HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolina Watchman, 1860, July-December $ _BRUNER, AND PROPRIETOR. EDL POR Single copy,$2,00 ae copies $8.00 ‘1 copies,15.10 Clabs exceeding Cen,1a the sane proportion Payment always in advanc BN Ss tou vach, ARY, |EDGEWORTH FEMALE seul GREENSBOROUGH,N. |This Institution has been inpane operation for fwenty yeurs,and for the lust wine ander ive on priacipalTheCourseof instruction ie designed to afford to |Southern parents an iasti(ution,in which cuu be se- |cured every advantage alfurded by the very best Fe-|male Seminaries in the country.The liberal patron age we have received,whilat it has enabled us toof-fee sayerior facilities for the xequisition of a thorough education,enecourage s us uleo tu hope that our efforts are wppreciated,and that soon all var Southern girle will receive @ complete education within our own ,Mowing Courtand md seellaneouse ANKS ace kept On Taml forsale,at Tt tee,Can be ~ee ae gcut by Te way part ob the country,at sinal \(yl XV - -limite expeuse vom,totake Depo ¢ATerc 404 I I I .XQ \I |BU R Y N C J U [Y LS60 NU \],i >ar Hy 2 Pasay cones of meyer Geutlemen and four Civil Warrant»Com.totu !$Z ,Vv °INe oe t i .1 1 duke \.uadies,selected with strict reference to experience, Qasas&Bods ability aud aptneas to teach.The institution is am- Wale &é oes i Reatmtnistea lang ply provided with aparatus for the illustration ofall x:cutions,C.&>Boeciatbe tiers the departinente of Science embraced in the course er eon Marriage Liceus in ; Witness Pekets s age Licenser,D ege of matruetion el Do Certificates oO e = v Juror Ticket evoted to olitics Yew x ;:eo::°.Phe next reasion will commence August Ist,1860. endo &3 Various Equity Blanks q f t 7 \f {{{d Hl {{d {I Ss l eo Seen ta ,News,Agriculture,J1teraal IJnprovements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Morality,and the family Citete.a i eceaen seine a ee Bail Bods,oriin tee us ee aes ==ii apply &RICHARDSTERLING Attachment Writs,Deeds in Trust,- wpe 5,1X60 wp D-livery Bonds,Sherif Deed- ry —-a Al ninistration,0 Equity hy TO THE V a .woe ‘“s Notevot Hand ,ees .‘\. Beetantay,i Mates of Hand,OTERS OF Janded property at 20 cents on the sane amount.So that a part unlisted the Clerk collecis the tax on some—the You ask now perhay what effect ad valorem will have ypreoal ae .apes,i ss NE MW i a int nny athor forvas Fal Saatiegl ntuse,Blaukeprin Jand pays more than three times as high «rate ag slaves.Be-Sheriff on others.tpon reducing your taves ¢in fuiestion,a I have stated ef tonne 'i WINGS f lite ‘as ave sta ye.8 ’Y oe P ‘i 4 F ’ sides,vou tiust cemetber that,under our Constitution,con Taking it altogether.1 think we aay all contidently affinm,ds wide of the iseae.The ain of ad ealorem is not to inake Look OUT ror Yuk NUS siderably qiore than half of the slaves “nuvaties and not far with the Democracy of Cabarrus,that ii such nuded,iH ene tics pay more and another man pay ;bat to equalize at :Pa :.::;e !:|!rt ae f ER,hort of half in value,pay no tax at all,while land from the arranged system a cHaNck Is iinperatively demanded,TNO ORnCn CI tTnMOrlatinnc llerewillnncnnronthan tart Se ‘i cit ’..i aa :‘=tp eeS ‘Lhe following ts as ay]cable te a WH ay PALO start and of whatever quality,is taxed aaene to value.We come to consider now what that cHanct should be.Johis due share.oS howese vou ask the question it may \Hie ADEN AOI Ns )‘yey Taltnietrnhiertl aie hee :i .).|oS “‘‘S Ciuc in te ote cn ee .A tkM DEMOCKATIC ©AD VALOREM Po illustrate the practical ditference:here are two men,one bey each voter to read carefully over for himself the platforms (as ws Wiese f par upposition that the Treasury Vinviteas,Great mequabity exist Bag Gare |ouire oon oy Seti he are ::Jaen SUP posit as Went.Gada eat ay an ‘eh are opposed to Os a yuece of land worth $500:by his own Jabor he puts of the two parties,herewith pr veh,Pe will be struck (Will tequive te unore reset nde ad valucem than it does .r d SA Ae aN {tae sectional compro NCR aCT Tat Wel ¢j ‘.Pa F 4 ...ee ‘ Tne nndersigned wii com ARN 1 night that all PROPERTY 1 OU)(Gone earn,‘HA provements Upom it,Whe I appreciate its valne to $1000 ith their remarkable agreement in tis,that thes ments fas i ee Sen tinetliercHcctmwillabente a >Ad comtiibute as proportc tus tional Chara *»The State Wes is 5 ‘P 1 |1 'a I Censas on the 4th of dame,line cittaens Fy aras the bardeus of ee Gonal,iaid Chat we especially depiecnate The State oimkes haste to send the ta\-watheree after hii ta each of them,to prescribe a inode ot Caniig Pioreyry mone.TOT Tie caves ony Batt (yf oevery lundred tax-payers. yan ti rete encs 3 aay Ee Gonoat tis time by the ¢.f Plaats §..res ;c hese 8. Mecklenburs county hiv ao \.tosid Te ede iat ce recount Ea as UL ota |him te pay on this enlanced value—the product of We derive revenue from other sonees,bestdes property sor Tneed ner tion vee f es and calentations,though the line of Divisions witely ovonds from the |Conveution of the peopleul tie State to our Suite ;HEU is |The ET:na \.;":l re alcutations,U eas Ta tuwy fie Salagues roel ur One ay Ta ‘Hs I"i Sung Slate tu ou ae polities al a qtestion ol his own labor.The other man owns,sty,&negra woinkn oF Se eIG |See suchascirenses and other strollerss,Dhave then a:hand.Tost the thing in this way:Suppose 2 Salish ALU hi y be called on Che federal basis as cars consutingiad anmendinent atlectng the two,giving birth to children ¢i "Pear nr :.tat oe -an fotte,through the main street of sand Wown,nul TY as poacticable for the purpose of sv basis upon which our revenueisraised a is hte children and thus adding every year or from licenses,such as retulers,pedir,&e.5 from privileges,Ithere be a church,of which tity of you are neinbers.Your.23 from tence down the Nation Ford)road to ne vans the Constiqiuea)thifvesary bellevue tata Gao jrenmutire dupaiitic ns ou two hundred dollars to his weatth ;but the State such as Banks,&e.Bat neither party has pretended to lay |preacher needs $400 a vear manta 4 PP aS eG jae GLENCOE Rae Ginwe bectaeetinln ;;{eel ,'‘‘yt er needs ¢a year,and wants no more.You raise’ ol 4 LL presence vat Ist ane HG Cal re botis ists at Che same tine al a ‘»‘tore GC .do reckor };“:2 '6 by it . Bae Gaol LT WO pees UU ES Oe facet vite value,with power to oe fai Al une tine Waits a long time before she comes aud reckons with Ace tor down any rile with respect to amusements,Leenses or privie Tit,bot owith pretty hard work.Suppose,farth wouect ate of answers to the followin questions,to wits ;!dis-wee alern of the slatnre Sonata _ee :E :’::i rk.Sup}ler,vou g Tinicatienn nae Lee ae joruminiale ol In favor of the pative when passing vets for the ol this constantly increasing wealth,She gives lim twelve years leges.Property and property alone is waded:to by tt addition of a vour inembe p,and every one of 2 ‘.SP product vur State aud the widustual revenue,so neperaet ’vefore ie ts gaske ANG pore nut Nes ete }.;\BOLE asia 3 of abode on the Ist June,P96),was tu this ben fore ent tne ee 7 Tha ter i :to anja ‘;before he is asked even te return a cent of it for taxation.Let Now what is the just inferencetronrtins onics ww Why,,ev-fthem a ricl 1 ner leita Femi ctree ing te :fa jOUlsy toh Ugeus arteenth bearus pe Pevinmtaul unieur :ae os .yn «:é ,|ea ttt aa aid \Z ily :Ages Se Color,Protession,occupation art Afesulutian of Whe Opp IDV TOR be nein mee eve me vr er the landholders of this Senatorial District,who idently that the mode of taxing such things is to remain unal-sinto the church treasury Dmvondecuie wit is tievetiect§ ade sat verson over tl Wovears af awe ion |‘Phi.OW nD ob &t STA CROLL TS ‘.ah ..,. ey .a ri Te \i rus if fe ‘:ry j fe Testi aes 1 a whono shaver,that the outrageous inequality of which Phase tered Po argue that becaa ey are in favor of taxing pro-|Why,of course the ra ar mini tiioeitie alue 0 aval Pasta'e i sotial Bas ‘sections of he Nltte ule fore I ety 1 -t sclth -\4 i or tate;Burth pla miarnied uci the vent |‘Us cuymal Ue Der chuce A offered an illustration,is continually going on in ever-varying perty,therefore,they are against taxing circuses an {the like,|preachers su i on fo spre for ending Ist dune,1860,Attended Schou during |Ce ee re eae er tai them throughouttheState,How lung ts Just the tine as to niy.Tat Gecanke a inal thinks ih ngheteeotre ih =':,:XN nreun the year;Pers ae r 20 years who cunne Vi ey Suther 11%in lis child,therefore he is opposed to whipping Wiseccre aise sus |:/;Pe ean ad aud wate;Numer at deat,darth,bs ;‘.' nti Heke Web rena it \vu ul low in Unies borer ae between toes who arn Mand.Yaut at all Tr would oe,indeed,-ve punta '!remaining insane,blivue,pauper or couvicl ,‘tod ]:>ce ose hid g Coneeruing the Slave quhabitants,inquiry is FELLOW CITIZENS:lore atid shawebobders ©Tere two inven,Work ea f taxing,as well as cha whippine.te m4 1 .ve Sejuet directed to the tullowing+Nantes of owes 6 ,,s wena Lil shave ne has SPS tis <have ,.prrticular subject,No tse 4S \'.Vee Blives:Number of Siaves,ages,sea,culors tu Ttind Dearpotaneer wich von,in all probalilite,ata :/:.i laves ;Z ;of 'heed rer $10.00 to dand ard <bojgee in ve Tek ery,&:t an) gitives,dears ant dust,bhud,1 moe cralot they X it ]ST Cutthonl two |':.‘.\,wien,Tam i a u ’\|vidd sav thr hevouelit t ‘tivcat cine i pummber of Stave hous Cy eer end rere een ‘eu \tS ‘. Ler propesty. _Concerning statisticsof matte i ii ened eee er t ‘wdiitas avy \f wt,trou this iim- ing:Nateofevery j Ry {Eye eu tee £Nonp 1 trate i leon ;}is ’j ,| the year ending Jaue i,Pao?>u “sid t isla iliy atl ae ; and,trerchaudieoe,&e, abode ab the inte of Gost alin Was iu ‘'ella a SET ner :::1 .ne He ‘i i us Deriecrats \Expeen 4 fo Ane ly:age,sex,color,comdivan id we Bi !col a Vortly a tWwaspu |‘'t me ik Jean ':uu '7 \\of ;Hae aa 1 On anu yi ng it owed,birth place,ti :‘ae ae leave hi ere ali een Tele white argue ‘Vous hed ‘O tle Takes oneal 5 Uy cause of death,duration ui titi ss alae yy pe },eit Teer 5 '- Concermng aitut it Wit Nas ~~|.ery ¢vol '.t :Wes ae -:ev paid ft soor of owner of Far,Qe vol \eel)ea \ene |\»Cad ect tant r yes ‘::‘!yu 'Y property Po.wmmproved :Viuw i \:,(|Sh i :five \rbring the fener ene an ae CN ree :\I na ‘: Horses,tes os anid Htesy cl Gwe 8 \Cay i \:oe 1) i mutes aid Our en,other ca .|\ety fete :ae fsa ::mis tiw heals and fiecawice Nu ee va dliees ;;'(we ::dust as if a WW ,i t *. on fart dure \\i f a i 5 ”\4 it 4 j AG ae 1000,is Poondsof ric ' eet |wore uc t F 2 No.bales of it ‘“~ly rat f .a :i :‘Cent pay i poy \\|Cotas net ; , I t ce e c bushels of poas 4 ‘‘era t Se HOt aa ee |':bac :‘yeu .if ei ;:-‘The tits Coron eor fs er C Ae ony (~Pr {feo ic |s /a 4 wookde )it ;‘¢ae fer <i ;Wee mane .>:i },ot oa offers ae \;¥hop <(«W 1 'I ::: \wete 1 via eet \=4 ein UR Coot idius away 1 -u ‘‘:Sr)Lest)Pout Not wever?!Yt LT look for ¢ t taka .k for any ul of lh ean ¢\.Sy 7 u :eee cee es >surely come and not .:Rh 1 are |i (‘’'i ‘ae ,’ ,oa wa]on cilia :‘.es yo }He ¢a peor mans / ee Sit (d :'.‘ ‘my ids ‘Rt 'a a 1 CEae eu :_vy asta WHEAT sha Tet [en ee :‘eee are Cit ier aed i ne ::;raat)Lag werds of our of 1000 Ths |‘Hw ieee earn een ern Nonna he ea prey A a :t 1 th 7 t a }DoF the medes Pounds ,rut \,1 eRe (ea fay ;,;Wiis We reeonn ia ¢,t fochence lt ,i er ,):! Value of howe tna ive ee ode OO i EXCH GO Mart not be taxed under th t ,;;;Pfs eC CRT ,et -a u ms picrstes of '}g i for diated &batisl 1%r S125 one :Lop ee .a : slaushte }I win of Ab Vat PMo ie aise chy «ficlerpete av .'a :essed to Vorth oe gi s the Vy iwerceniecae gteceda Lat i -I ‘R kta .::moved led a iy:n ‘\.Pan Pane 1d ;Pa feat}(|Sel ';me s a .4 Lee ae TESS eet 4 4 \\|eC GOr vidual Naw t 5 a LE UE NS ci DEW “{qhe State and:'!Z (nes F,:rigor ilu uM tia 1 .:2 !a i AGS)Mow fee ue ::£,7 (ae .::ite inet stitnuiate ter va {iw ie 4 it feo ;Moet CEN tee)Rent “i ‘i :bs |i It is 1 Se In ;Veen Te et |i fine oe (J |[eee zi :t {own employed 2 wares Mian i jee i A ; (ete trina nie I ©PROPRILY Sa ih mist «ethe 0 1 WN \eee :The awill examine the a SV cutAbhy at sontree of partite re hue [rt needs no yu Cer nmitetie wetiiecsnds ite ;',:\a lt dont and tuake owl a Lee .s :‘<ut You my get se Line fron «ss,privilees,|‘t 14 sj it \ee “:o ‘ire ON Sochieotite iomay be rea o i se r ,.‘\nye +\: shal when We eat ie =a ae ee lust et the balances ed :vnatien for anybody abode.[tis i of Pho wha’I Tach \STist Bu \=it ;\‘1 teachings county to rend:Ves stunt M tome!~Goatees tit P lane !TT stance Iie \|\\|.: ald they can tin ne oe %a Peas ‘ t \D 2 -\'Dit oN y Care =aS POGUE,fart n ;yee is NOC Uliust imports te ::.ae eS !\~‘tl pro .17 fully stated,for upon it lop (pes :Sas ;|Is peters a question cons at one ati ¢.‘f \'be ,‘ee tion in Comeress.Our Soceinay ae i teeon col 2 \of THN on Wed about the manner who earns pas mnere eer Foxy acute Wie /é |ends sentative if the Ceneas is yh Hen oii ce Peden A given bulderon eis tivalle negro fellows,1140 5 :me i ) taken correctly s ‘v ar }lt }}55 ;‘;1 t ;ate ov ;,vou tnust be raised t he Treas that is admitted.[Tt or $1200 armas Upon what prineiph ut !I)':ecung '1!ry Trent:p ar "' siete at Nesietatit \batela re raised ¢ny ey]perty of the Strate tat is taxed imere than tourtines as high as av Ph RULE wif 7 \..=to be |l | )‘!i :‘1 -Tho ae Uso admitted Tlow shia he raised¢that isthe disputed The ¢diet has a bond well secured for x1 Iya :bhey are hs in New 0 me --The Corot nt How shia)the peomiairy of the Sratebetaxed #that is ue m S240,The laborer earns Shaan '\:;sons.This of New Orleansbaspollshed las quar ;/}Be all :ae i ‘:ul ‘\‘,Is 1 t 7 SONG be |Das fate re question,Whieh is ad vressed to your intelligence in the dis face,and the State takes S10 of it |caplialist tis 4 us what they terly report for the tit thonths ending .oe :a :;i ie Pines Vat Calta Lt STAs !STO TLC ’Maret eee . ae Ph 'eink JOC CT tsk es Po this question enelr of the politieal par seamething laid up fora ray day The Jaborer,at the «o sauen “plenty ,,o ‘my atta t a dispute even May 31st.From tie absence of oth :;\:In st yori CN OO 2 |cane et ' data heretofore,Little las been k cs has oven a dittorc wer,to whieh P beg your atten:of the vear.tinds his Tittle income all gone to teed his w Petre cor :eer f -fthelr pharm over and 1 ., ny ).‘':aoa \'!'1,- regard to the previsence of crane ia Vhiat m rial t fren Their very bread and meat is fice Eee Paani r fhe ;ie [oat a no .|k wards cu ts ve ‘,mili {r ‘Wan tiie city,except its some cine melt be ol fefore Teome,however,to state the positions of parties on the Penoeratic party:jes a ee andar)x a t aa i |\‘Yat thie:that ine The treneN inte eites !i };a a es .ee CCTs .mo :4 NN Hee (art eat . tained from the newspaper press,int =r NOTTS rem ierlur the r@erenliMae ema Soenehtotiie lborne cliassis Goren .i ee the cu ional basis occasional announcene:tot startling tray ;.!,;1 Ey Ta !'\s i ]3 Pea 'wer =meension.te rine ¢eat alee ts Tet >:)2 a 4 1 Uothe same tine elies,“Dia veprsma wing present inode of taxation |Panally oppressive is the tax pon merchand.-«eo ty aye i -;;oo I ne, 1 1 1 . ‘1 i .L wy }‘re >| “The total n {t sasite.and you will scarcely find two opinions amore yyced upon all por chases noontatior tow of rw Te fae te nd |et :E “ 1e@ Toral 1 aT ,Apiae s .1 ‘‘zt ale -x tek 1 ¥ire +P .4 we nformed tet (ies cen FT vane ::le =cel iM 'wit en 188 against 13S toe yj resions quarter,be eae:on point.In spite of the prejudice or for east or upon eredit.Won the ee SNe DOE aE ta sa TO STO SE LAI Ni || Ing an increase of SO,ong per cent woh whieh partizan zealand attachment Invest the >ect,pat te drive out or the busi coterpmeine annem of sind.tie 4 'Ant j ,neg :1 aneht fo be so ‘Sates Dye ms eel Merete el democrats coneeda thy eet (i eras 7 ‘::is fo t ’i within the limi HI oe es i Hee Ee |tal i us conced that th ys UGGS :et means,Whitey Ihave ta operite Upon the tuoney or creditot t ent tim ceret fore !,ents 'co 4 e imite nearly 37 per cent.tieredase wets y defective and untainly nel :Peat ener :;.)>::‘.!\nte sated classes of eee ee 1 Tash eee ire Ture Wa i burdensome,that they implore us fiends2 Is tt nota device to exalt the wealthy merehan ee the Ley re He ay el woather prop r ;ee fi C f a a ‘ik ‘notte take itas the best they will de,it they are ont pau ver Tis poorer rival?Tow much om Teatbleodt awed Cu ett,ler '|\}:.:»Ji bears “as equally jve women—four of wiom were !°.HON Se ‘»i oa at :Se EE Eee uae at Be Seat ut AMNOUNT Pas practicable upom all tl ‘Le ‘t yy Coe ioeidaie 1 Garala tener wnesd in power, Especialiy has the Democracy of Cabarrusliy tag the eapital empioved at an Pde yates witeiilat Uustexcaipin einid Deis cient!eect ae ;and sof property .’lee SAR Oe enact e :,.:,:at it tormelic t i rt \een {(A oraeinreine tors Were tinkhown.Nine petsaGs Gell SURGUSA IAULean e Cess]\aLir achange in ourrevenue policy.|would place all upon an equality }Ihe determined upon atall ky wviedge of the average condition)When tl tel!MTEC UIEeINents ';a :g neaverag !Wien they t ne fle er enanen te at mitted euicide—seven men and two wo-|Ata Democratic meeting held on Tuesday of last January 1.‘:|\ep es SS ois pre able to .:;:Y)This tax is levied,besides.a erate of dof T percent uy of our people and the exigs us the Treasury,oe heen i ‘ men.(The previous quarter there were Court,over which Col.Coleman presided,it was re solved,with :a oan |:on .a Sel CUS MUL vestige WIE ON at highway right to only six suic des.)Forty three persons |Ws iee ,,on purchases of ordinary goods <1 per centon clothing 5);0 Marsland,Georgia,aes and other States,whieh have it,of course ey wil]TESTE Reet they don’t ?lone accord,Sthat our present revenue syatem is nnyust,op -,:§:°ES Ere SCCM esa Cite . were fonnd drowned —42 men and Lowe i .Hh }}per cent on liquor bought in the Stat (10 pereéent on sor adopted the adeeadercm svatemy,lace tived on vartons amounts.mou what the Any UP exe erie neat i es eee ant rennet rn euentG pressive,and imperative ly demands a change.And accord |\can F &1 1 ':;:here 1»tel wilorem any COMI Te v@ddentihed,boo per-,:eign hiqnor,NA ake A CASE PO PSE Ton St pOses st whatever may We une iT parcentar,the operation of o1 \Vi Tare et } ;;oe A pera prregnc i a ies ae Rilacte 5 srpck of ;i fae ingly the delegates from this County in the Democratic State K :,oe 4 |.;u u :;I :us UG.-e their answer is “dark, ished by the wreck «steamer w |4 \t !. Bea Se see Ue !\H merchanthasmadethis spring a purelite af yeOd0 Nie ve eeetain is still uniform and eqnal Po aman have not aimborsoos and with dowhle sense nT tl was destroyed by fire in Lake Ponehar-Convention last March,cast the vote of Cabarrus for ap va-{eo ;a ,:tesense denidt Some of them, eT a ae rie et ‘Wahl 1)"f iia follows:$6000ofordinary woods SoG of cli vw -Sh00 of the speeitie amonntof the exe wt,lee ee pre leer ,ch eee inane he eee ;ee 1 sere Hee atea day the Tospital see)|LOREM ith the Democracy,therefore,of this County (un Ty ...:ee !pred,at, \,;;; .A :Liquors—aof whieh one Tralt vis been bonmiht a »State and pert but only on dis head Ht he hi more,he paveswn the thous hae lar ,F :. eed PerRes ce wounds which |Joss indeedthey meanly eat their own words)1 have no con .eee i Ww),',:!,||a ‘Ce vare in favor of which tay prove fata fwe take rite the other half ont of at tt fax does tie pave t lust Bea excess atone ]/i,iF oe ,W 'me +;rraversy Many of them,Treqatee to believe,in contempt of \ il these gentlemen be Cousiduration that the Caruner is)ony fad ,,}on that purchase,or more tains P per cent I]Jel pra Phe thing whieh»ib oeo a tare mest ja ta ce Nensedd tee ‘1 ine and distine ie lain] eAlledinulicuident mere arc ty tees scn isc v ledders and inachinens,willga limavely tomvardanl water yi 7 7 |;ie 1 S aD h plainly c ‘‘Ta smo oe L ‘,:dit Se Postion t Vo drase the MS eel anenh WATTLETee td (eat ,Veena ween Re ,”vcd | happens,at the utmost,ia one out of six the change,which they Poerienat Was so dinperatively de \1);:aaa :Pt S :\vdbadew?Tf)however,I ;:i .‘i‘yESO,yan will submutte sn yercentan|pureha 1 PAA OLLNE igre t ;,ety .Cay }} cases of shooting or cutting,we will find manded,But for fear aome of them may be diehned“fotirn ';i 'Vad TORRES GN Gl :;=striate |:!‘\veh twadd it means that 3 ;es without taking aecount of it Sst eb Wt en leyes x yaplayie vet ):errs a Te n r F ' that the twenty seven heantendes reported their backs upon themselves,”let ine Decne unicetarcant 4 ee is to be wrane val be eneuipicd at it un r vernal iy a disproportionate tax on for |]|=consider bow this tax redete mtits Tundyed an uid fa \| «1 syne t leants tert “.}.ey es ee :é bane Wu ‘Piste eat ey ver moot th ae =Testy 8 n come e } ae oa Vitel hefulirecotd:avy a few facts and figures tanching the inequalities of ont 1h tat beaut ;:Ser :!!_i i \i Ine easier for im te do OF bloods r i snsoan dd)that we eat and arin ate Sy mvt 1 ire \¢'le .Ia hn ')a rey rt '' .present tax-bill.a hae i ',jaa CORES,aA [ete Peish d ‘Hew in ve rrneasnre the disproportion £Tow —.ns ‘r alle ftoonwerd at py mirchasiag Toe LOT st t WW dik 1 Wing i '’ee oy aa rs pert '}m t ay THE JAPANESE IN BALTIMORE Look on the following table,containing some of the princi ;ee :De SSRI (\Sinorstvons decr ine (if it :A Ate while the vor dndst Oty Prom e rebate vine nae Maat eeL ”ir it otepeet <at tay |.'sila dwet ea])os Banimorn,Jane &Tho arival of pal items from wiih Revotinetederives with)the weet }i eer ly ‘vag j ivr \\!‘mid t raplifted n i name the Japanese Banthasss rere thistmorniy valuesandamounts pard by ¢wh (Compr Rep Psa)CS Se aN wre)Th paved:4 Hy Be a (ON yd on :i |ermine!we it into i .‘‘‘a vo .atoll i 'lie meat eee }nm tactlaemk,DE){1 tel Was announced ly salute d they wet .«f yt Ly 5 eobet eS :Mi By Let ou ere vom a 1 i \i '\t ny a feared *i a ,1 ‘Slave property wo sz00.000,000,patd SEES 330 evap?,r !,popu ;nie .Bite ue on |Lani ‘Qe 2!.ea cans HYLTON MS TEU SES TEEEMS us TN et ios Fe)NT St \s snoat heels and out at CEBALEL a tu 4 b ss :y z 2 =}1 )x e8 “1 wail wy ow eee large,and ATC Cnn cee .aL GES .3 end these remarks tipen the inequalities of the puarely up to the we ken Ww ’1a |reaper Oller Yor w ]is foreed,te advance on the Paid Fire Depactarent,with ita steam Paras i ae an ;);See Gupteeee cnn eee fri Merchant's ¢ipital,Be aii {tax hill te any lemeth»but it snot deemed necessary leo whey the Jog gees muht w wat 1 <er ry 'i Heli wav aff the faves,because xz ae re)“li terestiag Teatire ee 1 r (*..7 i ::’e ’ of the display.The em eee We:salir Pee :ie 1 elude with aringle general observation A Revenne system burdened But i \Votan \eomak i torsooth,they 1 t You open wide the door, .nee sat li r aS Bb?795 ss i A :t open carriages,each attended by a mem i nme of ta oe .Nee ;not secureing something tke equality,vtorimity and sim great ade,really te do next ft Vine,of eotrse an undie fos ot 1 \ff tawation,|plundering the a of the Naval Cotsorssion.They Now observe,first,generally,how as eachof these items de plicity.it mist lin convedcd.mm radically dee:Ours,as proportion s thrown vpn Aaa eur be lone estates ie eon lcs r the pretext of supporting ihe .“Te |wt .:t "+\+|1 )!,:2 lat =:welcomed at the Maryland preciates in value,it sustains proportionally vr heavier weight we have parily eeriy,is net only grossly wneqnal hut 1 1s,lefore the exce Cn tu Myo n Tere,fellow:governin Hhas fit emind the advoeates of this dishonest stitute 1B Anas vor Swat i ') "Ls observed uy .y vw Swann,They af taxation not unlike a huge building set upon a wooden exides,ra complicated d involved adonble night cit you have the pra et who of the present scheme of eq 1 )mont taxation cit ih aome ot orved ure ed t Ae !.|‘+'!t t ato Ture tte st e wreat tal vy.peering to ne 6 ,;f .°.; Aiceandeca ener nieci iti nee Tie fonndation,What is such a system but compelling the weak darknossc?that all the Revenue officers in FlShAnC manny meen nat ad valorem In ihe ot bee eertain property hold jane ¢fee cay ils jus r"Reiiereletate subordinates,liwever,manifested the bear the burdensof the strong?What ist silenian cs bat throngh it,ner do they pretend te any uniformity of practice ors are notoriously allowed to stoop from:thie ren af the pub to appeal to ..poverty,writ |vinlenes to greatest interest in the scone,acknowled 10 inake the rich richer and the poor poorer ?Where will it ynderit.frembraces alist of articles more in number than lie debt.Inthe other,every man will he ¢mmpelled to bear their hich art i Las ay SAT an aac eee ns and an Ny owalntions with eathnae end,it persevered in,bat in the prostration of all our feebler the letters of the alphabet ©twice told 7 over,and almost every that arden in proportion te his aac ny (Oey Heer erent::;age alive auatenrin Cleator: slasin,some Of Them even taki ff their 7 .ata ,:‘’¢ce hate,Amertean t alee ee h industrial interests?ayn taxed ut lifferent rate and ino a «diffe \yme-ther viele the poor,avec |wiry BatPam told and welfare,wh res trot dea yun by t aceard to ante,2 at asiion,to the 1e8 . .*:v ‘¢ On arriving at the Gilinor House the Observe,again,more particularly,the inequalities among times sper fieally —sometimes ad valorem omer on CY these are mere eateh word Phev area »thing Thev every man's ability Nasi the rieh sor the poo:omehe to y ..BO ,ve >slave arty state f ,1 rofit times «0 urelases Je express t ritical ctnes {tu >have.s t whole procession was reviewed by the these items.The aggregate slave property of the State,you)tal-—sometimes on p ofits sometime We purchase wh Express W th eritical exactness the very ohjeet which we have ask for less or submit to meore Par Demeciniic len nay es are taxed as white men A part the subj listed in view quirin as they please.There is their hand writing upon Eimbasey pereeive,18 tated lesa than 6 centa on the &)00 worth -the play sl =See eres een eee -eee eeeae eee eee roTUNE——ee every principle of fair construction,it commits them to it pay its fair proportion.This difficulty ought to be re-'tion here that I did not occupy in the! cee TEE AD VaLoREM on all the varions interests and classes of property,moved so that the Legislature may protect the credit of the East,which al]my speeches will show ;“State without doing such injustice to the citizens—and I bat my competitor has changed Aés tac-except slaves.This narrows the ticld of controversy to a single issue:SHALL SLAVES BE TAXED,LIKE OTHER PROPERTY, accorpING TovaLtEt Weesay they should be.The Democrats gay they should not be.In regard to all other property,we agree that the prineiple of ad ca/orem in right and should be applied. There,fellow-citizens,is the precise question.Judge ye! And can you fail to see that,if the slaweholder in)North Carolina oecupies a bad eminence now,forasmuch as he alone is protected against taxation in var Constitution,it must inevitably be ten fold worse under this proposed Democratic scheme {slaveholder myself,T should deplore the results of its success. to be “premature,impolitic,dangerous and unjust”to tax at slave according to value:but timely,wise,safe and right Can you give any good reason for believing it tax,in that way,the white man’s labor,working by his side, at the rate of one per cent.,as itis this day ©Can’tevervbouly see it will not “lighten aught each man’s peculiar load”but the slaveholder’s¢And what must that load be in the end / The public debt is already well igh $000.00,Tt eannot fall far short of twice that sum by the time those great public works are completed,to whict the tari of the s Now is it possible that as slave owners Weare v tate is pledged ling ta laden the shoulders of oar felluw-preperty liolders,each according to his full strength,with this grievous burde%touch it ourselves with one or oir Think of the fairness of ascheme,which tases everything jaallycac plone hundred and eighty or ninety thousand slimes,that it dowt tae at all! So long as the seat of the evil is in the Constitution itself,it is idle,be assured,to talk of applying le .When we searcely Hees ishative quackery. There is no remedy but in the healing virtue of the sovereign people. I close. I]have passed right on in the line of my: to set distinctly before you the real issue,believing that if you renment see that clearly there will not be any dilference of opinion among you,except on the part of those who look into their pocket books fortheir principles. worn-out and coutradictious objections to taxing slaves,accord ing to value,like other property. Thave notstavedtonoticethe Those objections,indeed, run all through each other and over each other,like an in disgraceful flight.1 must reserve, tosay of them until Tecan meet vou not fail then to notice a certaiy CUO however.what Vrceatin Address issued by LG leave the proposition now before the people. Legislator and Statesman will look to present wants and ne Every wise tics,and now blows two wave. Mr.Pool referred to the letter of the cessities of a State in passing and proposing laws for its notorious J.Parker Jordan,and denounce:government.; But let the people understand the proposition distinetly. My coinpetitor bas read the words of our platform correctly 5 but you must have noticed that he sat down without ever reading hig own,There was a good reason for this ons His apeect was ad inuch stronger one against his own platform thas against ours,and it was well that he didi not read it before this assembly,But he bas not represented our platform correc Ile savs: We propase te tax only the negro, in Burke or anvwhere else lias ever made sucl s1OD.. ve itis contended bere that Certainly no honest tec A preposits mh, {finy competitor has ever heard any man take that positien, et him name the moun and the time and place,and [will ove that this man bauer of which he speaks so londly su ject to “anata,¢xcept slave property fad been drinking some of the foreign Al]property is ow The change will make slave propery stand on the same footing with all oth er property Amel ait Saves @nd land and money at tarerest,and all the leading but leave is to the will require the Lesistature to tox subjects of capital according to walae Hacretion of the Ive products connected with honest toduatry hy lased tation, weveslatare te discriminate in favor of tae rlustrial pursuits,by exempting things Taxation, nianly oon frou ut many sections are raised,and My ce native products was meantonty to alow the taxing articles tnisrepresenta mype! abroad —and not neterty the part in reference to industrial pursuits,proceeded to say that we would compel the taxing of everything. dictionary gives that definition. Srought from fisher than those produced in the State’ Tle save to discriminate means to tax.No It means to make a differ ence,The best way to make a difference in favor of labor is to exempt from taxation those things necessary to carry iten.The best discrimination in favor of the labor of the Carpenter,or farmer would be to exempt their tools,and inplements ,and the necessaries of life from taxation at ; and the Levishature would have a discretion to say low tar Bat admit,for argament,that EAS a tle,eae those articles in Burke county which the Levislature desires thisexemprion should go. discritaination does meau to lac soveer, to exempt,one cent.That answers inv Competitor's hair mothe Cl thine detimition,and amounts still to an exemption tor tdivided among the people of Burke would be sut ficient fo gatisty miy competiter’s definition of diserimina Yer be made avainst equal sayptedto Thon Spon fais that all tie eapitalis a Tavation as proposed by oor plathranttvsthebastunderstandsthat everything is ta he tuned .,i He ismistaner.The lost onderstands tro 1!‘1wood&Co.which has been carted about this Distrier,|de:2 USS Tie ;un :aeithvalalls‘;paper noranv man dn tae toast,of our party hha .with especial ditivence—a document.by iV A Nile a position ee Sul pep site Chee ty cup slander,leant been applauded by the Black Republican puess atthe Novth Mr ‘Turner's tietion iit un nelerrcnitasiiene for its abolition tendencies.that we mean to tax tia ens,Pte thon was to chan I cannot conclude withuut invoking your zealou CUOte Omen a GURU USL Canc at Li GT batt eops should Mr.Pool,our candidate for Governor withont fear and without reproach Egvat Taxatios! may in county skirmishes,every man whe loves justice should i —a standard bearer The banner over him is And Jet come what may,or let fall rally to him who bears that bannersonobls triumph in the end. telligence. his own cunning. to the four winds,s0 thar y Oiurcause must To doubt it would be to doubt your in- Gov,Ellis has entangled himself in the meshes of 4 The Democratic party wean!tind iteven with as hot be taxed Vision. Yet,bee:who constitutional pro! tax them! petitor sars the tax has scattered itself’purchased trom Cie st he Democratic htntional pre ked in the e vnstitution / yvention retised to propose to insert a weex@mype Chern trom a ee How would 1 ise the¢ t have bition oof tin G@ups,mv oe ‘NN pPefitor saves, tus proof positive that meant to force the ! Levislature to And this ts the whole ar wnent.Batiny eam Hy TEN Mant¢ )cents on the eypetssed this law.Tin mes,and are sid by tue pare The ee eraty and is, the vo CHyps ire therefore under at re SLO valine now ot Soomv eonWoolScentsont warrant.Its boasted nationality is clean gone.Where,une petite and hes party VC AU SOR Geis ithe der these circumstances,will the honest masses eo,butte thar BEOO.while thes Oty)Sen tastes 1)ee;': well organized band of patriots,whose platform is Egcarey AT THE TAX-BOX,THE Constitt dion oF rue Covniny,rie UxNtox OF THE STATES AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS /' Tam,feHow citizens,' Yong ob't serv’t, VIC Loree Corcorp,N.C.,} June 26,1869.;! DISCUSSION AT MORGANTON!| would be onty to mmistend the poopie trou the BARRINGER.| Strate,and arcument falls—torthey mich t be taxed Iigherthan land,Ge IN CUPS Were Tire Oy Competitor admrts it fo we are for tax Jitsonty To cents,aod thatw ne them at:save dllcents yn the Shy on tienes.Bat thes ntend this whole mat ’}+era es \}i ry ’Bet he save much will be lost by the faxon silver ypounte, Pho higher than land,&e. rold watches.|P tare duty competitor savs one plattormn means by diserimina of native progu vanes nin faves ]tn late,and axarticles bronght fron Now,«leer se toro:her than th re State” atelies,and }made ont3BaeMES) f his constraction of the platform is correer bis suthesays we wonld jose n Dank stock,tard tables.e'r BU cis «Reeraee re enses,Tawye ra and doctors,&Is there anv man here TRKE COL N I \AROUSED!does not keow that beean-e we tax property acearding + MR.POOL’S REPLY.,Ce <1 ee us :,stionid fel to tax Mrelasse Mr.Pool said:I am pleased to see so many of iny f ni sed Lequor by ay cat a cnet ;A le .. citizens of tle county of Burke assembled to hear me,and [practice law or medicine lone man isallowed a qoriy sure, desire to express iny thanks to the ladies for their attendance Wich ts tefascd ta others he onuht to pay for ity and beeunse —and while doing so,1 fee!authorized to retarn te them the Te '#s u .DE ee BES Seat Pen ie thanks of my competitor also,tor P know be thanks them,al ae :he ee -.:wtthoughheforgottoaaysobeforetakingnsscat.The discus:aumeth nu an ‘ele aie sionof the subject of taxation is one cn wWhicd toe people of tela and bowie knives Te yea the State seem to take great interest,and Ltake great pleasuie who sell CrmIS resent ht |in expressing my views upon it before the peny oe.‘Tnere isa!~s at,ee : proposition to change the Constitution of tue State,and this "oe -.;z ebange should not be made without tie full understandin {ee ne aula ice finieaiie consent of the people.The consti tition defines and limite the quer,and save art ne wanted tax t me a legislative power.When it forsids tue L taretodo any hand.de Bet remember inv competitor's eonstin f thing,it cannot be done,even th oh pie may desire UG plat ee Heostve it means “to tax articles brn fromabroad! jt.The only way to carry out their wi Constitution.arenes latore to tax slaves un ler 12 years or over 50 vearsatail,and 3 ta change the : At present the Constitution fu ‘t when it comes to tax those between those a Legislatnre to place the sane tax on toe white poll that is placed on the most valuable negre, by the wealthiest man.Tie poor white man’s bead shield between the taxing power and slave property,| that it is the poor white nates head,iawever a petitor may object to any roferrs altiiv man’s bead ¢ too.For the wealthy man’s head would be no siield.The L t compels the levees poorest owned 1 iMaist © ich my eom.ft ete the wee Legislature wonld not hesitate to tax tue rich aman’s bead,batt when the poor man’s head js in the way,it is obliged to hes t tate and forbear.It is asked,why is this worse now than int! 1835,and where is the necessity fora change? Tn 1835 the whole tax of the State was only about 875,000 ap Shrought from abroad ta thus a protection be re axed npon ther val I will answer...bas the fartuer which viel Strate.’|Foreten lor ds brow trond,then how does he sav we mis on land,Wwe,wheel is net ITs blows two wavs on this 4q the same tay oon that as The gavernment protects everg man in the eri S property and every onan should PAS IN proportion te the (OU een tnrinot eacrcnitent |Atv vpetitor obte to this scheme.fle wonld ke om the American Danner Florida,whieh taxes tittle me groes from the cradie to the grave —Gu Koentyrelat 1d Texas,All staves of all ave rhlose States wtisiana,Marvbuned, My competitor sas vat Little negroes yield bothing to their owners —alitiies vey increase on valine $7 Bat iow aiel dian a him nothing !1 lys taxes,—awanips,oldfields,gullies Seach vear,: NWpan wraich ie that never will in year.Then slave property could be made to pay its propor crease in value,as the little negro, tion by placing abvat 15 cents on the poll,and that contd be borne,and slaves were made to pay ther full proportion.But foBowwehavetoraisebetween$600,000 and $700,000 a year,| aod the value of slaves has vreatly increased—and in order to the second bill for the Western N.C. Tam charged by my competitor for never having voted rany Railroads in the West.hz AR 1h IESE STE:2 voted for every Railroad charter in the West.[ Railroad,whieh rons drew make them pay their Proportion now,by @ capitation tax,@ by my competitor's door,and used every exertion to securetaxwouldhavetobeplacedUpontheheadsofpoorwhiteItspassagethronyl)a second reading in the Senate,|men beyond their ability to Lear,a tax that would be tyranni:U eal and oppressive And as the prospes becomes actual debt,and the interest has to be met,the d culty will be greater and greater,T Paice near RIV0H00,or tie credit of and her honor torteited.Tiey 4sf!tion of land;24 cents on money at ive debt of the Stateeeef >eo dast Leoalatare hadto BR the State ust be20ersentheBLO vara mierest.aud on slave pera.1o IMPROVEMEN Nee amoreels Tented GN VOTED AGAINST ANY WESTERN ‘ropriation for one.LT AM IN SI ie Was ETONNe GI AVIS PN SSSI,IGS,WN)UGH JE ARE Li Tie, AVE NEVE NL AVOR OF RUN (COV MID)TO)TONE TI 13 My ec: Wig ite}amd he i vpetitor never voted a eent for any Trnprovement weldf PDe 4tchestmaninthesChestir or says,the discrimination in favor of Aa)Geelemm lite)\fasts)ley Vit) (ie to TMZ Aer (iis UPatent (Tie yotrd his attwo Dv someof the rechiess,mpadicionstrends | ed Jordan,for what ines persons know lin te be,an Hopriperpled tuan and tifa mous LIAR.Gov k aventioman.Mr sald Jordan was Pool asked,“Do vou cCoderse Jordan asa gentleman?’(Ebes tating)ST do,sie’?Mr.Po said,eff vou endorse those principles,U say that he (Jordan)has deed aud aby one that endor Bed thei. Mr.Pool saving that if concluded his remarks ty would be the Grovernor of the State,and not of a rece bat the He would use ne deception for erected he tlon—kKbewing nothing whole Stare. the purpose of obtaining the vote of auy sutfhaves of the belet pet the tinian table principles of dstee and Truth.- than and derired the peepie only Upon the that bis chats were founded Carolina ddlatchman. SALISB CLE Y,@ TUESDAY EVENING,JULY 3.dsu0 FOR PRSIDENT, JUEOS.SHOES;BIBILL: OF TENNESSEE FOR VICE PRESIDENT, EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSACHUSETTS HON, He appeared before them as a tan con a Inv from the extreme East,bat ove whe NS coald Comprehend the whole Seite,an J ()]I N\P¢)(I }'€a 49toaddtoherglory,whether le was elect ed ter Chief Masistrate or not,would O FEE eC OTs hs ever be bis high ambition and chief plea Petes.a,:aesure(CUE NIP YE OSS VOTIDRTEES, ‘|conclusion of Mr Pool’s speect :;).ton the NS nate,afer le tad Nutshea the details of the ps ie sae debate,was a displiv of as lotty and pa Di J.G RAMSAY. triotic eloquence as we lave ever heard for the Commons, rop tr Stipsef the mos ~witis eee Rite 2drPptrottheupsahemostdiUnyuishFolensBelePsy, ed orators in the Uniens and lis speeet ,(;JOSTGS,dite, lett no donbt npoo the tinds of any pre sent,of whatever political raith,that Mr LOOK UPON Pool,for intelicet and sound judement fe ok Vu ee ro ohne of the foremost tuen ta the State Wiirkksp.Grea le Resolved,Vhrat With shea a tian ceenpy ine the Bxeeus quativevisisi thes ut opposed to disturbene Hive Chau,North Carotina wil anare i eecee;,Mistendluuti thal atlosaie aucen of one Cinetiasteadilyonwardtoot@summit:of sheaulil ¢its State ar National.ane whary Hie oun of her prosperity wi broportion towards (ie bur We espee ally depres suing forth in mmeridian spiender,and tea LCs PUISLNUETe AUG ES aint cts.)‘.Resnived,1 wet tne by tie Oban.sons and duty vrs dove their Wills and heated rout varive ate Naee ‘ vatleys tore than vet lotie ah ut ie to inte curs pol and cease trom wander sets Poon th SUSAN eT I Gai)see ee aiies Tint drei rativ ae pia ea -ndin niteetfaesebmivetWhenMer.Pret teetd Hits and.tars syn vont ‘:;ee re eae for the (wee foodies Taat divs Rpeeun r vers os 5 p emis bap poe,ated ou rethov,|e ny Pie a fi ee 4 eeneoe;ava .so the wa weVp‘Ss every ew lier :ene ele ede esses tis avi SUpeety the ial sn falts ‘Wiper anit sit Tat sien i Heise re eo :Bal ‘Sant bred tive RO TMeCUSSHY for Gerpee ee eee Nee eet :m ie a :-ser TO EPO TOW.TiNpT CSS WAGSO sir yf (ke Oppuattivn plats 64 (ive (ace « Well ‘iy al ah cal way.jrin (''t w4etka»Pie4thJOLY.f the >EileRheDenNiaensatetn '£TF Bra nite Ad on einen ": =r Ss \w t Cc ahenA NVM getty K‘}:i ‘ai\M M :M Lp .\\ie ti 1 Lu bes I os val ‘ae 1 M l VEE 4 , \k \\bub (t ' I vine imu ‘ae "Ws ‘M Drinocra 1 ‘™a ) vit \hind sath \ (bok x i J Te The es Meee ti '1 Ie it bets.Wil seeak at the tollowiny sate it we 'ea,t Speak tee to 4I:lent tr td)f a :aenetelleea C eT Mt t < (en 1 ‘;ae ',I :i M tOF|=aa 1» ‘ \li Hu 5 i i’h ;a I ee seateC temo os Ser he Ns Tr MOM }2 A ID {‘I Me n <=. A teow by the mone of Sfrelase,edits qper an twereville, 1 Gone Sonotiee nation of Betr and I Pei pores ey sani {Aaya Poat toe man issineere,and wontd pre et era Repiatitean,biaek as oll Nick,ove BLO ier <rulntennyt ubeatueree okie i es Pittshar Abedin and eneige oid settled SOWAS OMTE FS Att) Planter—or in debt be ranaway betwoen mt turned upain Favetteviine)Fp ae facts,we deem a sutherent Iiitytopay ays Sao: matic ty to anything he SPU TCH TV tern WW belay Ue wen ir attowill net do te remember atl SA Jost as tie sar ror [istan ec,1a Vin de sure Comme Via he wont veote meeeit that there v d ben he tet deg alatuees.a mogle in { par trom the Weet who wenll oot be 5 tre to worksoftia )SOMMER sa Ww had ae Huiaieed uvilane ob de ts i}Yorther in that same speech at Cratesville Phat he v the prople af the Weat,that ttpedhorses sud although they were worse than the restof moskind.wt would not do totrasttheirhandsinyourpockets” He said -- “Tot they it would not he safe or wier to go inte Anopen convention with the people of the Weat,riot y wanted money and the Buat had it,that ve Tittle things of ther own, they which they would putin,auch as boring mounta nn’!& Drow.Te lin te have the Standard drop edoand some otter paper picked up as MAY RAV against chy Beno and kverers Navrvsle Whig. see Won't Do Pie etforts being mad He said moreover ‘That the East had always dithe been the goose that rolden motor the Wear on d that they he geese if they permitted it to be done tur 1perty80centsonthepedwiiehisany6h conte on S100 Ve ed even ty ei he out 500 trom the Bancombe Tarn central organ of the democratic party 'shave all been attriut walue.But they knew thar 80 cents was ali the poor waite poe,ater it ta aven edtoGroe,Eilis.Prot the very languagei3':},:Coe 2 :move and will inture the Grovwernor tion ti aldpollwonldbear,and they evnid not place it tagher on negroes T voted avaines aid to the Coalfields Road beeanse Thad QI "'F they are thessubstanee of what tie sand inj]%}5 a t '>}»se CN LI srlaliy oaffeet ¢‘without putting it also on the poor wi man.Hos head was previons’y veted fer $300,000 for the River Piprevement,am metoinmatertaliy at Se Chovecila wenn Nhoneti lime in the way,and they did not dare te oppress him.This nead a PT was nis wto draw so largely mpon the public mes He Iris an easy imatrer for an un t 1 4yyanahotgeenpropertybringthemforwarl iwastheslieldthatprotectedS180,000,000of slaves from more Wey for Cee wien ltiwnayetevert wonln clectverie erned observer to see that this war,ee Si eel than 6$cents on the §Jwiiie land lid to bear 20 centa,secess of the ti Hisize,bebore it ad tie for Cevel:thaaeh Memmi,water apon Wilaon PS TCS UN ss NS Meer sen5+e :3 'and the money of widows and orohie Wrerent QF conte on mt TPvetedte tay Raatroud Stock,and think Po odid }:proper te disdain or contradiet them,neru:|-ee aoactoaa ly dotended=to krlbetP Potten.the $100.The Legislature was tiurced into thos rae qmabty hy ©eineney to id treet the Railroads on the fe ths any one done go fer dim No i:wl anh recon forgiven by the b/ootheconstitutionalprovicinPposiethepoorwhiteman's State was taken fh 'pockets of the people,aud at oos :ee PONE UCAS NSS ead he nsed the expreaion abant the Abead.IT proporetotake ton vend out of tin way,se that elave Just that tas stock sen tbe taxed forthe support of poy ef the party,for aspiring to Crohertate ee ae {|i:J }.:ory,das he adants he did)is at netropertymaybemadetepaytaxeseqnalwithotherproperty,erimert Hal benors two years ais SE CN)hee \;i tie necessary that thes scontd be done te enable the State te T have proclaimed iin tie .and DT oproclain it here nines iiay kill off themselvesbutthe pen Gta NR ease ec eaBastainitscredit,and ty juaiiae taxes npon datherent Kinda of today —the Pant hi experts Por Railroads,where the ple will be apt te see to it that Eoiden DETTE NATSU RC TCCproperty.[It was not ne ary th I834—-hbntisnow—and wil}West las expended §Of the GS$miles of Rulroad om |bok WW .were undoubtedly applied to the uhol continue to ve nore and inere ee I lope never to eee tie the State,489 unites are Bastof Raleig',and only zodimiles (>COTO sl a!Wait a few years and Btate in the sane dilemma st wos daring the ds Jegialatiure, Affer texing polis ail they wold bear.Sand 24 cents aud ime Bey 24 cents there was still a ceticency.,LTuey taxed Law-Ea yers,Doctora,Mechanics and Se}nasters,and officera,and ™In stores,and overseera RL oon every R100,of their ree fur W esipte from their hard earning—and sti there was a deticien.The Constitation should be thi They then taxed sugar and coffee and calico and every.tax trom the head of the poor man -this cannot be donejingthatispurchasedfromastore,5U cents on BL0U value,otl and many other unequal provisions were pnt in the revenne and that cannot be dune before an amendment shall have |dill,which made it the most Inignitons measure that ever was been made in the Constitution,passed.Bat the Leyislature was forced to it because they togouldnotreach$10,000,000 of slave property,andmake,10 Rai amended ag to remove the verwise.Slaves onght to be taxe:Dpoen their valne trom Italy,cost ®t has been stated in seo thousand dowsygn,theMycompetitoriopposeda&« eatof Raleig Te ost tras mere tiaotwiee as duel ota set Ona plensat am , road as the Woeat My competitor has talked for the Newhern Progress st and voted all the time AGAINST the Weat !ands ,;IRslonation as be,sent dewn tothe East.would step a Tire Brosze 2D Ge SOF THE CAbingt.—-It 13 4'tated by Captam Meigs that the bronze doorstherAppropriationsentirelytheWeat4pplABEARSLNffvga,clin heen pete crated44)Siesy Sint #40009,as eet vO,and t ne of the newepapers ars was pand te the artist for the nang 812,000 went for A strong desire is expreased in Now York ens casting, making a change in the Conetitution ,and hes opposed tbat they should be pyblicly exhibited there taxing slave property upon its value.J take no posi:| cans of the Opposit West as a people and not to a part of Hs explanation ¢ When speaking of the reckless disposi em,as he eave yeto gooone hhandred miliiona,he eer ta nly ded not meant repe tk of the politi Noparty alone,tor he poossly apphed it-te beth parties.In speaking of the heres awappere he dul not tmean Mr Badger and theOpposition only Wien speaking of the danger of going Washington Star.|into an open convention with the Weat,\ these saine persons only. in those other passages,and it was bat an amplification of the idea to sum it up by that trite “tigure of apeceh.” But there are some other things about this tatter that should be explained Wiiv was at that Gov.Ellis did wet think it worth while to come ont with a formal Mis dmputation autil at Terme Oth hice ane ty much through his East contradionen of ers tour,and was beginning that of the West? repert,and was heralded to the West. Ile sees the report of the Coven and makes a correction as ta an other partieala coutaiied init,bit passes by the horse cccch matter without remark Weeks atter that a lame explanation ds wiven in the Standard,and afterwards the sane is piven i the Salisbury Banner, but no authoritative denial,was mnade Wy lis Excelleney,untilit had had time te doits work on the prejudices of the East ern people,and when he was about to aswer before a different tribunal. The trath is,the Governor is ino a bad boo atout this matter and he can't pet [EEN Peale NI NEEN User}le Nain NG bEheN «eae The small county of Gotes ter iustance wherehereasbeexpendiiureofcoumeqneucetorpuble Weohe pp Unie ime Fo dL,while the county ofBurke.os and more popuk us.where some 0HulmoexpendedonpubisWorkspaysSdbed Louies va Got Elias’Horse-lecch Letter Here we datve an apoeal from the Gov Rae the State te the meanest and ee tracted puieduies of Gur mature Wes WEY Is siiat Woatis rel oon satyes jf tal there 6s der erp nditure of "3 therefor Grates 1 a1 a \ >.that a atare lar rh ie the Sithsandth vend Ashes of Er ives i 1 toetrain ¢Cor 1 .“‘ven on iG (©peop ‘Neath; uw Le GVAeecr fi neritic t in Wt Fetic Tf ese Riots fauten ress sid b erietbienceandt \Pl OM View Shorr of | sect Ales OW is dnt t vig ete Wendt linenus ais,NOH tay Pycsaqroun AAW ‘Td dave be ti fie bese SLITSOngeneeh (at Ct og.' bora Gs.Sennen of @Stite t i %vi sarand disorganizingfeelings ff WV Votoas tuto a vessonm,f ftiest orn the Root Repidiation’!Ty Grates ent ty i n tree to be tuned,beets (oo tela ee part oof the Demetit ot Qoor (ry S$)RON tas bo ee t x}' ‘.<1 nterest i! nC ae fo Sieg ! Lite te aot fine fact un A \l COT AY,the ' t owe ]ATS AT Gia ey) bya St sad,‘ Va St Pt Misti”' t ten nooffiof tand ratier t fany ‘slaves>)Sapypose toa Elvese Wits d acd.Sou w 1 tiave to '[Ss Ces wh Tad on Wife poths ot ‘iien w I he the ¢ NUM JETS THEIRS LETC Tas The organ of the Democrat party Reowvan,eve t week a very one sided, fair atid piese red account of the soon between the candidates for Dese stature Ny one,however,worled !gv better from at deliberately A sontce talsities and fails to make iste to corres or make the anend: sto gay of the organ lePratwetiuive‘ Sut Ntoer ees figures that we we bd speak,at prese a bondle of blinders, Lke of wh to be met with Ie mikes: land;of about sonly HO taMenes of $5.769 on on nesroes;and over X®L5.000 onoother items in has dist;Urinsing down his deficiency of $199,800 to £62,071,To vo through the wholugtaxable list at this rate would inevitably work ont the result claimed by the fiends of ad valorem,to wit:10 cents on the $100 value on all the property of the State,would raise as much or more revenue than ia now col- jected under our present system,avoid goall the inequalities complarned of un verat.The ftigores employed to show what Rowan will pay under an ad valo based onreme¥stem,are the erroneous caicnlations alluded to above,and of Conrse are incorrect, Tris the sinplest thing in the world te secertarn What amount of revenne can be mscd on the property of the State.First mcertamn the amount of property ancl then tix onit the percent.required,Gov Kiliwand Me.Pool set down the property at S7O0,000,000 Pen cents on the &L00 value of this amount,raises ®FOU,000 of What principle viable?Tk is ao simple that he revenge iiere than is required In plainer than thas,or what more eq that ronsmay read;buthy fussy speeches, masterions looks,and more orystertous figures aud an abundanceof barsplitis the« emocrane candidates will obowe, rene,if possible.this most Binge 1 “@son In arithimetic doit? Wiil the people let them 2. Alatiuvria.le nation of Vice President on the ticket wath D. glas,It was tendesed to Ex-Gov Hl YofGeorgia,and he,it is understood,gccepts tapatrick oflr}ned the nomi ’ Johnson then it was that he made those noted mis gnotations from the wisduim of Solomon, Ile liad said the same thing in substance Tr had been charged upon tin by the Whig report and the Democratic Murfreesboro! ee it will hardly be pretended that he meant|THE GREAT NATIONAL DEMO. Therefore we! say it was so put,80 pertinent,vo much equivalent to whit he was saying that we must be pardoned for still believing that CRATIO PARTY. It is known by this time,from one ex- treme of the Country to the other,thatthedemocraticpartyasaunit,has ceas-ed to be.Its “yreatness”and ite “nation.ality”have alike fled away like the morn.ing cloud,scattered befere the wind.Its pride and arrogance Lave come down tomingleinthedust,to the confusion ofthosewhoputtheirtrustingovainathing,Asa party,it has gone to iteown It tell frou its lofty self-appraised height by reason of a ioral disease which place. like w cancer had been feeding upon ite Vituls. ie” It cannot say to any party—"yoa [t cannot say to any one “thou art the man.”Tt cannot Ruy to any sec-tion,thy breath blew Upon ous and we sickened and died.Bat it may say,bydemoralizationamongourselvesandthe will of God we have deceased. Wiuist we are not disposed.to rejoiceatwhatisseriouslyregardedbymanyofourfellow-cilizens as a great national ea-lamity,though we do wet see it in that lyelity yet we are prepared to accept it ae’au dnterpositioh of a yracious Supreme Ruler,who kuows better what to du for the best than all who repine at His acts of Sovereignty,or doabt [lis intinite wis- doin,Weare satistied with it as an act oft Tis,whatever inay be the consequen- ces;and iu this fuith,we Bee nO reason Why We nay tot how Urge Upob our fel- lowecHizens to turn their eyes to Bete and Evigkit,—notas gods,not as sutti- cient of themselves to deliver the Coua- try from threatened evils,not as hero Zoreveryremarkableprodigiesofgenius; Hatas nen of public and private virtue, of eminent ability and discretion,and large experience in public affairs—meo oWidesy separated trom the ultraisnsof Nhe day as any in the Country,and more so than any otter candidates now before you do? PEHISe TV ACL. You can- couscien- is nove before you as fame,bor to be the Presiding Officers We of all the people in this land bational Country beheve that would readiv agree that Gell and Ever- eftare the taost eminent ien now offer. eds catedidates W Yobot,then,ac. ept teen and vote tor them?We be- eve the u Pty of the people of North Ca iw <i We have very little petoout Thatthis tioket wil aweep the ‘Northy att Noweisies But why “hot tue brencn baths of the detio- ha party gaatoer beneath thie hanner, (cle ee Pp cee tmtith Cava, consequences to take care of themselven? a t weet Phere is ne (ie a t ehoot Cie deiupocestic Can tates t Cre TuePythepeople Norta cant ect Donelas,i the Contest et even,much “a tor Brecker Leans will tiost Neithern and ith cant elect even at there tid be »division of the vote with Doevrnes Dut itis vain to fatter one’s 5 wee t jae Coat there wali be ne (teeters itu k rouwrst outin several of >CURCST tiara br es Greorta,Louisiana i Na atpe wiih thost probably beng tDougias,Nothing ts clear: chance tor toe deimoe And it at should tothe Those of Representa. Wien the de- best there,Count. TEE Me.Aer en tore OHI te alle td by The peopoe, M lobe the better, Portawey fave Woe (ier e ny all ofthe two wings of the party,they dy be asie to parade 14 States out Alabama,Arkansas,Cali- wware,biorida,Georgia,Tt in,Louisiana,Mississtppr,Misseurt,Ore. no Seuty Carolna,Texas and Virginia, Toe black Republeans will command 15, viz Conmnmectiout,Dndiana,Lowa,Maine Missachuserts,Michizein,Minnesota,2 ier cin wet les rey New lerseyv,No York,Ohio, Penneavivania,Leaode Ishand,Vermont and Wise !Tennessee will certainly yotor Belland bwerent.North Carolina, Kentneky and Maryiind are equally di- vided between the Democracy and theOy) Havtipes sition,the latter having the advan- tage ofa growing increase of strength for North Carolina pave the Whigs an inerease of three members Ken- increase of three. So thatat these tacts throw any light ap- onthe futare,it is that these States will wo for Bell and Everett, It is evident,tnerefore,that in the best possible event,neither the Southern nor SEVETHT Years piint in the dast Convressional election, tucky pave them an the Northern wing of the democratic party can be elected either by the people or by the House of Representa- tives;but that should the game be play- ed ont as it now stands,the black Repub- heansa must evidently win, Now we have no idea that the Black Repablean party ig stronger than all oth- er parties put together;or that in a con- test forthe Presidency on issues involv. Ing the rights and interests of one entire section of the country,they would stand For instance,if Conservative men,North and South,would concentrate ther whole strength npon the Union and Constitutional Ticket of Bell and Everett,they would rout Black Re- any chance of sueeess, WS hreantism,horse foot and dragoon.— Puere can be no doubt ot this,The Un- fom sentument.with egal righta under the Consttotion.is etronger than any oth- No party could now, nor do we think ever can,successfully re- sixtt when brought to bear with undivi- It wonld,and eran the Country ded foree in any coutest will,when so bromgeht,ermsh ont all op- position Bat there lies the rub.Can it concentrated@ We fear not.Party sport has become a power in the land Hore potent than love of Country,and we can see no tmediate prospect of a Chane It is barely possible that the clashing strngazles of the democracy may lisyust and alain the conservative men of the party;and corpell thea tothe support of Bolland Everett and so arrest the threa- tening storm gathering in the northern horizon,butin no other way do we sea jhow the peace of the Country ig to be essee effected or mi ny between u The election ¢ towards effec!possible to ho er of the othe Avery and their return f day night.| in the evenin they would b consequently awaited at tl express trai fret,and yas ceedings at I the Demoers ta report to Breckenridy small portiot met rejoicing and except Douglas mat the success were the « the great 1 (Cheers.]] olinian,and before very Salisbury. would meet ception,&e. This is the ulated some return froin on the darn cracy.Mr. difficulty,o1 Mr.Land cation speec only nation: Lane,of ho and beelect tle surprise: wards adi entered upd their ship u that ‘new | It means,w democracy line betwee country,to jou on ther ities high ti ple of the( political qu and Everet who plant Coustitutio forcement | atun exire comma nd of the Stat rying lin s ticulars 6) Mr.Pool part of lie East,and put hinse! clearest m ling upon | his words the saine naking to bear witne self throng Gov.Ei peated lie Ile says n goose to Nothing| in the E: through t onr dem: fistency ¢ themintl ernor wi can make Pool is p! The de trievally that they of the S majority pers hav ridye anc er,seems what to most de Bays if | run,he party w do not U mocracy wonderf good Ph position, ive to 8c the Stan tion?W he adhe is “ine Bledsoe, the wh We ha founded if ama he woul ty,j ust we meeting evening Cumbe with sf Observ tinves t server| we hereabor pursue as seceders the secec tion thathem.| or to Br effected or mutual csufidence and harmo-ny between the two sections restured.— The election of this ticket would do aore towards effecting these objects than it is possible to hope foriu the success of eith- er of the others. --. Avery and Lander arrived here on their return froin Baltimore,last Wednes- day tight. in the eveaing before their arrival that Te wae ratered on the street they would be called on for speeches,and consequently some fifty or sixty persons awaited at the depot for the 94 o'clock express Crain,Mr.called Bret,and pave a rapid account of the pro- Avery Was ceedings at Baltimore.{le congratulated the Detioeracy on having the them the pleasure of [Cheers,hy a Ile fad met rejeicing crowds #l)along the road, Raleigh had He bad no deabt of the whe to report to bowiltation Breckenridge and Lane. small portion of the crowd.{ and except at hot seen a Douglas man. the success of the receder’s ticket, were the only true representative of party ! Lane was a native Novth Car the State the great national democratic (Cheers.| and intended Visitolinian,to before very long and would pass through Salisbury.[Cheers.]Mr.A.know he would meet a cordial and cothusiastic re ception,&c.(Cheers i This is the same delegate who congrat ulated some friends in Salisbury on lis return froin the Charleston Convention, on the harmonious parting of the dene eracy.Mr.A.delivered himself with difficulty, Mr. cation epeech,in which he talked of the owing to hoarseness. Lander made a free sect of yloriti only national party,of Breckenridge and Lane,of how they would sweep the South, and be elected President.We werea lit tlhe surprised however,te hear lime after wards admit that they (the parts “hed eptered upon a new tieid,biel heuielied their hip upou anew ocean Wiiat is that “new field”and that new voeau f It meana,we suppose,that the Southern democracy aims by drawing a see il line between the two extremes of the country,tomake the direct rene of | jou on their tertas.er to Vain ieee itis high time for the conserva \ ple of the Country te brush awas Chere political quiche,and by vote ter Tel and Everett to secure the ei My Who plant tietmse:rthe Ua ( Constitution of the Coantey and Cie er forcement of the laws.Tins blow would etun extremists Nort and South,and command the pote Ietaven thin Ga Somme of the enmaerag papers of the State are charging Mero Poolet va rying hin #peeches ta sotis Hyportapt pur ticulars since be went up inthe Woat Mr.Pool antictpated Cee course ot the part of lis adversaries whi yet in thie East,and in order to yo put himself on record an clearest manuer possil eprearer Cat ling upon the Bastern people to mia aw we Ine words,for that be desired te roa the sane specchos in tie West he was making te shem;and be wanted then t bear witness to lis consisteney woth Lan self thronghont the Gov. peated lis Gatesville specch int CAMVUARR Filia,onthe contrary,b o Weet rye the West will have Ihe says nothing wheut the E ist goose to day pollen egy for the Nothing about the I Bank they in the East on which they will draw through the Sheriffs.Tris very we } oor democratic friends to charge incon sistency on Mr.Pool with all this stariny them inthe face.The dodging of the Gos ernor willbe somewhat relleved if they can make their readers belicve that Mi Pool ig playing that sert at a gine ome The democratic party is bad eet trievalbly broken.Present indications are that they will run two tickets in severa In majority of the tnore prominent party pa of the Southern States tis State a pers have declared iu favor of Breeken The Standard, er,seemato beina quandary Shot knowl whatto do.The /’rogress is ont in the most decided brat says if both the democratic tickets are run,he neither.The Douglas party will never back down,and do not believe the other will.The de- mocracy of Wake county has got into a wonderful tanglement.It take good Philadelphia lawyersto define their ’position,and the best city pobee detect- Wi and what is his classitica ridge and Lane.howey tanicer tor Doug tas ; is for we would ive to sort thetn.vere is the editor of the Standard, tion?Where is Wilson and to what does he adhere?Whereis Cantwell,and what is “with hind?Where Bledsoe,Thompson,the rank and file, hangers on,&e.,&e. We have heard ©confusion worse con founded”talked about; if aman ont to look for it, he would be safe in going to Wake coun Inevitable ”si the whippers-in, but we suppose were to turn ty,just at this time (2 An enthusinstic Bell and Everett meenng was held in Fayetteville on the evening of the 27th inst Onur friends in Cumberland are going into the contests with spirit.[leaded by the Fayetteville .@e Observer,they are a match for three times their numbers any day.The Ob server is a host in itself. ’nals 'IT There is much curiosity felt hy the people hereabouts to know what course Gov Klhs wil pursue as between Douglas and Breckenridge he seceders and the regular democracy,He eedthesecederaagroundlyaftertheCharlestonCyventionthatMr.Pool took it upon himeelf to defendthem.Where will the Governor go to DouglasortoBreckenridge? The Goldsboro’Tedapab lend which has heretofore Occupied @ somewhat ueutral position in regard to politics,has declared in favor of Bell aud Everett, ‘In the following style Our Postion —We this week unfurl the NationalBannertothebreeze,inseribyy apon its arnple ful ls the name of Tenuessee'favorite son,John Bell,as the candidase tor President ot United States,and that of Bdward Mverett,the Orator,Statesman,aud Patriot,of Massachusetts,for Vice Presiden Tn view of theOvvatic Ze the recentdemonstration of the Der Charleston,and with the party al the party,and the nowsnanon of fwo behets at Ba! timore last week,it must become evident to every tint that the Conshtatoual Uaon party is tle ly National party now in existe us \ becomes the dity of every pra al citinett torally to Che supportoftie candidat at t LY,ate tae peat ariestiur tBlacseats,WIth the view «t anid i boeR to Our Coovertiien topewer andl barniony t ‘ tweets <i t vo ttt tion wath ou u >of Now )\{ Hannes wath ‘ HELO Sts hat will ‘mini ) end to the othe tol strike ywoanto td ated recite porte caus ‘ye Wneruted wid detrenehed the ite Ls Word te 1}|asi The New tlioy ‘1 ‘ he “et woot ald 1 1 f thee i tite-tor 4 ta (he clleet dat Che de mtv psedered Tt had t ‘I)ve Wa liete Were The tack a,Ne Wee ue ‘ Where w wd Ve bho prot Can des or ANY Ot t wt Bell aud t 1 would ed 4 )a +a es 1 luw ‘\ Uw sect ‘‘tia fa t ‘i Lines i i t \‘ene s\n iy we and at te 1 y wt I t ni en py \ W 1; . !} .{3+ 4 Ii \ \ ‘‘ t- Glass Jars Wea Y Nie A Fock 7 A 4 ja 1 woital sta | t “M Veatt ta Sey Mh M i from Mrs BRTitoasonsulteowe liv \\hk wily | For the Wat Man Ata called commumertion of Mocksville Lode,No.134 of ALY.Masons held in the Masonse Hall an)Mocksville,Saturday eventing June 231d,A.L.5860,A.1).1860,the follow- Ing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted, Whereas,Tt has ple wed Almighty God in His wise providence,to remove fron earth our esteemed friend and brother,bnowas Mo Yousa, whom it has been our parntal duty this day te consngn to the grave Phere tore Resolved,That in das death,thiy Tore has snstatned the loss ot an ua \exemple Mernber,das tamly a ken avd vl chonate Wa band and Father,and the ¢Wonity,in whieh he feed for a number of yeas ae tespeetat and valual Wen Resoleed,Vhatin this painful and suddenbereavement,we bave a stiking ovidenen of the frulty and nocertanty Truman [feSas weil a asoleria adonotitiontolive up reoblisationns not ouly as Masons,but alse ast oat wn a countable beings who will be requted to rend A strict xecount of the deeds dome in thet so that when our final siimons Hes,We may be preparcd te meet ot Resolved,That we tender \won ' Metous foetds of the sed Mths sympathy in then affietion Resolved,Thatan token ot pect a . feem for the memory of vail t we weap the usual batae m t dave,and that this Leo room h with Mourning for three months Resolved,Viat the Seeretary firmsh a eop of these resolutions to the Widow of aura brother,and to the Editors of the Car 4 Watchman and the [redell Express for publoa tion,and that otber papers be repuestel to ropy Resolved,That we devote a youre of our re cords to the memory of our deceased brother, and that the above preamble and resolutions be ed in the minutes of the Lode HOR.AUSTIN, Seerctary THE M ARKETS Salisbury,Y.C,C.,July 3,1860. -CLOTHING !8 CLOTHING 18) wea|Ayer’s SarsaparillaHOSTETTER’SSTOMACHBITTERS. A compound remedy,in which we have labored to SPE:CIAL NOTICE| CORRECTED WEEKLY BY produce the woet eff chual wileruative that cun be |SPRAGUE BROTHERS ao)wer anit an mennrectare of HOS-tunde.[tise concentrated extract oF Para Sure.ipso Cae 'PER'B CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT-|paniia,so combined with other rubstances of atlApplesdried,500 100 Lead Bur,810 COME AND BUY BARGAINS !1!)TERS can oppen!with perfect confilence 10 greater ulteraiive powerastv afford us etheuve an.[CBWE sUBsCKINER 1a JUeT RETERNED from market,Bacon,JU dg)8 White,10412 physicians and cilizens generally of ihe United Uduce for (he diseases Surswpariiia is repued io cure |ormment ce UE Sit opening a complete and full aeBeewwax:20 4 25 Molasser Cuba,34445 Come one and all,—come low and tall Biates,because the article has attuiued a repu-Ite bee ved Ciat such @ reinedy is @aniod by thore |Beet Sua 6 OND.60a 65 Cometich and poor,Come ond make are tation heretofore unknown.A few fncry upon whe suflr from scrumous coiplaits.wu ac one f GROCERBatesW5ath8Mascovadedoa509YourSpringsupply,aud Summer neck-e,this point will speak more powertuily tham wich will accompany their eure wust prove of im |oa 'CANDLES —Nae (Cut 5b Hefore it be too Late far thee volumes of bare assertion or bl zoning puitery.tea service ty ites large Class of car atthe ced fel |at iore 150 20 Wute,40 4045 CUve Cots sod Pants,both full and seaut The consumption of Hostetter s sic Wy Bite low-cr zene How completely thin cs Avril y K « Nisei /)4 30 OILS LINSEREL To fit the tat wud the lean ty wrap ters for the last year amounted to over a half A hie beey coy ene eknerieet|celta le aecneeuneceressence tainoma ype Len Pepyer,Bete)(*here 50 4 00 Vive coarre and tive.—allin iny live—million hotles,and trom its tan test steady worl canes to be townd ty the jel REG GI CHE [UNCC LAE GE OAIEW UK Be wold eal Usu aise earcalligag low pri-Sta 60 Fiom Soles tor the feet,to Hots tor reusuns seat increase in Uimes pust,Wik evident thar ining ST HOPULS ASIP a ROPULOUNCUnTL s)beat prune)o8.bis stuck of1)w 50 Aiieeiunienitacnee cet the coming year whe consumption will ick <ayo Hat rrivi Vinyawne,Uicuce Fiusen,Kiurcres,| :24 Drawers and Shirts,Collars and Cravaty Den EOUS OICU OU esi a ue MLelee sa G ae Vewous,Sarr Kori,Scaty Hav.Sy In AND‘Teams rawern ati ae ur)i “.could never have been sold but for ue rare SVPMILITIC AB EC TIONS,Memeurial Doreare.Dopey Isx re “if &or DsIYa10ceDowalkuptoHOFFLINSClothingmedicinalpropertiescontainediutheprepura-Nitwstiia on bi Doutouwnt a.1 Dyerre-S ta 10 More and take a good look at lity Pon Anus Ube reaue Coote Men:usual bra any Isp Muverreios bo no AN!I -::|{physiciaus in those sections cf ihe ry Pox link edie x Reet caiiedrarecollectionofeverycomplrxionowherethearticleisbestknown,who wot oily Malin union (cum PMrURI Tyo !pe .piece es oteaie Lb OOIrecommendtheBitterstotheirpatiours,but oT iit ane eg Patera ae iveneietin,~READY-MADES.(|Srivantati centaur area,ihe (Re lea Os ,,eflicncy iu all cases of stomactic derangeivits rear en Teter tile 6 on oft mnea‘EW eds sae 4).Nothing in the world todo but te erep right inte aud the diseases reaulting theretiot A ee a oe at ieee es Seam :WRK TA .7a ‘~u hea,and vou ela shine in any crowd Hohe tet This is otatemp ovary popsul rity et rod ;oe ae }ee aeciing i reasonable cons unaginable,the hay canned on bu by extraordinary Enbee in the way of rete ome niece Bent Race aWORFOLKMARKETRieseforeevera!Vagoiothin edhy tow of Satie peting the qualitiesof the Bitters,bus a ot a .-ae ::pirenity,wud has had the proud ratefaction of recus estimation of an invaluable wedicne,wool ap OeKRenortedWeeklybyayecrowdrofhisdestinedtobeasenduringaxCueiteelt‘a zt a a i .ae and ROWLAND &BROPHELS Fellow-Citizens of Rowan Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved pore he eno vineaGodsendtoregionswherefeveranuayeFilgadceRaiei eate el \LMiSS1UN ate bade comfortable ic both wonter wand saumerby up and various other bilious complaints ive Sea av ee °For the Watebman.JUNE Qe,D800,plex drawn fr las exhaustlws sheives,and he de Counted their victims by buudreds.lo be “ek ‘ Petey :Rr Gs ge vtend (i benefits thes have so ivariih able to state confidently that the ©Ditters”se UG es oe .omen,\‘"deed &z a ,er frou hin te ae many t “There ie neck are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia und ike ::tee a .’;BE ncn all the wardrobe requirements of a gentleane diseases,is to the proprietors @ source ul une Sa ee ;oe tes Gamat (ear vat ply,aed that accordiny te ty alloyed pleasure.It vemoves all mortid maner lee:ances ie :he equaled,ether in style or mannfacture,baviog hadpSVgporveulartaneythefinmitsoflispurse,bec tong from the stomach,purifies the bloc und es ma i ;eS Da Uaioe te LAS Ucar eet ee stuck ofSEscoeshortComethenandexanrne,price.seleec and imparts renewed viral ty tothe nervous Seieai soy _NOT Bt =WN Hw rde vec 1zauVelpyouurneYoushailreceivehinpoutertattengvingitthattoueaudenergyindiapen-able oe <.,en (on,und fare vecordiag Co hee aad-dal goo |teri for (he restoradionof health TCoperates upon Se OE ats :ae ua ‘OU N ee M.HOPEELIN.|thestomach,liver,and other digestive organs Sen |f Crk ec::Apil lath,JRGU (ni ) mild-y bat powerfully,and soow restores (em uta:,,|\rT ec ue lack,vel ;toacondition essential to the healthy uischarge ~OhMe See eee ave Nenepule i i .:'pane .,of the funciions of pature.’os BYBEEAWANPHCNORTHCAROLIMMElderlypersousmayusetheBittersdailyagneueousCuculyedtynicoataoss ye uli ABe,ae i i per Ee vet |per diveciions on the botve,and they will tind ne Ee ae oes its UaeMereSELESeeSeWhii»\sul %OR |init astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort SoU OM Tite Oe ee oie ieeeeriepretoveoyWhiteSulphoySprings,EiSeesranpeeieiane per-sitien”iets yen es::4 ele iuvigoritiug tothe bowels,excelleni aguiunic,|i)Wt e!the Mifine of Sareuperiiay of suy Tin wD x ;nDDAGONAVesterstat®iat)\V TEE ed tors hy the |aud reyuveunting generally,We Lave the evi-|—~<\-Sas aeb=w z nh ee Liss Vet x PECL eat 1 dence of thousands of aged men and women te veare the pubic bave ‘weno ee cae |N Connd Va road ia HUIS COT EY why have experienced the benefit of using this tree >Cr ighne ie Cea ely silane |i2{;?:.plete apd will be wold,at ppnsually low rates,andCATION(aud Vi N 1h a 06 Can wos Keer,wu preparation while suffering from stomach de-fers spa i ee Ce ae cine —aN oa 00)i the 4 rungetuents and general debility;acting under 9 beets cuce apou the mek.tr they aot euty ¢|SP AVIS eR.OF Etta Se)eep)y Cut a ‘the advice of physicians,they fave abandoned 'Way rooutrILigi |DISTRIBU TE EpWooPy‘'all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the jrries whatever Henee,|t!’Riis it Werte of this article.A few words to the |pei Garn€iw tatlawes |:.fh *2 0 a geuiler sex There are certain periods when SST Ds aE CMI |ef Ullsies aBuishaotexciaslre (och(heir caves are so harassing (iat many of them tesco tusdiy deap sd |: ae Pe r Ne i=Agta d sink under the trial.The relation of mother um wait ty sition a chea thi s >°va NgVARLRTEDhCodundchildiseoabsorbinglyteuder,diut the taped 2 mh ft OR NOTHING hy M |Waa "t mother,expecially if she be young,is apt to medy as tiiejiIie.lavat x deatpnmte 4 forget her own bealth in her extreme anxiety vowherh res sno v4 /; \MoI :Herradcly for her intant.Should the period of maternit H vag ot hes vor '”8 te ee eae ae neces=cullyaearbestlysohcited,befure purchariog elsewhere,pesoe eines aaroun \h heve ei !arrive during the sutuner season,the wenr of ve bs lhe 1 le dose , hha \i dia erurmat t body and mane cnerally aggyavated Here,rue {parcuce Uear ¢t ‘3aaaAershy'"ther.as a uecessity for a stimulant to recupe fou abe syste,the oe nedy shou Gly ha u it FR (VKFORD‘W \“Uh rate the energies cf the system,and enable the thei wee t sia :::AB bg‘eH |mother to bear up uuder ber exhausting trials :\Yé="ye \£k nl responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene-A ie Wa SALISBURY,N.C.Wop '|Roce bps rally neler the Bitters to all ether invigora ay Jen AER A fay MoyehbooksJustHeceiedatceEarnsoffeatenetetorsthatreceivetheendorsementofphysiHOWELM~.nea |NRCan Tuten ea cians,becuuse it is agreeable tu the taste !{BURKE &STEWART'S,0!venta ssere yn rnmmin nes ta ate bg se ees ec dinia Se eae Farmers!Farmers!!Ww I iW iW eo art heourayg of bodi'y strength h it re e\he ee EL RoBARDS Isle leenertorm hemewellinveparticns Ayerso erry |actoon hreshine Wachines ! VV \Ap ee fue referred above,to wit qiterens (a =* {f fever and ague,caused by malaria,diarrhea,oo tes eee A cn TOOK which we are wot Agents but Manufacturers;.\ROCA :dysentery,indigestion,less of appetite,and ESS ual cieteeu a alee es tee te IM i EN SE \||tt Af J ION all disenses or derangements of the stomach,r Werner pealy ett «i .7 i 'Be siiperannuated invalids,persons of sedentar mvertura,theres *:‘Improved Spiral Barred Thresher‘I i Die arse leonrcaf A \|!}y -2 ;ae .ecenpanion,and nursing mothers,will consult !;on with f ddorse Power clever ihe wost Beales ond\on ep 9 o E their own physica me hy giving Hos-ye teeta USL Q 4 see ed ..g:.Great Clothing Emporium (ieee cr :oe hi .a CAUTION <aWecnution the public apainnt sy ber tied a fo U elipnived Steal Bor.Thresher and |using any of the many imitations or counter-WiinnowerVIDWEILFarsWucerTnees;PilNOTICEDAyStowacuBirrees,and see that each bottle las “Ayer’sRS};Cathartic hs3y with Cleon oli Tron,not so/t wood as most North.S ‘a the words *Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters”ta Mee ww rod Wibrevercihe Cecth,so'd at whatPe:::og blown on the #de of the bottle,and stamped POR THES MoS he oest Nevihern Machines wilt cust herefheNtockholdcrsofthe‘,°on the metallic cap covering the cork,and Codtrreness,Jaundice,Dysperma.Ludsgestion,Dis.The tortvof these Machines are rerersihle:that yin nm,y ees,P eee observe that our autograph signature ison the enfery.Ful toh,Eopmpe oe,Headache,Poex Con aus the back of the teeth can be vurned in front h eee baat:-label Rieainutien,Evuptiona aid Shin Dunenees,Lover stter the “a )thus making them fast eaYADKINNAVIGATIONCOMPARYFREILEicvrepuedtnd.aiaty wowmenrene venom fiartint wil Sow Dina,bee her:"ee og SMITH,Pittsburg,Pa,and sold by all Worms,Gout,Neweulgia,asa Draner Bul,and fia eomde of metal and in workmantike.:druggists,grocers,and dealers generally nan Blood ner,\!ho throughout the United States,South Ame-ieee ressarees dogo ch ome sents Horse Powers,spar geared -=$85rica,and Germany.ie tal hem plesanly,uothes rt tes FARMELKS,ae AND SEER THEM 'z *e uv the worid fos at ttre Bowes ota face '1 z'sa)Nas an re oe ee yn 2 .*veota ch rig 4 PERCKS >YER.Hes ae Le Cove at Dn a FRERCKS ©LALDER ‘.WHOLESALE AGENTS,rh 5cevts pee Boxy Five Bovest olnyiee|.a :ary -eorder.Char-i 1 SEW Ese os a 4 Wertera\ot {a (|thi .EN Re ‘ady-Mad OUT ee ieee ce ann Wo Gre ee seamiertoe Coreen,P eo :::wages _;Mis ck :Vee !a fan eertvsiee\=,Revie on 1 wleo alex ’:;<4 ie Were sertion |aye “PP |i I |«ct [entniat ira Dane!ns iam Poe Avenis hehsw urnieit erature|NEW i i 7). tas AMI RICAN AnvaNac in y ee :on TF ay7+SINE ira FISHER,}eeWILLEAM©.Lon |wos Greensborough Mutual (01s ies mm Pe Giciven wh snd diguen eelei(ORD Ma ;ere “Geo fra Ceetrates rho ere a eibet alesis enedNeRANEE{ONIN YO Ae oolourselyes fotether iad )ofATTORNEYATLAW{shi roms h pa "iW,Gent’s Furnishing Goods,Pays all Losses Prompily!Peaster ;ty -FOARD &HOOKER, Soa PS CN eee URC Isle SOs a te DIRECTORS:Ay Rood trike I “Wie ree .-TU Lene oun are Pow fereer é have it einutimter of he farmer buriveas iu how ~|q ‘(1 fim at Fae tena OU 1 pt NS Fecal Gacces ln ‘|f e dee yoline \Re »we ‘ee tt at -se.tte :aes Ploy Wop ‘8 De VcK ma ees 4 Usteee &ler Paxt suothope by a CORRECT, i -Ae &or ANN ioe \"ot :ne .UNE RGE TH er ‘PROMP Toneem of doing}nee PY Pas 1g le NC ha tet VES Ge e :;4 pee NS [uence tee tat oid receive anit.e sed parunape. .AVfolie wre ee ChaleNuke sw OOS MG Naor .,Se ey *a We wh ;e 4 faoiichMETHODISTPSone,2 Vatore alte:Gr pcs,minmncs A Lawesba STAPLE DRY GOODS,ya)\4 \gin :ee en Tor S Roan -Ry he HheoM AGA?AS Nort ,s ala 1 +‘=,I f {‘Wout tf 4 Ne CenkFEMALECOLLEGEQLPySALEOFLAND,ese ann i)GROCERIES,PROVISIONS.SHIP CHAND-orrice Meten 67ge-f qi WEE LERY.NEGRO CLOTHING,JAMESTOWN,Guilford Co.NG.(Sefe et fees ne ge ae Wes arR FARMING TOOLS,are ,a peer al 1 RA ies ‘oo.ELIEF IN TEN M:NUTES..ee r Ve theet aud dane wir re cB Se esibsie Sit Atos JERDLIGET Ou)UB °Guano,Plaster,Lime,any a mo fe coat rt we no Meuse Lo perer 1s .1"i x ee ms(‘nay Fae Beam oan aie et ne ;Mf een :a BRYAN'S VORTH CAROLINS FLOUR,CORN,HAY,\oie 63 risa -,':::>FIs,CV PIALSS SILINULES,ec,deapeeit,I boric:Wittors!2s a aMaePeHS=Loe -\BEES aN Fivve ve Com’tee 4 tts tow proes owany other house io Bastern NortORRELL&GRADY,ee Fn aan taiene1feyroanmssducedwie Lyon ;:Pens net :Vater |.x i.ae ‘aan ae a Mira?dhexvommbectodwiththie Pree ,or Pubmonie ti pure Ne .3 ve Draye,ele,we¢fire a .Pa ae ee oy par ular attention befeon!nas \;Thai Avail Csi he Rolo byVETERVOUMS.Secretary :ie \>HATES,€tr ’wil bes tered ‘CT EE cooks omic rae Ma chinete HV AN betty akira WPER Parwardine and Commission Basiness.terest vmontis The t Vronea “NN i ees WEY ANS PULMONT.britsStrawandMillineryGoodsianGeen.Milfurie wast yRRI Relieve Guus.Colds,Sure Theat.Moar syeamay)We w lluiny make iiberat cash adeanes#onConsign- Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers,hibboms.Xe.vie wall bes a aus cn be \|\T RI (|{\FT)A Hear ie Be ete JNO F.FOARD, cae mt )iNo.18 Coartlanit Street,pee SN ;Ji UL ide Believe A-thma,Bronehitis,WiSleall Breathing..Moy oepoparker\PP STAIRS le Jolin Blackwell!Plant:tint Dn ,..DEV ONS PULMINIC WORE ts SDE aS nl dal unin -ng of V0 aeres moreor Mast ews]8 Cacks Muir &Son's Genuine Ale,Relieve Spitting of Bioad,Pairs in the Chest.one ee atin Wie s 8 8 Giuhers Lctucien WYN PLL MUSE 49 NEW MANUFACTORY_Price adv 32 00 a hert's ENE AEs Relleve Incipient Comsamption.Lang Diseases.,:try ie “4 (\DERN \\AN ||:1)Twill o !<6 Doz.Cognae Brandy ANS PULMONTO WARBES és =>¢©pretes)s.ont th a Relieve trritation of the (\ula and Tonstis.Salisbury WN.Gc I AVR Nal volarge quantity of CORN Jock.A 125 ior 6 ‘Bourbon Wi skey.BRY ANS PULMONID WAFERS %5wieTwraythehahestmaketpaceTfLactamare=itlse —a |Relieve the abore Complaln:s tn Ten srmase,|PSV E now comuleted.and have in operationnatoundHuebusiiessstreetofSalisburyacresmorssibyOldRye\sa eee tees |&Mactier vewisof wiueh Lean safely say,Lo BEARD Daniei Hotfinan a \ue :M that Deuren pi alt of Nerth Carulaa with Neat.Wen toil ..12 rs Ola Apple ‘6 |Are a Blessing te all Classes and stilenoms,{alt raneSpringWheat.—1 whet ean We "EVAN PULMONIC W aFfus ‘1 other BedsteadTeasDeWhei6“ Cliret Wine.|dre adapted for Voeatists nnd Pablic Speakers,|offace and other Bedsteads, May 2a ist tto2 !Is AC RES a Ces |BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Las Cheap it Cheaper than they eon be had from Relong Fe of Moses k ME :.FSR TATED)2 Are in a pie tS and pleasant to the taste.|Yew Yore e Gave ie a euitand £‘m r |t SU ;SERIE Pideale WATCHES AND CLOCKS Bas UCN bie ea eaecmae sls nN |Not onty relieve,Sut effect rapid and fasting Cares,|"4 ee ee LaCie ee tera sessom the voof nextoat dd +»:>1 THUES v ”eee’:-6 *Raspberry Svrnp,Pure.\WRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERSaeWoCredicotsxanPricedy$2 75—ned ’:y Stale ;Beyond all Competition !!NUACKMERC.ME.155 i Pure Landen Mustard Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one.TF Once,Furnivare Rooms eppoute Ro &A.i Jnne D4ih,Dano ;os ~‘Murphy's store~The undersiened will sell :1 1 VITHLO ‘Ss.BR.UARRISONarNOPAMILYSHOULDEFWITHARONOFSek.f RR Ne(inerendce ce king W.H.WYATT,i |eee 5_9 1 i (Muay S,1860)1150Hunnogandopen,STOP THE MURDERER!?!PRR ee eta cae Bryan's ’wimonte 1 Lam A a ae a BY :Nowe ISG Gd Sy ao XO TRAVELER SHOULD GF WITHOUT a SE pPLY ot '’Waite cits .=LRY on the Beatest Ssh ayn aOC 0)Rewan cunt Sen ke Ieee ecigraninasee WinTCre:NEW BOOKS tSetteoraeparstely,priees weeording.Gold an ood NS ees 1 ?|nV ta NMdeR onroter nan Tadic c(enid @iivuandail o nidermned ai Bive RAMfortheap oT nacre er erinOeyaaa‘sat NY ‘veered ©CWWlae Nee wy No PRRSOS WILE ROE eRFET co ent pat Library Editions of Standard Novels, SELVER WARE warrcited equal toca “The am Pyle .and MoV it arrested ssrpaas Pudmonde Wasers,MH eraWE Wr ieseusurceuivediatCostepprovedarylesofPhoedKaives.Forks.and safely k poate S Vie sant Chatham es .t-'AWWoapmNeedpalnieAfinenesertmentofClocks,ttandsehoried witht 5 Wobretber Wy aR A iN dt 2 JOB Masts 7 .si Riv KE &>i Ke \Ara I SsThembowrwillheweldDefyrogCompetitionwerUhhese,wal \1 ye ecru >&Rete ieniry RY ITESDPNSUNAENS dlTWeersIbeJato)lune,Tatil ©;Pie \sir Et Baler LetonPPAltkindsofRepairingpromptly,earetally and DESCRIPTION ;A hothetoupervsteandartSETCatisghs(Moo Ge een eee WYATT’S \be $2 0biNeoaendeminntwiayy|iat v >osMONE.BESET SSS TOME CORDIAL NCVine26,TRO <4 Conrort.NOC and walksontes .ors abet 140)peands de ia ka aN I in \5 p Hee aot teeny ev sal a ‘renin n (Remether He ays top the Thie 'Ce pe _E Y RK ST :a :SSE nD,N w «)¢a )t \}Works,veraNfnewdeynightthe1thofJst":!NSE Ke “Dp Di h cl :-Con ste tie Penet Rec Co :a ysentery,jarehea.Ux,RE CILANCE I '1.2\mw PURNER FRY n Nee Wee ain CHOn!\BONN (et ON Oe ENGIS),aN oe \_u Me et ‘yng tis in oi 'both ut¢.os a assa1Addressna‘Fit 2eeESBARGAINS!"ov,BEMISTER,\JN HOWELL Preps WOH OWA NG Nrasiridiyvantine‘;te rf ~60 .Noes 1RURE EE.a srner BEMISTER,ot "1 4 i “hiskCly,S EXLousc Paintor,aly ”hikes feoormt Wee nay presen GUAINER,PAPER MANGEIM,&e,.WIPER NOTE),TAS A.SADLER,Ir,0 ve any a:.Abie Fi fT MH RREM&CO,Charlotte,8 Sy teres ‘1 Cie.aeendiwnrr d*VE NS rf x arranted to be|sine ee LADIES DRESS GOODS,Ce Ges fou 4 ‘ra MEIC Trewern SHAW TUR A a fh7PVADSONCOLLEGE_N (HN eae A ;sone eee aeneee,NO SHERMAN BROTHERS,$0.3 Wo00 0.000"eeey,;x ry a yast eon bag t heal voher advaucsge to eall a x o >sh =vase ig an v ’og at en sae ,..eto k s vyedat n to elome the inhen,thy feather n st this p where all whe may wish ean fi 09 H d C 1 ¢WI aia ee rll Goode on hand at .ve ad ardware,Cutlery,Guns,°°")|Spring Mattresses!!R duced P a :1 wil pay rd of M5 to any one who will give apse AND UIE AVY GOODS Gr aie educed Prices,-meinformaran that will enable ms te peeover my LolPer fir eite a Hoa vd Lot at thie place .2 i i |Hh cohseober bas on hand she heet quel yomare.Addreew ma at Spencer ©lyneidee nies _in and auitable for a amali faroity 19 Park Place and VA Murray Srrret,A.MYERS,|SEURENG ant other MATTRESSFS CallatN(JESSE KINDLEY OP HELPER NEW YWoORK.No.4,Grasive Bercoiye [hie Farntare Store S.R.HARRISON, Tone 84,[R60 Id S$June 19,185A Swp dt Tune 8.tkBO fimpd?Saliaburs.May td.1860 tts?t May &Ros ‘The fiepertod BLACK HAWK COLTRAVEN! TERMS: DENTAL NOTIC K,——ReGDR.BESSENT. AS REMOVED ro rue DENTAL ROOMSonthecornerformerlyoccupiedbybxBason where he is prepared to attend a! erent EMPORITUM!! Bi RKE &STEWARTfeel warrantedivsaying Dehat they can offer as good or better inducements to Schools,Academies wud ali others who nay favorthemwiththeirorders.thin any other Pitt rsin the South,‘Phey deal direetly with some of the pria- vem or King’s Evil, Us a constitutional disease,a corruption of the bloosd |yy which this fluid becomes vitinied,weak wud poorBeinginthecirculation,it pervades the whole body and may burst cut in disease on auy part of it No organ is free from ite attacks por i there ove which tomay not destroy.The sevotulWWcausedbymercurialdiseupe.low living,disorder. hy food,impure air,tithand fitthy ho bits y vices,aud,above all,by the venereal Whatever be its Us (aru 18 Various ed oruuhe vigtny itn Mereditary 1 RELMURPHY Bor cron Fonicy7 MACHINE WORKS! HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR Spring &Summer Supply DRY COODS, HOTELS. MANSION pie.HOTEL, SA LI wmSBURY.axe Pre licns)MPATIT TeUCanCen Teena ce pciak nets tert tae ee Houses in the country;consequently Ce Aes eset ©from pareutsto chidren AMONG WITCH MAY BE FOUND pte beet th hse Plante im ee tu his@ounectedwithhieproiession:3 hod AML rat the the retlities by Express.enable them tosupply any vthe ta {fourth eueration tideed,i beens |‘.ye Ts in je public generally,that he hueJan.1,1860.a ime Seer anncee ee rine ae Me rewithiverhi diimluccn Genera mcnnin tic «the ped of tom whos “Tiwi visit the wie 1,HN Taek 'mie a ea a oy)—FRERCKS &RAEDER,tuken this long estublixhed and well known HoteliceeaersaeZAIMRReeednaitiseitfilledoutofther!“Rou hand,comprising about quibes of he Lubers upou t chiidren”;eee ae Sethe -a ~i"a oe SUCCESSORS TO aehes tnade every possible preparation te acconimo4>a ‘na Tiree Thousand V os Is ctl ets commence vy tion from the blood ;.ete ‘(‘date the business,travelling wid Visiting Portions oL.BARRIER,HRV GNTinie V od Blick Se cs i nevrespecsfully invite Cooutry Merchants,Set eocupl or Uleereus aiaster.which,wo the longs He é A aren ne aie PA UN all 13 yy DINNVX SON,the public,in the most satisfuctory manner. D E NT I S iT got by Black Burd,he by the Vermont B Ha Poachers.wand the 4 reverally tocall andes ur wid juternal ogans.is cermed tubereles;inthe fa yeep ee eo a :is D “\\:votinve to manufacture aad keep ou Particularattention is paid to hisotb‘yth t a ba wn ::pentenas Black wid taney d eve lapers,heat’Hever s irandw tii forietenl whore ther eheap and sia vhacations of a dx,glands,ewe wad oa the surface,eraplons or,ie ,wi LogsMTBIRACANNCOMERHeidemoatleneeseaeatnleGahmaugatetnehiiamenecollectionotCheapstes"Phis toal eorrup ws whaels gender they bawen i Lewut Boogie her \intle ULTURAL IMPLEMENTS TABLE,March 13,1860.Rens toved colt,perleeiis »tine ac tor Books,Magazines Novels,Poputer Works ef alle Ilood,dept the energies uf lifes so that worofius (aN)D ‘i nen a Vandever recirceaitit=‘SUC WinwiC bee surpassed it ny Uoblex,Peaver Books.Annugls,Gi Vibume coosatutions not ouly pt ram serofulous coms,Ron i made heretofore.A full assortment of ROOtyBishMorgaaurVebeautifulBicdBasthamostinagnificentiocofWa!have far power to wihsturd ri .Dain i ieee Cultieate MisDrs.M.WHITEHEAD&J.A.CALDWELL.fe ees ane ‘il,in en #be Lf ven wane ieee cane cere herdixegses:cousequently.vax uum os ae ee Se a “wa .r Shelia Striw and Feed-Cutters,!His STABLES are abund;S.AVE associated themselvesin the i Medicine t LEN }AG Aa Lintroctive,callat Boake &Nrewant’ss—there erieh by disorders whol,aithough net seo PLS a nt 'fs Ceniuarey iGuuily supplied and at-pr fOAVIEN war raised iy J ee.das o Mantes,Paney «bVPR Sik Cravats,|,ower,tended by a cureful ostier;aud t il dandoffertheirProfessionalservicmotehose.>‘\the kind of E =ry ptrent shou'd place in te hewrcature,ure rendered fatal by this 1 Cie Savane Mil i o all departmentsOoWichIt,ean have the services of boil ta ni}cree Wate We haw itken First Poenuine at weverus Pars,at !Desmerumsn:ie nee onthe Pin bit stk ‘Doo Shin Cass neres Phresh Cider and Sugar Mills the proprietor gives his perseual attentionin,:w a be was extibited Ue aga venan e pana!i ‘“ele ee a ~‘one pee ss Baek PU atic!dy Panera Sic Virosneradd Sep orators,‘They ales manufacture A comfortable OMNIBUS rune regularly to thepeeaceuseatpresenibyDrWirainganossaveneeWikSpinitotitetiKeforhooksandareofamebineholyenDauvdDRCLVBELENiEHt.PGi rans Pie an Ze degre .‘ee Buseck Hawes wider:koowu da ha nin the seate of oetar while they aretustraeted —¢;ee a emcee ish Liners,for Grat Milly Corcalarnnd Vertival Saw Mille.Gold.:public putronnge is eaunilen (i eeamaeal puvenetileDR.FN.LUCKEY,ene “day Nene will questo the ayiuineruble benctits tobe de.4 Frans,atise trom or are aggravated by the),Denar ete at erdisya cr \liueasclobaccs Presteemand:Fine!WM.ROWZEETak\from reat cutie Cats i ‘We of 'Ady VE.Be how permanently joca ne Hcoe buen:elennrcetn IP Cataloe ‘0 he store arsentivaryad- Qhe queteretalbeur poy.are serefatons;their 0 =~nee ae VY AVE BRASS CASTINGS Bau usr ype thy EoD 1-35hisownresidercerecentlyow:Win aid hareolenoclina Cescunut Gla tas hess so denininr 'ronvaled by tur durscuctoteetion.and the .a :‘/’:‘7J.B.MeNeely,)on the Concord and Muchstul eyo ajmre ete evar ec Oe Cee .1 mined by Preleanse iciran the 8s Maa |!LINISHED WORK of ever24mitesSouthofThyatiraChurch.continues ¢Pwo,Greenlajit No ude Clee Pans.Jani lit Salisbury.No ¢She We tidst renovate ie bv oan adie rative he 7 ‘i |:oat Teen ord fr.und warranted in every WIGEsalathesamelocation,his professional seis Gano a icostie rine inion,RROD TIME Ren mediemme.and tovigorate itty be ddiy toad snd exe e lat .n very deser:puion of Machinesthepublic.Ain tl veanitint Wael gail Ee Secatmuarcant ‘Rach medicine we s 4 ne ae i dour a “Calle,io his absence.shuuld be felt with iastanu-ish biceud,aud frou New 1 en hon)GAR AT SOUTHERN HOUR AND CAP Aver’s car ane ae SUMP etCaMr.Shaping or bis wife,orin their abecuce,wiih wae by the first,ot tin Mor Ne Ole z vi;ders eun Stioderd.Mateahs Patoot,Greensborey DenodMircada,Kew ey aoe SiGe f Hisok Maw a)a He FOIIN DOOLEY Compound Extract of Sarsaparila,Caves hee pew PREC ie ties Wetec iiey Clean et,,neo,Nov.10th,Isag a rsa trotter,His speed Was hever aseer ’(lie auet efertndl rea he Mohr s 1 Par isols nono ta weekly Columbors Observer,Faye ttevdl-tained:bat in several jusinuces he trotted a ale i No.$1,Mass steer,Richwoxn,Vas,our tunes cn devise tur Gos every where prey °Gent ses Steel od Eredeli Express will publish Simouthsandturwa aLAWPARTNRSHIP,two unnutes aud forty-two seconds.But he im uiest STW EUF ET GG 1SCLUTLAND MOLEISR tered tal sO Ur vane Uiaeevanifiediimianirenninevou bee'oth Patle ¢wy Skate on outs pecan N.C.remarkable fur a combinat ou of speed with strength boo SER ESS HATS a Tivcrmediviscuiathave |)Vou Wered tur the ey,Cul dy ee Cad)seep tb New A tel daPASandpuofendoee#Cambritue Course HOTTANN TAI Prelit i pee apne ri has gained the repatatioA.B.&B.A.CALDWELL,GGEWUNTR.elie tthe:[Mebane un Ser anche BE ore tc da |REAL ESTATE ne Pio aN meld hennaOFFICEtheoneformerlyoccupiedbyDr.Nesbit,miles tu sixteen minutes,end has peel ides WOUUst see ve Ssod SPRAW GOODS,Ne cee Wllence 1 ahold eri ache @ndin ae os 'h!aims Le u tate iw the Bate Awan evivener uf it,TretertyonWaterStreet,featsequally asexteaurdinary.We wasneverbeaten,ty which LT wouid ravice oR Ee ots gecafuls.but also 4 pm i I .PUY at i ble notices by the Presrot the State,"|ee His ny partake of bie propertiesin a high Ge.te merehaat ee 'ae ,vie tile Nery iberalpoltonage received.1M eontinwSALISPURY,N.C.sree ree of whieh we tute any merit ba,ity Ge oupply hewn wath 9 i he aiBstnae ih :ISHNG brome urate my handsomoneplace ee ee hacuey been closed.)and ite guests mayMarch1,1859 tro left his an satrikingly.and his tutare ronk ©"fay fine,a ae a mn :aGey Chia Cot ;NN ee Meso wiich Fdinus!|@age mem eee auunae ie Housebeingsurtuined.witha 4 nost dis whed f he inne diniany darket tm th ‘Ji bits Crushiet,|dered,G uated anc .Gin «307,ths tstoat men set Leipents made to t T a their a “1 h eat war Bue ty _1 !gure,rad a :::i ee i ue larly woh Foesh ish tem North ie u7Tia’Eoin Roonaan hae I :b t etalidiwt ::om etal)5 >‘eee ately willie ye te lie |1.BUSINESS CAS ee ae on M OLASSES orn kee eS,een aetra uke ee How ,b 'tne Moms t wing a wieat dealoltine tiasber,prices.Tt wou sirable to huew tie whole a \ring §ee !Vivm!Sle Nae)hae 640 CLS.Brow Pg .| RK ‘:“ay,un &Co's p ,N.M.MARTIN,BRO.&C2.,meron ote lien haw been rence eS an asia etnies |ih (de ened ee eee \LOTTOMLAND ol MEADOW.ot tive -§Co's Stage Office,of his progeny that have heen sold.bat t son Hh tis =t pith.aids i i ve New ¢rw ris Svrop \1 DWEEEING is well arranced,(if @t Chis Mourne.Their FOUR HORSE COACH-GROCERS AND COMMISSION eta oie hea eae ''vd :Aan iets s Car Mase ss poles cericetenremate tnd wing =ES tn tothe head ofthe Wo NC)Rail Road omMERCHANTsortievotthmehavebeenbredandBoysMa|aN fs :E River aia Mundass,Weduesdiys,und Fidaye,and to Ashe-town of Bre Ve reine ha i Sani :i }ae oy (Reeg)GL rea eee Vuecdoye,Thumdesand Saturdays EXTRANo.129.Sycamore Street.Renee bd Una \:AD ves Vers Cathartic Pills A e vate of which are new,COMCHES and HACKS ready at any hour und furPETERSBIRG.va erestt sen ‘ui rot l |y py .:,P!(Nat init Hy portETERS4WAAealeseeeveel!./cord ee eis C.8.BROWN;i ‘seu .\1 Saal .x :iN;Sayan :Cale rad reyn ::':5 Proruiztorjint+on them ow \'dite tive |shat wee.N.M.MARTIN,npCat§:iy asternoe \a f I LTLER ae Gran,bru 1 lr:“3\sie Unis tow an IN bias 4 49 4 g .yA BRADSHAW ;qi a ve rv ley StandardandSpirite€.ait 1 Ft <a .!‘hy Da »Charlotte,Eeruld,Wtjesiawheeeg"Wl aioe)ein rartesssNewterny Witcw.GreenbuloleRICMOND,Ven ;ete \:COWAN’S >Y Boner copy embt timesWN.M.MARTIN,&r !oO.TaNSaniid iR.A.MARTIN ?|i .0 a:oe .esetable Lith |t Vernonmerein|os Micen eens HARDWARE.Vegetable Lithontriptic OUNL Vernon House,OFStrict personal attention given to the :,:produce.Orders fur goods prumpi!y filled.See ,‘'Sporn REICH AAT mer'y kun uathe Veranda Hotel,AtuatedRererexce:—D.A.Davis,C.F.Bisnis.Exy oe pee Huck Hicek —;~“-7 AT THE DEPOT,ane14,1659 3 Fast and elsewt ve normousiy hurt:the st r U i *Sar 3 s St eeeeaeDISEASEDREDVEYS,SALISBCRY,Hs Ae ET t !Ml i 4 vr toe WIs.s ston reer7Y:ne n 9 .,'sheen opered forthe enter.H.W-RUpp,a Ie Ayo tos Tee 1800 POUNDS A ra yi.Ce aders:aol ;‘spr ie ond every wayGop..t 1h 3 iN ,.bie than’here.wo 1 \'r nh =Aver’s Ct P i ,ts ..ae »fnew shroughontwole)i yers Cherry Pectoral \';:i EteAma2ihveTheCutnaryAeAMat2ms\Vices s “Pte nt afm proficient‘|:f ;‘Coun bie he mDeERCsieglanReWatchmaker&Sereiler OTA a tes as cn Boasts aad Shoe .Wh ems’Nee?WILSON \t ;GIy qila »PUN,Peet }CONCORD.YN.©a >Sot (.:ma ;noe vole time to the.cae PS i eine 'roar fee's eonfideAVINGREMOVEDtoa.New ara Lacs Ay Tae wet rt]Ge.¢‘.d ;eur i nt thatileilecirerenteeeoGaneaTLVDOUBLED(Asha Geko,B M Bel On ..fi Aten vail ree ‘elewantsofmyf.tronniad th tbe vie ena ::!EN set ;eeSearaeeeSHERISs‘rae i i 1 ‘:is ‘>LENJAMINMypersonaDz‘hes PATENT LEVER WATCHES 5 ‘J fgGhoeksandJewelry.ALL WORK Wansases .‘=ae t :eee 2.MT)1)be ew ners histone bavers ofa "-.Important to Miil Owners!!:i a |“THE UN ”arent:|..ONE THIS OFT ION,Ww.R.bee te Fen ttn ere OOS Bedi,SS ID)..m :“7 OrdLSNDyhMraHyetaane.oe theetihtetmeReaperHOValtaciePuantithonsforsate.»TY ASJ06 returnedtoon tie Non ac ;i :i.SFNO,«t Me.Man NON S,PHILADELPHIA.—«fal >ock of ACHE <1 i SEAR teh):Bt hhWATCHES,JEWELRY ||eee ee’wk 1 (i -.2 1]TN UNUF SIGNED hate Ased the interest of LeeSILVERWarne,I !ie ‘i LENSID :SMUT AND SCREENING MAC.:E,aa Halpics:eleFINETABLECUTLERY'1 Mow !M Nigga TST EST SO TEER EGote 'To whieh be respectfully iuviies the ,::(ve r .‘vt Se (oe eo {.M x "+f Che principal AvenueshiscustomersandthepubsePleaseralas1)‘Ups CLS rater ae UES Noehiecustomsandthepubic.Pieuse val oe Die 4 Cem eyla sT is ut .:Cre aacametastreet.i .~r 1 vs \;‘'ue a eae ityRepairingofWasches,Clocks an at f Meat ;‘wh ON"shall beatiendedtobytheverybeatwaccaneis.A ,i (1 Re RD \CCE Sty ‘\‘5 i He emecmanie at anneworkwarre.I ‘-TD !\u !'alabar,~‘)s 4 ::rn Ch ON S NEWCOMER, 1 .4 ext vy .\:z ..A |;I ':ING 4 MeMANNENJAMESHORATCPEpoegedroanPees\\(ve i ‘(ore WASHINGTON IIOTEI,sod We .1 'p \-'tind “..oe oe pee \i I \'\.SALISBURY N Feu Oe CIC ihe ‘DP JOHN F.JONES Proprietor.DR.2OmedoorbelowH.A AL Wuphs's Stan!hieh diseranss abe at PebatA 1 SA cua.):tea (VEO en&EPPS constantly on hand men ee rivals Ts me 1 LIVER INVhi Ge Ss BROWN we }ir;Daj Ce BROAD sTREELT,No WATCUES oc JEWELRY0 oe a LiAdtbs 3 iia OUS Fain Ader.SHAW RENN SOfocks,Watches and Jewelry 0 sa .Filho eat rere NEVER DEBILIT VES.1 if.!to Morsinten.$2 .HEHE Seseepairedinthebestin:nnerandon tir in :Dragacets Paney Go P N Ip Withelm &worman.[T scompounded entiney fom Game TATE NEALE VI Mtoe Nh -3dbleterms.yee ‘:.ie Q Ty)SALE Ue WEENewe1660Z,we Maety arn 4 )<FYeateaSl ;|P te pease’UE ERIOR FOOEHNC HT oT =Hil one ee Uelae:fay Chea ‘)word Praits Peseleen eles COLOGNE WwW CTHENS cing RE NTONS,Wc oto “B oe e 1”w .i ,a ',re a ..reMICHAELBROWN,:beseen as _oF Ee oe rown'’s Livery Stable.V ‘eo oo Po oes »Halen nseen ‘i ee /oy (COM ee oe i ;¥.,miawela 4 ote 1 os i:keprnp as heretotore Lt is gratieeesen'.meee VICGICATORG:\oy fy him thet this establishment,ISSION MERCil{\PG foie eee i q |*even Come ©ann Biilous At-W,IT.y VE I.:lait :Zérons)been fret.asa doubttulexpenment,"4 ,'Bee Co \‘B Chronic D hoen I ‘TOS Gree ete I Ree eee ie ‘the pobhe a great deside-SALISBI hore 5 c ii :Payne)net (‘Ba pletita,Dyce \;VV fe "rt !net en 6 Travelers.and othersROMPTPERSONALATTENTIONonwiesLaseacwatetmSetonfee.earl ts ile wth weENtothepurcisaseofaf!}PRODECE ‘1 !'holera 4 ;“5 Hi .\:me j Weel ae :ne |ProvAndtoallconsignmentsosbe#aan WING BARE cy lence,Jaundice,Female Weaknens-et cd Si peer He te 2 \ae VS :Se es aS PRETO RU DESYehippedtooiherPurssinuy(an es,ad may be used a asan Ordina=';aaa ubser ber vs aiwave ready te sell upFebruary14,1&6u .a |ry Family Medi QQ tee.iwiicue SICK ro 1 Uoewen LHOMAS E BROWN.,:HEADACHE,(a scant th HARD ARE!'May diac.1559 fl7tyminutes,if three Te\W ye'%€rvonfalse o k-a muie -of ,.CollectingAgent.ae Fa Mita areas ae 7 New Firm.een 4 fied fe 4Awe use Itare giving their te oy a i me ‘a SS aks a |‘ol ofers his gory oe motsfavr i oe eT Y |etir CON TY let MIX WATEHIOIN THE MOUTH WITH ea |,.rans Ay Sy Winy ok 1 THE INVIGORAIOR,AND SWALLOW MURR &SOSSAMON,,~YNTown,and there fire a Dopey :pf PNY Soe BOTH TOGETHER.SY |‘y oP Opa VTS Gourclised ot!Ip Bhawu &-oonlaaeae‘tai ‘Tan Price One ae ar per Bottle,‘Of 0 ard \al r |le :ee a eng ITE ieenaed RenreeGanaetkao'ae .;.ae wih veal :;:";Bhat ;V1 TIN,SHEET-AIRON.COPPER moved hia Draying Eetob-April 16,120714 Cie 4 eee sine ru POETS (eles too S DESIS [ey oat SANFORD’s eee CUE STOVES.PD en aN EANeee TaN ERMnineclie inicihe:ee \.‘\{i A ae areas Peook.etal the remover of the late George W.Brown,;j :;CATHARTIC PILLS,ios a wt i ee itag CHURCH STOVES ever Sheet heer tocagenr ney alwayebe found ceady:toLANDFORSALE5FeseetaalabelGarantieamanMEEWaleasWienTENHELANie‘Pure Neertabie Rare.i eeu rut up din LNG aout AN r Meow Ny lots,Alea ade deredetivered to him at his stable,will meet:A ae f 1 treo deibeent te .u GLASS CASES,Ader Light,and wit!keep 1 Hal JE ret nop nay OOTIN WARK and STELLS Wi prompt attensen.Charges moderate ;L tying in che cou fs ae ~\tn any elfimate.oe.Rey Ute :JOUN SNYDERSeisaty,oe the Shere tis i eae ee 4 1 y o 'Worle eG The “Rami ee ee SYP ret oP ‘Ae pace Has baetal aurea Sulsbary,September 6,TROY 15longingtotheeataceDseeesWo.Oreo aE arenree4rmentpro«show \‘ — eustsisten abi er 2 .in ie arene ve i .\)‘eR Ant gg aut:IH NNER detarutmadetncarl ce imannulstundnielie Saisbury,Jan 10,p=60 1\33 a AC »"SInowofferfurs\1 oe py ve placed all om ode)i we a:;.\wos .te Dg (cok 'kw :tha 1 ratacconnts ia th de of JOWNeeTewiyoasaePAEaelenceeelag WANTED oosHOGPORf:aR Pen eit otis a ve DVM G LU Ua Uo So aietin ciate "Te .Lp RS .oe ;.\Wie ee ee huly wave ion coms MONEY EMEST AND 20.000 feet Syeimore Lumber,We BUTEA DO RESALE, ie hee .E Mee HAVE 1 WOEFLUN pore mer ee ee eee os walt at Aneto onthe 24h of July,nt theBENeit«Mie oe Be ee i a reo ROW:Gaiffith,on Dutchman Creekwitho:lelay:andt zen r '‘res Beate dhe chew I )4 uLacensStdRIESWARSED.ZANTAY J AV 75 eward is 4 ron nid 1th wil oe USE Davie conaty,4g miles North of Mockeville,known~<[a 4 ee :ek 2 ,ee ee e Ter ia wine Sad bondsare very vidoable,intimepreacr‘;Z eek VE OE $eka om n \{|.W {.CLARK &REEVI 'éLo.t ne =ite a ».°.x uh (rae ia enahen ‘AK mien abarofrecovery}:‘|’sit _'Ioiecolnss ue 1 oes ,oul iT ril il nu a ctor )5 Tay ee)tod n Put oe villiatjAreajii‘hUNALY )7m :le 4 ian 7 Porsous waning a good farm would do well3:,.D;1 Ni qd 2 2 ’.toattend this sd wea borg may be had.-E a ‘ee uss pave VEOTY SEEM OCEANS SER Y a tires oileata Ge NSM ele T(ae Viiniae Mile and other Lands ean oe had withi(5)*|1 DLTOUTEDEIL,ean oo ee ;He taro af derived "I Ot;SALT,‘i :i i HER pres Vow che une een ||Lal fem ef Wothetin and G Z GRIFFITH,Agentwksv|iy The Hs ,Morand bart ©Ce-,'rihe year otter apts rested!Senne Tareelet Leng 12w50) t Seath Vad eine f s a t 1 A Ww SAYVEOID,WD,‘inns .bone We bope thiamine$50 Acrosi ats qereaqantls i “nae ‘Ste i Pel tocle wie iaitanh HILLSBORO’land ie well adapted Pear een :i Me Koouz plonta “I 335 Rroatwep.New Von.i 1-69-6099 (forme as gond Bort etc ae Panes 94 t oo roar yon as S fiat ‘i NaN nee ;-2y :one eeib eed in a :ESD Ns TaN Nias et)NOTICE THIS M j WILHELM &GORMAN MILITARY ACADEMY..ere inca ae ‘\Lorene oe .Saw Mill,'on '1 ’1 PEPXNTS TPostinat on nder the conduet of Con.€ng to pore ‘how «‘’Peg ranean |CT aesY Super inden ey the State MilityLine,A wi ARY &CO t \thie RAGR NOTICE TO PNG patie Asuon catiiiny,(oe he:mafcatinframRenshaw's {.,ire a 'y )4 x ore al \1 |airueoqen “HO willeomprise ax Officers.For a;‘'nie Canoe elnaknt ashowingthejand.4 Pyrsble he |(MK s A [1 J\8)Ua t \\\ned i Meo ere ae he henna ae ’eens Sueruitlenden pidly 26,i “..je x :‘nitive ee ce ,ey ,Augnet 23,1859 SE eee Chemin Reduction in Price pe dfarenletion Wig (insane Coe ec 1e in ow anal thin weaniannd|IRE UP TeE rey iiinco ie ,;4 (pean We.here fore.those that would suee~FON WEN Adar T7 if y ROY tf cont ow :all HE f a aihe >,7 <P 73 Fhe:;‘0 <ison "Pogued size with a nate !welltoeall at once,After Februar CLANS!)CIGARS CIGARSLLPERSONSwhoareee:A bitin 'aes een aes Ale lie Conrt all pacer not «etiled willbe plieed in hands a Seiicn aFeapeeifutlyreqnestedtocp!!'HENDERSON &[Ss I it Crerk nite fem th )ed OMeerm “Phe Books muy be found at our.of ANOOO CTGNRS at Wholesale or Retail at thedinePayment,ae Foam compe!‘WHEE!ER &WILSON'S :i D R \\I N Cr .(*Room wher of the firminas always be Post Offers M.A amraethieixthefirettimei441b:art eid “aS Sige thimcal walt lie matcient fides M uoGrlends,1hopethey wil!come op i Oe AC RES.kha an Z i ,MURPEY.ome oppriv r a F '»that he k ‘AURPHY &COA717hi)a f ‘,Mon.20:5,ae RF Resse sew ng Wac nes.PILE OTN Us st eared dents eet i Pe RSUA AON Saiagei ie Lp 2 m S It 's.It {f Salt !!!'ro.und will eerve ali whe vty ’u ‘.;;PANTTninn ,;Ree mae eo,as there i6 ©iui :‘;ma Lae oe 8 eeePeeeeoarsentfaDaeCaenEleeetenceee50WhiteHandsneeoSONSSONGaayveeasNHAitepesrylebtadtomearerequestad:le ::.:i A Ss MLESS BAGS for ale low“To Country Dealers.CHINES.jeisw im pneed ta funneh (hep mike HENDI RSON &ENNISS na oe ead!°aera ent)March tik,1860 ran \\it Ley ni aor ane ie Y loti SBAMI |RGA oakthiswereVialinbleaiditndiegsjeiklenypene'1 ae :ne miog harhotte ond Rutherford al Rone ‘*5.Tz etme eas nae be 5M f i 4 Hes ee as chein Domer.have te wits rer per mn Ae aan 2 ee Raa May 29,160 Im)subec|as tnt ‘rN chine be geen ratio:‘AD (sMOUABRES,consissingof Cube Clnyed.Cardin.BMY State Not,Graviea Budding ,Spring Mattresses.MP TNE CMe Crit oie son hin 4m Bugecies and Rochkaways.pe EL MON UN GILan,Muccovado,Rico,and New Or}|“A.MYERS ;.May 8,1860 [«f50 Charloite,No ¢Brick F SaleewOrlenunAlsoA.MYER ORR aiken Fant teen 50,000 Brie or °oe dere tation are offered low for each May 8 I peubseriher hason hand the beet qualiny «;|HER eulacriher hon adit of hundeome nee ‘RERKGUR Rae or SPRING ent other MATTRESSES Calin VWARIETAGE LICENSES gies and Rockaways,which he will anil os it BI A NK DE ED CPYHOSE wanting to buy Fifty or Sixty eouaandMeyTelPanOPIohieFurnitureStore{OR OWARRISON 7 ‘,ee :pepoey terms THOS BE BROWN.;fh i J |good Hrick,ean getabargain by calling at thiem40ofallkindaforsaleatthisaf©)May 8 Any 60 FOUR SALE VAT TIS O7 CFIC.Ian 24)1R80 a FHORVSALEOAT THIS ORRICK ORee (fAT Si Te Cl1.51 ‘unu ‘our chi hic of on Ku of lou no eut sk wi ag clo los gh im th tle qin pr sp h: tu his e hueHotel Bmo us oO d at- ents o the ft the ation pond erty d fur ites Wi Ore ter-te-wayOrenont,taryiene the the that ue, Wveulelog vueshosetrilnde phe and re-b- ihe vn, ret ie heky wnin utell th nd hie J.J.BRUNER, BDITOR AND PROPRIBTOR. Ke TERMS Single copy,$2.00 Five copies,$3.00 100 Ten copies Clubs exceeding ten,in the same proportion $1.50 each.Payment always in advance.Ev eS The following Cour tand miscellaneous BLANKS Can be are kept on hand for sale,at this olhee sent by mailto any part of the country,at sal expeuse,Civil Warrants,Com.totake Depo C.&8.C Apprentice Ladentures [Pestarmentary $.Court,8.0, Executions,0.&Letters of Administration, Bubpwnas,Cra &C ,Bpecialbetters do., Witness Tickets,C.&8.C Marriage LiccnnerboCortifientesJurorTicketsProsecutionBonds,C.6 8.0.Various Equity Blanks, Bail Bonds,civil cases Do,falletmenta, Buil Bonds,crim.**Land Deeds Attachment Writs,Deeds in Trust, Delivery Bonds,Kher Deeds Administration,do,Banity rday,2 Notes ¢ TD oa Notesto Bank,Th omany other foring floss foequeut useedtoorderonshortnotice For the Watelanan MocnT Pirrasast No.2] -dune 2t Mr.Eprron : unusually busy with the citizens and students ot Tab y Friday the Toth was a day sour little village.Tt was the preparation for grand Pie Nie and fishing excursion,to conn otf the day following.Ladies wer actively en gaged discussing the meres and demerits o roasts aud “piecrust.”Professors aud Ceachoas moved about with more elastic stey,their usu ally calm and digniticd countenances wre athed with a favoring sule,Students buntied to and fro,th ip minds not engaged tn the oy retin Greek roots,nor waudering aiid dark mites o Mathematical;culems,but contenmplainig th Heatness of sundry littl:missives,penned | delicate bands,bearing favor tbls espouses 5 roausidering the amount of their * mmeats,tisbing tackle,Ge.Been the pa cehild,lieping the incoherent wo nic,”tudicated that it too bad crust of a holliday,and reyoi ony of village ated co Was a Knowing ones looked jw d a of rain,at which with tar ly Jooked “blue” not Ull uilit cast:lee sa mee bat stun tie ta earth,and the Cwinkstus sta dechod the a sky. As Aurora began to Ging the eaetiorn with a golden yieam of bet,usd anxiously luoked foc diy,t bu ‘“ again ren wel Pisteid asf cr tr hur sti oe ‘clouds ant lov 'y Wyorm|ehcas +{oe ‘ blue”above,bans oy lil set TILY,OUT Mortal stares,wots u |, gle cloud ALL ative was around was cau and st murmurites of the 7,fs burg tree fopa On F OY excursion sts appeared att ‘ toy untill ali tad are ved fart ringiney lew of J ter uf wheels.the Mow wis ‘I Uniog around scoun |ener i sure aul happiiess out passed along.Tbe sun cast its «fui tay wroutd,wivitiis ie Z Fendt sl:oUt Imated appearince 1 (i rece eet - greeted themswithay evous oa Lamy Uhicket,and the nest 'ris Cled the for tage abeeo,as : ith to dunt.now \\ procession,anon ebm i |1 sel amid Che toprnist be % Lu pood spots ail arty Spot,in proprietor of whet,ay (ere fe fortune has bestowed ':4 Javish hand,Welcomed us to his woe ly and quenched our Uiist woth eer s ‘ of ice water NEU Mise 4 wore bet ranging tislon rods 1 reyes wet ote was ready.partner by bas sede ated Sek hand tu the creek,to try fm ints Ul A gins. cil or a painter's sh Moog etch Ut “Pwasasere wortlia tio rippling Streann sit eugaged in stinetted Conversation ly watchingthe nibble of some of the finny tbe,Hore we thiol a party ering and culing the will swct en CT incroneciere ice ten eer eer his line from so eaten Wh holding some deladed minaw,as ’ tempting bate,dante at the end | That one revelling anid the pod land rambles,viewrne the beauties of ta their wildest furins,otone!n posing hand. The hour of toon having eure again resorted to the st crate,White cooling draught was tiandedbirsund ' tents of the well tiled baskets were spreud on the grassy carpeting,©whieh amy u was done,amid many laughable rouarks a wilty jokes,|Dinner over,and line stowed away their respective places,all repatred to the tn near by,to spend the afternoon in seen)conver sation and innocent ainusement.We were kit ly welcomed by the cbon maser who prepa VOL.AVIUL,SALISBURY,N.C.,JULY JORDAN'S LETTER.)')"+ Attention ie called to thedencieeat Morganton.It will be seenisseas:vy Mr.Pool,to Jordan’s letter,in which be gives,in a very decided man- ner,his opinion of Jordan’s character, Gov.Ellis,it will also be seen,said hewasagentlemanandendorsedbimas such.We have before us a letter fromarespectablegentlemanlivinginthetownofLlertfurd,who gives us some in- x formation in relation to Jordan’s chayae-|ter,from which we will give a few items. ny M ],I:le q [le says,in the first place,that he is an ai 7 “|infamous liar and an onparalleled coward.i Being a lawyer,he has disgraced his pro-3 "10,1860. oe TT feesion by extorting @ note from a man q...:she ike collecting his client’s 5co:;.vous ;when drunk;of eoflect ng h ;Devoted to Politics,Wews,Agriculture,Internal IJnprovements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Morality,and the Family Circle.uoney gnd fever paying it over;of eam-.:|va-sitny:lis cases out of doors and talkin;3 om ee pee are een ern reeerie eel core wue 7 _amen.~with inen to ascertain their opinions ied ‘ trawed.None seemed weary,Ai were full From the Fayettecille Observer latter willdo the same,The party istornto An Old Man's Teyes.Tu the proceed:WILAT THE DRED SCOTT CASE DE ec ie ae .a aoe aonPimtithaotbilancswswhowtheybatther—Good Signs for Bell and Everett,ccc by the diwentions\a@ite arobitious lead ings of the Butfalo Medica:Aes cation,CIDED.lwwaue te Piven dulce piodaa HareroTakeashegiltnitquegaitaeuetiiemaneganewseigtgivetaregooeloathentsweet2VeseythetwokofMountsReport|tod preset ty tela wlverptr ie Urea ari Se PNT cat (era,AN ae as Dareanecdetel they will resede their priceless te ve va a .ss ee cuir:ae page JUS,It is stated that the Supreme)tor his distinguished political services in 1 :‘Olen flesette Aone toni a eee 1)leritaze from the peril Hite wiibeb it bus fallen a i Pes ee io chee!2 a ne Court of the United States decided in the |and out of the State—other people eab-4 !'feline ot een at oo 1 ee :i.Se ST a tiisplaccd contide@edsir thé @apagity and k Se mr Ff ns aii A HE Dred Scott case a8 follows;iscribed about four dollars and he paid co lik aoe ae :‘i -it tential Detieeratio mewspit i iciy uf the custadiaatelg ioe beh re 2 ane a ne Me Het Poysteian 1.“Lue territory thoe acquired by the one hundred dollars himself—bought the [ee NOUN Vem ufc init COs OMT Nee|el laid ae ee aly people of the United States tor theie com!pitcher and bad it presented to himnself—4 ie Sooey hus rin up the thig of Doueles ane he ;,2 PAY INE AN TER Pastis :.ie 5 EL rom one end (0 the:!:litherte conservative people «woe “Phe St Louis Repablican,the leading not false to the obligations@@aay deh EOE SOE Doanocratic organ in the Westand a pa ism.and not bind to ever dime cee Tet hate he Paitin:hia Momitor,an old and able Democratic ver,tas come ont tor the Coustitution n candidates,and will battle no We subyjorn tlic Coarleston Convention cannot be al ne this title,has late A pamplilet,beari lowed an cutranuce.A trorse that)lias :‘reared,whieh,ina stall compass, puny {the rence once nay putp again)i :ou si |J disensses the Seriptural ground of the re uid euht not to be trusted without a al ‘: 1 of aster and slave.Tt is a capifortherclection, yotal speermen of elear,cogent and con the seventy second year—wasintretuced jagn and equal benefit,through their)while at the North he wrote home letterstothesocietybyDr.Hauilton,fa the avent and trustee the Federal Govern:|that he was the guest of Gov.Seymore purpose of Uringing ty the attention of ment,Congress ean exercise no power!and J.Gordan Bennet,and had parties the members a tost extraordinary a oor the cights of persons or property of given him by them,when it was knowa MARK THVdINEAD Ies ror of dit cre ”als hee t i chi Vere .real .K A Us nec rnnd aint enemy trenmat tice ,ee as i,ere .is al ;run te a b ;ae i f SE ieee ane portle most y cinizen in the tercitery which is probib-|that they were in Europe,and when he iE ST 4°wou ‘,t ‘mt ie eW etse “L a Ps:.<i -si t ‘1 i 7 eae.* nt MA eric me me ear peel ta SGN)ae ene |ma relicves,That Was ited by the Constitution.Tie Govern-|came home he exhibited during a whole ‘a TEE SOE UNV “The Democrat and Repubbean are at beet half the New K nd wake!;/upon record—and with a view to iflus-!i Ti }i r Chi i 4 ce comnes from the mite of faction and yy atthe most made +urine!or ba forever fate.eee ciara tie won dartul ee and the citisunggvbenever the Ter-|Court,a pair of Ching vases,which be a oo Ltnost prominent;nei se)or be fore ticle s wor ae emai oes apg :P :a 1 ans iarieieccniil baleimiere cn te:Gini 1 tb prominent ane oy vential ia air a .ry ‘Ura!&iderful extent to which the ritory is open to settlement,oth enter it!stated wasa present from Gov.Ejlis which pe tia,ut i ;Democratic papers in the South.pet—beat the drum—ring the bell—and rally organ of sight might be preserved and!with their respective rights detined andj was afterwards known to have bought io Pot Mfavoarobrernaime din session twe days Hi Pe weteD Minera)ae tue thasses,North and South,East and West,!cultive UY ;i ::| 1 >weeds Hot tiathon Was .Say »cultivated,even in advanced ave é :‘”.\>. (ye Urtivereiammeninecrd teeschtuwcs rica 11 ‘.,hivi a t nt ee \'Ser enreeccerorn eel hitiernnc ercncre antares SeCtL a i Center 4 aa ed a a limited by the Coustitution.Edenton,Gov.Ellis never having seen or a "4 '|aVashiv 1 2HHeESse itl i x ¢=co Or 5 fi oUrt 2 dl |’-}aha c PTT TIG WCC Ona mre eULCOMmmlG arn}ents Fe cote aay ot Washinton wndethe Coustilation 2"ies it .eee aU a 2.“Congress have no right to prohibit)heard of them.What say the people to :Me salute 1100 cans and a Consderable de :Bell ;tree years ago his eyesight was 80 im-‘the eitizen of any particular State or|this?Does these facts comport with the lost obpeet puye at tet BEECH SCL onstration .Soe tlm et »Contest is now between ell anc urfec 6 el a ‘‘._ ||tot Mine Cattery Go a ‘ee :2 ne oe ee Lincoin.‘I Constitutional Uni a arty ee eee Cr States from taking up their home there,|character of a gentleman t If they do, \yop ’5 \jo nto .é +"ne Mis al ‘f ary br i 7 rare A $a . rot dattekhet w -howld rebuke at Ls 1 :‘Ni;Vall Q ys the only National party left ui the ie aoe ae ai)yee tncles,wlile ik Rental ciizeoe of any particu:|we do not know what makesagentleman. i ee s ©Lexinytor ty allev Star,the LE Atel =ni:aL 2e7 aCe any years 2 ;i i ‘GQ ,;See eereeelie laalictynUaealy Si The ee ae en ng ri The taats acatcaane a apy Sotate nr ate osteo lan,Nos ae UAGoe Siig isoch really sagesPantienreuapinatGriksitelier,[es Fete t ’!i .arty.1 ous.Atthattime he had occasion tol y piv viv riviley o one class of]wi ©}i-andot of eran of Ul ihe Donvlas and Jehusen fhe.ther factions ate merely eigaged in &@:do sume writing ev tine as to reuuire ene to give privileges t A with Jordan’s character,he is to be pi , a Frees liter Fine Tenth I ae r icine Cal hele anno:ticmecives ye,8 1 Citizens which it refuses to another,te}ted;but if he was acquainted with bim, ite aan oa dd |4 ie fi 1 i mofor “2 he Pa ee |es es Ni lela fan ald of a thayullytoy glass.After writing Territory is acquired for their equal and and then vouched for himas a gentleman, wm gaat |e Wyse dd,Reece?ie 4 ;lof yobut the smi “nds vir y aeroridl an ser Brie 4 :i ,an Ao.:oe /tact ic |Oe ee ieee ete ae eT ree er atintervals tor atew days,he found Ine common benetit,and if open to any must)he deserves the contempt of all decent 5 Cl A ce a -sit tne ron ally ine Pcie Valeo Wil \at the ete ye battle.’ey esi .slernri clarke ‘,pee ,pee te geen tices fe reas,are rallying with (eyeoisiit much tmproved;and knowing be open to all upon equal aud the same |men.—iV.C.Whig. a roles!entlitisiiaat anion tine Eevee oe the effect of exercise Upou all our facul ters.” '\Nise,deve al a Veet .,:ay |,8.= nh a Loon cel aad vt Wie ee te tien |,ee ey ven Uies,conctuded to systematically pursue 3.“Every citizen has @ right to take e !i ye wet Sie eh yany,eral ,“4 ‘y yout els ..eS pre.=Se .d 5 i Ps den |!ratand i soir Lan nn nm CR Crt ecco of the eye,and quote the with him into the Territory any article of|Departureof the Japanese.—The New 'r ieee Wee emtln daes ee iy ee rem ee result,The wrdng was dene upon an property which the Constitution of the}Yorkers were too mach engagedwith the :f Tena .ae ee Ne hee ae rie Ta ae Baie ee card,With a Inetale point —'Cited States recognizes as property.”|Great Eastern,Friday,to notice the de- ;~el ntin a tT :“Su arad Be’)dhe plass used,was a colon pocket wealiings OCU:Woeiiwer|me ee Lene Ch,Ua soot,Hay,Douuralic ane wich .oe fe :I :st 4.The ¢er rE iey ae parture of the Japanese.They were : |r =au thie.Ne ieee ;cae SS WStawCe 0S Sewell Property,aye edges the Federa E ss ie pty fan Lyme ee :wthe S ateat barge,ue SLU woeliiisrot wmiuels wllicl was lreld inthe a eS o iret é ,ta Cun rie 5 dtietly bundled intoarevenue cutter and (ore :vada ;£1 sty ten ind tor Douglasat 0%a ree?:ee TE RTees : \|Tue Peters a Se M ‘ls rou hs lot (tl ae W ee SLU In this tanner cannot exercise y more authority Rover seut on board the Niagara.Some of \1 \|~taorenss ‘r a i Pe a j ry cas any yu foe tends of D :now M eau fewetor dur Wake Dis.o ite Sue Written nearly every day,al:that description of property than i inay them,the papers say,“shed teare at leav- 3 |ce oubderstan 1.are peo 7 will go tur Douglas or give up tis es ele before the eyes were fa Gonotitutionaily exercise over property ing the friends they had made.”The (p Bere ==Ugued.When what wasat diet thought!of any other kind.’;..; oe F 'Ve Camiypaiga paper.|peau eee ce i Cle eO CaO.|followingis the last Japanese itemwe are eae ,'\le wir tua anil hee ee :A :;yi tu be very tine writing could be easily 5.The act of Congress,therefore,Tee (ieee me elane time ‘ie \:Be sh cele Pert i ‘Wes “‘Hoe NL SIGE Aeron aes z a ,.:ure :ccly to bave fu ?. :}:eae road Hii ifs Conc)athars s rt M iw ay ees i ,,dope,sil Ther Was ation ed Phe spe-prohibiting a citizen of the United States)=eng: ‘ae \i |felon .||wen presented was written last May,at taking with lim day slaves when he re:The tive princes of the Japanese Em- (ocean wich tune the ductor could read with dnoves to the Territory in question to re-)bassy were present at &wedding cerewo- a hae Mal Vay Reerer |Fie Standard eave that the State Ex.cae the finest print without spectacies.|side,is an exercise of authority over pri {ny,in full costume,on Wednesday last. .bonne \bse Committee a ther for Miuee Eat Tine Tis exetes as Leen vate property which is vet wourranted by |Vie princes had expressed a wish to see :,(eons tl dd ce dae dy and tis eight isu \quite as {the Constitution,and the removal of the three things especially before leaving the .en ~A gruel Douglas Masa Meoting was :mnean 80d de iOthen was,but he beleves that!jlaintth by his owner to that Territory |city—-a funeral,a law suit and a wedding.4 We :mT wa AD her lve er ner tor North Weung a tew days will take itas ye 'yave him uo ttle to freedom.”,The funeral and a court of law were of ‘:|!fact rere 'at .;. roe Piet Cin Mercia ({Doelia Sete!Ile finds at dithealt to write in!6.©While it remains a Territory Con-easy accomplishment,but a wedding o! pi Don lel ote e Gif ehoseny Hot Weather,Lhe specimen presented |oress may legislate over it within the the first class,within the gorgeous light a :-:oa 2 t ‘the .}*eS ’aeooi.Noe Wiens oat Sleeves Geet Aeeselccterms votetta Timp wionhas trey wai:dotacircle,fittyseven one-lum|scone of its consttutional powers in re:!o Grace Cliurch,and mavaged by Browa, 1 ',tl \Ut eetsel noua ee eogeieet.Leo wunnsstise whol would pucje sculls Loni eit diamereryor a titel fation to citizens of the United States and does uot come off every day,aod the Em- 4 |‘Vita trans.=her aatlat 'i y ow i i W |1 lias 2D \10)b men under the ban,dat they We Hacton larger thana three cent pueces)way establish a territorial yovernment,bassy Was tn danger of going to sea with- ,i:,.Liat tsb)Tarjan dagae op on Mery was suoiiter seat sland the form of this local government out having witnessed that interesting ‘-.ss,2 ’ES :.+ \.|Neier ns Uist,Gor Cher hewest opiiias, Toleration,jas it rayers The Apostle’s Creed;fie Par linnst be revulated by the discretion of spectacle.Of course they were-partica- |oe ral rin,ts que othe Mem tee and foerauty must be exhibited on able ot the Ten Virgins;Tie Parable of)Congress5 but with powers not exceeding larly gratitied with an invitation toacer- ub ‘==.,.4 .)..’..’¥. ‘b :ee phos Hele cr cer tert [itie sia)UCN PS Comm Clint ny asunc and divisions;Me Barren Fig-tree;the Beauties;and |those which Congress itself by the Con-,emony where the fashion and intellect !4 i er -=”a a \ye -'igs 2 7 't a aris |e .*:|#}a‘i ,.:i Vill be heartily endorsed by ave inevitalile.”Aaa it makes ir very |Ove Psalins,viz:the fiist—the fitteenth|stitution is authorized to exercise over of our city were sure to be represented,é :fy Ss fe cient ra large majority of the Democracy of plain that the Doue'as Convention war|tle one hundred and twentieth —the|citizens of the United States in respect ‘and it was remarked generally that onno tote |i 1 s )):\::: :Ai bei commenced the pris Ceri”the Convention,as We havealready shown [Que bundred and)thirty-third —and the ty their rights of personsor ot property.”|other occasion since their sojourn among ‘:i A sli .'P ,Be!pis pu blsiing the proceedings abot one hundred and thirty-tirst;in ail eal ;us had the members of the Embassy ex- ‘~me n sy ‘‘vod eicrps |if rhe a nie ".>.~-.=... ;iC ut .;;aa i.‘‘Vhie woern Progress,atter lamenta words5 and with the caption.of each,|CANT HELP IT.hibited so much interest,or appeared to -.2 }overettwiil sweep the>tl JOM Gutsy in 4 Rae,eras EE AND 11305 words.(The Declaration of Ince:|*.‘be so highly sase : :I ‘d :ee St ea endenee :vied .::iH ;ie in |We regret toliave to differ with our es a oe a eu ieee eouneey oe ,nes!ee Ae }Hes 1)ak eee ag tay nor,pendence contains Y words etc :Boy 1e Linpressio rey will carr w \7 ‘bc i ‘uM gpod will I See .H teemed thend of the Ldouwsh Noles rela-ee ey Mien)mee .,Pe ant t ae Dey Theol ‘forthe CO MUTCHIFO TEEILen (an penic Cty TORITCHSCMGnEG IS Gr (5s ree 2 this—oue of our most impressive cere- |:!.1 ;:tive to the Baltimore Conventions,but ,,:,.\1D ee |f the demo.[ed,and every eis dotted.The lines are Hee!'a u :ae monies—the young couple were remarka- \f r «‘1 >.disclamming any vssible suUsPiclon oO m : pet re tie wd teats prine {@t the rate of one hundred and tifty to oe yt ee!ble for their tine persoual appearance.— \au ‘nae f !:I |,,i ee =want of ssneerity apd honesty of purpose a4 :s i i De)neice stn cs ty tell (Pome lye (nuremiicl tie schist ve miiiius :'lle bridal dress was superb as gleaming \‘i i Cal eels SAN oncal '1...;.‘es fon his part,we know that be will not ‘5‘ne ed la eh edn oe Oe nC LOntiisiy [CU ert)ew (citeec antya iivGnitc :fe Feri ive foie Cent silk,clouds of lace and snowy flowers i ’a >|y yihesthe the lo valy oOo Hr “tious,. Gaye.Mat ri Ney it this ¢try Welhad|Written upon,and ten Jur AS Spa-La ape erecr anu eae ‘:ty could make it;while a group of pretty.2 ‘:ee ef fraa very well Known toa distinguished ‘:ios S :Me id Vote Re ay er ieee Set rec etwrcu dul Caat )tshow :;bridesmaids,in pink and blue,gave a q |\/i =Nee t ate Ped Re gen of the State with whom we bad 7)5 ' :UR CRT vente Se 1obis al Congas,ail sitaer yee Tae.auetber specimen,Sener min erin aera brillant etfect tu the scene,enhancedoa ose =y eee aime '=*‘A Couveraationo he sal ye tis hte co = ,Pena vor ie reece teen nity per thore bere om at g :5 every hand by the ve ;.F jotagraph from tie Richinond Wine::We Ee I “2 sas February 1859,that Mr.Breckinrid Ce ae d by the gorgeous surroundings Al pees scivus a nation of Waite peuple,for it}222 lines to one Lord's ee of the building. (eather eS 7ie ==WN O ene ee licititay aten :Prayer written u i Was our first choice,bat when the tine ..= (Coho ertiis a rs ,ee een euler;and it was]!#3 RICH an as lees tie Charleston Convention drew near The Niagara sailed Saturday the 30th, 1 'tie simiticant fact that Gren.Siekey tie tirecatugy wing of the democratic |Hau one Wiel we Weta.',;;>e ¥ \!(ac aay Sis reco EC uniaiicseniee elt =5){/we saw plainly that there was no up-ris at lg P.M.,for Japan. u ait ie fs party who,seeminely foraygitation alone !,s 5 at ay ] WA ©Nf pi to Virgema,ont Lot Wuntcene \:.|Tce es the |We of the people im bis favor,and that _ 1K ‘oe ore once y ean)s ept up the ternalery one et Oe aN he 2 7 |;..|Douglas was the tnan on whom the affee ARPES TACK ,TOT ihetae Lats fi las )&IRE ns A t eis >>(era,Coatite be)oe y ared hi And again:%What are conservative;Electors appointed by tue racy in|tame f the masses were placed PRENTICEANA. 'eto stp doe Bt PG |x 2 -|!!kf H a i oe a *. WW :ee ee aa :mn i NI men to det We can only answer forfevery District were to wlopt the ileal pie editor of the dtvagh Motes and The Democratic party has been cut in moi tothe Gryetiter BUST Vives CEs oursel{—with the present)condition a ed,that they awartthe voice of thet |Mec at one tine labmed tocethon ii ee ie of the halves having the head :.From the North too,ications things we shall take no position,but hold)poeopre tu a Ore UNEt nox I emetcra i 7 Giduimucnacy aniin delenceot attached to it,and the other the legs.We \.oe Ny (;Hebange to the rohit [reeloniscec tase uainl:adiness to det as may seen)Wine Ra WT Tey at eae Te vole democratic principles,he very weil suppose the one with the head has the al i fer bee de _.t t s aaeoetlsitua,fae best after further developments,One |tor President,and conehile te parsde ii ws that the paper which he then ed.Most sense,bat the one with the heels ‘“cK ,-thing is plain tous:af the democrats)Ghat course and stay at bome;think ited was a fearless defendenota natéonad will ran the best. ee haps coe ae ales tt ;_n heep thei two t¢ae in tue fleld no pat pyou the the op;ti ve ct :WI doinneraey.Weeontent!tliat tie Breck:Neola?immediate organ Ravathad \‘'‘,mith,Wito dite wit =Meer el ot is der ¢‘oliccdtions to support lott :Dinirict to LL iam VERETE,i -ae as a i ar als ae sel Fe eee)my TU Disinn PELL aE EN EREMT Siividwe nominating convention did uot the Democratic party was founded by ‘y 5 =tree TeGGna 1 tiie?~tres us that either of them,for apart trom)the fact will tail to win over scores of voters,.1 “i Senin STE:|:S . \now i}Lin oe Pere ater mus aul tlie ::ee Pe tot .ae Ae tale Den represent that pational democracy,bat him,It has certainly been dumbfounded .a Se oe :ee fe that the ony principle contenced tor by |DUES UT Use isa stil)ye CMO hat it was a fragmentary body whe were by him i tes \oe Vomlikieatin et 4 Tat section cdeclat t et Ole Re rolGe«t al)[er ee TET ries ies Tiere at!rae,#ns 7 Z . ,!et 4 .Repratites td.a Ge CSCI)Gite.factious difference on an al IE atic and OF Pcl ikea Wot authorized to act for that party.The F ;the D =2 1 es pr vey Y ”41 ost tissue.there e {a Oot Dt {the 11s rs eiaer Tee tor F fora ore:any y 'the slave Pee ee ::‘'‘“|;.Se ee ee a!i se eae pu aii ao i y he 1alek ioket cannot rely npona single electoral hav “be Piscean ood .Stacy, _ohare Le |eaerst ety niaceniaSS wo tot SU Ca Onl tCs sfop the SUCCESS fl)either,swt hot ee tate to stow tis colors,and yore trom a Northern State notwithstand:vave been agitating t ve slavery question, i i he le ‘‘:they >mus Lata SMUT U 1)1 ess Widtawe Breckim lee and we are}will,with the po He Mr ae that the North Carolina democracy and now,by way ates)pros ot compli- !4 aE aU eli Pot toere a goed chance of sae:for Doulas;run thea both and we are fmer a declhiran Wore Ccer untcndedl limite soundness Went I agitates them dreadfully. |PNertet bore dierae .)ise awe knew tie hy urn op,a |iriie:tlie Pe ClUT eat \:.‘y T ’con}’ |‘,(eum)Gece a :PU US RL turn tor neituer,.jnee pe the question askea and nationality of their Northern ailies5 Phe Chicago “Times”boasts that men ;eriivor nen 4 ee ae ee Aud yetagains “A hireling press may Who are ter you.;‘and no one knows better than oar friend of all occupations were in the Baltimore I )+,t Cue :tive ont tt ne ,elas fecl r .ey de .:,.* cee inp V prominent seat 7!ee meine elu UTD down the Douglas feelin)Answer TE bave notomade ap my that when we cut loose fromthose North»Convention,We think that the millers es \in |2 eG a 1 t ti thist toy iC via ie i Nort Car nitady but it cannot accom fimiid,vet,lam Wallis for tie |pees tu ern allies the best hopes ol the patriot fur’were the most numerous cla ;judging rs,Whe we bev 4 bol anid ";;iis ih ’corti ::a.* i nee ul :aan I the Teicha:Miia.plist at |lecide.:,the safety of the Union and preservation from the number of fist fights.4 t oy,tntist take seats of |i melitet n whiel i .:.,ae Ce al fe Co et eee aap |(Question.Well upon which Platform!of the Constitution are lost forever.If yore acer anion Ane eatal Oe esr the ic Srl att Saree SIP Oke:GE IUU0R SOS do you stand.“The Constitutional Det ine Southern democracy want to dissolve Se eee eee Uae the Conser- 1 Wi party tothe Democratic ranks whet atar tide.‘ithoand South,is setting in,,2 ONE Soratic or the Dovatas Squatter Sovers ine U eerie aca aust tier vative Union party has has no chance. Doel eaniecctieeccemcrsetreniamrinatccete cnt lose and Everett,we point te Tene NC tei)|a The Hion le leInesty eso POU CaIet ae n ei,ae the ae fy Aye HO A Th eo ie eT etnty not think to control the destiniesof this)00 |eee ee ee saeacane ae I Answer.—"T don't know yet.As soon what is much Lbetter—a certainty. has the voters determing who [shall vote {tor T will then vet on the platform built by lis party. The Democratic Elec country separated from their Northern | allies...|Oh,shame,where isthy blush ?—Wash- If there were mistakes in our figures in ington Constitution. ;,enn notice of the Convention they were tit were where it shon!d be,vonr mas- for s;opes,Onder ©i simply)typographical errors.—Vewbern ter's face would be as red as a tarkey- |‘1 |Spr J following extracts from its last issue,and |ein nc emanalel ees i ::i bs\ena e:~||hope ‘VOUS ITS rand a sicke rnolse made |Visses..4 us seats by bringinginlone benches,and throw te oie ee commend their qpatrietic tone to treder Tiseel Ease ines,Crap CHONS TSI YETI)Ce STS SSDI i ;Progress.cock’s eile. .,att}Say ietecia ‘':Fete el finest (nel One tyal ase)eae What aridienlous Farce,and vet sens ing down the well filled saaks wn and whe a Se ae esp CCITT Se er re nin:(Oar mits:cfatie cxnmit limes csestt SESH tis:th 1 :>>.. a :a i i a 1 Y a i ral “Tear the M topie which bas been handled by some ot ible men:advocating,tiat SINGULAR AFFAIR e Bell and Everett party is acting Jhile the amusements were gore on we took I Pees PN eat t (ind of the whole Cniou,ear the Mon :ae ae lal :ve Ath.e iige peaund <2 1K;‘yea 'i jac lie Se ;;ee the test nimds of the country,Phe auth dca ‘Re Mc omer eniiieamentorcinenilaces upon false gre b ash.Constitution, occasion to watch tin as.|mote td t !i ::,a ftev,Eo Borden,Reetor of Walker ;;Br\areulmtlcethonral Don't lie upon oar ground,sir. '|TE Gen NS cS |\V etliere iseetill alc miplon ss ie or rather us viemity,cling biinself Herth,ane group mending shoes,W :Jos -i |.me on ;Parish,Albemarle county,ene of the The Mairi Paiee 1 Decis has since then worked tor numerous gentlemen “oe Noreen sehen Oh ;oe Tatietit i every,Taya at Faye):a .;,/;I .. loudest aud the pleasure most oy 'aw]punger and /‘M rewill sqnen |oa aa aies Her pow dbtest divines of the ‘il ¢WN.jon of Head leet (oat of te the votnery aa alay laborer,Although of Ni TOMO ire boutsorclock yoo. would fall from:his grasp.and we eouid see tis ike hy wWieu they rend at Pe ee tre eoriintier Pin lene vl win rroatly t by menbets Now Orleans,Cx us eo hias rather dark complection,no one has ever sup:terday atternoon,smoke was seen issuing >os .:es :''eetious.a 'i |»'U ute the desendants of ;‘‘ eyes Night up wiih something of ther voutht i ik vf ha we aresl ,Tern Wothat Comin,1 eto {ordered tie rel yt ‘evade dnd posed hing te be ake t desendants of Ham.froin the store formerly occupied by EL fireman avsrndonntrseare nee np atc ——WW,my San \;;ent Niitlic is we \1,for the Marg steamers |Ale \|ter bving here some time,e mon ae atfectt i er mnUin ncrCrounoliicene al see t bene .1 of quite ett Inte girl whom te manned if memory carried him back to the d shen plattorny of tae Ut 'Canstiition ernent wisdom,iW wd tn tha capita was 'tt rH *"aan ie:ae ;fate ris red to the spot,and after considera-‘ Pann lh fehie);j eal Teel levee NG leenarma esc]cCey ICCD)ri Poifareanent af tine Law Myiomcdins aren amratt eric Dixpatch ps,Witn the rn tackle aeacet aed tun UNESSUL US ET ae ee eee Mr.is search,discovered that the smoke Tes of 4 eehaneeern non hen,a \W |yo (wes Oa eel de ee ee |©restoned,iit 6 on Cuan ae UAL Pwarte rocecded from under one of the coun- shared Ine pleasures and enjovme nts.Pot ead y :F \Weg i toe i ‘alas fehotous existence Was unexpectedly |{':f \ne 'AEC ETEACLY \y ,r y i ;:he ela fo ler V,whiel ere yey 1Yu ;7 thus enpaced all were stati ‘Quite an exe Wa (1 lier mak bouw LEAT OST We xf Thongh the |)}terminated A nego man,in town,seems co EOF eS n examination it was found At ''|‘i ;r coe between th ‘:cot Ke oO “pe ae 'fi =ae light Lt I)t n yt |fut !-Wot rradnally recovertns from the ef :,'ue :have conceived the idea that all was not right rata slow mately had been placed un- EO MEE :ae ist :_ee :é od es |wit!photre :2 |ne foes rh PS NSLSyaaa |at !!;mad Jd \.i ,,\ie 1 Ue reenisiat of IS i wilh wats Se |me Pawn TOU oh Peril and that lee bore the madteations of der a heap of rags,evidently with incen- and windows were soon crowded with ann Pa ‘eee '‘‘ie::!.¢:|unl ow rab 1 before ry ))designs,as nething of the kind had ‘tava ted severity in that re -betne more closely connected with the sons Vary lwtis,as ing re kind h ‘fries ley thre ad Fert erty ehicentvinee 1 ih ypreced ::\k enquiring faces,watching the thick bea i cere aungr eae ;;;ee ,bo in consequence of the enormens vile med ale the Adres burning sands,than is countenayerd been keptin the store.[t was fortunate Jooming up in the west,Onward thicker |1 ;\|vie 14 i na Wy ;Lgpreeneat fed (ere (tp Son SHU Sebo coor cual iien 2ON-on Southern sonl and communicated this idea to the fire was discovered in the day time =th ren nes ners,at 1 8 e-xf ax F ‘(|;,;::;ae faster they came:lightnings plived uport ';i They tock Amat Priel Te CU NTEEW TOAD (an heey ve aopesiad,vel ii ertala [nepiities Welty ah LT become an ronal a gentleman,who upon seeing him,mmmediate:otherwise the damage might have been frowning 1 thund '‘:.ee,het hed woth the an eee reat depression,stagnation athair Wy recognized bimows He same individual onee serious.Some wag slyly remarked thag v gcrest,and thunders muttering |ve ''Bhd ce banner as er pote 'here 1s st uv 'on,stage yl) -yocrest,au 1 "go oliea fae et nine,aie started,1 1 a -\|ae aa yet gto a gentleman ator near the Hot tye tire migit reach the powder,and im te pearly drops of rain soo ve doy ai for (\Feit eu (ron and ihe Ut \\t symess ane stl yg.A ret ten ;el sacin eGo tor n he = I drops rh ‘.teh ||\i king en _‘,iene Tee ys vscan Bath county,and trom whom he oy tly afew of the “preen ones”made 7 one looking ike a ervstal tear,The int I!nines,Depaty S ‘on J |a en lone badoun of The gentleman was informed ol 4.)Nu damage done.—Char.Brake 4 Va !Irs hearers are stitesn Mer TEC a that Kook ak evidences of tov eral |C ;~CS Mage :. waved as if rejoicing at the refrestin shower:HH ad Sonam)Coa eo Diveh iene are ;:ui |the fact,and on Zdainstant,be arnved here,py ]» 7 RE TIONS !{\'nd it i wou ©tvattd 5 Hight,in a sper about oa clin,July 3 bal behipdethercnin earn nremtinl lots sucstnit an as nee ul lear aa j F nes abound a rape of fine ba Tin Ue pats ‘in company wath some one who could substan s eh 0 rd the thick clonda streak rohit soe ar *ie tu ter thear eomurunding qt ctnal “occ an jaan others at hel asta aiiinb latih lores He demanstiated ne ben eee eran vantnne burst forth shining upon the bith:drops of ROUTAN Ria PASSES TS soe,far Here Inpzeapemene itu adiags,,os :he Douglas trekel was the only x ey :es ars’f rshining upon tl froy ra Alenia aie ewan hie tly ist tee o !"z A id ‘heats J tor an Ls.Shores,white ho that the Dongla -‘‘Nene ee menu ihn thwtrle ell come tor EN Gre tr \lot of 200 bushels of pee- and giving them the reaomblence of transparen cena ee ay Tol \eaanen iI u i en publ c sou ie ‘~eer s neht readily S800 thoritatively nomina ed tenet,he basing qin and claimed Inmn as bieservant, Hleaeem-ly threshed wheat,and the first of the season, .ire atic He sippeses!we free rare aint Disters At Voorn ~here ‘ae 1 i diamonds.Fewer and huyhter the httle drops yas ae that ine i Renee comet t i Cabinet i /i al ner anni,dow camenand leas thin stip.receiv dT 2ttd electoral votes,more than ad rather indignant,upon receiving this unplea from Virgnia,was sold in Philadelphia,on \ x 5 a othat te was herm 9 o Vout h rthern adheres wos uit ‘‘'Tavccrlevecfics vibes e ra ey }nite i for $2 J came,until the pattering on the old mill root Ga imerpated when a boy.and rgowed:Southern Democrate Candidates for the Presa Poe comarodities of fife are cheap,1h the two thirds of the electoral ¢ais WHO Sint piece of information,but after a few words,Chance,briday,for $2 per bushel. at nahatante only had the money to par the Seeeders,or Diaunionists,only gave he acknowledged tte trum character,and accom = censed to Brown county,where be had resided deney will vote for Bell and Everett.in prefer Ti \y -,>e .;: r ‘||Oe |V1,chase —egys selling for five centa per do Breckinridge and Lane 1U5 votes.—eal.panied bis.master home —Lewisburg (Urecn The valuc of the grape orop of California for the The bour for departure having come,baskets until comming here.Je is about 28 years ence to the Northern Sectional Demoerstre Can 1 styl x 8 :|ie ";by :.zen and butter for ten cents per pound.brier county)Chronicle.year 1860 is estimated at $6,000,000. and fishing tackle were gathered up and our ateps of age.| didate,and in the South the adherents of the |Register. | ae SS THE CRY OF DISUNION. As usual iu Presidential campaigns,the Democrats allege that Disunion will in evitably come to pase,unless the Demo- cratic candidate be elected —that Democ racy alone can eave the Union.In re- ply to such arrogant and disgusting non- sense,the Memplis Enquirer jus the following article,which we commend to the careful perusal and reflection of our readers We are not in the habit of induly ny in any severity of censare,bat this arro gant pretension that the fate of te Union depends upon keeping Democratic plan derers in power and oftice,deserves to be rebuked in the stronvest terms the Eng Nish Janguage can supply.Whar have y ever done to preserve the Union¢th When have they ever been found stand ing by itin the hour of its perl ¢The Wilmot Proviso had a Deuoeratic pa rentave. Yo avoid the responsibility of 1 Invented Squatter Sovereignty.Oat of these two measures grew the troubles o 1550.Where wasthe Democratic party then?=Four-tifths of them were tor ais uvivn,and disunion on account of the legitimate results of a doctrine,wis Gen.Cass testitied he lad fully explainetotheirmostprominentleadersinTS4s,and which they afterwards endorsed tysupportinghim.From that day te this they have been constantly avowine a Teadiness to break up the Contederiaes Upon tie slightest pretexts.VirginiapassedresolutionstodissolvetheLmieniftheslavetradewasabolishedintheDistrictofColumbia,atter she had receivedbackberportionofthecession, ceded by Maryland,in which State @siinilarlawwasiniullforee.The Nash it i meantit Jory +paper defendvilleConventionresulvedtobreakHTSWeSeCedersWisenanestiutsAlleeniaoli.Siamese ie teUnioniftheMissouriCompromiselinebeadofthequeerapdExaminerfor,y White ations tie cur deates,aneWasnotextendedtothePacific,and the the second office in the governine Maton iy etek victidvnl pias It Wii be seenVerysatnenennowtellusthatfineseederforThepurestofiistoshaliatCerthinaiesGaekaheapofen:aby !a brand ot degradation Npon the S pripenpled aud demorabgine tredsure that Jutrat creepelatly so retryAlabamaand‘Texas passed resolutions to ie voted,of the whote Borek Seri vi ©centile itesdissolvetheUnionitKansaswasnetadRepubolcanoverndethePresi-eer svetter cof Ghordan,aeeommittedwiththeLeeomptonConstimiion,dent's veto,and tree HMO We tonne |iy r hes .oreferenandSenator[amiuondat erwards declan inspite of tie constitutional |Poet Vives ariteele:i tiveedttlautieSousimuciterMiceieMedellinitetenrieWorenitaeoya.Ny Hare is het a Wendl of trath inLecomptonoutofConyressTnwhat’last Saturn wt (ls POS Gare thorriniatilsLegislature,Convention,or Pubiie We The question ae then pat that the dh f Cilaain iets Tn retiaIng,Other than a Democratic one,have pass,the olyections of the President mot tent i Tot Chat tare tndisunionresolutionseverbeenpassed()withatand Het,Wed TE Was tot prises tw See uriee ey tease py Vis eelWhoelsehavesoughttofamiliarizethe!thirds not vorine theretor,as foilows.:ma te Wctiich\s pani sul y \public mind with the ideaofdies cution /Yi as—Messis Anthouy,Geown.¢vat ror That dere ‘t ataWhoelseiiasever‘niperilicd its safery,dler,Char Doeittte:Dittkee bessc ;:t Scae Fanta Teneorthreatenedtudoso?And are we to!Pitch,bocte,Foster,Givin,diate,[lan See eet st 1 otlerbetoldthattheverymenwieLavetimeIIEelNertermeeNewmartiieNuclaneeWeedBeVeta3hkwWetiteandagaincalculateditsvalue—wio eee core Puch,lee,Sinnsons,Sine 2,.,eee att <+It 2bituallydepreeateitsbenetits,and treat Ven ake,Promtul,Wade,Wiikine«Weir!with bitter contempt the arguments and,Wilsou—2s.'eanat0stantent[aaa Ke PE axeappealsofthosewhoareunwilisetNays—Messrs stnity (Mile I 'surrender them,are the only ones 4 tenden,Davis,bitzpatrick,Green,Hheue mut i (inert rolcanbetrustedtoning(We abe ill Ulanier.[eerauty John,4 he aiticie oi S is Jalsurdityofthe:Wy Us enl ys iidicd Jeitisan,ot GNaittisus,Matiory,I We tru weve ©tactDyitsinipudencessandnmiwhoteceslnMySobaptiau,Woe atistst (yon t writy tiers?lows his conduct to be it thaeneed ty s jee—Is haat,t ’‘etn ow é é erg t“lite hela ;rire eet a ay ;‘i F ,ee han amour t Lerediu Is this the man that the Ly ne Up Che Nes ue AU ECLESTES}Ceey,80d too Contemeonrl for ||}Een 'I a !4 ees !Eeaminer expect to tines b.ae NS SUES Neos eR.Sifitue 1 ion ean aily Go arisen j Rick.WI as rg ett i foitecif,aieon‘:(OVCtetur(=ferain iy Ce re etabygivingthepubiieoffiesandthepnt,°°leaky oe wg eto Lieoow yy ae:die ike atheplundertotheDemocrats,itistoutra |!=Mee hiteey eoarieter fur 2 tadforanyusefulpurvose,and tue soor Character and Peeniia OP ult Winblerfiiie Cl Nie lente Lt aeriisbrokenUp,and a stronzer one!Lak..—kvery reader tas nweard of Salt Nariel aca peiieateny le Gat t be auilryeteheddibtes;fe phen at i +3establisheduuItsstead,the Letter wisi it Lake,but VERVIEW.Peloone Kiow eaiy =“imichery ain esiien tr bor ‘\be for ourselves and cur posterity,Hing of its extent wed pecutar nature.rejporeeth netanu qanty yt vy noy+t wy Yi tara ~x r =|.,We are Happy to assure our readers A writer speaks thus:Ce ,ai Coe .jit 'hat we de ”musider the 'a :ee COO OR ets Canister :e Union,a Phat this inke should be all salt ison SCS \e,ioes ith Se SANS talisne,In very ores }:t:S £Bical aneialy,All barge booles of water in J ‘Sa ~!the Democracy Greate t ‘;‘'''Z C ow )btreatns disci Coen selves,Son vt eu i tDemocraticpartyisndancer,Beanie tice iveeerr oe i Can wise ,from fearing that the ost Tm enone (eesnit 1a eee AN \rotten organization will shake one PM iat os an auomaly 'I e |Vey btentes Parse nsofthefabricourfathersreare},wy mo se:ane .TeCeIVes ais Eea 1 ‘t ine 6forwardtoitwituhopeaedyoy,under Meat erent eelrenies lass Qthefullconvictionthatnaoneroux@Jotian,and retnitis awerse ee tin Nl o hay Mmcontributesowinchtowardsbrawn::ee inESWietke,bi sat .bas _\back peace and harmony beowoen :;:ditferent s (RR Ty Ee be ES Gs Ne jerentsectionsofthtate5©s aii D a u meeartti,Toe ocean rs Pad ae yf a ‘:q .NiocatesSetsiieshyevenVLutaite (ihe of i !‘t ‘POSITION OF TIE NEW YORK at lee iss nthe eit |'pepe at SIA vit iTEFILALD t varrels OF Tis water 4 sot ’'Date (TS-Sn were}of salts that seruis rater '‘n i vosTheNewYork/feru/d,an it t p :ie ~,:t ts jtitetse saitiess Teeny ay on un 1 'and independent Detocratic orean,and rt tn Ui tguesacaetereeinriitly .«‘UGA PoapaperofthelarvestcireulhesononthTimeGranhesiytateYomeattroqiareisEanbsey|4 !Union,is coming out edeldas:far [yi TUES CUISTUS SU TVS Wet toaas AEN et .Pe eeandEverest,We make tie forewing Ue of it EE SI ee ae ~:::;stratle vou od bin wel {Duras v Pen :Siynificant extracts from its issue of Weel noe }:;::'iat,rocky each,aver a itm af N ‘ee a eee!Nesday mourning:AST stryine t Teeleetta tk SO Yee 4 >©While the dissolntion of the roi At The depth of @ yard ot 1\t SOy 4 >1a Oi cesspartyreleasestheSouthfrominedespoticcule&fine sand bettom,and Gere the :Te COPS rer (yn aU eee Hesofthefast(wenty veurs,aid wil operite in thats ts del tut,The water as ef a dic CEN.EAP HL 2 Cilia eesection,under Tel aud Everett.to mime ante olor tor be r twe .4 1 !‘the foreground a substantial cousersat ae f ”ecply,ay tity t Cle Mita Sree Cte e eeparts.sumew hat resembling the oul Whi pa Can Live tt ats te trees abide im Getta ye Peete erGiee ten fears Is ay lee”ar $prospect sit At fer .:i eA BR BOE Ye pect of a sttuiia acti Ct:lew birds are ever seen dipping uit ere secgtem uel .eyintheNorthSointentorobPr lie ee WieeeeTieleneien:.Widey ivt a ,os Ve dh ace tettcatiot ol facts,¢ive memberscf the Demucia ’Constitutional Deniocvats.—S ae ot \t [?1 2-,‘Ropu carty tore 1 CU ed r}iciat itothefuturefromtieruinsoftbwtvnUPCotetiporatiesaretelermuytothebe;er ;\:|;:Yoatd tieanness,wotel be ean lavefotheNorthaswellayatSew,Wiebe ve gus oF Seceders Couvention at Baltimore .oe 5yont‘1 t fe ‘Ve tat t be Chestres Phenryapttota]Lich oO dei aud as the Coastetutconal Ciion Coneention lk cn 24Everett.as at Nee eran aces ‘;2 oP tae present we distiss hin7wesNowpieavedont—that catch is played We GAG Tetso]'l I one 1 |:MEE ie on for a vew,sound aud beavby wational Se Caan AN aetGMGu lenin al cl 4zation.a i |,:2 hhunder belongsof right to Belband hve ay :nl“The mercantiie and manufaet te 2 The New Conet Pie Cheraw GioftheNorrett,aud it is anti democratic to try te \M |of the North,line al Si Leth ines ot Nie sivg so WV aeaawe 4 onday evetiecGout)eer ue i te"take it drom then.Lf the Seceders com 201 a i ;ee cen tego teelt cs1uth,cue Conservative in then 5 :nity das statter a acon totewulitiegMITCUAT)tae fe pose the Constitutional Groom decrera.(Ok bast,Justatler dark,a ¢pouutical toetinets,habits abel opinions Pheir ce j ,be found ta the programme of the astronTeeRarestineoliaaaratfesssutetantialUepartywhatdotheyGallthatlargeundlostantial-:yen It S Very Gistiret.lithe NatlClasseatotiercomimunivneniiaeeoastonehPespectableportionofthepar,ortha !‘LENA SSS EAN ou ve ‘wth ’;:-Ist avuve the frorizen,eurBgwusttheSouthastheywetotowoSour@beSouth,which supported Dou f West.j apove The horgen,lea;;;Wherea comet was tone omensernfactionopposedtothe%Po WV tere)(ile rote lara tet sere a Comet Wa Hts een a Nine BC tie No WU orate load Mine seme i cre mirconole Nt Wer ab Vear aye i ve tarl was distioctiy tow MiMee Nl eon”any ery Heo Lewieniia,and otiers Na et ie CS UsSouthern«"cleans Veinre po nue as rou toe moon Was stim berglitly ti“The |Niortlieatni ane (omen pee toe sane auarter of the heavens Vie Moment,Presets a targe pros Aver NEICEEE Sh ticaey 2.;Tans Lard diets GS thea \CircaSolidwealthofthecounties,64 :i lina Te Sth Ci eeren icant ip,feuthemien astrouedapers,Ing contusion of the Demons Teer tn (0 SRI (wel let vis |.WGP US AG het iat asingthesectionaltincationsafcatevK:Sane treet n s city informs the Coynaeer!niet,Dat bketoe pmortal dary of Vr UUs NT Ni hel bi ?riauledeor tite |u the West we Won rather be riot than eewdiculedofdaleforxae;,Penne .r hiner,sont Soclockh,nearly Northeaten.festaent,atid aio real haben hoFespectedforita,_Week Nee Le leased to receive gu“From that motent this Comsaiional [eee Utero ca ie iJonpurtyw“rin Lo wline ay the caer,Detghas and the ai sportof Deecl ie tee :<x ¢gate ee A i Parat ofthe stewmyst ,and the Apomrent fort f cry must come froma teow Southerm Sate a ee brid .Rreat homogeneous natpter poy i Only a few,tor tre canine t eaiiv at en ORI ssSouth,Testing 118 exuse@ fy)'ast lialfa dozou that we could tac .13 1commercialandindustffaiNeherThetapeUEAanoetry,and a stpensivn BP tis a porta {view of this netomn WedicewhichhagprecyetaVAHEeCeetOf:ATs a Tae nee ~tiyesening Char,fullet‘residential parti he >,residential partiesoft t \yea Peds Vins,jb es ene ls fe Verily,the friends fl aN over oat thiety-tWe Veara cof aye,ite fn i Ga J ae Lent,,oh a :ie 'ra (rHecony,ETT have ample cause to ements j Jarvin Po Stand 1 residing in |‘Pt :i|Migs OM TS COUNT Certine Prapen yet ue J spetnese ialiass Remieee ideandfullofLopeandcoes,sae Guy ta :oeenitatbeard,a ot fee mehes in tenth s (rote i.Pa GeV fetehandstothpectie,and the :i San 'the reecne,and the day w ear face ainee the [stuf Sey SR va surtne went by this Grasdonbtedlybeours!—ich,Whi,iyo nett presenta t s Moyjesty,the away Aeon |Pyle t+ee i i re aerate pine ;,+i:Tr ,t ‘}ne t 8 uhUS.Treaeury.—-The auount in te Gan Lean \Texas paper nave nf (9105 borpe aud exani it leisureUsTreasory,Inst week,anti ttodraft,Gen Sam Houston that he lookain feel le @ ChHGt Gsenth syoesEery @aunlry r.r es 2907 t ‘zie “¢!5 ynwae$5,590,158,of which $71,337 wae :with,and the wreck of EN HI ’anil 1 2.age .CW Veara ago Vigor and atrenyt ‘Asnbscription has been opened in BosRielimond,@87,489 at Norfolk,and %26 ions Be :a ;610 at Wilmington,N.C iking sides for oragainst that measure Gen,Cass Hworite Democratic candidate fort Viceandailthatremainedwastheterritory |THE HOMESTEAD BILL. The President has entitled himself to CERTIFICATES. the thanks of the country,for his vetoon Join Parker Jordan,after having la- that spawn of demayoyuism and agrari-yored ‘rom eight to ten davs,has finallyanism,the Lomestead Dill—w measure succeeded in procuring FOUR certiti conceived in iniquity and brought forth cates,signed by FIVE men,in the entire tnein,The corruption that has been en-natorial District composed of the coun gendered by competition on the floor of tes ot Pasquotank and Perquimans,whoCongressintheworkofdefraudingmanyastheygayincertiticates,understood the of the States outof ther just and equal position of Mr.Pool to be,mot as Jurdien claims to the public detains ihoomive to ito haved dn dix teller but,SHIP LY OpposeddivideitamongsttisewhowillsivetheVotesJordancastwhileintheLegtheirsupport,in return,to the wamorers jlaaret!Pais is a wonderful aehivs¢and sharpers who are seching to uty thoush for Jordan.The signersdizethemselvesbysuchspollationYthesecertificatesaremistakeninthedereachedadepththatisalarmingtyeonrecollection,as can,and will be "Template,Jiimwistesd roulilnas,(ori 1 qiiinier lens others wl dae)lcPOMSIGLinsicteielacmiaMeOlecestoneletweon\irekzodl atalleliaa (he puesent session was nothing beter Mr Sosgiah Perry the on fone TeWelIneritedthebiewwoaiehthePiesbFIVIEcertiticthesJordanwhodaresdenthasgivenit,and aihongh itis hep to endorse bis |al character,is in ig vpaltist hope,we do.hever lic SST S SGCond eli 4,as OV GEN ENsincerelyhopethatiowillbefollowedVs,and cannot ree odleet four monthsatavorailerenetiontithepublictnorac.tue leas pi yrs,Lets yu penitentTMCSaTarasTeepraviiesOlTiSyidlGianacdworstatlurtVinalylandprabbingsystem:are concerne =f he coULd aid @ Put it te woul!Lou tay it be before we fave a Nation:lesan his certiticate,Proceeds to bealbvccutivewoowiisealsuchaWooetoy,tothe reverse of whateverviiodywithbisapproval,hes Ss Relves aleibuialy Cs CUT)waspucrany” buily concurring in toe foregoines vie he speaks of the paps of party”This of the Petersburg Aoyress-~believ ine GCIs eeaiIv,Whe khoows Jerdan,linseitthattheproposedHedsbeWasLUIitots“Ilomccntitieee etic ettinmlen tine ala In principle,agrarian in tendency,Dick o atieman eeutiy hist Henry HRepublicanineffeet--that it was the Saidl,Bo J.Siannor Houscgass bs Nowspawnofdemogeyuomanddishonest’,Gy amd A.J Ons,The other sisters at we are rejoiced at being able conecien:4 tously to approve ove act of a President he certificates coull uot be induced teJeroenReop}ore).vudorse Jordan's personal character |—Whose adtinistration bags been the ost Nota word de they SAV ONCEPE as to tiewortitvingtatlurethattheExecutiveof- discussion,atid ia thes,they are ostakenficelasvetproduced.But wile we thus ‘Those wenticmen could not be induced to commend the course of the President,endorse tis \porsuudl character,becausewhatarewetosayofthevoteofthetatheyhmeAci,tid Decause same of then Wave even denoutcud tii publiety —onePresidency,to pass Che measnre toy spite of f the veto of tue President?Josten Lane the nominee with Breckiordee of them,a Ldemocrat,absolutely talked about stopy stom toa Doan Woyoes open a cratch,because of lanie ton for the Purpose of raring money for arbeseinoneofhisanklea—the effect of a a monument to the mamory fren.PutRichmondDispatchwoundreceivedatSanJacinto)nam ‘JOUN PARKER JORDAN ano IIIS Carolina Gdlatchman. SAL LSB OIE ESDAY EVENING nee mnouey have been subseribed to assist the Know Noihings of Salisbury to beat Chas.Fo Fisher,Esqandtorunin,if possible,the uow Nothiug,Sho of excitements,as follows: ber |We warn oar Democratic fiends to be on the alert.Stand square up to your full cket and to bearupon onr county election |Money is poarugstaes~Pisker isto be beaten at all haz zerds How iach bas the notonous Jonathan sistad of speeches and dialogues,inter- Worth pave Lock oat trends an Rowan andWas,Wiehe sane anne linn qe caw cant be miceted.—Wartely them.—Little )Iis shows to the voters of Rowan and Yovie the estimation in which they are t held ty the man whe considers himself a SeloulnakioineSdlirtylousyforergvner, the tortnous way of the fdder He thinks and who conducts FOR PRSIDENT, HON.JOHN BELL, VICE PRESIDENT, HON.EDWARD EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS FOR GOVERNOR JOUN POOL, OF PASQUOTANK CUNT YMG ARN ules cent eae De.J.G.RAMSAY, For the Commous E.SBOBER.Esy, ~(0)AKGESTES,die, they can be bought and sold tke sheep inthe shambles:and roundly assert.ated Poagonge et os the enmie wow to buy u wo TO HU SCHUTT ZnIT ES EG) compl Which,“money is poutine in nall<ides.”Let the Voter of Rowan iements of t;2 ‘1 t !and Davie fudye this editor by the same tere IO1ya,for dependencerilediepudserhthem,and whan will pone to redleet (he ds howgAt and paid for,aed , ~ie lite prolinre Ceistere me ee Hiowan for the price of that pure dias:eee NSTC Sete techs mnlNert ect salen vero mcrae ACIHL,Y Dalete,Noman that thinketlihis sin (eee.iin against others,condenmmerh ditimself’;tor wu ently rom UyPeSeCCimatiromeccrewmenrneClorircmuateBSGUCLI]EUUIGs were deemed an deqnisition to be coveat Gaard,--and beaded by the Band,com ed,no betteradvertisementt sie eould LOOK UPON IS IT RIGHT? of their jnet aghte by these democratic dece vers? be desired by the Opposition han this, and they might safely approach lit o> Wi eprice in their hands to de the dirty work of the party whe o7>; crews linn The above is a fair SS stsy (enoof the sersiee he is rendering Dea sut Phe inmost down cht thisehoodsare pre tee -J i B bie ee H,fe t =eaatinhed I feobe on guard deatinst an Wate one Ret,a rece eee TCT ee any LL.Saunders, COUN STL)i It thes LEER ONS ative,a Ne Tse VoIS puout ramon it les to beat Sie ulna een Laisa :en ene trcleer |FT Nae ree etre rt ears ns MgCl Oy \atreuit ta bie,st Coes ‘\W eI at et elk 1 :aaa \Ti ws believe th na Lai 7 ;ROC Tete F ‘Loon Wet t rs 1s hina :ce Cerin nite !ican fora 2 Pimclertity ©seam lee ed ey ;a Te eeetan rai !prepa Pe nae vad tbe n vided ny and po st 1 ,:F bene wo Pe ib r met x A .,/VN Me 't .¢ wily ta Ve fre ;ae ,ea ireiG |ur \Bs areas '4 EGAO 1 ‘Eyck uy 'scuiae ';|i Wits ik !elise . Wh nol Ke m4 Sf a |LY Kos prt u cle P iE *y h i ri enn oie ernie' ee as a nile 1 ere rude ue 7 :‘ a?=AWG fer Te Wats r ex Whi take (bee eee ie wat ARS Nt 'I = ee mt Fee et eet Perea lai :;ON '\‘ 1 1 .\;i ; nity \ \a 1 |Sie (Se MUISdi oS iy (t r \ia 'en,tn J 1 |i \|ey G ey \ ‘!a |,u ;me re |' \v,. \¢t t |\\y ;|'Re Vet !‘It =L \1 4 f rT ‘is strane raat 1 ‘en deuypa my hc ‘\ ers wlio w (operons {: f rey 1 ) atin MN 1c et \a ,uf \ ern Scr ieee ee | ur ‘Wem s OXpmostice the ria TEE At Heh lone ueeteeaitt 1 WAVE! 4 ct rrediy eile promte qt eek] Metal ot moot these Toads,¢I Fisher,tatched tye this peerty |et sailing with bitter personal abn ‘|hee : membersof a Legislative Committee,ane ‘oe liding.hea Pope.tis anathenias , 1 it pullie and Private men AN: have seen all these high landed,pre a Vive shtnptoons,and defiantacts,comingtrom 4 SEE Si EAN Wiis party to erush out oppositionte their i ae : will;auird Wwe have seen it manifested in Ne ‘ favoritism ta its menibers It is adi ’: pasting spectacle taseeaqparty who hace done these,and many like fines 4 face of the san,warningthe people te be las on the watel aaarmst treks.notaries.we ane a corruptionof the polls other awn !nt inds reeking with the potsen infuses vd yond the violence inthered apon piable Virtne Vor,tt the qn ile Plast ik 'ot eves to thesethings and suffer these MPiotiehotquaintalvibcalsee.tiles diy ac 1 coming When they will become se entar \' eled in the meshesoftl ~party netaste be forecd far bevend ther present ex ci i j pecta -Tt will bA a dav of lamenta tion and mourning peowe j .fi Ee en fis old and able Wh og mal,whieh wa : suspended a tew weeks awa in «q quence of seme ditt s between thy } proprietors,has been revived,and tous a Inproved in appearance ty new type,&Frederick Wo Page.Esq !jetlie jropo etnanil ie wall heme tl -| able editoria mnitrol of Robert Bolling,M Loon Beg The futelligeneer has our lest a ;Be wishee for its success tactirs (!Meni nares |Kyow Notnines or Savissury.—Large sums of Incidents of the Just week,more than our usual amount On Tuesday ev we had an exhi- swap no votes.Outside influence is being brought ition in Murphy's Hall by Mr.Wiley’s select male selool,The exercises con spersed with music by the Beass Band. Yhe attendance was very large,and very tively difterest Was tiatifested in the noeeedings throughout,which were of a pecasiti wid prolitable character. was ushered in by the fling of cannon tied back the wind to those soul stirring land ditheully encona sand gratetal,as lead on the Goodness Vversizhtot our Country thoneed Cie fortiation Collt dati re plogiaiue,given i vur I |Having arrived at the place of speakEsPucrt ;:;ing,he edereises Were opencd with pray Tideyn ndence Was then ie Orator of the Lay, ON WAR Os i 7 wealiist titi truth 4 ==a he would not attempt to make #speech,he wouldsayheheartilyeadorsedtheuoniuationofBreck-invidge and Lane,and would doall in his power toelectthen,He would be glad to hear a speech from theolderandmoreexperiencedmembersoftheparty, At another part of the meetng Mr.Moore offeredauexcuseturHooB.Craige’s:absence.HesaidMr.Co was sick;bat that he Was authorizedtosaytordinthatheendorsedBreckinmudgeandLane.Heat the same time expressed the bebef.that Mr.Fisher was not tar of—was in the meet:jaye;wud be trusted would be called again. Phen came more deatening applause than everTaintedwithooFisherhwher“FBisnen!!!"SoS UL Ot Bat Mi.Fisher came not.Heaven huows why or where he had gone.The(har sagpesteduyWa search warrant should be putfothietuandsultheSherit}with instructions toeyecuteastaniterHisproposienprovokedalaughfomthetueeungbatcudtetbrineMeFisher;Who us shite above,tol qamily lett the mectingsoinetinebetore Hewvesscs !—Hetilerson 4 ow pose from everypertofthethous.bat Mig.Henderson,likeMajorKertookatoutinstating:at the caperFreetitiessoftlieboys.He imoved atoutora hand,aot snuebody theayl t he was about ty rise,andpeeiTeneerlaubtnttiteCheMsen!Henderson !Vsthis last attemptsubsiding,Met.Hemderson said—you can brome et Fieatky,(WOR we atel aed eg SHppose)was then called ;ve deateniuiy capping,thunders ofButFraley,ub present,answered bot, tpplaniae ! cerry Une “stNokKs,WOOL,was called,with ob!suchReocking!Prt Swnders caine forth,im ne pluckytwetestandbenedrohitoutHeendorsed'HWaation cesarded it av the teketotthena.i fetiorr ae y (rretted that some of the partyeStitehadpetinetitastheyought,ThereWasuneprouineutDenmoeraticpaperinNorthCare‘bwWlrose course he could Het approve—it was t ot the party at Mulegh Being1)ON SO Yours We suppose y be teltWETheetheoldermenoftheparty:'Mist say fe Maught dat paper ought to belenouncedbyeverydemocratintheState!This Was wiodtetately cheered,toiluwed wath a pood dealiPowererotapprovalordisapprovalwe'Ser al nathinye elsePateWwanewttaretertythitimentsofhisHh/iy Ceatien as ies telatend ty tle South, FTN,POMS Ses ited |Me necer backsagodPtoutttietneetiowthathedoteetsithehashestor«aime days pest and had fwd a4 !tyoote trad how the people <the dat een i The Hpper part ot the:li ‘seer a snitte detuoerat butvitBrechinatedLanenotoneVyviJoOMcchenhanaNOVene‘wrod Moyoeshati aceacly settledMelvind[rosie sterol,undVastonderatelyapynatiedwhenlesatdower ‘‘Thiet ba weds feta,ated &come‘dat ‘61 ate Lh club,and:;Rha ee ries eel‘Peed a Meare viAl at anveti?\y ‘wt unde ayainist«ri Twas so spirited.Pike stand Nid then‘wer vis Me Mosore said Mr a lie need Was atekled .Sh iN aday toVeatmetNihaceWas a Misia et Setyt you cin ¢come ‘f 1 Fee tiny of t ¢‘'“wad 4 Potmnpndeit oasesion‘2s Wate tomeltis“yeorep“Lt ‘low a dew‘sud aw wi hte andl apd \,Wb tease ot :Moated ber aise at |t {ni(roy f a ‘Sabie ot “‘e11'we . i \\ sary [biane at tied t year Cf ast pleases, “a seed Wensve and dieyret fate ut at pobere to utter @ .Cour tate hoa It may ee)ap re Whe yrdced tue en wie tyonmect tv with their tn t sh sessbubed fort se itl = feos déx Wh fer ote Uiet daaecet te MGC Tiet sttraidier a it thece. peehee Was a teproacntul obfiwarun.Ut vaso spedh for the ecnclsdutes chosets hy st dnaere Enea |a LEY Miey wrose 10 toa meat Pee 1 my)al fom,matted P*Fel- Woe Aris iistend of Coles and gene fermen.”Potay speak tor any one who \ytate talseliood —todie and mt ay het speak tor ua, A bres del eeTRVWUaS egy eWHL ightCoeWCETCyMULT ‘font putas Pie waiter in the feegoty wiete what be felt and beligved foohe Tre,We ptippese,and we testy it Hoes net stan darone ip dis belted, the beastince of thee Danner to the rary,Wetwothistandi nye lia editor Clos as ondustealivat the onward mareh tale andar calor,and as vary.as anvopappy ever barked at the moon.Ele thsatmelwhinestatarn.and with some frhe canine ao his neanner,that those shooiay be apsionsly concerned fur the dieeaty oot the press”nay well be tlarmed at the beastly spectacle Witnens- ed here TUE aoe Nant OTE Shortly atrer the Black Republican nemibation of candidates for the Presi deney and Vice Presidency,the demo- cratie papers all over the Country,an- nonneed that Mr.Fillmore had declared in faver of the black republicans.Now, the same journals are asserting that the Hon.ohn fh.CGaitrenden is going for Brechimidve and Lane.Mr Fillmore had to come out and deny the charge and Mr.Crittenden will have to do the sume.But will these democratic papers ever correct the false- Tred)2 Fiey publish them treely,and then leave their readers to tind out the they can What think you of tliat 2 The Blind,the Lane and the Inaane. We think it ikely that every creature neh a wane : on the faee oof the earth that hath life Mie olhadv ci a iglit atoscvotes will be Dbronght np oon the day of the election We can hear of the runners, Whoppers ing Ae,of the democracy,in reir efforts to beat up reernits,now and and we onre enabled to form some vot the great trouble they are in Ad Horpon is viving them great ineasiness, ind they are working against it like a man strageling againet fate We think, however,the hand wiiting monthe wall, and that is reads,concermmy the party soogiven to boasting of its greatness,thon art weighed in the balances and toand wanting Yes Dwar vur ViThe of the counu anythbuton fully dTheM the La nity 0 per te any st niall Al ae VeThe repres who Icall.— The Mond and ti Serva Su Jatio the t ships city, of ra in Se lina the| loce: first Cha jon1 lish Boat riuey nol| to gi bys ed a a So ed b 4 strat kus the hot mer lig. Is 1 worlgre as ti eves whe tell / follo the| yive ring het Like Buco the 7 folle Whine dent Niati Arka Dou ia Teun TVexa v edit Ii ve toh thin Aw in tl i RECT gpce eran inte tS may S phe ave Vi “he mus Dor diat out you skil ship stitt Dhar If ing the int deo thu: Cla: app elog Brau whi mor vill I Fery com owl posi the com Thr an a gre The the WALTERS DWARF FAMILY. Yesterday we attended a levee of the Walters Dwarf zeny and were exceedingly pleased with Davipson County,June 29th,1860.THE MARKET ‘CLOTHING! Salisbury,N.C.July 10,1860. CORRECTED WEEKLY SPRAGUE BROTHERS 50 a 100 Lead Bar, B®CLOTHING|!s STOMACH BITTERS. COME AND BUY BARGAINS Come one and all,—come low aud tall Come rich and poor,come and wake sureYourSpriugsupply,wud Summer neck-ue, Re fore it be too late for hee. Uve Coats and Pants, ‘To fit the fat nnd the leau to wrapIvecoupeandfine.—all in my line— Fiom Soles tor the feet, Ad Valorem stock will bring a ee little folks differ entirely from exhibiuons|pretium in this market.The most jotelligent ou the kind which we lave seen yuing about the|democrats say itis right,and ean see nothing as there is wot the slightest deformity,norkethemustsensitivefeelings, but on the contrary,they are as well formed and tully developed as iC is possible for any one lo be.)ments are tuo The Majors’wovements is replete with grace,and| the ladies have all the ease of deportment and dig- nity of manner which charactenze the belles of up- They ecouverse freely aud readily Ta eal nate HOGER aud would du iolerable rietors and manufacturers of HO8-rerun 8 CELEBRATED STOMACH bIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confilence tophysiciansandcitizeusgenerallyofthe|nited Bates,because the article has ae urepu- tation heretofore unknown.this point will speak more pawitully than volumes of bure assertion or bl. The consumption of Hostetter»Stuntersforthelastyearamountedtoover a hulf- million bottles,and trom its man increase in times past,it is evident that cuiing the coming year the consumpoou will reach near one millivg bottles. could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained inthe prepara- tion,aud the sanction of the mort promancut physicians in those sections of the couucry where the article is best knuwn,who net only recommend the Bitters to theirarereadyatalltimestogivetestimonial:to ite efficacy iu all cases of stomaclic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom This is votatemporary popularity,obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a rolid estimation of an invaluable medicine,which is destined to be as enduring as tue iiseifHostetier’s Stomach Bitters a Godsend to regions where fever and ague und various other billous eomplaints hive counted their victims by hundreds able to state confidently that the certain cure for the Dyspepsia and line es,isto the proprietors a suurce of un- It removes all morbid water from the stomach,purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality Co the vervous system, g ving it that tove and energy indispen-able for the restoration of healththestumach,liver,and other digestive organs, mild'y but powerfully,and soon restores them toacondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature.Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle,and they will findinitaxtimulantpeculiarlyadaptedtocomfort declining years,as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating tu the bowels,excellent as a tonic, aud rejuvenating generally.We lave the evi- dence of thousands of aged men aod women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rapgements and general debility;acting undertheadviceofplysicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drags and fairly tested the A few words to the ‘There are certain periods when ther caves are so harassing that many of them The relation of mother Ellis aud the “Snake Mau”anything that could shor to thei epaery votwithstanding. what |‘hear an old fellow say of Muscuvady 4)a 50 avy ati ot,and the Major gives hits opinions about |We but when tes spread out all)Cotee Rio, matntnony,We politcal quesuous of We day,&e to Hate for reasons seul Shoes and Boots,Hate and Cape,Drawers and Shirts,Coarse and Cravats Do walk up to HOFFLIN'S ClothingStoreaudtakeagoodluokuthis; rare collection of every complexion of READY-MADES. Nothing in the world to do but to step right intesashineianyerowdon He has carned on bu in aw Very Jangbable taanue!The Walters tamily are all chat they have been repres nted.wad we cheerfully recommend those who love the wonderful iu uature,lo pive them al, —Charlotte tultetin These ttle folks hold Levees in Murphy's Hall This immense ame une 404 LUC Rags perio Jen Tiede Neate dnsiunation about ™ and are sory that “hickensper dog 206-424 suger Bro re sw thelp the uratier much Monday aud Tuesday,from 10 to 1,trou bittation ts tue ‘fAplitationistuoChea.1290 Wheat White, that they ave ateud he has learned bad mines m Raleigh.and for fear it might spent tin en La iaulml eben cArep IDE hty sinees for 6everal Vearsin this goodly town of Salts and has had the proud saletaction of rectugSuuthCarolinahuterprize.— lation given in Boston on the occasion of SRE LeneEnae ream thetrip of the pioneer of a line of steam ships between Charleston and the former | city,it was stated that the tirst 1 niles | road bailt in the Carolina:that the cae Caro Company was the first in|™ the United States to run suceesstully a locomotive engine on acralos and the first to carry the U Charleston was the hike port iu the i ion to build an ocean steamer,to estab especially as LatteWlceritatdP :Fellow-Citizens of Rowan inade comfortable i both winter and rumimer by sup Ura Quanrens Rowss Riree Geary, doen drawn frow his exbausth 8 shelves,and he in bun teas many mor Whe wardr be requ rements of @ geutleman and thot according to tir murteularfaney.or to thefinite of tie purse,be long Cone then and examine, You shall receive his polites(adieu had died of Heimorase ceolutioue®expresmive ol fare according tu his anu-ual none termsUnanimouslyadopted Vhit wiereae it has pleased an All-wine THE NORTH CAROL — een Wy hite Sulphur Springs, TILL be opened for visitors by Boarding House,and to establish a Ma DEMOCRATIC Rowrer Ho CuLveanour »Whe departed Uae Life Oswioo,June 80. cur brother,whe tu thenolleenterprises,aud entitle Charleston |sive upon tie Meee aan |rita oT Fried heriger "Allure talouee rs he deservesto be lronor-|of the taost tufhaential Demoersts of thir oa ane?de Pinca CU ab Ct Mirah:Mmouutanous country, has peen catled ty parlicipal> ve Government officials Jol |pier spheip by Che Grand Avenir Hah vara qide OFiht Waal Road with whiet:dailytheentightened a Southern gity she merits to be cherish Poe demonstration tpHylargeandenthusiastic.career of our brother tax beedbythewholesunnySouth5 »Dettoeracy leld a bar sink under the trial. and child is so absorbingly tender, r,expecially if she be young,is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety Should the period of maternity EERE NR SNe?arrive during the summer sensonbodyaudmindisgenerallyaggravated then,is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe-rate the cuergies of the system,aud enable the mother to bear up under ber exhausting trials Nursing mothers gene- rally preter the Bitters to all other invigora- the endorsement of pli cians,because it is agreeable to the taste astogive@permanentincrease mers have votified the pub The whole comet fara tattieted with a eorda and responsibilities, green Earth of ours with heromity ferencouragene All those persons,to whom we have particu-larly referred above,;fever and ague,caused ly malaria,diarrhea, )3 loss of appetite,andalldiseasesorderangementsofthestomach, superannuated invalids,persons of sedentary occupation,and nursing mothers,will consulttheirownphysicalwelfarebygivingtoHos- tetrer’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- HostetTten’s CELEBRATED Stomacu Birrens,and see that each bottle has “Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Ditters” blown on the s.de of the bottle,and stamped where ibis gone ATTRACTION following papers in Florida have t TH the names of Bari a »Greatat Clothing Emporium DAVID WEIL, give their support te these gentle Ting the approac CONNteSEN Lake city Judge rdent Press, the Weet Florida observe that our autograph signature is on the @e-Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & druggists,grocers,and dealers generally throughout the United States,South Ame- &MEADE, following table shews dennal election ons approving the ne Do Sheek,Cateehised and contirined as somest aud chespert Soady-Made Clothing. steck comprises all The Cattle Dinease pls Ire pretmeotia,Which las proved nO Phe cattle disease, Greensborough Mutual SURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! Gent’s Furnishing Goods, JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition !! Necessary medical ane for cash bis entire sock uttered only a few acts to his poor and ind Fob Chains,Ladies Gesd Ciwelan A iicammuiicatinns STW HRMVARE warmtted eqinincmcntt Dea ee afflicred as ro.beat and most wpproved al vles of Placed Knives.Porks, Spoons,Castors,ke The above will be sold Defying Compelttion Tr Watch Glasses putin at 25 ernts each rytahios Prom the & thing:it is the genias and spirit oo Maen loeKs American people, Ou Soand Ttell veut "An ae spleit rising 4 Hots quantity of TAM kinds of Repairing promp ly. ‘,personally attended to and warranted by rections of this republic, speedily quelled Will britige about NOTICE. The Stockholders of the YADKIN SaCOMPANY his kiod-bearred and republics or despotisuis,its Biiday,at $1.40 Was grown at rcorner lot where the Shall S60 fultil phecy,or will the Union loving patiiets avert it by electing John Bell 4 Dritershurg Intelligencer. long to the estate ofheitohneDiapate‘h. will be sold on a ered:remanerh tor the peaple of God Interest arex months There are about torty thousand Demo ve grave,and his soul,ns bustness of vital salerest to the Com |tate,will i sol ifm patialactary budhasgonetoGodwho ‘Tressurer is hereby The Toho Blackwell Plantation consisting of 100 nerea more or leas,the | be opened at RIS48 60,on a cred ot six months please to term the not besug able to discern Party trom the Books and Vouchers,asfull inves:aaiairs of the Company will be gone VUE LOGE Dou TUIT, What a Douglasite says of a seceder, “Te that will net be ruled by the rudder, and hinmnetality Giibret the National Democratic FOLLOWING is a sample of the numer os Directors of Yad.Nar,Co letters constantly receiving for Hostetter’s Stoniac p the following tracts of Petersburg Int Migencer,diamond w ity a th aw than a pebb le w A the premuars.on the e and torward account to Directors,Furming-|of 10 acres more or less —aleo ORRELL &GRADY, ‘ss,CAPS, Straw and Millinery Goods,\;; Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers,Ribbons,&c., No.18 Courtlandt Street, Meaers Hostetter &Smith,PittsburghyourquarreTsavotefenJohnAnwearestrangers,|herewith enclose you twentyskillfulhelmsmanwhowill ship of States by the rudder ot the Con ituti aw opatriot without thaw or and irreproachable Te tershurg Intllige Neer, end Haffinan and his tdelars for four dozen Hostetter pore tased several dozen bottles at Toledo,this sui and received such maternale oth day of daly next From A passenzer on the last ings train trom Richmond, the Bell and Everett ratitication meeting in that ity on Satard:AY dec ided snecess bad ber bead torn entirely from her body dozen per week for some tine snd truthfully recommend as vour Bitters,for T know they bave helped me bevond ay expe :ae assembled aren the New Books Just Received at BURKE &STEWART’'S. v Home Book of Health, enormous Perare DAVIDSON CKtomatoes,and waterme l whom were Messrs 400 Acres of Land 50 of 60 Acres of good A.J.Crane,ofRich This tropieal root has a repu Vhe Haunted Homestead,Pe tershurg Intelligencer Margaret Monarenffee Professor Bond,of the disorders that affect mankind fervatory,announces that the expected comet 18 approaching the earth,thong owing to the strong moonlight, position,and its Increasing distance from the sun it is doubtful whether | come very conspicnons to the naked eve Through the large telesce aD appearance curiously hi rone of Dawid or the Rebelbor possess for serofulous complaints brought into use,ite virtues must be concentrat METHODIST P. |i KW ALK (OLLEGE, Guilford Co.N.€. WILLIAM © ATTORNEY AT LAW, ILL Practice and make prompt collections 11 ed and combined with other medicines:that CORN WANTED. CR UCRA MAUNA GGT RS WAH HUSINBER RIOR Opie JAMESTOWN, Some reliable compound this character ia much needed in the community Read the advertisement of Dr ~ Ne =- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ares A compound remedy,in which we have labored to WO TI CE |produce the must eff ctael alternative that can be |made.[tis a concentrated extract of Para Sorsa-| |parila,so combiued with olber substances of sub| |greater alteraivepowerae tu xfford aa eflecive au-|7PVUE SUBSCRIBER HAMJUST RETURNEDfrommame,tiduie for the diseanes Sarsaperia ix reputed ocure |garment of Noe Ting OBS oPeming©cumple a Leis believed (hal such w reinedy is Wanted by thore |j whe suffer trons Strumous Oomplaiite,woe that one |GROCERIES jweach wil wecompash ther Cure tust prove of iim |J Mens.service to his large Class ut our afflicted fel- jlow-ciizens,Low completely this compound wilde)gig:ng uf Coffee,Bugar,Molasses,Ayrupe,Tea,Pepper,Sptce, has brea proven by experiment ou iisoy of the ge with every ather «rth dr usualy k pC in similar establish:din the follows companies |memte,all of which will be suid as ueaal at exceedingly low pri- GOODS is far supertor (0 any,as those who have favored lim with theixpatiouagecamtestify,The stuck of Wort Cures lo be | SCRUFLLA AND SeROPULOLS Comrlainis:Ecc riiose anu Macrrive Dincaoes,Urcers.Ponies Bioicues,Posons,Sarr Kieca,Beaby Hav.Syriiis any¢ Sypuicitic Arekcvions,Meecu@tal Disrare,Uxopsy,wx Nevnatats on Tye Douroungta.,Dewtiis are ec mA SND ENDiccetton,baverrebas.iy fruony’s Fine.and ideed the whole toes ut com ae teuritny from.Pwpuwiry OF THe Bieae This compooud willbe tound ag eat tnoter ofPhealthWhetanensttheaphug.ty exper steSammonswichtesteramtheblowgathoeseason of the year.By the Gamely expule uot (heur manyraukiugdinordersaremppedintheboo|Mul ituder li can,by the aidei i is remed).space the tise lives froutheenduranceoffouietmplionsabdulceroussores, through wiich te system will»GO fal iter fool anacorapuonshowwaitedteGoCiethrushtue patueal ehatoels of the body by ab veracve me1emecineHetewnneGuthestatedbloodwhenevervoutidite \¢@.(0 (npurdes bu atios through the ok pusplea.erap- thos er sores cleatwe He when vorhedto iraberruer:\ ed aud su the vein:aoe it wbeuever | in fonts and echuge wil 16 Go when,Foeu where ae parieular ciurderir flo people enyos bet , :cnvot Me equaled.either in atyle or manufacture,having badtethealt.avd ive lunger.fur straw ang the blood Cul thew wade to his order,The stuckWeepthebindhealthy,and ail ww well)but with thos pabulasce of ate dieaordered,these can be uo Lawt tor beatlh.Soouwerorluter somuieth ol abas!go Wroug \ andthe preat machiuers of ble wd wodered of over bce SOLE LEATHERSacrapariilahus,and deserves much,the repugstion,abofaccomplisniugthereead.But the word hae} been egregiously deceived by preparations of if,partly ' scaone the drug alone has not all the vetue that ty AND claimed forit,but more because many preparations preteadins ty be concentrated exENtetasWenahen Ver cearun (UaONtain i c aos ad:(but tittle of the virvue of Sarvuparilla,or any thing}s 2 \ES ene —oe /)ee 6,OeDunnglateyearsthepubicbavebeenmisledbyHarvebottles,pretevdins ty give a quart of Extract of Sarsapardia for one dollar Most of theee have been francs upon the sick.for they not ently eentarnhaleany,Sareaparile,Dut often vo euraiive prop DISTRIBUTED:.erties whatever.Hence,bitter and painful d rap |portent how followed the une of the venous extric.s woul the at this establishment exclusively for CASH. is full and complete and will be sold,at unusually low rates,andwhichoulybe ot Sarsopacitla which flood the market pane rises?is justly despised,and haw become sy uony rn etaee oan cuts EOL NOTHING nedy as shall rescue the uame from the ted of obloquy wh oh reses upatt i Aud we think we have trend +Ving tH lies virtues woieb are tren ho sa more desired effect than acash «m.Thereforeaeall.Ta en :|ie earmeatly aoltcited,Defure purchasing elsewhere,wie Ly ok ary rant ot thre disease wii tended te cule Ta order to secure their Complete eri course"At BRANKPORDS, DR.J.C.AVER &C0,ee RALepUey Ee BOSE eeNas Taree steen Hovcuss ellarrtcsirax es Farmers!Farmers!! Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,Threshing Machines! has woo for itself such a renown for the cureofevery .;IC nnlnnteihat mete |:OR whieh we are not Agents but Manufacturers ourselves. vorety of Throat aud Lb trey unbecessary for us recount the evidence ofcueswinetborbeneovived<8 Improved Spiral Barred Thresher tas long been ca Comstab’ase heoughout Hho see ted ; we eed at dactiirethativascure (ie geaplertequali 300"4 Horse Power ‘lever)the most popolar and tym heptap te che best itever hos bern,and that ePpreved,$130.00 Ltay ber io o deter (her relief all i bas ever improved.Soaeal Bar Thresher and been fowud toc Winnower.Ayer’s Cathartic Pills,esc trues)tein.sot st wand a:moet North er Mocuues,and with revee-sble teeth.euld at what PORE OIE Suis tot the best Nowhern Maehines will cost Acre Ce Jaundrer Duspepaia,Ind gestion,Dys-Phe tcethoof these Machines are reversible:that °Stomach,Evuaipelas,Headache,Pues,meaus the back ofthe teerh can be turned in front Racumitiem,Evaptions and Shin Diseases,Liver ster the too is worn off;thus making them last as Complant,Diapsy,Vetter,Tumurs and Salt Rheum,Long again Worms,Gout,Nenraigsa,ued Dinner Pal,and far All Boxes are made of metal and in workmanlike Purityang tee Blood manner,wot ot wood Daev ape sngar coated su thit che most sensitive Horse-Powers,spur-geared.the best,++$85 can tune theur pleasantly,and they are the best FARMERS,COWE AND SEE THEM. apenentin the world tuc ad the purposes of a family FRERCKS «&RAEDER. shy sic Price 25 cexts pen Box;Five Boxes vor §1.00'May ,1560 50my o®,Greensboro Patriot,Hillsboro’Recorder.Char- .lotce Balictin,and Raleigh Register and WesteraGreatnumbersofClergymen,Physiciana,States-sejtiues please copy for May,June and July. men,and emniaent personages,have lent their unmes :a to certity the unparatieled usetulucse of these reme-eeescbutourspaceherewillnetpermittheinwerionNEWFIRMiofthem‘he Ageoit below nomed furmieb grace 4 4 ee or a b y the a give +>oe ‘-BLE ON Ae noe:¥CE peat ets HOOKER,with alsofull deseaprona of the above complaiate,}having been dissolved,we che undersigued haveand(he ireatmenut toat should be teilowed for their :associated ourselves tozether under the Firm of)igor tents nue he"EF OARD &HOOKER, Aven'’s,anu Gabe rothers.“Dae sch want the beataidthereIsforthaudthey®Ug have it for the porpose of continning the former business atNieCevncimernre(ic cateniey the meme piace,Weare thanktul te our fiewds and NU ete Sauer NC,Custome =for past tava and hope by a CORRECT, "Rat ee ENERGETIC ond PROMPT sysem of doing Nk Clnarlaties .bustuesste nierit wud receive aut eoceu pa eekeeeenWeshadbeabletefarueb Pony,Sanpaen &Lewes,Lex wy )XY -‘1MVEASissiSortYSTALLEDRYGOODS,Mas Stevenson &Co,a Terrie Mareh 6,1-60 Iya GROCERIES,PROVISIONS.SHIP CHAND.-LERY,NEGRO CLOTHING,RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES.FN a US: cee uano,Plaster,Lime,FIV ANS>.y .¢NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR,CORN,HAY, I vlmiome \W afers!FISH,CYPRESS SHINGLES,§c.,§e5 Tre Oriya Marntoive Retaanisuep iy 180 ceut fleet article ay ae low proces as any other house in Eastern North oF the eid erer introduced under the meof PeiweNie:Carolia Wiarves tee ory other coun"all other Pulinonic Having ourown Vessels,Wharf,Drays,etc.,we Wifersave count:eteite,The Genucne cin be known by wi)pay particular atteution te thethenameBRYANbeingstampedoneachWAFER Wee ire Forwarding and Commission Business, Lelieve Coughs.Colds,Sore Thieat.FWSM OS We will alas muhe liberal cash advances on Coneign- BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS haere JNO F.FOARD, Relieve Asthma,Bronchitis,DiMenlt Breathing.O HOOKER.BRYAN'S PULMONIC WarERS ENE WORE NG Ge Mak OO C1eG0 3ml Relieve Spitting of Blood,Pains in the Chest.__ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consumption,Lang Diseases.NEW MANUFACTORY RRVAN'S PULMONIC WAVER .. Relieve Irritation of the Uyala and Towsts,EN BRYAN’PULMONIC WAFEKS Salisbury,N.C. Relieve the above Complaints In Vem Meuse.PrP QV naw-completed,and have in operation BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAPI Machiiery,by means of which Lean safely say,Are a Blessimg to all Classes and ©sutatiom@s,rit Dean su,ply all of North Carohua with Neat BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS aud Good a ocatist d Pablie Speakers.:F :Ureladapicdlfergvecallaly/aud Hebile)op Cottage and other Bedsteads,BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste BERYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not ouly relieve,but effect rapid and lasting Cares, Fae Cheapif net Cheaper than they ean be had from |New Yorn or any where else Give me a call and I will give sctistietion A liberal discount to dealers1bpreferenceioemployingagents. Bee BULMON eS Li?Feetory,a few doors below T.E.Brown's Liv- Are warranted to give satisfaction lo every ome.|wry Sisbiemeee:|[Pr Office,Furniture Rooms opposite R.&A. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF \Murphy's store Bryao’s Pulmonic Wafers,|S.R.HARRISON. May 8,1860 tf50INTHRDotsr NO TRAVELER SHOULD RE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF | Bryans Imonic Waters,R A N vr IN HIS POCKET \a & NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE Oe 4 > Bryans Pulmonic Waters,TWRYTY FUR CENTS 4 WYATT’S JON MOSFS,Soe?etor,Rocheatersnacamounmonacerca TONIC CORDIAL. Miy 29,1860 lyt ie trie nost pleasant and efficient Remedies JUST RECEIVED:Dysentery,Diarehea Flux, |(HOLT Se BO ELAINTs. 2»&THlibbertsLondon Stout.PRR aa CENTS ,:,lies |Prepared by WOH WYATT.Arorurcany,68 Doz.Cosnae Bransy Now ISG aud TSS,Main Street, 5 Casks Munir &Son's Genuine Ale. 8 ©Bonrben Whiskey.{oo duse 3 ore SALISBURY,N.C 2 ie JAS.A.SADLER,Jr., 2 “Old Apple *f |ohate the Firm of T HW BREM &CO,Charlotte,N.C.) Wirt6aeClaretWitpbaanbalGinSHERMANBROTHERS, |Imrorters avy Jossgas oFDySLemonSvrap,Pure |Hardware,Cutle6"Raspberry Svrap,Pure ANT HEAVY Goo pn Bire Landen Mdverend \19 Park Pince and 16 Warra W.H.WYATT,NEw Yorzx.Tune 5,1260 6m pd2 DRUGGIST ¢APOTHECARY,Now 186 and IS Main at,50.999 Brick For SaleNegewill For Catalogues or |SALISBURY,C.[tore wanting te buy Fifty or Sixty Thousand1858onaredneedrilladnourcolumna,andgreatcometof The tail branches off in two streams from Spring Wheat.—Tre highest cash| price will be paid for any quantity ef Spr ne Wheat {$2 commence te Lith 1x60Office10thecornerofCowag's Building oppose :S RAY,Secretary 2m8 encominum from us to give our citizens confidence Organ,Syracuse,N good Brick,can get ®bargain by cal'ing at thisMay29aOffice=tfaT Professional Cards. DENTAL.NOTICE, SAB YR.BESSENT.a tT The Imported BLACK HAWK COLT BookRAVEN!EMPORIUM! PUBKE &STEWARTfeel wartantediu savin ow the corner formerfy occupied by Da Bases the South.They dea!direetty with some of the prin ‘eer honses in the ¢ mr )ao that theycan offer as good orbetterinduce ments5toSobools,Academies and all others who mas faveASREMOVEDrotueDENTALROOMSa0):them with their ordery than any other Booksellers: Se fata or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disease,a corruption of the blood| ,by whieh this fluid becomes vitiated,weak und orBeinginthecirculation,it pervades the wholejandmayburstoutindiseoteonapypartofit.NS organ is tree from ite attacks.nor is there oue which Hay not destrey.Phe serotulous taint is various. Wy caused by merenrial diseuse £ low living,diserder- edorunhe vithy food.uupureair,Hlth and filthy hebitsthedepresstiayvVices,«nd, Whatever be its uboveall,by the venereal wiht is Mereditary in 0 ‘iufection TRAC AMURPHY 8ox HAVE JU@e RECKIVED THEIR Spring &Summer Supply DRY GOODS, ‘olina Foundry |HOTELS. ANDMACHINE WORKS!y\ygioy ci HOTEL, SALISBURY, :;NINE euler takes bless ;ee aeraae eine :eee ava a oe ee:rere trvs consequently the coretiution,descending *fromparenta to children AMONG WHICH MAY BE FOUND |P inabunoneing tu hie where We i prepared ta attend al speration All Tnsura:oney to be paid an ween an the cial THCUGEDS Ean CHUTE reac nica.GRATE Uiird and foyrih generation indeed,itseeme yy F Iriends,und the public ge erally,that he hae Seonnected with his protession tare 6 Considered witt All mares pat by the 0 me (ees eran er “Vd Plain Black sakes,Sd ileach'd Table Diaper,son qj taken this long established and well hkJan.1,160 te Odell ta ibe 'pesado.All easaalier at Orders within eight days.at farthest,that cannot be a etoeen aE Oil vinta Fancy cold Poulard de.54 brown do do beer 1 i @ (dine uiadeleverc ian ire came Higtel 1 A ‘‘qe Y futhe rom thei eh a?BECOERSORS Tr id tas ide ¢possible '“the 2 Waer's tek.ATE ames parted with bélure tals filled ont of their tinge ster kon hand,comprising about ‘1H :Re apo sae he bleog haney etd Grenadines,Table Nuph Towels,i ee ten Nes nena,ne hig und Pee acecee cia’WL.BARRIER,te ae NiteyremetincCanis Werth 8 fad Cb aenae Meat ee eed Mita reais.tie uoubownttate —N.BOYDEN &SON,itethy tite teleat ating peeDENTI5mTCeeaei.a ae Work ti vk nr rai Pentel fu ‘erally t ieee ai e liv iuternal organs,is terined iheruive:jini i i pe Hee SRS tS 8 ;ee uy D VV TLL,continue to manufacture and keep on Partie the attention is paid to his vot by Blat rd.he by the Vermont Black Ha eeleres wb the publieemnerally tocallandexa :y ,4 wk wud fancy pruted Bird-eye Dinpers,11}uw!¢t t de,swellings,ond oo the surface,eruptionsor ;hand all‘Raven is 15g hands iscolor jer bhok.white tein eh and standird pnbucations of wll winds rau hort * farwis,Fong Lawns,wy ;—ry Lr 3MT.PLEASANT NOC ad exceedingly well prow tomesting Ca most handsome collection of Cheip a ;se Hes foul Corrupiion,whic Wo pendere in the ener irinned Itnen neuen AGRI UpTI 1?Vf,Hy PLEM ENTS IE,March 13,1s¢H dh AB Me ela tiie.we act ter Books,Weerizines,Novels,Popaler Workwofalikivds,lead.depresses thee vergies oflife,so (hails srofulous (dandantme Heilliniseeticurxitct do :..ud every comfort ix provided in his,ae :the murpassed Hs dan Bibles,Prayer Books.Annuals.Gift Rocks,Albums ConsuCations uot only suffer from:serofulons come Plain and cheek’'d Swarm Eanbroidered GO U EIU CIES AAU IELeD CLT AIL Ge I ‘Drs.M.Sa &J.A.CALDWELL.Ce PT vn wane south amnsine.entertaining the attack Ub herd scares,cous-quently,vast nui TLAtain Heat Stace ticnia GurneShellere,Straw and Foed-Cutters,His STABLES are nbundas Wy supplied and a I AVE wnaanininil (hearer ie i Met Wie Mather Conan Intrnetive,eat Boake &Srewart's thes ;serish by disorders ay ough pot rerelu ath Uo Mantles,Fancy bUA Sik Cravate,Hoone-Vowers,Serd Sowers,tended by a car ful ostler;ie to ofl deparime Vd WhUTwhRiion,“ae v os ‘Aa Lies ar weveral Ba the kind of Book eyo teshould place ja foun Vo ilure,a still res dered fatal ty ee Phin LK OS Tk do Dow skin Ciseneies,Chresh-os,Cider aud Sugar Mutts the proprietor giver hie personal attention : Secoice hu hive the service nina ‘q it Se wenerentins bea Une eel eto fen evade 4 a ;:ew a fale ‘nn Me aa 5uy br se Fa FOS Cee Varesuerand Sopurat Pe y clea teawutactice :See OMNTBOS suns regularly totheSreeseerNeeteenieinncecal1177eeNOeaeTpGpeaeIneoetubacoutvamitionondunasdertigeiveRovesavaMackPaintsBarney0anyShaflingandWachineryWiththesevllirintssloweesutheratel=win,fate 1 Diaarhy .1 ich»rf :om Nberals CRORE eee ita Heo wlole they ave uettgeted 8864 Tle [iver Mulinie:ranma ee Bhav and Spinich Linens,fer Grist Mts Coral rad Verteat Saw Wille Gold,public patronage is coriloarttssdeacey are OF theDR.F.NN.LUCKEos fhe jrraice reba mame fron Cacao Noon will g test wwersba bene Rie to be des til te erenue,atiee tro ur ure ee The te ar eee te Lines Check Copper and silver Vio,Poliueeo Drewes anal Biss .WAL ROWZEE:ELNG !eel asautit thels :\Gan a }}|oO verter of all I !'Ree (muse see Ost nts Pog pope nara)Tender ails UE35 ,tonew e e be it fhe ral fac ears rescoutd at Che stare or sentto any ac (Meee MeO COG Le rons tet TCR Seen Te whew r y rp)aya 7 Ce [SEINE tam permanently based a He Se ae ar tn i Fre arena vievettedd areas erianasl Greuther eine 5 ee ast pe ROM MND BIPRMSS CASINGS _Bo MeNeely)on the Cina Me haville rood,myn "4 He Was bed by the fate Vb Vholesale and ReGul Rookstoce beathos gadecmined by al “Peete sise it tran th a Hien al ieee tee PINTS WORK of every \I ny Ty yrrtntesSouthofPhyauicaChurch.continaes ts Fuombly,Greenland No ty was by ve s Jen en Salisbury Ne vith wee toast renivate (Hie Bled bs aa alieritit ;re demernstiaat4 von raid warranted in every yi ||for,at the sume locauon,his ane |series ku e horn ase tite abv Gpaeier tediede,and (ivigorate it by be bday t nd ever are (enue ein ts,respe i every description of Machipery ithepublicWhykiswakes!We have beentypat ;Pama AaU ULE Meare Blewch'd.brown and ent.Grr tt sbert i mei ..e Calta,in his absence,shonid be fefe woh biserine:pst bled.aud from N Brunswiek Stnere GAP sot Trahan mar wvp cap Aver’s hae cereus silisbapn No i 2.1-60 .nyger.Mr.Shupiig or dis wife,ori their abacy WHC Morgan”was by the firstoor es Junge Aforgau.s Oe Tod Ota ye.A .y .oe (rad Collies,Bed Tek SGindard.Rolewhs Perot.Greeushora’:Deve &the wervants Black Hawk was far sever!years well ;Compound Extract of Sarsaparitht ee Kin G Me cineene Stace a,erat Charkcce:Wem ein Vas .Asheville 3 CareMiranda,Rowan co.,Nov.LOth,Ix29 W253 ca trutter,ti tudlepeed wan never asesr FOIIN DoouBy,Che most eMotual remedy wach the medhealshillof ©ovis,Mircea lnyenelied ani bar wileeattiienatrinwia kt ibe Observer,Fay ettevill i-tarned tinseveral costaueeshetrotted am bet Noost,Main Srwar,iewioye,Vy Wt tnen Gan devise for thos every where prevoitine .Coane ete Ladies ard Mirsesx steel aid Predell Express will publish Simonthwand forwa d MMhy:Sadat icueecanue eeMGE ince M turer and Mea u '\1 :ij aA f x if sh c 'or LAW PARTNRSHIP,Ce ea eNOS mean a Mt er Me CECT eC ELC CC ent TUM TacaernT eat rat fetes ea me ie rida ns kre eter sat ganton,N.C.remarkal ora combina speed with streu Dukss (ATS eoremmechateQiatfave Decide theex O41 tte Nt ndles®Vanety,anda SL eh se lied va aeer tl»thd powerofentut o Cambrity =,aan heat meet Ou ye Bela oe Thus goiued the reputationA,Hh 8 R.A.CALDWELL,mena tint ty itunes |MARE mow coy on Spine ee a ae ae ue REAL ESTATE rataa tea TIRE Lass HOU vasecnagETOchmoneetiani:Leen sixteen minutes,aud has performe 'HAPS,CAPS Gi STRAW GOODS,Hence ivaomld be ensphoyeddor there 4.8 Es 4 ‘°o Sainte saves veuce oft,Dreterte OFFICE the one fo Oey )aus Wy Pby Dro Nesbit a ae ee Fire Mle Rao ty which P would vivte the ateacon of :.ze ae ae hocek Wer all mn ne an \&Re \D (\\Dy .ee 'cer Uy the Prose ot the State,:.r \partake of bis properties ma high de Che merenaots of Virsiur,Norte Peed Tee ee E ruptive and Skin Drews,St Anthe ae ¥one Wheels PY,||hase wceved.Tt continues SU RAGEN gree Nechense of atich we have aiy aeconit has neers eonfidert ef iny absity te supply them wit be Four Bevapelin Pinniee,fungus 100 ue .VY ISHING rome:urate my haute on one places ety ujan the repraren Closed.aud te guests mayMarohilyieatrei)Felt his anpress mote strlduely.cand his future rank everthing they uray wantin any lie,on wey fs oe eee ye ay Un acneat Hieeniins \ae ee Pctuct iis a eur,amen ae bedip suoniaiacdonstone(hose toast ad guished for the ime tenis ae cacy Can be procured ta aiy market an ct a)rane ie ted eee 2 .25 bbls ¢ved,Vows ,Giauuated and Coffee ed ,WUT AT Atos ie Rae be hept mupphed repu- y hed for the ;-a :Rican Salt Wead Rovgwern,Rieu sien at aa :i eae z Pere aie S148 arly woh Mest Canin,nv be Rept supplied regu:provement el chev specs The reputabonol Black counts aud Mercurial Diseases,Dropay.Dy4 yrey drennd,the peanasider «dark bert,equalin fore Cie wa ty i)eee Swe cats caBUSINESS(©LARD Files uehthot they command a ready Wy stock willbe bo pt eon ert deei ali CrnipiNine erie X sity te suy a Cowa Neutly one halfof the tet CLASS YUEE Lee?Meee fouua at FIRSTriesdesirabletobnewthewholinl‘pane ialin caniegter 4.neil SCNT ere Furr Nena rore nek Cols Stage OffiNMMAATIN,BRO.&C8.,an winch thas bee cemwed for oh Wel sates CTY OW 1 Wie Tanti Aine (here Aero Bor OME CVI WE NON vif ie .‘:fice,7 One of his have heen sold.but dis is M Hi is coe Fame ery Prin w 6 ei Syrup,pare qains ‘Vie VAN ELAINE ye seh orran watths Weuee Their FOUR HORSE COACH.GROCERS AND COM TSSTON Deveaweli eUAGe helure qa «Ut tong pial t Be ites th premnced iu ra nT Caeut woah donealthis |CIES ieteivaudy obienGs 1 ¥‘de oe DUPUMN eid uf tiesWwaN (CMR MER GEA vaMERcHAN°r e on ienetianiiawia Veen real mcd th \'Fh iB ‘Mi di '\fee fees eo Vocal ay ie Wid fever and Fiduye andl io Aske:2 townat Bentsepert.Vermont where he bast h au COG Elst Here N ¢Meds Phe raed i pe eR cle.UCU GES mNsund Seturdoys EXTRA 5 i .;teen ie }No.129,Sycamore wi eo uied wie ea aera alld a Lyer's Cathartie fi bs A "we :Sew :5 oe GFORS revdly a0 avy bor wad forPTETUEeSo5RG,VAL on .[nM Gove I ///HES?my SH i Co eC aN:x hoot \Nem 1 eu Nut «pe bop ean x fer :\'\1 ~»Prorxseron 1 7 1 .:N.M.MARTIN,SON &:iM ‘!f ie M7 Wiki |:°ee gms 13beekgt;Meee TAP-‘ft i nr WENee (mere fay ‘i a 40 4 <eer \.:beg StandardandSpiritegCOMMISSIONWeIHIVES,©mie ;.»SE See nm Chatitres Merald,WI:oe ::How !nO !Z Nh i Grecaby o’,RICHMOND :eer eseeRAVESEEEENG,Pid tear COWAN’S1Keaiaadeoeacuiuee-HARDWARE.Vegetable Lithontriptic,rout ernon ousnae:d I NellenStramymada1en‘St tans R ®+Veranda Hotel,situated Juce Teas fer pouits proniiity t “NDP TUS 1 WAN EAMILRereaesee—D.A.Dave,CF E The DP Blick Hawk ¢('>f :.AT THE DEPOT,- <i .fz . une 14,1859 tei are enor h \(:((Dlemine)AIDVEYS Peetee RY,Ne>he 1 \7 a ;;Nes hot);,;HS stabletinese hes teen opened forthWwW.Rr Ay WoC SPHON TON 1060 POUNDS ne f A WV.T'Fireeved far the enter.Ml ras Riedl ae iL /w thorcughly resi i ,Cu /a ‘soondimevery wayees:CAYDLES AND SOAPS.yyyiy ee te Pobre thaw heres TA’“|WERT i \\VPCHES i \I eC avew throughout,‘.\nis i Beeding ‘The CulinaryWAtcHnsJEWELRY,;4 {iy I ic \I :‘\ti i Jueutof a»proteentSILVERMeeeFo1a1ll(1 ‘ae outa :,supplied withthe =:a |I !{+obs de t BESTHINIe0RIETetWopWwYNyy:Boots aid Shae ‘.the |:aunt Which fin .:MY HR,AW JUD ROS ANG ie fe WOOD ;‘whole Jime to thehiscustonsrsisn':7 (1 ‘f bec hein Confident thatinehen‘‘ook \‘1 ee ete uedy 4 VES rnc ,.s west vers thr s rhe cun,willbedone, Street 'Zl it Soak i TTD COs Nie)este eee a (fee Viet [eresRepaBWCeoSATIIi!‘i !ole teens alec !1 i >BENJAMINattendedtobyray\wes 4PATENT LEVER WATCI |(:;::uoorksrii(a leas I iG 'we :!ee ;'->).Emportant to Mill Gwners!'Greath Reduced Py ices,:uh “TH E U I 3”;:I S ;Py (al 7 JIS Ci.N O N,JAMES HORAT vient Lae EYERAS;Ne lr Mtns .pp ih Canes b iS)Gtal CUHRAT thahare Third,1 ~!\inboWATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER,:\Ino.«.We .ne Ns.PHRADELPaleSALieuLiyAotr‘be iin LAI LAN]a Pe ESN UPTON SS.NEWCOMER.\ew le .1 . Oneldoor beloutt.-<ve wiihy esr ‘.\(<‘PEs a \SI)'St vr)e yen \naresyeechatsHsaletasottabosaaeanveawSAUTAD15SO.EENING MACi!wel pte teWATCHESotJEWELEDotsiaeCae.Ly ee eee,Pyke i,S17 &.6 ~Roo 1 M Me PURE AT SOUTH LOWELL bie Pps iGlockerWacepe"re Pian iver ‘1 ;:;eel Sa 'repaired in ieauay /]Hi dhas a ')',:ble terms DON TP PORGEE |Vt Dh.J.VYER NCO DAY (t ¥iFebruary14,1860 ly3R oopta MeNenly ae ¥.x; maSu0'': A .'aeT=)‘:QL yg ar }}:;:(et iMeeLBROWH,({|i}{||{){.’.ay ;F lrte NEWCOMER5‘'s Propnieton{\helen too ;;’‘\‘:\Ea !I .\UANANTESN ,,yoo 4 Sx so SS ee WASHINGTON HOTEL,Wanish eee Vo oe \4 BPERSONF1"\\'|;SEG SET iets Noa mer TN 5 real x i DR WoOOURATRDE'S JOHN Hie JONES,ro]rietor, toth tall}ae)te :i du.drAndtwallonaa.Ne ae!:,BROAD sTRE:AT shipped to oth >i VER if VIG:“‘TRV eNT eeCeT °./e -e Sa.X",Fiancee ".?LI NVIGERA Gay cor MePaCHIOUS Pain Killer,ese=!LN NEVER DERILIDVDES.1 4 |!Ne SGpp(i P y Thetompounded eotirely from Grme,ant REEEMA ESM °OFpolcetasAgreeerenenecnIeeee\;if :FE Nie itmeonPdASUPERIORPOOTHACHE.4‘ oxen re A '.° Ee : “¢S CORNS REN TONS Br :I yo Nt:bleeaea;9 COLOGNE WATER,i rowns Livery Stable.eee ee Wilseln &Gorman ian th 'i hy .|::/‘atoourSapenintendentCoan<5 | ’Opis here Tt is grati- fications,JOUN HEALD s aa 2 :4 res !t \Le |Fenve Cie era blch t :.:i LG Lon,r f 'q tablishinent, oe |c soil fat Pe raverciyBY viouvee Hi.WYATI hoy ja ee eeo_o .1 hh 0 n WW ties,Dy epepeta 5 on Dit te dst HPA A PUI avalyee 1 tee eee te {1 great deside-STOP TH RDERER!agit aaa \Mion 1 I icc weeunavnereretw"!'Dropsy,Sour v ro w ths bue,well sup- E MURD!:BR!oe ,Paed3«Sonal 'Ve Neat I \\DTS PE ARS SY 1]d |'.Kiatne .\e ;;(’eesJOuEN\\Beet ae ane I h ‘:Sn ish iss Wa ees ped irae Lumber and Provene$1,OO Trower?tt]ie a ;‘fp -ye Ont :|'enn a4 \uber ber as cwaye rendy to eell orWihew||‘Ay Tei,Ath a eK 'ru ut .PHOS BE BROWN.tnd»pu nd n {4 (1 VD CHR,te ‘ony HARDW Dp "n fist bop utam,iftak ,~'c twenty minutes,tf ntoroeo hnoe:Giger Ae :aac ae a \(‘|a eye cnriarercare memo cvs!ot PAR ARE!!ew MirastandschargedWiththemurcerofMfEMITTCG”STW BIH (PSUR TAS ee Naluecica re Riv inimicny suiniay ae :eJoryULHowell,in Epsin Conary sc eee fat \‘wn t,m ta |a gothefetoffuue,tse .‘di .7 MIX WATKICES THE MOUTHE WITH ;al‘DESORPTION \hy HW \ry THE.INVIGORATOR,AND SWALLOW .‘MURR &SOSSAMON,eas I. ;.I ‘k ='BOTH TOG VIER.e il:“al op pe,\ba peered ge ‘Show Baid De tiint fi /‘:hey :Peter Que Bet ar per Bottle.Store k of all'¢VW are I I;:Po UG r eeiea han reeigh—steader in {wilke woud ': -4 Poy ee en dts Draying Estub- holds hes b r pos Wa Vow hed SANFORD'S ;B EES alata Pe eeN TECH CE b emerhe tunisandwalksweal|\North ¢|ees mn \Win POUEN.reac ow PawHoisalooae‘|mn a new ADrite t De eae Cink es ieee ced oecaersreOF wa I be tu ligent an it 'Leute tess ny W <STS Rew,rd CATHARTIC PILLS,\K |Neill is T\e ome Aste leay ie (OUP TET)STRATES :es a tvs be found ready tolongeyelashesbachinddarkeyuda't uw *:USD ED PRY os Tereab yn (iis ig sel irhoastow ie a his stable ’ artificial upp Mt tecth, N sear at r p te t be fee \wis Vere Nerrhie vt cadisc wc cliprt tecrrtir LON TS ©OV LRA UN Reel ‘\:eed o \-!‘ae :fal will meetRaieeaPennnhfn'vee rat (hoy ted 245 R oe Las AS S,Ade Light,and will Keep Si M Ieuu is elaartamaneantany NU NEUEN STS tie EV ee REST lel TOINGENV DERbelieveitisthehifineswennwmedtireeHeeMootLbMT1Anis'a Sh ‘.Lone rte PIT 4 Reiter Hond -\Pov Sheotedran or Comp &ier ‘‘"45 and his ms nn}if bet one ae Vey A tay Ss SS 3 =ae F :‘yi "eh ey \(EL bE 1 0 A L }A ea nee :S fei Na aAddressatThonioston,Gos 'V 'wil be os ee,::a :‘‘*WURR &SOSS AMON nePoWowEE.facet them,cule 4 tor Nenrine expart ;:pyrite HAVE detec ri ane Salisbury,daw 10,i.rt as ‘2une19,196 nt '‘Koand r ;:‘¢nti XE or ;ee 1 ;~u .Tivvere prea SEAT wt ’|se That re WAN FEDLL\ND FOR \SE rae "Oc"z sola GUE Se VALOCABIPE LAND FOR SALE.>.Ie.I v3 an mane ,aay oso tr)SLO NST NSS AN)20.000 feet Syeamore Lumber,Gin een ee etme oe ouenratettivenn (etheEpHAs:f *B i fot N Me UOTE UN ;een ,'ee nenenn |leanne Wath u Dutchman Creek, ih PUNTA A RORY ‘‘i The 1 i,an x ID f x ides Nery oot Moeckeville,Known Bal isbury {wR as Teese 28:OS AP Te ):need i rn blir s foodsare very valoable,in Jongg ,lp ,t '»’‘‘a .1 vill be sold withont ::Mey UW:i;t ;CUA ©REEVIG (\‘cone ont ||g Nouthera Wanulactory.vo...eeeultivaFayxt’Nabe e 1 'bor noisy be had Tnow other tors \ei dq ©\M 1 Cel dscan oe had withi\r yy ST :orp wal d wid purchase will p ;i PSN ON MV esrTEICUN NieTE\onprete lace (eel Ne)het eeABSmMPHNTEnnpaeraiA::.4 .We aren ,;7”pede ‘‘i.BuMIsSTER,THREE Dries ee a ee a eae yee Hirn at Withetian an Gs Goel aL EU Agent,.:EQouewo Painter,BS FAH Vols C2-Seat ,mai ii rene ;,Mick M feb,S00 fwdThwl!n eos ‘GW hoe CONAN stances ''\:l Mss d to eons fra xu I ae al 'Fino Wa ithe at tai ;vs heen i Wicu i oe ee oe ee HILLSBORO’without delay:a ‘1 ROR Pe Taio ae “ai ‘i EN OF,ht y i eee on \\ALISBURY,N.C 25 Brond way,New Vos !)me Ss lieliyg \¢:‘au ILITARY ACAD MY.late presented ;!HENDERSON &ENNISS,Da WITTE EM &GORMAN ,M \'\ee GC barnt ig MARY 1 rie 1 (@ ;Ad Ml ,Me .rthe conduct of Cesets)lis peta .NOTICE THIS :STs Te aa oG.nd hes re ataFORGSA!an PR NOPICI FO)Niele ute oiec tee sinam (er(‘oy >:«:sera \s aLa:i ..|OR SAT]yy Bs ‘Ne a pidly 26AMnowo4“pring i(YLlattresses .':‘saul ‘+the waters ;>yve (er iM ET fS “..(UG IRN:FGA es CIGARS £C/ 350 Acree a ;patie o evi oy a |lienise:4 Store in bn |ae ss ‘1 \R (eaelandiswell»\\i Mis HOES Sr alr a Paved tat at puod size owilhyserncunil cont ‘Viet Bebra oe fA NEUES EOL EMU aR lathesUmraegt\!SR TH VRS ON ei Puan cei en aeats Awe hin Cie 1 bey hands #al MA Siteeounty.Ther :Ss ..;|tora Pi W Batfalo Creek.one mile from th j uit Phe ft rev Ny wriald |2 county:Ther WHEELER &WILSON'S \i eG ful We ti beter ta w iN PED.‘ ng to purehaee,¢Hoe as —ESTEE Nice!Ik lisilane‘‘Newing W achi teduction in Price.Te)AC RES ae \WERTHY a oco Cor ‘from R as »=i «Nee .4 4 lichen {ofc NT NEN TH Ow COHN I )wan lieth CORN farshowiAreupnTiNmeee&'ore ania a tr ye omsat ay v with [*Toa hest market priee InvPeerneeicals\ir Ly 1 );his!Hit w man Rees seu recudsalislecy,|WHEELER §WIDSONKA SPUN Wi HENDERSON ©ENNI HX it GRORGE MOWERS 60 hite Hands ‘LW BEARD |CHIVES 'A My {“Oe Wy 'tale he W .4a,\io \foe m i MarR ONL DUG ALINCS (RT TAT "WW.Munnar,ei ford Rout Hew Spring Wheat.——1 hichest enshLLEriAiiene,;hive tos x nother per y nein ha Cap i 'i Spring Wheatreapeotfitly(,a ,TT Ie rye .Ty G Ge Gol.a os {52distepayment,wm fain (vie 'rea Nex Wetaciidie dtanilys Coy Tele oan MIENT.wer (NTC en ote seni tint Buegies and Rocka ays er CVn u NIN He Ml '15heniaMay+FP)E CRYIN UCTS Cetebrated Pile Onniment CPE riecnte te tat af udnoa 50.000 Brick For Salefriends,L hope thoy w romptiy Me Tisaiwitecrii trata aycieeae aa VARRTIAGE LICENSES nea nnd Rockawasxy which he will ae re BLANK DEEDS TPRUOSE waning to boy E Sixty ThousandkPRESSENTaeHENDERSON‘EAN Ves terme PHOS F RROWN,HS sna eee rood Rrrek nby eall ttt Nov 29th,1259 1627 Banks of all kinds for aaleat this off .ee WP .">>E>Pry hs Sener ;a Brae any gw tek ew get a bargain by calling at thie2Te’Wie otf ,Jan 10,1560 aur FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE!Jan.24,x60 195 FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE lope tf47 Lapin re tes plaid EN Frahediy LENE J. J, BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. wre + + etebe $ t- --riett TERMS $2.00 s, $5.00 3 Lod lio tenon the same proportion ayinent always in advance. Single co Five I ook WS) Iraw an} can laagh & PRACTICAL JOKE. A Portland (Maine) correspbndent of a Boston paper eays » { find that people out here like @ little | over it as heartily as liy other places. A fové affair ocetrfed bere recently which has made a great (deal of spe A vouth tecame’ despe- Hrately in love with one of the fair owes of ‘this city, who had but jost turned ‘sweet isixiven. Tis passion was not reciproca- : ted, but the young lady gave him gothe » Z; a y r - : “ 4 5 e Civil Warrants, S A LI B U RY 9 N { ie J U LY | one | S60 ~ { , \I B iE I> >) jencourageiment, ‘just for the fan of it’— caeaaa eI v at ae Te ere od ’ ene av - PhUde O.' The ‘fond parents’ were wroth, and sent Meerannc Cale. Ce Ustters of Auninistration « \the sinning daughter a distance from the sc SpecialLetter o aaa Marsiligelicennces —'eity. A correspondence sprung up be- licen the lover and some young bloods, z ‘who. for sport assumed to write billet Jar Nbcnda 8.0. Yuan Hye Bee, Devated to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Jaterasl Inprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Famile Circle - ‘We . ‘done iv the name of the lady beloved, but Prosecution Bonds, Bail Bonds, civil cusce Indictments, T .> following Court and ‘Naneous BLANKS ave kept on hand for ss sent by mailto any part of the country, at sinal VOI XV IL. ANVIL. expense, Com. totake Depo C.&$8.C. office. Can be -- & 3 7 Bui! Binds, crim. °° Land Deeds, Attachment Writs, Dees in Trust, Dillvery Bonds, Sheriff Deeds. an ' ae nema nr cnror inet Alainistration, to Fauity da NERS carrerenonccormme errinser ieee etre oe 7 = c - ; on ——— entire ly without her knowledge. A plan Bostartay, ‘ Nites of Mand, ’ FAULT FINDING. How Jenks Joined tt . le ' , ‘ : for elopement and marriage was the con- appeal “ Nukes Un WUE: present and addcess the meeting. lee enks Joined the Odd Fellows, [nothing else could have produced such a EQUAL RIGHTS IN THE UNIVERSITY er hi ; iy i nung other Mrmsofless frequcntuse, Blankeprin| nF). ok a Wow real bape : Sain) ; 4 SRSITY. sequence. By the help of his young “ Frious display of ability: and ot el ady we are to find faalt! daw Ca ROE ' ' stifling sensation ae . iis : ery well, Mr. deaks, you know ams Swoatllat all tit A We very cordially endorse the follow. ,iends everything was arranged. The q att, all things ’ u A > % larriage was to take place in the tobacco d ertectly, my de factory, and the} appy pair were to spend we ; tl oe roa , * a 2 P | 1 “Tthe first might i the avrant locality.— ur tricnd, thrusting bis hands inte his he nadstof the tumult, Eotvcd aotow, to have religions [UORUMMIENTNT ETT EU tent ve ut jaa den a o eT er “ } on A yvoungsicr suitable in size 4 . (evinie pene, wHlcH= ta) tl oe P af the Sie eal nto pea a le property of the people ollion to persunate the young lady, closed ed to order on short hotice ‘ = quien to censure) bi The least sla | Janay be contidently expected, 1 ingextract from an editorial inthe Church opinion of secret societies.” wp “Phen began the roar of artillerv, with is Citas fh Tutellivencer. All denominations ons at t , . foaatto build a sugpretom up ar Prog: ess at the Union Ball. j Canmornra.—One lundred gans were Tie tun ‘ , oe a amas tlie . i 4 uni wad—the eban Missovurr.—The St, Louis N fired iu Auborn, Cal, on receipt of the : cas : oe perfectly.” said an eceasional ¥ Of RTL nate TOM et Pineiro wy fine intel lieenee anheunety the nomination smitle, aie a aws, of 28th | \ : a word, k is tle Bro ap Vrs es Wah all the eyergy he couid ous: sweet voice, chanting ult., comes tous with columas of an ene! or pall and Everett ‘ dell wand bvere . : 7 . hon jee ren ; tain PON ' _ 1 ; giastic meeting of the National Unier ae ees Ur Vail sound Kets Man shail love tis tello ; iy an. the State: 2 thosia = i, c . ° Z ; Aikansas.—The Bell and Everett elee. Chat Little bat uruhity sddler tl ea . “And will you join @ ret ida peeimebeuccns ce ae Des a , ay } Jvevied, got stealthily in the carriage, a8 party there, the evening previous. Lhe} mare Site : c fhity ineddler the tonne, , 3 BI pel roel witr saall aved no mece=- Jur opinion is still unehanged that! ol } lover appeared at the ap- iii givens idewt | er eadiuig | oral tieket for the Sue of Arkansas, is Tubnine about te tind fagyors, and make “Dowt vou think it best 2” peace sliall ren, despotisun elill the most iiportant action oft 2 ' D hike triduphant ee a} pane p a Bee Aas AS Ye ME) Composed of the following ste meter e u : tN i ‘ ; \ , ay ee COE EE erst Pe EUs jon-of the late Di ty vinted time and place ‘hey drove to : . ne folt y staunch gen. the slender flame a preat blaze, at | No, sir, once for all, do net.” industry: meet it ; ree : Ress Can ; ported Une and prace. hey Bpirit, when hey says: lente See ‘ | aS eee Beet se ut whieh ‘ch : : Se : 4 Us were reward, Chiutiv tid the VCesah Gonvenhon wis the unanimous ithe tobacco factory, where friends: were ! emen: James Yell,of Jefferson; Alf. shinder ind geandal oan spread their claw: Consider, iny dear, if you should be’ hearts of men Wire this happy ein adoption of a Memorial to the Universi Leanne” o factory, d 7 left a widow, with nothing to support—" had ¢ “Now, whatiat ridicnlous argument. Do, rent th " The capacivus hall was densely fled. Garland closely as meu could etand, and nambers | Org wor dhad to Jeave on account of the crowd and | — the heat, which made it almost tnipossi | ble to gain admittance and keep ina com: fortable state during the proceedings a a ae oe ee: praying that each} ‘Lie neart of the person who Was to “tow vel vy odd.” * ss vee oes ratte aS “ SoU lgolemmnize the marraige, failed him, and : tor guardean, or intthe play was very near coming to an ab- ‘yor bis owu writ-lrapt termination. A youth of seventeen Thomason, of like and crone tone atemes of evil. of Pulaski; He FP. ; due. LY . Why lunmanity ts so quick to censure | Se eee . jand 90 slow to praise, it is dithealt t tell, |FO8 suppose Mr, Jeuky— MARK TUE DIFFERENCE. we love to he well thought of, individu amy ee an ee ee — ay a etl of pratee will send the heart ee Jenks? . . ! Mionpmenlat tel wou lid ta our cliceke, winliedt tied Will vou listen for a moment ? frioad, > “Yes, Largeeedike those Odd Pellows, Case of his being of « eee rtniiwara cl ‘ , : + oy att } . . ‘ they are real reformers,” replied our fen request, to atfend that religions insti-} yeara. however, the son of a Maine man . : i 9 3, vee tution and werslip in which he has been lho, in fis youth, had been adept in’ ro- | | | ing the evening probably as nv as ¢ mene | Dari ig the ¢ PUSS Stnany as) country, actuated ouly bw adesire to save windows of our eyes wide oy nae “Cerraimnty.”? Well eras | I acd celal ' four handred activeand cuthasiastic ten: (the country from the roleof faction ane pl \ pee Es SWelll th } ell, my dear t educated, and which has the approbation |oury exine to te resene performed the J i ' action ane rdeg e A : , : ue 0 re . CRC Why i ) . ‘eihe | J . Sas oe ae bers of the Opposition seuvlt the Ha | corruption fonett fin) HE ose a ‘i a wie Ct Comptia In tet r wen, a ver much T respect “Why, then, lights were procourcd, of the understanding, and the at eetiia ley remotly ‘leant 1y? and made atouch- PU : . ‘ MNGHOI OU Ma iTCTeIth TeCCnmed. Gie ‘ Ver NETS BGR IT a lade ieee : a ee, 3 Fa Hen ee : 8} ceremon santifully’ and me and gota taste of its spirit: and enthuetr | Mav, and remained in session | : t eculs . even when we feel tat He Hie rn vou know PE love you and [signed the constitution. fothe heart of those ost interested iotineg prayer for the | ‘Appiness of tllenloe: ? oe et ayn SURRIOT TA thay. IO Was pore pted by eet ; ~ dearly at will be diapossible for r . . | ett roy ' Bare raca( . eT EY: note te : asm. And to-day they are all zealous) The Convention en i Promipte yoa fate toting WHT be dinposstble forme toob y * Well, what of the cat of which vou (83 §puitoal weilare, and nos probably #1 ie cael Ga ) and the bride- 7 t Be ‘ ’ roaeed representa. wiv then. ¢ ae . i te you in this instance. — I ae sore 5 C nee 1 oe ae MEN TAs SG VOC Re (est J Miteonencomenred marley conmoqniiel rvs rencinienac Coit iat oa Can we pot feel the sane ce rthisa tance. [have sent in were speaking ie approbation of the studentUeowu lead | po He had put off most of his clothes, N i 2 : cys SE 0 ere paler tt met ' toy decthnent and tomiht am to be [eerie taattitiar. wean tae el 1 SEO a 1 { ios : : marvelluus Waking Up oof “tue sprit ot ; B ‘ i ) ! : = NM a Pane O Be Tht 1, hothine, my dear, oniy they ter 4 | Vat tl { . F 3 lon, sit One aliject pervuidedtheentine ct | t m4 ral of the eure ather of 25” he e object pervaded the entir rs, that we do in ima lel Lh tated her out, and fora minute or two she ap ng this petition tothe I | nh the arrival he enraged fa ; . , . TSC esta Geen tn tlic wl tie Canntemcenloneh aye? Mis. Jenks en ter 1 = : Pe dbod.othe bride, was announce ceompanied The friends of Bell and inverett in Mis | CCT tem an a OS ver handsome eves peared qiite bewildered. Tt was the fest ! scoual elured 1 i d the dis : vetforty atid a vet whiel: shoat ” at i ( ‘ ; , ' by several frie gourt will hold a monster tiass meeis ; mm ' 1 t holt is Noatnazement dud fora moment was dost thoe Tuad ever seen the cat let out feecda anne HER . : ie escctionaliam. ated insure at alt f tcc F ; Watne, Jel Charges of revolve ul ith pow- io St. Lois on the ¢th rust. A host of nee i 1 te baths : e bas. Bat what etrack with the yrroat meat via z ie ae ; t aid coonounent adiiinietiat rb ‘And so you are actually ¢ 2 tol Hoel ‘ 1 WN ous len aweresrayid und tumble. Ue latter c Sreuantre - re byee aa jis, i i ail ! t« e Wit re atpeye aticeol ' a nec ee . Bpeane te aie en Lote . ! euty! the soverttnent | aS \ \ hoes k eric wn e : i what tet , ‘ Te aed Contre xt ot the fight, Tiroler tare Judge Or a unyes ey j \ tie tit 3 Too test tehbes AEE oH <pruet of Teduare vec Fe is nlees ‘ eet . inet dy ie node oo iatre j 1h Ve ‘ u : r Peter We ted the bridcerie ynpelled to fly : : r ‘ : i S. leone th. Dorota, Gen. Wilson i t CIEE GA en es, tay deat teal ceo ; ; Fee ng ; us x I ' My ated yoat ' ey . OW cil i 2G ) ' ' rh the ow dead hour of Geo, W Siler Jule r Lede ; LVS estas he Gb anes | ibs ell wt wy te me oall about i tromaly saed— Lite is sit pea otic, ‘4 ie ; nie Win SM. Pree i seu ee h Tete when yon core ie ey i er od thie triste Ww than his shirt ies choices ee . \ ‘ ) ! 1 ' ‘ > i sit ~ <1 oe risehit, a 1 als ' ! plistee t Worn ti) NON 5 diesen Ie t ‘ -_ ; ‘ elt sb re sard affair ailer leadrrs 1! fi en I i ' et ve 1 , , te of other | ‘ Tels ene i & ere : : (ene Reece : _ : ej cer ( Le iad Lall its de- Jon urn of Nise ey a oS i i ; ra rm, \ tnt Hrisedde ' ny ‘ ‘ | w i lous that . > Hy. is 1 Si ELEC Grete cuted oat breree treater ried wet fhe Tet } ‘ Tits ft : 5 Wats RAV SUT HU salient Onto. —The Colambas Pact announces trom day today, [eect critica Cece Fe rena ; . , ns t : : ‘ WEVPSE ey te hn oot sappose any person could : re ‘ til ote are , h < ' | root vwieat urandtarl ~ nt t = Me BAL y a that the trends of bell and Evers yyoall tapere ( 43" . 4 1 t ‘ uy Nee ! a , + iets red pon ents yet. \ cet , r r ‘ t fe I pebemsive | thre i tend holding adtate convention atColuin Ty hepe of ie cone Tie eane : ‘ et WW ; ee \ d the ‘bride i rire tithe the lattes 2 \ 1 Were ; : } et oy 7 BA ! a it : 7 ‘ : el » and aetug bus some tine in the latter part duis, Maris the otaer poerine IeyiencemCutae tn ne Pils ps Pe Waclmnimnthetre Uxc erie LNT relacii eeeraiial a | eo nas Pas ' ‘ 1 d the J and actual: to formu an ci ral nu Ne eit j i teat aa \ : i a D ' is eonnsel next day as to ines 1 . mn Pa ' ( - ' ores - ; A it t ‘ ' 1 of his wi 1 \ \ tod cid : vee ere i ete ies t ! ee = ie : ' \ I ! ‘ re . : ‘ ; oe : ‘ol : et A co NN th wa l to him and . i ‘ : ‘ “1 ere ee a ‘ ' \ ay -. ' ONE) : I oe ho bt ; ’ elo aoe ' vin eal t it wes the trath, ‘ Y ‘ - whoa . es tok ' t | = \ f 4 [viene t i Y, Rae . > parts inknown, 1 ‘ thie ‘ ‘ \ I ! ¢ ! 1 : a ‘ eeny EY ' 1 if \ \ ally ; ! ( r s A ‘ uw r Vy ¥ I a4 1 ron , ue wx | Teor NI a Fa “Pony ‘ : ie 1 Sw tM 4 my ‘ : LINO Sel \ ‘ = Ra for : en for Tenors til tine pie St . so e te : ' i “ta . ‘ Z ‘ 1} rene ‘ Rent J : Agee ' \ an 1 of mii ou yew i : : a Re rot weber gs 6d 5 1 7 ( eel th tlear Riecmember what a r a , eee Ran Re ] : \ y ACE V case 10 tires aia . ox ; es, veeneds ay ron . pcg Mienspenee Raves alsat sermors i stones, coated un ee to te pre . sient ; etal ‘ \ tie ' bay \ ; ‘ iets =i ' ' : ‘ ‘ (Uy btoans dt lo shonie at ( Uprat . to je i j : 4 breasts ot tit . ‘ = = - HHT ten i : ee that he . ' it thie aut iner eaten 1 : i : es : \ s ilean ¢ ' i ~ 1 . ' in old ‘ \ 7 | i p : ee ; . } Ren mel < ary eet wing YU every Cotmtiiy oft - 4 el : ve 5 4 is i ee : oS ‘ : : ain toe 4 ' ~ a Sree ae Sat 4 ee ~ \ . : : Sena ene fest Bere “ : j “oe } ay thine , ew , pened , ; og dive “il tf ithe Was ' l , \f 7 .° aT J 7 (cise ; < ve : ae cS: ia oS i : a Ditawant Perera nt ete oe ‘ a; a a Re sae Ss ‘ . : yn es | ye se Q eC A. Sea . et Lote te Hit a) et dete mosed 10 = ' - SUN este aS ~ , ' a S 1 == ' 1s" : , ¢ M3 os) it : 1! Denna ba Seate ¢ aiid need wh Hane a 5 he ‘ ae he i ion js : ; re 4 het dior tM y serve three ver, and dec or Wea aud beret! biter tonetie 4 a ; : ey : . ‘ a Moe : cis Hew sre tothe North Whitt pet - ty Ml i ~ ~ : " x a ‘ 4 1 ‘ 1 baking . : i ts " em 1 f Ter eidtes ‘ Nitto penny j E ‘ . ‘ ' ve tle cas ade ‘ pant toe s 2 was severely Was (WU), Yu th) ee ‘ nod ae 1 ‘ : 7 ao ; a : se wn, and ] ahs nou ' ed Le 1 iat | ern - i by aittisedl for doe ' ty Bee 5) ay x oA : pret ' ‘ i ‘ tee x : ye roatly , ee bie us ma ~ NY ae ym the United Sous oS ! a ‘ the hetittatin ot a i i > ) \ f . is a thoveu EG reel ; | Ca TRAIN) vor : \ : | ‘ . \ } 5 Order Gontiats ove ss le oe athe) ee iberen ne ras we eT a9 y ot ; f In the Nrate Ley . ot i” aud each of i oS ‘ rat MAST . ‘ oan . ae Ves : ST er acuuirenit Hor : a : \ eee E eceenies : : a / " 4 ‘ 1 ny with the “Pespues pa cay ! | \ Peano : ° ee of the Grand Counert Sue ‘ ees Horeeniere oe eerie ratte - sty eS J - at a : ‘ ( ; . frou the Le hes | . . fare ane . : ; / : ‘ ‘ . ‘ . Liat Lin. o'n was after , , 7s vii mtg : wicebe Taser, ae ists corn a . i compel and throws it , rie Neer reat C . , a oN . , . ; rt ‘ pel ‘ . hos ae ce Be A : yt od Ox ist \ . ; ! ' ; hy the Davai Bell and Ever ( fers Vite fae we dint Stet ' Teter en Saeed : ee ' + fit S Stile eu 2 ia rr ‘ ae ' i t yep t we , t ’ 1 IMAL : lenry Cipton, throughout the State, and the most eo ‘ iN & TPE ened t Ie " wl { ! Tis only the wind mus Mata ’ cour 1g hi : i ce of the | 4 iL nade w a, es aa ae — oe 2 | ; ‘ ‘ So rhe Wot tae | seis stood i wrap ine pe oure presented ot ‘ PSUR (Ee nF siee at Ole veal woul hala due “[ thane it weet he tne patimreh ar iy t ; mot doa cir at tla 4 C ' i eee. 4 t post ! »s, 1 did their duty sal ss there o . . | re 4s the snece re of the Union =e AN Greet wal ittvee cert one - serine bastiaw, ara ‘ : Lie sidoenty ne ; : j en : we was W vd NEWRERShy ei ien( cirstat ee ve pe sfecius ats \ rie venten, covere:!) wath tae eu rai Tievert ave e lett one a _ C : Saul wos carried the field in the arms ion met ot Cannten eid a iiass mectiow The Lewd Ties contains an acc ‘ \ . frlie order loutayt of ' wit a —. ae ve been on Saturday lost, which was larg t {the mtasnere of ( ne 1 \ GeSNet A y = io i os a the TT ‘ ; VEE . \ : ’ reat ne o . | tr \ ey : y hi tended. The meetin was addressed bv Syn NV rene tern we c ai wid y ulvour t | ‘ c . a ; ut E. ©. Pechin, beg. Goi Sesinourand Mr 4 , - om Serie Oi sonia et \ ta \ ; ae Cem tec tere: ncn emt ve ¢ on of D Kacnar ‘ t ae vee OWoel iy dear? sad the lady, witha ene rejlenant, aid Roh ieet me Feats ee ae al cheers for Beil aid beerett nau ae a ee eee ; je Teg Onna Ste!) vith clenelied fist and tha : x ) Sen VES Seale i i ( . a “ Masacutseri WS lGrterreat ae reanded to Bechir Bey, the Dense chief iar wine | = : : 'You have often | ! about the ¢ ’ ae : : : ITS Cec eltie te ~ whe had besiezed ot. Diver el Kamar ; i betoy det outot a : f ' ! : frons Boston sass: We vathered hb ER ; | ' ; eet ! “ i yeahh oS 5 a oe ; ; ’ ‘ ‘ a : n y ’ ' ¥ the thealig ~snee, 1540, { . 2) ery day, and tii ! the [be } Ceretionec ’ : . ; ; “ . PTs etki tas : : eed V=¢ | ’ on bin that ) Ne t H wh) Evet ae 4 oe Pon iin Wales artre tes OA CUMIN ae taieertietlet Vane ot : nt eset } element rapiaty Coming to the eurtace \ \ ' = ess t n ) fe ; ery nen t . when he ial = . 1 ve . ali I ! a act uve cat é t 4 ' oe batt yk ! i iu ‘ } “ef every day. ) 1) a , . : an : ce : . on ae re ) Soon ' ie 7 7 nant ni ; ' 1 , Locrstan We fir ' 1 4 ‘ ‘ ue tt and aoa eae ‘i ‘ a te) SECU FE ReGiees ya i ted under : AWISTAN A ~ efi nthe Attakapets sb ASK WI Ply eC icTe oe Go Monstrons cat Veiteones tenth West ) Cha vive | tives. 9 raver, beth NyAer tes leper toen . tt she ded from her eyister of the Yod wit. a report ot He PO MIBCre iene a yay cues ied ante Meth tra, Hal kuew ail Let ae bewin at tiie Wied t ant oe Pst 1 Mayet i. ‘ eutal uniform Cote ah tronstration for Beth an acd alin rier contig poke w ty at thes ie , : \ we 1 Neowors, What followed ev oret € rar Att t ‘ av ' Nee We it ale rive i Ex . : . . hee 7 i c 1 ‘ aE ene es 1) uverett, ae Vt Hou. th, ¢ \\ ‘ ‘ ) fend thenmpsery ‘ eae ee COMet Teel Pant aie Prats edit” exelaimed Mrs. denn’, fae tes eon, nnd alin . : ' t . : lo] Jae ! vices The Ben, presided tes utions of the et rt Nee hive rh iis tramps s . : t The weet aie tee s ) } Sr pn i a a ; ‘ cS i : eC) ha vound, Wot a dy pits oe ‘ y A uu 3 i : ain ‘ \\ t . ' ‘ ee stamp Were Wnaliien ahopere he Good) ips: eit tea) tah tet tooff the t ae : i an : t Svalva es | Wall \\ ae 1 relensesd reat they become . ‘ e silt Say f oier \ : ( 1 : w fhe authors * itppeiit tl t | suit toarstot did he ry o * al } ‘ . ‘ 4 t hich a I Maen the appoitinent oat Gel utnotashet dathe fire, The qoae at eee 1S fot peel anda mae Hately seize) by fonr dagen sav ir Py Nee ee ee ee pu : ; ate i. ’ {ppuy to epates to the nu State Convention at: distians bad toyive in bothan aeeonst iy) oa jeer ead ' CRE , Gly ela) : : . . ; “ Tete 5 : The pe a Ustanva diliermyty: oak tis wd eo mn amine ' . ate mpe on tie at fthesr: o Liters any : : 1 7 ) ae h Baron Kk Uke on tie th il Ne thes atiimuntion faring, and als poorer and sadfoeme brother; taat nota THis [Tere T wats berene eo HAN Cent Si see st ! orm wel tuederate moet be : . Put Louisiana down tor Beil and Hve-| cause the Deuses tad comand of (et yy pisces at i at es hi poled ter ad thot co tinirdreel cane Inumypbant war Ynshaken in neder Tenia at im vn : ! ay ! . eS tid nets but some sacrifices are i ' | 4q ‘ ‘ ej iiat y to titt list , . ‘ Series rett sure, im November nest walis from the | ta. The Governor nated hnown perhay I ee ' vi nays ice a ccUnTieRUHact hme acon inirest eat LOnne Nada terhit to An a t Fe ail : . ; ii Hey Wisite Suiphur unas niaknoy werbaps to ob fu ’ ! =i d 3 ! = rage to dessert them iudcpendence nid ' ; : . on ‘ : 7 . ards s he 7 , Gr q c tet 4 { HU Sede u onnty. |] eas New Yorr.—The Lockport Chronicle atterwards allowed the Drnuses to ba [ae tian aotecbie Wadia is tons ma a ast : ASS ral por the dilheuitvess of ao gercise ther ret ty : i Pees : ( vy bua, a few ; : han is tertes : ‘ rortehts ta froeuien, , CONTAIIEER Gulltbsmulielamil hv creniice one bondred and thirty houses of the complaint fe nie aan \ ide CONV at Paiteer proceed Nie Exel Citas eben yt tt) directing tue dormate on y ecuiirct Hee Hk ; EEGeza \ . 5 1 : ie : ; ~ | Piel v ony x te leering x. tae ; ay . ‘ r 3 ' seo thot the party with nee iny to be eld at Lockport, on Felis Chiistians, Wiren we arrived, the actu jjeart. to snpport these who are dear Vga touks t e Coverinel WW Ghent qeonie, tes Gey a er . ' te ¢ pes . | thohiting Was ove in > place . ; : : ; ; ‘| ] t ASTESE SVG ¥ vf yarn? tas : : - \ ¢ evening next, to choose delegates toca oy ae Beat. i ry tart i place wa her, bew many acnel matden gives of How foanewered the questions must yo a : hon Hatin eurccnetin sb tla duanie : ‘ - State Convention. Gov. Hunt and oth | : su . eho Pere ar atl iene tu seme one dependent upon EV SUT ME rsH | UESCUTiS MSs UC VAULT eres \ ee TEI S UY Gu IES aN: pee ener! prouised toniinke apr fees eile a LU POLOT ECC Vey Sit om Whew er ui el) ete tiayi Wt as. (iaavesrcre sl Ciel anti tuiel hore a ; . ; ee ae deat ‘ ' eo ial ‘ 4 the riled aT yeaa ts , I Vio eperel lessee Ant Oat Ot Aly Hy , ' : 3 : . Se ca a 7 to Silene \ ine d call is signed by over $00 tmames trom the ao me al ' P the We do wrong when we censure PAS UEN er Uthonah Pdid mot Kuow 4 ie beet j , Sig toes el iter cule tot fo ae \ : ve Veynne died Various towns that have been canvassed Kev. Mr. Bird, the a triuatel. far fanumos Tint meen Tae ete tein Gea col anione aU eNeCuTG ton | anya Pe yea: ee ae sae ost et eee we : Ulead oily acer: for that purpose. ry, Was even mare APOC ram tere tue facie tend Cay Pe te orm li reeerenineetiel loreur brine ea: i Mr. Calhoun bad bes Visteays \ : : e } ' : TENNESST:E AWemecaivunthie ; . ma se ' lo wrong, When we Censure AP ALL what else, tn the sky Is it nota pity ana ahr , rary ; / ; 1 momen, Women, ebb adh tread that : Tarai ‘ i ‘ t i / Nal fre ie (act mien ute 2 ; mtd ! t t Goud tas uot delevated anv suen powerto | at ties beautiful euignce isso Badly te Pocono meanst r isthe eet Fi ; t io Te . ' SR om 5 and ob ped repose wath this tardy w ae Rh Gn iteee Aller teased rod GQ otiesy Billtin gs Sivce the result of tac 1 oad oe ; i Ha, ate What he subetions tot, let us tet ne , " Bu ee ‘ : ; cn et \ Pee lad. do facet oiven op the who 1 reel wWell, what then ? ans ve 1 \ non ; rwiv fo gerxas, and anoth- ore CcomVvVention s beg ade known ” ! LSS : ' ( ] i aplatoneel | alien te et ost Ont tress “Wiha, the next question is too ab nove ! Wy ' ; Bu rasea in the Jetnocrat: ip every direction bave deehar oo. i : he 1 : \ : 1 ‘ aT ecutlian Heats Gore tae Ballina oe 7 ; 1 ated, \ ' fa e foe 7 : ” vo the ay eee Bell aia Ley Hgione Lilvrty-Perfoet religions Military Buty in France. One mili oWhat aan it s+e the t ep ie Un rett, e think the wadicat as produit tra . : ; P , j ‘ : Pi tipshivdg 1 4 lier ' ' : stampede tae) : liberty ter all Peotestianta tas teen pro iM havdiy reutibad at when vs hen winitednio knowawhetner [ete Phe he at 8 we mocrate that wi ; / Beane nee © Wi ; Ween phespe Nie ot are jer : ‘ ut ‘ y : 7) fine makes rena at tieket a : cliammed bey the Legishatiwe Assenittigs at pha hen \ US on TEN ro news er, aod itone, bow tn Law 6 | te Mig Vie | aca ; i Canimg Man— 1 froy budget tive mon (ekeb i: } t ' l hewn a < ' s } . ere uy rality tithe Southern Seat x } Panna, Meena, Daeeanys ancl vie doce teeth ah) veto awh ay You ! fue pronte Fortunately, Dbevd jirstt i 1 Lot slik I) : > wo goin Morrisey leit Lroy lest J ; : : States, batanover ya Satiese \aethetire ail ot If nh Franee Whe seneht Gxemption from | \ ' Cian ] ; totals wha teS Ta ot a , ‘ 1 neeoat, dor New Perk, bis object i wheiaming wetjo feet ten popula | 4 ih 4 , = | [ea essen my Otherwis fom ay }) , , : tt ' é nu 3 ails , yec The Denoeratic iiessew aa | Cer Cam Cee onl Tt silttary daty; but beomany were a teotave been repeeted, #& No man ean | tee Weel ae (Nise - . Nici “ Pre ‘ : ec lesy le : : ry A (, 7 eer . i oy note , . . 4 alow vercod trogstionads daispese : ' 2 hecatme the wen who base thew Peat PLUS ae es 8 eame ar Old bellow who ares wernt ty og po + ie ; ' ! ' ae SS ‘ , et cent of the rec - = t = . aN TNs Pet t toned to lead tho are di puting as to zation Gt Liritestant tande sre atl AUR COE ee font Lee Ua t todd \ ! mH Mh a 3 which division represents ortiuodoy 1D dden. There isa Pres eval ae TORT Denn, ipa Seta Ct “Well, Dnewer! exclatmed Mrs. Tenks hind es ae ‘ i Se letey Cats, whe ‘ | 7 1 . , Reh wre ’ t 1 er } ' z . ocracy. Vihis is not at all lihevecre th of Italy, embracing NCH UT ven nent, t ae x ' nod ‘ what an inflaenee those te Wepapers de a Teenie ae i rene td; tot ‘ 1 a cer wofe ympli < tee ea lp see ce tinay vy nel te prever the ' nee ‘ i 1 a : Fee . oa oy > ‘ : Pee . ine u weary of the strife, and sick of the har rh rence, Malta, Golraltar, Pau # pe ’ re Inffaenee oa exert, to lie sate Misptiti Aero) eet? ) aa i , \ nue jade by ending hera gen ye ' hor oe nee therefrom 4 Soul Him tact SIG “| ' iateanren! ; rine. ley-burly of Detuocracy. We think the and Canones Vi | eT : : Sw eS Y ' ireely had T answe Driver thre VOat Lut ae tert wataad cle men wi ve vt z ( > Sone niatten as 1s Very name that las been Gmmipetent to Fi , hal ' , vs additional sum yoes into the treasue ed these ueries satistactoriiv. wie 1 worn (y \ P 5 , z char ii olen Gaye is uuw olious to re ett 7 an He oe » TY benense ta euelup, and we as quick. above 200G cl en at dns) anredon TT Mi weeic : thei: Ne entered the Constitution ohie , _ ; ly elrot down tae ie bat death struck dow alias . Tc niece vier eon Ae eomam wae ts tend ot pu Idings and . ; . at Washington, Saturday weernine, ati Th. Aret Lirjn litt : ty ger WAV ethers tae wi 1 ii CETL LLeUNCCLs i j tt . Pres places iinse irtully in the pow Kentucky The Lonisville Journal ; 1 1 ) ' - - cae a . aes POY aca SE ‘ vlan Core ROIT OF Mat pethiny . eo) 4 assunited Gene Bowman, the ¢ ry tlemien, o A TMs firnyast ’OU ne! Psappose we took the atai dice ho natural merease It ' t mE | rool iis wiie bas the following announeement: ‘ft a } 1 : > Hl - ; , : f WEE CO POP ATCO crs Wile altentpt Co assaid tien one ich i oe ; ! i 3 with astickh, while the latter was sting ed the Arete Expedition rhe sim of 200, but fwaa se securely bound and tone ty hitle more than (00 @ day le port 4 tris toon the —— non a ae et privilege to ans ina chair, One of the cler effectively and have agreed to pay the wages of one tied, T hardly know how we got dewn * | tie | ition, and t laws “What waa the nee of the ec i onnce that a pranc thon tpeeting will came to the ine celia ey ne RV ‘ 2 , : MIS NES UO . ; be held in this cite next T eal abe ' ml ‘ ae ue, when a Schnable sailor, Bo0 Lhe officers of the exped The apartment into which Twas ushered Neducer Sentenced Herman Michels, to tity ia to strengthen the Republi asked a young lady. “OL it eave the eve of the anniversary of the Deel See ee a Tho reas tomaceept no pay 3 but for each of the was pitch dark, wid a etrong odor of bri recently convicted of eedaction, in the cis ands at Disunien nena, Ste Ue for refleedon,” rephed a wa ary of the Declas aon for the assault was a pobleartion in mer, the sum of 8500 18 deposited in ane stone pervaded the toon ae | court of Pittsl y Pp , De nh ll bef Fation of Independence DietivematredrtheccG@ Rciion! : * banks A | t it criminal court 0 ittsbarg, Pal, was. on © Democrats think well before they act a young Woman does not w nn h 5 slrec “OC ster j ; A marr “ny ; 0 : : a LO ! mM and gifted grackenhon oll . : G ‘ ae ution,” characterizing lin ane) the bankS of Boston, to be paid on the; Brimstone, my dear t | Saturday, sentenced to one year’s impri- fer upor them rests a heavy respousibili- harden ber lover's heart, why d 1 ! nartera of i \ re ‘ a : eee . . % : a ee a a thief. retarn of the expedition “Yoe it must have been brimstone, for, sonment in the penitentiary. ity. — Richmond Whag. jsteal it! i, eee ~ " From the Wilmington Herald. AD VALOREM. We invite the reader's careful foe of the aunexed article, relative to the pro- posed change in our State Constitution, whereby the tuxes of our State may be mere equitably laid upon the shoulders of ber citizens than they are now ander the system imposed upon them partly by the Democratic party. The article is well prepared, aud the questions ure boldly and fearlessly met and answered. The partiality shown toward the rich slave-holder, by comparatively exempt ing his property trom taxation, while the Poor proprietor of a few acres of land is made to shoulder a treble proportion of the State debt to- what the slave owner does, is fully exposed ; also that silly ar- gument abvnt the non usefulness of slaves under 12 years of age, and a reasen for their not being taxed. The writer shows that land is subject to jnst as many con- tingencies and drawbacks as the negro— it wears out, and must be pliysicked with manure, gets overflowed, dronght destroys whole crops, worms, rust, &c., affect it; and as regards turpentine lands, fit for Dothing else but that especial business, fire sometimes destroys acre after acre of trees, leaving the lund taxable but al- most totally valueless. The writer also shows how by an ad valorem system of taxation 10 cents ou the handred dollars would yield the same amount of revenne as ut present, land paying under that system bat Aalf as much taz as at present, while a slave the aver: value of six hundred dollars would pay but 60 cente. The reader is particularly referred to the fact that in every slave Stute but two composing this confederation the ad va- lorem eystein is in operation and works well. 1e Democracy charge as an ar- gument against this system that if adopt- ed it would have the tendency to drive slaves from the State. Don't the reader eee ut a plance the weakness of euch an argument? They would have no where to go in the first place, and in the second why bas’ut it driven them out of those States where it ts in operation? The fol- ly of this argament is all that brings it into notice. The ineqnality of taxation in other mat ters arranged and carried out by the De mocratic party is also exposed in the ar- | ticle annexed, and we especially call at tention of the white mechanic to the fact of the great discrimination made azainst him. He is obliged to pay $5 on every $500 he earns, while a negro slave in the game buciness pays only SU cents. Is it expected that a white mechanic can work as cheaply as a slave when such diseritminations in faver of the latter | one shown? Let those honest hard woik- ing men auswer the question for them selves. The writer also shows up the fully of the change about ad valorem taxing ducks | and chickens, and tin pans, Ke. These things could be taxed now by the Demo- eratic plan if it was thought necessary to tax them, and there is no more reason for supposing that they will be taxed under the ad valurem system, than under the ne, he whole thing is gammon— , intended simply to deceive the unsnspect- ing, and yain votes under falee pretenses for the Democracy. We again invite the reader's careful attention to the annexed series of ques- tions and answers, and think it would be a good thing for the oppressed tax payers to cut the article ont and paste iton their) mantle, that they may be reminded daily of the gross injustice of the present sys tem of taxation, ard of the fact also that the Democratic party is striving with all ite might to prevent the introduction of & more equitable system. AD VALOREM EXPLAINED—BY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Q What is the Destor N. Caroitna? A. The State owes oy tnillions on bonds already issved. It will son owe over 134 millions on liabilities already incurred The ordinary expenses of the government are on an averaye over $100,000 yearly. It is certain the TAXES MUST SOON BE RAISED to at least $800,000 to $900,000 annually. Q. Can this amount be eqnitably raised under the Democratic system of taxation. A. No. All kinds o! property except slaves, household and kitchen furniture, horses, cattle, hogs, &c., are already tax ed as high as they can bear. Slaves, low: ' ever, are bot lightly taxed. Q. What! Staves cicuriy taxep! [ow | do you prove that? A. hy by the Comptroller's last Re- port, $203 .000.000 of -lave property paid only $118.330, while $92,000,000 of land paid $191,980. While land paid 20 cents on $1U0 vaiue, slaves paid S$cte. While slaves paid one dollar, lan paid three dollars and fifty cents. Q. Do Lunderstand yon to eay land paye nearly Four Times as tnuch as slaves? A. Yes, Jand worth 1500 pave &3. A slave mechanic worth $1500 would be taxed 80 cents. years or under 12, ne WOULD PAY NOTHING. Q. Why does not the Legislature tax slaves higher? A. Because the Constitution forbida the taxation of elaves under 12 years old and over 50. Slaves between 12 and 50 ean only be taxed as high as white men between 21 and 451 Q. What is the number of slavep in the State? A. In 1850 there were 288.548 ; if they increased between 1850 and 1860 as they inereased between 1840 and 1850 (17 38 percent.) there must be now 333,548 — at $600 each worth $203,000,000 Q. What are the number and value of slave polls, i.e. these between 12 and 50 ¢ A. The Comptroller's Report has the pamber 147,913, bat omita those of Ele combe ; add on these and we lave not Jess than 152,000—worth at least $130, 000,000. These one hand and thirty millions pay only $118.330, while $93, 000,000 of land pays $191.50. Q. What are the number and valoe of those slaves which cannot be taxcd at all by the Legislatare ? A. There mast be 186,000, wort! «ay ‘ $73,000,000. These seventy three mill foms can't be taxed at all, even if the Btate should be involved in an expensive war. Q. But why not raise the tax on slaves 12 and 50, 80 as to wake up for ‘this joes 1 A. Becanse the Constitation does not allow that to be done without raising the » tex on the te man. White men are as jurors, as witnesses, to fight our bat- 'tion Mr the sup tles and for other public duties. The poll metimg the ge rey high enough already, perhaps too THWrax i a PENALTY. high. Q Bat possibly slaves pay enongh for gud pistule at all—we only impose ahigh | OOUNTY TAXES to make Up this inequality? x. ) AL Neo. Land is taxed for county pur Q. Would the tax on monty be lowered | pones—eo are white men. Lo Wake coun: necessarily ? ty, land worth a little over 83,000,000 mys to the county and State @13,011, ae aa |i alavcelworiocer $6,000,000 jay TY TAXkS, it would ut he Pei: louly @7404. 0 Land in Wake pays 43 cts. Q. Dovs the ¢ onstitational Nam dies BLO, slaves 11 conta, A negro Platform allow of discrimination % Ifellow worth $1500 pays $1.53 land A. Yes, in favor of the NATIVE PRo- worth @1500 payo 86,40 5 oVER FOCR TIMES DUCTS of the State and the inpusreiac as MucH! pursurts of her ciizens. | Q. Land pays four times as much as Q. What is the effect of this? ‘slaves! bat then. slaves yet Bick and die ; A. The Legislature may faver our own idoes land get sick and diet productions, and the industry of our peo A. Yes; land vets overflewed, wears ble by exempting some articles, ane by out, is attacked with drought, with wornis laying higher taxes on foreign products and rust. Houses aud turpentine trees id Juxaries, such as Champagne, French and fences are burnt. Tf land is uot Brandies, &e. It imay be proper and ne- physicked with manure it roan dies. _ CeBSAr¥ to Tax more heavily articles made Q. Burt JON slaves can’t work, don't ubroad, where the purchase money is produce anything: ought they to be tax spent ont of the State, than articles inade edt here, where the money would be spent A. Why not? There were in the State among North Carclina workmen. tn 1850, 5.453.975 acres of land improved, Q and 15,543,008 weres aniinprowed. Tn gp ap VALOREM vi practice ¢ Wake, IGLOYL improved and 352078 ay, Yes, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, unimproved 5 yet all the Unimi proved lard Florida, Louisiana and Texas, Su have we taxed 20 centecn Sl value, Besides, Arkansas and Missouri, though the Ley lettle negrocs tnerease more rapidly ined “| trace of Arkansas exempts slaves un- ue than any other investuent. der 5 and over 60 years old y that of Mis Q. What is the value of Jand= and sonri exempts those under 38. The pro slaves combined, and what do they pay visions of the constitutions of Tennessee into the Treasury ? ‘and Virginia have been mentioned. Ex A. The value is in ronnd numbers cept in these two States the Leyislafures $300,000,000, and they paid 8305.880,— jf all the States but North Carullua hace An ad valoren tax of a litle over 10 cis, power to tax ull slaves. on $100 would bring the same amount, | aie hy which the LAND TAX WOULD BE DIMIN WAR! ISHKD ONE HALF, and a slave of the ave The Standard is beginning to strike it rage vaiue of $600 would puy about 6U fous, whose assaulia open and covert have cents. Q Do the Coysrrrvtions oF orHer ' . Soctruery Srates contain res rictious on # ele tn its paper of Saturday in rela taxing slaves ¢ A. Oxy two. In Tennessee, none ex, with its course on the Presidential quer- cept those between 12 and 50 can be tex ed, ut they must be taxed ad valorem -—| In Virginia, ald property ererpt sliver most be taxed according to value. Slaves over 12 yeare must be taxed as ligh as ie werth of land, and not higher. Q. Are there any other iegeaitts | UNDER THE Last I | A. Yer, many, lwill show some: A. No, if money is made to pay cocn Union Have oruek SoULiERN STATES ADOPT heen frequent: of Tate. Concluding an tion te some of these assaults connected Ton, 10 save :— “We eallapen the Democratic party of the State to take notice that we have done every When Baliiicre we thing in our power to protote harmony reached at “stood aluet? with Ho other view H CUeTLAIN Crisiy: Wots, than to bar onze with our Democtane friends at home, — EVENUE BILL ¢ We have assailed ny one — we have im The tollowing table the motives of ny one. We have m peal to the party awaust the course of the fit cached Co | Slaves on 81QUU valne, paid BO STE teen delegates who seocded at Haltimore. A | Tuxable slaves, * * SU we have done ts beet to counsel harmony, and | Land, rv “ 200 | ty sttyest such st pa as we thought would pre | Money at interest stocks, &e. 8 fay ptnute barmony. but we have been met. ty | Goods bought, . “ 5 00 | threats, denunciation, abuse! We will not sub 1 ¢ lotlring, & “ Poo) otto We tell the Saliebury Banner that | Watches, & “ Joo! the war must come we are ready forat. Wa | Pianos “ c 7 0 wilt not court t—we will avo itoaf possible , hi but sare “e ssc” we « HSS Wisma Garena 10.00 sub TE We are “eanvassed” we will canvass in re | ie 2 DSN turn, Standing by the national Democratic | Liquors bought out of the State, 100 G0 t j pod Tee eran Te ie BO) abner within the fines and on the plauks, an Se f 1. ian ae ccc? . stony it an abeonquerable purpose to de. riygh Stods and Jacks, (say ). Se iti re gatrd to consequences, we defy the as Michanics, ke. ou their labor, 10 00 saute of those who would dragoons out ot Mr. Holden, inthe N.C. Standard of our opinions and force us iuto the support of a 20th Jone, kaye it Was NECESBAKY FOR THE section, crecular teket. Ou the part of th. DeMocRaTIC PARTY TO PASS THIS VERY LAW. tatiunal Democrats of the State we demand Q: Wiat! mechanicr, overseers, AKe., lets at the bands of the supporters of this a pay a heavy tax on their waver? regular Uohet, | A. Yes; amechanic making $500 pave and oinplored in vain aid we now stand Upon $5 on his wages and 80 cents on his poll. our nyhits — upon reyulanity, (pon orgamzatiet: 1& aelive mechanic working at the same, 44 bationality, We can [heneh, making $500, would pay 80 cents CesSAry, Uvat Stephen Ao Donglas is the revular only. Tf the slave is over Su he pays SLU eee Ua Uiee Aisle Datliesccscys mA ae | nothing. ‘ | QT snppore, then, the white mechan- ic is tree from all other taxes? \ We have Proposed, and sued demonsiiate, if ie jean Gaumphantly vindicate our course at Baly Finore trom fist to bast. We know the nature of the combination that exists, but we defy th reasion of vick or for pro- order of the commanity. In Tennessee it jis a ceotme to wear dirks, bowie kuives! | | | | Caroling Celatchman. | SALISBURY, N.C | TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 17, 2860. FOR PRSIDENT, HON. JOHN BELL, OF TRENNESSEE FOR VICK PRESIDENT, HON. EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSACHUSETTS. FOR GOVERNOR JOUN POOL, OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY CANDIDATES. For ie Senate, Dr. J. G. RAMSAY. Four the Commona, F. E. SHOBER. Esq, H. C. JONES, Jr. LOOK UPON THIS PICTURE, AND ON THIS, Wuaeners. Great ine Resolved, Vhat we ure quality eximisin the pros ut opposed to disturbing any mode of Uaxation, and ili ot the sectional compro- Justeod ight that all prop. vises of oar Constirurion erty should contribute ites ‘tate or National and shat | Proportion towards the bur- we expecially depreente deus of State: the intreduetion at this Resolved, Thit we re- time by the Oppostion commend a Couvention of Party of North Caroline the people of the Siar to mite our State politics of a be called on the federal question basie ax eurly as pactica amendment atfeccuy the ble for the purpose of sob sis uoen which our reve: | { coustivutional moditying the Constitution nue is riised that every apecies of prop heheviog it to be premature, unpobte. nd unjost; at tng toute value. with pow. the sume tine we deem ut erty inay be tard vecerd dar geronx perte discriminate only on the daty of he Legitature | favorofthe native prduets when passing wets for the of oar Stete and (he dus- taming of revenue. go te pti passaite of hor eve adjust tens —Tlairteenth Resolu- ax equ ly | tron of the Opposition plat- within the form Co rome interests and cl inses aXa@eu. us to bear 1S prachicab e lnire oof the sHitaton. upon the va of property in al of the State —Elerenth Reeolution of the Demo cratic platform seetion ae OF Bear it in mend that the anti-Ad Pary propose in their Platform to tax every thing i Valorens J the State, except Slaves, according to Value see Ts Let it be remenibered that the Raleigh Stand ‘hin of runamg ant-AD VALO REM Deinoerstic Condidates: for the Legislaure an all the Conutes, would be “DISASTROUS” to the Democratic Party ard thinks that the THE CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOK rain from: Statesville They neldressed the peo ple at Taylorsviile on that: day. bal reports from hoth Newton and Tay lorssille tnd they are cheering so fir as the expression et pect, West, have greeted Mr. Pool and las speeches At New with most extraordinary ent! isiasm, Arrived here Saturday evening, by a specia'| We have wer | the inasses afford any indieation of what we mony | The people everywhere throuchout the | and swept through the grand passage! portion will it become easier to bring ways of the magnificent building. One |section against section in bitter extermi- of the ladies, dressed in high heeled boots! nating strife. Turn a deaf ear, then, to we suppose, fell forward, in descending ‘all who cry out for a United South as a flight of steps, and was somewhat bruis-| against the North, unless you desire to jed, but not seriously hurt, we trust. | precipitate civil warand ruin. Weshould |The supper was elegant, and was got up cling to the Constitution and our national | lin fine taste. junion while there is life in them, and | It is not for us to talk about the voloptuous: | cherish them with all the devotion of a} lnees of the bitneta™ and the heaventiness of! true affection. the “fords,” who flitted about, with grace in | : : 5 only candidates for the Presidency and every motion ou this veeasion ; of blue, bagel) 7 ' : ‘Vice Presidency now before the Country, aud black eyes; of raven locks, auburn curls | . . ee “i and oalken tresses; of majestic gaits and poete who truly represent the Union and Con- walks; of bewitching stiles and joyous laughs 5) gtitation sentiment of the American peo- of soft lands and electric finger — these are not} fe. Jsontth cod) Seah for ux, but for those who dreamy of atife to come |? J EN ; . —a state untried by them—gilt with rainbow /RecHenal, decidedly so; and do not de- All others are . ' . . hues, and pursued with more avidity than ever serve to be mentioned in the same day boy sought the spot where the bow of promise | with them. poured its ylittening spoons of yold. Or for thos od bachelors and widdowers «bo did con: | From the Raleigh Register. Difflealty Letweem Mesyrx. Pool and Ellis. We have received the following card in explanation of a difficulty which oc curred at [Hendersonville between Mesare. Pool and Eltis: We were present at the diacnasion at Hender. sonville on this day, between Gov, Ellin and Mr. Bell and Everett are the; Pool, in whieh a personal difficulty occurred, aud to prevent Mmisrepresentation of the cireum- stances, we deem it a daty to the public to make a brief statement of the fucta, Mr. Pool in his opening speech stated, that it had been reported that he was in favor of taxing everything, tin cups, &e., &e. That his competitor did not sa sy Himself, but only argued so, fom the platform of Mr. Pool’s party, and Mr. Pool went ow te remark that any body who charged him with being in favor of alvocating this thing, told a hie, and he authorized every person present to wregate at this grand festival, with less of poetry NORTIT CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. | | The Stockholders of the North Caroli: | Va their ways thon position rmpudence— daring | | i. “ lo venture where the fires of youth pale and . | - I pa Rail Road Company met in annua! ! tremble, Thursday was Commencement day. Salucatory, (in latin.) was dehvered by Augus- | ing, (vesterday,) and adjourned on Thurs \ tus Leazor, of Rowan, a youny gentleman of ve- Then fille wed Mfive orations by members of the gradusting clo, : fto wits Win, MeDuttie, of S.C Fiwin N, ed the old State Directors, viz: Paal ©. McAulay, of Iredell, Me Mek. MeLauchlin, of Cameron, R. P. Dick, D. M. Barringer, | Cumberland, D.C. Lowe, of Miss; MLL. Ray, | wenaria , ‘ a | Glinibestiaid © Nickey, Are IW. T. Dorel, Dr. J. Ds Bellamy, Sam: | Desires were then couterred upon the follow: | vel Hargrave, John Shaver, and P. B. W. Burkhead, [redell ;{ Uawking, The individual stockholders | »M. Downes, Mecklen: elected as Directors Giles Mebane, Gen. ng JC. Grier, 3 1 W. Havtrick, G ie ras de re res 2 Hi C0 Aegan Mein, Chae. Fic, nd Richard J. Ashe. Lowe, Miss P12 Maxwell, Davidson Callege And ata meeting ot! JEN. MeAulay, Tredell; Win. McDuffie, S.C the Directors, thus constituted, Chas. F. j WOR. Mornson, Dedell > MeL. Ray, Cumber pe iher was revelccrcumearesidcrerotmtire Read. } fancd, WL OW. Kebioson, Mecklenburg 5 Co 1 We learn that a dividend of 3 per cent. | | : 7" The meeting in Raleigh on Thursday iorn-| ry high promise, as we learn. { i ‘ ‘ . vignnal the Srate’s proxy. Gov. Ellis re appoint: | ing gentlemen A. Wa N. Deck Rowan ; Suns, J.J. Stringfellow, S.C Bal. Strudwick Alay Jos. Thompoon, Meekleubury 5 BOR. Wal son, Charlotte; avd M. BR. MeLauchlin, Cum and, The Valedictory Address was delivered by Jomeph Thompson, of Mecklenburg. \ has been declared. — Greensborough Put | riot, 13th inst. | ere Ga The demociaey held a meetine We have attend do thay commencements at . inthis place ou Saturday night, for the Dovidson, butremenmbernone which was marked by so tiny ddtcalions of promise as this snone purpose of organize a Breck iuridae aud towlhieh inere harmony and good will was ap Lane Cink, They were late vetting te parent) bene more spanted, nor tore belinnt. one Gutaiteer i ; et cs in \ Phe Solishury Band was ewiysloveddor the ax * tee HOLES CANCE Gston, and Hoa a onatter of pride with os te 8G they tade the Courthouse ring. Gov bear them so Peqnently and sowell spokeu of Ellis made a apecch there; and it we are by Professors, students and vistors, { President, Dr Lacy. having restned his tthis Lustitution, to take etheet at the Hot mistaken, it was contrary town agree taeot between dian and bis Competitor | psd ats Chose cof Une sersices ot this day, dis plier was COUT) ae, Ala V4 Bey, was elected to the wet to kpeak any where on politics ex tiled by theo Wappete cept both were present The Governor BarncisGcer chair of Bebe Lettres : row at Le Grant confined diiimself to mational prolitica, we are told; but we de not tuithk that alters the there yet remanns 4 chair tube tiled. “These hetons were Heide with great unanimiy, and the case. Buta we do notknow what tis hoped will be accepted by the ueuth men | 1 . 1 eo wh the precise agreement between them in, | who were chosen. Phe yetvacant yp bice with be we shall say ne more on it Mr. Crarye deo addressed the meeting, whieh, by | nih at a special meeting of the Beard of Trius fees to be heldat Charlotte on the second Pburs lay iu Nuust. bythe wavy Was small ie spoke vers | “=. | THE MONTGOMERY ft anything could be round. Tis voice was distinctly beard in COSVENTION the Western limits of the town, which te More completely ln urate fa Die heitelie orsanization proper we mean the Heatly lalla mole distant from the Court Ve totis wioMbe earty Jownh House. And the applause was alse very Phteeratte wine OF it—it is turnisted by thee Shee Phey are alt makin avery ces 1 oxtitgreist ta Hash of its hittle Opposinen ally perate effort te keep their epurite apes tea Convention of this Vie Mootconer ‘ ' (! EVOL fale? nig ike a cow in the mire, and evers Joraneh of the comer was even a stmatler athar Fihan We at fist supposed. Only seven counties strode sinks them a litte deeper in | Pavere repr sented by Lyin Wo Martin, Esq.— bliss was the only county re presented that dues Pucreis some Aeart— some apes id—in the enthusiasm for Pisher; bat as regards fost immediately jam Montgomery Sinall as 7 ) : iN . \ ; ; tnyoone else, itis alia manufactured ar ve Convention was it contd tet keep together : Jo<t had seerders, Hon Thomas He Woe Teles Ttisup bill with Brenkinedge and Veseoted a minonty report, which was sustain Lane, As to our friend Pall, there is! 4 * o One on alone , ‘ yootny . 2 = 1 | [by Momtuonmeny ¢ unty ul ne bur Montyon none: aml the Governor's stock is fully tory had nearly bait the delegates present. Mr : . . | worst that selfistiness and ambition ean accom ‘ nave A. You are inistaken, Every honest cr ~ tons even, one of the democratic strong bolds of) Walls “and several other delegates trom Mout | ea | ] y plist. We will appeal to the people. if necexsa = | = | : a merchant will admit that he charges hie ru, ayainst secession and disunion, We wil {ole democracy, these indications of the popular) S2mety Get wofficial report reads) Chen with tax to lis customers. That tax must be strip the covering trom Witham Lo Yaneey, i | teeling broke out bke claps of thunder, to the | irew trom the Convention, and the majonty re Serenade —We with much pleasnre ac vert was adopted, pledging a conditional suy day night. John W. Thomas, Eaq., held i, Forof the Site and contd not fight, If the slave is over 50) paid whether the goods rot ou his shelves | necessary; and bold him up, and his tollowers or are buarnt. yin Alabata, Georgia, and Mississippi, in all their Q. Does that make the price of suGar, !ideousness as plotters against a Constitutional | COFFEK, SALT, CALICO, and other Neckssa- Enton and the best hopes of man, We wil | RIES HIGHER? pbotet the people of this State tu the yawning A. Certainly, “coating in Petersburg 7 or 8 cents will be! lo thas amd more if this sold in Wake or Orange for LU or 12 cts. | 8" re > kept np against us, We will Parvat thisihigh price is the tax. | without reyard to Consequences now and here Q. Has the Democrane party provided | A REMEDY for this unjust system of taxa tion ¢ | A. Noneatall. Intheir platform they say “they deem it the pery of the Legis treat us justly, we will not stop to consider con lature, in passing acts for raising rev CMe, sequences, “Phe truth is, a great battle is to be toto adjust taxation that it eliall bear ae} toaghe in this State sooner on later, between (he EQUALLY AS PRACTICABLE, within the lim Lite of the Constitution, on the various eye) and between Onion and Disuwon nee (Tes unple. Pent of disunion opening betore them. We tell genilemen that we wall do at after, for they may as well understand, once for io that when we have a duty to perform, when we know we are nyht, and when we are crowd Fed. imposed upon. and insulted be those whe should) at. feast should be our foends or who people on one hand and priedlege on the other: Our friends TERESTS and CLassEs ef property in all see: will Know where to find ua when that battle be ina tle ra tn gins, We wall stand on fall by the pecs le we Q. Does this Democratic platform go ee stand or fail by a Constitunonal Union — for taNiny HoG8, DUCKS, CHICKENS, &e. We Will not consent to xecode er dissolve: thy pre Union for existing causes: and he whe wonld A. Tt does. Toys are vclasses of jperty se are chickens; and the platforu raave itis the duty af the Legisluture to ’ deliberately dissolve and destroy the uationa Deanocratic party while it stands upon ats old andl well of non intervention Keown deetrine bear open them.” © Q. What is the meaning of the expres sien “within the limits of the Constita tution 4? A. That taxation shall bear equally on | ALL CLASSES EXCEPT ON SLAVES; but taxa- {tien tust net bear equally on slaves be canse they Bay, “itis premature, tpell itie, danzerous and unjast” to alter the |and toalicious liar,” and adda, that othe ‘Constitution. Editor of the News is faithfully serving the few men in Warren County to whom he belongs, has but one more step to become a disumionist » Woe unto the man who shall ft his hand at Cos tine auinst the temple of the Union, and anner of the stripes and stars! against the Tn another article in the same paper, the Standard pronounces the Democratic Editor of the Warrenton News “a wilful most Q. What remwepy does the Constrrv tional Union Parry propose q | We denounce and defy both masters and onan.” Fuyetteville Observer. nd — A. They sav the first thing to be done in to alter the Conatitution ao ax to gi the Leyixluture the same power to tar ~ slaves that they have tu tre other proper “ Curses Like Chickens,” dee. —For years th fy. and then te adopt the PRINCIPLE OF AD Domoeracy have been denouncing ther Whos VALOREM TAXATION, with proper diserinn ig hation, Q Does their Platform advocate the taxstion of add preperty, such as boys, ducks, clhockens, &e. A. No: this charge is bronght to tare away the attention of the people from the two hundred millions worth of shave property. The Legislature can tax these coders want Ccreeoniataie things now of they want te, but they do the ¥hile the Hck epubhieans Thee will Never tax Wiitipaws etal wert Conerese to legisiate soot of tie territatiee in value that the expenses of collection Now will any one exphan the ditfereneet Both will be more than the tax. are alike opposed to the great prinetule of non neighbors as little fat all better than the Repub Nreans, Tow wall they Vike to be dosed) with Thus says the Eslitor of the Newbern Progress: — their own physic, by one of themelves ? “We cannot mince words in a inttter of such vital taterest, and so, between Seecd on, or mor: properly speaking disunionists, South, and abeli tion fanatics North, we know no de renee. Phe lavery inte territories, not, Intervention and of course beth warring alike Q. Bat the Demoerats say von intend to abolieh or decrease the tax on the cre EXHIBMIONS, On PEDLARS, On LI CENSES TO RETAIL, aud snch things 5 is tia’ trne ¢ upon (he peace and quiet of the Country.” o7- ~A Democratic Elitorin Eastern North ‘rola bitterly abuses the editor of the Raleiwh cus, on Spandard, and charges him with haying eld hin A. That is xortrace. Snch thinga are selt ta the free soilers The Standard denounces not taxed as property bt a@ PRIVILEGES the Eastern Felitor asa cilumotator and a har! or LICENSES; the Leyislatare will still AVecanre Just the Falitor ofthe Standard has done 80 all CORPORATIONS, as BANKS, Wight be nothing of the kind; taxed fur the exclusive privileges yravted Interest and principle he belongs to the South Bot wears glad tose hun and other Democrate OQ. Will thet They will thus learn 2: bs 6 fax On BILLIARD TABLES. |, 6.41 the gross impropriety of their own course PLAYING CARDS, BOWLING ALLEYS, DIKKS for yeurs past, in denouncing as unsound those and pisrors and such articles be necessa who did not chooee to call themselves Demucrata \ rily reduced ¢ i but who, to say the Jenst, were quite aa trie to The tax on auc) | the South asthe moat brawling fire-eating Demo- ulad to see this, Of course we all have tull power over these thinga know that that by birth, edueation, them, denounced as abolitromists, A. By no meana obliged to leave their business to serve! thins is in the nature of a police regula ,crrt.— Fayetteville Observer Phe people of Alexander were aroused bevond any thing ever before wotnessed, and it is confi dently asserted that there will be a large increas: Othe Opposition vote of that county, The candidates are at Mocksville to day, (Monday,) to this place, They speak here next. An un Monse gathering is expected, COMMENCEMENT AT DAVIDSON COLLEGE The Commencement Exercises of thi- Tustitution opened last Tuesday evening few. Mr. Miller, formerty pastor of the Presbyterian chureh oat Charlotte, was but not betoyg able to attend, that service Lee to preach the annual sermon 3} | / waa rendered by Dr. Lacy, President of the College. uificont chapel of the new College burld It took place in the mag Whey a reem BOO feet square; with seaty enough to accommodate about LOO per rons. Tf we were to Characterive the set mon, we wenuld say it was in all respects | fisting the occas ony the high reputation fof ite author, his age and his position in lithe Collee. | Wednesday morning the representa tives of the Eamenean Society occupied [the restroum, JJ. Stringfellow, Chester, US C., delivered the Vadedietory ; and (C. Mo Richards, of Ala. the Resj) Re [Society Diplomas presented by O. A. Wotlie, of Chester, S.C. | IIon.S J Tt was an elegant piece of Anonal Oration by Wilmington, Person, of composition, énriched with many a spark ling gem. and spiced with several pene ating ticistns trating Witticist Tien followed another Valedietory Ad- | , \ dress and Response, this tase from: mem bersof the Poilanthrapie Suciety—P, W. Hattrick, of Guilford, aod J. TL Ge Davidson, dn Hige the representative Di plomes were presented by G. P. Erwin, of Morganton The Acniversary Address, by Rew. T W. Hall, ot S. ( the day. , closed the exercises of Phis was also a well conceived and able address The Studenta Party waa given Wednesday evening. Tt was exceeding gay, cheerful and happy. Eight ticketa among the fair danghters of Eve, and hundred had been distrifated guessing atthe number present, we think three ont of four honored the compliment paid them. But one little accident oe- eurred to mar the festivity and joyvona- nees of the jinmense throng of beauty and ‘gallantry who graced the spacious Chapel lismay of the Governor and his fast friends.— | amd our paper goes to press before their return | The tiret thing in the afternoon was the | knowledge the complinent paid ous by jport to Breekintidye, | We are Vrew frome such a se : ° the Salisbury Band last Saturday night. All the residents on Fulton Street, indeed. \ weed that Mr. Watte ad oof politievans much re with There 1 > bo trace Southern wan or Thomas TL j cay what we know to be true, nobler gentleman Have been repeatedly laid nnder obliga two Alabatna, than Watts. and we |: 1 > . 1: | : Hons to the Land for complimentary vis- when we declare : that in the region of Alabama adjicent to this Mss and we shall take the liberty to in Psvinpathy with the D mioeest | | eeerdlers Was nore regretted WV Tras re pe clade them in this ackpowledzement.— | thaw that of any The stillness of the night, and the eoft- Jether Whig ie the State. TDs dias more petson fl | : Te) | th peopu arity and inf renee than any other Mate ee ull Ue i Bee Pec rs fa- en any pariy, about Montyonery vorable for the innsie of Brase instra- Columbus (Gia) Enquirer ments. Outhe particntar cecasion alluded This then, is the Convention which the [ above, these favoring cirenmstances, Hard Up Lecofoeos about this place lave with the most exact and perfect: perfor. | eon attempting to padi cif open the an tetnce, gave naa innsical treatexcelting | Saree lings as Comprising the Whigs of ay thing of the kind of which we have | | Alabama, representing then as having NY remembrance. We can convey ne Weriduted Bell and Everett. Hard run ‘dea by a description, and shall attempt! ndleed ! Moshe Did not those persona know, when they e yave currency to this Cock and Ball story, that at Did | |they not know that the Whig Convention | Jwas held at Selina, and that it | | Bion and Evererr, heartily, and Appoint D mecratic State Convention.—The Was A misrepresentation ? Executive Committee has resolved that we deem it expedient to defer any recom endorsed mendation looking to a Convention. or any other additional party action, until | alter further consnttation with our Dem | peda tuliand able Electoral Tieket ? 2B nite \ oeratic brethren thronzheut the State.” | lnoping te deeerve and humbug the people, jer possible, out-of thet vetes at the Au Jyen-t clection, under the false Tm pression For the Watchman | COST OF A CONVENTION. Our Democratic trienda, driven as they Ireat the Union Candidates would not be | | . 5 snpperted in the Southern States, they | | j willingly gave currency to thin falsehood, | They will never correct: its but will, by their hypocritical eroakiny aud long fur | ) ‘ lees, endeavor still tou deceive the unin feat the measure. | foriise d. > rat these who have attempted thia sil. thata Convention will cost 80 or $100,000, Ivoand foolish game musteither be beside and some of their candidates, in Rowan, themnel ves, or they must SUppose every represent Lother person craze. The miserable and coat the above ann. Now. that Conven- corrupt concern, commonly known asthe tion aat from the 4th oof June until the Jemocratic party, now fallen te Pieces by Tlthot July, inclusive, at a cost of &150 In 1850, Mr. Walton, a member of the House of Com Ms own weight, stands forth to the per day foreach member, byaze of the conntry in all ite hideonsness jas a sectional and factions concern, alkke mona from Barke, ina speech on the the enemies of the North and the South Free Suffrage Bill, made the following the hegetrers of all the af7fe and animos- statement, whieh we commend to. the ity now existing between the two sec. panic makers, viz: “Tho reply tea call made hy the Sen- A Union of the Sonth for the sake of ate, on the Pablie Treasnrer, for the cost the Vaion, is the inistaken and dangerona of the Convention of 1835, he atated the suinto be eleven thousand dollars.” Eight tines that sum will not make $100,000, maxim oof the Southern Democracy —a ery that invelves sectional strife, just as surely ag that canse follows effect. A These gentlemen must try again. Pr. United South fosters a United North as eine The Prince of Walea.—It is reported hv the late steamers, that the Prince of Wales will United States onder the title of Lord Rentrew, Mr. Buchanan having in an antogeaph letter to the Queen expressed his desire ayainat the South, and thus the line be tween the two sections is drawn wider and deeper. Dithenlt questions of honor and travel throngh the intercet only then need to be introduced to excite and goad to fury the bad par. salons of bad men on each side; and jnet Ip proportion as sectional feeling predom- | inates over the more conservative senti-| hus also, it ia eaid, nae ier an invitation | ment of national Union, just in that pro-|from the City of New York. PefPence to litraself Among other things, they represent | that the Convention of 1835, | lto receive himaut Washington, the Prince | jwill visit the President at that eitv. Tle! say that he said ao, Guv. Ellis, when he caine to reply to thie part of Mr. Pool’s address, charged “Me, Pool with using such Innguag+ ashe would not have used in a rich man’s parlor. Mr. Pool. in his rejoind- er, to this remark, said he did not know ap other language which should be used, when a acharge wax fnade, and he would not hesitate oouse such language ina rich man's parlor or noy where else, when it became Neveasary. Gov, Filia rose from his seat in an excited and mena- cing manner, and said Mr. Pool was Osiny lan- gue unbecoming a gentleman, Mr. Poo} re- plied by AAVINg You are no gentleman, whereup- oo Gov, Elis inde at him, with hie right hand extended, which Mr. Pool caught with his left bend and drew back his right hand to strike, when agentleman caught Mr. Pool's right arm aad prevented the blows Mr. Pool being at the time standing: at the judge's sent, and Gov, Ellie stand: Ing below at the clerk's desk, with the judge's Hench, (three feet high) between them—whea fiends interposed and Mr. Pool went on with Is remarks and repeated the aame thing in the same Tniyuage as before, aud said that Gov, El- lis’s conduct was unbecoming the Governor of the Stare of North Carolina, That if he felt iagunieved at any remark of his, thia was not the place or the time or the inanner to adjnst such Unficultics, That Gov, Ellis knew who he waa, and that he was responsible to hin or any other gentnan for any offence given, and was ready to settle such matters at AVY Tine and in any way. That the Governor had not chosen the asuad Mode recouniaed by yentlemen to setthe sucky matters, Mr. Pool remarked, that he did net wish his fricteds to become excited, of take avy parton the quatter > that he could: settle it hien- wlf, Gov Elis sad) Mi. Pool’s remark to his Het ds was yratuitous, aad that he was Govern Mr. Pool replied that the baw forbid every body frou tight ny, aod the inatter closed JOLIN McLAIN. WILTIAM PATTON, A. MILLER, AW JONES, A.J. McBRYER, T. W. TAYLOR, JES CON STRE Ho. LEE, F.C. BYERS, BAM LU MRYSON, SOP. BREVLAIN, Jy Hendersonville, July 2, BEY SON, 1860. amie dv ety Aa Renicer MR. POOL IN THE WEST. Our last accounts from the West are cheering In the extreme. Mr. Pool makes hoats of frends wherever he goes On hie way from Asheville to TP ondersenville he wasinet by the citizens of the county a short distance from the latter town, ang recortad on with a band of masic, “disesursing nest eloquent tonste.” apd the ylorious Aig of the Untou waving over a patriotic people whe will permit their veins to be drained of the baat ‘hrop ot biowd before they will pennit a single stripe to be erased or pollnted, of a single star obscured. A highly ontelligent and reliable gen Ueman writug from Hendersonville under date of July 21, says: At the hour, Gov Ellis took the stand and delivered bis usual address, in ios usnal manner, without producing much effect. Mr. Pool fol- lowed in one of bis happiest efforts, and sucesed- edodn warning up bis audience to boisterous applanse, and skinwed Ellis, with his bore-leeeb speech of the East, and his pretended devotiva tu Wester interests, and Koulronds in partieu- lar, He explained our plattucm and likewise the sh, not forgetting the tio cups, &e. Ellis became great- Wy excited at the eff ct Pool was producing, and determined to get op a pemonal atfaer, and pres tended to consiler Mr. Pools remarks relative te the taxing of in enya, de, de. as a personal 1 was notininediately pres sentin the house at the tins of the flare up of the Governor, having been called out by busi- ness, bot Leend herewith the statement of gen- Hemen of undoubted character and standing, locufoeo’s in telling comments upon! Pwho were preaeot. The results of the day's ope- ration were decidedly favorable to Mr. Pool, and Hyon may set down his majonty in end roe trom four to five bondred. fle is oakiog a fine Wopression wherever he goes, and you may rely jUpon tis getting a larger majority in this Con- vressional Distret than Mr. Vance obteined over Coleman, and our gains in this district will be none or ten in the Leyislature, and probably All the intethyent: Whigs of the West are confident in the opinion that we owillelees the gallant Pool and carry «nme Jority in each branch of the Leyinature. =. Bell and Everett in Florida.—The two or three others are to the wall, in argminent on the jut) Whigs of Florida held their State Con- tice of equal taxation, are beating the; vention at Quincy, last week, and it ie bushes for side issues, with which to de paid, in point or numbers, intelligence, and enthusiaom, to have stood second tu pnone ever assembled in the State. | Gen. Kdward Toykins was nominated for Governor and Ro F. Allen, Esy., for (Congress, | The nomination of Bell and Everett jwas endorsed by acclamation, and the Convention appointed the following gen- ‘tHlemen aa Electors:—For the West, J. A. Landram; for the Middle, Wilk Call; for the East, J. A. Wiggins. Our frends in Florida enter the ean: Vass in fine spirita and with strong bopee of trinmphom the election. Breckinvidy Repudiated tn hia own Home.— Vie No Novmaville (Ky) Demo- crat published in Me. Breckinridye’s die- trict, hosts the flay of Douglas aud Jobneon, om TILE HOMESTEAD BILL O'd Bock vetoed the Tomestead bill, and by eo doing, for onee in his life, hae hecome enticed to the thanks of the conn- try,for the inenanre was conceived in ine iquity and bronght forth in sin, When the question was pnt in the Senate, Shall this lill pasa, notwithstanding the veto of the President? Joe Lane, the candidate tor the Vice Presidency on the ticket with Breckinridge—the Southern ticket —voted for its passage. Ta thie the man \ that Democracy expects North Carolina |to vote for? - Wadasboro’ Argus. Vat 07 and card oh oc- ender. nd Mr. rurred, ircum- thake in his ported mg, tin ort say al form ou te » with ent to ering nenle ile ty f the 1, and rainy lig of s who e wat ingle e star e gen- y date and inner, A fol- cved- lerous ‘leech yoton iriieu- we the n, pot great- , aod 1 pre- lative sonal y pre up of buni- f gen- nding, A ope- |, and Om a fine yorely Con twined ot will hably Whige » that «a ma- -The Con- it ie ence, nd tu pated sy for yerett 1 the gen- at, J. Call; Can: DOrpoe eown enna g diis- aud bill, », hae conn: in ine When Shall eto of lidate ticket licket mil rolina = For the Watchman. HOW IT WILL WORK, on AD VALOREM NO. IIL The Comptroller's Report shows the value of land and tow property in the State to be $08,-| 076,069. The same report shows that there sre) 63 counties in the Sinte. Now it is known that the value of real eatate in Rowan county was in: | creased by the late assessment €400,000 and if we allow the averaye increase in all the counties Broke one to be $300,000 we will find the aggregate in crease to be $24 900.000 which added tw 698,- 075,969 na at present shown by the Comptroller's report will make the sain of 8122 975 969. We will then be safe in assuming that the real estate of North Carolina ix worth $120 000.000, In the Compend’ of the U.S. census fur 1850. paye 83, I tind that the slave population of North Carolina is put duwn wt 288 548: and on page 64 I find the increase of that population for this State for the ten years preceding 1850 is put down at 17.38 per cen At 17 per cent. in crease there ure then at this time to North Caro lina not less than 333,371 slaves, worth at an average vulue of $600 per head, the sum of $203.022.600. We will thea be tafe in assuin: ing that the begro property in North Carclinw is worth $200,000,000. The whole property of the State has been va- riously estimated as to value. Lo the discussion at Oxford, Gov. Ellis put down the value at #800, 090,000 and it is a conceded point by bun and Mr. Pool that the property of the State is worth $700.000,000. Mr.C. F. Fisher of Rowan de- nies that there is this much property aud says there may be $50,000,000 and yet he has pub Uiehe-d a table of tigures in the Buaner and the Adder in which the basis of bis calculations ix the $700,000,000, the existence of which he de He wouts the idea of there being this | bies. amount of property iv the State yet takes 10 cts on the $100 worth of property as lia per cent | in bis calculations; thea by ingeniously wader | valuing the real estate aud negro property and, appealing to the Comptroller's report foe valu: | «a dth | that ennoot be found ii it, be arrives at ciency of $199,889 bluudering Asa sample or two of his $08 075 969 worth of real estate at 10 cts. on the €LO0 would | make $98,075, which be lias setdown at $95,000, He makes 56,600 wor! bring $563. while he pets only & fate, from 62 532,000 worth of equ employed M tebants —thus atl thas he | take the following: Of puanoes at LO cette Bo atthe sane by Brokers ant Commission he blund nm throughout, lan gotten up the de Baeney Ne totended to create tu order to try and force a tax out of cows, bogs. Hin eips, dee. Mi. Pool says of there os 870,000,000 worth of property in the State, $100,000,000 which will pive each fainily in the State tree of strike off BL000 to taration and we cal almeal then 10 cts. vo the $100 on the reinainiig B00, 00.000 will riine g600,000. Add to thataniiail poll tax on the white tan of €34 000 and we have the revenue of last: year One thousand doliars to each farnily would cover etiouzh of Property to shield wthe industria) pursuits” of all of the eiigens of the State Bat suppose this extinate of the Property of the State tuo high, and that there is cas Mr Fisher surmmises —only $500,000 00 of valuable Poperty ; thea one seventh of one per cent. or a fraction over 14 cents on the &LOQ will raise STA QTL revenue, $BU X39 tron Test year, The State tax on $100 worth of inn 14 cts Uli was caised is now 20 cls: at 6 ects. The is 80 cts. that in to say Bets. on the @LU0: the MW would be reduced present (ax on a negro worth L000 14 cts. would raise the tax on the negro 6 cts on the $100—the landholder gaining 6 cts. on the $100, while the slaveholder generally owns land also, be gains on the one hand oxa iy what be loses on the other . Now let us make a table similar to Mr. Fish er's avending his blunders, and calculating at one seventh of one per ceut. or ata fraction over 14) conte instead of at 10 cents, bitoself doves not claim to be a proper per cent. | which he | UF So n y Bu r y mp o l y n y u SA S L OO TE S OO O TH E th s a 3o! lS Q1 E ' 6 I F ‘n e d an j o s q y 66 1 0 5 1 Thus we see that we have raised 85425 576 of revenue on $379 817.469 worth of property —a a fraction over 14 cents on the $100, $120,182 521 of the &500,000,000 untonched absolutely gaining by ad valorem €19,.316 be sides, equalizing the taxation. leavin. But we yet act something of having enough of money. How are we to get it? Tn our platform we propose to tax all property that we do tax, according to value, andl we do not soy that we will tax nothing else. Ths Legislature now lays special taxes, and tox privileges because it is not fordedden todo sob the Constitution, Now we do net intend t forbid the Legislature from continoing to these taxes. Tay To illustrate: wherever we fing Property that we desire to tax, we tux it, firet a Property, and should that property, as a billiard table, for instance, have a privilege, not granted to ather property, we then intend, as now, to tax the privilege. The following table of special taxes and taxes for the privilege the Property enjoys is taker from the Comptroller's Beport. Let it stand under ad valorem ne at present, viz: Mortgages and Deeds, 315 7 Btuds and Jacks, a ho Gatea, Ferries and Bridges, 1,897 91 Pistola and Knives, 2,502 11 Dirks and Canes, Qu 00 jaying Oards, 624 95 Peddlers, 1,980 vO Taverna, 227 10 Retailers, 11,190 00 Vircuases, $.435 00 Other exhibitions for reward, 1,025 00 Insuravee Companies, 1,200 Ov Express Companies, 170 00 Patent Medicines, 1.018 33 Marriage License, 6,997 24 *Bowhoyg Alles, 1.040 vu Baliard Tables, 2905 00 | [nse wud Mule Drovers, 1.u25 00 j 1,800 UO Livery Stable, 655 v0 Auchiuneers, 647 11 Drivilegedt Voters, 304 85 suij vis Untisted, 973 23 j wards the Baud with {Mae for its object the extension of slavery, Collateral descent, 5.713,00 $5859 61 51,414 80 $107 274 41 542 578 v0! White poll tax Add ad valorem tax, $649,552 41 Thus we have more than the revenue of last year aul we have wot touched # chicken, a ti: cup, a bed, bible, or a calf; nut a home, cow, plough or sheep his been touched, while we lave relieved the Lax on money at interest $35,296 ou Merchants $46,709, on salaries and fees $11, 681, aud ow other thing ZS In proportion, besides leaving $120,182.53 1 worth of property Wutowel: ed —that ts Wo sty BLO0U ty each fanily in the State, Usit nothing to relieve the Gox on inoney Phe lender is linited to 6 pr cent. and the State taxes Khataway. What other property is treated thus? ds it nothing to reduce the tax on mer chawdias since the Merchant puts the tax on jluus gouds and inakes the farmer pay it Is it reduce Che bax on laud, the Lodhispensible te scemmity ot exts teuice Ibelft with Crees, whea le Nuys Che yourls ¢ huthing to The land ws Coo duel bucthened | Ax before stated, the State tac last | Year Was $635,000, in routed cuits es, anil fron! the Comptrutiers report L yather the fact that the taxes fur county purposes throughout the Slate aniount Wo O44 OO, hese lopether aniouni to S1LAT7.000, Sats IGT VOU atid for County purposes, all Chat tle polls white and bieek « frond PAY, winch 1s 3353, Tue Iaud pays to the 829 —the land thus pave to county and Sue 2049,810, avout the ball at the whole of the both, Now af there is 8) 00.000,000 worth of property ti tite Sle, ib will Gades tor Appear What the dang beri a lite tiore than one sccenth jot the whole in value, pays abwut oveha/p of ail Ure fares, Such teqaahiy needs rqualigiuy and ad valorem is the thing tu du 3 MORE ANON © We tax Bowhug Alves, Briard Veblex and some ether (hogs twire—diel, as property, second, for thet poiculeges Fur the War wn THE SALISBURY BRASS BAND Who knows and om appr cute a Band of good Music excepl those who often tiave the pivasue of Trewin it Teas true that muste entay tures the soul of alinust everything livicu, tres v Lime down to the tere mouse but aus! how tew ever hear music. Those who heart onee ina Vear, or eve once in om mouth. are tiedity dh Wetted warn at afar es ably toleritie, but when Woe listened toevery night or two and never Lhcomes meouotonous, but is always sought after atid desired: bey all vt aist be net only quod but the BEST Sueb anusie is minke by the Salisba- ry Boos ata Sonne Baud. Tins Bend ean not be eaxcelicd, North, South, Bast of West, by anything that Dever beard. The Sten Baud inde dust wt the clostoy exercises of the Salis: bury Fetale Seminary on the evening of the 6h July. the softest and sweetest atrains that ever flawed from iuetruments a hands lower thau those of Angels > such music, that is filled the soul with joy and gladness, The strains of wlach will ever cause the hearts of the Teachers and Young Ladies of the Seminary, to turn to- May the Members of the Band long enjoy thetnselves in thankfulness. tnaking music on earth, aud then have the yrea- ter enjoyment of making music in that brigh ter world nbove. | Ateeee | wy BRECKINRIDGE IN 1556. | We quoted the other day froma Rpeec he ‘inade by Breckinridge, in Lexington, Ky. luster his election to the ¥ tee Preside ney in 1556, to show that he was as deep in| ithe mire of Squatter Sove reignty as Dong: | lasisin the mad, We now quote trom another speech of lis, made in the same year in Tidiana, during the canvass, in which the satine squatter Sovereinty doe- Trine is avewed, and in which he yocr further, says that he belongs te wo party that hus Jor its bjeet the extenstun Here is the extract, and wie invite the particular atteation of our read CES in: “Lam connected) with no party the slavery.” vor with any to prevent the people oft: Sate or Lire tlory trom deciding the quer lon of its OXistence of nou-existence will thet for thenmimel ves.” There itis! Le is “connected with n party that has for its object the extension ofelavery.” As the Columbus Enquire ye rtinently arks, “did ever Jotun Bll atre ssentinent of that ioperté Did he ne te mi wid, in 1350, facilities for the texpan dou of slavery ¢ and has he ever, in any veality or on any occasion, repudiate: ne object” of extending the institution fo bis section d Tt so, we waut a citatior o the record, eAnd Mr. Breckinridge says that. le will leave ttto the people of a Territor, o decide for themselves whether the vill tolerate slavery among them U1 makes no distiuehon between a State an: ‘ ‘Territory, butis willing te concede t bem similar and equal powers over thi tuestion. Then, why was he nominate woa Convention which professed to repa Nate Squatter Soverennty, and whic ‘anios protection by Congress agatist th rcense which Mr. womld grant to the people of the Breckinridge says th Terr ores © What is the Sceeders’ platforn vorth, voath such a candidate monunte spon itd Ts not Bell, with tis consisten record fora plattorm, incomparably mors ehable and trustworthy than) Breckio nidge, with a platform which he canno honestly oecupy (— Richmond Whig. MARRIED: . In Coneord, N C., on Sunday Rih Juty, be Chas F Harris, Eeg.. Mr. RUFUS W. BARNHARET ¢ Mie JULIA ANN BARNUARDT, allot Caborroy In Cabarrus Ce., on the 3rd inet. by Rev EOW Thompern, Mr AM WOODSIDE te Wie MARY + daughter of Col. J. O. Waltace, all of Concord Tn thie County on the 12th inet.,by Wm. H. Trot Faq. Mr JESSEE HULIN to Mie ELIZABETH CARRU- DIED: In Iredell Co., on the 29d Jane, Mr ZACHARIA FEMALE SCHOOL, «”: | eeighborhood thot evening nC CLOTHING 1! § a #10 ‘COME AND BUY BARGAINS |! THE MAR} KTS. Welishurys av. Oy July 17, 1860. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS. Applesdried, 504 100) Lead Bar, TERS can appeal with perfect coufilence to Bacon, Ws Ma + White, 104 | | Spbecar coe and citizens generally of the United Breswax, 20 «25 |Molesser Cuba, 34.045 | Come one and all,—come low end tull i tes, because the article has attnived a repu- Beet, Snes No.0. 60 9 65 | Comte rich and poor, come and make sore tation heretofore unknown. A few tacts upop Butter, 15ul8) Naecovadalasie SOM Your Spring supply, aud Summer veck-tie, this point will speak more poweriully than CANDLES— INuite (Cur) 5a Before it be tow lute for tee volumes of bare assertion orb! zoning putlery. Tallow, 150 20 lUat. 0045 Uve Cours aud Pants, both full and scant The co m of Hostetter s Siciuch Bit- To fil the fat and the lewn to wrap I've cuarre and five. —all in my tine— j 4 W3n 30 OILS LINSEED — Aduantine, Cotfee Rio, Won 160 * Panners, Oe 00} r ! “Save, Vin Q2y Polatoer, freh, Stu Ko) From Soles for the fect, to Hate tor rewpon's seat | Cotten, Dat | t Sweee dua su | Shoes and Boots, Hate snd Caps, ton Yarn, 90 4 100 Rags perth. 24) Drawe s aud Shirts. Collars aid Crovate Corn, Ton XO Sali persack, 165019 | Meal. 73 4 BU [Sheeting Bro Yu 10 ea Do walk up to HOPFLINS Cloth Chiekeurnver doz 20002) Suge B Ta 10) gc= More and take a good look at bi fat ee uv “ . pt Cr si 124 o rare collection of every complexion of \ eathers per 30 4 4 Clarified, dla ' v2] READY-MADES. | Fivur per hb) 5.80 4 600/Tallow, sh Sack, 280 «300 Wheat White, 125 » 1.30 Pi c s Tron) Bar) 5u {os Red, 11a LQ Nothing in the world to do but to step right into | vas V4 a 124. Wool, 25a3 hew, ead you eco shine in any crowd on the most PORK 74 4 8 Feasouable cerns immginable, We bas carried on bu- sere for several vearein this goodly town of Salin- ae = - S - Sury, aod has had the proud satistuction of seeing x y 4 G aS ¢ crowds of his [4 Fellow-Citizens of Rowan made comfortable in bo h winter ane <ammerby sap- ples drawn from his exoustl ge xheives, and he de sree toextend the bnefite they have so invarisbly derived from him te as many more. ‘There is poth- ing in all the wardrobe requ rements of a gentleman | which he cannot supply, avd that according te hie} parteular fancy. or to the imurof his purse, be it long | BEMISTER & CLAYWELL, EXouse Painters, GRAINEHS, PAPER HANGIKS, &c., Opposite the Minsion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warranted to be ere oem a workinaulike uanuer | icehori) Gomme theninidlessmior: pricelrestrct and uly 17, ; 8 livip yourselves. You shail reegive his polites! atreu- § lo i K fs fe leone and fare aceording tu his unusnnd good terns - = o- > oo M. HOFFLIN. | ‘ / | Apa ith, 1860. WAT _| ‘THE NORTH CAROLINA Vhite Sulphur Springs, | \W ILL be opened for visitors by the tet of June next: thes are rituated ba most healthy mouutauous country, ’ | nearthe hevuttal Catowba iver, with- | in less thera ae hour's ride of the present terminus of 5 the Western N C. Koil Road with which daily hoes SALISBURY PRRALE SBMINART. | oe E 5th Sesmon of thieSchool. willopen the 10h | day of September. ‘The numb root Pupils has been on the increase, stl there as room. Boord tor 4a bumb rof young Ladies can be ha lin the DSrimina | ry. Muse scholar can hive the advantase tine Lostrameut, ota a large room and the best (rucher Purtou ash retofore Tera of Por furber par- | Mustcrine engaged feason HIGH POINT | toulare Add ene of Ooouibos sand Stage Coa: hes connect the Springs. | AD WILKINSON, | Pleasure Vehicles and sapertor Saddle Horses will be | Puompal. [atthe callot guesta Boling Alleys and a Bihard Saisbary, N oC. Jaly 17. 1-60 ows J Naloon will be newly fited up. A fine Band of | for the (uadriile and Conthon Parties each eveuing free oleatra charge | The Buildings are uew aud apucions, every he plenenre | grounds extensive, snd un fine thing weshed Dihe beet watertig places. wil he found here ‘ ad cheer the ' ( 5 fexenuded repat tren and he Waters (alinost imaceess ble before the of the Western NOCOP aud afflicted with w The experience of the Proprietor jnstties the seek torefresh he toner ane spirit. “The HIGH POINT, N. toedica! propertiewod the complerion 1 Rovd, now hat! the sick THE Pali Feasion, f Naruse Pays Ts00, will begin on he 6th day weleame Baduniived at aay thie and charg wavy tue they remain in the acho TPA erot health or pleasure on snteiutine a goud ie vurted wainber of worthy poor yout ladies will be comong “The Propretor has been at ot expense reduce tor there Teron aout they shall have baie firing oa Watering Wace comaenmarate woth the reas Die tine te pay tor i by tne rp ecriinge as wanteef the Carolinians and confidently rely on their teachiere of othe wise geuerusity forencourage ment ares rea Sesetos —Roard, @10; Tar ion &10 H. bo ROBARDS Wo elay Pie deatel Pax 3). tin or Feeurh; April 10. 160 thin €> 4 Vian wtar, BIN, wo charges for ube of it slrunn ats \ MI yep } Prawe—Hily dillore por wean requed. a IMMENSE ATTRACTION Vance, tie bebowee at on of (he ‘serene AT TILE top Micneclernm wire tacus Mec US RRS Hopi ucstsl haicuml tabs ural eulen, kes ‘Great Clothing Emporium afr Call wed bo tiahe 1. For turther mtormation. sd-rrs OF SGA NDIER ADM 5 page een DAVID WEIL, | ~ { * ——— Pe EA ~~ i | ee Ast ee _ { rade ~ ) | To% ~ = | 1? = x . \ fs be ' is Set OP \ 1 ~ AL PE R S O N S IN D E B T E b s AM NOW Sore opening atomy lirre aut spacious! Reon, No.2 Grate Banding. the somert and ch t Steck of Ready-Made Clothing everaffered in the State, My steck eempria ea | the different kinds of faney eot Lonen and Marsall-s bostness suite, English and Preach Drap d' Ete aud Alpaceos Procks sud Sacks, a large vanety of Cuss)- ' } sande e We N e e l y & Yo u n s . = 2 = a mere Pants, fancy and blaek ¢ alse Paney and Mack ~~ Suk, Cassemere and Marearies Vert, 1s eudless va- i = riety Gent’s Furnishing Goods, (ATS sud CAPS, BOOTS and reBOr Mme ut Tteeleoudident of my ability 1 Ju l y 17 , 18 6 0 . SHOES, a large e S T I U U A L NO T I C E : Z| undersell any oth erhouske on ihe State, from the advantages Phavein 520 RE \\ \ R ID. geiune my Goods, therehy waving a least TWEEN. hye LIVE BECO E NIC on conemeDI be SAVED ARE DOLLARS MADE. sO TRY ME rom the Stable of the subserber STG) tbout i San 2 mitten Bie w Gold Helou the aight ot the 2d DAVID WEIL. Jinetant. a back horse, about 1S or 16 hands high) 7 5 : z x jclean limbs except a splot on the left fore leg, rhort J K W E L R Y, bony head, «mail ears. | urge sinall pre e bitten off 6 onginal He paces wud trois very well, aud well broke to har- bess EL will give the above reward for any intorma- tion which wai lead to his recovery. “rom circumstances aitending the robbe ry. [ am led to believe that the horse was taken by a fellow | named Turner Fry, alias Smith, who wasseen iu the | mane, aud a ver fone of tis eure—he is an WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition !! | The undersigned will sell for cash his entire #ork of fine Hunting and open faced GOLD & SILVER WADCunds. JEWELRY inthe Latest styler] Setts or separntely, prices sceording. Gold and Sil ver West and Fob Chains, Ladies Gold Chatlain and Neck Chains, SILVER WARE warranted equal te coin ‘The beet and most pproved styles of Plated Kaives. Porks, | A fine a The above wil be sold Defy: Tr Watch Glasses putin at 25 0 (a N Addrers me at Gold Hill, No ¢ Sawh M STIDEFOR 3 : STATESVILLE MALE ACADEMY. A J.B. ANDREWS, Princip wentoof Cloeks Spoons, Castor, &e Competition nts each a b TAIN kinds of Repairing promp ly. carefully and THE @0h Germ of the Tisitaton will commence | personally attended to and warranted by we Wednesday the Tet day of August, P8600 A ith . Hl. W. RUPP ral snare of Paoronage i moet respecrtu dy solicit d . . Bae > : Practical Watchmaker, Kvereies in Poctes and Deut willbe had, dey. un 9 ' ee 26, 1860 -4in54} onedrityeN Heri (hesenperiiteriianeenn attain (hemi eiyilsinl leone ote stLS ‘ ae \ Perscos wirhing Cobo rd ther gens or words wit ut vs vnN ‘EY hero disnk ake linrdkalintne detroit NOTICE, July 1a, is 6u jw3 MOREMEAD CITY. The Stockholders of the YADKIN NAVI3ATIIN COMPANY -— \ TLL meet at Woeksville, Dawe connty, o . ‘. ‘ u Friday 3ixt Nagin, PSe0. at 12 veloc aw SALE OF LOTS. oe Seetotace Mala A epresented. ae bustueas of vital imterost to the Com N Tharsday ast. 1X60, there will b WS anite on a credit, of valuable lots in the city « wey will be cnmdered, Wace The Seer tary and ‘Treseurer ia hereby notifie Vhe proximity of these lote tothe public rquare | Otuend a na ake Nee tay uves mid tonhellurg. humiulenAcadem chdurilehmacae nation of the affairs of the Company wall be gone io SURBUEN DOU TIT, A.C WHORTON, Directors of Yad. Nar. Co dw d. and towards which wome $1300 + tbeeribe ds render the location vers desirable for tian tex, who dere to xpeud the hax alrendy bee Summer at this de July 3. 