducemenis to Wholesale or Re- | tail buyers. A cull is respectfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN. Salisbury. Mur. 13. 1860. 1f43 | | DENTAL NOTICE. eke od DR. BESSENT, i “AS REMOVED to roe DENTAL | t{ ROOMS ou the corner formerly occu pied by Dr. Baron, where he ia prepar edto attend all operations sonaected with his | profession ie T. BEMISTER. House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &., Main St.. opposite Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. AN work personally attended toand warrant- edtobe dove in a workmanlike manner Jnn. 22, 1861. 6m36 Fine Shirts and Collars. If you wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col- Jare call at the Great Clothing Emporiwm of DAVID WEIL. No. 2, Granrre Row. 1RBA. 1f32 can Sept. 25-119] MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. H.C. JONES & SON, ! house. ) | Mc a ibaed GREAT EXCITEMENT »WT, THB GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIEM DAVID WRIL. a HVS EO, JAVING RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and COMPLETE Swck of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Qoods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, andker- chiefs, anda fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &c., &e., to which he inviles your immediate attention. ‘They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe sold cheaper than ever were offered bere before. NOW Is YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ar 1 um determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO.2, MURPHY’sS GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. March 25, 1861. tf44 Salisbury Female Seminary. VANAE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the 11th February and close the lat July. ‘The school bas been increasing in num- bers every ierm. We have now a_ goodly number, Sut could take a fewmore. If the number continues to increase, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, 50 per Term Tuition, in English, from $s to 17.00 ee © Tastin. 5.00 Musie on Piano. frou 15 ta QU. Use of [ostrument, 2.50 Ineivental expenses, 1.00 Charges made froin the time of entrance. For particular address A. D. WILKINSON, Jan. 22, 1861—1136 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanies. McCUBBINS & FOSTER | AVE just received a very large lot of FARMING IRON, consisting of Shovel Moles, Bar Tron, Wagon tire 14, 1} and 2 inch ; Buggy tire 14 and 14 inch; Oval Tron 4, &, and j inch; Square Tron Lo and 14° inch; Buggy Springs and Axles; Patent and Fin- ameled Leather; Bande, Bolte, &c., together with a genera) assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. They keep constantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD, BUTTER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Jenkin’ Corner, Salisbury, N.C. Feb. 12th, 1861. tf39 WATCH MAK “ AND JEWKLP Sci. ry. W eecanted (ft (oaths Jauuary 29, 1661. (37 CASH SYSTEM!! ee undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN. They feel that no apolo- vv for this conrse is at all necesrary, the pe- culian stale of our public affaira rendering it imperative. They will be pleased to sell to their friends end customers at the most favor- able peices possible 5 bat trom and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by account, are re- quested to come forward and close the same by cash or note. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill May LOth. 1861. tfl Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, \ TILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Coart. HH. C. Jones, jr, will also practice in the Courts of Tredell wud Cabarrus Counties. Al chins entrust d to then for colleetion will meet prompt attention. OF Office No. 3, Brick Row, nearthe Court- H.C. Jonrs, ar. Jan. 15, 1861. H.C. Jonas, jr tf45 WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. W ILL Progtice and make prompt cullec- tions in Rowan, Stanly. Dredeh and Ca- tawba Counties. Office in the corner of Cowan's Bailding | opposite the Book Store Feb. 14, 1860. Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, AVING PERMANENTLY LOOATED | Inthe town of Salisbury, offera hi« | poe services to the citizens of the own and anrrouniting country He at al! mesti (unless professionally en gaged) may be foundat the ‘Borpen tf3R | | | ” ore March 25, 1861. at-45 i) STONE, 3000 Ibs. BE a0. NEN Ngee 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and elean for sule by WUENDERSON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaocoo. From 210 to 240 deg., for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIS8. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For sale by HIN DERSON & ENNIss. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanners Oil. AO. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISs. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, | WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sule at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Aledicinal French Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. PTE Te .. UIT or To the Public! THe patriotic citizens of Rowa are called upon to contribute . the detence of the soil of North Caroline. The eontest has commenced, and ino. h been sent to ds Forts Caswell and Macon, Troops from Rows have gone and are win going, and depend epon their fellew-ciuzens u home to sustain them. There ix w Store-Roam opeved in Salis. bury for the reception of anything that may be contributed. No freight tor transportation on any of the railroads will be charged, and Messrs. McCUBBIN & FOSTER will 1. ceive the freight aud anything else that Tay be contributed. : Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Beans, ge in any quantities will be taken, and thank. fully received. A list of every inan’s nang who contributes will be preserved. B R. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63d Reziment, March 25th, W861. NEW Spring and Summey GOODS! FANHE subscriber has the pleasure to an. eunnce to his friends and the public gener. ally, that he is receiving his usual Stock ¢ SPRING AND SUMMER GOODs, compris- iug a rich assortment of all the LATEST STYLES LADIES DRESS GOODS consisting in part of Silks, Bereges, Grena- dines, Bersge-Auglaise, Mozombiques. Organ. dies. Challies and a large Stock of EMBROID- ERLES. to all of whieh he ark a speciat examination. Aso, a full assortment of Bieached Do- mestic, Linens, House-keeping Goods, &e, SPICES! SPICES! Pepper , Spree, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger Mace, | | Mueh 25 —45t¢ | Cinnamon, and Nutmegs, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNI>oS. VINEGAR! 30 cts, Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 1, 1460 trls North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCESSOKS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, ILL continue to manufacture und keep on hand all Agricultural Implements A full assortment of Caltivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider & Sugur Mills. made heretofore. Plows, Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Thre shers, Thresherand Separators, They also mauofacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills, Cirenlarand Vertical Saw Mills. Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, ‘Tobacco Pres- | ses and Fixtures, &c., &e., TRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK every description inade to order, and warrant- edinevery rexpect. tion of Machinery done at short notice. We ure Agents for Burnett's Wheat Funs. Salisbury, N.©.. Jan. 2. 2e6). ly34 Standard, Raleigh ; t Demorrat, Charlotte: Western Advorute, Asheville ; Carolininn (tri weekly) Colombia: Observer, Fayetteville: and Iredell Express will publish 3 months and forward aceonunts Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. MceCouonel, C. P. | Mendenhall. D. P. Weir, Fumes M. Garrett, | John L. Cole, No H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barrin. | ger, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. H. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington: Robert Eo Troy. Lamberton: Alexnuder Miller, Newbern: Gee, Raleigh: ‘Thomas Jobasen, R.C. Maynard, Franklinton; Dr. B. F. Wat- son, Wateonville. OFFICRAR:! N.H.D. WILSON. - President. JED. H LINDSAY. - - Viee-President C.P.MENDENHALL. © Atrorney PETER ADAMS, : ] WMH. CUMMING, - W. J. McCONNELLE, - J.A.MEBANE. - - , J.M. GARRETT, - \ Al communications on basiness connected withth: Office. shonld be addressed to PETER ADAMS. Necretury Greensboro’, N. C.. Jone 19, 1860 t'4 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT SALISBURY, N. C. DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION : GIVEN tothe purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE. And te all eonsignments to be sold in this market of shipped to other Ports Febraary 14, 1460. (138 See and Treas, General Agent f Exceutive Com \ | at | Repairs of every dexerip- | Patriot. Greensdoro' ay Thadeor We. | ' Yancey- | ville; Dr. W.C. Rumsey, Wadesborough; Rev. ! ' A. MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building, Saleebary, N.C. Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Timber Saved! ] have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fexee, | Mado without posix, in the Counties of Ala mance, Randolph, Rockinghem, Davideon | Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. Cheap: ness. durability, and convenience are its chi | advantages. We reeommend the Fence :¢ | saw-mill owners, farmers, and al] who have ‘fences to make. We will sell Farm or County nghis. A circular stating costs. plan of builo- (ing, &c., sent free to any address on appliea- i tlon to | JNO. J. WHITE, \ Mebanesville, | Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44}) Alamance, N.C. a*e Charlotte Democrat please copy three | months and forward bill to subscriber. CHASTE ANTE | Selling Of for Cash only. Come and See! M cNEELY & YOUNG, will sel! the \ entire steck of New Spring and Sum- omer Goods at greatly reduced prices for cash ‘only. We have been compelled by our long credit customers to adopt the above plan. Ry the reduction in prices it will be greatly \o the interest of ali whe» have money tu spen for Goods to trade with us. Come and see: ' NOTICE —We now make our Jat col on all persons having open accounts with os. to come forward and settle either by cash 0 note. We have waited too long already ov & | grant many persons, and wre now delermies to close up our accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG April 23, 1561. 749 COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMIL) SUFFKRING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. Stone in the Bladder and Kidney. Weakness of the Loins, he. | FENHIS invaluable Medicine is for sale ony at Mocksville, Salisbury Statesville, Cor cord and Fayetteville, and at Col. Anetir? and no where else The subscriber having entered into copa! nership with John F. Cowan, original patente forthe manufacture and sole of the above Meo- icine, is prepared to furnish a supply by #% dressing him uf Sualiebory, N.C.. or calling ” hie residence, 10 miles west of this place E. D. AUSTI® ! June Qi. 1N55. 15 DRA YING. “(TSH EF undersigned gives notiee that keeps a TEAM AND WAGONS (” the purpose of Drnying and wall rerve all ¥h? may favor him with ealls iaghix line on #f commodating terme, : GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 1860 tf43 Fine Suits. | Tf you wish tobuy Fine SUITS of CLOTH | ING for ns httle money as possible, cull as (he Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WwEIi. ; | G7 Rememper tur Srann—No. 2, Murph’ | Granite Row, Saltebury, N.C. Sept. 25. ift9 Notice to Sheriffs. | ass RECEIPTS, neatly printed to oriter | BR nnd pot in houke if desired, at hort wou” | and on moderate terme, fot casb. Ser’ ™ | your orders VOL. XIX. Sannin ie SEMI-WEEKLY. SALISBURY, N. Gj JUNE 20, 1861. NUMBER 13. — J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, $2,00 Five copies, $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same pro- ction $1.50 each. Payment always in Giyauces From Another Correspondent. Hkavquartere Va: -brre Guarp, Yorktown, Juve 11th, 1861. When I wrote last, we were in the country at a place called Bethel Church, vid it was Sunday. We spent the day peasandly until at night, when there was au alarm given, caused by cannon Gring Jown towards Hampton. We afterwards jwarued that one of the county companies tad encountered Federal troops, and bad a iigut—nothing more than a scrimmage. At 2 o'clock we were startled by the bugle sounding the “assembly call.” In two winutes every soldier in the encampment was in ations and ready for duty, baving previously beeu instructed to sleep with jccoutrements on and arms by the side. THE MARKCH. ln half an bour the North Carolina Kevimeut, uuder commund of Col. Lill. a brave, cool commander, and competent alder, were ordered with three yuus of Major Randolph’s Battery, to march to- wid Hampton, while the Virginia Lite toned, Henrico Southron Guard, and Young Guard, under Lt. Col. Stewart, were ordered to move lower down the en- campmeot and take the position vacated ov the North Carolina Regiment, which was promptly done. It was a noble sight, a we stood near the outer limits of our cucamptment, in the grey of the moruingy, >see the Howitzers and the North Caro- cua Regiment, those worthy sons of noble States, under the command of our yallant Cul. Magruder, defile past us and advance tv meet the mercenary legions of a besot- ted Grovernment. They were soon lost to tit in the woods, aud all was sull, except ‘ue occasional challenge of a sentinel on an out post; all the men were expecting | some greal event. THE RETURN. Col. Magrader and bis command had only gone three miles down the road when tuev learned that the enemy they were in pursuit of, had retired to reinforce, and in- tended making au attack on us in a short | lime, as soon as they returned. The en- tire camp was arranged for the assault, POSITION OF OUR TROOPS. The encampment was a parallel forma- von, the corners of the fortifications lying ucarly due East and West, North and South, and was protected by embankments thrown up on four sides, the strongest of | which was on the southeast side, which commanded the road, the bridge and the fleld, through which troops must pass com- ing from Yampton, and was well fortified. lu the defence of this position a howitzer battery of three guns, under the command of Major (Grvorge W. Randolph, and four | companies of the N. C. Regiment ou the | ; the remainder of the N. | northwest side C. Rewiment were stationed froin East to West. On the south side was a ravine 30 foot deep, and ve ry marshy. This pesiuion was defended by a battery of one hewitzer gun, uoder the command of Capt. J. lLompson Browu on the left, and an earthwork and treach made and oceupied by the companies of Lieut. Col. Stewart’s command, consisting of the Virginia Life ‘ruard, Capt. Walker; Henrico Southern Guard, Capt. Childrey ; and Young Guard, Capt remainder of the troops, of infantry and cavalry were sta- Uoned inside the enclosure, and completed he defence of the entire parallel. All Was now in readiness, and with calm, de- lranued couuteuances, the men awaited (bear counny, Charters—the THE APPROACH, In a few minutes our scouts and videttes | commenced firing and coming in, anbounc- The cannoniers and in- fantry in the line of fortifications were no Uhed and stood ready, ammunition in hand. Our men (Col. Stewart’s) were or- Jered in the trenches, when they were com- pelled to kneel in order to eseape observa- hon, it being our object to conceal our position util the enemy advanced to the tiiddle of the field, and then fire. ipproach to the fortifications can only be tiade through a field 600 yards wide, and hy tne bridge, spanning the creek running along the southeast of our position. lit the advance. THE Our Colonel stood with glass in hand ATTACK. The} and soon discovered the glistening of bay- onets coming from cover of the woods and aud up the road. As soon as they had arrived about one thousand yards froin us, tbey planted two cannon in the road, one in the woods and several in the tield, to our left, all of them being guns of heavy calibre. As soon as they were seen in po- sition, Maj. Randolph gave the command, and their splendid Porrot gun belched forth a shot which took effect on the col- umn in the road and did considerable dam- age; this was replied to by the enemy from their gun iu the road, and replied to by Captain Brown’s Battery in the field. The actiou then became general, and the deafeniug roar of the guns was all that could be heard for an hour—our shot tak- ing good effect, that of the other side not having hit asingle man or gun, all being aimed too high, doing great damage a- mong the boughs of the trees. Colunel Stuart’s command were placed fifty yards on the right of Capt. Brown’s Battery, to serve as a protection to them, and we soon saw the approach of a campany of Zouaves of aNew York Regiment, advancing uu- der cover of some houses, and a large or- chard to the right of the field. Tbe Vir- givia Life Guard were ordered to rise and soot them, as our position had not been discovered ; the meno of the first platoou tose and taking deliberate aim, tired; the shots had youd effect, seven of the Zouaves i falling, two killed and remainder wounded, | aS we ascertained afterwards by finding the bodies of the dead. We immediately drew upon us the fire of the Zouaves and one piece of caunon; but our men were uu- ‘daunted and between every tire of the das- | ardly crew they rose by file and fired. | Nearly every time a mau was fe'le’. Our | guns being the Enfield rifled gun, were j very etfective. The entire force of both j sides then came into action, and to men | unaccustomed to such sights the scene was | sublime. After the first tire atl the hesi- | tancy and trepidation incident to the first | battle was over, and every man telt eager ito give them asalute. There was a cessa- tion of firing for five minutes, when our guns was kept up for one hour more, our guns working beauutully and doing great ‘damage. The shot of the enemy wound: | \ (says, Lthink our greatest want will ed three of our Howitzer and oue of the | be Lead, as there is no mine of it open | North Carolina Regiment men. During this engagement the howitzer gun in the field was accidentally disabled by the breaking of the vent wire iu the touch-hole, and had to be hauled in the woods and abandoned ; and Col. Stewart’s command was ordered to close in upon the fortifications, and defend the interior of our camp as we moved off. A regi- tmnent of infantry was seen to file up the road to the south of our position, in order to get in our rear, and several cannon were ordered to the road through which they must pass. The cannon were supported ‘by the commands of Col. Stewart and | Capt. Montague; but they did not make their appearance, aud we remained inter- ested spectators of the third attack, bold- Ing our position in the trenches, and pre- pared to defend the ravine and the road to the south and west of our fortitications. This attack was made a few minutes af- ‘ter 12 o'clock and was the most severe of the day’s work, Our guus commenced again, and after exchanging shots for fifteen or twenty minutes, the enemy formed in col- ‘umn, one thousand strony, aud under the ‘command of a brave looking (reneral, well tnounted, advanced over the road, over the bridge and up to the embankment, on the southeast. Every man looked on with breathless interest, as the charge was a brilliant one. As soou as they were in ' good range, our battery opened, and the | first fire struck the head of the advancing column, and crashed through from rank to rank, ‘They attempted to mount the em- bankment, but our infantry ruse, and they were repulsed with great loss, and so dis- comlitted that they retired with a double quick movement down the road. The Colonel commanding im this charge was The battery Ayaln exchange shots, aud the action closed with six iwen wounded on our side. {t was now oue o'clock, and the enemy showing bo disposition to commence again, the dragoons were ordered out, and found the enemy retreating with all speed toward Hampton. As they pursued them, they scattered like sheep and the wounded and dying fell on every side of the road. It wana pitiable sight, and as our men came | back they were picked up and carried on litters to our camp and cared for. seen to reel in lis saddle. menced at 9} o'clock A. M., and continued jill 41, M. enemy said he would tell the truth before he died, and say four thousand five hun- dred were engaged on the part of the Fed- era] troops, and five hundred held ip re- serve, and the dead and wounded were two | | | | | | | | ; south of Missouri.” | knowledge, I will inform you, and through | /you the public that your friend | \ ! The battle was now over, having com: | « A]} New York is failing. One of the wounded of the | I | ( | promises to bankrupt every mer | alin. hundred; while on our part there were | only twelve hundred men, and at no time were there more than eight hundred eo- gaged. . During the entire engagement Colonel Magruder was in every part of the field, and displayed consummate generalsbip | and courage, directing every movement in | person, and exposing himself with a reck- lessness of danger which was seen and ad- inired by all iu camp. INCIDENTS OF THE BATTLE, The enemy, when they first approached, tried to keep up their courage by repeated cheering, yelling like so many savages, which the writer of this heard distinctly, | while our men said not a word; buat with uplifted hearts to God of Battles, stood silent and courageously, awaiting them. One of the Captains of the advancing | column of the enemy approahed near the | N. C, Regiment’s lines, and, standing on a log, cheered his men. He was seen, and a private in one of the companies took de- liberate aim, and he fell dead. The man | ran out and secured his sword as a trophy of his valor. The Howitzer Battery, under spperiti| tendence of Major Randolph, elicited the | cheers of the entire soldiery, every man | performing his part with the celerity of practiced gunners, and often exposing themselves upon the parapet to see, as they said, the enemy’s eyes, so as to take | In a word, no man on the ground | could express how much of the result of | our victory is due the Howitzers. Late in the evening the encampment was broken up and returned to Yorktown. Long live Magruder, Hill, Stewart, and Allan, illustrious leaders in ‘his, our first great battle aud glorious victory ! while to (rod thanks be given for His providential care and support. C. P. RB. Lire Guarp. LEAD MINE IN VIRGINIA. Hamprosvitre N. C,, June 6, 1861. Messrs. Hale d Sons :—Your paper of 3d inst., contains ao article headed * Lead,” and saying that a friend far more familiar than we are with the mineral resources of Now with all due de- | ference to your fiiend’s superior statistical | Is greatly | mistaken. There are two mines of that mineral profitably worked i Virginia, | within 10 or 15 miles of the N.C. line, | aud have been so worked for 60 or 70 |} years, They employ a vast power in man: | ufacturing bar lead and shot of the best | quality. They have at one of those mines 7 water wheels running, and turn out hun- dreds of tons yearly. They have a rail track running under the mountain, which is literally a mountain of lead. To such an extent are their operations that their net profits amount to $45,000 a year. I hardly suppose that there is a more exten- sive or more profitable lead mine in the | (formerly) U. States. Hundreds of tons | pig and bar lead are yearly sent from these | works to Baltimore, out of which the cel- ebrated shot towers of Baltimore are sup- | plied. If we had as sure a resource for powder we would be weil off for ammuni- | tion, and might defy the world so far as that article is concerned. J. ©. “ Ary Paper Over ?”—Since the beginning of the war excitement, it) is not extravagant to say the above question has been propounded to ns tive hundred times. We have sub-: mitted to the imposition «f newspa- per beggars Jong enough. — Those | who want a paper to read, can get it by having their names entered np- | on the mail book, and paying their’ money. What would these liberal | minded people think of us, if we persist in asking them every week | if they had ** Ary bushel of corn | over?” or if they “ Conldi't give us | a small spar hog?” Tt costs us da bor and money to print newspapers as well as it costs therm to produce | corn and bacon. Live and let live. Athens (Ga.) Banner. Single copies of the paper price five cents. sring the change with you. | | The New York Day Book says; The sus- yensions and failures for the past few Jays have been fearful, and the war chant in New York. The retail bu- siness is as bad off as the wholesale. | Trade is killed.” | miles below here onthe information j king ourselves pretty comfortable. ‘ket ] relieved one of the men at the gun. ‘lke sheep. ete From the Fayetteville Observer. | THE BATTLE. A number of letters have been re- ceived here from Fayetteville volun- teers, all giving interesting particu- lars of the engagement at Bethel Church. The following, from Mr. H. H. Smith of the Independent Company, (who spent several years as man and boy in the Observer of- fice,) is the most connected account that we have seen. * Yorkrown, Va., June 11. We returned from Bethel Charch last night, after a bard day’s work with nothing to eat, tired and hun- gry, but I will try and give you an account of our doings since our de- parture from) Yorktown. On Thursday 12 noon we left York- town tor Bethel Church some fifteen thht 400 of the enemy were there. We reached there at dusk tired and wet and had to sleep that night on the ground. The next day we went to work and bailt brush shelters, ma- We made several forays, and captured several of the enemy, chasing them to Hampton. The Buncombe Rifles even weut luside the lines aud took the sergeant of the guard. He mistaking them for his They also fired on his guard, kill- ing several, Ou Sunday we had preach- ing at the Church; and I had one of the most delightful dinners [ ever ate—cooked it myself too—a beefsteak cooked on a ramrod. It was the tirst fresh meat I had seen jn a week, Yesterday (Monday) morning at two o'clock we were awakened by the sound of the bugle; our Regiment formed—900 strong—with two Companies of Virginia Infantry and Howitzer Battalion of four pieces including a Rifled Parrot piece ; also a Cavalry Company. We commenced our march towards Hampton, I did not know our intended destination, but sup- posed it was to a bridge some 2 miles this side of Hampton and six miles from our We had marched some two miles | when we were hastily turned back, on the | information that at the same tinge we bad left our camp the enemy had marched | from Hampton to attack us some five thou- As I said we returned— breakfasted, and commenced hastily to throw up aslight breastwork. While we | were at work Che firing with cannon com- | menced and we then threw down our | spades and seized our muskets, On our | front and right was a small creek aud to | our left an vpen tield, along which we bad thrown up breastwork. On our front to | the road we bad two cannon—a relict. cal. sand strong. rifled | piece and a howitzer—both having the ! range of road for halt a mile, Ou our right! another howitzer and also one on the left. : My station was at the rifled gun to defend | it at the edge of the road. This was the von that did the execution and was the special inark of the enemy’s cannon, The Foutmers worked like horses, and as the | enemy were bevond the reach of my mus- It was exciting sport. The enemy was at that time a quarter of a mile down the road | ata dwelling house filing across to - eur } right, fall range, and as the shell from our gun would strike the coluun fair and | square, we could see them break and run } We poured it into them hot) | and fast, and every shot told, and soon we , 'could see them running to and fro, as if | badly fnghtened, ‘This was our point.— | On the nght and left fighting was going on, At the gun on the mght Company H. was stationed ; during the firing of this | jece the touch-hole got stopped, the gan was silenced und the enemy took it, Our: General Magruder told the company that left it that they must retake it at all haz bards and they dashed out, and carried it with the avoacl. On the jeft, part of our company was posted 1b the trench, and did yood execution, Here they ted to turn , our left, but their leader was shot down by | he emerged from the wood, | waving his sword. Four dead bodies were , found here. Their leader was shot by’ Buhmann, it was said. He was a hand- | some fellow—a Lieut. Col., belonging to | the N.C. Volunteers. The enemy were in number 4,500, while our force did not exceed, all told, 1500. | They had two cannon, and we four. They | boasted as they came up from paubeona firing and destroying dwellings, that they could run the North Carolina Regiment | with corp stalks The Louisiana regiment was sent for, but did not arrive until after the affair was over. Ilad they come in | our Meh as aes Aenea ea —— F time, we could have pursued them and cut them up. The fight commenced at nine and lasted till two. But little harm was done on our side. Only one man mortal- ly wounded—a brave fellow who volun teered to go and fire a house that was af- fording protection to the enemy. He was shot down as he was approaching. Oniy four others were wounded, not seriously. At the gun at which I was stationed, the bullets whistled furiously, four of them striking the gun, every one of which pass- ed over my head. I send youa ballet which passed under my arm lodging in the bank, from the flanking fire on our left. I visited the spot where our gun did its work, and the scene was sickening. ‘The ground was strewn with broken muskets, haversacks, canteens, artillery equipments, and fragments of the dead and wounded. We buried ten bodies, and took from the field three of their wounde!—mortally. The cavalry who pursued them, foung two dead bodies on the road and stated that they had wagons piled with dead and wounded. Some dead bodies were burned in the house fired by our shell. 1 saw the bodies of two Zouaves, dressed in red breeches, blue jackets and red caps with heavy blue tassels. One was killed by a ball that passed through the house. I was surprised at the termination of the affair—our small force so soon whipping a superior number—and deeply impressed with the conviction that the God of bat- tles is with us; and were they ten to one would not doubt the result. Our men all behaved coolly and were highly complimented by Gen. Magruder. IMPORTANT TO PRESBYTE- RIANS. We are informed that the follow- ing paper is in circulation among the Presbyterians of this State, and is rapidly obtaining signatures. We cordially commend the manly and patriotic spirit, and the devotion to Christian principle and duty in which the movement has its origin : Whereas the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, O.S., with which we have heretofore been in cordial connection, has, by the vote of a large majority of nembers, as reported to us, sustained the Go- vernment of the United States in waging the most unchristian, crimi- nal and atrocious wurtare of modern time, upon the free and sovereign States known as the Confederate States of America, thereby violating the first principles of our holy reli- gion, in its injunction of ‘ peace on earth and good will tomen,” and in its prohibition of aggressive war up- on any people struggling for its in- dependence and liberties, Therefore, the ministers and elders of the churches in said Confederate States are herebv invited to assem- ble in advisory Convention in such ratio of representation as may seem to them advisable, at Richmond, Va. on the 24th day of July next, to ad- vise and recommend measnres to as- certain the sense of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America. Ministers and members of the Preabyterian Church throughout the Jonfederate States are requested to vive circulation to this paper, obtain signatures, and forward to Rev. M. 1). Hoge, Richmond, Va. [ Newspapers throughout the Con- federate States are requested to copy | Companies in Raleigh and Immediate Vi- cinity—On Monday last the following com- panies were in the Camp of Instruction, and at the different encampments in the immedi+ ate vicinity of this city: Haywood Rangers, Capt. R. G. A. Love. Jackson Rangers, Capt. A. W. Coleman. Polk County Volunteers, Capt. C. Camp. Madison Light Infantry, Capt. John Peak. Buncombe Sharp Shooters, Capt. P. H. Thrash, Henderson (tuards, Capt. W. M. Shipp. Jefferson Davis Macon County Guards, Capt. T. M. Angel. Black Mountain Boys, Capt. J. 8. McElroy Rutherford Riflemen, Capt. H. D. Lee. Rough and Ready Boys, Capt. William F. Jones. Guilford Men, Capt. C. C. Cole. Rocky Mount Iaght Infantry, Capt. G. W, Hammond, King's Mountain (freys, Capt. B. F. Briggs. Caswell Rifles, Capt. 6. M. Scott. Rutherford Volunteers, Capt. C. T. N. Das vis. Burke Tigers, Capt. E. Kirksey, Large numbers of other troops are. we learn, on their way here. Raleigh Register, FUN IN ABE’S CAMP. Some of the hordes of A. L. have fun in them, and seem fo be living “in clover.” Read the following Washington letter : Lum living luxuriously, at present, on the top of a very respectable fence and fare sumptuously on three ygran- ite biscuit a day, and a glass of wa- ter weakened with brandy. A high private in the 22d Regiment has promised to let me have one of his square pocket huanderchiets tur a sheet the first rainy night, and I new- ergoto bed on my comfortable win- dow brash without thinking how many poor creatures there are in this world who have to sleep on hair mattresses and feather beds all their lives. Before the great rush of the Fire Zouaves and the rest of the me- nagerie commenced, I boarded ex- clusively on a front stoop in Penn- sylvania avenue, and used to slum- ber regardless of expense, in a well conducted ash box; but the milita- ry raonopolize all such accommoda- tions now, and I give way for the sake of my country. I tell you, my boy, we’re having high old times here just now, and if they get any’higher I shan’t be able to afford to stay. The city is “in danger” every hour, and, as a vete- ran in the Fire Zouaves remarked, there seems to be enough danger ly- ing around loose on Arlington Heights to make a very good blood and thunder fiction, in numerous pages. If the vigilant and well ed- ucated sentinels happened to see a nigger on the upper side of the Po- tomac, they sing out: “ Here they come!” and the whole blessed ariny is snapping Caps in less than a min- ute. Then all the reporters telegraph to their papersin N. York and Phil- adelphia that Jeff. Davis is within two minutes’ walk of the Capitol, with a few millions of men,” and all the free States send six more regi- ments apiece to crowd us a little more. [| shan’t stand much more crowding, for iny fence is full now, and there was six applications yes- terday to rent an improved knot hole. My landlord says that if more than three chaps set up housekeeping on one post, he'll be obliged to raise the rent. The greatest confidence in Gen. Scott is felt by all, and it would do you good to see the gay old bero take the oath. He takes it after every meal, and the first thing when he gets up in the morning. Those Fire Zouaves are tellows of awful suction, I tell you. Just for greens, I asked oue of them yegter- day what he came here fur? * Hah!” says he, shatting one eye, “ we came here to strike for your altars and your fires—especiaily your fires.”