1800 ch ful eum ner retreat and watering place Sem f the business |ote will likewise be sold #,* Weatern Sentinel! Wriston) please insert. ti! The rapidity with which this cy simprovingan | wen and forward account to Directors, Parana he prospect of a weekly line of ateniners betwee me N ¢ us place and New York. should induce parcheser ORRE L G vinvert JV MOREE AD, L Y President Shepard's Port Land Co & RAD ’ Joly 17, 1860 Har Manufactarera and Wholestle Dealers in HATS, CAPS, 3traw and Millinery Goods Umbretlas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, &e., LAND! LAND! [pur SUBSCRIBER having determined to re thove Seuth wril well 400 Aores of Land No. 18 Courtlandt Street, nthe Yodai River 50 or 60 Acres ot good Bottom |? De ORRFU ) UP STAIRS, pleatd Water, good. new and large Daeelings an DES Puen GUteN ies ANG : 2 (oni Hrldingsdunetandmhaltimiestranlenenet or SF remante f New York adione House and Det and Pan Yard and Lot mesvile Nicheap barsaiy will be given Addres New Books Just Received at reat Jonesville, NOC. or Békin. Sarry CoN ¢ hon an. pena host sortt | BURKE & STEWART'S. uly 10, 186 wi? Vomen's Home Book of Heath, B12 Che Kelly's nnd A. Kelly's, ee THE FOLLOWING ts weample ofthe namerca | den and Woman 6 ‘ters constantly receiving for Hosteter's Stomac | Che Wilon the Plose, 12 ttters he Haunted Home stead, 12 Cananpaaea, July 15th, 1859 3) Forerdia, Te Meera Hoatetter & Nmith, Pittsburgh. Px mt Margaret Monareiffee. The First Love of Aaron Ne we are trungera, [ herewith enclose youtwenty Barr, id ghe dellare for four dozen Hostetters stomach Br The Throne of David or the Rebellion of Prince ere, which plense forward vin Miechigun Sonther Absalon By the author of the Prince of the Gailroad. Toledo, Olio. and Clayton Stanon Phas House of Quvid, 12 vurchaged several dozen bottles at Poledo, thie sain July 3. 1860 16 ver, bot the sale mon the mereage eo much that 4 1 wae induces for the Taw nnd received auch inaterial ald that Ehay. edit to others and have sold ahent tw vren per week fur mome tine all kinds vish to open a direct trade with you w try your Bitters by my physician, WILLIAM ©. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N.C TULE Practice and m ke prompt collections i Rowen, Stanly. Grede tt and C ctawba Counties omplannt, I have nedicrne inoms store. but there i none that Ten \ sheerfully und trurhfully recommend as your Bitters cL know they have helped me bevond my expects Office io the corner ol Cowan's Building oppomis von Yours respecifully, the Book Store | ters for the oe year amounted to over a half- John A. Mebane, ealg " HOSTRETTER’S a STOMAGH BITTERS. et oe mae manufacturers of HOS- c | TETT ELEGKATED STOMACH BIT- tillion bottles, and from its mauitest steady inerease in time past, it the coming year the c Bear ove million bottles. could never have been sold but for ‘ite medicinal pri Perties contuined in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best kuown, who noi only recommend the Bitters ‘o their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy im all cases of stomachic verangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as lime itself. Hostetier’s Biomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regious where fever aud ague aud various other bilious cong eae have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state coufideutly that the “Bitters” ore a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure Lt removes all morbid matter from Ure stomuch, purifies the blood, aud imparts rem@ied,vitality to the nervous system, evident that uring plion wi! rene “Ayer’s ‘Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have labored tw produce the moet eff etal alternative that can be uade. Jt is a concatenated extract of Pare Bursa- parilla, s» combined with olber substances of stil greater alterauve power a8 to cffurd an effec: ap- sidute for the diseases Barsapariia is reputedio cure tt is believed that sath @ rrinedy 19 wanted by Unore who suffer from Strumous Complaiuts, aud that one which will wccumptioh their cure uiust prove of ini mMener service tu this barge Clues of var afflicted tel- tow-cilizens. How completely (his compound will de it hae beeu proven by experiment on many of the mplaute: SCROFULA ANU SCROFULOUS (OmPLainTs, Eaurrivns ano Eaurrive Diseases, Urecns. Pimries. Brorenes, Tumors, Sart Kuecum, Scare Heav, dypnitis any Syruiitic Arrecrions, MeacuntaL Disease, Vaorer, Nevaacota on Vic Dounotaccs, Deviiny, Dyerer- ssa AND Invickerion, Mayeirrlas, Kose on ST. AN rMony'’s Fine, and indeed the whole ciase of com- platols aroing from Empcaity or THe BLoop. ‘This con.pouud will be tound a yrewt promoter o! health, when tekeu im the sping, to expel ihe foul Sumore wich fester in the tied «at (hal season of the year. By the tumely expulenn of them many 5 ruoklng divorders are nipped inthe bud. Mebatuder can, by the aid of this remedy. spare theinselves frou the endarince of foal eruptions und ulcerour seres, through which the system will elrive to nd itee f ot Curruplions, if not eseieted to do this through the natural chanuels of the body by an ulcerative medicine Clewuse oul the vitinted blood whenever vou find ite impuriies bursting through (ie sin iu pimples ee ops, of sores; Clearnwe i When you lis tlimonsl ruct- ed end slagyieh in the veiur, cleause it Whenever fel is foul, and your feelings will teil you Whew. heen | where ne perticular disorder in fell, people enjoysbet | ter beahih, aud live fouger, for rleauning the blood. | Keep the bhwod healthy, and al! is well; but with) giving it that tone an@ emergy indfspenxable for the restoration of health Foner yates upon the stomach, liver, aud other digestive organs, | mild!y but powerfully, and soon restores them toacondition essential to the healihy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as | per directions on the bottle, and they will fiud | Ip it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort { declining years, as it is pleasant (o the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent asa tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benetit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangewen(s and general debility; acting under the advice of pliysicians, they have abanduned all deleterious drugs and fuirly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the geotler sex. There ure certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own bealth in her extreme anxiety for berinfant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the suminer season, the wear of body and mind ts generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and rexponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally preter the Bitters to all other invigora- tors tliat receive the endorsement of physi- cihus, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase | of Lodi'y strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly reterred above, to wit: sufferers from fever nud ngue, caused ly malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite. and all disenses or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary cecupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical weltare by giving to Hos- tetter's Celebrated Stomach Litters a trial. CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feits, but ask for Hosterter’s CkELERRATED Sromacn Birrkns, and see that each bottle has the words Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Ditters” b'own on the s de of the bottle, and stamped on the metailic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label 4&s Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all druggists, grocers, aud dealers generaijly throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Oxceans, La, TFSOLD VY Henderson & Ennis, and WH Wratt, ce © 5 by J. Reed. Concord; and by Porter v © » Greensburu’, N.C May!) ly] Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: WJ. WeCoonel, C. P. Menden- hall, DP. Weir, James M. Garrett, Juha L. Cole, NOH D. Wissen, Wen. Barner, David MeKnight, MoS. Sherw Jed UH. Lindsay, Greensborough 5 WA. Wright, Wilmington; Robert Eo Troy, Lum berion: Alexsuder Milier, Newbero: Phadeay We- Gee, Thomas Jounson, Yaneeyville; Dr WC . Wadeshorough ; Rey RoC) Maynard, ) Frankhnton; Dro BF Wat-on, Watsonville. Orrickés N.H.~D. WILSON, Pres dent 1 ESOP EGR Nt Al Yous Vice-President oe) ial) CANIM IIs Attorney PETER ADA VS, + + See'ty and Treaa’r HO CUMMING ~ 2 dn wu eral Agent Wa ice) NIN Eola ( A.WEBANE.- - - Executive Com'tee SOSING ARI Ine) ee Allcommunicationson businessconnected w ith thew | Office, shouldbe addressed to PETER ADAMS, Secretary. Juve 19, 1x60 trd Gr sborough, N. ¢ EQUITY SALE OF LAND, ( Nithe tth dav of Angost next. To will offer the| following real estaie forsale atthe Coart House The House and Lot whore Van Pelt now lives inder fener all round Also the House and Lot shere Ao Myers now lives, extending from d viding tne of the Vau Pelt lot to within 120 feet of the cor. rer Biddiuga to be opeved for this lot ar $2337 50; iso the corner lot where the Livery Stable owed to stand, extending blo feet in front—the biddings for Nis dot wall be op dat &xoF ‘These three lous be vr te the estate of Johan MeR rie, deceaned, and vil be sald on a eredit ef ene and two years, with | rlerest after sixomonths. "Phe Pool Plantation, ove sbury, belonging te the MeRore es dita satistactary bid can be obtamed Price adv $3 0U Iwd The John Blackwell Plantation consisting of LOO acres more or less, the Inddings will et at 8! 34m 60, on ered of six months Prive adv. $2000 Twd ile from Sa are, will be Powill otter the following tracts of fand for sale, ou he premsex.on the 27th day Juiy next, wt 1 “eloek, AL Mio 125 aeres more or less—another trac UM acres more or leas —aixo another treet of 3b Cres tiore or dese "VPhese three tracts: belong to anand big ehrdren anger the wall ot] Viehae! Hathanen Sate te be on the bargeat trvet— | Ted imax mouthine=Priconnte. so bw | 118 ACRE: Jeon ging to the hem of Moen Klatie, deceased, ad | caning the bands af Heary Pe sen'r., Leonard vlutts and oihere Sale to me Ieee ont vy season the 26th day of Joly next.at Ud Mo Credo ef six months —Pree adv. 82 75-—ntd L. BLACKMER,C. MOR June bith, TS60 HELPERS 3 HOTEL, eA, DAVIDSON COLLEGE, N JHE SUBSCRIBER hh large and comfortuble Hotel and Bosrding House 1 ve just completed a good t this place, where all who imay wish con find gx cecommodation ALSO TooFer for avle a Hone and Lot at thre place, nice located and surtable for a small family H P HELPER 5wp'd3 METHODIST P. FEWALE COLLEGE, JAMESTOWN, Guilford (Co., N. C. ie THIRD SESSION of Inne 12, 1RAO ALBEA, aged about 60 yearn July 10-1m7 HILO WILSON Feb 14, 1960 1f3R Cirenlars, Address, J. 8. RAY, Secretary June 12th, 1960 im | claimed for it, but more because many preparations, Jobloquy which realm upon it lb ble by the ordinary ron of the the pabaluuw of life disordered, (here can be no last | tog health. Soouerur later something nual go wroog.} and the great machinery uf lie is disordered or over. | thrown. } DSarsaparilla hes, and deserves much, the reputation, | of accomphshing there ends But the word bas been egregiously deceived by preparations of 1, partly ‘cause the drug alone has not all the vistue inat 1 | Pretending to be concentrated etiracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsapariila, or woy thing | eee ) During lute years the pubiic have heen misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of f Sarswpaciiia for one dollar, Most of these eu the sick, for they not only contain | hide. if any, Sarsaparilo, but often ne curative prop- erties whatever. Heuce, bitter and painful dixap- | pointinent has followed the use of the variousextracce | of Sarsaparitla which flood the market, antl the naine itself is justly despised, and has become ey nony- xtract | have been fraucs u Moun with Unpesition and cheat. Soll we cali this penila, and intend to supply such a the wane from the load of And we think we have: vrowud for believing it hax virtues whieh are irresist: compound &: remedy as vhail rescue Cidewsem iC im titended tocare In order to secure their complete eradicn J tion from the system. the remedy should by Jodieious ly taken according to Gireedous ow the bort'e PREVAKED BY DR. J. €. AVER & CO, LOWELL, MASS Paice. &l rex Borrie;, Six Botti es ror $5 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such # renown for the cure of vurirty of Throat vod Luag Cowplarot. that icisen Urely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of te virtdes, Wherever it has been emploved Aw tras long been in cons use throughout thie see tion we dee! nol ao tile Dassure the people rts qual ty Is keptap te ie | bestitever hos heen, and that itmay be relied an to do foc their relief all it hes ever been found to do Ayer’s Cathartic Pils, POR THE CURE OF Coativencss, Jaundice, Dyspepsra, Indigestion, Dys- entery, Foul Stomach, Evympelas, Headyche, Pres, Rheumatiam, Eruptions aud Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Diopsy, Teiter, Tumors aad Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neurulgsa, aaa Dinner Pall, and fui Purifying the Blood They ure sugar coated so that the most sensitive can take them plegrantly, and they are the best aperient i the world fur ail the purposes of a family physic Paice 25 cents per Box; Five Boxrs ror §1 00 Great numbers of Clergymen, Phyric.ans. Statee- men, and eminent persovayer, have jent their names to certify the anparalieled usefuliess of these reme- dies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our Americas ALMaNac in which they are given; with alsu fall descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed fur their cure. Do not be put offby onprincipled dealers with other Preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aver’s, and take no others, The eck want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it Allour Remedies are for sale by W. He Wyatt, Sulisbury, NUG;; Henderson & Enniss, ** : Hutchinson & © J. M. Johimon, v Perry, Stiinpson & L Ww “ M.A. & CLA Santos, ey Havilund. Stevenson & Co, c Rarlentons Sao March 6, 1860 , Charlotte, lyat RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. BRYAN’'S Puhlnonie Waters! Tae Onicisat Mapictne Ketapiisnen tx Sat, und piret article of tha kind ever introduced under the name of * PULMONIC Warens,” in thin or any other country, ull other Pulmonic Wafers ire connterfeita, The Genuine can Le known by | the name BRYAN being stamped ow etch WAPER. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Conghs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoar -sseaes BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Asthma, Bronehitis, DiMmeatt BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Kelleve Spitting of Blood, BRYAN’S PULMONIC Relleve Incipient Co BRY ANS PULMONIC Relieve irritation of the Uyala and Toasils, RRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFEKs Breathing. | Pains In the Chest. WAFERS Relieve the above Complaints lo Tea Minwees, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAR megs | Are a Blessing to all Classes and © stitutions, | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS | Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFFRS | Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Vot only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cares, BRYAN'B PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satifactium to every one. | NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OP Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, | IN THE HOUSE NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF | Mryan'’s Pol ic Waters, | ~ eee BVER OBJFCT TO GIVE FOR monic Waters, | NO PERSON WILT hryan’s F TWENTY FIVE CENTS JOR MOSES, Sule Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y Sold in Salisbury by MENDRESON AB ENNUSS, and all Drug ie \ tyt thie College will commence July 1th 1860, For Catalogues or w I HAVE | New Yor or any where else | jery Stable ee SPECIAL NOTICE HE SUBSCRIBER MAS JUST RETURNED from market, and is pow receiving and opeuing s complete pad ful as "GROCERIES, ~on: jeting of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Tea, Pepper, 9 ce, with every other ortirle wsually kept in similar extal vente, all of whieh will be suld as usual at exceedingly ow pri- en. Lis stoca of PRY GOODS | ts far superior tn any, as those who have favored him with their The atrck of ge can testily IIATS AND CAPS and BOOTS X SHOES wnnot be equated, either in style or menaene are, baving hed he most of the made to bis order, The stock SOLE LEATHER AND JAY LAs foll and complete and will be sold, at unusually low rates, and hich only be DISTRIBUTED FOR NOTHING ‘isa more desired effect than a cash system. Therefore Kev + earnestly svucited, befure purchasing elsewhere, At FRANKFORD’S, SALISBURY, N.C. May 7, 1360 Farmers! Farmers!! _ Threshing Machines! POOR which we are not Agents but Manufacturere ourselves Improved Spiral Barred Thresher will S Horse Power the most popoler and Spree - $130.60 Impraved spiral Bar Thresher and Winnower. th © lender ai! Tron, not so/t weed as most North- Macoiies, aud with revermble teeth, sold at what the best Northern Machines will cost here. The teeth of these Machines are reversible: thet meaos the back of the teeth can be turned iu fromt ifier the trout is worn off; thus tnuking them last ae lever er lung again All Boxes are made of metal anc manner, wot of wood. Horxe- Powers, Spur-geared, the best, = + FARMERS, COME AND SEE THEM. FRERCKS & RAEDER. ee 8, 1860 50mjj « Greenshoro Patriot, Billsbore’ Reeorder, Chae. te Suwienay aud Raleigh Register and Western Seutivel please copy for May, June and July. NEW FIRM TENT: Firm of FISHER, FOARD & HOOKER, having been dissolved. we the undersigned have associated oarselves together under the Firm of + FOARD « HOOKER. for the purpose of co tinnng the former basiness at the name piace. We are thanktul to our friends and casioine’# for past tevorsand hope by a CORRECT, ENERGETIC and PROMUT sysem of thing bosiness io ment acd receive un increased patronage. We shall be aie to furnish STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SHI” CHAND- LERY. NEGRO CLOTHING, FARMING TOOLS, Guano, Plaster, Lime, NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, CORN, HAY, FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, $§e., §e., at as low prices as any other house in Eastern North in workmanlike | Carolina Having ourown Vessels, Wharf, Drays, ete, we wil pay particular attention to the ‘Forwarding and Commission Business. We will also make Jiberal cash advances on Consign- JNO. F. FOARD, O. HOOKER. . May 29, 1560. ments Newbern N 3ml NEW MANUFACTORY Saliabury, N. C. now completed, and have in operation Machinery, by means of which L can safely say, that Lean supply all of North Carona with Neat and Good Cottage and other Bedsteads, jae Cheap if net Cheaper than they can be had from Give me a calland I will vive satisfaction \ libers! discount to dealers jin preference to employing agents 1? Faciory, a few doors below T. E. Brown's Liv. JP Office, Furniture Rooms opposite R. & A. Murphy's store Ss. R. HARRISON. Miv S. 860. 150 WYATT’S _ TONE CORDIAL. | Me aes ' 1 of fae most pleaeant and effi tent Remedies Jt ENED r | ( H e 7 ‘JUST RECENTED: Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, : ce CHOLIC, and ot! BOWEL COMPLAINTS, | 8 Casks Munir & Son's Gennine Ale ! AO on ; pee on ee "tte . Hibbert. London Stout. Vhelet CEN ES 4 Poopared by WIP WYATT. Arotnncany, | 6 Dor Cognac Brandy «ISG and IRS, Main Street, C ie Bourbon Wiiakey. ' atl SALISBURY, N.C. 8 Old Rye eS A. SADLER, Jr., 12 . Old App e \ Firm of T. H. BREM & CO., Charlotte, N.C.) Re Wir Se a MAN BROTHERS 6 ¢ London Cordial Gin SHER . Imrorvers avo Jourers oF 6 se Lemon Syrup, Pure Aer Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, 6 Raephersy Syrup, Pore eon us ) © Pure London Mustard 19 Park Place and 16 Murray Street. NEW YORE. W.H. WYATT, June §, 1860 6mpa2 DRUGGIST 4 APOTHECARY, , ir Nos. 186 and 18 Main at., 50,000 Brick For Sale x ] f "THOSE wanting to buy Fifty or Sixty Thousaad SALISBURY, I good Brick, can get a bargain by ralling at thee ‘May 39 tfl | Office 168? a ner Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. BYR. BESSENT, T° REMOVED ro tue DENTAL ROOMS TERMS: == $40), ou the coruer formerly vecupied by Da Baron, ‘ where he is prepared (uy attend al! connected wilh his profession Jano 4, bxsu The Imported” BLACK HAWKE COLT ratious All Tusuranece money to be paid we soon aa tl All Orares ptt hy Aub casia > ported wiih beter tare & considered with ' ihe saseu bo be paid by the a ase the swWhee's rien. Ali a Ob Gonmdered wilh W. L. BARRIER, Sie ieee een D E N T I ST ot Black Bird, he us we Veruiont Bt s fina i s Log hands <cecor ye Wi" PLEASANT el iit raceediaply Mareh 13, 1860) pdly is te reetly » five veton, at ’ Lund beaury conn siiparsed He Bocrash Merganoi Vecuout. beaunial Blood by Drs.M. WHITEHEAD &J.A. veenece tH tin tape eK mane and bal, dog! H AVE associated ¢ ves in they Metictne RAVEN war raiscd by dei MeGee. of Ona pe ame ntiets fe : ' he tas taken Burst Piet a ‘ who Wish it, am have the services of both, cua extra charge wiveh he was eatibied dh R PF Oitice- iia amg cech piel) at presently Dr Watirdeat ote Maven,” osee W Yospn be Dalemuer Via! December By ds a oe five Haweon wh wa lo he DR. F.N. LUCKEY, yn 2yhignot emt at Po yive tity Gnograyv as net Che « PEEING now p but seme we Varin xz Raia wd ana Ale ‘ : He wan | ie W ut { hureh. enat { ‘ Creeniand tl was by vou, lis professional \ 1 Shera M we ( tis his ee ’ t : 1 wD : ger, Mr. Shuping or tus wile, or ati the e! hun by tine t Juri: she servants i tt wes 1 \ x - Miranda, Rowan co, Noy [toh, bos o a trot it speed w v com he died ua LAW PARTNER ; ee Cees Heine vey 4 VE i Noor & a ‘ ATW Ree GA W tet a esis Omen OFFICE the one formerly veered by Dr. Nesbit, ater Atecu Hanutre eS r Water Street, Vee : ie SO SET : i vp ' s ’ ey ( g \ ree of which y \ comuut March J 1440 pen ee ae ; \ >T To f x \ RVC: ; JBL SEN IE SS (CARIES es k RTIN, BAD. & CO., ey ee ae Fala VD COM HSSTIY CHANTS, oe No. 129 ¢ eat et . CONTAIN AE a WATCH-i48 ECE ea) ee One deur as t Steer o O O o r + v WILLS Wachines. re vuir ‘ ) \ " eae WENN S SEES Ww ee WHEELER Sewing from Re = \ <4 4 DD A Ut: PrRSOS ; ; ; : i “wor - N Grranie Buldir divep ' 1 sen ' : mT and neth eo fire ttt nowy Afi friends. Piopet will come op promr RP BESSEN'T ; . ; Now 29th, 1859 197 Banks of all hinds for eale at thia off heir frevitres bit Dihut they can other aw gead or betterinduce ments orders with hed hw me Galay SOUTHERN FUT South oP mwver Books EMPORIU M!! : u \ v hd | YURKE & STEWART fer! warranted in wiying Academies aud aliothere wha mia. Gaver them with their erd rs than any other Booksellers ti They deci direetly with some ofthe prin chil pobbsbing hense= to Che eenntrs ? eomm quently by Express. enshl tox rk homenht dave. nt firthest that eanact he fthet bere ecoek ont {ocomerist: pote womecnd Vedarnes Conotry Merchant reuera toentb onde xscape enn and ¢ Pedestal ne Of saa. vet a most bendsome call {neazines Novels, Popular W Annnals, Gif Books, rempee tally cei aud the patie A} hoes <i tnnemificent lot of Wal! Paper vert won some thong vmets erterta , treriye. on t Beewe & Srewarr's tes kind af Rook ery parent ehoutd place in eae fen Rai eolty i ilesy have 9 for books and are ef mebeoretoaty he so therm uw taste for adine, \ hex Cesare; ay AE ' vitae rf fisted vaudat the store orsentto any ad sale und Retail Racks AND CAP Val (Parley). JORN OTe x R sp, Va UR STRAW LE si \MA SOFT AND MOLE Sh tibas WATS Tha vr Sordiemtnek oc: fou ropes ! or NE M oe Paes r ' i eH ON t tpisial a =W ONS cOsT! st WR TSC SAG AINS ! Tan 10, ee tPA : PTE SVAY--$75 Seward. orestly Redueed Prices, « Pl Im Orman. ; : . Ley Poe Ges a SOE Ney vt tt ae : ' \l Wt ! \ a f aaa | «, BEMISTER, TEoOwuse ee eet : Teste SLI NOE Si0 A Cos i ff y Spring iffattresses. 1 i . WATERUSSES 4 a PvrRRTso Reduotion in Price, Cut x HENDERSON we ENGI PEGE SOUN TU MiEN DT: CAVANATIGHES Celelrat Piles ss Pile Giotment worranied to eure pale WENDERS ON A EVNISS 1860. BaF sand may burst cutin discere g hay not destroy Sehoot eee a ae Serefula er King’s Evil, Is a constitutional diecare, @ Corruption of the blood by which (nif! beeoues vipuied, weak and poor Being in the ci colation. it pervades the whole body, * ou aby parted i. No Mite witucke. boris there ove which BAY. MURR Spring & Summer Supply orga is tre Phe scrofulods lalate th varions low Lvieg, di-crder- ty caused by tmercucial dine ane edorunhe dby food daipare air, fk and flihy he bite the Gopwesrias wiees, cod. above al by the venereal D R Y Cc re) O DS, eto Whatever be at oy tbarvoun FSU SATU NaN Uy Aes LETT a a) eget AMONG WiUICH MAY BE ROOD un ' rdw th neh souer r ® ‘ ; 4 eae oe ( theop deel Gous whe weve, oP will visit the art nm Bioek sot P IER SU Diaper, Gilie erat leavecchhurnne: Fines ect'd Fouad do. Se ee Oe Men oegu amicnivdepeatuntmuthie Wlerds tou end Cleted tia Psbie Napkin rey Weer ous tia ter whieh, to the BU and fancy Ongar Ble. ch a blown Table : : : . ' Cultd pruted Juco ts Cloths Cijhercal ec parie, mented liberelers inthe po Sie t J . er CCri Tyee Wie Hees turret inti etmant bee eemi lad alaye shri ceu: Dirdec se TIN perce, fee ontee whieh wetdere on the Faw Lowe Lawn ee land odeprowcent vo of life ro tharesrofutous Paces punted Wl Linen Combniek Hdk'ts, COUNTED One te bly osether trom) secofulon® eon : mimes 1 A ' at 3 au , a { x . ce d "lant chech d Swiss Barbone red o sadlle ut they bave far lose p Sy r i v Ulst ul Moca er Ue ah joe nceehel: Amaders which, athoug witeo a FR GAT area Wl Es bow ie ae ; Jansen el Atemnre GitennerndifalwlntnsT du hy Mantler, Bian h Sik Cravate, : \! ' mapton wich Chie BER Salk te Doe Skin Caceimeres, t t hos its a reel Boury t de Firuiers Satis, . uecul jus fee Po ones and Mack Prive None Da “ re a aon ' y aud bho Deh . P i ieeres c and Si nish Linenw t r + ' rom ar asa i Phe ho eee Cattoantlesnd u Check in \ Pete cre : a : ‘ Namwance P deg St yes De rar ar 1 " wlurkiog le ‘ d ‘ : 1 ‘ ' t : . igen swine Ma bn Educ Moanehes er Grovhoonns : eat ‘ : Buach'd Sheetigs and meagre, doconet Males Sh tuys ~ ‘ \ los Irowu sticiinies, POLE ES ' t Ravd Re eciele We, coe aadnan Ayer’s Hlanncdt wed Da ‘ : . + lepleow aeRO mires Red [rami Componnd Extract of Narsaparida, |; Dru Gleam nana tinea Pye diremt eth tina , “ tthes { cree tat ack Wut Tong fae d Parole, G ' (ede ce Maen clea! and ft ws! \ ! ul a ' ee h Tat Cacens ~ r fhe short " f ted = : y us a aud) Sta en = Vabiet aula ' fifani avi sisilies ; ides Whee ales i t) K , SUGAR AND CORR iE. it. sahoan Erupes hoo ny Nive net ik rae ae Pages ee ee \ ; / ‘ pluie: (ronmnely tig (AOR iu, Giavuiawd und Coble ireeenes 1 hy fat > \ Sed Nice ! ' { y : ‘en, ey 4 ' Fi » 4. bot. A> . Tan 4 i p Naot Gas Cathartic Pills - Gay A a JT. fry all a poteposes ut | ops Pal TI, HARDWARE. i000 POUNDS p\2) SOAPS, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, corner, Onn th / Vl Se ee eee sete ellen Liven Ins wats | oka ha DU sre 4 (recon tele ttrety t SUPERIOR a MTL WY Ht tons Vite LIVERS sO Liver Com pilaint Dy chcisuy Chronte Dio hoes 1 t (an Voootdnt Ries qb ctw Dyer tee Stomoes Hahiead 1 s 4. Chole RUA eee canate Weakue 2 ! “ , s a] Rove Poe ' ry Bamby Wei 1 HEADACHE twenty mivates tr sp ootal es HARDWARE!! ey a ; 2 5 = Bi sts Cates “4 4 A a “V who nec ttnre whedon . y ~ m a Men WATRECUN THE MOUTILD WITH bow \ 1 THE INVIGOMVIOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER ‘4 > { cl 4 Pitee One Dot av per Bottle. Ni {} 4 SATEORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, 2a oe Pure Needaen ie eet nity font Ream NEN GUATS CASES, Vbe fight, ad wie ee aM ‘ : Fae iad ate \ Pandy ©e- tenth) PEt ! nt : NEC tee) NG Lelie pew Teen Glin eyeanen he hey bom h OWEN VWs 8 wey eto 1 ) . fae bas SO NTESP (| SI Sar STi Wii i460 T SCE as: ! Is 1047 Nomtaera Wanuiaetory CA T H A R T I C PI L L S . ] HET NGS EN emo EN IN NEN ES Lash tm ‘ LAT a. ome rss Buet toy jt ' € | r ! t Vv sole TOW. S Aeon aD Adeaund Back wanted SON HOt 335 Rrondway, New Vous ] / , ~ ' eooNael on fT In oi - I NOTICE Po AE! THIS. open } Med ' an) tl iW ! I) ff ' \ en ) DIR WY NG. yee ole rare \ : ' WNW ou t 1 " ue ; ; GEORGH MOWERS zl Steel ) Wise Usoperlle wil scart pers 16 HONE : wee PENRO ECT aC) ie Buecices and Rockureays. [ee Beara atentlrndee menses ir gire nnd Rockuwaya, which t ‘ ce form THOS F BROWN, Jan 24, 160 as ee SALE MA AMETE WTR NS ISIES FOR AT THIS OFFIC olina Foundry AND - North Car MACHINE WORKS! y\\\) £8 FRERCKS & AAEDER, SUCCEBBORS TO BOYDEN & SON,* N 't es Contimue to manufacture wud keep on 1 ree e ) . ye AGRIC LECRAL IMPLEMENTS | thuds heretofore A full assortinent of Views, Cauliivators CorneShelicre, Straw ant Feed Cutters Ho we Powers, > Were, Phrewhs oe fraud Sagat Mills Piresneracud Separators, “Phe ya tiarutaetu pe HOTEL, SALI SRU RY. | Y | MU subseriber tuker artire in aDUHONcing to Lis | friends, und the publie peneruly, that he b ie takeu thir long established and welt kiewn Hote and hor uade every posrible preparation date vine lomcuninge Hurienss. travelling wud viriting portions o be public, in the moxt satetectory manner Particular altention ix paid te hie T AIBLIE, andevery comfort ix provided in his ROOMS. Hix STABLES are abondantty supplicd and at. tended by a careful onthe; and te all departicenin ragvek hte personal attention ea OMNIBUS runs regalurly to the : ’ 3 ‘ ‘ t the Siatting and Wachinery Bee eae ae ane val . A gonely tea tbe ) Gra M Crrentor ond Vertical Saw Mills. Gold. oubtie patronage iv eonh ri nolie fee share of the Cn Aaa Polacoo Viewer and Biv) WM. ROWZER IER OLS GaN | J Plt last teats TIZON TANGENT ENS, FORGINGS and FINTSHRD WORK of every lermod a et ‘ 1 f and Warrented an every e y deneriplan ul Machinerns dinie at Salisbory, No Wat ao Lely Stind ord, Wale she Pony at, Gr | Gon crn Advert erat. Chark tle 1 Observer, Fayettey Hore tri we Kis tC otanatia and fre security REAL ESTATE. VV eo eoneen a iS bonds on one cade, contuatny 307) SORE s Mane es wre tie hore , i 4 ' t ne fo I ce obbor tin ' SC tl ’ \ BOTLTOMLAND Mr {POW % rate ay Le DWEEPING 4 mm wa u ne vor aie ¢ co actaies i " Ya fiver a SeUeetcieeee : é : rf n ' ! “ we € \ , , 1 . l ( br PSE Sh [RAST NS p COWAW'S Vegetable Lithontriptic, Vin Pelion t ob LEC NNN SES MTT fell Raprees will publish Simouths aud furwa d Morganton, N.C. [ees Lb New Hotel an gained Ot ieng a FURST CLASS Hol one the reputation Sb, wud second etn the Stat eotit, Dreverte Aw atesiene Jthe macy tavorhe an tees by the Views ot the State, SONY SOA Occ wived. Pt euutiiere: never h Zgeew cloned aud we puerte may (2 thon the reparatan ete Heats tie g austoined hive ange rene te tade tebe kept ne regu ie Winey iw bh ees bel tretiy Nr PONE ' sith every dehency usualy tound at FILST CLASS HOU BLS “OS. Brown & Co's Stage Office, hie House Ther FOUR HORSE COACH. 2 hoi ! welipatieod the WN CO Ril ued an : Man Wediestuve. and Fucave, end to Ashr- ; Svs. Phomdsveand Satur ye EXPRA COC HW. Sand HACAS peody ut thy hour and for CS PS. Prorcrretor J é 13 Wat "Ny Niandardane Sypart. f " ‘ a) oy t Herata, Wo Prove New ths Pets Greenbo o', - t r \ Mount Vernon Hou lena ee AT THE DEPOT, SSeS ke Nec Tr . Met tor been ope ! ‘ t (avsecr very way Pr th i her hrorphout, etlucted ed forthe eter thereughdy te (utary teen tot a proteins x U] poee withthe i ' v bisow r new the Hear vis Corfeent that Go Neteen a walibe Gunes eon his € SENG AMIN Important to Mil Owners! Cc} Dai ed Me Manne s. pa, e f. SMUT AN n SORECNI NG. MAC: HIN Vi DR. MOUTARDE'S Wiraculows WE Lee El ain hiller “THE UNION,’ PHIL ADELEETA EE PONS ON BAVC OS bts et OL es FT Notrl w ale “Avenues ry ace g ke FICOMER PRoraretor, Wats i NG TOON SikOm tlm JOHN F. JONES, BROAD STRE«T, Proprietor, ith s 5 Le 34 re al LEU EG Civ Geshe CONS NGO S ! B oe Li “a . \ . le CHT 1D Minti a) Seeaelc rowns Livery 3 table. / fh 4 | Chi ; rectors This grati« i ‘ ; Aer, I behin ' se ctabl himeut, f ! t sad ulexpernment, Uris wore int 1 Vo fon the pubic a wremt temde- : ‘ “ mothe dae, well sup ! \ R ty STAT AY Vecuttor tte Se et NOC Ne Psband ips M “0 + Caniare Limberand Proven v4 Ache The sateen ty wavs nerdy tee tl or i i al THOMAS BE BROWN Max Gia toatl ul \ew Vir YAW ifm. : : . Hh WING MURR &SOSSAMON, he I. lis Valet vedot dd 1 Boawn & mame me ran ; eee a mestned has res TNS eee OVE Tele iad TM dios Drayiig Bat. b- ay Toisas De les unre aint : : BL onee ' Geog Wo Brown, . orci Me SaronTe \ hs ange Voalvivs be found ready to . iva ue Rees Orders de tiered te him at his erable, will meet ! J PN ea STILLS ee Oe eae ‘ EO Dau Sabsbory, Septeinber &, bray 15 WERE & SOSSAMON ve Seb ew Tt os 350 ACRES Ot WANTED . . : TCG SAWN Oe 2 Tome tT Te 20.090 feet Syeamore Lumber, an . aoe ay ites TAG! Wil he pate Weert rT " i AVC n sn Creek, i hn \ Meataulvecnn Vie ies Sorts of Vir kavile. Kiwa wen att \ t sthe TH > vovelae ble, om i NSIS ta la vate foul be sold wrheut M | ' { «wining x vend Tro would do well att oh moy be had Nore \ M torr Landsean be had with ies CUNT NOTIC: remy ents i ) Petal , Avent r ee te he ees ee Micke, M ist 12w50 wh CORN WANTED, sutlien. s t ore th \ " ‘ ‘ , Wa es rc) Jarve quintity of CORN, for WPT ee ME er eto Ne | a Iw Highest market pree Ff Now 14 1 emia boamess strentol Sahehury LH RE ARD PAR NOTICE TO ALL. | Spring Wheat. — te vrs om ararn Sprit Wheat Na ' Ml \ uo92 woe n ish \ ew ae HILLSBORO’ \ Febrnary “1 MILITARY ACADEMY. {| Oerrs fee Rooke aney be fomnd mt ann old, SFT Sethe teal dnet of Cor & ‘ R 1 efi | c PEW +e stare Mil | Ply 01) . un a bo r D ty av i ' 60 White Hands : ; a e ' Cialis r1IRS ( Ww; a Dee ene Ae f fe WS ot Sindh R mt the " hoa ty rd Se a woA SWECH SAME WeNTNCE M = et ee i 50.009 Brien bor sate TW ORT) TPAHOSE waning to buy Fifty ge Sicty: Thousand BLANK DEEDS l good Bouck, can Dect tergaiat calling at thie FOR SALE AT TINS OFFICE Office Gta Se ET SR E EN T E MT T —--— = — —— _— —_ —$——— J. J. BRUNER, | pLrrok AND PROPRIETOR. tT : $2,00 | Single copy: Five copies, Ten copies, Clubs exceeding > $1.50 wach. Pay : Q Tie following Court and miscellaneous BLAN kS are kept om land for sale, wt this office, Can be vent by inail to any part of the country, at smal VOL. X VIL. Com. totake Depo. C.& B.C. tures expense Covad Warrants, s & Bonds, F Y 3. Court, Letters festamentary, ee ai ees Letters of Administration, Bscuenewcs Nine! SpeciuiLesters do., Wai jcuets, C.& B.C. or Tickets Free ien Boads, C.& 8.C. civileases Bail Bonds, coud. ** Astachinent Writs, Delivery Bonds, Alainistration, do, Bastarday, “ Appeal ! Ser \oLasny ther formas of lees frequent use ed to order on short uotice Do. tudictments, Land Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Sheriff Deeds. From the Georgia Chrouicle and Sentinel. | ‘COL. AKIN “FOR BELL AND EVE: RELE AGAINST ALL OPPOSI- AUK” We take the liberty of extracting the following from a private letter received Blaokeprin From the Greensboro Patriot. MORE FAVORITISOM. \ Dear Av: Not long since, two young amen from the county of Burke, started | to Charleston to buy goods 5 they are consins; one Mr. J. Rufns Kinenid, isa Democrat: the other Mr. Monroe Kin | caid, isa Whig, they were travelling in company, both took the save train of cars on the Western North Carolina Road at) Catawba Station, and went on together to Salisbury, and both came back togeth- Salisbury by us frou Coi. Warren Akin, because it ekptesses ur BELONG Ta oe strongly and so much to the point. We admire the! honesty ef the man as well as his true, conservative patriotism. Such should be the sentiments of every man in Georgia; Col. Akin wall meet a hearty response foow many a pa- | trietic bosom in Genrgia. Again apola-| yizing to Col. Akin for weking this pb | lic use of a private letter, we insert the, aud the noble heart of er on their return home from to Catawba Stution—the Wiig, M Kincaid, paid full price for a seat both | ways—the Democrat, J. Rufus Kincaid, | had a tree ticket both ways, and paid no- thing. This may be all right and tate, but 1 huve looked in vain, for any clanse in the charter of the Western North Car olin& Railroad, which authorizes Deno crats to ride free onroe | PPE Cxtract— believing that he has nothing to, disguine or to lide: “Why don’t the Executive Committee call a Convention to nutinute Electors ¢ Suir them up, *~ * a4 * * * “faim for Bell and Everett: against all opposition. Tt rmatters not who may be. nominated at Kiehmond, no consideration to vote for him Jolin Beli is belore the people, Foradil ity, bouesty, purity: apd patriots, Bell mid Everert hh over this Read and re- ; , could meuce te while luke pris lege quires Whiys tu pay for the I trust, dear Ad, that these wie allow such duings, and wink at sich gross 1 ave tot been equaled try justice, will not fly in a passion becanse any Te hetot any party since Pst Be the people tulk about these things; heep rae i He sc us ee ae wirout the eohtnend Convention { teeritw re cool gentlemen, it will de to good fey eek: ete amd nul atch ee angry, this is a free country, and every Bae age ie met re ie Ere nan init, has a right to say What he And lcen se Wet SAN) ea thinks about public men and public mea: motives of tnatiy entity ' loch sures, so that he speaks noting bit the notd LW at. Dome hh pe wi truth; bat if he says what is untrie, LOUIS UTES AUS SH fthe Uneons and , ~ seme entered ite to defed Pomeztas tis an easy matter for Ce aes Pace Camere ans Wer een yr ct Meat ny and cali upen (he a cusen ahve qvects the cuntretine sot Lan eae and if itis uet produced, why Giet f Cee nas yours traly, — man who makes the charge which ne ¢ WaALHESN AKIN Not sustain, mast lear the consequences 2. of is rastiness. Persons tuturested in DO eC NUT CONGEST Cie this matter, nezd not iay the flatteriug Te NGG ie aN Jos Ile ecole unetion to theit sorts tuat it is net peces We lear vthe fucana of the death sary to coutravertt te fact stated, becatise ot Prince aX we 4 Maparte, ON wt uf . We-Gihit Hoc of the Ranperor of tie the cotuimimnication ceites Ticetre cede dethty ad < . wv fast of Use vi ene ymots ¢ respondent: Genny vt pentienreny et NT ener deny It, any one fyous un AUIS VANS few we been witnesses af and name—make up the issne with tie anon acriy Cpants in eo tian pereat: lis ytneus Correspoucent, and you slials have (orient) ewentn ne Hen itase tie ecw tlic 1 tial! ry of fis great brother, withers his name—and what will be greatly worse re ed the promo pent events of Che Cousuiate and the ennp a throne toa kinder created foe dou ty Napole for you, shall have indubitable proof of the fact stated. The Mr. J eaid alluded to above, is tow the Dem te, Was seated On Ratus Kin ony saw the sun ye down upon the bicedly cratic deputy marotiall or ceneds taker field of Waters ke lita Was Bent ite for Burke county, and TE have been tn © Xie. and after w ithe vicissitude and formed that he is trying to Hopress upon ESUGNUETS UCR Ee tee ne Ce , hopeace and crowned woth hover, upon the poor taen in the conntry, that wt oa oO alot France, valorem, as the Witge want it, become a Sac e Bonaparte was tran lase nnd: Jaw, it will Lear hard pon their stock. voungest brother of the Great Napoleon &e. LT weuld like to hiow what success cand tae ony reataininye member of be met with when be tried this argument 7 Ae JIN B vocal tie pareute, Chiaties ata aetitia Doniparte the Hostal lis breathers r Wath Jape nee rev 1 . upon Mr. Witham Roper, a poor but goo Josep li, Koay ot Napres. tawwin died ty and respectable citizen of Burke, who psdd the second, Nijiteun, kinperer lives about three miles from Morganton. France, in 182l3 the third, Lucien, Will Mr. J. Rufus Kincaid please inter Prince of Canto, in TSd0 5 his eldest us Yours traly ester, Marianne Elza. Dachess of lus: HUN Teale cany, in P8205 Louis, h ug oof [lolland, WSO; Marte Pauline, Dichessot Gues tartan Ts257 Marte Antomette Carciine, +: Mf. PUCGHANAN ON TINS STC MIS Cousiessrat Lipana, in ISs3oan. rerome, The New York xpress tiinieae we King of Westphalia, the enghth and ) 5 hinks ¢ co : tn Lsuo do, that the partisan harrangne trom the a nt ° | President of the United States on Mur ; The peculiar tuterest whic h attac jes to the deceased iu Ainerion ritises from: tits day evening last Geservees (he tost ser ons censure. Not (says the Boy that embodies any fresh thoughts, or throws new light aqpoa any qhestions which at present occupy the public mind, bat be cause it demonstrates more vividly ett anything we have lately encountered the unseemly lengths to Which some men, who ure accustomed to pride thetusel¥ce upon their patriotism and statesmaneliit, du not hesitate to vo when aseltish end ts to be subserved, or a party purpose tu be promoted, We are not to be understood ae imply: ing that the fact that Mr. Buchanan is President of the United States ought to, seal his lips or te lis tongue upon topics which more or less enyross the attention of the restof lis countrymen; butit must be acknowledyed that something is due tu yood taste, tu self respect, and to the} dignity which should attach to the Presi | dential office. If we are correct liere, | then, we defy any impartial mind to rise) from the perusal of this extraordinary | Speech trom the etepsof the Wiiate House ou the occasion alluded to, the conviction that Mr las laid Limeeif open to the charge of yrossiy and gratuitously violating these several obli gations. Wiat man, occupying the high position of Chief Magistrate of the hte public contd 80 compromise his self re- Bpect, for instance, as to voluntary extib Whinself before that partisan crowd in the character of the veriest demagovue, declaring that he “had ever been the frien | of regular nominations,” and that he “had never struck a political ucket in his life.” ‘The ocenpantiof the charr of Washinton it seema to ne, onght to have been above the wretched clap trap of the primary elections, and the hunnating spectacle of advertising himself thas pab- Nicly as the merest * mariage with Moss Eizabeth Patterson, of Baltummore, in 1808, when on @ visit: ty this country, Whe survives him and still th CIty [he marriage Was repudic dotiy the Einperor Napolc and the youny wife refused admission in resides itt at to France. Ste bere ason to ber liusband, the present Jerome Napoleon Donaparte, aventleman of Baltimore. But her hos band, unable to overcome the objections of Napoleon to lis mariage, although the Pope refused to annul it, in 1807 entered | Intoatnatrinouial daion with the Princess Fredrica Catharina, daughter of the King of Wurtemburg, aud ie was seon alter | wards proclaimed King of Westphalia. After a life of vicissitudes, in) which be) has witnessed the ceaseless fluctuations | in the career of France, he bas died amidst the honors and renown achieved by the! Napoleonic dynasty, which ayain sways the destinies of the French cupire. Tt seerne that the Southern ultras —as represented by the Charleston Mercury -say that it Bell and Everett are elect ed thes will cheerfully “acquiesce el f tantly Chey will (says the Atexandria Ga yette.) Sowillevery body be a peneral yubtlee throughout the coun try. Everybody but the rank abolitionists and disunionints pleased — W nizs, Democrats, State Leglits men aud all. Let us strive to bring about such a bappy result. Let us work to wether to tnangurate & ew system, or rather to revise the old system —" an era of good tecling,” as need to be said in Monroe’s tine, When party pusscons be ing hushed, the country determined te ‘cultivate the fair, delightful plans of peace,” and the people of all sections un: warped by party rage live like brothers o Ia not that a’ consummation most de- voutly to be wished?” ‘There is but one way that we can see, to effect it—and that is discarding prejudice, and looking only to the yood of the country, to vote for and elect Bell and Everett ! Norfolk ( Va.) Herald. withont Buchanan : There would determined would be political machime.” THE GEORGIA SECEDERS lave issued a call for a State Conven tion, to meet in Milledgeville on Wednes day. Anyust 8th, to nominate an biecto ral Ticket, “and to counsel together over the general interest of the country and pany.” The Nationale hold their Con vention on the 24th July at Millec Upson (@a.) For Bett ano Everett.—The Mont gomery (Ala) Daily Post, litherto nea ce \tral, comes to us advocating the election lot. of Bell and Everett. | $3.00 | 15.00 | ten, in the same proportion nent always in advance. a ALISBURY, N. C., JULY THE MYSTERIOUS MURDER—ONE NIGHTS EXPERIENCE iN LONDON. It was the fall of IS—, that the ship to which L belonged, after a voyage in the VNorthern Athintic, hove in sight of the Seily boland, and as we were bound for | London. shaped our course up the chan: juel and in afew days were anchored in ithe Downs. Llaving got short of provi- | Sious for some time back, we were oblig- ed to stop and replenish. The next day, \lawever, We were towed up to the river land entered Commercial Dock on the lox Tt was a grand sight to me, for 1 ‘had never seen London, and the city seen: ed like the world in comparison with wy little village in the West of England.— We were paid off on the morrow; and I Where There's a Will There's a Way: BY JOHN G. BAXE. Aut ventam vam, aul facram. | | Tt was a aoble Roman. Lu Kome's inipenal day, Who heard « coward croaker lore the battle ray: © They're safe in such a forirens 5 There is no way to shake it—"" “On! on!” exclauned the hero, “TU find @ way, or make 11 Ta fame your aspiration? Her path is steep ond high | To vain he seeks the Cemple, Content to gaze and sgh, The sliuing throue in wang, But he alone cau tabe it, Who save wib Roman firniuess, TU fied @ way, or make il Is legraing your ambition? There it no royal road ; Alike (he peer and pe sunt Most clinb vo her abode Who te®ls the thirst of kKuowledge, In Heheon may sluke it, jaa ; On eee orenaweall of wineli LT baa eo often heard. At 12 lo'clock next day all hands proceeded to lthe oftice in London Lall street, and: re- ceived severally the amount due them, There was juot £10 coming to me and | Istarted off to see how T could best make it conductive to my pleasure, | lad been patrolling around tor some time, looking at the tower aod other places of note, and ‘tiually walked into one of the parks To find a way, or make it. Are riches worth the geting? Vhey must be bravely sought; Worth wishing and wots cing Vhe We cannot be bought, To all the prize ie epen, But ouly he can take Wire wane Li hy with Rowan courage, hud away, or muke al Lo lacete ca pasmoned warfare, to pe) SON L see what L could of the London tushroue, Phat viewers Crowne the valiant, Le eatin Inet eee C ly: Tree t aren iene ere : Was leaning against a tree watching a Piough strong wu chee party which attracted wy attention, when A lover stlbinuy take a 1 was suduenly accosted by a temale, i; NS MO eRe parently about eighteen or twenty, nea Till Nud a way, vr make tt . : i y dressed, and with ab expression whieh, nia though pleasing seemed somewhat sad NNT Hs eID RS Vel. C 1 ‘Whatis it you wish my good lady aS , ) , raid Tie Constitutional Union amen of t vd I She lucked at me for a moment, and wail: ‘You are a sailor, T suppor? Stes ‘How long have you veer in London ‘Toarrived yesterday ‘ a ‘Tlave vou been ticie before f "Never ‘Well then, perhaps Dean be of som PY a plait and a tieket whicl DEH CE CMU Sao aet : : tssistance To you. Suppose we Cake it revithe Celt 1 t - é 5; Be cab and driveover to Vauxla li thin eve Vetoes Hd orbamwotmb can ad Vairtyatiet ” the wovernt Joere Was tho wrane BO ' | hesitated aanoment; for Dthoagitt pe qroarrebiigs-tothiatse tat ts : : a ‘ tivselt, she vo doubt thioks | have pienty cali and pubrietic HeTIOn Oy Chie = z ve Homenes, and Wishes to oblate a share woen oof thie pation Lev aecous 5 Lith ditference; 1 will spend | , Ww ’ t : rut ther, ageatn, ight, at Miahkes Te r Work io an unexceptional aby how ) au] manner ) fieir candidates abe goss State oat Ir us , Conse! et £ " oe She called a cab, and in a ebort eed ; we were at Vaoxlall, 1 puded out any streny' li every < i ‘ 5 thine from day to dav, and are vent by ail unprepudseed men to offer the jpoudent of the Boston Zraveller writes Scott and his little daughter are in Lon- Hdetermined as soon as [was at liberty,’ Ito take astroll and see some of the sights! pthe open windows of tac apartment ‘Te had aipo known ey ey J wv, = UMBER 9. 24, 1860. Ma erlten, Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. Twilight Musings. Lis twitight’s calm and solemn hour I fondly muse on bye-geme dnys— Those days aud scenes which still have power To wake & song in childboud's prasee Sir Walter Scot ts Grave —A corres: us follows of bis visit to Abbotsford, and the tomb of Scott: “To day, sitting at the window of the little inn at Melrose, We rest an hour or two before leaving their charwing surines. Dryburgh Abbey, yesterday evening, 10 the setting sunlight, was all that romance aud poetry have pictured it, and Sir Wal- ter’s grave, 48 We stood leaning over his tomb, was cheered by « robin redbreast singing loud and cleur In @ neighboring tree. Betore viriting Drybargh we ypent several hours at Abbutefurd, now seem: ingly a deserted residence, for Mr. Hope The light which mem’ry throwe upon The unforgutten days of old, Is like the low declining sun Which (urns the distant bill to gold. I feel again that early pride, With which f heard them cali me fair; The Inter joy when av a bride, ‘They praised the chaplet in my hare ' that wreath is faded now, he wither'd th.werewre wet by grief, The cyprees on my wit owed brow, Usurps the place of rusdétnd leaf. Yet with my own brief I would reveal auther My morning- y dear, don, and the place ie left with servants. Fording-the Tweed just after s-ausart shower, which made every bush brighter, and every blude of grass greener, we walked through the avenne leading to the, house without meeting a soul. Arrived | at the porter’s lodge, no ringing of bells, | or pounding on dvurs could induce a ho nan being to appear; 80 we opeved the lawn yate and rambled about the grounds, bot even a dey or cat coming oul to bee who were jotradiug upon the preuitees. We thought our visit, would be tinted and We sliouid pel wway without Ineetiny any one trou the house; bata tidy little Scotch dame came at laet, Wiploy tie cor The consolations which I find, In reveries of my former joy, Is that which ever brings to mind Hie image in iny darhug boy. - 2. MY WIFE AND 1. As through the land at eve we went, Ans plucked the ripened ears We fell out!—iny wie and [— Ob! we fellout! Pkoew vot why, And kivsed again with tears For when we came where lies the child We lost in other years, There, above the little grave, Oh, there above the little grave, ier if hersmouth with ber apron, ev We kiemed again with tears! — Tenvyson disturbed at | Notwithstanding she had been dently having been er wee Iuneh Take care of Your FEyca.—One of the obliged to leave ber ale aud sandwich, most eminent Amercan divines, who lias hertenper was by nomweans ruffed, and in for some tine been compelled te Qve im nutes she became Bo minutely } y wu tle plemeure of reading, tas spent Botiie tolbographical that we had av the ateme thousands of Gotitre ta Vain, and les of robusting existence spread out lhe vears of tie, in consequence of welling a pocket tian betore us. pseveral fours betore das and stugy in “sir Walter's study looked the same by artiticial hybt. His eves wil Lever as wien | saw it len Years ayo, Lut the rect well : library seemed less cared tor We weet Multitudes of tnen and weenen lage inte tl room where the mianetrel died, made their eves weak for life, by the tou and the same sounds frou the river that free use of evesly tin reading fine priut tell on fis dying ears came up through and doi tine newing., tn view of Chene + ve thinge, it will be well to observe the fo present ocenpant, Whe martied a daugh lowing rules in the use of the eves: ter ot Lockhart, isa Denman Catholic, and Avod al) eudden cuanues be tween! lit we were to Gy ote ot tite te rors that and dark tess be was tapude hited mon. Connig away Never bee read, write or sew, for tron the use we Ih With at ov several minutes ter Cot ry from thie trend of Tom Purdie, who bad many darkness to a bright hele good words to say for that worthy perser ser Walter, but h considered hit too great @ echotar tor pe Never read by twiligit, or moon! wv oron a very cloudy day. Never read or sew directly in front o the light, or w indow, or avi Itas best to have the tight to fall from above obliquely, over the Jett shoulder. t humble a bedy a6 limeelf ty be ou very fanmtliar terms wit. “Abbotsford is a sad place now, and Ly hope ot the countes purse to pay tie driver, wien ete ance! fone cannot go tu if, remenibering how Never sleep so that, on the tiret awa * . ten atid mail: oe “e t ; ) - Mark the other picture. The antaze pa . Wwe and ae hen b cheertal it was once, Without & bh that keving, the eyes bliall open on the light nishe vlemente comsponiia the rete Neser mind wir, P have plenty \ veoall have passed away who were so happy of a window, a w vides eeu yauurcetuercion ice it ae pete . / fe party iio Oleesasian te oiled ides, Lanvited you here, theretute, Pbear| guider ite root but a Tew years ago. ) Do not use the eyesight by light E tie Exch Bt \ . April. bor ten days they woe band : ee . | ces ‘secant that it requ.res ap effurt to discric ' ; ; i 1] Was as shed. for T never doubted trace eed touneet ey, | We! verte i “mt i ‘ The moment you are instinctively } ss “ Pat + art Was ucZlea t Lait traordin : 7 read s ie Corie cer aie cies tee wane ae 4 r Zélea hk ; An ex aor ae lacy 15 the dread pr nupted te rub the eyes, that moment an Upon be asso b ue 1 Was Geers ted » “i Stile vials Jes P uel a HENS ED ASIN Moe WC KS (Eee TCE COME Ae the react nuree ner sshimentea, o Tie but i choice os be } \ Phe city of Paltinnore Cute, it t : 4 CUM PSII MECHANIC HRSA DE TARE elect USL a wir f Phe choice vats It the eyelids are ploed toether, or advent. a prize rig Seat Wich st au WITK VEEN { su dtween pore night oar from without aud awakiog ap, do not forciiiy open a chug, quarreling til ml erens Which eit peste Upon pray dg for, We) foul air trom, watt Dut apply tue saliva with the Noyer—it is =! ed about the paruer aI trop tor tlie et th cr the latte t Cee CUewteriacl wll ler ' thout the paruen, Hetentigs : tel Moet i fer the Jatter, An une the speediest dilutant in the world ¢ the r ' Ie, UEC CoWare : TAs he s "CO tals Wh . ceed nae. The ravenous appetites waa vane oe " es Wiiat will they 4) wash your eves aud face in warm water tuatked t tw best te return re dito be t t avi ie . me “y party leaders, wspauraiits, expectar tayetrnin a : SES cl fit IS prove te be true toat fiay or Hlalls Journal of Lieatta fers cd Era pe tere wai gions anclraiet ‘Yus, ot will noon be dark, and we hadjnalf of aif the diseases we suffer trom is : Soe bal a pe t Pre ‘Bare } : 1 | ee cooks, scullionaancl catap tollowers, were better tv. Ids ears ItC oui areiG GeCARtouen cy pete RCC p it WILIStCT Vin} roy and it would be Joly a hotel tecmyeht, aod stranger in Lond whetted by collusion, and. fe acted pons? alieneed the \ vod ou tol ! Ilackguardista, bladeoua and blood Ey kote T o besides it would be ungenerous in ime tet Tie battle of the factions was kept up for 5 | \ allow you to. I reside in —— strcel, a week, during wlach Pooper fought i . i _ and af you will accept a ream an im) [indinan, Whateiy fongl Pownsend, ? i ; oa Detvee davetit tlie ‘i eaemelieane! loupe, you will be petfectty welcome 4s sher fought the pooor, feo wthdl fouy 4 : 2 ' . and my husband, who 18 fond of compa Montgomery, and Sint c ’ ny, will be ylag to see you , wbole party ated was called outiun turn yen While hesitating, elie called a cab and by an Ptlimers irtepressitite Drinking 5) | 3 , hall forced wie in. houses, ganibong bes and ether places " ay Pcie ahameeees, Glumpeticnll (inn J went up stairs to the room she has | “ oy 1 ul, ¢ d the OK G we W Sunday morting, wien Nie, Omthinve pointed oul, op. ned the door md cut 1 twas turmoted, you might say, nubly , commenced the pious work of imatins tickets, until Sunday night, two Convent: the bed stood in the further corner, with vlue damask curtains in front, Pb andiess ed myself quickly, as | was somewhat tir ed with my cays adventures, walked Co which found e both Na * National” HHS dena tional,” aud each o ticket If thec ntemplation of this picture is A there lay aban welberny ip fin Giood, with his throat cut trom ear to eur, | It would: be vain to attempt to describe my feeliuys. sell, Wilh a preeence of mpd buever cau tor, [then tried to open the door, Which, to my horror, T fouud was Nocked. Giancing around the room, ty vyes fell Npon the irons in the fire place the bed and drew aside the Curtainn, d not enous to influence the people, Irre: ppective of party, to fighton the side of decency, Natenality and patriotism, and vote for Bell and Everett, we have mis calculated the iotelligency and indepen Tushville Banner Timinediately dressed my account deuce of the people. - Edward Ereretts Oration at Boston —Mr, Everett, delivered an oration: at | Joeton on the 4th which is noticed being a “inaster effort.” It was epoken with vreat animation and spirit, and beld the anbroken attention of trom the first to last. Its success as a spoken discourse was perfect. Many of the passages were most enthusiastically recerved. The Boston terizenit aga weiglity, temperate, thonzht 1 1 snatched up one, and with ove stroke broke the louk and opened the doar, Run [ found the tront tov. Tbaving nothit break the lock with, | darted into the first) room b come to, anc juaped feotu a Win | | | | j | HA | ting duwu the otairs, door fastened iw to the audience | dow into ap alley ou the side ot the house, and had merely concealed myselt when the people around beyau eryiig murder, | and i was the very woman DT came with, | Conner charac tul and wise discourse, a cali and emi | tollowed by several of the police, entered | Kthe house, thinking, { BI POwE of Cogrse, sie would tind me. crowd gathered wcound, aud yussed out unnoticed. Vows next morming [was reading the pa per, and alioot the first thing that at tracted ine was the notice ot a bloody tiutder on - street, with a reward pot £50 for the apprebeusion of the mur Le Hight Democratic papers in Alabama, derer, It went further, and jn the de- have “decbired” far Donghes and Johnson sand voription of the supposed person, describ one other, the Decatur Zumes, was about todo! od ine better than | could lave done my ao cele ite wclsens lewtlt fol Ts proprietor’ Salt, even to the tanner in which I wore CE Ce ea eee eee Ot my beard. ‘Ihe first barber shop receiv ed that gratis, and changtag my clothing, which was alinest minutely desenbed, | went down to the ducks, and a bark beng a hand short, L shipped in her for New York, and lave uever eince, nor never j wish to spend another night in London. nently snecesstul defence of the country and ity institutions agamet certain &pe ciots and plausible attucka, which deriv ed weight from the rank and iiflience of the assailant—a defence made not by a closet philosopher, bat by a practical J lett as soon as the statesman, long tried in the affairs of Go vernment and the conduct of lite until arrangements could be made for the tuture conduct of the paper. The uinpresston nm goumig | ground that Douglas will run Treckinid.te a clove race in Alabama, thongh the latter wall have largely the ascendancy i South Alabama We beleve that Bell and Everett: will get the electoral vote of the Surte Columbus (Ga) Engurrer Maonanimrry.—Taseo replied to a pro A State Convention Called in. Virgin: position that he shonld take vengeance Ja.—Tne Democratic State Executive ou a man who had injured him, Committee hus called a Democratic State Jonvention to meet on the L5th of Au gust next. jof his goods, his honor or hie lite; Lonly | wish to deprive him of bis itl-will.” frend to make night the beet time for wir 'veare of aye, “Edo not wish to deprive iin either | MiG e eit A Curiosity. —Uarper tor May, plucke ont ofite Editors Drawer™ An open window tnoet viite in the year can tever | urtany one a queer plac e Vins is vot to may that ight is not neces that same ‘Drawer’ —a literary curiosity sary fur recovery, re 7 ” In preat @bes night airis often the best AYER aA RCRD GfoGal atte aud porest ar to be bad im the twenty loud 1. This spelis back ward and torward all the sane 2 Then taking all the first letters of each word apeils the first word hours. {could better understand i owns, the siottiy of toe windows during the day than the might, for the sake of che Phe absence of smoke, the gue, wll 3. Tien ail the second letters of each word speils the second word. 4. Then all the third; andsoon through the fourth and fitth, 5. Then commencing with the last let tec of each word spells the last word RICK wy the patient One oneconsumpton abd chinate tas Cold tie L. taeon of our bighest medical authoritie- that the airin is never a good 6 Then the next to the last of each as after LU o’clock at might. Always ate word, aud so on through, yeour rovms, then, trom the outside wir, ieee possible, Se - a : : Presidential Election Day.—Congress passed an act in 1845, ‘to establish a uni form time for holding elections for elec tore of President and Vice President in all the States of the Union.’ Tus act tixes the election on the “Tuesday neat after the firet Monday in the month of {| November” which this year is the 61h ‘day of the month. All the electors must A Child Divoured by Bears.—On| be chosen or appointed on that day, ex Wednesday, 6th ult, a chiid, about tour! cept in the case of the filling of vacancies was carried off aud devour: in the Electoral College, or where a State ed by a bear in the town of Ellenburgh, has failed to effect au election ou the day Clinton county, N.Y. The child, a boy, designated, went a short distance from lis father’s house, with a brother about eight veurs old, to tish in a brook, Xt sebool tine the oldest boy went roto the house to pre: pare for school, and told bis mother that Windows are made to open, doors were made to shut, a teach which geema ex tremely ditcult of apprehension, very roots dust be aired trom without, every passaye trom within, But the fewer pas | sages (here are i au hogpital the better, fla. Nightengale. oo Aman calling limeaelf James Madison lovd, baving with him tietitious letters of introdnetion, purporting to be signed by the Hon, Isaue t. Stevens, © worm aD tus brother fiad remaimed at the brook, of the “Natonal Democratic. Executive aud would retury ina short tune. Tn a) Comittee? and conutersizned by M little while fis mother went atter hin, W. Closkey, Secretary of said Comittee, but he was not to be found. Ste then and Misc wetter of ike character signed called dim, and beard him erying ata Tie sounds rapidly and passed beyond hearing. by Lon, Thomas BI about the country represcoting himself as the financial apent of said Committee. lle ia a swindler. — Charleston Courier. orence, is traveling distance. receded ‘The woman tunimediately alarmed her husband, who made search for the child without suc CUss. The neighbors were then notified, and a general search took place till nightfall. Next day the alarm became more exten: sive, and the search was renewed with in Patriotic. —“Fellow segers,” sada newly elected lieutenant away down in Marne, ‘Tm alltired obleeyed to you tu this shove up in the ranks you have yiven | ine. Fellow sogers, Pin not going to ter creased energy. It was continued from) vat your kindness soon; not by a lon day to day, without avail, tll the follow My Monday, when a man passing a hol low log Was growled at by a black bear Lhe bear was tired upon and killed. In the log were found two young bears, the missing child’s clothes, and a portion of one of vis legs. The cubs were despatch ed, and in the stomach of all three were tuund portivns of the devoured boy sights and PU tell you what at ois, Vi stick to my post like pitch toa pine board, so Jong as there's a prece | botas Doin for rotation in office, if we shonld come to blows with the Britishers, Pll be hang'd if ] don’t resign right off and gil every and all that ere.” | | Cincinnati is the Zamburg of America, ithe beat home music, and the graceful tig- jand the Aeatropolis of the West. lures of childhood are the beet statuary ’ € / Sharp Practice—A wedk or twot | fellow a fair shake for fame and glory, feet The gleeful langh of happy children is which only open in the dark; there are four creditors started from Boston in thé same train of cars for the purpose of at |taching the property of a certain debtor in Farmington, Maine. He owed each separately, and each gne was suspicious ‘of the other’s business. When they ar- rived at the depot there was only one cab to convey thems to the debtor's place of business, which was three miles off. — ‘Loree got in, and refused adinittance to the fourth, and the cab started. The fourth mounted up on the outside with the driver. He asked the driver if he wanted to sell hishorge. The driver said he was not worth more than $50, bat he did’pt want to 8ell lim for that, He ask- ca binof be would take @100 for hin,— Vie driver said yes; whereupon the “fourth man” quickly paid over the mou- took the reins, and backed the door of the cab against 4 sand-bank soit couhl wy Q not be opened, slipped the horse fromthe harness, mounted and rode off, while the “ipsiders” were looking out of the wine dow, ' He rede toa lawyers got a writ made and served, and his debt eecnre, and yot back to the hetel just as aes itte nders” came up puffing and blowing. — ‘They offered to pay lim back what tie had expended for the horse, if he would not tell the joke iv Boston. A Prediction Verified. Some two or three weeks since, Wilt urging the Se ‘eeders at BalGunore to adopt the candi- (dates of the Union party noel this cone solidate the South iu opposition to Doug: las and Lincoln, we coutidently ventured the prophecy that “no Democrat who was prominent inthe. 2 2 accept their nomination if tendered.” | ‘The secret history of the Seceders Con- Fvention is beginning to transpire, and in lit we finda trinmplant vindication of our judement in the premises. [bis now said, hoy wothority that the pormitation wits list tendered to Mr. Hunter and by tim re: yee then to Mr. Guthrie, and by lim also refused; inthe third resort Mr, Breek- inridge received and accepted it We forthermore bave the authority of the Knoxville Wiig for saying that the fon. Mr. Guthrie, who had more friends at Charleston than any Han, ave Donglas, has prononneed both the Dew vourate tickets as sectional, and unworthy hele feGys other the support of the National Detnocrats. Sucannah dec publican. A New Drdl—The National Guard are encamped pear New dark, to f Que of the N Youk papers, noticing a feature of the eu carppinent, Bast the vber of abuut 50 WwW to bothe dost umane attractan an Pocsday tight was the parade and dance of toe dantern battahon B Wis Cou ! f near two hundred soldiers, each one carving a bight in a globe hadern, Whe were mancwurvred on the parade correctiess aud The atfair round alter dark, with Hardee's tactics. recision, termaing wrt! | when 1B TANCE ON Co parade ¥ nd dawn, each one still heluiog his nop bis band as be engaged vo the measure af dance eoptulit, ine ded. was traly newel, aad it woud be almost an tmpossibly tasx to deseribe the scepe dade by the rapid tievement of two bandied were lanterns, their holders hither thather, back- wards, Kidewaye, and in every cConce) thn Moving aud a Tudeed, thas burlesque ipromptu affair was suck a snecess tat, Wie tnevement, wy request, it was cepeated last nig Torrdle.—A mar wiotlian umbrella ina hie hand, eatled ut Senater Summer's Monday. and inquired af Mir. Sumner wae © Senater Wilson was diately sent for, whey upon reaches eospot,atence asked the man standing Dhoeentey what be wanted of Mr Same ner Jie man rephed that he had a lit- Hiayvarmst lim for tapping a pare of Ne Was Correct, aud Sumner patd it, where son examined the bill, said it mothe worthy cobler spread is ame la and lett. ip ye Burlingame soon arrive ed, tut found no blood upen the fleor. Ps —Another man called the next j ¢ Bat no danger is apprehended 5 Durlingatwe is there.— Boston Post. day Mob Law Tr iamphant ~On Wednes- day last, 4th instant, a large bedy of men vsseribled at Cursetta, the county seat of Chattahoochee Ga., with the avewed purpose of breaking into the jail of that county, for the purpose of takings therefrom and hanging Doolittle, coutin- County, ed therein, charged with the murder of Wiliam and Janes Helmes, of that coun: tv, some five orsix weeks ago, The mob, in defiance of the Sheriff of the county, proceeded to enter the jail, and when about to enter the cell, Doolittle cut his throat with a razor, and thus saved his pursuers the pleasure of prosecuting their Inigsien, —- ; Telegraph to ( ‘harlotte.— We learn that the Charlotte and South Carelina Rail- road Company have perfected, through their President, Me. Johnsen, an arrange ment with the Adam's Express Company, that will insure the building of a line be- tween this city and Colombia, The construction of this line will afford ‘great accommodations to the business communities of Charlotte and the eur- rounding towns and villages, and it will, ronized by ther. nodouwbt, be liberally pe Charlotte Bulletin. Billand Everdt in Massachusetts — An exchange gaye i—"* ln Maussachusetrs ind Maine larze numbers of consetyntive I The Boston Courier publishes comunnnis cations from several such and is very contident that the electoral vote of Maga- achusetts will be given to Bell. It is also stated that in several of the Massachusetts towns democrats are join- ing Bell and Everett Clie, Norfolk Herald. puoneans are coming ont for Bellh— rder to Jearn the foree of a blow Tom Savers, the prize fighter, the London College of Surgeons had him to test the weight of the blow he gives apon \ inde like a stomach, whieh registers the number of ponnds weight. Tonrvs blow registered 329 Vhs. which wonld knock a common man about 50 worse than the kick of a horse. | W Dn machine tt There are flowers of Christian beauty | fountains of consolation which are only heard in the night of Parties in North Ca- wana.—Iwo years ago there was no hig candidate for Governor, and the vote between Gov. Ellis and Mr. McRue, both Democrats, ie no test of party strength. In the absence of a party vote at the last Governor's election, the surest test is to be found in the Congressional elections last year, wherever there was 4 contest, and for the remainder of the State in previous Governor’s elections. Last year only five of the eight Con ional districts were contested and the hige beat the Democrats in all of thei exceptthe 7th, where their candidate was late in the field. We give the official i ape votes: lat Diet, Smith, 6045 Shaw. 553 5th “ Giliner, 6861 Williams, 4512 6th “ Leach, 8566 Scales, 7604 Tth “ Walkup, 4075 Craize, 5495 8th “ Vance, 8036 Coleman, 6331 33,073 29,583 29,533 Whig majority, 3,540 In five-eighths of the State, then, last year, the Whig majority was 3,540 gained in a thorongh party struggle and as all know ata Gime when there was lit tle or nothing favorable to the reconstruc tion of a great aud powerful National Opposition party. The remaining three Districts in 1856 when Gilmer and Bragg were candidates, gre Mr. Gilmer 13,530 votes, and Gov. ragg 23,292; Bragy’s majority 9.762. Deduct Whig majority of 3,540 as above, and the Democratic majority in the State is left—6,222. atest; Mr. Gilmer was ran asthe “Amer- ican” candidate and But this election was not} | | Carolina Ceatebman. ALIS BI lin) VAC. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 24 2860, FOR PRSIDENT, HON. JOHN BELL, OF TENNESSEE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HON. EDWARD EVERETT, OF "MASSACHUSETTS FOR GOVERNOR JOHN POOL, OF PASQUOTANK. CONEY CAND EDAILES: For Cn nate, Dr. J. G. RAMSAY. For the Cummons F. E. -SHOBER, Ese, H. C. JONES, Jk. LOOK UPON THIS PICTURE, | AND ON THIS, Whig votes; the five Districts alone! mode of taxation, and itis of the secuioual compro- which gave last year a Whig inajority of | 3540, gave a majority against Gilmer of, 2,832 votes! In other words, as compar- ed with Gilmer and Bragg, the Whig 0 ‘i & ile . candidates for Congress last year in the} five contested Districts gained six thou-| be called on the sand three hundred anid seventy two votes! | basia as early as practica. amendment aff The last square Whig and Democratic, just and nght that all prop- mises of our Constitution, erty should contribute its State or National, and that proportion towards the bur. we especially deprecste dens of State: the introduction at this Resolced, That we re- tine by the Opposition commend a Coaventon of Party of North Catolina the people of the Siate to toto cur State politics of a federal quesuion ot © ysuunbonal ing the urreve- ble for the purpose of so bosis upen whic modifying the Constitution nue is cused, believing it fight was between Gen. Dockery aud Goy, | that every species of prop to be premature, impolite Bragg. The three Districts yave Bray; over Dookery a majority of 6,999. De dact Whig majority of 3,540 as above and we have left what we suppose was about the strength of parties at the begin ning of this campaign—Demucratic ma- jority only 3,459. That is a small number of votes to overcome. A change of 1,730 votes, an! average of but 21 to the county, would elect Mr. Pool. And we need scarcely | acd, that from the best information that} we can obtain the change will count up, jo thousands.— Fayetteville Observer. From the Fayetteville Observer. erty may be taxed accord Ing toits value, dangerous and unjust; at with pow. the samme time we deem it yerto diseriminate only in the duty of the Legis! ature favorofthe native products when passing acts four tle of our State and the indus. raising of revenue. tnal pursuits of her ciii- adjust taxation, us to bear rena —Thirteent: Resolu- as equilly as practicable tion of the Opposition plat- form. Bo to hin the hante of the Ututien, upon the va- nous interests and ¢]isses of property iu all seetions of the State —Elerenth Resolution of the Demo- cratic platform. ny There cau he ne doubt of the pra jusuce of the AD VALOREM sys: leability. ani om. —Raleigh | Standard, Feb. 2nd. 159 2. OF Bear it in mind that the anti-Ad Valorem DISGRACEFUL. | Party propose in their Platform to tax every thing in We have almost daily occasion to be; amazed at the ftalsitication of fact by! Democratic papers to prop up the despe rate fortunes of Ellis aud the party. Tie: last mail broaght us the flowing speci mens: taz upon slaves. “Io bis speech at Elizabeth City, above refer- red to, he said : ~-The proposed change would tax articles not | Democratic “Joho Poo! himself, in bis speech at Elizabeth ; City, declared that the effect of ad valorem tax, | upon property generally, would not tnerease the | the Siate, gto Value except: Slaves. according ae the Ralewth Stand -AD VALO REM Democratic Candidates for the Legudlarure in IF Let it be remembered that rd thinks that the pl vof ruaning wnt all the Counties, would be DISASTROUS” to the Party TCKEISMIICK Eis: Poot Tickets. We jcan supply them at 50 cents per thousand, Post Send in your orders for jage, 10 cents per thousand, should also be sent +2. mow tazed, and thus keep up the revenue of the| tae The only change in the Consti- State without increasing the tax on slaves.” — Goldsboro’ Rough Notes. Mr. Pool said no such thing, at Eliza beth City oranywhereelse. Everywhere be has maintained precisely the opposite ground, viz: that the tax ou slaves will Ee increased by ad valorein. | The Winston Sentinel publishes No. 4 of a “Tax Payers” humbuggery, falseis ascribed by the Raleigh Press to Mr Fries,) in which we tind the following: “According to the Fayetteville Observer. the entire taxes upon all the negroes in the State, would not reach even §30,000.” “I showed that ad valorem could not increase | the present tax on slaves, exceeding 30,000 du lars. From a recent statement in the Observer the increase will not even reach that mucli.” Did anybody ever see more barefaced falsehoods thau the above! Not a rea der of the Observer but knows perfectly well that we never said anything like the above, but on the contrary lave shown that the tax on slaves, at 10 cents on thie 3100 value, will probably amount to $220,056 20, an increase of $101,726. No map can have a particle of com mon honesty who writes or publisher gach deliberate falsehoods. ve this “Tax Payer’s” articles abound with them, and the Democratic editurs throughout | the State who poblish and republis! them know thetn tu be falsehoods, (those of them who know anything at all.) THE DISUNION TICKET. The men #bo nominated Breckinridze and Lane gave utturance to the fullowing sentiments, | which bad they been uttered in the days of pa-| who wonld vote for Fisher and El triotism, would bave consigned them to the gal- lows as traitors. Let thei be hung higher than Haman io the estimation of a virtuous and pat niotic people : jtation demanded by Mr. Pool is, that ne 'wroes may be taxed as property and not bas qolls: Ao great outery is made by the denoeraey because Mr. Pool is going to speak at Gold Hill vthe 26: of Glas month, The people of that place wanted to hear bin, and we goaess they lave aright to ask Nia to speak there Gas Elis nada speech behind Mr Pools hack at fie .atl then pobjished it at} over the State j Mr. Pools speaking now qost where it pleases Thun. He is speaking for himself, and not for our county candidates. Ramsay, Shober and Jones don't need Mr. Pools help to knock the horns off their opponents DEMOCRATIC MONEY LE SN ES i The Salisbury AKO) VOTERS Barns contvadic:s the Tew) charge we made against the party of hay ing afundready nade up to pay the taxes jof those voters who wil consent to vote tor Fieher and other candidates of the de- Mocratic party, It says, “there is nota eof truth in this statement.” Rae We charge, and can prove it by several responsible Witnesses, that at ac yartic! tive man of their party, and one on who jthey largely depend for working at the | poll, publicly declared that the demo ' ) cratic party iad ®518 made up and ready to be used for paying the taxes of those is, and the other candidates ef that party; for buying liquor, and forany other purposes that would promote their election. We charge that this declaration was made at “We sball fire the Southern heart, instruct) McNeely & Young's corner, last Satur the Southern mind, give courage to each other, and at the proper moment, by one. organized, concerted action, we can precipitate the cotton States into a revolution.— Wm. L. Yancey. “If Thad the power, I would dissolve this government in two minutes.”"— J, 7. Morgan. “Let us break up this rotten, stinking, and oppressive guvernment.”— Geo. Gaulle. “Kesistance ! Kesistance! to death, the government is what we want now.” Hubbard. “Break up and dissulve this rotten, Yankee government.”—John D. F. Williams “Let the Union rip."—R. D. Garle against Lramd BUCHANAN WHIGS At the last Presidential election, a large num ber of men who professed to be Whigs, voted for Bucbanan, in order to defeat Fremont. That many among them voted with a patriote, hon est purpose, we never entertained a doubt ; the conduct of others was calculated to suspicion that office was their wim. Asitis very evident now, that if the Black Republicans are , defeated in the coming election, it must be done by Bell and Everett, and that every vote for either Douglas or Breckinndge, ia an indirect vote for Lincoln; we take it for granted that all the Buchanan Whigs will vote the Nation»! Coion ticket, as only by so doing, can they prove the mocenty of their professions in their votes for Buchanan. wiile Taine a The Japanese language is said to be more diffi- eult than the Chinese. It requires eight vears to obtain a knowledge of it so as to apenk it, and and * grammar of it is impossible day night two weeks; and that no with- drawal or qualification of it has since been made, tion wae angrily ¢ The wan who made the declara nouncing the speaking party for neylecting ratification menot the tend the ta oat meeting on that ip the mark night. This shows whe are et te bay votes We charge farther, and it ia notorions ly trae, that (losis iw exact accordance with the practi of Rowan, eof the democrane party Tirev dealt out hare quant ties of diquor tothe soters at Salsbury tthe last Governor's election, and puad the taxes of as tiany aa wonld consent to therrterms, Certain Tonorables of ther party bung around the door of their lquer cellar peariy all day, huging and patton on the back, the pour besotted en whose low dbtestipence ineral Weakness pre cluded their eee the debasing purpose of these demoralizing election-day Caress es, Even Gov, Ellis was charged of lead ingen tothe polis on that day. We know he was there, and mingled freely with the crowd else alere We tell the honest, moral and conser ative men of Rowan, that pet that if these experi ence proves, desperate re sh the election of Fish er and the other candidates of the demoe racy, they will be clected in Rowan. Mr Fisher, we are aware, atone titne raised jhis hands with hely horror at these pro ceedings and set hineelf in opposition to them. Jt was on a day when fight after i sorts CAN Acco: ge ee — Wueaeeas, Grest ine-| Resolred, That we arey tt lost thousands of quality existsin the prosent opposed to disturbing any‘ + fight, and oaths like a blighting temptest | ‘frou the bottomless pit awakened the drea dof many others who wituessed them \on our streets, that he busied himself in \ i “ ) Gove ne eas ” ae a versaries, seriously to consider what they number of ladies. jnever du; it must be stopp -d. But he ' y hey ; ; ‘was nota candidate then; neither had he can do to deteat the mischievous designs been surprised at the turnout they appeare any railroad matter on which he desired | of those who are plotting against the best, rather indifferent about the speaking — insisted to sit as judge and jury in the General interest—the very life--of the Country. ‘that it should take place at the Court-howse, and Assembly of the State, nor any oppost “| gave no ussistance, 80 far as we have learned, tion to urge to Railroad investigations. Neither did he wanta vindication at the PUN et a au suo a of their leading men said Uiey would not attend. derstood the facts and mature of the via exception of one; and that one is BELL, The Courthouse can not accommodate more Whatever may be his and EVEREDT, fecunge now in regard to a renewal © these dingraceful scenes, the conuniitee : i i who hold in their bands the $518 will) SH of vational confidence and TEPOBE. | Pool anid it was the largest audience he had al: probably nor consult him. Tf this money If the black Republican candidate should | dressed during the canvass, A stand way erect Was rained by citizens of Rowan, us we be eleeted, the Yancey party, led on by ed under a shade in the yard of ihe Female suppose, tin at least probable that Mr. Breckinridge and Lane, (if they do what Academy, Pisher contributed to it; and ifse, it will) We shall not attempt to report the speeches bea poor consolation to reflect Chata part of the votes recorded for him were ob- tuned by first robbing treo of their sen- ses and then leading them to the ballot withdraw from the Union and organize a box, to be robbed of their votes. DISCUSSION AT SALISBURY. The candidates for Governor met bere last TAKE THE WARNING. We call on ali who are in favor of sus: | tainingthe National union aguinst the ma- Tuesday. There was a very large audience to chinations of Northern and Southern ad-| bear them, among which were a considerable Gov. Ellis’ friends must have It is notoriously true that all the tickets tu provide a place, seats and other accommoda now before the people for President and re ye: : | tions to the people or the speakers; and sume Vice President, are sectional, with the! dication songbt, The election of neither than four ur five bundred : there were not less of them would be attended with a restor- (tia from twelve to Gtleen bundred present on lthe oecasion—some say two thousand. Mr. they have threatened they will do,) will ‘of either of the candidates. TU is not Hecessary attempt one of two things either to pre- They respectively followed inthe trick of other vent his taking the Presidential seat or speeches delivered in the West, and heretofure reported, Gov. Ellis did not, : . i word about Western horse leeches, lore traders, pa Southern Confederacy. The consequen- ge That was done at Gacesy lemmas Eage bees, in either case, will be productive of; where be wanted to make the people believe fro wenr eset th The las yg-—'' We ata |. \ ; : 348 The last Banner says eta immense evil, and most likely civil war, | that the Western people would pot do to trust ted week before last that large sutns of jin a Convention to amend the Constitution, mde PEEL ES NOW Se ake | Mr. Pool opened the discussion, Ir Breek-| ed the Constitativual change proposed, and its inridge and Lane could be elected, it! pracueal operation, He would only be a continuation of the pre: |! of the slave property of Che State was now jtaxcd, and never could be until the Constitution : Mews altered) conusntc subject tito the same cule that ever cursed a free and civilized nae! that other property is subject to, Lhe showed money are imported into this county to He explain beat Chas. FL Fisher and to run in the The Salisbury Watchiman does aot deny this, | for it knows it to be érue.” publications are the strongest, vowed that not one Know Nothing Shober, if possible. sent most corrupt dyuasty—the viles There are five fulsehouds in the above, ion jand oné absurdity. It is false that large! j; jsuuis of mmoney are imported into this! it and the repoblicans, Contention, strife | There would be no peace between | that this species of property was the most valua 7 | 2 7 y ZS eH CA i} y Col and the Doaglts faction nor between | ble of auy in the State, and must r Col deash prices, and that there was no goed net Ten) son \ reason Why it should tet pay its jast proportion pcoun y Or BOY peltical purpose by the) and the fury of angered factions would be jot the public bas. He showed thatevery spe jOpposition; it is false that any suel ithe order of the times as it has been under; cies of property, nesroes exerpled, ts now lable forte ure being made to beat Fisher ; tu be taxed, and that Gov. Ellis and his support To fall into the hands the Country could be no better Shober; and false that the Watchman) ff than fora man to tall ainone thieves 5 Bochanan’s rule. . ‘ as uereed with bin that the tax upoo it ought and false, that any are being made for of either, ce Ue Cae | ‘ to be inade as equal as possible, Gov, Ellis was opposed to taxing negroes under 120 and over In this view of the case, nothing bur 92 yeas. Me Pool thought they ought to be taxed y and that was the point of difference be tween Gov. Ells aud himself. : bring relief. Mr. Pool uiade a plain, fair, and honest speech needed tu beat Fisher. Rameay will beat to push asice all these disturbers of the) Al) who heard him inust bave fell that he was linistre, without any gach improper aid telling the srayple truth ins plarn He inade effort atd Ube people fistened to hime throws! does not deny it; and false that the Watch- nan knows the statement to be true. It the commanding voice of the people can isabsurd because vo such such effort is Lite Chater ret . . Aanber = > national peace, and select as ler Execu- a ‘ at vel itty thee and neither democratic money nor ral who are known and It is absurd appreciated for their public and private again, becanse itis nearly eQually cet tive officers thos road helps can save him. dreatest interest, Lhe was repeateddy and hea SIECHG AI tet UCir CHIC Ct iti iC seni Oe tiene ednetimaniintine: UammrcniMeeUnnOnt en , 5 re » contl dence ane Thee | j i | 1 Tin Tite ler wali verclccrc dame licre Mall restumes cult cHee iu clitielian= ee steoe ail tint is: ure: Ulratn citi ensaies ton ; . thoy and pcdce % but in one other way Bhs Is nota candidate tor the Commons in the ¥ i Sah i : . can itbe done, A weighty responsibtis Just before the speaking commenced, one + hose chance y SUCCESS y 4S) . og . te ee field whose chances for success, so far as ry ys testing upon the people of Nerth Boas then is moved why the crewed tis thew possible to Judge, are as wood Carolina as regards the jeaue of cur nas Whispe nog te ther for Biltes and as Shober’s. Heis apainful thorn inthe tenal affairs, Iu afew days iiere, our coor how steng and gave thes word * : ; ; ol a rc ae nop [ote tan, whe, okie fol lt be shoe side of lawyer Flemunng and Mr. Hall e will heid an election tor Governor Lido" ' io aud foe tenubers of the General Assen Uo 4 &e He has weoled them ail tarengh the can ; is mnaeon ea RGR i ; Fre The Whole Couutry is eaverly wal 1 ie | Vues thas far inost handsemely 3 and the ing the result of that’ cleetion, beeatss ay CE WI LO over Litt ed | | I ‘ wetiis Which seem to Ara an people lave demonstrated too clearly for tre whole country is aware of the force tiptoail ne ; ap ST wae : ; : : ‘ eloot Barner and Adder : nu their comfort, how weil pleased they were of ex pie. Tf tue State shall elece Mr ret RUMIEA eH Con HONE eet: ALU Pool Wad" parts of the coantry to breathe deep: ja. . . 3 | . . with the performance of these operations He Governors It will catise patriots No, ne! Neither Dr. Ramsay ner Mi A 2 erand freer; for tiat Stober need any such belp as bribe mer), myodmore than he would wa linahy sneritice will indicate low the State will deere berween the candi Ganed, and seemed. to Wy ders seaele tue ney. They areas high above such are dates for the Picsideney. Hence the with miegivinas. Tn the bates partial dis spec sort to carry an election as the pe great linportance of the present contest, he recovered a bute, aud boasted eat they depend on tor success are above the and ter every trae ae toexert tin oeut has wid i ¢ hte thet was hot to self im extiailat these facts to the peo Lone ch spout ta des tees reach of pach despicaule influences. They > ue | ced Poopley se that i it se possible the contest te day praesed eery poeasanty aed to will ieave therropponents and their party may be oreughitte a wiee and happy is ion of MiP " > fetid to pollute the ballot box by this aluse of sue Beil and Everett are the only can Naa SSE: teabwitn Mews . . ' thted in | : . se sutfracee Ittakes the Buchananites didates, under as te Gereuinistances, at Pats ouaS ' hi tnd i tis ae } | icant , eer eee and the Joe Laneites to buy Up presses “1t wortiy The ot a peo, Wire desite ae | ; rerpetuation of the cisit and rermerous ETetues land votes to carry elections agaisst the Pe't ae . , bal m WIVileves TOW se hay | Bi ht Aen haed - ’ 1 leqecnle re uriey iver = 2 ens, DR. RK. SPEED weil of tl eo ’ i ‘ vive tl ' Re ] I Jake } ple Let | mney give tie our tatlenal Constitucion, vbot ated . political character of these spoilgmen. laws: and it greatly etands theur in band Ldressed the poople of this town last Satandas hey tried to buy him; but, instead, got te look these things in tie face, wit fioeven uw. from astand erected at the corner curees. Let them try to buy the veters Ue amaiens concern which their dapor Mio Neots & Young's sto Phat place was s H# Rowan and Davie (itiey think it can, SESS eAteeie obese i was central and becia , oo . cere een he done. We gard last week that those seativer Was tog warm to speak ona touse, TT OCI CUVEE UMN UTC lan Criti coment: More Questions, oe [evatingesey for alent Opponents are most tote be winilte « Who lave teen ia te practice, at ov Hes so hate [National p . x A , P r 5 ; ma eat ¥ ae NS wii rd liven " yvowat them themaelves. We warn the people Uery | lec in Rowan. of taking sie : , Nee i \ Der als . ie ' t ' en Wet ela ‘ ee © loak vateandctnevwnl tine the cout cellar and teadiig them : stn whetely Sexpreted £ i our words trae the Jolin Phe oxen te tia kee ~ aX : ‘ iB nad feet woh Ma ome Wino dh been 4 toe penct of F 1 Te } re \ 1 Gur County Candidates. —We have the drenching tien with peer until too death is andes nein trat rw tnost cheering accounts from the ditterent party to know woat they Were about, and toen te Cie upton cand tates Ee 1 ” ' » i ie . ti We ’ Mh ioe County as regards oar candidates, Ramey. howling them upto the ballet box to cast | sj He all 1 7” > aie 1 lent au eat \V oY . 1 re oy } : Shober and Jones. The peo SIE tO eApiess wires ton the ety ¢ rae Hal nivet tthe oools, the big poyere Ue . t ) = 4 pools, the bigh appr fh Who have been in the practice of pas en KoOWhet t wed Tes thet ethovent se ces of DD AMS Sahin % . 7 eee | arin nt services of Dr. Rawsay as th ine the taxes of voters for the sake of their Beth Eserett an ipo Presentative in the Senate, ‘They feel that 7 nand the [ We : votes? tt WV tan 1 ' Irmetiintelemetvanidereceee cane 3 : , , Ht te ane min in tt ” Wiio talk mare a ont qrerty than the ' shal tinislied, the DPand strack ou hestinony for bis past services: besides s cond of the Country, and swear that tiie the Sta tweed Barner Sand when pia sire to Change the present system of raisinu: the i a, i oy ioc ete stand or fall with (heer pat ‘ — ‘ revete of the State, so as tu make at bear more Sr 1OUF | J eqauily upon all property, and he rerrescnts PSP NIC Herd seo LNG at Tis clean ; z . SLoare erving ont for fe the op th hearty eierrs their views on this subject. Mr. Stopes has Who are crying ont for ' Viiearty ' Who, fora union of the Nori? Ub tho met a very cordial reception from the peo South ? i mil ent a eee , foment aes _ Aa ple of the Ceonty, Hhsa candid, truthful state Aw ! who. forthe National union late as it wits Nie Jones isa nein man, aud miekiny (ie Mkarant and) Gemdtuems: mene Wie arein favorot equality at the bal the people intend that he shall joo up, wether with his manly and able advocacy « ot box, but are opposed ty equatity at Pe eu SALOU EG eer iyarieeal stlts same pide bext Saturday evening punetles of the party he represents, has the tar bor ? y him the confidence and warm estecin of the hing as equal people lh respect and confidence of lis fellow ent Wire vo for taxingevery t ; . Sacks ; s 5 ‘ “rood Ground for Dissolution Mr. Joxes bas also won his way tuthe ly as possible encept negro s? ' . : ae fs ‘ : i fue Sontl democracy have been de Who have the presamiption to assert . ' charing, for Years past, that the election gens, Though young and ardent, has zeal has that taxcie negroes according to value . , i e 5 5 republican woull be good been tempered with wisdom and diseretion,— wil! exempt them tron Workin the road . i 1 met ads, ' ground for a dissolution of the Union! Mark that, who suppose that you are doing right: to support Dreckinndze and Lane. And if the black re pubhean, Lincoln, should be Southern deaocracy who have taken this ground will expect to car ry you along with them in any ultra mea sare they may consider within the range We warn vou that this Breckintidye party, if de feated by the black republican ididiate, a trai of cirenoistances He has exhibited powers in debate for which lis No man of tis age has ever appeared before the people when they koow fall well that there is . poe elles ee . mest men oof the Country, yppenents were totally unprepared, neither justice nor equality in such atoing . no | such adi and slatnre wenld dare to make of this County who has exhilnted more ports There is no slave State in of future distinction than Ham Joxes, jr, and en ' me the union where negroes are exempt from elected, the {here is pone in 1° Deld now who wi ye TNOre . 8 working the roads; bat there are many cordially supported by bis peltical frends ie ; . . . - where they are tg 2G a3 ope oe ‘ We coufilently expect that Rowan will elect . ‘ es) elke CS ATE ANS preys evel chat Pool, Ramsay, Shober and Jones, et of possibility te carry ont. SHAMEFUL The democracy have actually snececd Whohave povluted the ballot box tv ex pendings thousands of the peoples money to carry elections avainst the best inter. will prutoon foot . ) dy : ! Ty: i) fou ' ed in making some voters believe, that i Cet of the country? SE a ee wen of tie Union | is , , ! the ultra’ Souther party wart oun Culcetinn Pocre ee a4 Who have pernitted defantting Post °% : : | Bats they vote tor Poor and ad valorem, it will ° | tak against the ultra Northern party. They masters and other public agents to rob Off from Ws Ut hota shame take the negro hands the public roads! ON ) mda diserace that men wh working are polling against each other, and unless the Treasury and run away with the peo the people step mm and take the Country ples money, when it was in their power toon them beth, by electing the National Bell Everett, there as O set them a ary yy ne re aK anit selves upoas Hyhte to the blind, should to preventit’ candidates, and nyer of their tearm io in pleces i] Hpon the ianorant io this manner! ee Ir i Reriien gen! GREAT MASS MERTING AT INGH POINT ae t ina miserable fialaelood, and it iaoa War lonruyl one ae mumivoneut gusniemieu salir The Raleigh Standard tas changed pity that there are any voters whe don't tended the meeting at High Point, last week, thar again, and vow goes for Breckinridee and know enon aboot State afPairs te know it was a teal ol | tast {Whiz rally. There were Lane But it saya that party is a xection ae ect alagl aie ce . : ree ' Nec eieee Ks ' - ' is a cho 2 But Jet nor the won ‘ 144 wre onthe first dey "al partys; and some days age, it threaten deceicveneaf the people suppose that they of ile ors en SUIel were zest or \ ' peoy A t i“ ate w | ed to tear off the veil that Gneeals trom Catalways inpose vpon them in this way Gov G on, G Morehead, De. Speed, Hon No, Sooneror tater the people will diseaver Boyden and Gen Lea eoaken in Netiniciicattn the people, its secret character, alluding, he trands practiced apon them, and will the 1) Dr Speed an the afternoun, Me no doubt, to the disnnion aims cherished tl! } , | > turn with: aiagunt tron, tiese wha Wave Poster atdrewel a lirgeorowd att Mr Boy. Dy Yaneey and the men of hisstripe, who cheated them out af their votes. Rearem 1 and Gov. Graham, deliverel are the leaders of the Breckinridge fac You can't deceive they yer tis, yentlemen tion, Tt saves, also, that Donglas is the the people alwa : v1) : le : e people always: will get their nominee of the regular demecratic Con But yer, in the face of these things, the Standard lias prounded the weapons of its opposition and yoes over to eves o ee Their Figures. —The Breckinridge par count even n goon evongh to spit upon you vention +: ty TOD R CALDWELL This gentleman is ont in a long article ower his £ North Carolina and Ten nessee for their candidates to make vy votes, It into their head that both Breckinridge and Lane. The Standard, the Wake county de mocracy, fact the demoera the State, have bean fumping Jun Crow so fast since the 20th of April that they certainly must feel exhausted. 98 eleetoral seeing never ty own signature. in the Greensboro Patriot, vindica ; lave entered ‘ ting himself against a publication io a late number and in these States are sure to go for Bell and Everett. The election of Pool in North of the Banner. in which he was covertly assgiled We regret there is not room in our columne for this particle, at present, Carolina will open their eyes a little, ‘him to come and belp the tology fortunes jalarin into the hearts of the democracy. | of ing onee declared in eT DESTRUCTIVE HAIL STORMS. We have experienced two pretty severe hail storms in this place and vicinity, since our last is- sue, The first one, on Thursday last, passed over 3B ut the plantations of Charles Miller, B. Sumoer, Phil- ‘difference, however, if you only know lip Owens, and same others, doing very considera- him now. Why, he is one of the great- | ble da:nage to their corn, tobacco, &e. The last est men that ever answered tu the name |? i on Sunday, fell ow this place, about six o'cloek Recoil Joel ‘in the afternuon, and did } The Geenns bay aes with “Old mulesh pr pergsirdn yore Joe,” as they call him. — They say he was The tin roof y ‘Js almost a worthless heap of ru at seldier—a “Marion of the Mexi-! on nearly one half of Murphy's Granite: Bow was can war.” Bat ia it not strange, that tolled up and carried nearly fifty yards. South of “Old Joe” was vever considered any very the building and dropped in the street, One of the chimney’s of the same house, was blown dowa.— B. Michael had an unfinished house blown down Baltitnore. jand the timbers destreyed, and another building North Carolina, Y moved from its foundations. The engine shed on North Carolinian onght to vive in atouce the Western Road was also dainaged in the roof, and go fur SOM Joe” for View President. | which is put on in sections, The metalic reof, with It “Old Joe”? bad the wood timbers to which it was attached, of one been pation the ticket with Douglas, or shes sical rolled up in a wad and hurled on the ticket with Jolin - os a an a ae an ahig t ied over and fell on another of the roof. who now can talk about no else, would | Altogether, the damage done to property in thig ee 's estimated at from ten to twelve thousand dollars, “OLD JOE LANE.” j Reader do yon know “uld Joe Lane ?” Did you ever heard of him befyre the Baltimore Convention? It makes it no The democrats have all yr yreat things until he was wominated at But they say he was bern in therefore and eve Wonderful reasoners, Bell, the men not have respected Lim at all, “Old Joe” intends to visit North Carolina on an i Ifthe stort had occurred ten minutes soon 5 there would cc italy have been a frightlol destruc- hin, want) Goo ofhoman hte. A train arrived fiom a cam } meeting at Foard s, just as the storm was ioming up; aud the larve crowd of people on board had barely tine, by making haste, to reach their homes when the passenger shed, through whieb the: all passed, Was pi ostrated, ” electioneering tour. These who have fal len wo suddenty in lowe with of the democracy. Leach, mi the David son district; Vance, in the mountains, and Sinith in the East, all clear gains in o-- the last Congressional election, struck Political Papers without an wunprint—The Banner is troubled because we have sent Ont sever. al papers without ap impriat, We endorse every [per “0 sent vot—the Horse Leach document— the Questions wud Answers, and Mr. Barringer’s Address. We desire it understood that we en- dorse ald these, in every word. And Ellis, poor man, looks so wo begone | and used up in bis contest with the dittle | pine knot, John Pool, that they are almost They tor Ellis, it is trne: they say hie lias eom- scared inte tits. don’t care much ; They are all initted some very vreat blunders and de ‘truthful and ananswerable ; and that is what Ie did careving the party agaist ac serves to be beaten. wrong in troubles the democracy. Rend these papers, fellow citiaene, anu you will see how stands the questions in dispute between you and the demo- cratic party leaders, who are trying to bliud you with a thousand falsehoods. Valorem 5 he did wrong in calling the western peo ple horse deaches, horse traders, Ge. He did wrong, awain, in trying to deny thar von denonneing BELL AND EVERETT. speech? and he didi wi the Charleston seceders as loafers and Large and enthusiaatec ratification meet- traitors, and therefore they wontd be say en Baltimore. dite see ttm punished, af it Goal tbe MAYOR SWANN PRESIDED. © ut dijarit the party, [th Phere was a binge sud enthasiastic ratification an tt contidency the deaieeriey meeting heid at Balbupore on the wiht of the epce ees do him as a oennnites matager, Tsih ost. The demonstraon was a” complete wid at should be beaten, as he certain. stecess. The Hoo. dos. Ro Ingersold, was am vow ey these things will be east in dog the distuguished akers pres at. um teeth by the agyrieved inenibersn of thy A : ne ieee at a6 Wes dle eer THE SCUPPERNONG GRAPE. ale yout the speakin Mecrl ss lr w A writerin the Beaufort Journal claime od Neovovery duane: nie Heat, te Was the Scuppernony Grape us auative of thew King a (EOS CCN ri nrolinas elune one nur the best Paoraiteed a before a Rowan andi i. eG ed een rapes Known Sire ceri merenees Tue following will be found of valoe aud taned Bevond doabs the Governor te those who desire tocultivate thie grape. sineygreat tronble and bears himself like We copy from the communication re- aon Te pating defeat ay TOS Renpees) fon inne: alone "On Joe” to comfort and cheer ; iin ap for the mext two weeks, else the More might be said gf its biatory bat Tm outa ss here yee! yeve Consequences tay be very sotiotis, : " i ey ene Iris well however 4 talk That we sometimes meet with ... We ington Th ands, It nye Varieties of thin yrape that are miferion, beng small and rough. In orarting plantings we should be caretal hoovet cuttin pag) lire ald las as heretetore been Very chaticed dil u e tl i 2 one of the best papers io the State, ander Noma ving that has pro petty descended: from the orizinal stock. Barr, whose | i As the Sc the manacement of Mesers Ippernons Will not prow frou wenerots course bas alr dofor them oa acute. Wothont roots, at wilh be neces. ' stand amnomy the cditocial fraternity sary to visit seme good and true vine do We ater surprised, however, to lean ny the Samimer, pull down some of the ranches and partly with wing they umay or them they have retired. An editorial seat earth. Tn the winter f in net a bower of roses to those who are ; . tuken up and planted on yoed meh soconstantiy yearning for rimiini brooks. jyaay and they seon spread and begin to ogni birds, sylvan dales and rari var They tay beamproved by prun- acenes, as Were (he Messrs. Durr Woon vobut they should never be pruned at shea sel valienmber of the ticu, ot) eller Taine tri Jost as they cast their ast ftrustoin the tall peasen It pruned Inentio tot QHIry Tow, to wliare Uhre . woanyoother season they bleed to death, ' ' ry oof seene pos weh : ) c \ Ue yay Te NIG Piduy next Patall speak of the Catawba ei ath ott Pheauty( No doubt yiape; its tistory and cultivation, Pi = hoa perpetual elystan, GIMEL.” erect iran ci, perbaps, will stay in : W Maik ht 1. Nyuatter Sorercignty.— We would lik toe city and chas around, bheevery body que Oe oo S : : - ty know what ditference there is between COPLCO nT OTe naT 2 Wi i ; at ees aber money sand of tre will work ii writer of the annexed paragraphs, betas hard as winde editing, no donbthe \ John C. Breek neidge,) and Judge Don- rlas, or even Mr. Lincoln: in Congress when the Ne- voice @and “Tohapyened to be t wha ball passed andl wave it omy Yo Mr. Wad tell, the new editor of the do othe usual conzratula te and because it did whatat did, viz: Tt me- trom his savntate rat . EOS satis wedge the right of the People of the Ter- ere EN LGR EN 1c Herald) will not be jjrory to xetele the qeestion for themselves! and A nd. | wed in Who prinetples, not beeanse P supposed. what Lido not now be- eve, that itd ated slavery into the Territory. brent to advocate therm i omed I hie Democratic party is vol a proslavery par- Singular Cass, Some months age a Mi “The people of the Territories, under the Kan- sas Nebraska aet, have the fall ruht to estabboh prohibit saavery, just asa State would, which Vourw iain tate | Kenedy, in Wil aig. ou Noa alan! tee at teomome of his vert dik and was show. or companions with esas old as republican government ite ere er errr eDateer ere -J. (Breckinridge, letter written in of tue conversaton about the new pur: chase, he tnade a diek at his own bocast, Ta the Wrong ITinds.—We received, no play. as was pposed 5 bat the wea oa few dave ago under the frank of the Hon. T. B Florence, member of the house of Representatives: from Pennsylvania, a circular requesting 18 to disseminate an Pappeal to the common sense and patriot. f the United States.” As the “ap- peal” is for the benefit of a wing of the Democratic party we respectfully decline. We prefer not to interfere in the quarrel between the rival factions of this once powerful family 5 besides, we are engng- edin the cirenlation of docnments, but they are opposed to Democracy, and in favor of “The Union, the Constitution and the Enforcement of the Laws.” National American. pon penetrated his heart, and he fell dead Another ease of unintentional self de struction occured at Mt. Mourne, in Tre- We learned from ie gentleman who was acting as Coroner ism dell Co. a few dayvaage. t inthe case, that a negro woman, the pro- perty of Mrs. Reid, had become enraged ayainst another negro woman on the Jor, her; some strange acemdent, the blow armed at struck Droast, and she fell dead on the spot wid seized a knife to stab but by ver intended vietiin her own Phere isa lesson ia both these cases, wise will heed them. these who are we . : eS Phe Carlisle (Pa.) Democrat complains that nine tenths of the negro population of that burg are idle, lazy vayabonds, whe refuse to work tore than will secure them an abandance of cheap whiskey and resort to therving in order to procure Constitutional Union party, thoagh bard the necessary food to sustain life, and in leosix montha old from its conception, their drunken orgies kick up fightsamong How forts and is forming, va complete an themselves, the result of which is that organization in-all the States of this Une the courta are called upon, each term, to lon, as any other party, In the eyes of consoine time in the trials, and the county other parties, it may be looked open with ts taxed heavily, for costs, oo The Washington (N.C) Dispatch, an independent journal, bas the following : “Tn ospite of the tannts and Jeers of the Wack republeans and the denwerats, the contempt, bat itis, nevertheless, the only National, conservative party in the Un North Carolina A ppointments.—The iengand the only one whose principles, correspondents say that Gov. Winslow is antecedents, declarations and pledges to to have the Serdinian Mission; and that the Country, give unmistikable and une Mr, Dick is to lose his place as District doubted evidences of devetion to the Attorney, becanse he did not secede from Constitution, the Union and the enforce: the Democratic National Convention.— ment of the laws.” That will be very amall pickings, Fayetteville Obverver, .- The Standard Denounced —-We learn that M Fisher denounced the Standard in nearly all fie tor Bell and Everett.—The Greensboro’ Pa- trot learns that John W. Norwood, Faq. one of Says the regular Democratic candidates for the from that day the Standard was no longer regarded jalature in Orange, has declared for Bell and Mr. Fisher and Gov. Ellis are Everett. Mr. Notwood has declined rupuing as | candidate, speeches before the people on the ground of its hav favor of ad ralorem a democratic paper (about the only men that will say that — It that cide: by a cial; impr the 1 cent for 4 howe 466. crew: mit pass Vole the lle $206 Jari ing | acru tain Be ve for pow or, | bill erlo prot sub: He frou the aga pall Ho tun and He Ru was vot the re-c con pris T cor aya par reg div! wh hin ed and the hin dui te asp vol ofi or | in ben wh ‘ al , o ie a nt n e' < @ o ? MO eK is at ct m b, Ba ® W e o + aes arc nero — GOV. ELLIS’ RECORD. | It has been charged, and correctly, too, that Gov. Ellis’ legislative record is el cidedly the meanest that ever was made by any public nan, and the more unpe- cially as regards our works of internal | improvements. It can’t be shown from | the record-that Gov. Ellis ever voted one cent for the construction of a railroad, or for any public work. Ou the contrary, however, (see journals for 1846-7, page 466.) he voted against extending farther) credit on the endereed tonds of the Wal: | mington and Rl igh Railroad; the bill passed ite third reading TL to 42. He | voted ayrai list giving « Canp ground on HIGH POINT FEMALE SCHOOL, HIGH POINT, N. C. | THE Fall Session, (X60, will begin on the 6th day | of Auguat. Papels adinived at any ume, and charg. | ped for any time they reinuin im the school. Pra! limited number of worthy pucr young ladies will be | credited tor their eurrion until they shall have had reasuneble time to pay tur i¢ by their earnings as | teachers or otherwixe | Raves rem Session —Board, $10; Tuition, $19, 1 $1250, 815; Ticideatal Tax, $1; Latin or Freneh, 182; Piano or Guitar, 82 pee [struineuite vies perece Potanee oft: LWW ‘ TH ‘Vuume —Vifty dolla rere md 4 SEWING-MACHINES. — |eatcertie tacuce ar tre chon af the oaston | Prices Reduceu % $50, $60, $90. andl $100. (LP These teriim will etretly be enforced in every came, | > Cheroke — r 1846 s the Cherokee handy Jou Ist By po. And jo ; Pupils turinieh their owa towels and caudles. ‘They | He voted against allowing Wilusington | ‘Tae plain reason why Sixcen’s Sewina-Macnives|ure uot allowed to make seconnie ‘ g-continued | — $200,000—). 506 Again, in the Legis ied always sold teal ata higher averige price For further information, address . than any other, ww that they are better, more durable S. LANDER, A.M a » Voted ayatiis yn ks : e ane , Jarure vf 1844-5, he voted agatustinpros |i poiable, cupable of doug «much greater variety | 4w8p'd Principal ing State read ta the county of Macon, of work, aod earn ug more nonay. | Le ce srogs the Mutahala Vallev Rover Moun: | popularity in proof of stecing iment. Inthe purchase . fl : ) acr | ‘ ‘ tain—Jour., po OS15 the bill was lost by {ofmhat ore called cheup Sewing: Machines, thonaida ~~ 4 : we (have been deceived and disappointed, but with Sin) | gas q . seven votes. le voted against the bill) cents Macninus there is uever any failure or nan I eC arrests Dies OE Guba cite aut A . : > : Zinitles below Gold Hytou the ° , for the maintainance and education ot cake amen eae a nee es ee eee vat poor and destitute deaf tutes aud blinds | singers Tranverse ShutticeMachine, | vleay jinbs except a aplit on the left fure leg, elurt or, rather, on this bill he squatted. On |10 be sold at 850 plain, and $66 highly ornamented, |UY bead, amall care Linge aiane. oud a very small Dill to revive amact tor aroud from Rath. [ie @ Mache entirely new in ite arrangement, it is | Piece bien off of one of his cars —he is aa onginal very beautiful, woven rapidly and vers casiy, and, | Be paces aud crete very well, and well broke te har L will give the above reward for auy infurtna- ; i . erford county to Buncowbe, he offered a for family use und light manufacturing purpones, im | Ue8 proviso thar itshould not revive the State | the very bert and cheapest Machioe ever obfered 1) en Which wil lead to his recovery subscription of $2,500 —Jour., p. B12 —]the pubic These Machines ure bering increased in Weeircuipetances attending the robbery. Dam He voted againe! the Railroad curtey Quutber as repilly as po vd yet the demand |! to t fi Raleig! F ; il 1 for Chem eatinot be fatiy supplied. 3 ‘ wt ey ne . rotn < ee c oy os Per MLA CBRL Sluger’s Ne. 1 Standard Shultle-Machine. the Georgia line—p.754. He vot against Grahain county —p. 506; Sormerly sold ut $155, but now reduced tv $9. is ius ain c ~}. af x s Well known all over the world to need any dene np pulic road in Wilkes—p. 5185 ay be five, Every eurt of work, coarse or fine, can be dune Homestead Bull—p. 253) against rewaba] with it. tivus to construct asyluis fur deaf, dutub | Stager’s No. 2 Standard ShuttiesMachine. aud the blind, and the imune—p. 585.— | This isthe favorite manufectusing Machine every Re ,?p where. Vhe sze of the Machine gives ainple spice Re voted against the Portsmouth and [mer ec ei Wale iotltch( we cme ceaL Roaneke Railroad—p. 659; after the bill vith ite adimeoble working quulitier, give ita decidsd She shea was passed and came fea the Senate, he advantage. Price, wiih table complete, $100, Qui oe ee ee voted to postpone tudetinitely —p. 737 {| simgers No, 3 Standard Shutte=Machine.| Worle sd ‘ : . . the motion to postpone was carried, but re-consideced—Ellia voting azainst a re | consideration. Onuthe bill to abalieh tin | Stee the great reduction in the price of | teve thatthe hore was taken by a feblow framed Larner Fry, slaw Seuith, who waseeen io the [neighborhood that even Addre-» me at Gold Hill, NOC SAWL M STIDEFOR 8 July 17, 1860 MOREHEAD CITY. ALE OF LOTs. For Carriage-makers, and heavy jeather work | The prox mity of these lots tothe puble squares} Price, complete, ¥125 | and to che large Female Acadeiny about to be ereet ed, and towards which wome §13000 bas alrendy been | Bubecobed. reader the location very demrabe tirfag- | d Machines. on the tat of Getot IHSn, it : reer r ober, LX55, ihe REsorment for debt, he agua ted. fale of Chem hur inereated tour fold The above is certainly the tueanest re All of Singers Machines make the interlocked | ul tul summer retreat aud watering place Sume hes, Who destre to apeud the Summer at ites de febable qiformation about Sewn Wactities, ther f lan place and New York, should induce purchasers vent JM VOREHEAD Presid particle of public sporitabont lini or any Mae cee orielcniectice ivenee eri ty regard whatever for the autectunate aud ods of parchesug ean obtain it by es nthug tur a cuy divtressed. Take fine Bast or West of FM Singer §& Cole Gurettr, 0) whichever way you please. and vou find pion pa finn the sate cold-Glooded aud cold-heart cord that could be brought in gudyient stteh with two threads wlieh we the boat wtiteh { if ae eae area eo ; 3 ; AG Sere erence Petuieeas 4 y with which this city i muproving, am against any man who professes te liave a Kuewn Every perm dennug to procure full aud hes coat aweekly hue of steamers between | wt Shepard's Pout Laod Co hon wn beau ' ' J feast) ct ban entirely devoted lo he sulject I) will be supplied gratia r : ‘1. M. SINGER & (0., | LAND!O LAND! ed legislator teven nuff ery. ee Aen ahs SUBSCRIBER having determoed 1 re and tuiptertunes of the deaf, duos aad To MERON Y. ve ove South will nell | the blind, wake the least napressiuio . . SLID oh Ce r 400 Acres of Land } fim 5 and as te the poor debtor, way. te Say ob isna uy Jeu che Yodan River 50 or 60 Acres of sad B ‘ine dow’t vote either way—Le tle . d Water, good, new and large Dwellings ond | gr, ote uid folt ites from Save sy able, | Sach isthe record ot man Whe . ca andone House and Dat and Tau Yard aed faa sul aspires te be Govemon anal wlio aska the a 2 oe ia A cheup barvuin will be piven. Adhirers| votes of the West because Sede in faver a, = Joaeevite, NOC yor Bleue Surry Ca NC] of internal taprovements. Can tie Weet < a PHOS. T MAXWELB ; we oo - | te OR J Leb iwi Orthe ast either fave anv conti fence ape —- 4 2 1 HE NORTH CAROLINA | White Sulphur Spring Wit ee aes ealthy mouutanieus eouutry, In w tan Whose feed liom. due to pois Bens BO UI row atid Contr ate i mould, aed ELS ih agidts _ Little Ad. THE MARKETS. ° Whose everias z 1 ior 1 ues ee = 1 rvewutitul Carawha eat wah Sulixhury V July 24, 1s60 . 1 Utewe thon an heures nde of (he presewt te auaeael Su Se os (Cos y 24, 156 “4 Q {Hea < Crt ON cy Maile w which daly Koes} CORRECTED WEEKLY BA = 2 ENTS a aa tae a GE Sareea KPRAGUE BROTUEKS mee fe 4 ete rsa maar eG al ee tthe co ve und a Behan Apples dred, Wa lb head Kar, BG a + ~~ = du coh A tine Band of Bacou, Ibe tty Wi Un 12 = = = Mu Ree “n—Quadriile and Bevnwan, UN eee Whakvaerrs tr reel deo. , = 5 f « RP trachuace as : 5 ; cata charge Beef Sa at os Ne De ater s Cha) oS) z > The Baste te, lie pole ames Baten, 154 In + Muacuvads 4.4 30 oA a 5 Ta naTes Ty thing wished | CAND Ins Cut Sat ra - 3 for. am atat wid be here | Vatlow U5 a 2 40 45 I5 2 toritresh wationd cheer the epi “Phe | Admancine, Vd a 30 LINSEED a - - vand the medica: prope ries of the | Cotfee Koo, (2ga if + were, 5048 O00 ert inaccessuble before the compler nf Save, VF tly Potaroer dreh, 50a xO . yy . i w NC Rad Road wh , ter nl Road now hail tie eek Cotton, Sade 1 wee doa 50 SOUT HERN and afflicted with a cordial welecur . ™ Corton Yarn, 90 0 16 peri , 24 BO T AN Vhe experience of the Proprietourjust fieg the seek Coe at presack Paha lye OE enol heolth or Woanienauioy a good time ‘ 140 PD sheeteny Bee Pal come Phe has i . : oe . meng ’ Thar been at teat expense Ccketcan dane ote sey cca tire ann WANURACT eae Naat terateretc Byes per dew 1OnIS 8 Crashed 1 2eaeli A. rs « wontr ot anc Conhde thy cely an ther beathers perth 20435 ‘ Charfied, 1 a 12 Teer a+. ie Fiour per bby Se 6 @ 0) Tatiow ew ae HO. ROBARDS each Strawn ene eile SMITH & MILLER, | seco wr Tron Bar Su Red 1 ithe t2 J Lird TOG Vay ot San did MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, PORK That ; : — Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, I AVING apnea ter her bai nor oy LAND FOR S peor i ee Gs Beyond all Competition !! Hee valuable PLANTATION by i male meaner aera Lm Tha wid Satan ierned tee k Fea ite eae eto an SORE Een ta wees T6inils Wert oh sehehuey i i ls pele ee LA a te nea aR ; sell us good an art le “ five Hanuag and «feat Tord. containing oe Bt ACRE o a Gol D& STEVE a faced G ‘ NEL Of goed (two good Meadows, Bottom land as in Rowaw coumy: the land is well adapted to the | { SB | | growth of Te baces The buvdings are a Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, SOs JEWELWY ye Lite Siyier| Netta or separately, prices mecurd:ng. Gold and Sit he purchased on New England for che «an HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufaeturers of HOS- TELTENCS CELEBRATED STOMACH LIT- TERS cau appea) with pertecc contidepce to physicians and citizens gemerctly of the United States, because the article bus attained a repu- tation heretuture unknown, A few facts upon this poimt will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion ov blvzening puttery. The consumption of Hosietter's Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half- willion boces, and from its manifest steady increase in Umes past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach bear gue million bottles. This imwense amuunt could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tivo, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the ccuntry where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but ore ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficucy in nll cases of stumachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom This is vote temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid esUinmtion of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. HWosteiter’s Stomach Biers have proved a Godsend to regious where fever and ngue and various other bilious complaints have counted their vietims by tundreds. To be able to stute confidently that the “Bitters” ure a certnin cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of up- alloyed pleasure Lt removes all morbid matter from the stom:ch, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that toue and energy indispensable for the restoration of health |t operates upoa the stomach, ‘ivir, and other digestive organs, mildiy but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functious of nature. Elderby persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it wstimulaut peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, a» it ix pleasant to the palate, invigorating tu the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating gencrally. We have the evi- deuce of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stumach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abunduned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are 80 harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly teuder, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in ber extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind ds generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for p stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother (o bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain tu give 4 perwaneut increase of bodi'y strength All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, t) wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused |} y malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, joss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids. persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own pliysical weltare by giving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters uw trial CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feits, but ask for Hostirren's CeLeBhaTED Stomach Birtexs, and see that each bottle has the words Dr. J. Hosterter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the de of the borce, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label &w Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all druggists, grocers, ard dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Oftesns, La, TrSOLD OV flenderson & Enaiss, and W Porter x « » (ereeusboro', N.C. May!? lyl CLOTHING! H Wrath cer 8c by J Reed. Caneord; and by CLOTHING! se. COME AND BUY BARGAINS! Cone ane 1 enone low tall Come meh and poor, come and moche sare Your Spnoog seppty, aud Suuuuer neck-ue, Before Ube lon date tor Eve Coats ond Pants, "Vo tie the tat ane I’ve hoaland seant note wrap youd tine. allio my line — t t Fiom Soles tor the feet, to Hats for reason’s seat Shoes and Boots, Hare and Capa, Drawers sna Shirts, Collars and Cravats Pereone wishing ty purchase will ple ime cn y They th fer coututi nt that tiers ap. vee Veet tnd Fob Chains, La sold Chatlain and P. Houston who remdesin the ie igh techn ” Dee Se sie N0 eis kU rm No walk up to HOFPLINS Clothing take great pleasure iu sbowiug the land nid ret endeaver to iitiodves among them a branch of SEL RE warranted equal ts coin net : “tty Oy Fy : ae tT ies wing th F - ee se ae ru Mtns Veber (ue ae NGC mis, beatand mest spproved ats Hewat Phave’ hooves, Frike, | More and take a cond look at his July 24, (x60 ee MiCunenann ie cnuicr galas Citrecon ser Sper, Canora, A fin asx oot of Clocks. | rare collection of every complexion of ) 4 U The above will be sold Detyr g Compcinon. | WHOLESILE AND RETAIL, TURNIP SEED. k VERY VARIETY, FRESH and WARRANT Tr Warch Glasser putin at 25 cogs each Teacher Wanted Bec hid) Hen teeresnnccur LP Ali kinds of Reparing promp ly, carefully and BY the Txt of Rept. a Lady to teseh the Fine French Bdye : personally attended d warranted by branchesiand Wiccan Academy Halt Weve, AV ttiles | those who can farnish the most uoqualified test mor Double Seles ‘ “ | Practical Watchmaker, iale both ae to merchiy aid qualific neednnn an. FAV | Sane 26, 1560-4 Concord. N.C.) A Southern lady pretorred Salary, $410 pee teen OT iD R. I B O Oo I S. . | of ten months, se Eoin ttely, A Pout 1 anther end French Cait . 4. . Hainjgonecalindn Ce Dior Open Gorter Patent Leather and French Calf, Ex] — ep July 24-219 Arkanson ean Catsterss bret (all, SS = = d ‘ Trea, French Coa i = 7 = Union Pies anew aty'e Frock Am. Calf. pemmmcacmenccond yg. , ® ; , NV IN EG A R. Ji Ge te them vod supply vour wante and in fa = — x DURE CIDER VINEGAR, for sale bs WOW care von wy purchase no Roote, Shoes or Gaiters, a . om WYATT, IR6 aud IMS Mato street, Salisbary. wave those manutuctured by = Ss Ne ’ aaa a " SMITIE& MILLER, | Seat le I: > . " THOMASVILLE, NC. | — m= = oS h pp i rahe y. Taty Yd, TeOn uy { =) Se ‘ t . | Zea > -. OE: for Preserving Frotts, for aale by 5g & q = Bb c | a eas — Wo OWYATT, ; ‘ ; , . | Ree 3 = 186 und ISS Manat, Suimburys NS © 6OBEMISTER & CLAYWELL, | pemmmnl 42 SEEZ. S&S July 24, 1860 i) a ac T =—_ EXousc Paintors, —r OL mS PA T E NT 4 GRAINERS, PAPER HANGERS, Ac., mete Z = > a J i R: Opposite the Mannion Hotel, —— aakeer as | Ta See, ae oa p SUPERIOR taany article yet made fur PRE SALISBURY, N. C. MSs. ~ SY SERVING FRUITS and VEGETABLES, for 3! Work personally attended to and warranted to be ea Q& 525 an sule by WoW YATT, done in a workmanlike manner 5) So, so => | 16 and IK8 Main st, Salisbury, NC July 17, ib 18 (=L— esas eo = | Taly Q4. “eg y hy he Re AL K — ees -— | Ss Fe 8 8 8 | GBM TEES | Sees i — NOTICE. ALISBURY + ED eld by WoH OWYATE The Sedition of the Midis Mins Sc SOMRAR SRR, July 24, mm pea yale 60 White Hands I Phe nomber of Pupile bus NV meet atl Mocksville, Davie county, on WILL find steady employment opan the Wil Bord for Friday 3ist August, TR60, at 12 o'clock at mington, Charlotte nnd Rutherford Ral Road. a namber of young Ladies can be had inthe Semina | Noon. tis unportant (bat every Stockholder be St Or near thie place. Apply te ry. Muse sehotars ¢ SAM'L McNINCH, {fine Postrnment, «large roam and the beat teacher Charkarte, No day of September been on the ‘ic vse, stl there is roomy in have the advantage of a. represented, ax buses of titalraterest co Che Com pany will be considered May 8, 1460 (1650) Ferme of Tuition as beretofore Por further pare! Phe secretary aud ‘Treagnrer ig hereby notified vd Vouchers, ae fallin uculare \ 8s, to attend with the Book ® Spring Mattresses. | A DOW es fl eG tan a i gene ‘ rrieipal mate ‘ : Gipue fubsenber hag on hand the beat quality of Sahebury, NC July 17. 1860 ows AC WHORTON, SPRING snd other MATTRESSES Gall wi Dia ANG TONES hie Porviture Store SR. HARRISON STATESVILLE Satya. sae wt 844 Western Sentinel ton) please omert tl May 8, Sun hor * ineeting and forward account to Directors, Pacuing MALE ACADEMY. '. bom. & J.B. ANDREWS, Principals. JAS. A. SADLER, oo THE ith term of this Tostitation will commence | Canasnacea, July 15th, 1859 va Wednesday the Ist day of Angost, UX60. A tb = Tate of the Firm of T H. BREM & CO, Charlotte, NC) and Dell will he had, diity, an —WITH— Meanra Hostetior Sinith, Pusburgh, Pa —teants weal ahare of paccanige ae miogt reanectfally malicited » SHERMAN BROTHERS, —Aewo are strangers, | herewith onehiee you twenty Iurortens ann Jonsers oF eight dellare fur tour deren Hoatetier's Stomach Bu Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, in which Plewme forward via Michigan Southern ailroud, Toledo Ohio, and Clayton Station Dhave | the principale will make cmtnediiie appleaton AND HEAVY GOODS, 19 Pork Piace and 16 Murray Street, Parchaeed several dozen hotties at Toledo, thie enn Joly 37. PR60 Sw mer, bul the ale in on the increane WILLIAM (. LORD, NEW YWoRnkK. 6inpd2 THE FOCLOWING ine rampleatiiheanineriny letters constantly receiving for Hoate(ier's Stomach | Bitters— Eereines in Toe der the aupe intendance of one of the wane wishing Go howrd their gens or soomnuch that 1 ireet trade with you, J wassyduced | to try your Bitters by my physician, for the Liver Complaint, and received auch material aid that Thave recommended it to others and have dozen per w saute ATTORNEY AT LAW, — : Tohave allkiiiscocl RAULISRURY N ¢ Medicine in my atore. but there i none that Toean \W TLD Practice and make prompt collections in June 5, 1860 AoA and ny Teeammend nas your Bitters Rowan, Stanty, Predall and C tamba Counties for T know they have helped me beyond my e : Office in the eos of Cow wl 0 NK or yond my expecta ice in corer of Cowan's Burlding opposite BLA N kK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE! for some time tion . Youre reapectfully, the Book Store July 13m? PHILG WILSON Feh 14, 1960 tar | Teasonable Germs imaginable hury. and has had the { phes draw fro his exhaust! } derived from him te as many more which he cannot supply, and that vr short help yourselves READY -MADES. Nothing in the world to do but to step maht into hewn, and you ec shine yw 1 oe crowds of his | Fellow-Citizens of Rowan Come then and examine, price, ton, and fare xecordig to fis unnsnat poot terms M. HOFFLIN. Api) ith, TR60 1f47 IMMENS AT THIS Jmrestoextend the benefits they have so invariably Chere is noth Great Clothing Emporium OF DAVID WEIL, = 2p Se a gists AM NOW opening at my lirze and epaciona — May to, 1860 Ist Score Room, Noo 2. Grane Building, the band- somest and cheapest Stock of Ready-Wade Clothing : DAVID WEIL METHODIST P. FEWALE COLLEGE, JAMESTOWN, Guilford Co. “THE THIRD SESSION of thie College will commence July 11th 1860 Circulars, Addrene, & RAY, Serretury June 12th, 1R60 2m3 rowdon the most + has carried on bu- refer ageveral Vearsin this goodly town of Ssne- preud ratisfuction of secing j made comfortable in both winter and summer by eup- helves, aud he de jing tnall the wardrobe requerements of a gentleman! recording te his | partieplar fancy, or to the dunisof his purse, be it bong | ret and You shail receive his politest atten: S ATTRACTION | For Catalogues or Ayer’s Sarsaparilla | “SPECIAL A compound remedy, in which we bave lakored to NOTICE produce the west eff-ctuw) altervative that gan be ‘’ —_- meade. [tis a concentrated extract of Para Burne. parilla, so combiued wah other substances of still greater ulterutive power a8 to affurd an etfoctive an- tidote for the diseases Sarsupatilly i petted teeeiel| It iw believed that such uw remedy 18 Wanted by those | why suffer from Strumous complaints. and that one | j Which will aecomplich their cure must prove of im- | ¢ ; | ! mensr service tu thin large cluss uf var uffiicted fel- | q luw-citizens. How completely this compound will do | : it has beew proven by experiment en iwany of the ciate oem een Lee cee I AVING deiermined to change my present busi- | | be found in the following complaints: | 2° *' Soi “be ord| uess with the object of going into a more gemer- | woret Cuses Lo £ pl mente, all of which will be seid es uswal at exceedingly low pri ts eae going s | al one, will offer all my |. SCROFULA AND SckoruLous Coweiaints, Enurviose| ces, His stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, NEW YORK COST! A RARE CHANCE FOR HE SUBSCRIBER BAS via tale aia from market, and is vow receiving and 4 complete und fall as- nt of | amo Baverive Diseaaxs, Urcens. Pinrtas, Biutones, | Tomoas, Sact Kngum, SCatp Heap, Seeuiiis any) — <a os oa | Svpaitic Arvections, Mracuaial Diease, Drorey, | Oo) | Laces and Embruderies at NEW YORK COST Nevaatoia on Mic Dovtouneux, Desiury, Vusree- | J 5) ye 'FOR CASH. Ladies in waut of sach Articles will | #14 aND INDiGesTion, Emyerreras, Ruse on Se. Am — Hod wi greatly to their advantage to call and Examiue | rHony's Fine, and indeed the whole class of com- . ee kave te mei, HS vleck us Lam determiued to close them om. F pleats arising from Impcairy oy THE Bioov is far superior to any, as those w Ve favored him w aici as cleniaelii eval Gueesloni mand ot This compound will be towad & great prowoter vf | patronage cen testify, The steak of Greatly Reduced Pri , health, when taken in (he spring, Co expel ihe foal | | hamors woich fester in the bhod at that season of | \ [the year, By the Gurly expulaio ot them many | A. MYERS, | rankhog disurdere are nipped su the bad. Mulitudes| I No. 4, Gaanrre Buitoina. can, by the aid of this remedy, spare (heruselves from ) L Sulmbury, May 14. 1560 tfai the endarauce of foul eraptionr and ulcervur scres, 5 e | through which the nystem will strive (o nd itecif of | aaa LAND---LAND. orcuptions, if not assisted to do this through the) i A . ; ‘natural channels af the body by ay ulerative medicine | Two valuable Plantations tor sale! Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find ity! y . . enpurities bursting through the ein 1 pimples, erap- | [Pe E subscriber wishing to oar his ey is lions. of serce; cleatee i When vou fiud itis oustruct- | now offering bis valuable Se ee eee ed aud sluggish ju the vere; cleatse 10 whenever it | jou hird Crevk. in the weeely pert of Rowan iene jis foul, and your feelings will tell you when Even | ity. ‘Pau place ou which he resides, is rene eet as | where no particular divorder is felt, people enjoy bet: | = _ ated ou the inain ‘oad leading from Mocksville to tee health, and live longer, for cleansing the blond. | eannot be equaled, either in etyle of manufacture, having hud Charlotte, with every building hecessary for the con- | Keep th i a healthetand tulltis well; but with | the most of thew made to his ofder. The stuck of - and comfort of a large family, eon‘sining ep the blo Wi | ihve pabuluin of life dirurdered, there can be ve lost| of @ hich 60 neres IMPROVED Bottom, jiigheatih, Seotterurlater somethiny ues wo wrong, oud a sufficie nt fuses yoof soe e seine oe fora J and the great machivery ul lile is disordered ur over: | SOLE F HER gon Farnt, yood Meadows, well watered, and good | ecely | ihrown | Bal . the other Tract, known asthe Young Tract, con- DSarsaparilla has, and deserves Mach, tbe reputation, | re as s t of accomplishing these ends. But the wor'd bas : j taining 257 a lying oe wate Cosas US ee alt been egregiously deceived by preparatinus of 1, portly 9 [gecereet enone gee Aas ren Oil acres “weause tbe drug alone has not all the virtue that is porrers jan 4 ee eee od al claimed for it, but more because many preparations, : Rr ratene: w er t i, ee ee pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain : . pee ed near apot 5 ; t ( ern E on. ; ee little of the virtue of Sursaparilla, or any thing SADDLAS Fur fnrther particulars, ea! eo T. A. Aftison, or lee | 3 i i Doring lute years the pub'ic have been misled by — the subscriber, near Hoven ae Cah large bottles, pretending to give w quart of Extract metinea MAS C. nS M. of Sareapariiia for ove dollar. Mose of these have | is fl) and complete and will be sold, at unusually low rates, and Sept. 26, 185: tfls | been fraucs upon the sick, for they not only contain | hich only be , \ Wilhelm & Gorm OUR MOTTO— lide, if any, Sareapanila, but often vo curative prop- DISTRI BUTED Quick Sales and Short Profits. {erties whatever. Hence, bilier and painful disap- | poictment hes followed the use of the various extrac. of Sarsepaniia which flood the market, antl the at this establishmen! exclusively for CASH naine itself is justly despised, and has become sy nony | ‘mous with imperition and cheat. Suil we call thir 7 7 y | 4a Boyden'sGranite Row, Opposite the Rowan Huse. Jeompound Sareaparitia, and wctend to supply such a | I OR Vv—O THING i | remedy as shall reecue the uame from the load of | obloquy which resis upon it. Aad we think we have | ground for beheving it has virtues which are irreesti- | ius a more desired effect than x cash system, Therefore a cull | ble by the ordinary run of the diseases it 1 ented is carmestly solicityd, befure purchasing elsewhere, Vdevo's Chuire, (hat-stande, Wash-stande, &c., in feet tecare Taorder to secure wirir complete eradion- t ‘ORD Go 9 ivyers thingsp onr line. a) ef winch we will sell as tion from the system, the remedy should by Judicioas- | PREVAKED BY herp os can be bought in the State. ly taken according to dire cuivus op the boitle. DR. a Ge AYER & c0., SALISBURY, N.C. Also, a good assortment of Wood Coffins kept on bind, and furuished on as reasonable terms as eau LOWELL, MASS. We have u fine new Hearse for faneral vc- Paice, €) ren Borrix; Six Borries vor $5. HE pable are invited to eull and examine our splendid stock of Furniiure—tbe best and finest lever wi this part of the State. te cousistsof Bareaus, | Centre-tables, Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, China Presses, | Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every kind, Parlor Chairs, | Roeking Chairs, Cane seat and Winsor Chairs, Chile May 7, 1360. be had Cal! at the Furniture Store of ! 1" Farmers! Farmers!! WILUELM & GORMAN, Casions. ’s Ch P | : ue Ayer S C erry ectora Threshing Machines Y |) Salsbury, April 26th, 1659. bya | 1h @ ° has won for iteelf such a renown for the cure of every | RANAWAY--$75 Rew DOR which we are not Agents but Manufacturers ard. tirely unuecessary for us to recount the evidence of | Ae it] 7 ‘ V ington, « Negro inan named ALEX. or has Jong been wy Constant use throughout this seetion | ep : i ‘ wenuCal iniedoluirc utanidseuce (hermenpiocn'yaulll ett eapticrse awse (leveryithen morte pepuint tard) ALEXANDER. Suid man is of a dark cop- tinay be relied on do do fur Cheir relief all (hes ever | re ' 5 J weigh trom 155 te 165 tba, a very relation. but | Improved Spiral Bar Thresher amd ja- rier a dows-curt look—aged 22 years The } 1 il about either ta the neighborhood of Salisbury, Mrs. Ayer 5 Cathartic Pi ls, with Cylender all Tron, not soft wood as moet North. | Lowrie's or MoS. McKenzie’s plantations. They ge cap Jern Machinra, and with reversible teeih, suid at whut} wi iy Phe case \ ty them at Lexington, N.C. Also, they will } ‘Phe teeth of these Machines are reversible: that | pay ¥!5 reward for proof sufficient to convict amy one entery, Foul Stomach, Erysipetus. Headache, Pites.| y Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver fier the frout is worn of: thus mukiug them lust ce S. W. McCRARY & CO. Complaint, Diopsy, Teller, Tumois aud Salt Rheum, clinpiaran rottiueinss 9 Purifying the Bluod : se They are sugar coated, so that the most reustive | 10 Powers, Spamserednihe best (omen $25 | STOP THE MURDERER ! ! FARMERS, COME AND SEE THEM. 7 Smneeat > a > = B1,500 Reward!!! variety of Throat and Lang Complaint. that itis en. | t t has been enploved aes ' : 46 [QANAWAY from the subscribers at Lex- virtue erever it has been empleo q Serbo wen tenn Senn’ | Improved Spiral Barred Thresher : yercolor, 5 feet 8 or 10 inehe: i ty iskept up te the best itever his been, and that| spproved, e . . . $130.00 | ercolor, 5 feet 8 or 10 inehes high, aad will j been found to do | os McLne ea 7 eribers thin probable that Alex is lurking Winnower. the above reward for his apprehension and [the best Northern Machines will cost here. ceive Costivences, Juundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dys- meaar the back of the treih can be sured in front | of harboring said boy Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, aaa Dinner Pall, and for, yr hives are made of metal and in workmantike manner, not of wood. can take them pleesantly, and they are the best! FRERCKS & RAEDER. aperrent iu the world fur all the purposes of a family | | physic ! | Price 25 cents per Box; Five Boxes For $1.00 May 8, 1860. 90m) | V 7] the unde reigned will give &1,000 for the ap- | ,*, Greensboro Patriot, Hillsboro’ Recorder Char. | prehension and safe keeping of Dr.J.C. Chath- lotte Bulletin, and Raleigh Register and Westero) am, \i/ taken out of the State, und $500 if arrested Seutinel please copy for May, June and July and safely kept (in the State.) The said Chatham @tands charged with the murder of our brother Hil- - | tory I. Howell, in Upson County, on Fridwy evening, jofthem, The Agents below named furnish gratis NEW FIRM the Ist of June, 1510. cd « j our American ALMANAC 10 which they are given: * | DESCRIPTION : with also full descriptions of the abuve complaints, | TPNUF Firm of FISHER, FOARD & HOOKER, | Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States- | Men, and cmineut personages, have leat their names to certify the unpardleled usefalness of these reme- dies, but our pace here will not permit (he insertion Said Dr. Chathum is about five feet nine inches aud the ireattent that should be fuilluwed for their having been dissolved, we the undersigned have | high—slender made and walks with toes oat and cure j holds his body in 4 stooping position—he steps quick Do not be put offby onprincipled dealers with other | and walks ou bis tees— weight is about 140 peands. tirnand | FOARD & HOOKER He is ateut twenty-three years old and rather inte The sick want the best PF tigent and prepossessing in his manners. He bh Hong evelashes, black hur aud dark eyes and one writen! upper tront tooth. A sear at the root of sone of his thumbs, (we boheve itis the lef, his complexion is rather Burid and his mauners tre at times childish | We shall he uble tu furnish Address at Thomaston, Ga. ae ACRE. J. N. HOWELL. Jone 19, 1869 5t4 Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: Joby A Mebane, W.J. MeConnel, C. P. Menden- bail. bP. Weir, James M. Garreit, John L. Cole, N HD Wilson, Win. Barringer, David McKnight, MoS. Sherwood, Jed. H. Lindsay, Greensborough 5 (WoA. Wrght, Wilmoyton; Robert E. Troy, bam- | Forwarding and Commission Business, be ron: Alexauder Miller, Newbern; ‘Thadeas Me- *yeotes . Gee, Raleigh; Thor Joonson, Yanceyville ; Dr. | We will aly make liberal cash advances on Consign: WoC Rumsey, Wadeshorough : Rev. RC. Maynard, associated ourselves together under the Firm of Preparanons they mace more profit on Ayens. and take no others wd there os tor them, apd they should have it Ali our Remedies are for sa'e by WooHL Wyart, Salsbury. Neer Henderson & Enniss, a Hutchison & Co, Charlotte, oy, Moe | for Che purpose of continuing the foraer business at he same place. We wre thankful to our friends and | | custome s for past favorm and hope by a CORRECT, [ENERGETIC and PROMPT syseu of do bustuess to merit and teceive aninc cused pttromage the neil can be seen aer sviite Ve ce STAPLE DRY GOODS. |GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SHIP CHAND- LERY, NEGRO CLOTHING, FARMING TOOLS, | Guano, Plaster, Lime, | NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. CORN, HAY. FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, §c.. $c, at ue low prices as any other house in Basteru North Caroling Having ourown Vessele, Whar’, MA. & C. A Sanios (favifand. Sievenson & Co, Charleston, March 6 A) hyal RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. BRYAN'S Pulmonic Waters! Tue OniGin aL MeDictNe FSTARLISHAD IN IS8T andl pirat article of the kind ever introduced wnler the name of * PuLwonte Woarkrs,” in thin or any othe antey, ull other Pulmonic Diaveccieecwe Wafera are counterferta Tie Genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stumped on each WAFER BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Believe Coaghs, Colds. Sore Throat, Hoar BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS wil pay particular attention to the Relieve Asthwa, Brouchitis, Difleait Breathing, j mente, JNO F. FOARD, © Frankhuten; Dr Bo FF. Watson, Watsonville. yaaa : i 0 HOOKER. anes BRYAN'S) PULMONIC WAFERS (neo en Magee 1 I _ eee PEICERB: — Newhbern, > » May 29, 1860. 3 us resident Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. Fee ae a yceocaee | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS : | | eM ENON TA Ibis, Relleye Incipient Consamption, Lang Diseases. | NEW MANUFACTORY TENE WIAD ANTS eG. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS \ WM HOCUMMING, - - Relieve Irritation of the (yola and Toasils. IN W. J. McCONNEEL, - 2 oP ONIC W : > eS BRYAN'S PULMONIC WArEKS 1 Salisbury, N, Cc. | . ” i ae on Relieve the above Complaints In Vem Minaves. | — PARE ; : BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFems | T HAVE now completed, and have in operatien 4 tj communicationsen bisinessconnected withthm | Machinery, by mennsol which I can sxfely say. (dice, shouldbe address dio \ . cos a ' : a dt seed _— j Ares as Bic ae ie PU Aeron that Dean eupply all of North Caroliua wih Neat PETER ADAMS, Seeretary. BRYAN'S PUL A LKS ry | and Good aioe nsborough, Ne . Juve 19, 160, Are adapted for Vocalists and Publy Speakers. ie z ' Groensborough a le : 114 BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS | Cottage and other Bedsteads, : . “ID ’ y 7 Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. | as Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be had from EQL J ] y SA LE OF LAND, \ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS {New Yor or any where else Give me a call and I ena | Not omly relieve, but effect rapid aud lasting Cares, | will give satisfaction. A liberal discount to dealers ( N the 4th day of August next, T will offer the BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS | ta preference to employing agents ‘el | following real estate forsale at the Court House. | warranted te give satisfaction te every ene. | U7 Factory, « few duors below T. E. Brown's Liv-) ‘Phe House and Lot wh re Wan Pelt now lives, ae ° ° : jery Stable. under fenes all round. Also the House and Lot j ee perce | TF Offiee, Furniture Rooms opposite KR. & A. where A. Myers now lives, extending from dividing Le ee eee BE ue Ue a aeoa oe Murphy's Store. ‘Vine of the Van Pelt lot to within 125 feet of the cor- } - Attorney - Sec'ty and Treas’r. General Agent. Executive Com’tee. } Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, Ss. R. HARRISON ner Biddings to be opened for this lot at $2337 50; IN THE NOUSK May 8. 1860. £50 also the corner lot where the Livery Stable used to | NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF feet in front—the biddings for | Mryan’s Pulmonic Waiters, at $550. These three lots be- vy McRone, deceased, and ne and two years, with The Pool Plantation, one ng to the McRorie ee- stand, extending 125 BRAND Cee > £y IN Bis) POCKAT NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR wile seld on a ered Kryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, tit be scdd if a satistcctiry bid can be obtained. 2 ; 4 a 1 ’ | JOB ee r, Rochester, N.Y Ww YAT T’S i ie a iw4 TONIC CORDIAL. The Jolin Blickwell Plantation f LOO eres more or less, the biddings will 11 RIBIN BV, on a credit of six months rdv. $2 00 Tw4 siter sta months: foo Salisbury. belong: Sold in Salisbury by MENDERSON & ENSISH, and all Drug Our of the most pleasini and efficient Remedies e sting « JUST RECEIVED: Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, 1s he peti sin the ricts of tind for sale, on vday of July next, at 1 Ter the follow 5 Casks } yr & Son's Gennine Ale. Sd ERO bo CO.M RISING SS: ; Sees ; ae everoifered in the State. My stock comprises all” Casks Muir & ty pot o Ale CHOTT ate AL : a we ie AINTS Keo No e125 ac il Jess—another traet the different Kinde ot fancy ent Lenen aud Meecwailles 2000 6 Hitberts Lemtar Stout. Bey a PI wepes more or Ieee —also another tract of 36 business sints, English ard French Drap d’Bte and i , PRICK ==25eChN IS Ge tues ecm ecu tial (mlbetonge te Alpuceo Frocks and Sack-, a large eanety of Casas 6 Doz. Cognac Brandy, Prepaced by WOE WYATT, Apotueceny, yy CU Dia aU eg aU arg Den Win OF i ’ : t ) Mo tvars ffntfinar Sate to be on the largest traet—- mere Pants, faney and bliek y ulso Fancy and Rlack 8 “ Bourbon Whiskey Nos Pst and TRs, Main Stree > hk oe Ck Silke, Cunsciiers aud Mareailies Vout, in endless on. a hee 5 a SALISBURY, \.4 r wa mhontis—Uree wide $2 10 bwd ’ wy ren 1 Old Rye 1iS ACRE! Gent’s Furnishing Goods, |) § (d Ajjle New Books Just Received at 4 Pipithalinire Gi: Moers Kidite)| deceased ied: x nee ne i he tants of Hears Peeler, sear, Leonard HATS and CAPS, BOGUS and SHOES, @ large . ws Weary ine | wetor ment : teres BUREE & STEWART!S. 66) ore Seite sake place on the prem. 1 feel confident of my alvhty to andersell anvoth- 6 8 Landon Cordial Gin ; yee Hhdov ot July nest at LL o'cloek, A. + . Woman's flome Book of Hentth, Sissy tite @v months —F adv. $2 75—614 ar house inthe State, from the advantages | havein er ieee tA ROT os \ HINCK ERNE geting my Goods, thereby saving at lent TWEN. 6 0 Lemon Svrap, Pure ae Be Ane Vs ie fA >R,C. M. B. TY-FIVE PER CENT to the consamer DIMES . ee ear a i a SAVED ARE DOLLARS MADE SO TRY ME 6% Raspberry Syrap, Pure. : be : : ys) , The Uaunted Homestead, \ ORRELL & GRADY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Deatera in DRUGGIST {POT RY t he t ATS CaP , YRUGQIST «¢ POTHECAR beaten By the author of the Prince ot the 173 | ss SRE aN *,o, Straw and Millinery Goods, Nacmieninndl 18a Mamet B E) Purerdie. Maswaret Monareitfee. The First Love ot 4 Ww. H. WYATT, aa # f David or the Rebell HP ee Throne « ” 500-0 Pure London Mustard SALISBURY. XC July 3, Ts60 ae Umbretias, Parasols, Flowers, Ritbens, &r., SALI ye nea i CIGARS ! CIGARS?! CIGARS 2! | No. 18 Courtlandt Street, on) 6,000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retail ai the DP ORRFIE. 0 y eee . 2 = s Post Office MA SWITH gp GKann — - oe Vn Banks of all kinda for sale at this ofhve May 13 165) ate of Wilmingtoa, N. 0 ) New York. AD VALOREM EXPLAINED—BY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Q. What is the Dent or N. Caroma! A. The State owes 84 millions on bonds already issned. It will coon owe over 13¢ millions on liabilities already incurred. The ordinary expenses of the government are on an averaye over $100,000 yearly. Tt is certain the TaAx&s MUST SOON BE RAISED to at Jeast $800,0UU to $900,000 annually. Q. Can this amount be equitably raised under the Democratic system of taxation. A. No, All kinds of property except slaves, household and kitehen furniture, horses, cattle, hogs, &e., are already tax ed as high as they can bear. Slaves, how- ever, are but lightly taxed. Q. What! Sraves rieutLy taxep! Low do you prove that? A. Why by the Comptroller's last Re- port, $203,000.000 of slave property paid only $118,330, while $98,000,000 of land paid $191,980. While land paid 20 cents on $100 value, slaves paid 52 cts. Wiile slaves paid one dollar, lau paid three dollars und fitty cents. Q. Do Lunderstand you to say land pays nearly roUR TIMES as Incl as slaves! A. Yee, land worth $1500 pave &3 A olave mechanic worth $1500 would be taxed 80 cents. If the slave is over 50 years or under 12, WE WOULD PAY NOTHING Q. Why does not the Legislature tax | slaves higher? A. Because the Constitution forbids the taxation pf slaves under 12 years old and over 50.) Slaves between 12 and 50 ean only be taxed as high as white meu between 2h and 45¢ Q. What is the number of slaves the State ¢ A. [01850 there were 288,548 ; ifthey increased between 1350 and 1860 as they increased between 1840 and 1850 (17.88 per cent.) there must be now 338,545— at $600 each worth $203,000,000. Q. What are the naniber and value of slave polls, i. e. those between 12 and 50 ¢ A. The Comptroiler’s Report has the nomber 147,913, but omits those of Ede combe 5 add on these and we have not Jess than 152,000—worth at least $130, 000,000. These ofe liundred and thirty millions pay only SLIS.280, while Sox, 000,000 of land pays $191 ,Us0. Q. What are the number and v: of those slaves which cannot be taxe all by the Legislature ? A. There must be 156,000, worth say $73.000.000. ‘These seventy three mill jons can’t be taxed at all, even if the State should be involved in an expensive War. Q. Bat why not raise the tax on slaves between 12 and 50, sv as to wake up! this loss ¢ A. Becanse the Constitution dees met allow that to be done without raming the taxon the white man. White + obliged to leave their business to serve as jurors, a8 wWitiesses, to fight our bate tles and for other public duties © poll tax is high enough already, perhaps too high. Q. But possibly slaves pay enough for COUNTY TAXES to make up this inequaity ¢ A. No. Land is taxe poses—svo are whitemen. In Wake coun ty, land worth a lite over $3.000.000 pays to the county and Strate $13,611, while slaves worth over only $7,404. Land in Wase pays 43 cts. on the 8100, slaves IL cents. A negro fellow worth $1,500 pave $153 in Tat ‘noare ” A L for county pur 00,000 pay x4 land worth 81500 pays $645 5 OVER FOUR TIMES as wcci! Q. Land pays fonr times as much as slaves! doves land yet sick and die? A. Yea; land vets overflowed, wears out, isattacked with drouglit, witty wort and rust. Honses and turpentine treen and fences are burnt. Tf physicked with manure it soon dies Q. But young staves can’t work, d produce anything: ougit they to be ed? A. Why not? There were in the Suan in 1850, 5.453.975 acres of land iuiproses, and 15,543,003 acres unimprowed Iu Wake, 161,091 improved andi 852.178 onimproved 5 yetall the unimproved land is taxed 20 centson $100 value. Dor des little NEYOEB UNCIEU KE THOT rapidly in val ue thun any other investinent. Q. What ia the of dan] slaves combined, and what do they pay into the Treasury ¢ A. The valae is) in ronnd $300,000,000, and they paid BIG 80 An ad valorem tas of a ite over 10 on $100 would bring the same by which the panp pax WoULD BE DIMEN ISHED ONE IALF, atic f rage vaiue of $600 would pay about Go Cents. Q. Do CoxstITUTIONS 07 Sovutuern States contain restrictions on taxing slaves ¢ A. Oxiy two. In Tennessee, none ex- cept those between 12 and 50 can be tax ed, bat they meer be tured ad mtlurem.— In Virginia, «dd property except slaves must be taxed according to value. Slaves over 12 yeara must be taxed as high as $300 worth of land, and not higher. Q. Are there any other INEQUALITIIS J UNDER THE LAst REVENUE BILL? A. Yes, any. The tollowing tat’ wid) show some: bat then, slaves get sick aud die; famed 18 ty ae on value and nonhbers te amount, aosiave of the the OTHER Slaves on 81000 valne, paid erence Taxable slaves, “ tt a Land, 4“ “ orn Money at interest stocks, &e. 2 40 Goods bought, ws “ EF can Clothing, im “ ea Watches, “ “ Ah oni Pianos, “ i = 4) Bugyies, Carrvalla, &c., yous Liquors bought ont of the State, 100 o0 ns bomgcht in the State, ei Stods and Jacks, (sav) ) Mechanies, be... on their Labor, Mr. Uolden, in the No ©. Standard ot 20th June, says it was NECESSARY | Democratic PARTY TO PASS THis Vii LAW Q. What! mechanics, oversecra, Ay pay a heavy tax on their wi A. Yer; a mechanic making R500 pace $5 on his wages and 80 cents on hia] & aslave mechanic working at the sane bench, making $500, would pay so cena only. If the slave is over 50 he poys nothing. _ Q. Lonppore, then, the white mechan te 18 free from all other taxes ? A. Yon are mistaken, Every honest Merchant will admit that he charges his tax to hie cnatomers. That tax must be paid whether the goods rot on bis shelves or are barnt. Q. Does that make the price of aroan, oy 1! + LE rat aL, CaLico, and other acces: Professional Cards. RIkS HIGHER f A. Certainly. Sugar, for example, costing in Petersburg T or 8 cents wiil be wold in Wake or Orange for 10 or 12 cts. | Part of thia high price is the tax. | Q. Has the Deinocratic party provided & REMEDY for this unjust system of taxa- |tion ¢ | A. Noneatall. say “they deem it the purty of the Legis- lucure, 10 passing acts tur raising reveuce, soto adjust taxation thatit shall bear as RQUALLY AS PRACTICABLE, Within the bin ity of the Constitution, on the various IN: , PERESTS and CLasses of property in all sec: | tions of this State,” Q. Does this Democratic platform go for taxing Ho@s, DUCKS, CHICKENS, We, A. It dogs. Hogs are “classes af pro perty,” 80 are chickens ; and the platforio says itis the duty of the Leyisluture w bear upen them.” Q. What is the meaning of the expres sion “within the dimits of the Constitu wo § In their platform they | tution A. That taxation shall bear equally on ALL CLASSES EXCEPT ON SLAVES} bat taxa- fiol tiust not bear equally ou glaves be cause Liey Bay, “it ds prematare, impolt he, davgzerous and unjust” to alter the Constitution. Q. What Remepy dves the Consrrru | ronal Uxton Parry propose ¢ A. They say the tirst thing to be done | is to alter the Constitution sv as to give lthe Legislature the sane power tu tux) sluves that they have to tux other proper | \ | ify, and chen to adopt the PRINCIPLE OF AD | VALOREM TAXATION, With proper discritu! | uation, Q. Does their Platforin advocate the} jlaxstion of adé property, such as hogs, | ducks, chickens, &e. | A, Not this charge is brought to tare jaway the attention of the people trom | tie two hundred trillions worth of slave prey The Legislature can tax these | (hinges now if they want to, bat they ad: not. Taey will never tax things so sal in value that the expenses of collectio tax, Lat the Democrats say you intend verty. Will be tnore than tic Q to aboleb or decrease the tax on tie clk CUS, Of EXUIBITIONS, Ott EULARS, nl VSEA TO RETAIL, wud sieli tudies > Is Unt oo) { a. Tite ee Tg. vthis net Gided as property PHIVIL = ro oLickNses; the L will nave til power over these things. Jus so all CORPORATIONS, 48 BANKS, maght be faXed tor tue caciusive privileyes pt thet as () Wool the tax on ginmanp vaBrir PLAYING CARDS, BOWLING ALLEYS, DIRK~ ald pisses and such arucles be necessa rav reauced ¢ fi) no meane. @ fax oon th yb the hature a police Pe] Cen je et premston of Vik or tea yer trarinice thee cod orcte the comer \ Tubrax is a PENaLty. In Tennessee Is A Crome TO Wear Gites. bowie hiive and pistes at ali— We u Nipore ati tet UAX Q. Wold the tax on ssoxey be lowered becessarny t | A. No, if money ia made to pay corn | TY TAXES, It would not be towered i Q. Does the Consntutional Coion! Platiorm atlow of discrimination ? | A Yes, in faver of she warive y pects of the Srate and the ispesiitat | perscips of her eitizeus, QQ). What is the effect of this? | A. The Lewishature mav faver onrown | produecious, and the vobustry of our peo | pe by exempting some articles. ana bt wir Moher Taxes on foreron per toad ftrxueres, Sttett ats € Brandes, kre. Pty be proner and ne: | Ce ssary XT \ \ ‘ a ‘ M re ts 1 " ’ the or 4tboaat e 1 veve, Woere the tioney we 1 sj! at vy North Caroona worgines QQ. Have olf sou LeRN STATES ADOPT BO AD VALOREM inf uf A. Yes, Georgia, Kentackys, Mars Piernda, Louisiana a Nanette Arkansas and Missonet, thot ties Te iiatore of Arkansas cxenipta siaves Oo and over Guy Tiexetipts those nider Comp lat won 0 LAND FOR SALE. PREV LAND formert Hey \ Robert Gilles Wing i the county etd onde We Ni etary, cn the St d, new be longi te the estate deo ld contanag about 3000 Aerea, under Bue cultivation. alsa GY Xeren tow Eee Tonow otter (og xe van’y ' ao wining t purchase Wil pleape can the aubsenber NINN Vane UA NCIS Bxeoutnx af SD. Rankin Dro Rankin time of hs death, are requested to make | Those who were indebied to at payme ni and those having claims agar et fis y notified to present them within the Poy law. orthis noneé wall be pled 1 MARY BORANKIN, Ext's without delay ; estate are here Lave preserihy bar of recovery : April 3. lm60. fh FOR SALE. AM now sfeeng my velurile Plantrtion Winger the waters of the with VYadkin,eontarn oe when wont [Vb aer reeniova ! ‘ spted tothe of Pobaery Nise : vad Bottota Band amean tie founds wor conty “Phere re a mre tne plemtation aie he Siw Mil e tunbered eauinte Persons aiet vriwehawe, woold de wellte calfon in atCon Line, Davie connty.oron Arthin Neely. one from Renehaw's ford, who will tile reat pl showing the land. A reasonable eredit wil be given D. WO CRENSHAW Auguat 27, 1959 waa Spring Wiattresses. CRUE sibecriber haa on h he a beet gu BOSPRING ond other MATTRESSES. Calla Nis Furniture Store SR. HARRISON Mayne Sood Reduction in Price, FROSINE OIL FLUID —Cash, HENDERSON & ENNISS 1733 K Tan 10, 1860 PILE OINTMENT. NR CAVANAUGEIES Celebrated Pile Ointment for Plea, warranted ta ¢ Fir wale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ 3af 1) Jan are 19, 1860 LT, PRRSONS who are indebted to me are reepecifatly reqnented to call and make imme disvte payment, as Loam compelled to have money ; and ae thimi- the firar time thet Uhave enlied on my friends, [hope they will come ap promptiy R P. BESSENT Nov. 29th, 1859 tf27 ‘MB DR. BESSENT the | DENTAL NOTICE ——— ie REMOVED to true DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by Da Baron, where he is prepared to attend all operations connected with his profession. Jan. }, 1860. W. L. BARRIER, DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT, N.C. pals 43 1f32 March 13, 1866, Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, I AVE ansociated themselves in the practice of Medicine and offer their Professional services to the public. Those who wish it, can have the services of both, In any case, without extra charge ET OMice— he an me cccupied at preven!) y Dr Wairemaap Devember 14, 1855, DR. F. N. LUCKEY, Bese now permaneutly at hisown residerce (reeently owned by J.B McNeely.) onthe Coneord and Mocksville toad, 24 mites South of Phyatira Church. continues to of fer, at the same lucativn, his professiooal services to the public Calla, in his aheence. should be left with hie mina ger, Mr. Shupiug or tir wife, or in their absence, with the servants Miranda, Rowan co, LAW PARTNRSHIP, A. TL. & R.A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly occupied by Dr. Nesbit, on Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. March J, 1859. BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS ANB COMMINSIAY MERCHANTS, No. 129, Sycamore Street, PELELSDRU RG, VA, located Noy 1725 Mh, 1859 rin N. M. MARTIN, SOW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANT GHENT N De Ven MoMAKTIN, 6F { x KO TANNAHICL RA WVRTIN Hob PLE woe NOM. MARTIN, Ww oK MAKTIN, TP Senet personnal ater gsen to the eee produce Orders for goode prompil. filled.£9 RereRevet oA avis @. Fe Fisher, baq aye D4, I> 13 W. R. WILSNN soretn roin wie Northeru eo ies, witht i I \ : aa y WATCHES, JEWELRY, Serofala or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disenep, a curruption of the blood lby which this fuid becomes vitiuted, weak and poor | Being iy the ci:culation, it pervades the whule body, }and muy burs! out in divevse on any partof it, No | organ je free from its attacks. nor is there ove which lit fowy not destroy. The serofulour taint is various. ly eaured by meregrial disease, low fivi g. disorder. | edor unhealthy food. impure uir, filth und filthy h rbits | the depressing vices, and, ubove all, by the venereal ipfeetion Whoetever be jt. origin it 18 Dereditary in | pending * frow parents to children jthe couetilation, | Wnto the third and fourth generation” | to be the rod of him whe says, oF will visit the lni- jquiticw of the fathers upou their chidren ” iver, and joterval orguns, is sermed tubercles; inthe | glande, swellinge; woud ou the surface, erupions or, om | blood, depreswes thy energies of life, so thats :rofulous eeffer from scrofulous eom- jconsututions not only jpleints. but they have fur fess ps the uttucksofoherd searex; fousin their nature, taint in the syetenm dee mites the hutnan family has its onygin directly in this scrofulous cont sainwtie ; ond many destruc ive dinenses of the liver, kidueys, brain, and. indeed, of all the organs, tise from or ure aggravated by the pame Cause One quarter of all our people are scrofalous; their pe ag infection, ond their healhbis undermined by ii, “Po eleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by au nlierative are uill rendered fatal by this ons are invaded Sy thos lar tedicin Such inedicine we supply io Ayer’s Compound Extract of 8 cibe. arsaparilla, The most effectual remedy which the medical kill of Druggists Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Spices, Paints, | hats cic weekly ) Columbia; Observer, FayetCevitte 5 | g pour tines enn devise tor this every where prevailing \and fatalinotidy Juve remediale that have been discovered for the ex | purgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the H rescue of the #8 em from is destructive consequen- | lees. Hence it should be employed for the cure of act jatite seraftle. bet wleo the: wher ath ctrous anime frou it, such ae Eruptive and » St Antho- i's Fire, Rowe, or Beympeloa, Blotches. Blais aod Bods. Tumors 'Rheam, Seald Wead Riagworn Rheumatism Syph- eue and Merenrial D seaxen Dropay. Dyspepsia De. Tetier and Salt Vihty. wad. ied edvall Compare aneing frou Vila Dtedar batnare Blood “Phe populerb het ta ttapurs is founded in truth | tv of the blooe’ fer serofula isn deweneration of the blood | | | | indeed, greene rebuble time keepers to come and examine | tis eth cle commence by depos tion from the blood approved principle, and possesses every requisite for) lofeorropt or aleercas master. which, in the Jungs, & reliable tine keeper. This (oul corrapion, whieh gendere in the espensibe. ¢ wer to withstard Gold Double Cased Levers, 13 jewels, from 30 te 40 dum Queutly, Vast nny. dull here perish by disorders which, wlthuugh net acrofy- 40 dollars each Most of the couramption which door to WeNeely & Young's store, Main Street sand invigorate toby he hhy food aod exer | This combined from the most ac. | | and virde of is Sarsapacite ie to pur fy and regen: | ferate this vital fund, without which svund health is, Hinporsble ta contaminated constitutions, Ayer’s Cathartic Pils Eur all the PUL poses of Fanly Physic. Recta oie cesarean Ves eand vuvig are so Cotipemed that di seuion Cau rarely woohelaud or eve de thei penetrating prope vers arch aod caper roteevery porn of tbe hugen organi, correet pote dined tec, and restoring pom yi tes. An Cons quence of thes erties. The valid who ie be we pvswal de Wye wetonie hed ¢ renergy realtor voareiedy Wd onvining N ' e Joy complante ot Nu rpeviienn! eu ' a ther ase 4 e f Wing ¢ ' « Hearibary flecdache, wnsing tein dimordereit Stomach, Nuusea Liudiren Pa and Mist Tnaction of the Bw - +t ON, Laseef Appetite Jnundier and other dred Coops mos Jow state of the dy or Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, R TUR RAPID CORE OF SILVER WaAR«i, Coughs. Colds. Dsfacaza, He aeecrees, Croup, Bra tN el ts et Ui CET yam? chit wm. bie ve ' nd or the re! Ts 1 Feo peeitnliy a rey eaten 1 Cousutnptive Pateute va advanerd stagea of Ween Woe Pie te on met DD orn Noes , MeN orig & Youngs, Mar Seowile the t Suse ulness aid ae num te arethr ce ireriat i eeu, Red wl eiml every re Repo W ee Clocks and qobbing stnety ened af Roan tule i watch nakers, Ay Who bave been ree ed fiom r work « ' ete din pugs by at " ae ‘ tin “ou md. | tried. tes yony ' \ eo [kind ie too apperent tierce { : svir tre hw pal hes JAMES HORA three ere Bealeton , Jerreas athe) the pp yu organe tt WATCA-MAKER AND JEWELER, ee vs ; Jorew thrast upen t ne ' a SEES ON aN (e a nies gene byes One door below R. & A. Wuphy's Store. |! rr ® ve fl ' ve Kk ERPS coostantly on hand a agrortme nt ae A WATCHES «nd JEWELRY all hinge aes iat Sisk ar nneeniiny Clocka Worehes and deweiry of every leneriy . ee ; repairer the Dest saner and ou the most pean DR. de ( 2 \ \ lan & ( On nla LOWELL Mass f 4,160 ly3x A! our Remed.ce ar sae by Wout Ws > Ne nN uf & Co oe , MICHAEL BROWN, fitch peoem (| ‘ 10) ? . 1 " 1M hat \) COMMISSION MERQIVE, vere cote: 4 Wu 4 i 4 i ‘ Vie An An, Vers: eV kas 7 Z << . « Pov ed Seevenson & Co, Charleston, S ¢ NELISBERY, VOC. March 6, mbt , ha 2, ORG SON ie Ay hE Ty Nee Gr Thy ey SAF... O \ ‘ m t= tobe soid in thin warket Soon = ee ViGuiKATG? ecient “LIVER INVIGURATGR, NEVER DEBILITATES. 7 eotirely fom Gamaant Collecting Agent. RRCe EEL NIN He a a TIVE Tereiinenn Meelaticett ty | i ne at two rears ) B nent Sal latis a () Brive ous Uae ee oe ve ‘ 5 i \ ten trent of the V1 a) ty OES: pers | ed iu Gb Quanunes as to your a4 deat aid Conas ess eostequal | Jement gnite you o the ercertn JON RED one . ‘. | VIGORATE ) Apr. 1G, S60 tede Cilectiog Agent | 2 { ach, Habitual ' | ta, Chole as, Cholern : | Jaandicr, } 4 ceasiully as an Ordinas rs ' : | ry Famty Medi tne, Tieaiicure SICK PMPORIUM!: GH RTACGTA CFL eri cey) istiecnielcel) Grete tn | twenty minutes, if twoour three Toa- | JUKE & STEWART F. eying spoonfals are tuk- en at commeucement of | d*| b iffer awe oder bet ue nt attack | : st who use It are Giving their testimony ch \ ties and a . ! im ita favor ‘ae prowith Chere ordera thr MIX WATEEH IN THE MOUTH WITH Ne sour Phew deal direct y THE INVIGORAIOR, AND SWALLOW \palpablehing houses in ihe « WG BOTH TOGETHER. ' ‘ ties (eat Pitee One Dol ar per Bottle. — Als - re owiil Atl Cte ds han hendycon SANFORD’S | nd Velaones FAMILY - we fully invite Comntrs Verchants. Se hor C ATH A RT | C P | LLS Pea nd the public generat toenllandex sani 9 their cheap and standard pobueatiena of all kinds CoMPOUSDED FR: M ef a moet handsome collees a, Wagnazinen Novels, P. uber Works of al kinds on of Cheap A rrt aptn dowill keep Pure Veaetabie Extracts AX CANKS, Ale ‘Light iSTATEOF NORTH CAROLINA | N.t | | | your eect Pustules, 1 json © Vhe particule purpose |? ‘Carolina Foundry } /AND MACHINE WORKS! | \ HOTELS, | Su S ee AMERICAN WATCHES, North — Ki —— W. R. WILSON H AS just opened a new Int of GOLD) and SILVEK VUUBLED CASED) AMERICAN PATENT LEVER WATCHES, which he iovites all lovers of a good, hundseme anc MANSION 1% HOTEL, IN | SALISBURY. | SR { HF. subscriber tuke? pleasure in ananoncing tu his | friend», and tbe public generuly, thet he hue jtaken this tong established ond well known Hotel | Gnd has made every pownille preporation wo aecon.mo ‘date the buxiness, travelling und y the public, in the most satistoctor Purticujar attention is pid to hie TABLE, andevery comfort is provided ia his ROOMS. Mis STABLES are abundantly sopplied and at- tended by a careful ostler; and to ell departments the proprietor gives hit personal attention A confortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depot an the arrival of the cars. With these efforts to please. « liberal share of the Public patronage i® confidently schened. WM. ROWZEE. f-35, These watches are toanufactured and gaarantied by hin Co be made of the beet marerial, on the moet} FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCEBBORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, ‘ILE continue to masufecture aud keep on Wea AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full aseortinent of | Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, | Seed. Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills. They also manufacture For any defectiu inaterial workmanship or perfor. | mance under fair usaye, he at all times holds him-<el ertificates g ven with each watch auld. | He also bus a large assortment of id and silver Double Cased Euplien Patent wid detached Lever. mude heretofure. arweach; and Silver, Doubled Cased, from 10 to Plows, Corn-Shellers, Horse- Powers, | Threshera, | Thresher and Separators, a Shafling and Machinery (} | I (| U | A I | for Grint Mills. Cireal or iund Vertical Saw Mille. Gold, , Copper and Silver Mines, Tubuceo Preasew and Fix: ) LU 4 Clee een = eee " TRON AND BRASS OASTINGS.| FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every | deseripiion made to order, and warranted in wvery Repairs of every deseripuou of Machinery | DON'L FORGET TO CALL at the Store next Salisbury, October 4th, 1859 ify January 25th, 1860 N Wa? TIA] 1 TOV HOLSE e | aud Tredell Express will publich 3 uuuths aud forwad | sccuunis! | ‘wy , Morganton, N.C. Sa gd eapech New Hotel hus gained the reputation | oo iP RE AL ES | I of beg w FIRST | LASS HOUSE, ond second —o |'o wone inthe State. Ae uu evidence of it, Treterto SHE undersigned reapectfatly cull the attention of Drayginre and Mercharts to their renewed stock uf very FRESH AND PURF Drugs & Medicines selected with mach diserummauon al the lowest rates, , at home and abroad. Tn addition to their complete | ty34 | assortment of Mediciaes, regular and proprietary.) Standard, Roleigh; Patriot, Greensboro’ Dena) lerat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, Arheville ; Caro- : | respect done at short notice. Salisbury, N.C, Jaa. 2, 160 they have a line of gc, Fe, Fe, making a variety from whech buyers can select a! where wteck af the lowest renge of pices. | They ask your patronige wath confidence, that) fiom ap experience of 30 yeers, @ very extended | trade with the leacing busines» houses in thiw State, apd a consequent knowledge of the real wane of wofeountry ; antde from their feeiliies for} procure being indirect correspondence with the clef Manutacter recond Dealers te this aad for | ciyn counties; they will be able to eupp!y your need# fat ibe corning rrasou'e business, with great eatisfac | the many favorable notices by the Press of ibe Ste and the very liberal putronage received. Ii comtinucs: W peu necer haring been closed.) aud ‘1s guests may rely upon the reputation of the House being surtained. TL propane to eel the pl stauion on whieh Dove |p pave arreagetoente made (o beivere eaniaeal ewe rede, containing 3074 ACRES — Wost of the soil is jlarly with Feeeh Fish from Norfolk ond Newbern, in urry ground, the remainder» dark loan, equaliu fer: | ferwith ever d Glity to any in Rowan Nearly one halt of the tect CLASS HUTEL Sees usually found at FIhST es Ak : ‘O wscillia woods, conbaminig a great dealoftine Gnber. | 7, : Tee Eig Nona, Le Layee cr K ce te abot 40 C. 8S. Brown & Co’s Stage Office, » j | Acresol MLA? and MEAD of fem: - | 5 ‘ Ps etn ce ea ea ROH INChE Sue at this House. Their FOUK HORSE COACH- v 7 cooling vine rooms, garret and cellar, and also & ES rau tothe head of the W. NC. Rail Road om fire-places. and inv view of the Yadkin River and) Momlass. Wednesdays, und Fiidsys, and to Ache- Rail Real ‘Phe garden and spring are excel | Wilt, "Tuesdays, Phuredayeand Saturdays. EXTRA wid the cut-buildigs. some of which ure new, | COACHES and HACKS rendy wt wny hour and for nfoitsble pany pone C. S. BROWN, ISHING to concentrate my hands on one place, ode Hou to yourselves in quailty. prices aud terms BAKER, CHARLES W NOLEN Feb 7, t=6u ihe ure well aceanged A-HE COUNTY. > In Equity and c¢ Wont Peery re Wald Perry, Hiram Calloway.) Ube location iaiquite convenieit, being within five | Sindiueh Calaway and Jerhaa Bake {ndes of Salisbury, and very healthy ‘The sor) i! Puornictor ; Gat uate sore ve Cire qimuerne emul idapted to tine Tobaces, Cottou. Grain, Fruite.| June 14, 1859 ua ' Le ORC Minwae anc Slideneia@ cine reuG eacuul AGB: tables . "2% Observer, Fayetteville ; Standard and Spirit ¢ Sey nee nero TET | JNO. A. BRADSHAW the Age, Raleigh, Bulletin. Charlotre ; Herald. ws t ' r that pobbeaton be tide Dace! reg toington; Progress, Newlern; Patriot, Grecnbu o’ 2 Cai nee enue weekeaan He ’ sod Salisbury Banner, copy eight times Oe en Ue dene COWAN’S | - = Sheer Coert of quiry ta he held for the Coany! . ware | M tV il y ee Edie ietteders vanes Vegetable Lithontriptic ount vernon OUSE, uM Wein Mouday cn Angust vest, and ) | i‘ naewes or dae an ue on | Formerly known asthe Veranda Hotel, situated ; z pra eons iN be cake LIEN a ! : | aie dun Nope (eae EAM AT THE DEPOT, = ' 1 SUPFERING FROM ! v SALISBURY, N ‘ ae dz > Wek, Witness. Gearse Bower. Clerk and Master in| DINEASED KIDNEYS, { a I f C EB puty for said Counsy. trim gob Mav. bso | ) HIS establish t 5 ‘ z TGR ED - . “ ninest har heen opened forthe enter- ; GEORGE BOWER CM & | Stone iu the Bladder and Kidn ys, Weak Pace of the Pubhe, ftis now thercoghly re- adv #350 6a? : | panied and unuproved inal tie ona a hae Leonie = { dares i respects ondisevery way Loins d hetler suited 10 the comfort of the Public then hrre- TINHIS inecu Medic ne is for pal } pi tofore The chambers are turiuiebed anew ehrough . — I Ree ant ane, We sunt entic S10 REWARD. Mineevilie, Salicbiiss Ststerate. toneorn ajay aud tave the beat quafiv al Bedding. ‘Uhe Culinary | DAN AWAY froin tue antecr ber, near Thamae.! PAY (ev lies wud at Cot Austn's and ne where else | Departa Sunder the manage ment of @ proheient | Novitte Soljedan Cnn RCMa Ee ea Phe ruber ter having entered inte copartnerst p{Caturer he "Pable sill always be suy pled with the a He JOTN ENNIS CV ; 28 wath Jona Wan origins prtentor, eran) Dien) thet sand other markets afford Teen ee Tonk Meo TOME ee ee factate sud eee ofits abote Mevtioine, is preparedg Phe Proper tor wiltde vote tin whule time to the ee : ae : ea yo . ae “ a ts lurst Wy odiresmny hun at Salebary.| anagement of the Houxe and feels confident that Vapor Raa CUS AE aoe NC rai at hin residence, (inten weet of | WEN his freiioes every thing that can, will be done, Ake orhnnd Ginene Wa en nce EDO AUSTIN | to add ty the comfort uf bis Gorse pT TON CaN he Vs ae > BENJAMIN, \ “ eexcied Het whe July 96, 1839 “9 . ey ruat. wih black buytoue ' esi : i , 1 : Z sets win con he nahesoe Me [pnportant ta Mill Owners !', wil wit si 66 >” be nine dene 1 fh chon Pea cre vares ' on | Coane et a (CUT THIS OUT) , et Mmared (cel ale Gee Ontan eg | Arch Street above Third, ether, Gee reid sal how ie any ow whatever! 9 | ie i aie lw Ciey dite uw ont FO. ef. CMannen s, | PHILADELPHIA. , vote er Pagan tall such poreous . + owe > 1 hove Reward will be given to any peemn| CELEBRATED | pene ese reaier® NG 4 FBVIE CNDERSIGNED having purchased the interest of be. x ‘ . eee bey uN ja and tetity one { former partoer, Bvan Fvane, in the abe HOTEL oul wo dun getbom i patioreepenses, SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE, 8 tre mtr tye fate tein sore” HOTEL, souls JOUN KENDALL \ AOS CEE NTC ROTH ACTN SO CTU ILC NS at eta turer tee tie (anit } Ap V7th. ie59 tf47 . N.C J and shipped te all parce of the Unitec ian ce tancomente te n Wer ineea nee nilclea i noee = Slates a the shorte-t cotice Jin search of ©, the constantly passing nd re) assing Rail- | | | inca en aeine ac HOeeee ORR vem red: ec inclse proximity, afford » plearant ride | for tereet, in or abeut the city ali places of ir DAILY C. si Wire ne Machines and woh them changed } Thet 1 gives assurance that “THE UNION” shail be P as Phe publie are crn sened agus) imitations and! kepewi such character as willmeet public approbation, and MV al ee Mine Miitinueeareciwe imine nie dep any eile t Scuthern patronage. ‘ : : OM een At Sige (omer woe a) ; | ( IS YROWN GCOS 4 Maree Conchen BSS Ne Des UPTON 8. NEWCOMER, Be aNG ae a fr lnily from tecke. Comnaniec beorny pillemieicard orsuldby my legally | Aag 16 (ry) 12) Propaixron. vt Sr WN © (Ron (eth wi Whe gan. Sutborized agents dren * _ Ree c thre ccuhtm (en eACtiee INU A. MOMANNEN, { . SH > . is Mier Raentavcecinrad FS 5 ; doutr Lowell N¢ WASHINGTON ITLOTEL. diss OW 4 hree 4 Hone ¢ EATEN erisd \ ~ , Pott : vive! . array . mig l TWsstet dems ehetete ; JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. Oa Me a Vtieg fed tetee Tone te He DR. MOUTARDE'S Os aa Wie ¢ view of brated Rack Woon A. R , # Sacer errr, WALTUN MOUSE. Mor Wi oa | : P; i Kill BROAD STREET. ae : ‘ aS BROWN & CO z racu OlIS a n er. | NEWBERN. N. C. | eh dah, PeAN hdd Contractors or on) RO POP Bas fou Woden y Tavern ty Mergentan 8200 | RU EUMSTISM. Vs cures inn few dove [esrhscysleihalSou = \) | | | | NECRNDLCIA. tic TOOTHACHE, Woo peammediately SUPERIOR CORNS ind BUNIONS. Vy cuter inn few COLOCNE WATER, (1000 "Sere owe i ‘veble Distilled fron Fragrant Fiowers Wo WYATE. een few unnates rights. ivery Stabl Livery Stable. e It is grati- fying te hen thet this establishment, begun, at iret. ae a doubttulexperiment, hae proved to the public a grent deside- ‘Travelers, and others Brown’ | S kept op as heretofore ‘as Pi rtop:tostauter For Ivflamed Gumeof Tecthing Children Ti ie the safest anid heat Fur Fi Tus warranted to eure remedy known er aud Ayne, lea thrtaiataccrnplete wiccees, ! RTGS SN rT Auely , I al 4 AND APOTHECARY, “Price wily 94 ceue — can always have their wauts, in th # line, well sup- Noe t-6and 18s Min St, For eale Wholes teand Retaithy WOH WYATT | pled . SALISBURY, No Agent for tie Sane of NOC, Noo 16 and [88 Maio, Cash prices paid for Carriage Lumber and Proven. Pp 9 fi : sirens, Sahabury, N ( lier Aud the eabscriber ix nlwave ready te eel! or z Viera, Qiete, Sicts and $l per Botle Brin os 140 bay good Horses THOMAS E. BROWN. Vet Qs, pnt £40 May 3iet, 1859 ‘fl HAR "! New Fir | _ nh ARDWARE!! i m. | Sores | . } ! [UIE Sicenbers are reremng ant opening at =m | Ra) TO ; i Feo codon Meat Soe MURR & SOSSAMON, | Vi GR UES EER AVING purchased of JD Brown & > ; ’ . I] \ ' | gy MG watered fod the Stock of Hardware Co vere chat TS | Smaart Tinned ne biasing Enso 4 TIN, SHEE T.IRON. COF R- |) pment to hie NEW STABLE on the lot in ‘the verofferetin thie Macker, whieh having been bought WIRE, STOVES, &. cearof the residence of the Inte George W. Brown, ' sobthe Movutarturens or theer agents, exctu. Dewoffer the bercear and handsomest lot of COORK-) where he or hia agent mey always be found ready to els toreash "They are prepared to offs iduce. ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES ever, auend to all demands in his tine te Wholesale or Retail boyers A call is re. offered tn this marker and will well for camh as low as) Orders de livered to him at his stable, will meet peetfally woleved canhe hadin Weatery North Caroling Also, allkeinds | with prompt attention, Charges moderate. JONES & OVERWAN of Pluin and Japaned TIN WARE and STILLS JOHN SNYDER kepton hend ° «, Prayer Booka, Annunlea, Gift Rocka, Albume Family nel . (martie PIT. ws pen. | Salsbury, Mar. 13, 1960 ust All binas Tin, Sheet-Lron or Copper) — Salisbary, September 6, 1859. Rec egmteianneaiacniamacce nee At pe ore aceneara | GB a Mcp inealippe cs as work dune at the #huriest w tice ~ : a { Pfovent wone someting amine. entertainine aan " na se whe } NOTICE TO Al I MURR & SOSSAVON ie \ “CG ovbaecrense. cxlliot Grace ©) Saanich. lien Bae ou mie w piace 7 J shhuls, Salisbury, Jan. 10, 1860) Vya3 590 ACRES ee the k ul of B me leLy parent should place in thereat hle fom rose eee inne aiflorent Catia ties act T HAVE determined to sertie ivy omtatanding bn. | ee - OF the hands of ther ehitdren ¢ ciallvifthes have ow on dilerent nortions of the} Lowe finesa, and for that purpose have pliced all my } . ‘ eKAMILY © i | + y - o 0 ae sand are of a ine! rneholy @ispesstior anes nie Svea ee andmecounta in the hands of JOHN WANTED | VALUABLE LAND FOR SA LE. PS fol ave ther am tyee for readina, elevate been compounde | from #! JEN who iS tny agents nud nll these thut rec | ak she hod Festi Wine rimnt leings chile chen oral ‘ SLT Acie eet ae fal Tr tiGtle tit Pete DA Te rata abs teen mre 20.000 feet Sycamore Lumber, "Pe Denier auctunten (head hiniulyeratnthe ae methane ital ee pa where wuly have te pey cost. MONEY £ MUST AND oolie meniecodinrer wil ihoipidiealobersitse | residence of KR. W. Griffith, on Durchman Creek , Pace ’ | WILL HAVE M. HOPELIN following siten: Boards [finches thick, 124. 934, Davie coanty, 44 miles North of Mocksville, know 9 Fs ound af the atore oreent to nny ad Feb, Th, e60 1217 and 144 inches wide, and o! any converent length, [asthe Harbin piace. Said lands are very valuable, in “ a | a CURK & REEVES. (8 god state of cultivation and will be sold wihou t i, Vholemale and Retail Rooketore | i ; 1 May 29d, 1860 th reserve. Persons wanting # good farm would do we Il Jon 17.14 Satichory, NOC : \ tl M i t . “ PF Lt attend thee alsa barge may be had | ia ou eri 1 Vn ae ory. — , wee , | Valuable Mills and other Lands can de had wit b | _ SPECIAL NOVICE. | the farm if desired. we Gash V2 SOU TMP RV FAT AND CAP ol ‘i r x . i Z GRIFFITH, Agent. : PIVOUFACTOR ) powes | HAVE AT MY STEAM TANNERY a Inge ances indebted to the fiem of Wilhelm and Gor- M:ckeville. May lat 1R6U. 12w50 ae d / vel r and Bemtty Ceo) Bd ofoll kindeat LETHE, superior in quality tan forthe year 1X9. are aperimily requested |” oe pesca TORN DOOLEY, | Gold wholeaala by t tows tomy Nother Manafietared atock to come forward and pay op To meet the demands 1 ) i NT kK D NICER ere Len are er | s. 7.. W.BANS my D. viet LP Son rH Ovtronage reapeettully solicited aguinest ug weno have money. We hope this no. ( UN ) Re 1 \\ A i ) ° Catenin ! 335 Nneaadway, New Yoru: Do Uidew aud Bark wanted tee will auffice. since wu word tothe wine in suffi. WANT to boy a larze quentity of CORN, for FERSTIOY, LE HORS, UAN AML SOFT AND MOLE SKIN] gy y . 7 TTS i F JNO A HOUT, ren” which f w fi he highest murket ro Cd bree wnt Me rt ee Lie CEN Bed 21 a6 Fin SO SEO UMN laa ne find G8 iherein buvinens nireetat echo Lies i ee Ea [du tea 1y6 Moyea ten any day LH REVRD HATS, © VPS and STRAW GOODS , , NOTIC r Sfp TIT GAN a i ' bh yy. ; a nO ae highest ens! pa amine he gen E THIS. WHEELER & WILSON'S | Spring Wheat.— te hier he Oe ee ee . > ‘ . , price will be paid for any quantity of Spring Wheat. : : U GREET Ree te een ees |: ( ym S \ LK. THE nndersioned having taken np the hooke of ew n v a e 1 n es May 22. ING, 152 " the dare firm of Bell & James, gvea thie ah ‘ y @ yi ) - Ss ¥ HAN mantic my ay aime give ve notice, th. = We en Hilbp prociucei in ans marker yn thet He Sih deer fata fi wale in mi Pleasant hia tose iytehted may have a chance to pay, as the | HUF ca , . ~ HILLSBORO’ pee Jwelling House ard lot. Store muse and tot settle nent of every account will be rignlly enforced | eubeeher having heen appointed Agent for EMY kon eae full by the addi AMO An Gonmproved fot of gond wae with w nature & WL JAMES WHEELER & WILSON S SEWING M1.! MILITARY ACAD . p u \Vthen 2 us . pe + evervthe g new or devimhle sand. having. fret vrove alrendy Crammed and tpped. Alm hin Deo. 27, 1859 eH CHINES, inyow preparety furnish the public with | OPXHES Tnetitation ix under the conduct of Cou C i seed ny manufacturing frahnes, many, Cotation lying on Bathe Creek, one mile from the thinvery Vainible and Endispensible Article in Domes. | C. TEW, tate Superintendent of the State Mili demioohle stylee will he of my own manufacure. My) Village. containing sbout . oe tie Reonwmy. “The Machine evn be aeen inoperation tary Academy at Columbia, SC. The staff of in Blom lecenen il tia st iin ine. fraienii anata 975 ACRES DRA VelNIGe at my Store, No 4, Granive Budding Giruction for (A60 will comprise mx Officers. For a equal ifinet superior, to anething procuced in the (oJ J aude a , A MYERS. | circular nddreae the Soperimtendent tee Siutilicy PM voiesttment cl Biven Mice nad Chl Any perann hiving children to educate msy fi d *Wxt1 Fm undersigned gives notice that he ke iid ae Noy 3282? le drew'a ce Aly trimmed Hate nnd Flieot all the diff thie so bea deairable plies, ae there is a male and J TEVM AND WAGONS for p ae : : r 1 Rock s ae aiview of Brad and Leghorne cannot be excel- femcle achasl in the village Denrvinenend will eetecnaniek ae we PMESES) a 60 White Hands Buggies anc ockaways. e g, o may hia wi ac NB All pers oxindebted to me are requested to oatlein 1 TILL find atendy emplovment npan the Wil AEE anbeoriber hewn lot of handsome new Bug- In Military Goode. Dean furniah anything required My atock ofthe varia quitities of Army “Reqota tions” Hate ie very complete, and any of the different styles of Hate or Capa made to orter at short notice JOHN DOOLEY March 18, 1960 1143 call econ, and make eet have to weltie will another person LG » April 24, 1560 ment, otherwine they will HRILIG 3inan MARRIAGE LICENSES Mt Pleasant, NC | Banks of al] kinds for sale at this offi 6, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Hine on accommodating terme GEORGE MOWERY tf43 50,000 Brick For Sale ‘I terms. Jan. 24 \ ator near thie place gies and Rockawaya, which he will sell on guod THOS. E BROWN, 135 mington, Charlotte und Rutherford Rail Rowd, Apply SAM EL McNINCH Charloite, N. € March 20th, 1860 : 1860 May 8, 160 (¢f50 May 8, 1860 ((f50] CIGARS ! CIGARS !! CIGARS!!! | i = | S ‘ ; TTRUOSE wanting to bay Fifty or Sixty Th d cit a] | 60.000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retail at the I good Brick, ean gat a hatgais by ralltng Riki Bi Al K DE EDS, | Port O "ee M A. SMITH Ofies way (FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE | May iz 1S ae Se r ea J. J. BRUNER, DITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Singig copy Five ooph Ten copies Clubs exceeding tenoin the same prope: $1.50 each. Payment always im advance, He BR aS) The fullowing Court and miscellaneous BLANKS ars kept on hand forsale at tis othce, Can be gent by mailto any part of Ue country, ut expense O.vil Warrants Con Qisas & Boo Apprentice L Writs. C. & 5 Bc-cutions, © as 0 Babpenas,C 45 C . Witness Pivkets, C.& 8. C Jaror Ticket- , ®@ osecution bonds, C & 5.0 Biil Bonds, chvil cases Bail Binds, rim totake Depo ¢ hdentures Jour, Letters Pestamenutary Lether fA lmeoistratied, SpecialLetters do., Marringe Licenses, do Cortineates Various Kquits Blaoks, vo todictwnente, Land Deeds na NUMBER 10. Attachment Writs, Delivery Bondy Atainistration, do Bistarday, “ To show shat proportion the tlack poll tax From the Raletgh Reguster ther f bears te sland tay, det us engoie what is the ed to order on short notice remaafloas frequeutuse, Blaukeprin | The Standard’s Sarrender. Value of land and nevroes respectively, through We barely had time and space to an- paper that the Sand Burbencercd . Ver py ' IS OES EN GS/s me aan eutthe State, Hy reference to the Compilers qounee in oar | “ince fy 6 i MARK THE DIFFERENCE. The Constitutional Union bya desire Rod tho the land os worth $98 000. aed had bay and bayeaye nen at TUESDAY EVENING, JULY Si, [sso HOO —-and stave que perty wortl on Dreckanilve and Lane. the Stand Ney were not prepared tor B2400000 000, abd come out country, actuated only hegro procetyis worl Well as the comrauiity knew the rule of facnon and this sud FREEWEN, DEMAND YOUR RIGHTS! Phere Was a time when the e:tizens of mate May, and remained in session Cw ridavs. Ujeun Tie ceinbraced tives from neariy every State in the Un the co ry trom in Baltimore on the Urb Hineet baeidatng baekdeawn on | Un pu Datat votwice as corruphion, tet wodayo previous, it had Ws defiant bro ly mn juality, when “OUt | fact ¢ On Che colina coukl boast of | weuch | with a terce and furl ranted conccudinge that at would suffer the of tnartvidomy, aye, of tire and faywot, be fore dt would touch the ticket of coders with a torty foot pole. dn this ar ticle itused the following lauynage, which we shall take the liberty tu anderscore : Cotte out Convention Fepreseoue jour fiee iistitutions were stuuless, but that tune contedy, we tad land pay has past and we now behold them tainted with 8!94.0v0 article Whee Web Ceery wud slaves paying BIE 000. of in pans But one olject pervaded the entire| vtber words, the negroes pow ENLOOU les than privileges that are exclusive of the Majority ot the land ion. assembly —to present to the whote coan: | our citizens, privileges forbidden by our bill of Teonot this a great outrage upon the the Se rights, considered dangerous by our Revolution: | Nights of one class of our feliow-citizeis, and at Peirtreint and totally i apamtio iit’ hoes | dangerous surrender of privilege to another {— * + principles of perfect equality which ie at the Is there any man in the State, who desires this try a platform and a ticket which should rebuke sectionation, and-tmeure-atsithful, honest and economical administration of fp There Ffoundation of all purely repablican governments nothit We can demonstrate, f necessary Esurthodutabie # Ds ' he req dar ony ? condition of athiars to remar an Mol the government Wis Wo Writes om hae | What then are these paris ebstace to the advancement of our | [do they arise ¢ ) ai fae leves and from what Mate f ocrdey, and ween We ling—no quarreling ve but digi i fied | They are privileges that are pus (ere Any tan Wito desthasstacesTEive a Wed, Cali : action oy the ; Joular to the They accom and patriotic OWilleraluh scivelpropertve aint they een leading men of the vation Property, eal ri Stionable 2 Ciel origi to a clause ta the coustitution plished their work tn an unenxceptionzatede Poa CCU RY ie lee Carolin candidates State an the Union, hh | \ lav, and are achnow mnanner. are gaining aThert ’ atrenyth from day to by all aupreja dered | ver tity years ced mien to offer the on TAS gt wliite ly Nope ot tie ¢ Mark the other prc Cotati a euntry Hr species thre nistic elements Ye party tet du Chatles April wrestled For ten days t with one at ed temeetin Bactin ble conthier” atid Wyprot re iissc Tire city ot Dal advent, a prize clu, NO beniaes party lea ners and Cooks, scuil wheited by black eua Tie batt a Pbiadinan, Fister tenuht Mon Peotuiery, whole hy an dines houses, vars) ot a Sunday party ana stinitar chara morting, whe commenced the piotis tickets, lSundiy ot two Conventions dade unt tional,” aud cach offer tichet. If the contemplari not enought to influe: Bpective of party decency, Nathouatiry vete tor Geil and hve calculated the dence brite f the pe rote Opposition « Tar sav, July TU Opepresitic TONE perce aoa of miles, its feral Mal leant possibie distance pant planet bas made it the tu years, and bat the untisual.y briy object in the southeast abe aud itinay be along tin be again ae bration t As the declination of Mars t south is now Very great, or 25 its altitude, even ou the ty vitic Dot for several wooks exceed 2 grees, but the Ooservatory of the ¢ Good Hope the present opposition all an uucommonly excellent oppart here dit the determination of parallax at planet with tue ereater prectston, ofow the astronomers taere wil doubtless falls . 50 ate et avill themselves. d00—atd w OF positions of Mars occur at the aver ave interval of about twenty six tnonutiis jus cobts Preasury ot sneevery butler The two last happened Lsou, Ayuil Zod Do We lave *1S00 wor ant 1s5s, May loth; the two ne Is6u, Ju y 17, and Tue feast distance of the | earth at these OpPpositlonn Wats 5SYs iniilions of ties $i 1 Sth; and in Psez, variation of over 22 wri] Sunday Mars will besin Ms tyght will gradually become ter, for we 80 thaton August 25 i remote from ! be 256 tniliions of xt occur e300 aud a negro worth ¥1 [sb CAM DOL bitise taxon t tnan that Would have to ra they white nian whet we raised it on t the Al tan ou the white tat ist thines as y to complet Boston Lrarciher , ‘ oa Veen dismissed froin tis cha ue Congreyational cliureh Case be would of Abolition charee was | Initisterial was anton connecthom <i) ciety should yy S100 as damages Mr. Hall made a Hlaveaiicn i tont that Sadia not preach on thes ind the Maine law. Now wonght against him, anda iin ! Wien '[ el ‘ ee PEST I There are Ne a&overy cons Jerable portion of our taatter | voters, J, that lis paste . Whe at tits pia Pha fine clectionee: of Dean WI Vloeh to speak ! noire nee times Now Oud Sahat ii clohivecane nti CADLGUnUrG| suit ctrons: and they ved and the go eras “ exercise their strenuth to put those wt “ ALWAYS OX ie thre uth | Fee ueenlee rpalilanans the poll | society who may advocate rusian an Thus ae tor Breekin mie TEC) Naar Ne lems OST 2) white man than it at present, and of course tt es TRI MCTEN The Charleston Mercury, speaking ot 4 erop the negro, and we see ' Fle LRCOTV GL Olek 5 the Breckinridge and Doane treket, says do which he said he was oppose to slavery and intemperance, but heleved ther tation waa often unwise, useless, and that it did not advance the cause of Cluriat. but much evil has resulted ’ wrath contention and evil Speaking wesee Chat the pr tnhever wo hicher on the S aticuiuen at fat t to KRentiesy, md Gren Neen wy one Stat¢ can never go big neering: Viait to car 1 © matter te ent the State : . Tras all gamenon for arly that no matter to what extent th ee NEL MSI TBtie NonreDen tat) ee rte ae tliat ee the anty Repu from 4 ai 2 m it—imuch Lane's viet to thas May yo youn debt, even though it be to one hon , ; : ly erin | ) to do liarin y di | asiyhitotthep ver made Ire}omihons of dollars, the negro will never pay on ' ture, ta to inflaence No, although the land elected oven + 1 ever ! ae i ee erm State, which i can streneth, and thereby render mul Hiserrand tain the election of Lincoln I eal Someth ng New Aagain geniona an | watches and other time-keepers lias been patented by an inventor of Wash ington made permanently and «¢ tight and dust ex need A mast in Wuprovement in re towards the support govern valualle an he «does now in JUSt wire ne dollarinevery hundred, although Raleigh Regist Phas it will be seen, frank adiniaston of the JW ei paper in Breekin By tl cessary to tax every art yy this invention watches are mnpletely ar } ) tate debt and save her from banks rer yo save her from ba ann oor man has in order “0 AGES 1 Abe, Tih Twa) the N mroerat dw cleaning The outside Jading, ar ther nya thern ©) case can stand jus be thrown open and the wateh thuaa laid CUAL Dba NL In water for days without any penetrating tu the movements oon oR te all the t Agony Lerd Coke saith Paieigh Regiater Raleigh Register tnolsture An ANY ‘ pecs " t the same Cai pay almost nothing to Buy port It versitie From the Richmond Whig, “TIMEO DANAGS HT DON ASEIENEN [iss See eG) CNet Velie kh NW Camls Nantes AMPLES” —TUE GRECIAN HORSE — PrMOoCRALIC WIGS Homer and Virgil tellus that, after ten years of anducus dabor and bard tihng, the Greeks were ubable be ' eby lorce of atins, the an Nestor Weralstip of Ag Actiuiles, aud the headlong daring of Ajax could bot avail agaliint cient ety of Tro wisdom of the diplomacy of Ulysses, the amemuon, the gallautry of the brazen gates and solid: buttresses of the re nowhed old city. They steadfastly resisted eve ry assault, and despair was aboul lo seize on thie hearts of the besieging bust But, at length stratagems ctleeted what chivalry coud not ac: | complish. “The Greeks constructed a tiopster woudeu horse, into the belly of wiieh they in troduced a body of armed tuen. The Greeks then inade a yeitul the horse to the Projaus, who recerved Il wich vreal joy, begarding tas at ¢ the iuteution of th aod return to their owt « Preat Ac contiats Wallis of Prov, ate is cartied, att othe the happy cizen Veals, si shown ber sable ated ter ¢ tue ost has ie a record, not onl Ti Nani Wile | guard which oo rparty t can boast rorAy famdoof Crd All hail! then, to the gallant Whigs, who, b y going over to the ranks of the Democracy, have sown disseasions in their camp, and busted wp the whole concern, generally at promiscuo. Her forces ave dis Her Sattresses are broken) do Her battler ' sana Trov ts nuw destroved ! committed ! ( lances are inane? the wrout / te tor their lives, and the only tefrest Jacle that remains to their eve he pions JEoeas, Breck is iibok, bea greet that tee otter tis back, the decrepad forty of pour onl Auelis es, Beenanas! Mucit joy to you, then, oly ye Democrats, of your Whig recruits! Verily, they have aud ruled vou! and robbed you!! finally betrayed yout Yous wot history teach a lessen of wis dotol ds chere not philusopby in its tustructive erxanples ! .- From the Peeimond Whi: BRECKINHIIDGE AND TUE EIGN VOD: Knowing its special detestation of ev ery thing that sinacks of Know Nothing rok sin, We were nota little eurprised to tlid ‘ el Inte | lito he Bechmond Auguerer, fow dave ayo, @ speech : Mirshall, an ouitra Knew-Nothing, wh is declared in faver of the Yancey tick s speech Mr. M as uot ti ave opened en they & wwe ashed Ciemise rer Was avout to desert rev have wondered what that Notices micey teket attracts the sapport Know Nothing oociples as wartnly as ever, hen who cherts and whoan Noth Da Knew fit areas much hn Is Breekior Nothing} Does he cherish of Gat party £ Wand nit to ten born clizen, ib t Up preety ws HS eCVEr ofhice a native worthy £ W. shed NCES TENT Srl Rich inal sfuthoon ve his toad ws bere equ.” what Mr, Bre Vo prominent ean die hinredy eqiua newly convent Veecanr being tried at Wateh H times Phu twenty fe yeon tired six $a board fence ten feet Tae) ts Bix imies Vie worst shot that bas been mad within wix feet of the centre of the Loe cannon oiode laool op wasinvented by Gren but each sh Istana It uses wider to lon Star The friends Sots Porites crett, call a Convention Wo Naguast,t nate Presidential electors and State wnron the both cers by EPlaiiplires From the Fayetteville Observer A friend at Carthage has kindly fur- nished us with the following account of the {DISCUSSION serwern GOV. ELLIS | any JOHN POOL, Ese., At Carthage, Moore County, July 20th, 1860. Mr. Pool opened the debate in a few chaste and appropriate remarks, and pro- ceeded to the discussiun of the question of Ayual Tacation ii @ manner unan- swered and unanswerable, He said that the great question upon which be and his competitor differed so widely, was that of cqual taxation; a question in which every citizen of the State was interested, and wirieh demanded the careful consid- eration of every man, as the people would soon be called upon to decide either for or against it IIe said, to have equal tuNutlon, It was necessary to remove that restiichion in the Conustitation which pro- libited the Lepislature from taxing slave property as other property in the State is tine Toe Constitution as adupted in 1775 had ne such prohibition init. From it time down to the year 1835 no such Testhiction waa paced Upon the Ley ola wil Tho restriction of which he spoke was that clause in the Constitution which exempted trom taxation, all slaves u rtwelve and over fifty, and prohibi- selature from taxing the black poll higher than the white poll. At the tine the Constitution was amended, and this restriction inserted, very little atten- tion was given to the subject of taxation, the whole tax of the State did not exceed £75.00 per annum; whereas now, the tax is from ix to seven hundred thousand dollars per annum, The tax necessary to raise this large atmount of ioney 18 op- tive ted the Lc pressive, especially to the poor white mah, cause if the tax fell heavily upon the rich inan ouly, the hand of Leygisiation would vardiv ve stayed, for the meh man of his Why did he say poor white? Be- wbundanece ought to pay to the support of voverntnent, i proportion to the amount | Woprotection he and lis property receiv: ed from the Government Tc present system of taxation in North In no man's head tis an anes State it the slaves ro oyjual mportion of In true. in seme of the States, ires do not tax slaves ad Vaq Tee UTE tT by in the Coneti- States to prevent the ny save properly ag s taxed, save in North he Levisiature the poll ir their tfee, the teal of ont till sy, the dron Hanes his poow to bay fittv. cents on the Thon, Whice the we SPUN ust! { that vy and pray. ow valauion, j Pat hie sai slaves 6 rotect nowuich they have uncer the pre- ie demo- Hes is ee e tax ite the winte man’s lead, that bot protect ess Hinportance to the cit sVotern, WI ' 4 t eneers? Llu the constitution, 1335. the Land was prot rest int State isisof representation in the ted tov taats » be pus. and made alitnen equal at the ballot stood bet this thin re the people of the ythe unsiciding advo- Paxation, because he be- Justana rivot, an be wt tueb equai at the tax it was gravely arsued taxation, twelve years of ave Toca cn under ved because they did not Well, be principle and see how A gold watch does net to its owner, therefore it Wed) thousands of acres of lover the Siate yield noth t t theret te them owners. re this lam sune miglit be But our De ntto leave e lands in the State except usw nomediate pretit to the own tax the Vis bringing profit to his own refuse to youny ry day, by his growth and increas: weomnst Comment npon due) Kilis tat ( ey . Upon ait Classes of ons of the State = vnenating clanse in favor cept the negro, no seope ruislative wills the Le of bear flown tis the plain Eoglish v Opposition platform, wd, recommended the vention to amend the so that shaves could be tax Voother property in the o the no favor of Levislature to the pro tateand the industrial put What does disernjm It means to make a dif greatest diff, a tatax native hizens eTeNn( <7 \ the power { y tax negroes according | val ue as land ia now taxed, and rt ty tax the working tools of the mechanic, the farming utensils of the farmer, his house- hold and kitchen furniture, his corn, his wheat, and his other products. Le said’ theré was nothingin the Opposition plat- form to prevent the taxing of persons or bodies politic for exclusive privileges, such as banking companies, show: men, circas riders, the keepers of public billiard tables, and all other pereons of like occn- ation, who will be taxed by the Legis ture for the privilege of carrying on their business. The present Revenue bill. passed by a Democratic Legislature, (in a tax of one handred cents on eve ry hundred dollars the mechanic earns by hard labor, before he is allowed to teed his wife and children out of his honest earnings, is an unjust and oppressive law Bat it ie objected, that according to ad valorem, the present tax will be taken otf of dirks and pistols, and they will have to be taxed according to value. By no means; a man may have one hundred dirks and as many pistols now by fim and not pay one cent tax for keeping them; but as soon as he wears one about bis person he is liable for the tax on that one; and why? Because he is taxed for the privilege of wearing these weapons in a civil and christian community, to the terror of all good citizens. So also, un der ad valorem or equal taxation, the Legislature will tax him for the exclusive privilege of wearing those articles. Ad valorem is no new system in North Caro lina. Land is taxed ad valorem at this time; eo are watches, carriages, and many other art cles. Mr. Pool read the construction given to the Opposition platform by the Democratic Press, under the sanction of Governor Kilis, to show that the Press did not understand that every | thing, even to a tin cup, was to be taxed ad va ia debt and the debis of the State had tw be| paid; for every acre of land in the State was mortgaged to py the debt of the same ; there | was bo escape, and the cuestion was, how cau these debts be paid will the least inconvenience to the citizeas#)= He said it was clear the land holders ought not to pul too much Lax upoo the | moveable property in Wie Slate lest they drive it out of the State, and thea the land of the State | would have to be sul! to pay the debts. Tax on interest now raises $76,000 ; according toad | valorem it would pot raise quite balf that amount Equal taxation ww the very thing the peo; le do vot want, for by thal pouciple the man that las a private billiard table worth 8500, would pay no more tax than the man who had a tract of land worth $500.) Little negroes do not view protits to their owners, therefore ought wot to be taxed. We do pot wantour people to sell ther or Vie | | | \ la Carolina Cdlatchman. ; SHAUN: i) eae Vom peventh yy, I Love, Esq., Hon, Burton ¢ 160 Esq. and May. N. FP. Hall TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 3i young negroes; let te people keep them to help pay the taxes, wheu they become old euough, The Governor insisted that some articles of property would bear a hicavy tax while other ar) teles would not bear a tax at all. Tlustrares bs the farmer having two bass of grain to sci to ull, one holding two bushels, the other three; he bad two horses, one cght years old, the other he said the farmer would place the three bushels upon the strong horse aud the two bush el bag upon the three year old, for the reason the old horse could cary the large bay three ; seas Hebei as the young horse coud carry the sa and the colt could carry nothing The Governor admiticd be said the Demoerat ic party differed but never divided ; tt never had divided up to. that-tine, and is not so much di vided yet, The reason the Oppositou never di vides, 1s because there is not enough of them to divide. Tle said the Democratic party would, not divide at the election, They would elect | Breckinndge and Lane. Governor Ells closed | has reply by paying a handsome tribute to the \character of Breckinfldge aod Lane. | The alove is an outline’ of the prominent points in the discussion between the candidates | FOR PRSIDENT, chi HON. JOW BELL, ic OF TENNESSEE FOR VICK PRESIDENT, My HON. EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSACHUSETTS so saw sand did hold ats but what bad that todo fe has liarped upon Uiis string Mlecinedeleticoi walter anew GOVERNOR \with the Joe Lane club ¢ We met two FOR you are working for thers, or living in ove of their| houses, or Gill a place ow the rail rowed which they jhave it in thelr power lo give oF take away. Re- member that go may is under aby obligation, moral | sure you ure right, then yo ahead. , & SS weyenerrenrsy er otherwise, Wy vote fora candidate auless his po- teal principles are acceplable to him Decide in all eases wiih deliberation and cure. Be - 12 BRECKINRIDGE AND LANE CLUB Notwithstanding a dirty litte attempt, by the dof Aorns of more kids Chan one, aud of Roow otbing foreign orators, to break up the mer” ve Breckinridge and Lane club, ou Saturday night st, the largest and most enthusiasue meeting they ug of yet have had, was held i the Court-house on that agent of these efforts to break the public cout wi br The meeting was ably addressed by Robt aie NON. Fleming, Salisbury Banner ftis morally impossible, it would seem, vethe Banner to tell the trath in any ase where the Opposition is the subject, i} Now, we assert that there was bo attempt made or thought ot, to break up the meet ing of the Breckinridze club, The Union JOIN POOL, btet sunt tio tie Curt Mosse, OF PASQUOTANK yeorner of the public sqnare. COUNT V5CAN DEDAT EL. t for the Senate, Ded. 4. For the Commons, \ ' F. E. SHOBER. E nenced with a lively air, played by the H. C. JONES, Je. [Salisbury Band, whe were employed for {the occasion, We were minding our own TICKETS, TICKETS ! | business and interfering with no one Jelse. Where, then, is the foundation: for Send in your orders for Poo Tickets. Wi ' RAMSAY. 4 West That was where they assembled.) on the ‘hey ar enough off not te disturb then. \ }commenced the evening exercises with because Mr. Shober asked who was old Joe Lane and with We com treat bon-tires in) the street, oud and prolonged cheering. he charge thata“airty Little attempt” “to lorem or any other way; but on the contrary ¢ A 5 > ) ys +> for Governor, at Carthage. 1 shall not attempt can supply them at 50 cents per thousand, Post Lbreak up the meeting of the Lircckinridee that power was given to the Legislature to dis criminate in favor of the native products ot the State and the industrial pursuits of her citizens. Mr. Poo) said that bis competitor, Gov. Ellis, made a great speech in Raleigh before the Dem ocrac Convention, where there was no person to reply, and his friends had thousands of copies printed and scattered all over the State, to the great detriment of the public inails, for just about that time the mail contractors refused to | carry the mail from Raleigh, even on the Kul roads. In that speech the Governor ventured He declared that Democrats might At Charleston to prophesy. differ, but would never divide. the leading Democrats met in Convention, thes differed and very soon divided. At Baluinore they divided again, and reinain ip broken fray ments. He also prophesied in the same speeets that before the sun stood erect in the heavens the Opposition would be scampering from ther platform like rats from a buruing barn. The Governor felt secure ; he was surrounded by lin bosom friends; they bad erected a barn for bitin and io it had placed a platform, made according to bis direction, expressly fur bim to stand upon Bat down io the East, at Gatesville, he took oc casion to examine the Governor's platform by the torch of truth; the barn being of combnsti ble materials, took fire, and soon the flames reached the roof and began to culminate towards the heavens, when @ big rat was seen to Iraj from the burning barn, and after him a bost o smaller ones. competitor. Mr. Pool said, that iu North Carolina, slaves were taxed as persons, while in all the othe States they were taxed as property. In this par ticular we were carrying out the Repubjicar doctrine. bolders and the non-siavebolders in our midst Why should there be any such prejudice Certainly If there be any prejudice, it is because the slave owner is not inade to bear his equa governinent, portion of the burdens of g Jo time of peace the white man paysas much tax on his bead as the biack man, aod perforins much more public duty by working on roads, mustering serviog on juries, &c., and whep war comes th: white wan 1s compelled to Ivave hie home anid bis defenseless family, and to tizht the battles o his country, while the black man is at bois working for and protecting Lis master’s funily Thus io every point of view there is inequality and if this inequality should produce prejucier, | certainly the best method to remove Lie preju dice is to remove its cause. Tax slaves as a other property is taxed, and it will diminish the tax upon the white poll and upon the land a! other property. his ncb neighbor has to pay as much tax on ti Negroes according to value, fur the Support ¢ government and for county purposes. as he pay ppon his Jand, there wil be no ca dice. When the poor man sees the se for preja Mr. Pool concluded by paying a hand-om tribute to the worth and merits of Bell and Ey erett, and declared he would support the Ucket with beart and hand. Governor Ellis commenced his reply by thank iag the people of Moore for favors past, wii Judge, aud when a candidate two years nyo He said be came before them nut at his ow bidding or to gratify his own inclinations, hut a the nominee of the great Detnocratic party in North Carolina: that be would not go into discussion of naboval politics, but would coin at once to the discussion of this great questo of money, without any attempt at oratory © display. For what purpose is tax levied! Tr support Judges, Juries aod Justices of the Peace while holding courts of justice, that the trans gressor may not go unpunished, Then were necessary and ought to be paid. |: was tbe price men paid for civilization, for the suy port of civil government. His competitor lia spoken of the white man’s payiny a tax for th privilege of breathing the air of heaven. H need not do it, et bim go among some of th Indian tribes West of the Rocky Mountains, where civilization has never dawned, and wher ebristianity is unknown, there be may breath the pure air of beaven the balance of Ins day and pay nothing for it. | taxes are paid, they bave no government to suj port; but among men, blessed with the tay Among sivages 1 influences of civilization, civil governments have to be maintained to protect the good and pur ish the bad. Gov. Ellis insisted that slaves are not taxed as white persons, under the present system, for bot male and female slaves are taxed from lz to 5 while the white man is only taxed from 21 1 45. He insisted that the slave population, roportion to nuinber, paid about two and oF alf times as much tax as chid the whites. Hf complained that his competitor was tevin take bis platform from hiw , that he (Pool) w» trying to get on some of bis planks; but b should not do it; be would endeavor to ke him upon his own. He insisted that Mr. Tur ner's resolution showed that the opposition con vention was in favor oftazying everything. Whiy alter the Constitution? Slaves be taxed under that act, until the year 1835, ane then the restriction was inserted by way of com promise, He alluded to Mr. Pool’s speech a Gatesville, when he set fire to the barn ani! seul tered the rats; there be was in favor of giving like protection to every species of property, an for taxing all species of property aceording te value. tax bill at considerable length, and insisted tha there should be specific taxes on such articles a watches, carriages, lawyers, doctors, &c. He office admits that the present system of taxing me chanics worked a hardship and was unjust. The jieader of the host was my He said it was urged that this was an improper ume to aritate this question; that it would arouse a prejudice between the slave- LAXxes were taxed try act of thé Legislature in 1784, and continued to The Governor went into the detarls of a { notes, and fear | could pot do the parties justice. } Mr. Pool’s friends are perfectly dehyhted with their candidate, and expect to give him consid | erabiy over the average vote for Moore \ | Democrats to-day in speaking of Wo exbibit re markably bad teuper. As evidence of the effect of the discussion the +o | From the MESS{ts. POOL AND ELLIS AT SALISBURY: We copy from the Charlotte Wh og the 5 Charlotte WV hag following very excellent report of a por ten of the discussion here betweev Gov ‘Ellis and Mr. Pool, Mr. Pool led off in a speech of * hour and a halt, ted to the entire satisfaction, uot » his own political tends, but niacy of the one in which be demonstra only ot democracy, that the question ot ae were nest deep! ke jual Mubon was one in wlich the people y interested, He stated that it was hard to get the Governor to he Gov, nably ran off the track and try by is old party Gicks, to avoid the sumject unde y discussion, but he would try and tedd | to the track. Mr. Pool was so often cheer Je, Chat ot was with yreat dithiculty trat order couid be kept during his speech. meet the issue Ek. would inva mo ed by the assembled muitira Gov. B. replied and sure enongli did as » was charged by Mr. Pool. fle could not and would vot meet the mnenced by telling people that he came among them a poor obscure boy, and low kind they bad been tu him, (and he the ssue, but cota Governor commenced shedding tears.— What a pity Nat. Boyden and Rufus Bar rinver Was not there to take pattern, he did it so wracefully—can beat all lioliow any thing that was seen in the Baltimore Convention) had elevated inn tar | above / its Moyt saneuine expectation, and even elected fitn Governor of the State; and lf hoped they woud not desert hin now W this most trying hour ot his | Poor tviluw ono wouder be cried tor ali the ting shouts atid © Was Uiyiny tu speanx the Hi2Z4s Was going ou tor Pool, Gov. kiis charged Mr. Pool with be- toy a Keow Noth sald they net be trusted that he knew all about the red vathe they bad to take and Mr. Editor, ig about the yp Gov ee npeeci. Crying s point. and Know Nothiigisin is the re wainder ef bis effort. Poor Ellis, | fear his effort lost him many could t ; substance of was the first voles, a Mr, Pool then rose aud spoke half an hour, and such went up for Mr. Pool and Equal Taxation, it would fave done you good to have heard them Shouts, as He said Gov. FE. had charged him with e bem i Kuow Nothing and that a Kuow Nothing could not Howent oon to show S could truet them, Grove (Ee *thisdistict. [le caied the mighty coun abt be trusted—he then he, Gov. E He said not long since how far s had to appomtoa Judze tor Was if sessten with Chem) tor seine tine, looking over the Democratic list of lawyers, and lo! one to make a Judge out of could not be found, and whe do vou think he appointed’ One Mr. J. W. Osborne, a 34 Degree Know Nothing. Another Judge had to be ap ) pointed and another, alou a Director in dothe big Rail Road that runs by Gov. E1- » lis’ deor. The council again and again » consulted tovether, but no democrat could + be fonnd that they could trast and they appointed a good dd Degree Know Noth ings to fil them all Luis showed hove the Governor's teachings corresponded with tis practice, and how far Gov. kilis could trast them, but the people, oh tne, CH tozeticr, n ' v the people never tritst them it He further ' Mitist would never do stated that (roy had iohis pocket some tithe crea gy dociments purporting to te tie ritual of the Know Nothuings, in whieh he uot 1 1 = . ces hoall the Lerid oatha, Tfe now charged » Gov. Bo weth Carrying steien property oowith dim, for, said be, Gov. Bo says upon 1 bere asked as ty how he came ip oso ed them, that sume Kuow Nothing's wile stole them: from her tasoand and vave teen to somebody and semetodty yave tiem to somebody else. and tat e { somebody else gave them ta Gos. hh POS said he Gov. BE. was at + tine a Jude and yoght to know tuat the law mao otityot theftin whose pos en pi abt that yell the Session st: erty was found, and he had neo d Gav. E many a poor devil ta the whippip for Just such an Fence. had ken ae z A Dishonest Post Office Clerk Fon two tnontiis past remittances sent to ti New York, tail After some tigation, DM Bull, post office detective, suspected William Owens, the clerk in Decoy letters were resorte) to, and the last one, containing *33 and 35 cents in silver, Was found upon post office at Nuttsville, ed to come to band, nveEs t s obills He waid the State of North Carolina was much hin when lie was searched ke eolies, # t 5 give w sketuh of (he replies, as T did not take ye, 10 cents per thousand, should also be seat. | and Lane club” was made. soe We had a lrouxing mecting, and a very fine time of THR TO THE POLLS! it; and the most ofthem were voters, abd - TO THE POLLS!! The battle isnow closing, The champions of the respective parties have shown theroe ves all over the State, aad con istic nvolved in tl { peo had ; very respectable people. But bow was it with the democracy | Tie Banner savs Sit was the largest a the (est enthusiastic meeting they have yet Jt was the most narsy Since A ee For tne Warouman. THE SALISBURY BRA8&SS BAND To the Democrats of Salisbury : Fettow-Townswen—The last Salisbury Banner contains an account of the meeting, t hear Dr. Francis £. Shober, Esq. | “THREE CHEERS FOR FIBHEE. : ‘ ‘A rather ainuaing incident occurred at Gold Hill, last This gentleman has enjoyed the distinetion of “‘Thureday, at the expense of Mr, Fisher and his over- eliciting a larger share of the attention of the ardent frienda democrats of Rowan than any candidate whom Mr. Fisher got up, after Mr. Pool had made his the Opposition have had in the field for years. speech, to give in Gov. Ellis’ excuse for not being |S wed advocate equal taxation on last Saturday They bave fussed about him ip a variely of ways, there to reply, (said to be official duties,) when | bight, an which it says we were broaght in to wid aud done all in their power to throw Lin off bis Mr. Acpeica, the foreman of the Car Factery, sprang lu getting up a crowd, “and there, like political up, bat in hand and in avery Jond voice called out} mountebauks, as they are, did this body beat and the blow to get up 4 meeting,” &. Now, as applied He didn't get it} to us, this means, literally, nothing; but taking it Two or three went with | as it is intended, it admits of two consuruetiong, at guard, and divert the current of popular feeling _\ Three cheers for Fisher—Huzza! husza” which set in bis favor from the beginning of the last huzza stuck fast in his throat ! vet, all their efforts have been ay ont. He lacked help: abortive, and Mr. Shober’s course has been un him, sotne throngh the first“ huzza,” aud one or] least, Loth of wiich are equally fulse and base-—be- The Banner man has been the chiet yg got partly through with the se ond, But they | sides Leing in bad taste, and entirely uncalled for, CANVASS. warped. The fuil- | lor party, or even the Editors ven vile purposes.— » down before reaching the third No body was in the hu | Added to this, be heaped the filth of his malicious | denee in Mr. Shober, and turn away from Wit) ure was ludicrously sad, the faver of the peuple. mor fort. Mi. Fisher looked bad, and the crowd, ing that Mr, Shober was as green asa gourd.— Which was very large, langhed oat right. The con. | 4 far us his eager desire to imsult, and maudlin brain quence was, Mr Fisher made a very poor speech. | to devise could carry hun, But to this unpnncipled fellow, we Lave pothing to say: we wish to say a He set out by assert spit upon us, in slurring obloquy and opprobrium, He then perverted his first: speech, in which, speakins of the Homestead bill, Mr. Shober said it was designed to catch the votes of the dirty, and no doubt wished Aldrich lad kept his mouth aye few words to you, our fellow-townsmen, who know By-the-way, how happens it that Mr. Avorien, Jus and our antecedents well; we have nothing to sy foreianers 5 veking to this coun- ustily selves r lousy forelners, who were flocking to this « Mr Has, Lose, and other railroad employees, have justily in ourselves; no favors to ask of you; nor try by thousawds, and filling up our Western > much time to spare trom their business as to be} would we pow address you, were it not that we be re Little Adder's” | Sannot beheve that avy of you can indorse what termtory—an inheritance that ought to out electioneeriy aud scattering nen wanted to held a meeting thatnight, : ; : ; de ; SR CAVE OL 1e rhold a x served for one children and children’s children. 46 frequently, whole days ata time, and some tine 4] this impudent yackanapes says of us, They are electioneering. Tn} We will refer to a tew tacts, of which some of 4, in the heat of party stile, may have become arty vblivious. ° ¢ 1 i. | canvass with suck manifest feeling as that there this ease they are electioneering for Fisher ; We are all Wings; and itis to can be no doubt he considered himsell personal: Inasmuch ws they distinguished between hit ly rssailed by Mr. Shober’s remark. Le has three cheers, which were not given, even by then | called Mr. Shober a Know Nothing—talked | welves, We would inquire—is their pay, as nul by calling for | be hoped, lor the bogor of American people, that the other candidates of the party houe will quesQob our right to believe according 10 our reason and conviction, But no party; or chque, Jee.) hot-even the public, bave the sbyhtest claims on about bis malignant party spirit—and raved “ f ! a road employees, going on while they are out clees | oar services, a8 a Band. ' Yet, being all sel/ made, apd anteemolument, and anti: ice seeking Whigs |} would at have been wonderful, if we bad used our tioneenng? Hf so, itis wrong. They ought not Searely a wee k has passed since the canvas com: to receive pay as railroad men while they are out menced, but the Banner has been snipping and Micuonecring We do not care a fiy for their help- snarling at the beels of all our candidates, bul ing to electioneer for Mr. Fisher, because we do not musical powers exclusively, 49 far as politics are con- chiefly pursuing Mr. Shober. believe they can do him much gooi—certainly | cerned, to aid the Whig cause, as we do by wish, Well, what has been the effect upon Mr, | none at all, when they call for cheers that won't | speech and action? And had we done-se, who will Bat if they are railroad men, | ay that any mere party “ spoon handle” had the jrighe to abuse, denouuce, and hint at proscribing Jus? much less to put such thougbtin print. But The circumstance related | the very reverse is the truth; in proof of which, we ! come for the calling Shober himself? It has not disturbed hin: rent tl h th Aneetiete icetn that sort of work in the ling of their business ? ve has gone through the canvass dp the foests = That's the question stvle and the best hamor, He has treated bis By-the-way, again competitors most Courteousty Mer iailontes yy ye as oceurnog at Gold- Hil, together with the | wall say nothing of innumerable serenades to towns- (ineited thereto by the Bunner,) took up the | creaendous labors of the Banner, corroborate anim jinen: these were offered as compliments to the 1n- ~duty, lousy foreigner” matter, but towards | press on that has got out in this town withia the fast) dividuals, not to their political creeds or positions. day ov two, te wits the democracy would be willing | Nor will we dwell on the many serenades we have to sucrilice Fleming an! Hall to secure Fishera elec- played for distinguished democratic strangers, when- tion Observe, the Junguage their admirers amung you, our ave done the saine, and no more, (Letus here remark. par parenthe- ave only played for the Whig party t suites, and each time have exacted ment phe is potiveal Mietile, tuwlanat piroperlyeuaties Why would they os i? Haw Fisher done more si teal they dil net Si jane ay entre: rihe party than Flemoog and Hall? Fleimog and But there are two partvolar Ha nave the close of the day, apologised to Mireretoter. have alluded to it since rea, Ma estimation of ind tio one of them 's quoted: we can) ever requested b Wien the contest shall have ¢ Shober townsthen, for we bv the Whigs. rove at as coming from a democrat—an intelligent will stand muel liber i t one at that. Tt was in private conversation, or we six, that we dis Competitors han when at begun; for they. would out with his name as a debater, nor his toree as a woeven cheap! borne the heat aod nated bis power burden of the day. ul ailiirs, to whieh we have heard them, and thev are Pon oe Se er pra eats easel , paaiied Pevrce. oO ie Panes would recall your metwones ; wae et, - ee ratification, we believe; but Wan. uny tel the Ba ye recollect armht sand Fleanag isan abler man tp vas playin tor the Deiocrane party gratuit- Fe I 3 HO SISOS SS Nearoe it had thirty five aren fae spent braself in vain etborts ty erty pte Lewishiture or before the people than Fisher is here, which ratified the nom- hant yanil th estly TV ht ‘ A ; a | } ~ r Gove ‘ T. | er than were reported to us by two counts ! uthout all bas net even recerved the op evereau be. ‘Then, why prefer Fisher, in this os ero ae other was, to deenle on the merits of the questi vel : Fete! 4 : ‘ v trgg thee dave, at the call of Governor this contest, 1 feel iene ae by different persons. You had 65 at the r ae VEY TOSS ELG a SAO Us ; I y pray ou at Weldon and Raleigh, in honor : vo alec B Nps uem eam Mlesstentenneneandasoronne |) \0riss:0l; Duwieny) ie ua tui) y ertion te ot Presitent Boehanan, on his visit to this: State and which is wrong, They have todo thist \ ratification.” and not quite) halt i ; eat I for they lia Tee Tet ihe eo matier of preterence Yu tevatetyt OV lis we { for nothing, wile a Democrahe ' Reet i ‘ ) sedkec dl ' eld bite, for they have pet noted | K he ballot box, o inst Taursday weonnmberat “the largest and most enthu : blem owr. itoe true: but we happen te know that he Bar trow Portsmouth, Va, was paid $200 tor = K u i I 2d day of the mouth, Then to the polls tellow Rat cornet wet lace ro ES AG hah eniune ia ety Guta in mid wee owe (ave: Ivo tier Swico peoples and «Band ' mS t RNa hire aleorenne eer ralrenlata ee ae . eee oy 0 give in your decisi Deer cner emcee ere ae Now otas patent hat the Banner pitched Rian asking Parr rane teeit a No was paid $50 per day, by sn > Danner save ther are r ‘ g a : ee ae aloes DECIDE i vccansass teeling himself to be tie biztest 4, Re nin iermrs CUO nue fe ene Ay vet ee , , a ' ee e orators at our meeting. fis toiniiten cy nae : 5 , ; mn f . rida emus ailall the appropriate music, Whether « git dred a re fae | [Io dowthatesergraced the Rowan ng His brance tthe cnvedious dasnncton which the demoee waco the se a6 enema a eee tae Huirty-e 1 negroes Sy Cy re 61, Pe PEO VS TE AS TonGhenenS ti : | " r ' raevt Rowan would be wiuog t+ make between Re japan euiore 2 darters noted bea i mand set hom x iresaes detain ted a go which there was a if 1X, M 20 1 eve were his parents, And every hb rdy knows \ Cinta wa recone talents tudidates for ( none and their candi: no tieasure to and congratulation we re- “ { 41h R . Se eTe! . } i ill Scunte cove t oohked abd unsonght prom hat Ham Jones, jr, isa S ishing ian, Vy Meccopiie tor ote stratted for a while, ee cS . ; Saute t ; ! ji 1 advancement to our DECIDE tevne ) wy , . THREE CHEERS FOR RAMS VY ‘ et . nm hirth, as we - Chas. Fisher, and has as with a ma c Jefhent arr, amd sand, as w w thevil Baad fwhich were kept bowever, except Whe r Vi; nae me i 7 : ce kno ey ll come ; \ ie 7 ie as ta «we wo “ t oO} : , = reat many svimpathies in common with Wer han ay tute wannrrs cout speak te ' as far ax we kn y al see aE Ween - Wve t \ ger . , R I Wi rik = NC ae 1} Re ) \ ) th frac M that very gentlemanly icdividnal, e if oy , citizens as thatexelusive, aristocrate and eda rthiedust wil these equal taxa thING THE Be I Hort Kebtor of the Standard) Little did we > 1 > money Vie ] t “ Yow oly Poti ‘¢ t > r . Ta over-rated man Cia ene tlie: ietiiei ts tee . Wrgetedivcotalerrcten Among the thousand f hobjections ) wine ve would ever have to ae 2 ° | I mame fein tthe lying, libel- | 1 : ° ee ; et t that are rod ay atc valores i a Wise 4 ‘ “ lo talke about gerdyn orators at the Paton mts) miler tlie od pe, the astute that are urged against ade a rem Wy its oe se Cee ‘ ’ af . . } - ' t! he t F ! vt v ‘ s ior $2,000 sti ‘y si “ ravenna he simply talks of what was not i Wie heey (tigers Ni istrakestlhe rumen es. the meat foolish and abaurd ts, can we heleve that toe components of the party 1 tract tw S500 pays one dalla hone Creal Ti soak omieres Vammty ul tint cei! passed, negroes will be exempt 4 your ~ Hreassnable, unygratetul, anjost DECTDI . | | ! t 1¢ et | Vi antrae th mand us,as ty sanction and x RR ARC TET ONTO comalmae toa: Lime i ~ be muons ne ute tind the vom and: ed from working the road Now, there et pled and wanton attack on Wihiette Tufat is-eehtern tr . 5 € ' , ; F nelle oe hy f | anicerthat Who wa q ister fron gu ay ewg “ee” It ia a pleasing theme forthe Ban- ~~“ are i ja not the slightest eonnection between ue Bot annl we the ainple assurance that the : a ‘ . ; Thay Ree leatoa linterna cee He cinenthoron le clave Woent tien inthe party here, deprecate aad re year. should pay only SO cents tax, wil ner, and of course complimentary to it. | AXA SANE WT a ere TVS rain tle: Aide ave warmed to hte on their . . - rouge the cotitest wil by t: tror twelv rey fallee afte ‘ . , , white mechanie, working int We have a question to ask in resard ty a4 ‘ ay tax from twelve veara ol 1 t0 fPTW. hosiins, inte etturte cy spue ite venom on, and in- ik i , 11 : ; ee ; ; gowhines, Hes par celile they work the road from sixteen fo sertits tangs in as, we wall act as freemen ought to, aes , ; eat evlady whoutt Tf in Mt of (atest ac wel fifiv. The law requiring the owoer of ai! tea Bail aswe are itivuliaily, po ely Wag ve duliars ot wages besides his poll tax of SU r ” ape : % We mover . « on v dic ‘ pat, nul eG I meeting. they were vlaedes tut the cra Cro eta bslawea ta work the road, ia an act OR ie ee Bear TSN e Bec veil youn toy Sor hd intere on as ‘ ° s et i i ‘ yy ue ‘ e 1 ' we Vo, bat be cause we luve gnsic an DECIDE CR GAuen oneof whom the Banner tos i ee ee rere cee ree air Levislature and neta part of the Conath yaoi. oyery toda se aot enjoy it, Wedo not Whether not it ite put a no notice —one, solitary and alone, tn the = ii tation, and is not a tax apon them; be: took nee pe ty asevervilung. Some lew men, El lasesof your merchants, when ett new farthest from the speakers stand 4 sanse, if we consider it a tax, it 1s uncon all parties ether own particular inter that these merchants w t rods, at : ; : EUS 8 Coy atitutional, since the Conatitution save To serene ese: Ane ths p.tfal ander- % We mean that night when Mr. Fisher the tee k ' ie ae , , ‘i ae Berne unr Banner, no doabt expects the people pay atin the end ; nn ‘ UNOS ei ecencamal til con ive eaux (al isi) eee heen fom the © powers erred went iute the meeting and Tocked aronnd a ey a ee 1 ; Kiel Pe aa “1 wt I Te | ! x a Wan it Setar Ge Wte isd Ps posing a poll tay, whiet sha 4 vO ue hte thar Ahoetipioy bite be sic ce AN a hits ty 7 for a few minotes, aed then lrettiv step eee Tene ' yowerage froin twelve yeare old tot The slave. Peeve . lidibciations olus, and er tax than wey ati 1 ped ont and cleared (unset, leaving Tie acou ey ial oatnvia Hodder raise more produce than the non all w wet yowiy cbnexieus to him. And on ie 7 ty Neer older. and of course ae the ro : e divs ow v aes dus, we devin it but wehoat work ant brave metoof the porty te wet along ash Wee \ er i WiUEE TEENIE CURe a s\ os i as Ua Gay ‘ tn eee ae ve should devote @ r } . eens CHeR Lonnie contribute more yee out work a , well as they could; }oehen Chairmar fet ! aren Tanta MT. im CO : aa : few wands RUVICCNTE eearienilectmLi tT I ADO Diet wards keopioe them ops and slives will cee ' se tor ibis pretty generally Love proposed ta tes beseareh wart eee a IESsvaoes A ; : anes J Wit ) t your < { ax ' ; have to werk the road jnstas well after ileal at lie tage a potable anil toot ey . atl ee an top limeotie same on Mr Orie wis 2 : 1 ' yo 1) pilopen jesea na tlie da NOY fois way By Sh ment and inper tance F tt POarne sick and Mr. Moore apdogised for (eee ee ice Sy ag tt enloret fe? ly quotherot tiesr-contran? Viltrigkgre Wet uone net iny ye sss among the most a - i : ' “ wut sand aud unscarnage ie } , ) : eee erie (meee ee eee ae wut absurdity 4 z DECID wid in excusing disused said) he was un : ta ! w wich are intended to deceive the peo ie Merten ric sani pooclivities W ort ary X pleasure ca es skilled an polities! tietres and couldnt - Sei se Who miahke ple - theo te the heir of precisely ary é on ernnS i Tee Ons uekO ' ) ) Ticeacrat Si laseENe I : ee : avid 4 . lev are in bo way adapted, VALU ] AEX Ne snake a speech; and Mr Saunders pot s Qnr thanks are dne Messra, Clarke & 4 ing ae HE eee ace ence Ys ywnier, the cris profi 2 Recty up and denowneed toe Standard : Sr Fete eae doeves fora lot of excellent chewing to- 4 Lothan in thievery Eetitor of the Banner And DECIDI here let us make a correction: Mr. San ‘ tatty. Rellon the cloud un ' ‘ Ww whether he Kaows iia own smatiness or not he Woyeett ' } ; aceon of ther manufacture Ve believe : i meithiat y else dors — ' lowe inr Chor fone . ‘ ve have wot noticed, in onr editorial col ¢ Lie oer wr : yuplaceacy, he affects Werrivilese anil prote : Hee aie ee weulonet wuislietur dentin ts 12. 4 : Point ! Feet ran nanncnhane tal AG ele ne! hat quck-toott style of one who bas lpostate ww every other kind erty ‘ slightest injustice he is net—we were FISHER (8S PO BE BEATEN mms, the este shiment Here Or # EMAC: Peet i «Apparently Impressed a illest articles, a o e tated sypetauken ¢ and so was the Standard wis \ 4s doe nae ier ie eel oe Factory (s tiese portlevien, AUTOM cay yea belet that Iie tsncied greatness I t shal ‘ t ! > ELT ; tow a aw has. her, and itm rumored . * Riche aye * » prows despotic ! at Woenever it sha a ehepokeure taken when he recoumended Mr S. te I ihats te lsu wy a Fh me has been fn fall operation for several pod aeino Whe d grows dispotic. A tofake iti tie revenne bill tarry at Jericho anti tis beard be grown, BUS a AN CRUG Este een) Utrera merrcentienlien toa ch ocCii an rue amin ae to drive barmble indi- Cent t i i ‘ = be ty hea ey fromm the Bank tom tke rie divi: TMETits. none na ve} tee onleciike to seek protection trom bis scathing ¥ i for it is already grown y and tMereover dead « Palace lateumee tie) theestie khnidemstig terest urtown, expecially te those ag ; : ener incr en eaot Ah aie: pet ee ree erate } f ee ve Py « , {I ye ne: er riateatt ° * I Whether or he burden of taxation ong rhe te never fad his cout tan cot off av tie t 1 es , yo npli Anji Geta \invelinver BEC AT tHACGH TACtURY aot heed notwiah te proseribe and , : : ; Satetary Banner : ° , jal on tae peopie ace to arale of fair equal style deseribed in the Lorh eh of te Sun (EEO These gentienen, on the failure of the <iler wast have been from sheec love of pot wy TIDE nel, as referred to by the Standard —nev Ves this is all tie, Tris not trae that Poo! any formed here last Pall te goin. bes matt jai cons tial lit oes e us Ne ) , + ’ eye ! « i OO 4 we are a3 WSU en! We mean thesame night that Me. hes tuken the field in Kewan aganst Fisher po thia business as was annonnced, deter De 4 ‘ Hi 3 paper Whethe ra thik it poss.ble to get equal taxat » , tot t ytd wedoat tos balderdash , tor his § Py | : RNS Baldy Henderson let the boya beat toe | risteo stall a potato for that. That mined that pabhe expectation shonld net taally containe cathreakings of pany spite at at rm station exempta neacy one: half Ke Pes Rie } ) ' ‘ Fy ‘ t u y exeniy voone hall Vonches in the Conrt house, luzza., and ete lr Cr lire porn vetOairiehe s Oncliseiqnpumeintrcn sy and withont deliv. pros ties: who dissent trom les p essed creed in poli- et ) propert foul su altenng it ast ’ ve ee i sist PO he ees aa cali ont) Tenderse Henderson! " before te here it ds almost certian Cured the necessary machinery, fixtures, 1 tnd a danentable soreness at those who bave EE ee ieee et HeTRp ce sat ve Tin tes and when they Ach leewerrer t ke, toyether with a nomber of experi i! Biorey austen ies OU DYaLiel DECHOR trait a ‘ Jstonest villen” who started if was 4 nteanty, His creed seems to vot tred of tthe sand to them, gow cant enced hands fram Petersburg, and went -! f : ) . t rt ite 1 sly , PCI Lees 1 1 fete es Conte 1 Whether or t you ow sendar Weeto theo. y! that ies ee . i h Fister and das Ihing aceeiny ae 5 1 j nrempnible batred of d ome ah. a oak te might we sav ; bat ater towerk, They have been and now are Qe anda rabid pertinacity in insisting that all s Senate. who, bat for having pe ends te the tone Judy at a democratic meetin, ! = Se ee ee ee See: working Up farge quantities of tabaeco are such who omy hitn. and on this and ma- promote and personal vindieatons te tmake, would of whom the Banner absolutely took ae cama daily. turning ont varions grades all put ny other ways arrays elass against class, and ; 1. T Ce) tar Ae ' Pee nec ust. ng: pot have become @ eandulate; when you have tt editorial netiee. There she satt with a 7 ‘ A Deroerat in Da np in excellent style They havearepne bor auainet neqwhber a we Seen arise ie RyCANE EET , ) riernay I er counts . elaine ate i ss - the most nosities, and mitlannng ther we your power to send to that body a man who has te el doin her arma !—like patience ona 1 ut TTS CY '’ tation te brill ap for their Factory, and | ade het ae a Geancintie feelings business or sehemes of bis own to luck alter, and qnmonninent, waiting for the democracy to 4 xa attended hy Me Pooland M as acmatter of course know there snccess va nor t ‘ | He if e f the people, He also inthe ot meds ee PeASOTL € rt we i needs no personal vindieations gvetout one of their speakers, They were Ra vies {tax it ett Your depends on the articles (and their prieea) deals extensively in positive assertions, stunning DECIDE calling spirits from the vasty deep and chideru are property—t belong to vou. a0 a8 whieh go ont fram them. Those who fata, and baslee fabrics of news items, coupled Teeter taniimicter: ehenecenUcneeand mew incl (ser emme DiGi cldem ott Gal vam uE latex Cy espaues CON ev ower ernie lave tc fullest confi, wel we ee a ee Canty : - \ ri , ‘ leas regard for the good of the coi 1}. between Shober and Fleming. } tp eaw her—stood close by her for cours vowill tax them, and your wife toot Witten eas ees : _ ot an ib x Ha “ ' : c ung Banner raw her ! yu ie niente ae le nee in them ag business men of the than could well be imagined by those at a distance. DECIDE afew minutes, bat we think passed ne ed pow eow HA tiwcts iene Leet Ol tis right etamp 5 and if aneceas depends on) By these and many other means, has this whole- 7 ’ : ae: ye etrans diise, t was enough to kill or eure, one nes ‘ ’ e Berween the candid, far and dignified Poor, and compliments. Why did he not notice her an oe aE eS BENG their business qualifications there i8 m0) sale calinnator attained an infamous pre-eminence yetween uufair, undig 1 and fighting G presence ? Did she not ‘Suwrace the meet. Probably atk ed Pool and Ramsay sotaras thal Qoube of it. over all of tis predecessors Enis * OWhy was ple slighted 2 Was it mana vote concerned int It cor arate Nature, hawever, 1 ever wise and benevolent 10 - : | > Leiiesnaationad her gifts, fur woral or evils when DECIDE heennse she war poorly dressed ¢ AbD cantly ougit te gel som Re the Po 1) Lack-a-Day !—Oh! L Vspen A u an wifls, for sass a Cc ences w| | : she gave the crocodile immense streng Pa ie ant randnly Veen iesenen, te impartial © fitor who so valiantly deetor who adinistered it, or t At W at Tet feof Mr. Fisher are hoastir i vedenmal lum ayihty of movement; and thus 7 sconalant tual characte and charged that depravity was ag offen met towed at Tn tact, it eaght tobaee dulled bath, qq getan quarters on hie beng re-elected Presi with respect to the Eelitor tn question itis well for Tart Ryd ne HAC een oreevour du ure Ome MslUli antl silks and eatina aan the homely wf wdinnistening Snel a wicked concortion. gent ofthe N.C. Ratload, He happens to be ina the peace of Dae conine ae Oe ve oie ) eee iinet en he teen endowed with ‘the (areas) anes warh of the poor, badat faith enonyeh to and the other tor be tool enough to take a ) ; F aan tes aeitey lncge (Ord bn beeper Had he been en! ira i i g | naan nee position by which he can command a pretty tong te persuade, lis attacks would have been DECIDE VT support hin Chrongh another ady has war Guat taninconaderable number of the mem- ioe. dangerous, Hes nature and properties are R SORIA taal t r lency and "Chiape, and so he Mt continenthy TE ere ofthe Company. How many members of the probably best dr Syniated by the name he assumed \ P y No one an the South wanteto the reaponsibility of another beast, We Rarinad Company, sappose you, voted to elect Mr, for inc extra sheet, © The Adder ar a te ne hat vy ole ! oO AL : *or , ‘ uinble opinion, would have eerie rere erreceoreim Ccpeacraeuat i uric URt Ogi, SIAL R i ree rites (Dim eerat insmiee iim Inite Uneite UDEL A a yay t aecountability if he fatled to be cotpsist heen a more apposite appellative, sce he is not dae { won al nieket elects CALS tt Sainte : Ee eS , hont Ina quills, but these he dips ina torren } “nit o nawer—why del you net - _ wit \ wd sectional aetien aguenst the Soath, 0 eee 'y Hane JOHN T SHAVER, oateamd yall, and blackena and bedaubs whatever Y vr the ecconplime of ¢ sditort fj ‘ 1 perpetuate sectional jealonsins and ante PAY [eras casio iL ONL ate SCs GEN. MeRAB hetonchea, And we can but beheve, that 1t is the Ne Tapatel Vand oncvitally(oesoucne nc) tree for gracing with her presence thi RICHARD ASHE. 2! wantof refinement, high intellect and dignity mabicn democratic rau peation meeting ? i : ae : ‘ ; usually characterizes the “corps Editorial,” whic \ 2 Wau -Dieae Te whilikina! Ought not aman to be proud of pte dan trom the patlcof panty aod truth, for ef DECIDE pari that! There are about 500 members in the Com appears to he posswsed by a longing desire for a | MCE ater tei dee ceralecammnicadl heck eeu den Ge? (Gas. i Genaelite (i HP ‘ appears to he posessed by a long : Niet te + peace and safety tothe country, Ee hia ved ; : an Many! And wwhat 1 wore, Mr Ashe it is aad sorte of low and dirty we kedness, which impels 1 \ ithe past wr n pus anhyect tnel statement aales ool rp the purpose of hay " < sapicable vice aa Har enGn ob Belisand Wenretu tneraniy ie pansy unk arious anbyects, w we Mement aganst Meo T for the pury Was not entitled tothe cote he cast, and ifs, Mr. him to the impotent perpetration al denies Hate . r t ” rie | \ > r he ' ! ‘ y e P cothple aba: Ciged on a qieinern: need ent om rN At roam. One of ther is a wlan poring tis success before the people, He had pyeher io not President of the Road in the written form Ae MD Teaniet of fair lescrit t r E Love, &demohshing ( 4 more hatefal, i4 the recollection of 1 2 Seer O) aceamilodate eomy Amnerivan | escepucmiot Mr, Ro Ealovey qd ing” the ade the same statement repeatedly before, and 1: Das NOt eos ihe want oldignity : . , | Hon N- Boyden m the steps of Brown, ¢ 9 =e nesa. and candor, and horror & M ( or hae cee el , Mr. Pool had corrected im and expostul ated > in the Press. &e. which he assumed on first soeins + Mock’s Store where they accidently me | = : Hine eotan (heldis® DECIDE )& Mock tore ; e : ly ) Pia oe mG nets Gieerrtient Umon Men of Rowan: allow ns to call your at- here. Had it been real, or had n ee oT . made impromptu 144 yn National polities S S i Hoven ; ; saome good tc 55 That vducwill f-atieenly and openiy vole your honest; mele lmprompt ves Anonal sdlnemmcdite. Se ltr diner wae re RTE Uee et a encATe eee tee omy aanArS done some g DSI The writer wa Trait iar Hendersons ite ool chose to adopt a new lor the conrae parsied by hia predecessor, had pre conwetions at the ballot box, ragerdlese of par d re writer was present and wrote onde atictin el i . aie or the con ) z Vic oce Tal Ne Dall ab ox tage tdlere it ipaiy 20 ; eer iiiece | Wa erry anlar culeierCnerrnort weary cian de orcs ire MinsOsl! Conny, ODF sarod all to be pleased with anything like fairness ; F eee tion « ir. and rig ell doe » dra f z f ) : the impor.unity and clamor of partizaus ration A go : Me edenranintnl erie GAniliinrems soe ) Wharwan rarried this county, the vear [ny due matthes “out Heraded Herod in his dis DETERMINE the scene the effort which brought Mi Lo ty who made that statement toll adie, And there: 3UAT Mee eed af propriety. Hut it srems to us that the ; ; jefore, (IRS, byw mazerity of V7T on regard. ol That you will not be led by the ecnat-collar or the exclair gentien Lam erhanster Mr Lave tpon the assault was attempted by Gov Ellis a \ fall off, people are opening therr eyes to the delusions at- ? ‘ see. the demoeratio majority in the county fell off, | . ‘ . very errors arm, drunk or sober, to the ballot-box: that yoo will exclamation is able to the party he repre- What else could Mr. Pool have done? Ninety tempted to be pat upon them, for the very t bestow y ' for the make of | Aunsted—pl / ; ne year, 82 votes f the masa of the people, commonly proceed from lot bestow your vote upon any one for the sake of sent a alsa ¢ iste layed nen eS Pa UN Trae teelay ‘ 7 ype not b 1 “ pany sents A tha I nine out ofevery hundred, in Mr Pools place, co ging, and shows you what wean an honest love of truth; and no one here can help having your poll tax pave see , ta newspa- would have acted as he dil. We think the q ine ane) seeing that the abury Banner 1s no Pr DETERMINE UP Rewr tin and that the anti Ad Valorem Wal Syice fay sthan the “Arabian Nights” are That you will risk the displeasure and persecution of those who may demre to control your vote because | Party propose in their Platform to tax every thing | the Biate, except Slaves, according to Value per now, any me as trie asthe Bible n (rovernor ought to be seot to jarl fur example Be at the election early, and put in your yotes Tt is simply an “ infernal ma- sake and encourage others to do the same | if it w whieh of rej: which know of be thy t into ( Eveo bom- yr Was, vernor honor music, nus ad- re was we re- prom tw our le do not pw omen, rointer- atier- expects powers S00C RS. us, and And to it but devote & pnerally he eee tance Khe most who has Impressed scathing render of cnbe and rye of pot k= How- re neither his paper y spies at hd an poli- who have hatred of hy that all sand oia- class, and ngst them tei worst he feelings b Ye also stunning coupled rty spir- tis whole- p-eminence , and thus is well for hom is con- with “the have been yperuies are ve assumed would have is nothing In torrent of hich impels Ipicable vice lers him the prt of fair- in his dis- us that the Helusions at~ very errors roceed from here can help ta ne wapa- Nights” are infernal ma seen oie tes chine ;" the Editor's policy seems to be, to write accounts of matters that transpire here, to be read and believed at a distance only ; for there is just about as much truth in many of his news items, as there would be foundation for the Court House here, if it was turned upside down, and poised on the rod whieh impales the fish. You must be getting tired of rejoicing, shouting and throwing hats in the air, over the great victories and knmense meetings which he speaks of having occurred here, when you know that is all a sbain; he has taxed your powers of being astonished at nothing, too Jong; he is a more arrant imposter than Mabornet—for that wor- thy had resources by which he deluded the senses into the belief that a iniracle had been pertormed.— Eveo beathens were vot deemed ignorant enough mpered with and played upon as you are. oe 8A LsBuRY BRASS BAND. From the Raleigh Register Euizavern City, N.C., July 14th, 1400. Editor of the Raleigh Register - Dear Sir: There has never at any time since | 1840, been so much feeling and enthusiast shown by people of thiy section of Country, as at the present tine. dua Pool, our noble standard-bearer, the loved aud honored son of old Pasquotank, ix daily gaining ground, not only ta this, but in all the sur- rounding counties, tu Camden it is asserted that Ellis cauoot get more than 90 votes; Shaw xytin that county about 109. The vote will be unustally large there, and Pool will inc.ease at least 40 upon | Smith's majority of last year, which, | dink, was | about 450) In Gates, Chowan, Perquiuians and other counties in the distiict, Puol is sare to make | large gains, The clear gain in Martin wall be at| least 50, judging by the signs of the umes in old Tyrrell, glorious old Tyrrell! L can tell you better what she will do by relauny a little circunistatice that took place here a few days ago. [t hus been reported here that bills could not get more than 50 voles in that county at Whe coming lection, A | gentiewan who was here & few days ago on a Visit | from Coluiubia, en that county, Was asked by ove of those who are opposed to ua, the fulluwing ques- tion, evidently for the purpuse of putting the lie + aa the report that bilis could yet but 50 votes in yrrell, in as forcible and decided a manner as pos- sible. “f am told Mr. that itfhs will not get more thaa 50 votes in your county, is that so 7” “Ob no,” drawled out Mr. “ats calculated that Ells’ vote stands about SU now, bul they ure continually coming over!’ But Pasquotank, the birch place of Julio 2 ool—the homme of tis ehildlood, his youth, and his manhuod—it is here that be wil win laurels aobler dian those his own native county | There | germs to exist Lee a spirit ul real home pride iu | the matter, Here, where our noble suidard beat | er was born and raised, aud where deus better | known than anywhere else, there is the uost et \ Uiusiastic feeling tutus favor. Already there have | gone up three besuulu! poles, wv dubu Pool waving beueath tie tag the mast-bead; Uae lowest ol there poles is aver a bandred feet buh One ot bo otaised by the boys, is nearly upposite Wie sture of OO) GS) anvother on Water Street: was raised pPrucipaly ty |} the Merchants upon that street, We other is uper Shepard Street, uear Wie Whacecs atid was ta and nmyged by the yullant sons ol Neptuue fast pole is 113 feet hugh, with w top yallant mast and is tull ngged. They bad @ moot | tu) we apon raising ion last Fiiday epecctes were made by Hou WON TE KK Speed and Messrs. Gea W Hinton, C. Wo Giandy and Woo sides these, there are a nol: { the town and al the on upon the cornes has ever heretuture placed upuu bis brow var Cine at} Greer jpon Ww county wat masthead. There is iow Most maguibcent will be capped wit wave a bunting t broad banuer with ky TO Joun Poor’ (There is nary Governor Elis, T! at Newbern heard ot—nary one | There was a Mass Meeting at which it is supp the day wast happy aud soytu made the prumy and afternoon, by Hon. W Smith, Col kh. Wo Jones, Dr Speed and J WH ton, hag. The spe were excellent, and tmany aman went home that dav wetl satisfied that ad vatorem was “fair, ¢ qual and Just.” The speech of Mr Hinton was a nasterty effort, and the arg enurely unanswerable Splicecles were ex Upen the geeast tt advanced tv hom we UY Mi Chat a Sys tem of ad valorem taxation was the ot fur the > en Mase My Manner of ras proved it. There Tnust g@ reveuu hax t of the countie er means taketi to ge question of ¢ The only thing Jotin Pool by , the people know what ad va effects them, Tt proaches, the great question, and the ¢ fwd a overwhelming mapority « equality, Tuas contidently expected that jority in this distact will be Lou tor | 1200 , indeed, all we ask is that gainio the same proportion iat y ra) very prominent and iufuedtial 1 at Orst took a decided stand against ad valorem, but as the thing has gradually Opened itself to minds, they have become convince] that they wer wrong, and in tnost cases have come out and ack men are now its strony change contined alone to our have t young the denioera th come dixgusted with the maurcer in wl prominent leaders bave attempted to the Uuny, and themselves. other shepr are at last determeed te act tor Gov. Bilis in his speeeli at thes place labore to show that the tax. under would come so enormonsl head va tem y hard upon t wu ers, that they would be oblived tosend the away,and to prove this position, parts af He pers book have been paraded in Capital deters at the head of several Thar was to gain the slaveliolders vote. But Mi Hav wood, the great oracle of Democracy, Gadkes anoth er tack in his bid tor the non-slaveholder's votes and says that under Uns system the tax pon slaves will be reduced §18,000, gpon land $367,000, und upon the other articles that are now taxed $X8,000 making a grand total $470,000! How very untor tunate itis thatevery voter in North Carolina could not have heard the arguments of these two yreut guns of the Democratic party, so diametically op posed as they are to each other! One of our own leading Democrats tias, in a speech hi rey taken aw position equally as absurd. in his zealous desire. to explain this thing: he set out by saying, Ist. that the rich man’s tax would be greatly increased ! That the poor man’s tax would be exhortitant and yet, that (he amount of revenue to he raised bad nothing to do with the question, for ad valorem had nothing todo with the amount to he raised He also acknowledged, and indecd point with great earnestuess, that that are not now taxed. would beoinder that sys tem, not only so, but that the poor widow's ryys, Pots, pans, Ae. &e and even her bible, would be taxed! The people of North Carolina, Mr Biitor, will show on the second day of Anguat nent, that they fave a judgment of therr own, and that they have aright to exercise that pudement, and Joli Pool will be the next Governor, with at least ten thousand votes (o spare 5 slaves newspers in the State firessed Che T7000) slaves DEATH OF JOSEPH GALES. Wasuisoton, July 22. ; Col. Joseph Gales, one of the estab lished firin of Gales & Seaton, proprietors of the National Inellizencer Newspaper, died jo thia city last night, in the Toth year of his aye. Ile was econpected with the Intelligencer for a period of abont 50) Years, having goue into it whey quite a young mau. Vor several years past his health had not been good, aml he exliyb ited signs of bodily intirmity, Bat this did hot iinpair the soundness of tind. Nis vigorous intellect gave of decay. Col. Gales continued jis vis ita daily to the Intellivencer office up to the close of last week, and until within a short time of his death, He Was wniver sally held in the highest esteem by all classes, and lis decease has caused gen ‘ z eral sorrow in this community fio evidence Vote for Governor. 1856. 1860. COUNTIES. Ww GI L a e r , tHE 00 O00 Alamance, Alexander, Anson, Ashe, OOO Burke, 52: O00 Buncombe, if 5 UU Bladen, 30 OOU Bertie, 45 OOU Beautort, o ai OW) Brunswick, ‘ I) Cabarrus, ¢ 565 U0 Catawba, Yb» 5 000 Craven, iG 53F QOU Comberland, are OOU Chowan, we Wf Qv0 Columbus, 5 306 UuU Camden, a 7 au Carteret, 40% 5 uy Cher kee, ay oo Caswell a OU HOU Chatham, 1166 iy GUS WOO Caldwell, 456 5 WOO ey Currituck, DON ; O00 GOO Cleaveland, troy p O00 O00 Davidson B23 ( vu Hud Davie, SOS O86 YOU 000 Duplin, Ms og CHP Me Edgecombe, 150s G00 000 Forsythe, 1osv 2 OUU oud Frankhu, 744 ta O00 Un0 Gaston, fa ue OOO O0U MS WT pe Em e k Pe s Granville, ) { OOO OOU Guillord, ‘ 2054 OW WOU Greene, 3 ang OVO OU Gates, Ss 39% 800 LUO Hay wood, oe 5 000 O00 Harnett, HY. OU UU Halitax, é 000 000 Herttord, Boa Os U0 000 Hy de, ee 5 800 OOG Henderson, : AT W000 GOK frevell, 35 : 000 O00 Jackson, 57 2 800 000 Jones, ” 800 000 Jalin-tou, 7 UG GOG Lever, 267 O00 O60 Lincoln : HOD OU Madison, 5768 HOO OOH) Martin, 5 000 G00 McDowell, ais (eT) Moote 6H OOO Montyomery, iy oou (HH) the name ofl Maer Wy a poe g0e Meck u Nash, 1s bon non New Hanoy a 4 boo a00 Northat ) Wo oo Oo oon H00 Otteiw cient HH Ong O00 O00 Oo von) fn) Oo Onn ou (oe tieite ik: the J6th inst, Mr MILAS aves hue A twphend teve EQUITY SALE. PURSUANT to a decre thie Geren for Davie County, F wail sell at po Comarrt Mocksville, the Prestatwn House in ou ‘Pars v day of August belong heus of George Willson, der id. containing. + about S00 acres. The Plantasion te waerw of Hunting Creek, and pomed Contsiis a gon bon of valuable bettom, mow da cultiwaie nthe place. ac umfort shies dwelling hou r A cedit of given Bond, wih good secumty, required L BINGHAW, © WOE Mocksville, July 24. [R60 Awl proacy &t National Flag! WM. M. BARKER VV ore INFORM HIS OLD age io the Carriage Busines arrlage business, and prepared to farush any style of BUGGY or CARRIAGE fo the fowert priced He bins reeeptly sisted a number of the Northern Manufactores and wequatvted hunself web all the late improyementsin histae, and made arrat geaments by which he can supply (hose prefering it with North ern work much cheoper than could he dane by ‘ng waingle job. He intends 10 build the finest and beat work ever dane in. the country and sohcits a eallat the sign of ibe National Flag WM. M. BARKER 31, 1860 yu SALISBURY PRRALE SBMINANT. o—— andoother ouihonses mouhe wi from the best ander July cTpLe Sth Session of thie School, will open the 10ih day of September. ‘The namber of Pupils has been on the increuge, still there ie room. Board for A number of young Ladies can be had inthe Semina ry Masic scholars can have the advantage of a tine Tustsnment, a large room and the beet teacher Terma of Turton as heretofore Por further par- healare Addresa, ADDO WILKINSON. Principal Salisbury, NC July 17, TURNIP SEED. Ie VERY VARIETY, FRESH and WARRANT 4 ED, eold by WH OWYATT, 186 und 184 Main et., Salsbury. NC July 24. “1m >, T IS 2 Y I A 4 N r J A R Ss . a EO tommy artiele yet made for PRE SU SERVING FRUETS and V EGETABLES, for sale by Woes YAP TRG and 188 Main et, Sahabury, NOC July 24 “49 1-60 Sw THE FOLLOWING is assmpleot the numerous e(ters constantly recajving for Hostetter's s yomach Rutlers Canannaces, July 15th, 1259 Meeerve Hostetter & Smmh, Pittsburgh, Pa —Genta Anweure stramgers, [herewith enclise you twenty eygh: dollars for four dozen Hostetter's Stomach Bu cera, which please forward vin Michigan Southern Rarowd. Poledo, Ohio. and Clayton Station purchased several dozen bottles a T have Toledo, thie sui mer, pot the sale i@ on the increase so much that J wieh to upen a direct trade with you. TP wamindnced fo try your Biters by my phyacian, for the Liver Complant, and received such muiernt! aid that Thave recommended it to others and have sold about two dozen per week for sometime. T have all kinds of medicine in my store, but thera is none thet PE oean cheerfally and trothfally recommend as your Biiters, for I know they have helped me beyond my expecta tion Yours ceapectfully, July 19-1m? PHILO WILSON HIGH POINT FEMALE SCHOOL, HIGH POINT, N. ©. os THE Fall Session, 1860, will begin on the 6th day lof August. Pupils admitted at any wine, and chaig- [ed for any ume they remain in the echoot LFA liinited number of worthy poor young ladies will be credited tor their TUITION UNU! they shall have had reasouable time to pay fur ib by their earnings as teachers or othe -wine. a Session.— Board, §10; Tuirion, g10. 3» Tueideptal Tax, €1 5 Latin or French, | j Plane or Guitar, $20; wo charges for awe of in { rumente. ‘Teuma—Fifty doffars per session required in ad | vance, the balsuce at the Close of the session — LF These terms will stacily be enforced in every case They SINGER’S SEXY TANG t TTC 4 - SEWING MACHINES. Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. ‘Tue plaiu reason why Singer’ Sewina-Macoines| wre not allowed to make sccounts. have always suld readily at a higher average price Foc further inturmatiou, wddress (thao any other, te that they are better, more durable, 3. LANDER, A. M., more telluble, capable of duing « aructh Principal. of Work, and earuiug more mony = | Pupils furvish their own towels and candles. greater vatiets | swhp'd Lonyg-eontiuued | __ as | Povalactty i proofofeerting ment Luthe purchase | ‘ y ) of what are called cheap Sewiug-Machinee, thoueands | yy W A Rt l ), have been deceived and disappointed, but with Sine | Gels Macuixes there ia never wuy fuilure or suis | VOLEN from the Stable of the eubseriber, about take \s) 2 rules below Gold Hil ou the sight of the 2a! ipstant, a back horse, ebomt IS or 16 honds high, ) clean lunbs except a ephiat on the left fore leg, rhor.) boas Head, smiait ears, birge ataue, and a very small! Singer’s Tranverse ShuttlesMachine. to be wold wt $50 plain, wad ROI highly ecuamented, ina Machine entirely new inate wrrungenient; iC im) piece bitven off of one of bis ears—he is au ortiual, | and, He paces and trot very well, wud well broke ty hare | Jor fauniily use aod light manufietunag pur * Macha ‘There Machines are bea wumber ae rapidly a very heautitul, ucises capidty and very geunily Ln ness TE will give the abeve reward for auy informa. ever offered to) Gon whieh wisi lead ty his recovery, | g iweeased in! Foon crcuinstances atlending the robbery, | om Pommble, aud vec the demand led to believe that the horse was taken by a fellow for them cannot be fully supphed named Turner Fry, alas Sasith, who wae seen inthe jbeqhborbood tht evening, Addrers ine at Gold Hill, N.C SA«’L. M. STIDEFOR 3 Uhe very bert wud cheaper the public Singers No. 1 Standard Shuttles Machi formerly sold at KISS, but now red J well kKiucwe atl over ct ed to 890, is toe | tny deserip- |) July 17, 1860. tion Every sort of work, coarse ur fine, can be done | : isa —— N \yy | Simger’s No. 2 Standard Shuttte- Mac hine.| di J . \ { with at | This te the favorite manufacturing Machine every word tO need [where. The sae of the Machine gives ample vp ce | YE : ) for almost every description of ea wh Heinen | SA LE OF LOTS. pMith ate adwiroble working qualities give ita decided | anes advantagr N Thareday 23rd of Aaguet, 1860, there will be a wile ou a credit, of valuable lots in the city of Morehead si ‘Vhe proximity of these lots to the publie squares and to che large Female Academy about to be ereet- ed, and towards which some $13000 has already been Bree, wih toble compieie, KU, Singer's No. 3 Standard Shuttles Wachine, | Price, complete, 025 Since the { Staud Istof October rol them hae iereased four fold | \ | . . | For Carnage-mexers, and heavy leather work Kreat reCuction jn the prve of Urewe td Waehines. on the subscribed. render the location very desirable furfam Lhe Machines make the iterlocked wo threads dew, who demre ty apeud the Saminer at thix de lh ful suinmer retreat aud watenng place of the business tots will hkewise be sold of Singer's Some fateh with known Ing to procure ful and relat MOforination about News which tw the bot very person dees suiteh ‘The rapidity with whieh this eity is woproving, and | he prospect of awerkly line of steamers between this place and New Yo Machines, thet nd the best meth V bunt by sendog tora ecopy lo invest J ZA lL), | purchasers | Presideut Shepard's Potut Land Cy | | Workitigy Capacities, & fecsof parchopnig ean ¢ £ I OM Singer & Cole leazette, «hick i ful pre torte paperentionly devoted to the sul ott July t7, 1R6U Owe wil! be supplied gratis = S IM. SINGER & €0., LAND! LAND! $50 Broadiny, New York pe SUBSCRIBER having determined to re- pe] MERONEY, Nope move South wall well | SALISBURY N 4 400 Acres of Land | ext) uy nthe Youn River 50 of BU Acres of sood Bottom, SOUTHERN teal and large Dwellings and | sod one House and Lat BOOT AND SHOE (inti aoe rimeeare MANUFACTORY | seo SMITH & MILLER, July 10, 160. wi MANDERACTIRERS OF Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, II feos , pros July 24 spieadid Water, good, new Buildings, one aud a tatfantes from Jocesvitie, d@ Tan Yard and Lot ou ain will be given. Addresw | ay e p EU A N S4 o A ay a op u a r et Ve inet he pu Topas nor ex we “O 9 S T M STO SE pat ished Wark ves that they can vd yd t u i o i d nice, y fe te ous Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, weean be purehased m New bhegiiod for rhe et pu r > Uo "s y a site noney t bat heir op pealio the euizeds of che Se sustaln thet 4 their endeavor to toduee anon them a braneh of WI M su o g R d pu r Ca n e r Manufaciure now ¢ sa a d sy o o u 4 Lirely ithe tea feof abel romain, will not beta vat oor distega They offer at WHOLESILE AND RETAIL, Pine Chiunuetted Boots, French Cate, Fine French “e i Half Weis, OPER. “A H d U Y H U A I N OV NO Y ‘O O S L US E Ay i a ad i j q o es r a i d AA O OP St 1 BOOT Be Evencint a THE NORTH CAROLINA "White Sulphur Springs, We ! Yamomt healthy monutatnous country, | rarthe becutiul Catuwha River, hour's ride of Koil Re SNe ieiere a eee POM ASS EEC E oN©( Ovnuiboses a tty Pre 6 present terminus of towhieh dutty toes pnectihe Sproge farses walt be Buliacd Band of season —Quadrille and amute Veto les au rddle Nilevs and a neatly fi ted up A flue Musichins engaged for the oY guests et ‘ 2 ‘ =\ BO MUISIUBIR a (CID SOW ISIOIE, EXousc Painters, GHAINENRS, PAPEH HAXGERS, 4c, Opposite the Manson Hotel, SALISBURY, N.C. All work personatty dove tu a workman ike mauuer Isb0 tts Saloon wall be Conlhou Parties each evenmgy free otextra ct e The Baidicgs are wew and spaciuus, che pleasure grouuds extensive, and in fine every thing wished for, as at the best watering places. wil he found here to refresh che Inner nan and cheer the spit. ‘The exiended reputation and the medical properuesof the Waters “almost tunecessable fore She comple on of the Western NOC. Rail Ro acd affeted with @ cordial wrlo. mir The experience of the Propry torjustifios the seek attended to and wirranted t bow hail the #ck July 17, o e oc NOTICE. tees The Stockholders of the . . . | ' ee ROBARDS pril 10. 1s6) 1146 YADKIN NAVIGATION COMPANY - : NV inva pe oe ee JEWELRY, on TET SIVSE i WATCHES AND CLOCKS, represented. as bustiess of Vitel raterest to the Com ' ae Beyond all Competition !! erof health of plowmure in at coming. ‘The Proprietor has be: a (rare CO Criicenre lore cammenrnan valine a good came Nat yreat expense with the vany will eon a t Vie i Treasurer is hereby notified ed will sell pte stock of tine Haunting and open se faced GOLD & SILVER S&S WAPCHES. JEWELRY in the Latest styles, io ‘Setteor separately, prices according. Geld and Nil hes Gold Chatiain aud — The onder to atte » Books and Vouchers, as full inves cash bis ligation of urs of the Company will be gone SPRPHEN DOU TIT, A.C. WHORTON, Directors of Yad. Nar. Co dw6 please tngert: tiff July 3, ie #68 Western Sentinel (Winston nward account to Directors, Parmiog ver Vest and Fob Chains, La Neck Chats, SILVER WARE warranted equal te coin The edstvlesaf Placed Knives, Forks, Spostis, Castor, &e A fine assortment of Clocks The above will be sold Defying Competition {1 P Watch Gfarses pucin at 25 ernts each TAM kinds of Repairing promp'ly, carefully and personally attended to and warranted hy HOW. EP, Practical Watchmaker, oneord, N meeting aud t ton, N. ¢ * ‘ 1 ‘ LAND FOR SALE. PUG valuable PLANTATION formerly owned by Samuel Barr tying on the waters of Back Creek 13 miles Weet« road. contatoing ebout 320 ACRES, about 7. Meadows) Bottom land land is well adapted to the Dest and most «ppri Sherreila Ford Actes asoysoan f Salisbury, on the of good Rowan county; the two good Jone 96, Pk 60— growth of Tobacco The bunidings are al) first-rate Persons wishiag to purchase will please callon Dr O nd, and wif take great pleasure in showing the land, and act ae agentin my absence. J. A. BARR July 24, 1860 9 Teacher Wanted DY the Petof Sept n body te teach the Enghsh J branches and Mustein an Xeademy None bat most woqualihed tescmeon Wo o ra i A O I L O N T W i } d d S Po ffouston who residesin the ne ot fa 1’ “S s o U I s n g AN O ON U T Y , those whe ean fornish the J qualitiestions need apply R40 per often months, and beard Ndelress uomediately, SoTEIPILSE, Si TODS TE Ske Hamocon, tale both as ta moreclity a A Southern lady preter Salary, Perm Cathoun Co Arkansas. GN I SN O S Y U » July 24-319) VINEGAR. JURE CIDER VINEGAR, for sale by WH WYATT, ING and ISS Main sitert., Cc ‘d n pu r s e d pu r pa v e wi o y VB Y O [L M UN O B JO oy O U 11 d r Salisbury, tye OM sn Apple Brandy. ( ye for Preserving Froits, for ante by EE ANT 186 and 188 Main st, Salisbury, N © July 24, 160 ty c q ‘S s . OL G -U 0 9 07 SN vf q r U d O7 1 OA R Y Js h t pu r Ag u o u l STATESVILLE a MALE ACADEMY. C4 ym N \\ A N\ TEI ), C07 A 2 ANDREWS, Princtpate. we THE fb term: w o hoy Giant, oO I AY Titoabh yeenlerea quanti vacl CUR Nati rae u merece lites af which T will pay f this Tnatitntion will conmence August, X60 A lit patronage re mort reapecttully solicited es and Dell will be had. dinty un if the eens oor the highest market price ; ; may be found on (he main business sireetat Sahiabury | Be aa nny day LW REARD ee der the Spring Wheat.—° highet cueh p price will be paid for any qaantity of Spring Wheat May 22, 1860 tf5Q Prevetpale with eape inteandaice af ane sone wishing to hosrd their words the principale will make iminediate appheation July 17, 1860 Swk HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The ors and manufacturers of HO8- TEITER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can eal with: Perfect confidence to pieeieon citizena generally of the United tates, because the article las attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blu zoning puflery. The cousumption of Hostetter's Sivimwach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half- willion botties, and from ifs manifest sicady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near ove mijliop bo:tles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent phyvicians io those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all eases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomuch Bitters have proved a@ Godseud to regivus where fever aud ague and various other bilious complainis have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure. lt removes all morlid matier from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality tothe nervous system, Giving it that tone wud corey indispennable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of ihe functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters dafty as er directions on the bottle, and they will find in it astimulagt peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is hee t Lo the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonie, and rejuvenating generally. We Lave the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this Preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangeiments and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Merits of this article, A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to reeupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under ber exhausting (ria and fesponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persuns, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated jnyalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the wany imitations or counter- fers, but ask for Hostetten’s CELEBRATED Stomach Birrens, and see that each bottle has the words * Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” biown on the s.de of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label @e Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orcrays, La., TrSOLYD Y Henderson & Ennise, and W. H Wratt, seis 3 by J Porter & , Greensboro’, N.C. May!) lvl CLOTHING! # CLOTHING COME AND BUY BARGAINS ) 2! nd tall r,come and make sure Comer ene and all,—rome lew Come neh and Your Spony sappty, wand Summer week-te, Refore ithe too lite for ther five Co sand Pants, both tui and scaut and the lear flues boamy tue wrap, rom Soles forthe feet, 2 Shoes and Boots, Hass Drawers and Shirts, Collars aud Crayats yc Do walk up to HOFFLINVS Clothing Nlore aud take a goed look ato his rare collection of every complexion of READY-MADES. do hut te step right trte most He has cared on ha- nd Caps, Nothing ia the world tc hem, wid vou eta shine on any crowd on the reasonable corms unagini Sury, aud has had the proud satistaction of seeing , +e crowds of his : Fellow-Citizens of Rowan | nade comfortable i both winter and summer by snp- plies drawn from bis exfausth se shefves, and he de- | sires toextend the benefits they have se invariably derived from him teas many more. ‘Chere is noth- ing in all the wardrobe requirements of a gentleman which he cannot supply, and that according to his particater fancy, oc to the timitsaf his parse, be it long or short Come then and examine, price, seleet and help yourselves tion, and fare according to his unusonl good terns : M, HWOFFLIN, April 17th, D860. tf47 IMMENSE ATTRACTION AT THE Great Clothing Emporium OF DAVID WEIL, spacings J AM NOW opening at my lorye and Store Room, No Qo beraoe Barding, the hand. somest and cheapest Stock of Ready-Made Clothing stock comprises oJ) ever offered in the State. My the different kinds of far nen and Marsailles bostness emits, Engtsh and Brecet Deap d Ete and Mpacee Frocke and sacks, @ large variety of Cnasi mere Pants, faney and blick . also Fancy and Black in endless va- yoent sdk, Cassemere and Marsailles Vest, TICLN Gent’s Furnishing Goods, {RATS and CAPS, BOOES aad SHOES, @ agsorement 1 feel confident of my ability to undersell any oth tarve from the advantages have in geting my Goods, thereby anving at leas TWEEN TY FIVE PERCENT tothe consamer DIMES SAVED ARE DOLLARS MADE, SO TRY WE DAVID WEIE. WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PAGISBURY NaC \ TILT. Practice and make prompt collections in Rowen TredeH and C ctawha Couation Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite the Book store. © Feb 14, 1860 tfARr er house in the State Stanly Reed. Concord; and by! Hats fur reuson's seat You shall receive his pofitest atten- HE SUBSCRIBER B48 SOBT RETURNED from market, Row receiving amd opeuing » complete und full as. | GROCERIES, | comristing of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Tea, Pepper, Spice, | ae, we aD wther artiche wewally kep< ia similar establish. ments, all of which will be sold @8 usual at exceedingly | : ces. His stock of ee ' | xe x & a, | wD x < oo, is far superior to any, as those who have favored him with thel; | patronage can testify. The stock of TINTS AND C4BS and BOOTS & SHOES cannot be equaled, either in style or manufacture, baving bad | the moat of thea wade te his Order. The sock of SOLE LEATHER AND SADBLES | ts full and complete and will be sold, at anusuafly low rates, and | which only be DISTRIBUTED at his establishment exclusively for CASH. j | \ | FOR NOTHING his a more desired effect than a cash system. Therefore a call is earnestly solicited, befure purchasing ¢isewhere, At FRANKFORD'S, SALISBURY, N. C. May 7, 1860. _ - Farmers! Farmers!! Threshing Machines ! yok which we are not Agents but Manufacturers ourselves. Improved Spiral Barred Thresher lever) the most popular and 3 - - $130.00 and with 4 Horse Power approved, - - {mproved Spiral Bar Thresher | Wionower, with Cvlender all Tron, not soft wood aa most North- eru Machines, and with reversible teeth, suld at what the best Northern Machines will cost dere. The tceth of these Machines are reversible: that ineans the hack of the teeth can be turned in front ifier the frout is worn off; thus making them last as ling agam. All Buxes are made of metal and in workmanlike manner, not »f wood. | Horse-Powers, Spur-geared, the best, - - $85 FARMERS, COME AND SEE THEM. FRERCKS & RAEDER., May 8, 1860. 50mjj a’ e Greensboro Patriot, Hillsbora’ Recorder, Char- lotte Bulletin, and Raleigh Register and Western Sentinel please copy for May, June and Suly RELIEF IN TEN M.NUTES, BRYAN’'S 5 yr ’ ~ Pulmonic Wafers! Tur OniGINaL MEDICINE KSTABLISMED IN 1837, and firet article of the kind ever introduced wader the name of “ Poimontc Warens,” in this or any other country ; all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits, The Genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each WAR RR. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Conghs. Coids, Sere Throat, Hoar *ssouas BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Asthma, Brouchitis, DiMcalt Breathing. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Bleod Pains iu the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Retleve Incipient Consumption, Laog Diseases. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Irritation of the Uvnla and Tonstls. } BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve the above Complaints In Ten Minutes. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blesstag to @lt Classes and ¢ stitatiogs. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFEKS Are adapted for Voealists and Public Speakers. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are In a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS wante ofthe Casohoisns and confidently rely on these vers fer several yearn in this goodly town of Sis: \ yor oply relieve, but eMeet rapid and lasting Cares, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction (o every one. Qe No FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT & BOX OF Mryaun’s Pulmonic Wafers, IN THE HOUSE. NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan’s Pulmonic Waters, IN HIS) POCKET. NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR Bryan’s Pulmenic Waters, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. ¥, Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, and all Drug gists May 29, 160. lyt ‘JUST RECEIVED: | 5 Casks Muir & Son’s Gennine Ale. “ — Wibbert’s London Stout. Doz. Cognac Brandy. Bourbon Whiskey. Old Rye te Old Apple “ Claret Wine. London Cordial Gin. Letnon Syrnp, Pare. Raspberry Syrup, Pure. Pare London Mustard, W. H. WYATT, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Nos 156 and 188 Main et, SALISBURY, N. C. May 29: tf © > ° WYATT’S TONIC CORDIAL. One of ihe most pleasant and efficient Remedies ever got up for Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, CHOLIC, and al! BOWEL COMPLAINTS, both of children and aduls PRICE—25 CENTS Prepared by W H WYATT, Arorwecany, Nos. 186 and 188, Main Street, June 5. tf2) SALISBURY, N.C SELLING NEW YORK COST! A RARE CHANCE BARGAINS! PAVING dvlermined to change my present husi- hess with the object of going into a more gener. alone, 1} wilt offer all my LADIES DRESS GOODS, La od Embruderies at NEW YORK COST FOR CASH. Ladies in want of such Articles witl | find it greatty co their advantage to cali and Examine tiny stock us I am determined to close them oat. I ain alve selling all Goods on hand at | | Greatly Reduced Prices, \ A. MYERS, No. 4, Gaanirz Burioine. | Salisbery, May 14, 1860. tf Wilhelm & Gorman. OUR MOTTO — Quick Sales and Short Profits. In Boyden’s Granite Row, Opposite the Rowan House. HE public are invited to cull and examine our splendid stock of Furniture—the best and finest everin this part of the State. It consists of Bureaus, Ceutre-tables, Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, China Presse Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every kind, Parlor Chairs, Rockiag Chairs, Cane seat and Winsor Chairs, Chil- dren's Chairs, Hat-etands, Wash-stands, &c., ia fact every thing in our line, all of which we will sell as chesp as can be bought in the State. Also, a good assortment of Wood Coffins kept on band, and furnished on as reasonable terms as can be had. We have a fine new Hearse for foneral oc- cusions. Cali at the Fornitare Store of WILHELM & GORMAN, Salisbary, April 2fth, 1859. 1yi8 RANAWAY--$75 Reward. ANAWAY from the subscribers at Lex- ington, u Negro man named ALEX. or ALEXANDER. Said man is of a dark cop- per color, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, and will weigh trom 155 to 165 Ibs., a very likely fellow, but has rather a down-cast look—aged 22 years The subseribers think it probable that Alex ia larking about either ia the neighborhood of Satiebury, Mrs. 1 owrie’s or M.S. McKenzies plantations. They will give the above reward for his apprehension and de'ivery to them at Lexington,N.C. Also, they will pay €25 reward for proof sufficient to convict any one of hurboring said boy. S. W. McCRARY & CO. Oct. 3d. 1859. ung Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: Join A. Mebane, W.J. MceConnel, C. P. Mendeu- hall, DP. Weir, James M. Garrett, Joha bL. Cole, NH. D. Wilson, Wim. Barringer, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. H. Lindsay, Greenshvrough ; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lum- berion; Alexander Miller, Newbern; Thadews Me- Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yanceyville ; Dr. W.C. Ramsey. Wadesborough ; Rev. RC. Maynard, Feackliutou; Dr. E. F. Watson, Watsonville. OFFICERS: N.H.D. WILSON, - - - JED. HO LINDSAY,- + - Cc. P.MENDENHALL, - - PETER ADAMS, - - - WM.H CUMMING,- - - W J.McCONNELL, - - J.-A MEBANE. - - - J.M.GARRETT,- - - J Ali communicationson business connected with this Office, shouldbe addressed to PETER ADAMS, Secretary. Greensborough, N. C.. Juve 19, 1860. tf4 President. Vice-President. Attorney. - See’ty and Treas’r. General Agent. Executive Com'tee. i = EQUITY SALE OF LAND, O* the 4th day of Angast next, 1 will offer the following reel estate fur sale at the Court House. The House and Lot where Van Pelt now lives, under fence ali round. Also the House and Lot where A. Myers now lives, extending from dividing line of the Van Pelt lot ip within 125 feet of the cor- ner. Bidding» tu be opened for this lot at $2337 50; also the corer lot where the Livery Stable ased to stand, extending 125 fect in front—the biddings for this Joi wil) be opened at $850. These three lots be- long to the estate of John MeRorie, deceased, and will be suld on &@ credit of one and two years, with toterest after six months. The Pool Plantation, ene mile from Salisbury, belonging to the MecRarie es- tate, will be sold if a satisfactary bid can be obtained. Price adv. $3 00 Tw4 The John Blackwell Plantatine consisting of 100 acres more or leas, the biddings will be opened at $1348 60, on a credit of six months. Price adv. §2 00. Tw4 I will offer the following tracts of land for sale, on the premises. on the 27th day of Jaly next, at 1) o'clock, A. M.. 125 acres more or fess—another tract of 10 acres more or leas—also another tract of 36 acres more or less. These three tracts belong to Daniel Huffinan and his children onder the will of Michel Hoffinan. Sule to be on the largest tract— credit of x mouths.—Price adv. $2 75. bw4 118 ACRES Belonging to the heirs of Moses Klutts, deceased, ad- joning the lands of Henry Peeler, sen'r., Leonard Klatts and others. Sale to take place on the premi- ses, on the 26th day of July next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Credit of six months.—Price adv. $2 75—6t4 L. BLACKMER, C. M. E. June idth, 1866 CIGARS ! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! 60,000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retail at the Port Office M.A. SMITH. May 17 tf51 TEW FIRM TV HE Firm of FISHER, FOARD & HOOKER, having been dissolved, we the undersigned have associated ourselves together under the Firm of FOARD & HOOKER. for the purpose of continuing the former business at ‘the same place. We are thankful to our friends and custome -s for past favors and hope by a CORRECT, ENERGETIC and PROMPT system of doing business to meri€ and receive an increased patronage. We shall be able to furnish STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SHIP CHAND- LERY, NEGRO CLOTHING, FARMING TOOLS, Guano, Plaster, Lime, | NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, CORN, HAY, FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, §c., &., | at as low prices as any other house in Eastern North {Carobno } Having ourown Vessels, Wharf, Drays, ete, we | wil pay parcicular attention to the ‘Forwarding and Commission Business. We will als make liberal cash advances on Consign- JNO. F. FOARD, O. HOOKER. | Newbern, N ©., May 29, 1860. ments 3ml NEW MANUFACTORY Salisbury, N. ©. HAVE now completed, and have in operation Machinery, by means of which I can safely say, that Lean supply all of North Carolina with Neat and Good Cottage and other Bedsteads, as Cheap if not Cheaper than they ean be had from New Yors or any where else. Give me a call and I will give satisfaction. A liberal diseount to dealers in preference to empinying agents, 17 Factory, a few below T. E. Brown's Liv- ery Stable Li Office, Farnitare Rooms opposit- R. & A. Morphy’s Store | S. R. HARRISON | May 8, 1860 1130 Banks of all kinds for sale at this off 6 cheney gee AD VALOREM EXPLAINED—BY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Q. What is the Dent or N. Canora?! A. The State owes 84 millions on bonds. already issued. It wilbeoon owe over 1: 3y, millions on liabilities already incurred. fhe ordinary expenses of the government | Bre on an average over $100,000 yearly. | It is certain the TAXES MUST SOON BE RAISED to at least $800,000 to $900,000 annually. Q. Can this amount be equitably raised ‘under the Democratic system of taxation A. No. All kinds of property except slaves, household and kitchen furniture, horses, cattle, hogs, &c., are already tax ‘ed as hight us they evn Lear. Slaves, how- ever, are but lightly taxed. Q. What! Sraves ricuriy raxep! How do yqu prove that? A. Why by the Comptroller's last Re- port, $203, 000,000 of slave property paid only $118,330, while $98,000,000 of Jand paid $191,980. While land paid Le cents on $1UU value, slaves paid 5$ cts. slaves paid one dollar, dollars and fifty cents. Q. Do I understand you to say land Pays nearly FOUR TIMES as much ap slaves Yes, land wortie $1500 pays $3 A ‘lave mechanic worth $1500 would be taxed 80 cents. If the slave is ov r 5U years or under 12, we worth pay NOTHING. Q. Why does uot the Legislature tax slaves higher? A. Because the Constitution forbids the taxation of slaves under 12 years old and over 50. Slaves between 12 and 50 can only be taxed as high as white men between 21 and 454 Q. What is the number of the State ¢ A. In 1850 there were 288,548 ; if they increased between 1850 and Is6u as they increased between 1340 and 1sov (17.38 per cent.) there must be now 333,548 — at $000 each worth §203,000,000. (J. What are the numer and valne of slave polls, i. e. those Letween 12 and 5u ¢ A. The Comptroller's Report has the number 147,918, but omits those of Ei combe ; add on these and we lave not less than 152,000—worth at least $190, 000,000. These one hundred and thirty millions pay only SLIS.C80, while us, 000,000 of land pays S1U1.Us0 Q. What are the of those slaves which cannot be t all by the Legislature ? A. There must be 186,000, slaves in ve 3s buinber and wort Losey $73,000,000. These seventy three nil! jong can’t be taxed at all, even if thie State should be involved in an expensive War. Q. Bat why not raise the tax on slaves between Jz and 5), 80 us to make up for this loss? A. Beeause the Constitut allow thatto be done ML Vite! tax on the white tian obliged to leave their as jurors, as Withesses, to tles and for other publi tax is high enough high. (J. But possibly siavea pay enough fir COUNTY TAXES to inake up this inequality ¢ A. No. Land is taxed for county pur poses—so are white men. In Wake cour ty, land worth a litth $3 jon dues 7 wit Seat Witte ten HuUsitess to serve tivhe ce duties our bat Toe pol iy, periaps ailea 3000 000 pays to the county a Tate S161 1, while slaves worth over S600 000 yaa only $7,47#. Tand in Wane pays 45 cts on the 100, anes 11 cents. A negre fellow werth $1500 pays ¥1.535 land worth $1500 pays $6.40 5 OVER FOUR TIMES as uuci! Q. Land pays fonr times as much as slaves! but then,s! does land yet sick and die / A. Yes; land gets overflowed, out, isattacked with drought, with worms aves vet sick and dies wears and rust. Houses and turpentsoe trees and fences are burnt. Tf dand is uot physicked with trannre it soci Q. But eSlives CANT W produce es Pee net Tats ed ¢ A.W in 1859, and 15,543,008 Wake, 161.091 improved and 352.175 unimproved ;yetall the un mprove is taxed 20 centson S100 value littl negro RIncredse Tiere rapid mer ue than anyother invextivent (), What is the value slaves combined, arn into the Treasury / A. Tie Valine ja in read $300 An ad valorem tits rn f ynot? There were in the Stit 5,453,975 acres of land improved niin proved acres OOO ard thre 1 Soo,.55)) ttle over Lets on $100 would bring t SAL Aten, by which the LAND Tax WorLb BE DIMEN ISHED ONE HALF, and a siave of the ave rage vaiue of 8600 would pay about 69 cents. Q. Do the Cossiri tions of otter Soutnern States coutain restrictions on taxing slaves ! A. ONLY Iwo cept those between ed, bat they must ty ti Virginia, a’! must be taxed according to value. over 12 years must be taxed as hig $300 worth of land, aud not higher Q. Are there any other imeqgeaniniis In Tennessee, none ex 12 and o0 can betax tase ad property cccept lives Calare ime UNDER THE LAST Revinte vine? A. Yes, many. ‘The following table will show some: Slaves on ¥1000 value, pail 5745 Taxable slaves, ’ “ ee Land, és “ et Mone y at interest stocks, de. 2 4a Goods boug)it, i nd (6 lothing, be se Ta , Watches, 6 “ qos Pianos, “ “ Tar) Bugyies, Carryalle, &c., Jou 00 Liquors bought out of the State, Poa 00 a bought in the State, dO a0 BStnds and Jacks, (-av) 4000 Mechanics, d&e., on their bahar, boo Mr. Holden, in the N. Co Stan lard of 20th June, BAYS It WAS NECESSARY FOR TIE Democratic PARTY TO PAR DTS VEE EW Q. What! pay a heavy tax on their wanes! A. Yes; mak 5 on hia wages and 80 cente or & aalave mechanic working at the bench, making $500, would pay $0 cents only. If the slave is over nothing. Q. L snppore, then, the white mechan- ic is free from all other taxes 4 A. You are mistaken. Every merchant will admit that he charges his tax to his cnstomers That tax most paid whether the goode rot on lis shelves or are bnrnt. Q. Does that make the price of aroar, mechanics, overseers, & a mechani ny R500 pave eae rhiay RAIN 50 he pas honest he While; lane paid three” i Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. —— 22 Re | AP DR. BESSENT, loorren, SALT, CALICO, fa eller NECESSA- RIES HIGHER ¢ | A. Certainly. Sugar, for example, | costing in Petersburg 7 or 8 cents ie in sold in Wake or Orange for 10 or 12 ‘Part of thia high price is the tax. Q. Has the Democratic party provided A REMEDY for this unjust system of taxa |tion ? A. Noneatall. Intheir platform they say “they deem it the bury of the Legis: latare, in paseing racts for raising revere, so to adjust texation that it shall bear as EQUALLY AS PRACTICABLE, Within the lin its of the Constitution, oo the various IN reERESTS and cLassEs of property in all sec tions of this State.” Q. Does this Democratic platform yo for taxing HOGS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, We. A. It does, Hogs ure “classes of pro perty,” 8o are chickens ; and the platfori | I ‘save it is the duty of the Leyisluture to txwencharge. bear upon them.” Lair aNereems occupied at presently Le Wavraneap Q. What is the meaning of the evores within the linits of the Coustita S DR. F. N. LUCKEY, a a ¢ ' a . That taxation shall bear equally on ALL CLASSES EXCEPT ON SLAVES 5 but taxa-|J. Bo WeNee'y,) on the Coacerd and Mocksville road tu inust not bear equally ou slaves 24 ntew South of Phyatr “itis pr immature, Mnpoli Oeics rous and unjust? tooadter the Constitution. ger Q. What remer, does the roxat Usion Parry propose A. They say the tirst thing to be done! \is to alter the Constitution sv as to giv: | ithe Leyislature the saine power tu tas’ slaves that they have to tas other proper ty, and then tu adupt the PRINCIPLE OF AD VALOREM TAXATION, With proper discrimi | Dation, | . Does their Platform advocate the} Xition of add property, . Daemon jduchs, chickens, We. | BUSINESS CARDS. NG: ought to tare | away the allention of the people trou} N. M. MARTIN BRO & co | ’ . ey the two hundred millions worth of slave} GROCERS AND C0! properiy, The Ley can tax ties) Mi E R Cc H A N T S, things now if they” want te, but they da! not. No. 129, Sycamore Street. PRIERSBULG, on the corner formerly where he is prepared to attend all operations! onoected with his profession. Jan. 1, 1860. W. 1. BARRIER, DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT, N.C pdly a3 (f32 March 13, 1860. Drs.M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, Nemsely in the practice of Medicine Messional services to the public. Those AVE associated aod offert vii sion he 1 Chareh. contnues to of cause they say, location, bis: professional services io 7 7 the po bt t Cy da should be Shuping or his wite, Calls in his absence feft with bis tua Mr he nervonts Mirauda, ortiu their absence, wih Consirri Rowan co, Nov. 10th, IS54 tf5 LAW PARTNR*< HIP, UL & R.A. CALUWELL. OFFICE the one turmerty ogcupied by Dr Nesbit, on Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. March J, 1859. to such as hogs Uns charge is | stature | Poey will never tax things sosma! | i x in value that the expensys of culiectio Wak with be more than the tax. man Q. Bat the Democrats say you inten at N. M. MARTIN, SOW & CO,, to abolish or decrease tax on ti } connec orci CATVISSION MERCHANTS, cl sO RETAIL, aud such thi tne? RICH MON DAN, Doe aise Pituh > it BENE AL Bi pe | £ Hl Ne ero elne x4 | th om ' h wa MoM ‘ i 4 8 queRt I, Ae ul Ww . _v™ ave ti mweerover Caese taines Aa lnc a i : i 80 all COLPURATIONS, aS BANKS, tiipe’t Rreckesoe -Do A. Davie, OF Bieber, Es taxed for the exclusive privileges yraute whe 13 ' Ins : mm, qm W IX oon FT KD oT Boe ewes a WwW. R. WILSNN- sted > lel such arlicivs be UeCeasd ry. \ tat cetnroed from the Ne : i 7 Ae ee Lien re WAYCHES, JEWELRY, Val ws: oy the winnie of a7 SILVER WAR, : Mee ete ag ; Ce Ns tet ec Tete ee ' ' , . otis tite wood erdterut tine en 1 | , : \ < hin vay va yo dn ke ater les \ i aw TE wear diths, bowte kiive ; eet ’ hej re AN ell ee " wn bis o utali WE ONY Tnpose a liis aan ee ey ane ore eae ie \ tax work Warrected Tin COR orth TG tivcion soON ey Welw ered) meas ei esGe UGE ats.) ws necessarny ¢ JAMES TORAH A. No, if money is made to pay cous eee | WATO4 MAKER AND JEWELER, Qo Does tue Constitational Union HJESTIC TN. x Pivthor adow of diserinunation ? Dinenllooreb cla it MacAretlupiig eset A. Yes, in faver of the sacviwe pre Ix! oes Ma darge assertinent Tien Wie msmrennl the: tence ee arava a SHEL fall kinds * : VW ther cing dar ithe Oestinauner aud oo Cle doe reamed Q. W wis the effect of this? ris t va, 1560 lyse aA wislat re Wav faveronurawe productions, and the industry of oar cs , ile by « Hptinge some articles i by plinge some articles, amd by MICHAEL BROWN, iV Pel Series ante kis te ‘ oa ee COMMISSION MI He HI VT. Brand vo Tha tS SAY \ ‘ ; Di LUOIATEIE TEN. 3), ' “ 1 nia . PUP Pe Crea aS i ‘ Prop \ \ j \ ey Werks QQ). Has eons STATES 8 : BIST VAT MU pra uf q A Ven tiievtn Rentachec Mae’: Collecting Agent. Florida, Lenisiana and Texas ed eT GGr bie en Guat reiting serait yt) on ( Nceit att Nahe y Are sascind Misso t vthe Poe Lec Heures eanlnt re ce oo i Parke at ave » UALS bla Oey (ae oil ie tae Cs cat he ler Oo and over 60 vears olds that ot Mis VE SARE EMUSIC eat Stet iteS ne one re ens aa " - DLE N EAR 1S: exempts % ote Wie pr di, (=GU eu Cullectiog Agent Vosietis of the canst TPennes« 1\ meas lvitee med ex ' e fwos . wis ‘. t Gack VE SOL PRE RN HAP AND CAP t 5 i ON (Cus th WEAN eee) winter to ter all xin s . / TON DOOLEY, May ’ R M t wd ee Fr “TRAW I 1 We fai ie “rk 1 k ; i TE LAND formerty coward by “p DRE-> WATS vag nthe ematy af Ke or Ss) es Yomi Apreae atock as Scab yee ou tte SUS " Ford ie su how be MVPS VPsand <tr aiios ea tate of Dr, Can Rin ee te oewlie! yould tuvite the attenies ootainng about 300 Acree, under a togh state ies Ne! i A ulnva yout GO Nee wor tins rite Woed Land f in aia apetes, yeclalen Tnow aller forsale private An peimon wishin ts | eer a ae Pure iiese ow manae'c ai) ot the heerher iG bon a : oe MARY E RANKIN, ela ae Be curncof sD Rasdon Ml ek Those whew Dr Rankin at ree ovew or t tt i est te urth finy trie ' f " c deta baying eles h AU anadcrpy ae wtite a notified to prement Caen aoe retest Het , red Uy Haw oer Chae neater we epi fis Soda if t snper 1 devi roe ' | bare! recuy Mary TAKIN. Barx Maine ni al Heyes W ( Apel s6n V5 eerie i . i Brad and horne ' b \ I ( ym = AL L. [ee NU taens Ceeetaanlce ia \ [it Kenna ny waluoble Plants ! ae en cus ae satan ia Vitae ; an Caps mvs : ' ' JOHN Poohny : a - et ; a rt ; ve Cy j an ae ! Lahn i | ~ M 4 I 1 al deca ‘ HAND---LAND. I i iitycoron Veli N oe : Woe at ewan Two valusble Plantations tor sale! the land A rewsamble cot a . . DM. CRENSHAW [ee ee Nees occa! wid eee : ‘ th i! Kote thre weemter , kK {oon Ve plice on whieh beau aby ns ; 7 : ' \ Reduction in Price, ean Dea: ec wes eeery bare a retest Gee PROSINE OUL SI Kh cond coutert ot a forge bundy, commonng NT Tinie ee yi UE Nemeecol whacl Bits: Tupkos BD Botton WENDERSON & ENNISS ada suthoent quantity of good cleared uplend fora Tee Penetn Pea good Farin, good Mendows, well watered, and pour I fer Fee kaw Yunne iat PILE OINTMENT. on oy i Cha I)" UAVANAT GIES Colahrated Pie Onin tod Wellwatered adc A Dave nated Pheu Brive ninaranee power Posse ire we ypted tothe growth of Wheat,Con, HENDERSON & ENNINS wed I HUME near tha De potcon the Wes fan 10, 1XRO aE Ey Ko er part ontarecest oon TA. Alieon LL PERSONS who are indebted toa me are (UO Mbaeriher. near Kowan Mille reapectfally requested to cell and make inne DTN ALAM Nie pay uentons foam: couvpelled ta have mnie Dele ls oC wid es ihisas the firs: time thet 1 have called an ny frivude, Phepe they will come ap promot METHODIST P RP REXSENI . Now 29th, 1859 1127 FEWALE COLLEGE, 50 White Hand hite Hands JAMESTOWN, Guilford Co. N.C. Win find steady emplowment upon the Wil ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road apie THIRD SESSTON of thie College wil ator near thee pli Apply te rommenee July bith X60 Por Catalogues iy SAM'L MeNINCH Maier iia A enon TS RVY, Secretary May 8, IX 150) Charloite, N. ¢ Taine Oth eiRe) Mn? vecupied by Dra Baron, | tafection | unto the third and fourth geuerstion | to be the rod of him who says, | | consututions vot only | | | bere perish by who wish it,cap have the services of both, in any case, without | jdipeases of the ver, kidu fall the or *, wtise from or are aggravated by the Prise how permanently located at] his own residerce orecently owued hy FOR [ty cuured by Mercurial disease. Serofula or King’s Evil, 8 @ constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood i. which this fluid becomes vitiuted, weak aud poor Being mw chy circulation, it pervades the whole bedy, aod may burst out in diseore ou any purtof i. No organ is free frow its attucks. boris there one which it may not desiuy., The ectofulous taint is varivus. be. low living, dinerder. edorunhealthy food, unpure air, filth and filthy bh sbits Ie REMOVED ro rus DENTAL rooMs| the depressing vices, and, abeve wil, by the venereal the constitution, descending * from pare hts tochidren +P will vieit the ini- quities of the fathers upou their children” Ite eff cis commence Ly depos tion from the blood ofcorupl or ulcercus mater, which, ta the longs, liver, aud iaterual ogaur, is termed tubercles; inthe | glands, swellings; aad ou the surface, eruptions or, sores. ‘This foul cursuprion, which geudere in the blood, depresses the ene life, so thats srofiulous r from serofulous com- less power to wiihstard cons quently, vast num disorders which, their nature, are still suff planis, but they have far theat cksofotherd seuncs ¢ although not scrolu idered fatal by this Mostot the consumption which fous tn taut iu the system decmates the human family hoes origin directly in | nnd many deelrucive aud. indeed this scrofulous contamenniioa 4 ys, Vrain, sale Caune, One quarter of ollour people are serofulous; their invaded by + 1g tifec sad theor Po cleanse it from the blood by an aby he das bereons at tie Lark) Son heabh ow undermined by 4 WHeracive syalen We mae renovate the tedieme, and invigorate y fuud and exer Such medicine we Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, hill of where prevailing supply iu The most effectual remedy whack the medicul our tines Gat devine for this ecery and fatubinalody Yom combined frome the most we- ive remediate Chat e been diwe ered for the ex purgatios his foul discider trom the blood, and the escue of coe ey aceuy frown its destructive conseque i » Hence it whould be empliw d for the care ot uct butalso those ocher aff clous anne from at Aniho Puatules, enty serofube, to such as Eruptive and shin Direases Rowe, or Erympelea, Panples, Bou Blais and Bade Peuer and sa! hewn Sc dF Head Reagwern Rheamataus Sy ph and Mercurial Dascasen Dr Py -pepsia D fa Yeas cero trode Vite spulaeb tet in? uv a@ Fire, hes ‘Tumors, pry tipur ced in t ath r Wa ina vod ration of the t Phe porticuta PUrpore and vir ue of this Sart ipanite ou te par fy and regen erate thos vital Maid. woheut wooch sound health or ible Con rag ted conetity er s Cathartic PH s forall the proposes of Family Physic, are so Composed that Ling ition I Jineare Wilhin the range ot theer fou Gan rarely Ww ndieriev de thea Vher oe Cru one wet and ciranee, and iavig PVE ponder et Che bimen orp cniee ecrreet seaced Moro tw healthy ¥ \. ine wt wlow ‘ t pl \ \ ( a) | ' | 1 M ! Te il 1 | Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, p ( \ t < ny yoy \ ‘ . k . rirent 5 erst ' evirties are Kiiw i ! ' wt ran z ‘ ' Vite be torg ‘ , Dike d(C, AN TER & CO) bays \ 4 rea ve dies a v Wor OW A Ne WW & Ene : ” ao ‘ M ok ' i ays \ \ t ~ 4 at ¥ 41 BAT«e c-~. S) LIVER INViGo RATER, SEVEM DEEILIT ALES, Tissampoundede: trety tom Guna, ant - . oe: ‘s 1 . Oo ' oot he LEV ER Iv- P ‘ . miulver Comey © tacks, Dyspepsia, &Y Su ner Con yy res Costive . Ohol- ra Morbus, Cholera e Tatnnt lene, Jnandiee, beanate Weak @acande oete . . ry Meat 4 teed HREAOACHE twenty mi spoonfuls are tuk- twoor wat comine giving their testimony yy) use It are c WATEIC IY TILE MOUTH WITH NVIGOR R, AND SWALLOW 1 TOGETHER. Price One Dol'ar per Bottle, SANFORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, DD FR Pure Vegetable Ratracts, ed potop tn GLASS CASES, Ate DiAht, acd will Keep Vinny a imate. 1 Coe Penrtde PINT jeu ge t arlia . “ , y H “08 1 mn Catharties wet wAMILY TICE tat, ® ‘| sees ' wnt) pace + Dee Comne ty Steer be ra teas, Patos tn th Hack oa do Lota, Costivescas, Pat ord Soreness 7m) hate: Wey. f av of App thle nCreephow on Cottaver the Body Mestleca- 1 svete ted ehh om es, Woe. 1 eeneart ‘ u w wi Bi < E < i) CK pres Pont natty € n= fod , BOTW. SAN FOIE, ot 0. Mann 335 Brondway, New itis Pableyete NASON Ge ENNIS So chink 1« AND Creare Salisbury, N ¢ July 5, 1859 WA Manufaeturcs an sole Deaters an WEA’ rs, A ies. Straw and Millinery Goods, Umbrellas, Ribbons, &e., No. 18 Courtlandt Street, Parasols, Flowers, DD ORRFIT ) Up stains form vol PayetteviNe No¢ Ke WADY s SW eine j New York. Spring Mattresses. JUTE auhseriber hawon hand the best qualt SPRING nod other MATTRESSES Calin hin Furnstare Store SR HARRELSON Mins +m YAR IAG SALE AT ET NENTS TTS ON UMEGE R, If AMERICAN Soe WILSON AS just opened a new lot of GOLD and SILVEK DOUBLED CASED PATENT LEVER WATCHES, Whatever be te origin itis Merediary in ‘which he iovites all lovers of a good, indeed, csreme relinble time keepers to come and exa These watches are manufactured and guarantied | by hun to be made of th: best material, on the uieet | + ANd pusseesce every requisite for | approved principle arcliable ime keeper. rapousibie. Certific He also baw a large dollars each ; and Silve 140 dollare each he atall times h lea gveu wilh each wateh sold Te 13 jewele. fron r, Doubled Cased, handsome an: | For any defeetin matenel workmanship or perfor mance under fair usaye, assortinent of Gold and Silver Double Cared Euglish Patent und detuch Gold Dooble Cased Levers, d Severe 30 te a0 from 10 to DON'E FORGET LOC ALL at the Store next | door tw We Neely & Yo Sulsbury, October 4 ong’e Store, hy beso MEE nndersigned respectfully call the of Deuzgintm and Merebarte ty their wockot very FRESH AND PURE Drags & ected with much dis and abroad I Medici they have aw line of i home viinent of Medicines: riewation at the Haddition to (herr ¢ ey Main Street wy CIRCULAR Attention renewed lowest rates, vple te fegular and propretary, Diugyists Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Spices, Paints, ge, making a var $e, ee, whee stock at the lowest ronge of paces They ask your patronqe woh eoutil fiom un experience of SU yeers, a very Af. with the leaciny sustness houses in t 1uda consequent Knowledge of the suctry ; amide fiom their faciliies for being in direct corresponde fe oods Ma aunties) th yours procant the eh eur co forthe comeng » centri Hen to yours dyer ii 4 JOUN OWN © BAKER, HCL hw NOLEN 7, bet ofactur re aod Deal rst ev will be ible busia with or proee CURA tee 1) to KUAp'y voar nerds t ety from which buyers can select a ner, that exter in Slate real wants of nee with this and tor tastisfac ms No. 159 North 3d St , Philadelphia WIST SUITE OIE SS OIBICME (CAM OILIEN 5 ALE COUNTY. + lu Ramty Wyatt Perry ra David Jo Perey, Hiram Calloway Shadrach Calloway and Jorhiw Baker Tn this case, ot appe rg te the € tothet tb fodoat. Maren wway aud Shedrieb Cothoway sidiuin A te Slate North Carol I re ord red, that 1 bem i ' War bra tor sax ke Hipear al th ext c I! ‘ ( feat t ! 4 M Nya we ' , aM » 1 Mm, aud the Caune me t hire kp hem Ww ~. 6 e Bow ( hoa M er t ’ paid County. tie soir Mav 7 ' GEORG, BOWE « M&F ae : in Re ANE ANT VAY a Nes tices? 1 Ne Noe ral sony ‘ wei \ We badion w fi wet burt s fase mh wH seer 4 theornyht wat A 1 dooff woh ban a siver W “ @rtee eh tad atheavy Hat ya varus chat “ Ratthe end Sac voy wel pase t ‘ \ 1 toeinphey Natio i ee) boy a wv owhiteye aly he aw.ifih 1 he aww Ne gental ns yore I pve Keward wil be 8 prs Stee vat I vhy pes ! eee SERN OH ENere NUP Arle \ 4 ae DAILY U. Slee leEas WeST ' : DROWN we is Comet > \S Seal : Ty SUP cite AEE ue Nee wl rout tek ort aircon: \lone (en ® \ Les on [haces . tou ( ' \ I ' Kh NON ee Naina lst M HE WNes 2 Aart oc), LAD ( ‘ * Tay >Morgnt gu ERIOR COLOGNE WATER, 7 © Piatilied t IH. Fragrant ny WY IT DREGGIST AND APOTH EG Vu stand Yes Main St, lolly Net ! : th 30cts vid @T VK \ HARDWARE!! (puke bere are the vid stand of ¢ Drege nt rm LM w At ih pening mt Ntock of Hardware Ss i dotern ! as Which tarw arg OMIA: LA HY URAL Ce eT ar eT ' Hofer that pu pose tive p 1 eormmts te the Vera tae: ' 1 serad ctl thy we ‘ ao a a ey MCN Att EVES NSE M.WORFKFLIN I hood Southern Wanufactory. ee NOY VE AM TANNERY a lirge Crees fot DE TIPBR, superior i quality ot ae rm Manufaerired s | tern patronage respecctully solerted 1 Hides und a keen SN OAS HOTT, Feb 21, 1460-639 DRAYING. Nalishary, No ¢ NOTICE THIS. TAMAS ik ru indersitned giver netics that he keene a TELA MIA NIE SY NGO N Sitar ihempieyiet Dewving. and wall eerve nll whe may favor bin with colein hes tine on accommodating terme GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 1660 1143 30.000 Brick For Sale “Piuse Pane good Bick. « Office hay Fitts or Six Phoneane angela bargain by calling at thin Price will be paid for any quantity of Spring Wheat tfh7 wn a AMERICAN WATCHES, se hunsel | Corm-Shellers, | Thresher, { Thresher and Separators, aA aE peg na-nprmene we : —— HOTELS. CD HOTEL, | SALISBURY. North Carolina Foundry | AND MACHINE WORKS! MANSION ‘i — £332: fe —— ay subscriber takes pleasure in ananorcing to hie friends, aud the public general y, that he hus taken thie long establirhed und wel) known Hotel Jand hus imude every porsible prepa recon to aces m mo FRERCKS & RAEOER, OUCCKSBOKS TO ' li | date the business, travelling aud vir ONODIEEN &> MON, ligepultis, inusotencccncindiog mentee Particular attention is paid to his Ww ILD, continue to manufacture and keep on | hand all AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS |" SO'@& 3683007, i and every comfort is provided in his A full assortinent of ae ROOMS. Hie STABLES ure xbuuduuth sopplied and at. Seed Sowers, | tended by acareful ostler; and to «ll departments Cider and Sogar Mille. {the proprietor giver his personal attention They also manufacture | A comfortable OMNIBUS rane regularly to the " ; ag ) depoton the arrival of tle cure. Shafting and Machinery Fe ee ESE eee vantncat ics for Grist Mills Cireulir ond Vertical Saw Mille. Gold. | vublic patronage is confidently soheited CGaniecund siiveriMinuaelubacralPresxesraudy tir: WM tures, We, ke, (EECEL AS ANID HRS ASUTENES PORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of de te ord-f, and warranted in every tnude heretofore Plows, Cultivators, Horse-Powers, ROWZPE. 1f-a5 aod Eredell Express wall publish Suouthe and furwa d | THE WALTON HOUSE, | Morganton, N.C. REAL ESTATE. pe supetb New Hotel bas gained —o Juunury 25th, 1860. every 1 onade reaper Reparsofevery description of Machinery dove at stort vot Salisbury, N ©, Jun 8, S60 Tyds | | Standard, Rilegh; Patriot, Greensboro’, Demo | erat, Charlotte, Western Advocate, \oheville 5 Caco: | Horn tr weekly, Columbia; Observes, Payetuevill ¢| the repotation SE, and second As au evivence of it, Treierto [the many favorable vetices by the Press ot the State, [aus the very lide fee COs received. Itcentunues P spen (never haring been closed.) aud ita 7 ISHING 1o coneentrate my hands on one place, Ie amelie peaatalen otis Teese eee P propose to wel the plantation on whieh Ener jE liave arrangements made to be kept supplied repu. eontuming 3079 ACRES Mistofthe soil eli ity wih Kesh Fish from Nerfik aud New bern ic grey wound, the remainder 9 dark loan, equaiin fer lpycowith eve ry deheacy usually found at FIKST Nearly one halt of t Class Hud LS Coutamingg a great dealottine thaber 7 ri ; Bue ¥ CLS. Brown & Co’s Stage Office, Their FOUR HORSE COACH. of beng a FIRST CLASS HOL [io wone in the State \ rep de, thy te aay in Kowan tract teowil on Woods le N CII “Phen am abet 40] s Bor HOMIE 4\D md MEADOW. of firs ryht alo Nore teat ths House fire-places ane ie on view of ihe Yadkin River and | Womlaye, Weduesdaye, und Frdeye. and to Ashe N.C. Rail Rend The garden wid spring are excel jh) Fucsdiya, Chardayxund hniurdiys EXTRA Git aA UeUNe cued eae Mane ot Ca hTaNlGreniew COACHES and HACKS reedy ot any hour and for eine: Nee erretecatih any pout ee Ge ie ate BROWN, tides of Saliehooy, and very healthy ‘Phe ae Proprietor wenhy adapted te tine Pobacev, Cotton. Grau, Bruel! June f4, 1959 13 7 eard ope table 6° Observer Favetievitle; Standard and Spirit ¢ JNO A BRADSHAW he Ave, Raleigh: Ballet, Charlotte; Herald, Wf Dee Sea ry tong Progress, Newhern: Patriot, Greenboo' and SebsSursy Banner, copy eight times. COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, tit Mount Vernon House, Formerly known asthe Veranda Hotel, situated AT THE DEPOT, SALISBURY, N.C. ene. Leauens of THe Meloy SED RIDAEYS, Nour onthe Badtes cup ees slineat has been opened forthe enter. a ‘ x . lh Woda Y the Publ mow Unereaghly re. ji VE Cs Hi ‘ al Cin and isevery way oreu fori ofthe Puboe than her re LM eae : (erst bers are furnished anew chreeghort, ~ q ‘i wid hate the best 4 tBeeding Whe Curary 4 \ . i “ I> t rt eementot a prherent jc : Hore el _ an Phe ‘Parte wate he sur pled with the j ! ; BEST ar 4 thete ator is ‘ M I ' ‘ 1 is whole time to the . een 1 Sa bury na eibed Herne Cleese confident that Ay) ‘ hus semuence in tes weet tis Vise way thay thy wil be done, Bes Sen owed te tle comturt of his G : = t > DENJAMWIN Vay 2G ia yy “THE UNION,’ Arch Strievabace Third: Jno. UceMannens, | PHILADELPHIA. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. (TRS A : Le PUSIG’ ED hiving surchaced the interest of Ley t SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE, | a ee ns r those vieiting, he bur TURED AT rit Important to Mill Owners !' CUT THIN OUT Th yp sol my the principal avences NP LOWELL re Ruta fe Nt 10! ped wil parce of the Unnee 900! a home wie Blain a (ne shahcere vat ( + pleasant ride Bate ral r Mae who have used tthe city We antec a ete te i; Mat THE UNION” pball be " ; meet publ approbation, and p are ¢ . sand « reit * err Dage nies ne A wt ‘ ney Tens € y MoM " N , = a UPTON S NEWCOMER Aug “9 ready Paornieton. ‘ ‘ Viilien do oorsold by any legal 10 wed age Cis INCE Ne MN NIN oA . Sey = AS MAMAN EN. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Mirecl; 2 : Cua3 JOHN F. JONES, BROAD STHRE«T, er prietor. DR. MOUTARDE'S e e Sa raculous Pain Kille ranes -e Miraculous Pain Killer. NEWIEES St uy ' 34 (RUPE VFS, Th cere ice dese int Relie Tle ie . ttewon nutes _ POUCH ae ine tvioie 9 ST aOPrYV “ LORS nL Ht SHON soos Brown's Livery Stable. ee la Sai = aliter . I / 1 Charts Inti) Chir le kept op as heretfore Tt te grati- I r ‘ ate tying te him thet Chis establichment, vi ‘i ea f\ egy first. x fer tul pe t Pace le he ‘5 ee cee dees \ Cure Mc animeinleesierces: clraveltts end oihece t , ee fous wi alwave have theur wa yin the fine, well sup- vd Bar sale Whites we fe TALE THE AWA Nae] A esutyaeeiay for Carciaze Lumber and Proven- Ng an fN € , No. 156 and Iss Wa me ak ‘ nber as olwave ready to aell or ba Nat nev got Hf THOMAS E BROWN Be 1a) May 31st uh é ue ’ . ’ ° . New Firm. Ge mesg RAY I\(; iG SNS i WU. MURR & SOSSAMON, undersigned AUN Gaia hasedt D. Brown & HE hae re: vthern en restock of moved hie Draying Eetrb- aye | ( ae his NEW STABLE on the lot in the nN ee “ ie ey UEC Pe rene deniatinellnieh Gr areeaW aiiriw ts a es fe wet y alwagelbeound seedy to Yondsomest lat of COOK Se ca eR ee ered te all deamacds anh IN : LD CHURCH STORES. eon Orders delivered to him at bin etable, will meet nik ais ale K re dowel well for cash ae Sa ee Hanne a Cenrnn Charges mocerate A ‘ ster New th Contras ide LOIN SN YD road Japroed TIN WARE and rie Seer tine tele cd 15 is When AW kings Pin. Sheet: Tran or Coppe : , done at Nhortes: netier | ae G WURRO& SOSS AMON \ aie \ ( I I: Salsbury, Jan 10, 1=t0 Waa | yo Z Ww On OF VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. » 26h of July, wn FERRO be sold at Aneton on the residence ‘ WANTED 29.000 feet Sycamore Lumber, WG hoon Direhnian Creek, pos ten ries wil he pad Leer Davie county. dotanes Nertn ot Morkesiie, Known ‘ Ban ds TA ote n of beg pad os the Martino Sand bands are very welus ble om me DAS Ties Wake ard oo Wovenient tenuth. wt poed state cfeuttvaten ead will be sold wrhout CLARK & REEVES rescrve Porsous wancag a good farm weald do well Wiv 230, 1s oe) toattend this sol nea berg an may be had - Viaalaw le Mais dother Lands ean de had with : Wn vy the turmeout denied NOTICE. % GRIFFITH, Agent Mocksville, May Pst. DROO 12w50 of Wilheloy and Gar a SPECIAL ee iehtadetnethr firm Wang tate alan Onn Ul Saiheenman ceramie te: il ) Lope ten ey ee ay HILLSBORO HENOSt ewe Tae have money. We hope thie ne voir venue Wen MILITARY ACADEMY, — cirat THUS Tostiaton is under the conduct of Cor : e i Co TEW. Lite Sapesmtendent of the Stare Milt May, 14, That) PE EUMAS OUTS tars A my at Columbin, S.C. ‘The ataff of in ae fs roccon tor IS60 will comprise ate Officers. For a r . x : ne colin addrese the Sopermtendent WISUB TEI: Re WES A8 Navegh igs pidly 26 JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., ewing Machines. ran Late of the Firm of TH BREM & CO,, Charlotte, N.C) | HE enbercbor having heen appointed Neent for ea WHE r LER § WILSON S SEWING WITH CILINIP Saicnawirennre canticcun) heap ' pinler st Nine ry Vin head Iadapenni@arminbone SHERMAN BROTHERS, He Beonomy ‘Phe Machine con be seen in operation Iwronters AND Joners oF at my Store, No 4d, Grane Bu dine swvers Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, " AND HEAVY GoopDs, ROeP irk Place andelk WurraccSicrets NEw Wore. Mave CORN WANTED. finpdd I WANT to boy on dntie quantity of CORN, far June o. 1869 whieh Powol ney the biosheat morket price I AV he fomnd onthe main baanewe trent af Sahabury Buggies and Rochaiways. ney Lo REARD ERATE en are en ere Te icone ee Rua Spring Wheat. —The highest carb l giee and Rockawaya, which he wil ae! on good terme THOS. E BROWN, May 22, IkGO tfh2 Ten 4 B60. 1795 Si a Ca Ta crecer tema J. J. BRUNER, DITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy, $2,00 Five copies, $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. BAINES, Che flowing Court and miscellaneous BLANKS are kept oo hand for sale, at this office. Can be ent by mailto any part of the country, at sinal expense Com. totake Depo. C &8.C. Apprentice [ndentures Letters festamentary, Lettersof A stration, SpecialLetters do., Marriage Licenses, Do. Certificates, Various Equity Blanks, ludictmente, Land Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Muror Tickets P ssecution Bonds, C Bail Bonds, civil ca Biil Bonds, crim Attachment Writs, Delivery Bonds, Alainistration, ée. Bastarday, os Appeal, 5 vo long other Do Notes to Bunk, forms of loss frequent use. dtoorter om short notice Blanksprin Fun Spotled— General Jo” Surprises Raleigh, and Blasts a Big Speech an the Bud. “General Jo’ —“Old Jo” or Ancient Joseph—has been called by lis ardent admirers “the Marion of the Mexican war.” [Leissail to be preat on surprises, and judging trom a recent exploit, we ghould say that the report speaks truly of him. A great ineeting was held bere the other day to make arrangements to VOL. XVIII. Devoted to Palitics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. From the Charlotte Bulletin. MUSIC. jtending a few days ayo the Commence It is believe, in an article dike jment exercises of Trinity College. jeustomary, ] |this, to speak th compliinentary terms of | Le excellencies of the selool, aud of tie psUpecior talent and capabilities of its fae ulty 5 bat PT deem it unnessary in regard Ito this College, as itis already known to] jhe one of the best in the State for CHSC RF Hing a thorough as well as a polished ed | fucation, IT wish only to eay that never | jhave [attended to Commencement whose Hekets will be so inch augmented that been truly independent, a8 conscientious, this additional expense will be much as courteousas the National Lutelligencer, tore than covered, to say nothing of the It is the model political journal of the pleasure and eclué arising therefrom. STEN AS From the Richinond Dispatch, July 24 DEATH OF JOSEPIL GALES. The telegraph yesterday communicated to the public the sad intelligence of the death of Josern Ganes, the venerable editor of the Vuttonal Intelligencer, the . ’ ” e | « , . give “Gen. Jo” a grand reception on his) exercies pleased all so well and where goj Nestor of the American Press. visitto Releigh, Cantwell was torseveral dave under the toast intense excitement, ashe and *Old Jo” were “teller eoyers” in the Mexican war. The meeting apporuted @ committees to receive lim. This cou mitte hud prepared to leave here on the train of Monday morning tor Kittrell’s Spring, where they were to meet “Old Jo” and escort dum tute the Metropolis of his “native State.” Cantwell was to let tly at him with a thundering speech, and as the landlord On his arrival her gard in tie till, there was to bet. d—d fuss wenerally 2 Everybodys thane about talergh was su much enyrosssed with Te expected fete that He owe Sunday was hardly felt, when tk held, upeu the arrival ot the Weldon, whe should inake tis appearaice butthe veritalle Gen. Jo lise t, twenty four liours belere any boty wanted uN and verv wnucele to the disgrantlesent ot Cantwell and the others who expected to awell on the august occasion, Newer did the old “swap fox pop down upor the rascally Britishers te re suddenly and mnexpecedly than old Jo popped dows Upon dis ardent adiirers in beilens Wereally do mot Know wit 3 hecotte of the receptiow spece! Pie weather is too Wari tor tito keep in its present etic and we the re sng Teor Worthy friend, Cantwell, the propriety at evar @ing lis engime,” and tocning the speect Ike can vastly do it fict lito a valedictury We have heard sone ty es tur valedictoures The editor of the Democratic Press JatesLive Giratle” ews! Dy “Old Jol Lhe editor p the whole programe, andit was to lave appeared in Monday's issue; but, alas! it was lost he fiad te set tu work, and eet it We think "Gen. Jo” Viale apeech which would lave suited jist as weil aiiv Cathe lit liad ‘set and owes Aaber slrould be tidieted | on two Ceubts—one for travell Sunday, and the other 1 \ eutering ite Raleigh Ler gente s ote From the N C Whig Mr. Editor: The folowing in the Western Democrat's plattame of Poa iples as teral forth from tine te tare, by the Bator iu geder to save Ais party aud ret at neadlor Alii There is Win, Lo Yaneey a man whe wants to prec ypilite Che gekton Suates tity a reve UW itoe, Western Democrat an] thus dissulve the Un Mr. Rhett isa @éesunionist--but we suppose he is willing to wo tute the Richmond Coacen tion ifthere 1s ane chance to dissulve the Ea ton. — Western Dewwoeril Such a man thetefore who belongs ty the Chauncey school, need go coe ty read them out ot the party, The tree os kuown by Mr. Douglas stands upon ditfercnt Have never cead tim have found him ty tis its frat: grown at Where only \ whe own acta, poht upon t question of slavery andoin favor ot a Consticg tiunal Union, — Weadern Democrat Wenever all the Southern States are ready and prepared to act together, weoare wathe ther heart and hand.-- Westera Democrat 1 untere camp tollower after the dieu Won Natt Southern heart, tustruct Che Southern mond, wiv And he is with them heart and han} \ lonists cey save du hisscarlet letter the courage to each other and at the proper moment by one organized concerted action. we can precip tate the cotton States inta a Hevolution.”” Yan cey atthe Balimore Coavention saf among the North Carolina Deleganon--Yaneey at Bala more mad the great xperch of the vccasian, bs has taken the dead an urging the Breekrerrdige and Lane sectional ticket al throuwh the South Now, the question arises, Ps the South prepared to follow du any political movement where W, L. Yancey is to head? [think aot Isto ay tate excite and revolutionize the es His object unten Has not the tine ariiyged when the prone ted: ofthe Disanionists should be rebuked and the (vods tn thea employ putin there pre hak places SAM ry DISUNION SIGNS the attention of oa to the fol ‘ which, hike wa mw wi way i ) fire-eaters, are tending Not t Perscese fF © OWL Abe Linealn elected er eel sea Catalans and the proba ee clined “ ( other chan ‘ ' a character as that 2p. thia great Nat WW. ant anew remark vie coln telected, woul ' say we, and we hope tha would submit to sucha we as Tevet t MAy sot f ig the t ' \ ; t things 18. — Camden (SN. €') Journal Sraxn rrow Umper An Alabama paper easgeats the following mode Manigamery of breaking up ths Unmoa ‘Run three Presidential tickets agninet Lyneoln, therehy giving Linealn the heat chance for election After Lincoln in elected some Southern communities fthem, perhaps —will refuse to let a pont reappointed under hia Adminstration, take f the oMier Then the Unied nterpored to nfo the officere will ether he « somebody down the eounmunity wi States wutharn vit ' ree w ree law Then the T they will shee ot down or Theos the peope of l rime up againat the United States Government, and will ined by neighboring with all ite horrible butcher es, envelopes the lind i @ shraud of blood and carnage ' be suet communities, andl evil war inuchatteotion was paid to make all com fertable. Tudeed, we effort: was spared wlich would contribute to the Jey and Happiness of thosedn attendance, tor which the Managers and Marstials deserve cred te Yo the fast day, and a brilliant affair at Was The tables were laid the grove anc were elegantly titted up. Leght and preen always contrast well with each The party came off on the evening too, fy ether, aud the divhtuy upoof the shinb bery with the beautiully dressed ladies tl Hinge th rouel the wicks, aiesteouvert el the crouuds iote thelds Biv sie Mr We €. Wiles, Chit Masur, seis ts ew ventlonnuiun of geod jadstient at EN MsILe Tbete us urrangen sel oo mutigere parheulacy does he deserve a coumpliiient tor cal taste yu cut tester ve oe hest lin inl mn re hi S huiy Bb Land which ined the atdionee dur oe the Whole of the Ene ses With: tuest certhet Pb straits of tris. ti tis 14 at cu vat D shall contine ais cemarks ot hediy It Canv privilece, and duy ? ther ‘ st te The cen Hee Ae k Soctety of (iis county, regs wefhe proviston aud seleetia t Vet rournest Fares feria this matter thes sow tess pu ao seem to atte tas in aniN mrenigtlles 5 an a AML est us ely = v Custer its cA Ss paranicunt t anvil t Four yr dou WIT thos t tratiescends Vide tg CCN Crh clert se Comte In (lis comparison [ exclade the ehict ple isure these annual gatherines, which all class In the vrand socta Tercourse with trom a in friene wequaiutat ces are formed, while old ones sewed, enjoved and ratitied ; Which willbe enbanced and advanced on fucted need es here these distance, which new Islips and lony desired are all speakably, if er the mau nfluence of continual strats of powerful con rehoand diversitied music. which colors the complexion ofevery mind with a hap pyounseltish tinge, and gives an ondefin able charm and completeness, unfelt ar der any otter circumstances, storing: the tremory with an ineffaeeable remnant seence of varied but unalloved telrerty wre ly after lite the nd will clive nd revert te with most lively eme : Woleasnre, and the nmrost obtuse prehension cannot fail te percerwe the truth of this, ner will the tosh netrrow minded ascerie or captions quibbier at Temper toa vacnsay it Bat independent of the veneral recreating and elewating nfluence of good inusie, there is a par Neularelass attending the fair te provide | 18 tiperative duty of the Comasittee. which an Cligher order of miursie fier mean the dadies, nine-tenths of whom ave received a good or faormuatcal ed ! my oand whose enltivated tastes stout te feasted snot diswusted — whore nitsical conceptions slontd expand rather than ¢ as they inust have dene af pty the excerable stuf they treated to eniract, tet ast year ow, Chis can be easily rectified this empl best Band that Now, we all know that the the State which is traly nusical inst tution is that located in Salis- hur, We all heard it more than a year then telt how excellent it and saw how faithfully and indefatigalily each member excited himeelf. to please us Yet they have improved ao mach since then, that none could believe it, Int those who, like myself. have lately listened to them I hope for the credit veur iy ne the can be tad wily one in a tore, ane WHS, of Charlotte, there are none who would he deterred from doing them justice from aletal and contemptible spirit. of ri vi If there are, permit me to say te them, that in this instance, at least, there f acried intoother but gross are ne corona rthese little prejudices which imay be er tatters The excellence of the band is easily ac counted for The tenrbers fortunately secured as their teacher, caterer and di WIL Neaves a usdal musical ability, | ventiennan of an rector goand extensive asa director in the regutar full of ardent enthustasme for the clevation of the art, among the peo t X}ve nience profersstom, ples and who has labored among ther with unabated zeal for three years, ane isstill retained among them. And had we not the evidence of lis talent and saree before us in the excellence of 1, united testimony of all the best ) vy Me bane professional musicians who passed theron here, assures ne of the high estimation in which he was held by the first profession al tusiciane inall the cities of (he Union And the members of the band are, indi vidually, ae noble a set of youny men as can be found anywhere. And will Char- lotte, who justly prides herselfin the pat lie apirit and hberality of her Citizens, be the last to perceive, acknowledge, ans tain and enjoy North Carolina's mnsical excellence? LT hope not Besides, Row an has no County tair, and why shontd not her fine band be made ta redound to the credit of curs in Mecklenburg? Ad- | ded to the above cogent argument, let | The Mattonal Intelligencer was first j world, and all we can ask for it hereafter jo that the mantle of Gales may fall upon [luis successor, Whilst the admirable Seraton lives, we have no fears that it will jdescend trom its high’ pedestal. Let as jlope that the influend@a which yive it its [present tone, will deseend trom Kenera- tun to generation, su.that the presa of America may alwayo.bave in their capi- Hal au example worthy of universal imi- tatiou and respect. | ‘The following is an extract from a let- established in L800, by Samuel [Harrison | South. Mr. Galea, (who was a uative of Shetheld, vland,) and whose family settled in North Carolina, came to Wash Ineton dn L807, at which tine he became counected with the Lated/igencer as Con wt period, he purchased the establishment vressional reporter, a subsequent ot Mr, Sinith, and seme veare atter, lin partuer, Mr. Seaton, who survives him, became associated with Mr Gales. In stature, Mr. Gales was about tive feet none, very stout, with baie whieh in dis poimie Was very black, aud one of) the test brilliant, dun s. speaking dark vdes, fishing and beaming with thought, qnation and benevolence, Tn soeial Htercoturee, le was one of the tost re ned cordial of oe ) . Versation repiete wath tt te ir : Pood setine, wood taaniers ated cen al ty . Or late years bis r ght a suffered preathy thar a neural at tee “ bcomipelted tare \ AM WIA ests > Neusat nie sedterual appenranece and deporti WS lio s nda voy att aboot he Aimerican Poess for the dast tit ) cars. What hind of a paper the Matha lntelligancer tas been, wider the or stpoet len pli Gates, we need © Ntuetriea lie In srHity atid t calin ited do sprtmstorrane Hatter dy Which at diseu t lost exciiing ated sital questions of teat \ wterest, it had not its equalin the world We say this deliberately, and without excepting the Rrgtish press. for there a no paper in London, the Zones included which bore in ite editorial columns saeh pervading marks of the gentleman as the) National Intelligencer [ts pages in be searched trem the begisning te the end, trot. ats Alpha te its Ome, from Is Gebesis teats Revelations, fora songele person alit for aon Beaty petits for one discontteous remath orredl foroone thousht or eo owl af ty editor would to Aid vet, bo well detined enerzehic wer ts en ATT pie wih onthe pects, thiat when the Dritish captured Wars tet They conferred upon the athe ott Va nt! Lntligencer the nigel wool ry Lect fevatte to vandal cos Hen which they viemted upon the Cay wit the same wdothe pobiue buildings, on account of is Cobspicvous and pre eminent advocaey Hethe principles and poliey ot the war adiministration, 7 peer in tore carefully observe the proprieties of this hi 1, ¢ and manly journal Tutelligenerr are almost universally men The proudest and imost chivalric Parliament could net debate, than hitones MEPTOnitin reorders of the of education, of intelligence, and of high Ir tan political and social influence Was once remarked by tenn rctie tek found dead in the road and oe one knew aw were anything about bina, yetata copy of the National datdliqonecr were found in bias pocket, mt would be gedit fucde evi denee that he wasa veathenan, But Joseph Gales was anere than a vreat editor, Tle was one of the tirst statesmen of the land, and lias for many dears shared the counsels and the respect of the lead Tt hve has not been seen pon the rostrum, he tas the heliny a Paluorns, whose steady hand ever guided the ship tders of all parties. Deen always it invasate channel, and whose eye was as bright as the stare, and dost none of its radiance when clonds covered the skies Clay, Webster, Crittenden, the grand old the Whig party, in former days, rarely held a counetl of cousalta ton leaders ot of which Joseph Gales was not a prominent and respected member, Tis sold judgment and almost mfallible wis doi commanded their profoundest: res pect and contidence, or many years has the Mational Intelligencer veon avast armory, trom which Whig chieftains and Congressmen have furnished themselves with tarp ther cause in Conyzress and before the try. existence, that paper has taken a position, rile , facts, and arguments, to sis com If ever, daring its whole which, however unpopular at the time, ie mec lightened puble sentiment of the Amer wae not afterwards sustained en lean people, We confess we do not remem ber it. In benevolence of character, this truly great nan Was as eminont as in lis rare A slonate heart never beat, a tmiore mitellectual qualities. More Compras liberal hand was never opened to the appeals of sotfering humanity. Probably there is nota State in the Union where members of the craft do not relate some character matic anecdote of his lavish generosity Many a poor printer, who has reached Washington in want and anffering, bas had reason to bless lis noble name; and there wore superannated CoMmpositors, No longer able to work, to whom he dispens ed the week's waves on Saturday as rey ularly as if they bad stood every day at the case ! When snch a man dies, hamanity lo jse8 a benefactor, society an ornament, and the Press its most elevated and dig ter |me say that if itis well advertised that nitied representative in Christendom.— | ithe services of the Salisbury band have These are not words of exayyeration, for Thad the pleasure, Mr. Eprror, of at.| heen secured for our Fair, the sale of we know no press in Europe which has Mr. Gales was born on the 13th day of April, 1786, at Echinyton, near Shetield, Enuland, and when but a lad tis trther was, by bis liberal po. pcal principles, literally compelled lo seek a Mr Philadel) tia, young Joseph berg about 7 years Subsequently they removed tok North Carolina, where Mr vd the Raleygh [is home in Aimerca, Gales, semor, landed at Gates, St, establish: pister. Vie decedsrd was tustructed at the University of Kalengh With some knowledge of the pouting busitess, Joseph Gales, din, came te Washington about the year 1807, and com tiebeed service as a reporter for the National Titelligencer, wader Samuch Stith dlarrison About the Hlariisot or theres Wi W s thes Che Peo Mr Nation fier tre alton, it National | succeeded Mi In twos Voor u the d ears was u there by yo 1 baie S tv ode Navoual Intel we Weteun wie detec by tish Mr unerls te Woashinotor sinost unin [Hhis enter a Criles was at one { til aw aear r i FOIE ITC AT NEON TENUOUS eS) the Con alled Milled both August, for the purpose of nominating a The Executive Committee of Um Convention stitutional ” hase ce 4 party to State thect at Ee ‘ te, Greorpia, on Monday, the Presidential Electoral ticket, and for the further purpose of consuting in reference othe teats that may best caleulated to =o tis moverment the Creor t Journal and Messerwer remarks as lows ‘Toe mest cheering news cames in from every portionof toe Uiron revrard tothe terrehet and trigtite oprospects rh and: Reerett. Our friends Georgia are Waking tp in ind the State Convention , hs Milledeestde in Mugust is likely to be ye oof the larvest ever Wited in the State. Leaving our opponents to their tppropriate Cask, Jet us neither turn te the right nor lett, bat give a decided and divnited support to the only national ticket vow betore the people” | A Voleano in Polk County, ( Wiseon PStrange toosayv, the fire lan ol) One of the strangest phenomena Fin nature has recent'y developed itsell near the Elorse Lake, Polk comnuty, Wis Flames of tire came up throu cConsin, localitres, and one do can ondy the earth an peveral man's barn has been burnt he seer inthe day tune, the earth in the evening | } TOHPI CLOGS resemblanee ta pli rsplio if The most remarkable tea i risa. St us I pere gates with salplionr, ture in the case is the taet that all woolen articles tn tieuses located near by take fire, although there ia nothing visible te tynite them. Oar readers wall very like Iv think this a howx, bat ‘ worda of several citizens of Polk county for authority, — CAreago Jnenal, we have the \n Odie i ryhtful recident Ratlroad Accident the Central railroad on Monday evening which re ecenrred on antted in the loss of three lives and a con A tratn Consisting of seventeen cars, drawn tien over the Alum Creek from Columbus, Ohie, siderable destruction of property ten wheeled envine, brid The engine lad passed over the bridwo as far as the eas Wark passing e, tive iniles tern abutment, when the timbers gave way, and the engine ran against the abut ment, and turned up and fell backwoods tovether with two cara, which Janded at the bottom ofthe creek, some twenty-tive or thirty feet. The an ant, and the fireman were carried down | the enuineer, ASSIST with the engine and crushed amid wreck. What ix the Difference? —In the cole brated speech delivered by Judge Doug las last month in the Senate, he said the people of a Territory should be lett free to decide the question of slavery for them selves. Inthe apeech delivered by Mr Breckinridve, in Lexington, Ky., in E856, he said, ‘that the people of each Terr tory, shonld determing the question for thernselvea, without discrimination, on aceonnt of the allowance or prohibition of slavery.”— Raleigh Register. An Trishinan fights before he reasons; a Scotchman reasons before he fights; a Yankee | 7 e ' is not particular—will do either to sub bis cus tomers. ands ot oe = From the Union Gnard TO THE FRIENDS OF THE UNION AND THE CONSTIFUTION OF BELL and EVERETT, The great importance of the Union par- ty is yenerally acknowledged. An earn est sense of its Necessitv has strock deep into the hearts, even of the honest and pa trietic among those who have heretetore acted with the Democratic and Republi- can parties. They begin to feel the same necessity for the preservation of our na: tionality now, that our forefathers in 1787 felt for its creation. They feel that each | Fman and woman throughout our broad confederacy las au interest in its preser vation a thousand tines greater than in the triumph of the corrupt, seltish traders, and the sectional organizations with which | It needs but the proper exertions to rouse this feeling into definite action in every State of the Union, For years the most linportant interests of the nation have been neylected, Its they lave been associated trusts outrayed, its treasury robbed, and its very Union brought tothe verge of vivlent disruption, through the mischiey which, and ous Unnecessary avitations, for purposes solely sedish and partizan, have been kept ap between the two dorm Seo tar evils spread, 80 tnatitest are their ihant parties Indeed have these | the di that were ane thom combined tion mans na nite to despair of t) aye r our best and wisest meu been se Contibuance of uM Croevertuinendt, Unless a new party, Qation alin prioerple, elevated in character, and pure io purpose, ehould rise up with sut forent power to crueh out sectional iy tation, arrest Che rapid tendency to pe tldetmoralizanon, and protect for far ther tagard the meabd the Constitu tion is the ent Mmoverie lis proud destiny of the pres it ly marshaling the great conservauive ar State te i November. dn Dian and Evin, oa wii : elvis puietly, bat sare vor every op the ean stra ele Inisen with such pur poser, both heiows the eta dlestnen ob pro vat the dana its th rowrliy teatier priueiple, avd pure avd elevated i their patriotistn, lave been presented tor the (wo tighest othces in the git of the Atmerican people. There ip in our cause everything te The char ot distrac Hopel the patriotic to action. acter of our Is B pride anly their fidelity to Wat cause. Th tions of the other parties are enough in horminees ie themselves to inspire confidence of suc Assurances come tous from eve Ces. ry side that ik Phopee are with us. It there are vet but few diedications of pop lar eavcitement, oe is but the catia that presages that stormof pubiie iaienation which i the W sweep awa) last Vestives Ista and totstole, which tor veats vave beld the nation in dispracetul vae suee may be placed upon the say ported those who were represents Lan the Vion party National Couvention, bearly Voters, btu serine ering nh Went ot Nhate w mmtili the scores of thousands in every who, disgusted wilt the Course of the vaders of bot the Repubhean and Dem ecrane parties have for the last six years Tot be recruits thre to vote refused even eG omiay added barse tratsses of tron Two parbes just ved, who, in the rostitul on ron, WEP otpport thre But vic al Unron nominees tones bot wer Withouta stray ‘5 us {without exertion, WI wre Pesills achieved Ww We TIVO GE VGr UT eo MIComir are Ws ta ACTION, We lave tho riclit to eXpect sue Cees Without at Our action should tot only be zealous, but Chorousgh and sys ermatic To batile successtuily, we tist WAVE AT ORGANIZATION, 50 Complete, it pos sible, as tovachude every individual trend ofthe Union, and of Benn and Eviners ineach election district of every State Our trends should also adopta well ma tured systean by which the caretully ar really valuaole docuwents, WOW preparin : publication by the Executive Comunttee at Washington, w/f be placed in the Vvolur, ranged, powertally written, and for every The Republican party, powerful in numbers, completely onnmized and buoyed by lepe, tas tur nished its Executive Cormuntttee, in Wiash Inoton, with ample funds for t bution of the docthnents of there party he distri vy the tition. The Democratic party, too, has an ariny of othee holds of whom they tray t rs ane ats ate \ deco winch they are { ther wariy oltstde specu NV Utiiisndte } tions, by meats ing the conntry with such documents 1S ; thauk will sustain their Phere is every Hecessity that these efforts of « they cause, ut opponents should be counteragted Lhe Executive Committee of our ports have none of the sources of aid enzo ed by the other parties to rely upon “Thes mast depend entirely upon the volantary the case coutributious of the friends of ft will be apparent to all that they wall need material aid an ono small amount: but many a titte makesa mickle” and Wo those of our friends, who are unable te contrbate in large soma, will make op contributions to pay of documents, they will greatly promote for the poblreation the auceess of the canse. Doctments will be supplied ata cost of sixty-two and a half cents per hundred for eyht page pamphlets, and one dollar and twenty two and a half cents per hundred tor six teen page pamphleta, which will be for “ arded free of post ige to the full amount of money sent The larger the contriba {tions sent, the inore will the committee be enabled to flood the conntry with val nable campaiyn documents We hope our friends, in every election precinct, will pay attention to these sug- troops beheld this ghastly exhibition, first ‘incidents in the history of our country. jcanvass ¢ Sos — yestions and take pains to procure con tributions for documents and subscrip tions to © The Union Guard,” to keep the Union ball in motion, and ring upon our Union Bell the death knell of sectional: isin North and South. > BRADDOCK’S FIELD. The subjoined touching reminiscence of Braddock’s Field—so famous in our | early history —we extract from one of a series of able letters addressed tothe Pitts burgh “Presbyterian,” by # highly intel- ligent travelling correspomdent, descrip tive of interesting scenes and important Cannonspurca, (Pa.) June 20, 1860. Messrs Editors: My pen was arrested in my last letter at “Braddock’s Field.” Before leaving that beautiful and classic spot, It may prove vot uninteresting to your readers to record a reminiscence of the olden time connected with that fatal | tield One of the regiments Composing | Braddock’s army was comtoanded by Colonel Sir Peter Halket, and both he and his sen, Lieutenant Halket, fell in that bloody tray on the 9th of July, 1735. More than three veurs atter (1755) Fort Digquesne was taken by a Britannico- Atmerican ariny, under Major Geueral k Tie dead of Braddock's tield had never been bared, and shortly atter met bes the capture of the French t now Pitts murghy it was determined te sead ont oa detachment te collect and bury euch of remains of Che siain as might yet be md. Captain West, (the cider brother f Benjamin West, the preat painter, with bis company of American “sharp ters,” Was detalied as a guard of this toneral expedition, Major Sir Peter Hal Loritieh 420, son of the So Peter, determined to vccompany the Ret oof the shai expedition, in the hope of being able to recognise the bones of his) father and mother. A distinenished Indian warrior, Viowon Braddock’s tleid had fought with he French, but whe now, with bis tribe, Was at peace with the Enylish, said that s] seul & nel sl e liad me van Eoglisl Sir Peter, shot down tthe root ota remarkable tree, near to other, atewerluy moot e descriptis the spot where he (the Indian) was sta tioned in the tht, and that he had seen a young officer run to the aid of the older ove, and fall across lis body mortaily wounded. Sir Peter, the young, was im pressed with the conviction that) these must be his tather and brother, and said | we could identify the former by an arti ficial tooth, ifthe remains could be found Tie march is commenced—the proces: | Sen tnoves upon their mournful errand | with tialitary precision and funeral solem tv. The sombre sons ot the forest, look He Upon the unusial paseant a8 of a re ie ir 4 ewithadignified 1 ] wien that proves that even characte Fr, precer ‘ty of 1 breast beas’ responsive to the Phe now clothed in russet he, ( bor ie savage forests, Glest svinpathies deep foritis Nove very are traversed; the bleached skele- vis, found here and there by the way, tell of other deaths those pon tic battle field. ‘Poe faral plain is reached dusky wariior strikes out throu Nie we forest te seck the peculiar looking tree beneath which the aed hers and the veany had fallen 3 dis shout soon gives ntimmation that he bas been successful; the soldiers are formed in hollow: square arownd the spot indicated; the otticers aud Indian guides inside; the grass and the r 5 brashwood are torn away > bones ol the, the young man found ly across oller; the Jawbone of the under skeletor > tound, examined by Major Halket, ane tothe bursting ery, *htis my father? fonts back into the arins of iis brother officers “W he Sach were some of the episodes in the stirring events of our border wars; and,’ toy mind, a finer theme for the artist pencil has seldom been presented than! that scene on the banks of the Mononga: | hela a hondred years ago. Why has net] some gifted pencil flung wapon Immortal | The deep forest shades, the| river in the distance, the hardy rangers with their hunting shirts and rifles, the dusky Indian warriors gronped aroand, | the gorgeous vuitorm of the British offi cers, the momentofthethrilling discovery, the brave soldier fainting under the agony all would speak from the I oft canvass, and Jend a chart to history, MeMOPy & need scarcely add that the remaing were buried with mel tary honors ld to Pittsboreh, a distance of seven miles, we hthe tor As we pass from Braddock’s fic traverse some deep ravines wii rents of ages have worn in the lotry alin vial lads by which the city is envirgned Many of which Towa As Gen of these have thei Hi tarrare. story, only one the brave but rong oid Seotsiman, 1 Fort I) Wyhesne, in POS, the vallant bat unfor tunate Col, Grant, with part of the Tigh rbes, was advancing upon landers and some provincial troops, the maim body and advanced upon the fort oon the ddth of September, Being attacked and outflanked by a superior force of in@t was sadly cut to pieces, and many ‘nel and Indians, his detaueh slaughtered upon and near the eminens wiieh ia still called “Grant's Phd,” \ how covered by the city. When, some weeks af erwards, the main army reached the ravine thronga which they approached the fort, the provincial troops being in advance, found ranged on either side of the road pealed sticks driven into the yround, and npon each waa tastened the Aead and the kilt of a Wiyllander. This was ineantin savage derision of the Scotch battalions, whom the Indians atyled “pet teont warriors.” When the Highland a low marmnr, and then a fierce and ter- rible yell ran along the column; muskets were thrown away, and, as by one wild impulee, every broadeword flashed from the scabbard, and with an impetuous rush they pressed onward to Woak vengeance upon the insulting foe. But it was too late; as they neared the smoking ruins of the fort the last batteaux and canoes were seen pushing trom the shore, bearing down the Ohio the shattered remnants both of French and Indian power—never more to be restored in the valley of La Belle Riviere, How changed the scene npon “Grant’s Hill” now! Where once the gallant flighlander and the brave frontierman inetin fierce fight beneath the forest shades the wily Gaul and his tawny savage al- lies, now a densely-built city rears ite towers and stretches its long ranges of streets. On the very hill where the fa- |tal fray was fought stand the halls of jue- tice for Allegheny county, the Western University, many stately Protestant churches and handsome residences. Of “Fort Duquesne” and its successor, “Fort Pitt,” I cannot now speak, The remains of the latter, including ite magazine of solid masonry, I saw in my boyhood, but the hand of improvement has nearly ob- literated a!! traces of the fortification. Hastily procuring a private conveyance, i(for the railroad to this place, thongh be- yun, has never been comp my anxious way over the hills of Alleghe- ny and Washington counties. Did you ever travel over the peninoula formed by the Monongahela and the Ohiof If you did, you are ready to admit that it is one of the most picturesque of fertile countries. Hills, hills, hills—hollows, hollows, hol- lows—up one, down another, all the time. Hills thrown together without any sort of system, rolling and tossing like the ocean when conflicting winds dispute which way its waves shall be driven; but these lills are fertile and tilled to the very tops, and ag one stands upon one of the lofty eminences, (vver which we are compelled to drive, for theré is no getting round them.) and casts the eye abroad, he be- holds tar and wide a sea of luxuriant ver- dure tossed into every variety of billowy landscape. Sometimes the hills are forest- crested, sometimes waving with the luxu- tiant grain now tinging for the harvest; whilst the slopes and emerald ineadows dotted with homesteads, orchards, 1s of cattle, and flocks of sheep. Lo he fatter you know this region abounds, avd perhaps no part of our wide-spread is recalls more impressively ideas of Horna As you gaze over this in- teresting region, and its flocks and herds, tas one in appreciating that magnifi- cont Scripture conception, “the cattle up- leted,) 1 urged are ict lal a vousand bills.” on atl wht miles from Pittsburgh, on the Wheeling road, we came to the estate of Gen, Jolin Neville, a gallant soldier, of the Revolution, and who bore a part, a8 nt and loyal supporter of the U. S. Government, in the exciting scenes of Whiskey Insurrection.” That large inthe English style, which stands embowered in shrubbery and shade, to the right of the read as you go west, and on the elevated bank of the Charters, was once his home. It oeeu- pies the site with the one that was burnt hy the insurgents on the Lith of July, 1704. On that occasion Major Kirkpat- tick, with eleven United States soldiers, occupied the house, and the anti exeise- men, numbering some hundreds, assailed it. Major Macfarlane, one of the insur- rents, Was slain. NESHANOUK. ele ee thie | OW Co — From@the Charlotte Bulletin DOMMITTAL. annexed letter fiom the Hon. Thomas L. NN Tne Chnuman to the Elitorof the Raleigh Standard rom ow V journal we take it, is decidedly nun- minittal, on the Presidential question. Where does Mr. Chugman stand? Who can tell? AstevILvE, July 22, 1860. Dear Sirs Tam much gratitied to see the po- stiop you have taken in the Standard of the vt. TL have myself uniformly advised our yoliteal fiends witout regard to their individ- | a tal preferences, to sustain the Democratic elee- toral t aiready io the field. Any other vuree, by dividing ourstrength, might defeat the atbeart. No voe acquainted with our electors can doubt that elected they will do whatever intelligence and patriotisia may indicate as best calculated to ad- erest of the Democratic party, and promote the welfare of the country. n object which every Democrat ha Vance the From all Phave seen since T came ont into the State, we suail have a decisive victory in Aus Junity of acthon will ensure the same tN ra-areat Liberty to publish this note, should doubt as to my opinions in your section of the State Very truly yours, &e., a CuINGM AN: Wa W. Horpes, Esq, rst, at 1 vember, be any JEST See, A Bell and Everett ratfication meeting was held at Jeffersonville Indiana, on the 19th inst, after The following resolutions were adopte which a Union Clab was formed. Resolved, That behold in John Bell of Tennessee, and Edward Everett, of Massachu- and y quali- we setts, patriots Statesmen, eminer tied to discharge the duties appertaining to the ottices of President and View President of the United Srates, we he \pprove ol That unanimously ratify and mination by the National Un- ved, then mn of these distinguished citizens to t offices within the gilt of the Ameri- cA peo} een cle s, whether of the North or the South, and will That we repudiate all sectional par- the P @onest support to the tried statesmen, John Bell and Rkdward Everett, on the platform fo othe Constirution of the Country, the Union f the Scates and the enforcement of the Laws.” C nvus of Pennsylvania Towns.—Ape faras heard from the census reports of lovhnyg Pennsylvania towns stand thng: Lancaster, 20,000; Harrisbarg, 14,862; Sa 12,000 ; York, 10,000 ; Easton, Allentown, S047 ; Witkesbarre, ittaburgh, Reading, Erie, Wil- Pottsville, and) Norristown bave not yet been heard from. The pop- ulation of Wilkesharre borongh is 4,200 ; Oe anite 10.000, TUSO 5 | latnsport, the township, making together T.H89 “CONDITIONS? The idea of the Standard’s prescribing “conditions” for its support of Breckin ridge and Lane, is farcical in the extreme when we reflect that it is a helpless : tive to the bow and 6 Willams, Venable & cap pear of Cantwell, Co.—Ral Ragister, eS " Speech of Benj. M. Hill, Deurvergp at Macex, Jung 30, 1860. Mr. President and Friends: The cily papers have announced that I would speak to this meet- ing today. The aunouncement was without my knowledge or cousent. I refer to this for the purpose of sdying that my appearance now cient, how soon may the perversences of the lu- declaring his object to assert the duty of shall not be regarded as a precedent requiring Man will, the ingenuity of aspiring demavogues, Government ty protect slavery. Me to respond to similar calls iu the future. | aM bo politician to fill bills to order, but if I were I should draw my own bills. Do uot sup pose I speak thus, because Tam not settled in My convictious as to what we ought to do in this canvass, for on that point T have no hesita tion or doubt; nor yet because | would not re Cc: respectfully the wishes of my friends. — bithersoever the changes uf the fuiure i ay drift us, the affection | feel or every true Amer- jean, with whom I have strugeled so those truths which make up pa of my beart, and thy two must live and die to gether. But my health, though almost cutirely re stored, is such that I] must be allowed to direct my own actions during this canvass. The very distioguished gentleman (Gos, Jobo son) who addressed you last night, said Aes iis sion was to speak to the Democracy —lis own divided brotherhood. Mine is very dlitters nt. shall speak to the people. P Americans—countryinen all, my w ing is to you! = Tints land of the free is full of corruption, strife and distraction. party, has done ituli! long for ord of waru Party, party, Oh, that the God of the patriot would cast out from our people these rhe and the daly of Congress to probibitelave that speech befor be votes aginst: Me seven devils of pigh ruined us! It] sball utter a word on this occasion which shall appear to be harsi, | assure vou I do not totend such a meaning. such feeling. _ Let us determine first what great principle is involved in this canv; port, and sevoudly, party, which have already well for whom, as aod promote that principle, ed on, the first time in its history, vernmenut over the subject of slavery } question has often been voted on in in State Legislatures, and by factions, but cow’ the whole nation inust vote upon it directly at the bollot box. Whatever may be our opinions as to the wisdom, or necessity, or good or ey) to result from such an issue, still politicrans and events have thrust it Upon us, and we must ve cide it, as far as the ballot bor can deeite 1! Then, iu my opinion, as the issue is made, the people ought, as National men and patriots, by this election to declare that the Bederal Go vernment “ has no power over the sul ot slavery except the power, coupled with th: duty of guarding and protecting the owner iu bis rights.” We ought so to declare, first, because it is daw. The supreme judicial tribunal ot tion has, in language, sodectared. If we du not Maintain it, we shall simply subject the stability of the law to the whims of the multitu fe, and are in anarchy, We ought so to declare iu the second place, because itis nuht. Protectivo to tie person and properiv of ile citizen isthe first duty of every Government and itis the whole and sule power and duty ot the Government of the United States. fi made for this ouly, and it cau do nothing Every act of every department of the Ment can have no uther scope Purpose or int the ua Was else Grovern pretation. Government ¢ reate nothing, destroy nothing, unless ereativn or destructiot ip a given specified ins'an cure general protection, Whether it declare war or make peace, whither it build a navy or levy an impost—whatsoever it does imust be dove tor thisenu. Tie wisdom of eve ry speech, the redress of every wiony, the duty of every me HeCUSsalV LO se office, the legitimacy of every action, must de) Republican party imust waufuily, and if there is man who eoudemnos Me Bell for this vote pend ton aod be mneasurrd by its fitness ‘ty, to pass @ vew aud more efficient Jaw, as it was to pass the original act. What would now have been our condition had our fathers agreed to be satisfied forever with the law of 1793, and released Congress frum its duty of further pro tection | So, though the legal remedies are vow sutli the invasions of a mad anti-slavery, world wide sentiment, aod the positive inlervention of un friendly Territorial Legislatures and people, ren der preseat remedios utterly nagatory £ We Hust sist that gevecoment, every departroc tt WS appropriate sphere, shall keep our rene efficient fue all time and agaist all enenies wherever the authority tends, of that yoverument ex J have given reascus enough to show the cor rectuess of the great leading thought to bea this canvass, The next jnquiry ds, for whom we stall vore slavery to the country, or as coutributing ty its llbto worship the Koaisas bil inorder most effect! of this: principle / to secure Ute trruinph Pu secure thin triuimpli an mnake it effectual, we must have # constant aid bonest eve to two things First. We must endorse the principle by ou vole, We Secondly. ouglit su to endorse it, as o gument has never been made in defense of sta Democrats, Whigs, restore peace to the eouctry, quiet the aviation, very, a — = - aaa nn : : = shall be construed so as to prevent said ‘Tcrrito- the name, belong to Mr. Douglas. It is folly to nial Legislature from passing such laws as may deny it. People ean't be wade to say anything, be necessary for the protection of the rights of situply because you want them to say it Be- | property of every kind, which may have been sides, if Democracy bas become so corrupt, and or may be hereafter, conformadly to the Conaty bas deceived the eountry as you say, why should tution and laws of the United States, Me Das You wish to apprgpriate its name with such a vis also prefaced this proviso with some remarks, prestige f More than all, of that party has iin the posed on the eountry a “cheat, has borne no fruit but strife, and blood, and decep- On this proviso Mr. Bell voted yes, (hue an lo, bow can yow expect us to be counted in ite serting, under oath, the duty of protection when membership ¢ necessary in the very languaye of the plutform My countrymen, T appeal from these leaders which For Mr, Davie’ proviso, see Congrensional (2 you! How luag will you sufler politicuns Globe, vole 21, part 2, page L074. Kor all the to flatter you as sovercigus and ase you as vic es YOlex, se@ same book, page P14. Therefore ty “ves, without awakiog vour resentment! Low an actyal demonstration, Mr. Bell is certaaly as flen shall they getle and unsettle the slavery sound as the Breckinridge platform question before vou discover the only meaning My text proposition is, that Mr. Bellis sown der than this plattorm. Now to the proof, This platform, of course, says nothing about Mg detagoyves shuffle you asthe gaublershute | they have ds ty exeite your prejudices «od wet your votes! Fur how many vears shall chang patriotism, is pact Seted oo as the true sulutiun of the question in slavery as a pohucal, moral, or social wood) or flee his cards—to win a stake—and sull) tind nf You were > with the bhiad butearnest devotion of a Mecca pilgrias youd of July, 1950, in his Rieel and kiss! ech in Uelyhbor because he would not) worship with raat evil) vor does that plattorm assert aay good in You willing to be ahuthed a prosperity, Buton the 6th day | place in the Senate, Mr wlaich, after asserting the right fo protection \ You were told to abuse your Bell made as Tn ali the billingsvate of the demayoune’s vocabultry you did ait Now behold (— They A better ar “he told you to worship, tell you the ding you worshipped 1s a eheat, a swindle, «a hambus, ves videception to the South !” meconstittunal, abd “ang aes tionable,” he proceeds oO give his views ou slavery itself Hye proves it night by the laws of nature 4 Phe wighbor you and hus preserve the stability gf the Govern and of God, and a pobtexl moral, social aud abused tas proven a wie man and a trae anu tinent, It is needless to say we cannot support M Lincoln, But why? Because be says itis the religious good. ” Will you bend avain the supple knee, atl Lhey every man in the South sand party—st shout aloud with the mible topgue, whea tiese Will yout atid ryetaway from demagow fowu with w pure and honest heart, and read Satie priests shall order yout Bell, or So sven ¢ . z ony 1 t ne "i i tends. } eli eoa ty ju the Territurie. This is a clan of power stultities himself by ealliog him wnsonnd P have spoken to you, friends, in kindness, | . ' ne tks t a» | other thau to protect, and, therefore, one which Nothoog like itean be found in all the hte ot lave speken the truth. we deny; and because, also, bis eleetion willnot Jolin Co Breckinis restore peace, batSincrease distraction, and ev propriety, the righ? or the wrong, of the fact. If the experiments forced, the fact will turn out ogether. If our Northern friends wish to in jpert the Union, they can vote for Mr. Lincoln elguing editors and demag Jo my opinion, the whole nation is now call. If the four thousand millions of Property debated of this question, P see much in Mr 1) uylas to adaure, On other questions, andl on many oe casions he has been a bold, able, and feasless de fender of our rights, He certainly tights the ainan North of Masou aud Diaun’s line, whom I certainly bave no | danger the gue®rnment. Jtis idle to debate the and sognder than Mr. Breckinridge and bis piat ass, which we ought to sup-|'0 be, in my hamble judgment, that this Gov. terms without taking up your time to patriots, we eroment and Black Republeanism cannot dice much, that there is uothing in all Mr. Belts re should vote, in order most effectually to secure | y wisb to insure the continuance of the elves with garbliug talselioods, and mean to decide at| first, they tnust make certain the defeat of the, versions tu the contrary, Unis is” true the ballot box, what power bas the General Go. | latter. This) Atno penod of the world’sInstury have lives notin all the South a purer, s Ido not know that | May you do your duty, save shall speak ayain, Thus Mr. Bell is sownder than the platform, Your country and stand approved at last, oe. form together. From the Charleston Mercury Now, tellow-citizens, I will sav bere in general Mi. Entroks = To see it proposed in your pat read so peroof the P7th that. in case of Lincoln's ele Gon, all the Scurbert: States should reeall ther vord ibeousistent with this, Leare not low ie F mewbers fram Congress atl proceed tarthwit series discrace: ther Re to organize a Southern Confederaes. Now. with wer He Vilulist ences allow ty to ask wlledier ucliadt unel: aud there of action would not say the least. 2 savor stronuly of retreat, te tember, theeeity of Wastin under, bet ler statesman for the South and the Coion than Congress) Whether it ought to submit tu the rule ofan ene John Bell hae ae ae ie age ee A ' \ my. The South may furnish the tirst ex anple, But you will say how is it that Mr. Bell with vit o on ; a a ur me i rt ‘ , & “but wese men will not precipitate Che hazard such a record has been declared to unseuied eat rs S ce i i t We cannot support Mr. Douglas. ‘True, he sooften at the South, The grounds of this ™! . \ ‘ « a eh a . . Seria says Congress shall not prohibit slavery i ‘ has been (Wo — lis votes canst the Kan see c ' ae i ee shi he says the Verntorial Legislature, & provesonad sas bill and tt Lecompton Constiianon : and el ee , i Waly . Hela arm of the Federal Goverument, may prohibit abo the general fret that everybody nota Den ‘ 4 “e - ; ra a Il a % F slavery in two ways—by nun action cael ane erat is balatually denounced as nnsoutd by the ee ete eae Moc liy tnendly tesistation. Lf have explarerd bos tn sis Chat party. Po PRS6 they barnt Nes oe | [ere NC iie ee action Cheory and the premise on whol itis me in sanity of the Repubbeans, at ny, Of i Wee ' based. 1 deny the correctness both of the poe bet ung Gov, Joloson for the same | Tatu tise and the conciusion, Untniend|y hetinial Meson a sUypipone Poo the Governor To send ee “o “4 Is wot oniy to deny the duty of protection, and 2 ng. wil [RUNS Ue Sex TS Aer tivte ‘ the Might to refuse such addiqunal renmales as be tay staid as Hilly vindienteil ae ate to ds Werte tlie ate Satis ane > Gine and circumstances may show to be nec Bat why shoud our Bocchouradge thi oe sary, but inay also interfere with and renderiua condemn Mi Bell for voting aantet die Kansas! ; gatory existing remedies. He cla hy power {He did honestly believe td Nem any i: under the Kansas bill, Tt is claimed thatthe that chat bal wound be evil and only evil to the 8G 1d a ee Sead has agreed to the noniutersvention aud Southoand dhe Vicon. Do von aot all adnat Uiete a eat deital of protection claves and deetrines ay (1 When ivou xecadal ar Cha: Gxtaty, yd) qty OY SECEE the abos ESA ET nS 4 Ci contained in that bill Here, any brothers of on fecord the matsous for Chat sreessien Aine ees ele est sa IMeS Tic sunita Liat tee Uy the Constitutional Detnoeracy, is the tight mitycoter your reasons LF tind many dD ee eh asa Lt you to ma Teas not for mie, AL the workl thets applied tothe Kansas bill and the Chien Heh sions Kwa. voeieveraereed| to lin, Nu ulate 1. ut plies: aul as Tehean® swindle” wha a wi ree aie tiaie the sweet recuilectious, which struggles for tush bo VV deeert Upon the South” Ona this a fi pegs de always fix in the mind, we wens te parties tut Hen why condemn Mr. ped? The , Wav shod dot the atfirs of the Gaver ' (hat agreeiient, nor partners iy its sporis dith rence Lean see berween vou and Mio B rae Cy cae ca mete a) We cannot, theretore, support Me. Phoustas on thas porntis, thar at reqnired sy veare of bas docuurse some a Fe TS fCrey: The difference between usis one of prin yf fe en pieniee atl Tes! Warninus te bevel Stes eloul nae Vesisratiod 2 We ley tase a Itis radival, fundamental, and [ far uncurauie you what Me. Bell saw treat ths eseynnins Let UD ane eS : ~ceertatuly so, unless Ae shall change, As dat Then, asta the Leeompton ossue, Mr Beil Meteb of Tre Ror tae ated Lane owe at tethers tend this day to speak candidly, and do full jus: did not vote against this bill because it eont cern SLATE oan ae ee eT ice to even au anemy, L will add that outside ed slavery! fle honestly beh NeTISTIS Waseeqacay vet ate a tN sity cnet he teenie ttt dulent. Whether so or not he beheved su, and (6 the Southern De noeraes. such = so beheving, was it onot his duty to vote acainsp COM ver tLe seheiies and waive uttena (es MS eouelit nut to require Fornaio tnents, Which Chose pats nen wou rupt even te srauty his own feels ..: An apparently unsophiatioated yout or, mpeaches Ars oun reliah lity, doubtless with went into one of our refectories, a few and its directness towards the one great goal above all others, T could: wish to be, not alsvost intet ee However We omecht dither woth days since, and asked for something to the protection of the person and pruperty of the but altoge her such as we are, that man is Ste Mr. Bellas to the fact of frau Vet the vote , \ 7 entizen. Human goveroment bias no uther claim phen A. Douglas. But on tl s question [bare iseit proves nothing. eveept hat Meo Ball way appease his hunger he Reopen wave even to existence, and that form of government | alsays differed with Tam widely, and must Gou hows’, ves, honest enench te do neht Aavust ix Very eoud Ubaver, after whiel: the must be the most perfect, which oiust perfectly ite tod fler, But Lido him the tarther los own proodiees, Dadi bur few poroeians vonth said: secures this object. Justee toy TD never wertuck hun wileterstand how this as possi T know “IY van wer came ms mun was ont But I do not demand a wlore cole, Southern Meu wecruned him by de nyiug Poo uveater wirthe, Wor ote more deeded at " ' oe! i Te ye, ‘ , ll . ert care at wontdo; your dinner isa quar men who demand it, 1 think, reason badly Res eC CRelOF in (ens ESCM ee . They leap over truths, and jump to aconelu | ’o «flr r denials, wid tue tr Mr. Heanimond, of son Covoiina, said this “€! ol rh es sion, which render even the right questionable atiiest The masses of the Southern Democ: Lecomptou till ought te Lew Aecked ont 2 , as Ne THAT tye ; S04 The demand for a seperate specific slave code, tacy have teen deceived, ated tor that doreptien Wha uot call bin ieeund 0? Heisa Dems C8er Cours tee Allen A ee . I : or Prenat ' j admits that the tenure to slave property is Pr ry curse Me. Doulas, | Ups ST pce Laggan yad a ae - evliar—different fiom that by winch other pro- ot these atu deeetwed then rather tian on Mr | woanather reason st v favorine th POA saith (ne here per “Vou are very perty is held, and therefore needs ad ferent Voute ttl Mr. Bell which we cannot « fer € quality of legislation. The great original ground Pie dssce is thus narrowed down to Mr Toy seth Mr. Beilis a fenal ian, and Why. ves. Dam veo chaps so of this demand is taken from the idea that atd Mr. bree kinnidge, W A periect w ‘ wal nattons eo pranie = But Saetiar cae anntien wakes me « slavery is the crealure of, and soleiy dependant Hess ot tay part to support e cleetion of whieh: tow happens hat he ass atid Veta na thy " Won tit wentnor, to Mog th upow municipal law. It is Qpon this doctrine {thee two would Petfectuaily secure fear’ 2 Live explanation is ras M Mt aN eran “pn ileng” that non-uctton is said to be etfectual to exclude the pone DOGO EIA LEU Abd Menthe: preatce Ua GM rio tintin COTSIietitiad eels! ate ay ‘ cee slavery from the Territories. Some persons say the country, | tave examined this question, amd sya hats Puey were tiy Telomere tite if there be no lar dirertly to authorize slavery, live arrived at a Gunelasion to whit, | think, power of Grovernment to lescncy lies \osnilor omce went to a na chonaker it cannot exist: the slave without law is free, “up eticed imvestigat wil brig every be has oppose) agitalion as anneeessiy and an thd presenting asmodl French watch te Therefore, if the Legislature will provide fo law Southern man. To no event will Pimake volun wes Fooish autiation always stirs Upoaedon tam, denuatded te Kaew haw gels the —do nothing—non-act, slavery excluded. Jf tary waron Mr. Breckiendse, but boam tu ¥ Sites positive aggression, When istics anid votes tepar of at wold eure t The wate we admit the premises. the conciusion isirresist Col vinced that the best poiioy and the safest pre toae been toreed by the the “Mie The taken, alter examin oe if wail, Ole will ible, This is the foundation argument of all ab (otic. require us to support Mr, Bell, Lowill his voted ragit, but he has dense sod (iene toe iran. Srepminiig than its or olitionists. | cannot admit it, because | do not plocredl to give inv reasons, and bee you, fellow the evil to the country of gratuitous au tut an Teter believe it correct. Slavery is the creature of (UZeuS, lo ieave party aud prejudice belnud [hall our pubic men bad tiken etn ent ait onl mt that” sail the tar if Divine law. He who originally gave man do. While you tsten to we, Mmadel, the rights of the Sonth and tie p Vie Ryd Vasa aces acta) ls e the rheeitass ” 1 j tt 2 . latforr t . oo on Ito d . ' ! ! FF ~ Minion over the beast of the field, and the tish Tadnit bere, that the new platform on which ity of { THA be pity ‘ st for T have a veneration for the of the sea, and the fuwl of the air, afterwards 1. Breckonrdye stands, is, on thos subject, ble wid anqeuests / aa made Japhet the master of Canaan and decreed 904. Us record as not sound Phiy Gov, Pie edeet ou at Mi. Bell will ctve an | : “What misrht wou lave given for it? ; : eh ’ i : ' We on have gi roi Canaan to servitude forever, ‘Tbe first deeree Jubison proved last Night and could tave proved ples a Peacetar quiet Crimmnph, and dosh sd - ee a ‘ : : ey i : Ee ee yosatel the watebenabai is older in date, but vot higher in authory than bel more conclusively than tie did. 1 PETES UN Titel oo Nea Diao OW a | if tire] av f the Jast, and it is not for me to question the Massel Mr Brechimmdge wet on the rattorm dacahe will mercase (he strofe, and tend to bu Wee ney : ie : : aa : fi wisdom of either. He knows best, and there abd Crus recants bis errors, | owill admit) bie as typ the Repuboean party, BS US Gee eet can be no wisdem or right which dues vot sub seated as the platform. No oissue with me here. woinwon the grout where toe Brook t Pelee iat Ca [will give yeu two, mit to Hie will. Mr. Bells p attorin does not detine this ques fiterids wow stand. and chain so mech credit t oe The slave, then, is property. The (tle is not Gun. Tis piattorm is the Constitudion, the Une standm, doin Bell bas been stand Wt fur years SNotuan Pama or lerel Tete made by Auman law. [ff bad oniy hiinan ton and the Laws. To know bow be interprets Yes, he and we were standing there win vou tly Ware atrurk by tahtync ow law for my title or right to my buman slave, | the Constitution, and what laws he willenturce, were exerted, mad, eared Ra Ce a a Teer anne UtncEne ee ; ' a ; less Onatiancot Mie Solent! ani cs ew, as would loose bim before the sun went down — We must go to tis record. ff his record tails, tdoration of tt r heat anil wited ee ee PoeBiid @iak Fan aioe «at Slave property differs from other property, wot them be and tis plattorm 1 oust Tt bis res vou now term the Kansas bills and vou abused tearing hur axpion ites slurvals, passing thst) in the right, but in its use, He who made the cord is sound, it gives meaning to dis plattorm us. called as toutors, and allies of abe her dees ant aiden clothes, meting oof diet ner ‘ t eCOre ” elets o fre ait ss thee etneate te s servant, prescribed rules and injunctions for bis avd strength to lim. To this record, he reters You str ve hin from his seat in Mi Sena ay ps. toher han, Chenier down her de, tevin humane treatment, and for this the maater wil} Us in tis Jeter of acceptance, aud tu the record very tilelity. You drove the ydlantand not her stockon con one side an places from one hall be responsible, and surely for its abuse he will be. let us go. Crittenden from uo Beat for the same peasorn Teme Weare nit lgcneaclel tle het. w line pueisiied. I deman:! of government that which My Hirst propomtion, and which I shall ectal, au Tel paced Mr. Breckonridie in his ee terete (elated: Minit portion of her hos we harr—a property code for protection of ail Mish without a doubt, ae that John Dbl as as dy Ue Pour vindeation, must we alan oy vat de ahs, Tosti te ecrae property, and therefore of slaves, sound aa the platform on which Me. Dreckinsidae don Mr Beil £ Honor and ce hiuh sense of Ee noe cane Bat ain, I will ma now demand of Con 18 butenated tee should foree you to him. Nothing batin ti \ a : ow demand of C» : 4 : amr grem Be micod etlecaneeit ie: [amet nes Fis plattorm contains three distinct propost gratitude and the loss of selt Tespeet can drive a slave code, because the san they no : ‘ : : (ous: = fis (inn Wehave luaried low todoarive oe Ge ee thee Banke ie Pen aa erate a wer to abolish enonies hat we have never learned how to 9, EME Mereow Soenntio observers at Vals, : i at Cougress has no po o abolish «1 rssh 8 ep otever learned how te : for our protection. If the government i bonest “a L . ! : wi | moat Troy Universities, variously comnte slave nthe ‘Lerntones aby elou tre ands : : ly administered, the citizen has amyle iD ter ne M1 mae } 7 6 ‘ Tinenk rhtoof theme teor abowe Che earth at fron ander th if ‘ell Zo that the Terntornal Legislature has no Avetin, Mi. Bell was in the tilt first I < ; | nder the remedies nuw provide: oa for ' K a Hed w i Hy to enebty miles Tte speed. relative te the i STG tIEp iC act conve Was oulle MV Wortee etal ee th . Mer occasion, [ explatoed thie. It as sufficient Ei il Pe eelnt ae a hi a me y, euthos computed to have “no from five to at present to state the veoeral fact, that we has 3. Plato the contrary, itis the duty of the ALOT Le a UE Sel LS mee a ) 4 1 Tis con was in tl 6 geoeral fact, that we have : Phebe: enerear aes comrse was in the suffice Be A Govertinent ty protect property (slavery under four fatty He was von nana whe von ! ‘ g ; eot degal remedies for present purposes ! : : , , heer sone daeetion as that of the earth, whieh, se te H Stood) wherever neces: " Werte tryen ryt hack alter ratty . (outside of Kansus and Mebraska, in which LENSES BES r ; ‘ / ns perk at oovertogk and passed. This would protection to saver) ws rauaelens io eran vse ore Three sound propos! t Is, atid Cover ‘ i PAVE Torii “ Anethnen, ali , a ilisalare Gclatey aps apne conn eil ard b 7 the who rround of power and duty thus a hy ewheo aye Besides, we are 5 act ) ut it inag be said. of we have suffioent o. ; between 9O 000 and PRoO000 miles an hour laws alread ie t th | About the Sthoday of Jane, 1850. Mr Sew mere Nat iid aWeertealmimearncueiln Norn eady, why now tosiston the power an i aati iae unmen nenen i WY sed of New York, offered the fulluwing ae ay Mi Lou hasan wis eleeteal bya plurality spt sor oO roveroment to protect / 1 } cn : R . 2 atmendinent to the Compromige measures iu the dbatmenuornty goagaio dd ed, how cat Ae dial Viv numberof firnres We must insist Upon iG first, tecarse this rend i ie . al ie Ieee I States 1 : Aeuatictaenmeliis 5 will wive right and duty have been denied and tiey who a : : “ole . Ved Tay Ww t HTipty DY a Will wive Neither slavery cor inveluntary sersitud s Woelareate r Dowrlis fiends; why aot 7) ' } 1) > } deny, are seeking to get control of Che cove i ! 4 “ NY reosamme result i divider IV ee eth ee g a a otherwise than by conviction torerime, stories : Woah? Vou are Nations ett cher operation: bat you tiust remem wel SUCceRC iA A CelMIngl of Che 4 be allowed 9 ether of wud Terrtones of Utah ao tar yon eauneta wend. You ne lee ee i me Already bas this doctrine of proection been ” W , ; ~ her th annex a eypher ty tie anawer ldemiad 1 and New Mexico. This is the linat Jrovise Mew Uhoand tagarding Che natior Lancs. Tt tet inder, whatever it "1 y act acre i Fes ‘ F = when ere ig a remainder, hate i K ” : ee gislation in ove cess tooth Jobo Bell voted noo and thus endorsed. ugdes eceerep 13. Rare oNRg ii , ' y “ a AUSAS Aly ebraska bil! . mi = : To nn Aote 1 answer, A : branka bill. vath, the first propomtion of the platform PENG Een UAetrEl vtiar ! Tf Mr dy Gy Ge: pote Gain, all experience shows, that cemedies Ou the same day, Mr. Berrien--hat great md bis fevnds were to umte on Mi B seers which are syficient for the present. L ate tt ! it for the present. becouse man- from Georgia, offered the following amend ed fatal Line sot Nid by sucha A mile or so from town a oman inet a event woder the changes of ever proqrensing onl Ce eiiectaN wean Renee ir Dongdaw pe eer mi withion itt ee 7 nee a 2 ily i boy on horseback, erying roots pat eons cuaisie Willy in yuan ayisiQa li. eet Teer ehalline passed interforing with would wote hos nat te hea erc ace Wee ieiieevnd eect (lawn and anita ares ineet annually? S mply to pass sych new a) f th fot est “ | ity than a armen das nbed : im : laws and to temediaucldnivta yh exliug laue the primary dispose! of the worl, ae ‘ 1 ’ y 1s ¢ horse (said the man, that’s the w ay to as time aad exer cn ‘ veer ing or prohibiting Atrican slavery Beat ifone Breckoor lire friends cannot vote keep warn: erence constantiy show to be ais ee yermignt ah A F ; } f ae j 3 Pecessary. Thus. in 1792 Patent Phis was against Sjuatter Sovercignty, John fur Mi Beli, thereaa vet a chanes maton. Let “Ttaa td borrewed horae. and I'll ride YS. 10-1793, Conzrens enacted a fayitive slave law, tional Provision. Fur that day, and fur yeurs her that day, that act was suffeent. But tbe ever growing madness of antislavery Legisls ] tares, rendered ulterly . by the act of 1793 @ much a necessity, and Just as much ada- | (o carry out a plain consuty Bell voted yes, and thas proposition of the | endorsed the atform On the 27th of May, of the same hugatory the remedies P's agreed upon, and Mr. Davie offered the fullow Hence, it became '9% *Mendment to the same bill : * Provided, That nothing herein contained cleave to Demoursey ? Ue Asrangement vear, Mr io ’ratt, of Maryland, and Mr. Davia, uf Mississ p of me equals! T have fore an himoof 1 freeze.” of this suygested) beret kind Phe responsrbillry fats reyection and of the consequent continaance strife shall be with you, A Georgia editor has received alasket and the following message from a lady Wo oMr. Kelton: TPeend vou some 2Be7/ peers, the best you Beer ct” and with you T leave Why should) our Breckinridco tr The nde at organization, and Carolina Gdlatchman. SUIEINIEETE D.C WS CRS DAY EVENING, 1x60, FOR PRSIDENT, HON. JOHN BELL, OF TENNESSEE FORSVICE PRESIDEN, EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSAC NUS ET Ts: HON, TOUTE TALEO TOS, The battle on Thaorsdav last was hotly contested at this place, where a harver noimnber of votes are polled than atany one other box inthe State. Tt will be seen by reference to our tables that the Opposition have reduced the democratic majorities in this connty to a pretty low figure, Another such victory will over whelm them, and supposing the same relation of political affairs and agencies ' yntinne until toe next election, it will think, that D¢ Rowan will re in the ranks of he seen, we sume her ancient positrot her Whig sisters Our standard bearers in Rowan, have nec] ees allover with elory resupporters are as proud of them as they cant oedaf they were called upe Heten net neahowe the other, the re Nien ctlve te contest shows haw tha Coa mind. Sthioter could ela vi t ‘ < Pye tit Peay: ty roel \ MT She 1] ! Vote cers Him Sones. jr and ist Cl) Come hr eee re caienee nay tent cm to teoast. Mr, Stoher oo S Parl hs ieee SN Ths Vag beet mH ‘ it Woven ' myn trou Cabri t tou is finds them ow 8 te : Ss at ind ex A Br ANNE Zs AN, { toah chen ( Heine vets TER < \ ere Te: t Die rat} ~ at Worth ek | EK cre, We ! te A ee we 1 : | L Cee Nel NN igeeanres ah : Ku tts Cea the] ~Ols. mien Ww be th acnce + Crow rrcleo be Maia St emigre ( wrresetnia s rene then e asenta and sul tro! Vee 7 ent, wealthy and “) or seis, Were al »> he met at ‘ Wee x. Raweay (three cheers r Tet Sed then all down, ane swept pr eutoover their slain carcasers ! Set and doves oree more for then, ! t ranks Tosent ¢ . ( mat thier Latin vive nw fess meee tee tare Nites Const dere Rowan | ! ae We refer rorewlers te the returns ete Potter torts at Phos pygrid ee Sel ererncet Mee | eet e State Pe Ops now ey aoa t ffomeiibers in the Lewin hore Ne regards the resalt hetwenry ere ele Teere iste tel lig, new yout ' : wid en? eal rhs sie fhe sMeph oves oN ' hoon t ad : we Ween liaiens ania, ane 1 ty | rat ( es. [tas [iiiect C0 ie aeelsce yar sane ted. if is bwoa sree weal) ty Deru is the returns oOEL conntios, naw stew, Mr Pod js Hy Votes ated Viere are 42 counties vert worrean Official Vote of Rowan, IS5S. -™ £ 7 = = ¢ 4 & OP RCINT . > c = : iY ! cs ed ‘ w Te nee iy ‘ t Se: r ds 1 ~ fous z N MV " : Wo Les 12 1 ' Ane =U yn es k shoo a1 ody oan 7h Hark ' i Va 5 1 ean Scan ae ; Official Vote of Rowan, S60. ™ = ~ £ > ek PRECINCTS > -_ tt 8 a 8 sbary 4h 514 19 THe 5 1 748 T24 oy H au 1 af 6 1 i a Mi Clin ‘ of » 4 BM Ww ey Mies ci HO 61 62 68 hn on 68 6A Neve M , . 3 ORO Atwe lis . Cay nG Litaker's ey ' “0 Wirkeyte 41 3 22 Teta me Me 7 Total. of ' 248 There 22 Hy i ' ba 4 ' J Biah ) Ke anve hee Dien 4 , 1 W tin ’ 2a ‘ ' r Gooy x Tieden nthe y yi ora) defo 6O bine majority Poul <1, a gain, ahs, of 29: DAVIE COUNTY Mood b : heshire'a Pot 1 “4 GON Flite ang \ 4 K aay , hed ah mm SEN Fih 7s 14 ‘ ee: Heeworilin na she 4 “ 50 com a 4 2 4 ane pp | Meraney 3 i ar 41 PP ttlinods Ie 400) ' M a3 Tatnlas Ps 600 Blow 48 Rameny.w 691 Kisher, d 452 Howard, w 6S Giother, @ dS Meraney AGG Hel CATAWBA COUNTY SHERIFF COWS GOVEN R SENATE ee > £ x O r s £ ee 3 # PRFVINTA F 3 : ' 20% Se we 172 184 14% 7 1 ‘ ‘ @ 121 6 9 4 + 7 2 v4 16 71 1 98 a 46 7 9 8 46 be wis 2 21 24 12 HB 17 a4 ‘ 18 7 146017 7 49 40 ys at 4a ! ’ i) AAS KOT 1% a onan 4 TTR DAVIDSON COUNT Governor —Pool, Elis, Senate ——Thomas, Whig, Walser, e Commons—Clark, Whig, Hanes, Mock, Loco, Clodtelter, Lovo, Shenft Lotun, Datel CABARRUS Xe 13x 972 {144 lus2 1178 @ jess fold Wo? 1384 945 OFFICIAL, Bilis ay qed) antiead Valo- Pool OLCOR en Mount Pleasant, 150 Harrisburg bx Hlak s, on Dew ese's, 6u Lentz 44 Hat toull’s, 417 sii VOC. Barger, Bsq, elected uo the Senate tron Cabarcus aud stanly, without oppositer Wis Tas Wie teats F treme bths Wt between GOO aud 700 Bandy, Wiig elected Sherif alinost \ CEE EOMDEC OI SN] Governos Pol, hits i hol M A cael tke i Messes, COP Mendenhall, Charles ik Wiis elected by I Boon, Wing Sheril eniaousls Morehead glected te the Senat MECKLENBURG COUNTY Governo Pool Fells Walker clecred to the Senate and Davis aid Ports elected to the Commons. | Grier, shen lt STATESVILLE, Aug. 3, 1560 The following ts the vote In IREDELL Count PB Elii-, $38— Pool's 1 1433! " Simonton, 1495, Gaither, 120d ,~wlected WNa IEE (rave Esa il Seriate nent ad valstem ch weal, 1 iy ( : le W rani Lons ‘ ! Leas! \\ " ‘ MT NN Ok AEE i ae \“ ‘ Wee Wed HON PY ht ‘ ‘ tba W Q I CoS ( Nie ee 4 oly Pee | a! hog \ "4h ( \\ i I loge L ' \ h \ TNL M WW “ties tt WNiGNRYe Nera ee NSN ATTESTATION IES z 18 7a : Dow Rictiar | Yo Moore 1) Cee i E re = Sat AT Redwiee Gog AN (alte sy, eh Et Seese - \ \ Seah «daw 2 Von Too. | 7 = ns ’ \ ti ogy a } SI ENS CREE Ty Who Mya fo 1a male ( ( \\ => \ atin La 1 oe ent! Mite CGN [eye ' Keay Ws ( f M ~ Loon by lus \\ a 1 OVE AG BAG GGG Noy s ' Wore bigoentins: ‘ < bb WW eer KEORD COUNTY tye el VOUANGOVER Ni ( Li ‘ NSH ENTEY = : | ( I ( ‘ \ iE \! , ‘ Pow hE ( \W \\ ita VE OOM ET Aig Shite ea ENTE IS) ( AN esa | Y 1 iaele ‘ ven ly Cte [ORNS CaN Ee Sere fil 1 ‘ | Pg ' ‘ Witt yc t ( tH ‘ WN il 4 JONES Wii {eatise r (poy yet veal FRR KIEESN \ ‘ thy a Whit . wn UOREEN, (Rem) | ted Large gan for Pool CEN NT SSeS Y CPt Glos I v4 ae ik £250 for Pool thie leas i" Chek and Albeed) Wire. eteer eh Gy ( between Harper Wo and streer (Tiree eies ht Craven!) (URTERT Vb RIGHT ONCK MORE! M 1 OW elected to Commons, Aren ! WW ot VSenate. Whig gains, Poo kK i I ‘ - NORTH AND Whether or Governor of not Mr Poo the date contest: between | him AROLINA AND BELL Aa ERI elaine is elected North Carolina, we think and (Grov. Ella, clearly shows bow the State wall goin November next Bell and Everett areomore popolar in North Carolina than the Yaneoy- Breckinridge Ticket. Set down North Carolina tor Belland Everett o-: Counedl of Ntarte Comnerlof State Uta ates 1 COMNTV, Was aAppomted Superior © veldiin thia City on Atamecting of the the ROS) French, I 44 oof Robeson a Jadge of the sorts, to fill a vaeaney eansed by the resignation of Judge Shepherd ROL. Patrerson, Way. ported a Counerlor of State in place Jesag Ao Waugh, E Ntandard of Salem, was ap Vs resigned, ud ROS. French, Eq, ia. a now man to ns Ta he tooga KON? ROL. Patterson, it seems, is also going up Cer Jonas Cline, Shoruff of Catawha, lathe first, thi year, to settle with the Comptroller of the State Ctaston Conaoty las viven Ellis a amall ZAIN, We BLP poRe Five boxes heard from bad yiven him a gain of seven ; build on For the Watchman. W. H NEAVE, TO THE CITIZENS OF SALIS- BURY, WHO HAV READ THE EDITOR OF THE BANNER'S UNPARALELLED h BUSE OF MIL Felectu it due to myself’ and to all here, who have shown me respect, to rebut the vile aspersions he has cast upon me io the last Banner: Anything else he may say in the same heartless strain, I could not, consistently with iny sell-respect notice. And should there be any, so biased by party spirit (and nothing else cogld cause 10) as to. be inspired with Ul teenies towards te, fiom any thing ‘ can say maustmie, Thave but one senument: for them: {dont nor wont live tiy begging good will T de. weno tichdslips wich are not based on mutual mu {no Lusipess relations that are net suy- matual wustacton, T have never play- ed toady ty any of you, bor even courted the ace quantince of any one; but 1 have alw. ys been Wnuch gratitied with any mantestation of {riendly good will that any of you luave extended towards aud have to wll such, (aed to render myself ac- taued by vptable and agreeable in return 1 do not address for] have no inter- ests that any of Vou cau serves nor do | value pub- he option beyotd the bounds of truth, reetitnde and fier batto that po [ain its slave; and as Thave Geea open, Gutitul, honorable aod earnest you tom aiterested mnotives: Was every Nive and initection, b woold like all Who how ie, todo tne Justee, and nothing more, in Chem own beasts 2 have been dearly three sears ators vou and ane can say | have done etyean or cistenecable: ae Mere interest has of- ei peatapted ihe te teave: this place, aad porbing boat 0 2 bonds of persetnal trie 1} fdslip existing be- Pwoxtrivselhand the members of the Band could vented te Regarding the cause of this With bee poured upon ome, that will Ioabtess be put in iis pas pat hyht in a card which Pooncerstand the Band will issie, Phe ooty thing he alleges against me that in any Way Wootds tue, i the charge of drunkenness; We shadow of trath to but nothing wore, He has literally drag- fed tuysell and the Band into the pobtical arena; wal what he expeets to do his party by it, Tecan. fet iiazene 7 have never urged torward my views Potines or Relynon, except when the poociples [ing tochive: Bech wantonly asswiled. L never atow that Pwo preached ayaimst from the pulpit Vibeisnoand Totidelity nor indeed does this Vind here, let tne say to all thowe who Husted by poand perversioo, when a mis- H wose betwoen tivself and Mr. Mo that Pai siiply no sectarian, but J beleve toe Boble and aoways have done so, 1 ignore only for dn this, at least, he has vile Ihetler were stands uprelieusible passages which give nse to Hwan ctiag and biter state. But | eting eu ractup to the requirements of jn Whi feute pracheal regia, in ape Hobe Who runs may read,” hi vie that 1 attempted te out. j > 1 thei ed tumidly, &e., J deny ‘ ! an intention, Ina let. New tne Progress, 1 referred to ‘ vooitizen here and wyth the and very far ngs ot his family, ! ' petal oreftlectous on the sad ‘ YoWay tow much to aa inore ihe Wea Andit was not ul J ral lanl meatit : lends were coudetmig ine ald anything inpeoper itor who ad- ny an explanation ot sed bot fe Dba ee beeen alized on the matter, Vek tie sav Wy aus re welling, Use this Sener that To aophed tor wowed mine hotlis place with + previous to my be- {it at Memphis, here and only hembers of its Kaew one we fe the purpose of “ few , aod be ty ther rons ever the eareus ' 1 = find was, ands the RRR CH MAHI Sian © Late canous "pn States, being such {sustaned by my Hall Dorefer you <tow were uy Whe HV Ap ear re : blac ayia’ s, i. idact fiend Me Andalihongeh e < f cts, vet l vo Loam sinee to ene music at the State as Thad intima- nt. The Hoo is Coy re RTS hon of the truth of . re of the othe hear [ atonve ! him as tou much of the tneved above the lit tneeded. wr black- thinking, tar intntable n his turous But the im- cor auniilating bate, ect of excuse jard uintoasks biroself witt It is pt heart hows koow better of this blusterer any degree, in eyponly feel, Chath never Sant fe hat at Waa not worth having. tA . his test ony alowd { Nain, | el nailty ot such , ale 4 . fH otte the o Such that saerel anger cont me : wioed me, 4 Wot Public. rere eof the salisbury Brass Band lave NEAVE. tat toe tnagner iu which out Card Batine rat the language chosen \ east the Mditar Weare pot sur- tote uted Woo strnetor as the subject « nhuse Loeed we {do not be surprised at ny vool proprery, licuess and trath he may poopetate FL career as an editor, since be has ‘ V thes place vprepared the public mind tor any deer ot editooul untarnes: and depravity. Butt as het our olject at present, to reply to the iinenited and talictous personal abuse directed it Mio Neave, whose moral charac ter and gen- enianly deportment, conmend hin to our most 10g teyard, but to denonnee it, and to as- sani ove; ci own proper signatures, the responsi- ve pobhoation Leterolore made io the name We do that in the wiisbury Brass Band tallest manus andl oe iff ug With scorn the gra- tartons advice olg@us editor, to cut loose” trom Mio Neaves against whore bas leveled bis detrac- tion and abuse, @ eto say to the public that we, the aidersiciies e oalone responsible, and are prepared: and lig to tear alone, all the conse- 1 sof the act which brought out the mahcious attack Upon tian. J. A. RAMSAY, LHW BEARD, i HENKY MOORE, ie TC. MeNEKLY ANDREW MURPHY CHAS F BAK WOR GORMAN, / POPE MERON Y, F SR HARRISON £ A Ho ROWZEK. Sal ha Vv July tT xt P60 - f The f Wong eertiticates will show under what eave came to this place Sauiencry, July 31st, 1860 Nireex el stat T) the Salishoory Brasa Band One of your members applied to to know if 1 (EESTI AMEN ; remembered un- Yeon last even WF wit narances Mr WH Neave was em- Lhyothe Sahebury Brase Band, when he Grat ane te tis place, There state to you, “that so far ns TL ean remember, Mr. Neave came into the store of Brown & Coffin, where T was doing business and introdaced himeelf, remarking, that Mr JB Weis, of Yorkville, 8 Chad recommen ded him to me, as asnitable person, to find ont like to have any music lis businesa. 1 then men- heolt with the members and let him know that night. which TP did, and naming the pieces des He then said, “that he conld for he would leave that night, whether the Band would arranged, as that was ned that PE would « Natarrange t bat Rict was suid ave Cire wry we | Tl the « and Ban Nea ber | able slat eir[es bin, for | he |b the Ban ints grea vice beer cam can elect son- thro en, of th and Part ton Yao Lue aod vur the part appr port ous peal of D this wha tuto thre G Da Ju Re Th Jn Br Jo D El S the day ry | hat! cha mor hea i cin be | c dina this of th Acar cone in E lines in F dura H toro fell tha o — ay | Jul nan. ALIS- NITOR eA » who ersions vthing could And it (and 1 with in gay them: I de- mutual arnest ike all more, three » done 1as of- ohing nig be- could of thie twill which int any Hess ; eonily, p sad wore uh J we Ie oper r who r ad- on ot wl fe been atter, IK ue with Vv be- nphis, Ponly of its se of inns crus is the being such ymy you were pear ads, Mr vay es of yet kond only en se at State this timna- Hon uth of t the hear 1 the ie hit eded lack- 4. lar table Inous rn hate, vt of Xeuse toself Tt is flows eller slerer ‘’, In ever ving. E. : gra- from ptrac- it we, d are onse- e10us what 60 ed to 1 un- 2 em- first iat 80 into joing that men | out music men- sand MID conld right, bat wechd ond them to us, which he did, Veal Mirtle Morality. The Lowisina Gaseite! And T would here remark, thathe ‘and Sentinel gives the following account of a) ——- Richinond, Va. was spoken w about teaching the Bund thea, He suid that he evull not do it taen, as he was under au engagement with Mr. Eldred, proprietor of the Cireus Company. He afterwards passed severa lettera, as regards his price of teaching, and finally wrote him some where in New York State, that we would give him his price, $375, per quarter, This, Gentlemen, is as near as IT van remember, | the circumstances by which you have got so good and efficient Teacher. Youra, &c., J. SLATER Juuy, 3lst, Léa { have been requested by the members of the Band, to vive a certificate as to how and where Me. Neave was employed by them. My being a wem- ber of the Band, at the Uine be was employed, en- ables me to be acquainted with the facts, [would | state that he was pussy Carough this place with a | eireus Company when the subject was teutioned Cy | dim, at which suggesuva he said it was intpossible for him to make auy cosugement with the Band as he had already imade previous engagements with the company with which he Band knowing Mr. Neave's capacity as a first-class musician, wrote hint several letters and it was with great difficulty that they secured his iivaluable se vices, As regards Mr. Neaves character, T lave been intimately a quuinted with tim ever since Le was traveling, The came among ux, and have always found hin to be a@ perfect gendeman JAMES B 2. BEAKD From the Raleigh standard YO THE VOTERS OF NORTH CAROLINA Fevvow-Citizens: By virtueofiny ap pomitinent as a member of the © National Executive Commit tee of the Democratic Party tor the State of North Carolina, and at the carnest solicitation of a lance nurober. of the friends of Douglas and Jobson, thie nominees for Pr-sideut and Vice Presideut, of the Nauonal Convention of the Democratic party of the Union. 1 am induced to issue this call to the frends of that tcket, to meetin Convention in the City of Raleigh, on Thursday the Sot of this mont (Aagnst) for the purpose of “organ any for the Pre sidenual Campaign. The exeited polneal contest in which the of the Sta e have bees engaged, suce the adj ment of the postponement of this call to the present tm 1 can now, without fear of embarrassing our " elections, appeal tu the freads of Douglas and Joh son—the noi throughout the state, tion—to rally tu the support ot of the Constituuon aud the tad tirnily and boldly by die tag of the National Detnocratn Party —unawed by dictation from the Admit tion at Washington (icy Yancey Sevessiouists ou the ot Luctans may have aad ready some of t! bay have: bee mie National Convention, has caused die esol the Natoual Denmiooracy to arouse thetmelves: to ac those toed) trends ito mothe one said or tie vur good ld State to the purt at tur the secession ck 5 ' the DD party have never yet yielded . approval, but lave been waitin a pyrtunily to speak out boiuly Neliatl of the Na guoual nominees of thei party Po all sah I peal. Come wether — Nationa! Demi ats ; of Douglas and Jolinson —on Thuiaday the oth Ohta month—and let us take cone! ated what duty and pat tuuon and Union era threatening aspect of polit ROBT Poli k Of the National Ex. Com ot tue DP a pai Ist Tseo t Phe sob the State ate respect 4 Lt hothe above iu (eee Tee Ls TEN GU BERNA TOMINICE Et aN Aggreyate votes for Give Nunes from: PS40 to PROS, due inssve Ian JM Morehead Wi 44 4n4 KOM Sa Dem bane Morehead’. SSR Tova S40 367 Ts42 JM Morehead Whos Tat Lob Henry, Dem 4 Morehead < ma dete Total vote in P42 Tid 14h WA. Grahain Whig Nt Michael Hoke. Dou 4 Grahams may ee Total vote x44 wey TR4t ' Fa) Total vote in Tsai pele Is4x Charles Manly Whig $2230 David 3 Rew, Dern 4] 682 Manly s may a4 Total vote in 1848 84212 Ist Navid S. Red, Dem 445 Charles Manly, Wi deo Reid's maj, Dae Total vote in Ps50 SO.916 IZ David 8. Reid I Joho Kerr, Whig. 412.9543 Reid's may mst Total vote in WATT 154 Thomas Bragg, Dew, BATU Altred Dockery, Wiig: d6520 Bragg’s maj, Oss Total vote in 1254, ee a 1X56 Thomas Bragg Dem 57 oS Jno. A. Gilmer, Whig. 44.970 Bragy’s maj, 12,624 Total vote in 1856. 1g Sos TS58 John W. Ellis, Dem DK. McRae, Dist, Ellis’ maj., Total vote in 1854, 96177 Salishury Brase Band.-—TVhe Editor of the Bulletin Was COM ime nte ad on Thurs day Night with a serenade by thes TY Brass Band. Tt ia said that hath charma,” for the music of this Band charmed wg out of bed to listen te the most delightful strains we have eve: heard, Salisbu “inuare These gentlemen are splendid musi is and we sincerely wish they could DE INGUCEd torvinit we nidre trequently, Charlotte Bulletin. see Cost or Bettpina Treirararns —The or dinary cost of conatructing te legraphie lines in this conntry, according to Prescott's “ History of the Electric Te legraph.” is about $62 per imi Aceording to the aame authority. » line properly constructed would cost about R150 per mile In England the cost ie wreater than with us, the lines more substantially built. The cost of lines in France is about $200 per mile, whieh gives a durability tan times as great as ours se. Horrtace Drary The wife of the proprie- tor of a bone boiling establishment, in New York fell head foremost into a cantdron of boiling fat the other day, and was scalded to denth, TURNIP SEED, every VARIETY, FRESH and WARRANT 4 ED, sold by WH. WYaTT 186 and 188 Main at., Raliobury, Na July 94. 119 and Hanes ling te purehase "Vote for Governor. 1856. em, singular motality in that neighborhood ; Oo a night in February last, four citizens of' this parish, without, any previous notification or jdesign, except what the desire and impulse of COUN 6 e . e (the moment influenced, suddenly found them- Oe ; ed 4 ce lselves together in the public highway. One § x 2 had Just finished bis di ay’s labor, aud was on his is = a Ss | way to his fainily and fireside, He was stopped ie = = — iby two others, one or both of whom wished to Alamance, 916 645 a7) 2 leross the river to come to | iaquetmnine, There Alexander, 466 all OM 1 4 , Anson 334 ee 289 8e7 WAS Ho previous misundertandoy among the aye <34 708 vu 208m party; but aller a fiw words, contradictions and Bia, Ke 523 451 603. 584 high words passed between the first named peri Buncombe, 969 786 OU 25m son and one of the two last mentioned, when, Bladeu, GUS 4x1 000 000 a third person was called up by the first to prove! Bertie, 470 BAS 000 000 jwhat he bad advaned. The difficulty, howey Beautort 539 X33 QUO AK) fer, increased, which resulted in the latter shout.) Brunswick, 44 405 ON) Hing the former, who died in about three daye,| Gabarros, aes UY Be Phe deceased wes Alfred Brown, his antagonist | Gttwbs oe Renist) Cruven 784 535 BOO Joseph Houssivux s bis tiicud Jere HO Cache dent 1375 9u8 W253 and Williame, an employee of eee were the Cog 2 oy wou witnesses, IPoussivux was committed to jal for) Columbus, 7 Y6orm, U0 murder. Before his tral came ou, Willams. Camden, 8U0 OUD died. Hloussicux was tied and acquitted on Carteret, Ce the ground that Brown bad struck bin fiet. fy) Cle ukee, oa Jlis dying declaration, towever, Brown asserted ee ta fthat hie did not stake hin at all Sinee the ai ( Gel Bey ee Sarotorto, a withess tor ihe defence, has abel Curatuek oun ioe Hed, and now Tboussicux bas followed them to Cleaveland, US 419 the tomb. Tt woladd to the daterest of these Davidson Y72 1a88 Fevents, the fet the physician first called inva Davie, 4X1 GMO) Iwan friend of Mio Biewn, who admonished Duplin DU Ua (iim af los apqronel aii ens adeon (ie slew ‘ UY We ee weeks mince. And ali iu the space of tire Fy, ae Dee anukhu, yoy We ; mouths. } Gaston SHO POO { Granville, THE MARKETS Vee Gtnuped Greene, W430 974 457 2137 000 YOU Cn the Salisbury, NV. C., Auyust 7, 160. = (Mn (WMD CORRECTED WEEKLY By bz 200 SPRAGUE BROLUEKS / ce CE) Applesdried, 50.4 100 Lead Bar, #10 ne) vt oe Bac Wa ltg oo White, 1a 12 | le ; : Beeswan, 20425 Molaser Cube, 34045 oe it) ono Beet, Sab ue N.O. 60 a 65 a meas Butter. Wade 8 Mineovade da 60 J a i) CANDLES Naile (ut 5a ul DESO Tallow, 154 20 Outer, Wado | dbbreten, DO Ts ee ancine 23.230 OILS LINSEED Len AMT 1H 44) ce Rio dy 304 00 ba L old O50 St © Javea, 5 a 50 Ma i Sil Go aan Cotton, ia gue Ms TOW boo a00 Cotton Yarn, 2h Mi Dowell BAW) vO Gon on Issa lou Nn ay rn) Vga tala M mers oes Pils) Tal sy ae yy (WH) Ou) , eee " lost 6x5 le tar eerie \ Lin 4 beg ved oh me Note EUnet [Sue tell Poa Ts R Mi 1 N 6 dZs ced iw a oe ! oO Th ius wen Que PORK taa® = Oran Viiv teas 109 ass Pack +) * HOO He ie: O00 on MALENIEL Pint i ee Ti Davee county. onthe ith ull, hy Tomas d. 2 UN Deadman, Beg. We Lonenzo Al Be tiasarun K es: Mine Masrans Dirties Ki boo ane low Who lary Ty rai) | xu} PED): ic Cte In this town on the dt vo Mis Many pp DD Swit aged 67 years = S80 “ ete Dr. J. M. HENDERSON 2 ee | AVING located in Sabstory offers hie profes Ty Hon 000 Sreual eervices tothe Cvazeus of tow aud be I oe 4 wore au g oceans ‘ vue belowoothe WW oaks 149d Laie Port Other upetoare Waa nly |e sth 136 AN e ow tn ASTOUNDING! we ASTOrNDING?! Wes ASTOUNDING! Yut ol want Wyatt's Remedy ee An Unfailing Specific ae Bra maj lenis For the Unfortunate! CURESTECENT WE EUICTIONS: CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CURES IKECEN TONE? POTIONS: IN A FEW DAYS! National Flag! WM. M. BARKER Tehaene racine dee MUGier hod "OULD INFORM. HIS OLD on the breath Prepared mild aces (oe 3% \ friet wud customers that he as Retaitby WOH WYATT een and Apo agaiin the curs, Noe Usb and (Re Main at. Salisbury, N. ( C B inea eae cy oh atriage Business, SEC yp and prepared to furnish ary xt Auy 7 Cin CARRIAGE from th We lesines UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE, re and Taylorsritle, NOC. Ae TOth Session of ths Post ution opened « le Ciebian a r BUGGY or hest re HUY Vietled a nusine manulactor aequannted himself w inprovemeutsin bis tine, and made arcanvenients hose prefering swith Nerd ennai none supply | ern work much cheaper that could be do vg a single yb. He intends to build the fin ue by order and rthe care. as forte ' : : beat work ever done in the coontyy aud solicits a Le i ore us w Bs all at the Sign of the National Flag ! © Dene EN EAE a iceu ss 1 Wi M BARKER fen bene antet morality tute rior 1 31. 1S60 0 town in We 1 Carolin See ‘ Vhe Schoolisin a flurists condition aud stu - s e s dente desirous olobiaiuig a good Bauylish educwien, mi 1 ¥ aw a vy erot preparing for one of the ler colleges tind . STRD & CT AV IVE EAT ie Wate Wupanipce dia inercans 2 BEMISTER & CLAYWELLE, paris are devoted 10 Chose pooporiag far college EXousc Paintocors, Varenta and guardacswrlcons it therrowninterests GRAINEMS, PAPER HANGERS, &c., hy couside rig the claus of (his Sehoot Opposite the Mauston Hotel UGE ACM Gb SU eLGeN SALISBURY, N.C ! eR Eases $10 OU Ciwarkipersaie uae wmatinacrantediore bo ainnor, Geograp!y Ariihimetie Ganenit AUWHRA IIA nTer ae 1200 yaty 17, G0 uf Potin. Greck, Geometry, Surveying, moo i Coningent fee reo je; 5 oS e 5 SB Board, exctumve of lights $= 00 per month The Session wilbeoutinue twenty-one weeks a ; Es . Ttmeyv og . WT" muRKe, EQUITY S\LE. RIN pus ANG tone ede the Coart of Equity NORTHERN Ree he & MGekae an tue LIME FOR SALE. Nog 7 reew 2th day of August. the Plantation belonging to the heus of George Willson, dee'd., Hos sup oon tain LARGE qoantity of Northern lime (unslacked posed. atort S500 acres. The Plantanon lies on the ta barrels or by the bushel, formate at simen- waves of Harting Creek, and contains a good por: owe Pan Yard Lt will be sold very cheap. wholes tion of valunble betiom, now in cultivation. ‘There salecor retaal quantiy of finished Leather, a comfortable dwelling house, barn, A credit of 12 months will be Bond, wih good security, required BINGHAM, ©. WOE 160 4wl0 pr adv. 4 are on the place, a (Sole, Upper and other oat-honses alwayeon hand and for sale, Green and Dry Hides alwaye in demand at priees H CLSIMONTON given cash L Mocksville, July 24, 27th, 160 . Valuable Land for Sale. SALISBURY DY virtue of a deed of trast made (o secure cer RBRALB SERINART. Dian debte therein named. PE owill sell on the premises on Friday the Bist of Angust, LHL ACRES fare ap Olle pe Sth Seasion of this School. will open the 1th Creek day of September ‘The number of Papils has pire been on the increase, still there Boord tor eh. # Number of young Ladies can be hadin the Semina Saliebury, July Wy of Land belonging to Robert Guile spe edge of Ca Chareh rdjo ning lands of Atwell and ethers mile South of Coddle miles East sbarrux, one 1s reom, and five of Davidson Ce nis rene wish ad thpmule ry Muee scholars can have the tine Tnstroment, a large room and the beet teacher further par vantage of a would do weil te atte advantag JOU YOUN Trus 1s60 hi Turton as heretofore bor Heolare Address. SADDLE. a Ang 7 ‘Terme of WILKINSON, Principal HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER'S CELEBRATED 8TUMACH BIT- TERS cap appen! with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United Biates, because the article has attained u repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volames of bare assertion or bl. zoning putlery. The consumption of Hostetter » Stomach Lit- ters for the last year amounted to over a hulf- million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during | b he ¢ i e SINGER’S ace tt etiliom bodes THe iesne wulicias i 1 ] T Y could never have been sold but for the rare _ SEWING-MACHINES. medicinal properties contaived in the prepara- | Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. tion, and the sanction of the most prominent | pbysicians in those sections of the country | ‘Tue plain reason why Sincer's Sewing. Macnines where the article is best known, who not only have always sold readily at a higher average price recommend the Bitters to their paticnts, but thao any other, is that they are better, more durable are ready atall times to give testimonials to its | more reliable, capable of doing a much greater variety efficacy in all cases of stumachic derangemenis of work, aud earning more monoy and the diseases resulting therefrom popularity is proof of atecling ment. Tuthe purchase This is nota temporary popularity, obtained (of what are called cheap Sewing. Machives, thousands by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- | have been deceived and disapporuted, but with Sis peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid \Gen's Macnines there is mever any failure or mis estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is take destined to be as enduring as time ilself Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever aud ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the * Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, |Singer’s No. 1 Standard iilecMachine: poune it that tone and ener; indispen-able z . for the restoration of health. ]t operates upon | formerly sold wt $135, but new reduced tu $90. is too the stomach, liver, aud other digestive organs, J well kuown all over the world W need any descrip- mildly but powerfully, and s9on restores (hem \tion, Every sort of work, coarse or fiue, can be duue to acondition essential to the healthy discharge with wt of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as er directions on the bottle, and they will find in it astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating tu the bowels, excellent as a Lonie, Long-cootinued | Singer’s Tranverse Shuttle-Machine, to be sold at $5U plain, and $60 lughly ornamented. iss Machine entirely new in its ntrapgemenut; ib ir very beautital, moves rapidly wud very easily. and, for family use and light manufacturing purposes, i the very beet and cheapest Machine ever otiered 1 rthe pabuce “There Machines are being incrensed in nuuiber as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand fur them cannot be fully sapplied. Singer’s No. 2 Standard Shuttle-Wachine. This is the favorite manutwecuriog Machine every where, ‘The size of the Machine gives ample spice jfor almost every description of work, which, logether with ite adipirable working qualities. give ita decided jadvantage. Price, wiih table complete, $100. and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women s hrs No. 3 St d lee Pe # . . + poiesere Se SEG ece LDS who have experienced the benefit of using this For © Pree, pakers, $125. Since the great recuction in the price of these; Stauderd Machines. on the Ist of October, 1N58, the jaale of (hein bas increased four fold srrage- and heavy leather work preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility ; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the complete, Ali of Singer's Machives make the interlocked gentler sex. There are certain periods when stitch with two threads which is the best) euteh | their cares are so harassing (hat many of them known. Every person desiring to procure full and } sink under the trial, The relation of mother rehable wiformation about Sewing-Wachines, their| and child is eo absorbingly tender, that the rizes, prices. working Capacities, und the best meth. | mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own bealih in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessily for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Litters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily sirength All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused hy malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feits, but ask for HosteTter’s CELEBRATED Stomacn Birtexs, and see that each bottle has the words * Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label 4s Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Orcrans, La., jods of purchasing can obta lot 2 M Singer & Co's Gazette, which is a beaut ful pctorval paper entirely devoted tu the subject. 1c will be supplied gratis »M. SINGER & €0., 450 Broadunry, New York. J. MERONEY. Acenr, OLGA TS Cle YN 1-60 ug SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY ! + SMITH & MILLER, MANUFACTURERS OF 5 ; Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, ] I ANING spand nether pans nor ex pe Jip precueny marecnale of the wityv—M provera teeth Vit by wending fora eopy July 24, best qui ery of the tatest iin ished Work that they can © moet fins men, they flatter hemselves sell as geod an article of Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, u New + They theretore ter as can be purchased wiand for the same money fdeut that their ap pealte the enizeus of the South to sustarn them tn there endeavor to imtroduce among them a branch of Manufactore now entirely mthe handsof abetituonins, They offer ut will not be tn vatn or disregarded © ’ vp = | W HOLESILE AND REI AIL, Tr SOL Y Henderson & Enni-s, and W Bone Chunnettrd Boots, an Calf, Wratt, seers y by J. Reed. Concord; and Fine French Edge, Porter & 6 , Greensboro’, N.C Haif Wes, wo May!) lyl Double Roles OPER. B O OTS. Patent Te Pine Open Gorters. Pu THE NORTH CAROLINA sther and Feech Calf tent Lea H by ese White Sulphur Springs Ne a = | | | | | iF (iments, all of which will be sold @s Usual at exceedingly low pri DRY GOoDs »/> fe fur superior t Congeess Garters, French ¢ ' Abcfird hiss. hreneh Galt Wi ILL be opened tor visitors by the (erg cneweaty ie Ww Prono nmOale Ist of June vext: they are situated healthy mounutatnous country, ans hemoand supply your wants and im fa ata eet mt ' vutitul Catawba River, with tore you will purchase no Boots, Shoes of Gaiters i sive those manufactured by ride of the present terminus of, t ail Re 4 Ocamiboses and Stage Coaches ¢ sare Ve SMUT MLE nnect the s pro Horses will Ineles aod superior saddle THOMASVILLE N.C July 24, 1960. uy « fyuests Boiteg Aileys and a Bullard : myowill be aeatly fited up A fine Band of HIGH POINT ae soins engrged for the seasen—Qnad and Huon Parues each eventug tree ol extra e we ~ are new and spacious, he pleasure FEMALE SCHOOL, ere ne willbe fir r othe the medical pr reas atthe best watering poy eet he siner man and chee | HIGH POINT, N. ©. extended reputitien and | —o— Waters (almost inaccessable before the completion | ‘THE Fall Session, 1260, will bern on the fth day of the Western NOC) Rail Road) now hail the sick fof August Pupils admitted at any tunesand charg aud affheted with a cordial weleame. Jed for any time they remain in the achool Patt The experience of the Proprietorjastties the sek: | erot healt rpleesore in antemating ew good time lunited number of worthy poor young ladies will be » Proprietor has been at. ¢ credited tor there TerTion antl they coming to pay for it’ by teachers or othe- wise Sessios. — Board, &10 ; have had shall herr in fiiuog up a Watering piace tthe reasonable time earnings a tee, (arnt Rares rer Tuition, $10, generosity forencouragement HW. OL. ROBARDS $12.50, 815; Incidental Tax, 1: Lodin or French eo yor Guitar, 205 no charges for ase of in April 10, TR 60 (846 struments ‘Tenn —Fifty dollars per session required in ad _ 2 vance, the balance at the close of the session — oe ae = LY These terms will strictly he enforced imevery case Ss ee Popils turnish their own towele and candle. ‘Thes Efe 3 Oe are not allowed to make accounts <5 7 A For farther mformation, addrese Co oe ee ; ~ S. LANDER, AM, ° a. 2 ie ~ dwXp'd Principal — = 8 Fie] 2 = ~ — ae S20 REWARD. | S TOLEN from the Stable of the subseriber, about 2omiles below Gold Hillon the might of the Yd = | Instant, aback herwe, nbout 15 or 16 hands high, c cae clean hibs except a eploit on the left fore leg, rhert s & | bony head, small ears, large mane, and a very small oi oy piece bitren off of one of his ears—he ie an. original | a g | He paces nod trots very well, and well broke to har a Y peas Lwall give the above reward (or any informa: tion which wid lead to his recovery c - robbery, To am fellow con erreutmstances attending the led toe believe that the horse wae taken by a Turner Fry. neighborhood that evening Address me at Gold Ehil NC named alias Smith, who wasseen inthe ‘O O S L “I S T “A H d UA W CV BU SAc’L M STIDEFOR = : 5 July 17, 1X60 8 ee 2 s NOTIC MOREHEAD CITY. vd with which daily hnes gy be mid here rt Phe riesof the eat expense commensorate with the sand confide otly rely on their . f * ‘ 1 , oC y 17, 1860. Qws oe TENT as S, he ie : MMR TGnelloal RES RdUICNI iiaaince oni lie dic mee RISO) Ny mC: dita analio The Stockholders of the > Jd of Angurt whieh they enn ree wer by eal rug , SA LE OF LOTS nf (his iffiee WATCUMAY OFFICE PATEN T J ARS YADKIN NAVISATION COMPANY , a J! . ir N Thursday 23rd of Angnst, 1860, there will be Wr Le med a) Markeville. Dive saute Teacher Wanted a PERIOR (o any ariecle yet made for PRE vanieon merci, at caluuble loeein the city Pritts Augie Ten eT 2s : ; SERVING FRUITS nat VEGETARLES, for Morehead Re elaine Cal. DV the Ist of Septm Dandy to teach the English 87) Wo AVA The proximity of there Tete te the pablic square ene ee nes Diranchew end Musici an Academy None but ™ ; TAG OHA Marna ate SalishurcNe wad touche lace EB miale. Neudens plat (Oo beerect cope ie : most noqualified testinon Haan wctinvenn foriimh tlie To nn ea and (68 ih Seon a SO aren tan ea in in tale both as Co morality ond quolifiestions need wpply subscribed. render the locatwon very desirable forfiam= (0 GT IMT ae Cee! errno A Southern Indy preferred Salary, $400 per ‘Term thes, who desire to apend the Summer at thie de Hees Mattel iG Cie Ieuan My of ten montha, and board Address uninedintely, THE FOLLOWING. a sainple ofthe numerous jiehifal summer retrent and watering place, Some "220 MENS Gtcntith STEPHEN FRONTS, leiters constantly receiving for Hostetter'® Stomach of the busines hota will likewise be sold te AC WHORTON, | Hampton, Calhoun Co Rilierss= ‘The rapide y with which (his city i improving, and nae i Yod Nar Co July 24-319 Arkansas Conaynecea, Indy 15th, 1859 the prospect of aweekly lie of aleamers between July 3, REO mene Mrenre, Hontetter & Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa —Gent® hig pice and New York, shonld induce purchasers yee ; ee ; Agweare strangers, Lherewith enclose youlWenty- 1 invent JOM MOREHEAD ©. Western Sentinel (Winston! please inaert W ] orn A M ( Li IRD, eigh) diliars for four dozen Hostetter's Stomach Bu President Shepard's Point Land Co meeting and forward account to Directors, Farming tera, which plense forward via Miehigan Sonthern Male 1a TREN bw t ( ATTORNEY AT I AW, Ruilrand, ‘Toledo, Ohio, and Clayton Stauen Dhave ‘ purchased several dozen bottles at Toleda, thie ania ~ SALISBURY, N RN ORHEL Ie male va guiheiueeetendes antthaihn tin LAND! LAND! LAND FOR SALE. open a direct trade with yon, TP woeinduced YEE vatooble PLANTATION formerly owned } \ TILL Practice and make prompt aollections in wish to Rowan Trede tl and Catawba Counties to try ve Offline in the aorner of Cowan's Building opposite the Book Store Feb 14, [R60 Liver d that Thave Sante, vr Bitrere by my physician, for the Complarnt, and received auch mayer recommended it to others and have (f3R do medicine n per week for eome time T has In my store. bat there is none cheerfully and truthfally trees for T know they have helped me bevond my expecta Spring Mattresses NHE aubeeriber has on hand the best quality of SPRING ond other MATTRESSES Callat hie Pornitare Store 8. R. HARRISON May &. aAms0 rifully, PHILO WILSON thon Yours res July 10-1m7 ' Blanka of all kinds sold about two i kinda of that To ean mmend ae your Bitters, for wale at this off al irds which some {300% has already been NHE SUBSCRIBER having determined to re ‘| move Souch wall well watereof Buck ¢ samuel Barr tying on the A Wicniges rotary fSalishory. on the Sherrell's 400 Acres of Land ne eva cnIeG ve good two good Meadows eee coun yy the tan bacee The Persons wishing to purchase will plewar abou: 7. Bottom hand as Vudkin River 50 or 60 Acres of good Bottom i well adapted to on the aplendid Water, good, new Raildings, one and» bolfmiles from Jonesville wod Tan Yard and Lot in ain will be given Addresa P rnd large Dwellings und ie growth of T buildings are al all ou acilian and one House and Lat cal Jonaaville. A eheap bara paler Jonesville Ni Gaur Blo, Surry Gon N.C take great pleasure in showing the land, and ac 3 ros T MAXWELL agent in my abrence, 1 A BAR Foly 10, 1880 iw? July 24, 1860 m9 firrt-r me oO Houston who residesin the neighborhood, and will) nel MARRIAGE LICENSES \ \ ‘ R ste SPECIAL ! CLOTHING! ! NOTICE + CLOTHING! _ “o. ‘COME AND BUY BARGAINS Come one and all,- 4 pale SUBSCRIBER HAS JU8T RETURNED from marsh and is now receiving and opening 4 compiete and full « Re fore it be to GROCERIES, ‘sisting of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Tea, Pepper, Spice, I he, with every other article usualy kept ono similar establish -conme low and tall Come nich aud poor, come and make sure 1 Summer neck-te, state for thee wud Pants, both full and seanut fil the fat and the lean to wrap Ive coarse and fine.— Your Spane suis, r Comte avy lue— » Hats for reuson’s seat ces, Hin stock of Fiew Soles for the feet | Shoew and Boots, Hate and Caps, Drawers and Shirts, Coliare and Cravats Do walk up to HOFFLINS Clothing More and take a good look at his rare collection of every complexion of READY-MADES. Nothing on the world to do bat to {you es y, as those who have favored him with their The stock of step right into erowd on the most ide has carried on bu- mdly town of Salis ralisfuction of seeing hein, su shine any reamerable y patronage can testify tue ime Jmness tor Reveral HATS AND APS) 2s aad jae crowds of his Fellow-Citizens of Rowan both winter aud summer by sup- chain BOOTS KSIORS «oS Sess ferived from him to as many more. There is noth- nyo all (he wardrbe requireme:ts of a geaotleman nd thot according to his orto the hint be wlong select and proud van shelves, to invariably whieh he cannot supply at be equaled, cither im style or: belie Ui fein iitadel (Bia erties NOLE LEATHER AND is full and complete and will be sold, at unusually low rates, and which only be | DISTRIBUTED . | | ture, having had vck © particular faue bof lis purse, orshort. Come theo and exutiine, price help yoarkelves. You shall receive his politest atten- (tion, a mw) fare according tu lis Mt usual pood term _ HORFL IN. April 17th, 1s60. tf47 | | IMMENSE a _ | AT THE Great Clothing Emporium DAVID WEIL, at his establishment exclusively for CASH VOTHING cali} AM NOW [3 ore Room, No. 2. Gr ror hos amore desired effect than a cash system, Ther-fore a Is curnestly suiicited, befure pur hasing elsewhere, opebing at my forge and spacious Building, the hand- aone jsomest aud cheapest Stuck of At FRANKFORD’S, Ready- Made Clothing r evercoffered in the State, My stock comprises ail May 7. Isa SALISBURY, N. C. the diferent kinds of faney cut Linen aod Marsailles foe business suits, English and Frens i nee d'Bte wad y of Casy:- co Frocks and Sacks, ala faucy and ble also Faney and Blac! aad Marsailles Ve van A |pac Farmers! Farmers!! Threshing Wachines furents but Manufacturers mere Pants, ! Silk, riety e Gent’s Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS sod SHOES, @ large nt Case-mere st, in endless va re" which we are no ourselves. v to undersel! any oth- nnd er hon Improved Spiral Barred Thresher eeu 00 get my Goods r , TY-FIVE PER CENT tu the « improved Spiral Bar Thresher and savep are poli ars Made Winnower. ot so/t wood iioet waibest with 4 Horse Power (lever) the approved, E DIMES NO TRY ME OAV Bile North kod al Wiial with © vlender all Pron, 1 as most era Mactines, and with reve the best Northern Machines cue kere The teeth of these Machines are reverasble A rai nevus the back of the teeth ean be tarned in treat [ ty Ee fier the jroutis worn off. havin’ bee il cont NEW FIRM Firm of FISHER, FOARD & HOOKER, n dissolved, we the nud+rsizned have Firm of thus making them last as n assvciaied ourselves together under the meagan All Boxes are made nena" FOARD & HOOKER. Horse-Powers, Spur-geared, the beet, , COME AND SEE THEM for r business at FARME purpose : the same place. We rfnends and r R ERC Ks LN CD Es nee Gieiimel ae + CORRECT, May 3, 1460 cy) ENERGETIC and PROMPT sysem of doing ets Greensboro Patriot, Hillsbore’ Recorder. Chat- business to merit and receive up cased patronage. We shall he furuish STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SHIP CHAND.- Inte Bulletin, and Raleigh Rewister and Western able to Sentinel please copy for May, June and July RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. LERY, NEGRO CLOTHING, ee FARMING TOOLS /Pulmonie Wafers! Gruano, Plaster, Lime, Pus Onuias Mine INk Terane only INIT and AU armel NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. CORN, HAY, of the kind ecer introduced wn ame ONT a aCe Ene Warkus,” 4 Cin or any other o her Pudinoni® FISH, CYPRE HINGL . Fe, Wifers are connterteita. The Genuine cun be known atas low pr sue any other h ia Eastern North the mame BRYAN being stamped on cas) WAFER Conon BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFFRS Having onrown Vessela, Whrirf, Drave, rte. we Relleve Coughs. Colds, Sore Threat. Moar sssanas wii pay prrteutin atte ty it ARYANS PULMONIC WAFERS Forwarding RdCOmi onbacinesks Relieve Asthma, Bronebitis, Hitiew!t Breathing. — BRY ANS) PULMONIC WAFERS Wews ao uiaKe liber ash advainers on Consign- Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Cheat. meuts INO I FOARD, BUY ANS PULMONIC WAFERY O. HOOKER Relieve Tucipicnt Consamption, Lung Diseases. Newsern, N C., May 29, Testa 3m) BRYAN’'S PULMONIC WAPERS Relleve Irritation @f the tyola and Tonstis. REYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS NEW MANUFACTORY ealsbury, N.C. Relieve the above Complaiat: In Pea Winwses. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Ave a Blessing to all Classes and € stit@tiones BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS I HAVE now completed, and have in operation Are adapted for Vocalists and Pablie Speakers. Machinery, by means of which Tecan safely say, BRYANS PULMONIC SAFER? thar bean supply al North Carolia with Neat Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BL td ERY ANS PULMONIC WAFFRS Cattaze and other Bedsteads, Not only relieve, but eMfeet rapid and lastiug Cares, 0.) +f nut ( je eee coe Re had A MRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS New Yor rary wh rise Give me a calland I Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ome. qui give 6 r A liber di-conat to dealers ye in prete rene rf TE Brown’s Liv- SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF Le Een ele we Wafers, No FAMILY ery Stable See aneees | een menic eel Regmimeayrusi(l Raed 0A he Reap Mie ar PLER S SUPPLY OF ' oo NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPI oO = RO HARRISON Bryaws Pulmenic IN RIN POCKKT NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR Kryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Waters, Say est tf50 n \ U U W h l d d s JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON @ ENNISS, and al? Drug iste May 29, 1S60 lyt JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition !! ‘O O R T LT AP P ‘S U N O L Y {p o y The undersirned will sell for cash his entire stock of fine Hanung and open faced GOLD & SILVER G@Sca JEWELRY su the LU C N E SN O S U1 1 WA Oris Latest Sivtes. ir Setts or separately, prices secording. Gold wnd sil ver Veat and Fob Chains, ba Geld Choithan and Ze . “ Neck Chana. 5 SS SILVER WARK warrsvced eqnal te con ‘Th - best and most spprovedstyiesot Poded Rives Pod . Sp Cast A tiee ssort ( La he above wall be sold Detyiog Competition zor 4 P Watch Glasses putin at 2a cents each Jr All kinds of Repatriie promptly. earetully Ge ene STATESVILLE gh NY TR, Pamet We siae MALE ACADEMY. Jone 26, 1X60 tm Cane N tu. ANDREWS, Principals. - pres ie ro) will commence t. 1Nf0, A tibe aR A N Tr : A ally mire > © ' I | vad, daily, un- | 0) th , ' tt Privcipals.— ’ ° 1 nai \ me at e a ’ ae ie with WYATT’S sine apaie TONIC CORDIAL. BONE E POA RS at Whalesale or tRS/S Retail at the \ SMITH. 51 ERS ey RS ROC G One of the noxt pleasint and eficient Remid en erér gt tie Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, VINEGAR. CHOLTE rdall BOWED COMPLAIN ES Sitvatialh d snd adalis PERE CIDER VINEGAR, for sale by W. H. yy che . WY AIT. 186 d IkX Main street. Salish: ; PRICE—25 CENIS Si i whan Prepared by W HWY APT. Arotieceny Noa. sO and TRS. Ma SALISBURY, N Apple Brandy. )! 1), for Preserving Froits, for sale by ( W.H WYATT, 1R6 and 18s Wain , Saliebars NOC yg. TRAN rg June 5. tf] AT THIS OFFICE tus | \FOR SALE ——S HOW TO PLEASE. ed and carried backward, and go on till finally the whole track of the meteor is strewn with groups of disintegrated aud scintillating material.” National Intelligencer. BY WILLIAM H. MORRIS. “’Tis not vo difficylt to please, | As many inen suppose !— Urbanity will always clarm, As every lady knows. | aes Husband Accidentally Hilled by his| yy | ife-—The Wheeling Intelligencer of! Seergnonship our natures seek | Monday says; Alexander (ardenwoods Hes *Tis natural for ue to love (a painter, who pursued his trade on a| The gified aud the brave! | boat coasting down the a was acci ‘dently shot by his wife a few tae ince, near Gallipotis, Jt appears that Mr. G hand his wife were conversing while ln Was repairing @ pistol, that he jocosels remarked that he (utended to , Pe the meee he “We turn a kindly eye on each ; Wheo first we chauce to meet ; Till some unguarded, selfish act His arts to please, defeat. A man refined, with uature kind, Makes friends where’er he goers His gentle ways, and genial smile, shioot lier, held ia dis hans A grace aroyod him throws. aud shapping it She snatched up at pou ot as a table ne “Who wishes truly igibe loyeds other pl tol Slit ‘ is a : ta le neat Should be what he would seem ! i Where she was standing, beleving it un Good hamor, honor, sympathy, {loaded, Must ia his features beam.” Thus spoke my lady love—Ah, me! My hopes,” said I, ‘you freaze ! Farewell !’—she whispered, “Go not thus, But stay, do—es you please !” bat whieh proved to be heavily jcharged, pulled the tuugver, and sent the fcontunts directly through bis heart, kill ‘ue hin instantly. Professional Cards. THE PATH OF THE METEOR. The following approwimate path of the meteor has been deduced by Prof. Bond DENTAL NOTICE, hie np oc, $B DR. HUSSEY, varied by other or more accurate obser | | 4S REMOVED ro tie DENTAL | cea | | vations: on the corner formerly occupied by Da Baros “The meteor passed over the northern |coumected with his profesmon, part of Pennsylvania in a nearly easter ly ates course, over or near the northern part of Ww. New Jersey, the S. E. corner of New _* York and Long Island Sound, and fell into the ocean southeast of Nantucket. — It was distant about ove hundred miles from Boston, when bearing south of us Its altitude was about twenty miles above the sea to the south of New Bedtord.— AVE associated themselves in the practice « Its velocity was Uwenty or thintymni ies atte neeri inn nice meueracen neat tel eeccie: second. It was seventy or erhty miles} from the Baltimore steamer whose tists uae ‘it just grazed,’ and yet ae from the observer who ‘dod: ged iV in Waltham.” (2 3ARRIER, DENTIST, MT PLEASANT, N March 13, 1860. pdly 43 ccharge the same occupied at presently Dr Waitsinal DR. F. N. LUCKEY, The Professor of ec ce and Phy- ze ING now permanently ed at Tienee ” ’ . ) his own residerer oreeently oward by sicks at Yale CONE SONI O nomen ttn tNas mnie ey mele ty ia tert upat (ine Went en seen there— 24 nes South of Phyatira Chareh, continues Go of for, wt the same tocation, bis professional wervices | “This magnificent meteor had hire ' heads chasinpreach thicnmname tw de lye. sue Wounetons abel healsttewatliits nig grees apart, with a cone of ight tapering! feasts, back from each to the one belind, wit lirauda, Rowe Now Lach, p89 ) much colured light, and leaving a | nye | train of lic ght aie Bpec ks. [ts thelit from] LAW PARTNRSHIP, W.N.W. tok S. 2. occupied about titres | = {8 ‘ 1G) seconds ; greatest altitude about fitty de | VT & Rt CALDWELL, grees from southern horizons : he one formerly occupied by Dro Nesb 153. mean time N. If. for uid ae flight.” | SANITY SS. Professor Peters, of the Observatory al Se aeD ay Hamilton College, at Cli says: nton, New York, BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., ERUCURS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 129, Sycamore Street. PEs DC retr “The meteor moved stow! y from northwestern horizon near Alphi iV us, through the c ellations of ff Ophinohus, Sagitturins Capricorn sing a little above Bra Oping and disappearing on the east—thus descrili: id reat circle of the sphere, in from fifteen totwenty seconds. ing through the clouds of elit: was very beautiful, When arrived in the southwest it scattered in, to pieces, entire] nist | | | thie | irl Iss pas | hiand Mars horizon south the half of + Vee its | COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, | | N. M. MARTIN, SOW & CO, WA | ee ROOMS) where he is prepared to attend all operatious | Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A. CALDWELL, | SELLING NEW YORK COST! A RARE CHANCE FOR BARCAINS! iI alone, AVING determined to change my presen! busi- ness with the object of going iutu a more geuer- 1 will offer all my LADIES DRESS GOOD Laces and Embroiderirs at NEW YORK cost FOR CASH. Ladies ia waut of such Articles will) Had it greatly to their advantage to call and Examine | my stuck aw Tam determined to cloee them out. 1 no alsy selling all Goods on band at Greatly Reduced Prices. 2 A. MYERS, No. 4, Gaanite BuiLoina. | 160, tfol Salisbury, Wilhelm & Gorman. OUR MOTTO— Quick Sales and Short Profits. In Boydeu's Granite how, Opposite the Rowan H use May 14. HWE pabhe are invited to cull and examine onr | splendid stock of Puruture—ihe best and finest Jeverdn this partot the State. Ticonseteof Bareaur tables, Solus, Pete-a Tetes, China | © etre | Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every Kind, Parlor Chan Rocking Chairs, Cane seat and Winsor Chairs, Cb Warh-stinds, &e every thiog in our tine, all of which we ldrea’s Chum. (lat-etande, yin fact will well jcheop as ean be boughtin the State | Alo. a rood aswortnent of Wood Coffink kept ou band, and furnished on as ceamonnble terme an eau | be had | cusions. We have a fine new Hearse fur funeral ve Call at the Farniture Store of ee M & GORMAN | Salisbury, April 26th, 15 lyin | RANAWAY..$75 Reward ) ANAWAY (run the subseribera nt Lex DR jogton, a Negro wan named ALEX or CANDER a dark co r. S feet Kor 10 mehes high, 5 to 165 Ibs, fellow, but Said nan iat and wil wergn trom 1 every like lus rather a vir-Cast look—aped vente The Ubseriiers think at probable that A «turks thout either ia che newhbrheod of Salisbury, Mee rwere'sor MoS. MeKenze's wi give the above reward tor hie th N ¢ reut toes N plantat oe | tpprebension ave Alm viet why one thet at Leaington vof sath fevers they w previo ward for pre Mf harboring said bey SOW MeCRARY & CO Oct 4 oo uy Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Prompily ! DIRECTORS: Jun AM fe, WV Na PEE POA od, NH +) XN Mos 1, J- WoA Wi ( how We elt Vadushs ! LD eat ey NOH OP WILSON Pres HL) Eat ts ACY, View Proatent COP WENDENEEALL, An , PER ADAMS ~ ya d Treas WS ME FE oe EME NGG, & ew \. NEI TEN NG Rete lan / ER TE\ios ! ‘ JW CMRI RET : \ Ai comnmuneationson bu mrected with Omiew, she urge addr rte 7 ADAMS. Secretary Greeveborouph, Ne June 19, bebu un LAND FOR SALE. SSD HOTELS. MANSION m. HOTEL, SALIS BURY. —— So AND Me HE subscriber taker pleasurein anunoneing to his friends, and the public generaly, thut he has taken thie long establirhed ond well known Hotes aud bas wude every possible prepwration to accommo date the business, travelling aud visiting portions o (he public, in the most satisfuctory manner Particular aitention is paid tu his TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS. FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEME? made heretofore. A full assortment of Plows, Cultivators, His STABLES are abundantly supplied and at- | Coru-Shellers, Straw ant Feed-Cutters tended by a careful ostler; and to all departments Horne. Powers, Seed Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills They aleo manufacture Phreshens, | ‘Thresher and Separators, Shafting and Machinery the propnetor gives bis personal attention A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depoton the arnval ofthe care. With these flores to please, a liberal share of the public patronage is confidently selieited WM. ROWZEE 1860. (f-38 Copy Jturen, &e , Xe, ITRON Junuary 25th, Salisbury, No C., Jun 2, 1660 ly34 Raleigh; Patriot Demo Western Advocate, Arheville ; Caro Observer, Fayetteville | Hi | | Morganton, N.C. ve IS superb New Hotel has gained the reputation | of being @ FIRST CLASS HOUSE, aud necoud je boned the State, Aqau evidence of it, Preterto [the many favorable netices by the Press or the State, Standard, Greensboro’ ; erat, Charlotte; fuer ort weekly) Columbua; vad Tredeli Express will publish 3 uuothe aud forwa d accounts REAL ESTATE. jaud the very theralpatronage received. Ht continues SS) [open (wecer having been closed. and tm guests may ISHING to concentrate my hands on one place t ly pon the reparation of the House being sustained | Laer Hil tlie pl vl wines 4 lave orrongem ' we to be , ple | *: 2 r MR ETA ACeUb Rena ence Rss re crac tat 4074 \C RE 5 Most ot (he worl ue Laely woh Fee bib trom Norfolk and Newbern, it | fel au 4 in Jurey ground, the remanider a dark loam, equalin fer every deleacy usually found at FIR: ity to anyon Rowau. Nearly one ballot the rract (LASS HOTELS ine tno woeds, Coutating a great dealoftiog toober. | CLS. Brown & Co's Stage Office.) ei stow vile We NCR OR "Phere ie aboot 40 { ; be Acrerol BOTTOM LAND sud MEADOW, of tire teal thee House Tbe FOUR HORSE COACH Trav quality ‘The DWELEING ow well arrany Bs ton te the bead ofthe WOON Co) Rail Rowd ot a leg nine rooms, garret aud cellar, and also Moudave, Wedveodive. and Baaye, and to Ashes lie ' hang ra Nailin kover aud vedo ‘ba yn. Phumday> Seturdsye iNTKA Nf! Read evades and sprog sre excel COACHES and HACKS ready ota ny he wie n nd it-ba tdings. seme of whieh ure new mye e we well areanged wand © ifort ible ©. S, BROWS. ie te tie miuretce tivetenitetr paren ITER Ys Prorkinton Huibeeot Satihory, wna ry healthy "Phe seal os Vane lie deo: tt boathy vdapted to fine ‘f »Cotton, Grain, Fraic- 62° Observer, Favettevlle : Standard and spurit 20d garden vegetables JNO A BRADSEEAW fy Bullet Charietee s t Newherus 2 boty Bauner, Dee 1a, 1859 \ JILL continue to manufacture aad keep on) hand all for Grist Mauls, Cireulorand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold. | rand Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix- | AVD BRASS CASTINGS. |FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every respect. Repairs of every deseripuiou of Machinery | | 5 dove at short notice North Carona Foundry (AMERICAN WATCHER, | Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ' | A eompoand remedy, in which we bave labored | MACHINE WORKS! yi W. R. “WILSON [motes the most effectual alternative that can be wade. Lt isa conventrated exiract of Para Bure AS just opened a new lot of GOL Di) aaa se combined with other substances of 91)! H and SILVER DOUBLED CASED |8'tster alterauive power as to cfford au effective ay AMERICAN Udote for the diteases Sursapuriila is reputed iocure PATENT LEVER WATCHES | It is believed that such a remedy ie wauted by those | who suffer from Stromous complaints, and that ou which he invites all lovers of a good, handsome ani | wrich will accomplish their cure must prove of im reliable time keepers to come and examine | Meuse service to this large Class uf our afflicted fe| These watches are manufactured and guarantied | ow-cilizeus. How completely this compound will d by hin to be made of the best ma‘erial, on the moet [it har beeu proven by experiment on wnany of th approved priuciple, and pusseases every requisite for wort Cases tu be found in the following complaints a reliable tune keeper. DSCROFULA AND SCHOFULOUS (OmPLAINTs, Exurtion For any defect in matens! workmanship or perfor. | &ND Keurrive Diveases, Uccens. Pimrres, Buotcnes mance under fair usage, he at all times helde himeel | Tumoxs, Bact Kukum, Scaco Heap, Syruiuas ant esponribie. Certificates g ven with each watch sold | Syrmiciric Arrections, Miacuaiat Disease, Vaorey He alo has a large assortment of Gold and Silver| Neuwacaia on Vic Doutovaeux, Desitrry, Dyarer Double Cased Euglieh Patent und detached Levers, #14 AND LNvIGkeTION, ERysireLas, Ruse on St. An Gold Double Cased Levers, 13 jewels. from 30 to a0) ruony's Fine, and indeed the whole class of com dilare each ; aod Silver, Doabled Cased, from 10 to) plait» arising from Imevaity oy THe Boop. »| 40 dotare each | The compound will be tound «a greul promoter o DON'T FORGET TO CALL at the Store next | health, when taken in the spring, to expel the fou door to MeNeely & Young's Store, Main Street jumers woich fester in the blood at thut season ¢ Salsbury, October dich, 1859 ufny Jthe year CIRCULAR, rankhug disorders are nipped 1 the bud. * Muliitude. ‘THe undersigned reapectfu'ly call te je wn, by the aid of this remedy. spare themselves frou [the eudarsnce of foul eruption» and ulceroux mores | through which the rystem will «(rive to rid itself. corrapiions®, If not assinted to do this thr ugh th: atteabon | natural chanvels of the body by en alerative medicine | of Deugaiste aud Mercharte C. ther renewed | Cleanse oul the vitiated blood whenever vou fir d rm stock of very FRESH AND PURF. limpariies bursting through the skin in pimples, erup 7m : : Meas. or sorens Cleatwe it when vou find tiset e 5 : Hobs rut | Drugs & Medicines: Fed aud sluggish in the vere: cleanse it whenever | te foul, and your fecloge will tell you when where ne particular disorder ie fll, terhealih, and live longer, for cleansing the blond | Keep the bled healthy, and all is well; bes pabuluay of life disordered health | welected with much discrupimnation atthe lowest rates, | Tn addition to their complete Kve at howe aud abroad people enjoy bet Jaxsoriment of Medicines, regular and proprietary, lthey have « line of ere y there can ie HO Inet Soonerorlater some thing ainsi go wroug and the great machinery of lite iw disurdered of over thrown. Drugygista Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Spices, Paints, ge, $e, $e, [te Jmaking a variety from [whole wtock at the lowest range of pices They ask your patrou ge wil confidence, from wn expenener of 30 yeers, a very extended trade with the Jeaciog busines» houses in this Stare, ind w consequent knowledge of the suntry; amide trou their facile whch huyers can select a thar | Dfsaparifla how, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplixhing these ends But the world her | been egregiously deceived by preps Hrations of it, Partly real wane cv | eause the drug alone bas not all the vi tue that ; yr | Claimed for it, but nore because many pr: parations pretending to be concentrated extracts ol it, routein {but hide of the virvue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing | else During late years the Vour section of | prow unng woods: ‘bemy in dirret corre spondence with Jihe chief Manutactar rm and Dealers itu this and for fern comptes, Chey will be able to sappy \our needs pubic have been misled by J for he coming season's buwinere, with wreat satisfac ° lon lo yourselver on quality prices wud trai [ied re bottles, pretending to give a quart of Bxtracs SOUIN © BAKER © CO [of Sarwipurila tor one dollar Mort of these buve ENrNtCentKeRt Wor Gd Nonh ad eu. been france upon the sick. for they oot only comtair I aves @ Sc ae fiindelpnie Wile Gl aey, Sareaparile, bat often ne curative prop Fel 7, iN6D pas? ee a whotever Henor, bitier and paintul dirap- | Porctoent hee followed the use of the venous extroes of Sareeparifa which flood the market, antl the Hatie tise fis justly despised, wnd has become ty nony ious woh dpertion and cheat. Sull we call thie compound Saceeporitia, and intend to supply sech a Vas (ied LEO ASHE NORTH C COUNTY 2+ LiOEENA | Tu Equity | Wyatt Perry re David J Perey, Hiram Calloway, fo imedy an rball rescue the name from the bond of mS ltadivurin Cewlli want Jicclaeltaker obloquy whch resis upon it And we think we have In this ease, it appearing to the Court that the }feund Gor heheving 1 bas virtues which wre irreweti iene “Wwe mid Simei Cailowne, by the ordinary run of the dixeases it 18 intended PAM Ree THOUS Calin Nurn (een On ET Uiee In order to secure their ¢ plete eradica- fae , ithe ; \ Won from the system, the remed\ shoald by judicious efore alsore Ve publie woe ade ob = ae eer taker dir cttous on the buitie 1 s “a t times weosalinbary Wocehain tor ax weeks, wot tliat 2 a ie COWAN’S SAU GUNG iene ele te te a ae PWePARED RY Mount ¥ ll Lee tt they ee tei Wet DR. J. ¢. AYER & CO she, a ‘ Jetheow vthe 2a es = oh) ount Vernon Hou Vegetable Lithontriptic, eee te ee LOWELL, MASS FS RASH Us OUTLET eee oy IEE enced bal ee et ere rem bees six Borries)ran $5 FRIBRD OF THE aoa OL ENTREE SDE Cte ee trae am : st DEPOT, coe tga not them and the exuee set FoF hearing’ expat Ayer’ s Cherry Pectoral, SAIBNSIBIC TIO, aS. DISEASED KIDNEYS, wW a ae fe ale oe a : Master haw a elf ane Le r a Ce a very ’ on eaic oo v vis yooh aN mht var voof wroat } uw OO peat ie MS eae Bb aient Wars be etipeved ari Metcuter Vrs wae) ee/? reiterate Ineyx, Weak GEORGE BOWER CoM &t Lirely Wusecesnars tor up tec de A pen iager ara ness of the Loins, de Gases ses ie uh Een ae Sti te : r NHIS ARE MW { re moh . 1 _ wt we y ” Can assure the pre ople ws go 1 ee et 6 6 OO REWARD. ceo ee a, urea : y at Nuptin's w PANAMA Vo Tricitheleitecobers nee inning ee me Jo for ther rehef all thas ever hihe ‘ e eee ! ever We UN vilevomsaturday ihe teltcmat, achsund br % a wih J iba ve ame of JOUN A ORENS EY 0 maid bow as cbout Hue Peers tem aie ae tte a ie eee ae Ayer's S -Catharti Pills, 4 ernest t Tat ice t ' ta ae vr hein at t Lia bonds Ufeal reitlce satite shu « " tel cui, witbedois Wy! sling 1 ’ 0 : R ay oi 1" ernalin wider tle ods eet : \ We Guire Das Peele ann Pe eects saa Castrencen, Fiundore, Dyspeparn, Indigestion, Dys- S BENJAMIN Ju en ts ee ntery, Foul Stomach, Evysipelas, Hendacke, Piles, nee ‘i : ee Ria proua aod Sion Disensea, Liver ' ee Sitloeunerenie chithe ree ( 1 Tester, Tumors and Salt Rheum, ‘“ Important to Mill Owners! "| Sen Me osmium tne Gains ” pit iieralestliadlasneeee nel pales sedi Purstying the Blood THE UNION, clr THIS OUT [icith bev’heva at Gerad Sad bony wil pace tera ‘They hee sugar ewated au thatthe uml eeusitive Arch Stet above Third | ; ) b Panter All persons are forbidden to employ Cie hom pleessutly, and they are the best | harteor for mid ead bey iu any weve whatever apete tun the world tor ad the purposes of a family PHILADELPHIA. Jno. MeManne ns, | Hes Wane tips Narre ay cites ey eats Lively be enhvced agaist all mich perros Price 25 cents ren Box; CaN Ete WN) Aan alvin UPTON S. NEWCOMER pir Moses von 800 es former's Med pect tel te a = { £ . The atbowe Reward will b trent De rmarny “ - Ne to a rocket, or rather Cease Now WORTIN, Or. { RO TASNAWIEL, i Ving the County of Rowan, 14 tide Wet o qr UNURIHGNID Raving purchaced the wer EE | whe witl wander il mA in is jatlecn ie ne ie Me ry e ombshell, with white and blue colts | wow MoRTIN Moo rti wera, SER he Sherre Bord Resa wb fon Foust Mothi ow Weiiecwniie scthut osu rel ininiy paver expe uses pi en ee ale Cece lege Vale 8s the principal Ronee es preceedin | WOK war NOM wMenTiN gio the estate of De oS 2 de rs rind SOU Seen en tu haan ans ne HIBS > ee AND SCREENING MACHINE, " JOUN KENDALL iu Bane OO Pine ny have mtu He names in its course, followed closely by some! 277 7UFet personal attention given ty Cie na Sumas | ; a fem at im he primes a ven a FACTURED AT SOUTIT LOWELL Apol titb, beoy nag Ta ce Spee nn tenon de teey ‘i Te teane : ces ' ; aie Be caitere a uct inate rant 6 Nene ce ican rid shipped to all pars of the Unite pe yy ie yo smaller reddish pieces Irom arelond| : en | i é 4 I eta eee en re ne ' vt tien cles me Sine Poe Avenues below named furnish gratis : lk RNC « sher, Bag ji S “ x Tot ' te . . Ty TTC en wet hich th en motion, and the circumstance that | oer, ‘ 3 wufe tise Wail please Cs ie Lay reductions nade those who have used | DAILY l . PATES MAIL, une ae ae ee eee a : i i ina oe | \ \ WARY VE UN TON y Mu dunce mid wl) then Cnunged Wu e Gr i nent the cuinyiiiiits, ed apparentiy ina eut Paecutnacd ss 0) Rank woh suet miter as w@ ree! putt Pprebation and I A reel AAA Plein iTtatte . WEST 1 sinevt that should be owed for ther conclude that the ieteor was ve ytu I ie } ‘ Teens ’ ey Het: ees itttece See Mucins eee neas hh youten up ar fl . off, and in a great clevation above the Ww. R. WILS ON \ (sent Jiested to tiike payne UPTON © \EWooMER Mot ciara eM ed leita wNniicu(sescauven trutenei ( a) Roe Oa aera Ui aL rea ana epoca nd neunte suai bat fae i a ‘ ue | CMe aan a ae Aux ianateleet ne i or ene erirte wre new con ing Daily trom Wickes pre par eothey tiake mere profit on, Demand = ace of the earth, [ts real velocity. | 5 [% ASH atretarsTeUe erat FEA Wol UH MRan ye ey ' ae Malte aeniie Chleae = / g ry day Station, WON CG Ra ne AyeR Ba ake net The sick want the best 1owever, tnust have surpassed that of the |" Sock (of : : - : 21 ides ee th * lem, and they should have it Y sere d os va : weow we pile watt . : ray : DE TNC Nee Ma SIEN NEN be N garth, as both moved in the same direc | WATCHES. JEWELRY, ©" WARY 1B ANBIN CE WASHINGTON HOTEL South Low et N € ba Es Rema f : ‘ : ed i oe ee i PAN oh ; 1 ben ut : ome i" oes temediew are forsale by vc lon, aVO Noise Wus perceive Reeataut ned ‘ at ud ark = oun ena o \ Woyatt Salsbury, . , se joe nal SIUuveEeRr Ria rae 2 . NaS aa ree u Mae Bice ‘ ae eee i ee Ae wet LAND-LAND JOHN F. JONES, Proprictor DR , pee Mie As nt tonennese Cie cree ars . yrobably oa minimum distances, the} 6 Pen irt “ te aa Ns oa . y : ne “ on could tat Uae rence! ! he Mens x BROAD STRE - MOUTARDE'S {heat Pf onl bea Bok Mo eee en dinner, ilies 2 Alene exedunite: (WeN suo s Ne ure oh SI Pwo valuable Plantations tor sale ea Wi , “e ' Satis oe UCT ENUM ts tir eS ee ee 3 hat has bee ane ot! 4 , won f0 | P; kK ll ape [eae Nt (oS BROWN & CO : ‘ . — the pone mass? It invy ecther fave \ Naren Tce caer jiiee eer wishing Nouge er _ rac OUN ain ] ( r. Maret Qe. 1s 60 Hi44 CO eae us ee ee es yal fea ot ae into ce fouowing a : IEG ES irs eX tent fiw Dee ets trance KITE MULLS SCMliicur een undite wt ans Die Ce IL Ue Seca oe estined orbit, or it may have been cor a SES ut I wii k r t NER Va Va es ewes SANS > _ oe , o 1 1 ' wl ee ( \ ra minute Oona 2 art Waele ken i oes Brown's Livery Stable oi eon. Se ae 5 ne len folie ees ace . ( r “ ry bute ems rN ' 4 ‘ ri CORNS ond BENTIONS, 4 in wf LIVER INVIGORATOR a ah | . de 1 e on a JAMES HOR AH aN He Hea Cet) CHOLEC a Painsia tie Nomad, Wetop a COLOCNE WATER, EBILITATES. ’ pon the earth. ati the fatter cae, it 15} iH excul wlanli st) PMPROO ED Baten Se . 1 loo Ree . probable that it droy ped ito the AEN WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER, and amutticn ut quantity of good ee aced uplare ei , Shan thet Dutestabletineot | fo! ‘ fp becth Children | Treble Distilled from Fragrant Flowers AICTE AI ol ais he. | SALISDIURY.N.« a t : Velen ee Bu L ( y> go aC hres we ccabeabitas expe cine / } ie i a \ A Hl \W y 7 I irs iS casracs P| alii dlscanseiterlw hice ¥ 4 wd, a a bE han ered te public a wrent destte. | roti ‘ is recommended. Professor Bartlett, of West Point Mill lone doer below R. & A. Muphyts store, : Me Trost rors ratain oad) ail : Vevveli rs audothere (ty wap oid mit ' sean giver anveleayes Bi Breit the mero tary Academy, who locl excellent oppor re SERS cnuctautly nani Large weeertane : CE ee Dee | Se en “fetta gomreoe) EA Er ranent e Ys : = 1 i i Noa l-fuand 18% Mam St, vid King aod us Jed im such quauuies ae to tunities for observation, wives the follow “ werenrs, ind JEWELRY: all id Mh ' hop ” Carnie Banher Proven ! MN selennd Ret athy WOE WY aed ° ‘ et fa sate, the : ' be Clackea. Watcher and Jewelry of every bexeriptic ee let Shel a ; me wun eee Ne - SQLISICIDy S Lac the dictates of your ee oy descripti ie Ineteor POMPE nth Haxtinduensiloulhemoen reams nt ; ' ' eae ' mb aud bss Ma tbe LIVER IN- G ai i PUGH OM trerinvtcnn: ape De SN eeu AM CGT Lae SD Ve jort we W rae a a PUOM VS bE oBROWSN Pade N Leola, d0cts and &L per Batile wllcure Liver Com-|Q)| Sle pinte wAgeE. or rae ee term Netto \ vlogs ‘ 0. fo : ue meteor passed over West Point) ginraary 14, 1R60 isa ' er ee on PAL Athann ar : | a ee ao 8, Dysente- on the evening of the ZOth instant, woo subs ured NEA | y bit 9b, Sum. P.M. Tt made its tirst tpypeat MICHAEL BROWN . SOUTH OMAS © GR MIEN | aw i WwW ! weaves, Ct fee moterae che ance in the weet, and moved, apparent f i: ae Peace. in A \ rm. ARD ARE oe ee at ans DST LT RUN , . joven Jaundice, ‘se © Weakness- very slowly, to the casts its mito re ‘ | Ww"! : rn Nan , I. = te Subseribere are recewing and opening at eg-and may be used eur| _. [reaafully as an Ordinas , A ; . 7 Ht Ho 4 S x 5 ; 7 - vite sic peniling that of a tive bation ry ee A MENUIANT, Se MURR & SOSSAMON, icc 1 ee et anne ' } MM. i J \ . ' Kaien " a : by the burning of a feeble rocket up ; ” : Se YE \ 4i \gtny san HE tn eemned las re t ty ming two or three Tea- SALISBURY. V. C. FEWALE COLLEGI a Sele ey liane aa: oe siti. Atnearly equalimervas craw | | SALISBURY, | TEMALE COLLEGE, User me ES Stock of Mardware sete Ge gies sens « off inasses of burning imatter, wheca iin EE ee Se JAMESTOWN, Guilford Co. N, € [the ranience ofthe bite Gesge Wo Brews GENS SUC ELK ON EGO DED R r 4 Se AaThe me tare (i ; » purchase of all kendo PRODUCE oN oN, 1, : ever offered in th ake ch hav en bough to ite favor mediately took the shape and velooty at \ dy Nee . bait ae mi it alee ns a Pe ‘ . 3 HS AION ae ue ULES Ee reat che eee ae MIX WATER IV THE MOUTH WITH nie srineipal Teheran nee cn ales ; eee td c | HE THIRD SESSION of this lege ow en hel ands in tes fave Iergeat and handsomest lot of COOK eka OF i ' i i wah THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW pre a te eas shipped to other Ports / nonmnee daly Lith leah Fe € a pn (ie tedeet op baal fe wats OH + Oe COUT IMES FOWE SI Peyin oe, teats nena exe Can msaieMiad slug stinametlice BUTH TOGETHER. ly diminished Seen 3 the whale sug Felis 14, 1860 fas Cleat eiGi as, oe sy a Sib eomibcremenn | (lave ee a Tamer ue anAee CMe renal oe [ane fu Ww hsten de or Rett buyers A call in re Price One Dot’ar per Bottle. gesting the idea of parent Bee by Iie 2h, bea uid (oS SSS ee ; h xr Sam eedlne Al w Nail peetfuly soleved THAIS (8 RHR OR AL ; . } r , A * watt aX UR | a numerous progeny, dotting lier pat! Collecting Agent. Salisbury, September 6, bsa0 Ms 1 Pine aod Japaced “TEN WARK wad oS PELES Sallahurv Mart <60 ean SANFORD 8s throngh the heavens. Jtst be fore it dis y » N ny uae tend All hangs Tin, Sheet Dron or Copper rong ae e | VIDE vadersigned offers bis services to the publi “() by Ga e IDA ce Jwork done atthe shortest notice | appeared the principal mass divided init asa Collecting Agent in and about Saiahury »).)() A ( R cS MURR & SOSSAMON NOT it ‘ke TO ALI CA J two nearly equal proportions. “Lie color. | We holds the appetntment of Tax Collector for thy oof} PE ALN F Saliebury, Jan 10, 1x60 133 | _ : Nui mice CUMECUS DED EF ‘i f Vown. ond nfore feele wutharized to refer persons Craig abet OF | OT HAVE determined to sete uiy ourstanding hn. Pure Vegetable Eatracts, na rut epiu lea Sheely. or as at ftiist - a u ey pe ee a a Pee ee en no ran enienent tre tt a | aera 7) a et e/a AN ren cand fit that parece have plered all my) GEASS CASMR, Ale Tight, aud will heop bine and then white, and at the close toon |, rene JOUN Ml AR ed te bier A / Vd ale ‘ : W TED pers notes and accountain the hands of JOHN etl! r : ; 5s ca , J ‘ . . 1 4 . Th Famtly Cae thartte PITY. tea gen a Unge of yellow. The altitude secu April 10, (S60 26964 Collecting Avent some as goed Wattor bet fia R OW NG) eee W AteCon onthe 2Eh oat dnty Cech BEARD. whereiny agents and all theme that. re- tle hut active) Cathartic which the proprie.or had x | eee r ae a biter ene ccc . \ 20.000 foot Syeamore La mt nv - } hes Cvimeiionthy will cer used tn bie practice | ree ne centre Troe ns tee Perit Teateiee t srittity. cn De TH trek ~V. ; i ; » raosettied onthe 2och of th " Woven. ° ntly ine: va ‘om the ho greater than that attained by or iry | S es eerie Ter aun el le ic SessL an cel CRA " - imber, tans hava pire: SUONEY 1 MEST AND bone the P and the entistartion which agual rocketa; and this, tovether With) Gacan SOUTHERN HAT AVD CAP | “ oye ane ee Hf Ser rennet reed prices will be paid ofthe WEG HAVE M. HOPPLIN UU ace cA Geta ne aed ede bce the seemingly slow motion, led at first te | y 1 Pep 4 ps RY un Sie: Hote ef eattvation and will be aetd woh ee Hugs Feb, Th, isno tfa7 "Pier pi ae i Deh ialffe ren \cauersics act the inference that it was seme vw at MAVERACTOR Y, Eats a's fuori yrout pil [fe panera nticiien end TRCN tilda ws He, and at any conveciuent lenge - nk MILY THARTIC PYt he 2 a a i ali ‘ r f : ae P thie well esta’ t ' : : : TOIIN states aia “288 : COLE OCA ' wot wen fare vn mes bo had ae CLARK & REEVES oom fety of the purest ¥ marvellonsly auceesafal protect Sa feNoaraas” cnt aL abe mate ay My Bel Southern Manufactory. 220.085 B ee vice, fired from the western liiis. Lr eer a ce Sueust 0%) 149) wht nh tedemned a ‘ Wed | J. ces Saal EB esc “ ". Be: le : , “ oe ve : . a . ! ot omac eepi- ed about one minute and a quarter Me emer energie RAS OCCT WRU MOL ESRR IN . . wo Vee 7 eeULBE HELE Aan SPEC] Al, NO 1@ts == vee hy the Bock add leu, i culuminated, ite projection on tie ce | TLRS LL AT Reduction in Price. Mich wy Txt. 1x6) lwo FITTS re ene Finn | WAVE AP MY STEAW TANNERY a lirge . neal tie here suear to Corona [ot ST aaron enue a | RU ARE Gea helm and Gor ECan Wikindenilom enim ite nincriiniicannll — ae 1] I ; ( hi he a y r | | aie ji we y OAT a or ips a Siete tN RO) te gro HILLSBORO’ Wn ter Ne yar TAG. wee apseialty: requested in a ale CBE hae a tor in quality ha, nu av do ogreatoa ‘ : ' ‘ t me forward and pa T. es f : oe muerte fie NrL0ib coi ' MILITARY ACADEMY. ae forward and pay op Po meet the dem Fie Sienna eee er enact entered Oe necanm cre re he slowness of its apparent in ' | Upenieaaey, Nari niente UENDERSON & ENNISS TS i ea ae a math ya ae We hope thee ne Tr Uidee and Bark wanted CRiarce (eee LF ' " fits projection can be had tram oeriery i, el Whey tee einpy in witl 10. beta tas | RTOS UE CIN Cac ULI Oa a ee) JNO A HOLT, teh eke es i eeyiee io nacre : ‘ f heey be bi Lehn , Cor EEA ie Say rendent of the Sta mG Sie aH Feb QI 60-629) Sebi N meat. Dow Blations, its parallax and therefore ity vinay a \ a te zm Pa cone, Pa hore RUIENTETEATGn GO ten » + P860-6m Sulebury, ( ee i tt a trug distance from the earth may be tea | ie Ge ea PLE COOLS TPM TP eerie ten for 60 wi yprise ax Officers, Bora May. 1h 1860 tS) tmartte Pi wa ily infer i Sones FOTN MEN TT oat gtiaas sara NOTICE THIS, =r shskhe's : will he kept eonatonthy fut! hy the nd : . ; : . SANFC of 2 “8 are a ature of ql ‘ PeLcurll 7 eae RC AVANAUGIES Celebrited Pile Ouitmen Now 22, 1439 padly 26 a SeT RR & y : 71Cy Manifactyter and Proprietor, ned ls ” . ee ‘i Hee ating oy WHEELER & WILSON’S TILE undersiuneed having taken up the books of 335 Broadway, New Yorn. nets, amc ae ate ab NE ea EH) toile lena ae ei ean M ILENDERSON & EXNISS JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., @ tte tiem of Beil & James, gives dus notes, tir Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Davaarer Ww unerringly as their larger brethren Block Woleokin Hot ie sutl inthe front r 1 ee Lt Es 1 f the PI {TOW BREM & CO, Charlotte, 8 \ ev ing W ac hines.: DSU TS es Aula Re Pie Lewin Seabury it Vhen they und the earth Come siuiulta | A iho superar. to winsyth ng produced im tye SEs TERS ‘ i tye settlement af every account will bet ad Jaly 5, 1859 ly6 heously to those points wf their oi tits| ' Mo assortment ot Boxers Mise 9? id Chil A Te RR Sun = ewinean fel eons re CS ypu subscriber having heen appointed Agent for >a} AME mI ah ; \ eiich'y trimmed Hate nt tot all the dith requested to Anll wan envalers tine WHEELER W ING Deo 27, 1859 1 which are nearest tovether, the a : § WILSON S WING M4. ely aie teateah Feeeticn ts Behe ae Cina ee hee a sient dam cinietial tn beer mines; SMEAMAN BROTHERS, civic ene seynernrh et ORRELL & GRADY, tl a 4 att Oni ‘ TS | He 3 : : ; dine “ MiceieRpaCinnAcTh Mimalie on) + Ivrorters avp Jonaners« op " re ry Vianible and tnd eas Are DAIeR D R AY I t G Manafactarere and Wholesale Dealers in of th in, and the srall mares are drawn | tary Goods Tenn farnish + y ree de, Lhope they will come an proamptty He Beoneiny ‘Phe Machine eon beseen in operation : : Be The 1 + to ite aurface. Planing with enoriicin) My sbek of te vane qualiien of ens uta ROP RESSENT. ~ Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, ni ings SUNT EN AMV Crest fel ulin o— HATS, CAPS, velocity into our alnioapliere, (sce: (ih ne uy ae ® mo) Fu mid apy of the 8 rent Now Uh, 1859 12 evra eee 4 \ A. MYERS pee undersigned gives notice that he krepa a Straw and Milline Go ods , an Hear Cape nade ta onter at chert net y : s, ry 8 tfou TEAM AND WAGONS for the porpose of ry 2 eS es we ae front . J i ) Semkak deel JOHN DOOT ve ( \ mR : =" ry ) TOEPHrkeRince and 16 Mirra (Si reat: . Desyiog, and will serve all whe muy favor hun with Umbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, he, against it with such violence on all sides nine Me ul \ ] ‘I . NEW Work ° Calle in thie line on accommodating terme . ses . : ‘ eae o. 18 Cour Street, av to produce heat enough to tise, and I WANT to boy a darge quantity of CORN, for Fone 5, 1960 Ginpd2 Spring Mattresses. March 20 i PCE MOS Ey po one, nats rid . . . : . re ‘ sh ie Y ight sifficient to illuminate the most re 6560 White Hands | whih Twill pay the highest murket price I r VEE auhacriber haeon hand the heet quality of anise nts foumerly nf Fayetteville, N.C mn J > 1 i > nr RAD y a fractory and darkest of substances. ‘The| TUL, find ateady emplovment npan the Wy. (28Y be found onthe main business street af Sahalory Buggies and Rockaways. SPRENG and other MATTRESSES. Callat \ ; ME GEWilts Rote eG New York. J ' day LW REARD his Furniture 8 SR. HARRISON 50.000 Brick For Sal Se ibe exterior and molten crost ia awopt td the mington, Charlotte and Rutherfied Ruil Bond, | | Ss) i Wheat , ri Rubecriber haw tat of handwne naw Bug. hie Burnitare Store aaa ane : rie or Sale rear this place ply ti »— The highest onah eee Doe oh a ay am5 . . ear by the resisting air; a new surface)" ss Apply t | pring ea Phe highest cnab gies and Rockwwaya, which he will aellon good my THOSE wanting to boy Fifty of Sixty Thousand BLANK DEEDS SAM'L MeNINCH, price will be paid for any quantity of Spring Wheat terms THOS FE BROWN ahh aE ecoiiep exposed: (ida faa - . | ' 4q pong I good Brick, cin get a bargain by calling at thie ‘ ¥ : Jecomer expose ; so its taro, je tu May & 1880 11750] harbite, NC | May 99. 1x60 1f52 | Jan 24, 160 tas Blinks of all kinds for sale at thia office Ofte a7 (FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE | mee t J. J. BRUNER, | ~ ; —— nn EDILTOR AND PROPRIETOR. | : Fiom Pike's Peak—Numerous Shooting = y Affrays—A Vigilunce Committee. TERMS . | Lf g | / At | Sr. Joseru, Aug. 1.—The Pike's Peak Single copy $2.00 Five copies, $5.00 | ( ; 4 ; Express, from Dover city, with dates to eu copic Fi500 | \ \ He G ) the 23d inst., arrived here last evening. Chios see ten,in the same proportion { } A man named Suwith, of Arkansas, while pursuing aman named Cartis (who $1.50 each. Payinent always in ee > vy | | . t J yy é S 4 by “ Ly 5 ee y@ had eluped with his wife) through the XS streets shot at lim. Curtis escaped in- following Court and ante ‘ous BLANKS jury, bat Sinith’s wife was wounded. / kept on band for sale, at this office, Can be ee ; . Curtis then returned the fire, killing him lustantly The shooting affray between Pat Dev- 7 EO tale any part . the wen 5 ” V( ) L. Xx V I | I. ; R U R Y x A — . sitet aecneaimetere a . — shor) Ut, iN. C. AUGUSI 14, l 60. AU M BEI 13. lin and Joseph Lafferty resulted in the Cisas & Bonds, Apprentice Ladentures | ea ee TeEY OLaTaaS erice| ‘death of the former. The People’s Court Sieenas, C&S C SpeciniLetters do. 7 returned a verdict of justifiable homicide. Woiuexs Pickets, C.& 8.C Marriage Licenses, | evote t iti 5 Mr. Had! ” ; . i . juror Tickets Do. Certitleutes d 0 oli G S : 3 Mr. Hadly, an auctioneer, was acciden- AE edeuiinendnyGre SC mmy store gi (CarraTcn D p 15, Uews, Agriculture, Jaternal Im 1 f ; : : : Teel cacao. saan = , rovements Sciences, fA D the Family € iy et He yn baroeye fo pane oreo amp » Commerce, the Arts aud Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. fuyw ago, ‘The laiter was arrested (tehment Writs, Deeds in Vrust, . ay ! tte a sted, Nemee ions Bheriff Deeds. ay James Gordon, formerly of Boston, AL amprtration, do Pio ee | Merald replies as toll a : : lk eck, ef bi ete ss N tenuntanils PSL ALLAN showing the 2 Ski : ’ i ° _ wiile op a spree last weck, ehot a bar- “ ee tee a @ Skies are Brightening | 2 . icine | \ AEH eytnerairne Peay lameaprin, PUSition w Nichi rerenivomenntien(nnenen re ‘ neat ning, | New Jersey State re oes the Raleigh Register From the Raleigh Rep. ste keeper, badly wounding h um Alter two Soe ee ee payer occupies : Sire te nde wetenaicne Wetwie stlea lion eine Convention: New DOSE ESO DOWN THE SkouGy A OW Tih VOUGEA MEN egies eee ber of Gt " : , _ ro ‘ A Te later 4 ‘night, he attacked a y “1s . i he editor of eaid paper is his EH cerofthe “Guay,” the National Eyce. detoey tet at Trenton om the 25th of Ja FLAG: TREATED. wer an then wit, he attacked a young “OUR ENEMIES ee EO ee : ; Germap ina public saloon, and blew bis ; JO Wentwarth, Mavaeot Chieus utive Committee has reeeived a laree (Y: A large number of delegates were ' : . ee ee Howl : | —— i ar ' ; fa (ana a “pe Nashville Banner mentions the re We take the following ft ! S 1 ut ( lor ‘ sued by the The Yancey Breckinridge rty and miltarly called Lone Jobo, trom his al Umber of letters fram every fee attendance, cutnumberng in fact 1) ot a \ . li BET cca at Wel ivGr en a : 1 - 5 nh, ~ i ro Oe section o ] fite PH, " We , ‘ | y . te - Y ; “whizens ¥ : r uy, € vg the black republic ins, with Lincoln ar, titude, Wihiel is six leet sia, ortwornehes the Ciion s all with Tytarkall delegates to the Douglas and Breekin i . oe (ah) ry ance st Wedineadie ae e ee — yor h me unde in i : ‘ val hablo unaninne py : : fiscoverec a party i snide their head, may justly be regarded as the | Nhe than that of the ori dinalrath splitter ty, comeidin ‘ tl : i / a rhige Conventions, both of which were a Brule Hata te Sues | : 1 | h : i a ne eae if a ets ; & ae hitnsert. ine ee ' el the report thatthe «kies duo sesston at [re : . inscribed with the ‘ . ae Neil aoe vs G ort plon, but he made his escape, al- Ch ee a, Ce : u ‘ Acmanof such proportions, and HOMIE ete Auten re nen S ‘ ut Trenton on that dav. ently with he boble names of Dell Mr. Eprrok: How is it ty be expected tor Lavine been woanded and his horse | catia ae ce of the efticral position of Weatworth, aad X i brighter and more au clCre) Clank wast elected Dresimicuteant Hvercitum Tien Warchinant lite lreresctinilannienveanc (nian berntin tt : 5 . reese 2 oy r ’ AoE sp OS ' | if . , ‘ ' 1 : t antral elie represent the a q \ UV CV liteee llc aeicve sealer Guia ak Picious for the vlorious cause of the Uy Of the Convention, He raddrtescd tierroimesunpartedietiicueireckinnd ed in the ranks of the Democrate Party : iti veation, North and South; and af) the >| eels ie eis ay fen : p tember ' lrecath : eit ‘ He sreckinnidyee aud - oe i‘ Pwo prominent citizens were arrested question, » aes He than Who speaks oy aul cn when he Mt ane the Constitution, The ery of “ne PETS AUR G EOD) political PCa ee bate ticket, but canuot long Iti Nort: Carolina when some of the pa tl } t ) t ¢ 2 ; F Bt ) ‘ hye UE pacy, > charce of assis r |i O esti 5 American people we determined to pre undertakes to proclain the pronciples and chance” has had its day, i ot the day denouncing in bitter terns ee auc tit pers advocating the Drechinridse and ees : UU Oe 2Cu RS I i F mad its day, and is now re. sectional candidates, and therefore aban a ot ce Ove ofthe party we pursuit of Gordon the Democratic as well as the Republi- Lane ticket are indulging in the most serve the Union and secure the public, PUrpose poflis Presidential candidate and torte . : a of F Meee I (Ube party stipportiig: bao eu “ ed with stayvering effect upon the can parties, dons them tor the standard-bearers of our scurrilous abuse aud wat! cee Meter aay Ul pes teens, peace, they must reject both these par | | : py LU MUCCamianistaemmcllicnal qautirerm lion A nee . ' an 3 Flee me ae Won mysrepresen | and while the latter were endeavoring A | NViUmr rena tits in Can rmrlrOneI Caen e Terria ° rere is diteraily no At the conelnsion of his remarks the Union party. The Watchman is publish | tttion of the motives of Judge Douglas é ee t | ij Fra L Mi LO W | teers De et cccnmemtoretie to mliumamolleenteerye ae for them outside of South Caro. Ceumittce on Resvlutions made their re- ed in the heart ef the rich and populon and his friends # [trust the Douglas men eles a ie er aa a s2C Fyre the Col 1 " il + { 1 et, " : : Lai re van, Was drowned, Anothero ve party e copy from the Cotumbin Curoled | thas presented by an cditor fully possess: 283 foreven Alabama and Muississipy Pe . ty of 1 will subtait in silence no longer to suet : eben) ' ee oe Ce. ! ae | , ALississi pepe ee . county of Loundes, and promises to do x 2 8UCHh was taken prisoner, with arms and three dan the following as showing the objects, ing the confidence of Mr. Lincoln, is a tte wheeling inte line and preparing t V. Resolved, That we hesetily ratify the nom f Dercoults tin { W indignities. In the last Monday’s Iesue fes inl : i i : ; iy i Marin to ? coman service in the good cause co ; i tutes IN his possession, ais. temper and tendency of these can. | uly wonder that the alternative of seces: “ke t 2 - Watts of ons bistio ot Pounessee, tor Presin 5 : 2 eof the Democratic rex ‘re I aims, per and tendency of these con 3 ‘s ie erative of rece Reepstey with the music ofthe Union.” dent. and Er bE iH take pleasure and pride in ls hare emocratic ress, there is pub A Vigilance Coumittee bas been or- tenditne parties 5 and we challenze the sion and a Southern Contederacy should Move a 5 HP Bowatn bvenerr, of Massachuseets, [ea bi pode in laying before lished an article from the Was! HINgtoOn sry {to ferret | htl \ li . be ayitated tn the South € What means 4 : e especialy do we receive favora: for Vice President, ay distinguished patriots, able our readers the following Passage from an City Constitution in which the N ecole al A SUA ea eceantg Lela ean public to discover in them any thing bur) i cae bl ' US RUCEECatiomt reirh Varina arr , apd expertenced statesmen, and lifelong sup & 5 re / : ING derers and thieves bow overrunning the lis peaceable extinguistiimentot slavery ¢ win, North Caroli Heese tee | +4 tony Particle in the Watchman, which explains emvcratic Convention at Baltimore, ¢ untry orlers of the tion, the Constitution abd the on mischief in any event, so far as these! W Ge lentucl ; / ’ ‘ e prestine i teas its husie i na, hentucky, Tennessee vl ere i . nominating Douglas t lie j - : 7 | 1 exclusion from : see, Maryland, Mis the reasons for the change in its political % Douglas, has applied to ir the Phe mining news is unimportant, Laws.” agioust whuw uoue have or can raise a parties are concerned, Our only refige tie Perritoriess and i Sotti. t | i . ) x y and is removal trom the *eUE, and Louisiana. Tn all these Stat : Inust insulting epithets: “the theatreeal + 1 : : pica; a. al x Me spevaviles ‘1D, views: aot G The weather has been warw and show- of safety, is in Bell and Everett, as the Disteg at Colitniiaytavy yuna, deckwurdicnds assure He ttt | im ved, That w f. utente Democracy”—undertaking “to caved! ory . vanes . ran he , ee z eS eE ST # CC ie Se rect irri UME) ! e are in favorof the Cn oe : | . + oe . a zs y ery. true representatives of the National, Cor vards, We, by act of Congress; pext, te vote yw Lode Neto eu i | tol as itis, and opposed to the efforts of all se [tis with pride, and a consciousness Mr. Fitzpatrick, & er aeuse nto pltntinudlantd Guiumn eeutunene a sippresston of the intrState slave tras Nyt ° ' AG Ee Verert Noun aedeanu likin tommenkene Undenit : that we are advocating the cause of trath, Uieir se/fish purposes, Ke they were = ral ¢ on sebutinnenh of ie fae : tl ree nee et . at bets & cakeu, ute le, or | ‘i 4 . p ‘I ‘ ys = He : PO Cage Pee | reora t gallant effort is bem dessoy at and the highest interest of the whole destitutute “of devotion to any prince Pescivanrry.--~When Hamilton wae suntry 5 ane a tmercitt over rahi | . pop) * nied UW HG It , i fe iy ‘ . Fas eer | - : “ “a > i Gent, te athe tes [Ut processes e toe ber clevtural votes to Bei By ltrsolvecl) Vint cwe eurnesthy © Inn tle ; UTE, Wont we unfurl our banner tothe jes their eonality Was put toss une, Washington's Secretary, he was ordered J rovidence as a power toe ver is thou i ral af ‘ tt , ‘onstituttat bar mreeZe ford: Inc ‘ ‘Tau y ene | n \ ‘ . he ay et neeant ri netee ene 1 Piven het w NER Eioeecser Constita uN UE ity provisions ana compro reege to-day, iiseribed with the names had the aeadaedty to clan, Ke. to imeet the Commander-in-Chicf one the threatened dan wt Olin ele Hee LTV ELIE SSH ee my enerstsncccss Tae ran yp Metses, as rite tid J tt weliealeulited to protect * PU SVGyera the al slent, miost Meorruptibte tueu strugyling flleewors in the Sot ' \W lnanashn 5 rae ao | A ateirert ra Be Thing at sutrise, shingto my up du the Southern and Nocthern hor died ae Sore Court ail oot fe Ue ton is my pir ' fener Md Support Gur Walon Tustry. prosperity Pye statesmen, Whom a bene fs lo etipposed thatthe two oor three tun aie aaa tos tn SIPUSS) ain ‘ by : rede ee, 3 ne Bos iteninl , ei zous Tel aid tiie sau wal. oe ot i] t ! aid probed ' cent Providence has spared to a distract dred thousand freemen in the South, who pot, and waited five minutes en UEP ode orameinee. ake awh 6: ane Eveorent toive Gukeu the theld with tre Ho olesclved. Thatthe constitutional auitation Cd eountey ntend casting ther votes for dudaze Do Tati sped, Se: terpeetetion af tae Constr ya TT an 19 ait ob the slesery question, either for the protection We shall work for their clection ear. glas will submit to eueh amselts trot the ena et Vines THELROOMAM MWh TOEN EMI ES heli tai sta Senter tiecan NM) Tn New Jersey ur trends have recent, ZLRM ation ot toes ty Cousins, cat have mestly, Delesving that we are thus peform: vet official urgan ot Cecue “the the a et y We copy the fol a " NCE) Gls Aten ten | reve fe ai tent held a large ane! ‘ Seas sk on SRY? a duty We owe to ourselves and pros at Wasitiietom, retard lv Welsercet pe \ ‘ j Was , r dc he foli r ‘ “ per Weitere cent t ssarw bp DeeSe stn Holle a ; ; Seni ) ; fe : ! PRR cel : aa go Mrrald, a Diack pers. te Verte tell hand WoWerta over a ieewtiele ea el, ee a ah iy. Witt bold and fearless speech te teal wranglers, wie base far inore zeg \ roi, Which wassimilarly broken, P marie vaste oe Aral tdci tara, Uti iss Muttiess tu lis \ i t on ieee a . Xpose tae corruptions of tiodern De. tne secretion fT. this the wav t rth os red Tis Negligence . This article ts poy toate trom the ae ) i Tt han Is views of \ reer ELS OUT ae egal aed tect SUE wize the Democratic party ¢ | 8! tees Hokie tis watch 5 Co : boi 1 F ; : z ten i wid et ») » im 1 ! ‘ tre ote tor ' Newly Grea c ile Ff i EAA TACHI Wie treat isihis pea Nichet ve glee beens ize Cale oe the | WoDlack Republicanism ou the other ase thie Doiwelis mien =" fo 7 wie i Vloel the punetual soldier replied :— Sg Bee Sree : : ‘ > , , } , me ee Wage * bot ‘ | ' t = : n : ‘ at ther wet < , called atten’ to the tert Mr ly K SCL ele the Tet ' Lore i hen IL; 1 ! tte 4 bed when J aud sted “ DEE STE CARLES ROS UEN [Nec GEM Tits mga tN NCE wthiect ty wnch treatne nt /r | ea ‘ royet a new Aine ine Sioa ‘ , MUreuri wl ait thie Sous mien tiles 7 Pee reece cart ene ian Tein re rerity ad a nation-—we elall deem it a “ef—Sveak our! Wisi watt er To oiust wot a new Secretary 2 zw bata eer rnty yy certain © re 3 i nna | ‘ eC 1) ee H o ’ De of the Union, it rece tel oe i [ieee erretieentrere ; aire ee , _ Venere Uni nt Tere erate gieand swcred privilege. With what The Dana bslot first Rinperor Na- . elected Liter quer ne | Mel ; nO res is, MW ‘ e ever ability we proossess, we eliall labor 1fas Te May expect Cos peceon ine ted hic etal of the Marshals me ‘ ‘ Less te pi ms ub ied It a Penta ay a ven tow HW Ue teeta 1 t ‘ +5 Co Weber UT ALE bast ib SOK le ey i ea re treatment throuy roo} ( i fy fastige Bey Fi eee fiom letters by Mi. React and Mi Y : : a ypeted TH : Mo : wee cies mi : ee : a Uw t ve t Hue uh ; ' [aloes meENKY Crist [en ' oF A : : hed ecy, the ¢ won he na Cr Giteco nice ts posted every da In New York arrangemetits are it Pana, wan 4 recent ‘ : Which was for tts ob LS sitintionseat titee mune Nutt a Cots Me seis Were a Tew mine fi 2 = eee lee . ‘ . as Des > put dea seu ' ) ) ‘ te benaye t the mome eines linus odie - at toe head of rs column aress whiel will ‘ Veenstre Ton, Who proeecded te ad ner Po pot down sect tolina ts peculiarly unhappy. Since the Se ee 1 1 Ya neh . . ; Ib tage fran oty Wa eee = Oy ee u the cleck struck, sat down to the table becn used thine and thse agar te sean fin | = | evet (4 v ma Kot er oot elector mt HAN chet e 1 F : se ‘ Voy fo purse caeerous surrender of the Ntancdarcd, H - t Nort ~ rntent q ! } Neti r i 11 entices af The nations of those cur: 4 shes was a quick eater, seldor He Norte dato omtlsttissscu to S eatin “ ‘ HEE ae atye f soe anid C Che sain ve weleatl Gia a eS ety Is , \ bos ad iress, . we they have no contrat ori last } rine ror tt 7 detmaud {os ie ove ene Habt tue I CEN lon. Jaron 13 M t yet and effete demacowies alos have noe ‘ SE EAS tte A PO eben a re Ui ten Jetauds atc tticerm tvateretny ‘ NEE ! thet r EC ‘ ' . . ; % g PAU OH Podge oe Wis talvendta tote } \¢ ONVORLT Cannes ’ ; oe t j 5 : South is not oniy s ta It rae WA hee ci) [tat eet : Hake sone retiarhks pet ! than te plander the treas try . va, i tte t . ‘ A) ! time his et LOE WU a: aby oar toca a fea thee Ukr Went ' ey ty . Vase espace Meipee Getcha Nay stat t cl w nhe poset weet 5 slavery every eee ‘ t li muse tu fal Woods expyvet ‘ . ‘ a Mr Tits (eae VV AT EE Ne itntaies srg he es VIELE ates Tea he i ; ! PES UE AUNT ae wt : ‘ trmect then, ‘ vervwhere, i eet t : pre wal " A : . 4 ' a . P “ : ‘ , : een jee Cure Pony) CG eee . a : ie pbe divider Titec ‘ moby the propia vote [eee Tees aa tats ae wae mye ceuents of the Nocth that there eassadits of the DBreckinndice mer : et 1S Tass jute GINNEL, TOWLE MIELE fie ¢ fo eeetecr ve | sili t sat Bleetoral Liohet, re Coy, : ; 5 a & : i ee A Complete control, by tas ; - eo otont cor ail the other ] er tae be shertoed tis strength in New York, petted a Recommendation trat the Pre : ru party with whore they can Viat Paper is the Newbern Progress \i pe uae ‘ ee . it } . yproriate, N . t r ) . Sere Nt Pedipou the disudis were ob- Under its © ntrel for veats, ated ta lt [EOS al SLO GY WT Eres eofur 5 followers Ih ofber States wil raycd., Pelt apport a state bxccative Comm perate whieh is aiming neither to steal which thengh firin, fearless, and out spe j ’ ue , were OhiCS — teer spread of at, and 7 Aan : : Ne CMTe CUR eet , va tod from nations with whieh we are at . ! PS eee aC atermoon in Pihe South is te perpetuate a ' Pprace 1) woere te alesert tin, and its duteat be reduced t eS eer SE eee chive tiiltrust RET, CANNOT, OWN LO TTS positon, Ox Wide a mn ool ty Is power pe secure in all the | puoce mivd shall rest dette beet that each Consresstaval district Niro eies coekeee® ESC CES CE ILGT las eran yrcr | 2 : ' S : So) the Gover ce a I UORCecniis tilting x tence a certainty (cle Wmese ici rejiicrcriinin f a the African slave trade in disregard of “CS Mere than a local it thucnee But stoma iT, Gin te re Ce Us tr: ! ate ( t ) , ; ‘ | rorted 2 tol wy . = F : : Boies of = PUTTS el Coca Haun ya ey PuntisyIVaMniasiinilinarranmecment Joccniral licket pe i See rt emuen nor—meost heinous of all— "to pre this is none of our business. Our o!ject| ce. State ol 4 5 nn Cant v tstt \ | , . ie Bae a kesh acd ! ’ . ) . | . rn: : Mette eats bocdr tstall hecome alike lawtul in all ihe WHll be male with that i Ns Ee etc Mera ceinr amaen ie ars the cotton States inte revolution ¢ sto cooperate with those who are work fevtidordinary Boye tyes a etih— ~: | ar nail to oR 4 . austitutie } t > } ' ret t tat Hi “Whoo cuntet see t Weis CET sold as Well as vew— North aswel prevent the vote of the Me eronemes fone ‘ fini a 7 a La nstitution, to ing to save this Unior The Breckin Das tstertyat Dioomioi, New Jer- 5 ey LS } Mnf D + preserve the Hon, ane ‘nforee thc < tay thes tlt 1 t (cette flictin all this? 7] Sail Pe acne ft te Whee ; ee | cele - ak ( CCiieN aa nh Mareen es , and to enforee th rolrcumecmirenunder the ladon Yqrcus ev oot 1 oul 2 o vhtning cr bivlee ATE , : (ae ere re MI 0 ‘ . NinWiey ; > K ‘ ( ene A hours tu neeit upon is | fia eure ae eee - e nero ; J} Mi Cah aul et ves acet he ees ! m are more arrogant atid ranke vec : Set ' : In calm NW ot Monmouth Commenting on the al e, the Lonis- , K i Ser Bek TAU MNT A us Phe la- oer st j | PEE SUTIN WN ied Se vit ie | i Seat A NI nt i y A ‘ , vying to dest etre the Ditties tien dis ot eur 7 is SOE RG C6 NLA ta Cerner avi = \ ! > c 1 SAYS 1s js Is f aia 1ce- pee é ce aeet dey t t cnet: + t] ’ . ' | | » . Veorot tae pe tea pr. ’ 1 ' ed in breaking up beta W tot Den ! | the Rey ‘ vtachinent to the Co Ur (as i Pere O area kof lived PC Lenteaticalaniaet : eS SCENT prevent them trom G.cd patra \ Valin tents on = ee ee “ Acre _ , A 1 SNe Ne PUL IC Lanna re We are rr er > je rey 5 Cratle partie (ost t timer tite at te thay of adore They teil ts ninen will taake any sacritices t t CNT Ps day ASI ge ory BLY Bell and Ev C Cian alore US fvsh toeh oe OS hand ii ' : , Ving daily assurances t the ' s ey to ' tor plattor tint tev ners ate oa oe doin Vy dt fens 5 ne a ment ve the | iC : 4 Wits eto iu Lately ad- eed Now t i, : ae , ’ : ae ne be 1 I) ( ae Peal ee ments are spreading eogout the : . jac Wtese banter NS ‘! WOW Than Tey seed prospector ed | uuv as twin redes of bar Le achusetts we continue tap an , Fe ea W i ie a ; DeCTer a le polities Wer ott ee eer Ses , . athe place t eel tae Terry a naa sath eomast as we lave attempted Rea : EE Tc tert the te eee a COURTS Pies tt > or takes the exageeratl ve the most faverable deeonats, Ame ep ae ‘ : \ ATP AISIN TE CHIEI ao ine Sito ene hiatal ; orm there tats, they t it iN Go date fee omen, and oaffer te consince oe read ers, stuow lo Lin @res ; ee r Jutien of the Union at es east es > sions to the Union ranks are bers mingties an 1 \ tal] . A comeepandent at thee Nenstn ( Monit or aa Mo det at it vot thatthe Beha WunClice hs ny eabunth tlie sueesur , \ on Bet SERN ATICE REY MESTS Ap ri Noi 1it4 el et \ ; ‘l * j Coliiea leathiten bercanen ier er , : Elect Vet toe faty tuade trom both the other pat : beste day . Vy nth 1 kee Nation eves t ‘ odo str < it Tae rhtning th iracter aN Nee eierree co ‘ a Paps sy Th I Wit : t a , ce a Fe = : ‘ t Tt (ease Mncariwaee ba ; ; i NOT EN TOL VeNS TEIN . int of i : Vea at | ry can be seen; and its ut er se He ess aoe yes u tod the speeches of Hilliard, Cartis, at 1 re (Cains bein in : i : | on of shonlder, past and brut \ ‘ CEE USES PL STEN Ot Vali Ss CEG: (ent een ; ie {LY CAN (OOP TIEN We have cand Tie noes are composed oft Wt ys isnt i a len pee ant OPWtaty maade fully tian foss I . : \ F - ther eminent citizens of 1 Meth thusaire ts er ‘ \ hy it \ | a ri aya fandaoont of hrs Cars for ts Ne ee (eee anid we t Clee gd tos wibie aH at Shape es aut Af Md 8 CEN PM TCT tanimtrtert) ft de el fates Wiast Loaooon ajlattorm as broad : ' ‘ rok de ' 2 ' {cme 1 Ii. shin was tern st WOE EER is tg - t , P re ve the old elogMenece ar : . ino 0 hat wt t ' ) i sacrifice everythin ice hireiet Se UR eae : Lane ‘ ml Ticket, mot Poor Deapoorat. as Ure cutive Unio, viel wire aie avers i once The , ee ce abeut the sizeof a . j 6 iS beet : St Tnerelter mcr itera areca Cr Vc bste rm CHrores Waitin Ha TOPEVUU SS PERI | Hive VS Tees ant STi ; i eee Its end, and that end ts uiiverse mit | pe e Bell and bs t Ns tollews: way worthy eaund s t my Joona vt ! = ' 16n. Nothing elrerciert Ter ‘ ur | Mott tet t Our readers in other Ai Tare bdivard es Cheeta : a ti on nnn ee { SAV IESeG mtn) Wennielit teawer nike (reumiucenan ' Pirin bat passiottess pur rely upon it that old Massachysetts will Peter Bo Veron i ithe ena ales Noein (i Ul owas veal fipht the battle now as at any other tian . net be carried by the Reon aus with Distric James Ro Savder . Nas ueeat onflienee with th Rathore ‘ Eves oe Ca | ‘ Tt will have to be fought, and the POnuer iy SUG aT teas hy ttt vet Pen Oita NC hin erie eo Poey ree ognize the | Musat (ae A lecererneslltiiners ‘ \ , ‘ Mr. Osborn was taken home, and Wehty atl Ul Heel ‘ Nr lake a yal reo most determoned ctforts om the : : , Mites, at} wind ; the evil day Pepe Ce cin aerial compiice, while others | er and bully : 2 Ol Distriet Perer Jeli. ein rock-fonnded on the etrenmseth af its Con. time, will canse ¢ i es butane is better and will probably ROT Ct een ee a alone tine, and mdieale the idea of any partol the Union omen te prevent it, ete oeetr cc Deon te i; an Gee minnereriae Ou Creeent SOC ae ad Niet tive persons present stowhen it comes done Los : : n Willantise . ion and the cuforcement of the laawvs | : \ : vsti we do not place slavery an tie I pees er and at anether de vy are fab y organize Pand ready for atts District WoOK. Me Donald, (Beal vineh vive valt t | [rote anos et Se RESON Vou sere stunned, and some of them knocked yan Tone : Pears alana . a ; ald, ' which vive value, strength, and cords ' eee ena ; extinction now, by heaening nee ee BEE with the af the contest hich name, parrenularly those of tlre ’ . \ Ky President Yeats Obl uney vi. batonty Mr QO. reeeived ecrions oe ae 1 Lae erste er ce mee vena y DOCH TGS herds th ot States ve) | ' \ 1 t | itis, and not sutheros at te expand. at (Hee antl etcite: of Hen-Tamier, Ty con Clie imewaniliireniiretiiiie lo UlsnmiictweWetseTecervcrlwnuEthe inca s ee : ve quite red an the fares evised Tsay hy | 1) Sait hear i a L : turn to their consti! ts elie . a neal yung Wenn tee tere Het ving | ts t eta ret 7 | rat t . RViLPeRIItecrel en Cite Soom Jenks ee auuen issure ue untae a homme odn i nea tive ms cheers, mead tipen all who dest be festora. pewits a ur | coma lenin? the ag struck ah Fe . . i ere ds fo chiner in the anttnals 5 ‘ ‘ al 1 ; Were net } donot Tartans, to the race ay Pt tS ant well off ss rl eset ' ; , . as the Southern States. A poor winte Tae Sonth sees e ea ' Peer ene creat temas race A motion was made that the report Te noof barmeny to the counens of th , ian _ ; ‘ Reel amet passed man dare hot spe; wete or print bas ' L PSHE ULLGLT WI recepted and adopted Carried uias nation, and the revival of that scout of qyan ert ; / : PES) Wats person, tearm off ee ARTE ae ae planet aetion, amd she Ke note ttc ages Vierever it has been raised bously, amid loud and protracted cheer ee ra ‘ a : i oe HI i SIN ‘ trie. to bits Gountey s bots and then went inte the earth, t : TS CRC at oem CONT eee rect une et ' - a ys ; ‘ motherly love whieh for so imany vears amd te lis people. dons Draw ot tr , thobbed or driven frome there herders ‘ ve : tneetings them boldly or thousands of patriots lave theked around ing tor the Unien and Denioeratie par | naetcatl ; in UC : oes y ie wl ‘ hi : ey Us Voinjurinee Tin ae Le Comeritie te t i , i . ‘ sound all seetrons of the niet tawether meperal, os a shrewd, conning and tine lookin The entire South is now under a worse : i The disintegration of the once great [es j ) en 1 i a - aeenteman, Cur Seeretary of Tnuterior, dau 4 : ] ; s a a 5 . ’ to dissolve the bonds which lave united 7, ‘ ane ‘ “ \ > j ane ; than martial law. Yet people are fered NaC rere lteter It a eer Democratic party has driven whole bat Phe Convention then adjourned aa ; CU wes iora Thins ian (fties leeeie fret On Saturday we went to 7 a ar s 4 SUNN se en . liv. the lee F nae ; hy. them with sectional or disunion tres ‘ - Se RCT a ) ROR MEI UN TTI cid Te Nevins 4 withe Rep (his are teat talions of its former adherents over to the fey the members all being in vod tin COTO OTe Carsitl ane + Consox, Secretary of Waar lias fitthe refinement Boautataml returned on Monday even- + it SS ace = ont for o = r ' | ~ ) } - Lach ’ , stitulon in a tree government whieh is | : q ranks PE the I : Vad tl , ior ind join the proud array aiarehabed by nd notoan envidble reputation far honesty a Poe crowd at Beaufort is large — atrAl top atte teen ain tice iecdtiae nn ae tthe Bells Phe Cincinnati Cor veamp. Vnd there they will re Jn wwillvonatarevcetliar tlentiece oll alia bellnnieirtwarliiaverrcu andelns Piaeulent tues) Je scl sibernt citine Stimeo hime nUirest titaton tart Moll ud shen Voource reaae oa ie ) a Tome } a mnain, ane form hereafter the staunches CHT RCUNTT nary aT Cie terteconn) ' ° — ner lee aay vn iL feten a : eee ; na COSC! Web esti OUR vt iiist vereotl avalad Republican organ, this ; teres staunchest men en the above teker are also on the draw together more elosely the eyinpa ae pe Ory peal Wjry Chemesetves. “Pier tial .sail- NTL rue tlie @icul enue fin Tiare, Caunsed Gimalber cal Whe Gene [lanai Peer aa letenders of the Union cange, azainst see Union Picket, lasing been first nomina 1 f nav : : saleoof Indian Lands, and turnin the bala eu ati hanks dancine i en) i 4 al : ‘f men Nae. Be nes oof a united, prosperous, and pro. of our eot i ( aRLOH TO ; nies : =a yee tic eam eroartc da tera Gave Carat ommncen fea cee PRTC CIENT Oem CCUM er mCCUMLY AU UncimteGHoTi Nan tet) ; . t 1 country over to the abolitionists. Coe eae econ siltine (ine | Tie Dp os wy . . ' A ; vressive people 3 8% 8 . aa | Uap Rrcay ee } The WV.) Lorpress thus alludes to the peel ‘ vn oask them t Wdtotts BeeI Zedieds to plese and the men and their families. Such wars will a : ' Siraty es ars atthe South. Thos favored by fortune 7 5 get to be common ocenrrences in the ; battle for the Union within the Union, A SENSIBLE PRINCE siesis stein cramtiiy (1s josed id de- Atter the rerolutions were adopted, “a action of the Caionu Convention : t Gla nose, Avurst Cacpoenlic. and the distractions of other politteal or . t | ' Suuthern States; tor if yon have repres errible noise, Ww than forty Dedlais 5 ’ political o a ; AUGER TOL Gam clincolrettuiiieniialeene Ti oue nil (ee lineal incehoemetimentieane (ou cumCuntay be satisted with what they Slot the : let loose, announced the approach of the fabizations, ina very few weeks, unless Phe Trenton, New Jersey, Union Con : Sit en a eae ’ UES ORS UOC US re me MRS Un eerie re ecm rene | : F : . . | Bell : viven to us by onr fathers all the guaran. |” Prince of diseretion, He as decidedly averse SHB RICH Ure tnyen evi ceranineiea) can ine oe en ey came, an the sigue of the times are deceptive, the SENUoTE appormted: a bel and hverett ; ; . \ U to bern bored during the Canadian tear wel Tt poussinee Cat VL City we noticed J revolt Uae epee Tretvet Teeee ferent veer rary ea tets ir é Bee oe ee ws ee , tees to vive permanence to that Union tee a ? ! part of the covert cd Wire tices aoe ui 1y Wil hh bells, all sorts o bis ae - lana party willextibit a eel fae a ral c et, an n Strate Exec Hehe 5 I Won, neespoeches from the Executive officers of ditt that there was a very Joeasant crowd Wororenten: f; , of bells, everv variety of bells, bie belle onmitree of twenty five were appotnter en Wpenatrons, So the sir | iar Tbr Ses ee een ! arofarevolution in the United , \ 4 ; a Vigor that will astonish it snils | : 4 ep : : TC ‘p > ee eu : , MEN SLCC AS) Cee i : Art ict het en eeieea Pete tiled ce ' 1 sfrends and py make ita Union Electoral Pieket apon GOV, JOUNSON AS A FIGHTER. oat tie roqnest. that all the specelis Pee i ei ' - ; day, Ture wore aie Reel , , : 5 : ; enc) oe 1 as veo yp it on } v ence eee eal ay paralyze its enemies, rerny the only m perils : i . - » . ; , ffi u Can party to keep Riel Costanec net dinner bela and cow bells, bells imiscel \ sears : . Pee His prmejple of the New York Utica The Plantation, a quartenty periodical have been delivered, be sent to damonmomaed the Tabor and where no etfat is omite Files een iver oe | : lanceusly, kheep bells and supper bells ineoral party in the field, good inen Comnntiee, and to fill any vacancies at ciel emlen cin " i “osentpt, A great and wise Prinee thos to defeat ted toouahke al visit combortal ri mattae Were ds nthatever 1 eo satriotic ies ert i i \ voblished at Hatonton, thus deserthes lis | , | eae Sat ie’ e Sec 1 . « | CSCI er cre Geis niletoliaeti daeprcinlen tse fs ae sagacious men w// tally whiehomay ocenr by res nations orate | a \ desert 1 CT COATT Oritnt cece Gel Ulin eetuen acta hand eee i ) d ould bein a stateatrevoltamuist a : \ : ea around its flag and augment its numbers ey ; Eee , : manner of devouring a foe: sation seekers, We qieder ' a . eas BLEU) BU ee et nn dren, (lo einig othe traants.) plantatier ee e u 1 uber erwise. Tn tho ¢ vention every county , m ; ve a \. DOUG st) ‘ Cavan iv very Aha TO elects CONT ite ree San ' , bella) Carel, elie belie and “2 Oe cess to a nderatoamvinerble was represented, and the enthustsi te “Johnson rushed apon bis foes with the peomshed nest will have no mere uniw jo aa Mf aecing| ; ; : ee eoStates’ where slaves ' is 7 i i . ko than that ' mn] ' : eh a my oe Comte Tetouan ta the Tern : : i ! X breaktast bells, tovether with all sorts, The Union Guard werve Belland Everett was very vreat, Clangorof the trumpet and tue flash ot a ie oof neni Whe speeches of wel fy ( Pen | Ne ie mies toto whi IH ) > me Ny Mev ts Some ut ’ ' s0uLht th to cea ms : sizes, and kinds of tells Suehoan ante , Sie : H . Phere was tmmanitest a dar mixture of Ure Oar ee Take R ed Cear de * ie u ue : + at us oi \ pie? Moe thm Sad oy stable din never aplit the eacothamane LIE STANDARDS © CONDITION” young American blood with the cooler Loon among the seimitars af Sata tin he nent pubtionl “stars” eannot exer ise the sy ‘ ‘ ‘ he Sonth threaten dissolution 4 7 ; | ; prival ecand requestthere fren ts atthe dither So28 Tenn ae ' iy tala, 1) Wan ere tan Tope Speaking of the “conditions upon | arrent ot the seber second thoueht of eon, reht oon, dealing has stabs ort nie Ich ‘ \ hey ' bolo, if they re, when [Le ‘ \ : | ” , c re POSSI GURL EN GSH LOSI thor evtrava ( ' nw Eon st Litt sxtay coln is ek ll | a g ’ 1 dae Moron fonndries all coi atonees this, te which the Standard agreed to hoist the ? old) gentlemen, We understand thar lows * tanl lett, and everythin was rd ) Rae aa ‘ ‘ ; : ESTEE, : ! ( worttle Ave A Tce . ; j i 1 ) 1 ' jp AES : ‘ ' 1 time Of it, iidoed Wi : Los ‘ a rether with toe terrible shouting, batlog Plas of Breekuirdue an Picea nits afercnees willbe hadand a Union bles yore t Vby his ponderons arm [pci | | ) Tas of the most pro- ‘ reed vy wither t ‘op , r | re | t t protection of eee fs ; - \ ‘ing, bawling, and vellingeottherr owners, 1 Puesday’s Presa saye toral Ticket formed. Acwuited opposition Cre steeprog Ton arensed trom tis bine bs V2 iI t Denmtovratic 7 ypers in’ Northern ne ee vad navy ae combined to make a nowe latherte un Tate Fel neine een would defeat the Republican party im N, some careless nt Nhe sprang apon bas Ao tan Tiyan Poe pra hot wear py ata Pe rerdre meee 3 be Vat deal) tap alae koupon this last error af the Kubtor of : : ‘ a rtictht te ros 1s : : 7 - re mouth lore { HaveBATWEIVO™ Loan and it is devoutly to be ti ped the Ste li fons tad as dis test Jersey by from five to ten thonsand votes, 'betiiis, tore t i sheoern Es SUS Oi ra ee te ae \ { i) t ey mieten Vereen : : way uM sis test) andl, as ow | ; TOL OTTS } slrort as rm ' mie party, ro » he pee fer iil never be kriewtr aan, except to Che Demoerat must sis ) foe Breckinnde men geem to desire this, bones, aud beat there bodies to aj tby ' ue iD ETE, } y ror, when invaded by Jiolin nat is } | ene woto die, that hecmnst ar ! DA CEB Ua ttl j dol mo t yoy oss | | 1 MOVE scr " Faget ! , Handful of followers? [yo q : flistory of Dells Weer Here Sit rer ennai, ree atati. (eu ute tuends of Mr. Douglas may have Dy hurting them aamet the curthy iat . i aT Ug eI) ' rs , ‘ hot re : ; ) ft Tete viaeed by we ur Arete : \ Pa ; . member that he held 1 & The Republicans will have to get nsed ether sve trod or Baal.” to clinese between the auecess of a Lin Wembled te the tinder of Tis intaman \ i Sewanee | : . - ae! fi ‘ Gi ncliche Grane j bhi vet ! ms | j vitige chanue notices ay ' . Viryvinia at | a Y , ' \ July 24, 1860 colu Electoral Ticket and a ticket: party rowls, Like the mad bullan the arena fe aS ae a tthis jour Kia wt Gy for dave, diel sly viele to these gsannds The people | ke them \ ; ’ . Newark who wore a darce tleator ) J ed at last t | , TH arenweiieS iii iaseea tl fo ther own faith, avd for the man of tee ruse Pupon those who gprieked) tian : ; - tsi Ca rea 2 with vain fast to the woldiers of the General and they intend to ring their Bern MCU SLUNAI 22) AREA TERCERA AS ETRE) ' thot! | cht that it heeame amposs fle t : Government? J) | [ Tl - *" dition to which its want nerve has r ELT OCH Ce STAGE se arece ned Vali Lie Vintei \ alee han oe ee f ssolve the Hote, (ae Over the [lon aed ais te wae L it o soo t red oe | ; An eXxdMnAtION showed tie t ! CONE Henke: HE Nea) ve] t deeds | ., as d y 1 2 Lointe rm LETC Sa al a eae : a emt 2: yssed them inte the air, and) tran | ut BY ‘ \ Ct Et toited weestan : | ould Lafy oo fe Ao oe Iuced i I eo will he le el over ITRisas' Fey ie tee be quite dead b Mectlygeeayee t r Pecan ' d, Venn ee [nie Cane Teen a en i. ae, rem under his feet - ‘ ! whieh ‘ ney Ween j avery Breckinrikve man it Caos as ; sy \ rk | ‘ ae an, a acer ameter Mey On Wednesday last. a Unton Clib was orga Iva eal ' SOLON RACs never been Gist t ther aN Hi eine of ue rap ind will have te go the whole figure g P this pottqeal piascutiaas turned boos tend EG ALD prorenting a generat POG. Brrowisninor, eq. a kinsniat t SO, ed inthe ty af Alevandna, Vie. and Gronge Net RDS AU rod Oo ena Sea) Ny wits theory or 4 \ , LMAO ent i; ’ , ' : “Snout and Gobble” ar net at all : these digging, we think ait would be rity sliced ‘ i / Hrcited Hib ; ; 4 va wt people al the head ot the secession trehet. ticsele ’ F AN Seok yn ewofGroy, Wisk and adem Fry wy wnat piss Ce AN tt ‘ mn / \W INqs nil re ae ' ) Te : Rene a Fees j . , : ' y, ane ; yh Ae heapceclmtnmeciie tr Mavatanrn ae Rea Leicaest Crhtewaelncred resent ==Siethen Manton, Sell ton the Breckinridge men to | plysicran to have it removed, withe ov rex ve ei eat ie COs 18 nod ale ad ; \ , aa ; 4 or whan tee | « Oratit cieac ean thuninetran wuse, —~ ) it sis the epirit Va, on the ) i favor at Duaotis !) ; , ) A HOW UIC Y NERC ty npuriate lowts Mee : NUEVA | eabeont t we ene pur 1 rolt lain faver | oli ? and & fain Pennsylania The Mobilo d’rgister save that in Ala | | ees x pill an ave tate : iia ‘ ‘ HEC NUR ite in Hen animates the Reoub I t ere | ; ' rp " : é é us thing of being gored, tramy Pears LUTEUS tS at ROL atte sastro, ( { ee i lean party ety Gountye [ernie etait Litre jae ; , \ x wx » Era pted vy pars oof Pas, eer i bama the Breakioridge and Lane men are means of preventing lr \ t ° They have not Giggised their motives Hon GW. Last oof Alabamayaking already organized for Bell and Everett tparty of officers without soldi and tossed into the wir by a imad ball, 1s t | | , k ; : . eee ite " os toes ian of Poe ' ' err NT } " Z CUTTERS TE MOVES i Inver was accordingly taken off at the ine te - En - anid des gos, and it reste with the Sout! NE Joe Lane, he secession catididate nelading some that had no Billiore or arene terrible to think about Cpson Pilot ) | : a a yee M iit oe SAMMY Fas Wace (Deere (rend. a avn cukertiniee oderch ; i. : / vase tis bebeved that the woman wore ow take a spy aghiss, at | Yow to resolve upon her course of action. ® the eh he | CTE ger TS Ei eas es Let Vhe Hon S TL Woodson, (Dem) M a the ring throngh superatition ! t anes ee Sees , ] 3 Chie Delinumestlonhmmersonitlhelsemntacn lnnecleot oat oe oe ; . mh g much supe via omoatives, long. ta see a Ssilver ia int ‘ _ In Leuven OM eenTtcle etemNe wn rein emreic ie ; yon 7 erent ratification mecting Co from) Missoan, bas come out for Bell and Live up to your engagements. Keep as she manifested nore uneasiness at part that spana the polit } | iG ' vas been called at Lancaster re o ; crets , ‘any : : - ' pile the ah) Everett your own secrets, if you have any ing with the ring than with the finger Democratic party at thos time ae aN NY DOUGLAS COMING TONG Ce PEo Suftiring for Biudl.-- We Jiave been PLE MOVING IN HIS FAVOLK, informed by reliable authority, that inthe ower part of this ¢ manly, the people ure Let it go forth as a settled point that reaeced to the most straightened circum the friends of Douglas, throughout the State of N. Carolina, are to meet at Ra ns eigh on the 8uth instant, in obed evce to PPV hstons. The sathering is confined the call of Mr. Dick, ineuber of the Na chiefly to the poorer classes, whiny Have stances In COnFEquence of the Bearcity ol tional Executive Committee, which was / { tie incans of pros idinge thetisel ses published by us vesterday. Mr. Doug witb the wants of joe} and we und Jas as we stated borne dave tebe dn Statid they are threatening that at prov North Carolina ot Tsttieae 2 eq Sehis not made it wedately to secre with alevacy recent!) tet t ose wants unto t in, they Wall tose atan early dav, and wethink ibacos teen by foree of aris Trem those er probable that be will bea wos al ppen te have tha. We sneer the very time ho Ca tie pli. kest hope the pleture is over wrought, that t TOM CO GOt ary sais hot its bling of the Convention 3 a ble that bis own powerlur voice mney ring TEETER! ted; butt ites. steps ous out from our own Capitol in favor of the il fiately to be ta to provide the great principle of non Intervent on on the Incaus of subsistence tor them. Tn sach part of Conzress with the sulijec Hehe. cise iw Ib hot easy to deferiuine wit ry, Which bas been lous aeheries cd ps estto do, but we foo: satisted that it the ciple with all the conservative parties of > Toring is SO pereat as represented out the country. We trust that hi y mie totis WhO thave cst y its te sprare and that he may be induced t ‘ Loome to the res and sustain teu gle with aud atdress his trict at ih PCE UEC ST ecu eu CM EE Us oe os) eigh on the od Miaede We ana iV HWE Here sic t the frteods of Dielis an every ‘ ¥ NOWs 1 te eto this a county in the State speak out a which we Pee arrUauy TeC4 gome of Herr nauber ip to the ¢ ‘ nthe mea 2 We advise our tion at Ralei the o of Attn! Jor Caruicts ANE pooatecs. pods, tart an intercs cline. at ct uy that wit make a tills A great battle ist Nice . ‘ aw lone wavs to relieve the the North has , rage weyty that must necessarily be caused dates and there i rous facthon at tbedr Che tate drowoit. the South that, however honest tay be Cliyon (Ala) Banner. the motives of some of the number, biave ut forward a ticket that is as danyverous A SICILIAN SHIP AT BALTIMORE In every respect to the well being and About four weeks since the ship Jidea, from perpetuity of the Union as the favatical Paterno, iu Sierly, arnved + port ut one of the N The Poack Repaoi ge of Capen Frasers atta. Two caus do not want ty disselve this | odays previous to her departure from Pateriie t hereseuiion brok ae Ae aetna —they simpoy want lo possces tiemselves ) ' t i it bs | of the spor'sand to have the sativiaction trcted toward Uieedalian vi eran) of bei: Piuve the muchineny of lat several Uiyss Miter consileral a iMcuttyy the Government 52 as to ROT en Cee ea ec ess eas ) ! ry e Veeessi a Voveeze to this: counts be tase and occasionaily rob slave iteye wee ~ Ms county The vy . ‘ s was Groustt over under the wi have too much sense to suppose for ame, \ ment that they can abe TS Cr Ceti es | - re were from Palermo to ow raw the oid a fvot of territory where ithow exists. tor oa all tt ler | Hy | . weouteolored ian tay S] po one kuews better than they wis sow reaily tu enlstunder the patmut, Ga whenever slavery ceases to be yt Ide i in any place that the people of sven Stak | RTT Tee er fi or Country will themselves a ST t ue Co fialternewe Sy Tie and on the other hand ans ie ea \ Leer ine LIne wir slavery and findine that cia fecleatoaite Cele: hy profitable will | t their Congress: ishes it Tuer it—with the ye territories says tliat have, the my this er, t i ; ; right to interfer Fre ote Neca PO Rea s tence a lina is he right oris he wreng? Wesay < ee es pt to see to it that didse toy \ whimeet, and alton me = ood and t t ind fancey, Davis, bencr) Kem & ¢ bat one : ca eoluti ar! or to supp» : t \ looks toa /é Yon amon the Sout Neher abe NU re iM lieey pte ate cnta erp Nia most ¢ give up thi i which it, anderthe ¢ Toes aie ta EE Pobtofiapartenta Loon a thw ferred upo t the al slavery ple of Nor goest hi tsoor ‘ Wafer es tet wearer owieth Me. Liiian tleie ea: po Nortu Carslitwan wants to we tren Lowoth other color phunt with hiss) Coe eiva rar WG eta emer ile iland oot the shrab kind about as prvitisie on White ied co mate wien doiy that the t tains in New iLinyp is Iw vases rosoowat 1 took Ct Why 4 f Sat ‘ i my 1 \ Pat tueir routs, [bs comiunens men it lis en Sereno) Neat ‘ | deimiseines att Se Te ade yas : plying Vena itant 4 for Bei lt bas been é Otices ate mw eres teeay Min laren iiiatey sept reli t go lone kuawe [yey wt + sk and yourin : ‘ vs > and blood. Tepes tite 1 tm risking the UP Chaniee HPSeey ec 1 4. Coe ele Vaal foncts ee aSoudiern Cont i Vee eee ley Southern Contederacy ever s Pv tablished ant sion | ti np Pipeigaey traitors as dat Y aitiel ft at Pe , A virile abettors in th ate dent ‘ , eae tit Dua eet e lati: God forbid! THeNw piel Pee nih | iy de river, wave Waly it. sonted So we } for the a ul Set tot Youtbud LCS NWO tate Cattery st Wogther slavery bE) IW at a Very penetra 6 Cleinica two nitions! tickets ' Pres ! cater bel Fortunately th Jincolnand Broeians . ‘ \ bnely deeper toan the water al and Dousias and | Pty cents lees een al tickets. Dree ea q 1 e to and @ tisek, ctivt nor has Dell, and so the ¢ mt <t nurs { ‘ld toup by down to Ln : | | er unple ; the adiwirers of | © other a ty eee > \ nents Selon che ce things ares een test nen heaved! ay einer ay linerteetiaa Dongias and | : I mou ! Teese of the Pear v3) \ ‘ Leto enb Bea 1 | tween the Pwo. ated vine etl OSV t founer be the nest Pie. ent Tb ‘ Center as | i r ton, ( dist a 4 eet OnAVIRe Reon Ware cnits and not f ; vi i ed by eve: ean eh oe " | eat by t | : rs \ ; The Lends Foreres At the conen would he aie: t “ : : What then ! ! t ! qo CU TCISGN: Site gt One Cran present sa servative poole ol the country ofa Woitwsticel as Mr. tt by fa ties? We wiv t \ si our trien-ts ean now : ' eoof Worstimeton, baad plac of our pes whent 1} that we « 1 Let there ie a Geant R - } ‘ } t Douglis ail J wot ( . ‘ ‘ Sons tnembtis oft the Old Norn Stat ' : 1 pope sat Waste ‘ ast, and lemevery erty ; | largely represents Sorell PA then to be leid Nae. Mek Vasros As thet : Greensboro Stat t M : eel ealathuriy in his \ ae : the deat hk! / We stopped atthe ‘ et ‘ nh the indiynat h @roused Lv tied ver ( by the na fo\e\ ‘ ny the house of NOC I bat i phia, ad been in the ' days. ox tre pe ' the Your. M ( \ ' | - ‘ Ce ete Banday s to that was offer, \ tion and d 1 grace tous \ tit ——) ord they dete ee ji Bell I ; the qmekost was yes mk anise Bromine: off wit loa ' J ' alg reul aN B ports of | ustr ihe teu nO very question tne gies mot | iy nus M b toa Carolina ddlatchman. IBKODS, JKQUEN) TRIE TEI, HON, EDWARD ELECTORS Pe TROT STE SEN TO AS Lal Tee ROE SIDE TE r } ME POOL 41 GOLD HILL, DRGU LT IN TEN AS. PN We Neale lat LATER FROM CALIFORNIA, Mr. lool wan taken down to Gold Hiflte do’ By a private letter received ut this office fiom We invite attention to the following Sv. Jostru’s, Mo., Any. 6. the job for Rowan, What was the resull! Mr Huntevile Deaas, under date of July 27, 1860, jyteresting letter from a native of Rowan Alpealanss Ee cpresent van smirraticiees McRue recemudttereni ie Mint contest elad we tike Hietdilow ina exitaeb ne relsreg ce toy Une . é ; Vor : Mi Poul hans a . fe ‘ L 19g! M nae tod drouth in Peaas 3 County, but now a resident of St. Brau on the both alt, arrived here lust night Holmes recened 172 thea, Me. Shober 124 now Tiere will te Gat PT ee a ee USS SO he has bee with the following news : Fiien, Mr. Wood received 143, uow Mr. Jones ia Pass this season, not eect suick Living a little less Chan one year, San Francisco, July 25 —3 o'clock, A el At ual me De. Toausey recetved 150. stock is getting poor, We have tad to rain Wr LUNI eas ieee any M Business is depressed. There have a Cs Pee A eee an ute a pl sisicert Ju some wenghbor hoods July 21st, 1sou j Deen ouly a few small (ransactions at for- ' vols extra speeeieat Crold Hil Gab a tley lial {ten miles frotn bikes * ie « * * * * ther quotations, Anthracite coal is qno- pity he did wot speak at all the preeines Armlent they lanl trom Bulla ie S| ee ‘ Salisbury Bauner | aa ; ROW TTT UeHEN OUP SGTtneLIio mn ntti crputl ann ouumse Cizen2 Ue LU TALI eat UL is lOge. ro- Mr. Pool mad : t (ety Cy cele Be eo Hil Caren Cuesta Cis Guia ea UMpo ttc ule talsig Lido Sittens are quiet; 700 cases lead sold: ag " ee ; a din ao, MUN urinG sbouvcopsede. \Volnivens eer | CUlstUn sarin log a 102. Rice hill on his own aecount. Geld Hall is Very tite prospeel tur cart: and cotton My cote envy Liquors mactive. . % ' ry + ‘ ‘ ' in Rowan, but the Cabarrus line is with ie r have a tetter dated, Alto, UAL ts ae tit ey bead allover Che field = bad Phe telegrapli ling las been nearly com- lin mite or thereabouts: the Stanly link Chemkee Co. Texas, ly dih. which Gloss the bot of date Jowid make comm pleted toa port £50 miles east of San g says ot We bave liad no rar for tore enough joome two years, We have a fine Prancisee. is Within sincor seven; the Mourzomery S49 \ ua i : 3 _— ; | | 1 , than three months, and there are lan °" CU ams Ue Very Li elaaz ace LLG Ue Tie Overland Mati with 15,000, letters ine withinseven oreights and the David Inuval, se far trom St. Louis, arrived at San Francisco ¥ ! ' gon line within the same distanee. There dreds and thousands of acres of sand in We tad a Poet of Saly Celbration iu oy the 24th ot July. fn) Ble CANTO IDEN Miles Napeess but u Her arrival here Tustie iens terested conduet ia furthering: the vows sot Amenea, io the pureliase eee! [VET i Wire TP TGs yetypi cc: 4 ; ; , ai F , . ; hits eo aaa ca ee ay are newlbearhoods in all these counties €O° winely will mot y ic id a pec k te the Plant gr hitile town, and it teminded The Pony Express, with ten days later much farther off from the County seat of MeT* Plour is sili at S16 the barre! te i 4 ae Se . ve pews from the same city, arrived on the Ciel fosweetivety: Gon degie (i ctdetrtl, © URE UC ts ree oie ye ie ain dalicie silecdne en eee ae ; Wiete, ob aecount of ifs convenience, cit Eee i Uist aa pie Mirtuy Nioutisas sadies were | tse WW. - ee ye and thirty tons of silver fee tat ; , ; al my & Yoru favetio mica wit ieln thie 1 Wy Ma Glin . orearoon the way trom the Washoe mines, gous trom all these counties, trequently ! ee ‘ i oe S ate The shopments thence averave 100 tone wo te sed produce and deal in the stores, 70 i in Texas. | Te ne oe ee on oe ! a perdenth PO ee UGA UE os cea ke yt dare thee a that trot he tagcat ad NOLTILERN MEXICO, Gall HO Ati elsemticre could not be WoC Garon fir fe Oa Set) 1 pe) , Tiere ve been continued d ere Nething was better utnderstood best Teansav feet. 1 tad lumdreds ot ™ nea : Wins ae ee Nel : bie Governor ot Guay aris is collecting by Mr. Pools triends, who assisted in at North Carolia CT tre apee Use Kan Teererotry Cerca | > y Eo} todive the Pagut indians, who ratte bis lust appointinents, Wy. (ev sav for seaiet teeat ated Water uarty dee forever We ha AlN Vee ee WO HOM t re Corns” SUC OIACOMOMte It tee then, persist in misstating the tacts f tedriek, Pam one ot the nimuber that He ee amano e : , . er od Ss Ines ce ow wil to the An Live dithte vy between the American But what are the facts in regard to the SU) TSN Tn , ; / Neel Of the (ud ( ioand the authorities of Magzatlan Crold TL vote 2 Woy ts it saeae/er this Ce Cr ae | ~ Dut P pivunacd oo sav something abont tl as been arranced satintactonily, NUCH Leases eesti a wena iN w be ine ten years, Pave | Ce u te Twent te bea Mi ‘Litinbutl, builder of the eanal to De eetecatien Niue) lonelier i avs Voter Woke et Boil a ls : eRe ah Nee St Ta eatonr die lake, near Pople, bad been attacked peek : ‘ | fy sev We wie Hol able to. 4 Tene) Niece SSP \ TN) Tet epee luis tt as Taare) RTs) Ae thi Ns \e tint) ene) icv mme ae al a med: at oe fe Gea vo es Pct Cara That Caneaee A ee eins one Cen ceciay ako i a al toot Mr. Trumbull bad ; : eo , : reou tntsaered ha for eherdl, both of that place, were 7 OSU UE BSI SHED ese : ee a , / Se yoteet With vest itomiakes ane t ee . ; candalates, Same of thelr epposers Tay Wass Asta Us Os ars aye ero a Vey > LATER FROM MEXICO red they w Theat thereat them owt " ae fee ‘ rue ae EU Sate Clits Niw Ontrass, Anguet 9, tome, “Tineiv tends, tor several nies .) cine Tae, te Vie schooner Star, with Vera Crus ‘ Hel wed oot at, and t : : \ ; 5 toe eo uit. arcived here to day. > i tl rl AS aw i i e You Star brings toyportart dispatches int Walco Wee : ! . — 2 \ hs tt Caveat Navy Departients at ee ie ere ue tga ee ACen t ciation «Gal Renin: : | ue , ' sae Vivi me : ae five motion dollars : ' UE ' ‘ “ we \N \ Seite mh) efat Vora Crug trom the Cap- ihe t > \ ‘ ‘ fe Cra ( pe SG ; ’ : ; ‘ ve hon Was oat Lagos and Gi dS = veut ful ( us I , < ( Pale ' ss . Heel ae - | “ \ Mo] . \ BliNG OF TRUSTE \\ ] } 1 ioe tiene “ ‘ Cusine, Aug. 9, 1860: Ws ead , eave tay | 2 { re : ' ra ' era ret tore, the Board of Trus- : ; i . c _ er (6 ; “ < t : . i . ‘ lp mi Cie Ne Clete at ; ‘ ‘ a : ‘ ( Nee Eire fore eu tit purpose of ee yet COTO Wats aT ; n NAA ca ed by the resig- 2 eur 4 / Ny le ‘ Pr Linaspand President Nn “ Tahe tr t ae Ne . mcs . =i | ee S ‘i . NTE tiese ew a t . : ‘ ) \ \ Hl. Wappen. ofthe Univer. : ‘ : ‘ - ‘ Bau \ ire tea | | Cr ire os cieeted! Professor off Banner Lats Pant is Ta eery | Neo See Tt ‘ na (eer te nC Pome aelainnteeat ete w c we FE ' YS \ a V0 wy fastitate, Protessor of Nas , ‘ ! ‘ Pus ml NSH ny lire Weta sir Mier eti Ss bh xe 1 ~ en 1 t ! | . on a > Creed s danger by iu \ wot - a ds eee Ge eed Leis ne \\ E \I Nas t vy M4 il tae Chev ot iin t E Wats (Wig) Scan ttt bliss \W ' : t . toty eo Mereted its mem, set t tou \ \ ' ens aly oa | street dee We wou, Were ay fa) 2) ‘ | | . Vs ae ee OWEN SON years aun a - S Pee ne an Gullige: . ean es - \ Lie Presidents chair was till: ca eye ics yy ekeonee ; 1 fat a tecet os soot the Board by ee ON strc ale Ne Pp ae Ve i mon ; ' t Pe W pitvot Ponnessee. \ th ’ ' i ' wo been ¢ ' : - : oe ‘ aes : ne vate. ; ‘ ure very rea bly at SL bo per Weare crat fied te deat, that onr dig- . . nee - : : ; , nary motel Teale / the thon, Wiihe en \ , | PP. Mangnta, rode in tis carrayge to the 7 ve a , ° rece election hothe preemet in bis . . =| : ’ ' ie MEELON elit a stl i tor his old eee \ AE ONG ule af teehee cated by the Opposi ' iN 1 1 inane ~ tor Crve round meme I \ s lof Vie [ae sae tty Soonld lis \ ! ‘ eee ‘ co tote wail deuotless give @ ae eo ereany tre pole les anne f ’ ret ae | con | I; ind Edward Rve- \ : ! Es Judge Mansom has 1 be ‘ talysts, which ; - os ; / iL ‘ so prwer of speech, and ‘ t ae | a ' Heat te . =the a) Wolk ong, batiss mind tb } = | el . ee a ; : ee i SSC tect whit anal lis spirits cheer: ilieddins vow \ , ~ cee ok - Atothe mente of dis tame, his fort to tas “ ' oe aa , st ' ret ta throats tithe Union will readily pr 1s 1 i ne ili the get - ure, sectal attrac: vr ees wo ! i i 5 al Wet ents, for which he was ‘ eral : amen . Rea . " © fad ie {luring a long pubs ies 1 t hh thet ay i : ~ ! . exale t Wear wide The Buffalo vitel NW Ee iG Ney ; , i ; me ; NO ees na i ” Jeti mat : GEE) : z oar le ml et nt bolinore will address von . i { : : ee f Prtheoo next week, and will i h : te mae ; - vivecate the vaceton ot Berland Everett, 1 Wats 1 Ve neat ru Wodtne Union inen of the State : : ee whan t | Ges t t Po [ithis Riblic: « thea, and o St a ‘ iuoas Mr | . ree, witha. ' enc | ; wn asista wo, it will be : tel ( heen wel ve favar of wil everett un ha "2 ‘ 1 : i ey ith veto whip the Lincoln teks is | iim eootey ty ane, ( om : ee ARE ' ay eer ieee ae : a eat ‘ wd ve 8 We hour thatactive proparations are * a ded gy " | ( ' i loust S--Pisteew coneed> aicking by the Delland Everett folks for ! t tie > \ | ‘ | vil tee wrt, toe Deraierst nheoof toe dnost crand and unposing po- , / re , i ( vel Viv forty one TNA Honstrat ous that has ever come : Side iN Neate PSP een voored th is Represen-fatf ti Western New York Ssheroand friends fave PE ON uo ee oe ee oe et tes - oT ee ene Z ’ Joint Ball and Douglas Ticket lie fin MS far appre Dorceat ' a . Ih in ye ee ie oe Woasttxcton, Angust 6. mals throw the amendment ot Vincent ae ae taal thus fecrrved) Sa Ex Secretary Conrad, of Louisiana, 16 i i dsaves thay t ! yl ; - (yee leer lmecernyel 4 ‘ q preparing, for pubheatien a yw if e weedy 1k , Werte tee st ie QAI waits alr nel aa) Het heir Ver uiees ak Jar tell and) Douylas eines Cy mets [ny tite dhs Meket oi ait nie Shiites, thie Klectors thus n : i tet Ry gies eee Gece o=Ghetor Gast iGi ywutGy slr candidates : sy cea ' ‘ ( ! ene ' eect Titre Withee the prentest strenuth , ene 1 feet - vast ders eh A yaviecit. —A fall Electoral ticket for Md) a \ yo Angas SRM Sohiasen. yy son has been formed in } vem. thi wal ear ; ' : M ae ee Ve NB son fave been chosen Electors for the i \ voanel tt | ‘ farity, t s ocotnpetttor, Tain M | | | , i; Stitecat large for Wit trem a € | | tft onder : ! i mayor , * : on Tago : Ananawa,--[u Alabama a perfect en- ( ' cite rae Pewee oe (ee ew elven nn ie people > take : i i Paige) eee ae fascar of Lien zlas and | ‘ see lrerat ; © ( ht , l een Para Cu cador Bs: ween int 1 | QUESTIONS PhROPOLNDED bo no soni Yatrees and hh Se vi prehencd I! ' ; i q Poe ave Geommte alleen Gerson a BRECK DRMOW RATS ease 7 ot Teun | j and conterp \\ xia Soa Ie reviva oo. \ eye Foner! tk | ( \ ! een I ' 7 i. ; se \ Gan 4 ( Selina el el Ie td Wie Vidal an ety Gh =O CAA ‘ Pojear ths, ' ia ; Sey el wane i / ie : 1 os rl 1 ie w the A Feecieel ay Noor Licences 1h! Texas, we CIE UELELS SN ‘ Wo Frade? ' Gath ta bolitroniata, who were ; (OEE cake Gn Wirance deviants : Hood \W Dreck Den rat ue na what canght distributing arins ANON slaves, teed hdren WW Cas thie s Cots es the ster’ PCM ACG UVC ee ener ene ili atiatimn CA lO. t ; - hive ly eho . ‘ of oa | ; a ) \ ) ’ : SA ei italien I) foar years ago, by accept vit Tt is aaid that Chang ' i} e | \ ‘ rt > : Ypopre ‘ \ ‘ | ation Vice Pres ' DSramese twits, differ in pol- } . snide ve : > . | F ) t | cy are veteran Democrats, bat ' work dl ‘ : N f ( w Breckimmdye, and Eng ‘ ‘ ot thas | : ; hh c rk tat | Vico f ‘ ' t wee any rf is K very 4 mad a ' ; u > eel i \ exomade tn (goml Wi Cramd owi like a good \ mew Nes ' nt t lesa you see a relat filo ty ye wot by oimany good actions, and Se \ Di ine eomnnmce 6 breaks his pled me. A firey ger | ala ; Dewi itnyem Hee in yt eecn ' bne speakacvilar you let your if Neca rrow, if you ean possibly party rely upon his ti their | ; apy Si) to Pins ndoon the slavery questiot avord ot ciples ¢ BOR SHORT life be so that no ane will believe him, COUN For Fra Gu Gri Gu Gre Gat Brag aw Wo reus Vote for Governor. WHICH IS THE ENEMY OF TUE] Dienulution of the South American Union df i < ry. y S LP: et aka SOUTH? Accounts surt recvived state that on the Sd inst, ; SF NEW FIRM | | SPECIAL a” Eo we eo , the State of Bolivar declared itself indepeedent. | Te 2. =. ‘ a The Louisville * Democrat” asks the of the Federal Coverniucnt aE a ; 4 ) S Py eatereGrIsHE RIE ORR US HUOKER, | - > i « : : é : ‘ rt having been dinwlved, we the undersigned = | i following plain and pertinent questions: Magdalena were to separate on the same dav associated ourselves together under the Firm of Ww COUNTIES. F : “Tae Black Republicans are tere hon Wy the Legislature of the former State, 9 ECR: estoin their opinions than the Yancey vn 8a made to declare its independence, aud 4 FOARD & HOOKER. 6) Tr five ee rurale: party. They hold that it is the dat y of was nepatived by a vite of mint Ch Ayalust two > a meng e . saa a4 suit fall we Congress to vo slavery in the Lerri Afterwards, though, the Vssembly authorized the ics Hee suing the former business at } ME | Goverion toatl nS en, Sees ONT IT) wn the same place rate thaoktul tour frienda and tories. They had ai purity in the cee oN ; th a oe {san pendence A nas IM M ENSE A | | RAC TION curtomes for past favor aad hope by a CORRECT, | rE eo e t tes bad dane so. ev are | IMAL NP ROGETIC Mp { Alexander, and they passed through the House a bi | now t) f \ i alan AT THE EGET sani ROME I Tee amar tiny, Anson, tow three outlof eight States of the Coufedera bustuers to ment and ‘eeive au iucreased patrouage ae . 2xy in, Prohibiting slavery in New Moxice: tion in open tosti iy against the Goverument, Great Clothing Emporium We shall be able to fariueh Bake 5233 , 5 “The Yancey: Breckinridge party hold fs ot : i : d reat a@ostacticu prevail on the tive . wh ’ r Buncombe, ‘ TNH § gio that itus the duty of Conuress te jrateet ( : Ob N] Ve DRY GOODS ER Bladen, ; t GTO O48 glavefy in the Territories. They bad W : } Bertic Z oe 582 OTN taj. wity ip the Sen ste, 1 twl ie . 1 DAVID EIL, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SIUP CHAND- ean td Ne ’ : . ly \ at 2 ‘ "2 Beautort, 539 Bi Ge 1110 : ‘ ciate) | AM NOW opening at my larye and spacious SATEEN CROC VEIT EN SE \\ | \G-M AC I | \ I: s xe xe “e G& GIS Branswick, 41o you position was ini ae there to protect slave: EM HRS HEYE) & |B Store Room, No. 2, Granite Building, the baud- FARMING TOOLS oe : oN ae ; wT Cabarrus, 26 4 wy ose? YN Kansas, only three of their nniiver) faa eonnty. on the 6)’ sat be Ceorue Ken. Sanert and elrcupest Stuck af Guano, Plaster, Lime Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, #90 and $100. | Catawba 968 ; 960 415 voted for the proporition, diviniu, Hay, Me JA GRATLA Witu Mix SOPHIA ; 1 . , ; : ‘ Vite play reason why SINGeR's Sewisa- WaciINes 9 (ar superinn te an : in ls Craven ' 535 RUS NE “Which I he Sourh py t MILL: Ready- ‘ é ( OW NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, CORN, HAY, Wave always sold readily at a hee ve a rice pst siege cab testy. The : aoe 1 neh has the South the moat canse { é ae zs Z N of PN SS Gr oN , Reed ae " a Tees : Q | A = FISH. CYPRESS SHINGLES, &c., &€., thaa any other, ws that they are beiter, more durable, | tofear, an open foe or treacherous tien 7) ae weep mer wreeenre cst ume | more relable. ¢spable of doing am 1 rvariety Chowan, 2s p 1 G00 : everoffered tn the State. My stock comprises all atax | iw prices asany other house in Eastern North ' LISLE ate ) 7 ' Coluabas, DRY BOG TiS 430 That is @ pertinent question, and THE MMII ETS the dafireat kinds at fancy eat Laea and Marsailtes: Carslina ef work, end eateug more money Long-eonunaed ) \ Cumuen 7 = 4G eit - wee UN LS HESTELe », Eneteh and French Dian d Ete and . irowieWesscia, Whart, Druve,ete,, we Papiunity ix ps stecling ment Lathe parchane ‘ s which the people stieuld pouder 1e Alp cee tock ke, a darve sanety of Cassi ie CEU GiaiiC , o oft what ar edichieape sewitge Wat toes tlineunds L 1 : iN Carteret, ig OU" 1x1 rd , Cherokee. ge -f Ooo ane Yaneey Bolters are very creat tiuimbues NNUAL lese Lt “45 ral Hany and block jabs Pavey aud Black 9) . : . — have been and dimapporited but with Sin eee : “45 : , : : [Sch. Cass mere and Marsailes Vestyi endless va Forwarding and Commission Business, [Ges Macuises there us mever any fanure of mes i y Bae Ee as theie vote ou the proportion te peatvet CORRECTED WEERLY nets take Chathain. i 2 155 . tao make liberal cash advances Consipr en Singer's Tranverse Shuttle- Wachine, Cael : ; Sue rlavery in Kaueas ainpdy deimenstrater, SPRAGUE BROTMIEIS Gent’s Furnishing Goods, _,,,,.. JNO F Foatp x a ” ro ! vee “ * . ‘ old al & Currituck, ; ; 759 liew wre ttancen verte aud avitetine ) hed A bis HVES sad CARS, BOO'PS and SHOES, a fare GO HOOKER ie ak Be pln, and ROU Ii ere ctnented. MY) 2, 0 ae Meavelat , GOX ‘ : cs ( 1 . \ 5 rehiue ¢ ' e ® cay re ia Cleaveland, ) sy 1s ee , : 5 1 , : ort t - C., May 24, TREO. amt Ue . tely new init " tert 4 avid 2 ‘ a8 y with a view to dis i rey BW ache Milasee Cubs ; eoleontitent af my ability te underaell any oth ‘ Ba Rea aie ete icay cular eee iNcnand. WW i 4h GI L M E R Alamance, Beet Re : ' ee aie Ne mt ‘ for famaly a od act manaf £ purpones dsl uu Heal en (rydvthe wlvatiaes (ays Vise 107 UGTA Butter Peete atu mie vednnnt quran timrciC ns elletal \yiliNe NEW MANUFACT the very best nid cheapest Marti ever offered ta Moos bee CONN DIES 1 ‘ TYKIVIE PER CUNT tothe consumer, DIMES a CTORY Vheqmblic ‘Vhese Machitewarn Junie usieaned in Foray the, 7 lvls lues April el WAteneNeni estat em Us u H1d SAVED ARE DOLLARS MADE. SO CTRY WE IN UE bee BUY io) pomeblis. Ud) vet (tre demand aati i a ihe wthe ihn ‘ DAVID WEIL. ae . for Chea eanaot be fully suppl Frauklin, ) MIR TIIN CURA rrr 3 . an E Salisbury, N. Cc. ‘Singer's No. | Standard Shuttle: Wachine Gaston. 7 iS ) zoo Naish oy ' ‘ . . A 2 avu, tae Martee ; SU a mt qs ny \ Granville, 2 elt 975 Maree tileet lain een] Sparen i ‘ 1s Peat ono HAVE now competed. and have in operation | formerty wold ot #195. but now reduced to $90, in toe ‘ \ i Guinn : nen ae Considerable us rrance is attrac hed to ae | , ne a Sevofula or King s Evil, Macchotees. bs means of wiih bean nately aay, Well kaowi all over the world to need any descrip 4 Greene, 4 ONY 1 ‘ the arrest and reten n mu ‘ Te oman hens : mk £ ; ae a constitute dan - a cerraption of the blood that Lean supply all of North Carghoa wah Neat ten Every sort of work, Coarse ut five, can be deue i Vie 4 4sutes, ‘ you niet son, tated by liratn Plailoek, on the charge ae : . me \ ; einem Vitiated, Weak and poor ald Good with it. Hay wood eA wien. ond of attempting to sella negro called Aten o rae = pe ae ls x oN Cottace and other Bedsteads, Singer's No. 2 Standard Shuttles Wachine. | Harner si Gt) Mann, Hallock iw wumperte! of i. : ; Loany partot a No | ‘Vhs isthe favotte manufacturiag Machine + very ein =, hae 3 a vip ts attacks boris there one which a Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be had from where. The sce of the Machine gives aciple <poce | Tae ae ce hoe of the most active agents of the un nian : eo : fies peel net deet The serotutous tame is vaniouse New Yorn or any where else Give ie a eallund | for almost every deseription of work, which, tage her = 5 ay eae: un ae it melon: i(ibrastieulse nn ier nc yet _ Pe ant ag by caused by merent law hve. disorder. will give satisfaction. A liberal discount to dealers, with ite admirable working qualities, pive ita deeded a Pe uf ‘e Hetinrann 7 a . WUnAt hots Ly een princely : lien eatece Z ra a ee ' Hy tu Hipere ‘ Cfithans nfithy boobies th preference to enploys Aree , . advantage. Price, wih dle complete, BLU. i re ) § AoA } Iredell 1a 1 ; eretit f | : aity : ing a“ aa Fe , , ue By ae a 1 2 Saya Z eet hat , , ' s tered ery Stable 5 IPC ag 4 \ nyu . Jackson, 2 5 i ther ceidence, Deere : ue resol ith pacenew (Ge Glaldee ty fo Otiee, Furniture i UPIUST CEERI: r Carriige-makers, and heavy leather work Jones ug Lae re i . ae h sso iia i rth ae 1 ; ek Murphy's store Price, complete, $125 | : - 5 tiie stitit Wits nade ter 1 , en i ee Change of Schedule, — inv i udetnn win nnn a sR RR Since the great evvucton in the pace of thew DEIR ERE PED Lenoir i L633 mo SOE ORE VINE LETS 3) a : : i \ Hvhe fate rs aya chrdren May %. 1s60 ig Standard Machines. on the Ist of October, 1838, the 4 Lincoln, ; Di Office Western VLC. R. nt . bilgmeayennitiy nes | nn ml sale of them has increased fone fold Madison, 1 oe : Sal uy, Auens” det ( ' rip u rowhich the Jun F ) Atloof Singer's Machines make the interlocked me n ) : ; z ' est : . ; , , ( » ANP APPER TiS Dark TH is Viter te ned tubercle 1 stitch ow if two threads which ix the best) etiteh MeDoswe 0) $ ea ae i £ é ' wed { : ‘ swe tia ‘ > ‘ rs = krown ery perton desing te procure fall aud , > e ret Moenire ; 5 ; teat : } ratnieat ic re We nat een deakh ‘ \ ‘ ' fen ender the . tefable iiformation ab M o- Machines, there! I OR .¥ {> i M ” 1 , 7 % - , i " ’ , ' " ‘ . 1 ate ile der < ay Tide. Prieew, WOrhIDE ¢ a ne !ometh Mac Mecklenburg Nas! New Hanover Northampton by the Venerea Viger ory, a few doo ‘ \ rea aa NY Singer’s No. 3 Sta ard Shuttles Wachine. ods of purchasing: Gan ebtou i by sending fora coo of TM Singer & Co ey whteb as al pretornal paper entire ty voted tothe wut d yratix yoonere ©em AL PRANKFORD’ ; M1 MV i | RNDTNG SALISBURY, N.C. ‘O U N O L Y Ap o o l O h AN by Gh: " Farmers! Farmers!! \\ SOUTHERN mm : BOOT AND SHOE Threshing YWachine WANURACTORY ! ee ve ps Ayer’s : , . proved Spiral Barred Vhresher Compound Exiract of Sarsapi Ynproy p > é with fb therse FP lev rand isa SMITH & MILLER, we) NOWTEICE MANUFACTURERS OF Improved "en vr Thresher an pur gati tlhe bec ~ ° Gentlemen's Boots, Shees and Gaiters QU UELAEfs , ; \ estern Nit R. il Ro: id. . Wee 7 fe ; ae IN The Ntochhotde LS of the et VIN (Ges her pain nor ~ oe a Fen f : ae a ie cuek Ga oo YADKIN MAVIGATION 60%. ‘PAN Wier is ee Hemet i‘ PUteried: Merk ee (ies me proveniens the an ited Work. ine h n front \\ (ere ite eee To re Lp \ then, they tha hemes that Wey Cal tar cle ' Wor n last ae ios. ie Nini Seb : R Sy Gua. ee Mee Mpa ve ‘ wer de BAe eed ace tons age ri Paleaasi oa a Boo Shoes & Gaiters, Sees ta nulike manne otef STD SADRN GE | . et ie SiG reer eer Roaipiecicre aren cer ie: Geren Serer ine - 85 cy ' \ ‘ . : : » teatte t Sook s fay) ! full aive money Phes us relore ral that (heir ap FARMERS, COMI et rieM INLOUT NDING! ee Keone Wa ; dueposs MEALOI Gf the atta tithe Copan pie pens tei irene Ne Sank te eiintaiie TC 1) PARE RCAC UDI Dahle elle a hen t : their endeavor to ont among (hem a brauch of ANTOUE NDING! : a4 : ae eee oe AC OWHEORT , Manufacture now eatirely io the trandtof abtiioniate, May &, 1760 OT} Di ! do Nar, Co will pot be ip vain or disregarded. "They offer at o%e Greensboro Parrot. Hai Reeorder, Char- Brags ni u iy hed ge nit : the oe Ai Watt's Remedy “Aver’s Cathartic Pill ee oe WHOLESILE AND RETAIN, eerie iy eve aia : : me (remtenrs ate ‘ An af uly Bhyst Sr reef eect nea ner ire Tce ve ann Fine Chanuetted Boots The Battle Fought—The Killed and 1° '"") bb th sof toe An Unfailing Specific ee Le © Vine French Edge, Wounded. For the Unfortunate! co « Cond or vote the tins ee Doubles range aot ther SON Pal! Weis, Aaa eae — ee JS ULCENT AETLICTIONS, % eae LAND FOR SALE. OPER. I BOOT political battle in this State bes ' ‘ : RET SESe | ' F ; EE Note A TPSTIT RE PINES OOH vith PEAS Ons s owned tt Leother and Preach Calf away we begin to ascertain tue killed and ant pA | | tle So a Seite ary f s te! Pine Open Gotters. Patent eat wounded. We append a list oft ee i eee IN A FEW DAYS’ eu Be ee ae ee Be ready ascertaiued to be killed f ween 5 Ties . eel 7 forge tea (ae ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ‘ (ta. Ch lev Lites ees Pine: M ed: a tiie rfp Cee Wee fis, Mave f {four *ssamas : - ‘ . rN ‘ ' ved by . 1 ane an K. Mehu t . : ; rid i ; Le cay ors T&A BURR POLLED & Vida, Relieve tethittr, Brenetil Sreathbog. date Luss raven - TNyenen . ; ae ' 4 . rr | : ; i aly 2a. Pett i) ‘ LG A= Whale BRYAN Pri . Jobo W. Moore, lidenen it cunt ad ‘ oe ce : , : — - ‘ tthe B \ ae : Relieve Spitting of ¥ , Pains the Chest. in Hertiord Par aee ceotes UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE, ice cug Sono com aceon National Flag! i =. «= 3 delete aeipient Geusuiaptli: Lune Diseavee KILI Riddick Gatling, (Dem) 7 t a. vo , : 4 Relieve C. F. Fisher, Ss [hiae: mo ere rn ar POM ame SMN Pe gael aga Toylorsritle, N.C. E.G Haywood, : ‘ . . . CNEL 10th Seo eet Thom, Ron, = > eo Foe I ics R. . Bailard, BRY \\rs Relieve Wivitat sr e n u n y ‘Ayer’ s (Cherry Peotoral, W MM. ie BAREER Mts DW Gh le ye (rene re vf Gare me. Colds. Pathan naa ' ranp. Bron EP INFORM HTS HE RAND COL ia Relieve the Biers, The above are rome of the leaders « We ania util me oe eS ae Pe nena Mer ree Creer: Carriage Basines3, the Democratic party who tell | te ; : ecient i ; te anya h : cures, SI Gvur\e Kees , } Are a yw ut Ave adapte BRY ANS C > ' i ai me ‘ Bae F 1 pry fur niy ost Tel tile) battle. Peace to ther as Wee Tar grusniees ee ee ee pre ' x or aa i ate a. CG We : teat ' : ' : He ttisher tule « fora ! \N I i fre in a sitple WoUNDED Nor only relieve, but + Cures, Hon. Renneth Rayner, Hertford. Gol. Geo. H. Mitchel : : ko Yosarties but Sum ify ford. pent " ne Pn heen thee Tas Mead Tecka And many others v eoomame ose ites \ Vinnie elec ot have Ave Warravtid i9 ‘ \ one. No FAMILY \ Bryauts RAVELER sue 1 Biryanes Bute J Ish ee eee Fe ileromesenncnn sy ee ee — ™ THD NORTH CAROLINA tended 10.— AM marl Sauthre need mae: ‘ Whee t heen t HOP RURKE NOOPELSON WILLE | --: Pwsession hs tovlier tan academy an tie AMEE! a RL ECAYERS CO. White oa Nprings, — bryan tet Vout frat in Bngewering —Ou the To 0 Watenten ta elite ai eutcatice, way oa NORTHERN LL aM VY lt eae steers shall publish us soon buried and the wounde: ‘O O S L IS L Ap n e AH d YI N OV ON TAilroadl Worwcen Ffhon toon | eee i caver te | Wa question in anthimetie te 4 in Vetoes Male norte ta oie se you had a LIME FOR SALE. , a eee a ae Ve wwe eit 2 \ 1 ' Bnme, 18 entirely unpre cedented iene eae " Ay ty \ 1G NIG yoat Norther me unsliekes ' restr the bewg \ no ho vue on by 1) ! : eering, At the crossing of the [ er v ! , eo Jily set teneher and tone Tan V weosnld very cheap, whole ! ry i is ve Westeru ‘ ‘ \ . vdatiy bares sed " ‘ Bu Vets ’ vy RY ) ‘ ' xX EP tiver, the road is completed on each ede. ; Mirai f Gnivo e navel cen wigton, ateOuvniheceain ‘ alts ee I, " Pvee pl i eden fore deg, sh J EW bom Eth ° Cava peculiar dina to the bank, and a termpy rary track tard rt ; I ' a A tere quontiy of finished feaths in, Upper ‘ > : ts Pleasure Vebieies aid super u arses wail he betes Read, Ea oe UE OSE SEDI = Wh oran pO ; : a3 ' yd count it and Harnes iways on baud ' ' ; ‘ on Se ithe callotg " 4 tv Badiase taven off of one of } PON ance WATCHES AN i CLOCKS, , ce ‘ + well broke te har ; ' oa NL vdess then , re oO pre se tera! down each bank and across a ten porary ‘ ea ; : 3 - rn alin : bridge, which is some thitty or forty teet ABAD STOW ING ; ee and ey i ia 1 ON'TON : near i" heard {6 ; fy uss Ewald ive tt mn dt torn Boyoud ail Ce K . pric HC OSEMONT Huusietins engigee a / below ne level of nee ent road Teo ulca Geena nh ll Tete Salisbary, duly Qiih, HS Ra) U l | \ S NIL. I. tw ' es Visas ye ae SS SAE The des £0 Was fa cross this bride, antil waa faiss oe eat RAI cc, ie ’ : SSS AY articles ‘ sure ens the permanent one was completed, by lot his adopted countys : ere latiaa dietitian Valuable Land for Sale. for sel! Nong the locomotive and are slowly down fourtes casei otose b i ri a l : : { ; . : ) hee i the bank with ropes, and t Leeleenereiniiacrnicn i lacie 3% vertne of a deed of trast invite ’ ‘ a ; ne vt bsep ond st 1 : duress nie at Cie at them up the other side ne ' NS : hates hau tain debts thers nity, tie fase 23 i mh ome tit rade “i pieiaieny July 17, 1860 - at a the locomotive in deseeni eetnink ¢ t roupty inowhrele lie heats reside das Tiemat laaniabolnncns fobert Gillespa ' st ; : ab nto : eee “ ot fo ‘ ) \ tot ‘ ay ¢ id and sweeping throu, eluettreni ier Lone ' ' peceely twa yerntes, he buses Ott t rade toby . fe nf re tetany an a ee { , ik Y Tat Eve: a ) 1 ach ' ‘ of ur 4 ee t , wat ue hed in own Momentum, ascended the ccfonite see that wher alis tras bad an oppor Ce au : Pal aes ee j Hens inns ee ‘ i OR Kil A D ( I i \ . bank in safety. Since that tine ee) aks hae ' hecunarehanens ‘ ' . riven Banas wih g Te le . “ abe N Er RHE opulary ottis ' t una eet VM x Na i thy Tee Ste adhe 1 : A 4 x Y } Cr trains are run throng the tu ee SS a ri : : : : : : t SALE Ob Hu Ne eie ed eectuen iy 7, 1860 mas Jow in dhis mancer, awoeping ; we a do andi thowtht h not ree tesa the HoT RoBARDS ee es downward and pi Ing on the opposite an ere rn . Teacher Wanted be AL IsBU RY et ttt ( yas ae Horch side, ‘ike the sWwaooT at hawk ont pre feed ; , y ‘ T have been something ot ae malt ee , a ee ene Oo " rt the 3 rR eA e SRIRINART. thigis the first time that bover followed dey th IBA NUS) TENS TESS NN ETE a locomotive down the sleep bank of a Lyi Tan eval Ser . \ ' Put river! Vtis said that the civil engineers uv nu oT ae . object to this mode of proceeding, ona : PHEN phos tl Count of a tremendaons strait on the road : : ‘ aN Oipastte v “ ea in that part which changes the line phia ‘1 : 7 an 7 oh i a : ' ra he: 7 ., SALISBURY, N.C ae oe : a cee : ' Ww YATT’ of motion from the descendinw the hori bh Snes ; MI we turiher p K pperentc aly arity : he tins p ! wtuce 4 r 1g 1 oO s ys ~ 1 ! o rt ‘ mn . >Th zontal direction Teas ne eigltt thatisand oth yell ann WV Tole Nie CEO): ‘ oO “oe rr ‘ ES rONti¢ ( OF pi tL. ( EXousoc KPYVaintors, te GURUENE US, PUPPET VPSAUNGE OS. Ae, vn Saperie ; . { (OVER INSON “ti ' berate {ie bance (a Cor. of Ncrventitia Aimeriecan erett: Dettioeratic ors” ae July UF, Tso bas en eee eS ieee eas fen an ravi . | LAND! EA ND : yp t UX o,) Herald says that, almost daily, Velde scnsat her eecunee Avail tlet : Te ; aes , ae { sentery, } ’ Bons are passing ‘lear ue a at pla hac 4 a " ieieeent sie = Sein \\ 1 ay ; Apple Ur andy . ; Pe tet Se ' oA SUBS a | met ri yee y } rying families and ther effeets from K No less than twelee <p. : wh . Ne , iS a , e n : mag Verctuny Thiey-any ee the S ae lefie rhe saat conenre wane ane Pete ~ ())" yo Wy ul \ 400 Acres oe ae good ern part of Kansas is literally DATC CUT eet seo ear aut for Fea litte oy ‘ M tne : ‘ Ante , and They have had no rain during the sam , v I N ie qs. A R. mer and cannot possibly falas givin Le lho a he mek _ Dr. J. M. HENDE aa . ae + ’ PR CIE NN Be Ve P pressed himself in idleanndovortttege 50.000 Brick For Sale Wy Art Ma eople, in conse quence, are abandoning the only nationaleanditates for t resideney I I SN eh aU aL eal! , 5 | oving yt ‘ sional xervices to the ca elaitns, and moving away to avoid of the Udited States. He supported Buchanan: garronnding counte Ome Y moll ' by rt ; ) ) } starvation in 5B Rast c een nuns st . } 55 We , a + ; eee Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. Sea Sas ee (AR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro tuk DENTAL ul where he i@ prepared to atieud ali fonnected with his profession Jan. 1, 1860. WoL. BARRIER. DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT X. ¢ yas yperat 162 March 13, 1<60. Drs. M WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWE-L AVE associated themnsely r= and offer their Profe ba @ho wish ii,can have the serv extra charge. GT Udice—the same occupied at presi December 14, 185> DR. F. N. nce Witeut by dy DEING now permanently loca Dip own resideree reeeuthy ow JB Ma Nee'y, ou the Concord aud Mueney 24 mniies South of Thyacea Charen. continne fer, at the same location the public Calls, in his absence bis professional sets should be eft w, su ger. Mr. Shupiug or bin wife, or in their abscts the servants. Miranda, Rowan co. Nov 10ch, 1559 me LAW PARTARSHIP, AU H. & R.A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly oecapied by Dr Nesta on Water Street, ‘ SMEISIBLTOY, S. ( March 1, 1558 ina) ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by Dk Basox ou BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 129, Sycamore Street, . Pes IB Grameen NW. M. MARTIN, SOW & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RICH AION Dy \ N. Mo MARTIN, Sr { ko | NNuutt ROA MARTIN, WoL Phewy wok mantis, | pears 7 Stri fon given to the 6a Produce = Orders for goods promptly filled. . | Rerenence —D. A. Davie, Cb. Fisher. Bey Une 14, 1259 eg W. R. WILSON AS Jost returued from the bie fa'l Sock of " WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WAR: Northeru coie-, BIN ERB ee Gi light yon. Te which we respectfully tuvicex the at eiton his customers aod c Please call at x ine his Stuck ext dourio WoNeely of Youngs. Ma street Repairing uf Watches. Clicks aud jobinag attended tu by the ver Desi Wait Hanes, prock warrent+<c n Salwbury, Or <3Y a JAMES HORA WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISHCRY. ‘ @nedoor breiow R.A A. BEES Muphy's m WATCHE Clocks, Watches and ; Fepaired a the best +. ble terms February 14, 1260 Inge MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY. N.C. ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION « Store EN tojhe purchese k PRO t a. to all conmgi mente to be suid ia this tn tipped 19 other February 14, 1560 Be Collecting Azent. HE andersigned offers hin sor asa Collerring Ave 1 ! " shury He holds the ap tne re nl Town, and ther « t f $9 our Superintendeut aid( in fications, &e Apri 16,1 HIGH POINT FEMALE SCHOOL, HIGH POINT, N. THE Fal’ xens ” { of August. Papin ac fostany ' ed for any une they remain in the « ! funited number of worthy pour vous : } t erediied tor ew TIONS tte ai 1 Peasounpie t } for at hy teachers or otherwise Ratan per Siecns Boa NT, $12 WW, 815.5 dea Pex Sle Matha } S55 Plans or G £20; harees for ee saraments Teame—Fitiy aotiire per session requ vance, the balance at the me oof the O7 Theee terms will etricily nforced in. ver Pupils furnish their own towels and candies ‘] are not allowed to make accounts For fi wddrese S. LANDER Ay M., 4wkp'd I THE FOLLOWING ix aaar ‘ en betters constantly receiving for Huns » Stomn Bitters— Ove Tily lah, 1x49 Mesers, Hoatetta & Smith —As we are stran, eigh! dilinrs | fers, which leame forward wia Mir vir Stil Railroud, Toledo, Ohwsand Clayton Stauon I parchased several dozen hott Pittsbu ch. P te, Phere with on ey wf four dozen ona mer. bul the eale mon the picrea muck Wish to open a direct trade with von bows to try vour Bitters by my ply aici , ! Complaint, and received such mater Hated Fecommeuded it ‘yo others and have dozen per week for seme tan Medicine in my wtore. hut there ion one 4 cheerfully and ,ruthfally ree W& for T know they have help tion Yours regpeeitn July 10-1m7 PICO WN GSS STATESVILLE MALE ACADEMY. CoM. 4 J.B. ANDREWS, Principuls. THE 66h term of this Inetiutio " oa Wednesday the lec dayu’ August, ins A @ral share of patronage te not respeci fa me Exercises in Tactics and Drill will be h ws ne Ny der the superintendance of one af the P Perssae wishing to board hea ste or wordeow the principale will make iinimediate Joly 17, Spring Mattresses 1860 HE subscriber hason hund the beat qnaliy of SPRING apd other MATTRESSES. Gil) n pie Farnitare Store S R HARRISON May &, am50 | BI eres ‘HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and vu unufacturers of HOS- TETTER'S CELEBLALED STOMACH LIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confilence to Physicians and citizen~ geverally of the Uuited Siates, becuuge the ariicie bus didained are tanon heretofore unkn wu. A few tuct this point will Volutues of bare asseriion The consumption of H: ters for the last year a milion bottles, and tre Increase ih mes pust the ng year peur one million bottles could never have been medicinal properties tion, and the sanction physicians im those ec tions of the country where the article is best Kuowu, who net only recommend the Bitters to their patients, bat are ready atall time touts efhcacy in all cuses of sCnachic derangements therefrom This is notatempiraiy popularity, obtained by extracrdinary effort. in the way of trum ttve bi but a sald vote which is pu Bpeuk r bl zoning putiery stetler’y Stumach bit unted to over tm 1s Manifest: st sevident that dunia com the Guiptiou will Phis dmanense amie us dd but for uiained ib the prepara- f the most: prominent reach the rare t give Cestimonial and the diseases res we pelng the qualities tlers, estiinauion of an inva diciue, destined to be as ena gous time itself Hostetter’s Btomuch dicers have proved a Godsend to regions wiere fever and ague and various other bilo us complaints lave counted their victims ty hundreds To be that the Bitters Dyspepsia and lke rielors & source Of Ub able to state confidently are a certuin cure for the diseases, is to the pro alluyed pleasure. It ren the stomach, pu iniparts renewed vital: g ving it that tone an fur the restoration of health lt ope the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mild'y but powerfully, and soon restores them toacondition essential! tu ie healthy discharge e functions of nature Elderly persons may use the Bilters daily as per directions on the bettie, and they will tid In it astimulant peculiarly adapred to comfort declining years ant tothe palate, invigorating tothe bowels. excellent as u tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We lave the evi- deuce of thuusunds of aged men and women who have experienced the beneft of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangemoents and general debility. the advice of physicians, they all deleterious drugs and the merits of this aracle. A few words tu the gentler sex, ‘Tbere are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial, ves allmortid mater the blood, and ) Co the nervous sysiem, from fies d cnergy indispen-able es upon of as itis p acting under e ubandoned fairly tested The relation of mother absorbingly tender, that the apt to riety arernily nh, the wear of anl chald is se mother, especial M she be young. ts furget her own bealth in her extreme for herint Should the period of i ring the summer ve: uit e du b and nindis generally aggravated. Here, is a ne y fora stint r he em tthe syrter mother to bear ap under ber es! and vesponsitulives, Nursing mothe 1e- rally preter the bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorse nt of ply sae . because it is agreea the «as < certain to give @ peruanen y strength those persous, to whor larly referred above, to wit fever und ague, caused by malaria, d we have particu sufferers: from urrhara, Indigestion, Tess of appetire. and ierangements es ach, invalids, persone of sedentary nd nursing mothers, will consult yeieal welfare ving to Hos- rat d Stomach We caution inst of the many imizations or e+ Hosts sivteus. and se Dr. J. Hostetter de of the be cap covering iat cur autograph sig bigs Capea \TRD has Stomach Bitters” and stamped and ature is on the leiteach he blown on the ttle tal the cork, ed and sold by HOSTETTER & rgh, Pa, and by all druggists. ocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SOTO Ts Se AOR MDE WHOLESALE AGI NES; sold NEW Olid wee [py Ve = Ole Y Heder a & Eanes, and WH AWigact thy J teed. ¢ ney and b I c y Corer sine Nace ! Lev) CLOTHING! LOTHING |! BU} COME ANG \ p! ‘ oe | ih \ 1 2 be ite ee # Sea Hoots H Lae i si aldet Te walk tip to HOEREINS t Mare and tihe a good rire colleetion of every ceinpl von of READY- MADES. N the world ‘ eee: (jonas cis Feollow-Citizen ' t va ln ‘ ! . sa firsienl it ! or \ bene t ave ny 4 tb s “ t | mA <=] mn \ fas 1: gi t MLO) US. 4 Itrh pst0 47 Gach AL SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP LYOURACTUR), JOLIN DOOLEY, Main Start, Riciwosn, Va M semmrer and D Ves \ 1OORN PANAMA SOPT AND MOLP SKIN DRESS WATS TEAS 4 ry oS eee lee (Nate SteA eG Z i ! ved “Te \ t M prevowtont | wi i ‘ * ' I 1 i nur B ‘ ( i h L by MW ‘ 1 tures ai ty i " * \ i i yyole i u MM te OnE N Ibo see M jane WS 50 White Hands We RY ie ’ Rane Apoly SAM IM May ( \ PATENT JARS. a ticle oy for PRE Vv USERVING | ATS ana WO IL OBES. te wale a Vet ee vale 1-Goand IRR Moin wt. 8 yt Heine, 0) , WV) kinda for sal mhe ot ei Sie took iit hy SELLING NEW YORK COST! A RARE CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! AVING determined ty change my present bust- he \ : ve we object of gotng tuto amore gener mule S DRE SS GOODS. faces and Eimbroideres at NEW YORK COST ASH Lac Article we wreatly to their a want of such wud Paauin out. ff ivantage toc se bean determined to clore the uc hand at rmewiie y ous on Greatly Reduced Prices. A. MYERS, No “bu 4, Gaaxtre Boibpixa May lt ol Wilhelm & Gorman. (ele ebbelGD Quick Sales and Short Profits, Ruydens Granite how, Opposite the Rowan Huse To padblie are dite co and exaanine our splendid sieek ot Pursue he best and fines ' his part of t State conse teof Bureaus, ( e tables, sotas, Petesa Petes, China Pres \ tobes Bedateads of every hind, Parlor Ctiairs Roe kaa Na ic vseat and Winsor Chairs, © tile Vs Chater, (het stands, Wash-stinde, Ae. ta fact Veen ginourtioe. all of whieh we will sell w cheop van be boushtin the State Nise dooassorinent of Wood CoM 0 ty unimied an as ceasonable ler an b We live a tine new Hearse for funeral o« Cw Call at the Porniture Store of WW ETE IEM ie Ce M ACN Salisbury. Apail 26th, Ps8oo ly ix RANAWAY--$75 Reward. DAN AWAY fiom the wubserte rs at Lea Ro Tt ies ‘cruel AUTEN. fb MANNS R mista dark cop: w d feet m iW , ! ' a “ vite dG tb Ver \ “ tru a dow Cast ae : ts I 4 k t per h Alex k ' 1 h h Wiilorhenid tow ister M \ eres So MeWeuze sn planta 5 I \ 1 ' » \ hae , aod | £ Vis witl WOM RARY & CO sborough Mutual Sr ENE (Grom OV TILED Si i ays all Losses Promoptty! DURE PORS: ira hee SE VS. MeCon TENE t | Mota ' [ VH DOW \ Ba ! iD) ae ) HW barndeay, ¢ APN \ K 1 erica Nien MI New I ‘ K ! see \ Cue: Any ore i kooM 4 | ty Po LW ORTIOE KE ON P: AY ‘ ! I \ \ lex CWor cea NtL 1s ( t 1 Mt tr - \ \ vg items bastiessconneeted with thin vt dresser te PETER ADAMS. Secretary rl Ni Nad June 19, P60 ad 1 : . AP NPN LD ets Oise NG ie LAND former W hy Robert Gibespne Wea Tey dst (lee ile West nto he Shere t Road, and now be y i st t Pr s Rankin, dees ' Heat SEO Xeres era high state ' u Gu § . e Wood Eoaud Taw pee \ kon winbit ASN lt Neh ENS Dak vols DP Ranken NAY NS evaed \ LAND---LAND. Two yaluible Plantations for Sale. SEE ert rwishin eiireelie ‘ ON h he wes Tole I wiret Sai, vid dey 7M \ au iM Peaks 1 Pina Seidawaes wel w i ' was he - | ‘ ' . ‘ atou i bent ' a Shue ! ; 1 Fru Wage al Vat 1 tear tre J) othe Et He Vint VY Mier t Buser rivewon Mats AT NT NeS Ina > Tess staan meen 2 os momen HOTELS. HOTEL, SALIS SBU RY. YH subscriber takes pleasureia anunone ug te Lie feuds. and the pubic generally, (hut he thar iaken this long established wud webb hrown Motel and has made every possilil: diate the the publi reparation Co acecn mn: | business, (rave nid Vingting poruons nthe most sat stoctory manner Parcculit attention is ps TABLE, d te hits andevery comfort is provided in bis ROOMS. STABLES arc chundantly supphed and at- by a carefud ostle aid to all depurtuvente yes his js nabattention able OMNIEUS runs regularly to th depoton the arnyal ot the . With these efforts to tliberalshare of th soleited WM public patronage is coutic ROWZEE January 25th, 1860 edo THE WALTON MOUSE Morganton, N.C. Pee Hotel hus wained the repu CPERST CLASS HOUSt te he a ne eer h v tase ui by the Pros hes ditt LN: ' ‘ ' pou nee: har Ose Teer rly upon the prepuce the Houreh Eliive arrow nts made tebe bepts tarly wih Beesh Post ty Nerfo kh ond Newher feet with every defieaey usuady feund at Pet CT Ns UY fale tee e CONS. Brown § Cocs Stage C ihe C sat ths Howe: The POE felts Fe 40 Les nite the } doef the W N kK 1 I fave, We eyes ne ‘ \ ‘ Vues 1 ad > PTA COLCHES wid TACRS iy \ a (Ce eS Pior Ba ees i 0 : ! te . ; 1 New lie 1 ( Soebury py Wount Vernon Hlouse. AT THE Deron SMLISTRIC TRY 1 = ; ue ey 1 ' nt 1 on _ ea re 4 I 1 hist Vie P tan mt Wl at ( nn , S FE \ 1 “THE UNION,” Yr Strectiah 7), PHILADELPHIA. CPTON SS. NE WComn at, cave NE RESIGNED tea ha byas Meove WH \ ' nm hong buta 1 WSUS TODS TOUTE TL, JOHN F. JON&S, Propri BROAD STRE=«T, NEW C | | Brown's Livery Stable. IRIE. North Carolina Foundry AND AMERICAN WATCHES. Ayer's Sars a ACHINE WORKS! \\ which he mivit AS just ¢ aad SIL AMERICA W, Rk. W TLSON GOLD Ashb ned a new lot af LR DOUBLED ¢ PATENT LEVER WATCKEES. es all lovers of a wood, Toovcagure at reliable time keepers to come und exainine FRERCKS & RAEDER, Dt en ia pee cpproved p and possrepes Cvi iy requiniie: for RN. BOYDEN 8 Sn een n i ne eee ne pt MWe TL. eootuue too maniioeture and heop on ne . tie Ete een i oumhintin i ‘ ; . aes Pcie ( fleates goveu with etch wae hie Anh ( Lt RAL IMPLEMENTS Pe Sa Sean nek i eerie Hae ee mace h \ Gold Double Cosed Levers, (3 Jewels dren du te do Plows, Caubuyatore, dollars ea ind Silver, Doubled Cased, trom 10) to “ Straw rl Peed-Cutters, qu dollars evel 7 > DONT FORGET TO CALL at the Store Cidera Sagar Mills door to WeNe Ae Mu Store, Main Street dSeparaters, ‘Uhey dhe aanutacture Salisbury, Qeobre iu, Teno ui9 shi fling and Machine ry 1) for Grist Villa, Careulor and ¥ PESvaN ens (' | i ( | | \ \ Copperand siver Miu Pobacco Presses and buy \ A it ' tures WN NO ae , ; (Te? Nae Nae a Pele ees! (.\ CoS Weer SO A aa cat FORGING S and FENESHED WORK of every ; SC ERESHEAND @LRE ee ‘tt au z / ‘ ' Fa ae : Drie a “A Medic iba done a woth wCed at Salis eens Paar 3, Truly, Ww3d eed a a hein Herel ware Pa ire har Dem ashor t M ‘ 1 ¢ Wag \ ee Ciao. Uley lave a a w k ( ” reer. Ba tevill Dr wists Fan Gao N Pa 1 eX > Sinouths and frwa he Se et huith i varoty Woo whith wer Crt sett o whe tock at the lowert range of poace Nes Vhey ash 9 atrntege: wad fail REAL ESTATE, tee Ores ae 4 k “ t ’ ' we s m vir ome 1 t 1 ’ r ee “TS ELENG wirat haniwon-onie pt Hiueraniee at et eure spe cowl ‘i wep vow wl 1 hol Mais round Dralre te ths an Riles VCs, Mrs ott Vette a ye lite venient \ ‘ der ’ va thet 1 ' ‘ wesk, Ww ' Ne 1 . ' to pouteelver one ries a tis \ 1 ya e tout enEN | BUNS aN GCP fy ee ee | ee Piers ison \ wh N bt Ned t TEE LOW GAN Doon Mee et va v LEN ie 1 et DWE ING “ re t soo pord cu ! ine NO a as Ae TEN ate Tae ASHE COUNTY tut ree i Verry ret ioe Hien t ’ 1 > - ‘ | ! ts ! | ( 1 i TNO 4 VDSTEAMW al \ n | : \ _ __COWAN’S io mee Vegetable Lithontriptic, (ou ee fer ieN Pid Et NUN SATIN a EASED RIDVELS, ‘ a . 4a he 1 “at Hawt coM et TY SsQO Feb Wy aot 1 i \ {) NAY Nall 1 oo int i ByTN VR PN=EN 3 ahd Ks % 1 \ 1 \ a “ i. . ' H Important to Mill Owners! f Clr FN or : SAD, © Me Mannciaes. | a PLEURA TED Aa / a SMUT a0 SCREENING MACHINE. uy aah NS Tey Via a DR. MOUTARDE'S Wiracusous TEE SV SOV Eas Neeley eed Ape 1 TDA CCEEE ! CET tN AEN ! CHOLME i “ | / “ / f ‘ I ‘ / / i I I \ i SNe Veet a) \ Sir N 4 M New Firm. ES Tale cin Killer. INGLE Toy Crees [pe Ny Lites ome IPN Vis) x \ ' ’ "W ‘ sy | 1 s 1 Howe ¢ \ I i 1 ‘ ' y WALTON Tot sh, M ( < BOWS fn 4 fae _ I Micy : 5sUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER, Ltrom F Tee ela rant Boawer TOSS anl sales) LGR TSE Ce NN Gi id VM ae St SE oy. ! . ~ rR F ARDWARE!! i. re tr AL ee i alk Stock of Hardw aire POUPNVU lever Southern Wanufactory. Moar nhaetarers er thers teow wh " wht JONES & ALB i GIN TENE NN Nir st it pi ate aM tall om or of JON al ‘ ” thas te h yi oot ta tee thy wil ac ny eon NECN Ty TS Mites TN Na? AST Ve RG erat ee NEP MY EAN AIAN SoBUYE a tines PETER, sup oriee sn quality Mia ire d wtowk af LBS wo | : JENN er aly , ‘ , Natiabuey. No ¢ NOTICE THIS. pi ANY clivabay elie.’ IDS IRae een ec that he k A) ACNE WE Ae Ae of ' Jury ll wl ‘ ver hin with we Ja g! ™ GEORGE MOWERY ist A438 50.000 Brick For Sale SE wanting to buy Eifty or Sixty: Thonesnd va \ 4 \gun ee MUR & 5 } RE WALK ( OLLKG I a ee ee 4 sil. Sees ene JAMESTOWN, Guilford Co. No, oe Ne Te See een yr STRUCT Not eins at will ates coe Were; an ; PEPPER commocnee Jaty bbth 00S Pe tt woof a) pat tak of oe Peon ee ae a cA oEA NAY eg wn > ri eae [Ne PA Cl i rN a : . ~ inher? Sot Te . i ie a FOR SALE. “o() VCRs I rls Les oe at ae a gg sess ee ee Fae si? ue a i a tron Cae os he suet R ant "pe ‘ ste h rhe; a WANTED Hie i ee aoieere a ii lea oe len Ee ; a 20.000 feet Syeamore Lumber, i Vivir ty oaran Neth Neely con t i Fike es \ be w vy) . 1 I ee een ee a a om \ ( mn h Ciencia Pe tic 440 atk . ZOE ttle Nee M Hee Reduction in Price, " Eels edd ein pete steht . HILLSBORO’ | ae EO Ihe | noof Walt its Se eee MILITARY ACADEMY. | ce ' ‘ ' ny +s t mounder eo condnet a ol I 1 an : - ae neti an vi \ \ ih as . ay \ f nul ~ ¢ 1 mit! t " PILE OINTMENT. He gittomypl ar wy Bene Bes crys canary |)" CANIENINIECEHE NG at \ | ’ 1 . VV 1 t i 1 i. Te euiee | oir ' ve HENDERSON ENN ise A. SADLER, Jr., WIE 8 de WILSIN'S ' fT OW BREM & 60, Chart \ ‘ es {LE PRESS S sti are te won Wine Wachines ee eee SHERMAN BROTHERS, > Tec ern eee tn ! 1 , ERAT | Wath thle A WILSOVS SEWIVE wi 4 \ ! CHINES h . 4 RWIS TN eens ree GUNS, en tent tte D ANT IES CY Gini ~ \ ‘ ! 1 Perret and TA Murat Stree AS YA EERE CORN W ANTE I). NEW Yor«. . nan WANT errs reo Rar 1. be i ue eimai bos Sete tr tot “i 0 | Bu roles and Rocha ays TURNIP SEED. day REARD rs en en eee Lae aVER t LEST ane : Spring cee Tremvichecetant ] ee feat Sead thee eee : ad Lee Ae aS ee NERS ety rf Paprnig Wits Girive THOS BE RROWN, . fe= Main et. Salisbury, NOC May 22. 1860 1fav ‘ Jan 24, LEAD "Y 1 1 nm migeta bargain by calling at thie 147 eu aparilla oopound temedy, in which we baye labored to prods thoet ef ctual ulteruative that can be tr acte [lina coureutrated extract of Para Surra- poriia, ro ccinbooed With other rubetances of sulp uler alter re power ap to ctford un effective an- tid rah tees Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure Poin beteved that such a remedy is wanted by those who culler from Stroamous complunts, and that one woh wal cecomplieh ther core must prove of im. news service to (bis barge Clues of our afflicted fel- moe tens. How eompletely this compound wilde tohas been tioven by experiment on Many of the worst co es to be fiandin the flowiag complames: SCRE LA AND SeKUFCLOUS Comriaints, Exurtions aso bxceiive Disevons, Urcens Vinrues, BLotcues, Poors. Sage Kittw, Seane Heap, Sypeuie any Syruiit Virrcriona, Mercuxian Disease, Daorsr, Netkvteta on dic Docpocweua. Deutersy, Drerne- sia AND TNbioer iow, Eaveorktas, Rust on St. Ane the whole clase of com- from Twreniiy of thr Broep. ‘This compoonud will be found a grent promoter of mhosy ss Pace, aod indeed plait Health when taken in the pring, to expel the fab rors Wooeh testes in the blood wt that eewmp of jee Oe By tardy lexpolsion of ghem Biany ( ilu are nipped ia the bud Mattitudes t hie 1 thow remedy space (heiselves fromy sores ot ful eruptions and uleerous sures, POT eosyetem wall strive torid: itwe!fag i bh oUt thet sited to do this through the rete 1 he body by au ulerative medicine len the vat Seto bever vou find it Mere festig hroagh the skin in pimples, erup- tea abe it When you tiud iti ovalruet a \ tie ver cleaner it whenever it i elie we llevet you when. Even cls po peeteeutian un fell, people enjoy bet- te dove longer for cleaning the blood fe ' Heatihy, and alla well: but with ea ltenr disordered, there can be no last healt yrinter something must po wrong, ' he creat tna hiners of tile ww disordered or over- inlatos and deserves much, the reputation, But the word bee prep ‘Fotos of it, partly enotull the virtue that i ne bee Wavy pre perationn, ' ractwot it, Contain hoy we ut Samapanila, or any thing sy decerved eanee the dea net 0 ty bat aise Db ' t pili have beeu ansled by ' toogve a quart of Extract | "4 4 Wasi of meh. for the these have conta oenranive prop youotonly spa hutetteu et Ween wed t biter and painful dsap- ese of he various extrees Inarket, until the and tias be come synony- “ i rod Chel call this woountend to supply such a from the dowd of hink we have ! Soll we eu itne \ we vridves whieh aretremeu ip iitended mplet en ' ‘ ete t rradicn- ned. sould by yadiciwws nou the byitie. ie Ve Fo WUT at 00). IL. Mass Bovries ron QS Cherry Pectoral, tes Sas. Ayer's wn tor the cure ofevery I! d i gy Cty toohet tin en cou evidence of en ortiployed Aeiit thie reeten pleats qua » and that ‘i hes ever Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ’ KE oo ‘ J I paint, Dol wevtian, Dye- I ae Ok whe. Piles, RK ! Nan 2) srawee, Liver is I ! ton a Nault Rheum, \ ‘ \ 1 + Pill, wad for / Kh 1 hie Heowt seule j re the beoe pu poses of a family t I Vor Borin cen §100 ‘ ‘ nen. Physr ane Stategs < Hhote dent thew names tite se of there reme were wet p he inserion | \ Sone d fuciesh gr x wine hey ar ' bovee be ' wr I» » fealers with other ) ‘ r fii on Deruand \ { eek want the beet seeutd have at \ ' Seti Xs: nine 1 ' . ! \ Iw Ml { | ron Ib BY AS ee NS N hy Nia | ~ et A riteston, S.@ \ t tt ly4l AWN2 vl. J LIVER INVIGOKATOR, NEVER DEMILITATES. hin the Isat two years as the Qumerous wor nets tisk lo the temperament of Ube a L quaiuues as to igment guide you In the VIGOR plaints, B ronte D1 hemale Weaknese= cessfully ean Ordinas «. Twillenre SICK reais can testify.) three Tea> of ry Famity ‘ HEADACHE ym spoonfals are two or eu at commencement . vk Vt who ase It are KI ving their testimony " IX WATER IV THE MOUTH WITH INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW THER. Pilce One Dollar per Bottle, Ata). — SANFORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, MPOtSDED Pure Veereanle K Dead Na put up to LASS CASES, Ale Tight, avd will heep any elt thartic PILT, tsagen which the propriewor hae than twenty years. demand from those who sinction which ch, Nleepi- ant, bots, © or TIEN vig ents Me Mae York wf New 335 Brendes ‘ ENDERSON & ENNISS, Daugater ORRELL & GRADY, i vid Wholesale Dealers in ie A Ss, CAPS, ' Straw and Millinery Goods, Embreitas, Parasols. Flowers, Ribbons, &¢-, No 18 Courtlandt Street, RFU ) UP STAIRS, ; New York. W Sa BLANK DEEDS Sa Aa iis OFFICK ‘Tha are vot exp Oivil So s ao e Te ha e ee ae ee ae ea a wired to can be Durra- of wuld ve ane ocure ¥ thure at one of im. ed fel- wilido of the plaints: UPTIONS TCHES, AND Jnorer, Jverke- Tv. An- f com- ober of be foal uPmh of ) Biuny litudes cs from F euTey, tee fag gh the rdicine find is erup- eli uel ever it Even Oy bet- blood t with o let. wrong, P wver- tution, d bee partl ‘hat ation, Pon tain thing led by xlruck r have contarg e prop d.sap- Alrees ul the ynony- all this ruch a oad of e have remati tended radica- elo jon ever Ss, ». Dys- Pues, Liver Rheum, und for rusitive he bem | family ROO Statea- rname® r ofeme pee rnon ur ther thother Drsuand the beet ( dvertise- y Ca- Ny, and retor, as Daucater ly6 Y, ren 9 oods, , de, is, York. FICE yd, J BRUNER, ss ‘EDITOR AND ‘PROPRIETOR. -,s FERMS Single copy, Five gopies, Teu copies, | SN ee Pick and elick Go the types in the mick, As the printer stands af bis cuse 5 | Hie eyes glance quick, and his tingers pick ' The types ut a rapid pace. And, yne by one, u8 the letters go, |! Words are piled up steady aad sluow— Clabg exceeding ten, in the same propyruon $1.50 each. Payweut always in advance, | BLANKS Piro fullowsng Court and iniscellanegus BLANKS VOL. XVITT. are kept on band for sale, at this office, Can be sent by mailto ary part of the country, at sinal expense. Civil Warrants, Qasas & Bonds, weits. C. & §. Court, Ex cutlens,C. & 5.C. Subpwnas, OC. 48 C. Wituess fickets, C.& 8.C. Juror Picke Com. totake Depo C.£8.0 Apprentice Ludentures Letters Testamentary, Letters of Amministration, Rpecialbetters du. Marriage Licenses, Do Oertiticater, P-vseeution Bonds, C.& 8.C. Various Kquity Blanks, | Bail Boads, ejvil cases Do, (udietments, Bill Bonds, crim. ** Land Deeds, INY, N. C., AUGUST 21, [S60. NUMBER 4H. Devoted to Politics, Urws, Agricattare, Jaternal Inyrovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. Attachment Writs, Deeds iv Trust, Delivery Bonds, Dae retaet Ae: sufficient Legal reimedies fur present purposes and thus recante bis errors, L will adit line ay Bastarday, vt Hand, (outde of Kovisas aud Nybraska in wodh sound as the plaiforn, ern inany other forms of less frequentuse. Blauksprin protection to slavery wan refused by the or cute My Boll's platform does not define this ies @® order on short notice. wet.) Butt mmay be said it we howe sufficient ton. His platfora is the Coustiution, the Cn C : laws alrendy, why vow jusisten the power aud son aud the Laws Ps Kaw iw te ete Speech of Benj. Hl. Hill, duty of Government ta protect? Tre Constitki sii, adh wehiat iweb will enitares ; . We inust iastst upon it, tirst, beeause ths we amust zo te his et 4 Wie card Tes Deniverkp At Macox, Jusu 30, 1860 right and duty have been deed, and they who then Ie aa ae ar ar Is, Mr. President aud Friends: Pheerty papers deny, are secking to get control of Che govern: cord ie aound, at tform Wives meine to has have announced that P would sponk to this meet me nt, Their scecess isa tring dy of the deidal nf streneth to lim, ‘Po this recor!, tie refers ing to day. The avgouncement wax without Already has this doctrine of jroteetion boot usin his letter of acceptance, and to the record my kuowledyze or cousent, LE orefer to this for dented by ‘etal tegislition in gue coe in the det us uo, the purpose ol saying Lyat Wy Appearance now Kansas and Nebraska ba Rho Ginn quepnstitinn some ellie Tf thal catia shall not be regarded as a precédeut requiring | Again, alll experince shows, that remotes fish without a doubt. is that Juha Bell is ay me to reapoul to simular ealis in the futare, 1) Which are suffictot for the present, become in fili bills to order, but if [{flicient ander the changes of ever progre g and aggressive events. Why do your Leis hie od aaah pans Giedte sound aa the platform vo which Mr. Breckinridge ’ ted. platform contains three distinct propoai a DB. PR A eet SP et tog am no politician lo | : wore sould di w iny own | rills. Do. not ee 8, my convictions as to what this canvass, for on that point T have no hesita tion or doubt; vor vet because T would not re tecessary. Piet TG ane ene ite ; ON ETN Seow 7 ¥ we ought to do in| laws and to remedy such defects in existins laws 1, That Congress has no power to abolish How to be’ Savery tu the Tia such pow 3. Vhatoon the contrary, itis the dary of the as time and experience coustanily Perritaries the Teritonal Legisiatare has no vstita fugitive wlave daw, to carry outa phen co For that dav. atid ft that act was stulicent. gard respectfully the wishes of my frends Whithersover the changes of the drift us, the atfecvou E tect for every true Aten att fur ever ar Howal provision rthat day, future mas wermnent to protect property: ( ey uuder wing madness of at ican, with whom LT bave struyuled so long Fy chereaenmencGee those truths which take uy pat of my Leart, aud the two must live and die to gether. But my health, though almost enirely ae ty ty a \ tires retolered ulterive nig W703 Woe atte wid ja Uhese are thie Ist, Is pat sound propositions, and Plow the aetot er and duty 1850. Mr Sow lowtt as oan the whole wrown tat pie as uch ada AN the sorly and as njucl a meee Fane w York, others d the to tlie Sth day of tuo 1 oict \ meitval act \\ Juss 4 hew stored, is such that Pmust be allowed to direct to pats the dsuves 1a the cn sidiment rave eq our eoted tet bediou fediers aueed Sonat my own actions during Che aay ays The very distinguished yo ntletnan (Gov, Jolin bto be satitia! firever wil Che Sow af P70S ated try servitne de son) whe addressed Vou last tight said des tus) totes ee ak ty the Denorraey of divided brotherhood Mone ts very shall speak to the people Potions countevdret ails word Tlie band oi tt mtd, « te corruplion, strife and disticction Party. party ceutinent and the pos ts | Pola aay (yh, that the Grd of the terelty Pvastoria! Deze wd jes Kev ; Siu wie to Ss} steward Atmericats ing is to you f rate wall, ihe ceil y ot ats rodomigogites We thst propostion of thes Ta scrsiots of partly, hay done hall ! patriot would cast out from our poopde Cres seven desis of party, which Gave aseady we er eCers nigh ruroed ns! If Tahal utter a word on s Geert wii thier sare you Padoon wtrerover th Vibro tty 4 Primeut Ny ' : é 1 shall appear to be bh intend such # tm log Have Piven recede en ot tow s " Let us determine t 2 \I : s PA nh ere cod Me oc Involved to (his Gatcass, Which we oa ht te i nd furow Hots peatrats. ow ea} such ter Davis ott J ithe tuilow port, and sees sli and promote Chat prin tye Faas cnecder trast + CEE TGs oe be bien sam tall nid vote, inorder Ta ay epetign, Cie Woe tion as ed on, the the ballot bon veroinetnt thet tame anaes hastens. t [ececiee gy [MR ence “ what P Ale) bach We Tastanduinat eee bent oe ee wy dias over the question bas often the State Le the whole na the ba! as to the Wo resut evetits lave cide tt, Theo, i ty torsion, OF Lecessty ot alr frei stele ate thrast He CA Mncerteceencalie Wislewiy sorting, timder oath, the yr tot bor cin hicite \ is tad voit Che Perrtoties Pisa ie 19 ns wary For M Aine. Hale ery lacguvus at thn jfaid ine Dies provian (Or ope 1 as Clee tes the people vuzhit.as Na tea mid parents | by thasedection to dee iar verument “bas to | J slavery excey C the powered with the dat thget tle vent It of guarding abd prove toe oweet inh tony \Wossteclitania licens aiaetnn toy foo tes dn iny heaton yada law. Pie sipret tion lias, ti dan gu ain of th mre niaiiaralive. E\Nescueliieet teed tare itis (ic ctmtensenTiisiecoitslee ance tiem ctnciee tome etsy v4 second piace, because it is riglit Ver: Prowetion tothe persog sui Renee nt vance tin ir tran] on citizen wwithe first dety of escry Cravertiinet Mliectliet at I ronagle sell x Vefens: and itis the whole and sole jrower and Tie ee Ut tel en of sla the Government of the United made fur this only, Every act of every ds ty. PEs yeoves itnght by the hows of nature Nasi al ee ; lof God, and a pou ire Gen eu us ood. The every mann the Sour tewet away from deine cues an Federal Gaoseriament, moa pecdy toy away frown deimare sn wed men owethoa pare and of ch Vwetore tie teal, thoral, soctar andl ment can have ne pretation. destroy nothing, wiless creation or destrnetio wwery in two in a given specified custance Veo Weressaty tose [oriendly begisiatior Tuer . i hat xpi cure Ufties hiinself by cating war or make Nother ; ca be levy an impost dotin CL Breckriridire dour for this end Phas Mr Bellas sounder than the redress of every wrong, the duty of « Office the le ‘ pend upon and beomenared by us fitness fy and the protecnon of the person and ciizen, party aif heart, and read dnst Mr Belly or ban on Goverment can create pothing an " rent Nona votes au Qeveral protection Whether itd | ton theory whetl pence, rout aint whiatsoesce at doce qartst beot ise aim: t The wisdom of every speceh the platform id inh sounder than Mi. Brechin a) vb valve trees as a! und bis pat ver (le eit te ret prim together Now, tellaw ¢ Hoaey of every action, mast + Ne and CHreametaness iiav shaw to be nee fomav alse uterters weth acd e feria Mp Heute) Tere ast etl [aw mn hy fob vet vuch, that there is tortie ( Vs direetiess towards the one waiters exist tisas by It oisechomed inst dneotstsbon wate th Toare not bow de Hontan vowernnient tase has norend) to lee non aiterys . Jeural of vases Le G aa GL and doettines ay Vater : ow Here iny broth ! we Constitutional Pbemocraey, ts the thlit tor me, Ali t Loto that. eveu to existebee, ated that for Protection ¢ IMnean per must be the mos: secures this object But bdo net demand a elace code meno who demand ay t They leap ouver truths, ated jump: to een rerteet, whine wt fae b : a x Jam ther vd blob (hat ene MeeLOl tert ks LU oe tae Unik, reason badiy RMS De een are Ie swert reed eatin whieh strag sles ways TN tt rected, at Mr. Bell with Unseu sion, which render even the rayht que sty were te parties to The demand fora separate specific slave code (hat vgreement, nor prriners (0 is sje Is vee, support: Meo Pyonglas 7) Dive cnsie (iecrnicrGfanzerin il een ae and T fear uu Ileece yee titi velar offen at the South. The lias by arommds of thts adinite that the tenure to slave property is pe | We cantiot, tie culinr—ditherent from that by which perty is held, ada)! quality of legislation, The great pol teal ur atid cerhanily so. of this demand ts taken trom the adea thar tend this day te speak eandully, and do full jus slavery is the creature of, and solely dependant) Wee Toil madd threat upon muanterpal law, Wt this doctrine [of this question, J see neuchoin Mr that non-action is said to be effectual to exclude: iss aned on many 0% slavery from the Territories, Some Persons say | omtons he has been a bold able and few if there be no law directly to authorise sl arc ender of He certainly: fi lei lee dao th en two hie votes acinst the Koa trade oH UG, Qo fie SOUL Tee re tests Lecompton Consttation y aud Andletlerctore oneeds sorediead, fandanerts fret that everybody nota Dem vy denounced as unsound by the Tn T8566, they burnt Derrlas tof mein efligy as an aily of the Republicans, and , Jastmaht they hung Gov, Johnson for the sam Fo the wrectina, with the hope that four years hener, veratis hatatia bo even an enemy onianl nail men of that party, ide, On other quest Governor Eosend reason f stp pose sa de our rchts i 1 : Steve ated as lo to ‘ ‘ 2 + Hn nde rt e it cannot ext: the slave withont bow ie free, Bepabhean party most imetally, and af there ts Hecmay stand: as fully vindicated as Pda today i eG ra dustray the Golouisis, whereupon te oe el up atrendant thereon that fonud in the old feudal castles of . . +4 | yuat owld our B inrvdace vuds : ork ce ‘ nite . ‘| . ss DARE : na ee tn 13] sd for the a of cher Therefore, if the Lewislature will provide wo low | # neu North ot Mica aindl (innit tienen linn Bat why should) our Breckinndge farnds New York correspondent of the Phitade Governor ordered Capt. Males Standist : * - | Europe, designed for the use of archers. 4 ea te P : ree ) , ; ee : s Grov se sinid das a y . 2 : } ‘ an “ —do nothing —non aet, slavery teexcladed, | Dtbewe all others, Tconld wish to be, rot abanst combenn Mr Bell tor young against the Home shia Press, underdate of Mugast 2d. savsttig seu them; whe theres Poth, as EVOL AR GaN, ise sid dast fall—why gree. phe blocks of which these editices are we adit the premises, the Coteltisianasqeresiet (ut altevethen sich as woeaae, that man ow St mit i As s belies nee valle fy UES REGS CCU iE been told of} body remembers, staboed Peckshi WEEE yO, meht to defend another € Let's composed, are cemented together by a ible, This is the foundation argument of aliab jhlen A. Dowsha. Baton this question [hae vat that ne w : Ib ue md only ev it ! nen who have gene into taro banks, Wen is Taen knite, broke up tae plot, saved | defend the Union and our rights teo.— Bpeces of mortar of a Dituminens charac- olitioniste, TF canmotcrimitat, because Pda ner Shays diered with tim web ty. and niast eon > LL Tea reyen get alle tive and ten thousand dotlars in a nichteihe Colony, and tins rendered Massachu- Py ter sburg Intelligencer ter, which has such tenacity that vast 7 believe IU correct, Slavery ts the wreature of tum to dite, UMC Vad es tim ie farther Ws When von seceded at , Harlestan, yan u DO Uewisedeoih ewitli then tinier met ccure varietal NL asetts, Medseal So i” y ‘ . misses of wall have fallen down without ; 4 | v co heorensons for Chat seeesscan. y ” : jp setts a Oe \ + It e: \ Divine bw. He who onunatly wave tnan de Titstios to sayy PE tever meste Tine ice ree iat ais : us Pe tostance of this sort has just been told t . Ossi sthev are tow a tees = tue wks being detached by the shock. . ays king royour reasons Po tind iany ep erery it | Peetity sa : “ mn 5 ’ ae over the beasts of the field, and the fel South bawe rimmed: btar by denying. i PasG) ass na ree Mone by an inspect of yp NUR aes aw. Sn are tar tle pare he Viagra Dass fread — The Balls recede at . + 2 1 ' { 3 1 tpeypated: far tt SPATE TEE rob on . * ink co ‘ i nt . } . F ot yor oa . . o o seas and the fowl of the air, afterwar Is} hat he held these opinions, Hew CS DGE suis! ; , “ adie” py evetings since a young man from Var a oilne tative cease av lit ward Une VRS un OS ein Toes Outre the rate of something , , . a © daphat the master of Canaan and decreed | tection ther devs, and the truth ts now 1 yi stent Sy PiU Mecynnrant tt norimie Wiioeciuitcon : eee ba oe Stes than a foot in acyear. Ge Hoy is able to Pier or Siuaves.—A slave-trading firm Cannan to servitude forever, 1 free learns test Nlsmenievevent Southern Den . ails Sleerit a) the Sou On this Ss mete - youuu Colony trom a midel amare re see eualnn - et anniiriun (itd Lied Ly writine to Missi oe de forever Tree aria teks somassexs of t vather Hr | i ae % Wororiiletan cuvcnd sre tie nov fecesston of t otias ' ! chinend a. ry to D sissipp 5 , , , ars of ave went with a tren fooone ue ‘ ' in ti: wide 1 . ’ ue ’ is older in date, but not tig! Nay? | rice i laden, why conden Mis tt Pine aay x serupe, and may save the on vet at a ef y nl Pie . ot lughernrauthortycthan raey have been decemed, and tor that d : n F i . : : t : Nac some fivecor stn thousand venrs head Penner e eee ves the last, and itis not for met a : ne they curse Meo Dongle Il ' ocd orenee Tear se enoyou and Me 2 be most extensive gambling hells in this pro dentiadl cand date sheald happen te i Area tcine bmiwilltiaredacenl tne amecnremta ves the following intellivence concern- | s er ime Co qitestion: the Uney ers: onuplas Ce en esTursihOtieslact ' moleclinal Glewillnereduced lav ascents ‘ ' \ toe < ears of | oan \ : re a ‘ rat eee CE I ty | at wisdom of either, We knows best 1 Wee Nace wlroldvcuived: (miner schcntlicr \ligeDE Mats that jure dT sry venrs of a } Ay we Fake fnuaten ve taken stek as Meesisont QV Sf feet Ten thousand) yenra mony wien the Ce Cl tnarket at this time: ¢ | cr e\per iol evans mings to ‘ Atter partaking o e snimptuons snyp ane ri ie ie wOCe SS - : . can be no wisdom OFC wie dcennt sul) Wanelass reyy ee Joes “ iy x mings to teach | ML \ oF ie a sie, Pootonsne wanted cleanin 5 ball stall have wort its way four miles farther Number one men sell here for from one mit to His will liscnentartiasenariiwd llewet NUL erent Nal Mga Bele Sinai Ostia per, always served: at tirost ip reese HE Awould wot Lat a goed inany pp Cans, back all that comstrntes Newara will bave diss ci asaod tive hundred to one thousand me ie n, : Beery Phe gtleis not ant Mr. Breekinndae. Watt a perfect willing Then, Lecompton tesin Mr Bell un : Ss ( iy - a : i" a - on Meith or without a ty plod fever yepen and the whole ne ent 7 be aceon oe andred and fitty dollars; second class We DY, MMMAN Cerin 1 Edad ondy hanes fess On tny poet to support Ue lection of wh didonet vote auainst thas bill beeiise ct contarn roe, Tey Dobe ss aie “hy, Wu) en | Pehisceacset of rapids ke those near ti : 5 ce sta ; =: ‘ bom-one theusand four hundree law for iny tleror riulit to Guy Hainan aleve, [ uveriol Wine tava wanld cist alfeaeunity: cicume ae) clyverc | (Ub: Tnenestly Instead nt wavs) fren sand dollars. Tle asked the banker whittpool men from hs a oe eo : ors > ) } \ © tlivsts ve hondred an. " would loose tin before the san went down the principles enanetated, an} restare pete to dufent. Whetier so or not he beheved so, and change lis chips) for money, which wis le The Philadelphia correspondent = ' ; ‘ Pela ai y eH 3 ; 2 4 . a i ae lars. Nuiwber one crown Meld gyorg Slave property ditfers from orher property, not the country, Phawe examined Cis questo Veloso behesing, was itdot his duty to vote agaist done and lie went away without stopprme ofthe Baltimore Sia, says F ae -\ \ " a a : : Vs . , ‘ o Southern gentlemen + rary one housat our hundre in the right, Lutin tte ase He whe made the lave arnved at a conclusion to which, PE think. if We ought not to require aman to becor oy mement or uttering a word. Te bas F th hav tec Jeted FP aa adememnenal i" ‘ ‘ Neen - i 1 4 et ies servant, prescribed rules and injunctions foe iw! wnprejadiced iivestiganon wal bang every rape even tars is own feelin. Everv aar entered the placa since, nor las lhe A firm in th'scity have just er AT Cl Falls. enjoying sone refreshments ata thons ind fear hundred anc seventy-five = a ~ y fe | posteatl 4 neleste 2 a ' ENGST G(TEh , , cers ole F humane treatment, and for this the mtster wil} Southern man. Tn no event will Fmoike volis) in who condemns Mr Vell for hia sote, On 5 oy gear. iy the city fee erent! forthe Witmington and M snetv Iti saloon. not relishing the presence of two dollars. One extra sold to-day at one be responsible, and surely for its abuse Ine will he tary waron Mr. Breckinidze., bat Toa fal y Qimpecehes hes orea rei’ Hig Mdoaltss witha 1. Vt fap pane ext morning. [le road Company cn airon engine house, to colored: individaals, who also eume in to thonsand. Pendency of the market up- punished. [demand of government Medtmhich Convinged that the beet paboy and the safest pu unter linat, Tlowever we oonight ithe worh Fi Kalliaverexiuitcdinontnne ot mh he erected at Wilmington, Ne ¢ Pie Gmbibe, made a demonstration toward war Oe ' 2 i ALC o have exhibite ace nN Ee j . woe hare—a property code for jvotection of all (rotvan, require us to support Me. Bel Jowill Mr, Bellas to the fact of trauda, vet the ' \ = aliva Gv ni ad (entire atroctire will be 170 feet in diam ¢eloariag out the institution. Pestols were - ) ' , , . A ron. no elation at th de Vat set so ¢ ae . - a 5 itn , Prpeiy ‘and therefore Neti procead to give my reasons, and bee von, fellow itself proves uothiay, except tha Mr. Bella (oa ee ciae wagherenp ea eter, but ins le of this will be the Ma brong a livht and a general stampede A splendid ear, but a very bold voice, ALA ( wave ale di Sant 4 to lence ' Sul ] TL: alin ehh in ; ’ evelaiiitec? rat _ : ; eal ‘ , , Flic ny Saas re . . at, again, Pwill not now deinand af Con. citizens. to leave party and prjud Gol ONG ese veh Jo necht against pO hein rr ree pana et tee (OEE racture, oS feet in diameter, divided by ensned, bat inthe morning matters were ycthe organ grinder said tp the @oukey, 4 \ ; } . 1 ature I A | , ) ” gress aslive cods, heenuse the liwe ws they now While you listen to ae is own preyu Tantiit bat few politenmmns ; i \ Wet 4] iron colmmnay sous to form places for six peaceably se sd without resort to law : > etand, outside of the Kansas till, are sul rent Tadmit here, that the new platform on vw! rstand how this as possible Toknewet ates di tects a ‘ nice © wey rece Veet. Tie qoneront teralap ee A quack advertises a compound that” " tastony | or I lis young mat iI re every i r. for our protection. Tf the gowernmentis honest: Mr B eckinridge stants eh ice anti Mer vintde, nor ane more needed at { nal y-layer vat this y TF nan ie tivaita on (ueoeti. You eee eneer ieee will cure every thing from a bad ¢hatre- ly administered, the citizen hax ample protection saan ee . this tine du aur pobhe men will become a habitual gambler ean : oncan easily Keep yourself throng): sorta a bad temper. nyple | ction wound, Hos reeord ya not sound. Thi Gos \ \ iw Sol nt the winter from freezing, by contin t } a ore 1 y ° ‘ . edonubte ‘ arye as s eee oO > iter frot reezing, bv th ander the remedies now provided On a for Jolson proved last might and could have prove! Me Hanmond, af South Cuotina, said this Le SOureeny be doubted. So large asin so a ie x Modermiunie lie aiken ner occasion, Lexplained this, Jt is: sufficient y easily won will be sare to jure him on It is exceedinzty bad husbandry to har- nally getting into hot water with your Mi n 1e string runuing niuch more covelusivedy than be did. at, ¢ compton billomght te have ween kicked oul! WI @t Present to state the yeneral fact, that we have mysell, if Mr, Breckinridge yet on the platforin not call him unsound too? He is a Democrat | No issue wgthoie here ehams of Mr. Bell, whieh we cannot consider Stow happens it that he is sowed and yet se ra always regarded our Constitutional right as un Wis te questionable Vhere is another reason strot y favoring the : YHE DYING BOY. Mr. Bell ts a national man, and en Bat too seriously, it election will nationalize our BST: “Pm going now Father,” a dying boy raid, Aw the light lef lis lusirelees oye: And Faded out to rebioom im the eky tional 2 Vhve explanation iscasy, Mr. Bell das Toey were tived, and above the power of Government to deste he has op pos | ayitatiow as unnecessary aud an Foolish agitation always stirs up and in Pherefore, Fold me close on your arts father dear. wise, Aud wipe from my fore head \our lear Vibes Prositve have been forced by the. Mooaghtless, Mr. Bell; Your face [ can touch but pot ree 5 has voted right, but be Bags douse su, depreeming | Aad yet there is Ooe I sve all the ime, the evil to the country grataitous: agitation, | “Tis Jems, I know it is He: If all our pubhe im a ‘ Joho Bell for a! I'm going now Father.” but mother and you model, the rights «And sisters aud allt love, ty'of the” ble and unquestioned, | And watch for you, father, abyve. The election of Me. Bell will give our prinei ful. quiet triumph, and disband the Repablean party. The Intide wall eacrease the strefe, and tend to build up the Kepubhean party Ascdu, on the ground where my Breckinrid i I wish PE eould know that you sunled ; ples ay election of a And then ‘twill be well with your child. From the (N.C) Leisure LHour FAITH. snow stand. and claim se inueh credit tor standing, John Bell lias been standing for gears. | Yes, he and we were standing there when you mad. carried away cheat” and © were exened, to thought Jess adoration of this * swindie? as sbused eu see that beautiful blue sky yonder? vou now term the Koa and you fie ceallods Uraitors of abolitionisim, be long til Lam far beyond that.” Vou vowe bin trom tis seatin the Senate tor bis! Oh thet sky. how passing lovely ! very fidelity. You drove the padlaot and noble Blue o vel ner Gecd vei. Cittenden trom t SE Atimetlen ante Veasith Though T know it never chonges Gallien: Wo neckninidaeanieltis plu Sullrt secmay forever pew In this hour efour vin heaton, must we abar Often swep! by raging tempeste, Mrod Often hid by cloud aud stor, § Honor and a ligh sense of jus 4 Sotlit wears, when thes've departed, Sealine (iver oP UUEITOCee eu LOot Just the some sweet, sailing Churn wvatitude and the loss of self respeet can drive Sea titi We ricelearneiclawete taunt Now the noble sun is sheding Showers of stiver brightness there, thames, but we bave never learned how t feel ; Grand old proplet of that glory iheedon trends . i Where the white-srobed suuted are. Asean, Mr. Boll was in’ the first The} Sanviniion was callalowhennyan were sadn the | oy Me MOR Sates Ue ozing 1 i s vat te would delightful: be National Daneercey with your S sound forty : vere to Wiig On fearless pinion pour faithful Hew ated while Von) Safe and happy, baught and tree. were (ry to gel bik alter e one oe \ Tone ton , ; Bur TE khnow thas fir beyoud it, uw oonght tot to lave ' ; ) tia eet , ‘ aaa Phe jut muresnehsmore fair, hus divaded those who aur , We ale Where nec ds vor dangers lower, tuore National aud | North. + God's eternal cat is there Mi Buchanan was « a There the ransomed live forever ! tort Ved 1A vid ‘ ET AAG ULL LY sau Filled wich holiest love and peace, you succeed t | Fear and tral nie neve So Twill sav te our Dongle friesds, why ner Joy aod trumpl vever cease . i } support Bell £ You are National in your wish | Thi her swiftly Lam going, es, but Vou cannot succeed. | You are davidii | Soon wethin its ight Ci rest, our strength and hazediug the miuion. Inve | Never jure al 8 Grew uo, A} ! wet and oh! forerer blest! Gog for Beil, you only zive up ayaatior sever: | Bleet aud oh! forerer Lies dtodd Mr toned: My Aud triotism, Ma eeguty, Ave sou twedd Dou tas atel tits frter the cleteat of VTalah Then wil ne end the ane is come, heavenly shou hy sil at Lineoly is sure, | Dons Welcome to uur glo wus hume. extibiden of J write bis name rherin the Pemple ot! united | a | liven statestnan bas for Mr Bel, there is yet aed ice of at Lat | Te Ibtiase: eu kind Phe responsibilty oe ~ ee / fri eine {the following interesting description of upon the speeches of Mir. Wellford and! shall be wb you, sua with you Lave | 4 little instrument which, according tol Mr. O. J. Wise at the recent: Breckin- —_ | us account, bas possessed a remathable |: dae meeting in Richinond, says: : a fee [ ae Se a eas SEs | * Mr. Wellford, as did Mr. Wise, who Se ce teal) Cy ee ite practical hint may not be out of} -acceeded hinp, squinted significantly at Poapie can't be urele tosny angiheng | Itee here. It seems to be sometimes Secession and: Disunion in the event of ' Nee wi toe te ene LUT AICI GSG s\n Gini st know the jibe election ot Lincoin tothe Presidency. eof DP omecitey has | Si conupt, fC | act, that the tome is very different.) We Uuderstood them beth to titinate i the country ¢ SAC Wks not inatomcally and pha lowically, fron learly aud distinctly that it would be (uae (pprepriate its tame ow : hoa| he stomach. Tfs condition dees tetin \the duty of the South to refuse sulbtits restive © More than all, it ti Vhasim (theleast imply thater the stench, which psten to the Administration of a Black Re- well one the: conntey 2 eat owdech toe los a very ditfere: care, covered with |pubiean President— albeit such a Prest- Horne noe trait bat strefe, and blood, and licey fon, how can you expect Us to be counted 11 with entirely Farttshed membership f 1 ols, My countrymen, Tappens trom these ts haw, will dast for centuries you ds rie |, ' Hent more coud eG Tor the ft the 2s vrowths whieh ¢ aake asinail ot sd Siver, to you! idow dong with ven sutfer poligeni to flatter Vou as sovereigns and nse ntiment? HH settle the slavery fons, without awaking your tes ACCT ated opt ten shall they settle aud wr jueston belore you discover the only aneanin they tne is to exeite your prejadiees and yg WO MAY aw prescription With a - a 1 ' te > vour vutes? For how many vears shall elon, | Uere ih. ne demagogues shaft yous the wamb! ny Pb think more or this tt Hos dus cards—to won a tikes and: sti ne) because T consider that the use of vou willing to be shuffl loawain? You were! something Tike ity, saved the Ce told te worship the I visas with the Ghoti Plyinenth tn the vear be25. he flush on his cheek, sure Vioseom of death “Tn gomng now Father,” Ob take me once more, cession. Whep issues and voles «pm goimg now Father,” how dark it hus grown ! “Tm goiug now Father,” but weep not for me, Miro Breck. Bor why should you weep, Viv going to God— A sweet spirited lady rechoiug on her death couch | gazed throagh ihe casement ou the quiet heaveus ” sud said in melting accents to ber husband: Tt will wot | There with harps aud crown VI wait thee Vil greet thee A.W The Tongue Seraper.