— Gen. Scott says that if he wanted these chaps to break through the ar- my of the foe he'd have a fire-bell rang for some district on the other side of the Rebels. He says that a half a million of traitors could not keep the Fire Zonaves ont of that district five minutes, I believe hiin, my boy. North Carolina Pluck Underra- ted.—We understand that some of the prisoners taken at the recent bat- tle of Bethel, say that they were | grossly deceived as to the fighting material of which our people are composed. The yankees were ad. dressed at an early hour on Monday morning last by one of the officers, who told them that they would en- counter abont $00 North Carolinians and 200 Virginians at Bethel Church That they were commanded by an old Virginia militia captain, who had never planned nor fought a battle. — That the North Carolinians were no- torious cowards, and that the Vir ginians were but little better. They could all be whipped with cornstalks, but it was suggestcd that it would be better to take their guns along so as to be prepared for any emergen- cy that the North Carolinians and Vir- ginians cannot be whipped with the most approved rifles and muskets, and that too, when attaeked in nui bers greatly their superior. Valuable Case of Surgical Inetru- ments. A case of elegant surgical instru- ments was found on the battle field and taken to Willia:nsburg. They are now in the possession of Dr. Semple, and being of exquisite fin- ish, of course that eminent physician prizes them very highly. Charlotte Bulletin. They are now convinced, probably | The First Regiment of North Oar- dlina Voluttteers. | The Richmond Examiner, in ano tice of the fight at Bethel pays the following compliment to the old North State and Col. Hill’s regiment: * Honor those to whom honor is due. All ourtroops appear to have behaved nobly at Bethel, but the honors of that day are clearly due to the splendid regiment of North Car- olina, whose charge of bayonets de- cided it, and presayed their conduct on tany a more important: field.— Virginia’s sister is justly jealous of glory; her simple, honest, coura- geous population are weary of the grand silence of their furests of pine; they Lave come out to fight with a deep determination to make their mark, which both friends and foes have vet to fathom. Of this occa- sion North Carolina may be content. No forced praise and empty compli- nent are necessary now; for every statement of the facts, made no mat- ter by whom, or how, brings out the steady valor and decisive action of her sons and representatives, in a light too clear to leave any place for error, or cause for regret, except that the foe neither would nor could await their advancing line of steel.” b The Difficulty of Blockading.— The London 7imes, of the 15th May, gays: “It is no easy thing to stop priva- teers or fillibusters of any kind. Few blockades in the annals of war have been stricter than that which the British fleet kept up at the ports of France during the war of the revo- lution and the Empire, and vet the sea swarmed with French privateers. The losses, too, of British merchant- had been destroyed by the victories of Nelson and his comrades. may well doubt, then, whether it is in the power of the Union,even with jthe aid of steam, to keep up an ef: fectuai blockade of the whole Atlan- tic and Gulf boast from the Chesa- peake tothe Rio Grande. The South- erners, though not as maritime as their adversaries, are quite capable of fitting out and sailing privateers in numbers dangerous to Northern commerce, and itis possible that the Spaniards both North and South of the Isthmus may be tempted to join in the lucrative trade of capturing guld slips and silk ships.” The Blookading Fleet Chased by ,@ Vonfederate Unarmed Steamer.— We understand a high show came off at and beyond our bar yesterday. connoissance in the neighborhood of | Hilton Head, the entire Federal fleet | off our bar, with the exception of the | Union, having taken their departure, !Commodore Tatnall, who was on | board the Florida steamer St. Jolins concluded that he would run out to asate proximity, and take a peep at) Tak- | , Lincoin’s famous blockades. ‘ing on a fall head of steam, he made Mirectly for the Union, whieh lay some two miles beyond the bar.— Upon approaching the latter she it- mediately weighed anchor and put for sea at full speed. Our party ra- ther liking the tun, pursued for some seven miles, when fearing the steam- ler might get short of wood, they | tacked avout, leaving the Union un- other continent. She soon, howev- er, discovered that the chase was Ah Republican, 13th. oo Gueriilas.— Virginians do not be- ;gin to appreciate the fact that we are at war. If so, a thousand car | cases of the enemy would by this jtime have told the tale. We have Bae picvelis about guerillas.— rere are they? On paper. Jack- son, the brother of the Alexandria ‘inartyr, isthe theonly one of whom /We havea bloody record. Te is do- jing his duty like aman. Some nine- jteen are sald to have already fallen ; under his rifle, and nota night pass- v3 Chat bes votskirting among the bushes and picking off the Outposts ofthe enemy. Lad every man done (as well, Virginia soil would not be | traversed with the boldness and itm- | punity which characterizes its pre- {sent invaders. When one can in- spire terror, what may not a hun- dred or a thousand do. If there are | guerillas, let them be no longer a inyth. Go to work. Let bullets take the place of words.— Rich. Dispatch. | a | men were greatest in the last years | . . . te | of the war, after the navy of France | We) der full speed in the direction of the over, and came toa halt.—Savan-. From the Petersburg Express COL, DANIEL H. HILL. Thié able‘and distinguished officer, the gallant and skillful commander of the First | Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers, whieh fought so bere the recent bat- tle at Bethél Church, fs destined to win enviable laurels in the present great strug: wle. If we are permitted to judge bis fu- ture by thespast, we certainly must accord to him great renown, for surely no man ever Jaid @, stronger basis for a great and brilliant reputation. Graduating at West Point with bonor when about the age of twenty-two, he cutered the U.S. Army and remained in it until after the close of the Mexican War. Le was in the army under General Seott from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico, and greatly distinguished him- self in some of the hard fought battles of thatcampaign, Atthe storming of Chep- ultepec be was the second man on the Americao side that mounted the ramparts. For bis meritorious services in this war be was »vromoted to the rank of Major, which he afterwards resigned to accept the chair of Mathetatics in Davidsou College, N.C. where he discharged the duties of bis new position with great zeal and fidelity. Notwithstanding the arduous labors that now devolved on him, he found time to write and lave published a large work on Algrebra, which was favorably received. This work excited some remark at the time, on account of the intense Southern spirit’ which breathes in some of its prob- lems. In 1858, when the North Carolina Mil- itary Institute was established at Charlotte, Col. Hill wis appointed to the first place in its Faculty and devoted himself with his accustomed energy and ability, to the instruction of young soldiers for the Old North State The wil tc bma n. THURSDAY EVENING, SALISBURY, N. C,: JUNE 20, 1861. o> We are autorized to announce WIL- LIAM A. HOUCK, as a Candidate for Coun- ty Court Clerk of Rowan. o> We are authorized to announce Jacos S. Myers as a candidate for Connty Court Clerk of Rowan. f(r We are authorized to announce OBA- DIAH WOODSON as a Candidate for the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County (l= We are authorised to announce THOM- AS McNEELY, a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk. Reorganizatton.—It is proposed to re- We shall now have to print our own Bibles, organize the Rowan Bible Society. and all the necessary arrangements will | We need Bibles at this very moment for the use of our soldiers. have to be made. A meeting will be held at the Methodist Church on Saturday, (9 o’elock , a. M) for the purpose of re-organizing the Kowan Bible Society as a means of beginuing our ope- rations at once, Alare invited to attend. owe Home Made Segars.—We are indebt- ed to Henry 8. Gorman, of Huntsville, Y 200 State troops have b IN MIssoy Sr. Louis, RI. June 12. urn : of the Gasconade Bridge, ae es this side of Jefferson City, } of the State authorities. T graph wires have also been cut ° ; a! repairs are forbidden for the ,,,,. ion Present _——— +2 —-—_ __ a MARYLAN ELECTION. Bavtimore, June 15 May’s majority over H. Wins Davis, for Congress, is 2,04 vote of 12,000. Mr. M himself opposed to coercion, and ,,,. willing to vote supplies bey ony a first three months. Leary js electey over Preston by a majority of gos Leary is a Union man, and itis... posed will vote with May ou the ar. my supplies. — --- o> o— ter 5 Gm. Special Dispatch to the Petersburg Expren Arrival of Lincoln Deserters—~Mpy,. bers of Convention Received by the President. Ricustonn, June js. Six members of the Gariby ij, Guards, deserters, trom Washinet, have arrived here. — woe From the Southern Guardian FROM WASHINGTON, Yadkin county, for a box of segars ot his own manufacture. We are pretty well acquainted with G’s segars, and can fear- lessly recommend them. oo. - State Covvention—No Hetra Session of the Legislature—Klection of Delegates Upon the commencement of hostilities between Abraham Lincoln and the Con- Klis to the command of the Camp ot In- ; struction at Raleigh. When the First | Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers was organized, he was almost unanimously elected its Colonel. and genius to military science. He is the autbor of two Theological works, viz: ‘** the | Sermon on the Mount,” and the “ Crucitix- j ion.” ‘These works were published two or | three years ayo, by the Presbyterian Board lof Publication, and were well received in the Christian literary world. Col. Hill is 4 truly Christian man, and if we mistake not, isan Elder in the Presbyterian Church | at Charlotte. height and wel! proportioned. | dark eyes and hair, which is becoming shabtly tinged with grey. He is about forty-two years old, has a serious military | bearing and is a very rigid disciplinarian. Selling Virginia Negroes in Cu- ba.—We have heard from various sources that a large number of the negroes who lave been captured by a ; the Northern invaders on the penin- } _ Ob returning to Tybee from his re- | 'sula have beeu sent by them to Cu- ‘ba, tu be sold, and that they declare | their intention to make the sale of | negroes one means of detraying the ‘expenses of the war. The authorities of the South can only meet this proceedure in one way. For every vegro kidnapped, some Yankee prisoner must be put into the hands of the master who has been robbed, to supply the place of his servant, till the negro is re- turned, and for every slave sold to | Cuba, or elsewhere, two Yankees “must be enslaved. The time for for- bearance with these wretches has passed, and the people of the South }demand that they shall be treated as their crimes deserve. hich. Dispatch. FALL IN COTTON. The last arrival from Liverpool brings news of a decline in cotton, This puzzles aud alarin the Yankees. With less than six weeks supply in ) England and with a blockade of the whole Southern coast, to render the jreceipts of any more impossible, there is only one solution of the de- cline, [tis that England does not Intend to pay much respect to the i blockade, aud that the manufactur- ers know this to be the intention of the Government. This is the Yan- kee explanation of the matter. It Isa very reasonable one. | Kivhty thousand Tennesseeans have offered their services to the Go- vernor of that State, and have been | accepted, and fifteen more regiments j have made application to be receiv: | ed. Several companies of the Ten- | nessee mountain boys who have prac- ticed from their youth to pick squirrel’s eye out with the rifle, we are told average over eix feet three Inches in heat. federate States, he was appointed by Gov. | Col. Hill has not devoted ail his talents ! In person Vol. Hillis about the medium | He has | a} to the Confederate Congress. | ‘Fhe State Convention has been in ses- | sion about One month. Since the passage of the Secessiou Ordinance and the adop- tion of the Confederate Constitution, many ; subjects bave occupied the attention of imembers, and much work laid out; but very little matured. On Tuesday last an election was held for Delegates to the Con- federate Congress, which resulted in the choice of the tollowing gentlemen : DELEGATES AT LARGE, W. W. Avery, of Burke, George W. Davis, of Wilmington, | FROM THE DISTRICTS. } 1, W.N.H. Smith, of Hertford. 2. Thomas Ruffin, of Wayne. 3. TV. 1). MeDowell, of Bladen, | 4. AW. Venable, of Granville. | 5. J. M. Morehead, of Guilford. | 6. KR. C. Purvear, of Yadkin. | 7, Burton Craige, of Rowan. | 8. A. I. Davidson, of Chorokee. | It is beheved the Convention will pass | | an order dispensing with the extra session | of the Legislature. | neate Af Vhe authorities at Raleigh have erected tables near the depot for the pur- pose of feeding the volunteers passing through that city. #27 A British vessel came in at Bean- fort, a few days ago, after naval stores, There seems to be some doubt as to the destination of the articles she requires, If they are to vo to our enemies north, they will not be obtained. If to England, she will get all she wants. BRE Vhe proper observance of the Fast day of 13th June was very general, if not universal, throuzhout the South. kept like a Sabbath day. It was £2 Two Conpanies have passed throngh Ashe county, Captain Cox, 96 men; and one from Yadkin, Captain Covley, 100 men. sme -_— Gov. Letcher announces by proclama- tion, that the returns of the recent election show 125,950 votes for the raufication of the secession ordinance, and 20,473 for would lessen the Majority 8,827, Henry Winter Davis, of Baltimore, has votes, Leary has beaten Preston, It is understood that both of them against coer- elon, and will vote uo army supplies ex- cept for the first three months. : Movements in Missouri indicate an early Uprising of the friends of the South. Ar kansas is furnishing her men aud arms. A larwe amount of arms had been sent into Kentucky from Tennessee, guard from Tennessee position on an island jin the Mississippi, | about six miles from Cairo, me | NO Troops.—We learn from the State Journal ‘olunteers have been formed, and five Regiments of Regulars. There are sever. ial companies of Cavalry and Artillery not | yet attached to any regiment. This force Is pretty good for North Carolina, when 1s remembered we had no military or ganization when the war commenced.— Charlotte Democrat. this place since our last issue—one from | rejection—majority 105,577 for ratifica- tion. The vote in counties not reported | been beaten by May, for Congress, 2,045 | An advance , , itis said, had taken | that twelve Regiments of W asHineron, June Is. ! The War Department has orders] _ the rebuilding of the Harper’s Ferr bridge. Secretary Chase is consulting on. | inent financiers relative to the rev. /aue embarrassinent. It is believe) }that a revision of the taritf—red;.. hing the duties and suspending + \ | tree list—will be recommended : Congress. The National Intelligencer say. {that unless it receives assistance trom Northern subseribers its issue | bust be discontinued. | No official instructions as to ti | tate of the crew of the Savanna. have been sent to New York, i. the impression prevails they will ts \ hung, ) It is reported that the Southerner. ‘ure moving on Romney which causes excitement here, at Cumberland, a: at Romney. Scott boasts that the evacuatin jLarper’s Ferry was in perfect a: cordance with his plans. No Sea, perm tovements will in the shyites: deyvree affect his programine. » Lhe Government has informati” that the Southerners have a trap ii them fifteen miles from Alexanar a, into Which they expect tu draw he federalists. Some scouts report + )dians lurking in the neighborioo: , of the alleged trap. Gen. Butler, it ig eaid, is threat ning Great Bethel in force. The Acquia Creek defences i being increased, | [tis said that the garrison at bor tress Monroe sleep on their arms. Fortress Mon rox, June 1s. | The Seht borse of the Contederaty | forces fired on three companies © federalists ont on a cattle steahns /expedition, wounding three, i ¢ seven miles above Newport Nev An attack from that qivarter Is 0s pected, Point Look Out will be comes’ ped with T-ortress Mouroe by a sie ' waarine telegraph. ANOTHER VICTORY. Ricuonp, June 1S, 1s6l- Vol. Greeg, with a reconnoitering pe! South Carolina Volunteers, with two (ule started on Sunday morning for Great Mis on the Potomac. Returning in the evening, on arrivits | | Enna Stations on the Loudon and Hat ishire Road, meta train bearing the Int (Ohio Regiment, under command ol Cook when an engagement occurred. At the first fire six Cars were de ticle’ The Olioans fled leaving six di ad ate bumber wounded. FROM NEW YOR haicuMomp, dun A batch of New York i just received. papers fae be They are very anes the defeat at Bethel, The Times says Butler bas no pt! nnd th i these Masaachusetts barristers are | jed to ther pleadings the bette! adds, that the hves of soldievs are (00 | . | uable to be squandered to conve! | politieal baeks into heroes. | The Times also says, that the wal’ be stopped, and the Southern Conte! | recognized if the Lincoln troops 62)! better, and calls for two hundred ae men to push through Texas, the? feated to sue for peace. The Herald condemns the gr" Pierce bas no courave : {rethe* J om | The Southerners are concentratih. consisting of a part of the Hirst feyimen n (erate 1a —ae, IRI, e 12. led Part Miles y Order 1e tele. Ut, and present, ON, e 15, Winter 5, iN ay eclare ANd U,,. NU the elector of 375 18 su. the ar. Eepren — Men. 1 by the Cals riba; nvton, ardiin eS; ordered 5 Ferry DZ wp. Core lieved rede nyt UG Tt YE Saves Istaticg > lose to iin Vahl, rk, dit Wil be ANT a, WN ort Lite UPd threat tratil New Sete NEC. Peed ae Psel. “ par’ yume. o Gules at Baie wing [Lary| nc Jatin of Cue take b wie athe | fired in- to’eadl othet, afd instete’ chk the offfters ought to be cashiered. The New k papers however generally tell préttyt tear the truth and acknowledge their dete. The effect on the North is evidently 'a bad one, and the people are beginning to find out thor mistake, The articles in the newspapers are full of entreaties urging the Lincoln Govern- ment to get better officers and more men. When the result of the fight at Bethel was known to Butler, he declared his in- tention to whip the rebels in 24 hours. FROM MORTRESS MONROE. Forrruss Monror, June 16. We have information here relative to the movements of the Southerners. The Fortress is iu reality invested, except by sea, and there is no ingress or egress.— Movements from this point are impossible. From the Southern Guardian. FROM RICHMOND, VA. RicHMonp, June 16. Prof. A. IT. Bledsoe is appointed chief clerk of the War Department, Passengers just arrived here, who cross- ed at Harper’s Ferry on Sginday, state that the Confederate troops evacuated the town, blew up the fortifications, and burnt the bridge HaGersrown, June 16. Six hundred Confederate troops are still at Harper's Ferry. Geu. LH. AL Wise is Moving westward to oppose McClelland’s advance. The South- ern pickets are again opposite Williams- port. The Southerners burned seventy locomotives. . Fortress Monrog, (via Louisville and New Orleans,) June 16.-—There is no in- formation here about the movements of the Southern forces. Fortress Montoe is in’ reality invested, except by sea —uo ingress or evress being safe, and movements impossible, : At Fortress Monroe, Gen. Butler asks | tor 15,000 additional troops, An artesian well is beiug bored withiu the furl, to sup: | ply the troops with water, | CINCINNATI, June 16. | Johu A. Skiff was arrested here for slip- ping butter, packed in ale barrels, to. the seceded States. He was released on bail. Sr. Louis, June 16. Gov. Jackson will make bis first. stand at Boonvilie. Rumors are current that the Convention will be called together immediately, The State Treasurer, after a brief arrest | has been relieved. Ben MeCallough is reported at Fort smith with 10,000 troops. He is also re- ported in Beuton county, Arkansas, with 5,000. : Twelve Illinois reziments are stationed withiu two lours’ march of St. Louis. 2,000 State troups are stationed at Boon- ville. The secessionists have fullsway on both sides of the Missourt river, from Boonville. and are well prepared for a tight, A skirmish near independence is report- ed in which the federalists were worsted. Federal troops are moving west’ from various points, he patriots are burning rail road bridy- Ne CiicaGo, June 16. Orders have been i-sued for twelve reai- | ments to rendezvous as follows: Four re- | siments at Alton, and three at Cassville, on the USth ist. New York, June 15, The privateer schooner Savannah, in charge of Midshipman Cook and a prize | crew arrived here. [ler crew 35 in uum. ! ber, were transferred to the Minnesota and | put im irons, : MARKETS, New York, June 15. Cotton was firtn, with sales of 2,000 bales, at L4 cents. { Party Appointments.—The Standard, | moreply to the Charlotte Demoerat, which | stated that Gov. Ellis had given many of | the highest military positions to politieal| opponents, publishes a list of all the civil- | laus appointed to high positions, and chal- | lenges the Democrat to “find the half of a Union man amon them.’— Ay, Ob, 3 Yes, and we answered ‘the Standard’s challenge by the list naming four gentlemen in who were Union men—three of whom we know were strongly opposed to secession in Pebroary. But few, if any, of those named by the Standard, were origi dal disumonists. Some of them eanvass- ed the State dast Mall as peeutiar friends of the Union, We are taat the grumbloys about the appoint inclined to suspeet ments have their origin in the statements of unsuccessful applicants, The Salisbury Watebman copies the| Standard’s articles on the subject of ap- pointments, and we hope, as a matter of Hof Charlestoti, fre Webster said : | President has no authority te employ mil: | The, h Aesson which gur , goidiers hayaté arf if hid war ‘is that, drawally virtue of discretion” which yet is a virtue, and one without! which: valér may al any time fall a victim to cowardice and treach- ery. They have already routed their ene- my with such wonderful ease that they may be tempted to rely upon their ability to whip them without any vigilauce, pre- cautions, ur regard to time, place or num- ber. Let them fall into no such perilous mstake. That is the very tmistake their cnennes caloulate upon, They do not and Cannot question Southern courage, but they do believe that we place our prinei- pat reliance upon this quatity, and veg: wet the systematic vigilance of European armies and the universal rule of the best artes of the world “never to underrate your enemy.” We trust that the brilliant triumph already achieved will only lead our men to be more diligent in observing all the means of success, and to use as much watchfulness, precaution aud discre- tica in fighting Yankees as if they were Freuch Zouaves or Scotch Highlanders. Richmond Dispatch. aes soe ae THE CONVENTION. We observe among our cotemporaries a Gis- position to complain of what they conceive to be the dilatory or laggard moveinents of the Convention. Eminent ability to do well and fully what is confided tothe Convention, ought to satisfy sensible people, that whuteveris done willbe done weil, and at a fit time. The most solemn responsibilities and the Most UM portant interests, rest upon the Conven- ion. "Theirs is uot the work of a day. ‘I'v do its whole duty requires time, and the more space allowed them, the better it will be done. We are as anxious for its adjourament as our people are. It don’t pay; but the people want the work done, and the Convention is the best Judge when to adjourn. Some men would make a world in a day, but on reviewing their work the next day, would kick it to atoms. The "Wl Meas LT AV PRL Convention is working vow tor posterity. Be patient, friends.— Ral. Standard. A Good Sign.—In the Senate of Iowa, Mr Dunscombe introduced a series of resolutions | calling for peace, anda National Convention, | | | and expressing decided opposition to a war tor | subjugation, or emancipation. A motion to lay the resolutions on the table was rejected, 21 tu | 18. | | Other facts showing the changed feeling of | ' the North-west are stated to the Petersburg | | Express by Mr. Alexander Pace, who has re- | , sided in’ Minnesota fur six years past, but has “ther, sole, 244 30; Upper 38 a 503; Mackerel , U0 a 00; Molasses 40 a 70; Meal 75 a 80; returned to Virginia to take up arms for the South. He says that “in St. Paul and all the North-west, a very decided reaction has taken | place in public sentiment. ‘I'he people who, upon hearing of the fall of Fort Sumter, were | almost phrenzied with exciternent, and declare | ed their intention to overrun the South, have now come to the conclusion, that subjugation | is easier talked about than accomplished, wear a very sober, solemn air, and many declare that it would be much wiser policy in Lineotn | to end the troubles by compromise than with the sword.” “me ee fe A letter froma Mecklenburg sol- | dter at Yorktown, under date of the 8ch | instant, speaking of a visit of Cen, Lee to that post, says : “en. Lee was ona visit to our post lust week. fe is cousin of our Licut. Col., 9 and is as fine a specimen of the genus homo as one generally sees beyond the lovely hills of our old North State. He spoke complimentary of odr traverses and redoubts, and speaks in terms of admira- | tion of the N.C. Regiment, On learning that Gen, Lee was in Camp the boys rush: ed into tine, and, by action at least, invie | ted him to review, whieh he did by riding in front of the battalion, when three bear- ty cheers arose for the noble Virginian.— | In turning to ride in the rear of the line ~our boys faced about, when the General retmarked that le would like to see their backs, Some one in the ranks replied, ina low tone, that “ they never presented | their bucks to friend OF foe? = Char, Dem. \ aaa ome Tn reply to astatement that Gen, Jack- | sop would undertike wo blockade the port Seliice ‘itary forces tif] he shall by duly required tu do 4 by law and by the civil author: | ities.” North and Sonth.—Vhe whole number of volunteers furnished by the States for! the Mexiean War was 68.905, of which the slave States furnished 44,815 —vide Mans: | feld’s * Mexican War,” page 354—and of 108 volunteer officers, 67 were Southern- ers. a | A Place for Collectors.—Vhe Walters | boro Sun says: Dury wreeent visit to the Bdiste Bi ! “skull very perfect ane beanbtul specimens of | petritied wood, Jnehan pottery, and flint! ver, hear Creek.” we found some | arrow heads: one of these latter is” tive inches iy teneth, a most fyemidable weap- on, as bas Capable of nak a very uly injiston, When the river os tow, very tine specimens of the teeth oof the shark are, found in great murnbers, — — wee - ‘ Oaswer. Bryc rio, — Dr. James FE. Wil liarasan was elected Ay ap aiber: of the Stat Qoavadition oni the Il tet! to fill the eaean ey oceasioned by .the yesignatiyn of Captain | Ciraves, now if the army Ir Wo appeared Justice, it will eopy our reply made last | and took his seat on Monday the T1th inst. week. The Standard appears to have dropped the subject ; and we are willing . to do the same, but we thiok the matter should be stated correctly. — Char. Den. th Seuthern Coufede racy, | 17 The Maryland Leyislainre hasinatriet- d ite Senators to vote for the recoguition of | The Richmond ‘Dispdéch says that David | seals ath 8 Wh making a Vety lett afti- cle of caps oyt of lea rand paper. He was in Abebdeodbbede Ehicrine ry for making copper caps, so as to model his after the same pattern. The scrap lea- ther of which Mr. Magee has thus far made hig e@pe,.are pressed ittto ‘shape.while wet, are then allowed to dry, and are then filled as Copper caps are, with the detonating sub- stance. Both the leather and paper caps are as effective as the regular copper. caps. A sample was exhibited at this office on Saturday. They do not make so power- ful a report as the copper cap, but are just as certain in their effects. The discoverer of this singular war material thinks be bas discovered a way to make both the leather and paper impervious to water. os me — Thirteen prisoners of war (including sun- dry persons arrested as spies) were brought to Richmond from Yorktown, on Thursday, and after an examination at the War De- partment, were deposited in the County Jail for safe keeping. THE FOLLOWING isa sample of the nu- merous letters constantly receiving for Hos- etter’s Stomach Bitters : Cananpaaua, July 15, 1859. Messrs. Hostetter § Smith, Pittsburg, Pa.: | —Gents:—As we are strangers, I herewith enclose you twenty-eight dollars for four dozen Hostetter’s Stomach bitters, which please for- ward via Michigan Southern Railroad, Toledo, Ohio, and Clayton Station. I have purchased several dozen bottles at Toledo this Summer, but the sale is on the increase so much that I wish to open a direct trade with you. I was inducee totry your Bitters by my physician, for the Liver Complaint, and received such ma- terial aid that I have recommended it to others and have sold about two dozen per week for some time. I have al! kinds of medicine in my store, but there is none that IT can so cheerful- ly and truthfully recommend as your Bitters, for I know they have helped me beyond iny | expectation. Yours respectfully, PHILO WILSON. SALISBURY MARKET. June 2C, 1860. Bacon 14 a J5; Coffee 25 a 27; Corn 75 a 80; Cotton 10; Eggs 12 a 15; Flour 2.75 a 3.00; Feathers 35 a 40; Hides 12a 14; Lea- | Nails 54 a 64; Oats 40 a 50; Peas 80 a 1.00; Rags 2; Sugar 9a 17; Salt 325 43.50; Tal- low 10a 12; Tea 1.00 a 1.25; Wheat 00 a , 00; Whiskey 50a 75. TIME TABLE, - WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA eprom RAIL ROAD. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, / Salisbury, June 15, 1X61. ( On and after the 17th instant. a Train of Cars , will leave Salisbury dai/y, and run according | to the following schedule : TRAIN WEST. ee 4, 2) 2 Z| 3 | 2 = | a) Stations. o|— |-—— | 2 YAM.) AM, SUDA es cue esa scuge Peelers dea Third Creck,.......... | [3a | ees eet SUMIGSGIUG, Gacacadocac U5) |) LI |) 2) Catiiwlite eee oe ee 38] 10.05 | 10. t0 ING \WEOO) eee eer 5O | 1046 | 10.55 Hickory Tavern, ...... | 60} 1133 | 1140 [Carden ee oer | ra) | 12.10 | NSO’ L101) ree etme fc et | eee TRAIN EAST, | | | | | | é 2 5 a a. 2 | e) 2 | 3 STATIONS. | oi - —-— | f2/ PM} PM, Moreanton, ee ee a tees ee Tent geen eee ee | 1 ae 1.50 Hickory Taverp,.. 6... $259] 2.00} 2.05 Newton,...........--- DR Ue ects Omtdwha.....2.3... SOF 3.20 3.35 Statesville, oo... 2... 60 4.20} 4.20 Third Greek,........-. 