—Dr. Oliver Wen ‘ll Holmes, in dis recent address before al the Massachusetts Medical Society, gives ntirely different kit dof epithelia ane different secre which | ippeals oh Wail Vat ya remove au ancl Apes es eG clean Ih, on tse steel at halward For the Watchman. | TRE RRIGLE AND JUST REBUKE. It James B. Clty has x sow! at all— which we very nineh doubt—it nust have grown icy cold wituin him, when he read the following paragraph ina late number of the Lovisvise Journal : © The Louisville Courser undertakes to Tam cold—closer yet, draw me nearto your breast, tell usabout Mr. dames UB. Clay's speech at Bardstown last Monday. It save he “touched the abolition record of Mr. Ev. veret” Ty James BeChu is not old enough | ‘to know, from his own recollection, be; fonght certainly to Kiow frour the testi | mony of others, that lis father, his inm-| cacwnettal father, wagchever a caudidate for the Presidency, without being constantly jand remersely denounced by the whoie |, jot the Democratic leaders and by the whole Democratic rank and file as anob olitionist, a thorough and jife long aboli | Uonist. ily to know, that the feaders and asses lot the party, with which he is now act- ping, always relied upon this infamous charge not leas than upon the charge of bargain and Corruption, to work his ilus tious father’s destruction. And, Knowing this, he should be espe clally careful how le hurls such a chage Din | | jat others, and especiliy bow be hurls it fat atan who stood by Henry Clay in ewer struggle, tor nearly a quarter of a Jeeptury, abd until the ibustiivas states Jina s death; a man who gave the whole of tis great power and inflaenee in fave: fof the estabholioent of Leury Clay's li omprotiise of L5o0, and has never vie Hated at by an act or word 5 Heaury Clay, standing in the Seuate of jiue United States, nobly and eloquently Hotnbaty, Waku jdctendcd asa trace and Jofty patriot, clos Jing bis defence with the selemm declara Filon, that, if stiel a statesman elouid be j rejected by the Senate as an abolitionist, jiee Cron ungit well be considered as Jalready dissolved 5 a man in short, whom John C. )Clay’s candidate tor the Presidency, lias | ‘iin the last few months held pabhely pup to lis fellow countrymen as one of he modls of a pure and high and pat veulic stitesmen, living in the Midst of peat influcnc s, and bravely resisting heme Breckinridge, the degenerate The breath with which the reere- faut man of Ashland breathes the charge | to abulifieutsimn, or the slighest insinua jen of such a charge against Edward Mo | Everett, should blast and paralyze the ac- cursed tongue in his foul mouth.” SECESSION AND DISUNION. The Kechmond Wig, in commenting tent shall be elected in stret conformity Fall the terug and requirements of that A silversmith with for a dolar. | Constitution to whose authordy the South for protection to her rights and But this intimation, the these two DBreeckin orators, leted hoo tnantfestabon of approval ou | iterests, on art oF fo ftie audience, so far as we ob The citizens of che citizens of Wirginia are net yet pre far, } he part ‘surveil. Richimond and Ve dimplement | pared to take the leap into the fathou toof Disumion, on the Democracy cand friyhtful yg account of the defeat of the Gomoby election, and at the bidding hat earest devotion of a Meces pilgrim youdid | Winslow heard that Massasoit was sick fof Yancey and lis Gulf State coufeder- kneel and kiss! You were told teabuse ver gid dike to die. tbe found dior with afates, As Gov, Wise said last fall, they netutbor because he wed vot es u rouse tall of people about him, women | prefer te fight the battle for them right ven. Tn all the @ilimzscte of the demugecues Saitin his aris do trtends tin the Union, and that is theit fire wud did at. Now , vou the thins vocabulary vou 4 ; , Sinakinee sneha who told van th worship worshipped is a chet, x ae deception ta the South! *bttsed has proven a wise meu and ) ean, swendie, a humbug, vec poattiulity Jevil sickuers. Phe terlinony tite pal : t! Will you bend again the sapph ae aa) | geht fad sores. Winslow short alone with the to tongue, When thes ts shallorder vous) Wall you ; rt Thave spoken to you, fiends, in kindness, 1! oroth. ' fave spoken the trath, Todo Sane pre } \ diink, made with an down sone him so soon dosed not khuow sili speak again. May you do vour duty, save yout couniry abd: stand approved at bast, lly recover. vs | | TET On nC) aA Elon ee LC G7 | jagaio.” jrow up the fectings of your wife. as thoneht woull scare away Accare of typhoid tever! ‘ early, prostration, stupor, epistax Band pers and gave some conserve, Washed tis teeuth, 8erdz and cd Ads tongue, vbich was in a horid state, , lim some Infusion of that 1) strawberry leaves and sass ifras root, and | bad the satisfaction of seem him rapid thes | t! tine solemn detertaination at the Nor Rouetts in creation, with all the other aid neu, can ' abetters force or seduce them in Iti tro the jthe Union to pieces, without adequate and all-suthcieut cause.” The citizens of Petersburg and the cit the good old com pared to precipitate we Massasoit, fallof gratitude, monwealth down the frightful preetpice revealed the plot which bad been formed) of Disunion, nor te involve her in all the neighbors. The recreant: son oaght certain: | = Vast amount of labor. | present tne- all the Yanceys and Steady and slow, But sull they grow, Aud worda of fire they soon will glow: Wouderfal worde that without a suand Or treble its strength iv a righteous ght. Yet the types, they oul bot if den and dumb, As he pate thei i place with his finger and thumb; Bat the priuter smiled, And his work beguiled, By chantivg a song ay the letters he piled, While pick and click Went the types in the stick, Like the world's chronometer, tick! tick! tick! “O where is the man with such simple tool, Can govern the world like [? A piuling press, ap irou suck, Aud a litile leaden die 5 With paper of white, aod iok of black, I support the Right aud Wroug attack. I pull the strings Of puppet kings, Aud I tw ak the despot’s nose ; O) Tlet him alone Till the people groan, When LT needs must interpose ; Nor yet again Do Le’en disdain ‘To talk of lowly woes. Then where is he, Or, who inay he be, That can rival the printer's power? To no monarchs that live The wall doth he give 5 Their sway only fasts for an hour ; While the printer still grows, And God alone knows is Whea his might shall ceave to tower. Tous. af Commer: on, Jr. j es tae = Surg Cruel Annoyance of Horace Greetey— Phe courtesies recently bestowed by the citizens of New York apon a body of |Southern gentlemen, has occasioned the inost bitter annoyance to * Massa” Gree- ley, and after grumbling for some time without attracting any attention, the Phi- losopher thus savagely breaks out in the } Tribune of Saturday : | ‘The recent visits of the Chicago Zon- aves and the Savannah Blues to this city, afforded its tuerchants another opportu- nity to save the Union, The Zouaves wore approved by competent military au- thorities as the best disciplined corps in the United States, and were received and entertained with the utmost distinetion yy detachments of the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, Sth, 1zth, 13th, and 49th Regiments of this city and Brooklyn, but as they hail- ed froura Free State, po notice was taken ofthem by the merchants, nor money sab- scribed for their entertainment. The Sa- vannah Blaes having no especial claims to military distinction, were received and ° entertained by a single company, the City Guard, attached to the 9th Regi- ment; but the merchants, anxions, #8 usnal, to prostrate themselves at the feet f King Cotton, raised a fund of $2,500 for feasting the representatives of Slave- dom ata series of banqnets, where the Union was served up boiled, broiled, stew- ed, tried, scaloped, roasted and on the half shell. The reception speech on board the steamer that brought the Southerne’s expheitly informed them that their enter- tainers were “white men.” The Blues only brought with them a drummer and tifer—their full military band, being prin- cipally composed of black property own- ed in Savannah, might lave been con- verted juto bumanity by touching free )suil. . : | es: Alleged Ancient Leuins in the United States. —A stitmulous is likely to be given to Ainerican arelieology, by a discovery alleged to have been recently made some ninety miles vorth-east of Fort Stanton, a long account of which has just appeared in the Fort Smith (Ark.,) Times. We condense the following i— The plain upon which le the massive relics of gorgeous temples and magnifi- cent halls slope gradually toward the ri- ver Pecos, and is wry fertile, crossed by la gurgling stream of purest water, that notonly sustains a rich vegitation, bat perhaps furnished with this necessary el- ement the thousands who once inhabited this present wilderness. The city was probably built by a warlike race, ag it is quadrangular and arranged with skill to afford the highest protection against an exterior foe, many of the buildings on the outer line being pierced with loopholes, as though calculated for use of weapons, Several of the buildings are of vast size. and built of massive blocks of dark gran- ite reck, which could only have been wronght to their present condition by a There are the ru- ins of three noble edifices, each present- ing atront of three hundred feet, made of ponderous blocks of stone, and the de- Japidated wails are even now thirty-tive tect high.—There are no partitions in the folly and the crime of shatrering area oft the middle (supposed) temple, 80 that the room must have been vast; and there arc also carvings in’ bas reliet* and fresco Appearances justify the conclusion that these silent ruins could work, izens of the South side are not yet pres once boast of halls as gorgeously decora- - ted by the artist’s band as those of Thebes aud Pakuyra. The buildings are all toop- leled on each side; much resembling through the pearl chain of git-etrtmes. 2S eee ADDRESS oF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEL. OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY TO THK PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES Rooms Narioxat Exnoutive ComMitise 357 D street, Washington. 1) ¢ ! duguat | son \ Pevvow-Cirizese: We bey leave to pics you, for your consideration, a tew ott tease which, in our judgment, mak Lprenal ty of the reflecuny and patriotic voter ‘ ted States to cast their sutfrages at tle eugl g@idental clection for Jouy Bee and How ono bs Beert, the candidates of the Consitaious | party. All men, whatever be their political cv victiong, and iv whatever parte of tae cot y Uy may live, must admit that our politeal cor ai this ume is at once unnatural and alacict Ju all tree countnes, governed by repress dies, Where are, and ever must be, polit The natural divis Yu Of these patties i ty with certain original principles gelt, One party represcuts peruse a WOUTE SUT) ne Lhe propeluug and or Ing prneiple Of tree Counuies depend upon thie uci Phe prospenty and healria Pproperton of the forces represented ty wy parues, moving Within the sphere of tie 4 ton. and alike inspued by YS EMIptase 1 perues which, uuder various names, lia few years past, divided the couutry, have ted, or prulessed to repr t Ulitone I though at bas often hay INsues UL Which Loey We tal, and not essenual THE SLAVERY QUESTION Bat recently a change has come over the epri’ of var poliucs, and the natural antagonism ot p. ties has been disturbed. In fifteen ot ened that the ‘ “ opposed we auld tue thi three States wluch W Cotmpose our Comederacy the vastituvon of African slaver and all ad mit (ual, within these States, itis entirely bevon the spaere aud jurisdiction of the National Govern ment Ue wot the format we Coust fution it had a le eXistence, at least in early a the States, From tuat ume to this at has been a subject powestiliv mosing the SVuipoatties aint pass BIOUS Of a portion ui the be demed dithealty ‘ V try, But the the eXistenve ol slavery we community, and at ¢ t- consideraboy enbanced tae neat adnmianiste iu rave questous whi always met with tat wisdom and patiotism which were requste The Cui twelt was the birth of a spit of pen ~ their adjustment and) solution gion and magnanimons « spirit the country was lou of more than common mnaznitude red in le Upon Uae adiwission - another iu 1850. upon tie adn, Wott but both were hanp:ly passed. a after some mometits of anxious susperse. t ees of stnfe were quer At the adjourniient Congress Poeun country Was at ed, ir had be persons in ce in loeai ; : worbing force in the p. sail sotrie the Stat ithad sent some ardent partisans t Nuewine legislature; but ithad no marked 4 the polines of the ua! x erty adduced in supp: that at the Presidential ei thie 1852, Mr. Hale. the can ceo? tlie: Pia < il qi, ty, received but 158125 von- to af IP ee 1,596,395, and General Seon = 1.54g.080 BEPEAL OF THE Miss0 But this a the winds ut x tottus p mo tliat ' hd COMPROMIS| yUS Was distus bed. a ‘ ee occurring berwe l ete Say and that of 1546 May ey the untoward abrova M..- m Muse, iu 134, the wiieh « ¢ jo Ka ithe pers bores the Federa Adm on to torce Lerrit el 10n eal War tly mliced bv these Canses. Wal ins ead M . eagre tr 158. ( Fren boca andr date had 1 S415 Great Suates ty Repu : nee of the Mi. i . Measure, apd on+ ay Sry) AN iL vo call the more party zeal t slave | . t co SO regard to Sane bot ~« ceived that it fad honal maht. tut botu Meacure of healny ani peace North aud South ake ov sac to that Bute. and tae moto t seven Se bun. and of the msity jac ‘ # ameaie and tite (8 tn Le Was wove MR DOUIINAS AND MID il Rt ry Mr D. PETER the | ye ar she ss 2 8 ON \! Sree} ay ¢ if Pe vae Intervet r y the present A ‘ =? wn ~ Mr. Doug Jar vote th canno! var 3 > ’ by vtwer partic > ees 10 Dott we guestionabie, [ys aoubttal wheter Me B inndge can obta vote of © than one ern State. and be cannot norm » North the course an be sutrs would continue tue e an ses a Gian bave done « Sok n ani have Wiouges ' ' distrust abou: and asus w conaciccesdl ive while countre ' protests NO CHASCE FOR DOUGLAS RIDGL IP BRECKIN Bar we deem it nnnecessery + te the conseq place The eleenon oteither Me 1 Breckinidge as sir } Moucratic party Noithand South tna " fact steadily in the face Chis conclusion tie vy mist cone at cal house doy t ry mau in the coun yo ig not father to his thougut neither of the Democratic caudi late by a popular vore THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 4 SECTIONAL PARTY Before the people of the Usted States ths test is between Mr Bell and Mo | summing this asa fixed tat ow geome of the reasons wh ~ Id ‘ x \ wishers to their cuugtry to cote to ‘ me 8 Qher than the latter. These reasons aprly ow equal force to the North aud the Soath The great, the ol vious, the susuperabl tion ao Mr. Lincola’s claims i« found 1" feutat that be is a sectional candidate and the Re | fifteen out pablican party ise sectional party | of the thirty-three States which compre our Un ion, the Republiean party las no substantial exist- enoe; and, should Mi Lincolu be chosen, lis ad- ministration could have ne southern support, but only southero opposiuy We are well aware bow energetically the Bepul! can party disglanis all ce signs aa to the coustitutional rights of the South; we bebeve that jiany of its menibers a sincere in these disela throughont the Souci by tls of the Republican pa ty REPUBLICANS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS | AGITATION. { To create and maintain this unhappy agitacon, | North aid South, Democrats and Kepubheans-—we | ueed Wat stop to euquire in what proportions ——ha ve | both contributed in times past, butat this moment the Repablican party are mainly responsible tur its the distrust asvabesed condudanea, The 2 which they p.apes- existepee atl all ie ed co aecouspligh was thie adnussign of Kausgs as a7 be a groundicss diss free State, This was che ex wtabjer hse nd justification to trast. That the Rep party is hou vo © fortinguen of ay yo sectonal orpatiizad heved throughout the woo ce South ta be a sect | went gave (her thea great streneth ia PSo0 al party, and as sucl swith uneo () Wee for this Uaet daacy tnoderite and conserva ehustility, i enods © purposes eomen n the ot myoatel iniddfe States yave weipent. TH they na vacd such or em ther votew at jie, Bat that obiewt as Without deserving it stortune, bo accom itabed Nor athe " wat Wat aas is tdences of which t voit ob ta ted me a Lee State Phe Derierats t Vitave hot carne: Ciel e ave ysl Lhe atiath eyed y prays ~ Teste et The atros Nw 4 © eetie \\ Tete tive fur beh their mes Uo Speake st agit re tat keeps sng Sy tite tact tha Sneek! orice? WN hear campaien ts ure Hiei abe WW iat { They propose ta aeeo uplish ? da arvues, made up o! stand ter \ tanetite ‘ we they in view * They Lotus entre Soath, i SMtutonal ee Ot haw tte ete Vioeh gave them Which seme of the N Miates hate pass eapthoin Pea I can ono take de higher woadist the @mecntion a I ‘ Se ot ‘ vel data | t al 1 1 was u direct opposytion yet a (Na riee Tistt Vout justly the ¢ whe we ‘ Weetn a wll ts sa eater Aver wthem W say thant wv On are © otnore Miro Lencola would rte ical ‘ ‘ { ‘ ‘ rothet © Oisdidonists ; at Werdist= Tas Tee nul see tonal eaueiuber vb the ¢ \ toesery BPluts, W lave way posstble cx am sttishe = Re ee Neca! MOP Veet GU ALIFICNT HINES FP Ay LISCoLs \ ut the wots u ( wail We staal sti Uso asin ecie ele ae ey selol ours ri Knew a a ed uy Pos . spunit ol i Vo preoy Ms ; ~ " av thet the etecGen of Mo Lincoln wold fr pe I arenes cee ‘ a as Presi taney aman mika i sisi t et eX posed. Kael ther, we deo \ ce, : ‘i a ul DOIG Mr ie aateranll 1b go ete anes upen i uw Espey i La respecte sueiive and peeulias ‘ sol the Repu eal sopalar speaker, of probatly party Would be fatal to Utivou diather words TEN eh Glist uy twhat a meagre ca thuamenipeun tle pa (tae Nyaa) a aalenttae this ot « itor Linehest offiee! No: ment, by postive law, to exclude slavery fro such ! hetever is huown-ot lis executive or adniun- IStMHUVE Gapit portion of the national dc nothing of lis views as to the Ham as would) become - eat Questions of bores foniiestice police lite Slave territory but for such exelusion. would. an Hest : Peto INS ’ A brea upthe l Tied And thee INCE 4 ae mi aioe we at tie Gaiverninent we plopesition is equally Une. ans iptou th : me SARS PaO Ot i hferests parcol We National Government to borer shavers ee = a7 me i. Bees lesan by postive law. inte such op © Batata ds voor t reebtatives, atid edt RA AO later weute Would also break ip t ( i ee ! ‘ v y Poe cali. aud iispassion ol er ean Ss ‘i ; the Reputiennu merce vw t cy ie ' bee the Nowher ites raat i poeta win Caliec el si Lee fot t nee ; ‘ Wiel TheN t ati t t SL ne Ch ¥ t ‘ v mo : Ar , ond t Mie ices : s fee ! w M fee Boor ' ~ Vor ‘ { ‘ ‘ \ \ wut ' , ny teed i \ Cust ‘ ua al troy ! t : ! t ' cet Veit 1 “ G ' \ x vein ; : \ Las Nt Sclt =” | - , : tt Ot os \ +) for w Lb phaes | $Y 5 < j i 3 ve ean et Ie us ‘ a \ vi \t e THAR emeril G { ure Lhecitien SU pec vs \ BEL t 1 bb 4 SAV EN DA ea ores ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Voda ic ' tpn ” i it wa tie SS4IV Coline 1 i , ‘ Tien Olptests ; > 1 ‘ al ’ \ f * aire otis ; i Yous ; . \t we cutmenis, addressed to the eas x ~ ab tuieasuces, or a 6 i ws | re i s V ae ae i Ret api at eht es at Nia wil Mt , ‘ cer Appeal : Ww Vo tieat the blood aca hiss ' # is angst ‘ " 4 Sou Taiscit to wate tue N ‘ ~ t . ‘ ed whieh os + au es J : : Mey BUNS eect Mize a I Cab eNasperaubg yi bes. Lier sat tec Seales [aay 4 ¢ law Ol cea th Weeks ! (VES Gted : which eM ’ CaN Un iss ie syst : tL aw ) x : iba er ; a ‘ Caen \ \ " ~ vans \ : ‘ i ces ; mC Ul 4 i i ‘ ‘ ” or ~ . hy \ . ~ a \\ eo Lahil ' Tis Viae lo ea \ I \ | \ 4 ' ae ‘ Nat : < Sheil cpiis A i e Wrote ¢ ( ‘ “ aerated mt peetiue ttt fe Ok Jane are ding ; Ali proposm os ace jute ” 1 ' i \ \ \ wool , ‘ : aby S ‘ all of \ . The te . A \ wise . . 1 «and tl ; A ve Ustten \ Toe ' rart iia now { ue Tne While it “the ' oa intl ( | ae 1 that owe are ta \ ' In che Ren easin Veach and @ ¥ ‘ ‘ ley eiacl ot ‘ Has ter] . : TA 1 Ie 1 ) 7 = ly : Tas cones] as Pian en ashed I : : yl u : eae Vato ita ; Zieh \ \ iv * rita to that so tew tf <ape owns e \ 4 1a y ‘ ah nthe powers batabe ’ i aye : t arid thre wn ; : sen ‘ © Paces ane sway fie ‘ ! \ rae | Sani aU tthat t party ow r r Viil PACE RG) an Casilla ps r wd bt \ i t- : Sie) 1 wl \ / ' a ' : 5 ut ‘ cul Kenut Vetacty / 1 ‘ ' sha \ pial fp toa ce Yisat | ‘ Wars r ’ fp agp Counts \ ‘ ay Ma fimchaiine ( I ‘ note ga t s = A ods 1 1 ‘ ‘ Wa Gee eel Charm ‘ ‘ ! \\ y ft af 1 ! lc | [N= Greate brian lite I NT toa “ : | eee TAU (eieren ‘ voexetu ‘ At ths \ \\ Vent edt yoared Men i , eta ‘ > | “ 3 on i ee rlow ; . ‘ hoo ber veurs, dias, daring i ‘ i escta Grv sens niieder ww erlyul pore Federa 4 1 Palen e +. wes roel it aches iv xelugen of s ol vs t es yrogrreaa t tll poregere haet ' wn he practices ‘ ‘ » yorapidly Recently, onion gentleman whole quest ery inthe T ‘ ind daddy rodinge near ity thre raes broke yresented, is ana AT TON) py i ‘ 4 eof practica CU aT torongh the crust of earth whieh eoversa niseinef Tt las already produced ua the tire near the edge, and were severely Tinnmandiow munaves thenintermaty vit erl yn burnt before they could get out eo ea | From the Petersburg Intelligencer BELL'S RECORD. | We hope every man, be he a Demo. creator Unionigt, who wishes to give an) intelligent vote, in view of the charge of | Uneews duess being unide by Domed raticy Journals against Joli Bell, will read lis | record, A’ purer, sounder, taere South cons tnere National record was vever beld by a Southern aman. ‘There is nothing with Southeru ! i » Nat | Inge that i notat the same tine Natonal, hecauee his record is based tyon the Gon- BLE ton. t lhCotmistent rychits, noth Read it and eee what becomes of this niserable charge of tsounduces. [tend ! Read! ! Read ttt For Compkomisr. “Tle, sir, who shall renounce the extremes of Hoth these great Jrrtios. as dangerous to ures thd Winer he, whe by dis talents, experienc thd werght of character shall succeed in piety Vitti Uh cet thie Ne alot a gi SE COMSTEUL iota past Moat shalp become the advocate of the adic Mra hoof the Gavertinent Woot the potetpies of Comproiiise, as dt was atdorstood to have oy erated va the forination of the Constitution, will Bye te Hiehestmroeale Ol Niecunnes [dee Congressional Debates vol 5 p 349 | n P8209) and -inen lar enough he now stand thei vf purty pledged ta the Sospoke John Bel sat the a Constitutional of the ¢ ron and the enforcement of the Laws. main renane mstitutien, the Un Dancer or Dyspston when T reflect wei this sub “Sir, ] am no alarmist, hat upon all [see and hes contin cs when TD look at the used daluchon of eountey, bP teelaivscity lise ‘ stn oot what TP stall say vty Claas pasties ws plea por tie Cran sch a suby Ween an oceas oh se titer sta Peles ma siden tives fats Uli pep reset cative 1 on ula seetion or interest. LT shalig ‘ r iieeett el ats ay Panttl Gr 4 erosth aa | Cot tee be coms dered atid to te hoa or resem ottive ot Whole eon 0 yous QV eette ett t s peebtnes o fos ' stibilty con! Telem tet ‘ ts aie bl ts Juste: st ae i Set petite tart so Vo sks Vole al ect ems der \ u t Ui ie ee Ione ene Ga Ciltteatan ' todbsselve the Union upon the antitar tt Jueat AY Short WS LONG VS MODERATION AND TIL Shi OP CONC EEE CIN ‘ : ttt 2 A*3 “ HSUALL st nh Vas ' but ENS i Ce Neat 7\ 1 on nt tt aOR n i . Vik t ! (eles ' : chow See lis ' Astin So i py CUE Vis Soiake af toetl 1 S350 Te Unie Me OAS SSOI PTR TPO OTHE (8 oy Sos Ws JES Gadel) Oma iie is EVN Ni TENalelis Nev ete Nfl? \ Nob PETA AS CONG Fe UNS TepN Tel dems} Do spoke Al Lett asin) Pies paviany Pie prey tion ob 2otoorets ‘ Mention seq rohibttes © <tiver ; f Ate its Meme: le Messrs, A son, GFLL, 1 (heii asa law tse Hay | in tls ois Miso, Mat [ra Husk, Seba i Sh $ Yale . Nie Stem 1 ! . Is - ‘ tse, t “onl \ ly { Missa oa leh Ip Dolio bf Career tieea ley MIEN ea \ Norns | + . ss ~ ee { \\ \\ fi ze \ i 2 oe ee Com Aon { . ~ A % ' ' Aba bw mE sacuh a ae HE! sentinte t \ ‘ ets 1 iis ne eho ot by pled s wach by . ye my tien ' N “ 4 hist hy { ne tian | ‘| tie N ow > a) i hd and cit thie ' Teen Haecrem ett Tatar st a) heey Is fy SUPPOSE HIM A WHETCH ESN Str aN eh SEN le Sospoke Poti Be n Tso0. Thi wastiy SAVERY oP = Wty ave, tel iat 1 t Naster stle | \ t Von eo nston wy “ \ 4 Joto tos coil ttyl tbh tae Tis ‘ , ara 1 tes ' s Nee ores pgeiespas iin \ 41 Hes ote ante aston p yeu ey \ Seti kis niles Lge) fis Vow OF oll ¢ SMENI DUF TO bal \ Sin. niik 1 woutces for Nanos eu eateape met estat , waite wil tle rine Advantae es at ctr ' iyo the Crowertint | 0a Tea) SHOES Te BIS pare asp PILE iat tes Hr latte co TRY Ne i WEAN ‘ \ hie Mori! LEYS HPAES titets pees 6 EN VO DES Cyt } Tis Ver RIIGeE eT 1Mieneen Cae Ue leen et Tek DEN, STLEU TION oF snaveny Sospoke doh Bello 1950, and yet Soataerners appour to belrewe that he ds nett Stavety Wn iis Views Asay with SHO LY pre sy Opposkb TO THE ere v oF ditt Missor ta ( MIROMIS# Jot wese, ist expedicnt ted th the M ' Comyprotis Does the tepeal ot at Myorestoie tion corse of the act PRZO, pro Hen snel quaponee And baneteent rents ( Coat) That ati obpeetion vith bey | Wit paras tot antawe on beet tothe coun eins er ie South: paral is, ae tepead oot the Mi ssourt Commprortise secure Wit has ties Pro wan by the teaya Wail shay wi edi Kats 2" So mpl a Bellin PS Kise Ge ie Re nitean Pir Pi k ‘ hi ' f this t sto stimula t 1 ‘ a Hal por \ Sospohe John Bell in Ts54, on tice Watinas 1.1 \pwisstox or Kasxsas Hatt power tinny voices lswanld narals7 Iw erust this motiychedded tonster fis Kansas ty doa at ones So spoke dota Bellin P86 Tire Ts ly mest ne Saver Let power pointe whatess wns at may, ets save the { n” So npooke 4 TST elec Do! ever yg adnortal man stand before Amutican people with « parer, more spot less, more unsailied, more National re cord than John Bell # Aud yet, nen calling themselves Southerners affect to believe that he is too unsound, teo unre. liable ou the institution of slavery for their support and confidence. more unfounded, ever ineituted against any polincal aspirant Let the untted voice of every Southern State attest tlic f Jotun patriotisuy and statesmatolin ot deli, Protection and Extension of Slavery. BELL va. BEECKINRIDGE Vhat the Soters tr the Seuth derstand fully the differences of opinion tye great questions that dotinately: coneern they tn between Bell and Breekinridvee, on their mehts-—the protection und catenscoun of slavery —we annex tn parallel columns, the declarations of both in references tl te. Let the reader bere cougeare, and thet sav winch of the two ds he man tor the South: JOHN © RKECKINRIDOR JOUN BELL ST hap ened to be in Phe Con siitien, pro Cocgress whea the Ne- prio eigore, the tarot che beosha Bul passe au protects the eitigeu fave tomy vere and vets, a he enjexient of tos wud because did What aehtof property, of every did, Vig) Ut wekuowle dyed desenption reeownised as the aghtof the people of sucbia any of the States, the erritory to menth the oe erery xed. and in every Question for thetmselve Territory of the Union vo dvotdecause Psup oped Pho soundness otthe gene what Edo wot now be. rai deetrune hedd on this hieve—thali-legislaces sla point, Pthink. cannot well very into the ‘Perriory. be questioned oF disap- The Democratic party ts poowed , and af the ques vote jwa-slavery party.” von related ferns ory ea siticied as Oregon wos eit 1 cur Inng when he United States bouton fined ahs iieQenms Come reubiletiesory erie peuperty > Liepeat broad been ' be ' fat ont Ce press inay carerrene Gono t oo thin ee bjoe! i nay a Levee on any er. anid x lie ne ple wor thts sn Pore ad traqe povercapaty | Hone ple h voh car away trem 4 eth ‘ nea re Coe | re Wer By BA tm Mal be ‘ “ r w 5 N wore - , i , 1 4 ‘ , n | ‘ . ! I é se 1 h n pets ! fF A ‘ \ t / 1 1 \ . . s osheud ‘ \ MoH dn : Nee Cun G x M 4 I . » WW teen en . oo. \ 1 = { 1 , Mw note Na ‘ trots ‘ , Bb t fr Far erten 1 PE J]. LI Mis ( Ibs Joow ee corr = "i : ; t a r 1 ~ et / t ii Wan Peel A er ; tt i ‘ SD “ isp le fos i jl i sea tay) ee eee us : fh font , a Bee | ce Was ‘ Jett ors Mi rv av al so ‘ ise yy Near Be NV ae Lats fee LPR A ey ! { oho tilts Dern we 1 it Hee : Utter) 2 PEERY Tis ‘ Sor wey | va \\ ers | fue 1 ACEI at , 1 ~ A \ wa peg ' ' if | e 1 an , me fed jsecl ‘ dibates Poa tiie 1 at TEN GUO Wiel enruet Marmite ty att bi rots tt ttre treet oot Ltn Wat VT eee he et: Aa dee None Gani bopeop Moti se pout Coats Who start it Lice A Tiles nee) sae you Wht toe tat we wail oe thete to tane the othioes “fis, then, tere Grsieg aid think, amd vete tor the Na oni candidates, and the only ones it toe Mend ae Jon Beal and be bward erel Let ais be stives tie iu cer, \ Hise WoO party and patty leaders and eedor the Conmstitvien and the Caron, pcdbret eitier tie Y acess, citer 1h ets \ Kk stake our Wiven w ve and on chidien orliins ND EOL OTS ANN ete Voss Pie Broek tai digs papers on wenpting t tend Va tibet ann He people > Vee teas tet poremteoted Co thie pres moot levder of there party =P Minti cPealaneche Mr Yanesy has. we believe Supported every [) anaes hon ! Paes vba t ‘ { reotw V \ tis potest ’ ‘ fwh t 4. " al se tne Peloitfed w reas Wu CN ya pr states pros ‘ “ lia ye ‘ 1 oo Yaneesy neithet ry Per toed Cleat ties NOE G MOANA emi oeaurie el ner Candidate tot Governot ot Alabaria, Moore Among the many peculiar laws of the Ross an erie 4 ote Ww Vcompela te mst sipeet Vii te vosseaaed of any real astate ter se ttheom ont they masae ryoa forergener A case recently occurred ny thee we oof the vintess ote Morney, Wie Wis ¢ mmpelled to dispose of consid erable property, ty aceondince woth the provisiona oof the law By special per Wission of the euyperor, she was alluwed a year to effect the sale Were) clianges mate unjust, here Hongyenerous, t E21) e ul Carolina Clatehman. SEIN Cele eV Cs TUESDAY EVENING AU GST 21 1X60 FOR PRESIDENT, HON, JOHN BELL, OF TENNESSEE FOL VICE PRESIDENT EDWARD EVERETT, OF WASSNCHUSETIS ELECTORS FOR PRESIDEN D AND VICK PRESIDENT, HON, ] (theStaih at lewhe HON GOR E BADGER of Wake, PRR RK. SPRED, of Pasquctauk, Disikicts. District, JW. HINTON, of Pasquotank, CHAS. C. CLARK, of Craven, 8 CO EL POCKEEY. of Richiond tth : L. CL EDWARDS, of Granvile ah iy AG ROSTER, of Ratilolpds Hh * OHRENRY WALSER, ot Davidson hi a NVM et ON Maire sh ie PON AIAN Bi beat harks ls PLATFORM Of the Constiiutional Union Party. The f Wowrug us the 1 oon ecop ed by che Con Cio Va Nat onal Coa iat Haat ‘ 1s Exper is deimeacatrated that PL t Cc V a A ‘ ‘ sot b Ventas Mesead ved \ ' Le “ thie pe vonke tud weebona , K I K re ein vit ariat pa Biv anid © ghee p wollen tha l Co 1 pile CoUNtKY Tit Utes os SMES aN Pik beso ort Laws 1 Tapes vet the Consttutiena { Phe N ay ved we tie nlven ton diba r theme great t A . ‘ Ja \ “Wa Ut yUry Nhe Stace te , wloch tur pea roto hee . moe tel Gd states hocon z “ reo and oe ee ee ee / uw Party Gon Vee presses ot Vv oretisc tit toat they were Ae Vtue date election, but are ul PNT Pre Teter aisy PS Ma Siti Gath ens tne Poey had teared ey Won? be romted, drorse, toot aad Lite ev hil docked ter bios t { ‘ t beat fo tiave been (Pee t sos’ that toned better for v aut prated, ated hetiee ‘ p Orterwise, there ds ie i sek een lees i r & haets Cs CNC se | ‘ Lee -liture Was . ee fies tay : 16 2di. DP gw tw diss He aN ur sien toda 4 tr \V ' ) Sienna sinahe me me it dats pre ‘ ' wrath d Clare out Neen Woe ive eet 2 zs etitie. ated that rapidty fot Ee abel prepare ‘ fort tes td a Compiebe wl ean ont. toads see faoth, | tant Aeeoedon to Breck tlie bos stated tat tie dfen iN ‘ Ik wot North Carolina, one fel Toone en ctretiye Che mot hen tr mat VeHEV Vets, tas deere d ode coke, amd tae equial Tt Mt Nous Crea on P]ee sees ie odie ibsee fer 34 reo gomotry trom ta Van er Tae Y tbibaca il Viera Pak Dray Book Westies it is true that Mr. Ray VER ian J tue Yancey Bieekoiridie wehge oat deameeraey We conelise my because foe presses of that portion Tati lai at ny thathe would not sub mitted sence Wd i were not avreeable te him | une presses lave repeat ediy denounee ) lim as untrue to tue South He has not only changed tis party relations, batts presumable that etas chansed olf tis Union and Na- poral prinedp les, tor Yancey isin —forclis- en at sectional tenets Mi Wiis tard tan te please while wetineg with the Wives. dt he abeuld til to realize These et hapten aitierpated by tus Pewly formed political relations, perhaps Neoias tind out the catse by tucning: lie Sow beset A le ned as a remaphiatie tact narhable Fact [thas been men that the De Hoch atte pooty has had but ome slave holding Cand date forthe Presidency oo eniy fienty fiw years £ And this, toe, lo the face of the remarkable fact that that party tas all the tire charmed to he the capecrl frends of the South and de feriers of the Southern ametitution! Mr. Paik was a slave belder--can you name another forthe democracy since Jackson's tite ? O55 CT}, Guard ~ ceived the Nos of a paper just started at (nion We have re- Washington City, of the above name. It Bell aod anid valnabie as auch 50 cta.; 12 copies B5 Wow Everett CaInpalgn paper, Price, single copy, 26 copies R10. er, tor Goveiuer “Concord, N.C, in Flames! INTENSE EXCITEMENT !} PRODIGIOUS PROCESSION!!! LErtensice Conflugration 111! NOT ONE CENT COVERED BY INSURANCE) GREAT OUT-POURING OF TAR!) fortunately no Lives Lost / Heroio Exploits !!!! Imposing Funeral Ceromonies!!! Grand Finale!!!!!! cbe.. cee, che.” We recevved a communication Saturday Mornin g bearing the above starding caption Our eyes flew wide open, and we proceeded most greedily to read what bad happened in Concord, N.C. calling forth such w Hourish of capitals aud exclamations The conunabicanon ts too long for our colunins this week, which were pre on Sues it came in. But What reader de you su *, has happened at Con. Wr We will give atte vou in bret Abogt 15 or LU dermociats got together there one night last Week, dortiied tito a core purcession.” with » transpa- reney on which Was represented a coffin, on the =—"firtle Ad." bremst of which was This hte quad taarehed out into the suburbs. (a begro with i hiatal wid a bacrel of tar inthe reur,) where Vey tae a Devt fii ana speech of explanation, >and groaned for“ Little Ad” and Pool) and then inarclged back wnd buried a box Wail They sad Contained wll that was Jett of Little Vi! (How iunocent!) These proceedings were the suiject ol great amasement to that part of the 443 miyorily of Pool and ad valorem men in Cabarrus, liizdoed fur} p Whose good fortune it Was to witness them and it stuone of these we are indebted for the xlowing deseuphen iow betore as Verily, the democracy ! Nave beeu so badly whipped of late sone “aCHUD tO save them trom adeney Furst they came oat, in Naty tieetiuip i saver of ad valo- Jelegates Went to Raley withat, aod Pped back into the fey returned eryit Ser RSS party traces, out down with ad valorem} Perey entered the contest with this cry, and the Wile Wiopped then tnost teatlut again. We think ale Woountit tote alowed ta hedler and yroan (vo, ww s Whipped. and Of Course the deinocracy Caras wie Lave been so terribly brat abuut, Poe awed to do so Little Ad” Wwe res- Hleow root s Way out of that box ees HW tine tor the ext election, and Paratius shall see tuin—-ah | they oe le ue two democratic tickets be Piescent betore the people of Virgin- woat the head of one, and Prcehin: dae at the head of the other. Lede iiocrats carried the State for Leteh- J laot vear, by about 6000 mo jpity Ti Stare ds alaiest certain to eoter Doland heecreth in any event that nav hajppen between thin and November. oy Liere is nearly the sume state of Hines Geer They have twe democrn + te hehets; aad under tae iscouravement Movhas division amon the democrats, and © dist sinoot the Yancey Breekin- nase tachen, Gell and Reerett are gain Ing the taveratcve consideration of the Wapses, Who aie ullerly opposed to dis- el ‘ Revert s prospects are roitenstie daily ia Alabama, and we shail net be surprised it that State, also, Wp ports them democrats of Nerth z tat Phe Done Caretta Wwitleoon lod w State Conven- tion at Raleigh. te nocninate aun Blectorul neket, We tave ie succeed however, that Present in- w Beeckinridge party Wilh beacnidantiy able to role down and roshoont them ovement. Mer Dek will frien ds with Aveta him J otoor Bastern connties, thd perhaps avery tew from the West; we anceipate Coat err deliberatione sliend isutunission te Breckinndge wad ts expected visit: to that time, may yive rise toosorme pretty spirited i Jemonstration in hos behalf, butowe thookin will soon pase Way We thoaok there will be no need fora division of the party in this State tedefeat inthe Pall by Bell Piere is noenthostasin for fo ehsure and beeret! Brechiniidwe and Lane, and will notype. Mr. Hills Sprech, be Pos week, the speech of My -We republish, Hit, of Ga. Tis a very able, clear and: comprehen- mive speech, and cought te be read hy ev- ery qnan Whe desires te be gu ded by true patrotisns in casting his wote for the next President. We advise our subseri- bers to hand ont the copies of the Wateh- nan Conta ning tis speech to their neigh- borsinorder that itinay be as extensively read as possible. North their We appeal expecially to our Carolina subseribers to circulate copies of the Watchman after they have read them from now until the eleetion— yive them our to be read by others—for in that way they will find openings made tor talking freely to their neighbors on the allvnportant issues involved in the Approach tig Presidential contest. er iterest themselves in-extendag the cir culation of the Watchinan, by adding to We also appeal to our patrons to our distd subscribers. Ler each of oar present number, send us ove new subseri- berat noanere, [rt can be easily done. Let us hear trom you fiiends—the earlier the better tor vur cause in November, i. INSURRECTION TINGTES AS There seems to be a good deal of excitement in Texas, growing of the discovery of an insurrec- tionary plot among the negroes, instigated thereto by abolition twooor three of whom have been Sworeriiy har A number of negroes have also been | myelin the plot, and several have been hung Pie accounts we bave seen, doubtless ayyerated. re reent the movement as quite ex- Firearms, poreon, and other agents of de- tensive striction provided for the plot, have been discover- iy whose possession they were found d id those oS : g to the have been arreated and dealt with accordin| degree of their compleity coe Home Made Shoes and Roota We saw A spect- men of the work done at the new shoe and boot Factory of Mesers Miller and Thonias, at Thomas- ville. last week, and heard the remarke of compe- tent judges thereon, The products af this Factory takes a high etand -. =- 9 me r ea g e o c n c r a s oe ea Rk hi eh Ow l a ee we e ee Re w ‘a m e t aa a on c oc e a n =, c ( ql | ! Horning es flew (oO read ng forth is. The is Week, But at Con. bot 15 wht base ranspa- on the is little ro with where Nation, d and a box f Little ere the he 443 lbarrns, and it jowing hocracy of late, Im fron, oul, in id valo- i, aod traces, lorem | nd the le think pan loo, Me vcracy about, ea ree- tat box on, and t nt they hckete irgin- , and other, atch. t BUUO alu to ne Chiat tober. ate of BROCE = ment 3, and eckin- b yain- t the o dis- tts are il we , also, North biuven- oral r, that swt toe party noand k will a dita Vaties, West; atione we wnd ‘sit to e rise hion in pn Aas oO need State by Bell hein for notgbe. ublish, of Ga. prehen- bY ev- led by for the ubseri- Wateh- b neigh. isively North » their y have lection — rs—for s made dors on in the rons to the cir- ding to of oar ubseri- done. earlier bber. tement in insurrec- id thereto ave been have also eral have doubtless quite ex- nts of de- discover- ere found ing to the iy A speci and boot Thomas- f compe- Is Factory s . MORE OF MR. EVERETT. Tha Governor of this Commonwealth has answered, unequivocally, in the AF- FIRMATIVE, to the questions, (Mr. Borden's) whether he is iu favor of the immediate gd abalition of slavery in the District of Columbia, the slave trade be- tween the euveral States. Edward Ever- ett now speaks the language of a patriot, a repablican and acirintian. We believe it is the real lanyange of his soul, When, @ few yours, le took the opposite ground, he did violence to his convictions of right, and committed « great error, We disposed tu obliterate all that hus, gone belare. and to coamend lig toe bis leon orable course, Tu refer individually to what he said whee puiidic sentient was deep'y corrapt, would be ungenerous; tu charge line with being insincere, at the present Cine, would be unjust; to ae cusy him of sechiag populanty, would be equally onchartable. It is not yet a popula Unio for de Cuict Magistrate ot this Commonwealth to avow favor of euancipation; aid want tie slall prove vrecreant Ce lis present: profession, Hoja to be taken for yranted that lie needs just what he says. opluton be vught tu receive the undivided support of the anti slavery voters of this Common wealth ; nay, they Nave pledyed te give him their eupport inasmuch as he bas Geclared lameclf to be in favor of their principles and wieasares..” Jn the same paper, ananii-slavery tick et is proposed by FD WAKD EVERETTE for Governor —Fiom the Liberatur of Nowember 8th, 1339, edited by Wellian Lloyd Garrison. We find the above in the Charlotte Bulletin of the 17th Auy., Iuetant; aud have only to remark that it would have are Iiinself an In ou been quite us cary te pive Mi. Bveretrs answer, and not the Liberator’s comments on that answer, Please show Mi. Ever ett’s answer to Borden's questions But supposing the case to be just as the foregoing would indicate, las Mr. Eve retUs subsequent public career, in the vt rivts stations he tas tiled since ISBY, proven that be is wil ing to prodiete (hese Ou every act of fis poilic ite prover hin sentiments ? the contrary tas tet to be a Constitution-loving, and law ali | ing man us regards Souther 1 We ds fy anyone td Moreover he has vote Interests § contrary. the abolition of «lavery ia the peli dagitius! Columbia. It is within our reesteetion whe ny of our best men 1 worne mn Nor Carolina were ante alarery CONE ieteOn! They regarded tt ds a moral, social and political evil. Bat the sal jeer more thoroughly examined since tf and the light of dustory, experience and revelation lias proven th of God regdit atid gerd, are ¥ Were averse to Ves Un perteet wis i Taw Mr. Evert! « ewe malorie pox ane on this subject snce Tsou? Gat Judge SAUNDERS, it ACCS. AR Bumes to take Wake county under lis care, politically. A comin cation bias appeared in the & Demeertic Presa.” over thesignature €° Wake whieh the Register wars was written by this learned polincal Judge. Yhe writer demands that “our political offi Robe poircd. and those ousted who lave proved Chemseives talse to the democracy in the late contest. Ube pointe ont the Postuvaster as one of thems ED ee,” Mr “and the keeper oft taht King, an ayved man with voone diated, as anether, The Revisrer savs there is Not a thore pare and une the State than Mr. k eye ders ¢ MSE V OG THUY 11 J idee Sant alls hin au old sane” aid speaks in ws eteain of vindictive tales: aud a that Mr. voted according to fis honest convi fur no better reason than Ning of duty in the late clection The Register handles the Ju dee with gloves off, & Look at dua Comiuniniesd tion a says tle Leigiat r, and nee iit is not unworthy ofany gentleman, neonvat ter what may be his position,” mach less one who fills the dignified prostofia dade -—a dispenser of justice. Badand ven omens feelings, expressed in exvecrable English, are its sole characteristics.” & ’ prone Our friends Pleasantry detnocratic are indulging themselves in sport by wet ting up excursions for their polit ponents to the head ot cal op Salt Rivera very Salubrions cline, aecording aur ex euce. far South, takes a hand at the Bport, in rer pert A fundoving frend oof ours, net the following style, which we consider too good to be dost. Some of the parties named are net pobhe men, itis tree; but they ere in a fair way to become bo, one of these days, and can’t well object on that ecore. FOR THE WATCHMAN Mr Enrror kind friend, a complimentary T Nave qnet received. from earn Hehet securing Passage to Salt River in the Steamer Opposites Jobn Pool, Commander Pani bons for the torte cantiy obtigay ET TAC Ta | Organise for the November Election.— The late ¢lection in this State resulted encouragingly to the friends of Bell and Everett, The large gaing made in the popular vote and for members 10 the Legislature useure us there is a pretty fair prospect for giving the State to the Union candidates. Let our friendathrough- out the State use the same dillipence and perreverance they employed for Mr. Pool to carry this election, and we shall see a tnore gloricns cesult, Organize in every COUNTY 80 AB TO direct Your eneryies with the best possible account, : oxce Cee" Rev. Mr. Geruarpr.—This ex cellent gentleman, we perceive, has re- turned to Pennsylvania, and hus opened School has a Female State. Ile friends in North Carolina, and ts highly at Hanover, in that Many Warn personal esteemed by many others as wu able, in defatizuable and accomplished tedeoer of yout; and we doubt all tis ac juain tances will be pleased to diear that lin prospects tn Hauover are highly encour weit Douglas in the South —The Douglas democva y of Virginia, met at Staonton, om the 17th aust. and nonmmuated an out-and-out Douglis ucket The Douglas democracy of Marylaud did the, sane ou tbe LOU, instant. The Douglas democracy of Peansylvania met at Harmsbu Phe MM. Geevada, on the 1 roon the 16h. and did the sane Convention at Sissippl Uerniocracy hhoanst., did t ate Lng bay settled Uist ia States Douy las Vhhave a teket The Dougias and Bell men New York, lave teed ona teket acceptable t 1 parties Phere as tthe doubt uow Leueow wall be heaton, aud Bell aud bverete wits te it MORE PREPARATION FOL DIS LOSS Hon. WoW. Boyce, of South ¢ arolina, ' } ua vecent Ivtter, woe las beeu pads holed, wtices thus: Hi the Repubawean party Gompf the Ly stdential election, gar Stete dias choiee uv tiattediately witideaw fro tte Cian. N > sous at ide fas tui lit edo Then Two cotlises Pemali to our ene Senta moa tou A , Nee stahly, (Lev Miustl a i t were Us sihtier a lertealive wil ace rita) our pur Suyy they dot us aton youl, W w wwe te tle with bu aol Hots eK We wpe tt far toy tas Ades radead », he Ait > LJ ~ w 1 . ‘ usa Wow ave t WY UaNCS, ' dir \ tha 1 tials atw bob soit SUA both Sapp VoUtide take cus ‘ th ™ ites as ‘ +t ths A as, abd ‘ w “ 4} u ‘ th | ey ay ‘ A Over US [By ie abuse, and ie eee that we aul ave yiven [ ep ee Will be perc sed how stejetisly the Disn ‘tists are lator Pdoctr nate the poubiie mind at the South with Des Witla petlitnetits, aud ts tthe ¢ PV Geir miiods of wll dread mer edices al CONSISTEN | A short time ago the Yancey-Breckin- /tidge press of the South were Jond in their coin plaints against John Bell for his “refusal,” we they then suid, to answer Certain letters addressed to him, asking his views on certain political questions fu his own good time Mr. Bell did reply, and now the same journals are denoune: ‘ing him for ee doing! The Dalton * Tines” appears to be quite outraged ip Cousequence—thinks Mr. Bell is tig scared,” vet because he las written two letlerg within a fortnight? bat con. soles Moeit with the thought that bis let- ters will do ne good.” Perhaps nots but we are assured that the ove addressacd to Col. Watts, of Montgomery, Alabama, has alleady yatned win buudreds of wari triends there and elsewhere, support liu euthusiasteally in Neve ber next. We think our trends of the “Tiines” would have a beter Opltiton, than they have, of Mr. Beli, if they would ay aside prejudice and examine tits pub Ne becotd caretuily, Yet do wo, and ac huow ledge their error. — 'Nutconal American. who wall We tiepe they will ee ba Since the result of the Kentucky elecuon has been aecemtaied, bets are Neely offered in Wastington that Broek mrdse will bot cussy tree States. Stramous or Scrofitous affections are the curse, the bl ', the potato rot of mankind. They are \ . fea vile and filthy as well as fatal, They arise from comtanmnation and tnpurity of the blood, aud are ty be see all around us everywhere One quarter ofall we meet are tanted with ther, and one quar ter of he of Wien: div foolishly too, because they rable, AYERS SARSAPARILLA cleanses rut ~crofialous ue from the blood, ren ders tye ote and de aid effectually exp tie tanita th the syste Nol ig, COI CRPOnTe Scr Necdisoricraee nie teers es , taster ly uti. he calls Sats viene Drmocrat, Waterbury, O'% AHO IVEY 5 on the Huh inst. by WOR Mise Lovie M Tn tie town Vey e Fraley, Hos Jous MEO Rice to SHOL SEK THE MARKETS. Silishury, NV. ¢ CORRECTED SPRAGUE August 21, 1S6U WEEKLY SByY BROTHERS Appler ed 504 100 Lead Bar, R10 Hee Lun dly Whites Wa ie Beeman; Sten do) Muldaees Colla, $45 35 B noah . Sle HIPS is) Sutter 50 te Maseovade 454 50 NDS Nails Cui rab ' w Vin 20) Oats 35 a 40 Adan ine SNES CU che = Rds ik Tmo 2 Ranerk 504 00 hee BY gy 20 Potatoes treeh, 50a 0G oa : . 4a 50 Y ‘ 90 LOE Rawe perth 24 Bury = es sek. DSS a 190 Mea mig Wl Se Bro Ya lO Tyekens ier doe 2M Mb Sie Fal fe how mot Crashed, 12a 04 tre perth Atha ds oC lettres Ma 12: Piont pee bbs Aen 64 Tatiow 104 2 Sack, 30 31S Wheas White, 1204 1.30 1 Bar ’ Red ot ae) ir Wea den Wily 2503) : Corr, DIRECT OE Lae: IMPORTATION ee Calalail Us it Calast rope Mi. Boyer \ OR CBE CaMCEMIICToe te en tec er ame raclite SUyppetts Mero lirec hiss Ayre for toe ag MiATOMLIERT yale rincn erat the first of Tetnes, as Wel DD =tutonists ala, and the September, a carae of 2000 bogs Coffee, direet fiom sho doabtthe Kentucky Eaanerp tion Re dancin, which we ehail sed at puble anct i : ' ten dave alter ucrivVal uf vesnel, of whi dt due mitiee fot te rut by thei, on us te either elect Ca , OLG, PARSCEY & CO ita and dette Course Precip iale disse Nig 2 4056 Watts reeet Lan Wowiel bane fala Cutae lor the wdinetiiie Wiles a ink North Carolina College. cube concistot—-this ts why the Dusan See Doren deea ed at Wi Pleas Hints split: the Detoeratas party tats ete t ahem Cw fei (Cs He A ses in Wi ww desire We Clectian ot mies ep Ue tal Gs) . o {te so beeurtal and bh . att a cola mosery oo ect mew ad aa spew lauder Relaneebesacallu meee tediviaictue Deaoeraey Unite tary and pra ars ulsirparecd Dat thank Gout tues are goine te be by salar Pistrasens t ' ; ‘ EBoure ex Wemonths. telat edota therm detart ais deatwns, Don ne board washing. tuition, and alliucidedtals, trou cs ut the garda d Ustox Benn of Len 4) Tt Nessee te tativing tae tathon te tie stan Por tucther informstion address, (ae . Vv DH BIE ULE. President, Cittohuel Chie Lo tiwoner wire ae: ait RE : TSG or COL. JOHN SHIMPOCH, Wheelie tute tine to take onee acre th Reerdary of Board post honor, Missouri covers ler reas Ang 21, 1860, dad witli poorious Colmorte of ew and anmden r a Sao ‘ os eee : recruits, white the Old North State shakes, & FARM AND STOCK FOR SALE er binites, Samipeo Ke, ti sta the AT AUCTION wy Cas Wwiieh doher to the ear oat De trecracy, and young Alatauioe sleown lets of sundemoug ler Connection, that (ies all ae ja a tie aarel) af te iales, totie © Mis cot tue Umun,” ow diteady begun, ¢ Come up, ton ve Union men eood and! true, ated wath toe stout, Downs wir jon Hk Dist Ntonists,” the swelling ‘ Torone How cussing to the support of the Nation's ShLL, ot Lentessce, and Epwakp kverere that vou tay help foomave vour Gomnmtey trom Hiesolution aod civil and in Your children ot Vutional Americin. ;| favorite sous —Joun war, Vedra, proud) y boast te The patriotic act ! Said extrie t soe NODEESSEN TINE NT and within the will te Filward Everett in writing to a friend. ward and make pryment. to Taunton, Mass. Baars | “To have condemned trom the outset, | and soll most deci ledly condenin, the | policy of the late Adiuoinistration toward Koinass. ] opposed the Kansas Nebras ka biilin the Territorial Comanttee sot which Twas aimember. | voted the atmendiment to the bi by k y Hetttt which the Minseari Compromise was repealed I opposed the tall, te the best of compliments aid am y that my abril the ucket wall be of no usa tone There sno ty, in aapeech delivered in the Senate ou Commander T woold vrosatlounder than dohn the Sth oot) Februar y, ISSd, of whieh 1 Sol But Thad previously engaged passage to the d salubrionsy chite of Salt River, (with whieh foam fel waist ion send you a eopy ) and DP snonld have ve Las | ! Seyprember, Shep the recn, w aiter ee ater tlogk wheal spoken to, Freeman ig aboar DX years percolor.e! Che will deliver said boye to ine, “that Dean get thes or $00 for esther ss Phe subserihber has I AVING determined tor \ Towill offer at pubic sde on the premises. on the Qoth day of Tk60 the following p Per y. ty wat Phe Pantation on whieh Po resit Neres. Tying he waiers ots we the deude ot Peter dosey an hOvts aod Hover d weornlleh Cows and other cattle ariniag mitare, wih Dhorse wagen; se and ally bh asets sud kitchen tur nauy ether arte nentioued t wale Pissed Terie made koown on the GHEEN 14 ADMINISTRATION, Ang 20h raed having tiken ont letters of ad at Heron Horan. dee'd HA DESL at ou tie estate Vreby gives Hanee to theme haviog clans against resent thee for prvmentin dae forin ine specified by Leow. or this notice And those idebted fied to come for plea tin harof recovery said estate tlso hereby JOUN M HORA Aug. 15, ts60 Bey dit $100 REWARD. YANAWAY from the eubeenber, on ought test, ows negro beve, by the RICH and FREEMAN ears old Thursday Dame of Rich is boat twenty-one hasrathera dows Sparcainiey ve blick weighs about 150 pounds tare, rather on ihe ep unky bart. and weighs shout 125 pounds thowe reward will be given te any person whe or confine thom ii jail et them to think that re trying to make ther way tea Free state THOMAS DIGGS, Apseu Co, NC tod reason they Vt well acquainted) ina eal! « G@antareie dty Hs passive nated Aug. 15, 160 Man, which wall leave her whist at Salish mony place at the next meetin of the corso te eanler The following we the alli: Senate) had nat severe allies compel WILLIAM C. LORD, ers OU nee ella { 2 : = : ro meat 34 welock in the mornynoy, en ty leave the Senate chamber betore tie ATTORNEY AT LAW, am Wo Chiet Clerk fs Ae ; A GTi Pena vote Was taken. Tontormaed ay Sout SS Ttatiy enue Eo Myers, Stemeyd ern political frienda, when the till was AV Practice and mike prompt collections in C. Bradshaw, Condueto Vrousdit io, thet ae onght to be ennthed a Rowen, Stay. Pred Wand Corbis Connties Teannot wat tll December, as Texpect to Dill tos annihilate all conservative teel oa . the cormeratl Cowan's Baitding op poste ‘ ! ee the we Store turn by the Ist of November, shortly whieh Togo n the non slaveloldiagy States ‘r. bh 14, 1x6u 1732 tine, che high pressure: steamer Bev ie ' will leave her wharf tor Salt River under the com mand of BG. Hayws foA Bike oiint Clete The Salabary Baas Bev towill play “O'er the wa ter to Charlie” as she leaves port cS ore Union Savina democratic par ty has been the Union Saver 8. par excel lent, for many years: and now, as. the people are about to discard pestiferous element in the Conntry, they are therm asa polities of the organizing Southern league, one of the articles to whieh they subscribe beiny— A Souths rn Confedera cy 14 the sum of allour aime, That means disunion. “Ttby laying down my life this hour, [could unde what has been done the last two years (beginning with the disastrous repeal of the Mosseart Compromise) te embitter the ditferent parts of the coun; (ry Ayvainst each other, and weaken thet Nea whieh ante them, would withingly, cheentully, make the sacotice.” Thet is a noble sentiment worthy of the patriot and statesman Edward Ey : erett Shall not the Sonth honor patriotism and conaervatism # Is not Edward Everett worthy of Soa lthern confilenee and support N Office of the Westera NX. €. Rail Road. July Qh, 1=60 Srarravinnr The next Annual Meeting of the Siockholders of he Wesrers Norm Carouisa Rat Roan will be breldon Statesvie, on Poured y the 30h Angst KR. F sIMONTEON, acc. & Treas Aug 14 19 CAS LG RUS ECan Cen ei! at 60,000 CHARS at Wholeanle or Retail at the at ORew Maas Malet May U3 tr VINEGAR. JURE CIDER VINE GAR. for anle by WH WYATT, 186 and IRN Main street, Salisbary, ¢ 9 no town to Westeco North © everything here to promote ther onte resis. paris are edge of ¢ Church adjorning Innds of Atwel WE to purchase ing te the following S | IMMENSE ATTRACTION \ AT THE ‘Great Clothing Emporium OF DAVID WEIL, AM NOW opening at my large and spacious Sore Ruan, Na. 2. Graviie Buildiug, the haud- somest and cheapest Stock of Ready-Made Clothing ever ffrred in the Bate. My stock comprises ult th: different kinds of fancy cnt Linen and Marailles bosiness suits, English and Freach Drap d’ Ete aod Alpacco Frocks wud Sacks, a jarge variety of Cussi- mere Pants, fancy and blaek ; also Fancy and Black Silk, Cassemere and Marsailles Vest, in eudiess ya- rely Gent’s Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, a large e6Rer ment [ teel confident of my ability to undersell any oth- er house inthe state, from the advantages | have in getting my Goods, thereby saving at least TWEN TY-FIVE PER CENT to the consamer. DIMES SAVED ARE DOLLARS MADE. SO TRY ME DAVID WEIL. { a 5 a & = © Eragig < SS Be or —3 52329 to eo ees ~ a. 2. 3G E> ~ ~ x, c 2 2s > 3 ce = ¢ = = S = £2 | les oe Ss & | oe a mt” = soe on = = D — a -_ ow i | es 1 pom = fof S ~ A i e = 7, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, PROTECTED 2h: 2 LETTERS - 5, GELS. PATENT BY ROYAL Lf 133 AS PATENT: = red fi om a prexcripty wictan KEerbraer ile Sir J Clarke, MOD, Phy y to the Queen ix invaluable ined cive is uofailing in the cure of uli those painfuland dangerous iflseees ty which the fi <nite Hon is subject. Lt moderates all excess aud removes all obstruc tions, aud « speedy cure may be relied on, Marricea Ladica | tis pecuitarly suited ftw tod with regal rity Bach bottle, price One Dolla of Great Britain, to prevent Caution. Thene Filia should not he taken hy THREE MON TUS of Progn they ure sure to breng on Miscarriage, but utany other time they are of In viicases of S ‘ +, Pato tn tne Rack and | stion of the Heart, My-t otucure when s Lother means have fuile sod although a powerful remedy alowel, autimony, vr anything hurtful to Ww short une, vring on the monthly pe bears the Government stamp unterfelts, Pamphlet around each package which Sole Agent for the United states and Canada, JOB MOSES, Rochester, N.Y. $1 00 and 6 postage stampe enclosed to any wuthor gent, willineure # bottles containing 4 pills, by re ura mail sbury, bv Heaoderson & Koniss, WOH. Wyatt, and “9 al) respectable Deuygiste Precett, Lonp & Co, Richmond, Va, Wholesale Ageute ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! ANTOUNDING! Wyatt's Remedy !! \o Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate ! IIPS IOP NTE MEP IEICTI COINS, fb PA EEC TION.. CORE SICECEN TOA TT CiCTiONs: IN A FEW DAYS! Tt has no taste eff cr the breath Retulby WOH curt, Now, does not viterfere with diet or Prepared aid sold Wholes we and WYAUT, Druggist nud Apothe- ist aad (XK Main wt. Salisbury. N.C 1 Proce $1, and sent by mai! euclosiuy 4 stamps Prepay postage Auy 7 Ce UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE, Taylorsville, N.C, CFNHE 10th Session of this Tnstitution opened on the Lith July. under the care. as formerly, of HT BURKE a Principal, assicied by WoB Joven Taytorsville ts a retired. healthy village with fine OOH scenery aNd In porn ol morality tatertar te relia Phe School isin a flowed ce tents desirous of obtaining condition and stu good Engtish edueaion, rof preparing for one of the bigher colleges will find Especial devored to those preparing for Parente and guardians willeonsntt therrowa interests coll ge by considering the charerne cf this Nebel TERMS OF PUITION \ £19.00 Elemeniary Branches, Bogle Graminar, Geography. Anthmetie, Algebra, ete 12.00 fatin, Greek, Geometry, Survey tog, 15.00 Contingent fee. 100 Board, exclusive of lights $800 per month. The Session will continue twenty-one weeks | BURKE, | Aug. 7, 1860 6112 Valuable Land for Sale. DY virtne of ad of trust made to secure cer- Dinin debts therein named. Twill sell on the preimises on Friday the 3ist of Angust, 141 ACRES ot band helenzing ta Robert Gillesite Heng in the addle of Davidson Creek College, Persons wish - tbarrigy one mide South of ¢ niles Eat and fiy tid others would do weil to attend the sale JOUN YOUNG, Trustee Ang 7, ai2 Change of Schedule, Office Western N.C. RR, 1x60 Sersnerny, August Tet, [N60 ( N AND AFTER THIS DATE THRE PAS senger Trams will can datly (Sundays exeepted fsomiles and return accord tule edule to the head of the Road LEAVE ARRIVE AT Sali<bury at TM) Third Creek Third Creek 759 Statesville Statesville Ka Catawba Catawba 925 Newson rate Newton 1015 White Sulphar 10 30 Whe Sulphur a5 Miekory ea Hickory 1105" m Teard 11.30 » RETURNING CRAVE ARRIVE AT Teard at 1145 Hickory 1205 Hickory 1211 Winte salphar 1230 Wiite Sulphur 12a) Newton 45 Newton War Catiwha pan Catnwha bao Statravitte 2x2 titeaville Q30 Third Creek 410 Phird ¢ k 31S pm Sahebary The Train connerts daily with the Traine of the NC RR oat Sababory, and with CoS) Brown's fine of Post Conches forthe went JAMES C TURNER, Chef Eng. & Supt WON CORR Aug 14 Qa NEW FIRM HE Firm of FISHER, FOARD & HUOKER, having been dissolved, we the undersigned have | aesociaied ouraylves together under the Firm of FOARD& HOOKER. SMITH & MILLER, , MANUFACTURERS OF \for the purpose of continuing the former business at the same pluce. We are thankful to our friends caxteime-s for past favors and hope by « CORRECT, | ENERGETIC and PROMPT sysieu of doing buriness to merit and teceive un increased putropuge. We shall be able to furnish STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SHIP CHAND- LERY, NEGRO CLOTHING, FARMING TOOLS, Guano, Plaster, Lime, NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. CORN, FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, §¢., &e., at as low prices as any other house i, Carolina Having ourown Vessels. Wharf, Drays, ete, we wii) pay particular atiention te the Forwarding and Commission Business. We will alay make liberal cash advances on Consign- JNO F FOARD, QO. HOOKER. Newbern, N. C., May 29, 1860. nebts. { 3imt NEW MANUFACTORY ' Balisbury, N. C. Machinery, by meuns of which Tcau wately Buy } and Good Cottage and other Bedsteads, ar Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be had from New Yorn or any where else | will give satisfaction in preference to employing agents AT Factory, a few duurs below T. E. Brown's Liv- ery Sinble | Or Office, Furniture Rooms opposite R | Murphy's store | { & A Ss. Ro HARRISON May & 1860. 1150 t \ “O O R T SL T Si n g ‘O U N O L YP Ap o yo y Ha d I Hs n g An o on u t y WI R TA N T SN O S Y r NV PL Y 8 et o Ti a a s oy Ww SI LO W G SS , e 6 4 x / Mae The Stockhalders of the YADKIN NAVISATION COMPANY = a TILE meet at Mocksville. Davie county, on Friday 3ist Augus:, 1s60. at 12 al Noon. Teas important chat every Stockheder be represeutied. as business of vital sutercet to the Com pauy will by mde ret The secretary and Treasurer in hereby not fled to wtiend with the Books aud Vouchers, ap full aves Ggadon of the affairs of the Company will be gone STEPHEN DOUTUIT, A.C WHORTON, Directors of Yad. Nar. Co Iwt Into. July 3, 2x60 #,% Weatern Sentinel (Winston please insert till meeting and furward account to Directors, Farming ton, NOC LAND FOR SALE. ee valuable PLANTATION tormerly owned by sof Back ¢ Samuel Barr tyoug on the wate eek oy We fSahsbury. on ct " Marin shout 320 ACKES ce two yg v 8B son Howan @oanty ) the land i we the growth of Po baces The burdens rate Persons woshiig to purchase wi rose callon Dr O. Boliourtol) with resident the dereiborhideandian!| ake great pleasure in wows the lanl. aid eet ae agent ih wy abtevee, J A BARR National Flag! WM. M. BARKER PY EQRAE SH IS (O1D again inthe Carriage Business, BUGGY or he ix and prepared to furnish any style of CARRIAGE He has reeently vised aon 2 from the henna ta iating ores and weqiair ted boomeelf wot ail the Jalemprevementa rn tosh ne. and trade ments: woowith North. by whieh he ean supp y those pret ern work much che per thane done by orders mgasngte yb. He itends to be the finest and best work ever dene ie the es he National Boag WV. M NOUN Bhd ealictts a call at the sign ot BARKER te Juty 3, 1860 THE NORTH CAROLINA White Sulphur Spring \W ILL be opened tor visitors by the fet of June next: they are situated ma most healthy MOO Country, nearthe beautiiul Caumwhba River, with. in less than wn hour's ride of the present terminus of the Western NOC. ial Road with which daily lines of Ormnibracn and Stage Coaches connect ihe Springs Pleasure Vehicles and aupetior Saddle Horses will be atthe callof guests. Botling Alleys and a Billard Saloon will be nextly fi ted up. A Sand of Musiciins engaged for the fine season —Qu and Cotillion Parties each evening free of extra nop ‘The Buildings are new and spacious, che pleasure groands extensive, and in fine every thing wished tor, as atthe best watering pices. wid be found here to refreshoohe toner ann cit cheer the spirr Vive extended reputstion and the medical properties the Watera calimest tnaccesaitle beoure the eomplest n of the Western NOC. Rad Rood row hand the mek eordeal wo devs and afiered with a The experience of the Propr Itifier the weok. erofhesith or phomare on autienn dye coming “Phe Propmetor has been Apenme In filing up a water fae eae wants ot the Carolinians and confides wey perosity for encouragene Hot ROBARDS April 1, TS60 (F160 e e S . o 3 BEMISTER & CLAYWELL, EXousc Paintors, GRADNERS, PAPER HANGERS. Ac. Oppoute the Maneion Hotei, SALISBURY, N.C. All work personally attended to and warranted to be done ina workmantike manner psee ft Joly by ORRELL & GRADY, Miinotacturers Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAP: and 4 som Straw an@ Millinery Goods, Umbretlas, Parasels, Flowers, Ribbons. Ac., No 18 Conortlandt Street, DD ORRELL UP STAIRS, AaemneciTnharelteriiea NEON Ut BOP GRADY ’ ° cD lata af Wilmingionc Nae J New York. HAY. astern North HAVE now completed, and have ip operation that T can supply all of North Caroiua with Newt Give me a call and [ A liberal discount to dealers NOTICE HE SUBSCHIBER HAS JUST RETURNED from market, and is now receiving aud opening a complete oud full as. "GROCERIES, , : Bare consisting of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Tea, Pepper, I AVENe Poni Ui UElapel Ne) MNLCA-n gai wun Verein ierms ir Mi cael hee he ete benee, ta precurug inatenals of the ments, all of which will be sold as Uaual at exceedingiy iow pri- beat quality— Machivery of the latest jun. ees. His stock of q y Provemente—end the mont tiushed Work- Inen, the y Mutter Vhetselves that they can, — om fas pany a sell us geod an article uf a xe xf GODS Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, “~~ ES ascan he pruichased in New Boyland tor the same money. "They therefore feel coutiteut that their ap peal to the ciizens of the South to wustuin them in their endeavor to intredace among them a braneb of SOUTHERN { BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY ' ——— Oe Gentlemen’s Boots, Shoes and Galters, is fur superior to Any, as those who have favored him with theix patrooage can testify. The stuck of Manufacture now entirely in Uie han teof abolitionms | if will not be in vatn or disrega ved. Phey offer at : ' t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . ro : Fine Chunuetted Boots, Freeh Culf, Fine Freveh Edge, g nee © Half Weis, Kile mules . a Dp ’ ’ OPERA BOO (Patent Leather and Freuch Calf) Vine Open Gaiters, Patent Leather and French Calf, * Cougress Gaitere, Pree Calf, Oxford Ties, French ¢ Union Tex. (a new atyles French Am. Calf JDP Go to them aod supply your wanis and in fa tore you will purchase po Boois, Shoes of save (hore manufactured by . SMITH & MILLER, THOMASVILLE, N.C wy BOOTS & SHOES cannot be equ the most of then either in style or manufactare, having had wade to his order. The stock of SOLE LEATHER AND Saw Les is full and complete and wi which ouly be DISTRIBUTED establishment exclusively for CASH Gaiters, Is « constitutional digease, @ corruption of the blood by which this fluid becomes vitiaied, weak and poor Berg in the cisculation, it pervades the whole body, and ay burst out iy disraxe ov uuy partot iu Nu! orgen ie free from its attacks. por iy there one which iimay not destioy. ‘The serofulous tain. a6 various- ty caused by mercurial disease (ow Living, disurder edorunheslthy tood. impure wir, fit and Glihy hsbics the depressing vices, ud, above all, by the venereal infection, Whatever be its origin. its Mereditary an] the constitution, descending * from parents tochiidren | wale the third aud fourth generation” sideed, iterens to be the rod of tun who saya, * 1 will visit the i- FOR VO VILL. VG quities of the fathers upon their children © -) fie effets commence by depomtion from the blood be sold, at upasually low rates, and of corrupt or ulcercus master. whieh, in the lun, haw a more desired effe liver, and interual organs, te carer stiy woticteed, U . Therefore a call © purcthusing elsewhere, At FRANKFORDS, SALISBURY, N.C. na Cah eyetem, in tesmmed tubercles; in ihe glands, swellings; a ro the surface, eruptions or, ‘This foal corrupaon, which geudere in the blood, depresses the energies of fife, Bo thats refufour constitutions pot only pores. suffer from scietulous com: | pininis. but they have far lese power to withetard the atincks of other diseases: Heequentiy. vast num bers perieh by diworders which, although net serotu May 7, 1360: Jonson ther vature sre still rendered fatal by thie! raintin the syatem. Most of the consumption which dectuates the hunan family hae ite origin direeily io this scrofufous contimenation ; und many destructive the liver. kidneys, brain, and all the organs, arise trom or are aggravated by the diseases of tudeed, o suine cause One quarter of allour people are scrofnlous: their personsare iavaded Si this lurking infection and their healt Ris undermined by i. ‘To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an allerative medicme, and imvigorate it by healtliy food sud exer Such medicine we supply in Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, The most effectual remedy which the medica! skill of, our tunes cwn devise ‘ar tiie every where prevailing apd fatal malady. J tive remedials that have been discovered for the ex cise is combined from the toast ac- SINGER’S SEWING-MACHINES s EW ING-MA ) NES. Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. Tue phoa reasoa why Siscea's Sew(sa-Macwines have always sold readily at u higher average price than any other, is that they are better, more durable, more refiuble, capable of doing a uuch greater variety of work, und earning mere monoy, Long-contineed populaniy is proof of steringinent Inthe parchase of what are called cheap Sewing- Machines, thousande have heen deceived aod disappornted, bat with Sas- Gea's Macuines there 13 never any failure or nris- take purgauvon of this foul disorder from the blood, aud the resene of Lhe sy scem from its desiructive cousequen- ces Hence it should be employed for the cure ot mt only serofula. batalso those ocher affections arse from ty such as Bruptive and skin Diseases, St. Antho ny's Fire, Rose, or Erympelos, Punples, Pustules, Botches. Blatax and Boils. Pamors, 1 Netrer and Sait Rheum, Seald Head Riogworm, Rheumatism Syph- thuc aud Mercurial Diseases. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- tility, and iudred, all Complainia ansing frou Vi ia- tedor Tuipure Blood ‘The popularbebet in‘ impun- tyot the blood” is founded in tiuth. for serofule ina of the blond. The particular purpose and virine of (his Sarsaparilla is te par fy ond regen- erate this vital fluid, without a och sound bealth is Impossible th contamiuated consutations Ayer's Cathartie Pill s For all the purposes of Family Phyxiv, degenerat Singer's Tranverse Shuttie-"achine, fo be sold at SU plain, and kb ian Machine very brave bighly ornamented, Mirely new in ite arrangement; it is moves rapidly und eusily, and, y purposes, is Machine ever offered to very for family and tight ma infaety they Newer Maciy are se composed that disease within the range ot their thern Th ruliee, ond inves ex ure being tmerensed in action can rarely witheti#ud or evode etriting properties search and ¢ ten of the hun HEE EVELYN pe Tyohiri, Correet wos diseased ketion, and restonug is healthy vi- tliter Ass consequence of property e. the sd to £90, is tow tovalid whois bowed down woth pain or physical de over world to do any deserip- tity is astonished to fied his hy horenergy restor- soll ol Work. voar-e or fine, cant be done ed by a remedy atonre so siule aud inviing . Noronly de they eure the “Gi\ COMpLAlats af every body, but aise snany formidable aie Singer's No. 2 Standard Shuttle=tachine. Chun he (avouile inanufecturiog Machine every the Machine gives ample space peestese y desc work, which, Lagether swerking qualilies. give ita decided wih table complete, 100. Singer's Ne. 3 Standard Shuttle-"lachine. For ¢ diseases th vent below ui Nine rien Abimara tres wad directions tor aimed is ple nish gratin my 7 tion of their ase on Heartburn, froto disordered Stomach, Nausea, honand Morbit Poscien of the Bow: Loss of Appetite. Jaundice, flew woof Chere the fallowrug ¢ OsUVe ness, nplaiuts: UWendaehe, arming Tadiwestion, ele. Flavulenes andother trrigve-niskere, and heavy leather work, hondred eomplavits, arimieg tio a iaw state of the Price. cong 5 body or ebstrucien of ite tus Nreeme tae tt recuetion in the priee of these ’ . : i 5 Ayer ~ herry Pectoral, Stand Varhines on the Lat of October, 1858, the sain at ro hat ine sed four fold FOR THE RAPID CURE oF Nicot Singers Machines make the interiocked Comrie, Col Todlaeaza, Hoareness., Cronp, Bron. stitch with two thresds which is the boost stiteh crite, Tacient Consnmp ou cud forthe rehetot knowo. Every person desing to procare full wad Consumptive Patients in advanced stapes of the rehab! formation about Sewing: Machines, their sprees, working eameitios. and the best meth. the field of tts ue Mages and so numer fw by ea é htain it by sending for acopy Me cases of im cures, that aivest every neces of € Mi Sinver & Ca? tee, whieh is a beauti- leref country aboande in persoos pubhe es Kuawa. ful proton uw Nirely cevoted co the subject. Tt whe have been restored from alarming and even d wil! bes When once Ority Over every other medier Ned Canieederancteinpeu atin 1, W. SINGER & CO., Br wadinay, New York. MERONEY, ned its sap eof its Kiedis too trent Loexcape T. J. July 24, 1860 is virtue known, the public what ant employ for gernus afiee tons of the pales While dies Chrast open the community have finied and been reident! toour climate Farmers! Threshing PREPARED BY | DR. J.C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS disenrded, this has gained friends by every trial. con ferred benetivs on the afflicted ine 1 rures too DUMerous aod bow remark able noah Machines ! SS whech we are not 4g and producec to be forgere ifs but Mann fucturere Improved Spiral Barred Thres with 4 Horse Power r All our Remedies are for sale by ever) the most popular and WoW. Wyant, Salisbury, NeGo PAP bracts : $130.00 PL Oe aS USS age " Improved Spiral Bar Thresher and Hutcheon & Co., Chatlotte, “ Wi - J. M Johnson, Mork sspile, “ Ippower, Perry, Sunpson & Lows. Lexington, '* with ©\ lender all Tron, not soft teoed as most North- MAC & C.A Santos, Norfolk, Vay ern \tae nat web ible teeth, sold at what thavilanedt, Se naon & Co, Charfeston, S. € the bext mere wi hore Mareh 6. Is60 yal f fihess Wechines sible: that ue a he h roonened in frente phy oo ’ Lor ue Is wor toads making them last oa EQUITY SALE, re Pee LI ah OGL ETS UST ea ; Moved in workmantike for Davie Conot Powill eel " tw the Caner Honee ay Mockeaile, on it ; Sant ‘ best, - = @R5 Jn day of Angnst. the Plantation be ty PAR ieee Cie Er ites house of George Willson. deed, ooate une. i is sip ees gate SROMLAnne caimucas lite (Rentini: PREROKS & RABDER, waers of Hanning ¢ mod wiveaiSM ste so asn 50m) Den et Valuable botom. pew a entiation The Au iewire Par " ro’ Recorder. Char- are (he place we omeortabte trv house A ! in ies oreolh cater qide Western soto heroutshoases ON A Of tics will Demo tant wean v tor May, June aud July niven Bond, wih good amenity, required __ 1 BINGHAM. CG. MOE R . Mockaville, Intw dp 160 Wille idly &4 »() RicW ARD. tobte of the the subseriber, about SALISBURY Qos ber. aba PRIARB ORBIRART ee ciathoee ep, set tre aa very sealt im—he wan original. ale; Hoh Session school. w WW Mery sell broke to hare day oat Segre tity Phe naniber ot t ‘ . ! ane nis Ona o renin the merens here in rom Be. f \ oun Padties ean be ha een a } Siheueribbary sali aan ry wines can hove the advantasr vistaken by a fellow » : ms wood I who Wasseeninthe ii “ fore dor r x \ Hi yf SSS LUR IS SON \ CL MOSTIDEFOR Perveipal rbetis ko 4 Saushory, NOC duty 17, 160 fn Dr. J. M. HENDERSON AVING Ioent sonal services to (he coizene of town Office Apple Brandy. ( y! 1}, for Preserving Fruits, for sale by W. th WYATT IRB and 18% Wain st., Salisbary NOC 1R60 — Sablisbury offers hie profes and th surrounding eouniry one duns below the 9 Poet Offices, up staire Jalv 24, Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. —— 4253350. AR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED vo tuk DENTAL ROOMS [ | on the corner formerly occupied by Da Baron, where he is preparedto attend all operations eonoected with his profession. Jan. 1, 1860. Were BARRIER: DENTIST, MT. PUEBASANT ae Atta) March 13, 1861). Dre. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, AVE associated themselves in the practicn of Medicine H and offer their Professional services tu the public. Phos who wish {t,can have the services of both, imany care, without extra charge Otice—the same occupied at prerc December 14, 1953. DR. F. N. LUCKEY, DEING now permanently located at Dhisown residerce creeemtly owned Ly J.B. MeNeoly,) ou the Concord aud Mocksvale ros 24 miles South of Muy wura Chareh. continges toot fer, at the samc loc his profemsional series bo niby Di Waireieag ston the pablie Calls, in his absence, should be lett wath bis inate 1, Mr. Shupiug or bis wie, oria then absence, with the servants Miranda, Rowan eo, Now L0ch, E859 25 LAW PARTNRSHIP, A. I. & R.A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly oceupied by Dr. Nesbit, ou Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. Mareh J, 1e59 BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AVD COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 129, Sycamore Street. ee es Uae WN thio N. M. MARTIN, SOW & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GEN Gian Ds N NW. OM. MARTIN. SF | KO TANNANILL, R.A MARTIN, | HoL Thi MER, WK MARTIN, | NM Women TIS LF Strict perse te ne serail Produce. Orders for goods promp'y tived Rererence —D. A Davis. CP Fist he une 14, 1259 V3 ed fruin th a WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WAR«:, RINE AB ieee Gy ce t were’ aly t ' Poe Viewer cant nreenn 1) r {en wv Younus Ml Ves, ¢ sod youtiaw « ‘ Cheiakers. A issu my JNAMIS HOW WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SAS 1: One door below mt. 7 EPS Pe fils ee k WARCHI> al JEWELRY 1 al hind Clackou Writes ilo ee cepmireG im ite . Wwateeunn fina ee ea ble term Faticouie tet iy3e MICHAEL BROWN, SALISBURY N.C. DIMES TET NATE, SETS APRISY tin (FA EN tothe» p t k PRODUCE And io iil " : s morkets shipped to other Ports Februsry V4 Collecting Azent. TIVE andersirne ee Ser enlen i bh Bea elles : ; s ea He holds th ' felix th Town, ind th ret 1 r to our Saperin REC sccusttin fications, A: (OhEN TN ey Apr 1eé 1 ( tig Veent RA: oe 2 > WYATT’S TONE CORDIAL. One of the inoxt vleis en Flux, CHO Te Ce BOWal ata tH VE BiG Nal Nol sie both oy i ada PRIct Ca ENS Prepired by WOH WY ATR. Aroripe any Ne (ete as Menesieurte June 5 ef] SALISBURY, N ¢ JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all € Campen ition o ! Thea Yowill fi en ' < ine Tatar oN . “« 1 Hate STL ‘32 NATOMiES. JEW ELA n Setts oi Kepoare wer Vest and Poh Ce I ( ‘ en Neck Chios SPGY ie OW Nol rr ed fay Che best wid ti pprove tstytes of P iN Books Spoons, ¢ \ Afi ‘ The Trew eral rid Permonally at Son: 26, 1969 tind} Conrord, N ( MOREMEAD CITY I 7] At . ’ , ALE OF LOTS ()* Phirsday O8nd of Nevenet. ie lhe asalew er rible ! yof rrehend The proximity of thease late ; yn and io ae large Female Noad vonben Ine ed, and towarda which eome £1400 t sabseribed. ro afer the ‘ hie for fam thes, who desare Go ape nd Shon Nght ful sumener ret water of the bow «tote w cow The ropidity with wh ‘ tnpracing. and the prospect of awerkiy te fo ereane rs het thie place and New yi ko should induce punch iaere to invert JIM WMORFHEAD President Shepard» Pomt Land Co Joty 17, 1R60 Gwe MARRIAGE LICENSES \ A. Wupheys Stare. | HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. eo ‘ofs apd manufacturers of HOS- rer" RB CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT. TERS can appea) with perfect confidence to pheisians Sa eitiaens generally of the Luited cates, because the article ios attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powertully than volumes of bare assertion or bl zouing puftery. The consumption of Hostetter s Stomach Dit- “SELLING A RARE CHANCE FOR BARCAINS! ; ters tor the last year amounted to over a half- | AVEING determined to change my present busi- million bottles, and trom its manifest steady bess with the object of pong into a inure gener increase in times pust, it is evident that auring alone, TP withoffer allary the comin, ear the consumption will reach Vit your Gg? 1 near one iilioa bottles. ‘I his hewn Amount iG \ DI Ics I mM ESS Gl ) YDS. could never have been sold but for the rare {vcen and Embroderies at NEW YORK COST medicinal properties coutused in the prepara FOU CASEL Ladies ia want of suc Vituelew wall tion, and the sanction of the most prouiuent Li wrently to ther advantage toed) and Canine plysicians in those werGens of the country tay stock as Pan deterimioed to chore theme out where the article is best recommend the Bitters to their paticnts, but are ready atall times to pive testiuionials to its efficacy in ull cuses of stumuciic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom This is notatemporuy popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which i destined to be ay enduring us time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach bitiers have proved shown, who not only all Goods ou band at atly Reduced Prices. A. MYERS, Not, BUILDING Tah ttol aii ttles sellr Gre GWANITe Muy 1d. Salisbury Wilhelm & Gorman. | ome A iM EC) /.HOTE LS. New yoRK cost: SNMON (4% HOTLL | IN | SALISBURY. et 7 VUE subscriber tuker pleastre in anunoncing to his friend=, and the public general y. that he hae| Ve Uae long: eetablished and weld huewn Hate aud hos inade every postible prepytation ty accomp o date the business the public, Particuls: attention ie paid to his ‘TABLE, andevery comfort i* provided in his ROOMS Hix STABLES are wi gudantly tended by ful ontler; to the proprietor giver lie personal attention A comfortable OMNEBUS runs regularly depoton the arrival ofthe cars With these ethorte te is confidenth eoherted WM Hobe mortsatisfector) muanber a oeor ae wll Heare.o liberal share of the public patronag ROW ZEEE U-8S } January 25th, 1e60. travelling and vieiteng portions © supplied and 7 Yepartinentt to the } North Carolina Foundry AMERICAN WATCHES. MACHINE WOBKS! R. WIL W. R. WILSON AS just opened a new lot of GOLD Il and BILVER DUUBLED CASED | AMERICAN PATENT LEVER WATCHES. J wheoh be invites all lovers of a good, huudsome an reliuble time keepers lo come aud examive ‘These watches are manafaccured aud guarantied | FRERCKS & RAEDER, by hin te be inade of the beet inaerial, of the moet SUC me ORE TS approved principle, and poeseesce every requisite tor BOYDEN & SON, a reliable Wine keeper Wu IL 1 continue Forsuy defectin maternal workmanship or perfor- hand all nvuce onder fare usage. be atall Cine holds biunee! | AGRIC ULTURAL IMPL, EME NTS lo manatacture@and keep on Ceritientes g ven with each warch sold rtment of Gold and Silver He D. ale le Cased atid detuched Lever trade heretofore A fad asmortines Gold Doulle Cases 13 jewerle from SU te 40 Plows, Calusators, dollars each ¢ and Silver, Doubled Cased, from 10 to Corn-Shellers Straw and Feed Cutters, go dalbire each | Hovse-Powers, ved Sowers, DON'T FORGET TO CALE at the Store next Thresheis, Cider aud Sogar Mille door to McNeely & Yonug’s Store. Main Street. Thresperand Separators, ‘Phe, alse manufacture Saleh Ouisber tiie tag tly | Shafting and Machinery a {for Great Mulls Cireul rand Vertical Saw Wille, Gold, y ( | lt | Copper and stiver Mines, Pobacco Presses and bax LV ee Ll XC, eV Da iet SC turer, Xo GaN attention ISTINGS ie undersined rexpectfully call the a Godsend to regions where fever and ague » at Deuyygisie aod MWercharte te ther renewed and various other biliwus cca) taints have Quick Sales and Short Profits, 1 nO TEypA FORGING S and BESTE D WOEK ot every qock or very FRESH AND PURE counted their victims by huudreds Yo he | dewerption mmde tooord n, and warranted ia every bs ’ In Boydews Granite Row Opposite the Rowan Huse | i \ . meets able to state confidently tat the © Bitters” ae ut eae (inter ay dharani air NUSeHNIEN Drogs & Medicines: are acertain cure for the Dyspepsia and like UIE (pickles ics onnietien (e EoH YY Cesenyhe OM 4 i . short selected with wach discrumimation at the lowest rates, diseases, is Co the proprietors wu source of un- splendid stock of Fart ure he best n | sbary, N Pemleatits ly3h HLiniaand Abad Iaadutiancan ches eaniplele alloyed pleasure. It rem ves all morbid matter ever part of Che State | tt eum, Standard, Raleghy Patriot. Greensboro’; Demo. areortinent of Wedieies. regular aod propeetars, from the stomach, purines the blood, and 9 Cent: xo siecle Chive) Pick Peak (uA te Wes As ie A Hewile st | they Weve a hoe of F awe ti rthe nervous syste aritce tives edie tevery kind, Parlor Chairs . ae eerie : ‘ ‘ . imparta renewed vitalicy (0 the nervous system, Sect Bistes Me RUC las : Linon tt Weekly) Columba, Observer, Puyettevill : Druggists Fancy Goode, Perfumery, Spaces, Paints giving it that tone and onergy indispensable Keehing Chairs, Cane seat and Winsor Chanis. Chile ! a Vie dadl eine WIE pullich dinoitlia aid frwad soneom so for the restoration of hevlth Ut operites upon dren's Chui, ibat-stands. Wash-rGineds, We, in fact : : ox RES Oo ‘ ‘ HEN , 1 oe the stomach, liver, anid other digestive orguns, i womourtive. ail of which we will well as Morganton, N.C. hs nety irom wlich hoyers con select a mild’y but powerfully, and soon restores them che spas can be bought ia the St ie . PITS superb New Motel has gnined the repatation i hs " ; at the lowe ate nus te oi ere toacondition essentia! to the healthy discharge Vso. a rend ossortinent of Wood Coffs kept on of being a FIRST ( LASS HOUSE, and second | iy NV 175 AY ( | Phey ask a pee a uA Cu H na me f f c' ' 1 ' we reasathalile . pis 14 a experience yeern, ¥: a of the functions of batuve / . band, wad toruished on mn woble terme ae Con iy yon in te State. As anevidence of it, Lreferte | “i 4K L te ae er |. b ai Acninen tale Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as be had We have « fine new Henese for funeral oc- eho iyany fasoruble netices by the Pres hiteostule trade with the Rue ee peste a State, or directi 5 ¥ rhe iPHotn rey i ve canis ‘ i jsde ceuc asa tod a consequeht knowledge of the real wan of per directions on the bottle, and they will find cusions Call at the Furniture Store of Wiehe Ce eee He es eee tS ee Buena onneie irenlientie GORMAN Your section af iriry in it astimulant peculiarly adapted to comtort ASUS AS | ue [ ! ' declining pene ie ia a fe een a cn a : i M & ee SIN ca heer eee a ; hoies te Ms W ISHING toconerntiote my bands on one pla procuring wood ng indirect correspondence with , Salisbury. April 26th, Psu. ely upon the repuraton of Che Pbour: be nustoiue invigoruiiog tthe bowels, excellent aga tonic, 1 ' ie! ue ! ae ae pra i re ii s i Bee i T propose to a lu i ius Ds wh a ! the chvef Wanatactar ie NG Veelatast this and fe and reyuvenating gencratly, We bave the evi- W Y 715 d fie aa : Nat ee rain reader, Continuing 4 > stot tbe soli it en commnies: they will be able to siop y Vor needs | ME eeraTa unt LenO Chee ca nar matterenien RA A ate Rewar a 1S a I | : Wtrom hont grey ground perettatider a dirk boas, espa! at for he Gotncog + ason’s business, woth vrent satistac who have experienced the benetit of using this ; i re at i 1 iS » ne Te Hiity teany in Rowan Nearly one halt ot the top te yourselves cn quttity: prices and te ruin preparation while suffering trom stomach de- 3 RSS Sea ae ie aes . ee © temtlin woods, Combaning agreat d ber JOUN © BARKER & CO rangements and general debility: acting under nea Negro wan named ALEX or (OS, Brown & Co's Stage C fice, Tia the NCR A Peers im about 400 gous c naweR | No. 154 North Bd St, the advice of physicians, they have abandoned VILEN WADERS ida Pe ey ' : ; , ‘ Merona! BOTTOM L BU MEADOW ctiier Cuvmirs © vores | all deleterious ‘drugs and fairly tested the Sper Sdeet mor nets hah, and sat ths Tous Ther FOUR HEN uN He orate quality ‘Phe DWELLING " well arrang ety ih) merits of this article. A few words to the AEE ECCT TP o Tha Tos ve We filow, fe ce rat te vy : otthe W > € Rial Re ae Containing nine rootas, warret and ce i tle geuller sex There are certain periods when ENCE MOM AARE ok Eee , PR eS Ae A ! Cee oes eee ee ees ee de Ua ) rade yy i clieirrenven nreceo Jitrissinie (iin many nica \ kit prob slne Re une ee sa Ui Sdunteve ENTKA NC Rav thot Th i Wepre ert let OST AICI VL sink under the trial, ‘The relation of mother ' peaueieh of Seobory, Wis, COACHES ond HACKS cody tars hour ane tor teu firewnebundinge, sam if Wiehe dew ASHE COUNTY. & In Pquty and child is so absorbingly tender, that the teenie NDS) Aah Peanesunui TMi yy pnt . ure KE aL era mother, especially if she be young. is apt to bigiv 1 ewire Nin ayrebensicn aed CaS ‘one Vie dor atin ig Coovement berg vathin five Wyatt Peery ce David J Peres. Hiern Calloway, forget her own health in her extreme anxiety st Lew N 6 Als evwill Pnoriincan tides ds PUES «8 very | y Par mendes Shad ach Catloway and Joh on Baker for her infant. Si 1 the period ot maternity pay (eal vinta nee rea ! ) fe Polaco ot Goon Priite faut ft Pte Me rane iatecthie aniive during the sumer season, the wear of HE hardening» ; t ‘ ~ tecauiesqiete 2 at us feoitant. TW wa Sti ranch il iN body and unadas eenerally aggravated Here, vy Ache G0) | vim ' \ INO NX BES DSH AW io chat resi oa ho oroh Ir then. is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- Oct 4 7 uy ; ee ' ; ' D ae! my, th sion bem " rate the ene cf the svsteu. and enable the me in " fre Satin WW sa te weeks Poon Ue mother to t Unuer her exbagsting tials nee A a Ow °S mvc G NAT th RU tera ot a) and vesponsitil Nursing inothers gene- Graensbox ough Mutual Cc AN ony Giese celta Canelreld in shee Crane rally prefer the Ditters to all other invigora 1) lente Dp M { \ a HW » : f i. 10-0511) ae eon Jeffers noon the 2 De te secede ocis Look RANCHES COMES 1. oul oauen OuNe, Vegetable Lithontriptic, voi ae le « cians beenusxe it agrecatie to the taste as Pays all Losses Promptly ! / yen acd it id, onewer or deur te placctif's well ax ce un to give @ periuubent InCrease DIE CEOS: is FRIEND OF THE WEUMAN FAME) biteus “ Wine nent poo Cont eee ow be taken of bodiy strer pene ae taut MWh aue the Cadre set tor hearing exparte All those persons, to whom we have particu- Joh A ADS VJ Nin CERES x , | BU RY SERRE KING FRom . vein larly referred above, 10 wi sufferers trom ae oes ign) Maa Joha L ¢ le ey) \ - \e Tae Ww me Be Ramee et here Merere fever and gue. coased by malaria diarrhoea, Seis von it mor hen Mek DEAS TD RIDNEYS. cron iie esi © thie he Mv Pet) dysentery, indigestion, loss of wpperite and | ape Jeg VI Uredeay tran Wt Sdee Hanent bar bie cred forthe enter , eee Cary, foe) GEORGE BOWER COME unigements of the stomach, eo one , ih fe ate T:. the Pts rn eer aaa! “ Ete si eee froin ka tw2 rdoanvalnis, persous of sedentary pert Nan 1 ‘ View mires iia ct ne aay Weer eia dt Net sand marsing ie wid consult te en A J \ ‘ { ' he Pet wh pl Uo wellare x to Tos: vue omnes Sareea of io M f i ' ' ‘ De ’ M 4 H na ae ola ; oe UME a neers i” RE Ww ARD. I vgainst I r Al \ tt ‘ ce ‘ PANN). ® ‘i ar Vhernas using any of nany imitahons or counters \ ‘ q I 1 cw tn ‘ Vou ! : ‘ocnd bow 8s feitx, but ask Hostetren’s CoLmnnaten Nu Las ' Bhoileoter mente | : » ' bo tena DN Ok TRIS TP es Tk hut Sromacu Birt ne i) ¥ * I i ' ule. ts thats tite ates Me wie pated Bi yeaent mee, of tour 1b bes bign. weighe the words Pant Se Pvt . : 1 ' 1 heclont : 0 . : ' te teccon. whut blown ont TN M > sod Press's : aN ' ; : » \ rm tle ead on the ret tS Is 4 PEN EIS tear ( tae Pees fis 1 ' aid uoight ane observe tliat # SNE (= ae Net NEN Ja ha > ’ rN ! Wethadoe when label yt | ‘ Cy wet J ' my ' \ towel black bortons ae- Prepared and sold by HCSTETTER & Treated : \ + " Shee ional (i BMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all Nileet 3 ; eee Ny I 4 : ' i fone weer ee ea eee aa | er mportent to Mill Owners!) mys ins throughout the United States, South Ame- PETER ADAMS. Seeretary T * E ‘U iN I Oo N,’ wil ‘ ms teoend Said bow w rica, and Germany. Cater Oem lNGeO elas Ice 00 4 , ae COLT HINSO LT oat NilimtNanenrnmkesnn fa me r . tharte ESE 1 boy soany Ww Cs é a o ! a 2 . yrds pr tlve pee fth weit ties ¢ SCO’ DS MEADE, PAS OR SAT, PHILADELPHIA. Di Shei ee EFL LES A Tae te No sHEI , \ \ . FiO, efi e Ce ANHEN Ss, he . eo tte UY i \ ‘ EPION SS. NEWCOMER EE, Phe apes vd wad he vt Ney Chara eel 1 ' \ \ Dinter Wow PM Streets , , . Peet A ta 4 “ omtioe ® an wud metly oe Sil mi Kris Petty Hori oti 10% ' He Ho TURE wk ieee ‘ | \ verpe 1 ot VY dein \ I ‘i WoH R fe i tig 1 i= Teak ne * HN t NDALL Woe ed noun \ vs SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE, vio. a mee “ Ue EIR Nie ( a hak ens ' oe ee ane : I “ , \ . 2 ‘ 4 - we reool th U atte ° Cea Peete Ci eee te DAILY U. SUATES MALL, CLOTHING! MARY HASKIN, . oe Noch - . f eos. 1 te ) ta [Gs (‘4 | WING ' I slits feet i ; . I . ¥ n ee S PRS tes a alse os t ' * . . ‘ ah ! mn Aug 1 , me MeM \ N ‘ . = ae Ran COMMISSION MERCHANT, | : | Ponysery ened ga fae oe wp bh IDEUEUTP UIE See ener UN ec i aes SN Te NCCr ICNe TEDL Lente IN y ME MANNE co ee \ rnc? 1s \ a ' Ma elk t $ ' 1 . (on JOHN F. JONES, Prspretr a ie “ : ests Mic ify a ‘ Von Dap. a me a, ee Ive 4 i Two valu ble Plantations tor Safe. BROAD STRELT. D2. MOUTARDE'S a ny MI 1 te ~E, Me Lactiean r wis ‘ CEN A iia t MiB Sat z hie bun Retetcay Nes Wi seniae { ; DP; e hill M Ds san 44d Coctractocn ae een eeren la It » TPA CTOUS POUR THQ. boc cn tes ravens Mong tn 88.0 & # 1 ( \ é ( Sieevacit u i Poe which oe re stem cubs RHEUMATISM. VL eur few dye D tes , . NEC RUE Tt ie SUPERIOR dow Hp tat hing & 1 i ] , ‘ Stable POOTIACHE 1 i ce ; uh ee AVERY STADIO. (onl! one sighs LOCNE WATER, rare colleekien of every compl iin of : ; a os ! PUNINEES TE 6 Lbs vet Treble Distilled from Fragiant Flowers | i , ' t If / fe ‘ ny see Varun goo Mew vel) watered, i heldren READY- MADES. a ve He th Lea ew at) \ ee ie \ Tra provet public m gre ‘ : : Northing in the world ta het .) \ ' eas ' » Tra r / a mid A DRUGGist VND AROTITEC AR heat es Haase ; ' Vise it : | : ' Now VeGand iss Man St, a ' tae aos . : a ! aly qd Psat y wt es 0 7 4 ‘ un ; eee te re Pe SAMS, Se ! 1 I \\ rR Ti Nett NWN Ach | \ . te D vithe We ne Ps eis Nel tical ict ‘ : : Poe Vere. Qoere, Seis and St per Bote is ' euler es rHowWAs bh BROWS ME es CON re leer eon : ee I Tee Whew see oath ut ; Be N ¢ ned eek Stay: tft0 ‘ PUT Nessa ReN STN # ee : a ee ee = Re RARDWARE!! | : ‘Ww (iy ‘ my it yes t I. t Nn. The Sibseriberw are reee ving and r ret ts Fate is ! . > te! ‘ : ° theoold stand ot G Mo & VE i | r {oa penitent FOR SA me ! wher 18 wry tive. hie : , See oy ee AM naw oterogany valitde Ply cor Wine | pa ta cage - TH i : MURR & SOSSAMON, MM ek f ll rdw re ee feat ete 3 ne a alia i Si ey cineca iat S b I. CO a aaa i 0 a ( a a 1 era WO eres Mader Chnasaict: ' t id 5 Daas Meu ‘ Ue elaine elt tha crewitiat ol i ‘ Woh Ae Ce TE ve ' this Marker, which having been bought dient hanieeae iy ermine Nae x ) ' TET NINES UTRONNGS CO: FUPATE Fe tree tive! the Monutacturon or their arents, exela were A TP Gacy lat sti : my 1 \ \ Mo Not ‘if LIN en ey ee h lo Se ; WIRE. STOVES, 3 Rcsly ennai Weitere (ee pte teat: tedane Apnl 17th, bed. tae sow Mb Va timbered eo aitey Joo \ Ue 1 Mey willon woth che barren or ; at of COOK. ten te Whole Ret! buyers. A call in re. . : Re p wert uld de wellts cation liber teers t Nias A tncetd eritiienot DANN Geee NX ISICCNte Sitter EN RC Ted Oh Pus erence iat Uti STEROLS Gab AT SOUTIFERN HAT AND 4 ay : aa Ua NY, | TEN SNYDER ' eee eh aeae ‘ JONES & OVERMAN rye Lift De i ’ a 5 . sbary 13. 1sb0 wd J me (ai , , Nhe ord. whe will take wer A alee inber 6. 1859 1S sibe da T\Warerii Northiten halite as\ aie Po weth Su ’ vide Taye Cie OS) ACI) ee tere cen eee ram e t Pia and Japeed TIN WARK sad sTELES JOMN DOOLEY, DW CRENSILAW Kept hetd AT kas Pan sheet fron or : eT , y ' ‘ opp ‘ Noo st. Mane srarr, Rinsosn, Van, Nugnet 23, 1859 wie L. AN ID ! L. AND! | ae TEU A LUN @U aN ela Witine NOT (Cle TO \ LL. Ma turer and Dealer in TE SURSCRIE Re nisin ducernane nie ; WURR & SOSSAMON TL WAVE deternined to settie soy outstanding ba. PPR STRAW Lhe NOan a SORT QND MOLF AKTS Reduction in Price. T! ‘ Satie ll | Sabsharyo dun Tt, Ti 133 ne ne firs iy topo ne hier p ee ats PRESS WATS | rapes, notes and accounts in the hanes 6 , LIEN Weta Tne Sime eae ee OW x | 400 Acres of teed BEARD. whe isomy agents aod all theme that) re | eee eee een ie SO oh “0 Pee eee en, ee WANTED ALONE UT dail Oar he Dh (hie: mid ligewi leanne HPNDERSON & ES ; Heaven cial MONEY 1 WOsT ANT whi Dow ' , lp wd Woate wes ow d nn | ' 20. 0: 9 ; i . , Jan 10, M60 ee i egal a feet Sycamore Lumber, WHET HAVE MVOE UE UING a mat ' ' 4 } (lee dely (ye iwalh nate (han SS eerieeiaarian| Hein Su Vance Raters thaGl) 1087 rot PILE OINTMENT. [este Steen ica tie |B tie ies Ma ile hak , Ce er Sn tl Manufactory con fe Mee eens cetera | filo FN \ CVE © en OUTNCrN WANA ory. M pt coms ' add wn A it t he + ‘ ft I bso Macy 22d, 1S f0 tn? ae ti “ : aun HENDERSON a ENNISS 7 ' ova 1 terns Tatilitin pane) Zit - ir) | HES Vet ASE NINO SEE NAL TEAS VERY alien less ' M HILLSBO:iO we | VE NOTICE Mine eth KEE, apenoeniqnalits Blick MW " ' mein Tiienins a ans Necthern Manatvenured atook ! bh \ \ ‘ \ a eh MILITARY ACADEMY. | (LOSE pidebn cd tothe fie of Wilhielay and Gar F Whern + nae reepeettully sohected \ nt “OM Cie ea : re , | h Oe tee wait oli eeand Balk waned ‘ i t al Hitomi Geet Tee GN cl med ' Lae Han is nider the erban il ' ome ers ia AO, TON ere ' 1 i x f ot ; | (Ca Net Str (oneemt ot oh Us ’ ts vem \ Ga eoccleipeani Feb 2b, 1860 689 Salsbury, No ¢ led ROP WUSSENE | ry N lun i i fl of " A fae wise an auth inst ( I ' nN ieee We ' ut wey Oflu | at , site Tie est cs Oe | WITTE GORMAN SOUS THIS. Te cacy tnt dans 1 = y Isat My 2h) Nt 11s (te » NTT Eestinray | ed , : ip the BN a aera a aC ks W AN Ped). TAS. A. SADLER, Jr. Coe Ge HN ae nara Minette re] | SS COUR AVL ila aes WIL SODS IS these indebted tay have a chane pay, ae tl wl Iw ' k | Ta TH RREM & CO, Ube ot nt ' . settle nent of every account w widly enforced 60 White Hands ae ce a Sewing Wachines. 0... = , ee ne ee Spring Wheat. Phe edhe tee HE \\ ANGMAR na R vies net ; ee Riaieyn Spree best SHERMAN BROTHERS pe Ie bee hnvintennennenumicee Ane b) fir . YY ime: o ul Mik, ge wl ej nN [ernie elonnen sins WHEELER § WILSON 8 SEWENE ME DRAYING. are a! a CHINES. ence prepare te tur Heoble wit ly eat VENINCH . . ‘ ' Ha d a t ¢ \ eee gat Charlane, No ¢ CORTHERN Taware, Cutlery, Guns, way Coan Mtr tinny als Done SUSIE wal anodes tie that he ep A ENVY (Goo? ‘ aa PASS SIGE, LUCEY TEAM AND WAGONS for the purp a) Nt oat Purpose LIME FOR SALF. Rp ee Ni tetoraido Watling eatin aed will arto all wn iia tovet ts. with P A T 1D N I J \ R & UARGE quantity of Norhern time nein ead NEW YORK. ae ae atts inn thie lhe Menten ; / al ° ado LES ORGE MOWERY in berte oor by the baah | ale sunon | June 5, 1860) finpae a y nn B . ‘ TUPERIOR + A to for PRE. con's Tas Yard Tiwill hen ery cheip, whole | Arch 20th, YN60 ia RRAVINCIE RTC THEO ETA RI EM Te) el teee nt 2 : URN ED ue r on rere eo PE ae euch feey ose ce Buegies and Rockaways. 4 IP SE 1 50.0 Brick F ; RARE hind, loca SLC! enclih wayenn hand and fur ast FUE rere hae tat of fon heme new far EVERY VAREEDY, FRESIE nod WARRANT 50.00 Brick For Sale Inty 24 co) , Green and Diy Ue des alaaye to comand wr! nesnnd Rockawaye, whioh be will aelen goo ZED, 8d hy Wo WVATE ees waning to bay Pifty or siety Th ynaand Wo sJMONTON |(ormes THOS. FB BROWN, IX6 und Jax Main et, Salsbury. No ¢ good Brigk, can geta bargain by calling at [he Tih, TRAD. 110 | Jan 24, 1860 a5 | July 24 19) Office 1147 FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, Blanks of all kinds for eale at ths off |’ Sekine Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in whieh we have labored tu produce the moot CP etusl wlteruutive that cum be nade, Atis a conuceytiated exinuact of Paru Dare- puriilu, # eet with other substances of eull greater alleruove power a® to cfford an effective ane tiduie forthe diseases Sarrapuriiia in re puted iocure Abie believed that such a rine dy is wauted by thore who suffer foi Strumeus Complants, and that ove wich wil accomplish ther cure must prove of im. mens: wervice Lu this large clase ot our afflicted fel. low enizens. How completely thie compound will do been proven by experiment ou inany of the found tn the following complan DECKOLULS AND SCROFLLOL® COMPLAINTS, ERUrtions any Becrrive Dingases, Urcers Vim Les, Blotes Pomow, Sacer Ki kom, Seatp Heap. Syewitis amp Syrufiiiic Arie rioss, Mi kcCRIAL Diskane, Uaorey, Necwatots ok bic Dovrovweux, Destuisy, Dyerep. nA AND ENOioeerION, beayeire las, Rose on St. An. and indeed the whole clase of com. trom Imruniry or THe Broop. ‘This con pound wall be «und @ great promoter of health whee tuken in the spring, to expel the foad ich fester in the t wt that season of By the tavly expidsien of them luany dieorders are tipped ithe bud Multitudes honselves from and ulecroun sures, nowill elive (ond iter fief Noaesoted to do tis thrugh the fs of the hody by vit Whar worl Cages to be rHony s Fike > arin Stners Ww the yror rauhbrg can, by aid of (hie rem dy endursnce of foul + cb the py ihe ruptios through we conan w st Aehamne Cleuuxe out the natu analeraive medicine vd blood whenever vou find it” Hopur ies bursting ‘hreugh Cie skin tu punples, erup- Cee Cleat we puri ns C wher vou finds im eopetruer- ed aud staguishoi the vet 5 cleaie it whenever it te foul, vod your leclings will cell you when. Bvea where me particle Caerder te f 1, pecple enjoy bet. terheabh, and wwe leuger, for cleauomg the blood Keep the blood heathy. and all i wells but with thee pahatuw of life disordered, ther tughealts OS can he Lo lest. ster some thing must po wrong, traclguers of lite ir disordered or over- weror an thrown Sursaparila his. and deserves much, the reputation, ny leehing But the word hae niously deceived by preporatios sof it, partly ‘the vitue that is tal pre porationa, bthe great of n these ends been eg senvse the douy vlone has net claimed for it, but more because prebe odin ta be er Niraled ex racts of it, contain but lite of the viride of Surapania, or any thing ese Daring lete years the pubie hove heen malted by larre botles, pretence to give a quart of Extret 1 ar Wom of for the sare parila tor ore de pon the mek hese have been tranes y heronly contain Wile i any. Sarseparibe, but otton ie earaive: prope erties whotever Hener, bitter aud paintal disap Pactient how followed the use ofthe venous extmes Sars parila which flond the avarket, until the nun is justy deep xed. aud has become synony- ineus wih cupesitien aid cheat, Soll we call thie Cnpeand Sa rep odin, and intend to supply such @ romedy as shall remeue che nome from the load off oboguy wh oehores spent Ang we think we have rovied for helievin thes virtues wloch are iresetic we by Nheordini y rum ot thie diseas) sit is intended we ‘ erie secure their complete eradion- Gendeaneetiens in. the reed ui by judieiun y noareu dig fe dir hans on the bette PRPARED BY DR. VER & €0., EON eM Ass) Priee Xl res Borrne; Six Boriies ror §5. has wo en cf he sue of eery \ ! 1 , an il Con plant. that itisen- ver reemeary doris te rece unt the evidence of a owherey hin been eniploved sit t ne tourse hrowshout thie seetiem ” tesure the people its qualie \ \ v bos been, aud that tinay bet er Ler ag thartehet all thes ever heen t ‘ ee Ayai’s Coste Cathartic Pil’s, Dyspe pn nhs 7g & Iedigestion, Dys~ Headache, entery. t Ntpelas Piles, Rhromaticn Evap . Nin 1D) ceases. Liver Coininmih Da] tea iainticin ONsehhewm, Wu Gat, N yu Dunes Pill, and for P: Boo Phes 1 rind se thot the most seusitive « 1 i y ! ‘ are the beew apesectin ihe word ter ad the purposes ofa fam y ply sic Prick 25 cesisien Boy, Five Boves ron $1 00, Great numbers of Clergvmen, Physicians Statea-. m and ' sniges, Have lent cher qomes teeert p ' . sof these reme- dies bat our poree bere wo ie ntithe imation, ot thou | Netw okow ‘ furiich grate ar Ay Niwas which chey ar givem; Withee Peeples he ob ve complaints, 1 bn ewed for their ' off Cealers with other fil on. Den and k thers ‘The sick want the best rtum, od hey seculd have it. mar Reamediecs are forsale by W ~ \ N-G., & faise wn Nt ‘ 1 Berry. mm Texiuigtou Nite An CN oka © Has SOY \ Charleston, Sac. March) eeoull ly4h SAT. OC coe LIVER INVIGGRATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES. I taco por tedentirely from G ames noe Medien Ara snowre: ases for which ¥ the Inst two years nrevet as the aumerous jpomses en ahr nperement of the dia ouch quantines as to [judgment guide you in the VIGOK ATOR, and it plaints, Bik Diarrhoea, he, Eu cay tum, Fla pale Weakness= asan Ordinas « iwilleure SICK thousands can testify.) fe two or three Toas jem at commencement of t spoonfals are tak- attack ' Vt who use It are, fag givimg (heir testimony in ita favor, MIX WATER IV THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORAIOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGE Paice One Dol ar per Bottle, — ALS, — SANFORD'S - CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FR Pure Vegetable Extracts, Va ret apta ASS CASKS, Air Tight, and will heep y cifmmate, y Cre} oe PAA PRATUG ETL Tok secs: which » bas atharties act et L ed fart, t (fier te iver c pmowes pavil Siawer THREE aty 1 te se Dicnerietor 335 Broadway, Yew Pore: SHH) tin DONS (TS MileSn WCOusrs a y 1y8 ORRELL & GRADY, nines holewle Dealers in ATS, CAPS I Straw and Millinery Goods, Umbreilas. Parasols Flawers, Ribbens. ae., No 18 Courtlandt Street. Dp pooreretl ) UP STAtRs voof Poyete ie, No ¢ es CN ee eee j Vow York. BLANK DEEDS | 7 FOR SALE AT TUlls CURA LOE 4 7 J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy,$2.00 ?tf :3 é | Five cop $8.00 .‘ Ten copies,$15.00 Clabs exceeding ten,in the same proportion! $1.60 each.Payment always in advance ' T vc following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS are kept ou hand for sule,at this office.Can be sont by mailto any part-el the country,at siual V ()I XN Vi I Iexpenseee .Civil Warrants, THE ABOLITION PLOT IN TEXAS."°"© The Louisville Courter publishesa let- ter from B.F.Barkley,of Birdville,Tex- as,to D.M.Barkley,ofLouisville,giving \interesting additional details concerning {the abolition-negro conspiracy in Texas. ;The letter is evidently written ander ‘strong excitement,bat the facts which it detuils are calculated to justify such a state of feeling.We quote only a por- TAN TTD “fe tion of the letter.It says: A U G U S |a 3 1S60.‘We have discovered,in the posses-Com totake Depo ©&3.C .:x ee sion of several noted Black Repnblicans, SVUISbUNY.NN.Cy ers Peatamentary,:c Letters ot Aliministration boxes of Sharpe's rifles,Colt’s pistols,aud Sent Ce :Bred leet ere oe trou letters found with them,we learoIrecycdlDevotedtoPolitics,Ves,Agricalture,Internal Improvements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Morality,and the Family Circle,vs several bores are em route to thiHaimpaiedniciseeTeOrnsiementeeplaceadotherpoints,with which to armWt|Drei Mtrea ihe slaves.|just learn that the citizens’ Deliv cove Miah country.It i eee :;:}/=eee committee have hung two men in Dallas Sues rele tn.Is not yet too kite.—SHLAVES OF TIVE'S HARVEST.Prom the South Caroliman.body is not well cared foré And why A SAD CASE OF HYDROPHOBIA.county,and on day before yesterday aApactnertoraaanieemtenteWankTherearestillthreemonthstotheNEIGHBORMOODS—No.2.man by the name of Crawford,from Min- d to order on shore otice ‘eee election,Much can be donein that nesseta,was hung in Fort Worth,in this—time,Tf the union movement that Pore rrsed us howd or une boaw of oath,Tivenlocen :el need,then,of denyiog one's sult 8 county.They fuand in his hoase twen- THE VOICK OF A BRECKIN-we rcemmend be adopted—and it is Ae Ploiwhed deep firowe wii teonce iwemncienth re towel eating ve not conte d 10 ites compelled tof Tent Plove good Tribune from Toulininvilie,Alabama:ity-tive Colts pistols,fifteen muskets,and RIDGE ORGAN.ithe only prac tical one,the ouly une Tene a ie cn Nea dines ia ae ere i "ce ar eae nie a o ae "a -ak no 7 Some tine in the month of Febrary eight commonrifles,anda a eng :..:.that crn be successtul—there ort 1 Vhen sparkled the et eniyprens “it ystilu a as neue w WG UE ats !It :t Vidyed Ou dlatevilie a thie vear,as Mrs.Tucker was walking tour Colt 8 Navy s)Xes an forty ealTheNewYork/erald.in the fol-Aud the leaped suned at the mounere grief,Keed cating varies in alimgatevery district Witbouta tear out regret Reader have along the road,a large dog,which was Sharpe's rifles,which had been forward.e me) lowing article,points out the most and such a fureor of patriotic senti:Tune ud by a good things viven for the sustenance of man if mot te be used ¢—BY EMILY J.ROMEO."4What | eo ;.+OSES Under date of the 20th of July,Dr.E. P.Gaines writes as follows to the Mobile BY ELIZABETH ©WRIGHT soon be such a burst of enthusiasm A#te gathered home thet pomedistient that whieh ds a yreat luxury in one Yeu not often seco faniies who vaglt to 4 rietly lying down,sprang up and seized ed to him from a house in Boston,andNoMnicrenudnneenieltplacebergregardedwithdisguetinaneliveinPalateville¢for Stroretoeenaruier im,and inthe,Which had not yet arrived.They alsoNiasWelteraiehitildeofbersaudthetootcoumpthingshere,Susatewron.S.C.desperation of fear held bin until the)found documentary evidence showing @ owner came and took him off The dev,|wide spread conapiracy,implichting pro- practicable way of defeating the cxu-ment as would sweep the revolution-ean i hepnoe didatesofthat political organization ary republican party out of exisience.Where ee 7 peeve nin ee ee ae ie ctl Andiggeeetiog pate|—tee f eat \Bo siuh Ca NGAI a, ‘:";a.Hin Ocean Lo veeats dintant shore y Seat Z bg paper |:wowever,bit her band and mangled jr,|uinent sublicans at the North;an which is based upon hostility to the |::~a nae (ruck!+6®forest rhadowed o'er s Wight be,as many have be oi written Ou HOW LADIES SHOULD DREss,le alavbit his master whey ‘hesebk hi while I a three more persons are ur South,As a supporter ofBreckin Grand Scenery—Where 2 t7 We tS sepa taeereea nee)Sa ie re APES whighty le oat,and |ve ind:inp All the bie Bosal pe {i Mow Tucker visited;ig an exasaination before tbe.citi- he >the geran-i.te Lovee al a FE I 4 ep,vbw. :6,Te atvises his friends ton |lest se ery of We orth Carolina sbi A nama benihe”ier my ni ate.nee bo +Ne ‘cosdik aetieditslesson,and:isa Democratic organ)Many persons whose tie is limited wish Re lee ere yas eae Neve the hittle Buxen word bread is up:la oe ‘As the feauiinis)heretéfore was go strony|He rmeeteg”I our towofthelastthreeyears,it warns the [#e by tat which exor wll and te thts Caine tune tal w Saye eis dead:Pied to aboutus many different kinds of As you look from your windows insthat we could not have hydrophobia in|God only knfwe what is to be the result incre’Menocrics OF onareon to viewing the master poece of nature's us row the den:bh gts alow food us any one wuddom the hingnas Paris,observe thefirst titty women who this climate,and as it Mente Menantiofuut 1 ‘do hope that every abolition emis- :.;:MER GUCCI UE tie Uepnivaiusit nat gt yan i ou eee hrove for Whire dh one place the stiPot lite”pass;forty have noses depressed in the the year that we would scarcely expect it)sary may be canyht and made to sufferitscounsels.These are the imme-vet seeing the lesser attractions,“To alt ag)Teer enue urioanetars .tents Tilt teaves made ot Wheat flour,in middie,a small quantity of dark hair,and in any way,and as the dog was not far the just penalty of his cries in death.— diate union of Breckinridge and >"Howe dnower that ih our opinion tee Cte eee yn,ee another Worelers only to cakes mude of a ewarthy complexion,bat then what a from his master’s residency,it seemed un-Itis true that it may seem hard to hangeeCeecceeeeineshebieryiwercommeal;io @ third to a muxture of toilet!Not only enitable for the season,advisable to use the severe means that,man without judge or jury,but when ,‘::ae :SUC CALI GA Meu NtCNen)weigh teen)trenvleen ye lc eileen eran beth,in a@ fourth to lowes made of rye;but the age and complexion of tue wear are recommended in such cases,anless,‘he fives of oar family ure at stake— dates of the Constitutional Union ES natked )ok y Were drowned i Jinn hae Hith to semething ese;and so onall er.Tow neat the hands and feet!Llow ©proof Was positive that the dog was when those that are most near to us areparty.Thus saith the //erald SLs ie Le Piet anche en nee nny over the world,bo two coutines agree well the clothes are put en,and more aad,°iu danger of being not only murdered in‘ae .the stil,eu j !Teen nates ey :Nyede to What bread is,OA beigabor than all,bow well thes suit each other!Atier the dog returned home,he acted cod bieod,but perhaps to meet a worseProposedUnionMovement—Vhe wild in the turbulent at f eae ie =he teat Ode Vas Miortadt bes alent tock Before Engish women can dress per oso strangely that the uaster concluded tate,then itis tine to take the law into Democratic party Is smashed.and vetal waters,beantcul cm)rt Sa irenee ee Luba Mine Up dit dishes to suit feetdy,they must have the fi 4 ie be Was AG and therefore shot hin our hands,and to protect our families.its fragments are scattered.Tt ean Tae aes ‘‘;Vower oe wel fen Pte ones poate;butall da iet make dares French,esp tcolor,Que reason Pini,however,was but a sarmises teow “Lo have just returned,since writingPeaseehanefPatientisullytrue,the sequel will show.Mes,the above,trom our meeting,where we :her,after much suffering,as from any Olgieced wa committee of safety,of whieh Wildest scenery is Giatot Linwitie fDouglasDemocratsupontheeandi- no Jonger resist the revolutionary current of Black Republicanism ||:I ted chai nd have sun1,mary :.milan ound,finally egot we Was appointed chairman,and lave sum-What.ne Is the ae of the ae dined eo tintil Monday las Jaly ened fouror five persons before us to-servativeelements ofthe denmoeracy |'i ,ot ,fs te anwell:on Ulett,and JT think,from the high stand-It is incumbent on them.as they,oerds:Soeltercd |ee (ape eae tte u t be festa Dunc terees tt t At)';ee ee ice mitemnmenenine teem iiiccic Rotel conmmliltceuthiat thers will be:eee &would.save the country from the‘!‘a ce :1,hau Wied neal te ti 1 li rhowe bal posianel rey)apn,(the one that was bit,Horas stepstaken,but their course will consequencesofthe advent to power ‘“We he :':oe :;:eats i :;oe Ge!Sear et Mauer aaa:ust learned that a white womanoftherepublicanparty,to come to-ju !|ee a slave,twelve miles Southgetherandemsiderwhittheneht:’cee oi ;2 {'|Pie Sued ;'(une feet tlt (in ea,|ein teat ttt dace,and afterwards was ravieh- leveriol,at to do in the emercen:\If the ta ~I;‘‘:.ny opie vl y knew tiste PA ale :Tinea ere claret rie =Pend sud Gel 6 ‘Lue negro,T presume,was burned democratic party .split Inte two fie i Ate i.ree SU eto :is My TAU weal Wabtiess df “iste,Key nit iretinet {NY Ole !Waliow water,Tt prodne.tt (he stake on that might.[will write tions,which are as hostile to eneh ey ;Mek ith ne ee noe ‘‘WRT sh rane rk 'an it ).wah to yen ‘pe cH eA at wend tlee Ma [pa bemosnelyWelslenveeg other as thes are to republicanism ah ‘ee Nt shies et usa dy -i oe 4 u ioe THA nd age.baby etyley aid the restet your ward:etfort tude K took aWay her breath >: itself—as hostileasevertheeasaliers :.ole ue ae :i “ae f oe ::j ak ::i Bs oe ae Toe iteLOr Div BLORENG-.La heeetl cee .e ;-::‘ae npoees ber Voting ed vst !“i iat ,|do on a bed,dressed ..:we re to the roundhenad sui the house tan !:‘ea ::4 ‘Gi les i -ieee th :mre oukitie quite iatiral—esk tele resi 1e plans for “precipitatingtheCotton of York to the house of Lancastet ‘i '~1 \i :i t 1 Ley Tee ‘}ste >l oY 5if,tl oie ;:;:sat .<u ‘i Vola eee at ig to tpuise sett and weak,States ito a Revolution”are going stea-1 oe ;ided into two hh il ,:.Lj ::::‘Py iar ;rward.We vive the following justcamps,the democracy can do nothing ee ne Wee o a Be ‘wat tothar 4 fit in the Washineton Dé against the common foe,ali aan :a mu ;ee pe !:is no probability of reconciliation be- foretheelection then the best thing 4,:i mel ‘!:that can be done is to aseertain it i fan :::moet ';nie ne ;':ee et ‘yi ae ve cues au ales uke FaseeinGiaoe-ete 'ee ee an eee ;i \‘‘fan ney :ai atinee Mitscies va have bad a dash tare”broaches a scheme for the organi- rether TCO.IS it)ENSUE COTS ell a ANA 1 5 1 F i ;an :3 o hy,Crass als Wed ’ve "Mi ern ack are eel ,witter thrawna euddently in the zatwou of a “Southern Confederacy.”to vative party in the country which ‘t wun PEN Cari cae i ie os .oe ee a mot Cnr,TGR ta th rebbhe to face and breast)you gasp3 ittakes away be composed of six States—Cottun Slates with their aid.would be strone ‘Ua ss Ue ee erase iD i !oy dark vale |!um is,teovear breath.Lu such a manner didi the to be *precipitated i revolution? s ’Me ’he t ater ,at,oder a RP:4 ,t mae t t {me KIT ay a aR ’r eiyt t)See >i .enough to stem the torrent of revolu-ee :neers a :rye ghtof the water wivct her,caus:!upon tie election of a Repuliican Presi-tion.°a _a ss ee ae :\Ne lee ee :‘;;Coie Maas SE MO TS US.ul !}’t cet wosuch a te goof suffocation that the!dent-—ot which the following is an outooTSNTYshetiehtuees—:'S ons af wily th ‘A delispic.n patient ericd“away wali if yo ki ne?From the indications furnixhe a by ACMTiAteo iPerienccla at ,Hote With me :ln ;:pe .ue ae,ee i “kG G ;,f;Terry ana ne 7 ne |1 inavineg fis d an sealer sAthanta,Georgia,13 rat e seat otheelectionsintheSouth.the Union ‘he oii Sprites,the Vers a ple |vy passed :Tel aisle,at cnlor ie preriape vine he mn regant weather,woe there is ne inoisture even!government,Mr.Mo.(Meuunineer,)ofparty,represented by Bell and Ever:1 as ui :\: ett,Is the stroneest,and is just the wave it to ler,and the vers writer in ghe Charleston Merenry, atnospuore,that consumed by aos He atone Ine vritent,andtoirst,the very sizut oof water ~¢¥aney.)of Alabama,the Viee Ince such (and the S her oft -\asem-conservative mucleus around which rrilote 1 1 J ve ft Init lu froweyi‘,.ive t)siblid ’t om th Caroituaareto be | the divided forces of the democracy could rally without COMMPPotLse or 'Lee j nena al 4 ~/:eet 5 AE Rveenea‘vin services,besides the garrison of Fohuiniliationoneitherside“he Un ton In re Maes Os SRE Fs Pinte the |'rt lee (ice Wijet.sey tl tats dean)venti re,Whaeonie eayl Sumpter,nnd ian diem party eannot win hy itself,with two !‘‘‘!ea tsi ‘::en ;|;‘*.».-:Wotie de tiiiat ut )wer cancel)FATS erates nd ,f hd tainute men t be ordered otherconservative tickets in the tield:i :ere ee co cease a tas :a Be NSE =e Ce ,vw ase ti tec |ytue Provistos veruinent to hold and neither of the two wines of the a :ee nt eT :a de ‘let EON ea 1CR SING foes ad aus 1 reelves in readiness to march when democracy can be successful tor the :a g t a ve a :rire a.t ;—re ;:.5 eS ae |vt :’we oe :‘:spaois :iat.oc,roan the SIX States.These six same reason,The only alternative Poo Naso 0:dette veun tals orn |a oe a ae ee ‘e a nL os Su edsleftisthattheybothcometothebesploredesetcaneeerentheDaaToadsaneCOReeeOCGlieeenrcmeeeertTeneanosoSHaale assistance of the |wion tleket,ame that section ua cr at a i af ee i OES TL eT ttt t feet Wars,re .oe und s;5 Pemtiite hanresecun CC mncmicmmnercliantsmand help to defeat black TET UUs Nei cla DS vie |ane :F ;ise ie Det Seay at (aie t on i _oS ey and hasgard +she was sen pornie mt the Narthwaro to be se: These two factionscannot fairly ask ee :=meh cat ,oO rey -;kan ,|;_*'e rr |naed her we gin nol ca the hands of the debtors the Union men to unite with them cn S .ci Pa allowen tienen He ae rhever showed any de rerwise by the Provincial for they are not united themselves:ee ew :mesa VC de Wit auerantt eeu iterate saya ean eer :Elite ent :ae e ee mie:2 :cu }ves :i \Vellore |}M RE,ety PCLOCR WUtsday tidy thay clesire to Gischargve such debts mayanditwouldbeuselesstormGenerwarmedootredtoLeseveCoaayrelat,:Ma )’?:x JajiselessfortheUnion“wa Vout vou yo home tes si 'wovoed the pety Ueeueover to the Government.Theseiststojoineitherofthem,oun 1 Ma 1 +found see ie :a i Ne _—pall spoke me,Ms ean 2°aishs one lal ae my ,_i |deats itis estimated,will amount to fortyIndeed,it would be IM possibNe for ;!lng eT ea :te tava tat ol .‘ae a 1 aS he Ye dat Journ Hic ay m yoof dollars,and their retention bythemfolacreeastawhichofthetwo,%7%[ie beatin,Le ee ce er Wensce ee es eee eee teuntoned ate first love.tye itit debtors,or if paid over to the Gow. democratic calips they would flock e sue i ye me No,thank you vith mes elie ::TEA ue an)afi TOG recisdiinst lover the ermment,will operate as a forced Joan of t 0 She steadily crew Neri fraught Wenttp eters.Lave some of the recy mee ML ISClis,Were 4 terl the Grover Seceder ticket,and is now ure ne the cou a ea e ee to in the different States.But the eeUnionpartyareaunit.They seck the same object as the democracy- the defeat of repub eine they have no quarrel with cither section of it.W hy,then should not both sections of democrats niershial sthemselves under the standard ot the Union men for this election,to avert the pressing danger and pre- vent the ascendane y oti despe rate faction,who have proclaimed scet- ional war against the South,whose Tesult can only be the dismember- ment,of the federal re publie.Tt is! clear that with three couservative tickets in the field,all divided from each other.and acting against each otheras much as against the ene my, the republican party must triamph beyond all doubt.A house divided against itself cannot stand. The great nassoftheconservative elements of the North are anaiously looking for some w:av in which they can resist the onward march ofrespub-Heanism.‘Theos practicable way is that which we lave pointed out. He two evils the democrac y ought »eheose the lesser.Tt is a Jesser a to elect Bell than ate and as the matternow stands one or the other must be elected.Let the de- mocracy,unable to clect a candidate of their own,determine which of the two men they will send to the White House,and which of the two parties would be the safer to be en- trusted with power It seems to us that this question out to be very aoa decided Let agreat meeting be called at once in this city to settle the question,and let similiar meetings be held in the other cities and throughout the| South Yn tnd obypeet toh Chiat Hh repary couves Aftack hy a Naar of dar occurrence took place )HES on the Sa tient aN awatin of bees,belonging toa Mr Deck er,came ont ot the hive i great furs, md attached aman tev the oame of Mer Manger,who was crossing the field at the time,seme thirty or forty rods off,— fle ondertook to ff tothe woods,bat the bees were betore and be vied tina ao nek that he found it dinpossiite te ran fe then commenced a ticht with hat mn bathe Wits VUry BU CHERELY Cet tell down wath fitness,and Owe) oon lave died tad mot oa san ot hep —whe was at this time ape preaching thom another dircetion musi vil to the resene.when t { Munson a :' mane Decker,who the spoed to vshed oor orarary.on hy \!aftaver teshepherd de ine diately deft the vont dian and attached Me poordes with such lary as to deprive of tite before he could be let loose s suid the dow actually keiled te Thana quartiof bees in hes Veyorousde fence,Miro Munser and Mr.Decker were ina dabyerous state tor seme louis,but are ow recovering. Duel with Nirords In New Orleans, Saturday,2.Majolly and N.Galabert rthe “Oakes to set alith rding t+the rales o weapons were small awot tthe Th pass the en iranta were sraalta ously wounded -Novjolly receteing tisViversary’s point inthe eight groin,whilst his own sword passed throagh Galabert's arm atid:penetratedthechest Thais bast wotnd da considered very dangerous,tt being believed that Galabert's liver isin jured Majolly’s wound 18 not serious. Abort am tie whenPheard Judy,the OK uw She stood at the des there De Sew he ©iat teller”the vd Disrotine her t ered wfeet,caretally undress: ving te the aideot the retin,New it happen Soniddle,and turnin back the clothes,she yave me a shake and sad ina stppressed whisper: SOLS ves iuhis > Treiled over and whipped the corner of the pillow im oiny mouth to keep tron lanyhing In she hounced,but the bed would squeak,The old man eard it and calied out: beats ONir,WAR responded in a faint voice from the bed beside me. &The Schoolimaster ia in that bed / With one loud yell and an “Oi,lleav ens!she landed on the floor,and.thed with the rapidity of a deer,tp states She never heard the last of it,T can tell NOSEWe SS TD AAV TB,TS AVI AS THIN Mo.Gabviel Utley f Chapel Ul, as just obtamne |a patent for a Machine for Trimming Booka,invented by hin self It is as mole and highly effect machine,which admits alse of ail adjustments necessary to tein avy required size,or d ferent per and books.The machine now in use willonly tram one end of a book at the time,while the invention of Mr,Utley will trim both ends and the side at the snipe tine,thus aaving two-thirds of the time and dabor now required.Mr U Informa na that tes iachine can be sald for Jess than half the cost of these now da nae.Ttos certainly a valoable divention, and we have no doubt will amply repay the aimventor for his trouble and ingenus tv.We Jearn that he has already been ffered SlO.0000 for the patent right, |which he retused.—Raleigh Register.|for. saws anil ne it nt hel the ela one ashing nil tellin Whatslie was to woh ta every ote found out what ltiettace was at Twit own was.Diese Nations Werle Tener er paces, tiene formis--it berg considered a little Tmo Cnet \muchos Sundaysbuttheyfeltnocanpunetionsthatther servitnts bad to st i ve,and cook all the morning Was hot wick ed like visting Did vou fast,yesterday ("asked one church tember of another,on a Satur- dav evening following one of the regular | Nast days. by Sister White;for,to tell the truth,Cousin Jolin sent us abanch of the nicest Kind of trout,and they looked so tempting that Prealiy bad to taste them, amd then Thad to make a bearty break fast betore fo could:stop;but did)you hast 0? “Well,Sister Grimes,Tminsta ledae that [did uet Lridlyo and did motwet np till near sodnurd to see a cupoof lot coffee,nice rolls andyood steak,and not touel a bity bat Sarah bad forgotten at was fast day, ind thinkingTwas not well,she lived up clittle dish of broiled chicken,and sorte ender wWatlles,and so Lo was obliced to toafter she bad been to so inuch trou TE thoaght Pwould)po withoat ny Hreaktast,this mornin,to make up to it,but somehow Thad to eata little wish there was no such things as days;IT don't see as they do ine youd.”Nor did they,for she never f ed.Dr.Warmbeart and thei other min isters could do without food from one sun set to the next,it was perfectly right for them;but thew people could not do without there breakfasts,abstaining from one neal borg what they called tasting Pie most attractive feature of a paper and magazine was the list of receipts,and that the only part which was carefully studied Poat ther children were rather dull,and eared litte r learning,may be truly imagined and easily bounantelll therchants were nthe business partof the city,and were breaking forth of signal for death and work of slanghter commenced,and »date of the latest of murder and play Vivginasxce Comrie difficulty oceurred at Starke, Florida Roulroad, Job of work was done I},and then his wife ,and had it ready t But,then,what is the mind to the!ithe standing grain tO the warm bread tesesat the North to concen cll and Everett.That pape: mmercial,mannfactniing and asses are prepared to risk tiieeqnenees,they lave only to fold theaarsaadasewLincolntowalkoverthe vey batat they preter the assurance !onatety to tae danver of a general dis thrbance,which,ta say nothing of disan ion,Would precipitate another tinancial explosion,What are they called to4 Sim ply to use their best direction to defeat Lincoln;and the best direction to take is that lately taken by the Union loving people of Kentucky,the direction to a yeneral Union Inovetment pon the basisoftheBellandEverettticket DNA CUMING: whester (N.Y\\Hake charuv title vielpriakeiriitig,ON battle gu;ethisbecomesofond of a brown snake, )Union mentions anid thre si :fond of her that whe hey meeta he vard they ran te ene tpypeurent mH 1 at ttehimentth‘CN noe beings {littie vert onoatoand the snake Sparcits feel oneb abarmed,anc horemove the snake wathont pre CNS OG Is danger is matter.and to avert d Tpossible tor re best of ease the world,and the sooner ny taki n n Doriyht,though vo AVE Cees You cannot exc ape them by domy wrong,and itis little gain to barter away your honor and integriiv, vod te divest yourself of inoral ¢irae te gain nothing.Better abide by the tenth —trown down all opposition,and re Joice in the feeling which must Inspire a tree and independeut man, comin ty.” Comment is unnecessary, Viwhern Progress. see Dizter Imporration.--Upon reference to oar commercial head it will be seen that the ship Mackinaw arrived on Thurs- day,from Liverpool,with a full)and assorted cargo of merchandize for various trerchants, |‘This is certainly good evidence that ‘our merchants are determined to have fulland varied stocks of goods from which our customers can make selections.— we trost that they will meet with full encouragement in their persevering ef- forts to bringabout a new order of things. OUPOEL, Nrytcious Ad Lady /—Says Mrs,Par- very good thing to have a good though the chances of getting 'sus uueertain asa lottery at a reli- fur,Now there's Mr.Bess who is forny is a husband worth having, was always acidulous to please his when he was at home and has been ert ever sincee le went WN ALY.== asomuch difference between peo- sus tne,as there is between apny- Phe New York Tribune »whole strength of its artil- pon and Everett,and is poar rin broadside after broadside of its “ine etfeetiial tires.”Por Breckinridge and Lane it uaa ¢ly kind and encouraging We regard this aa an nnomista- zoof the growing strength of ticket in the North. The division inthe Democratic party in New York,issaid to be deeper and broad er than the old)quarrel between the |Hards and the Softs ay xe :eS :%a .|: | ,||"een & ne ee waa eneFromthePetersburgIntelligencer.cord than f "a ):| :"9 1g)ang oe eee ae iF And 7 men |measures of aggression vumediately.No,its Letter from Hon.JOHN BELL.ical,life in responding to the questions bama,Lonisiana,Arkansas,Missouri We do BELL'S R RD.believ ves Southeruers affect to poly bs too obviously 4 Wise moderation,abd ."presented in your letter,Ge,Rec iieses a |mitECOvelievethathejetoounsound,too unre.1b leaders are mee of loo much sayacity ty be Monitcongry,Ala,duly 30,1860.It,in the authentic exposition of my “he Tenens,Mahia - :hi venti Exponitio \to us.As to Tennessee,Massach uve:Saat»Ma Mivetts certainly We hope every man,be he a Demo erat or Unionist,who wishes to give an lable on the institution of slavery for their support and confidence.Were driven ahead of their progamae,But the mere fact of such @ party taking possession of the To Daniel Sayers,Esq,Buitur of the Post Dear Sirs Wt ig kuown to taany per course upow the subject of slavery,rune, wing through a period of twenty-five | and Maryland,they have been conceded to Bell,alusost universally,from the be. that conl to him, jotelligent vote,in view of the charge of ¢:‘Salar Goveruine ners eemsiecsen being made by Bemveratic dal bod ohe eh onl more Wageneraus,a Foie a a at ee a sons inthis section of the State,that seme Years,yeu can find wothing te inspire you x :,ever lstitgled ayalnot the Souch will be the most fatal blow the South ane cel ndd Aeros feaninie bat i .:iaping,And wi : joarnals against Joho Bell,will read his!any political Aspirant Let the united "°°wed.The whole power and patranays ee ee wu tettes a MA i eis acti rear uu)oun "8 ,mn a the present arrange.intended :0 ot the government will be placed upon the side te the Hon Jobo Bell,particularly as te election,|wenld so employ the power)ment in New York,whichis hkely to be hardly be and tnfficnee of the Exeentive D parte extended into other States ia the North sind asrecord.A purer,sounder,more Southern, more Natioual record was never held by a Southern nan.There is nothing incon- sistent with Southern rights,nothing that is not at the same time National,because voice of every Southern State attest the patriotism aud statesmauship of dolin Bell. oe Q!negro equality;the Northern omajoney adverse tous will be stimulated to new fife,Uiey wile feel the exauttationof bem the master Statce. fhe Scaihern States,ou the other laud,wil be his endorsement ef che Amerean ane Whig platform of Polinary,S060 On last Saturday TP rece:ed las reply, winch,and is a part tine teol,le sends me thentoof tae Government,as te give uel met ground of complaint te the Souts,or moot the Union,wile t EHV OTLET wt Carolina Célatchman. and Past,theprospect looms up big with the most encouraging hopes tor Bell aud Everett, potice wl the trealkuownbe pot in th his record is based npon the Constitution.Lint the Raleis!:Register,WEE Tie Vie prestige thelreg extracts trom:lite epeccles wad references Pesret Gig tors Poyour support and that Read it and see what becomes of this Li PLOTEOND SURO Tikal Nee es they will he prepared torde oto his votes,touching te suhjects of tie ut vous trends,F coutd met reasonabiy .ad we are a ...‘<i fecal Dee se the |ve t eh es:1 <7 rt :*.;.,*iy y 7 ’ miserable charge of unsoundness.lead!ION—LEITER FROM THE LON ’wesc i oie a epured of vicbuty.QUiry,i pe Matinee ey ns ae tto receive it SIVLINIBIETOS WY.SEAT PAIR,and pref :.:tent us are the morals feels,unportant one expressed and tudieated by those se :tv fat se ,Ac 8 4 ition Read!!Read!!!MR.BOYCE.ee cr eee ides aed a vt ":‘‘au indicated by tose speech Pe wre atlioerty te make any use of A correspondent of the Kaleigh Press,eu ::!al !i !eso)Votes|Vin detter vou mney that hk pt i over the siemature of ©2”popular ,P s F )'‘re Uhhe d iuiistia ”ole 0 Sek )*: :#ve b For Compromise.Proofs of the plot tu destroy the Une |Hi ol th Junitistration woutd be used Mr.Beli tunes dist yo oannonnees,in Tain,with creat respect and the mest monet iH ee Pon te *He,sir,who shall renounce the extremes of ten are multiplying every day,and its we “we apa Repu peer c the border yy Judrnent,the following propositions :friendly regan l,your obedient servant,I ote that ter months have elapsed since duty ué MCC ce ‘ve States and the Feder ‘wale ae :2 :!Bats ik ): both these great parties,as dangerous to order Conceive it to be the duty of every Editor -iW a ..canis en ;a Ae :is 1 A distiuct repudiation of Wilimout JOUN BELL.the last annual State Pair,and that only declared and union—he,who by his talents,eapericnce Who loves his conntry,and desires tosiwe y {:|ine et Prowisaten,Con.Thomas TH.Waits HON.JOUN BELI two retain to prepare for the exhibitiog nowinee and weight of character shall succeed in pocing it trom the horrors of ¢vil war and anor \uw ie ne MEIGS MSU ATTEN eae UUs 2 Adis!net repud ation of Ssquatter “et .paaea4)vf 1860.Politics has enue j 1 wall t }arty biaself at the headof a great constitulier |Seo ee eens or coud we obodn p y an abject subitin ,to i <-.us Clurossed,and wi lc pe 8 Mutienal par chy,to give warningof whatis tmipend ts 't soverelsnty ats tong aso as 18348 :a i :i ;,’ eeuarid shiallibecormertiielall vourtenonthernd ii tian)G oui ee ain i.i ip Woso duelmedt tt witation would wo on a wet ue banat ae Goon nels Tencnentctsrat until Nov,,vecupy so muuch of public at unqualit 2 'shit “.ethep et vara ;,O.4 Listing Tool ‘4 at es ee ol eke istration of the Government upon the principles proot acliieli oe ey Hal ;a a ‘beased volte When it wos found not to \nau eee Ente that the ban eae Nor,tention that it would net he sury riving if ticket 0 .;oo ‘J o 1 ’5 i ised mG t \fore,‘Wihtes wre te Pom prayer :.::r rE wry ‘sw af Compromise,as it was understood to haveey Ule plot now thi ke tine ft .;_“IT le cee s ante (Poe aa per,are evens day looming ap with grata ARD EVERETT,the Baa did notreceive tl |:this we erated in the formation of the Constitution.will 4\,,,]I Ce ee ‘wut USTED UGTS WISIN a)eee pret et ead Sin ana tieent wt olattention,‘I Sanne party Pp ,lon,x noe .1 7 len P It {cit 'aie .i 'coh 'oportiots <:vp a ou.Sh ip .: serve the highest yratitude of his county.”0 "ee ant paper we pulsed six Min tey tions distal Clete Ce rey ie mT Ae SORE ROA Gi ceceritiue (dit :.revived VAS SA GH USE IES mau he proper otlicers at Ral-tients :donin ne the at ce eit ee ortie SCT Stic Sh ‘elit ot :Sitel crriterte i eee as ~en a oyvh are ,: {s Congressional Debates vol 5,p.349 |t SEO proot !Nhe oattrocrou Po ae qiiesc Vast power Pettientane!to owe inte vel Derritortes wiih pines ai ccovnil Lh eghare,however,making the usual pre-duct th See |Scheme Cuncocred jvctratarecwlra sive fasterel Grccirunent.(tien les ot Their property of every description,and a Loos bal Benes ELECTORS jadations,and ot visor So spoke John Bellin 1829,and sing he bung ona Palin een timer laters cae enn F heaved tere to lace ape Conmiittee tre ©Coantey iy anne Is expected there,that advise Ron ag eli gher than that «il escs ere,To have preteeton te prepers pis iit ea OL PRESIDEN FE AND VICE PRES!there will bene ¢,ct,an lar enough he now stands at the head of [biman,and below we lay before our seuss ties |ne woul!be to emubite Ty and persans,ae!the contest |ua ae ere will be te duiinution of public ine 4 f fui .°.,>Tat 7 t .Vide Ue tert ieee ‘4 0 o terest Oe Ge .e a Constitufional party pledged to the Ment CnecallGlicralratinyrliaiin War iccemmo oe mcuuiscl Numidian King,who de 4.Tuat slavery,as it exists among as,‘|be 4 wtteally 1 i wed down t chest }tells us that the Sahobury tiers maintenance of the Constitution,the Un a vets tf Congress trom that hot bed i _““:wi hee i phant oo ms cividdy,morally,and religiously raht |ne i,a id |'r oe ".if HON GOK KE BADGER.of Wak Drase Band wail prebably be engaged tor We tia :Pot uoliification and cisuiion,South Car los deserters to the Roroans,and then renewed sanctiowed by the Constitution of the 7 DEY SL SEETEN al ne ‘Be ey ira the week.and make . ion and the enforcement of the Laws.Gl nateW Sr Gaticcarloientrent Geary tian Face Tea uimeatli only uni cettineettio?Geel Oia Ceti iors,Ge "Site is Stil between nationality and DEOROKO SPEED,of Pasqaotiak hakes itan occasion for annitul .\'ert ;“yt fae Fowann ob defence.4 Se yO rae ,and bb ee .ery tle nde ot :ranying the members of as ree.Leen ti Danaer or Disvnion.|who sees this paper to read ciel wo Be defer .,.practice of men fr all ages;and that it ectiot tlistny ween he ftreends of the ie aad of the State Socie-one “Sir I am po alarmiat,.but when I refect Buyce’y letter abdLace for himuelf the plot ie S un n a esces ina Republican Ad i ouoht to be extended Union and the Constitution and their en (fy and others to attend,DP.speake ia Dee EAL en 2 p :i ::5 LOT jiyinisteation LE think the question of negro equal:|7 =:sane uch ac .here :STON j Very cf .0 iS upon all Tee and hear connected with this ub.|that is on fuot:Boyce as Spe eCurtnnr (ceelen mmenttane —pen onal The record of Mr.Belly ranninge throngh eure i 8 xg a couiest there 6 ne al HIN TON,of Pasquotank,jYery complimentary terma of our Band ever i ject,whenT look at the growing distraction of boldly and told traths which others hoid a question of oie,Lhave readed a a period of mere than a quarter of a cen etuative fur GonscrvalieG niet any Where CLARK,of Craven,—lave it on rather (hick perhaps d meet the country,I feel myself justified in designating|1x his treacherous sentiments bave been 1 :rf u emanates \:st RET 'Se An ree ALIVE USInOT)teen ;Po vote for eituer Brechinrelge or Die we shall be pleased to |!Uae No vd in i fowl ve sate oe OF Years,ate lave eo nS Reo?Vis 1 and eased te . the ne of what I shall say upon this question,|afraid to avow,(ee wlintilic sanecoes beeiiena alters Cote ae :“betty cts ,lis wilt be shady throwi i away ou!Vives teave |ieur that their eer-une “ @ :a 7 .:;Si :‘ot the Re view pa Wi !etit 4 2 :ave been secure Te with “s plea For the Cuion.Upon such a subjct:)have regarded this question in the same toe Pres ‘Cone ciialvinie tte:necree ate ceil aot IS ~Fe AE A se ei HeNiey Ov VISE fig made v ee whippl oC on 1 res } *.,!.Me \\\Cx ds.1@ Es “Ors!’lee }. a aay no in resting |shall not con light for years,and b have considered tie 33 So teceurads i 1 tae Pe Gilietitatot ee In Came a 4 Gee idieCalds BR ot Dhvidson Be ery Considerable Hoprovement ae elf as the represe F :°:i}hve F . sf ie representative of any parc jsnccess of the Republican party an tl dalit Uo paramount obleet of oar pe Tic ul notte d Ce Ciibiieter for detest pinee they appeared onthe Pair yroands . ular section or interest.I shall not consider,Presidential election a bw bot te heep ham tn the {ter then ianle aie \‘o wud vo PaSEcICIher ne nen Troan tn ne sh i eClion ae involving the ne >dosticerss oecur,ifat fertait ‘r 1 tsa band,and we have nota deube the aCe y at 4 an locessity of 2 aie Rte reat i anal .dal Vivdt CO CONSER Can 8 y eens Aairntto beleoneidared aril onbeninened cessity of Revolution,So regar ral i iy dor the most qomspictous enenin ford to tise.tie i r Wiel fuliy ptistaen Ulver repute fe | :,3 UES UES Ey ve thoue >res st Sate ou tne tbe]'t ‘it ,au Lb d M :EAL ON Sasa ou presentative of the whole country,most anxious have thought the yreat paramount ae tors tou,amd tt WE picious aUEy avatist wi eat ee nid PLATFOR Mitistesl Corps paper, :3 4 PEE./TTD.'stan lye Mtb)consist peinedpeal MC CUTAelit ':i:.. Iv ee for its permabent prospenty,its TES OU TPIS,ee,oe a ./PW oy She tase ‘e “A hy Noel te {_wor I re \Of the Constitutional Union Party.pees PEE stability and glory.I cls Locbenlves \SO eUCeres CCCUN,WC,KE,reredbis,am)os FA ee SUNS pee amon the et *Eroath Al . een en aim to be heard as the Terence lacertie while y :t Ri ctee mn Sande ler cralnanc 1 wt vA ney (From the Duly Rough Notes}all wl ate of higher interests than those which ''S'°4 ave the wraole aneey Seced ae ener or at ,on private bustess of tiaportaqnees a the fliowing ie the Patton adopred by the Con-UNE N TON ae pur are the iinmediate subject of consideration.”tny-an dd disomion seheme dna nutshell ao aa :A have no Gane now te elabora a a a nal Cian)Par Sar lee Te .yy Ae 8 triotic lly \Ye al |:wise at prudent imederitiog on the pout of ,Tete a Poe ters DV tte TE SOU ESTES wortband ery of “deena”raised by the accord So patriotica ly,60 nobly spoke ae run a ce nridve Tick te eases aiy Noell ecan ie ;i Very respeenaly,i ;1 a WK te ticnds respectively of Doughe and Bedi i iat gesol :FOE >it eesti ttmertiast ol,Ae an .ae Uyet !::satin)\Sct nunc .:ag CHUTE Laine!a JohnBell in 1832,when pleadingforthe J x ft attest ol a clrance ut Sietess yy peat sit andl Love x Ives LeyVia lie ve lex .\.,\:Wa Exp is denioust ted thar Pha beose tite patniets whooare support Beeckins Well, WaioneSOUNat on lnecrente aeaines he :nS oe the se of tlhese ope wiser eee ein view ve <ok WOES me ant '|ya vert man Cot Pike ti fae att Lote,is anworthy of those more tofore :in 1832,when South Carolina threatened Wd Ge ea we |Ee anemones _se Cee -Een \*a ,ns :le donien hy A aici es ica a .on ater it de clreeted th we peoples and few sn 'han i \.oy u ‘i -oa y bee feb We See ets ssolve the Union upon the anti tariff we :ache ted the purcnrint objet ich ol eaey aoe 1 ie oan eed tet dos 4 I E seodtl weesincensegs ces eee Weretwid as heperabie wud we la plea.;ft Traitors and Drsnuncanrsts,i tig oa hee give te pret Nt for trae «te yous as well as \vo K Virnt ay i Vrcchionidge pled resula ANTI-SECTIONAL.Ua a beset ui ’\\‘““‘:A i tes .Pe vat Crow inven can olgect Senin ey ars avnl &meee phe :'‘saa toy i bli “AS LONG AS MODERATION ANI hand anarchy,the end of wloeh can ys wu .’fieedeo ‘{Doles on Beil az ::“RA N :ITHE |a s las Vent ‘='Falta \\=aden LOU tbe SPIRIT OF CONCILIATION shall rence de seen by No other eve than iat ot te 1 W 4 2 |‘t woe}|{'‘xt ‘‘sw poli d outa stogle inri ly over tbe adtninistration of the federal government 2 "whty and ae jen bs “ra _.wi .N hee .at ,:‘ue:y miurdge plattorm Tot wi SY FACTION WICH SHALL EEK TOD ve hutian events,Hem mens 1 yon .‘‘ie Walt i Dates i ,‘Ss t Hl :,a SH e ants ‘-L ged,ener because 1 exe Union either by rousinga tenes of IN enter Wut scewunnicartineriicsienrdnalws |etl VCC riseiyeante tne lee a!:/i 8 sees :eee alt ee toesecenan >ty the UVurou or to ae .Sie ome:Ay “5 .:t tat nires eae Sevks :.q ,'Voss ‘r tee se r s aod INEQUALITY inthe actionoftheGovern.SENT Wives and daughters butchered,ot |I Ro pobhear par mean ph ith Poe,or A af ef eee tieetraunnd an ih fuses Clee SPiie Tghis Gl Any petson ur an mentin one section,or by seizing upon the pew ®enn eee Cer nner ae ‘ve thas ae ad vee of 1 \verre its pruecres ot able ‘wit res !‘eres (Sree Wire (eli \ ICATE and INFLAMMABLE Guest f 7 herein PTO ence .oo re Wa -4 es oe tie home a Re cing that theves TPs boy fat tor citierentrea bullish MABLE 4 jon of slavery in StH ow fleldlsadr hed in Sore ay ¢;i =CEOMON ne ae an aes “,,i UTE eee. the other,can always be shorn of its sti wil aod fratrici.al wan,awake and oo .ie ea ::m oe ‘how ';ee :wee See ses treats Do .aWa a lone R biest .bearers .‘1 u ': and defeated in its object,without the sie CO CT ert e Ui alin ‘d :1 .StS S|.Hoa eee us (,;an _were ow sentences which it crate sensation in our system.ters who would open the *bloodiest p le /‘ian civ ‘cs \.fhe t aie oe 1 ved allegiance to hing,; :So,with prophetic vision spoke John tite in the book of Tine ie oy neg ers 4 ;eu .\ene _.oo ;PE rene anit oy CSCC crt ects torexy Bell in 1835..Goyce cise)felon CARRE:one ont “ined :|:te Nees {|’a eas a einer a “y ,vs eu we if De a e ..{'Hb.Cohisiston tel preset 'aa :s ay ,;:‘ut whit net to be ea-we 8 THE REAL DANGER To OUR SYSTEM From the Sunthern Guardian DN (ees Tce engnen sisuruncs as Mout oh Ged Devy eat pent to a mght whiel it woul AS IN EVERY OTHER FEE GoVERN\LEPTER PROM HON,WLW.boyCr,of S7):\1 :Vo trond W wie,cas Ut once .:‘waned :Gibewe iy seat it 2 vis that oust tee enforced They body MENT,IS AVIOLENT PARJY ACTION of SOUTH CAROLINA ak Ee etc usee atan meee i uf /,Va mee Peet too wrote ot wlogh st eunaplatiy that i; THE GOVERNMENT [1S :vow Pecan:ee ten EST =i pe less beet N ME.1 fetiet |\‘4 t rw ue yessiay .—hoe :;Bo ,We Herveiobiarna Ieaepel:Navas =hele So spoke John Bellsn1535.PAE oie ei .ies Se eBeeln eh yin cn ::.ue ..:VESTORUIRUENS THES OSIEURS iSiKaSS Mose Hone Np reds to pee diimon 19 ticke! .ERECTAMG ee Ieuanligtee(nel ;a :wotted tee ton Ss Wose sha !:vote \eee . >q Vv dirgh pre i zy =z es ou Se at ; Pro-Sravery.mt Geen we Be oi 4 ,ee ne ra any (eeted bo gepeuted },1;ee oy Sis Tae your pation,Lbs Rab be Crcutistanees Wi iti t '}{Pat noe ’''.\T =u »\‘«1 2 The proposition bens to rep ne Tele on hemrlece tal aM erseneSiie yen rit dines Nhe Nineiionmel oe -es me otvoon Mir Lo ee AD ot pan WR \iver ur Cleaiuwes uaving 0°”You ume tito the tivid.avd mack 30th Mexican laws prohibiting slavery the vote Sites serell uv DFA il Ce Caner Se 1 Aswittnd ce |tro |CONS ins ieee \een cubital te the Dovexmiiden Chih at CE AESMege ol yout Mhetis Vale ys dk buyers,We si was asfollows:A EG SGV Gah act Soin UREA UE a Us Ie ee ee nica Pee nwiseat Te,Wee anes dtl Neer etererti cs (atin:(imme cnet Oe wan ict SUEDE LDER SCT Sa tou whe ,South Carolina alone.v1 nveeetnnt ‘1 Se are eon Donninl 4 eviletiees of Waa Titel sie far doth ,-7 i :i ed in Yeas.—Messrs,Atelocon,BELL,Berrien.aud by the if ‘ho se .Hai hee WON,Wild wee wake peor ern Oe CeT ots thy The tp soinwde toe vane ao we pe SOG meant ote aire titamen ei ee a Ue tut wart Clemens,Davis,Dawson,fote,Houston,HH et £ULE esteh Ue tetlS aerar Hees fe ’:.wety avi aed aise is Dt te ,:’Gt party eg ee ;uston,Han feconpretedi tbe (ans ne ae,ee Fi ata son WHPeleeamge sttay]sets)Wh Peninnor yar)24 en ;;ane Vee er .furth »King,Mason,Morton,Pearce,Rusk,sebas-.cylo's election,we must ret bentlee ie Howton Pit we'd boa great deal were to be tainid,woud be 4 .-‘he vas ;cee tian tian,SouleandYulee—}.TS oy eee a |;.:‘beota [veer taeechenaircsl |Avene Pres OTPwe cule atthie State Nb iso DL leks :the character abd the sent Toe Ceclbaial ‘‘J tribute ty te litt Browt to say the least of at |Times teeing lettres ;:Peel)3 ':s *agai! B Navs —Messrs.Ba iy Daidwin,Benton,'&Ks :f UCSC)CHEN Ge WOE te Wot far es .‘,~~oe |rn ae oe ESBS st lnk Nationality Ww right,Cass,Chase,Clarke,Cray,Couper,(ew pobee ol @ wn ns st)das selec Pil cards dan vet re 1 ls hs ECS Te OT PS 2 aes aN MOF vClGUt wate letaes :i ‘:i .Cooper,Cor 1 principle o sparty iS new ‘ha rtso "Pane R t hows hviankii,e val 5 win,Davis,of Mssachusetts,Davton,Dude.cquety,Ue A .renee intel we Pi ese ,Wy play YP conslt ha ‘.‘ee .:‘viral Paes Stara Ve eet b [eat mieit ©ED ase ;”COESTAT EDS EL EOTT ihe ¢ Dodge,Felch,Greene,HAMLIN,Janes,Mile mide loweenhies ©a /‘fnes ;ey din ak a -Has a4 =feoury =re ie ony 1 .eit noon Wha TOVeT BUHECE,Woop pose the following Norris Pheips.Pratt,Shoelus,Sunth,Spruar Jook at their platform,wl in |wea baer cuulated \‘‘!ley)bdeatecta extract fen toe speech ot Joba,Breck Fs ae »Spru ce a ee _f .ie 4 \In we ~ Btargeon,Underwood,Upham,Walker and for ebsiods reasang of poco bog peatco \'Kongsof the bs :‘Corea ee a ie ee rue ena trode nde ou tae 2st of December W Whitoomb—30.(Cong.Globe,vol.21,part 2 UNE.Yet moses the veil i 4 oy tatty id badly ure al Ey ‘’i _os ina ay ,atc page 1254.,eeOe ialeree ae |Reet 1 Te Det poets enti EU UUES I RTSCGR gest Ti oe)(eat wa «MERSIN wes tie tice tnipereagnitss OS SE ERE Con romist Pies tee endowedtx vie Crater Xs ,-;ue i a ms PON eteaien a rs \ces Heit ile Locre ss another clement atthe North,and {PROMISE.7 joker ;een /os (otros oe oop noe :;Date hut NepiLe aspire dt i Sir,to suppose that there ‘oa oe “':'=‘=is oe ite puefessioua ween -baa Consists ete Wat therel ise one meniberor lie |“y ing Rr!on erar .Pe 1 tuetoer 4 Rr ete Moline coahtetednen ey “ne obe ach ve this body who is not ready to saenfi Saat ain .se ,:“y !“val?tenes coe ete Final fe it want tone old whg eve }nore rsucrifice,ty een tr i se taenite ,)‘tid strikesow ut epitha i .os u f ol oan ron ,er code sometling of bie auhicul ~Z bias isan ule Ke ses a ete)‘ies eaee oie ner 1 Lin pety omen ibe RV ERLEL,Choate yes ve ng 1 Pvtdualsentinents,to Tt fonows,therefore,aes entero taners,bar wai hea UGS ee tastier ical Tan Wonenee f,/’:Petee DOM CCH Gund biel asscchatee.Wiese CONSERVATISM pie secure ad acjustiment of questions Re ie A oa ie ale ae wren?:\eis Pca Com ‘Y :wae He -‘:z SM,that Botrammeled by pl 7 in ;v ts ect to obe Can fisttully Wed 4 ,a oy ;1 .'rt it :(Tih Clause ah (a4 ee IP geen ‘Retennay VYonow CULTURE AND PALE UISM Ree Leb AG ALS?diti: owe his position here iw “;Aue se {oe i ‘:we i _o HHthe CounterciaPrwehe PME BAILLIE AS ALLAN G t i §mu @,at }Saver ,_;RES UEALSt Us vere w \ey eet erent ener a SAW :ou violate without dishonor—to su hehe LS .ee eee enti ne Rea nme eae >vane eee ne rites,Lt defeated,ties expect CALRe Ee ae “man her orth or the Sout far as their comstinitions ny r eau usher 4 oc arOeoeh wine es a ate WU et Voeoriaktes,ol Col we die Eyes en luniaeanne ites e 'I Ii Dis AMC ie dal! who,upon a cold a fish caleulaton of that wrens,At preset Shar reas os ie _ee '‘ts ce acters fey ae ee a ne y bet it PP Pek,bxy,Aug.oh personal advancem+towonld insstupanertrome attack as toe Perritores :4 i fia tty Hote quite se |'“vee wand he Teor tae [echh ve setoy eee te ,.LB :OI)SENN Ie Ge NMGLOr Le ke ne msues,ISTOSUPPOSE HIM A WREICH st ae Cee cu ea [ee 'hes ra esl a . ae -th]stall qo domuerexret 1»ett ¢\-a a USTED t pe Pe :eu eater ,Iw attendtheConventionat baler WHO DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE an 4 \'t ;nak ne ;:ish weaved!it Week bosver ey re Wk p Cee eet re hemel emits (tnluisecninieaties ee aun),;ention at Rule gh wole #:‘ive Cher:ind Soon ow fo -eee t lero toe .-:Revel Na i a ae OUT buntan So spoke Jolin Bell in 1830 ree eerie |Rtite niet te Writ at rari neokinio ee en ee 7 He Line!jraposel to niesclt to aaswer bs,re \Fania ten a MR Cerne tite ler DOUGLAS wid ."k moet t ',Ce ‘1 ..ooh yan! Hemasity oF Savery.Wet iieGrs=mast fy ara aii:S14 ‘oe Ot sen for the reasons wh ¢|ee DN,PRS el ere app eu Wah vaaltes pee |S eI)terest)ome :1 eButvairhumaiin ,Ry Meee nonies lhe .oy be 'vetyow Howbs 4 etree 1 ns vompe)ree ticle aie 'he cen .:',,; But,sir.aMtY iv lave,not less than ‘ee vhecy .Dey tivve letters .:ok ,\Perse wae Viet oortlicesertemcriaiect:weve elena Neh entre .oT .con jostice to the master recy eulsieiianie owe sUttiotal posers toudesy ,Sew .|aa ee ‘Isat is vol |‘vii t ..rye ai I.AND TIE the diffusion and extension into any new ;rom tbe Sates.Jrwo Darel 1 MATa oe SseA Ge OaUL lates veword as ee pet ey vel hes an \ae !|:.PRESIDENCY in lor woo oan New territurt *=y re at 1 im ..4 }3 adapted to bis condition:and ere ey by the Ti Has hale ::1 -ree ie t ee sy eral ur re al !sth sitet NHS aia est Lonisviile,Angust 21.—Letters have Me too obvious to Le mist 'Ure question So as to the Sou 1 .>Wiper Feared erties Wowhon USS,Leola Lela SCOT SU eVR EEE Gy :a fox ag '.a es firel tir ud Pet aulelre alts I ‘ t "su at une ee boa /;ou |!ieieeed ieee idetresred trom:Lextegton to the N. intellect.Noeinit La pring pal of iiadte UT el aa ay Arilicas :.ia |4 ‘‘a tenn :t ||Will the DD Yuk Meritt and Coareston Mercury : Matec emetT:i wlanssion of new Stces 'te :LT Ue oy z e lews oof i .',:_’ eal the antoextenson puliey of New f ,‘eo 7 >‘wel the change 2 .;;Cats view '4)t |‘We \ir ts vSomnel ©.Revd be oot Louisiana,on hun ork.y of status of some of the bor ba States farmsted gteriahS cs ess Ue tice |e ys whieh poaccd:tie du tie pe osttben brent ‘‘, 5 fe ,eer .t eee rcuiauvetumelaie es (lent neve:ya DE TAG HELAI NY War 1 haved Haste cee ey before the pub i en Ronny ’oe my we Drees (re ath soot Mr Breekionidge,cone eo o spoke Jolin Bellin tsoo.Ve Hey );aa ee eee irene ;i LE UAE OUR CLL IS ea ULES (1 Nun)coke tradbetory of the reportsoftis withdraw.wit Pothe Repobbean party woud be sare tad ail ew clecharattons of 4 a 7 ,.si Deetek ex a Tux Power oF ove Govt {ENT DeearO mand such change,and at \S ms pe leas a fo net elie ..F se Si Selle (fp Tate ae q -iL aud saving that be will,ina few days Al Sten Ce a ;:Ute 5 AW econ ;pied ‘Tes cent :e 1 ee te owe So .Crate (ae the eto Dongias.or if duty reply te the chiarvesofhis enemies the me .ta e Kepubliean parts i i feneayea |ee oe uw |,.:yi Bir,making all due allowances for Amer pany place —emar Allon Mi aya -v1 uo points Tie was.wont athe Jeeeod wedi So them te snpport some See Ve =‘’')7 :-Es ee PN ny ,fe ; ean enterprise and the energies of free Jaber,OF Massachusetts,one of (he ab US WESC \vo vant porta oie ay be he else,asa iene of defeating Lincoln,MOVEWENTS OF MRO DOUGLAS ou witb all the inspiring advantages of our favonte Republican party,comprehen ted tt Voi the Conan if poss oye Pee t Woowon,aca tae ete resin wid a :if _——“ae 6tu ..Fer Lia :Bev NCL ets eel ce oof pele Y a systemof the Government LDOUBT WHEEL]fis party when be smd in Toston,°L tell yon UNS Ts SS Ih wwe aletermnnend te Teves Teen ee Novertl ae i UCI Neate Dir clae oo ER rag power axp THE resources or tis bere tought,that the ag ni of Tranasin stave ;eae purity,WW ian Cia ——PUTT TTT STS aia icps Coreen UNS)SLA ASU all Norwich teday,at noon.tHe 801 “Gee \foe HAVE ATTAINED MORE THAN CY Will coptinne while the ta slave presses aaa ene vas Ube Leet ke aay i "i ;ut earl Ay IDR AI NIUISS I Lets cand date in the trie Was tnost conbally reecrved and hand sul THEIR PRESENT EXTRAORDINAKY PROPOK the sol of the Aimencan Ropablio”.a CATAUNEes GO TE Ey,Clie”ou Obany jdattortn,or other deekurati on A :aij ——offer the Counties aga Union,sorely welcomed:to Connechhout,bu iT For THE SO)NC CHipeviuromlN By the character of tine paris.meaniteser aod tuneacty .;of principles,net embrouced or puget in especive fronds of Domglis and RT Pe en innecenennaintiza Ile spoke fortwo hours upon the pas col Y TION oF svavery tienalinn Tois #party coutivedd entirely to the M ee Sern UNCLE Ey the three tan danrental propostiioas oral Peedi the Sonti,aelonit teat tie “*a weit “rade groand this atternoon,to between the So spoke Jolin Bell in 1850,and yet Northern Stares—beth its candidates are North ~—2.Paoveser,WS.Lytee.EC SSVI SHS CCT AGU TEL els ose Sa gra a syeet a :10,000 ane Th.000)people,in reply toe In Southerners appear to believe that -ern men.‘bbe idea ofthe tmajonty section tant ;ese cured by the Notional Union ys wad Panay cll a Qua a en to celreined)aire ba [Wer Westen 22enioeat?sushi Vi iideynie welcome:uy Gal.de bo Walt lieve that he is Pe et F <Son 5 Gbraurieredniin ,.ay :.,;,‘’j i Oe 5 alt, Sati alivery Gu Iie xeon See wi ue bon thor Ls arog Wh the ee ca Lou -“varnal save:CUETIites Lately eck ie eae fev 1 ite rhs a dina fakes recht will be elected by [le leaves for New York to night.and ] 3 !bows Away ith ernment,sat war with thespreatot rie Con.Ene piaoot the fininisteation in 2stton ev cineca th tauhiautiaent i Mra Potheyv ea t t that tine {|ae :oS ';:7 4 :1 Biel teu att te ie 1 see ot]1 ,thie poreoloatoa Is that wallace te norco A rl ,ye 2 puch hypocrisy !srtunion |at mestiintion the (Ht tet savehobline Steves imeke a shew and the bat Tone Tatars acl ewan pee inet lps nner seley sa eI)esteem tou Ti ema o boat (\|I a hy eau ;ae :;,:.aE eae ‘eth WHlh ete yore State Vi Laon alielerdalt Opposen10tHEKrPEAL OF THE Missorr?oy voot the Sat«Phie secg are Pe ea Blt me Precwunmmetes tant,laos Merona at cs a!er pest aesdieeuntl at tee chen :tH wt 1 ,nl Raat Poanentbyaneset is A pract 'ror it v4 eet aet °;:7 .'Poe Deroeretiscertainty ye aie 2 co kOMIS ny Ea vows vat ey uinat possi Phestore pe yusn re To qQnerrel with eat :rar Cenereony d ., ©Is it wise,is ten Cebct lie M ‘Ms !Nout -ft Nl shia !oA rol ny fast ('dot te per roupon B ears ;‘ie lothat Vir Pele tiitiks red Riri se From Missouri.-We make the follows L. eos |ACO ALG SEIS s Pere STi nT on a ,',-,)+)!ay i ie fe , eet Comproinise?|ties Teen “oh the m :De ze fa eee tian,tery wil,wen the day stht ‘weetion are Matar nerdy eh Wetter tan eb poss ly Gees more Thai Teer Staton,by extract from #letter received at thie ol Ae c wed fios as ne t hom iptoowdteh our fathers en fect i a '.s t |f every restriction Clause of the net TR20,pro 4)::''‘urives,cast Cher votes petit Wiaatever may bet CROPS actin eee Poeth io .|Ip al cherie cus liesseem culrettor ry,miele ottice yesterday from Versailles,Morgar mise such important and ber Tl was us we by the Tiers rl ‘\\‘er i yan cr 0 “menetivent resuits to ‘:‘colt iM t :',,say that tits is 4 :,eas . the country viauallcticccoumelantit ay ade Waothin xt wl ;uns i at (Rig tae ;1 \WCU ON ett eal liact laetinieeneruinl loneca inthe county,Mos TA Alot cD Wh :oy)LOMITA Ost TT Ghia enl teiel bos rather severe tn ghey rogetters ‘lasisted:than ta i IY UT ts OW Stee thot wis4 1 &Belle $8 at practical advaniage or benetit te the coun ;toe '\i y 'Henle Try thee F (omen eam .\I \Phere te think oa think >and we thoak belleand EKeerett steck is going up © :Haye ow ,,'Peet |Teenie Uline ah teeket eet .On etts !foyeryn eR {ua ,ae leetient preeys try geverally,or the South particulaty,wilt te cay _a ;ft _—my otape fochew dare \‘{;.=tet pores tating t n ties a1 Dongle’think is the beet think Wives oo)day dn this county 5 and we will ut wel of the Missouri Compromise secure/i .s Uae act moreint for \eee ent t i “ot “?!ae if a Oo ren Poon yt 2)lurely carey the State for them in No-Vi hat bas the South to gain by the te amare?rt eNontly aed iige (IS)Cane ceige ott tia N wet a a ee oS ee I ,a i a oh eS eerie Jie Union party,on all bands bl -"S noe :ue!ive Teenie (ie st if conti s 7p eogistes he Times 4 ees Tectia .gua ’ Will slavery be establisued in Kansas /ee ee “edl ovil ;\\\‘yi he Tie 4 tocleenons bitve Gare prond of their standard bearers,and al :_/Praiteateetes :whitap !Pthe percent car vases,amd eoatend tr —Pee ee ace ::arers, So epoke John Bell in 1854 :|ont The +I Meet |:wes aowie tanger tor redl [ean ine inee with ternal OSNEN GY eve iileme ten tle ;Woe ee .,DL Seen esasyan cen Ruse ov trae Revert as Panty Pyrvieren.!rains ia acral ;poe Sage Phin eran Ae vei i \a .rf Poe New York /Merald,othe satiated with bergcoutident of Bnecess, nena :,:‘est Fy 't ~dt Seva 'i :-they want to co rit 1 : “Sir sanete ,:,ut Gate ion ‘’igo 1 iver ae ,eleetionstu Missoni,No Carola,Ken WN eupletely annibilate the ir re .the tendency of tins hill is to stimulate ;ae eae /y iT |’'1 OX Pony pete eth Wy Kv is veel ae |t,Democratic party formation of a se.tonal party J ‘Wiens wefederal domnts are 4 caudtdare ter pattte place,Plame ne jon Pcie eon I,4 weky and Alabatnia,has ivennpBreek |t! So spoke John [sell in 1854,on the Carn tongus coi)ot pb rat it at oer \wy Poet Moster tor ties te ol ste ist vr weanccrelve accel creel toyil lees Ws roan City anal Huey UIE lige as tee ga,atid Ws gone right ove ee +2:me nine V ‘t 'gors t fonniciad Lo |howe:.a *‘nent il “M sonedi ich we thin Kaneas Bill ean 1 )Meek rae Curie appeals (oe Ww |aire ew ewaine ter fae ercn 'Te yoy ae Tie content [octane clean nee /t 1 1eh WHC 1 t }t |chil stdin S10)4 you d NOTICE elie clr ;4 j ‘showil exete deep and earnest and sol- -y x i i .:.BORE 3th tree hetiven ey othe sip porters 0 iy it te ee NLL LMT T cent : “Apmissiog oF Kassas Ms vy Douglas we sapye se he will eertan sy wineh Ehope yeu wil,npon refleenen,Db ond hut "|ne .Ya ee uthern States,Cf enn reflection at thia tune io the mind6 t HadIpower by my voice,|would paralyze DSR t \t wath Cie wank \ions peeeerve Would tot bem conf init ;ve i ‘sont fuse,forte better pease ceause the democ of the whole American people.It is thas d =I woald crush this many i 1s hostile to the Soath Rye teen };Timm With aril Selene ar nue to tel all \'there ,.. thlsKacc \ay yeaded me en area erence hon 'ecdoun wt wea yt tT na e Hitenttiens aid expectan Sate early et ade of -_W racy have too fiatny e@andidates an the ere is hot,so tar as our countrymen as hydra at once Se a ge ie {eal Hi «olter 'prea Who ehose ime to be therr 1 Rael :ae WW ©theld Sappese D ;vi have the meansoffudwiny,a selitury dia-° .an :|such as are verre ~tat i 1 <wif !relia anunnice nee |PGs CAPT OS nt ay ae ’ So spoke Jolin Dell in 1856 I :‘pynop fay No abe .vereRavecewe at 4 te ee 'ut a ae titoniatin tie United States,who dogsu’t Tne Unio none and other deahog men in arty /|CUT Spent ‘\LMT a latte mritaet pe laemekerrimiciaren wok)ue ne DPD onocraey f Vive rel ;8 &Ustox—[r weet pe Saven the <vinpathy for Jobn Brown,t \ait oe ples;nor doa Telongr yours teas aenchlcaenetl °>vive Zeabins aod wet Buyportto the «):\rita ea !bebie ere tho nat dow Gong on mere Boeckiniidaee the re tinder eR})’r :er go into whatever tis ian it Ulecwle tie re tist oyee Se at x |wa \a tre to smpport th ;'ov yeckine and Lane teke as notth Let power hatever bauds it may,avery question,and nn ;:ned "1 Geer ee rare er cere er erriieey reve eur (peerear siete eructetar renee tty am oe Bell will Beeeksnrnd Lane teket.[a not that ‘ fet ws save the Union”er facts which may be cited.show tha Frey LOU CerSS Wy ee)Nor Bell and everett do se Gotsistentiv with youre sen t 1 er f tb +ites catiy the Staite thie (Wiiens nei conte a Then we lping terrlily Tnport en be read a Bo spoke Jolin Bel r,passenon wlich the Republean party reste is Tie eddorot the Wilinagton Common duty It as "\ao ‘ytae To ont we they did last vear eat el ivy exery man Yoat inne toe Uloivd to bes lin 1856 \;vey I .ny o .tlie ew i a ;Paecuil nen leat Donny ieresidte J ¥ Phd axek w taottal nan stand hetore ne |ae S ;.a valth save:7 Y erivale cereae wie egret.tt |Biel Gaver)consieaiiad (Da will unde bute «Rare uae es exace Peel LULU CoStar eres hold the evn in mt Wout a "Iny e : :.ch being the Re i yart ,1a meoover ta B |orett eure atin bt r Taser ;'t ms )Louiatalle Four nae, merican peoplewithapurer,mare apot South to seni ;:ie genie we i oe t ae Wa 1 or w Ml Mev EE rte aoe Tae Stim vata eae Tivo aineentinn iy PEL OHISEAMATLEITIE CHIE et cere UTM tw uiaval ur ne t Wine o ite dominatoa is to neent teothiain yu rell wt Vere f ’mat of y |ot t -i “sod foverett wherueer allte have to say te vous that Ether pipes and smoke at Veuwhorn candidates of the Domocrane party,a8 -i party,&In Marvland,the Douglas party have { more u Mec nore ational re-to death,not thal rehend any :ng Ww r &’‘not that |a h fnsu1Natjeath,h d y arth ee 'Cu y y OARpp|mo 0 beyone he record of ary polit.2p fre.there will be in’Virgima,Georgia,Ala a tall electoral teket in the field, ow Se So if t |. ee a — dd ve ‘Y, On ‘0. ys 48 leid- as eu a nd the Wwe hie an ink |- le ah en lia- n't the hat vad be- ava ee as We do nut know what the editor of the Offofal Vote for ‘Governor. Press tacane by eaying he don't eure — what we say about him,personally,for 1856.1860. certainly we lave never uttered a rnd a (en) that could have been personally offensive to him,We ave sure that we have never COUNTIES.an ., intended to do such a thing,and we can 9 4 A a hardly believe that he means to be under:S 4 5 Z stood as considering himself too high:to Es)c a « notice What inay emanate from ous.No,Alamance,916-845 TT)Fit the troable is uot here.Thongh it is Alexander,466 411 429 94 koown to all thar,asa jourmilist,we are Anson,ob Tre 289 0 NNT pot in the service of any party,vet that ine 734 708 oa)Ti weareand ever have been a democrat,ieee Be a and preferring in the present Uifertanate —Bancombe,nes on condition of things to stem the seeming Bladen,St a popular torrent aod defy popular iidiy ee ade O70 nation to do what we conceived to be our B eer ay se duty ue a citizen anda patriot,we have Cabarras,429 ys . ae ‘Sheil 1 oa f ay i ‘,,-e declared our preference for the regular Catawba,yd)415 the deter publicly read before the sehoal,Gleamei:Re ady Made Clothing er the citizens of the South ty sustain them ty nowinees of the great national demoera Yn gi)Gd se Wrought upon the young man’s mt Tat Aug 7.tne e *’their endeavor to mtioduce among nem +branch of , s party ovtylas wie Je ‘ae 1023-61 heat once deternmned te nn eial to |~ever offered he State ;ke Wy Manufactare now entirely ia the han ‘eof sblitionims,| tie partys Douglas wn Jolinsen and have :3 Aton rinned te pat an end to lis own red in the State,My steck cumpriack sil’Manufacture now entire y o Loni B,{ unqualitielly condenmue )the sectronal cae za QTR extsten The shame.as he thoaght it,of UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE,at differewt k ale PCAN an Attn ind lec aa irene b uate testa el UAG disregarded.Whey offer at i VN ::otumbas,KA ‘;fe ,vemit suits,Engleb and French Dray d Bte ane ,,4 DEE |} ticket of Breckinndge and Lone,and for Camden,Ge ah ee v UG tes On Tea Laylorscille,N.C.A a a ae uum earye ern nt WHOLES'LE AND RETAIL,t im 4 this we are spotted asa vietin,Those Cartere’48100 nl see ee!PENILE 1th Sesion of this Lustcutiaa opened on lovee Puute,fauevoaniiiiacks wien bacy oud Back Fine Chunnet 1d Boots,French Cd : i Silk,©,Fine Freach |x party presse which speck oor the sen :664 the Hith July.nader the eate.am formerly,of Dike Vanwemere and Mary few Vewts im endlens vas S008 Tes iS ao timenta of these whe pretend ta con oo Crsersxant Yoo Tino.--The Cinein 1'T BURKEae Prneipal,aasinted by WI Jones a Ge Tica a 7 !hat the :W166 Lose a 'davennivisareund:healthy vile wih tine Gents Furnishin:Goods a eg duct them,Pu we sentiments of the Caldwell.ayn 425 Guo Price Current,of Wednesday,after mountain reenery and i paint of orality tnferior to ‘&3 OPH!>1 B O O a 1 @ @ advisory commetiees ander whom they 9 Curtituck Day 1G way 2s notteinge an advance im the pros py te town in Westerns North Carolia —HATS and CAPS,BOOTS and SHOPS a le sbve fs act,and the mouth pieces of the Cie (leavelanil Gus 4 ca mil ,|an Phe School iin a tourist condition and atas SMT"ee ‘'Peo Ciemerdibeccs cate \\ i i Het k Hoult tecit me oe Pi iar ome are alieatin nia lun cd acute tee!confident of wy 6 we uiders it aie der faction,great an I osmall,every Davideun O72 Lass 2 i pan “es a a eee 'oa are as peeiee suena ea liouRen ee ope aie ine ie te Open Gaiters.Parent Beattie odd h Cait, me 'f orof preprnny for one of the biyher colleges will find of Ww we are to be let loose ,'Wx ho beoreselion tn the provisian market 3 4 getonemy Goo ls,therebs as VE (Canes (nich renen) crc ire ae i Ua bam jer Peden !ae )ceca en tetheiraferesis Expect KL i Roe ;ee rivet i "Be Usted Tne,French Colt cannot he eqided,either {n style or manafactire,having had We nave been singled out for therea at :tke,pain ere devored ty thease peeportig for college Ft Lt 'spun PS i peo the mont ul then:madewhis order’,The stuck iat RVC tuomctente ane ie prespee Se Wet)Ses Tee tree)Gillie Lentcon a SeUe Swilleonmult their ow itere ets SAVEDMEDORNasta Esse e\L I:ie ee _ Se ai Tet ea EO We eS cee lice ct GH aid tur vine ties Cp commen atte a DAYID WEIL 3 Geet thea vid nupply Your cuts andin fae been turned loose ruc they Know that PPAR;sty nb ;Desi tel ate ADCS ANU oe nin “tare you will pur )Bouin,Sone or Gaiere. nl eeicn)i i =Gaston,.,halfof December at &O 25 met Tier TERWS OF TUITION: See a 4 ®\| we vated for Reid in 1850 and 1852 mud i Ki 0)OM .©oy 7 ;$10.00 N =7 a >wave these menutectured by } for Falis iv 1898 and 1560 that we have Guttor Be)eee resetic demand for stock teint Grammar,Geography,Arithmetic,AN Ba \.SMITH &MILLER,4 )allord,oT 2130 hows,and So 00 was offered for a lot d grepny PUOMASVILLE,N.C ever been true and ever voted the regilar Greene,Le eo ies wae os mete bal “Algebra Cn cee see ore «cssere 12.00 pee Virm of FISHER,FOARD &HUOKER.|uty 94,1860 HOMASVILLE,N.C. ticket of the party —that when many who Gates i ee it CUE ea Very tate Y Roane Surveyta :S|having been dissolved,we the undersigned have|—_MSDS gece a a er ere ae , A A Cree i is :ew offertna,wii lvonome is takets te CUNY EAN LEE |i "gether under tl ‘iray a!1 . now denounce us as a disorzanizer and oe a8 iT 50085 Seti ue ;_ie ‘-Uhh!13 Board,exelunive of lights $800 per mooth,The associated vurerlves tagether under the Fira of \-rofula or Ring Evil,|:ot A with trymg ta break devwn the party were tale 2)ue 'Ce apa ty,While others <esajen will coulmue twenty-one weeks FOARD &HOOKER |Te a constitutional disease,a corruption of the blood |‘c Tm“me whipping in with the Aierseany an ie a ~sd mas yy think the Cause is the prospect van HT BURKE,epee erie Aa ceeeeennicaia wieukigid pucr|o ADDLES :Sess ‘rl U4 or ‘tev t ig.7,1860 Bet ‘'] serving the old starfard we worked for Wve u }i uae ae :ae Cee 'os ®_for the purpose of continuing the former busiuess af Being in the ch culation1 pervades the while body,nN rat as and voted for the regular tot iees of the Honderson ;s US Cue ey tire leci na eo hue,the same place.We are th boi breia aad one te EP ee 1?diy on any partof No} seme rar reir le a us (ea 1:ne ,gol rm oF Change of Schedule.active en lhr past lavore wil ape bye CORICR (IETS sc.tree frou its attacks nor ie there ane which ,uplete and will be suid,at umaanally lew rates,and “’his all atooudnts to nothing dd ENERGETIC and PROMPT ee i Iban s not destroy th ofulous (arnt ba Varin.De .:ee a see een ;:;VERGE ind PROMPT ein of doing e lave dared te printoan dad pen Jint \ut ea s mee Oflice Western N.CLR.R.,Husiiessto tient aud tecrive Cresined patrol yicuased by mercurial se dow Evie g,divwder. paper,and have even gone es fe ae (eo dn ceen :aie Sauiwerny,Auzuet dat,(260,We shall be alle to furnish :©edaritabe hy Wat Rie Fe are CN Ya ts DISTRIBUTED 2 x ,4 med 1 1 oT we .>: he dh press vices,a bose all,by the venerea met otlren qin 'HON JOuIN TS SAND AFTER THIS DATE THE PAS-:\CE Scie Boe rs insinuate teat the po migieactcrannl a dct ‘i POW ()Po ehie es meiee ator eeenen NT API I DRY GOODS fection.Whatever be isan ites neceditary1 A all who call Chemscl¥es denimerats are net |\Fh i;Rees etn eenasena Won Sed ie ;La ,i did \1 boys Ufa Kt Nits C bdine +fram patents toebodret ettablishment exclusively for CASH heerats are o Z 1 Vine bead of the Read tiles and cebu accord:i Y 7 :pee VEO ule ae pure asthe diiven snow,ated for this at 'a He tis i We Clee toluene GROCERIES,PROVISIONS NIE CHAN DS |thethird a 2 Hiab ander Beets ;: Rie ae ,:6 ay ;‘i \;:°RIVE AT 5 SAN ;:tobe the red a rye,TD will westt the it y e yy ey Al Sea ee Bah Te SO EEA aeeave as Og FOR NOTHLNG ges ol the party.we are te be pun |oe u !}Vf Malisbory ut 700 Pit Creek 7)FARMING TOOLS 4 ee i eee ore tee ws arty,are te tre parishes -4 673 woe \i rene ae ade £46 ':;effets commence by depos tion from the blood Well,if these with whom we fave tier M ait 7 :mal Ve Viettt he i a :Gi Plaster,Lime afearrupt on ulcer whieh,on the lunge. if tl ie whom we fave bere i 7 Fh Sever meh bib 93 ruano,Plaster,Lrme,1 Z e os tofure acted aid tel M tee ‘‘s ‘(wt 935 ere a wou Hi Lice cau if ee ee Dl wid associated,j ‘:j wba 93.,i NORTH CAROLINA BLOUR,CORN,HAYS .:73 M i ‘toast ft 1 Newt yd W sult 1030 i raplions or we lave labored aid y Wie 0 \SE lols See ek FISH,CYPRESS SHINGLES,je.a eee a didesuniitlis Joose frewi as and denownes t ne !|aN DS (TE ce a eae ul f lite t faloas \i ) ay \i"oan in \\:iveker L0aam lewd Pidu wn at ay low pricew ae any ochre bussih Paster Norrh \' we have expressed iis weet iu 12 ein 5 :int kes 1 SG ae linn ;x 5 f :tame a senate <. F ey ~ ree :;cng ourowe Vesse's h Maye,:ay r AEB ELEY pene vee atic nonines eas ;i nf ms .LEAN SUILVIRTA Ee rere cortatar terre Cutlg ,Keaboriere etl vas)gam SALISBURY,N.C. dent,and denounced i )Lite Vloy 4 i ‘i .Teard Mla Tekory (200 i bers periely ‘vlttew nol Ke oft May 7,i360) ; Sai)x one Sica call :\ae:r 2 pene pideweuren (aw olenriit ;ate "Peet Wa Tom H ie at Forwarding and Commission Business,ether ot!tal by this! .;ery wt ,\Sitphur 12 Yao Tet antiie avpbeiit)Mt )wl inridge and Lane,let then i 7 a5 Ei ——Nin :a ‘‘130 We will aiay make tiberal cash advances on Consign alae liuraad nite (ra a i not want the svinpathy os t P :ne i Caawha 135 ~teeville a)ne INO F FOAKD thie :rf ‘,aly ::Le ;‘ey :tents 1 cb,th can nt any wnman who wants te brid’e aur co I Plt:NIEWIUNS iis:ene ae Leal O HOOKER Clon .mi saeuce and use the b wilh winel ©mnt ons Eyres ees ae =00pm Newbern,N C.,May 29,1 sual shea Oo :: ,ne ra i a «=454 \»ea The (hthe Trams of the a Gul lias endowed us ter bisown curt?fen a io ‘/ie }-Se RR srish with C =Brown's RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES One quarter ofall are seltieli ends i‘{eae Re :CORRECTED WEEREY BY EA a efor he west AF Len eee rersane ate invertedOs *x Douglas is the morn eof od l “iy 2 ~I :DN PUR Si sh pet :Head gli :iennleee le \ee (eae EL belts i BYANS Chiet E Spee WS OAR AB var Awe that saat Dates 'f cratic party and as such wes!\t Ki :\.:)>;x : hing,sand teext te tt we die tat tier ate on a ie nM :1 WW Vw :‘I tilrer le \W cafe ite ae ee maedt “nye tb ‘. ’»>v it i 1 ‘1 .Tih Ontaisen Webi isk b:teh Is by t f urtrece to expreenour preference tor Boo.umd se i a :!ne a North Carolina College.iene ,Ayer’s if Dowel a es my 408 cu sy \0 on the hin Poumes ¥ uylas coniet be efector roetihent ...th .. iS \~lw ee .|M ide doa ath OU ES eserprat ing Dust vo teeated at Mi Waynes”on thes :Pande aUEP AT Bete :atl.yy .oF :;2 yoand Extract of Sarsaparilfa os we sincerely trast Bou iay |We I 14 '}1a Nie Sabie Oi rat nen Co oN ©woh begantsaeat ope Wi Pra ure jedts I cot ton by iy :pokes .y woold enffer our rigid ari torn trem out 1 So '}Ca \NUD .ae Tiel oil t the wits BEV AN being «toh WAN Phe anest eter tra ;’ned ot ;\ne ase ct Ola Stele Ite es veatal a jul xitaation,and ERY ANS PLL MONE rite mu oa exes v v t dy before we Would assist tn cretion a M .,:1 :i wk aay re ee u 4 ve ;in Cte Relieve (ine (re a ant a i"an jc Rice Tectlye ad .anon SINGER’S a \ee fs AN stn “IY at lot i ough old ne Throw @ar tysauds ‘eee ne ae sectional of isaiien Tek Seti We A i =fel t pe Nisette ot =Tis tterary and my aes uusurpassed BRY ANS PULMONIC WAFERS i os ::se S|:\W [NG-M ACTIINES slreve 4 Hou ad >;*::‘>4 wt 1 ‘:pee ;WRT t y 4 +Eee,1 4b). beleve the Line atel Brocntmride '.SR Jett)Relieve Asthars,Bronchitls,DiMtent Breathing.cp.cue of the»..:; tickets to be tre o ":é :;ENE Se oa Day a RES (Ne Uinlosic Warele err ;Prices Reduce.to $50,$60.$90.2nd $100. ’:Lee Sie on Ww u ifs.fron ‘!eouste . We expect te te at Riale wi on the “|ait Mert -mos 1 oe yes ua cased Relieve Spitting of Blond,Paine in the Chest.ants seri Batis 8 x j [io plain reason why Singer's Seyc-MACHINE BO i noth baypens te ove S Ss .pelt :bruce |Fads Por tarther st :BRYAN PULMONIC WARES ity such as Pruprise b =(Attia.THY adily ut price Me Gaerne tinier:(nel ses lel atic os Ya 'se ‘-(nie?REV POE BELT LE,Presidet Relieve Bucipient Consumption,Laug Wiseaser.1°Hire:ats Me Vang Pustules,thin a vate a mite durables Ree eCs a ‘i ae it ’’'t 3 n i )De Cie bene hoe tt BEY ANTS PULMONIC WARK :thas i !Veter stil Wy ae eeOl Calo aia el es ee oO deteunce us bee ise Mica oe! i ;.my Faanaui ss pies Ul womore tm enti }Salk Ul :t it tb Patlon 1 ,cretary of Board Relieve Irritation of the tyala and Teastis.:te SOL ee i ‘7 pane ed in faver of tue regalar nominee ot eh ''a :“;an Mh i Oyun j .fewlwapensin ats 1 of sterling une purchase wiila in BR alan a a.3 ho Wh 1 Aug 21.1 wwd es Misi)WARES i ;Q z ' yurty,do your Wore!‘het -fn Il Oe h », a Crete tetieh Nita con Slices eap Sewenge-M vies,thousands ae :.fs jj ea e ‘1 i \0 1)-7 Relieve the above Complaints fo Ten Mineves.t youmparie |have been deceived wented,bot with Si eae |R ey .oe ee 4 FARM AND STOCK FOR SALE BRYAS‘S PULMUNIC WAFekS i epee ea teees laciincay luece ta)tienen te aU Use cOTntis UL VINLy an a tor optutn nee -VP MECC YN Are a Blesstug to atl Clases and ¢stitations.rheuta tak¢ Ayainet any of vour chatt a x z aie i 3 PULMON PRS par fy Singer's Tranverse Shuttles! rw vee Chart)Pee ue wAGTIML GS WAIRLED ¢ere iene ene ein!BRYAN ULMONIC WAPRFR :oe inger’s its nverse Shuttle achine, e have qottin,pure omady,ay dist ah fete |I :1 IRE 0 eee Are adapted for Voeatists aud Pabiie Speakers.ci to be sold at RSE plans.aud ¥5 vhiv ornamented the editer of the L’rrs<ae COURTAISTE (TUM TS TH PERT TOTS,\to bv die M me ea SN eae Ue hiday yl ERY ANS PULMONTO WAPERE TU ee ee i‘ue isd Machine entire wins acangements it is .rs vider ~r i (ie:lonoward pers y owe fe s sory,|Un Ty Eye eo 1 Age E Wish Pe b MN AS ELMS Piet?Ir ae :Ae Are lo a simple form and pleasant to the taste Aver's ¢athartic Pills wer beatteattile Ot 9 vd 4 1s nd, wre C5"wu *t sta Wwe tad 4 si ‘>.;a :"ee i 1 :1 vi ran ,.>:for tat as and |"ba ’» Wee RESCH REM MER a eats reek.aidica WANN Ea For ald tie pucrpos Poe ‘ULES ie os tat (hoist 1 As onany eee:a p FP as ky |Not oly retieve.but effect rapid rd lasting Ceres,‘ee ,TE eS ‘1 ¢oiferad to Willing tus Pepa)eal ‘{Wo nt cae ee.~mec!i ae ie BRYANSS PULWONTO Wvrl eesti Cart ae x ’IRC a ia [ite ie ans teased in dling te /S Son ."lif]oe .1 a 1 nutiher as rapidiy a8 possible d yett ete J 1}iG F erate q 1 :w {re warranted to give satisfaction lo every one.2 :es ren es t vy paver tard Mito cciimeA Ieee mtn erase (0c ve en as faciedl pants Leer anes ;;":me },wee eh Bate and for them eannet be fully supp a eutldidare tian (avy cntaet e\lessen ies Treland WW “‘\\wert ~.t Reece erecinenninat Mma tor i ee Singer's No.a Standard Shuttic-Wachine. and in a wpece the other div sd prot taal oof your town set tatdes,«0 De EN NIRA)‘a Bryans Pulinogiie Waterms \'Suet :!SuUbo Bly UU tue ated »$90,is too eRe mah meen ent .9 |Hel cee nantes (ie fil b GUEREN :,a 4 at ae a terice whts a pveedt,bow spo techs ak sat my he hk 2 as ever,there tovital foye i:,7 i a \‘ae NOUTIENUEU DIS UU pe ee TAs OF t ~*ee Eee oe ;4 1 (aattect al qaurere!¢Rie lial oe eime Count e nyc ’)“2 ;ty Pulmonic Waters '~: jenetocmonier |'i ve ‘ET en pie ees fered]|unt Tf men i Ave our enjovirents equal af not»:<;=:We aN 1)LIN HS PRA Pie YN.sa u Singer’s Vo.2 Standard ShatticeMachine, that before the middie ot ©)neat im \ee ;:2 aa RR EcU Til RMPIUNO Tene DInGt)ba HOR \favorite maautaetourng Moehine every ditiou of tl UL Ota yeneot on *ee ,! !i gives auiple spice otof tity w eeenwe to fee sy -%&ie ae '!havin t letters 1 hryants Pulmowic Water e poe ae to unite as a lootd of croathers 4 oy t 1 nein ,Hono 4 JOURN et ::Ss ::.-COS ee man best calenbited te beat la 'Mr.Jolin Graham has been teact Ma ‘moa ph ved t en et cae :os SOE MOS aii!me ONLY.the tall vedi n ees ‘t pe _seed dal hordes oft Boack :‘the you isa?al a ote paid estite emt rotand Sold vbw HENDERSON a ENMISS,ated all Draw §]a ::e ;:aa te ‘des back beeps coanist 7 tre ‘a rele of this nerhibort {’sp)dt .te :acy PE A ‘ised.Sangerts No.3 Standard Shuttice achine. |\a ;:oo tod within t 2 ;q ; which,at a courd oniy be Meet some time past.TPs bas tan iit (we elasses t \HWeoh EDEL gts ah Tadd onocer Vana ay |ae ':I \su ee !i Por Covers hers heavy leather work. by sneha sac tics pple f -,'A bv A cists Doers sino hereby ne tied ty came ee -ae ee p a3 4 ‘ive,7 'el Satan tie oll takes wenetal at an :ce ee cand and inake poyment red eotny ”.iu eee =r vote fur either Mr.Dauglisor Mi Bog aie sense,atl te ;,;ae :JOUN WOHORAT —-Ce OR te unt x eRe ey aeaee i oe re .j wt cai ‘Ih ;ue fi as,\Misch nthe Ist of October,13s,the widely as Poditfer trem toe moses in ey a A en Ge Mee HAVING Aug 15,1st Buyrdla ==a |s Cherry Peetorn :rent jereased four told a et ee Ea Vince the Churel AS EGNOS CL N@ ae )1 nN nhs .we oe roR THE RAPH ,‘Muchties make the ipterlocked rece cre ee ci \Gliese iad pacts i (felt neat wars Hoe ;i ia =1 ()(.id Se =i m3 Sthreada whieh is the best aliteh cond chore of the Beoe 7 an formed tora tare,weal)repaired to the "er Ny ol ear stand ut 31 0 REW \R I).x ~Sees ;1 pees ee 'son desinng to procure fil and Tes G Cos)‘ae :.Cum PANAWAY from the enbsecbor on Phursday ’Sani Gow s :uu CO i tbout Sewing:Machines.ther the second choice ther ;Nad a Sp tuus bepees ''.Me ie Doct last.owe nesera be ese rtremliante cit =——ss oe Cy I nts ia wos SR Senn eri thorsccund clrcoro!tine lot al eh hank ,:tau i -RLU and FREEMAN ont tye uty corte zy =—_=J pecan :i a lhorceof the ditic 4 vs 1 VALCO M.a ;=.iB ie yee att Leopy years old.spar cuted,ver Ko bas rather a dows exh 2 a ~~ase foto Set t which »beauti- aoe ul Hotiek cahes EENTES bho when spok we 150)pounds A ae ieee Oy —'s secur rs .;= f i ee) vr votedtothe subject,dt ::hie as enue ‘9 !Seed iy ny Pp \tain is aly To ovears "recon SS t y :ie::r cond . Sane oF Pini Neco va font the mudy—Che nary BELt,WW Pye WEETING,s a ::es :se om aL “\:‘ness Mt 3 ’ or wt cr cos ohaat 125 pounds =E ‘ ar 7 hondged tree negrors were sehi at ti VER]PV USeSSaty LL 8 egy1s sean b Kverert Coavbare he ahese rwanda ‘FS men)ae ZI SS =MV hreeth eae I.M.MAGER &CO, Court Teuse on Pe Gene tire cr weer RCLIS SITS 21)snack —that is M i sa ,wil doliver sand boxe to ale sar etl theaw an Ji —_eZ Le ‘ey bi Browdaan,New Fork Aye i i i pays RIS TLC Nae era inia Se cat uly ‘=_dts reca \‘1 A p : with law,who had tot pavd their taxes,Ue tuts to erackand we will not aurmnise af uty Suucias sie sek!Sep a TE clarke A 7 oe eee iit ol re a —_ya ane)a 7 large oe asserted there te repent other smackryefor we did not see any —al se fully ee ec are trying fe ambake herr wary tao Boos State ==2 t sedate - einselves to their respective pareliasers |things eulwened th :Tone ewan?FHOWAS DIGGS ,:C=:spo h ::things calwened the scene,But most of ai we S ROTeLTTOe 7 —_NA ae ee The tudding .We a SW.Jasies TS Niners eed adn Anaou Co.N.C ee:‘Nemes eA y nye Ww "ue Cant wod the qoeteed what ted the eve.On the other +\ee a :—eS eon al nil os oy ”y wan then knocked ont ae Che 4 :Deeks g ml ‘tnd fereas by evers ‘ee wucdiaey ca etna Ge ‘hat table—like the other side of Jordan =iay .WILLIAM €.LORD,=~eee eer a re es 2 EC ae Cu a a eee A Female Seminary ATTORNEY AT LAW =-5 M2 “.oe ro Bite eect tli lticcrlc dul lenities met umes ce there with their baby’s and IS Wires,S ©A L =fe eae te FoR ~ arty adj or left for i)ek .:,Je ome em oro PREPARED @y Bos =2S 6 = 2 ‘F ‘Be ae :a => some other place yeurs ago,where lignes were there with ajl then homed sweet (‘e ey SeTenIbH eka NEW Hone sem SALISBURY,SN.¢°:DR J G \y ER &(‘O —a &8 a boyera will lardly yo atter them,aned)bess fu make along story short the boys Re rears i as \\TIPUR Unt uma Ra TAIT ASLUOIS .,i NN ELL.MASS “é =zz ~ compelled,which will be the Jast tl faald 4 pores bali ting choemnely metraeiian on)BE ths Rowan,Stanly.Dredelf and C cawba Counties ese ;===— aN ting cuuld wot stand it—so they passed over dan ..<rEY «yy ane ©Ps tl ;;:DN er eibreoneemiilalineny cae nouns tadion my Ci Reaiag Ue Corl iaG ie eMail Building opposite 4 All our Reaedtes are for rate by (aes et ee do on terra frma.—Petersburg:on dry lavnd—WICC RRLNeC fUndmiUn An OAT Luenecratynclsnm1 Gin UZ zy AL)wioch they can just the Book Store N 0 I Cc EK.wou Laas ‘eine oN x aes |ss ne agencer.;.7 =iy aI Feb (4,1560 1738 mas 5 ene eran s uy .=ae } |ond to travel”of not,we de votknow >butone 7"(cat very [ow ratee,may be ohtarned The Stockholders of the ees a ee v ne — thoy we do knew—"we cat a wislif Jorn the most rerpectat fronds hos affording a ;eal ::‘S—-SS om ,u :';;hasan,es z =e FATAL RAILROAD COLLISION,(eve.In due ume we all repaired agounbythe en a Valuable Land for Sale,YADKIN NAVISATION COMPANY vrai.sins tow tes es A 2 ~ , [Tuoroieens iter cCentredias Gateue TAL t TTT,meet at Mocksville.1 eG Ue oes ato N k ¥ae New Orreans,Ang.90 RCCe Te Church.Dr.dames Wo Shinn was then mito Phe aoifermly excellent heaith of U4 eal fieaet meade to etenre cer-\pre ;,Nienee (SK .fa tL vist ea rere Cee c S - collision occurred yesterday,Oi tlimecir dood ame weleensbe Meta abe he party eo iil Ro 1 the a \2 :el wal eee Noon.Pie inqertant al .ie)Ma ho PSG ca “5 es a . roltom Baulroad,loading:trom this ect coeded to del CA CHAS Serie EOD ce re Gas a n Miree TAN BU reyeee tah '==;: au,tex a orn tl ity te dito deliver quite a chaste and ont ‘ritenlvely tl imp ntary tne carpet treteaal tole ee 1 z 2 : rany will hy .:) Lake Poutehartenn,Owing te the fact dress an the orgin,mature,tects an]pos Se eei Cnitrie ulmi wits cnt he pies ay Cabatens ane nue sunth o Dee Hint rene ::\A){iona |i la ao!=-DM ot ety being Sanday,the cara were masic,“The Doctor concluded by reques \Ce aa :CE Ri oe :ee ae ae .=~v 5 op crowded with people,who had ent ':i Se alain tigation at the burs ‘an A am 'ohad yone ont the class tosing Old undid MW ;"Le cask onee er Rec 42 a RE ats pie we bteattend (he at 7 STEPHEN Det i —‘ :2 g v6 salle |‘ut \a AUG:HEN bot vi z to visit the lake shore.Threeofthepas”substance,that thi an ee SEC eaRClat Cwsiihy,tenekse jatyat ver ed TOUN YOUNG,Pruste oe ae aa WM.M.BARKS eS :~~ stance,rood ole e diad its his Sree ‘ severe were instantiv killed,and a large ve Se vane Ae iM)$112 ere!\Nar ¢'\.< number were badly weunded ine a ry,that it carried us back to die days of Luther Provision will be anevde for inete mo Ma Foe ee hal OV NEO (aS ei 2 := Histon i@ penerally attributed to the culpa wlio with hiv stentorma:lungs lak sent ats nates fh an ee 'Us 2 y 2 2 cS #8 Western Sentinel Wins Peewee Fe gs “ur : ble neglipence ~alivatling tt hel |TEE :Se ee .';ienig uaulefow goed exrcut Ue rs,Doaree 2 pe ¥Otte enter Wild.lima eny le through the skies to the throne of (rod 1 VW NEWSON yn VPP 1 TVW..:ERS gue BH VO ay ites and ieee ene SUN PEMISTER &CLAYWELL,vs"Carriage Business,Dr.J,M.HENDERSON Ls a #¢.\Ue rae 0 it ™ = iS i a AVING Jocuted ia shary off hie rfes- oo Unoumbered chriatian asmemblies that iin ||WAVING PURCHASED,BPC EN ELY,REM Fe ean act =.a rid prenared tof et Peat ene |ine Dasa a rAiiR 2 ‘ a GRALVERS,PAPER HANGERS,&e..r PR NGEE)tnt '5 :: Firk—-On the morning of the 249th ted making “a joyful noise”wech it we 1 Wn at !‘0 eM Het ‘NEW MANUI ACTORY ‘vee Meh j |Shea Gout Osea ils below the inet.,about Lovelock.a tire |notes to the ‘‘,\Ns a @ broke onutin ‘o &praise of the ef Tue A ve {he Waele SALISBURY,N.C |nu ho 2 the Columbia Car Factory and Machine good old tune was sung with rapture and melo Mi a \1 :Aw RErear {townd warranted to be Salisbury,NG:'eo ‘‘;ORRELL &GRADY ‘ui th about Tell Vores wn dag konantike mat a s Worka,near the Charlorte Railroad,and dy.and let us hope ©spurt and Ievsta some hie y |'ie oe yal en TR Ee nn rede ine :vavorkoin :ren ar , b Vane ae”The class cont 'ie ‘a mint |eee eel ee LOT oa aa F \;Manutactirers and Wholesale Dealers in efore any arsistance Cold bai rendered veoclass continued ite maneer for sl u wend ‘'Maechinery.by Ki scriow arch |pa HN may y 1 i nee :ae i ’ensonalile ”acdielenit t are pry a a Sh iA Per nanapy)t 'vest werk ever dh mea . took euch possession o ‘see tae Je tine when iC was disbanded ave a taeenentt (ene bal Peat -Eee NLS wih Neat ay atthe sig fay HATS,¢APS, |noaof it that it waa re.we returned to our homes Pon vind eash,and bala \STN rad v t a dacedto ashes Caer ome nas pe Sea)ME IBSIECSa traw and Milline to ashes.Mr.Grahwin xppe ars to understand masic and Mr Thoma Ceuwtord wil dow ter COREE CULL tila ETEK Ve.Cottage and other Bedsteads,July 81,1S60 8 ,illinery Goods, eee a ie =precision,altention,fin:DF CALDWELL Ne Tae LON recent On Feraat (the ie Umbretias,Parasols.Tleners,Ribbons,&e., :f nied by the class,we tiust concludes August Om,1969 uD *,Mo 18 Courtiandt Stre EMA Sif 5 melody exhibited by the class,we ma 0 |ee New Vors vey w f !‘)’1 .NO Jourtiandt Street, gi Hh fe Vy Aes Ibe by a Runaway that he ian good instructor :\V }ers \:to the b i Uivenedtee atcemanmn Ni lihersld ie LA IN 1 |(NK oS \l |p porn \Tt aTAL .HR Wwe ve ne : Soate,that w 'vewbeut rst 1 .' e ae ieday evening Tast,two Hoping Mr.Esfitor that we have not trespass SALISBURY ee rH mer Crit ee ea eee ::i ut HONORT AWN TELLS itis :L :.“orl. ronaway slaves,with a white companion,ed two much upon either your byen ft nee ,\uae wee SHIRT Le URS SDA Dara :!)New York cnn gira win ite emanion,eewmonhapo aber ALE ACADEMY.fee phen Yi tire mt ae SS a drinking faloon in Cleseland.Ohio,8m!the other sayings and do AW liitad pe NEXDE SEsst0N OF THs SCHOOL *beooven (ae PIES RY ee (50?Mee 1 1 ‘{reula ;\‘|Ne S Vee ERS CIGARS” when one of the negroes attempted na iy W.What Cowper and of Joho t Iprn—but we arleann Penatiee el iies nib Raya Aug ?iit S.Ro TAREISON Senn me ‘ete MRS ont Wholesnls or Reve supposed to stab the pr \aay (with more se prepared ior aee clisean ans ¢u I alin May %.1S60 ,1 'Post Office MA 1 ;!rroprietar,bat in Jore seriousness :‘weer |wth ot Te bave Neen ' : uri will be givin,withottt eX snipes ’May 1 the confusion plonged hisditk three times,{New let ussing,|Long live the King Weal ie ead perl 7 Vv I XN kG A R.i fas ne weshing Nh eae nro ! intitle adv of on Filianell ; eae i Lae Ne ouston wh ‘)ed p .on,Who die g live he fonthe tuneofentrances wert vt th URE CIDER VINEGAR:for aale by W u ey : 5 . @ died with:And when he wext doth _'=,.tras or ie BLANK DEEDS ARO CEE Seen AG!:ce ets MARRIAG LOEN SES ride abroud may Ihe there wo WG EY WAM!yan Maun street.Salisburybe BOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE “Syuy oe.1080 SN TEARS CATR AT |7 /Gf ‘”FOR SALE AT THI8 ©?CE iuafew minutes tn 00."PALERMAALK ASTOUNDING!ASTOUNDING!|Sap Sorcwe.—A youth io attendance at a) jschool in Blairstown,N.J.recently committed suicide under mysterious circumstances,which are explained as follows by a correspondent of ‘the Trenton State Gazette.Names are sup- ASTOUNDING! pets vee,Wyatt's Remedy *: to,and bad been corresponding occasionally with fa Unfailing Specific wa young lady wor near Chat place.The Prive _: pal of the school having found thi«oat,forbade For the Unfortunate! ithe correspondence,and even wrote himself te CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS the young lady,forbidding her to send the young CURES RECENT A FELICTIC yNS. CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, IN A FEW DAYS! It has no taste,does not interfere with diet or efue vuth.Prepare {wold Wholessle and ime tliedetten tre (ie ys -1 if ffeer the breath,Pr par d anc voles n 'he young man,with such ki {Retailby WOH.WYATT,Druggist and pene Salisbury,N.C man any more letters She however continned to write,and it happened a day or (wo before the fatal*ocenrrencs,that the young:tan chanced to dropone of her letters,wt ty letter was found tobearried to the priverpal Tustend of return: admonitions as bis own yood judenent ONO eary,Nos 186 and ids Wain at, ested,this fool,or knave,or both,tad 07 Price $1,and seat by mail euclosug 4 stampe fave O.|Sahiebnry,N ¢19 ~~SOUTHERN MANUFACTORY | SMITH &MILLER, MANUFACTURERS OF IMMENSE ATTRACTIONATTHE | Great Clothing Emporium Dare tprceuersbestquality—Machinery of AV 3 e either pain OF ex.AVING spared 0 paina nor eX |go’with every other stil eriale of the |ments,alt of which will be suid as ueual at exce lsu gt |BOOT AND SHOE ‘Gentlemen's Boots,Shoes and Gaiters, the latest dine |cesvkueprovemenin—and the ment tinished W men,they Hatter theunsetve> sell an good un articleDAVID.WEIL, AM NOW openuis Sore Room,No.2.Grate Burding,the taud- somest aud cheapest Stoce of atomy darge aod specious’ fin New Eoglid for us can be purchaTheytb July 24,1X60 thal tiey can §<5 <Gs S oz Boots,Shoes &Gaiters,ae x GOODS he sane lore feel eoutiicnt Chat hear NOTICE }HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RETURNED from market, |‘and ts pow receiving and opening »complete and full as- "GROCERIES, dap sisting of Coffee,Bugar,Molasecs,Syrups,Tea,Pepper,Spice, )usually kept in similar estabbish- ow prt His stock of 4 those who have favored bio with theirta(ar superior to any,a The stuck of1ppatrouageeamtestify SSSreeeaaneneannaaiasaation _:Professional Cards.HOSTETTER'S. DENTAL NOTICE,STOMACHBITTERS. oo eee The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS-ane TETTER'S CELERKATED STOMACH BIT-VO TY |TERS can a 1 with perfect confidencspppealwihtidence 10Fa,DR.BE SSEN a ’Riycledvandrailin ns gere of the UnitedSiates,because th.uicle has attained™REMOVED ro tae DENTAL ROOMS eae re rater i tation heretofore unknown.A tew facts upononthecornerformerlyvecupiedbyDaBaron,thi peiwt will speak more powerfully thanwhereheispreparedtoattendaf!operations volumes of bare assertion or bl zoning putlery.conaected with his profession.The consumpuon of Hostetter s Stomach Bit-Jan.1,1860.(32 ters for the last year amounted to over a half-million bottles,and from its manifest:ste andyW.L.BARRI ER,{ucrease ip Ulues past,it ix evident that duardthecomingyearthecoustamptionwillreneDENTISTBearvuemillicabottles.Lis immense aun unt’could never have been sold but for the rareNUESRLENEANDNCmedicinalpropertiescontuivedintheprepara-March 13,1360 pdiy a3 fon,and the sanction of the most prowibentphysiciansinthosese tous of the countrywherethearticleisbestknown,who mot oulT'yi;Drs.M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, ecciuend the Bites tothe Patients,butAVEassoctatedthemselvesinthefMedicinearereadyatalltimestogivetestitionials(vu iteandoffertheirProf,cl upble the iwhowishit,can have the serv efficacy in allo es of stonmehic derangementsinanycose,witheuextracharge.and the diseases resulting theretromOfice—the same occu wily Dy Witenes This is notatempors:y popularity,qbtainedecember14,185%by extraordipary forts in the way of trum .~peling the qualities of the Bitters,buta echdDR.FN.LUCKEY,estinuarivt of an invnluaiie uvedivtues wets 13destinedtobeasencurigastieitseltIEINGnoweSwyutHostetter’s Stomach Bitters have provedhisownresidercecreeegilyowoedbyaGudsendtoregiouswhereteandupeeJ.B.McNeely.)onthe Concord aud Mochsee rss and various other bile us plaints lave24tiesSouciofulysaraChurch.Goutnues te of coutted:their victims ty hundreds,Vo befor,at the same docation,hes profeseiomal sercu os able tu state contiien othe BattersthepublicareacertalncurefortheDyspepsiaandlikeCalls,in his alse wuld be ett wy te ttetbica disenses,js to the proprelors &soturce at anFgee.Mr.Shupuig or hie wite,orto Chet absenee,wl alloyed pleasure.Ttrer ves all mertid mattertheservants.from the stomich,punt the bt andMiranda,Rowan co,Nov.10h,Iso 5 Muparts renewed vitalioy to the nervous system,}.as Eiving it that tope and energy indispensable7mane|for the restoration of health Ltoperates uponLAWPARTNRSHIP,the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs,aa mildly but powerfully,and soon restores themA.A.&8.A.CALUW LL S[aueen eto weundiicatectentin mie lat by discharge‘a =.|of the functions of nature-QFFICE the one formerty oecupied by Dr.Nesbit |Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily asonWaterStreet,per directions on the bottle,and they will budRANTISBURYNC|Init ashmulant peculiarly nduped to comturtoues|dechiuing years,as it is pieasunt to the palate,March 1,159 1110}juvigorating tothe bowels,excellentasatonie£g iaudreyuvenatnghavetheevare.UN onecy ‘denee of thousands .rhoaund WomenBUSINESSCARDS.wildlimrereapurledi uillulte gnunteortenie ig{PreparaQou wiite suffering trom stomach derangwisandgeneraldebiliryactingunderN.M4.MARTIN,BRA.&Ca.,|the wlvice of prysicivns,they have abandonedGROCERSAYDPOYWISNIDYAeosweeanesaneelsieeriisthnitichefewwordstothe 5 their cares so harassing thar tangy of thenNo.129,Sycamore Street.sith cooler the cried The velaticn of 4 erESeeeee forget ber own bea b her ext i elyN.a MARTIN,BONES co MeV U ate Ceesto UICC |ast TS sal body and fis pener Voges 1 wo the ene ryie tthe svsiet meletPeeMOND,VA Tne lubnaanne BM MARTIN,»K flsy ard cesperROAManriy:.rally !!'‘Sean |x tors that rece ©endorse \si TP Stret per tr nos ‘ae eS ou:oeProduceOrderstorwoodspron.p RU eis orae eat increase Rerenesct DOA Davis,CFO Fis 1 \.tore ler mwentteet naresunetd.i550 5 larly re vdoabosve,toy eos them fever and augue edly ba iarthoraWzR.WILSO Vln agp tit ahbuyersjchide,persue sedenuuryASfire?re ‘}t v 't-tis ta ».therr ow sihoweltur ye y HosWATCHES,JEWELRY,“.iia adCyutieWecantonth stSILVERware,UESa gers TSG 4FUNASTal2aENacAlteadxHem1OriethPannSowsdveandseePatenchboothsteashiscastsmen|eee ae eee a,ine his Stuer.14 1 'HCHO pdBlreet:j x'W Ven ‘5oy‘ared and sold by HCSTE?TTER &G i btinn,Pa,ard sod by sfae}ers,ard de berallyinvihdseneUnitedStatesthAme-JAMS PDR rica,and Germany 5 ;WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER,SCION TTL S MI VDE, fe s ‘LOTTE SM !/ One door below a.AY,Mapass spay,Sle |eS .ay yoy X a ‘WoofxWATERS9)JEMEERD kinds Se !Clocks,W 1 !ert \.( feparrdci '44 ul HebleFoti1~ ;3rrSI73vioMICHAELBROWN,)j MMISSON.ERC ‘1 Nee Nee SALISBURY.NG. DROVPE PERSONAE ATE (DN Gs \EN tothe pa i k PGE Gk And to a'l +ren #|shipped to othe:P February t4,100 1 1 \mea GpHeciiassacha!FINE ander ie thne\i Sop He*hassalh ip POPEIANS(lathesHeholdsthe4I‘‘See lee eS hTown,and th ry ftoonSierr‘). fications,&FON 1 ee :at:April 10,d=60 0044 ‘'{‘READY-MA EPR RET ere ree .>i nBRRAW va -:ee& ioe 9 .WYATT 9 Fellow-Citizens cf RowanTOMEeORDIAl|Le \ One of tie us el init Ren shes .Ne , a QDysent:ery,Diareh 2a.Plax CuGaht 1 WEIN Es POA,Vd i‘:\i You PRICd LN Sey TENPreparicdehvwslhSNAtelAsanayNealt:iNosIsGands+.Won street, June 5.tf Ba Sit tevee NC.S20 REWARD.‘7 SOT tn *THY NORTH CAROLINA si tthe Stable of the anbserber hy\‘poy})2tiles below Golo Beton the maht ot the JdWhiteSulphurSprings,2.000 2 eee ee 1 asp mete Tete for eg.vhory"ELL be opened for visitors by the pee 1 M ''Very enIstofSuneveststheyrated41!”in a Mest healthy reo moronntiy uf every '1neart!ecatitnl €mt At !heh “'in Jess than a ,ey py Meant fos «the Western N ©Rf iad '.ores I wo I;of Omurbases and Sone ee3PleasureVib-Ma mel rt vtatthecallsoN"t Saloon will L ted ,Von tiny a!A a)NIEMuriciins«'enn 'SA Tei meSU Linh anConlonP:a eviaraln \' grownds ext eq Nelwas 4 vers th :by ‘as .YeeeALISBURYtorelreshohrineondcheerWecarthTH».ane a ayen aygeenchenaitemeicalteyetCOMASAUANTWarsleetvoileciakay of the Western NOC)Real Road “,:and wil]‘He lrty {uw his ’Th ieuce of the Prey !!‘er of hes un Y 'escogingTh:protor '|Ins iinfittingapawatery|.':!"war fthe ¢q : generosity foreneoursy !,7Taytens eyApril10,7860 :NW AW MIS LOUIE YS \L.iMSATyeesa Apple Bra ndy. the Court Hou 1 Wak ,7 Lp rir ‘MWBih day of Nug eet artic 5 Lent ()Sy Wy AITheiseofGoWilleon.6 i 1X”yud 14S Main sposed,abow®Sun on Phot i Tait wi 4watersofHuCreek,mo a tion of valuib vit nan .:*Office of the Western V.€.Rail Road,are on the place, con bls dwell eetandotherout-honses A cindiv of 12 he tes Srareesvitns J Rogiven.Bond,with goud security,required WhelvexiAnnunl Wantno nt lies eee atILRINGWAM.MR ;.;;th Weratean Norn ?Yee thas ;Mocksville,Inly 24 1546p dwiflpr adv 86 ara ere Hote -ae f :i :;te a *':Pay RF SIMONTON,.see &&cueBlankofallkindsfuraaleattheaoffi@,Aug 14 Mela /SELLING | ‘NEW YORK cost!MANSION oh HOTEL, A RARE CHANCEFOR |\ we J e B ARC AINS!!Le subscriber tuker plearare in unanoneiug &his|friendn,lic peneraby,tha Jouw extublishe dd aud welt AVING determined to change my presew bum|dahon 1 rn with t object ofgotng cite ainore gener Pend has made every mnt be prepatation towceenanatone,ft owilbeatera emu be pabli Laces and Mant FOW CASTE ban baiegreatly to their HayeoeGand Extn eek iw Luling:ElonencetiieniuGte al co alsy sefhioe all Goods on hand at | Greatly Reduced Prices,[Me STAM A.MYERS,(iin Now dy Geary re wn Saishery,Way Pb.dso ttol Ree Wilhelm &Gorman.we }{January 9OTE)Janne 2 Sales and Short Profits, 5 1 r b 1 en 1 '1 tert « 'ibe.Ne Pete-al +Cloua ft e | v ,Brusy vers Vo 07) feud ot t “ta Winner¢Gui feen’s Christen,thiatestands,Wash-stands,we treVthinginoarinesallofwinehwewillwella ees cun be houent it the Ste Nise.good sriment of Wood Coffine kept. bind,and furoished on av reasonable terme ax can bio ane be had Woe Save a Bae new Me for funeral ce |the asa fasaatie n Axion Cailat the Porietrne Store ot aud the WILTELM &GORMAN alisbary PCO rebel vin aa AWAY--$75 Reward *:" HAS FrAPANNVVAYuntsuboreutbeyae Wut ;I‘1ie1NixrhisMOLCMLS es \Lh \i Noe \t '0~wW RARY &00 \ Groeonsborough Mutual ISSERANCE COMPANY.Mount Vernon House. alt Losses Promptly! pitted Pores ey a Sis! ;i :or us Tae \ik |J i !) a W , '!f SS \|1d \ ry Ni.‘\\|' \t ( eee nme UNION,” Ce ‘a i LSID FOR SAN R oR\'\<Ww I\em Vhey Nok {Kk oF W \ JOHN }". Se OA) [eee 2s eee1) Owe vilaiote Phiatations for Sale. AS just opened w cew lof of GOLD betila, and BILVEK DOUBLED CASED Breater alteraive power as te ctlird an cHeeuve ansAMERICANlidoteforthediseusessu)raporilla wm reputed iocure. PATENT LEVER WATCHES.wii,sctiwhheinvitesallloversofagood,handsome ga Weick wolwccomplish their cure niust prove of am- keeper®lo cour riches are tian”FRERCKS &RAEDER, BOYDEN &SON,and Viriting portions a ihe Most satiefactory iannerLADIESDRESSGOODS.Posie berinn eonSteeotviueseeeOO"2 JERIn TES,<|vo .fare sortinent of Gold and Silver Neukatais on bic Doctor cern Dewy,AGRICULTURAL UPN tt ban ree awsrti ie i Teewue!.aa Silver,Doubled Cased,uu 10 to Plk atong trom Eareniy ov tie Boop andevery Comfort ts provided ti his ROOMS. SEORGE TONCALT atithe Store nest teal,when eral aliie ie oo),why Che year By the tan dy e aptsPuresshenaidSeparators Nhafting sad Machinery strong Drags &Medtomes:Cee rs slitVAUSE. Morganton,N.C. te |puss superb New Motel hus gained hen]0 ol beng a FIRST CLASS HOlsE il ray \’. Tn Big:Grante how Oppositethe Rawan 1 use |HH)\\|,|{ ee '‘Ms ed tot Me va iy ‘ed a onl un expenenc:ofriheStatefomwnexy REAL ES very i /PN:Co VR RA (0):t Nui muiiuined NUEN ale ON Srown &Cots Nlage Office.<‘yyLtrdivas.adios MeS.ey :ae Tete s 10 ke Ih WARD.aa COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, »Important to Mill Owners!' Mi HiIStOot i :PHIL,APE ea_MeMannew S SUPERIOR ee Ce aesSMUTANDSORE-WING MACHINE. DR.MOUTARDE'S Wiraculous Pain killer. ‘kK \ 1 J t!iy | \U3)Hit- 'iene Ser Es rey CNET Gas UP SOO TUE RN TV AND OAR WINNFo tdLey)©. JOIN DOoOoLry,‘ ‘Lis 1 \ STEAM TE PAN VADN SOFT USD MOLE sitDitks=1A im j CSUTe poole sy \ HEAR SG)IS ie Ghat a "!I t i h 4 iy i <orc Virwin,Nor Cane reece mide nt of ms mits te sapply cere wirdtingetheymaywantWONWitten50 ®he pooen need M ,Meoo;ee ie m 5 TETAS \ tht ''‘Noy ia}t I 1.!De :\iN Fiaiir ! Pris OINTMENT. wa og.82 Wc 1)BANS oy W:eles a8 AND es ped all Competition 1! HWie‘©sth ee lle\ELLA i ;.*ie ';at MI : Vand matetie t >RneeeALGNT i Delieeg Cane cf PPERTOR 4 't Sin\Wen \f nod 1 Wo OKRUEP,'dyPrictcalWalchonkesipeofico,SA MARRIAGE LICENSES PeecsptWYAPT.146FORSALEATTHISOFFIC,‘ 's Livery ‘Ntable. (See ©)1a Gas New Firm. ®&SOSSAMON, DAVIN. havc heen appomed Noortfo QENON SONStefe oil HILLSBORO’ MILITARY ACADEMY. TURNIP SEED.|WANTED 2.099 feet Syeamore Lumber, NOTTS NeleeReductioninPrice, CAIRN W \N Ph I),Pie 50 White Hands tee bony ae Wheat. NORTHERN LIME FOR ue |North Carolina Foundry Amato WATCHES,Ayer’Saisaparila WACHINE “WORKS!A compound reine dy,in which we huve fabs red toYPrecueetheosteffetuelait‘{R W1 LSON Mise [Ome dy icnedecoi ru,ousbhied min ig Publinte wool eit IC is betleved that such a rein ‘yw wanted by thorePiaiuts.aud that oue 1G SUE Ue Co wud exunine Meng:Kervice lo this barge clase of cor afflicted fel.ured aod ypoarantiod low -chitens.How con tely Chis compound wallde be nade of Uhe best ia enal,ou che to har Geen foven by expert ut ou many of thewedpuoeiple.Gud porsestes every requiBiie for Woh CL Cosern fo be found in the tiles vip ecmspiatotekeeperSCHOLULAANDSCROFULOLSCometAINTS,ExcrtionsfeccitthatercdWorkiinortpoorperfor:aXe Becerive Hive aeer,Chemie Pi ien Bore:gs,geare,he atatl tines bolde tiinse!“Posowr.sir hikiay Seano Heap.Syenitip ARBCernihertesgvenwitheachwortehmoldOVPVeronese,Mike Oki an Dipeane Vnorey, iyoreer.glieh Patewt und detached Levers.*A AND byolonsTion.bavrire tas.Kose on Bt.An.Vavern 1S jewels trou 30 te 40 Those Fiat and indeed the whole claes of eons Phi con ponud won be une a promoter ofhenintheeying,to expel che foul&Vouner Sore:Main streel Sonor Wooch fester in the t fog at that seam of uot thea tany{uthe bud Mututudesrauhbagdisorreare Can,by the wid ofthim ren dy spare ch thee !Vee from Fupoe.mb Nol asset te de ioir through the )\,)Nhe cndar per ot foi erp ics)and Wlecrour sures,}ia ’:hroegl wWhechohe wy siete Will stive cu rid eefsf Presper thotty eal!the Wention taturad ehaniie ds at tae lodsy by analeraive medicine ;wd Mecohacte te ther renewed Clennse out the wit Ublood Whenever toa fad ithotveryFRESUANDPUREMoparsburebogtreag¢fe rhin in punples,erup- fh Gi ie ober ver. tleai se it wheuever ituchdeermeciiena:Gedo cost tates,6 foul,ate your ter ar wall ell you when.EvenaeaditianteWoComplebeWherenopculeMierisflipeupleeryoybet-ten,fewular @ propretury,terh Heed ove bayer.for clawing the bloud=Werpole t A sod all aw wells bat withDiurelaeancyCnitenlinloneryaspiecesHhpalateofrerd,ther can he +o lastemaaMghealthSooner‘erscmething inst po wrong,ian witel Nnyer can selena 2!the great miachioes.of dite ue disordered or uver-thrownOWertrangeofpiceigSarsaparilla has.and dese 1wilconfidence,tha ens acne 'Pree MUChs there puistion,of weeanplimhing these ends But the word hasbeenouslydeceivedbyprPierationeofit,parity. pobre sy yerrs,@ Very extended busiiers houses in Chix State, n Vcanee the deny abiue hee not all \.real wanleitae a "ne the vitwe that is,Nerientitine (pig cumueeauee reanbiLe ote beeause many br paratonnireirhoeibitiesfo iretevditurbeeoneeutrated¢Airacts ot 'ny:respendence with P'ie ee ‘eaten aesrGerthevineulmareaperila,or wilwiethieandfor:ee ‘TektinePeepyVourneeds Dosiow late vere the pubse have been minted byiranSiEeTHurtoye4gaatofExtractovedollarMasiofthesehave HU great witamtac vet peices vod rue ies tropa been feamen apon the mek,tur they net only ecNoelodNowlidilStv:)uly containVictadetphiaileoySareaparcle,but tte ne curative prop: oust thes whoopee fever.titeer iad paotol @ kap- }Por troeent bem tollowed the ass of the VoriOux ext raceFoSarecpatiawhichHocdthemoked,antl the ant hanbe rome wyouny- Moos weh upon and cheat Noll we eall thieoaHinteeFaeasepactia.wid intend to aay ply eneh @oatinndbow&y feeds as shall reseue Tie nan fiom the bond afysLsoobentObteqayWheetiressapedNidwethiokwehaveecaeneeNeseonl\Vir aes whieh ape deresiett.i ce Hen &Con neoby .#rnlendedk(i Hoire liiiite co scrnie tar eamplete ecadieasAeawdtesttronnilieavetheretiwalystanldbyjudiemuse ie |“‘a ‘,Cee lt o e betbe,“!‘ACR tyrheone*'uf ..ae see we lest DR.J.G.AVER &€0.,vy gilvaniged tb etna LON PI APA RSdsidbnvsfPetreae#1 ree Uurene:Six Borris von $5»Canny Shtewer Jey h P I,~~A Ayer’¢erry ectora1mu-h aeisaveDateseeeeyContain.that nem.Welty ue coh \lon evidenee of»:ae wre Nar teen ranploved.Aw itJOUNKENDALLiHaeceeSeesiwrodPeeventeASUPheenpleitsgustefaimhon.tod ‘i ”and thetvr?CES As <trehiet all at ban evesSENSEN‘ Wist ah ..Ayai’s Cathartic PillsWNANeSET‘'’’nel ek yon viteVN6Ralth4taehaeDaspepata,tad Dys-WW (bos Aetoy Foul S "4 Evusipe'us Headache,Piles,I 1 5 rea 7h tics and Shin’Diseases,Liver'Nese ¢Nee ani Drapery,Veter,Vumarnaud Sait Rhewm,nod (Cea ai sa Danes Pill,aad forNesPovoat'BCsI-fie Ba el ecu at meaner timeneee asiafHoekMaasityVaneAhferes‘doivey are the beetWEENSEEShMore.the wordt al ihe pucpores ofa lam y(o>BLOWN&OO aie a:uel ‘et Ts r DeeN teri eat?i Bovis ron 8E00IAPaversMaveee alee hern mee COLOCNE WATER,0 nsimEineReadsfhee“hue w .;ot the bby ve vnypborte, Voy ener1)ry erent swillotherSSPOVECREIEAVISyy,p wa '?DenandSesSAathesPhesekantthebeetSey\roe her thes dohey 8 hove at *BR ne SAIT2 vu.LIVER eee Ai0R, rite eh acon OL lie ar cn ee pan5numerous ment of the{tm wich yuaitiuesa1 wed es »fementgnite you n tbe +ofthe LIVER Is-VIGOKMATOR,andit tt whee *m Liver Com-platut«,Hi-lous At= 3QOhenMieUACallyetsince,Dysp Ban nts Diarrhoea,5 B summer Com-Dysente- lence,Jaundice,@4,and may be used «ry Family Medi a ¢yas an Ordina= foe.Itwilcore SACKthousandseautestify)fie two or three Toa re ae il oh MC cnemeuscaent Of'1 ,xPommebreoboy{who ase tt are GI etn their teattimony;eilataaySyeSmix Ww ATER IN THE MOUTH WITHESiRATOR,AND SWALLOWBOTHTOGETHERWEREMeCORMUNPilceOneDotarperBottle, te ALS Wochings CATHARTIC PILLS,Wl WOMIMON.f.-hee aa eeneGLASS¢‘.Ade thy sd will heepInanyie 2 thartic Pwhichthepthantwentyfemandfrom those wha. w and the satisfacnom whichonelasinducedmetoplace seagenorbaw be seen operation Gone Buldiuns ,«ED vat diferent Cathartienat A.MYERS he ROA MELA x hav ois aoe foo |han with due re i VY.PRES and WARRANT SV eS Nae) TSS VWitivst)Satebiny,NOC m v of:eesationofColt«fe <tleaqeetesae ’nv heapohavmy "''Wands of JOPEN .*s TT.Ww.Sayror Se et cee ry on 340 Brewdwes.bce NoreweQothOFthismonth.will ee MONEY PF WOSR AND Sd by WENDE SON @ ENNISS,DreccierWoOWOFEEENWpCoewistsSalisbury,No ¢ia July 4,1x50 116 NOTICE THIS.Ue A.ee thee U0.SHERMAN BROTHERS, Ivrokren®wvn Jones oF ral Hardware,Cutlery,Guns, LYING,ee ae NEW YoREB. ties that he keepe n Tune 4.186n tinpd2(OMGAISS Gun Glin pincenree Celis Maia vor shurawith Buecies and Rockaiways. GEORGE MOWERY Cy MED copicentoe Ion (ert Tat ow Bug 80 142 viesand Rockawivn,which he awilleatt on endfemTHOSEBROWN, Jan Qe r8eao 195BrickForSale vhoy Bitty or Srey Thonannd PLANK DEEDSvogetnbargainbycallingatthiewi{FOR SALE AT TIHS OFFICE e¢ J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Single copy,Rivcupiss, Ten copies S1500 Clays exceeding ten,in the same propottot $200Ss00 |Protection nd Exte BELL vs.BRECKINRIDGE, That tie voters of the South may @derstandfullythedifferencesofopinion\between Bell and Breckinridge,on two |yvreat questions that intimately concern their rights—the protection and extension $1.50 each,Payment always in advance VS BANKS of slavery—we annex in parallel columns, the declarations of both in reference there- to.Let the reader compare,and then nay which of the two is the man for the NUMBER 16?JOHN ©BRECKINKIDOR JOHN BELL. Ti+following Court and iaiisceliancot are kept on hand for sale,at Cis otiee.Can be .y sont by mailto auy part vl the coundy,at suse 4 expense.\()I ae \|I.. Oivil Warrants,| SALISBURY,N.Cs,SEPTEMBER 4,1860. Com tetuke Depo Ca 8.6 Oasas&Bonds,Nee ie “LT hoppeoed to be in |The Constitution,pro- Writs.©.&8 Court,Tenens i ciatntearedies Congress when the Ne-prio ragore,the flag of the nee cas c Speciail berks Bill parsed,aud Union,protects the ciuzea as,;7 j ann ..°5 : Witness fickets,Ca 3S Marin 0 t d H |t W :j 'It 3;t {j y t C ne t X t d S rs {t )tl $i {€|vase ities toes and vote,u_the enjoymeut of bis Juror Fe awe ve Coote aitics,Wena,Ayriculture,Jaterdal I aprovements,Commerce,Lye 00s 1 clentes,{elorality,and tye Samily Viele.iv ne it did what1 riffft of property,ofevery ‘on Bonds :ariour C ane :=S csenta Te esvonliged deer pti reengaied a8 Bail Bonds,crim,Land Deed :ae .the roottne people of such in any of the States, Attachment Write,b uw frat ate —the Tirritiny to setth:the oa every sea,and in every Delivery Bonds,Sheoit)Dee S ,;:‘\m .‘x ;ap f the Union. KLainlatrationydo Haut consequence of this dsraption of the States,as well as in the Northern States,thern States by the Black Reputticans Fue datest poeta ef Longtellow’s will Cuanbestos PRevagep ==)ice Wim any,ah et at inselve fear Sine Reve aa Bistarday,bb tes ef Hane i pea ::a Poe :.‘dnotbecause Lsupposed ‘The soune ©yene- Appeal a |Noteste Wars Deniseratic parts Doowill be cleeted Teats party and)Douglas fiends North and Joun rewn syinipattizers,Well appear in the September nuarher of the ery Mould cays:whet f do uot now be-ral doctrine held on this EL Ie less feequentuse,Blanksprin (yy gye-(Aerd ol the veters at the United acd Seath wail take capital oat of at,te inayat be sad,we have fallen on eval \nN enrliic [uses (ONCE NUT COW CACITOCT ETI GenTCTa Tannin Sc CUseULMgialaten alamepoltits I chink,cannotwell States!1a ris pt cue vetes polled the tajary of Becekinridice,times and that “those whom the pods “a .y tute the “Territory.be questioned or disap ‘Taatly be cust And Lae for Breckinndyein this contest ftv alent hey fiesta Ae THE CHILDRENS HOUR merchants io Atabama,Georgii and Miss Pie Demoriatic party te proved;and if the ques From the Charleston t let Wali Ab .by be ie ;:uw Hl ro Brechin Nn iis oa,est,ee to destroy they tins take tad.h ver,'monippl,who read the COVE VON mien ulyrurelceeryinirigum contrelaled ston tetsuoty \ne iene :vethe will beciee cn by sith albany heart,and wail savy,under ex oConsaniinate this folly,itis propos UNG Ue daek spd:te cda yt ’=tuated as Oregon was ;TATION FROM HON.3B .:oe lea Poe arent (neti trae Canine vertiscinent of the Caarleston tierciarits,aaa witual eee COMMUNICA .x a J&B moascstten !ble ay bia Istbee ciredinstatees,Chatitshows a want ed tor South Carolina to march outot tlie ‘Nema ts Ist fee :ta ‘me i 'aan Atdiwewoiiel tout vai,1 eare nothing when the United bites PIES t 1 '‘fou i {Ss lane:if ‘MRS WELT LN ee he ee ceil Serie ace Sac mou tad distinctions,came into possession of it,at reo i ay,x Loot wisdom or teaiiy te the ut Pa any Union,sclitary aod aloes that ath Poatae kvown ae the Chidreu’»Hou Hheeapenence of last Springe demonstra orscbcetessorverbalerite propertyta slaves would <a ’Tee WES CCL Stights rNew Souther An bo coppease bin,Notliie alone we staid ce .t teh cut Fs }i h CGiceesy7ioemnleerlySEeeiereaeioltatChaslestentythotyghconnparative:vive,Ltpeat thebaoud be ettld da the protection tos !iN Jute th 4 e.TERE TEL Vebent ‘he ae Ee MAL vt s ale Ce ohCe :hier ayia 'o sition atu n i.Auer \Veneer ailin yl Salas ‘vy PC EN yu Wythaa Che starting,fenpl ois iiade to force ts DOSS thes Pie patter of litte tet s Ivo osmall ts about us youd a taathel as :Dio Uae the Dast d States.” M K Enel FOCI Te Lettaato cu kel tha te web pet oof a Doteeas tehet in any Seuthern’will rafly to the rescue We taal better The sound of-&dour thot inipened,‘Nortlicmiartie Dig i ported i tress may anterrens (ionof t ete = esses.Epriors:Ene vil ;;;;/.DEEN EE 3.Pods HIpOrled ion this aulyret.it nay tae — 3 ;;:uN ff tve ates Unt cam Stites Tim only tendeney will bette vive diet dependon belts (eb alone 1 ns Aud voices sett aud weel J yu ATCO OTCMe WIC WOlewtlpleneen es Uae Jory af the vote ‘:de I be give netdepend on being let alone if we oy there cirectly from abroad are quite as terseuc onary other,and ‘Aso the principle of :Py those States,ahd per tps Oreroen and the voteoof the State to Bell.and paralyze pose the collection of duties We moy Fromomy study Eee ie the lamplighe |having thas surrend:red ‘squatter sovereignty, yublish.You lave satd the columns of F ¥;:\:\fs oe soe r mqualty and as tow in prce.“Those |)wish further to say,that }ae seme others,by a pln ty waite Toav toe strengthofthe South,Nor do Ptorok withdraw our nenibers of Conutess,and Desceudiing cle brad ball eta chotraded theme last S the peueiple and broken wish further to ay, your paper were open tea free discurston ,Vi z a ee ld merece 1 >Grive Alecia lanptine Alingriy M Uraded Uiere las!phi were well away trom the coustitu-ithe late contest betweeo i ane Beerert will gins Micrs land.ron wy Brechinidee should he started im a ne ane wilt distarh ts,ti So be Peis 5 ee I:dl :a dane hone of politiea!questions,You would oboe :i pia -.:"5 ;p ;-Aod bach wih yoldeu hair,{pleased ,dud so were thegr Clstomers Ul Vwonal un ation,you are'Gen.Taylor and the 1 :,5 North Caroli,Teonessee,Kentucky,ten slavelotding State.Ptseffecr willbe dent Fiffinore didnot ranefest any dis home .\doyou tute the very lap ot orable and distinguished anal I UNCVE SUT AUSSI and perbaps Lasiana coed bio dhe traive the veto ol such State tethe Blick position to let us alone The sent)troops A wlospr,and thew «silence:|'Tend ther 1 :wbutary power By this Senator from Michigans clused.Yours,truly,de,Preeineiicecs andy Lorene Ae have South Republeans,It would hued better te Charleston (ror,abesene alah Gin ee Cael)er itel vee det Us add One Other Consideration.durtrve you may ereet o (Gen,Casa.)it was dis- Be Pee,y :LEB Es \'Donel :\se \\'Oia a Phey are ploitug sud planning together Piree YearsofSouthern trade Woutd make potsueanderthe Ame-tinetly brought forward as Careline,Gas rate.Atabania,Miseissipas Lave uealises i)thre eney Coan same da Psa eotitet net,Taerefore,Po take ine by surprine Charleston the equal,in all respects,of tiepvstenn,The who ssue before the people a Nthansas,Calite Wat qrechiap es Nlis |etree Batatas almost certain thatat expeet to be det alone.Wal tie otuer ‘,t ’THAT AA eel Dona ol beonesmeen ce 0 ,|',A wud tet rush from the winirway,the erent Northern cities.Ant do out ..I hat con- DISUMON.soutt,Lourie Pastels th first Pwo Detioeeutie trehke s are run im the Southern States nally Ca our assistanee tn nt milutroaune lan HebCHAINS Ree vat }stitutions Tt carries us Q nae on :.,'):wk ‘‘retchants pee ho advantage ia having a)back to the abhorrent pr ost.in common with the Seer "re the saat Northern States that Jidee Douclas will done that the leosel ves thon By olinur oats actt niauanthes ae 5 o at pri : It would seem,from the recent pub !mi etl Donates,ated the tvo ia i ua c Wetlds WI Pity that vw 1 they rertised ve nik Ff Saale 4 city atthe South of suthient capaeity te Cples 6 Bateh colonial South generally,they [the ‘cations of M Ket,Orr and Bove ter te Dell RGEC Mane a As Vidvisiie et te sde f Weal)it tat tn ee pply all our wants¢We kr a suthore’y against whieh people of Tennesse}repu- t soof Messrs Chl,ate DrIVCTS .Dal aba ‘sf UE ote he me 3 3 5 5 ;Ht elutedecu iy dias tl rp It Wasa preat uiistertine atid a great toore pracent to gen tren:to ug te weit Phev chou op inte my tureet hia NT TC we tnade the venue of ine dated the idea that that South Carotina will soon have te i ;|Ne rccim ecb :;ne )Val atl :1 ree deed inventions aiuiments Parnixhed dope o Thare phandfol.or any numberof ;RII de is im ”‘we tat dad sc niches thatdssiouol as beloretand4 taf they wall ne mt Ere USE Tae aes j j ,Ht lereneter ttn by secede trom the Federal Uren,erties i:i .Y ee es ike a ae Nae ae :'ie ltee eabieuuevisn ud dees LN her dad lesen lircticuniy enci meer in this odioug habitants,in a Territory aloneorincernpecny wathtoe ofhor South :.ar \F .yo ‘‘;HIS een te Dis enaeyelect Niehdsat Che South —but we know also ;;midcom Gin Waites ts ne miner :|eae le pleereig acticin eerie Tomei (TUK (WicihGntirimG oxisreerttn tems.Lr em UH same act is done whien wil at Aine et ni abide the tert should have the power ern States,ora ported of thera hese Caliah eer ee ann i Seating can ysimree ye Tien sche Ree ere 3 OD Seen at first rate business men tell us cuit mi Neratiny “oe wrauted to them by Con- gentlemen deesie that the erection af Eee ,;,leaner Pies co Ne iret ote at Lee 1 Ai tlin alr al ines 'thes wet excellent etuchs im ¢my ,Mi Brechin <x of regulating their Lineolu te the Pres dency is certains vat ae |‘ees ae '.:i..ee j CT Ue eat a Pui ,re Bishep of Brggen vitae prices pide,See Conu,Giobe inestic sustitutions,aud :=j es t t ee f crn ‘le eset ed thdedd onew eer vere utite|i Peon Tictine,Wet 1 'ek es!roh 2 oat jr diecne den onthe bappentygot sue ames cnt pron;‘<<Thue vaca cie :Lae ja CoUnE Stat Merman tenic cans oa)ne ee ;Fs a eo Waa ‘‘‘teaecel Deter ate ey cot tube aire of t ves i bb ;.i -i _bthe enizenof one sec and tuemediate eecession of the ‘\Fe me |.oie ‘|;to \hs :won slit Wie teas Scie ot I t d wath fen of the Union the pow- States must ensae Sats :i 7 a (Sin et mee :‘“Sew nha ee Perel tae Sent Ser te enjoy bie Mente ..tia Lota <Sy ws wy (Oh H seeks ffou=,aiid 1 ‘‘Jratstee ds toasay to ‘ting :1 r aves 2) [Is the clection of a ¢Marrs ae!4 ZI 'i Unies Hever ie ot roperty in slave fal R ;ae Seale ii fib 1 Pipremsan tis alice MOUMN CH SherOss Alito nn ROMtEY Tor aet WN *|i E ce ty !L prepared to ree of the Reputdic suttic en vise 1 i Q miner W-Co,,of tite City ot --the pre-j ‘i 5 lite CPV de or a verse und set aside the pre destruction of the Rocena Goecer ata eer "view sah ‘:i ie a :ar \‘‘_.ie havea {prac );rt |j :]Ree ve vm ‘Loe wont !enorht t MW ‘t In Ww \I :\e he and all the horrors ef ev ii war anid res \8 4 Wg de Pelt ee ‘:and ¢ues of t rn S <sei ‘TenersteaberstneN .ean eben |.1 :}.a ie rom 17a Jution®Vuis isa grave a fine ‘|‘GES it Ny |i even liter Callens dst 1 .et aa el bone Feoseeument,trom 1ie9 eiiear ;.h a:1 ome!oa bik wre Witiad hove tes thin dy tase dy See asi oo htoem beuesels otha ae _ qrestion,ation mob by Cai Vales M \;prop \;[4 i ',ete ray ores rr ltct Tal yreee ..We,in Ten- JaBNlonately Considered RMR tam :a ue ee is ie ley Hal oo a t that time be-Passionately cv ‘us -.ie |:.ve Giaysu a ee on Ven ‘TAC Stine tl 5 sf Wisei eaty see,ie before itis answere |by the pat toad y .‘(.‘eT :7 .ie |;5 eee ty al eved we were advocating Sr ;'2 ‘>i \t M TOE ares ‘FF \=ct .ples and doctrinesop statesman,“Ties wor cuns é :los <kel Our oy geceapprovedinell Gt the States ai oj ary wel a ‘:::;_SCT NCP vie.'R Sale Peja art oo Sieh siates The South,aml ace cis a ne :i aves J am eee a eens pet Fimlijen contended snd a J \.;.eee eee oe ;.:bred 4 lin +cotutioda I ‘te ofaear;:re \Sr .\;tS tL }Zz |,.:few ok at te peapleol course,at ety 'mi \,::::;,ane an e thas 1 thea tye ad vd eXen en [eet D Verhisees iohen!they tives elie ole ed 'BN vit]‘ys 'Tone fan fli stibatiets i ‘lca /a %ve :i ;';\a /i as "i ne Cow +I i CN (th as Mee Ura Vin sine ty form ther State and there putyese tot !Lereetiers ut eae -M Moo Veale Given,ae i!Poi are Vath ic 1 5 Constitution,ASD THEN :,‘‘|ho ebuge th th cua A oe a a %t the atts ie :poe @ tater ol tes SUF tC Weve wt ‘J .7 ‘|c sed ot Es Vat ,OW Dy theo Cnteruind 1 ONLY,Were qualitied (0 es cee i ;f (een Isa ~t I.titer ay raga 3 ‘blsh their domestic 1a- oO desttaboe is lire ea ‘=-Re .vais of Otis c i ti Raper t ”peal ight alu ol ie le CPi)deaeuanoarvame ieocianve Svley ieayate (eeulrcnealeecrcaen uli enenn oy ‘eave Wenn Co wikua abil ea Tee Se Wi i i bee L Seo ete Rec ett tCe ooniny SOP alae vent Wo tise to etated rotons ‘ene 4 i Det Teh ectee eue PE USE LEAN aed entiy of the Federai Liev ties :‘es :aa \\).\;sailed gated noes Sania eH)ees tsecuiy But humanity to the :.{s SA Ryne |iy debt aid secesshon vote ties ‘Votire i howe RI Shia slave us well than seett this Airc ie PMI Oe Cotta :.;r Parco eas ei ;1 ihe eee eee een .,ve us well,not less th renee ¢:i .ou he ate]Weer al mecin ents eu sal ctee Re I ter biaies Levan if tan =We as i HS eee ate intice fo the master,re- ee ‘.Wage ieee rut Wold be well fa UTP AUTOR C ee ueUe imhitcn|)eatatr tes and oe a Nise it les Petit te Ho uted we womnedds the policy,of and flourish ast (ros r4 :‘:|:;,reer tettal ;;uns spose we Mosq ae (Oy un tesuest our trends at a Sian diffusion and extension in- .5 :i cod t Hie 1 ee Isccld at eunents ated ahawer then [fe Ceets that have ieved t tds otvuen 1 ee ee did in ancient orn Se re =;etn,W fh,HW We be te ceed,stand (OO nC Meat INT inti te are 'tuany new lerritory adapt- cout fae }\|eu]ere LeU cl atta Patrica GUE p ett stator Missa satis tics E ‘|1 (Gee esi tees ed ty ats condition,and the «put me Vou \‘~a Wyeth weve eet ede was Vipeee “ui studi (Is 'ly } .7 il \1b reel atiad my re eycencds Ulevolniet awe “ier p cbbe hCG (onlmertel Stace!(mtn ther sails 8 ess i ata 2 Whicd ds teported trom i isu are too obyiuue to Incrensed frou TCH ei i ,,Gatien Greeate rr 1 Mount M a 1 Meqaie ds od Che sted sources,on driers atid strikes misunderstood by the three States,front eum ''ent Seas ADRs igs res (ege en a ke eS os .ee Nierenane ({tted \t ,intellects.” pie to thirty I i Hi }\il Sam i ti t ty thie Col.Orf aleciated tn the Chatleston |CK Wbels sa ive Chit lon Courees Pi ie te ‘Hiilvotisy frac More Ve cat x [4 .Geel erieuseenhee yy t 1 a OR1>;.'els :,-:aa 'pon voto Sete ne Betja Gonrentan atl)nell at \oipc cae)Ui olenns tats Granites 'a ok ;Gee ene 2 weaknersto wedih,poweraud grand oir,r Mes irct ie Craw rater te Euicra Gc tern [ent oar ney Tener tec anihas poblance t se of Mecea ana M Tile FUSION IN NEW YORK.or In rrowing Vacls.—Itissta- Ubpttparsed by the oldest ated yreates TS St ids WR te t ;'(::Aue mane ft \TOE ie ht i ft i ted by a correspondent that cauterication aT eee Coie:Helen Liiiio me inditiiial Latpemmaicot tl srotment is adiitistered on Constitution te wy We ae ppelatise >known that there is to be bu ie alee ; Nations of Che earth A wilite covet word ud rab rey ities s vet t 'live ‘a Ww luis M “pie ot O nar ocenpies Uae Vouy ,ere t e but one by bet tallow is an immediate cure for erioy a vast bo tv alave tow,or dteitet tae wlinis af principles,ueither ny land or any AN CU hua thas heectoral teket ran by the friends of Tow 'I 1WeaVatstcn!ae he nO eer te -,moat Whe toon stuod Cie cumebnacwed Lemp eae e fiiends of in-rowing nats.Tle says:“The pa ;;.SES Aas Poe StAe oStabes cata Uh votew aba ever be raised weainat 1 ~Wa dered tat We tbee pasaed UV ote ''t I):b ,'} Inte towne,¢a va ~;yo Sent :=\|Henie Ginna he :ree >nem Die spot wits mite sacred igian and Bedin New York and it is ent on whom T first treed this was a ''one ;{oor ta the a moot mlavery on vot Now the election ot Ase Lan!‘:‘ore tsel 0s as ,;;oun tad \| During ati Uhds titre every t i \hy |ae :ids ,‘oo woe Wy isccl the Deu _ey)ehefore chosen as tlie alte fothe confidently expected that by this means youts tudy who had been unable to pot ed the tnest pectoet freed oat and se \:ria ee oe eee i coe ,ie \\':':Weis a I w revent 'Wa eioe for several months,and decid- imal des tights asa @t 7 \;}::el ee !;;qe t ve 'f ..-vii worst Case I lave ever see and abroad we lieve th Pel ieeee th etalon 4 s tinere stave Waoen sich veolation veears woder I Pe he vid wt Was toto :eee eerie,Pie New York Vous «Lo scase tail beet ,“enh “he 'i ‘ae ee tore aS "AW raved Pani i 4 eS a Ton ;Ea VGC WONas Cute, peet and adit vl wot |et :«’:(Weer \\:ee stee Tal and hverct men vpon t eace Gl the mint was d ly eee rere 7 J rt 1 ser Stat 4 tiay Heat tid vod i I ‘4 ve \Wotts -\A the tems test ©avers of cart -4 !ht ‘raw |ep |ral tichet,aud savs tie |granulations formed a hich eC an 'r Pies s.arel t Woe MeChnre tiGik wis s Tae!Watst sy ces ©bites ei te me :\:a i ‘yy American «hid |ut :eat a ;.Bo Mioicieeierta hea meet cris tere We Ie abtien fa week fra sv.partly covered wita skin,and pus ist .SURE,tik '‘:bop Meets Leary ‘os :‘mistant Cy meer ick .el , he has a Gio i “'a ;:2 i (ie copied “in w omy aeitnee ee tina ie Sivie wore.2 istantly oozed fromthe root of the nail:Grea tie)oy co i cone rn ue 'tay be that Pam iuistiken on sng preted :ere is oat prnat :r Ee itu ain toe ieeine ia ,, )I 1 tree pov ':,i 1 ““1 1 ths Veoh Ge or wt er pers Cl oexntiuaa 4 cheer ,:zat jen,and extreme- stint Tote t 1 {nos slavery to be out of toe rea Tt ek (ese ret oon ,ise ‘}}'t rh Wi dlare molest vii !et 'tf 'ie a)f es a Cot mot ;;Mit ata padi Mode of procee onenetrn Catt ‘y se opps]t eee I.the assatiltsmtats faes,a eee en ;hdow wid t WE Wee)YG aie ‘'‘‘‘!|pee ot ail parties ey ce a le of aneen aAbitha 12),1 1 t (ah !.©’‘‘wnt sie 1 )int >SINS nal lee ail rate aan ¢‘.;Sie nies Tin tt srtewmdy as any one to defend ct at Pie tect te Tatas ‘-=as C SN STENT w ,Ie a aa ie Lilie fart ':;:wus,Vanvaee itt ‘Wheted batcer tu the er ::!yon aia heateditovera .-Bee es :i t sactiticw of thee Union rteedt,as aie Sf aA scot pepe lannase Tee -a =i,Pret pertiesy Py er g Fatherof wis Coin,1 ‘“4 Dae Nate ant I :‘i ‘!mt te wan ‘1 aut miloat amie Vv I aliunreaiymePeer(tree |eric art rr ue Dai oui ines Ghee cer .pala ha stil aa CH own orwanigation and joi \ite very hot,and drop- liberty are inseparahl '"ene!-~‘hal :=,Be ee \iit,Gas 4 NEN eCeT itr teat=Sapennnt MEd mie witletiotemrn et tweor tiree drops between the nail ;,:le stelne ice 1a)tower toed;a teact prematurely wheo there is ne dan.letlow tenes far over tall and date,atid 1 s Mi ee eS we .. history,in all ayes.tie horrors ‘toc :i !‘:ible to beu the heat wal batacn ul power to avert itn it ,Den granocitions,‘The etfect was almost magi- tt det nt nd =Vd Iyine fer As to dissolving the Usion on a seeming to speak,as it falls tn tones ot |Teavertat,it may weil arrest pus z ag War,aud the Gaicern nt erevorniiin ttre)Mlle te Muisset agi AST Ti LN i=aw 'mas 5 |:tiv day:Iw Wisse aie tke Ssanle ol faa ittertiat ho Hetnae et.Pain and tenderness were at once liberty and civil 'sation.the Rentote Gamenhbered and mere abstraction,the rmhtto carry slaves ttetc ou the ear,©Weary wanderer,toot :;ce PS Tare tri Viger :°'Foy Iberty and civil voverninent,sionid wis i ,t ear vos Ro WIE we ci Ww An eV EN !|''a oe atte aiew days the vranuta- ANUPCnc ce nlean|7 COHEN |rete ,Wal wherever slave holders ste to ares mere oanel os ent,Wevetine we u ~‘|ote!the country it New baw a 3 gers t saruieetly deste the Prete Naat Pa ae u ,ar i i ‘\;teen mle 'ia cre ai sone,tue disease :we a,Venta Nac cee relat s aie bear then ail where tay aboot le wath tba!Perintedl «aul kwatty aps hoses -+York,whieh toldean her hands tc issies ae epubite,wid ry wy bye ose ta y oe s ,:Tciuat tay =ees :rn ee eee \neoot tecling ar ; pily.Wat ey Moth Mi remortireti S tieee Cony ll Grerriccl memleatst ajeestet mi cupl ee (payee Ho AcGN Sy abi etaChitstl=Ih1 Mier ‘i aan Cit SS ver decide i)wr ime \|wan in the edge y.Ra eg ec iia Wie teason b test ‘‘‘.said ow nevis ‘\fin <be)eNposed so as to admit of being and arvuu wit Penh WT AUTO TCHR CIM iCITOt yoo plactel FONG NGTGYGtebn elicit etancccvrene Lay Ai eC awhence ristay and sucutia gas wi ;‘1 ‘e DD we “m ene te t f being and argue w vetiue see an bits it i a =tiie crett ae :|eer tsa fat voted |Celine ‘WC leCionie Gal eeerent ete uence Mi.|Way Without apy inconvenience, er ae 0 dd ferenceto tie €wel ion aid Peapect |MiG Cie inlets”«eS ie inte,A tip ea ves eo ;i lccnranis See fora calm and ds;Che ritieaet ee NEC att 'a a ,;route te support;bw thes the |neu di Con Seat ty cory Was complete,and the trouble thom betore they |t dor he tie tai)Ti a ti fis (art ater Mew TCLeN Ghat ysis eticel tare in ‘:Eee never return I have tried ti ],store thr decode om breaning wy -u ae ,‘:;:.from mv St wee s.WIth!wottraat \ork :ie Cee oh :ake Nave trie luis ple Ghee Ghmenmiend,womll onnenince te |fb tiprlncntet Me South may find tefore properly detended,and may std AN INTERESTING INCIDENT 5 ee :ew Yorkbe cannotattain the io atelly since :“pao th eee puny aw the tne ::Pie ,Fons t tris Krew dees Dec nl theaters |opus et ones Pepe i ince,With the most satisfae- al tee re nore favers woder the Nelaattist onoof be detendedif the South is trae ty her )ay ,tapucrila t Peeters vatn 5 ;i <Tens ese eee aegardofforumabetterone;ring Che prreuress of the Treen Jal astordstonent,wired.oo tie follow cu ya eC ooperation causes buat The proba!t |t i i foeor aac Patek Fev Wercier any Demi see and united io that detenee riddve fizz |}t t rap z fc ry .a . preval Vois th ‘rach Tee |‘:)MI Whe NAL,!)BESTAGTN UN ett turnin,Urey femied toeir respectyye c .He pred tie tabiow as properly publican Candidate wil be eleeted Pies rrane Abunosteatinms Ttmay be that Ltt EE SIs BON Tn aibese i tie nudbance wid Slane hecks uv \steed Lins conrse +AO Shooting ARFArR Yesterday,a heated A Sine ttn wht i some cases dentot the (aved Ste c-lute eee Cle 1 OW Pomme Oeil anit lero achCNILCe etme nitty tents)Diutas 1 feamon Op Of Me it he had alwave been a Denoerat boevents Loanspored:fer severa Stare es Dy Wreetratiesot Tetisyiics,Lisi sari eae I never i ive Bae 1 ,'’a '1 aoe I v erable nmol ‘Testor Is =.iS ,i SENATEOF sil 2 .r t 'ace : Vollsiiliisturiuies auleuidete de cleraie tae eee ew ‘Hern poopie At Democratic (fy Sarat !Demeerat tron bis youth ap stu be Was caer resedscd,ot tds own tiitid,te:stared :nites i Prine George conn \ts void net y eld te one ap- mented by every ous Wothe Sout east We snoaid give dia tha oe .ee ee eu he prepared there and them.ta prepese at ard ated rolve the tasters ENGVe es Uh re ea ROS IST ARCA SCT ase Adiuitteae the theory of Dr. Bat it must he remmenibere d that the Live ia toa P@eident,in confor Ment tue testriet tas A :eNotes at trom S500 toSh000 that Becenmrmd ar wren the t Wither Hastit.ties thet wes tis turn tron a Mi.Miles Maes 1 ba to bee rect,the modus operands OTECHIn Slt Con Mela ec Urertieelnt mets ame CUNO (eke Mistibitiati,im tien EEOCTUCY md tiete Chetet Vr ce orn i RTTCH LaCetErMetircMes tment Ny cunt it PR CRC CT ee bavatidber tat the neeroes were tiere yVery piniy to be seen The liquid MWistortune,eoevous as it may beso sheet a Peaking ap tie be Presidential election Thee saw in the proposition,coming as at did trom a ive sl SoU Tene atts ae (owork,Wenttothe plicedh shetat tae,cautery iusiiuates tteelf ofc aes..te Fr,1,/i \ches 1 atttin th ph a .a ny themselves.Gy ther wi diets il nC tte Tinttter sinw bitterly saypposcd SUI LG the cieenon of a Black Repub sraanehy well Known,iitell t Dei fant ndeneed UA Sein asa ‘ek Sena |Ds Co fer fae tis ceomplishing in one =t ''a mowertt leve a i rn .i .als tet triedt iy _he Us party strifes.Neth can be more cles 'owe tina be We unust wart and can,and hoew what a powerful Tever WC Gratiot this city,fell Lhe a Uiander toit erence ©Pompe ot Setenion erected SUI Cae a aS Geen vat eon,all that can be ef- dy shown.Tr was predicted at the time,fee deen his lets ane @easares¢nating Wold be io toe vands to wield ay unst Hpon the assenrbled Hreeksmenters,and Se eri men fr iter dinner,sent aman bs tae mame oo seed by the pmntal ipplcntionclnitrate and the South forewaruedof the tarpend ie 8 vos tigesesof tage wort’,ke (ie But ae aug tend 1 Gite caused theme to tarmecdiately wilt Lae tion ot the workd!Nias!Nore Uta a)place,with tue ne»vertorseverdl weeks.”—JILedicalandiSoderalUnionatiloverotthepeaceand}::.a "rroes,to get their t nd i ''*coon diate :ing danver caer ‘he peace and Qoerated as an awtal daniper upon tl :Le eee ee ote get ther toolsandtebring them Serghal Journ |es rn or .,'qaetot the Repubhe should have repoe he mer eieemercivine,cl :teow :Fs ,‘S mome.When they arnved at the ditet mothe unfortunate discu ime OT PN i ;i ;celnigsof The Tarthta aneevites,and steal their brothers wiele stock,than iM 1).or sree|.t »i Cork Ce mikied Nate Garces Cabell 1 omtii |I 1 y Mi ented bes ‘sono re t Pal .1 weDemoeranepartyatCharleston,wlici:|moto a Republs cd ate rel a dire Cabarity,1s 1 MZ ade them all leok execedingly cheap a wocle slical a te is there with Stsphtots Cuaracrer.—The citizens of ¥,’’|thee 1 >ss -iae ']1)|,ai did a'l that T could doy amidst tae hisses Gopernment,because (og.“Tue Democrate party bad been the aay)ost taekish Due bet thus pub sunss ated seat utter a difficulty ensued,Darocos,Orange Co suspecting a map |i snidso v Sot (ar eetorn .:!at an,&ae is ,ing ¢ and assaults of an excited Community,te trends of the South and the right es lrellieuill 10 tencrleaei tase 01s ued :7 i ve ween Mostruch Washington with bisgun,Who liad been lurking in that vieinity for a States c tre supporters:a defense 4 7 ;.SERUI VN IMS vce Very Geheale I hook ite ti chowty ated ore .‘ral ;:cane pres [saw tlre Iriiophot tue eek \os 1 ieee Wy a |on an taken-enotwathetanedeos Me,Wettord aad -at ae rn \ehicate )nee tatu a and ordered his sons *veral days ov beim too intimate with tepublicans in thie ensure Presidetitral t thre Mintitutiotn,atv cy re ist team hCCthio ml eatin tieec iat ims (es |-peshoot him,whreh order they obeyed 1 REEVUS.took Ian np on Wednesday Wine rulers ¢he OVCTHINOT un dts7 \,ECM TUN Ct SU Ey 1g wy Te |]Rederiet Tee”Gain nen Pes . electiun,stated tan adletier wiatten wand Aint ae tothe Graver :ut oT jemuly that Breckinridgewould tenaiipa .\:\1a}\mineaiately tity tpen tim,andi .aud udministercd the lish very tree- )lo n o i he prese hoe “Fi .ice Ley Whoa Hibs,Tlie ud Petar a cl eer outed 1 5 na aft Ve t .<published Mircd mite sanntcenentiie (rt foundation to the 4 tc ent :\PUT MCCaty MEU CrOneSmEICEne str wand a ;|Ha dangerous wound winch way oy ana atierwards pelted him with stones. :|!diintatratiar »bow sot Ui nie eta eh passion bea EHUPC tlc eauntiitce taku Wed t .ay :COHORT ireere a eens ter ee eet nett nit ae 1 the bourcdharse Pte ew ithetaredine \I Wee ohecel Just ose "}1 wu ure trate whit im il inant met a Lert.igh Vie Press. to three bitterly diostile factions,that a Ik PRU aC GSEIIe:Unt est dobby the ae feruudy assured them that Breehiorieloc a _7 |party pore ation ano ollicer to arrest hi,P :'e*‘Ihstiit wer ‘dedi bt t bere or }j t N¢fi >Pr 7 Black Republican President would be mid Bovee ta asc quisition of Lousiana,Dyniditae bests ewan onsiiy Chiry \Wii i Spite oF aN SENS fag ee REDE MLST EL lis way to this city,cond i AYN pa ‘a FoR Prosprertry.—Last (aberrant Patna enn ee California and Oregon Me Tie i the Danlin ail G2)nae trot despise Periity not learh whether he was arrested or not 'ties,a dranken wretch was taken be- and tha Iuse potty lou i "1 ;5 I .eet ,is 7 Ald p> Honor ot the Repubie bad been gallantly Phe gentleman,who thus detinitels iy TCS Tere th BSCOuT Tt et igi),Peicrshiiry latlligencer,iy Alderman of PittsborggaPa.,and the South would utterly defeat a unten of the South an any scheme of di sinion detended ina war with Great Botta and brought tue Breckinniders to ther iile.ee dee a 'ere gelaten witlel th gistrate Ttis trae ie religion and im plies,that wv Uy Mexico,Plow any patriet could by the offer of so accommacdatingg a ber,i ely UE Tsui :ce SPARCUIM UE \WATEIOTS)LiKe es Toe ae Ue te How $338.86,“tor ed ing and Ge teaver comeun)Gaets aia chuckle and pry eset the death of tts Me,Wood of this city,a lilelowg aid ee ae Jey te ter trom Col,Chas.L.Boltonto tas b sweating oS profane oaths,”In defanlt Pua ne eee ees glorious old party,ia more than TL can jevoted Democrat.-Aieh.1 jay,estinnate heaven and earthy Ge Sonar Cntr me timiqn wey yat wing ut,the Alderman committed bim /roormprehend.alee Ue Wer EET 20130 OTe ELI lished inthe Newnan Biade vos a loony Job oS aye. are towards cacu other, If the seceding inenibersof the Charles ton Convention had retained trem seats In that body.Breekiniide and Lane or others ¢qually acceptable to the Southern soo shows a credulity beyond my compre Batat does seem that,for years past, there has been at the South a svstemat organization to Weaken and drive trom the Democratic party all who stand by it IN ele SiO WoL.Yaneey,in tis speech at Hunts ville,the other day,sacd: “The contest of TSS6 was barely wor [foyou can say nothing wisely,hold your peace Wien you do not know what todo,do nothin Where God is sient,tene but fo off accounts of The prospect for i country,Tle says:Tereatiny residence mn the Tsland of Galveston we are sutbher Vitor ite Chiat] ral with the country,the cisterns Have mearhy yaven out,and:maeh watt Vee oeAwIyptenskYirip.—The yield of wheatIs80JargeinsomelocalitiesofMinnesotathatownersofthreshingmachinesareof-ferine to thresh ont the product of someBoles.cond bave leer the onus OF Poen the question araes,is 1 and fyat tor atin the Northern States [pron areecuclecher ce cirese ete Crianey one N\es wath (olde tor he vece 5 the Deine en,>\Doerr anni to seetionalize parties,asthe ef sant ee tied distress prevailsinthe city te nt excess over thirty bushelsetiecraticpartytorPresidentandIhanraenacielrneeemvtAW;eaetererieetst|Tecan !YEE At roacre Il |Vee a ee,incie Teeyaliirarss Tinvcndunceea nice vey Ie rave only 127 votes,ven you dose a fr ne ye Nee TAN Cot water,they are brings water here i acre e Usual rate i8 one-tenth, aot ae i .F the whole Soullern State,with Oregon yon do tot syour affection also aioe hevoare calenlating on yield of ed feet Hiat Dodeles pant votoueles aa North —as the Federalstsdiddarithe pa ,i om San Jaciite river and sellingit ata .8 a yield of over 14 uglas contd not,under any apd Calittorma,divided between Breck a |t t 20 .»7olvatestoridsthisallthehorrorsthatHien!hree bushels per acre.—Sé,Paulcontingency,vet the two thirds vote re war ot Tst2—all of which Washington |Bel Aiaale))|”a i)iG:..)nridyre,la niylas )i On Quisite toa nomination,Afteranumber Nor has she won any lanrely for wisdom denounced as tatal to the Republic,tatal NE RE:Os Be aie Beatty Dirtsiep -The Home Journal are tailing on this deword country,ts of ballotings,the trends of dudge Dou and statesmanship to our didependence,and tatal to liberty Yancey,calculates certainly upon t In tesponsible tor the latest and best de ems ''slection a ance |wot a thie ;.mf Poe glas would have cast their votes tor tian.disruptions of her Government,iteelf,elec :!r WW ny Ww oy o to be F A ina idine aol Greerelyoctind eltoullere owseter|IeWARDHbien laninerroceune necave Tne reeord cof life runs thos:Maen yi ord anolution of the '\Pre anely twhich las puzzle 5 HOOT Tati )f ter,Breckinridge,Dickinson,or some cue lt Was oe discanrte sua aa hot ever to Disnnion—a word of pe 5 eee au hate \;i ||,and the other tree,were canyglit bw the creeps inte childhood—bounds into youth else acceptable to the South.But,atrer Perenit igen ,f honest indsses can thwart the whole by tre tran of the wisest plitosoy tiers.Tt er of thet orn es en ers into manlood—softens into |se duty atte »the Hatha aires oo "8 )he former,in tis stable ou : the withdrawal of a portion of the NSoutl ne whieh was not to be breathed t UTERINE al re ae mT town,amustog Themselves in etudy i 7 ers into second childhood,and slam- ern delegates,they became excited and Orr thinks South Care Wamiinvion,detlersan,Madison,Mouur Lia es “Boanty,doar reader,ia fhe woman nistory of the tour kinwe,Tle ted them 27>Nt?Gre cradle prepared for him, tere disposcd to wdlere te toer und tet without Georgia tJ t t 1 i 7 you ’Whatever she me tas pen aie |ei oe .ae SS !‘i 't gay and Pachksan Sree ny eomouth ofev -;/4 he way CUCL Ye tooone oe the stalls and gave lis neuro here date.The adjourn taaler tter noun 1 ;:4 ‘OUR CAUSE AT THE SOnRTH cig i tees (nel mid ya na hey be There is ho greater obstacle to jour ater a ery flippant politienn,certain newspaper t wbout Jo lashes,and the other the tall success than trustinginsomethin for the purpose of povinge the friends of |editors,half educated school boy,and an All thronygh the Northern States the “-complement of the law,as an evidenceot up instead of going to work gtotarn Judge Douglas,in tie se:eding States,Ife would not bem thinking mortal Jtas the high road to frends of Bell and Everett are heartily A One Sided Bathanes Nhevt A shoe Dis appreciation of their researches in the something °Y ee ” au opportumty of sending delegates in ottice and popularity,and le who dares and earnestly at work This is partion manntacturer of |!farted ao few @loreomid history Pet.Intelligencer .s place of those who withdres Ineo tier ;’;:fvea Guan N :ae ;key .i ._ccnaienre:ve neler Pater tted.repeat the dying bebest of the Father of larly the case in {asnchusetta,Connee weeks age,when his loubilities were found faer”A man thate be <y \:::>{.4!’an now,too,to damage seriously the prossects of lis Country 1s branded a traitor The tieut,New York,Pennsylvania,N.Jer jte be a quarter of a million of dollars,and Dithiculties dissolve before a cheerful necessarily a fool,bat you ¢af Lincoln will be elected President in Breckiuridge an]Lave in the puthern isame feeling is manifested in the Nor-!sey,and Olio.‘his assets eleven thousand dollars spirit like snow daifte haf-=“Na gin |make one of him. a ema»Ate ne Se ~— of the New York IMerild pursued by those who contiol Ue political des AER Ee LIOTERO Ae OMTRGO nies of the South.Whe the North,by the abuse of its numerical power,shall bave deciar ay Oey source)UBL OAL Ia it ed that now aod in fature ope section of the of the Union having recently declared that the country shall rule itself and the other,what Yate election results in Kentucky,Missour and p.saible argument cao be urged to the con North Carolina present conclusive ey denee that Que red seotion in favor of submission or acqul the Southern States would pation exeenicet :ce He bebeve,myself,that c ..econ Of republicans,ut the for the election of Lincoln to the Presidency,aud Qo.ctution Pe in pursuance of ee just or submit to }ter that his election would be productive of no un good cause for any such action as P apprehend pleasant effects in that ion of the confielera:on the part of Seurtheru States,Many.dou! less,will be found to concur with 1 ue aud willing,forthe sake of the great inte ;hazard,to subinit to what we regard as a yrestt and influentiel citizen of the South,cow tn this ain aewroliy,fe lying upou the intelligence and path ¥ey,and being myself ofavery it tepanton sod being well satisfied that every dotedigen ar a erent a remedy to i -drens what thes coneider intorera tion,after the business was dispatched,Ad Valorem.—S@ne of cur State e ‘PY.changes publish an @bituary on the dea ble wrong and insult.by Dr.Piemont of Pasquotank,ae Lhis deyeorable result:me hope aud trust it will,Tf we could torget tha avotded,as I Miller,and Mr.Howerton,of Virginia.‘beyond a resurrectiah.We predict th .before two years chipse,some of the sane papers will addjocate it warmly.thes of party aud vote for men truly national ip te their eh:acter,and so circunstanced that they:ficiursina.—A rain storm passed over stand prepared to do equal and mpartind justice :‘4 Be ana alin mre ‘eyystuitedl ficulties anemic world van this town on Friday afternoon,last.The ASTL DE VENUITE ine dot,the privesple Ww ;;i :i 1 ri F ~be adopted in NorthParolina in:spite a he tists before the Ay.cloud was heavily charged with clectri >.any party Parties Qho op powe it will Pa straw o ily,de,AJ BURWELL.hee Phiree fourtis th Carolina are at t REE Rn '4 eyycent :city,and struck the pole uck pon over and crt in the barn yard of Mr.Win,Horali;the people of N Rosser,of Minnesota,Dr.Keen,TH W.of ad valorem.‘Thay proclaim its burial What s x DOUGLAS PHOBIA IN NORTITthCAROLINA. a ern 'o fear has seized aponatPitheBreekintlyeDemocracyinviewofthevisitoftheirlateidoltotheCapitolPeasaenew;iioftheState!One would be inclined to|Rar RCTROTIY..of think sy an enemy was about landing ye On our shores to hear the tremendous clat- or 'he Dirige +ter of the Breck trumpets,calling,“inotivaryingcadencewoftorstrong”upon the Hon HLS.Foot i .panty iD Senate det en we +‘.and nating deo the pole,escaped inte Weoment i tavor fthe primed ile WW State uals ee o rally to the defence of C ay olina dPlatchman.ae ire set oe ae a ie :trom tax oe Vics tli on vee te the Union—-not of the States,bat ot Ae Go ach ast ee spoils Democracy Why should all thie THE CENSUS AS A POWER Lite rolls of manu-cript are now be the top to the bottom;but the tire was ul \) SAUL IS?Clo)ae .with the contheting J&yon wh ch attenALee:é Metre ?:olecontinedtothestrawnexttothepoles cq ty discussion,to agt freely upon it dothe people were do much confuse d y fies be nade?Mr.Douglas is only in a search of his mother,they say—and is a part of the Union,stands ready to eudorse the otisus of the North to some extent,and even ing shently made up in one of our Fede cil leading views contained in a letior just rece'ved Mure Upon the distractions and di whieh Tal bure a that are charged oa ea aes and the rain,wh fell tu torrents,seem state election,A Pparties in the State eet tbe sortefaman,Certainly .1 ,Rath force for +Ct a oat MAN &whee tay DEN i\IEN NC ‘i Sot 1 These ae Ites have y ,; by me from one of the most respectable uel ins ™Naas mul a eC CR A owe sine a ee Ee UNE ed to Keep it within its carrow Htnits will adept it two Yy@irs hence,as they 1 |ae have no canse to fear his :i i hy Tieaenan@tiy hitter)teuecia!loeve ee rol hivit leneee tur:te Acentialrcinsenseconbercandg.reatthe Pid ae we hop !:a c :y (re CI SIC none ta itintaneie poe to fave done ii dso i mnfluence,for like Bell,he has 1 :wer,of if does pe tthe d it t mo ta red.“These nits fo AUT STN WR PRESTD '—_—ae Sa ae ate -:]/ce hene in their est itie SEOIOR Boathwar Dire:ee mony cnn ant ers y os 2 :0 alls FOR PRESIDENT eitines (vencsnie Ucn anit oe Weshingtrt NV,Coy Lrsgutteh ¥!ee De -itherofthem, ;,ay uw overt act of treasonal i ompe tortii,dot vey Wall Teo:.:eS ie ee ee a ICES TSS tse :ittinst be recollected,stands any “ehanee” pi,1 beg leave to place the letterof dis ente our cht.“That in the ba aoe The 1 We 4 Sth eeete HONS)OLIN Petals citizens,With the fire cosine,Were spec Why,sit is rored int owt of being elected.Why then sl fee ='Ae uh ACTS,ite 1 a ’res)'‘(i shroud ne ay ands.tha re tothe =t compbine to rest ,fot bi !al TE is !\)|\t t r }1 .’ manin your hands,with a req ‘at »would combine t til W ‘©more qorscress,|buey wil |.OF TENNESSE Pip teeramirde uid alccnatn iia theta tel alata Ts Governor Elis has sad.presence among Ady “relations”be the receive an early insertion in your exteusvely ar |pproprate remedy,t by what ame ts the ho oN ©Hae tatsist Kon VICE PRESH ‘a :a }F <©tlre clectiatne that there aut rec tlustration in the ranks of :S i 4 t te fol F -WTC STRESS NT ceeeded tp arresting the thames wilted t Feetiot,Uh ere are tere n ats 1 !Q culating journal.I need scares:f :ea eS Hea eee Cmte et tL ,vag.|,:?me .4 ;elas kintoll Rais ca Ged Aeareciy wld!Ue Mt Ccony tue of the people,an sant ar wile teary fi ees:HON.EDWARD EVERETT,‘thers ise must twee destroyed a valine 000"88 favor ofizthan Whigs;and maeed ae Tecelliae Barwellieone of theumosteninentinest-cc nlh ;eae ee \\wera tive wWwartial SUT HS herp)=NE 4 2A IN 4 WIS ';:i ;ean a oe eye do solicitude,too,is ex- J senttneuts,cob for a mom 'lhe ve Ler Ree ,,fe barn and other out buildings with ali Daa :PECOTUC CICS SC iise eel Prere 4]. South,a gentleman extensively known in the (eran neem meinen gies ciel lig wetually o t cow 1 fl OF MASSACHIUSE TES x a ee een pressed by the Dreck editors lest their ::e i ):te de “4 Spr ESE t rh TEE Mar renee ';democrate ies tr ie cee iinrea?fe :Southwestern States,a |property |p coaservative men of the South to threw thet a me pupen “loli asec :/:—dearly beloved opposition friends may .Pee aa Tet Mole ot ite bhue here Ot GN Ce ++therefore,be cuarded in their expressions make the acynamtance of tt ' there,and a man of proverbial Sy selves into the breaeh5 to howl a torlorn hope,po ELE ,q ee is acquentancy of this naughty ;ees i ee!ae with tie itminent prospect ol certuu restric ot moun will be inv wed to make them °CTORS Nick Piresenr.-—-We are indéited to ou ad wife ne,utiless they nica ti da:Tan cang contract some of his intidel ne- P truth.He has ever been afi supmorterof Petes a ee ‘Tee Tie Ge ie TGR TARP SUDHES IE BUST WI HS TERESI TE,\\> the Uni ‘Is (ere ti Woreneumeae (HalleuL@ ne tieinuliy Ulgtn es eCulV ec,PEG INV TUES R UE tr Mr.John A.Ramsay for one of the nicest:Ay et.tions e Union cause,and was one of thosew i )rth teea rar mercer tects nd the ire canara .~fe ier !lo tr}pelea i e Who pre centive to suchasacrifice,fs thar tantly and a PO ee tot a a ees ]presentsofthe season,a basket of er cre Mi hes Se of the Croldsboro ::ROVE Stat Rie |h al Vabasketof crapes ;sented,twelve months since,a fearless and man.patriotic to put them in su lw position,when Jtnt th drenely statements as tnd (heat HUE STS Ut Aer rs CErcAiTtet Tal atest \\‘LC vere ey im Us (Ce Clic cies tate e ie te ident that “Mr.Svme,of the :':Ju (eas ¢\7 Ost beautitul da that vrows {,;ne, ly opposition to the re-opening of the African tere hb Bo apparent nycesst fur so d nil place 2 tee hivmners Wemorinay Hook VGN EG)Wea Wal tee Wake,:é i ©of ineurrectionary plotatn t Te een deqgider,and “Mr.Waddell,of Rlaveitradeuimition Souler Connmerim Cri eas ete emacs te North cai suffer by and te therehant’s Tedger,Mad vet in DORK.SPEED,of Psqaotank.LO ATGUS NOW ROU URW UTERUS Si aT ria Gy,wil N the Wilmineton //-radd®will be at the E M la.Con 1 :) att heer a .Hood af Adairsville,3 were ab heey ; vention at Vicksburg.pursuing a diterent course.Tbe dithculties and!the cause of tuman progress,every Col ,varieties to define that before us;which \|i Convention tomorrow,and the econtem- :ty asainents.Tai 5 ...|‘:Visritegs :'thern White imap Tiplicetes as Fi 7 ‘’ Respectfully and cordia ly your friend and t eae me a of the Union Nea in a umn of these tizures will have the powe is of excellent quality;and we hope,a He nili:dies I,ow :BUMS lation of the ‘verdue”and “youthful :eS frend and tl have beeo no ordivary character,Let neo NO ISACHUTtimeol TOtaitive ticomlen Wistar oO ease iS :fawn with dows an ied >atic Meares tl late . low citizen ‘v a vary .fae tsand)column ttntentitl vee vill celeste)A,HIN!‘i Pasyuota k ARISCI OM tera ciateulitory ea lertn 4 @iy und ne ven tthe Jatter being subjected to PUA Sai et)itivus of personal or pulleal every dice of these stitemer ai CGE eC Davee rea nicenn Rrra hl :f ,Memplus,Penn.the alchemy of the “Little Giant's”elo- Lee Seah ii:hstinction,at least so far as itis dependent on!worri a line of battle.‘These are forces 34 OCH Wire nie ef Tielman |ee O20 quence,Seems fo exeite &pang even i ul ners raceten tlialt ei eee i :Pete ane 'arn re ,ea ,,Pu ey i &pang even in MR.BURWELL ENATOR Fout!ie seal ut ,aus h rene Cel he are overwhelming—irres!stibie fh 8.©,BOW NITES.of Cratisiiie.Boa i Gs tem suprccuite a lait ltale Sad teerdeut —Diant oqgaacolored bey the heart of that venerable inaniy wlio)is =i when it sball be stunned and overwhelties \,all yy ,i".“tt “he aly lig ho ‘Serena t fies ee of tes 7 *}}i. erence ee a ee he ean drive all men,willing or pot,inte -:vhily honored in sacred listory taanany b eto TH,Cedones,Meq.,was tad)periaps ss mii bh aceustomed to political 7 a Terese eset ert antt ''1 Wilner }rai ;, Your letter requestine my eee Br A eh su iting FPA Ce RM wIGHeeMen tel OuT pawecrs Amd 1s —iV cr SUC esse Un UvU Vammt'ez)temrne UU TCMmON me LLCS CL EtasTG}esoand has taken as moch course of action on |part of the Sc regaid as dvadly aud up laty ible enemins t gC Gh m that natn freedom ‘|2°esa |wd Cone exercise i poutioal vinnastics as James 5 ps j a a }2 :t ,mire alee .1 .,.q ae en eee eee ne States in the event of the election of bluh re them wad their insutubous,|Malan <ere Mhational blessings They Weve ee ane ltcevesmine stories ae syns ee Gorden Berns miselt —indeed if Mr. publicans to the Presidency aud \residen-|Who wili,in such an event,take ou ire anarmy before which every weapen ‘ue ee iV .oh I ad onet entirely outlived Ade 4 1 residen ;;i aera of manufactured tobacce = ey in November next has been received,and the |the Teal the Canon,vor cork teieseabad:[on |)Suri Gs in-army of stubborn facts PLATFORM I :MIS RA nl vigor”he mewht be justly eall- contents carefully cousiden :;.t wel:meudecity dates Hol Gesa.aind 44 ‘reas .eo MERI Pipes ENE Ua ey se]:UTE ROLLE Atos 4 po individualis of:He CTO IO i aliianc ‘vendecity dares netassah and ge (he Constitutional Union Party.4a.1a i .:Scant t metus ad etl Wee nats Hondin of politeal acrobates, idual is of any inipo een Pacers woe a \ore RyeUniit right or lett a hy ow Peli eed Ww “\.Batto retarn te the Douglas phobia a Maller such del sn -{:f ine 'bora Mi ay '‘}a er of such d licacy,at nding ons n eeNGENe eusi m is It Sheet =storian Pal ;,\1 uss tl Which tS naw Pa so fearfully among maby complica MCL RLT ny re ,|W I c a '\diets 1s wy cat ite a & is sustained and vindicated by facts at 'hot Terre |::(Party \fl zg \lis |-;;Mee ‘lisea s prevalent Joby facts a tro 1 ~Ny peice t owe rl y urent sweltel t }i oy ;,1 from the mountainstothe sea shore,and ments.At the risk,t!fol ;B t Vocuite vw \lu ‘6 ‘‘.1 ashore,ame RK.then.of bein \\ati thty bevoun ‘‘:eeriat ;1 ‘4 “4 ate .ee ".; my response to your letter,Lwill weve any views 5 ae Lito butst upon us»|‘.W \<1 :r ti rae ly lec ‘:A :i 2 iy Somest viruient of this delicate,embarrassine at hor Lee :Se i i ‘erty Wn ;\el ©Convention is over, ier oy:)the Soy “al :!': question.woekalr ar ray FO tia ::j {oe i i fatiure To compro. You are well aware that [is nye wrath.Li ie Tauae ilndan |we UR eta és \.ae ?|:Pes Uo ST IU tO, wate and humble way.always sus A emeide Ciereain een heen ‘HH ;‘1 \\1 vii 2 ;as )loen ow tlhere bo ty which I consiiered mint oS soses.+,eee y be transient t effoets Nowa Nea 1 1 :,“cae neand a veneral eaters ;:a 7 1 1 | most likely in aide At 'sk tal tt ‘w wit ‘les I (©ae .i :\topanied be a maintain and defend the Union,t \taay,hes ye bel -aS kat Titec ;i n .foonuge at the the States and the ee i of the smoking mountain an 1 su t re \I t =,;a b y |“t t htadineus po- DO aspirations tor ott ne eral History warns us on almost every 4 ‘1 fl ‘\$I \ot :>I a 5 RC eetortit fied,1 have at every j egg lutions may Tn CT “a :rest |\es co .|sear ‘!f tv,and the my vote fur time w |:Hele aa “inate ‘_;\\a ee ‘:\eon likely,Gone ycny gueiia an:Urey carne rar Ae 4 leat “I oe bOnae earry out the preat objects for w !oe i \ee ’‘::*burt Ia '.x me ’me 4 :Yeots for v erlamit tity cy \Fa ST ae e ,‘‘|mt Le a was formed {the con-titutan at .\.2 ERS Mente i ‘~)1 tel ,=ty but jeu}vd Ir an 1 ‘g te !stat ::(trp: the present condition of parties,and t i ae ve a ;\‘‘ime ;‘.vu tocantra: and confusion in w f .is rs ‘Sy ,:d u bts of the Penote Sais eee \Gar vith head Hic alt Of theimoexery t oree)atemeuce mi remiti sar Ci im abit It t 1)A 'es on ene |is i seem to me to be hi:wcile a who ely upon material pros}‘‘\al ~;.:us Po ORvED \Vou are Upon mitt cfs edi \r t ‘x |z aware that my eraliln os ee Pee einer nea Une e nay :‘Be are ::_:,saci myvote and to Aue A sean,lowers -''’\\sash =:2 (i ::relospecuve dates of the const .ee apt ,-.t \}ed Wi al it 't st ],:er mi fie he :pear eat the pes van bus wil i u (!vo has Tennessee,and Everett.ot vies fee,ih)aie a oan Ls M ses are mu :|\.!!:i :\.iiawo had entertaiied any deuit v1 ee ;Nate and tier ut atrotercnr t i ais:PIS oTNOre!pee tt a i :aS ‘Mh il i bad any diticulty in bees e my mit oe 'tree FY Gara Ty tens :::i =oe 3 z 1 onconclusion,that doutt ar i Renee wee ee nel .-bo Roar cne nde =ee ~~|1 iw ae r 1 \\|finetol: removed by the con-1 .{Ta nto w t i vont ir 1 |2 5 :t ‘‘1 !riwa ise ehee iia ere,Tom oe vesear BELL AND EVERELT MERLING.oe ee ee both inthe North an’)civand k Henry was uttereda slorter tat Nendo cnr potmenie |HUE)Rosai lata !‘;\\:‘.Nae !are bye om 'm i ‘z r 14%.yt 1 : rectgachioags be conducte]in such way as te vive Geeurence of the event than ta vly lar st '1opractieal eR eMnra avec sed temper at Wa ul Solsbur :y Oke Dae Just cause of viisnestoneithersection.Misled by siuce tie same advice has |'(mera at fle ene a x s vol ew *z :68 ‘ty t eee oe a ra »ad assurances wich have not been reck most authorit and emphatic 1 ae i Peak Al evil Wnt attendee acy Vaoriit cay !‘ve Lush t alowed |'vay that may be Known and read of all te f eel Sa ui Pleat ::: eo promises wlich have been key Southern Leyislatures and convents ns to thet!ch \ahh i N aE r y reacted {qaestiot .pt tee wine oreo BI ue win bot be eh ;;::nen.—.Vr ce}ork ©World =.5 y be eel :; aC the ear nor the sense,I,with many others!brethren of the North.We certain!y f >4 (y i ‘\¥Ree ‘will a erties the same views of pub!}affairs,|e When great events may be exper Kae be,08 |7 ’in is Pe es ;.iether }"1 “A !1 .ne er z ae \t N \rN |=1 Fl for the oe to cast my vote at the last election cur,and to be developed with #ray 1}A YUN)ISTE se ‘A -; ominees of the democratic party.That‘Pt hended at either of the pemods 1 ‘o .PELIGIOUS NOTiCk ae tates tia?Frater FROIN ON party was theo unite!and national.and tt i friends of the estat lea Vie editar of the Js nit VEL rah,z i \ having charge of ite alfairs and put forward ap Caled tones,urged on thear Gas :a Nts ‘ieee Fe res ee Er ,;:-;i {se its standard bearers t re .surnet chiNot ae a 't ’(eee =;Ww (kK Co fi \i Ve .RENO. Fepose on the agitat.n tle os A ee ‘viitt ’.‘‘i ; .Syahid f slavery t y to et r S Tisastht i Fs the ees and Ti ae mae ea ;meiyielee \\ay re WM ‘\!I \id ite lea ve eae :leaders have bers nomen tor die ie jedarene Col.od j a td typar 'iy := rtant purpose,let the |Pete ie try ie Most cases,there estates ,Pa ;e ,;ee A we jor the past four vears vol its oresent cot dition Seu WHAT Tie same fate a .eH b Za 4 ,,: testify.:aus ee Sig i Re a ‘ a .We all koow,and jn our ee a ae ee.am :Y ,Se !tty 2 W ;(i .ree irresis'2 ne 1 ‘\x t '4 tible power of the demic ret gy jitcien |at wall be vain tea ’;;ind mt ||oe when united aod nations,Ne icant uel ay teens ele oe :fast ju el le Ti ;|:;|a oa ene ‘‘ seep and we all know bow powerless wo and ong ee ;’ke en \iepoies ets e Se i eee i ;Ne “tuietbe !wot Malwa the same party organization is when distra Revolution—to retract tar ie BS VS ert ;—\La ‘,,:.'sandy ~a rown in the ad divided;and we have realized how Mee ire liraniuciints r Bre Tolerant clades meclane re were severally read and adopted.Ties }tie t elena van i r Te (aleneni the unionofthisparty.strong a1 \ee eae not trv a \7 soa ta col ithars va Serre h sStrong and cohesive asut bY therr fanure to actu a)‘ aT [:tt Litne always been,How beete \aarti tt cotinie:emeuls (Cire ;('\!iNest |'i {dates for hiceter . roken and seveno]poops the descendants eae :-'‘. when the delicate question of slavery is ur tie Lex.peton,would)not se stain ther '!cen \wat Mr inagseat Ee hme \)I Mr itia é .;:+2 discussion.This gues:ees es Astra:Aone ye os reacagetfuiiy podested to lee Marek oectomlctraliva .SoA Wiebe uit et woud tot resolve at r Taek (,|et 3 Hl i ( fer Uheip irreconcilably divides.:ee :G tas Y :Set ele ee Bae 1 J Iden,lic partied til iz bh obrouglit to the test,aul da hones vn WA ;mh ,eee Ny (Pe Wo wend well as brothersonevery ot!Seroe 'ok .,‘1 ‘'rm ce FE Yirap a tute Nee (ree ‘ary pe Eide iy Ly pious Wh fe tesed vs 1 ::;F ae }(ys ‘Ne fn bs PI |otal trreconciliable breach now existing in the ds oMi(onu il wdonuwiemg cet ae reer |\\to4 ye ul mechs |a Sea ‘et EC AVE th Tuckian trechit eratic party,which may be sind to diy Mec a alta lesgitial Pie e ea yA DAs Me Rowell vt \soto tine ~it W ta ker v \letter two factions—oue for 1 Xo See :’ul un a \ ‘né for the Northern and the ¢outse,souplease so to cal itowil be porsn Sit lament);|deat he u rie !:!‘ e other for the Southern view of the subject hy Southern men Mm 1 eo :|1 ie]the West t |1 shadow the disruy:pie ee paren ee Hee fetiey ve Uldastan precept pve tu etn soit fortner ineam!i a estern paar eerie Gl ileal ements (carat hteer an a company carin (heeverponie.;)he 7 Me ae ote oe f stumping f .e.Coanty,on Wednesday atterticor NG ,rae Peer ‘nated Captain Story,andinthe ut TSG WWihat as the posiven «<1 Lone };‘i ,trax :‘.pons @rm men coucur in recardine as finstier!Cee nant d :Pathol hei fi a a ,hi stacy)HI ‘vit Tat hiss .‘,Tee EVAN 'CUEBEESILT EE ,rol facing the enemy. onal candidates Sesto is i Vito va por the sa i i '.r serene eat ee He bad shot atan Pndian on herseback, ‘sto the question '1 yee ‘i i 1 SN spect , It is not ny purpos 4 .i"in the ee velal®Tsu (RENAE iw z |i 2 THI .'F Y tela ~topescid,hiked him,ancl start- a tet rn }obyt it |'1 (mytoa eres ordertoascertain wis ‘|Wie Clete auy acta et a \vere m :er]fo secret re When within @ sally pervading the Sou 4 .¢jl Pe pte statue Gnu _Ta?Vidivtis at tose !ce ReeT UIT i fov vara at tive didian tused ap took Itis sufficient tur:ke Pe a te ::.t Q t }t a ry > ee A co te stats.erin chet)oe intiy,and anake aa nd neniatedaDougie Tick i he was sent Vo dei oerate ain and fired,killing Mir 1 Se a x oan view the abolitio ne ;.Ses ‘tk \mt l VeRee ee ,:ul [oa Ao LCS :Su ay Tle was baried near Pyramid ged admitt:)fies to <uow .:i de 'ey We al ./;per ins,iz |\‘M ! No man «!}e a Haled imine’.ie nee Wy \no lod deletes t (Cans as Hoan tin in 4 naan uae e: :‘ww)deunaneds media's amet pot this i ,i WV that the can!dice c!,!eran aes reer ''1 Lode of ay | :r r oe |‘\Southern States.—|i ou wv Keen ste oot i eonmem berstook Tend ot thie work wi Sy eel tela loatincal Mominated 1)\yy:‘ea 3 ?|acne _Eine Sinner i h s poltica Souther <at ;n s !\Dthered with them,a 1 t PEWS OE CO hat lent ets PRE eNe k twin and bore t ely An i :Choe iy Spr inatic Neonimiured :te was!‘t (uit sist any such enactments t t t nf ryt ine i ]bopele !c 5 et n eryes :yg t s tion,none was «:are (nat a :yee (eens Xeuteu,We fear The conse di fig determined to carry it thre 1 Vike we ic bed very sud ee 4 t te el |e weuld not 1 Viel Wt they be as pion for the rpuse of nak nersnely 4 ian HT.},feet alan ey 'Sates ay 4 rae),ee gamed that none was dural,Ty ditrot its ctbetual,SN Pantie Pty Mathh,Yancey Breck papers at Water st nari ie eee Ce Fernie St Siren ACD Se Sra AU ores mu ive .tcincn te gellar Dandeha lean Uiken ai .-the procoednus woth areat farbearanc vn)Vert 1 Vy his netertbors.ean 1 Die eoend r vears,the ae de ae *luttend the d by the Southern people.1 «soul tt |Ble NOMENA eels[ales Lyme IN [emer eal nl leveridene yl .,:ieee Fetter 1 q t ind contention would Conv i EY recoguise the nght of mentyretract a trsty on PROMESTS,ral |een:]:le nthe Beposcor aeampaion the Urea tewet,aml inomany of the tn ae S Per Ue contest 4 wnvention was,an!:i ,a ed in the results of Mr.Dheh’s determat ice {4 essor \W |onde: 0 edit cow t rash ¢nent involving vast interest ,}ie eee rec igew iecty Fi HUE ETE CUIEETI t teat ar ‘eoshall ¢ndeavor for which it ;5 s Fue emai cele Pa at ae 'F ||red i neity,and Hier the ercitement 1g Un pre ,.: ea ae 1 sti net new pth But the act.on tion or ee parts wheal ed oyposiacn te Drockinrtece,Many ot 14 |||ometit Ir ee {te viay hin on the shelf qs -so that,if sto quire wl eee .‘(une [ortinent ius "v eop tals ay aie ehh Oe TCLS TRS CEE SAL ke F \ p to luquir whether erie :ie tees Haniie WiemnGl ractuiv (ail ny vith Doneglas }Jotnsen ea the prominent menof the party:treated ‘citius:aay etl fare (atecer possible,die toayv net have t »treable lit, composed of Monies .fh Ht ’!vt ',tet 5 ‘e |r af nels ’Secret pai Wonest,ja Wise you ow Tt was thet Lat 'Lers:Or pty mas Ceccerrin |:s este TOE ns oof self about Ace suecesser Tt seems t oe .'Mie Tdi Hever \Gutta \in be redeemed ‘ re tome Eque s tr ies me yl WU NIOHS Jie postin was ass i m Neeefior faction vat 1 \Pree nidaeoand Lane.has abaudoned 1 Vat A =i ne te 'ey Force .,ae ST LEN a ';,nl Sycimewee Uiar NO eoiet ant tions of tf ni weds Loot ttt rest :Tae |et LD Leanne ceer ery Toe leet eG |a fe 'Vi "Fhe Indepen- an Ip regar a “Ald to Psolutol wr extiess ‘oe 'we)Unie {anti Cee t Lttesyaney eet Hebei yh |:‘:a :Pdent Aaa holies of Richmond, cree po the ne a ren fee rane ea anee /\rent Noe nk i iy hee ot ,1 n eont in of men who are (Ons Vo Congregation,under uth of nose of N P elrelnte 1 7 }SONI (Cart estes art le Gat |faitttal te the Constitn ; deredbytheresolut ite,;yee ie !"i :Vofifteenm fuandred te ,i at the |Rey.Mr.Tinon,for ¢Ce ents SO STSAYE aN OT prep itlar Uieee been couened Wespt,Gy tec tes AW i sid yand Viee Presi teney miriy a eo of te Prec ariny in emphatically declared i oa ‘one 1 s.Dnt there are n :1 |:2 Presidencyis,that ee i ee ee !:hare,ol al soy Uhtnces aa the Crea,and lave fitted up a house Pocy ts,that ther.is ar hy Ue eoulear 'er i i rn ent 'eee i )as eee nn s ; Bict between fr i |a A i }have dn ‘mt ’co !woo ‘ne ie Phe union ter the Bell and Don Pye EN tr,loeb slit SNe Ce cont cniot Droad street and Drooke ee labor and slave falbeor,tet .t fai cratery tome trielrae |at n :re ,,-.Pee : free territory and the ateagn w ,ar eee arene ;me sae i ‘i cena ra a Tire etre omen of Now York.is complete on ib Soli pou Ray pelos Sorel,Jes?Ob slavery exists protected by ti ‘;ie 4 |a is ns ;.!‘1 Ty Gr sending TOO dete tes te a the detector teket Wines 4}it erve all the ma and ceremoniesof the vaae Ss .ed ean it '“ho did not seem oa {fora ‘ .ate ta :pride las secarcesy a Corporal 7 ;)} tation of the country j .5 \et en mil ex vt \cy !Convent eer re lon (eee sllme leer nn tentang WV.:a .|oman Catholic Chureh,but do not ae- various forms of Jancis,s K i 'Aa cand.ail Le esa ‘net ;F :fey }|fe Fay a lage i M knowledse the supremacy of the Bishop. abjerigst :..;wt H iflaniabay s (.,eee (en 11 )vote ie We eee dctie ry laa Lint None bu Hee diolders ancl ther Verel il han able tu ™“rot ee Taal ter MISAce ett oer :‘~,;Cech name hid. )dM 1 Nihon dh 'P tone ;-|Tees j ts yd)cone om >bn H @bichlotavetetaeut)Na .pe een en ak en po 4!'ye wey Le eel etal linet ami 1s i won,nt tilitytotheSouth aud tos ;Ce eal sanilieneeta ;.vit t |Oe DGPS enates of the kee MH.Freneh,J.De 9 Olelen,at 5 Coe RU Cet festa Thursday of last stitutions largely peru!=ern States und t ae,tas ‘.‘‘.:\1 Wantinoten [iis trek.mnt i PO ee eek a ‘tin the Indian Nia- and is the actuating |°'; vm votlay of elect Liat en : z Ua g ‘aril aes iha v ,t tied ‘]i)c AT |,‘moet ty :,t 1k vid Mr.Gantt, tioa,no Southern man outs WH {‘|::eal Ee a MIELTA HOO tote:Gr Valive paper,the ‘lan i .how AI cooantad var i \1 i 'ol ;.:is hel ;Fe nienan mete |a \'l ‘or 'vh a reason to RUppose thal the «wn,ot i rn ak verdana nt |net :2H Dooston (or 1 Sey i oP iol MU ane be nneiocal ree \:'y .ee Pat having completed the businessforwhiel The editor of t '(GT OmaA ,TAN Pha san,1 WH nee :00 the principle aleve sta \ber Northern sympathy when be and lies assocta Bee Wy tha w Ly Necessiry t F :Mus ae OMr John ¢Brecekinridve will not Crantt,t :aspirant,Was killed. evived throughout the Scuth as «ATE Miethiet tan ailealiy Wen en rity .:)tat there was luraiweat to tis ollice last ry feet ;:j ’eS ri i; th:.ry |‘!|Thibiet dot 40ers DOW chgeay ni 5 |f .wt .’3 carry ‘rousand voters to his causetn Trte ronce tactlisetteetwason Lhoreday at Southern States,Southern me:Was All these circumstances havevery natut \,r following centlemen were appoint:week,a st Thee wititwocdistiiet leaden r :;i .!;us y aturally sliar ultiasoWwed War apom the democraue ed Kleetor |eee )eel i ‘AC setts Ile will not earry twen-received by relatives of the deceased liv- ns are odious to the yreat ans ene and deepene!the sentiment of -;‘;!i at larg volt »las preserved in alcoliol for the |F : Arn institutic ns a ]to the y Majority |J 1 deepen e sen nt party and the [een it eer ee ke nthe State at large |Pe I preserved forthe in ty thotsand in New england.Tnrannine ing N ile,Penn The deceased of Northern peoplef To Unink otherwise wo ith anid nerared them teri tastercn ‘ss ‘eh 7}Diek and DK.Melar For the Dis speetion of the curiou c i |ies Pes ana ce SHY VOy EE 'erat ar Ainary intelligence.This may be :'::.\)[eee ane :Ce es Tier create land:cient)SONS ee DE eT,mof Columbia, tion of the t ee \\i Mite!equals t [eer oni rue views and desicns«)ati |at =1)Ww MM 1 !V.stated sy t (fn i pee tea T trus that itis.Howe 1 Tt we part of the Soa me :I)4 ;1)(i wore fdea,Loa per LP pchwi gn!ne lily je .!hat ay be,it will|r 't t !\t \Wei \Portland pr J ."possib CONN eon i |Cave by t einer )r W NA feet tea Cone tntilent end Sos thie as cosp \"|i |Tie CN ‘fe rhiand pa eae body of Suutbern people that t igh onad nti OF :\Peat.—COs t that ta per save that Gen.Pom Finmats is to tako an .;nae me 4 rs EUAC Poteeset ss “”,Misconception on the subject ;and on ase |Mak OTe mieten ee i sd reals:at ones tos fut ind a wile trom that city,the handsome and who attempt it,if they are so Jucky asto have ange upon.ny ca acl et .;SEO et cor caouchaidanmiten uf one ol the ol @@ sudience ai all,»“find themselves fect tion of t k '1 ''—:.an 4 CO those waters,was taken in Nense river .::a ,XK witbout position 1 Saute ee ae eee eC eC ae eit M melon cp fer H.W.Miller 'a dest and uiest esteemed citizens.She is Pry cae very ees o States w lw i :i G een near Raleigh,on the rd nat Itw 1 TideNieeee Vouton rere eer ce Cera etl ncny ent y.below the ordina y be deter al the next elec:su indignation that the tae Cavin Pou \"2 ..,sa ‘Pee wy t } 'inks ss en A next elec |gration at they will ated ‘a i |ed 734 pounds,and measured over Ave sion Po lorewillccani tieastatet Nawlnyalier:d heiresstoquite a large ea ;indicate the course of action to be yuto a revolution,and will apply that desperate lican,and 16 Breckinridge ¥:RA)35.20 KINKI RE Speeches were tnade before the conven feet in length |York sy 100,000 votos tate —< IL The inglo! West ces,| storm for ts Th len d heavy} out-dTh on th rea ward intot the p ny p! 48s! :Mi dams dolla Th died city. STA’ Th Cons day = chair repre Ch all p posit for a the | A Pres Ye ted b ever brid riedtewta west fourth feet Falt the» and Cri mouLile out It polit Jolin to ta twee tori Dine the d tic: the | Hef gene put all hi BOVE! At polit mate and| co oO} arty PeepUnio next. Thns litica Ge as,hi draw Presi z Th rism tinue of su terfer terno: for It Wall volut WwW Ruat is en forts Gi ed to night ber « town A and | eider ence detai rl ie seml crow: Ade STURM :>Mo v a v IVATSCOLIV\tal S M EAST EVEI WARD.ve Boston,A 8 .tt icex,August 22._ashing’evesziANNytonocaojorespond cratic guna @ U ent of 3 Noy o ry OR ATIC “paper,a aulowe:en «tt : °7 Amor w The Ste QUEBEC A 1 Steamshi .nee /bP Nova ScotiaScotia,from Li a %4 /4% |SOUTHERN SPECIALBOOTANDSHOENOT1cSalishury,WV.C.,|Avguat 28,1860. Tl W .ve towns of Lincoln,Waltha LeValtham,re Ayan,Wee rtown,Ne West C :ewton,| con Mambridge,oa the adj einen, ae ere visited by a sey acent pla Jemocrats vi oO . i.a yestterday afternoon.ve.thunder CXpectants,me are not office hol wo hours Ww continue tive ere 18 a >holder erpar : The quantity ant cessation.ued :or Bell and E be coe few line or ':Hee atce ton LN.U ett TV eee wie oe ot . len dur vf rain found een ork or P andat :aay ve 1611 Inge the o have fal its elec enusy dope Iti i 1,arrive’ iceey watt )‘tine Was Bix tic!Cia lectoral vote ms Ivania will w :that on ‘Sernvul Uitemie Ie ,ived COR Cre out-d that an end wi 7 permit the S m Lincoln,¢add st melancl e Pope has wri SCTED WEEKLY 7 oor vperativns. ig put (Tag aud ne comers,and thus France.IL voly letterto tl 8 written a Ap SPRAGUE BRO!WY BY he as ao ise and Evere d Bell ul u look o the Cardi .xdried =7 THERS pepyers LD h miei ett to the S Co the tor rks upon al edinalaf Beco ,504 1006 URS. oo the Fit ye after nestly ely ie Senate tl onvinced :all as |:ie 1 Lead Bar ' cht ve noo) d alins the ef «10 t host !s Yea dl “, remained ‘c hen und Lexington Wea ve a Ors Breck nile by Coe ohog ee ha of an a st he shall dic :Bees 20 «25 Mole White,10.3 o re lous Hroad Oly que Meee y the vue rquit itns ;»hy Bat 5 z mean Cuba ale \ wards of :al the juestion is shi .people.|ar it Rome dec!;ter,Sa 6 a Tuba,34 a 45 :an heer,rial alation u to elect Li shall De .The data vader lares that CAN ,15 N.O.6 Dee) . E 'rather ee ect Line emocrate ¢e 10 price ho Cons ap CANDLES—aly!BOrarG et :| ie the deluge Then eee crm tertG .ee cece ner ee ats conspire er P 0.nsideration Filow,s vane covado ou :ne es | '| the public rouds t din Washed aw ys poo this the It to spite the atate th:SEO Damasc Admantine 150 20 Oats a so fe IM WE ah $ =? | ny places Oetich an ext ae?iments:W eiciiine a [at Fuad P ascns to Gotcukio.:a3 andU) ee INSE A mp |S caer eren places,us ty render xtent,1 ie sere cle nd Whig Onn wi ‘aciaehad the 5th,!‘aoe ers OILS LINSEE a 4 ATTRACTION |&&MIL rye see 7 Lode )J B ..+E F ” ‘ a t - AT * AB passible, ron whens dine ee 2 wing feel tw wis not ony pat them to tl Ero aancninc surrounded ees 19 a 20 ie Tuners,,¢AT THE :MANUF LER eereientit aes RETURNE i Many private :4 pe ie V ener ce i Hiewword 4 coe a panne aie |otatoes trish a a a reat Clothin lGentlement +FACTURERS OF ,f peal CRNED from marbety e da :SCAG raat eS ?ythed ;Crortue SCC stirrende: w¢DruseS nee:rn,90«100,Swe :«80 8 E |s 8 .| full A,mages to the aimeunt Peesnetanidt |el ruse und 1 eas Jer in two day Ise Sheik SO Ou RaRe ber ib.40 50| mporiu |vots,Shoes and (rai GR * dollars each iceman cms:fo do somethin Title Scr Jready taken o eee:Sean Salt ceante,1 24 OF m ]AVING spared and (rafters,| CERIE '“: ed nately,to stat ae reece.ae thy ttacl tes an =1 90 Sh ‘85 u ' Pee ed newther mat Che widow of the late Ab!ment v to shatel thei 1 ferent 2s on re ee ag ve dor 20H a 2h Sugar Wi Bro ay DAVID WEI |best Asti procuria Sea ex.[eonatsting of CM j 2 late " ;sof the .tre ‘ z du ~rar Bro ‘ : —~Mac uate te «aR died last night at her i levlenwerenca ie fe the Louse yn the Garten ;Sl (sous Pedtirerceiee ene Gamo u Free AM NOW L,}provementx—Machinery of th |&c.,witt #,Sugar,Molasses,& cit ©at her resider tA EY CNC wid Senate prooert (eC aee lean Rene »,304395 rushed 0 S opening 4 'ine and the aaa TAcaacare nee eat Te. y- fence ane een popular vote 1 ule,, F i fnereee In also Bice hh 60C 46 Ae cierniea i a )4 som re Rooin,No.§An my derge at |meee they flatter th oe Hiuicher |iteuuen oc .pulay M pt in ee lee, ee Sis ation of cot :froves he f :meen n Nay :4 i ed,lal est and chew iracue 1 Siniciane Haus good eiselves at ut as usual caat e STATE POLIT ritgidly CUONPEFVULiVG Bel ‘i racentba sofirored a Weotmtssacre at 8 vered A on Bar ack,S06 a 315 fe 2 10 :12 1d cheupeat Stock of Baild ug.the us B good an article «f ves that they ean at exceedinglylowpat- a 4 (:. Hus Sani etn .ute CAVE Ss neo ite At Oo albec : Soa ee Ice te oe t ae = wines oo 1S E TIONAL |se ie Menten iat 1,protises this how .Pea Pini My ee Red,oe eady-ade .Peer ts,Shoes& ys Pa NON oles ty seer mettle aniie (tl Tevet vre mc g Wool,204125.ever offered Apres t.othine ee pee ee Gaiters, Re a -/= Tl stent: (ierteniiant wey in thata :Will is set Norcia eran WN a 3)wh ieee uinsthe Staten aM ve peal te the¢c a fore vallecntt {the same .See ’&S$ The State E er A i,ove,2 ea we Dy pontic ve rection,and dike ,lie been nacd ORFOLK bussness “kindle atfanny«ey stock compr their endear ee ifthe South,¢tab nap )) Constitutional |cutive Count 'That na ebb We :ne LEW RT)esculayeus’Labor Hout the East kK MARKET OD Fel Eee P Leen and Maren ie honutactwee .mean ducer sitar aie hemo eee ie onl :CE TEE SE at the ade our One att abors for the ,21S COTT he ree Hekn x 5 wencht tisaittes WIHT not a WaCE br rh fryored : day—the Hon.V1 jerry:mets om Nett ereetle is alread UT NS)lf has vet be t The slew 5 tet Lowy ee Weekly by .nee (a a ae kx,a large +a fal not be vais or Ty in tire hans ot ange Te Re ee aie chair -pn.Therry sd Netther Docu nlrendy forests ih en toldio Toone iN Did ; Silk.Cassemere enuineenatea anety of ¢1 Ss egarces itionkK :a oh me MP fhutee am aie et tes een Fi Cee oe enn :nae &BROTHERS frets rmere and Mareaill alse Faney sud ae WHOLESILE AND .ey offer at epresented .wrersiotit Ps .1 ;Lents CRITE tied UME Rak aM toe or the V *1ON MERCH , eet ee Pine Char bee RETA 5 : :-ne elas hiv be cleeted he CA id owith the Whar inat Vate!{ANTS , euclesn vas}Plat nnetted Boots,F st Al Cheering ¢ a |wheal eeted,kither M re zeta WL i oe”Ip PLOURS# em wee SEP’ Gent’s Furni . wee French Edg ta,Preneh Cal a3 all accounts w Jeu Homust bee!Min ie parent Vsuat Serol ae +DEPT.4,186 HATS«nishing G |Halt Welts,“a ;parts of the Stat Cronnccaivcal {i |by support t eotad,Le Une (eal: Palit is i al 7.0.(agnor anes APS,BOUTS &oods Spas .: osition w State,and a >I fro yyy,ane ting Mell,cand waved in bea ais been ve 7.00 »0.00 |a Sand SHOES ’Das . for Wald Win fest a strong dis Pell and ,ahd ansnre the ;can wee the cart ,Cure othe |y veara,|ES $650 ie ‘f tee!confidentof ES,a linge}OPE editor cima lees eemciein |al PNCTOtiomle the ele a MnLiientuns eetcaer Mixed 6.00 a 0 Pou eeaiieLhie mee iivouliily toe is yi 2.1 B and the Republ ail nai ;tubers Lorest the res;pon then,there f Hor dt |antidote Va sof WHEAT—W ve :ov yA)4 Ce my G See from the ad inderaeil th Pp Oo ?PS. x lean p:..ren COTE ponsibiity serefore,Wass Crews th vi bite U2 a 70 2 y Gols,thereh dvantaeronl thet, ENT AWGomnn party .ae le irce ie ity ot the lve ee Pobre Vast Lae ee Rees i SPER CEN:chy saving ar le Di ceig,Fine Oper nt Leather and Frenel 1 Presid mittee Was ay le should ated the ¢elec and,thron .prodnets of OOS , iO ar F EDARE DOLI Poto the eonst axt TWEN :PC ieeatent) neh ¢ @ snide am appoint Jd he eleet motr beotl of sea P ob ‘rhs OnSUT She x6 atent Lea ential Giectors pointed to serect erpate t we ciected |but we ee .has discos |WOUE Coutinen 'ee } glu a 130 DAY ary :l NOT ee tro!French Ca \ ri : eae resul a i :covered:t ite until yp Rev 1 vu YAV TE ;Freneh ©a : VIOLENT [2A fore tira alt io lf nna ak ay temediats wie CUI iiaticumet PLANS HAs d Black #1.00 aun AV TW ctwuetaaicw veel Call | + vata alt defeated alread ‘rehwexiunece tl hy of BEES Q . ta ee sGioetint le’Freucl Merrett TAIN STOUS aisles 4 Land the el ke y ane corruptior puries thos lar :a cok aee |NE 7 . oan Nontendisuee!uch Ain Calf i ert Y APHasa,5 eee een A perenne reer fro The Kyat TACO NSA TEE £190 a 135 |°4 |;IR Serr Uh pureliam PE ae :|cieciller \astyleer nant Metorlatennt ,lent 22 en wes nil mated CLs facie GUC we ow tet)Tic DRIED APPT v per doz 30 a ae TANHE Fir ;L NI |thore ina ae os Roots,ah os and in fu | w his order.ME.having had ted by one«ral New York eae CEU Tan oem Sunder the offer in our col :Ph S perbur.ofQeit IQ a ihre of FISHER,F d by or Galters, o y one of the ink w Lveret dole i my newne af ir co a AC Hise Je he £100 UU la iw been U ,FOARD |SMITII |\ ever witnes-ed ae severe riit sy ae 'eo ant ,th 'of Avis Sa A yn gay ave ssuciated vurvelve issolved,we the i HOOKER,|J &MILLE R,| bridve doin ti een SIE See PR,Went 1 :siibstances f »virtues peg.BACON —Werterns Aerie Eat 00 pealtd s together unde undersigned a July 24,1860.THOMAS SS ‘ r ic mroncecent |A Gy Trels -i 'Tat teas ATTTO nes are from i erat ee jU 0)tumealed O rthe Firm of ILLE,N.C \ n ied away emtral Tea aaa LYE Stoe Ly ted Stat i PSabsapea achive and etf .::“RD ‘ aa oar cere Nees AVES)Ie patil va Cie cal S Gund lien HOO .yee .i) L vate eo tras cited ia ‘ mts maul GARD vanes |ty K S f a a us tothe emule reticent ir (mean sine EVERY ¢Dag. Note and |az round,DG 110 ny the purposeof« ER "Serofula or King’s Kyi —— :ern i Le ris dele NG SEAS et WME STAVE .: a 100,le same place eT theetit eli ee stitutional dise gs Kvil, AKT further tl HATES Mts Ut Stel yl |\Hieost FLOR 'nach B nand for Hf SRO Hhd :Ti 00 ustomiess fi Sarennauwtul(G mer busi which this A ase,a cor ND i 1 hh ct ,:‘ ;1 ty ;Penney motive ‘ ip ur past ta ukful too ress at,Beu Huid beeo.ruplion 'os feet dee an Bott.as ths ‘BPE ‘ee ‘Coy ve oN 1 ;1a presen vie men Ths ae WO.Pipe, Bah ae eI as a as and hope bi nora and mal a ce BLA vitiated,Bei blood |AQ!=a ‘ Fault Pe One er AA UTS [Mae iit ene wave t tas towiien 4 Weis regen hd.he ee hess tommerit and ee UN et chur deta lon pervades the and poor DIL Gia Grae tltonville ton |we ‘(SG Neat ‘7 >7 uth wo o£jeading 4 ob PahaGe ats ind receive ystem of ,ongan ts free fi disease on i whole body,| 4,rad he Wits cn!FEN ieee ll ia ' insta 4 scale hl °gry eatble tof anicieased dor ttn rom its attack any payt of ve : the Clos oe be .W ;=I i ”;-‘ RE eyes i wr furnish patron Wy y not destroy acks.noris ther fa No! é J » ’the entire v :i bly treat Gr igraat a :on 4 FLOUR —R LEMARKS Aus a UU ~[NP L,I 1)pie an ae by mercunal nro tae §which |i fall and comp —i :Hoageeot |\ "1 !\ y Tenement Way Mathet ereipts are f 1 forunhealthy t al disease,low 8 various.|“"iplete and will or two feet ue :fot .I :Misia permet salen are g ,woth at (a .RY ‘the depre we mp low living,dis will be sold, mL GCOUS aes aches UE OSU ee -t ts ' ee a oe tetas Ua photon ROCERTES,PROVIST (00 ey ute ain eee mae aaa eae ea DIS “teeny emcees ae ‘1 { = \ AA ete wUREU eel ,i \ LERY SIONS.S Tle hateve t sve all,by tt .rvvite |<7 FROM i}o >'ua) ,men mrp oe st ppoedoe HRY,NEGR(SHIP CHAN constitute bbe ite orig the venereal |I RI T NI By Pani ot :7 ,Wet : es made FARA KO CLOTHE TL ie in,descending ©gin.itus here¢al | 3 reg a\\eet NS .hile ;: eee Ws qe ate a (RWING TOOL uo NG,oy tind aa be ue are fitary in | U I E D \ leer ee . 1 <Fe esh les qelerotinars LHanhO P wy he rod of hi ieration rehiidren establi yo) a Ret aN {eee \ . ;belac roces wey .la ' quitier tm who +indeed slishment ¢xclusi 1 pe { 1 VPPLA 8 VORI aster,Li tthe fut iy nyo +s itseene xclusively for C 7 Nu 2?'|.even .rss .Sor Hate HOCARG neti ders Qpon th will visit tt |1 ly for CASH. (tcc ie =Verse R ue ,I! ;:1 ane caed L \ FISH Cai Neah ’ ts comme verre children”ye vue I = \No B 1 B a dred wet CYyPR ELOUR nee by d.n R ue :ot ' : i ON sant ands :S K rr oulee ros position F i.cil Wo 'a, ;IC ee tt ee ENS SHINGI CORN,HAYS ie Bane ee om the bh NV OTL —ee ati cae boo ete ees hee LNG ee ys voothert a termed : .nr ; lai ie feats iniec au (as or ‘au a snfiaal ; C4 tron p 4 Mat PE OF RESPECT ANTOTNDING ! ;Rat al Vessels.WI ee lee Uy mt nm “yD ;F VE OG : Meccan vart an ea edant " v 41 ‘eed a een ' {STOUNDI e :Porw.Pattention to the Dray,ete,we ye aete Cee Ah Lp ‘ ' tied 4 (ee ; 4 Z Se arding el sate crofulous ‘. vor , ' ' mt. Q ow , ne =re \ce i w “How Ne ISTOUNDING !—+and Commission Busi feet es wll )t FRA - ees Sh ee rosters Watt me ingand Commision Bsr Jah ANKFORD’ ane civil war and ry Was i -ye,TN At a TT a Nheoexer ;W \att’s :. eeu Deeg eee el Be Be en vant num: ” S Cin:ta .2 omens on TeURCT fot i eiseof His Re . JN PCAN a,nerve »are eee HUE OED Ngee s 3 9 aan slalihara Was st ECan enters eee /ee an i .t Noreen eno 2 7 ,me¢\7 Nowhern ie a FOAID Gouin noah Ai Teese Fees red fatal rae \ ALISBURY,N.C ey wae \")ria bene aa irae,,LG i »Unfailine Speci .-* ©.May 20.15 yoo a Hoenn atnly eet isamption which | . etucre aeex ieee Let \:mi tert ya B Ree 7 pecific Be 3 q ee t twongin direc | re t 4 ‘|ar tL tert t ‘lane t : 3inl .tony and man directly in — Olu eelueny ‘'a |it | woud t ec ee ee ‘ F G .vr "' Ae Roden:siructise)| that Sei? (‘ \"!:sen Gs i ete de pat or the U eA els HE . at wandeinne ive | KI mae te Ee ee URES RECENT Al Unfortunate!TAT ENGLISH RE "(oe Gan Lips eo i (.s 7 t a (> AFF ra i ao 1 quarter of all our ted by the} Nl WANs teNs I /., !eu al _URES RECENT .FLICTIONS CEI eyataamrs te AED aMeese hy sfonlear \\rs 7.:ret us CURES VE Per ae Ms RK ESS nndern his farsing ; \\ 1 aan ES RECENT as Fie leh@eN se aha RATED I|: Cae oe med by at wae bene 2 olamt \ {): e 'IN AnTLICLIONS HBr 4s ALE LI Cf mede Se eu Jeanse it from the | ped .::/, :ck A FE D Ns,ne ce AS,joie:Such DS ae peel ear \" :‘ey:i ' A /, W BD ner . j (anedicnne ws v heotitiy alive |} hea of een (cr rear ro RCT eA frien - 1 ek Ve has ou taste AYS BY ROYAL 37%‘ani eee merely Pei iiniele iliat a lerce i Rocce SX anata tals ‘ie we [oe :‘ cent en Toa ot utente,wi .ae ae a nS)¢Ayer’s Wee elassuns rasa ate tl i na.foes Pear a tis a : ' ;us HWY APE.D Peer ene One PTE ety iekein?i ATEN Tr.ompound Extrac as cme an ee hen Rrilest))RI ueHch ©follows ne .<;ae i:a rine:Ate 'Cc a ane in Mtoe wos ai Pee uy TIC et of Sarsaparill Kansas, nf New Sf LAS We eu fae boat r /e ‘ ed prepay po Yeent by Ni seb Pcitie is ‘y i me car emedy whichol a, va aie ie ;Nunee.rile ' a:postag Levant ‘ee gant ,sod bata nus nr tar ths ev af aide en ; Nii uy ve i y IK Heed eT crate ikon Cd Bot SEL Syaha a speedy .<.t ‘r ant y where pre sy } | Lone eoeuls Phat te aeparcu .UNIT ‘1 To wey etn ieee ene ‘have bes “neeTew)the hna SI . .ee a ?pk thar we feparture of © i (a mane Warr . ee nee a ca discoverec ont we THE Pos ;we hiked ene ar brathn|ED BAPTIST (To Married Tact rere ie increrebortieess|SBA INGER’S |x rs eerie a ee eee J materia esl Tanl STITUTE “nas with ;i ics =[hroned ae il pall SWING-3 ' Wn man a i i :ives tve and oa ‘a ot hee ron poeaine ent ‘on u =[A ore :ae he ‘rea erste ylorsrille,N.C.»|AL auntie ers a nthe va ful.inta ployed tort |Prices R T (HIN m \4 f /i te 1 wid that I HE 10th Ses nye GC:lA ae anterteit venmencrap oie teh as co Penne iret eg |educeu to $5 tin pew a 'ie Ob.%migatae NN 4 Say oa eT ela ot thier (net nut |thee Pals ohrall cai h ution. ie Fire,oe Sass inise from T ane 0,$60,$90. police | i Ys ual Tadce of HOT BURKE ly.under the iotion opened oni ON INGy Bear n hy femalex d j Biowches,Bla vor bryspelas.Stu Ant have abwa earon why Si and $100. cil a / 1 pas Prine are.ns fort Bt oy LCE a Pregnancy,Heater0 AT {|Rheum,s sand Bus +Funple Yo-|tha s sold readily Noer's Sev Johu 1.ke eter Wipertean ie PRemOT cinch «ll ue anes they ane Peis TRST Heh yo seiut Mead 2 ape Tumors,Te (eae eee ther ane Iveatoa hist vine-Macuines to poe OG 4% ke iM bt 0st ‘a fo healthy ve 3 Jone ie 4 bes :ife Feng,cand Meret Sugworm,Rhe ;>more reliable.-vat they wie ler average R take any as ‘i ‘ ,Pal Pare | | ' um ae i ei ain In the tility,and,inde aDiseases,Dr ype is suism,Syph-of work,and is ipable of >tt ore Saray er is ey a eee cant \ci The S rality , ee vee Trapare See ee HNC yepepsia,De-popularity is EUS BOG pes mac?peceterivanaty, Innidyee and 1)‘ae)iene i a : : rr ' eee ee (dois Blois te fe ee rebate Eas coe ut DRO pe t liegpallnenes Linco \,.a floes rr ’ yee pacing tor ane : ;tuen of the |ded in truth,fo tas impuri-ave been eure eee Sewing-Mi In the purchase ae i Ceol aie <a oo ie See tnburi |Gem's Ma eye pene Seuinestine thed id JON ? ) \ een oe s Sursuparill iret wy ty cues tl appointe usands IVist Aor ' a= rN :me mot wes S ge whirl on eee par ner p take there ted,be a &inavariel ler i ;;lg t ma tas eae eanenanene eta or aig.t we wo tind (\ .t]wiki vistey purpose | is never any 7%mt with Sin- ‘1 cums lr Steel ian :‘=i ,~./ta :ue aS Js in [ee i ane en ATT eet i freuen NRE oraLnTn failure or mis- iL !F thes ,-ee ee :jal >'WE ITED "> Teen Ue rai a Reaee : Sy Ke re €ath ee Teaythsie io \be eoeceat 5 pli au Shuttle efartliar 1a ms i 1 ’; focal a he Pa . Rvs Sei as ilereste |*:v ea athartic fat ¥5 *plains ay achi a d -mG 4 .,wtelalit |\fe! Eien OF Tian Pr +Dray ests At oT /i arc Pi ills rere 1,und $60 highly mi? gency,he w ; Bel Sa S lan eo terre Bet Le Jonts W -!Poe!Gi:ee ‘'VeceLL,Ts :Ho ‘reso € if Ho yin its arre ornamented, put Vir Literate : \ey 8 ;r Sere Al tor B :tee MSS Cy h tr, P Ngetts wep &Co.Richt \4 ‘Hpowet huey Dona s spidly and v ngement;it ‘a ,pita i a ta . P .Stes Sell and Everett Wt te graply.\S100 .JW ‘ee I Es ”manuf ery easil all haz .es st ls Rey tes sia ’ nae tae re eat ie pang ct anafactur y,and graris |ade i ; ete es ee ee near fol tie mee ing po . BOVGreIT e to maiotan |wae eS ee N Cin sinn se Mr ae au 30th ins hetry,Survey iug 12.00 wel 1 ‘Thess -he Mas fachine aise aed = Ta cay her righte ¢so WoW PSA b Casper to K ~1 “1 Clonine ans PALE ane eRIE Ee eine iherces to -ts \ ‘Can in a MVD 5.00 Dinveg beatae ble g incres i , ‘my Aaya an l rights 500 pe eo .Seok CS E incnccurrerta l nee not be fully s war aie yet the peed = ‘a ‘'|Jis te snp ue twenty-0 remouth,TP! wh eGuence sous health gers Noo tS plied.jemand A /' uA nee Coane ye ‘a Le foe |Aug.7 eowreks m - s bowed dow:bse prope ly viey former i tandard 8 UNIONS ‘\nvow DN Cea aat ™Ie ‘41 ag Beth HH.TT.BURKE al find i a H risa,the |weil he sold wt $135,bat ee é tend ' \, t ‘ < tes ne — . md bits be physical de rn 1 ’ne .shim \NEAV YON lini -rbent ( !::See :Mr Be nure Cox |Cha brie =? mas nee s ee tea tee Tey wo allover the world redaces to $90,ria ?Wo t Me tot t tat Pe :Loy rs:tay Hornone!: n ee - o 1 h ; with of work,o need 00 An import si iatse Nols ae Wie Ghee oo 1 inal i NE den &ge of Schedul -_—_= sacl _Risin aderectube ees politics ant ana ,ea me?oe lives ene op Frs Offi r ule,zl —_ iit yl an be don :jtical movement rather une 7 ',anes 4 4 Ch oe ce Western \.€.R == below vam ’ aralst = nated mts abent VEEN reat tints .fix ‘Le i (eeeene s RecN [eee =eo }oo nein Almar tr re varolive nuttle= din New York TG SVISVEU UtCEE NT I . ie ills and F (N AND sas eUieaae reise R., a nd dir ees toa The size of tt facturing a ‘lachine. and Lane lead th fae Vind sa Penitonrcted >: \Dy ER evers corn \ETER THIS et fee S60 a tleniieah ona ue HES OMERN us ie Machine giv achine every 4 fers fi Latch ,‘ <: oO rans LE a ache,‘5 with its lescriptio esa co-operate Ww oO EES i ro ate of Nort] ‘an \\D ‘T"|the head of 'a daily XS re THE PAS ~ ndpvestion ron disorder ‘ ay AEE eae Dos ohare eeeee ne ee ith me 1 yccadt fy MS -adler ee \GUE jn nee ine et Road,6%miles Fee ener > —Vie tigate:er AT a -ree Paves é z qualities,give together ovactt ,tesecure tie def ays aun!dy oon )Gises al Cate Laviiogeeo BE sya LEAVE ing Schedule ind return accort aT Sele ’tN oa u ;singer's No.3 h table complete ita decided %publican?1]veteat al t ‘a (1 ©tlirrises,2 cometh :SONS? Salixbury d = .‘ ly o miplaints.arist Hew)a for 3 Standard 8 +$100. Union will t eourrar Celene Eeteay es oy ie a Drek REV UILING IN.ww TSE ANTES.Third ve 7.00 ren ARRIVE AY |Perr mtarer ate i aie cat acre peat perp dadhes Shuttle-"sachi :z "An Wise ,(Se itil Se NV TAI 1 :TAL!‘555 erik 3 z tunete state of the :|ers,and heavy me. ne \ooe my in \V ;a r oe Slike is,* ;AhtoUs CLIMATE.&hie ,:ia eaile :"Se = |Ayer’iN Cherry Pe tot Sik B19.heavy leather sy an 1 \i sats UES HS awba =(;nah ee —| ern ere . ine the last rey eer ts hay ison ai AT ws Caeie Nok W435 wha on =eetoral, vadird Ma duction it lie ee et ve pact rrine -,y ts yap 2 ton ane Nene mao mes —Canstie R THE RATID «salen ees.on th in the pri an eat ' ! ie Wd ce = : CURE « |ie ote he ce a a aes att’s Tonic &Pi oie ie wn)eS =ce ce ee Tedheaee liven |reer ie ll ory Hi ee M ‘ = ’aa.Honrsiore oe ;rapera oManhineenel 558, Forma! /n Vorian od v the rend ;bh i ‘ l | ae ae 1 ,"10)= — ! .hia La hele Wi ratue ,—ve recdeae ee the inte yaaa) ;eid a ids of Dove e er unpre ee oe Ai ee PAVE RETURNING Ti 30a ==as Mn acy Pea rece aes ante ie the &rlocked ren of Ehiust p maton,\vention recen Np “wou ne nner wk ‘ om re ' sce TU nt UE Ree st_stitch N Pree Peeanle recent 7 {at Id of its bout Ne procure full G vO \ !Se (and the friend Tee ::Drageist and Hickory Was Hck ARRIVE AT oo ~Ce 'Pris ¢‘sands apacit wing-Machine and Paar |See rae area)mids ot nea Deugeet and white Sulph ee ie =a 3 Ires.tha id arene :pcitiess and the eee their aay ,Bas Os t ville '.\yee e \Sulph F ites : compe eg |veb )os feomere fal vit 8,has writt Iston,Grovert yn ieee ;moa,tl :All ef 1 : an phur 1230 x i Sulphur 12.30 I fe a 'r I ee nee !aie nee mete dry en oa lett rnor of Pes cforal tie ailed,ar a ston iS a seases ot t ony it i ' v 7 tr,wh =4 cop lraw reece . ticlat mel line 1 t ited : ty notin y 12 ing has nar Thee Cre ts in the f woth { 135 ‘wht 2 \Re \ngs by its on " voted to tt a beaati- reendence ame asa cin l yet vr field. S 7 ,trie ay Siren at N .ee over every : I.\ he subject.i Icy 1 t 4 , rn Its Ph t t y- (iol hea Toone at att ARTS JAK.SALE se fe ol tyert oa UF fn y os {towseajol ‘,SINGER , rt :etors al tl on d tore 1 >4 hote re a ro re AGI eee yy Times He CG 1 vba ,A!the ted :ue pe ee Toten atareant Credaseavietl x 100 pm S .IN rh |gerons athena a YT.J.Oto New Yu ’ ‘[P URIE ARN SS Deon wat irson,Ts |‘:[elaine ee :1 Ba :.ites tay th:i |t ii ae raoavrttiet te t the Salisbur D ae font teouretim J . tONEMo ork. .TI NAS Ts lotte of the Branch ean .ee ese ee tenar an ate ,Browns HAVE new ys ¥.C. ae mae a NT "RY, _fhe spirit of 4 See ee in place of J el Ch ey nwactnd:Hogs ol 4 Cet |Ste RNGaR Machine completed,and eels s has ga ne ristn is advent cased oat dt -ibe rood four eat,Oate Ba i Y ug 1t ae ay SS lin ry.by means d have i :r lita e , c ig on the in rre andl fi! win,[os \j [lon ie (ee naebecns erin W CRR }Deansalk al is of which 1c n operation “hu the ve i nue re “‘!ns ee vaseh noand a ebb ay as ROR and G ath Sse 1 man entel 1 duced me ee Gath el eee ne ee Sah wee ust ae ‘argon and all the Farming eee Worth C 2nd Bac ane nes fi ee of succes ae there ps ¢Poe ee ee a ee Manama gem eieiar ie maT Ll aroli Cottare Nene ved too renarkabl:= ;terf een :al ern (Uae Plantatien pace pisos na Colle age and ott Teer vl : t eres,Ay .Tey Ero.ni( "Tye ae !eM UHaSAS Sa |N ton ot whieh at ae arning about 320 ww,Cat mnsing Enstitutren.|ge..Cheapif not Ch ther Bedstead DR J C .ey - ernoonu essel tetr t Darin!ipiseapal Cl wo DRS qa al fi serene OU!ere MEN Oh catedat Mt P ew Yo (OG heen a sie AVE P tr ) or "ie ns tree eon aie eit tne Se errant mathew as (.: ) for ene with fitty fi ne eanot a v testitied that ano Vohave |is Pare aan seat He |The a 60 will began ita eae ee ee where cise aa bela atean "LOWEL!ER ae)| a tia ‘POS et 'a aes wm tliat ta Tivcted ERAT nese sficts A ISTR )nae I ce :— ~ ‘Walke Pe area yet nt ferbad tue we Clinren Te nals Wei posed of vefal and healthfal et eens ae re tai ona el Remedies are f '\,A : y erin ca yeyoare to wing of noon day of sa ‘al leereeecat tl fol situation,a GEN DAs ae ount to dealers H 1 Wyatt,ae resale b 5 = olution.rrying out his ( Ne foun ye erena Nt , .ie Dein A eee arse sat fe Sane ryt dent tele ap rt Pena oe sbary,x ¢= =~, We h projected re pectable ih DV BARR Bots iene nortan Bs Otfies,Fa Ponce |is hain ge Ck a 'os = Ruata ave reecived \ tdsth ne Hoe a Morphy's Store niture Rooms te Joh harlotte, : .tito the It ed intelli (1 I 1 I wigs fuel,:months.includ opposite Ro o&ry,Son 3 seal eo t Is enyvaged Stl inatant,¢veneer from Nene \>wel i ae bert Sete n,and allineiental i May 2.1580 en wos Bl GA Lowe,Lexin ai) bs t a 1 o urthe sy, x ae y )Sanios t =i forts of Tr;eae 1 Pa ae be ror Corn Hee eS USSR eles ay Ce dure ae my eae ey es : G ,rxilln :TOM Ne ie I prose :Vinee be re cael vant .:ae renee ratamers,wh Rese We pdbr ireh 6,2sb vi&Co,Char : - - 2 ruardiola ar ns andy ;ceo thairt Heese UST WE hos hin sard MOSHE Mies a tel areuoly a BEPTLE,Presid AUN ‘ ame Hac EStn SC . 7 D = ed to make ar dhs fact We tooth w TON SST STL (S ahinet Sie Ls Wwe A 1 eS Ue one ANTE NIE AV ATOE SOXOT lyal ¥ ~ : nig!AN attae mh Were Reith IS ised }a vor PERU Cond etd Pe aTenlate ake ‘eee eels itl NM eOret : SS PCY CulN le T “ = ~~ ght of the Lor tckoon Pra xpos glad to wet rid PA Se ©Sept RURKILw Sh Uae Sere ATA "vSALI |t ] = ih ber of the ale Tear ae Bi cle c Loot at id)Me {teste SURKE «&STEW aus S10) tw ]Ine lc (2 ION..ae On al Ela o ’om i er lcneit y Pe : (SULT (dove <4 y town fa ecnaendence were hee te a von Some y . ee R uu DS O REWARD ee ahaa ete pene I ee == = ns :a rOUiiie tht OS even a y ue :..:|Mada OU i irk ri ie : TlAtION any aaa :ave aa ae \Sane ARKER — # - ‘UNd ites °yaa tray .Wits :Pee ‘S vy the :r Nes 2 ) oA eo iin I jit aman nan Ist ii R ' , ‘tos!\ vihe wa 'joe 2 a \eoul IN rie ;ame are Ines ny oth rok y wet rr !i (ene bo ; .7 . 4 Shar Uixhtnad pitch cineen Lip in the Riv sag sta oF Soe ashen spoke sacks ts a eae nore eee ee ss Teenie . REC TRIRR Re NEL ASK Ss ayton Dis.mme al eee at 1 .qe le ratio ce ce eee >2 e andl usion of the ]ySept.1 :)of whiet uae \";years of ag )t aa Wav '. et 2 y = nd Be CN oeloneren ®i 4 Are MeN Pie utaee hv ye.rather on Li WW -eg aid Sell partins nel) te earn FPA eC NET Re The een ‘wove reward w 4d weighs aby a !niture,feed fattan en ‘arriage Busi , yekarrodl-croniair Peete Q Del ean een 18iDN Teaiennre I :nty,and the ou ee eae ae PESRTOIDGNEL given to any p LEME Terms m ie U1 rd ; rae Dr!a IVI gies ban ec A connitte Mine Go Casnnin the independ reported that vn 4 third es a os m that Han gPanne rca tne Aaa ae iabno..CARRIAGE 4 :VI .HENDER en aclected tod feat |Pero.ae Ce malian :iy a Ease igo onmenmennia -subseriber has gov St eee yual AN,2001 rien "'\RE GG |-NG Tooated SON :determine lar,is ele tead of dbo ty ‘(am rying to make es sasons Lo Re Mat eit ie Os 1 ttt .;: Sam Ut re of Ie Upon s clected mtu a . ,, yake therr way to a anne thaerthey LEN ie :un Sie a erate ry offers hia ST br en °reel een Te State A ua oe herselt w HON mniry.Of ys of town periee: LL DWEET yoarts AS DIGGS 4 D\BT ety y EE DE Ee '‘'eS SS nd the is :Sa 6 ’ ea r belo M3 Arm Cos Nt NES ie 1s fark much nae han mahe re ww the SAL ISBUR : .Ti nilereue —ene sige gu Te Pees Pade Nort ORRELL c |-Ahegiin be eae &G Re IST flere shen ont utes isso ua Uh fate Mis .ADY, ‘See AS ms it ul i , Van I ya : s and Wholesal 7X YOWlaT ; sot Wil i v i e Dealers nel f MBAR Ss,:IS 4,‘ hy KER Str AP tied by A raw and S, '\:WILLDAM © mute aC Millinery , not ATT C.LORD :Taree ernie ni Goo ds . 0 7 >,Ribb ORNEY AT LAW .18 Courtlandt Str ca ee: ; dt Street, ’ ae!UP STAIRS |New Ke.wm ork cy ]details.Poisoned MilkWilh \r thant cite atcw MALE ACADEMY.=eSenki dics ceHRPANGEERS,ie "wy at | Sudge 1A }Mittyhie ath Jered )ies/nraned nae plese asecueent | AR fr TNA COW ;-one “eesuppPtehaveTV.va iY CVE EEE SC PPO 4 ‘>i . a !te the Mans SALISBURY,N ie \\Testo laHt koe S26a,koe Stetailat theM.A.SereMira, ymoimil 18 iu (Mos isee Ves 1|porsoned Afterter the illness of the cow es rp AN work per ’ted te and war:;anit to be VINE GAR,celine 1 homtaet M as ;151 Judydye Dou sembla,oe elaoeresect a 'city ee P owd was orderly 1 last nicht .Pin eee peel a 1 ie :oeWeehds;all wer 1 a vadoett »and two ¢|ae nn :o of the latter dl ~e \|",| |:—we in :oe on :Jnly Ras ; 5 iS :a L DURE7]a VINEGAR fePieeepenOr SA W fain el .neun Blank ;vA t altf )OAR aeveeARE EKSeaRIAGE LICENSES ALE AT THIS OF.TIS ©DF FIC.B ms ——=-TT —ea eee eeeeeeentene jonal Cards._HOSTETTER’S |Q LI NG |HOTELS.North Carolina Foundry AM I}RIC AN W AT('!f (“AY er’ Narsaparilla TA L NOTIC i}STOMACH BITTERS.AT mn "A ¢:ll I N E "WO RK \!v =ae prac te Aaa:in which we have lubwed tyeeeoeOST!q ANSION HO rel,W.R.WILSO?twee:Ibn ¥Guaraseioled esireet of ParsaesttTETTER'S CELEBRATED STUMACH BIT-NEW YORK C |eerie PeIDOOSIE DCN NE juetatcadie:cen at'\i ”ok DO )c:)Len materia ee as to effordau effeAEONALISBURY.||Gad aweiticas mg,tints arsedatsuchwreine |{ a,Bo online with other substunees of sil) FAR DR.BESSE NT,\TERS can appeal with perfect contidence to nom PATENT LEVER WATCHES.wis wuther from Strumous gnc)(8 wanted by thore physicians and citizens generally of the United a —om plnit1;mica |SHTENIRCTitecialilevers offanc olliia (celina WiclnWlU Gtcompieniien Casas user oe Ty Fer ME Rene HERR We le relinble time keepersto come wud examine ene:wersice tu this large Claseuf au,‘ithe a fel-friends,und the publie general.y,that he has}FRERCKS &RAEDER ae (elas (owen of our afflicted fel-;watches are manufactured and He alan wcoizens.UM9 re REMOVED to tHe DENTAL ROOMS |States,because the article hus utiained arepu- Theae ow completely thie compoundwill do Y tation heretofore unknown.A few facts upoathecornerfurmerlyoccupiedbyDrBaron,|lore unkno ew facts fiat this point will speak more powerfully thinwhereheispreparedtoattendulloperations|volumes of bare assertionor blizoning puflery. The cousumption of Hostetter’s Stomach bit- eonaected with his profession. _Jan.1,1860.a (732 ters for the last year amouuted to over p hulf-AVING determined(a change my present ee,Ftaken thie long eceniee und fall Known Hate ‘|by him tobe made of the bert menial,onthe mest Wht been proven by experiment oa RV nains——willion bowles,and trom its manifest study ||fees with the oljeet of going lito amore gener aa ee nee every pu _epee to ace ne a «enone To .approved pine iple.wid poseeenes every requisite for WOP Leases to be hound in the fuMowingconiplaintalW.L.BARRIER increase in times past,it is evident that during nines Lewilts allay See ee ee a ee eee ere Porno ke N BOY D K N &SON a reliable Wine keeper SEROPULA AND SCkOFCLOUS ComPLaints,E’:the public,im the most satisfuctory manner.|.ak x aN,;1 1 ie 1s,Baurrione|the coming year the consumption will reach G (YDS,P :oes |For any defeetin material werkrnanship or perfor AY bktriive Diseases,ULcews Pim ies,BrorcsDENTIST;near one million bottles.‘This immense amount L,\DIESSDRE SS articular attention is paid to his |\a oreeus to aenufucture wad heep OO)ne wader fair usage.he at all Caner bolde tiinee!Pomoxn,Sane Kineom,Scanp Heap,Syruiis aievatidincouldneverhavebeensoldbutfortherareintjeratNEWYORKCOSTBDesponsitie.Certifieates g ven with each war hiscld Syruiiie Arieorions,Mencuntat Diseas'malt ai *|oe waves and Banbro :edMT.PLEASANT.N.(pallsiqal priparion coniiived wikeprapatas CU CUy The vi of wich Areies el 'T ABEL.°|AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS [tte sto tar a lines anortnent of Gold ant stver Neexstats on Lic Doruornecs,Dasrane!bane?March 13,1860.pdly 43 Set and the sanction of the most prominent ily to their advantige @cdland Exaniue|andavery co a fieh Pateat ard d Vinveiretas,Ruse on St.An- ————physicians in those sections of the country ck ve bam determined to cloee theat out.Ef 4 \and indeed the whole class of ¢i ee ack ‘‘omDrs.M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL,Whtte the article is best known,who mot ouly 1h iu welling ull Goole on hand at ROOMS.|Plows,Culieetare Hiatt eewel wenn Steer DuUUituCwe drei hdnmnini amcce iuntieriaiteorere lite yrecommendtheBitterstotheirpatients,but Hi-STABLES are abundantly supplied and at-|Corn-Shellers,Straw wid Feed Cutters,40 dollare each ;Phis cou pound will be (ound @ grent promoter of:aAVEassociatedthivthepracticeofMed}sua tenet §eens .aa Me x et Ete DED u ‘fearereoenicowoemreltenlecheretsctce7aarereadyatalltimestogivetestimonial=to its Greatly Reduced Prices.tended by «careful ostler;and to all departments |Hoise-Powers,Seclisaw ire,DON E FOR PO CALL at the Store nexp health when iken in the sping,to expel the fowl who wish it,can have the servicesof both,in any case,withuut efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements A MYERS the proprietor vives hi personal attention |Threshers,Cider and Sagar Mille door te WeNeely &Young's Store,Main street ‘uinore woich tester im the bluud.at thal season of tached Levers SIA AND TNbiceetion fort is provided in his i Double Cased Bimudeheretofore.A full assortment of Gold Double Cased Levers,13 jews hud at gre fran Sto 40 THONYwPiag extra |and the diseases resulting therefrom..}:Te Se t Ino nufaci Salsbury,Qetober dth,PRSo uy the year By the tan |:A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the Thresteraud Separators,‘They ala manufacture alisbury,Mt \uly expulsion of thGBOftice—the same occupied ut prerenily Dr Wu trieay This is notatemporary popularity,obtained Noma GRANTEE OU ;Haan val ofthe curs .Nera :K disorders are i pped 5 the bud awaiitiaeDecember14,198.by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum Sulixbury,Wav 14.1eG0 ttt ie 'Shafling and Machinery by theaid ufthis remed aoey,ith these efforts te please,a liberal share of the :tordy.spure the meelves from peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solid endur pee of foul ¢4 :::)iyY:hee rubble patronage is confidently solieited for Groat Mills Cireuher ind Vertical Saw Mills.Gold Cl i | DR.F.N.LUCKE ’eo DOMES Tues UND ae actos acl Withelm &Gorman.Feeney MILO MOE Cire nr iicivee:Ciel cree ieee nats ("}RC}lo \e hare ui Tupvour and uleerour sures,ch he syeteim wil strive to rid itself of destined to be as enduring as Gime itself.F ae Ai eakee core Ponel aseEINGnowpermanentlylocatedatana8...hi sroved UR MOTTO Januury 25th,1860.U-35 bul *we :z .f 4 Rhee ‘lone fe :td to do this through the)Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have provec OR lop :pr Ae JPA OPTS HEB oiedersigord cespeetialy call Gre ate )arabs els ofthe body by anal4tesiderceseedth;;|HHOSS NM MID IBC (CON SUPIEN ELS y an wleralive medicine;_ahis own residerce (recently ewurd by a Godsend to regions where fever and ague 7 .Prof ‘We oes bec ae Pe Cpe des ag Ul ar eine gal li ilcadiee esasbel Geuarranie P J,BE MENesly,)onthe Concord and Mashsvits cud and various other bilious complaints tuve |Quick Sales and Short Profits,i]JFORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every gock of very FRESH AND PURN Given lure ion reatrin nereet gee pimples,ere.i.*4 A ..1 "-24 niles South of hy stirs pa bh.cout teat |counted their victims by hundveds,To be La Boydon's Granite Row,Opposite the Rowan House Jdeseription made to order,and warranted 1 every Drugs &Medicines:Veneer waren;clearer it when you fin aires for,at the same location,his profersional sotvices able to state confidently that the ‘Bitters a i HF Jrespect.Repairs of every desenpuion of Maciive ‘2 ed {shia the veines Clemuse it whenever it;the public are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like ce oare invited to ella Vane OUT A ine at short notice srleeted wit 1 rn the tecest rates,is tou yan your tecines will tell you when,vesallhisabsence.should be left with Gis arcu oUse:re ¥do tivest \oF Te ;\“:'i.Cally,in his absen 1 diseases,is to the proprictors a source of un at Kup itt Mulebarve Ne 1560 Wt See ‘I ';Gly Eileen ueesleett aeger.Mr.Shuping or bis wile,oriutheirabs wees wat alloyed pleasure.It removes allmorbid matter |.11 State.|Bureaus,|ay ro Hoa ante He Cite incon Big C10)De te2:;Standord,Rilergh;Patriot,Greenshore’>Dene 9 acmertinrent 4 4 POPE Sa ONsy said ive leuger,for cleansing the blond.the servants.from the stomach,purifies the blood,and tblen,motas,Ve 2 Petes,Cina Presse a aie 4 Rt ee hits ee Ueulthacardalleiamealin tc Miranda,Rowan co.,Nov.10th,[hau ia imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,Aru I Lapa thn ,rat Chark tle:Wemern Advoeute,Neheville 5 Caco :.,ee ;but with ;x °Bek Wien tri weekly Colunbrrs Observer,Pavettevile t!Draggiats Fancy Goods,Perfumery,Spices,Paints vflite divcrdered,there can be 10 last-—_—-—=-giving it that tone and energy indispensable {Ue Recent Ts 1 fete 11 HE HW publish 3 Hturwa d he.5 Soonerorloterscmething mast go wr,rati r see ene d Tredell Express will publish Simouile ane a r ‘‘ong,IPT .>for the restoration of health.]t operates upon Paes O hay Warh-staude,&1 Mor an N.:ee EEE WAHTaTII Ne ECE TS Gail ;LAW PARTN SUI ’the stomach,liver,aud other digestive organs,Jevers thing a our tine,all of which we will well u-&ton,Cc account inaking 9 is \(rem whoh Ms tf (Ga xclect a ut lite is disordered or over-~ r i 1 |.nny State "RHIS ibN reli 5 |Shove stock ot che low yeof picesWOHGRUCDRUennneenseesteeeaioecacnriesee Use aude sve mach,he eptain..$|;;ne aaa ;;ae :contin hapa tows y :f Pes!lishing these ends.But the word.hai OFFICE the one formerly ocoupied by Dr Nesbit,|Elderly persons may use theBitters daily as Teles Ae Hacer hicuew Hearse for lintral ces culeniiny tavarablenimtceshyouie Prcurai tie stale 4:Bd 4 ‘te trade with the t 1 Houses va this Stare ue is !is Y preparations ofit,partly on Water Street,|er directions on the bottle,and they will find Cali at the Facue Store of he very ral patronage received beeor ®viet ig Catine te hivewherge of Che ret wots of ean oe novalt'the vitae that ip SALISULRY,N.C,|init wstimulant peculiarly adapted to comtort |CUED ae WX,Oy never huting been cluged.ail te gueste may o eee vasny 4 ae aly ESO a amie aay panies eee ta mr Mi paratvina, March 1,1859 7 declining years,as it is pleasant to the palate,hu April 26th,Is69.Lyte Voupon the reputation of the Hous iy mi caied W ISHING enirateany hide on one plaice eu ot bem tnds i Ltorres f aa iy eee ae ute ou rout in March 1],1859.tft ‘.eve lila o Salted a -‘i foesSere aenl ee let fee Peivaeren tii)Rar Whitey "©of Dursapar »or any thing|invigorating to the bowels excellent as a tonic,Phiive crreogetietts made to be hepl supphed rewue |[prop the p ’whet r Le |and rejuvenating generally.We have the evi |hy woh Peesh Pash trom Nortoik TN eal mie ewide,Containing SUT,AG KE +omc ot ihe se .nen .ey wel)be ible spy ':a ech bish 1 North wid Newbee Vt 2 Doruoy Cove the pubie he YeTaTEXCQ‘'|dence of thousands of aged men and women |AANAWAY.-875,Reward,Herwith every deteucy usual)found at FIRST tod,the remacoder a hes tain tr "Prumineses with vroat matimtae ty e COTE -pubic have been misled byBUSINESS(A R Ds.| whohave experieuced the benefit of using this |"CLASS HUT ELS iy te anyon Rowan Nearly one 'jon te Vontecfvem on quelity paves nd crue ee eS eae eae L patie=||the sub worm at be i 'ite dolla ost of these havreparationwhilesufferingfromstomachdedvrNAAYfiomthesu‘x rcs ;rare AMEREG(L EH WaMOeEO Meee MuliGiera to rete yt “Wenhat JOHN C,BANKERS CO aveN.M.Se cenene tal genera ei cactingunder |$y?WN iw Negio oan ood ALEX or CON.Broicn &Coos Stage Office.,ees meNiC A anOMmLTes He Sain eon NG gEN RNS iit po fe they not only eontainMARTIN,BRO.&C0.,|the advice of physicians,they have abandoned —|VEEN VNR She eH uiRe MULT aIICITNENTTOTCS TEC tee htc LC)Ce SEAL)Si)aca 1DOW vin scree ww sores |°Rbgaibeio ay ee ea ae eerieGROCERSANDCOMMISSION|all deleterious drugs and fuirly tested the Nr reo fret ar 10a etisalat eu ac orate quality.‘Phe DWELEING a well arrang t hy bul pads ae ee Pct ec Rica Pee.OL (eep=|merits of this article.A few words to the ‘'15ate bho very te Wy fellow,bu d es 'ae e Hany wine rows planet and.¢1 mF ae hoe followed the ume of the variousextrac M E R Cc H A N T S |gentler sex.There are certain periods when y tiner a dowa cant leaoh—a 2 ovearn Tb he a pi oe mate un DX in ,tir (aie Neuen lox :ars Be 1 owl tol cals the market,unul the ’their cares kre so harassing (hat many of them er hot probable thot Alex ce fark RTOS ae E ji ees PT Ee and has becomesynony-No.129,Sycamore Street,|gink under the trial.The relation of mother :boaengiborhood of Siishary M ee ve :eee oe toe wet ine sition and eheat ul aS call iPEFERSBURG.Y and child is so absorbingly tender,that the icone MON Me Wegiets otent |Hee :sci :rea One Bo sand intend to supply evel aRSBURG,VA.Riaileeteqnecial WAICC@e eV OnTeL ETO vale eee ee Came Ne he .bvorn rescue che mame from the bad of forget her own health in ber extreme ansiety 4 Las ay at MIs M Prorcrron Ds 0 Vowiiet teste upen i Aud we thiok we have N.M.ryt SON &CO for her infant.Shouldtheperiodof materniy jp LL eae st fled tan 1 ‘Vien Wiese us erent7arriveduringthesummerseason,the wear of |‘een [epee eae errian ayer ee Renee .ames}ip of 1 Vex eho tee bs ties wy rus of the diseases it ie intended \ME Keq \\\,body and mindis generally aggravated Here,|A A AK,TR CR ae ef .tt ie 43 Gi 1 a AN EN CEU REN OTL ANN :Kerli nd 1 Sue ©secure their complete ersdien. then.18a necessity fora stimulant to recupe (''Wear Shien te Gr Deets 'ens t ;syst the reamed,shouldbyjudiciousRICHMOND,\©eRteercn :''“n Ae ery te dir cocue on the bottle mothert W.M.MARTIN,sr |RO TaNveniga and re Vriues which oreirresieti- toe sysieni and enable the ~a ‘[ee since MENGE remines Greensborough Ilutual COWAN’S ee Fesney ees Tt imlee iC TRAE CEC THe a Say :‘oe ;DR.J.C.AYER &CO.,Pian,|tm tae teens theme tye |INSCRANCE COMPANY.oun Vernon House,Vegetable Lithontripiic,a [UTE MASS\nOIFStrictpersonalattentiongiventeeeatclans,becsuse it ts agreeatle to the taste as Pays alll Losses P.romptty !!t a,a \Produce Orders for gin |well ax certain to give @ permanent incrense ..‘'Sener a ee:St TAHE os ctaaenincraen ee a ee AT THE DEPOT POPES Dar RHE GS BNL Meow Sua!Ayers Cherry Pectoral, R.A.MARTIN, WwW.K.MARTIN, Six Borties ron $5 :ha i \.1une14,1659 3 Mele Teach ‘Haass fom :i ;at SAVILISIRICTRAY St -';sae :cree len ee-fore nud aes cos a)ear DISASED RIDNEYSs,4 a fer ere aintier lint eteW.R.WILSON :a :en beth BT ive Kitaro oS So ee skuperannuate::z >\1 Fert!K \EN nse nivel Awe }ASjust returned from the Norheru ec ie n occupation .‘ee ,i (‘/{\‘ne hema hy ee review ~Voce:‘a ane 1 :th .[ee ante .Lhe people ite qual.hos fall Stock ie ;ay 1 !i hk 14 ...5 ey ‘i ye !toever how bern,and thatSpeerieMe<\\,4 ‘a li \'wCcEeNGS t :{WATCHES,JEWELRY,“Weis sues hoe di i ;ee ee DAILY UL SPATE |eee Be ERs,faites Oe o gia etre an Caan ae Wop owt .!wid a oe ;~t Wks 5 ‘.FINE TABLE CUTLERY,&c !oe Oak Se eeme Hime arth an ;ise ee Aye Cath PillTeeEEUTLEY.QC 1 |Sromset Birne ance tat earhbottehag 02 4 1 EES SA ar eating ce oe —CoS por sree, Ayers athartic Pills,:Hoon 1)the words *Dr.J)Hostetter’s Stomach Pitters \\vit Dee ‘his cust pte UE 0 ee ailoatinioes ir blown on the sde cf the butte,and stumped hk iby ds cas oe x _—'cranes sae ese a?.‘ben CHR COME OF BL ECU atiNeed ca!on the meta cap covering the cork,and wi tl rt ING te \vadd te th Hifort hes Gove gis >ar nas ;ee Se M Cost Dyspepsia,Inu gestion,Dys-arisur WartiisenClielstcrinerit nen:observe that cur autograph signature ison tue ot AWGN Sha /S ENA MIN ne es |.i noes x 5 i Ev ympetas,Headache.Piles, attendeds(G byachel etry,beciaee cenit |uals Fee eee yee LE eae ee!uy .;i ;K sand Skim Diseases,LaverereetaetianterWiynerCSESCHUTEurTASaPreparedandsoldbyHOSTETTER&NICs tt .\e -4 ue fl eaTanieanl SulURM ne SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa.and sold by all :Worms,Gout,Neuwrulysa,asa Dinner Pill,and fer Sulmbury,Oct lth,1959 00|dra erean tin generaly OS Ce RE UNION,”Important to Mill Qwners!!et tees i ie an ee ete etamthroughouttheUnitedStates,South Ame-pie IEEE SueereonJAMESHORAHoeeeener|Heong tee Noh sire an Arch Sirti ahiee Tard,(CLT THIS OFT)i ae Hae le a en Ober ICy Mor werent Nhe ow rid te al the purposesof a faminyWATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER,SCOVIL &MEADE,LAND FOR SALE.PHILADELPHIA.Oe Gd ay 1 See Petes oe |ee [PRUE LB oeinaty on ed fy Hts Gate UPTON.sEWwoomER,Tnoied.MeManne ns We hare tarenllichors buveriud Moa)0 igo ie Usecu cease canines,bive Boxeeron61:00nea | rar coated so that the most sensitive pleansntiy,and they are the beat NEWLORTEN Nos Lay |1 Ce Lo PDs iutee i bennOnenerre cis;huis «4k Works.«CELEBRATED SUPERIOR Great nut-s cE ve <ifiebu teTyOleYoMeader&Eusies,at Vo ee i :Vence tor tase tie ail ortive pose have leat ther namessoemiaawurde:and bs 4 CH Qrovses .wie nd ts ‘en Es o ce :“0 beineinal 9 .SMUT AND SCREENING MACH!NE,COLOCNE WATER,aan i ee eae eee vata One door below R.A A.Wuphy’s spore. en.Physicians.Statee- EEPS constantly on hand w large assortment © WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks,Watches and Jewelry of every Lescription i eas (a ‘tepairedin the best mainnerand on the most?eon Mla ae ia ::\meals ae we ee ee aa le '\a Beets q ere eens ee ~D iH BF OTUs ei cage lunch grate,ble terms :.2 ‘Nee Seas UOtaea Ceea Ce er Te aac Le vor Awekroan Abwaxcc cn which they arc given7+1 i vase ..r 1 Oi wees ;te :‘"Februaiy 14,1360 ly3s |CLOTHING!Mor RN RING Tet ee ee :cr witee |hilidecciqiindr (o)the sbovelcompleiiias es 5 |rhy 774 by Leh 4 haa es t .:WW I.\\\‘ile suit hat id be followed for theirmicmaciprown,(4 CL(TIING IDR tec PE eS eee eg Pe eeeeeeie esmoreprofiton.Demand COMMISSION ME RCHAVT,vod WP BLY bakG Ue ;ss WASHINGTON HOTEL,a ee -Sareea tie vet an hy toa en ALISBURY,N.C.::.-4 ,>I a V4 fermion cr .4 Wo Ws oe a Noe; ROMPT RERSON ATA EURN TION (14 .nee =hoes |Neel |ND TOES He ONE es eo _Mata VCha :EN tothe parehase of all koods or PROD!fron a F eeei[,,4 -a.‘.Kadi@alliiacemen cee cae ek en ice foes ‘:i -BROAD STREHZT.HARDWARE wo eee .;‘a ee Ewe,SeaviecansshippedtootherParisTo1'rw)valacble Plantations for Sale.DR.MOUTARDE'S eae GG tees tyiFebroary14,1-60 2 i :NESSUS A i!tN ee lane ye rac ce,Cherlertuny SaG————-ea ae ee cree acee 2 7 Miraculous Pain Killer.oe earaest aE Cottectins Beet Ion Sertha tutta»noers net RATEL MATISN.VW cutesiuafw hes Stock of Hardware SANZ -.—3 7 FANE andersigned offers bis services to the pubhe ;M ae:'pee ee ee ee anegee io eth ip to RORELIVS Uoshing ve pal rowns Livery Stable.Nba icamow :-—ie Hoholds the appointment of Pax Collector for tlh Ycse Store aid take a good look at tits ;.FORNS Hie ee :Montene ura \tyTown,and ther orined to refer persens |tats collection of every compleviaa ot \-|bat I ENC Oi tan Ee cnet CHO iat Be oe nh Ths 4 t ATES.to our Saperiat:nl Combarestrte reas bo zo y “ie (eitrfonele eeiver uel hid sent ee aoe :ho XN oie ‘rely from Gums,and $‘a ‘n fe ahr a Staadard heine,Kuownpeeton—JOUN BEARD READY-MACES.le \t ‘;.UiPy ow POU eet re diet ye)cmanan evens (oe!pat ts Teethivy Chaidion ye soe Fe aera ect meat nae ood niaiee album ceApril10,160.-7146 Collecting Agent \cas bd i Re lermeclree it ‘et ee Veen .ae .TN CCl eth MNES ;oundence ub al.the diseases for which ¥ SORT TEGANeGR TOUT ned |rt ‘\!Hide ¥wate Te ere ce :ee See M Poste as od ithin the Inst two yearsThinaunionahaleleSEGapedaPieceienumerous|ps jpossrasion showRANQ\ad ‘i :warrint diy .'The siowe rat Te he teruperamestofthe eR &'\!'Maul fer touch |Mipanisde [Ee p hu *NO:le :individual waking11,and ue Jed insuch quaninien a=Veruny tee Howes >oO :‘:i .i peca De Soar rei Caoee [le !\":wer iby incase Gt your ndgment guide you in the ed a)ee THOMAS FO OBROWN a ms A AN SAN VENTE]aos 1 firm of Wilhelm and G use of ihe LIVER INS JORATOR,and it WYATT’S nu eS een)mn an ae NS TS EVN ns wey SJ.wre eprciat requester wulcure Liver Com-plaints,Bitlous t= ar !om i WY A ~oo!oemres Act linea ie de tacks,Dyspep \Chronte Diarrhoea, Flan tet cuanto 'webs to Maes Pe 40 'tea n,eve <an sammer Com-|platuts,Dysente~TONIC COR DI AL.ee mets TONY Ve Ca ect)an ‘:ee ean |Dropsy,Sour,|stomach.Habt mal de es Soe eens inl ana ss ears CLT nae ;\;eas!::Cnot-|&jt,Cholera,Cho! Be ‘ne net ‘‘x ‘3 s us,Cholera Infantgin,FOneofthemostpleasintandefficientRemiPremeliiehenainne!~i.\VW I Ii.WILHTIW WOR MAN Hemale Weaknese= ever got up for ve tial tie wore on 'Gish 27 SOUTHERN HVPE AND OUP Sy eeeCON M i dst 'eo ee [cessfullya¢anOretina= ry Family Itwilleure SICK" |tnonsands can testify.)tw<a Tee MURR &SOSSAMON,WHEELER &WEILSON'S trewey mtantes 7B ewe or three Tow: eu at commencement of Dysentery,Diarehea.Flux,20.0008)oo VANER AL LORY.Whales sti,prece,pe TFOIIN DOOLEY, CHOLIC,aodall BOWEL COMPLAINTS,fo \imnrenisors Tclniireresren treaty i =a i mn To NEE 2 CBI cin gees he SAVIO indicated Ui Mann dt spoonfuls are tak-|Dncleatan rand aduliw Beats Sar coe 2 :SCL Sea Pete t Serer wr els ea W Brow |I,5 es \»s ..auack :1vimg their testimony11gPOE’j -;’ele te vk «it e »‘who ase Itare \sPRICE—25 CENIS M.HOEFLAN Wier es Tea nn a Winehe finnnid reas te gee ae ,NEWING Wachine:s iniistarr aeDnae|.‘FUR,STRAW,LEGHORN,PANAMA SORE AND MOLE SKIN an TIN,SHELT-TRON,COPPER boon}MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WI Preparedby WOH WYATT,Apornpeary,Apal lit,VA Wis TES CENT Wes o..:Sareea meer erceee SSCL SHONTsS mate GUILT eaieanlicr ere tenant nerenni THE INVIGORATOR,AND SWALLOWNoaisbndes)Misiones |,materi “tn Loot COO]|A are 2 ‘BOTH TOGETHER.eer EV NeU weet :ie GI pee nueeencie tine CC hau sat t OOK WHER 4 WILSON S SEWING wi Bottle.ducers)Been Ea ss?)R Ie \W ATS De I TA Niered IY Gynt ie lOWN SNYDER ING PARLOR.a even STOVES even CHINES ie need ieerneet ine eteeel Bee eeecetowhiedheldanteeethasavestaeSeeeCEnieeeiSrea:vast Pueaers Na tad Cailispensthle Arsiete a Doon ’THE NORTH €Tee aula nttnay ee on bite atin Weer Neh Cee SANFORD’STHENORAROLINAUeNaeeTETInTUneOUSTS|a EN nn OVS a as te he of Pon and dapaeed TEN WARE aid SPELLS ati Fee nll aneWhiteSulyur\rine:meetouWerek ae ae ene ane ;Pere antenna :HILLSBORO’Renton Ailkrpedliges|eelnn Coun oy RETATAS CATHARTIC PILLS, »|‘|aa al Grier oot tam lett liane teeny f y can be p t Vy chent ie Work don the shor ne tire NTs 30f|.WUER :a COMPOUNDED FR-::a ue aa i MILIT I Y ACADEMY.was 7s ae eS)Sais Pure Vegetable Extracts,aid ret aptin+a ':tir !t f '\'‘1 vory.Jan TO.psce \4 lll heeIGT,be opened!tary “:PM ee os 1 Ae ‘ere Wate ;er '1a eS CASES,Air DIgGht,and w Peeeels“i :ee rer enecn rein (pee fr \ee 'PSII Pyatiant «Titelerctive eoneuet ait (one xt :,u ne 1 ©thartic PILT.ageninamosthealthytefarecou«J sail rive Hate wird (ar airy Tiina ae Gane f ©OTEW.baste ttendent of he M4 Mv e RaLbeMelnenrthebewutiul(aawha Wier,witl :cite itera i F rT Ve dene out fe eae WANTED [oN Ses ER eal ag SIRS ite gg erasiatessthananhoursehthepresentvertaritfs!Minster u '|y Wars r mrs Tatts [eC GUN Pere TM Oi erais bere i 2,walt WS NI T=]gy and them nomiciyoieoNCaulkPaeeewiNiceereaeAeRaaieFfonene|errender editee xm the Supe diate ndent at 090 feet Nye rmore E,umber,(or eee ee Nee use has induced me to piac of Oinniblieew nd Sour Cou he he sp jet Teruer Fey <Snuti wl 'ty VW nese !\i q Nevown dat pely 26 Jal 21 .|Aitferent CatharticsactPleasureVehiclesandsosHaverswothrui;|ei ':':‘han Winnie Pri atthe eallof gureste 13 f Alle and a Bila Address ine at G W Nant Toto rated oe Pe :}>.r ’[aera thia well cin hlabes festSaieeliibemeCaiCreeGeetinSAcI.MW ATIDETOR Reduction in Price,een Let eG NOTIC .a eae taeeae ake prea Voge Musicians eng Beatson —tdudritte inne July 17,1s60 5 fa Coie a f Vr ait "EROSINE OTL gin Stas Gor tare SS SECT ru My deter ete ev onetime bey :MSU AGEs aie Nin tn ea a BS AN Stik 'Sout \yj K I )\40 vo aoe x do fier that perp hive |dal€Nes Bi my Slee “0 SALISBURY 1 ie ert ,,)Pele :Hien ORSON &eee ee ere ;;DTN Ree;canta Mian eee telenilN ind in fine eve hoy ow d x iit Cops ide te 1 Jan 10,T1880 rey ‘rs Sowhe a vadebted ta me ae ,5 the t we v N v JOUPN Dow OOD reepecttully requestedto«end dake ame nee|BRIARB SBRUEART.vin ms a ag:7 :";am con A Rite et tha Hak 'Mie NSTwoteePILEONPMN’I.end ee thie ithe first time ht Phive eailed on iiy W i i WE :iN eo PLIN Cotillion Part: The Buildin groands extens: for,as at the best watering pic to refresh the suner man and che d the med Bandfrom sudden ceendinalongt:moseted on ;Wiis om extended reputation ie ; Waters (almost tna »be ypthesa op .Y .frienda,Elyspe they wall enue aye per 'I I a9“ect '=4 ,a ,i ety a yan)113 ine:pe tee cane ae a pee per Sih Sension of this chin will pen fea JIHWELRY,I yr i BV CNG ulema Din tiniest Tut teen So coe Care and afflinted with &cordial weleon day of September,“Che roof Papi ee tor Piles.warranted to cure ta cil ct Nav 20h.1449 eseTteeacperiennaianlelieetnttemeen,Demmeon the inerense,el there wg room A vard tor W ATCHES AND CLOCKS,HENDERSON &ENNISS'I E THIS.DEN .Coch tavern ag)om ctonaratinn &dome *Dumber of yougg Ladies en be had onthe Senjnm BR lall €7 i Jan 10,PROt B40 O yomud The Pr ‘ee Muse acholare eat eye i 1 eyond oa ompetition '!Ne mae F 2eamnng.The Brupriecontine teen oa eee cena ls a h Be uf /ut 50 h d NORTITERN TELE andersiyned hav enny 8.T.W.SANFORD,ant Fronrintor,in fitting up a watering plice eomn ’u he :ee aU ahem ee te :‘x2 .ite H ROO SL oySali1fPermsofPuttionaaheretofore.bor tar herp .pe Vie nedersioned wit aa ite ands the date firey at A ie !335 Broadway,New YormancetheCarcinnesnlsonfdenityritsePeta!Pusan a he rar hes pie JR pa The wrtesiznnd ._50W EINE POR SREB i -eegenerosityforencouragenrentiafVieHainezeYYIEGtindsteady:cnplosiment upon the Wi !;SS CE NDE SON TEE NINES uaeHLBORARDSALLELESSiNneemeeeAreeGlintitimradluthericidtondANLARGEquantityofNortherntinennstielPevervaSeeaeWuCorewistsSalisbury,NoApril10,1980 hi |val oe!\coo)!/tn bartelaor by the bumhel.for aale at Sian Were ATES Mat 1y6pri)10,1 ;:or near thie plice.Apply te Fils a,NSSulstureNOCdaly11260WoVTOTESne‘AML MeNINGH ton’a Pan Yard)Tiwillbegeldvery cheap,whol D SareeHorseperatecre LAND FOR S“ALE.;:a Fe eene Gaiie i See a Sg May RINGO.[1050 Charlowe,No (=ae of fimehed Lenther.Sole,Upper ;os SADLER,be HE valuable PLANTATION formerly owned by Apple Bra ndy .SOME Avan beeen ina BCG LMS Nee eee lini 8 DRA YING.ESSA.,vi sANTA y ved .i é UE warranted«[pu ’">rain ’(rreen and Dry Hides alwave an demand a ea ;Fi ¢TWH BREM&CO,Chartotte,N.C> Samuel Barr lying on the waters of Back Crecrk (yee for Preserving Frits.for enle by hoetand most spproved ares of Pla Kas Boke ]A I IS NX I J A KS.p He STAN PORN .Frais -WIE wa 15 miles West of Salisbury,on the Sherrelia Fos Me Wt :sf We ON fine 4s '(<a Tie Orton)‘|\t reed,containing about 321)ACRES,abou!7.Acr TRA and TRA Man st S or Nat |will hen Det ‘UP PERIOR to any art n oT Cigale NT MON St I of good (two good Meadows)Bottom land ae is ju July 24,R60 a}PaUAN year 1 >SERVING PRUEDS and ‘in (ot r ARi I for 3 :i ‘in)i e wll who may favor haa wit SHERMAN BROTHERS, Rowen cotiyscine (ind wel daneed tat ie ir Neely Ss ae HoWwYyATrr (UOTE,(DIETARY)Cf fy :neh nines is oe Ivronreee axon Jonseas oF thiof Tabacco Thiel iitncwece ail freee aa ::er ws TR nl HSS Sesion Riicinas,SE DIRECT IMPORT Epos oe GqpeinpiindscrecaliiccecePianinan,MUL CHU WNastori wie (a La Lona:Heth ite Joh 20 Peeree ;Moreh nih,1860 wag Hardware,Cutle ,Guns, P.Houaton who residesin the neighborhood,an!wil Srapravigis,Inly 25th,1X60 Practical Watchonak B P WaReoel \\V Siate,that we Wall aires catch nee I BAVY GOOD?take great pleasure in showing the lind,ard act ae on “:Jane 26,N60 —4mh Raitt None UETICS AN OChKAWAYS 5 a ;ae Me AND HEA Ge eeagentinmyabsence,J A.BARR (uhe mae ans ue ee cOg ao Rr >Hn :ae revit };f Rn ee ae ae ve er at uf i o pane 50,000 Brick For Sale 19 Park Place and 16 Maurras Street.“)the Weermis Norrn Carnoura Rat Roan will be 2 alu 2 Tanbaerihber hes det of handaone new ve OSPANg vo we shall ve oprah u \zy ae .‘RaneANG 7July24,166 "9 heidlinstavevellic on Chum vithe a0ih ANCOR BLANK DEEDS Mreniiilockawepealichun will alin nicl Heyenitiranrnynl ot nce ce Wie neenaies oe eA !;mae El iit NEV SeaR.F.SIMONTON,Sec.&Troan ferns PHOS E BROWN,wall be civen QO &.PARSLEY &CO remd Brick,ea:eee vargain by ealhng Tine 3.1s60 mpdBlanksofallkindsforaleatthesofficeAug143113FORSALEATTHISOFFICEjn,24.1960 rae Koy al Neve Office 147 Sa b e t J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS . siSinglecopy,Five cupies Ten copies Clubs exoseding ten,in $1.50 cach.Payment always i advance,BAAS niscellancous BL the sate proportion Tis following Court and AN he are kept on hand for sales at th sent by mailto any part of the muntry,at sinal expense,Oivil Warrants,Oasas &BondsWrits.©.&3 °Executious,¢|Subpenas,C &Speciall Witness Cickets,©Marriage Licenses, Juror Tickets Do Cortifiestes Prosecution Bonds,C Various Bquity Blanks Bail Bonds,civil cases Do todictments, Com totake Depo Ca 5.0ApprenticeCidentures tlers mee ev ulsDbURY,No ©»SEPTEMBER 11,1 NUMBER 1% Devoted to Politics,Usui,Agricalture,Jateraal Inyrovements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Moralito,and the Family Circle. Bail Bonds,crim Land Deesda Attachment Writs,Deeds in Trust,Delivery Bonds Sherif!DeedsAdinimistration,do Kauity doWastarday,~NotesofHand, Appeal oe Notes to Bank7\odimagy other forms of less frequent useSorteronshartnotice Mauksprin dove stod that the contreFromtheRaleighMP SUEECH OF HATOUALY Witt,te STEPHEN A.DOUGLAS reer ataeel td TN AONE de the territories be mabatimereWepablishbelowa red ia this \ Doves down by u your laws protected tiv the TH ' fo Hino Pa vor Private Se Chat thie th tlie tune Ro Vour abeestorsSrerugs\)WorequiredtakenJNewBagtaud)coloDouglas1 |poetre tuvited iy others exclude as it Was ultered by Judge D.,and turushed to us|others regulated it With a tende The audience retary of au excellent plonographit,word tor word for p ibheaftion at oar request Was soeneontawemment >tut the ve atmmber of ladies being present.and Us contest Was the exe The positions assumed |BOurie otre ah col rulate all thie selves without t prevailed er seemed fo tect tie hearty app 'heut hou ea tordpeople ny thetiunty alitynot »beuted the relat of thie nternal atlas fies possessen Prince } Wissis and tae here sharters 1 hondaHide bk tented the power ouly power atul ut.Tpou nthe people was The¢ Was tnade for the pary prota 1 Revolution iy the [ibertie Revolanou anes and very que Vyoust ony of Vi question ot sia Donny the va thd passe]law slaves aud ft ter awhile they f reasing In &greater and being surrogude | dians,they becamn cans alar ust introduce 1 <h Iodians auerounding¢ 'In NOVY « ithe eolony ic al ny { preteapile arin ane agar I would 1)Carvlina,aud 1 vaneevery qman dagher than Hanan whe woald atteropttotesVloreetueexecutionvp heme Courtis the only tribunalou Vision of netitutien wi wan can ascertain and decide that tact wil bequeathed tous (Load cheers and vores vo and when Yes wo toa ternitory you pet ‘thatis Southern enou ti A gentler donot tke their laws,aod you think tha tliat you SotaHimentisSoutheruaw,tl tor Delo notpy 1 ree blise aL moot Northe astern or | itis Wes le lee ,nen rth ¢\ Inake out a case under the Seat sanestion tried iu the territorial courts ae muse Ty case decided,and af the court decude ynstitutional,there is anend ot Hit tatute complained:ot istit riavtiee )law tbe entoreed.On the contrary tstand ull the people of the territorie obit and have sense enough to ehanve 4 badPeopleoftheterritoriesnah lawssudtoeatery It they make good laws,letwivileyesLorvoodones. chain wo riphtan the termtories tortvcitizensorforimypooperttPowellvotcericae ret upon this7 ciple,ated Chere cau be ture Vooiber Stat Union .ea the North au South Tatnidthee;' Demoerane patty i pledged by tthe n that L hiavert .,+54."ited es)1 wuCVgypilanise re TP stood wit eal the M uw ‘f Kansasandl No etend that tory went trome ar braska not y T have « I Jearn anes Texphined th what I ‘farted a vat I vtlin a different way from wet abolition baidthatitwastheprohibitslaveryeverywher twhere Iniade vanewh yume vhanatror foamy wealitng the that act ay Maxson arned 1 people rte !lthrodooastheypleased people +; that they deo fyesandthe State the vary¢ My they pleas inpromiae line,it wa tiake post auch laws as they choose.se the hne hyeet wa hot violate the Constitution of the country,Ef thay just oa both sides ot 36 dey should pass a law in violation of the Constitution Ajoplaucey)Lh ha panne tatute ds unconstitutional,all you hay law as to lave the Supreme Courtol theUuited States,and ander then tll they get wise enoughtomake for joy all the advantages of their good laws. Whatman nyht Ntoallowthepeople to do peopl Want slavery doetiiue Revolution toll the ther nights from the Alomphity CAAndthepeopleotthe Will be likely to tell you that they do tot et thea tots from Congress,they vet them tua FromjatonlessPamright fathers of the Tones that they did King I assert that if the peopke of a ‘Perritory Oar ydo tot want at,te ioon them.Pyro tu catth that they have aright toate;tb hot power on earth should te t thet from Crd there you thee and say that whether the people will want it voice 1 betfer source, or not,depends sglely upon the climate etodiogs,the productions aud the sc leinterert of the poopie Where texts,Ina het ehmate where thew rer sauresManeaunotworkintheopensan,where | Cotton plant and the Sa ia foi (Laughter and applause.) appeal to whit TP liase said you wall s Connect reane Hourish there you tn deentanng this prneiple of self vovernment for that the Mustit4abaudon the country to the crocodile dna eonesro slawes to Work theme or you tiast poopie of the teretoctes,our fathers of the re- cold Hotiast have been wroug in that)stragpyle.— the as they termi,that where you have aliiost perpetual sow aad Ite ghe aranient used by SECESSIONIST trent Where the vexto could wot prodace by tis habe:SOV ELC TETOY tired t.It the let ther halt as ninel as would feed aud clothe tum and tu wy hhoe-cake at night oped from:the tones of the revolu (Voicestush1woodtobakebisyoutetitnlendeallangue towillnot pay altiost ats Cannot force slavery to exist,because But of course these Itself Yemen are very sincere in denouncing this ductoue ther ene the law.[tas governed by climate,soil aud pro-|of pou-intertereoce by Cougress,1 wish they badLetus!duecuons,by politieal economy,and you might as!beertank enough to detounce it before they had well attempt ty pass laws by Congress compelling jomed tae in helping to sustainit.They knew when Cotton to grow on the subiitof the Rocky tmoun-they adopted the Cineimmat:plattorn:that this wasIIsofNewtheReadthatplatform.It d (Laughter and applause)as slavery to sy words possibly exist CApplause y+!slavery ver climate renders slavery ue ead.atid applaise.)peneSlavery,therefore does uot depend)on peace be tans.or nee to flogrish on the granite | Hatispestiire exist Where 1 cannol doctrine,ares in nauy hou-juterercnce by Coupress with Perritories,At Charleston,every friend Thad from the North-West offer ed te take the Cineionat:plattorm,word)forThesewouldnot suid it was bot good Democracy. ~wil nthe States and Ttell you that wher there at will go,and furthermore,the peo first to its pr hee thon word They that Vibe adopted in DS6,if it was not sound 7 y ce raly ple ot a ter Will tor thre Introduce it as il read.men brit ODlable ane te pile tory head atid poss ail Laws t wherever CAINE aid Pethers it those te betuade Gutoof it there vou ear att was adoptedat the say1lawsvo"v ama Lew stature Yancey Tcare ne any on four propositions draws the iW an]when introduced into the Cin Convention,received the votes of every del- State in the Uniog,tree and slave TL promosed North saclLeetamdjust,aml we wall iby aud we ot take it @ Uhlan nals amlvote fold)that a taan is a tratter te vedi Uy thie pal we all ina CN auy t the Union tally.to give feta he evidence be hacin reference parties out al !have Nortolk,by anKevtotontheSeceders)teket,to give hic opinion thes and as weer heard that he was cal sperches jas ly tis coum asa Seuator a the erent of suc! “‘'itn to M Bien whatPay ta you now,thatthelaw all «(Applian nt oof the Uaite enforeernent of and an every coutit eted Pres ancl thee country It uny Liaw rin) Hamania would | tan thar tT owonuld bang him toeher than aw.(Great applause 1 Whang sneha John Browu when (Applause country any farm t Woo (Lanehtes) World Chat w than y resp 1 lose en ven Why not allow a Toprtory tute Why they tel wt thet tals Ti will rranine,tt vou \pyplase not do for these gentlemen to get ap apvotdewynedlyswinglylending and ywolve the Pnienluc{ask ime defen lection ot Linenta,thea ‘ man Van electslonies,dependent tereitore fat offices 1;mo soghter at tpplanse{this sentence fowoth fresh verwplansTi ve such suppor yr on hee (hen owithon afterwards whiter)1teknowledgingitMiniste ed the htLor w vd tis ".a il !my trend is antiafied upon Chia port A voiceSoallcle wth of 1 the people these wallaniiehed je Ihave be to regrilate yw affairs Phey all sar vat the those the up these topiee ae they occurredMtthecolomiesbadriyhte¢xeopt The threads of my discourse we wuggeations weretom.TP Kn ranted therm in then ehacter garpe old TeTAT ALY wax called tor,ane hope tthe eelpse Veer th ' n tolling at random,takinghangingthe made or questions proposed ,for my object has been to ans aie wer frankly all these points upon which my enemieshavebeenaitackiugme.|did aot come here (o s0-lieit vour votes.{1 have nothing Lo seyfor myselfortoyclaimspersonally.I am one of those who thinkthatitwouldnotbeafavortometobemadePresi-‘det at thie time.Not that f underrate the honor and dignity of that high office,but I believe that I jcan reader my country ax much service while 1 am lin the Senate of the United States for the vext four years.Pcan there make as mach reputation for myself asin the Presidential Chair,aud if amy at- tempt be made at disuuion,leave a seeord to my|children of which they will be more proud than they|would be of my election to the high office of ChiefMagistrateofthisgloriousRepublic.(Great ap- plause.)Aud hence,my object in viewing the Soath ix,Lo explain bow it is that these feelings of fraterni-lty nnd kindness and brotherly love have been severed,Jand hostile ~eetional purties organized in their places. 1 desire >know whether there is not sone common ‘ground on which all Coostitaion-loving mea may rally and aoite rm patting down Nortiirn Abolition- beinaod Southero Disumioniete?(Voites—''There we)Dde-tre to know whether the old Democratic Lesser ure not coulent to stand by their time-hopor- hed orgamaston,by our tune-honored Platform,byoredprinciples,to save the Union new on so mauy oecasions before?Loud applause.)[tell you that intervention by Congress means disupion,Peare uot whence it comes, whether trom the North or from the South.(Ap- plause |[have too much respeet for the mnteHectof jall the mterveutionists in Congress,wo believe thetauyoneofthemthinksthattheUnioncouldexist uuless through the doctrine of non-intervention.Tn IM5t)the agitators North,and the agitators South vot similar Gonble to the one which now threatensusTheNortherutreesuilersdeuandedtheWilmot |Provise prohihurogelavery wherever the people want- |Yancey at the bead of the fire-eaters of the ed that Congress should protect slave-people did not want it.‘The issue thenis precisely the issue now.That irsue wae pushes then ax itis now—perunaciously pushed till jihe seat menin the country became alarmed,lees this glorious Union should fall a sacrifice to faction. Even the Great Clay who hadperformedhis glorious misaton on earth,aud who had retired 10 the , jof Ashlaud wo prepare fur auother world,in bis retre-jmeut heard the harsh and discordant notes of discord and sectional strife,and rousing himself came forth from hix retirement and resumed his seat in the Sen- ale,that great theatre of his great deeds,tosee ifhe could not du something to restore peace to a distract- ed country.Union Whigs and Unwn Democrats as-nembled together every morning with Clay io thechair,Cass upon his right aud Webster upon hisleft, to see tf by united council we could not devise some scheme ty patdown Southern secuonahsin and North-to the country. our tine de ur we huve saved it vd it South dens ry wherever th ern abohGonsm,and restore peace You ore all aware that the compromise measures of 1X50 was the result of these councils,They were the jornt works of the Union meu of the country, without reference to polities,‘he measure adopted by them.passed despite the yort efforts of all disum-tonists,and other patuouc meu who had been led toNingthancompromisemightbe ted But yon all how that the compromise ex were adopted,and that they were based on1nou-mtervention by Congress with ‘The compromise ineassores the one rejected both, hope some better tern tories the Wilmot ervention ou the other, rev intheee ie Proviso on he slavery question from the halle ofhepeopletodoawtheyWhigsassembledinNa-last and nominatedrlwhenthe eu for the dency,they athrined the same prinet- When Democrats as-and Pearce, tine, erveu ou thenominated non-interventlion ‘Terrtones.But in Convention there we fh Mah with Seward and Sumer had a do to defert the compromise measures. asked us to receive them back into party.We told them that we would them back oa condition that they i opposition to the doctrine of nun- 1 rineiple in the future. ihted a!the same place we athomed ih principle of yer same igresn with slavery io the tito Baltwhewe nore inwh rad by the it,and we ceceived them back,Aiou unanimously affirmed the Com- >Hence every democratin Ameri- te fur Pearce affirmed the doce- ie ryeution,just as we hold it and ua- wo aud every Whig in America did the ~plationn Tn 1859,the same prio- bined again,Bochanan ageépred office vIn his letter of aeceptance,beInthat {th aterriory,like those decide for themselves whether aid be or should be excluded within their Breckinridge pledged limeel!to the saine thing in his Lexington speech accepting thenominationtytheVicePresidencyEveryDemoeratshouldknowthatthepartywaspledgedtothatdoe- Now you find that the Old Secessiontstes irying to play Che same game over agaia sare totervention, with the The ques- those Insy ith of squatter sovereignty, a Biaie,shouldslaverythe not lianas trone then of 1550 are leader firunderthe demandingYanceywastheleaderthenanheusuow, iview now that he had then we gong to perant then sts North aud South,to alienate the peo- kKupthe Uni Tt !yourt nevershallAppliuse. Llowe my them survive this mode of thevfightagainstaildisunonsts.Beat beat them for Congress; President the permit uw bean preventit but bdo not desire to see 1 know bat of Photas one prenerving Legislature5 them for Uinon at Coovernor beat rele then to y say the aver 1 will h re only wedewmocrits made was in tolerating disumon3mt‘ur besoin so lung We never ought to hei back when they went into the 1s50 Being back,seme of iizens.We shall stand by hem,bat We shall apply the rngor of the law against very uacs bis hand agarust the peace and uutry.Why should not we livefathersdidwhentheyformed Atthe tine of he revolution,south. battle by NorthernhCarohaaborebloodyevidences of her gal- plates Pheu we ve peace.‘T take hav risen wemeot infanHareeeeged Woas our mneut t Henne were led t Generals, wad Nor lantey at such teoes,and oo the other hand Norther troops were led to battle by Southern Generals.ThereThen Nophers men and Southern men shed their blood in battle fields in order transmit ta their posterity a ylonous Applause Now,when you tell meirewongtodividetheUnion,F ask where 'Wil you ruu it between the Was ne sections!aie tn Washingtou'seamp secommon cause on the same hoy omewht itinee ire you gory to éeparate I brother from the sister, erfronm the mother?What are you going ies of Bunker Hill,of Yorktown, {otthe King’s Mountain?Are you them too?Tt is a sacrilege to talk Appianes Let as obey the law, m our doties under it conpelevery man to yield obedience to it. rink you kindly for with which 1 1 appreciate the compli- toent whieh this targe concourse of people,assembledvnderanchcircumstances,1 shall depart from North Carolina,as PE did oo many occasions be- with my heart fallef gratitude for your kindness I shall anXiensly desire lo return at some futare penod and you Vthe son—the vithe stitution,perfe!the |the attention '1venhave‘0 imphes ore tnd tor favers you have bestowed upon me. renew my aequamtanee wiih The Hon rnd th Senator then retired ainid bearty cheers,meeting dispersed Le \Ve learn from a gentleman who was present that the Hon,Weldon N.Edwards said tospeech at Warrenton on Tuesday last tbatulyppUfLincolutoDouglas uk of that Citizen Holden? much Ike our conditional Ticket, t not a beautiful sentiment to mouth of a North Carolina th Register “2: my yon tl very There are about thirty species of to- posessing nearly the same properties, pint was first found in Yueatan. Spain and from there to Portagal. rineal it Was carried to different Euro- Snuthtaking commenced in Jo Medicis,whose name bas an from ots connection with,the testants,bein its first patron, of this country it be- bporfant article of commerce,and, jand twenty pounds was the stipend wite hy some of the early settlers of settlement ae On the day ofthe eclipse, un was obscured the town and Annecy (Savoy,)was visited In the town stacks {parts of roofs were blown down, Jwith bneks and tiles:and eforn up by the roots, Wranches torn off ‘ ou larsge Vive vdlec to that caused hy Almost turned day into night,anc in many housesit was found necessary to have lbyhts Reports of stories reach ussimilar also trom ditlerent parts of Switzerland oly ’ From the Petersburg Intelligencer.cord than Johg Bell@ And yet,men}calling themselves Sontherners affect toBELL'S RECORD.believe that he ig too unsound,too unre.We e uit aora he a Demo-hable on the imetitntion of slavery foreratorUnionist,who wiebes to give an their support amd contidence.Wereintelligentvote,in view of the charge of charges more UAjust,more ungenerous,Oca e hi Penge more unfoundeds@ver instituted againstUlreacsyi sows Artie eaee r.Moe Scichdeh any political aapirant.Let the united-&parer,60!er,Inc NEG pavnice ot every Soatbern State attest themoreNationalrecordwasneverheldOYpatriotisuyandgtatesmaushipofJolinaSouthernman.Thereis nothing incon-Bel}. jetent with Soathern rights,nothing that -isnot at the same time National,because Eight to Sicteen.—1.1d ShaftestiaryhisrecordisbasedupontheConstitution.revel ivaetatedan NiteReaditandseewhatbecomesofthiseeSe CIN€Riccar uci.Neat!London,that from personal observationRead?!weedit!Gosoundness.MTS faces Thani ascertained,that of the adult matecriminalsofthatcity,nearly all lad talForCompromise.Jen inte aw Cores of crime between the“He,sir,who shall renounce the extremes of ACs of eight and sixteen years;and thatboththesegreatparties,as dangerous to urder @f a Vouug man lived an honest tite up teandunion—he,who by his talents,experience Cwenly yeurs of age,tere were fortyandweightofcharactershallsucceedinplacingNineChancesinhisfavor,and only onehimeelfatthebeadofagreatcoustitutionalparagainsthim,as te an honorable life these-ty,and shall become the advocate of (he admin after.istration of the Goverament upon the principles Tuus is it in the pliysical world.ThaltofCompromise,asit was understood to haveop ot all whe are born,die under twentyeratedintheformationoftheConstitution,will years of aye,while four fifths of all whoservethehighestgratitudeofinseountry.”—Foseh that age,und dhe before another[See Congressional Debates vol.5,p.349.|“score,”owe their death to causes of dis-So spoke John Bell in 1829,and -ingus case which were ovidated in thenlarenoughhenowstandsattheheadof“tens.”Ou aw earciul inquiry,it wilaConstitutionalpartypledgedtothebyascertainedthatnewlyallGases,the he folowing is the Platform adopted by the Con-maintenance of the Constitution,the Un.Siuses of moral and premature plysteal cocuuat Uae Party,in National Convention at:death,are pretty mucu one and the same,ion and the enforcement of the Laws.ie beeTire{riewee MeAndcued)etecenite Bee Ie ee cae)Experience has demonstrated that Plat-Dancer or Disunton.UCI XCEL Creeee LGR MUINCULOC CuCl:arnaialupiedih mina uartistetireateran inci3acocodhcitesCtcisathelingimporttyfathersandmothers,and country bave had the effect to mislead and deceive:“|shows a fearful responsibility Certainly the prople,and,at the same time,to widen the po-upon all [see and hear connected with this sub-1 ld P !ao :Ject,when IT look at the growing distraction of &Patent should sedtre and retain and OX encoursgement of geographical aud sectional parties;the country,I fee!myself justified in designating ercise absolute control over the child tine therefore—-;the sumof what |shail rae this question,Ul sixteen ;it cannot be a dificult mat Peers That it is beth fesroatiol patriotism andaezBeeasiarenFsveryrareCases.0!duty to recognive no political principles other thanasapleafortheUnion.Jpon such a subject:ter to do this,except in very rare Cases,‘Tue Consritirion of the Couvtay:Upon an occasion so interesting Ishall not con atid if that coutrol is mot wisely and efsidermyselfastherepresentativeofauypartic.ficicutly exercised,it must be the parents Tue Exvoucement or tire Laws:ular section or interest.I shall not consider fault;it is owing to parental heglect or i EMU Se araprapectallyce aN the Constitutionalmyselfeitherasatarifforanti-tariff man.|remissness.Hence the real source of waeeiabied a ee Stabe eer Teen ra:::>f ;rinbled,we herepl ourse aintain,pro-claim to be considered,and to be heard as x re-vinety-eight per cent.of the crime of #tect and defend,separately and unitedly,those greatpreemieofthewholecountry,Most anxious-country such as Enyland or the United)pancipesof public liberty and national safely,againstlvconcernedforitspermanentprosperity,its Staten atice AU tlio leer Chilionere nisualt all enemies,athome and abroad,believing thut there-stability and glory.I claim to be heard as the .ns eel ReHeenannl we ale mae \by peace may once mure be restored to the country,i“:a 5 S oC ye wr ..J ,"at e-advocate of higher interests than those which fore i Is of tl haa "i *We i ;Be ile ues ore if ae Sua ;:B !).\o s fathers.established.and the Goverument agai re ‘yi Joti .o t ane ‘ave i ,nity vs .So patriotically,so nobly spoke ;0 ee ok er ETS Senn Mh :"under the example aud constitution of our fathers,.HUUgHE OF ih Wise,remarking ouly ad jie edemnls bound every citizen of the United StatesJohnBellin1832,when pleading for the te the early reeds of bodily disease,that|te mrutain “ta more perfect union.establish jusUnion.So National were the Opiniones they are iearly qi every cacelmenl Ue [Hen ia-ure deanestic tranquility,provide for th:eones.ae “ae i oe L,Moudetence,promote the general welfare,and.se.in 1832,whenSonth Carolina threatened tween sun down and bed-time,in USCUG cura heibieeariivab in liservu vafeuteeee ni hans pos:to dissolve the Union upon the anti tariff from the family circle,in the supply of centy.” spendin Lf inoneyplea.&,never earned by the Anmi-Section ac.spender,opening tie doors of confectionertiesandsoda-tountains,of beer and tosienSOReneANDTHELacesandwine;of the circus,the negroPecereaadpigsideWuinetrel,the restaurant and the dauce:cee Fiction waltiiscen ee then follow the Sanday excursion,theNYF:I MIVIDE THE ©i 4 1 Ss :rive “is ANsifion te .Umomece:by rowsinga sense of INJUSTICE >unday drive,with ea Vo tran He “i :thresadINEQUALITYintheavtionoftheGovern.COU PANY ef those whose ways lead down ::;:oe pp.10 Che grates of social,physical and moral the winds of the Union mea of the State,Menfin one section,or by seizing upon the peL-Lan pry ”TATE and INFLAMMABLE question of slavery in THIN:From ©eight to sixteen!”in these and that it will prove the cause of our hen off the other,can always be shorn of its strength ‘OW Years are the destinies of children ind every ian gees to work in earnest =2:Carolina Gdlatchman. Sr AULISVO ETRY,av,C TUESDAY EVENING,SEPT.Lt,Is60 FOR PRESIDENT HON.JOHN BELL, OF TENNESSEE FOR VICE PRESIDENT HON.EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSACHUSETTS PLATFORM Of the Constitutional Union Party. Baliimore ‘Tue Usion or tne Srates;ayy Union Men,Arouse! We appeal to the Union men of the State to aronse themselves,aud prepare forthe November election.We fear a Hines of seenvity is fastening itself Upon defeat,unless it be speedily»and defeated in its object,without the slightest fixed!in forty-nine cases out of titty,sensation in our system.”fixed by the parent!Let every father,.So,with prophetic vision spoke John UEC CHS uther,solemnly ne Sy eet ee St RasBellin1835rodshelps,(il tix my dard nes destiny disposed to think that becausethedemocnanwereTeerforpoodbymakinghomemoreattraceracyaresplitup,and areinceerenTceeeeeetivethanthestreet.—all«Journal ofs:LE OG EISMENT,IS A VIOLENT PARTY ACTION oF (OttTHEGOVERNMENTITSSLE.TE PRINCE80spokeJohnBellin1 Pro-Sravery. The proposition being to repeal theMexicanlawsprohibitingslaverythevotewaeasfollows: Yeas.—Messrs.Atchison,BELL,Berrien,Clemens,Davis,Dawson,Foote,Houston,Hun-ter,King,Mason,Morton,Pearce,Rusk,Sebas- Many are rhhtithe (wo sets of candidates,therefore it Isabsolutely certain that Bell and Everett.will carry the State. ROUTE.Distiiss such thoughts as en- |A dispatch from Montreal,dated Aug.eles To our snecess.No one can tell27,wives the following programine,adopt how the democratic vote uf the State will ed by the Prince of Wales:becast.[fit were equally divided between After the Canadian tour the Prince Breck.and Douglas,there is no doubt bat will visit the West,spending a day each|Bell would carry the State.Bat weinChicago,St.Louis and Cincinnati,be |cannot count on such an equal division,sides devoting a few days to the great)Doulas mayeateraynean‘prairies.Returning,be will pass two |.:jdave at Washington,a day and a half at i ae 1 .ee ;Nays.—Messrs.Badger,Baldwin,Benton,Saltiinore,a day ip Puiladelphia,nar oe whole remaining democratic strengthBaght,Cass,Chase,Clarke,Clay,Cuoper,Cor-|three or four days in New York.In thar)Of the State is cast for Breckinridge.—Ded ug gl meno tigi iia on ne city he will accept a banqnet frou those |Then let the faise security of the Union Norns Phelps,Pratt,"Shields,son th Sortianee when ae OSS represent,besides|inen cause a decrease of Wo thousandSturgeon,Underwood,Upham,Watker ang Se mIRC Tea the eae ile Wi)othe Adena vote ail we shall be bea-Whitcomb—30.(Cong.Globe,vol.21,part 2,erp (ue a 0 epetOUN pial)eae aypage1254.dav at Providence,spending two days at Boston,and leaving thence goto Port get 30.000 or he may not get 0.000.Suppose he vets but 5.00u and fun —shamefully beaten,and no one to The price of he will take his Victory in elections,isan earnest,midetat- farewell of tue United States.Toe feet tgable devotion to our Caune 5wilhtotyoteNewYorkatall,whieh isconsideredagreattemphbytheGrand blame for it but ourselves!Comprosise. Sir,to suppose that there is one meniber ofthisbodywhoisnotreadytosacrifices,to concedesomethingofhisindividualSentiments,to35,+oon =oo of a heen peo Fears ure entertainedeeyeeRaeremythataftheslipsshenldgootothe2DeeneeteaeecueasDCUInetrepolistheseamenwoulddesertand)Whe need to be helped to aright concla-violate without dishonor—to snppuse there is Lee he Be ee 2manherefromtheNorthurtheSout,0!dithcultios mightarise.At the le sion in regard te them,who,upon a cold and selfish ealeulation ei vee bel by the Prince toa Ene LGpersonaladvancement,would insist uponextreme 159 Aimecicans presented,aud,accordingwesnes,IS TU SUPPOSE HIM A WRETCH te the list,were two Judges,five GovWAODOESNOTDESERVETULIVE,eruors,ten Colonels,Cares Majors,engi |;Bo spoke John Bell in 1850.Revereuds,two Captains,turee Mayors thay fan out tone the last Presiden talHewasryor1electiontheywillhavetheprivilegeofNroSLAVERY. ;“But,sir,humanity io the slave,not less thanjusticetothemasterrecommendsthepoheyofdiffusionandextensicnintoanynewterritory adapted to his condition:and the reasons are too obvious to be misunderstood by the dullest Micdn ieivelliveditn a re,a Bintellect.No,siritis bot a principal of burmanity se HESS pees soe COMME AL OU Ue tpt:2 castthatdictatestheanti-extension policy.of New a aye feta oo of brandy pass los vail not be so,should it follow aaa reYork.”Ips.dt course,the inference intended piluottrerclectinneotInenlne tara parBoepokeJulinBellin185)tebe drawn from this is,that Mr.Web Tax Powrn or c Covcns .ater cut short his days by drankennesa,.ew ieee PLE TO It is in this way that the puipitis pros.is now,and has been for seme time,.Sea 'tituted im certain quarters,by men who schooling the people for rebellion againstfe'i /!\uv igSir,making all due allowances for Amer know not what spirit they are of.Even UGedcmnGnee .They areeanenterpriseandtheenergiesoffreelabor.*}the General Government.jey are inwithalltheinspiringadvantagesofourfavoritifthechargeweretrue,itis dictate otyavorite:systemof the Governinent|DOUBT WHETH.Common decency,even in private conEBruerowenaxpTHEresovacesortuaYErsttied,not to speak evil of the dead aCOUNTRYWoULDHAVEatTAinenMowetay[tis only the hyena why loves to prowl eeHALFraetepresextextraordinaryproporamonggravesanddisturbthelastcityofthatnoSouthern man will accept,andrioxe.euT ror tHe SO MUCH reviren IN.poor tinimanity.What shall we say.)no Northern man ought to be allowed toSTITUTIONorsctaverr.”then,of the clergyfvart,consecrated to beSospakeJohnBellin1850,and yet t messenger of peace,who emulates theSonthernersappeartobelievethatheisferocityoftheonlybratewhoseinstincts Jead it to prey upon the dead¢ €[2tch.Dispateh. tand,frou wineb port tor lhowev- er pood it tnay be,there are always some Whe do net understand ity nor appreciate the nature of the questions at issue,and We fear there is much more depend Ineon the approaching Presidential eiee tion than the people have any idea ot,ft and oue General. o--attending as citizens of a United Conted PIU AOS TOOTH AY TE STEN, The Rev.ToL.Cuyler,of Brookten.in tatenal convalsiona often fall upon the a recent seraion,satd that Daniel Wel eracy,Great political revolutions and;1 peeple suddenty,at an hour when they ty of sufficient strength to bring it about the habitof asking this question:(ff Lin leoln t4 elected,would you aces pt office un And they hold)the Opinion hold office in the South ander him.How will it work?Evidently to the exclusion :ee of all the officers of the Government fromantislaveryinhisviews. euch hypocrisy! OPPOSED TO THE REPEAL OF THE MissouRI Compromise. Away with the South.Weshall haveno Postinasters, ce vo district Attornies,no collectors of reSpeedyRetribution.—The Jefferson (Terasy Herald tells os the fate that be .+“Te it wise,is it expedient to disturb the Mis fel the villains who fired the tawn of c#ine pobey carried out,no members in souri Compromise!Pioes the repeal of the Henderson.on the 5th daat.Three per 'Congress,and no interest in the Generalelaveryrestrictionclauseoftheact1820,pro seas left [Lenderson iminediately after Gawverntentmisesuchimportantandbeneficentresultstotheconfyeration.under very suspicions ¢,the country that all objections should be yielded?“What practical advantage ot benefit to the eoun a committeeofcitizens,Perceiving then .try generally,or the South particularly,will the scives pursued,they Curne Lte tigit,when UT!&onfederacy,and then a war with theoftheMissouriCompromisesecure?zbatbastheSouthtogainbythemeasure?Will slavery be established in Kaneas ?” 80 spoke John Bell in 1854 Ruse ov tHe Rervauican Panty Pagpicren venne at the porta;and of course the The next thing will be the ormation of Vigilance Cominittees tocircumstances.They were followed by hang refractory Unton mens then aSouth ene of them war shot dead from tis horse General Government,and Eleaven only and the other two were taken and hans kKuows what borrors shall then ensue forthwith,Whois it that is now schooling the peo- “we ple tor thia purpose?Whoisitnow askPhysician’Fres in’Burmth—nes mould you hold office under Lin“Sir,the tendeney of this bill is to stimulate Barmah,when a young Woran is taken :i .=i ”.he leadera of the Breckinndgetheformationofasetionalparty.Who her parents agree with the physteran Ww)lo tl k.Jia :a =.(ueV A80spokeJohnBellin1854,on the that if lie cures the patient he may have Party are the GN vy do th ‘ Kansas Bil!the question @)They want you to say a Apmissiox or Kaxwas. “Had I power by my voice,1 would paralyze eanse,when the time comes,(aleuld itoe:a rely ;female—I would erush this many headed monster—siciana lave large fainilies of females,ever come)for men to accept or refuse of-thie Kanens hydra at once."who have become their property in this So spoke John Bell in 1856 pene /Tag Usror—Ir weet ne Saven.The returna of the censne indicate that afl]not a cept *Let power $0 into whatever hands it may,the inhabitants within the corporate an officer in thia County —in this State !Net ws save the Union.”[boands of the city of Riehmond,Va.,Wi en,therefore you hear men asking80epokeJohnBellin1856.nomber nearly 40,000,and ites subarbe ue .ge |Didlaver numeral PaATia tenia ie areenntent 10.000 to TaIOOO nitalitantes ench qnestions as these,take notice anc American peoplewith a purer,more apot-|making the whole population,city and mark them well;and look well to eeemoreaneullied,more Nationalre-|snbarban,nore than 50,000 souls |where they lead her for lias trouble,but if ehe dies under lis medicine,he is to pay them her full Why do they want you to say no?Be-It is stated that snecesstul piryvalne. fice under Lineoln,they want you to stand by them in that hear and say no,you Lineoln shall not have Iineal divisions of the country,by the creation ard! Thousandé in North Carolina voted against the just principle of ad valorem, |heeanse they were led into Opposing it iby democraticleaders,who now tell you they are in favor of it.The people were honest,but the leaders were not.And junless the people watch,they will be led into disunion in the saine manner;and |thus sacrifice every.thing that is dear to them on earth, DOUGLAS’RALEIGH SPEECH. |At the request of several friends we[publish the late speech of Hon.Stepben A.Douglas,delivered in Raleigh,N.Clonthe30thofAug.And here let os jady,that we do not admire Mr.Douglas, [asa politician,aby more uow than for- imerly.We think he has contributed a[great deal towards keeping up the agit tion between the two sections of the Coun- try,and in this regard is fully identified ‘with the Demoeratle party,which has forJeurssubsistedaponit.In this view of jthe case,Mr.Douglas has no right to ex |pect,nor does he,that any of the suppor- lters of the Constitutional Union party, jwill relinquish their hopes in the snecess jot Bell and Everett,two of the most em- bent,conservative,consistent and able jstatestman in the land,to follow him,how ‘ever fairly he presents his political view 8, or however severely le chastises.the {Southern wing of the democracy for their efforts to prepare the hearts of the people for disunion and civik war.[tis vsimply an act of justice to poblish Mr Douglas’speech,in view of the whole ‘sale denunciation heaped upou him hy those who,only a few sliort months avo, declared he was the best friend the South had,and were willing to support hii for the Presidency,in preference to any oue else.It is a fight,however,in)which we feel bat ditthe interest,beyond the hope thatit may result in the complete destruction of the two Wings of an organ ization by whose reeking Corruption the whole land has been made to stink for years.May itsink beneath the we iachit of a public condemnation 60 great as wever to rise again,until it shall be srouuhe forth puritied and regenerated, and as sincerely devoted to the trae it tereste of the Country as it has hereto fore been beltish,corrupt,arrogant and Cangerous. SWIY THR DEMOCRACY ARE OL LOSE DG JOUN ino. Under this heading the Yancey Breck Inridve papers are publishing a list of 23 “hecauses”why they caunot sappert Mi sell.Ttis a langhable display of cays We pick out the following: Because,he turned traitor to Gen Jackson and the Democracy,when the Rauk of the Uniied Scaitesun dertook to crush out both by the exertion of the cou centrated noney power Because,since his desertion,he has incessantly founght the Democracy,and all (veir measures audmenBeeause,he sullclings to every Whig heresy which disGiuguished that party,from is bert tows death These are the three tirst reasons.Now please compare with them the following, which is the eighth of tie series: Because far years he has shaped hie eouree in Con- gress to obtain a nomination tothe Press v.xome thes powing low tooue party.and thea io anoher without regard to consistenes of prinemple,or the in terest.welfare or honor of the country Now if Mr.Bell ever = any party for the sake of a nomination,it vowed low”to isnot likely he did so to those parties Who had littl or no power,Te mus: then have bowed Jow to the democratic party,But that could not be,for we are told above that “he has incessantly fougint the democracy,and all their measures and men.’Moreover,we are also told that “he ste//clings to every Whig here ay ae.ake. In addition to these objections,the op posers of Mr.Bell say he is wnsownd on ,the slavery question Vat has been a stand ny objection to CVELY,candidate bronyght out againat the democracy.Gen. Taylor,a Lonisiana planter,and Mr.Bell a citizen of Tenness »both Jarge slave- owners,have been successfully pronoune ednsound£Was iimpudence ever more brazen faced ¢ eos Wake (7p /—Union men of Rowan, and of the Wert.we appeal to you te Shuke off every feel ing of unconcern,and awake you the oughly to the importance of the present aronse yourselves. contest.The enemies of our national Umon are instilling tate the minds of the adherents of democracy the fatal poison of disanion.Ronan,one of the Breck inridge Electors in this State,has come onton the stainp and distinctly declared that in the event of Lincoln's alection hi would vote,if a member of the Legista (ure,for resistance at once,and tn fore Lincoln was installed in office!We warn you,therefore,that (reason isabroad in North Carolina. score SERVILE TROUBLES, The troubles which have occasioned so mneh excitement in’Texas,for several weeks,passed,and cansed the loss.of mach property,the endurance of much homan sotfering and loss of life.have broken out also in Talladega and Selma, Ala;and at There have also been some tronbles in Virginia Alairaville,Gra We have no doubt that there ia a good deal of inisapprehension and needless ex citement attending these tronbles wherev er they have oecurred.But making due allowance for this,there is remaining enongh matter of serious import to arrest the attention of every man South of Ma son &Dixon'e dine;and we only advert to it here for the purpose of suyyesting that the aigns of the times demand of us all more than ordinary vigilance,and a constantstateofpreparednessforanyevent of the kind that night happeo ia ourown section |THE MISTAKES OF THE PRESS. The most laughable case of uistakesoftheprinter,”is that where there hadbeentwoarticleapreparedforthepaper,(one concerning a sermon preached by an eminent divine and the other about the jfrenks of a mad dog ;)bat unfortunately, jthe foreman,in placing them into the Horm,“mixed”them,waking the follow- idyr contre-tempts ¢ “The Rev.James Thompson,rector of St.Andrew's Church,preached toa largeconcourseonSundaylast.This was hisInafewweekshewillbid farewell to lis congregation,as his phy-sicians advise him te cross the Atlantic,He exhorted his brethren and sisters,andattertheexpirationofadevoatprayer,Its cheering music hail!jtook a whim tocut op seme trantic freaks.He ran up Timothy street to JobnesELECTORSitedenetitstreettoCleea spoo.FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT.stage of the proceedings,a conple of boysReaeeeeTMenseizedhin,ted a tn kettle to his tailmereyaudwiseforethoughtontheparteeueeeplanted:A great crowd col-s ected,and fora time there wae a grandsceneofpoise,rhoning and confusion,Afier some trouble,he was set by a Jer-heey policeman.”.to the fatal seductions to which itis pes dst District,IW.HINTON,of Pasquotank.|sible they tnay,here aud there,ino the,2d CHAS CO.CLARK,of Craven,A TELLING FACT—AN IRREPRES-:3d 6 OEE DOCKERY,of Richmond SIBLE CONCLUSION,4th 8 LC)EDWARDS,of Granville.ne .bth *AG.FOSTER,of Randolph.Phe gallant and gifted Jere Clemens isvolefailuresexegitHPNRYWALSER,of Davidson,in the field in Alabama,meeting the Yan-WM.P.BYNOM,of Lincoln,ceyites in their stronghold,and combat-“TOD R.CALDWELL,of Burke.|ting,with all the powers of his rare elo———quence,the fell,prrposes of the Disan-For the Watchman ionists.In a discnasion,the other day, jin Huntsville,he fised the responsibilityBELLANDEVERETTWEETING.+*Pforthepresentunhappycondition of af-Mcrpuy’s Haut ' urday,Sept sth,PS.4 |(a Gen.Walker,who lately made a!POLITICAL. fillibustering descent upon the town of :Se Troxillo,in Honduras,and took posses i ision of the fortifications at thar place,for’ the purpose of bringi®¥the authorities of Honduras to recognise certain alleged rights of his in Nicaragua,(a country he- could not hold when he had ig.)itis very + likely has been blown out of his strong hold,The latest news from him is,that seven hoodred men under the command of Guardiola had surrounded Traxilio,and an English war ship had entered the har \.last Kerman, bor,to co-operate with them to dislodge _ The Union Bell!let its echoes sound From hill to bill,from vale to vale ; And all the people for Union bound hin.Tleavy cannonading was heard.in that direction from torning until noon,| on the 2trh Anynst,and hence,against such odds,we expect to hear soon that’ Walker has been blown to pieces, Fon ain Srark at Lance. HON GEO OR BADGER,of Wake. DRO KO SPEED,of Pasquotank. of Southern people to practice closer watchfulness towards our servile popula tion,in order to prevent then falling Wn Dinrricis country,be exposed by the interference of evil persons.Tie best)concerted schemes would be ines cept toa limited extents they would be 7th speedily inet,aud then theirauthors would,8th become the sufferers;and ander the ex-} citement which always attend upon the discovery of secret plots.the assailed are Hable to be ded into extreme measures,Nat fairs on the proper shoulders,in a man-by whieh the innocent and the guilty ten)The Rowan County Bel and Everett Club,was ner as irresistible and overwhelmingas itAlittleextrawatelitiy.coded to order Sy the President,Dr J.W.Hall {the meeting w often fair alike was simple.We quote from the bMunte- ville Dudependent +How few very appropihessnayavertmuchevil,and itis due valineTherewereagoodlyuumberan at Toma canuerad it ait Rerun ,:A hetoaileonceredthatitshouldbepracticedpresentingalaosteveryportionofthe,Col.Clemens stated one fact im hienettoraweek,a month or ayears but y Remarks were made by a tumberot per masterly speeel hereon Monday last,thatcotstantly,whilst there continues in the <tome Fnbatlers portanaitg to the contest up shiondd (pen the eves of the people;aCUIUTVeUlisCRwesecavlMlicritymtrOMCrmiicreteeurtertejtactthatshrewdbeponderedbyeveryaeeeVinottiontehaveanuassanertingaodbarbecueWanWheloveshiscoentry.Savebold-1 Ovtober,was ceanved woth decided fae (OPS Ub parncuher should think ef it. Tn IS dO,the Abolition vote was bat aTesPoecisetonewokte Hirtbe over 700s pat the tentTheNew nes te us very consiler yy Vetespaper Larue nei4dfoes willbe held an .—-seer In tour years,onder Tyler's adintnistra- pix comme of the Chit owehhProeressey"ae Hall,Satariay ably enlarged and otherwise Improved \creche aniesnting theo vicimry of Patton,who was elected as @ Whig,but It is now about as large as any daily xy liter eoave te Hnceti mv aT|relies torned Denioerat,rt meremsed tu more Hothe State,and ststiit |1 die pul net ab that pki ao Satarhay the wud Van 62,0007 :oe ee ee en ...In four veara,ander Polk,it increasedvidualitv.Pennington is a one Wayne pier :u to omore than 286.000 07man.Te fights on his “own look”fur In tour years,onder Fiblmore,nt fell of .hee his "etn aonDouglasandtheUnion‘.i to leas thir VOS,0008!at be sta ::Pie Speritiof the Aye also comes out an Dee eee renee erieney eet In four vears,onder Pieree,it jeercaaioneal.a ef to more than LBEL0001enlargedatlimproved.[tis a eapatal te ny arinfamilypaperandisdeservedlypopularfe 2 TERT.Pees _Soe hh fucts as these need no comment. POP Mrtosia Se.pent Sensible men ean read and understand,— Another Success Mr.Richard Thom.NOESY.Ik aw TEC EANate Tris a fact plain as day bight that the ten-aso has ler onour table a hettleof avrup .;donev of Democratic administrations isaoeWehavebeennetahideamnsedat’y,,Ihercase The slavery agitation and toFridaylast,the paintatly Indicrons ethats of tie Breek Wenocrateromnie(hese Sieur (ies wincl is AL nmetis oH this State lo fasten Donulas on Fignres,show it,and We were told dy the tre eaters and secessionists in 1856 that Millard Fillinore was an abolitionist, and yet the records of the commtry show that he dob more te quell abelitenisnHiTheUnionpartyosperteetlyindifthananyotherPresident.How longFSCreLCRIGWICWallsiverapound,tereut te Mr.Douglas,He és too youd a wid)the pen)le be gulled by these hypo-Democrat to have the shahitest chains tInanntactured by tin,Chcabyer own imelitutions. cannot deny itCOMnCtestiectss,It imwer thick ewoer tie l One woul l think after!everybody knows jt A perdsal ef these papers,that the Litne party and ofa very pleasant Hhiver Wt Was onr nomimee,and an outsidesee Pell ctned Boerett A jy!Mr.George Han trom the pmecrous told of Dea,mmecracy hut the thing will not work atbE.Bost has laid on our table a Bell and and taeasures 134 iueses in crenmfer cnites and falsifera,whose every act tends marae ponoanathration with them They willy,hasten our coantry tu (he brink olruinteedeubtesabeverymuchobliwedtobin=. BRUISE INTERVENTON IN NICa.or defeating Breen anidge at the South,CANELAIS,wid Lineolw att North,as all)cone ...,"RAGUA,Union men omg:bes bat as te at yen Tie New York Daily Neves ot he 1th, A number of documenta were recently dersement of |j ,;hoor his principles,these says the Breckinridge furore has caved{before the British House of Com Dreck ormns very well know that bas yn,We copy as toliows: '/'Mens,Conta ne the trewhewenisting be never been,and never will be done,Onl _:a a :Nove Liown up bladder col-tween toat government and Nicareue te gentioner any if you please a Never was :;Dee »ly ee oy 4 ~wine i ve hes}sednore eiddentv,never did a fancync,CORON Ss ast Fateh:use eby toed nef ate foie reomole olpee 5 s|‘;:ne 3 stock tall thitter io Wasil street,never didsessConsiderabletinpertanee.By or Vou have bo sow,on this silly tattenpe te j ,}\;,Them itis provided that Bnelish s pects establish ae Dow between the Bell and,“uneSon BAVA ee ale :One nen}tably than las the Breckinridve furore atale)property are toenjov the rieht of Douglas om soo preyndes seme of the) Tense EMM OENae (nC Tonin:Tiemcnelateet)jncetic.Renin te romne ue Sooth.Were it net for the Hlatant Tnmitsor Nicartiea,by anv route newar vat eaudidate,oy mabe them believe eras gardinan aolthe arrant quackery of Hereatter to be esta ststed.Great Brit eta heres Rederaliot,Whig and,ae vale ae tae pelitical hombny,un resides ts protection te Kirow Net s Bat we repeat thatat we cond pity the faolore which has dash- OSC OTs toeir neatrabty,wail not work at all,and you wight as edie Ma of the partisans of Yancey\The Comment of weil ateameen for all the good ot wihiude aunt)MV CURIE Tix nensat ative old Sa Nhe Pouer miay ploy ve Bevanee voor party has at last mer SM!Griupaikina at i asl ito,he rer he ,eee El SOU INU rTere ai asenetsiALed Rreckinridge —aye, ee retain Pe IRU eae wods Me tecel the cotton States bave been reereant and Ala- sabother iostanee,i ,'to thisglortons Adiminintration ?teproperty,ssandar quad are reads te cnt eseb others Horowtt.mpWTattativesofNice Wwoar and Mealh et Dara herself abhor +|aan ty,ofa prophet,unhouoredAuereetiteetyStayfercnedaniuuaeYancey,of a prophe 0 davtat you meCataany eyonse tobe badiv beat to his own drome.”er its harbors,and Brit vase,Inake our warty they eton the sine f mtn se pestoat ter your dieadinl mequities,mae .Vagina,Suould any We have not von the world to de wath What are rove Fighting Fir.—Under:2 tamily quarrel,We will the above caption,the Spintof Jefferson,;stand SY,We esate von,and regard wath nayboobthatistinisTireMekMery arises oat will be veque interest vland tas toe meht of miter “noecrahe paper published at Charles- ‘omplacene hotter ::COD AC Ue ahi var town,Virgoma,and which bas just come demolition of both sides —and only atrer er treaty relative to the M sq on oat for Douglas,has the following para-the brnabet toe whole concern,will we tsa,sisned dast Jantary,recon deansthine te cesaty our appreciationot graph:Bees tlie sovereient of t a ao ii'as Necariena as ex the Trae charter of your party We “Surely we are bot asa party,contend.whi then plant tae rome of bonesty upon:ing tor harneony and good feelog i ourHtserave—to counteract the swell of cor-tpayks What,then are we contending mption which wil baer aronnd it But forvan|whatis to be the resolt of this.as ton as Vincity remain in cither fe jaynatural strugzle?[un the first placeNon,det hot tie other charge our purty fwe are to autfer defeat,and after that,Wath the on Maycous ein of countenancing|God only knows what other dl are to at- oraympathizing with it Wedo notlike lend us,There is nothing hopefal oromeanysuchdiipotationmponourpolitical!cheering In contemplating the very an- character.Wil,Herald.jenviable position which we now occupy. Oo ur leaders are dintting ns to destruction, tending aver all Wiiwluri.aq alietriet te Ince reserved!far the M quite Tudians, Crevtewn is tnide a tree port,under Ni Carajcian protection,the Repubhe levnige at liberty to levy duties on all goods to be consnine bin the country, Correapondenctof the Aaherille Ne wn PEEP Ae A ncan of J.Pe The Caylotte Bulletin (Breck):Ithe only bope now is in the goodA.[ooper.nee :i on.The Po (20!!pier in wn noon nider the capt n,Phe Po eee andloaneeevatianie ol the peuple.— Wreien,Javinin Co,N Coy siiotot Parties in North Carolina”says If they will rine in their might and ower.August v4th,TS90,\the effect of the recent Douglas Conven-|2 a heS a Bell y |throw these leaders,we may yet weatherHanwilUetdgive)tle otite th Pamela storm;af they sobmit and followEverett,and attributes the blame entire vest leaders,then all is lost,lost,lostlytothosewheassumedtocontrolandforever!”direct the pohey”of the Breck party and gays that opon their shoulders rests| It regards the failure to effect a compromise woth the Douglas Editor of the News :—John A oop er,Beane an esteemed cititizen of this noty,living near the Forks of Tucka sriver,about twelve miles from this se yu place,was shot,on Saturday last,white Projected Fusion in Massachuartts.— We perceive that there is aome talk of a fusion between the Bell and Donylas nen in Massachusetts,and if such a combina- tion can be effected so as to defeat Lin- miding,and bitter partizans”among the coln in that State,and reject’:Andrew,Breckites,What does the Journad think the type of rabid abolitionisin,it will do of that?Recollectit is uselessto under Mere to restore confidence thronghont the take to “rule out the Bulletin.That ceuntey than anything which could hap, paper supports Breckinridge,and chains Pens for M sanacliniaattaocenpies the aaine that its Democracy in of the old fashion.position to the North that South Carolina ed Constitut onal stripe It has never,doos to the Sonth they are both the rep- however,yielded ats independence under resentatives of extreme opinions,It the dash which wonld-be leaders tey te Weald be corions,and gratifying at the apply to all who differ with them,‘and Same time,to ace Lincoln beaten Pe a Hence an unancoesstal attempt was mace Majority in the vote of this abs non3xysomeTineagetoignoreitasaDemo.State,but we are afraid that a fusionspotandfoundherfondaffectionatetuserieieeeWedon't know or care Annet be so easily accomplished in “thebandbreathingdisdast!Suet leelings which wing of the Democracy isto blame School ot Massachusetts,”which has wiv:;esforthesplitanNorthCarolina,bat the €2 80 many leaders to the ranks of aboli-VY.[erald. ;re reponsibilty.returning home from a sawmill,with |EatoadofJninber,No clie as vetyis had :Wes and the consequent losé of the State to Breckinridgeas dne to the bad man avementof oa few Hnpetnongs wneompro- to the cold-blowted murderer He lay Incambash for his victim,and whet himtromadistanceofnotmorethantitteen pacer,the ball entering under the lettshonllerblade,and passing out just above the mpple of the left breast He reeeiy ed the fatal shotin sightof his own bome!bat when reached by his family was un ible to speak His wite was winoty the frst to reach bim,basing been attracted yyoa scream:from her husband and the Feportof the assassin’s gan.Ob what must lave been the feelimes of the wate and mother,as she approached that fatal Twill not attempt to desert. “Marder will out,’and [trast that:Bulletin reluctantly tells the truth as te ton polities —V,He who seeth and knoweth all things,ae what the seed most be.Bell will cer ee .lrealmclarnl Goketahave:|:\Nerrmate eacape ;ove eloctoral tickets hwillnotletthistlendineveateoa‘PO tainly carry the State handsomely ell and Everet ‘i con Ithepenaltyduehishorribleeryne:2 ae heen nominated in Weseonsin,Hlinois,[n-‘eraleInhaste,as ever,yours truly te Arrangements are al-diana and Olio The New York correspondence of the ready made for the holding of State Con-Cost of the Fenglish Militia It eoate Philadelphia Presa saya that the Electo.ventions,and the nomination of Bell andasimmeehtomaintainanarmedforceinralticketnominatedatthelateDemocra:Everett electors in New Hampshire andEnglandagitdoesintheUnitedStatea,tic convention at Syracuse will gain 80,Michigan.There will then be Bell andsay€200 and apward a oman,or more QU0 votes,and save the State from LinthandoublethecostofaFrenahsoldier.coln, ’* Everett clectoral tickets in every State in |the Union,except Sonth Carolina,| A It forms Sena mel Bree dow he of sevel of th repu ging and to pe feat | to he of th to th Joe. hia of D then Calif obati tain succes have ed ( Nort gofc TI chol ditio inere owill to af term this mere tells cape wave etrife dirt- Uni dem them Oppo Ever So Dela Ching on M follo ] Scott autia rolle picke crati: sion a i lieve cidye culld, to aa: make {Tons iuent eluate be el sire| Ee are V elect on M Mon day, Octo Octe Octo ie hese Thes fom veusl ix once State State tell t that. Wary Thon ry th os Bpecc of th wed eleva ne th A ug Ir at R toy ¢ edu kisse T: ROS, Dal sacri the | can | this Eh house tom?’ Dete archi to be hung paras Oust whic to fl will expe the |] excu ker t man et 6icia iden most belie a fly cater No f and | ease had to ht M do y rac 1a At and| es ad ry an Ys he w- vr 7 ee oe oe ae A VERY SIGNIFICANT STRAW. It will be seen by the news froin Cuali- fornia,which we publish to-day,that Senator Latham addressed a Democratic meeting at Sacramento,lately,advocating Breckinridge,and that the meetingvoted down the Breckinridge resolutions which he offered!Tivis must have been a very severe blow tothe rapidly declining cause of the diewnion candidate.Indeed the repudiation of Breckiaridge is now a ra ging epidemic among the Democracy, and it is abselutely cruel in his friends to persist in running him.The awfol de- feat he met witlt in his own State onght to have served as a sufficient indication of the weakness of his cause,but when to that is added the recent defeat of “Old Joe Lane,”his associute on the ticket,in hia own State of Oregon,by.the election of Douglas men to the L vislature,and then thie last expression of feeling by the California Democracy,it looks like blind obatinacy and fanatical delusion te enter tain the slightest hope of anvthing ike success for the disunion ticket.What have the Breckites,who boastingly claim ed California and Oregon as the two Northern States which would certainly go for their ticket,to say after thins? Wil.Herald. The Baltimore American las a tnelan choly picture of the present political con: dition of the countey and of the rapidly increasing tendeacies towards Disunton, owing to the agitation of matters relating to sfavery—and,it appeals,in eloqnent teria,to the people,to Inferpose mow,it this real crisis of our history,and when mere politicians think only of party.It tells them that there is vet a way uf es- cape from:all:these complications,Tie wavea of this tronoled sea of sectlonal trite,which have ever Cant wp titre atid dirt—may be tilled.The election of a Union President will be the death of the dumayogues,and their cdiildeen will hold them responsible hereatter they let the Opportunity grass.Vote tor Bell and Everett. HICH ALt TIN Somebody,at a geditical meeting i Delaware,very iiipeoperly sacl unc things of Gen,Wintietd Scott,wiereupe on Mr.Briggs arose in bin defence.Tha followfay is tis eloquent spec OMr.President,whoever save Genera Scott is nut a patriot,sliowid be hicned autof the back d rolled dowa the gutter of degradation picked up with Che totass of generar exe: cof publre conten pt eration,and Gurted i tue Waters ov! Fion = Proof Wanted.—Vue Arigirta Che sand Sentinel eaves tre,be at Breekin ONG)persoa,unless he in a linlieves,or ever did believe t ridge and Lane cow fre elected tt ttre colldges—the only hope cu the outset wits fhighest,and thus to resrdemt should the Maan of the perenn Picker ty aake Lane se take tar Vice flonse failte elect taent Bupepertern ot tie Nar de state Chern ec4 ynvrctrons that Lenecin wali be elected,and tnost of tiem really de sire it.” hetions tobe Lidhd are yetto be held before t Maane on Monday,September 104 CGreorgial on Monday,October 1.M ssissippicon Mon election in Noveuroer,as toiewss day,October 13)Flora,on Monday, October 1)South Carolina,on Monday, October Ss Pernevivania,on Thesday, Qetoher Olin,vn Tuesday,Octaher 9;Tndianacon Tuesdays,Oetober 9s Min hesota,on Tuesday,Octocer os Thesday October 9 Presidenteal tem in al 3 atl the veurber 6 iw Tommy Ciugeran,who teas sated, once remathed tuat die woold gree the State House fall of gold to be United States Senator,was wimpleton enougte to tell the people at Beautort,the other day, that Jolin Bell was aan ot svery ordi wary ability.”We should ¢ko that Thotas,Is Citpacie of pads ot ata ry things.—WV.Dies, ©Old Back?made another stan speech at Cumberland.Tf the Prestlent of the United States can take specehes we do not sce why a candidate tor that elevated posttion should keep stent Lees ne hear no more about the specehes of Judge Doulas Stites and Cnion ee Tris said that when Mer at Ratland,Vr., ny the hotel,a large Trish Woman rast ed up and grabbed himin her aru,and kissed hit. Dornian Wass and Just as he was enter aTerribleSacrificeofLife.rom Va gos,Africa,we learn that the King ot Dahomey was about to make an immense sacrifice of human life to the memory of The West Atri can Iferald,of the 13th ult.,referring to the late king,his father. this intention,says: “His Majesty Badahung,King of Da homey,Is ubout to make the “Grand Cus tom’in honor of the late King Gezo. Determined to surpass all former mon- archs in the magnitude of the ceremonies to be performed on this occasion,Bada hong has made the most extensive pre parations tor the celebration of the Grand Custom,A yreat pit)lias which is to contain human blood enongttofloatacanoe,Two thousand persons will be sacrificed on this occasion,The expedition to Abeakouta is postponed,bat the King has sent bis army to make some excursions at the expense,of some wea been di, ker tribes,and hae sneceeded in capturing many unfortunate creatures, Sudden and Ningular Death.—A ply gician named Friedlander died at hoa res idence in Chicago,EL,last week,after a most distressing illness,caused,ay was believed,from being bitten inthe face by a fly that had brought poison communi cated from the carcass of a polsoned dog No medical remedies availed anything, and eo fearful were the effecta of the dis ease that a few houra after the breath had left his body the friends were forced to harry his remains into the ground Matrimonial Dialoqui —“Mr.Jonea, do you consider marriage ao means of grace?”©Certainly my dears anything ‘eA ineans of yrace that breake up pride and loads to repentance,” Communications for the Watchman.STILL LATER FROM EUROPE. oe atu nena tear ceet ain ARRIVAL OF THESr.Josert,La,Aug.24th,1860 PRINCE ALBERT Epirok Warcumanx—“2 . Sr.Jouy’s,N.F.,Sept.5.Dear Sirs [thas just popped into myheadt«reudy The §)vead to give you and the readers of the Watel The Steam Ship Prince Albert,Capt. Brouse,from Galway the 28ih ultimo armau,«brief sketch of this lucality.its surround rived to day.ings,the occupations of the people,&e.1 shull Liverpool Cotton Market,Aug.28.— write in haste and without much svstem: The place is sitaated on a bank of the"fath: er of waters”—the reat Mississippi,whose The sale to-day atmount to 8000 bales. whelining Udes inspire all intanders with sole Phere had been a lance supply of Cotton awe !—about 45 miles from Natehes,60 from received from Tndin .Vicksburg and 350 from New Orleane This town is the seat uf Pensas Parish,and is said to be the most wealthy Pansh in dhe State,and is rapidly improving Li verpool Marketa but su showery, The weather is fine Flour ts buoyant. London,Avyust 27.—Breadatuffs are buoyant,Wi There are but two stores here,but they do business to the extent of from $100,000 to $125,000 a year,which,for a small place,is large.There in usually from 14,000 to 16,000 bales of Cottou shipped from this porteveryyear,The annual erop of the Parish os from 60,000 to 60,000,Last vear it was over72.000;wnd itis now thought Chis years crop itis advancing,all grades cousider: hiy advanced5 quoted at GENERAT,INTREUCLIGENCGE. The Black Sea harvests have been more (hondandaot i Russet this season han ol Veate, fa the House of Commons,Lord Pal- terston gracefully acknowledge the ser vices of Abdel Kader,to the Christians of Syri willexeeedthat,the season havingbeetagoodon.| This place is surrounded by a most beautiful, It isdoubly no at this season of the year.when the soread luxuriant and enchantoy country. ing pods ofcotton display,by the square title, Here ©king cot ton”wields lis scepter with aneisputed sipren thet snowy,silkeo treasutions !;;Phe Enelish Parliament has authorized Mi Lindsey,Oe TS Washington and bay Heute acy—grandly and sublinely however uh to proceed to kKouown aod fella North Carolina,Every thing bows to bis Majesty,men aud men’s atfurs tor Hefore the Govera Staten The views this dife,all depend on limes and.searecty uy hengland rel to the taturalization body an all this region,ashe a (worldly)fin of Lawes apother.But he is a beuiguaut soverergu,freely In reference to Napoleona speech, furvishing ty the peopl at abundance of every Tord Lee dened ali unjust distrustgoodUnig.He spreads upon their well sup abroad,and declawed that wottia slot somake hin deviate from the path of me:and arrays them in garments aveduding ty thet hotion and justice, pled boards the fuxuries of alinost every elie taney, degree far bevuad any thing known in the bes Long hve king cotton eis compliant and subservient to a The pacitic nature of the speech cansed pon advance oo the Paria Bourse,and sed at OS Y5e The Pris Constelutional save the rela tory of any ulber king,Je avaButes clwidthepeaceaudprospemtyweboailtheeon: commtanits whieh characenge lis dior ‘se [iresiitireaceltuCliamailustilaaletinceriiay Cell USAC UST France and Austia areaNehenttry,and customs of the prope,an compared:VSEEUEM with that part of North Carolio wih whieh d Defectons inthe army of N ples are anew quatuted,is sterking and ini d Hore,catiemely probable Tt ts thew beleved thd tor dtotles back trom Ger niver the councry is Chat Garilabd)will emer the ety an tr level,and the sail nici and dee}Hrioteg down tape without blo ead, almost ad (nfiwelame —aid very jtoluctive \Sardinia protth anv tore vol Walp country” throush Ges as some ceavine Pr ChMtonGSs tor Siity Have mesrepremeatingcly cabied it recuys the tr Veber tang a ple hat MWe ig A Soin aa ‘(ut wines joao Phe Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. ae ithe mercy sa cts,are bel wt,Pde HY MES Hew bogrows ial,atid oe plans tte wet Poadiwd 1|: trot doottore ta tape,ated ir ms sons cot Nt Wy x h {i‘Wohappely webapted ty at Wisden as oe Caeneon cane Wetkiie wgetes for das prea on withes |1 “Prttoate elitate,and ae ‘patel aseecnl ceducimeden Nentivede (is :;!':Vintous,and we have oxanitils 1 we W i ‘ah vf aste preelule Che ides ,uns ,ae fe tyeote the ast 4 .ase ved Asitet anadie woud we COMdpe foo aaa :s :**:**1 \s polis of diss thst,Pell seme and Dou sie 1 a New poled ote ea ,wa » *****+I ‘4 ey fietstiations tere,a aia ‘. 'v thender than by /t ast Natural w 'werent Ine <n ms py set Whitt beurre ‘1 \stars 'a seu Wasa test et waerenpead tvs ‘\.Zoitsles WowWeeissang'itwhocautell!:a i NS NOPTIE CNIOEINEAN I eee Roa I i ‘Haswrios Caius Ann eee fens TTVeemonyeeJdBuesrn,Key Drea Suet -Hav seen the fier ia ee Sy ‘ |F t 1 tiled t t '\at -tubssideofthepooturepartitedby4correspodetWik.fram the Nottleru pat Ghdiie stnne ta ynur a Ca ecient ,sue of Mug.14th,TE propos:tur the t nany whe contemplate eroieritug licher,|‘‘ates fear \pauntthe dark side.Pdutetiwean by so dene B ":eee,Te oe iieelitie cs ylaaleif}tate Ula yo ir vottes pole etl Jas weet \Hl ii y :‘ Wants of prevanioaton,of even exawreration,it hos statements Made Uorough the medi of Wait teat Hew thane afar? vour valuable poarnal fer bknow ham ta be a hb panet teach abd hour:but merely ta ehow 1 i ie :>;va how much mote teygoly tavared be lus ::than we,Wein the Southern partofthe Site errr cee ate cheer vine Heber prospect of eyuner |\ tnticrops.We lise sith fmseh freon a th Tiesayae a !Ceiht weeks duration,wi eA I G tly east off ail |eb omak cor 2 tohtosatesty the weenie of ina ‘NeUHEU ANHt PN,Ne IG EON 1? have reason to be thankiul bows:t '“:fis Neconnts from Teshind give an aceoustBeateDolh\Ne Pos tb de ty -a .al an Hot \fan eenption—after Chirty nine vea "N tn tevoare Mets:se!2 2 ,nO”») .vest t the irs weit he NalaantSenith\Vext an thise wien:the wbnes {\Tier ({the Ru Heeticenetelnre con uh betop wo per fot the Moyrdal-jokel mountains,On AUIDULIED COUN tall realace NMA Al :just t tae Tth May several shocks of earthquake Wangn,sotospeak,of the areuth |wo were experenced in the parishof Mordal, es between Ubis atid the Miss.Ya boastot in whies the soleater is situated,and the here prospects for corn ated cotton oes tha eocdavoatter an enernous volun f water feed,“Phe avenue crop of cuttin West and eas Gast wntrom the erater Mixed with South West of toss,amd oiedeed:Uhrowihout the water were large quanti sot cinders, South Arkansas will be about tour tacos to tet and the eruption woes moaned by ow acces,For the past week.continued showers ob oa irerraneate terse.On tie Lith and ran tave been Tahing,who b are damon SU 191)cumke,ciders,and leatls of fre moore the eo ton er sere?mA moke rose tasach ee ee ee metalic settee soon at the Reikpacitybentteatulesoffit‘2yavie,Meet reece?mere Chanauddistress,in view of cis crisis,Lo wouel say tf é ;22 ratdes.andtn hountains S000 fecttoaliwhoaitemalinMowingtoSouth:T Aihar Natat vou ar loud et oyrtriy 2 oUt ses BT NUE SO)LittC ee i stay there unt vou can come bere under imore PEP :.UOC SEE TERA favorable auspicies rodess .drt fortunately For my own part Dam well pleased with the 1 dt tie eos in the vicinity, Statecot my adoption lokealleountmes,thas the e nders arel atoer thir it threw up We advantages as well its disadvantacs but lo berm eared by the wind partiv to the hank that the fone:wil mete than counter seasand pardv oon to eome glaciers.Tt balance the fatter Pins county and the adja Jrrens ted oa very Ten posingy spectacle centcounties are rapidiy filling op.The lads Previous eruphens of the same volewno vbeut us are not fine,but good enomsh We ij oreat njyury ;one in 1620 tn particn fave good water and good health,Grod sehools 'lar,was ternible,and itis recorded)thatarebeingestablished,and churches quite nu some of the cinders thrown up were ac tually carned as far as Bergen,in Nor !Another on the l7th October. 5,cansed desastations in dive parishes, merous The Wateloman comes to me regularly,and always meets with a hearty welcome from my lv. preceded by a fortnight the earthquake it Lisbon. selt and fanity one word about polities teot the Wateh Bat before T elose, T saw it stated in the fast man,that RoW.Johnston the peoples’cand = date for Governor,bad been elected aver dirdce MOS MORTEID &tector,by a large majority,probably PO 000 5EneaeplReetoriecherOntheWebalebytheReeSJKeres Mr WNIhecontinryasthefytalett;DREW SHUCINGto Mise JANE WALKERedbyaimajyorityofdono000TCHTiyRowanmaniselvetedintheLetCongeeseonatdrstete and BOW),Geantt tn the 2d)Coneresstomal«lis trict 1 cnonot say,nor even canjeetine,tow this State will goat the Presslential elechon ’ Veo will protraldy Hear fram me acum betare AA ttention : the November stracule \ Very respeettalls sy iP lB:Hrap Qranrers,641d Rear N Co Minera,¢Nias Doth,PS60.4 Ghee NP PAINS ANT COMMANDERS ODFweantl Trifling with Firearms —Xt dackson on theevenimyg ofthe 22d int,dtehave hemaciverville,Fla. t.Parratt,while sittray with bis wate at and ther compenes mn Salisbary at Mevelock.AME,on the Oth day of Qetober,Ds)ar Companies sre hereby the tea table,was handing a loaded pis equipped .athe law meets t ‘review aleetol,when it went off,the ball passing ae Sa TArual aeraE Pent fice through her throat,eausing her death in gigs commented te norke Chea pertoon)appearance a short time An inquest was held ower atthe Contthouse in Sadiabarw,ats oveloek,AL WM, he Sth oof October,for rnherbodyypronouncedthedeathtromaiJAR MOORENCMECam pist Tl shot accidentally disch irged from By order of Brig Gen.G,W.Smirn the handa of her husband Sept dt awl EVERY SUMMER the demand fo 8 ; Celebrated Stomach Bitieremorsut &poo dhe RLU STONE! be the only certain preservatio bodily etrengthduringaperiodwhentheatinoxphereteentculnted TRUM UAEPURS etre toimduce a feehng of lassitude a rdigestuion Vhe¢c rarrhe ¢aentery,ve wworetcasesofDiarrheaandDDry.give way I eutRalnwel)wou Ajathvenry,Now 14h and IS Maru «N WY ATE.Draggiat ondnwnerableperacns|'Sahasbory before its potent influr who are now ahwe and well,mua thank the dveov ve not be ererof this preparation that thes rw ep!1s60 'Riera Sept Lith.14 uy mended by the beat phymeninein the land away iin the harvest of death 1 the heat evidence of ite value,becinse,us a general Those Who Want Insurance used preparations ‘They hive be PPLY to PA Winey,Agent of the Charlort acknowledge the claims of the Bitters apo the com./Mutual Insurance Company . Sold by all druggies Tm16 |Sept 11,160 A thing,they will not tpeak a word favor of adverencompelledto manity SUUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE MANURACTORY ! NEW | FALL STOCK!! afeRe Subecribere are now receiving their usual!large und varied Siock of PAHS |-SPECIAL OTICE STAPLE and FANCY Sip ind ow reomtving 204 oysaiag seoamean tad tee os‘wot?:sortinent ofSMITH&MILLER. DRY GOODS IMMENSE ATTR ACTION ITH &MIL OF ’i GROCERIES,9 ..;Gentlemen's Boots,Shoes aud Gaiters,;AT THETheirStockofbsREADY-MADE CLoTHING Great Clothing Emporium AND SHOES,On is large and will be sold low.DAVID WEIL, SERVANTS AM NOW opening at my large and spaciousStoreRoom,No.2.Graoive Building,the hund-.a and .Ree someat and cheapest Stock of iNORTHCAROLINAJEANS, of all kinds.They invite their old customers andthepublicgenerallytogivethem«call.h41‘on .pa ree ever offered in the State. 1O COUNTRY MERCHANTS.neat t kinds of fauey Our Stock of Goods are well suited to the interests tase suits,Enygtieh ond Frevel Dray d Ete and of Country Merchants,as in the purchase of our Alpacco Frocks and Sacks,a large vanety of Caps ING consisting of Coffee,Sugar,Molasses,Syrups,Tea,Pepper,I AVING opared nether paing nor e%-ge with every other article usually Kept in similar en’pense,io preeanug materials of the ments,all ef which will be sold as as@al at exceedingly His stock of bemt quality—Machinery of the latest im.ces provemente—and the most fiuished Work-urease"SSA 8 DG Boots,Shoes &Gaiters,~~"~~ ns can he purchased in New England for the ene tae saperior to any,asthose who have favored him with theirTheythereforefeelcontidentthattheiap.yatrouage ean testify.The stock ofReady-Made Clothing 20 y00."se'saiaasece,:HATS AND CAPS A large assortment of WEAR their endeavor to rtrudace among them «branch of My stock ceanprines af}Manatactare now entirely io the handsofabolitimims, wt Len and Marsattes Will wot bein vain or disregarded.They offer at WHOLESALE AND REYAIL, Goods we have had an eye to that branch of the mere Pants,fancy and black;ule Faney wad Black Fine Chunmetied Boots,French Calf,irossSilk.Cassemere and Marnuilles Veat,in cudless ya.Pine Preach Edge,os aedBROWN,COFFIN &MOCK.nets eee Ba Den ule iG Ce Gent’s FurnishingGoods,OP ER A Boo TS ! ASTOUNDING!HATS and CAPS,BOOTS and SHOES,a large a .: vanor ment Patent Leather and French Calf){ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Wyatt’s Remedy !! LT teel confident of my ability to underell any otherhouseintheState,from the advantages |have in geting my Goode,thereby saving at leas,TWEEN TY-FIVE PER CENT to the consamer DIMESSAVEDAREDOLLARSMADE.SO TRY MEDAVIDWEIL.J)Go to thew and suppte your wants yd in fa- tore you will purchase po Bools,Shoes of Gaiters, Fine Open Gaiters.Pateut Leather and Freueh Calf, Congress Gaiters,French Calf,a a ee cannot be equaled,either fn style or manufacture,having hedOxfoudTee,Freneh Calf,aT the wust of them inade to hie erder.The stock ofUnionTes.a new style)French Aw.C JMnUnfailingSpecifiesavethoremauufscturedby\ a s 7 ~~.»7 a Be oR For the Unfortunate!NEW FIRM eae OHA ULE,N.C.| CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS,|(JHE Firm of FISHER,FOARD &HOOKER,July 24,1800.uw >Fo Re a es ee having beendissolved,wethe undersigned have |————-____--_—c ACUlthSRECENTAFFLICTIONS,\asediedoarcivaviogeiher eadéy cha Firmsof |Serefal King’s Evil jCURESRECENTAFFLICTIONS,FOARD &HOOKER.|ocr ee Seeteke ee >23 |.onstitutional disease,a corruptionof the bloo IN A FEW DAYS !-byraieh rereyabid becomes vitiated,weak aud poor SADxt : HriinehOelactaadceamnithinerisranwi hacdeet for the purpose of continuing the former business at Being i the civculation,1t pervades the wholebody,| Eiige Wtirerb eat la bre parsdpeualedd Wholeenie and the same place,Were thankful to our friends and aid may burs!wat 1 dincase ow any part of it.NG eirrallaed Coeapletalaedlp livetsesd(at eammuallylee)Tetes’and)past favors and hope by a CORRECT,organ is tree from its attacks,nor is there one which ynich only be 1C and PROMPT system of doing |may not destroy.The serofuloas taintisvarious-DISTRIBUTED, custome sENERGE business to merit and receive an increased patronage We shall be able to furnish Retailby WH.WYATT,Druggist and Apothe- cary,Nos.186 and INN Main st,Salixbury,N.C Jr Price $1,and sent by mail enclosiug 4 stampe lo pre-pay postage ly caused by mercurial disease,low living,disorder.| ed urunhealihy food,unpure wir,filda and Githy habits | |the depressing vices,«ud,above all,by the venereal Aug 7 p 1 rt a ;s ;;fot 7*>SEAPTE DRY GOOD i ciisier amass sme rmcaneen|—UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE,cxocenies.provisions.sip CHAND.(o'ranute amen)LOR NOTHING Taylorsrille,N.C,\=FARMING TOOLS,ad queew of the fathers upou their children ”|Its effeets commence by depomtion from the bloodaeMsneaoehi~,hana more desired effect than acash system.Thereforeacaofecorruptoraleercusmatter,which,in the lang»,ie curusauly colelgea!sae ase At FRANKFORDS, SALISBURY,W.C. FPNUE 10th Session of Gis Tostiution opened on Guano,Plaster,Lime, NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR.CORN.HAY FISH,CYPRESS SHINGLES,§c.,§c, the Hlth July.under the care,as formerly,ofTBURKEasPrincipal,assisted by W.B Jones. Taylorsville is a retired.healthy village with fine ercles;inthe sruptions or, rndere in the liver,and internal organs,is termed viands.swellings;and on the surbac: sores ‘This foal corrupaon,which SOMTICAR RCE GTS ce ¢.depresses the enercerof life,60 thats trofulous| don pointef morality tufernor to tu Western North Caroline Phe Sehoolisia a fleansh at as low prices as any other house in Baatern Nocti a M setutions pot only suffer from serofulous eom- uote but they have far les®power to wilhetar, strousofehianuog a good Raghsh education will pay particular attention to che the attocks of other diseases:cons quently,vast namn- ring for one of the bigher colleges will find :bers perish by disorders whieh,ulthoagh not serofu- eve UUa Sere Copriate ein inte ress aEebecial Forwarding and Commission Business.jens cn their natare,are still rendered fatal by thiepainsaredevotedtothosepreparingforcollege.Most of the consumption whichParentsandguardianswilasultttheirowuinterestsWewillalsomakehberalcashadvancesonConsign CarohuaycoudivonandataHaving ourown Veesels.Wharf,Drays. Cane| May T,1360cofpre damitin the svetem decunetes the human tawiy has tts origin direetty in by cousidenng the claims his School ments.JNO F FOARD,this serofulous contammation:and many destractive | TERMS OF TUITION:O.HOOKER d sof the liver,kidveys,brain,and.indeed,o | Piementory Branches #1000 Newbern,N C.,May 29,1s60 But all the organs,arise from or are aggravated by the Baghsh Grammar,Geography,Arithmetic,maine Cause { Algebra,ete 1200 One quarter of all our people are scrofulous;their Loitin.Greek,Geometry.Surveying,15.00.RELIEF IN TEN M{NUTES.personsare iovaced by this lurking iafeetion.and theirContingentfee.100 heatlthos anderoined by it.‘Te cleanse it from theBeirivexavinveCOlelinstnpermanlimeiteBRYAN'S xyelemiwe must renuvale tlie blood bY an)silerative!‘..’ouei trent (Ment weonenwenlec D2 2 .ys tiedicine,and invigerale it by heolily fuod and exer =cei tacit "T.BURKE,I \ire Tie W a fe }*cise Such medicine we supply in .| Sono).Tire OniciyaL Mepicine Ber apcisnkb IN ISAT and frat articleug70a)Au 16)6!A 3 Change of Schedule.Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,| ‘The most effectual remedy which the medical skill of|Office Western N.C.R.R.,RRO NR teat eet our times enn devise (or this every where prevailing Augurt Ist.,1-60.Relieve Coaghs.Colds.Sore Throat,Hoar -svauas aud fatatmalady bias combined from the mort ac- (N AN!AFTER THIS DATE THE PAS-BRYAN'R PULMONIC.WAFERS tive remediate that have been discovered for the ex-SEWING-MACHINEShisfouldisorderfromtheblood,andth SEWL °Serie Dra)i il MWe Ud eR nelibed purgationofthis foul disorder from the blood,and the <Nea ao .ees LS uedoys excebied Retieve Asthma,Browehith,WiMeatt Breathleg.i.cae ut the sistem fiom ie destructive consequen-Prices Reducesto$50,$60,$90,and $100. :i BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERSneatothe ces Hence it shontd be employed forthe cureofmt ‘Tue plain reasva why Sinoga’s Sewine-Macsings of the kind erer introduced under the name of ©PELwoNte Woarees,”in thin or any other country:all other Pulmonte Witferaurecounterfeits The (ienuine cun he known by the nume BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER SALINAERY, and return aceord Mowing ScheduleLEAVE ARRIVE AT Kelleve Spitting of Blood,Pains tw the Chest.aniy xerofuln,but also those other affeetionsurie from have always sdld readily at a higher average priesSalisburyat7.00 Third Creek TAN BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS it,such as Eraptive and Skin Diseases,St.Antho-|thaa any other,is that they are better,moredarable, Third Creek 755 Siateaville x36 Relieve Incipient Consamption,Lang Diseases,y's Fire,Rose,or Erympelns,Punples,Pustules,more reliable,capableofdoingamachgreater variety Statesville 445 Catawba 930 BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Broiches,Blaios and Boils,Tumors,Tetier and Salt of work,and earning more monoy.Long-continuedCatawba945Newani10.10 Relieve Irritation ef the Lvola and Tenstis.Rien,Seald Head Ringworm,Rheamatism,Syph-|popularity isproofof sterling unerit.IntheNewun1015WasteSulphur130BeenULGOTOWAFERS‘ne aud Mercurial Diseases,Dropsy,Dyspepsia.De-|of whut «recalled cheap Sewiug-Machines,thoasaads Whete Sulphur 1035 11.05 am Teard RETURNING. Heecney 10.55 brity.and.indeed,all Complaints arising from Vitia-|have heen deceived and disappointed,bat with Sim- Va Gra an Relieve the above Complaints Ip Tem Miguves (oder Tuipure Blood The popular belet in “impuri-|cer's Maciines there is never any failure or mis= BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFBas {ty of the blood”is founded tn truth,for serofula is a}take.Are a Blessing to all Classes and ( stitetieas,|degeneration of the blood,The particular parpowe RRYAN*®PULMONIC WAFERS and virtue of thes Sarsaparilla ia to parfy and regen- Hickory LEAVE ARRIVE AT Singer’s Tranverse Shuttic-Machime, Teard at 1145 Hickory 12.05 .erate this vital fluid,without which sound health is,0 be sold at $5U plaia,and $60 highly ornamented,Hickory 12.10 Wnt:Sulphur 1230 Are merle ot iinet alg ereSpeakers.inipomible in contaminated consututions.|is a Machine entirely a Ms erreiepeetent Ny White Sulphur 1230 Newtor 1245 BRYAN'S UL As ay |very beauiilul,moves rapidly and very easily,@Newton225CatawhsAreinasimpleformandpleasanttothetasteAyersCatharticPills|for family use and light mannfacturiog perposes,io Ra iso.Statessle BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS ,7 .>»|the very beet and cheapest Machine ever offered to2tur/3 ::\Stoel 230 Third Creek Not only relieve,but effect rapid and lasting Cares,For all the purpowa of Family E hyste,the public These Machines are being increased inFiendCreek315pmSausbary400pmaresocomporedthatdiseasewithintherangeottheir)number as rapidly as possible,aud yet the demeudBRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS a one ra a)evaAvewarrantedtegivesatisfactionleeveryene.“°1100 C1 farely withstand of cvede thepeurtratingpropertiessearchandcleanse Thetr’for thein cannot be fully supplied. eI TeLIRG |Simger’s Ne.1 Standard Shuttle-Machine. The Train connects daily woh the “Trans of the NOC R Rot Sauabory,and wih CoS.Brown's eof Post Coaches for the weet Sea erate every poriion of the huineu organism,correct.|;.. HANES ©el UNE Re NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF tng tir disewsed wction,and restoring iim healthy vie formerly sold «t $135,but now reducedto $90,is too Chef Eng &Supio WON C RR Bryans onic Waters,bonis Awa consequence of these propertig,the well known allover the world to need any descrip- Aug 14 os 2mni3 IN THR Hots ovale whois bowed down with pain or physical de.Gen Every sort of work,cours orfine,canbe done niched to find his heel horenergy restur- fy stonee ao smote aod inviting only do they ence the every-day complaints of No TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Witicy inn q B ‘.Pulm ic Waters,tS E enh Singer’s No.2 Standard Shuttle-"laechine.Chills and Fevers a ee me paeeet .‘This ix the favorite manufacturing Machine every SVR .er Ree VEE every body,but also many formidable und dangerous)where.The size of the Machine gives ample spaceFEVERANDAGUESeOeESesVetere,TOR dismanes The agent bebiw tamed i pleated W fate for oinost every description ofwark,which,LogetherBryanulmonic2nishgratismyAmeriernAlmanac.containing certi-with its admirable working qualities,give ita idedTWENTY-FIVE CbNTS .R ’fiestes of their cures wand directions tor their use ins udvantage.Price,with table complete,$10@Proprietor,Rochester,N.¥te fallowing compli >Cos .|roprie the wing complainte:Costiveness.Heartburn,Singer's No.3 Standard Shuttle-Machime.BILIOUS DISEASES,PREVAILING IN A MALARIOUS CLIMATE,NA ENNIS,and all Drug tlendache,arising tom disordered Stomach,Nagrea,)<Tndirestion.Pato on and Morbid Enaciten ofthe Bow.|For Carriage-muker,and heavy leather work.1 Cured b Eom cht B25uredhyMay29,156 rls Platuleney,Loss of Appetite,Jaundice,and other!Prter,complete,$125 Kindred complaints,ariring troin a low state of the) Sinee the great reduction in the price ofthesebodyorobsiruetowofttefunctions:Stand«rd Machines.on the let of October,1858,the Ayer's Cherry Pectoral aule of them hus increased four fold.i 4 ’' with at. AND ALL JOB MOSES,Sol Sold in Salisbury by HENDERS Speedily and Permanent Wyatt's Tonic &Pills \ lyl Dunng the past year the demand for this great A Cc-—2 All of Singer's Machines make the interlockedremedyhasbeenunprecedented=ca a)FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Fatitch with (wo threads,whieh is the best stiteh Prepared by Wo OH WYATT,Drugyit and coe —GhacheeGonieatitnenseaHtertiers CreineB rin:known Every person desiring to procure full andApothecary,Nos IR6 and IX Minin wt,Salishury *a ————?Rie (ie nucconmnpiane nnd lorthemreveran ceive information about Sewing-Machines,their NC Pree &1 per package,sx for $5.A liberal =~G ctcdinuve Catientatieecvensed atlperrah the tzcen heen:working capacities,and the best meth- discount to merchants *ea a Jods of purchasing.can obtain it by sending foracapy‘16 ae Brace Wun egy .‘mel a Zz =ee p=aoweeeel So wile it the field ofite ase fulness und ev numer.Of LM Singer g Co's Gazette,which is a beasti-..aS L.ote (leis hecurcatihaiulntedeveribses UL rictmculnper GnUrely devoted tu the subject.It SALE.S\UE:~~—her of comntry hounds in persone publiely known,Wl be supplied gratis.coReeeree_-“2 who have been reeored from alirunoag and even dee 1 M.SINGER &€O.,AVING determined to remove,Loffer for ale ~~?7 Pocliacaes OCS lies bite ake,UAWhealaiceonToesdaythe25chofSeptnextatthefate=:at Uses a!x ;;ws 450 Broadway,New York.7 ..oe :.ory eae i —tried its supe rrontv over every omer medeme of 1 ny +Tr rrevideceofSantBarr,fe J.15 mil ve {at a Mal leiialsunnrentsld cies;eiutuereaConnndiwhere T.J.MERO “Y,AGENT,Ss ilis a fis iawiba oe a pay my _=me Vevirtnes are known,the public no longer hesitate SALISBURY,N.C.Se Fee shud eas ee =_=—what aniudote to employ for the distreaung and dan July 24,1860.1 sd (auriltaces Nee ae 1 the Ferining ‘Toole ==ae gerous affecrous of the pulmonsty organs that are eeeeeePreeneeFuisepceiN1SliceCeIneidemtoouceiimate,While many inferior reme-fe a t Paitetcuhe the nitnion 9»ines —dics thrust upon the commoanity have (ailedand been.=z =0 erous to mention,=;i ay mate a z 5Theblantitonleontnininguimalaelncres;s linge —_=dine Uae Ue Be eee {nen ‘by eS wel See ==2 Me .‘ee -s OL —ferred benefits on the afflieted they can never forget,Ma 3 at @vortionofwhiehisbottomandmeadewlandoftheea=ea ::a =;and produced cures loo numerous aud too remarkable 4 =best quility will be wold that day if not disposed of ==5 el :to ce)=povarely before that time =—to be forgotten be o 3}=~—2 SPersmadeknownondayo==~Ce Een)|a 3 &MATILDA BARR ws a=oro -1 |28 5 ss 2Sept4.1560 pdtdsi6 :207 \D ti r)|F l ac i;3 ®ae =eisg $Nationa ag!2 _952;“eye =aNOTICE.saga aaipe so so\Swe have indulged those of our customers,whe W MANUFACTORY WM.M.BARKER |=2 oq are indebted to us,for nearly a year,we hope NE a z 3 IN’thar they willcone forward and settle,as we are Veer INFORM HIS OLD) needmg money Our accounts are made out and .(he friends aud customers that he is ready tor settlement at the end of every six monthe Salisbury,N=CG:Sa again in the |. BURKE &STEWART ::Sept.4,1860 316 HAVE now completed,and have in operation Carriage Business, Machinery,by meane ot woreh bean sated auey Nf 4a y j B af [ i q [8 uo pe d a v i y a ye o u a y u y ‘O O S L ‘7 8 1 Am e “A H d U I W OV BC U . av a k £a o a DA O E Oj sn o t a a i d sy o o g sn o Uo JU N O I D Y A1 9 A q :1 Loand prepared to spoany style of BUGGY os =<AVING PURCHASED,RECENTLY,REAL that Pecan euppty all ofS Corolun wih Neat 4 es :s !i ay ie ;e ;f co |Katitein the South-west,Eowish to eell my aad Good (ta AG H Sale Ve peril Oran a ae 3 tract of Land on Grants Creek,contaming from 500 Cottaze n nd other Bedsteads bi Cn ya #a z Huo N \tract of Landon the Yadkin eyes oe get manufactores and aeqaunted himself wih all the => ioe ree TeV Eeislen Mase ne mtr uae :\tev ements nd made arerngemeots =a aren My Acree ‘The tract on ae Cheapif net Cheaperthanthey con be had:from Ipraveme ut sand made arenng 2 rues eee,i A ai ae an ie ne at New Yorn or any where else Tyee a-eatianad Poby whieh he can sappy chose prefe rig a with North > raul 30 of hich ie y aer The dwelling house willanve setieftetion XV Tibe disconnt to dealers ern work moeh cheaper than could be dove by order-a ng amngle yb.Ue nds to build the finest andInpreferencejoemployingit teeonecot the beat rn county,and the out buildings EERCarea (ewe Po Brown's bay best work ever done in the country and solicits a Raina i atte third eash,and balance in one and ery Ale z Gal SUE Siar stilts Oe ke Dr.J.M.HEND INTaevrarewitneterestDaansaCeeSVINGlocatedinSalisburyoffersbi!Saneerneereeraivee.Mtns ote aly 3h.N60 tro ]A G located in Salisbury offers hie profes- Mr.Thomas Crawford w a Wi SR OPARRESON sional services to the citizens of town and theenaeSEWEeMay8.1x60 Riot a o eS ==e surrounding country.Office one door below the Angust 28,1866 °:Post Office,up stars ORRELL &GRADY,| Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS,CAPS, SALISBURY North Carolina College.[EMISTER &(CLAYWELL,* EXousc Painters,MALE ACADEMY.Tiron tories reeant,Cabarran CoN Co.wall bean cts nett ven GRADNERS,PAPER HAANGEHS,Ac. "ENHE NEXT SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL,sion Sept.26,1x60 Oppacie the Maneton Hate Toesonmibeetirinerdbneattscll ee tonirbernis SALISBURY,N.Cwillcommenceonthe24thSeptember.Boys prepared tor any clasain any College Practical in.teafemsy neces to all parte at the country All wark personally artended to and warrantedto be Straw andMilliner y Goods atroction wall be given,without extra eee sor 'Tis Aieta um d Wy ely a Ages are ot Spee done oy a workinan the manner Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers.Ribbons,Ae,seying and other kindred branches Papila charged by winter Tistitanen :Iinly 17,1860 pdms :from ihe time of entrance antl the close of the nex Entire expenr ’IWomonthe iehidy ;No.18 Coartlandt Street,mT SH.WILEY hoard,washing,fuel,tort wd allincnteatabs.tr ee ra me ae poy ma D D ORRELL,UP STAIRS Salebury,NC,Aug 27th,TREO MIS R107 to B13 ames ivipl Vayemer ie.eCrfurtherinformationwddreeeBYGRADYFurfurtherinforinati’Wilmington,N (s New YorkWIENSREVDHBEEPTLE.Preadent, of COL,JOUN SUEMPOCH poe COFFEE.COFFEE LORD,late Lo CIGARS 'CIGARS!!CIGARS??? DIRECT IMPORTATION Secretary of Boardoewet ATTORNEY AT LAW,(1,188 (1e4n8 7!cr@aRgrt? VW Fis te annownce to the hivers of thie SALISBURY,N Pigs ase State,that we chal have shout the firat of May 17 \ane ie e.direct from September,a eargo of 2,000 bage (V I NX EG A R. ae es Or eee cunt \Gvansctane @HIChEdUennOUnG will he given OG.PARSLEY &COAng2!40s \TILE Practice and make prompt oolleetio:Rowan,Stanly.Pred:land Catawba C.PURE CIDER VINEGAR.for sale by WOU Office in the corners!Cowan's Building oppoateWYATT,IN6 and IRS Maun sirert,he ekes tire . N.¢tm Feb 14,1860 13K which we ehall sell at public auction,MARRIAGE LICENSFSFORSALEATTHISOFFIChSalabury, erProfessional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. eeeea QO.NTNSOBDR.BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro rug DENTAL ROOMSonthecornerformerlyoccupiedbyDxBanos, where he is prepared to attend al!operations connected with his profession Jan.1,1560.tf32 W.L.BARRIER, DENTIST, MT,PLEASANT,N.C. March 13,1860.pdlyv43 Drs.M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, Associated themselves in the practice of MedicineandoffertheirProfessionalservicestothepublic.Thosewhowishit,eam have the services of both,in any case,withoutextrachaCHOtice—the same occupied at presenthy Dr WarneDecember14,1358. DR.F.N.LUCKEY, EING now permanently jocared at his own residerce (recently owued ty J.McNeely,)on the Concord and Mocksville rica24mitesSouthofThyatiraChurch.continues fer,at the same location,his professional serviecs the public Calls,in his absence,should be left with has mina ger.Mr.Shupiug or tis wife,orin their absense,wiltheservants. Miranda,Rowan co.,Nov 10th,1559 1125 7 LAW PARTNRSHIP,AH.&R.A.CALDWELL, OFFICE the one formerly occupied by Dr Nesbit,on Water Street,;SALISBURY,N.C. March 1,1859.thao _BUSINESS CARD N.M.MARTIN,BRO.&CO.,e GROCERS AND COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, No.129,Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG,VA, N.M.MARTIN,SON &CO.i"wi N.M.MARTIN,sr.|RO TANNG R.A MARTIN, W.K.MARTIN, Prodace =Orders for goods prouipi!\filled 1 Rerenesce :—D.A.Davie,C.F Fishe r.Esq Une 14,1459 Iv3 SALISBURY,N.C., @ne deer below BR.&A.Muphy’s Store, KK EEES constantly on hand a large assertive);oWATCHESandJEWELRYofallkindsClocks,Watches and Jewelry of every descrifrepairedinthebestmannerandonthemostreabletermsFebruary14,1260 tion sole MICHAEL BROWN,COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY,N.C. | || ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVENtotheparchaseofa!)kinds of PRODU(EAndtoallconsignmentstobesoldinthiemarketorshippedtootherPorts aFebruary14,160 113K Wy a Por vCollectingAgent. FE andersigned offers his services to the publiceeaCollectingAgentinandaboutSalisbaryHehaldetheappointmentofTaxCollectorfortheTown,und therefore feels suthorized ty refer personstoourSuperintendentandCommissisfications,&c April 16,1860.-(1146) as to qualiJOUNBEARD .Collecting Arent CO —( pBAND | >ze WYATT’S ©TONIC CORDIAL. One of the most pleasant and efficient Remedieserergatupfor Dysentery,Diarehea.Flux,in CHOLIC,and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, both of ehildren and adulis. PRICE—25 CENTS N Prepared by WH WYATT.Arorivcan Nos.186 and Is,Main Street SALISBURY,NG THE NORTH CAROLINA June 5.tf2) HOSTETTER’SSTOMACHBITTERS. The proprietors and 1.anufacturers of HOS-TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH LIT-TERS can appeal wiih perfect confidence tophysiciansaadtauitetsgenerallyoftheUnitedStates,becnuge the article has attained @repu-tation heretofore unknown.A few facts uponthispoimtwillspeakworepowerfullythanVolumesofbareassertionorblazoningpufferyThecousumptionofHo-tetter’s Stomach Bit-ters for the last year uucuuted to over a halfmillionbottles,and tro:its manifest steadyincreaseintimespasi,1 is evident that duringthecomingyeartheconsumptionwillreachnearonemillionbottles.I/his immense amvuntcouldneverhavebeen-cld but for the raremedicinalpropertiescontainedintheprepara-Gon,and the sanction of the most prominentphysiciansinthosesetonsofthecountrywherethearticleisbestinuwn,who not onlyrecommendtheBitterstotheirpatients,butarereadyatalltimestyivetestimonialstuitsefficacyinallcasesofstumuchicderangementsandthediseasesresultingtheretrom. This is nota temporary p pularity,obtainedbyextraordinaryeffortsinthewayoftrumpetingthequalitiesoftheBitters,but a solidestimationofaninvaluablemedicine,which is destined to be as endurit.g us time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Litters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and agueandvariousotherbilicuscomplaintshavecountedtheirvictimsbyhundreds.To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases,is to the proprietors a source of un-alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matterfromthestomach,purifies the blood,and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health Lt operates upon the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully,and soon restores them to acondition essentia!to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature.Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle,and they will findinitastimulantpeculiarlyadaptedtocomfort declining years,as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating tothe bowels,excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenaing geverally.We have the evi-dewce of thcusands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangemenis and general debility;acting under the advice of physicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Merits of this article.A few words to the gentler sex.There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,that the mother,especially if she be young,is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxietyforherinfant.Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season,the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated.Here, then,is @ necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the system,and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians,because it is agreeable tu the taste ag well as certain to give @ permanent increuseorbodilystrengthAllthosepersons,to whom we have particu- larly referred above,to wit:sufferers from fever and ugue,caused by malaria,diarrhoea, dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,persons of sedentary occupation,and nursing mothers,will consulttheirownphysicalwelfarebygivingtoHos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION.—We caution the public againat using any of the many imitations or counter- feits,but ask for Hosterter’s Ceienkatep Stomacu Bitters,and see that each bottle has the words ©Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle,and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,and observe that our aulugraph signature is on the label 4s Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa.,and sold by all druggists,grocers,and dealers generally throughout the United States,South Ame-rica,and Germany. SCOVIL &MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Oxveans,La., FSOL Y Henderson &Enui-s,and WOHatt,cere 8 by J.Reed.Concord;and byter©¢»Greenbbore’,NOCAiry Il CLOTHING! #CLOTHING 1% ME AND BUY BARGAINS 1 ee te a een ut end the | fer the feet,to Hots for reanon's seat (fits Pani 1ud Shirts,¢nd Cravate gc Do wath up to HOLELINS Clathing More and take a good look wl his collection of every compirvion of READY-MADES. world to de hut te shine 4 ny Iost Hah ia =e ‘rho wy t fot Sas 1 out ' Fellow-Citizens of Rowan ‘sWhiteSulphurSprings,00 0.oe‘=drawl toons eelionke es imeStextendthebenefitstVNenerLeU LNy:.W ey ope nae be Satie hy the erived from hun te as mes tit Chere re nothstolunenextheyarestiuatedingitallthewardroberequrefrataetwinnnimamusthealthymountainouscountry,aay i DATO annie “‘te tehmeerthebeautifulCatnwhaRiver,with partieular (wien vc ty the lim)Neaiont im less than an hour's ride of the present terinnux of the Western NOC.Rail Road with which daily lines of Omnibuses and Stage Coaches connect the Springer Pleasure Vebicies aud superior Saddle Horses will beatthecallofguests.Bolling Atleys and a Billard Baloon will be nently fitted up.A fine Band of Musicians engaged for the season —Quadr Cotihow Parties rach evenmg free of extraTheBuildingsarenewandspacious,grounds extensive, help tion, and ta fine every th "<1for,an at the best watering places,will he found her |=to refresh the tuner manond cheer the sprit.‘I extended reputation and Watere (alinost inaccessible before the «mpl of the Western N.C.Rail Road)vow hail the weekandafflictedwithacordialwel-|The experience of the Proprietor just fier the week.|, 1 || he medica!propersiesit the ¢ er of health or pleasare in antierating owed coming.Th Nat grestexp os || in fitting up #watering place commensurate with tiv wants of the Carolinians and contidently rely ou ther genefusity forencouragement mePropretorhaebee HL.ROBARDSApril10,1460 146 LAND FOR SALE. :Te E valuable PLANTATION formerly owned bySamuelBarrlyingonthewatersofBack(reck Rein:%Rp x BR é no Moveh 13,1260 fia15milesWeatofSalisbury,on the Sherteil'a For’)2 ARB 3 iHAY -road,containing #bout 320 ACRES,abour 7.Aeres of good (two good Meadows)Bottom land ne ix in |PMRowancounty;the land is well adapted to the IgrowthofTobaccoThe Persone wishing to purchase will plenar eallon Dr O tay P.Houston who residesin the neighborhood,and will.1 boildinge are al!firat-rite |heen take great pleasure in Showing the land,and act as]tine Pasires touagentinmyabsence, July 24,1860 J A.BARR .ee |$100 REWARD.su I ANAWAY from the subseriber,on Thursday night lest,two negro bove,hy the name ofRICHandFREEMAN.Rich is about twentyyearsold,apare-mede,very black,line rather a dew!look when spoken to,weighs about 150 ponndsFreemani#abowt 14 yeare of age,ratherftcolor,chunky built,and weig!®abouteaboverewardwillbegiventoanyWilldelivermaidbovetom je@thatIcangetthem,or B50 for esther one af themThesubseriberhasgoodreasonstothinkthattheyaretryingtomaketheirwaytionFreeStnte THOMAS DIGGS, Anson Co,N.C iC)!m the cop Offic Aug.15,18603114 Blanks of all kinds for wale at thia offi | sroshort Apn!17th Perma ot Cantion as ner my |iculare Adder sa The next Annnal Meeting of the St}the Weerery Nonatn Carotina Raut held in Statesville Come then and exit Vourrelves You shall rece ;et andHixpolttestatten:and fare sceording Lo his uousiual yood tering aL HORE LIN, 140 teh SO). OLEN from the stable of 1 subserber.aboutQoaitesbelowGolaHthyhitotthee‘toa back horse bow 1S or 16h ihe exer pt asp,ou the |fhead.sinall eara.age mane.ud a po bitten oF of one of his eare—be pat e pacesand train very well,sud wellt Ta rye the above reward fora “‘ad WK recove renmestances attending the robbery.E hoot th Vorse was tak {arf moSenti.whew een thie yvwt7 ides se tn “a iW Nie SA Bot Seliiols tit 1 !' SALISBURY PE Sth Session of ths Schoo welopenr the EtyfSeptoraberPheanmberfy 'mothe ne There is re HanenberoeyoungDstrbehaSen Wire wets vheve the ads "' om aan tefore bar tieher A LD.WILKINSON ve te 1°60 Tes Apple Brandy. Vy for Prewe e Brante.faron Wail WN VATE 136 an Marner.Soiisbur bokdy,MHI tm e of the Western N.©.Rail Road. Srerraviene,July 160 ckholders of Koan will beonThuradaythe30:h AugustRFSIWONTON,See.&TreasAng14wa \ SELLING NEW YORK cost!MANSION A RARE CHANCE FORBARCAINS! |AVING determined to change my presen!busi- MP\HE subscribe friends,and taken this loug bess with the and bas made ey {wills LADIES DRESS GOOD: hjeet of gorg iuto a more geuerferallny the public,in the .Particular atte :Wi Y 2 Ge ud all trade with the leaLacesaodEmbrowderiesatNEWYORKCOST70"£Bie hand a 1 ’YA dPOTSLadiesinwantofsuchArticleswall.a (LIC LT RAI IMPI EMENTS auAuVTJEMENESUT Recto ai camucry &Walit greatly to ther advantage tocoltand Mxamne gadevery comfort is provided in his \R %ca VOTERS CLUE !TaemysmeckaeDamndeterminedtoclorethemout“7 taude heretofore full assortment of procunog goods gtalenettallGennleonManeotROOMS.Plows Cililoator Mi te weileiyneonntnestn‘.CON )Hi STABLES are abuadantly supplied and ase Corn-Shelers,Straw and Peed Cutters :i “4 rices :vi 4 iheo Run near aanGreatlyReducedPrices.tended by wcurefal ostler:and to all departments;Hore -Powers,Seed Sowers,,er .i eegtne a neA.MYERS,the propretor gives his al attention Vhieshers,Cider and Sugar Mi ‘.JOENNorCimaatheHurcatwasVcomfortOMNIBUSrunsregularlytothe‘Phresheraud Separators,‘They also aauutacture oun eouanen \1!t ,:i depeton the arrivalofthe cars:a ye nee eaaedat wna ’.STI ULEY SENSIS)tel WVU Chemmelirtacunleaciem liters lulereetn it shafting and Machinery ee |puble patronageWilhelm&Gorman. OUR MOTTO: Qnick Sales and Short Profits, | January 25th, Tn Boydew'a Granite UE pubhe are civited to call and evaunne ourTspleuildatockofPursiture—the beat and fines veri this part of the State uw Opposite the Ruan Huse Tecoumitsof Bureaus, Pete-a Petes,China Pr every hind,Parlor Cha nt and Winsor Claire,Chile de,Wastestends,We jit all of whoch we wall sell a ttre-tables,Solas obes,Bedstea Ke keog Chace,Ca +Chairs,Hhatesta every Chiog in our ti 4, pas can be bonshtin the State [sas New HutsVise.a rood assortnient of Wood Coffins kept ouband,aust urainbed ou ax ceasonable terme a»caubehad casions We have wtine new Hearse for faneral oc Call at the Furniture Store of NSALISBURY. date the business,travelli and the very lbera HOTELS.|North Carolina Foundry | AND ath T takes pleasurcin auunoneing to his the public generally,that he has established and well known Hotel FRERCKS &RAEDER,TY possible preparavon to accommo g and Visiting portions o Most salistoctory manner ntion is paid to his SUCCEBBORS TO mak N.BOYDEN &SON, VW IL,continue to manufacture and keep ou fron for Grist’Milix,Corenharand Ve th Saw Wills.GoldCopperandSiverMines,Tobacco Presses aud)Buy tures,Me ve, HAT NS AGN TD. is COoufidently solicitedWAL.ROWZER (1-35 leou PLES SOUS 1 NGS, tronage received Itcontinues CIRC Drugs & ome and abroad. Dengyiate Fancy Goods,Perfumery,Syrcea,Pasuts,se, ing a verety from whale stock at the lowest runge of prices,ask your pales a consequent Knowledge of the real wanis of elvef Manatactarers and Dealers io this and for $10 REWARD.i. tider the penalty of the law,if they do the law)will .Medicines: selected with much discrimination at the lowest rates,dole tor the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed tocure.Tu addition to their complete i : amortinent of Medicines,regular and proprietary,Who suffer from)Strumous complaints,and that onetheyhavewlineof by business houses in this State, ULAR.Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound ren dy,in which we have labored to made.Tt is a conceutrated extract of Pury Burva-so combined with other substances of sillgreaterallerativepowerastoeffordaneffectivean- r el TPUE undersigned respectfully call the attention —/1 HOTEL N A (il I N K Wo R K \'I of Drugyisis and Merchants to their renewed Pivduce the wost cif clus)wllermetive that can be '| stock of very FRESH AND PURK parilla, Tuas believed that such w rewedy is wanted by thore which will accomplieh their cure must prove of im.mense service to this large Class of our afflicted fel-low-citizens.tow completely this compoundwill dotharbeeuprovenbyexpernmentonmanyoftheworstCasestobefoundinthefollowingcomplaints:SCKOPULA AND SCKOFULOUM ComPLanrts,EaurtionsAspExcrriveDistors,ULCERS,Pimries,Brorenes,Tomons,Sacre Riera,Scanp Mean,Syruiuis anySyrtiiiricArreetions,Mercurian Disease,Drops,Nevwatoi on Tic Dovrocarox,Denturry,Dysrer-BIA AND EXDicesrion,Muyaireias,Ruse om Sr,An-THoyt ®Bink,aud indeed the whole class of com.phunt.ar:from Imeiniiy or tie BLoop. Gen Se.which buyers can select a mage with couhdeney,that SO yeers,wa very extended amide from their facilites for tn direct correspondence with Tbe able to supply your teeds Phin compound will be toand a greul promoter of bosiness,with yr:sAUHe health.when taken in the spring,to expel the foulHOV.prices and terms Naaers wich fester in the blood at that Beason ofCBARKER&CO the sear By the tumly expulsion ofwove«timely eon of then °Noo lat North 3d St ';‘itionmintydinordersarenippedinthebud can,by the cad of this reaedy,Multitudessparethemselvesfromrarerupliouxandulceroussurea,through Wiael the ystems will strive te rid iteelf ofhotassixtedtodothwthroughtheIsofihebodybyanalerativemedicine the cndurcnee of fe .PANAWAY trom the subsenber,news Phomay.Cleanse oat the vittated blood whenever you find itry)y y ah 7 ™"FORGINGS aud FINISHED WORK ot every Dole cee adage Tien.«Gonna bos ia CPO Barts neh tie ceca punples,erap-1 f a )deseription wade te order,aud warranted ii every ie Gate MANUS WS TRIENSIBAY ra)bea Utliser rote?chatee it when vou had iti»obstruct.|respect.Repairs of every desery f Macthuueny BU vagrant ie (eee Gor Oo aiclivg he va ands Wom the vetom:cleanme it whenever itLl-hk @ done at stort or theme Dor EHO p dy,of a red comple won,skin f feut.and your teclings will tell you when.EvenSalisbury,NC,Jau 2,be60 WSs te rineachutiseaty ohlneke lincoln uiler ae Chi aantian Mere te fad wr cumrder in felt,peuple enjoy bet-Setar [scorns Gbaninehnt Demo i rather spare made,walks quick and upaght and thendth aed ive donger for eleausing the blood\she ville ,ULLe ts some When a excited He huden when Rep the bleed leithy,and ull ve wells bet witherat,Charktte »Wester Hey Ashes e CAUre ee his pabulons of bite disorderedMiantrweeklyColimubiasObserver,Fayetteville;be lotta black frock ties enat wich black buttous BAUS MLAS vordered,there can be no twet-sud d Baypiess ll pablsh Sineathe and torwacd brars edges,with seme renbein the mugitoskirt Hie We Health Secnerorlitersomethingaust go wroug,IVI organton,IN.Ci omen oh !he earred off wiih hima Suvee Wateh witha steed UM!the great inachiiers of ie vw disurdered or over-!chat.he alse had «heavy flat galvanized fob eb Rosia ,:A has gained the reputation with bead kevs at the end Said boy will pars for a Sarsapird stirs.an leserves inuch,the reputation,of bemyg wa FIRST CLASS HOUSE,and second \Yer ’Rolain All persons are forbidden te eiploy,at thing these cuds.But the wor'd hasHWouemyieSitesAsaeeofBTrelertoNy.Man t Y.Narbor feed or mid suid boy i any wav whatever ©PANSY twed by Pre poradons ofit,partlythety‘orable Notices ty thre tessotthe State, enose the druay he has not all the virtue that is ;’,.—o preitivelyebe enfireed aimeticy alllmigh:perennra chene’brit,but nore beeause many preparations,WILHELM &GORMAN,open \uerer having been closed.)und ste gueste tay LIN .,;Lhesntravechewn will be givea to any peren Prete to be concentrated extracts of at,contunAUTIAceELnas1AGNeenraieoeeeataelesBeEEaE\\ae “.eal al a cer a 1 oe -wihamedl cullan ean)Gem nae Jul,aud notity me bal the virtue of Sarsaparila,or any thingWvearrangementsmadefobekeptsuppliedrenprsUeESOLonUeSUFeemUnLClieeTaeCNMITASMOENDateieneninelarlywithFeeshFishtromNorfolkaudNewbetcontawgACRESMostoftheseal1x‘q y .During ite venrs the puble have been mised.byRANAWAY--$75 Reward ones tla fiish Soper stig TE SATS nec se a hee ieVeCLASSHOTELSvtoanyinNevrlyenetealtotyeisY:‘'pare latet wee galley Mow af :5 R AN AWAY fron the subsectors at Lex.UEAS ae ;;een ponte ee ee oe ce nseAcegtensaNegromannamedALEXorCN.Brown &Coos Stage Office.oan,:Newitt Cline chien DALY Cee Tos ATL,0 =Hila Aa eutctecionieeCUPSSIIIR.“Saul ancniesn@ any ean :Ce SG LUMNIAUNDMa UD Once :.es li “SMI.vp fe \ws curative prop.;rfeet Yor 10 eles hieh,and will 8 at this Bouse Ther FOUR HORSE COACH a whoteve vey tat and painful disap-Terareen (es Tithe eee oi WSram td WON ©kal Se UST Se lelektsts belliareeice WEST Haeut tianf Iie tise of the various eatraecaWeightrom155teLBSIbsatverylikelyfellow,bo un the ‘tel Rac :onan plea e E Ihe use ofthe various tshasratheradown-cast look—aged 22 years ‘The Mowdavs,Wee cud t a to Ast 'bora \,SONNE Re EIT seo pareila Ww d the market,woul theubsenibersCiikatprobablethatAlorielurkingSuleTaesdym,Thondivsand San =EVA m4 lal Lf RB wea Pen ie eee 'Rea Deco imeeynuny:shout either in the aewhbortiood of Salisbury,Mrs,COLCHES and HACKS ready atany hour and!i 'ee ERT oF WON C iui M “cheat Soll we call thisiy:ee i :nee and the out-latdiag in r wer ation ul Road,to SEAN Vera i F neta OMT CITinene -real Ge aeraalce a eat wel arrang conitartsble tone 21 muiew,Oued More Cucches fir Asheville poyicls as shail crecucite men ett Oe auieaWigivetheaboverewardforhisapprehensionaedCOELOYNo1,y within Hv!Inne Marwunton imeitus eave.‘Vieuincn ean fu a won :from the head 0deiverytethenatbexingran,N Co Aine.they w Paoriaeron pane dati tovery he I ee Wed licen UittercemGriciasmreh *es ae pemeaers|pay storeward for proof sutficieut Co coustetany oie Vane t4 urs Uren Ganesan j etea(s malt mete Die ,Beer eerie ra :.ihenieafofharborsudboyooHtaviltessSindarin:et rr Vue neh ,oO ae eerieSOW.MeCRARY&CO ;Tete Cae ear eer ext JNOOV BIRADSEDVW Voie Nisten stone Garena Cave tree Pcoedelet thetti ;.(Gen lseed uly ,f 5 ;1 ilreusyesteai r ould by judiewus}|wing?Viewer Pactra Ctra I)et :doo tall view of elobeated Birch M \mon the bettiespyul.ME €Oeen WAL EON TOs}M¥ )\\’Greensdorough Mutual COWAN’S a SN eC DR.J.C WER &€0MIeelooVScecy4trac.DR.J.C.;ie G4 7 )|Wl t Ver i]“a a.INSURANCE COMPANY. TEOUNT VCPHOn HOUSe.Peron Huckiny Patra te Mong ents §bil.ttefPaysallLossesPrompily! 4 aetuittedt Vegetable Lithontriptic, Horrivs vor ®5 NS a Tee SUPERIOR Se .DAE CRONE:AT THE DEPOT.FRIEND OF THE UE MAN FAMILY A rer's Cherr PectoraleeSALISBURY,Ve TEES PN COLOCNE WATER,“*°eee nee.HS ee DISEASED KIDNEYS,!Distilled Puneet fo uieern Vitel a Diiour wi Late €oinplnait,phat uapen-a oe ce :WoL WY ATE,|Mo Wieselcafhedvefur“'rent WREGEISE AND APOTHECARY ..fe teen ownersPoakiintesaafuPheI\--V S)'ie Petite aeoFhaene.i :.Pa c Vieni .ony \NOU WGN.E 'i =I '!ei ‘awe 1 ‘;\l y OS 5 ..i)a iN Vs \V,Nae lrentient Pah anncu rr \'!Ba Ayei S Cathartic Pills,sth N10Ke cniNlote \‘bn mrnuetan (nen i :\t 0 0eeeeeeaNtea=Naas |Tecan eh t «.ass ,keooWECUMMINGGaystalVetydidterthe‘S ess Ni ‘mos F Despre Fiivgrctian,DyseeeeoatNTSHARDWAREneii,IS GN rt oy :—‘ce Soliseritjeen eee pet ere VL Osan Peoline Letion Oi Soll RkewwtAfeommunteatDiisinessenuneetedwithely}i]andor fe Mow A VY dies Wor G \Prone Put,and forSeenheelonaaidtaeeeetp“Important to Mill Owners!!©.IWestsPEEBRADAMS.Secretar T H E U N I O N ’”P :s .eh ll;orp ts SesttiveCGpeelbaninialeNeCaerdaneTieleeDudtrohStreethoreThird.Cl YQ Tiis O17 Ntor k ol ad rdw are is ie a .eeLANDFORSALE,PHILADELPHIA.rate Mencia ean a oe sia fos,Vow Botespun f100CRRAEGANOiticuerivawncdehyetaiberttclicayUPTONSS.NEWCOMER.Sno.e i.Me.Manne Wes,':In tT beeivueonth“of Bown.14a imles West of WINE UNDERSIGNED having 'terest of lay ae 1 ~\W so]KR t “Wy ”:Salsbury,ou the Sherreil’a Ford Road,and now be form :baw bys Atte WEB,walt CUT EN EE)a !bunps wove way Gren erat Oh rove Phvsieacs SiateesyingtotheestateofDr8S.DD Rankin,dee‘d.,Pe AS eee tart aes JONES &OVER :fi a aliiid Tierravdii)“Acres,ander a high state ws ae scowl aroun SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE,-.re iSay ui in liye teeceiihsa (cities caseativebout60Neresottirst-rate Wood Lind ie ie aca Se 7 .ae t .\NN Teh WO 1 tUPienver es crleet netanver |7 'i an I a ret me Naerlionpureea(Cleapeteuliniie mieee kat.~eS mit alk gare al oe |Si CN NOs,Vere ee Mower i tir haMARYERANKEN:Thee .THE \;|oa ;ee .oe with as wer H yhe abevsBiveentesxSODRank.‘ot ie Me Saye teh !.,f ‘ee he tenn ne Witting Gr aul the itealusent oh dobe tollawed for ther[imeeniemcerenrd 'Hr Wikia av ihe Trews 3 ’|';cot ae tH Sele athe Pata(e ari ec tne 'Uthem within the ,:“ee mie Verne k he ¥ihe pel et the beutAseriliedUNhew,or tiis Tome bserileaaey .5 ea ISTE a =a soma haveWie:NTN Care ae VENT NC Nee Terai “an rere \WILHELM wy GORMAN\Nt Ve an LAND-=LAND.JOHN F. JONES,Proprictor .nus DRC.AYER &CO.,Lan MssOWELalWHEELER&WELSON'S 08 et cet \HOW Sa ur MAiwoviluiblePlantationstorSale,eeeOLSa DR.MOUTARDE'S New ino W ee |INOS[reaver ng :SEW.€Newing Machines,ioX0Esuheerthprwishingtochomeetisbusness.is .oe }‘i:mal Mie e Ja ]stinr |Pon ae ‘e ap OTe LengterwooPoehievals:!|Miraculous Pain killer.pi ca he nan Ngee Petes Sater ao Ls say'k he wen eo WHIELER S WELSONS SEWING WM .ne ai eeelHUEteoan,leniency ..‘ey 1 x SHES f tot ‘firey 7 witl ern :at‘ny wry Stable VIENL(|:;fer oa os‘oS !Brown Livery ‘al »eG TOOTHACHE 4 ;Feri ntuaatt |iM ‘‘ten .‘',:2 CORNS Bil TONS s eorme nt :SANS Co]\Oba eas creel MIai at lt Skeptupis hrewtore Wie erati CHT P :\A MYERS 5 veoetacitn"say Pakage tine evar -"LIVER INVIGUKATOR,:We daw,\,di _sy :.'‘A iy ™‘,Zea)ee tai LL oa ':’NEVER DEBILITATES.[he artis Bendre gee te Vie aaa Cae eee ene ee nese VIEAIAP AND STOCK FOR SALE princomponnded outer1rs1Third¢rs 'oo Be EEA y //oe B hashes sine tsb Emel msn.ae mo ;awy \\Ue tine,well sup vd \[(PION.:¥PeeeeeeCursivefractl|oid ee (eerie entre mets "“9 Buiata tet erceroe(a ieee on the W \y Bac een i a .a i we |\I Wed ey Nae '=IB SSIES Et RP iCiieniten nentier ibeMVSsi;a :\edtt such quaniuesBetoPat'\\\ae Yi gPicnintVeena)c\aeNaL nea oI mass i N i 1 \[orexn 1 ‘ene q iemententie you In theo[haw Mile I \SL uw mil (wef VIGOMATOR,anditir:=conuied|J ver Hea reae .in At-coon gay VIPRTAS Conantya |IRVING oa ee ee eei»'z:qyVe (Weise Sammer Con Dyeente-W Pir ||s ..neta ;ch has y,Dropay,8EAPSOUPHELANBATANDGAPNe.Cs :s I.(i rit |:;Geuieencse:kL ome ‘erat a "neValstholyfo).Dorie ade wit velsa—_.:a ut ermuned as re~aaBee TT hun Drayin Tiles ennnterS |JOIIN DOOLEY,pews d bit Draying Est sb MURR &SOSSAMON,Nive od wht ry Family eine.Lowtilenre SICKNoshMasteer,Ricwworn,V4 'tio hie NEW STABLE on the us ]AV ING ieinisedast |10)Meow ten HEA DACHLR,(as Bg thonsands can teatity,)teManufacturerandDealeritearettherteneroftbteteniangoWN‘heir ’f TURNIP SEED twenty minutes,If two or three Tea-|FUR,STRAW,LEGIIORN,PAN AMA,SOFT AN TMOGHMK USS a .!a Ee GME HUES SUE AD (ARIS,TAIT 'spoon tats are tak-/Pi jen et commencement of|Dies tts “O Reeth Feats nu UE NREE SS TROMTESS i,JES EEY YSECEY,FRESHaod WAIN NI Ati whouseItare pd giving their testimonyHAVEVoySpringstoretetLENSStPenhgalile‘A AS ae .RTE IMOUTICLW ETSiIAHSSONeeeSeANYCeCpillsz.hot NV ier Ut PAREN SCS GH set Cet See hee --M “1 shury Se nae Gt AND SWALLOWwhiehIidrotheattent'sdishes 'Ta A for ean ewes bul,24 ie BOTH TOGETHER,Vetere tin HW Virgina,North Ca fad Ten Sia s \hod Price One Dollar per Bottle,sr sty CeriseWat)to Te te HILLSBORO’"UMiiatorangiee ee NOTICE TO ALI Lnveryvthrugthesmaywantearns2§het SSS tS Neel ones (payer .:eae SANFORD’Ssawtheycanbepronymark)..ear PIS SRL !POUNVE deteriiied to sete cry outstane bo FAMILYyouryateayeWERE&SOS AMON .ee:tcpese boven plvced all inSteackAbeKeptousttyFallthMILTPARYACADEMY.cio tuum a pe von onc ot GATHARTIC PILLS,1 EV Nees hy Wewe or le os Ins bor is rithe cor 1 ot Girne {OREN TET,10 my nt;WP theme that ee COMPOUNDED FROMveconymrcnutoeturiig:fiaestities.tia YS “ia mt M "Wn mothe 2orh of thaw month,will cer Pure Vegetable Fixtr a put.ap inInseeebeofmyownmannfaerareVMNeadeayautwesCOT)f WANTED Vie emai MOSES 1 HPS Sie ames pBoekMHatsstietrenksaneiontHteeweOferbor|.alte iN vt VEE tebe|AT,©thartic PITT,ageneofbron,to ans i '“20,000 feet Syeamore Lumber,1 en a7 ne siete wielor has1MinentotBMisraand\:'py ae .;Tes ea dly neerenity |DMM etearis GteTire cinteslie wex'ts 'dutt PEG)i 17 1 7 he PILE and the satisfaction whieh,oA esr A feel ‘ee ..|‘\|\;NOTICE THIS :Leeturieln OM vee beeloaeced err nteoeReductioninPrice,vd 14 ‘;.that torent Cathars atf,TESTE TUR BUS TECTEAT S *Setar naiayEoMMiacety:ay a SP ROSINE it S150 May ad,pein ss a i Gllenane iheic tp tle beak SoG Tene“at Ts Ka "1 wda vet Sen|re ‘'\tsON &ENNISS !BtTonaciet?Cape niade tons Tyne TOOT ITES EUS St oe LC 'be ae eeJOUNDOOLEYresful'mone We A \Gles.nto Poon liek ny *a,r TROT bb ’ilPILEOINTMENT.fi ien:rust i WE neceneels ~ry 1JIHWELRY,1)"CAV AUN (UGIES Colehrated Pile Omime HOP UP ssh St \DMEININE RATION,Piles ws '\Hie 199WATCHESANDCLOCKS, tae q Want ELEN EES ON:WE NON SS? wil ha otters of vd Pani coeSeyondallCompetition!!eee Tee ay :oe :;|am lem a ea pele etnBeypetiticNORTIEERNtnthehavingelainemaenity eeSFRTheandspoe60WhiteHandsIME.\(Cilisoiten pment melnestscn r tye Ca-ee 1160 ay ompbrment ann hes EMT FOR SALE,soy eit tic sime mrad foie me aeohnetyafieelpsenlnine:ne ‘uber aod Proprietor,Kd faced GOLD &SILVERGS nonin,Cha and Rutherford Rial Road \ne aN (fe se :Guerre Rai nee 395 Broaawen its :VATUMES JEWELRY inthe I Siviews iy MUOT Near thie plac Apply te :ee ee wa co Heynrent ee ohn ;:aanemiafieeeeeatesataatereSAWLMeENINGHParillaw.ee oe FOUN VWOMOR AE dl HE NDERSON &ENNISS,DevconVireMay~.1x60.05)Charlarte,No ¢x ‘t /,';4 we hati mus ave «ehury ‘a.'W re alwnye 1 {*..alt Et a PATINEXA TN {ved Dry Hed ‘vr DIR NY OSG JAS.A.SADLER,oiereWotWinerrsoI\I EN I J ARS.i SIMON TON .cee ceFou ch ROMO MWEAL &§os fiIabywillbewoldDefy(fifven QEPERTOR Viet rie Gare ahh qe {mire 'hat eee WritWWNCrlamseejonaterach.SERVINGFRUTTSand VEGEDPARILES,for TE NIMEENN VNC COs)\{the pepease ‘AM honda of Repairing prompeol rrefully and wate hy WoW WYATT (LE Tepe)COME TE NCL Fife}.Tee ana IN Aer Nainiewal SHERMAN BROTHERS,ermal itenaes TI i RUPP aoa,TSE net SE)ni DIRECT.DMPORE Orton cee ed Cee Rate Ty farontyen (ap Inearae arThinnbesPREG4neneet¢March 20th,1860 rear ]"Bisslioal Si hmaher _1 MW ee Hardware,Cutlery,Guns,Janie 26,1X60 mb)(copra SS 0 Buggies and Rockaways.‘‘ee Tine o ee:teu A cargo of rage Coffee,direct fron ..7 ;.vas [UE nerber oe stat of handacnie nee Rug Rie dancin,which wA hall sell xt public mae 50.000 Brick For Sale VND HE AWY GOODS,ik ;¢,t aac :.Ook Plat ii VMicint sireetsof|gins and Rocknwaca,which he will aell att AVeAlierarrivntiativesasl.of winihidiue citi:MHOSE wantingtobuy Bitte or Siety Phe iy Park t nad UEBLANKDEEDSre|teri ,.‘“Thos BORBROWN,will he given OFC PATS RY ‘co I rood Brick,can gata hurgait eine m 'NeW YORK.FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Sin 9,100 irs hog 31 eee ee oe the rea liv tro pre for the the gre gel tne an en! wh rey No ‘Tac itio the iu, wh Be! res the ant Te ins the me as to be exe the wh diva ay att Oty qui a‘pe wii ift tru tut tra hol(yan ‘ili do f the inte: TIONS HES, AND OPsY,srer- An- coms er of foul of vany udes rom res, fof the rine dit rape uel. rat venbet- vod vith He Dg, yer- on, hastly. isns, anng by act ave ain ied ys ca, rer tr nr er nd J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. re gle copy,wy Ten copies,FlS.00 Clubs excecding ten,in the same propyrtelt $1.50 each.Payiment always iu advance.NLS Cars tn Ve coples, Tas following Court and miscellancous are kept on hand tor sale at this off sont by mailto any part ol the country,at stual expenseCivilWarrants, Oasas &Bonds,Writs.GC.&8.Court,Ex cutions,C.&Mo Subpenas,Witness Tickets,0.2 8.0. Juror Tickets Com.totake Depo C &5.C.Apprentice IndenturesLettersCestumentary,Lettersof Admivistration, BpecialLetters do.,Marriage Licenses, Do Certifie Prosecution Bonds,C.48.C.Various Kyuity I Ball Bonds,civil cus s Do tudictm Bai!Bonds,crim.*Land DeedsAttachmentWrits,Deeds in Tr Welivery Boods,Sheriff Decos. Administration,do Equity doBastarday,iS Notes of Hand,Appeal,co Notesto BankPaAndmanyotherfocmaofleas(requentuse,teurder On short wutice Hlankeprin From the National lutelligencer SPEECH OF MR SEWARD Ae belonging to the political history «f the time,today spread before readers the able and cliborate livered by Mr.Senator Srwatroit,Michigan,on the dtl inst,in the presence of a vast tore inblage. Tating for the basis of lis argument a review of the successive steps which,beginning in the yewr bsZ0,base,th bis judgment, gradually breaght about a wide diver genee trom the maxins of our early states tnen in adjusting the relations of slavery ander the Constiuation,te enforce the which he counsels a regards as the “origin tl poltley oft eurwe proceeds to considerations im ovirtne af “return to what he tion.”These considerations catundiy a tach fo that aspect of the ques tion”which ia supposed to by tivoleed in the pending Presidential election,accord ing to the inswes joined by the two parties slavery which clatiu tiore tumiediatery to cepee gent the ttercsts wid printer tem et ther Ferpective sec the one proposes to secure the recent and proteetion of slave pre Territories of the Unie Invokes the tuterdiet of Congress the Federal Gaowerumerct taal its dejart edfeuson crtim,QO)Ciese Two patties prereN tta ada thee 1,Wheatle the other ado ments against Cae as being a sociacnvetern Wooeli at fine to the views of Mis fuust be only a purely non Vt exceptional tistitun couthied \ the ~lave Staten where it alresdy exe while freedom ts the genetar t Guritiye,abd age tt ett |mn 5 iy Cy wilisdte Che jut sacl te ad a der atithetityofCie Comet Catit ot tine Eo tite States” Tt will thus te question” Cte CAP RAG:UTS tes) Tete EAL &@ qresten in reward tee Choe fate weed as Creal satiny panev and settlernent of the re ‘ which wall tultd there tenia if they can only be hep tree tre trosionm and re tera eas Geettet tute wh .TS eee ees transpisuted (ite our telds oascecr tot ta be dissenmitated boundaries Ww the bist ard an Che pausing te lraw te HE titer yc sthe real beta assured Gy Mio Sew feu at tod a cae ‘ye taybeperunitted to wey tia wry ceug the ae Fepresettats s bin arygtienta, pouticwl,ar econanbear atm fbetial = Byallist THE ONE tintin ‘Torritornern of te Cito,we exe avoid the conviction Caat le preg mes fee reve the object tre Is view tt ran ‘ some aud cor He wt@aitmert res at lis very tee?t we May aceepit (ie weeuraesy ob vee a his own addin ss Sends cluding:poaticn ot tits sp Woeca Tot percerve Che te ss Aone and formal appre putin wlavery Wbethet ioe te the Peritartn =, patne Come,te test tension can be et booniy ON beet tng the fore slave trad ‘ to whith he foresees that the praete the Seuth will tn those of the North,‘Tae remarksbyMr.S.to this aileer are as tallow.aii| “TP counsel this course further ca the necessity fora cetarn ta pie Lowe tonal Way lis become at last itis is and iiniperative. Into new Lersi States only hy + We can crtond slav forex tnd ereithe pee sits yeing the Afri slave trade,av procecditgg wine.ty des troy ing all the existing vides of he saves pow held in the country and there inerease, would bring the North and the South oa complete Unatiity i favor a.teat re tarp.” This statement mas lave the form ofa Bylloyiain,but we are unable ta constr its terms in any predicate accord with the logic of tacts WAY 80 ds to take its assumed asite premises,That the special and subsidiary intervention of Congress should be Congress should be proaunced absolutely pronounced tnfervention of and imperatively necessary to prevent an toldisalreadypreventedbytherterdietlaid on the African slice trade, we find itimpossible te reach by any or extension of slavery,which we are Isacone ston dinary rules of deduetion;and that we Share this disability with otter minds that Might be gupposed even more quick t catch the meaning of Mr S.will appear from the subjomned reflections made upon this statement by an intelligent and can did contemporary,the N.Y.World “The consequences which,by necessarylogicalinference,follow from these dost tone,are so obvious that every intell namancandeducethem:for limsel!.Tf a a sinalepoint,all that is needed to keep the enemycutistokeepasuthicienttorceatthatexposedpoint.Batatthat is of such a nature that a foe cannot carry it withontCertainself-destruction,the fortress isreallyinnodanger,and alarm tor itesafetyieidleandnimanlyfearrycangetnofurtherextensionexceptbythere-openiny of the African wlave tr te,and if the South and the Nurt opposed to ite revival,te what purpose isitthatthecountryiskeptinaprotracted Agitation to prevent tl ry? crat fortress Is Huprecnable except at If wlave hare alike eextension of slaveCananyRepublican,ean wip Poin for Republicans and Democrats are alike responsible for this unfraternal tation show that Mr Seward ia wrot io these remarkable poamttionad Tf nat VOL.AVIIE SALISBURY,N.Cs SEPTEMBER 18)1560. J:yoted to Politics,Urus,Agricattare,Jaternat I.nprovements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Morality,and the Family Circle. as we believe they cannot,why will South longer persist te quixotic effin.ba make slave States of Territories whien they have no negroes to peor laa\\oe will the North persist in iteetf ts co ca AP ac clitertesd «wal Poe thanas of the whole country are dav te Mir Seward fer stating toe postion on wheel we have remarked,and thos chathenwue reflec Titer wen te a sctuiing. Her eNdtola trot of it.gots ce Tin Hore To te ON tbe Che mare Heotiine [tis ehiployved Vertille i will appa te that with wreater profit In toe Coitivatton of Coton, Cemotist tal slaves can be sugar and nee than typen apy a ler eroye preameed within our tere Wits Phe Jaws of trade,winter cyprenat wihia most the certatnty of the laws of ature CH Garey slaves tothe best nariet ae s Prsayfo the poi abot etic tet mt ) |productions Wefeae ie enten hen bv weaithy fatitiies atapted to ceredds pit toese few wot re housetold servants!Myst oo gritsle condition et Ge cdmen abd ven lwouen, If these opinionof Mi Seid te wtoer we fave called attention tad wlohe ate CTO TS STN HR SU Sat ant eh CO tat Were ‘'‘1 t We ebro oxy wail i tofeatertad sft rolwre Taunt cen Isoet our Gt con ecu \ ‘fireetionofMie |ce oteited eotent Hheprestry WwW bol trave ta 1 hes eobeet while it tats feet atoms Ww ‘ern nitatiol littea tre the Woe ws »Mr Sew tobis Copstratued 10 abtiocnee in rego el tories tus»wit is the \'Crtaniee "oe Jee v Mio Dacre ns bt ('et t eopourty wl piss ~sn =e t t fee AN ’{it Vinee Whetbpoated CN anes evilatiet er ONT Ate ay -We qian frome Che sri owen i Ne breck ride it kre iO Wentiky con the 2hst fo Decetnber last: Lena Me vibes fos wt th." of ereriy /f a"“firh / yuention of alae ry out (avedre ‘ age tron (Mere hats bean /fuclee wel foaret tii.Heal Chagt niente y Jn we prresenticanditean of poblic abtirs 1 Mowe Ne Mest fa throts'the Pirridarial yiesteon on the Congresssen tl arena that his cteuriqgen tn od feeliag of layalty ty AG present tien 'i tos Uepee cali,yefore Coo ue sh \Sotthern S or Lepre Native 4 ses te Voom on Nd joa Veotated ptuytits comes rete at Nooew der suf ted at (>mothe Laws.and een ‘t tert fies tr ‘Vite prey {\[ow ‘Pedic ‘ ~t eel ‘Vv aatte '‘ ne ’ey wot,tones woul precta are y ase n pdestrotht stract \sence det wets \>|Nie ri ! Kp l ‘ toon '‘Tras t “Non .vid se atien ren vers!tia ©vistit eo CTY M Tey ‘ Nuit !(us MN t 3 i 1 ‘|“ul 1 t AS Bins nest tavs a ah ahene |ite TUN tes Ts CCL yet Tittle,ated ow 'th Peto t faves seen fa card hen thes tevation, Tbe tot deacbet (mates a terest, it Cys 1 rth Uhre arts wal st 1 .t 1 dred Chat Wweow re So eon States ont of sent le Woeethink all candid readers will ree wothous that if Mero Seward ated Mr chitiolee lave correctly stated:there wieat isstierespectivepositionsintheog Whiel ds toow oon trie)cefore the Atmerican people to resard to toe future status of the Periteries tiey have bothequally succeed ed iargaing themselves and their clients ontot court,leaving to the Coostitutional Cron party the undisputed possession of that polimeal attitude which,as regards this question,is in conformity with the facts as they are admitted to be on all hands aq If,turning from the sacl adiissions as teach the impoliey of consideration of prolonging a needioss contest over a ques solution is al tion wh cady predestin Mr review of the causes which lave provok ited,we should advert to Seward’s ed the pending controversy over at sir subieet at would only rematn to sav that he appears,(ott estimation,to do some thing less than pustiee to the varbous pau {iite cotieswhichlavefromtineto 1 trolled thei affairs Weare unwilling to beleve that one at lpast ot theme olde Unvatstration of our matranal WANIZALIO IN, with winel be long contessed it his pride na Well as pubbe duty to act,was unwor thy of the support le awar led ttoon steet wrounds ar were common alike to the eitizens of all the States without distiae tronofseetiona,Upon tis potat we may nsof the Bos iRepatditcan pourn ete the sibyorned ve fleet ton Daily Advertiser, al foal oof parties tsolid, Seward's“Been Mr pach as the country need- partics red by love tnd di |liberty,boldoan ther enduring,and constant,Wisp reverence for virtue, conntry, votion te harman conception of measures,it vderate isn Seons and resolute throngiont revernes even this we belleve the Kepablean par ty now tends to realize,Dat are we to aay that ne such party has vet existed at our Inetory,thatall have veen tomporary, narrow,devoted to inferior purposes,or, aa he ex resses if,forganized not apecial oly ‘dom and equity among an honest,jeal. to establah postice and maintain tree mis,and tibe ty loving proople,bat te Soehievwe some matertal puolic advantage meuit Corpor ary portance,or Ta secure woadvancement of seme cuit ©Bothntheonesigegadontheother,we tus! Sieve taat PGE Wits momiethityg tore than aimere affectation of televated prin Cipher abd yeterots ent)ents tte the old contenty of tie Federal pouty Mat ien St itettiiG cle ot the Wiig aud Democrare Creneroius ind its op Peorpetite,ated pa thie strives parties sentiment and lish proce de, Peete of mona:ditty.and wee vere re,Lofor nations obtio het peeudiar onrdiav,tor are they call edointe paw by one ouly out oof ail the ‘Qeestions which lave agitated the pation Sueh questions as oar tational the progress Drouvht betore Country it tie fret and second stages of our tiistory,to be dealt woti by medns of political partios, Were Gisciissed upon principles as broad and as Just as even tuose wich Mr Sew: ard town dn My Lent,Care hats Seword’s judy ocission of the one tpestion woreh Was then toll titan vision HERAT,St Ts fo day paatattiiiit,Was at on vet at political dit 4 PANEER at essential frmt,tor Hyose pales dteservedtoperish)abel vet tia |{“4 bE CVE UE Es aE rably stil tuik at tals questiar Tias treat iW ts bee Coty a where Peonld be dealewith ty polite d parties \s ©bromshtitases ain oXist \lieu st \ee Za wet ‘ hie at ye s presse !‘t t ss he OParve a dostil The threat Mi troy |hoteow rs Pod sate tides.having ines Hires tele u ve Venn TROO )and buteks and tentar “nvad tdocapture the wreem geld.! Nation,st ving to the oft als t Cretens teat the rate of abot one ‘pers by tart aed bait bs digtanon. Notwitstandii the enornous Reed MW othaee metrope tors teeorded:an thre tothe Deistrat Crener AS a remmithabee «A He ta stot Chase whe eave the world fie un oot f othe publi t Hutions A oWwork trartse,he il,asylum or prison N 'venof Ise I ws Chat poverty mecatthe hiecis of Wealth,aud fastens on the qaiitude with rebvcrveecuirersnitieeapa Tartans other eny vtitiess grasp maerminal)Can this be si on the lobe £Amd how g enn eenistbewhobarelymanagetoeseapethisfate Phe en te farsute whi cha Loudon lif"thy human beri to inate ds tali am the attenny fod Jr ererti ait It oas Posten eat= sys a Lotion paper thatiun the (io re estahosh Hnents Where sone assistants arhindreds ny eats \ire " fawn trad smen,crushed tw oth pet yital Rven these ocenpations a thed with Yeultv,and the less fortunate craig ko law and lower on the seal wytitethepubstaeatis t an untimely cheat tt sts tur ' a x atamerone clin whi born in a .sphere and well ink to lus uo from the sheer of desplay at vanity of levine bevond rmeans.[tas morecord that outofS000Conviets who bow asses]th probation in Penton Pon fh throush this wretehed vies,aml ites added thi thostof this number were “ori pes Homore than an ordinary dowte fa Atempt to marke tf Rar.—AX fetter fromLanebbureintheTbehmondDispateh vresides near Boydton,Meck says \centleman enburge county,(Va)has asin YA TEW SClence that ofeoutrolling the clouds MordenCocanse tL to ran at ow Witu t vow of attain Chis end he bas built acran tower whieh nove tructure is sacl te be thirty tees um diameter at the base,whieh size it peta to the herwht of torty feet Po this beght oat contains four tues, each seven feet diameter,Phe number of flues is then reduced to two,whieh ran up twenty feet hicher,the top of the structure reaclone an actitude of suntv feet.“The whole coucetn was erected at @ cost of about &1,000 The as follows fas operandi of causing rain to fall os Fhe flues are filled with dry pine whieh as set on.fire,and which is kept Meo wood, up woul the desired:effect is produced oo the His theory is that the great heat produced in the air above the ‘tower’will cause elements the clouds to concentrate over it,when plenty of ran will fallan that vietntty.The originator ot this novel idea is said to be a firm bellewer in the pracicabihty and uthty of Ins invention, notwithstanding the fact that,after repeated trials during winch be consumed hundreds of cords ot wood,bis tower failed to produce the desired effect on the been a great sotferer from drought during the wus heavens,be having Woprey entire spring aba summer “e° SAPO nee et \yllthelaborsaverMachineryOf am Ly omechames,n SATAN in hee dis ab imc sas crcular saws. Searcely aday occurs thet some aecident as tot recorded restate of th cA Withese wreat opera and UE Seen Clttle stuinue that those who know their power are Mot wore warded when near Chem Car penters and cabinet makers at this dav,eould hot thong without the erreubar saw.hati Is ast ois kuown to bey and t tf featson yowarn ther workmen and 1 tors te berth,but to lite Sinckingitectiient co Mio doasetiieky vamRockuuhathcanite,Va ageulantaly slot and killed bimself on Tuesday morning last Hewaspassinoutofvdeorin|celine witha wheal von,Which dischang ale brent sone to is ey 1 thronut |Irani a bead his wife,who was ran to hin ba Was He reached has hand thew Nomet I. was bu ie vow ! {The generality of people pudge of men by their reputation or fortane tablables A Song for the Union. Ain nthe South,@ storm in the Norwh, Are rayiuy,this Union to sever, But the sinew of coil,and the strong #7 of worthSoyoourUnionshallperish .ho never! Our Union shall perish—no never! Whou we look to the Bast,aud welook to the Wert,Wien we view thik vast country all overs Whea we see a great people so happy and blessed,Say.our Cuou shall perish—no never! Our Union shall perish—po never! Let disunionists growl,and fanaties rave ; jApOur Uinou shall pertsh—no never!Our Umon shall perish—no never! fight ou like madmen forever, ple go tree,their country will save, Our people so free,united shall be,Lu bonds winch wo tyrant can sever, Brave meu in the South,to their frendsin the North,day our Union shall perish—no never!Our Union shall pernsh —no never! Vinted we'll stand,@ national band, Bouduriug and lasting forever Our country Well save from the storms which pow raves Our Uniou thal!perish—no never! Our Union shall pe ish—no never! An “Old Abe”Song, “Unele Ned.” ‘There was au old Sucker a! Toye Splituog rails long gy ago;He wore an old ale seven toot bowe de grade, Ober be hole whar de com juice go. Lay down de beetle and do erow,Full up de gourd wid winskey O,Poo much gum tree for poor old Abe;Hein uy a Saitrivergo W sinose doug as de pole of de bean, And hus heets am ner weory shor He danced all night foa ia down stream, Ni k ol Wee a quartPupdefetteastodeshore, Diner and ne wid de gals no more,1 i ip dar,Uncle Abe, t x Salter shore Why \won,Newndt em werry hard Nord bis tees cun dows te rai Old Mansa Gre hase he did wk berry wad,pay de detail sour again[ity dow <ind de raul, Haug up v by de ta Guy upd en eth WITGIESHRUN ID CIC NET I had been three weeks in the cottave, Jack walked inte *Please,sir,there’s a boy outside when mv room, want's to see vou “see me Lasked,surprised ©Yes,airs [think they want a doetor, told them vou T hurried out,and tound the boy stand- neat the door ae sir.miether Was one.” “Whats vour name 0 *Phil Wish,ver honor.”;ayeWhatdoyouwant! Ellen's tuk worse,and mother don't think shell live much “Please,sir, her 1 eramined,sir che wir )] ar shea quite Was,and wirat mtented jead the way tern Soramined tneant,bat ¢my seit with sieuiny te We walked onan the broowit early mr every thing bos tar and beaut Pail whistied a tune which was quite pkrownu foe,ated bowed alone,tdiv KN ahd eecastenany plucking au eo eh «TH petting vt teoy mouth Phe grass cenesth cet rustled settty wewe tre doand the air was daden with th 1 t wild flowers,and the sweet y Phe busy whorr of a threshing thachine tntogied with the notes time shout from the s birds, from to tinge,ated then aw distant already wearted reapers brought tomy unmnd toe days of chad hood,when a “boy am Oo etas ed the butterflies ins the hea my pretty sister (What a strat we old)creature she was now)gleaned tor the children of the poor.We at last came to the of a till,and looking down inthe valley, bathed in brightest san |vt saw a few white there Pial lived in one of these,”pointing out the identical Drow cottaves dotted tore ane informed me tuat when one with his finger. ‘What's the matter with Een?| asked. ©Dunne,sin”ina tone whieh,if i tailed to tmply he didnt eare least prov ed be was not disposed to be commun vative.I wondered what the myetery could be,but thinking,it Was it would soon be solved,walked on in si We at last arrived ata smmall and very be whatever lence cottaye Very ww,literally cover A bird ina wick Pos ed with honeysuckle er cage lunge outside the door, per sang loud and incessantly,its little mouth open tke a yawning sepulchre,feathers rotted,and body positively distorted with is anearthly etforts the old llearing footsteps,8 | WOLLET itpype ared and beckoned me duside.1 entered,stooping low as I did so,#stall roour -very small room -but everything scrupuiousiy neat and clean Aclitthe gil,apparently,about three years old,was telling bee doll,in an under-tone, to make a noise,because mother was il” seated on the floor, not A working mates tliat and coat hung on one corner,With a cheap photograph of every dav te belp me the owner (LE don't know why T telt cer tain it Was lis)suspended over them towards bed,and urtain Phe small face, ndden in the pillow,seemed very the {1 walked drew the the sottly halt young and girlish,the eyes closed, The bird ,hs name was Uucle Abe,! oNo,darling.”~Ah,Tf A inoment’s pause, ”ryot Then.in a quick, buried tone,as if the theusit were Hist topreased upon her mind “Mother,am IT dying ie) A sob was the only answer Another pause,longer than the first;then the arm was placed under the pillow for a iio ment,and drawn forth again. “Give this to Jack when von see hin.” She tried to move her hand along the bed,and pase its bidden contents to the Wotan Weeping by her side;butereshe could do so,the will that directed it yrew weaker still,and left it idle where it lay. I unclosed the almost rigid fingers,and gave to the woman the objects they had clasped—a wedding ring,and a lock of fair hair tied with a blue ribbon. “Ellen,Ellen!would you like to see your child ?” ““Not now! is,mother!” I knew by that that it was very near; Nut the woman in ber ignorance walked across the room,and opened both the shatters and the window.The bold star 1k sunlight caine rushit streaming in. *Mother—mother ¢” A deadly “Pin bere,Ellen. linu—speak !” Another panse,very,very long,never to be broken by the form Lying betere us, A distant shout of vest liome came strangely on the solwinn silence.Ali!truly harvest home!anota Poor Jack!How dark it vuvy. change came over the coun tenance.Child—dar- pale and.still.har per droopins seul for the universal bar vest!Another wearied heart for the world’s great reaper—Death!To turned hurnedly away The child had tallen | 1 {' (the old woman’s cottage. asleep with the doll by ber side,still mur tatirigg on her dreams that ‘they keep quiet”—a little rosy face must I recits- el the window shutters,thinking of the found —that yreat eternal ayght that will one day come down on all covered the pale,dead face,and left the Woman weeping and nh prayer, {t was with no stall satistaction,at the prospect of having my curiosity gra titicd,that [set off the next imerning for Qerlit she lad Sle was stand ing at the door,evidently expecting “O,sir,is it you ¢ L entered,glancing as |did:so at the hed where the dead yirl was still lying tneJdowalkinf” |Lhe woman saw the look and began weep “the matter,Ee breath short and hurried.Was literally shrieking—T signed to the wo man,and ashe covered the cage All was jniet IT lifted the pale band:from:the coverlid and telt tor the pulse--cone How long tas she been sof i oask ed Since dayirygetit,att Phe professional plirase escaped invol untanily ]started as |onttered it,and the movement rousec lids dropped the hand , Phe drew back “ial ack ber heavy eye unclosed here,mother?” d with a contrary demon to mine,it! Che ehutters of the latticed windows were rted look.)’ alf closed,producing a quiet,cee two years,sir,til ing bitterly. “Q,sir,uy poor child!” I spoke svothing aud calmly.| “O,sir,1Us not ouly losing her!it’s sotonlylosingher!ita the way—the way!) “The way 2°IT said inquiringly. “Yes,sir;but to-besure vou don't know sa “Bewitched 1?Texclanmed. “Yes.sir,this ler adding since last y She was bewitched,sir. She's beer rand its been tie time feath of her at last. Seeing my continued look of sarprise,Mesded |itwerashe“went ous”as ste tell me all abont in” still troldtny,as sli The story,as near as Dremeuber,ran as tol: fidisbo0,the dead virl’s hand in hers lows: "Yon see.sir,Ellen was uv only child Many’s the oldman she'd live te uid seshe treaty did, nursing mie and taking care’of and a good tine ve told my be a comfort to me: one she Was me,when he died,for imany a (Here sie fondled the still.) quite a child,when a young cl niand weary day dead oe hall ser ie x.i,ir,shiWell,von see,sir,slit hand closer Was anh tp come to work upat the Squires where Ellen took the milk every mneoricg.bt wasn’ re that |thouuhe 1 saw lrertit ong after hee achanve in hers she wasnt se earted Like -as Hoste tad)some seeret So one inerning,when she came in trou the Squire's with the odd look on her taee, “WhatsTturnedshortatandsaya: lent ‘She reddened,bat answered for whe Was always ds open as the rite boldly day “Why,mother,|think fond of ime.” “sBond of you?”says I, who's Jack “fim that works up at the Squire's ; but youl soon see hitn,mothers he’s com- Jack's very “and pray Ing up tonight” “And sure enongh he came.Tle was a handsome spoken young fellow enongh Ife told me le wanted take great care off her Ellen,and weoold He honest and bright-looking,and Rilen se seemed go fond of hin,that somehow |couldn tsay so the church,and the parson timself tetd te Ded never seen a predtte couple They were just hke two doves;he had plenty fo work npoat the Sqaire’s -vea wasa bricklayer, See tie strand the Squire was having dis place dene ap)cand bilen she took in needle work,and came over Daev used to live there,sur (She permtedteadittie¢ how wearmy a dreary,de tuyve close bY, “They Tived there nich wp long atter tlre lates my El nthe world was bora W the best tempered)girl sth Wits whet a otit spur invthing Crossed her, and,oneamorning,dack and her had a quarrel —the tirst they'd ever had it was about her cousin Por,poor fellow,who'd been ber sweetheart before soe was roar ried cand Jack went to work without bidding ber good bye.She was iighty vexed at this,and when To went over [ ')onnd her erving IT thonght Jack Wificd a satisfaction Twas far frou pos- BERN aid she continued : “Well sir,sle was atunding staring, and Ellen,thinking sled heard what we'd been saying,told her sharply to go off;bat she didavt move,so Ellen got up and pushed her out,but not before she had east an evil luck and muttered to her oclt! nel said,Sslie’s cx tan evil eye looked pale,but said in her lusty way,Ll dowt care it she has,moth: on vet? i he g vf felt flarricd like,and knew some: thing would come of ic;bat didu’t say auviling to any one.”“When Jack caine home that night I talked to him a deal.He didn’t take wuch notice at tirst,but at last he promis ed toiake it up with Ellen.1 know,sir,if it ever was made ap;may be,you see,the witch wouldn't let her bring ber mind like to do it,tur Jack and her were never the same afterwards,and| don’t} —- |those twolittle cot Then when she‘got sensible,she’d lie for hours and never speaking of him.At last,even I begantowatchfurhin.1 thought if he woald jonly come,just to see ber once before shewent.I used to put the little one up at \the window,and tell her to keep on look-ling over the hill,and p’raps she’d see her ‘father coming,but my heart misgave me‘all the time—and I was right—he never came.She stayed her story weeping;then turning to the bed:“She tooks happy enough withoat him now ;doesn’t she,sir?”She drew aside the covering.I gazed long upon the face,so child-like in its sweet siiplicity.It wore a look of per- tect rest.The slight shade of anxiety I had noteed the day before had passed away,wiving place to an expression of calm content,like that of a tired child asleep —Hearing no sound,the little onecreptupnoiselessly,and getting on thebednestiedcloselytohermother,the large living eyes bright with mixed ex-pression of pity,love and wonder,the lit- tle hand stroking the dead face with afond,caressing inovement inexpressibly touching.They looked strangely alike, land yet how fearfully different ;their longihairminglinglovingly,stirred@ by the lchild’s breath.[watched reverently,si-jlently,till wearied with her grief,thelvoungonefellintoalightslamber. left them lying there—both asleep—alstrangesolemnpictnreofloveanddeath,{full of the deepest poetry and beanty. |Two days after,poor Ellen was buried, and it was not long before I left the p!ace.Jack had not then returned,and the lit- |tle one was once more playing noisily with her doll,with no fear now of wak- ing the child-mother at rest forever.AsIpassedthecottageforthelasttime,the {bird was singing loadly,as though it hadTomwenttothecottageoftenerthanever,lnever lett off She told me it was fath- Lused to be quite frightened at Jack’s looks,when he'd come in and see them two a talking together;bat L kuew poor Bilen was vewitched,and couldn't help teasing him.The neighbors knew it,too ; for,you see,bewitched people have a queer look about the eyes,and grow thin and pale,ike Ellen did,till they die quite away.[T dveaded Jack finding it oat,and it was a louy titue before he did;for the people did't like to talk about it before him,and when he saw them whispers and looking at tin,he'd think they w talking of Elicn aud Tom,and teel At last, Bilen rushed in tome with ler one mivhotediceandangrywlit, face all pate and tremblit ‘Lle’s off,mother!says she.“Vii Elen 7 “She looked quite wild,and pointed to the cottage.TL icit her tarmting-like im a chair,and ran over.Ue was standing with his white tace near the door,putting tis things together. “Jack,says 1,‘where are you off too? ‘-Guing on the trainp,mother;there's no more work up at the Squire's.’ ‘Jack,’says 1,its about kllen— “He never moved or answered. “Jack,says J,putting my band on his shoulder,tor |began to yet tierce, thinking of Ellen and the child,‘Jack,, think of the little one.’| *-Mother,’says he,in such a quiet ‘voice that [didn't feel frightened any lon- and the end of it was,they went te, Was wrong,and was just telling her so,woen door, WIT stand [heard a knock at the whiel I there was the )1laa1Taskec POW live tiet at livesinthe Wills there’s only one witel,str Ayain the look of astonishment.|g was fatoon the ger at his pale face;‘mother,’says he,| I've heard the neighbors a talking about} what bas happened to Ellen,aud [know is true.Bilen can't help it,but what's the use of iny stopping here#Sheil be better without me;she looks dying like, before my very eyes,and cares nothing for ine;eo What's the good,mother @ “DL let my band drop from lis shoulder for,vou see,sir,LT knew it all true, and |couldn't answer it,though |tried At last Tosaid,Jack,wou't you bid ber wood bye@ bor Lthougot,when it came to kissing ler and tie child,ty He went to the window,where he could ses Was board. be te Wouldact go throug Wath it. her lying in the carr,as Lb lett her,pale and still,A tierce look came over lis face,and le mattered something about Tom “efts not his fault,Jack,says I. SoNoS says he,Snot tis tuult—aot hers good bye,muther.” wack.Tsaid,‘for God's sake,stop! —it can’t be helped speak to Ellen only one word. “He went out of the cottage.To was almost wild.filen![called oat;Trusted over;P shook ners TP point ‘Ellen! ed to dack tu the distance,gous further abd turther away5 Gat 1 couldn't rouseher,she was quite gone.1 watched lim yo over the til,without once looking back,and we have never seen tii since.” “And Biden ¢”T asked. “Qos!wien she came to,she seemed quite tad She said shed yo after tim, ve child)with I couldict!her.2 Toen she was very ili and take tl quiet her at all. tora dong tine,without any sense,talk weabout Jack all day and myght.The doctor said it was fever,and may be was;but we know who brought it on, She got bet4 se " though we didu’t tell him, ter at last,but her eyes looked so large aud strangve they often frightened me.Sue looked the rooin,took Jack's picture,bung atup just got up one taorning,about there with his cap and coat,and tobd me till he came back. Noten:nays she,‘ve been a wick ed virl not to be a better wife to never to move them win,ane itoserves me niuit.To owas too fond ot teasing him by talking to Tom 1 ounst tell tu all wren te comes back =D osaw she didi’t Know the real reason of Tis yon tacemed shed forgotten sli about the witch,and didn’t kiow tar ithe came back shed do just the same agin.Bat sie taougnthed sare ine and she used to sit for hours in the even ing,looking over the bi roti,but months passed,and be was stil away At last she took to ber bed,aud never I aya Piata the way tuey all do, sir Ste lay tacre for days quite qu aud the littleone nearly always with her The doctor said Wits CCotsootnsiion 4 and wheu TP told lain about t shook his head She was but when the cous woke her -for she hada bad cough sted be directly it Jaen shed think he was sitting $3 sted talk te hoa,arncd te ywosotry sft was about it ail and vy she never cared tor Pom,and bow cappy they were worry te be now And en she'd think the were walking in fields,as they used to do ou Sunday eveuinya,and shed 1 bells sounder Wats aud how happy we all tour were living ib how sweet the ow pretty thre ries tbe yrowiny, ler’s bird;she feditevery morning against |e came home;she wondered ies that would be;and I,wondering the same— |wondering when the erring heart,baret- ling from the trammels of ignorance andlsuperstitution,would return to find itsutterdesolation—passed on,and left the (spot,probably forever. This uarrative ie strictly trae—no eoli- tary instance—hundreds of the same kind are continually ocenrring.The belief in witchcraft is prevalent in most parts of Enuland ;nearly every village and bam- let has its “witch.”No makee is ex-pressed,simply a dread of offending her,even unintentionally.The unfortunatebe-jigs supposed to have fallen anderberin- fluence,ure considered marked and doom-ed;therr friends still fearing to speakagvinstthereputedanthorofthecalamity. {umany instances the *bewitched ones” leave their homes never to retarn,toavoidthemiseryresaltingfromasolitary life,so inany of their own class,even their old companions,disliking to associ-ate with them.I have been in a vill in the South of England,where the se-cond sen,a lad of thirteen,had left his home,aud gone to seek his fortune,for “hadn't he had an evil eye cast on him,and conldn’t get on at all?”The poor mother,while mourning for the missing one,never doubting the truth of the mat- ter,but considering it “mighty unlucky.” This belief not only exists among the verypoorandthemoreintelligentlaborers,but even many of the better class of far- mers,and occasiovally thoroughly edu- cated wembers of the higher ranks of so- ciety are infected with it.The latter, however,invariably admit that *tcases,” us they term,were never known to occar ean the particnlar community.In some instances the belief appears hereditary— a plagne spot that can nevcr be washed awils 5 ee Correspondence Washington Dispatch. EASTERN N.C,FARMING LANDS. N.C.Aug.16,1860. Dear Dispatch:—Though much has been said ot the rich lauds in this vicinity and lyingoa Bay River.yet i am satisfied that much remains to be said.Their productiveness is unquestion- ably very great,and their durability equal to thetr The soil is from a few inches to 6 and 8 feet deep.Underlying this, In early the entire body,so far at least as it has been examined,there is a stratum of red marlclaytrom9to18inchesthick,and then under this in many places a stratum of blue marl clay about the same thickness,and under all,shell tiwl in various stages of decomposition.Now must not sich land be very fertile and alinest ‘Why the clay itself would enrich the most of the land tlled in North Carolina and indeed,anywhere else.I have seen very ‘arve fine corn grow right on the crest of a ri1thisclaythrownoutofaditch.The timber 's cypress,gun,poplar,ash;beach,oak,hora- beam We.The prevailing growth is gum,in some places mostly sweet,in others,mostly black gum. These lands are finely situated for draining. Phey le on and between streams that have sev- eral feet tall per mile and are elevated several tweet above them.They are,for this country, elevated low land or table lands.DitchingisFrom$2to 8350 [am assured will throughly drain them, A good band will cut down and prepare for burning a f off an acre per day—9 acres per month,The amount may vary somewhat initterentseetions.All the growth is felled pell-mell except the very largest,and left just so for tire,No mattock is used,nor indeed is it necessary.In Mav or the first of Jane every- thing os burnt off that will barn,ard the corn planted with a hoe or “stuck”as it is genrerally called and done,Two chop- ss gat with a hoe,which does not require CHERKY VILLE productiveness, Inevh cust compratively easy and cheap, per acre, the No plow is used. polisioch care or labor,is ail the attention and labor tievessary to make the crop.The yield is gener- aly owing to the “good”or “bad”burn and the Uineot the first chopping out,but it is generally from five to ten bbls.per acre,The average,I think,with anything like a good burn,is about $0 bushels per acre.[have seen some that:150.Now where can you find land can be drained and cleared and cultivated sooeheaply that will compare witb this in pro- nese?And these lands will wear i mie Malachi Potter,Esq.bas some io cornrarwinehhasbeenincorneveryyearfor6or7years,[think this is the 7th year—and |chink,cannot be excelledin North (prehaps,in the Union.A numberofgentlemenwhohaveseenit,and they are judizes,having seen the finest corn ie other see cod it to be number 1,and some the voeldy srolinga,vor s pronout vest They ever saw AO It is generally be- eyed that it wel yield 100 bushels per acre.—rn f vs atthe head of ove prong of BayhrsbootBEmilesfromJackson.But [cantooatthousandsofacresthatwillyieldun- for good,juetous tiilage,for an indennite time Af trnecif vou please —from 40 to 100 bust ‘Is per sere.Ye farmera of North Carolina, who look to the west,come and see it.come and try it Phese lands are now selling at $6,67 9@ and up to $10 per acre.Why should tbe fam mers of North Carohna zo to Texas! Eurepe—-Will there be a General War! The intelligince from Europe increases in interest with every fresh arrival.We Jearn that the diplomatic note from Vien- na to Tarin,so often spoken of,and bearing within itself the issues of peace and war, has not yet been delivered;but the bet tec informed portion of the European press seem to have no doubt that it is al ready in existence,or at least tas been concocted so thoroughly that it can be placed upon paper at apy moment that may seem most convenient.As tile hete, whenever it shall have been will amount to the avowal by Anetuacl adeterminationtointerferewithanarmed force in defence of the throne of Francis IL.,it is wot wonderful that commercial wen shoald feel yreatly alarujed at tie prospectof a general war.In the mean time,it caunot be concealed that the tre mnendous preparations for war in active progress both ia France and Austria,lave a strong tendency to confirm the rumered intention of the last named Power. It cannot be denied that the attitude of Garibaldi has,of late,been such as to create a very natural alarm on the part of Austria,It is trae that the race of that Power in Venitia has been,to the last degree,odious and tyrannical,aii that her eontinued oceupation of it is net ouly irrecoucilable with the public feel ing of Europe,but calculated at any ino Ment to involve itin war.Yet when we fiud ihe liberator of Sicily writing to the hing of Sardinia that he ouly designsNaplesasarestingplaceforhistroops on their way to the conquest of Venice, we cannot but admit thatit wasthe most natural thing in the world tor Austria tu take the alarm.Nor is this all that Aus tria will claim.She may say that in de- ference to the public opinion of Europe, aseul, she remained quiet when Sicilly,having| first burst vat into insurrection,was open ly aided by Garibaldi in the recovery ot her freedum.To reimain thus quiet was,in fact,only to pay obedience to the era of non-intervention,recoguized y the treaty of Villa-Franea,and guar anteed by the opinion of the world.But that isa very different thing tron exci ing an jusurrection in Naples,where pre- viously none had existed,and taking ad Vauiage of it by by marching upon the city.We should have sup pused that Garibaldi bad recognized tisis spect ul the question,and that hence arose his de lay to march:at ouce upon she city of Na pies,bal we not observed that whe lie proclaims lis intention not tu advance to thar city until it shall have been in in surrectivon a month,bis forces lave ai ready overrun Calabria,the Southern ex tremity ofthe Neapolitan Kongdom.And yet fur Austria tu threaten an armed in tervention in favor of &cape eo utterly loet as that Francis IL.,pears to us the extre:ne of infatuation;for ehe well aware that her ryt todo so wail bot be acknowledged Sardinia,Eny land,and,above all.France,atu thai tive Jast vated of these Powers are pliedy ed alike to the abeolute restriction oftrianinfluenceindraiv,tu tue of Venetia.The postion ot France and Sardinia has been virtually recognized by Russia,and whatever tay be suid ol Provera avd the rest of Germany,there are,as yet,bo indications of a disposition to assert a different ine of poiiey.Iu fact,the progress of eveuts,since tie treaty of Viila-Frauca,vas clearly deiin ed the resations of the parties to each oth- erand to Jtaly.Stouid Austria venture Bpen au infraction of that peace,ehe must du ee at tue risk of enter Nee sitivie land ed into a contest wit all lraiy,backed iy the forinidable power of France.Yet.indications are not wanting tuat she pro 2U8e€B Lut ONIyY to recover ait touat shelost store it to the condition in which itex.st ed previously tu the war of 135y. &long as Auetria retains possession of Italy,so long will the peace of Barsoe Fest wypon a foundation of sand. be su eet,at ail times,te NE I Con tact with the spirituf Italian unity,now pervading Italy from the Alpse to the Strats of Messina.Tuere are in thie constantly at work to precipitate to col lision within the bosem of Lialy itsed.[1 @eannuwt fail,whenever it takes place,t itate to the very foundation not only Maneary,but Croatia,Transylvania,| Vyria,and all the possessions bordering upon Turkey,Tieexcitement wil inevitably pervade Wailac! Balyaria as weil as the Turnish provin ces on the Danube,where the population is Christian in the proportion of turee or four to one,aud ardently desires to b formed with Hungary,Croana and Trans sylvania,inte one great Enpire,wie jug twenty Dve awiilions of aud commanding both sides of t Dan wbe ty te imouti.Liat tine view has al ready presented itself to the Capacious mind of the Frenen nade suffciently evident froma painphilet late ly published in Paris,in which the au thor assumes that the map of Europe is to be remodeled;that Turkey is to be Buppiied by a kinedom ¢ay the tribes between the Persian Gait and the Black Sea,with Audel Kader ter King and Napolean tor protector Constantiuople is to be @ tree town like Hamburg,Lubeck and Bremen:andtig! Bosnia,Servia,Wallachia and Moldavia are ww be erected into an Mdepen bent euntederation,withe Code Napoleon tos thetr system of laws,and thes fem for their money.Lhis pamphoet as of that semi official character of wihier we have so many exam cations of Mo About and others.Ifo Serve nu other purpose,it is at leant a sign of the direction which the French Mod itis taking.and it te Widicative ot the extrewe delicacy o Non which is hanging over Lurope line a thunder sturw,aud winch wil)be certain to burst into action Tun sary aod her neigubors suai once mure to move. It may be eaid,then,that the relations of the Grreat Powers are tickiish in highest degree.The conferences of Au tria and Prussia are said to have liad re ference,alone,to the Eastern question and to have united those two nations in maintaining the statux of Eastern Europe Agrinet both Rassuia and France.Russia @netantly beating against the bare op posed to her further progress by tie trea ty of Paris,will be sure to seize the firat Opportanity to remove them. knyland je divided between ler desire to witness the emancipation of Italy,and her pohey af upholding the decayed govervinente tnust be province in the peninsula lierse!but oro re @ tuel roes Mahabitants, Wperor,is peed ot ai, S tliat mal avs Cm tte thie pP {that bastern qes 8 whencvel the Austria and Turkey.France has already been established in Bvria as the chat pion of civiligation and Christianity,and, let what may come,she cannot now re- cede from that position.Whenwe look at these things,wefind it impossible to believe that the crisis can pass withoat involving ull Europe in war. MIRAMON’S DEFEAT IN MEXICO The vewe of Gen,Miramon’s recent de feat in the interior of Mexico,of which Wo have had a telegraphic report,was brought to New Orleans on the Qu inst . in Tamny co Journalsof the 16th alt (ren.Miramon was atthe head of abouttwothousandmen,the remnant of tisJatearmy,and was cudeavoring to make lis way outof the Lure marshes,where the Liberals have kept him eo Jong con: tined.Ou the Lot he made a last desperate effort ro escape,when le was surprised by Gen.Doblado at the head of some ten thousand then,with re Miforcements to the numoer of eight thou sand in the vietnity,who afterwards came up to lisassistance.The fighting is said to Lave lasted tive days —Mirameon hold fis own ail f ultine this time in oaWis very ad Vautaseous position,when le was fortan ale enough to escape,with a pertion of tus cavaley.The rest of his Troops:are said te have fallen into the hands of Dols aude,with all his artillery,stores,and Ttis said that both Gen.Mi ramon und Gen.Mejig,lis second in command,were wounded,aud that Gen Pacheco,of the Liberal ariny,Was killed Phe latest accounts represented Miramon as beingiu flight towards the city of Mex Ico, The Liberals in Northern Mexico were rejoleing over this victory.No ofticial report of it,had then been received,— (ren.Doblado,in writing to Gen.Depo! lado,the General iu-Chief of the Liberal forces,briefly save:“God has given wa a complete victory.Gen.Ortego will send you the official report.The whole State of Guanajuato is ander your or The otheial both sides will probably be necessary to cou pros lolotin, ders.”Feports Upon vey a corect idea of the extent of the dis asters suffered by either army frou this eheounter,and its probable etfeet on the antagonist parties Who have been se long contending for say remacy di the govern mentot the Republic. VE MONEY BING A French wrier thus speaks of the Daron nes Rotiscbiid ~Mousteur de Roth sehild worker Hi isan indlefatirghie Hises early,looks after lis owt af fairs humself He recerwes visitors after be dis jrepored the day's work for bis mvrinidons.On certain potuts be is ulbending,but |Hepner moved,He has the aman who has tarde the latgest than,though vot.easily erspacaciiy ot fortune cn Europes Lis views ou finaueil mar lets are always sound:he basa esuties for ture secng events,His judgment of diem is une nyo and consequenth be kKoows with whom an ow to deal Nothing turns hin astle trom a mehe bas onee formed:his views are aw ways Crear acd forwibly expe {Poe hoursleveredbylanteworkareore)ted ante th Fast minute,Ele then withdraws hoimself en ney trom:business,and resorts tu the pleasures The House of Rothschild,consisting of the Baron James,Charles,Lional,and other broth ers and cousins,is updoubtediy tbe most rova aod powerful of the reigning European families Liev Have absorbed most of the gold and silver! of the worl,and no nation can go to warn Europe without their aovere’ss nermission,They ut the Emperor of Russia forty millions for e¢Crimea wary they lent the Botsh govern went seventy five milllons,Turkey,Austria, sardinia,Prussia,and Egypt have all looked to rye te for the sinews of war The Ein woot Nustria,at the last aeeounts,was try Na acini! ws obtan g fresh supy ly f aus toy ae:sued evel t Napoleon Is ferte proptate (he broveis of the bore smn]It is said that the wreat banker bas nooffaed the soverenenty of Perusalem,bur ;sou!the seeptresof kurope im dis eoat i he quaguificentio stints the propos Vie Philadelphia fvcricai bas a st othe Baron Janes was quietly leanne asainst teolon inthe Exchange.(which column,trom on by bamos smized as the Vet 1.)when a vettlenean of mysterious runent approached bin and tntiunated tha came from the me Talbert Gorleat the latialerins rthe disposal of thtoconferwrthdamreapertr Hoy City Nae lik The Baron ts sed to have rep! noemennes courteous ttn facet,le con t te eorbassadar ane!his master toa place siyy once perceived a scheme to extr hot metithoted to polite fie that he xt sutoof bas pocket the expenses of the Syran ex ears j m,ot tence of restcing the Jews Tue Barons net comsanced that this as the set tue tot restoring the Jews,ner has he seen any ropheey w declares that they shall Me tore SN pense Abit ipe(io Tile aled satisfaction and com FANINE With ill conce placeney,articles having this head are paraded in those papers of the country Whose sectional hatred seems to have sti fled every hotnane and generous feeling Phev forret that the Weston wiiel all tore or les»« see ons are spuch for years from bad crops thatste tos tot been a«to pave ter felts aid that Kansas ¢bon ow ds revousty afficred ain this way as a poertoof the conntes Tf tad crops bea laterpare evoseermp fey .f Heaven with the opedeasire\| why lias tiie West sattation,” nan that cause.and why is One of then fered soo deny fr Rcland stilarty viewed / bread Ter sitter Lateetrewtae journals toftily proposes to sen | other tetsiithhstie of Louisiana,as we didi te the of Trevand and S< We dare wre abie to provisions es thane in Ry tla " re people theat edte the necessity a bay a thev need.a tre searcely red ndered in suet a spit 1]weepting tavern tf th whieh their hhinger was fariy appeds el Rich Dispate h t ated they wor ed deter The Choctawa Short of PP wont Phe hort Worth (Pexas)Chief states that ele tii laws are about to call on the Gener)Govern then for assistance prycure provi ts the people of the Nation,as their crops have a destroved by the di most entirely been We jean from rh enoug good authorty that raised ip the whole Nato not be © to Jast them ynt pration of the money due the nation tailed it Congress laat session,they are going to appeal to the Grovernment for aseistance yo sume shape Christinas,and as the appro to keep them from starving : Situation of the King of Naples.—A- letter from Naples,dated the 16th ult, and published in the Journal des Debuts, pays: The Court is spreading the rumor that His Majesty will embark withoutstriking a blow,but will make an appeal to Eu: rope and his people,aud canitide the pre servation of his inheritance to diplomacy and the army,The report has procuced the effect of slackening the activity of the revolutionary party 5 but thatthe King wall defend himself to the last,and as long as he bas a single car The vole preeaution be ‘he truti ts toidpre or a man, lias taken is to embark 30,000,000 ducgts inthe Arthar,a sinall schooner wuchoved ta the militery port beneath the windows of the palace.The veesel is to two days tor Tricot,paseing by the Faro, aud going round Sicily. The Treasury Is eu pty literally empty, And note this fact,that nm addition to the orditiary revenue of the kingdom,the Court tas within seven months spent 10, VOOQ00 ducats raised by the issue of ‘hounds for 500,000 ducats of rents.The Issue took place in Virtue of three de erees of the King 200,000 du cats on the 13th of October last,another for 100,000 on the Ist of May,and the third tor 200,000 on the 6th June.This willexplain why M.Manna has not yet returned,and will not yet return,from his mission te Tnrin,notwithstanding the alliance he went to negotiate has com pletely failed.[le is Minister of Finance, and if he were he would to sign orders for payments on the Treasury,and per haps endeavor to check the desperate op erations of the Court;whereas,in his ab- sence,the King disposes of the publie movey,and payments are made on orders signed by this Majesty's Secretary.Thus Francia li.remains absolute master of the two principal forces of the State—the ar- my und the finances. sail in one for | a De- dats states that the Queen Dowager of Another letter in the Journal Naples had at last left the kingdorn,hay- ing embarked in a Spanish vessel for [Spain aecompanied by her daggliters and her voutiest sons;the elder one,the Count of Tram,remaining with the hing eae The Monitenr publishes the speech of the Vapoleows Last Speeime Speech Emnperor in reply to the address from the Chamber of Commerce of Lyons.This ILajesty said: “Tthank vou for the manner in which You appreciate my efforts to aneinent te prosperity of France.Solely ocen pied with the general interests of the country, Pscorn all that ean offer an Therefore obstacle to their developement.the on Just doatrast exerted beyond the frontiers, f rel Nsn interests at hoaie,tind te isensible as Well as the exagverated alarms Notiung will imake me deviate from the thoef ineteration and justice which I it bavete this day pursned,and which man tarts France at that degree of vrandeur aud prosperity whieh Providence tas as stunned beein the world.We vive our selves up,therefore,with confidence to works of peace, hands, Our destinies are in our France vives in Europe the im pulse of all idgus She bows not before the influence of evil ones but when she y,and beheve that,with God's assistance, shali vot degenerate nider iny dynasty\ zreat and generous is degenerating see Warning tu Free Vegrors,at keank edle,Indiina.—The following landbill has been posted in Evanaville,Indiana: Votiee to Free VN:Groen -The laws of Indiana provide that atrer a certain date oshall etnigrate to this State Other cries and towns in dudimoa are ex penony the negroes from ations thea, aidoowirng to the laxity evinbitedby our atoorities and citizens veneralivy kevans Vices being overrun and cursed by the werst class of this lazy.worthless,dean ken,and th OVINE THER,waned te suelio at Who have suthered trons to sntfer e daw oan extent Chat laose tare rusolved their past cer ho lonver,aol will take OWT lan [isa en,that Theis This notice therefore giv uethe end of tive days from the date hereof,every negro.of citer sex, Whos not by law entitled to a residence atnobee us,taust not be foun in the eity wil be dealt with in tinanner by PRES Fe a SUUEATY Tur Vieinaxce Couirrer Evansville,nd.,Auy.23,Len A Mussina Massachusetts of Massachusetts,having been ele President of some ratiroad with a sabery ob STO00)more or lesa,Chat certarniv Governor)de His party nomtnated one Andrews to sacceed tore than lis salary as choed a renomination,and has him. Plis Andrews presided over one Jolin Drown meeting,and inade a speech about “martyr,”without coutmbuting oa whereas many Massachusetts mon omaniacs have taken offense,aud swear they won't yo the ticket, They reniod us of the devil complain that it is We “yuese”Andrewsis worthy to sueceed Danks,and we also “oless”he As leer eres ryh Standard the dime nyeet too mach brimstone,or tow het 2: Southern Type Foundry issued and will be submasntted to tal mentin ths eny of a Joint Stock Coupa ny,for conducting the type t Propsats nave been Ur printers,and others,for the 1 mondiry bea sittess im ali its beanches,ote Feuly pitt, COUPOEV Ne NC Weoiiay report detin and we ask tod examination for the scheme, be enabled to nore tely,tinean whole a rding tedts mente and oor want of saeh an enterprise Char.Courses Linn Men Hung.~The Waco (Tesaay Democrat aaye : named Boardwright were week, Richard Two men vbertaon county,last Is county line Boardarieht has been for some yeare no torousd as a horee thief,and lias been tac slaves The pole woot Richard Boardwright tried before the V and on the most satisfactory other waa ane Thetwo piiance veriny thpeeringw meen Were Chom t tes evidenew Condemned The Democrat saye tuatin Doddrdyge Co,Ya,there Petersburg Ziv ig not one Breckioridge (rev Banka,| Carolina dlatchman. AEN EW TURSDAY EVENING,REPT.1s,1s0u FOR PRESIDENT HON.JOHN BELLE,OF TENNESSEE. FOR VICK PRESIDENT HON.EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSACHUSE ts. PLATFORM Of the Constitatjonal Union Party. The flowing is the Plattorm adopted by the Cou stitvtienal Umon Party,in National Convention at Baluniore Whereas,Experience has detmoustrated that Plat forte adopted by the partisan Conventions of the country have had the etteet to mislead and deceive the people,and,at the maine time,to widen the po fitieal divisions of the «antry,by and sphical and sectional parties: the creation encoursgeinent of geo therefore—Revolred,‘That it is both the partof patriotisin and | of duty to recognise no political principles other than Tie Coysrire rion of tite Country: Pre Usiox ov rie Starks: The Exrorcemeyr or tie Laws and that.as rapresentatives of the Consutut AND onalUnionmenofthecountry,in National Conventionsassembled,we here pledge ourselves to marttectanddefeud preseparatelyanduiited|y,the principies of public hberty and national satecy,agatient |all enemies,athome and abroad,believindthut therebypencemayone: ereat more be restored to the ec ry the just rights of the People,and of the St established,and the Government again placedin that coudiuon of justice,fraternity and equality,whieh under the example and constitution of our fathers has sclemuly bound every citizen ofthe bn loonie ted States Sainore perfeet union.establish jos Hee,tosire domestic tranquility.provide for chq'nen defence,promote the general we cure the blessings of liberty to ourselves iid cur por tent prea S.C.Millen i I vie ts beet dstuissed ‘( |wvtery,Old School ..-- 4 PROTES1 We learn Petersburg Titeiheen a adh Wenof Virgen eared the Car ‘-en pos Sp \ Dp is fal t=] ‘mt \1 "thie 1 ‘ cena CIS UL Hou p .Brew arly Witt tyr t ‘ wl speakers.a ul ossise sativus |I RHOW Wether 4 ure |lp We punt Let i die to the pr Tnuow vy Wiese satelon the Huens:Dourtes\Brevis party ata ati Tar aes atid so Na ral Willi ouby ifteen stars tua t held ele uean’There are just 15 0 1 Sates FI Cre ee titre ONT WS \f rm kitchen Sahin lay Tight preceh,ut eaniite speedy ad {h ail its ite I w 6 ‘ys Was ore from:+}Niet phivs feree wa H \t wepe \ es ow tose rT Onee ny al f )" yoof w x ¢ nore for Ss ‘a Lit 1 t 1 tpn q 1 ren 1 to pre sti !al i i Natal) Vise i loo th 1 ‘ 1 mu \ ‘wy u h 1 dust Nie! Who tave «1 wil tt reo feets ots 1 wn 1 "tor ody “r wods f we the \ th dirnest s i ll t 4 tistpe i the Tl nd ed wo 1 nN t !eta )'Ip i \ ‘OW Teri via f aed of al 4 ‘t ‘t 1 Phat ‘ 5 We SE ay Sept Ve V .<- TRUE slotslaVie lhcty)baka a 1)t VY wiv poeelin he i 'of 'he Cha eo Pulitin,Nas pubheation Wis 1 \ Tetouan \ vane a \ I 'odow ‘i at 1 ‘ and i xeanChartwreWhi' “they hia ferme t ‘ wheres post last ‘. c=. USE TT WASH APHCAME TEE Ah I tN 1 \Mit Char (\ee enneci a M \ ;rete :peel ate I I).of y Bo h |Pe seein Roepe | tot FE ta at thes 1 vat n mame y y AL aid we ‘sou \watford y w yw Le ua neat Surcide —We learn that on Thursday the T3th inet.,a oman vamed Wirrivs Kester,of Dadvidaon County,deliberate ly shot himself at hie owu lone The wound was inflicted in the wide The cause assigned for the rash act,was tiatot an unpleasant diticulty between iin self and several neighbora bwith sore }tocratve LETTER FROM MISSISSIPPI We have been permitted to wake an extract of a#letter received ip this place from a genue Wag writiug from— Grenava,Miss,Sept.2d,1860. s+es +©6 We intend tu carry the State by from 5.000 wo 20,000 majority for Bell and Everett in November,mark tt Last Thurs day a week ago we bad the three candidates for Elector,tu speak to us—Mr Shaw of Chicka whe led Che Minerieau party so neo is the Bell candidate tor Elector Me.Flournay,the s candidate,apd Mr.Elarcson,the Broek te Shaw led otf thoy hours and tore the hind agglits off saw county bly ou TRO6 grossional District; i this Cou Dou Mantas e cand iow rpecel of 14 Jharison,but sind very bitte about Dongbas, Merely stating the difference between the Bell [ButTessa him ind Douglas patties wher he took up shoul carvitisHreckioridae,Gas tie the turkey.)he tod scattered the wadin all aes (Beale : Hob from)vizzard lable.” bearers in tore ober de standard thishavenoblewehadJudgeAinusBdotuaen the first men of the State,to Wednesday.Capt.Blythe,the Breckinridge forthe State at large met him but before “ot wreat speak ee Of speak for us last candida they booply Jetta qiat,Deatiiss Sarees) Johnson was alse one of our Mek ae et N(hd pealessianelsan hay den his hensaelaspayingbisownexpenses To Tis eleetlotiertitis2 tow ated will bot stop no tie the election.The every day,atid says the prospect is bright ening that we wil carry this Slate bya Majority eather will be profound Jurisis the Missi others,voted Widebo Sharks bthe Caoted “OM ta Sbttes,and:tor whom In the Convention tor Prost deat Phe tact is,as arias speakers are concerned,we tate got the *heels”of them, hy to see there is no ebaiee nether North nor South of the ce To hoow of) rthe North wh ther they fad and they are bev tor ther candida Several geodemen mn this place, patty (ave or sty that bave retitted fre eto purcliee coeds,thoroug 1 bs tnd Ry Linen Pie y Gave espoused ur cise with deal,and ites ioacti its influence on others I Wate Ce sol n t Xu ) 1 \\ 1)>con w |bk‘a ‘‘.ste 'we ‘WW tua ‘ Sa vow n ‘\.‘x ie at)? w #' ‘ey \\\, i ‘i 0 ‘ ¥ir 4 \N \W ‘c ‘\\ ‘, Bxn ‘‘ | Mt })vw 1 Mun +th Ty 1S I howe .1 fp o te hottie sr atric = \‘White poo hb a at Tio } leds ewen eres ;ot .ie n \tb was ron aay t twee Was sand Teaalyeat ae I ut Wed at New '.snd tpypared wt yite pa 4 atid t Nel 1 nila nie t 1 ye Was t 'Srytyyeutheorhee rooumntes.frome tw (eat nw wits around the base ot the dor 1 fon the totetneCeniea. fin !tet th Tet ities he sat for fy 1 nowt ts wh heen Were now oatowork f ut mete NN Lelia Ipport from th Meat Hk ONt ot the very edie to stow Ns widobravade.|entreaties oot tits Compintion mot ty ao se voondneed hin te.Stub creator recktesstess,nit Wat once Hos cempoinon saw Lin gone,when no power Of bas eonid save hin He bad fost bis balance and fallin st ik first upon a cores qoute addi hange below.and then upon the ground.fattine Mpon th side of the head and shoulder, nstantiy k ham.cansing the dymmhisearssanddrivintheecht wad and face onto a horn shiene Coroner Wiatheck beld an inquest.and the pany return ed a verdict th accomflance with the abowe tacts Trou Timex,Sept 7 . Reliaioas T thioreon biet With oh Pn tot ce Set Belen ably 4 0 moptetely Roman €ath “pty in t Phe popu ata is bot ft whiel 13 OO ar mein boat wine 108 I ‘I State pin tomman O4 rey VASHON tra roabont oa tes ‘td fio eel ried!(Vie to haines ] ‘;Veqle on 1 r “oon ar A \{i waned 1 ton Wik w tha Wi trans 4 \}lox S08 ants,|t Vea 4 Ob 2 atthe nates wht francs tar each 1 ntorn the kingelon lta HWS 7 HOE franes to the Tsraelites,or about seven tianes # head 5S Wathen ry Para A r }' thi n Conner writing from ConwaberraeetaysTknowalxman ‘years,havieg thy A lias fa s Not one of ‘y wed 1 vertook adrink of TnerVccupotcofferDoprofane tan age ever was LOO miles f [ieritieccntern aairt editor anything.ever dost lis vote man eleet teal)Methodists and Breckiimdye Democrgts and late snakes and tobacco POLITICAL. The Union Bell!let its echoes soundFrombiltobill,from vale to vale ; And all the people for Union bound Hts cheering inasic wail! ELECTORSFORPRESIDENTANDVICEPRESIDENT For cite Seave at Lawor HON GEO OR BADGER,of Wake DRO OR.SPRED,of Pasquotank Disinicrs Tet Distriet,JAW TINTON.of Paequet 2 Se TL Nesp CaaU NG eC)tacit 3.1 »OOOH DOCKERY of Rie hinend 4th ss L.CO EDWARDS.of Goranstile, bth AG ROSTER.of Randolj dh 6h HENRY WOALSER,of Davidson BYNUM.ot Linecln UN DIW EEE Tot it 6 Tt iD NV Nieabe Sil =rob k 1 GREAT STATE MASS MEETING! Ir has been Men ot it Coimiittec,at anponnced to the Union |owan,by the Central Exceutive Raster,that Salorbury ham been selected as the place at whieh te hold the Great State Mass Meetingof the Constitutional Union Party,for this Pre Campaien,And the tiie tixed| Lith and Leth, We Diinber of Spea day's meeting eRpect to have it eee seb doaby of Chem very distir ritishi- eo then tren any nites and distant States Near ad the ablest men in North Care mew)be lnre Phe maimes of all stall be oven soon Ih the meantione,det the Union men of the several co beginte apport their Cou clegates,and notify the Dien des Belin Everent Chat,at this pea Pe dew Wo dathot the iimber, Xe Pies.et wall be served ds to be nour eathertae,Vit soaethine yeraied Dieses love l J the Constite 2 and WhO ask eo nore abn oebtercement of the laws under Ciel .tie sido who are determin wd fotend these ramparta of our tae Toten pesce wand secumty,are oxpected to stmeeting,and by their y beence sty toe rnalteracle devotion to hese ta rb oetacties banded down teus trom the wig fatuers of the Revolution (PEON Oe Tse ERAS ds No :fowl Vour ote,tw ‘tole !ee:wnied odor fe Oe clits wit 1 Come by the dozen,by thie 1 ‘othe thensand $Come, Prom every poontiot the coinpass Nort So bastard West -come with your M4 re,it vever em beemis ovpresn mt le pra \motive Ch beet Shane vce tpecple ow teed ‘..tesaty tera dericnstes an the Country asat (‘1 Is TAR Gottise t WNT MN Sorel SST TESS (OSITES stp ILE, CONV ENAION Wastixeiros,Spr Tl |!)Med ths t v W - |‘trbevenisie tras from Bos .yout witty mites from the eas hhop toot the Sate and Western men were t ba ete Niles We of Pactstieddl,te V promos presettative trom)the western 'boot thes |tose inite pation oof Tfon.Joba Tf thos ot Mee of Crovetnor, wireb atthe Ter the Soa soitoittes,has upret all feel gs with pew that posithon Vhe State 4 tre ttee tas thar oman Tiere was a ie the Bell and Byerets Hote in there notte vn this evening on stich Wan De swan,of Dorchester,ded, ste]spreeeties Wore rade bey thie and by Ons Kot tod Samed H Ihe HHALO Vin port Was tor Pustog,but fasion i noten- Grely populer -vory inany solid nen are agarost ut Mr.Osinyn 3 dent to duorrow Thuefenght ever pt one i iker will probably be the Presi has ben no preliminary meeting belaIx Boston Worcester Bell aud kver the Comin ttee roots and one at the ett headquarters, Devt Lincoln and Amos A candidates for State electors at large Lawrence will be CN EIR W th Lith pose DISUNION »Seceder leaders of North Carolina plewhethber,im the event vf the elec| wot Lincoln,they are fora dissolition of thePong.or weet “The eburion will bet worse than Vireo ofthe timer ty do not mean to submit to ‘of the peoples” Woochp the abuse from a recent isue of the Newbern Progress,in oreply to which we desiretoapeakottewwords.We arene secedere and very tar from being «leader of the people of N Moreh yerwe feel a deep and abiding inter estan the question propounded by the Progress and desire,for oursell,Goambsweeit tauiy,prompt Yoabd unequivoeany in favor of ap mimediate dissolotionnintheeventnamed,We are op poselto submitting to the election of Lincoln, aid awaiting for some “ovest act ot hostility”toSouthermghtaonthepartofbieAdministra ton Turborg Southerner Here is one response.Phe editor of the South eruer comes pine bold and manly way and saye that bean favorof an anamedirie dissolu Fow ofthe Coon on the event of Lincolo’s elee tion Now wall the Standard,Journal,Ban ner,Prece and other Breckinndye papers an ewer 4 snidvdige?Phe People towe a ruht to know how the conduete A therr polneal your nals «tandoon these vital matters)and we eall poo them,aod alsg upon the Breckinrdage Blectors to answee this qn stor Will you ad vocate a dissolution of the Union in the event of Lincola'«election befyre he haa wolated the COnehtution ?All Douglas Klectors,oratora and otbers who support bim are ready to answer this question,and to answer it in the language of the great Statesman himeelf:We will remain in the Union and compel him (Lincoln)to ob- serve and keep the oath which be takes to sup- port the Constitution,and of be does not do it we'll punish tim. Now we call upon the leaders in the Breckin- ‘ridge party in North Carulina to answer this question aud let the people of the State know whether they are tur the Union or against it, We hold that the eleetion of no man to the Presidency,however objectionable,would be cause,Of itself,for dissolving this glorious Coo-federacy, oe A GOOD SUGGESTION, A Georgian contanporary,the Lagrange Re-porler,wakes ap excellent suggestion to politi-cal spenkers—especialy to those who ate workingtorBellhverett.dt says that at almosteverypolitcaliivetingtherearescoresofmenwhoatejreynautwith,and anxious to be deliv-eredofiaspeceh.We hope every one sill speakforBellandEverettwhocanand,therefore,wewouldmuggestthateachandallmaketheirspecchesasshortandasneartothepointaspossible,sousto vive alla chanee.The custompracticedbytoomanyofourspeakersinspenk-Weotrem one to (Wo orthree hours on a atreteb is and rather booty to an wmhence and does no goodatwl-unless.the speaker ia a man of fine ora-loreal powers,possessing the happy faculty ofWhigcoreise,logical,arumentative aad hberesting speech Ns yur Crididates need no defence amongMnitelliyentmenitstheworkofourvenerallyspeakerstearousethepeopleinreferencetothetyenndatyerwhichthreatensourcountry,ana to show them thatthe Union tieket is theerlyonewhichcanpossiblyaverttbeevil.—Thin ts the true course to be pursved by ourspeakers.No man who is posted upon the re-Feord of Joho Bell questions bis soundpesa Upon the slavery question;nur are we able to find antutelligentaudhonestDemocratwhodoes.Thereatportloconvincethepeople thatthe National Union ticket o the only ome Upon which ad conservative men can rely for the defeat of Lincoln We inake these survestions because we be- there is a settled purpose om the part of ‘he people to vote for that man who stands the vfeating the Black RKepablieans, andl that itis the daty of own speakers to point man whose ehkments 1 bet Union his duty as a patriot to do what people om the momentows criss which hangs with so mach wocertamey how ts Neve best chance o More partienbarly to that of steeess are the great every speaker tee The cath te asetse th over the fate ol this government uech uv or Ven liana tte Unicel fired al hla Caren,Che respomerre to the sentie Constitsies,and the ot the Laws.” Verth Carolina.—Hon Jobn Woreply to ap Poet writes a PEN ITA, 1 Cou evi lallom n meri wiy u Nuy 24,1860. ursof the elith eSent oat a ratiteation COMER RCAH SEN GakstipewesN bst,Inve Ven me te de pr meeting OF Ue trends ot Vell and kverett on the 17th yostant ty,Was iniscarned,and did Wol reach mie upl today It ut bad reached Mech Uine priate armngements would have prevented ay bern present $m araloushy With vou in the Natonal Coron mevement,apd shaiido a Lean te contribute to its soccese,I fave thepes that Dral and Everett wold carry 1 Stat Phere are evident indicativme acdetorm ted puboe sentiment quoving the this section of ‘he State,and ad \reections are to the seme effect toctrenutistances:lave prevented my having fleas of terng wre you at Your menting the PT instant Yours tru y JOEN Poop NEY SOE MOUSE SPA Ries Ty ovewterdav’s mie!we received the firnt hombe rot the Matenal Democrat a democraticpaperjustatyrtedathodeahanderthesupervi stonetihe Dy moerine State Bacentive Cominit dited by (QQ Tastes bay Tt has atte toast howd the tates of Dougie and Jobneon fardvoeates woth geal abe abtl ty ther eles tron Mil Viuetee ise good wren,amd we wet t he Demcve Wil soon achieve wow Liat Mad We tecetved the first num GE rat ue Lrmocrat just stanted at Char vite,Ph TE Mo Pratebward ot and proprietor Vhs Dineerat lias tiosted the names of niners,DPoughe and Johnson, ttion to battle for them the 6h of Nu Jetermin Froth bets types bieeets Neurhern Progress Poss a prethy strong cam on the name The ©Weatarn Demo crat’thinks the Deo Char- f =Deniocrar” ula Mate dn etteoiht to bave selected some other, and it mrgit have prevented seme con- faion to liave done go jut we suppose the selection was made forthe sake of the political synitication and not to damage our friend Yates in his bnsiness.eon) BM and br Arkansas.—The Arkansas State Gazette saves,that from the western partoof the State,heretofore the stronghold of the Democracy,it has the Cheer aceounta oof the Union Jlon.Dasid Walker,one of the treat,purest,and tiost eloquent ten in the State,bas daken the felad for Bell and Everett,and his efforts lave bad a very effect.Gen.Thomason,Union Rlector,ia ont with a list of appoint: He is one of the best speakersip the country,and Disnmionisin will Ay or fall betore him.dn the bands of Walker and Thomason,and Spring and Ganter, Bedford,and other good and true Union banner in the West will Victory rettin MIOmt Caline telling nents and toen,the disunivenwavetouhoinoverall Opposition ! Nonator Meson.—The Winehester see publican,referring:to the reported denial made by Senator Mason,at Charlottesville,that he ever termed the Douglas arty atthe North Sa leprons band of Abolitonists,”attirns positively that the Senator did onake the declaration in his speech at Winchester;that it can prove the matter by the certificates:of worthy who took the were uttered ; and forthermore that since the reported and respectable citizens words down when they demal bas appeared,several gentlemen have declared that Senator Mason de nonneed aw Sleprous Abobnoniste”all the Donglas delegates in the Balthmare Con Tins omakea matters moch worse,agit embraces the Douglas dele yates from the Sonth,melnding tive from vention ae Another.-The Jertkorson (Jefferson Pariah,Loner.)Jouenad las raised the Boll wand Everetr flag,and comes to thoae gentlemen at So the work goes on. vs with the names of ate toast head The sno total of the apes of 35 gentle men ata Bell and Bverett convocation io91R¢Boston,last week,amounted to 3,153 years Bre yaa PAJK RY VE OR TH wil GR BIVC TH or pe Call dete at lis 80} of the inebli ful an pie hie cla etn Wa lo he arr i bie wo the for us the ing Ga Br da an ed oe Li the Br Gi me Jo ert dir thi Ke wn ing Car als the for pal ad Ge go 38 hie wwer uage main 0 ob- sup- do it ckin- this inow it. »the |be Cuo- p Re- oliti- king most leliv- y for »be- tof the ane, Orme ents nion what lows pty cntk |the “say OR 0. Inve ting 7th |did ched have pushy and j will lune fect nted first ratic ery) it wits neon clea we eve yum har ptor s of ison, them NG is Ame RU har- her, con- pose ithe age The the the the Von the nin and rery Hon riint- 810 OF |lker iter, true will won Tee ‘nial ttes vias dof the his rove rthy the red ; rted men de |the Don yoch lele from raon ined a to tat nile Tn) 153 i -BRECKINRIDGE'S POSITION.|ONE DAY LAT§R FROM EUROPE., In his celebrated Tippecanoe speech, Breckinridge used the following tan- guage: “1 AM CONNECTED WITIL NO PARTY THAT HAS FOR Its Ob- JECY THE EXTENSION OF SLAVE RY!NOR WITH ANY TO)PRE- VENT THE PEOPLE OF A STATE OR TERRITORY FROM DECIDING THE QUESTION OF TTS EXISTENCE WITH THEM FOR THEMSELVES.” Mr.Breckinridge continued : “]HAPPENED TO BE IN CON GRESS WHEN THE NEBRASKA BILL PASSED.AND GAVE Il MY VOTE,BECAUSE IT DID WHEAT ITDID—VIZ:IT ACKNOWLEDGED THE RIGHT OF THk PEOPLE OF THB TERRITORY TO SETTLE THE QUESTION FOR THEMSELVES,anv NOT BECAUSE ISUPPOSED,WHEAT {DO NOT NOW BELIEVE,THAT UPLEGISLATEDSLAVERYINTOTHE TERRITORY.THE DEMOCRATIC PARLY IS NOT A PROSLAVERY PARITY.” Such is the postion occupied by the eacellence pro-slavery Southern ciehts candidate for the Presidency ! INTERESTING INCIDENT A correspondent of the Meuisiis Bul letin sends tie follow: at Raleigh,when Col)Martin was cloning Lis speech in an appeal to his audicnee to sopport the Union tick t,when speaking of Edward Everett's atempt to wont back the alienated affections of tis country men to a love of the Union,by assern- bling them around the toh of George Washington,Just at that port a beauty ful litthe bird flew inte the and stopped tear lin feet. Court louse Mr.¢ picked it apoan his trand,and conmiueneed the ollitis Lie speech by saving te lhad read va Classics Of poeta taking such tiueic as to clarm the the make them bend to tisten aod Chee a trees of forrest ome ite fee corse Lo stop to reac,but it was the Qrst the he had ever heard cloyguence Cut ecued arrest the Gird inte flyzit ated ta cues it to stop and tieten.The then liseli way a good aren,opened tis teamed.atl tire bied joyously Hew away Gr ue natee woods the song of the Union,and cell ce thar, from what it leacued,there is stilla chance Perbaps it uvay sedge te tte unite for the people of Chis country to reaiatn as they have hecetotare the birds of been,ds tree as the ac Richwond Whey JOUN BROWN=NORTIULICS PRIENDS Hon.Linton Stephens made the follow ing disclosure im tin speeet at Agusta, Ga,on Monday fast.James 1 Brady 16 the regularly moninded cand date of the Brecktaridee party for Gover aor of New Porks and it ed that the Breehint torrdat as been chars onlylyrersare pun ping candidates in the North ote help Lincoln Mr.Stephens weds 'One ot the otnest carnest detenders oot Jodin Sreckinnidye candidate for rk,Mr He RVI pAthiziie 8: Brown,is the Governor of New made a Pw dy eect ford ancbiny ttctetJolinBrown;adcut ern that,Whi ear Tit,saves die diegusted with:lowe that he tiirsed bina the the South gee that the yame of the Yancey:Brew t Wins Cannot people of ers in fo secure the election a Lervchmond __ Polines cngross much attention at New 0 leans.On So bt bast on othe pa ties Wada d ]bb tl Beer ettimen tad ic escort Moana A te club bonus Tn thee fiourga 1 whied o« easion Mr.Roselois inabeaperwertul speeet,4wasfollowedlyMrBlowerpeastoringappea fotthe Union Phere ing organized am the owtsde,whi damed by other speakers The Dhon'as « also mar the prvetpa tn beha Wasa bere ttheet ho was enter habs He@astiote Cheeatgl several of streets.aud displaved quite a are force —much Janger ye sad,than was ante pated bp outsiders,The Young Men's Breckin cidge Clab beld quite a latge meenng at Arm ry Hall,and Jolin Finney,Req.and Attoenies Gremeral Semmes made specches A Cheering Report —Whiatever tends to the dethronement of Reputtieanian aS good news to us,and we therefore eliron icle with pleasure any statement going to show the inroads of Judge Douglas on that Union destructive party The Hon.David Tod whe has canvass ed Ohio pretty Hioroughly,wives itas his opinion,after comparing notes,with close ealcolators,that Ohio will poll this tall 400,000 votes: Of which will be for D riglas For Lineoln For BellForBreckinridge 200.000 170,000 25.000 5,000 A PERTINENT QUESTION The Louisville Democrat asks,“what the deuce does Breckinridge care abouttheprotectionofslaveryintheterrito- ries?Though moderately wealthy and living in the midst of slavery,he does not own a single slave.Is he conscientions-ly opposed to the “peculiar institution 2”Cannot his organs answer.” orks THE MAINE ELECTIONS Porriann,Sept.11 Returns from 1160 towns Washburn 38,485,and Smart 23.841 The entire Repub Jican Congressional delegation is lected,SS give The Floyd Gun.—A correspondent of the New York Times writes from Old Point Com fort (Va)that on Tuesday last the great “Flovd gun”was fired for the first time : “The first shell,weighing 360 pounds,was thrown fifteen hundred and forty at an angle of five degrees—and,striking the sand,bounced seven hundred and fifty yards further The charge of powder was twenty pounds.The second shell weighing 328 pounds was thrown something upwards of four miles on the water, at an angleof forty degrees and with a charge of twenty -tive pounds of powder.The powder with which this guns Gred is in yrains of about ous inch cube.The report is pot so loud as that made by the ten inch gunsoo the rainparts, but the whiatling of the ahell throwch the vartaterrife,The shell thrown ‘ was forty-two seconds in the The “Floyd”yun is pronounced a success,andthereseemstobenodoubtitwillreachaPaneofwxoreyghtmiles,It weighs 49,099 Ibs,andcoatipitscasting#10000." vars Upon the water nit before striking "On Friday,: Arrival of the Bohemian. Qvueceo,Sept.11.—The steamship Bohemi- an,froin Liverpool on the 30th,via Londonder ty ub the evening of the 31st,arrived late last night.Her news is one day later. The owners of the Great Eastern have deter tnined that she shall sail for New York on the 17th of October. Paris correspondents write that there is vet the slightest chance that the proposal to make Naples neutral gronud will sneeeed.They an Ucipate hearing at auy moment of the entry in to Naples of Ganbaldi,and the flight of the Kany. The latest Paris correspondence says that Victor Emanuel has seutan autograph letter to Napoleon,declaring it impossible to resist any longer he current of popular feeling in Tuily : ‘There is a reported fall of LO per cent.in Ne apolitxa fuods oo the bourse. Latest advices from Naples say a Military Council bal advised the King to leave Naples, aud also Chat the officers of the army and tavy had en mousse teudered bin their resizoations. The weavers of Coventry,England,who had struck,have accepted the teem of then employ ers,and gone ty work again, THE LAKE MICHIGAN DISASTER IWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN LIVES Lost, Citeaco,September 10 The following in an Huber of pitsset the ers on board the Lady estiite of Piyind Rxearston passengers 300,regu lar paseenvers 50,crew 35.The nurnber Cape Jack Wilson drowned within LOO tect of the shore. Neary 10U peroons fitry yards of the shore,but were swept back by the brealjers and lost Only 21 tn s have Phese have chicthy been recognized as re sdents of Milwaukie,Wie. Phe nari of of waved in YS Was got within been recovered, tere than of thelov lost are hoown GEN WALKER TURNED OUT OF PEE NGL IBIEC) CRITICAL CONDELIONOF HIS7ARMY New Onbrass,Sept 10 The steamer Once li,from Traxidlo, a arpived Vin hes sthotmean tered with Walker cocmianeber fowar which was the learus fie dered Walker te earrender the t ninand lewreootProxthho,whiel c+ Heved,and retired lower down the coast Aceording tela had beeu reduced t with SOointen devices,st Mo est.fim forcepeatedattacks af the native Walker litself tad heen severely soanded inthe ace.Sevenot his wound ed followers rematned at ‘Truxitle,and were place oon board the Toarus.Ove wana Coronel FROM MENICO Naw Oni ass.Sept The steamer Teviot,from Vera Cruz,at Havana.reports that tue Juarez govern bark Ma to taken wt Cones peton,a ceszal prize ment tas deelared the Spanish Yratien was at the capital concentra meblds (orecs Cee ii Ivo tuosing thither PROM LAV ANA, Niw Once ans,Sept 10 HBlenviile, th artiwedtodav veras Were rapid The ateamer Havanafromm Sugar Was dull nod mtoelasses unchanged A cargo of slaves liad been landed on the easterty coast of Cuba PROP LOWE SND 1S BALAN Pintapi tenia,Set 8 inflation of Prot,Lowe's IathoanThe was resumedthis tortie.and oneaeloek was fixed for the tron of departure dat !ho windeansed the datloon to urst, mutting amend te the seleme,and wast NY AT MAIne@r ee Aboot of op qa, LOE TC)STSVitaetN Ne Tris with maeh regret that we announces the death of that greatly belowed and the Rev J Proshvte rian den Minister at Steel Creek He departed this life vesterday, ifter a Bevere Ulness of several weeks,of Typhoid Fever Is Sere ane 1)Cpt Wait,connected with the truly p> UUNETe Ae om ae His remains will be in vterred (his afternoon at 3 o'clock at Steel Creek Churelh.—Charlotte Balletin THE MARKETS. Salisbury,N.C, Noptember V8, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS. Applesdred,50 8 100 Lead Bar,me 10 Baeon,Walls White,104 12 Beeswax,Wa 25 Molasses Cuba,34045 Beef Sa 6 a NO.60 a fi5 Batter 154 1h ©Murcovade 454 50 CANDLES —Nails (Cut)jab Tallow,a 20 Oat,35 a 40 Admancine,230 OILS LINSEED-Cotfee Rio,Ida lY +Tanners,50 a 00 avn 19020 Potatoes,Prish,50 4 60Cotton,Yai ©Sweet 40 a 50 Cotton Yarn,90 4 10C Rags perlb 2 Corn,hU wy Sal pereaack.1.85 a 190 “Meal,#0490 Sheeting Bro 9a 10Chickensperdoz200a24SugarBroTallFggsperdozRa10Crushed,12014 Feathers perth 20035 “Clarified Lema,Fiour per bb)6.00 a 640 Tallow,10».2 ss ‘Sack,300 9315 Wheat White,120 8 130 Tron Bar)Sa Red,1R0 a 125Lard,12%a 125 Wool,25 a 3 PORK 7aa8 AT A SMALL ADVANCE On Cost ! 20 CANES Of NEGRO BAOGANS for sale ata small advance on Cost. JAS.H.ENNISS, Boot and Nhoe Store. Book Bi ndery SALISBURY. \[ROW OR.DICKS would respectfally inform the 4 citizens of Salisbury,Charlotte,NiatesvilleConeord,Gold-Hill,Moekeville,Greenebore’,Lexing ton,Morganton,Newton,and the surrounding coun try genernily,that he has eatubliahed a Book Rino ery in this place,and will he pleaved to reeeive or ders in his line Muse Booka,Law Books,Penodicala,bound to pattern,or in any atyle ut TT Hie establishment ean be found on the aeeond floor over the Post Office OT Orders from a distance promptly attended to W R DICKS fim 18 Sept 1X and Saliebury,Sept 18,160, |ANOTHER ACCOUNT FROM WALKER,| New Oreans,Sept.10.—The brig Kate, from Truxillo on 31st ulte and Ruatan on the 2d inst.,bas arrived.She brings four passen- gers connected with Walker's expedition,Walk er evacuated Truxillo on the night of the 21st, pursued by the enemy,At the last accounts, only one of bis mea had been killed.No opin ton as to the fate of the rest of the expedition can be formed. [pecoxp visearcH.| 11.—I[t is believed the report from Walker by the Osceola that)bis force Was reduced to 25 wen,was ineorrect.— the 26th with 76 men, well provided with arms and ammunition,Cap New On Leans,Sept He was at Linas on taro Salmon,of the bearas,(British man of war) had declared bis iuteaton to take Walker pri Itas Walker tarch wwto Nicaragua,A vessel,with soner if possible heheved will provs stons,clothing.de,from Laatau,was expected to reach the main dand soon ce The Memphis eadanche relates exul- Hayly,that,after the conclusion of Mr Yanecey’s dare gpeech in that city,the crowd attempted to take the horses trou lis carriage that they moght draw the ve [t was undeubtediv a very fitting thing tor theo tudo Poe asses,mules,shouted licle themeelves to lis quarters, le two legved horses,| vl thaster to his hotel and then been watered tilserils have dr their wea trough and peat the stable to{ touch tay atid oats till ovina Loutsedic Journal. Mites A Perdous Situation.-—A cirens clown named Braquet,whe las lately been give Wy pe tonmances at Avignon,France,an dertook afew days aye,to:hang by the hands from the trapeze suspended to a Soon atter the balloonballoon lad ori sen,the spectators were lorritied to see teeeate!tire,and the cords of the trapese fell Fortunately it was at Heme burnt thronol,the maian fro aogteat hetylt, that woment just over the Rhone,and HeBrwqQuetfellintothetiver, Timer »bank. Was Hot wud ewan tet The Teraxs Troubles Vn Seutuel says that te Tyler (Sintth co) attempt tis Deon tiache to fre that town.tion have the citens of Sith county hung or otherwise vicheuthy dealt with eevee.EL aise says (the most (haranuh mivestigation,diade OV a tucibero sjealiostigers,bas proved that ne suel thang as atin surrection bas been thought of by the shaves on bat county,abd thatitany such thing las been Me Cotter lation exactoft n outined ly ole of (Wo stha What Nort?-Vie negroes of New York VN diave issued an address calling aypon ther rietuds,White and black,to organize forthe N Vetter election,at whieh.aceurdingtea law passed by the Lest Leuislature,a vate ts to be feel upon a proposed ammendioent to the Co Tete peri tiger beweroes fo vote,without Ure Property chaise,which at present restitets their exercise of the elective triatucliine EVERY SUMMER the deniand for Hostetter's Celebrated =ach Bites necoan ne bros found te he the only ac pres:pval ily mirragtin, durug a period wie te edeuiated tevuduce a teeliny mip,Ups worst caseso![Dror betore its t tee Tarnerable perkone who are vow alive and well mnst thagk the dircoy ererof thes preparsticn that they VOL been sever pl away th:harvest of death Vive tren in om Nended by toe best physerene tee find “Phis os he best evidence of ite value,berause,ae a general Weng,they will net speak a wor favor ol adver.lived preporationk ‘Phey have be led to ackiowiedge the clauns of the Bitters upon the community.Sold by all druggists Imtt SPECIAL NOTICE. 4) BLUE STONE,3000 Ibs.BLUE STONE.3000 Ibs. For sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS 0)Bush.CLOVER Nice SEED. and clean for sale by HENDERSON Te ENNIS: THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. From 210 to 240 dee LENDERSN ak EN NSS for sale ly oo 1000 P82*10.000.1 Pure White Lead in Oil, For aule by HENDERSON «ENNISS Poa PURE For vale by Gal ON NS a1000 LINSEED OIL, HENDERSON &ENNISS | 10 Bbls. For wale by Tanner's Oil.40. HENDERSON &ENNISS, _Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY. Enniss’Ague and Fever Pills,WARRANTED TO CURE SELENIDENC)NEN Ns) Fluid and Kerosine Oil. Ry the Gallon or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON &ENNISS’ MLA Te NGA. FRENCH BRANDY. W400,Midveingl French Brandy Given up by Isto Tadgee te be the best ever brought to thin market,for male byHENDERSON &ENNISS SPICES!SPICES! Pepper,Smee,Murtard,Cloves,Ginger,Mace, Cinnamon,and Nutmege HENDERSON & yr eale hy EN NTSS) VINEGAR! 30 cts.Pore Cider Vinegar. 20 ete per Gallon at |HENDERSON &ENNISS' |Sapte 18,1860 tf18 30 cts. solve way” -. ane E subscriber having determined to move to the South-west,will proceed to sell without reserveatPublicAuction,at his residence near Rowan Mills, on WEDNESDAY 24th of OCTOBER,the follow - iug valuable property,via: 5 Head well broke Mules,2 ditto Tlorses, 15 Head of Cattle,(amongst which are some No,1 Mulch Cows)35 Head fatted Hogs,a good lot of Stock Hogs,Stock of Sheep,all hinds of Poultry,3 valuable Wagons and Gearing,1 ketra Fine Rockaway and double Harness,1 Buggy and Harness,@ great variety of Farming Toola,(good and new) 1 full sett of Blacksmith Toolx,Carpen ters Tools,4 first-rate Guns,1000 or1200bushelsCorn,a quantity of Wheat,Oats,Hay,Fodder, Wheat Straw,a lot of Walnut Plank, all my House hold aud hitch en Furniture,1 Share of Stock in the Weatern NV. Co Leal Road,with other articles too numerous to desty nutte, At the same time and place,I will sell at publicauctionmyvaluableLANDSlyingnnmediatelyonThirdCreek iny home place contains 500 ACRES handsomely and couvenently improved,with @ goodproportionofclearedandWellDRAINEDBOT- TOM LAND.‘The mansion is elegantly situated,good Spring Water,and very healthy. The other tract contains 257 ACRES and is an-surpassed by any Lands in Wertern North CarolinaTn«hort the wale will be posuive,and a reasonable Credit curious Further conditions made known on the day of sule THOMASC GRAHAM Rowan Mills,Sept.1s,1S60.tdets WORTH &DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND |Commission Merchants, No.2 Granite Row,Frost Srreer, Ts NGNGCr TC NGeN ae nail kinds of GroceLiquors,Wines,CigarsDealers nes,Provisious,Fruit, sud “Tobacer Solent cousiguments of Flour,Dried Frost,Feath ers,Beeswin.Tobacco,ProduceandCouuiry gen- tracy Ageute tor Howe's celebrated Scales. DG WORTH Nes A NEU. For the past 7 yeore with Lite of Asheboro’,N.¢PC &BG Woarn Sept is.p60 yk NOTICE+46 The subsernberr to the Vievinia and North Carolina Varlroad will ae torn the waoof Mockssile,on Pursday the 2oth of Sepreinber dostant for the pure pose of tranmaccug important bastaess Phe coizens Mt Davie.Rowan,Yack and other surrounciugcountiesarerequewied‘uv atend A SUBSCRIBERSept1x.1660 tlh Change of Schedule. Office Western N.C.ROR. wt Tet.trod (NOANDUARLCE THiS DATE Ri EGEAS-cenger Trane wail ro Sundays excepted »the head of the Read ts tug te the following Secle DEANE Salisbury at Phird Creek Sevisar ry,4 faily intles and return accord ARRIVE AY Pied Creek es) Stateaveille K 36 Statesville Cirawba 430CatawbaNewsoniO10Newton11SWhiteSulphar1030WhiteSulphur10.35 Wekory 155 Hickory 1105 am Teard 1130am RETURNING LEAVE 'ARRIVE AT Teard at 1145 Hickory 12.05 Hickory p20 White Salphar 1230WhiteSulphur12.30 Newton 1245 Newton 1295 Catawha 1.30 Catawba 145 Staresvitle 220) ~tateeville 230 Third Creek 4.10 Third Creek 3.15 pm Salsbury 400 pm The Trai connecta daily woh the Trams of the NOC R Ro at Sahebary,aud wth COS.Brown's fine of Post Coaches for the weet JAWES©Ut RNER,Chiet Hug &Sues CORaR Aug It 2ml3 4 Attention ! erne Heap-Qranters.63rd Rear N oC Minitia,¢ August Lath,Px60,4 FPNHE CAPTAINS AND COMMANDERS OFCompaniesareherebyorderedtohavethemaclverandtheircompaniesinSalisbury,at o'clock,AM. on the 9th day of October,1X6U.arined and equipped asthe law directs for inspection and review ; alectenroundsofblankcartridges.The said offiesalsocommandedtomaketheirpersonalapy rs are arance at the Courthouse in Salisbury,ats o'clock,A.M., on the Sth of October,for drill BOR MOORE, By order of Big Gen.GW Sept 1 Col Com Miri 4wlt 1 \'’SALE,SALE. T offer nextat the Jace s West of All nyallthepreset :OnegoodfourhorseWagonandalltheFarming‘Pools, Household and Kitchen Furu foo ntinerous bo mention AVING determined to remove,for anton‘Tuesday the 25th of Sept resdenceof Sam)Barr, Salisbury, decd 1a mulethefollowingvaluatle stock of Horses,Cows and Hogs: years cropof Wheat,Oats,Corn,Hay,&e Property ure und many valuable The Plantation contaming portion ofow shout 320 acres,a largechasbottomandmeadowfandofthebestqualitywillbesoldthatday privately before that tine ‘Terins made if not disposed of known on day of sate MATILDA BARR Sept 4,1860 pdidalb NOTICE. \S we have indulged those of our customers,who are indebted tous,for nearly a year,we hopethattheywillconeforwardandsettle,as we are Our accounts are made out andneediagmoneyeadylorsettiomentattheendofeveryaxmonthsBURKE&STEWARTSept.4,1260 Bub ]AVING PERGHAST DREGE.PLY REAL BEetutein the Saavh weet,1 wish to sell omy tract of Land on Grrancs Creek,containing from 500 to 600 Acres calso my tract of Laud on the Yadkin River.coutatming sbout 5 Acres.The tract on the River enrbr 1 150)Acres of Lowland some Sthof which ie yettoaclear The dwelling house one ofthe beatin the county,and the out-baildingsaregoodonethirdcash,and.balance anilTernsmone two veure.with internsst Mr Thomas Crawtord will show the river place D F.CALDWELL wsAugust2X,1S60 WILLIAM C.LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY,N.¢ \W ILL,Practice and make prompt collect ' Rowan,Stanly.Pred«ll and Catawba Counttes Office in the corner of Cowan's Building oppomte the Book Store Feb 14,160 1A LHOOMAeL Reto YE 1000 lie.BLE RE STONE! For sale low by WOU WYATT.Droggiat and Apothecary,Now IS6 and TSS Vain Sahebury,N Vith,1860 tfl7Sept MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT TIS wistsMay 29,1s60 OFFICE! IMMENSE ATTRACTION AT THE Great Clothing Emporium OF DAVID WEIL, AM NOW opening at my large and Store Room,No.2,Graotte Bailding,the haud- soment and cheapest Stuck ofReady-Made Clothing everoffered in the State.My stock comprises all th-different kinds of faney cut Lenen and Marseilles husiness suits,Bnglich and Freveh Dray d'Ete and Alpaceo Frocks and sacks,a large variety of Cussi-inere Pants,fancy aud black3 alse Fancy and BlackSilk,Cassemere and Marsaifles Vert,tn endless va-rey Gent’s Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS,BOOTS und SHOES,a large reson ine nt LT teel confident of my ability to undersell any oth- the State,from the advautages |havein geting ny Goods,thereby saving at leas:TWEN- TY-FIVE PER CENT to the gousumer DIMESSAVEDAREDOLLARSMADE.50 TRY WEDAVIDWEIL. spacious er houme in -_ RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S Pulmonic Waters! Tux OnicinaL Mapicixe ESTaBLisnk IN 1837,and frat articleOfthekindeverintroducedunderthenameaf*PrimosWaruns,”in this or uny other country;all other Pulmonic Wafers ure counterfeits,The Genuine can be known by the nume BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Coughs.Colds,Sere Throat,Hoar -ssauey BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Asthma,Brooebitis,DiMeait Breathing. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFEKS Relieve Spitting of Blood,Palos in the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consamption,LungBRYAN'S PULMONIC*WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the UvalaBRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Diseases. Relieve the above Complatats In Tem Minuves. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAWRas Are a Blessing to all Classes and ¢stitations,BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists aud Pablie Speakers.PULMONIC WAFEES BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relieve,but effect rapid and lasting Cares, BKYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. NO_PAMILY’SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BON OF Bryan’s Pulmenic Waters, IN THK HOD Se NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan’s Pulmeonic Waters,IN Wis Poe kRT No PERSON WILL EVER ORJECT TO GIVE FOR Bbryan’s Palmonic Wafers, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS JOB MOSES,Sole Proprietor,Rochester,N.Y Sold in Salisvary by HENDERSON &ENNIS®,and all Drug lyl _S23 Cc—2BEFirs=O~§:5:>Ex Misses == S igisa'g6°5 CleMFSb====S [72 @=cas 2-7 Era NEW FALL STOCK!! ale:E Subseribers arelargeandvariedSivek of STAPLE and FANCYDRYGOODS, Vheir Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND SHOES, A large Anh now receiwing ther usual s large and will be sold low assortment of SES and (COAVRMIDIS NN.IEA SS, therr old customers NORTH of all kinda.anidTheyinvitethepablogenerallytogivethemacal TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Our Stock of Goods are well suited to the interests of Country Merchants,as in the purchase of oarGoodswehavehadaneyetothatbranchofthe trade .BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK.Sept.7,160 6wit ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Wyatt's Remedy !! An Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate! SIRECE ND A PELICTION:: SKC HNT NEE PICTON: Eos CHN DN EE ETOTION:, IN A FEW DAYS! does not imterfereeffectthebreath,Prepared and aold Wholesale and Retulby Wo WYATTcury,Now PRB and [Ss Maro atLrPrice1.Io pre-pay postageAug7 te CORE CURE (CU Tks It has no taste,wih Droggmt nnd ApotheSalisbury,No Chills and Fevers FEVER AND AGUE AND ADL RILIOTS DISEASES PREVAILING IN A MALARTOUS CLIMATE Speedily and Permanently Cured by Wyatt's Tonic &Pills. Donng the past year the demand for thie grea edented Wey Aotils [nx M remedy hae been unpre:Prepared by WOH Apothecary,Now [=6 and ees ryoat.Nahebory N ¢Pree §)per package,ax for 85 A liberal discount to merchants Sept 4 1fi& )ineident to our climate wand sent by inail enclosing 4 stumps and Screfala or King’s Evil,| Ip &constitutional disease,@ Corruption of the blood by which this fluid becomes vitiated,weak and poor Being in thé circulation,it pervades the whole a and may burst out in disease ou any part of it.organ ws free from ite attacks,nor is there ope whichtanaynotdestroy.The serofuivus taint is various-ly caused by mercarial disewse,low living,disurder- edoruvbealihy food,impure air,fill and filthy babits the depressing vices,and,above ail,by the venereal infection.Whatever be its origiu,it is hereditary in the constiiution,deseending ©from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ”indeed,it seems to be the rod of hum who ssye,°°7 willviait the ini-eee ert Eee rece)ctta(eeeaaeaeoee quities of the fathers apow their chiidren ee erst (ests welt illite oid aa alae P sanay eerpase Lis ethicis commence by depos Lon from the blood ces.Mis stock of erupt or ulcerous maiter,which,i the Jungs, fiver,and internal organs,i lerined tubercles;inthe 7 -oS aDititGOODS—es ee a glande,swellings;aud on the surface,eruptions or, sores.This foul corruption,which gendere in the is far superior to any,as those who have favored bim with theirpatrounzecantestify,The stock of blood,depresses the euergierof life,so thats crofalour - cousutations not only eoffer frou ecrefuloa®com and plaints,but they bave far lease power to withstud the alicekwot other diseases,Cousequently,vast uam- bers perish by diwordere which,although not ecrofa- cannot he equaled,either in style or manufacture,having had the mont of Ureur wade to his order.The stock of jousin (heir natore,are #lill rendered fatal by thisMostoftheconmumpt-oa which dec mates the huwan family bas its ongio directly in this scrofulous cout rmination;«nd mauy destructivediseasesoftheliver,kidneys,brain,and.indeed,0 A AND Rheum,Scald Head Ringworm,Rheamatem,Syph-|Ss c =tite wid Mercurial Diseases,Dropsy.Dyspepsia,De- Inlity,and,indeed,all Complainis arising from Vitis.¢y11 and complete and will be sold,at unusually lowrates,andtedorTmpareBlood‘The popularbelief in “impuri-which only betyoftheblood”is founded in truth,for serofula is a DISTRIBUTED NOTICE HE SUBSCRIBER H 8 JUST RETURNEDfr gay marbeandisnowreceivingandopening»complete andfull as "GROCERIES, taintin the system all the organs,arise from or are aggravated by the sure CauneOnequarter of all our people are scrofulous;their eonvaded by this larking tifecuon,«their health ix undermined by it,To cleaase it from the systein we must renovate the blood by an allerative medicine.and invigorate it by heslihy food wand exer Such inedicine we supply 10 3°Ayer’s Compound Extract of Narsaparilla, Vhe most effectual remedy woich the medieal ekill ofourGitesCandevjseforthiseverywhereprevailing alady Li is combined tron the mont ae- uve remed that have been cisesvered for the ex- purgatou of this fouldisorder from the blood,and the rescue of the system from itadesiructive consequep- ence it should be employed for the eure of net only serefula,but also those other affections arise from it,such as Eruptive and Skip Diseases,St.Antho-! ny's Fire,Rose,or Erysipelas,Pimples,Pustules,| Blotches,Blainx and Boils,Tamors,Tetier and Salt | a Deb moti a cise. and fatale cer degeveration of the blood.The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to parfy and regen- erate this vital fluid,without whieh sound health is inpossble in Contaminated constitations, Ayer's Cathartic Pill s tor all the purposes of Family Physic, ‘are so composed that disease within the range of thetr The penetrating properties 8 urch and cleanse,and iovig- orate every portion of the human orgonimar,correct- tog:diseased action,and restoring ie healthy vi- talites action cau rarely withetaud or evade them. Awo consequence of these propertios,the invahd who i bowed down with pain or phyrical de tility ts astonished to fied his healihoreuergy restor- ed by a remedy at ouce so simple aud inviiiog.Novooly do they cure the every-day complaiateof formidable wud dangerour w named is pleased to fur- ish gratis my Almanac,Containing certi- ticates of there cures and directions for their ure in Heartburn, arming (row disordered Stomach,Nausea. ©Parnin and Morbid Tnactien of the Bow- every bods,but alse ina ine ane Phe agent be Aimenicsn the following complatiis:Costiveneas. Headache, Tndigestio ele,Phat Kindred Complaiuts,arming fiom a low state of the nev.Loss of Appetite.Jaundice,andother body of obstruction of its favetions Ayer’s Cherry Peetoral, YOR Tiik KAPID CURE OF Comshs,Colds,Influenza,Hoarseness,Croup,Bron- chitis,Tnetpient Consumption,and tor the rehef of Consumptive Patents in advanced stages of the Disrase So wide is the field of its usefalness and so numer- ons are the cases of 8 cures,(hat almost every sec- tonof country abounds ta persons pubhely Known,who have been restored from alyrning «nd even der perute diseases of the lungs by its use When once tried.ite superiority over every other medicine of its kind is (ve apparent toescape observation,and where ne virtues are known,the pablie no longer hesitate what antidote to eniploy for the distreswiug and dan- gerous affecuions of the pulmonary organs that areWhilemanyinferiorreme- divs thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded,this has ganed friends by every (rial.con- ferred benetita on the afflicted they can never forget. aud produced cures (oo puinerousand too remarkable tu be forgotten PREPARED BY |DR.J.C.AYER &CO.,| LOWELL,MAss | All our Remedies are for saie by Wo oH.Wyatt,Salisbury,NUC.,Henderson &Enniss,oe Hutchinson &Co.,Charlotte,ae J.M Johnson,Mockeville Perry,Sinpeon &Lows,Lexington,“MoAJ&C.A Santos,Norfolk,Va.Hvihed,Stevenson &Co,Charleston,S.C March 6,1560.hy4l SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY ! ore SMITH &MILLER,MANUFACTURERS OF Gentlemen's Boots,Shoes and Gaiters, ]AVENG spared nevher pains nor ex-pense,in procuring materials of the best quality—Machinery of the latest im-provemenis—und the most finshed Work: nen,they flatter them-elves that they can sell aus geod an article of Boots,Shoes &Gaiters, purchased in New England for the same They therefore feel confident that their ap- pealte the entizensofthe South to sustain them in ther endeaver to introduce among them #branch of Manufacture now entirely inthe handeof abolitiomets, will not be in vain or disregarded.“They offer at WHOLESILE 1ND RETAIL, French Calf, rs can be money Fine Chanuetred Boots,Fine French Edge, Half Welts,ee ee Double Soles ug D>v "HY @®'OPERA BOOTS. (Patent Leather and French Calf) Fine Open Gaiters,Patent Leather and French Calf, ©Congress Gaiters,French Calf, Oxford Ties,French Calf, Frenoh Am.Calf. 1°Go to thein and supply your wants and intarevouwillporehaseneBoots,Shoes or Gaiters, Umon Ties.(a new style fu- aiuve thore manutactured by SMITH &MILLER, THO WASVILEE,NeryJuly2b,x60 National Flag! o— WM.M.BARKER oOvLD INFORM HIS OLD1y¥\\frends wud customers that he ts again in the Carriage Business, and prepared to furnish any atyle of BL GGY or CARRIAGE from the best 10 the lowest priced Northern the (loimprovemnentsio bishne,and made arcingemente He has recently visded a niinber of thewith allnequmintedhimeelf manufactores and by which he can aupp'y those preferig iowith North ern work moch cheaper than could be done by order yb He ever done ng a angle ntends to bald the finest and best wer in the eountry and soles a enll at the Sign of che Vattonal Flag wma.M BARKER July 31,1860 flo 2 =s =o Ss BEMISTER &CLAYWELL, FXousc Paintors,GRAINERS,PAPER HANGERS,&c.,Opposite Hotel SALISBURY,N.C. the Mansion All work personally attended to and warranted tobe done in a workmantike manner July 17,1260 pd6m® K K =.Q Q a a =4 ‘advantage. establishment e xclusively for CASH. FOR NOTHING has a more desired effect than a eash system.Therefore aca is earnestly solicited,before purchasing elsewhere, At FRANKFORD'S, SALISBURY,W. May 7,1960. SEWING-MACHINES. Prices Reduceu to $50,$60,$90.and$100. Tur.plain reason why Sinagr’s Sewine-Mscnings have always sold Teadity at a higher average pricethananyother,is that they arebetter,more darable, more reliable,capable of doingamach greater variety”of work,and earning more monoy.Long-continuedpopularityisproofofsterlingmerit.Inthe purchage of what are called cheap Sewing-Machines,thousands have been deceived and disappointed,bat with Sr. Gee's Macnines there is never any failure of mis- take. Singer’s Tranverse Shuttle-Machine, to be sold at $50 plain,and $60 highly ornamented, isa Machine entirely new in its arrangement;it is i very beautiful,moves rapidly and very easily,and, for family use aud light maaufacturing purposes,is the very best and cheapest Machine ever offered tothepublicTheseMachinesarebeingincreasedin number as rapidly as possible,and yet the demand for then cannot be fully supplied. Singer’s Ne.1 Standard Shuttle-Machine. formerly sold at &135,but now redaced to $90,is ton well hnown allover the world to need any descrip-Every sort of work,coarse orfine,can be done with tt. tion Singer's No.2 Standard Shuttle-Machine.This isthe favorite manufacturing Machine every ‘The size of the Machine gives ample spacewhere ‘for almost every description of work,which,togetherwithitsadmirableworkingqualities,give it a décidedPrice,with table complete,$100. Singer’s Ne.3 Standard Shuttie-Machine. For Carriage-makers,and heavy leather work.Price,complete,$125 Since the great reduction in the price of these Standard Maehines.on the lst of October,1858,the sale of them has increased four fold.All of Singer's Machines make the interlocked stitch with two threads.which is the best stitehknownEverypersondesiringtoprocarefallandreliableinformationaboutSewing-Machines,their sizes,prices,working enpacities,and the best meth~ ods of purch«sing.can obtain it by sendingfor acopy of LM Singer &Co.Gazette,which is a beaati- ful pictormal paper entirely devoted tu the sabject.It will he xupplred gratia.I.M.SINGER &CO., 450 Broadway,New York.T.J.MERONEY,Acent,SALISBURY,N.C. July 24,1860 19 ce fe ee5a=Fe ea ==a 25426 Se=S0>Soe 4ieees CytnSSnce1Saeee>=-zx ooeariorescene.=~Pp Sis ct sore=)som 7°=22—ee a 7 eaczu.2aces:@esézie:rae podSeccororeFs2-25 4 @ess2©eee ee co =nPoaos|~~ee Es xwer2a=¢3 —_an esee:=5 cS=5 oSLSeeB_es =4 =3 ce) <<~<A =ec=5 =o K a4cea° NEW MANUFACTORY Salisbury,N.C. HAVE now completed,and have in operation Machinery,by means of which I can safely say, that Lean supply all of North Carolina with Neat ind Good(Cottage and other Bedsteads, as Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be had from ew Yor or any where else.Give me a calland IAlibers!discount to dealers\n preference lo employing agents. 1 Factory,a few doors bslow T.B.Brown’Liv- ery SinbleTrOffice,Fursiture Rooms opposite R.@ A.Murphy'e Storr will give satisfaction Ss.R.HARRISONMay¥.1860 pd6m50 ]AVING located in Sulishory offers hiesions!services to the citizens of town and thesurroundingcountry.Office Post Offiee,up stairs one door below the Professional Cards.| DENTAL NOTICE.ol a NI my€@B DR.BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro tug DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly vecupied by Da.Bavon, where he is prepared to attend all operations eunnected with his profession.Jan.1,1860. W.1.BARRIER, DENTIST,MT.PLEASAN4 x c BY March 13,1860. Drs.M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, AVE associated themse|ves in the practice of Medicine and offer their Professional services to the public Thosewi<wt ose have theservices ofboth,In aay cree,Withoutextra the same ocoupicd at prerentiy Dr Wao nren1898.Decipher us, DR.F.N.LUCKEY, [ese Bow permanently locgred at bis own resideree (recently owued byJ.B.MeNeely,)on the Concord and Mocksville rid. 24 mites South of Phyatira Church.continues te ot fer,at the same location,bis professional werercs 1thepublic Calls,in his absence,should be tele with bys naena ger.Mr.Shuping or bis wite,ori their abseure,wihtheservants. Mirauda,Rowan co..Nov J0th,1x59 LAW PARTNRSilIP, A.W &R.A.CALDWELL, OFFICE the one formerly geeupied by Dr Nesbit,on Water Street, SUCUSIEIOTPE,ON,(C) March},1659. Aaa _BUSINESS CARDS. N.M.MARTIN,BRO.&CO.,GROCERS ANB COMMINSIONMERCHANTS, No.129,Syeamore Street, PEVERSBURG.VN N.M.MARTIN,SOW &CO,COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND,VA NM.MARTIN,sr.RO VaNvaniteRAMARTIN,WL PrienWwoKMARTIN,|NOM wines EF Strict personal aticproduce Orders for goods proniptls tied —-D.A.Davis,(une 14,1359 Rererence F Fisher,bey JAMES HORALI WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELEP,SALISBURY,N.¢ One door below R.&A.Waphy's Store.EEPS constantlyon hind a large ascurig,sWATCHESandJEWELRYofailkinesClocks,Watches and Jewelry of ever Coeptianrepairedinthebestmane ble terms February 14,[R60 Fraud onthe mest reasena Lave MICHAEL BROWN,COMMISSION MERCHANT, ALISBURY,N.C. a pee ‘HOSTETTER’SSTOMACHBITTERS. The proj re and manufécturers of HOS- TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can with perfect confidence tohysicianscitizensgenerallyoftheUnitedtates,because the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown.A few facts ponthispointwillspeakmorepowerfullythanvolumesofbareassertionorblizoningpuffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit-ters for the last year amonnted to over a half- million bottles,and froin its manifest steady increase in times past,it ix evident that dur ingthecomingyeartheconsumptionwillreach near one million bottles.This immense amount could never have been ~old but for the rare medicinal properties coutuined in the prepara- tion,and the sanction of the most prominent Physicians in those ee:tions of the country where the article is best known,who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients,but are reudy at all times to give testimonials tu jts efficucy in all eases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom This is notatemporary popularity,obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum-peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine,which is desuned to be as enduring as Lime itself.Hystetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints havecountedtheirvietimsbyhundreds.To be able to state confidently that the ©Bitters” are a certain cure fur the Dyspepsia and like diseases,is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure)Tt removes all morbid matter from the stomach,purifies the blood,qd imparts renewed vitality tu the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration.of health It operates upon the stomach,liver,and uther digestive organs, mildly but powerfully,and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Litters daily as t directions on the bottle,and they will find in it @stimulant peculiarly adapted tou comfort declining years,as it is plecertt to the palate, invigorating tothe bowels,excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally.We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benetit of using this Preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility,acting undertheadviceofphysicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Merits of this article.A few words to the geutler sex.There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbjingly tender,that the mother,especially if she be young,ix apt to forget ber own bealth ig her extreme anxiety for her infant.Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season,the wear ofbodyapdumdisgenerally then,ig a necessity for a s rate the energies of the system,and enable the mother to bear np under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians,becuse it is agreenble to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength All those persons,to whom we have particu- larly referred above,to wit:sufferers fromfeverandague,caused by malaria,diarrhera, dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superanuiated invalids,persons of sedentary weenpation,and nursing mothers,will consulttheirownphysicalwelfarebygivingtoHos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feits,but ask for Hostertex s CeLenRratep Sromacnh Dirrers,and see that each bottle hae the words Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle,and stamped on the metallic cap cowering the cork,and observe that our autograph signature is on thetub @e Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa,and sold by all druggists,grocers,and dealers generally throughout the United States,South Ame- rica,and Germany. SOON TNT Ics rgvavated.Here, ‘witant Co recupe- DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV Te NSENtothepurchaseofallkindsofPRODUCEyewOunesanAadtoallconsignmentstobesoldiuthismarketorshippedtootherPortseas)Y Hen |.{WottFebruary14,un Sei :i i mealaPateic;4CcWoy ly]ollecting AgenSoeReoe CLOTHING !VINE andersigned offers hia rervirea to the public .asia Collecting Agent in and about SabebnacyHeholdstheappointmentTown,ind theret to our Superimiende f Tan Collector for the feels rutherzed to refer Persons tand Comenissio ! 8 CLOTIEMG!! Metisseusin Pe ee COME AND BUY.BARGAINS1! RA N Tr !z :p>aceon |; WYATV'S:TOME CORDIAL,2 One of the most pleasant and efficient Remedicn ever got up forDysentery,Diarehea.Flux,= CHOLIC,and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS,both of children and adules PRICE—25 Prepared by WOH.WYATTNos AYOTHECARY, 1X6 and IX™,Main Street, SALISBURY,NOC a Jane 5.tf2} THE NORTH CYROLIN White Sulphur Spring GENIIs ‘ Fellow-Citizens of Rowan eee Ne Wale np to HULL LIVS Clothing Nore and take a good look at tay collection of every canplevion of READY-MADES. Seniors Cer eral 4 1 Ma he ive! 4 :-nf . i awe ''x .*'i VV ib be opened for visitors iy the ;Pr as acca Peciae valiIstofSunenext:they are sitaated a Vere is fae itipamoathealthymountainouscountry.8 nieeiite ea en eres i pearthe benatitul Catawha River,with i Tate PA ae ana Hine purse.binlessthananhour's ride of the present termite Coca thea wad :wee aetheWesternNC.Ral Road with whieh daily tem)qn,Vint ctes eh polest attenofOrnniboresandStageCoachesconnecttiesprings|Gon,and fire verordiang ees tenis Pleasure Velicles and superior Saddle Horses will be .WE IU OHET LIENatthecalletguestsBollingAlleysandaBillard|ao ;Saloon will be neatly fited up.A fine Band of)Apr T Teh,1x60 meMusiciansengagedforthesexxon-—Quadrille and|.Cotithon Parties each eveningfree ofextra charze Worth Carolina College.The Qoildings are new and spacious,she pleasuregroundsextensive,ond in fine ry thing ae oS Werpramg Fostitucen.located at Me Pleas for,me atthe best watering pla wil be found here aut,€arr (a,Ny Cell teen Nee to refresh the tinerinan iad cheer the epirt.The sion Sept 26,bse extended repytation and the medical propertiesof the Ptenjoye a becuotaland healthful saat,and Watera (almost inaccessible before the completion)is of easy acess.to all ports monteoftheWesternNOC.Rail Ro now hail the ack Pie titer sry and tmer ad advo ota yee astrpase dandafflietedwithacordialynewontonPostitienthex The experience of the Proprietorjastith ok ares 1x ne ‘ton h weludinerofhealthorplewsureinaitieoatiag«mie heard.washowr,fel.Cait d coming tor hg»been at The Propri ther peise in fitting upa watering place commensnratewith the For du ' wanteof the Carolinians and contidently rely on their |TORY 1 HEE Be ees generosity for encouragement |CO OTE N Cre ty HL.ROBARDS |seereta f RonrdApril10,1-60.thin |Aue 2 “1 twit LAND FOR SALE. HE valuable PLAN PA'PION formerly owned by Samuel Barr lying on the waters of Back Creek.| SALISBURY MALE ACADEMY. 15 oles Weat of Salisbury,on the Sherrell's Fare |gt TESS eseON (vt BUS SCHOO, road.containing about 320 ACRES,about To)Acres velemnmence on the 2uh Seprember Boys of pond (two good Meadows)Bottom land «sia in p ‘tegen any Colbege Peartents Rownn county;the land ie well adapted to the Heron ws ctuout ext noua menteegrowthofTobaceo.The durldings are al vevinga dbrenchis Pap ls eh Persons wishing to purchase will pleag [fom the cin Min :(otliees P.Houston who residesin the neigtdert won .(AT RN take great pleasure in showing the Inud.and act as euiie Se}'sul agentin my abseuce,JAJuly24,1860 $kOO REWARD. ]ANAWAY from the anheeriber,op Thureday »might bast,two negro boys,by the name of RICH and FREEMAN.Rich in wbont twenty-one yearn old,epare-made,very black,haerathera d. look when spoken to,w 150)pounds Freeman ia about 1H years of age,rather on the , ighe about ORRELL &GRADY, Mar Wholewile De s,CAPS, actarers anid alers in HAT Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers,Ribbons.&e., No.18 Courtlandt Street, DD ORRETE )UP STAIRSFeeoeersenankybolt,and weighe aboot 125 pound |tary y of Fayette Nice -@ above reward will he given to an ware yr RoR.GRADY ra adeesCeaWietewiiieecieNiaVoorYorkwilldeliveranidbovetome.or confine them ov jail @ that Iocan get them.or $50 for either one of them The subscriber has good reasons to think that they are trying to make their way toa Free State THOMAS DIGGS,NGAag.15,1960-8114 Anson Co, Blanks of all kinds for sale at thia fie]July 24, \ (yen:for Preserving Froite Apple Brandy. for sale by WAY Ad. Saliebury,N n9 will If and IRS Main st, 1860 FUR,STRAW act SELLING NEW YORK COST!A RARE CHANCE !FORBARCAINS! AVING determined to change my presen!busi bess with Gre object of xoiug tuto a inore geger Lowill other LADIES DRESS GOODS,NEW YORK COST Articles will alone,allay tod Fmbaawderios at FOU CASH eatly to there advantage to Gall aie theue vag.| Laven Ladies in want of suetthuditg {Mauritian bermiued Lo clone ty sieek as ban wes ou band at at alse welling aGreatly Reduced Prices. A.MYERS, No.4, Is60 Grasire Burtoisa ®alimbury,Way dt tf Wilhelm &Gorman. ork MoTt) Quick Sales and Short Profits. the Rowan HouseLaBoyden’x Granite Raw,Op parte HR pubue ace oivited to call and examine our ple iidid stoels Borate the best and fies nthe Stat Prcousetyot Bureaos ws,Vet Petes,China Presse de ofevery hind,Parlor Chairs Cane seat and Winsor Chains.Chalstands,Weshestinds,&e int vers thing an our ioe,all of which we will sell as che as cun be boushtia the State Aine farsoriment of We ToMins keptoou hood,aod toruebed On ae reamenable terme as eon be had We have a fine new Hearse for faneral o¢ Furniture Store of GORMAN ys Cali at the WILUELM & Othe oo castous Salisbury April RAT AWAY--$75 Reward. ‘DANAWAY fromthesubscribers at LevOAiceNeosGuuisangALEX ALEXANDER.Sid v dark co; vercolorOfeetSorPie 116 tbs,very weigh tom d bos rather a down east look —age subserores thin ot probable that Afex ow darki gheuteitherattheneighborhoodofSaasbury.M Lowre'a or MOS.MeWhe vy plantations PheywinsetheaboverewardIieapprehyisinae every tech at Le aroritu,N Nis ed Mm “r {sath 1 ot tasty s ‘ Te NN verte A Re (10) Oe ty 1sa9 ty Greonsborough Mutual INSURANCES CONE ONY: Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIKECTOHS: Felner Nc NPacv vite AW Ui Mirek eee RoaNt ! 1 io [BAN Pome Mo Grartect,John bh ¢ NV if db Woe ‘Ba 2 Ip Woh ‘ee i lot . VON Wore WW wv K et etmrNienMNew!f Salou}~J ’|ren Pig Res (eo Marciattie:lee Wasi NESE WN Gig SUING 1 tie ee at NolaNey)\u ttfWENDENALA\Pe teste Nae v=Sra !AGATE OCU NGNCe C a]Neen t Cetin i Siete j ‘ian Nt ba q Feevlete Nataly :2 \au eT A Mice shou ‘RAD AMS SecretarGrooneNo7JueWittt IPENEN ©)aeule oe EIEN |)ver va wh ran "a [wea ca ch ratyoot ewan,bb abe .Soin eu the Sheree isk K andygingberLheteatDroSob nD ut ‘Teer teak 'alts want GW Neremot tive |Pnow thir forse pave \:purchase will pleime eal on the athse MATON Ed !xTissTal i !':: slate are here Gi mwrey‘be pl re cov MESIGY ESN Ste EN GE x N ioe 4 5AM Deel WNP), Two vilardle Plantitioas tor Sale. “EI ‘“'|eeICie K ‘Vie plc on wheel tier ete vedoon the win 1 rim M Y Wy .ies DMV RE TA Botose Farn 1 Meadows,Wel watered,and a\Paes Pract knewn «Von Pract.¢ come 2 foals !Crook,having‘".at Ped aed \1 I tothe gr \(\near the Depeton the W t (ror NENiMile PO MNS Ie VET NVEx''\ Gal UT S01 FUER WAT As Or Uist raat. TFTOIIN DOoOOoLDTY, rhe Mais sreri,Riv sews Va Mounntactarer ave Deals ” LRGHORN,PANAMA,SOFT ANT MOLE SKIN DKRsS HATS HAVE now ready pack of I HATS.CAPS aid STRAW GOODS toowlich Powonld invite the atewwVirwiniaN ntident of my my Specop « nhion of The meretants rth ¢arotina aud Pentegentbilitytowupplythemwith Pevenvthiog they may wantin tov dine,on ae poefernsastheyeanbeprocuredinonymarketonth ountryM willbe Kepteonstenthy fall hy the odd nih new oor derinable sar having ne CSEORiNe TRU Bret chnietyUiititeme aie extrable ocytes wall be ofins own an tiaccire MM Rivek Mole -ebon bat re still onthe front rinak,and quali uet superior,fo ans thine produced ret 'M mticd Bose Masser”ol Chad Hate ond Poamot all toe ditt rents {id Legh inet be ey Indfa Mieuery Goods,Lean farnish ony thing req Mactin kuti anne quildimot \ninw colts 1 Hote very complete any of theatHirtcneCapsunadetorte:at short JOUN DOOLEY VMavalicttc [RG8:} JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition 1! 14 hes pp atock uf Eo©fictie n aoeee pared GOLD &SILVER Oo: NONE DENS R STS EY the Tatest Stylescin Seton meparately,prices secording Gold ands VestandPoh Chama,Ladies Gold Chathiaio andthecaSEEVERWARKwarrrutedequalte«Fhe land pprovedatvlewof Plated Kawes Bork Sha Catone,de ARne ameirtinent at Cloris fhe above will be wold Defying CompattionAcoWartch(naanjou Wo cent eachLeAllkodeofReparringpromptly,carefully aod ittended to nnd warranted hy iF W REP? Practical Watchmaker Concord,N.¢ perecnally Fuge 26.1560 -4m55) BLANK DEEDSFoRSALEATTHISOFFICE |_HOTELS. |MANSION 2%HOTEL, |IN|SALISBURY. we x slit!lo subscriber takes pleasurein anunoucing to his trends,vad the public generally,that he has taken this long established und well known Hotei and has wade every possible preparation to accopune date the business,travelling and viriting peruous o the publics im the most satisfactory manner Particular attention is paid to his XO AIB LEE, andevery comfort is provided in his ROOMS.Hie SUABLES are abunduntly supplied and at. ended by u careful ostler;and to all departuvents the proprietor gives bis personal attention A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the tou the arivalofthe carsWiththesectlortstoplease,a liberal sharevublicpatronageiseonfidenthsolicited WM.ROWZEE January 25th,1860 uf TIE WALTON HOUSE. Morganton,N.C. eae superb New Hotel has gained the reputationotbeingaFIRST@LASSHOUSE,aud necond te none in the State —— — (he many favorable notices by the Press of the State, and the very liberal patronage reeesved. Pteontiuars open never having been cluaed.,and «te guests ny fely upon tlre wt tthe House berg surtatied Phase arrongements made to be kept muppled regu rly wich Peesh Foetitrem Nertioh and Newberu.4 with every defieaey usuads found at FIRSTCLASSHOPES COS.Brown &Co's Stage Office, sat thie House Ther FOUR HORSE COACH he fe Cle Weual ot the WON ©Bil (erart ot Motutaye,Wedtues thd Piicdays.and to (sie EXTRavyhouranufor ville,Tueadiye,Thursds\wandSatudoyeCOACHESandHACKSready«Ant val (1,fy JIREW AS, Prorkinron Ju Bia ee + weep \Favettey Sranfard and Sporce we N Koa Hatter ‘1 tleratd,WtongProgress,Newhern:Pa Green fiabury Banner,copy eneht Mount Vernon +wd House, AT THE DEPOT, evel ISIN Cu Tt"un ‘ohne :ee ted very way sal tines f !“ghont a is Phe CatsiD1on iC4ra|ah dw .Bhs i I 1 t e =he1Hears;- fire ‘tt =vl done >BENJAMIN J ' “THE UNION,” EON A VEMCOUNEH. 4 pit SDRESIONED erencef'HOoTRL ow We ANSTIBUESGATODS TIIAAPT BI, JOHN F.JONES,Proprietor BROAD STRE«£T, ‘ Brown’ ~’Tt erat 1 ~this ''wetfPmm\nok aed e : ene 1 mite rMwa nothow due wells ‘Te tt\Re curatied (erties feaetTPHOMASBOBROWSNMayduet,|<.ud TRVING. 3,1 syned has re ott T EE anole Realy SE Sat noth t th Silvan tit Fe trite iW.Trex EU NoeseNOY Label y HILLSBORO’ NUE ARY ACADEMY. ee Tierent woe thee taetoaf Cor (TEAS te tte {othe Ste I Naeem r r Buy AM ef fits von !‘ eal ee xT vn Reduction in Price, Ik Welton es Clits &150 BRE a au HENDERSON &ENNISS Ta 1,bse iat PILE OINTMENT: ])"CNN ANN AIG IESE brated Pile Quito 1 ‘1 1 'it &ENNISSwai CLEANSE OS:Haeetienstnt 60 White Hands NeeApplySAWL fren ay Ran Rowe Inploviment ip ford MiaEN Gehl Chartoite,No ¢ PATENT JARS. aS ERE Guat wy article vet oneade SN SERVING FRUETS nid VEGE TABLES,foraiWASTEAMEATP I=and 88 Varn et.Salisbury,No ¢ July 23 £4 mn Buggies and Rockarways, FINITE eubecriber tenn dat of handsome new Bug|giew and Rockaways,whi bh he will eel!on goodtermsPHOSFEBROWN,Jan.24,1x60 a5 of the Asanevidence of it,Lreferto! |North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS!slockofvery FRESH AND PUR! }| Drugs &Medicines: \selected with much diserimination at the lowest rates, @t bome and wbroud.Lu addition to their con c assortment of Medicines,regular and propretury, they have a line of Drugyiste Fancy Goods,Perfumery,Spices,Paints,$c,$e,$e, trom wihech buyers evn CIRCULAR. HE undersigocd respectfully eall the attentionofDeugyietsandMerchavdstotheirrenewed FRERCKS &RAEDER, BUCCESBORB TO N.BOYDEN &SON, JALAL coutinue io manufacture wad keep on takingw variety select a whole stock at the lowest ruoge of pricesTheyaskyourpatroungewithconfidence: very that from wn experniever ot 30 extended trade with the leacing busmess houses tu thir State, knowledge of the Wauis of ande frow their focitities tor yevrs,w AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full sod &consequent real Your section of country 5tinentofprocuringqoods:(being tu direet correspondence with the chief Mauntacturers and Dealers in this and tor tnade heretofore tows,Cultivatory -:i ‘Shellera Straw and Feed Cutters,ei counties)they will be able to supply your needsLeeannasiwerwarthecomingseason's bumierr,with great ealivtutorse-Powers,seed-Nower,T 2 'on ty yourselves tn qualtity:prices and ternsChreshersCiderandSugarMila,Wontey rat tee ‘-a”BAKFR &COPhresherandSeparators,‘They alse manufacture JOHN ¢KEE fcJOUN©BAKER,|No.154 North 3d stShaflingandMachineryCaeWaROLENRiniadelphit Feb 7,(60 10 |REWARD. DANAWAYevery\ for Grist Mills,Cureulirand Vertical Saw Malle,Gold,piss Copperaud Silver Mines,Pobacco Pressex and Bix COreW eC Sr \JROV AND BIRASS CASTLVGS. FORGINGS FINISHED WORK ofdesenpuonmadetoorder,and warranted in every r of touetiee from the subserber,wear ChorisandVille,on Saturday the 7th toet..a bound bor ty the name of JOUN A KINSEYerydescriptionofMachinenyayceeafinpe,o feet Yor LO une teseuid bovis high respect.Re done at ab about [hoor LAU pounds,of a red ©unplevio Salsbury,N.©,Jan 2,1560 ly3a eat ene Be eg Standard,Ra 2 Patriot,Greensboro’;Demo is rather spare made.walls quick ern val erat,Charlotte:Wester Advocate,Asheville;Caro.stuiters some whena litle excited Me he leit a black frock linmey coat with black b ne shirt He tho steel Ninian ekly Colambies Observer,FayettevillecodTredellExpresswillpublishSimonthsaudforwa.d ATE. tn we brane edges,willl seme rents in tht chain right carcied off with hun a Silver Woite howaccounts REAL ES he alwe hada heavy Hat valvaniged fob chainwithbeadkevinatthe Coach Paster harborunder the pena end Said boy will pase for aANpersonsaretortiddentoeuploy, feed or aid wad boy in any wav whatever ty of the Jaw,uf they do the law wall posttively be enforced against all such persons.The above Reward will be TISHING toconcentrateny hands ou one pl :’given le any person \\TL propose to sel the plantation oo whiet:1 w Whe willoontine said hoy to any jail,and notity me remde,contami SUT ACRES |Mort of the wert an Of the saine be that Dead get hinhi payinev pensestnd,theroinaider a dark loam,equal in fer .JOHB KENDALL Uliyae any in Rowan Nearly ane half of the react April Toth.bsay War? Ip willon woods,contamunga preal dealot fine toaberrightiwomdetheNOCOR.Ro ‘Phere ie about 40 ud MEADOW.of tire: DAILY U.SPA'PES MAIL, Neresot BOTTOM LAND rate quality ‘The DWELLING i well arranged,WEST contaming nine roots,garret and cellar,and alee °tire-places,ancoinio view of (he Yadkin River and (‘’DEOWN &COS 4 Horse 1 cheeNOCRav!Row Phe garden and sprog are excel aie tre now running Daily from Heke: Veni.anda muildings of which are wew,ry Vuvern Stanon,WON ©.Rial Road 'recall menue Combet t Zhonter Oar d Horse Cone ts lh wit tie Quine convement,berg within Ve jeave Woreant nT dave.ThursCutesalebuns{very bh wo Them wrdaye,We five th 4oite (i tot mere,Cotton,Grain,Prats.headof the Rar Road.on the arnva vegetables venger Dra Phiroogh to Ashe leJNOABRADSEPVWVinWarion,Pleasant Gardens.TarToeipennmrerns(at obs i Black Woon COWAN’S ag |HORS wcVegetableLithontriptic,'''™ THR trom Hhekory Pavernto Worganton,#2 00 SUPERIOR COLOCNE WATER,FRIEND OF MAN TEAMEIS ,rKOM DILEASED KIDNEYS,TuEhin Deel (ram Fiagiunttluete Stone in the Blackderiand Wediaye,We nyeeVis4 VeVi M s fon sale 1 1 Dilaidsd Vat APPLE Macy, Mews =:See $4 Now sand Ise Main SNt(Nestin's ”\4 ay Settle\aaNet ao mr (ee dtc eicnae ee aap eh us ios se ee .HARDWARE!! ee esImportanttoMillOwners!!.....:'eu CET THIS OUT)Stock of Hardware :ever oth rediothis Market,which having been bo Ino.dh.UroMannen "Pe tena Cae .oe Ret ere \ChEIleNaEly .-“JONES&OVERVWANSMUTANDSCREENINGMACHINE,<0 ..0 ii inn wa Nie TURRED AT SOUTH LOWELE, Siania as a}Wee SIPC Sib SOIC TE:eeeMoehinesandwoahthemeebban ;aie t need Wee ap Wala:(6 1?th een 1 S108)TM a teoms ::i :a -Sale _1 ae ;a WeoM Migui Nisin,?e gu ’'\ ;'“Kose ss eritt 10 1 »\©ENTE ICN NCES x WECM GORMAN ~‘\\tie tot Uwe,4 foy ¥ WITEELER &WILSONSDR.MOUTARDES ~~Sewing Wachines. ,°°-@vo/p.h ll LpMiraculousPainWillers po WOE EE NON SN SEW NG WAFATEMAETSMEMiserteowCTVINES,te oF ‘hohe publi wathNieeoe,Fee &hee aust |Goreng rinPOOLHAGH|‘at rhe M ee CORNS (RE NEONS.|4s)age bere (ett ee NU Cc pamibrc Liters COLT ay thine aos by (Resin itera A VWYERS }/G TT CHIBI Gd Mays 10 )WTC DeeUra an lar Irie wa VP AUCTION. Hs:ri dite herman Powill oiler at Lees Tres .Kk VRE SS SeNatit vie gil AS intake not N by Nae bs id iss Wow Sacpite Isoo rite rt,She Ne Neiver berinenttanhen2tONeres(vane ne the New Firm.eee oe nitiveDorms conde knowsPpMURR&SOSSAMON,voc ten ’‘ih,FM]AVING parehasertot ED Biown &Ca,hetrratiestack of.k aTTIN,SHEET IRON,COPPER TURNIP SEED.WURE STON EN.ate t 1 fi lo VARIETY.FRESH and WARRANTHebendsermesthetofCOW‘cohonCHERCILSTOVESever#4 BD.old by Ay .1 IS6 and [a>Maro xt.,Salisbury,Noddhasuearksidwalfsforcamleaelow6fevtrlietqedeanyWheaterNLanAnamCernerELENVulyodbyofPhinandJapaned“PEN WARE and STE ern yoryy |error het |.Menta sietelcannnccepee NOTICE TO ALL.|Roden cat thie Thor tine WU SPSS4MON T PAVE determined to settie aly ontstandimg ba Sgiebary.dan 10,R60 1.33 Sincin rd tor that purepe have pheced all my !t faceountson the hands ot JORDEN BEARD.whoroinv agent:end all these that reMannsetedootheBathottaemonth,will eerWANTEDlyaeerrantMCTEVTIENSCNID20.000 feet Sycamore Lumber,AS Ne:eb.7th,‘i [ee roreed proces will be pa 1 theRolinsiresoeBriereTeaneliesoh.184niettet NOTICE THIS.CE NICK AS ERY 1sMiy22ret)tov THLE andersiened having taken up the books ot the late f ot Maia 'Hotter,th Au PHER SONS wlien a debted to me are t ean 1 \‘Ate HO fav.ae therespeetfallyrequestedte¢mdomarke cine settle ent of every account wot be Ty cretorie]{rayonent.oe Pam¢Hote have meney ¢SEW IBN MMilicnistiefidmyBeteachCORYfeosimetilitrestientsoe:BESSENT >iNewtian,Tea 8 DRAYING o }a FAM Boandeiencdl civienicn thal War kuepe cnNORTIEERNDiesANUWheoNeaytoejapalDrvving.nnd will serve all wwho omy favor bin withLIMEFORSALE.eerie iti nmr cern nm nb eens aN 1 (ae GEORGE WOWERRY\LARGE quantity¢EUV Sa LUE UIT€March th,1s60 43rhywtlbushel.f so moselMleT@alllineaah!vere cbanpeaitnls ...*tal 90.000 Brick For Salere¢ty oo fireshed Leather,(Sole,Upp:NAIA re simancilau nab ee ePIC YHOSE wanung te buy Fifty or Sixty ThonsandvndUnresalwayshandandforwal5“fpr Hale time e ,,me roo!Brick.ean geta bargain by calling at thew nce HoCSEMONTON OR a Savisbury.July 27h,PS60 10 .~mNg 4 CORRE]:Ce Ie}(Gy /hE V IN EGAR. .JURE CIDER VINEGAR,for sale by WOHPOETIMEIATIONWYATT.186 and Ite Main sirent,Snicsbary, VW BEG te sonounre ta the buyers ine!fySite,that we «hall have abont the Rret af September,a cargo of 2.000 bage Coffee.direet from Cloties £CIGARS (2 CIGARS OL! Rio Taner,which we ehall sell at pabhe aaetion ten daye after arrival of ve fowhich nates AU DOOCTOARS at Wholesale or Retail at the will he given 1G PSLeRRY ee Piet Other MA Mila Aug 1 aid May 14 (5a Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy,in which we have labored to produce the most effectual alternative that can be made.[Cis a eourentrated extract of Para Sursa- parila,eo combined with other substances of sii)greater allerative power ws to efford an effective ay. tidote for the dis@ures Sareaparillais reputedto cure It iw believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints.and tha:one will weco@spliot:their Cure must prove of in- ~pervice tu this karge cluss of our aftieted fe). low-cilizens.How completely this compoundwill do has been preven by expernment on many of the worst causes to be found in the following complaints:DCKOFCLA AND ScKoFULOUS C omPLaInts,Eaurtions AND Batrrist Diseases,Urcens.Pimpres,Brotc Hes, Pistons.Sacr Riwim,Scamp Heavy.Syeniuis anpSrrwitiieAvecross,MenctataL Diseasy,Daorsy, Nevkacora ow Vic Dotroureux,Desisiry,Dyspep. sia adv TNvicestion,Waveirenas,nhoe om St.An. THONY S Fike,and indeed the whole class of com- plato arising from Irony ov Tuk Broun Vis compound will be touud a great promoter of health,when tuken se the spring,to expel the foul hamors woich fester in the blood at that season of the vear By the taely expulsion of them manyrubkhogdisordersareippedinthebud Malutudescan,by the aid of hie rene dy.spare themselves fromthevndarneeoffouleryptionsanduleeroasBorer,through which the syetoar wal sirive lo rid itself ofCorrupitiggsnelasectedtedethisthroughtheatelyofitienaturale ody by an ulerauive medicineCleanseoutthevitbloodwhenevervoafindit Hopur en barsti se trewet tive whine ite purples,erap-tl nie Sid ft when vou find inobetrnet met rave it whenever it ve ell you when.EvenWheretepartedianiamerede+people enjoy bet-ree an 'wer ng the bloodInemsiyoandalliswell;bat withveréetod,there Can be no last-tag bealt See ‘lersemething must go wrong,ane the great tmaciivery of bile iw disordered of over-threw Sarsaparila hos aod deserves much,the reputation, But the wor'd hasrogeusiydeceivedbypreparationsofit,partlyara snplishing thee eude~ canee the alone tow Mot ull the virtue that is clare for il,bat were beeause tay preparations, pretesdu C be concentrated extracts of it,containbuthiceottheviriueofSarsaparilla,or any thingtimeDuringliteyearsthepubichavebeenanisledbylntetpretendingCowiveaquartofFxtrect AER ipa sooorr dejar Most of these have ern fries beosch.for they not only contain 1 \trapat but often ho curative prop. mins whoteyv or Of stitier and painful disap~ Portions nt hore fellowrd the use ofthe variousextraces MoSarcpacita whieh floed the ket,antil the Name diss fis just y despined,and has become sy nony- tous Wil ani pestt feheat.Sall we call thisSinpatndesatHidintendtesupplysucha remedy as ehall rescue the usime from the load of obloqi whieh reste upon And we think we have wand bor belevani has Virtues which areirres@u- t hes pers Tun el (he disearee it is tutended Piordet to scenre their complete eradica Hfrom the system.the remedy should by judieoan. v tak ace ding te directions on tbe boitle PREPARED BY DR.J.AYER &€0.,Low]MASS Six Borters vow $5 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Pare Fi ven Borris han wnt tiaelcen renown for thy care ofevery Varieiy Pires na T g Complaint.that itimen- u ‘Company fer us reeeunt the evidence of-\>emploved Aw athone|us uehoutt ReelenweitePofeomoretharassurebenecpleitsqualiSon'ben and that tae Ter be their rediet all at has ever .Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR Pr CURR OF Costrenees,Dinudicr Dyspepsia,Indigestion,Dye-wher g.buui Stomach,Evysipetas,Headache,Poles, RK ‘Bi vod Skin Diseases.Liver Com init,Dropen,Vetter.Tamors aud Nait Rhowm, Wirms,Gout,Newirboiu.as a Diuner Pull,end for Purstytig the Bivod he wT dos Se hom seusitive ean Neon nN,1 ch aye the beetpenbeworvLihepurposesofcfamily phy stePaice 25 crvte ren Five Boven pon 8100 Gare ot sot Phystcans Siates- im ve heer names toe \vopar Lele niness of there reme- PS,bot our pace here wll net permit the mmseriion ofthem ft Agents below nomed Sarnsh grate Aw sy AbMynac in whieh they ar given; he obve complannits,RCE tehon'a be followed for their Denot be puto bs ooproncopled dealers with other pr .yori profit or Di inand \.ony Vr howe tthe best here is thon dohey sionld have it ’y ’1D eNO Nora)}Pave \wr fee mae uice 'oe WORE Wasa Maosthar NaC Heneerson XT rs = Hutebrimon Xt.€tar tte POM dotiosen,Mave ' Pern,Sie &Low o LL Niena ae os,Norte Hite.Steve osen &Ce nS.¢March G@.2560,r yal BAN«'CU.~LIVER INVIGUKATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES, 0 fentirely from Gums,andeeereerritatintedtactascruatMethine,keaweamlitandisowre within the last two yearsofrehe(as the name:4 UhousandswhebadgivenupallbopesRedeee d al)Use diseases for which ¥ rousxclefedcertificatesinmyposareaionshowLoedasemustLeadaptedtoshetemperamentof(heindividualtaking(aad te ed to such quantilesa toyoutheBowLetthedictatesofy use of the LIVER IN- sileure Liver Com- jodement guide you In the|VIGORATOR,aod itplaints,Billous At- tacks,Dyspepsia,Chronic Diarrhoca,Sammer Com-Dysente-ry,Dropsy,Sour!ch,HabitualCostiveness,Chol-Cholera,Chole- ra Morbus,Cholera!(@{Infantum,Flata-lence,Jaundice,PY Female Weaknese=es,and may be used soc |ceasfully as an Ordina=ry Family Medi-4 clue,Iwilleare SICK HEADACHE 8)jtbousands can testify.)tn twenty minute q jtwo or three Tea- spoonfuls are tak-)jen at commencement of attack.Alt who use ttare!givimgtheir testimonyimitsfavor.'\MIX WATEK IN THE MOUTH WITHTHEINVIGORATOR,‘AND SWALLOWBOTHTOGETHER.Price One Dol CATHARTIC PILLS,COMPOUNDED FROMPureVegetableExtracts,and put a3LASSCASES,Air Tight,and will1yclimate.be Family Ca-Ne bnt aetive Cathartic uaed in his practice more The c srsianuy earnhavelongwerdthePTs fi Aa Z Ato their:4 chof all well know that different Cathartics act, different portions of the bowels.Ne FAMILY CA>|THARTIC PILLhas,with due reference to!been compoundet from al table Extracta,which act alimentary canal,and arr es where Cathartic acl ements of th)‘i Paina tn thetiveness,Painhod <thartic PITT,inagen-which the proprietor basthantwentyyearsmewho fromandthesatisircuse,has induced this well established factvarietyofthepurestVegealikeoneverypartof‘tegoodanidanfeinallensQeeded,such as Den and Soreness rtnewsuddentold,whichfreqnentty,ifaof Appe-40sreEeacdnet over!d AYneglected, neas,ache,orealThflammatory!tledrem or Adults 3 rifier ofthe Blood|is heir,too numerous|Done,1to8PRICKTheLiverInvigoratortharticPillsareretailedbyoldwholesalebytheTradetn Ss.T.W.SANF .Mannfiacteh335Broadway,Ne Sold by FENDERSON &ENNESS,Daneaier Salisbury,No ¢ whic1bathisadsertiveimentTHREEDIVandDrnigvietshelarvetowns: RD,M.D.and Proprietor,x anp Cirewiets July 5,1859 1y6 JAS.A.SADLER,Jr., WITH SHERMAN BROTHERS, Iwrontera ann Hardware,Cutlery,Guns, ANT)TTRAVY Jonpens oF GOODS, IY Park Paneer and 1h Muriay Street NEVW YORK. June Is60 Gmpd? ee e i Re ee en J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR,| TERMS Single copy,$.00 Five copies,FR $15.00 5 Ten couples ° Clas exeeeding ten,in the same pr $1.50 each,yinent always ip advance Pac following Court and misc eNaneous BLANKS are kept on hand for sale,at this office,Cun be sent by mailto any part ol te country,at stl expenseCtwWarrants, Casas &Bonds,Write.C.&8.Court Executions,¢.&>0 Bubpenas,C &5 Cc Witness Fickets,C.&3.0 Juror Tickets Prosecution Bonds,C &eC Bail Bods,vivil cases Bail Bonds,crimAttachinentWrite,Delivery Bonds,Administration,Rastarday yout ou Com,ty takeDepo C&S Cc. apprentice Endeaturer Letters Testainen tary Lettersof Administra (looSpecialLettersdoMarriageLicenses,Do Certifieates Various Equity BiaoksDo.fudictments, Land Deeds,Deeds in Trust, Sheriff DeedsEquityde Notes of Hand, Aopeal Notesto Bank, Qa many other (uring of leas frequent use.nBlaokepricakt t vorder on short motice POLITICAL. | The Union Bell!let ns echoes sound From hill wo hill,from vale to vale, And all the people for Cniga bound Its cheering music hai! HE MUST ANSW Ely Keep it before the people that)Mr Breckenridze bas vot answered the qnes tions that the whole pabhe ash Lainh,an Elector for Mr nrtdee, propounded the qnestions to Douglas >re Douglas recoytized him as the represen tative of lis candidate,and proraptly ane swered the quesdons [le requested that the same questious slic dobe prepended to Mr.Breekenntdye,and Me Tatub pledged himsel!that it st maid be done The whole circumatances were before Mr Breckenridge fore him.His own tiiend and represen tative in ploduyed to demas The questions were he Ino answer 4 the whole puble dema d Bat Mi Breckenrid £G Ta Sit He asus al length immaterial mations that at sped ker could have [sce as Wee bat what he ought to lave said t muted If Lincelu ts elec will t he sunt ficient cause to jitstity peters oa r the South? [If secession ts aletnyte ‘Mr Brecken:EELS 4 It is well ks at =cote supporters le tcc ae ay Se Cet affirmative to the tl (yes anol couse,the tegative t yest \ It is wellkrown treat Cie Soares:repre sented by these at the head of the Breck inridge movement have Cts 5 wards secessiom in tae 4 eis Lincolt’s elect Does Mr.Breck ‘ provethis Cendaer of tie poaneers at tes party !Wall die de tor tava st them?Wall they not deta 4 where he staiads4 This is the ticterial qoestiat)ew \ theories about terr terial pobow suck at insivniticatee berore this quest)ot And Mr.Breckinrites cas not atewered Tle must anxiter Wall the Enquirer as {Exauiiuer tufoen ve how Breckinridge stands on the qaes tions propoands Py levtechiaeat NemtolhysPodean From Wil WHAT SENATOR WILSON TILINKS OF JOHN BELL the One of the Republican Clatis field oa meeting in Boston last week,for the es pecial purpose of hearing Wilson,she Black Republican Senator trotu Masni chusetta,deliver a specet,the subject of which was the Union par In the course of tis remarks Me.Wrisen tre- quently spoke of tas bet ta the “slave interest,”and among others used the fol lowing expression: Win“Mr.Wilson argued that the o party had always been te all intents aod parposes in the interest of the slave pow er,and that John Bell had been foremost in every measure which tended to the aggraudizement of the 5 yath and her institutions.Ilis speech was quite lengthy.” Jobo Bell had been “foremost in every measure which tended to the agyraddize ment of the South and ber institahons.” And yet some Southern newspapers and stump-tail orators charge Joon Bell with Ir je jnat that sort of spirit wh ch has pro: entertaining views hostile to slavery. duced the present crisis. BRECKINRIDGE NO SLAVEHOLDER. The question as to whether Dreckin- ridge is a slaveholder or not,1s fully de We sub mit it to the consideration of those jour cided in the following letter pals who are so fond of making hin a troer friend to the Soutit than Mr.Bell, who owns largely of this kind of proper ty: Simiures Orvik,Lexiscrox,Ky,| Avy oa205 1860 { Mesers.Wintiaws &Co, Jacksonville,Florida Gentlemen—1 have been requested to answer your enquiries it relation to ton J.C.Breckinridge’s ownership of slaves. J will state that,for the last three years, he has listed no property,either personal or real estate,for taxation—appears from our tax books.Mr.Breckinridge and his family reside here,and beard at the Phanix Hotel,in this city Respectfully, \B.Groas,Shen ff as vas The Bell and Everett party of Massa- chusetts have nominated Amos A.Law- rence for Goverior pselutiott at VOL.NVITEL.Sleeay eNO en SPTEMBER 25,1560. | |' 4 Devoted ta Py.itics,Wsyi,Ayricaltare,Jateraal Inprovements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Morality,and the Family Circle. Fvurnithe Neier Progress: Will You Answer,Gentlemen ? Will the Standard,Press,Journal anil other Breckinridge papers in North Car colina apswee this Question £Do you think HH wand be diasunmuble iiestizernant oN Carolina and ot other Southern States to feodoothce under Lateoln in the event of bis election—ond do vou think that: election and tianguration of Lincoln ae cording to the provisions of the Coustitu tion will afford eullichent cause fora dis the the States withdrawing their representatives from Congress and rebelling against Ped- eral sathority dla other wurde de you|goowith Mr.Chinginant and the ed tor ot the Southerner tor an tiamediate dissola toon iho the event of Lincolu’s eleetion,oa Uimton by Southern ale You ta favor et preserving:the ll ter on observe (he and keep thot to owt and compelling Lincoln strict letter of the ¢ the oath whieh eulne, hatitatiots he ust take late the We wart ne eva:ons or tenethy dis tin otcts the apd swe snply Want your te an savery Question Stites ewer yesor no We have ariygit te pat ties question a fas foaders of vou party tel directors,to sue extent at path scent,I is 8 'UV Tooabs wet We take at toner ited that ever un Niel ©ar Hat fathers aot v t ebay supe 1 Wrestle . posed te thee Ltvetiean bow hoomafas a yi a Vee ut wil it tae su a Justis a ds 1 pomoot the Cine! We shia ONfe 1 C inset COC LGN I)grand s Nat 4 q t uo iv ‘‘1 1 nae !‘|ns !t vate ‘thay ie ‘ Tete hot ow rte ay ‘ined Ne >eoun ‘ et le WE Ww A ‘ ©Breen nr tz wey in No Gre debs crit ob thet = no tiave ta seat op fi thie nlen oeS0 CT Nie Nae Vis Under the woove heading the S° lex Del of Saturday Salis nee te of OP amen ne:&MMe nnn ire N! tahayas ar Oye Tonsas patishes are bet rilails Phe hoowing ones contte predict raat our candidates will make a cleat shee oS Mary,Sto Martin,st Lan Caoensien,Lativette nud Vernitior it ther te uy HPese pa rtsties ‘beacd one thousatic,Hf not more Tie news fran Terrebonne is ne less Cheertig,Zoo berg the may ority elam {for our standard bearers in that yg! Isat at Lafont a (eeu =me |‘Av woke ! pv geet at J Wl ,Breck t vd Line are war bros annonce ar Ia rity wlio met re Monee Votes Via these sor Palisate i “eg ty i ‘ ‘Way pos iv bee Ponshas te mt past es by thi etper Das 5 ted.OQhuer trietida teed satiettie the cocd Canmse,aids pos stony,Tay vole fo accomplish trore Caan they es pect It our friends in Nortvwest Lonisina Wile dbo Cher Whe abuty st Creme s ‘ ~cortatn for the Coast vou Vneon vapeer by at least 1 Vonaporite! Mark tye prediction Never did a parts coun grental soraprdiy as cies.Pie tas es are coming over tots hy Londreds4 and we would not atall Se astonmbed to sRotnetling approac to UATETY he Atrakapas parts! [tis idle ter the rad evident to aduit ws in November Breckinsipportersot and Lane to deny t mw fact;itis too foargacie see HON ia This distumzaished gertleman was at National Den was a Breck COTE et tothe Baltimore He ndve tan until bis late visit te the North ocrahce Conv.ntien Hin observations there led him to believe that there is no chance for Mr.Breckin ridge,Tua patriotic letter addressed te Mir “Tris clear that the conservative men \Imore,be says of the country are coming to the resene,| and sectionalisin will be rebuked,and the movement in behalf the Union wall now acquire a resistless tomentiin “We both think,and every das’s events must strengthen this opinion,that the only hope of defeating Mr.Lineala ia to conquer our prejudice,to disregard party slickles,and te rally evers where inostipport of those eminent ahd consery ative statesmen whore chau contidence does not rest Upen there pos mitapen the sarer and uypou out session of acreed,| better basis of well detined character,of natured wisdom,and yreat putle servi ces__Jolin Bell and Edward Everett. THE DIFFERENCE. The Know Nothings were and are etl charged with feelings of hostility to For It that they were and are opposed to the exercise of the francise,by Foreigners,before they are They are likewise opposed rivilege by elyners.is troe elective naturalized to the exercise of the sane } minora,and for the same reason:because it ix unlawful,and therefore wrong Wut they have never attempted to influence the actions of their naturalized fellow cit izena,as the leaders of both wings of the Democracy are constantly atriving to do The Know Nothings regard Naturalized The leadForeignersasfreemen—equais era of the Democracy look upon them as tellowsa betore slaves,subject to their bidding in all py litical matters at least..—Vattonal Amer |1can. | HILLARD | Frum the Newbern Duily Progress | UNION OR DISUNION —THAT ATE GE lle In his speech at Raleigh Senator Cling | man tock steaty disuiion rounds 3 We say this because be declared thatit would be dishonacable iu any one im N Ca rolioa oro the South te held office under \yard ot course it Linculu be clect Land ne one a the Souct will bold othee Soowe orth fer en the Union's at an end Mr ota dissolutioa of tue Coton in the event Lhe editor of the Larhoca Southecnor declares the sane to be hfs postion,We de not wishtouisrey: titist set Clioviiao down as in taser Lincola’s electou will not if we kiowresentatiyoneand voound af we do these gentleaen any weet and they are neti taver of dis union in the event of Lingelos election atcl will so state,we wall take pleasure in publishing there denial. li contradistinefion to the above,we are vlad te be able to state that N.UL Street,E-q., Senator elect from this county,theugh a ot Breekeuridye,took strony connection with this subject and in SU pporter Union grednd ina apece delivered at the Court Heaiee in Us town on Wicd teshay exenoni best Hl eNptesscd linn sc ae esit ons to leteat (thie leet on at Loneoln if posstites Init decntre lls:Ww peevess,i Gre event dace Calaitel Ve ve Gountiy,ta Pema pb Tae oe eas tiite under the ¢Cie Lobe rate |Piese were pact sentrncits and Buch as wereGethis ClO eC Ue NEP eS Petesceinas AIee weed te witty tiint ain ta tt ny t ell 1 Ure prese eoit tis ws om Vp ceaeSii te tor doe te s |sem iinet ‘x ve sit Proneh wo dither we tras Teriece vit!