70 4D 5.00 MOINS OMG, ooo aca one soda al D4 Passengers will dine at Teams, JAMES C. TURNER. Ch. ng. and Supt, WAN. COR MW. Salisbury, dune 1S. 1861 tf} Now Is THE TIME? Vhrink not from an Hasdst Dury! ANU undersigned will deduct five por ernt | no intérest added, from the book aeonunt, and give forty per cent. of the amount in sap- port of the C. S. Soldiers, and he will pay, mm full, on presentation, all book accounts against him, provided the holders give 25 per cent. to the same cause Show your patriotism! If ant physically able to take Gputms, by thus contributing means mn defence of oar liberties aad homes, Walk up and settle W. HW. WYATT. June 17, IR61 UURN WANTED.—A small intof én wanted. Apply at THIS OFFICE, ‘Est ) 108 T, aadicbe Rone Ie Melheded darth bers oahu a8 otek The object of these, meetings is intercede with God for our soldiers ded gut (Gantry, : The services are very brief, and allwho can come are inost earnestly reqbested to do wo. INFANTRY SERVICE. 15 Active Men Wanted to Enlist FOR THE WAR! HE undersigned having been appointed in the North Carolina State Troops, invite all anxious to serve their coun- try, to enlist under them, Fifteen Dollars Bouuty | paid to all as soon as mustered ;. regular pay from $11 to $21, per month, counting from day of enlistment. Uniform, board and medical at- tendance, free. Apply to the undersigned at Salisbury. | es W. C. LORD), Capitgin. | G. C. McConnauaury, : | G. A. Binonam, ; Lieutenants. [eeeienney June eee | WANTED. | Rowan Artillery ! | 2() MORE able-bodied Men wanted for this Company now in service.— | Term of enlistment, one year. ‘For further | information enquire al the Store of A. Myers, | No. 4 Granite Building. By order of Capt. J. A. Ramsay. June 6, 1861. tf9 BANK OF WILMINGTON “AS DECLARED a Dividend of 4 per cent., payable 10th inst. S. JEWETT, Cashier. June 6, 1861. 1t9 NOTICE, HE firm of N. DEAVER & CO., is dis- solved by limitation. All these having claims against the above will preset them for payment. June 6, 1861. uf9 | Head-Quarters 63rd Regiment N. C. Militia, Te FE OFFICERS of the Regiment, as per | order of Court Mariial, May 30th, are hereby notified to appear in front of the Adju- | tant’s office in Salisbury, at 10 o’elock, A. M., | on the last Friday in June, armed with fire- | lock, and accoutred as common militia men, for instruction. R. P. BESSENT, June 3d, 1861.-tf8 Adjutant. Volunteers Wanted for the Salis- bury Greys. CTIVE and vigorous men, anxieus to a serve their Country, are invited to join the new Ritle Company—Salisbury Greys. ing Gt CASH ‘SYST'BM. O ING,to the great pressure in business, pL ibtragred suite of Rb peentry, we are compelled to adopt the cush system. = ) Raye gtock of Staple, ancy rt ere are ae ahi Off ‘for the cash, and will Faney. G@ods:regardiess of cost. We have alsdon hand, Coffee, Sugar and Salt, wll for cesh orbarter, at the mar- ket cash pyices. ey ’ * . § BROWN, COFFEN & MOCK. Salisbury, May 20, 1861. 4t4 P. 3. '¢ sra very. desirous that hose ow- ing by note or account will calf and pay up, as we are very: needy. » B.C. & M. NO CREDIT. Ox TERMS aftér the ‘bet of May next will be exclusively Cash or Barter. We are’ compelled to adopt this plan for our safety, and we hope no one will take offence at it. Persons having aceounts with us Will please call and close the same by cash or note. ' ©McCUBBINS & FOSTER. Salisbury, Aprif 23, 1861. “ tf50 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May ‘Term, 1861. () RDERED by the Coart that D. A. Davis, John I. Shaver and A. Henderson act as © a Committee to raise én the faith and credit of the County of Rowan ejther by menus of county bonds or by any other means in their power, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, to be applied under their direction to the arming, equipping and supporting volunteers of the County of Rewag and for the comfort and support of the familiesof volunteers which are left in need; that any bond given under this authority shall be signed by the Clerk of this court under the seal of said eourt for such a sum and on such terms as the said committe may think proper, with eowpans attached, signed by the clerk, and that said committee be authorized to sell bonds executed under this authority for the best price they wil bring. It is further ordered and declared that coupons atlached to the bonds above authorized, be receivable in discharge of. all county taxes and othéf gounty dues, and thet thie order be publighe@ in bath the. Salisbury Banner and Carolina Watchman. JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. May 164 1 a6. E 1f3 Aap he de ooh 4 +> yt __ NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. In Bquity. Spring Term, 1861. Arthur Neeley against Joseph W. Hall and Burgio Oraige, Exécutors of Solomon Hall, de’a.,-and Bennet Austin, and wife Mar- gared. In thie cause. it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Bennet Austin and bis wife Margaret, ure not inhabitants of this State: It is o¢dered thut publication be made, for six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said defendants to be and appear at the next Term of the Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in August next, and plead, answer or demur to complainant’s Bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and the cause set for “Form, Riflemen Form.” Muay 9, 1861. tfl SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Raxurian, May 25, 1861. | QEALED PROPOSALS will be received | Ss at this Department, fer the delivery of ! good merchantable Flour at any Rail Road | Depot within the State, in quantities not lese ‘than Twenty-five Barrels, until the 15th July | Idbl. ' Flour” and addressed to the Commissary Gen- ‘eral. WM. JOUNSTON. Commissary General. May 30th, 1861. 4 7 “Salisbary Female Seminary. Te E exercises of this institation will be tion of the subseriber. In consequence of the disturbed siate of our pablic affairs he has changed his purpose to remove, and hopee ta make himself as usefol to this community during these troublons times as possible. Be- ‘lieving that his Itbors have been generally satisfactory. be solieitsan extended patronige, | and would ask his tiemads t aid him in inereas- ing the number of his pupils A. D. WELKINSON. May 16, ish, 613 THE NORTH CAROLINA -| White Sulphur Springs, Sstuated.near the Western N.C, R.R. in the & County of Gaturhbe» " A ‘ . ( Th 1S popatir Sdnnnér resor’, with “ddivon- ( nl boildings singe last season, will be open- | ed for visitors on the lst of Jane. Ample arrangements made for comfort and amusement of Gueste, A fine Bund of Musio engaged for the season. and Bathing Saloon erected. Every ethort will ba made te make this a pleasant nnd sele petmeat for the families of those who thay be ot his cris céWed froin | home—indeed ample arrangements made to insure this. Mis. &. J. ROBARDS. Muy 13. 164. ¢ 2m2 Wis HAVE IN SPORE 30 bbls. Coflea Sugars. 10 hhhds. Molasses. @ bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. ROO ths. Mole leather. dO Kegs Wats. 2D bags Rro Cotlee. 2 casks Rice. All of whith we offer ut greatly reduced ' Prices. R. de A. MURPHY. April 9s 3m47 To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- jdining Comnties, As ohrinterconurse with the Nerth is now 1M effectually broken up and car market mast be sopplied irom the up country, the an de rsigned solicits consignments of Pinur, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Hutter, &e., ¢c., which shalt: have hi regna) ultention. { Fe Eee }OUN F. FOARDs Newhbern, May |, 1461 S052 Proposals should be endorsed ‘Proposals for continued as heretofore, under the diree- | New Bowling Alley | | hearing ex purle, as to them. | Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of | the Court of Equity for said County, at office, the 4th Monduy after the 4th Monday in Feb- {raary, 1861. L. BINGHAM, C. M. k. | May 16, 1861. 6w3 pr. adv. $5.50. — STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN UG NEY. | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May | ‘Term, 1861, .. | ( RDERED by, the Court, that the Patrot | 4 or Guard pf the Lown of Salisbury, have full power to visit any suspected places beyond | the limits of the town, and tovarrgst and con- fine ip towm any disorderly or suspece'd per- cate theyuhd thie’, ine oe in the | sume manwer us tWey Would ar confine disorderly ur kuepécted persons, in itown, “JAMES E. KERR, Clerk ' Rafisbury, May WO eo tf5 [State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY: © Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesgians,, May Terms, 1861. 6 ( RDERED by the Court that all patro! epppesies in the chynty ojoqee to ge any where they may please in the éolinty and discharge the regular deties of atrol companies, when they see nt, asstglly buf pt their districts ‘us they have heretofore discharged thgm with- in their respective diatric(s. ‘ JAMES &. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. tf | A Pr i. 7 ‘TOWN ORDER. T is hereby ordered that the Town Patrot of Sulisbury have discretionary powers to | urrest Abd loch up id te Celabodge any per- ron, White or black, who may be found in the parreets of Salisbury after dark who shell be guty of any disorderly conduct, orbe unable lo give a satisfuetory account of himself; and any person 8» committed to be brought before “me fir farther proceedings on the following nrorning. “JOHN I. SHAVRAR, May 3, 1861.-1f51)5 Tntendant. I. W. JONES. M. D.. I] AS permanently located in the town of Sali bury, and offers his services to the publidia the various tepartmehts yf bis profes- stow. Vr Office on Main Street, first door above | Bors’ Confectionery. 1 Jan 15. TN6T, k Gim35 Attention! Military Companies. TEMILE suobsermber is prepared to furnishh io l Companies the Military Fatigue Cap of Home Manutocture aud material, well made, and of latesi military atyle at low price. Ad- JAS. H. ENNJSS. + Sghksoury, N.C drese, May #7, | THE CASI SYSTEM ADOPTED y { W Bare now selling our stock out at re- | duced prices for CASH. No goods sold on | erédit, All persone indebted to us ate request- | ed to call and puy up. { R. g§ A. MURPHY. tf:49 Is6él April 22, 1861 Tonic Cordial. The best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It ie Unequalled for DYSENTERY. It has cured Thousands of DIARRHOEA. The best physicians recommend it for FLUX. Its use on the first syimptome, and before a physician can be obtained will prevent CHOLERA. It will save many lives, much time, wWieknees, suffering and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE.’ Lt only Costs aa \ \ CENTs, Prepared by W. H. Wyarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Main st., Salisbury, N. C. April 9. 6m47 FOR THE SPRING TRADE. E are now receiving a lot of new and desirable Goods for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE, OUR STOCK Will not be as large as on former seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a very handsome and select assortment of all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely offeredin this market and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock this Spring and Summer and for that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goods before purchas- ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1561. 2m447 Spring Stock for 1861. o—_ — R.& A. MURPHY, “x te tee ele Sprin, "Stool, for 1061, HORAH & RAMSEY Tax fleseure in infirthing their friends apd the public in general that they are now in receipt of the targest, most varied and cheapeat etock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 1 that they eVer had the pleasure tooffer. These Goods have all been bought for castr at greatly reduced prices, and will be offered for cash only at Qnprecedented'low ‘prieeg. “Call and see them, hear prices and judge for yourselves. In view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairs in these revolutionary times, we have adopted the cash system, believing it to be the best for oorselves and our friends. Those having open accounts with us, will please call without delay, and close them either by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSEY. Saliabury, Apri] 23d 1861. tf50 New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & Co., their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, PER-WARE, STOVES, &c., now offer the largest and hendsomest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered in this market, and will sell for cash as low as canbe had in West- ern North Carolina. Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept on hend. All kinds Tin, Sheet-Iron or Copper work done at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. ly36 COP- Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1861. ce os BS oh £ $2ich =o com So — #2e%.9 Ewa = 236 5 res28 o> gMisite - 2586) == SO S5a7C6) 7 mB e7 ae Fi ,>BEA va seco == oo =< 2 — a —— a Sa) Ste = | of s Fl) fe 3 25 ee —— 2S Lar | ant 2 = e =— > S eae = ey oe Zo a S's«6 Ca Onna S ¢f'6o == FEEL WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, INWOOE VOLS CTNODN, NS, (C: Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, | Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigars, and Tobacco. | Solicit consigninents of Flour, Dried Fruit, | Feathers, Beeswax, Tobacco, and Country Produce generally. Agents for Howe's cele- brated Scales. D. G. WORTH. N.G. DANIEL, For past 7 years with T.C. & B. G. Wortn. lyI8 Sept. 18, 1860. RE now receiving their usta! Stock of | i, RPRING and SUMMER GOODS, em. bracing FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for sale at greatly reduced prices for cash. . Give usa call, and see what we have in store for you. R. w A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, 1461. 347 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. SHE above Guano ie suid to be # better fertilizer for the culture of Tobacco, Cotton, Grains, Roots, Grapes, &c., thau any other imported. A triahis all that is necessary to prove its superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. March 25, tf45 - JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R. & A. Murphy’s Store, SALISBURY, N.C., EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ment of WATCHES und JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- scription cepaired in the beet mauner and on the most reasonable terms. February 14, 1860 MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M.D. AVING studied in prominent Medical | Colleges and Hospitals, North and South, and having been practising in the various de- partments of his profession for nine years with good sucgess, he continues to offer his services to the public where he is permanently located and by strict attention to his profession will endeavor to merit a liberal patronage heretofore, and holds himself in readiness at all honts, dny and night, for professional calls. Ac? Office ut Roseman’'s Store Aptil 23, 1861. ly3R us 3mpd49 } LL PERSONS who are indebted to me A are respectfally requested to oall and make immediate payment, as I am compell- ed to have moneys and as this is the first time that [have called on my frieuds, I hope they will come up promptly. R.P. BESSEN'T. t(27 _ Brown's Livery Stable. LP keptup as heretofore It | is gratifying to him that this establishment, begun, at first, as a doubtfulexperiment, has proved to the public a great desideratum and 4 com- plete success. ‘Travelers, and otbers can al- ways have their wants, in thes line, well sup- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender, And the |; subscriber is always ready tosell or buy good Horses. | THOMAS E. BROWN. tf47 | Jan. Ist, 1561. HARDWARE!! | T HE Suvscribers are receiving und open- ing at the old etund af G. M. & A. T. Jones, the largest Stock of Hardware | ever offeredin this Market, which having been | bought directly of the Manufacturers or their agents, exclusively for cash. They are pre- pared to offér inducements ta Wholesale or Re- tail buyers. A call is respectfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN. Salisbury. Mar. 13. 1860. tf43 DENTAL NOTICE. FAR DR. BESSENT, HT AS REMOVED ro rie DENTAL ROOMS oa the corner formerly occu pied by Da. Baron, where he is prepar pedto attend all operations connected with hix profession Nov. 29th, 1859 van. 1. 160. T. BEMISTER, House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &e.. Main St., oppoute Murphy's Granite Roi, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warrant- edto be done in a workmanlike manner Jan. 22, 1861. 6m36 1f32 Fine Shirts and Collars. If you wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col- lars call at the Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL. Sept. 25.-1f19] No, 2, Granite Row. MARRIAGE LICENSES FQR SALE AT THIS OFKICE. | MOLASSES, ri) Oh TAR GREAT i! ‘CHOPPING. EMPORIUM DAVID WEIL. AVING RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and CUMPLETE Stock of . Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Nandker- chiefs, anda fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &c., &c., to which he invites your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW 1S YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, av I am determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury. Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO.2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. tf44 March 25, 1861. Salisbury Female Seminary. oe (FXHE SIXTH TERM of this School will begin the 11th February and close the Ist The school has been increasing in num- bers every term. We have now a goodly number, Dut could take a fewmore. If the number continues to increase, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent school. July. TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, Term. $50 per Tuition, in English, from $3 to 17.00 - “ Latin, 5.00 Music on Piano. from 15 to 20.0C Use of Instrument, 2.50 Incicental expenses, 1.00 Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular address A. D. WILKINSON, Jan. 22, 1861—t{36 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanies. McCUBBINS & FOSTER I AVE just received a very large lot of FARMING IRON, consisting of Shovel Moles, Bar Iron, Wagon tire 14, L}and 2 inch ; Buggy tire L$ and 14 inch; Oval Iron 4, §, and }? inch; Square Tron L and 14° inch, Buggy Springs and Axles; Patent and En- ameled Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. They keep constantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, LARD, BUYTER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Sinking Corner, Salisbury, NV. C. Peb. 12th, IR61. tf39 (WATCH MAK ° | AND JEWELB Salis ry. Waresnted tf37 CASH SYSTEM !! TPXHE undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN. They feel that no apolo- gy for this course is at all necessary, the pe- eulier state of our public affaira rendering it imperative. They will be pleased to sell to their friends end customers at the most favor- able prices possible; but from and after this day will trade only ou the cash or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by account, are re- quested to come forward and close the saine by cash or note. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill. May l0th. 161. tfl H.C. JONES & SON, 4 Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Ve practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Coort. H. C. Jones, jr, will also practice in the Courts of Tredell and Cabarrus Counties. All claims January 29, 1562. entrust d to them for collection will meet prompt attention. L? Office No. 3, Brick Row, near the Court- houre. | H.C. Loves, sr. H.C, Jones, jr Tana) Oa Ole t(35 WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. \W [LL Practice and make pe oollec- tions in Rowan, Stanly, Tredell and Ca- | tawba Counties Office in the corner of Cowan's Building | opposite the Book Store. Fab. 14, 1860 tf3H Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, } AVING PRRMANENTLY LOCATED | inthe town of Salisbury, offers his | professional services to the citizens of the | town and surrounding country He at a‘) mesti (upbes* profesatonally en j Raged) may be fonndat the ‘“Berypan { | { Hoven.” March 25, 1861. tfeddd F ar, } i BLUE STONE, | 100 OL DERIK a BANS 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED, i d ch for sale by Nice and ceuNDERSON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. F 210 to 24@ deg., for sale by om HENDERSON & ENNISsS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For saleby HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanner’s Oil. 40. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNIss’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought to this market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SPICES! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger. Mace, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIAS. VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 18, 1860. tfl& North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, ILL continue to manufacture and keep on hand all \ Agricultural Implements A full assortment of Colltivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider & Sugar Mills. made heretofore. Plows, Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers. Thresher and Separators, They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills, Circularand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtures, &c., &ce., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order, and warrant- edinevery respect. Repairs of every descrip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. We are Agents for Burnett’s Wheat Fans. Salisbary, N. C., Jun. 2, 1861. ly34 Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, (rreensdoro’ ; Democrat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, Asheville ; Carolinian (tri-weekly) Columbia ; Observer, Fayetteville; and Iredell Express will publish 3 inonths and forward accounts. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Lossex Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. MeConnel, C. P. Mendenhall, DW. P., Weir, Jumex M. Garrett, John L. Cole, N. H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barrin. ger, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. H. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton; Alexander Miller, Newbern; Thadens Mc- Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johason, Yancey- ville; Dr. W.C. Ramsey. Wadeshorough 5 Rev. R.C. Maynard, Franklinton; Dr. BE. F. Wat- son, Watsonville. OFFICERS : N.H.D. WILSON. - - President. JED. H LINDSAY,- - Vice-President. C.P.MENDENHALL, - PETER ADAMS, - - WM. TH. CUMMING, - - W.J. McCONNEL|E, - J.A.MEBANE. - - J.M. GARRETT, -— - Allcommunications on business connected withthi- Office. should be addreskedto PETER ADAMS, Secretary. Greensboro’, N. ©.. June 19, 1860. tf4 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN tothe purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE. And to ell consignments to be Attorney. Sec. and Treas. General Agent. > Executive Com sold in this market or shipped to other Ports. and on moderate Aerms, for aush SVL February 14, 1660- 1438 By the Public! a patriotic cilizens of Row are called ee to contribute ; the defence of the soilof North Csrolina. ™ contest has commenced, and troops hee been sent to : Forts Caswell and Macon, Troops from Rowan have gone and are ail oing, and depend upon their fellew-citizens at hese to sustain them. There is a Store-Room opened in Salis. bury for the reception of anything that may be contributed. No freight for transportation on any of the railroads will be charged, ang Messrs. McCUBBIN & FOSTER will re. ceive the freight and anything else that may be contributed. y Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Beans, $e. in any quantities will be taken, and thank. fully received. A list of every man’s name who contributes will be preserved. B. R. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63d Regiment. “March 25th, 1861, NEW Spring and Summe) GOODS! VWNHE subscriber has the pleasure to an- ounnce to his friends and the public gener. ally, that he is receiving hig usual Stock o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compris. ing a rich assortment of all the LATEST STYLES LADIES DRESS GOODS consisting in part of Silks, Bereges, Grena- dines, Beruge-Anglaise, Mozambiques, Organ- dies, Challies and a large Stock of EMBROID- ERIES, to all of which he asks a special examiwation. A’so, a full assortment of Bleached Do- mestic, Linens, House-keeping Goods, &., A. MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building, Mach 25 —45tf Salisbury, N.C Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Timber Saved !! I have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fence. Made without posts, in the Counties of Ala mance, Randolph, Rockingham, Davidson Rowan. Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. Cheap: ness, durability, and convenience are its chie advantages. We recommend the Fenre (¢ saw-mill owners, farmers, and all who haré fences to make. We will sell Farm or County rights. A circular stating costs, plan of build- ing, &c., sent free to any address on e@pplica- tion lo JNO. J. WHITE, Mebanesvilfe, Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44] Alamance, N.C. a*» Charlotte Democrat please copy three months and forward bill to subseriber (ANH SYSTEM ADOPTED! Great Reduction in Prices! Selling Off for Cash only. Come and See! NPE & YOUNG, will sell their a entire stock of New Spring and Swin- mer Goods at greatly reduced prices for cash only. We have been compelled by our Jong credit customers to adopt the above pian By the reduction in prices it will be greatly to the interest of ali who have money to spend for Goods to trade with us. Come und see! NOTICE —We now make our last call on all persons having open accounts with oe, to come forward and settle either by cash or note. We have waited too long already on & great many persons, and are now determined to close up our accounts. . McNEELY & YOUNG April 23, 1861. uf49 - COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontriptic, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. | Stone in the Bladder and Nidneys. Weakness of the Loink, We. FYNHIS invalaahle Medicine is for sale on!) at Mocksville, Salisbury Statesville, Cone cord and Fayetteville, and at Col. Austipe and no where else. Tho subscriber having entered into copall nership with John F. Cowan, original patente forthe manufacture and sale of she above Med- icine, is prepared to furnish a supply by 9 | dressing him at Salisbary, N.C.. or calling at his residence, 10 miles west of this place E. D. AUSTIX | June 21, 1855. tf5 DRAYING.. 0 “PX\UE undersigned gives notice keeps a TEAM AND WAGONS the porpose of Draying and will serve all may favor him with calls inghis line on commoduating terms. | GEORGE MOW PRY | Marth 20th, 1860. W443 that be {i whe ats | | | Fine Suits. If you wish tobny Fine SUITS of CLO1 ft | ING for as little money aspoesible, cull wt 1 \ Great Clothing Emperiam of DAVID WEI | 7 Rememaer tne Stanp—No. 9. Muy! Genite Row, Salishury, N. C. | Sept. 95. fit Notice to Sheriffs. Woe RECEIPTS, neatly printed toe and put in books if desired, al short! your orders. | ; i ee ee VOL. XIX. J.J. BRU EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, : $2,00 Five copies, $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, ia. the same pro- portion $1.50 vach. Payment always ia advance. eee CENSUS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Reported by the Secretary of State to the Convention, ruee coL’D 421 19 15t 27 142 729 279 435 260 100 219 14 114 276 152 279 23 304 38 151 109 355 £238 978 2215 147 Lol 374 2838 211 541 102 352 1,121 152 693 2,459 104 SLAVES. TOTAL. 3.445 11,853 611 6,022 6.951 13,664 26 3,590 3Y1 7,956 5878 14.779 B,186 14,311 5,427 11,995 3,651 8,406 1.941 12,654 Q.481 95237) 3,040 10,546 1.088 7.499 2,127 § 343 1,969 8,185 9.355 16,215 1,664 30,730 6,246 19,105 519-9, 166 3.713 6,842 2,131 12348 2.463 8,597 6.190 16,273 5,830 18,369 2,524 7,416 3,976 16,601 2,392 8,494 7,126 25.786 10,108 17,376 1.764 12.691 7,079 14,110 2,199 9,310 3,902 8,444 11,086 23,396 3,947 7,925 3625 26,056 10,349 19,431 2,584 8,039 312 = 5,R01 1,382 10.448 4,445 9,504 2,693 7,734 4.177 15.347 281 5,528 4,916 15,657 4,413 5,730 3,13) 10,211 2,115 8.195 519 6,004 213 5,908 4,303 10,189 1,305 7,120 6,54t 17,374 1,423 7,649 2.518 11,427 4.681 11,688 10.332 21,715 6,808 13.376 3,499 = 8, 856 5.109 16,949 2,93 8.940 3,569 7,248 5.196 11,221 8,473 16,086 620 4,043 2.645 16,793 5,453 11,000 5.456 14,490 6,318 16,746 3.929 14.586 9.291 11,573 7,028 16.623 1,169 7,801 2,469 10,492 1,246 10,379 1,597 4,943 5,246 11,202 19,733 28,627 10,401 15, 26 2,465 6.357 104 4.957 5,451 14,906 1,208 14,749 3.496 9,750 1,433 10.711 362 6,655 WHITE. 7,986 5.3292 6 562 $357 7.423 8.172 5.846 6,233 4,519 10.023 6 647 7 ALIS 6,207 2.900 6.064 6.581 YX O33 1275.99 8 609 2973 10,208 5,779 8,795 9.501 4,671 13,473 6.001 256 6,880 10.716 6.190 7.009 4,130 11,189 2,826 15.738 6.542 5.351 5,488 8,951 3.948 4.682 11,14! 5.201 10,54” Oo 210 4,903 6.000 5,370 5,693 5,445 5,542 10,543 5,781 8,729 6,319 10,617 5,912 5,198 11.318 4.473 3,287 5.798 7,480 3317 14,7638 5,211 8 584 10,021 10,522 9,060 9.106 6.590 T,RAT 8949 3,203 6,903 16,470 4.923 3,596 4,771 8,721 13,280 5,944 9,10 8,229 COUN riks. Alamauce. Alexauder, Anson, Alleghany, Ashe, Bexufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell. Camden, Carteret. Caswell. Catawbr, Chathain, Cherokee, Chowan, Cleaveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Davilson, Davie, Duplia, Edgecombe, Forsythe, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford. Hyde, Iredell, Jackeon, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, N. Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pasqootank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Union, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, 85 1,lit 259 29 6 193 207 177 80 115 2 451 45 1.424 405 295 82 734 261 280 163 64 631,429 30,097 331,081 992,667 oo. Bk@ \Ne return our thanks for the per- voeal of a letter from # young volunteer ta the Cunfederate service, who was ia the battle of Bethel Church, to a relative at Williamsburg. Its contents are anticipa- ted us to the battle; but the following ex- tract possesses some interest : “On their way to Bethel, the enemy burned Alyernon Whiting’s bouse to the ground. It is supposed they have a way of poisouing their cartridges. On opening ove of them I saw some kind of white pow- der, like arsenic: between the ball and powder. Low can such cruel monsters ex- pect to succeed while a just God reigns Sa- i”? preme on High ! ——o The millenium will not come jast yet.— The scripture phrase of beating sworde in- to plowshears, and spears into pruning hooks,’ is to be reversed. The Coltinsville eompany have gives up the manufacture of plows and are going to make riflan. - zt ee CAMP DUTY. IA eutting up. she .carth ‘sluice’ outside.the tent, the wen shonld be instructed to place the refvse earth compactly on the inside bank of the stuic » 48 it will gerve to step up the aperture between the main ground aud the edge of the tent canvass; alev, it will serve to carry off’ the rain better, the object of the'aluice. For ontposts or gentinels a Sibley- shaped tent is very good us a sentry box. In a camp in our climate jnst now, the “ cleapimy fp” shoald take place twice a week. , The arms and accoutrements in posecesion of the nen should always be kept in good order and clean.— No excusee should be yranted for ‘the non-performance of this, or in- deed any other duty. We have knowua whole camp of men to have been subjected to severe punishment for the neglect of their appearance, inastnuch as some companies had their hair undressed and their jack- ets partly buttoned, while some of the men had their side and other arms uncleaned. {lowever, a continual picking and cleaning of arms is not permissible. No arms should be taken to pieces without permission of an officer.— For the private does not know when he may be ordered to fall in, and how wonld he look with a musket minus a lock. We tind that some men ase the term gun for musket. Infantry do not carry gans. Make yourselves soldiers in terns as well as in bear- ing; one is of as much importance as the other often. An officer once lost rank by using an unmilitary term in cotomand. In camp quarters the proper of- ficers should visit the kitehens daily and 6ee the food, the cooking uten- sile, &c., and be very careful to the messing of the companies. Soldiers should for the time being forget their position heretofore,— The young planter and yentleman inv the ranks mast not dwell on his status. We is now a soldier, and in that capacity must recognize his du- ties cheerfully. The otticers should not in acamp like ours overrun their power or be arbitrary iv the least.— We mention these points, not that we see any necessity for them, but that an army like ours is not like the armies of Europe. Our pay is our patriotism, our ylory our honor in being nght, and ready to serve in the cause of country. DUTIES OF GUARDS. Here we would give a few sngges- tions for men on ynard. Appear on guard in your best style, neat and trim. You are single, and subject to much notice. Walk soldierly and staud eo. You represent the camp at your post, and should be proud of the oppurtunity to give a good in- dication of the material in camp. Do not hold conversation with per- sons nniess actually necessary as per duty, and when you do speak, do 80 | clearly, concisely, briefly, holding yoursetf erect and manly, your mus- ket in proper position. All persons, of whatever rank, spect to w sentine!. All sentinels should be on the alert, and watch what ia yoing oo around, if anything creates 6Uspicion, report the sane. Never leave the limits of your post or beat. Never give up your arms when in the discharge of your duty as sentinel, nor prop thein against walls or fences. Carry your musket generally ata support. Every sen- tinel should repeat ealls tor corporal of the guard from post to ae and doso clearly and precisely, laughing, or joking, or antics, in doing so, be- ing poniehable. Sentinele will come to attention and present arms to general and field officers, to the officer of the day and to the post ofticer ; to all others who carry arms. A sentinel, in challenging, will do it thas; cleatly and firmly: “Who x SALISBURY, N. G., JUNE 24, 1861. high or low, are expected to pay re- | x = Aah yee T vet os xy + BMi-weE with the conntersign,” and the sen- | tinel be inetracted 10 pass persons with tlie countersign, the sentinel will say, “Advance friend with the! conntetsign.” Ifwbewered “Relief,” | “Patrol” or “Grand Rounds,” he will reply, “Tlalt. Advance, ser- geant (or corporal) with the counter: eign.” Satinfy yourself that the par- ties representing themselves before you to be eo aud go are as they state, ry couutereign. Don’t let any map, even your General, pase without it. We. have thrown off the above snyyestions for the benetit of recruits who will luve.tiae in camp tu study thes: efter fuller and better orders from their otters, A camp is a echoul for the soldier, and everything should be studied appertaining to iniitary matters, We could detail inany more particnlars, had we epace, but again we will refer to the sub- ject. Referring to the evacuation of Uarper’s Ferry, the Richmond n- quirer ot yesterday, indulges the tel- lowing editorial comment : The necessity for the relinquishment of this detachmeut post where so many of our Wen were restricted within such uar- row lianits as to be utterly unavailable for | Important operations in the ficld, may not, at the first aunouncement, be apparent to those who have vot kept pace with the progress of events and may vot be famil- lar wilb the strategetical necessities of the existing posture of affairs. We must have faith in those who conduct the Govern- ment faith in the justice of our cause and an abiding trust in the supreme Ruler of all things, There was always a party starting up against Washington, which served nu good purpose. In regard to Harper’s Ferry, however, may not its pos- session up to this period have answered all the pusposes for which it was seized ¢ May nut the soldier hitherto at tbat re- mote position, be speedily needed nearer the centre? Have not events, which liad their origin and culmination antecedent to the recent transfer of the troops and munitions of Virginia to the Confederate States, necessitated the evacuation? Of one thing the country may be assured — the President has a distinct view of the whole field of operations—as will be ac- knowledyed even by those who may be | despondent upon hearing of the evacua- tion of Harper's Ferry. Paris would not have fallen in 1814, it Napoleon bad made a timely withdrawal of his troops from northern forts. A Notable Scheme.—The New York Times says? It is reported that a quiet but somewhat extensive movement is on foot among cer- tain houses representing heavy English capitalists, to obtain control of a prospect- ive supply of cotton for English consump- KLY. THE LATE BATILE. The Petersburg Fapresa publish: es the fullowing interesting account; The Yankees. commenced firing as scon'as they gat withing wo miles of the church, and fired in every di- rection. One half ine fram the en- trencliments, on the road side, is a eweet gum trep, and I counted thir- ty musket and rifle balls ehot by the Yankees into it as they came advan- cing upon us. Fheir cannon balls and shells howled high above the trees in every course. They rushed on madly, and the tramp af their col- winns sonnded awful to: the small number of our men, who kept cool and reserved fire till the enemy were within proper range, then guns, can- nons and rifles poured death into their ranks. They fell back into the woods, rallied and renewed the at- tack ; avain repulsed, they felr back Npou their reserves and attacked us a third time. Every effort was in vain. They fonght lke tigers, but were cut to pieces, routed, ran like wild devils. Vhey acknoweledge a loss ot killed, wonnded and missing, ‘tive hundred and twenty five. Our | loss was, all told, one man killed and seven wounded. Noue of these are from your region of Virginia. I The Richmond TJowitzers did the work, while every man did his duty. The artillery ot Ileaven is on our j side, too. Had Col. Magruder had time to get his cavalry on the ground one hour sooner, he would have kill- ed and captured the whole 500v. I conversed with many of the wounded, and asked them why they had quit their homes to come here to kill us, their former brothers, who | had never injured them in anything? | They said ’twas “ wrong.” Some | said ’twas “an unholy war.” Some | said they were ‘forced into it by politicians.” I asked one poor wretch | | who was in the last agonies of death, | |eansed by a Minnie ball two inches | | below his lett breast, did he or his | | people think they were right in this | iwart He rolled his eyes up into cinine, shook his head, and gasped | fout ina whisper, “ah, no!” “Oh! itis sad to walk over the, fields and in the wood, even with | ,the flush of victory upon us, and | i'view the mangled dead and dying | fellowe—but it is their crime! i The next day a ragor was made | ithat the enemy were approaching | | again. The Dinwiddie Troop, and | Capt. Easby’s Halitax Troop, and a | ‘detachment of the Richmond Low: | | itzers, under Lient. West (all vuder ‘command of Capt. W. A. Adams.) | ;were ordered to proceed ip the di | ( i of fire has destroyed her ! NUMBER 14. LOSS OF THE GLEN COVE—ANOTH ER SURPRISE. We confess ourselves deeply pained to hear of the burning of the steamer (lex Cove. She was not only the swiltess boat in the South, but one of the swiftest in the American waters, as we have had oc casion to observe when she plied between New York and Albany. As a transport, her place cannot be supplied by aay oth- er craft we now have; and if it should be- cotne necessary, by the luss of our connec- tion by rail, to run the blockade to Nor. folk or to any other point, we have lost the very boat which would have been se- lected for the enterprise. When eontem- plating our dangers and our necessities, present und prospectyve, we have often congratulated ourselves upon the good Providence which lad secured to us this switt-winged water bird for the emergen- cies which are likely to demand ber ser- vice; and we have often siniled, as our imagination bas pictured her, leaving in the distance the /’awnee, the Anacosta, the Aesolute, the Yankee, and the whole fleet of Federal pursuers, while she sped in satety to her haven. But she is vo more! The wasting touch She was burn- ed at ber wharf! in the city of Richmond !! by the torch of an incendiary!!! while left under charge of three sleeping ne- groes!!!!— Petersburg Express. Setting them free—A gentleman who arrived in this city on Tuesday, from the scene of battle at Bethel Church, reports that one of the prisoners who had been captured, informed our forces that a vessel had left Newport News a few days before with over one hundred Virginia slaves ov board, bound, he believed, for Cuba, where they were to de sold and the money appro- priated to the support of tle United States Government. Whether any reliance can be placed in the statement or not we can- not say but this we believe that the Yan- kees, with all their apparent hatred of slavery are not too horrible or conscient- jous, if they cansteal onr negroes to sell them into a more enduring and tyrannical bondage, if thereby they can pocket a dol- lar. This wii] be the whole amount of their much talked of emancipation. Alas! for the poor negro, if he ever falls into their Cldtches.— Pet. Hzpress. A Change.—The following extract from a private letter is published in the New York Journal of Commerce : “Your consolatory letter was received in due time, for which [am much obliged. I began to think [ was the only threatened ‘character in the country, but J find there are a great many more, I have been rather severe on the Republican party, and have to take the curses of all of them about here. I have been called traitor, &c., and threatened to be shot by two men. Three weeks ago, I did not dare to say much, but now I can talk and free speech is tolerated. Thank God, the sober second thought is coming again. If # collision 1 tion, The plan is to despatch agents of | rection of Lampton, to reconnoitre | avoided until the 4th of July, there will be English houses to the Southern market with large awards of ninety day Exchange bills on England via New York. The scheme, of course proceeds upon the pre- sumption that Southern planters will prefer to sell what cotton they have fur good English exchange, to letting it go for the | bonds of the Confederate States of Amer- ica according to Mr. Cubb’s plan, and that the United States Government, at the proper time, will interpose no obstacle to the movement of cotton for English ac- count. In this manner England and not the C. 8. A., will have the control of the | cotton crop. o— Fourth Regiment.—There are four min- isters of the gospel attached to this Reyi- inent. Sabbath before last, a most solemu service was held at Garyeburg. The Sac- rament of the Lord’s Supper was adminis- tered to the christian professors of the Re- | giment. The services were conducted by sand annoy the enemy. The com: | ‘mand proceeded down alinost in| sight of their camp, all over the) i whole county, but net one live Yan- | ) ‘save three officers we met with a flay of truce, to seeCol. M., to make some \ treaty about prisoners and the woun- ded. | We are very strong here, in all ‘the elements of war. Oar friends need not be uneasy forus, or for the State, or for the South. The North: lern press now must cease to call us | cowards and simpletons, and reflect upon the “Sunbely war” they responsible to the civilized world an to the great God of earth, | d | Suspicioux Craft on our Coast.—A ure} a chance to settle. There are a good many Republicaus who think war will not be the way to bring the South back, and the cost of the war is much talked about.” | kee could be seen—ail retired into! entrenchinents and Fort Monroe— | | Orange Presbytery.—Our late Assoct- late has placed us under many obligations ‘by his interesting sketch of the proceed: ings of Orange Presbytery. It will be seen that the Presbytery has taken steps to- | wards the organization of a Southern O. S. Presbyterian Church, This action is important in view of the faet that Orange lis one of the oldest Presbyteries in the | country—its recent session was the 22d— ‘and also that this was the first meeting of Southern Presbytery that has been he'd ‘a of the General \sinee the divisive action | Assembly. A Convention is called at Augusta, Ga, on Dee. 4th. Will not our Virginia breth- ‘yen change their call, and substitute the Rev. Capt. Miller, aided by several other large sloop, apparently a stranger 1 OUT’ time and place named by our oldest Sou- clergymen. probably be the last time in which some | would participate in the ordinauce, and | that before another opportunity vcenrs, | they might be on the field of battic, affec- | ted every mind, and gave great tenderness to the meeting. —JV. C. Preshytertan. Fast Day.—Business was suspended in Favettevilla, and all the churches were filled by large and deeply interested con- gregations. ur correspondents in differ- ant parts of the State represent that the day was observed with grent solemnity. To many of our churches, thanksgiving in view of the signal victory near York- town, was mingled with buimiliation and | comes there If, answered, “Friend confession of sin.— NV. C. Presbyterian. the coast of Long Island, disappearing oc ensionally for five or six hours, avd ayain returning towards the sbore. As many as twenty-five or thirty nen have been seen upon her decks, and it is supposed that she is engaged in sounding and recounolt- ering along our cvast in that neighborhood. Her oceasional absence is probably to re- port to the Yankee vessels of the block- }ading fleet, That portion of our coast 18 entirely unprotected, and depredations could be readily committed upon the prop- erty and cattle to be found there, without meeting with opposition. It 1s to be hoped the matter will be examined into at once. (Charleston News 18th) | \ 1 . fi The thought that i would | neighborhood, has been seen crursing fer’ thern Presbytery 1—N. CpPresbyterian the past week from Dewees’ Inlet, along | oO | Rev. Dr. Dabney.— A correspondent ot the Richmond Dispatch mentions that Dr. Dabney is Chaplain of Colonel With ers’ Regiment, stationed at Manassas June tion. The opposing armies are Japidly approaching each other at that point. ant soon the Minister of the Prince of peace will be called to witness scenes of deadly strife. On the 13th the Dispatch says Dr. D. preached a sermon to the Southern army, “ which Samuel Davies, in the times which tried men's souls, could not have excelled in melting pathos, withering sare casm apd iwpassioned oratory.”~—.. / Presbyterian, ANOTHER SSIRMISH —THE FADER. LAISTS AGAIN ROUTED. Spencer Hancock, Esq., of Chesterfield county, who returned tu this city yester- day from Fairfax C. H., gives us the fol- lowing narration of a skirmish which took place’ on Monday evening, a few miles irom that locality. Mr. H. was binwself a participant inthe affsir, and his statement tuay therefore be relied on. Oo Sunday norning, Col. Gregg receiv- ed orders to yo out ona reconnoitering sxpeditiun. tle took with him 600 South Carolinians, a cumpany of Artillery and {wo companies of cavalry. Col. Gregy went 45 niles down to the Potomac river to inake observations. They distinctly saw tents and meu on the Maryland side. They madged there were about 300 men. vl. Gregy returned to Dranesville, and marched té:4 place called Vienna. [ere they remained probably about an hour— after, which they started to return to Drauesville. The troops had proceeded about half a mile when the whistle of the locoinotive was heard, whereupon Col. Gregy wheeled bis column, and marched rapidly back to Vienna. They had searee- ly time ty place two cannon in position wheo a train of cars, consisting of six flats and ® baggage car, came siowly around the curve, pushed by a locomotive. Each flat was crowded with armed men, whose bayonets glistened in the sun, and gave vur Men an impression that a severe con- test was at liaind. This, however, was not realized, as the result will show. Just as the train was about to stop, the artillery tired a well directed shot from one of their guns, which raked the Hessians fore and aft. Consternation and dismay were distinctly visible, and, atier another tire, the enemy were seen hastily leaving the cars and taking to the woods. The engineer was sinart enough to uncouple the locumotive aud take the back track tor Alexandria, leaving the entire train to be captured by our troops. Col. Grege's infantry and the cavalry pursued the fu- gitives # short distance through the woods but were unable to overtakethem. A few of the party exhibited some bravery, and sudeavured, by shouts, to rally their flying comrades, but it was impossible. They then turned and discharged their pieces at our men without effect. Six of the ene- may were left dead upon the ground. Abvut twelve rounds were tired by our artillery, but the enemy scattered after the second. Neither the mfautry nor cavalry fired a shot. Our troops burnt the cars and captured 4 considerable quantity of carpenter's tools, blankets, and other baggaye, with about twenty muskets and a number of pistols. The fire of our artillerists was most ef- fective. One man was found with his band shot completely off, avother with his arm shot off at the shoulder, and other ghastly adchman. | € e SALISBURY. N. C.: oe ENING, JUNE 24, 1861. MONDAY EY . 17 We are autorized to announce WIL- LIAM A. HOUCK, as a Candidate fur Coun- ty Court Clerk of Rowan. 7 We are authorized to announce Jacos S. Myers as a candidate for County Court Clerk of Rowan. OT We are authorized to announce ORA- DIAH WOODSON as a Candidate for the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan County 17 We are authorised to announce THOM- AS McNRELY, a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk. PRINTER’S INK. Taylor and Hargrove, Riehmond, Va, an- pounce themselves as manufacturers of printers’ ink, including ull the varieties required by the craft. soe ee We want soup, glue, candle, and various other Factories Gentlemen of means have it in their power to render very importan: public services by giving their attention, time and energy to subjects like these. We have cut loose from the North, now, declaring our de- termination to do our own work ; and all these, and mauy other branches of business huve been so much neglected that it will cost us some trouble to get ready to supply our own wants. Wecund> it, however, if we will; and we sh be pleased to record every wor- thy movement having that object in view. ROWAN BIBLE SOCIETY. A re-organization of this Society was made at the Methodist Church Suuday night. Pursu- ant to previous arrangement, all the churches In our lowa were represented. The house was crowded. Short but admirably conceived ud- dresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Groseclose, Rev. Mr. Rumple, and Rev. Mr. Mangum, Th: Rev. Mr. Haughton was providentially prevented from attending. but by letter ad- dressed to the meeting, ably urged the vigorous prosecution of the cause. Mr. Win. Murphy was elected President of the Society. S.. Wiley. Secretary 5 D. A. Davis, Exq.. Vreas- urer; Dr. Hall, Luke Blackmer, Esq, J. H. Enniss, J.S McCubbin, W. L. Kestler, were elected Executive Committee. A large num- ber enrolled as members,—some ten or twelve as life members—at once bringing into the ‘l'reu- sury of the Society ubout $300. It is intended this Society shull be auxiliary to the Stute Society, when re-conatructed ; and it, in turn, auxiliary toa Confederate So- ciety. ‘The object is to begin, us speedily as porsible, the publication of Bibles for ourselves. contraband uf war, we are not prepared to fur- nish our velunteers with copies of convenient 8 ze for theirerpecial use. ‘The pastor and one objects proved the destructive etfect of the shots. After the engagement, Col. Gregg re- | tired with his command to Fairfax C. U. The above is contirmed by a dispateh | trom D. G. Duncan, Ksq., from Manassas. PAYING NORTHERN DEBTS. The Fayetteville Observer says + Serious complaints have been made in Charleston | ‘against the payment of debts at the North, thereby affording “aid and comfort to the | euemy.” And the complainta are now | undoubtedly just; for no man has a@ right to pay a debt to the enemy of his country, | Those who could not pay befure war com. | menced, should nut do so now ;_ and so the Governor of South Carolina has decided ! in view of the complaints mentioned. Sve | the following from the Charleston Courier of the 8th: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. , Executive Drrantment, June 6, 1861. I have understood that many good people | have been remitting funds to creditors in Nur- thern States. i In the existing relations of the country such | conduct is in conflict with public Jaw, and all citizens are hereby warned aguinst the conse- quences. F. W. PICKENS. But a remarkable charge is made by a writer in the Mercury, as follows :— ‘A partner of a firm here goer to N. York, ie suffered ty remain there with Perfect impu- nity, while other merchants of Charleston ure | threatened with the halter und confiscation of | property. He there purchases mercantile pa- | per of merchants of Charleston, sends it to his partner here, who coolly presents it on Hayur atreet for pavment. Ie this to be submitted tu? | Are such men tu be wlerated in our midst 2” We guess not. Adeance of the Invaders.—We learn from e member of the Rock bridge 2d Dragoons, (says | the Lexington Guzetie,) who has been wich our gallant liitle army since they were sent to P Western Virginia, that our forces had retreat. | ed to the pass in the Chest Mountains, about pminety miles west of Staunton—that they are Faome 2,500 strong, militia and volunteers— at the enemy had advanced on them as fur | Beverly, Randolph county, 12 miles in their | rr” The ingaders in Tygart’s River Vulley estimited at from fifteen to sixteen thous- d, with reinforcements behins them, The maurauders it thus appears, are making eir way into the heart of the State. Our pople must look to their safety and prepare to ive then bick. It is high time to be fally pused, and let the cry of To Arms! resound ugh tie hills of West Augusta. Ae Two hundred . Vfinoisians Joined Tcunessee troops, have | are to constitute a Board of Managers. others at 8, and others still at 10. meinber of every congregation inthe county, We believe it is the purpose of the Executive Com- mittee to print the Constitution of this Society, together with the proceedings of this meet- ing, and by «circular addressea to the congre- | gulions, ark their co-operation in the good { work. It is confidently expected that our peo- ple will take hold of it with spirit, and that we shall soon be able to supply every cump andev- ery home with the word of God, printed and rent to thein by those whose heartfelt prayers will uccompany it. CONFLICTING STATEMENTS, There are a great many points in the va- rious accounts given of the battle at Bethel | Church, on which the writers strangely dis- jtgree. Now it would seem that all might know what time in the day the fight com- | meoced, and yet we have seen some state- ments which say it begun at 4 o’cleck in the morning. Others tix the time at 6; And then in reward to the duration of the feht—some have it 24 and others 54 hours, Nevertheless, it. is undoubtedly troe that cthe Ist Regiment of North Carolina Vol- unteers, under Col, 1. U. Till, aided by about 360 Virginians cavalry and arullery, gained a glorious victory over the Lincoln- ites on that occasion, Their loss, as stated in var last, 564 killed, wounded and miss: Ing, Is not over the mark + whilst our Joss was only one killed and seven wounded. Oxo GOOT) TOWN ORDINANCES, The Charlotte Whig publishes several new town ordinances for the town of Char- Ist. Every free negro of twelve years and up lotte, which we think are very good. i wards, is required to present him or berself | for registration, stating ape, occupation, &e., &e.. upon « heavy penalty for failing to dose. Those who comply, will obtain aceriificate, under the protection of which they wall be allowed to dwell in safety, upon their good behavior. They are to pay one dollar for the certificate, 2d. No slave, under any pretence whatever, nilowed to Lire his or her own time; nor shall any slave go at larze at his or her own discre- tion, by permission of the owner, working for his or herself where and when they please. ‘The hardened Yankees huving declared Bibles | ‘ sede sca ENT. | When Gen, Butigh’s army was marching to- words Bethe! Chuteh to aitack the Suuthern ersut that place,some of his nen called at a farm house and inquired of un old ludy if she koew wirat troops there were? She said they were North Caruliniags, and some: few. Virginiste. “Ob! well, said they, if they wre North Cur- vlivians it will only be # moraing’s frolick for us; we coald whip thew with corn stalks, und the Virginiuas are net much better.” We understand the let Regiment ure eo well pleased with the opprubivus reinark, in view of their eplendid victury on that eecarion, that they intend to adopt the curn stuck us a budge. Aud, by-the-way, it will be a very bandeume badge ; forthere are few pretuier things in na- ture than stalk of growiug cura, with itslouy pendent blades yracefully respondiug to the breath of Heaven Nor many more significant of indispensable value, since it is corn that giv- eth strength to inan and bast. Very good— call the noble Ist. the corn stolk regiment. We have u large lot of corn stalk boys in North Carolina whieh ‘old Abe” will fiud are hard to menage. They loved the Union dearly, and worked fur it even afier the vital breath had gone out of it But when they found that a vile tyrantund Dictator had tuken the place of the Constitution, treading under bis unhal- lowed heel the sacred Charter of ‘civil libeity, they spurned the putresstut carcas, drew their trusty blades and confronted the usurper — When he shall have mowed them all down, then his minions may reveloa the svilof North Carolina, but 1ot before. o~e - RECOGNIZED AS BELLIGERENTS. It appears that Gen. Butler las reeog- nised the “Southern rebels” (43 the Lin- culu party is pleased to call us) as belliger- ents. Ile sent officers under his com- mnand with a flag of truce tu ask Cul. Ma- gruder’s permission to bury his dead, and tuke np his wounded men after the battle at Bethel Church; and also to offer an ex- change of prisoners, Col. Magruder ’po- litely granted the request in regard to the wounded and dead, and exchanged one prisoner. ‘Thus, it will be seen, that South- ern guns and Southern men behind them, have taken one foolish kink out of the heads of the Lincolnites in regard to the in this war. This, we think, is pretry good progress, and is fairly paving the way to a recognition of other and more important rights. What Gen. Bauer was obliged to do, the Linculn government will be pleas- ed to receive as right and proper, notwith- standing it is contrary to the programine the invaders laid down for themselves. “me B. Andrews, with his company of Tredel] Buys, passed through this piace Saturday moruing. Capt. Andrews is one of the best drill officers in the State, a man of in- } telligence, of quick perception and prompt | action. Kasy, graceful and gallant, we | His men are warinly attached to him, aud aA . : | know of few men his equal iu command, | tre sure to follow where he leads. They lave joined the regular service by a unan- imous vote, [3 [1 | | - oe — Captain Crumpler.—Capt. Crumpler | passed here Saturday, on his return from | Kaleieh, where he had been to make F some arrangements for his Company of They, with Captain Rufas | Darringer's Company of Cavalry, have | been ordered to rendezvous at Asheville, N.C. Here, again, are two Companies in command of first rate men, | Cavalry. | m a | have had no inilitary training, so far as We knows but they are educated men of ‘igorous minds, energy, and indomitable spirit, With such men to lead our com- a steady wing, oe = Briyadicr General D. H Hill.—It gives us arias i. ee ie folowing appomtme nt DV Groovy. Ellie, by and with the e Mitilary Bonga th the content of the Col. DOH. Will, Lat Regiment of N. Carolina Volunteers, to be Brigadier General of Ist Briy- nde North Carolina Volunteers, for distinguish- ed services at the battle of Bethel Church, Vir- gina, to take rank from June 10th, 1861. State Journal. BRIGADE FROM TEXAS, Mayor Marshall, of the Texas State Gazette, | who came to Richmond in behalf of Texas to obtain the assent of the President to have his State represented by her troops in the war in Virgima, has tully sneceeded in his mission, Texas will seon have some of her choice troops upon the battle fields of Virginia, — Major Marshall le(t {or Texas some days since. A GOOD EXAMPLE. The Eagle manufacturing company of Co- lumbus, (Ga.,) has tendered the Confederate Government .he sum of one thousand dollars per mouth, beginning with the current month to the end of the month. The Compan also appropriates the sum of one hundrod dollars per month to support of the families of volun- teers. treatment and courtesies they are entitled to | Capt, Andrews’ Company.—Capt. J.) * ly impo New! en--Bhe i: , Federals, ated--Captas Ricnwonp, June 21, 186]. An engagement took place near Gordons- ville at 5 o'clock, A. M., on the 19th instant, between the enemy and two companies of the 3rd Tennessee Regitnent and two of the 13th Virginia Regiment, under Col. Vanghn. The Dennessee Volumteers were at New Creek Depot, 18 miles west of Camberland, on the Baltimore and ae Rairvas. and 250 of the enemy were in sight. ae enemy fi a few random shots when they broke ranks and fled. ; Only one man was wounded on our side. The Joss on the enemy's side is not known although several were killed, We captured two guns and a stand of col- ors. General Cadwalader was in command of the Federal troops, who alter the engagement, ne- tired to Hagerstown, having been driven buck from his approach to Harper's Ferry. Our troops again hold the Ferry, which is occupied by 500 Marylanders. General dobusen is at Winchester. ‘Two prisoners were taken at Williamsport and they will be sent on to Richmond to-day One of them is Lieut. Col. Bowman, of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment. The prisouers are under the charge uf Col. Thomas, of Ma- ryland Volanteers, to whom has been entrust- ed the official Report of the engagement. The occupation of Winchester by the Con- federate forces 13 nghly important, for it will coummand the entire Valley, hence Jonnson's movement frow Harpers Ferry towards Mar- unsburg to meet the eveny. | Tnstead of retreating, Jolinson was advanc- ing upon the enemy who were approaching by way of Wilhausport and Marunusbarg. * Johnson's march was Northward and be sent lurward detachments to engage the ene- my, thus checking their advance until the tain body of ius army could be brought lor- ward. ‘The Valls y may now be considered sale. —- <> o — WARK TLEMS, &e. Bartimore, June 21,—Col. Smith seized a Jot at Couteuerate euvelupes, to-day, Wiich \ } telered aud tuade a subscripuou lor tue bey. | | “new stuck le Would send lita to bort Mcitel- Were Venued by a buy. ibe bystanders t- Suath then tuld the Venger thatal he gota ry. ‘Lhe $eopie ayalu iitericred, aud the ex- cilement becatoe lilebise, Whe Stiita redired, Matstal Kaue says the potice sou lave ae ken Stith tu the puard wouse, Wueeving, June 2b.— dhe Convention was occupied all to-day In siguibe the Deviatalivns. | Micipout was elected Guveruur abu Vanicl | Valsicy Lieutenant Governor, A lull Guy | ernors Coutcil Was alsu elected aud the Gov- | elnor lorinally ibaugul ated. McCtellaud assutics command, aud expects | to have Lo,QUU nicu i the vid vy Saluiuay. | \ Wasuiseton, June 21.—A_ gentleman just frou Arington, Says What Gen, Beauregard is padvancing. dovery thing louks like bot words 1 Court Liouse. | | | | Frepericx, June 21.—Resolutions declar- | True, they” panies in a righteous cause, hope soars on | lO-luollow, ‘Lhe Federalists are advancing on Fatfax Mesputs, June 21.—A reliable gen deman | frou St. Louis, says that Ly ous was deeated | at Boonville. (hice hundred bederalists were ) Killed aud seven luudied taken prisuncrs, Ly- ons tucluded. SiX canon and several bup- Ured siauds ol abins Weie aloo Captured ‘Lhe | steatuer datum was suuk, ou boawid of which ,tWo hanared kederalisis were killed wounded. wud } Kaysas City, June 20.—On Monday 300 prisoners were taken by 400U secessionists. ing the debt now incuning by the Federal Government unconstitutional, and declaring Its acts UNconsUtutional, tyrannical, and in ta- Vor of the muinediate reco mton of the Suuth- ern Conlederacy, was passed to-day by a vote of yeas 47, nays 4. Secretary Cameron telegraphs to Governors Curtin and Morgan tor more troops. Yhe New York World says that the steam- er Africa brings intelligence that sixty Prus- i sian officers who have two years leave. will | teuder their services to the & ment, Federal Govern- Wasnincton, (vin Loweville,’ June 21.—It is not deuied that General Beauregard i ra- pidly approaching Washigron. ‘he Conted- j erate pickets advanced several miles to-day, and have inereused thew forces at the Fast and North Junetion, with large bodies placed in position JO waleh wud make wa fora breax up of McDowell's line. Every body is on the move. “Phe troops are all Teacy tumarch ata moment's notice. ‘The impression gains Strength that the Confederates are strength. eniog their advances hitherward, and will be prepared for stirring times. y Upon the Ricumonp. June 21.—Passengers just fiom Yorkiown report vothing: new. ‘Phere was a very slight skirmich on the 19h, West of the Cumberland, with u few troops and trifling re- sults. An extra from the R ports Harper's Ferry in portession of the Con federate aod Maryland troops Despatches report Romney in possession of the Confeder- ates. On Thursday, in the vieinity of Rom- ney, four compaiies of Conferates, under the command of Cot Hill, attacked 250 Federal- jisis. ‘The Federalizts fled, leaving loaded and spiked. aeside. Several Pederalists were Killed. There has been another skirmish in the neighborhoud of Munnesus. ‘Phe Foderaliats runaway. Liew! Col. Brown and Lieut. Chase, of the Pennusyivatia Regiment. were prisoners, and are now in Richmond. others outran the Confederates, Commodore Tatinall, Mesars. taken The McQueen, McIntosh and Howell Cobb are here. The Virginia State Convention, to-day, elected the following members of the Confed- erate Congress: A. Seddon and W. B. Preston, for the State at large; and John Tyler, Wm. H. McFarland, Roger A. Pryor, Robert John- son, Walter Preston, Robert E. Seott, Charlier W. Rossel, Jumes L. Muron, Thomas 8. Bo- ceck, Willum ©. Rives, John W. Brockenbo- rough, Walter R. Staplea, aud R. M. T. Hun- ter. : . y “> Mosnar, Jine 19.