>CET!a),sty t '\“1 ate hy 1“ 'Totaet a 4 tig ter ‘ Drechken fe ers i ’fas “'tothe \nat¢J) wn st the [on wi Stree€for TUE TSE SIODS MOS TENE ST tien,FT.tn ©:nginan devonnees iby Ssnean and base any mnan in North Car lina who would ties office moder Lin dooaf elected Or course then Mit Chiaginian ts dvsutien in hovel Porat you sintup the Post Oiices and step the mids,Chose the Federal ¢inte, tried hist rue Ure perboriance } recessary du Federal Crov erbinment,dist Mr leer dial, Dreckinria t New oeru [is le Ps tober ‘1 Vase Lincot’s ciection,luch hoteade 1 meta ro takes the si pox un xX The Seuth,we i nw bree rir tect he shit Var subion yohinecewu’s election,and at the sin e declaring thal Lincoln wad certainly eciected.We should Ve sorry to see us if we liad any idea that Lincols wilt re elected We do not beleve tre will ve Pie uaagers of the Breckinnde yommuent are ibotg ther Test to secur that resmit yy)dnt The pespre Ww Aisiye post thera fa the te tire would je tauels more to tint Graal Us tive eating wentry if they woud advocate dis Afeor the elects we are honorably boundsolutionmow.ay,decided constitutionally, to abide its resiits,amd wait for a cause of : ion ol resiptance he constitutional elec Tnan constitutes:Chae cause, hiayetterdl ho Observer. Another Priman it Di movrat for Be and bererett Jousas “Courier”having ¢ ed that alent b.Patten,Esq.,candidate for Pstuct Attoraey ot Vermillion,is a Dou Domine: Everett,is tins answered by Mr.Patten slits it supporting Bell and himself,extracts from which we yive: “Tain a Douglas Democrat in prinet Loan also supporting,and voting Bell and Everett.Tidio so,Mr.Core rier,wan American freeman,possessing the plenary right to judge and vote for myself.f see no possible chance for |Douglas te carry Louisiana.I that I do eee a chance--a fair prospect for Bell and Everett to carry the State Therefore,in sapporting Sell and Ever ett,TE consider that Tam but helping to elect a sound and national ticket against the Abolitionist,Lincoln.As to Breck invidye,even if the party of w lieh he ds bearer free the rable and strony,of Disun chance,either South or |ple. tot believe the standard was from suspicion,pal ton,he has ne North,against Lincoln Rest assored, that ‘sink or swims live or die;survive or perish,Lam for Bell and Everett.’ This is the ring of the trne metal.Like a hundred others whose names we could inention,Mr.Patten has no idea of throw ing away fis vote,and least of all,of help ing the Disumionists a Democrat saLoniaville g the rennds ofThe ainart paragraph is gong the Yanceyite papers ‘A squatter” that squats”Then they are all squatters The people made them squat lately it lehia Stat@,Missouri,and Alabama.They the jnat charge of fone are all aqnatting under disunton dearyna,and they will squat low erin Novembe After that they will squat out of aly We have seen rthan anysquatfaster,and squat lowe squatters the world knows anything |aboat.” They can jump higher, From the Nativasl American. A Campaign Song. (Arm:“Old Dan Tucker.”) BY FRANK OF MARIETTA A Presidential race is pending, And demagogues their efforts bending— Some jor Dougtas,eome for Breck —Po aid their cause their brains they wreck, And werve che people savory dishes, Serve the peuple savory dishes,Serve the peuple savory dishes5 But all they wanda “the loares and fishes” Four candidates are in the field, With all tbe ntuenee each can wield, Their treods are staviog mght and main The White House honors to obtain. Bat only Bell deserves that station,’ Only Bell dewerves that station,\ Ouly Bell deserves that station, He's the man to wave the Nation Come oue,come al!who love the Unseen,And swell this glorious graud communion 5We're fighting in @ glorious cause — “The Coosttution and the Laws” Then cog the Bell iu tones of thunder, Ring the Bellin toves of thunder, King the Bellin toves of thunder, Democracy ix burat asunder A house divided canno!stand ;i The demon's death i»just at band,' November's vote the news will cell, And tothe White House seud Jou Brie | Theorally,boys,t “ry’s ours,| vic tmake #speech in South Carolina. From the Fayetteville Observer From the Fayetteville Observer OUR NEIGUBORS EXCITED. The Charleston Mercury las been hor rified at Judge Douglas's plain and ens phate avowals in)Virginia and North)Mass Meeting at Raleigh,supplies two Carolina that,as Senator or President,be Ginissions. Speeches that were not nuulde at Raleigh —The Newbern Progress (Douglas)in viving an account of the late Breckinridge Mr.Olingaian made a speech ont ‘his yer snforce the 'would do all in his power to enforce e which the Progress thinks incomplete,and paws;abd that all attempts at resist cue«tinishes thus :—frou whatever quarter,North or South, “Mr.Clingaian should have closed by re tinnyhewouldtreatasGen,dacksou treted the Nallitiers in 1832.The Merenry ex ita dissatinfachion very plataly,around the Baltimore Convention,how he worked there night and day to secure the nomination of Douglas;how he lad jworked for bim for aneoths;aad that he,| Hon.ST.Lo Glingaain of North Caraliun, 1S.Senator,even aspired to be placed) op the ticket with Douglas as the candi date tor Vice President.All these things| we knew to be facts,but they might have | Geen news to many in that assemblage.”| telling the assemblage how | j ressed Duta correspoudent of that paper is even Hore coraged,abd “eats tire”afte Cis tuslion :— “Mr.Donglas,upon the back of this insolent assertion of his,cannot pose bly {his voice will not be tolerated in this State— even though it be “a free country.”ft ix more than the wholesome condition of his skin ie worth.fhe would be kicked | from any stump in the State The ery ot from every quarter of the South, Then again,Gov.Ellis,who goes the] whole Breckinridge figure,did not ake shame,a speech at all.But the Progress thinks |should rise up against Virginia,that she 'ae 2 ave made Gres oti has net only permitted her moni)way (re eo.Ss MONO SAVCAUIRCG WIS CGT BU alts secrated by the ballyiny threats of vie his speech should have been the sane lence against her Southern sister Stele.ue ne nd te out Kinston where he de batanen have Leen found there--found jounced the ant Douglasites for seceding Rally.bove,the wieCry’s ours,\eres cto pont owthis Western Ulac ie REI lea eatie Wine ree burs,HE eee pS)-moblack 9 Carleston,as follows i— {latuerat allluppawne power vuard with tai cowardly sous ol ap ws ita:‘ae jrlatine Shame!Soave!Wpen poor,old Sone delegates went fo tm latles The “Linh:Geiita locksaresto ‘i .r ooprevet o teu Se cra Bede Wir eat aque diate ele Umea i ws proding fate tus feuds way mourn4 ,.wrdissolve me ,i Al Bat he in devi’the mee ty lose vontd fave come to this!uid te dissolve the Ua ny Pawn glu i t eft the Convention twas a tay Beeause to aquct he won't refuse 1 ;”\evar Uatns Hvew tr |hee bitte Giant”is certaculy not lack ; Pheu Bed and nog at longer,The Little Gis j "py ddance When they feft we go King the Bell and ning it longer.nin pluck;amd if be dees net ge te fae ot the disuntonsts, “Puar fellow Ring the Bell and longe South Carolina,We sappure tbls only |, 1 per sao a r a o s er vith Cay BS ,Berle taaee i ‘ei trem Delaware by the nameot Bavard ae nian ada yt g rou tole “ee ne ..growing “Criieeat apieat Re GSD Sierra en icral awn iff te the sece Boor Breckinndge —unlucky wight vakes apecetios Only TORR eS tos al ders to work the poaite a]wires fi pers Ins iy neta might ie does go he will not be “hreked bees Fl 11 }, ',sanwn bane rat trienads hope mee se ses i Disanvon band re reeimennemcser cnet 7 comens Wie nvr happy jand!:J coders tm the Democratic ye vy 0 Pe wenindeesnietinnniist oa family qosthon between tim aay ats ‘ oO e the Laws and Consuls rotlier Demoerats in Sents ct ta i Obact ,;/rlers (etude the (awe and Countiiunen,lahich we are bot disposed to niterfen )f Brekinedd ye Let Va Nad plange os Revelation |[ranewick (Gra.)Adevcate,aBreckoir paper oe ‘Jen Do the strongest terms the disuntot Nclience (or Daug.aud irom for ir .::'nt t rest rm atte! Leaves Bell and Lincoln eke [lon ode,IA ick Mr.Kerr,Comte.o>hes of Mr.Toots,a Woe ters Now whieh will ev ry voter take |Pie ere tins UCOTmnny ae uare rt,as our solemn conviction,that a tow Of hese a President to make ,°=ore speeches such as those delivered by Mr t »Breck ride t : You all respond with heart and vet ,the Trek aenizers in Eg at Milleduevdie and Corontius,wail You all respond wich he dvonee,|nin,Weare alad Genus that ase wie Ste Gr Brekurndge anal Late test Vou afi respond wich heart and vance | 4 Well vore tec Brit,the people's choice ourold fiend was net ateatd to teal tits Ne Adeoeate understand that there are —{party seme truths winel Ubey da not ut poate understand Chat Chere ...|come :.som es corators whose beards erie Our Union---Right or Wrong.teu beac tom tien orators,Phe Wiig jou see there cantidate beaten,and like Seward Aik Od Virginey Never Pure porayn tothe North.whe ws pred ding to advocate 't :'Honeoly,are making the most ofletsves uct Roane,hearts ot Freedom's only home SAMO pane aienrnaneentileay diet “me ne "laa ‘ Hark to Huts Fry ery cme U cpersies for tat ebjers: Nearer iaia etait ned,bonerable wentignan,ated nade a Dom tevery body see that he object of Yancy Uc uuse Qasr ene -pevel on Tuesday evens,Witch Wa Ponaihs and company is te bring aboot the Comet irooble sheut go tor h the best,the fairest an {ihe most Manly tection of Lineoin and then force a lissolation DEW Opes Sa .we have heard on dis side of the quen cafthe Canon! OWe kiow ne South,we know no North,{' enn eas Jrien,He declared it was rid culous toy Jaccuse dun Bev of Tmsonpdness on the RACH Phe temple cur bore fathers tnade,RI MenV RLU RTT at fd)eserted@tiice ait ;ote j wouder of the watts a 1 ee ,s The Na al Lutedligencur says Wet kK Shall (hey bebold ther sons dismayed would be folly for the Sonthern States (Oy candid readers will ates wath ue that a ART MTL wi neice CRG Theol Like)ie vent {,a 1 ant Pees Haye 0 le feevity thre Union in ,.Pilea livedwenede rier : ECAC la LAL Uneala select ver,Mr Werrs F |‘ Winch 'jens throng |i :4 Muar BAU Gee Sahl ; (tear r wars jspeech wae a vile effort,nt thal before the Ain win For t .z \To lve wat We siispect,Ce ard bo the tulure status x wy Onan .er kinrid era”rave both equally saecerded an ancutng Chem tp ”sity at .a) Wath Waster i }ville Observer,eves and then chents out of court,teay mel Port te th Hades,|Constitutioual Union party the undisputed a.''|:t hoof that poltucal atitude whicn,as te Hous your fathers’wate TPE REET NGO ee eeTENS SOS or.orotate pe eee )ot {!'-4?te:a '1 ‘1 i.ine {CEATION frets as they are admittedty be on au Tatas, Det (.red soars |2 Phe t right wrong |Lv the proceedings |thother @olarmit Sentinel Seer dig will be seen that this Assecnution was Nevo St Gs sO Ess oreofthe press,procka noth . lie velepranlintirce |nanguratedon Tuesday bast,“There wry SING ETEEne MAseeesc|cel Bid Young Amenca stand forth two handred persons present 1 5 7 a emulate thetrct ea ng was addressed by ©HH.Dockery.bed.he regular Democratic State Conver ake |aster Siales,and hand in hand,‘:ene tar eel miele claGur : Ronod Freed an's teosple throug |Urton Teicctartamte Wiiccelestrictsmaulism ao day,Was abandoned te tie Dou x ae vate 4 ae i mth Come.shout in one united band j peeety thengh alot,Was animated,pum >TST RE UN EN EE casi On Uno —nght on wrong Lent and eloquent Mr.2.Caidwell was DD.Beach,of Spring LO XCae ti tate 1 ter ’.’ye )'1 tl a tu es ee feditar al made,ae le vielen rfrovernor by acelania y with wtaed ‘:1 ;Seria eerie eloetinecit Stainpung for the Preside ney.—T ean addeess abounding in tacts,Like the ate ticket and electors a Da Breckinridge wing of the Democracy |late Joseph Gales,ot the Lat ligeniecer,Ty aCe Sys)UI Lise have been greatly troubled tn spurt tv 'Mie.Caldwell ts a evelopumdia of poutieal eching tp dectded by againet feton what they term the disgraceful exhibt (tasters,and le whe would contend with TS tions of Judyve Donatos on the stamp.—[him must look well to dus defences.The each one strive wilh all his meght tCrre atly horrified have they been that any ade the office of Cliet man would so \ Mayistrate of | discredit the country itself,as to stamp| for the Presidency.We lean decidedly | their We hope to contirim | them in entertaining for it they | honestly believe what they say,they] must abandon Breckinridge and vote for Yell To that ead,we direct therr atten tion to Mr.Dreekinridye on the stump; and ask thera lo point to anything near| Little Giants pro: following Da yvreat country,and:se to Pothone so disgusting in the * gress,(let us that ds)as therl :Breckinsiasticbreck:| Dreckinridge onscenedeseribedbyanen inridywer M the Kentucky stump: reporting &PThrovghont the deliwers af the speech de:|the crowd indulged im extravagant tmonstrationa of acdiastratvon wad athection, tor the speaker,and some were consider ably more profane than elegant.There ho of “ITLurrah, ErisWasanaltnostconstantoc ’Govt agers” John.”‘Tarrah,my Johny” linn bh--l)again,my my Breckinridge ,?"Che greatest tnan in the world,by Ilere the tram started,and iy letter stopped.” Mr.Buchanan's central organ saye that the Breckinridge party will find itsel! upon a sobd foundation,No doubtotit. “fs the bottom diard there?”said a young fellow to a countryman as he was riding down a lull toward a suspicions looking: “Ay,bard enough,I warrant vou.”In Jess than halfa dozen steps,the young chap found his horse gnuk to the saddle girthe and called out in wrath,“Didot you tell ine,you ras cal,that it was hard at the bottom EO yes,but you haven't got half down to the bottom yet.”Louisville Journal, nece of groundx ACCEPTS A RE-NOMINATION. Trenton,Sept.15.—Mr.Speaker Pen nington has accepted a re nomination for election to Congress such, tat From the returns already receiv- ed,twenty Union men have been elected to the Legislatnre of Arkanas They will Covington on the Lith inst, {hold the balance of power. vcoln,Col \Srocjationt HW ye rh a vol work fret be a de eet tae. .=A et ergt dor as hin the canse of the Union Wok shorongh ne aaa eg4Uponthegoldenplan Argus.Aidt hrs neighoor chance to be A preity female wena. Why|Phats only acting bar an Jove her all the more—vau fee, Die ie eet NOON: We learn from the San Anter »tVex as)“bexpress,”that ¢ol,Wiles whe A boy once complained of bis ote some tonthe ago went to the North te for taking alt of the bed.Bat why advance the cause of Gen Hoist &not!)guid bis mother,“he’s entitled to the Presidency,lias returned from jis!wit he “Yes,ma,”said the bey, stut how shonld you bke to bave him take all the soft for dis halt oat of the middie,and |bave to sleep op beth sides tour,and that he reports the Prestden tal strngzle to be between Bell and fan Wileox isa distinguished De-/¥ inoerat,and formerly a member of Core (2!fun. vress from Mississippt.He world net therefore be likely to represent the cause A school-maater bad a handred bovs “fo wonder howofBellinalightnotwarrantedbytheandnoassistant.vou facte.He had good opportunites for uvanage thei,”eaid a friend,“without “Ah was the answer,*T conldnehknowing,and he gives it as his decided help.” opinion that the xtrngyle ts Dtimon Beeb manage the hundred boys well en and Lincoln Let patriots,North and South,choose between then ts the two hundred parents that trou ine -—there’s po tanagine then.” 2: FLORA Father there is dignity in intelle¢taal .i Or there 1s ant ere ds otherRUeeniccueyclioneCloneleuedaulveethyisnotiftherets.o Ine y rank a needed y at ther pal othe 3d instant,to the Montgomery *Post,-me ’5 rank can give it--for is not ul says:acerdent,but a qnality ~ee Minard Granger,now contined State prison of New York tor having p ed counterfert cout,bas been grand red by “We now claim Florida for Bell and The split in the Democrat in Everett, party,and the disunion proclivit esof the Breckinridge side,and the Squatter Sav ereiguty of the Donglis side are playin amash with them.The peeple are for my the President. Mr.William 0)Astor,of atated to be worth S40 000,000,ated the ion and equal rights i the Territories.” core Political Rioting.—A Bell and ett meeting iu Philadelpiia,Friday nig was atacked by a band of Republican annnal ierease of lis estate 1s abou ver ‘$5000 000Wiley Mr.Win.Greenough,ane of the oles Invincibles,”who were marching down , printers in the ¢yantry,died vo Rosten on the etreet in which the meeting was being held.The Bell men drove off the assal Monday ante,but not ont several on both sides wounded by sticks,stones and pistol Ho was aver SS vears of age. owe There was a slight fall York city on Wednesday On night there was a frost on the Hartson were shots . Turned up an Wentucky.--Old Joe” Lane has not fonnd hia kinsfolk in Ban New Catton is generally finding It i wav into most af the principle towns combe yet.W hea laat beard from he the State,and cominands go nd prices was stuinping Kentucky He apoke at There has been quite a general frost | |Fayetteville Observer.Southwestern Virginia. {principal streets are draped in monrning. ‘cers and citizens,escorted the bodies of such as liave been recovered.from the w York,is 1 who had slotitully kept his position,and of snow in New Sunday oft CORRESPONDENCE OF THE N,¥,WORLD. THE LADY ELGIN DIBASTER. Mnwavrte,Toesday,Sept.11. This has been observed as @ day offastingandprayer.All places of busi-ness and public offices are closed.The A funeral procession,consisting of all thewilitary,firemen,societies,public,offi- k.‘The procession was about two iniles in leugth.Sorrow aud desolation are apparent all through the city.Ihaveneverknownthelikeanywhere.News- papers bave suspended publication,and clservanee of the day is universal. iis mort appalling calamity has strick- en buudieds of families—not @ square in tie cil\but has its desolate housebold. In an lour,as it were,a thoasand ehil- Jiveu have been made orphans;many of them enturcly helpless for the means of food,and much Jess clothing. A majority of the excarsionists were from tae best of the middle and laboring clas- nes,and thy loss to fumilles fe doably crush ‘ Money is being raised by our citizens for the immediate wants of the destitatesuntLewhotemperashe wind to shorn lamb,and.tilia,she mouth of the young raven,onl k what will become of thesé Seatthae ehil- dic,in many instenges:‘whole f baye bad Louth father and mother snateie ed from “them.by:.the:relent er Se In one ward there are two hundred des- titute children,weeping for fathers and tothers,who ouly gave them bread day by day from the labor of their hands. wr hae procariny INO Pers Arrest or 4 Fast Youno May.—-Jobn S.Brush,a youth 19 years of age,em- ployed as entry clerk in the store of Mills &Rav,New York,las been arrested, charged with baving,within the past few weeks,taken shawls to the aggregate value of SOLU from tie store of his ew- ployer.Oo Tuesday night an officer foi lowed him toa pawnshop, Lere he en- tered and pawned two shawls,and,as he was receiving the money,the officer ar- reste]him.leat first assumed an air of injured innocence,but finally acknowl- edy ios yutit,and admitted having 'Sl shawls of the average value of *Brush confessed to an intima- a woman who cost bim a great Sometimes,he said,his -with her cost lim $20 and hia lor a nhygle week Was $40. S10 eric 1ON anh al —- RAILROAD DISASTER. Cire Sept.15.—The 430 P.M. passenger train trom Racine to Freeport was run into jast night at Delavan,Wis- wnein,DV a frenght train whieh hadflag- trom Rane.Five passengers were h and twenty-five wounded,some it e tcut At the time the train fer themnescatthe kiled)and wounded Were tot ascertalhed, fatal. ae 1 Lirrthle Storm in ftaly —QOne of eomect disastrous sterins of thunder and vai ever remetabered,visited Parin and nechboriood om the 21st It wae vaover.near Ferrara,inthe Papal States, that the tempest reached 1s uyhest point ‘eveiled to the nd.a church was demolished,and the proests ut the altar,together with 80 oo Houses were !,ber porsons,Were hiss SUDDEN DEATH Cop Mirtos Campunte.an old and prominent wo oot this coun d,suddenly,at his on i ast Friday‘(el wasatthe bme of his death,aod Ta ‘wisantertor,(ui of tbe board -,Pub,Schools for Tredell,the Sen !}scharced with lity. [he was a pub inted and asetul citizen:whose ee be much feit am the community of ‘robe was ao yplary member —TIredell Drath of [nvvntor of Percussion Cups.Mr nw,the inv itor of percus- son caps.died at Bordentown,N.J.,last week,having attained the age of eighty- Sivvears.[le was born in England Le veved considerable cminence a8 a adlist A few years azo our govern- ment vianted him quite a large sam for mouvention for joading guns, ot itted —Mr.Foard,the young man whe khujed Mi.Watsen of Chapel Hill, has been ac- juitted before the Orange Superior Court nis Week.dite verdict waa,“Not guil- tivo Mr Toard was)a of the Vinversity ot North Carolina,Lealigh Press. daring Hhe Spreng Sesston, student Farmers in Woreester co.,Mass., ThePatatoRot. are complains of the disease as indicated by black spots upon the vines,and almost immediately dier their appearance the vines wither as if an An unusually large crop had Thoet anticipated,bectuse so mitch ground had been planted,but itis now feared the numberof basbels to be harvested the present:year will fall below last years crop. bitterly of the potato rot. presence usted by fros Music not only improves a man’s taste but lis morals.It gives hima taste for home that improves his habits wonderfal- Vy Phe man who spends lis eveungs woth a piano is seldom seen in dramshops, Hlaud We be- in oimnsre,and eavdidly think that one flate will do as much toward driving rowdyism ont of a neighborhood as foar policemen and a ball dd. never with night brawlers. heve A farmer,RnilimeAnren idlerg atretch- ed onton the gronnd,offered a dollar tothelamestoneofthewholelot.Eleven aiming the reward,each as- The ar however was given to the twelfth, yrinped up el serting iimeself to be the lazfest one. dol who,when it was tendered to him,cried t:Can't you patitin my pocket? t 2. Where did vou come from 7 tau yarn the streets the other day. From the devil lew What's womy on there? Moreh the same ag here Wiiat’s that? Poe mel taken in and the poor kept Be aan An ignorant man who “stands npen his dignity,”ia like the fellow who tried n piece of brown paper said Jones “ to elevate bimself by standing upon a Kansas Bi!!. \Did-ever a Mortal man stand before | "From thePaterebsrg Intelligencer.BELL'S RECORD.We every man,be he a DemoératorUnionist,who wishes to give anintelligentvote,in view of the charge ofBNeoundnessbeingmadebyDemocraticjoarnaleagainstJohnBell,will read hisveoord.A purer,sounder,more Sout lic rymoreNationalrecordwasneverheld|palriolistiaSouthernman.There isvothing ineon-Boj,tent with Southern rights,wothing thatisnotatthesametimeNational,becausehisrecordisbasedaponthaConstitutionReaditandseewhatbecomesof1miserablechargeofunsounduess,Read!!Read!!! Fos Compromicn:by aay OF our pea eel Captains in steamboat travel,eo: cord than John Bellt their support and confidence. any political aspirant.Let aud stulesmanship of PRACTICAL JOKING A great Many years ayo,before thestraductionoffsteamnavBillionwate theadiwatersofLongIslandSound,CapraLhaver,whose uam Wil be remember Susooheul the 4 “He,sir,who shall renounce the extremes ofboththese@reatparties,as dauyerous to ontereadunion—he,who by lis talents.Experience ae a akieandweightofcharactershallsucceedinpiacingpieose eelsbienselfattheheadofaarealcomsntutionclparOTCtstairty,and shall become the adeocate of tie ndinenistrationoftheGovernmenttonthepeticiplesCompromise,ws it was wndersivod to have syseratedinthefortmmtionoftheConsiiaiion,wi)lorservethehighestgratitudeoftiscountry.” mand od a maoop int Waters of Laut river,One mornin,bey atthe va us tbe OCCdsalt he entered a burnoeshedwheretheboatsoarswerekeye NUIT WUT CH tie was techn, Wie there a ten caine cackiing «tl having dard ae bpracticaljoker,wtoceured te tine te[See Congressional Debates vol.Dp.34y |batSospokeJohuBellin1829.and onJarenoughhemowstandsattheleadotaConstitutionalpartypledyedtethemaintenanceoftheConstitution,the Un-fon and the enforcement of the Laws. tus,wud the see DaeDancerofDisestoy.Peas eee atel ies PGS WOT Upon the superstitions teaobthedohabitantsofcadbenightedtows Le accord iigty picke lap the warn egeabdwieleonitssusceptiblesellwoslitepenell,*Woe tothe townol Bork My and,reyuacing the ¢ Lu que time the: felt the barn, twas cleared of its the inscription And yet,mencallingthemselvesSouthernersaffecttobelievethatheistoounsound,too unre lable on the institution of slavery for Werechargesmoreunjust,more unygenerous,tore unfounded,ever instituted against the unitedvoiceofeverySouthernStateattestthe Jolin Carolina Catchman. et NS1 EN Ce NCES AA EVENING,SEPT oo,1c) FOR PRESIDENT HON.JOHN BELL, OF TENNESSEE ,FOR VICE PRESIDENT ION,EDWARD EVERETT, OF MASSA CHUS EE fs) PLATFORM Of the Consti(ttional Union Party. Che Cdluwing on the Plattorn Meual Vina Pony,in Nat adopted by the Coa al Convention a Whereas,E.has de metrated that Plat Conventions of us adapted by hartinas Webster on States’Rights and Obligations.—lu atetenuiuberoftheAlexandria(Vu.)Sentinel wefindaveryusefialCompilationofthesentimentsuttiredbysomeofthegreatmenofallpartes,on Methequestionofaaionordisumon,otdutiesoftheStatestowardseachother,ani their the fellowine pre yyeraqelesalleyiancetotheFederalUiionOntofmany,weQuotetheextractfromDaticlWebster's speech,de-Livered on the 28th of J“Ido not hesitate to say acid repeat that,if the of the|Northern States refuse wil WELL PUT. Douelas’first Tn other wordt Mi.Lineoln [carry into effect that partot the Coustitugen which|respects the restoration of fugitive slaves,the South|would nu longer be bound ty observe the compart —1 baryain broken on one side is broken on ull sidlea fan to be continued relentlessty,until th staal « With this clear Wher become free or sbie ae defivatienofMi|We tind the above copied inthe Broek piInridy: apers,evidently intende |te jus steed aad expressed diy MatitytheirthreatenedsecessionincaseHtiselftwee|Lincoln shall be elected.Mr,Webster.)jhas SunpAY announced a comunen Vears nu, Wants to Kieow why Mr uphold Mr 1 the South,ofthe batter slau! ineoln'sBensi:yates!and just opinion on the subject he had ClimersJandercorsideration,a principle,the truth pectiotin,—Chirltte Bulletin.fof which all meu urust assert to.Bat isCoatanyreasontodespairofpreservingtheUnion?Is that ANY reason wity good South and of the North stieutd SEVEN iL CHonts tasty ONtiGn Ll Winey to review, Metre ol tiie Lineoln us Gow,Elis,the Chiteinan and others have te eh:(Certainty not.Rather than break up the theirs cConcoriminece tity)be is as maeCrovermimentandlauneaout,Upon the fu:pesed to Lineolu as he iste BeeckingousWavesofanareiy.or bring down heads a storm of 1b ul)tolivs doctrines amd purposes,as siiler ;Li Donedass wud pistals tired, ul Ryne eeh in Chreage. the celative fa lis Senatorial eatenasea with Deoeotn, ADVOCATES,Iso]BOLDLY AND CLEAKLY,«tear af sections,@ war No difflentssVothaginsttheSouthoffreeState,So cifhienHyanddehberately,to against the slave Slates—-a war of eclermina ‘ or the other shall be subded,and all the States the Democrat the repartdieans Sat trey Donediw ste Adivimetration tore dsrmadeapartytethiswaref their spthees pelted with stones an |ror d So faras we andermstand D acbis”pre. Bent position (and he has as uch mee tmedify orechanee bis views o DSlanehard,ty regards the success of eitheran Vig wath |Piotous Pi veeediuga in Philadelphia POLITICAL,The Huntsville Demoerat quotes,fren —A black republiewn precession in pass apf ing vow Beltand Everett nieetine on the ait of Phitulelphia,ae ew or be " Cheered for Deneoda wad Tsoi fie Unio taen cheered for Bolland Everett, ecearred at that aeeuerdt R bat shortly atter,the republicane avain me passed by tollowed Dy an immense crowd, and flalinine cnsned between members of The Rocks were thrownTheBellincaeepatsed the Repotthean and Onion pattioa dithien!t es mmerensed ralled and Ib ovenewed the fight.whiel wars ke prape ten — Wie Caron paety ee Wasat dast diiven fron therm stand,ane than aan tee The Union Boll!let is echoes sound From bal to bill,from vale to vale 8 Aud all the people tur Union bound tone fai)Tien tite tet rete ryt Is cheering uusic bail! Newnes tore down ther stand,Pisee it Tecate enticul annals ELECTORSvracefolprowordingonthepartoeftheFORPRESIDENTANDVICEPRESIDENT,.f .Torepubbeans.whe were the aseauiting par SS Vernal persons were sertouely if iot Fow vite Stare ar Lance.rope Mbertally wounded in the tie HON GEOL E BADGER,of Wake.im ese |OHS Ks PEE or Pasquotank,t="Pour nating ae Chivginan tate Sa Disrricis,#tremetaeas specel in taser of gostabonotcivilwar,}:':tervention cael Me.Douglass and new,Pst Distret JW HINTON.of Pasquotank, natiliie eit beebctine Guinn en te foartue dangerstotheCountry,'oe '2 e(TeNeet CLARK,of Craven,\eve th se better t ea ith the nore WITTE bedtsotatle cantse,lets stumpatiy 3a ce OOH DOCKERY,of Richmond, errors « “ refractory aud trespassin autd forbearance ceases to be a virtue? Wee py toe followin from tie Wil Mfaveret intervention and Boeck toridce.gch Lo.KDW AKDS,of Granville,Gov,Ellis;to or three mutha ayo,oth 1G.FOSTER,of Randelphjoe':Mington Samena?as one ot the sins of BH b RRS Ane oan oe discovered.The wonderful wews was ai CoCNS have hea dee eee dover touts Umian notmwultivausinecre aii fet fe )ecenpied the same politcal position that,84 .HEN EY w AISEL,uf Davidson. “Sir,1 ada inernint.-t .thei OEE RM be GING tO Widen the jas 'The tines,The dowel ia one sof the i ith WM.P.BYNEM,ofLineotn, r,mea fteet,but when |Weflect ouce &lolepraphea ss fou:bourse to house jes divintens of the coantry,by the creation aq)lent effort to restore haravony between )b eral c Ctogman then ocenpied;tat he has al-8th 2 Gen ROM HENRY,of Macon i i ;,micey Drechinridze papers,whiel ore :z ,.: Upeeall {seeaud pear connected with this subs tip Wel the loan,and belore niet lun ment of geographical and sectional partie ;the w rote doing and the Wronwed States ¢‘ee elects nie SUR LTeerea|Lie actelenitieec poliehate Jeet,whenF took at the growing distractionot dteds had jourmeved to tue spot t eC en eters 1 :t ,bevtoa Vain tokens De ~}|Ex.Comarrrer Rooms the countey,PF teel myself pistitied in dest SUANNE Ts te tauliiecl ve Coneccanin ere Phat itis both the parcof patriotism and urely it is,HEN WAS NOL parstie ta Wert ieee Crentie FOS NU VARS [ecg REE TEES shesJo ~—avai : ::=Sl for Goetiselves,otis Hao Wits de tay y O FeO nse He pottical principles othe i ,.ie 2 poe e URLS a “a +|:2 the sumof wi.at 1 shall say Upon this ston ‘Fauty |wn pottioal prin TT ayaa’Wit tot lay aside party ard :Pts,Wheel ge is them oth ate tea or Ratnion,Sept.15th,1860 nau plea for the mon,U \pleted on every countenance ti view o Par Coxerirerion of tHe Couxceys ;!Di Mtl Grvatriineethi leer nit aint ei)cs :; ’oars POP RUGh Sel Etsie.i Pa F ant |‘Vor Usctox ov rae Stores:ayy party spirit aud Devin at once an earnes fee avec elliier thelr owie Capotee or There will be a STAI E MASS SET. UPOH AN OceAsion so interesine Lslsll uot coon the Lupe AY city w ui ptouey "in uel ESiOnceneee Onl ie.pene a hi toe fest,eyed ieonll eeteeted,wont ;ae t |:°MASS MEET- sider inyselfas the Fepreseutative af any pone celta the pilrctomenon donet d 1 UF woud vat.a hiprematiuves ccf ile Consitutionele we See CTO SMARTOTCE PSCC)A ta0K DMI ieecn comune matrices ye eemone or ue Met LCat SET ety Ny of the ferends of BELL ANDEVER. ular section or interest.[shall not consider Hay occurred to them to ask coaeel oo Uni cen of the country,in National Convention can you de it?By voting for Doulas 4 1)a hat Womea tb deserve te Ge ane nore respec:ETT,and of the UNION,at tl 4 f nse where ere pledge ours oe !1 p .:,va fasten Ub Ce es 2 vb “"ve , myself either as x taci®or anti par Honan,|Chetr pater in this tier tour of terror “ae :"Hila tee less ly PSM B ES Ne Tie bitter itce ar iene Lo inten cota val eaton rill su [h0s8 ye bios Swethiecit va litieal tated ,’own o ..',eel oe defermd seme le and ¢ome or ee ay ‘u os ee i bd F claim to be considered,andl to Lee he nil eaters ea)OLAS wis nccurdiuely sent tna Le a ine ,i es i ene i Beg Prato leye pad .;eee DOIORMLa vaicetearar in Salisbury,on the Ith and lth of Octo- ;ree at publiediber ty and cational matory,agen eacheth down to perdition exists betaeen ;;fosuich inconsistent leaders,i ‘‘ agg cial of the whole country,most mustous Mtliving the Cavee of alarin was made ali.Heties,athome and abroad,beheving that thers Dice hernd tieleekin:,suuth Wea st a thin wince the prast ber next.Ev ery County in the State is ¥coneerned for its permanent prosperity,itis Koow to iin,backed up by we eXlTbL by peace mney once inere be restored to the GGUIIUEN aie satiate serine eRLG OCC NI ©week a Phals CO Wide Awoke Chit?nein f Al .5 5 ’es ;;.a re id iecttoone =lI be see t de .“Xpected tf -slevate: stability and wlore. Telaim to be beard as the tion of the the just rithimof the People,aud of the States reo lt re black heer ublicans There y bet rtue bead whine that ow Aticcttional Vi will te wee ie nnn ke Sele Oescirlalt regates. advocate of higher iotersts than these which |The patieon examined it attentive een eer mee ey ‘a fae SS ene rer oe nin |electan of Donets ||1 u the pongn erceolutin,Chat the meat meete f The UNION MEN of R wan,through -=”oe we ot ee tede .A er wittel ie land 1!uown,and lermany aii tad constitute Wele possible to thin.Cun von ee Ch “ji '™tne Assccition inte be the Exeentive Committee,extend a cor- >patrioncally,6a nobly OKE toutes peemed.ba :ice {(youtases ,2 {ne .i sta ha wa \,NS :a ene Fe puabitaeinec)?ete ee eon eis edocs i an Gea fit oe ithy electing Brechinridee?No.Ue .Ih wt licens BERANE ST ey WHE TEU siialustanira UNOS MES EVERY. John Bell in 1832,when pleading for the par saioners thought they saw in tise a ciamae ety ~\foes Novenoer WITTER tet Tn ee cman :::!Paes Ish rechionat party—a@ Souter meetin What tis rly .rik to be with thet on that occa: Tnion,So National were the Opinions 69h cance for alarig,and one and anotie|mor reierdl Welfare,ane u '\\Va :~3 th Wetild culate,1 WATSUM MTHS DELea cil ehivawi.os of WEE tu oliTS Ot paev—and woudl be rezarnded w )SES ‘non SION H RO«tS El) in 1832,wheu Sont!,Carolina threatened a Fa toy 7 :I oh tees ;ral ene ree ..t vou VN Ops Poe Peockites are asking ROGERS,Ch'n 3 Si »Lora !He Lori Wirt ted vy wl oan to dissulve the Union upon the anti tariff.4,ae }ane l aed '-\V tetere pS an 1 At length the old man rose usif to ud surer tnethod couid be wboted te par to \word,atid v4 \Gry nite ieee Iai?Fou the Wutchinan piea,A .pdress them,and,etreteling to tis full Creer MoninG—A Boll and Evert PAU ELE Near Ielett cat Worse lia mist you when :a Fler lS LO STHODS TRAVELS)2 NTI-SECTION AT NO aeneneny ee ,,ostliity ata make .1 =Petetal 5 wavy fe Soidined Potie Lord wrote na o «EH oe j es tiatyet Ries ’’-CUI tree Was tetd in |‘ !71 va ,=1 \ecttte ane Ueketitip were noss.b -tes Peele n Ke ‘lame Wh UF , “AS LONG ASMODERATION AND)THE ddan t kiow how to sce Berk be ;lechittene ican:i.z ‘pe EUS ineilich a He)ulin tier ong nN ,'-The Menu M ep Ne SPIRIT OF CONCILIATION 9 Wo preside Fey?aed,bedding them ay,;deat Phere can be to peace by the joy,Lier ewan awk s \|Vn endl SHeomeetios af the supportersof Bell )1S a i,se oor /.:Moccanes .4 \V .\: over theadiniuis:rationofthefederal ren Loeir eyes were aia '=ait {eC of w stctiotal (nitiy waginer o «outlay 46 con no.Byew sates on es ..‘aS MOEN a EA wits AY The residence of Sani any FACTION WHICH SHALL SEEK 10 1]IDL tH Tey aectsy at rit @ they erie ed to meet here next Sie Gav cL ere i Nantes tues sant lire rine .Le =vs .'ane Alan thie Can sat ete The Usios rither by Msg amenserof INJUSTICE tise DUCE Was det till sane Mere be goveteral ture ont.We inasr —,|,NEN athe Las Heit as sob ||rants :an Pes al and INEQUALITY in the action of t D tite \atthev foundoutiheaue |te tive,sel ee fe eR A CZs Sees :>'Pare Hames :a I ha An mentin one section,uf by seizin.u)UESDELS Ser tidtans |.everat Wat ie ¥o EE Oe Sis For le Peale tel anse @ [ies A 4 |i "|es |‘:oe rf 'k .oe :=qT.O Wit the Ver allerware OWed fa Te Fi fi ape)t ‘ i ’Slt s 4 Whe !TRHAM Was apport SCATE and INFLAMMABLE Question of slavery in .ne Voc aeo fp .ae Geer va pt nt woo is verher for nor asain \.Sonnet 4 Sree 'ara ain ee tyermive.—Ve wport Press. \AB vere ub was then the other.can always be shorn of its .eitlh a /'LIWG tris ec hwo oo,iP leet Wis «ik ;!et mya I.i rat yr a \Stren t vy K Graham,Eeq .(ro ms c may «en Me They \i ”’ eluate si and defeated in its vbject,Without the storhtest LET TL eee Os er LL tttet tte ena ore veut fer tl rie woe the avetiane anes \it 1 dia toa mu Hoon ns Newall at te +De sieie fet ahd eu dH Hart,JOR sensation in our system,”;Ie er eca an tocar I \’,SUTIN :Seb AISA SBC CEVA S ONSITE ERTS Tire ean ay Sou vis i '“NG lernmalies DG Deeisuaw aot DF ON.Lockey Somes prophetic fhe my Pas dint Facdlous escapes and thiiiine medeyrs ‘)Coed tday Nit,Seno eae or MoO id wis Enettuerenetval 4 Cirite fee Loa N\Feat Narre ie '2 Phe hatte selectent wan the ’.Me uy CAO ot dent owe live erur tear ob oee,af ee i ,ys 3 us {ate 2B rt bvcre tt ete Shober,Bis Bell in 1835 :rN (—SAL ::i Wet fe regirded by atiy sCetlee Ge atv a ees ‘WW I ;.'ae Sate at Nev Aeeans ob tdhonday eeecert cue “>:.‘~Wose HUN '1 i ie ial .ee ais ee ee ‘bey THE REAL DANGER TO OUR SYSTEY Luth te Bari Jas MASS MEETINGS mere NorthernthanSouthern insiis views ba ree:.yo nt ‘Pee 1 Happen ethor Heoreviewed th AS IN EVERY OTHER FREE GOVERN Masaz EC eit <3 Tn nen the)Temanonce,(Uta Eiso mS 1Uce:Cae Cartier Maan erent ceo."k ON 1 tw cor Lidates ies een MENT.IS AVIOLENT Panty ACTION of islet (os eS '1 ;‘'4 'wot his argn GNI.zy K <Yarn Was leanoue out Hy acandiatet lle tw the very fait Gf fie ous ives ''‘i ('Sell eeeaAry Ties oat frat tlre tre ta |2 ’:es mie :Se ‘rot Bell THE GOVERNMENT f1s)Ut jUhe fourth story windows of th nate oe ‘I :a ‘ped Can be found,whose election !::;;ia mot "ue a aoe EL Est :3 a :.me dy by.sect \tore ‘|5 Vln v beef So spoke Jolin Beil in i525)bourdine se on that cucner,doowas ed see E eS t tt arcs t os i‘‘Mi une.Sng Pro RY alone i vou Ainusi refseif by ings in herent parts of Western Nort EE CIVICS Vescil Ui teactes \\'Pitan Rea BEE ee ante Se es:pilin tthe: ._ne :i bee riitated condition of the counts Thi a.New York ar \beaisrnecr ‘STE n s bespretiy a y ite speaker scifi it The proposition being to repeal the (CA!tu the passers below,whe eau CHES CEWEK ti seated tine elect :_a ;=wy ni elichted w he evorts Mexican een ;fuothear her,and leaning tar over tic mi the Gi at Noseigier Wie Choy “7%e Do you desire te _*ees ‘Bes 4 tte he exicai fawsprou b ny slavery the vote window sili to fook dow a Yr t ian 7 ;7 aes ue S;i Ot miutry De Nreteatlsiyn wot |NARHA at AG AE Rd \tr Miran ta ale!Baerett club :‘\men oof this On OF TieState are aris a {ia 1 rqterte,ele enddenly lost ber balance anil :::4 ‘Ppeace and preserve the Cnien 7 “ities ~fst se ;Mesias RON TEAST d BELL,Berrien|went lead foremost outoof the widow,|'ts trem ther Ga \V ted toy How it ian nw I |ML 1 j t hi thet ’ad vey it t w Pas Sc MAN Nloicks "hess at Clemens,Davis,Daw te,Houston,Hua)By soni wondetful Provident al omter,te feel the portance of making public ,;k ‘>''‘k naw eA det =,;:2 .::ma dave t lakewb dearst wi Soe EDF a eulnis IL wa <;r Da)is }tek ,. ter,King,Mason,Mur Pearce,Rusk,scbas Io erase one OF tiv Window bliide if?deimots rations oof the fail)that is in 1 EEUU SOU ‘i I ]oe * Gan,Soule and Yulee—18 Was Caused fo ewing in suddeaiy ana WU!Seawinerto Wi thal they are beeen party and patroticduty.Mar .‘=l p.ala ',laoietnaeied (. .,;°‘ie i at 15 ':|Wis wahine wi 4 th .i ; Nars.—Mesers,Baler,Ualdwin,Benton catight the hear of her dress between th Teriiiuyel Tsun Yi)hel Coen hai UO Wie Nawertonice Te tonto twas PS re ee yy ff ohn.Brechiaridge the Candidate .’y ried sland 4 he “at all |So beliy ee oke '\5 Brigit,Cass,Chase,Clarke,Cony,(sper Vor Mattont of tne blind wel the window slid,nr Ae i Cresent iw CenirGreriesta .\\1 ofa Diwsion Party?Let his win,Davis,of Masachinetts.Dayton ip iechdener Hive!the over 'Sa :bea ieh 1 Ml i . :):pending aan t aN \:rae ;:phat :min s Vateea ,Fiirnds sneak. Dodge,Frich,Greene,HAMLIN Jans.,eat (eR oO dn iy suall th wo : A :p PLIN,Jan OG.ity Whe road PP atelyged wes eo)ryt 'Tea '>t aU x .,B aie -1 ”te .s LRN orm PichiBra Si,Soil,Shiner liaun,uv posmipa wining Veta lime Inthe Ce be PS Ga,SB rent)or NE SMALE eth 1 serge rgevn,Underwood,Upiam,tiker wai er Hererien eee wees >you are a We F a 5 |.Ne!ee.g Whiteomb—80.(Cong.Giote,vol.21 ie a a ee ce eae i a |ES 3 ey \yciot i ‘:a 'Z OMIND GIVE COLLAGE FOR ACH OLHER f '©10 atreats evens Chie a wor oa)',")if bess =";. 1254.betting 'Wot mare Deals VNR HE PROPER MOMENE,BY On page Us ptaathon Was fist noticed tiv a 1 y ha ar to el it i]\\—*\NIZE GN WE PNG LGN Whe 4N 7 ied /t i \‘e :‘i 5c AS Couprosnse.Ci AN tLe Keeps Woelore on tien :vt t t n i \Tend TO Re PEt TN 5 ‘ Sir,to Suppose that there i t t PW Pan across tl TD treat State My Veo ,ein!'Noa NUT Eat NN a i ,ae :ST 2,|vere is one member ot Ce yw ‘SOROS 1 Cs :+TES MEO TaN Heel Binley i : ~bloat {Fey ae ‘me ‘Y this bedy who is nut ready lo sacrifice,tu«-eeeetCeltntens (lic seoand infor ny ye H :vie Nod woes LW.in PEG Ne us IR TAAL I \Ww ‘ eede something of jis nv wAl SenoIMents.tek HOU PANGS AS GcK.Y as posei vie,rea Teeohelvete :stye ‘LONI alee &|DAEHN eV TAN Se worth a ’Ve owiro is hiewn its Me EE RUSS COTO %;i 1 {fen of Rowan a \i SOLVE TES GOVERNMENE IN 10 Secure an adjustment of Questions—we Hes Wie biel Up shalrs te toe ror ba Se CaN ates .Pee SPS uNteUNe ETTCI CE -vin '‘-N me .A }His {PORTS UN een ta PeeUssary prepa theocratic devcuat TAG etrit t i MINUTES".7 TT.WORU AN Botram neled by pledges,MMe CUM Cetin S WU iR eerie ned over two nitnutes heme,t ;“i SEUV ES Uypoty thie Us Telses ,i 5 Potre Metin . ome bie position hem,aud wirich ie may sue luring Wissel ais icin rowed toad ¢ye -ner)'reer se ee ae (nine red an wld as a LET US BREAK CP TIS ROTTEN, violate without dishonor—tu suppume there is.|.Relat wiih eves ia)waar they can to oma meetin a ‘‘Came dont Coattieston and a \'boats ©tone,SEINKENG AND OPPERSSIVE GOVERN ::‘sti feel Tire:Way z j \\a7 :ee one man here from the North or the Son rent nemenaia re hy re meat enceess,and tor n Td !Lis Wd “ere dit ren :i 'S Pacrbing Heve MENTO —GAO GALA ,(eae Henny Geomed cub becatilessd)awa -.S o - who,ne a cold les wilh calewation 6 i aes i anener bee wn wien pat REGh Rated ee \.:oe ed)Seen |estcy)SAM ff KESISEANCE fo personal advancement,would insist Upotextre tie is}oye 't DEVI VeNINS DE LHR GOVERNMENT 1 Zi Hem COniT a Fa t vee i nt 7 siit<|t i “tier 1 Wt 1 ve th,Gy ele -5 tears,IS TO SUPPOSE HIM 4 WELCH to see tien Hail and te ed te death,Terie HN feonl):(t Uoetutre ai i A ai ”ec '\cao Pena DAVIDHUB WHO DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE TU CMCerta |Lies wlan welt Wy WV Prom ap oinine and OM Weiner 1 ia i Cet 1 i en eer !RARE : :2 ELVES ,,ane bins \.:oe ,hilep i,>.2 isfitivs to her rescue has weted Within Experted to be jaan ine euler Cnet Tiere eee is Wile croreun\:ener ien SHINES per xe, So spoke John Bell in 150.ooliees,and seizing ter firmly,diew thas te ale fo compare views and tak :t re coud t 8 ee “Si et he mond it darn on hin Keen to BRE VK UP OAND DISSOLVE TIES ROP. -;2 >hits e HOpne »co ated the ,7 i si s - Hemasiry oF stayeny,her up te and within the window,eaqneel |Peete ath eet od Ah Tt party its Lae sy UL SELES Soean ener is)Nnith auth weet how VON,YANKER GOVERN MEN [JOHN “But,sir,humanityto the slave,not lesa than ew eure iwereliecel ater [eee mil cman nee 'CTA BEEN S SLOSS ttle ay rean the Cision,hb Chin Mai vaarhyptipatad af a 2.Fe WELLLAAGS ao to ee Dieser Cecunimeniia Me polenints cv cid,Pexultition aa aiie.lo cn i iris :ra ers Neve T <i Vout oReccne Se He Mg ee et ee fs A ad WN TRE TE SIMS TRIPP 1,(a? wen add eXleMMion jie anv new terrors , aN ae i"//ont ,”A adapted to his condition:and feasons ar cs Loe t \|ia i ea et PE PN Poh |KOOW Lets tat Vouk oie OTN ite “MY VOICE Is FOR WAR GhO.D 2 BNO Cie femsons are I \Democrat de s it thre ee "eae ar a Aaa '.,}>)Ne tee lobvieus to)leiilixuidcrtten)ivy sic dullest 7 Mier ie eee ne i .sthile?the Cansting acand the laws |‘ty Teen ee a Wie tnve Tine pats the aphere forthe Rew |JOMV SON, .7 On sie tit uy it \::: intellect.No,siritis not a Principal otbumanity furiers wie Gave most ieuity to make g >,rin be preserved and enforced because Nooaequ noe ow t !tore Dr,New'y Chonys to the same order een moe Peet stad the antiextension policy of New Sits ens tneet always plingh most ang Vite has fltlen stars on it jas |Pane ce cien toatd let scr saw thetuccsie..:ean komen ince CEIN TANS SOWERSEDE ;,Fax ta ser.Peters &‘o , ee ke Jol Bel Keepmoststock,Now,t cseimentakethe urteen,and were intended to ree them,tre routs of Ure secure Wy levers ee ey ,Te erce enreeei noel ibernr ener [nes tia wonthy cSenutor TORIaEn Gwe oOapoke Joli ell in 1850 ‘my fy mac ehieianc:eee ti aeet eames ).ae .“1 ’aisle SECON n }£ell in |To weep themselves always pp recomend ntuober of States tn Ui ive oeen clected not as Ceumerate.got =i at ,,SH.Mortals to reach stumping for the Nader or crregular tiek- >:t F S ANd eck ar a ;Tee Couch reeseati tan Wy fy tinge ping ‘ Tat Powex or ocr GoversMest pre 19 METTe TOY)ETN PES CR eV stent nat tetulluriee ls te Sie ouMtoMlt iininercie weer Do MENGE eeviciclmol ReMithice Nant iieenere cel lee met lie followine grand flourish Sravery i bring little So writes dotin von Menmers:eee A 5 i ag .a ene ;'ae ; .z aut OCNE Fovm ¢yom it Panett i;ay ,=2 Sy ,i eosmeh trestle oe nents as the!ay Whi »closed 4 ree , “Bir,making alluduceallowances:(on ae Johnsen inoa letter to the Secretary of 1 i -a h nny ‘with pra Pr party tratane TPAC ANT FLO Wie Wah :'F ns are sits whvred ©Choate tspecel last win ::ie Brecki dye oan fartatt :.1 ‘CL ern Needy stot ,s enn enterprise and the enerries of free jator.i our mtate Societys and he thus illustrates ‘er ee SO ane Gad teetis :We have heen oleot Se BSS earn Cem eet cr mmr neniemn\\orn ie 'hot i We feat a ee ar fg 5 }i ‘7 ;en eee ;:UOT age ther fe nent t eslt ‘tne with al!the Ineyaring advantages of our favorite |hie statement:Tt is good profit to raise andeof North Carolina,is ¢PENSUGOW |aha,Conant al Yodaw enterese TOT cnn rn ;ey '7 ;isteral (Hetcterons ca to have forgotten in Road ‘Deg Nad C . on,NEST Vine wrest SelesitNatt obtainerd ay place i Mim pitstoral ;: system of the Government|DOU BI WHESH three hundred bnahelsof Wheat from ten the Union party—the Disunion hav cents,and to the performance of these 1)irene i ey D "|1 jeapleet!Nat rCurnlina,and ey wee -;;;x :ie tiewn TRERIEEL TEN UHSoaee CITC Ta ECT tdiin Progirsn was Powrr axp THE resources oF 1iais ace 8,bat wien it takes th tty acres te go jorned the Douelasites (pole etre eatirr etre ane Oc ee ‘ne Cela i .th The pewtion he tow occupies,may if COUNTRY WOULD HAVE ATTAINED MORE 1314 =that amount it i “|a los ‘:;:,‘:ee .i Most rie heen t seats Wetioni ot Ma .Rar Dalia . :k ot TAN Falne tuat amount tt is at a loss Lee coe.ugiman,Weldon Edwards 7 Meare en To =7 Phegrnding the Gyrernei of Dirmasciy |Wee ert bo he vone Senator any long. HALF THEIR PRESENT EXTRAOKDINARY PEOPO Su itis with cattle aud 5 ps vou wi :f 3M EO BEC TS EN e L2iaaipl [SU CT VCCI N ere eel eiate seen a :. Tiows,BUT FoR THE SQ)MUCH xevirep IN ind the Tiaboro”Southerner Detar : see the thinking farmer making four-year isteersworthfrom50to&SU eacandtusneighbor's at the sameworthover825= STITUTION oF staveny.” So spoke Jolin Bell in 1859,and yerSonthernersappeurtobelievethatheisantislaveryinhisviews. each hypocrisy! fee Tht to ®His lee to D DEGAwaywithIfbisdand is exhausted he hoo more than be ean thre Ire,Seed with claver aOrvosenToTHEREPEALOFIIEMissorr:eerie ietcieveCompromisgs‘)ai ;:‘emty pp Hare,tow“Te it wise,is it expedient (Oudistarh ihe Mins Varuielie wii (¥tanned)tyeoor!Compromise?Dues the eal cof tie ipake another Gel Wie @uine nize Beslaveryrestrictionclanseoftheact1820,9:alse.”Aged thenmisesuchimportan:and beneficeut rests tythecountrythatallvbjectionsshoudbeyielded?What practical advantage on benefit fu tie coun try generally,or the South particulaviy,will the of the Missour:Compromise secure 4 hat has the South to gain by the measure / Keep it Vogerarn until a ine steronMwsereiagainexian a or the later end of that land will beWorsethanthefirst“—Country Gry Nenrch for a Lost Child,—A party ofWillslaverybeestablishedinKansas7’idtes,Catnquenin diamteg,near Ox er80spokeJohnBellin1854fordNOCJlastFriday,were driven iim | Russov rue Reevasicay Panty Peevicrep Peet and one ot them,a bitte bow,;,Wiree veara oldot Daniel Saearin,was“Bir,the tendency of thin bill is to stimulate ;OS -elt the woods,Oy Saturday nearstheformationofasectionalparty:Pwo han fred persons turmed outa searen So spoke Jobn Bell in J854,on the,and on Sunday a ve Hgrtone meetina adJournedtejoninthebamanewor.)aikApurasioxorKaxsastethemnberneanyfivebundred s“Had I power by my voice.|woul!paralyze Dive Protstey at the loat one were p—I would crush this many headed mouster Tincovered near a creek,and tte body was tyBhieKansashydraatonce.”Peaund it ihe water as sort distance berowSoapokeJolinBeliin1856ee 2 as South ¢ one over to Douelas/ as dad oon oon Bat look beyond our State: trolina and the Yanceyites Fiat won't do, AMO Mer [p71 Ayyle Mil Satin 13 eared tuble a Geen Donglas and luis friends will be wld tet Dreckinridee is defeated and bin frends will he glad that Doug! In dete atprple on @ pound and tieasurtue Jd. peach brandy worth North Carolina my us a BO tcl North(Becckinilee recotaer cay 5 teat our OY NGSaevladthat raha Tien ated>and both will be te cnytre Js a pigs ot Shoot!ay theeHackrepublica’s are deteated CTS Watiee a fwCeuhl sendLvs tin offer to as tia ean dene Fellow citizens,this is as inple state.the |ttle suinoof mZu!rent oof the case,and rest)assured it tnds ous all in hand te ponder it weil Pitoone other condition.wigs Mackerci,ca a few days ago (elinatidtencived We whieh will be 83.080\ut ar Bewatort Y +Respectfully Teele Ulewincenmenitd eresoeAJ.PHILLIPS’r ,7 me oldie We ven wliow the weCreiwe—Tors frit,heretofore almost 7 .-'Phe s1ze of this fish wae so moch erent 7Tee,a Toour neibhors and frends for a weetynestected,in th sSpartol the State,hae k |MCE eRe That 5SfCtyanytateDevicta /::t mn any mackerel we eve Nel enteritis err Peteerateciiythereattention:and we ,2FynseWereledteineasureityandfoundotvesowotseveralwhohaveobtaimedhigh;thirty inches in length.It wasa noble Aeeee nUCONe;[ire Nrean yecreneonragineprodutsfromtheirvounyjAeespeciinenofaveryfinefish,beyond doutir,papers teil us of black prepa dhean prsPetewronentseasetAsnwothese »for which our thanks are due Mr >ile Seoaarcy elm rlerieri ;‘ne i Ove certian)alae is Mee JM.Cott.OC TprerCU rie Pn ‘n UAC ET eral heeiry NewTazUnion—It west pe Saven linc liiiiiveaaeecnlttnwiCaicralie Ny cere ra cael lipa York «few tights aye.numberne 4600’be mnehes Of arost dediahonus ivor,|*Let power yo into whatever hands it OF.oi Monday last We wish bin every siewssavetheUnion.” Bo spoke Johu Bell in 1856 seCcesB in lites new oC”Hpathon,—Mulison((Arck )Journal. Trott Cem throush Addiaon,people with a pnrer.more Apot fare vou yoing to the Legislature @moreuneullied,wore National re-|Livingston (Ala.)Messenger When men younto the wane und sibtedly oe,han tobaces,on anyt ung elae(can be produces Willy Scuinteenniemebrourmententrait:y |x ; businesa,which is More remunerative,two to ou the farnin during the season,with fresh fish We that &Uppose he is now beginning to receive ture in polenl |Lis supplies from Our commanity have canse to thank men Were dressedThey for enpplying our market.re gularly,tame and marched with t military © ae precis he well drilied seldiera Liis uiilitary fe Precessous ts new,neSeauforttoBAYsuspicious of yt Lai vemretiialiy attend hem have ade aly re quire That wrenvchesitreumference,Te jot at in Tt wall he toe date to EHISIVer tent Cr atiiemennmcente tir:MATL ch wcosterelletirr wa titeshes,of a ventleman Who elo Jubb election is over money to our netliborms and help Mceanei@thatWervhed20ounces,.:.ANGE Smee COE er]Ty wnaleet un fruit.-We ent hoa ventleman Vorth Carolina Mackerel.—XM \oy one a ve pulatian Tor sellitic preg dich ’s UastretarnedoffatourthroughseveralofferedourotticelastWednesdaynorning,cleverness ever beat that!Western Counties,that frat was nese.Ulaling a nete ta one hand and a tine Nor having a sparalde doutle XN ly ugavondant.Efe ways the first)flee ato in the other The tmtercadas at thie tiement will Mosers.2D hus ATESTUGETGrnenrELTtotaetetlawe:Co.just deduet that amount fren the'ire re Are you fran ¢ried Mr Bacyer >T present you a specimen of our ce Wproment they |Te pay us.aa 4 Tiel gsbieVaaternalsaliiieecis«as pap.eh Mewhern DP rogues Mieky learned at Cunestaritias mee ety APG se]AVOrD GNV SNCh Necessity (aecesowilies,by oiher of tue Sattan Aletta)ty perpen disposed uenerallythertosNoyWeillsine:Penahe every GP ort eonssatent with bonePeCoreimenyWasteunsosbaTheywill,wath yreat Vbanimnity,UREA teen rtin erst st lvomea eit alien oy (slat to teat ot)sre Gnte battle upon theDSSSeforVParisakinteeHattoriofpertieriles,ame,wavingrealayTnTrotetoftneWy)Mjrost inst Feartity -oyp pert the etanedatinSomSeUtafeinmealrma)te selected,SutSPASabeALEIstvMIUMeeterrrteredanuterAewutateYothecountryimamlydepends pre WO a bee oth rs st ditagey Those brave ard:pattione men attoedcivilFuePastawastedintethethwhotaspiteottheoddsagainstBreofiisseinePtrtrerperiatonHeaeotefiveryconrent,They fist onfotwosteeteal,Stvete Wis «ipsa ah y fie Wtel Wasen In every State of7eefergie,tis Saal,Vere tenrtty nial vii Stomldor talla oearries with ONT Si TCM let We laine!ene a Cyr We lal hein Hat dase niadeer which Wash-VP Grenerale (OT erent iris Ctt RCM ett:Ty Sictory,which Jack-PV GE EE XE TN TY Ol 6 ay EL Adee tty tnohantty,and whichVtdistin,wm ow dh rrete ty ant Pel Tad been bernie cattantly and gloriouslyetaacdHes,ciel cededto tine Web avery tetiakootHinersoldetTheWasthen Jhemineusty natebed off te prison hy ALL POR DISUNIONeTariasSSLISTceaUla0Aisresheieeces(lies emery iilmeat tive supportersseittoBeiruttebetriedtortitetteofBreekomdroespecmllyintheCottonStates, Facts in support of this tae Marron,(Ala)itDele oweue every baw rabid croniesaH5 Aerie a et AE RH eine om etal Wa acyl,Columbia South CarolinianSEESSilyDlisvesinSeiHatMioDedbow.the e biter of Dedow'e ewe.PEC UE eit oomen mL Heol [se ewe Nat Dt onl dresseda deniocrmtic meeting at Wil-ae A Vie beaW lop Foal ately taney o South Carolina,Mr.Ashmore,Mr.Bell,YON Onn td Mi Galturdalse apoke.Al!agreed thatDees143DetheeventottheelectionofLincoln,the SouthProcter7shomldsecede.Mr.D Bow sad he had long!: Deen in on favor of xtreme measures,and wastubetoseetheprouresswhichhadbeenmadefeta,wd akhow thew the Breek Yunes Yo obv wueh views All these gentlemen are sup-(Rehetaeee ur ping the Sra Sewers portent of Brockunrtlse,witht the faintest hope of electing him.—Arehmond Whig. Tae nhove fivwrea are not Satrawe’but te atidwhelmingyeverything.” H X®t. and plac oul atfai yeshalf Elec mat Iw the met the tou Cre weld sul) Te plea pres witli Moc! Oba,LibeTay! Tay! Lexi Moni State Wius Alley: At — Nortt Jeffer Fran Went Waln Kerur Thom Lex ELE 3} low, k~q porn le we yet Hen the | wel Jo The| idlat kit Hiatt4 thee Atha bie, Tos Kent trae Billion bree Uf an bh aparttoped thease has to am} Catiise or wii race envy Calitie Clrsatian Witled Job eon the Ce eM ort My Liecto wither thority who tion fo conten faye,t ber)I Wiig Dane It fbi They nes Datne | have t No on A dren friend foe of and S around Evert Section stand 4 rank aw are its and wl Union, them t Matter eracy t The say8 th len ine Op porstt relurne Neon Oca we he ts date wl coln thas city we are EVER Celebrat be the on daring a | to indace Woret ene before its who are a ererof thi aAwavyin tl the hest » thing,theUinedprep ack now tee manity. 2 HON.J.M.LEACH’S APPOINTMENTS .LextxGron,Sept.20,1860. affairs,—w bile T do not feel at liberty to deeb yet it would be iinpossible fue ime to spenk wt half the plices suggested before the Presidential Election,to say vothing of conthetimg tine,at mauy of the places propore doby those treads; IT wust,therefore,bes vou to annouace throws: the coluibus of your paper the tollowinye appoint ments-—whieh anugunes trent willetfeet,Ebepe, the two fold purpose,of wiving greater puberty to them,amd,at the sate tute,obviate the ne ceesily uf teplics be all the letters received,as wel}as to thuse Chat tay come to hand on this subject.[te due to courtesy and will aftird ine uiaen pleasure to diluw any yeotlouan who vay b present al auy of Wy appotmtinenis,dith cng with tae poliicwily.etal ane tan hearing Vary respocttu li,We, eee tal ORDER OF AVPPUINIMENTS Davie COUNTY Mocksville,(cour week ‘Purcday sept oth Ineoed ALY Ola,Thursday,Sept + Liberty Hull,Piss ~epl a Taylor's Spring,saturday,Sepr 2hALEVANDERSry Taylorsville,cour week Monday,Oct ts DAvVim ON COUNTY Lexington,(court week Posed ie,Get Bid DME DELL Corny Mount Mourne,Saturday,Oct bib Stateeville,(court week Moaday,Oct.RthFORMYTHECorny Winston,court ween, ALLEGHANY COnN Ty Alleyghouy Court House.Mor Or Qa ANE COUN At ——Prorsday,Oer Zac North Fork,Friday,Qi 2tuh Jefferson,Saturda ,et 2 STOKER COUNTY Francisco,Monday,Oet 29cn KOCKINGHAM COUNTY Wentworth,court week,Vuomeay,Oot Soh STOKES COUNTYWalnatCove,Thursday,Nov dei Kernersville,Friday,Nov 2d DAVIDRON COUNTY Thomasville,Saturday,Nov Sui Lexuytou,Monday.Nov otis ELECTOR FOR THE stub bist hic By reference te the conespondenee b Tow,it wall be seen that Td RoC ddwe k~q,Whe bad weser been recubarty ay poruted war hicetor for the abewe District We Mecewearily Gouspeiled to oc Hae ema lye th Wat capaci).ana Caat Cr KkoM Henry bas been resalans Pomited by the Diethict Conve te beac ar ahi We lave chatged toe tate: Moko ant _CUS Sot,ate P60 Joux WoSyaer My Lh So Phe Conieitios appr itted oat didate ter Bieeba on tue den on baa hit ta the Ss Te I) UN toed hy cole 6 ‘peed Chic ttt,ated tree tiath fobs as tlee tote “ THM tcolipce Vet tmont ie Stee Cy Arise Leen [Teeter TONG Peeteen (vee te Kentletuan every warvow Vtev eed Crete say Tree Min tat Nantel wittyatl sid i Bltion Vionwiten oo OTS SOV lee dvitts W Sime.bog,Pie Ao ohh TierGeaHie Baer thee!tire aa us ‘ tye the Coun tastes |teal ‘ an hlectorter theSs eer . apurtoand lave ne ty =; tocetlur w Thou seat dyed mee theiueclves,tie rE tte tot ate bas been delave:Pitivec eet | Ami ylad Cotebeve,cows A (crete Cause tinn suffered:tee detiuien \ ead asthe cates.as ,‘ ed tu thin Distiin My Witlite te bast few days Cea ents htveews walle wareipy we Ane Coenen i UGE THOM Tite fe en seine ec ak a ‘t Mather.mt every dav or tae ere is a Moor that Ma dy eon uae neal ns ORM EME ewe A tee Lehman race I cet Peepoge hee is prot tis ently belt Nig Teta,8 Cantiot Lat see tlie Cosiathds tor Ca Chance of an eteeti ony Pee per unpet tteeeet Willow bats tanned ev iin wey of countey Gv uncine with tae trends Coca Carrenttintior tichct Uireal mcnientintir ef rt te defeat the Bhien Roy ' My tate laine Gee paced upetce i Llectoral ticket by tan jee teotine Sues,Pn GWithoutmykuowledgs,ame without athorityfreitueCromantioe,Careatwhomknewthatitwasoutottieqaies tion for me to HECE PE The prom trot,eocontemplatedleavingtoeSratean édave,to beabnent ante he bstet er)Tmust re quest you and the W nage Euliters to siteat De Gren,TPenny Name asan Becton in place of \ Tl had been daly Appounted PE oeoaakd oy Deo teas have Gonsented te realise \Datwe tn thie Couneetion,unless 1 have been alle toe canvars the [rset THE RESULT IN KENTUCKY. The official vote at the recent election |Ma.J.J.Bausee:Waving recived many in Kentueky has been received at last,Kur.trom aw nuiuber of Counties,requesting Tt toons Upons tollows;wand wnyging ine tu adeliens the preaphe al vatious places,upou the existing politcal issues of the country,and the threateuing aspect of public Coombs was the Bell and Everett ean Brechinridee You ~No.4,Granite Building, SALISBURY,N.C. WHOLESALE DEALER INonwis ered fatal byt ’ From 210to 240 de for site |Lela es 3 fest rate tence bg |dee utes the buen family has aren ere iTS AND ({PS;:. seare R AND RANST 2 02 STS eee 1200 bushels Corn,a quantity of Lihin ecrdlulwumeitsimimacunnc (iin ieiideetactive i L Dry Goods, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, ah the ta tay .Laces,Embroideries,read of Stocn in the Weatern S five.Such medeine we supp)s made CLOTILIN Cloths,Cassimeres Vestings,HATS | and CAPS, &SHOES, taarnst MeChirry, skeptical ws to tl Breekinridze Yancey aycove {VD RETAIL Hh tia own State OfPon the popular vore AND WINT GOODS. LADIES DRESS GOODS.LACES,Embroideries,&c., diana Lies3 Mass Meetings. PXCTEE MENT (LOTHIG EMPARIUN DAVID WEIL. Ready-Made Clothing OW moe NEC M K ot Swiercoup oy one at this eritical junetare whoaicdAdroneinthetive,Prasting that everyfriendofourbelowedcountry,and eversfoeofBlackRepoblicdnisin,Disunieand:Secession,will ralty Hist Us One thataroundtheNintuandletandardof[3Evekkrt,with the war cry of “death toSectionalisme’”on their ipa,Totake ssstandreadytodedutyonytherankandfileofthe©TUTICEN,Wie loveareiterealdefendersitimesofdannandwhelovetheConstitutionandtUnion,and will moithan and preservethementheassaultsofallenenies,Matfer from what section of tf PEL and sthonest he he Contederacytheyaaycome Very Tralyv,Yours, ToD R.CALDWELL o> he Union Sarl?—The Union enrrent 'faye the Me tiphis Balltin like the awel len mountan torreWhy ts ening:down allOpposition.An rutelligent farmer whreturnedfromtheNorthlastweek,Neonnoes Lea paepose to vote fot M:irashedeheveslimtobetheonlycandidatewhohaseyshowofdyfeating|atteolnPwootwerproainentWroeeratsosthiscity,now in tie Nord,write fyweareinformed,Tie sare offer. Levinydon (Alt)Mise Neyer EVERY BIM WER the demand for tH reteCelebratedStomachBitieresnercasenTianfbetheonlyCeTUMINprearwntiorWilyKimeiieehdaring@periodwhenthemimnplereteealeulatedfoindaceafeelingofInamtadeandindigeationTheWiiscasexiliarioeMidoDeweiiieryvicewinbeforeitepotentinfluenceTanainerahleporene who are now alive mand well,1 net thank the decoy erer of thie preparstion that they have notheowev p awavin the harvest of death the BiictermiererainmendedbythebeatplhvsicianeintheliudThis yetWolacarkanaetocitadieeean thing,es,will not speak nw err ' timed preparations They hive hee PGR lcdae nares tae uponmanity.Sold by ull druggieta Im16 Viae Shirts and Collars.1S60. FALL STOCK. hed AL MURPIY DRY GOODS, Haw Fine Suits. ATA SMALL ADVANCE On Cost ! VEGRO BROGANS sale ata small advance on Cost. Are now recewiny binge JAS.H.ENNISS,~_EOE ;“ALL AND WINTERCoops! Na 3,Se Gramte BuildingumeSVE Bindery SAL ISBU oF Side and iancy Dr y lroods, Caps,Bonnets,Boots and ans and SCLAITHIAG., A McCONNAUGHEY Veutly erecuted at ———AE SPECIAL Important.Sale!|"Serofala or King’s Eril, bercles,inthe50BushCLOVERSEED!WW lyons diet fiver,and interual organs,is teri BESUIAE .Is a constitutional dwease,@ corruption of the blood1eesubscriberhavingdeterminedtomavetothehywhichthisfluidbecomesVinied,weak and poor| Devore weet,will praceed to -ell without reserve Being iu the circulation,it pervades the wholebodyaePublicAuction,at hie residence uear Rowan Mills.and may burs:out in divewse on any part of 1:aeeePenmehofOCTOBER,the fullow-organ is free from ite attacks,nor is there one which |—_—-Ste ie |y,Veitinay not destroy.The scrofulour taint is vanous-|parQHE scReC KIBER HS JUS?Ri.f ETUENEDoe5HeadwellbrokeMules,2 ditto Horses,\y caused by mereurial disease.tow living,disorder-and is wow receiving ndopening iS ceespaterchaula25HeadofCattle,(amongst which —ed orauhealthy food,impure air,fill andfilthy b soaye|Sortment ofTyNTHNry.,uy :SE the depressing vices,and,above ail,by the venereal}3 |BLI |EK S l (YN K are some No,1 Milch Cows)85 linfection Whateverbe its origin,itis hereditary in GROCERIES|i .oo 9 Lead fitted Hogs,a qood the constitution,descending *frompareutsto children j;3000 Ibs.BLUE STONE.3000 Ibs.|LobofStok [non Sinck penest etn wud fourth xeneratiy \udeed,st evemsrmreyetobetherodofbunwhoeaye,Twill vist the visting of Coffe »Mot:8 v 5|For sate by HENDERSON &ENNIS.of Nuewpall hinds Ba eMeit itetTillisre poe tliat RiGee Real ac withevery Remi nincmel eeRisen ene :A,MYERS’of Poultry.3 Hie eferis commence by depom ton trou the bland ht;allofwhich will be volt as weal at exceedinglylow privaluableVafcorruptorulcerousmaiter.wioeboin Ube longs .4 «hd).,wlaude,ewellinge;umd ow the surface,ermprone or %vaya yw PS mm)|Nice wad clean for sale by Gearing L Auctra Veeres.“This foul corruption,which gender im the ‘:y)_&a owHENDERSON&ENNISS Fine Rockaway and (blood,depressestheeaergierof hile.me thalserotaloas double Harness,Vo Bayiy oefaints.bandHarness,a great variety Mineatie Cother diseases;coneTHEKRMOMETERSofFamingLools,(good aud new)!berm perisl by disorders whichForCuringTobacco.Lull tt of Blacksmith Tools Curpen Joust Cher nature,are still tantin the syetem.Most of tue bot only seffer toous seretuiour com. iy,Ves!pum.batrocage a ugh not scrota Wheat,Outs,May,boldis,diseams ot the liver,kidnevs,brain,and,indeed.o——hee Niriia,adele ont jail the organs,arise from or armanneCattor POUNDS Walant flan ey One quarterof allour people are serofulous:cheir|I 000 .i()(KM)al my Tlovise persons ure savaded hy this lurk Won.and Cheer‘OF ’ee 1holdandhitehhealhisunderminedbyit rvated by the Chey have far lee power bo withstand t+tor supercont any,as those who have fevored him with thetscaptestify.The stock uf and Pure White Lead in Oil,en Baraitare V Slots ee ee BOOTS K SHOES For wile by HENDERSON YY ENNiss (ule Penile Olmert ate Ayer’s eee Soother articles too numerous b dose ,.abel o Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,1000 GALLONS 1000 At ihe mame time and place,Twill sil at pabhe “Che mest effectual remedy wor |tie medical skill of where nuot be equated,either tn style or manufacture,having hedneatolthemmadetobisorder,The stock of 4 *ROR a;rctouany Valuable LANDS tying socueditely on our tines can devine cor thir +.voting *PURE LINSEED OTL,Vhird Creek;my home place coutuns 00 ACRES aod fatilmolidy.Tis eombiced tom the mont ac.|j ;For vale by HENDERSON &ENNISS haudsomel)and convemently ioprovea,with aw gael Ove reinedials Chat bave beet wiacuvered for the ex |\ ‘e {thie foul disorder fran Che blood,aud the 4proportionofclearedandwellDRAINEDBOP.purgacon TOM LAND ‘The maumon ie elegantly atiatet e hy Proun ita desiraenve ¢tetnegoodSpringWater,and very healthy ere Eenee i siiould be eaiplivedtorthe vt10Bhis.Vanner’s Oil.10.Phe other traet contains 257 bes fad ie an.only serotula,bat also those ocuer affec uous urine front | surpassed by any Landsin Weetera Nordh Carola tt,such as Eruptive and Shoe D “8,St Anth bor sale by HENDERSON &ENNISS Ti short Cyg sale will be poseive,nnd a reasonable ny'n Bare,Rose.or Fe Jae. credit given.Further conditions made Koown onthe Blotct Atuwan Milly,Sept.1%,1860 dis Iie wud Mercurial Dacuses,Dropsy.Dyspepsia,De- AND :Punples,Pustales -eee ee .ina,Blais and Boils,Tumors,‘Petter and sult |8 '\4realsFIOREGEANIOSLalii,Mest Mii)Cbnasannn Poueuein Sop AD 3 Ague and Fever Cured ee a eae ernodvatedcc)deaeeaiyowreso Mur;RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES.tedor Lupare Blood “The popularbelet urs(mR ING)PN We.tye!ie bloud”oe fouided in troth,for seroft aah BRYAN’S Jegenerauionof the blood.“Phe particular pris :DISTRIBUTED SB Le :Rosse aiade Kiwi Use Ot gale sem 4 thé AugMANRIAGCELICENSESIWcoceorniten' .Peete te 7 Dp:5 =“sad virtue of thin Sarsapeciia is to parfy and regenEuniss’Ague and Fever Pills,Deh lira or Go NW Cem crate Ciel infiniti cm airictisvuid Rex "WARRANTED TO CURE THe Ontuinar Mepiciwe Karapismap in 987 el firat urtacde UMPoRMble to contaminated constitutions.establishment exclusively for CASH.a HENDERSON a EN Ntee!|of Helin eter inteatuced water the Ayer’s Cathartie Pill s earn :Workis,an Wan ’v ;>:.fuey7irskorallthePUrporesofFamilyPhysic!r OR -N O T HI \G CBRVAN betay ctampel on ca are se Composed that disedse within the range ot theaneandKerosineOil.BRYAN PULMONIO WAFERS arvon Can rarely withet or evade t 1 Vii:Naga move desired effect than a cash system.ThereforeacaB(rer B t Relleve Conghs Colds.Sore Throat,Haar ewsaues penetrocing properties s arch and cheuee,and ivi #earnestly solicited,before parchasing chewhere,aNower Ba rosale a .‘Ne teevery portion of ie human ong.ui,correctHENDERSON&ENNISS ee GN le wig diseased Kelion,dud restoring we he \7:Relieve Asthma,Growchitis,DiMenlt Breathing,|=SO UE ae Leslee ua teal.3 :tates Ago Cotter gueces of Chese properties.the }{BRYANS PULMONIC WAFEKS ice valid who is bowed ¢with pain on pliveveal de es *’,Relieve Spitting of Blood,Pains tn the est.a iue rhed to fica hie healitre r estormoray)’Yie artontebed te fi hie healihorenergy 5 rMEDICINALBRYANPULMONICWAPERSedbyaremedyateuersestapieandon May ?,1888.SALISBURY,NW.C.\sag T r Kelleve EIneipteot Comsamption,Luug Diseases.N \ey eure ler daner Take _FRENCH BRANDY.‘po Ceeeeerice,Uae Pie eee °Relieve irritation of the Uvala and Toasts,tiseases,The aa Wt bel vm eee US PIS:te’,.,naan.:lish pratia erican Almanac.co wag certIMO.Medicinal French Brandy 1840 CaS Arak Aare aIEARHy clives aml directs Genulatiwcs aGivenupbyJudgestote(he best ever broaght 1 Relleve the abeve Complaints Is Ten migave.i.jlowing comp Costivenean,HeanbirinashetyforsaletyBRYAN'S PULMONIC Warns tleudache,arimag fot direrceree Stunaeh,Nausea, HENDERSON &ENNISS Are a Blessing te all Classes anc é stitanems,Tndiwestion,Pasuia acd Mu bid Puactien of the Bow BKYAN'S PULMONIC Woke Is,Viatulen Law Vppecit uneiee,and other Are adapted for Vocalists and Pubiieaereiters hipdred ¢ae iUianeogetoin’Blow cetete cot tlie | BEYANS PULMONIC WARLES wey or ob tee ¥EeSPICES!SPICES !(re io a simple form and pleasaut to the taste Ayer .Cheers Pectornt, BEYANS POLMOENIC WAFERSdedayeMastBECCACEECecccNtonlyrelleve,bat effect rapid and lastlog Cares,von eee ‘(EN LINTE TOC)OSE I a BRYAN‘PULMONIC WAFERS Conghe,Colds,Influenza.Hoarseness.Cronp)Beau mae x <1 1 chitus,Eneipent Consumption,and for the relerottHENDERSON&ENNISS Are warranted to give satisfaction (a every ene.Coneinintive Patlenralemerceeslare ere | Disease No FAMILY SHOULD bi WITHOUT A BOX UF So wide is the field of ite ase ‘ulness and se numereee,'eee ee oie Ce SINGER’SNINX>«a A R!IN THR Hotak Ron Gre nu treme bentic siti ic ne publicly kuewn S ‘W G 1 S.NO TRAVELER SHOULD GE WITHOUT A SUPPLY oF ohave been restored ten alarming and even des E IN =M ACHINEBoots.shoes,and proeate $0 cts.Pure Cider Vinegar.30 ets.i esencelea menichwis toes Herasee ofthe lungs by te nse |Whem sneer |eer ae parreucnereis 1s superiority over every other mediciveor 8!Prices Reduces to $50,$60,$90.and $100. paren oercape obse lion ue herHiNDERSONSOFNNISSNOPERSONWILLEVERObJEOCTTOGIVEFORtaotue:ere te ee Tihak y ithe ll Tih pian reason why Sincre’s Sewiva-MacuinesSeenSOUa»Pul ©Waters.rane ie ee Teo CEE have always sold readily at a higher average price:TWENTYF tSTs BOERS CID NU atO TUE Cleat ecg |(baa any other,is that they ere better,more durable,benons of the pulmonary organs that or :i .DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK .KEEPING JOB MOSES,Sole Prey ,sy Be ate seca NEE ah pant ee ore tog reliable,eapuble of doinga much greater variety Soldiin Salisbury ty HENDERSON &ENNISS,Gnd at Drug)gign thruat upon the commeénity.have taiicdnndbhern|©BULK and Cer uy,More monoy Long-continuedANDoatWedTanheeunalln:Dey Wty is Has uf ee nee Oe latheSTNSePena'iend lof what arecalled cheap Sewing.Machines,th dsPENMANSHIP.May 29,16 influ tip nMMvoted that PatrurserOteet|AT hea canted ced dleaupauted,tir wih Bie:hand produced cures Coo wumercusand too remarkable|;Sor ‘)een ereen|tee iY Int rere i uever ao avure or mus.WILLIAM M.PLLOT,~PREPARED Bi:pom>OF Ti f (PALL AN SYSTEM OOF a YUNTS .—_ves,.Singer’s Tranverse Shuttle-"lachine.\reantue Ca snd PP al \Mereaniic Academy,¥il.s ivermenurse of bea >oy DR.J.C.AYER &CO.,[tobe asia at $50 pinin,ond @60 highty 0:namented,=a |LOWELL,MaAss.fina Mae hine entirely new in ite arrangement;it ieMURPHYSreane,_eee.Ee {very bewa +Moves rapidly and very easily,and,VEDSESDAY E >=e .Try ’for family use fara Hebt manufacturing purposes,isenaeFrec!:_=we SOL 7 HERN [the vers best and cheapest Machine ever offered to:;.=[=[the pubic These Machines are being inereased in1g4pre2stn=E 2 =BOOT AND SHOE Ute t eee ees'Sal mays.tor thein nec be fully supplied.aos 4 =on .|pp.<foe?W ‘NI FACTORY 'Simeer’s Vo.1 Stamdard Shuttle-Wachine.i Be eae Ss aa.:.rmer'y auld »t 8195,bat now reduced to $90,ie 100;;:ce ed a od.wel)hier over the world to need any descrip.oa ===‘i 'Live work,coarse ur fine,canbedone y I i =1 Sc AVEC T Rx OL ‘s Ne.2 Standard Shuttle-YWachine.or Be 2%2 Se \Be GAGES Oy This sthe favonte manathetnring Machine everyKOAKwt:Lf 7 =Cs Centiemen’s Boots,Shoes and Grailers,ov)Vi f the Machine gives ampie space:eo a oe Bre 2 ‘'“\description of work,whieh,LogethereratPrne——]Del tea ania as ue \urable working qualities,giveita decidedoat.arte ee —-fr ~'7 :Ne a si .:“'6,with table complete,R100.ae eS aie /=Fase peel bext qaahty—Wachs tie datest umn ic are ‘ae .1 —==Cana provenen sand the tos)trashed Work imger’s Vo.3 Standard juttie=-Machine.cae [=ea =a a a ,a)a nia they ear ;a 'c ge-t P and y Jeatber work.sig Jes M May JJ |\5 ‘ae a en ae Eni .:1 ek Webh Ke ch &¢ile ==os ie Since rat reduction in the price of theseaeeeeMe.a ee =3 a Boots,Shoes &Gaiters,Standocd Machines.on the Ist of October,1858,the1Pe,,,a purchased mn New 1 cor the amie |sale of them has incremeed four foldep46WikaIAe1ix\E hes ti co mie thest vthete ip Ai Singer’Machines make the interlockedhatiF‘,i obo i a 4 feo the euicer 1 South te suston them i steh with two threads which is the b st stitchArSarisntny—+Watet '\175N NEO (herr endeave introdae me them branch of kuown Every person desiring to procure full ands:I A ]j I ji &I OC ke !i Mirnutseture now entirely tatbe boas fs VoD R pela formation about Sewing-Machines,theirwillnetbeinvainordisreaaresVivevationat“128 +Working enpacitres,and the best meth.. odsiof pn g can obtrin it by sendingforaeoChangeofBobeaite:Le pulse ber NG EC GCL UD aan WHLOLESILE ay atBaits WoL M Singer &Co's Gacette,which is x beaOfficeWestern8.C.RB.er and varie och Pee Channeticd Boots,Free fal petonul paper entirely devoted to the eubject,Since \ensiienrcet STAPLE Bua FANCY Cae "ul be ne ; OF UN VP PERSPHIS wy \tt tnvest A Va \{Double s Deere eee DgerTranswithrondat(eeceueentn 400 Broadioay ew Yor‘1 pt >r é ee =Bee ea DRY (GOODS,OPERA BOOTS.MERONEY,Acest,aa -COHe ARRIVE 0:Patent Leather and Fre oh Calf paves SALISBURY,N.C.Salisbary a it Pid Cre 4 TTA Stick Dine Open Gaiters.P Tere rena waa tf9Theatk.‘...ys i Gece”Pein ee ee eeeThanateREADY-MADE CLOTHING (oo Geavess Gocco,Brent.=vf ¢ins,‘:.ay avi a‘ts Nort may NH)SHS Vinon Pe anewestvie b TASH .=a\1)Wi phar L040 .fare’lem and anpply cour wants an "i =S oeWSafphar10aHaHeaistargeandwillbesoldkAlargeassorimentOftureyonwillpurchasenoBouts,Shoes or ¢Tae >z Quw1shoa1PegaonANVETEEWOTWWIENWEUeRavethosemanufacturedbyne<<=SIRETURNINGWeMILLER-_5 =ee m SMITH&MILLER,i >>=~ew ART BAT Peas we :oo THOMASVILLE,N.C 7 ¢a'f ae iene Foe NORTE CAROLINA JEANS,Peace )a =Ee ~,Hickory ri White Sulphar 12 90 ofall kinds.They invite their old castomers and 3 °=SeWhiteSulphur1230Newton14thepubhegenerallytogivethearacu.'=&.|Newt Dao (wavin 130 1 5 t q |Fl;Zon S»ee se TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS ationa ag.is a=|vl \{Creek 110 Our Stock Crootis are we ed Co the mite rosts a a ==|_—Phir Creek Races shin 10pm of Count NET etitrse orl iu iy,tiire tent oo _o>=4 @ 7ieeeeeeWM.M.BARKER 3 =)&SPDaa Sige 1¢>Browne trade =e x 2Puseyee.ros ROWSN)COMIN @ MOU.TOVLD TNFORM Hs On ae =|i 3 '“Wetomvers thar t ..JavFUTUNASeitecaston33.\\zd Gl(Cnet St WW ND CTU BENEM ne 3 —\it Joys Al aa Os <WORTH &DANIEL,Carriage |Business =:wDWholesaleandRetailGrocers,Rn ee ne en en acy a Fe a ;:;_—Att li ')CARREAL from:the best to the lowest prere oe S e1inee";‘|i {He has re Lia nber of North 2 :2 SoyAUCOHUONCommissionWerchants,viens Winn wane’=TE ESprosradmae5= Heo Qeanrens,68rd Rees NOC OY No 2 Grasite Row,Frost Srrevr,now Leen SI pply :> x The.aseu 4 SNES Tere NO EN Ee 'i 7 ratfeamgeyb'STOUMUD !oe APT AINS AND COMMANDERSOF idan hindarolrrecarmne Rrrvisiimeb cit .2 ions INTOUMDING!ee ee ee sie ee ne {STOUNDINGAce1NoN\L ~t venir tt Frot,Feath VV MO RBARKER -=etheTelpadafOepahet{Tippee rs B VAs 'Pooeta v WGihe a)eye {INTOTL VDING!uw direete for rinsp and review sal iy Agente tor Howe's colebrit sd oondsofblankcartridgesThesaidofficersa2I t ,sD&G WORTH NS 4 TERN AEE :.ieOneeeennepole!\inewn Chills and Fevers Wyatt's RemedymethoneeinSatieRe4KeAGaaweLimaCaehoneaTOBesGsWavesFEVERANDAGUE..the t Ortober,t :oh 4 1 1S ane ..BER MOORES mmCtn es a ,\n Lofailing SpecificfcroftBrgGenGWoSain‘>’Sepr uy $wl?SAU male:ELON DS Se For the Unfortunate!VING determined ty remove,Doth r male q -RCENT AREWILIMC.LORD He tea ee e,PREVAILINGIN A WALAVRIOUS CLIM ATI CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS,ALTAM ¢JORD,ieee }(1 CV RES RECENT AFFLICTIONS,ATTORNEY AT LAW,2.00 025i he Mas CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS,ee +&Pill.een eee tin Hee Wyatt's Tonic IN A FEW DAYS!(let onrcneces k fbr cilientaven Hod faker 'iy ire ,Dunog the past tr wand for thie grea Ti has S nol interfere with diet or\\ee Suen Wie miemiem titre Une wun be inentios dy has heen voprereue 1 1 Veepared and sold Wholesne undwitiheaciten(a Gaiiduie cppie ie ie ‘|tevin Qs wepees acl eer Prepared hy WOH WY UEP Dengg mn i WYATT.Druggiss and Apothe-R ae i i ie rid)ine aitawe saint a A pothe Now [shea Mara wt,Sabebury,eary.\nd ims Main at,sahlxbary,N ¢Feb 14,1660)thay hes 1 will be mold that dav of mot drapes al Price 81 per package +.for 85 A lberal bye ly and seut by mail enclosing 4 stumpsWielbeforethattimediscounttomerchants‘Pry postage . ma FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Sept 4.1660 pdt ds th Blanka of all kinsla por ave at thro ¢Rlank Deeds far wale at thas Ofies éeo 4 :aHOSTE TT ERSNTALNOTICE,STOMACH BITTERS.¥.da |The ae Wietors und manufacturers of HOS-DR.BESSENT,aTETT CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- H*REMOVED to tuk DENTAL ROOMS |TERS can appeal with perfect confidence tohysicianseedcitiesgenerallyoftheUnitedtates,because the article has attained a repu-tation heretofore unknown.A few facts upononeenemiesoccupiedtyDamRAcom:this point will speak more powerfully iesoetePreparedtoattendalloperauonsvolumesofbareassertionorblazoningpufferyponaectedwithhisprofeasian.-The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach BitJan.1,1860.ar ters for the last yeur amounted to over a halfmilionbottles,ani from its manifest steadyincreaseintimespasi,i is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reachDearonemillionbottlesThisimmenseamwuntcouldneverhavebeensoldbutfortheraremedicinalpropertiescontainedinthepreparation,and the sanction of the most prominent physicians jn those sections of the country where the article is best known,who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients,but are ready atall times to vive testimonials to itsefficacyinallcasesofstomachiederangementsandthediseasesresultingtherefromThisismotatemporarypopularity,obtainedbyextraordinaryetlort.in the way of trumpelingthequalitiesoftheBitters,but a solidestimationofaninvaluslemedicine,which isdestinedtobeasenduringastimeitselfHostetter’s Stomach Bitters have provedaGodsendtoregiouswherefeverandagueandvariousotherbiliiuscomplaintshuvecountedtheirvictimshyhundredsTobeabletostatecontitentlythatthe“BitterssreacertaimcurefortheDyspepsiaandlikeaodiseases,is to the proprietors a source of un-alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matterfromthestomach,purifies the blood,andimpartsrenewedvitali'y tu (he nervous system,Giving it that toue and energy indispensablefortherestorationothealth.It operates uponthestomach,liver,und other digestive organs,mildly but powerfully,and soon restores themtoaconditionessentialtuthehealthydischargeofthefunctionsofnature Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily asperdirectionsonthebottle,and they will findinitastimulantpeculiarlyadapiedtocomfortdecliningyears,as it is pleasant to the palate,invigorating to the bowels,excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally.We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women\who have experienced the benefit of using thisa W.L.BARRIER, DENTIST, ALT CRS AUN |aN) March 13,1x60 poly 43 Drs.M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWEZL,Howhowish it ssociated themselves in oot MedicinertheirPreanhavetheservic pubhe.PoseLYCase,WithoutFemifigsnnn LAW PARTNRSIUP. AL H.&R.A.CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly apied by Dr Nesbit ou Water Streea, SALISBURY,N.C,March 1,1859. ae Weriariiny: BUSINESS CARDs. N.M.MARTIN,BRO.&CO.,GROCERS AND COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, No.129,Syeamore Street.PETERSBURG,VA. N.M.MARTIN,sowCOMMISIONMERCHINI NOM MERTINGGS.>| preparation while suffering from stomach de-rangements and general debility:acting undertheadviceofphysicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fuirly tested themeritsofthisarticle.A few words to thegentlersex.There are certain periods whentheircaresaresvharassingthatmanyofthemsinkunderthetrial.The relation of motherandchildissvabsorbinglytender,that themother,expecially if she be young,is apt to4forgetherownhealthinberextremeanxietyforherinfant.Should the period of maternityarriveduringthesummerseason,the wear ofJAMESHORALLbodyandmindisgenerallyuggravated.Here,then,is a necessity for a stimulant to rec upe-WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELE;rate the energies of the system,und enable theSSaeBdmothertobearupunderherexhaustingtrials$;SALISBURY,N.«and responsibilities,Nursing mothers gene-@ne door below Bh.&a.rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora,tors that receive the endorsement of physicians,because it is agreeable to the tuste agwellaxcertaintogiveapermanentincreaseofbodilystrengthTeasothaAllthosepersons,to whom we have particu-larly referred above,to wit sufferers fromty3efeverandaugue,caused by malaria,diarrhoea,ae ee “=dysentery,indigestion,Joss of appetite,andMICHAELBROWN,all diseases or derangements of the stomach, COMMISSION MERCHANT, superannuated invalids,per-ons of sedentary SALISBURY,N.©. BO TANNA, BOL Phowsen, SoM MaKriy Bea MAKTIN, WOK wanrin, LP Strict pereaual atients Wivew to the xa‘Produce Orders for g Promptly Riled.+4Revexevce—D.A Dawe,FEUne14,1859 “ishes,Bay WON Bore.EEPS constaatly on hand a large amsoriunWATCHESaudJEWELRYof41)kingsClocks,Watebes and Jewelry ufever Ieseripriefepairedinthebestmaunerandonthemnbleterms February 14,1860 US market of Le eervices to the public CAUTION.—We caution the public against shipped to other Ports on the metallic cap covering the cork,and throughout the United States,South Ame-a Colleeiing 4 aid ahoal Salmbury using any of the many imitations or counter- ebruary 14,1)x60 Was observe that our autograph signature is on the iy rica,and Germany.He holds the apperntinend of Tax Cotleetor for the occupation,and nursing mothers,will consult feits,but ask for Hosrerrer’s CerenrarepDROMWPTPERSONALATEENTIONGINStomacnBirrens,and see that each bottle has =label ~#s-Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & Town,1nd thereture ferix tuthorized to refer persons ciate )c ee .-by .to var Superinteadent and C MAM ONeTs as o nani SC )\I L,&M I uN DE,WHOLESALE AGENTS, their own physical welfare hy giving to Hos- EN to the purchase ofall kinds a)PRODUCE the words ‘Dr.J.Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” Collecting Agent BMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa,and sold by all ficaguus.Kc JOUN BEARD NEw Ortunans,La tetter's Celebrated Stomach Hitters a trial Aad |)all consignments to he suld an t!blown on theside of the bottle.and stamped druggists,grocers,and dealers generallyTINHEanderwanedv1 April 10,1860 41 46 Colrccneieent 0 CLOTHING!WYATT’S ©eeeTONECORDIAL.CLOTHINGTESy COME AND BEY BURG AIS One of the mast pleasant and efficient Remenies Dysentery,Diarehea,Flux,.. eb »,aud WAL by if!nd t CHOLIC,gua BOWEL COMPLAIINES —ny OTL ANAL brain ot ¢rho and a }.PRICE—z5 cbNiN Vacnt HpacPreparedbyWHOAYAUTenginakVestSreesstyanytanvoyNoe.186 and ISS.Main Stree,|rad ow nJune5if2)}SACISBURY,N ©i ~ti Tats dor se syon ew siea.rp iTHENORTHCAROLINAieeaCiaDowalhoptoHERPLIVGClothing White ulphur prings,CoS,il i i the 1 eood lick i a Wise a rire ec deetion of every euaolovian of im a weet healtiy mous sineus READY -WMADES. the wo h sm lene t te theo (he ore sent te cums He fi Pras ELEtheWenNatRodwithwatehdaybineapitty“wiafOrnurbasesanuStoCheettSpringBaeeaeee)Pleasure Veb fer Saccie Horses wilibe OUT.aed tis tal the stintuert Beret.atthe caliut gure thay Adley and a Wiha At aM Sie Baloun wil soup A itue Band ot og:Naas ca vas Quan an 6Eelow-Citizens of RowanColtonParics>Pre neave al ie I cara Tete lat,theGn es Sor :ee!grou idee aiid You cr w me »ave uNPeceesiatdceay¥th Lies ap \Cherborefreshnetinernetondcheeroh“Anse cn laitieete rare yo celine RCO woe eeatiteextendedreputationandihemedicaropewsotthewishRaiea 'Waters catinost maccesmal us ent ae fet eeNOCRitRoseWoharthemckmornelieeeneate "i *telp vous You snails .'Abe Kroputoristhced in een caii addtara weruen gte uelarohealthorpleasureinsutienoatsBunmeMeO le Neonming.fhe Prapreiin line len at a oe agmfittingupawolerinypiacecommensworthSel“ wants of the Ca “intans and coutideutly rely on reirqgeaerosityforeoourayement SALISBURYHL.ROWARIS MALE ACADEMY.Aprif 26,160 a ©PME NEXT sesstoy oF rents sctooL, will comnene Mth Sey r SayeNEWMANUFACTORYJoveiNSUriitwillbecrven,without cUracinite fm <tr.Wey uendater wiidcedn maces mueateresSalisbury,N.C.fon the tone of eatranee wal “WinkyHAWEnowcompleted,wt Nave in coer ti .a Kins oN:¢Niu PP,Vee ‘2 ,Machinery,by mene woh Lean nately aay .that!can supply ail of North Coron wih NeaadGord ORRELL &GRADY,Cottage and other Bedsteads,MAnuiut (itera aMunMvtiliarin (eeteralasCheapifnor¢heaperihan they con be had New Yorn or any where rise ‘f call yt H AES,Cc A Ps,peg ones ‘dle Straw and Millinery Goods UP Racor,a (ew doyre baluw TL E Brown's LivLTVStable Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers,Ribbons &e., No.18 Coartlandt Street,TT Office.Furniture Roane opposite &&4 yy ouney,)eeMurphy's <torecraem a a -:.low ibs,BLUE STONE #LAND FOR SALE.OID} NH valuable PLANTATION torn aa Tons MIE AE TE SHEDS 7SanuedBarrlynzppihewatersofback¢ 15 miler WretofSatinbury.on the Serre!’I Aa MRSS AVON tle mil nierae "road.coutaiming “bon!B20 ACRES.how Nev Ayroteeur Now lst and Use Mann at)SaltsheOfgod(two good Meadows,Botton land asec NRowancounty;the land is well pted te the Sept bleh.dat growth of T:-baeeo,The muldings are all firsPeraonewishing(opurchase will plewwe callin dr (.P Mimmre wi pends iia nig serk a ei a”Apple Brandy.take great pleasure in ehow ng the land.and act oe *.agentinmy abeencs,JA BARR aeLD,tor Pressving Frits,tor asic|duly 24,eGo uy ()MW HOW YALE E,136 sud 1-2 Main at,Salisbury.NooNOTICE.Fie 24,me Pit @ we pave indulged those of our customers.wh Dr.J.M.HENDERSONBeeipdebtedtous,for nearly year,we hop that thay will come forward and settle.ae we ae re ,‘cf Gan ding money Our accounts are made out and II ING located in Sahebary o ts 8 p fi aig forsettlement al the end of evefy six months Fiona!services ty the ehizens of town and theeneBURKE&STEWART sugrownding conniry Office one door below the Bept.4,1860 36 |Pog Office np ciaire North Carolina FoundrySELLING NEW YORK COST!A RARE CHANCEFOR ||a|Te E subseriber takes pleasure in anunoncing te hie|BARCAINS a frieads,and the public generally,that he hasAVINGdeterminedtochangemypresentbusi-|taken this long established und well knowm Hote!Nese with the object of gorng into a more gener:|aud hee made every possible preparation to accommoalone,Two other allimy LADIES DRESS GOODS, Sa CIRCULAR:t HOTELS.!|-| |Drugs &Medicines: |selected with much discrimination at the lowest rates, at home and abroad.Tn addition to thet eomplete assortment of Medicines,regular and proprietur\ i |SALISBURY. i ae [they have a line of oy $e,Fe, making wu vanely trom which buyer cun select a whole stock at the loweat ronge uf paces They ask your patrouage with confidence.that FRERCKS &RAEDER, SUCCEBBORS TOdatethebusiness,t rllhiog aud visiting portions o y y UAT i ‘yihehabicrinihemorsstonconmace"|NN.BOYDEN &SON,}4experienc30 ry @ veryParticuiarattentionispaidtohis!VW ILL continue to manufweture and keep on from an ex}nce of 30 yeer\ extended NEN OY OUR COST:hand all trade with ibe leacing business houses Ae Stale,ee race ';:x axe ee ..:a consequent Knowledge of the real wanis of POC NGih Cle lenalwann alate Aries a)T'A38 >AGRICULTU RADOPE MENUS itt cease cen uteyy owl tram tletr tereteHodigreatlytotheiradvantagetoesl)wud Examine andevery comfort is provided in bis ROOMS.Plaws, His STABLES are abundantly supphed and ate Corn-shellers,Straw and Peed Cutters,[tended by a careful ostler aud to all departments |Horse-Powerr,Seed es oo ae the proprietor gives bis personal attention Threshers,,ce der aod >ae eae A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the |Thresherand Separators,“They also manufacture pera on we es of the cars.Shafting and Machinery these efforts toy :: ae for Grist Mills Circular aud Vertleal Saw Mills.Gold,'Copper and Silver Mines,Tobacco Presses and Bia procuring yoods:beng indireet correspoudenee with the chief Mavolacturers and Dealers to this aud for se they will be able to supply your needs my stock as Pan determined to clome thea out made heretofore.A full assortment ofwinalsesellingallGoodsonhandat Greatly Reduced Prices. A.MYERS,No.4,Gaoxire BuitoieSalisbury,May 14.[6u ttl Wilhelm &Gorman. Cultivators, for the Coming scuson's bustmess,with great salin(ac hou to yourselves ta qualtity.prices and Ceriuas|,JOUNC BAKER&CO JOUN ©BAKER No.1o4 North 3d st CHARLESWO NOLEN Philadelphia Feb 7,imou puss OUR MoTTo—January 25th,Pe60 35 PUTER Se $10 REWA ADD.[7RON AVD BRASS CASTINGS,.PU RISK aici ettinren CoieQuickSalesandShortProfits,:Ce CUMun ieee eae\}y T nn ]TQVAY [RORGINGS aud FINISHED WORK of every LQ vile,on suturday the ttheInBoyden’s Granite Row,Opposite the Rowan Huse id \deseripuion rade to order,aud warranted wm every ie mane ot JOUN AORINSEY |nad bea ts abonf!IN respect.Repuireet every dexeription uf Machinery 20 vex ofage.a feet Yor 10 inclen high,weighHWEpabevinvitedto¢ud e vane our I L eG layAtshortnotierabout1 OW poureds,of a red ¢plow on siasplewclidotParwitarNeobestandflies: +4 liberal share of the utly seleited WM.ROWZER tube patronage is coutic Salisbury,N.C.,Jou 2,lou Iya4 some What seals,block tir rolls oder at the endseeGenepicemecoeStanberd,Raleahs Patrol,Gerensbore:Dena (@ father space neude,walks quick ant uooeht ansXIeofeve'y han Parlor C1 rut,Charlutte;Western Advaraty Nel vlle ¢Caro:|tuitesn seats a hy ae Z le eeReweatandWinsorCl:Maan ta Weekly,Columbia:Observer,Payetteville ;|be tet a bhien If :ees Te Htharstands,Woishestands,ke,infact ind Tre Express will publish Smonths aud forwa.d |NEES s oY :Ce a Y or eee eewsHotaothichwewillniMorganton,N.C.create Ee Se ne eeCoenhsevnhebeataethestalei“HIS inetd New Hotel bas waiued the reputation [ii bnadGesmarihe cid sndiibwa wd new tedAiko.good anscriment of Wood Coffins kept on Hoe ues SIT Ube ite ein \Yet vn 7 An Al ‘hoRhinter Al persons ure foriuldes tootpliy,band,and funiaked on ma ceanonxble terme ae evil,pane in the State.As auevidence or it,Pretert R k AL ENI (I Ky Hlieviiue (eelleoeunl cou)(Say nn cmy woe aie ,be had We have a tine new Hearse for funeral vce ite arany favor COlemre eee treet :Sue AL it 4 .|inalbl the pein teal the lew rih )bho law wicasiousCallattheFurnitareStoreoffdChevecyHiralinnnemereeuivedslosuntiniceneseneeppeibvelybeenforcesaganetallsuchpersonsSTUDIEAeACORN,Tt uency having been closed.awd ix guests may y ;;Phe above Rews d will he rite owes poreSabsbary,April 26th,1N59.Pyde ely upon the reputation of the House bec \W ESTESGapao ieditttistt Dasa ie es 4 Oe ee-Flive arrangements made to be kept supy pies reece ree aaa et ee ‘RANAWAY--$75 “Reward.s)he TAN SUIS BSERUUETUNO |oe aa ern.asen SHEN STATieGiaeeeTGvecnnaiyieHowalte:Neary aye laltot cv R AN AWAY from the subsenbers at Lex Ho Aetna Negto nan vamed SCEN ofl CLS)Brown &Cols Stage Office.ALEXANDER.said minis ot a dark cop.|iSeOfeetSorWineheshigh,and willis atths Hou Ther FOUR WORSE COACH | Stan to the Gent che NN Th Ris ufwieeast|ed Oe ere selva MidtaveeWauueliynenid Biter mmid Wel vceWokitprobablethatAlexistorkingtvale,Tuesdays.Tlyorsday sand Satucd 5 ENTRA ies ae TheyestelbeecoedicotSacslitryWeeeCOMCHENTidHACKSraulyataialinen:as matLoaweie’s MoS MeKeane’s plintat ' Insti}in woods.conlainingea g i at of tine toute ;j 1 ,Ml U1 ult alone side the N.¢¢here ix about 4 S oN \ eeu BOTTOM LAND sod MEADOW,otti POLY me |A In}e \+rate quility ‘The DWELLING os well arranged | foivne tooms,garret aud cellar,and ale eae secre the Yadkin R ver (‘y Bo WG Use Eline Oveehoe rd@ vane sprog are ex ene Fi wo rug Drsiy tro WeksorfwheharenewUnieStatSisComRosdoa.vb wen tan Lad te 165 Ibs avery thely follow,but} Ay feet hey [any pout are well a the 'i ee het Vtborse Cae ties roaSeSeaeDieseensiinagIavecCarerementTanaMpeceatonnael(aCe Tiere vinetaeNySortieerectCeoleChemisDevenMWetiesetinecs(othe (cio lan |Se es eeeeT Fane 1 Weegee be a (Gan.Fie wate than |onyPATONGeibeseybe‘Coan ep)Ibsae=o Odin em ,>Bk SG rac JNO A BRADSHAW \ne I \eyte‘hog I a,fae ts)a dow ta !au okanesniSrai)oe WVIPOS.Cail s$Mi Greensborough Mutual | INSURANCE COMPANY,| Pays all Losses Promptly! COWAN’S rr VIE EN|Weeetavle SMNOMURIDtIC yy 9 902 eet seca Wount Vernon Hou DIRLOTORS:|foe pS NEIL ACL see et OR SUPERIORcr:|AT THE DEPOT.}FRIENDOF THE HUMAN FAMILYCeeeeSISBURY,Sc |surening rio COLOCNE WATER,tha ue t »James '.*ane \be ay ....SIU eine (sae |DISEASED KIDNEYS,etic Dis yin Fragiaat FlowersMOSShutwool,Jed HLf thos Nas been ope te ;in ,WON Wriehe ngtons R hes nue Stone the Bladder del Aadays,Walk erberranNeeieneaneeeat ya tisSere“h fore nt TONS M aera biter,TeteEedaTNIWatruiytidNavethes!quality of B I hie .cy Sear Sae.0 HU oe ee 'I .:ae .a meDWILSONPeesdentBESed)fother mach ‘I S '1 md AL per BotHOLINDSAY:View Ps ident een ee ee wih J aay 'r ,SERINE,Ne Loe Nita qney Po su Go “Vtaen um t MW 1 eMain a oe SG Mara il Moet rice :‘i é r a Wee eae ee Seaooraddtettthis:ie oi eens 2eeeeCembomoMARDWARE!?!JOA WEBANE :i We Clintes Creer iF hu 5 onSMGVREEI-\.CPOE Subscribers ore rece ving and opening at\Ve enon business nected with thes .ry of Weel Cue Vac:oe\e ei bane!Ofhees sh ue te mldregnen Important to Mill Owners!'.*..VEOUMSos wcretars 1a)soo au F ‘lal ee Stock of HardwarehkStreetabove7CUTTHISOUT) i ‘2 .|everoth redo thin Marked whieh having been beuyLANDFORSALE.PHILADELPHIA..Peat Na Ce eeeTENILELANDcortinerlyownedbyRobrtGilleeneUPTONS.NEWComER.Jno.e i.e VR Mannen S.Weeshi fey aes preprrdiete ea].fou tte county ot ewan,ThindenWest of PBN UNDE tstxED havin Heo .a .eho Se !K 'wvere \=teSopesherelisFordRowd,and jaw be cM i Eves ‘(linhie au ss ee etealy aay(akels fotta .re ok .eneyWeestalsDeoS1Rankin,deed,he pubis :Bi ‘Sr a 2 \Wn A Aeros aioe a hah nae PY At ..w SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE,<0 200 us cu :ay sy Nae eee ea i 2s SY OUP he a9 sorrn toseASsemeaeoe/a ii i x \{iARw al fy Rent ,ey .ony easpurchasewalpleasecallonhe:way Cars el \pated ee a a ae par Can SPECLAT NOTICE.MANNE ACA NIC NG 1 fe LoTHE UNION ah 1 :i PocoIeTienSODRankes;ae nae -f [ies ebted 4 firin of Wii tets i -oe io st se pay tae 'tht :Ni)i ;-~us :ae a f meh pay up ‘E he b notsWtNomtdelaysyaadthrataristt\.!}(i voanstiu ’‘\"ype ing:.ee by ent totem wothin i :Won howe is nuffdeoreseritWswrHeeeMbeplea:mere :ee i ie)ee VARY TESSENabi tas \\ASIBUDNGS HOTEL.-ce NoMa VEN Shes M aNorbitdstn1S.ae on ‘;ineyhe JOHN F.JONES,Proprietor bs Pinel BROAD sTnmeT.|DR,MOUTARDE’S LAND--LAND. iw valuidle Plantations tor Sale,WWHTEIRIGIEDR &e WHHL SDSS Newing Wachine Te wabseriis wish ‘©ia Ma re NEW aay Dal ahowotherhinvalFare:’|lo fee ,vom ae ]‘°kh ll iv ',ee te abn ie +Miraculous Pain Killers pna:WHEETIN WY WILSONSSEWING MA:i ae <'eon vee EE WISYLA eeeon en ped (ENG S he eee raimentCe:2 1 VI Rie ‘!mie N Se On LeeCharlotte,y be ':|Ly able PUR VL ey kc eer :Pad MatesCharliesterhall—Brown's Livery Stable.csij :aeWWAerosofwieehSUaccesDALPROVEDBottomConLISALINSSIerassoitiaaeoDiet‘MYERS :::‘'Where meat,CHOLIM i Pancin tie Niumachs Vos vote \: rida sul LeVUDy of yond ©eared aplane 1 j i One rabgoodFarin,Meadows,welt y Wand good :EM MOI et TR TA ECHL Ten :ty Peer owua ae enite ie :THOS Sits estes tt PaaS ciet NIN DEST Omir lee viteRetinolTicredCirsianieaituefees.“Pravelers,and others Ligh To ans .enerHere,ged enieia Wharres Can alwry shave t sth hue,well mips)VE AUCTION.wiwatered.ae ‘I weve nemed !,;roted tothe y Wheat Cur Vash p Spood tor Carrace Bunsber waned Proves !he PS |AVING PATE te Bear 1 ow er atstowedneartheDepotontheWerferNedtibeeWSNCreeley!ix {Wel uy nT eeVe:bis goed Hore 9 FHOMAS E BROWS io ay esi CNG ea .t ae cy fo \Wewianiieer Way Slat,1n59 trl a ire oN th<rrbee Whales t r te ‘POM AS ©GV wees Le ioSept.Sh,say cis ae .\;ae a“t New Vir ::GabaAT SOUTHERN WAUr AND CAP nn i L I.s mi.fae oeMANOEACTOI?)=oan ;ae kuna she oo feaAUndersnedbaspsTos CHENJOINDOOLEY,1 he Dion i TiURR &SOSSAMON,Nog 20h,issu paar,Maw Sri,Renn §rhineot to his NEW STABLE on the '|AVING hochuedot)D town &Minufaetarerand Dealer a fh ek thie sdenee oft te Greer W Gon ther nore sink ofFUR.STRAW PonORN,PANAMA,SOFT \MOLE SKIN Wl !.tomes vate be food .t Ey NOEET TRIS £OPPER TURNIP SEED,DRESS WTS at '1 :WIKRE STOVES veWAVE're :,dea douuited Ge dni Gt fen Wei ntaen ;i TOVE ‘[OBEY YARTEPY,PREAH and WARR UNIAVEhowreadynySprigstckaRteeieeinaAawilesheDergeataone1COOKishSITTERSoFHseAPsandSTRAWGos,FOTN SN Ee Stn PENIRUSOE ant COTTA STEMI ARS aye Teh tid 18 Warn at.Satibury,NC teowhieh PP would vawite th attention of :a 'Sernlinn Galea 13 there d somarket aid Fell for camde as bow an July 24 Wwth1Virus,N Carolin and Men misnny te ren)WESiera arti Curlin leg callkinde |ole a'fide nt ofimy ability toeupply them with oP wid Japaned “TIN.WARE and STILLS U7 NETS cr TSevtheymaywantsnolatiAVINGPURCTEASED,RECENTEY.REAL kepton hound All kines ‘Pin,Sheet Tron or Capper NOT I(K lO A aleeeriastheycanbeprocuredimanymarketimth]Mstate da the Scarh-weet,Powish to sell ony work cone at the shortes:netice ‘/. ae Dyreeten oe Nea Neth ce eee enn Ae TeeeeOe STON HATDAVHeciiilerttocintcceetinnn sentinel tie tetMysockwobekeptecoostantlyfullbytadHaAtreetof[hie Nowetion:Siadishnes date Teac 133 wines,nnd for that purpose have pliced all my'ee eee Me Ed ve 'ae Y papers,notes and acconntein the hands of JOMNaeTITTRUTHneieeseaeBEARD,whom iny agents wid allthose that reesnes:Sec lite thee Tei ;Lo.‘i main unsettled on the Q5cb of this month,will eerdemiblesCOREUTEilwwmatnifieareGanUEOGi‘!!In ey Le '.equate tt supe tier ae eae 29.009 fert Syeamore Lumber,Fibs Gah,Vent iesHotrsMvussertmene1(Vacca pemeniain tnd)"hb .irae ae retin 'Cet ik ene es eee aay [oon sui tietaatepriaesectl ie iitlame er henictneerentOMEealaaahLegutiewaneswe6hNICSE)Mare eet emt eigen recreates lullowing sizes:Boards Pi chem thick,124.134ioUPADOWEL,Mtl Mbcichretie!GitoenA sometbent ene NOTICE THIS.In Mibtary Goode,Penn faruel an CORT is CLARK &REEVESMystockafthevariomequalitiesof Mancoonera ae THE nndersvned having taken up fhe books oftate!Hii Sonne (etate hem EA Janis,vivesthis notte,thPeleeNieceheeHILLSBORO’HD PERSONS Who nts cidebted to ime are Those awiehted may have acharce te pay,as thyJOHNDOOLEY\respeetfally requested te rrlly enforcedMareh13,1560,143 MULE RY AC NDEMY Sg ee ee r Ue Midaesmoney3PLAC,oy Inet of Con.(Bd He Chee the ties it Ahavenesaled ai wy die 27.ESS,rdxya.:S Tustinnton ia ander the conduct of Co ne pee face ae|a WwW ELAR \°l (Superintendent of the State Ma Aelia Uuipe Ube yer):ae ee vr ,,1taryColumbia,S ¢Phe wtafh of in ‘Hi D R A \I N G .Nov.29th,159 WeWATCHESANDCLOCKS,‘Beyoud Co elite fay ‘eas Be ;a ‘1 Vee undersigned gives notiee that he keepe aseo!all mpelition 1!Niige OR),peau p Mi NOR]HIERN TEAW AND WAGONS for the purpoae ofSFRVieunderaynedwillwel.Drying.and will serve all who nay fever hun withCOSiiaeen,a 60 White Hands LIME FOR SALE.Culley him line on accommodating terme.“f fio OH '":GEORGE MOW2°:i =ete ly einplovn ip ea DCT O Siva aeonslce Grd ,;mes #POOL D &SILVER #B \\Oe anes ae ia ae Nene Maren 20th,1860 fanAESCIENHEINorienTop~"I \I ' :‘i nee 5 :ne a we thin p Apply “1 11 Wl be wuld very cheap,¥es \\Toei Gare SAWL WANINCH taleone rota 90,000 Brick For Salet.pC hae,Dahes Goold Chitlain ane May =[eno (ten harlatte,N finshed Leather.Sole,Uppeies‘Mea ;ee eee nee Bie “POSE eannng te hay Rifts or Sits PhonaandWORAIhehe:Creen and Dry thdes alwaye in demand at oneh rood Back,ean get a bargain by calling at this'datyles of Pia “tke P AT CNT J ARS me a }ih SITON Ti nn,147::Afine assortment ot (docks a .cure Nalidhary,July 2 isn mn)!sb “sold Defyruy Competition SUPERIOR to ony article yet made fur PRE y e poo he uta onl Genta eqely nN ities DENTS LA ae ,5 :?cons .‘qsretegHaeBee:/a -‘SERMUN GS RICE cent f CUR PER 4 ORL Eh CORRE:v IN EGA R,1 ene '11 .JURE CIDER VINEGAR,for anle by WH.oa eleat tak Main Sie a DIRECT IMPORT VPLON AOAGAVIFIE MT ERENTRIte Mier aieies‘»i Joly O48 wg ,as :Bele .__-Practical Watchmaker \W "REG to announce the buyers af this a edor.>t h we Holl hawe abe ”«ov Fane 26,160 45h Cuneord,Nf Buggies and Roc haways.:ens a ree ne a first of ;oyieptember,a cargo«GUO \den erectten ns VIGARS”CIGARS CLO NRSeer.FIDUE auiecrit won fot telwome nee Bug.Rie Taner.which we «bal at pmble muetien,BLANK DEEDS tiewand Reckww ye;whiel le will sallon quod Len day nftor arrival of vrasei af which due wine —BIMKYCTUARS pl Whotvente or Hermit el the%i =As eo terms PHOS E BROWN will he given OG.PARSLEY &CO Post Oiice M AOSWITHFORTSALEATTHISORETOE1-94 tiKo 1s Ang 2!ania May 17 tf) |Druggists Funcy Goods,Perfumery,Spices,Painta,| Blinks of all kinds for sale at thia o Ayer’s:Sarsapariila?}Z ;A compoand remedy,in which we have beberTTPHEundersignedreapectfullycalltheattentwuuy.ured to M \SION HOT |S 'I of Drapinie and Merchavis to their renewed |Produce the most eff ctual alternative that @o beArsEl,|*Jock of very FRESH AND PURK.made.Ite concentrated extract of Para Bursa..wy 5‘IN parila,a coibined with other wubstances of stilt|greater allerauve power as to afford an elloctive ay.date for the diseases Sarsapuriila ie reputed locure.‘Tt is belleved that such w remedy i8 Wanled by thorewhosufferfrom:Stramous complaints,as that onejwieehwilaecompishtheircaremustProveofim.|Weuse service Ly this large clues of our afflicted fel- jlow-ctlizens,How completely this compound will doitharbeenprovenbyexperimentonwanyoftheworstcasestobefoundinthefullowingcomplaints;|SCROFULA AND NCKorULOUs ComPLalNTs,EnurtionsannKacrtiveDisrasns,Uterus Pimptes,Blotcues‘Tumoxs,Sacv Kiwi,Scanp Heav,Syvpniass sapSyruiicieArikovioss,Mamet nian Dissase,DaorsyNevnateoiaonTeDovrovnerx,Dewiiry,Dyerzr.MA AND TNDiGeeTION,Exeter ian Rose on Sr An-THONY ’®Fone,and indeed the whole Class of com.plaiote ariey (rom Lurnnivy or THR BLoopThisconpoundwallbetowndagieulpromoter ofhealthwhestokenruthesping,to expel the fuylhumorswoichfesterimthebloodatthatSeasonoftheyearBythrtiebyexpulsionofthemMany(rank bog disorders are nipped im the bud Moltitudescan,by the aid of thin memedy spare (he meelves frheeofGelermpuonsand Troogh wich cle systema wi : arianwleeroursires,Wostrive to rid ne lf ofboreuplonsuatodethmthroughthe nate ha by nw aleraiive medicineAnwethewWitiedbondwhemevervonBidMaputesbutstagnromghtiieiesmspruples,erup-tha chabert when you edi isiberee-.wht the wets IE Whenemer ae i sad oer uowhen.BvewWherewopotocenls+People enjoy bev-aah dhve Inger,tor cleanse the blendhes)WW hecctety ved alb is well:bur withh‘Ite ‘ocurtered,thet canbe nu ist:121.ofate erorlater sc methuy mun LO Wrong,1 the or Inachiners of hie Ww disordered OF Overbeu maid deserves much,the reputation,tos these ends But the wor'd haweusydeceivedbypreparsonsefit,partlyarseteedetealonebownotalltheKiwethatis Corn far at,but iiere bee ause mais preparations,pet duet PONTO EER aC(@ Gl Wy rosithinr‘uo >becula or aoy thing :seth putie hove heen mised by‘DAS SS ve quant of Oxtrmel2baeroredella:Mom ol these havete!yop Pemek fee they not only Contam'~.Button ne curative prop'hots Hea Miter aud parufal disapJnAUNoeblwenthewreoftheVoriounextrac:Sars perio wiih ted the market,wntil thenowyhSerped,and los beeome synopyteowmy'Cocheat Soll we call theerMajeuhs.ancintond to sopply such awuuethenamefromthelowdofBewiyWhoetteseeupanAncowethinkwehaveSUVrueswhicharetreathiebs4PHWeyTutotthedimensemitisintendedImreruetharCompleteemdica-i)1 ,SVC the rea should by yodieiwun.thee wo die euy mop the bertle Pee ARE KY DR.J.CG.AVER &CO.,LOWELL,MASS !vu Bort.si BoriiesrengSAyer's Cherry Pectoral, har w wr for the enre ofevery\Piro Lory Complarnt.(hat itisentreounstheevmeneeofvoleverhosteenemplnvedAsin.boa ‘us br ayhout thee nee o (us qaalsdthat 'heweves 4ye.’s Cathartic Pills, 'wre Cost cemess Dicwcine Dyspepaia bow.Nine oer sbpeian i Nkin Disease,LiverntMeapey,Teer,Tumoreurd Salt Rhoum,(Ve 1 6 Prone Pil,and for“ tre stgare dose ttattie dost sensitive 1 siahoth are the beetveworldfocalthepurposesofafamily Par 25 esc ree Gov,Bir Boven von gf OU (are ot fhe aia Pat Physie ate Siates-‘‘her neines ’he tem of there reme “sour eh .prot the mmeiton titeun Por Neus beew nemed durch gratic Fr Awemicay Niwesec cn whieh ihey an given:Re meee niet (the aleve complainta, vital |Peale rd that o doe followed for their D ned ewlers with other Propane a tt 'tlw Demand Ayers anttah=>ers Phe wok wantthebest 6 Chere im Wom aohey oe Phave st Nivour Rein de re farsa Woh Wy Masha Nee u ron w Et . Wateh nae wt cP 1PM fotusen.M , Sera Sank)A law:levy MA et VN SS Koy it ‘Sie WW Ca.Unaberton,S ¢ Mareli to deen yal BAM SO.OTLIVERINVIGULATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES.edentirely fromC rk owt: *fave need i a ow repodeuceunAl)the diseasesfor whieh ¥roomupenitedItbaacured)thoneanteWwRUIBANgive aumoie ted cerTbedomemust beadtotsawlakingactgrotlyootheKowLatwedietaiesof your podement guide you in the use of be DIVER TN-)VIGORATOR,andit B within the Inst two yearsOopenefthenumerous w posseesionkstLetemperament of theedimsuebquanuuesasto wilewe Liver Com- tacks,Dyspepsta,’Summer Com- Dropsy,SoarvChol- orbas,Choleralence,Jaundice, plaints,Dysente-Stom ,Hebitnual ry.c |1 it emale Weaknese- aod may be used suc cessfully as an Ordina= a Family Medi-jetme,Iwileure SACK HEADACHE,(as thousaeds can testify)ta twenty minntes,if jtweo or three Toa- spoonfuls are tak-jem at commencement of neat who use itare)\wivimg their testimonymitafavor.}. MIX WATEH IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR,AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER.Price One Dollar per Bottle.—ALRY,—SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS,COMPOUNDED ram ‘; Pure Vegetable Extracts,and put up in GLASS CAsms,Atr Tight,and will keepinanyclimate.The Famity Ca-Cli ata | '| Cal b the proprietor heeHabicpacarGelbersic|Osbab ihe ine rot stantly ine reas demand (rem those who engvimed the PILLe w and the anusfaction whichapresainregardtotheirbasloducedmelopiace then eh of all..pee rl caren eae ks ig ee pore ermn artions ot the ole hieMILYCae) 1 fact,wNE ALY. variety of the pureat Vegealikeoneverypartoftheoodandsafeinallcas eded such De- md io ontite,a Creeping §the Heer:estlesneadache,s|wetanels tne head,all thflammatory!Piscnees,Worms if “|a 1t came mm,a greaPriiterofineBlood|pe ant many diseases io shies flesh te heir,tx Re UTE |to mention in this advertise- ment. K THREE DOMESTheLivevigoratorandFamily CtharttePilleareretailedbyDrigvivtsgenerally,aud gold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towne.T.W.SANFORD,M.D,ma ANren inter and Phoprietor,335 Broadway,New Yor Sold hy WENDERSON &ENNISS,Daw Sp Cremiere Salinl Cen July 3.1859 ly6 JAS.A.SADLER,Jr., Late of the Firm of T W.RRFM &CO.,Charlotte,N.©) WITH— SHERMAN BROTHERS, Iurorrer@ avn Jonneas oF Hardware,Cutlery,Guns, AND HRAVY GOOFS, 19 Park Place and 16 Murr.Street, NEV YORK.6mpd2 June &,160 Sin,Fiv TeuClut $1.5u OasarWrits.|Kx -cutiSubpet Poseco Bail BoBailBe AtbachiDeliverAdminiBastarAppeal Aud mi t oarde Col Si p! It We | Hu dim we | as 4 el v wor! but of w pert Q) Chia than prio thet cey| Ivo then vor twa and fall and van the neal low Witte code the Nive beet hu for mu al er cot ho the gi Kk tro en * DIVINE AND HUMAN AGENCY. “A man’s heart,” says Solomon, “devi- seth his way ; but the Lord directeth his stepa,”—Prov. xvi.,9. Here we havedi- vine and hnman agency in perfect, though J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND.PROPRIETOR. | TERMS | Single copy, -. $200 | ‘ive copies 8.0 : ue ou wo mysterions pacmiedy: The heart is free re of im- Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proporuon in its affections and desires. k = img teted fel. $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. jis free, devising ways to socure W the ud will do : jheart loves. Every mind is basy ee ny of th Tv Ps | . ; ~ ~ : : : S niplainte ts 2m it ak a 1 . ning, and is alternately cheered by "\ Pie following Court and miscell neous BLANKS land depressed by fear. But over all the ke ual for uate, ab thi xe Can be _ Sa es ‘tovsings and heaviuge of the restless soul, MIS AND are kept on hand tor sale, at this office, Can be veav ; there ia a divine influence controling and , Drorsy, s-ut by mailto any part of the country, at sil VOI XVI | I ‘ TDW r 1 WW * : . Beh | ! aye . ui ahi J 4 k ‘ : i directing. € few are tk t d ALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 2, 1860, NUMBER 20. ies ithe place they bad even Dyerer. expense, St. An. ( ai Warrants, Com. totake Depo. C &8.C | What numbers are disappointed in rela- Oasas & Bonds Apprentice Lodentures pacutions Okie. Letters of Administration, i a - z : Kx -cutions, ¢ ‘ pelt a Ate ote ? Ition to their most cherished purposes and aims. Yet, in spite of all that 1a contin- he fol it Devoted ts Palitics, Wevs, Ayricalture, Irteraal I nprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. jen unc] uncertain, God bas grest perpo- of co cae Writs. C. & 8. Uoart, Letters Testamentary Juror Tickets ree of peinecution Bonds, © & 8 C. Varlous Equity flanks, m ak Jones » — Indictinenta, . 7. niiitede, vate : Teen See Gi ‘see to uccumplisi; and he ordinarily Ves from A‘tachinent Write, Deeds in Trust, a . = aT ‘ses hutuan instrumentality to bring them UK Bure elUvelY Bono Pear ee recommended io the Advertiser, (the Montgom- mylts or the vindieath f | I i lho pas The individual aime at one sree, niniet n, do Equity do ; wer, Montyor tglits o we dication of 0 one 2 ‘rom the Natt a iF A : sur nyt? . : eS S oO Ne o NGG ATMS HIE ery organ of Mr. Yancey.) under the 1 ne ; : ay From the National American strengthening in the belief that nothing is} EVERETT AND WASLIIINGTON. | baee ; 5 . Appeal Mi Wovee (odank, Bflsnane ae Wiel & foc wer ar ot delegation from our State, together with thos IS DISUNION DECIDED UPON left but taking their destinies inthe mah se jthing; God ie preparing men for ae Aud many other (ors of Teas frequent ue, nBluokepricggs 02°08 ite ed Southerners,” who, keep: from the other remuming States endeavored t —— ° ~ ok a Me ft al ‘a Jntherewo We concur in the opinion expressed by ‘nuotier. Jacob had high hopes concern- border on short mothe uoup the he sat lod ; ; \ ; . ceping 8 ournal alee ° t r a “I ut : : pany ot oe will Pi Whe etleet a resuinon of the party while at Charles For ourrelves, we think there ig no S°°R'"S ri mi : "i BREAR as our true and able contemporary of the jug bis beloved son Joseph ; but God bad outhe SMe PArAINOcut, an Alo erB centre iy : z i niente it / eee a MMTiMates at “to Z Na Ne onlin : ; a a eae au Aone Beats oe oe aes a ‘ : i th. bat our etforts were wis ating. ate! ( ie ubtarit, and we think the proof iscon PRESENT tC SION Z y ESI ABLISH New York Lepress, that Mr. Everett's other and higher objects to accomplish cone oy i pe feo enuilatresbitt : ol " have be conver ton adjourned ty tect an Paddiien efarerey 1E tet overwhelming. It is not \ SU Hi R a ae a hi pete pame is destined to be inuissolubly con- iby him, which neither Jacob nor Joseph P ; . la , but lo stovest merely eo US thigh ; roel : Ne ; aAe ets » Sout) ivy i ‘ . . p : : ven Cah da WRG pare TG Ese Jus toante, sours, de = ee ea pee teal als ie pomp von ey al es r ne Tess ee HOC nected with that of Washinston—noton- audersteod. Jacob's greatest disappoint- i Lopong that the States, whose delegates see ded, (he leaders and party organs of the Dis- inuch of an affair—jost @ pleasant recrea: (jy by his exertions in belalt of the tomb ment was his chief success; bis deepest Bi Seeders dudye Daughye A Cam WT. WANT would cotnatiies . tonto be enjoyed whenever the ; Z bdocamiission ober ty thet usin Pala won Breekinnidge party, butit ds resolv. 0 7" enjoyed whenever [he conspl of the pater patria—not only, even, by jattiction his yreatest joy. Saul planned © blood ete Sumerect, ef Po Jas SS I. ‘ i ay ne : . mi pl weet . . a Ce al o . . Hate . . . . : ua upon hy the inuster: spirits Alling ie ae a ee ee the just and eloquent tributes he has paid, aw trip to Datascus on a bloody errand. ) wrong, Lt seein Sah et Teta et ene: Oa UCT Tear A - ‘ Mr. Drechinoidge nominated, and whe MEGUMI temnion. And 1 words, to the nameoand fame of the Ged tock him ty» Damascns on an erraud oT Over we show np the Tec INC CaeCte art ake ced seal 5 jae ee ve bs mee, ak 1 eee : i oe a oe Ela se the most influential pa- ts So aaa the ae ‘i ‘i ne [Sage of Mount Vernon. Even in Eng lave peace and love. tution, . Humphrey of Ovelow. We lave know Ail tage, awaci ot Bis” ee ot i Piedltc (Ore ese ermine iat veal ‘Hon pers advocating his clad I is@ mat- coat oud oak liad mae : pe and, and among the sebolars and histo: ; Man's devices are not in God's way.— 'd haw Bim long, and as a hici-ctoved yentleasan ly distur: the fidelity to the South aod-tothe (Lh of Virgie, then tur Mr, Diekinsoa, of ee » iucoutrovertib Ory that for ection aan “hen bo riane and statesmen of the mother coun-| ile either uses them, or defeats them, as ncaee * we have admired and de admire him, and > ™e" of that man who eculd coolly plin a move- York sald then Fir Gen, Lane of Ovegon. The Mae { i neroseaitisc od come when it may, the Beuth, to achieve ae extol gle pearson negate boul |frad ayy cia — ae one te ratvona, asa politician we lave leaked ape to, wet La ee pitate the Cotton States sity a SMe WA GT Et Gen, Late for, petlaa s, twenty . ! a s Mie Y. a eee her reltef, Witt HAVE TOTRAMPI E sidered the fittest chronicler of Washing: "yo to Lyyvpt against his will. Saul was Ponte PEL ry mlm uicdun yearn a retolation Nita tee ee te cleremes Ueeaiitalat (pera onaaccie ennentce Hee m2 ancey Nits been his zealous DOWN ‘\ UNION PARTY fan ere eed s history, and the fittest annalist of ded into Damascus by the hand of a y thing: work befe ie fo oa reticent Wetibie” whe kioos bat what ie Pumler ton sod. viva footie whee 2 =| OS ee ee tu Neepoltien) Giinc patti ” his character. When Lord Macaulay.! friend. God had a work for each to do. adie yh ee Cl Recal eeec niu then cui that share, whoel was prvitiisiel Ly Conus Ashe Mars at ie a Sense eer STG) could to enlist other imen, and to ier: any aen ‘ ee AT Te eee two years ago, was solicited by the; His Spirit dwelt in the hearts of both, Eatracu of Whose postion renters i incu cd See Me eae . res oo tl Neal ee el ae bone tee ‘accom slish their designs Geieece ines eae CE OLN Cele caan article oni but thetr surroundings were widely dif- nieve Seen cyan ir Dives ‘ Were font. Was perhaps, ets tn tlie teas aud pitluential pouruais. They lave met) : ae re, me Sie | Washington for the Eneyclopwdia Brit ‘erent. contain. t if Le WH F , Lhave ne sytipatin whatever wi any move ac ne lomee tame ine awn onaniu ar tena di weniitencccss MATH Ootelwse tu the | imc y ofthe South, which really neans, taniea, that nobleman was unable, on vc | It was a beautiful country-seat a friend 2 pan } ir Tee sent Mo. oe i atid aogii ow aud ean ta Wey BENS atuatianens vutce of Ube great toand Mobile Mercury.” To siow that schemes |? their vocabulary, ty continue the pres | count of other engagements, to comply sof ours bad purchased for himself. He ae Se le nC UN Achone?! thecattiers Uncle tute mothe tity third ballot reconed Po2) sous a Aare boon set ou toot, and that plans ave ent imbecile, extravagant and corrupt but he could think of none eo likely to do! was fitting it up at great expense. It manfully for the time lotered asases and oa at the i tec ie : cher negouty of the wi floetorl By laid, we quote, a8 part of the proof, as administration, and political gamblers aud justice to AV nullinctonmaanlicn eae Re ene I moa Id tae yrinciples of tle democratic party 5 wha foe en so Abd et y be asked hadi a 4 ; ts ” ee wolitieal libertines in place and power, or 5. . ne Ne a0 Cea eee hes comid senses ynony | 1 party; We ay ye Cee, atte nee J bias toliows from the “Mereury” of April, Ces 1C8 piacere err ‘ Is now forever associated with the purest: tain lis yay and dissipated companions, all this thence cordeatter (ia tetthin tne aise yale alienate atestay Glee ta ae Dag ABS Nogreathaiy would tot se have asa. yigs “ tu dissolve this glorious Onion, they form! i) qtystory. Lord Macaulay ree cr { Lees ' it ) P ie such @ cev and bis Neeedeny contederatesias otk whatever quarter it aca Nora i i Sra ent ets ee Te Cy) cs ‘ - secret Leagues, lay plans in secret, that | | Seen ‘ Ste Dt anes SS his heart's content tas ond of Tee lene fecal (ata in ee u he nen / CTS ANI Ney eal ca a ; Due (ines are how npe fur the orginzation Gn ee ee Ree aes ed the publishers tu secure the talents of! grosser pleasures of tu world. God had ¢ have Tee aud fie a inatter) we ate a let eer ene a i Pee ai meen na eee Oey tiey indy ebectoaly eran pia ei Mo everett tor theltask: Mr. Everett: other parposes respecting Lim. In bis reset them and the wun feats fev were ended tote or loss it a a ssolaties { i ales aoe : ue Cee weboldingstates,'| Union party and consummate their atre leas a aie) imine Hehe ee til ‘ L ee Areal tended SOFT CrceaTT sip ect cine crt a Teen Stl : par spy w respective ot course, otal old party designations; | oous designs, With some—with many! pphed to, foand the work congental. | providence he took trom him the charm- Ak: . i | ae : ; tie) MELE ven nl ean fei “ind thare are pecudar reasons why such wmove SEO ES ALE 2 eee ONY and has accomplished it Ou tie ‘log spot, and left him in comparative euac tens cordidiy. The cine leene wit pave Sia APTOS : ter ee i ; ae t Millie tioteriakes i iow-am! here Ji then, DISUNION IS DEC IDED UPON, January, 1860, long betore he could have cower Ile was very rebellious at his” STVACCHUIIN CE (inns cctt leona poyprgie ote in Peaiietistin ioete ica ‘ Sia, i: { Ci Pen eenees SU UEN GAL possibly effect it by threats or lanpposed that his name would be used in ‘joes; but God was leading Lim in a wa PELE SOL eas i Uae arte pe sles N \ ; ' — by Stream ph irpedown CG FUCIUD XLT OY aU ene tical fanvafethe prese ie ee es ame: sel 1‘ y Li enaaeeeny aetna a ‘ Fe nets GH tle fraer and nein. he feel ical strifex of the prese ut cam he did hot know. Ere long, light from and declared (iin 4 wand aud far tl set eee ae : ‘ soul ae ae . Pes they cannot accomplish it if the pe mile era cunelued US labor, Erevicis eo Ce darkened mind. want.) [ie core Celie cee . Dh ere we : ee , wee ST oe Fe A oer cea ee hed eeiantl tt to that date, he bad tinished the article.! Le found sweet peace in believing to > NreCany ee eee : : ae : ; tit vert “ <u ere , eit Vs EC a ; _ eer vory tyactivn. We ue ey ee if ees ae eee dang hau appeared in the British publi) Curist, and rejeiced in a richer inheri- al weata whicl We deel sea a fvroments A ient ig Ne Pek ec ma See eee ee ee ee eae Aneenmnee rete mA ence econ RN . Wore w a re a eC ee ree en : tues and talents of the ureatest avd best! territie disappointinent, and recognized fevery a ; ‘ oat ah it tenia i } _ : ' eligi American. But the pablie at home de cin that providence the gracious parpose tisen ‘ 1 ; ‘ : " ye os vos rine a BSG > lowe t : : aa eer Ue eT ee; tl oe linanded to see every thing that Everett of iis Heaveniv Father. uce of te > . ‘ : “ : : 4 ' a wee D4 . cay Wii w : , , My wt le inet Ver liercton me meu ISTE NN TOMI HeCOUNSELOMO bis (0teian said about Wastin and the A happy thing it is, that, whilst God : inecien Ce a \. . | Is in the everywhere, to beprepar! WASHINGTON, JEFFERSON asp belee originally Coe te the En- leaves tua mind tree to devise its ways, aa U eiee au latest ines ; ; ae i ‘ torte and to keep thomselves trom all eus TA CKSON, cycopiedia is now published ina book he st li directs tLe steps. We thank him ces eee Fe . / me Yr a , Sak G a ‘ ; a ; . eas It % toabng alimances, whi ay hinder them from” a ; ; form. The preface is dated in Januarviitor our 5 recesses in h ; True faith Ca a ee . lan, wa ? serge! Fe s ‘ bing init uptrammebed | Phe unity of government which consti and furnishes some of the facts we lave teaches us also to praise him for our dis- aie Hones at ; | an re ie ' iy : A ' Aare Ueimc gee eatl onewN tel! sites you one people, 13 also now dear tojalluded to. an apportinente, It is right for as to lay Sy Hii lain ne oe G og as ‘ — : iat roa correspondent of the Charlestor vou. It 18 justly Bot for it is a main pil ee would be strange if this disinterested | our jlan-, as fur as we can see how to Sie Wheevisa au us eat ie the pe, ne . Mee, Wed so *Mercurs,” wrote to that paper thas: ilar in the edifice of your real indepen: | labor of patriotism should redeund to the Tay tiem; but itis greatly wise to com- , Dys- Eee lon a . . earners ! ; j | Tee cieer e iinne aflccmereceiinn | lence, the support of your tranquility at jelewation of hig who performed it, if the uit our way to the Lord, that he may pee: eassenblins 1 ‘ Ne N Soames t ' a ’ ett le cE el ar eG eoaMLG ES RCE abroad, of your safety, latest tribute to the first of our I residents save us {rum our errors, and iistakes, ine re-Asnc me Re e 1} ee rewate / oa a Dine ae pe ee reer ee eee jof Vour prosperity, of that very tiberty should so assure the people of Everett's and folios. * we can not understand one ne / a 1 i ve . mi mn a teas ' ' ’ a . . ; - mE oty goes te vices, eae en he He eae which you se highly prize. see itis Eines tor offce pe ate Ce how le can direct our steps, it is happy fhe Cos ere _ ‘ ‘ es / . ress i Southernoreanzauewlieletnoct ye turd oes. to ee that from differen Anises, | Ty A BUCCERSOP ot aslington should be that We Know the fuct, that he can aod usitive Ce ccna a | i ml is : x Hea oes i tonmcen uwaeresousrol Northennconsonda and from different quarters, much: pats increased, The work, at any rate, proves does do it, If we can not comprehend ay fe eee ot an ne ee boned! \ ee cet Hat rue «ps n through the General Goverment eee pon be taken, many artitices ety ECs i — would be no unworthy successor, why ine atilicts us as he does, it is greatly tates ti iar Torn rae , It aay ‘ : ap an : a aap ; (othe . " e eae bo eu u . the politicians, uo) te weaken in your minds the conviction t - _ pea fully CCU genius, comforting to know that it is “for our 100 i oleetceetat ise ene, 2 ne een ! oe le aS AS oat fein en foereete oala ~ ne aS ey ee th Sra Bae eieal ot ss truth—as this is the pointin your | anc ' ‘ ere of eins to fully guder-) profit, at we may be partakers of bis- ee ee : ees w _ Nee yatta crea ee RUE ae ‘ = Hae that nothene os le t but taking | political fortress against which the batte stand gooduess.— Aichmond Whig. , holitiess. eines eee Orr aad eae yee wee 1 ara Seen oe Test eine « | ane oe ee Se ae In ther own keeping ries of juternal and external enemies will ; Let us learn to pray that God will di- mes le aieatltee vf : : ' : ea i e ' I Gait ows r May (1550) the saine be most constantly and actively Chouely NT OCEAN GE: jrect our steps continually ; and theo let von ne aa : fo ; ’ a ‘ : : eee as (Glew Tae se), OMEU Coven. y and We a) ditected Reaticcia shi luninudcr Celniintetie lus be very observant of his providences ; ; tage et ' : Wittig to tae sane Jourhats Hit ig of intinite moment that you shou d Bil e toward us, and of the influence of bis LAE hee ST ‘. ' se ea) : \ a i [Oreille Tieeent nitoandeectab lish ere enny imate the immense valine ot eee eae anor TVET Seb UA Spirit within us © Lord hat wilt th iene oe ns a ee ‘ ~ ae . . : , (nother of the oe mie Iy renter ie ‘ Fyour national anion to veur collective and eS rinks ofthe Disaniou-Breekin fe met : ds re in : | questi be ays Ces. tie vee tied n ; , oo, fern faeaie a Neen aelclnias are ah et el Peal laplivess rs iechrald ndge, or offiveholding Democracy aspire! | se ha d ae ; ca t - Lae be Jooses The mane antag ' : a u RE yee all ee ie Beale (eet en Laren ee tian 4 ea aleialind Paving tl Bert Tn trie UNCC US TI CuI Cn eles ey uo nds ae tee mo hes oL bother Tae eee Cnc e: ue An - ee | ; ; : ef fe ae Avs ines RR a aC ewe TS COT as bae ee tren iy TiUlClnice upon the spoils of uttice, ; ly. = Presbyterian Expositor. Lane See a ee a ’ ; Hyay, . i ee ae fer ae wih le uttat ae ie it, accust Tg ae al pampered PS aicneee witle ties | ee _ ve be * 5 Maine ’ 23 f > ' 4 \ a iote toa ity Udne Cbd | , te , pessk , us 2 - i id Ba ie j. e rose al Chianiess ot rae i P On . A ‘ Pye de ennmeapation. aaa ee a a oy cal ae | pocketed the rich booty afforded by the | ee Finals in Ee ¢ vuntry.—A gentle- Now pe t ie ef ie I i ; Cs le (ites ! Wie 1 dil the paper with similar i eee tela ee preservation pubite treasury, they beesne phrenzied ee : ms ; oe ‘ a Sa ot the ci- altel We ap Vd ‘ : ‘ ha , \ > | ein ‘ ie LG iy -, entais pene 8 dpecumenrmene o fury as they feel the purse-strinys ie ae He ! nee ee gee Da import- a I Co md : : | . oe Coan ras been ¢ ris.ed a whatever may sug hay even aosts hen es from their grasp. ea deans Ee Ue eae Sica ty, Hosen eel ee mc = \ aw ! his ! ul ‘ j Re ‘i ; : Bo G ; vi : I . Dut their tory will prove iiavailinecs: 2 ee y hot we imagine, with the Pa ae 2 j ts ‘ ie, but roteau in any event be aba idoned 4 es ar nN ete tee fee ee Ss ener itn a Sam mer : ne : ines ‘ 7 ; att : t Ser atte mM I t indandienantly frowning apon the first Le Aas and ay Vo nar ie ~ i : ' : Walls woo \ \ ce NT Tiintaevcnv atone Palrequte any Chane 18 thundered in their cara, atid ne t . A Ae lor ee sat Wow dt lies I) ie on ; ; Ve ete ; Le a i ee ne Cnet i my oine rose ie the result of recent elections carries the a : : l : Ae me a very prac- neg “ ; \ > : : it es roa de to enfeeble the sacred ties whieh now tok UE Ca conviction home to their ewn her ian a ln ee eens eae tn hits spewed. es Drees ert ote hi tl ‘ Fas \: oe ey DOU rtieeen the caieuentces tiinds, they quake and tremble that they a SL ei on vit 7 eens. ) atructi te "4 PG panty aeted oo woe me rater Weare oni - W ASIC TON: will soon be expelled from their political Ue ‘ ie eee pa eo jour spent iy Cisneliutian ott | Fl Se al ; ‘ ' . by Po liatn nr fee ert ce hordes , , Eten and sent forth into the wilderness |” Mi ie aN Chance Pep eoments: - peers cbs im ( i , : 7 r oe Ts ne © Neate Tek iv ‘ PNG CERISE CLELLY ned in this invalua- ot political oblivion. Ww ae CUCUG, Lee skeptical on this * Pvawlcy a : Ml oe . : ne st dak mastic ar evaded ae lecen e legacy of Washington to his eountey OT iCiemrtiprelucrtiivancenhdacleue it isd es ie ae however v Boo after tes eta tt Ce eae r n soy 1] yeti Ui eccrcun Rene en sheaid be cnens ed o e beart of gecumalating evidence, ther prosy edi ie , ue d ve AN AL Pear ALS? are ES RTC CRO! : i an \ : ‘ ut aed camny Snir: thousands of Southern cit citizen te th ues SCHEITIOL torials plaints indicate that the conviction it ie i a sak oe a ae insect world. he Bea ease! egition fron (ie & af A ahaa ne. : “ a aE Nein isenticc 4 perlaps, athe period of tine could that there is “NO CILANCE™ wets | eae ; th He ee ae piants, gob- o Richlands. Ue sy wet which t went the | \ ees , TUES CCies ae eterna sp rators bave MeN Ue ce sa) rere Hn awinitleennls Now anditlien tiene) tity ae . me re ae ae By ihe a Wer ; ' Jive Conver hotest wdopt a pat ud ! MOON 8 iat in nemitation, and are supporting for iM the present moment. — when we! cea convulsive effort, like the spasmodic 4 Cais : es ee BSE ves useful guar- = ee a i ae : at . , + ‘ " : hoon ‘ \ } } } { Silo rosrlenene. hy wenn wwleal eal is at e look upon the seenes Chat are passing action of the muscles of a galvanized | ae ae ee wills mcs NaH cee cuneate auaeenatiptenes : - ‘ Moy views, ot they a come outa have tig BUS STERN FA my fawortle of tlle | eae ireund ie, ane ed up : t ye vf corpse; but, the temporary cause remoy nk ue ) ae Ae) oe ey this Meee lyn in an aie: tige tae dW t edad ; w : < ie a ie (esa is partinge ac ns parernal counsels cd, the rigidity of de Cree 1 a : : - i : uM eeds os - Jeston without mokote abomination Pen : Ue ine Z Ms rece \ ie \ oes nthe Neth !' and ter the Vice Ee a a | ae speakers mount the rostran, and, for as ‘ : : e as me : / =) ‘ ti Hamiivenn) (atari waaltartio tile a . ae : Flee sprig ef wisdom and th It, but the: time, the encrey of despair ives tle sem: oo * Viocenoe oi ifs Voracious appetite, as a oe es Ee ee Tose ud catersston, camp ter se amd cone bation, 100 2 e coun f Sees Sa ie MU AN ce of prophecy foretelling events and planes of hopes bat i. RUT ee veel ees THES hy bectles have been found = ac ee a i Solas : ere at soowith: these gentmen y they meat BO ‘ ‘ve » ‘ “ 1 be A ; - - a ‘ les me ee warning us of the esi te come, pose, lor soon ne Deerwhciniie cont. ot E re stomach of a single toad. An ani- a finger tor assent in the Senate, and also a nen BS CY Se ce is e ind I Reta nt ul he Seige eG rie ail Sonia sent) JACKSON. “No Chance” assumes control, and they 7M I reductive of go much good 1 surely of ber of the adjourned convention Thos 5 woe ae " atu eee ee ee ' Aenoa tl OUrnCIMI MOTO LO TENG EU MT ance aie per 1 Tf there be any among us who would ~ink beneath ite weight, le be esteem than it receives ay ho nght to Withlodd whatevcr sentiments diay ' ‘ a ae : ih tee in es fre iw awe (ductead al thal an pln hin’! wish to DISSOLVE tis UNLON, or tol "No ¢ bance” rings out from every See eee ~ ¢ entertan nie ee econ en wh | oats destrrenon ? The Moitle ©Mereury’ savs, in the ex: | change its repablican torn, Jet them stand: Where, and appears to be written upon ee _ Me ea Le e a A : a ie sal Va AONSELEC sll for that tract we lave given a ol . ri f eth tnd sutised, as thomitments of the safety everthing which meets the eyes of the ‘The printers formerly employed in the TOTS UU OS CU LaLa ESN UT ts lesence fied diannd ae al t eee \ % een cement d by the blood) © Ae THAN Ee : lat a ty . sean ORD lichecrmrat opinion may be tol Disuicon Breckinridge wing of the De yister ttice are on a strike. Ite pub- Decl e LO Mme ecCay sel an ee rei 4s nee cians ral fan the u fry in ar ripe for Sh 4 mt a al a erated, where reason is left free focombat mecracy, and the candidate bituself tas heation will be suspended for a week or Ce oy : JEFFERSON. [sank into sullen silence. Soon all lig) two in consequence of it.— Fay. Courter. Ns Inomous., A iajority of Ghe deleuates from erste moot ' > I. It was asad ocene to look upon? N a UE Ce ay political movement,” buat that ithas been , of the Southern Stats Tsay amajority beenuse 1 0 > > ; - 4 i S Fe re merit ‘rfl t ee \ hatare say { : . : Ke , tollowers, Live Q ‘ars, Will retire te ov are partly right: | maby, cOilierleleaat Rtn (Hee Si Mee nutinieee Ts und) powerful thrust bad) been made 9 pedibly inponmed that couterencesliave! Ifthe UNION is onee SEVERED, they 0 : ee ee , will re me tel war partly right anid partly wrong, 5 ed —disapproving the action of the Canvention ; xtrat beat of rhe mation, and: for the fist, been aiready held, basing for theirobject line of separation will grow WIDER and ( “ 4 eiuet | e i 4 a, ye uring Mr. Cowen, Five of the hands in this ee aerate eee car chee eet iB va ve did Lf hat the Union wa WIDLAT THE FREE SOILERS SAY theor ion ofapolitical movementin wiper, and the controversies which are a . ny 1" on ; inter yee them. othce, ander the lead of aman by the 5 Gitram tigsonvenioh ¢- aid Hf tle faut ol ‘ Bee oo a Ok HIM fo Saute thaing Go Wiemann, Mie ims aluenadl cml) cent im dio Mrallls at fe = + us es te iy eo ate the bame : Lorrer, who seems to have come Z ‘ . . ery many of the delegates who left us as on at ee an “ ; A Vvictorionds rell-ringera, S.No JWANCE, fe Gilet ‘ he purpos i = their States sustain these seceders in the course ig cad | have a : en Raney tiiridainere iclmmthenlt ie] Mercury” also declars that the plans legislation, will then be TRIED IN| FIELDS ay ¢ ie Mg : own Raleuh for the purpose of creatin, SG thevilinyerrnrene (i enmoney cen arieticecn | Ave SAM ~ no doubt ‘, vetuated by no Nee ann 1 ’ UE OCC nsGT On On anUnliiast uintared (marenit re wudedcloniinicd Mele eword No Chance,” will ye al from their Bell dissatisfaction among the printers, di ae : Sy Hecmpualses) they were suffering the test on Saad come ott le | ; a ‘ : : 5 OE Soe ae : Be a verbe s fra Scales 5 \ repli 7 , ho aay a the nation, Pdo not think that they: 2! K Pia teach ee esl a Repubhean organs throughent I ; preparatory ta actor Sa well aciii JACKSON. om ee ae rom us ice ae strike ¢ Unt the Disite uot suspended “e wad youd and sulliicnt cause tor refusing teres, RE ae ANE ea gens Mc alee make use of Judge Douglas’ speech to 1 Mr. Y: rye desia “ tl of national displeasure which sual hedve fora day, mor wel of be : - Namatory appeals which had been made to them” oe = WM, Vaneesy’s destin to “iistrnct the aa ee Tee OAc aid tena: fade . . : ; rae pare IEEE ULE ME UC USE a Foe lat ee nies Gute raliolce Northern men against him Ad) Southern tmind--te fire the Southern ms ae ' an ae s oe i Hen nad ee ae Reeere ae ie Sens [tiswue, in connection with this eab- man those ve Ie tis eoomNenied by = : Be Bae : eas : é anee then, with our brethren while ut yehold oe) ‘hance rritten on every: i one lino } ny 0 whic Us wet SUcy el AU era alain (he Svea aie Ge een riuen| rene St every one of their papers has the heart was being accomplished, as. in Tatice thie BY greth Vile ' t o Chance” written on every: ject, to our brother publishers, that we Motives the most patnotie, Peamoet but regard : ee der delosion. Give them tine tor reflec thing around them, they tremble in the shout state that in the ex ati f the leaders of that ae ts ther purpose aud determination were fived, failowing extract standing daily at the the opinion of the * Mercury,” public sen N eanennn if leecee hat 1 exatnination of a paders of Chat miroveriett met or ends BARES ANEN H is SUAnCTT ‘ at He . . * . lot ane experience of Consequences 4 Hees at , ale sy ty ' : 7 Fi tothe {) Fe . eal { ! wid TP eannot resist the belief that) Chat purpose ) - . tinent was fully cab Lee aty May of last ay : | : : : _ oe ee Dee ' es ! et i ele wa “ withess in the May- VW fiiy ay acne und determination. we to break ap the Pienje: 9 9 of stare ts : vear “ylang had been considered and keep ourselves in a sitnation te profit by press onwart in bebalt of the ty etoos Courton Monday, the fact was elici- vold ino iny tend a qerper eoutanme a tet |” Z a : : " F : ae : pee se Be » chapter Paccide : separate : re Druait Lont ' : eres erreur ine 7 ie A i ‘aca wie party, with the b wud bebe thar at Mopar Sercrerguty one td a lopted, atl Alintst MAVURED RU ACHIUN Ma chapter of acc ik " ull | nue thre : } ices ou the col amt aud the day ted u : ue plan to strike was motecn Ree mn aeeer ne Inenmor the man on eae Our Mobile cotemporary also assures rom our companions on } wets the wole will be theirs. —Viateonal Amercoin, tined to tua printers tm this office, but alternatives left, are the dissolution of our meee Was ceteral, ated was to be pat into exe- Movement, the temper of which, takan in eon nection with his couse at Charleston, justifies | ine in my conclusions, [tas from the Thou. W L. Yapeey, of Alabama, and | wil reat ett is ay: ite readers, so confident is he that the Tien Southern mind has been instructed in Dis Cine thiscdeetmne tilt youn clin ntl ay) doctrines, and the Southern heart ¢ completely fred, that “the movement, if : Vhey went to the coavention to have code adopted in the platform. t mined tu secede af at were not adepted , kuew at would not be adopted. then why godu PIStO ny) OT TNC NCO: poion with them, or submission to aw poy i cation wlan most work was on hand in } A ; i the lift ont Ottes. Tie strike was to be terostla week. Several of the prin- ONES ons Bett. — Let the people remember, ectrine of pon dater ernment without limitaten of powers HERSON? when they hear Breckinridye serap ora tors attempting by perverstotis at doints Mostrcoweny, June 15. 1858 | t n- at dune bea ) lio the convention but for the punpose of its en) Ct! squatter save CE) UES Oe : < ' : . ‘ he | 5 7 aver yn tall mn 4 ; Rey peaks FT i; Area, wtilive lew ed ters, iowever, refused to jon io the strike. 4 Dies Site Your kind favor of the Doth isi barmsament? They knew that this question of Nace) Mian fal jae judict usly inaugurate 1, will sucep over Lea y nur fronds and stand by your reyire ntations to urake the mtn lieve that Vent, Root ke received ) ae bere } } the land with a force that no oppoaition Country . Jot Bell is unsound on the slavery ques vil. Legester, il 7 | 1 Congressional non intervention lal been long fected sta rer, inf a at HW hal 1 i JACKSON 5 T hardly agree with you that a general move [since settled ; that the people had aequiesecd in tory [oot (ie dneterie tlraveltec coremey ys entLiG to check ‘ Ifno plans had JACKSO, jon, tant the Breekinndge State Cousen , pa ay . ace ment can be made that will clone out the An that settlement for nearly den ves eo fied / tn er ee tured, and af those plans were The Unions Ht amust be preserved ! tone Virginia distracted ther Ricetors To ttoes £ tbe Take good ripe gean stable. Hf the Dormocracy were overthrown Non-imterference by Con Wt RIAN oUt: Pein neni ates eee known and concurred in by numinbers JACKSON to vate for any candidate that could beat tyuiitoes, cil toed i sieces, ati sprinkle 5 it would result evn place to a greater and State and Territory was the basis ot the com)? / i ; ent f persons thronghout the South belons lineeiu. This is suthcient proof of the overt y palverized white sugar ' ‘ ' i ie SLL Out GN York, Unrier tis dex t a ees ; ’ dungner swan of tes mise of PRH0: afterwards att by bot Cran ey ine Pe Cr crete nett League, how could the Molle neneernty of ther charges ayainet the | vial et wine sutlicrent to cover 44 re { s Uy Ea sea ene ees i = 2 VPerV ows i for vote ‘lee j, dy tt r I ETT Ont ees a TS el Steseneo sh ABT eciG HT) AINE Fah other national ply Grande to the Gultot Caltornia, and “Mercary” so contilently say that the A very good plan ersinthiselec” Uiion candidate Vushodle Bann then ey are noLietiines prepared ie) Cisin a diligent organization ot ber trie men; conventions, and ratified by the peop! tl “ ‘ . ould “xin ’ he land’ tion to follow, is not. to . rhieitly ii thas way with tiluted vinegar, bat th x te { entions, anc doby the people in they | free eerailiive aleNlax novement would ‘witecp over the lane ) I 4 ts tae rely implicitly iheted oyar, ne for prompt resistance to the ne aro riacr m mr the al rl sermitiiie of BXICO, / / , ca , . & a ae Fi Oe ee aN au WWialectionl of President Ierces sass alii only uy te 86 dee 40 tain itupte ith auch resistless power In view of upon the press an | the pohtenns y, but Buting on the Cars One of the last aret wei Giiipaite to them a richer and come in the nature of things onaton- fin the Cincinnati platform ; sanctioned by the a t e : ‘i a lris - ; Ra Ola at ‘ i de . ; ' ; fire pucasnnt Thivor, more nearly _ al party can save uss n CAUMeeu caaatewal [eneerarie (atts Ee ul < ONS dey —piving vou a degree gnd oa halt re things, does it not appear clearthat Qyaimine the history of the candidates; if POT conventences ty the establisiiient pcs 1 Lar oe resem : Ais arene sAiia Aen ie emocratic pa in the States, abd ratitied 1 ) S10) eines 1 woby the leaders + slew : 1 . . ' , b r tie sbrawbourry than anythin lse 5 : _ weet NON pectpkb tron by the leaders : tos noe. on all the great railroads a . j else. er doit, Butafwe could de as ow farhers did }ayain by the people in the ele more slave terntory than yvormever cham | i an k that cannot be done, then follow the lead leeping: Cars a a : & eae tee te f 1 é a . ral Ta TULETRT ON Te ‘ . ae at wire-pullers who manage the brec b the country he oamoking cur tas organi7 otittoes of safety allover the! Buchanan. This settlement havyins nu ¢ Pro / h, May 16, 1860 ) ' : m feeome gentleman well known for his : fi , cotton States (and itis only in them that we) acqu iif ebaciew a ' nridge Democracy 5 ong been a recoguized institution LN pr Lrxeri ()uarter and core it ie a er y t A iesver at new danuver to i . - ” ) ' r at ‘ ‘ Roneloranseeticien movin eeeetuteeitumen (havnucnon (ttt 4 ; But the Charieston “Mercary,” as will integrity, patriotism and for the eviden Something beyond all this has just been a quantity of apples, put one layer into ' en t I re sho ‘ yer adisthinty ‘ , MST i ther Qouthorn lini anetriet tosanit lene tina acereat crisis’ wasenti Hane mnclns BELL AND DOUGLAS UNION TN TEN AS. be perceived by eur quotations above, as ces he has given of his permanent and commenced on the ine of travel between a deep par. sprinkle over sugar and @#lit- < give conmge to ench other, and atthe PROD Cory for this secession? Wa ire v Niw Wve Sept i The Belland Dong serts that there are “Members of Congress gutystantial interest in the commanity Harrisburg and New York, via Reading, tle thour, lay on sices of bread, (toasted, | ER MOMENT by one orgameed, concerted ac {South at stake? Vinginia, Kentucky, i woparties of Povas have agreed to nomibete trom the South, who, as the Democratic DR InG Ohneicllewsllebemelectcr Nentown and batot A restagrant car if preferred.) sprinkle more suger and tion, can preciprtate the Cotton States ito a) see, Missoun and Norte CaroliAanenralnedee ant elie et eGU sts ket party goes to pieces, will form the nucieus \ ' f half 7 is attached to each throagh train, where cover wot another layer of apples. — , i pe ” aypority t md wy ia 4 ‘ , fica Revolution [that 1s assurance ample to the world: that 1 f a Southern organization,” and that yy aimajority of a ballmifon popmiat ceavetlers may procure things to eat and Pane, a hs sticriur or eweetened a a idea has been shadowed forth in. the| secession from that convention was not demand Of all various works tho hardest js to be “there can benadonbt that the politicians, votes and by a nnanimons electoral vote drink, even more « fortabiry than thes \ rit be added, South hy Mr. Ruffin, has been taken up avd}ed by the South for the preservation of our humble ‘no leas than the people of the South are Try it.— Petersburg Intelligencer. teould at the atatiane slons “8 road, sbul spices are ali more or lesa unhealthy. : v J Disenten Coavpiracy-—-Alabama Leg- | C.:opanies the j latare, unmediately to supply all the companies with arm jand accoutrements, The men are required to as Jn former numbers of the Patriot, we bave charg- semble at least éwelve umes a yegr for drill and ex ed that there exists in the South @ couspiracy [0 ercise ; and the Treasurer of each company is vest break up the Union, aud adduced incontrovertible | ed with the powers of a Constable, and authoriz proofs to sustain the charge. Ju no quarter have | to seize and sell property of members to satisty tli those proofs been denied, or their correctuess ii | sentence of a Court Marta! —that is, to collect sun, bed, notwithstanding efforts have been made! rar to weaken their force by a resort to ridicule and sa- | diitls, &e., Ae. tire, coverts even of the strong when reasou and | The 9th imposes a tar argument fail. We propose, to-day, to prosecute / ically on all white ta the sabject still tarther, and suboait a bo tes [teen and forty-tive, exc: timony. We desire the conservative masses ol the volunteer corps, or hays peitormed tuilitia South to be fully informed ; aud if tues Hiu- der the militias laws of the State. Ttalso 1 to the snare which has been prepaed for them ity the duty of the Tax Collector ta collect frous ea shall be no fault of ours tar payer except those who are enroided From the evidence heretofore addveed. it has! vo been shown that the conspiracy las! { fined to any one State; that leadiie | active and earnest suppoite™ Baltinore- (tax Tt also provides chau any person may exciupt Richmond nominee tor the Presidesey, Jolin C. tuniself trom: the perfurmasce of military | Breckinridge, 1 a majority of the Southern States, twelve months by payins te the! ‘ are parties to it. Nevertheless, the clnet leader, dollars and ten per cent on his State tax and his most taithfal adberents, belong to Avabama. | Sectou 10 and 12 rela South Carolina, the hot-bed of secessiou and disup- | custody of the military tiud jon in former year r the present, to Section TL provides that cach volunteer cotipa Alabama, Whose restless. dissatstied, aad discon: | shall receive, as a company bind as: ti | tented spirits are led by Win L. Yanee Their ullery and Cavalry at the tate of seven dellas pm disumomsin ie not arecent Ging. Tthasbeen grow-j man. Infantry five dolle + per inan, for each active ing for ten years past. Professing to seein the com ftnetnber of such eompa twenty-five conts a etween the po those who belous t wnteer corps, ander tis Let, and those wl 1 actually performed militias 4 Mow the | tt een Coll tuty Unhier the law ~ State, five per cent Sher ov there Ss to forfeitures aud gives place, t \ promnise measure of Tsou, wilco restored the nation Section 13 and 14 reja net huete a to quiet, a sacrifice of Soutien comsGtutonal Nile a Company to draw a eens taey then formed cubs ¥ wview foreach | nedband to the mode oi ving defi sentiment, aud tieuci itt p Piese companies . Subs held a conve ut y. Ate Seeton 15 tnakes ¢ “oka Saul et February, ISS). and doa plau 1 ‘ Vote the order, djres eg following reso! : ! cd a pe t Case plattorin, We bate thea ans aud oljec welly; Section 16, 1Z agi 1s te do uilitary: conn enunciated sand reviews, @he Toth vesting the “Governor 7 n, a due regard for the ght \djatant General, Qu apector General, and (Quarter =o opinion, a due rega o eal \ : 7 ; hat in our opin ao a thas State and | Master General, with ceetatorial pow and re- 20Dor, and interests P people wl se Oa i f foe : quires then to “adopt a State shag. asd pee Tae each of the Southern Btates, demands that they |! Per eae en Ue pe e should at ouce tehetr buuse in order, watt ay ie ak ‘ nt , hie expenditures created by this act are as fo! View to secess i ve J “10. That tion of the secession of Ala bama from fi... goverument is reduced to that of miles to the volunteer cory Sup sto ie Composed of cue fourth Cavalry ume only . ee fourths Lutantry, whielo wll give 2.000 of From the day A othe adoption of these resolu tions to the ent vw, the is 1s One and 6.0 of the latter, that ow ly bama Have bec unt their cHlorts te oe ‘ the State for secess. kvery pable que-uon ws ! it < hich has aud was by any meas sasceptic{ l ‘ . <a ble of bemy tortured inte an engine of agiation to [Pi satel Tuta at soy Habu Strenethen the (eet G1, sced betwee: North aud the South. lis been eagerly seized and} UAE Stiooo used for that purpose; whilst every pul anj 2 The specitie appropriation mal who dared to interpose to restore peace atid ut ftucarry (ie proves of the Let into has been denounced and hunted down as an cneiny edeet, SOT) of our section. Taking advantage of the compuca fions yrowing out of the Missou impr ened Paths anu) the contest for the supremacy in Kansas the > oth. ! ae , inepriain : erm League was subsututed ior the = 1 fla a ae ee is ee uae in " Clubs, as a pre ble means to “tre tae Soa 1 : OE 1 heart’ and to pave the way tor ~« 1. ta eee aie ce i ae bama, the machinations of the cousprators have nee Sree far succeeded, that it 1 ~ ie ag a panels has been set in onder, an ee pe 2 i ‘ the extreme measure t Niieeent I Inéan to say (lat the greats y pr ‘ iL a cine Vy ete ee rere aa tw Dany State eadet tay a se Ha ES Dannie beae of the Military sc ind . : sf “ : z 5s atl, esti t 4 : Si es : Nate a suit . we State upon the a breakers of disumion in spite of the wishes of the - ee ik vee ee Majority of the peoples Ates din bis iy ie hen ne a wae cify the legislation of a Racer aieen hier dence of the disunton « \ ee mrmeeninc rie ona. to adduce to-day, F & series ot a ie ral a are the following— ou. Sa hi ; oe JOINT RES@ET TIONS Calling a Convert the election of Wr contiut Union. t 2 certian Comte ee ‘ the United Notes Beat ress ved ty Soe Te oop \ resentative tu sernbly convene 1 eon euey ble. van the p ; PS ‘ , eos thern . cng its ale et shall be the aN by required | . , een) : ‘ vat fs Ing upoi t shdded von Stan to a ee . bieoue ee: : i iiedenns 1 date of sail provlan: Vera ot DEON = voung in tue r "rhe (oe a to a Convention « Sy ons and du wiair\: ( the ngu’s bama vey. 2. [eit farther resiicot Ton ; : ' fe Bhall asseritile avr Sate ( : . ; der of Hroverner ain The weanug 4 andersiuw! = Tu..5 of lovalty tut that just: secede fru: of a republican writer inthe Ha these resolutions 5 ISA voverntmer gia || lott thecaer rae ties, In up to Presid voters must govern. Uta the bargans our tath ial Wen inde acre ne toll tie Min Va made when the constitution was fonnded Viva ~~ tleatt [es t eo lin constitutien points ait the mode aud on Wiad lures el electing @ President eithe accordamee with it. fi beimog vwolated. The the taxk of providi election illegally ma admitted constitutiar gist. An to which n Make Do prete ice of but the people of Als revolution upon t flee contingent are out-vote constitinty cousti tut at the bax muent is destraved a Ao dl a we are told that t sd tivo vally « | tl ted tu the constitu Men mist <1 ant a ' i he Ur the instrument confor y award i said tl ‘ tJ \ ‘ usare wanting 1 vA Lower , viet a election fairly bie y held. The are sapped Hall free suye Tie prin monstrous absurdits lurking wichir Where this de ‘ a trive to find @ id] Poon " | ni Meare cause ae Nee : Virginia secede because \ a fiat wd ards ‘ fonot ‘ After a wh uy example, and the Tennessee \ the State because sone man contrary to their wishes The principle ie t ame J ‘ ~ Hse President It is the assertion of anght, residiuy int ayers : ity, to control and dictate to de ninion ty I leade JOINT RESOLUTIONS directly and ineritaily to the destruction of con yi UP tae General Aeseinhly of Alabaina in ve lican government. and the ibetituteon, first a the Heawitinna of Sauth Car Ce oligarchy, and then of a sayle P J b y the Sepate aul Fi be second incasare of the epries ut acts at sentatives of the State of Alabacnua “ Legisfature preparing t Pee : \ aes ! i ist Rew iL ee rove for an affercnt Military Organizat hae teat Alabina Silly eonenrripy with the State of ate of Alabama 1 ro words p fine for Sonth Carolina fiirmning the rit any State @ standing army of righ! thousand men Plis act tu secede trom the Confederacy, whe roan he wes approved on the atic! February jast The own ja < vetep isdemanded by the bh Ist section provid: at AD foeigit or interests and safety of her people, snot unmind thousand men, to be et th teer compa of fal ot tbe fa at he aeaaalts upon nstitnt the State of Alabar ay nnmber of slavery « von the ngbts and eqaalty oof t ef men to be raised awong the several counties. (Southero States upceasingly contnued with increas — " From the Nashville (Tenu.) Patriot | The 2d, to the Sth sections, inclusive, relate to iug violence and in pew and more alarming forms, | Anpther Distinguished Democrat for the mode at egoiion duties, rules, &c., of the may constrain ber to a reluctant but early exercise | S vernor, in the 4th, being directed of that invaluable right. | all fines and forte:tures for non-attendance at Vention in the event of the triumph of such a fac- the following patriptic letter from Hon. kdward ae eg a ey ae er we Bell and verett— The Question, s 2nd. Be it further Resolved, That in the absence “ How can save the Union !” of any preparation for a systematic co-operation of ee the Southero States in resisting the aggressions of | As another indieation of the remarkable unanitn- - their enemies, Alabame acting for herself has sol- ity with which the Southern people are coucentia- emoly declared that under no circumstances wi she submit to the foul domination of a scctional Northern party, has provided for the call ot a con- means of defeating Lincoln, we call atzention to ting upon the National Union ticket as tie only on id the approaching Presidential election, and to maintain the position tins deliberately assumed, Sl Yerger of Mississippi, who, says the Vicks fr. } 00 ‘ : is appropriated the sui of $200.00 for the nal burg Whig, “it ie well known, last: December | @ arg na 00 a CHM, ary contingencies u ae such “ se : 14 a pubhely allied himself with the Democratic par- . tesolved, That the tea ¢ Wing endeavored to prepare tar the ex deies of the future decessary sons which influenced him in bis present course, ‘ our re Save and which he say influence “some of the sly desiring thet: en-ope snd wlidh bh ays will intluenc me of th TUESDAY EVENING CORI & tein t furthe " ; ’ : wv Mr. Yerger satisfactorily detines the rea CALS) nC is not deemed States; hon Ta a& St ch per te Troll tirst t distinvuisheds supporters of Brechinridve ges bersell toa eordial pardeipas in Mississippi.” We commend tis letter co che t Wwany and eve.y etlort which. ip her jt ut vill protect the conmson satety, advance the corm ‘ ereby ple hereby 4 FO) RETEST DENY HON. JOUN BELL, careful consideration of patriots of all parties. - Phis is no tine for Coien loving men to hesitate Gon taterest, and serve the common catia 4th, Be itturtivr Resolved, Phat should a cons under the influenes of partizan prejudice and OF TENNESSEE noon of deputies fom the slave-holdig States cy . asrinble at any time betore the Meating of the next DATO! Asseciatog, Tire issue is clearly Uuier or Rien Glen es Teen General Assenibly for the purposes and under the Disunion—the gontest is indisputably bet ; . a : STEER ee ee Senta es TON DARD Pe ERT, e Resotutions of the State Nationalist, represented by Bell and Everet! evernor of this be, OMS and Sectionaligm, represented by Lincoln and Mamhn. PLATFORM Of the Constitutional Union Party. AUEHOrIV dh 1 South Carolina, the ad he is hereby authomzed to it r | sonal Pistres aud (Wo froms the ~hede at large to represent the State of fieated bv t SUNS SAC HE SEES yin eaeh Co. Phe tnflwenee and suttrage of every Mat Upon mau shouldbe concentrated against Black Approved February 25, Ds6a. ch Convention Repubheanism in this tinal straggle, that in: Phis ts the lastact of the Leuislative dig i . Meiioocns : on 1 arte ma ettectualiy and finally be swept from American i adopnon ese resolutions the purpo a ; . = t the sreess were. int wiber veded polites, and the era of good teching, « dityewod Phe fallow oped by the Cont Lie these rescuitions they are disclosed, ail heir State [oclite restored : stitutional Union val Canveution a be one ean ped unwillagly. See how _ Baltanere eY progressed, step by step, until they reached the LETTER FROM HON. EDM. YERGEL " n has d Pehat Phat : ) they ; vere’, Vxperivace has deimoustrsted that Phe 10 mt anued at. The Uirst series of resolutions pro- Jackson, Aug. 34, 1860. forms adopted by the poartsean Convent of the vided fora State Consention; but the members country have bad the effec: to mislead and deceive thereot were elective by the people, and might not, Wo WW Cowan, Esq. Corresponding Secretary the day of tral come. be walhug to rsh the Bel and Kverett Clik Vickshiury fuel divisions of the country by the ereatun ad hertics of the people. Next, they secure the pas . ; ' eheenreretent of wee aud weet partes nee od a law organizing ap army of SCO men, ap Dead Sou — Your lett r of yesterday covering” there tory p Smoney to arti and equip therm, and a ibvitation fom the Ball and Everett Club t Resuleed, ‘Tha = bet! vartoftatniet stand Juachog them under the ecelusire couteul of the Gor iddress them as now before om Havin de af dary to ree O posbe sl priciles oth ' ernol This was a step in advance of the resolu: clined all agave patterpation mn the pending ae i ~ I ae a cea. 1 t Ter . te tt] a he ' : ~ vk ‘ +R Saice No His taut ider false pretences tt they canvass, P shall net be able to comply with vou Tie We Nee ee vlopt tl nes of resolutions wy the : eee. i : o 4 request md Chat, We Papo seul tives Uf the Coney Mer " 1 oO bi peama a) , elie ON ) ist ad ut Fe Gay , No) 1 trel tro teectmnniyy Nownvereaigiivartimredneen Ution tient) itty ur Nanotal Conse eusive control ob the army) to appouit deputies t | see tivbleds w. vedg ie elon Weareente SOUL CT STS on of action Phave deliberated catniy. ane TP tras ; ae } a a A nee Ciigee dina Rd cataNee nT certs co without prjudiee end PE deers it tay duty urder > ; none ; ne 4 ert heccreilave : othe creumstances to cast inv vote far ! on Seen {eet ral “ | wadatready been provided for --thus confessing the ate Ever tt by peace uty core here ‘ eal Wile nulitary bal The peace the | de aot whollyetdorse the repens Vena We Siu ae Mety, the midits, and the honor, of the people of of the dktinguishal gentlemen whe : . h ‘ Heald i Be en eh ete ee National candidates, bat Po would estite t mh eee ated Lis arrespousible deputies to be sa Or at ; eis : ‘ ea prt i ' compromise on ether with the assaines of a ) t we eatool Soath Carolina, or other Southern States aa ‘ , ‘ Lain Tye ele (eel eSOUL ECT EE atic eH ee MELISSA ICRI Cali Treaaeccey eee a ' ed, and steps taken to dissolve the Union, Uabaner orease of the Te pabhean par : ut , O-Opre ‘ Wild assent aud u ‘ ved tibet) eect 2 arty OH , eowalot tae peuple at the word of a Seeessien of the two wits, create a Q ~— toy ed by I Lethe oct tt tan of th . <ten { the Southe Lae Co dl parties, We ean ailsatl, os uo the corres) ! ! ; me ! \ an! Det) vs tie streal i F : | mae + quoted above, remarks ' revelution what woul \ \ ! roe i es Crier Nid mf Si “ seu! t HEN ( ' . . wery tr \ vileseotun Viabaaa, Your peaperty yous Mer your (Hs “lve tae at V we staked upon tre issne, and Qol! peel . . * \ ite fiers St parts we te atal to . Whose ‘ devil whe \ Gn pues he Ae L tain in tl | ! ' r fragt al, but ow ) tel ithe ‘ Yee] 1 ‘ voi cheb ot w Ny sto whether we shall da one the State W bre t eben rope \ is I , ‘ eS Ho sista Back Reputhes Beg | , pote in Pour Slay ] 1 jas MY jNageht a \ of the 1 1 | ry i I seer nh \ ‘ Eg w ! t Tags Font ow fount for a moment thar the beak Hopi ‘ on Thera ith their quae terienetsttis er hbosnuty to the S \ aan Aer yee sieror male ! tthe tmenot the N ‘ , oO l NS . ' 2. onthe blnek banners Une tne THE SPATE Wiss WEEP. t the l bh 1G ORS ve yitttner ul ‘ eth Ow t pS EE Than ict cess Liow for the : eI i 1st Sou \ as t warfare, a | aaa i Oy Wii be Tatefin tothe < > \ ' ene : L ‘ [ice | : W t " \ i E ae hala toll | Pet . i i : ( Se ‘ ' | wit i Mu ; \\ t r ryow ‘ TS eewresh Une ride Sarat 1 weobes 1 ‘ it wy ‘ 1 } [ea : a : : jen ‘ ‘ t ‘ wmory ‘ , oni ; "y i ‘ \ , ' the ' 1p \T co Ml <stz= ou ' 5 Bek as bets ' ' Cutis teh hy , od ‘ fe B fa f ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ * N ran) ‘ coat | wt bees te \ Ato ou) \ does ‘ E iB 5 1 Mio Baek x M . : : wlio ave, furchernm 4 t a . Hen wilbtigness te suppet Mn Bl on Jeerl appoar that be ts rengest can leit eats . Tein xe ueeaguehe ieee ' ea we ON ) Clearly proved this to be ctaes an Ib SUG Can yet mse N es tye bop. that the pes 2 s ; p ; Wag ‘ UR ore an LIN AL He rember wat pwoitsell by an open otoela pies ral ee ne fe Mi 15 ‘ has vey We aceHInD : ha ree n Tn this contest Pam fu . i ne 4) r a fea party, rather than the at nt 7 i : ev, ated still therefere cast univ vote tor 1h \ Voivod thai buat party prepaid ces ar wali Byerent, in may judenment, th ote Nv \ Hoth way Maid shadi they dir ted alana bu nthe tied neitene ad sevonealpesalt whiely wall jars WGai mitdieneen the South at the merey of her Northern enenie Vuela cence ' ' oN . hates no better. throw hier inte the po Ey whi hrow nto the pow BOM ATCO MC YER RT? sumtetists who are seeking to destroy t fete i= (OU Nty 10) TEA Ne “1 NE fa IDE, CRN SID TOSS MEWS WUE IT In the course of a lithe article, the thy ! ‘ ’ as INGAT SALISBURY, TGchmond Bigquirer saves: PE REN SRSEON i ia The indieations are that this meeting “We luve only fasay to Mr. Dare | u ‘ “ Vii bee tieniaten Aline tii wate Wwarhlis cite wien lies Wniderhiiecal tie caer i as uD ‘ ! oe) f the daa of IS40, Acone the distn. be veolts let enant, the soverston States oH : Coy wished speakers who have been juvited of Me South. the patlows of Toho Bracn fer “ be toay tind dit n ny foonabroalare, Hom due J, Crittenden, ie lates seit pe ! ' ! i wool resultiice from thar same. gay 4 et Ive SVegetlens (ree Nw ilcnry eacre il , bel | ' ‘ ; : Dong har ie to be hang, of cours Yoni torment mi the maid of ct lect / Cremens, TON. R. Nelson and Horace es . . n ' ' mat iy ; tsomen wall swing woth tom bait al Vet any reason mond rothat the « Mivoartoof Pennessee ; Hons Won, M a ‘ ‘ : ado state of affaty and the more sad! feather ' , . Gozgn, Wine C. Rives, Geo. Wo Sam ee ; ‘ eer . when we rememberthat Douglas was the trly ta ‘ \ ! ers ume Nee Tie Sinha nia aa mA see , ; , rity cat lute for the qonrination % res i 1 Sj tesen HT Ber? Hilhaf Georg a: I An ' Ae , ge toe nalboting at Charleston, and Wistacted state seen ' Si far a Lea! faryiand Aetna tics at Baltimore and that af as we car eo the eth { Case, we SHeistied sone POSNER = ewae declared ty Citizen Ifaleane trend i ‘ | t 4 | ‘ been ‘ vid ow den te be the fairly nominated candidate qyohe te expects t} ross attend to enligt ter 2 UASRes ; ; . ; = : as ‘ ! enity pote ta fthe nationar Demoeracy Tire ides of FOE cand eloquent counsels : . . i ee = PN EET AK ef “ if ut ee 1 “ oan PPOs Vansine the candidate of the “ Mautronal , soa : « tans Malou i ( lee ; f ouy las wet “letrilor TUNER CHITIN fee ‘ Badyer, ‘ n : ; Gh Me Democracy” strikes us as extremely abo. : ae ; Noett vith, J. Mi. a ins es ee AR horren It would be the most sectional ' i Pee ss | Riese eaalt faniv, David Outlaw, KE ’ Reade, EL eivovcl wero: heard of. —Ral. Reg SOU SUT Suc eos Moore. Aitred Dockery, Z B. Vance, R . tot rengon to apprehend that the oanty which Salant a i a a1 q cal I el, and J shin Pool, Ge Davia ; . : Wousing the name of John Co Rreckiridye. wil aed REOB. Gidinam, Esqs, and others Tie censna tekerin New Milford fonnd ; i As far Maposuhleton t Tom tten ler Ivety Coonty inthe State shonld aend three old maids, each two vears vounyer J ’ " : fare delegations, — Ral, Reyrater than they were ten yeare ay a eens suanid tiny uontites le: ams with theirs of an ulterior Southern republic, it Tas Stop Mouse Holea Stop monse ding never did any baby any good NReUN ably tro We ocontrolling sof holes with ploga of common hard soap, Tt hurte the childs it borte the parent tsamone | Supporters lave chenshed, and do it effectually roaches and ante will not disregard jf Sata, itiaevi! and only evil, everywhere and de vet echernsh woth fatal for neaa, delusiwe ¥ ;always, and you will sions of the peaceful erectiou of such a refuge of the people, and, at the seme tine, We wideu the jn = " frou, interference with Degro slavery as it exists in our Country. Those who will take the pains to (urn over these subjeets in their meds, and examine them as with @ personal interest, will hah ot any possible escape from dangers, or of good to be surprised to find that ja spite of oh | 1 result from: the election of either of the oc aude dates, there shoyld yet be any who would waste relection upon them votes iy the comi ” ry vote cast Or Breekiaridge as a vote in favor ol keeping ues clots teite and of perpe tie ig that state of want which Ineaks puldie cunt Ienee on the stability of the Wertine nt, ate Tal Heer sand Very soun miatiitest itself in the deprewion of the vata of property diob inven ling bed Henterprises of the people. fs ery vote cast ter Douglas must tend) wath quer Hug corbanty tothe same vesult, differing only in degiec Wiiy, then, will inen persist ina ourse of action so fatally unisehicvous toatl heir best mniterests Why will they not, when they ve the chance, vote for those candidates io sham we have the strongest assurances of woudl Teds Wot Wise to tejegt a plain and easy road, Al Lig tooue’s peaceful home, and to choose one wihepos tiled wath biodraness and ob structions, besclon-cevery side wath fearful dian troahoeseaye fom which requires aliost a mottele, atid a taare davolvio tite aid the fate Pinbecebtones around the tantly hear. Lt shot wine touisk any Ching in any way, whe safety and success are attainable without at. Le Is Not wise Lo tempt the fetes, or what is worse, fefy Ouinipotenes. in the pursait of desperate schemes, Whether ola personal or party nature sodait captot be Jess am the present case, where the election of the Ciro and Conmsttotonal attention of our we petmenibered Whew Convert to Vaicey school and is fale: WWote dead bis teliow citizens of Western N ring seowen the tesults ab the elec ne sectional Soutt parry Phas very natn to sappase, therefore {be enero dinuly solicitous t thier auue 1] he nintras vat the power of \ Barly atter breakfast almost tren rope aud fear he called on the d h trorsot the day and ow iin eve asied them that the tf was mibtless naw already tation be could see thousands o¢ ready shaved and dcessed What to do dari 1 houes is fo the servant anid white polling on ther y were patiently holding the fet and os Vliet were to lean then proudy Mites 41 \ things being ready he could sea yatriota ot th the rebellous county / \ tol foving to their companions, turnings to Nil as vot thought Wives to take a parting Kise wa galloping off in this tra ve palpations his own heart for th erie at hoofs upon the pave reets, ane tan and again would rise and look {r 1 t T6—PHeaven bless them Bat they rwarn't thar 4 the ardor arranging the procession drew tid the absolute neccesary of vetting inte line Nae ji lela ae fay Hays hat could | ly be ed ny 1 lropping a werd her finally becoming glanee there, antl frew himselfup to his tallest notch anieT epi erged naelf out (avery hard job) to fill a 1 spay the procession and took his position t ttonscof the day, and declared tionself of the ting prac rage ot the eves which trom both side wy arch -any where on the 1 sto yer trom under the per teeets. fron windows, baloonies: and doors, pboured down upos hun and his 167 companions, as if they would seareh them a little deeper than the desired to be probed at present. Abt it was a ise lef to march, and vever did a brass horn found so sweety to our brother editor as that’ which an- nounced —forward, march /—apd they all got out of the main street . But where was the editor of the Bulletin, with bis rodutlity of person and jolly phiz? Wag he about ying to look savage as a fire-eater! He publishes a daily, and miyht have been seen pacing along the tedious length of the procession, peneil in one hacd and a bit of card in’ the other, noting ‘lown (tems tor Ins valuable paper. Bat we imac vine Lis ebgagements were pressing, and gs the procession passed bis office door, gravely marching to the music of the Paw Creek Band, he pawed off to the cight. and was soon so mixed UD amongst his oxchaiyes, that the fifteen guns fired by the party never broke his reveres, There we shall leave dani late in the evening, with a nice little Heacin Tis ear and afew sieht. symptoms of chol- ihy pains in bis little round belly oo THEY ARE COMING! THEY ARE COMING!! Prom letters received bere, and from other sour- ees of information, We announce, that the neighbor- Cocttes aml distant parts of our State, will tue Tbth and 12th October, Maas Meeting iz into Salisbury on to attend the State They are conuny, they are comsag. e shoves of Like waves ot old ocean Wh Ab to the land Phev aw Ming, They are coming, Pron the Mounts ot the West, Like the ids woth their treasures a) 8) SOW and rain Vhey are they are coming. With the emblems of peace - With prayers tor the Nation Phat con WOW Tay Coase To the majesty of theemen Tithe power of the brave Phev ate cote to give pledges Tie UL blo ave Phen bans ! vet MW festa Wath ous trenw \ ca © altar \ = U y ie Veo oe. DANTE eOCN TY ALL RGtT a Vole wharessecd the People of Davie. at , : Mocksville by appoonttient, heat Vuesday There Vel owhen prochwiaton was ql \ Wa inches bis speceh, 4 Cou be by hutidrds, vial >| us abd when be ‘ . + uw at Us a pyplisiine: Mr. Vaca tele Via al account of hin { Vee werd Chie pant wba pre- \ mares ated starwed the veri ‘ be stowlb malty to the py da Be ed Biss reg Lhe was hequeutly piauden a spree eatin naval lee jhe ‘ i i I Wastin vy valled) and also Ai Ee ‘ It ( tis told “ 4 \ \4 “ se ‘ wil } r le I tose ian Ai 9 pM " Who prefaced , ahow (ated tappy remarks, the aad ale a Wok Was ‘ bn | FM t d ay ed izins { bow Voce Pees ' ( Mol Ty oM Bureine, Secreta n I Lob Tea ote | t Vinow FR t | County, be MF He I WOR wll LoL ra ~ |) LOIS EIS Cres \ dn ‘ I ( ‘ live botettes V ‘ » Tared § ! a re \ se. t PEAT OF \ ‘ 1 \ ' Vf toe ‘ “ \ Nees : veral gutlemen of ‘ \ ' ‘ satel deterentiay any Va Not went t oe: 1 teed ‘ Salisbary Bra- fi tha rN np dvrneut ofa ‘ i ‘4 ra ’ Mr Hale t 1c vtew well " ow | eat A ate filibuster, Wath ere aatees beliuth \rrvaly at N Ponca: oF ‘ os wo Truxille, bring “ ' it ue eport that be ta] \ wl by teu balls Col ta . te te fear Vedas Inprisons 7 Biagitice Since Coser in Chae AX violent cepstange sitive slave law was re rr ne M wo County, Obie, in whieh te 1 States ths Wer badly treated. The tnoty stent ol OO ot TO ww ‘ en abd negroes, oe. } ; \ yoState shoubd v tor Bell, Neca tyowill restion those Dg Ineerats Whoo dithered With: abd opposed: the mayor ty Standard waa of responsibility” indecd, to give foe vetted the State te one af the aound- Statesmenaf which And osntita igh Standard thus to talk, Whenon the same nomber estan binost eons this Country ent ooont ? pretty business forthe Ral Wodeclares its willnuwness to see the vote of the State ¢ first tor Breckinridye, Donglis, and third tor Bedd, the very qian whose election in this State Weak soconel tor yas the Standard asserts, devolve Sa load of responsibility on those Demo- rats whe dithered with and opposed the majpority @ We wonder at the Saudard’s etfrontery Tie idea that it Democrats, and talk to Hien about loads of reaponstbiligy, is shout the coolest thing of the season, — Why, the Standard has not been in the Sri ofits party forthe lastarx months. [thas been at ports wath nearly every hditor and leader of ite party, and tho’ it How takes todtself the name of a Breck- is very well known that ite previous advocacy of the claims of Jodge Douglas, bay rendered it per- fectly tinpotent to serve Major Breckin- nase. Dat we ean tell the Editor of the Standard, that with the exception of him- self, there as hardly a Breckinridge mao who does not preter Bell to Douglas, and not one Douglas man who does not pre fer Bell to Breckinridge. Jobo Bell is the second clioice of every Democrat In North Carolina, save and except Ww. W. Holden, Esq, Editor of the Standard.— And yet ittalks to Democrats about loads of responsibilty Whatan awful “load” of presumption | — Aad. Leegrster. really should lecture trbdee jaurnial, at Cc I hers with betr ate, to tl you MI gin and Q) Kale and top in § We road by 1 W Bre Mee held Di expe lovin alte moe Tick this Leg an they got out nm, with Nas he rl! He pacing eneil in noting e ima- as the arching pawed mongst by the ¢ shall ¢ little 1 chol- ING! r sour- ghbor- e, will ury on p State we al There / Was evch, dress ny be hima rouice itfor and Was ung faced » the LL Was Di wl \ Huge ut he Col ange hich tnob Bell, Dg Jord iVO nel- ch ite ard her ote ire, ell, ate Ive no- the the tit to the hs. Pry vat ck- wo ins er- me the an od q”* | HON. J. M. LEACH’S APPOINTMENTS. | | | | NEW Mount Mourne, Saturday, Oct. 6th. Winston, court week, Danbuty, Stokes Co., Tuesduy, Oct. 16th * Mt. Awy, Tharsday, Oct. 18th. Jefferson, Saturday, Oct 2th Alleghany Court House, Monday, Oct. 224 Hamptonsville, Thursday, Oct 25th. East Bend, Yadkin Co., Friday, Oet. 26th Bethania, do, Saturday, Oct. 27th Francisco, Stokex Co, Monday, Oct. 29th Weutworth, Rockingham Co., Tuesday, Oct. 30th Waluat Cove, Stukes Co., Thursday, Nov. Int Kernersville, do, — Friday, Nov. 2d. ‘Thomasville, Saturday, Nov. 3d Lexington, Monday, Nov. 5th. A. MYERS’ MARRIED: ee crads lassi ie a bp Da No. 4, Granite Building, FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. Many HL WILLIFORN!> SMG, te SALISBURY, N. C , N.C. MARY H WILLIFOL D Tn this county, on the 27th ult, Rothrock, Mr. JOHN WILE by Rev. San’! v Miss SA- For tue State at Laror. HON. GEO. B BADGER, of Wake, Tut keudie noe taaehter of the te hues WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR. R. K. SPEED, of Pasquotank, Ou ae ultimo. at ee of re ee DEALER IN shaw, in Cabarrus county, N.C. by the wey Disrricts, Ancor Long, Me. 8. G. ALL {oof Cabarrus nae , - , ; to Miss A ARRIET SN. MOORE, of Franklin wo STAPRE AND RANT Lat District, an HIN ee I Soe ty, N.C, daughter of the late Pomas B. Mogre ol r 2d “CHAS. ©. CLARK, of Craven, Waving Virginia. y | 3d “OH. DOCKERY, of Richmond, . a X O06 3 4th “ t EDWARDS, of Granville, ’ fe j nm ah re aan: Potatoes: Wanted LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, @th «HENRY WALSER, of Davidaon, ONE HUNDRED buslely of nice sweet L Embroideri nth © WM, P. BYNUM, of Lincoln. Lee UL! TJ. MEKONE aces, Embroideries, ready- “i 5 > NRY. « : : | 1 vraN 7 8th Gen, Ro M THENRY, of Macon. Apples Wanted. made ( LO I HIN G, ONT wanted HUNDRED bust Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &e., &e., &ce. < youl r Lipe apples JP STERN EY: Pickles Wanted. | | A®large lot of good pickles wauted Meeting rrr ¥. J MERONEY 27th From the Watchman Extra STATE Mass Sept. . . vent . GRA | y Y ¢' THE theeriber respeetfally iaforims Constitutional Union Party, AND OPENING hi ol yt ae era ariel that has recently retarned from the Great AT SALISBURY, me NEW GOODS ! 11th and 12th October! ~» 2000 Worth of ENTIRELY NEW| GOODS atthe Old aot Emporiuin with a NEW SPOCK of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ON Rally Friends of the Union !! (ol? Ruoon ,of to latest and tnost fartnenable styles Having Ci alee ee ne es vthe wa ~ and beates Ths seedton. he fers eon CARGE NUMBER OF THE Most Robbie. Gap. Vo¢ fideut Chat te wolbe alve teameet (he views of tus Ccietbaners wud tends, aud Che pablo ge DTIGUSHRDORATORS coon a estan ss en LADIES DRESS GOODS, LACES, Embroideries, &c., of the coontey t of those whe tas 2 tthe on beau ifal ook « sired sy how prepared to Whe avery large New Goods, cou nvited, and are expected to attemd, to wit sin og of cert youotexcelled by auy house in the State Hon. JJ Crittender Keutick Hons Ci Jee ts ee STAPLE AND PANG) DAYROODS, (00 oes a tit BMW eee nae ee CLOTHING, PENSE LeZIS COOLS, Hostuart of Va Hon tow H Wa in Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Him Kalt Fooportat mas of whieh are r Anthony Keunedy ot Macy walen ees oncom ston HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, 210218 puecksseste Who lave beer tind ie wt t ‘ ee , \ Soe Ga wate rsty le Hone eee at Wy 0 a eS GROCERIES. aihatat lil yo} bie in H. sunt J MMe Sy M Tse euan, Medic iia Dye-stutle: Bucasmoh ond | Seer ea Ds Vid Outlaw Cs yack: 1 M Ip (cepecere Hose nage Tre enlace i . . ery, ZB Vanes, Eos ty \ fl Aap Site Devaar anton esnionce (ip elit. No. 4, Granite Butding. Jolin AL Galnier J Powe Creo Daas ROB Poe Wiiee Lead and Frenel aod Vn : \ Nousage Custer and Stuffers at gy Taos i sar bee cnci ee eh aie “ ; Bt nee a Tome aT Mice EV lel VIN PERS TOC h, ¢ ae (ee seen \ hat he wh be m \ il Feet: : Fe % baducements Go all whe aay tas b with a call ~ ~ He ‘ A ered at a ALSO. an ucasuaiey large s ced . , rH tee ue thi te . a" 7s : ; eae 8 Negro Clothing, eMigaepenn eee ean ones a ; on en atrage tea! oo wht on BOOtS, Shoes, and Brogans. Vial ee Shana Whales FoR unee en wile the Gate hemi Me GG ana ale i (Cea ' r ton ieehet 17 owe fay “ab ery Pearl Deal J Returning sy theoks for iberal patronage Fite see Ga . f Ke tee diy fair dealing and Cone ate her towed. Thupe fora ¢ LGUGE the Ree z epee (baste to uel a conta f kame har \ heterewe ny peenipt aud per THE STATES ae SUN OF ve divuncigemr ire SCC ial Wreu ae No seul atte aban : ‘ ji oe : i So Korda, we cau xead Goods any woere on the line oft ADS fulin the extiene a ee ee aoa 27 a ery nian w Nees (ihre pres tvere (ole tue MmNT winder Crate mamma nn ta o and thegat ! : ! PME eS shir eveh ong for gende : TESCUR Wie wall Uruuued Concur em ORTETTIO TE COIR TE AVI TE ANCTEIPTE MITE NS TE CY PREEN DS sd Clean COLTON and LINEN RAGS TITECG RE AS! cA : 1 Remember the place, JENKINS CORNER and Yet u rae atic " ' alr tot Sattabury, N ¢ 1 ’ T Work Of sas cus ln ' ve peat VO CUBBINS & FOSTER \ ) vid pros y ra 1 Oe arti iw? | tetittustedd cgnantey \ ted loaw a J 2 J is Will dial spe : u Te ate ae : _ Immense Attraction beopen te vou aud ot o etdae nh Wan btn tae Vents D (VID W Kil power wall they endian Sera et “il ear larter age nec a ou , ll a {! ap! , . i. , a a on ouse om r 5 uh aa ruleoor ] ‘ x (ne uid v ' ’ SSS ENS OE) STATE Lisson mieae rect Vey wre any Seely OL SAND semeds Coomy forne ae wy wed handtrane s wr becunige rezacd t “ ‘Fall aud Winter Ready- Made Clothing. erase ewe Tene eee te tency Wich Law welling y redeed pris toe fultilled meine Va Bancgsus! Baneauys!! BRING rian TENTS : Hy nia ne itar enone ee HE NORTH. shelter thenisels Nas Re ' Le cai eis ern Cites with « LARGE and COMPLETE Fa be lines Cnn : . ieee vs Stock of A GREAT GROUND SWELI Bul notwithatan ting the reeespt of a Fall Stock, OR © 1 a NW; le (I thi oumence in salebiiy, wae eialienake ducers Lolsvedetontid (tera Stok at nearly eat ve. a ( 0 ne from centre to cine: ' "ON rand Costybrices tue sei Nay uibuat te Me me a yee ether tine and Sica chose u iain I Grentlemen’s Purnishing Goods, Wopose te change any business, aud will do se even Cou wud its dt finns: lett ce avlianiy Woasarnfier ound hence here ig the place to get Sach we Baste Shoes, Hats, Caps Deawers, Under Deyin to feaen Disa t. Lo thrase whoow a: baries ~ x. Cravats. Nee ins, Inefs. and a lay ther wicked bauds on les hy ear tsi ins : \ . ‘ ‘ tine aesortene herts ( Pe AN(oas NTO Oop BEWARE! Ry cao MAE ¢ LOTHING. (witch he invees y ved reention. “They : \ ha been purchased ensh acd wilbe sold che COME. FELLOW CITIZENS Give me a cull, examine my stock and hest ines sr than ever were cifered: betes be tue NOW ES From every peat oot the compass! acd Pan Mov stock mut be wold at some price YOUR TIME POR GREAT BARGAINS, ae] hers and Tor jolet hight pe aur is am determined te sell cheaper than any other house woth the true ~~’ aD EB Sas Bce in Salisbory ; worteh out tl t we Returning my chanks for the liberal patronage betraying thernedys : All those indebted tome by epen account are here: heretofore bessowed. E hope fora continuance of the ate and danserous men int ve DY Betified Co close the same by note wrhout delay. game Remember the Stand, to Chis pemoetul pathos. « vy Mad all who are dae me on long standing notes, are NOo2, MURPHY'S GRANITE ROW, Winicwill tte oa Hein F votified that they must pay up, and that speedily ; Salisbury. No MUSKET IN CIVIL \W MRE eelinn 2 oe ‘aw Dom determined to make a complete settlement Sept Qa, Uso fd euinide Snes te te : fallmy bueness here without delay. Those who } SLI LUN BUC YOnADS A Sua diwegard this notice will have to settle with an offi- | Rea dinveg nA e with ar and all that you hold u cor and at legal cost and trouble 1 s 6 O e soe M. HOFFLIN One Fare —The Wilmington and Weldon, the Orb 2dy 1860 ue) FALL STOCK. Raleigh and Gaston, the Goldsboro” and Athantic North Carolina Rail and the oads have all aproed BOOTS! BOOTS! Mass Meeting J. UE ENNISS ie now receiving his stork of ind returning. @F e Gentleman’e Winter Water Proof Boots, which Western NOC. Rail for le and work are superior Co anything that is Toads butdoubt nat ttnesanelilerdicy walle singin made or for sale va chis market and at less price i Call and see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT, made of the beat French Calf Skin and Water-proof! throughont, and which will last longer than any sto the Union State fire, We have not heard th Red A. MURPIEY, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, in Sahsbury, for op comung om the by that road also 2: | PURTIG SPE SKIING other Boot, home-made or etherwise We have heen requested Co state that Mr Fox, ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, Ma - 1 ‘GQ Brecainaipar Klector— Mr, Bysew Bent Beleetor with Double Soles and pper, a capital Boot tor Bi O I s A N D SHOES, Mr. Myers, Dovaras Bleety vill address the Winter, and warranted Hate, Caps and B io rete. Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Mo Horse Tow 4 ae at the following pe and places ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. tases, Syrap, Nails, and Maule Shoes, Wadesborough, Tuesday, Octo! Double Sole and Upper and warranted Sole Sneha Calt Skins. Lining Albemarle, Thi ALSO, MILES & SOWS GEYTS FINE CALF BOOT, mit HU OU RE SRR ERG Concord, M nade stout and strong and of the very best mate SNe, wey Newton rials, warranted Are now receiving large additions to their Stock, Salisbury, Saturday, ALSO, MILES & SON'S PEMP-SOLE AND GENTS ( which they invite the altention of the citizens of Charlotte. Tuesday, | BUOTS. Miler uBalaclorhenutve dure Salsbury, Rowan and the adjomimg Counties Lincolnton, Saturday, d plearant wear, are celebreted throaghone Prompt attention given to orders ov Dallas, Monday, the Umog and require no praise . Rew Ae MEREEN fee Call and get you a pair of Bootie for Winter worth " °PE ae Any having and at priees that defy competion at J. Ho ENNISS Boot Store, Mass Meetings. We have been directed to give notice, that Wage BOC rs. and SHOE THOMASVILLE and Sho Oct 2 SALISBURY, N At Statesville, the 16th Delober G R EAT BA R( 1 A I N At Tayloraville, the 17th IN e 1/90) Meetings of the Constitational Union party, will be held at the following times and places, to wit UST RECEIVED asupply of GENTLEMEN WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS LACED At Wilkesboro’, the Path : BOOTEES, manatacinred by Miter & Tomas, At Jefferson, the 20th C I OT I | ] N ( 1 ! Uiiinaeuillc ENE Uhm nian RrecrulGleerel inayat Distinguished orators of this and other Statee are a Woe oy ee w vk, “a agreat deal betier in work fr nanship and equally as low rpriece expected to altend all theee meetings The Union . as ee nance eck Cee Ve ttl ere loving people of all parting wre rarnently requested to 2H Exvtes now offers to sell Ort 2 -120> Ronta nitive ctor aitend. GENTS PANTS at $2.00) worth 3,00 au ae i 3,00 1.00 a 7 se | MATS AND CAPS Fusion in Tennessee The two wings of the de ts “ 7.00 9,00 . mocracy of Tennesser are trying toarrange a tasion GENTS COATS at 3,00 4.50 UST RECEIVED a large anpply of Gente und Ticket. Tt is of no use, and will effect nothing in ‘ ° el te Rove Hate and Caps, all sizes and qualities and at 7.000 a prices remarkably low this election 10,00 ‘ 14.00 Calvat. H RNNISS’ th 4 6 i Sai 13,00 14,00 Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store READ! READ?! “ a "18,00 25,00 Oct. 2 tro ( ae : Readithe aieaniant niecec line Of (nem lAbere allies JH ENNISS Clothing, Hat and Shoe Stove . , Legislature, given in this paper | Oct. 2 +720 Blank Deeds for sale at this O fice. Manufactured by MILLER & ae o ee eee SPECIAL NOTICE. ——$————— BLUE STONE, | 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibx. | } 30 ets. W: X owl \ RAV 2 cilizeun of ( N40 HENDERSON & ENNIss. For sale by 50 Bush. CLOVER Nice and clean oe sale by ENDERSON & ENNISS tED. THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. Vrouw 210 to 240 deg., for sale by POUNDS 10.000 Pere Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS For sale by GALLONS 1000 LINSEED OIL. HENDERSON & EN 1000 PURE For wale by NIss. 40 Bbls. For wale by Tanners Oil. HENDERSON & ENNISS ; credit given | Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS' | | Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Galion or Barrel for sale at i HENDERSON & ENNISS' | MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. Medicinal French Brandy. 1840 Gaven up by Judges t he best ever brought to Inarket, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS SPICES! SPICES! P per, Spice, Mustard, Clores, Ginger, Mace, and Nutmega, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS Cinnamon, VINEGAR Pare Cider Vinegar. BO cts per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS' tflN 30 ets. . 1x60 Ma Bo BW FALL AND WINTER GOoDs! Ar No. 3, Murphy's Granite Building. Sept In nvite the attention of our fmenda and cus tomers to our large and releet Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats. ¢ and Shoes. and READY-MADE CLOTHING, for inspection find Bar » will make prices ‘aps. Bonnets, Boots $\ nexaminatie h 1oinay to te heave ery dow to cosh and punetoal dealers Jed ed cA MC CON NAC GHEY 2Qmoly Book B uedery SALIS sBU RY. DICKS wonld resp ctfally inform the Saliabury, Chorloste, d Hill, Moekeville, Gre Statesville, sneord, Go ensboro’, Lexing- ton, Morganton, Newton, aud the surrounding coun- try generally, that he hageestablshed a Book Biya ERY in Cus place, and will be pleased to receive or- ders on his tine. Musie Books. Law Books, and Periodiedda, bound te patiern noy style to wurt floor over the r Apothecary, r Hise und on the seeond ablshment eau be t Post Office 17 Orders trom a distance promptly attended to WOR. DICKS Salisbury, Sept. Ix, 1860, Gints Chills and Fevers FEVER AND AGUE AND ALL 10.000. ree vicar HE subscriber having determined to move to the South-west, will proceed to sell without reserve | at Publie Auction, at his residence near Rowan Mills, jon WEDNESDAY 241th of OCTOBER, the follow- | ing valuable property, viz: '5 Head well broke Mules, 2 ditto Hea | 25 Head of Cattle, (amongst which | are sume No. 1 Mitch Cows) 35 | Head fatted Hogs, a good | lot of Stock Hogs, Stock of Shee p, all kinds a | of Poultry, 3 } valuable Wagons and Gearing, 1 kectru Fine Rockaway and double Harness, 1 Bugyy e | and Harnesx, a great variety of Farming Tools, (good and new) 1 full sett of Blacksmith Tools, Carpen \ ters Tools, 4 first-rate Guns, 1000 or 1200 bushels Corn, a quantity of | Wheat, Outs, Hay, Fodder, Wheat Straw, a lot of Walnut Plank, all iny Houxe- hold and Witch en Furniture, 1 Share of Stock in the Western NV Co Read Road, with earns vther articles too numerous to desig nate. At the same tine and plice, FE will -ll at pubhe auction my valuable LANDSying immediately 1 ‘Phird Creek ; iny home place contains 500 ACR | handsomely and conveniently improved, with a good | proportion uf cleared and well DRAINED BOT- |'TOM LAND. The mansion is elegautly situated, AO. ' good Spring Water, and very healthy. The other tract contains 257 ACRES and is un- surpassed by any Lands in Western North Carolina In short the sale will be positive, and a reasonable Further conditions made known on the day of sale THOMAS C. GRAHAM Rowan Mills, Sept. 18, 1560 tdsl8 RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S ; Pulmonie Wafers! The Onicinal MeICINE ESTABLISHED IN 1S8T, and flrat article of the kind ever introduced under the name of “ PvLMonic in this or any other country ; all other Pulanonic Witfers are counterfeits, The Genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoar -ssouas BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relievd Asthm , Bronchitis, DiMcalt Breathing. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lang Diseases. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvala and Tonstis. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minuves. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blessing (to all Classes and © stitations, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simnvie form and pleasant to the taste. BuYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Warns,” Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cares, | BRYAN'S WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. PULMONIC NO. PAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, Is THE HO} NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, IN) HIS POCKET NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Fr JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, wists | May 29, 1560 | 223 ESE = = 2357 = oe ess Eew-sos es BE) oe os * = = on zElLe2t5 23% a «4 L ae «4 = ZL ‘D U N O L Y Ap o o \ o H ‘ m u M S =~ ) OW Gs h E a NL STOCK i their usual FA LL pe Subscribers are now large and varied cock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND SHOES, receiving BILIOUS DISEASES, | REVAILING IN A MALARIOUS CLIMATE, Speedily and Permanently Cured by W yatt’s Tonic & Pills. | arte the past year the demayd-for this great emedy has been unprecedented Prepared by W. Ho WYATT, Druggist Nos. 186 and 188 Mein st, 'N.C. Pree &1 per package. six for 85. A liberal discount to merchants Rept. 4 tf16 FOR SALE. Spring Hill Tract of Land, CONTAINING 1060 ACRES. FENUIS Tract of Land is sitoated two miles from to the Yadkin River, ! t buildings, good springs and now . ‘ t c ¢ Salisbury, on both sides of the main road leading ' the North Carolina Railroad yaseing through it, on the premises is a Dwelling Barn, Tobacco Barns, and all in cultivation and louse, necessary out the greater portion of said ‘Tract into. sinall tracta inder good fence a Woodland, it could be divided Twill retain 50 Acres ery conventently of desired of Woodland and the family Grave Yard Apply to MICHAEL BROWN, Agent Salisbury, Oct. 2, 1s60 120 TOV LOTE NOTICE. 4° Executor of John M Jamieon, decd, Twill sell at public sale on Thursday the 25th of Octo ber next the Plantation on which said dee'd., lived sontarning 253 Acres. Also, one negro man, Wheat, other articles not named orn, Oats, with a few Terms made known on day of sale JAS FIJAMISON Sept 25th, 1960 4w20 a e o a e RF BEMISTER & CLAYWELLE, EXouse Paintors, GRAINERS, PAPER HANGERS, &c., Oppomte the Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C All work personally attended to and warranted tobe done in a workmaniike manner Jnly 17, 1860 pd6ma 4, K kK A K iS -_ _ -~ -_ = = and Salisbury, | A lurge assortment of WEAR is large and will be sold low SERVANTS aud NORTH CAROLINA | of all kinds. the public generally to give them a call TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS Our Stock of Goods are well suited to the interests of Country Merchants, as in the purchase of our Goods we haye had an eye to that branch of the BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. 1X60 6wl7 JEANS, They invite their old customers and | trade Sept. 7, WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Frost Straeer, NSE NCCP GE NG oe Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Front, Liquors, Wines, Cigars. and Tobaceo Dried Frat, Feath Produce gen Solicit consignments of Flour, ers, Beeawar, Tobaceo, and Country erally. Agente for Ho celebrated Seales DG WORTH | N G.DANIEL, | For the past 7 years with Late of Asheboro’, N.C. | TC & BG Woarn Sept IR, 1560 ly ts Fine Suits. | | | | | | \ and all Drug | ! formerly wold ‘well known sll ove SPECIAL NOTICE HE SUBSCRIBER H J UST RETCRNED from marke and is now receivingm. 6 opening a complete and full GROCERIES, consisting of Coffee, Bugar, Molasses, 8yrujs, Tea, Pepper, Spice, dc., with every other article usually kept iu similar establish: ments, all of which will be sold as Usual at exceedingly low pri ces. His stock of Dut gvuns is far superior to any, as those who have favored him with their patrouage can testify, The stock of IVS AND CAPS and BOOTS X SHOES cannot be equaled, either in style or ianufacture, having had the most of them made to his order. Thr stock SOLE LEATHER AND SAD DLs is full and complete and will be sold, at unusually low rates, and which only be DISTRIBUTED establishment ¢ xelusively for CASIT FOR NOTHING has a more desired effect than a cash system, Therefore a ca is earnestly solicited, before purctiasing elsewhere, At FRANKFORD', SALISBURY, N.C. May 7, 1960. SINGER'S SEWING-MACHINES. Prices Reduceu to $50, $60, $90. and $100. | Tur plain reason why Singea’s SewisG-Macuives have always sold readily at a higher average price than uny other, is that they are better, more durable more reliable, capable of doing a much greater variety of work, and earning more money pepulanty is proof of stering went. Inthe purchase of what are called cheap Sewing- Machines, thousands | have been deceived and disappointed, bat with Sin Ger's Macuines there is never any take failure or mis- Singer’s Tranverse Shuttle-Wachine, to be sold at 850 plain, and &Hl highly ornamented, isa Machine enjirely newin its arrangement; it is very beautiful, moves rapidly and very easily, for family use the very beet and cheapest Machin» the public These Machin Humber as rapidly ever offered to 48 possi for thein cannot be fully supplied le, ane Singer's No. 1 Standard Shutile-Wachine 1 €135, but now ¢ nthe world RYO. is tow ny dewerip ton Every sort of work, course or fine, ean be done with i Singer's No. Phin is che where. 1 for almost ev 2 Standard Sh fivente manufaetu szeof the Machine description of work. which, loge: her ttle- Machin Machine every rives ample spice (with its admirable working qualities, give ita decided | Standard Machines. on the Ist of Qetober, | Price Simger’s No. 3 Standard Shuttic-Wachine. advantage with table compleie, SLO, inakere, 125 For Carriage Pree, and heavy leather complete, x Since the of these Ison, the great reduction in the one of them has increased four fold All of Singers Machines make the interlocked stitch with two threads which is the b st. stiteh koown Every person desiring to procure full and reliable information about Sewing: Machines, their rIZes, prices, working capacities. and the best meth- ‘dsof purchasing. can obtain it by sending fora copy jof LM Singer & Co.'s Gazette, which is» beaut: ful pictonal paper entirely devoted will be supplied gratia I. M. SINGER & CO, 5) Broadway, WVew York. T. J. MERONEY. Acryr, lied St ed weN ne fy Change of Schedule. Office Western N.C. R. R.. Sacissvry, August Ist., [860 ( N AND AFTER THIS DATE THE eenger Trains will run daily (Sundays excepted to the head of the Road, 68 miles and return accord- *July 24, 1860. Ling to the following Schedule LEAVE ARRIVE AT | Salisbury at Third Creek 7.50 Third Creek Statesville & 36 Statesville Catawba 9.30 ; Catawba Newion 10.10 Newton 10 White Sulphur 10.35 Hickory 11.05 am RETURNING White Sulphar 10.30 Miekory Teard LEAVE ARRIVE AT Teard at 1145 Hiekory 12.05 Hickory 1210 White Sulphar 12 ¢ White Sulphur 12.30 Newton 1245 Newton ! » Catawba Lan Catawba 145 Srateaville en Statesville » aH Vhird Creek 410 Third Creek 3S pom Salisbary 400 pom The Train connects daly with the Trans of the NoCOR Ro at Salhebory. and with © oS. Brown's line of Post Coaches for the west JAMES C TURNER, Chef Fug & Supt WON ¢ ROR Ang 14 2rd ASTOUMUDING! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Wyatt's Remedy If yon wiah tobuy FINE SUITS of CLOTHING Ya Unfailing Specifle for as little money asposmble, call at the Great Cloth DAVID WEIL 02, Murphy'e Gran ing Emporium of 17 Remewner THR Stan ite Row, Si Sept. 25 ‘aliebury, N. ¢ tf19 Fine Shirts and Collars. If y fine call atthe Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL No 2, Granire Row wy wish to purchase Shirts and Colirs Sept 25-1119] JOB WORK \ Neatly executed at this Office For the Unfortunate! URES RECENT AE PLICTIONS: CURES RECENT APPLICTIONS, CURES RECEN IN ER EICTIONS: IN A FEW DAYS! lt has no taete, een niertere we diet oor feet the breath Prepared and sold Wholesale and Reralby WOH WY APE. Draggist and Apothe cary, Noa, 186 and (8% Main st. Salisbury, N, ( T Proe &1, and sent by mail lo pre-pay postage Aug 7 (fg Long-continued | and, | and light manufacturing purposes, is | are hemng increased in| yet the demand | Ne TMX aie wthe sutyect. It) PAS. 11.30 am} enclosing 4 stamps ——— Serofala or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of t by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak a Being in the circulation, it pervades the and may bars out in disease on any part of ii organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is ¥! ly caused by mercurial disease, low rune ‘ed or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy the depressing vices, «ud, above all, by the vene! infection. Whatever be its origin, it is heredita, the constitution, descending ‘ from parents to child: unto the third aud fourth generation ” indeed, it see to be the rod of hun who says, ** E will visit the i quities of the fathers upou their children.” lis effects cornmence by deposition from the blood of corrupt ofr uleerous maiter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; inthe lence swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, sores. “This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that s:rofulous cousututions not only suffer from scrofulous com- plans. but they have far less power to withstand the attacksof other diseases; consequently, vast pam- bers perish by disorders which, althoagh not scrofu- jousin their mature, are still rendered fatal by thie (aint sn the system. Most of the consumption whieh decimates the human family has its origin direetly ip this scrofulous contamination: snd many destructive diseases of the liver, kidueys, brain, and, indeed, o all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same Cause, One quarter of all our people are serofalous; their persunsure invaded by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To eleanse it from the must renovate the blood by an aherative medicine aad invigorate it by healthy food and exer cise. Such medicine we supply io Ayer’s Compound Extraet of Sarsaparilla, The most etfectual remedy which the medical skill of our tives can devine for this every where prevailing and fatal malidy Fis combined fromm the most ac- tive remedials that bave been discovered for the ex- purgation of this fual disorder froun the blood, apd the rescue of the em from its destructive consequen- ces. Hence it should be «mployed for the cure ef not only scrofula, but also those other affections arise from Eruptive and skia Diseases, St Antho- ny's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotehes. Blains and B. ‘Tumors, Tetier and Salt Rheum, Scald Head Ringworm, Rheamatism. Syph- ihtic and Mercarial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- tility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia- ted or Impure Blood. ‘The popular betief in ‘'impan- ty of the blood” is founded in truth, for serofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regen- erats (his vital fluid, without which soand health is impossible iu contaminated constitutions, Ayer's Cathartie Pills for all the purposs of Family Physie, are so composed that disease within the range of their action cau rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search and cleanse, and invig- erate every portion of the human organism, correct- rug i diseased action, and restoring its bealthy vi- tallies. Asa consequence of these properties, the tuvalid who 1s bowed down with pain or physical de- ity ts astonished to find his health or euergy restor- a remedy at once so simple and inviting only do they cure the every-day complaiats of , but also many formidable and dangerous dixeases. The agent below named is pleared to fur- nish gratis my American Almanac, containing ce rti- fieates of their cares and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costiveness, Heartburn, | Headache, ansing from disordered Stomach, Nausea, | Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bow- ele Fintulency, Lose of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. | Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF system we it, such us edt every budy Coughs. Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- cits, Lucipient Consumption, and for the relief of Conmimpuve Patients in adwaneed stages of the D So wide is the field of its usefulness and so namer- us are the cases of its cures, that almost every sec sbounds in persons publicly known, been restored frum alarming and even des- -ases of the lungs by its use. When once siperiorily over every other medicine of its hind ix too apparent to escape observation, and where scare known, the public no longer hesitate eto employ for the distressing and dans choos of the pulmonary organs that are ineident to ourelimate. While many inferior reme- dies thrust npon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, con- ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cares (oo numerous and too remarkable (Hon of country eee) He sits Us vir | what J yerous al to be forgotten. PREPARED BY ‘ TOY \ DR. J.C. AYER & CO., LOWEI MASS, | Allour Remedies are for sale by |W. H. Wyatt, Salisbury, | Henderson & Ennise, * 2 Hutchinson & Co., Charlotte, M. Johnson, Mocksville. “ Sinpson & Low exington, ‘* & CA Santos, Norfolk, Va., Hivdand, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, 8. C Marel 6. 1560. Ty4l SOUTHERN - _ BOOT AND SHOE | MANUFACTORY! | Perry, | ce | SMITH & MILLER, MANUFAC TURIRRS OF eniemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, | 1% ] AVING spared neither pains nor ex- { sin procuring materials of the best quality— Machinery of the latest im- provements—and the most finished Work- pense fi men, they flatter themselves that they can | sell as good an article of Roots, Shoes & Gaiters, purchased in New England for the same Piey therefore feel confident that their ap- pealto the ciuzens of the South to sustain them in their eudeavor to introduce among them a branch of Manufactoure now entirely in the hands of abohtionists, will not be in vain or disregarded. They offer at | WHOLESALE {ND RETAIL, | Fine Channetted Boots, Ereiich Cal; Fine French Edge, Jo Half Weite, fe ws Double Soles | OPERA BOOT as ecan b bmoney (Patent Leather and French Calf | Fine Open Gaiters, Patent Leather and French Calf, Congress Garters, French Calf, ‘Oxford Ties, French Calf, anew style) French Am. Calf. | 13° Go to them and supply your wants and in fa- jture you will purchase no Boots, Shoes or Gaiters, Fauve thore manufactured by | SMITH & MILLER, | TUOMASVILLE, N.C | Umon Ties. \ Jnly 2a, P60. uy — National Flag WM. eee OULD INFORM HIS OLD Ww 8 \W friends aud customers that he is agai in the Weariace Business, of BUGGY or rod prepared to furnish any atyle COARREAGE from the best fo the lowest priced. He bas reeently vised of the Northern es and acquamted himself with all the sud made arcangemente (with North. vuld be done by order- o build the finest and a numnder manntnesor Houmprowements ia his hae, ywhrh ’ work mieh et rer Matec bo He inter supply thoee prefenng beet work ever ne in the country and solicits @ call at the Sogo the National Play * wv M BARKER. July Qi, S60 no WILLIAM ©. LORD, SEES BGR eNO WY i ILD. Prectice and make prompt collections in wan valy. Dredell and Catawba Counties. Omer ta the corverot Cowan s Building opposite the Rook Stor Feb ba, is60 tf3R WARRIAGE LICENSES \FOR SALE AT THIS OF FICR _ one emo - ms a aecheeterneiaseeess aes == aia Siena aoe HOSTETTERS = SELLING | HOTELS. North Carolina Foundry CIRCULAR. a Sarmaparilla DENTAL NOTICK.) STOMAGH BITTERS, rm | y WAC WINE. WOKS ire teat ahr tcwes pine te vot stl say aaa cTrssevy, | kesGkvintmague NEW vorK cost! MINNON Eide HOTEL, See Maken: reg tommnaen a a SR DR. BESSENT, TERS can apeal wih tere canis © | A RARIS CHANCE | IN ae Ree ea ei eee are physicians and citizens generally of the United | ‘ I 1 a] U R Y mele Get wiLi IU eee Ee a ue low ae : a ee es eh ees dy is wanted by those FAS REMOVED DENTAL ROOMS States, because the arucle bas attained a repu- FOR SA 4 SB ° See eae oe Se peie nie ee atthe H TO THE u) g and proprietary, “He euler tom Strumous complaints, and that one on the corner formerly occupied by Dia Baron ne ent ¢ Medicines, reyular s tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon eae ) = ut nt Hi ms Z woh wilaceomplich their Cure must prove of im- this point will spoak more powerfully than r x . hey have aeltieco ee or i ¢ . t honey tok ‘ ¥ . , é oss of our afflieted fel- Volumes of bure assertion or blszoning putlery [ ME HCote Renae onee tuatluno leg toh Drupyiin Paecy GoudesEetame yoSjirre Punts, (0 ee ; tently selier ted WM ROWZEE j where he iy prepared to attend al! speraloy a Jetely th ad will do reted wi ofessio friends, bhe g ally, that he ti . : s tow Completely this compound wil equoected with tus profession » | The consumption of Hosietter's Stomach Bit- ss EU Ronee Nien Ae FRERCKS & RAEDER, Fen Fe, Fe, been moves by experiment on many of th Jan 1. daoo Wise t { esl 1 AVING determined to change my present busi- taken this long established und well known Hot: Whats . ; y e __ a or ‘ Me ene to over a half. ie with the object of going into amore gener aud hus made every possible pre oe tonecomme | BUCCESBORS TO making a vanety from whieh buyer RAPE RCCL sy tue medi the following complaints: million bottles, and from its manifest steady ee i olycet ou ‘i : + vv ’ ? Whele stock wt the loweat runge of prices . Hits sp SckorcLocs Comptaints, Eaurtio r » 1 cc JUSLIONS, { y vd ® y pe ino , ie ne Weer Ale le ies Jucrense im times past, i as evident that during wee Twill otter all avy We i . . i TUN we : 2 eee ; N . BOY DEN & SON, Phey ask your patronage with coufidener, that. yy 4 (ost vers, Cicres. Pimrtes, Brotcues | the coming year the consumption will reach eee ane eue MeUeLe GOL) Sten: | , tinue: { t do keep on from an expenevoe of SO verra, wm very cxtene 1 Gish te Nk , ' ie : ) oS MR iv cSS Particular attention is paid to his ILL. continue to manufacture and keep trom I | Seaco Heav, Sypwius any D E N T I S T ' | bear one milliog bottles. This immense amount “as : 2 Se eye Rendell trade with the leacing Dupiness houser tats ne bores, Miwcertat Disease, Drorsy WE PLEASANT NC | could never have been sold but for the rare Faces and Fanbroderies at NEW a cr Os) TABLE MENT TRTITea IP ’ SIS rnd a consequent Knowledge of the real wins Si Hie Dortorwenx, Desay, Die 4 Ay. » | medicinal properties contained in the prepara- POR CASH Ladies nn want of sued uu cw » LGR l( { Ll | KR A i IMI LE M yj , your section of couatry 5 aride trou their ticibites tor Vase dyuionsrios, Hiyvsivetas, Rose on St. Ax Mareh 13, lauu poly 4a \ tion, and the sanction of the most prominent ¥ V to their advantage to call and Exaiine , 5 Sse ereenancenin eit TE ELAS, . = ; | Wee ’ ‘ € D ‘oll 1 vreatly to their adva andevery comfort is provided in bis - ‘ hentcol srOCUrIng Jy bemy in dtreet correspouder wit Syn bie ndeed the ho °| » = physicians in those sections of the evuutry Bo stock ax Lam determined to clore thea out 1 ‘ Coe ee ec ee ene cma ie chet Manutactur re und Dealers so thin ane ti rou Eeorery Gr sae Bae nia Drs. M. WHITEHEAD Cth A.CAL DWELL, where the article is best known, who not only tuculse relling all Goode on band at ROOM Ss. Lu : " os eT: ed- Cutters, CHE colntiren, thes will be atble Comipply your need [his mur d wil be found a great promoter of L - € ™ = 2 3 * t 1 ( r he m a ny : : ae fies . cosonm De es 1 vreatl natislar ¥ AVE assvciated (hema 1 Meshes bees eee the Bitters totlerr patients, but Greatly Reduced Prices. He ST AREES are abuuduotls aupphed aud ate ee tae Ne uh the como seunon'e business, with great natimlar , Whe won the spring, to eapel the foul I nar ee ear a th fee ore reese auel Umes enone is J fended by weareful ostler; and to all departments ae MT Wider ude suuneM thon to yourselves on Quality prees and teri late ! the blood at that season of der anc yar Mills Wiiwiel (theaw Neee Cie ean eae a aude weltea a Heacy in all cases of stomachic derangements A. MYERS, oie: Tacs tlie pienmntin CaCl COMET ' a Th ; aoe JOHN C BARKER & CO ; rie Ale “ly eapulnion of them many extra charge aud the diseases resulting (herefrem : \ ; OMNIBUS runs repularly tothe | Ulersherand Separatore, vey also man AS Orne e NGI aeN Gelade ae et : : ; BPO Mice the eame oceu; ja Dr Weawias | Wiis nota Glariterobiaiied No.4, Granite Burtoise : { FAAS MUMS Lael : : ' : eee | Piiledalat Bsa rare uipped iu the bud. Moltitudes Devrber V4, Vee lets ee rena von ae vl eke ae utes myelnbanyen nate tit) uf epeten the arrival ofthe carr | Shafting and Machinery CHARLES W. NOLEN spas oat » Le cue ol tis rene dy, spare themselves from TRUE Tee ali iene Uitiecas natRrOTIG NY ae eee eT GG er ere ie cml ven cal ew Mile de mead SOU _ Ne cudur ree ot foul eruption and ulceroue cures, cling the qualities of the Butters, solic | for Gri if colaria veal i LiW PARTSRSUP, esiimmbon ohauvnvaldaiie viddicuretwiiciits Wilhelm & Gorman. eee een whiel he syocon will atrive to rid itself of $10 REWARD. leita fe Copperand Siver Mines, Pobaceo Presses and Fix destined to be as endturng as time itself, tire i : \ ’ : { Lorre \ ury Qhih, 1N6l 1-35 a ie feisa Hew Re AL CALDM ELL. ee via nee aE ee ee ene et | eens : STi ee yeh AY Foe ie ees, > an ae 4 a Godsend ty regions wir ever and ague Mie oueS Toe . . i ' . om the mibe: Wea i ORFICE aieuae wmienworluniel ates Nae RTT varouaMclhenann ince eiilaratee have Quick Sales and Short Profits, "hn . MAN 14) FORGING > and PINTSIED WORK ot ever DY silicon Saturday Oe Titulo eon “Ki i piuples, erap- ‘ va Waters , counted their victims 'y hundreds, — To be fa Bow Cranite haw Opposite the Rowan Huse I} | j n deto rine . peas Nike ao he name ot JOS \ a a s uh be mA Neu eae es 3 ‘ eibence ire I Sn Tene Sera atte very doseripuion o HEIINETY YH venrsuf age, o feet Your WO anehe tig Weigh Cleator whenever i SALISBURY NOG able to state confident!) that the © Bitters iif ; ena . l yi \ \ : k 2 Z . ee : e | oe LY certain cure for 4 Dyspeps dale ‘ ‘ i i el dine cut ster ‘ about Db oor 1A pow of a ree ' ‘ you when. Even § Mareh 1, issu wv dase a ! an at i mi Felereenay i i VSR EN Oae tcc ie Ventas! Syuelii N Oath etl Tiss lal ek ste rir felt, people enjoy bet- # alloyed pleasure Ita ves all morbid matter : deena ~ Rated f Greensbors’ ¢ Demo. om rather spate ve Se as ness : i i ie fr the stomaeh, proities the bluod, und i c Fs Le ee Winton AvivarcitecNhaviiied (ary. seth all in well; bot wit i Bl SI N ISS ( ‘ ARDs. Muparts renewed vitui to Che nervous system, ae ces an : be is : te it ; (eerver, Faye thes he dent a bhiek d, ther can be no laet- e giving it’ that tone a dpalerey indixpensable Hee tes a ‘ Woo re M — N.C at Pain csacwill Hintalerninnuleeandeter want "1 n u ts muat Fo wrong, for the restoration of health. It operates upon ‘ sae eyes leat or ton i - ne ‘ Mle 1s disordered or over- NM. MAATIN, BRO. & C8., Hi mail les, eee ne ae a ° ’ oe ere ereaiciea mid’y but powerfully. and soon restores them Peo ete at LS : eyiae Sawupech New tel has varied Uhe reputation with bead ke we sore bey pee fea ! server much, on, e GROCERS AVD ee toacondition essential to the healthy discharge Vise rood assertion t of Wo a pe | Whew a PERSE OLASS HOUSE Hees | ) hy 7 i * Coach Pants ero ' te Sora Bator word hae 2 ecaacey of the functions of nature TSR USOU RG, eS UAL Le Ue Aarti a Teapmtlreestatn ae Mesevecuian Or iteclipet t )| A Ty i { lather fee ! my any | hy y Palions of ty partly MERCHANTS, eee ucce ON cents ae. ! ee aera . 129, Sye per dire son the bottle, and they will tind totontes DSCNS AU AU LRa Ria e 2 sod the very thy ee ceee | Wes ‘ p ve ly tee ‘ at ' i ~ many pr paratone, ieee a ea . init astiuulant peculiarly adapted to comfort WILTELM & GORMAN ' ‘ ‘ ie . era lenere errea yin Vie above Rew cd watt mn ' he arte oll, route in PETERSBURG, VA declining years, as itis pleasant to the palate, : heh. 1850 Ty de \ i ; atte \\ oe — eos aa . ' Won \ : SS SVE Ching: invigoriing to the bowels, excellent asa tonic, S ! ‘ ' . _ ee : bese os ! NM ARTIS, son & pmiotiteoraiy SENS. RAN AW AY.-§75 Rowand it oes ales Brat oe Nae ae " \ deuce of tucnusands of aged men and women t Willowcaan «belle : . t dlks v . ee Ay ete . juart of F (OW MN ()\ Hee PUN Glau etc: Gang at Gg . ee i citar ot Bauret Pe PINS AAV eaves at ay pre tio White satfering from stomach de Neier ; Ve ‘4 . pe . ’ wy ; Vive , ' eee Nev ner only contains ‘ Ae 1 uetisand general debility; acting under ‘> ae Sei Teena : CON Broun & Cots Ntage GO liice, a eae No ne e a Hg LE NGUEL a Vie ees eect nT! Curative prop- CUEN IGEN <i). VA the ndvice cf physicians, they have abandoned shy : a ee ‘ er ate Hoke The FOU WORSE COACH : ee aN TaN a , wid paintul disap- Nom ows . ee wil delons ' and fairly tested the ech eedl| ao Saket Gos ese] Hien Nn an Le ree ea on an Woes] ‘ he variousextracs R ws ‘ ; Inerits t ar A few words to the A ; ah ; hoe Le At =, ic ! reese tint ve Me ; : , . : Q ' Warket, until the oe po Cee et er sot cemet bok age ce Ses al te A juries fie Vain eves an @* ge REO! S & cars 1 uae | ' ny ther cares are so hurassing that many of them ! - \ COMMIT WS Sts é ca enone is e a ay ; ‘ Dull we call this producer wo at ‘i y : sink under the trian The relation of mother eae . Sertich si [ave . : : ’ sth ; a : nit to eopply eveb a A and { seorhingely ler, that the Lee ae ( Sj (WN P : ' from the load of Rerecexee —D 4, Da 1 EY ' ree . ie ie Ge , ia - hoe, ye NENT ! at : a ! Vol we think we have Wor Pa ds forget her owa healy in ler extreme ansiety : : Pacrci ron . : : tu ‘ a which are irre patie rants Shoald the period of maternity , , ! , , it | eet ' . f : ' hovel 18 intended i | ee SAW MeCRATY we U0 ees INO Y BRADSHAM yt i fe eer antes i Cee eaten be dy and ui tis genetally aggravate ie, Peete 4 \ ' ne : : iu reeds stuwld by yudiewas- ! Ws a nece vy for Wiiland te recipe fs ren the bolle Les Ve r Wenn ad es Princes i - WALTON [your ~F - ELER, tava prauler her existing tile Greeusborough Mutual COWAN’S : al ( ~ PEOWN yo as ae = oe 7 u ba ee f WER a C0. “ iy pore ers toa her aun ! Dae anne , g a f ll Qn T t : $ $ , iu Pavernio M > \ One ta Below AA Mactate ey HED eee INSET NCH | a : Sy. out Vernon House. yerstable Lithontriptic, | ' es Ws Gus Hays all Losse a 5 : ‘ wrecuble ' en Boys a JOsses Promptly ! : x Bocries ror $5 Kk WATCH! JEWELRY Ue x rein iru ee i a : . i: Pa 4 : SUPERIOR : Cinder vee Senet AT THE DEPOT ERS TT ETS STI s Cherry Pectoral, repaires t to whom we Aol ,oM Po Mend ‘ a , fae po etea ee SALISBURY, N.4 a COLoG ANE WATER, ies February 14, 1+ . ; ay eet je Low : i ved YISEASED RIDNEYVS, ! I PComplarnt. that itisen- i ; ae Ce vol ' uot : 7 , 2 iit the evidence of ‘ / i ee “ \ R 14 i ‘ ‘ ‘i AG fi HW > hoon emploved. As it OT A" ‘ : see is ; \ . Pas i ; ; i | \ uehe ” 7 MICHAEL BROWN, et fa ae oe ao oils WY VEL, ee tere 7 x Wyaeat ae eee ree . : \ : pee teres at rani \ Diletta at RONG OE oon ay : Vor tom been, and that \\ i(}\ yj IER HAY; t \ fad Stmih diene cunt | i bt W ve a. ‘ \ avn. lear relief aliihas ever JU. ‘ rt 7 \ Re eee nni ees aecaaes ; SIS eee NG, SAVIN TR Tay NaC heing eWaANny imifnens or counter ee ee ee : ' ee . : De IGEN TS 5 a ; aie ! ; ‘ Ye ay, : ee ee ees ee | ae Pe .yei’s Cathartic Pills, ; DROME PRasoN ad « Ne s bis and see t Fetch lette ng Orem retin : ' : . ne NE Gees aii more hapa ac i thew Li Relea aN ole Ligh Viens! ‘ \ i And tet isin ie ue Se ea Veet 1 0 aN Sa ‘ \ ‘ : ro ( / ' Indigestion, Dye- Sipe oa aman teaatead NAS | fan oe WHARDWARE!! oe nee Febroiry 14, t= rye suo graph signature isco the 1 \ ! r . fi / Nin Diseases, Liver a y Prev aced and ©: ld by HOSTETTER & as at ; : ¥ : “7 ! lie Mie fie & ) Fhe ws " res u Done Lt seca: Collecting Azent : ae Speier »» imporiant to Mill Owners! .... mma , throughout the United States, le le Wt Vi Sees temre ee The UNION, * k f ll I yi I Ha ee iuietevemcitive De ee : ee CaN Oren Ntoc 0 AEE " are , Cn ie ean pula ' poses ofa fami " ‘ : 1. Sy ID) c \ vhetowhich having been ae SCOVIL S MEADE, PANT VOR AE: PHILADFLPHIA. Ino. M M , stvthewrger test | 1s) Haste von $100 fen ; ay / Sd We AOS SPE) av Kk u EPTONS. NEWCO wr oe. PHO aE. Co annen Ss, Eu ! fi . a , Apr ‘ 1 ao | = é a on ousted ‘ ane . . ‘ ( ( Py r@s : . bool ht ‘ ' rere cnn @Siaes- ee ee eee mS ‘ | Woot I) ~ tonks : a a PCV ON Eeey ao tonet tN ster PeEN ly SS rt cher name Ta ye SMUT > AND SCREENING MACHINE, -. Mor 1h ds 4 see there reme- x 3A wy ; \ : 1 sae ner a anaes: he insertion a ae <? : \ " \I i © i ; . ; } ' ! \ +! furush grate + ? . : . ' . ‘ ' ° : ait QP aie vt \ . hothey ar piven vv ee eee ea oe ae co ry ; \ SPECIMEN ICH. y 1 the sbeve complaints, : f TY XY ! cee ATN, ! ) } | Vy VAG j eo ; © SOVEIBUL Ge! \ ied : i : _ te i pues fie ot Walt tr ( t be tollowed for their = 1 : : . \ or - ar Clo4 lee Cute e re ve me 1 “ , token . y b 10 it (3 3D 5 i Ai. my ( {fir 4% } ae int | ¥ : ee me (heme io Wes ahs fa Preurdeniore withicihey . { i | 4 . _ ae ’ z & a , . . ' WW ' < b | t on Demand \ aay de « L, bial UU oc dens : ; Wai ( oa . ie hear a Tine ack mont the beet One , id * thave it vt ie Minti NSNeue vi AIST Ute TT TN, Cy ney , NAT WILHELM & GORMAN : +: i ‘ 7 ates rs nee \ \ \ 4 N.¢ Dyseater bDlarene2. Fiux ; ; ne JO} TO iNte Prepriet “HyyeieT pep : ee " rite Ness CRN Omi, WHEELER & WILSON'S . ’ . = fe wy vt fy PQ seep Ts Po valucbie Plaatitions tor Sole SS RE A Se er DP. MOUTARDE'S , ° i ea 8 \ e Pree Cw VEE i Sewing CHINES, | aC \ MN i on dei | vo " lyal oe on we oo bess wirecuicts Pain killer. om nae ee ae — Viren nyo UN ATEN EUN SO NP Nite ATE I SAI. e 1 ’ ye 1 : / i 7 | “ ‘ ' i THE NORTH CLROLING Browns Livery Stable 000 oe ‘1 ca oe LIVER INVIGORATOR ; LROLIN GY oe ‘ EY : ’ : : es a as =e HVS th rowns Livery Stable. " ’ 1 \ | i 707? a TN eR ee Y - aA a leat als ; Toa ie . V10 1 mie fess 5 fies ti SEVEI0 DEBILITATES, W lite ‘ ul p Mi spre . ; en it i ala H | HOLL iD . het plinbaceite Von is [Use pundded entirely from Gams, and 4 tac edie a \ ILI x ~ 1 ; Oe Vi : t adn ow re Q ao 3 > Ee : d Cahn ; * 3 le diseases for w Cf In a tien te ' HADES. ee - NSE NIE IsSls Mia ee § une ates trea esr ‘ a ‘ ‘ nshow OG i a < : 1 , we 4 | C TON am ak i=) ~ emperament of the in leas ' \ . id ; wih quanuues as Wo F | i a d ioe = \ . ‘ ! , : i | AVN ce bs a Man a. ¢ i : ; = : | , . ‘ - +LIVER IN- i Pleasure Voi 1 i u My Hl TAT ie Te Tn , I ES NENT] ogee or ane i, birt @ | «, Billows At- atthe callt is \ ! ‘ : : : a Peete) M el c | pe heal or tacks, Dyspepsia, U Chroute Diarrhoea, Saloon ss \ ee tees ' Lar ' ne eee Se en Summer Com- P s, Dysente~ Maa ‘ By GIUIZeLs of Rowan < r ae M I : thu \ Ae ss . poe Dropay, Sow Stomach, Habttaal Ca \ : i Tenaya anata : 2 Uren ' gers. the gros Renan, Chole ic, Cholera, Chole= os ” / ra a | ' wen Oba Has ohne, a rus, Cholera i om, Flata- ¢ Phe \ 7! Yew firm . Caw ot Piso Ww lence, Jnundiece, male RY cede OE Sak is 1 Se RcImaS vy as an Ordina= a i UU aes A . I. . . . ? ae , ' es Family Medi- G etne. ie Neore SICK AD aa vac ‘ [erie eee ain eee retin WEA DACIIE, | poe aceay le Wate Seer SC eIEN costes errs ee ; , MURR & SOSSAMON, a Pes eee et stare eras Vee ie ‘ , 3 . , \ pus da a i. 7 , , i SNe es ie) | ie \ : PUY Baws wy it who use It are giving their testimony and ath , \ i watiee R . : ‘ \ = ( Pres mecd 0 os t , : : L ATER IN THE MOUTH WITH Soul ty " 4 See) etal tes u ii ene tee ee N i SN IEE TURNIP SEED. LINN OIA TORe AND SWALLOW ie me pes WM 1S ONES aay a _ ae TH TOGETHER, an ' ‘ ‘ : I TENS oan RAN Era , sare : ! OK |: e PVE UE EEN oe : : Niels Nal a me edOne Dollar per Bottle. i, _ if ‘ . ; ‘4 ee i ‘ t nee s Poe ty Ww MO I cae i Wav As STN Ocreunt) fs ore [Neat ic CHE RCH ei pe Ree ean ae be ae . £ ALISBURY oe: Feitnclom ie gay gy ea USababrys XS SANFORD’S Hoe mien Actaris . \ Nei i 1 \ Sine ms & Apel 10 108 Mo MALE ACADEMY. |. Fv alas he euppey them 8 a CATHARTIC PILLS . i " wy ' watt nous UVTI EE ASS te FE NEN (LEON \ ' Sit Tr or Cop SOT I. a — Lac j AYE —fN HE “PES SO icy y : i : lie Toe al an oe es ‘ ' NES UE ER Om T ki ! ; ’ a " OAT TP HAVE detern rey onrstandir ha Pr \ kx put ap in NEW MANUFACTORY | | | ee OP UNE RES ciscaainy LENE rcdnie es attndshe pug age Ee tg pe a | # ‘ \ 1 vapors wetes and aeeour he hands of JOPREN ii Ry climate, ao ' | ao e PI L L S . \ ETD wel met werent, qual All eae Uli De er Ne onarns Torte Shae Salisbury, WN. C. ; ; . pp ara seri lation the 2a ie spesnth. will : Raha diester é : y, Z eerie : ' 1 ! WANTED ee TON Te ia hos Gites HAVE 5 \ , ; : : ; WHE Mote a Leypres Las ind ged me to pl aa 2 one . inert eae 20.009 feet Syeamore Lumber, eee eit Ne . 1 iticrent Cathartion wet that Try \ te : : : ! 1) | i of , @ THARTIC (PILn aD oT fea cal i eet au fNOULTON Sales hed nae es ‘PELL & GRADY, ; | | : rn | te Beart Dips Cottage and ether Rede te; ood nh | mate talons. ee Cheap il ot ¢ ' FAV GS > ; ' ‘ ) New Yor Wide bee Uy : \ cA Ais, © APs, , ' : ‘ \ i Salley | Nel ~ Straw and Millinery Goods (en HILLSBORO’ Tel Sees eee ree these jviehted ete pay ast Telia ri aes es a tant 1 Hs. Flowers, Ribhons &e SEEM LTS a ‘ ‘ , \ wid onake puime | wt ! ’ N ! oo sees ae Cree i ae M nA SIQTEIPIE MIR AY AMC AY te ’ = W IAM ES - } ; ie \ , a — ae . re pi | “) ee rl | don ys , | (ntitien Nett, Miirpliy < "hk ; ee . . pron Pein no OT VRRESON New Verh JEW Ey, ‘\ ( 1 el lie tar ‘ 4 ) tees DA ee ie le Ne r i oe THREE Dik May 1 y ' WATCHES AND CLOCKS, ‘ : ts 1 ‘ nes ; The v Invi PTY chaiete Wits nr es NOTICE THIS: ' ‘ ‘ oe M a fie at Reo UABen aye leeds rif in along course of Pe a Creeping sen bod i, A tomendon iu this adyeruse Ce nN Beyond all Competition I! ‘ NOT PIE RN ee ; Bn on eee REAY\ Ts Wey oN ACG tire rina SOT.W. SANFORD, ™. LAND FOR SALE Le A ae Vas Becca tee Be es Uihite DEAWN TNL OEN PEM Te ESa] GU ! ae / ; . /, Ye 50 White Hands LIME FOR SALE. tis fi i TINO ACLAG a Th ‘ ; i ieet i IN ww ENNIss, Devacre eh ii : / ii i fed )4 ee : mm . ‘ GEORGI bow ery . le \ i 1 tru |) fant o S eA ID) Ggesul GN OT Ce ecm \\ ; ; ie a \ Sanu M my i 1 134) ly6 ctor, is Ma \ ‘ i . Wavre tit TN I A | y | ‘ oa ea, | ee ie eran! a 2 na eae 50.000 Brick For Sale JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., growth of Tot t s th ui . iW nia wale us alpiies! wat buy Fit we Sivty Phousy Pe rears RM A CO, Charlotte, N.C.) J Peraine w VUNG UTE ie P Hon i : andy. i ‘ coentnak } ie » * . pi meet Oe Sintos Tie, ou anccn — ‘ierennenis ce ees Aree a (ppl Bra L Rae ea cerr ae PAT ENT J ARS. ee ya asa, . SHERMAN BROTHERS, “duly 24, 1s ' (5) ae SOU WYATT \ Felveeee jin 12h cents euch SSRN ING HUTT © GA EGHIERTII FS ot COPPER, COPPER. Corr Ry} VINEGAR. Vonarns oF SUNT rca eee TMT eeeer eet | \ Repair ’ 1 ; W HW MV ATT NOTICR ; eh ea era ao a ss ee ERECT IMMER EION Poe i K VINEG a f ' hs wou Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, ms \ Ppp coe whe | i Ps it ! ee NV Rhee 4 ' the buvere of thie \ ! ! PUP qe f are inde ‘ | Seat Dr. J. M. HENDERSON ' # fo 4 « Veet Bugeir s and Rocharays. es . ; a i ae ze if u ey | r ek pile ca a ' AVES: teil uy Snliah fi r nt ' : | Rota wl ie CCl eve et Gel eS C1G ARS NHvw YORK. paHiaeee i loen lie « prefne — — ; A PE ane ReMANO TTR nwa teem el i: etch ow \ Wt pale wn a Faeda resayil ee ee nies ake " BING DEEDS | z Rockawaye, which he wills earth edt ele lit Pe HOUOGE TEAR Sate \Mihoheente vac T he Tne Ee trek a STEM AR ‘ es t : : . . . . terme FHOS FB BROWN, will he giver McG PARSGEY «© CO Rostc\nice MENeS FS ie } , ew at this offive Rept 4. 160 1k [r ony . FAIL SAL A AP TIS RP) Tan 41H 6n (ras Ang 2 aria May J 51 alee aor ao qeeeeme 2a URL SLID a: mmm oom De em S IU GeNtis THE CAVIU RED SLAVERS. EDITUR AND PROPRIETOR ‘The slave vessel brought into Norfolk on Wednesday, in charge of Lieut. TERMS ) Hoghes, of the U.S. Navy, is the her : : = ‘ | & maphrodite brig Storm King, of New s 2 / York. She cleared from that port on the 3d of May last for Rio Zaire and a mar- | t tl (hy sad eu : be ‘ wl 7 was ineffectually pursued by the author- Pe] Laws ities. She wee une! by the steam- or BLAN ¢ frivate Sun Jacinto on the Sth of Angust us kept tice, Ca : a off Conzo river, having been out only Senay erie try a HOT Aw ; a : e ae falco ihoucevard Wudl anideard 679 VOL. NVI. SALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 9, 1860, SUB lee ee eerie, Misa, t ne Wey Ce 54 r fully yreeted their captors. ‘They were r suspected at the time, 1 ow wate is Kis p t “Peat Bh - ‘ ed to Monrovia, and delivered to the St este ae Hoes snatp Tie eae : ’ : . . ‘ Armeriean agent at that place. ‘The cap- Toh ee eee er Devated ta Vacitics, Wes, Ageicaltare, Jateraal Japrovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, aud the Family Circle. ee " ha bs a ea : | Sune aa Ciaet LISUe Eeeee ooeee ee ee eee eee ‘Joho Lockhard. LHe claimed to bea pas me pea nE senger. The crew have been placed in ‘ ston, do Haity te Vr. Everett on the Slavery Question, & per J recipient of Det PeAMlieeny jail at Nortolk and the vessel delivered \ ‘ cena wd new a promtnent oticeholder wider Th " : : over to tue United States Marshal. She vothertormecf lesa frequent use uilanhs : . C) ot? > Rea ROMERO MICE EHIRG meine 1 States al. ‘ Retue oe 7 § ; NOMI ce WnentONTEM IDG Rates inene | ANOTHER LANDALALK, aries to be grave, becanse Inivelvinis BY NANCY A. Werke is a vessel of 224 tons, and is anpposed to Saison eecratic fi ° the Nations Ihvencer COUT ! oe al Tntellizenicer matter adinitted by its Democraticadver : ‘ BONG UMC im rico wwe Wels cutie: NEU ston We alluded on Monday last to the ao Doaitation prohmednceed via abs anee , 1, atl : i aie , ar ne Pe wee a Tectia i ie crian es pes : : | Be yond these ebrlling winds aud gloomy shies be owned in Greenport, Long Island. i wil YEU ICC OR IU ts ee reel \(hon io wercitar Ww Sips seorated ted Mad andthoner i noose i declare wale tle vets 1851 [oe “ Windiecesaty, useless, nb dane! Muvariiaearien alnitdy: port Lieut, Hughes reports tuat the United ‘ “ad Vo, t inf t been , < } a 2 ” : t 4 a ticle trom t nl Cte emcee neuer vcnrenn ; fa ait M ; SOO ueoe ntl neo oem ayn elivenntnitsat call parties aganst ous Di viernes eau vile yerm cee: States steamer Mohican had alao captur- ue SE a 7 Me abt 1a vibitt nm any , i . i - iit Nua , we es continental | r ; ; INE CMAN HEU ists, oe oMer Everett 4) . ee : doasiaver, the saip brie th over eig ter breaking of the ¢ vston Con nere Chon Convention it was with the was on econ nue al , the renewed avitation of the slavery ques vw ce Ree ee uy Irie, wi | ere ght : R Ae UeRattil ; aalevetnaltaee (iat : einer pe Oy i Ce STOIC TIRes Tene CAN & DEMOCRAINO SENATE REE Vand winose hohtie never dimmed by shade, hundred Africans on board, which arriv- veut ‘ TE MACH CrGy {hen cath ELECT Meal i HES DEMV CLES Cee (yt Tele tet We ier wre Gnas Hea oth auy form It has since occurred a MY Whore fields are ever vernal edie Mctrovia, AG t 22d. in command } \ ; i : ; ; . Jonrovia, August 22d, in ce Prctttl = 1 imeonsister a otal vet Shieh on row on soit abe ; Hee Nn eer el en . CHECK VIET BLIOUN VRS Tas 1 Witere nothing bevutitul can ever fade, ; : per] { ; ' : ew ota we ta Peto is that we omitted to cite one of the 8 fleur. Dongen it tho aime eNiUey, Raine } , volva un e mion ¢ rirridtte 4 Ay ce . ne - , ie (cron glen ner th wan, ot - y- retain 1 ihe TT ee Dotnocrit y i ey i ui van lsd tanitestations put forth to this etfeet in Phe Vo World thinks at ean, and ive ee a slip of 167 tons, and is ae a ourdetter ef the Path has accordingly ie wa Ae, be , } ern ; . We imas uot know how sweet its baliny alr, Tic: is new Pieler will and for te very pare |4,,,,, oa ) ' , tinny Who in PSz@. the Thouse of Hepresentatives, when c: sowe think. Let all wood amet every fea i : supposed fo be owned in New York. She vweon pliced inns hands. and as your \ ; ; | alives, when ca ; flow bright and tare ile flowers 5 He consider . rreat tier t : i ; g tina i f } Le 5 . . ty widell it then detlounced as von w quest an answer that wil reach vou by Het ; a es ' eb to vote upon the following resolution, section de all iu their power to defeat Lin Me tay lear the » i echo there wed from dlavana some tine during = ; rolitiend eval S86, presenter : . hrowgh thowe eachanted bow ern fre Wena ; Vast for the rive see in the annexed article: return of mail, Lhave bata few moments, | itroduced into that bod the 22d colo but if he is elected Jet us show bin me tea eu ete Se pio aud voted te receive petitions for the 4 Jeon the 32d ot ; ; : I : dtl } : = THE RESULT? "prepare tin. ! t March, 1852, by Me hatleWenliny oMAISCrhteetiniteditcntaaty| ‘Phe city’s shining towers we may vot see, Congo. tis further reported that when WHAT WILDL De TUR iis ia! reais , + eee, tbe Mm uf slavery ¢ Who, ty IS4£, cute arch, 1852, by the Hon. Joseph W. thi ave a Senate that detests his AC AIT eMC a Venn Ae Sram nie mend: eae heen dee ora romise measures of [Soa were - f . ; ' A ; i eet Wit « cat Ree MeMreRTi CC Mire cn aan a 1 ' Tsou Were icped thy ibje of slavery the ereat Jackson, of Georgia: abominable heresies aud that we will For Death, the eilent warder, keepe the Key cinto the latter was in pursuit of another thie : oe } vorded at etve been sty ported iy . Fe ma : = , Phat oper these gates ely an : ni Ge fala ; - ines of thre val Detmoera ( \ conservative i wt ‘ le | Leb r Ftesapport the ae a SR solid, That we recognize the bind compel lita to fill the iuiportant posts io ea i siaver, sacd to have bud a thousand ne- - i 0 ‘ ri ' { fe _ i unize the bine ~~ ay . tion at Charleston, and how wot tt adleet: and praetieatde Tr torrets ; 2 Vdes rey ellieacy of tue compromises of the the governinent with good conservative a ren e(itiia wie naduwiy the Weslea tl ak\; yroes on board Pe , one Sad ' a 1 uw to time te extend the diet i ae P we Henry sttase rogers the Domocratie party cre questions tres aetian tors t PW wreath si et a : : ! Consttntion, and belteve it to be the ine ten Phe World closes an article thus Tie poldeo gates swing inward noiseless!y, ney : Gieut et wk Nat PCIE LIENERT i Pre privileses of the | noover any ae r : x ae ‘ Tlopritle Trey We have just been plenty itek Tasnked \ 1 ee @auntysy in: i Lie Mi | the people generally, ae we | M ; wohed by ut n tuiger : i . FR cnele fat cad ail TUNE the Weare! ove We fee o_o s slavelioblinge teriters ¢ ae ce Bey wetoun suppose Mr. Lincoln elected, ; ivased of @ liarmice amurdern which oe- Conecitl pee hob j | a / “Teow ot Dh Leet Vin AVTGUATE. Gnd thatthe 4thoof Mureh bas witnessed CT NT er eee ues cotred in Fosterviiie, Rutherford couuty, o thon tbe EV i Ve mu Uppers: ¢ i te bett ‘ S11 Tpromiuses, wid to sust sfeaion frets 1 g : ‘ : t ei J ; y ' ) ae s. for Whise preyed the ba ff : ! He ah : e diaueenabon Cerenonyes As oon atl x ay eas i " oe ee Saree evo Lett at Mr. Stovall, a on the Psthy at |i. wv ween Wi ee i Mt oe \ t eee | ( ‘i : tha (awe tteessury ta Garey then dit mr ‘ NW t t ; ea DN EE L- : ‘ 1; tt ' Sue ey * ’ Wir eecastous, atinyton is throne nt Ireveas the » rentic nh , ~ heretofore bee : THOU Cen Ser aS) : : MEAN eg eue patra lat Nis ' Gs y cM Vie pros ni tor the delivery of fucitive iowithe¢ t a ‘ “ =o i canis a ae Aas 1m ved thouth -s tare el r q with Clamerous office seekers, and poor Deere ciel yeaa Ay d triends thate a tai abet ‘ ) t ~ ei vel Set yt ‘ , : wes and the actaf the last Congress tor te fone \ Wy , : at TU eu tes AIS Se Cy BUS Os) We yn oes ; Le oo, : 5 id : Cee eI Po eeteih winter i eal i nem ee ae eneoln, Hike all his recent predeces Bacher, all wise. ete commotied one of the mest terrible and ' ren vet t co | <8 ey nr M | els chdeued etfenee, titre es ates X : ee We tee sors, fitals that the presidency, durin th Gu ginde these wandering fret oh Cries 0 eeven nel oar ane the opin i ! frie eles t Teen Uemura’ saat of questions 1 hose ates sup | a iA t \ 1 carly irtoof a new teruny is one ale io Chose yates superna ea F a PRO ae { : Creat 1 week ' Mass \ } ! i sromicde ec onave to Particn delews WW ww vt cal Wenn eeM nl : ; Fass Poumon tt ee icteric | : : \ ren \W t particulara Phere te to den Ea es ~ 1 ; et ! Pata vst mbraced t ree THES T PICTON TAS OO Ol CEC insist it srt preci turer than that he kuled bis wite aud Hn - : poestioos cnabraced in Che vets of the Tast e hay mo 2 ae i t] : | e , Pe : un SCHaNtHeTi: (Wat i renin \ ‘ !] ( ( ; ' Fern eine UMN ees eet ale mM EE VETO NG SS BIE re ren. andl atterwards killed him- - / ~ ai - ' 4 + at < 1 1 ¥ 7 \ ' cay te ! 1 re i A i : . . Two tie a LRN tnt , \ 1 ! ! ‘ 1 : j ; ; . Le ! ‘ Ho a \ Live French dase 338.000.0000 wort of ss en or tris reat and jaump- . tron Nen il ¢ f ] t S : ‘ We eal Car ; OST shes EEL sO wi Mi Cans. jaw suk every year, and the Greed otsik. le tyre a veave spring, Where Lhe was ' LE on 1 bad I 1 , ' \ forming a ‘ ( eed , eR , ver Peedi ct ' CISL sortie CL, 1 In A tuattee of iin rbd Beat tnergineg frou CHC Onstan- rine a | . Sc Wal ' their eves tad y [ae es \\ ce | fry ities , vey and osu | wel) Ts reably miagee, and tere is a Ceutral society at oe ‘ ipposed Coat at axe Was the nav Chiat ais the ce ‘ “ ‘ toad ty ee a | Teor a ae ea ee Meo Tancon s Stat Sereurnre tn branes te watel over the beatles. wey weed, and wiicl caused a eh et : to 4 foot Iss ! coho Aor and bol tio’ Contd fre doit oN Went sak pirvdnes I Iai eopect as te ‘ on that bias Citst a gloom over z 5 / } t f FU eu ‘ ‘ i Ne 4 \ : phy t : vot deere tst | \ Why not! ( fea mize, Cotaposed 4 EVs y We learn that for some v ‘ ' \{ z ; i re Ae 0 Drecittise © power ot apy tment I t cory t { vee \ Vl Styoeas with oe ‘ nr ‘ at a . | ‘ J tt t s | 1 ‘ } MI \ . \ \ forleree t ; ‘ pretet ' Nf et ; \ | 1 ; yn | rae : i | On t ' Cal alee EUMCAy AN ! ‘ . i se th hd es atiel S qe, Mel FE Merny eG Set “ . P Sn a f feet r eet ' \ | fa : brat ‘ { ; \ hat ' re duc M ~ ‘ ‘ Lore noe ieee j hi \\ . / et vie ¥. 1. Cae nm ; ey ly : ; ! ‘ \ ! ire Giicestatins Meae era tis bees | ji ( ( ( ( =) J | Weaken Ventre ne a a ; : 3 ‘ t ; ‘ ie Wa rit , es voimypaired ! ‘ ‘ ' s yy ) [oat 1 . cat Ni Pre ae . : eee Gry Awe CU wd Tatty AVG een i an ee ae Aeron nae a 7 ‘ \ | See le, Witatious, bra r t ‘ im u i ed tea \ iM ( ' vi : Mim Cnr. \ ; 5 : : : = ae produces o (outbid da silig, Tae be = es vin (ea \ : | ‘ tanith ‘ Wien anes in ; saree eran tall [pe sepyoce, ated Gut toe Garead is ratuer Coarse and i Viiwtriile ft Che Doth F ! ' ‘ Hey Healer nt 1 t Oe , ‘ ers oti S M \ - . ; {! | ! 1] ie a ake ; i ed toa greenish tint Lie Novi race i I \ Tees w iieeke 1 vervt : : : te) Leer / nal Naat ta y Ny \ ; ’ i Yn = kl { ae 1 iy | ; ee ai cocoons are ttm ated | (LESTE a ba Ray Chi Nia te i a a i 3 7 a ie a ’ Taye at el 0, Tet Who au tee akties ao wellawiela cto fou! \ feiogra despatch Gated ‘ l ‘ aS } ' “4 i re i , , . F , ee t comet see - 1 ~ \! \\ f " rt . | | " rt a ‘i Ns Is ! teu 1 qualities and } Het ; . ho A party = AeG ve ‘ ft ; ’ : [ate sebaree wv ot ts eth a rd ttakes the eat pout. Tee ee t lay, about a ' ie ; \ if \- es a : ae J : OHTe iss 108 Tate fie srl Le ene Werocen agonal Jaouall from New TLanspton sta 4 : ' ( \ { i F st i Vous reatitee ; ~ ! i 1 ' me ‘ , : ; NCS CRGN TI Creep attett Cant vr ‘ Conti oni vp i thou, ty withens Niteae era farmer, and { \ Sa Med lara ' P ‘ } < has } ’ th Cli \ 5 ia | : s twos were ¢ 4 r sulfocated. w“ \ ‘ S ‘ { feud. M | \ i { ‘ Lis 5 a it ‘ A Mf \ WE a Jolt Sate s hands teed t Tn alt att ' , Was it r tae : re een . . { ' : . he e “ i ae ‘ a ON great) [owen ler BB Shanes a ay ler V SSE rt rr zZ (et t Nf ene . ' ‘ ‘ - \ ; , P ; ih ! thee beitge tat ch {St Selves eiGAr irene Trane to COnT UIT RL SG Cae GTi Delaney RI Gr s I ee ae Med — ; VN eCt deedsiCG litte tk | Tots i Cotsent ES ' i ee each tae fioeone ed pau © ctrl AN ; ; a races le ant TET se Eee ve yee \ \ i Hele | : ' Ved osome soeeiuens of anew breed it ) HGR dein 1 f the sons v ! ! eo teal. leur ca =, dic t \ 1 eet : F ery Pay aaa 1 f 7 atid a ' t ' mot I : Me a ia Vas . 1) | Gn EUSA i is ! i tnt sil f their darze? eC Re) ws ui uit, to- & ‘ \ t Vout hae ‘ va 1 ‘ 1 t | ‘i t 4 , ‘ ‘ s oe . \ ! a ‘ ‘ ut, ahh 1 Ze abo tegatity ol form, aud the sdk! S Ceres cated him, and ‘ 2 a) er na nie ul n ' ns a : | tt ’ , rae i ee i: aa Wher ah opepies 1 rt Hig tienen atthe Wire, Meio) COU OIE father heard ccc | . . | : i HOUNS I Meee N ND nS : oe ; ete a Mo der safe, de of every fone Uhre alte sone 1c ir. its Tneness Hime and went ty tog ane ohacs, abd 1D at ‘ ae > . 4 4 ‘ = ‘ s, ti ater aude ta i} ' Cry : e * y ee, Oy ; 7 : Cal : ant fea ers ay as f fe\ Metal ut i Fe e : : ‘ ey Leet bette tare prime mers) Weinputs wet tis sen out ue tov fullip. ae | _ pa z ha eo 1 ut a@ pert. Cc cny vie of we te at (tr ceele tars ‘ mibect ucetlen: (ny an nan at wok at the ull, ip at ; 1 tel ' ) ar at fate | aa ' : 1 Gy e ! ny e. court t aay. AG riTit t aula oe ; oar, ; eth oad ‘= ' ‘ ; | fw 1 i 1 f a i) 41) t; of every nportant pustinaster; dlow were the cocuone ottaiied ( bul tela : ne ict neon DUE ‘ 1 Ward, Wack Kiddie Coad pee he ee ty re at \ ; Reecienn mentee. cl tiene | eit . \ ‘ : 1 1 was 1 \ a y : ae } i sarcap soe. Mayor | Wshi reared separately 7° : tin 2 = Ou i o { ai . 1 re Z \I Ste ‘ _ a ee ore Wiest ne ees tthe cipcrii Ganetilawnme cui ecto mnGsc ie its Either: de 1 hy ( : : ‘ _ : TEE NSE tcc oh eae Seren cuevonee coe Uint I tomthe ootitmeand eal stiree a y . My eadce , ' 1 1 j ‘ A aid tr rm i \ \ Nei | See Le Se eG > Wd Novel) Qed Sy te eecasion or SEte en eas ea tce ies of ; . i ‘ A ll , i ‘ \ t ( een yt tt irewey ie fsHocne eo! Poawere sudbocare i oy ine ft | alr : ; iels ins . i) z oe Nov. with the te Dec fant : ' tae pe Ad 4 oe || cn ie 3 . bec +7: ONT ( | ‘ ee t < ‘ J | } + ‘ 1 \\ ~ _ I ) : fe ee Sirs It ia had potiew to al- [EoeS ‘ ! Pe Ais tt rep Marna elt hea 1a a , : ne ‘ _ ’ a ; ee eae Cacn , te acs ! , ee a S Mon Ab SAN htare tie 2 they urdonitedly enjov the free ‘ ' ; i Rie . : 5 ; cont il : a \ 1 te ! ne eve ea ‘ ‘ pits of the ’ cn ' } I 2 \ ' i a ‘ \ . myciat ' ' rk ono} eeiegs } ae . a> 2a its ated the Sita wad bps Bie eta tay) all Seunus er es ee a. : : ! Cacae!s Pas Det Wot deey as Vorid tenases obtamed Ter t ; fields asain: buttuer do CAT CoH ‘ 4 \ rep ae ere hme Mice eee ets ee cla es cet : ‘ i Livy SNe CM NON thi in wy wet of tratin, that he erat ' S ' ' een erent | ' » Miser, M es Orr Poa ace ee - Scie - Ile a etn suceceded core 5 : \ i proden ~ Ihastett ‘ ; a4 Ms a ee i i a ; i ; i : Carolina ts a mit } fo i t : Sh eset \ : : u faertve of BLK Woortns Tot strhy TEE ss ' it, tnore seed of herda ! i me Stated ‘ < ‘ : Ml : ' yates al ( a t 7 at . f : S ‘ ! 1 Peo d¢ ae peat vbeqna tiled ‘ > lod be sown, the gar. Men as Can wrod ty Viger ' [enere: ; = Pee cm Sa es t : . - vata ‘ L004 oe Ouiiaes © Coetury Chie ‘ \ ‘ ved both ways, and aster cetahy WW afin, Pern nck os 1 Hee Re rrr . . \ a 3 P Tie NN ete : : pee \ . ts Soya ts ienotn, Wa ‘ Liss treattiient sometimes treeude Hoes eetrrenl tt ae 7 / widn ISOS IGGUON Tai, AN SN bs eased v4 Wey \ Yates 1 ; v1 ‘ : atte 5 Is, ies getemetvtree Gu crop. Two tans per acre coat . = : rt tV fest tat i! bosti the dv i ‘| re 1 . ne Ne a step that x Ly ' mee | Se ae ( ( ' t ' I Speed wl el ca coer oe ie leak nie : . ee vil Litay inetres, lithe one LC iarate i seen iis ' : sult in wd =. toot ty a ( ay Titec metne, t te 2let vot 1) Ainercets hon t nam f tose who voted , ; . i s Phety Sai ot 1 ‘ Vow tia \ t \ standin { 1 ' ' : fount AE AV lie \ boaus \ \Y I> , 7 A iy : 1 / / Vichim that will fold and - : ‘ | ' \ ae bata, ee ee h . \ 1 f ' irrnative Tea t reer ; ONE IB . eR i d anc : - ‘ - ‘ i tee Lest Nae NEL ' tu ee ieee Re , ; : Hes ee vf ; : ! : ' I \ i ely ted sheets per i I : a tee he es i ‘ \I : ‘ ; s&s eee oe ; Conservative wetion Piey at i ' ‘ ao : ' Peer i peuish i Patan. a Oda \ ioad sceets at the same oe alt . i Fi c “at \ ‘ t feel (ead Cnet i CHUL hing he Ube Ne t he Cie juampie ot Nope (4 he a i er with tha Tuer asa ora be Neath, : . ae ' rece ve L Pecently a mete tor ' hon operation at the r “in , , Fey: tnd tus wer 4 ; , them and the ports they repr ' : fae ‘ we : Ir a Si et Pier acs Vr : Wotaties, Tees an aud s an 1 Mr. Tleary Polkinhorn, ; Oe | p a ' ; ; Veyoit \ i Pde Carded Goon the crerevunan of tne pa . ys "> wear Seventh, Wosterae Laon it. M ~ , ; : ee ee ' \ 1 yu ! r ; oe My , cot 1 Mak the tac i ; rie ; ; i 3 anneal ta ee tut (olen ein arleecien “oOreN th wert aiocn ne vl ete, are : SSD vee _ che Sy ‘| nade ind Wor i ' i ve rc ria tet ek ete fee ae j ; Sey \ \" wt \ \ Oa : 4 nes ; i = = stot t i mlelph 't wher oo TEs [OV ENT SS \ ve Demecracy met Convention at : . : ; RINE ay tty 44 ceberaily connected olen perversl T ovcriiinay (iy fees ot yy ue Len y ahaa nc rte I; , : . band rvs rout F , . boa Wav 5 ro the chur sthitliared Ww redound qaite supple in its fr iN VE Ne PS AX tee bere ttbed ab prac 1 CG prory, st ; . Ree Ret Ae ‘ Witla thre stitiatonm cf AVErY, le it sctiie COT ENG thy rey 5 5 Hou t hie ; ; le nest RIT 4 PEPUNLIOAN ALLEYNE ae VOM see pretation, [tis worked byw asinele hand 1 “at nad ’ LETS ) , ‘ \ a ' . ' ‘ ! } uf ( Sone At i “ot fee J i Ihe ‘ eee, Pearce many thousaods danger rer Tie TART: TO fit) ase “Vos, 1, tint what is Vutoovnal Int ligencer, vere tig Was Ghititneusiy cout ‘ Vat Fi ; a ; . St re ; r ; 4 uf . eultaral S i ‘ oie of cue oe ET nt Not ites why 1 thjed van” votcd sy eR eRCTCCL EMU) Gaieiert ck WSR THROHIRS ES AMP SETS Se ARS “Why, for the repair ot i ; F ; Eat ratic Senate is Secretary of State. 57 ‘ Ven 7 F : ; " = Vent Te Cera cece : he Sa) ‘ eo vocees Lave not been 7 , Sen ee and t ve decent maintenance ot 0 4 i re a Mark the other general tacts stated itu i ; lations t ye WoPsS2, Sto be unneeessary, ast (Wp vinteua pu jen Ss iy Oe [In removing anspices Society cate taut taf ' 5 vearel am dst Clamors that surreutne : 7 : : ; " _ to be sure ) oo a a en eee, ; thas Letter Mark the fact tuat he is now : ' : Jess, and dancerous, What lis opintons NUN ATC RCT One Git ereuneeleatncae t : — odd tre path es my window, it is Pare rents toe (tiie ater tat \ hors \ therm Poul) toese det us appenls let us ! a 1 ave freend, tut what have [to do weer NORV (ican tie nave tl \ (Chin uealtist, at always Ss oactes j on thin satue subpeet were ne ter than that , ; | \ : LLY } » remove the AnMiua Neer) MU Pa eeele Oe " and alway ‘i rete ey eriine online aeieanent ti 1 in yee sere no dater than wteolim Tiiven, Esq, tow yom the ender wath that (DT dont attend thy chureh et Tt Neat cea itl weeny 4 erlt eer (pert Hott UG eA Leon t vat eos now 1 caylee ee Pees ere A eh [ihe Tae | > KS aronne 1e t ' \ we) bs virtue and fosaty of the country awammest Vor C1 2nt ments: apo: may he dearmel Totehie, vears ajo, gave the soubrrguet TOM Tote Oeteeinit ve LHGeCHULCH I Sieirl yee sitet tranny 14 i brust w aoe {fer | I oobipyosttionn tot a PolLLCans 1 7 A : . i eo i a ‘ t haostnall brash S 1 4 in : i me the porn « is principles that threaten its freen the following s wrement, tnadeda dias oots'the War Thor who earned tire in @ Vays open, abd its your own tauitat yn oa ditthe mitre or muriatie acid —to be ras always be eperewafed Cae Show dh svinpatho with tiem, why does ‘ ; ( , / : are i ! ! ‘ o be fee bk ws a oe we nee ey learner mer SS Eat re forees HTC ATEN yy nown speech delivered at Frank his vostrls and thunder in las mane. left © sudo t come. Besides, is the law, obra tothe dt Steals) wn over Men A mw ‘ a io pee ile : : Ms din them proper ranks we ll bee at ek maser ey ‘ : wid Vou tatst pai.” j Ae nee Company, sets te be more oy ent amd the heepuodeans would not wise dim were | J , ‘ i Ientuchk wy. on the stof December that city on Thursday for Abingdon mo ‘ ya Lo a the “ it | itrest awhile, and on Phot j m yeee What rermalt vhope or tear . : Wail, friend, | take jeave to tell thee Gt owall soon by . ee z coats ! + wha ral Hal) be ao menoer of ther rly Luin toons ' whic Nien car Fee Ean Hiseon become: soa soft tint vou can | Where ve roy sts to TEC ritiats } 1 Pine 1 ’ “ tu thertisetss } pear fc ; | | : ' I} Paria ui vat [think that a very Unjust Low Chat remove it wa ease ‘ ‘ 1 f Mh Veapboebs cade re { ‘ t We | t 1) ) ’ r * t ¥ lirycs ‘ eas | 4 Pr ee: : i ces are 4 , . ie “f donot hesitate to say that the aim selfon Yaueey if he ventares to oper 2 eal (en v for aininistey and are 1 ' beara he from time to tine puotshed trom Ma PED GANG NINST SSI Teed Years eon Wl yen ted ; | : | al : \ i ane - most atten t it ss ery good citizen shows sto Aege disunien mouth tm toted alone with a hi Tonto attend, Pare tie ; ; . ; . ue , ! ; Learn Ne honest mind believe @ is AGN Ta) N ; PT Once Syn RTA ke Ty an Theil on Plate, Tn the law rezu- ee -— eae aupeenemy to the South, bwery tote ; ' d : . onde ss Tiny documents enough to tian Yancey 9% ! { : { lent ries. i \ for the Ff fl i * . After the puwssarve of the conmijerer eo Ration there has heen product ve i L tow days atterward, the tarber, by : test Eile EEG | thi d hhows that rae atl \ { : nee . ; We shonid Tike, of all thine rsee Yan i reat followit Laan ment for | nine \ FAS eee enmetcin et wnty of os ys an it eontinnally hai Cane Pt istt ayetl K panshment for Vie nie ) ; Bhd vee ta ‘ u tienes criti 6 ai © ces face when fim bex / : AO see rene pa a \ \ [ees hall render judy | = Dutt Derne = wal tev Mir Een vice were pub ed in the Nat ! | : es mi fate De he = [eiceee lace lee dase, ree u : ae 4 Ml { hosed rinotive ta thirtst thre eee ‘ n Yar \ < r | San ; al ' : i fine and r saneient 5 baat t ' CUAL nelayv fast wt | ‘ in Fe " , ' | nay ; U ! aaa ee Voquestion on the Con ere nal arena 1 cal i rate [en 1 eis j Nee ¢ ‘ MIO ir i orecord t It ‘ t ‘ ' 1 rarer es: 1 ; 1} t ' es et) yy Mr. Clay, ated first aan th ROR Uae ETS Cae COT / my ere tne hat Wan Tieotnecn st tetra: iy ihe paren ‘ f ; rake out ther ¢ Orat V ' ae i { t slut ‘ ' wo the advertiser ! tt : . t \ Mi \ 1 Wf non, At present the slavery ques: | / yo j very gy iy broueht tin te the sivop, iy ‘i ang rN . erneias Fulken de aakves sabes yoof the mrwiheat : at eoWetid fad fe < yo i el teh eee) 1 toe , | : Timeout a ee Cs font ispeet of ite is not before {oti it ode yen Lb Piayr ft felis Leng An ex } ea ' ftoopigton on tis part even in the pre i F we ets R rt i - a : i Keceps ' ft} } t Pheyv vindicate at I treat uy hs VOCS OUTTGETE SRC Ot be vi by send n UI You ne ‘ : igo loings at Cleave : 1 eoce of the testitnouy to that ef t fiery ne ie pie Exe eh ee ) ; ‘ ip ] ; | This lu ; t M ; l Prope ost ‘ A Der 1 pd vA tony taaat I pre bt weap Panel Gr l TNS, At ie procession ‘ 4 ' trusted f Hostmake Had te exception, mut jldice un nowt 1 fehl the ¢ on ie ine aan teats Viel OGL ' i el ee A oR miles an ior ; f | | two miles | bed 1 alormen Uy thee sta rey lave crented, pronase then | toy ! at 1 antl ty that vom \ = eae ud hh just pea ila ‘ ee bork Mee, 1 \ Nirestinl Nat ne ven : ' : - i. ; me ' dideing Democratic statesmen byt ' § 14 fly t ~ rive | . ‘ t \ 7 ' Dr ; i mn ‘ mn liver of what now cale tered that the ¢ titution, th ) was ind it’s thine own © el ‘ ; Rejiter Demorratic standard, tie Natelez Courter gaa ps ere ie se ta sree wit (onunie a Cae 1 | ed the [Rt pub in party trou, views t ! Cony are on competent to protect \ fe \ i ra i rotdos ’ net rb Vay asks here wo whit \ ches wed enone s | rist ee : a . where would an ' eld jeaiient leameacniede ; / | val recht private property = ae . i i = \ aa ! . ht Di th Noa ot Virginia, elected almost within a year ‘ re) ee A She Toavont tnevor mi ailiten ’ ‘ Be oe a ( , 7 yp | ETOP Pet En The Captars of the ( ‘ ! Fobai who, within ten years, was an avewed (bis Tuaugnial, and again in tis fret rae yal rivhit, es} ally after it bad : i ee a ° t le \ my, bea “ ren ain, arrived in Africa aS teade an alli etnanedpa t? Where would stand Message, that by no act of lis should the reA aoe lete Seed. Sais / ae : } \ 4) altondance, Gavitaiinteaunnc . 7 : oO} \ 1} Ik ry been judicially determined, ever Woe neu da t tree form, but then aces tUN t the aid ot a pliysi vat, dur nr : ' : J. Fan pr rerinia, present |; Rott " , ; | / i part af Vala & : ; Nd n the : are a ner, of a 1, prese lappy condition of the country under the prematurely raise any quest mn to distract TT Another good way to grow the currant « t vath are ver L ABEL STC FiCrt t ‘ \ ater to nee, than whom ot tan h , " | ‘ ‘ather Putte ‘ne following ] - i ‘ ne 2 Sesame Me ata Aa re decOnnin = Vawaas il A tore Compromise be disturbed; yet in Tsot (4 nfry, when no voice demands it, dather Batter. — Tuo following 1s said ig in the form of w bush —not the hind of rare = ‘ Ur \ as TECETVE more States miuhita cuioyy | etl tl . to have taken place on a late o¢ Blot t < he found Heel ny iar Fl r tom ey) leer " the country ronacein tlirasen tate agita North, South, East, or West eer Bea ; : Se eS iia ars gene seen, Out with ¢ y se: fe 1 mae ex rose Freesoil abo no th. OX ; : the weof Doughis Jerrold : “Douglas ; rn ae ; . . € ‘ PHI 4 J | titer pense Yo within tw Tae e wnat, at | ty this ve Miiect. amdthe Renal Our readers will, of course, understand | ir, Niel swife, appealing te han mG : y \ ’ nN u ' \ venti, ‘ \ vischarged from one t ies tod ) ' , ‘ ' t : a z r = wn MMe 3! t nd tiie r rar ? BES et ) ot high, tow avowed, olive ' tn in party thereby tap and rest mat we do pot reproduce these passaes as fe a al Tee oel eetcee Crh - ‘ \ onsen in Boston, { t the 1 1 ‘ si ' PUPS, at 4 t ! \ s 1 ~ ts t Wi 5 i ‘ c \ rom the State of Varga € Wihiere 1 And en \ retthat from Mr. Breckinridye’s tical history [oa reonera eee trimer \ j > : si vas so sweet that throw ' moet : ut from the bottem, to take t ; tote ‘ 1 M to ppear Would stand Jolin A Dix Lup twelve some of the a pledpe are Mee ORO Tn Te 1 or the aut fi dent uid oly ean 4 , : \ | BN ‘ eoar trom: fermenting ; ee | Cater Years aco by the leading: Democratie pre Linones n Tt eneeU Gr Ht \ » troularly e@ : ! ‘ \ \ botiardl is wanted to fill her all about was ery ) Guerin Uler ene ei tion he represents of “inconsistency, but sh ce oecut away One shoot may be place { . ed , South as v viof the leney 4 reer ! Thev nigtitedd tive fear Ai eenner litt . ana 5 F Simply to show the grounds on whieh the iiowed afterward to grow every year, to see ae ‘ fi mern nce that, the Prec Loamelictate Caer The fautta of ening might be passed } e oo We hoy to grow old. and vet we fear re wer | lt t t It Jon't t } Lo atid wor < tlocoeht ermor of New York, on the Van Baren overaf the world ow ar Constitutional Union party may be par 1 Os ; ! } wn | aun 1s e plant vou wish to fall an vey, heep J ue A tena Aes Le bos, We are wil rant ve ow eentine ChE WE vary ut t Scert t Sotrnud of ¢ t ) . hoa ' { t tnt & mn \ i ONery ee wot \ \ nie t Va 1 ; mies Abolition ticket, and subsequently to that: jmitate them loned for its caution and hesitation in @ and afraid to die eens fe donwiti lig ; | nt ole : : relay i Cars vo (eal Wh honey and not taste « t Protection and Extension of Slavery THE EXECUTION OF WALKER—EUI: en - THER PARTICULARS, BELL ve. BRECKINRIDGE, The New Orleans papers have full particulars — of General Walker's execution. They also give That the voters of the South Inay UW- further details of his surreuder to Com. Salmon, derstand fully the differences of opinion of the British war steame: learus, The Delta, between Bell and Breckinridge, on two giving the facts of the surrender, says : Great questions that intimately concern — Geueral Walker, with characteristic coolness their rights—the protection and extension avd dignity, contrasting strongly with the pom of slavery—we annex in parallel columns, Pous assurance of the Mriash officer, asked whe the declarations of both in reference there ther thie demand was me te by Capt, Salmon as to. Let the reader compare, and then pellet cae ‘ a Ne _ “ say which of the two is the man for the Seuld be to the Boosh withorities £ “bu tas inquiry Major Dolan and ¢ met West who wer Soath : Pe aw , present at the interview. sulemuly assert tia JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE JOUN BELL Sdinon replied, “ Yes, you surrender to mie. a “I happened to be in *'The Constitution, pro- a British. otticer.” ppe } Congress when the Ne- prio ragore, the flag of the } : i breska Bill pamed, aud Union, protects the citizen Commander Salmon, who rather haughuly anc gave it my voice and vote, in the enjoyment of his : ly ) } my and because it did what itjright of property, of every Patromzngly added, oumay thank me, too, did, viz: It acknowledged description, recoguised us that vou have a whole bone in your body the right of the people of such in any of the States, The General then told them that) under these the Territory to settle the on every sea, and in ecery neti qvestion for themselves, Territory of the Union interview between Walker and Salmon, Alvarez and not because I supposed The sucndue seo! the gene . ' —what I do not pow be- ral doctrine held on this tie Hondureneaa General, stood at the doo dieve—thatitlegislates sla point, I think, eaunot well hstening. The men were ordered to fori, ane very into the Territory. be questioned or disap- their arms, even their knives, were delivered The Democratic party is proved ; aud if the ques- mot a pro-slacery party.” ion related to territory rn ee situated as Oregon was 0% vem “Sir, T care nothing when the United States Phat night, when the men were all asleep about refined distinctions, came into possession of it. Genetal Walker aud Col. Kuler were taken un oreubtieties, orverbalcriti- property in slaves would der a wuare to the learus, and in the mort ciom. I repeat the broad be entitled to the protection and plaia proposition that of the laws and Constitu- if Congress may intervene tion of the United States.” on thie subject, it may in- permitted to hold any conversation with Gen tervene on any other, and, ‘‘Aato the principle of Walker and Coh-Rudler. Ou the 4th the Lea having thus surrendered ‘squatter sovereignty.” 1 rus weighed anctior and steamed up to Truyille he principle and broken wish further tu fay, that Wivereralielernved ahat night. Oui the wav all @way from the constitu: jin the late contest between ! fic and ‘ f Walker’ : tional! limitations, you are Gen. Taylor and the hon. Wie © ELS Salt Le alkers party were Aciven into the very lapof\orable and distinguished» s¢arched for papers which might be used for his arbitrary power. By this Senator from Mich go. conviction. Tu addition to the British sailors doctrine you may erect « Gen se wae dis- and mariues onthe Salmon, there was a force despotism under the Ame-jtinet v brought forward as of ahout two bundred Hondarenean soldiers. — Mean eystem. The whole'an issue before the people | : . : theory is a libel on our in-of Tennessee. © & {Ou the morning of the oth, the men of Walk etstutiens. It carries us) * © In that con-\er's party were marched off the ship aud paraded back to the abhorent prin- test, in common with che ip froat of three hundred Hondutean soldiers ciples of British colonial South generally, they [the | thority against: which people of Tennesse} repu- . . 7 we made the issue of in- diated the iden that «| @Ally delivered over to the Jloudurenean au dependence. have never handful. or any number of | thorines, and the men were marched otf to pris acquiesced im this odious inhabitants, in w Terntory on under a guard of the British marines. Pies elarm, and will not believe of the United States, were confine doin a wretehed prison, with anal that it can abide the tesi should have the power! of public scrotiny.”— granted to them by Cone} ‘ , : Speech of Mr. Breckin- grees of regulating theie| whole party, and closely guarded by fifty or six ridge. Sce Cong. Globe, domestic institutions, aud ty armed men. During their detention, howes March 23, 1854. attheir discretion, todeny er, the uuforiuonte Prisoners received many acts to the citizen of one sec-| “Tam eonnected with tion of the Union the pow- no party that has for iis er to enjoy his right off iw att object the extension of property in slaves We, "nee Wart gratitude, : : # Dor with any to were not prepared to re-j learned the sad fate of their late beloved nel PREVENT THE PEOPLE oF 4 verse end set nade the pre Walker and Rudler, atter TERRITORY FROM DECIDING Viously established prac p ug deiwered over tothe Uondureneaus, wen the question of its exis- ce and duetrines of the heavily troned and placed tu dark ceile, and ne tence or non-existence Government, fiom 17n&) . with them for themselves.” (o that time ° - oo. We, in Tea.) the J1th of September the prisouers were in nessee, at that time he- forced by Mo. Squires, ao American, that the heved we were advocating (Genera! was tu be shot the next day Ceueie: cee tia Accordingly, on the morning of the P2ch t ithe Sadihevnsitice The duors and windows of the prison were all closed ‘prineiple then eoutended | but throwah the port hules the sad spectacle was \for was that the people of wituessed by Major Dolan, of the corte ye which ja Territory, mage wt led the General to the place of his executor mene “ oO panes He was led to some old Spanish barrack rains lonLy, were queliaed to en. | about 300 vards from the fort, and there stor jtablish their domestic ia-' The procession from the fort consisted of twa ; I \stitutions. posts vearing church emblems appropriate to | anos the o “But humanity to the! slave ae well, not lese than justice to the master, re- The question: was repeats by Gen. Walker, and the same answer ween ba cireuistances he would surrender, over to the British mariues, who formed a weinard all the men were taken on board the same ves sel, where they ware clor ly guarded, aud noi Gen. Walker and Col. Budler were then for luwance of one dollar and a half a day for the of kindness from Spanish citizens restdiag i ‘Trusilo, fur which they express Uhemselves in While iu prison they J berow commander, person allowed to communicate with them. Oy stn, General Walker following carr ing a cruciix aud lighted candle, the Eoud local officers in authority, and the sol rene smmends the pobey. ef inuskets who were to Perform the de Aifumon and extenmon tn der Gen foany new territory adapt ed ty 44 condition, and the F i R i Ir-nwone are too obvious te, 40d mid these old ruins stood dike a hero and ¢ misunderatood by the! brave man only could stand before the pulnted ldallest intellects.” {muskets of hired murderers. —__ | After the tirst voiley of six muskets were fired, Facts Jor Poor Farmers.—“ Those far. | the Generat fell otet, in front, in the agonies of holt difsenicnt k death, when a dastardly wretch rusbed toward re who have most difficu Bf OO TES him, and placing the muzzle of a musket to the both ends meet, always plongh most and Genural’s left ear, drew the trigyer, and shatter keep most stock. Now these men take the ed the heal of him whom they all feared. This true plan to keep themselves always poor, #4 done on superstitious grounds, sine they . - ' all beheved a biue eyed man was destined to be because their crope and stock are a Wash ibe ruler, and they had been told by forego poor and bring little.” So writes John crs that Gen, Walker was that man, aud Johnston in a letter to the Secretary of fre ras to be sure of lis death, our State § iety > and he thus illustrates After this an Aterican, an uawilling spect . - . . tor, proceeded to actin the burial of the Gener his statement :—“ It is good to raise three al. Lis remains, however, were views | persone hundred bushels of wheat from ten acres, ally by every Hondurenean present, in order to bat when it takes thirty acres to raise that ae their yeas DIP RESS ODS Aan War aon . = mrous tastes, A Goffin. suitable to Uhe even amount, itis raised at a loss. ae Soe ae a Me cattle and sheep—you will see the think- ... dead and bulleteiddled body place w lon ing farmer makiag four year old steers it and buried with all the rites of the Cathols worth from sixty to eighty dollars each, Church, the two Priests attending, to a lone and d his ighboud i - . ave apo Ubumely grave, in the land he so desired tor ar beg Mrs atthe same ave a deem trom bemghted thraidom. Previous to aot worth over twenty-five to forty dollars.’ his de ath, Gen, Walker addressed the natives His advice to the latter is, If lis Jand aud Moudurenean authorities, and said he felt is exhausted, he should plongh no more vo tl fecling towards them” than he can thoroughly manure. Seed JL is also stated that Gen, Walker, before h with clover and grass, and let it reat, anil oe eae mtote Roh bee SY that field will not only pay well fortiilage, | ed States, whiele were taken by Gen, Alva . 2 5 : red, wed by him handed over, eealed, to the bat it will farnieh manurecif riehtly min I ; , : Ss euglisl commander, to be forwarded to then aged,) to make another field of the same Hewuading size rich also.” And then keep it rich; j do not ran it with grain antil avnin ex hansted, or “ the latter end of that land will be worse than the first —Countsy Gentleman. Walker was ealin and cohected suldier-lke, stern and dignitied in dis beat there So itis with cies of the occasion, was Col Ruler, Walkers secon in-oeunmanl has been sentenced to four genre’ coutinement inthe State Prison at Comiy ta The rest of the party, About seventy in na ber, were al I operttted to retum to tue United = aioe States. Eleven of them, however, were sent Alarming Scene uta Bull Fight.—TVhe tome by way of Havana. Spanish Mares an alarming one Pleasant Incident. —The St. Par! at a recent ba Oghtat Saragossa. Atter (Min.) Pioneer states that a tew dave Hue, three balls, which did not show incl eer Tn } pee ats irit. had been disposed of by the turea. 4 OU! aey arrived in that city trom ie aD 1 oe . “the British possessions at the Northwest, f i a a eee ne ee . on her way to Scotland to visit: her only eect pose BNO Uleplaved run sister, whom she had not seen for many violence. He tore into shreds the ban- © ; , . 7d : . darill hich w Tron by Years. The sister living in Seotland, by ae: ae on en to ‘ex i a strange coincidence, arrived in St. Paul, je piea: a and then a re Sie ie oo her way to the Northwest, the same overa ee e at a spot w ae eas ie "day. The two sisters stopped at different he died chet CE hee ky ae a) hotels, and neither bad the most remote boll ie ood 7% He t ott culate, he idea that they were within thousands o 2 ee aa ne andy eS Me irilce of cone) other, ontil the mort ine SPCC SOLS OX thousand’ persona) wore after the'r arrival they met face to face, aseeinbled, and with cries and screainn 1 a” : ’ : on Third etreet. The omtual recognition all rushed to the issues to escape, Calming ; | i. 2 : was dinmediate. They had planned their @ seene of frightful confusion, CRO ee reer atte nere lier An . do, sword in hand, attempted to kill the)! 18 10 cHen @her without any corres ’ » attemy ' pondence, that each might animal, and several soldiers on duty as Bernat sentinels endeavored tu do the same with ' their swords and bayonets; some af the A Ht Come Te WW liana spectators, too, fired pistols at it, and in Herald of the @3d says: We caw, this @0 doing wounded certain persons. At morning, one of the greatest curiesities Jength the toreador got in front of the uur cyce ever beheld. It was a snow ball, and with a etal skillfally applied white racoon'’s skin, the far of whieh is laid him dead at his feet. Ine and softas the tinest woo! Pin ‘coon was killed, with two others of thre lorvonthe bordervof the Roan tke ave a plea as anti fil ' Chinese Censors.—The Eimperor is ina mere e state of drunken, helpless iniecility ; Among the many curious institutions of ZO! eman of our ED aay China, that of the Censorate is entitled A Cenoes Nn CNet =Siies toa high place. The Cenaors are entrust Lucretia Adame aimaden lady, aged 33 ed with “the care of manners and cus . : a toma, the investigation of all public oll tesidence of Bryan Grimes, of Pott eoun cere within and without the capital, the ty, N.C. was brutally murdered on the discrimination between the depravity and ‘igut ofdlinnadity weak: aprightoess of the officers employed in : veare, residing as @ housekeeper at the mver and thie skin was preeented tea ouney A tegro nam. , 1 THE EFFECT OF TITE ELECTION OF LINCOLN, The Providenae Post addresses the following temperate und sensible remarks to the Washing ton Constituuion, We publish them for the ben ett of our readers, but at the same time we take casion to inform the 1: sto that they will lave ' nocother effect upon the Lincoln: Buchanan ot cau than to increase ats zeal tor the success of Vboutotistn and Biack Repubheamismn : No supporter of Jobo CL Brew Kinridye sovevntonuce Carolina Célatebman, Postote the questions whieh are bere ive mbt for a mon Wee have iugin and acim said of the wallities oo laws ot tue N tH States that it was the SALISBURY, af’ WV ot the federal 2 ratmentto employ all its ce to traipie ther i the dust. Wire in TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1s6u, Hetrehee with the enforcement of the tagitise “jing last by the fir they said they would do; and once out, it needed no pushing, This is the history of the story in its beginning, & any one interested can easi- ly tind out, if they desire. ” We know its subsequent hist ory—yot the particulars last Thusday from three of the persons either directly or seconda rily concerned, and will give it. if it be comes necessary, Vow stick a pan here. DEMOCRATIC MEETING This atfair opened on Thorsday morn- BALISUC LY MASS of 13> guns, and raising a flag pole and flag. The weath c tes awetinst those who lave sorveriw has been al crpled, we have coun FOR PRESIDENT HON. JOHN BELL, ed the severest pena tle such attempts. We have said a thousand | Uimes that netther finuccal men nor fanatical . ome voces Sates should be allowed to nulifw or trample OF TENNESSEE wo the Ce tution cond laws of the country FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Wee repent all we lave said this : “HON. EDWARD EVERETT, teply the sane treme Notthern fanatiera, Ef woot Chat wea Ment Co Southern. ats OF MASSACHUSETTS etheny On nillitiatiotic or resistance to theen <= forcement of const ual laws as ALM pater PLATFORM wywhere, North or South Jet it be crushed at Of the Constitutional Union Party. Coostititien Newspaper Whe work au which itis now en ce nie The fallowing is the Platiorm adopted by the Con > Calon ated evils whiel ye Fave predicted ce the resait of electing Abra vi Laineeln to the Press A vote for mreckinndge is a vote fur Lincoln, Brechinidse in the tield, could) stand sututioual Union Party, in National Convention at Baltimore: Whereas, Expesiong: has demonstrated that Plat forms adopted by! Che partisan Conventions of the country bave hag thpeffect to mislead and deceive the people, and, at Uwe same time, to widen the po Mnridge huows hued! divisuns of the country, by. the er: ation ard aincoln, within bo Hatten ¢ clon Le knew it, and John CO. Brees The hope of the encouragement of geographical and sectunal pactier : enemy fests pen the ringing of Breckinridge therefore tikets ii the Numtienn Starnes [Pill ere Resolved, That itis both the part of Patriotiam and 2 : of duty Co recognise vo political prince ples other than tewill suceeed in the “Tre Coyariririon of rum Cotsray Abe Lincoln. Then will eomimenes Ts Trtetds Kivew tan bis supporters know at bon succeeds in anything, election of The Usios of ran Staten: avy the work of sul tration Pest step will be Pik Exrorcemeyr of tie Laws: and thut, as rapresentouvee of the Consutut Miter vention With slavery in the Perritores--a AG Hiounite et countess fm EN eI a work which the Constitution ts now COMI S——oa Geri we ie re pledye ow@rselvea to maintain, pre ISUt twee wthern, and tot Sout teet and defend, separately and umted een Vettion. Other ineasures will fora, Prucyes of pubhehberty wand nationa! ea ENTS) SUMI tel tre Urns tmnt todas. wilane yi qaetdleneater a lnoincuniii init ne i ' rae ' amwal as 4g Oy peace tay aver more be restored te ihe u the Just nghte of cue People. aid > ESTES PEESIEO SESE ICH) UE TEOIRERE Corrente, antl) aids Ge Vernment again placed UL [eatt STE W see Gapon the eondmen al Justice, fraternity and wine h bien the HowWhose folly and tatdiiess are oder the example and constitution of fuhers ow seen an the supporters of dobu Co Breekin. e duletonty bound every citizen of the Uiated Stare ridin a . rts Toceeor ening to ALS thare Perfeet union. estsblist pos 5 Nee, insure domestic tranquility, provide foe th eod eras : mou de . promote the general w Ani as : wid mendness, even if cure the blessings uf uderty tu ourselves and cu, oe Weaolint tt ssbaity of Breckinridaeta elec. Verity.” til Wold be nothine y nor “ “ " o beeen oe ' TRETI Oe coat i fort ny 1 kK urge io ) | S “ Z \ t foscar 1 t ‘ \ pa u Ty erate botin andl dd Preday ~ ne itt SEAN ‘ piles t ‘ M Ha is ( Sa, N porn Drmoerats ow AN | a . tat pres y oper from se. , \ . cae , . v vu, Ta tte Mons: litre anette i sot af fet. Numbers will prevait ia Walning IVeRiaiued Diy a BS OUT eSS ert Caso sel HAvetanield mentee taetiie Nites \lect Dover pe me Wid at SUEUR Tet lelesations from Quin! 1 Wart ot ha - S er Sen! (ru Mel elegy gemtth seks ] orate -. Davie, [reds Pore ( tan Gale Meek Wes Nive: lol ey SLE lon. Win eubure, Cabarrne, St vy ane) ew L. Yan shenig Wiens Ge, LON ee OES ates rays | ul | ‘ WEEKS Wan tis sod ciiT Ne hisspeech, what will be a tren Jous cathering bere he would de in case af Lincoln's e ection, _- and replied to the question as follows: — | WORKS WORK Bw an actin? the General Assembly of SE cee te Alabama, pursed last SVG, Ne IS tue eo ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ the duty of the Governor, in the eventa “ ‘ “ : Black Republiean shall be elected Pre" ™! i. ‘ ues sident. in a certain period alter he aseer | 87" 7 vill ‘ tarns ot othirty dava, P believe.) tomake! ue ‘ prochimuation of the faet apd that an ! ey rst . ‘ election suall then be held by the peaple |! torly Ic ‘ to creet delegates toa convention of the | #t than to arreat it atte ie peopre ot the State, which eonvention will)? OS ET misider the sovereinty and wro ue done tig requires at its liamls dant As | tte you an irlier pourt of te my speech, Tita Shwe polite 1 be ‘ : bowel Se LT AAA eS nmand ‘ a! ‘ ' ee nly, she we thie t ' lati 1 ‘ are Ct , cit : | a Naeeerecttine Se et (POneNa eit? whiewia 4 7 i worthy ota st tin State. 1 ay thot ve Nowork for it—worl vt OND Mest pie pal Watnrel riedt iad the Min 1 1 Lbeth os Ras we is — Pederat ( stritions are ken a ny Stuka P Ve Mockse vest Patets desttoced, Tf the Paaleral ¢ tie, day (Monda eal € Maren > { lest | diy Paid Wats wpe ‘ 1 Osun ition rie WS) fate sor WW my ' a UN eM y POs tet IS Stibord ante tat atl besq Poin lesdance tiny Constitution, As ier oes et bea Vivediad taere"re, 2 ela} nar Gebel, Slnvaauletliareyas ol Pee eet Le ncuinst snl an election + for that weld itt Ute ceetinn of Chas, F Baber Ragu, and t he rebellion aiso aeainst ty own State Deas aan ee = 2 c SLO to Salisheury for otheeting aD Mie event em ait te Bar owhateser conrse A Vai may sO itd Pie Mer es! i ; Manes that Pehall be bound ty Wo wholly false and the ore na Haters ‘ Ts Sete ormius erst lens nici els ie [eter eel erientmats | ! SS MED Cae elle Ser Hl t were tnade in tie Court Hise and to tis erowed hues woof the Strate assembled to hear the speaking c wit tiesto Pa cynth Pris intimnous fiatse was but one of a Hittin Ww rSouthern States, oaniber cirewiated to th diee of Mi basher wd net as they CSUN Wile Waele Iiecnmpata (as aie dy onl pene that aetion decide to demand (eg wil surely come, and then thea coved peo New guarantees for its ryhts, before ip, ble will visit ther wrath Upon the slanderers rn aha Salisbury Banner acquiesce in tit, Tin fine as lan: bound! Ye seoshal To acquiesee in all that my State may decide to do, Will remain doncer in the We extract the above from the (dar lolte Democrat, Yt has about in different directions, and rolled been thowtiog . . or the toneue fo some . 1 hie Affecting Scene. The conviction aud sentence under the tonne « ib aa re to Hoprisonment for enghteen years of Charles ventiemen as anexcellent apology for the Hudson, an old farmer in Mecklenburg co. Va for minder, has been noticed A correspondent tthe Pus SVs s We have Uisplay of poblitieal briterne allusion to the EDaurstou st NT Course, which Mr. We have hitherto said shies Express, writ og from this cry ind te the use Fisher's friends “A verry athecting scone aceurred at the Pon potting it to. UN last Saturday, tnany of the guard andl nothing about ity although it las oeeasion Mr. Hairston, as seen noticed atin a hittle sneeeh oat ethoved evento tears, It wes edo ne lite (he aertval of Chatles TDudson, hove tnd ten. EL ms Mare Naaccenmmunccnie man Ntaa i Who ts bow aoed nearly three score Warrericly vomited of Uieanarder al im «bas sheralso before the Chenit Court of Merk erg eeu alive) (uit ay dae recent speech in the and ser el fo the Spite | asay f ' ‘ ty i saine town A comparatively very inne irhiteen Vea Upon arrival tore t a mane ret bled AN ouspen deaf and Ceut Vouny tran bas been bitterly abused Neotel, Creat Crayd ! sustaity a about atin urivate And afterall, reader, Bt Sai AS We passed What do yon suppose are the facts of its ‘ eho and eptculs . . Herd ae A wie ile yon Tt wis started hy ade mocrat , "Lond be meretful de nin a yentetman in close intimacy wath the leading men of the party. Vol, itis true, that Mr. Harrston would give the money Diva PQS MIE BITE OF A Sipe TAH eCL EE a) Meo Titmewrenit Dr W Pst formerly a practising a . : Teron Hannibal, Mo. was bitten #'¥e tt for party parposea, in the Angast festa ley eend of tis wreat toe, on election Pwo young Whigs who heard 14 WoScptomber, fron the etfeets him make the declaration in a boasting fou SAS OTS CCS CA t TnRt ey: vy, told it on the etreet—they told him Wowas the bite of aim suit 4 me . ed flenry, owned by Mr Grimes, has Oar md ntentvennilamelmeniiien at the time they would use it in the election, open CM Tact acted aaa MEM ac rnd tater be au gods inpess, though it is to be feared that lee _.. dred votea He did not forbid it, neither their remonstrances are frequent unawa Biere of a Spam Princess saron beeyy ro Birt There are estima did he qualify itor changa the statement ing. Some months ago the Censor pre Supekl, in full court dress, called official. ted te be wong comotives in nee in the [hes parted, and onr Whig friends hon tested against the conduct of the Emperor, ly on President Baehanan on Thursday, United Sra herr total annnal mileage eatly belie ng the story —wlich, taken againet hie drunkenness and diseipati my, and annownced the birth of a Spanish being al Princess, the daughter of the Duke de e Montpengier Appropriate addresses were average in tls made, and the President, it is stated. ¢ , Seemned daly to appreciate the interesting of only two eentaa imilein fuel woul! re his attachment to actors, and love of Jow @ociety. This reproof to lis Majesty was pabliehed in the Pekin Gazette, and cir eulated througbout the Jength and breadth of the Empire. news. dace this sum ¥3 500,000 OO 0G miles. The ave in connection with the high politieal ex at ten cents a mile (the citement of the time, and the famuoly Stato of New York is 18 pride and political interest it waa sup 417,500,000 A saving posed Mr. Wairston felt in the contest between Ramsay and Fisher, ia not strange —told it fre ely oo the street, as rave cost of tue eats) would he er was extremely Unpropitious nearly all iday Thorsday and until noon on Friday, pabont which time the ceremonies closed, | Hons, Weldon N. Edwards, Ty L, Cling- man, and Bedford Brown; E.G. Hay wood, WoW. Avery, and C.J. Box, Esqs., (and perhaps some others.) were the orators, Gov, Ellis was present, seated on the {| Wonder if would honor platform with the speakers. the Governor uf the State, with his prominent presence that other portion of lis fellow-citizens whe are to Lith and J2th Wonder if the Governor of the State felt asaemibile here on the that it was exactly right for hin te take w position, now, that he ce Governor of the whole Stare, which ao emphatically announced Tan for these and oppoxed to Vous and my presence here te day ig de signed to dechire not OnLY IY personal vat iny official Scribination i this case, Videh othee T lay at the teetoat ms pruty today But the North Caralina render ow Wait To Know what was sec ined dune at this teetitns [raed be theme chapter, mt MG AWW Goria ae a eps as ACEC me Noue mrt enti thd We stil) tet attempt Th DUH Sets iRey sit tthe Della everett ties iS aut ssionists, te peal diauscont roy in LRG ellie Jrrerert chairs \ CO OVC ey lL pealene ! Uoey satel enitdios all tie (ee it ‘ t j ce Sih ey ath cm yout the DB ae HE fs! VEHICLE r 4 \ CM abtobesstons, ane \ ‘ , shosi uM, rhb ont a Variety ! ' + Neat that the Daat ssc evitial suid ow ei Woe awakes” wr ile Nott’ Bee ch eb met were q liet atid sob steht keep tae pecpee s wat ow bo PCUNin Wn the one Hebe De pounce up wid crits. us ite princes tthe democrat pea A Ptriaen, vthe end atin hee x eeetled Re Uy th Cus LONE Tie woole atfiir-—the bearing, tones, words, looks, demeanor, &e., of the ora Tors, Wats daortof sneer LM eer Mail: Wh this venera Jove Heunton is oblied to corre “w are Peay and determined on it—we thank Ate CT trey ct throneh—=-tnean to de Was Well inake op your mind te r there are feartu Weare Net better be The ain fee ieateey esi Hiitase [ee aL ee bear, tonaede he stremoest disunion apeeel delivered on this oecuston Welle qiatlnenratt lement weatuer interterred very seriousdy wath their Darbeene, and we Knew tnany of the opposite party whose Hiously revretted theit mastortune In thos resard. Their preparations were ample for several berof listeners in the Courthouse, at thousand; bat the largent Thebtty TOS OTe. Tine. Was Only whom 200 114. chodine every body. ty ward tittle Tre Paw Creek Brass Band discoursed Wyugte for them, and we are pleased te say did themselves credit. Ttas a better rand than we Sp poses and weare sur prised ao Tittle has been known of it bere \Jlineall, this Mass Me researded asa failure, to a very great ex Inst be HeTitaterol\ wavrnecoutal wc teriliin adinit, es hot under the contro} of the party who got at up. Dirowsin \osad on South river, near J.C accident ceenurred Foard’s Mitl, last Mond iveevening, between sundown wal dink, renultinw in the death of Jesse Watkins, aved mt SO veara, and John Watkins, his nephew, aged about 17 vears, They came to the Ferry, in com. pany with three others. All wanted to Theg fonnd light batean, and the deceased, with one other, Lewis Watkina, gotinte it Jesse waa intoxicated, and seated liimeelf onthe lye of the lithe boat, whieh tilted until it dipped They had all been drinking, and lease wae too far gone to crogs it their command a water heed a warning. They pushed out inte the river, and had gone but a few yards when the boat swamped, and Jesse and John were drowned, Suiquor the prime canse. John was raised from hie watory xrave with a bottle of liquor in hie pock et. Lewis swam to the shore. ed death with resignation ee The Charlotte Bullet/n, tims re fers to our conjectures as tu the part which its editor took in the ceremonies of the democratic meeting in that city on the 27th alt. and groes on to say: Tt eopies a part of our urticle, Brother Watchman, you were rather bard oo us when you penned the above, although we must admit that nothiug lke justice way done to the vecasion and the oraters who spoke on Thursday Las: The truth must be told —we were not at our postion that day, at the office, nor with our Deu veratic brethren, “The notice was penned by a fend, who wined at doing nothing more than Ming a siinple statement of facts, f Tf our friend of the Watchman had detected in our Monday morning's issue a few lines under the caption of “Married.” he could lave easily | | ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. For tuk Stave ar Lanur, HON GEOL E BADGER, of Wake. DRO. K. SPEED, of Pasquotank. discovered, or rather concluded, what) we were | after on the 27th, the day of the meeting We have given io our eseuse, and we hope our gallant: friend, the Watchman, will Acer pt! Wtyathd relieve us from those sUspretons that seem Disiniers, to harrass his aiid. Who woud think of at Ist Pistrict, J. W. HINTON, of Pasquotank, lending a Politoal meeting when preparation zl pe CHIN SEU TCA RIC Mor Craven Fe ne Gata? Wests ot 5s GL DGeKERY ot Hhcad the greatest uaporditee, upon winteh depended th OS CAEN ARIUS cute trrnnilion Us Neda ah We Cunale etal Deshi tk. a BON TR or Randolph, and perpetual sunstats Mrother Brauer wall brh oy HENRY WS ALSER, of Dhavidaon inderscianl as ah WAY IP ASICS ca flanedig, Why. ves, vee! We are ashamed of sth ee eae METTENICY vor Macont ourself, It we oad knewn, or even bad i Stebed Char the South i secured in’ the OM the doctrine held by some of the moat elite nightie who maintain epi vigote. that the flag Ohaen in the enjoyment Pevery descupuon recog. hind a suspicion, of what voor were nbout 1, brow talkea fire eating! mn the differently, Wwe wont ' ' tbe have Wt ae ieasiey 6 t let ' i totes f dandy fs peste Mey were wil ih the sew of wibiae ty Beeld sue deans ot the Stites ‘otiy every) Ka . : mevery Feritory of the Cmon, The sound- vou, and we wouldia’r tay PE read the yenert deetrine held on this point, b tiret, Lil wwewe itilave tathed Catiot well be Houed or disproved; aud en sme naa eee eee Hes elated vtermlory situated ay 4 is Was we hie ed ates came mito sweel otusic, ‘ tes ' ha, far property itn slaves would be enti- [ial stennetnie ac et Z % aoe “eet ' Wothe laws and Consutution Paige m= —JOTEN BELL, Tees atid Chie dy est ! assert , . Th SENTIMENTS OF A PATRIOn werrers Noche ain bene of these cities of the North Wi ee] ee v1 Teoh Gt timioral or relies, Yo jouw il tl een : 7 er ' a servite teurrecton at tha South, \ ty halite aud education are “lor oh Say Ml Vie etiar ‘ ‘ There as ve case iu wiiela rede toa bw Phockiwa sack to tiy back and F past ae aise " Vosneethet dhan that — Jon, v & kKeotie 2 Mod SU ian hic the cl S Tltwe of Represeuta- Berit unidistirted Tae tose vid fer Bei aN He ea PH ouber at ABEAM W) VENABLE, es ean o\ y Elector ter this Disinet, . , ; palit Lite ¢ toscana and Remem- I oe ae . (elononclact ci Niiihenta vt : I Wh deeg M sa Mh a t (hn eleres of tetow Dhsnmion ta Deciocsot wud a slips aa nee 8 ) 2 ( 2 Lavine \ 4 2 | ” . \ A Hiaalt . boo 1 NN esol stccaes fal ‘ hie | MI ‘ era! eee Trin we will here is eos . the ; “ Hed at one { t et Soy ! ose i \ ‘ t Le speakers R the ae sti tes Wt ' Aer tel PROCESSION TH RSDAY <5 Westie > Iiy Sarr ay \ \ secure tony rt nts Ay tt N ( . . ‘ J‘ I ! 1, Neen a ee ' Moka tye. ‘ ‘ k 1 ‘ ree el Patan RTS Titer t Hoty nt . fee “ al Persie tanentieiien) 1 mtatis Cel | fore ns Vo mewn. tintin i Prerenrcenin. also the old detonate some af deer plion ' Snebaxdinye Jorte has one ter the Baoemiuridee detmoe Heat Me Heeekinrohge ie plavine, Will guy yam mene ° Ne people t hte t n spread - fo Viner Me meow thie ‘ ves? Piva ts Ml Ao : Locisvirre, Oot, 2 New x ON oh neha . ae The Kentucky State ovntral execute come [ene ih uy ett f rhe party hove published an - ; a, cuatvonter Z et and Everett k M NES wr Jrana, 0 41 Penisyivania te dis: ‘ Price w ( probe estar cubermcoral cane \ w al Gaea in their respechwe States. and throw their voles on sneh no manner as best calculated lx ' Ae MoT prevent the snceess of Mr Lincoln Nae 1 M at 4 . Datdoutoes the formation electoral tieket on that Poth nomes of Mears. le. os M Peden has open: Foie he yt the eastern pornon om Pr ‘ Phe Petersborg (Via) * fine Densoernt,” a one anh a aaeai Dowelas Democra }oper argues that all ; “ Ou thet Verges hromhie toy Hie Ve Ls moera- ; . OV au tint 1h "i hver becaus ny lo not ee IVa tiswer questions.” wil fave to be suspended ! CES ea a wot Me Breck vasd te responds to the interrog ' ToWdrrese escot Mr, Garb. Ttadds that * the gremt In gna white nan bthas camper s Union or Disunion, and f vol wdiscug there tedon Chat syne there ts ne sient party: bat the vls. Drechonedue peasy = ve mucandidate but Jobe Wore senusit Mian the Ree OC. Bro hinte” wnt Woo New Tinsel i rediat Richmond, Ger ita cee eee aii melas cane bite last by the Hon, Cena . Toecieyorins Nae his Howehed jcenthman i ; . t eet MS areession in ike Hence The gfe noon the White aan’s bere relation ta the prey purchase of Cabal by trea! estate Jen the Bolen Government We think bie sup. Cee yootdet this Teed mist be deemed: very Hi wiey rae Daves DAL TIMOnE conelisive thet aieunst the doctrmee "it BCD lees Hon. Henry Wonter Dn { (hon dikely to he so somade a great speech tetigdhit rn the ashy Botts seit OF WAIST Spm Soon the terms supposed. Me HW ASAIIEY legate myn: spoke ns follows MUI CHM A tieartenie ani Comieniiata He anes first, be hecause wal, third, because there is Phere os no danger of disunion wed himself second, Unequivocally enuse there is no teeessity y heart and soulan favor of Bel ett and Ewer there os ne nuhts » but dechued that le waa WACOM pra. NO power He quoted Mr. Jefferson, showing the powerotthe Federal Goveroment: also Mr, M mien who sand the compact between the forever, Mr. Ritehie, im PRIA, said ary attempt at secession would) be WIT Mafedist Domocraey in every shape and tenn Hle was decidedly op Het States was holding posed to all tus = With Democrats fer AU VY pM DOse His alliistonsto the cand | a! ’ p | \ Ga ; “es treason Phe nult ot revolution no freemap dates for the silence ed Spe . ; 4 ee eatin ' JONES SUE BOSC Gl wanld question, bar the elecuon of a Presidept ful Mi Dovis relented the ides that i who is not exietly our chomwe could be nu cause Lincola’s electron would be ES SS SUSIE Maree tienen \ira outta worl lielineen Senin dissolving the Cran He wonnd Wp HIS pegaly onist all tas Life Pie speaker followed dress by dechiring: his belief that the with alengthy arcutnent agatost the power un Union was strancer than all PATO SOTO ler the tecistituiean fonastite cto secede: olf trons, and that the [oll Mite She this power be aduiutted, Cubecan at once be soundest presented te tue Nneriedn peo purchoeed of Speun tor three hundred million te Npeeoad LDPE NEN CUM Me TA GeO AIM Ute (Ne porehase and the formation Conries , ofa State crenent, sappose Cuba secedes — what becomes of the three hundred million ? PAU GION 1G Tots [Voie Gone} Yess uone sand the speaker. RIEL CA Eee eve But who believes in sich an interpretaten of The Cons TIDE rOtad prawe in CTI NOD TSAO PNG Tee ih SU EIBEATRASE [PEE ste Cbstican News. Uhe Ganhaldians have Wii Stsarok Witsos tHivae or Jone UM SU cite a Canetti ern ae meet iit Kepubhean Clube held a» two hsttelred men necting on Ds lust’ week. for the especial The antagomeam between Ganbaldi and the Wilson, the Black Republi- ean Senator trom Massachusetts, deliver a speech, of which was the Union party. Ta his reronrks Mr. Wilson frequent. Wwoapoke of it as bang inthe “slave interest,” and among other used the following expres- sions Mi Wilson argued thatthe Whig party bad always beew to all intents and purposes in the intercat of the slave power, and that John Bell . purpose of trowing King of Sardinia, eo The King of (a9 x Oo Naples published a decree at he auhjact lenin wll provinces to be placed ina ring all officers of the the course state of Saye and onshie feet as woulry Carding of treason Sperza bas been expelled by (ari bald) Broadstuffs in Frauce were adv wueY [liere dias beep ws severe storm on the eoust of Englaud Several wrecks hase Ll el HEB LEON doheen (oramost ie every mamsurecwhich tea: ded to the aggrandizement of the South and ber institation, Hic xpecch was quite engtby.” Jobn Bell had been “ foremost in evory mens- ure which tended to the ag rrandizement of the Institutions.” And vet some fortitude, Southern and stump tad orators religion, and charge Jobin Dell with entertaining views bostile saying his warion Honduras was wrong. Tle to slavery Tris just that sort of spirit whieh haa pradnced the present crimia, — Wilmington Herald WALKER OIPS WIPE FORTETE Dk New Youn ontains an account of South and her ‘a execution, The died with sing the Oct 3 The Havana Walk profi Diaries hewspapers foman Cathohe said he alone waeto blame, and that be acorpt = Mi would and h would te he have | ed an The n corn ¢ Lalure of stint of the: The o the cr mead Las (x may d aay © mat tl was a Teavity polite Since | suine « curn. the rac dus frie Const aA Ns! Lis frie favor u We lin Union allies, able to Phe sig not le remult * 1 he Rory aul Gravel relied ame | and By chings voud tye vee Grow Mie ras enved glass in milpepos Westen Phe hung a ande te Poul boue h T fou out for elected though nee as the bac * We h Barrens Sie people ; Alber Cone New Salis! Dalla: M (CIN son adi, last nig! tervents would « canse fe replied Then Bost this mor kero, | Ata einiy, | were ad Wir the ins & rem friend » Reso pasoed | tmournfi Reso. we have deared whieh r a econsta belong Reso parents we sym that the Reso love and wear th. Resor lutions | and the the sam ceased rth yun th. re ele ud ” ea ~ i vu i rt oe r . & 2a m Mi a h te a ae ST R Te ae A I ac l aS aa = For the Watchman The Unicn. La Union is our etrengih, ‘Th’ tamertal Washington cries, From every patrivt’s heart A glad response replies. From Florida's fair land, Replcte with fragrant flowers, We grasp @ brothers band And hail One Land as ours For Freedom fought our Sires, Aud shall these recreant sons Put out th Sacred fire Thut on ourCountry’s Alter burnat A Legacy #0 pure, Writtew with Patriot's blood, Tuspired by heavens decree, Has proved vue Country's good We've amore deadly foe Within our Country's bouude, Than savage ludiaus e'er hus proved And caa sirthe © deeper wo und. Disuvion is the Cry — OF Crattors to Che Crust, Reposed in thea by Patriots Now crumbled ito dur But from whose sucred Uru A Pheouix shail aise, Whose Eagle wing nliall cleave the eiouds And Victory be the Prye Our Banner igh he bears— Nu single Star iw wet, Luscribed upon tia gleanene fads, Our Bell avd Evesett Ak For the Watchman, Atio, Cunionte Co. Texas, Sep 16th, 1860, Mr. J.J. Buusen: Deae Sir—Vhinking you would like to hear float this pact of dhe mori and having a few spare moments, | eoucluded | would witte a fine of two te these patis — Uf anytlins getony warse, We fave had sume cate latele whack greatly cetrest ed and craproved he ayy The most of our farmers have gathered the little cora made, and they find itis aliost ae mplet tailure. of sinut and will of them are foart Tits are ao better You may callat worthless, as it not sty for leew, anal ole Ai atowei ow Teetuck J meter tecd wim The only thing that was tet the crop of crate erss, which was gruel meadow, io the old Sates: oO ove bat das! at toe lias been eiegl am ay tN thee art mone \ may depend apou i Teva is a haed cou my WAV Pou lyny Che of erat Chat bas beet paused i It. was always peace acd plouty leaving every day te polit Ne ME were fr teen Since Che recent erections tlie odd Males Cat TH vustan tow vy the race, amd wattie oul ina some of (th turn. Gen, Sain dus friegds fo eden toa ou Constituuua and tt i warns thom AANA wut oat esa diner a avin Lis frieuds ¢ Bore tev tres twit is favor of ated ph yoaie f Averett We have vow a! ue \ % feker Gan Ul Ulnon caudal dee, tier i t prea gleclty, wud this. vi Totnes ‘ able to de tetmd cue | ‘ ot stinnt Phe sine wee becheens ey Loven ou Mot be wurprieed te te EON Mier ent. 6 Cemult Hot tow deeded ot Payers Voscn * * x * * * * AV The f aires Cais Woot an mervaul, th wet lis wh, Who ts Cravellinee inthe Wes Phas stay te teled vn: Nacuvirih, Tean, Spt 27, 1800 JJ. But ven, bey Trai san ees ite Uiinticanses with tes and Everett ion the bh Telenat ntieirees AS Ching tow stated, Chee wo carey this State be send a doubt, and aliagre that they ure gate Wie every day HLS, Finsttee nibtresse dt! the Puanelas d Woecrary Last Gov NeehOin the Cocartbouse, an esved wreat demaretrations of approval Don Blase tdeds stronger in this State than ft dead eupposed, cant at ie te be f ya ve Woestern part cially Phere ts at imiinense i hang across the street leet stle to mde, Loan adjoining street ' Prouglas and Jolaston Hie tnt J diate seon foue here for Brec Kitniee and Lane T found the People tn South Caroli ont and Pssolution it At Lon Georgian out fora elected. la shoudl ts SOOT bead Clee sont) want though a lithe: more cousersative. Bat Tenn» fee te all mebt for the Pion Wet the back-boue. * * * * * * * PUBLIC SPEAKING We have been tejuested to state that Mi. Fox Brrewistince theta: Mr Bysea, Brit belt Mr. My tus mretas Elector wall acre people at the tollowtoe Towts aud places, viz Albemarle, Thar -day : NW 1 Concord, Monday Jotn Newton, Tueseity Torn lisbury 2th lotte Lincolnton, Satu Dallas, Monday MOVEMENTS OF GO CINCINNATI, Oct JOLINSON Eex-Governor HL Vo Johu ny in the Gth street market last night. He adhered to the prin Iples of “nonin tervention ‘ son addressed a meet A Repoblean asked lim whether he would consider of Lincoln a suterent the Union. to whieh be the election canse fora dissolution ot replied, emphatically, ° No. Phe meeting was large and ethusiasti --- WEATHER AT BOSTON Bostox, Qet | The thermnormeterin this viewity this morning stands at twenty-nine degreea above KUO. Tee of considerable thickness las tormed TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Atacall mecting of the Pr Stew. Pur So EY, the follownge preamble aud resolutions were adopted Wueneas it hath Neased an all se Gig the inscrutat, ae ie a edispensations of Ty provdenee, remove from our iidst our much estecm d friend and member J. M. Searorp, ther lore, Resolved, Vint our hearts have been che eply paced on recety Ng the sad iutelligenee of this mournful and une Xpeeted event Resolved, Vhat m the death of J. Mo Seaford we have been bereft of a worthy deared to us not more by thowe social qualities whieh render human nature a eonstant exhibition of belong to a christian Resolved, That in this bereavement of the parenta and relatives of our deceased Member we sympathise and cherish the hope with then that their “loss is hie eternal yain,” : Resolved, That as a testimony of our love and reapect for our departed wear the usual badge Member, en attractive, than by those principles which own Associate, we of mourning thirty days Reaolved, Vhat the above preamble anc lutions be published in the Saliabury Watchman and the Greensboro’ Timea and that a copy of the same be forwarded to the Parents of the de ceased I. Conner, W_ A. Barnter HA. Jaen, College, Rept. 2kth, 1860 1 reso > Com Naat avatice of esoey things | | From the Watchinan Extra—Sept. 27th STATE Mass Meeting OF THE Constitutional Union Party, AT SALISBURY, ON THE ‘Lith and 12th October! Rally Priends of the Union!! A LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORATORS pot the country will be here. The follow Ing i list of those who have been invited, and are « Xpeeted to attend. to wat Hon. J. 40 Crittenden, o Keutucky: Hone G A. Henry, dere Clones, tf AR. Nelson wil He vbaee Maynaiel of Penus H Willa Mo Goyerin Willie (Riviere \Ve Sirians and Alex H VW. Stare ot Va (Matheny Neniedty Hon Be Ho Mill ot Ga of Marviand dist Hon Ninenye th ted sone of our own State Hho have been invited and wall attetd, are » B. Badees Win 8 mM Mor: POnthaw. fol Ge Read v. 4.1 Feta A Gilmer mead. Charles Manly. Oa BOF. Moore. Mired Dock Donnell, AL TL Shepperd John Pool, Geo, Davis, RB. Gil Vance. ROS Graham, WON | Coffee--Coffee! NEW THE BRIG HEINDAUL Has arrived from RIO JANERIO, avd on Saturday, 18th inst. at 11 o'clock. A. M., We will sell, a¢ our office, her entire curgo of | 2,000 Bags of Rio Coffee, | AT’ AUCTION. | GOODS, AT A. MYERS’ No. 4, Granite Building, D PIGOTT, Aucrioxven SAMPLES and CATALOGUES now at our office for inepeetion ! | ‘The atteudauce of all Southern | earnestly requeried Merchants is TERMS — Vw usual; four months credit for ap [Proved negouiuule paper, with allowance of oue per Cent Tare OG Wilmington, N-©., Oct 2, 8, about BU of which im cleared [hereteretiwan g Meadows in the tract. which yield an abuadauee of grass youd Spriuyeonit, aud thers im ple sity of good water formtock tiditfereut porteot the planta jtou. “Phere wm gold on it. and at | Phe soil is tine fe wheat aud tobacen, C Gi E examine it | Oe 9th, 1*6. PARSLEY & ‘CO SALISBURY, N. C, Ie6u U2 | OFFEK my Plantation forsale, Tt insituated at DEALER IN the Cross Koude, one mile Bast of China Grove SPAPLB ARD RANEY ie aa We PS " we | | The reavatnde ris wood compridug appler, peaches aud various oohee fete Vhere are Uhre LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, | we Ls, Laces, Embroideries, ready- Bed | Potatoes Wanted, | Cloths, Cassimeres, ONE HUNDRED tn in ree Vestings, HATS | LAND FOR SALE, | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL jHcoutaine Imad A nee Thun ee Dry | Good =| Lou made CLOTHING, ee wear “tA Meny | and CAPS ham. doha A) Poinilexte:, aud others YW: : } leet ronny ite Sate nspetel se antl ok aes me, BOOTS & SHOES, rh ae eer inemet ane err Witter! eA Ele eee bey &c., &c., &ce. | (BAND OF MUSIC athe Suntan states provi | Pichles Wanted. aan | eS eS rt J OA large lot of good pickins wanted THE Subscriber respectfully informs | 1 Maguineont Displaot Fo yy Ten Led ee Mie sete His old patrons and the public generally EN TNT are ela gt ler eran tore «all, f PeVeEry took and earns J “ tid plectare vy a NEN TC - "W del ated oe , Wihietiie wl wie feat 1 1 ulorntt V c = his Tas a sola \ Po deliteh eho tee regg eles frout hearts pout : oth «s ree ( “ ' ‘ wlily venetian | wt fleas 1 hen ' Ww 1 [ses abe . tn Is y ‘ ‘ “ “it | tod INSET N SVEN TO Tees tat Modi ANDS an w } Late St bale V1 Ni I | ie I . to sioN CONE SE ELEOW ECT Ns F boevery: pom ot the qomipua I ural “ oa x 1 his shal pa eteoot a few ea borat st “ we ere it be too late \ . meen to SHOULDER vies iNet | i Vow (eae ” ‘ ! ‘ is \ ‘ +... Mass Meetings. We have beew dirested to give notice, that Mase M goof the Coast ta 1) Caton party. will be ' ih Hem and places, te wit At Sra the TU Oe r Ai Pa he Vit At Wilk sthe P=th No Jette rou, out this and other Si ites are Distinguished or vors of aie at these iretings ‘Ute Uinen Jew nr poopie parhen are earuestly ceques HON dM LEACI Ss APPOLN TANTS Winston t week Donne Stokes Co, Puesd iv. Oet I6eb Wi Airy, Phureday, Qer lech Jetermon, Saturday, Oet 2h Alleytany Court House, Monday, Oe 22 Mainprouaville, Phureday, et 23 Basc Bend, Yadkin Co, Feday. Qet. 26th Bechatia do, Saturday, Oer. % Hraceises, Stokes Co. Monday, Oot 29th Wer tworth, K am Co, Paesday, Oot 30th Worinut oer, Stokes Co, Tharsday, Nov. Ist hernersvaile, do. Faday, Novy, 2d Thom one Peviag «Saturday. Nov 3d » Monday, Nov oth AM alt At Shallow Ford, Yadkin co., the reaidence of the bride's futher, on the Ist inst, by the Rey. TDG Haaghton, Jo M. Keak, UL S.A. to Mise Jessie A Pouvean, eldest daughter of the Hou R C Puryear Taeut fh Iredell county, on the Lat inst »by Rev S. Fron tia, Mr Tomas BE. Gray to Miss BE. J. Burns il ISS GRASSWITT, having just returned ATE witha «plendid supply of the Wost Fashionable Millinery, purchased at very tow rates, re speettally inforins hee friends and the Indies Kenerally, t 1 TrSDay THE her Stock will be open for tnspection To see all the Latest Styles, Cari Barty Sauismeny, Oct. ¥th, 1960 +121 BOOKS! DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER Jorn Ocronen, inat uo COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER thename of Barke & Stewarts is thie day diel by the mntial consent of dhe parties The busines of the House will be continmed by Mr Siew ann All aettlementa: of ne counte will wise be omvade byt end itwill greatly promote the interest of the parties ty clo up the aecounte of the Late firm ae ey y asp vod they request their friends to call early for that purpose } RK RURKE ’ J J STEWART Sarismury, Oct =, 1860 TO THE PUBLIC. er SALISBURY BOOK STORE. the undersigned would offer hie thanks to the public for the patronage extended to the House while con ducted by the late firm of Burke wolieit Sort the continued ov of ite friends Me will constantly repleniah the > POCK OF BOOKS, and will make additions a# brought ont. He iw in almoet daily communication with the largest Publeh ing Houses in New York and Philadelphia, and can readily supply by Express such orders sent him ae cannot be otherwine filled. His atock of Stationery Wall Paper, de, will also be kept up, with regular ty and care J J STEWART Ort 9, 1R60 trai THE SOLE PROPRIE & Stewart, and fidence and patronage new and valuable works are | i Salisbury Now 2d IS60 that las recently retnrned from the Great | Emporium with a NEW STOCK of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, test and most Vv xelected him Gro GRAND OPENING \EW GOODS ! Formerly o & Ropitrs, | | { fashionable styles Having We Wilh expecial reference the wants and tastes of this section, be feels eon- fHident that he will be able tomeet the views of hie id customers and trends, wud the public generally huoiwn ’ s Stock embraces an unusad aige oe Garnier ee His Stock embraces au unusually large ane attrac vupriedd by Nidishury, NOC o LADIES DRESS GODS, LACES, McCUBBINS & FOSTER Embroideries, &c., . IE now prepared to Ove assortment of certatuly not exerlled by any ferthe public avers frre py house in the Sta _ hae also a splendid v ty of RICHES 1 SELKS and SILK ROBES, and allot the : \ ee haidenin STAPLE AND FANCY DRY So9DS, 244224 L2ss Coons, CLOTHING, ae wee vored to weleet Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, | Hsieh Contene wers netdnsita li HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, 7000 : GROCERIES, Dye ui: Blacker hand r ve purech ustyle, most tnauafa tes reasonable ou \iour to sus he reputation of the proce, being at 1 stand, No. 4, Granite Building. oe ve Vronniugs, Tron and The subecriber respect ul'y wave “ir ruspection “ “ ait Lye his sew PALE and SENTEL “OOK, confident i exniand Na mathe will be able toother many realiv substantial x ipes ee AN Ciicentenceteeallewltanreay caverlianiwtlicaccall seed On. | ALSO) au Gaueually large sioch of eae Negro Clothing, gn Ta notion sleet en im Boots, Shoes, and Brogans. wea Mouse W Nori tebe suider ce ux, We hankful ter th Ti Returning my thanks for the liberal patronage y Woeral patronwze bestawed upon us while herecotore bestowed. Dbope tora continuance of the reeted with the late finn of Merrig & Coyand also same. Atlorders shall receive iny prompt and per- terthe short Uine we have tad our new atere open. pega) attention and we hope by fur dealing aud close atienton te Vea ERS business to merit a contuuanee of the same Wat = : ) oe the advantage ofthe No Coand Werte N.C. Rua Vow $d, Grimes Building nthe tae of Pe eet 19 GREAT Gakinpuiexan ingi(ir ronda AT THE GREAT We want untied quantities of DRIED FRUIT | ve ee CLOTTING EMPORIC 1° Remember the place, JENKINS CORNER 2 dF yi “aN DAVID WEIL. Niliahury, N i ie Rords, we can send Goods any where aad Roads every day: allorders shall have our pune: tual and persoual attention and tilled at as low prices EXCITEMENT aeifihe parties were present. All kinds of Produce McCUBBINS & FOSTER dwt Immense Attraction AT THE Wansion House Corner! Pt , CHEAPER THAN EVER !! HAVE just received a large addition of Fall Goods to my formerly large and handhome stock “' Fall aud Winter Ready-Made Clothing. which Tam selling at greatly reduced prices Octo 2; 160. ; | AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTE Barcains! ern Ciurs with a LARGE oad COMPLETE Hore inthe place in boy great Bargsins in Clothing, Stk of pasties Ready-Made Clothing But notwithstanding the rece pt of a Fall Stock, Ihave determined to oder my stock at nearly Gentlemen's Cost Prices from vow uni! November Court: and . althat ume and after, to Anevon. Tf Barocas !! Furnishing Goods, close ont nt Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under- propose to chan my basness. and will do seo even Shirts. Cravats, Neck-tres. Handkerchiefs, and a ata saenfice sand hen here iw the place to get) fine assortment of Shirts and ure, We. Ke. 10 the best berg ais ro which he invites voor qmmedite atiention. They R . Vi . ¢ ‘ _ , have been purchased for cash. and willbe sold cheap- EADY>. ADE LOTHING. | cr than ever were offered here before. NOW TS eR nieR Lean says mane oe YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, ae I Wve pane fear press cm determined to sell cheaper than any other house My stock mast by Vat serne prrve ! . al n Salisbury “Na GRD OO @ lt Hce AN those inde by nottied And « wotitied that tl Returning my thanks for the liberal heretofore bestowed, E hope fora coutinuanee of the ' patronage same. Remember the Stand, ted tome by open account are here NO.2, MURPHY'S GRANETE ROW, haame by note without delay ~ Si pee 1x60. fly 1860. FALL STOCK. Ro & AL MURPIY, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, yy , ' Se BOOTS AND SHOES, Hare, Caps and Bonnets, Sugars, Cotfee, Salt, Mo Syrup, Nas, fe and Mule Shoes, Sole Leather. Call Sking, Lining aud Binoing Skins, We , MCC, additions to their Stock, who dae me on long standing notes, are Sept. 25, yomust pay up, and that speedily ; is doom deter ned to make a complete settlement of alliny business here without deliy. Those who will have to settle with an offi cer, and at legal cost and trouble disregard this notier M. HOFFLIN. | Oct. 2d, 120 | BOOTS ! BOOTS! J HW. ENNISS i now receiving hig stock OF « Gentleman's Winter Warer Proof Boots, whieh forstyle and work are superior to Ts60 anything that os made or for sale in this market and at lese price Call and see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT, mad of the best Freneh Calf Skin and Warer-proo throughout, and which wall last longer than. any other Boot, home-made or otherwise ALSO) Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, with Double Soles and Upper, a enpiial Boot tor Winter, and warranted ie ALSO. GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS Jouble Sole and Upper and warranted ALSO, MILES & SON'S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT, nade tout and strong and of the very Nereaneae re now receiving linge Pu cearcenprencniicea| to whreli they invite the attention of the cilizenr of ALSO, WILES & SON'S PLIP-SOLE AVD GRvTS Salisbury. Rowan and the adj a Counties: DRESS BOOS. Miles’ Boots for beanty. dans pl attention given orders dures ocr] etait cette Cen iententle rein — Row \ MURPHY the Union and require no priase tats Tent fy Call and g worth you a pair of Boote for Wowte defy compe BOOT THOMASVILLE nk °SAOSs. Manufactured by MILLER & THOMAS. J UST RECEIVED «supply of GENTLEMEN'S CP WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS LACED BOOTEES, manutactured by Mirren & Thomas Thomaaville, NC, which are fully equal in atyle to any Northern work, and a great deal better in work manship and equally as low in price r having wud at prices tha \ it! He ENN ISS vot and Shoe Store, SALISEBE RYN, ©, GREAT BARGAINS iN CLOTHING! Met 2 -1 (20) Call and see them at J Ho ENNISS’ JOH Evviee now offers to sell Ort 2 120 Boot and Shoe GENTS PANTS at) $2.00) worth $3.00 : 2,00 4.00 mM ATS AND CAPS ‘ 700 9.00 s GENTS COW ds 3.00 4.50 UST RECEIVED a large supply of Gente and 5.00 7.50 eF Bove Hate and Capa, all sizes and qualities and vt 7/4) 9,50 prices remarkably low ‘ 10,00 14.00 CallatJ HO ENNISS' 14,00 18,00 Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store - 18.00 25.00 Oct 2 120 Call at Loin NESS. | Clothing, Hat amd Shoe Store, | . Ort 2 10 Blank Deeds for sale at thia O fice . rT © ee subscriber baving determined to move to the | | Mi NOTIC South-west, will preeeed to sell without reserve \ FALL AND \\ INTER | @ | at Public Auction, at his residence near Rowan Mills, Serofula or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood by which thie fluid Lecomes vitiated, weak and poor Being in the circulation, i\ pervades the whole body, S ‘ and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No on WEDNESDAY 24th of OCTOBER, the follow- organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofuloas taiot is various- ly caused by mercuria) discase, low living, disorder- ed or uaheulthy food, impure air, filth and filthy babits the depressing vices, aud, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending * from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ” indeed, it seems to be the red of him who says, ** I will visit the ini- quitiew of the fathers upon their children.” lis effets coummence by deposition from the bloed ofeorrupt of uleerous master, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tabercles; inthe glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, sores. This foul corruption, which genders in the hlood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofuloas conmitutions not only suffer from scrofalous com- ‘plaints, bat they have far less power to withetand the attacks of other diseases ; consequently, vast num- bers perish by disorders which, although not scrofu- ious (heir nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption whieb decimate the human family has its origin direetly in thi serofulous cont» mination ; and many destructive diseaxes of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, o all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the eaine Cause One quarter of ull our people are scrofulous; their perrons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health ix undermined by it. To cleanse it from the | wyalem we must renovate the blood by an alterative | nedicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exer Such inedicine we supply in Ayer’s | Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, of SPECIAL Important Sale! tog valuable property, vis: ‘ 5 IHead well broke Mules, 2 ditto Horses, 25 Head of Cattle, (amengat which are some No. 1 Milch Corea) 35 Head fatted Hogs, « good lotof Stock Hogs, Stock uf Sheep, all kinds of Poultry, 3 valuable Wayons and Gearing. 