—A Merchant of | vestenday Morning, that Vicinity day before yesterday, lasting jtet hours, but the particulars ae unknown, )day neat, to November. \ ' ) | ichmond Dispatch re-! (wo cannon | No loss ou the Confeder- CAPTURE OF GEN. Ly. AT HARPER'S FERRY city teleyraphs from Lebanon, ee that a gentleman on the train with him, who left St. Louis Inst wight, says that Gen. Lyon and all hia command were tnken iy the Missourians at Boonville, Tris also re. ported there has been a fight at arpery Ferry, The Pedgeal Trepp s were routed with a Joss of three thousand, TUE FIGHT AY VIENNA, &c. Wasutyaton, June 18. — Seven chs were backed oof by a locomotive from Al. exandnia, dropping detachments. as they went. They met with no iuterraption ii) near Vienna, when a man warned them of a battery. They proceeded a short distance when a battery opened fire on the train, — The tire was evidently directed at the en. gine, in order to cripple it. The engine teing behind the train, the engineer an. coupled it, and abandoning the train, rush. ed away, carrying some wounded and dead men. In leaping from the cars, and while ronuing for the thaober, they suffered con- siderably, Tt is beheved that Vienna has been vacated 5 the Southerners tating back on Fairfax. ty minutes. wounded, The chgauement lasted twen Nine were killed ana thirty Washincron, June 19.—The Federa} ists bad 9OO men at Vienna. The report tu Gen, Seott says" On turnmny a curve within a quarter of a mile of Vienna, we were fired upon from a masked battery, with shells, shot and grape, killing and wounding sotne Meh ob platloum Cla, — The train stopped on account of the injury to the machinery, and we then abandoned the train and tuvk to the woods, finding the battery supported by 1.800 South Car. olinians. We fell back. throwing out skir- mishers on both flanks, and redred leaving tive Billed, thee wounded and five missing. The men abandoned haversacks, blankets and a lew aiuskets” The report Is stuned Robert Co Schenck. Brigadier First Ohio Resament. Among the killed was the editor of the Cleveland Herald Leesburg had not been occupied up to A battle occurred in vans General Leys sUp posed that Jolason is moving lo surprise Cadwallader at) Martinsburg, in- stead of goin to Winchester. A desperate tebt between Vienna and Fanfax Court House is imminent, VIRGINIA CONVENTION, &e, Hictmonxp, June 19. — An ordinance Was offered, yesterday in the Virgtuia Con- abbiiiohe verUon, repealing aad all wets fortnerly passed comimendatory of Wintield Scott, and ordenng the poame of Seots i eounty to be chianeed to Davis, and Bue: hanan county to Stephens. The Conven hon will probably take a recess, after Mon- Au ocdinance was also passed, authorizing County Courte | ’ a : )to make provision for the Support of sol diers’ faunvilies. One that New port Ite Ports dre HUME TOUS AS even, PVactiates! Puthe opin ion Indicates that a crcat Latuhe or battles will suo occur, the bederalisis dave News is generally neers dined. Kicumoxp, June 18, 6p. 4. —The Vir ula Convention adopted the Constitntion vf the Contederate Goverment to day, re serving the right to secede undcr certain contingencies, at 34 clock, from Manassas, re pert nothing um usual or of Interest transpuring, although lively times are expected suot, essences ) HDD] ) Vere Hosen Gers WHO AlNIVEd siete WAR TLEMS, &e. GRAFTON, (via Lowissille) June 19-— Reports from varions sources render it cer tain that the Virginians are moving West: ; ward. under Wise, JeFFeRsoN City, June 19 ~The pent tentianians attempted fo escape to-day ~ Six were killed and four wounded. Wasnisaiton, June 19.—It is nesertéd positively that Col, Wiefall visited Wash upton recently, disguised us acattle dealer. The Wa Departinent is aceepling: meu by battalions. Lovuisvitie, June 19.-—-Two thousand three months volunteers at Camp Dennison are deterinined to wo home, Two thousand Missontians are at Buon ville, and one thousand on the opposite bank. Artillery has been placed in 4 comp manding position on the river, Lyons it | waiting for private information to determina | whether to advance hy river or land, Lextxoton, Ky. line 19.-- Andy John: son is here, en ronte to Washington. Ne spoke three hours, | Wasutneron, June 19.-—A telegraphia ComMunication to headquarters from FalVa Chureh says that the movements of both parties tudicate an action in that vicinity. Gen. Scott has ordered the regulars and several reyinents of Patterson's command to Washington. The remnant of Patter terson’s force will occupy Harper's Ferry. More troops are concentrating at Balti more. I he Southerners are Inoving to va» rious points. Fortress Moxon, June 19,-—Tbe steamer Uataline was fired on by a steam to-day. . ee tui tary gorrating #£ sr, Louis, been appornt and Cole cou aon. ; Ly fergsul City. The Demo guard of the 1 consideratl aj ona tadl, rou. Th ree vaval'V were Yissourlans \ills. An Jowa t wad Lo Rent mad towards wis attrcked pardetice Cr [he Zdepe vn the culizet wediately ou she Qutb, the fi saughtered frog only W tlesert “d ged. Seven ermiuate g literal igh WwW wis. The ¢ atthe Sige wtits (he apy do ies Hoerstein hcl s. wies Valo | the State af BKaLTiMOR Fortress: Mas yesse| is cnet ffarriet Leva Use, Limense Vurktowill a ws ill prepa WHEELIN was berth pots ov atid i law, Was table d | LEAVENW rans at Luc erra ply d. st Tee Nee ean lattis wah claves Aausas 1s s¢ ie rnd CIUZEH LICHMON fhe Gaaritrate ertindy, Guy U1 ATi thas AK conse ie not Live | vopoint a saetale tut Ricustus ar COTTOT ie By es rst Sat iit bol TCI tne Ma Stats : Pato tl aay eee “ook, whee Rie first tie Heaths fh, de Woutel. Kk af Ss CO COLL MEL landed acl Woops (ON n dowts Mot ape Woaifowe WeoWotod ¢ Pens caw 1 Lhe cont Man who 4 WRG: uth. WA Mavothin th bessetirer, b Wo are ck at en mand ii tie old Ny UL there th od Uheow In the ¢ Sand tlys Bist valua ue Hers, at Duly Ann hm ABY St 34) ATES, aaa N behalt ¢ Sar Count Mary) , Ma iY] rethel G STB Whig tates a in Order hig Nha terrible | ere na @ys the a 5 ” w to-day. paler tw harp otrallug ays The Sougl, rns “gt Sayyells Pa reat force ov the Jam + <r, Louis, June 19.+2Col. B stoi has nen appoimtedt conmrander of Si. Lavia nd Cole counties, and fas issued a prrocta, cation Lyous fas alvy procaimed’ Jef pap ONY a 2 ye eg yhe Democrat learns that the advance yard of the Federal cavalry rucuuntered considerable force of Missourians station: ajon a fidl, with.caanon eulwiwauding the Three Federatists were killed. The nut pursued in retrent. The are cuncectrating at! Blue Raat vaval'V were Yisourians wills _ a An Towa regiment 15 advancing via rail- coud Wo Keenick, whence Chey will take the mad towards Boousvilte, Thirty Alissouri- aa atticked the Federahists yearding the pardence Creck Bridge. The Lepudlican, relerring to the firing vn the citizens on Monday, says that im- pediately Gu the aecideatal discharge of vie qua, the troops commenced an indis- cimmate fire, withyut orders, nod the saughtcred fell in every direction, The only ceased when the sietty eserted except by the dead and worn: Soven were killed on the spot--some go IMerally tern to pieces by Minnie wis. The fire nen are cagaged in wash- vc ihe Gived trom the stecet, which pre- wuts he appeariuice of a slaughter house da wr Hoerstein is constantly seading scouting vues tuto the country, Col, dTolloway, yo the Stale Groots, iy reported dead. fring wis (d ded. hell 8. BacuMore, June 19.--Reperts from Fortress Monroe state that a British war vessel Is crtisin off the Chesapeake, The farriet Lane is coming ino minus a wheel AQUSEC, hnmense Sauthern forces are between erecting 4 | , nvaons et. ay Mr. Bruner :—The Scotch [rish Grays, Rowan Mills, aud bountiully supplied by the kind and patriotic citiddns of the neight berhood, were invited pn, yesterday (19th June) by O! G. Foard and Lady, to tike dinner at. their residguve at 12} o'clock, The invitation was accepted, and at the appointed oar the Outnpany Was on heads and found a lung ‘table, Jiterslly loaded dowa with the good things of life, whieh were discussed, by the boys, in a merry way—whilst all of us felt, that it woyld be a pleasure ty defend: such kind friends ayaiust the tient invaders of the North, and it needs be, to lay down our lives in their defense. After dinner, Lieut. Harris tendered the thanks of the Company to Me. and Mrs, Foard for their kind hospitality in a feel- tay manner, Cul. ED. Austin was then Gud—their Country —their officers, aud ole another, The vext day, having been appotuted by the Ladies to present « Flay to the Coumpaty, at an early hour, between 600 aud SUV persuns were present, the majority of whom, were Ladies. At 12 v'cluck, the Company was pre- Graltam, in a tanner. winch did credit ty her sex, lo Which Capt, Wood responded. Ladi¢s 10 A sumptuous repast, and as we looked upou the many good things spread oy kinduesses shown to us by the fair La- dies, and we hope they will not think that we are serving them to a dish of dittery, wheu we sty that Sevtch Lrelatd can’t be \orktown and Great Bethel Gen. Butler | sail prepaning to advance, Wkrettxa, June 19.— An ordinance jax been potssed fixing the salaries of Gov- road Representatives much lower pou uaw, A ill proposing separation was tabled by a vuole of 57 to 11. ‘ URAVENWOKEH, June 19.—The Miscou! as al Ludependence have burned all they) errapli despatehes te the office. A Kane freuen t is eteamped at Wyandotte. | toy, ftobinson prochain, that as Mixsonei | w declared war againscthe United States, | Kansas is sabject to invasion, and urges all: qd CHUZEHS LO OrgaulZe. lucumMoxp, Sune L7.—Six members of Oe Ganibaldt Guard, deserters frou Wash rhty ie ’ anved here today. : fear fue evacuation of Harper's Ferry was cols iene of the threateaed thterrap noof tie ine of comminiatign between v pout and other divisions of the Con seraAle fy tees. Veat for pretty girls— Aud O inay Heaven keep them, Aud from ** Old Abe” deieud them, ‘Till we return trom the great etrife, Aud wont cach one @ preity wife. ONE OF THE COMPARBY,. = sae THE DINNER, The dinner given by our citizens on Saturday last, to the several volunteer Companies tow forminy in the county was wv complete success. At an eatly hour our streets were filled with people from all pacts of the county, who came out to cneourage Ge boble men now tendenug tueir services in defence of ‘yur lives, our property, our buies and our tiresides. The Cavalry Company, commanded by Capt, Barnager, was not only eutnpleted to the extreme namber allowed by (108 men.) but large numbers had to be Kicuvusp, June 18.—Col. Greag, with er conmotleriig party, Consistine of a part | ve Past Re siment South Carolina Vol corso with Owo ottas, started on Sunday | o for Goeat Fatls, oa the Potomac. | THrtite Va Ube CVCIING, ON APETIEIN ge at ut Scanen, en the Loudon and Lamp: : road, tet a train bean the Bitth oo Regiaent, under command of Cot. Cook, Whot ab epgagement uceurred, At) the tist line, SIX ears were detached. The | Coane fied, leaving six dead and a num- | ber woth ft | | KENTUCKY INVATED! | AS cession Flay Torn Down. | | Corumbes, dane 12.--The City of AL \ Om Vanded, at ddd o'clock, a.m, filed | ali Woops nud 12 piieues of artillery, aud ' von down our fl ve atid trampled it wuder | Mote apit tiny Upoh Mt. They warned Us | att uttered sen tinents, | Wold iue ita three days. sconkd not but ‘bid The Commander asked if there was one | Man who watited a The answer | aso. Columbus is all right toe the | We Want your assistatce. ‘ Wee svcesslon t Yire cite de ance, | yey : E resist, tlowa, rath. Gov. | Mavottin tas been addressed by a special Wssequrer a \ oe | NEED OF NURSES. | Wo are informed that a number of the! ck at Yorktown are sadly iu need of nur- | “and iideed many ot Cie quartered in | Me old Nelson Mansion, lave no prilowe ! me their folded blankets, a very heaung | “uncomforiable support for the head, He the Crimean war, the Sisters of Char- ean the Sisters of Merew rendered the a Viluable aid to the sick awod softer Co and we feel very sure that it mecds AN atination to that efece to seenre AB Sinnice of as humane and veterous ne aur as willing and efficient: bands, healt of the callant delenders ef our ear Countyy, ——Teichmond Dispateh. May ndeirs Men.—It is satd that oat ‘tiavruder had with ita at the ethel rs wl : lateg orde Church his old force of regu- 10 were under hit in the U. amy, they having deserted hie rto join thelr old leader. — el accoant, if part. for the a te offect with winol the guns “re nanaged in the late dght, $o 8y8 the Petersburg Acpreas. | | | | | | | | | | | | handed in. excluded from (lis favourite corps. ‘The * Minete Meu” from Rocky River, commanded by Capt. Harris, numbered some 40 aembers, And the company forming under Capt. Young, we under: stand, also Gumbers nearly 40 snen, At the hour of 24 o'clock, PB. down M., the w most stunptuous diner prepared by Dr. K.P. [Tarns, at the & Llarnis Motel.” After do- | ny full jusee to the many good things then and there sprend, a wuarber of capt tal speeches were delivered by Colonel 2D. several conmrmands sat to Coleman, V. ©. Barringer, Esq. Mr. W.S. | Harris, Capt. 1. Barringer, and Messrs, dhe G, Jolinston, W. 2B. Lindsay, N. 2. Foard, WL. Barrier, C. W. Bradshaw, Wy. AC Barrier, C. M. Deaton and C. UL. Degir- , hott. A collection was then taken up in or- der to paises amd secure a Seontument thd” for the Denetit of the * Cabarrus Rangers” when dhe sum of $156,00 was instantly | Persons who aay still desire | in| to contribute to this) faod hand their domatious to any of the company. The list of contributors with be | Cun mionber published hereafter. : \ Ata late hourin the afternoons the com: | pany dispersed — all io yood order, and linuch delighted with the puble spirit of | our youbs men in volunteering, aud the | liberality of our people du aiding and en couraging all why may de so.— Concord ; Flag. | one . OCRACOKK INLET. Fiona correspondent of the Washington (N. C.) Dispatch, we learn that the battery on | Beacon Islind is nearly completed. This bat- tery commands the Tulet. Three companies | are now stationed there. The Washineton | Grays, Capt. Sparrow ; the ‘Tar River Boys, from Pitt, Capt. Johnson, and compayy from Washington county, commanded by Capt. Gillam. Brave men with Lbiave cammeand- ers. —- Budletin, \ valetion of the 1 esbyterian Church.— -The | Memphis Appeal, of the L3th mst., says: The Presbytery of Memphis. in session now | in Somerville, on Thursday Jast unnanimons- ly passed an Ordimance of Secession from the | General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church | of the United States. ~The other Presbyte- | vies of the Confederate Stuobs will ‘all secede | preparatony to the organvalion of the Gene- | ral Assembly of the Confederate States. The | first Assembly of the Sourlern Chorch 1s in- vited to hold theit meetifg in'zhis city. LP The “ Union” gun has been raised from tbe bottom of the river at Baltimore, and placed on a vessel for shipment | Fortress Monroe. > beinel ghedripe tor sofve fim fot ut | called for, by Ue Company, and responded | by urging each one to be faithful te their; semed with « Flag, in the name of the! I Laces of Scotch Ireland, by Miss Louisa Thew the Voluuteers were invited by Ue |. Welore us, our minds ran back tu the ina: | Jaw, | i 6. comm nd Lientenants in the army, five have “d, givin | for dois Kips a Virgi “ i aL) ot figtt against amiblits, Hox- ton, Rice, Patterson, and Campbell. Their namee were stricken (rom the poll of the ar- “my, theif tetignations not being accepted.” The Rev, J. M. Sheewpor has been chosen, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this pace. He has aceepted the eall, worl setired! from the associate editorship of the N.-O. Presbyterian.— fay. Ob. THE FOLLOWING isa sample of the nu- merous fetters,constanily receiving for Hus- etter's Stomach’ Bitters : Cananpacua, Joly 15, 1859. Messrs. Hostetter & Smith, Pittsburg, Pa.: —Gents:—As we are atraagera, [ herewith enclose you (wenty-eight dullers for four dozen i Hostetter’ Stomach bitters, which please fur- wurd via Michigan Southern Ruilroad, Toledo, Ohio, cad Clayton Station. T have purchased | Several-de zen botdes at Toledo this Summer, but tre sale is on the iucrease eo inch that I wish te open a direct trade with you. I was induced totry your Bitters by iny physician, fur the Laver Complain, and rcatved euch ma- terial aid that [ have recommended it to uthers and have sold ub.ut two dozen per week for some time. I hive all kinds of medicine in my store, bul there is none that [ can so cheerful- ly wad truthfully recommend as yong Bitters, for I know they have helped me beyond iny expectation. Yours respectfully, PHILO WILSON. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. There isu Union Prayer Meeting at the Methodi+t Church every morning at 8 o’clock. The object of these meetings is to intercede with God tor our soldiers aud our Country. The services are very brief, and all who can Come ure inost earnestly requested to do so. oe ' | SALISBURY MARKET. June 24, 1860. Bacon 14a 15; Coffee 25 a 27; Corn 75 « | 80; Cotton 10; Fygs 12 a 15; Floar 2.754 | 300; Feathers 35 «40; Hides 12014; Lea- | ther, sle, 244 30; Upper 38 « 50; Mackerel Heo 4 00; Molasses 40 a 70; Meal 75 a 8( ; | Nails 5$ a 64; Oats 40 a 50; Peas 88 a 1.00; | Rugs 2; Sogur 9a 17; Salt 325 03.50; Tal- ‘low 10a t2; Tew 100 » 1.25; Wheat 00 a U0; Whiskey 50a 75. Public Arms! — i \ { J ca LL PERSONS having any arms or ac- coutrements belonging to the Stare of North Carolina, are hereby requested to bring Aerts ee Tethees ee inden M ee 4 tbat Da ele? - Yok } rs : ¥@ Cady arrived here he he w ae | them forward, and leave them at offiice of | Adj: Bessent. in Salisbury, as they are now | required fur che pablic service. JNO. A. BRADSHAW, Lieut. Col. Commanding 63d Reyiment N.C M. June 24, 1861. 214 Edveworth Femaie Seminary, GREENSBOROUGH!, N.C. TT! IS Tasticution has been in successful ope- ration for twenty-one years, and for the Jast ten years under its present Principal. The Course vf Instruction is designed to af- ford to Southern Parents an Institution in which can be secured every advantage affurd- ed by the very best Female Seminaries in the country. | ' The Facelty consists of FIVE Gentlemen and FOUR Ladies. ‘The Ensticntion os, and has been THOROUGHLY SOUTHERN in ite organization. the present excited stale of the country, tts geographical position rendere it a quiet a nd safe retreat. The next Seetion will commence It, 1R61. For Catalogaee containing full partic terme, &c.. apply to RICHARD STERLING, Prinerpat 214 Greensborough, N.C. NOW IS THE TIME ? Shrink not from an Honest Duty ' FENUE undersigned will deduct tive per cent no interest added, trom the bouk account. and give forty per cent. of the amount ty sup- ' port of the ©. 8. Soldiérs, ued he will pay, | iw fall, ov presentation, al) book = secounts Greenstorough:is eminently bealihy. and tu | \ \ Augual | good merchantabl alara of | than Twentu-fire Barre/s, ant the 1 \ } | | | | | against him, provided the holdere give 25 per | cent. to thé same cate. Show your patriotiain ! Ef not phyeiratly abletotake op arme. by thas contributing nteais in defenee of oor fiberties and homes. Walk up and Kettle. W.H. WYATT June 19, 1861 12 WO CREDIT. UR TERMS after the Ist of May will be exclusively Cash or Barter. ure compelled to adopt thik plan for our safety, Qrxt during these troablous ines as and woold ask bis friends to atd him in ifcteas- | \ WW (33 NM BRAB REE WESTERN NORTH, GAROLINA eo yee bi Posts BurerisTenpent’s Orrice, Salisbury, June 13, 1861. On and alter the 17th instant, a Train of Cars will leave Salisbury dudfy, and run according to the following schedule : TRAIN WEST. a) e) £ gj 2] 8 v| 4 ° Srations. o|— ® 1 A.M. | AM. Salisbury ne ee ce Jf oo... | 7.45 Third Creek,.......... | 13} 829} 834 Statesville, .........-. 25) 9.10] 9.20 Catawba,............. | 38 | 10,05 | 10.10 Newton, ............ 50 | 10.46 | 40.55 Hickory Tavern, ...... | 60 | 133 {11.40 Tear ee ee 70] 12.10] .... Morganton,........... Seer TRAIN EAST, a > 2{ a] 8 {| 4 e Stations. lo)|| ee | ee 2) P.M. |] P.M. Morganton,........... ores Wierde ee ee: W]o.... | 130 Hickory Tavern, ...... 25) 2.00] 2.05 Newton,.............. 38] 240] 2.45 Catawba, ............. 50) 3.20] 3.35 Statesville, .....0...... GU | 4.10] 4.20 Third Creek,.......... 70} 4.55] 6.00 Salisbury,............. sl} 645] .... Passengers will dine at Icard’s, JAMES C. TURNER, Ch. Eng. and Sup't. WL N.C. RR Salisbury, June 18, 1861 tf13 INFANTRY SERVICE. 15 Active Men Wanted to Enlist FOR THE WAR! Due undersigned having R been appointed inthe North Carolina, State ‘Lroopx, invite all ansigus to serve their coun- try, to enligg under them. Fifteen Dollars Bounty paid tovall na soon as mustered; .regulug pay from $11 to $2t. per month, conning from day of enlistment. Uniform, board aud medien} at- tendunce, free Apply tu the undersigned at Salisbury. W. C. LORI , Captain. G. C. McConnavu GueEy, | G. A. Binenam, , L:eutenants. Salisbury. Jane 6, 1861. WANTE Stateafl Mostly Oerolina, ROWAN COUNTY. _ Coord Rlore egorcay eens Oe ered the Coort tbut D. a Oe: Juhl. Shaver atid ‘A. Hdndereon & _ a Committee goyruine .« « faith and credit of the Gusne 2 f- Be ee by means of county buads gr by any other mruns in their power, a su not exceeding fifty thousand dollarg, ti fe app d wuder their dipestion to the arming, equipping and supporting vutunteers of the County of Rowan and for the comfort and support of the families of volunteers which ure left in needs thet any bond given under this authority shall be signed by the Clerk, of this court ender the seal of said court for 4 sum und on sueh terme as the suid committe may think proper, with coupons atteched, signed by the clerk, uud that said com mi{tee be authorized ‘6 sell bonds executed unde i thie ‘authority for the beet price they wil brings Itisfurtherordered and declared thatc < attuched to» the bunds, ybove authorized, be recrivabley in. wWischarge of afl county. faxes and other county dues, and that this order, sublished in beth the Salisbury Bunnef and Barefio Watchman. JAMES E. KERR, Clegg. May 16, 1861. {3 De ee eee "yy ' NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. In Equity. Spring Term, 1861. °, Arthur Neeley againat Joseph W. Half and Burton Craige, Execators of Solomon Hall, dec’d., und Bennet Austin, and wife Mar- guret. Tu thie cage. ita fing to the satisfaction of the Court, that We et Austin and his wif Murgaret, are not inbebitwnts of this Siate: It in ordered that pabbicatten be made, for nix weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said defendants to be aud appear ut the next ‘Term af the Coart.of Equity, te be hg}d for the County of Davie, at the Court Houwe in Moekaville, on the 4th: Monday ufter the Ath Monday iu August next, und plead, answey,pr deiur to complainent’s bill, of the sume’ Will be taken pro confesso, und the cause set for hearing ex parle, 4g to them, oo Winteaw.b: Rugh rz Clerks and the Coort of Equity for agid Mount the 4th monday aharire Me ruury, 1861. N aon Oa. }pr. ady. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY. Wf Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May oo Pern, 861. ()SDERED Ys the Court, that the Patrol or Guard of the ‘Town of Salisbury. hitve full power to visit any suspected pluces be}ohd the ‘imits of the town, and to srrest and*cdn- fine in town any disorderly or suspece @ pér- sons found beyand tbe limits of town fn the sume manne ve they wonld urrest wnd confine divorderly or suspected persons in town. AMES E. KERR, Clerk, Salisburv, May 1861. {5 State of North Caroliaa, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Terms, 1861. RDERED by the Court that al) petro* companies in the county have leave to ge any where they may please in the county and dixcharge the regular daticvs of patrol coinpanies, when they see fit. a8 fully out of their dittricts as they have heretofore discharged them with- in their respective districts. aster of al office, lay in Feb- : . LB May ¥6, 198. , Rowan Artillery ! yf) MORE ene 1 ge ee 20 Men wanted for this 2 Company now in service.— | Term of enlistment. one year. For further information enquire al the Store of A, Myers, | No. 4 Granite Building. By order of Capt. J. A. Ramray. June 6, 1X61. ify NOTICE. FYNDE firm of N. DEAVER & CO., in dis. | solved by limitation. ATL those having claims against the above will preseat them for payment. June 6, 1861. 9 SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Raver, May 25, 1361. <BALED PROPOSALS will be received = at this Department, for the delivery of e Bloor at any (Rail Road Depot within the State, in quautities hot less 5th July {a5y. Proposals should be endorsed ** Proposals for WV. JOM NSTO Comnissary General. ai oral May 30th, I861. Salisbury Female Seminary. VELED exercises of this institution will be couninned as heretofore, under the direc- tion of the subscriber. In conseqnehee of the disturbed siate of our public alfuirs be has | i changed hix parpuse to remove, tnd Hepes to hinself as usefol to this community | inake posible, Br- lievidg that bis lebors have been genetally satistuctory. be soliertsan extended patronage, ing the nainber of his pupile ; A.D). WILKINSON. Miy 16, 1961 t13 THE \ORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Springs, ' Syemated near the Wertera N.C. BR. R. Ut the and wehope no one Will take offence wt it. : Persovis having accounts with os will please call und close the same by cash or note MoCUBBINS & FOSTER. Salisbury, April 23, 1861. tf50 Head-Q narters 63rd Regiment N. C. Militia. rc E OFFICERS of. the Regiment, as per order of Coart Martial, May 30th, are i¢ hereby notified to appear in front of the Adju- ineure this. tant’s office in Salisbury, at 10 o'clock, A, M, on the last Friday tw Jane, armed with fire- Jock, and recoutred as eammon militiamen, for inetruetion. RP. RESSENT, Jews 3d, 1861-178 Adjutant. | amusement of Guests. | | | } County of Catawba. Fr | ot buddings since lat season, will be ofen- ed for visitors vn the 1st of June. Ample arrangements made for comfort and A five Band of Music engaged for the season. New Bowling Alley and Bathing Saloon erected. Every effort will be mude to make this a pleasant and aafe retreat for the families of those who may be at this crisis called from home—indeed ainple arrangements made to MRS. E. J. ROBARDS. Mny 13, R61. 2m2 : CORN. WANTED. —A brrafl Tot of Corn wanted. Apply at THIS OFFICE Figur’ and addressed to the Aeon Gea YHES popular Sainmer resort, with addition. | JAMES E. KERR, Clerk. May 16, 1861. tra | WE HAVE IN STORE | 39 bbls. Coffee Sugars. | 10 hhds. Molasses. | @ bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. | 800 Ibs. Sole Leather. | 80 kegs Nails. | 25 bays Rio Coffee. | 2 casks Rice. — Allof which we offer at greatlv reduced | prices. KR. & A. MURPHY. April 9. 3m47 To the Farmers of Rowan and ad- joining Counties, our igtercourse with the North is now effectually broken ‘ap and our market must be supplied from the up country, the un- _ dersizned sulivits Comeigninents of Flour, Ba- con, Lard, Hav, Butter, &c., &c., which shall Vhave his personal attention. \ JONN F. FOARD, | Newbern, Many 1, 1861 3ind52 + ee ry y ‘ FOWN ORDER. | TT is hereby ordered that the Town Patrol of Salisbury hav2 discretionary powers to i urrest nud lock ypin the Cylabvore any per- j son, white or black, who may be found in. the | sireets of Baliabury after dark who shall be | guilty of any dirorderly conduct. or be unable ito give a ratisfactory wecount of himself; and | any person ao commilted to be brought before i me for further proceedings on the following | morning. JOHN ¥. SHAVER, May 3, 1H61.-1f51) Intendant. ys | 1. W. JONES. M. D., | Il AS permanently loeated in the towf of Sali burv, und offers his services tu the = | public in the vuriuus departments of bis profes- ; Story. i’ Office on Main Street, first deor abote Bais’ Confectionery. Jun. 15. 1M6d. 6m35 Attention! Military Companies. | ee subscriber is prepared to furnishh io Compames the Military Fatigne Cap of Home Menufactore and material, well made, and of latest inilitury style at low price. Ad dress, JAS. H. ENNISS. May 17, 1861 Salisbury, N.C THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED 7 W E are now selling our stock owt at re daced prices for CASH. No goods sold on eredit. Atl persons indebted to us are request: ed to call and pay op. R. & A. MURPHY. tn4an April 22, 1861. WYATT'S Tonic Cordial. Tho best Medicine in the world for CHOLIC. It is Unequalled for DYSENTERY. It has cured Thonsands of DIARRHOEA, The best physicians recommend it for FLUX. Ite use on the first syinptoma, and before a physician can be obtained wel] prevent CHOLERA. It will save many lives, much time, sickness, suffering aud money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. dt only Costs Bs / 2b \ e \ CENTs, i a Prepared by W. U. Wrarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Main at., Salisbury, N.C. April 9. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. FE are now receiving a lot of new and desiruble Goods fur the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. OUR STOCK Wall not be as large a8 on former seasons, but wit have a good assortment. We shall have a very handsome and select assortinent of all Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements this season rarely o@eredin this murket and Especially to Cash Buyers. We are deserious of closing out our stock thie Spring and Summer and fur that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call und examine our Goods before purchas- ing. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2m47 Spring Stock for 1861. R. & A. MURPHY, RE now receiving their usual Stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, em- bracing FANCY AND STAPLE. DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Nails, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, all of which are offered for sale at greatly reduced prices for cash. Give usa call, and see what we have in @ere for you. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, 1561. 3m47 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. HE above Guano is suid to be # better fertilizer forthe culture of Tobacco, Cotton, Graiur, Rvots, Grapes, &c., than any other umporied. A trial is all that is necessary to prove its superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. March 25, tf45 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R. & A. Murphy's Store, SALISBURY, N.C., EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort- ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. ’ Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- scription repairedin the beet nanner aud on the most reasonable terma. February 14, 1860 MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M.D. AVING studied in prominent Medical ly3 Colleges and Hospitals, North and South, | and haviny been practising in the various de- partments of his profession for nine years with good success, he continues lo offer his services to the public where he is permanently located. and by strict attention to his profession will endeavor to merit a liberal patronage as heretofore, and holds himself in readiness at all bours, day and night, for professional calls. 1? Office at Roseman’s Store April 23, 1861. 3mpd49 LL PERSONS who are indebted to me are respectfally requested to call and make immediate payment, us T am compell- ed to have money; and as this ix the first time that Ihave ealled on my friends, T hope they will come up promptly. R.P. BRESSENT Mev. 29th, 1859 £27 Spring Btopk: for 1861. HORAH & RAMSEY AKE pleasure In inftrming their friends and the public in general that they are nuw in receipt of the lurgest, most varied end cheapest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that they ever had the pleasure to offer. ‘There Goods have all been bought for cash at greatly reduced prices, and will be offered for cash only at unprecedented low prices. Call and see them, heur prices und judge for yourselves. Tu view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairs in these revolutionary times, we have udupted the cash system, helieving it to be the best for oarselvyes and our friends. Those having open accounts with us, will please call without delay, and close them either by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSEY. Saliebury, April 23d 1861. tf50 New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & Co., their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COP- PER-WARE, STOVES, ¢c., now offer the largest and handsumest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered in this market, and will sell for cash ae low 48 canbe had in West ern North Carolina. Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kept ou hend. All kincs Tin, Sheet-Iron or Cupper work dune at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. Salisbury, Jan. 22, 186). 1y36 V 250° . Fie on Sm e oREoL I Cc Me oa 2 fe.sy rea 2 7ESS 5 is “= hd Bien = = 39 2) aoe 58 e* 6) mB ete ee 2>-85 24 ce pron == oD a a — Gao] (| a Se ee Pe S| ee ees sc = => » = F A | S - “i —| soy —— B i:6o= oO = Se oe FES ws WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigars. and Tobacco. Solicit cousiguinents of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, ‘Tobaceo, and Country Produce generally. Agents for Howe’s cele- brated Scales. D. G. WORTH. Late of Asheboro’, NEG: Sept. 18, 1860. N.G. DANIEL, For past 7 years with T.C. & B. G. Worth. 1y18 's Li Stabl Brown's Livery Stable. Is keptup as heretofore It is gratifying to him that this AEBS cities begun, at first, as a doubtfulexperiment, has proved to the public a great desideratum and 4 com- plete success. Travelers, and others can al- wuys have their wants, in ths line, well sup- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. And the subscriber iy always ready to sell or buy good Horses. BROWN. th47 THOMAS E | Jan. Int, 1561. - HARDWAR:!! T HE Subscribers ure receiving and open- ing at the old stand of G. M. & A.T. Jones, the largest Ntock of Hardware ever offeredin this Market, which having been bought directly of the Manufacturers or their | agents, exclusively tor cash. ‘They are pre- pared to offer inducements to Wholesale or Re- tail buyers. A call is respectfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN, Salisbery, Mur 13. 1860. 143 - DENTAL NOTICE. 45 Sis RR DR. BESSENT. [| REMOVED ro rie DENTAL ROOMS ou the corner tormerly occu pied by Dr. Baron, where he is prepar ledto attend all operations connected witb his profession oun. 1. T. BEMISTER, | House Painter, Grainer, | PAPER HANGER, &c.. | Main St., opposite Murphy's Granite Row, | SALISBURY, N. C. | AN work personally attended to and warrant- | edto be done in a workmanlike manner Jan. 22, 1861 6m36 | Fine Shirts and Collars, If you wish to purchase fine Shirts and Col- lare call at the Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL. No. 2, Granire Row THB. (32 Sept. 25-1119) MARRIAGE LICENSES | FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICK.| GREAT EXCLPEMENT AT THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM DAVID WEIL. | AVING RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE and CUMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Such as Boots, Shves, Huts, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts. Cravats, Neck-ties, Nuandker- chiefs; anda fine useortment of Shirts and Collars, &e., &c., to which he iuvites yoor immediate attention. They have been pur- chased tur cash, and willbe sold cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW Is YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ar 1 am determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Sulisbury. Retarning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for # con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, NO. 2, MURPH Y’s GRANITE ROW, Sulisbury, N.C. March 25, 1861. (f44 Salisbury Female Seminary, CWFNUE SIXTH TERM of thie School will beyin the 11th February and close the Ist ‘The school has beep increasing iu num- bers every ‘erm. We have now a godly number, but could take a fewmore. If the number coutinues to increase, Salisbury will have what it has never hed, a permanent schovl. July. TERMS: Board, with washing, fuel and lights, $50 per ‘Term Tuition, in English, from $8 to 17.00 ct “© Latin, 5.00 Music on Piano. from 15 to 20.0 Use of Instrument, 2.50 Incivental expenses, 1.00 Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular address A. D. W'LKINSON, Jan. 22, 1861—tf36 Principal. To Farmers and Mechanics. McCUBBINS & FOSTER I AVE just received a very large lot of FARMING JRON, cansinting of Shove: Moles, Bar Iron, Wagon tire 1}, I$ and 2 inch ; Buggy tire 1h and 14 inch; Oval Iron 3, §, and } inch; Square Iron 1 and 34 inch; Buggy Springs and Axles; Patent and En- ameled Leather; Bands, Bolts, &c., together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARF, GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. They keep constantly on hand a supply of FLOUR, BACON, PORK, FI+H, COFFRE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, LARD, BUYTER, &c., to which thy invite the attention of the public. Jenkins Corner, Salisbury, N.C. Feb. 12th, 1861. tf39 WATCH MAK ? AND JEWELF Ss . Warcanted (4h @vathe January 29, 1662. {37 CASH SYSTEM!!! — ae undersigned give notice that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN. They feel that no apolo- gy for this course ix at all necessary, the pe- culiar wtate of our public affairs rendering it imperative. They will be pleased to se'l to their friends end customers at the most favor- able prices possible ; but from and after this day will trade only on the cash or barter plan. FURTHER NOTICE. Those indebted to us by account, are re- quested to come forward and close the same by cash or note. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill, May t0th, 1861. tfl is JO H.C. JONES & SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, \ TILL practice in the Courts of Rowan County and in the Supreme Court. H. C. Jones, jr., will also practice in the Courts of Jredell and Cabarrus Counties. All claims eutruxt d to them for collection will meet prompt attention. Lr Office No. 3, Brick Row, near the Court- house. H.C. Jones, sr, H.C. Jones, jr Hen Oelob te t(35 WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N, C. Vy the Practioé and make prompt collec- tions in Rowan, Staaly, Iredell and Ca- tawba Counties. Office in the gormer of Cowan's Building opposite the Flook Store Feb. 14, 186(h Dr. Wm. H. Howerton, AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED t inthe town of Salisbury, offers his proferslénal services to the citimens of the towoa and sarrounding ocoudtry. He at all mesti (unless professionally en- gaged) may be foundat the ‘‘Borpkn tt-45 tf3R Hocar.” March 25, 1861. gPBOTAL, NOTICE. BLUE STONE, 3000 Io A DEWBON & ENN IES. 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. : d clean for sale by Nice and cia NDERSUN & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. From 210 to 240 deg, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For saleby HENDERSON & ENNISS. 1000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. 40. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Aue and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barre} for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. Given up hy Judges to be the best ever brought to this market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SPICES! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger. Mace, Cinnamon. and Nutmegs, for sale by fLENDERSON & ENNISS. VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 18, 1860 tfl& North Carolina Foundry — AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCESSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, ILL continue to manufacture und keep on hand all Agricultural Implements A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cuitters, Seed-Sowers, Cider & Sugar Mills. \ made heretofore. Plows, Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators, They also manufacture Shafling and Machinery for Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Pres- ses and Fixtures, &c., &e., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every description made to order, and warrant- edinevery respect. Repairs of every denerip- tion of Machinery done at short notice. We are Apents for Burnett’s Wheat Fane. Salisbury, N.C., Jan. 2, 161. ly34 Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greensboro’ ; Democrat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, Asheville : Carolininn (tri weekly) Columbia ; | Obeerver, Fayetteville; and Iredell Express | will publixh 3 months and forward accounts. — | Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Lossen Promptly ! : \ DIRECTORS: | John A. Mebane, W. J. MecConnel, C. P.! Mendenhall, D. P. Weir, James M. Garrett, John L. Cole, NH. D. Wilson, Wm. Barrin. | ger, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, ae H. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton | Alexander Miller, Newbern; Thadeos Mc. | Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson,” Yuncey- | ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey, Wadeshorough ; Rev. | R.C. Maynard, PrankJinton ; Dr. FE. F. Wat- | son, Watsonville. OFVICERE N.H.D. WILSON, - - President. JED. 1 LINDSAY, - +» Vire-President. C.P.MENDENHALL, - Attorney PETER ADAMWS, - - WM. H. CUMMING, « W.J. McCONNELL, - ’ J.A.MEBANE. - - . J.M.GARRETT, - Allcommunications on business conneeted | withthi- Office, should be addressed to \ PETER ADAMS, Seeretary Greensboro’, N. C.. June 19, 1860. tf4 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N.C. ! ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN tothe purchase of al) kinds of PRODUCE. soldin thie market or shipped to other Porte. February 14, 1860 (38 Sec. and Vreas. General Agent. Execntive Cam iT And to all consigninents to be | To the Public: HE patriotic Citizens of R are celled upon to contriby the deience of the soilof North Caroling 2 contest has commenced, i been rent to Forts Caswell and Macon, Troops from Rowan have gone ang going, aud depend upon their fellew-¢ home to sortain them. There iv a Store-Room opened | bury for the reception of anything 4 he contribuied, No freight tor trang on any of the railroads will be cha Mesars. McCUBBIN & FOSTER ceive the freight aud anything else be contributed. Bacon, Meal, Flour, Corn, Peas, Bean , in any quantities will be taken, and it folly received. A list of every ina, who contributes will be preserved. BR. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63d Regimen; and (oops han are a (Zeng u " Saly Mt may “Ortation Toed, aad Will tp. at may <., , auk 5 Nam March 2ath, 1861, NEW Spring and Namme GOODS! FRNHE subscriber has the pleasure to a, ounnce to his frierds and the puble gener. ally. that he im receiving his usual stock o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compra ing # rich nssortment of all the LATEST STYLES LADIES DRESS GCC consisting in part of Silks, Bereges, Gren dines, Bernge-Anglaise. Moz anbiqors. Orca dies, Challies and a lorge Stock of EMBROL, ERIES, to all of which he erks a spe, examnination. Aro, a full assortment of Bleached [io meetic, Linens, House keeping Geeds, & A. MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building, Mach 25 —45if Salicbury, N ( ~ Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Timber Suved |’ 1 have the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Feree. Made without peosis, in the Counties of Aa mance, Randolph, Roekinghim, Davideor Rowan. Cabarrus aud Mecklerburg. Chea ness. durvbilty, and convenience are its she advantnges. We recommend the Fence « saw-mill owners, farmers, and all who have fenees to make. We will sell Farm or Coun) rights. A circular stating corts. plan uf bic ing, &c., sent free to uny address on uppice tion to JNO. J. WHITE, Mebanesville, Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44}]_ Alamance. N.C a*e Charlotte Democrat please copy thre months and fiurward bill to tubecrber. CASH SISTEM ADCETED! Great Reduction in Prices! Selling Of for Cash only. Come and See! oe & YOUNG, will sell tre a entire stock of New Spring and Sui mer Goods at greatly reduced prices for rst only. We have been compelled by our lors credit enstomers to adept the ibove plan Bb) the reduction in prices it will be greatly © the interest of ali why have money to spev for Goods to trade wath us. Ceme ond ree NOTICE —We now make our fast on ail persons having open accounts with nm to come forward und settle either by cash © note. We have waited too long alreacy ci! great many peraons. and are now determine to cloke up our accounts. . McNEELY & YOUNG 1149 COWAN’S | Vegetable Lithontriptc OR FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMIL). SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. e £61. hi ee April 23, 3 | Stone in the Bladder and hidne' Weakness of the Loins, Xe. FYNUIS invaluable Medic ne is for rele an at Mockevible, Salisbury Statesville C7 cord and Fayetteville, and at Col. Auxit! and no where else. "The subscriber having entered inte cope” nership with John F. Cowsn, Origine) pater” forthe manufacture and sale of rhe above Mei icine, in prepared to furnish a supply bes drexsing him at Salisbury. N.C. 07 cule? his residence, 10) miles west of thie play E. pb. AUsTI* June 21, T&55. fs 1 DRAYING. o as “PRUE andersigned gives notice cae keeps a TEAM AND WAGONS the purpore of Draying and will serve ue may favor him with culls inghis line °° commodating terme. eG RORGE MOWER) Mareh 20th, 1860 iad Fine Suits. If you wish tobuy Fine SUITS &! cl ING for as little money ak possibli ,eah Great Clothing Emporinm of i lie DAVID WEE u oT he 17? Remempen tie Stann—No ». + Granite Row, Salisbury, N. € Sept. 25 Notice to Sheriffs. AX RECEIPTS, neatly prinird e "e and putin books if desired, at shor! and on moderate terms, for cash your orders. va <4) i tebes med weg) eee bee eee gene cotter s VOL. XIX. | pany G of wy Regineur was alsa” thrown jover (ie stream to yrateet the Howitaer | under Capt. Brown, Capt. Bridgers of | company A, Tat NOC. Regintert; took post in the dense wood hevond and tu the feft of the bridge. May. Montague, with three J.J. BRUNER EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Sinude copy, $2 bo Five ae $8.00 CuID panies Of Lin Getinilion, was ordered up Ten copies, $15.00 from the reay nnd took post on ear right, ps exceeding tens in the same pro- Sho0 each. Payment always in VANCE BITTLE OF BEY@EL CHURCH, OFFICIAL ‘REPORT, lus. J. W. Etuis, Governer af North Carolina, . surcz--f have the honor to-repert iat obedience to orders front the Colonel vontmmanding, Lb marched on the 61h) inet. with my Regiment and four ieees of Maj. iandelples battery from Yorktown on tlamptou Road, to Bethel Church, 9 iniles fom Hianpton, We reached there, after dark, on a wet niglit and slept without teats. Early on he murning of the Tun, Liuade a recouner- race of the ground preparatory to forti- | touud a beanch of Black Rover ‘nour front aud encrredi: our right dank, On our lett, was a dense and cuimost: ine passaole wood, erdce pl about 150 vards of eld field. The breadth otf the road. a totek wood, and a tarrow cultivated field cover: ed our rear. The nature of the ground srterintued me to make an enclosed work, vid Lo lad the iuvaluable aid of Lieut. bo. Lee, of my regiment, in its plnu and Qur position had the inhe- revit defect of being communded by an cnmense field unmediately in front of it, pou wich the wasses of ie enemy might be readily deployed. Dresuming an at- tenipt would be inade to carry the bridge actuss Che stream, a battery was made for ts especial protection, and Maj. Randolph paced lis guns so as tu swecp all the ap- proaches to it The vccupauon of two coumanding eminences beyoud the creek ail on our right, would bave greatly “rengthened our position, but our force Wax too weak to admit of the occupation a fying. sUstLUCctlgn, nore than oueot them, A battery was lad gut on it fur one otf Kandolph’s Tlow- uzers. We had only 25 spades, 6 axes, and 3d picks, but these were busily pled wii day aud aight of the 7th, and all on tur Sth, Ou the atlernoon of the 6th, I veatued that a inataudiug party of the enemy Was in a few miles of us. Lealled for a party of 34 meu to drive them back. Lieut. Roberts, of i company of my regi- weil, promptly responded, and in five mivtites bis command was en roate. I detached Maj. Randuiph with one howitzer (0 Jom him, aud Lieut. Cok Lee, Ist Reyi- ment N. C, Volunteers, requested and was granted permission to take command of the whole. After a march of five miles, they came across the marauders busy over the spoils of a plundred house. A shell soon pat the plunderers to flight sud they were chased over New Market Bridge, Shere our little force was halted in cunse- GQuetce of the presence of a cousiderable body Stationed on the gther side. Lieut. Vol. Lee brought in one prisouer. Llow tany of the enetny were Killed and woeund- “tisnot kuowa. None of our command War hurt. Soon after Licuc. Col. Lee left, Mizeu caine dashing in with the iter: Maton that 7 aorauders were on the Mek River read, J called tor Cupt. Me Dowell’s Company EK. of the Ist Regiment N.C, Voluntevrs, and in three ninutles, it was tn hot pirsait. Howitzer Battallion with oue piece was detached to join them, and Maj. Lane of | Ny regiment, volunteered to assume com- | land of the whole. After a weary march, they eucvuutered, dispersed and claeed Ue Wretches Over New Market bride — Us Meine the secund race on the same dar Yer the New Market course, in beth of “heh the Yankees reached the goal first. vor Lane brought IW one prisover, Re- thle cluzens reported that two cart: loads HA Otte bugyy loud of wounded Were. Tourht fate Hampton, We had not a 'vle wan killed or wounded, wt Mies | nluder caine up thatevening and weaned COltuand, —u Sauday the 9th, a fresh supply of, “os enabled us to put more men to work | “when nut engayed in religious duties, ' ‘he men worked vigorously on thoentrenelh- "nt, We were aroused at 3 o'clock on M mday morning, for a general advance | ‘but the enemy, and marched 34 miles, | “ten we learned that the foe in large force “4 within » few hundred yarda of Os. | . Licut, West of the’ jaltin high ylee and seemed to enjoy ‘inuch ax boys do cabbit shooting Capt.. bewinning at the Chtrel and extending along the entire front vn that side. This fine body of apen, and. the geullant com- tnaud of Liewt. Cal. Stewart, worked with great rapidity, and fy an town had con: stracted tenporary shelter against the enema) s fire, Just at 9 welyck, A, M, the Leavy column of the “eheIhy Werg seen approsehing repidie wed in good order, but when Raudolpl opened upon them at 94 their orgauization was completely broken Up. The enemy promptly replied with his Artillery, firiug Lriskly aud wildly, and unde avy Attempt xt deployment on our | right of the road, utder cover of some houses and a paling. They .were, how- ever, promptly driven back by our Artillery, a Viewiuin company (the Lite Guard) and companies B,C and G of iny Regiment ska es 58 BEE. Gan SSS See SALISBURY, N. C., JUNE _him, the enemy ealled in his troops a FOE 8 AON Ay 00 tlt nmr * £ s§ wo ia a od ae a see — = nd started back for Hampton. As he had feft sharp shooters behind him in the woods on or left, the dragoons could not advance until Capt. Hoke, Company K, Ist Reagi- ment of N. C. Volunteers, had thoroughly When he gave the asaur- ance of the wood being clear, Capt. Dou- thatt, with some 100 Dragoons jursued., The enemy in bis baste, threw away hund- reds uf canteens, haversacks, overcoats, &c., even the dead were thrown out of the wagons, The pursuit soon became a chase | explored them. Whd for the third time the enemy wou the | tace over the N. Market egurse. The bridye was torn up behind hin tad our draguuns f returned to camp. | There were not quite 800 of my regi: | ment engaged in the fight and not one | half of these drew a trigger during the | fight. All remained maufully at the post assigned and not a man in the regiment behaved badly. The companies not en | gaged were as much exposed and render- | ed equal service with those participating ' inthe fight. They deserve equally the | thanks of the country. In fact it is the | The enemy made no deployment within | Mest trying ordeal to which soldiers cap , musketry ranye during the day except wader cover of woods, fences or paling. Under cover of the tees, le moved «| gle company left his post our works would strony evlamu to an old furd some $ of a| have been exposed. be subjected to receive a fire which their | orders forbid them to return. Pad a sin- And the constancy mite below where Thad placed « picket of and discipline of the unengaged companies Some 40 men. Waorth'scompany of Montague’s command, | with one howtizer under Sergeant Crane, | N.C. Military Institute defended the How: i itzer under Lt. Hnud-on, and acted with to drive back this colton, which was done by asinete abot from the Howitzer. Before this, a priming wire had been broken in the vent of the howitzer commanded by Capt. Brown and rendered it useless. A force estimated at 1500 was now atten yA- ing to outflauk os and get in the rear of Lieut. Co! Stewart's small command. IIe was accordingly directed ty fall back and the whole uf our advaneed troups were withdrawn. At this critical moment, | directed Lieut. Col. Lee to call Capt. Bridgers out of the swamp and order him to occupy the nearest advanced works, and I ordered Capt. Ross, Company C, Ist Regiment N. ©. Volunteers, to the support of Lieut. Col. Stewart. These two Captains with their companies, crossed over to Randolph's battery under a most heavy tire, in the most gallant) manner. As Lieut. Col. Stewart had withdrawn, Capt. Ross was detained at the Church near Randolph's Battery. Capt. Bridgers, however, crossed over and drove the Zou- aves out of the advanced Howitzer Battery and re-occupted it. It is impossible to overestimate this service. It decided the uctiou in our tavor. In obedience to orders trom Col. Magruder, Lieut. Col. Stewart rushed back, and spite of the preseuce of a foe ten times lis superior in numbers, resumed in the imost heroic manner pos- session of his entrenchments. A fresh howitzer was carried across and placed in the Battery, and Capt. Avery, of Company G, was directed to defend it at all hazards. We were nuw as secure as at the begin- ning of the Gyht, and as yet had no man killed. vnour right flank wext made his final demonstration on our left. A stroug col- uinu supposed to courintof Vuluuteers trom different regiments avd under comutand of ‘Capt. Winthrop, Aid-de-camp to Gen. Batler, crossed over the creek and appeared at the angle on our lett, “Those in advance had puton our distinctive badge of a white band around the cap, und they cried out | repeatedly “don’t tire.” This rose was pruetived to enable the whole column to get over the creek and forta in yood order. ‘They now began to cheer most lustly think- The enemy finding bimself foiled | Col Magruder sent: Capt. Feannot be too highly commended. | coolness, jud_ement and efficiency. A detachment of fifteen cadets from the great coolness and determination. I cannot speak in too high terms of m two field officers Lieut. Col, Lee, and Maj. Lane. Their services have been of the. highest importance since taking the field | to the present moment. My thanks are | due in an especial manner to Lieut. J. M. Poteat, Adjutant, and Lieut. J. W. Ratch- | ford, aid, both of them Cadets of the N. C. Military Institute at Charlotte. The | latter received 4 contusion in the forehead | from a grape-shot, which nearly cost him his life. | Capt. Bridgers, company A; Lieut | Owens, commanding company B; wart. | Ross, company C; Capt. Ashe, company I); Capt. McDowell, company E; Capt. , Starr, company F; Capt. Avery, company | Gy Capt. Huske, company H; Lieut. Whitaker, commanding company [; and Capt. Hoke, company, K; displayed great \ Lieut. Gregory is highly spoken of by Maj Lane | for soldiery bearing on the 8th. Lteuts. Cook and McKethan company H, crossed over under a heavy fire to the assistance | of the troops attached on the left, so also | did Lieut. Coben, company C. Lieut. | Hoke has shown great zeal, energy and judgment as an engineer officer on various occasions. Corporal Geo. G. Williams, Company A; Henry L. Wyatt, Thomas Fallan, Jno. Thorpe, private company A; volunteered to burn the house which concealed the en- emy. They behaved with great yallantry, Wyate was killed and the other three were recalled. Sergeant Thomas J. Stewart, company A, and private Wm. McDonell, company A; reconnoitered the position of the ene- | my and went far io advance of our troops, Private J. W. Potts, of company By is es- pecially mentioned by his company com- mander. So are C. L. Wyatt, company C; W. H. McDade, company Dy Ser: | geant J. M. Young, Corporal John Ding: ler, privates G. Ll. A. Adams, R. V. ue er, G. W. Jenkins, company E; R. W Steadman, M. E. Dye, H.E. Benton, J. B. Smith, company F; G. W. Bulman, Jas. ing that our work was open at the gorge | C. McRea, company H. and that they could get in by a sudden tush. Companies Bo and C, however, erate nnd well directed tire, Col. Magra- der rent over portions of G, © and N eom- panies of my reyiment to our support. “soun dispelled the Huxion by a coul, delity | Private Henry L. Wyatt company A ; | CASUALTIES. mortally wounded ; Lieut. J. W. Rateh- . turd, contusion ; privates Council Rodyers, j and Obas. Williams company H 3; wound. | }ed severely; & Patterson, Aud now began as cool tiring on our side | we wus ever wildessed. The three field officers of the regiment were present, and but few shots were fired without their per- itesion, the men repeatedly saying “may I tre, F think Lcan bring low.” They Winthrop, while most gallantly urging of lis men was shot through the heart, when all rushed back with the utmost precipita- tiow. So far us ny observation extended, he wus the only one of the enemy who exlsibited even xn approxinintion to COUT | gee gs follows : age during the whole day. The fight at | the angle ineted bot twenty minates; it completely discouraged the enemy and he We fell badk huatily upon ovr efttrench.| made ov further effort at nesault, Ments and. awaited the arrival of our in- Vaders, Lieut. Col, Stuwart.of the 3d Va. Kegiment, having joined us with some 180 Nev, was stagked on the bill oa (he ex- Creme right beyond the creek, and cow- ‘Dhe house jp front, which had served as» hiding piace for the enemy, wax now fieed by. shell from a Howitzer, and the out houses and palings were soon sa m blaze. As all shelter was now taken from | | | were admiration of the Howitzer Battalion and ws te company D : | slightly wounded ; Wilham White, com. | ay K; wouuded ; Peter Poteet, compa- ny G, shgbtly woandud. 1 cannot close this tho elaborate report without speaking in the lihest terns of Most accomplisbed cominander, Ma). Randolph. He has no superior as an ar- tillerist in any country, and his mew dis: | played the utmost skill and cvolness.— The left Howitzer under Lieut. Hudnai | being nearest my works came under my | special notice. The names of those at it Lievt. Hudnall, commanding, wounded; Sergeant 8. P. Hughes, 5. H. Pendleton, R. B. Pleaseutea, W. M. Caldwell, George | W. Hobsos, W. M. Carthy, H. 0. oe wounded ; L. W. Tisnberlake, George P. Hughes, dobn Werth. LD. B. Clark. Perthit me in conclusion to pay a well! deserved @om pliment to the first fecacent N.C. Volunteers. Tbeir patience under | nS te é a | Bethel. | affectionately with the spades, calling théin ; Men in the action. j regiments of Col. Duryea (Zouaves) Col. | Carr, Col. Allen, Col. Bennedick an ‘with Joss, that they retreated in disorder i of tifty years, able to Lear arms in defence | of ther country, PAO te, 5 27, ASGL. aainaee ete ete GT trial, perseverance under toil and courage | under fire have seldom been surpassed by veteran troops. Aster working aightand day. sometimes without tents and cooking utensils, a murmur has never escaped them to my knowledve, They bave done a large portion of the work on the intrench- ment at Yorktown, as well us those at Had all the Regiments jn the | field worked with the same spirit, there would not bg an assailable point in Vir- ginia, After the battle they shook bands clever fellows and wood friends. ‘The men are influenced by high moral and retigious sentiments > and their conduet Has farnish- ed another example of the great truth that he who fears Gud will ever do his duty to | his country. | The Confederates hud in all about 1200 The enemy had the Col. Waldrop (Massachusetts) from Old Point Comfort, and five companies of Phelps, Regiment from Newport News. We had never more than 300 actively engaged at any time, The Confederate loss wae 21 wounded, of these t mortally. The ene my must lave lost some 3800. I could not without great disparagement of their cour: aye place their loss at a lower figure. It is inconceivable that 5000 men should make so precipitate a retreat without hav- ing sustained at deast this much of a re- Verse, Let us devoutly thank the living God for His wonderful interposition in our fa- vor and evince our gratitude by the ex- emplariness of our lives, D. H. HILL, Col. Ist Reg. N. C. V's. BATTLE AT BETHEL CHURCH. At length # large force of Lincoln has left its strong held and bas been met by, North Carolina aud Virginia volunteers, who beat thea badly. The report of Col. Hill to Gov. Ellis, shows that they outnum- bered us about four to one, that three dis- tinct well sustained charges were made by them, that cach time they were repulsed pursucd by Cavalry for six miles, that their loss was from 150 to 250, and that only one man was killed and seven wounded of our troops. The result, as to the vic- tory, Is Just as we expected, Our troops fight for everything they hold dear: and hence will tight with a coolness, precision | and determination of the best veterans, and | now and then ip the beadlong charge will | surpass them, But the result as to casual- ies on our side agreeably surprises us,— | Forty-five hundred finely armed and with | good batterries against eleven hundred and sixty charging them repeatedly with energy for hours and killing but one and wounding ; seven, is truly wonderful and excites our | gratitude to God. Never, in the histo: of battles, have we read of such a result before. We xre more deeply impressed | with the belief that God was and is with , ‘our troops. They were at * Bethel” in- | ps - ‘ deed—" God with us.” In every engaze- ment, from the bombardment of Sumter to the battle of Bethel, the lives of the | Confederate forces have beeu most wouder- fully preserved by Providence, gagemeuts lave taken place in all, but a very few killed and wounded on our | mt \ Nine cue | ! and | iside, and bundreds killed and wounded of ! the euemy. ‘Truly, * The Lord of Losts is | with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” | Washington Dusen A VOLUNTARY DRAFT, It has been suggested by a couple of our | toust influential citizens that in order to | avoid the unpleasantness of a regular pu- thorised draft, our country being engaged | iu war, (and many are deterred in conse- ; quence of family Ues aud comjdicated bust fess engagements, from coming forsvard nx Volunteers,) a Voluntary Draft be made in Charlotte Beat from all men under the age It has also been suggested that a meet. | mg of the men composing Charlotte Bent be held ou Thursday afternoon next, at 4 | o'clock, at the Court House, to make suit. | able arrangements to exrry out the propo- | silion. We approve the suggestion, for ther | there will be furnished an honorable excuse | fur those who are liable to do duty but are inactive, whilst men who are exempt by age will waive their exemption, if physical- ly able, thus removing an excuse used by many. If thie plan be adopted the public will be prepared to put a suitable brand u those who will not take up aris in defenee of their country Those who ate willing to defend their country will not disapprove of this propo- sition.— Bulletin. | 17th inet. | of ee NUMBER 15. Sto peor eae >. ae = or Tuk Urrowns. —The two loyal women who, at the peril of their lives from hired enemies and home trait- ors, escaped from the Black Repub- licane at Grafton, to cry to our troops at Phillippi: “To your arms, O! Isracl! the enemy are apon yon!” are now at the Virginia Iotel, in Staunton, refsgees frow their homes. Had the commanders at Phillippi been made of auch stuff as these fair ones are, the surprise and stampede whieh took place, and whieh nothing bot fighting to the death on the part of the retreating troops can atone for, never would have happened. Stainton ( Va.) Vindicator. The Richmond Dispatch, of the , announees the arrival ot these heroi¢ ladies im that oity. They had an ipterview with Gov. Letcher, who reqnested them to make the Ex- ecutive mansion their home during their stay jo the city. A latter iced te this city also alludes tu these heroines, and we have been kindly permitted to pnb- lish the subjoined extract on the sub- ject. The spirit of °76 ie still alive, and the mothers and daughters of the South are as true, as patriotic, aud as brave to-day as their ances tors were in the ‘times which tried men’s souls.” Who can donbt the result of this coutest, when the women are emula- ting the men in the deeds of daring and in devotion to their Southern homes? Al! honor to the danghters of Virginia—the heroines of Phillip- pi. Bat to the extract : Staunvon, Va., June 14. “There are many beantifal young ladies here, who add much to our ieeere omen k them aretwo young eroines, who arrived cay before yes- terday. They resided in the North- western part of the State. Nearly all the inhabitauts were our enemies, and when the hirelings of Lincoln invaded the State, pot a man who saw them moved to arrest their pro- gress. These two yonng ladies, knowing that our soldiers at Phillip. pi were in danger, mounted their Lorses and alone in aheavy rain, rode forty-two miles to warn our soldiers of their approach. They then rode to this place, (Staunton,) riding on horseback a distance of one hundred and fifty-two miles, and then gave their horses to two soldiers who were oing to fight the enemy. The Black Bapnllisebe bave offered a reward thousand dollars for these two rebel ladies. A party was given them last night, and the officers of our reyimeut invited; we went and had « delightful tine. ‘The young ladies were there, and the officers of our regiment promised that they wonld detend the two young hero- ines, aud elect them dangbters of the regiment, J was surprised to find them well educated ladies—and not, us We supposed, plain country girls.” The names of these ladies are :— Mies Mollie McLeod and Miss Abbie Kerr. Daxina Exprorr. — Two Lincoln prisoners were brought to Manassas Junction, Friday morning, who were captured in the following daring manner; A volunteer from Hanov- er county was out on picket duty, when the two Lincolnites came and: denly npon him, and leveling’ their xuns at him, ordered him to surren- der. Our picket, however, instead of surrendering, immedfately drew his revolver, and siming it at the enemy, ordered them to surrender, or their lives would bé the forfeit.