1 krtra Fine Rockaway and doubl. Harness, 1 Bugyy and Ihirneas, @ great variety of Farming Tools, (good und new) For Curing Tobacco. 1 full sett of Blacksmith Tul, Carpen- ere Too irat- » Gh 000 or From 210 tu 240 deg, forante hy ters Tools, 4 first-rate Grins, 1000 or POUNDS Walnut Plank, of Stock in the Weetern N. {pe BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. For sule by HENDERSON & ENNIFS. 30 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for sale by WEN DERSON & ENNISS THERMOMETERS HENDERSON & ENN(SS 1200 bushels Corn, a quantity of 10.000 OF all my Tove < Wheat, Qata, Hay, Fodder, — Wheat Straro, a lot of I 3 Hiatal . . . inte. Ait leh Pure White Lead in Oil, | mn Birnilure, | xhire HENDERSON w& ENNIsS | cise. | For wile by ; ) CAT UOUR | C2 Read Road, with other articles tuo numerous to desig: nate, Al the same time and plree, Towill sell at OIL. — | ancton my valuable LANDS lying uimediate GALLONS LINSEED HENDERSON & ENNISS 1000, PURE For rule by 1000 ublie | The most effectual remedy which the medical ski y on |our times can devise for this every where prev iz | Third Creek; my bome place coutuins 500 ACRES | and fatal malady. It is combined from the most ac- j handsomely and couvemently improved, with w good | tive remedials that have been discovered for the ex- ! proportion of cleared and well DRAINED BOT- | purgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the | TOM LAND. The mansion is elegantly situated, | rescue of the system from its destructive consequen- good Spring Water, and very healthy. ces. Hence it shoald be employed for the cure of nat The other tract contains 257 ACRES and is an- | only serofula, but also those other affections arise from surpassed by auy Lands in Weetera North Carulina. | it, sach as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. Antho- Tn short the sale will he positive. and a reasonable | ny’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustales, credit given. Further conditions made known on the | Blotches. Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt | day of wale. THOMAS C.GRAHAM. | Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheamatism, Syph- | Rowan Wills, Sept. 18, 1860. tdel8 | ilitie aod Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- 40 Bbls. For sale by Oil. AO. HENDERSON & ENNISS. a , Tanners Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY, Enniss’ Ague and Fever Piils, WARRANTED TO CURE at HENDERSON & ENNISS. bility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia- ted or Impare Blood. The popular belief in “impari- ‘ty ef the blood” is founded in truth. for scrofula is | = degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose | BRYAN’S | and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to par'fy and regen- | P 1 11 mon ic Wa fers % | erate this vital fluid, without which sound health is | Impossible in coptaminated constitutions. | THe Oaiutx ac Mebicine RStapLisnep 14 1887, and frat Oa Ayer's Cathartic Pill s of tha kind ever introduced under the name ef * Prymomic Warnns,” in this or any other cowntry; all other Pulmonic Fur all the purposes of Family Physic, Wufernure counterfeits, The Genuine cun be known by A the mame BRYAN being sainped on each WAFER. are sw» composed that disease within the range ot their BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS action ean rarely withstand or evade them. Their : oe : penetrating properties search and cleanse, and invig- Kelleve Coughs, Colds. Sere Throat, Hoar -wones orate every portion of the human organism, correct- BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS lig itt diseased action, and restoring its healthy vi- Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, DiMeatt Breathlag. |), ii. Asa consequence of these properties, the BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS linvalid who is bowed down with pain or physical de- Relleve Spitting eof Blood, Pains in the Chest. | bility t+ astonished to find h health or energy restor- BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAPRAS Jed hy a reset ya once spe on one a ° Not only do they euce the every-day complaints Believe jociplent c puees pass levery body, but also many iesidablsaad dangerous DANE our cn war een | diseases. The agent below named is pleased to fur- BclGuci I) UAt/ en ge gcmem (Ussa pean Oeste, nish gratis my American Almanac, containing certi- BRYAN SS ECLMONICOWAT Ste ficutes of their cures and directions for their use in (the fillowing complaints: Costiveness, Heartbarn, | Headache, arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, | Indivestion. Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bow- | els, Flntulency. Loss of Appetite, Jaundiee, and other | kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the | hody of obstruction of its fanetions. Ayer’s Cherry Peeteral, | FOR THE RAPID CURE OF RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. | By the Gallon or Barrel for xule at | HENDERSON & ENNISS’. DUD TO IANA TG FRENCH BRANDY. | Medicinal French Brandy. 1840 sto be the best ever brought to Diseases. 1S40 Given up by Ju Retieve the above Complaints In Tem Mingves. BRYAN'R PULMONIC Wares Are a Blessing (to all Classes and © stitations. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Voeallsie and Pablie Speakers. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are iu a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Net ouly relieve, but effect rapid aud tasting Cares, | Coughs. Colds, Inflaenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Broa- BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS chitis. Incipient Consamption, and for the relief of Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. Cousumptive Patients in advanced stages of the Unie market, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS SPICES! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, PI I Cinaamon, and Nutinege, for aale by NENDERSON & ENNISS | Diseuxe. | Seo wide ts the field of its usefulness and so namer- ! VINEGAR! cl we wn 30cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Is60 ttle NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF ous are the cases of its cures, that almost every sec- Mryan’s Palmonic Wafers, }Hion of country abounde in persons publicly known, ; In THE worse 7 , | who have heen restored from alarming and even des- NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF | When onee ‘ | perste diseases of the lungs by its use. Ebry mie Bulmeontc vw efcres | tried, ite superiority over every other medicine of its IN EIS POCKET | kind is tuo apparent to escape observation,and where 30 cts. Sept. 1, i — NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR ile virtues are known, the pablic no longer besitate Mm, Bc WCW Bryan’s Palmenic Wafers, what antidote to employ for the distressing aad di . TWENTY-FIVE CEXTS gerous atfeciions of the pulmonary organs that are K Al L A D Wi NT ER JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. incident to our climate. While many inferior reme- s 4 om. i Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNIAS, and all Drug | dies thrust upoo the community have failed and been 1 discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, con- gists COoOOoD S J |" May 29, 1560, 1y1___| ferred henefits on the afflicted they can never forget, 2 __——— | and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable s ! -- to be forgotten. : AT | 5365 = C2 PREPARED BY . “ye | 5359 No. 3, Murphy’s Granite Building. = ets = ‘ ; a es f25.T= —aa DR. J.C. AYER & CO., * FE vuvite the attention of our friends and cus-; e‘< Ja i. . oe = W tomers to our large and select Stock of ey Ep > na] LOWELL, MASS. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, | = = 2 Sm oe oo aa See by — 4 & = Oo = . Wyatt, y .Cc, : es < «~ : “ “ A aps te < = 4S a fF | Henderson & Enniss, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots z SM 228% Hutchinson & Co., Charlotte, “ and Shoes, and Siw & mae 5 —_ J. M. Johnson, Mockeville, “ . . . 4 . + 45% >->5 54 G Perry, Simpson & Lowe, Lexington, ‘ READY-MADE: CLOTHING, Om B26 L _ M A. & CA Santos, Norfotk, Va., . : ' Penne a (oamitncen tin eo aS | Haviland, Sievenson & Co., Charleston, 8. C. &e. we. whieh we are now opening for inspectior aamaa| i ae | A 6: (RG By on examination ef oar Steck yon may find Bar - = 254 March 6. 1K60. ly4l guns nor ta be had elsewhere, as we will make prices aS =o (xx — = i oa very low to eush and poncioal dealers eee JJ & J A MeCONNAUGHEY Se 28. = Sept. 25 Qnold S25) (=D) . ? e 1 gs wg £ EE eal se - wee fo Book Bindery *2 7275 2 e = 28 = I / wm s2:2 =z SALISBURY a SALISBI RY. 7 ee ies! SECU = ROW. RO DICKS wonld respeettally inform the AVE citizens of Salisbury, Charlotte, Statesville, Concord, Goid- Hill, Mock-ville, Greensbory’, Lexing- Change of Schedule. ton, Morganton, Newton, and the surrounding coun = eee ile oles tint iieiiva eecasianedat Bees nige Office Western \.C. R. R.. | Savissexny, August Ist. 1s60. | N AND AFTER THIS DATE THE PAS. | senger Trains will ran daily Sundays excepted te the head of the Road, 6% tiles and return aceord owing Schedule ve or- Fev in this place, and will he pleased ter Muse Books, Books, and Perodiedis, bound to pater, ort any etyle te sunt ( can be found on the second ders in’ hiss line Law SEW ING-MACHINES. | Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90, and $100. Lr His establshinen Post Office 1a Orders trom a distance promptly fluor over the lng to the attended to. LEAVE ARRIVE AY ht WR. DICKS Salisbury ut 790 Third Creek 7.50 Tir plain reason why Sincer’s Sewing-M Aacnings Salisbury, Sepic Is, [s60, bmiie Third Creek 7.55 Statesville 636 have always sold readily at a higher average price Statesville R45 Catawba 930 than any other, is that they are better, more durable, F( ) R S A I kK Catawba 935 Newoon wae more reliable, capable of doing a mach greater variety ae tices Newton 10.15 White Sulphur 10.30 lof work, and earning more monoy. Long-continued Spring Hill Tract of Land, White Sulphur 10.35 Hickory 10.55 as inp pee sterling ae sin ths pate ree ’ ay ‘ ro Hickory 11.05 am Teard 11.30 am of what are cailed cheap Sewing- Machines, thousands : , De CONTAINING 1060 ACRES. RETURNING have been deceived and disappointed, bat with Sin- | 3 i FANUIS Tract of Land is situated two milea from LEAVE ARRIVE AT Gers Maciuines there is pever any failure or mis- Salisbury, on both sides of the main roadleading Tourd at 11.45 Hickory 19.05 j take, to the Yadkin River, the North Carolina Railroad tyekory 12.10 White Sulphur 1230 Singer's Tranverse Shuttle-Machine, pasaing through it, on the premises in 4 Dwelling White Sulphur 12.30 Newton 12.45 | to be sold at 350 plain, and $60 highly ornamented, House, Barn, Tobacco Barns, and all necessary out) Newton 12.55 Catawba 130 jis Machine entirely new in its arrangement; it is buildings, good springs and now in cultivation and Catawba 1.35 Statesville 220 very beuutiful, mover rapidly and very easily, and, under good fence: the greater portion of said Tract. stateeville 2.30 Third Creek 4.10 for family use and light manufacturing purposes, is is Woodland, it could be divided into #inall tracts: Third Creek 3.15 pm Satisbary 4100p ™ | the very best and cheapest Machine ever offered to Acres the public These Machines are being increased in nomber as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand | for them cannot be fally supplied. Singer’s Ne. 1 Standard Shuttle-Machine. shury, Ort. 2, N( yT {( 1 E formerly sold at $135, but now reduced to £90, is too A ae well known wll over the world to need any deserip- 4° Executorot John Mo Jamison, deed, Twill tion Every sort of work, coarse or fine, can be done ON cell at poble eile on Vharaday the lath of Octo WORTH & DANIEL with it ‘ ’ s ber nextibe Plautation on which sad deed, heed ee a . er’s No, 2 Standard Shuttle-Machine Saininiive DSQWAc re Rina TRG Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Pins is he fayonte manufacturing Machine every ( The Train connecte daily with the Trains of the NC. R Rat Salsbury, and with ©. 8S. Brown's line of Post Coaches for the west. JAWES C ‘TURNER, Chief Eng & Supt WLN-C RR wold very conventently of desired. 1 will retain 50 of Woodland and the family Grave Yard MICHAEL BROWN, Agent Apply to ‘ 1x60. tf20 Aug 14 eve negroman, Wheat 1 witha few oherartieles tot named . Oats AND where he size of the Machine gives ample space mis ade known ou day ot sale ; for alii ry deseription of work, which, together ; JAS F JAMESON (o ission Werchant with its admirable working qualities, give ita decided Sept. 25th, 1s60 tu 20 ) mm x 1 aa AXy advantngs Price, with table complete, $100, = ee 2 = 5 oo Ni, 2 tsacsite Row, Peover Rreeer, Singer's No. 3 Standard Shuttle-Machine. makers, and heavy leather work. veils at reduction in the price of these exon the Ist of October, 1858, the sale of them has increased four fold WILMINGTON, No Brg wet BEMISTER & CLAY WELD, pester in attunds ot Grscerien Provinenes Frag, Utes Liquors snd Tobacco EFrousoc Painters, = Wines, Cigars Mach ‘eit comsgmmenteot Flour, Doed Froet, Feath GRADNERS, PAPER HANGERS, Ac., era, Beeswan. Tobe voand Counsry Produce gen Opposite the Munasn Flotel, eraily Agente gr Howis celebrat-d Seales ~ bees See poake the ee : stitch with two threads, which is the boat. stite! SALISBURY, N. C DG WORTH Note DANTEL koow Every person desiring to SAL N.C, Y ; BAG ory person desiring to preare full and AIL work personally attended to and warennted tobe x Ea Us pee Ye TEM TE Gelable snformvien about Sewing- Machines, their done ina workmantike manner Gale Nebnbanic Ns Us OS tc Wear 2 ik, working Guguciten. aad Gheobeat math. July 17, 1860 pd bras Sept Ts. 1860 vis eds of por himng. can obtain it by sending for acopy L ‘ 2 f 1M Singer & Cole Gazette, which is a beauti- ea se os a ay a . ful po torral sr entirely devoted to the subject. Jt Fine Suits. ated rratin . SINGER & (0, $50 Broadioay, New York. If you wish tobuy FINE SUITS of CLOTHING call atthe Gorat Cloth PATENT JARS. «. nx little money agpossbl RR UPERTOR to ane aricle yet made for PRES 1M deel tell Rice ees lr J. MERONEY, Acer, MO SERVING ERUITs and VEGETARLES, foro Ce memeee tee otasD Nail eae SAULISRURY, N C. Ane NG WOH WYATT ste Row, Salisbury, N 1 m1 ey 9 136 and 1HX Main at., Salisbury, N. ¢ sacra Gal Fly 4 tro een - ’ Fine Shirts and Collars. WILLIAM ©. LORD, 1G 41RS (LGR SIS CLG ies te! Th you wish to porehvee fine Shirte and Clare Tr [ N EY I A W 60,000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retail atthe call xt the Creat ( lothiag Emporium ot A OR AT ’ Poat Office MOA SMITH DAVID WEN SALISBURY, N.C. May 1 i Rept 2h 1119] Jo 4 re Ro : 7 “ tf51 Sept 25 1119] No 2, Gaanire Row \\ TLL Practice and make prompt colleetic ala ers seas < Rowan, Stanly, Tredelt and Catawba C MARRIAGE LICENSES JOB WORK Office in the corner of Cowan's Bailding apposite the Rook Store Feb 14, 160 |FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Neatly cvecuted at this Office Te Se NE Ea - O rees an See oe om are eae : | MDT | . | | E “ape ve “o> Dp ep pep Professional Cards. HOSTETTER’S | SPECIAL HOTELS. North Carolina Foundry N E W Ay crs Sarsaparilla oo H BITTERS. | weet Ae _, FALL STOCK !! el eee an DENTAL NOTICE, STOMACH BITTERS. ING" EG * GHANMON #8) HOTEL, (MACHINE WORKS! py cccncocs eon ree oe ea ed Stock of Willa, Be cath CELEBRAT i b STOMACH BIT- | large and vari ‘oc k o} p rm P peeatoraternve power ae toctond an effeerive an FR DR BESSE NT | “TERS can appeal with perfect eonfidence to 4 WY SU ESURIBE Jt a ieee Mere front a > 4 STAPLE and FANCY ° Tete R na eerie uate anmen ces . b 4 ’ | physicians and eitizens generally of the United i) ruueneot Sli & Al Is ‘BU R Y Ht in bn Wt harem dy ie wanted by thore . . . Btates, because the article hus attained a repu- 4 0 =e \ { w sill aw Strumeus Complaints. wand that one AS REMOVED ro rug DENTAL ROOMS tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon GROCERIES —- ae er e@ Wnmeain Heinle rare Teuit prove ont ga the corner formerly upied by Dr. Baron, this point will speak more powerfully Uian J r . J ~ 9 re coirted esunet ot Pura Sora. Gowith other sabelanees of sil VIE subscriber tukes pleasure in anunoneing te HUke riven Wtlioldreeciimeor oursetliared (el where he iw prepared tu atteud all yperations volumes of burg assertion or blizoniug putlery | Haat eae ee aie en uct eel cc me Sata aonaected with his profession TY : cH ' h Be friends. and the public generally, that he FRERCKS & RAEDE ' LW ‘ tupletory this compound willdo ofessio. he consumption o stetter’s Stomach Bit <i , z ance Aprape Tea weiner Si He W luni centahliched wid welll krowa: tuted R Their Stock of ut be ! noby ex cut on many os : Jan. 1, 1860. 162) ters for the last year amounted to over u half. "hte of Coffer. ugar, Molusnes, Sprur FOE Tenens BU Te eS cE LOSS UL cn, ; ax WL ow many of the yes Ae Witheevery other aitiele usu ot etnadian andhasinade every possible preparation to aweconime PECERRORS TO ’ 1 . ’ THING Wort cupen ' ewluy Complaint. nullion bottles, and from i's manifest steady : Woof whtety will be al ae ety abo cedingly low pri be ni ee ee BU CBE ee. R Io \ DY MA Dik ( LO ‘ ' ~ ( reabsin, Exurrions MS date the bosipess, dravelling and vie J porous © NL ua Mal aKUPTION W.L. BARRIER increase in times past, it is evident that during + Dien Mee ; eS the coming year the consumption will reach Eel Ua ees Des vee Lat cory suena BOY DI N & Sf IN, AN Il) SHOES Ae ans Ma PE nLEeRULUTCHES) i c Particular attention is paid te his N L eT Tia rend keep on ) Ties Kaa Sots Heap. Sypwiis ann DENT IST near oue million bottles. This immense amount ANS ay . CQ W ! Vea eshinee ak Parere EAE sae ana i teeeontieaees ’ could never have been sold bet for the rare “yp re i & oD we nen in Linge wad will be wold low, A large waar ine nt 0 : , op eG. i MIP we aie ' Neospora bie Dortornmes. D LD ti MT. PLEASANT, X.¢ SMA pepe taeda aati tr TC ABLE, RIEL | TURAL IMPLEMENTS SERVANTS WEAR ee ee ee March 13, 1860. pul 43 tion, and the sanction of the most prominent andevery comfort is provided in his : ‘ Ads JME. ie ce Perec ayes el Di physicians iy those sections of the country f ' wt ‘ Ge ee ee _ \ 1 ; Ture ” fie where the artiele ix best knuwn, who not only ae es SAS a ET tS ROOMS. sve rl NOU Clot FANS, » ne trou Darerery ¢ + Broo. Dra. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, — N2vt the article is vest known, Ain ere (CNet evant Be ete seinen eaienen aie) tapelice ire Ue Catccenmme aii ies CMe ern tuimetmen mets aren emt Gael ariite gs ieee Se wuLc Mel eaay AVE associated themsely he practice of Medicine are ready atall times to give testimonials to its lendodll alcarefull anther to all departients Doar lesen ee Fe ciate erty i ' o expel the’ fou and offer thelr Prof ! the pablie generally “ t o vw ic tin rs Oh fester e bleed at that seuson of u epablic Those efficacy in all cases of stumachic derangements y \ ; ont T } | Mitt re a s hit eneies moar : aaicane aH eon a jthe proprietor gives Lis persona! uttention lireshers Cider and & tts 1” rape LP (<} ; Dea ee ermine Ged ii oe ees oy Be a Poke and the diseases resulting therefrom i \ \ A RA erraT OMNIBUS ring regularly to Che ‘Phresheraud Separat: ! net cnufaeiare TO COUNTRY MERCHANT z Sa ee ne any -the same occupied at present y by Watt nad This is nota temporary pupularity, obtained r [ Hoa Cie ervalanel i se Quenimekeotsacdw ire well cuited to rheiiverckis 62 : pete ad Multitudes a 1 ) f y 7 \ Li lepot ie arrivalotthe ear (4 ‘ ‘ \ ur k f i December 14, 130% by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum i aR l NhafGiug and Machinery ; y : Ntuselyes fro wes With these efforts ¢ ase, a liberal ehare of the of Countey Merchants. ae in the purchase of our selves frou peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid : i poo and ulecrour sures, ae : 2 public patronage is confidently sulieited. for Grist Wille Curentorand Vertical Saw Mille, Gold, | Goods we huve bad ao eye to that branch of the A ; . Unset eeeton rd viteeien LAW PAR NRAGHP, estimation of an invaluahle medicine, which is WM. ROWZER Copper in r Mines, Pobueco Presses and Pix- trade b z eo . mi im lo do tine Crt ie i destined to be as enduring as time itself, at Janaary 25th, 1-60 1f=99 Urea, We. &e BROORY SCOTS ce WOOK fariwoutedicine Hen SACU WEGIn gata eoesyiles ere ee | TRON AND BRASS CANTINGS, Simin et eae a Godsend to regions where fever and ague \ ple Whenever vou find it A, | Sans i : ANG) \ N \ . ' | . I: 44) wth tie skein pinples,erup: OFFICE the one tormeriy oceupied by Dro Nesbit, and various other bilicus complaints have ° y y ] Th) VAN UPORGINGS and PENTSIEE DD WORKK of every p f Gi VCC RON Uree counted their victims by hundreds. To be ' a, ‘ ' eh ici niieaieetrnenicl Tul wairetited twun’ wl fod itis obstruct. = ‘i . a * : able to stute confidently that the * Bitters” \ ik \ i \\ rear i Cie ckeroriinican Alecia ner $ 10 RE W A at iD. ; \ si elentse ot whenever it PULISIBIUC UE, Wo (Ch 1 ‘ ° are a certain cure for the Dyspe and like PANAWAY from the sobwerber, near Ubon. 4 will ceil vou When ven done at ehort note E mases . Htors hs : 1 . . 4 ' " day the Tthtost.a bound bev bs tala sorder im fell, people enjoy bet March 1, 1x59. ses, isto the proprietors a source of un Raeia Caer 134 QV ville Daturday \ j hes : ae yed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter ; ae vl te a ' D Seer Lg eee ee ; Die eet aL Lad D ae from the stomach, vurifies the blood, and eotmestob ‘ t t order VW bot Strader Kn atl ! : oe QO veur 1 ay a feet 9 oor LO suches Mngt wel h Petar ua owe but with TOINT CO ) t 1 Ha tl fi i rat, Chari tie © W \ COLO eid Maral Hirde feMreticni place él Ne ted, ther be no last ‘ lnparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, ' telah, ayaa uae He TEER et s : SEE SEU DU Et 0) S Bl SI N ISS CAR I . iving it that tone and energy indispensable! " pwekiy Coltinbis, Ghstver, Pasettevtle sg iewhat seal), black haor rolls uuder at the ends, it vt roomie thing ine! po wrong, = ene 8) } 1 Ht pultish Synanthe and forwa.d ji for the restoration of health It operates upon \ \ \ ny \ Morganton, N. C. ted I ee will pu renther spare aiade, walks quick aad seach ann . Nec , Paiimdinnnined oneover: N. M. MARTIN, BRO Uie sivmaci, liver, and other digestive organs, ceo stuterssome when alitve excited Ube hadeo when thr 0. & CO., mildly but powerfully, and soon restores thei \ yi Tur perk New Hotel has yaad (he septation he lett a black frock lnaey coat, with bhiek buttons | Narsapicialon a rrvestiuch, the reputation, GROCERS Wy () to acondition essential! to the healthy discharge i ot beng a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and secon bruse edges. with some rents ao the right whit Me et arco, be bens code Pu the world hae COMESSTON y g ‘ NX nag) ‘ ras cn of the functions of nature. Co tones the State. As un evidence of it, Dreferto R ii (l I 4 1 I alo cacned off with him a Silver Waceh woth a steel been + i y CVed EN pr paritions of it, partly Mi EE R G if A N Y »& Elderly persons may nse the Bitters daily as the attiy favorable motiees by the Pressot the State A 4 4) cs . chain he alse bad a heavy flat gn ed fob chain Canse the done mm ew hot all the victue that is ( “> er directions on the bottle, and they will find AND ee with bead keveat the end Said boy will pase for a hai. Dut we berdusn nen: peeparalio No. 129, Sycamore Street, in it astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort 1 Mer hutineibenn clexed. and aiwaueste: aH # Couch Painter All persons are forbidden te employ, preteoding 4 Neutra vule rut wicleimebntare Per ERS Re 4 declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, ¥ c rely r . ' epthe H tied IS HING co eoncentrate iy hoods sue place, harbor, feed ord said boy ty any wey whatever but ‘ hoot Darmapanila, or any thing . Wee invigor ie tothe bowels, excellent as a tonic, s ry ; x > as xi Po > Wea “ tri beh ed regu \\ . pletacenon whieh Pine ander the pena ty of the faw, if hey de Dy ce N. and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- ’ fy woh Pees caps Null befell ben dept OT, SORES Most ofthe sot ie poatively bec aterd agaist all such persoun Hae? nis thie hive heen insted by M MARTIN, SOW &C dence of th ead of aged men and women Peewee al Ohh fers : 1th, eatin The above {will be sven te muy person borse bet r dns seu quart of Extract ((\ TN \\ Wi who have experienced the benefit of using this t LANs HUY EIS ; i < Dien ee ee eee, ee ya hae Wom of eer have preparation while suffering from stomach de is nd complete ond will be sold untattally low rates, aod as pe a ses ' i . ne “ ‘ wag Hhotfine thuber, of the same se that bean wet ham by paving expendes be ton ' ise hy one ouly Contam f ( ll \\ I rangeinentg and general debility; acting under © "hil ety be lS, Tamron dp COs Miner OPCS amaecodin CU Moen cine dl JOUN RENDALL a Rec cerie 1 ‘ the advice of physicians, they have abandoned <7my Travan Sethe Mise Uh FOUR Wo ‘ONC HE. Neres «Ot TOMLAND wid MEADOW, of tir April 17th, bsoy waa ert ' a ' parntul disap- ICT MONT), : all deleterious “drugs and fairly tested the ISTRIBUTED pe ' fa CaN carat fae bee DAW ELTANG ts well arranged pout Cate art a1 he Varioueextraces NOM wontes. ot KO VARNAOaET ments of this article A few words to the Ml nce ; | ‘ Sine Nalee ' ‘ ean mo : 1 ‘ eo othe warket, ont the Rov ows toes rue geutler sex. There are certain periods when : rela ASI “as i hee POR bee ron fe fb n River and ID \ I | LY { % Si A alt IES VC \ | I, sie 4 Hi tas become synony= raters their cares are so harassing that many of them ‘ Tso) ' 7 Not (al the a vongeare exced 5 m Wea “il we call this sink under the trial. The relation of mother a ‘ er woh lea woof whieh are tew WES con ; teonnpply such @ i : ’ ° rey eg 1 r oy ch < ue unely pO EG rast tr i O he a \ <>) G fd Dy \ G ts POWN ree ' ( r iS | Pweg Odili Cometien ey e u fron ie me of 2 re ' mother cially if she be young. is apt to pe 1 ha five : yo ; mine Moe we think we have - : we forget her own health in her extreme anxiety : K ! , A ee We fe aha \I ‘ i wloch wre irre sistie for her infant. Should the period of maternity eae . Piet 1 beat tht . | ‘ (COMM TSanis 22 Po el ag osu iw intended arrive during the summer season, the wear of ~ ! Sonia mt aN Al ‘its ne | te eradiea- te e> body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, \ t Che \ W 7S BENDS AW eae, ees jud-ewur JAMES HOR AL arin Rie an eUMceTCr . a . | oe ve tinee 4 Um | ee ea : ) nent ruts icv of the systen, and enable the tj kk RANKE ORD ‘ : I Bo Bora one tie 4 WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELEP, 0" oe Cae A. . ae a ay WELCI., wi? Ven ele ! iret » Bat feu 4 mp SALISBURY, \ ant responsi! Nursing others gene eens id's a ate a 1 eee eaten (Le ALISBURY, N.C. Pilly HentERTLERH flere te alle Galeranei gore SALISBURY. N. ( VWonat Vernon douse e ee : BAe ae ret Mt Mise One door beliupwh. $ AL Maohy es tors that receive the endorsement of physi ! 5 : au VW, Ve aogata hla if ithontri tic ue es y iy ce ) v ous ait uy a Lt ( ’ : BERS usicuniy eg cians, because it is agreeable to the taste ag Coy ) I f : Pann & a Borrtes ron $3 BEPS cous ou hand adarce » rte) bi see , es F Jo ~t 14 rere . WATCHES nnd JEWE fail well as ce to give & perinanent increase : . : : A a ‘e (Cleees P Clockanwatt ie! 7 vane oR Cee Wilhelm & Gorman. : Piero Ee tat Nhe Mite 1 Fa en : ayer DEClLcin if ectoral, ! eo Sorip sy » persons, to whom we have partion \l Wag A ee repairedin the be Vitti ‘ Tales i ( » aaa han y r ‘ ofeve ‘ ve, to wit sufferers: from : * : S : a ee ctsed hy mnt in, dines heed, Quick Salis and “hort Events DISEASED KIDNEYS, SUPERIOR [oe Canim hat tia en February 14, 1x60 tn , inj) lénal at apperitoontit oh. ie T i ter ' - car ¢ evidence of oe ae bod ; sient des oot) COLOGNE WATER, ae ' ; hal "272 Fuperiunuated invalids, persons ¢ eh, way ; : Reet MICHAEL BROWN, ea onan Piet ee nie wrest dele ii eee Oe vs ser COMM NII \ \ eter tl sa Stam Litre il ie oot , ee ' We eee meen Tt 1 ay ; “ atin CAPTION ey ~ " | Wot WYATI one CArTios i ublic against 0 : ' pre te ‘ : : : ' S ME CNM, MSE a ODE TAN ALA ihe cnr It Ce ere nee rar ee - vt sone DREGGIST AND APOTITBE VEY ' : N N feits, but ask for Hosterier’s CeLepiiTep : : Hey ' : ; ' KEG : Aye: to P ll NALISBE § ae eee a ee Chae Wat saude Whe \ ; [kel cat bie nia Cierny eee teak v.85 1 S, Pee BERSON Ate Citi sb 0N scdy the words “Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” ; é a ' " : rie 4 oN tothe p ‘ PRODUCE blows uietie aide he! ‘ r ' : : i / fe And u. Hisizeonents ee on ‘ lee aaa emt ee : Ses . hoy AP SYS ; bean a ? fas ' Heacache, Plea, sos fitinarer Port at uu ui . VA SS HESS i \ fee : ne ebruary 14, 1-60 Un Jal : e Rall : oe #r- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & wns ‘ tthe Bar 0 Sa Rheum, ery Pittabirghy Pal) andlecidl by WEL TIEDLM erie N sae as : " 4 bad \ ' [oe int or Collecting Azent. nigeria, groccrn and. deniere qenaraliy) — Ssishirs VF Gu 155 - aor i E UNION.” JEWELRY, HARDWARE! Pr i ! roornsitive throughout United States, South Ame- Pee —_ 5 nm rad CUT feemihier yee renee a nek ue We emnteraategeyiate Germ RANA WAY--$75 i I Ea : eee en wothe bert i ab eee rica, and Germany. RA A JA 715 Rewar \ Meee oN Bas, dont G ML a \ don he : tee ent He holde the appormtnent ot Ts yt Cr : ' ’ ’ <a . the « = > 2eyond abl onipelition .. . plissee Tien aa ee ies ! : ‘ f t ey ine L, SS \} Ie \ \ pis j ; ; : ‘Nf ou ie i ‘ PHILSDELEI HIA. | _ ; Stock of il ardw are He I t e eP 00 fo our Superintendent ica Coan 1 put to qials WEN AEE SL ESEEN J ALEXANDER Man Randel Tron UPTON SND CG the: | ae ~ a é fications, \c JOUN BEARD | 1 : : i 2 ye A f rf . 2 SNe : ' ae April 10, 1-60. ft 4+ ‘ ig oluen a Meecruuet cline! > . Rie ad ee ae . , » Slates: ’ roof t , SV z ‘ Kin PLE 2 yrs I Date. oe a mal i Ie gS : a ee : hes : nes - . v 5 n : - yen Mee : : a Borie one ae : ud S WN Tees eile Nereis ae elaty ety) Nc ay ue, pice ‘ ek ewer QRAWN g Nie , i a ees Sean i leer lin a Grd hatin and oP Te US TetL SU) . ob \ \ rhish gratin yo \ Loowtie’s Ss Mefeuses puntations They iy eee . Sis & UVERMAS . , : hae a ne) mee one Si aujirs a pabatuy ews een eh Hee, a WAR \ Su sury. M J. 1-60 i oe een nantes ‘ TTL Pde delivers te them at betingian N 4 Aime thes will he Ue is aye . THR ENION ah Dbel go” on / , ee ae a : eens YATT’S f | OUI ITE INN Sea SL adi ea co cca Lie ers Popa agp oti a h 1 aon th w their WY | aa aa Titebe salle Thi a 7 Bu : De OOT AD VTi 7 SAY AP TARE C0 i" ! ' SIPIECT AIL, SONIC TE Ly ' with other TOME CORDI AL, WAXlPACTORY'! Pe a . a ve raat Witten Ge A ee sett he best | « 4 . | = { ; ‘ , , . i . dpne of the vost pl and ¢ fast Remedies _. Greensborough Wy VHA NETS at | OW REPP «a y foo a ° Moet EE : ae : | ip ‘ : < Wow Ww \ ¢ oT ¥ Q TN ee a Te CN ' ‘ nfl T My t 4 fa IN i \ \ ( Ie ‘ PN 5 s ! nt ni r senter iar e iuxX Ca eee Baoan) TQ) TG Ras , ae a : y Ys : Hv Pays all Losses Promptly! JOUN P. JONES. Pion : ; CULMS ORM NET tet 8 OLI fea O) AS tebe cO Ete AUT NG les . é a eae a | SN 71 vt , t 1 z as ee ldr ‘ wad : Sets, Coad Se nat BROAD BITRE«T, DR. MOUTARDE'S y cn. | ae : ! Ml Wee att poM : , vs Vole PRICE 25 Ci NTS ee a er Prin Ki WHEELER & WELSON'S 1 CE Chtentt tt eee niraculous Pain Killer SESS NSN ba Prepared by WOH. WYATT, Avo ee ) vin \ ' tech cd th ‘ ‘ I fst \ Noa 156 aud I=, Moon > / a lado ated bs : : ‘ . " I ° fine saunter vc) ! ee a a o — RUPE WATIS M1 i Newlng Wachines BANS o..2 . : wren? Alewiouer Mie & > Poada \; . | iat SP UIEE EL OR ra Noni ¢ cee Nn | [ee nrient Hts tena vy LIVER INViGURATGR, rH NORTH CAROLINY Poon: _Siiees & Cations « : a ‘ - al 10 il a ag O Ha rage HIN TENS bed | WHEELER & WILSON S SEWING MI ventas i = “ Ti ale Pars \ CereOne 1 | te TET NI No earner Pe nai eee se NEVER DERI s. e cnet x ' i tt <7: « : : ns . : edentirely from White Sulphur Springs, me meu WM. M.BARKSR | ».. ' bug tiation, To? 8 ord lata Aine ei Veni; ER netmioantet ihe Nob p Wise i \ : piecatio tay i . j 4 eM oa "y ‘ 1 mee No © [hi Wiss ta THLE, be opened for visitors hy Go) Lael ae sc Se \ Tock ere ites | a te rerun .S. Wi ee fore es : babe i PieeaRY ine Hat ree * (SPE SIE Sa Wile \ \\ ‘ i 4 / 7 \) ; \ yt ie Tk has ¢ 1 n at bealthy satin cana ; \ a i ee se , eas —_-— |! ‘ a re ae eee wap B 4 rrnont of the Nearthe beaugdia mawha Ris woth | ar Ser. Dope i La See . r cr . / . . ‘ ming nq es oO a eo VE SE Me tei / Carriage Business, on ASNT Te TC) Oe a 0S) =e: te som in tho phe Western NC. Wasl Road with Pee is | in LA MEBANE ot Ces i Ores Vann teat a ee ee ee Mic oilimo ean ee | ee oe. a8 i 4 7 aa VP AUCTION. a oe eee leasure Vehieles aud aipenior Sadec: torsos w fi ee er ees : a hELNG ' | vt yapepsin : at the eall ot Below 4 p in 7 wih . (i hs Salt fon mao NVING dite rmined tener, J) x Tor at merce ni RitROn Dy sen ees as ee : es oe Eee ea oe ee! Se ee 4 ee \ ’ ii Tarn er pee pel ro ra Morbns, Cholera Iitanta Flatu- seine Solis ne wide fl | LAND FOR SALE ro rk we | ew Pin \ ae ae panda ext ead t \ row st ' : | | i Weta! 12 n mile WW and | toast | Josey ate Medi- tie, Itwileure SICK fos ne best waternn sc pels cp bed | ‘ I (ent TC Loa EN NetID ne ine 1h ( b ‘ “ ei ort w Oars and Hoy ie ADACH : 4 ne. ts can testify, te to refresh he « moanornd oh ~ (eo } ! t i ; An ue ‘ I | MURR & OSSAMON i Vothereatl twenty ming jtwoor three Toa- extended rep omand the mec it | Ar 6 < 1 us WoOBARRIR | ey rR Y 1 vite ' spoonfals are tak-_ em at commencement of a VEN WPA eri eo | ee ia [fat seein Se eee Oe ekene ace Arise nueeuass of the Wes NaC d ' tates t . tip : rare fib Nor ft | TIN, SUMEEE TRON COPPER De ee Sune iasie) Be t GHeEN aie T 15 MOUTH WITH and afflicted with oo eor lets pe [radiiwinion. ahent GU Ver wae Hr wan Wied B Li { | | > ; i gest ¢ Os GHEE MIX ‘WATER IN THE Thecexp , 5 ak | - : ee Dll), Saat Aner 20th, D860 paar NV TOR, AND SWALLOW ici eee | SMITH a MELLER, Ae A eae Me ae rowns Ave ry s a ee COR POGE THER Te cumin. Phe Vein tar iian Giciee cocnt gay eel PHOMASVILLE. SC. | RUE TCR _ |! ne e PING. Pvn UN REMW STOMIIS oye TURNIP SFED Price One Dollar per : ep filting up a water og pl a . tewoth the Wty . oe Execntrixeof S DOR lol iH \ \ ( ; ue ie : ' SANFORD'S Fae ery ne Neary roy oy a Gen em the | Cee sees Toes 0S Wie oa) SETS JENERYYeRIETY, FRESH aod WARRANT generosity ferenecurgemen Tete ete ONO TEDING | ; ested mike 4 ’ nial copes Tet vedtothers | ie ' She elemoric en TAD. wold by NWO NACE CATHARTIC PILLS April 10, 1260 rs (STO xX DING! oe aa a y 1 A t 1" |" aes ces er Istiand 1 Main wt lel a ReNDNI FRM 3 , ‘ nee led “ ‘ roti be phos ee ina , | ES A pat 1 | OENDING! AARY ERANKIN Bara | ; ee SUS SS sa ae iL ASS and Wilt Keep NEW MANUFACTORY | ‘ a R , . | Et | \ eet HEL eal Lorene THOMAS BOBROWSN NOT iC Ie TO NIE Ii tn any ¢ \ , AY is tet met 1 . e t i Woatl N ( init ( ) ee | Goch AP SOUTHERS HAT AND OUP ihe! : ‘ Chills and Fevers TEEN M Set . ae e fi ae aun a it a . Salisbury, N. C. | An Unfuiliny © pecific We CNET. ' \ FTES TEIN ASTD) Well Tp ee sand aeconntain ie nance of JOTIN Ae . | ' , ID. whe ts gents and all theme that re them NRIed(GurentGeibariica ae HAVE now com | I he Unf mie! TFOILIN DOOLEY, ; I wy it i SUS Uae REN aa ay cle t Aithrent Ca act or the Unfoetumate i Ga : th ARTIC PILL achinery, bom sof ' , 4 | \ Mou Src, uw We i fo Serene) a feN dinky May A 3 ia s \ ) 4 See ma » \ v | et eee ENP ARELIOCTION | | ME TET PTGS] RYE M eo oN) mo that Ecan supply all it rth Care sh oN ala ( Me le elt ouN se wt i oe . meee : NY Tilo Rest MO MORELIN and Good | ae ENTAIL Edis, 1 ae TUS ANT AGT CNH OTT Lraa oT ee \ os » MRI ANT OS AE let ee ne ean a y oe. MORSS EST _ wat wrod dy mae ul other Bedsteads, CURES RECENT AEFLICHONS, | ss SEW STVRER ' se B ' a : ea WEAVE non Nala al POR Eaten e ts - ' ' (se Won . Rheem ifoor Chaaper than tee re anal oe oe OW it 1 4 | Ils. Raye cea er ee jeer an mean araT IN A FEW DAY3! | vt eee en ee ya N onic W FHI. NOTICE THIS. eens satisfaction, XN tiberal d 1 Pia 5 x nil ‘ ele yay ties lov | pond for this: gre | il ma Pe cunt in| fe ise i I jen ha ipso comttde gt atiny alelit ¢ \ ey ! a ee ree ed a a Pests rn ie a Proves 1 ee he ae IN Seite I St. Sohisharey ; , , Aan artisan 17 Offier. Fa ine Rergnss ap Ge i ves \ . tains | ea Ua eli eae E He ! . , ‘ 15 , Se Je ie { 4 } é Morphy : Store bet sry Tipit Psteuuni ai hon discon werd re x 7 DIMES. " i vn SR OUARRISON oe ul a ek | HILLSBORO’ ae a ) rane rs aid Hoawhty On May <, 60 t r did ‘ mt eosed iy mnannfreturi f nee , Nanna . ST. W.SANROIRD OD fotis fie ctylen wil] he abana owe cn wo MILITARY AC ADE MY care DR , . nn : iL, AND I: oo MIL, Ie, OR Riek Uy L& GRADY, ! M hea Hat am stall rie tine ' oy tit ender the net of Con ¢ WANTED ee ee ae ‘ ' ‘ r { aH ‘ \ t ry arity i etic that he keeps # Seid Nth SON A VNI=< ReCGIN" AH valuable PLANT ARE - ees eet ne i oe . ne ei vent : 2009) feet Sycamore Lumber, | ey Www MGs aan wari ee Tere mes ‘ eva oly ‘ ‘ ‘ iW 1 He ee ee Dis ates ero tenn e ae Taian : . i Ret iD ate Peeira he niven unm nti cet | Is549 1y6 Tei vee Tees CEN l ; RTA i =, q A Dx, n Legh orie \ ‘ \ } . a 2 ‘ | ' R ee 4 a sits hes line secommmodating terns Riel criennin ARAM GPR) ACE (DAL ae s- Straw and Millinery Goods|' 1 cmenarettongrameg | Wet Be Inat pally die aed Vad aioe eile. sl at mi ine tone \ rr UE JAS. A. SADLER, IJr., of goo wo Meados , i . eae i cle i Cle s teak ' ‘ . pen a Me u | Embrotine, Paracas Flowers, Ribbons &e., Hat “ t Fie eaneae gantiion of Army | J 50 ‘White Hands Ne ee fae re, Pega lereniccncen / growth of Pobacr The baring lire No. is Conrtlandt Street, } oe ane eee Pe eV Len one Au PERSONS whe are indebted to me are \\ Persone wishing to purchase 1 boo porns UP ATA ae ee iat ‘ | LY he ‘ Daina Pepe ted to enll and make imme P. Hometon who readeain rebherheod. and «Ht | \ Merk | een JOHN bOOTLE \ W: \ rn Rak Revs NOR TITERN earn e a ee necasmlidmuee ay eeriaitcs SHERMAN ‘BROTHERS, take great pleasure in showy the 1 t Lees \ ee arh i . , : ATONE ails ’ rnd ias this | i me that Phave called 1 ' » Jon agent in iny abseuce. TE RT 2 | | SAM MeNENCII LIME poe SvASla Es. ae Rope homy ne July 24, 1860 " Buggies and Rockarays, J May =. ISA ifsa om te N " pe | nes eee Be neces rise Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Apple Brandy. Te he oN ee Rockiwaye Sa : THOWN, p \’ r It XN ‘tT P| ARS. i ioe } . , isa ce VY a A OR t t 2 ' ) Se ,u\gt 19 Pork t ‘ nM t, NIET a ee a Se ie rhe ce ae ys i ! ie) VINEGAR. NEW YORK. LW, fot Wicsers iy Fron Gani} Bor , MNS yA Yinguost oe a ; : alt HER Sean yh e TELL 5 ‘ a ; ahaa 4) Mo WVATE Conk eee San heal Ria el BL ANK DEEDS tle hy SV ENT Ce mnt Dy Wade at nt past JURE CIDER VINEGAR, for ante by WOH dune 5 160 hmpd 186 and IRA Main ot, Matiebury, N 5 . Istonnd Pes Won ' Ga wt He SPMONTTON WYATT, 1S8 and 88 Main street, Salixbo July 24, 1x60 19 Sane tiie ta 1" VOI SAVEIE AIP SEES IPT ETE Ie} duly 23 nm) Salish ra} th DAO “io IN © 1) Blanks op all hia thy affee a / , 7 a LE f B ee ake. a J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR ANB PROPRIETOR. TERMS a3 NS) owine Courtwnd ausccHaneous BLANKS tem Wand tur sale, at otive, Can In Per eerere VOL VEL, SALISBURY, N. Ci, OCTOBER 16, 1860. NUMBER 22 ;WILL THE POPE LEAVE ILOME | The foreign journals all more or less speculate upon the expected departure of the Pope from Rome. ay S200 ~ . ) : 4 a \ q " Phe Constiterionne! semi official organ) i oa publishes au article, siened by M. Grand Clube excecding ten,in the same prey guillot, avainst the extrene party, which, e150 bh. Payment always in advance after having counselled the Pope to follow a policy without Concessions, now advi- ses him to take to fleht without honor. M. Grandywillot recalls that as long as the Preneh troops are at Lome the secu- ntyoof the person and the authority of the Pope are guaranticd Ile expresses ewe See ee euros Bet au earnest desire that the Pope should not Vit C & SLC curt ree reece b quit Lome, and continues thas: “in ex- : Case Hunted dal pressing these wishes we have only in AU Ue tg ea Tat bs eMC A ee Bee . ne SI Se; g i rain rs eer ' Se auaet a Devoted ta Politics, eas, Agcicaltare, Jateraal Inprovements, Commerce, the Acts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. eo Sie ale Vasey aor alae p ee | ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ jwhich at present complicates the position vo a ; of France ig the presence of her army at : 1 woe : arte ’ elt —_ ; on Lome and it this vecupancy could cease Deen er a Rauity | de St NT ETONN DENI ON TONS == (Ga) Ameron | From the Asheville Spectator Joux Ben's Racor Old documents OX Livery Cucien Magiixc.--Aineet all would be simplitied, at least in a po- i oe Miter ta ik ; READ! READ! PRESSURE CLINGMAN AT WAYNESVILLE have been ransacked from Ine Was beld Monday might by the cou litical port of view. It is not Rome ‘ herfuen : quetituse uBlankspr 2 ! . / \ ; ‘ Sean i Thouras L. Clinginan addressed a large stone has been let unturned, vrevation of the notorious Rev, Dr, Cheew, Wich we oceupy, but it is the Papacy ed meee MeN Nee Lilt DOTNET iS SOT ND N= From the Charleston M. If Lincoln is elected President ot the nthe Macen © Journal and portion of the citizens of Haywood, on | Hy ' i pedi ATES Va ony Views, and those of ul Hee Monday of last week. He arnany In orefirenee to the diitso tien sy all ie vain, le weve erin New York, to investivate the eh ye that the Lev. wentlentiat dad sninevled wooch we defend. Onur ceeupation could In nO Case assuIne aw political character. Be ! ety rousequece of the at cu 2 cane] ot Hos BU, itis Seno | er One ain cn or aaane ny : Money norket, and 48 to commence at 12 Oelock, and cous wold he comes out of th in tendnlenttus 1th ection of tram as woald - We @vach io ie tome iin en States tos wiles fie Tar eciet ‘ rtruth and foree in the following clude his epeech preeisely at the hour ap: tous ever, ter The Express, of Monday, s ee hy bce aving we should : -_ Cre, eee a pointed to convene Court. ‘This was done Vii SOC TiCeutunianinenentl mien nN at Untisivess rea Oo) THIS IBN MOT niust be settled by the juvsent adiiinistt . ee entmroulye bconose Cu (ue) aie eetenera nel ti ' / ; eine) ethe fulive temporal power of the tiet Mio Line srl) teat te tis \inorican Col. to prevent a reply, beenuse urt Was n | wiry Miro Wirren, JF. tmle a mation i i } But, gentlemen, 10 18 useless longer to ; waste words in proving go plain a propo. in otice before the fourth ot Mawen next sition as Mr. Bel’ soundness on the slay Lone before this tine the Southern Sie ery question. This is ¢o well establish: | will have determined their course: an 1 in the money market to the clot our Federal relations, A well van attached to one of the Banles in session at all during the forenoon, and (PS for guaranties as ty lat, } ps other journals three times as many persons is could gain access into the Court ILomse to bear hin Ile is the only candidate people who has always voted a ; Which not having heen on tertained, he agai moved a resolution te eflect that ‘this chur beupport Dr ithe Pope Im dont to deste a mnanibest, ca toy upon Cathoie Powers for issistance. 5 ! ar ‘ : ’ tly returned from the North, as Were in town at as early an hour as nine | ; ( ever inevery respect.” At this june ed, that gentlemen of candor and infor if this course shall be a secession from the su ie wal ven o'clock. The character of his speech also Wilmot Proviso. ture, several of those present rose indiy , . — mation ou the ot ‘| ide adit it ats Union by one or inere Seuhern States a S left the dimipression that he intended to He is the only candidate C nantly, and attempted to leave the roam, oa pS USUI ce: General distinguished friend, Mr. Bartow, —whe. Mf Pichonan w TY OAL SECM SE an weve ho opportunity: for a reply, From Ways ¥ ted uetinst Squatter vererenty. but the place was quickly thrown into Via , as earcer in his thir to whatever man he tay give tis vote, iG tie Geen (oe + yy : Hittin to @isliner tt Ades lel the most {leds the only candidate w re dank nceaniivireoiie tHieman Ue xth wear He was born in Nashville, ititiitiee t liner ity ol bos } d ‘ ventionnn : 7 To eMerye sett t c t ' \ t ay yy oof proteetior ) ye ” cert { 5 ' wats th or} Tktnow to | Pevery sets Ww we at ect eee \ tas ‘ Uy Tete Lewell Chlonlnttdn Taelauivon OF jromeatian: Who thought © hue?) was more in conse iy TH OMAV. PS2h tid Wa sronghly ated candid —Wietses bo be utderstood on ai eht te secede fron [aan " rl Siitliatre deeaent said prepar Ile the only cancidate, hance with the place than any other, ant Cluested: tide thre 1 uv Hie aus tats question Tle says Prepest, Dado qy Mitre: cokene an Wont tt ly ceil {tard dieeliion al the V aio tofore, who ever defe t Who turned off the gas. A general hyp. econ ten whatever . profession he not charge Mr. Beil with un-outeliess on tet States army or \ berce templated by the Breekinridge party Se ae ih and rumpus was the result of this UiUeit select in alter Hirst by a colle . Pie 1 : 1 oy ‘ oi ch | < Ag fyral hn , ert ed ay , f is} the slavery quests ESI SCAT — It feat forse : hthe event of Lincolis election Heaney cat as! ee jrate meton. Seats were overturned ue aces reity af Nash candid tian say, who knows wind lie save. py Southern un Ca Ta t enne A Lee vinath ison faverotity and tomistake, (ds and a comimerc soouen sereamed, three or four oft ‘ Tae ua aa ; wn or says What le knows, Toust av itis the army and nas, wi! ae ive oe ee Mais on terregatted upon the point by tnoral good reex pitched in and fought eaeh oth (0! SANS stolen MICELLES ‘ a omitby fiat ric ntl ' ' I! 1 . . ~alet ! ndoall of ‘ fie : t del- a hittle singuiar, Chat my toc Eien MSs ’ ver ! \ Citi iter tiliinen tee meni We vany and all of ‘ , eo sacred edifice” while ty ‘ ‘ ! adel have seemed ta leas ! ny vtlis Presid = V1 Wa rat ' apes a direct answer, he boldly de a ptoke 3 r | flee aie iat ; retolall, Mr Warren, Se, who ia Bola tie bens; \ ts, while inp Mr. Del acayht | We dppraved the | Tavo tlice cures ears lI i 2 7 . ! a tient as Oe hie Cen ye 1 Wahi A rel the See shee aries my Sareniiiei tiny a [aerag { 1 \ ' thie COU ONE Na Cis IVT CIESTIN Tent ( FotetloN t ‘ Tier ToMse TAS HES r ' EOE UtRn caine tad . , iandoover, and ne t Grn ‘ 1] . Ne lornteetetaie (i OV UUICE Lihue Ww t Prpat : : ; ; Fal , we t “ nade a ine nt , Cam vote, the eageailian of eat bet Coca a ( it , S mo ' Neal Pty sro te EVE ods kiows 8 © ue ‘ int ist (Monday, ove Me : Poe pa ‘ re dod wat uae, Ale eetaitily Gel Galt ~ , Sec ecu a ; gine Ine emconna evel Garten mia Pocee tits berg toe, tust motevery 4 Manta cried laeeerit wane inn eral, fut | ehjoved and ap hiaveknowuthat Meo Bol ueverd COPS eet ieete | ( ' : 1 i \ ! ce we ns : toa epest, Uathbal tia pooh ow poly | Llc rirtilomome TOLt Lona ~ ptectated oy a mind t iat least, quiet lO tlt doetmucotie Vi lack sewn i ere teos r Paw ee : oie TSS Ten cy icine Nee i enipt Qhenm the puny thats of ft Ceti ! Studies baa let that wterly for- £ ' ‘ I> \ ' . . : ‘ ! chor lt t + \ ) t ter 1 ) t af: { att his stiles tions fur in speech wines Meo bb D> eae etl 1 es \ 4 . | ern aut ppv Glas (cnet ies pe WU Zats Ww Lav Aikied \ mn Ge Ve beveiiet ieee ime 1th fou an advert mor less In the Senate, on the Beth vend t eal ’ . t i ’ . ni) unt week atter eck reterat t & : VP ohana , : \ iret ther t I ite, howev- Mav, 1854, he referred ta this very dl SOM Ce te Une ete fener \f Cora . cee Hae Warnes Woijar ated stanatous chine tliat Ereetewne, Nae eens ao . ote | essten, wiich he trine by name, wid conde | uid oy? en ' : ' feline ok . ae oat at op ount k tedon the shaver y questa Leilani rer ee - WN te often Wee. tir: - poo] { prurties ‘ | / \ Hope @ that le wn tis 4 ont = uN sedi Peus \ 1 \ \ i hes Iseaves Ktow U fave felt . | \ iW istic t thong demmed itas lone Weisel Set : ' (FP uaene Van itie ' His \\ | een the { Was iaeter 4 ee Gat lotry rote for ‘ : aaa 8, nN ust l en, | \ t ’ { ' - or Hes) t \e Omeans t with Gen Il ‘ wren < : S ( of ae. ange ‘ : eit eae wens, HOKE Teak KB ‘ ue ty : ‘ x : von U plasssane Anes MGS Feist No ‘ ‘ ey ett t tne ‘ 5 Cae for thik « ~ pou ju = ‘ ‘ tr ' il Velcd ties s M ‘ fei U ‘ Sa tue | : Ie : booend EA ‘ tiie Ss i | : : . M Gee t ' ' rn Mr. Seward satd thea k ; lo t 1 ure “ ert cop hat , t ] ' , , I ‘ reo 1 i ’ ! Vel I vy termina . c Capen} ol ~ ts cut / \ ! ‘ tt Set TET TCM LURES vUUIamNcuE sera tert er Sais At Tevet gv questioned, come ty forut ( ny . ; ; hi 1. “ a coal Po eratrocesanity I ' welt en . ee ere teens ANP) PEN ON eee ai fa : ; \ fe tue country 1 Care tine would ¢ ow \ Vani toh heeus-ity. ft ' ; Ny elt list etclrone eu r i (O) ml x \ coe T , ee CHSt , the | ve cotal le, we tron | 1 J - ind over ag \ . : ; ( : ‘ 1 2 s Wave : cnn ‘ ' i . Ne ca tins V \ ! | ia Ce 1 trine, ©) j . i " . ! . . eta) | \ I) ' | . ppore of t : ‘ { \ ' [ey veer \ nas ti, the + , ith 1 | i : ; ‘ i ; t ey : WU : Til Lass) \ CUTIE ANN SBE NW ae (Dit Stssane We SemalaeNS ror ‘ 1 ! . y Bla cae ew Ne Liane 1 1 rea \\ \! 2M . i yoenpportins ley at ‘ CPATIAl Uh Thee ejeele \ i Navona 12 cay \\ 1 . ats Bi) ! ‘ ! Poo netes of Tue centhenmnu s Hots wery sre Ty take pee oles ‘ tion Was evid \ cl , pornted te presto t rant ead t Cet bret a Hesketh Ee Lia : CCU Teeac MUL ot Cunt (s ACS Coady TLL [ett es erat We reo esr in eee hom ow Tent at Iu t Wean, fen bre Ver ae ea t 1 to ert peop ie, ated bees Sa feale cet re ont ; MTOR PETS TURE Ese cekraiet s) Th i ; Maen mM I orercoecu tes ibie to test by amy events that wits oeen Satterlee lina eawnts Cesena ; et fi Cetera laren Nd PONG sche ‘ HE anal ' t Vdd ree word : ea th Was heard serean nth J atin vad . 0), J Sip ooe wend ne t ompanied w hor ‘ linha lets ; mr . ; ; = 7 iy eid \ : lanenave : It is het extravas Ke ates ee ‘ | : ve lee Tey their time Tt an too far oft att . wr ene CUaiT Mente laren \ ; ' c z 1, sert that, liwd toe test inven 1) ees VHD a em tt 1 the political issues of the Present corte tliea ' i ' : A ‘ = ve as OT tresupe mean citcd Poort cn CHESTS SECT Sth tae 1 OF Wty We that, with the threatened election i pe v . 1 Crotty Cee t , / i Ta Sa SPP ee nO) Vivre rm I ples ef. vt ‘ bee ‘ Did | a pchiedie , 1 } re te nuse anv one whe is not hard 4 r Cree? niet ‘ f poli . pins : t | geet enquiry as totie sheretore, Per President, and the threat of prominent mien " Weare ta ig BCE GS US LOE RY Ce SE OUUAT Sey mise TE Uae SHH RB oforts aut eat covered with of police combining all s clemneots o : . as a f , > eae t at fi ler enter 5 n Pa ae - as } - . z : ° ee DAD wu RE SUAMRSUUC) Mr. Clinginan’s coming North tas public life, that his inauguration will be resiste: Plack Re publicans, but we thought their! Up for means of ente EPAVL EU: So far wrong was going on, bnt he was met by boquets by the noble and patrfotie Ten- * Brueeny eet 1h eee Siouiye Tet ‘ 1 pat ' teh oeven to adiscaption of the Cuton, that caper swere nbs ty presented by M the © Old Dosiinion Oe GT i 1 tle HM tu decking sndividuil, yessce w “ ‘ ' t. Hurrah s tls DP et tise that is : . her wre et Pr ascen a Ti chICeeT te ' 1, eS ec : t u F m yt ‘ Wish Teiee a I {obe withdrawn from citenlanon, and al | { sett Lineatn Ver pre etimence: vo Une: puis! su \\ ‘ ue oa Hy POSICUME SS fy tlie ane Ml Miter and ere. ted ' 1 re me eeker . t eran Pree } : rt = ~ ral personab and y aS : WW tue a ' re a Tileecotsccuen appre rll fal oes aut roof oc Raves ave oy elie bale, and Wilelire moan a re reparrabs ry Watkinee a tis t} Culecerent 1 yi sk Sale rai etka Ie . oN hss ‘ 4 pent “ tA i sa ‘ Aa HCN Rees.) SUN toe fature depetes upon the en Cea [le was Weve Pie Stalls I. S “ Heedings, i " ‘ 1 t ‘ q ' i van Ati this be fare fess . ’ ne voolomies enterta any SNC nation rece ot Her proopte Vs fo annexation Utes tein {orentietuat by a few re ’ sectlotial ayitil ‘ ss sot ye td cerawiece distrust, a ‘ t ' 1 ' weeneral, We have had enonsh and mere sect : } = ie Re eA t 4 \ \ 4 Many Oher Lespr s t it eek tie ' - ‘ preks s Wite fab a@ revere ‘ , COT CET co 2 Se et fae aed ! ' ‘ SPE aM i) ' vate Hd an opportu Chater Ott We wotid beter « ier | Wet itt rn Crmenwe omy | \ MENG COLD AND) DARK. Neots hy re ~ , ence Ra ; ~ feat fe NV . \ ; , in Testy. au Taree e Tlee ii teu : ny ene she taiece CLE are Vinote spots on tae sun than Wohis . a rt Parent “aoe cnay Ml een Ohne ee : jeer s 1 ony years s words of 1a \ ' \ . fe ne ! ' . te | eel ‘ u ( , ees ey \ rein a sinok- What was M ; . CA i : , : \ \ s dbsu ; a , a ray ean mee ee - ui stars j Rive se sep oe es on . oo Wan : , . . ; Serr ecruet ' t AW aera \ ‘ : a toy. whieh | aod sstaluing the ha : Crt - ; , . - ae a She ee . . rielontiar Ww fered TRUCE n ‘ Teast tow, iust have my | i ‘ . | , | {aot \\ s sun wodd whatitdiel aimed Mi. Die ae save 7 ; ; i power ~odtestoned ora , ‘ i ' TESS inst uy Be pat ha Suet : : : 7 i . \ | Hovii Neaicr por Aw Poanlen Cire nestion ; : ' Ca ; | | honora t . | | I ! SO - bow ! i A mee seed bit \ mes, Previrayomt t ea ibn HOTMETS, . , , at (oi we tk hen . | fal he foredes : SH ts : . . . a caine ow : ‘ i Peco nee fo atria hota oe liroar 1} 4 ‘ rel ‘ sun are ' a CHE a at : . : f dentof tae Avast ; Fi Nig , ava \ Sw With equ j . th : rey een oheqecls SEHR see eiidial ee neuer eee f ! : Vile te cf lin Ht COSTE ; A « \ ee i \ vould has Mere Dell epoken very { i hy Te an . i ra cntiqeen etn ae de retron of all ‘ t é 1 ese . eure GE ) { 1 4 ’ ! a ' | | ' , ner 1 ' ‘se the slavery q.cstion at | i : . , \ ' ' I IP ; line here sl ; lH ‘ J sos ioe eta itis . Could rena fiotih Wins eres ce ‘ , ~ x Lenco leuutinrtrne eiecn ‘ ey Del ee atte ae Sane ' Lue suns i ! u : Capps, miay iad 1 u i vent \ place tin, Om ail poounts, far ates 1 : ' ‘ n “ u , IP : Meller cath ' if ' ‘ 1 el ov the dark 1 g ' \ . \ t } e . liv the € ! ~ ‘ ‘ ' ce ' ‘ () t aspnuets quibbles of slanderive detaaweuies, atid oo Ire al a : ie We Mi e Append © Tere 4 . / ' ! A ( \ \ en Geet: poou dred | ‘ | | ; oe we 4 ' ' \ ernan | ~ | the pervers ons of a a statis ites , Hi '. tn st sayoit ~ ‘ = | eer ted ’ ne | \ | oa a Oe ‘ , ‘ ' ~ teeaedar yi r ! { s . 1 \ 1 ' is we \ Pier | Most traly can [ rav, tie South ated tre * ae eng a, ae ! iM! : (rere eta Weve ts ost Mi tiene et I ater re ‘ peut voll 4 * : iy eee “ ' ny ' \ ‘ i 4 1 os soto tie preoatieab oxide at j Caron and the Const m1 > ewe eee en ET ively to Mir isan uid ! (de post ‘ a ey Best / on : had a truer, 1 ror ! t : ~ Re Ee ; . ' ' ' logon Le ATEN AB REPRESS dy nt ! ; ace os s Ce Vane tiGor wie crs) Viurec rare! me . , | Paieaetay (tre aa ‘ i | 1 ' ene ones | ' + hee H and detender Toei Wold aa . feel en Oe : . '" te : i t } ; : : " Ee Een mitretecnit i oT \ . - ren ee, 1 on this pocut, wha Mie 5 nN =f Oe | . . t . t 1 line tl . vl Tea cie ot Te ui ! Toy tat WeW Weak Ties © Ut bene een! | sy Mae ‘ ‘ ny ra a "HSNO hye iy or , { rt - ' 1 2 li ' 1 n an CCHston wo \ n = ne eve NCAT Cae Peotmoverent Peardas attad | ~ air ‘i tore Sheer thit : { ‘ \ Mm ' Tectia ta to () ten by some poopdls ? . ‘ ; . . { et r . i na oan ie ewe bei ikoup ed Novh. Tia Retest : \\ protitatte vient Wire Ve Lhe honeratiie Senator toon Creare a. 4 } ‘ in : al Cn | = 5 Hy : : 7 aa aM ua t ‘ \ t ‘ oe t ate fl ¥ ' s rere ) 1 ' 4 In the Course of dite reciarhks vesteeday, . ee ‘ Gann iG < on ! ‘ t, ( } ‘ HOUTA ‘ moat ludiana, | x, he peerde ¢ anid people w sity tliat on ost ies Ne . PaNeueuinis sities : thooght proper to deelire that bh tad . i i aa Dunst lees aay ate eee ea Pe . : yn Dos eihnl °C sa y that Bell ai | \ {tat fie 1 rte then sui . iy conipee y wata the ab 1 ' cel by the destre for we Sf ' come the aliv of the Nboirt Pah bin es Pe tier pate they ent SH ei Saipert | | ; i \ fie Gite fect j 1 Pee a USUI ' \ wovote, then | ‘ tedissraced tha } vey entities reer . tel fuctheet eran : ist Per AT tenT supa uh North J have tits tosay to the Senator, , i Rite) (live Noni le trey 1 ' ' wa ‘ oe Mie thet sen ate ee et ‘ Vitis frome the pray Void yy ‘eau a ' ; : 4 : WD RE ILCs ea el [wast vat wars tits ! CSTs MinQernt cUOnM TW Cet ain levine rect tleret tone neni , wreply —It the lenorable Hater tacit s ‘ ; Ml cur wd | Ravel F | . \\ nmowWeonoa former ceeaston, dress \ fae TEE Tete tes (ECU ENLE MCE LIEtE (Tae crayectaeiat lameee tues ! | treal ated natural ehees mt i ‘ hil to say thatin vottus earnest the wil . . ‘ os ae wed ' VWoeern \ 4 { , las ; i a a poole attentien te the iriny + mit ftivea tay | Af tlie ry for effect aot ' Wer , POL eMivOxeN CAEL ZCTUNOT ive mttaer seni \ Teer ka lull, in company w e Abe ' ; Cues Vat et anti | t 1 j He died a strane un f i ap j ee et ne: pene rat et eet trust wothatoon a Constitutional question, ples that ts vl beldiy said to my tae Pie dense forests, whiels in the tine ot \ ‘ Ist4, [ was ther ally, and to reextens eileen ohne “ ' 1 Titeatet Cut . vd mie ie tea k a ; WEY pefoinm @ twere satiiie than serl Fanw wept i = be eed | Teor | ntl eee hte od a comme the sds nn AM nM TICES AWerO TL namernmenita = r ons tom: tHe TEEIN Uh Wit LESOOH T EC : j ! } ! 1 AE fifent 1 3 tbh ier Vin Charleston Mercury. 5 dianelys en Calera celeee I eerale reeset le ataert) T have to say t : and tae wide pramies which were thre In making that statement, to let it ye 1 \ ' ern Cansclittinrertact item " ' desired to banc tf the sus ieee | ert etal 14 ‘ Vi , ab \ , i t Aes , i tes ! V. { i HA Dreehunrtidice on ' ‘ . ud preted wren ; ) Honting sronnds of sued res, abe ta wots i forth to the country for etfect anion ih ' | | ; f 1 i ‘ ter he arrived at this pl ’ \ Mont- F en cin It was natural r to do so. amd oan toends of the or ut i (si to tii to it Waar to are ; 1 ‘ fields, the cay . thorsl reople, that he li wlilly said) to ny i Hoan ty « : neu peopie, that he ha ec We CHT ONCE anxiety te divert igi robot Tint may be, ean be, by tf Oa eine vest anf (eel shill and ataits Si eet cme 1 te ene : ut face in the Senate, that Thad become the | , pelent it ' ; anu Gla he nese ae = ‘ lone for tia relict Vw city, like a al Aas aad . Hy trom the subyect; fis Hat sur ex erat evthe Het mn vest deta et 1 re teatit cto eeus miaatutactures, onthe busy warts fee hee ally of the Abolitionists, then LVAr et ; in those who are entrosted with can settle down upon, he Vorth ¢ Teer N lel vc Hee et rliel ater sees re say to lim that it was aad captain Pieri ATEN eee tthe Reputdie to use them in there not eno ttriotic Democrats, whe \ ft wv feel \ NY on fo ee) cht - e forces a 1 cep ld Os emt ze : ot Creve tesvipathy, feelin © ON , i < ; eB, ABUNjUst fo tim dy Tt Was tome. an iad Stall le detrimental to tha: collntey More than party, ta tun the tide ” | Te Ne CaaS Cus) \ VI ee The \ , ; \ \' Pee sal | Cette ‘ a7% t Nod eee ak ‘ = i i 1 1 worthy ot aft the shale Beattie cnet : , st tla eit t fecal 4 y eat t f ' ot tee teres 4 Sen | NOE Y , it : ms ! boterests of the Lnion and the es fae: | ie hod i to per Itie ta t lend wy Lit i , mn Io i troop demagoruc If he ou (eto sree teat ted Celene restore contiter anid sa el \ to be | for Prosidontiuaad cleot ia . Nese lorer \ | 5 , ut repullie , i ew to b tse 1 i ¥ , baer miapority had become the adv ot the Abolitionists | Cle mccemernr eenmeniintertne! \ rear tron of the oppor t TUN crn aS \ . , ie {iad ihe sewenter ’ | Pe ae ) i ‘ | \ \ livges of the Neith an viny vane ea rN . | ae ran Ml i ‘ flere Is enoteh toe tiairavel the wlroate erate ree Set \ sot ; \ Sat et Hl = 1 ” t L | Mere 1 fi , , eer ' les ' \ Newareesares sent . ny concerted airancement, then | have ; Sie Ly bs ; Teer IB IR OnNes Tease ete VON vosceret oat Mr. ‘Poombs’ hostility te) vl Cr ou i even nee, a ; rin to pronounce, that ict CH Te hs ine aera I . Pairsnnclinownosasstc oY 4 i When one gentleman speaks thus fleet see ict ’ ( 0 to be false | ie n teat | 16 false ler ; that ean \ r Mie toeetlier ave Wane. That the teeth of anmotuier, woos baredly to te ‘ “ 1 S41 Sore et tre rebuke, and nobly aed et , ) , , : , ferit tin ; ; ; eae PE ais redevelop fen wanted to know what Yurees 4 imed that the huter will be ir | ' fone | Va , sl \ \ ' \ a Heet Het Cv ery Wiuttenrind tl ' en ' , \ ' wy! ’ \ ! ao / APARE TAKE Sains 1 6 f i \ ( ‘ ne reat trust prod1ce ie! ' Ha : ' | ; ( I. neoln moe saa very amiable feelers for las A Scien I . brow Uiat there ‘ view ‘ rer : chiara ite oar , t | | ited ane ; minds « chine contempt tor al ' : mi ‘ that he would tend ahand + firm tli ( ‘ tial Eve- tl ° t ie Whole tithona: qement of tha eo : | ie ‘ ls eRe ' ha ACS 4} ait IE pb seri a . mle ] , fay { Ii \ : 5 \ ' 3 A Cet MZ try, by virtueof the ballotbox, to putt a avereeint eel cen 4 sae veave haut for his orow i \ won | | , . , \ ve it Der all rec) yt enemies af the Constitution tute that in 4 j ) Paley ‘ ] a « twa ae vd ns aon thec pit fiche Wy apehkekan Wir wt 7 | \ Vertigo ‘ : / WY wor Governor, Qu ist ‘ ‘2: : r | i eoobsenrity where they w we \ } ) ee Pep leet eens ' ‘ tse Pat w shen ti ‘ RO oereete tient ‘ etn i e Words ; eit tie did ‘ \ l vst I ; eee ail P it Then as o ' st th een a rr , oN ! “ hea we of Mr. Beli hin ee. Tis 's te: Ia tai] ‘ ind it . en) very that tt ( ; 1 Vopare 3 ta i wn is Topi tia bp ' Brownlow ynted Tet ee tcnye Teel va , ' Cela | ; \ Awa Lo imenstan ivan Nagle ry ton, tha i f{ theo the sta \ Vp nen AA hemi Aen WV ! ‘ ! ity najor wok \ \\ | wnt M ‘ M ume ante rc ! Ay tl DEN 1 ir [isis tetas n Bell Cia I ‘ ite Sn, im Mest )ity dae Ne lattes | al f Tenngssee, were Paas ancl the : FAN ey published extrac vat athe Witt Nitin eee etry 55 1 , ’ as about Senator from tha ~ ‘ . vas Monstration was held here today by the Bb Talirenreee litre eat em wa i Ten By actual eou re wat Gioerllnee ea tie yotdionk 1 ‘ coutident last fail on the Domoora 1 ‘ tte an) Keerett party. Phe eiy was throrged tities hid doen «longed tan (yao »hoen garbied vet thousand t utidied Wile Awakes, New) Vit tities So | t frou road, at | . 1 t i ) wil wellicuat ‘ ; i | for the Hous ane , 1 vat and a ) ie tore \ Pe yecuiitewithea \ cas Is Droadwarw, w \ diet } lian) rh 1 ' , t | 4 lawn sae i: CO ee “a ara e ht tlie aaa fen Ile ears ‘ na “_e reacted the attention of the wnests a the |) f i near | } fair ' “ 1 ? H Hi A EL ave , 4 , 1} i ‘ - New York Hotel mnetiding many S : ntly been cast on) teesuispecn ti wdoy | | - | | ; rn ik I . Se re( ’ o> t TWitn tk ! f r veral of whom. at i vileg , 1 \ ON ntion atthe nominees-— 5 | ‘ sae alan atoreblight procession, brilliantly ; fe any man preset ) ower n \ : \ ey t 7 Cony 4 , 1 torment { f \ ; ner ) ‘ ecity 1 miber wnt rs I \ Wied , ire neti al kinriden ¢ one \ {4 n New Y ‘ met I ‘ It weiss Movewss tek aerien ; Re EOI len | ' wa raiect tncicinan | roi [vielen ent ; ' rowlich biows were ox wer PVG iserrte CR enn imitil y) Consists vitwored thane | eel eaten lie Ronit I Ny recilin teeen a southerner and a member of : as sree vd ' : ua Ts two hours after proses Ho wa ' | | \ | mewhat in t vie Meath r n Dtlnok that tos omy duty to sip. awakes was tot Thyvw ' ‘ ELE not ‘ ) \ | u t i ‘ mand \ ; : \ ‘ es AC the depot by oh teats to th ms Corot unitarin <ace ‘ Pearitl gage ft Telocnnn re lanee tlinennninnd Pthe party as mere hove, preclude by ‘ erva Vstrong tor 1 ve voet . Sra ys ; ; { Patrot save that a young man trom thee d - ! : \ . iat tumber of 2.000, and + t Fremont ‘ e “1, Senta / pet fxpour rl SUMiAminonv wali Tiwi Nowenibnr 126 etaletire elboti eal work at the poll elie the hotel party te seek retiues ‘ \r ned Rrank wey. aende Stns | II ‘ was laclisanves tian Tacke an : venileaie ' eal | 3 ea bap cee sani nal tancledeatiey hie Antti Lineal men ba n Ge es arrests vw M 15a e er M Diangias boetl | hedaesbip at West Maint, and gone t ‘ : } OL t the sth inst t f mre ar haracter riage else uy. Obsere stration the 8th ins elu a yonthonan trons t Sou ( _ jiresonee of scrawd of aboul 10,000 parsons vreea of the creat liberator Avance + 1 wn —_—_ - —_ WORSE AN YORSE tay We take » Rel ; : on mR E AND WORSE. _ We take the following extract YANCEY’S DISUNION SENTI Vutog, one end indivisible, ushered an the grand country He told them that the days of 76, when} Tue Under this caption, the following arti; 10! an article which was commmuniggted MENTS proceedings of the day By 8 o'clock all the pubhe their fathers went to church with thei guns, would repanva cle appears in the Tauieville/ournil re to the lust * National Democrat.” We . oe , street: of town were crowded with wen, women not be any thing to the borrors of the civil war a an vealing a secret whicl plac reels du not know who the author is, byt no Yuncey and his friends for him are and cliliren, coming to add: their presence to the whch would follow the dissolution of the Uiion the Bar ' 8? uch places poor Brec aetna eM | ye Mov ioiilearentmiimbartierirecenint vreat Cou Rally. Men coummg to learo the dag- Mr Vauae eouctaded anid: continued cries of yo ed to 6 inridge in a most unenviable category be iiiineead mien a NG HAS Se DRL On o ee * ! . ver that yawns belore them; woman to lend her on) wad cheer As be descended the stand a cou most ca fore the country. Let the people read, x Ls —he has viven a warning which he is noe Dignniouist. In this effort they sonile to Peace, ber frown to dace Disumion and ple of wreaths were thrown over his head, and the tion tia e c 2. | | 2 OTe oe in, » ! t | ys t . - and repress a feeling of disgust, if they slave peas not gotten, would do well will sicnally tail. Yancey is and tas ie the my to stand Where las ladher had stood entbusiastie crowd seme bit and bore he alott ou BELL aVCreicd to heed. * The Cotton States,” whose 20 years betore him, and jor ia reeecho of those their shoulders anid the awowt deatenig bacrals . u aay we can ch waked up the Old Noga State in the CA tacud near us says the fike complinent bas uev- of PSd00 and contibated to the tu er been pard to any mani Morth Carolina) can: been a Disuniqnist. The Ralerh Stand shouts wl EVERETT. iaconn| mouth piece Wi. Lo Yancey is, are in fe prevail “We stated yesterday that, when it be yor of reo venin tena Catal wecnnt ameLe © Wo owhat it was about when it g Afticg ade tl yorest political party Chatever existed The temamder of the Dtarasorks were thea let caine known amongst the Disnmion lea We all remember the Southern Commer Ul" atened to “strip the cover” from - g ONY tae ofl \ ! , South OMG . net Soclock Hee procession was torned off -anmvong then a te Fe detente Lelleehi: . ders in Alubama t Mr. Breekinris CHC OHV CriMianmew lic NctAtEsTant hom and show Tin ap. Tn Pos he de 0d arolina ddlatchman | ere iran iine! a ne : n are ut nd ; 1 aM : Hels a ee { obliged Val ‘ ich met at Monten , j Hotie Tron (ye clitteresst cunt vo Bverett) ane Th Atte this a uuimiber of per was to speak in vindication of Gimseit at ery, Ala, some few vears since, and re Oo Jtothe Commerce Convention trict o is b Gauiias, etre aout ities biler. Mecklens Sone were called ou durspaasdies, NG Pens EI lant fey Lexington on the Sth instant, a meesete Co veet the debate ont i ms , is jodyinent the Union was already borg, Cabarius Rowan, Davie, bred Auson, C Jones and Frank Slober, Bey, reported their us : , . reel Dale ob e subject of th Scat , , , . , ! ' ' 1 a ger was despatched to Lexington in hot pe opening ot the Atiea ik ' “Cossolved.” Aud aotilthe last two montis NALINBURY, N.C. Wake. Gaotord, Catawba, aud stialies delegations We hol the pleasace oly to bear the latter gentle ~ than th é ii he Atiean slave trade, * from orhercuatities port with the notices ‘ iets 4 : haste by these remorseless plotters of Dis yg dici thes took place between Wo Wwoen it bas become his cue ty alter ani at ni ; “ Me W " | ue na : to say it Was tasty anid « aM though in our . : tn . etal « be piace s hatetsoaie thane biel te crowd companied by the Boiss Baud — : noion ter the purpase of preventing Mr yy wy ‘ vovate, Yancey lias been a cousistent pts VRENING 1" : “ = he Wik “ UV favor of tie re enine th | oad # TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16. [860 Work hatte sone i Meck then repatred to the Depot te any ru poe ue : 1 | ie , rae | ‘ Owive a parting wscet Peri Breckinridge trou answering the Nortel trade, and Roger A. Wao my oppoition Dsunienist. Tle was the ning leader of femurs, wath tune Were JA) brim cu cian) — ELECTORS ple tha questions, Bid that the mesovuyerreacoed pg yr Ie enc cllntimeurmintNoriere | the Southern League, the notorious and FOR PRESIDENT ob it surrounded: with: es Tt was Phos ended one of the largest political meetings, fOR PRESIDENT AND VICK PRESIDENT, Che Wet . owt the aheey is : ; FOR PRESIDENT TAIye : tat wexXington in time to execute the tiission. ef Wal tone i , sed object of which was to estallish 3 ut 1 ' it ON alee rthat county, ever bed in Nerd: Carolina, and had the weather aed need 1 : | yee Weectcl 3 . thee weart, soul anc se . 7 , hie Horne . lesett beet tor Pails we j \ “We have now to state, on authority ioiy of the Bereekyiridee eet 1 Bs a Southern Contedeney, and am dsdo he HON. JOHN BELL, a | tale ' i ie a i ‘ an PASS Row tie Siam ar Leaner. bielties | oh aS : Poe eran tc y Ee achion “As ot tte . aay al uion reo ol ob ta acne fe tear have har surpassed Ghat great day L840, of whieh at . . which Le person in Kentucky would Ph the day of election ayproaches the wis ites wrote letter ty a Mi Me Malows of Tal OF TENNESSEE Cabarrus caine next, with ata mersand os the pride of our fathers to speak. The great HON GEOR BADGER, of Wake. munity bably feel at liberty to question if wetelt Gutot this Cotton State taction become UIE Oés Ala, of which the following ts , - ; wb Wagon oavitie a bell, test Varons Wotk bas beun conmamenced, and the watchword of DROR KO SPEED, of Pasquotank, bly to at Jiberty to make it pubue, that, betore qnore and more distinct and : SONTINET © FOR VICE PRESIDENT foewiek Gamaieaiianes fie Me lie Matte 1G CHAVA AT NRAL Caciiea : Jt wou = _ atic atin and e@taphatie, F = " os ae tls, covariceant Wee , 1 » e ‘ oe RDC se be re 1 Ae | 1 1850 } Cea . 7 e ( yDRYIv ‘ Hag then a Poitou wagers ve aden pl wrote tarth to be resend , ' a rae ra We i : ae thatat Leneolu ie elected, Distnian is at saean nine se rie on thre HON, EDWARD EVERETT, tiji ul ere | owhah wer wry row old N r | Pisviaes me . ommittee abd Mi. Breck: re toe , ; at Is Ve fat an the mouth of Aagust of . : me : qood ole th State , ee vither EUEMTGE ns areECRINTIC fe TOOK Gace to ensue, and a Southern Contedera . aan hou Meu OF MASSaC ee produets af all sect 1 wed a hese part let welhin nid theory gout : Ts Dieter DW TINTON, of Pasquotank aia place, when Mr. Breekinmdye bad not ey ne ¢ that vear the Federal Government hoc ato SACHUSETTS ttue f : Bese USS) Ox . ; | Z make | x ey to fotiow Now. what Wet wed ee _ _ OL Nace Toy i enn it Notte Peery thay vn peaks Chat +k NVI 2 CIES © CLARK, of Craven, yet determined to appear in tis own vine Nort Carolina and Vive a ye ted California as a Shite | tined under the free = take ; one tet Rear aer Tern di erresh pe Tetn ne per nr menor 34 ~ OT) DOVKERY of Richmond they hi ication, while the Whole plan of bis ap Lgushature of thie Souther Confederacy! neasecp ie hte hae eee eae PLATFORM Low ted ty oahu ictal oie dial sal: esa, th LC ED WALDS. of Granville, In eve yelatare eo teSouthers Confederacy’ qrenuered the slaseliocine States of Texas, and NTS fenie . : : : ' wurabce Was stil anprepect in dist ite ) Ne at sa ee . . . : a ae Vie Uiieu, and ol : ; ie : We a er a and a " SESEE Precious Littles inde Ta vain they ani ba parvo! te sel to the Lamory ot Of the Constitutional Union Party ae dain stage tae Oia Const ieee Selcieehy eareee wt Nae ‘ eae re yitinhie rele, Dr. Robr J. Breckininige wand contend that setiiu aside all A ; ). ' : ; . ! . : SP alaecen , ‘ atoentiog uside all moral Nov Metro, aed teed abolished the iiterns a & Dae ‘ tN every tieenian of Noth Carolitia te Raila = ’ . pave y that deep and Keen soled Coysiderations, the reopens of the WE ste ee en Rhatce uci alie licence The Culeeiteroyie Pint ian alone iwenet el toe rety i a sell at Noor besy WV That pests pot line amd se east | ' WAP BY NEM, of Lineotn, the ba aie iene , eras ! a : tweet t a he following is the Platiorm adopred by the Co : , ca : atl — Col 1 are oi ue sella PS Venice Te cave Teeny Haine the Soutl wl to luvibta and: tad thas iu elie destroyed! stintinn) inn Purtys th Nuuond ( " ea Arlt eo OU tg! Ghomill wt) weiiey Nal warteenyeconiel (aimed BOS GATTHER, of Burke. not ye which inspired the voce of warning he aed ne u arly, stonal Couventon at my if ‘ hwy eat rials Tein (ine ‘ tu thei x woth rlaves, wo teenthe 5 ee eorre tute Ue enon : } (Goats poured with sach grandeur and euch ter \ v Ine SEH ee aia S praia an ; IA CSS ts ATES : He sunt at eis TEN None BAY ‘i PEE Or " report 4 , + ; slives alieady here, as to dinpoverish their me uth, however, voted down the State Whereas, Expenence has demonstrated that PI The crowd) lay Greater lease . see ! oe SANTA ELECTION, erhess lute the erring youny tans ear Gwyiers in ie rene . (Rechte band with which DT acted, and since I edt - - ‘ ae i : p , , . we be Tet ' i aite they would assert, that - : ¢ fortis adopted by the partiran Couventious of the Dreier y tose ane! saad ties ne Put Laties oF I Ae Hevbetriny Oct 10-1230 4. M.—In Alle. a “ne ene ayipreaies he si personally, nor produemge cotton to any cousiderable Lave not aain proposed or advocated such a Hae have had the effeer to mislead and deceive ails ol that asseribly ot niad ent tel seocad 14 , i ; COP ehauy connie tarty-euhe distneta, including the Wil and with strength und pathos not to be extent, tiey would get ue equivalent ty Hivannt PON THAT QUESTION LT BILDE nelpcoules att Ue mS tee wide the pot ‘ eH ie Heo sant he tl erett Glaboot Rowan. feel un en eotie ones ot Pitsburg, Alleghany, and all the ade frente withetood, te come out and set limself compensate thei for the reduced valu MY TIME AND SHALL BE READY WEtH 2° ' AB a ue a v othe creation a:d |i t eto to widens North anmaey obliations to the pateiotie and jrotianinse be tehs ive Curtin a majonty of 4,806, | i a Al neue ie cuyure ; Bi hi ‘ ft ‘ alue LOK : NF . » Pheodragement of geogcaphical wud seetoual parties. Ca tt \\ i . : . wteputhedis cant on davst Te ‘ elit right with respect to the dark suggestions of coer slave property Tie wenn tn Tenet Be [ess ads trai MAT NiGromeN Lo me trier tere f : fl PV ari CaN ucersieSi te lmarnencrnslentmartniymed Hea wt ovenrs vote for Auditor , winch the (reasonable character and ain eoosdy told bv ther ee erie SAME TIME THAT SUBRRICTENT CAUSE Resolred, Thatatis both the parto® patriot ind ‘ . 1 tas | Q 1] : : : rere are twenty-nine districts rect : Ap ein Lalors, thi every 4 , i . Bren ie ey ' fattened wet or the achive, et ' of the great body of bis gopporturs raised Gtjcer ot dis. ci ; ity t : ENISTS BOD A RESORT POCEEENTD EXPE of duty to recognise ne politieal prinerples other han ‘ . t eC UEOEN,) for The metive,e state ' J ot dispalving tie ols Von : f oysrint tie eeard estes FOUN: vel ovsipeout : ' ' ia relation to tain, to silence at once aud creanny the Sout ( \ POURS UN EVE NEN Wins WV EES ENGI bs Ane ‘ SC ROU (cet ae 4 , Wpotaet part contributed by then ‘peri. Gen lor The Evening Bulletin he wal ‘ : ating the Southern Conte leraev, was BN | ue Uyox oF tit Starrs: ann i : = herder ‘ forever the dann stspieton that he eon . ' ia [0 Hh the preparations for the M Meet. 74 alee schon uw majority for C : a ! the te-openminge of the Atriean slave trade : . : F we DSU ml ; a a : ue tenses , ail Tyee eee turies tenanced in any measure the designs of Peoyle ot North Carol tt : we How, in the faceofthese facts, Yancey, and that. as tapresent tives of the Con ' ! wid | yout thie pre f IMC rare eminent | et YO to 2 N00 wid TS to 20 out of the 25 Con- ’ myde ol Ne 1 Carolina! these car : v7 . ; " ae , vy Neen o ~ ‘ as el VOTE re ssiueti as Well as a mnaqonty in be! irane! . the wide dneuthed trattors Who moteurtots: oj ' ' 5 ES iy any body for lain, can have the auda Union men of the country, im Nat P Convention i SUN ! Cees F t aa Wit ) A I . . oe , ; both branches of ter be a . | feratiotis stint conte home to you with aeecm Glide we llereplied meaner yvenctnniies : aul (aed er vei . Heelan ! Why TUE Sel qui geranyy vif be daretesabnats vives tie tollowiog ax members j ly constitute tie rank abd fileleaders of emendotus tore , ; city todeny that leis a rank Disunionist, pec Vateat. «euler , f i , ; \ ; elect Republicans, Morn, Verree. Ke : and ( b Pemethdhotis lores Pause, tor Grod’s sake, : ; y tect and detend, separately and anitedts ra Ky tes pose ‘ sole Dates all warmed up with geal for the ! erree, Kelly, Davis, Is party Wherever tis party is supreme qetore you coantenanes a imovement we can tuuderstand, Nnd vet, he is the praeiees of publie ibe ty aud cational ne “ Hes tu w ‘ - er ; Hickinan oh get Cicnpbell Seranton, Grow, thing OF bias (he sta test hope ot supremacy ah. ae oman toe work the puppet Dreekistd ze sll eneniues, at honte and abroad, believen i ; river ail soot ther cats), the members of Had dannii aneerta MeVherson, Blair, Cov nace | | yoWhich will imveive vou first t Hata ed se. ) LA were | to cat disuse! loose wholly and couspicu ) Ni : 8 ee bY peace mes ounce ee be restored to ‘ f H ASL ye iaive Wee antunmt liteveated Mu NCA i Mio Rticht Stewart, Patten, uncertain, ; : : tel went da anarchy, confusion, and eva . . the just cubis of the Peoples ana ot the Stace re , \ . Hotdstt, Lectin Johnson, Coope e stop te ously from the poliey of the Disuntonists ia . } , ‘ “WHENCE TIER DISUNTION CRY 0? estiathehe dothe Govecnment avast , ‘ petdetie enttiustasnn y attel wo fae as Stevens Peoples , eA neon e, : “ } tat 1 ! Be cane i : i ie ovals, itoany they are, w aM pie Kise t , roa | Hosen Lazear uncertain, Me- was a by STLGrmm entra o sl ate Ue ath Guo any tarde nmimtinetienereecin (ravi ; Sane of one Demoeratic trends ask we eye fren ne , : ’ | : Kk ‘ s Cobecrion, ure cereronied to St ‘ mote ithe Sth District eT rst at, ter mete . Wee | 1 ee Uinta the vryple aud eon sQtity ro tatt \\ cael S ; " Wile ke secjratins ‘ neelf, di short, by your fh etl rnc cre Awtrco nena meta boeod deal oof aiparent simeerity, er ' Se ; ee ; Creer ‘ oe tthe Db me oe Execu- 1 r er , and eXprens ) and bevel al sla Give. are pcrty eyond comparison wt w eoctae PL ourhety tire pret tie clistititen | ‘ ‘ te ‘ ‘ \ | ! yout Vt 7 ‘ + ql ‘ st maeeers oO f mT ow of controversy trot thei sentiments + ‘ mcr MH mer , eoonsiire d ' ' a \ ‘ . : we ey EN . Gs ele eo me a 2 fhe emelat te Crue weielt aan a 1 UR Bi 0 CV pase tuaitiest the dreck ; 1 ‘ een , nd their theories ¢ ratever cost ' . ‘ | ho ‘ ' reper ‘ I Dis \ ey) Kodo " x WO SEEDS CE CREASE Gta din UNH nee Gstrenve ire iiniee til deieenetclece nantes NOW, Mentor tocattrelute aie aie ls dinar oan . es \ Nothing later from, SSE Plustrious divine calicd on tiie nephew pioioe ta y them to Ne PON tNelue Sera CCleEn crritelascretiaeter , aot TSA wna ‘ Only anportant Congres- V1 with thrilling noleuoity to de tie, net ane i eS \ ‘ es ao okt aS vitae V \ tar ki = 4 se TO eo Ler Del eM ee mrt Nieecha trot dn ve that F , ‘ EM SAS SR LOW i lw only for the sake of fie own fame, for the ; ; F I ' . ah wvens \ Woon | af place of Floren (rites Mon | “ 4 ‘ t Nite tes the Preekon, bre Democra Fi N ( t ct ‘ © Stay o Re who shalt bear Cattier lai | we hes ev ot of ine * Catton States,” favor dis The Great Mass Meeting ! ' . . : ' _ 1k . Via. f “he ot with our rriedd pert , " f \ wets eeseets Q ws ! ' e heed n aan ur lurtied pen try te Ren ual Gamnexe ld: ’ ’ yivoin tee eventat Luenus VE LEASE 4 Pe Mite Tice 1 I . { : t ee RELATION ee depict ter the Atnercan pubic the pier a ule j 1 / , : : : Rec eUL SG IC srt cert cots yeen | ing, electilying Meron el ’ aes REASONS : . baa Us Teele NSE Eee NICD eles: ‘ 1 PEW OK ds espe ( ' Tae Repablean Obia Mecrne ’ as By Mey CHET ye 1) y , . ; | ‘ tle prose renel rash proce ’ > Le stnoeratic / . , mn DP tts of thin N Ptr Le reat, ela} . : , : npn . 1 iis x Scent vole Detioeratic with winch Dr. Brockgtidze wontl ty hi cnuit Bast ue ds MG Vote Nowts Pat that tiers g More than 30 Counties Represented . h ean ie omen aenn giwe apt lo press an appeal ot Uiis nature on . vy BE ETT lis att nag the South, all of who | ( iM M ~~ ‘ 3 a a dein Se , ' ’ . ' ’ Va Ue Witeel ' area iss Llter ds over stig exert ‘ 2 F a * . der circumetances of such termite pravi Ml ‘ CCS CU Tes Pitt We! Shenae ise Vrelge, bent apon a 1 . : \ ' \ vey Nev ty. Tt os enougn to say that syprpce Hieablost ruin Gavoscntewoiecth Nine inal vie ole ete nel 1 . ee imncney ears Tiles recenty ero }ie tic nestister=s j oo Mia f Sowa . pee 4 rE reees atl loereainne ' : , pe ‘ perks Phe wreatest ct sin prey a eal ; . wep ete yo vows NDLA { is ; | ee lake F he t t ’ a OWS crs of Breckturidee in otlier States jr " ' i . , LENT es: Li PtoN (hea Jota ©. Breckinrd struck with a oo epee Gls salva tiie Petia : , aa wlortuus od Wao ie ion sparilor PS ew oO . , Tyrrasane 0 Laer ' velop : 4 ae . : cooperaho woth therm, and thas encon { A . . I ytutn of about noble afright at the too facial represen 8°" I. Peretti WITH TV Wee trey Wy excites ttemeivekicss anil pet aidan R i ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ses AH , ela re Ke pethean gain er at tations of fis wnele, determined jeransir Metre ve sth bawe conmtinitred Goi aver teste [ire reee Tilt fi \ tt i aud tive ‘ eee ue : =p es bevutedby elected by Oto Pistig . : | Hie. wel deninst iD pes , ee BN ES ATT SS . 4 nn : A i | Hh Con presstne . 0 to rescue bis nate from 18 intaniy &8 no : , oO Hit ’ Wul net Heny tat (he toe Wot-beatead (ie oe ered ons BIND SINeR Pat ysetnads a ey | ‘ ‘ ‘ te reer ' Ve Le eens Sut that seems vathering above it fe hes Ce I'l i . “ \ ; U dipaimonists af the Sautl, whose liwlies: tes ot lis is (hue peettroy meine tin : | ' ‘ oO le ; tiple nee mal rt . . seals Wot al Not ot So hence = 1 tee = \ fa ee Dature started appaiie + Ile resol Pa i aes ‘ SS U ETA jon Would be wratitivd in seetny the and the wry taged veteran who eat k t vet antlv te dicate titmeelf before 02 steloa proceeding, which ean hh = : = : f : , . ee CCE ele U Wee Ise Waell fed ' , | ie ' urd Cotton Stites preeipitated toto a revo the days that ted men's souls. Pbey aol wer et alll ' \ikoy vu . Pu Speak oat Sam) Hart's ee the public) When follwed winr tice puts 7S Se eS istcs Wane Ts to follow £ Woy ot jan : , | : , \ waa ; ae Nort 7 lution, all support Dreekintidce 5 mot here. ardeut. rep et mer . ; ! my \ et Desiienee Senne Clie h, at | Jie saw. Tle was invited) te speak lv course, the formation of a Southern eon with the opeait eleens hen Oct EEUU RORY OME a PT LS acne alts . ' ‘ ati SESS ae i Tie = 7 : They aE See ae ality, vt a i 5 , 1 : Oak “ ; . ‘a fon ’ » - committee oF citizens of Asiland, accept federacs Who will Ihave the cont Pe ee idee ere en nme aid iu preserving this glorious Caen. aid tl : ; . ay Teties ta . fae KP Mloy DD Rants, Jones, and urte : , vdiwvann : oR heelection of Lincoln, and obtain | , ‘ . he : ed the mvitution, and the day of his 4] hin Southern confederacy 2 Theextrom PECROTO NCTC anT eet (Treat nem anit Mi venerable sire Whose heart: throbs quicker, and ruins \V t ere ‘ ! a Piva ri Rasy Win. © Levi, sub elector tor this county, tiie ‘ ’ ns cout co 4 pret t CLR Ing the Ho a t rw \ ’ | vita r ‘ earance Was fixed, Loot, alas for the i " th Cotton States re MeO Cer ain aw detter to Amos Kendall save: din eye flashes breester at the name ot Hury \ a : woes an . . tone Inspirations or his berer nature, for lig WHO Ulsentn ge diand disrupted the Dem stp the South should think upon this Chey. They came thom the sea orton Viiv a ‘= MASS MEBIINGS IN WILKES AND been ein ; au: Su shoule wn Hs sore to the ' ‘ tus vi ‘ \ . . i ) faiwe, and for all theee precious and gle OCTANE party ut Charleston and at Balti subject as 1 dl BR R | ) { j ned ' wd ore alt Me EIGN) aaa Von hie ASIIR. Or : ( vw 2 hore AWellescliat then! wire dela subject: as do, no Black Repablican Meantains, tor yo pits wrens mle \ , n ; + ; { . FE Cen +s } tire the venerous : ty é ie i othe , . ates ' rar . ‘ Wily ' arc ill oF an | sos Arne oe al pete Henne Intend | | | Keel a They President would ever execute any law ‘ Fear to the verdare clad tills of the Alle lie ny ow : to th nl tine nl a ! ' prs etrowd Whats tile ee “es Hon mass meeling, ‘ : goal to such heiwits of virtuc, and that (eter fede when they stall have setup within her der ders, unless at the pomtor steies They came in th or inicht <a peog eee tent ne ‘ ; \ : Wied cur town ld oat Witkesbere’, on the 25th, and at in Ny . . Witiiite OT tot sere, HMicSs at the peimtot so Wty Pept <b peop . (ar ttlneianiees | ONV l i: Ther ' x stroma. ¢ ve 25th, re Irve Ter ent Ane a povermment entirely distiner trom the erie anier ¢ , : aes HG Wise EL ‘ were nrged Bo Powe yoby his uncle, Ve enAt) oo ' Phe the bayonet, and over the dead bodies of vatsense of danger tinny in a aetern ‘ Vue niece \ ‘ on crn 1 Jetferson on the 27h, of October, The the tempter ip the guise of the Disuniver us Dee ULM MAGT on TCIM Crae pina MEST CRMITCEST OT TROTTING Le ter Inicie unatesCOn Ua Jren tt fesal i ie Petersen! : ‘ FS my ' \ i li SOts ‘ le be stones from | ‘ . Ae , Wartyetianertye te t Nh . Messetivzer we | mentioned, arrived HEE nats —and Tinavadd, unilush- pie, y i * 2 sines of this Vion as they tase been tens ‘ \ . : 2 Se ee LTE hey Sts ! ten tnen ef the Mountain ¢ mndTy are. ie ik ’ \ eel ‘auc them are as thick as black berries ' \ , : ‘ . \ 1 | t f tl Cla nie elneoni yee ett , E —eclare that there is need in the . tttad by their tathers \ \ r ier a Rie Wet e have heard of tiont expecting Large of Uris, ¢ o- Ber, re a reecienl ‘ ei eter Tertan Tee Se cueatanennieatetron ae ' ne When the leaders of this Southern fue . ures ' # Dp. r ‘ i 1 x . ‘I = ig! mt ie 2 DOr per a € ar e ' Niet, rene marae cau . {OTH onthe leaders of the Southern Demo 1 , d ! glen a weedy ' } : Ne ' ms ering dite tie 5) Gn ee iGEM aise ue eu se tat a Southern ey en ‘ the leays Sati Via wwe ote rp 4 Sy ee " a ¥ resolution the wines aytecieni cea Weduiona ine i Mm eracy, use such language, how can the come ous . Weare pleased te tearm that the Salia- ehiny Renan irsperiiecect ale ! AUN, arog) AGC anireMrat : ' Rane ements viet tena , sorink fv boa : , stening to the wow flectitinn ee ! . ve i te Wy H ! rank and tiie feign surprise, that the ery ‘ ner wot t ] ' cerenm . . bury Pass Bane have been engaged for mneasenger of Distinion, Join C2 Breck | ~ WO slnye Crd Tit wo be i isin should ta npon their ears ¢ SET oe Ce = tsa tte , ‘ vee \ 1 a Inrid fury the ungestic tone of ex 1S : of North Carolia in sn It , a Soon ater cds the dele Wo ian ’ eT ne i a tas 4 wationably the datvoot the eon = ( poctulartenmcnmnecre eenntccrt mri tits eet ee) vA le unl ones | un | econ yo bantes Es \ VOR NOW LE DGEMIENI . z , > itive ten of ail Whtles Cs ‘ 3 KUN ee ear by ids uneity unele, forgot tre pots of ber etigzets dos ase pronerty by Par , it ! , non \tis tra nein frost Nineties , (a Silas (inh Halen runal eastern Port PENINEN's ) . i i baits ese ilustynina. aisuiien a , ‘ . ‘ 3 A \ ieee , . , tl ead eae , ea 5 eed ' ts rarer rn ‘ } . ‘ ' ' ‘ st that Mr. Fox, tales i bioe whi u t Teoruret Thre , | ‘ - Ml ; “ vostes, and: prevent sack diretud ¢ neaean ‘ ere ‘ ‘ { ‘ ) tes oo Geet at Has EONS EN Meo Basra Bere elector uifidate Gantt TEI ere TIRE ine? Hs Giles . (ren Grapes eet vits te | : 7 , voice I . uur ar i vy dene . i ' puenees ves tiaet fedlow an tee wake ot Cates . : 1 ss " her Caron Me if teeves MooMys Ip Beer will address the F rah . NOC Tiare ir he roe setae CL Tat cite ene : : - \ Fy Fata. P a . reCr che hy but the accen ano ne in teen ie see ssion iHiovetie Some of the \M \ \ t sre Maths forthe as : ete We lon stained tv faction amd tart waitin s Sea SEH pthe State in order that h ) * . , : > wey Ma Ort € : HUD, ee ‘ VIN Portion of t Drevivininiclere ; : , : as aun dinon and revolt He eicenibed gar Mer SEP Hew Geepiy ant wiry 10 eet veils tak Neen ene eel hh eeeit q ' vtlen Diasec ieee Ord rune right tothe Dieuiieniet MCtoe appr OLS terestn, W Peotisiteds on i eat Teer y " : 1 Srey VAT PWNS Tepe; are for I \ : ene 4 ; citile. aat on , : ititse, thes are feeding Chemselves uy ! [wine N ed time he spoke. indeed, but be did mor Peeters od MI feats are every Week iu a teeta taney. Whe Benin an ' W Moss Meeting of the Dith and diou Windicate liiinselt, He xpok. beenise be Wed dito Southern pore, what pr oer : : * | Ti prob ou \ mi i ve hosueh tlea—bo sgh des re Jive 1 Cod masse vote well there waenn ACTES APPOINTMENTS Was publels coumnitted to speak, and had wid a scave dn North Carola coun ; ; . ‘ } aa ‘ie , | R me ated ik ow Southera Conmbederaey noeatabat os on the eonpbete seecess tee, Monday, Qet 22 fo yo through with the teliow task Lee se RC CMTS ICSE CEO Taree MMA iouy ayia La tet le . : rediy, et 3S ~ lyhinyto xpateh, t ; nen . ; , . adiy, Oe ) speech was a Vindication ot himself, waitg TNT doteere than they wha ‘ ‘ ‘ me ‘ SE tice Broftay, Qet 26th the vindication omitted, by particular re Hot teense Hootie UW ie WV = Cunstidutiomn, the Cnion and the ont Saturday, Oct Qoth E ted, by toula i e\EP i 1 ve ( refine gucet. jovlars, Cicer this state , What! ' . t TEMPE TO ARRAY THE M otet th aca aon 30th jail ‘ ; : oo , SUNS ANG < > is " venday, Oct. 301 ' “Plas gt last the whole mastery of the “IY be the valne of astivein North Car AGAINST MIL EVERETS | see Sih res een cei et othe Asliland speech, and oF its amazinge ard 4 Hee {Net toometght to titecn laidred We cor i Clietdee WVaa sree Hepresentatives of th Kiiday. Now, 2d ence } | ‘ ts —° of \ | ' | , = , t i. ad £ inexplicabic evarton of toe Norte k ques Tees a o buteliwes will yo down ton Peraid ta stamping as Core Racine Ret atn Sientls oe state eae Me tons, efatids reveaiod tVCTN tae Maine te toe pee damionde d ter them pracetul tue attempt to array the Onde Tarte GLP e vier eal ratrinte GGTERSIIAE ne cade A : I Diemer) S| ee ‘2 erable etate of character the revelation |! So enn riarwets Leer the slave trade of Free Masons aeainet Mr Everett , y Mi Catton, f ' ee Ree ce aces t ns . 7 ces Uinchmee Vtreat’y seetns te ue that fo Ee Vigttsy eared on a the Sour, We are a Miscn and have tanen every Tt Aten 0 at Vain betes tho Mass Meetings. abe . i F ; ra ; : San " wih Carolin Whig and learn that Co Beeekintdee became the bead of tae @ Ete ten in tis State, now worth decree belonging to Ancient: Mascury, | Wo eg eaten ae zien Ment We have been direocrd to give notiee, that Mase the Deetuiion party every Cand aanestes Heteards of dellars in sitee property, aid we are tie son of a Mason, and eran ‘ | ‘ t , f hie hang Meetoyeot the Consttanonal Unien party, will be of ery hour bas Withes Ure niedeite ag) eu Hn abstneent eye find Coeiiseives pos) sanoofa Mason, and such is our dove and eae Jesy SME UL at held athe following Gives cod places, to wat her Gomme Jietriotia beam trom the scock op Beseee al areredy nudreds. Tae good respect for the Order, that we resent, as Our Union Pole and Flag. At Statesville, the bith October day Ine Vat tyie citiazen, Whe to dav has as ave valued at every true Mason will, this tusnit toute in : Fee TiNe NA TUS ORATION Teli omin (RESET eli rer enine rate Nt Davtorevitie the doth x thin ,e- a theusand oof ttieen bondred dollars. teligence and patriotisin, and would ike 1 eet Meee Ie sn a, Ce , we oe lear . | . | ; asks is tive 104) fee Eig 1 Jutfers the 2 “ : [ONTOS UES AOR CHET? wil wake on the ierrow and tind himsei te hiow what ce Bditer of the Stundas ' M : ’ " UR IGN St [nt hed t ‘i {other S O 4 the Owner of toe same shive worth only tae to do with the wrongs of M uw Yartietial'y exceed Wye nt Sine nahi Tinie! Csltiietther tee aFe 1. ar cotemporary, tie Newberu 7 a ; : Wate of Masons, raal eae Reva iat ma four ee te eect teattond all these meetings The Unio one | twoorthree hundred deilar Tiosis the orduaginary! thee nao Mitxon Pi Y . pee : et mae Qerrer, Im oboe rotis it iver ts } 1 = :- 2 yon * 1a front Hits ort dawg people of all partes cre earmestly requested to Harwinton Gelocuclinvers tiem priveipleot supply aud demand. At upwards of forty tive vears old, eh eae ne rer ihe fear Nar prarpens . byé i “Wh he Drechinridyers ine 0 , ae : His fu ey four Taw atteod tenditiiuacwanline. lamin tren Won eoelt, the supply is comparatively never coudescended to { the fave at F is nee iH “stil, an t ddeaue ore ieee nit are ‘ , ie , q said that nething but apathy among bn “ ny ae ‘ tan ereat, Hs Jet tis trizht countenance wpot the counset. food ' Thy ier ete (nT Less Jous Uviny tas BeRN TO sEK JOHN e <u . ; : be African slave trade be re opened. and of the “ho I BUNT eT i a M t ( ty 4 , . on men ce prevent: North Carolina's on vk ity in moepens a ' a : CE a ak Pa sivpenece to . ‘ Vs ’ rtwe lt es Bert oaxn BsNporsts uit ox rik Suave- (a | | £ tere lee Piel beat) yereds us it as Watds (he accommpiielbment of ome of ther ‘ wo . t , 2 going tor Bell and becrett. To wine! . pl jen ui then anutactare out andeon Prey J . : . ; , a vader paca t : ae : : ae KY PS tton Joon Lardy, of the Selin : Ge Prgpriven ce yhien urediv w and then take care Such benevolent objects! Why, then. this I are (He nit prepares a plint bed: alter the most appros . i. | \ penne dary hepreesat ' sey | vntined, ey shville . . Cian tem ene eeen ir pene ror howl take place an slave impertinent iterlerence in matters that Soria et een paiement ae ited, being in Nashville has been in est . : rae . oe ar | , : . op : : : Milly Moneiters eavartiont atictlenmiiee } s in ever Detore withersed. dv aeteoneurn bie Lo take few votes Mi ony f ‘ Roan menepitiesn« Carita ta amenmentie en a docel to Mr Belland he aays of him mal ae fret yee CAs te , , } ro ‘ : > ten to yourmonin, bor the Deimiocrasy are : Sune ereperate Tem the Genetot Bell and Everett. Dhar M eae eeu ite seyars, We hate one ‘Tle speaks in the highest terine of ed) ten (ene ont hogs ns t i . \ vane dbst - > , fully wtoured. at nten Nica ; ; a , Ub t i witli ti A diuself wreatly trostaken ; I , Mon : whi ' pthe Country whe knows well beth Donldus aod Breckinndye, bat haa a at) oe DP ; a cont Howton Chore we fea Pomccane sons | Mote ac ' & bury ali Bel Rogers atid Nae _ Nel . ee \ i \I : " Pl Q te avant ti ; : Ma ty in Whither fy <eytaur ane . heouse tor Linesin - te believes the elee = tems in the grave ot pouticar oly ‘ ’ verte V Ketol Boland verettis usd lie | ' ) W vat Poiuveterate Cotattie ochre cnts Peateeline avec hen the qioat dire: nes Eee : : he ‘ Dike EAP te eee Cr 1 for P deen Bho | . , . , i nie Mercy on Un Well. Tt anda theirs te i “ { mol y Wil) dio Be for reasons en b : : al ‘ cabaety paar ect all the country, — he Between the Black Repu Calis of t : = ‘ SEE et : ites ouestae of and dorerer to Mason, I : * es While Posay Mio Bell os not the man for re ¥ t . seg ' : : POTTS \ We Ideal! atten , i North and lee HrCey el Deri ain tercnitin Liat Wt / at no Vyas an lentatlete Sa irae Wlajecon ‘i w sve would AUN eo eeamencrrn nrolnativnsed “ Bouth, this vlonious Ution bias already , a Teles ‘ Pie under tie stn will vote aearust the treket ' ‘ \ ' area “_e ETE te chia npon toe ground that DP beheve bim un- tof beenmiennhvaan edt | ee Havana Dac Maine an aceountel the upon woren tie nau of Mr dverert v | w ‘ Mia RUA Dee vid ovay re, Jayery question ao far fu pirical im aptlle : 5 meted) upeea thes : vation -——@e r 1 ‘ ' ' ! of 1 ae ’ 1 ' l \ t \ \ ‘ put ' ! ta < { Wall bury itat thes can, Sim tie grave \ et Tle was ner died piaced ter Wrsonee teasons. and this the : ' ee ae) : aus MO tie pistitatien of necero shivery is con cur . ! fe eet ce t . t eh | ar TE RRS TEETER Was ib t poota lard Che aa / " political oblissen [onestis, 7 mead Tu in Techn the Sandard would tiaawe kiown We Ita , _ : we . k termed che ison favorable to itas | am ae would thin Cien be worth te day itt - i aka RLS ATi etc crac NLT Votre trond | tfest reports trom bf tat Pera ether Sen thonn man » Ie Fs , : ner WLS Jr © pluee ron vy I! , ‘ 7 : He lara e " ‘ t “Bell Tunpere 7 and the ets 5 ve Hi ae L us oe Ma ! mw gfud to rebuke this inp “ | N ' \ 1 i rho peasy Commer have disenssed ay ' Socloas the universal tesnmony of all ady wereal, buried? Whatatat eat 4 4 : RUE ALT ete nt Nn fit hoe we ahs the Orel pillar ‘ si Cranbaldy ) ame that Bee Ww eod Gonsoentiogs men who have soon Mr. is the whine and the « r ait veel UIE Cire yen privet Who walks prota’ cmon, aud amg mmerober ot th : 4 . ‘ oO Romie tor the Pretion of Py orwhe . sie = tec Repub eee PES bby fis eule, P pon enteraige ta ie meen etre : col I Pee sees tiny exe aes fre tpublieane and the Yancey Democrat! . , - | me aU WI reprobatots vin <-- lis reeord —Thathe as pertectly sound and cau ' $8 \ * T cause , ° oy Bweet, indeed, would it he te the ods ; ; / La ety ‘ ves fe wah ’ . ' | | ) Prime Von relieble spon the great question — Mont. fee Rangers "and the “ Squatiers 9 tev : e Pie war whoeh Pinad Cel Vaca Hates county. gonery (Alay Lan tha the eanuw vrave wath the Uaneen. tie i tl t- reeordanee with the fin Padre Corristan Mr Jiis . i » Vik ‘ - eX: Constiititin. and the Enloree wet su Ptheanhatutants of pew, the conductor who was aopared 1 X\ ‘ bauae ro) 9 aw ! = + bemtoreemer {tthe Uliy - ss Ie dhe for 1 wr Lineoln A ques- ‘ ! ' il Sgt Viutton NEN eh | raed redd¢ LINCO Aq Laws But. nenhbor, the trier se SL Phiose who ae um senor the Wolrorigton & Wel ‘ oe I : I Peer ; yenke eC | if they I " ware tit Jame. Dalene an Mer roman Teen Seiar icine tnt Sew | a eae aks Cee eee ee er eee ee wl vevoure bor cd thie time, will die tat ” Le : pe eects fe TUS ‘ ' \ \ Vt New York sales pood an wel Take ont Word far ute the Dimon nig gt SEES bach paren at the people Td hour after the acedenty and 13 ain \ eo. press with ngcard te the political prefer- tor the Reputle, and the Po nion amen ot the, OU feat with gesignation Wonld utes atrer tis leg lad Geen amporated 4 neon ‘ a 49° Viana mined by the Rey ne by ences of the Tlon, Jamea Guthrie, late wa Brate, will make a death eteu gles betore yy J e ST CN teal Eats CU : Ml ‘ Nd be (sce) Democratic Secretary of the Treasury of the , ie Wa died th ore rte tle 1 i att t ‘ ‘ ' } they wine miteliinraani rd Cnnerca erode wit nathable fortitude “ sv atl was only extricated by sawing : . . : ..: mite sitite: Mr. G. has published a let- et ts ; , Off thre athorm, an operation that toe Ti crmte lin wleag at thon, either Northern or Southern vat te \ / ey Meet pert it took \ \ ‘ : s AEA SO tera whieh he «tates that, soon after the y Galicamenarsantin (iienetcl } otas Victoxms on Titian Pie an bent aod) forty darentes, dari all 4 il pleiely ta a ; ein tects ) \ Bec / Woehpal eleethous an patie Meet Ucniis heantfered exceutjatiuig pam ; ie 2 nommations of Mr. Douglas and Mr. ha Stamping chy the Small” — Ma Preckinnidge Pally teed won taver of the Mi. Mascoire, the engineer of dhe trerght ‘ , , " nee ere es’ oe et ee x 2 . ‘ ‘ 1 ata wn me Vi to aghealone . poke bis Lexington < hat two villian bar Cab lidate [eG ierieon derail enih nranimmrenuniaredi anil eclectic ; ' Vv spoke ‘ ae! he dechned to pledge Limself to the sup- Peeves in Kentucky last week The Norfolk Qennees thatthe bh Plain nr meitcat ci tectent eminem rns vital wi ‘ atria ‘ i ein vn port of either, as he did not consider the - ? nn ration o the serpy a yp \ ne wetness + © Breckincilge | was carrie i Qvertions wer Howed ites tee byw Douglas of Le Saly George bo Burk, the Donglis tacts of the cases but Jodve Balay ie j : : etn he Sta M yp in the ta ve ceither of them the regular nominees of of at hep - ’ oF b ale y / " ' a ¢ , us ee a ul ' lors, but Mr Bow candidute, dias been elected by Tio unas eed te tiave itsned a bench warrang for on | \ a ' et the party Tisy) Observer in wil! mum ay. Observer ierity lin re mveont. — Buyettoritle (baerven onde : iehing: bate Veqrues have greatly depreciated in value at New aoa he 4 techn iieiaw lcataatnapacwnnld snreariiiemicnen( i tcatte Flowr ww wlvancing in the New York Market, Ay Tne Banxs.—We ae informed that a report iain circulation, te the effect that the Banke in North Carchia have resoly ed to Blop di-connting We think, and most earnestly lope, Chat to such resolu tot has been adopted, The systeai of over-trading, of buying more goods than we can pay fori produce, to which we have alluded frequently of late yours as prevailing in North Carolina, dias. indecd, obliged the banks, especially within the last few weeks, to act with tore than their ustal caution, to discanut leas freely thay they or the public could wish Bue In Or Opltion scarcely any polley could be more injurious to both banks and pre ple than a sudden ated torl catty oth ot the Geual bank facthities of bustness, We need Wet speci's all Che Gurls wirteds Chery buethess tian i every cormmerci il eons munity aodetsrands fall well as toevita bly to result trout sacha It would be almost equivaleat tow gene ral stay taw. Doitots would not joey either banks or todividuadls, but would make ita pretest for beldi on te wis they biewe. Lusttese would be cis at) every beanele We earuestiy hope whie ade rel for thelr owu safety and credit pre iy the banks to great canton, that they wal Cale ot titnus not penerally adopoa polley se tepurious tu themselves and the puble as thal wlieu report attibuces te then. incotecthy us we believe. —Aayedde odd, hres ver Without knowing the cvude, we know the fact thatthe Ganks in this j dace have shut down, Mr. Bodzer thioks itis di rectly eharpeable ta the preset! unesetthod slate of the country Ta dis speee nh bere he said. the bills of our tanks conn: re turned pon Chea within a tew dave af ter being issued, in the ort sina! pckares, | and the epecte demanded 5 and that thas thing bad been porte on antl toe baths were driven Co the tecens ty of pattie slop toes tuissious ta nDow one tiet there was a dack of coutidlence on tie part of Northern PUTS UA ar: WN Tees Wet pred dee dercli ct ee ic Souther credit INSU TIE C TION WY nest GN Sets VIRGINA. -TWo MEN S110; In Princens Atne and Norta a ens Va., for weveral divs 1 fl apprehensrans ot beet belt. Tae cam ore (iy ra been coutinmed, and to ouetie Notably AN xis of Saturday we eater et or Blatemeuts : Several tegraes tia e ‘ neal Priueess alone, wei Vin © adess (rough ite ete ames ON e Velaped Che eae story. aif to ‘ er aereste, bi fess es woe Viste Was cette tipaatid at Tbe Ground, aa Neortock « nN Vestrions Hight, wie thist the Hy Sore x i by tree proteome scan ' “ phe 8 two stbem a Tae we iteule Napitk ety. diel Ue Tin i ~ Phe citteens of the two eon - Sorted to visilant tice oot tiie Vile Cotisp racy i “ t fenders of al. covars patrols have been organized and pone be it ork OU Etitrsudias ticelay has titetiegiy aii Fivng was shet deal by a patrol pat 1 Nortalk Gaunt, an t ieee tenis Goa Mata Out ely tiilestven enter Tiere Were several those Hal a ite Wes mmd they were caciga oot in ut heighbortiood. Tie place wa miasps | and their tent visited tiv t Ve (ron Beurcli Wiren tie tatyiaorsanecdine Sent, and ded, tie aii: bay cine aud aiined tis outvar Mo. Ward CC arty eat retains te wat tit was shot dead bean ey AAU Crate riiciiiunn agent eet te ay the teat atid escaped mM A free neers tamed Die, Sut t Geen Slot uses Te, eee ts: tivae nt We undiistacd that lie wos s ‘ runnin trot scnie 2 ‘ Ny wer endeavoring toutpest Hohe crnl diotin ¢ Apresscot that tie ea SS Ten Ueptoes wre said te ely atiiete ip Princess Artie atid ta Not fioik ty. The tacts of Ue ese wy sien fully on them exaiinaes on \iit rece from one farin jiave been placed on Jul, and the entice nese f ree trom ti othere have absconded, under the att ence, it ds said, of eudlty consciences Phe Day Book adds: A Jady trom Piticess Nine. who was on @ Visit to lier father om this city, was about to start frome tin Gorin, whe the negro worn whoa totes the pus of cook, Waited on her, and with teaes i ‘iit Mon day, thus le wing the titercuee that sor Uung dreadtal w ly denied huows hier eyes, beyved her tot te to happen Mie stat dey litt, liawevet wee PAVNRCHE TAK TY AVON 4 abr Nam mary Eecontion of Law [lors Lhe. by ihe | ‘eprelitce Athan mane Marten MH. Gillian, plas Wollin Owen, for ner ly of Juhiatawin Bites coneaty, Mio, was hung at Fort suitth, Ark. on the 4h ost for horse stealing, im the presence ofa jarve concourse of citizens. The was at rested some weeks since, ated an other made to hang him, during which le juup ed away trom the ropes and was stot dass while iuthe act of aaking his es hape His wonnds were seri: mis, ated taestiecal treatment afforded As soonas bis mipa res would adit of tia bere temoved he was taken te the county puloat Geren wood, whence be esc aged fast ctctity acd, to facilitate lis Hight. st i. another lorse, but was retaken at Van Baren andre turned tu Fort Soy th, Whose sue wary Punishment was tain determined on He wae ted toa tree with the fatal toose adjusted rowud los neck Seemig to lip of ecseupe, le cinteased Nin wurtt. mani tes ted contiitiun for his past lewd scieat forgiveness at the DPirone of Nice He att feeling praver. and earnestly calle di Upop those Present Co be admonished bay th example before them. Te waa th ewang wtpaud the tragedy was coneladed Searcely bad these proceedings ended when another prisoner was brougiit iit town charyed with the same offence Te wae examined on the street, confessed the ertine of which he was accused, aud nw ie to the fatal apeto and soon swang by the side of tits henley Inern Pie second sictun wae BUhoctaw tall tree t named Shot oe Progress ov Miewruts, Tiss Dring the last tive veara, the prowth of the ety of Merny lie, Pent, tae been cory rapid In that time she has more than doubled her population, and treblad hee wealth and bueinosa LOSS OF THE FINE NEW STEAMER VE CONN AUGIIE Arete: BOOKS! aed SL ECiaL sedi rns D WiteR NOTICE SIL Mermnaun Board !—Theis Ap DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP, R ) e palling Danger! ~ Provulential Ive ie 4 + y Ty. wrys WN —e" Ss GOODS, BLUE STONE lef, and all Saved / eye fare ae AT * 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. . HENDERSON & EN Nis 3 JK ROKKE A. MYERS Jo oJ STEWART They succeeded ink epupys Ane Water bre Nate We cint eine if < ro ae 8 au oe. i n - ie No. 4, Granite Building. gained empily wd sxrmawed 1 lO THE PUBLIC SALISBURY, N. C. Notwith J AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIT (PVE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFOKE EXISTING UNDER thename of Burke & Sle ward, is this day dissolved by the mutual consent of the part Phe fine new Steamer Counanght, ot The bast Boston, Oop 9 the Galway lin. trom (Lwany, Wats bai at AM settlemente of ae eleva esc aut nen and it will greatly promote the up the accounts of the Jate fen rpeedily aa poseible , wed For sale by Capt. Leith reports Caton the fi oe wt S 1M, wien 150 wiles cnet at Bonto she sprang a leak iu her enyine Toons they request (heir fiends ty call early for that purpose 30 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and cleau for sal (ft ie {SON TAN Ios sg from the ate steketiole THERMOMETERS | Sisedie Wie ataeost eats, the thee wy the TTT te tg ay ue WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ctu ee een SHLISBURY. BOOK STORE DEALER IN Se eee arer and tive motly ¢ ad ana PromedLUctn eile tie fecha wong to gain, the boats were gor cea, ut dersveued would other hin thant 5 g " 4 i { SON © EN SiR Hive first than tun tower apm steve eis peranae extra dl este | SRAPAE AMD PANST mespeneoy SS : mn epee a oiaiiate Dry Goods. yggqg renyes LOAM, Poop) ey te te CABTES DRESS GOODS, Pure White Lead in Oil, ES ee ve ao ao Laces, Embroideries, ready- 1... 1 Mercere sorte TeV tee Weer ta the steasaer on vo a : o ‘ ; . fou . 2 : Mech eetuloeetidlete eer © (Wey (an . ; : oes J He Ter ne made ¢ LOTIING, ea EI Ae Wei Se SETS tis 8 " Cloths, Cassimeres, 100) GALLONS Joo ae eee ae ae LAND FOR SALE. Vestings, HATS PORE LINSEED OIL. wave the wreck ire AD aoe seen | Ge a ae eae ee ee ee and CAPS, Bur sate ty HEN ULRSON & ENNISS ay a tats alec alee ee ck MOE Bure iat sees ten wash deen! BOOTS & SHOES, | ae en uti ca “5 ! A el &c., &c., &e. 10 Bhls. Tanner's O81. 10, [Steer ciiey ccm ie revel; Weimer nie UR alienate For male by HENDERSON & ENNISS Hs veined Ht, Chee lots Uen : ee ee PILE Subscriber respecttuiy jufurms t IN & ee SS ener 1 ie “ es sold patrons and the qeathie generally a tye ee ee aa ea eas ’ oc ohas recently reninned trom the Great me le Ee ean Se ree Ague and Fever Cured Cotsen Wain Nav vir. Poem Be eee CeO SN a ° , TVET ORSING AA baer ; ae flee oy a : , DERE PALL Oo Sy! Pen Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, ‘baal PES SMT SUE ENTE ines Wactle GRAND Ol ENING GOODS. WARRANTED TO CORE mine ee s , al IND EARSC ‘ ss thet il AA Nl ' \ rH . 7 i ' : aay - Me iiete HENDERSON & ENNI ‘ cand t rly vernar, | | ; fg arinats ‘ on WL reve tenes fs a \ i LY (00 DS en i Fluid and Kerosine Oil. ee ao = : ea : ae Be ie Cras i eee etoect ro white f a i: es _ . i - ; SS 7 Hp poe ean u DEE NERS CIN AC ENNIS POPS at od aut ei! vue LADIES DRESS GOODS, LACES, fe Onis fi : ieee ee Embroidcries, &c., Nites as 1 \ sr 1 this n . om , a Site ee ae " eos FRENCH BRANDY. SOS AS MOCUBBINS & FOSTER is sina | | va | wt 4d ory, were rea ‘ Sitows Uses OCs, ti Mailed preid Brnety, 140 ( colt S vee ‘ an Se a tol re ele Orme Grecia dul t ' ! ) th rn by HENDERSON & ENNISS aliens Ts: th — STAPLE AND FANSY DRY S0ODS. che U i. eee CLOTHING, SPICES! SPICES! bd Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Now f. Granite Bardi, poe ites ee nn an ee TAR OW ARE. QUEENS WARE, Tere ne an Ee a een eee 1 Ne enc an “i GROC TAI. Testa SLAPS Sic Need NENDER-ON © UN NISS Lo \ \ i” on - ‘ E ted - " | ie vir ie hoy aaa all : . (Fe Wn biad a Bete ee Nenad News Citing Ne SE < \ . ee on - re ee any ‘ ie eS 30 ets. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ets. coe ee coe. %. Boots, Shoes, and Brogans, verve eer caren ena earn 1 -Retaring my thaoks for ihe hers! patronage Sep re, 1s0n aa SPN Oe ee rem Nit ene ee Ghee eae Sain sam \ rr y Pounpe and per ena ee ee eae yo DEES FALL AND WINTER Thattie Ut K own Me q serirnced te aleatl ad le Curr ot Ove 6" FAO ASPEN GUS ay sea! Seprember, PS60 1 EL EEE “lemma, GOODS! eae ee ; CHRISTE DE AOTAPT WHOS TT ne WAI RIED Bu east) les lamar eatin Se Ce Granite Building. a ore 4 i: ana Mt 1 how oprees - Pi Ds ) ' ny . r tere - Vitieated tad ice et he attention of eur frends and cus ¥ 1 Kive) OSeee ddicorta Mint } is NaH pny et : a amentanies and seleet Stock of ) “ : , eM e AN Weare . <1 PRIED PERETTI Stay ne and Fancy Dry opt t M \ Aue COP EON fd LINEN Ives ee ) ioe \ . oem a JENKINS CORNER OF itac Cape, Boones. Boo ew Scr Tanti min erie er \ Nuieh ver : ae , Soe : f th i . MeCUBBING & FOSTER ; ida and Shoes. and READY-MADE CLOTHING, oe Ataeun NUSBIS TET NON Lhe rete DSU ine tance hac aaa i nee Ar Ti peer Gmetad ete era ewiliinticn pres RED JACKET FP an ; ee ae CLOTHING paps: Wansion House Corner! copes, 21 SAO CONS TGTIBN . . 4 4. oe CHEAPER TAN EVER?! Mins Vor War Ne Vonly O = t y >> font Boo Bane ery put just ul Coca eee elaine e ee vew ei LAND FANIE v1 Fall al Wi ‘B aa Mi 1 aia COMPETENT \ ‘ f TOT ST NH t at ter eo KLE STOCK OF “Fall aud Winter Ready ade Clothing SALIS BU RY. . ; » » | hi , Reeady-Made Clothing, Bancass! Bares! Re ady- Made Clot ine PEN RICKS od espe esatls stich . i he place in aes Bb <i) Achaea P é 5 1 eof Salishary, Chortorte, atestvilte . 4 Pad eRernS re Cr SUN COUN GIT TE SMMBE CIT Htd S171 ms OOTUS GC tera ATTN ee. eee Levine \ ‘ vis tak ine testabliehs 4 , au, Moegauion, New the aa “ ue wet view at ie ists fond War satwiret. altace s Fall st py eas (Rate ee Uae ee Uta eer Us hee aiid lin Weanal: Te eR OH Re orale ee > a : Se at nearly Shite, Cravats, Neckties jl ie mul i ae aa 3 1eogy Vllaiecy Noe ; vee Bes tres i er hie) tea 1 Tatars i “YY v RNISHING G OODSs. COOL i ie . Fo shock he anv it wv vane as i ae fan lee we Vath edie Uy x wenre of fonviee : Cees Oar CUNRO ERI oe eee : Ce [ect ; ' \ ipa Ke dl iy sues Sic Gansariniis (hie a aon : é hae 1 De) " NOSES eee en NU (ieee ee, Ce ate fee Macnee e VOUR TIM FOR GREAP Bed tiN=, THe ai oe Orc ed : ‘ iia , \ jean Servtitecisn Ate ye ancortment « : . Wok DLO RS ea , : Boots, and Shoes, Der and Cais: Re ADA I abs “LOTHING, Ticea een ; NAT enc A anen ue univer aS1ae) ee — i ey Beaune tte ‘ nes wie S eae pees vet, fhe i baie ot th ; . ‘ SIGN OFTHE RED JACKET ° ts hat Fat serie yy Le NS eer FOR SALE TaSeee ere rit Ce ~ EE a ce Spring Hill Tract of Land. Woon rove Dasa st a Ati ik gel ec. me pie CUD NTE EN Tay (ei A RS : rae / WOR is a Goatint ate Wee , , Ion Hn re osamie by Wehout delay | ss GOO . ae Piaet of ta ~ re a ' a Renn eena is A nae AS sri erly ait Woh toad long i oe oe FALL STOCK. ee wefan dh ‘ urtke at te setilement Ne preeenise soa Doveiling ' 1 ' witheut \ "Those who h Bar | sary ' iisrimoactlticn 1 wil have tes with an offi H : ‘ MOTOR ELIN oe & t coy »* Iracts Ante «0 reo ' we Taw cet Ue Nc re ; WATCH MAKER wet city Cerive Vord hen : . ayy ‘ : : a salisbury, G R KA I B: ARGAINS v \ ( 00 DS. © Sens Ly a wen ABEL BROWN, s an C I OT THING! + BODES AND SHOES. . Borges : ae oppsp . agen Fe cel eee hey, BEMISTER & CLAY WELL. ® Synapse N if and I ~ . > re ony . . (eS IES TEV AIES ae SM eeygan Cen EXrousc PYPaintors, OCTOBER, (soo. Fi bun Sale Le ‘ : | GRADNERS., PAPE AR TANGERS. Aco. eee : el ern i Ise , ie WY) HW Wi a a if “ Cee ‘ : Wo RL WHESON sr ee cag SABISRURE . # a on i rwheb th : TVA Se kit work 4 ' , t vatrante | I SWING just returned from the Btn Z Ae ae ey monn a is ae Tei es as nt Wecere es Ae RG tl etic eecn 6 rea Ison Row 8 MORPHY - : = re bareiiuk thancever was sold an Nor Desk 29.10 = nt) uo Disease Us iv ae ee ‘ Ed ‘ ! Tile MU Ste TN 1G AR ' ‘ . wel. we and v at ving " " re OT Ady a V Gratien’ . ee: nee a Rtwonkn eel . nit oe ie BOOTS ! BOOTS ! He nUd CTGAR tw R Nerd Waren (enim | Pine cediacicmennate ] IE NN scents eeveing We stack ot Bar Oh oa" a ieee ie eatock oe dear tram WeNeely & Y we re ( » ie W | » OV a br ante WW Ww, er Proot Boots, whic M nn " American It NOS iter We eoty tauaeon! m ” tsa and a . r ’ ’ WIE \ | BOOTS . Raw] a tethe Ag UNI (alien : wind Fi i Ladies Watches, 9 WKS Warewnnatan) sy quiron marron. weer. me TAQMASVTLLE OSES. 4 7 ' ' . : roe ’ 1 at Ww =f rer vat 4 A! a speed mane af the hana vee Witches ve re mn hese Hf a itn} i fe paaet Mannfactured by WILLER & THOMAS. r sade eof the rere we yle ey , red ow 1 nt r vt YC aed A hes ' ed . Hor Crold Chatlnivay acueluh Ban abewiley Sleen Clin verns 69) EC Mnitere: Ce. which carl bes wert? ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, (ST RPCRIVER (EES EM AON a Stile aldimndsienr Elcmilean Gl wolown t . Dont for A wo ’ ee te , “eV WINTER ROOTS AND GENTS LACLD Neckliees, Locker, Chonne, Ear ( 1 ‘ an Was . ' WORM Tt ea ROOTEES, 1 Mirek fb Pinay ees eee ieee er remem a M <3 ALSO. GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS Viiwice Nts eae ' bumne cous na oof wheh os Silist SC Ds \ Norehe with, woud Kildeal Deiertia Ai) ae wild At harearin for CAH w) Ke Leas it ee Tn i) ALSo, MILES a Soy GETS FINE CALE ROOT, danship aed equally ae low oecpeyes Wok WILSON Stout ow . t very best nee « do wee " YH ENSISs Orr 1G ine en r worn 0 tree neal b. Nes Bee WITT new eal a aeroraed HESO, WEES A SOY'S PIMP SOLE AND GENTS eles IER \ AR Millinor ' w oral Hel ae Bi tsa te es ee eee > per rit Pinbeated gh HATS AND CAPS. eV isese meinen Bure anton ticles etic . : i er POP UR FIV ED a irae wn Spoons, sleo, Silver-plated Carat vik Baketa, " Teaieet ' cas a envy oe nnn EGE ae 4 ee EETEMSSE LT Hive llsts aud Canes Gil ain cae an Copa, Goblets Bock nod Kawee, Balter Raves Sen : M es) : pecan ' srhably law Biden (ahem eS caiy Cpe me Minands nid Eien TN Ns Came NSIS Spoona, Dont forget and give nan eal , ' F ; | and Shoe Stor Hist and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store aad wa will wall WoO WILSON Blank Ports for sale at thia Office Ort 2-10 S4LINBURY.N OC Ono ri Scrofula or King’s Evil, Important Sale! Is a conststuQioti disease a corruption of the blood 4s EB subeenber having determied toi ve tothe iy whch Ua ool {, Weak aud poor ANowllye werk, w ee re witout eve Resa iy the eb cal og Wihtete God wt Public Au tion ai his remdence o racn Mille. gndanay Bure att | N on WEDNESO VY 24th of O€ FOBLR, ihe kalluw- OG eee COM oe ean tog valusble property. vig qummecumetbeams: ot 5 lead will bivke Mules, 2 Milly Harare, W caverd by serene 2 Mead of Cattle, (Cramongat arhoch — Gmanie hs an ee are xonn No dV Mech Cou De ena eh : LI a IL] Es ees Laseee enn oo lotr Stuck Hogs, Sriek lees dt 2 ee Sol Me hinds trl ie till : of Poulliyes Danenlirtte i caluable, e rs come Woirgtew vetted ai = he one Goring, 1 kates mete Vice trv ' fin Leochauay ol Ihe de ptemses thes Dial Wits, 1 Leah ee and Thatinemn, A yee rain ty cerca Eten - ot Frcs Loats, afoot and news free pmerinty fe tiscrders Vfull thot Piacksnith Los Crrpen Me ; i ny ot the te ‘ne { : i trix Lools, 4 testerate Gicis, Vi oe ea raes Ut . ly oo PPO dad ba Coen a Oy, t fevonis ea wetive , Wheat, ute, ay. bo ' 2 Whe it Stra. airet of Wartnnt Lael, ‘ * wes ihear My Maris : eeu r held and Wi i : on Fup naititec, VN tate Mreniie ( of Stoen on the Wester Ni Cine sueh med ere ai (seal Geet. ated Miregeriin Ayer’s Dl asl eentaniettyitat TO hoaee i ie aa ie ‘ compenet Extract of Sarsapariie, nats Wee one nme onan, tc Hat pubhe ‘Phe tort etfeetnat re ‘ an ny valuable LANDS Vy sue edbatedy ou san they ese tort Ing Pht (eek suv toni: place con cas SOO AER wil fatal mobedy Vis nek ' aC Nawtsomelys and eons nies ved. wi ive remedies (nat fave been ot : proports Ricered) miaisarn | CINE \b ‘h Purganon ob Chis lout diseeder troue inod, and the ECEM GN 1D Tie oieenm elegautly situated tre af Che msc bea Sales th ‘ tieeq : wad Spry Water, and 9 alihy ‘ Hener ot snonld be cupboved forte oo net other trHet Comtuite % ACK ES aod is ur weroftrta. bert elmer ibe eteer ihe froin mI seed by woy Lavde in Weetera North Cucobia tty Noam Eriotige ait S40 Disease : ' By shore Che sate wall be pow tice, mud a reamounbie nye Bre, Kore or | un, Van eedtqaven. Further enciions made known onthe Blotehes. 2 rea B " I t das ale Pio wan © GRAM Raven, Seald Peat f , Rowan Mills, Sept. bs, bsu0 dale Head Mereurial Hoaupece ls) t y. ands 1 4 ~ ' ’ ‘ = t Vivant eet b RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES h we fone er r Tes ANTS A Pudimionic W ator! THe Nek Mitioink batani Wet aN DST ere A ww x wr the kin over cntrmlucel wader the mam Pri wess Wores Vthesar any ntier cunnten: wliother Pula all i / ‘ " Leptin File teenage cara be sine ee BAAN Fetng on etek WADERS ~ Hee , WRY ANS PEE MONTO WARERS ie Kelieve Congis, Colds. Sore Throat, Hoar -ssouas : aor IRAN! PULMONTO WORRIES : Snag Religve Asthms, Bronchitis. Diteatt Breathing. BK SN 4 TP MOoNTG WARRES Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains du the Chest. "yyy " (sybase Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. RI QNie PEEMON WARERA . Lelleve Irritation of the Cyala and Tonstis. X (KV VN > PCLMONG Warmth Relieve the above Complaints In ten mimeses. a! BRYN > PULMONIC WAFEne a Ave a Blessing ta all Classes and ©) scitnieus. i : u ‘ BEV ANS OPED MONTE WARET Sre adapted for Vocalists asd Pobiie Speakers, RIV AS s FOP MONTO W APE re ere lances Says at Are in a simple form and pleasaut to ihe laste PVC T NCC EILY Pectoral INAS © PI Vic WAEET Not auly reiiere, hut elect rapid and iacting Cures, i BRYAN rooM (Wabbit i ‘ Ave warrauted (o vive satisfaction (6 every one. ‘ b NOY SHOULD BE WITH! TOA BON OF ~ . as % Bryans Pulmonic Waters, , . NOOUMAVEDRR SHOt LD br WaTHOU Pr A SUPPLY OF ‘ y : bry anes Pal ae Waters, ‘ NO PERSON WILL FEVER GRIFET TO GIVE FoR joey rian ; Mryants Pulmonic Wafers. scl fT Leder des TWRSTY FIVE KN TS Teenie i JOR MOSES Sole Proprietor, Mucho ster, NOY biden t \\ Soldin Saliedury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, and all Drug Uh rist ipe m h fags aus iisibare a - = ey | be ‘ = = — = { = — ‘ = | ) Dp a DS PRC AYER SOO. - few ~— -— ~~ ae { 4 femedion are ‘i sek = ee Wo ~ N ¢ ZL = = Pn ee = ae = b. ul nar & ( = or ee } = f ~~ —~ —_ ye = Pee j I ye y _— Nie ere) Vv. —_ " > vx ‘ s — a ) \ y4l oie a > -— = a —) Ee aS 4 odes joc — See = — S =o = a = - . e — f-cne \ ea s Change of Schedule. Office Western SOO. R.R., Setispemy. Vici tee bse SI NGER’S On. ee VE ny SaaS oe bee PA rr ryt i cree ys : Seed TR on So Sele Naan (et aie Heat we ye a a es, Si , ee MCI Prices Redu to $50 $60. $50. and $100. Sieber at 7 hp vt 4 a) ! ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ EN s 1 CoeR 5 in ‘ : i rive = + i Catan 1 e° Cortaw tes i \ font ty New ie \\ > ‘ iat vor 7 ft 4 W Sulit , Phie car ve ' . | so Weak bi (ain bear Vi = is Ete NE Nas . IN ne VIVE At i , neers Las Tenors Hicker baw AA Hemi il pine isecdh Singer's Franyverse siistles hae bcetes Wirie Sulshoe 12 au New ae Mies ; Newt > Ctl ba Monet i a Catawhs tele ~ ry Stateevile sal Vhod Crea k yo . 3 Tide eh PLS pom Saasbury boo : ’ ‘ v rh ’ daly ek the “Pras ot , } a SEC ~1 " ( - | 1 } rd yeh ' as PURNER Simaerie Nos (Stinslarad startelce tie ds iive. Ch | Va ANSON Gels! Noe ‘ v WORTH & DANIEL, Pp e ‘ Cees one 2 Siri goed cv igen Wholesale and Retail Grocers, a ‘h ts. Commission Herchants lena tt Feosa Ss ‘sitet ris No Poneaeoetiae ct Ntaeetthee foeane. oy ee i Dp | ( os t | { WW ( tha ES r } t t ~R Selon act ‘ \ How ' ‘ i Pou Wore Nee OS (at os ‘i ce “ : \ a : ee it Fine Suits. } ' n if sh FEN (PS ae Pee eaiisen } slat G ane win Vee Tad AN oT, xn \ \, ow ‘ Naw M / yey e I . \ . mm : : % LoVe » Fine Shirts and Collars. TET ENN ele IRD, | vu Sart y fe Shs ATTORNEY AT LAW. PAV ett l | Voc Nee ans K ws i Pea ; Prompt collec toms Wie fee ee ete ts Lee ey Vee Ve aN ‘ ‘ , r BEES AT {/ LES GE fF t a Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. iiecetnes BESSENT, RE oe Dao run DENTAL ROOMS ntl wertormnerly occupied by Da Baron where Spree pated to attend all operations navel sj \ Ja shu ite Wel BAIS HUES Q D ENTIST, NSE Ase Nine Mareh 13, Inou poids Drs.M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL. ms bssociated Hei ive t f Medicine afer there P Aeervices to the pablic Thase who wis tu have tue \ i Hany case, without penn ae sae nae Dp . thy Dr Wateniad LAW Ay lh & See NG R.A. CALDWELL, ORT tet ured by Dr Nesbit, \ ~ ; Seep I Vie Noo ( Mirch ly heat - ue BUSINESS CARDS. i. AL TMARTIN, BRO. & €9., GROCERS AV) COS MISSION Wi = ROHAN TS yy Lh Hels RSL: Vid ak IN, (() iN oy Mk bi HVT NG co Re ls NOM MyITIN. oF ; © paxsanii Rov | WoL eons ey Sioa ! prada Ficlets \ er 14 0 Ae Is ao 4 aM Dist Pa { WATUi- aK V AND JEvELEP, One door below BLA VY. Hupiy - EEPS I WATCHED JEWELEY ot an locke iV ' ‘ 1ybe =~ Mic BLOWN, CUVETAMOY VERA, vA JAE N dfs? 11.4. Te bey ! OPEN fede ok PRODUCE And Staak sli t HS) Collecting Azent. AN to ur = » : a ae " ae Apri jo ‘ Ape ine, 2A iV in ys < &y WYATT’S | T VALU vi DEAL. One ot cut Remedies Dysentery, Diarehca. Flux, CHOLT {FN Nhel PYPELAIN TES Lehi : ao Prepared WS OE OE AE, rey ms Ma ~ June 5 182 SI ESS elieh ‘ THE Non White Nulphar spi ii2s, Wis, in a mow hi 1 t ! of Oinnibus so st ( ' he Sy - Pleasure Vol ma iiors at the oo I \ t Saloon wall tb , \ Hard «of Musics + £ iy roan Mion t \ ‘ ib ‘ | of the WS \ and after ADEN . con 1 te \ s in a wit wants in the generosity t ROPARDS ih April 10.1 NEW MANUFACTORY Salisbury, N. C. nd other Bedstends, uM mil LAND FOR omelet Apple Brandy. (ChE ale ! ee WY ATES SSS chia, {n Unfailing Straw and Millinery Goods HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOB- TETTER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TLRS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens y of the United States, because the article has attained arepu (ation heretofore unkuowu. A few facts upon this point will spe powerfully Volumes of burg assertion « soning puflery Phe consumption of Hosterter’s Stone ach Wit- ene ko anore than ters for the lust year unted to over a half millon bottles, aun and from is manifest steady increase in times pust, i! vident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one millon bottles. This timense amount could never have beet i but for the rure medicinal properties cot ed in the prepara tion, aud the sanction of the most’ prominent physicians in those sec < of the cuuntry where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters ty their patients, but are ready atall times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all casesyof stumachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained Vy extraordinary eflurts in the way of trum- peung the qualities of the Bitters, but a rolid yn of an invaluable medicine, which is destined tu be as enduring as Ume itself. Hostetter’s Stomach bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague other mplaints have their victims |y treds To be confidently that the ‘Bitters’ are acertain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un- alli yed pleasure. It removes all morbid mater frum the stomach, purities the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and cuergy indispensable for the restoration of health Ttoperates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mild’y but powerfully, and soon restores them toacondition essential to the healthy dischurge of the tunctiuns of nature Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will tind init astimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort lining years, as itis pleasant to the palate, invigorating tothe bowels, excellent as a Conic, and rejuvenating generally We have the evi- dence of th aged men and women Who lave experienced the benetit of using this suffering frum stomach de- sand general debility; estiinatic aud various Dilkous ¢ counted hut pie Lo state usands of preparadion while rangement acting under the advice yeicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fuirly tested) the merits of this article. A few words to the lersex, There are certain periods when gent their cares are so barassing that many of them sink un the trial The relation of mother and child is se absorhingly tender, that the nuther, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her health in her extreme anxiety fen herr st {the period of maternity arrive during the er season, the wear of ly and 1 rally aggravated. Here, he ' t to recupe rate th u ndenable the It er t ting trials thers gene «to all y endorse! ther invigera ent of physi the agreeahle tas as ) give @ pertuabent increase us, to whom we have particu ove, to wit sufferers: from fever and agne, caused by talaria, diarrhuca, Iywentery. 3 ippetite aid all dh be HU peraniua pation. at ther te t ( ‘ usit 12 or fe for H eae cuir KATRD StoM ris, and see that each bottle has t w Ieee J dlo-tetters > tel ters” boown on th le of the bet le, and stamped he meta ip covering tk. and Deerve that cur autograph s ure is on the Jute ae repared and sold by HOSTETTER & BMitit, bitspurgn, Pa, and suid by all druggists, &® und dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Gerimany rc) Na esomeNt L AS TUS ls telah me Grats aN ) ] Mm ee vd . AV Nal tes YES SCTE Tay BOOT AND SHO MANURACTORY ! c CRTIMT (Aa A, lca) VAN Xe cit atlemea’s Joof, does and drailers, | 1 th WiidLE Ah ! ( b ! ( ' | cD, A gE 4 gprevel Cheer aiied BOD Ss fe ! ( ' q ‘ | ! ! ! \ ‘ 1 ‘ SETH Nes Hote MON Vali Uglies ove Vy ny (SOU WDIN GA ISTOUNDING! fi ONION Gat Wratts Remedy °° cific Vor the th Ci SPO ities, Clie NT a a ee IN A PEW DAYS wir ene & GRADY, a1’ is, « APS, On M tmbreiias, Parasols, Blowers, Ribbops, &e., No 18 Conrtlandt Street, » PORK! ) posraitts oa ) Verr York l BBY: LT / fi Pl } \ é hon HEE Si | t ‘ WoO WY ED. Drngeet one ' Now detand Iss Mian at, Salrst Sept tl ' 1005 fartaiate! nt of SPECIAL "GROCERIES, can testify those w Phe sto noc o have fave hoof moa GODS {tin witht ATS AADC PS SOLE LEATHER AND Sk th Dis’ Wilhel WAAAY “RIBU PED URIS, SaLISBURY, N.C m = Gorman. Quie\ Sales and Short Profits. ( R H Pega NS RAWAW AY $15 Reward lt x AN AWAY froin the satis Perit ioe x a Ney tan natiod .wiEX LEN AVNER duran ata ‘ ‘ Coad et Sor [Min at v > Loo Tbs a ver w . 4 ue uy rm I h Vien " Ww Sanh M Mos Wehens p I vb eward hoe r ome at doense N 6 \is ~ Wwe RAKY on GD) "ny Greensborough Wiutual TENS RA A Cts kt ES Ve ' ; ' Pays all Losses Promptly ¢ DIREC TOUS: NOTICE: yo v AWE SUBSCRIBER. Wo N Met J \ Re Oks J eo Nl od | + 4 Noid Ww I Moy Gh Sema | Hod ( WN Wh ut I pe Pave \ (is | 1 J] Nt , MN . Ko [orate a NN \ , Nt Wal N 1 [tO ell aetna lenses NaN, \ be corp Mi Ih pL fl \ PEEVE NVA Vi > | AV Nec eG ivr testa ‘ \ WV li Wie CN SeEx lol / Tee Wi babi veel ! ( J Nt tet - \ \ Ole shew be a ' (Eat Neve Ce ‘ ! ' Pee De OhKe eet Pe Ulsan ’ . I 15 i : rn M4 PSS s ' ' 1 MN 1} ele nin iene at WN ‘ altiv a Gi Nerewat tins NV 1 Ponew off ' oly \ to poretiane 6 fon tt stile crite MENICN IN ey Execute of S TR Th \ febted ¢ I) Renkin a 1 withont detuy ¢ and those hive tnimns agniset th patel (een need them wit 1 t | ‘ ' “ | 1 ‘ ! ‘ NEARY [Es EO IRIEL. 1iavecs Ap Ist io Gach VT SOL TSTEIGN TERE UND CORP OA Cees TOILN aS : Mais Wes M 1 FUE AW i PAN AGA PANDM i Bc HEN ny leat Pee STRAW Gon ts teowh Iw { ' ' North el at \ My , few ‘ ‘ 1 \I Hisek MV NN ul ko and equaloot not <a sthnge peroeliar ee th M K M ( 'r ” hist Hates Fiuis n I ' ' led In Wo ‘ I at ed My tok ' sau eof A I x te Wars om eon Way wt wot Pte ‘ ma orile t we JOUN DOOLEY M ish faa Bugcies and Rochaways. ree aubecriter hie wlat oo ms new Rew ries and Rocka wave, which “ mw term TL Gia Roe Le Rea oNee Ja 1 =60 irs FOR tee Sta Nk 17 DEEDS Cees OF TCT North Carolina Foundry AND MACHINE WORKS!, HOTELS HOTEL, IN SALISBURY. enact he FREKCKS & RAEDER, aecom enOKS TO Ty) possible prepitabien to BECCE ose, wud viriting por he chatie shiaintistnetiry auuner BOYDEN & SON, swt tian as pare WW ee to mann TABLE, WCRICULTURAL [MPLEMEMTS travelliny retire and keep on audevery coufortis provided in hes oer ierre ac en ROOMS. i on POST AD OIS are abun ty upped nil aye Cumessutlers Striw and Feed Cutters, rded by ae ful ostler ‘ to all dep. ACTOR) Wil niatt cl OC ‘ : ne : 1 nl i te r a ee pas Vhreshers Cider and Sugar Mil rs eT OMNIBUS rus regalarly to che ‘Thresheraud Separators, ‘They alay manufacture Se ieee anMeietere wit fing and Machinery With th forts to please, a liberal share of the ’ ; eee huble patronage is Confident) solicited for Gost Wills Cirealicand Vertic aay Mili us : WAL ROWZEE Coaperand Sdver Mites, Tobacco Presser aud Pia January 25th, PAGO, (1-35 tates Kt a EON See eI BSA SC eES AN Crass i YT SCONCE Ny 1 oteEN TEE a WN Ia every ‘|' i ) | | | ne ripetion nad order, aud Warrauted 1 every respec Rejer of ever, dexeriptiaa of Maebiiess . . We dai at chert ere Siliehurvs \ ©a Jun 2. Pet) 134 & dard. Raleigh: Patriat, Greensboro! 2 Demo 3 Won \ Ach Wey Caro v ‘ ( in Observer, Baye thesall Ptredes) Bayprese wall publish Sincuthe and tarwa¢ Morganton, N. e. eee v tel fee taks u SPU ASS Tal Sk and necand W] vaY age es NU Se eee ENTATE, rita fie | Tn eae foes. io UY ISTHIN Gs to eetieenirate any hands an one place \ ae 1b yaw one alege o et Re er eat a Fe a eeumnten nr itine eerae redb i viniade addark loamy eatin ter Cine a ae ' val Ne ea Mes Vent CON. Brown «& Co’s Stage Ofjtce, ‘ mie Mie SE OR OR Dtee re aheut 40 . . PO PEMA AND MEADOW. of tis ia ! Cr A esi ON Gan, 1 SCIENCE is weelienriied : Deaville ue tne, wareet and cellar, and muna o : Wee a » ' - fobe Yadkin River an ! eee: fe foat | % eee ual Cote tos Mica , * \ ' : CES ' wat within fis | ' ~ Vue ! 4 , I ( t | “ . i } PSN ON SWAY I ‘ | ae COWAN’S Woadil VOrnoa Hloiise. Vegat able Lithontriptic, At THE FTN SE STE S So Vell l DEPOT, PRL NGO Ry eNest Te A SED RIDNEYS, be : ; POLY bob keV, UNION,” WaicHEs AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition !! “TH PHILADF1.PHIA. Sue | aired! well well , TON Sey Fe Or ee : ma fey aS ' ’ ee f nN : } . oe GOLD & SILVER Se ee SN TAWA we Latest Styiee ~ cos 1 (end and Sil at 1 ( lis tes Chatan aud " 4 pleasar ft ' ' | Adee Nels ee qual ¢ “ 1 1 t HN st 1 I oh so bok . s “t - t \ \ ‘ he py ‘ Ne ON Nee Blea ee te ‘N ' Ctineonta oN 6 oy © SNE re IN Ee colon \ + THT nm noAD srmu.n. DR. MOUTARDE'S iiraculcus Pain Killer, ee oe ee EET. SOA GES AYE Th as Mie ew ail inveel \ CIES Ft. ft . ‘ me *y ' CrP Uo Nationa I Bla oe “eet oe HOLA t S 1 1 Garr es oe re CEN ee leN ‘e Business, how ° \ el Teast s es ‘re Sint Xew Firm. 1 ‘ . MUazk & SOSSAMON, \W WP lett _H i reece bbe Brawn v4 - TNS: FN IE Brown's Livery stable, 7% ure I ! PAT ESE hte 7 SVOVES ever Pe a \ eee ere een, fda, " wd e4 THC DATEL ' NV VENaR omc etn ovations ae) ; reece ean Pert nase IN and U0 wn ! I ! A ) \ I Sheet Tron ar ¢ soe MIU Rid SCR AMON noes fer ta | n > ny Oo sae Was Hoos FTA ot Pe : " Chills and Fevers : cli \\| 7h FEN TEI SASTD AGI IE: ae oon « 2 . . I. Tt / Ef a DLS feNy ae ani ’ " Pa Ee ie Neco SNe OU She OLE) octal Vi Acid “ue “T n Waving I t 1 Cured by Wes lett iel Voth t the ' Pfs tate Senge 98 Tn Wyait’s Tonic A Pills. A ( £ t ' WW a) He Att rua tow HEN Sy DEIR Nae : " Sart = ' yO | . ~ Nite re HILLSBORO’ aa . MELEE ARY DVI. WANTED CL ET oMlinmtra aimee er rire candi tment tc) eC | Sees ee ae Sie) 20000 feet Sycamore Lumber, yO ere 1 1 ‘) « 1 f Ja ad , as KR mith eae oer a i‘ ) | ‘ ' ; Cleaner CEN AS REEVES 2s White Hands ee " i yeni Helss , : Ws Baer ca Sar Ties Gay eal Apply ts SCN NCH LIME FOR SALE. May =. Is60 tho Chorlotte, No ¢ \ Atha ? \ , . e ' > ran . RN Vynr rele 1 a bueh for anle at Sinton PATENT JARS. oii Seog Sie TUPERTOR In for PRE A larg rants of fimahed Leather, (Sole, Upper = SERVING FRI ITS Peo 1 ABLES, for and Har 4 ‘ df wale ' WHE AWW ‘ ’ I) tad via mand oat cosh 1e6 aod Tan Main sbury, N , We « CMG TAY. In 4 we . Soiaburv, July 2atbh. Debt ufo EW TOCK!! now FALL Vi FE Subscribers are lice and varied Stock of p STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING ™ AND SHOKS, : ty wold: hw A.y7> and AROLIN vate $owall be eae Wed ele Nee hear old Customers NOURI TIE ony Ue ta a cal MELT ae ited tthe nite Merchoute. us tn u thas branch ont Col SEY ek of Ge nore We 1 ale) Our se of ¢ Goods we have had woeve te EXO AS Sepu 7, S00 $10 Rit wy ee DANAWAS trom the UV oviile, the tare QW ye trade Moe hy COP IES op Saturday the tier re ODS NOR sh: faye eo te we Ld pound ' sealy, bhooh hie atroaat Lb sone Ww hia vek freak sy cout wil bhick t with mone renteen the right short fle silver W ralvanieed fob cho rrunn edger alvo carried off with tina a Tite Werth ieaies Ce hea with bead hevr at tie end ch Paanter Vi ver chad hac wavy the Wh Ste als JOHN Action aie wis April TDN 1a Leann Cerri: eNO ULie Le \ TiN LE Wied . ee 1 vek Hot ~t ! NVA UN BROWN SUPERIOR COLCU SW Toe ; ~p Wo. WYANT \ N HARDWARE?! ! i Ti. re rt i te wL Ren ed Stock of Hardware Te Glee Oa Ge i DUS GME aly MOA eWitsONe 1 Wachines ‘HN eel nih a EN l WHEELER iy TE NOSY SSIES Waele ewing ONS Sos ‘ ' fier tosvery Vavneb'e ana t tle N ve Pane bere I M te se NI rl 1 Ni Maye es Alay teat NR OS ee el es VAP MOC TOS. Al Pe os anc elas ies ‘ intents Flatu- Phe Poantation wh Lorem ntarag ES is nic Wereabness- Naren won wa ny Q ae eacati mavane ; yas an Ordina- Kt le ! Mint We grew ry Family Medi- Iiwulenre SICK r woh O Wt ! rot tl HEADACH (as Wousands can testify) tm ; iGone emit ‘ \ ty minutes, if two or three Tea- if rtewls, ane ) ur uls are tak- en at commencement of eS ieee aaa VTL who use Itare pa giving thetr testimony 1 sade hnews he vay of sate Genes \ TC lee tia N MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH Aug 2h, Ps60 pass THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER, NOT IC i Price One Dollar per Bottle. () aa ACS i ae QS Eee eto M dagen dard SANFORD'S welt public sale on Phursdsy t Joi of OV ber vet the Plone towhueh said) dee'd . hy CATHARTIC PILLS a { : Sarre angen _ COMPOUNDED FROM 5 COU ES ON eee ea Pure Vegetable Extracts put up in Tachi made knowncan day of pals Air Tight, will keep oN he ew NLS): . A ereicl 2 Ca-| ge thartic PILL tea gen- zi Mee which the proprietor hae than twenty. years demand from Coit the TURNIP SEED. i RY VARTETY, PRESSED and WARRANT a WW) sold hy Wet eM ele Ist diss Wiatost.. Satelury. No July 24 ae) NOTICE THIS. IH i \ \ pint many de WAM I I | Ca- apd )D RR \ \ I XN (; we Saxon, sala Tae BuGl ieee | yr Noun: Wee dersigned gives t e that he keeps a ~ file Na ON & ENNTSS) Daccors PEAW AND WAGONS for 6 \» ‘ ( ’ ~ x 4 Drvyving, asd ow erve all whe ony favor hin woth | \ 1yv6 San this tin teoommodating terns GEORGE WOW RACY ~ + 7 Mareen vat JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., ' Fa Cor, Chuolotte, S At PERSONS who nt ' Vt . Va Pts ha SHERMAN BROTHERS, Ue Wit ys Jorners oF frends, thy ny Reishi N HT d - C ¢ Sow Mt | Hardware, ut ery, Guns, NNSA A er } | ke moM Street JURE CIDER VINEGAR. for ant NN ty ti sn fimpdd WYATT, ING and ISX Moin or shabory ; NG oe) ian 1 tl, at this fhe receiving their usual move Abie ’ ost wm ' sontend te TY ae RL RR Ayer’s Sarsaparilla \ 1 ready whteh we hove labored te lee cae wet the |alternuetive that ean be 1 1 ' eaxcuct ut Para Surrea- 1 rubrtunces of will ‘ \ apie Mord an effecuve ap- reputed tocure vd by thore te. aud that ove int prove of im- ir attieted fel- ropletely this compound willdo expoieut ou many of the ' : \ wing complamte: ints, Exvrtions wites, Buorcnes, Ileap. Syriitis anp Ai Disease, Daorsy, Desiivy, Doerner on St. An- class of com- haremecy ote their cure swat u dy Strain ce Seer ~ biivore Cove re +e reHRH LT Mane 1 Dorsornnes rtas Rowe whole no trea Ewe yor Ti Buoow. 1 oyreat promoter of foul al that season of CApolsict expel the of them many Nebud Mutttudes eb wselves from rour Boren, to nd ieelf of is through the raive medicine vu find it how th pimples, erap- will rtrve lori never Wie vou fig ati obelructe it whenever it when. Even peuple enjoy bet- the blood. but with can be no laet- ' ' thot tor cleaning re owell; ad. ther tue thing must go wrong, thachiie Hite is disordered or over- rvermuch, the repatation, But the word bas rotons of it, partly ail the virtue that is Many preparations, mteol it, contain er any thing prey rR hol sapariibe hove been inpled by 1 quart of Extract Wort ot have only contain u Lhe curauve prop- | rourd pawful disap- ' us ofthe various extrac rket, ont the hos become synony- sul call this supply soch » from the dowd of hink we have bes whch wre irre siete is sutended the we we Aiud we vet eradicn- vould by judiewue- « tattle ) VER & €O., Ae\os He pr slope > This bok 85 cherry Pectoral, ie ‘ hat itimen- evidence of e Aw it + keetion peat qua and that lawever hartic Pills, ! westion, Dya- Piles, Liver che i ‘ D) seuxes Nail Rheum, und for seusilive the best a family re hi i Bovis ron 8 00. Staten. tite ruames eet nee ‘ “ mot the insertion \ ‘ ' turvirb grate \ . Hoh they given; reme- complatitey, be wed for ther 1) ry with other t Deinand tthe best SAlat See LIVER IRViGG NEVER DEBILIT A Tiscompounded entirely 6 , and I ; . Dee ‘ oy ¥ 2 viand Mesticine i own 1. wud tn He Liseases for which # lias TY “ the Inst two yeare is he the Duwecous te \ oxbesw 4 ment of the ed in such quanuues as lo . dictates of oy ent gnide you im the be LIVER IN- VIGORATOR, and tt wear Liver Ca plaints, Billo: tacks, Dyspepsia, Chrontc Diar plaints, Dyse stomach ieulloay , Cholera, Chole= Summer Com- ry, Sour J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Di, Apricaltare, WALISBURY, N. ©. {OCTOBER 2: | { Fruumusterism nor Deav.—Gen. Hen- ningsen, Walker’s old companion in arme, has written a long letter iu vindication of this noted filibuster. Gen. LL. concludes las follows: So far from fillibusterisin being laid in the grave of William Walker, it may safely be predicted that from every drop of blood shed from the death wounds, in- flicted, as we are informed, * amidst the cheers of the natives,” to whom he had heen delivered up, bound, by the infamy \ fo Norvell Salmon, will spring another yee 7 Wy yy yy arent tilhbuster. Ttis well that ite now INb¢ Ne N U M Bie | \ a, exultant enemies abroad aud at home should know, and Lam in the positioh to nitorm them, that ite views are in uowise viged, (te spirit in nowise impaired.— events, since the first repert of Walker's | ‘serul Jayrapements, Cosmnerce, the Arts ad Sciences, Maratity, and the Family Cirrle. eee ee cen, | Crean $2.00 Ky ATS S200 Nogeennies Sis. hu. \ Loa teujia the same proport F $1.9) cach Pay italways an advance E x ’ SEP. LS | Ba ass Pie following Chott aid seelaneous BEAN KD vi a oman VOL, NVI meats et ad Dei i Sot be Mppret Ludentare & te or Vin ; ruin ee Marte Lea Devoted to Politics, ile Clee tse ice Wathen si i Mp 2 - ean a aa ps Thoaefony got to be mistaken. that shew Nit Han te te oimene, hat the days of eomp § Appra y vier iaene P uae Tete ER eukepricgas £OC= that ste mist have her ; ies, 1 ‘ Poaghts tespected hat she ans qmeenxiamesi aie 5 ener iorecnn ; re Party a Disuniaw str ot The Bre Real what ) Leal i ¢ and others, So, porters of Bicvhen Frerew Cri \\ r DBreekin 4 ridve aay erin, bot be a DP) suntenis ‘ ots certain at TON inter of Litinn ow HELP CMIE CAUSE ob Discntox, DstUN TONNE IN POCA ES NOC tte WHERK IS WAKMLY st PPORTING tM. tead the pro Pricey are take redh time WN 1) ae) CWS AEG ] [sins Sratatt tu the neat mu ttess Itt ' feet tatad ture of thinus, Ve Vu Woftat moxie f ward £) " BAMA IAT OG Nino Na | lat “To ohn eT nt Chraristan Coat ! a wap mos oa adherents ! ieee ‘ * * * present HS deciston, and . thos deniard { ‘ ’ [orice ieee . sthouhd seve Poa the Con 1 tothe wliwe teamanie oe eet nf oes GHeGUGH On frac ies: ul une nize A a IA ‘ vention upon t 1 =| go toto an election wel a eu ‘ I HDI nemesis by it aS @ vreat Constutional pacts ‘4 ! thea. Pen eye) eae ene a) Lowen pen in muy oy Wet cnt) ; , ! I 1, I adent “eh ou flack f. / the Sowth ox ai a ipcth | ate ct ‘ leading <p resolutions adopted IESOLTTIONS GF Tint Anwnasty Tei |! The Levst aire ot A alien under the influence of Yasxcry’s viti Ss, pa { ctrcmmsts Weert nation of a sxcet \ I, 4 ' tates Three tw ou riled fort , , an wind a hollow trace the vn of the bisa phot 7 wae I 1 dential clectian— anil thus delitictiety. ascaiieat THE QM OF K200 ve TINGENCTES W ‘ Bit In accordance —\ t Yancey wentte Coane t rel Da —_ ‘ ss aid URED tHE NOM SEP core toate INR wp Last Pre t leer and TDarniin AUpported ty J) fiesta) [wer ty mnt will be elected 4 \ k (ay tthe Athvatie and Cralt covet, w t he North this State on a common secesdon exoch top and especially of ita occurrence wed the waulzrtiote ot ber trie treet fan preter resistane feos riater, betw ti Coercion of a Sovpreign Stale, rines which Mr. Donglas pros ntis speech a@ Nortolk, a few have beady denounced x thougut ittwould not be un to toe rewdem of the Press to tude whieh was assumed by Crovercingat when South her cole crated Ordinance ot tesenue Jaws, within that Nuate to be absolutely Geo. Jackson was then vid inet tie ipsne tendered bys 8 clita prowl wad dirmlye by fer jeden the 10d day of Nein , Con ress bein at the ° n On the 16 vot January, ee / won ty tie Compaiiibd Jo@ists at the Souris, { Virzinga, Joba J Hthe Ordinance Wiite. of Lowisiana, Lewis Willi: Hough Bodish ioterterenes, D have been Neu itiile) vei (7 lerate aaa lik Prince of Watip ar til Tomi avcewhelmed by communicatiots from Dontel Jeniter, i ind, of Wastingron ye Tyee of ales gen ia patent for tamediate aetion, and Pestiiesnietot IN cretion ey » visited Mount Verna oulPriday, in coin qyost eacer, personally, forthwith at all nity Poti Lede Keer, vany with the Prosident of tue C1 tazords. to depart for the scene of the late AL pede moPl Sates and others. Ou the werieal oo ine tragedy, or from othere auxionsa to coune tenden 1 ‘ i Toei joety at the tomb, the band of tiusie 4, min cond support Chem, To these all allot Nentacks, Lew... Mix (owhieh accompanied thea pl VO (eect reply were, to bide their time. When tam MeCay, of Virg tia, d soeinn diege trou Provatew. The corres: that tian comes, ther cause will not want North Carente, Coates fo pondent of the Baltimore Stun says: (ce tanloworacr leqderes Nees Pie yoathtul Prince, as well, midced, von Ko Mo tehedy ot uth lis toyal aesociater, appeared tully to PROCESSION OF MINUTE MEN Pieotnas Newton, of Virsencs mreenate the scene. veryomind was On last evening, the organization of the Min- Pentket Pemnessce, Benediet 1. ue cov dmbued with a sepse of the cteat- ure Men of Beltand marebed in torehlight pro- 6of Mavtand, Wiha BOS bess of the lustrous Ylasaingtoa, and cescon Vthe principal streets of the city. Vasusting TL, Sheppard and J such was the iiterest mifiitested by Lord Phir about three hundred in ranks, maké North Carolina, James Stande lenfrew that he foal frou the hands ine ay cry inposing and brilliant display, They Tennessce, Francis Paci of wa friend several large horse-clesuu each wore ared seart, with the letters MM. and, Puslemon Tiomas, of Louis and with bis own hands planted them at tprated ou at Phe organization ts rapidly ex: tha, ( hiristepher al pains, of Kentucky, tie tomb of W ashingtou, He then we. Weta Un row the State md the South it Washington, of Maryland, cured a parcel of them with the avowed | ! SUS AD Uta ZaGon for Che aiee via: James AM. Wayne, of Georgia, bdward (oteation of planting thet at Wiser, ia ies ea eS vith . 1 t fortmation of a thy Cotthederaey. no theinoriabot there diterestiig ever to , ot eth eee Meneses \ i | nt el vas fess stinulete its a ; rolna,and dolin lH. Worta femenbered visitation of this day. Puen me e nud ake i - how toed owe wou sMoprised of, ia of Maryland e venerable lomestead, with every ob tatives of the | 5 i ? ; ’ ’ n . yper diecipline, 0 fur 4 1 He cr t PERCHES Cet st ve > theo it ae tnd Southern [ presentat, ves I Cheat HOW ENED pitidll, Ue ett ener to tentan any ran therefore, for the Force 2 aft sand vrounds, were surveyed minute r Maade by the - nee { a eee an i ’ 5 J ‘ Sree Celie eee " two full outs tad prtssed DL Ae orparn ttc S Ca un f eo ASE lor retura eee UNE e et MELSON es ute c fs Vite Tr r . 1 ' t 1 : han ! ! - 1 5 oe Fiaasth ComVveved to the stecttire Look ott t J ” nob 1, t iw ‘ j \ 1 es ircol \ Sata std pot 1 ( 2 i ; 7 | CRTC OE ~ ee NG als ya voung j ' ee : , fa who made bis Mais = t ' \ age S@eeral weeks , " f s a i tented pi WS Wash i ea ‘ ‘ | } boat) Pettiessen i i ‘ i : evan. : POM US Cae \ vite i thord & \ wood debe t wount ee i ‘ \ i aa ‘ “0 ‘ Scntin . 1, by \I at v4 ' ' ) 4 t ea \ ave Glinscle Ge We Wuval (pag fia Lue ver ts 1 V ‘ ; Ae ae ‘ : iS \ \ LAN boa hors and ' spre \ i educated, and ‘ ic sees ston tiatibers ‘L pon leaving 4 M 1) atthe trode for Hig Point.” < : x ' SS SG Tie NS Cees <e- t i er x ! s er a [eee Wer RET PP ey Mens Wielyht.—We stated vesterday Naa fil y ! ‘ Lie Deusserat, ot tue thar ap rvtat towe 4.369 men bad teen { Veer Hg ase Vowas Weld on Howe's S andard Scales, at | rn ut ED Ala \ Nay iw M wiies barr, and that ther ave- ¥ Pee esa ve cet 2 RE a IN ithe Val lay Foye wet out was E68 pounds 13> ounces. s ‘ a caer es j ; othe pertaery of toe Wheos. We pres«ie that (its toav be taken as ‘ { WEE tou | 4 CS eit oat : ore very near the uverage werhtof tie New i: faenel ’ \ \ eHN WeTle 8 ox iin Crt see Lavine cle! iit ; ‘ ne i Pe teeny oe fey, Tent Wetiaeree tue. tench t \ 1 Peet ‘ i Saar ey } ‘ t ‘ with that of tuen of o t Tisearst 1 S ‘ et S t Teanns hoe san 1 Ina reeent pooneation we tial n ‘ sid th | 1 eg ! ! ' ! ' 1 t is Ia 1 1 \ E - mA Ypee TSS PUN rte oe wede 2oviatctumebts, denved Trot pes , va | Pac -tenin plow NA Saintnoe eres slo es vd, Were ot Nowe ! Li NG Le Mein) ist han I ‘ wert oof ten in Delis 5 a | ( red Meher tt ort , \ at | : a Powitth poaddies, ow Pothe steam nt (Bo ussels aud ite eusirousy as bfod ; Ane an « 4 , Sas Minthe to tuese ! Wiis 16 Ge aouiiis i test UG a tee [ones Create. Po Corto ratte I Waris abe lyeueeee Jn branee Pans and the netelbeorte d) a \ eat \ ‘ tect idk ft Ser the tmeai we ie jeeuity 4 i ‘ (ees ving eet ‘ 1 Chalten Ptr ee asl tt Weal , vu vt © act aa Lev eb inuch sus] oun ve : jos “ i i ‘ tad ul , boon bespate ‘ Ale ‘ ! lol | - \ Rn Q uy Re AI fy 1 dourna - he =F i t Naa 4 wre I te a room the tere 1 ea Tin NTs el disse N ma ' Waal bey : \ k Silat n | 1 tints Tae eet Tyas Mik t for the Paar Giron ‘ re \ | 1 spo | ‘ \ ea sibel “ { lI i Wohin ee We pate” (Nee . be Vetoes frit ioe et for i POW Hately StCe uns. title s a , - eo NY ) Ve ree prower, ‘ Mose tnd shaken aves A caar bad been placed : ee nr PAIS 3 twit s bach towards the Castle. 4 : somes Lay tal luis seat, le was bliodiold- i \ Vv i . ., : hi PTS EEN EY EN Ne Pree sodiers stepped) forward to , \I ‘ | ha | ] ENGLAND) Witton twenty toefet tim aned ctsenarced : Duets 1ilou Lee t Sek lity sprung between the Mire Faenr tmasivcts Pie oalls cl 4 ' 1 nh 'F : Tei taties Temeere slanicay jody ted ed 1 Vos ' in ee oct rt \ t 1 Fea . r re ‘ Ves a Via te , 7 u \ \ \ Se : ta ma ‘ ' , _ : \ rom ean al fren lta Reet rate rod , d t SUPE bass es ts ‘ rere cf ‘ 1 { ! + os a ee i Me : I : r ‘ it 1 ~ ' ta , mn ' 1 i t te ¥ ‘ ~ i \ . weal 4 ‘ \ ° ‘ 1 \ { ‘a \ i ‘ iy (ene vate 1a : ‘ ' : ‘ é ' / ' | - - i ‘ A A x ‘ ‘ \ ( i j ( \ , MI fi | ‘ n ; ‘ - . ; ' ‘ j c ' 4 ‘ ( 1 ‘ bead, aor \ : | 4 , | oN \ ‘ sowita Vitaitiets Grover . ‘ ‘ t ’ pounce , r ' n ‘ | (ue ( \ [ek ete Misty lad ns \ \ ‘ y > tS : ORGS meee en F ; eens bia ‘ Tse A 1 ‘ \ Is tid ores fot robber of the | SHoeond tet at ave | : : { a eta ; i 1 ‘ ' ss Tete N atat | L tier vent i ave 1 toy 1 ! 1 i 7, ate \ wae I 1 | Pec hcre> REA | > . ‘ ( % j t wen Ub every sc i wet I ‘ MS Sit vip t en tot = rune IU TEE VIO ee i | We feuds aceaas | t t . \ tl arn prey ' ern 4 PEt cnn ul tren Neat tes PaaS \ t ‘ J [yierecat © Vr eas r : : J 5 i ae i UW thas proposition had beet agected wp all qu ie \ eos I ‘ t ‘ \ ‘ od * ] \ 1 : > mS ‘ \ ite Norwathk Disasier — 1 Be Habit Boprntiew.~ On Mou Itis related of Mian Wetisier that w feet et ; of Che memorable cident a Tatler re ae WEAN ~ pacing the tal t Movsladeccl te slit > si et 1 ! ’ a | ND ea iN 1853. waa d | | SOUT Bence eu ' prone te Teer wot ieais, Viren rb red if @ breaking mp atid [ERECTED CTAC Gn Te CSU TG tor tr ois Wt dar ccel Lctham tachi | i ‘ | ese Pantleve ele tea or the iitnge | TOR TE to be a detse, Wwe . bose dit that ve ‘ , il \ { t ; e ‘ vne ‘ | , an ‘ ruta att t ~ : Hed a etidle and ¢ voule Cer Hoek Ph ot Ctiathat Wors aoa {Uy ? \ : le rer Wer bi ‘ ' \ : ' sont ! } < AN us ; iii e enn 4 torreon and ee . lk 4 Cabal rom ‘ I 1 ea r { ! 1 1 elaine! er las been elacu SUE SLSR RAT) 0) w ‘ , x ; a \ 1 wwouttes wiitte rain ' dan haven ot tlre I ‘ ° ) Hien ‘ u ‘ owe heared they orepon : Prepresentatiee men of tie ; ea | ! \ M. Datias and W vi Wil SSUES alas leet ; | ae “ ae ee . . i" ON 1) Herve USL iee ae ; , t vreat dancer, w reverded i vidoecd ait sie ' © ¢ PEN WU eee cciiel neu trac yu rl eo Frelinetiy ot New Raed i ae Our Oun Monat [een eee | 2 fea | : wo diwing co Tasca | : ar ' mi ' [otxceule neta risers Tres 5 Ips ta: : ny > me ee | a n ) ! aban In 1 sil \ Lt woSurat vad New rel Webster, ot t _ Ca 1 \ . You vt ia] Wakes yoanial sv Silas Wr Rall { cee VS te : \ 3 : ; i, / , ‘ podont oth Litpithet ebasided L TEsnie Ne 2d Chingy : | x hein : \ Va and ot oar sofrorm pany tI ' vin recount > Bek \ \ = ise of Representatives th a le eNom RAT ACoA ) to Wars « Cara We t \ t Was, VCAS ! aN ‘ U1 tl l \\ \ er : enacted a ; Jue Southern Representa a a | Wi ' [een uf ‘ ' 1 ted ain the athrmative were Me fyi ; videoriee nu, of Wentucky, William \ { | i ’ ' , tae pres Virginia, Willian EE A ent Shoonday praver mee r ety received us \ Damel I PArcinges t idely vit was stated that on | 4 oiornuit ie , ti Ld Se Nehhe boiith On < HW SEA ina, Foun Boor, of Ponnersse Won WW aber. wot a sen \ ‘ siderable te \ Sire AC) N i Hines a sla , ine, of North Carouna, ytwenty ven tin ‘ 1 erpence boyy 1 vatk ©) vere sentenced an Ros ; Soot South Carolina, Jolin 14 \ than firey larly \ Iv ta seat the po ’ tt Ivasda Capea Moran to pay at nnessee, Henry A Builard, of On alt t ' \ Is Hr vanes Phre swonee trom tobe iiprisomed: two yen bert Craig and Joseph Dra Wone SEN to sie fell iat BAINVO ee aii Xe Bryon Qowmberharo, first mate, te le cn 4, Wilham Drayton, in interesting fact, ws a wore Lost her ean dachson, diane wse | ved tever veg. WWolloarn Dern ' na, Wollam Pitzverald ar Pextent and power of tue ret ‘ nent Medien, (Michigan, ) mydomate, to be papeda: ned twen . |, of Tennessee, Benjatnin ligious movement in Wales. Watehtower, Sept. 29 qmonths : \ a es Fete ae avo From the Petersburg Intelligencer HE DUTY OF CONSERVATIVE MEN ¥ *Wherever the right of suffrage exisis, and po- parties contend for supremacy, the con The Union State Mass Meeting. October 11th and 12th. | We subjoin extracts from the accounts 6 ' Morehead appeared was much increased cheers for the old spoke, as be always s' and effective manner, arshorse of 1540." jdst great applause, which aguie voice yiving ‘Xbree He paks, Jo the inost stirring irechng the most of bis ought ta awful catastrophe. All true patriots of all parties commodatioh of the people than was to be found forget their party differences and unite there. Pt of men in the exercire of their pohtcal nights ye Boverned more by prejudice and passion, cae by the dictates of reason and a Just regard sch 2 public weal The truth of tis observa- ae o ul experienced aod bas becn more ful “ ur gougtry than esewlicte— ‘the boasted hiberty of and vole, accombny tu tis su | < } ; and pleasure, it is an undematle! SALISBUS i. vo ‘ Rat candidates for ottice with us are = ed and voted for by the people un account) of their peculiar tituess tor office, vor do the Masses vote af all according to their owa judy FOR PRESIDENT, ment. Men have been freyuently elevated to HON JOHN BELI | political etation—some even to the Presidency a) eee . _ —of whom the people know nothing; and it aa | t | every] | not TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 25, 1560 given by the papers whose cditeurs w here at the State Mass mecting. Ne Carolina MMatchman, avullery against secesfion and disunton, and rid iculing in a merciless State Secession by Sfuch Carolina. ligh praise of the whole affair, frou be Morebead’s speech, aaa Tie C Tom ign oe briefly, and inning tovend, Tie Charlotte Aly retarped the thanks It will ; tyle the idea of separate ye seen thatthey all agree in terms of After Gov. Je nultitude were sddress taly, by Mr. Badger, who f the meeting tu the cu rives the best report of Mr. Grahams the ladies particularly a Now, to show you that ultra politicians, fy aware, that in order that we nog the danyer homes and tiresides, the 1850, we: @s COunpMst Wa them which then threateued) out boud of Uion sacred COTprOnise Tbe bit possible, avoid Southern asures Of uf ved to by true patriots of all partes, |g between fe av he people th : POLITICAL DIBCUSSION; The lengt the t y id to be about | . Og Oe mae saree y eaten | We) bed) the) pleasure last Saturday evening to 1D one strong, preconcerted, effort. to prevent the 3,000 feet, and they were crowded on both sides. | ; ! election of a Black Republicag President. The * * * Migs * * . \h ara political discussion between Wm. Ro Myers, Democratic party ave divided, and are therefore sec es Douglas Elector, and A.J. Fox, Bre ckinridge Elec- tional, cach, however, clauuing, par excellence, to .. en . ee tor—betl of the Count f Meckle : be the National Democraue party. You are all THE SALASBURY AND-SALEM MASS MEET.) \ ounty of Mecklenburg. We ca jfoun Mr. Myers in the midst of his speech, which INGS. was an argument to prove that the doctrine of won-intervention by Congress on the subject of slavery in the Territories, had been for years, the We are indebted to friends who were piaseut lor le interesting accounts éa the preceding paye ol rese great gatherings of the friends of Bell aid verett, of “the Coustitution, the Union, aud the forcement of the Laws.” doctrine held by the democratic party up to the me of the Charleston Coavention. And that between zeus of Salsbury, ar + : rar -ecl clo Ebay Th ns Mel len both at the North and the Routh, always meet on Since they came to hand we have received the ae break Fees eR eee ee CN See ee a eae there Gonimon yround, Estate the fuote, Ghat curt Sahsbury Watchman with a Jung account of the | 7® OPPa sing up of that body and the assembling of on of ats account excluding almost every would be w display : fire workssand speaking Seward preteuded to be avon of Cie compromise Sahsbury affair and the Wilmington Herald) with “be Baltitoore Couvention, the North Carolina dem- arn might in the publigsjuire, and the crowd dis) act while it was in diseussion, yet he dolg and: anyother Gite: Editor having been present) A ac- | ocracy adhered to it, ‘To prove these meena s : persed, The assembize at night was tremen did not vote, when the votes were Giken ) and that Counts speak of the remarkable sobriety aad good) referred to speeches, democratic ‘ From the Wolawngton Herald dous, and after beginping the proceedings, by a te Hon A Venatie, (by | V Virgin) but orded which pervaded the mass ‘The Watclinan! vores in Congress. all ver atic resolutions, and mn ? short pyrotechnic display, loud calls eee TAde HOU Tany Mouls aii aiay ss vot NOC, sud? caw not exceeding half a dozen men who were ex H ee * ry SA ObY watlconclas 6 wy Minoo Niet’. male pays ates fF Getter cient ipmlcenty: “Gunn tin ; (cite Rie sive, e then proceeded to stow ; The Wass Meeting at Salisbury. fy, Vance, and finally “the Mountain Buy” av. [tesme ne! putaph upon thy: tomb than cred ly tnuor, and the Herald = saw but ee 1 el to show that a portion of . , ‘ : Here hes a man who opposed the Compromise Granken ian the whole time up to Friday ust) Ge oath, lead on by Yancey, went to the Ch We retuened on Saturday evening trom Salise peared upon the tog of several goods boxes, f iste ‘The Detnoctatic panty was’ di j 1 . ’ ? we Charles- , \ Pete ae ile cea — es ot TS! DOU atau ae wheo the train left, and he was horcaling foe too Convention with a new dectune and d my, where we atiended the largest polioeal mibldle of the street, vided when Gen, Taylor wos elected Phe Deo: Breckinenige and Lane.’ “eondhitiee lemanded pits adtiossou into the demoera which were piled in and began one of t we ever heard, whicd he continued about ap catherng we bave ever witnessed in North Cae richest, raciest’ speeches reling, We predicted Hat it would be te ordi nary meeting, and our predictions have been re hour, when the gran display of Bre works took [4 Det te party united with the Bree In 1848 Hocra party the Free-oiler thie aiialcatated, and North and 1 elected a thas ob- jy lattorm—a doe- Pie Salisbury Banner, at hand this miorging, bas! t mag | abe the very opposite to the lispracetal account of the speeches ancient creed of the nider terms seers to us to be suited to the ! story (party they demanded the adimission of an inter- + ‘ a aNe } ¢ , wlned a Tuph over Gen Seort a vt ble te > ; noe CHGS comme to | er ” chor bas erra been done contrary to the will of the FOR V ier PRESIDENT lize do bevond our most sanguine expectations, [lice during which fhe bour arrived for our d¢ a Liat ph “ G pon u a ne : tells.) ie reader al a ie ae a J wet tom plonh, and the passage by Congress of « ss > a 5 yD r Nover. sites O, has there been any such de. parture by a speci win, and we were compel), oo! a iota UGS Se J 7thy other CONG Stoll UDAn Lt CNG Syra Rilo OUR ative Con the Terntones PE majority. Politiaians ia Conventions, aud cau-| HON EDW ARD EVERETT ver. siuice 1B40, : : any d de. | oe ee eee fe \ . we a Ce i ane NS reese ar etn SOU ee rn eT POUaDTy oul yew maiennn nes cee | ve Pernitonies | and as af determined o < yo nopstration his wood old States and at was ed reluctantly to lex steam mat ory . i : mat - | bee Fuad ny th tno demande @usses do the work —and by wuflaniiig the pas Ve me ue -” aN es ey i ; = t JT her in the achteverment of Chat victory BUC vere an deagne with Norther abolitionists and ‘ lenanded «@ candidate of i d » Nees OF MASS ACHUSETTS the common open, Chat the enthusiasm which Poisson of this placejsucceeded Vance in a short: tor tis aca ett, Woahl have beet worse Ut! that the Kiitor ofthe Banner. (owning probably ten (thar own choice, utterly repudiating Mr. D, oe ay misguiding the judgments of the peo- | — ee pee (ETEN at Sabsbury, Wassquite eqiad to that speech. Our tran tt Salisbury amid great a toron ~ Acoulne. dota Teme wer | Fi ee uMinicdnunet mena Gh ee Woanan lial derrnat | : ; ouglas, ee me ea a ; | , : rousattcl» Was calling wu i winay 1 Ws i ited the mos vihar oma Lie 2 Urem astray from tbe path of duty and PLATFORM which charietenaed that memorable campaign. cheenuy, the Band @iscoursing some of ther conunauch Bere to cove Inerative OMNES iy the vali of lis property, Bat the Bunuet i? pany 1 ee Ree, nan of the ae lufatuated with a name, of an idea it pon our arrival on Phursday forenoon, there fine, lively ales, menmwlalc Upon Frees But Junge was Cosel matey any oun Mitts stOnye on itatitetinls ; i ae m ) weUOn went and blindly persist in adbering to it unuil some ! tl 7 ji [ f : ”) coli Petty GCG CNT aah t t . “ EE CRUSE CO } enn iL soune ’ © ea : [Was reason to think the town was ou fire —it As to the number of persons present on Biel 5 - lowly anecdote vuven- mtartlingtexperciogs) formes the) ; ") Of the Constilational Union Party. : eee j ‘ an ; | Aa ee fry Cure wine cnt eI eet hieniae ot nel shat ups amd in support of i 7 SES ETT TE o sectned as fall the bells in Rowan County were cay and Friday night, dere was, as there always : eR aye ail Cis fase whe ; pport: of this ; » » C8 | eeeenenrr * . o . . * . sie a 1 * eternal ay ‘ ba YS ea se ae Tie gol we tou reat Ce Ahn scot 1 ea \ ee ee ea The fall t 4, 4 t rowing. The first saght that greeted our eves will be a difference of opinion, Pwo gentlemen, i hy 1 mt eee 1 ae ein Alabarna, hie “1 vive ee © following atta »pted by the Co i aye : : : ‘ ‘ sine a wet ded t Wins The response ; cute cntdan “ Searee Democrats. Let a cand date | , ; ’ ing o ae adopted by the Come! approached the town was the Bell and one of whom is a friend of ons, counted: the eats ee ine Deo Pilicenit ve a . + a 1 : ' BHC abet others to his speech : . : le oy | Stitatioual Unie vi Nasional Conevnun eeu us ‘ ‘ ! said the first, “ise a dimes fio Mastic: : led that charmed naine be proposed tor any | ; ‘ iow nion Pagy, iu National Convention a) iy yet pole, which tows red far above every sur precession as it passed over the Raul howd brnige oe Be ee oy ql ann Roane Ps50. He said that waus bis object oe 5; So : altumore : ; the er shouls 0 , Aes . office ; and, without any regard to his qualitica | . : Ror j rounding object, the summit of it being crown. thd they made out 7,000 certain, and we heard hey ceo panty. Whenever and wher The Banner is welcome: foils convert fee TOUR Pe Dean Ae aso pid thet he hed ttons = compared with his oppeneut, or any ; eee Eres has demonstrated that Pht-/ed with an immense wreath, from beneath which Many competent judges estimate it at PU.000, req are sty Phas they told South ville Observer doubt tis at waste broak up the Union and > ‘ as orms adopt ‘ « convention ; me ie ; consideration of the principles he might advo-| a ; 2 noe we r peiteeng Up nee none of the A oates large and handsome flag, while beiow We never saw so large a politeal gathering ia cats the Van B Oa sive contests cle uyatiren sy eo nicer Contedergey, re-open the Afric date, he would receive the undivided, enthusias rt ve res . ne Scie es ae score at the heieht of about 80 feet, was a handsome North Carolina, Of course there were larse | Sat ps ' te : ue a Ne ones Str M \ b \ nie iv , the people, and, at same time, (o widen the po-, Sere M rene Pee Se Sa ues Se ‘ am nec Es, mt ' rect Feet ates STS ise _ os ! spoke With tuarked gravie He support of his party. The name is enough! iitical divisions of the ceautry, by the creation ard) !lumination with appropriate inseriptons, which Huintyrs who did vet jou the procession at all ! Via ofa a ur Union Mass Meeting ix us dissrce ty aid detoeistion, and yet with w f gin hewee gh | ' ation ard phror ptions jm the | eee cn math He had ear: 2 oh exacting of Democrats. And | encouragement of geographical and Sectional parties ; | at myght was liciited with gas, and presented a and in fact the whole crowd were not atany one : Taree eae haw tul as talsehood atid mallee could tnake fot Wamhed wien tis tine expired, bu yrelded Ure i i nee rg si ee ; Wve ELD EISSSINEA eitbie! baie i , a iy Ee t . blind organization as it is as er @. That tis both} - novel and beautiful appearance. We found the Une together, Three buodted and seventy ta eb cehil env was then the | Poe editor neton ty doen not own the i es t A : 5 4 apie esolred, That 1 is bo! he part | . : tea ‘ , fe ett oF th , ca . » which has hitherto preserved that party Tung torecag ies uo mlitigel paulciesathenthon (ee b ina perfect uproar, in the midet of which dies were Counted sexted iw front of dae spon Gaa0 i online 1 : eee | a xe ae (ony oat witha playtal reference 1B Me eXisle! Ula a ciples other than | ‘ 2 , , iyeeer Tere Vis Viet et we ' Vets, stated ttiast the petithenssaa wa Ww ae a te ieee Tur Conerrrution of Tie Counray; was the Cabarrus delegation, over 300° strong, ker’s stand, aud they bstened attentively to Ue bru Lieu ( WL Wa wi ‘ ‘ : ul bie tu mri CeaEA te e say aCANSE ay i : ; : : ; Pree . eotot and that he regretted the ab HH Jength me a verto, because @ period bas at Tue Unios oy tae States: avy parading with a wagon bearing a large sonorous speeches in spate of the weather We sow bat! one ee FE ee ee ee elie eer t fiat eae ot nee ng! i 2 , cs aly 5 ; : : ' , i Misti ql . elect athe was fight ee a arrive Ube history of the party when ret Tug Exvorcemeyt or tne Laws; | bell, and drawn by tour horses, each carrying at ee drauken nan the whole tine up ta biti 7 mt wt en PNET CTE GTR CET Sa uat tiara eesn ay Ararat the oleae Veal silent rauy che eee 1 r 1 x ° }and that, as r . 4 the Cons f 5 . . 1 rae eiisk Wie tae Sse organ avon has become disiupted and a de Us Ayn a oe Pe Se um tt ¢ a titatonal! jis Lead stall a Boll aud Everett flig. A’ pro might when the train left, and be was lures , I a , stant Heath outie sid uum Hd pay dus respects to Mr, Slyers before he monstration ee , new of the country, in Natit onventio ; ' " e ‘ twauist La ‘ y : AS o : ‘ Se ie oak t na 4 as been made of what has long | meen iied eermiifers Here nae een vn Ratan "cession was furined abuut 1 u’clock, and march, for Breckinidye and Lane Phas Mass Meetiog 6 ie Con \ t t Prose The Thea Conten ed au attack upon Bell been reyar ! a se mouled. Ie 0 ain, pro- | a i andl u \ ‘ ‘ | ' 1 eotinn ty. teltie As ani aan ' Fi ati i vari au 1m possibility, = : that De | tect aud defend. separately and unitedly. those great | ed to the factory grove, Just beyond the Real was very remarkable tu that respeet tur very great Cranes Preite) pore sand 1 ‘ ‘ , , wid Byers thd dewtdless sateted some of tis : . can . er and divide. The party has) paocipes of public ibert® and national eatery, against | Road, where the meeting was organized by the enthusiasm revarted throughout, and w tlhe [y ' we wo drolitiv, hie ts fenedest ity faerie ee tn ees sats y unsond ow the slavery wided, ree unk hopelessly ; and divided tov, 2 enemies, athome and pepe lieving that theres) Hon. S. H. Rogers, Chairman of tie Stite Ey, best order aad decorum ‘ ene t ‘ Pst seutheriasents, We ted tae quit eae ES ) the sapportot the South, ie Pent # so utterly unnee ssary, aud ahmo th ‘ ena ne pe re see ae Heke Committee, who announced General Dockery as We may tot wiven anit Wit Olt I s s es eee . th } i CUT ea S, volls wie © just nghts of the People, and of the States re- : i : : \ vdit = cena is oth wee to © democratic vole, t s sul enenae a rovuke the contempt of all |. siablished, and the Government asain place dun tha} Charan We tad uot reached the ground i Cie orderin winch they Urarspared. ant ow » : as lack We ane iBlellive . . S eee ' y 2 acedin tha me i A wv t a ti wi don r 7 BES! e u rv : es ai be Crue cause of the split is feonstinoen of justice, fratercity and equality, which, ; When the meeting was orsauized, bat learved we notation ted to describe tic wit : aa: : . oe Semal) wile od bee et thee aetary sot Mi Myer Gi ba un ae tediy tu be found iu a personal wrangle/ under the exvnpie and constitution of our fathers. Cat Ue Gen. m ideo a ueat and appropriate Huscrip liens uintiatier Maekiened ti os ‘ . 5 mee te CSAs vied Ww & \ ' wha yot throusty that part v ¢ ue ephe hax sele MNUSeETVTOIiSemhelU te dlS nl ; \ : gh that p ° sees merits of Stephen AL Douslis) the os- ‘ s tmnty bowad every a nefthe United Statee speech i tunings the wr BLE Snoter, Beg.) 8S Weal reprcse wd had th « us 0 ’ , t ee . ) Very datieiy the declared in favor of a ' vt itl ' a » 3 o est fps ' . > . ee ne sa pruciple at ail, Mere abe aa ee " a ae lennon y ; ae | Wo jus" delivered a very chaste, and beantical intro Us; AS We ( uvus, | Wks d | , ‘ ‘ elerred to specches, &e. r . fs ‘ jee, imsure domestic tra lity, provide for th cor : | whe Jiist os Veteal \ ! ers stracl ee tpaxim, which cannot now, aud Mndcte aoe ne Pa geoeel ect oa . ; Yi tory © watch We were aso unfortunate &e We ais sui ON reu ‘ , ‘ ' ‘ a y MeoMy Ieebboned to bit the imate tt rifare. aud se s : Grid His Contieet rece Eas DNS will be applied ty auy cave cure the blessings of liberty te ourselves and our pos. Chou to utes, Phe ffon. Z ib. Vince was Sune eichaices | atten desc ve of tiem I ' ‘ BELA 0 IN EE SOON Ee : hi Hien caniee Ks ‘ i 5 ) . “ vp eo atem i whicts a oie The cause of the split evenin | tents Jihen iutronveed to audience, and came for uur ‘ CTO Ios Seu tn 1 y ( ene ie 4 7 e ‘ 1 t , + : . = i * 1 statu t slog- ce most favorable hight, cannot be otherwise: ward andst grea cheering and applause. Me sn Neha imtt eau] Wwortr ow “ ‘ | t ' t ' t ' fe ‘t ! o “mptible. nel ; vt - ; roclane ve face ot tie eur e ‘ . y ol the el than contemptible, aud en: rely unworthy Bi P d . : | Vance entertained the audience tor au hour and 1 . ta? ‘ ’ great party. But it has taken place, aid sie | residential Tickets, Me laitiwtllicsiielimes toeclionatose vtimcuu ulnieiwrema il ysatoast vant en ‘ “ ‘ an Bunt TS EES TANT C ees Wa ont M: freee. by reason of masses of the Democratic party have Urergiy Ce areas oe 7, [a speech replete with wit and aneedote, bat Noha tro eer eee . . . a ew ter Cupse aware thea a Coane be tevecteraton of been pla ‘dio an anomalous situation, bein f) Send in your orders for Dunn and Ev | oa telenizetl ty woud sense aud enforced by agatust Boeck cree lain esl temas i k . Heat uy tet Meee - ‘ Ces eet! the first ime, dragged about betwee tan Mie aaae rat Rico oman teen ee veatie ; il i] w . , ll ail mpde ace He was very heartily : th ets 9 rOlparile facts and ang . mn Me 1 \ i te \ \ I eas eet . : : ing leaders, with hberty to vote for eriher oftwo fe : u let stopp, altle att nee “ot ne ' , . , ‘ 1: oy riedthy parry dos 5 Whe lee rire. anes ; 5 ei RRA E | F Ps hast nnte i , Ulicny ' rd the house,” ae And this brings us to a considera | O STAUS, 1 require er iivins alee Gace leone dle corsa imu Canmunmatt { ee i \ | Newborn oo \ “e me = ee ‘ eed | ) | ; a iioces lis wo-prghtly sor as aeons with which we set out, viz oe pspeceh, which wos greeted with frequent and deste te tu { ! f . < : u pee : vospmake he person nan what is the duty of conse <i Pea hes H : en Meet y \ \ “ you . onan amr amen c conservative toon in the er MOU Tie airs Ours lanenare lung conWtued appatdse, Ut the we athes and. t Serb ued is . Tit eec rN ee UD) + nahes the Do irer wl Lptess one with : ie erbangs the country ¢ | ay i cS . . the latetess of yur coln) 1a suspetiscts Sad hos fh sts (CLIC . : 1 oe ai t : TASES Preservatiun of the Curon is paramount eto theotheereaf the Stare Pair, New jot dis remans, The audience then present was) Uh etd t Fe partis, of al oN : f ' : ; BET GISA NS OS loa parties, exeept some of the leaders or bern Fiuir, and Davie County Fair, forjeanous'y estimated at trum one thousand mirat WW a otrast ato sd “ . | ey a Oe : pant | se Mo Myers : reckiuridge Party. For this tearoe. AN’ fie tehets of a ion It would af pteem bundred. At the conclus on Southerners wil aecas becomes in lependent it wa ef . . sos ‘ He amerted . C ‘ 1 a b arty - « a> parties, with the same excej tion, desire tie de | ¢ d of ; , ve pspeeeb it was announced that chere telbaent freemen in the crisis betore thei s : » : CREE EENS Soa seo feat of Lincoln above all things. Taere are three |” ee ereathest pric eT acer entciee tr Becerra (rca : _ fA ' ‘ inet Oe x thet fo ~ Was by every par 1 . tore hit procession aud speanotig tha a s Mi me . ‘ aor Pe ney ee is . ; ee. i cetbs . x % ewes “ ‘ y ope ot eapht, pustic ee fo hie whea ver: Guglivia runs eT ve State, abd we hope tolia the paboe sysare, ta pursuance of the a s te Baier tt ‘ , ‘ nailer ' ie esren Cla a: t { cit \ eee 5 F . ‘ ‘ ‘ a . wt thot the ’ ~ he the best citizens of the country Visit eeveral of them, bouncement @ jarge crowd assembled in tie, REAT UNION MASS MEETING AT s ; , ret finite w disg UF Publics ! “ ffi i eT ye their disgust for jot pheep thet from .e- Square atu gutand was addressed by Hon. Nat Bony : vod ete exercimug aa right of suthaye alogetier, and THE MIGHT , Boyden, G2 D Moares, Esq, Henry KX. Nosh 7 - are 1 \ ‘ La ota ‘ tout ” ee ie i ' R T . < : faving mad imong th 4 seaa le uUy, luey Mever rthe polis. In PEG EH DIStieiCt jE ye and AL Ge boster Exq. Ail the speeches! tended tte , : | ' \ [eee terete Mo Ml u econ — it in mn eh Hnnieet i ee a art ‘ - a « : we {iu no uch hegiect Gea, 1M. Heaney Une, on neem ol Were goood abd uotwithstandiew the very dis vy and Friday ' ‘ 7) sede sow li wet ne part of any portion ui our citizens will te pene : ‘he grecable weatoor there appear d ty be pe abate: ight to expect wocount of ‘ . ‘ : : 1 the at a : , Wt sprositbon, sstune Hs position as i tt e 1 criminal in the { tdesree. dt will not juy jo! : Eee! poston 8s) gent of tee numbers at any time. helo ig Nort Ca vee : ‘ ba ryt a) ee ae y { 2 bat . th ' C "ter o the ve ’ - ret rf] . ’ . =! oh ufy ae wan now to say that Lincon's election, Eeector on the Bell and Everett Tickett, Friday morning the town was all astir, every RUGS te ceeet ss Sot this we venture to say —their woul! be a great caiamoy, and to cease wih! and the Execative Committee have sul | train which came in bringing large crowds, andy : noe CCuew 5 met lad Tete as Hore ae pecs ore ; ¢ _ i nh element rere Was inore that expressiva of oprmion, Tt is the duty o aga (it, 16, S Cedi an f slace the persons from tie country pouring in a con 1 | » ary See ine . sy My “ 1c its ACE. . bd a rhe 2 i hentess , it ‘ sot ne who apprehends serious consequen | D I stant stream of wagons, carts, baguics, ; Tatra heen “ : : , weula’s ci-cuion ty do i . (Sho will give the tet ast 5 icin uae : ces frow Lineult veto do ail his pow the strict as thoron while every few moments the roar of canpon: ylorous. and tee tusttubion | eatied . | te Trica ET aUEN (Nani SONS < pores HW. Spree miavons concerning the Cit Vass ae possible. reverberated among the bills, A processiog by 1 were i B ! ‘ me wy ‘ rue Ie belch . ' pare Lhe the calculations ufone arno the ore was forned at LO o’clock in front of the Boyden trienis inust o take thew Ae baa . t freak mitere ‘ iehue Ponce Oter wl i ae : : Rt ‘ : ae ‘ fe y thee ' ce iz i ay ce over which be is being car |, LL AND EVEREITS RECOR House, under the direction of mounted mar. ley cannot denve tram 4 ‘ an . . } ned, av Hey winch he makes uo attempt to reeks aaa ee ta tkLCORD shals, one of whom presented a very venerable ree 2 inv Ovciere Be telat : 7 Poe ' ‘ : = ape. It Z tue tats uf every one to dk [ros noted as a steenlar fact that the |4ppearence with bis flowing white beard over cay ae Se fee : . ve ‘ Sn (most to defeat 1 er ot 5 © the heatty apa cartest 5 W i aaa a defeat Li Daniel tac ‘ Pee re Ha eer wield, at was sud, seventy winters trad passed. , ome : ( Le i : valive , note the ite: Heres HON UV AS TNC oO inven : Its Givat nulls . ! ‘ i : , servalive o ma € Pressieney, the : , : (Vand it woud bave done any Union iman goud tol tne t . ' quests re ae ea iv pottical warfare, bat invariably [have sen that process eee cone . . + . ‘ \ weet f ee ied executes (Ya we telatice to the Bu \ outing fe seein al ' 6 , ( ( eu: {votng for Breekinndye be assis wwel at (GAO NOR TOKER awiln, relay | ptoyes oe art athe There were many Atty Nera BL eis cane y ‘ ; Y Ties > Sl EEL ES F factory answer to the raanee tee . ! . w A Vv expressed, r ! i on? Is al ay ke te llinit ieee at Petes Iror dive aurectst, and tunis es ind wey oti \ a tsk ‘ ire re eccree eae as : th best way to discharse the dun? La & . ee wet ou aban is ! . : : ; , Se a y ; woes e treading ou cael other's (au abanes . i ; Pear eo rr really cotgperen| to Its an undenis tact that ow fice be Preise st wt net hearer | : f a) ) ‘ > de ! l : ' : Z Gee hers a : Bee } ane Nee . | fora WS Lk i ' t ‘ : ‘ Pitt tM Myers said pot e Northern people Mr. Brecnour fee o ees Wes pCi ore rel le vir uments Po chrene Sen cece a Loe eo Bese saga NCE a ets lS PINs cty i j thoyet hie sen exactly the same position respective sow MI d : Face: a i FA eee a e tvs vatts : ; Pei tare Nason vlaaeticee Fee etapa , Tin were (res Lincoln occupies with the body of tie ' i Oat | : ho te fora a : : ee ' i , Gyan 5s bthe anthence people. He is regarded by thein as ty oy on ENS. De ee esa ‘ one eocivis fine (ol ; SaaS a ee, ‘ “ oes HD ec NA, i ‘ ik 1} petter Mr Fox : laa \ v \ moot ' sere Homan peat, and representative of slavery extens i TLGeonOertiU: Watett aoe liiyes Sil rey ea eee i iS i . Uae aw i Hal one tt Hu ow 1 | \ Kieu ile of while Livevin 1s regarded by us asthe exoonent Jectne ist beeratnee ss out Ma id al the tes iol el of Ge eee , oan t Pwotoess, speaks as tol a A isn S ec ns a : aud nen 2 7 ' ae Poe proof con and representative of slavery restrichion WN VUE Cr SID CCMtL Gorniret cis casion was faeuisted by tier deigictul stars | Wane ' \ Vs Copur oof tire Genny at CRT NIN ; wratic fold, out discussing the personal views of ei rae ‘ \ eeriot Tatedeans 1 ' ! Se t . , ‘ for his . he meee nent : . \ they ytoatieun ted: any x He Auf od { ' tree fot for can safely sav they are both sectional cand date COV ceh iE Cher Cees es) TEU Sst Ha ELEN cre peaker’ \. iw m a tC wish Pst ab ‘ J 1 ' t the ap- Foe oe ps . leca . » a. 1, ine n ' 7 TENT " Besides Mr. Breckiondyve is the Catt tate etone eon Danie es paen Maetit tite asiners , a ie i = ay : Ee . 6 fooler ance oF lived : rf + } “ ce nee ee 4 “ ‘ ‘ ‘ wing of adivided and einbittered partyon te sets otiiee they have seauht LD) dithes fine sand woe perfectly wie ped uplim ever tor : M * “ Doretvern that this is @ - ik “ ‘ a » ee Bf Ss , a . ‘ owas really a senting @ ist corrupt and wipe ouiar a _ Reich ee ne ER COL RCC teem Gre ew Wee yee ee a oe = pe art ae By Y oe tration, and the secession avd us meee 5 ‘ee ) . v : : BS eS : PUG Ceeeer Sorel . ret nhs josie ireenessesvot lem etrely eeciet . \ 1 i> teat Cech AN et ets tees er Wee Thacna ments of the South iu addirion thereto ae Peat Weal lay, Seott, day inet 5 favre. | ; - : : ‘ ; ee cool Heat Hes : © have ; express e vat aia: ' ‘ i ote } y t , . ~ : ; . i a ‘ ‘ ‘ : ag though xpress Interrogated te toast tused t eer te Na ach MLRGY MICs ti wneriite ti finery GenURTl se mnWt: Te (wont ‘ Lan: c is ; | \\ Rn [AL ee, ; \ \ ee: fi “ colu's eleetion , \lr =e ‘ : IIL = ae answer whether Lincolu’s clots Won! s osWearaf every jump of every race tear} wien t Mineibage ly cover the font ’ ; , ’ \N F ‘ Moo Miaecson bia conclasion, as bee refuse! Wo answer uoder the cereus: ices i . Neen eal Howes ithe tee ee » mt Lrfusda Wiese editors Were pres . he tetieverd ere certiin to come the strongest: presumption can fariy te TEL tse S HN de tion wery well Lawl [a , oa Were Leeneaketr - ‘ ‘ ‘ j ; : | { prom us be iy aecowal ot determined: posiate } Sit ool evergreens, t Wert a | \ Li TE wht fru ed dn the maeetio.; foo against lam. He bas no strenati at che No es ‘ Sisniie splendor toy foe reniou teat : nes ‘ | it i eas Ue and in no sense can be he sd te be a eons cy ‘i . , an . E we eh spa iy ciety tts ' Ney poes ove ate awakening to & AV are stan lea eAco tian we lim pala entccisy stiap ed. vin g I 4 on ative Union candidate. Like Mi Line sli te os ist , iene 1) ee ay eee Kansa ka DB I ‘ Chine oh fe radine ebogee! ! bse sseray : : . \ : . ren whe he irman pose we runwing on the single issue of MIAN Peoria Sunt WU CUE IaN aah Inoustrous false rae oy Ee : B ie I 4 ; cee - ; | re crowed ti nse led, acd saved be ts \ oy f mes le thun—-an issue winen has been ' vas telat toese Convasses, and oe me SUA URAL Ua wl ! ‘ ‘ : From ae North Carolina Arps Ti SUT Fear (aie Wie) CANN Geet 08 sls Sewer joeeltet a eal APE) Hotta titeoduee — for they ail knew hin — but we : fe ee MI ; Penricleleciin yainat the shes « Rare ; ‘ , 28 aril Xs an i ccd Tey ; 5 7 ' i c yes lian ya declar- coun 7 ayn at 1 , c ; ; yer ans iiyied f Mita Uente etal edie Wer Fe ree mn | Oren VINE rr : : : i. ' are dhe ferertoment at Cheraa kor sev cur J ‘ ‘ men, nea is rolly unecessary, ated franott z i a . . eat A es orome tor . 21 >- . UR ut be Coe tasees, poor t nea. the identn | Wom proce d to abdress them, Ce Craton it tt \ eral hos pact we have bad ramon ot via pre that tha tome tra me ter the peo with the utmost danger to the pores and toy I wa, the ident 7 , , on Jowith treme tis eheerne. which eee Da i \ , ( ; ie ; ple of the South te tee tk up and po one pess of the people, and whiel has party bad Cal same ¢ colon, “unxoundness on the ' ‘tin hinds trom Crermw abd Dettette u ledged 1! ne : ie © | Listed he minutes after which he proceeded to . ; ‘ ' 4 HA ietenl ener foeiveetehaeinbonclator P re, HEL SiN estat SE tro ver again negger question J and their deiuded tol-|inake the best speceh of his life, We say this oo4 avin ‘ wt | oes Viole dutelation to the capture of abel re ane agi Wanye mane fo vO Vole } : : : wy troath I ! t an 7 iis ter thitt\ vecirs Sed postulated, ex- Long tne Des ie vote for towers, ever ready to swallow the prepa tstncerely and we heard quinbers of tas tuen dts : ' ; tou cnissares and their summary treat. | hel ea 4 ¢ Mr. Breckinridge, therefore, at this joneture is ; i : : : yo \ i , . i ! ots ; . warrniedd Boat now the time atria {wer f meu erti rt lie eats), (es press a similar opinion Was a overy able a Cae ionne . rete ti } meek 2 | i ‘ i clearly not the duty of conservative men. Mr rations of their unprincipled leaders, gulp u if piu ar 1 all 1 ed aa 1 i Mr Pyattas. | Ida i ment by the people. Lie tollowiigy let ce re , laa “ ; \ : xe ; ‘and effective speech, and delivers wit re i } a; Go . huas . nyt rolimtar an) Douglas has the advantage of Mr. Breckinti down their “Dell and Keerett Record ae : ae 1 Tr wa mig ie : . ter trom our correspondent: at Cleraw VE ae vay , Hea nae i ; imation aml feling than we ever h fom Cowen au . ; ty Wve i x itis: dhaves man au Sante Cimudinn lev is ope as : ce a good Union inan but and swear itia the very essence 0 doublet hin, and we bave heard him very often, keery (decorai whirt atteuled at ‘ a ' t nel gives tie tullest particulars we have yet é ae | — the one idea which bas given tim prominence, . ee . . . , . . ) been re \N ee at mato vo out and upou which he is "cant wee i ee We rotined Gath! They are on Sacuho's back (point he made and hie speech bristled wath “phases ately Hoste erent : fe Ane ve lee led eR Ta é ot F i Se al - ae ) . , wm—waealiorable and all he said wastmark-<'2 weve, Vat enti pervaded. and tha i Iw ' Cyrraw, S.C, Oct. 15, 1860 for Veurs, an ye coy reason she Tac the saine slavery sGonin a shape must od) HAAN. ale cy Go not rice him te thes | fo reie chiens chorea ql entinenut Wwas— We will tik fie Cusietil ' nein t . j i itl Was tits eeu nat Wilh tO : ' : rd by a tone dignity, courtesy, 4 oder . a excitement bere, owins to the at : ows to the body of th utherts poe idle. cf \ }ouet be beesuse : : : ried ind the Laws ‘ t ja 4 . : Ue hike Mr Breck tried fee Poarwill net be because they have gon” Tiere were, too flashes of wits amd tl ‘ ae - (enor i D PaUiatiian warned: Re flutes winds Inaeciys ats SUH TAT HAL Ce Cas ing ike Mr. Brecksundye the candidate of a fic ‘ . ESTE At nate s “7 , | t / . ue t t t t ‘ donee i. av poets tears for dais eafety and weil ser rest sutre throm chout: tos speech, and, ; ay 1 * j : ay o i wi tact Weitieseay, at Clio, Marthoro destaet fated \oabaniite dick herand expects he-canout te support: ANN REGIITCOT et be ded oll by seeeders ia the : tty Black ‘ ‘ \ a i ey . , cabled aaa a ‘ coe Pines ve rp lam te 1 wo thot the Grow. seldom tidatees in that ne, # f { \\ Piey had heen father too antinate with the wes ty dang North Carolina, Virginia, Tenn: servative grounds - : § #& preciptee 2 x f : ee lant . : RY ' " wWinet ied to item arrest hy the shee ik i iM z ; Fi 7 ' . ' mid hot resthacn an oecagional burst of wena I t stern ur 0 uy n 4 Mes ane 4 ie teased \ tuekv na Jesourt inte pro The only true uattoual candidate before the A tev moke the fatal p ey , 5 [tes a ootarned thems over to. the : oa , ae - I ~ qeenee, At the conelnsion of tas speech tl e that they gnolon ieqiat \ ULcaes scant La MCU eL FT eaten tre een ut At Ue cr: . — coantry are John Beit aud b ! n \ A eraie ; an St rile ona es ee ( fies iy Benmtraviie Upon the elder Hitch ! ry ayn Their nomination was the result of ures R \ ‘oe i" es ein oes aN ' \ ee : m \ . oe over tron dlerlaal Coane: us » Wilties doit? : vi N-WER Mf Miers, Viteed t wath tip atiel ASSIst fens 2 ayy herent ineve “ ‘ : s meal ' Tale i 1 a coamity which was felt thronghont whob nk ae nae — ee errant erence . TSS markets, uniiatition ae . Nand. They are the nominees ot a con Dias beer, amet Me BMG ENS WINGS ee a val ‘ that we ' . ' | I erin ot lien) tiax tie) Coniniitnsat (Cheri hep ti SCALE TO VRMS : ie | Was Gover equ n this State h SEP Se EY us ; ia ttookout oc. On Satarday last a box aruived rare party, and they represent the conser ans Jere a hover, at Newton, un i { ‘eal Diane aceon iat-ol wmueetng, wh Kune atth vf I tates (aad | eek tae ki ; Tie tiaverner of Aekansas, Ehas No Conway, : a f ; , . her there was very hettle neni 1 i ; nil ; I c Chay 1 ‘ ar kee / iobinpes, F ‘ | . a eaticotthe SI ment of the county, They are the candiiates Pave toy laet ona public discusston. We tye tod Gsoch we the vers vie in Lt] i welt mn | iW i NU jin Adluins & Chas Express Pye he fel a pireelara anon : a i ot State, : : ' a rf wi at t en aie Jor imouied, t leagpaur \ pol thoean 1 , ete Hepare for trouble and danger of w party which deprecates alike the extn) nfm a eentieman wite waa there, pp eet ero thie cue RIEU nen vars ' Eee ns ' ba Le ca EOI HTTee here togh possesion ob it opened it | ae } a Bea enla heeiiee gentiinents of the North and the Sntl, w ' : hee . | whet arheles meutioned in the anvace were" Iay OX] i : . Mig, tarot Wed Awery ab bent sty dodo oq rantity wotheiet te saust!y wl \ \ wy years bet : at ud ‘ vine } he South eome, not from the Noeth, advocates the prompt and final Pre tattiate of . une : : . ; | | flouted ant lL bave no doubt, by the time you te i i Tal : fr . j ‘| Jyertites of te twelve thousand ratvs i ‘ the sulve hot ones , 1 hase mG ai remit - hor few the machmutneo! Creat Britein, Tle all agitation of the slavery question. a faithta a rite atthe election oa sen : al t 5 al i ; ' \ ese t SU isnUl WEG eae Leu Des ak ) ; ae formed of tity of | : . ¥ elouet <t Weappointed t wir te be 7 adberenes to the consGtaion, a str er ‘ i ecient circ danAstatcns| \n 4 oh Fle sqiareiny of fos ' \ wed int na ’ ‘ sti saticl | a an , de a ; a neenrey aorrsith vothe Butish Government 1s mee! of the laws aid above all the pores rvation na en et Credo ¢ Ve ctnietaliliee amcor creas ure! Jaty Onder and: «otra cone ' f ee ae j the peal wathor and quetymter of the mischiefs and r eS " t atun ep oO " a 1 | X ute + conte are woe ‘ u of the Cyion of the States, Ties are ow : | toe TO) yards in len oth ves. sin, not ow ‘ shot unbounded ta | . i v\ i ip ee eed Liltages petpeb ated rst the slave States, aod ibe ablesiomm (epcueiced a o ' ethie Question that was put te TD) herent pura [tows met lan leet 1! fooir Rowan Unier (i h | i ’ nu u es fe us ia hal ae fete Heat the cet federal government and of ' | ' . , 4 s ‘i ; . A s ‘ ‘ ‘ i : x . would remark — bebor: close tha we elder 5 : ‘ i et : i statesman of the country j 1 , t Nor; Bat Mr. Avery aeurd vas 1 jine se ier . ON EET TAY COU Wiss ‘ 5 ie i | fe oe \ Hiteu the sare olf aconndrel that was lyiel Mt i : I ‘ 1 wl a ; = err | Tren h Mth oss rowdyistn, eirsen i « ' fy ote ‘ ‘ ‘ . hone a , ae , rave Vent respent e for di nee the guverain-ul properns | nel ana Poe question was pressed 1 off F eel i fil ved a wnta va My PUERTO Ue amis OU eID! Te ' " trang vol the Lrited States feposition fo de i wath integr ty rsa ‘ . HZ est OTE te UMS onest VAi ies EN ‘ } i ‘ I 1 BOTT Re ML Del WENA of the Best eruizene al by every one. [t addin t an r4 iar fie ips i coery fori but Mr Avery - t Poo much pase ca rt “ : THA a “ vee ‘ nN} y had to BIGOT SS Sk ! Can the Brosh eaier of the Banner : } are F ‘ } ets ist nally Bathe t pws for the ofBees tur which Chey are respect eA ‘ Jatdaet Mr. Myers declir a0 } who had the mia t 1 ‘ ; t Rr Teorotitiameutdvect Laikiad | ively candidates, they are believed to tet (eas rit il : the dooner A‘ier cinmer (he crowd re assem = x : SOY eae eee hay, Tien aU ‘I Is ates, ) - j fe Tce G wail 4 © you duawn—Won tT ANS cement ' i ; Lentine toe hatlottel wii i : tie ti ae Tea i eee ' jt t Walesany thing ye te res nn , , te 1 bear Seluwer, who addressed them CIF prope ' repilte ‘ a ee ee al sone bn gth aud very ably We were not Miass Meeting at Salisbur d eo Hihieme ei esters ater oumaeetit dM cisetns el tiara \rent publicans, A just regard for the pulley - ee ~ ee es oe & y. s ie 4 ; eee ri ee : Ne and every sentiment: of patrotisir ereli This vounec, fellow citizens o eatern present during: ‘ gers yut heard FINE DEMONSTRATION ' , . K aan Ve thoes cannot stir ap th Us, porniaty them as the only cand iiates whe North Carolina, that the Beeekinridpe ith De expressed in the most feeling manner Ins . , , , | 1 | Hrersttso tapas we are wiie ty [fe ipre ton tieceat iGsttt oftreason againet should receive the support of the conservative . Pee regret for the vote be wave on the Kansas and (rreat Speech by Gov. Graham. , : tar i are ; eleetore are leading those who follow to \ \ : ff i . fon WH ey Nil oT Cee ir Cant yave taken tila im, thod to and patriotic men in the contest branka bland tis conviction that it wae the . . * Q * * . * : " the States y Under these circunistanees, we insoke, nay the call of democrac YETI OATS Here srreaiest [HSE eC EGr he had ever committed Mov (ral er ce and and, Ladlesa ; a ' i : ' : nentot the people is deepenmy and gat ' wt hea tee CLE ancient we iunplore, the frends of the Union everywteng 12 RECURRIOT | neealed onder the garb of Tie Hon WON. HL Sinith, our able member of nen Toatnit rratition, te see D Crow: Creal soowé can ‘ vall paris af the State The poop tleeren yo teed wil tiny. 10 1nOFe to lay amide party prejudices and vote for (rose democracy Phousands of onr fellow citi Congress tron the Ist Distret, wext addressed sits a ' soccasion I . [ee 4 {ear to att Chere votestor ic party: ow ven [eeaeratee tebe noaffurs than they ’ ocrac ouRe of onr fello ; ae Rae a he idiaunin men ol ¢ men now, who are the only hope of thy counter will \ ena ' the multitude io a very eloquent and excellent ** 0 ‘ 1 iy ake’ wy on ; bea vat o ' b aes y A F , - arate CH rky? , ; i Lens at be deceived by ve trieker oO seers A vat the preg are ng ere voudark ' ' ‘ neladed. ar tation waa Southern State ded ati too ty that arch adye , ' JOUN BELL and KIWARD EVEKE IT, and a y y manner, closing lis speech with a most lunching cae sae ree abrecitheh: ai Loo on Ne Arias Valin Nec vaciobtclaria eSinaeh Natit fan line. thy or Conway going to smocratic leaders o this dangero or polite sad toy x ave \ lin ’ ! \ 1 ; Ged io bis infinite wisdous will speed che good OFM cratic leaders into this dangerous allusion to Henry Clay ent i acaaliires i filne mont ‘ \ Wow able, and we reco ntiitsndlwerk lice mit lon the eucuest cieincIaNe tie elncnite teeveUielie) miltiat Da cause. error of secession When Mr. Smith had concluded, ex (rov. | tains endeavor as much aa we can. to avert the have never «een more liberal provision for the ac- your cause tell! co th th th the he H, Ka 8 Fr MG - . ? — 7 Re Es Fire.—The Fouudry attaehed to Rae- “THE DUTY OF THE $ NEW SPECIAL ‘| Importadt Sale! —«=—=—_—Serofala or King’s Evi, uTH.” | nj , q ; . = to) der & Frercks’ Machine Shop took tire The Wilmington Herald of the 11th instant, . Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the bleod . ee last Wednesday vight and burned down, says: We commend tu the consideration of re: | 7 apne subse riber having Jetermined to move tothe yy which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak and peor Elec- . : flechng meu the article which we publish in an- Tse weet, will procedy te eel withoet reserve Being in the circulotion, it pervades the whole body, We It is supposed to have taken fire by some i 5 i 1 \ ui i k @ at Public Auction, at his refidence near Rowan Mills, god may burst out i diseure on any part of it. Ne hi eversivht of the workmen in either leav OLRM MU aL au eet lst arog ane 1 WEDNESDAY 24th d OCTOBER, the follow- 610. is free from ite attacks, nor is there ove which which ole : from the New Orleans Peeayune. Ltis unques: | ag valuable pruperty, vine itmay not destroy ‘The serdfulous taint ie varions- p ne of ing fire in some of the flasks used tn cast. tionably the true doctiine the only teuable po | —0-—_- 5 Head well broke 28, 2 ditto Horses, \ caus By meena diweune, Hn) liviag oer ct of ing the evening before, or some combust: Aven for beat Tn and ee au COoOoDS Ty. Can aaa | 25 Head of Cuttla (amongst which i cduarcoallig «ieee dipere sie ot fe ek le te A caruly’ ree w writer ‘ | Ja : KY: above all, by real s, the ible substance near the hot castings, h ae a ee ey ‘lie cs ra J BL U kK S I ( YN Ie, \ ure some No.1 Milch Cows) 35 jofection, Whatever be iteorigin, tis Reseditary ia ‘ume cen a ga ae a | ¥ fs | Head fatted Hogs, a good the constitution, descending © from parents to ebildrem we though the men say the usual care ®us heyad to speak plainly on this subject,” wid we | AT 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. | ee Pe eyes Gree ke nanan ieee wean 4 One taken. Tt must have been borning some ee he ts entirely correct 0 ee ae | OCTOBER 18G0 Eorevle by HENDERSON & ENNINS | of Sheep pul Ih nada ti be the nd ae im Miya ae visit the ini- " TINSTDEfUFGNT WAANCIECOCCICC MN LITGnonbe me nele ESE PUG Ses UE Melts ts Sat ta v2 . | 3 quitice @ pou “me . . ‘ 1 } . . 1 doll will forbid success to any tnovement of this cha > | A, M YERS’ — | of Polltry. 3 a lie effects ee nee by a tee oe eg heaftanso % DS is estimated at three thoetisaund Collars. |. a Fetter . i efcorrapt of ulcerous matter, whi i 's “og he t ‘ racter (secession upou the election of Lincoln) | W. | 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED eal uable inlet tea eel pec eten enema ae selaa’s! tare : *, and The insurance on the property bad ex: tor this cause, no matter by whomit be origina | 1 e oy eS , pees A As ! Wijone did glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, a ynclu- : Wotare ed, and favored. The inore violent such a move , 4 wv Nic ; ; | Gearing. 1) frtva sores ‘Thie foul corrapuon, whieh genders ia the 4 ired about three weeks before, ted, a " NG . , 7 ; Nice und cleau for male by Tearing. eur f ‘ teyall Pp ‘ ™ eS ieimay Gath hes fiveu woulliureice, Lt | SS GUSuireun ed (om Ritson ier NO. ’ ran ul ng, HENDERSON & ENNISS Je Jeockaony ail hind, depreme® the energies of life, 0 that scrufalous q We learn that come fitzhifnl stories in id tay foun ; ha . i withia IM rvee seer tmeliteor oWalchess Chicks, ee Ms ae consututions pot only suffer from serofuleas com- f arles- connection with this fire were carried: to Coe ee cerita are aaa Ole aR aera oce ca ear ean gut gen WIG Caa Cy SALISBURY, N. C. aa dowhl Harness. | Bugyy plniuts, but they have far less power to withetand unded < CT a , ; : peal HY hy sense of ese nity. It would have no er ea UL os rowastrold Noh erallite | ry x YT and Harness, @ grat carily the attacks of other diseases; consequently, vast Rom- 7 Roce the State Bair at Raleigh. No doubt) stinulus in the pablo fechuw of positive wrons Cee er attention iw given to Repairing of PTHERMOM ETERS | oof Furming Loole, (god and new) bers perish by disciders which, although not scrofe- Al speation, but we think doe, or in the sense by individuals of actus Watcher, Clocks, Jewelry, se, and withthe ait | WW HOLESALI AND RETAIL . (ea 7 lemith Toul ‘ jour in their nature, are still rendered fatal by thie f the they created «Renews ‘ “ letras Sy a na use anee ofthe best of Watchinake# willdo work prompt. # ee “ee For Curin Tobacoo. 1 pil xett of Blucksmet b donte, nae cana n the svetem. Most of the consumption whieh | ' distress tuthered Viose who are agitating ty wnd warraut 12 ha) ePicayeeeall , | Ty. : Wwe P inter- they w not keep until the peat State HAT eres nr Te Mantry MiRrela ae - ees arra i : a wy ee oe and SUIS DEALER IN Hromeatolloro40/deen (orenlelhy | tere Tools, 4 first-rate Guns, LOU ur dee mates the burnan family has its ongin directly ia of a Fair, as they are totally ithout founaw 4 , mete » a one 16. hil eely & Young’ es Urs * HENDERSON & ENNISS 1200 Wiehe Corn, a Qnty of this serofulous contamination: and many destructive ed wiry aes) aut the dost earnest ctforts to prevent the ameute | b eer SPAPaes ARB RANT * ‘ . oo | Wheat, Oats, Hay Allen diseases of the liver, kidueys, brain, and, indeed, o ‘ hin ‘ tion, There was no extraordinary alarm: ble contingency, although they are moaning « en : , | the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the Wheat Straw, « lot of te of , for any few proselytes among the enslittered and ais } W he | . | kame caune. fron here, and no need for any. \uidul. are ceriitilvidiceved stig aus aeeule Ladies atc Gd. | ry oods l() 000 POUNDS \()( Walnut Plonk, | One quarter of «ll our people are scrofuloas; — f the . * body of the Southern pecpie wal ‘uph ed thes UST apened some of the hacdsumeat Whtehee | 4 ‘ OF ’ ' all iny Horse eee sarees " ee ee ie : _ . : a “ent 1 ° a erimiie o wert Tur Prince or Wars Phe reer ON Tick wand sree tie alt ours Ives tobe pee OF for Larne of the choices! @ vie ever offered with | LADIES’ DRESS GOODS ; . , Ol nite) peal eana sda) fe CARE EES ven- of this young tian in Ainentea tas Certain ted in this unatter Weomarghit as well take the ee eee . 4 aU a i “ J cay, “es ve f] Pure White Lead sa 01], en Furniture, | Share | medicine. and invigorate it by healthy food and exer uttous. Studs tnd Silver Pasuatde sold ane : . CEO: : : r | this ly been a very grand one. Wherever be Us! ee a oT La - mower took Conel Necklaces, Lockets, Chotma, Bar Dew, Laces, Embroideries, Teady-| ur sile vy HENDERSON x ENNI5S oe " Re — Nn pee Vv. eo manecy oan ak ug 1a, hie . : A are DC ee ce ee the Gath ay it Corel for Moaes ond Ch dren, end a great many ‘ ae C. Rai Ruud, wih verwus | er’s mers has gone, he bas a No honored wn SEEN Tuust appear te every howest man, vis tat ‘herthinsnonwuceia to menton, atofwheh| made CLOTHIN G, ——— Dini ltvo tama ouscnatiert/ amnller sand E y Sark ‘ll conceivable way. The ingenuity, kal, cisolution of the Union with allits train of bor Sl be sold at bargains for east ar he Jewelry Siar | : 7 er , | Compoun Exiract of Sarsapariila, rbyeet ? nt WOR WILSON ot Ss, Cassimeres 1000 GALLONS 1000 nate, . . . had taste and wealth of our large cities, Piilie roe cannot be justdivd inthe sight ot God, or Ocr 1 re) Vv ti HATS » I I 7 Pcie sume time aud place, 1 will sell at pubic | Phe most effectual remedy Shichithe medical skill of ac , il f a i ale rs EN SOI ¢ Th) ss fiately rumescan devise {i his every where prevailin Ayan a , : ae hen simply ou account of the lawful, eoustita estings CRE LTaANSEELD O11. | ony Valuable LANDS lying rmmediately on [our cines can devise for this y Pp ig end delphia, Baltimore, Washington, Rech Tee esc ctheutlniGl AV Cet erieeG ; eas , nin | gs, : ae na [Tard Creek; my how place Gateins 500 ACRES au fatal maledy. 1 is combined from the most ac- frican MOT de Nowy ee cect oscrtiMe ers ONderl ei evetinaiea recanl ive co rieverainentved LIEN TS NURS: | and CAPS, For ale by HENDERSON & ENNIS. jysitemely and conveniently tmproved, wiih a good juve remedial that have been discovered for the ox- ; } x WV setlie OFeF sehisitive, top Oe . ° a I DRAINED BOT. pu: cavon of this foul disorder from the blood, and the vel been Bae forth to devise enertaninen ts witiepatiione poopie ot tne Mew hi, We vers e i * Seine . : ri ore ce a ara BOW TS & SHOX MSs — | OL ‘NDT oko i elegantly situated, pen ue of the avstem from its destructive consequen- e | ne asworiment of Pure suver ible ane ea 4 { for him. Indeed, we contess to some de Yell kKdow that w Ch thea, eeutinents: such as) Spouse, alae. Silve all Cuwenlianke eet ee . good Spang Water, and very healthy. jeer Hence it should be employed for the egre of net “se rrCenotaeunin tt tent te whieh OT PASE e&presned bave to rexguct ata are con CCG Meee ER Esaed Rigel manta Niet | &c., &c., &e. 40 Bols. Tanner's Oil. 10. The other tract contvine 2¥F ACRES and is un- jomly scrofula, but alvo those other affections arive from _— gree 0 prize at Che extent to Wate dered as lackine in proper spit, but they are, Butter Dishes. Syrap Cupe, Mustard aid) Suzar a= For wale by HENDERSON & ENNISS, [surpassed by any Lands in Wertern North Carobnn.|it, such as Eruptive and Skin Disease Aa ice these honors have been carried, Bin ee (hey nevertheless, the lowest convictions not ony of SPome de We. Don't forget and give um a eal lle eneeriie sneettully, int ’ In short the wale will be positive, and a reasonable ny's Fire, Rose, er Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustales, ot lis 0 and we will a WRC WILSON a geriber respectuily mirorms . credit given. Further conditions made known on the | Blotches Blains and Bods, fumors, Tetter and Sat at the could not have been more bad the young | the witer buteof wa tajecity of the Sather ‘ . his old patrons and the public generally day of wale THOMAS C. GRAHAM. | Rheum, Seald Head, Ringworin, Rheumatism, 8 yph- coples aud) they do tot 1860 tovls Hitic and Merearial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- hong wnan’s mother, herseity been the distin- "t 2 Wovouthet either that has recently returned from the Great | Ague and Fever Cured Rowan Mills, Sept. I*, . a See eaaiie Gclcigie efit trea ville } f alls o aleu et . | ane il 4 ron FS men; . . . ao ner, Se ree Uae a maa ty the Q Q KS q Is mmporiuin with a NEW STOCK of | . | ie aE (apaes Blood iia airpetar Selle te “iupuri- re uished subject of them. Tue Pri ' \ Fes ; pea . . Oi ‘ eel i sibcele selina eecibe eS OR NO PAY RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. [ty of the blood” is founded in truth, for serofula is a G a Bell we trust, will carry back with bam te oy ute : ; e | n = i Q slit fis y . J me ye UI EMI MURS Ree CC mA MONA 2 A LL AN D W IN !' ER . ; . 7 [ses neration of the blood. The particular purpose ive England and to England's queen, such a ton of me ated aw, ated ther | DAMEN Teton Tarontortiniranrireiren Tae es a Enaiss’ Ague and Fever Pills, 5 BRY ONAN FF g [tnd virtue of thus Sarenpacilla ts to purify and regen- : i ce wo erate en gent WH Ge Che loftieat ox a | . smn i pe 2 » ‘ ap. erate this vital fluid, without which soand health is euth, report of big American cour fe A eee stne ota Unie ATA : , : : G OODS | AURA DRDO URE | I : ilrrac TLIC alors. imposmible iu contaminated ronstitutions, rave obliterate many anerror ar) foolish nei pas he | ISNT S ER SUL US EDU R OSES B ST en NURS tek ”) | at HENDERSON & ENNISS', | THE OQuonct Mapccrvx Eatamtisnep in 1837, and firet article Ayer’s Cathartie Pill s 8 ail cer . ae eae ec: i! mele A Stewart, is tis day CUitarnellutest andumosan uh iuiablemals|enmellactig of the kind ever introduced under the name of * PcLwonic yers Catbariie Fills mn. ~ Lines tael 's Oty pew ot ) ; i . ! " Hie AR ie - 2 . ° he ‘ tte te ny | ut ' Ha bp byt dal cineeaitat the partien personally selected his Goods with capecial reference ' —— wares in thin Ge eben) ald pao Nes = | Hor Fina purposes of Family Physic, 4 a Te- men rou ui tee eotuntiy, aid a Vout the Tie busteenof the [lsone will hercuutinuniihy Air Stewe cin ie wants ayistasted at tistaectuuheteel@ cone | Vifern are counterfeits we Genuine can be known by. ; ae 4 1 aud un mn ne 0 a . : ee e ymiposed that disease within the range of their { part Cul te Pieces (Sou poo. teow. Woo posta Sout tave pretueed 1 es as Ge ul i rrr re rma nne mr UNimn een ial atmemenne si eauntaliie Fluid and Kerosine Oil. the name BRYAN being atumped on each WAFER |e ee metas At ee ne He vor of - ed Mto & place ol stat jin ei est ous vus’ t i t i od customers and tren vd the rhe gene BRYAN’S: PULMONIC WAFERS we bly ventured 1 a | Was; {odie Were st tu Wee tru es how ‘ * y eothe hate ee if u if m 2 ; d a t a Bul lic generally By the Gallou or Barrel for sale at bell Coueheeceliens Throat, Hoar sssones penetrating prope tes search and cleanse, and invig- aie soiuewhute Uesr tis tn =e paar wien sat vowil on | ‘ , \ wate othe date flan nd UES Se ee peeve stt rae HENDERSON & ENNISS' Fee a ee ee eee . rte every potion of the human organism, correet- = : h deaperate and tiuiierons 9 hae iy wy \\ Aa . eiyercueeciengr ermal Aun hve assortment of BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Ing tie diseased action, and restoring its healthy vi- Rae oe a . “| Ae AR a ae Relleye Asthma, Bronehitis, DiMenlt Breathing. jnelce of these bh ae , ; 5 ; RRR Het wot | a (KE 5 EQ¢ 9! é a, itis, Ze tain. Awa consequence of these properties, the ines aie ane Cuiienai “oe LADIES Da “$$ 69908, LACES, | BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS lovald whois bowed down with pain or physical de- tlog- ho one knows bow tor he can tte teamed Hse Utah a ‘ uo ‘ . a : ; yy steve Embroideries, &ce., MEDICINAL Relleve Spitting of Blood, Pains tu the Chest, [biitsi- a-touhed to find bie health or energy restor- Uion mudcbriceliiearlive rreinedy atonce ao simple and inviang i aches MIN MIratalinceelicnvevieteciials eo ote ; : -"' certatuly not excelled by any house im the State — ) Yaa T T BRYAN'S PULMUNIC WAFEIIS oo ; . y-day co son of “ a ee EMME eh 5 ee | oe : , T | t(D yap \ He haw ates a splendid vinety of the RICHES I K RENC RAND . Relieve Tucipleat Couscuptlon, Lang Diseases. | 2 v de they cure the every-day complaints of vd alte ay can Q THE PUBLIC. \ body, but uise many formidable and dangerous os “ SILK a einen FAN'R P SCR KT NEE Guot PERU Ta eR aC eeR ACT ramet es A ye IL =< and SILK ROBE and allof th 4 ~ a ; et ae oe vee Senilk lacs. The agent below named is pleared to far- al ' es sual 2 Lyipiwpey A q “~~ « < . ay sh . 1840 elieve Irritattoa o e vata an Ousiis. ay ayes Al ce. c rti- oo tain places, aud rent then: froin toy ’ 1 , ' ViNG R ! as SP aPRGTT Py eva oes Bwess BOOL;LS S40. WMedierna rench Brandy. ee a jms grat» my American Almanac, containing ce vartily / BU iat tu cman ti aa eS i [ ae Se ee a ar a Lasse GOOLE, , F ' | BRAAS SECU MON ICR ATER ficates of their cures and directions for their use ia ety to ithe anilitlineely casi taro , . vent fee t this Fall's Importatiors. many of which are reel Given up by Judges to be the beat ever brought te! ye tae above Complaluts In Tea om lithe following complaints: Costiveness, Heartbura, oe MALLR a tN AILL (oueth cred ; edd . leet fo. ! With ) Ties Ly y vleyent this market, for sale by * . Y : = | " Lee eS 7 one, “ 4 . ey tat 1 ’ ue Is] Dey \ Bar iy NtOn I, ree air unnmenaenOles Perens HENDERSON & ENNISS BRYAN'S PULMONIC Warmas Heidich varising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, y sort Sorte: tel Whebuew the ean warn too the mia Tas epseniants ' \ ‘ ; Are a Blessing te all (lasses umd € stitutions, | Ludigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bow- ; y bad rage Mier tet eae ‘ Cees Dee SEE MSCs sable Mauve . oe A ae ele, Flavuleney, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other nan The toiderous tim het {th natn a Te tnt Won es tar 5 u 3 DM Ce pecare tir Nieerfaestiie ' ' BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS arnt pour \ dt.tis Hous: wad ~_ . . test Peasonaie tt e , , 4 . kindred complasuts, ansing from a low state of the b ith thicket tu ceonees tt he R ow tens “ny ‘ ow x eoday fe Pent ants Tae eS rew ce ain p / e her auNioum to Satan the reputatun of tlhe SPICES 1 SPICES! ' Are adapted for Vocalists and Pablie Speakers. ide enibercauion of its fancyous. focnd, the iaqiry a, whee p coed W Son ' . ' : os Salt cents (a) ee Pan eee od ptard, | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ) es : . oe Hilbert cart ct rae eeriencie Wier ‘ eed wil mre ret No. 4, Grarite Building. Pepper, Spice, Mustar!, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, | Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. | \yer s Cherry Pectoral, ies 1th W ‘ LOCK OF BOOKS. a : Cinnamon, and Nutmega, fur sale by Ce Ne POR TAg BAT CORN Cr 7 mart ec ty of the pubra tees ee (ee “ Wee ‘ i - Miele herriben ceapeckillenvilea gir mene eta innamon, a Nutmega, for se . a . . ed ! ; 4 \ { : “ bho Werks ar boo ht ont ; r ts Nf ; ° oe Ae eo He usp et ee eos EN Not ouly refieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures, Coughs, Colds, Tyfluenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- ye hae BION Uli y pat that asin Ir e, ‘ Oya neat hon wos _ : ae ere “ he ha, ~ i ' 2 « at 2 ER & Ss BRYAN’S Ee LMONIC eee | hits, Luciprent Consumption, and for the relief of y par Ga rer cree rectory vo whet \ = 1 New York aod Pho 1, aud ean ; i wl \ ue cl Sen U Ol ee Are warranted to give satisfaction to every onc. | Cousumptve Patients in advanced stages of the pistice . cadily sun's by E wih ooeiere sent ham an lileritients fo a roumy faver tim wath a call | Higeus Were taken, and lise ' Wise oy zi SO, au ui 4 iF stuck o v y+ mN - o - igen . H ° RFS HUE EGE Far AUEN EE IRTP NTO RT viet t ‘ Ped MWeseatork of S LAGE \l uw unuaually lage stuck “ VY q’ EGA R y PECHOCIAE RT RLOUT ITOK OF | So wide is the field of its ase fulaess and so numer- a nee Us S * aa lar x SOS AMULNEEH OL) naa he coses of ie cares, that almost every sec- : +: Piel te SNe ese Te ee re oe a AG SNegro Clothing, 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 39 ets.! Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, Fee er ee ae : 1, but ENTE HL CAI ION ee cO ate 1 VN \ 1 ee JAN. cl S a 0 5 | = teen wana ant noutey abounds in persons publicly known, o a ' vats Rae \ zi Bets per Gallon 4 . P a ho have extored from alar d od a HiON - i Boots, Shoes, and Brogans. Pe Pe OES DERSON & ENNIS! NoTRAVELEIC SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF TOT 1)! Ber Raieaeiwod Unese MEW Re atones | perat= diseases of the lunge by its use. When onee Airy ans Imonic Wafern, < Me ve Tin nee ; . t - , . ‘ ‘ eat Ree : gnperiority « ther med f ite wists Preantnal crit ne eibe Po nege 1 span snsinane ia teon: | al AND ROR SALE. J rReturming my thunka fur the liberal patronage S7PE ER 1860 vatmen eee ee tes . Oo Samy tiiutatie Rivie Tt ismituated at her fore bestow ee The for a continuance of the N PERSON WILL EVER OBJKCT TO GIVE FOR . tional Asseciition wird Gousene ai Wie 23 8 tleet L Beane lites) " ‘ Tee mers si . s O PERS rt! sIVE lin virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate ‘ : ‘ i ' 7” | beat. \ ; Met tee ast SE ent \ tre shad receive my pooupt and per mmense Attraction | Lryan’s Pulmonic Wafe what autidete to employ for the distressing and dan- wington, NOC on the To November, | mr “ " ‘ “ r ; Me fu Mss . A meat ae Sortie | TWENTY PITA CENTS gerous Minciioasporativa pulmonary organs that are Heat. There whe propece oo attend, aa ANT Gas SSIS incase tata hiss bier an hal in ‘ ea ae tie na an y MYERS, ' AT THE | JOB MOSES, Sule Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y. | incident to our climate. While nany inferior reme- fe jdesle i eo Fiee ian Ca Gig CO Oe et id. Hue here cue (Rathand ‘a re No. 4, cde te a eg 1 Sold in Salisbury by HENDEKSON & ENNIDS, and all Drug | dies thruxt upoo the community have failed and been f Te nites ai ie i BOO ET eri en Oe LP Nevada nese fee Hae aoe eerie ae Uorrucier ist) ae Ouse Corner: ou discarded, this haa gained friends by every trial, eam- thenittee of Teocep notort iter Usa: , a L fl : A ard i t . ay 1560. ly1 ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, a bee smnspenunulit ecu Wa Comsentien, neiope tg anced hig 24m ; Piano | CAL PX ULIIENT 1 i Hy | ia [fete ieiiementccreapiacmUnl trflet wniicnctretretbable ‘ MeCN antes een oe ihree good Springs on it, aud there ve plenty aN da oy eV ic! re was RE cer timid ee ee eee Hl rircnear i: i i SSS Te ners ey Brew k Tie weyates Troma Teowan will report , : 1 iE - wo onoit, and to may be vaiuabie rh, HAVE a == : aie hints alla. , i mete Ho Wwe ene The catticet lip \e ie for wheatand tobaces, Cdl moon a | ) just received a large addition of Fall = = =o ’ rh of ns wick op Hiiameonth, we wal @end tie LL — | noes , FOO) Bue tie Goods to my formerly large and handhome stock 2. aa DR. J.C. AYER & CO., =f for ti) 1 . ’ i" ’ 4 ‘ t ‘ te ~ = - . own lietforwatd about the tf i Newent, a ; \ Con iEe 4121 of Fall aud Winter Ready-Made Clothing ns LOWELL, MASS tae CH retina) Gar s bh a bon OE ORAL TS" AP A i Ty which | am selling at greatly reduced prers. _ nas" a A dal tial re wi be charg & ' <5 = = o ei iets rao ia cieeettina tee Uthat tant alcrnte re GRAND OPE NING Barcgarss! Barcarss!! a Beas Co ICRU ere tictren Che Gent eates, abo tu | z he Sue oe. 1 / aS ‘ - a i C A . . ‘a. re isthe place to buy great Birgsinein Clothing = A 5. eed Storm. — We had a very viol-nt storm "'UF ' instanee, Thon. Jacob Dd (\ 1D ‘Y Rl Noching the it was ever witnessed in Salisbury be ‘ea a ress of wind aud ram last urcay. N “oes eee : ARBs. tre > ae — sais idand rain last Pircay. Ne gerione . ps. a “YY i W ( 00 DS! Bar notwithstanding the receipt of a Fall Stock, aa =5 o cia Gamage Wan done however, th ‘ 4 bert ' . G . L have determined to offer my Steek at nearl ~ tee E . Hs | / , : . ee ne et oak 4 q oe. 5 Fey Adal Cost Prices fein vow until Novesnber Court, fl “ -—- = slenou card o Piterlie leew decries Reeweteteren in lo | . . eer a acthat tine and after, te ebowe out at Aueten 1 ae a thout ett rise, ana KS MY Whi ‘ See Nat Penan 4 ‘ lar i: a aes gh etn Ga Sa sini , a S . , . var . . r ¥. . , eae t nd ence ere the ‘i oO gr nies tallies eee nlite Noe 4 2.000 Worth of ENTIRELY NEM = erie emery oiterariinge ase Se 5a ded, ; 5 ; x fie ¥ es wndle of Sees hee ; = nei ie ( . formnrty a noe ee * Reapy-Mape { LOVING. ae ; ver or trie atin i, In ments, Saleshury, VC "4 Give men call, examine my stock and hear prices ois & Se pol vo AYiones bh Ot VS) si ne mete 4 Led tue toe My stock mast be sold at some priee = aS ~ oer Pod) Bouncer sar [ Wa av ou : : : UB IN 0 E i AVING RETURNED FLOM THE NORTH = fs aa ona EN McCUBBINS & POSTER Cees iacceenvowpoen —erm ome oe = -< 2-4 G2 SINGER’S 4 fo ; ‘ E fats = es saftedaye Kieucceceatteics bonne fleas eon fi Pee [ares kot anu adit ' There am ae a eee sh | “eG {ACHINE ; vane ee irediiane an ain Wadley nn Me ai iP ranan = Nnvow leak N fa) Gonder Readv-Hade Clothing Demsiiiatiiier thes het ly = = SE WING-M AC NES : ae oe Dalen en tanenreettre i ‘ Rertee erate eet ‘ ; a very its, bat simply a native i . = fall whe a m | Prices Reduceu to $50, $60, $90. and $100. ee STARE ANG | | | | \ YY AQY af fied 1 var lit ee A z y° § ‘ . oe ' vified that they must p _ hone Vin eng mouunenls Nysottal tie nO Tae iC Curette is pas of Bay GOODS, Genllemars Furnishing Goods, elern acing nied nia mvplete a nel Bo0 TS | BOOTS i Pik pisin reason why Singer's Sewine- MC HINES Rl ale USCS GIG CaaS TaN ‘ Coe eee tii eed oe Write eer pene re CLOTTING ; . Bir ate tne tenure ratrime ce (aia pi otree mn Galoe JUL. dD. have ulwaye enld readily ut a higher average price ue seribled gn the Court i ati liste Vo nee ; . , ’ Such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cups Drawers, Under diceeeard this netics will have te settle with an off WOORNNISS ' en han any other, is that they are better, more durable, for enna sini twoet auras A Viens PE eta Ae SRG ET tS CaS bOOtS aNd SHOCS ee iuey Sec retes Ey oes a aes aici aie J DD NNil Soa Own ue Neat Iai were Gri uinertna hist noiieannuchiecestenyanety 100, an trannies Maurie etre tr 1 has snsiee He Tented el ets [bs that tte thn > oe BP) tine amentnent of Shurte and Collate, Wen We. to MOSILOREUIN ee ce ttenianie: Neuter Sain Catia Botte ways aricng mere mevoy. Long-continued to rome net attempt to say mnt for J . TEST TTT te ‘ y : “ . eee ° “ ! been pur ed cost ‘ foe soldelie ap suse i cli market and at dese proce on wootare ca olehoap Sewing-Machines, thousands { resist- Ae oe PES caLiniyie (anne i one Ringe a satistactory cou ei 1s tie Eubin prt areal naa cher fle NOW bs | Es ae (eet QUILTED RO PTOW ROOF, have bee vd and disappornted. bat with Sin- ne the crowd as dan the Court i ROS WS ast Santee | eu peri AS Tse D M Pani) + eet SUT EE CUS ENNIS ENT Ni ie a Preney Catt sk ud Water Gens Waeiixes there is never any failure or mis- Meta the Court House ane wer ee ; ties) Wedtenuis qd: fiseesen Ruoeentientd sein der iano keleleinemtiainny alee at 3 Deg Seiten me timeneniebencl sey E enpertamed and deihted by Mio Crampier, ono sete ate HS 1B EST VaSS aint Cr (ome litecnres@ tear Voumings., Tron an b Salisbury . Amd q home-made or otherwise. OF PIS most happy etlorts-—tollowed by Mr Va Pa ted tev a discis diewt » 4] ST R \ eal lee a) - ue : BE acaneninanens Sgerts Tranverse Shuttles Wachine. Se ache PELL s an : m Dees ASE (Peed Anes Returning my thanks for the liberal patronage 2 , in a few conehading remarks. Wien ty geteeai en ts note Teen. ik nce ie ecalnct Tic ad Vinerican Zines heretofore besowed, E hope fara eoniimaimer of tle 3 ‘ Aan pe yee Bree tobe tof at Son plain, and $60 highly ornamented, ‘ston cousent, he meetage al edo to mert let erin seo tinst and be Sones ee Cutters ant Stiller at greatly reduced game Remember the Stand | 4 7 Worrcereatiiiavt ea : ‘ sy Mochine entirely new in is arrangement; it is ydu ai . . “ SEES Danner. Ff, Lintneed On, Fish, ke, do NOL) WERE = . | a : ery beanttul, mo idly ond. v H ad. leclure N to do the work lay wa ‘ ; i we, ke, NO. 2, WURPHY'S GRANITE ROW, very beantitul, moves rapidly ond very easily, and, ‘ Seca nr wlan ite eeree ee w / date kl raeet Wot whieh bave beaoht exelusirely for Cash, and Salwbary, NOC | AT ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK- SOLE BOOTS for family use and light manuafacturing purposes, ie © peo- Wn veryiticad or din coartlenesineda i: “ will bes aa boas cugly low prices. ‘Those wh Seng 2 tS6 ny ~ hate CLeanite Paihdi de Sule and Upper aul warraniell the very best and cheapest Machine ever offered to eo aut kind of attention iene ee oy iit bas new Geoslt at wholem ite or retail, wall | No. 3, Murphys Granite Building. | sso, wines & SONS GENTS FIVE CALF BOOT, the puitic ‘These Wachinen are being increased im ~ served throughout, aud every tin we ae) BLU Mi ’S ~ - Uebel tee Duvitualna whe reais | ee 6 0 WW F invite the attention of our frienda and cus made stout and strong and of the very best mate- number as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand red for Rear ecere| She : ee wn ate Hote of no Hoasein Western North Care ‘ ° tomer to our large and select Stock of tints, warranted for thetn cannot be fully supphed i af fh es Uieise y ’ fina shall under seth us eoare 0 et — “ . Sg s : EAT sd, eX: arlioe hallocomenivcernnnie nr wy Lurmer’sand Planter’s Almanacs, i" a " Rai foe th FALL S 7 OCK | Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, |" er . SONG Rigi Sn! ne GENTS Singers No. t Stamdard Shuttle-"achine. : vee : i ee veral reve bestowed upon ue ile con . . . wa PRESS BOOTS, Nes’ Boots for besuty. dures. . \ Ane » time T think even they were axed. and convinced too, tor the year IS61, for sale, wrolewale ond retarl, heeted with the late firmoof Merry & Co., and aleo | Hats. C; BR BR ; Natit sanleanintiwsa conte aahrated’rouglaue pacuiel ty dnt $135, bat now reduced to $90, is too . if they would only be candid enough to own at at J J STEWARTS forthe short tine we have had our uew @tere open . r ats, Caps, bonnets, Boots iyeru@ontandiccitresttey well Known ali over the world to need any deserip- pid ne, Alexander will do her daty the Gth Nov. we Oct 23, 1860-1124 Book Store and we bop furdealing and close atrention to ) , ) ) and Shoes, and a ‘ rn for MIX han Every sort of work, course or fine, can be done im lad want to send a good report tor Bell and Byecett MOncaTe Saat TTCOTIC UNTO CTT eTIQ RRC LITRES HTT EMmRAS TTI \ ’ ( A, | \ and Shoes, ane ( ul nn ae aes aoe cop mle worth with it | 5 , = > - , 7 , meee avin and « re ' e , and will doit Sg ( ‘| OVE] Qyeqe ta riilcntturaat dian Se nee Wate eG. (al READY-MADIC CLOTHING, ee 11 ENNIS Singer’s Vo. 2 Standard Shattle-Wach 4 goout 4 ua g . Ie ED. Jurt received by Roads. we ean send Goods any where onthe line of DEALERS IN at . ve . Vhis isthe favorite manufacturing Machine every Reotind oes WOU WYATT. Drage st and Aperherury, Now sud Reade every day: adborders ahall have our puns m= .&e, which we are now opening for inspection Boot and Shoe Store, where. ‘The size of the Machine gives ample epace rinlintol GUILFORD MASS MEELING PAB nud INS Moin oi, Sulabury, N inlaid perenhal nttention wad) Aled wies low prives ] \ { i Dexamimation of our Stock you may find Bar| Qet 2-120] SALISBURY, N © for almost every description of work, which, together . \ a , . . Oct 24 1129 moit ihe parties were present. ALL kinds of Produce I ; gains nor to be had elsewhere. as we will make prices with its admirable working qualities, give it a decided Geor- The Bell and Everett Clab of Gai ford takiow ia exchang for goods 9 very low to cash and punctual deishere. FORTH & D ANI 7 sdvantag Price, wih table complete, $100. x pects have made arrangements to hold a ured IPPLICATION will Iv made at Sie ‘ pela a eR PROUT BOOTS AND SHOES Sept 25 ie rea sud . “ wiley Singer's Vo. 3 Standard Shuttle-"achine. kTenn- ae ‘ ‘ nec ane ean and L, } ss : 4 ; Sept Dro ly ' ' ae es i . Tenn Mans) Mectine im the Ie af (iene. ihe dereSesson urine Legmlaturelot Nori Ca [i Remenier the place JENKINS CORNER : eM: , ays | badesafe and Retail Grocers, For Carrisge-makers, and heavy leather work. to pro borough on Friday the 2 dav of Nowery litt ter aa wet neorporating the Patterson Manuatae. Salieburg, \ Hare. Caps and Bonnets, Sogare, Coffee, Salt, Mo e AND Prev. comp rte, $125 . le Go- bervand biurelia oie wednl , tuning Company. at Patterson, No ¢ MeCUBBING & FOSTER hases, Syrup, Nass, Horse aod Mule Shoes, Boo je Bi nedera e A 2 Sioce the great reduction in the price of these ’ : ord tity ey S . NS : Me Oot 23, 1NH0 Grpd aa hey TR 5 Moly lenther Ca) Aue, tiagey a ePsh gh ‘} ’ { s Neches caine teeerOctoen 185 to the people ofall partes te tend Pas “ ‘ LPL Uoeil \ aud Binarog Shing, ¢ _ . e OULTTLISSTS | sa ri hi fl oe a ' uo niin " Bh ¢ “ ae aaa Line following gentlemen hase been aivited M. BRENNERCS . &e, &e, Ke | . IN Net GMA HERICRE RUS SME: of Sincere Machines make the juterloeked and are expected te attend and addres e Y ve ' ‘ euds veh + a i American Watches. oSocscccice miter eter sed SALISBURY. Hi MIN ETON N ae ie ieee eran aa a es Provinons. Pr rehable imformatcon about Sewing: Machines, their Conway, the assembly Plieaacureateys , " y 18g BOTEN ‘ v e = ‘ eee W as a wine Wn R ED J A Ea fc I . a Salisbury. Rowan and the sdomng Counties RU WUE DIR Slwmaliicreraercialleenteermcielinn cam i ee A. Graham, A : Foster, Esq, He \ a tas \\ Ra ILSON baathe Ageney forthe GENTE Loe Tien Con ccnc pen ttrle te \{ L peril Wy Weenie Lagu Wi Pobaces fizes, prices, Working enpacities. and the best meth- dan un tet a eee le : con MD cites of Sahabury, wae. pone i ; on Serta er : Hrelaiat J. M. Leach, Hon N “Boden. Giles Me . CLOTHING TALL ! ae vt she www! ee ns Row A MURPHY Concord, Gold IIL, Mocksville, Greensboro’, Bexing Hf aes ! eee ee eee hy sending fora copy . aes hy ome very fey os vou the ea eo boug . he * ors ‘ Couper fue ret y a ve * dace el i. PENG ih bane, Esg., © alee Glet EK . J Meter ea Sept 2a, 1560 ufiy ton, Morganton, Newton, and the aorrounding coun \ 2 of 1 Singer & Coos Gazette, which is a beawt- a : Marn Street Neur Water Street, Nearly O eee cic lata Oe Iai ea y : try generally, that he t buat B 1 . thw Sa er ie ECACC Le Salis Dargan, Bsq., Hon. Bb. G Street, Ly Ojiatne een) Iteee antes eae AN Vo generally, that he has estabished a Book Bisp Bulle wunpunturetta k de . : el LORCA . 5 ; . LetewaneL id \ , ' Pi yrrar ’ nyo (ins place. and Tan pliieentetnetertnnt , wet i \ Shober, ksq . lon. A. HI Shepperd, De the Post Office te ~ el ae , i" ° ‘ a ‘ ; Ine ee wld Gr R Ie \ I Be \ R¢ I A I N > rae ae stirs Mucir ni ie ‘ haw i ina, ag t M. SINGER & CO, nment 1s sides a puinber of onr ¢ ! PENITR 4 ‘ ( cli RoRe Un ay 4 - , hao wen talented cont EF oondermgned just havieg arrved in teas ) ' > Perodi als, bound to patcern, on in oeny style te wart SUH E nar Risin “ z ‘verrand Mepren aus § \ Caen Minera Marcela tetany rhe i vosty “o $50 Brontiay, New Fork. ey yp witha VE : ‘ 7 Te eatablishinen: can be found on the. se ois, dseo vis . , hee and ty-emen.—Greenshore’ Patriot Pan Me PRES AND BASHION ' hseiley MiBins Heat Gue to Se Nonly. wigs f Ms ay noe ine i ‘ | ' ! Tt JO MERONEY, Avast nt and of US ee UIST Ae oa 4 1 1 Ord C 1 ! Jed SUEHE Tee Hh Ne (As : ea; 5) 7 Orders from «distance promptly attended to . ; or . to hold HON JOM LEACIPS APPOINTMENTS Ready-Made Clothing, °\ ‘ re Tl \S\ ll Lt eviMala te a . ili isturbing JOH Ewsiss now offers to sell Salsbury, Sept Us, pRb0 Cots and SHO ec ¢ £ tue } tes Hamptonaville, Thureday, Oct 25 withee to vntarm the pablic of Swiebary and Row 4 \piss GRASSWITT, having just returned GENTS PANTS a £2.00 worth $2.00 NORTITERN Kast Bead, Yadkin ( Frifay, Ort 26t4 ity, that he has taken the above naan: | eatin ) 11; ‘ 49 oi LEAR URL ¢ ous ' Ls . BULL With a cplavtd supply of the Most Fashionable ‘ +.00 4.00 = + o - = “ nu vred dy VILLER YoU s. ; Ranner I hania, dy Saturday, Qe Qith inent with the view of keeping const nts on hand. MEAD ewer yy, pechwed at very Re tae . a 5) cf 6.50 ‘ Mornufietused by) VILLER & THE) LIXNIE FOR SALE. 1 lad “ aneisen, Stokes Co, Monday, Oet 29th large wand h vy Stock of CLOTHING and specttally informe her fricnite and the indive generally, that sa ‘ 9,00 BEM ISTER G ( | \ y W aT I USE RECEIVED acapety ot GENTLE MBN S LARGE quantity of Northy ime unstacked) , Scie rae Roekingham Co, Puseday, Qet 20th FURNISH | NC; ( “OQODS penn eee te thn Tonka, (ist, Heridock willl beupen (GEN BS COATS 00 t 4.50 sa “ 4 ‘ 4 ae oP WINTER BOOTS IVD GENTS LtcED ¢* berrete oe by the bostiet romale at Stenem y thing ; sinut cove, Stokes Co, Tharaday, Now dat iNT t r 1 ms for Inepection Ta een all the Jaseewt Styles, Cait, Eancr ' 0 7.50 EXousc Painters, ROOTELS, ma .M no Poowss, (os Pan Ward Pr wit be wid vo ry cheap, whole. anhiys neraville, do. Friday, Nov 2d for Meu’, Youth's and Boy's wear, of all styles Santameny, Oot 9th, 1880 nt 7.0 “ 9.50 | " ' hela ny 7 ante or retatl locato neville, Saturday, Now 3d qualities, and fair prices Suiiable costumer for 10,00 ' riod ee eee CES ac: ' ere Se aida gre é eK eae , ae Ainge quanticy af finished Leather Sof. Upper up the N gon, Monday, Nov ith Watlang Drees, Farmers, Planters, Minera, Waclin ‘ 14,00 «18,00 Opposite the Mansion Hotel Pe Raat ml cnalbesiainrics arate waa wit yates nro Niite eet as = Noainat miat ar are cutaluseds Almac Inrgmeneeorciins Ot WILLIAM (. LORD ‘ ‘ 13.00 Me 23.00 SALISBURY, N.C } mie nat VOL RNNISS Green and Dry Hides always in demand at eich ay : ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Call at Jo ENNISS' All work personally attended te and warranted the ya 2a Boor dishicoes tier pric HV OSEMONTON redo Attention! Rowan Artillery ! Boots, and Shoes, Hats and Caps. hel [latlewlhS tere Sinee Heke ae a ad : i eT Salisbury, July 7th, LN6U. win ancient YOU are hereby commanded to moet at wu oe SIGN OF | Ht Pen eae T cies ATTORNEY AT LAW, ue en a ad Fine ‘Suit. : i oO nded ta Udraee ed 7 ye THE : 14¢ oT: . VO more Capt MYERS OFFICE, on THURSDAY . M uM NISMO SALISBURY . <4 o ay _ _ - Se HATS AND CAP . an they eh lem at bait Prat 7 oelark. with POS — having made proper arrangemenia with onr Wi LCR FAT Cenpeeencrenlientinelrn Fine Shirts and Collars. ; Tt ven woah tobuy F INE <ul PS of CLOTHING UST RECEIVED 9 berge supply of Gente and ee sky? Anna ae a a g piatlan ne buaness Biltmore tien, Pam oot all times pr ted to tnlA Rowan, Stanly. Preds Hand Capea ba Counties Tf vou wish te porehase fine Shorte an Colar PUG aheS CIGARS’? CIGARS '* 3 mr ren ; pL BP eMC} AE cs ie Bove Hate a Caps all sizes and qnahtes aud at * he fe Pome Herre tien aewy ay rdere in the Merchant ‘Talormg buainese a a : wera ywan's wlding op t > ures . ‘ BS een : orice s remark lity lo yoing to By ieler cn Cuptl Mireee sees ’ rehant T img hu “ i ‘ i" ue ae Cow Building oppomte call at the Great Clorhing ae af <i ‘ 60,000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retail nt the Rie RewnunenlniecaxooNoe2 Win hy sini) | 1m ue ia ‘ HW OENSITSS 1 a 3. W. JAMES, s, . 5 i . . Ue ’ VEL. Poat Otfice M A SMITH ste Row, Nalsebury, \ ¢ : | we and , . ‘ at D See'ty Oct 16, INGO bint2 Feb 14, 1X60 1x Sept. 25-1119 Wa 2, (eae Raw May 17 re |) Sept 25 ina on 8 Tix eeoty ch Usagi CX: wane he are Professional Cards. DUN TAL NOTICE RR |) . BESSENT, HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, The proprietors ard manufacturers of HOS- TETTER’S CELEBLATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal wth perfect confidence to physicians and citizeis generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu rae surtinent of | [ “” HAUVED wo ce D Sie Hee tation heretofore untnown. A few facts upon yar ke Mi , ; this point will speac more powerfully than v \ pared to attend ull speratious volumes of bare assertion or blizoning putlery ROWE ets wil TiS prtetrinnt The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- . eS 132 ters for the last year amounted to over a halt ee , tillion bottles, and from its manifest steady t w Nie emma IRR a increase in times pust 1 is evident that during nthe tock . the coming year the consimption will reach DENTIST. ner owe million bottles. ‘This tuense nuseant canon could never have been sold but for the rare Pe etaviesk iN Medicinal properties contained in the prepara Mar J. dee poi. ad Gon, aud the sanction of the most prominent phssictaus in those sections of where the article is recomuend the Bitters to their are ready atall time the country who not only patients, but give testinionials to ite st known, P Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A CALDWELL. HS ; sh henscty ' Medicine Poot ut es ahve st Mie ee ee efheney in all cases of stommehic derangements e and the diseases residing therefrom co n } : ‘ PM tGesar at This is notawtems vary popularity, obtained woes’ ty extraordinary etlorts an the way of tron . weling the qualities of the Bitters, but a scud LAV PARENRS LP. eaititavtun olaurevalnablennedetnetetstlits , destined to be as enduring as time itself ll. It. A, CALDN Vol. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved aGedsend to regions where fever and agu ORRICK che oa and various other bibeus eomplaints have counted their vietins by hundreds. Tu t ae P a able to state confiiently that the SE ey ey are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like Ma Le eat t diseases, is to the proprietors a souree of un alloyed pleasure. lt removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and 4 ( Hiv stock B U S| \ i Imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, eving at that tone and energy indispensable ne , . . . for the restoration ot health Ttoperates upon \ NN Nan) \% Me 4. WAST 4 979. 8 65 the stomach, liver, aud other digestive organs, f y rl (| Gksecas WWD tan oe mild y but powerfully, and soon restores them \ d Pe WET USSITY toncondition essential to the healthy discharge . ae 4 A of the functions of nature Ww Elderly persuns may use the Bitters daily as No 120, Sycamore Street per directions on the bottle, and they will tind ; init wstimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant co the invigorating tothe bowels, excellent as a tonic, VTIN, & 00, amd rejuvenating generally We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women {} f]" H i Pe who have experienced the benefit of using this UN abn AVE a while suffering trom stomauct ile " ontsand general debiliy ueting under HONS Tn AN AG Po physicinns, they have abandoned Sosrgya 5 en eleriots drugs and fairly tested the adOss 3 ce q §3a ad id . ' merits of this article. A few words to the . " rsex There are certain periods when , ‘ aves are so harassing (hat many of them ji sink under the trial, The relation of 1 hy . (pute { and child is so absorbingly tember, that me a. ie ey ‘ \ mother, especially if she be young, is apt to ee nec forget wo bealth in her extreme anyiety for her it ald the period of ama x ; arrive d le summer season. the wear of : \ . 1 wed Qos peuerally sees N edad t thes. iam bas \ hs \ ie fhe anc ; A HHA sim ak e : ncn He os x > and ve Nis ror vba rally | Witers te a ies a Ore tans fon SESE tors that or ve the endorsement of gl I ! r LuMe Gt ix Agrecable co the rise as \ fay t 5 oto yive erurabent inert ety 7 ny ie Sale fi IS Wit ckal 8, Grose, rep , VT tewe dave | ble fora larly re ¢ * flere \ Baty ' fever and ed by bit ba (* 4 be ats dysentery m,, own al nape nd vito sural tae ae M911 28. 97 7 siiperaiiialeds wiv icla years el aaie denny =, TI a d Jy a pout tod Hursing motile “ ! t m : \ wy ther own ply a wellare waving Hus UPL ESNOV | Ny Lene Sa Ure teed Stomach Tarters a Vi iNSai ' CNCTIIN Wasce uthey ke urine . neing any of the many imitciens or counter . Pete te feirs 1 for Hosrrarp ss Crt MD . : . Srowsen Bervers, and see that ea hie Pa tes EE a Narre Giewiade ctr! lycteer: tons ee ed a? ' ont i pel ‘ a 4 ‘ md oD ha wutog ature Is he t Se Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & : SMUT H Pir Pa, and sold by ail é. Pent : Collesting Agent. fae ee nee tlentein Weenies \ ravi . throughout the United States, South Ame- i f 5 = me i ‘ . rn aye i ax rd re \ . ees: eee --p/0 neWalkd He} soh op feaenet " F ' eo \] ay . Wek y I To : N Wit S ME \DE. ao. ‘ . a) a ae ’ Wife Se GN T 4 : ' flentoons foun Te viet , aw \\ 5 Apr en c feet () i nee 4, eee rere on Sams secure : eit ! zi 7m ¥ : Vik ) P SU is ; wl 1 i : Tce i nena. 7 Nt WYATI’S OS hie hes , \ fed oS Pm AT ATT CUMS T ON. at Ci vidi ye oF AY oie voM \! aé Ui Di 7 " 4 a meTeeye Onis ETH i : R 1 goal ay aad ‘ rr r .- Greousaorough Futual . oe C ean at cay 4 NT ENG dD; ‘Senter? L laren lex ‘ - LO tay \ » \.\ i ey oe : cei \ ! von CHOLL oa Ow A Ay ; / 1 ’ ; . (ea) ( { igs Alar ts et ios Pie} eat NG SS ¥ a” i ! Preps Sarr \ . re Ey - \} % , Ae SVs (ey : ! wt , I Change of Schedule. Reo rons #, Chaitey 1 S wud, o4h ico toy be Mice Western \.(. it. &., . i | Svtienisy, Mages) Ie ‘ 1 en ()* NNN Tete Sa Nt PNG ie 4a \ ‘ wie ETE eR aa \ \ . . f , gee i teu n ' . , Viiv Wek Sel vadeliwe vue . / et ' § } ( ’ ( ( S ; ! \ i \ . : . 4 ue ' my \ t , ow : yo ’ s e RP? “ PAS oF \h A CO est ee 3 PES . Hhickory ast wit on Ri EX i | } 1 SN apy oy ‘ , Le Niet aN ‘ PAP tenn \ - Teard st ites "Wl , ‘ ( Hickory , WwW ; Oo 1 { Wis ni \ | Nena | Nes ‘ 1 : ‘ Caty = ay \ Sn I ‘ ks 0 c ‘ I Pied ¢ | ' ' ) erate aN ih | \ Pied . | Ty Ne TAT ‘ . Noe Cic eal ts: ra x | Th ARY \ jneor Paw t ~ oe ott fern i ; | iL leet |) pees Ven CMe AS TOME MUI NS Ce fi Aug It : NEN DON Gi ' NZ: ‘yf MAN ith ACT on iN’? NDING! mi \ \ VAG ne fiyatts Remedy 1! | ipa emedy 1 Seu een eee 1} WN. Cc . ey % wire ' . a Salist Bury, T . |. ant TEA NE AME ED ay ‘ I us ' . boy TORN oonmbLy th i t wy Nertin sowith Neat Cl : fos : NG aid Cottize and other Bod ceade, ( ' a oy man iene sit a air they Ne tad tran ( SWAN Er New V a ts | Renee oc) VM City ' wills c tts 1 1 Soaked inp ' tow ) re \ \ ae ‘ fea E BOA ! : ‘ , : ad Kk ate seu Lalo) \ aN ! Ce Row ON < ; M ,oP 1 s 8 Aer ' M ena . 1 x aaa \I. abi 6 GRADE, ee Rig\ Neb Woes x i) . 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " 1 : i ATs, « AE? 4, real ; tt! Straw and Millinery Goods ce fe Ciubretlis, Caracols, Blowers, Ribhons &e., . oe ‘ ge J a No 18 Courtlandt Streat HW Pere a ote u ru 1 | Jou 4 \ take ' “ ' \ \ eye ' : ° eA July ' fie tos and Rachareasyys fine / / / ih ) / aT | aa CHIN a Apple Br andy. si Ty (es | t RAN SGN Wo lo Tee eecatat und CC dea Noh cE ere Nie aa ies ait ee I~6 Vee AT . aed July 20. int ’ Sept Lith, bsto trl? Woh snd is bow rece GROCZ Sugar, Molasees, 8y1 SUBSCRIBER. rOANNK SAAT ust Wi ngp DI ng wc RIES, AND Eo oh SPECIAL NOTICE tsually key RETURNED frou vmiple le vepper h fugly bow pr MTS AND CAPS BOOTY XSMOES “2 ) DICE DS Cee y IIS marke x MANSION 3% IOTEL, SA LISB URY. 7 BF subscriber Cakes pleasurein anunoneiiy tol friends, public taken this long established und the peueruliy ind well Known Het and haw made every porsible prepotation towers date the business, travelling aud the public, Particular atteutioa is puid to 00 A338 JE, "ROOMS. th» STABLES are tended by a car ful optler 4 Viriting: nthe mostsatisfactory tuner his abundantly supplied aud ta Provrietor wives hie persoual attent OMNIBUS aud all n comfortable runs reyularly to jile uae the arrival clus curs these efforts to please, a liberal share of the ubfie patronage is confidently sohbected WM. ROWZE January 25th, 1200 tf-o fay i ape 8 ue Morganton, IT. C. Lee rNew Hotel tas esued he witartie (being a FURST CLASS HOUSE, aie see Hee in the State Vea \ CRUSE eT ih erable notices by femeat Sa wid ral patron call] ' ‘ 4 : y he pepatat { Hous Piva kee 4 i ht ht \ el Vee Ertl bss (NTC CEN Maree Cy vee H 1 bet | ea i} ' ttle W at Wee ¢ \ df ‘ : 1 / / i fel flew ( ‘ i \ | Gs ' \ oc A. Ee Rae e Sane Tee CORIO, PEE Ee 22 Ee WR EN Se al aes ely dese tt . a . ' ee eer etfs tr Cs) immedi Te] JHOMN 1H, daa SV RSS Te NS . , = . sea : ns pearee rks ois i \ \ i ! ytd ne i sr 5 wae Et LAVCT | ber era Reco re : . | ' ‘ ’ tir \ ‘ . 1 \ ! vu Pe UTS Vi ’ . . LP = 111 b \ Se eer ' ak ‘ Wir ( i SY UE 145BORO’ NE) Ta tN Lith NT at ea\ela\s 50 White Hands \\ Coa : ' \y —VAld MeN TNO 1d M iy ( Ait PATENT JARS UP PERTOR to an nl PRE SERVES ( ERUEES a VI at for wot Vy Aer I=6 and sk M RU y QI A July 24 a that he ha portions 0 departments he os | North Carolina Foundry AND FRERCKS & RACDER, BUCCESROKE LO BOYDEN & SON, BROILED continue to macuiseture end herp © VV hand al LGRICULTE | MPLEMENTS mude heretotore A full assortment of we Calusators orm-Shelers want dl) Peed Cutters Horse -Powe d Sower Phreoshers ( Susan Mille Thresheraud Separators, “Tuey alsc mr rufae ture Shafting and Machinery rls saw Mills Geol y Presses and bin (US IEFEN es i ets and PENESEDE DD WOTK of every vn nay \ vid warranted mn every | Krys t ‘ ‘ ' M eat short antic orn,’ OC da d 4-60 Vyth = 1 be Potret..¢ here’; 2) Chath Wow ui fee ( rit fa 1 Vay \ j Hal Lorwat iN TGs REAL ks GRU A 4 \\ TSH N¢ ' ‘ pl ve) ! ede ‘ " u aida ta wn Ne ' 1 1 v 0 ike / WoT N TED Wow Leth Sts v ‘ I I te FEO A p JWWes 4k Wee Tee yes TY sees s \ | Lk Lee acon Pill ! \ 1 t vr ¥ ‘ ray es ! I \ | . 7 ~ 4y io % I Cae r , ta , i ce ve | ! eA | 4 | 1 ‘ ' NAGEL I \ r v I t | in p +4 fee a7 ) toad: a i » 4Ar¥Y iio aU ywou hie ak i rs \V1 : | / / / elie anes “yt ieee t ‘ ‘ ctl | \ VW Wes bit \ i | 14 Cat , NaN i \ ee 90 OED Chills and Fevers Sf. } xv “y . Rie \ VN 1D Vt py Hedy. r/ 1 PN AILS AOMALARE LET / ( | VA 1) ‘ \ MI ‘ | \ WANTED JOO) (eel oveamore | a eat ' | | ' teas Cole N hee tok’ Es Vin NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE LARGK gaunt N \ : \ | No doer ’ t ‘ ' 4 tba « 11 WI ‘ 1 TAmat LNT N | ase Smishury, July Qoth, PSne ' Sa NE STOCK !! Melk LL MACHINE WORN! ccc see soe secasine tier ya and arte Siock of W STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, READY-MADIE ed NER Their Stock Vi | be sold low La ES CLOTHING ANID SHOES Ant Hf de wud NEP Uae hones Phiey tavit r ‘ toers Wi genersly to give them Time ON IY MTC Ts Our Siccek of Goods are well sucted tothe tater i Meebo te. ar i the puch Gieeds we fave bud un eye te that branch of trade . we . TERA SS COC ITRTSS Ge SHOE 1K Silene ete tw af, ry E, Y & F ry & 8 FRRGWY A ZSEP. TN NaN ek mt sibeor b ye UN Se ec te bew ol} WSN bey seis h ve t a afer t Wee dy tem vv WEB er Wp aera ' ts newt ' th hint ells ai walks qack a t ry coat w hoch bat tented thee sirt EE i Ma'ver W rowel wy that galva a fel ates eud Sad} Will pose fer niscare (afialdun taco bat Yo wes ahites vot ' wow 1 “ ’ ca , . JOEEN It Natal \ ‘ ' Tea? roy Reece Tay Dees Gal ee ‘ ’ Ne " ‘ Leis veok | i ‘ \ 1 \ 1 . en ! ‘ ‘ x ! M 7 - STAY Ue el are 7 = * A \ “ esa! we? Ves é . / WoT Wa I | \ it GY \ vw X bik 2 ~ ? . roa . b ( M a Tl Nt WA \ x \ \ oR Nae ta id clean) iy ms f He Ayal as Tf XS ee) tee 3S | I { | ' \ A le ¥ ! LX tk 0 . e SOW CIE. Raat 1 ied “ eal $ Vor Neate \ whet u 1 \ Ais ye )S veut. ‘ 0 : m I 4 “ , ON AGU SIs Sry , . hws = - at bie), EN a VaeN ee ety) eal Nd eal WWOATEREN ST Ao Veh) Ae ye Navel Re] ce eC —s A ep ene pda. bwebw. \\ l ID eer ME h <A ie \ Dict | ) . leery rolige with hn : * GEORGE WOW ERY M i plist Vu rm , i 7 1 | ) " { ha ' | ! a > Res $3) ! ' ‘ vs Vv A Ad PERE CIDER AVES tie He WN HT | ST 4 t h N ¢ ry Ayer’s: Sarsaparilla A compoused pen dy, in whieh we bi ve Jahe reg produce the tort sWvetual wltetuutive ia cunt \c Wace HU a concentinted exuuer vo Pora ys be. perila, wo cotulaned with ofler BEX eo! Ki) Bele rae pO Weta eiind in etter ‘Ve wt Vote forthe dizeares Sarsapurilin is r baled to cure Ttant Peet TEGO Rie bow eoruvdls i Raided bry the < Whe wader fot Biruinoun compiunte. at tha woarhw eolipach thelr eure anvuet prove « ' ser t t | Fie four attic ter te low © é » eWwilldo emmpletely Cis compe u ‘ reve by experi ent on wy he Witt pace feng the Nowang ' he ft Nowe con pants ChOLELS WN Wort tote Courtvinis Prone Haws | vero ires, Riote nes i 5 lateeteiat( Wares eer Hea. sym AND “ bie Mi wet aian Dine anv, lbkorey 1 His, Vyepey miacann Ext * REM ON A, hoxver bine Whore clase of com. p ' t Lioo Vhin coney 1 promoter of 1 ' “ t Pes, toe xped the foul “ Iesterin th Mood at that senor of CE wo $ ' veor ot ly expoteion of then many : ms hopped the bue Mullitudes i terenned hots tve® fre an ti dorsi foul wrap Sane ulcerous mores, “ ‘ \ m we ' Yorid tlee fof ' 6 t tiv as 4 theeugh the b ' eomedione \ LOCO WIE wer Ni Hid a u nk pin 1 1 sot when youth as Uri tae Ver ut ; ‘ ' wl Even pray rrr felis people enjoy bet uF uy ‘ he Ht ‘ is but with ; cod ” Catt be Oy fap rsenie tl . Wrong Pet tnaeluter ot late as CHa byer- : : . serves mh. the reputation i hus tf enda But the Wied lee |e dbs prepara Nit, parily 1! talons ban Wihe situs that & i rat, into because mans preparations, 1 bon 4 ug | \ ed by Matrace Vivnt se have 1 lain te " ' eoprp \ ' . pa disap. 1 irae Pee} ' Wi the i oie sv pony. thaw cha 1 bee of View th we have KE ed vien ur , ' t i ( Mn ott fj + ox 1 + + B pare 7 2 Ye ret ee Ca ORS <toral, f Ve t © wD \ ad that . arever ' Ry < : Pus i i Ve Pies ji \ Fine sean ' 1 ! ‘ Raeren i ' t ae P I . tt \ st ; { Vine Boyes ben $1 Bt \ i mm stow eonme ! \ \ " ) : ' thai " Heer a lier. : t Denmd i ' he best \ ti i. \ t as \ \ . a 1 ‘ ' val ) the Inet two years ne $ thenaan a a ‘ s a! te ree as the oumercus ie t of the as to . dictates yee ment ciide you on the “ LIVER IN® VIGORATOR, andit plaints, Billous At- Chronte Diarrhoca, platots, Stomac ie, Cholera, antum, Dyspepsta, er Com- Dropsy, Sour Chol- ry. Costlhveness, ra Morbus, Cholera Jaundlee, Flata- Female Weakness= ly as an Ordinas @a, and may be used s ry Family M It peice EA DACHE b ts cau y ee twoor three Te twenty minutes, If ement of spoonfuls are Cik- nent cm at commen = e Ps! on Ast who ase Mare wiving their testumony NIX. WATEIOIN THE MOUTIL WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Ce per Bottle. SANFORD’ s CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED F aa tnble Extracts, and pnt up “Tass TCAs, Aur Tight, and will keep P -| sacen e thartic PITT which the propre than twenty yes femand fren jae bawtnducrt 1 De- Stee pte Lotne, 7 EO S Be s PI L L S 22 3 : 78 1 9 - 2 -2 : Hiere ih The Utver Tn thartte Pye Bei b 3 3 s 335 JAS. = SADLER, Jr.. SHERMAN BROTHERS, Hardware, Cutlery. Guns, : ont eM vor. i i J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy Five copies, eu copics, Clabs exeeeding ten, in the same proportion | $1.50 each. Payment always iu Bites The following Courtand miscellaneous BLANKS is otter, Ci are kept on hand tor sale, at sent by mailte any expense Oivil Warrants, Casas & Bond- Writa, ©. @ S.Court Executions, C. & 5 ¢ Bubpunas, C.& > € . Witness Tickets, C & 3 ¢ Juror Tickets ceca ais ae VOL. XVIII. epo.C & rificates Prosecution Bonds, ¢ e Cala nile Bail Bouds, civiicas = Di I Bail Bouds, erin Tapes | ndictimente, | | | Altachment Writs, Deedsin Tiust Delivery Bonds Rheviff Deeds Administration, do. Equity de (reer Bastarday, a Notes of Hand, ; ; iad, “s Notes to Hank, men, and to all this they added occasion- Qinany otherformsof less frequentuse, Blanks : Sed snee he hee cee vest avkepriM@t taunts that they were no mote to be j North to denounce them as pre-s reoder on short wotice 7 : tened pon for the protection of South Fert rights than their opponents, By then AND FROM ITS AMon ANTIDOTE KRENDALI DISUNION A LETTER . : , , | betore the last Presidential election to a The Hon. James L. Orr, of South Car: | : ] Rey Honest of the Northern States, olina, having addressed a letter to tl residue bad the utmost dit - . ong ane ; - Hon. Ainos kendall, i rly | stmias Cuitylininintanmeatrermaccelidcncy ter General, declaring voldly Has metre meantione, the Union men in the lution in the eventof Lincoln's cleetion, Soin Mr. Kendall replies at lentgh FTG ene eau enh ear A een nen feare poses the errors and the evils of Mr. Orr» fel i position. His letter appears to be quite as popular as were someof hisold writihus in favor of Gen. Jackson. — It ted farand wide, aud generally with much commendation, The old Jackson Jrneans the Democratic party was reduced and in the had measurably ceased to consid nion, and the Union sentiment, par |neularly inthe border slave States, whose . tterest i Its preservation is. pre etnitent, is crreula sought expression through the Atuerican }party. To such an extent had the Dem- : 3 veratic party been weakened by the in rents always ee to Nullifica jsid.ous policy of their disunion allies, that ss eodua Fer as viving | , ea ce ae fe oe ve {they had the utmost dithculty in electing ce i of she Wat ee yan old practical statesuian ower a young e publish iim the ate {man who had nothing to recommend tii important document of the campaign. A ; line widen AaB aN : “\ beyond a few successfu: explorations ot follows Wasuiseros, Sept. 10, Isso Hos One My Pear Sire Your te ter of the Lath alt., reached Washingto while 1 was absent in the North Though T did not couteiipiate Janis L Wier }the wilderness territory | Phere louper that Disun the an rad oO foresaw douthern daptroy were those Ww atfitlatton with vat ONists Ww mes aly cendeney of the Dem We party, tecble and fruitless eff Vite title duce t 4; ert te day the tosn bet ft fis Adiiinistration the pook ot the wrote ou the Mth ult., anyth limited private ; \ ca wade ed Ing ho opinion on the | ts vor ua beyond a tion of public affairs which Ltiave ai ie i | tive to conceal, or an ae ce UAW 1 cheerfully « np W lost: mol rtes tions. . 2 r You quote ! declaration that tt | clear thatthe South dis cone Lad at peeee , ful remedy within her reach, ard lias ot ’ : 6till, though ita aired : no cot i duct of some of tier se \ isk yi mea tull explacation ots Picts BCS ts that point, as resorted to by Government in us eft meenyt November pass tite the Sed consent to became awolavelolditier hands of w party whose leo sued puny : pe < her adinissran ip to destroy our prop ‘ ‘ value at the present cn \ H i as es three billions one tad ted ! iutis dollars.” | Yon as ( dent, safe and iiatily Seu pmb orem tt A : 1 Pues mit to the ad: declared taittiat tty evn hot : t ‘ 1 poerpese is te distros ye beet 4 1) a pe amount of Property, ited whole soeind and indi ye ata ine for dia up the Democa In asnbsequent pra ! nae ETE Atl Ppa uboatte cull endured by the S let ‘ ex weent to Dorit ire fo © oinere commentary tlervect as i Le en Tay tiny att trot ter ¢ ‘ ; ‘ SCOT Wie ~ mets at tries 1S itewist {we alo ti Hel ta sabnse ¢ such coliscqin tees, ty ailow oo biues Hepa ‘ President te jualerutat Gaat ir kession of the armiv, ile ammortes and fact Whe Rete) , o t 4 o ' whole Trae Lorde the Croverttthen foal Ws app toda atid i thoes 1 3s <= ant tha ay os) wit! South should tir. ot sn | Wet Ciey Gus real { Black Republican | i ives Ne a Cr wireueit tet teria i Nog any law within her t of the bavonet And over t | t | ( nt } : : eect slain sons.” ley pes . : I shudder at such ent ents ¢ nt ‘ Sets LH, from one Whose sincerity | ' 1 ie ' Cl wopectens tenet i The time was when 1o00 ss yen ton ter forth | Den thie pea Dive ed their services tot: him, if necessary va executing the ews mranity to sece | of the Uiited States; 1 Pane ow bn Liew Gare ta ¢ when 200,000 will volaie er fog i saeita the tan instructed te: secede purpose, shonld resistance he iid ta die ok the ¢ leyitimate party he may be elected Wodopted. world te tuather There sects te i the 1 mended to the S» ince Lincoln's clection to fatuity little short of modes. you pull down the canopy of heaven te hariestom arider thre vention werlld oat rite the tihhomty, mie! niatrer tiv wet wie a tvew prank, the ef racy me ene seventaf Me du list the my freed with, andl the Nie ett nom Was the Presidenes hes Dosationists o d a ted off on the rejected prank inte an oho wo sea, Unfortunately Carey ine wath cause Wrong and critue cost hencath of them a large number of good and trac Would you break up the earth on whieh Unron men we tread because cartl yihaka et hes And what is the principle, the ton re heave itand pestilence warks ifs surface? cognition of which tas rived asunder the This Union, sir, is to oprecious to the peo Deumeratic party, and apparently threat ple it protects, Norta and South, East ens the dissolution of the Union? It is and West, to be broken up, even should ws the right and duty of Congrers a Black Republican be cleeted President lo legislate. for thi protection of next November. Shonid the attempt be property tna the Territories. made, an united North and three-fourths Now, [take it upon me to say that a of a divided South to the more latitudinanan and danzerous claim rescue. No, no; the remedy for the evils, of power 1) Congress never was advanced of which you justly ¢ are to be by Pederalists of the Hamilton sehool. fonnd within the Union and not among Look at it ina constitutional and practi ite bloody ruins eal light: It I adinit that the grievances which you! legislate for the protection enumerate are hard to be borne; bata few Southern men are not without respou sibility for their existencp Phe veneral sentiment of the country, North and South, at the close of the Revolutionary have a right to legislate forthe protection war, Was anti slavery It las chancved of Tne ue they inthe South, but coislate for the protection « the North. ! Tait sli would spring hy lata Congress have the right to of slave pro perty in the Territories, they have aright to legislate for the protection of all other property ; and if they havea right to leg islate for the protection of property, they rsous assumption tl 1 remains ure There, however, erty leads lowicalivy and inevitably, een prot aroused to unwonted activity weothie Peri concluaion that they have power preachings of fanatics and the denuncia to legislate for the Territories in al! case trons of politieal demagowues, aided not awhartsoc ter If you ean put yonr finger a little by the arts, the lanvunve and the on the grantoof the power in the Cons violence of Southern Disunioniats It is needless to give in detail all the causes which have brought the politics of tution, pleas: pe italsoon its limitations, if they ean be found. Upon this prince ~! I ple, Congress may acquire an empire the country to their present deplorable outside of the organized States, over oondition. Snftice it tosay, that you have whieh it may exercise nulunited power, Senate did And this an which jealously re as the Roman their conquered provinces. Constitutic loag had inthe South a sinail party of governing it alile men whose ann tas taedeetnin the Union ; that, asa preliminary to their maio design, they have sought to break ap the Democratic purty that ther een der a stricts the exclusive power of legislation hy Congress to a few spots of lands pur meane for accomiplisiius this end were with the the States, to act with it, and for specitied objects, and grants no pomer possible issne obnoxious to the general of : Territory sentiment of the north; that the . dragged after them the true tn of the South, partly throug.a then t of being conmdered lagvard in their ds chased, consent of force Vpon at every general legislation over a ihitsoover, — We omit bere the iryument of the writer in opposition to the doctrine of protection to slavery have able constitntional votion to Southern interests, and pee Ly Let us briefly consider the practical eae for political distinction: work ngs of the remedy for southern to make the Democratic party as odions wronga, which you suggeat, im case a 88 possible to the North, they became the Black Republican is elected to the Presi advocates of slavery on principle, justi fied the African slave trade, and denoune ed the laws prohibiting it. By these acta and frequent threats of disnnion, they en abled the enemies of Democracy in the dency. You ask, “Is it wise, if we do not intend to submit to such consequen ces, to allow a Black Republican Presi dent to be inaugurated?” ete., and you say, “If the South should think upon the | a subject as Lodo, uo Black 1 pubuean and of the South, would now have been , ) \ . President should ever execute any law Marching to certain victery next Novei Within her borders, aide (tthe potintof her . the bayonet, and over the dead borlies ot What ought to have been the preven her slain 5. tative tnust now be the remedy. Should LT kuow there are menin the South who Lincoln, in November next, secure ama jority of the electors, patriotic men, North and South, without waiting for his Indugcuration, irrespective of party lines, would sacritice their lives, and en lancer the Commuuities in which tl Oye IO upon a point of honor, and that such men often fre up wath nnwonted flerceness af res and throwing aside all minor considera: tiitded of the probable meequences of But the come When consequences should be look tions, must band together for the triple ther own rastiness tune has purpose of preventing any break up the Union, checking the Re- publican party while in the asceudant, and expelling them from power at. the next election. Let the toast Jackson, “Zhe federal be preserved,” become the motto of the party, While strict construction ef the Constitution, and a jealous regard for the nylts of attempt to edoin the tuce, not for purpose of detlance, but that the poley which would lead to them is ore We tay consider whether of General Onion —it must quite by southern tuterests or tour, Llow do You propose to prevent thean auguration of a Black Republican Pres dent, should such a one be uufortuuately elected 1 Wall vou come to this city with an armed force, and attempt to prevent an Inauguration by violence? Tn that event, force would be met by foree, and the States, shall be its distin- vuishing principle and unwavering prac tice. Let the coustitutioual principle be adepted of no legislation by Congress taere would be instant civil war, in which over the Territories, or throw aside alto the country and the world would dechure eether the tuischievove issies in relation outh to be the aoeresser to them, of no practical utility, gotten up : ra : vould be Hhaneurated Tere orelse: by demavowues and disuntonists, as a In spite of you We suppose means of accomplishing ther own sel vouatterinn t ede frome tae | No tish ends. Let them inflexibiy refuse to 1 resist eXecition of the laws ¢ support, tor any Federal or State otlices, ery Taw Ver tt the Sout haa mil any man Who fafhs of distin’ ity ot thie VEN Cle VA Gt Ceres tate isa sts howe linivd, Sorte pressible conthiet be Wd Gy tle faws of the United States, laecen the mand slavery in the ctuer. ( “Hitutional yy coaetod, as by the laws ot Purow a Gl party leaders exeent suc SP MGI Kis iWin’ (onic ai cat pes 1S ‘ ster t mn of the | | ! he State ' eo its ' t 1 ure repared t tor State rieetets mera ~ : i . . ee 1 ioe ' . ' Stat \; , ay ty \ x 1? 7 ‘ Bs Ere ‘ | Leva omy Tea tenes \ \ ‘ he Si fthe N s veut { \ i ‘ \ e fre Wwe t He tess units? y ie . a ve lex popu | totut jos Pit Ww froin Toi t Ny Way ta ie eCl ant ‘ Tada iets, Ure queurs tit Vii wecor tot, | tet t tied) t Navy toting fart » ther eeerrit ewe tan atl vypeehive trusts row the Atlantic to tl | vee Cele s (einai ureciic ents < ay ! ! ae t int ‘ s tosover Str Mtitsts ot i Sraitt. & M“ Alice ve \ tne of belvhiie | s repr ut jean NMC DENT Ty eto tule tave States Ww \ ( Mtution oatriotisi and wood { ie youtid f their countevin ‘ {oy 2 y woud tirin n i ces ( ' cee aete! rt Let CR tata ieee to such a SIcaeoeiinaivince canlarecorecnt nie meey tho) UNut aiatenats al demain: ital mn te the ie Goistit iss oder any probabre ciremmstances, ca Al UC Genus Cou catirmeuirer Ne ECM elite aly mueconteT i er riialre Hite ete s for tt te va ChGe Aetates City reticence andl Vice ve ' : N aH the citizens of a Stat Poe supporters ell to a man, the ' beneoe te tts constitutional taw Ipperters of Dodgias te a man, and i pooneied peservectr ehtsof na t RC ERL Recital i tthe supporters t tan asian, Theretorte, wae el t Peechintedae, are st totehemeds of un f Tes eet Se ideUileech ‘ t! tnd ss mci Uaversatios { pros Ts Ot Teese Wit ' Hortieit rere! vith sou rm in PORE Tre fen ! , . tons Wott V [ect efoliv the Chists comes, there cre ‘ eee ese en eNC Woo ssarily us ‘ Pr tee tie Cltetin roteest, whether c.retthasct i \ re ectveien it FAY vend t t act--the seceders and tae Grover, ar aor ene Heres went of the United States. At od de vou cnr. cpm of ar Pete ' moeive that the mere election of a 1” Vere al etter rwith t ALT sdent obtaining obpoxious opitions., ory) yeni ein irres!= entertuning hostile desivns apcanst 3), 4 eimstitutions of the Soutu, checked, as! [fay nore hopefal and cheer ay ust necessarily be, by a Senate and (sy prespect Tike this than the conten Judiciary, if not House of Representa plation of standing armies, weinding tax ives, Without oue overt act, can Justy os) ruined agriculture, Prostrate cous apy portion of the Sonth, even tn there pyr , iloody battios, rav.icod euuiitricn, QW CONSCICNCES, IN an Net ol repel said aneken Gities | i rroene, ike Puere is one notable fe i tie abl pge Paster world, ig des! Vata utude of the South. | ery ot distntou yp hive.” ll rs Swarts be Cots, hot trour t 1 tn ilur 1 restr ce Hala tel the Ntites from northern ouorage, oat trom th Wore they, by a dissalution of whe sutfer leas [x Cones 4 1 dant (4, oye ae 1 Ree resent Cas va, amd Creor ga Te Noster ETN at Ieleostie Urnthseatd | oq rats Upon south Misstesipp, Wirose Sco MN Tes TAG Tape Diner 1 ie dite) trigat dered comparativery secute ty the inter oy hat event, f Posolinte vention of other staveholdars States be- fields, bat your mnoetitut ans, like those of tween them and the free States, and not the Roman Empire, would sink to rise te from Delaware, ane Mary land, and Vir tore. yinia, and Kentucky, and Ponnessee, and These are the tuon its of an Ioan, Missour > i tlose a tiundred saves by ms are that, whose only politieacaspirat abolition thieves where the tirst named! when he dies, le may leave his countrs States lose one, Why are not the States united, happy. and tree : that siifer in idest im their cry for NV leincenm roenntls disticon! [tis Geeause their position | AMOS IRE STOAMILIL enables them to sce tore distinctly than | an you do ata distance the fatal and iostant from Ti na-ss 1 following en effects of such a step As imperfect as tract from a Private fetter to a friend in the protection whieh the Constitution and this city, dated Memplis, Lenn, you are laws vive to their property undoubtedly at diberty to use for publication : is, it is better than none. They do tot think it wise to place themselves ina po 1 iree vates to Breck omnes well cet t sition to have the Jolin Browne of the |"! is a m ean ae ae us North let loose upon them with no other a : “ oy) a fee ee restraints than the laws of war betwee: mt ee 8 4 A is bet prie : soth He independent nations constructed by veck ! ao ie . ae ee ; leas fanatics. They prefer to figiit the @™ © a) 2 ATG a 5) us Abolitionists, if Hole they must. athena tucky, Georgia, and North ¢ ay ‘lita ts the ¢ neon, where thei aber tore for Bell Ne te co:mewhat restrained by constitutional amd 2T° mk ring that all these States will uo : tor Dell Phere bas been some heavy loual obligations. No, sins) Delaware, betting that Mississipp lwo that way Marviand, and Virginia do not intend te ettings tha Tiss Ppt Will wo Chat wit twenty thousand dollars that of If Bell vets Mis-iss pyr the Breekin [ know meome the theatre of desotiring wrt vetween the North and the South: hen dee faction wi.l be broke that tucky, Tennessee, and Missoun do not Tdi : diane lite intend that their peaceful ebhannels of f commerce shall heeame rivera of blood The Campte Zamex, published in the i nice Wien Sant nee / Peitihy Ue ATAU OUNOL SICH ITN Senet NacintielonM raises atlcriiie tot { Alabaiia, who, ata remote distin ; Pa a calneerg Bell and Everett. Says the Zemees, at from present linger, ery ont SHON ; ’ 11 Vid at te South lias al) wleiconclision of 8 long and able arti hh 1th vat th ' ae } lonw topeacetal remedy, and tas cle Bhi | Union osentimenty 18 over “We are thoroughly convinced, after whelming im all the Middle and Western mature investiyation, that Bellis the man States, coustituting two-thirds of the Re upon whom the S« uthern people should ic Pennsylvania, Obie, Indiana, unite, withont regard to party. and [llinois inchned to be No Demoerat, wio has the interest and come frontier States as M arytand, Vir lity of his country at heart, should, Had the | pu are as little vinta, and Wentucks present: toe moment, hesitate to cust his vote for Administration cut loose from the disuan Mr. Bell, the most available candidate, ionists, instead of virtually ministering and those who refuse to do ao on the to their designs, and planted itself firmly Ground of party prejudices, will certain ik be partieeps criminis in establishing ton, and Baltimore would never have oc geetionaliam in the nation which will ul curred, the “Constitutional Union party” timately effect our rnin would have Impossibility, the 5 Democracy would have recovered its as A false friend and a shadow, said Ben cendancy in the North, and ap united jamin Franklin, attend only while the party, embracing two-thirds of tho North sun shines on Union ground, the secession at Charles been an | | Devoted to Wolitics, Uens, Agriculture, Jateraai Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family From the NO. Picayune, Is Our Government a Failure? {cbate, it is sur- pesing bow the Judginent becomes per- verted, fn the lear of partisan Seen through a distorting nied utr, the subjects truder discussion loom ce, until, extraordinary Op Into an exaguver: ted Haport under the influence of an eXcitement, taen forget the lessons of ex perience and the actual enjoyments and security ofthe present. The deliverances of the past, when fancied dangers were quite as tinminent--the caliness which succeeded popular storms equally threat the prosperity that followed the peaceful setdement of questions as vital to our Goverument as those now shaking the fabric of the GCoion—neither atford hope in the future nor serve as a restraint Upon present action, In view of the present attitude of politi enluy cal parties so extraordinary is the heat of his Presidential contles that not a few are prepared to pronounee the Govern "ment a failure, and to demand a recon- straction of its tnachitery as an absolute NECEDSIEN We woudl respecttally ask, in What has it fled? Upon whom does hear with intolerable werht ¢ Towliat Chass ot Ciuzens, or cinvle ol States, is ita ise | ot a telessinug fT ese an HVE ies ten ay boll cen met chew 1 oof ren Leech VT ESC TOE Be ray ) e they wii be ow Ue Meet a | Ane priv Ntcrests to 4 ter Ces eoatiey 1 nowy ct ad u Levy { Usa \ pro it ide est ree ‘ Au iy Te Tle boy 4 t 1 slain \ pectect 1 si ny Patiers, Whi ON) HO RMee ts toss and dnetiiciency of the ol) contedera I Te states, wut Taeey shhh Cats tt Phe ther commu prospertoy for the | pie at home, tor Te rhhena n ‘ mal, Tioopier ty sectre venerdsl pe i Cent ' \ tos nacv every \ are ti 4 wl 4 mtn ‘ its ' CLES i 1 C est and the sian ‘ a) : £ ‘ ‘ j without tooling ' Trike Et) t Joetthust Oi moeclvil ddan tert, wh ty sia i eially mire the State Vere yu bedbstiate ne res) toa coutran pos Piose who attempted to foone a plan voverniment to. theet so beneti ore deemed cial and soyratcl ter boselutery luce itetertook the Work with confidence, pet in them owt tr ’ Ho Ty Lipsete spi Pab moat power Who diel narscdl the colonies ronfarey, atel led then through t Us SOTA COU eli ent n pee todd War te the atturment of a tard T position le Tint s of eeu What ainarsel was t yas I \ evo putin t iS nple a ples, wert ‘ REN Pa frie pende depart nent Tov the toa brt oof ats ) peek CUVEE Lea ah ee 1} 4 tlic thers eextre nes of stremeth and ot Coakness, vet wit Potees sv distributed iste appear alimest iidestractiole : at could tet be andersterd, ane ty this dias, 1s t been apprectied beotnost en ete foot forces sner I: Hence tor ocd pon the States Hee the peepie. is new seen ian ines al PAEDEUN Liebe tN tt j OP aAry etestie pr ~ PES Cee dram Greell coarbertetniai at tert ' nN its lented entery . it uty Tassie bh extort i oldes ca lee W COU quest of the w fertess sued ws the wildest imajpibation never areas t ‘ Cy springince up as Chote ty LEG Fi ar fron leet the orttoal seats of popul nf dine, a continent that was a wilderness, savaye it disaidte abd all its features, trade the scat ofall that exalts and adorns mod Searcely three ization, BeOre veurs and ten- the ordinary dite of men live passed le eotess than oa away While this chanwe, litt Dracle, bas been wroueht le Government then a tullure ? our But laws he absolutely perfect aided? Have not the cecerving a reverence from Tt nay not Where tas it ‘heen entoreed, the people, thougi made formidable by no emblems of physical power, as they before the In Veneration Vint } would bow ble presence of deity Phe necessity of LOVETHINeHE pre slip poses. thatt enesiiecs of that crame has been eom titted frat, for a miement, exetted Jas 1 thas iver Girth to thes lene ob oa tnobs that even Stites ave Ceniporariey UIC steued ther duties and powers an ler tue constitution, as, lhenee, to Vath treinent that the Government isa fan ire Piese excesses have tated) to ser ously disturb the relations of seciety, or totopair the strength of the laws, Socte ty has only etfervesced under the ithu enee of exciting catses, then returned: te ite usual tranquility, bo myght or duty or enjovinent oof the tndividtat beri par manenthy lost Is this the proof that our rhment is a failure told that beantitul theory of the fathers 134 Bat we are the grand and utterly too weak to marntarn the equality of the Stites: OTe Clabi tuiG Loniea -the on growth of the Constitution seven tow no tenger a Union Phe principle that the majority shall rule, Upon whic hoont whole idea of popniar elections turn, hands the minority -now the Southern States over to the terrible merey of a wild North ern politico religious fanaticism } quale inthe Republic must now become vas sals, relinquishing their dearest rights, or they must resist aggression by force But what has the South suffered 1 Where in has the Government yet proved unre [liable ? (YIN V oe — Cita. Under its beyeficient a¢fion the above Stites have spread their berders frou the neighborhood of the Ohattghooche to the Rio Grande, and from the Gulf of Mexic. porthiwward two degrees above the latitude which in 1737 med an impassi ble boundry tinstit. Atthe very moment that the existence of slavery is said to de pendon secession fromthe Union — when the government is pronounced asa failure as its legtimate influence might be favorable to its existence and extension, iis virtually stronver than at asgeetter veriod in oar history. ; Pie theory of slavery is so far better uoder- stood, and the opinion of the South itself has been cultivated up to the port. of properly expiainiog and defending it. It Is stronver in the power of natabers io the entire froatier slave States, ate. more uaitormly approved by all their inmhabi tants than at any period since the adop tion of the constitution. In production ss a which can scarcely be possible—will be not be elected President by the voice of the people con- stitutionally expressed—elected too according to the ordinary modes of the party action and pop- ular voting—peacefully and regularly honored with the office which Washington, Jefierson, and their long line of successors have honored. Is it for this reason that avy man at the South proposes to resist? Are we prepared to-disown allegiance to a Government whose ministration have hitherto been followed only by a series of uninterrupted blessings, because at some future time an act may be committed hostile to the spirit of the constitution! Will such an issue be one that can secure for any movement we may commence not the favorable moral influ ence of the world, but what is far more impor- tant, the union of the South itself? There is a public sentiment at the South that will forbid success to any movoment of this cha- racter for this cause, no matter by whom it be originated and favored. The more violent such a moveteut tay be, the less favor would it re- ceive. It would have no foundation iu law, it would appeal to no public sense of necessity. It would bave uo stimulus in the public feeling of positive wrong done, or in the sense by individ- uals, of actual distress inflicted. It is tive that men of the South began to speak plainly on this snbject. The Southera Masses are not yet ready to imitate Mexico, nor willthey, like that distracted people, be put in hosiility to the legal government by the pronun- ciations of any popular leader. Butit the Administration falls into sectional hands and measures bostile to the South find countenance jy the Congress and with the Ex- ecutive —measures which though not a violation of the letter, are destructive of the spirit of the cous iLuion — measures rendering upton dishon- aaalies aud impossible, then the South may be lrehed un as one man, to fight the enemies of equal nd freedom, not out of the Union but ‘wong as the North holds apy considerable tuinber of allies, inthe Union, and for the faith- jful execution of constitutional guaratees. Yo-dav every Southern man sees abundant in- dications that when such a crisis arrives, if the j South maintains the dignity of a legal position, the feeble Southern commonwealths, that, | . : Miler cieehiee p ‘ 1 eS eee SO" the tirst battle must be fought and lost or won adde > firs side rere searce! 1 : B . : yeni Py HOEY in the free States themselves. ‘Tbe South holds Known in the exports of the country, have : bits haudsa power tu control the North might- new become the fountain of mattontl jer cin the sword —the power of wealth—the Werth, Cotton fas msen tron its three aycortable products of domestic industry —the Hint bays torts 4.G0000 tiles. Tncreds: “sinews even of Northern trade and commerce. ton value frou a few bun fred deliars Lois, however, unecessary, except to bring to R250 000000 per canning Does the before the pubhe the true position of those who South owe nothing of this developanent om He on forciie an issue by abetting the htibecovernimnenh? Dye vexed questions nof Linculu, to speak of the course the MV Miecout ot tie cwlettncert ative South will pursue in case of such an event. It cr Mie aiterruiotien. eu teil sin the power of the conservative men of the thal by the siya Con, Union to prevent such a contingency. We of Perec ile reer a + Sowh have bo unimportant part to act to . Pe rene : strength and enthusiasm to the patriotism . : eer ge ! eeoons of the Union. The North begins es ee) ‘eon earnest. She bas abundant reason to a They hi NU setae esos and af, which may Providence avert, ‘ Se Es ca » atailure, there will be these induce- tats CN pitas tige ivan’, Chie © nents such as have never before existed, for the = nt shotid Ge Considered a fail ‘yuion of every trae man from Aroostook to the : j1Oo (oriide, to make the victory a barren one Dut we have seen before such pertads ty the politico religious fanatics of the Union. of att © popular enchantinents ats now | reer to have cast their influence over the popular mind, and have known tt to! awake and wonder that gach blindness wbever existed to the actual conmditien Pine conntry, and the stuyulir prosper tyotredtiy enpows The questions of the ud stonoof Miss of the annexat qd rodueton of Califor ' yin their day, shook ine : vofthe Republic; but aiter the stormy Was past, when the issues iocoont were tloally settled, a calin re ined {imen wondered at the wildness Ythe impulses by which they had been unconsctonsly drawn almost into acts of hazardous desperation, the Government was called a failure. But when the sun pierced: the storin clonds vid the bow of promise again spanned @ old fove of the ese dark masses, th {the tlasofthe usted t mn oreturned, a4 Then, as on Wy) owt t ee JOHN BELL ON SECESSION. We doubt, says the Louisville Journal, inst seceasion has ever been put with sreater power or felicity than {thie e by Mr. bell, in a letter addressed to a yass meeting convened at Knoxville, Ponnessee, in 1856. In that letter he ueld the following emphatic language, though only tantamount to that used by the Hon. Willian R. King, of Alabama, fhe Democratic candidate for the Vice Presidency in 1852: tnuy be asked in what does the safety of the country consist? I answer in the preservation of the Union. In eve- aspect in which Tam able to view the eet [ regard the dissolution of the : Union as tie direct calamity which can e . ney if vee ee ee fe a Cae fi the South as well as « ' lot toe North. It is fashionable to state seruseler feels as he gazes Upon Itt" Some exceptions to the general trath, I \ foods streaming over the fled of amy prepared to state none within the ee ranges peotable events. 1 admit the SLUM AUSTRALE ect svible concurrence of a state of things, veTietl wid Tittetee Wy restr to won ve seeration of the Federal Govern- peirely Sonthern yvestion he alee coord | yyenr whieh would be a greater evil than vied, Tris stronger in te The the destrnetion of the Union. A glaring pee eee aT wee i WOW ANON Vey, ail oppressive and persistent vio- was proclaimed with the roar of cannor Hen of plain an unqnestionable Consti- tad the blazinge of bon fires And to itligtional obligations, ora similar disregard ever the Southern heart wall elie wine f Constitntional limitations in the prac- PSG S11 “HH eo ot the majority, on subjects of vital ute tats with hat Cetra tortie minority, would be a vir- a ef tie nation is sound cay) qleouwion of the bonds of union, peer ober the trinmnph of fartran is her sand justitv a resort to revolutionary rem- tiled Who will change the blessings it ae ~ forcuncertain results of rey i tho? Whewillhazz orc all chat is dear vecatse at fear is entertaned tn recard to furore 4 Rather who will mot be the trope thine te tas nationality when the cl incare the darkest and tie bolitstrag es down bat teebhy Cirough them wath ered blackness ? if \ om ws Pedy tine POST Or Tile sth V few men whose character and position wive Wwe declare thay n the United States the them influence, « ; that eleeted President of course forthe South as imanediate prey forcresistince. By resistance is meant cither se cession from the Union of one State or more, | wel oa defiance of the authority of the Federat Government within its territory, or the mareh io upon Washington with a body of Southern Hoops, to prevent the inauguration of a section | al President by foree of arts. Phis idea of few pon resistinee, though it finds but whom allezianee to the country sets . hyo to adopt tally either mode by whieh sto be Cumed into practesal exeeadon, isin Tireethy ntenaneed by many who meet the present crists, not by earnest efforts to erush out the spratat seetionalism, but by the « \ pressed desire ow toomeet the impending issie face to faee that they pretend to beheve is inevitable the tabrtents of the North and the South Coon men, but they Such amen chan tobe tality Chere position by the assertion that ine Aa thty of the States is nota condition on which umon is possible virtually assuming that this! Inequality, Hit does not now exist, is the certain result of an administration of the government Inyo the Repubhean party Ttis not certain that sueh acresaltimay tot be the conse uence of the sneontration of power on the hands of that sectional Bat this rroras committed by all who adopt conjectures overbearine faction, oraye fwhatos to happen as well ascertained facts Clint tds { by their action in making that a aoty which is now but hazardous conjecture Fiey weaken that pabhe sentiment, whieh, at 1 vy approved by all men with whose inter est and patriotiain it accords, would forever for lid the contingency of a sectional administra ndeed rood men to understand fally what that issue rs that is indirectly courted. It ia the elec It is time thie class of onr citizens and for all tion of the chef of the Republican party, believ edies in reference to the possible oppres- sions of a majority in wielding the Leg- islative and Executive powers of the Gov- ernie ecause Thave no faith in the politic metaphysies of those who seek Unmesetetunte tien veeful mode of breaking up the Lotion by deducting from the Con- stitution a right of secession in the States. Lregard such a doctrine as equally un- sound, delusive and mischievous—delnu- sive, because it can have no efficiency in preventing civtl war; and mischievous, becanse it tends to mislead and seduce the people of a State into a revolutionary ineasure for insuthcient cause, under the false idea of immunity from the ordinary hazard of a revolt against an established Government.” | A Stray Vote—A vote was taken, ‘says the St. Louis .Vews, on one of the curs running from the Fair grounds yes- terday, with the following result: Bell 33, Douglas 17, Lincoln 5, Breckio- iridue t | Another. — Vote on the steamboat Mem- plus. -Dell 88, Douglas 33, Breckinridge (14, Lineeln 4 | Another. ~Vote on the Platte Valley. Bell 85, Douglas 35, Breckinridge 10, Lineoln 4 Another.--Vote on the Pacific Rail- rod, passenyver train, yesterday, above Hermann, Bell 70, Breckinridge 39, Dougias 48, Lineoln 19. Another. —Vote on the North Missouri tailroad, passenger train, yesterday.— soll 58, Douglas 42, Breckinridge 16, aneoln Lo Another. — Vote on the North Missouri Roulroad, passenger train, yesterday, ta- | | | ken near Montgomery city, Bell 106, )) is 57, Breckinridge 23, Lincoln 4, Histon 1 Cen Lamoncere went on the L5th of \itwest tre famous chapel of Our Lady of Loretto, and, having like other pil- yriima offered lis devotions at the shrine, solemnly covazed to present there ex vo to the sword which he is now wielding on the Pope's behalf as soon as he shall have delivered the Pontificial throne from all its evemics ing that this opens wider the gulf of separation > between the o sections of the nation, and Running nags are usually kept covered creates the occasion, nay the necessity, for a hos with blankets. The blanket lately thrown tile oryanization at the South. Will shat follow! by the people over their Disunion nag J. If Linooln is successful in the electoral collage—C. 13. was a wet one.— Louisville Journal, { @ - ww aaa ae 2° e ———_ 2 Protection and Extension of Slavery. BELL vs. BRECKINRIDGE That the voters of the South may un derstand fully the differences of opinion between Rell and Breckinridge, on two ~ < A-BCURVY TRICK. it seems thap the amphilet issued by th: Drockinridge Géptral Committee, entitled » Thc Record oat ok History of Johu Be!) and bd ward Everett”. hag ap ulterior purpose of far luore signifieange thag would appear from its ti Ue, to wit; to kill offscertain prominent Demo crats over Bell and Beerctt’s shoulders. [tis krom the Bayetteville Observer GOV. GRAHAM AT SALISBULY. The Charlotte Whig gives a brief sketch of Gov. Graham’s great speceh at Salis bary. We hope the speech will be pub Tished in fall, for, from all we Jearn of it, a gE gee samen Progress of Disunion. {t will be scen trom the following par avraphs that the enemies of the Union are becoming bolder as the election draws nigh. The friends of nationfl peace, jour present form of Govcioment and the ov all hands that he made the most respectable PEMOCKAHC SVEAKING, Tht Cuaxporre Usion Mecring.— c | democratic meeting in this place, lastdri learn from delegutes who were at the | the ‘sDectal) n { : ! . 1 1 dlay night, was the inmost respectable in uunibes Bell and Everett Meeting in Charlotte, and in the persoued of the audionee yet held last friday evening, that it was a grand It was called to hear a speech trom Ex turn ont. ‘Tle procession wae nearly half Governor Bragg; and we think itis adimtted a imile in length. Speeches were med ae le by Gen. Young, Victor Barringer, F. &, great questions that intimately concern dane iu this way Mp. Bell is charged with vo 7? greater hae been delivered during this Union, should seo in these things addi- h of 1 t who | ae \ a ri . ani . Y S : Fp oe . , } : S veoh of any democrat who has addresset our oy vpont NI. eee Bat . their rights —the profection and « ge wscon tiie along with “Adsims, Slade & Conon acer exciting campaig We copy the Ww tional reasons for doing all in their pow let mie, ANT ea aT ' Shober and Mr. Gillespie. The display — ty : Vel ec : 2 rae : : : . a yeople in this canvass. id yet the dex Gro : of slavery —we annex in parallel! columns, tain occasion on Aquestion of receiving «! us ing paragraph from tho Whig’s shetel : ~ . nee ETO Chea UetliGeawiclece als is of bed Peo} ) of transparencies, torches, &e., were eur- the declarations of both in reference there pet teus Avd thie Breckinridge « j sy ae | . | | . . : . ESE TUES EUS SSO WEG IL SELLS Cia Nasrets IST SS0 rly fine. There was a very | ‘i : “Dn the eat ~ u Vil : ole no 2 Ast v6 § very to. Let the reader con ey oand tien #tues that po tan giving such av au Teeny is a . ( At 0 ma dd a COMAN. ven, Wail they not doit 1 Everett men, designatiig thei with d f had Lot! ery large : - United Siate Nes bofiadios g : a0 say which of the two is ¢t an conpany, is ne Presi: meta uit oa wl - jl 0 ReeN enor ac erties ee NT nT reenact eee merit c a j cr 8pectators who Soath : South, Welly on tou iden So ; ane nel Lincoln bas already recon daub unaibet fe ey 4 i Sent WORT Y t : , : 1 : ; : tye ary \ un men here—nune down South, , . aong the inodera Breei Dornevrat ess i “uean es ae RIV Isi ei ey. ut appheations for otlic s \ re eae . ' ‘ Tie fire works und balloon cid not po NRIDG 1 , ‘ al \ . ‘ ny ve Breekin Noer goum< BRECKINR! ke Mr. Dill, votad eit \ \ y that » oli aes mee hear eee emer ut mar ti innen ur off tiret ra ‘the ball . Bi _ ie ‘I happened ee aoe aK <c vere the follow i: ting ot ie Mm VGN on BEL \ sident [ont us | \e t s ittea w us OUT TAS Sa lee Glerlstl ) : mom Tee mageati ~ ongress when the Ne- pr ! i , . cnunare ota A LSDAY EVENING OCTOBER Su au wtus have the : a Deron vel ; : i keke Bill passed, ert Wien, pretee ts tec es Lanes TL Hammond, of South (4 : \. nd oa thouts. =. berundraa (Vic) Ore believe is tm the main tr Nor © Ny toa yreat height, but took fire In i ee te bien AG Penene : Nie ver depended, and shall always rely i ; sym reathine te Were lon: . | fale whlbbear at tyne in a wove in é ! ea vad ; : nry A. SN vce ib oni Pe eee boleh bol NV eC TCAT WU lciemmen lenin oftli vinpothisers with the black republi . air, and fell on a building up town, FO! ; vatit right yep lever t 7th a i math ea ' ‘ t 1 0 Tee ]rpest t Cee EN a St . an aus it did what it righ: r you un. In fagt, » or Souther leider nee | 1 reat evince eiaveatie aiden aaa redid he think they wouhd accepts and alarmed a few persons, though did, viz: It acknowledged deseripuon, coco ted Me Vell'end tie Abotiw vation ath perpetu of our glorous Union HON. J aot | . as gh no the right of the people of such in any of ( . , ; ent’ : wh rau ent finns Preleuatne ‘ » OKO, IBM, the hands gf Lineoln, and that gentioncai sands of Lincoln at tie should b damage was done. the Territory to settle the un Mery su venty-two of the pints five who vo nen Nain neko leet OF TEX\VE Tine nian Miele at fort State at Er a woul ed question for themselves, Territory o/ allirmiative came fram the North PSE ecumd Wenthely Peed ENNVESSEL . ra . i i” tyke ro (fe awe: rw ee Sey a swionds Nor Mr. Bell is oan ' : \ ae eR hat i t FOR VICE PRESIDENT (ilhes Oral Teepubsitionn calles ; ve would uot sav their oddees, the Bell AL Poy -We learn from Mr. BE. —what >not now be- ral doctrine he se a vole om gAolLer Cceusiot ‘ LOY SUL UD ERED Les Las Neh ULOUY ec “ eS oe Maat . he would not yo it- But they would Fraley, the cens ¢ > fieve—that itlegislates wla point, Lthink. conned well) yy abolition petitigm, Vid this is anothey Vit dul Virginia de abouta vearago,duing TION, EDWARD EVEREPT, ”% n os et ey won ‘ 1 s taker in the Southern very into the Territory. be questione, bape iat one naga Iiiown foray 2 She stood tim and tra, tl —— ; : ' PES ES SS EO US eng static tonnd 40) pers Ast The Democratic party ts proved: and.) (he ques i — Re a" oe if aa very embodiment Justice, a ret tou OF MASSACHUSETTS Wee PGU claiions ae the Bell mens it was not often Site nons over the age of TO and Vvaryi ‘ " 2d slavery party.” ton related to territery Darnwell Rhett, dames Aired Pearce, | t ! oot Justice, and repelled the ’ ae oer ; lie age of TO: ogitrem ee arn aan ivan das Oreg : w iH M.‘l. Hunter and Heniy A. Wis . uvielers from fer soil Shortly afterwards : nak @ ee : cous fromthe National Preasury o¢fict up to 00. One negro man es ted “ “Sig, T care nothing when the United States lodwed nosceeding delegates were sent to tell ber, PLATFORM for the reas: that bene ‘ Tints them weather what fills trom 4! ae neve crlaentan tt Hy rr ial al 4th about refined distinctious, came into possession ot Venn « : | : wos the tune to ccede, she diel not an the . , co. es lente acl taviie labia tal wattle i mf ie See TEGO TNC” VCUr, Was Ag eC 5th or subtleties, or verbal criti: property in stares woule “ ‘ jaing S ws , I te ther proposition 5 but Of the Constitutional Union Party. ; Aol ' ‘ ee ut Ca ieee Tal: One new ‘onan was found aged 6th civm. I repeat the broad be entitled tu ihe protect * : ae 2 ee Sree ete naennte , , i . 2 Lek? or ah oiltee ROMEO Mitte UOT elt would tot | | woh . < and plain proposiuon that of the laws aud Consri Bel upfir to be trust Weil » we SGT Teel , Gor ete Lowill hiawe pe owitely ail WO years She has a good memory—re- ‘ith if Congress may interrene tin of the L ESTES wr . fe eye ais wae Wa gl (i re | i ans the -secussionists ne following ix the E yi adopted by the Cor > members tans of the men and seen f a on this subject, it may in- _ eerie Vinge AIL nt earner ac ae mace iho ther plationm if tiey sttutioual Caen Barty, a Nabenal Convent het require the ender ntot the | poght hen and exanine thee sen : csi = oie on any other jane “+ Asty the pnnciple ivy He the @tel aud dist ot we Nee blo u Baltunore Teo sntes Senet Tt t [iealemocnitnts Chettaritorscate tot wt Vou Conary Cites, elie is cheerful, avin thus surren ad * tt Bove 1 I> } » . bhi § I t ! wy , 1. he praciple and broken sik fran . Hutter was tected" by a ee Dy the-wa. the Salicbury Banner, in ? Where ox, Experience jis dbanonstrited that 1 tan be perfected lees Wy t oimeti, Put thes w font NS ey ive and strony. The q 2 . \ ‘ ) : : corms adopted by the po otisat uveution . . SRLS) Lal ‘ . swrey/ (roeas oe coe a a es gtd ite tii disgracetal account of the specelt couutry have Wad the aller terunislead sat a yawe Ween aitlve wteevcuuins (ieee Ave (heuer copes toher found her drying fruit, She ; tiona! limitations, you are Gen. ‘Taster a beng e who elecn wi , a a a tinted i Us a I Tenet eCity Kurnhard i Pr driven iuto the very lap of oruble a ‘ fies 4 oa Salieoury, says: is bavi asi Me anit tani Don that OO out of a hutelred ave trots nen Now tsi 2 feo Barnhart, She the ariicary wemet (By thie Seeator Hiei a / Conde! oo We have no hesitation in declaring that bets earouragement ot ¢ a Sy Heller cee Tere elven wth PORE Cr) ae EULER ACUCSUTCULAT Y A ALLICUATLY, : joctrine you may erect a (Gen. Cus- ‘ vielslaekale feat Cecile ethoniees : as revards lone passed events a despotism under the Ame- tnetly brow is ue Madets ot the ‘ - 4 th alaneioartie yee lke hte - is ena r \ il mit | i CA ‘ t , yen wi ~ re jrisscd events. Remem- dod rican system. The whole an issue bet t 1 hulos vit by Linc than we heard prevched ieee ieninenientainnt ented tas F ) | [ee tibet | Heo SHMSIEG ial Washington, and the Bri- tlse theory is a libel on our in- of Tennesse: thet ere Guriuy and bridas The 1" wen Tae en ae a a ust ‘ ia nm ™ = a ne oe Tee (alee! S) . Con stitutions. It carries us * da that eon. \ " ‘ tone ob ii was that of un Tart . San : petikirs « party uel Tike “ polis ae a Tea ATURE COTTE Ke GT I back Pa ae ee Part test. in common with ty ; Ne jaded, anus leentinsston to ilack lee oer Umer aT ee 1 we a Patt ee en tisly Sup rated oo the subject of religion, She ae b Ny enerally. the \ ’ ts tlre ave 4 . ; ne Lavws ver topped, \ : t ciples of ritish colonial South y era rey if nitter Uthe a pubicnn ru tnd that, as rapresentativers: of the ¢ : ‘ ! est mt fete Poe tolre\ Tanto c Shel putbonty pesinet which people of Teac ssey rej us 1 ntations it Mr USriveny aire tienen tea enn i ti is wWron \ Sontiie ae oe yas we made the issue of in- diated tie idea tha | : ‘ ; een , Deeg eation claire ealanch cerned citaed eeenit 6) : fe ue ; ’ Wore f 1 toto provent the beet a eluarge to the family for on dependence. Jhare never hand{nl.or any number of ( | ue ‘ wel Te aoe eles Me ety alee ute i! vender a wt . , ny ) acquicsced sn this odious inhabitants. in a Teriit Ase! CETL wiser, tut us copy alew sentences trom RULER Se Las eic ny AS i ' Mody \ Weow Ji ven clasm, and will not believe of tne Lied St Dover thie ¢ pia md ( , He : oe Ds eA itu u : \ et \\ ere ; u ' \ , \ : 1 of (ro sproeell eanies, athome and abroac } ey / Pe , wit that it can abide the tes: ! wri N hears ey eae / ' ‘ ‘ aT) ( oT jb Mia G ySor Lincoln. of public scratiny "— | , Meo ) a al ane 1 I var Speech of Mr. Breckin- ; sa na ' De ms | lenis vitae cinocrmt a lanisy ile : Ss M Flohe, domestir i he roa a eetabisl 1 fh ' \ rot ae oo Globe, as t ae | ! , ‘ ; } ' , ony m m4 pr dourtal eet Indiana Standard, all state ' J 7 herr ) ee v wee tis i ‘ ; > P OO — to the citi uel ay (Gh ‘ . te eu i ve me | \ tol SN. Sunator right of i “Tam conne@ed with von ot tie | x | i ) . | * el a “ ‘ > 7 ‘ A > On ho party that + for its er te er i tnd , ' : ‘ vw le The publican has object the extension of pr a ah Gs [eee mI u ’ \\ ! t tection Gravernor and por alavery; nor with any to wi 7 at ‘ eS ¥ ; (helen ss . I example was followed Se: PREVENT THE PEOPLE OF A Verse a i \ Ms o \ ' e Sta i. AITORY FROM DECIDING \inus tablish \ . ! | ni reckinndyve men in frie the question of its exie d ' \y a , (Seen Golags ER ce Gea \N OTN | ay Bing s said to have done poy with them for themselves.” to that tine soos ae a ut ; ‘ re than any ofver man except Yancey the E ’ \ ! if ' Rites Fi i « . \ | J preenre pondtation of Breckin- city ‘ ' i iy J ona ‘ 11 “ent rn . soles i ( can . tna 1 \ 1 \ TEAL : 1 woe Sta ‘ i : ‘ it Cn V nt The people ret st terse I | ; , 5 hank Vienne ( Verte etme eam mineetGra: nee he | etal j \ ‘ bv i \ oe vos hoeteetion of Premdent. Tn nn . \ y : BOWEN Cras Veer A Lyeit respect ol forming a Union last 1 . as ’ wey u Sy , dase tee ‘ CGT OS) REA ; h ' | being proposed age ‘ Dbeaneagrtt, \ “| UTE \ eT < ‘ t 1 < ith , ne é \ J : hd NEN SO Neo Si A ) fo \labania, ® proposition pro = Neri reenter 2 \ 7 -Dreckinridve at pyre ‘ = " 1 " hebontadarce meeting in Selma, frou ; ' ‘ | 1 W847 > ust > MW t Wits re Dreck tes, in conseq nence Alt benon . w ; ‘ eal - t | | 1 \ ERO RE Ce a i s ' ~ i aes af the de. ' ; : . Bi ie . . ae ‘ . wrt vat .! 