— The cowardly Liucolnites, thus bold: ly confronted, at gnee dropped their urms, and to save their bacon, allow- ed themselves to be quietly taken to the Junction as prisoners of war.— We are nvable to learn the name of the hero of this bold exploit. Lynchburg Republican. The Yankee druoggiete refuse tv send any more quinine to the South. Since the baftie of Bethel, they tind is will all be needed. in the Fedeial Army to atop the which fe sha- king the eourage of their suldiery. id Se From the Richmond Dispateh. LOOKING THE THING IN THRACE. The New York World has ¢he poor t look the facts of the war which the North i waging, fullin the face It says,— Congress, which opens three weeks from to-day, will be called upon to provide the means for crushing « rebellion which, if not crushed, would overwhelin the Republic iu ruin. They must first authorize the raising of the requisite unilitazy force. Pyblc pepeesity—sthe very pre- edn in fuctd, ofthe Gove mae nt—required the Executive to anticipate the action of the legislative depurtment in some measure. Mil- itary levies must bo suthorized far beyond any requisition that hap yet been nade. ‘The Pre- sident should be clothed with power to sam- mon to the field half a million of men, if neces sary. ‘he navy, too. must be largely increas ed. Provision myst be made for a large floet of sloops-of-war, steam-cutters and gun-boats, adapted for operations in rivers as well ein hod wateron the coasts. The most Jbfficult matter of the session will be to setile the moce of raising the vast sums necessary for the cum- plete overthrow of the rebellion. At the low- eat estimute one hundred and Gifty mil!iona will be needed fpr this purpose. The money must be had; how is it to be obtained. ‘The present tariff will do very little towards it—probably, at best, will not yield thirty-five million ; and no Lariff that can be devised ou the strictest reve- nue principle, with the most to be obtained from tea, coffee, and all) articles now on the tree list, would yield more than fifty millions in the present state of trade—not enough to cover the ordigary expenses of Government, ‘ar less to meet mataning liabilities. The Gov- ernment, then, must either ase ite credit orre- surt to direet tarution. Direet taxation for Federal purpogea would be a new thing to our péople. and its mevelty would make it all the more unpopular. Néitheris the country inthe prorperous conditicel that Euglaad was; direet- ly the revoroe. The Federul Government can- aot hope to supply ils immediate necessities from any such suucce. Its only fevort is to make the best of ite credit. And, as treasury notes cannot be issued beyond certuia limits without very injurious depreciation, au im- mense public loan would seem tu be an abso- lute necessity. Congress may as well muke ap its mind ut onee fora funded debt such as the seuntry never yet saw. But this ought not hav are peak vee me un the Unhed Sistes AREA OF TBE GHUTHERN CONFRD- er @& the governmest in ay ner A emmnot be fore an- at ACY. ; TE@ expor@ of tobac- | 7 ies? &c, Mare * loa rece number we gave the ae Is it not reasonable to; tion and available fighting force of the Co expect that thie stoppage of exports must be- | federate States. The figures should quiet | fore long begin to tell upon the exchange mark- ‘the fears of the most Ugid. With a mil: | et, and revive siipmeuts of specie to Europe! | liom an aiquarter of fighting meh —citizen- Can we expect tu go through July and August | Mollierd’ Gia Gee, tue worl —wlo enc | without parting with sume of our gold?) And : : lwhen the drain does begin, how can it be | subdue ,us? We propose now to lay be | checked?) ‘The great staples which have here- | foreous readers the geographcal extentand ceased in like mauner. reach. We have nothing left to pay with ex- cept gold and food. Wiil our banks be able to wtand such a drain a6 we euffered in 1855, 1857, 1859, and 1860, without suspending specie | payments? It is right that those among us | who have interests ut stake should louk the | situation squarely in the face and dismiss all | delusions as lo the consequences of the ceuiest | n which we aye embarked.” These two extracts present a complete view of the predicamentip which the North tinds itself involved by Livcolo and Sew- ard. Its salvatiun depends upon crushing out the Southern rebellion; and the re- bellion is of the mammoth proportions which may require ao army of balf a mill- ion of wen, a navy of a thousand ships. To raise and support this huge land naval force, a public dubt’ must be run up such as the country never yet saw, and such as has no example, even in Europe, except the debt of Eugland. While hundreds of millions of money wil! have to be borrow- ed to maintain this war for very existence, the commercial and moneyed classes of the North are threatened with geveral bankruptcy aud overwhelming ruin. We lave let these newspapers tell their own tale. It is a true picture. Sombre, | black, frightful as itis, still it is faithful. | Without the South the North is nothing. That is the confession. Unless the South be brought back, the North is bankrupt beyond retrieve, beyond hope. That is the admitted fact. What a wonderful ef- fect has the war produced upon Northern really tu excite any very deep concern. At the time of the first call for troops, the Govern- ment owed about one hundred milfions for the expense of putting. down the rebelliou— which is a very large estimate—and fifly millions to covey all peace deficits, we shall have a na- ciondl debt of $350,000,000.” Sach is the World’s financial view of the war with respect to the cuse of the Government— | The Herald in its money article of the 10th | igst., takes up the other end of the story and | discd’ésee the financial propects of the Northern community at targe. ‘The Herald ia gloomy: «©The fate of merchants lately engaged in the Southern trade hes been sealed by the re- cent act of the so-calied Congreve at Mont- goméry, which prohibits, underbavy penalties, cemitsauces to the North in payment of debts. Froin this decision there is no appeal except to arms; and there is’every tehson to fear that whea this war is ended the people of the South will not huve the power, if they had ever so much the will, to pay their debts. On the oth- er hand, collections inthe West are blocked perceptions! Before, we were poor, werk and helplesa. Now, the “stoppage of our cotton, rice, tobacco, turpentine and vaval | stores” from going abroad will make it) necessary fur the North either to give up seventy per cent. of their foreign trade or to pay for their importations with specie. This brings on a “sudden tura in the mo- ney market,” drains their banks, knocks the bottom out of their currency system, | and depreciates their stocks and papers of | all sorts to an extent that no one ean fore- see, This is the story which must be told of the Nurth if the South be permitted to Jeave the Union—the South which was without wealth, without resources, a bur- den to the North, reproach to the Union, and blasted with the * curse” of slavery. To hold the South to her allegiance isa simple question of life and death with the North. Itis a question of self-preserva- by the currency crisis.’ Western. merchants write that they are willing to pay their debts ra Western currency, which at Chicago is uta discount of from 30 to 50 per cent. aud is stea- dily falling. This amounts to a practical stay of all collections. It seems but too evident that this suminer must witness the suspension of the bulk ef our jobbers and of those who are engaged with them in trade. How the assets of the banks will stund after these failures is a problein which «9 omer aits vouch alien tion. The political and military crisis is without precedent in our history. Neither the war of 1847 ‘nor that of 1812 bears any comparison with the civil warm which we are now ein- parked, Neither of the two were were neces- warily fatal to out internal industry and com- metee. Neither dislocated the joints of trade asthe present war isduing. Nesther of them placed) the very existence of the republic in yeopardy, he pgucipal commercial charac- etticd of the war Which has now begun ure Cotal de struction of the enormous trads between the Nortb and the South ; @ repadiatwno by the South.of a lasge sum of money, variously estimated at frotn sixty to two handred miftions of dollars, due to the North ; the compulsory | _feilare of the bulk of the great jobibing und iar ' porting bouses, to whose enterpriee aid wealth » the growth and prosperity of New York have been mainly due; the probable soapension of | the bulk of the Northern banks, in consequence of the worthlessness of their assets; a reduc- you of from fifty to seventy percent. in our foreign trade, in consequence of the stoppage of exports of colton, rice and tobacen on the one hand, and « geveral diminution of con- sumption on the other, the destraction of the credit of Slates which have nearly two hun- dred” milliodd of bonde afloat, the wirhdrawal of nearly a million of mea from productive ayri- cultural, industrial or mercantile pursuits, and their employment ia the unproductive occupa- tion of warfare, and (he creation, for the first time in history, of State and federal debts bear- ing some propartio#te the débte of the Earo- pean monarchies, These are the obvious and certain feature of the war. In addition to these, other and equally grave commercial complica- tions will acise, whould the war ut the South * * * © imperil the fature agricutture of that sec- tion, or, should Great Britain persevere iu & pol- 1cy of secret sympathy with the South, and compel the United States to declare war upon her. — ‘« This condition of things is so entirely new tat it is imapossible to foresee its effects upon our commercial and finaneial interests. We may be sure that these offecis will bé severely disastrous, but to what exteat the disuster may spread or what interests will survive ayid the general rojo, it is (mpoasible to discern. I'here are reasons for believing that one of the nrost | marked chagges which are impending will be a sudden tura ia lhe money marke: Wyth the exception of a brief period of panic late last aulumn, we have bad an easy money market hore ever ainee the ergs of 1857. is year sspecially the ordinary laws of money seein 10 have been rewersed. We have. imported gold from Europe instead of crue it, and mo- ney hae been cheaper in New York than in london. ‘I'his anomaly wae caused by the moderation of our ismports, and our unusually ‘arge dsperts af en broedsteffs, on eee: ics in Dest r Jatt exchange had ruled ab if Aon 6a, out banks wenld ait have derpeniied Now Your. "We dre tow éx- poltieg a ectton, apd from preseat) appeardn : ’ i pensable. tion, and every cost, every risk, must be encountered to effect the vital object in view. Not merely is the subjugation ne- cessary, but speedy subjugation is indis- The North not only cannot do without the South in the Jong run, but it cannot do without her atall. If necessary, the North must march en masse upon the South, or be utterly ruined. Was there ever such a “ rebellion” be- fore in the whole courss of history. Re- bellion ofa vast country ot only capable of sustaining a national existence of its own, but also of propping up and keeping j alive another one by its side! A rebeil- | | ion that it requires * halfa million of men” | to put down! A rebellion of which no | ie an expenditure than the enormous | public debts of Karope can accomplish the suppression! A rebellion of sovereign Stutes: of a confederacy of Southern States! | Yevit must be called a “rebellion,” be- cause it must be suppressed per Jus aut nefas at the hazard of Northern existence. | It must be confessed that the case of the North isa perilous one. How can it raise | the “ balf a million of men” required?) A | ifew battles with the Southern forces will render enlistments somewhat unpopular. | Tie vast army and navy must also be sub- | jsisted and natd. The credit of the Gov- | Fernment must be pushed to the utmost | lhinvit, and a market be found fur several | | hundred millions of Federal bonds. Where | | are the parchasers to be found? Not| | song their own banks and bankers, them. | raptey. Not among the capitalist of Ku-. rope, who will be slow to lend money to a | Government whose existence depends upon subjugatiog a dozen sovereign States full of the resources of war. | The case seeins hopeless enough. The ; subjugation cannot be etfected speedily ; (nor after a long struggle; wor at all. It cannot be effected by even five hundred ‘thousand men; and even though it could, : that namber of forces cannot be raised. It cannot be effected by five hundred mill- tons of dollars; and they cannot sell a | handred and fitty millions of bonds. Here is acombination and complication of im- practicabihutes aod Impossibilities | and behimd them all is the black pieture of “general ruin and bankruptcy to their com. mercial classes. This war of North upon | South is the most foolish and hopeless one | | that will ever be recorded in the annals of haman folty and wadness. It will have no parallel in the! records of human affairs, either in the folly of its inception, in the wickedness of its prosecution, or in the disasters of its termination. we driven upon the breakers of bank. | | tofure paid our debts in Eusope are out of our { also the resources, at feast in part, of the Confederate States. The following table shows the number of square miles in each State and the ag- gregrate amount: No of square Miles. Virginia, 61,352 North Carolina, 50,000 South Carolina, 29,000 Georgia, 58,000 Alabama, 50,722 Florida, 59,268 Mississippi, 47,159 Arkansas, 52,168 Louisiana, 46,431 Texas, 237,321 Teunessee. 45,600 Whole number 737,048 Here is ample space for an empire, a Con- federacy of 150,000,000 of souls, and yet have ample elbow room for all. If we add New Mexico and Arizona we run the num- ber of square miles up to over a million— A country larger than all Europe, Russia and Turkey excepted. Arizona has al- ready declared for the Confederate States, and New Mexico we think will do so. The three border slave States yet re- maining in the Union, but whose future position is doubtful, have the following number of square miles: Maryland, 9,356 Keatuckey, 38,980 Missouri, 97,380 114,419 | In round numbers the entire slave terri- ory embracing New Mexico and Arizona, is about 1,200,000. Enough, one would suppose for all practical purposes. Indeed ifall the peoples in North and South America were settled upon it, it would not be crowded. It could take them al] in and support as many more. This territory embraces some of the richest lands aud the finest climates in the world. It is also rich in mineral and im- mense natural resources. It has more sea, coast than any other country under heaven. Nearly everything grown on this green earth necessary for man or beast, is suc- cessfully yrown here: corn, wheat, oats, barley, hay, cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar, coffee, tea, &c.. &e., The climate, take it all in all is the finest in the world. In Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, we have the varieties of heat and cold necessary to successfully grow tobacco, wheat &e., and to brace aud make elastic and healthy the human system. In Florida and all along the Atlanue and Gulf coasts, the climate is mild, in some parts especially in Florida, it is so nicely tempered that it is never too hot nor too cold—is, in soft, bland sea breezes genial days, and pleasant bright nights, a paradise. The Southern States, the Confederacy may, and we believe will be in time the richest, greatest, happiest most powerful nation on the globe. In locality, sea-coast and natural resources, It has every requi- site. And in the physical, the mental power, moral tone, in fine, in everything that makes the man, it cannot be excelled. We are, we will be a great nation, Washington (N. C.) Dispatch. CAV AND LETTER PAPER. We have lately seen notices in our ex- changes of the cap and letter paper manu- factured by Oates, Wiswall & Co. Lincoln- ton, N. ©. We have examined the sam- ples of their paper left upon our table, for which we tender our thanks, and we fully etdorse the complimentary remarks made by otber journals, The paper looks well, and serves our purpose admirably, Though not equal to the best English or French writing paper, it is good enough for all | purposes, and is mouch superior to any we have before seen of our own manufacture. The Blue Flat Cap for Printer’s use, is excellent, and we recommend it to the craft. Any orders addressed to them for cap, let- ler, praiting paper,(news or book,) or wrap- ping paper, of any grade, will receive prompt attention.— Bulletin. — The War.—Our people, many of them ; the life of a horse which was bleed-_ ‘ing from a wounded artery; the’ at least, entcred upon the contest with the agreeable expectation that all the powers of Kurope, and especially Great Britain, would sympathize with ws, and exert whatever of influence they chose to throw in the scale, in putting down the preten- sions of the Confederate States. Having entered upon the question with this feel- ng and expectatton, it bas caused mach | disappointment, not to say aetonishment, to tind that the Great Powers either design | to retain strictly neutral, or if their influ- ence is to be exerted in any form, to cast it in favor of the Confederate States. The indications to this effect, more particalarly in England, as developed throagh the pub- lic press, the Parlimmentary debates, and ———¥ ‘7 aan This Work for the Meri Cyne Northern prew is now tur@ing iim alte Lidl to the work of (be extra pgesige of Congress. The following is the plan dione ‘ef tkem:> The first thing Congress must do is to pass emnily bil in favor of the President, to an ind t the legal consequences of rotect him agains , haar unconstitutional acts which necessity has compelled him to adopt for the preservation of the Government. In the next place Con. a agente effectually instead of borrow- ing froin fhe fcbanis, it Ought to establish a Na- tional Bank, with a Co aes one hundred oH iHione, whence the Goverumept wou tees Bhatia aluan of fifty millions im- mediately upon the security of the deposits and thé incoming revenue. The next thiag to be attended to is the Increase of the Nuvy and the efficiency of tho War Department. Last- ly, a geueral bankropt law must be passed ta relieve merchants from their linbilities, aud to enable them to cominence @ new career under iyhter auspices. oe Washligtos correspondent of the Bal- timore Sun writes that the tariff will be re- duced on some articles, and the free ‘ist sus- pended; tea and coffee taxed to the amount of ten or twelve millions, and the duty on sugar increased. Direct taxes will not be resorted to now, but willbe as required. Nobody estimutes the expense of the war at less than three hun- dred millions a year. Nothing will probably be proposed in Congress with @ view to peuce aud President Davis has suid in his letter to the Maryland committee, that though desirous of peace, he cannot renew an ¢ fler of negotiation. The revenuv at New York for a whole week amounted to only $100,000. A Noble Movement.— An Association of some of the most distinguished ludies of Richmond, delegates from the different churches, has been forined to provide clothing, medicine, comforts and best of all, nurses, for the sick and wound- ed at thy various cemps in Virginia. This 16 truly a woman!y movement. At Yorktown, where so many of our North Carolinians ure, and where a good many have been sick. there is but one family—only one woman in the town! She has been exceed- to provide for the expenses of the | ingly kind, and had her house filled with the whose payment for board and attention will be her womauly services. Eveu she, we have heard, was about to leave the place, broken \ down, we suppose, by labor and excitement. Fay. Obserter. From the West.—A Cincinnati correspon- | dent of the Charleston Mercury gives the fol- lowing pleasant account of the effects of Lin- coln’s war in Ohio and the West generally : * Tho effects of the war and the block ade of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, are fast making the whole West bankrupt. Bacon and proyis- ions are going to destruction for the want of purchasers. inlionsef poundsof bacon and pork in this city alone. Bacon is selling ai five to seveu cents, corm seven to ten cents per bushel, and butter, lard and cheese five to ten cents per pound. A wood wus scarce, they were actually using corn for fuel! A strong delegation has gone to Washington to represent the true state of | things, and if they are not Aeard, you may look out for an uprising inthe West. The cur- rency ofthe Western Statesis becoming worth- less, as the State stocks and bonds which were deposited as security for the redemption of the bank notes, are being suld in New York at 30 to 40 cents on the dollar, leaving very little to indemnity the holders of bank bills.” sick, those too sick to remain at the hospital, | as nothing in comparison with the benefit bal blorfo News from Missor+ ; Sour}! THE BEST yry, CAPTURE OF GENERAL LYONs! Ricumonp, Va. June 25, 186] Received Wilmington, 10 A M The secessionists have achicy ey a ou sie at Boonville, Missouri, ‘The capture of Gen. Lyons. ¢ . ing the Kederal forces in Missours haw cn confirmed. : The Federai lines have been exten ten miles from Alexandria, {This them within »bout 17 miles of Man Junction— Gan. Beauregard’s head Quas ters—and withio some 6 of 7 miles . the Confederate lines. — Wil. Journal | . a glory. led brinys NASssay From the Charlotte Bulletin, WAR NEWS, MILWaLkix, June 25, Bank Riots.—Yhe citizens demolished the Mitchell, and, two other Banks Were broken to pieces aud otherwise Vn)ored, — The Montgomery Guards were calleq ei but refusing to obey, the Zouaves wie called out, and tired upon them with buck shot. Forty of the rioters have been Arreste:| and placed in jail. Their comrades have cannon threatening the jail. Lhe Mayor has proclaimed martial law. . Kansas, City, June 4, While forty men were drilling in Wy. andotte building it fell, burying and killing some instantiy and wounding many others WHEELING, June 25. The Convention adopted a resolution to prevent the execution of the militia laws jn the State. The Convention adjourns to morrow to the first Thursday in August. Freverick, June 25. Resolutions passed the Levisiature w- day, that the Goveroor shall return the | arms to the Stale militia, It is estimated that there ure 20; man from Indiana to!d me,in the proiries where | | : : | Returning Reason.— By a letter reeeiv- | ed in this city yesterday, we learn that a | great reaction has taken place among the ; moneyed men of New York and Boston, land that peutions are now circulating to be laid before Conzress, asking the peace- ful recognition of the Sonthern Confeder- acy and the establishment of amicable relations by friendly treaties. The peti- tions set forth that unless the war is brought to a close very speedily, New York and Boston are ruined cities. — Charleston Cou- rieer, 17th. Harprn’s Frrry Macuinery. — Harper's Ferry, is being rapidly car- ried throngh this city to Fayetteville. There are five hundred tons to be transported, which will probably re- quire amouth’s time. The machine- ry isof the most beautiful quality, and oust be immensely valuable.— We regret ty sce that much of ut gets | broken by the rongh jolts it receives ip passing from depot to depot, Lynchburg Republican. | ToSrop Buexpingc.—Asa Kem per, jican Agriculturist, that bleeding 'from a woond on man or beast, may | be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common alt, in equal parts, | bound on with a cloth. It may be left on for honre, or even days, if / Necessary. In this manner le saved | bleediny ceased in tive minntes after ithe application. It was left on three | days, when it worked loose, Was easi- | ly removed, and the wound gvon | healed. | Leasine Grounps to Ficut ow.— (The telegraph states that the Ken- _tuckians were requested to leave the ‘Maryland Heights, opposite Har- iper’s Ferry. Not wishing to trench jon State sovereignty, the command. ing officer hit on @ new expedient, 80 | he leased the grownds from the own. er! We reekon his ingenious ex. the declarations of her responsible Minis- | pedient originated in the fertile brain ters, cannot well be mistaken WN. Yurk | of Courter and Knguirer 8th inet, f Blant. Duncan. Louimnlle Gow- reer. ‘ The machinery lately removed from | Ross county, Ohio, wsites the Amer- | Wasuinaron, June 25 W. D. Gallagher is appointed Collector of the port of New Orleans. He departs for Cairo to accompany the grand army, The Cincinnati Gazette says that 5.00 Southerners are thirteen miles beyond Philippi, uniformed and well armed, w:' a reserve of 8,000 at ILattonsville. One ‘hundred cavalry are at Romney. Th: picket skirmishes continue. It is reporte) that they have turned out the civil autho ities. A guerilla was shot. EUROPEAN NEWS. New York, June 24. by the steamer Bremen it. is” learned that Great Britain had deterimined to send additional troops to Canada. The Moniteur publishss a declarator that Napoleon intends to observe a sinc neutrality, Rocosoli takes Cavour’s place. The Pope is convalescent. A Madrid correspondent, referring to the dispatch from the United States that bi- coln had declared Spain would occupy 54! Domingo at her own risk and perl, says that Government had received no official botice of such declaration, but is prepared to defen] the integrity of the terntors ‘which it has annexed to Spain. Sr. Jonn’s, June 22. The Anglo Saxon, with Londonderry dates to April 14, arrived here this ever ‘ing. The sales of cotton at’ Liverpool {1 three days, including Wednesday, wer ' 22,000 bales—6,000 to speculations ani! exporters. Markets dul! aud uuchanged Manchester advices are unfavorable. Breadstuffs of all qualities declined, Cer steady. Provisions quiet. Consols B94 3 90 for money; 90} a 908 for account Political news umimportant, The British Ministry were defeated 1 the House of Commons on a bill besto¥ ing one of the seats by disfranchisemen! | on @ New metropolitan borough. The bul | repealing the paper duty was passed 1 | the House of Lords. | The Manchester Cotton Supply Associa | tion had a meeting on the result of their | exertions, The reports made were ratber | discouraging ' The Brith squadron bad bombarded and destroyed Porto Novo, killing 70°. | The Spanish cotton factories had sto} | ped, throwing thousarids out of empl) ; ment. Defeat of Winter Davis.—Vi« defeat of this double-distilied traite’ i9.A subject of great gratification | every Joyal citizen of the county” This most gratifving event warrant? ithe belief that the lieart of Mary Jand isin the right place, and in due tine she will rise up and ahake 0 the thraldom whieh now oppress’? ber. Gov. Exris.—In much feeblenc* wo learn, Gov. Ellis Jaft this City “ Friday last, on a special train “ route for the Red Sulphar Spring in Virginia! ~ We learn lie entertain’ stroug hopes of bein restored health by the visit.— at. Standard LL. cay Cle DI nce AS the 18 ch un pla fine del Ins yu thre an us vie Ses of ay th AD of WW sh) al — ri! BS | OM glory. Mand. s been ended brings NASsay Quay Of the 25. lished 3 Were red, — “d out, 3 Were h buck reste 3 havg Mavor 240 n Wy. killing Others 25. tion to [AWS 11) ms to F ust. se ON LUTE Lo- CO the a 125 ollector departs rmy. t 5.00 beyond d, Whit One The eported autho @ 24. learned to send Jaravior aw Siried a) the vat bare- Uppy da! ril, says official repared errors e 22. onderry is evel! pool fur yy were ns an hanged rable. \, Cor }3 894 a accounl vated 1 besto¥ Lisement The bi assed 1! Associa of their a rather mbarded , 700, ad sto] employ 3, — The | traitor ation 1° Ory. rarrant? | Mary din due ake 0 ppresse> ylenee, City ol rain 8 pring tertain® ored to andard. _—— eae enemas ‘ remeron R _ ode pen ao a oes ewecroln Che aici uy OK, aakh ce oir Gin, Besse wot EA a vi | State of arth Opyolina SALISBURY, N. 0.1) toa eee eee THURSDAY EVENING, ee m 1861. We are autorized to annoonce WIL- L ae Ar HOUCK, as a Candidate fer‘Coun- vy Cyart C lerk of Rowan. uy Wo are authorized to annonnce Jacos <« Myers as a candidate for Couuty Court Cjerk of Rowan. We are authorised to anvoupce OBA- DIAH WOODSON as a Candidate for the of- fice of County Court Clerk of Rowan Couuty I7 We are authorised to announcs THOM- AS MeNEELY, a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk. er The Daily Prayer Meeting, ig still kept up at the Methodist church—meeting every morning at 8 o’cluck, A. M. All denominations unite in it, and are invited to attend. Rain.— We are buffetifig ee rain at this place, but we are pleased to learn that fine showers have failed in Catawba; Tve- dell, Davie and perliaps Davidson, pe on Edgeworth Femate Seminary — This | Institution, as will be seen by reference to another column, continues its exercises. | {t is one of the most substantial and valu- | able scbgols in the South. It bas moved | su with great regularity and syétend under | the superior mavagement of Mr. Sterling | and gssistants. Mr, 8. is tepresented to | us asa gentleman of enlarged and liberal | views, and admirably qualified by the pos | session of those rare gifts aod attainments | necessary for the successful administration | of such an institution. me A Northern account of affairs in Mis- | suuri, represents that General Lyon killed three hundred secessionists, took two forts, and played havoc generally, with the loss of only seven men, in one of his marches | in that State. No one here believes it. Ou the ¢outraty, we believe the fxets will show a very different result if he has bad any engagement at all with the Missoa- | raps. ome “SCOTCH IRISH GREYS. ° The third company from Rowan is | now in the field. Counting those who joined Mr. Fisher’s Regiment, this county has sent aot less than four hundred men in the service; and there are two mare Cympanies nearly completed, and othdrs forming. Rowan seems determined to be among the foremost inthe number of men contributed, as she was jsanong the first torespond to the Governors eall for troopé Ler first company, the Rowan Rifle Gsuard, was No. 1 in respect to men and drill, as bas since been evidenc- ed by the large numberselected from its ranks for promotion. The “ Scotch Irish Gregs,” Capt. Woop, numbers eighty men. Like Capt. Andrews’ coinpany from Iredell, it comprises many of the de- acendants of that indomitable stock of Scotg@h “Tefal; hy WitWestimes of the ravofution,, made Rowan ona yt the ‘boitest ‘regions “penetrated Wy the British. They (tod fearing, law-abiding, under are intelligent, patriotic citize Ny. They were once Union lov- ine, couservative Whigs of the Ileu- ry Clay school, aud stood firm in their faith and integrity to the last: moinent. ~ Lincola’e proclaination converted them into rebels. Eighty of them have now gone to ewell that tide of burning lava rolling from the South, all seathing het wrth resent. uient against those who have crown ed the anim of ‘their wrongs by now attempting our subjugation, We will sce wligt we glall sige.’ HAMPTON’S LEGION. | Four dr five Nhundred of Geifefal liam pton’s (5. C.) Legion, passed through this place, this) morning. Othere will be along secon. fae The ‘Mfaridtté! Bulletin, as we have several times before re marked, continaes to give the latest news,. Nedely all our latest IIT | cle are extracted from ite columus, and | and sometimes without due credit. The Byldetagy Joe y., 99 oe of sone of its exchange neglect, ourselves, perbapa, & the number. |: " ' Rowan Mills. "facturing: ut 18 feet yi a yryer veka get- ~ | tings pat TT ed bu ter- esting for all thxt, “ Fhe Convention~Tvié Begiale ture. It is confidently believed that the Convention will adjourn this even- r ' ed ‘ { ing, (26th,) to. niest. again: on the | meroys letters constantly receiving for Hos- 15th: of NoVéember, -nolgss -sodder called back by the President. The Legislature has been prorogned by the Convention to. the 25th of Au- gust.— fal. hegister. , ae oot i} 8 FOR THE WATCHMAN. Rowayw Mis, June 21, 1861. Mr. Brunen:+At & meeting of ithe Scotch Irish Grays, beld at Rowan Camp Ground, M. S. McKenzie, Jr., was called to'the Chair, and Dr. James W. Shinn, Lieut. Stansill and C, G. Hix, were ap- pointed as a committee to tender the heatt felt thanks of the Company to the citizens |of Scotch Ireland, and the surrounding country, for their kinduess and hospitality |extended to them whilst encamped at Though the hardships be- | fote us are yreat—though aur: dwelling place will hereafter be in the dangerous | tented field—though we may soon be called upon to face the enemy in deadly conflict, whilst all. arougd | we hear; the clash 6f resounding atfns-the ‘réar 6f | musketry, and the thundering artillery, yet the recollections of the passed will soften the hardsbips; and when we remem- ber that we are fighting in defense of the home and fire-sides of such noble, and patriotic friends, it will encourage our hearts, and nerve our arms to deeds of valor, apd point us to viclory or a patri- Nor can we forget to tender our sincere thanks to the Ladies for their kinduess and svinpathy toward us, and for ol’s grave. the beautiful Flay presented to us, in the name of the Ladies of Scotch Ireland, by Miss Louisa Graham. | Be assared,, Ladies, it shall never trail in the dust, as long as | there ig® mad tet tus bear it alaty * but shall wave in your defense, And now, Ladies and gentlemen, old and young, ac- cept, through the “abeve® pained Commit- tee, the sincere thaaks 6f each member of the Seotch Irish Grays for all your kind- esses. For tue Watchman. Qnestions For Wide Awake Clubs.. Does not the President of the United States sweat lo preserve, protect and defend tbe Con- stitution of the Gnited States? Does not Urat Constitution grant to each State and the éitizeny thereof, equal rights of person, property, trade, commerce, &c? Does it not grant to Congressalone, the pow- er to borrow money upou the credit of the gov- ernment, toregulage commerce aad gemmer- cial duties; to declare war; to raise and sup- port armies anda navy? If Mr. Lincola’s postion is right, that the Confederate States are stil in the Union, can he or his government. make any regulation of | | He left a wife, one daughter, two grand chil- eommerce or revenue that shall give # prefer- enve to Northern ports, over Southern? If the Confederate States are no longer in | the Union, can Mr. even Congress is forbidden to inake =nprouLis Yona f fog } Are ibe United | Bintes honorably Ca to | burthen! the present add fdtate! ‘generations with the debis thas made, and jf so, what be- comes of # Conathudnal Vibert 2 i Would an act fs Gang cers: confirming and ratifying the wat meadure of Mr. Lincolm in pulvitig these intntense urmies and whprecedent- Linooln inthe game and | on behalf of his guvetnment, raise and support | hundredé of thousdnds of men for armes to | muke war upon them; eutist them for @ war not declared by Congress, and fur a terin that | | | | | | ed nuvy, und assuning the expense thereof, be | ex post facto? Af the United States could and should as- mime such un enormous debt, would jt nof tead | { to increased protecwen for mawufacturipg mo- nopticeby heavy turifis, und, congeytrate the | wealth of the agricultural Slatea im the Manu - and would tt wot also be giving the Confederate @taien about us strong an induce - meut as tlreit governmept could desire to Buy | where they would be likely tw ‘have the least reatuchons upoe their tradey and toe largept returns for their money t Would the gained any less profit or rexpect ut home or abroad, sf they had been conlent to, mind their | own dusiness, atvd stand up honaorably in their than they have by | d rail roadg, en oyraging ibe to Sey Ie conmitutional obligutions, Oe lished atioli ti port of the lowe of 1 4 THA CID , Ausxaypria, June a.) ‘ Bowe's balloon inde att asceiit! to-day, 9 ead dagorersd the Boa her irene balloutng. non-slave holding Staves have Court of Pleis and Quarter Sie. May ve Ay 186¥ bebe DAA A. Davie John I. Shaver and A. ee act @ a Committee to tuise on the * tind credit of the Countysag R meane of county bonds oF By reise a in their | power, & @Am), Dat eae fily thousand dollars, to be 4 lied quder their direction to the arngin gy dasndoing ap wrest! en of the © oR 0 n an e Comfort and support of the healing of nolanieen which are left in need ;.thet any d given under this authority eball be signed by 4 fy Clerk of this court under the seal af sar Mean far such a sum and on such terms as the said committe may think proper, with Cop pons attached, signed by the clerk, und fhat Meaid com miltee & requistion on the people of Be ) ctuohy fo fraser loots loa re J ‘tages tion we babel i nab » by sending him 60 oak ikpladened w tly provis- ions, der, aiid othér’ Micice needed by the army. Gg i. / a af THE FOLLOWING i isa ecniple of the nu- SuPERINTRNDENT 8 OF FIQk, Salisbury, June 15, 1861. On and after the 17th instant, a Train of Cars will leave Salisbury datly, and run according to the following scbedule : TRAIN WEST. etter’e Stomach Bitters : Camanpaaua, Juty 15, 1859. Meaere. Hostetter g Smith, Pittsburg, Pa.: —Gents:—As we are strangers, I herewith enecloge. you twenty- -eight dollace for foat dozen Hostetter’s Stomach bitters, which please for- ward via Michigan Southern Railroad, Toledo, | a > S| be authorized to sell bonds exeented under thie Ohio, cod Clayton Station. I have purchased | S 3. G authority ‘for the best price they wh bring. several dozen bottles at Toledo this Summer, o a iv It is further ordered and declared that coupons but the sale is on the increase eo mach that I Stations. uo | — | —— | attached to the bonds above aushoriaed, be wish 40. open a direct trade with I was a’ | A. A.M, | receivable in digebarge . ¥ ty taxes induced to trv your Bitters by my ‘ictan, pa : L. and other @ou dyes, a i Shig? forder be for the Liver Complaint, and received such ma- Salisbury,. . : 7.45 published in both the Salisbury Banner and terial wid that I have recommended it to others | Third Creek,.......... | 13 | 8.29 8.34 Carolina Watchman. and have sold about two dozen per week for Statesville, a ee - 25 9.10 9.20 JAMBS E. KERR, Clerk. some time. I have all kinds of medicine in my | Gatawh, amie | 38 | 10.05} 10 10 May 16, 1861. 3 mars Put ee is none that I can so cheerful- Necine: is ans 50 1048 55 rea y and truthfully recommend as your Bilters, : se | ‘ ; for I know ee, have helped me beyond my Hickory Tavern, ...... 60 11.83 » 13-40 NOR TH CAROLINA, expeciation. Yours respectfully, Westdy 5 sess vis ssa aee, 70} 1210) .... Bete COUN PHILO WILSON. Moreantonysy ene Slu| rl In Equity. Spring Term, 1861. : 4 a = ;: Arthur Neeley ayainst Joseph W. Hall and There willbe a meeting of the Rowan Cous: TRAIN EAST, Burton Craige, Executors of Solomon Hall, ty Bible Society held at the Methodist Charch eee dec’d., und Bennet Austin, and wife Mar- iu this place, on the 2d Salbath in July, at 8 b> a garet. a : : .. o’clock, P. M. eS 3 g In thie case. it appeatigg to the satisfaction Several addresses may be expected. All oe = | of the Court, that ee eet and his wife friendly to the Bible cause are invited to be 8 a i Margaret, are not i te of this State: Tt reeeat, STATIONS. = ——~ | is ordered that publiahige be made, fer By order Executive Committee. 2 | P.M. | P.M. | six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the 8. H. WILEY, Sec. + | said defendants to be and appear at the next __ gee ere .. | .... |... |] Term of the Court of Equity, to be held for VoimccnbwWmnnacen OM rvs eC ee peel LO elmer 1.30 | the County of Davie, at the Court House in BALISBURY MARKET. 6 Hiek ory Pavern, a te | 25 2.00 2.05 Mocksville, on the 4th Monday ufter the 4th June 27, 1860. | Newtom,..........,... |38| 240 | 2.45] Monday in August next, and plead, amewar or Bacon 14 a )5; Coffee 25 a 27; Corn 754 | Catawha,............. 50 | 3.20} 3.35] demur to complainant's bill, o: the gage wil) 80; Cotton 10; Eggs 12 a 15; Flour 2.75 a Statesville. ‘4 60 | 4.10 4.20 | be taken pro confesso, and the cause ee for 3 00; Feathers 35 2 40; Hides 12a 14; Lea- | (ite Cheek is 7) 4.55 6.00 hearing ex parle, as to them, ne sole, 24a 30; Upper 38 a 50; Mackerel Salisbu ee es 81 5 45 . Nay Y wig Cl 00 » 00; Molasses 40 a 70$ Moul, 75 u 80; 1° ee ar ee 28 ae Nails 54 a2 64; Oats 40 a 50; Peas 80 21.00; aoe the sight Rags 2; Sugar 9a 17; Salt 325 03.50; Tal- Passengers will dine at Icard’s. low 10a 12; Tea 1.00 » 1.25; Wheat 00 a 00; Whiskey 50a 75. ruary, F oe KOWAN COUNTY. Court ef Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May yk 1861, tethe Patrol OVO F et sfard OF thé Téwo of Bbdty, have till power to visit any saepested places beyond the limite of the town, and to atreést and con- frne in town uny disorderly or suspeceid per- sons found beyond the limits of town in the a ie fi Tinonlstiy by dt beted Geko Anite. AMES. E. KERR, Clesk. Salisbury, May iN6i ee he af State.of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Terms, 1861. ()BDEAED by Oe Court: that all patro' J companies ip the county have leave to ge any where they may please in the county and discharge the regular duties of patrol companies, when they see fit, as fully out of their distriets us they have Heretofore discharged them with- in their respective districts. JAMES E. KERR, pale | _ May JB. 1661. y ae IN nr “WE HAVE 38 ‘bbls: Coffee Sugars. 10 hhds. Molasses. 6 bbls. N. Orleans Syrup. 800 kbs, Sole Leather, JAMES C. TURNER, Cb, Eng. and Sup't. W. Nw€. RR. Salisbury; June 18 1861 tf%3 INF AN TRY SERVICE. 3 Native Men Wanted t6Bnlist FOR THE WAR! HE apgersigned having ~ * ann vointédin the North tate ‘Proops, invite serve their eoun- a ey saat er them. Fifteed Dollars Boanty paid to all ne soon as mustered; regular pay from $11 &% menth ‘da yea saith the spirit, they rest from their labors fon eu rey ee teed Viera ia and their works do follow them. A. M.G. seudanee,tres., ~ Apply to the undersigned at Balthury. ~ ° | W. C. LORI, Captain. 15 Able-bodied Men Wanted | (;. ¢. veCoumavewtr. Up is iennits i FOR THE [oe Bacay “fewterame Salisbury. June 6, 1861. ane firm of N. DEAVER ie CO., is dia- solved by limitation. All those having cluime againgt the above will present them for payment. June 6, 1861. DIED: At the residence of his son-in-law, in St Francis county, Ark.. on the 23d of May last, JOSEPH T. BURRIS, (of disease of the kid- ney.) inthe 63d year or his age. The deceased was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church for more than 20 years. dren and @ large circle uf friends im N.Caroli- na, his native State, to mourn their loss; but tnourn not as those who have no hope. Just before he died he requested his friends to live for Heuven, and try to ineet him there, as he felt he would soon be there, away from the troublee and trials of bis world. <« Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, Rowan Flying Artillery. | | 4 | The Rowan Flying Artillery, now ut the | - - | Camp of Instraction at Weldon, want 15 nore | St BSISTREACR DEPARTMENT, Men. Pay from $11 to $20 per month and $15 | \ Raxeicn, May 25, 1861. | bounty money paid to each soldier when mus- FALED PROPOSALS. will be received | tered oe eal tk Mee Ne | | iS at this eras ‘i the “tpt 8 A enquire at th 0 , 4 oo. merchant r biphy Re Granite Building. | | ise spot wit hin” ae Stuca, tr quantithes not fess J 96 eres of Capt. J. A. aber | than Twenty-five Barrels, ae the i 5th July une 26, eens | 1861. ails: - In addition to oar nsual large Stock of | eral. WM. JOUNSTON. 2 ¢ ee Rice. General Merehandise, we have just received Comey irenty monies Alllof which we offer at greatly ‘reduced from Charleston ay 30th, ( wae Y. . 20 bags Rio Coffee. ' : pe Apel 9. =< ieee 20 bis. Refined Sugar, Salisbury Female. Seminary. Ae 2 casks Rice, 150 sachs Sait, VTEXELB exercises of this institution will be | To the Farmers of Rowan and.ad- I joining Counties. | Gilani. - Ie Is should be endorsed “Prapownls 6 f | oe tee 7 : sals sho Us Southern Arrival. Flour” wud addressed to the Commissary Gen- | 2B bag 1O Coffea.” | | a 20 bbls. Molasses ee Whe which | continued as heretofore, ander the direc- White Lead, T'annef’s Oil, &e., all of whieh oe ; h. tiow of the subscriber. fo Be ene the) i cnintercourceswithathe North ie now | will be sold as cheap as the c eapest for cash. | gicturbed siate of our public affrirs he has | \ d ket McCUBBINS & FOSTER, leh inged his. piyep: 8, 1 map te 5° dnd shoper 00) ust Be vinyl ed kbe hI Rosalie fe cu Salisbury, June 26, )X61. 3d ‘onake huuself ag deefal to this éonfnanity | dersigned solicits consignments of Flour, Ba- con, Lard, Hay, Batter, &., Fh: which shall have his peracrm! attentioh. JOHN F: FOARD. | during these troablons timea as possible. Be- that his Inbure have been generally he solicitaan extended patronage, ; Wool Wanted. ‘fiewing McC UBBINS & FOSTER wish to buy # | sutirfactory. large quantity of good elean wadhed Wool, the | gud would apk biy fr} da wo pid hingig incrpeg- | Newhern, May 1, 1868 3m52 highest prices paid. | tnsithe bdinber uf Auld: Bisow | ee ee ee eel ee 3m15 | : | mp N Ne me May 16, 1861. 613 TOWN ORDER. T is héreby otdered that the Town Patrol THE NORTH CAROLINA: of Salisbury have discretionary “powers to ‘Bolting Cloths. White Sulphur Springs, | errestand lock upin the Calaboose any per- McCUBBINS & FOSTER huve on hand a lot of the very best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloths, those in want would do well to huy soon. We cannot get any more. Salobagy, 7 June 26, 1861. kon, white of beck, who may bp found in the Situated near the Western N.C. RoR. in the! greets of Salisbury after dark, who shall be County of Catawba. guilty of uny disorder ¥. saath ér be unable 2 Sy As ee ne resort, with addition- to give a satisfuctery. acapunt ef himeell ; and il bh fucd \antecuson, wilh be open- | any person sa committed. to be brought before | ed for visitors on the Ist of June. ‘ane for further proéeedings ‘ob the following ~ Pablic Arias Ample ysrangements made for g and morning. JOHN FE; SHAVER, nmugement of Gaeds. A fine B 5 Moric | May 3, 18611654) Inte ndant. _etiguged Yor the sedson. New Bowling Alley | a 8 G a: eerie chim cani eel Gacde to’ make this a| I. W. JONES, M. D., | pleasant and mefe rei rent for the families of | {is permoneufly located in the town of those wha muy ‘be at this crisis called from | Sali bury, and offerg hin services to the ; ; , home—indeed ainple arrangements made to, public Inthe various copay ear of his profes- LL PERSONS having any arma OF 8C- gage thin et f 17 Ke eputrements belonging 40 the State of MRS. BE. J. ROBARDS ir Offic eon Main Street, Aral dogr above North Carolina, are hereby requested to bring them foceyacd, und legve | them at office of Adj't Bedde'nt, in Salisbury, as they are now reapers 's fay bel pane S Stae fa kL ar Cal. Common aine 63d Regiment N, © M, bua Bais’ Confectionery. May 13. lao w 3 2m2 Inn. M, 1R6P. NOW IS THE TIME? Attention ! Milttary Companies. Shrink not (rama an Honest Duty | pus subeceiber. ww prepared ta farnishh io pats Companies. the. Military Fatigue Cap of ‘Ayub ehiiiaud will deduct five per cent Home-Manwfacture and material, well made, no interest added, from the book account, | and of bakeat mijituay. aigle at low price. Ad- | and give forty per cent. of the amount in sup- | remy . Jas. H. ENNISS. | port of the C. 8. Soldiers, and he will pay, May 17, 1861, Saliebary, N. CG; Mititta. ion counts oe ra , ~phnD TEN. v epeniations all dook groom's) HAE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED in’ full A) \HE OFFICERS of a a as per | naka: fee ided the holere y 5 Ee OW B are now weHing our stoete out at re- one June 24, 1861 Head- Quarters 63rd Regiment ptaat | of Gourt Marta 30tb, are | cent. to te eaves. herehy potifed to appear in va at the oo Show your’ put riotiam | Hf wot physicalty | tant’s offiee ia Salisbury, at | ablertétaké , by thus contribyting means | duced prices for GAS Np goods sold on on the taet Friday in Janey armed ith firr- | in defence of our Viberiies and homes. Walk jeredit’ AM patente invebted 10 We ate requem- lock, and ageguired 4¢ o wii for) up and settle. ed to call and pay up. dnstrection, . R P BRSSE ‘ , WwW. BW Wyatt, | RG A. MUBPHY. Jygp 3d, 1861 -(f8 Adjctam. | dune 7, 1861 , 12 April @@, T6861. tf:49 sO ty “WYATT'S Tonic Cordial. The best Medieine in the world for CHOLIC. It is Uneqnalled for DYSENTERY. It has cnred Thousands of DIARRHOEA. The best physicians recommend it for FLUX. Its use on the first symptoms, and defore a physician can be obtained will prevent CHOLERA. Tt will save many lives, much time, sigkness, suffering and money to every FAMILY, By keeping it always in the HOUSE. Lt only Costs gp { \ cent ) Prepared by W. Il. Wrarr, Apothecary, Nos. 186 and 188 Main et., Salisbury, N.C. April 9. 6m47 “GOODS FOR THE SPRING TRADE. Wwe now receiving a lot of new and "WY desirable Goods for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADB. OUR STOCK Wil not be as large xeon former seasons, but will have a good assortment. We shall have a vory handsome and select assurtinent of all kipds of Ladies Dress Goods, and will offer inducements thie season rarely effétedin this market avd to Cash Buyers. We are deseridas of cloving ont our stock thip Spring and Summer and fur that purpose offer Goods at Small Profits. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine our Goods before purchas- ing- BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. Salisbury, April 9, 1861. 2m47 Spring Stock for 1861. R. & A. MURPHY, RE now receiving their usual Stuck of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, em. ag FANCY AND STAPLE DRY COONS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BONNETS, Sugars, Coffee and Molasses, Waite, Sheeting and Cotton Yarn, ail of which are offered for sale at greatly reduced prices for cash. Give wea eall, and see what we have in store for you. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 9, 161. 3147 Swan Island Guano FOR SALE BY SPRAGUE BRO. HB above Gueno ie suid to be v better fertilizer forthe culture of Tebaceu, Colton, Grains, Roots, Grapes, &c., thaw any other imported. A trial i@ all that is neces#ary to prove its superiority. SPRAGUE BRO. Maroh 25, : tf4% ‘JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R.& A.Marphy's Rtore, SALISBURY, N.C., BEPS enastunty on hand alurge assori- ment of WATUHES and JEWELRY of al) kinds. Cc , Watches aud Jewelry of every de- scri cepairedin the beet urinner aitd on the ot reanonable terms. February 14, 1860 ly3R “MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M.D. te studied in prominent Medical | Qelleges and Hospitals, North and Soath, and huving been practising in the various de- partorents of hie professine fr njue yeara with good saccene, he conthhited to offer his services to the pablie where he te permanently Ineated. and by strict atiantion to his profession wil! endwaver te merit a hberal patronage os hefetofore, and holds himaelf in readiness at all hours, duy and night, for professional calls. a7 Offide at Roseman’s Store. 3mpd49 LL PERSONS who are indebted to me are respectfully requexted io call and make imnmediave puymeot, ae I am compell- ed to have money; end as thie is the first time that [have called oa my frienda, I bape they wilt come ap premptly. R.P. BESSEENT Now. 29th, 1859 tf27 yATTS [Spring Btodk. for 18 : Spring Stodk fox 1861. m4 > aman), oo ioe Bsr NPG) 6 nd A idbibb oF alee HORAH & RAMSEY TAKE pessare in infoomng their friends and the public in general that they are now in receipt of tbe fargest, mowt weried «nd cheapest stock of SPRING. AND SUMMER GOODS that they ever had the pleasure to offer. ‘There Goods have all been bought for cush at greatly reduced prices, and will be offered for cush only at unprecedented low. prices. Call upd see them, heur prices and judge for yourselves. Iv view of the uncertainty of every thing in business affairs in (hese revolutionary times, we have adopted the cash system, helieving it 10 be the best for ourselves and our friends. Those having open accounts with us, will please call withoat delay, and close them either by cash or note. HORAH & RAMSEY. Salisbury, April 23d 1861. f50 New Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of J. D. Brown & Co., their entire stoek of TIN, SHEET-IRON, COP- PER-WARE, STOVES, ¢c., now offer the Jargest and handsomest lot of COOKING, PARLOR AND CHURCH STOVES ever offered in this market, und will sell for cash ak low as can be had in West ern North Carolina. Also, all kinds of Plain and Japaned TIN-WARE and STILLS kepton hend. All kings Tio, Sheet-Iron or Copper work done at the shortest notice. MURR & SOSSAMON. *Salisbury, Jan. 22, 186). 1y36 Co Sane $55 GeO f 62255 cz So ae Smeieg?? on Zrotsy oe] > @ SSe25 24) = ee —_ Prso x ra 2&3 | sr LEZ! SORE PRE) oe Son + | a poe ms CO OEE jl a — @ mao a = joeeeeeeeed) c°:2o"2 Ss oa SETH WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Greeers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Front Srrer, WILMINGTON, N. @. Dealers in ai) kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liquors, Wines, Cigars. und Tobaceo. | Solicit consigninents of Flour, Dried Frat, | geographical position renders it a quiet and safe | Feathers, Beeswax, Tobacco, and Country | | Produce generally. | brated Sculex. D.G. WORTH. ‘Late of Asheboro’, | N.C: N.G. DANIEL. Por past 7 years with i Sept. 18, 1860. ly1s - Brown's Livery Stable. S keptep ae heretutore It to the public a great Gesideratum and « com- plete success. Travelers, and others can al- \ ! | { i plied. | Agents for Howe's cele- | \ is gratifying to him that this establichme nt, began, at firsi, as. a doubtfalexperiment,has proved | Caxh priees puid for Proveader. And the , T.C. & B.G. Worth. : waye huve their wants, in this line, wellsup- | subseriber ix always ready to sell or buy good ! Horses. | THOMARK L. BROWN. the? Jan. Tut, oy HARDWARE! ! T HE Subsoribere are receiving ard open- ing at the old stand of G. M. & ALT. Jonen, the largert Stock of Hardware , Innperive. ever offeredin this Market, which having bern | bought directly of the Manufacturers or their ayonte, exciusvely for cash. They are pre- _ pared to offer inducements to Wholenule or Re- | tuil overs. A call ia revpuetfully solicited. JONES & OVERMAN. Salisbary, Mar. 13. 1860. wf DENTAL NOTICE. —— ie —— AR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED -re rue DENTAL ' {| ROOMS virthe cerner formerly vecu pied by Dr. Bason, where he ix prepur edtc uttend alt operations sennected with his profession. San. d. DRA, T. BEMISTER. Hote Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &c.. Main $1., opposite Marphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. (f3Q All work personatly attended to and Wwrrant- tawbya Counties. edto be done in q workrnaniike manner Jun. 22, 1861. 6m36 Fide Shirts and Collars, TERMS: Board, with washing, {vel and lights, $50 per Term Tuition, iu Evglish, from $5 to 17.00 | us Latin. 5.00 Music on Piano, from 15 to 20.0€ Use of Instrament, 2.50 1.00 | its organization, GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT CLOTHING BMPORICM DAVID WEIL owe AVING RETURNED FROM THE Northern Cities with a LARGE aud CUMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goode, Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Muandker- chiefs, anda fine assortment of Shirts und Collars, &c., &c., to which he itivites your immediate attention. They have been pur- chased for cash, and willbe suld cheaper than ever were offered here before. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ar | am determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury: Returning my thanks for the liberal pat- ronage herétofore bestowed, I hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Remember the Stand, Nu. 2, MURPH Y’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C. March 25. 186). tf44 Salisbary Female Seminary. NHE SIXTH TERM of thie Sehool will begin the 11th Februury and close the 1st July. ‘She schuol bas beeu increasing in num- bers every term We have now a goodly number, Sut could take a fewmore. If the number continues to increase, Salisbury will have what it has never had, » permanem school. Inciventul expenses, Charges made from the time of entrance. For particular addre~s | A. D. WILKINSON, | Jan. 22, 1261—tf36 Principal. Régeworth Femate Seminary, GREENSBOROUGH, N. C, FPPHIS Institution has been in successful ope- ration for twenty-one years, and fer the last ten years ander its present Principal. ‘The Course of Instruction is designed to af- ford to Soathern Parents un Inetiutien in whieh can be secured every udvuntage affurd- ed by the very best Female Seminaries in the country. The Faculty consiste of FIVE Gentlemen and FOUR Ladies. ‘The I[nsticution is, and has been THOROUGHLY SOUTHERN in Greensborough is ewivently healthy, and in the present exoited state of the country, ite retreat The next Session will commence Ist, 1861. For Catalogues containing fall particulars of terma, &e.. upply to RICHARD STERLING, Prineipa). Greensborough, N.C. August 2014 ye a Ue 7. @. Wiss Q we MiP // \\ Ya 7 (WATCH MAK “ i, | AND JPWELE Salis Warranted Lt Meonche Ce January 29, 1561. 137 CASH SYSTEM!! ae undersigned give notiee that their business will hereafter be conducted on the CASH PLAN. They feel thut na apolo- vy for this course ix at all vecexansy, the pe- coher state of our pitblic affaira tendering it Thoy will be pleased to ae) to their trierrdea end customers at the moxt favor- able prices possible ; but from and after tbie duy will trade only on the cash or barter plan. | FURTHER NOTICE. Those tridebted to ua by nectnrt, are re: | quested tu. cume forward and close the same by cash or pote. HARRIS & SULLIVAN. Gold-Hill, May 10th. 1861. tf | H.C. JONES & SON, Attorneyéiabd Conpsetiais pt Law, \ TILE practice in the Courts of Rowan Copasf iid Jn the Supreate Opyrt. HH. | Co Jonengh fr. pracies ia. ibe: Courts of Tredgf Cabarr@s Counties. All claims | eotrusp d i them for collection will meet pron pat ation Ye ee No. 3, Brick Row, nearthe Gonrt- | Iyer me. ' H.C. Jones, ar. H.C. Jonas. fr Jan. 15, 1861. uf WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. W ILL Practice and make pring collec- tions in Rowan, Stanly, Eredef and Ca- Cow itd? Wain ng Office'in the ¢orher of opposite the Book Store If you wish to purchase &ne Rbhirse and Col- | lars call at the Great Olothing Fi ium of Davis WEIL. Sept. 25.4119) No.2, Gaamre Row. a fy ree MARRIAGE LIVENSES FOR SALK AT THIS OFPICK. | “eb 14, 1860 Dr. Wm, H. Howerton, AVING PEKMARERTLY LOOATHD in the tawn of Sallsbory, offers hi- Prafeesiovel eervigns to the ‘citigeng, of Ake pown and grropp ding country. He at ait men may uf foandat thw \ ' te P | tee | Hogus.” Mareh 26, 1961 BLUE STONE, 3000 ibe. BLUE, STON EOE ERNIES, 50 Busk. CLOVER SEED. Niee and GENDERSON & ENNIsS. THERMOMETERS For Ouring Tobacco. 910 to 240 ideg., for sale by ¥rom HENDERSON & ENMISsS. 10,000 Pounds of Pure White Lead in Oil, For sale by HENDERSON & ENNIsS. ' 3000 GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sate by HEN DERSON & ENNIS. 40 Bbls. Tanner’s Oil. 40. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISs. Agne and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Galton or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. MEDICINAL FBENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. Given op by Judges ww ve the best ever brought to thix market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. S?ICES/ SPICES, Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger. Mace, Cinnamon. and Nutmegs, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISR. VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ctx. per Gallop at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. 18, 1860 tfl& North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCKSBORSE TO N. BOYDEN & SON, \ IL{. continne to manufacture und keep ou hand all Agricrltural Implements mude heretofore. A fall assortment of Plowe, Cultivators, Straw Corn-Shellers, nud Beed.Catters, Horae-Powers, Reed-Sowers, Threshers, Cider & Sugar Mills. Thresher and Sepurators. Phey alo manufacture Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mille. Circulurand Vertieu) Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Pres- | ser and Fixtures, &e., &c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINFISAED WORK of every description niade to order. und warrant- edinevery respeet. tion of Machinery dane at rhort patice. We are Apenix for Burnett's Wheat Fane. Saliebory, N.C. Jan '2. 161. ly34 Standerd, Raleigh: Pririot. Greensboro’ ; | Demurrat. Charkitte: Wenern Advocate, Asheville ,Carolininn itri weekly) Columbia ; Observer, Fayetteville: and Iredell Exprese will publish 3 months and forward accounte. Greensborough Mutual i INSUBANCK COMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIR EOTOR kt orem eae W..d, MeCounel, O. P. Meade ubali, U.P. Weir, Inmer M. Garrett, Joh be Crue: .. H.D. W) mia Win. Bertie. ger, Duvid McKnighi. | "Bi coche! Jed. H. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A.Wright, Wilmington; Rubert KB.) Ttay, Lumberton; Alexnnder, Miller, Newherus ‘Vhudeus, Mc- Gee, Raleigh ; Vhomae Johnson, Yancey- ville; Dr. W. red Rumery, V ade shoron hey. RC. Maynard, Prankinted ; Dr. bY. Wae- | non, Wutaon ville. OrFivcwe : N.84.D.WILSON,. - ~« Peenident. JED. H LINDSAY, - - Vice-President. CoP. WENDENHABL, - PETER ADAWS. : WM. Ht. COMWENG. - eer: Ree and ‘trea. Vere rn) Agent. | W. J. MceCONNELL. + J. A. MEBANE. - - - Kxeeutive Cam J.M.GARRETT,- -. \ Allcominunication+ on businew= connected withthi: Office thonlPte addréskedto PETER ADAMA, Averetary. Greensber’, No OC. Joue 19. #860... 464 COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N.C. ROMRT PERSONAL Dore tee boinc qoldio this Fe er ae do-onhar. Freie: | ARS ance citizens of Row, are called upon to contribute the dpfenceof she oil pf North Curelian. ‘T, contest hue commenced, and bees seni lo Forts Caswell and Mucon, Troops from Rowan have gone and are 4i)); fig, and depend npon their fellew-citizens ae me to sastain them. There is a Store-Room opened in Sali. bury for the reception ef anything that ns, be eontribeted. No freight for transportation on any of the railroads will be charged, ang Messrs, MCCUBBIN & FOSTER will ;,.. eoive the freight and anything elee thet o ay be contributed. ‘Bircda, Mect; Flour, Oorm, Peas, Beans. o-. m.aoy Seentities will be taken, ard thai. fully received. A list of every inan’s name who con‘ridutes will be preserved. B R. MOORE, Col. Commandant 63d Regiment Mareh 25th, 1861. NEW Spring and Summei COODS! FYNUHE subscriber bas the plearure io ar. The troupe have | ounnce tohis friends and the public gene . ully. that he ix receiving his Moa! Stock | SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, compris. ing w rich assortment of all the LATEST STYLES ~ LADIES DRESS GOODS consixting in part of Silke, Bereges, Greve dines, Beruge-Anglaise. Mozimbiques. Organ. then, Challies and « large Stock of EMBROID. Repairs of every denorip- ATTENTION | ‘ of all kinds of |' A diodany ¥4-)) PRODUCE. hed -tpail condignindetantd be | ERIES, to ul) of which be arke a specs examination. Aw, a foll assortment of Bieached le- meatic, Linens, House-keeping Goods, & A. MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building. Mach 25 —4if Salisbury, No Farmers, Look Out! Money, Time and Timber Saved |. 1 buve the right to sell Vandemark’s Portable Fenec. Made without pests, in the Counties of Ala- mancey Randolph, Roekinghem, Davideon Rowan, Cunbarrus und Mecklenburg. Cheap | ness. durubility, and convenience are its che |udvantuges, We reeommend the Fence i* saw-mill owners, farmers, ahd all who have | fences ito make. We willeell Farm or Count) j rights. A circular stating corls. plan of bmic ing, &c., sent free to uny address on upplien- tien tu ’ JNO. J. WHITE, Mebanesville, Mar. 19, 1861.-3m44] Alainnnee, N.C a*a Charlotte Democrat please copy three months and forward bill to subscriber. CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED Great Reduction tn Prices! Selfing Off for Cash only. Come and See! Nove & YOUNG. will rell them a entire ateck of New Spring and Sum- mer Goods at greuily redueed prices for cath only, We have been compelled by owr long credit curiamers to adopt the ubove plun. Ry the redaction in prices it will be greatly (ec the intereat of ali who have money ty spem for Goods to trade with us. Come und ree: NOTICE.—We now make our laet cs! jon all perrons baviug open weconnis with mF. to come forward and settle either by cash or nvie. We have waited too long already op & | gTeut Many Persons, und are now determince to clove wp our accounts. McNEELY & YOUNG £49 | April 23, 161. COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, | FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY, SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS. Stone in the Bladder and Kidoeye. Weakness of the Loins, de. HIS invaluable Medicine ix for sale erty at Mookeville, Sulisbary Stuterville, Cor: ieprd und Fayejteville, and at Col. Austin e | and ho Where else. |. Phe suhseriber having entered iaty copa: | Bere ip ith deka F. Senn Eee Turthe miawmfuettre und tule of the above Mec | rime, is prepared (: furnirh a cupply by »4- | dressing him at Saliebury, N, C.. or calling #! ‘Wis reridende, 1A thifes weet of this pluce E, D. AUSTIN 15 June 21, 1R55.. DRAYING. . P o YHE wnderiggned given mother thar he ayaee @ TEAM AND WAGONS f' the purpose of Denviny and will serve all whe many favor: him with oullx inghir line on 9 commodating terme. GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 260, 1143 Fine Suits. _ If you wish ipbuy Fine SUITS of CLOTH TING Tor us fitthe Sa sey aspossible, call »: the Great Clothiog Emporia of DAVID WEIL | © Reneween tae Stind— No. 9, Murphy ‘ Granite Row, Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 25. | Notice te Shertifs. x REC ‘'ddally printed to ove! ona Past jm teaser » VP dendend, at ahort vote sud on moderate terme, for eagh: Sev ™ your orders. tf9 r ba bi Cc