4 ; . can ‘ a \ { q ‘ t \ ] Presidential Ticikc ts. : ® Wit on sie il ty ell and Ev aod { t \ i eat ; a aie . ' { ( m ‘ “ . \ tes, 1 tothe Atlanta Ameni- the iy ms A . , . Sel your orders Ibi } m j vith 9 Gros san les S bow sure to yo fur the ole 1 hid x \ | ' ] ier he sor wt ce that has ever breve Ticks rice, 20a \ ‘ \ 2 .. , | Ret, De and Byerett, dre be misunderstood : rea ‘ 1 berthvist 7 ' ! ; | .. Pit : ped Dh pawulmtt ', to Gus Black Tena <P tate if required ‘ t By wi Ae ube ws | . ane wee tt ee } t ‘ let ‘ t ] Mittiviy Cosvirrion appointed <a i on Yan sop . ! 1 . he Broo tie teats iol 1 the ntiments which this iu BE ve ee Ne tad ‘ wy, meets the T4th tlhe YEW YoRK DEL! (NED Ver PGi ae a a m ae are ‘ V ~ “ ave no doubt fie a ‘ ongress, | O d ' ! i pe re atel Members of our two a Ore! lied asic said be “desired bY ype atity If ers 9 The tone of the New York paper . crac QU ; nosy pad | id ind nee “tte . : a Ww ho ail in their eis like anything else than a stron c ! t, 1 ney rt ret ‘ 3 podate the members, and eu lors to Black Republicauisia. Pueva : ya tek Le ” i eral will ing : eee eee ‘ial : v my i : their ability to save t! want : | 1 \ Bie ty The Day of E!ection. ' r avin that atten | 5 ' rho ( es try ft 1 ‘i 1 © ‘ sectional triump! y and their ‘ | the | I ' rth \ Convention, ie jon to do it. The Express : “ PORSIAN CRd ‘ ‘ ; ; yee , 1 vide, cheerfully frat etters from nearly al. par! i te 4 ' \ \ ' 1 t in which eay that our tri > ; NEE Heth it teat / 1 | . cou: d by tl area , ae rent . WY at lores | he Flite lings lne two Titchings, no ia. th a fa t that t - pete : “3 He f¢ arr it tnd son, arrested in Sonth Caroli- Nor e act that u a " “ os ‘ ’ i Stn depends the issue, st::nn! them Heyuomratt : vie ts ' Cray Tiasit be . at ‘ \ ‘ Hie susp cron of furnishing arms, der doubled exertions. ' vin as) : . " ee oat aiemeaecn tite , uN ; : vdtition We ote tle necroes, of whom and The Albany Argus (Dem «1. Mr. | | a ul winer's Cat ae ea a sete Crieccnnalinie bye Nig ean that “intelligence from ail jars \ br io . Were ; ae ‘ ‘ \ / . I Preiivave leet Lis i > 5 Sev 1 / \ \ ‘ Goro, te State tends to one end—that Now ) y ten , is i oss ‘ ; ' : ' Aver en ean and will be redeerned, and t t j we CUA pnw othe Banners stake Ney uw Cal capel see att erty hey were was its vote Lincoln wil! be defeated! i ive 1 s tements use. ler iate es tatareneret N Curelins ated turned loose. ete affection and defeat in other State. u 5 Sn pypos ua reonflret with the MCs ee Pee . i ; - ae be | stead of discouraying the |) au ‘\ Wy ne ‘ pee CG haa | ‘ : x \ Li i » Phere yentlemen ua . ¢ g ‘ . i I 13 ea one i) i . OU bas served to arouse and invigera u Ip rl \ ‘ rhe wn _ , i “ Tes at Hee an feet t debaceco, at Mocks tum In every county beard from tha . t | foastery at ‘ ot ‘ if . ‘ a ‘ rid Y / , . ; : . Byereer | vod the Messrs Mero- met genee is that the Democrat 1 a pen ato W ‘ Porelik mall sp \ 1 ( a . > 4 ive ine. y ' to be increased or the It ' ' hn : ‘ fn ats wie ou | ‘ ' ' megiven os a sample tat ity diminished. Mr. I inl ’ ea t \ ! ved, which bas been sho . o . , ‘ - \ , of the popularity of Fremont ff . : } sbury who . w cone potent judyes to be of candidate, with all his apparen \chans, S ees : i ( h weed will tind tf was still io a large minority i , tire! ‘ oy, | lar vote in the State.” k \ 4 1 tie . Noi ne hy ' . Is ivory t cn \ dis The De nocratic Journa \ I: ; lec el . emrcrnvendox (rile exbibit yreat confi] f oy . | viento , ‘ ‘ : ‘ ( ‘ ' ee \ q i as t / result. vin re. 1) \ el . ; ‘ thet thre sto vote for ! tspouniel Cer ‘ \ : ) eda From all parts ot the state, , an , pee as , ‘ eae Crna is oone of the News, we hear a good report i Sie ‘ on “ ! ' 1 seg ro (eccrine counties in the and determination exist in ove , , pels ; ae \ Ree fai bs tl Indp aething Mav ; ny ‘ and the.combinations which jase i Micha i ‘ de ‘ / , ‘ i , N made ainong the leaders have toon rm his, 1 a : VIN Wostern Nerta Ca ‘ . rhein both j oe / ; ded to b 1@ people with a patriate ss Pete i ro |} ! i ‘ : | } pos t by the I ! | fserved Tron) w cine pi ‘ ee : : | . ‘ iD | | ind Everett (lib. of be ardor and au nnsestish harmony which . await \ \" \ \ Y \ ‘ al can hema ae bei | yy, ftowan, Ca \ \ ; hye etbatitts with wnallayed pleasure the of spire the brigntest hop. Ae a ( car ity fa Cena netic Utter [ ' pie toatl ral Pel) presented to the Club: ane “ f 4 oO rid x uty ay i ' rs | | i ‘ at e vd \ ; Raf v the [ades at salisbury, No €:, and wehereby Me ; c > EIN n of tlie 0 ae f We : 1 y . ' ' , ) i Must Go Down.—Tie Rockineias : pofthe Gowen Circe, w : Banner Tle dia | } S ey ‘ oa \ \ terder them the assurance of our high apprecia- | i Register (Doulas) very cand) cy adit- ‘ wee : Lal the @Nistenee of star | Ne z ‘ on " yal ft whrere ton ot this token of the fe to i tent ors it will be seen, that the old fine party [0 tern Was /| vested so fargedy in at. ia ~ pane erases \ an dN 1s hem voted fapp case oe ie aia anc mee shi } t y Bonen | ae ae ON life anda uw fue da ‘ , 1 1 TY tiioielit itemise Matis ten | ecntuet MSL CEN bi ts | W temembrance on the mcs ip must go down under the y 3 BES ‘ right tol 1 t rh da iN nber west 2 ¢ vf , ’ ‘ ( s have ! of at as ” ‘ wo 2 It cnve t arc wnt aw would pay ( Cred anto 1 ‘ niet tl ( y ‘ | 1 vet 1 ers Dieonionism. It say ; - pay I as it ; i . | ves Dae rien ere arrctlien , LS GINGTIAM, President. wh: ; ~t tame bie AYA! ‘ 4 Wwe, I ( ed thie rer ‘ MVCN “We are altogether unused te dof HOE BAY { i “ tl es tn : in i ATSLETEUS IEEE en us : ndg } ec } t - er ‘ ‘ n t ) nt | see . and we can scarcely bear the len Pre Test detachment of I i nea , ‘ y ! ' ! EGU NAAM) ag ing the glorious old weather ' i (ONG tifat arrived Seat / , awe inber of 4s ro imen Ceti } that an f othe oly Cty always took thoeortiden Tine Ustex Deaoxereation IN NEw now go down in the midst of t rrowuras tie* tw an 7 ; trate metal: cant they t] STEN os SaAMay nes a la RAEN tele lie New York papers speak in but the politicians and leader 1 . !, t 1 | Slat a s ves felt i elector h ha 1h ‘ CSE la! eres scat avant terms of the great ed it, in their purpose 1 = Ne | rn \ ‘ ; 4 i a H \ i ae OMS Toon demonstration, on Tuesday even- ; ‘ } ' y iat etl ‘ ! 7 lee perce ie ral 1 and we shal] have to sulin \ tyres cone a Sg A » : i ine t The procession was seven mniles them df one thing, howey: . Hale expe ; orn r kt \. ' oy aie mn wth, and exceeds anything of the down, if go down we must, e Rene ! j a ' vor tlt VERSE T | ed, the : { ne oj frame | cn cores lola witnessed in that city. ANC A mH CK } i ‘ oN 1 A i nh , Vs thon ly to the end, the flag of oni end \ a 1 men dow now as the Pave at , wie On herkleas, Westy there never was such a de ly. try and oar National party MI Tilda : : Tene \ i ' A hall dewn about one Mionstration of a politieal character, for, par nig ne , eM \ POS e i - , 1. ell i : y A ery man | BY iby evar dev | by W inosuelran athiir, excellence in New York . Ball Anoshier Acverssron ve : W ire that ak . \ sawie 6) ig ; , s excellence im the world. The New ape : { | : from the Alexandria (Lai) Co ‘ yo vonti fad : 1 1 ee en ome : ass York Zines adinits that there were twen- vu di tquarling © roeshrink | : ditt that the Central Organ, jrulis ‘ ul ate a ' 1 wrang it Yotrk Itis conceded by all pare tyefive: thonsar do and the //era/d claims > Pelias 9 \y . > : . 5 —t{ Parish of Avoyelies, ani « iI rr A e! / von: daha = ; ne ' Va we beheve, that the result of the pre. that there was upwards of thirty thousand Democrat, has raider the |) ‘ v, tot ‘ ; Nouth Carolinian. me flag and corne out f ™ \ : free pos Iu | 4 rok Dor tee wPou the N. Y. H Writes nt contest for President, now depends bee ou or thie 4 a Tinos and the Conet.tut a \y : : ‘ * bravg } -speect hore last Friday it jourt Jer date g st, an f this State We see it is claimed as . . a hae et . ‘ {rt ; el al a ul , ' : ne, nied TAS \ letter poblished in the a regan is the lamend: 1 tr Carson \ ( ~ ai F nt it ving in a centra: part ‘ t tor the fasion treket, by a mayor : 7 ce Fouiies ee ant A . 4 ‘ . : 1 @ ry ” ener | i s Wilmington Tleraid from a house in New ; Y ating be ‘ I bverett i r a . eon ACK ‘ er Mon ‘ t . } irs Der TL Sut) i . J ow Thos barn the patriotic | ' into dothe same, or pay t ‘ ‘ fw rate 7 Nareertrecny t ceneiaieniiie: Ur rcrnmarlnet — York toate correspondent mn W ilmington, i pore fuel laeviemer ti ‘ Pree LUM amet cts rors etsen em , 1; n ie ok eet ; ten il +, , : sepals TERE after giving oa opeful account of the , ett oe was enabler fort r Pe A ° i Mi | ~ . a ' 1] hae a ike , we ’ }ow 5 . ‘ ° a) y . no Wont r Ve as . hy ay (etna: Ven prospects for the 6th of November, closes E | oe / , ° j f , correct opinion in regard to what vote ; ho letont r . \ | 4 l Tet ' sor IONUM ni Ne \ ‘ \ 4 f (inne or thre ite } Vs b at “Mase, EATHED 1 thov wea rafter Mr. DD ermmecrna cl get in Noethaat 7 re | ver t! \ C515 t how erst, Mass., are manufacturing 4 t . , . I ’ ‘ / ! } as Roa) wad Gb woall nob excoal Cae Li j ' rns ' ato diana, ma speeches in favor of Lu The Republicans are in cestacies, but ho fie fifteen hundred pounds of \atver : / yew } : ; ; ie hr eam Me ‘ barely will come out of them on the 4th of from scrape of leatl ) ; ; r nd that) Dreeking ge Wetiid geet Wik wt ‘ ee Me ’ Wosee that it has been denounced J | k th of office ! He : of leather and Trerces ° Re ‘i [r i , Fe ren Wah takes lis o@ | ove } opr nt ‘ Aa Jung \foa recer Jets ehaw close he will eome : TEM NOL SSN We a lareiacod talachoml. Mr, 1. iad Maret whe ' has no gral rope. t has not been intro duced oat « ' a / eer t Paget f Va Maen 1A ee, are Breck > men, but as he has y } ahaa ein , 7 one ; aera salt vet, and sa that 1 ih : Von a New England, yet the den Dis repor 1 of leor ] f t ive k ALCO ro mTiO sce | The ae Aye er ay v ona we! rat of thorough Ti wid Everett man; and Ie chance we take the next best man. wh es ton =A = yreaa 1 ‘ ‘ rt is te i » ’ 1 pe 1 : ‘ ck, oon U co ir , WSK t (ee a . ; oy . . m ed to me greets! than the sop} Vhe having a eri anne lean ; Wai vai vileonnle ail te duilge ia reputed to be a cae ate, Tennessee, will go for the Union There is good senso and Pee in a } lig } bg } a . , ' My » ee of making is similar to that of! wrt Me eee joomamts, d ar | A treble our good judye, predicta t! thee tata [hore will bea Union Mass Mestineeat Groenacticket by a majoriuy of from 15 to 25 thom jthat. Let the North Carolina Breckin a efactaring paper ik tonite ‘ vse rotor | ind Everett by mohovae freee (heen ak Nees }sand ridgars stuly it. -Aiay Observer. Bt = On: t Y » . =~ Wis't ad voe = ‘ Lane eating tt 4 po ythat @ clock 1 { oe of tigl vw did ne ni of Bre en RAS Toal Verve ghting \ Secu wekinrid Ki k auy + ‘ non glad that 3 ANCEVia achercen ge ani PV EKET' 4 of 1 Yane battle: or the LTT. x ee recki ey Wi es—thi pur a re ' ould be intidge 4 as advocati Atel HE \ 20 4 pub very g and ALIN as ; uot os ae (tan. al tire vee Suldxh {ARK at he woul would d a good and ai shury, NV Jey > : uc to dal y, WV a a) Everett d compare patie ES kUloa any Thick a CORRE ~C., Ocetol we ae , Mees compa Ning : tee CTE cloner H I any dl pany ry and 1 Ap se =D rol , ius Y cay with th ! tha 8 plesd RAC WEE + St ho that you pere : the Tk vac eee ried SUE BR SEKLY 0. N FOR PRE ELECT uo a so : ives he vir eae i hii in i Wie THER a : hy W — (EK s irt Beet , 1 at TRS ) tESIDE ‘oO rent y Wis tually ac! 1B ae ad B IN‘ RS at, t pt tos bud acknowl | Butter 20 us [ 7 ; AN Se cana can i. oe | — ak. hon z lel VICE Pld body ki vk it as he a) ES a Cs we ins ran 4 : i 1 | , ae lern HON vite Sra CASEIN good sew Th vinatter alee not ad Ce : - ie : i rE) S : GE rROA NI to hi Was. of ¢ mt ei ed 15 ant uw | \ Pp per- DR. Rk. K i KE. BAL r Lance parenci lave seen t It wor ne that font in oo nal ; ae v ECIAL .K.SPEE When | cs, ythe ld have d vel | J oa du ts _ , A rom RED), ile u chow, | In Hacet tivat awe dor : i 16420 OLS I ; i. Ant. - yun rted ist 1) J peal Ne them suppose, tt mm thes Me eerie Y es! ! INSEE D I istri ) tank, since ey Uh ets ir thalis mnt tht el " net , ese ged 2d aoe tw eee Cliecrsnt os Alera itis y bt | My A taurine 7 | S . C N : Im a i HIN" : oa UGE rel wey ditt vy {hie onl ny en fie " 0 } r po . ged ch « a ra c IN oof I to rights wrydaned a : 4 divid a a Ihe Keine Sess ae AT 5 “Ae | ue eaecribe rtant = « meld -CLAR ase oval ghts ” && Nath Te nn mare en oan 4 ie Rive [ 5a ) 0 ate th-w rha al re- Stes ae DOCKE RK, of ae Pate vided vdke, 4 caleuee! Ht, bee ads : is tsa mel aa ‘ A i a ' - ae yautic pened ving det e! 6 6 a wnY ray Vy are that Vr) 4 : | urp Peet 124 ugar be Q 2 , 4 e VED uctic proeee ermi of Ve . K s ARDS, of Hucl ™ rr. 0) the onl ig ieyasas tl 5” Son tra eens dads i helt \ ER sang 1 ST hg val NESDAY. Plager ae ae Se ful, & . } a TER ae ieee A on heath V lope F a ene vat thev a \ 4 thn An Me oy eatin : : .: e ¢~. 4 Gr Ss’ ys. BLUE , l ( yN | . 5H oe ay pe reroen without isthe ae rofula qT , J of ty j « ; Me , or wha’ cole , yor all ie rosea ani ater NE ue y» aa Rowen Mi \t const 0 Tl . VM AY AW Al of Rand ie nak the | fon oad hate i { ie ae ie ; DENT ve aed vist lta el DY stat rk 18 2 C roy SEK olph ined M ssid Vistuie J PORK G da Wi WW 4 € nit » ONE 45 251 iL brok ‘i ER nM B hich ional ing’s — . ab ARS c of d dye o \ et : ene \ oye af ; a ett ills, | ole this dine SE SI ‘ol. BOS \UM a f Dass paieitee tes at eX neers | \ ‘har ly Wii i 12 SA ( I 1 ENS iE. 30 ead of ke Mt the follow- ng in tee s Evil e 8. GALT een lo a a belgie ak | Leann we ea LIS uil HOR $000 Il ) ee of € ules we ae ia circeithn meee ’ t . ) : 3 N | Aine e w sw done tile 2 di | may bi ireull ne ro SI} ' MH ER ioe ee! ees . nee ya | BU ( ine Br Ant: Ds. Koiis ie ditt orgar SORT Te ee ine TELI wot Bs Ne hou en | ace } Y , v die ENN | M1. Vo. J (ame o Hi ee aot nit pr vated f the “LLIN : coud the we) wiee| vi . Fool [ys aie 1M my: Ore. may erates dis perva , weak blood arly Josept ANG ‘Th ike oe ’ . nels M 154 40 101 ’ Cc s nol ad fatt deh gat whi ea, |l¥ ¢ ee qaeaaal ane dew the and Pree) ph Lane moh NN a To os ness BRE in aON . ; OVE aS ed HH. Lh Cow hich 1s caued + lest roy attack Onany eq poor em vaiden | NeCES: RUT jocer 1 Te] ESN? | R VN SALE ' mi DR | Stock oga: w) 3 jedorunt y me The a nor ie: part of bod . the Cy, fi S1OM Cf 1 > dreek otitis Me | K NONI LL AN | " bx . nes Mi ME ° j the d vealth reurial scrof is ther a N: De + 24 aid cand code in "1 tae \q. ‘DD EROS | DE ANT "W \ \ She ys, S good epre y fox di uldu © ou ° ri- th of M. in bis icdat ts tidy im tt tis | L IR \ 2D } op Mh exe asin; id ane nik foter hei : a ' ef th der “ vos ) ( , e 4 j 4 SALE Ver pER . 1B dd he wk ction ny vic lunpur ©, low int is ich Iti ay lan Nii the v sland oe pews wo ‘ 4 4 ACH ? LER wf Rss P Aine. the ec Ww ema re air, fi liv vario de ur W \ nde it <a . A ( , vt a , hate it fi ‘0 a ei Pea the raule : » the Seon we ‘ oe a ful ao A sing ee eC THING REET ie IN Ih rHER . . ENST che es . nea ver eee mie — i, der. Site iteelf. pus Pi ee of eee ae Sean fi iets NG; ANS rc a RaN Ss We anh [ta be a ear lence aa fe it ee "that ple on he [Ver ‘hay the & alas oes ‘ i rare \ x I . RA or A 10 | ( gona rie heard FaNuel arsine aie he canen s mu peta e tie a ee alto pera ts ne Td hee ee FALE | ry a Nay Curin, METER | ee a pieore ae a eee vn y y” { a the het hie uw ae vandde son, wl von tl toll bh + ie Dox rt. Ne a A : Se & ats | do ‘ Bork ee of ear ecia ee vers UM ways, oo indee »childre shee pear ty hi tres at ot it as nent i Wine i witl ’ : t Off wl . D ( wed T : ubl. eoekay ! Hive: rupt time ses nits ie d, it n ee dk ap Hess te whe the Un We mel ee NEW PRD aie IES’ OdS bo obace ud Mirne a vm nee yee "tw a he ehator Tee) In \ oe a Hon and twerk Re Ch OF PRESI MS Lace DR a9 oes by 9. l r fur COTES mS / _ | me nos ete r we Bite position i: ee \ eee tds ue stil ue Viner ve WAND J ved 8. ESS aS (Ut is 3 es 7 ae thi Inge, ae r, whic rom tt Dine Mn. J Raa Petr t ova bu pe aut ady- } D FAS rane 1 ’ Embroi GO - UNS j xe ior Tools ; reenil dl hie foal ined ae te re rif Me blood ill J. Vout an my 4 Paid te eu Sa foe de ¢ MONA nade ¢c roideri S ' Pod iss | is shackst ; lot uf . aie cae c Hanae oe Les eae longs e iwNSHK reat | was ul tried nly, ae , ’ 1 e \ Ie Leth ye! ni urine ante cn on, Ww oe ; rare w hes } ut min : irene ment h te p jy . | Ss 4 « | BOO, Nester / 77 b rate fies cig rupli e tate ith yours Ip pu “ ule ea. ue mn ae ut tak Dees loth an | Cloths LOTH I ready Pure Ob pS \ ae ly ( Be yu Wess ke nM y ha ly suf : Ue Veeder the ton gard eques ear ‘ ‘ . hissy i wo Pe ena, isl) L£ | Cc - W . | haatl ura is i S pers fother ve nh rom iatwe u the ot to aff: tt ea . sl t : : eh een aS =o V , ‘assi a ‘ 1 | at, Out nd 0 i hobs thn Inn se rot rofulc fra airs ave nn : | ! FUR in vee and R | esti Sim: . ’ 1te L ’ | Wh 8, HL pian / uw tteenr ee omen power ulous © ms can m wha ww the a a Sone ieee ht Bl Mee tiitecan wn | in er 2 e d ; | cut St ai. F TIE eatin ee eat arena al ee Ranke i ‘ ( iN : q ' tals e! : vr : ad: fet re aK re, MW jnent ith al took | VF catere Dye ‘om ee - - NISUT HITS ae a 88, HA Me WENT ad in 0i | Wraidna aw. / ne Hee SEU a a fe wl thoy oN Saleen a tok ewe Ch inners cei ce tees ae SG GOO! i BOO nd CA TS | EASON il, es ub of ieee a fl ee fo num wed h ice a ne tlie we ne wes ‘ : ‘ ae ' i ) oe ay 100) | ITS PS ENN | CHE. my Ho my ee 8 Pare eet family hag e ioe fatal b rofu- ii nas DArOw rrepressttl He elie | tha / ‘ % B i See wear DS j & . & SH PI Ae Sel on ha aud Ie [ow Sie eee uc ta tx He ne a port mwed dl ss ! " Be ' vol bats us ‘ a foal . Cc . I lope 2 aN | eS ere ae au P, arin Sina aun vets dire eh lo ant el own matiet nis \ i \ Sa ve A ese : .» & OE SP a /B\eS ' eee i ure or ers ay mene ee ras eee Arg ne St ect to tt { wnt | ” ‘ TET: I unt si ] Cc kK ‘ ! Ll iS eeeli i I hot , 1 NA | Le 1 or ain, destru mm ate on ih vat t : \ ' Ni " ten f Hy Pe & ur ANSE hae es nth Sha ron ter are and setive coy a" will t watt ral \ HO re ,M rt | oS Cc 9 NE E th Hee ell re hea Re rfiall aggr. hac fie ed ar 1a ; \ ‘ s reir melite ig al ilec . WE SED anol peenteed oad, xte | althi ist nvade our pe avated do kir ndscot TORR cunt ties Tht ast . ' Wine wy als ena t] d pat eniber ENDE Ol atte One, with un N eae Rrer eC onle ai both Vs pow Linco! ol en bel \ Ved and vat hit rons res ZRSON CC vr two nw vh wv i med awe u tained is lurk io Cor ’ to vin are pest Mow : W ie RE VED, kon Mak ree and pectful 10 2B Nw t ° we thes mes Uetot hs ferme rust re by it King infe ofulous ; Miet CAIry eine mor t ep Ty a pe ipo ent! Chica ully Bol NAN He tin Veen Bes id te us si Pdr novet To oun : thei r the Ww ' “ 1Ch ine iat vere pul int bin, Ix "i vey ine 4 Fan uch Wige e the clea and r powe Teast very ! | I ny Roepe als Ww em slie ort For od ne valu wud pl dex! medic: rate ne ble nse 1 the city oT cil ate mn } 1 ni ft ‘ I itlia N rned f' ver ns Hale: cee tanida eka ublo t place y dicine hUbe od by t from in sople y, numt wthe 1 eae a ENN A | a NEW rom ierally y VEPs a ei avant LANDS | wail \ area Fealilr mene the cana yerine a v inet Sy S : . ER rl a a cp the G y WENDE sO vportie and Vous fying sell 2 Ci pply y food rative Hurts St is—sent fr ow ATO0 Mm rue Hout \ | withon ; A N | ) \\ poe’ eet DERSON Wd. A va is AS ceil bong amr Public - pmpound E Ayers and exer In ate. are EAT nent] me { i. { we Agu _ & TES ex] Spring pape wed ieee Be iG acre AG anand required | au at Vilaeh Ue ae I ( I N 1 I | ) e an NISC he Hae Y "The mien DR Ley : oe EN tee eae act of Sa ® nee Cee 80 yet : lie baw ) ao d iL dren He aes Derren: ia elegan sD pe eee dev emedy Sarsa pi al pat ) ‘ « ogi , e F y cood 2 iene ner , t eben pate tila " n ; ae w, OR Fever i poe ad uCer isles, ee) a pa niady ine (0 ae fore parilla, he ny ' Fave t : Vit >: une RN C hee Ht pave c wale era Wort CRE ated zabe als tl isc eve nedic ition prete lon if Arri ee ‘ Hel > N\¢ u lay Sane Ve RES il eee ar vat h Seed ra nilak Px mat Lin r Jean fi ed . S| Enni ) ats ¥ iN be et a f thie f va im ne ill aie feat Len at to pres eer — 1 rival of Mob : 2 a iets | ERS ay red vues ne wil poate pare ame | SS ue ee ai ite been ee from ve prevaling 1» oat wislacure mee yer ser te , TB the Ci WATCH M 1 is) is \ ; . hee : | 7 cue a toes sles a milan alton fee cua ence it mein lardee aay canted te ical ing sence { Hie the will t ble til uv / ity of B é MAKER wu? fits en el RUE: ARRAN nd Fey en tals on \ aus ki ;neouubt tee ey eee b mn tts de i the bk an the me . »rofes rep! ell tas wor elit . alti x si een ' veass \ i ! EE er Pi R : 560. SC. ¢ woo) le i ny” ich as Er ut als be empl struct vod, and x e de t fess tok publ ot at / tite tis ‘ nite Lo oy bi / “D1 ill ELI RAL Wie ni] +P ‘rup Aah ployed vere ad th : no ue : tt ore ‘ Nene : neatot a8 vit 0 , EF 1AM liveries Ls ose othe for t cakase vk rom th wrel CHUN ) AN , ‘ . »» | LA of pul ENT CURE . IN td ‘ stele ose und 8. een hec quen- oy Ns “im tt " ra yp / Ja lE ae YER KE TEN xls | Rhe is, Ish cu hin affecti merase Wie city, 4 late} mt ys : a I - = ” D r i tS0N Mi {at um, ains a orys Dise one ari not mer LBD y and tt Hu ee is ee t j SS) E Faq i Flv ‘ AORN I bar Bin {NUTE hue an : cald ihe nd Boil ipelas, Feel st ise from E cant es ith a he tow ont Ww 7 / mb coc $0 ater 1d NIxs : wh SUN AN Ss. litivy. ‘da Mere eubdn «, Tur iniplel nth thi not ma et hetwal , = “ roi hy al ne Ov 11¢ : N's ite y, and onal ingwor eral s, P O- - and N possibly ae st . ne ; I’ i : wine oide 8508, LA th teal id Ke : ee Liles? lee Im sande rd Disease fet coeds natalie: es cullen wees Bet ~ Ot 2 ; Bi rics, & ES wine rosine ce ene VW iy eh thie ps tod reneet, Oley ation, Salt Naren Wnt rect wees } t “OT Ki s, x ' et a . Santis Senin epee nn . lies : sien od. plain y, Dy aNypt or is to be partot the by ou v1 Sr DEER. SILK | horse Cc., 11N Hi , Oil. ieee ine aa a on fers ’ and eatin of Is Cine ee aes TeV ae ei : nhenl nic a grand Reet \\ ale alan ; , Casal) ties ko RGN fe foe a nee a el ae eos fj erate ne een the ble is ti inher bate! Hae ate : red om - ur Cn 4 oh St vor ) \ Or, ; rt te RU tate ENA \ RY AY iin T county name of ” artiet ae hin vi his Sar ieee th, fe nim hs and nen, ! : ne mn R gee & Ott lke : Iss una yiull pital porsible tal fl sitpe he pa on ne puri- l4th Raat nea mado proees i \ ne via Cu aie ' prs . . \ ' | eet he ESI x MEDI Reticve € Pa tenting aes ste in an ae i “rte aa a Th ry del y clubs leas tt ae pele ‘ cn ty pv ‘ ‘ GO R Ww TANG vezi > 2 reed eee, ; Gaal caiwi parfy purpe ibe ke he clex seal will bet ane : " t ua een on . J ae ; aN () - = ie i Obs : NC VAL rey cle coe ASE . . otra CT araad Ayer's € ed eae an tyne ie two Sno neran ra it ne , ee (1 ent | ! : ‘ ees a as : eng ee ‘ “y all th ath ution aul the st of It un Penney] ODS tel : ’ t \ ‘ ' . tm : r 1 R thm bULM hres ures bite harti bp this het I true iss Republ Wey itis tives es sti ny v . ttt ei. : ‘ \ - Neet hai Midi J Rell cone Brou ne Ww it, Hoar: elit » compe purpos lic Pill - y ena genak an ms nid 1 Li ‘ . “ ts r ‘ i cn ne 1 G Pra ! ry eee ANS chitis, D \PERS ron sale es of Bi s self ‘ on he 1 ' He f ; . : : ‘ 4 Pk s . | | Dimentt ge Penets nee nn . aid Mack lee cee (eee Mel cute : hl N oo eee reich B 5 | ites eae peal eit anes a este wmily Ph will i Bek se ae io State, . ji ue : see ‘ { Now te G a ies tebe tl Pram teve rent ANS | ood, Patt AFERS athing | pene a dor ¢ vin the ra hysic r . mt de t sn r a ; us i . 7 ROL ake . t mIDY ™ inulin ae Ca Ni ‘ ( coe W % ' ihe aranite uy Te RTE Is fo , es pleat Co LMONTC MLAS ane rai ma oe arch ee angel te ’ te ! F RB r u w a ¢ r d n ann ee an oe 7 F eotkedd, | ated | l, ) aia ee ' Me : me Brule S Stn elena elteve as | renite ruses Chest Ss kG ap on he bua Ahern Tees t ‘i en : ‘ ies & 7 \ : . ie " , ne eeu a ‘ yo) rte ' \ Fy o tt whe eee ars “ , r ao ing Cee ~ eres i Loe iho ety iS f ane ane ee Pl Ec Nw ENN l el jee “ aa 4 aie ie Bits 1s ees oe ork 4 oe au : IMD t oN vis eats to at at Sh ee p Gc SN ¢ " ne Kits pas dby a tonishe ed dow © ig its , correct- . r be ca Be! : +s Ee " : Yoig’s ee mh a all whet inet i sl ye S ! ~ ve the ab PULMON roan oe . mete N : ce ito Fine fe Bae onalory . ace bet uvass. hers ~ ‘ ! . | li adi 4 . guetta! yo : _™ Pi Ar BRY aver ton oe ae, nd ‘Toast ry Baas De Cane d his hes Peer perties, t . ings Hamlin ween D3 dere ast | t ae 1 . Ser eS WW s : NX nO Regi aver ( thee CES ea nee ANS nplatuts n ens as any 2 vile Ble . a Bo ceeeu w phy ial ne nt " 1 { r yee / "age rye " ( a ~ 2 tive 2 ey . ir ri pte a it } ‘ ee ne atche Bo Bro (| ‘ =f ! Are ee Le LONE wa Tem se nr rieiaeel ie the vey Mavis restor- oli- that he ene wen . ‘ > Ca ' me aa S, ots, Sho oth: veer, M | Moan iea) ase j tases Rie toe a eae a t any formidable ease IB moe ere 1s a ue Se) . : S i Sut : 3 e ot ' 1 Mace, | A B or Vo PONG ost { Uheire nericar s en and Eemancen 5 srats. Is seer puey ! . ee - ay ake ee S hi re in DRY AN'S calists ARETE iran ene ures t » Alm: din pl ange » hom North w Pher oe cee , ; on tes ) oe ; and Br ay vd a simple fe " eens Publie che. a aaah “Rima cml fea : st Slioare | an iN ‘ ‘ , a View | od - that ro + LN NISS Vot Fee rained ea Aare Renae ee ur- Vig- ; ate-nght Srents ies WI mv i. ‘ ; : A \ aes a Cs: ne Ny Be ‘ only eae AN'S uae lea Ree peakers. Flatule Pan ‘pa sae peenaes Aheix ee bee er their eo ls) sorts ee ee re Ten ~» pe '. . » A ton bat EMONIC mo ieee acy La) and Mo ee Stat Heartbn in ie en and eel as : Th ares : ‘ ; ty . 0 Ave ider $ Ake ! re een sree vaplil CHS inemtatte ee empl eat ae Soma oa ere mien f 1, but wnt . ju x . : car to MONI and rus ising f e.Jau n of th a, « the I . ae vs » | gi ey lastloz 4 of g fron andi 1e Be tle ghti pos ca ly | vt t ; ‘ WH > te ] T LAN A ' HLY i. at ’ he 8. a r man tect Ait \ | . e ; J 1 ae eran ne ty : im EN ae mri 6 AY aed ae rry P of the wast we rel eee Si hoa Soa \ i 1 aN \ mia , - mme oo is yants Lb OBEY ry one ue ra RETIiEER ecto sinen bei nuch st tathed os Hs . 3 . \ WoAR PAC eS nense NUTRAN Pulm WITHOT . iealueie tad arin cu ral ‘ore: atrone Ltha < r fn a RE bE - 1 I> rLER i omic T ; (ernie: TRIE 1enz REO} . veks bine mi Hi : ene = ih ~ rie Last ul Attractio st miewatern ee ee c 1 taf t : mi ba i! 4 ON eee tis : um pean y 7 a a se atie puio sa, G here: trampled but Ae ies taeat aa fue AR anaes j an i ‘ 7 ; Pei LENT JESMOn PHS n . ral surat - os F Maas pa a roup. ny Soutl Ipor low t Aiehive 8 vo We i ( we \ Arras il perean w supe Hae ear tel anced st ne re he inple pm 1 tights H enor ve ‘ te t a A ( , d \ { i ouse ' power ones PLY OF ree ne oe ‘unas stages oe bee uw » and tlh a uN | \ : l ) if : YD ' 3 0 \ JECT ry nbou cures fulness the ue fi en will ee Ix Me ! ‘ ‘ us . e . y a H . ; rne - in west LOTT OSGI n reste ade inp that alm and son ey (he ae thelr erin upon t Powe J | | : ole 4 \\ wh r Yet ' " Mowks ns in eae FOR a sees d perenne publi stiles a state comin won ou Hage ‘ nis La . mM Wet ree AVE ce no by Wh ote Pr . ie ; e rrorily cg ea ely n Ss ind She of atia tine ie ay Gait cto N . \\ . bile nw tr ved 1 \ | “ ; Nope Tease eee ie eae Perret Gveney vith u g te eens of w how Ins: and ny | fe ale ee i oe ‘ iD ' nd Winter ie ee iy « ee! ns Si Hues ae pene tyceca ery hae Whe deme wha man the iiss ! i ‘ sso ; vn selli nter gen idditio at y fi rous af ote to ny the pe obse inedi none tis yu in ) , a 4 1? " R h n 1 ine! attic em} pul rva ein 6 ath us tet n ; i rm r ! ig ead 114 of | - b ide i iploy fi iblie tio e of AIrs just yt hurt fin ‘ Ore On s 4 PAR wreatl y-Me ihom Fall be =< need nt te ns of y for noel n,and its fe k dong ie st ee OOP ae se GAINS! vy reduc Ade Clothin, = Se re ire thrans nar elim the p Rea aera where wd oll wnt ite PY’ ~ Ss ai lothi k = y lin t ta pulr etre he : Nortl om the Ts We tevat eon * ; “ INE RST RIVER ; see ! Bar prices hing ea = = _— Den ; see the ie Nae Lae ater Bea ve Hand wrt " > : : Work LSE SLLL SHIP! alle i G7 1; “i y Kreat a wisn}! = a Ses = t ie “ne a has oman ee oe that ans : ier at 7 \ ' ' cen eG ! cs an om - \ ' 1! me se =a Deas Pei eee 7 1 the leon aie i Ik ue \ , ~ \ , ie i UNDE a . ; ge Gost 1 reel . ine aa, Zs z wu ae ee ae and been os aes ‘ 1 6 ¢ ‘ lee eC Gy visbary ng “ giz xcs! nero ‘ nal rie \ ne ‘ . Ka eS anne rere plot a urs be £ = 23: = mr DRA on er Ney van anseeinget aes : : at : il die ae MS = Ss cece a rsner Meare Enis q o- | ‘ } ‘ M | ¥ L \ a toek , = S 2 oF — . ’ rkable | pis ! , nt neatly en ay \ ' a GRI 0 ch arly! i =5 J ‘ ‘ , Ie i] i : ek nar see ‘i is ay, = f - 4 4 cou rW lid NaN \ Mu. J. 1 TO eS ‘ Se Riva 1 iy rede i ss Eee » Wes \ : A io MA & CO meet , 1 eed aR OM ; ' a! Za aa Mh fe & ee cs ae . ie Ready ied COMPLE we v- Mine ¢ te al ee poco ie ne — Mh ; 18 little > i l . MEE -W OVP Re ‘ ee 1 v ‘ a | A ¢ a ‘ x x lub een Hews fron i) ‘ Ht \ rd Vy ewan Caen <. ade ' LETT , mn Lori = Sez A ' harlot t ereby haces : : ait 1 rq. lemenw | O soul , \C - ye tH q Al o weir of g ptabis partial \ late | yd : ee ( h ~~, hk i. ‘ = \ > ; preci eae eae ue on a EPED a s Bur thine an" yo 2.5 Me Sia yreat grat B you ser AYCnS ot \ ; ! ) A ‘ ~ nish = a n aes — ea ce a wh nivdge nia ean eer i ; i = ri 7 bavats Al ne G nn mat y mae — . Cia on th ce. ee woh 4 i : we rales neta OLEOPR Sy k ‘ " roods ee [as = a => lon, S 18 [once ; nil baviie iin \ Wl yIike i ZOPR conn Gnne\ Trane aie nee t hn le = = ‘ gr Frid " - \ 0 Cul T Oh Te your! - i ‘ us 1 oie Ca — ~ ial ent. \ mor wyowax t] " ! he 1 ! ih STOR OUR a ee om ees a evi fae ' , i; = a 2 , me 0 ! 7 : F eae a ‘ ' . = : peumnreomnel pather it GST tay any we ‘ < ie tk. ie ie eel eth ae \ ‘ ~ he me . ° = would was rte th Pperted \ P Ati " \\ ; fe een URN bef s Hy th weet a ' = fcr postu) ani ! ry iam | \ $ lect roBAR : ' , : _ N wh erely poned len | sey | cn pe ARG 1 ie : New sch waa 4 Sonne aiiate nt 1 i Rn ag e coe un Na ' ' . mae ie J (=. aka ndge eral alien next ihe OW : Ml ‘ en ete | ban of B = n - and ta ved th ik eel ; vt " | Vs \ na lop ue Motte i S ! a at iene o nal atin ete \ io Waser MI ' ; i ; . emi / ils I ~a of Euan al WOENN i B T ven- meena Hee ee ai =) nd WS) (Denar | tek Oe SOR a ow’ mn Nene OTS AS rye vw Lite we 1! (ren 4 A The 1 BN oO t iy 3 |“ { ae: fe S ! mile the a byst f the pital chin Ne Mid Ke r wy Wh ait i EAAY: now | 8 MCAT stand ae es : w Ml : h ae TE ROM A. ) 5 ' ie Vinte en ‘ i 2 ! the hickory facili rerCrianl ” int ws sphit Waa u ci Tent p i io h \ ‘ Sah W IV van Ue ; enare ch oe » he cit y event of t hed) t reba Lae : eur ‘ : an ‘ I i “ Liha Heit : a re ater ee Was er of hear el he seven | Keros “Mu ber i FAI L 60 _ y oe ea wt ae 1 PA ‘ g atte ng be ected Ietion ea) ene : | Al ° Srew = ° N et Desh Peta ED B eeu ae r, for, ae apts to muro ea ree Oil. | eee Amerie: Ne i TOC 620M : q SO " ie : er korton on 1 ei SING ne a y anc r nos rrbilre “ sae rare . t . hs . . ° ‘ i ci ean iQ) Z York oon Alaa it irl er ' ie leteel ; \ , Um i P K of urpli’ ! s Sati Fin een will Ia wl W Po onac , [) ; ER’ N ly rel meanders int ie we, BE rsae | ee RWI . ok 1 . ivit phys G eeu e e Calf or : “ P 2 VG Ss NOW marke: ugl tetit x int urni \ knew e INI SON al . i , Fane ite . mai! re tble Sol WwW ee er th et Ele ( = y | i \ ' T : e I twen party—"* = that w that son SSS ai hae ne Fluid h) HW) ue us ee ' ICS Ae \ | lt ) Stay in imu ate Bald ALSO i warns and TER-PRO wnany TE s Red : AC] - shai - Ee, Chom ns ymeone crooks ‘ ars! a where one \\ al . - ve tI found ding fear i rrante yer OF ue ys pas ll ny slaime The de EO MCnAL TL just hl eee ‘ 0 Sie Nosy us SE ie ee WATCHE ie ee \ | | \ and E Ieee Sr nde Mee a ae ee cine ay ve BOOTS promis to $50, $6 N de | Ret qu y s vl \ : a ‘ ° pal B it ' ison . ueand. speech fi Aa ae a ro) ae ae Cee ae i r : Hats. C aney D es NEE e Upp E CORK-S Hoot ten US Sal 0, $90. a . an iS sh from wore noerat iS > a wlan ( Reena ' { aaNet . ry Gna S eran -SO : mil eR” -and . ite r Ge e@ tell un alish (ane c ' V4 > y aie at OVS ie LE bly att 4 SE $1 = Palas ec OM MEN N()’ Nie ae An D ee RE an Bonne Or} ete ae ae SOO nS Seg pecce AES i Raa M 00. the 1 Lignara low. wl Reread RING i ) I feo . 1 . nr bp BOO’ { EADY wesley ee an, nes vd iron aid ent ui ce i ae ne | age . whic vl oT ' aS 1 eG o ; : S Loaf vive w moti ‘ age n the anee can el ee tho . TART Vaca eed Coron PAKING I( ke a 1 \ lek mS AS } we f MADI Sani ne at ; ss eS nl he very ai ae ow sans Lea eee aud 1 . anc en 1 Bine isisterl ee Mnserane \ ‘ Casal B re ; eee a nls an : | pees ee las restate elo 1 New ee eat ai ea Se haa prrene as NS } Tee yaaa | CLOT eta Pd cd ag error vanety nyt H. o the 6 Rell ; ihhcan Ceay vember for s tee of a Oris \ Iss \ = I . Shei ye ver Bett AtTon of LOAN LEUNG a wand re Av AID TEE - AND ¢ ue ie and ¢ meee M Inthe ontinaed gton, ant aman Tre s Sgt Ss Mew on Ths Pt Tia $s GRA \ nee joes haere ae Rosters nent aa i ' nee icra heant Tel pet ce pvr he yudie ¢ ed ell ‘ \ ' and as tad " Tie Fi op " ay , ' ee the : ff the cey was Sea aah reese raat CTX ar f ne ine reali : . a ren SSWITT P Rh Pere oan ey Pris eho een ee al ! niieeat i ria eveaditlir a = taeee ne never ae Bay a soruid closes loving not a id how that muthort is nie ‘ IX MO un shuttle 7 llize : T, havir x . ~ ‘ (5) vow jt 2 lo sae ‘ ae ete iin io meee sone nek eis amd ce Reena Pe Sas ” mie ‘ court Tent (rv 1 me a aN ee MU pl . th vin . cK eee eae AL ao aaiea te ‘ tehin nt pl I orn had u “um He fon, W : Suen a m date yN | Hl ' evar Kost Ne) retur ‘ R tr 1 : MeCONN — ° on au I Ceo wort ho beau f os le eae a nul us but i) ‘ MI nal said ay ast irned tee al " [0 NEN 1 ea a " lyn RE mcr rn Teerkeal bight was th ate 1 ae LES, is Bei ealw ys SE wean Ul tention , or GHEY at anil & ss the oun eae Ratee Hes ate Meni nine att - ahas ght prog when th oe 1 Tsay Fi ese pu Beate ee % i , eer: s ) i . nol WOR NO ne St | the ae be rma ae te arian reg nas) ngage PaRiC ev lian speech and i e lot val fort ce 5 ‘ int ' Cou ASBU Me number si dicheg manuf very ents ’ office ! They ged in aaa vail any they ; ine O nen 7h ’ re < io di Wh TH RY. VC ie i seers eae ae . iufucturing Sac it in os Ney fa "tat rn Fine Ol] Zep : Wil ees = SLs ert OE ene oe ew pe io n st alled BLOM Oi vont pat oy ery good a | CAG i ’ * and E inger® net be possibl are be ver ee es, i8 He ck, and Pec What ane: THREE LT 1 New coo ALT AM vel Lit iis 1 Retai L ep aaneaks eee ne ered t spok unal EGY eee ce Weoae ’ AT ( { ARC i ISBt e 0 ° ail G ’ Renee tse ede ceneearn am eat amas ile te Tacwoul ‘ KET hI rer 1 n i aa ; AND ir Wie errs aml a. the de din ze ree gh Oe EAN Saree seney ue OTI ‘NN ny nmission Bye eat omens on chia vane the haneean Pree | a anti ar or { Tew A \\ hit sLISh AT LA or / oy Nek i ere : t Sirol B world engl 4 Machine any pe an plead dosper Maa * M ‘ : : i Renn yan iG W by Us \ EY Aone b syne Re hal hrs Boater g ned to 890 RS La person ding atior ared OD u I ‘ . ony ( ’ Pa Pe | ' ; fo nw, 1 % ! : oes ares Oh any , is tod ne d. 8 x I 1 of oO BR | " 1 | ee] 1 KONTN ‘ wl iv 28 r fine dese o a, dem oppos aut th wood ANT) ‘ | 1 ANGI t B I 1 ‘ W/L) SPR . ' fs fan Peal rip- com ocrn ed aid eaner KO ON ' Fi os ms _ \ s A VOT Ne Rit for i reitiae artes rhe dk pany ts be the J that \ ( ( rol , ; Gat ITN ; aor ans Sh On ae We sah eer nee ae s eae sri een sn vray lee cee ATTA Manet alee r BL ( ‘ ENTS ¢ ‘ no “ ae y { Hee pares os me ' : as Mee ee a Tunney Vance anal , Farme a UN’ , LOVE : v1 i hee aa D« i ee er (meer ne fei pane ens every v of nic! rsa S ett eR 7 a ee : : ac eas peck lich ae Adal the ye nd P yar WY A atn S , ! » f elebrat ! \ r rf - 3 St re es give .togeth sama ar IXfI Dan Tana ‘ a | ~ iy ee Os er | © ae Sechata mplete y vane Aas Cnet for sal rs 4/ 2 nD no , Ld ene Faye : Hee nn whine doa ided peal Mae whol mar Seen: \ Wty nee eet We pas Ba aa 1a ih enn 1" ' en mM ' q 1 Chs ( 1 - WV ch , J de® cs uo a r eee : i) 1 y te ni va a AED ‘ tas bn ]\\ ! | titet (ost ee the Is vthe pr ork mere ten tine I ' H eta " 1... A CLAN 7 OM ‘ | | I} I Kinases ever peal fourfold of these ' lie ATS 1 Sia aor Pr Wie anufa LE 200" \ sees ou atc iain alee foul ru cite heoP SS |! ae AN \ oe lial actured t Andus I ~ o iy eign the et atte ‘ ° tb wm ‘ ir ere i, ) s eae ; aici 8 er vt M Rove i CRIVEI D Cc SA v eaves rm, obs rReet iy WILLE HOES va ae us ng bo nen best ered Set aa LIS : nS n INT VI AER : TS eit rae ee ure fi itch " ee ariee Ss SBURY HW rT rOaOLT Rod ie ATI ; i ee re full a | a at Rin YN I Toles ROOT upp! ow . he it | nee nd ‘ ‘ Aol Ges , \ ' N.C \ ES Nei GEN is, G ae wh he eee their " el AAAI rae toa N Nr ered we Tt 7 n ay merie ae ieee eae + Te eae \ ee eck M TS 1 ENS I. " \ ne Fe oracopy : Le '" \ 4 one ae Ea MW. SINGD vue aart beautt- i d ' ' Gor Jeet / , . ' “ i . bs tea it Pei BY iar | ' Mf ae , 0, af he t/ 4 ton ayes " AR as R ENN Nay ny: \ en Mts yA York. ce me NOR rove \ wt ! : ee 1 He " \ LIME — HIERN 19 i San RY 7 Anat OR au Se vvel Ss cn NE ee eee \ ) } + t ‘ \ ! " ' ane! ; ‘ ver oe d) ca YO COMAR " \ ’ er ; ‘ ad t We : pper pris SIMON TE ; Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE, SR ARK DR. BESSENT, “AS REMOVED ro tue DENTAL ROOMS} on the corner formerly upied by Dx Bason, where he is prepared to attend al! operations eonvected with his profession Jan. 1, rou (f32 Woo BARKIEN, DENTIST, NT SEE ASIEN: le Ne Ce Mareh [3, 1560. pdly 33 Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A. CALDWELL, | AVE associated themselves in the next © of Medicine| and offer their Profess who wish it, can have the servives ofboth, in any case, without} extra charge December 14, 13> CW Utice- the same occupied at presentiy Di Wi ai LAW -PARGNRSHIP, A HL. & R.A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one former ceupied by Dr Newbi ou Wate. street, Sls ULC oeNa¢ March 1, 15! rao INESS CA; N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & C0., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sycamore Street PETERSBURG awV Ne N. M. MARTIN, SON & C COMMISSION. MERCHAN I RICHMOND, VA. MM. MARTIN, 9. | RO TANNAHIEL, Roa Murry | Woh MATIN, Now waKin (ye Stret prrssiat aitenuan qaieen ip the wale produc Onders for goods pb ply tilled. f Rerereser DO Davie, COR Bisher Beq Une 14, [sou JAMES HOR AL WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELEP, SALISEULRY One door below R.A AV. 7 REPS sutly yaud a large a aie WATCHES 1 JEWELRY ota ' Clocks, Watene Jewelry ' seri repaired sn \ nud va AS ble terms February 14, 1-50 lyn MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION VERCIAVE, SALISBURY. N.C. prow: PERSON AT ATPEN TION EN t ennlit cal And to all consientients rey > arket shipped to other P. February 14. ben is Coleone PEERS ays Meare. HE an . ' He ae ane Ne Beery vane ae Town, and ih Na ‘ fer pers fetlonstke SOS BEARD April 1), 1-# i Cut gy Ngent : RAW p® e WYATT’S — TONITE CORDIAL. One of the most pleis oticieat Remedica ow tu ! Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, CHOLLI ade BONE CON AN fo PRICE=25 (ENIS Prepared by WOH WYALTTOA wor Nos. Istiand I=>. Mann > t June 5. 1f2 Se ttl YN: S10 RE Ww. ARD. 1 ] ANAWAY from the » valle, or sitturdiay ttre st y the naine in AP WINS bed a wee Ver 1 nh i pound Eon ta \ somewhat sony. black hour rolls uecer att is rather spare made, walke etulters mrowhena ttle exented Tf i “ he left a blark frock linsey coat. w " brass edges. with some rentsin the mht shirt also carned off with bine a Silver Worth woth a ster chain, he also had a heavy at galyariz fob ehan with bead keva at the end Saul bos w hase for Coach Part All pe wt ’ harbor, feed 1 sis wave wha under the pena ty ot the caw. ch Nie baw positively be eaforend ait all such porous The abovs vill be 1 " who will rr of the same el We tesy Wh NEW MANUFACTORY | GAlebaae, N. C. HAVE now consjplet Machinery. by mia that Pean supply all ot and Good Cottage and ua r ect ids, whieh Dean wif an Cheapif not Cheaper thin (ey enn be ee New York or any wl “ Gas will give satmfaeton ON in preferen a7 Factory, a tew doce below TOE Brown's I ery Stable OFT Office, Furniture Reoonik oppose Row Murphy's Store SOR NICS ON May &, (26) plbindt LAND FOR SALE. NEE valuable PLANE ATION fori! Samuel Barr a t A et , 15 milea W Poa ‘ wt road, contamng PN ACRES, at \ of good two good Meadow Re Rowan county; th tid ew aalanist growth of Pobacr Phe divi ; Persons wishing to po if I P. Houston who read TeRVATlivint ail take great pl: lneaing agent inns A HYVER July 24, 1 ' DRAYING HE undersigned gives k TEAM AND WAGONS ' Draying. and will ser af erie laint ealle in thie line on ace GEORGE MOWERY Mareh 20th, 1x60 4 ~ FOUN KENDAL and hove in operation th Carohos with Ne Apple Brandy. (ED: fot Preserring Frite for wate | WW AT ind PRR Main «t saliebury, N Juby 24, 1260 179 ree HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak wore powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount cou'd never have been sold but for the rare medicina: »roperties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efhcacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom This {s nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Ho-retter’s Btomach Bitters have proved @ Godsend to regions where tever and ngue and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds To be able to state confidently that the ‘Bitters’ are a certain cure for .he Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a suurce of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, Giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, tuildly but powerfully, and soon restures them to acondition essential to the heulthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will tind in it a stimulant pec uliarly adapted to comfort decli. ing years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as u tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while sudering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Inerits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cures ure so harassing that many of them sink under the trial, The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the p od of matermity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mindis generally aggravated. Here, then, 4a neces-ity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energi r of the system, and enable the uuder her exhausting (aals and respoustilnes. Nursing mothers gene Ditters to all other unvigora vive the endorsement of physi 1 is agreeable tv the taste as give @ permanent increase is, to Whom we have particu eloabove, to wits sufferers: trom da fe Layne. caused hy malaria, diarrhaea, dy y restion of appetire. apd nll disease jerangements of the ston vol invalid. persons of seden ind nurs mothers, will consult e by giving to Hos fetter s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION We caution the public against ing anyoof the many imitations or counter fers, <kotor Hostetter Cerepratep St nt res and see that each bottle has the words Dr J) Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the sde of the bottle, and stamped no the oi cap covering the cork, and ryethat our autugraph signature is on the £q@ Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, «wh, Pa, and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generaily througho ine United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. NaI mcsomey le peel) Ee WOLIEEN CEE NGVON ES Nat Co) oe lee) T then x | eu Wo : taal n ie a ve ( ster we TTTITON "BOOT AND SHOE WANUEACTORY ! SMITH & , Mi LLER, ot Gentlemen" +8 sot Sines one (ailers, PAL ENS RriK t aS one li oe oe eetigairy -M ' te ate prover eis ' a ped WS on WHOLE ILE IND RETAE, nel Hass | ( Opealtaa ‘ ud eU ( ' mf tent Oxford F brevet ( I 1 SS ‘ ted , sup rw 1 i: it ne B it ( ' db BMITILAw MILLE, PEI MENS VE les July 24, treo uu ANSTOUE MDING INTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Watts Remedy ! ~ An Enfailing Specific For the Unfortunate ! CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CSG eT NEE LIC Ns CES NEN TTONS. IN A FEW DAYS Yate aety # notoonterfere with ! the | (irene atid eal ON ian eerie RELL & GRADY, snd Wholesale Deaders in HARES, CAPS, Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbogs. &e., No. 18 Conrtlandt Street, ) til Alb ‘ N.C ee ¢ \ J Veor York toon de BLUE STONE! Oy Phe JRE IRIR NUKE 2 For «ale low by WH WYATT. Driggiet and | Apotheenry Noe IN6 and JX Main at, Salabury, | Ww. Sept llth, 1860 tri? ~ ti ee SPECIAL NOTICE | (AVE SUBSCRIBE RETURNED from marke atl iy now receng Hing a complete and fall } surtment of GROCERIES, at Sugar, Mola ow Syruy be wi y fC oartile usu < Pash ty gat it ae Ihe hoof Diy GODS v have favored him with their ATS AMD CAPS and BOOTS X SHOES tte equate! eit style ot future, haviig had Mf ther mad order, Phe stock uf SOLE LEATHER SA tes cob complete and will be sold, at unusually low rates, and DISTRIBUTED Or vk Aclaively cyst LOR NOTHING At FRANKFORDS, SALISBURY, N.C Wilhelm & Gorman. Quich Seles and ‘hort Profits, on mt rae ' Koran Moe Te ys na vu a. roth t tien ~ ! Biceccur ‘ . ' role enn 1) \ ik er t ‘ Race ( ‘ real ard W n ‘ Cun etties NV chee Ha ' we will mei) oa nee . \ \\ Colt. kh ' boas fen Tin as , : " su r i ~ ' yee AG ak RANAWAY, $15 Reward BAe z New ved ao ' ASIEN. SENT Te Said an ie 4 h wer color D mos] ui , dew thocu k te 1 ' rt Fea V1 eee shits “ ne i 1 r ' Les et \ ‘ sed ” etan WM ORARY & 00 Wor 4 ' Wy Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! SPE TORS: Ja A Mb \ JoM.t Cre OM Harkoee el aN Veni ees et ed Tot NC oN \ 8 Woh Mi) ‘ ! Wood ‘ ‘ WoA US \ 1 to] Loan r Ae \ \ ! \! f ig ' ' ' 1) \ \ ' koe MV t | eIeN NS: \ Wop Ww a 1 Ve GC teens) \ i ff ONUNe Sede Ue . [PPT ETS. Apes 7 1 Pree VOD e vil Ns ‘ \ NYE ESS at: 1 fe Nae Pane Nal ede 4 ¢ evi Nie cept teat - Ky i u Ont ‘ diesen te PE EER ADAMS Secretary CceiMGenneeN Co dunes etal a AND poe el He FOUL LAND toreerdy Re ME Weer ce ie eras x I ' h 1 + 4 s od 1 hen S00 Nerew rad state tn vont GO Ne rewat t te W fears owootler forsale povately Muy person wishing te purchase will please ca'ton the subrerih NEAT Vo bitt SONS TN, Bxeentox of SD Raskin Those whe were redehted: t Dr Rankin at the t Contli, are req ma payment hut deba ind th Lense agaist b ' \ tihen font ' preserbed by law, orl WAV a i i barof very MEME eT CNIVEN] bixtx \ 4 oso0 hs GPT SOUTHERN HVE AND OVP I (/ ATEL Sra) JSOFN TEXe Xe EEE 0 \ Mars ‘ uM PE AIOE ae etce AN AMA a Vo MOLR SKA i PENNE ow roy ry Sprig atoek of [oy eee TA RAGS ZT toowdieh Powoold \ the attentund of mer \ nov, North Cur rand Te as ut fans ability toe them ein vervth ! watt ae oom prod Wy» willbe kept eta full hy the add t en ' 1 Ve owod, having ” many Tew f on tn wn mani fac My 1 M W “ kod r ! r rth M or ' Boys Mixeew end Chil flatean I } x ) {and Deyt ti t \ { Ti Miotary ¢ Tenn tu \ ured ‘ hepunalit Arn Regoln W » n \ tt Woot ldataniet ria iad ee UME ce TOWN DOOLBY M Voysen 4a Buecies and Rochkawrays. lay Titres ber heen tot of handaome new Rog | gee nd Rockawaye, hohe will aell or od ros THOS F BROWN, Jan 24, 1260 tas BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT TIS OFFICE North Carolina Foundry | MANSION 2h hy), MACHINE WORKS: SALIS RU RY. VILE subscriber étanuleanueain anunoncing to his 3 FRERCKS & nny established and well knuwa and hag made every pow > business, travelling and visiting portious © ‘,in the mostsatisfactory manner irularattention is paid to his TS AIL E, andevery comfort is provided in his | AG RIC U LT RAL IMPLEMEN A full assortment of SS are abundantly supplied and at- ider and Sugar Mills propoetor gives his personal attention Cider and ya ) Thresheranud Separators, ‘They also manufacture Shafting and Machinery alarand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold onthe arrival ofthe cars With these efforts to please, a liberal share of ¢ jatrouage is confidenth wolmiwed TH \ ALTON wnt, e Morganton, N.C. SHS waperb New H | Carpenter PURASS CASTEIMES, deseription made to order, and warranted i every iricee ME EVerVaUreCriiCacgn Machines ony fwillbe sola at ios REAL ENTATE. t tual and personal attention and title Lheneneenen asf the parties were present. All kinds of Prodace the House berug sustained | Ehave arrangement Fontaven oo whiet baw taking in exchange {We want ualin ied quanutes of DRIED ERUUL and Clean COTTON and LINEN RAGS CLASS HOTELS Li Remeber tue place, JENKINS CORNER CON. Brown & Coos Nlage eet” ; : vie PHOTLOMT {VDa COWAN’S Mout Vernon Hous Vegetable Lithontriptic, DISEASED KIDNEYS, JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition !! eae MTT Gh 3: PHILADEY OHTA, WW WSUS TGS DR. MCUTARDE'S Wiraculous BROAD STRE.uT, National Flag! WM. M. BARKER MURR & Cndtrnraei Chills and Fevers ARNG WM MIPVRIOUS © LENA TE Wyatt’ S T onic A Pill HILLSBORO’ MII. IT ARY AC ADE MY. WANTED 20000 feet Syeamore Lumber, 50 White Hands Fine Shirts and Collars. y.A A R ‘ Clothing Emporinm « 4 N I J i Ss. SERVING FRUETS and VEGETARLES, 16 and INR Main at, Mea /umrennte dani GRAND OPENING OF NEW GOODS ! oO 9.000 Worth of ENI/RELY NEW GOODS, at the Old and well known <==: ue Narsaparilla dy, ine ' ch we hove lal vored to ethctuat alternative that cau be Weentrated ex cet of Para Saree. ved with othe: substances of ull LOVE power on to afford am effective ane rthe dixcares Sarsaparilia is reputed tc le i sbeleved that such a remedy is wanted by th oe Who sutter mm SUumous complaints, and that one Which w accomplinh thear Cure munt prove of in. Corner, formerly ocouprod hy Si Nwins Meter service to this large clase of our afflieted fel. & Ropers, Salishur evens McCUBBINS & FOSTER RE now prepared to offer (he public avery hurge A and beautiful stock ofentirely New Goods | sixting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Drugs, Medienes and Dye-stufls: Black@mith ood tgs, Lion and vole, Carnage Tron Sole ane Steel: Bagging aud Rope Saumay ‘eoner's Oil, Lint-weed Oil, Bish, We, Ke all of which have wish to bay ne wellto give uma Call before baying elmewbe re we are determined to House ia Wester N ty ¢ hoa s very Liberal pat bestowed upou ts while con neeted with the rthe short Gare we have had our new and we hope by tur deal nud close Isvnese lo merit a continmanee of the mame We he advantage of the N.C. and Weetern NOG. Rol Rouds, we ean send Goods any where on the tine sud Roads every day: alborders sl. dihave our paue or gouds Nulishary vi Me CUBBINS & FOSTER LAND FOR SAL hk. ee 1 ua he Kew ' ’ Bas of ' | rue det Aeron ' het m iw ( Niue tr wal it trans, ‘Phe retain Wit t ' ‘ 1 Ra 1 ’ I ' Wiech Hcl I ' i f r Gho 1 [DNSICS Yen Gme sal AGI Te me Vieailey Wigs] ‘ : yi Stes aetl u ( . ae 3 Db ol | WoiN eK kK M "t ( , \ ' ! I 1 S , \\ Les 4 1 Rat ead i t ! ‘ be | i ot Vin Ma L. - thnele- fthe B Ru tad on wefithes brated Blick M Site Ness SECO sib M ‘ x & BUS SN Get iM - i r tt. ! i lan Oe i SUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER, Destiited from H. WYATT I, ! GOIST AND APOTEROC RY HARDWARE!! a hoe Mw ft F J os Stoch of Hardware lie Ge Autom) 11 Gate oe) ” lied W adn WILTE LV A GOLAN M tt Tt, tat AVL Ty inte IR moun elec (Nis Newing Wachine rhaving been appointed Agent [ae heer WHEEL every Valual did Vicieperhle Aroclor 2: 1 ONY Che Machines xreqincape rad No AV EES May - tt FOR SALE. Spring Hill Tract of Land, CONTAINING \ouv felis NEES ‘Praet ef Pandas situated two miles: from Salisbury, or Hho aides of the tan rte A 1 etnses is a Dweihng nealy culscabon qand ' ' ' hr tT mw ‘ te livided ‘ Very convene 1 \ erent ie \ Npptyt VUE Rchthers SN Salisbor Chet 22 Pehl ee TURNIP SEED. Pees VARTEU YC RERESEE and W STUN N 2 ED, wet by Vie WS WN | INGoand Ess Manet. Satiahury Nod July 24 ee NOTICE THIS. THI ' i | MDa t ' ‘ har WW \ Ml | ’ 1 ed ha m fas 1 ‘ r mot ‘\ ' Nov ' ' 172 VINEGAR. DURE CTDER VINEGAR, for wale by W WYATT, IN6 and TRS Main treet. Satisbary ot ru WALI ME TE ETRE UE NESTE FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICK [health when taken an the PUpp oc beather Pore White Lead aod French and Aimencan Zine ; utters and Stuffers at yreath reduced Cleutne out the vitiate Hipuriies bursting: cht satrely far Cash, uni low prices “Phorme who at wholesale or retail, wal alo auder sell ue We re thaoktul ter the finn of Morris & Co td alma at as low prices ‘ z I bat firtle of he virtua 4 WIEAUS Ss SEWING al CHINEN is iiow prepared te tarnish the pablo wath low ciigens How completely this compound will de Hohae been coved by expertnient on many of the toate) be Toulon the tohowing complete: SCRORULA AND SC KORE LOLS COMPLAIN te, Excetions Se Barrier Dink sin, Uscwan, Pineiee, Brorcnes, jPisoce Sane ikorew, Scam Heavy, Syewiie AND Syemtiniie Aes Mex kia Disease Dorey, Neves on Tr nee canenseed Desi, ‘Disrae nian Eyoiorstios, Exvriretan, Rone on hr Age wonv's Fink. ai dothe whole clase plainGs aria, tron bari mie of tir Brow. Viis compound will be louud a great promoter of opr, to expel the foul blood at that season of mely expulsion of them Many ol Come Namors wich fester in the the wr By the Frauhbog dinorders are cipped ithe bud Moltitudes can, by the aid « Wthite remedy, spare themselves from [he cadursuce of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the syetem will strive to rid itself of cormp ici i nt asmsted to do thie through the Hotutalehatnels of the body by anulerative tuedicine vod whenever vou find it "the skin 1 punples, erape Hons or pater; eleatoe it when yon find iim obetruete ed aud aluggish i the yee: clewuse i whenever it ie ten) and your teeta Al tell you when. Even SEGUE UIA ULL Clas fell, people enjoy bet Cem tresrian, wid lve h for cleansing the blood Wop val | Pyoaud allow well; but with lin pobutan tite dis idered, there ean be uo laste ' = re Tersome thing must go wrong, th Feat naehiners of lite is disurdered or Over- Sarsapariia has. are ie serves much, the reputation, Fo ureomphshiig the e ends But the world has reer mere cously decowed by prepucats feof it, partly seeause the drag alone bow not all the victue that is iL but wore beciuse many preparations, hig te be copeeutrated extracts of it, contain of Sarsapariila, or any thing Dunug tete sear the puble have been misled by tee battler, preteodig to vive a quart of Extract Har Most of these have pen the eek, for they not only contam but often ne curauve Prop- rroand painful disap- y tthe Varousextracve the market, anti the and has beeume xy nony- mn heat oStdl we call thie Sareap, sod iitead to supply such a sha heoontne trom the load of . whobir And we think we have Shani wie naan Nos ries whieh are irressti- teat ‘ he dis ®t is intended f ! woplete eradicar t } ett eds should by yudieiness ork ' he bottle WER & CO., Lo Mass si Borie por $5 Ayer's cherry Pectoral, he cure of every I fected to that any comnt 4 py wherever ' ‘ ine shout thie sects \ ure the Is quali- , coho and that eine ta thasever Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, ( J WSyepeie Tid weetion, Dya- I \ To siperas, Headache, Prlea, K I : Stor Diseases, Laver ( rehire / Tumors Salt Rheum, “ te tocaxa PP Pill, and for ie B Eien : r sothat the most sensitive Net pleosa and they are the bee ' tir the porposes ofa tamuy \ etre | Five Boves ror 8100. ( iat 1 ras States. rs Van ihe pames { there reme- 1 he inseruon ! \ - inh grates ow Ss Niwasee wiveh they are piven ‘ he hove Complaints, wed tor their DD 1 ” pled sealers with other j promt on. Demand Nay. Phe sok want the best ' ' nh ld have it \ R ' eb WoW > mi ul wv : Hate omen vf Ch IM he Men t wl ! ’ SEA AU A Be 4 \ , "1 < eC ( ston, NS ¢ Ml est 1y4l SANFOXD’S LIVER ROA NEVER DERBI PATES. set at and la now re. the cheeases for which hin the last two yeare aa the numerous ripe ament of the . {ip such quanutes aa te a i ir foment guide you in the we ofthe AWN VIGOR ATOR, aod it wiccure Liver Com- Biltons At- tacks, Dyspepsia, Chroute Diarrhoea, s mer Com- plaints, Dysente- Dropsy, Sour Costiveness, Cho ra Morbus, Cholera. lence, Jaundice, apd may be used ®i¢ Family Me cessfally as an Ord ines r tne. Itwillcure SICK WE ADACHE, rsands can testify.) fa twenry minates,1f two or three Tea- ppoor cele are tak- en at commencement of mA tt who use It are giving their testimony in ts favor MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO, SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOTNDED FROM ; Pare Vegetable Extracts, and put ap in SLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will keep any climate. > Family as , iangen r hae r Netualtay Wie i menuen fn that ads eruse: THRE n a an eanerpeenoel vax sOR DD M.D 3235 Hrondway, New Vork. Sole y HENDERSON & ENNtSS, Davoas ash Cipwers, S bury, N Fails eel Sat lyf JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., WEEH SHERMAN BROTHERS, Twrontere avo Jonnens oF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND HEAVY GOOT 19 Park Place ane Murray Street, NW yORE- Tune 4. 1860 fmpd A) ee) eel us eae Ly EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR TERMS Single copy S200 Five copies Teo copies Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proporGon $1.50 each. Payment always in advance Bi AAs The following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS are kept on hand tor sale, at this ollice seut by mail tu any part ol the country, at sinal ss O0 $15.00 Can be Com totake Depo C Apprentice Lndentures Letters Testamentary Letters of Administration, Sabdpenas, C4 > . Specialb otters ity Witness Tickets, C & % Marriage Licenses Suror Tickets » Certficnter Prosecution Bonds, CA 8.0. Various Equity Blake Bail Bonds, civil vas: > iD Tndictinente Bail Bonds, crim Tand Deed Attachment Writs, Deeds in Trust, Delivery Bonds, Sherif! Pec Administration, do ty Bastarday, “ a & Bonds, C. & 8. Court BSL @ Ca Writs, Execations, © Equi Note Ne y other forms of less frequ der on short natice Wank ents entu BLL aap KVERETT. ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT For rik Stave ar Lance. WON, GEO. EL BADGER, of Wake. DROROK. SPEED, of Pasquotank. Dustkicis. Ist District, J. W. ELINTON, of Pasquotank 2d “CHAS. C. CLARK, of Craven, 3d Cer heb wo! 4th DO CORIW Nieloarot Crrayis kk 5th A. G. FOSTER. of Randolph 6th HENRY WALSER, of Davidson Th WAM. PL BYNUM. ot I t Sth Col. B.S. GATTHEL, Hichinead irke fod Facts for the People !!! It ia. a Fuct—That the entire Democra tie party were for nom-intervention, when we had a Congress favorable to the inst tution of slavery ; ! a Black Republican union wing of the Democratic purty for iutervention Itixsa Fut ridve is the candidate o ized for the avowed purpe about a dissolution of tl dt ie a Fuct.—Thiat both North and South, are z ters of Jolin C. Breckint It is a Fuct— That all! Nbolitier papers in the North prefer the elecion ot Joho ©. Breckinridge to that of dud) Douglas. It ts a Fuct—That Cassius M said in a public spec that if be | the power he would rather a thousand times place Jolin C. Breckinridge in the Presidential chair than Doulas or I It isa Fuct—That the Charleston Convention, split the Democratic party two years ve fore the Convention moet It isa Fuct—Th le but now when Congress, the Dis we have nC. Breekin party ; t orn app ot Vaaae 2 Ta bolters at the determined t at tere of Breckinr Dixon's line, are present corrupt adin It wa Fit—That party support the present tul ad ministration, aud ex don endorse, the baretfaced poculations of the President. It ts a Fact—That Jolin ¢ ridge accepted the nomination Richmond Disunion hoped to “ merit its confidence.” Itisa Fact—Vhat the Disunion party are running electoral tickets in the Nort! for no otber porpose than that of dividio the Democratic the election of Lincoln It ig. a Fuct—That Mr. Breckinridye, in bis Lexington speech, DID NOT an swer the questions which a Dreckinndy elector put to Mr. Douwtlas at Norfolk and which questions said elector sand should be answered by Mr. Dreckinridge It isa £act—That Mr. Dreckintidye dare not answer said questions, be if he answers as Douylas did, he will the digunion vote in the South; and at he anewers them to please Yancey, he will lose all the antic Yancey votes. Tt tw a Fact —Vhat all these facts are facts, and cannot be truthfully denied. tt { they. DBreckin ot the Convention, n and vote, and thus securin 4U5e, lone A VOICE FROM MADISON'S TOMI, PORT UIE SP EVES TN Net JUBUE, LOST. The following was among the last pro Mr. Madi | ductions that emanated fromm It was penned not long be son’s pen. fore his death : “ Advice to my Country. a this ad Ys U HBlankapet ako] |’ | State of New York, and even of the coun we VOL. AVIII. Devoted to Politics, Uews, From the New York Brpress SOMETHING TO THINK OF. A WAKNING VOICE FROM KENTUCKY. fect to treat this ery of disunion as only a tale with whieh to frighten children They are indeed upon a footing with those . ; who disbelieved in the flood, whilst Noah We received, on Monday, a letter of was preparing higark. God grant that eight tull pages, from a trend in Ken- they may not be submerged in it. tucky, upon the subject of We shall certainly carry the State for . Bell. Nothing can prevent it, Our voices shall be raised for the Union, if it which is of more interest and is only to be like the prayer of the gal- COR A Ore LETT CR UG UD PORACey Tiom Gan mi mofethiomcentnal mAmnenicas ty the Union men of the South than all when he went down at his post of duty. that has gone before. The appeal we Tennessee, also, will not falter. Missouri publish was written for the eyes alone of Will go for Bell or Douglas; the latter I think most probably. [linois will stand up gallantly for her “giant” champion, ‘ pand this defeat in [Indiana will make the ery patriotic citizen of every party in the brave Unionists there work only the hard he October aud November elections, and especially iu reference to the New York election, ove of the editors of the Auyress, but it is, or ought to be, of equal interest to ev er, Yours truly, Eye in the Union—the State of Ieury Clay, Kentucky is one of the truest States - Hou. Eisssrus Bisooxs, where his home was, and where his grave It is a life-long friend of Mr. Clay who sends us this letter, and as true a We com mend lis words of appeal and wurnihy to ANOTTIEN LETTE, We also received the following impor tant private letter from one of the most Is nan as there is in the State, intellivent and patriotic Union men inthe State of Georgia, The writer is no fire the good sense, judgment and patriotism fall | wired eater, no fanatic, bo disunionist, but he fas city and State. in re or disor- our readers. They are words of i LUI Zer, records the sentiment of nu, and so tithy spoken that they are vold net ward to one whe hike apples of I pletures al originated © The Trrepressifle Cor | j that ind has deel fy ian - ‘ uo bodiana, ' > ’ _ ; : eee , iid whe has sata the Repul OME pet © had a , . TRE ath thy Tard tausthot he towered alia thet” “he hate ver who are Oct. Jz slavery as much as any M1 i Li nihly Nie Ue te nol that they vote ticket. In Jetferson, Pee pratelic $0 te Loon, for as Monroe, at) has cou) Deus to |e in Mari vunty, PNeaN | L400 t thocraue te fromm tid soon, Divi // the showing ¢ sively, Wuist Hee have publican ta Majer m 2007 ani! n JUMP to Wolille Ine crane counties wo frou cratic au my Close ¢ Jacks oh WU ‘teh colt, from 4 Vander to Loo: » Dreekinridice ¢ ean 5 in burgh, wl CVery ementexisted irfathers, an ped foran erof peace cen exactly the rate f the Maine eeetion, Lbopend trast “oy your Dreckinndyge menin New York are vot of a stiiilar compos tion as You ex] Jo noteven vet desparr, batone friend Most hal ous: vy, are froin the election of Lincoln is ne longer a problem What is to come af ter it, God only Anos 5 the Wea of peace The more c preservation of the Union paramount to! servative men in the South are now for other considerations, Your State ist setting our houses in order, for calamity, truly the batule-yround, and when the\in seme form, is obliged to come upon uks ! ithe li on the 6th FUEL Vetuer vicution that the IT sincerely hope that they are men who, whilst pre terry Johu Dreekinridge, consider the! is utterly preposterous hi ! alt > rizen the country, should a sectional We ave Overy the Uni heretofore but tN ho vour State, sthere will have Geen fonoht up SEN EELELE ment be placed over us. mmethe on of the South Ce et initly and a& peace ful battle, A ch nen | letertuinuton of wi results with k noe en 1CCESsS | t ; eer ; ; How than these sunoof now our arms ere stric eeetreul en clact pei 1 it tien My rave WI mnel et ou speak ot having thern st , and ot f excitement that “i eo a incement & ates yonmen, Who rea AuCcoln selector of sneh an eve Mon your wreat il certainly invelwe the South w The and thedestiny nservatism of the “ the a feather before the storm | eetruction of this Union. with all ite con Out vt thre voice of &@ Demosthenes ability tf OW the hopes f the intry in ite tie hope vat the unpropi result of the late 5 iections will tire the patriotic men of the your citizens, that Leould depiet te them North to seme powerful and unusual ef the stern, fined, unaltera ntention of fi Countant horrors May we not the us to reach, by its eloquence, the f hieurts © rt to stern the tide of anti-slavery fana tad men te destrow th toler tion oft t the Southern v Is tiqism, and save the Union from the dis Northern sit? | Selt ly trust of even Ours, TT Vou eo aster that so finminently threa ny hope luce the sectional party should ea ! it | Oss fanatics to pau and ; just enG 18 Ole Ast Terest, nothing else, woud J) net place tubieche Niready has iinority at the South to votmerctal cir 4 WoMr. Linedin that RWeep power a heed nvelve us allin the alarin come upon our 1 cre one common trouble: for | tell you, come ve owhat may, right or wrong, w ae or foul monetary oah. a collision between the pe ople of the The Sonth on th accommodations npen No sale ernment vy/ and a general’ inay rely on th distrust now pervades eue community, I since the Tuesday's elections are known, and desponding with regard to political which may cultinate ina short tine in atfairs, and | you this hasty note general suspension and bankraptey. Of for your private information, and course we do all in our powerto lull such with the bh pe that you will present the a feeling, but it cannot be quieted. Ev- isaue to your people in its true light. eryboly to think alike. To bad Oh, that they could only know, and in yiven orders to sell out my property, but time, the real sentiments of their South Il canuet peta purchaser witil il os axcer tained that Lincoln 8 defrated. I believe, as seriously and earnestly as [ever did in anything in my life, that bis election will inaugurate the most fearful | strife | sand even leteated, [ et should | fear another x inst over tee land. of sustaining or mak ick tohs refuse to extend ing war ‘hean wow The North abd are curtailing their ine. can be made of real estate have never before felt sa downenst write own 8CCIIB ern brethren on this momentous question Tam, very truly, vours, Heasits Brooms, N.Y. =. An Act af Sustior Mr. Lovvett vetween the North and South, un-' The Newbern Progress (Douglas) admit equalled by anything inthe annalsof his tory. In the event of bis election [shall immediately send my tamily to Envland, Hon isters a very proper rebuke to the sabli mated zealote of the South, and, at the vice, if itever see the light, will not de so till Tam no more, it nay be ed as issuing from the tomb, whose alone can be respected aud the lapp ness of men alone consulted. Tt will be ent: consider: | ruth derived from good intentions and. from the experience of one whe bas served his country in various stations through a pe riod of forty years, who eapotsed in tits youth, and adhered through bis life, to the cause of liberty ; a part Ino inost of the transactiotisy will constitute epochs of ite destiny The advice nearest my | | est in my conviction is, that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetua ted. Let the open enemy to it be regard ed as a Pavdora with lier | and the disguised one Creeping with his deadly wile dine.’ POENG and who lias which XK opened, the rerpent nto para AR eee ar" The directors of the Washi Monument |) powithout the neces-: funds to carry out the work have at temporary bul to prevent further damave te ment, and ty st have been presents eigen powers Vis boxes to at the » concluded to erect recelve le of and sectional President upon the the | : }your State affords them tled, therefore, to whatever weight can be 1 ' eart and decp tl of relief would ascend at once from our qjuch more for his country an uoseventy-four aerogs vour bay, laden with our deepest acknowledgments of pratt tle wonld persist in forcing an obsectionab where they cannot be exposed to the Lor same time pays an act of justice to Ma The old) Everett, in the following paragraph. The est and wisest of our citizens shake them editor of the Dravresax but proclarns h rors of a civil or a servile war th) leads despondingly, and grasp eagerly at 1 ; ws el selfan honest man, when he says te ist hope of succor and safety w | ‘bat little respect” for those who, for can 1 ie relief and the joy felt by our ances lmagine mere party purposes, throw filth Qpenia potless and a deathless name : Poo Pavia Me, With teneely Southern and patriotic as to feel those which our people will teel, if the Tn Hed to denounce as traitorssuch men labtoing eball convey the glad tidings of aos) A, Douglas, John Bell and ldward New York's | Would that when Tsay, that such a universal iii ans th at ors, When the war ot the revolution was 3 | ended and peace was declared > buat thei rr wlio “he Are yan sensations were tame, compared Conserv atin Believe watched vated 1 verett, should: be ate pure, ap 8 imagine we had fey, Such sical Bait sur Southern Were a odward that he rrealdenut, bat he has done | ; {de re of hin countrys gratitude than We have but lit for any man who gloriesgin m would elare the heavens w that you cald tnade a bontire of our city it und and as us We, ml ‘rett tus uot very probable *® owillever be CrVves afl wnxious and loyal hearte, as would waft much mi me who have been reapect ude. We, in the State of Kentucky, ar do ur power to preserve ity but it traducing aud libelling such @ man,” B 8 levoted to the Union, and wil all in In 1842 an Trish by | Joho Welley, the living at Catham I ~in New York, received a thongh he felt it with his vy rame ¢ var CO acon J t onsues, and the North and South are mil in antagomiatie poritions, wa can ners fact, that ye wound th the Routh didi ind Gin the 1 checuisa the our people will : uM ) espiot which now unfortunately exists that they an Clit | nt deem it prodes [ety onree become remove the b a middle ayed man) not ! examination the dedoain his heart al ried IS ur people do not, eaun nderst June last, y hood med nthe South I cannot believe ton ¢ nthe post nm rfem was found embed had le hall Sonth where it been car f they really knew tho truth. They years , passion or interest, degrade themselves by | | proved, and has ever maintained ' source, and one whiel ‘dor and trath to enter the | Maine to Georgia, continue a rebuke and p Sonth is called on to take partan the an == we at RAT EDWARD EVERETT. One of the striking evidences of the political and moral degeneracy of the | Lutract from 1s. iH. Tits, Letter, Ort 13, 1860. “What makes Linculn 60 objectiona- ble ¢ “First, he is sectional. Secondly, he Lagrange, Ga., times, may be found in the unsparing abuse heaped, by his political opponents, is agitating theslavery question. Third- upon the head of Edward Everett, one of | ly, by Mis sectonal agitation he seeks to the ablest statesmen, purest patriots, and aera government to use it to restrict best men that our country has produced. | ‘ ‘ | “How does Mr. Douglas stand? He It shows the malign influence that party opposes all Congressional restriction on is sure to exercise over all who enlist in slavery. He ds traly and eminently de- . . a "hl 2 » , its service, and erpecially those who, from | voted to the Ution. But has he not agi- \tated ? Was he not in the frout of that 1a it Ree olicy which re-opened this agitation tn Au te eyes Holling) 13547 Doves he not stand on that policy is sacred, nothing right that docs not!now? oes he not advocate a theory ot nove in abject subordination to its own restriction objectionable to many? His will, and contribute to the attainment of Lest friends must say yes to every ques: its own ends , , jtion, This being 80, we cannotat present, At has unfortunately become the habit jquiet and unite the country on Mr. Doug: of the South to ee and persecute it8) las. For six years he has been identified true friends at the North, and we lave no | with a policy of ayitation, and is therefore doubt this has | ad nu mall part in Jessen jebjectionable in one of the points which ing the number of our fricnds in that see jmakes Lincoln a disturber of the public tion of the Union, and bringing the coun: | peace. try to ifs present deplorable condition. | |Tow stands Mr. Breckinridge ? tee pes) mol cual the jopposes Congressional restriction, poucy oO 1a emocratie Thajorl y becoming its siaves. He Dut how | he tuo bas been for six years identified can we expect a different state of things ¢) with that policy which re-opened the | Never before bi us there been & tore slavery a: strikine extitut vitution im TSO. not this f Neate | r . fatal poliev, than the cou Wthe seced Vexplanation which demands further age the tatfon. Avain, whether Mr. Breckinridge, contest. “Phe Union iin his opinions and platform, is sectional we Lia PE) Te Hi path of ) sett ay ail the batterie ratic party rot, yetin lis supporters and their ay jedls and arguments, le presents a scr PENCE | feonad appearance. 1 am tact Yuu can never unite the per cUobal raction are t he apitating candidate abother sectional agitating candi You can veverappeal to Northeru abandon their sectional candi » vote for our sectivbal candidate. (is puint, the very ap tien to avoid, on pearance of evil. “ }low stands Jolin Bell? THe is not and Ile is and al p Ways bas been strictly national. He nev He lias always op we posed agitation, Nobly, nobly, bas he 1 faithfully by the setdlerment of 1550, i the pledses of all parties in : This great and typribt) and refused “upon any pretext whatey un, whom every American should bever” to counect himpelt with the policy proud to call his countryman, :sdenoune | which re-opened the slavery agitation ip ed as an abolitionist, a fanatic and atraitur,)1S54. So, also, he bas always opposed and mercilessly held up to the scorn aud} not only Congressional, but all kiade of hatred of the Southern people. leyislative restrictions on slavery. Ly What a shame upon humanity itself!) tig party, by his platform, by his life, by These revilers of Mr. Everett, who are,|iis record, by all the noble qualities forthe mest part, the supplant tools of! which make him a model statesman, he party, ready to do its bidding without a! repudiates all further slavery and section- murmur, in order tu give even a color offal ayitation, and demands universal obe- trnth to their charyes, travel back over!dience to the lawe of the country. tle the long peri weuty three years, abd tills every requisite of the cnemics of t can tind no sentiment that Was! Lincolu and the friends of the Union.” then, by “2. AZIONISIING The Journ’ devotes nearly two col utine to the * Opposition Meeting” sim ply for the purpose of showing that it was a tailure, and that the editor knew hever Was sectional. er Was al ayitator. ps Blin larger share of partisan v and abuse 1e Tech coun lavers an avers | mnore Dee O'labout the political history of the country South, and mato thet the Hon. W. A. Grahatn, who, even tech | tie Journal admits, made a speech © ful county sy up to his reputation! boris, we think, very upamible thus at ja breath (a very long one to be sure) to jdeatroy all the pleasant reflections of the persons, Ww hike myprlit the Wiis plete success, abd Mr. Grabat’s speech \ We are being rapidly Jand paiutully forced to the conclusiol that We not in the pleasantest and politest, rec sed the master and slave at tained that it ed by the ¢ and as tar back was recoun.zed and pr of the as Ts26, we find him pro | . that me stitution Our neigh claiming in Cor twithstane ny he calige his | asure thie iment Huekle on han in which he } sooner randmarch to battle? war upon tis brethren of thre that wonld produce divisian ey HUtnerous vy meeting ourself, arene th Wass a col never advocated ilianewerabie mchween 5 hag lhe So byat troacl t North and the South, by an eneroact our Delphbor co unamiabie, tor, lave ) | on the rights of the States, and notwith | standing his at | stract views with regard hatiet of Columbia and the Territories, cheerfi marie all in the Comprom Southern States alme lacey intiie. 4 to slavery in the arate times, asked bit a civil question tl ) yeu t uw no auswer? Without oe ting an atswer ¢ but, in order sully to test the mat we bow again propound the same Does Verily we heh the| . Celt | trawe AP beer, ose | Wat USTYV th pric question as follows the think that Is ta say : measures as a final settiement, in Journal Lincoln's election ‘ j stubs ~ , , stio | ple and in substance, of the question of jwonld Justify secession by any State, and a | MU OE HOrorclENte onal 5 = Plvan | slavery, aud that, under no pretest should jis the Journad in favor of the secession of it be allowed again to obtrade itself upon) \ orth Carolina in case of Lincoln's elec the federal councils. Tle stands just there ftion ! to-day, and we ask, invalit tul, and we will contidently wait tor a esty, onghit bot such a post reply. ipfactory to the tion tor candor and) politeness too nach, We have owot sure to disappoint the It has been Wed. Herald. WORDS OF WISDOM prow a SOUTH | PALN TG IEES ALAN. | That is certainly plain and respect roth and hon tor be sat Our neighbor values lis repute Perivii ss doamore to add Liatineruished | ay aval. are public asked, from oa had too mueh can | listot Mr thieat kever had thie have etts revilers, why was hie We Was Tver {lis voice in re In a recent speech to his constituents, the Hon. Win Coneress from South Carolina vile aticism of no doubt that Lames of Ate vO W. Boyee. a member o anda i 7 ask ¢ | ! q i i 1] thy, butan irnorance of the course} nian wl Welot the South no ene dare question te the fi which embraces the entire Ieverett for many years past, and ose devotion to the rights and toner answer it with equal candor NE tien we say, utteranee Ms sentiment, its of hn make no exception W wine rth, of a party, = Ni ) | fen and so cloyuent Paiacd man at the met litical and rebuked t inti slave | contravepsy as Mr. ive drawn fro i written a letter for y nblication, or morace a speech on political affairs, in whieh the ot his Nisamatchtess clogqnence were not brous 1 w fell spirit resent } Phoneh Mi miblie Vite, he has Mardis "et ader these eireamstances, | think | entirely wat Boyee said: Teeut n } um authorized to consider this n the True statesmans! question of slavery i territories as purely great moral power character ane speculative pconsists Mein the pursnits of the practroal ¢ Yor Meaty WN ient warning, to bear against these sectota His great oration on Wash ington, Which he has pronounced amidst the plaudita of his countrymen, from rov inthe languaye of earnest cr isa practical affarr in waIn nothing: | tactical by the most ardent disturbances. ind suecesstul pursuit of this question, ] think it is wise in us to dispose of it for [the present, by leaving it where the Con stitution and the Dred Seott decision now appr al to which | place it \ tent to add tism that he is driven from office ruman language isimpo. | It ia for his very conserva a AA Picked Set, -Ont nominated by the various parties in the New York f Tor the city sends 16 members.) 15 are keep and «he nonneed in his own section, and now: the Y4 persons city of the Legislature, holy erusade against ono of the purest and best men that any age or conntry has produced, ers fo grog shops and porter houses: a) hot to the city Directory, having bnsinesa of one solitary fel Savannah Leepublican mre aor (es Boao) an no home or In defanlt of milk for your tea, try a ew dropa of lemon janie Phe remainder are put down as vari f It is said to ons occupations, except f remove the roughness of who is set down asa “ In th throw ina slice of citi ava snbetitute cour the tea and pro low gentleman. um oof y merchants n duces an agreeable taste Phe Russians e great mercantile empor thre trv, there Opty are vr pAate for milk it of He stands on) iitude and ithat policy now with an erplunation—an | but statioy | Jinanner possible, three distinct: aud sep | do would have anything NUMBER 25. Agriculture, Jateraal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts aud Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. ' The People’s Attentton.—In his speech at Huntsville, Alabama, weck before last, Senator Wigfall, of Texes, ab ardent supporter of Breckinridge, made the fol- lowing startling declaration : “T would see the Union rent into a thousand fragments before I would vote Sor John Bell.” Referring to this Senatorial declaration, the Huntsville Independent says that, as jstartling as this declaration was, there were men in Huntsville that applauded ‘it. When the Senator made the state- ‘went, we thought the Breckinridge men | would let it pase in silence—but ao, they ‘applauded, and thereby endorsed it. | Does not this and similar declarations | plainly indicate the object of the leaders jof the Breckinridge faction? And will ‘the people suffer th€msel ves to be led out lof this Union by such men? We hope | not. | If the Breckinridge leaders desire the |defeat of Lincoln, they ought to vote for John Gell, as he is the only man now be fore the people who stands the least |ehiance to defeat the abolitionists. Let ithe people—the honest, Union-loving, pa [triotic people who desire the defeat of Lincoln, come to the support of the only jtuan who can defeat him. Enretion oF Sinarok IN| Orrgos Massackh oF AN Estgnanr Trars.—si Josevis, Oct. 23.—The l’ony Express, trom San Francisco on the loth inst, has arrived. The Senatorial election in Oregon came off ou the vd inst., in legal form. G Nesmith (Douglas Dem.) was chosen tor the lou term, and Laker (Iep.) for the short term, The latter is a ‘f uon-inter vention” Republican of the Eli Thayer The California Repablicans wich | baker to stump the State for Lincoln. An emigrant train, of forty-six persons, lincluding twenty-seven women and cliil dren, bad been massacred on the plains jby the Suake Indians. Only one curvi- vor rewained to tell the story ” school, | Lealthfulness of Apples.—There is scarcely au article of vegetable four, says Hails Journal of Health, more widely useful aud wore universally loved, than ‘the apple. Why every farmer in the ua- tion Las not an apple orchard, where the trees will grow at all, is one of the mys- teries. Let every family lay in from two to ten or more barrels, and it will be to them the most economical investment in the whole range of culinaries. A raw mellow apple is digested in an hour and | half while boiled cabbage requires five jhours. The most healthy desert which can be placed oa a table, isa baked ap- |ple. If taken freely at breakfast, with |coarse bread aud butter, withoat meat or | feeb of any kind, it bas an admirable ef- |tect on the general system, often removes constirpation, correcting acidities, and ‘cooling off febrile conditions more effect ually than the most approved medicines. It tatmilies could be induced to substitute the apple—sound, ripe and luscious—for the pies, cakes, candies, and sweet meats, ; with which their children are too often jindiscreetly stutfed, there would be a di minution in the sum total of doctors’ bills in a single year, suticient to lay in a stock of this delicious fruit for a whole seasou’s use. Prom_ning.—The Louisville Journal of Wednesday gives us the particulars of pthe escape of Mr. Preston, our Minister to Spain. It says: “On the Zod inst., he sailed with his family trom Marseilles in a Spanish ves- sel, on lis route fur Madrid. They bad not proceeded tar, when the vessel struck a rock and all the passengers were in im minent peril. Colonel Preston placed his wite and two daughters in one boat, three jdanebters in another, and embarked him with bis son in a third. The la jdies were all landed in safety, bat the {boat iu which the Colonel aud his son | were, Was stranded on a rocky shore ; the jyouny gentleman was thrown out, but was rescued by the inhabitants who had vathered on the beaeh. The Colonel him self was drawn back three times by the | rece ding waves and undertow, and though eventually he was saved by the desper ate exertions of Maltese and Catalian Fboatmen, le was in an apparently lite less condition, Restoratives were eth ciently adiministered, and we are pleased to state Chat at joelt last advices the Colonel and all his family were entirely recover Fed, and tad gone back to Marseilles.” A teacher at Nan et used every tInorming to read pas Jurnile Theolowy tuek : sages in the Bible and expound the same as he proceeded, in order that by asking q it) bered stions as to how much they remem of his comments, he might ascel the bright the On one occasion from the book of Job, thus: “Tocro was a man tun who were boys ot school he read the Tand ind tis name was dob, who feared levil Ot ele. Cro in ind e-chewe that is ho eschewed he would have noth est HOWE d OVI: evil as IT do tobacco ing to doe with it.” With this very clear and elucidation of the word eschew,” he proceeded until a number of verses were read and commented forcible mun After a long interval, when the young mind had time to digest Vis tood, the teacher called upon the voung boys, and the following con wostmoilar manner one ot versation ensued : “Who was the man who lived Tob “Was ho a good man?” GY og “What did he do?” nz > “Ladies THE MOTHER OF GOOD LUCK. “J don’t want to stay there. I don’t do avything but go errands, and be at every- body’s beck and call. [ am not learning anything.” Ephraim, a fatherloss boy, had gone in- to a shop, and after being thore a few mnonthe this was the complaint he made nearly every day to his mother. One day his Uncle John heard him. “You think yon are fit for something higher then ?” i said to the boy. “Yes, sir,’ answered Ephraim. “I don't waut to be doing errands all the time.” “Bat doing errands well is the only real step to promotion in Mr. Barrow’s ware- house. When you have earned prome- tion by doing that branch of bis business you will rise there, and not till then.” “Pretty small business,” muttered the boy, with a discontented packer on his furehoad. “I don’t care how I do it.” “J am sorrow to bear you say 80,” said Uncle dulin, “for be only that is faithful in little things can be os to be faithful in greater things. If you do not your present work well, Mr. ‘ow will have no reason to suppose you will do anything elee better. Boys must eara promotion to have it. I will tell you a story.” fp brata liked Uncle John’s stories, though he sometimes wanted to quarrel with their moral. However, he looked up, as much as to say, Please go on, sir;” and Unele Joha went on. “A young man once went into business with pretty fair prospects. The firm, however, did not go on well. It failed, I think. G. then returned home with bare pockets, in quest of employment.— He met his old Sabbath-school teacher in the street, stated his case, and asked if he kpew of any opening. ‘Not jast now,’ answered the gentleman; ‘bat if you don’t want to be idle, and are willing to work, I should like your services in our soup-house ; the pay won’t be much, but you can be very useful.” “A soup-house,” cried Ephraim, “after being ina firm! I hope he didn’t stoop bo. A goup-louse, as some of you know, is avreat kitchen where soup is made and served out to the poor during winter, when food is dear and work is scarce. “Let us see how G. viewed the matter,” said Uncle Jolin. ‘Yes, sir, Pil go,’ was hin auswer, for G. was a good young man, aud thought no situation beneath him where he could minister to the comfort of others. Ile went into the soup-house, dealt out the tickets, and the sonp tov, for aught 1 know, kept the books, and, in a word, managed the business the best he could. When the gentleman who were interested in the soup-bouse met to see what good it liad done they were much surprised with the manner in which the accounts were kept. ‘Why, who have we here’ they asked. One of them was the keeper of a large hotel. ‘I must have that youug man to manage,’ he said, ‘my coucernus.’ He found out G., offered him a handsome salary to become head clerk of hie establishment. G. earned the pro- motion, you see. He went; bat he had not been in this hotel many months be- fore one of the boarders, the cashier of a bank, said to the hotel keeper, ‘That clerk of yours ie a noble fellow; how well he conducts your business,’ and it was not long before the cashier offered him a bet- ter situation in the bank. G. went. In the course of time the cashier resigned, and the directors said, ‘‘We can’t do bet- ter than put G. in; and so he was pro- moted to that office. And he made as vood a cashier as he had a clerk. This veutieman is not cashier now, bat he fills one of the most responsible posts in the country, and bas a character shining with integrity and Christian worth. He did not despise lowly places, Ephraim.” “But he had what I call luck, good luck,” exclaimed Ephraim. “Lut diligence is the mother of good luck,” said Uncle John; “mind that, boy.” — Mrs. Tia: Knight. = 2 - A Court Room Scene.—In a recent tri- al of a liqnor case, which oecurred not a thousand miles from this city, the witness on the stand was under examination as to what he had seen at the defendant’s dom- icile, whieh he said he had visited a “nuuber of times.” “Did you ever see any spirits there, or anything you regarded as spirits?” asked the justice. SOW iy replied the “Do you hog” “Tow do you know it?” “T kinder smelt it.” “Well, now,” said the Judge, straigh- tening himself up for the convincing an- swer, which be snpposed would be given, “will you please tell me what kind of spirits it was?” “Spirits of turpentine yp ‘bhe explosion of mirth that foliowed this answer fairly shook the court room. As soon as it subsided the witness was discharged, the opinion being that bis tes- timony was not to the point, 33, I don’t know but I have,” witness. know what kind of spirits?” Arestof “Brau Hickman” in New York ‘Tie once gay and gallant “Beau Hickman.” who has figured so conspicu- onsly in Washington City for many years, noted particularly for his politeness to members of Congress, and others, who would pay handsomely for being shown the elephant of Washington, and varions other cities 40 which he might be invited to accompany political celebri- ties, was arrested in New York, on the 22d inst, by Detective Wilson, charged with having perpetrated some confidence ewindle on a lady living about Abingdon Square lo was subsecuently discharg- ed, the lady declaring he was “not the him man. Hesaurey Davy at Facir.— When it was first proposed to light Lon- Jon with yas, Sir Humphrey Davy gave His opinion aygainstits practicability, sole- ly on the ground of the impossibility of keeping the joints of the pipes from leak This great chemist was very deti ( it in mechanical talent, and was sv! dom able to make a tight joint for his pnenmatic experiments ; hence the cause St ny Ile chewed tobacco, when nobods todo with Dolys answer f his opinion. Faraday, ‘who became vis assistant, being an excellent mechan ic, soon showed him how easy it was to make tirbt porte for vas pipes , A Southern View of Secession. Extract from a Speech delivered at Alec- andria, Virginia, on the 22d inst., by Robert E. Scott, Esq. With Bell and Everett in the conduct of affairs we ebould avoid dissolution, re volation, secession, anarchy, and the woes anoumbered with which the success of their compititors threaten to overwhelin us. We will save the Union, we will save the Constitution, we will enforce the laws. Peace will be rbéstored to a dis * tracted country, sentiments of fraternity to an estranged brotherhood, and emcil jation to our national conncils. If the wise and good men of all eections, who desire to preserve the Constitution anv the government, will give them a cordial support, their election can be accomplish- ed by the people, and if that fail they may still be chosen in the alternative manner provided by the Constitution,— When considerations so pewerful to the people may we not hopefully confide in the result? For myself, I know of no greater ca- lamity that can befall the country than a dissolation of the Union and overthrow of the government, I speak as an Aimeri- can ees of this great nation. [ speak as‘a Virginian, devoted to the wel- fare of the State with whose fate, for weal or woe, I and mine, and all that is dear to me, are inseparably connected. If this Union be diseolved I believe in no bu man power capable of re-forming it. believe in-no practicability of establish- ing upon its ruins an enduring Southern Confederacy. Between our border States and the Gulf States there exists too many diversities of climate, soil, productions, and of interests. nally into fragments, and in the history of our neighboring South American Re- publics we may read in advance our own. A state of revolution will become our bormal condition; we shal! have wars; weshallhaveanarchy. The peaceful cit- izens will be converted into the soldiers, . . ‘ >. oy YWog, i ye | his honse into a barrack, his harvest tield Baltimore Conventions and showed up in into a battle field, and his substance will be consumed by taxes. We shall ex- change the ballot box for the cartridge box, and our own Virginia will become the battle ground of opposing losts—the Flanders of America. ‘its constitutional laws is treason—treason to all intents and purposes.” If secession be discarded as inadmissible, still the question recurs what cught the* Southern States to do in the eveat of Lingoln’s election t ] answer, unhesitatiogly, atide by the Ciovern- ment compact, claim its fuifillment, and make the overthrow of the Government the condition of the refusal. Any substantial aggression up- en Southern rights will, most certainly, unite in resistance the entire body of the Southern pec ple, they will thea exert the energy and force of Umou, and wot fall victins to that dixsension armong themselves which is likely to follow voy altciupt at participating them tty reyclution for the causes now existing. If Lincoln be elected tt will prove @ great shock to the Government, but as in the present division of parties, he will wwe tis success wo less than @ majority of the whole people, we may well abide the issue and trust to the return ‘ug sense of a sober second thought. if the Republican platform contains an assertion of principles incompatible with Southern submis sion, Ut by DO means follows Chet the adiminis istralion of its President wil seek to give them effect, for in our experience of parties we have signal examples of the felicity with which plat form pledges, givea to obtain at: election, are re pudiated whea the election is over, But if the aggression come let it encounter itia the halls of Federal logvlation and at the ‘seat of the Federal power whence the agyress hon will proceed, and, if need be, let it be push ed to the overthrow of the (tovernment and the expulsion of the aggressors, The District of ;Columbia is Southern territory. If war comes ‘we will take our chances fora share of the com- |} mon property and of the common territory. In [any eveut we will reduce our adversaries io the necessity imposed on us the necessity of forming anew Government when other nations will be ‘be at liberty, without violence to treaties, to, Preseut state of parties is an evidence of admirably form alliacces with eilh@ side according to| that fact. just inducements afforded by either. THE THEATRE. The speech of Henry W. Miller, Esq., at the Theatre on Thursday evening, has | produced a marked sensation in this com j munity, fle reviewed in a }mannerthe history of the Charleston and their true light the Secession Conventions held at Richmond and Balti nore by the Breckinridge party. He proved to the saustaction of every unprejudiced man present that the doctrine of Congressional | hon-intervention with elavery in the Ter- | tnasterly | “A UNITED SOUTH.” A united Soath, indeed! We should like to see it for once. Our nervous friends, those we mean of fire-eating pro-! clivities, call for a uuited South. Why did they not unite at Charieston, or at| Baltiwore ¢ Why don’t they unite now! Why did they not declare their willing: | Pess to unite with any and every body, | opposed to Republicanism, before the Charleston Convention assembled, so that tnere could have beep one instead of three Presidential tickets against Lincoln ¢ What do they ean by a anited South ?, Why simply this: * We will change jeatturms and principles as often as we wose 5 will applaud men to-day and de neunee them to-morrow, [see sentiments of Messrs. Clingman, holden, Bilis and ULitphrey J and declare all traitors who do net follow in our lead; and if vou do not follow us you tail to unite; it you do we call it uniting.” “A united South!” Whet a humbag! Ifthe people of the South tad net patri- | otism enough to unite to defeat Lincoln how can it be expected thet they would | unite to dethrone lim after le is elevated, even were it right to do so! The Dem- | ecraue party cannot unite—veither wing of this prostrate organizatien will unite with the old whig,or Bell party, nor will | one fifth of any party aute with any! Inovement which avows its purpose of ; breaking ap this governuwert and precip- itating the Southern States into a revolu- dion, | All of the Southern people will never [unite on any one thing in politics, the | them, of every State, even South Caroli na, are favorable to the perpetuity of the| We sball break up fi- MR. MILLER’S GREAT SPEECH AT} Union under the Constitution, and will jperil their lives if need be for that pur- |pose. Hence a larger number of the peo- ple of the South can be united on the ba- Constitutional Union than any thing else; they never can, never will unite to break it up and plunge them selves into a revolution to please a few fire eaters whose chief end and aim is ag- tation tur individual promotion.—L?’ro sis of JE ess. TENDENCIES OE VIE VNGE. In a notice of Judge | errepont’s piquant let We may be asked what tle Sautherny conics has been the acknowledged and ter resigning bis seatin New York, which we States ought todo in the event of the election of Lincoln? With more courage than Mr. Breckinridge, who shrinks from the response ; with the frankness that be- comes every one who addresses the pub- lic or affects to represent a party, on swer they ought not to think of seces- sion. That will afford nu remedy for the wrong complained of, but prove an aggravation. We claiin a just par- ticipation in the common Territories and because that is temporarily denied to us, the plan proposes an abandonment altogether. If we are ready for the aban- donment why not inake it in the Union as well as out of it? If all the Territo- ries, stretching the entire length of our western and suuthern borders, are to be made in time, the seat of free States, wil! it not be better to have them confedera- ted, rather than foreign States, friendly inetead of hoatile ¢ il it net be better to have them bound tu ue by the strong bonds of acominon Constitution and a common Union Bat the mere secession of some of the States, while it will disturb the Union, surely will not overthrow the Govern- meut. The plan involves the condition of leaving the Federal Government in full operation, established at Washington, with its President and Vice President, its Secretaries, its Foreign Ministers, its Sen- ate and Honse of Representatives, its Ar- my aad Navy, its Treasury, and all the appliances of a great national Power. If, in the plenitade of its power, it deny to us the right of secession and refuse to submit to encroachments on the coinimer- cial power, it may repeal the laws estab lishing our Southern ports as ports uf en try, and with its fleets blockade our com merce. We may refuse to participate in Federal elections, to send Senators aud Representatives to Congress, and deny to ourselves all the benefits of the Gov ernments. That will be our affair, and to that extent we would not, probably, be disturbed. So long as the Opposing States successfully protected their com- mercial interests they would probably rest satisfied. But the seceding States, in this Oon federacy what would they do? Fight successfully they could not, because they will bave neither ships nor sailors, and if they set to work to build ships and train sailors, the Federal Government would outstrip them tenfold. Would they re sort to fureign alliances ? Abandoning the stars and stripes would they scek_ rotection for their liberties under the ag of imperial France, or crave safety for their slaves under the Lion of eman cipating England? The thought is iin miliating, bat then it is to be remembered that both of these nations are in amity with the Federal Government and bon to it by existing treaties, and however mach they might be graciously inclined to take the seceders under protection, they might hesitate to do so in the face of trea ties, at the hazard of war and to the en Couragement of what might appear to them, rebellious members. Thien what in the contingency stated, would the ee ceding States do? Fight they met, witi: the disadvantayes and ail the hazards of unequal war. To this eXtromity Causes may arise to impel an oppressed and in jured people, in the presence of which they may not stop to count the cost, [ut such causes must needs be preat, control ling, and overwhelming; canses on whic the welfare of the people and tie lives ot thousands may be justly perilied. but such a cause can hardly be found ina political squabble over the controverted question ofthe constitutional power over slavery in the Territories Suct being the Practical objections to the rm Medy proposed, we ueed not discuss ite consti tutional ments. But that we may know what ' the Democracy of Virginia formerly thought of fy their own narrow ambitons! this question, I will read an extraet from an ed ioral article of the Richmond Enquirer, of the date of November 1, 1814. * Neo man, nv asoriation of new. no State or pet of Btates, has a nght to withdraw itself from‘ eee this Uaion of its own account, ‘The eame pro gr whieh knit us together can unknit. The § nie formality which formed the links of the and God, even : - : is Necessary to dissolve it. The majority t 4 Meates which formed the Union murat consent P withdrawal of any one branch of it Un @ that ponsent has been obtained any attempt Fear has declarod a semi annual dividend of five pot the party present, Fipabiiity to remain to hear De. Speed, po votes in Craven will be down the wails of Johus and our Eleazers, leading the peo Tt is as follows y Let os repent of our wickedness —let us ; boasted doctrine of the entire democratic recently published, the Philadelphia Bulletin #0 party, North and South, for the last ten years, and thatin ignoring it in the nom ination of Juhu C. Breckinridge that wing of the democratic party ijrnored the great cardinal principles hitherto contended for by conservative men of all parties He reviewed the history of the Kansas- Nebraska Act, the Compromise of 1850 and explained the true position of parties ou the slavery question, clearly proving | jthat all partics has agreed to banish the; | whele subject from Congress and leave it where it of right belonged, to the people of the States where it exiated and to the ,people of the Territories to resulate, es j tablish or abolish, as to them might seem right and proper, subject only to the Con jetitution of the United Stater and the de cisions of the Supreme Court, Mr. M. read from the celebrated circa- lar of Hon. L. O'B. Branch addressed to! the people of bis district soon after the disruption of the Charleston Convention io which that gentleman boldly defended | the doctrine of non-intervention and de-| |nounced the new tests attempted to be} jforced upon the party by Yancey and the jseceders ; showing that Branch went ae jtar in favor of Popular Sovereignty as ever Donglas or his supporters have gone We lave no time, nor shonld we at jtempt if we had, to make a general report jot this preat speech. Lt must have been {beard to be tally appreciate! The ap | peal made in behalf of the Union by jdistinguished gentleman iu his closing re [marks was received with rapturous ap jplanse, and the consequences of disnnion jas pictured by him produced a profound Impression on the large assemblage pre sent. Mr. Miller took his seat amid deat ening applause. We were pleased to see ja large number of Breckinridge men pre sent wlio paid most respecttul attention jto the speech of Mr, Miller, At the conclusion of Mr. Miller's speech J. U1. Haughton, Esq., introduced Dr. It. K. Speed, Elector for the State at large fon the Bell and Everett ticket, who ad- dressed the audience for nearly an hour, | { the {in a speech which we have since learned was highly satisfactory to the members We regretted our Those who think that Douglas wall radly dece ed when the time for counting out comes Newhan Progress. oo. A Touching Appeal. irae Clean | ong of the Electors at Large on the Un lon ticket in Guorgia, las written another lor letter, urging the ciaiins of Messrs. Bell and Everett. He says, in conclu- sion : “But let wrangling about consistency go for the present. Let us deteat Lincoln let ns save the country— let us avert eruil war. That nrebeld of S fhersan ox ringory loudly y let ue be up and doing. Let the people of the North now see that the recent clections are moving us -toyether, for the Union for ourselves If we If the polite:ans and Presses -the anthors of all our troubles——will coutinue moe (ng UK toqethes if we car, mist. to wrangle, will trate their votes ? they concentrate ot the people concen And better than to vote far the man How can who ail adoutis national; wha was vey er connected with a faction, who never oe tated the slavery question for party purposes, Wise of fidelity luwe ot te whole life is a vuarantee to the Constitution and the land My conntrvaien, as it was in the davs of derusdlon's overthrow, so is it with us Phe common enemy is battering National Jk within are our Sunos, our HOW our rina em, and vet abandoned by the God of our fathers ¢ tome down from the monotarne of sin and Fran.—The Bank of Oupe ¢ | Baxnw or Care to diaadive the Woven or distinct the efficacy of | per vent t Owing te the absence of Mr fh 1 Pane hhank sy comments as follows on the characteristics of our people g The sketch of New York Pierrepont is scathing drawn by Judye is true, and unfortunately it is too nearly true of the whole “Ttis easy to demon strate that, in the vet discovered world, there ts couutry hot such another extravagant people, In propor that which inhabits this city.” The one idea is “a frantic determi tion to tts read vecalth, as halion to wet in some munedite way, the means i of appearing to be rch.” The consequences ot Unis ate appalling, Both womeu and men are selliig themselves for money. The extent of this passion tur the appearance of wealth is ter nttc. This very ery of every soul aud the cluteb of vvery arm is for inoney—imouey to be spent | in extravagance, These words are fearfully (rue : * Already the suecess of a lawyer is determine d| by the money that he makes ; already the sue | cess of a muster of Christ is in some degree estimated by the salary which he receives.’— The country is mad on money, and money is to be spent in show. How are we to support thirty | millions of noblemen and their families? All! women are ladies, not in character, bat in dress | and expense; all men in America are lords in| their stvle of thinking, and, as far as they can make, borrow, or steal money, in their style of hivar Phatitis a miserable ampition is’ plain enor Phe remedy is more obscure. But if one coull even make a suggestion towards im mrovetuent ot should be welcomed The tho this. Ti Judge Pierrepont bas put it, if tis idea be al is » matter really lies vers much where tht we have for the thou Ar ned out more comprehensively aud thoroug Phas country needs goverument ino the widest children coming precocious in vice for wans of fanuly go- The father ut and do not Sense, Our are runuing wild and te Vorutment and mother are indu result is de vovern, 1] mer on from the cradle. The fast young man is the most disgusting of all sights, and his pa thank for it Sehools are pot half governed, anid rents lave only themselves. to we are dosed ad nauseam with moral theortes, The is, the boys need to be wel are idle or mipudent. to exercise discipline, or wet up tt suasio rat thras when t they Churebes are afraid rories that it Ss ouscless. \nd the polities of the country have hands of and Then we are threaten: ally with a breaking up of the Genera been too long in the partisans demagouues. continue roveru Ment because this party or faction o other Joes not tave its way. There is no plan for producing the s/f government without which a batons aabob of “eious men and women, ex t of Grog cept hy observing honorably the laws midomi. We mast yovernevery where stron Votnd bonestly, from the family up through our Presidential chair, or we City Councils to the ate UDdone [f hberty but comes to mean | people of the trer enerey of tha Anglo Saxon race, cense among th lous wil anid awtal bess otour runs will inake all past evamples of ‘national destruction mere child’s play. \ Niw The Government seems to be in a fair Yous Post Orrick Derancarion. way to lose the entire amount (&105,000) late Postinaster After the flight Fowler the Government attached of the defalcation of the at the city of New York. of Mr. the property of George Law and Gustavus who were the sureties of Tho de wwinent was resisted by these \. Conover, Fowler in the sum of $75,000, mand for pp t vent however, on the ground that hie vis were void by reason of theor net Tavinne been signed by Oliver Char wats pledged by Mr. Fowler, Lo late this fact, a Commissioner wits sentte Havana to obtain the testitnony CaN Lire ky avon Mr. Fowler's statement h ved, from which it appears Mr. Conover to become a osiirety lie the -, Liaw wid Charlick, and in request tocame of Mr. Law he } Ciarhek and Conover Charlick + sivnature war not atx \ mentioned Hatnes ot toentioned yond ple to divisions and destruction, to grath ©! Ss ' ofuers signed, and the Wiat sas | rded te Washington with only Aoal 1 a an @lonuve Prophets lave we killed, what Saviour Me lanes of bowler, Law, ae Conover have we cricitied, that we should be thas @ ached, opposite three seals, leaving a Vou apposite the fourth seal are delivery was anauthoriz prom 1 by Messrs. Law and Conover, and it worship in our Temple. Then shail the Worl Hips that these gentlemen were wnemies of our Limon be driven away, kept rance of the incompleteness yur (rod, shail return to Of the bond until the fact was disclosed ilese (uel to tiem atter the defaleation. Mr. Fow rsave he did not think his sureties would ver be called npon, as be considered he vad property enough to meet his obliga lone | + [he misfortune is that Carolina, Bateman, SALISBURY, N. ¢. TURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 6, 1860 ELECTION IN NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, Oct, 30.—At the election in two districts in thus city, yesterday, for members of the Legislature, the two Bell candidates were chosen by overwhelunng majorities, ALABAMA POLITICS, Oct. 31.—The Breckinridge and Bell parties are both holding large and enthusiastic meetings here to-night, The speakers urge resist- The Hon. Thos. Watts is addressing the Bell meeting, amid great applause. Venti, ance to Lincoln's election. Fach party, as usual, is sanguine of success. oo Rise Unionists, in Your Strength. ‘to tell you that it was all a@ mere deception ' The Bell and Everett meu throughout the length | and breadth of the lapd have more encouraviny The fusion in New York, that cherished object of our heart is working lu's defeat, and signs vow than they ever had , and will insure Linco 3ut an immense majority of | will give Bell ten electoral votes there. Conservay uve—always conservative, New Jersey, will sure- ly vote against Lineulu, tor there are but two tick jetsin the field in that State, and Bell will ver 2 } votes, Pennsylvania isnot by any means certain North tedly and tu cast its vote for Lincolu. All over ua the moderate meu ate ris.ng el niasse, uni CLincoln and section harmoniously ayai sii, and It tests now with South to meet them and save our country trom the dangers which | Of Weappeal to the sp tiona madly Uireatens yand un uclings e Union Det 50 jmouth | eupat |, iL alt y w wl 1 pres | One and All Vote Early! | It bowise atl suf plan, always t ‘ Ley ur never t } 1 ' Hla ‘ 1 the < x 1d ‘ ‘ vote Wille you a le, ly ta ‘ innit c vith y t v | h Ct ‘ idividual w ‘ I tte souk a tl lay 4 ‘ ow your W at ‘ ; + Vote easly and work y atl ee Bae We issue tas number of our paper it advance of our usual day of publication, not tiat we have any thing new bo say, but because we desire tu spread before the people all the facts and arguments we can, bearing upon the Issues involved in this contest, feeling that vothing less than the peace and prosperity of our Coun try are at stake. Nor do we believe it is in the power of North Carolina to avert the fearful dangers which threaten us, nor of any one Stat Joit. Butit isin che power of North voling to rebuke, if she canuot avert, Chat rech- 35 rt the South wi would apply the teh of « stoife, by comp fous to choose etweeh rebehing sister Stites and the Govern Ment under Whose aegis W Vee ved and pros: } pered for so tis years, ated ust which we Lave now po reason ty rele North Carolina cau declare at the ballot box that) she is) for the (CONST TINS, TBO WONTON, RON JRO EN FORCENMEN | Ob TE ANS cathy for that faction of the de and that she has uo syiut made up the issue be taocratic party which i tween the North and South the purpose of sect xen thas Countey Nu the early ven erated fathers of the Repu warted us, their descend Avuitst seclohal avitation; and tol us te frown upon the very restion that this Cnian could, in any event, be dissolved And yet large parties, North and South, in utter chsregard of those waratugs, have pursaed cours es Which tend to that result. Patriots, foreseein these things, putin nominagen Bell and Ever tt twooof the best and most eminent men ip cousylidate the the Country, Loping thereby t conservative strenath of the Nation, and break the force of the sectional feeling They spring up North and South have labored with all then Streneth ty accotplish this holy purpose y with to diseern, what success, we able We fi precipitate us inte the horrors of a civil and see are Mot vet ar, however, that mad men will be able to tonal war. We fear that every man in every State, will be compelled to make choice between the General Government on the one side, and the seceding States of the Sputh on the other An attempt to break the Uiiun—to establish by of secession brings force the v1 necessarily up the issae, and every man must make his elec tion Whether or not he will support the General Phere nan Government is no authonty on earth bsolve any from his allegiance to it; t and he takes sides avatust it, he is a trartor, welis lable to the penalty of such an offender, provided the Government bas power sufhcient Secession is, therefor. equival: nt iuon, if there is foie power to carry atont, may dey butaf not, then the con sequences of he attempt inust fail on those who | Who 1s wall present stable and equitable bh desired ¢ ing to abandon tt Government under whien we bave lived so hap- poly, te gens thromeh the ordeal of a doubtful, hot blood and ternble war, to reach a Southern Confederacy, and a goveroment more doubtful ints charieter than even the resultof thy strug ale to purchase itt soe THE UNION MASS MEETINGS In Wilkesboro’ and Jefferson, last week, were grand ont pourings of the mountain people. Tt westinate | there were from three to six thous beg arnea, uceleny, TON. Crampler, were the principal Ramsay and at eacl The firing of cannon on those elevated grounds was heard more than 40 miles below The Salisbury Band attended both meetings Great enthusiasm and a profound Union senti ment characterised these assemblies for Buchanan and save the Union, said they Union Men of North Carolina. Ou Tuesday, the 6th day of November, you will be called upon to vote for Dre- sident and Vice President of the United States. There are momentous iseucs de- pending on the result. Itisatime which calle, in thunder tones, on all conservative men to reflect seriously and act wisely and promptly. Teed the appeal, all ye CONSERVATIVE MEN. If you desire the dissolution of the From the Carolina Watchman of Nov. 18, 1856. DISUNION. We ask our democratic friends all through the country to remember, that "the Union” was one of the rallying cries of the leaders of the party—vote Sen- timents like these were emblazed in large letters on their bauners. We say remeber this, for we want 5 The leaders ot the democratic party in the South are not strongly in favor of the Union, You, the people, will find Gut this in the course of the next three or four years. You will hear these satue umon-loving democrats piping quite a different tune, aud they will want you to march to it caunot gratify the clamors of both Northern and Southern one or the other is doomed to disap All his early sympathies and prejudices . Was not The ov ioanly ine Buchanan Cn von VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE. If you desire to perpetuate the slavery agitators polutnent are with the the first choice of the th, and we all know: he Southern democracy danger is be has not the moral coura dependence te pursue a agitation VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE. h national line of policy, deaf alike to agitators Novth and South Tf he . should tall into the hauds of Northeru schemers, as Tf you desire North Carolina to play most likely he will, the Suuth wall be cheated. — If lackey to the Cotton States VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE. Tf you desire to drive off the gallunt army of Nothern Conservatives VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE, Tf you admire trickery and trap set- nto the hands of Southern extremists, the Northern wing of the democratio party, already enteebled will drop into the ranks of a Northern party. Theo you will bear the ery uf Mesniion The democratic leaders of the South wall be the leaders of the disuniou movement We are no pro- phet, but the sigus of the Umes warrant: this pre Chingman and Barringer both voted for Buchanan to same ume preached disunion, in the event ot Fremonts elec uon may be that in their zeal for their new politcal al hance, they consented to risk the hazzard of being the first tu sound the disunion bugle. Sectional diction save he Union, but at the ting | They are new converts to democracy. It VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE. | | Tf you like mum candidates | VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE. If you want a man for President who! has not intellect enough to frame an an- Now, we have only to add to the above an- other prediction which we will warrant wall come as near the truth as the above, xwer tu an important question of South If Lincola should be elected, aud one or more 4.7) policy, or has nut manliness enough to| Southern States mike that a cause for secession, aes? VOTE FOR BRECKINRIDGE. EZBu EC Tf you wish ta perpetuate this glor tous] or disunion, or rebellion againg the General | Government, all of which mean the same thing, the leaders because all lead to the same results, ity in) the Southern States of the democrats will raise the seceding, disunton or rebelliog Cncon flags and will crv aloud with all the VOTE FOR BELL. | strength of their lungs on every man to rally Bo Ty you desive to put a stop to the sla | therr standard ia a war avait the General : : | very agitation (Cooveruiment Phen, democrats, vou, who are VOTE FOR BELL | how quietly ploughing in Is, and at| your tie webteau iay your heads upon your pillows and Tp you still desire pllowship and fra | pny ‘VOTE FOR BELL. rest securely without thinking of danger, may with your Northern brethren startled any mizht and brogebt in vour shirt vel drawers to mane vour choice between in /r yore di xpise treavhi ry and tr tpt stant hance aid young in with these sece ers Thet s vou will tind out whether those Cec fon ok Cinta whe Ines VOTE FOR BELL. sp sohopp AP So1V eG. He civrantia nein for President with my ! i Bs ‘ you t Ariton iph tac my ox any qiestean of elect f te President } Piiev a ito more Dr A politics and boldness enough proclaim meoet the Washingtonian cliss— a man ou : VEST CE / | whem ail men could tool pertectly satistied | ies sn clerc e VOTE FOR BELL. wed Qouservalive a0 referred ote whic eres ’ & hin . ern ee Vo dbwcance to the Work, --We are pleased to TRON TIC e UALR MmeH ter top ce Necart eoby promptatteution, Messrs. Pieces ie RtC Corea . tv oieoreets Les have been able to meet all their press t Vise iil eid teer te enieneat Ltrom dus inet cee ments for Fonudry work, notwithstand \ bev | from hands. We ask vou tow tochet bett—ama fs thear recent loss by tire No one need hesi of Large ey; othe athirs of our Country tte te seul in ther orders uf whatever size, as who has parccipated in uearly all its Legisla ‘ cand will be readily tlicd, for castrous Gon for more than a quarter of a century, re OF ALY gorse in their line tuning thioush all, character of a wrest = eine een Meee: The Deliites clann to be the only na coud al e man; i hay, nearly al ; 5 nal party in the ted By way of fae eon reect him, and choose a young : cs q proving the claita, they polled 1200 votes tery, It en@ed man, who has allowed him. |) z - the other day in’ Maime, ayainst accty seit tu bead the ticket of arash, reek! ul fhousand Wiack Republicans and forty That looks ** na- tau movement proceeding sirectly from the ¢howsand Detnoerats counseis of that dangerous man, Wilham Lb. tonal,” dou t it l—Standard. Yancey, who bas been de liberately plotuing dis What kind of Democrats? Donglas for years, and through whose inflnenes Data: ears prec nod Daina las been prepared fi ‘ Nathan n preparcd Lane have ..ta corporal’s ard in S ee Maine. ine Yat hits, ated 1s | eco EEE Seas MEL NG 06 SYNOD s t aw tat erar tooth , ix Pret svood un North Carolina i < uu Arete Sia su nothe evening of the 24th shou 1 Farewell Address er ate) ws organized by elveting Lewy Wastin tied You have h Mi Latherts. M yoand Rev. Mr. MePher Tent Tae nennt . reel “ ma bev Meo € gidwell, Seeretanties The eat | Saour Neltaeat Sern say preached by Kev FL K ; ; o. _ , Then wr cot Ministers, Elders, and BE Ae a ONE! \ } Noatterdance was near six hundred Foto Drowns nod, or one seerding State, w Phe new ryt teran Church not being quite Jo that ¢, aud then a fi ndish spirit foon the finished, ser sowere Conducted in the old betiomlies pit wil rule in spite of you, wut! yeu Clarch, M hs Church, College aod Town en ene ee sake 5 a Heal, by the vic 1 isters press ot, athording ony 1 nin tor the large cougrega AS Git Resear DCU Wee NS canted Stinday, 1s | Phillips, of Chapel Hill Pose Tee ON tanks, A bly lady tl preached te toc thousand: persons in the Jenguist and We Courrett, of Montgomery, Aba. ( course eminent for theologn save: The Breckior Minar Mtn rel a val teary be miety and christan grace Vistiion meeting last 1 tne openly avowed fie Poly Conn nowas then administered ference for Lincoba’s election, im orde pile Coon, | Mn Mitetiellas ceed tte trom Charl elated bo prosed, declarins to Several atid bstemans, Method. hans —witl Feast at the | We would) obs that on Friday Lathes of Concord Female ¢ tatned the menu t Pres utherans, and Episcopa belleving Chistian : ston, came out and ds mites and beauty pecular Vy for disunion, Resolut ons Were to the cord’s Table ae reel ital rsa favor of immediate disselu Evening, ols election Gon in the event of Linc ollege, enter accorlanue Svoued and visitors with with all our in- A gent orts that be This is tn precise trllicenaentranie Sonera! in the chapel of the ist elivence rom Sout are tia charting Cancer ferman yus Ip from harlesta ee at oy 1 ) just up from Charleston, rey fone The business ofthe Synod being completed, took their the people of that city wishing forthe election t of |) sand visitors of Lincoln, and threatening disuniou if heshould ital departure Merday morning, at 5 o'clock, be elected. We lave told our readers repeat 1! Fastera Gay, and we hope, with the blessing of Preaven pious works Phe Svnok w 34 o'clock, resting upon them for ther edly, that (he Breekinndge men of the South, never desired to eleet him President, but pur et next year in Taleigh, at roseiy broke up the demoeratie party in order October 31st Lredell Bryn ess, to secure th eeleetion of Lincoln, having prede- 5 Brom the Tredell Express. termined to make that a reasou fora dissolution esflonk u ; . we . . ' extianm Nupplicad or reser of the Union Now, as the election draws t Chin inteitae dl: tion for the Preserva weesee dtopenty proclaitued, and resolutions for tion off the Union. disumion are boldly announeed and passed) in If there ever was a tine whey the prayers of public assem bhes by them the Christian world wer: needed in behalf of our Union Men of North Carolina. what lave tebe. Gut distraetenl country, that time is MATetoosiy ato tes Clarina tieie? now. and all Christians in the Union feel that 4 - tisacsolomn duty whieh they owe to their be With fanatical mad men in’ the North, fur loved land, whose Constitution has nearly a een ously breaking up the foundation of the Unie tury protected them in the services of the Sane on, and enraged madmen at the South, engag. tary, te offer op their united and heartelt) ori protection of Almighty God to them and their descendants a con edn the same unholy work, what better ean Sus for the » vouchsate to you do than make one mote manly, lerote ¢ Unnanece of the blessings of ervil Tiberty in this fort to pla tl vernment an the hands of avored land. by enlightening the minds of the conservative men! [tas theofhee of the Union people and preserving the Union of States from then to rush between these infurnate parties. and Cisruption and eivil war. [pn bebaltof this great | 5 | - s byeet, the Senod of the Presbyterian North Carolina with commands and pleadings save the country, devom which in Statesville last week, adopted the following tation of Witt 1D S@8si0 fthey ean n resolution The idea of installing the Pope in Te In accordance with the overture from Con cusilem las been broached by the Franch cord aml Favestadle Presbyteries, we cordially press. They say that it is ne farther recommend thatthe Sth day of November be trom Jerusalem to Jaffa than it is from observed by all the churches of our Synod as a Rome to ite sea pert, Cisita: Vecchia: a dav of fasting, lrumilation and prayer, with ref railroad wonld place Jerusalem within erence to the present solemn ersie in our Na one hour of the Mediterranean, and ip "enalathorssand that other Christian” denom world be very nearly as convenient for Malous be invited te join with ns in) common (io Catlane worllpasieomoc 1) now J) “8ppheation to our God, and that all our eon uregations assemble on that day for its observ would add, also, very much to the ad the Kast Phe French army in Syria can easily take pos ‘nee at their asaal place of worship.” FAK. NASH, Chairman vance of Christhanity on session of Palestine if the Sultan dare re qi Thought yera say that we The Beeekinrid Bell and Everett fuse a demand for it; in fact, they say Fonnd it would be the easiest way to settle the have no platform , and yet no matter who is elected, he has to swear to Rupport our platform, and Did the Breckinridgers ever think of that? Montgome ry (Ala) Post Roman question Wo guess the situation offered him at Nhe Pope not hia own Chicago, Hlinoia, is etill open must have a place From the South Caroliaian. SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Tue Vork or New Yorw.—We clip the following concluding remarks of an article in the New York /ferald. We believe it states the truth, and thatits prediction will Le verified. It is time that all hopes of Lincoln's defeat were dissipated. They but deter from a thorough preparation for the issue. Instead of entertain- ing bopes, let the muskets of the State be im- proved if possible. Let the example of Virginia in this respect be followed. The accounts from some of the other Southern States, so we have _ been informed from good authority, render it certain that South Carolina will have simultane: OU8 CO-Operation in a secession movement.— There is no use that we can see in holding out any hope of Lincoln's defeat—on the contrary, itis best that it be realized asa coming certain- ty, aud our course of action shaped in reference toit. Read the Herald's conclusion : “Common justice to sll concerned demands that this idea that “something may turn up’ to redeem New York should be abandoned. Now York will vote for Lincoln, and by a larger ma- jority, we dare say, than any other State. Lin- coln will be elected. There is no use in mino- ing the matter any longer. Weare called upoa to look this thing full in the face. The best that jour Union forces can now do is to save all the podds and ends of the election within their reach, such as Congressmen, Assemblymen and county otticers. Lincoln with be elected, and all parties concerned may as well Just now shape their course to that event as to wait till the day after the election.” North ¢ for such extreme measures, but that we should con= tend for our rights in the Union. ‘arolina wall devide that there is no cause From the Suuth Carolinian. Seranate Stare Action.—In the election of a Governor capable of managing successfully the helm of State in’ the Impending crisis, the Legislature will have to take into its profound consideration other qualifications than those which pertain to the sword. Whoever the bon- ored yndividual may be, be must be a man, not only capable in himself to take the financial and {diplomatic affairs of a nation into his bands, but be also abke promptly to select rehable function- aries to fill the several bureaus. Looking, then, amongst other grave matters, to the very important: ones of port regulations, excise abd postal arrangements along our bord- er with a toreign power, the exress, ingress and transtission of the traveling public, as well as our own people, Jobu Caldwell is the coming man RICAN D, We paltsht wd the forescune article, in or eaders nay see whatos comp on in ateoof Sonth Carolina CHEAT PATRIOTISM We have fact that the Bre heretofore attention to the e owing of the Demo- called cratic party OF, ] oy, the srhaps more correctly speak- of that faction, are playing @ double game by proclaiming their unmitigated attachment to the Cuion and inthe same breath flaming the pubhe mind, awd paving the way for dhsunion “we are all Union men, but) Lincoln will certainly be elected, and are Do not wanting in leaders They sav, you gomg to subinitt that averession ne thad we are 1 for a therient su Jovalty to the [ the Constitution, ob never, but wew beaten an the election, fairly —and Coustitunonaily beaten to be sure— but stil, beaten by a Black Republican and do you think we ousht to stand that?” And, with Jost such unmanly and aboard appeals as this, they address themselves to that secret sentiment of selfconcent which flounshes under the name jof State Rights,” and “State Sovereignty,” multi- in this Dare least interested pe- among the misguided and i!) informed tude, It has canvass that those wl been carfaily noted too, cunianivoin the institution of slavery, are the 1 ' lor vit “protection,” and the sacred mabt of maocinon, ke. A The arest slavel trent to be found engag- edn this w my sons far as This matter of dollars and cents is concerned, that they are atte better offin the Union, and mhder the protecton of the stars and stripes, than they would be case of disuamon, and cil wary better od than they would. even, un- fer that phantom oo an enthusiasts bran, a« Southern Confeleracy. Lf these people love the Union, avd appreciate its cnestimable b ssi ns, that have they abd the onutterable gloves surround its pathway in the future, why youe to them- selves, by making an issne oon the shivery «ques- as vrentan extreme as the abelithonists ten, whieh all their speakers (Mg. Winslow among the number) adimits is an utter abstrac- fon, inappheable to any existiog, or probable case) Why do they run a candidate for the Pres Jeney on that "issue," and bow can they regard bis defeat as good cause for destroying Wil. Herald ooo Roo. DICK, Es, DOUGLAS ELECTOR. Robert P. Dick, Esq., Douglas elector, for the State at large, addressed the peo- ple of Be rqiimans County, on Tuesday last. We but express the sentiment. of the large andience who listened to Mr. Dick, when we say the Union? twas a most power- address, and equals any which has been delivered in this part of the State for a number of years We detract from this speech byoan attempt at delineation It could only be appreciated to its follest Mr. Dick depreted in vivid: colors the coarse par- sucd by the party both at Charleston and Baltimore. So withering were his atimadversions upon the Breck- inridger’s that their faeces were considera- bly elongated. Mr. Dick made a pro- found impression and it appearances are to be trusted, lis speech has won many fol, forcible and eloquent will not extent by those who heard it, Secession votes for Douglas in the Democratic party. Mr. Dick said that the Breckinridge party had declared that the election of Lincoln would be sufticient cause for a digsoiution of the Union. He said that if Lincoln was elected and Breckinridge carrics the South, nothing can prevent a dissolution of the Union. Mr. Dick ap- pealed to his Democratic friends not to declare for a dissolution of the Union by voting for J.C. Breckinridge. Ile asked “shall sectionalism prevail?” Wall the Democratic party go for Breckinridge when thereby they declare for a dissolu- tion of the Union? Mr. Dick’s manner of enforcing the claims of Mr. Douglas npon the Democratic party, was irresis- table, and were wea Democrat, we should accept his doctrines as sound Democracy of the modern stamp. The issue now is made np Mr. Dick declares that the Breckinridge wing of the Democratic party seek to dissolve the Union. He is a lifelong Democrat and would not say sout he did not know it to be a faet. Demoerats of North Carolina, are you prepared on the 6th day of November next, to declare for disumion, by voting for the Secession candidate? This is an Important question and one demanding serions contemplation. Union or disun- rion) Choose you between them Alhemarle Southron, —— The as tollo sylvau! “Iti can jot sident, both BH lar bra Senate have b minist plans, such @ al con view ¢ Congres ernie! tory al mituitst will t fruits by the plans to & Bl cultur. should to rett his Ac hor pa Som plain | powder Southe States say abc which law. thinkin that res of Mr. law at Boston a bayo nullitie Breck oath of Of a would tu the | ly, ene the w whoo iy Su }otts, The nu to vtteet remarh eal terrible apital lancer Une { ie along Will sus York to day the en party | a best a fou mereh: titeres A W ash. Times of the states Depa plan « dially for th tecotr tate is so Lines the sxe) oe ee. Mr edith ed tre Th Eeny! yan l Yane wartl Linc it ne) shall. horse In rary, that be be ton! rns then the fi INyr Bi bassa the wv a sla St all h wan im 1s jects pobli “Min see a urgin Soatl Such flour the ¢ will { it. potic in fre Po Cos plane mn the defeat Action shoul others eall fo WAS A thoug that e and c ascert der tl conce e, of te “oT (ren after thror “J he in Re e 8 of at re po to My id 1e er oo er 1g an ig News comments The Charleston (Ss. C as tollows on the Tate elections in Penn sy lvania and the Northwest: “Tt is admitted, even by the Repubti can journals, that Lincoln, if elected Pre- sident, will have adverse majorities in both Houses of Congress with the popa Jur branch vullifiying his badyet, and the Senate nullifying lis nominations, he will have veither money to evnduct his Ad-! ministration nor avents to carry out his plans, Uuless the Treasury estimates are such as to come recommended by nation- al considerations and economy in the view of the Democratic party having Congressional ascendancy. Such a pov. ernment would be withoutexauple tn his tory atthe commencement of a great ad tniuistrative revolution, | Penusvivania will be disappotnted in rentigingy fruits of her defection from Conservation by the protection of leer All the plans of the Lincolu leaders are destined ww a similar failare—homestead bill, agni- cultural colleges, as well as tariff. We should not be surprised if Lincolu were to retire in disgust after the tirst year of his Administration, having neither power nor patronage.” the rob, THE MAN FOR THE TIMES | Some of the supporters of Breckiondge com: | plain loudly that Southeruy: Unionists talk of) powder, ball and betp beiuy used in punishing | Southern traitors for levving war agaist the ©. | States Government, and have not vue word to say about turning # bayonet against those States which have openly nullitied the law. fugitive slave Now they complain, as usual without thinking. If there is any cause of comm) faint in that respect it has arisen since the addini-tiation of Mr. Fillmore, who enforced the fugitive law at the point of the bayonet, in the city of Hostun. If there is any cause of complaint, that a bayonet bas not been turned agarust Northern nullitiers, Mr. Mieree and Mr. Buchanan, (beth reckites,) are culpable for a violation ot the oath of office, and should be punished Of all the weno vow living, the only tnan who would vigilantly look for every act of resistance tu the foyitive slave law, and would most prompt ly, energetically and etticently execute that law the was President, i» the slave Very Man ayAi tis whoto all this complaint i made about threaten by Southern men—and Chat man is Jobo Minor Potts, OTE BETEC TSINGN EW aya iils The New York dferuld of the 20th ult, refer nuy to the probable election of Lins rtlect upou the tmouicd remarks; “Jf Lincoln is elected OLN atid its tf New York Ulerests « nothing can avert the ternble cobsequences Vhe ser s apital are aireud’y bewnmite to feel the rein fanver, ‘The weaker stocks, which are merely wrowth of our credit ein are aired the strom ger ones gorssun New yreatest: sufferer doug beneath the storm, and will suon feelits tury if Chis contest York will be the anedoon het to day hes the determination of this batde. Tt the empire State permits the black rey bolic cat party to taumph, the South must and will tak a hostile attitude at ‘ werhoalitiave a Nnaveial panic and ton of ruin an ar toerchants, manufacturers, aed every that will exceed ut ld hi Tuterest, their be Wsoevery ug the w teever wi A Deported Plot ie Washington ¢ the N.Y Times writes that Kod. Lackey, Raq, late of the Treasury Department, “distinctly states that a high official in the Treasury Department cowinunicated ta the plan of the Disantonists, of whiel he cor ly approved. for the to convene Discanian orrespondent of hii The plan, as stated, is the slatures by procla hay of ON theory Grovernors of their 1 the Southern States ation art sth us soon thereatter ag the electio Mr Lincoln can be ascertained; that the Leg teres well prrowerd ta declare the Eonion weotivd, and tar Promeine in fitvor of Mir. Bre hinruly tx the » SVtLE Lah Lite Southern Mr. Lackey is atated to have det ed the prot, ‘ ed trom bis situation in the Department Fay the 2 Vucon.” roune and lie was forthwith distiss ) ' valde Owe reer The South under the Pratection of Engyland.—The veading Breckinridge or gan in Alabama, and the special organ ot Yancey, the Montyomery Adverts wartmnly favors Disunien in the event Lincoln’s election, and tien wat? Wh itnext yravely proposes that the Souch shall—atter Disunion is) effected plu herself under the protection of England | In reply to which, our Bell contemp rary, the Montgomery Post, well that the first of these propositions woud be bad enough, but—shade of Wastine ton! has the South got down so dow as te Tnp lore) (bea protection a Britain, Abolitioniat now on he face of the globe; Iny statesmen recently am bassador, before the representatives of the world, because he represented in part aslave country. Pechinond Whey. RAS, f Great Snost meonetrois one of whose lead insalted our Political citizens be on Street honest Organizations.--Lat their guard yuinst seerel polite U socictics, lf wrong 1555 they are wrong vow, If the ob- jects of Know Nothingism were antire- poblican in 1855-6 so are the objects of “Minute Men” in 1860. Weare serry to see a Bugyestion from a Virginia paper urging the propriety of introducing this South Carolina znst/tutcon in that State, Such treasonable plottings may seem to flourish for a while, but our word for it the sober thought of the will fasten the seal Gecunde vmipation upon it. Sach associations might for potie France, but will never be tolerated in free America ) second masses do dus Policy of South Carolina Phe Greenville (8. C.) Patriot says that on Tuesday Tast. Hon AS. Orr addressed the citizens of the distriet, He had would counsel no South Carolina aitfered gislature in the Court House, no hope of the defeat of Lincoln, bat hasty action on the part of the State alone, He others in the opinion that the L eall for a convention of the should not withdraw trom shoud people as soon as it was ascertained that Lineola was elected I thought it would be wiser and more prudent that commissioners should be appointed to yo to and consult with the other Southern States, ascertain the course they intended Co pursue on might be a and der the circumstances, so that there concert of action. Tit for Tat.--The following exchange of telegrap hie dispatches is not bad “The following dispatch waa sent by Gren, Lane to the Seceders and Bolters at Charleston : “Go ort! Jor Lant “The people of Oregon, in gix weeks afterward, aent the following diapateli through the ballot box “Tor Lane coop! “coln’s election in which Mississippi hada Diner Imvorration.—Fisher & Ag. | new & Co., of this place, are working out | their independence of the North. We! have two or three times before noticed | the arrival in Charleston of imports con. | signed to them. By the ship Johu Bra zer, from Liverpool, whieh arrived on Charleston on the 27th inst., we observe in our Charleston exchanges the following list of articles for them: One hundred and sixty-three plow moulds, six hundred | and fifty-one bars, and one hundeed bun South Carolinian. Fisher, Aynew & Co, ‘ dom in this business ; and if disunionists have shown wis would stop their ceaseless agitation of the slavery question, and direct their energies ; to the passage of lawe in every Southern State, levying a heavy tax on every mer- chant who bought and sold goods of Northern manutacture, or which lad passed through a Northern port, thus driving them to the necessity of tinport- ing from Europe direct, believe no other net would be required to care the sectional evils which anuey us. Non intercouse is a cheap und effective ee | of reaching the case, and it ought to be adopted. we Mopirten Stcorsston.- ~The Governor of Mississippi is only a half way secessionist Ile is for withdrawing all representation in Congress, and obeying all the laws of | Congress ennetcd up to the time of Line | | voice, but proposes not to recognise any | new ine of Conuress, nor bave any thing further to do w ai the Federal Govern: nent in any manner unless the amplest guarantees are yviven the people wt Mis | sissippi that all their rights of person and | property will be fully reapected, Wedo| the Mi spiselppl could derive, fromm any such arranvement, By withdrawing ber delegates from Coo- Adtuinistration had would be without the the yuaMntees she de hot see advantage which rea begun to act power to enforce vress bet new rhe mane them while loldiayg a position of oppor by keepin representation ia Congress sie can assert un State, on, abd put the re tion to the Gooverniment. wz ler resist ul ler riahits as ¢ constitutional sponsibility of forcing: The So te dite se ee pou the map iy ta ta Natrol ha ture How weoald) she poo about suotnitting te the Federal Governinent on ce olnstanee and refusitee it ou another without bringing upon berseif the cetise fuences of disreyea 1 1 cuthiorit, atovether ! Tbalfway secesston is only sotnuch deference to poblie opinion in Miss ssippi, Which is not prepare lhe Cau Wn boat w= y 7 CATFeING Measure towill not be WIStNION IE EIENITONS Pe Jevrnal, of thig shire wad ane WV sais boat a Wel informed red he prin from per in, Wri TeCCNIEN Fett Woo-huneton, UC Breckinndyve leaders from the Sour them Senator Wistad, of Texas, Meek, of Alabama, had acon. ation on ee last, and be observed in the} states Lhal some ul te tod Judge sult neree oa plan of action to np | event of Lineoln’s election to the Presi | dency A partiot the plana that South Cuotina, within oo dave after tos elec tion, shad declare her Independence the General Croverntient, and send an | or te Washington asking ta tne nm x try \du stra Cd event ny VOT It - ao Cs Chis movemunt t mot 1 wiil foliow her eva e and after a fake t States Lawe been thas vit me ta Crovern a ( racy wall be fi A Speck or Wa Crovenle er tt sfacnis te Sidhe ent, (soca a wreter.) that foup be at the ca th Vorinta, this week Ninety companies east have been reported fo Glin as ta] = val cation, sborks | Now York kKomark ‘ nen ! t til } Ki publean papers. w wish at the ade Janwer \ ( Aroitia Is. fy dad been v to GS eves tiakliea fal ay \ down to 88, Tennessee 57} M For the Watchmin Miz. Pico Sees TD wish te make a statement in! relatien to the Hay oon atta: What 1 san was said ina jestine way atm! meant to be so understood by those to whom it was addressed Itsy We that my languve and manner at the taae was misunderstogd, and that altbough I have subsequently stated that the whole thing was a joke, Pinay not have pressed it) with suf. fietent directness to remove the original error Honee this card: T desire now to exculpate Mr TLurston from all conneetion with this whole, mmatter, and to-correet in the minds of those who wave publicity to it, an my declaration the ppretieusion under whieh the thing went UOT Nets NN , ray +R NOTICE. ] AVING TAKING LETPERS OF Estate of Joseph Do Cowan, Tharsday, the Sth estate of m abroad ADMIN istration on the deed, PE will otter of November next, dee'd SIX MONTHS. said sale will consist of al Stock of very unusual for fine qualities, One lot Fine Old Tobacco, and one lot of very good New Tobaceo hired at the same time and NEGRO WEN AND One of the boysis a first for sale, ou all the on a credit of dity perishable suid Cowan, terert from date, the articles usually several MULES, and tine rold every kind appearance: of very Phere will also be plaice THREE LIKELY PWO LIKELY GIRES will be rate blacksmith y there inany er articles edious te mention sold an the sate ay and at mone pl cP M.H BRANDON, Adin’r of Joe PD Cowan, deetd Oe 30, 160 dhs CLOVER SEED, : seul The WOH WYATT. Dragygist and heeary, Now 186 and [82 Manat, Salishury, N Oet 29 4029 The Crearest and Kerosene Oil, Veer LIGItts known, for sale by We wWay Nye e i Druvoist & Apotheraey Borning Fluid. | ycopag und aks Man Street, Salsbury ( Her 30 1}RAO Hild BLUM’S Farmer'sand Plauter’s Almanacs, forthe year ISO61, for xale, wholeanle and retarl at J.J. STE WARTS Ort 24, INGO 1129 Rook Storr A CARD. (ee SEEING WS BELIEVIN —— 0—_— FEIOIE TEN VEG TES IE ( AND MOS7 EXTENSIVE STOCK. | OF DRY GOODS, CLOTIIN AX)) GROCERLE Are now opening at thie (i, 9 Subscriber's ever GREAT eee AT THE GREA CLOTHING | EMPORIUM PALL AMD WINTER DAVID "WEIL ‘ AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORT © Cites with a LARGE aod COMPLE “Ready: Made Clothing Gentlemen’ s Furnishing Goods, | Sueh as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under- | Shirts. Cravats, Neck-ties, Mandkerchiefs, and a | fine assortment of Shirts and Collars, &c., &e.. tv jwhich he iuvites your immediate attention. They have been purchased for cash, and will be sold nese | er than ever were offered here before. NOW 9 yt TIME FOR GREAT BARGAINS, « | Laces, Embroideries, ready- “* | am determined to sell cheaper than any other house in Salisbury | Returning my thanks for the liberal patronage | heretotore bestowed, I hope for @ continuance of the | ¥aine Remeinber the Stand, | NO. 2, MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, N.C 1860 uf19 | M. BRENNER’S | os RED JACKET CLOTHING HALL ! | Main Street Near Water Street, Nearly Opposite | | the Post Office | Sept. 25, \Perhibited in Nalishury,', Nitbenndereened Hunter iipmarnivedhiimtaet And which will be sold as heretofore at tedly low prices. ‘This is ( tte “ dy ‘,wW imerate Beeaure an exaninats he stock au convince the most serptic, and closest by truth of the aksertion Returiine my sincere acknowledget zeaweof Rowan and adjseent county s, LP hope by close attention to omy ment a Contiuuaues of the same No trouble to show Good as usua unprece¢ wiel wonkd not be Hhely to get NOC ANT ADVERTISING PUR A Weir artic d prices | uyers.o nents t ar SE will f he >» the 8 for past fa busiuess, t sat S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNTER WEh APU SUBSCRIBER MEIC LANL Sat HAA wertld « fr COM EIEY varied Stock of Y iT attents his large DRY GOODS, Clothing and Groceries. which he will sell at WHOLESALE as low as can in any ety in the Union, neq Stace Ve Ss. vouuhe not excepted WHOLESALE. | lo SKIRTS in endless variety the Great Em- I PRANKE ORD. S. FRANKFORD’S. vember 6, 1X60 25-tf Bring Back that Gun. le SUBSCRIBER it Horah & Ramsay's Store, fast Cre | with a NEW, BLE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, wishes to inform the public of FRESH AND FASHIONA- isbury and Rowao lie above named establixh- al that he has tak county, ment with the view of ker mustautly on hand a large and heavy Stock of CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS, ping ¢ for Men's, Youth's and Boy's wear, of all styles, qua s, and fair priees Suitable costumes for Walking Dress, Paruers, Planers, Miners, Machin- ats. or Servants use Als lane assortinent of Boots, and Shocs, Hats and Caps. Calland exumine “1 re purchasiig els where SIGN OF THE RED JACKET Mo BRENNER Po —Having made proper arrangements with oar Baltunore tir, Pam at ali tines prepared to fulfill any orders in the Merchast ‘Patong business at shortest nouce MB! Oct. 1b, 160 bu v 34 (WATCH MAKER \ AND JPWHLEE Salisbury, OCTOBE R. 1860. WR. WILSON ] AVING just returned from the Northern Cities with a large assortinent of Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Ke. to sell greater bargains than eve fin Noh Carelina Jewelry, is ready r Was sol¢ His personal attention in given ty Repainog of. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, & oc, and with the assist t stot Watchimake work prompt. Neely § rant 12 months e door frou Me and war and examine Ladies Watches. ‘ UST opened some of the handscinest: Watcher ie Dadties of the chace rooffered wiih Ce ltVa a eeve nobles, Gold and eat Bty le Ceold Chat inns, setts of fine tons. Studs, Gold and Silver" rel Neektives, Lockets, Chanus, Ear Drops for Misses and Children, 1 great many rthings too numerous to mention. all of which ba Jewelry Store WILSON 1f22 wll be sold at gains for cash, at of Wer Oct. 16 SILVER WARE. left a double barrel shot gun on the day of the veral Muster, which some person thought fit toremove. ‘The wocermgned wants bre gun, and ad- US'T opened at WOR. Wilson's Jewelry Store. a wses Che person who took it to remember that ab @F fine assorine of Pare Silver Table and ql thought might have been taken throngh mistake, “fF s, algo, replated Castors Cake Baskets, t the kept, that will be evide ie a design to s. Goblets, Forks and Rrives. Butter Kiives, slit and he will put the Gown foree against the r Dishes, Syrap Cupe, Musurd and Sugar Person cu Whose possession it macy be found. meee Don't forget give us a call Return the Gun to WoeeCeet Nay ety Ps60 NOTICE. Norah & Ramsay’ BURKHEAD « Store > and we will sell WR. WILSON _ WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Ee STOCKHOLDERS of Montamana Fe- aR male Seavnary aime respeeitily sobeited to ey ane retin Mount Pies nthe Srna of De tet nveosin Mo Bess on coe vel oatucy ol Pe COmmission Merchants, N Bo In case ain present Board Majority of the net meet. the er themselves fully authorized to trans busi In taay present itself | By order of the Boar | A. FOIL, | rect all d of Trustees will consid suct Secretary bw25 BOOKS! ! > | DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP! T COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER f Burke went of the parties A Stewart, The business of he ite af ae anv All remote the interest of the anid it will great! up the accounteof the late firm as speedily they request their friends to call carly for that JOK en Scrismeny, Oct s, 1360 TO THE ] AVING BECOME THE torofthe SALISBURY BOOK the undersigned wonld offer his thanks forthe patroniye extended to the Hae daected by the late firm ot Berke & soliert or it the contented coutide nes ofots frends Ele will constantly STOCK OF BOOKS, and will make new and valuable works are bronght thovoet duly commounrertion web the ing Houses in New York and Philade readily supply by Express such ord onnts will alse be PUBL SOLE + this day dias: made! parties t will be continued by Mr. Stew yt Stockholders do No. 2 Gravite Row, Froxt Srreer 1 WELLINGTON NC Dealers in ail kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Frait, Liquors, Wines, ¢ and Tobareo Sohemt conmsiyninet a Fruit, Feath sof Flour, Dre Ferg, Beeswax, Tobaces, and Country Produce gen erally. Agente tor Howe's celebrated Seales | bP G WORTH, NG DANIED For the past 7 veare with Lateot Asheboro’, N.C. | PC & BG. Wortit Sept is, bs6o lyin GREAT BARGAINS oC LOTHING! Hl. Evviss now offers to sell xa pomitte, ana GENTS PANTS at £2.00 worth $3.00 “ “ 400 ae 4.00 purpose & «5.00 “ 6.50 RURKE ne tT. “ 9,00 STEWART Ga le NCUA ACD Set 3.00 a 4.50 is " “ 5.00 “ Tou “ “ “ 7AM) “ 9,50 \ “ o «10,00 te 14.00 ( z Ob “ 100 “ 1s,00 ; ts 1s,00 oe 25,00 PROPREE Catl at tN NS Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store, Oct. 2 tf20 to the v hile nnd patr replenoe vcdlit ont. tle largest Pa phia, anc STORE, publi Siewarr. and * ey hoothe an Watches R. WILSON has the e INF AMERIC hips him to sell them for less Americ Avency forthe GENI AN WATCHES which ena IN EW GOODS, AT A. MYERS’ No. 4, Granite Building SALISBURY, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STAPLA AND FPANST Dry Goods, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, made CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &ec., &c., &c. THE Subscriber respectfully informs! his old patrons and the public generally that has recently returned from the Great | Emporium with a NEW STOCK of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of the latest and most fashionable styles. Having personally selected hin Goods with especial reference to the wants aud tastes of this section, he feels con- fideut that he will be able to meet the views of his old customers and trends, and the public generally. His Stock embraces au unusually large anc attrac live assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, LACES, Embroideries, &c., certainly not excelled by any house in the State — He hus also a splendid vanety of the RICHES'I SILKS and SILK ROBES, and all of the we ‘ ° RLNZSE LRESS GOOLE, of this Fal y elegant Tn all bis purchase he ‘s Tasportationsx, many of which are recl- has endeavored to select only such Goods ax were most desirable iu style, most substantial in inanufacture, and mest reasonable in price, being anxious to sustain the reputation of the sid stand, No. 4, Granite Building. 'T he subscriber respecttully invites your inspection to his new FALL and WINTER STOCK, confident | . . | chitis, Lacipient Consumption, and for the relief of| that he will be able to offer many really substuytial inducements to all who may favor him with a call ALSO, an unusually large stock of Negro Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Brogans. J “Returning my thanks for the hberal patronage heretotore bestowed, Rattie senal attention A. MYERS, Vo. 4, Granite Building. | 1260 19 September, TEE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. PROTECTED Fen By E cn 3} BY ROYAL ita BOSE T hope fora coutinuance of the! All orders shall receive iny prompt and per- PERS WOH “ferstala or King’s Evil, | Is a constitutional disease, @ corruption of the blood Being in the cireulation,it pervades the whole body; and may burst out in disease on any past of it No| it may not destroy. ‘The serofulous taint is vanous- ly caased by mercurial disease, low living, disorder- fed or unhealthy food, impure aif, filth and filthy habits! the depressing vices, and, above all. by the venereal | infection, Whatever be origit 40.6 Rereditary in the constitation, descending * from parents to children ; auto the third and fourth generation ” indeed, it seems | be the rod of him who says, “1 will wiait the ini- jquities of the fathers upon their children.” Its effeets commence by deposition from the blood | jef corrupt of ulcerous master, which, in the Jungs, | |fwer, and internal organs, is termed tabercles; ithe | glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, {sores j constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous com- | plaints, but they have far lesa powrr to withstand the attacks of other d/ seases; consequently, vast nam- | bers perish by disorders which, although not scrofu- fous in their nature, are ati! rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the coyrumption whic h decimates the human family hae its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destractive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, o all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause Oue quarter of all our people @re scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking tofection, and their [health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the | system we must renovate the blood by an aherative medicine, and invigorate tt by healthy food and exer- Such medicine we sapply in Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, | The most effectual remedy whieh the medical skill of vur times can devise for this every where prevaihug and fatal malady. It is combined from the most ac- | tive remedials that have been discovered for the ex- purgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive conseqaen- ces. Hance it shoald be employed for the care of not only scrofula, but also those oth ér affections arise from it such as Eruptive and Skin ss ore: St. Antho- ny’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Punples, Puatules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt | Rheum, Seald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syph- | \litic and Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- | bility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia- ted or Impure Bivod. The popular belief in ‘impuri- | ty of the blood” is founded in truth, for serofule is a | degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose |: and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to parify and regen- jerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartie Pill s For all the purposes of Family Physic, | are so composed that disease within the range ot their by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak and poor | This foul corruption, which genders in the | P99 blood, depresses the energies of life, s that s:rofutous | = SPECIAL NOTICE. ——— ee, BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibe HENDERSON & ENNI88. orgen is free from ite attacks, nor is there ope which For sule by +0 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS, THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaooo. From 210 te 240 deg., for sale by HENDERSON & ENNIS8. 10.000 °°2""s 10,000. Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS. For aule by 1000 GALLONS 1000 PURE LINSEED OIL. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. 40 Bobls. For sale by Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE. at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Tanner’s Oil. 40. HENDERSON & ENNISS. Fluid and Kerosine Oil. action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their | penetrating properties search and cleanse, and invig- orate every portion of the human organism, correct- ing itt diseased action, and restoring its healthy vi- tities vuvalid who is bowed down with pain or phytical de- bility is astonished to find his health or energy restor- ed by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Notonly do they cuce the every-day complaints oj every body, but iso many formidable and dangerous dineuse® nish gratis my American Almanac, containing certi- | fieates of their cures and directions for their use in the following camplamts: Costiveness, Heartburn’ Headache, arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Pain in and Morbid [Inaction of the Bow- Indigestion, els, Flatulency, Lose of Appetite, Jaundice, and other | kindred complaints, arising from a fow estate of the | body or obstruction of its functious. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs. Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- | Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the | Disease. so wide is the field of its usefulness and so numer- | | ous are the cases of its cures, that almost every sec- ton of country abounds in persoas publicly known, perate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once | tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its | kind is too epparent toescape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate | what antidote to employ for the distressing and dav- gerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior reme- dies thrust upon the community have failed and been discurded, this has gained friends by every trial, con- fegred bene fits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numefous avd too remarkable to be furgotten. PREPARED BY { | DR.J.C. AYER & CO., | LOWELL, MASS | All our Remedies are for sale by Wyatt, {lenderson & Ennise, Hutchinson & Co., Charlotte, M on Mocksville, Salisbury, NaG; “ “ OE Leh eee pes M.D PMY Perry, Simpson & Lowe, Lexington, “* SCL ae ere) VE GAM SeCoanNorscley ar lis invaluable medicine ie unfailing of all those i : _ , ‘ vo dangers igeasteren wit 1 noe Haviland. Stevenson & Co., Charleston, S. C. thon is t moderates allex o removes allobstrac innate Darendy cure may be relied on To Marrica Ladics caliarly suited. It will, in @ short time, riod with reg’ ears the Government ent counterfeits ‘Caution. should not be taken hy fawale» Turing Theme Pilla THREE MONTHS of Pregnaney, asthey are sure to on Miaecrriage, dwt tuny other time they are safe Tn all case rvous and Spinal Ms rs. Pain tn thy Backand mnt Ee on slight rtion, Palpit tion of th willethctacure wh teriea and Whites Heart. Hy ans have viron, calomel, ar failed, erefully pr . sole Agent for the United Sta $1.00 and 6 por gent, willinsure a bot by return maa ectable Druggists Lavp & Co, Wholesal Richmond, Va, BOOTS ! Porcece, ~~ BOOTS | il, ENNISS ic wow focciving fe stock ur UE? ale eve wall readily at @ higher wverage price | J ec eiianniar\Winter \aror Dewitt welneh then woy other, ax that they are better, more durabl a ieee and work ure superior to anyeliug cial is More relithle, erpable of doing a much greater variety anal at jean uinemirker aewe leer jtice ®@ of work, and eatuiue ery monoy Lore erase : populaltty os proof of sterling merit nthe purchase Call and see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT. inad: Nand tried hexp Eee Mankanel bswaenee of the best Freneh Call Skin and Waterproof nay. ton deceived and disappointed, bat with Sin- throughout, other Boot, home-made or otherwise ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, a capital Boot for and and warranted with Double Soles Winter, ppery tiingen bel stamp FIRST, breng | WoOEL Wyatt, and 49 and which wall last longer than any March 6, 1860. ly4l | | SINGER’S * SEWING-MACHINES. Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. Thr plain reason why Srvegr'’s Sewing Macuines | Gres Macuines there 1s never any take Singer’s Tranverse Shuttle-Machine, to be sold at 850 plain, and $60 highly ornamented, Asa consequence of these properties, the | | MEDICINAL Phe agent below named is pleated to fur | | who have been restored from alarming «nd even des. | failure or mis- By the Gallou or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. FRENCH BRANDY. 1840. Medicinal French Brandy. 1840 Given up by Judges to be the best ever brought te this mnarket, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. SPICES! SPICES! Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. VINEGAR! 30cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. 30 ets. 30 cts. per Gallon at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Sept. tfls Immense Attraction AT THE Mansion House Corner’. CHEAPER THAN EVERY HAVE just received a large addition of Fall Goods to my formerly large and handhome stock jof Fall and Winter Ready-Made Clothing. which | am selling at greatly reduced prices. Bareains! Barearns!! | Here is the place to buy great Bargains in Clothing. | Nothing like it was ever witneased in Salisbury’ be- fore | But notwithstanding the receipt of a Fall ace 'T have determined) pig offer my Stock at nearl: Cost Prices from fow until November Coert; ai at that tine and after, to close ont at Aactiow. E+ Propose to change my bueiness, and will do. ao even at a sacrifice; and hence here is the place to get | the best bargains in 18, 1860. | Reavy-Mape Crotrnina. Give me a call, examine my stock and hear prices. My stock must be sold at some price. es | Ta aD Ea Ee ; All those indebted to me by open account are here- | by notified to close the same by note without delay. | And all who are due me on long standing notes, a | notified that they mot pay up, and that epee as | »m determined t.. make a complete creme | of all my business here without delay. Those whe | disregard this notice will have to settle with an offi- cer, ndat Irgal co t and trouble. M. HOFFLIN. £20 \ | Oct. 2d, 1860. Ra Bowe FALL AND WINTER COODs! 3, Murphy’s Granite Building. \ 7 E invite the attention of our friends and cas- tomers to our large and select Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, isa Michine entirely newin ite arrangement; it 18 ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. ooo iii! move rapidly and very eawly, and, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots Double Sole and Upper aud warranted I J 7 i Rees “ ~ forfannly use and tight manufacturing purposes, is ~ ALSO, WILES & SOVS GENTS FINE CALF BOOT. 0) ject and cheapest Machine ever offered to and Shoes, and nn ig cae es and of the very best mates i). nuttie ‘These Machines are being icreased in READY-M ADE CLOTHING, riale, warranted amber as rapidly a® possible, aud yet the demand ALSO, MILES & SONY'S PEMP-SOLE AND. GENTS foe chou cannot be fully eupphed. &e, de, which we are now opening for inspection, dur DRESS BOOTS. Mile bility and pleasant wear, Boots for beauty e celebrated througho the Union and require no prais Call and get von a pair of Boots for Winter wort having and at prices that defy competition ated Li EN NI SS onte esiestae SUES TER Nar © 1860. FALL STOCK. Hod A, DRY Oct, 2-1f20] ALES TN (OODS, - than they ean be bought mene elsewhere, The has also in addition, the Faghsh BC ( YES NaN D STHLOES mon Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches, Detached q : ns ibuehea(cevirasitiiniing Cylniara mice which willibereidie east in auc Boneh SUlsie cea {can ow down for cash, Don't forget. those who want seca, Syrup, Naile, Horee and Wile Shoes, Sole Leather, Calf Sheus. Tangy ers sent hin as Genuine Amenenn Watches, tocallat Wo Ro Wilson * MERPHY. | Singers No. 1 Standard Shattle-Wachine, ic : ry sold at $135, bat now reduced to $90, in too & ,»’ own allover the world to need any descrip tion Byery sort of work, coarse or fine, can be done - woth at See rs No. 2 ische favorite manufacturing Mechine eve By an examination of our Stock you may find Bar- rains vor te be had elsewhere, as we will make prices very low to cash and punctual dealers. J.J. & J. A. McCONNAUGHEY. 2in0l9 Sept. 25 po (andard Shuttle-YWachine qacometmneen Books Bindery Glia “Tiboen angie fur onvery description of work, which, together wath is admirable: working qualities, give ita decided adyvantare Pree, with table complete, @ 100. Singer's Yo. 3 Standard Shuttle-Wachine. SALIS BURY. r Cornege-mrk and heavy leather work \ RW. R DICKS would respectfully inform the complete, RIS 1 citizens of Salisbury, Charlotte, Statesville, (he great or prioe of these Concord, d- Hill, Mocksville, Greensboro’, Lexing- auction im the 1 Machu the Ist of October, SSX, th hea has qer d four fold ~ re Machines make th ox woth two threads how the atit ry person de yote preenre fall an formation about Sewing Maehimes, th working yaeite rnd the best meth ome rehaeme. enn obtain i by sending fora er nee 17 MW Singer & Co's Gazette, whieh ie a beaut ful po torial paper enurely devoted te the anbjyect be supplied gratia M. SINGER & C0, cannot be otherwise filled Hix stock of Stationery, Jewelry Store, next door to WeNeely & Young's and Braaug Shins, & . — Wall Paper. dhe will alee be kept up, with regalari: Store, Salisbury. N- &e, « we $80 Broader, New Fork rnd care Be nA Rel Oct. 16, 122 Are pow receiving eon ste ther Stock T. J. MERONEY. A Nr. Oct 9, R60 tf 2 to which they mvite the a tionof the ciiaens of ert Ver ' Sihabury, Rowan and the atoning Counmues = sue - a WILLIAM ( LORD Vl ISS GRASSWITT, having just returned piiypt attention given te orders ] Fane ACA ace a Sis with a splendid snpply of (ho Weoat Fashionable [ee ANC CETETEE IES cae : r eee Saison we NORTHERN ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOIS Rag Witt Practier and make , Rowan, Stan Tred tnd Con OMice in the cornorof Cowan's Bao the Book Stor Feb 14, 1840 Blanks of all kinds for sali prompt coll oe ting thre, ur ppos tfay 1, ea ar purchs ERY iu this pli’ ed ' nion, Newton, and the surrounding coun- that he has established a Book Bas +, and will be pleased to receive or his line Music Books, Law Books, and bound to pattern, or in any style to smit. ton, Morg try generally, e j, ders tn gy Periodien - ] © His estahisxhment ean be found on the second floorover the Post- Otfiee A Ji Od is tam a distance promptly attended to. w DICKS. it Sulisthary, Sept. IN, 1860 6m18 a 2 a 4 ; § 65 4 BEMISTER & CLAYWELL, EXousoc Paintors, GRAINERS, PAPER HANGERS, &c., Opposite the Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, NW. C. TE ae ee eee Tea era cro LIME FOR SALE. (ow ark poraanally attended to and warranted to be Trrspey rine 10tr Oct Ter her Stock will be ope ees . omen EATS AND CAPS. , UME FOR oe rn ali ied i ar ae : . ; \ ee ‘ i July 1 pdbas mn BEANO aya a UST RECEIVED a apply of Gente and CLG sya UIA aL Drea eR ae S : Bove Hate and Caps, all sacs and quabties and at tens Lo Yard Ty will be ahd very cheap. wh ax pe - iad a 4 : ; px remarkably low ma ul ; — APPLIUATION will be mace at Callatd UW ENNISS’ N barge quant Piven ena her eo As Se CLG AR SCs CIGARS’! the next Seeman of the Legielatare of North Ca Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store and Harnes always on band and for sale : lina for an Patiilectteat ng the Patterson Manntac Cine) a ‘ " nie Cireen and Dry Hides alwave ino demand at cash 60.000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retr! ot (De turing Company, at Pattereon, N.C ee . oa caer HOC SIMONTON Pot Ofer M.A. ae é Hoy et 2a, 160 6ipa2ad Blank Deeds for sale at thas Office, salisb late h, [vba tf10 May 1 NIRS Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE, 3 — SMR DR. BESSENT, H* REMOVED ro tue DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by Dx Bason, where he is prepared to attend al! operations | eonnected with his profession Jen. 1, 1860. W. L. BARRIER, DENTIST, MTVERASANT NEG 1732 March 13, 1860). Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A. CALDWELL, AVE associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and offer their Professional services to the public. Thos: whe wish it,can have the servioes of both, in wuy case, without extra charge. Office—the same occupied at prerenthy Dr Waotrnnap 14, 1858. LAW *PARTNR HIP, AH. & R.A. CALDWELL, OFFICE the one formerly oceapied by Dr Nesbit, | on Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. March 1, 1859. BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 129, Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. + | N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, VA. N.M. MARTIN, sr. | KO 40 | TANN AHI, R.A. MARTIN, Ww. K. MARTIN, WoL PLUMMEK, NOM. MAWTIN, OF Strict personal attention given to the sale of Produce. Orders for goods promptly tilled. / | Rereaence:—D. A Davis, C.F Fisher, Esq une 14, 1859 tv3 JAMES HOR AT WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER. SALISBURY, Nit ce Muphy’s Store. mo hand adarge a sortmet WATCHES and JEWELRY of ali kinds Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery | ry repairedin the best munnerandon the most y j t ble terms February 14, 1x60) 135 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N.C. DROMPT PERSONAL ATI EN EON) Geby EN to the purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE And to all consignmente ¢ wel! Chime tices shipped to other Ports February 14, 1-60 tite Collecting Agent. HE andersigned offers his services to the public | as a Collecting Agent in and about Saliabury | He holds the appointment of Tax Collector for the | Town, and therefore feels authorized to refer persons | to our Superintendent and Commissioners as to quali- fieations, &c. JOHN BEARD, April 10, 18601146) Collecting Agent. > WYATT’S” TONIC CORDIAL. | pBRAN?D &o One of the moat pleasant and efficient Remedies ever got up for Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, CHOLIC, and ali BOWEL COMPLAINTS, both of children and adulix Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, PRICE—25 CENTS | ] [AMES sete neither pane wor ox Prepared by W.H. WYATT, Arotnecany, | pense, in procuriug aiaterials of the Nos. 186 and 185, Main Street, | bent quality— Machioery of the larest am June 5. tf2] SALISBURY, N.C | provementea—and the moat finished W $10 REWARD. | ANAWAY from the subscriber, near Thomas q ' ville, on Saturday the 7th inat., a bound boy By °°"! tpursbaveu ja) Mes Valen Ie ee the name of JOHN A. KINSEY : said boy i« about Mney They thererrs fe ontident tt i In ape 20 years of age, 5 feet ¥ or 1) inches high, weighn! Peal: the cluzens al tile Souths ba aust ia ein about 135 oF 140 pounds, of a red complexion, shin) Weir endenvor wa intraduce aanong jew 4 la somewhat scaly, black hair rolls under at the ends, xa LENT oe ese ie oy er, a ne I pe is rather spare made, walks quick and upright and BOT et Beth Vain Of isree ee ee et stutters some when a little excited He had on when | WHOLESILE AND RET AIL, he left a black frock linmey coat, with black buttons Bare Channatied iia Ere brass edges, with some rentx in the right skirt He | Wyatt, Porter & « HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The pro rs and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBKATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to hysicians citizens generally of the United tates, because the article has attained a repu- tation Loretofore unknown. 4 few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half- million bottles, and from ite manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one on bottles. This immense amount could never have been suld but for the rare medicinal properties contaiued in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country * where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready atall times to give testimonials to its efficacy im all cases of stumachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved @ Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints bave counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the * Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as pe directions on the bottle, and they will find nit a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are 80 harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is @ necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies uf the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigera- tors that receive the endorsement of phy si- cians, because it is agreeable tu the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength All those persons, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhaa, cyeen tery, indigestion, loss of appetite. and all diseases or derangements of the stoiiach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations ur counter- feits, but ask for Hostetter’ CRLEBKATED Stomach Litters, and see that cach bottle has the words * Dr. J. Hoxtetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is un the label. 4s Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New Oxrveans, La., TrSOL VY Henderson & Ena were ys by J. Reed, Cone , Greeusborw’, N.C and W and May?! byl SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE WANUFACTORY ! ose SMITH & MILLER, MANUFACTURERS OF men, they flatter theniselwer that the sell us good an article ot Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, also carried off with bim a Silver Watch with a steel Bite French Edges ; ‘ Halt Wells, , chain, he also had a heavy flat galvanized fob clin, AD le ¢ with bead keys at the end) = Said boy will pase for a Coach Painter. All persons are fortidden to employ, harbor, feed or aid said bey in any wav whatever under the penalty of the law, if they do the law will positively be enforced against all such pertous The above Reward will be given to any person who will confine said boy in any jail, and notify ne of the same so that I can get him by paying expenses JOHN KENDALL ey) “NEW MANUFACTORY — Salisbury, N. C. HAVE now completed, and have in operation Machinery, by means of which Lean safely wry, that T can eupply all of North Carolina with Neat and Good Cottage and other Bedsteads, es Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be ha New York or any where ‘ will give satisfaction \ in preference to employing agents April 17th, 1659 else OG Nberal discount to deals OF Factory, a few doors below ‘VB Browa's dav ery Stable OT Office, Fagniture Rooms oj Row \ Murphy's Store SR TWARRISON May &, 1x60 ‘i LAND FOR SALE. MHE valuable PLANTATION torn Samuel Barr fying « : 15 milaw Weet road, containing about 320 ACRES, abou n the waters of Saliabury, on the Shevreils Kord of good (two good Meadows) Bottom dine Rowan county; the Jand a well adapted te the growth of Tobaceo. The buildinas are all firat-rate Peraons wishing to purchase will pleimwe cullon Dr O P. Houston who residesin the neighborhood, aud will take great pleasure in showing the land. and act we agent in my absence. J) A BARR July 24, 1260 wv DRAYING. OTE sotern ned gives notice that lie keepe a No. 18 Coartlandt Street, TEAM AND WAGONS for the purpose of 1D ORRELI ) UP STAT Draying, and will aarve all who may favor hin with | formerly of Fayetteville, N. 0. ; culls in this line on accommodating terme pos ) Ver York GEORGE MOWERY (£48 Apple Brandy. (Oy for Preserving Fruits, for anle by We YA lls 186 and TKK Main et Sal NC N IREO wo Mareh 20th, 1X60 July 24 OPERA BOOT: July 24, For wale low hy Wo OH Apothecary, Now Sept (Patent Leather and Frenel Cait © Open Gaiters. Patent Leather aud Preneh Ci Congresa Garters, Frenel Calf, Oxford Ties, French Calf, Union Ties. (a new atvle Freneh Am ¢ Ji Go te therm and supply your wants ane f ture you will purehaxe no Boots, Shoes or Ga gave Chore manufactured by SMITH & MILLET, THOWASVILLE S & 1-00 uy ANTOUMDING ! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Wyatts Remedy !! An Unfailing Specific Por the Unfortunate! CC Tessie Cole Nei eile Tel Gel KG) Nes CIES eC Nel) eNO Niss CTC TIES) UROTE STE AVP TEICI TOO Ss IN A FEW DAY3! Fo has ne taste, dose net titer A ty z ‘cut ms ST WAVED \ Now dhhiuet i= M Sitehary SN Wa i Berl ley i od i PEeRRS [eet Auy ORRELL & GRADY, Manufacturera and Wholesale HATS, CAPS, Dealers in Straw and Millinery Goods Uabrelias, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons. &c., fe Wilmington, NC 1000 Iba BLUR STONE! OKO) Hin, PML IETE SIAL Ef WY ATR Wriecietls IR6 and ISR Main et, Salishur Ilth, Ps60 fT NOTICE THE Subscriber has just returned from market and is now receiving aud opening &@ complete and full assortinent of GROCERIES, consisting of Ooffee, Sugar, Molasses, Byrups, Tea, Pepper, Spice ko withvevery other article us Ny Kept in similar establish hiehte, allof which will be sold as usual ut oxceedingly low pri His stock of ces ata? G OOS is far superior to any, aa those who have favored hin with their patronage can testify, The stuck of HATS AND CAPS and BOOTS X SHOES in style or manufaeture, having had tohisorder, The stock of Mf them inade SOLE LEVER \ | | AND | | | SALAS | | {x fall and complete and will be sold, at unusually low rates, and whi henly be DISTRIBUTED establishment ¢ xelusively for CARH (LOR NOTHING ew desined effect than west oy Therefore aca y soliert re pure tasitis wher At FRANKFORDS, SALISBURY, N.C RANAWAY--$75 Reward Pav Noe athe statis olt root real Don a Negpe a etkee AWE PAS ALEXANDER Sard canis er least, liners i “ yn 1 ‘ Ltd thos a VET hely tf w bu wher \ u Dyers Vt 2 k x k 1 " M I ns Ms ” 2 Th m1 1 give the ab eward sin it wart be nthe w : wa , ‘ SOW SONY wk 11 Tee ele Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. | | Pays all Losses Promptly ! | | DIRECTORS: | | John A. Mebane, Wo J. MeConnel, CP Menden }hall, D. Po Wer, Jamee M. Garrett, Joho Lo Cole,) JN 1 1D Wilsoo, Wan. Barringer, David McKnight, | Mecesherw rd dedeti Worse Warhoew linet: Lindsay, Greensborough ; Robert E Proy, Lum berton; Alexander Miller, Newbern, Thadens Me- Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yanceyville. Dr WoC Ramsey, Wadesborough ; Rev ROC Maynard Frankbatea; Dr BF. Watson, Wateonville OFFICERS No SLND SCINe Presdent JED HW LANDS AY, View President COVEN DENIAL, Attorney BE TER AN MS Seety and Treawr WM fh CUMMING > General Nyent Woe Mec UNN Fla. / TA MEBANE Exrcentive Conte 1M GARRETT, : \ AT} communieationse” basines#connected with thie Othee, shouldbe addressed to PET isborough, Ny ¢ DAN D FOR S AWE: LAND formerly owns muntyoof Rewar the Sherrelia Fora f DR ADAMS. Secretary tid Jone 19, 160 bert Oy ate Iwan Salisbury sid iew be \ estate of Dros ankin, deed mt SOO Neres, der a high state of Gidea dente Ne racnlitiemeriina wag Trend Tnow other forsale prvately ANY permon wishing to purchase will please callbon the subse rber MARY BE ORANKHTEN, Beeeutrix > ob) Renkin Those who were indebted to Dr Rankin at the tre otha death, are requested to make payment without deliv sand these having elauns agar hie extate are hereby potitied to present them within the cribed by law. or this nener wall be plead an arat peeownny MENICY Hh IAIN IEN Rt x Color stl who tonne pore GCE AT SOUTIIERN HUE AND CAP eNO Gaia) JOFIN DOOLEY, Neost, Mauesricer, Rromwown, Van, Manufacturer and Dealer in FUR STRAW, LEGHORN, PANAMA, ROFT AND Mort DRESS HATS. SKIN HAVE now ready my Spring stock of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, te whieh P would invite the the merehanteof Virginia, North Carolina aod Ten attention of confident of my ability to eupply then: with evervthiig they may wantin my line, on ne ¢ { terme as they can be procured in any market ro the ountry Mi stock willbe kept constantly fall by the add Hon of everything new or dewirable sand, having Wy inereased my manufacturing faciities, many sirable atyles wall be of my own manuticture My ok Molecshin Hote stdin the front rank, and o piabo det supernor, to any thong pre ed tn the ‘i Viv oassorty i Sand Chil . votrimmed Hate and Plats of all the itt tei tesof Broad and Leghorne cannot be evs Ty Vi here Goods, Dean furnish ans dita requ! My kote wareus qialtrer of Army Reo ( Hlatsos very complete. andoanmy of the ith * soot Thats or Caps nade tecorden at short JOHN DOOLEY Marreth 13, 1560 that BOOTS THOVASVIILE .28°SRSEs, Manufactured by MILLER & THOWAS, UST RECEIVED) a supply of GENTLEMEN S OP WINTER ROOTS AND GENTS LACED ROOTEES, manatectured by Mircen 4 Phomosetle, NOC fully equal in style my N Prows S which are fthenn wok ind a great deal betlor in work nanship and equally ae tow in priae Calland see them at JOH RNNISS’ eg 2-1F 20] Boot and Shoe Store Fine Suits. Ir oboy FINE SUITS of CLOTUING for ey aeponsible, nll at the Great Clith ing f wm of DAVID WEIL 17 Rewewie rie Srasp— Mo, Murphy's Qran te Row, Nalinhury, N Sept OF rly Buygcies and Rochaways. lat subscriber has a dot of handsome new Rug miewand Roekawaye, which he will ell on good m THOS FE BROWN, Jan D4, 1260 185 BLANK DEED: TOOL FSSA TE WARE SE HES SO TEICL GT. | Motutay a HOTELS. North Carolina Foundry | AND MANSION 2T% HOTR), MACHINE WORKS! IN SALISBURY. HE subscriber takes pleasurein anunoncing to hiv friends, and the public generally, that he has taken this long established and well known Hotel: aud has made every possible preparation to accommo | date the business, travelling and visiting portions o the public, in the most satisfactory manner Particular attention is paid to his \ TABLE, audevery comfort is provided in his ROOMS. Plows, Hix STABLES are abundantly supplied and at- | Corn-Shellers, tended by a careful ostler; and to all departments | Horse-Powers, the proprietor gives his persouul attention | Threshers, A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the Thresher aud Separators, depot on the arrival ofthe cars Shafting and Machinery With these efforts to please, @ liberal share of the ' . \ for Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mille. Gold, public patronage is confidently solicited id ! , Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix WM FRERCKS & RAEDER, BOCCEBBOKS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, JILL continue to manufucture and keep on hand all AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS A full assortment of | made heretofore Cultivators, Seed: Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills They also manufacture ROWZEE 1-35 tures, &e., Ke, January 25th, 1860 Sal Tee IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, T Vay Foret and FINISHED WORK ot every | | | escriplion de to order, and warranted im every | : tow of Mnchiusry \ pect. Repaireofevery desenpuon af Machinery | - Ol done at short notice ly34 Demo- Salisbury, NC, Jan, 2, 1860 Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greensboro’ 5 crat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, Asheville; Caro- linian (trie weekly Columbia, Observer, Fayetteville; aud Lredell Bapress will publish Sinooths aud forward Morganton, N.C. if le superb New Hotel has yaimed the reputation of being a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, aud second to none to the State. As wu evidence of it, Lreterto | the many favorable notices by the Press of the State, | aocounts REAL ESTATE. and the very liberal patronage received. It continurs pian open (never having been closed.) and ‘te guests inay | W ISHING to concentrate iny hands on one place, rely upon the repatation of the House berg sustained sell the plantauien oa which fnew T have arrangements made to be kept supplied regu lurly with Feesh Fish from Norfolk and Newbern, iu fact with every delicacy FIRST CVASS HOWELLS CLS. Brown & Coes Stage Office, teat this Honee ‘Their FOUR HORSE COACH Bs run tothe head of the Wo ON ©) Rail Road on Wednesdays, and to Ashe 1 propone t reside, contaming 3078 ACRES a dark loam, equalin fer halt of the ayreat dealoftine tunber, Most of the soil is the remaiud grey ground Ghity te any in Rowan usually found at rly one is stl in woods, Coubamiiig right along wide the NOC ROR Acrusof BOTTOM LAND aud MEADOW, of tins: The DWELLING i well arranged rooins, garret and cellar, and alse Yadhin rate quality containing and Bridayx fire places nin view of the ver and ville, Tuesdays. Phunedaveand Seturdoya ENTRAR RECN ne ei) i yanieeinie Rial ( i i ie WH AGA ready at atyoheur an ie teenie tren wt lio mu nferan nlreli ane nen ny port ; ; eli steiner denn comledalite Ces BISON Ne Hy ipectnecr nares y é hin five Proreinton Aiea eis ui very I y Phe wail ie } To aean ery 7 1 I ( Cara broity er) Re erneitee S ed nit ' ii ye te pe Matec dca oF ay INO A BRADSHAW mit Pre Ne ed Gr iD oot) ee wid bory Ba COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, ata Mount Vernon How meriy kor AT THE DEPOT, SALISBURY Not ‘ FRIEND OF MAN FASGRIES; PROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, m thoroughis re Stone da the Bladder and Kidneys, Wok i a t a nesx af the Loins, be se a hea ot Be Pe FMS ge Mee mferaiyilied watts fest) oe ad ae Ca) Niles fy : ee w Ta a eA r t : ‘ a : ae a ' til bers M - : : ao es bl ee ie 2 a ce G Soe SEN : eae nT ere a ater SN Date thie plar EVD ASUS fut, Ye, e094 ; ee ee “THE UNION,” JEWELRY, Sheds SiracttcDoree Tia WATCHES AND CLOCKS, PHILADELPHIA. | Beyond all Competition !! UPTON S. NEWCOMER, | The undersigned wil! sei! for cash his entire stock of fine Honung and open faced GOLD & SILVER TES) JEWELRY in the Latest Styles. rp Nett or weparately, prices according. Gold and Sil- ver Vest and Fob Chains, Ladies Gold Chatiain aod Neck Chava SILVER WARE warranted equal te com The erebaton, and heat and taost approved styles of Plated KR ni > +. Comtorm, ae A fine ld Defying Competition OBNHE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the form. Kvn Bvaysin the above Hf o call att for thane visitit 5 siting Ph par ither for hut a few entet ves, Forks Shvcowen Aug oie J : Pronk ch Glasses putin at 25 cents each npily dihy PP Watchm iker Concord, No ¢ | DR. MOUTARDE'S Miraculous Pain Killer. RHEUMATISM, Vtcnres inn few daye ao! NECRALGTA, We ane TOOTHACHE, Ws : CORNS Kinds of Repacring rsocally attended to and warr WASHINGTON HOTEL. (" OW Il Pes Practical JOHN F. JONES, Proprictor Jone 26, 160.455) BROAD STREET, carefully on National Fla Seinen ps minediately md BUNIONS, Vtecuresin a few nights CHOLIC or Pains inthe Stomach, UWstopriustauter WM. M. BARKER 7 we diflamed Grae of Teething Children BZ VV erle trom tts orp IWethe satemennd beat eines kinwn y- fried Gstomers that he os For Feerr and A ea neti Tee : "| ° Carriage Business, apie i vrsate Wholeudte and Retiithy WEE WY ATI Bee ened te funpeh Hny ay eof BUGGY or ! Sine oF N. C, No. Pet aud (= Wain mR Plies re tawest priced street, Sadsbary, No ¢ Helis ceeent yy winved atinherottlie seritriie Fels tro toannfactores and acqnaroted hemeelf with all the Ge raqifeveinuntaon, bial, id avade nenungenrents : Wowhteh he ean apply wewith North \ rw OW EMSC VEST Pe laneeeet ACW FIM. bie a wnat job, HT ld th and wry and eallat the Sign of the NuQonal Flag | WM. M BARKER tho Livery Stable. reat work ever done in solicits a MURR & SOSSAMON, AVING purchased of JD Co, therrentire stock of LINAS "TRON, COPPER STOVES, gc, uy td Brown’ 1x60 woaffer the by I Skeptupas heretofore Etasgrate | ee gestand bandsomest lot of COOK Meine Celi local mee enlNaliit Chime Ge WaMu le mrt CAUCE CTH scl Gh luccmenaer fom beynn, at first. awa doobttatexpersment, “tered in thie inarket, and will well tor cagh as low ns 8 an ened oho valle « oe k jo Pee betobin Western North Carsline Alwo, all kinds ratuni and» complete sere (Bacranlntt cere of Phan wid Japroed TEN.WARE and S'TILLS can always have (herr wants, a thr tne, well eup- Keri es bend. All kinds Tin, Sheet Tron or Copper ye work done nt the shortest notiee Cash prees pad for Carriace Damber and Proven / MURR & SOSSAMON ke 4a ee ir cay eile i, | ements lin sUitrree OED BU) ag Horses PHOMAS EB OBKOWN M bet Ee at mt ; hills and Fevers Cae s i \ swap : ay WRAYIN( FEVER AND AGUE : 2 YN, 1 L I. AND ALL 2 tN oma ’ : 7 : mt Penueay ter eyes HILIGTS LAISEARLS. wet Ue PREVAILING IN A MALARIOUS CLIMATE, hinent te dus NEW STABLE on the tot in reqrat the reridep afithe lite Gentes SW Ir Speedily and Permanently Cured hy ' eon bre agent may alwaye be found candy ts 6 . y ° ) e ' Heal demande in hie tine W tt ‘ I “A Pp IIs Cy leors delivered ya tum Hd Wis stable, will meet Ya N Oni¢ ] , ‘tarttention. Charges moderate Daring the past year the demand for tis great JOHN SNYDER PENA ta Me GHOTE CR Ere StS aan eee © “tishory. September 6, 1H In Teepated olive Wo blew VN Wh Te licapanst sail Apothecary. Now Ts6 and es Wisn et, Sababury HILLSBORO’ Ome Firce bier ler ts eeu es , ‘ “4 discount to merchants MILITARY ACADEMY. sep: s ia as lostituvien is under the conduct of Corn C C.TEW, late Supermtendent of the State Mili The staff of in For a WANTED 20000 feet Sycamore Lumber, pror which good prices will be paid To be of the Boards TA inches thek, 7 ta and 14) inchea wide, onvement length CLARK & REEVES tary Academy at Columbia, S.C etruction for 1860 will comprise aix Officers circolar addreae the Saperintendent Nov 29, [859 50 White Hands pdly 26 following size8 and of any “ILD find ateady employment npon the Wal : . ; W mingione(chinriaite nui Ruthartard Rati itor yee scene tf atornear thie place. Apply to SAM'L WeNINCH Fine Shirts ; ; s ars, May 8. 1860 [1°50] Charlotte, N i ts and Collar Tt ovon wish to purchase fine Shorts an Colure wt the Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIT No Q PATENT JARS. ” wept 251019 Granire Row CEE RU to any artiole yet made for PRE YY. SERVING FRUITS and VEGETARLES, for WYATT Sulishury, N sale by Waal 1*6 and Tk Main st aly ad i OPTS OW OT el Veatly erconted at this Office Straw and Feed Cutte ree tract | There is about dU} GRAND OPENING NEW GOODS | | _ |$22,000 Worth of ENTIREL Y NEW | GOODS, at the Old and well known | { Corner, formerly occupied by Jenkins & Roserrs, Salsbury, NV. C. —_o——— | McCUBBINS & FOSTER RE uow prepared to offer the public a very large EL and beautiful stock of eutirely New Goods, con- sisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, | HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Drugs, Medicines and Dye-stuffe; Blacksmith and Carpenters ‘Vuols; Carnage ‘Trunmings, brow and | Steel; Bagging aud Rope; Sole and Upp or Leather ; Pure White Lead and French and Amencan Zine ; Cutters and Statfers at greatly reduced prices; Tanner's Oil, Lint-seed Oil, Fish, &e, &e, all of which have bought exclusively for Cash, and ee be sola at astonishingly low prices. Those who Sausage wish to buy new Goods, at wholesale or retail, will | do well to give us a call before buying elarwhere, as | we are determined a0 House in Western North Caro- tina shall under sell us. We are thankful for the jvery liberal patronage bestowed upou os while con uected with the late firm of Muxeny & Co., \forthe short ime we have bad our new store open, and we hope by fair dealing and close attention to husvess to ment a continuance of the same With {the advantage of the N.C. and Western N.C. Rail Roads, we can send Goods any where on the line of said Roads every duy; all orders shall buve our pauc- tual apd persoval attentive and filled at as low prices All kinds of Produce and also Jax if the parties were present taking in exchang for goods | We want volinited quantities of ORIED FROIT and Clean COTTON and LINEN RAGS Remember the place, JENKINS’ CORNER, Salisbury, NC } McCUBBINS & FOSTER [abo dw2o | 9 | Ot. 2, )DAILY U. SPATES MAIL, | WEST. YROWN & CO'S. 4 Horse are now running Daily from Heke Coaches ry Pavern Station, WON © Raat Road, to Morgan on. 2boanites Our d Horse Coaches for Asheville tganutouon Tuesdave, PhOrsdays and Sat Ww. ase three 4 Elore Coaches at the head ot the & Road. on the arnmval of every Pas w Pra Phroogh to Asheville an Daylight Via Warton Ploosant Gardens, Tonnels of the Blue ag nd : view of ihe celebrated Black Mour t reer Orrice, WALTON HOUSE, Mor CoS BROWN & CO Mi zu Hu wd Coutractors Ie ron Hickory Tavero to Morganton, &2 00 | SUPERIOR COLOCNE WATER, Treble Iietilled trom Fragrant Flowers Wo WYATT, DEL COIS AND CAPO THEO AICY ; Now Vat aed pss Miia St SMES BU YN. Price Doete ete, S0etus and &1 per Botile | Feb vs, dsen : 40 | HARDWARE!! FINE Sabscnbers are receiving and opening at the uld stand of G. M. & A. T. Jones, the largest Stock of Hardware lever offered in thie Market, whieh having been hought lu }direethy of the Manufacturers or their agents, ex¢ {aively foreash ‘Phey are prepared to offer induce- | mente to Wholesale or Retail buyers. A call is re- speettully wol cited JONES & OVERMAN Mar. 13, 1=60 tf43 Saliebury 7 = —_—_— ay = = > = . = a ~~ = — = a — _ = = = _ Ss = TH A N E SN O S Y AD I L O N : TW I d d d \ € xe | { | | | ( x = = ae = - ee 2 LTS ae a 1. FAN TBAB BTAIDIR Newing & WILSON'S Wachines. nu FE cubseniber having heen appointed Agent for WHEE LER § WILSON'S SEWING MA- oie now prepared to furnish the pablie with thisvery Valuable and Ladispensible Article in Domes- te Eeonomy The Machine can be xeen in operation yatmy Store, No 4, Granite Badding | A Mays MYERS 1190) FOR SALE. Spring Hill Tract of Land. CONT AT NING NOG ATC 7S FANS Tract of Land ix situated two miles: from | Sahsbury, on both sides of the marn road leading tothe Yadkin River, North © Railroad passing through it, on the premises is a Dwelling House, Barn buildings the srolina Tobacco Barns, and all necessary out good springs And new in cultivation ,and under good fence: the greater portion of said ‘Pract ts Woodland, it could be divided into ginal! tracts very conveniently of demred Twill retuin 50) Acres of Woodland and the family Grave Yard Apply te WICHAEL BROWN, Agont Sabshory, Oct 2, 1860 fz TURNIP SEED. |<! ERY VARIETY, FRESH and WARRANT 4 ED, wold by Weis Wy Avia IsO and 138 Main st., Saliebury, No ¢ Tuly 24 Toa NOTICE THIS. PUG vide ed having taken up the be the date firm of Bell & Dames, gives this notiee. the those indebted inay have a ehanae to pay, as the settlement of every account will be rigidly enforced 8. W. JAMES Dee. 27 Nt) 1 LI PERSONS who are indebted to me are reapectfally requested to call and make imme diate payment, aa Tam compelled to have money ; yndons thier (he first time that Phawe called on my frienda, Ehope they will come ap promptly RET ARI Si sl) Nov 29th, 1590 1ea7 VINEGAR. 12 RE CIDER VINEGAR, for male hy WOU WYATT, [R6 nnd IX8 Main street, Sx» ( tCy MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Ayer’s Sarsaparilla produce the most effectual alternative made ered to ‘ that can be Cw concentrated extract of Para Sora e parilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alleruuive power us to effurd an effective an tidote for the diseuses Sarsaparilia is reputed (o cure It is believed that such « remedy is wanted by thuse who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one ich will accomplish their cure must prove of iu mense service to thin lurge Class of our afflicted fel- low-cilizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following complaints: SCROFULA AND SCkoruLous Compvaints, Exurtions anv Eaurtive Diseases, Uscers, Pimries, Brovcurs Tomons, Sact Rue, Scary Heav, Syeniiis ann Sveniitic Arvections, Mercuriat Disease, Drorsy, Nevawaroia ox Tic Doucouneux, Desitiry, Dysrey Bia AND INvicewrion, Ekysiri:tas, Rose or Sr. Ax. vuony'’s Fike, and indeed the whole class of com- plaints arising from ImrcKiry or tur Boop ‘This compound will ve found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hamore which fester in the blood at that Beason of the year. By the tmely expulsion of them many raukling disorders are nipped inthe bud. «Mullitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and uleerous bores through which the system will atrive to rid. iteelt at corraptions, if not arsinted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alerative medicine Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find it impariies bursting through the skin in pimples, erup- Hous. or sores; Cleanse it when you find itis obstruet- ed and slogyiwh in the vers; cleause it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Eveu where bo particular disorder is felt, peuple enjoy bet- ter health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but this pabulum of life disordered ing health with > there can be no last. Soonerorlater something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or over- thrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing there euds. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly hecause the drug alone bas not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be Concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsapanila, or any thing else Doring lute years the public have been used by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Eatract of Sarsapariila for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain Nithe, if any, Sarsaparila, but often no curative prop- erues whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disap. poutment has followed the use of the various extraces of Sarsapanitla which flood the market, until the hate itself ts justly despised, and has become sy nony - mous with anpestion aud cheat. Sull we eall thie € pound Sarsapariiia, and tend to supply such a remedy ax shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy whieh reste upon it And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues whieh are irresisti ble by the ordivary rou ot (he dineases it ie intended teoure Tn order to eecure ther complete eradica. ton from the system. the remedy should by judicwuss fy taken according: te cons on the bottle PREPAKED BY DR. J. (. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS Price, t] ree Borree: Six Borrons ror &5 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, hax won for itself such a renown for the cure ofevery Phroat aud Lur that it Urely unnecessary for un te evidence ot ito has Aru ant use throughowt thie seeton variety of 1 Complaint isen- recount the ite virtues. where been employed has Jong been in con we heed not do tnore than assure the peuple its quali- ty iskeptup tothe best ever hay been, and that 1 Woway be relied ou to do tor their rehef all at hae ever been found to do Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, ror Jaundice, Dyapepaa, Indigestion, Dys rutery, Foul Stomach, Evympelos, Headache Rheumatiam THR CLARE OF Contive ness Pilex, Eruptions avd Skin Diseases, Lire Complaint, Dropay, Vetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worme, Gout, Newralyia, as @ Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can tuke them pleesantly, and they are the best apenent in the world for al! the purposes of a family physic Price 25 cents ren Box; Five Boxes ror $1.00 Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States- men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these reme- dies, but our space here will not permit the insertion ofthem The elow pamed tirtirh grate our Ame nica tmowhich they are given } with also full deseriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for ther cure Doonot be put offby unprincipled dealera with other preparations they make om profit on. Der Aver sand take no others. “Phe wick want the b wid there is tor them, and they should have it Alour Remedies are for sale by WH. Wyan, Salisbury, Ne Henderson & Enniss, Hutehineson & Co, Charlotte, “ JM Perry, Sunpeon & Lowe. Lexington, M.A. & C. A. Santos, Nortotk, Va, Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S.C. March 6, Im60 ly4t SAN Fux.y's LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES, unded entirely from Gums, and mean establisbed fact, a Standard Meviicine, known Johnson, Mocksville, ommended It has cured thonaands r all within the Inst two years who had given up all hopes hnsolicited certificates in my ot relef, as the numerous possession show The dose must be adapted to the temperament of the individnal taking ft, and us| led in such quantities as to act gently on the Bowels. Let the dictates of your! \judgement guide you in the use of the LIVER IN- |VIGORATOR, and it willeure Liver Com- plaints, joms At- tacks, Dyspepsia,’ jChronic Diarrhoea, Summer Com-, |plaints, Dysente- ry, Dropsy, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costivene Chol-! Cholera, Chole- ntum, Flatu~ Female Weakness- |cesatuliy as an Ordina- ry Family Medi- jctne. Itwilleure SICK HEADACHE, (as [thousands can testify.) Im twenty minates, if \Same or three Tca- poo are -| at commencement of spoonfuls tak jen igi vimg their testimony | ra Morbus, Cholera | lence, Jaundice, es, and may be used suc | attack All who use itare in its favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. — AL80, — SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate, The Family Ca-! a thartiec PILL isa gen Ue but active Cathartic which the proprietor has than twenty years demand from those who and the aatiafaction which use, has induced me to place ured in his practice more 4 The constantly increasin have long used the PILL all exprena in regard to their them within the reach of all The Profession well know | that different Cathartica act ‘on different portions of the bowels. The FAMILY CA= THARTIC PILL haa, with dne reference to thin well extablighed fact, been componnded from a] By variety of the purest Vege table Extracts, which act) alike on every part of the alimentary canal, and are ood and safe in alice ea where a Cathartic ts heeded, such as jen = of | the Stomach, Sle - he ae Lo and Sor eness 0 from andden enld, w end ina long course of tite, a Creeping sen the body, Restless- weigntls the head, Diseases, Worms |) q Rheumatiam, s.r And many dincascs 10» to mention in this adver Use are, | tod ' PRICK THREE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator dad Family Ca- thartic Pills are retailed by Druggiate generally, aod wold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns 8. T. W.8ANFORD,M.D,, Manufactuber and Propriewor, 335 Brondway, New Yor Sold hy HENDERSON & ENNISS, Dave a Salisbory, N. ¢ AND CH RMIRT: Inly 5, 1859 JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., RREM & ©CO,, Charlotte, No? ly6 fT. H WITH- SHERMAN BROTHERS, Imrortere ann Jonners oF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, (Late of the Pirm AND HEAVY GOODS, 19 Park Place and 16 Murra. Street, NEW YORK, Vivive leon Gmipad? em i a . ™ ¥ 5 7 ~ Vi a . . —____—__— —$—$—____—— — _— a ah From the Louisville Journal. J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Our Union. \ — TERMS | Written after Reading Mr. J. J. Crittenden’» Lonis- Single copy ! ville Speech. Bive copies, | in Ten copies BY ROSA VERTNER JOMMOON. Chibs exceeding ten, in the same proportion vm $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. Hark! from Freedom's clarion sounding v Peale the watch-word of the free, Pe} x Vnion! Union! far resounding Over mountain, plain and see. Pye following Court aud miscellaneous BLANKS e Freemen, knit your hearts forever, are kept ou hand tur sale, at this office. Can be Inlattelegrecteetonslet scut by mailto auy part of the country, at sinal y X i ‘ Ti T \ y JW _ ‘ 2 . v7 1D of - ; : : ? ee VOL. XVITTL. ALISBURY, N. C.. NOVEMBER 13, 1860. NUMBER 26, ti whore tgntning poles shatt quiver i rg conn Com, totake Depo C.&8.C : 2 Union ! from the South to Maine. ee cen Apprentice [ndenture: t alatarestamenikry 4 Would you reud the flag we cherish? Ex-cations, ( - Letters of Administration, F ‘ wala? Bibpieas c . e oy preellertet aay D eee . nq . , Ci : reedorn 8 ope ee vee ithess fickets : Marriage Licenses, ¢ c , S & : an Fee ae Cartan Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Jaternal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. Nile cee dass ae ee ea Dee Both will claim it—one mast keep it ; ‘ ; Deeds init rust, Freemen true, and brave, and good, very Bonds ner eeue, ‘ n ray DAN ty . | rope : + Airey : ie , i ij Dee roads Rawity | do: Washington enon kon. THE SKELETON IN THE CLOSET 3 Just then William Barry entered, and | THE BIBLE! DirtHeRiA anv 11s Cure. —The following ex- Sever uot, or ye will steep it, pre = ates of Hand, a oD ) eee ‘ i g E Re i: Notes to Bank oe tv ri ne Folk, k. Ue ep OR his wife turned to him and said Sitting alone in my study I fell into a (8¢t bas already appeared in our collumus, sume North and South, iu freemen’s blood. Angee ene ee maeewens see WW em 4 \W oe M a sod a dens, JUDGING FROM APPEARANCES. “We are discussing that freak of the os 1K a y J _ f tive or six weeks ago when the disease of which Like « uighty hour glass, @ver Nelle Vc een kn. CS Leightpns moving into the country ten tee sera a the ee Wan irents was unknown in our community ; but Seeming parted, we are one— From the Raleigh Press. Nice TamLOw ian dct BY LAURA LINCOLN, ea fl —without any uae ee Se oo Ne s a me re letory us. since that period, it bas intruded itself armong North and South—aud when we sever, ok ; oe u yhie y ivers “now t oof man. ere before ne Tes an unpre i. Slory’ a pb. y Democrats 65; Know N sthings 54; Demo And when it was universally Known tha mdcamedic thireetyictre ublial Glory’s sand must cease to ru Members Elect to the Legislature. cratic magonty LO . Two ladies satin a room tovether en they both preferred town, and could am- tending litthe book. What a volume of ee : oo ee rn See ot Shall your treasure thus be shattered ? We give below for the sake of reference, a8 [ycmioehatie Majority on joint ballot 20 #ayed in sewing, and iidulying, at the ply afford to reside wherever inclination thought does it suggest! It ie by many Gh, mean) niu invite Lie paciscularcattentiourc Disn and soiled with bluod and tears, well as a matter of conveblence to our readers, co. sine tine, in the womanly propensity of prompted. You ought to know the cause Onurice ihe Blatant oc anni hes world Cursrenilers|tOjit: hall those gleaming sands be scattered the names of the members elect to the two The Final Destiny of the Earth. Kesstppltige y descanting upon the virs of it, it anybody does, for you have al- Noren een eee mh the “ This singular disease, which has thus far seem On the track of coming years? a i i tues and foibles of them trends and ac ways been Atwood Leighton’s bosom Mere than three thousan JERS HO Ue dito battle the skill of our best physicians, (says , ; Houses of the next General Assembly : = : G . : : : 7 yeey North and South, twin trees united, fone ’ x yNaintances, friend. Come, now, be a good mar and first word of it was written in the desert the Cincinoatti Press,) has become so generally Weulvour (raablinleletliaitwaia rte ORR } 4 t . . . ” 1 et 1 ’ LEGISLATURE OF NORTIL ‘ AROLINA Encke’s comet, which revolves about “Did you ever see any 16 so changed relieve our curiosity, of Arabia; more than seventeen hundred Prevalent and has been 80 generally fatal that any hoe bias meee anal puswieds 1lséu—bl. SENATE. the gun in three and a half years, ling Ha Alice Leiliton¢ uskud Mre. Carneron “Tam glad that Iam at liberty to do the last word wag written on the rocky suggestion in regard to its cure will bardly prove | a at alas Pasquotank and Perquimans—J M Whedbee, ku. been observed to complete its revolution of Mrs. B trry, with whom she was spend- 59, and I know that you wil both be as- TROOP ALOU Titan rece neerlie eee Feeiene! Its causes are not known, are ErereenlUatronuen elritieds Camdeu and Currituck —B F Snomeos, dew. im acoustantly shortening period, showing ing the day. touished at my relation, and feel sorry i re ld sereforeall treatment Ly cabal eee, Peace inust perish ‘neath its shade! Grates and Chuwau—M L Eure, k. a. eC thataitis being drawn inward toward the! “T never die.” was the emplatic re that you every imputed seltish or wilful People than all other books in the world lv pel eae ee a eee symtoms Hate’s Sroad eimetar is lited— Hyde and Pyrrell—Jones Spencer, k,n, sun. This fact has led to the general con- sponse, “Before her marriage she was so totives to” Mrs, Leighton for her con. put together. More of it is remembered #f¢ se diversified and dissimilar that in cee Freemen! let the blow be stayed. r ne Neuer ter ha Nepean . ‘ Huet,” replied Mr, Barry. ©Y eo - stances the throat of the patient closes, and he | Northauptou—-J 3 lowers, dem, clusion by astronomers that the planets lovely and fond of society, and seeming. uct,” replied Mr. Barry. ou poss!- by men than all the books that were ever 7 7" Hertford JB Slaughter, ke are ig t ssintinnyy vd t ly, as ha us it wi Unmet line bly remember, Ellen, when you first men. .., : . = dics before his disease is discovered. The diag Ere thie strife in bloodshed closes, emer aaa are nn ie ‘i a RISE pe EUTCL ae aT ae i ae hy i x [UM a oman c 2 oe ’ “A a id ve written. It treats of questions of the high- potic by which it is known from other complaints Let the peace-makers stand furth. E Jiee remaster as aA hore attentiates fan OUP attnospbere, man being to be 2VOW slie ecCarcely voen Clones Hs subject tu toe the old you | " . 7 3 ‘ ; Martin and Wastington-—-d R Stubbs, kon Wer acilnnereetumitecen nee et ai i mn ’ est moment to all men, and proposes to of the throat is the formation of a membrane, Halhfax—M C Whitaker, dem Edgecombe aud Wilsoa —H LT Clark, dem. Pit—E J Blount, k Beaufort —Fredemek Grist, koa. Craveun—N H Street, dem. Dy M F Areodell, ko u Greene and Leno —J VP Speiglit, dem, New Hauover— bi Wail, dem. Dupha—Dr Janes Dicksun, dem. Carteret aud Jones Onslow —L W Hmphrey, dem Bladen, Brunswick, Ge.—Jobu 1) Tastee, dem Cumberland aud Harnet—Duncau Suaw, dem Sampson —Thotas 1 Baisgn, dein Wayne—W K Lane, dem Jobustoa—J WB Watson, dem Wake—M A Bledsoe, oj Nash--A J Taylor, Franklin——W Harns, dem Warren—T J Pitchford, dein dem Graoville—C HW Taylor, dem Person L Winstead, deen Orange——Josinh Luruer, jr ken \latnanee anu howd Join Worth, kot Chatham—- Wes Earris, det Moore and Mons WoT) Drow, k Richmond and Rebeso Vitel Dockers, k Anson and Union SU Waikap. ke u (rustord ~~ J M Mui tok Cas we for 1 Brows 1 Rockingham FOL sin Mechklenburs- J Wa hou Cabarrus Stauly--\ € baringer, koe Hiowau aud Davie dnd Hortisey, bh Dividson-—Jotn Wo Thomas, kon ry the-—Jesse A Wangh den Cee im I a, kt LQ scarpes k ] AVA nary m Linc Coasor Jasper Stowe, dem Rutherford, 1 —A OW Burton, dem Bancombe, Henderson, & Marcus Erwin, dein Havwoud, Macon, d&¢ WOLL Phetas, dem Democrats 30; Whigs ) Democratic niay 14 HOUSE OF COMMONS Alamance——(siles Mebane kh J Lapse Jem Alexander-—Dr Jo M Carson, kon Anson=-L 1. Polk, FO Lees, ke i's. Asi LNG poet hk Burke J HE Pearou, den ! ott be VS Mericn hou Bovlen--C T Dass, dem he POT Heurs. kon. WA Fersurson, dem Peaatort— Eos Donnet, WoL Marsh, ka’. Bruuswick--T Ly Meares, ko 1 Caliweti-—Dnek son. k,n Cabarrus-—-W S Harris, kon Catawba-—Jonas Chine, demi Chatham-—-W P ‘Tayior, RON Grreen, kou'’s, Tur ner Bynum, dem Cherokee GW Hayes. kon Cravea—C UC Crnthk, FOE Nitra ho tes Cumberland and Harnett © 6) Wrote, Jos Harrington, J Co Woliates, dem Chowan--Small, dem Columbus--N L Woliamsoo, dem. Cam len--1) 1D) Farebee, ku Carteret-—D) Wo Whitehurst. kon Caswell--Joln Kerr SP Eh!|, dem. Currituck —B M Baxter, dem Cleaveland —A tr Waters, J bo Logan, dem Davidsou—Lewis Haynes, EB Clark, k. u's Davie — Howard, k Dupho—J D Stante u 1d) Branch, dem Edlzccombe--1t 1o Brulyeis, JS Woodard, deny Foravthe— JF Poindexter, k oo. P. Barrow, den Franklin —W F Green, dem Gaston —J WH Whip, dem Granville —J M Bullock, WOH DP Jenkins, SH Canaday, dem Guilford —C DP Mendentall, CE Shober, JI. Crorrill, k. n's Greene — AN 1) Spe toht, dem Gates--Jolin Boothe, k. a. Haywood--S L Love, dem. Halitax--A 1 Davis, WB Pope, dem Hertford —J J Yeates, k,n Henderson —Jos P Jordan, k. n Hyde—Iilinan Farrow, k. n Tredell—A K Simonton, A BG Gaither, k. u's Jackson-—J Ro Love, dem. Jones—W I? Ward, dem WHE Watson, Jas Mitcbener, dems. Johnston Lenoir—J C Wooten, dem Lincoln——Jobn F Hoke, dem. Madison——Jobn A Fagy, dem, Martin- Ewe |, dem MeDowell—C HE Burgin, kon Moore — Alexander Kelly, kon Montgomery —B G1 Barringer, ke on Macon DW Siler, kon » Mecklenburg—s W Davis, JM Potts, deme Nash—IlG Wil ams, dem New Hanover Northanipton dems Onslow SJ Person, Damel Shaw, dem MW Ransom, W OW Peebles, DEHER noeiteni Orange —H 1h Gatine, WON. Patterson, k Pasguutank JT Wi tains, k Perquimons—N Newby, kon Pitt —B Ge Albritton, Chars} Person — Wilkinson, dem Alex. McMillan, Eli W ishart, de ain —ltuwley n’s \ \N t Peorkina, k. n's Robeson nN Rockin Nalloway, Thos Slide, dems. NN Fleming, N F Hall, dems Rathertord -C TON Davis, kou., BO Padgett, dem Randolph Richmond J fowan LH Foust, Thos S Winslow, k ( Blue kon NC Faison, (rao W Autrey, dems ne Sain pson Sarry W Waueh, dem Stokes Horatio Kallam, dem Stanly Lafayette Greene, kon Tyrrell OF MeCleese, kn Viion CQ Lemmonda, dem Wake SH Rogers, JHEP Rua, kk. on’s, ET Mordeew, dem Warren 115 Batchelor, WOH Cheek, deme If this is ao, it follows by strict necessity that our earth and it all winding spirally towards the sin, and iat they must strike tand become incorporated with its aiass s sister orbs are eventuady availist The tine required for Chis parpose belor to those inconceivable periods with wihicu veolouwy and astronomy lavetodeal, bie resisting medium is soexceed treet y rete ated thatatexerts but a slight inthienes nthe comets, which are Chetpelves tiass es ot the very thinest vapor, and its itl ee Would of Course | VOY Ti 1 ithe dense mratter { thes friatints Astrogenical observations, wat iu wir Wonderml det eacy, lave vet fied rdfetect the slightest provreasive s ter int retiods evolution ot iN t Cal It ts ce \ fete The tin. tipled stacles WwW pore vent the perception ot this ta lous Xs AT the: diecest x oot un \ Seine colette i Si tl res 1 ts etuselves. 1h we teu ot . ‘ ‘ the eart problend is Co usceria er the t pied by the cag suey at est ts wradiaacs oGathont ! Whether th t t ive We LIU tha rotatietis om its axis are bee uf more rapid, in otuer words, the day > shorteuing with (he year; aud if tie Ieasure shtivhs Justin proportion to the Cung measured, we cannot tell whether UNGa act s becoming shorter or not It we take the tune of the revolutions eomoon around the earth as a stand tr tedium would uw earth, ana - CNT {t ‘ 7, at meer 'y ts Ih Nin wXin 5 ok the ra ‘ if : yn Loot tis bat nye shan i t sot oti My ees or ttie > thal distances Wloeh cot me sed t Inedstire the earth's distances trom the sa rothe period ot revol t re slorleusitiy t ae at tot ferenees tm the extent « Be pevera COntradicthtiots ape tlre obi treats belt let \ survation t appro t ral ! the stity if a Hp rprPerad in Ceo ly Takings pebace Dies differences doubtless reveal Chetuselves in the course of venerations Co hed astrone tical observations It the earth and the sun are gradually vecountug cold, this winding of the earth toward the sun would ter Keep up its wartothii, and itimay be a wise proviston for prolousiniy by seme tolons of years, the continuance of anita vite apou out ne Gut this period uust come to a there is a resisting medium, pervading the space between us and thy sun, the tinal destiny of the earth ia te curve vradnally forward til, with a ve iecity tandreds of times greater than that Yacannon ball, it dashes itself with an iwiully subline crash into the mass of the sun.—Svaentific American, el A Happy Description.—That great hin mmoriat, Gen. Leslie Coombs, of Kentucky, commenced a Union apeech at the Cooper Institute, New York, as follows : “Tle had something to say which no ove else could pay for him, or be wonld declined to speak. In through our streets it seemed to him as fall dl was wong down, and all up town gore he up He was really bewilder nomber of people who appeared to be have walking own town was going up when he (Lane ' dowith thie down when was going Gee Tige looking after a silver dollar, and to be Justoon the point ot vetting it. (Langh ter.) Tle would preter to speak in the country, where they didn't know so mach as they did here. (Laughter.)” Depreciation in the Value of Negrovs.- Wo take the following from the Helena (Ark) Shield “A vast number of negroes are now being brought South for a market the eleetion of Lincoln ma®@ have something do with this the border States of Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia The possibility of The owners of negroes living in and Maryland, seem determined that they w not be the losers if Disumion should befall the ntry —hence they are rapidly selling off their slaves.” A package of Libe on the farm of Presi Joent Benson, in) Bassa county, has been New York. The uncommonly large and fall, and light in The coffee raised in Liberia, ac the Colonization Hlerald, is declared to be the best known, and com mands a much higher price than any other AvRICAN CorFEE an coffee, raised berry 18 received it eolor cording to out, and tooks taded and miserable “Atwood Leighton too: | iw os le fi ger his former self. Every body thought, wt those two were married, that if leppiness attended a dovenateh their fa ture Wonk] bea bright one | duty for qay port, Tat tetas tic sed as se the, tor Lalways knew that had a tem perot heron, which | rahthy curb Cui NG Prove the bine herself and x id Lo liear that Leis fon is] silvs terest vt yet So weed Eat dit is sC alinost every ca CUURUSEE to forthe last tor years Luiderstand > Wile da ered ge to per . el eI Ive lip tits Vsstont, and vc bob poantation Im, Co the ! oe pili teas ce a = “w th d tiave Card deciare that wlie t ried: alive aa con the “ 1S Ww it ef itn ft ' t ! A See Nery, {rs rey oN tae W a UX ~ nt te prevent s trenad Take ' i sf 4 Way Visa | > Poour rising \ ef ei thie tit bee hos a NH ts I SSRs 1 cP Stale I h sot ‘ > it sSHddit . ’ ‘ i t ' You iW wn thon is well spare So Drew, rele] ercomny ton “tor I mw Abce Lewhten, and you could almost as easily turn the san from ts course as her froma purpose when she has once fully resolved apon at” And se the conversation Continued for ' some tine longer—each la nots enny ler stions ap to Mrs. Leightot’s motives ‘ tCeithver being able ty arr Ve alany satict tory Ot Isiol Luatnig Mrs. Barry t er . : it ostae al ary anid trvactie M at I isuefed tori \N wn I AAs is) it ‘ vl ten Het With AT t Whood He graves wite’s tirade, saving, moare dosing sieht of that | hovenr Beble enjoins. Nice It, a good and true Woman, at -t however harsh the world may jodge her, whatever she does, ts just and rit Tehould be the last person to en ieaver to counteract ber influence over Mrs. Barry said no more, she phit, and expressed her opin fo others Whenever ath cecauslon of fered Mr. and Mra. Leteliten sold their town residence and setied permanently i the country. They came bot seiiom to the erty, and then remained bata few hours to transaet necessary busines As Mr. barry bad been intonate for so nanny years Ww Vtwood, be frequently visted tii t rr ion daring the long sniimer davs.or oerhyps for a day's shootin tie tai He sometimes took his wife with bom, and she was sarprined, know TEPER CET DN social tery eratments ot both, at seeing Ciciwn looking happier than since the first menths of their married ‘ The taces of both husband and wite tentment and peace. expressed con Conjecture ais to their strange course amony the sof acquaintances seemed to have died away, and they pursned the even tenor of their way, happy in their children, and other. Thus years passed by, anti Mrs. Barry was one day startled by ber husband's telling her that Atwood Leighton having purchased a handsome residence, was about to remove back to the city, for the two fold purpose of plactog his children at school, and re suming again the practice of law. After they became settled their spacious man was thronged wath old: firends ana each ston tore t tequaantances, rejoicing once wercotne them amongst ther Phey appe ared to enjoy soci ty asinuch isin them youth, bat with a more clas tnaturer the the towards tis stil tened liveliness as became their Bach and ture of Jove and of Mr. Leighton wvely wite, and the proud and gratitied years all observed mix reverence in man ners expression with which her eyes followed hin, conspredous mm every crowd by lis noble countenance, and gracious deport ment. Atwood went ip partnership with Willian Barry, and shone, as lis friend liad predicted in early manhood, a bright, fixed star in the yalaxy of the profession One day, some two years after the Leighton’s return to the city, Mra. Came ron and Mrs. Barry were seated, asin the at h, and the conversa pening of our sk ton again turned upon the Leightons “The strange condnct of the Leightona a stil inexplicable to remarked Mrs. Cameron. “That they were under a cloud of some sort Tam fully convince ed, that 1( was not a pecuniary one I aw also assured, for my basband says that Atwood Leighton has always been as }aound as any man in the State.” me, Alice Leighton was a good and true wo- mans Jo meant it from the bottom of my heart, for | the confidential fiend of her husband, understood her seemingly Inconsistent behaviour, Derun- Kenness is hereditary in Leighton’s fami- ly. Not the drinking in pubhe places alone, us and all times, whic eads to brawlin and seandal. The Le viitous have al wave had toomuch pride torthat. When they felt the fatal thirst coming upon Them, they would shat themselves up and inte it Visatisded. Only to their wretched locsehomls was this soul de stroving tatiat known by the world the Hthtols Were Olly spoken of us an e 1 Cc lamiy ‘Atwood preusity | ‘ Hhhoerived tf wn ate ¢ cisewhere have TPeatup all nit, at his appy pro aud often, both Heye and earhest request, to prevent prvi eyes seraded st Mert ve om see Ile and tmoin | a Alice time detertnined t oved lite 4 le ate RaW oved ”, rather than terirl with ia. Du sweet eaccidentady discovered stie love , and hi } g. ‘iat anger it eee TS > could subdue e demon within, | “And for ceo, and Alice Was perteetiy happy \lan tata party both attend foa frend ounknowie pressed champaien pen th ed tier a seaneh be did succeed indo Which they Weakness, in Phe taste tf ohquer aroused the slumbering thirst within him, and leaving immediately for ne he sent out for brandy, and then sotto himself ap closely ia hia room Ay tiself iito a sfate of stupefac went forth as < Pisposition arons edt Hs acd ialntances iad hn Ove Il { Li pre i it re eb spoken, as rolitis vt ts 5 tool tne, never did theo give hit a& Cross or unkind word I) gw oliis 4 oattacks. of Tomas so tert ther ) le fed ith wave nt Iw ‘ Was ANY hie beet | t a secre! nt Stre stall relish for . * freaded hheartie blast 2 NW iw 1 Lerehton hard saw that perme t Was eNerting a deoasiny inthe tpon ber taented, diadhetinded lusband, ind looking adown the vista of fature Vears, and Viewing with prophetic eye the depth of dewradat to whieh he tosteventually fall, stiould he continue us present course, her heart misvave ler tnd she felt that her burden was heavier than she eonld hear “One day when on the stool of repen tance, after a night of drinking, Atwood exclaimed, “I do believe that it Twas out f the way of temetatcon. and at the same Pine aetives® etoroved tor a few years, IT could e Her this Giretul habit, whiel seems to be fast ens: me body and sent” Tt was then th Alice formed a resolution, whieh sue soon putinto prac tice, vig: to induce sband to ne ont in town, and vimmself to bis planting interest. This admirable and wise judyring Woman gave up the society in whica she took so much pleasnre and fitted to adorn, settled herself contentediy in the prairies, the reely Kaw a white face except her hus which she was well and where daring Winter monthe, she a her visitors For eight years she never apent a might frou under oS into all ind’s plans, went with lim into the t band’s and even in summer were “tew and far between.” erown root e cutered her fir he was obliged to herself, accompanied him whenever to without seeming to do so, exercised an | come town, and unceasing and tender watclfulness over Farthtully and unremittingly did she devote herself to the task of strength him ening and fostering all the good in Leigh tons natorally noble matare, and aa he himself humbly and reverently expresse it--* Thanks be to God, she succeeded.” “Yes, her labor of love, ler angel's mission, met with its fitting reward, At wood Leighton is now not only oa gentle man but achristian, and no consideration, Iam confident, will ever induce him te And now, ladies, do you not think that [ was right in defending such a woman ?” place the poisoned cup to his lips “Indeed, indeed, you were!” cried both Mra. Cameron and Mrs. Barry with while the latter “And T judged so harahly — this se!f sacri ticing, angelic woman! Never again will T pass judgment upon any human being without due acquaintance with the cir as some one truly saya, emotion, continued : cumetances 5 “there is a ekeleton in every closet.” Dr. Jones, who was waylaid and shot, recently, by a wretch named Inscore, in Davie county, has died of the wound.— | [he mnorderer is in jail, at Mockeville.— | Tredell Kxpresa Not so: Dr. Jones is gotting well ‘lightnings of Mt. Sinai. the of all ayes uve sought in vain—the secret of reveal that for which wisest true happiness. These very letters that pass under my eye are the same as those traced by the finger of God on the tablets of stone amid the thanders and The language ip which the New Testament was written is the same in which Solon, Plato, aud De- Wnasthenes wrote and spoke. Litas book has survived the revolutions It las pecn Nineveh, Babylon, Memphis, Thebes, Pyre, Sidon, Carthage, Rome, Athens, and a thousand other cities, rise, flourish It has lived amid wars the most bloody, amid desolations the pl amid tyranny the imost and darkness the most pro und, atid superstitions the most deygrad aud chanyes of three thousand years and fail. tost Con erinding, by, amid idolatry the imest repulsive, taid Lb asphemy the tmost heaven daring; wd lias been : st ail these the Tt vreat has outlived ‘ Thess k ake the ! tian in its revelations and to banish it tron the word, Celsas, Porphyry, Putian, Fahost of others, fiercely ‘amMacked it but still Hlume, Hobbes, Voltarre, Pacne all tue efforts made to faith oo 5 all inthe first aves of the Ctoreh : it Wey tid tmany others ot the rabble rout of in fAdecty, in omedern times; tut it still Ives, Walle its enemies sleep in bisbouor ed graves This book bas laid hold of all classes The warrior has carried it next his beart nthe stormy of battle; and often has the Huilet armed at tis life buried itself in the leaves of his Bible. It has been Jaid upen the throne of the monarch ago lis safest Guidebook in the administration of rstice, Tt has been exalted by the priest the cathedral, atid solemn chants and pemtontial conte ifs It has been sete wethe worldeick for its healing vin by the hermit in his cell In 1 wiens 3s by the poor tan for ite $ Hise of tore than carthiy ric res; by Hesens Wanderer for its prowuise of fs noheaven?s” by the wailty for its issn ot pardon; ty the living for its na principles of trath > by the dying rots password inte the “heaveny a] prete : Lens ho has been uiven to the world noatlots babbling tongues. Timere than two hundred languazes and dialects it is read by a sinfal race. Tt has been ed trom the loci long Colt altars of oray ito ail the the world 3 and fast tterupl if it and people ot cannot hongh a Dibl In the dav ‘I CS, UOT oe tribes, ious, vetoat be supplied ehoueh, 1 of It went with the Us book has marched at the hens iW tyald ioe mm 8 Jews inte Palestine 2 it invaded Greece Rome, and all the States of the ancient Sarid the preaching of the first erald » truth Its principles have veen at the base of all revolutions that have posted torward the human race. 1 was coin Gormany, Eovland, France, and mi and on onr own country writs fled to Amencan w lds} that they might enjoy the blessings of} Bible trath and Bible teachings unmolest | edand nnoppressed by the laws of tyrants It was devontly recognised as a book es pecially needfal for a people straggling for freedom by the fathers of our Republic In the darkest and stor:niest hour of the Revolution, when money could bardly be found to pay the starving, naked, and bleeding soldiers of liberty, Congress in 177 appointed a with a printer, with the view of striking off thirty thousand Bibles at the expense of the Congress; but it being ditheult to obtain paper ancl type, the Comittee of Commerce were ordered to Htnport twenty thonsand from Tolland, Seotland, and They gave as the reason that committee to confer elsewhere Ifa nee ds so universal and its Importance BO great In 1es0 Congress appointed a commit tee to attend to printing an edition of the Biblein Philadelphia, and voted that they highly approved the pious and landable undertaking as subservient to the interests of religion, and recommended this edition of the Bible to the people of the United States. In eight successive years Con gress voted and keptsixteen national feasts and thanksgivings. On the committees which reported these bills were such men al Livingston, of New York, R as Gene Il. Lee, of Virginia, Roger Sherman, ot Connecticut, Elias Boudinot, and James Madison. Some of these signed the De claration of Independence, and most of them were engaged in procuring the Con stitution, and knew its true spirit. Thos was the Bible honored by these apostles of freedom. When their ehild ren, who enjoy the fruite of their labors, shall cease to cherish it as the palladiam of civil and religious liberty, that inoment will the nation to rnin. — Selected. | 13 printed every toinate | which increases yradually until the patient is lit | erally strangled todeath. It is sometimes accom panied by ulceration and extreme prostration of | the entire system, and in others by neither of these syintorms, yet in either case it is equally fatal Yo arrest the formation of this membrane would , therefore seem equivalent to curing the disease and this, in most instances, may be done in the | In the early stages of the of the complaints, which is always Accom panied following manner : hy # soreness and swelling of the throat, Jet the AUient use a sitnple solution of salt and water ts At the sate tine thotsten a flannel with asolution of the same a vargle, every fifteen minutes. tod bind it around his throat, renewing it as of the ineanwhile sprinkling fine salt between the flan ten asthe gargle is administered, antl nd. tuale as warm as the pallent Can bear it, | Sre fierce armies crush our Roses, Ere the laurels of the North Biash with gore—twine them togetber ; Crown the leader ye can trust, Let the trastors’ ebaplets wither, Lay their banners in the dust. Traitors! fe the horde bebeading ‘Their owa Goddess, ye are seen; Freedow's blood ye would be shedding, Pany bate, your geilotine ! { North or South, whoe’er would sever . Our beloved land in twain, Let hin be accursed forever, Like the guilty, marderoas Cait Pieced froin kingly power oppressing, Like the lepers Christ made clean, Fair aud crowned with every blessing ueland the neck, Use inwardly sume tome or \uid the nauons we are seen; stimulant, either separately, or if prostration be Let vour torch of love be lighted. erent th together, The treatment a» may Krothers, hark, that clarion call, be seen is extremely simple, and of used in the Frecdom is our shield united. ariiest stages of the disease, wall effect a com Cleave its splendor —and we fall ete cure = oo = , Hupeful.— We rejoice to find any one Asap Aura ar Norpork.—A heart er I hi fates } Ise taking at pe vending accident occurred at Nortolk, Weil uae une Delle SIC w, L&D UF Virginia, on Wednesday evening, afford Inve another awful warning to those hand line tire aris a TP. Newellva worthy citizen and indulgent parent, went home from business about sunset, aod finding his little sen playing nthe house and yard with a pistol, not supposed to be loaded, took it from him, and while examining it it was accidental ly discharged. Laura, (Mr. Newell’s daughter.) a beautiful and interesting lit- ;Ue girl of nine summers, wae seated on (he steps getting her lesson, when the j pistol went off, and instantly jumping up jshe exclaimed, * Oh, pa, you have killed jmel” Age she said this the blood burst She fell for The pistol had been charged with two buckshot, j both of which bad entered her right breast and perforated her right long from her nose and mouth. }ward and instantly expired, The great veether with the internal hemor rhave, produced almost instant death. Drs. Galtand Bright were almost instant ty called, and t sock, t reached the scene of casa falry avery short time. pat too Tae jy the te gyerl lad breathed ter last, and ha worthy fam ly were overwhelmed with jyriet The agonizing wail that occasion aly rose upen the might told how deep | wus the distress of the stricken parents | A SPLU GING DEFINITION OF “Spurn.” | ~The Rev. Dr. Cox has given the fol | , . Hlowing, which, it strikes us, well detines he terion by ilinstration : “The word ¢ splurge "isa coinage pro wot yet in any dictionary ; yet jrmeaning, as ita great rock of the moun ltatn, disintegrated from its suminit, should [rust and bound, portentous and avalaneh ‘do iute a sylvan lake at its foot, there bmaking an uproarious eplash, boring its thomebtons way through the parted and itrightencd waves, aud after dashing the rayon all directions, burying itself, in forgotten repose, under congenial mud at the bottom 5 so gone forever trom siglit, }from thought, from Upper air, and all the Ways of tnen; thus meaning—the low aim of tuaking a considerable sensation at least ouce in societ see A Stranger at Court.—A man who bad ne- ver sven the inside of a court-house until he was introduced as a witness in @ case pending in one of our District, Courts sitting Jast fall in’ the northern part of the State, being sworn, took a positon with lis back to the jury, and bean telling his story to the Judge. Judge K-—, in Ins bland and courteous manner, said, * Address Vourself to the jury, sin” Patise : t Phe man madea short bat uot comprehending what was. said coutinned His Honor was then more expheit, and said to hin, “Speak to hin Ins narrative to the jury, sir—the men sitting bebind you on the benches.” The witness then turned around, and making an awkward bow, said, with great gravity of manner, © Good Morning, gentlemen |” VARTHQUAKE At THE Souru.—QOnur cit ‘zens were visited, on the morning of the 22d, about 6 o'clock, with slight shocks oft earthquake, In some places they were forcible enough to awaken those who were asleep. jarring from their places some of the stones in the foundations of buildings But the most of them ouly heard the noise accompanying the shock, resem bling, we are told, a sharp peal of thun der, ruinbling slowly along and dying away in the -Elberton (Ga.) Star, 25th distance “2 The Prince of Wales, says the Now York Day Book, bestowed the most mark- ed attention upon Mrs. aod Mise Le Vert at the Boston ball, conversing freely with them during the evening, and personally inviting them to a seat in the royal box, a coinpliment paid to no other ladies pre sent ; so the Southern belles eclipsed the verse” itself. It appears that Mr. Jesse own ot the prospects alead, and especial- ly sb able a paper as the National Itelii- geucer, which say 8,— * Those who have witnessed as many Presidential convasses as it has been our |lot to mark and remember, will not be in haste to despair of the Republic because jof the rise or decline of parties, or be- cause of the excited language held by political leaders ever anxious of late years to identify the fortunes of their chieftain with the welfare and even with the eta- bility of the State. Daring the last thir- ty years no Presidential election has oe: curred without the accompaniment of menaces directed against the perpetuity ot the Union. It was so in the early con- tests between Jackson and his different competitors. It was in the contest of 1840 between Harrison and Van Buren, when Ilenry A. Wise raised the famous ery ofa* union of the Whigs for the sake of the Union.” Tt was go in 1544, when the election of Heory Clay was denoune- ed as fatal to the Sonth, because fatal to the acquisition of Texas. It was so in 1548, when the agitations composed b the compromises of 1850 were portend- ing disastrons rain and convulsion. It was so in 1852, when the gallant Scott was hunted down because he, forsooth, could not be trasted to control the desti- nies of the country for which in two wars he had risked his life and in one of which he had freely shed his blood. It was so in the Presidential canvass, when an ae semblaze of Southern Democratic Gov- erbors was actually convened to concert measures of civil resistance to the elec- ton of an unucceptable candidate. The country has survived each of these sue- “cores,” and ther periodical re- curreuce lias tought the people to look upon them, not certainly with complacen- cy, but yet with none of that despair which hastily concludes all to be loet because of tie overthrow of a political dynasty. ‘he Constitution does pat chanje with the mutations of parties, and those who, with us, have seen how bap- pily the muniments of our civil freedom lave survived the insolent power even of Jacksonisin, in the hey-day of ite domi- nation, will oe very slow to distrust the tenacity of a bond which has endured such strafns without suffering material hari.” Cessive W. C. Bryan and the Winans Steam- er. —Wm. Cullipa Bryant, editor of the N. Y. Evening Post, is now visiting the coal fields of Westean Maryland. Daring his stay in Baltunore he visited the Winans’ steamer, of which he writes to the Poet has follows? “1 donot know what may be the ex- pectations of the Messrs, Winans in re- gard to its speed, bat the talk at Balti- jmore is of making the passage to Europe in tour or five days, bearing with it the ‘nails and specie and a few passengers, ) As I looked on this enormous iron ebut- sity of which can be aoe tle, the v more affected by storm and head win than that ofa fish, and thought of it dart |, the sea with the speed which is Claimed for it, it occurred to me that if'a sailing vessel should come in ite way itmust he pierced through and through, like a pine shingle by a bullet. Inge throug _-- Census or Detaware. —The conans of the State of Delaware has been complet. ed, and shows the following reealts; White and free colored inhabitants 110,. 542; slaves 1,803; number of dwellings ‘18,257 ; 19,284; farms 6,666; slave own- era 615. Total popnlation of the State Pagit its downward march | Bostonians even at the “hub of the uni. | !12,347, against 91,539 in 1850. There | were 2,290 slaves in the State in 1830, a ao HINTS ON FATTENING PORK. It ie geval with many ‘farmers to put thie off until cold weather sets in. The pige ren in the woods, the road, or the pasture, picking up a scanty living and come to the pens lean and hungry, when they ought to be fattened. In our prac- tice we keep pigs in the ety the year ‘round. We find them quite too valuable oes in the manofacture of manure = —= aa to allow them tu waste “their sweetness 1 upon the desert air.” A pig is worth ten Carolina Odlatchmaa, dollars a year for this purpose alone, if Md ‘on will give him the material ty work Pe ee vith and plenty of food. But possibly it SALISBURY, N. ¢ may pay for a little time in the summer, = to keep the sows and pigs in a good ci TUESDAY BVENING, NOVEMBER 15, isco ver pasture where grass is more pleaty than corn upon the farm. If this be dune, all of them intended for the buteler by . , Christmas, should be shutup immediately Stngadar.—We have just been “over and be fed with all they cuu eat A haniing” We tind equaling pig is worse for the owners pock. thatot the whole nuniber of those whose et than for his ears. It is much easicr t) james begin with the letters A, B,C, D. make pork in September and October (AL TR, Je RE ELIR Sand NO cel than December and Jannary. No extra, yy a wey RS anc y abouTone- amount of food is wasted in keeping up half lave paid np—the other half not— the animal heat. It all goes to fat and {Of those whose names begin with F and mascle. Variety of food is a matter of QO, three fourths have paid. Of those be -—— = B on your P's « Q's. our account books. @anch importance in fattening swing, At! pinning with K, M and T, two-thirds Dovaras, over this season a greater varicty is easily com ‘have paid. The V's and Y's are very manded. The garden, if it isa good une, ! hie yields a great many refuse articles, sqasl- |” ped ~ es, beets, carrots, beets, apples, tomatoes, Now can any one tell us why the T's, and corn, which will find a good market O's, Ks, M's and F's are so much better | ia the sty. One of the best articles of | at paying than the others; or why the} food for them ie sweet corn, cut up by the, y> a and Yaar vezy slow t roote and fed whoie. They are very toud| “ St see of i:, and makes them thrive very fast.— LINCOLN ELBOTED—FURIOUS EXCITE: | A ha!f acre near the ety may be protita: bly cultivated every year expressly for thie purpose. If this be not on hand, corn froin the ficid may be fed in the same way | furious excitement in once a day. But swine need something Georgia and Florida. more than green stuff, however nutritious, | to make them fatten rapidly. The cooking of food is more economi cal than is generally supposed, especially apon the farm, where fuel costs little but the Ixbor in preparing it. We think aboat one-third of the value of all the graine asually fed to swine, is saved by cooking. A boiller or box for steaming ie indispensable in every woll-arranged swill-house. In this the meal may be cooked and thoroughly mixed with roots/in session, is ut work preparing to take and other vegetables. The meal absorbes! the State out of the Union. large quantities of water, is more highly | relished by the pigs, and is more pertect- ly digested. Numerous experiments ful ly prove the economy of cooking the feod MENT—THE SOUTH IN A BLAZE! The election of Lincoln has aroused a South Carolina, emies at their doors there would be tight are so excited they seem to us to be in confusion. Preparations for war is the order of the times. Business is neglect ed and vast crowds are together, day and inight, to tisten to patriotic and firery Rpeech The Legislature of South Carolina, now A large meeting of the citizens of Char Heston, held on the 9th inst., passed reso- x upon the Legislature to jHutions urging ander ordinary circumstances. Some promptly call a Convention of the people elaim that they can make pork for Jess | of the Srate for the purpose of severing than three cents a ponnd in this: way.— the connection with the General Govern A dairy farmer of this State made one} year 4,227 pounds of pork. The seed | ; from which he did it was 4.127 pounds ot |! Ue Eugisintire te actin nt thy meet: corn and oat meal at $150 a liundred,|img. A special train was despatched to 470 pounds shorts at 75 cents, 147 bush | convey the delegates. They were receiv: els of potatoes at 16 centa, all of which ed at Columbia with tremendous were cooked, and half an acre of green; worth $15; making the total cost of! ° . . . feed $103 95, or not quite two and a halt Ata pablie meeting in Fernandina, eents per pound for the pork. The valne| Florida, resolutions were atopted dhat the of the whey and sour milk was not reck-!election of Lincolu ig a virtual dssolu oved. Thisand the labor of feeding, with the fuel for cooking, ere very properly balanced against the manure they made. can be no doubt that covking the food pays well. A dry, warm place for sleeping isanoth | people to determine opon the course to ef important item in keeping swine thrif-| be puraned in the present emergency. ty. ey should have a good sty witha} The Legislature of Georgia, in session ment, and selected delegates to convey heer- tien of the Union, and instructing the ‘members of the Leyislature from that lconnty to snpperta bill having torits ob ject the calling of a Convention of the sof, and a beard fluor, and plenty of/at Milledyeville, endorses the course of A dispatch from there; straw eo that they cao keep themselves | South Carolina. clean. be made very fat, and the ety will be; body is wearing the blue (ordisunion) found to pay as well aa any part of the! cockade; and that the election of Lincoln farm arrangemente.— Ameriran Agricul | will be resisted by the poople trom the seaboard to the mountains, snater Chesnut, of S.C, has res gned | : - + Tec. Your Wrre.—If you are in trouble or | his reat in the U.S. Senate. . quandary, tell .your wife—that is if you have | he Georgina Legislature has refused to ewe—all about it at once. Ten tu one her in elect a U.S. Senator to succeed Mr. Tver vention will solve your difficulty sooner than all sn. poar logic. The wit of woman has been praix | Five thon-and Minn: ed, but ber instincts are quicker and keener than! dispatched from Washington onthe Sth ber reason. Counsel with your wife or mother) — Destination net known Supposed to be @r sister, and be assured liyit will flash upon) +, supply qnotas to seine of the Southern yeur darkness. \Wouinen are too commonly ad States . judged as verdant in all but purely womanish | affairs, No philosoplieal student of the sex | thes judges them. Their intuitions, of insights, | are the most subtle, and if they cannot see a cat im the meal, there is no cat there. In counsel fing a man to tell his trouble to bis wife, we would go farther, and advise him to keep none} of bis affairs secret from her. Many a bome bas been happily saved, and many a fortune re lexcitement, Private parties have: hung trieved. by a man’s full contidence in his “bet. out flags with a lone star. The Liberty tep half.” Woman is far more a seer and proph. pole (of 15 years standing.) las been cat @ than man, if she be given a fair chanve. As) town. & general rule, wives confide the minutest of| The representative of one of the Tmpe their plans and thoughts to their husbands, hav: | ¢j,] powers ft Enrope, has aivnitied that tg no involvewents toscreen from them. Why his Government will contract with the Bot reciprocate, if but fur the pleasure of meet i republic of Seath Girlie ach itiseet ing confidence mith confidence ? | We are certain that no man succeeds so well fw the world as be who, taking a partuer for lis Whe, makes her the partner of ail bis purposes and hopes, What is wrong of his impulses or | Jodgments, she will check and set right with her! @most oviversally right instincts, Helpmmeet” | ance at all as M0 insignificant title, as applied to man's rule, and has sent in a special message to companion. She isa meet help to him in eve the Legislature announcing jis views. ry darkness, difficulty, and sorrow of life. And [lis messaze was received at Savannah eat muskets were The Leaitslatare of Sonth Carolina lias fixed upon the 6ri of December for the people to elect d@eyates to the Conven tion; and the Convention to mecton the th Every body in South Cirolina now sav the State will geoutof tae Union. Great ‘ up rasnpply of Cotton, &e. Yhere was ne removal of arms from the are satisfied, The Governor of Georgia ja for resiat- hazard, to black republican what she most craves and deserves, if confidence'on tiie Oth with tremendous applanse. | witbout which love is never free from a shadow. Colonial flags are fluttering in the breeze 2a eee jat Savannal, gid every body is wearing Tur Soreve Seceer.—Twenty clerks in the dixdnion chckade. the store ; twenty hande in a printing of ‘tas sent in his resignation aod declares fice ; twenty apprentices in a ship yard? for immediate secession, and urges the twenty young men ina village—all want yyion of Greorgia with South Carolina to get on in the world, and expect to do These, readers of the Watchinan, are eo. One of the clerks will becomea part: gome of tie signs of the times inthe Soath per and make a fortune; one of the comm We have geen nothing from Alabana, positors will own a newspaper and be- Missineippi and Lonisiana. Indeed, like come an iofluential citizen; one of the Virgiaa, Lentucky, Tennessee and our apprentices will become to be a master own State, we think Loniniana will choose r; one of the young villagers will ty wait a winle gta handsome farm and live like a pat Wangs over the country bas had tune tes riareh—but which one is the Inckv indi: clear away. and she be enabled to take vidnal? Lucky! there is no luck about a calm and deliberate view of the polit. it. The thing is almost as certain as the cal condition of the country, Tf we were Role of Three. The young fellow who te counsel anything tm view of these will distance his competitors is le who things, we would say, keep cool awd stand masters his business, who preserves lia gem. tos not our opinion that integrity, who lives cleanly and porely, ‘thing Is going to fly into atoms —the earth who devotes his leisure to the acquisition Grumble into ashes, or the sky fall, be of knowledge, who never geta in debt. cause South Carolina, Georgia and Flori who gains friends by deserving them, and da, are heaving and surging with excite who saves his spare money. There are jyent. If they will let other folks alone, some ways to fortune shorter than this jr js likely other folks will let ther alone ; old dusty highway—bnt thestannch men and go they will have it all to themselves, of the eommunity, the men who achieve at least Fotis present. Inthe meantime, something really worth having, good for perbape they may diseover an honorable tone, good name, aud gerene void age, all way to retrace finan steps and retain their g° in this road. hentage in our glorious Union. Keep aaa your hearts in the right place: the Union The Meanest Man.—The Utiea Tele. was formed by our fathers, who knew has found the meanest man in the better than we what it Gost and what it Jt says thataman in itecity, who is worth. Let us keep it will jealous ested to act as pall bearer at the care, and contend for onr righte under the ei of a friend's wife, presented the Constitution which guarantees to all, be: husband with a dill of fifty six equa ity and protection as fully and ex- és services in that capacity, and plieitly as human language can speak. hie pay. Stand by the Union. Suntil the toy whieh mow every : ST a If there were en-, ing in three shakes of a sheep's tail. They , With these conditions pork can | says the people endorse it, and that every | Arsenal in Charleston, and the people Senator Tooints | | Presidential Eleotion. | One week agg this Jay, the sovereigns jof thig great Country met at the ballot box to decide who etal! be the next Presi-| ‘ ‘ | Ala : ' dent of tig United States. They met in! Ziexendes, on ao . Anson, accordanege with the laws of the land, for: aie" * Rs 4 i e p Allaghany, . 878 3 'w legally appointed purpose—urcst of Bites 608, 4 : Buncombe, 918 843 them—but not all—with a previous de- Bladen, -. 660 i { i r i . Bertie, 582 Macon a 456 termination to abide Ly the resalt as in- Beaufort, 68T 1110 Mecklouburg, 0.0974 TST . Brunswick, 410 428 Nash, : 189 deeated by the populie voice, whatever it Cabarrus, 2 Ae9 18 e Catawba,.. . 960 6ow wicht by; a few only, reserving the de- craven, » 808 183 Cumberland, 21088 1228 tecaitation to dissent, and distarb the Chowan, 805275 Pasquotank 521 s Columbus, 18 430 Perquiman 4i2 peace of the whole country in Gare their Camden -96 54H Pitt, 718 i , 481561 Person, 299 ian should be deteated. They all cast 2 TI 471 Polk, 175 : 945 224 Robeson, .. a8 681 ther votes; and before the rinwy ot the $245 1255 Rockimgham, 0.1187 444 . : ' .3T] 540 Rowan, .... 1079 reat puny the sumof them for this, that 2TH 319 Rutherford, . 804 ; Cleaveland, 2998 $ ie 1867 and the other gan, was flashing along a Davidson, ; $a , 565 : : avie, 8 ; 590 Housand wires from eng end of the coun. Pepin, 1358 are e Kagecombe, 1095, 470 iry te the other ; and men opened their Forevth, te) 1 . Franklin, 810 230 eves and collected their senses to hear the Gaston, 360 42 ee 1 Presi Granvile, nie 1978 . "i ; oe ea Gvillord, 2 ¥ 184 result, Abram Lincoln ts clecter COI rete) 4210341 Washington, 431 , me ~ ap Gates, 1 461 Watuuga, .. 442 dent! Yes, Orv Ase, the rail eplitter Hay wood, 1...S37 806 Wayne, 359 anc ane ok | Harnect, 6% 208 Wilnon, § and flat boatinan; O1b Age the black | [he . BY Glee iH! Sanit ¥ : . ap Hertford, BSS 399 Yadkin, 599 republican, has doubtless triumphed over itsaes B00 408 Viney, i > egege - Henderson, : n29 i: Brecktnerpor, and Jast, jean a Tout: ROGET NTT ; F - > ie _ Jacksou, 164 bet not least, over Joun Bere, the sound Jones 2275 212 Kilis’ majority, 6,098 vest statesman inthe land! Tere, then, isan end to argunent. The case te de- cided. The following is the result, so far as ascer- tained : Connecticut, 6 | Delaware, 3 | [Minois, 11 Indiana, 13 Keirtucky, 12 Maine, 8 Massachusetts, 13 Michigan, 6 N. Hoanpshire, 5 New York, 35 Obto, 23 'Peonsylvania, 25 Rhode Island, 4 | Vermont, 5 | Virginia, 15 Wisconsin, 5 lol 27 3 Te will observed that this list ts incomplete. as it only gives 16 States out of 33, leaving 17 vet to be heard from. South Carolina should be included and set down 8 for Breckinridge. | But ww regard to the remaining 16 States, we), have no conclusive information, Virginia and Maryland, it is now thought, has veted for Breckinridge, though for several days they were conceded to Bell. North Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas and Flori da. have also probably goue for Breckinridge Carolina, Georgia Cx fornia, Oregon, Minnesota, Towa, ke., have mo.t likely gone for Lincoln, The returns from these States come in slowly, and it will be some days vet before it will be certainly known for whom they have cast their votes. All concede, however, that Lincoln is elected, The democrats have gained several members | . : | to Congress in the Northern States, which wil give them a majority in both Honses, With a) Congress opposed to him, Lincoln, if he were | \ disposed, will tind it impossible to do any thing detrimental to the interest of any portion of the | Country. | ——— | THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Official Vote of Rowan County. —o _— Lincoln. Bell. Breckinndge. Douglas | | United States for the advantaze of The Offictel Vote for Governor. i860. | 1860. J | } -‘ a % @ SF ‘e r r e g “e r r y a t0 0 d | Men of the North !--Stop !---Think ! The Times of Oct. 22d, in cousidering the /question of disunion in the event of Lincoln's jelection, says: “ The fugitive (slave) now receives no coun tenance from any law abiding person on either jside of the line.” | How the editor can make such a statement is! | difficult to comprehend, unless he intends it to | be understood that nd Republican is a law-abid ing person—and that nearly one-half of our Northers Republican legislators are not law abi {ding people. Several Republican State Levis latures, as we have heretofore bad occasion to | show, bave passed laws of Nullitication, in fixing lines wad MMprtsoument pon any person who | shall seck tu enforce the Fugitive Slave Law | Now, as Mr. Webster said, ‘a bargain broken Jon ove side is a bargain broken on both,’ — aud Jas the North bas taken the first step in vivlating | the Constitution, the Republicans must oot ex | pect to escape the respousibill | quences, whatever they may be. The Times jspeeulates in a « ban j which of the conse vd blooded, calculating veir Is nothit rif not characteristic of that \ jjuurpal, upon | aceful secession” or ‘sim revolution,” abd save it will not attempt to de bn either cas?, we are told, the slaves would go otf and termine which should be the course. ey woull vot be returned. Let us on this | | A rere A suyvestion. porut inake fin open war, have always treaties in regard to with States that are not there intercourse each other and treat les are things that the public opinion of the word expects wil be complied with. Tn cas: of A separation Gf Ciese Stites, treaties would be made to thei return tle fugitive slaves, or to pay These treaties would be aide and thes ympted with, : Agu we hear a yreat deal from the Re publican journals and orators about what they Phe South } they teil us, bas advantages over the North in the benetits of the the facts? J would have to be « cal Che aguressions of the South.” government; but what are We base bad for twenty vears 80 per cent. of all the government contracts, we have three quarters of all the salanos in tet, much the greater proportion of all thatis vac ble in the Goverument, and yet We are constant ly crying It may be asserted without fear of contradichon, that there never las been a law passed by the © yr ‘ nuyre ? sul” Agyression ess of the gr of th he South to the damaye of the North, but it probably would j pot be difficultto demonstate that we lave more & aD ; ‘i & = z than one enactment for « tdvantaye, to thet = 2 & Floss. ‘The truth is, we he North have so ar Precincts. = pm [ranged the laws of Conuiess, that by the force of a _ laws, our Northern people are enabled : 3 yet just about seventy-tive cents out of © every dollar earned by the South, and yet we Salishury, 404 645 6 are called upon to quarre: with them, to eat Geld TR, 111 Be — | them yparates, barbarians, aid soon ; Wien we aH (& aa gf wettle the National balance of trade for the pas 60 49 lvear, whieh amounted to 8554 000.000, where 141 44 tid we pucure the: ae payment 2 We 129 =o 1 got from the South &200 000000 of cotton, , an a $20,000,000) of tobaces, an) &15,000,000 of Litaker’s, 66 104 Qt cor «ap 1 ee Harken 39 43 i Naval stores, rice, and olier exciusive Southern TR GNESY wy i i | prodnee, leaving less than 100,000 to be tur . ~— vane > juished by the North—and vot how common it Torals, 1923 0 1026 18 is tor tle Konus heanmentcintstorelapesalie Whig gain of 78 on Aunat election. | Whiz loss of 86 on Presidential election | of 1858. Official Vite of Davie County. Bell, w Mockaville, 307 o Farmington, 177 Cheshire’s, 56 Falton, 101 26 | crn 641 3 312 Bella maj tion of 1038. Gain on August elec: PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. =f g 2 Cocnttrs. 5 | ay | s | Forarsthe, 965 825 70 Iredell, 1625 328 3L | Mecklenburg, 826 1101 13590 towan, 1023 = 1026 13 Davie, 641 329 Bl | Cumberland, 670 879 35 Harnett, 138 542 78 Moore, 234 192 96 Lincoln, 243 73 5 Anson, 627 in. New Hanover, 644 1517 5 Guilford, 1838 B04 118 485 1017 162 956 (8T 72 Montgomery, 735 105 lo, Caldwell, 499 oy 9 Cabarrus, 810 445 18 Davidson, 1186 728 15 Alamance, 200 m. Wake, 1130 ©1213 272 Graneille, 868 899 83 Franklin, 340 AS 15 Chatham, 919 586 00 Johnaton, 630 O74 Oy Catawba, 445 810 18 640 720 135 Ifealhisriny Washington, 413 159 00 Duplin, 150-1400 3 Halitax, 229 m. Northampton, 100 in. Wayne, 893 m. Burke, 38 m. Cleaveland, 196 =1091 Gaston, 131 826 Union, 379 858 Craven, 168 m. Governor Ellis has issued his procla- mation, setting apart Thursday, the 29th day of November, aa a day of Thanke- giving and Prayer [party in power | We know itis said that this cannot be \ na : aoe }ton of the churches North and iu hagaiust Lincoln. sliould be corrected, section with bemg a wersit upon the body polite’ The question tow is. are we willins to sweep away all this prosperity 4 We can easily pliets Lincoln and the Republican t A first si ee] thas prosperiiy can easy be lo so by towards the de struenon of tamed without a dissulugon of the Uaon by shenatiue the trade and dotercourse of the Sous done, Hotatean be done just as easy as was the sepera uth. Tt the ponoples of Chstanity fol to keep amen ip the bonds of peace, frail, frail indeed, are the ues of worldly interest, that are expected to keep n together wheo those bonds are broken Y. Express. Tie foregoing was published before the election aud was designed te operate So far as that 18 con cerned, itis now useless; but the facts sta- ted by the Express, though not new to many inaoy part of the Country -—are, lwe think, worthy the serions cons.dera- | ) whilst we de- And precate extreme and useleas excitement, tien of our people. It is apparent to every Southern mind that there are wrongs against the Con rights of the Seuth stitutional which The remedy inti- mated by the Avrpreas is in our hands, and framed and executed with wisdom and discretion, might accomplist all that is desirable. eee $287 We copy on our first page, from the Raleigh Press, a democratic sheet, a list of the members elect to the next Leg: lalature he letters k. n., whieh will be seen attached to the names of about one the Press The table will be usefal for reference, if the reader third in the list, are meant by fo signify “Know Nothing.” will understand that all marked & nm. are opposed to the demoerney, in politics. oe ORDERS COUNTERMANDED. We learn that several of our leading merchants who have recently sent forward orders to Northern Houses for additional supplics of Goods, have countermanded them by Telegraph. That is right Charlotte Bulletin Geka The Election Fraud in Philadelphia = The jury in the case of Witham Direly, tried on the charge of forging election re- turng in the firat Congressional district of Pennsylvania, and thus defeating the elec- tion of Leliman, the Democratic candi- date, brought in a verdict of guilty on the 39th ult Wadeahora’ Arqua From te Chertotle Daily ‘Bulletin By Telegraph. From Columbia. | Cotumpia, Nov. 9 | STAND FIRM! If it be true that Lincoln is elected Presideot, stocks of all kinds and property generally will fall in price. A panic runs lke fire in dry stub- ble. Let every business man stand tirm, and do all he can to ward off the effects of the panic. Let as litle property be sacrified as possible. It is rumored that a riet had occurred ; ; Instead of pressing our debtors, or selling prop lin New York, and that the ‘Astor [Louse’ aw jhad been burned, on See Ay a r Or extravagance, let us economize and live on Astor having given one ny 10) 9, a less than heretofore. Let us especially beware lars to aid in the defeat of the Black Ke-! of a panic in slave property, Slavery in the publicans, The report needs confirma} gates in in no danger, thon, i Those persons iv the | States south of us Who are anxions to open the lave trade and iinport barbarians into this country, would not object to a panic which would reduce the selling price of slaves in Mary \ Linportant from Charleston. ‘WakLeston, Nov. 9. : ‘ CLS IMCS, Fiand, Virginia, and North Carolina to three or The United States troops were moving | four hundred dollars each, The farms and ammunition to the Port, when} limit slavery to the States in which it now ex | prevented by the Washingtou Gaards and j ists, if even adopted by Congress and approved | Citadel Cadets coming out They passed | by the President, would amount to bittl. Slave ithe Mercury office with thace cheers for] Fy cau no more be limited Chan the Mississippi can be arrested in ats course proposition to by act of Congress secession | 1 Trouble between the United States | Lt will spread to and take rogt ina a twonld, troops and Milidaof Charlestun is antict. | ; ay ) Cheretore, be unwise tu rush slave property into { where the climate and soil demand it. inarket ata sacrifice on account of Lineolu’s pelection, Let us stand fem, senugthen our de Astor House Burned. New York, Nov. 9. The Astor House was destroyed by fire vesterday wterpoon, fences in the Union, and keep ao strict eve on Let Us sev to it that they are wov than when away trom ther homes they may give less our slaves jerned better heretofore at home, so that trouble te the police. There is no danger to be apprehended trom the slaves if bad white men from New Jersey. ‘Trenton, Nod, Nov. 8 are watched and kept away from them. Left to thetnselves, they are contented and happy, and much more loyal and respectable than the Perry (Dem.) was elected to Coneress abolitionists are ‘in place of Pennington (Rep. ibemsel ves. A negro slave who knows his place, and who is faithful to his | State of Parties in Congress. Jinaster, is a gentleman when compared with fsuch white persons as Seward and Sumner, — , * 5 Standard, Wasuixaros, Nov, 8. Leading Northern and Southern gen SUUUB (UD SURE COA IONE, Hemen in this city give the following Neerennvaccricdatha view of the next Congress, as shown it tion for the next four years, if not forever. the recent elections. We | , ouse F preset ive lhe In the House of Repre CUGLGVES Ue ee once our dutr, Nod we are prepar opposition to Lincoln wontd be 1275 and aaretiie. If the people of the oy il be 11", which gives Usted States, aanajortty of them, have tnajority of 1G fate of the na are yiad the contest is over We : Testi the Lincoln v am anti Lincoln ne as we did, we woiltake all the risks. In the Senate, the major HOS OPP 1: thes bave woted for dala Dell aml Bd sition to Lincoln will be ferett, the country is safe, and the The ¥ ae Toy been Banner wad confine to thoat er Me Vea Of Be Ee yl at tie tree, aiid the lame of thre South, ive AUGUSTA, (rae NOVe) (a It, however, the majority vote has beet The Charleston Mercory says that the Ls ee deprecate it, howe ut inode elec was recerwud 12h wee 4 etalarm us. Lhe dieorgauizere TIC ITATMCeOnRN tie lonenCntined Cliecren ty oa ume Ua une RIEU te Guts GGUS) Aart tea Semi Carre Cine shghty suetarned by the Southern vote aN Rep fe caaomre messed tunic) tor Mio Dreekinmidve, to do diech tari ferent parts of the South heard from Pie : a Te UC Se Ty Ut faver of calling State Conventions, tod EE es Nov intier Hiw berate on the course of poliey to be x = ae UiCele NG eel - e petist Ase AS EVE eT cs TN ywito COLUMBIA Oe NT Deel eS clot Io toat totoward event Tt was reported Reiter te as Pvcia cs Joa eas cl South Coa W 5 | Si trot ester it juet catise for A cotmassioner oto Creorszia to lie \ Phey ure wooing to Gy loin about prompt action ve jaitge of bis eds. before coudcniing Mor ment in South Croton, tae dead fine, We trust every one Ni You, Noe Wari SENT at Wereriete ald prodent ' 7 Care SCitement wt this Cine is tray nt Phe Heratd has asp VAT eth slaviere Many will di at sie SOTA dy lig Nn Shireen Lewis tere tte mit ee wall Tepent of fora PA ore: caucus, on Monaay 1 SPT a nht qtrere Wauxhewiton DD wprtdete solved to calla Convention diimedtaters = : alter itis xbown that Lincoln is elected Te We make the to tter addressed by the Hon. Wim. Ao Graham owing extract from a Pennsyleania Eleevion, Chypositie ass mes freeent Md llarnispunc, Nov. Sth nee initia eee Wash tatou. ou this State, We tuvite attention The Governor bas issued & proc Phe Governor has issned a proc.aima 4 RES those portions oft eytrac tion declaring Lehman, Desnocratelecte | gle un, I Nesta Whiis li We wee putin eels Stamatard to Conetess trou toe tirst District coRTit a) ots ease Providence to afflict: the Cyd i TRAE een LG, miiry Ww it baccotn. while we sholi pevard atas wity deeply to be deplued, ani SV ARSUE STACI GAVE thiti inevenae aus vidance aver the righte of our Tit Vitus thie (Cinch ener wae tle yomoment prepared to delend } . heim Ww UV to prevent @ disselatua trate an e Not . L ts { oa f the Csovernine nt Wass: Np NOW i « forthatecus e I ‘| i I 1 Ulited Stateein nota soverr “ Spaper on wee you ‘ f are Hot hs itm el Our G * net ay DNS AIGA HAS EOF STUD It elective in Wo bata cepres ve repabice now deed ‘ Oy t font tlie Moat oe thie ol ON Epraunae eileen plat Abe ee Pan wat lant Dl « seryanlal the feup eeand elothied ingen « . : wiih powe vowel Wf theae pmicera ave ; Veeere ly Gas ey GA Hebe FL TN i besternter etal Al AN : will he made wit united hearta and with the hope ! : tS ‘ tu issue aco ireoate a declaration ofan vit eearatbot tes vor Teel tea roeanend werd for ite ap ea wa re . ] a Upon tie geeund that we ae aren Lion, 1 which we took chance . « a candidate has been ed who, how rong, we { not deem Nye I [nenat the Chavlestin Coane Miowonhy Co ee: e wi hoe tor ve Vhe reve for hy ow ver same the change may be | kes] ia ot ' FUE ESIGN VON sN Puliesot bt ed. Giiwiwns shonid have been made ear ronal be p ler there bas not Woasnivaroas, Now, 9 ' s d . eon soffer nit evi the choice oo The Piveilent Une diteniien tot to fl the ¢ Prenwdeut, ina goto the provisiens of the Vacancies oe msioned by che pesmenation oft Constitution. os teat By his fants he } - shall be kno " ed, not ob ” nds 1c olen athtshullers nn si ushecaraniactire b ne known a vied, on y the hands which ree ion , im, tanted heen Nee Let ua not injure a caure ee HO events Wie Uhreet IS COU payable uf the bre defences, and adiaitted to be in We that pes His posinen in refererern to nacl of passion, nit of wiedom peril, by taking ¢ SUGE Sutter ssttees: Will be sie suit Lets wart tie action of the new President, ne imal rowho he wis make resatance toacteil they mali ernan t let us net prostrate mn the dunt TO SULT CAROLINA SUPPORT wing de another inedieation that The ful ¢ , it-ernn ther yadgments. and at the CN GSEOT GO cesevINELT ach te Tho SlLiaio toot) Chl eemein Umee wt res feason to beleve, seek be the Sandi the farreat fabne vt Government ever devised by the Wisdom of min. by yielding to the advices: of and that she iste s for divacla rather than dissolution for any i ties addrussed to Gren, Simons, Sueaker of the “7 Noth Care i a e sete Lhe Charlot Daily Bulletin Now . . . that there is a Telegraph Line to Char Wastusutos, Nov. 7. lotte, those who wish early news would The Washington National Volunteerg do well to subseribe for the Charlotte proffer their aervices to Sonth Carolinayin Daily Bulletin By the enterprise of the case of hier withdrawal from the Umon, Editor of the Bulletin, we frequently re Southern ten here are with South Caro. ceived news cartier through that) paper lina. than by ary other source; and now that friend Britton has the advantage of a Telegraph right to his door, hia means of obtaining news will be greatly inereased, tical movement House: SENSIBLE ANID MANLY RESOLU THINS. . . and we doubt not his readers will receive At arecent meeting of the Union men the fall benefit Price of the Daily Balletin $6 per anon Greenshoro’ Patriot acerning therefrom af the county of Rochbridue, Va., the fol lowing resolotious, among others, were inadvance passed ; The Standard Snubbed. Ellis has taken from the Standard the publ cation of the © Distribution of the Publie Sehool Fund, and given it to the Demo This looks like asmall bu : dis paving the Stan Resolved, Vat theallogation, that Vir- Sorao hitched tothe Southern States that they can dr te her into a common destiny with then 1 wina , Do matter what may be the desire of her people, 13 a foul cal ninny and cratic Press siness in Gow, | agpersion on this noble old Cotumonwealth, and a gross insult to her people Pesolved, That we Hhine-tenths of the me dard over the left for its efforts to secure Ins election. The cirenlation of the Stam dard, we than that of the /?rese thos done for with the BUppowe, In KIX times preater The Standard is Domocratic lead ers How stand the rank and file ? VWashonyton Diapateh. verily beheve, that Wthis State will I be opposed to resisting the Gener! Grow erninent, so long as itmay be administer ed ia contormity to the Constitution, and the common benefit of all the Ste Persolved, That the advics Sonthern States, to strike a blow w At CR Senator Wigfi Position A dis ich patel to the Charleston Courier, dated Washington City, Oct. 30th, saya: “Sen bring on ite ator Wigtail, of Texas, has informed Pre wiven to the ) will involve this country in the horrors of bloody e:vil war, shoul authors the sident Bochanan that he will not resume United States Senate if Lineoln ia elucted to the Presideney.” execration and reprobation of all honorable and patriotic inen Pesolued, Viat Virginiaowea no “duty to the South” or any other his seat in the qnarter of the world, except to discharge those constitu The Governor of Georgia Recommenda tional obligations restinyonherasamem- a Convention A letter ber of the Union, and such as every civ Gist, from Governor waa received, yesterday, by Gav lized community owes to every other; Dro and that she has the ability and the reso lution to maintain ber righta, from what ever quarter they may be assailed ny of Georgia, stating that he had added a clanse to lis messaye, recom. mending the immediate oall of a State Convention. —South Carolinian erty of any kind to provide the means of living | | From the Marietta Sou. Statesman, (a Breckinridge paper.) UNION OR DISUNION. | In another column of this vaper will (be found an appeal for the Union from Jere Clemens, Alabama, based upon per- j haps, an upexaggergted picture of the i horrors of disunion. Mr. Clemens, it will |be seen, asserts that this Union can nev- ver be disso!ved—that we may pase tliro’ a loug period of civil war anti! the mn- tual exhanstion of all sections will wel- come a military depot, and that this, as Allison and Macauley predicted, will be the end of the Republican experiment in Ainerica. With such a picture before as we may 'well shudder at the imiuinence of disan- ion, and wise men will reflect and ask if there is ho escape trom it. It may be avoided. If the Sonthern States will remain in the Union they may dety the Republican party if swelled to double its present pombers. — Virginia has set the example, let the other South- ern States follow it. Prepare for self. protection in the Union. They may con- cert measures and move on simultaneous- lyn the course of preparation, aod if the tine shonld come when the Constitution is violated the Southern States will be armed and equipped for the grisis. The danger is with tho-e who wonld precipitvte the Seuth —without prepara- tion, With w population of bat eix or ee- ven millions against twenty millions— without the material for war—witbout or- ‘ganization and without concert or union, It ds this party, in the South, patriotic but misdirected, who are leading the peo- ple ot the South to anarchy and woes in- Suumerable. Will they not panse? Revolution is nota thing to be adopted and disposed of inva day. Let os wait calmly the an- houncement, should it be made, of the election of Lincoln. Then if we are not satistied as Georgians to entrast the de- fences of the State to our General Assem- bly, wloch would appear entirely safe, as there will be majorities in both branches of Congress agunetany adverse step Lin- coln could take, then let a convention of the State be cated and let the people of Georra decide for themselves and pos- ternty the wroat issues at stake. Lhe developments of the past few days have sown us that the hope of effecting woiinmediate dissorution of the Union, in Lincoln's election, depends Upou the action of Alabauia or South Car- olina, We predict that Alabama) will South Caroli- afraid will—not because she the event of Hot recede for Tits Cause. ha We ate expects to rmantan an isolated national ty—not that the Federal Government wall let her alone because she believes but because sie oeheves there will be acecaision of arms and Chat tue first blood shed will consummate the precipitation ot the Southern States. She reasons well vy unwise for the foo, perhaps, but sac Seuth cae NWSI NG UIA Ie MODE On Seiko DU C= PNG REIN ALON Ye wit to be the wish, the earnest de- sire ofevery citizen of the South to pro- duce as anuch barmony of sentiment, aod amity of action among his fellow citizens AS possible, In view of the present unfor- tonate state of public affairs. Bat we re- wret to see the disposition already tmani- stote er ainate and charge a loyal with apart of the This ina very dangerous business, and, if per- ,Wwil certainty dead to anything mit wood to the So There is a wide n between different proper course to be pursued nider existing cir- pertion of our peopl responsibility of Lincoln's election. sisted at hitference of opin sath as to the parties at the Cometaneces, and reproaches from the one not tend to narrow the We, therefore, revard The balowlng extract from the Journal, of yesterday, as ul timed and al- t : In commenting fear, cer- Journal tothe otter w vreach between them tovetber out of piace m the apparent (aba, We how farms election of Lincoln, the saya “= We may all know thatthis event has heen helped on—this movement at the vort. has been encouraged and invited ussurantes from iofloencial par- tes at the South that the Northern Sec- eleet their Northern see- Qtion Prestient, and said) par- tes would sti te their very obedient servants. All this we can see aud can deplore the results now apparent to us. Bat we cannot recall the past nor undo its errors have given mal avi the evils to which rise.” is ltimed, and the indulenece of similar remarks can do The parties who are All this, we gay, nothing bute barns red with encouraging, and Imvitlt go the movement at the North Inkeht, with propriety, retahate upon their lay the responsibility at their doors by charging them with # nee- lesa, and criminal agitation of the slavery qnestion, But we trust thal the palpa- ble, and sureidal error of such a course on the part of either will prove a suffi- cient ebeck on both. There are some very yood Sonthern rights men who are not yet prepared to give up the Union. In fact the disnmiontsts are greatly in the inibority, and have failed to satisfy the world that they possess all the wisdom wud all the spirit of the Bouth. Until they do this, common justice—to say rothing of a becoming modesty —would dictate a sentiment of moderation, and Sorbearance towards those who differ with, —~ Wil. Herald Action of (ov. Pettus, of Mcasissippr. . In a speech at Macon, Miss., on Friday SATE AST wecusers, and them last, Gaov. Pettns said “that the satne wire flash that bronght the intelligence of Lincoln’s elec- which conveyed the ele tric tion, the vext instant should carry back hie proclamation convening the Legisla- ture of Mississippi, and be warned them uow, if there were any members of the Legislature present, to be prepared to set ont for the capital of the State the next Ininute : nore (err At the late Bar of the Central State Agricultural Society of Virginia, held at Riebmond, a premium of $50 was awarded to Messra. Yoong and Wriston, of Charlotte, North Carolina, for the best and Jargest variety of Woolen Qoodsa manntactured in any other slave State, the goods extibited by them being of equal or superior quality to those mand: factured in Virginia. wu “t ~~ <- - se Th - — re a a e a m @ t e e p a n a n p e A n a s ~A 2s wR ulye vill om er- she vill ev- ro an: el- be ay in. if ys gk ds ar ill li he h- he ne be od on ell he le- ro- nd DS or: re- lhe yal he is er- ng de nt er r= ne he ng oe val ias she red ar- Uc: eU- ar- nt an us. do en he do ire nd rth eir at jee- ery pa: fti- me are Ds the the om ntil say ald id ith. pi." jay ‘ire hat ack sla em the set ext ral via, WAS on, est ode ate, E of nu- é UNANSWERBLE. The following * plain remarks, editor modestly calle them, are from the Vicksburg Whig. They are exceeding ly plain to us, and tnust be 80 to our rea- ders, who will conclude, no doubt, after ” as the perusing thein, if they were not already satiefied on the question, that the tore secession is discussed before the peuple the less they will like it. “Tt seems strange that at this late day we should be called on to discuss the question whe- ther we have a Constitution and Government or not. We are tuld that we have a league or com yact between sovereign States, aud lave been living under that for over seventy years, fatter ing ourselves all the Gime that we had a Const tution, and most peop: le obe ying tw few pro testing that it did not exist, i ance (o try the question, “A few plato remarks lo the people may uot be i of place at duis line, “ The nature of a0 instrument Tian heale- serial by looking at the paper itsell Every man koows that this is a goud law. Vhe Cou stitution of the United States determines its own character—it calls itself « Consttunun, ‘Phe language is plain and clears + We, the people of the United States, do ordain and establish Cais Constitution for the United States of America #2. The Constitution says that * is Cousts “tution and the laws of the Uided States muy ‘in pursuance of it, and all treaties made or which ‘shall be made under the authority of the Uni id urging resist “ted States, shall be the supreme law of the land, | “and the judges in every State shall be bowud ‘thereby, any thing i the constitution or {aws ‘of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.” The idea that an instrament containing this pro vision partakes of the nature of a league ur com ct is sltnply a cuntradiclion iu terns, “3. Congress, under the Constitutioa, pro vides a vuiturm caturalizaliou law. Foreygoers take the oath of fealty or allegiance to the Gov ernment of the United States. er look at bis papers, aod he will find be does uot ewear (o support the constitution of a Sinte of the United States. Foreigaers ta this respect are oo the same footiag with uative bora citi zeus. “4. The Government of tne United States under the Constitution, has the power to mak war aud peace, ty coin money, to bay and ip fact vereignly. their authority from the Let any forengn hart tu do wil the inportant acts The States lav-o yple, and one ba» no nyht to say tothe othr von shall not exercise this or that power, * Wie made you a& judge of auothers servants? do their own masters they stand or fu Lin Su preme Court ts estabiished to decide, and ques tions of doubt must be referred to that tebuna This was done by the citizeus uf Massachusetts in the case of the embares law, which rarned thousands in that State. Pte case was arcaed by Samuel Dexter, and, aft the law was constitut over two million of de ly believed ie law to be @ ross viol \ er the deeiston that t Merenah’s jot | vonerh they as tian Cousttution as could be iniaciue "5. The State of Miesisin i lias in once settled (his question, aud declared ¢ tring of Secessiui, Wun itcalion, or wiritever pane Is given to it, iy Ww lietesy "6. The riclit of ote State to withdraw 1 the Union and to break ujet Is utlerly at war with ail the pronespies of the Con stitubon, The Coustituten provides tor cune ments, which may be propescd by two both Houses of Congress, aid ane be adopted as partes of the Constilubon whet re } three-fonrcbs of the Si ,« (oer artele 3 \ [toe plano that Che amendment tay be a lopted Would such ameodment be binding and valid or uot? Clear agaiust the volu of ove Stat ty we would. Now, according tot Cont a Slate is absolute!) suvereisu, lod thal Che mgs ty Judge aid decide by the Sate as a ster ty thal the Coustitution ion compact or wu between soverciities, it woul! seen te foiew that an amendment of the Const tu “ not be binding ot a State whieh dod nec ratty ite Phat State is uot a party te the niodsted compact or league Thew witent bas mead anew ‘compact The fanacy of the advocates of Suate soverengnty aud secesstct isin eotsnder ing the Constitution a cotpre [ois theresa of acompact. Lhe Cousu 1 owas brew Inty existence by the ache t eat States, but when this act and catifeation it became and ever dias been and is uew aterm of coverninent, tot ve bie to be overthrown ot to Fesisted a “ and pleasure of one Stabe or any other waniber MG. Very extranriinay resuits: would How from the ercteise of ther reecede iy th State of Louisiana, tor exami Poa ber \ was purchased by the Urol States. on was patd for ib) it was coli to tue States.” Part of it was atierwards 4 der the express provision of he Constitution as the State of Louisiana Tivat State was nota party to any compact’ Tt owas test poretased and then admitted inty the Union asaState, by the purchase and tt admission into the Union a the citizens of tle US. became riterested ane ¢ titled to cerlan privil the Mississippi Hyer, the great outiet tor the wal ley Now, if Lotstana sionld secede, what! Uoneeaste submit to the esoin the navigation comes of these privileges? WW sourt, Tennessee, Kentucky, &e. exercise of the nutit of sovercngnty by that State and to have the gullet for their protections step ped up or taxed or interfered with by Lou sana? No, they would pot, the General Government to enforce thei denourd Butaf Lousiana bas not the myht to secede ne State has. “Any fair reasoning or logical arguinent will lead to the same conclusion, that secession is no peaceful remedy. The law of no State can jus tify resistance to the Laws and Constitution of the United States. The State lawin such cases would be adjudged wull and void.” and they would eall upon ; oes Rumored Loss of the U. S. Steam Gunboat Seminole — This forenoon the most painful excitement prevailed in the naval circles of this city owing tothe fact that a newspaper letter from Brazil, con- firmed by two private communications, announced the imelancholy intelligence that a burning propeller, supposed to be the U. ateam vunbeat Seminole was seen off Pernumbueo, Brazil. The Sem nole left Norfolk to join our Brazil aqua dron, on the 14th of July last, or there abouts, and was consequently two months out on the 25th of Sept, at whieh date she had not reached Rio. The probab ty that the rumor of her loss is a croel hoax, has been altogether overruled in view of the recent letters from the ship, which deelared her to be a complete tail are.—NV. ¥. Journal af Commerce peat A Pickpocket Arrested. ~ X fallow call fng himself Oyle, was arrested here on Satarday evening on a charge of having abstracted a pocket book contamming twen ty-five or thirty dollars, and some valu ble papers from the pocket of Col, Mcltae, of Wilmington, while in the act of enter ing the care on hig way homeward. T) entleman was fully identitied by Mr McRae. who canght him in the act, aad after a patient investigation before a ape cial examining Court, he was committed, in default of 1000 bail, to await his trial Goldshoro’ Independent THE TEXAS “PLOTT” NO PLOT AT! | ALL. In confirmation of the denials of the aboitionist conspiraces in Texas, which have reached us from other quarters, wo have now the following emphatic testi- mony from a resident of Texas, who writes tu the Louisville Democrat: “Laman County, Texas, | Beta ven 1860. | “Messrs. Harney, Hughes & Co.: See- ing that the ¢nany rumors and reports which were circulated through our State w few months since, as to abolition cirtissaries insurrections, We, are being published and accredited by tuany of the papers i the older States, [ desire, Uirough the columos, of your paper, tu say te my trends im Kentucky and tu the publ weuerally, Chat all euch rumors are alte vether unfounded. [tis true that during the exceedingly hot weather of the prise summer, there were many destructive fires in the State of Texas—the town of Henderson was nearly desteoyved—that of Dallas greatly damaged, wad some houses different parts of the State. Bat the orgin of these tires, as far as VR ascertained, Was cither from the ignition of inatenes of some oth- burned tn other towns tn er accidental cause. f tiave wot been able to learn of asityle instance in which, there was the slightest evidence that it was the work of au wbulition emissary — in tact, | dou’t believe there is one in the State, though there ure some characters nearly as bad. “As to the reports that poison had been tourrd mm the possessiol ot heyroes, lu Vue rious and sundry parts of the country, and in wells, ke, they are false as far as | have been able to learn. Lbave not met with a single man who koows of an an thenticated instance. Yet these reports were published by all tue papers in the State, and accredited by tiany, and the people in tuany parts Were excited almost to desperation, Who ortzinated these re vorte, and for what purpose, are the ques I rE 1 otis that dave perplexed wood Cit Zens of our State lor sate Cie pitst.-— Suel reports are certalniy calculated ty hyure the State, aud keep away such em ' Statts as destre to Gene Why. then, alould the people of Texas creulate ate vive credit te them ¢ on oof many of our best put citteens, afer mature de ate frou tn vestization of the Ete Hhese reports bad Cherm orien in tie untieds f scheming pouticiats, and are i partot Coat reat poan concocted abt bel poit beerxcention to “nerve the Seathern aro and excite the Southern tind, prepara ry te preetp tating tre € tio States in 2. Lincoln and Southern ston Courier miathes the ftordow brrenatnable stuteuients “Letters have, to TE CCPPP KEW Celene ree ] ce hate vy aebdtesse | <a) sobs ti fat jerssupston at} Lineotis Conhdence evading sthen oof Doutu We are able to bane the writers otsome of these letters, a the individ ios to whom they lave been addressed Lu pone distances tuese letera lave been contiaed to ap empuatic assertion of tie conservative coatacter of Mr Lincoln's a stration, ii general terius He elt et rece miinendvrepedial the tui slave daw, tior the aly oof plavery in 4. Nor a pert berween Tie States; eabehtiissson af new save States Will motentenad fa those ¢ ed out of territory south of ‘ Po som ge \ tI slat. wns + APatEnee has veen thought, un tC be appre } conmtidentiaiy, indirect overtires have een ouade to Cie effeet tuat Me. Line Wed DY te meats confine domseity as Taras the Soath i coneerued, to | ow poapiy, bat would be wort toy ~ tor shed Southern statesmen otf the Un mqearty it das Cabanet. We have cea foe tates of fee aistiuwiimged statesmen woot there mernbers of Messe. Ps cer werd Pevvtinens CHL ae rey I he CC edotee ths: Wats Drese letters, of course, have not been wartten bw Mr Levealn himself, “Thonest Oud Abe” to be caught imthat trap; but they have ren ieritten, with his know ledge and ap ps proved | . Is too stirewa Scorbnutie diseases are e parent atock from which arises a large proportion of taladies thatattict mankind, hey areas it were a species of potato rot in the human constitation, which undermines tnd corrapts all the sources of its vitality and hastens ts decay. They are the verm from which springs, Consumption, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Liver Com plaints, and Eruptive Diseases which will be recognized as among those most fatal and destructive to the races of men. So dreadful are its consequences to human ; | life, that is hardly possible to over esti- mate the importance of an actual, reliable | remedy, that can sweep out this Scrofu-! lous contamination, We know then we shall proclaim welcome news to our read ers, of one from such a qnarter as will leave little doubt of its eficacy—and still more welcome, when we tell them that it surely does accomplish: the end desired We mean AYERS SARSAPARILLA, and its certainly worthy the attention of thos: who are afflicted with Scrofudaor Serota lous complaints. Register, Albany, ¥ York Any Paper To Give AWAY, TODAY?” try surplus paper you ken spar In thee and fifty other forms of interrogatory the prin ters of the Telegraph, several times every wee dav in the year, are importuned to give away papers! The Printers do not stand on the tr tle in each case, but during the vear, the tax tor the dissemination of knowledge collected of themoin. this way, amounts to more than ther State and county taxes for the protection of persons and property. We patoon this para wraph for the benefit of those who make such demands, and to remind them, that the papers coat a grent deal of money, and cannot be given away withont a positive loss Why not got to the stores of some of our nerhbers Aid ask them if they have any surplos calico, domestics huttar, cheese or grindstones, to give away ? Macon Telegraph. | Froma all indications there will not be a dif ference of 10,000 votes in Virginia between Breckinridge and Douglas. — Pet. Intelligencer ee EVEN THOSE who are in the enjoyment of | iY) perfect health frequently have need to have recourse a to tonics as preventatives of disease. We are never} too well armored against the assaults of ‘the ills that | flesh are heir to”’ Such an invigorator they may GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT = ee eateseeerre re eer EE NEW | find iv Hostetter’s Biiters—a medieme tbat cannot SL iuerenle or King’s Evil, Is @ constitutional disease, @ corruption of the bleed by which this flaid becomes vitiuied, weak and poor i T L ; Being in the circulation, \t pervades the whale bedy, | bee ( aod may burst out to diseuse on any partef it. No “ fi : be taken regularly without giving vitality and elastici- { aa : I ioeyaotad ae a ey elisa peedhaata ty tu the system. At this season particularly, ihe +9 Strongest man is hot proof ugainet the malaria. iu certain sections of the country. In all casesof Fever and Ague, the Bitters ir more potent than any A CARD. COoOOoDS amount of quinibe, while Lhe most dangerous Cesea | J of bilious fever yield to ite wonderful properties AT eens pee made the experiment, we cordially recommend an | A M Yy ERS’ early application to the Bitters. whenever they are} l ) \ B | ‘ @iricken by diseases of the digestive organs y i e Sold by druguisiy aud dealers generally every- N m ite B ildi a! where. i 0. 4, ran ul ng, ee IP See advertisement in unother column SALISBURY N Cc ’ . . { DEALER IN Ready-Made Clothing SPAPRR ARB RANST Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, ——_90——— Those who have tried the medicine will never use Nov 13, 1860 1m26 another, for any of the ailtnents which the Hostetier'e “== THE LARGEST ANDMOSTI ner err ere Bitters professes to subdue. To those who have not WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, * EXTENSIVE STOCK. DIED: Tn Asheville, N.C., on the 17thimst. Mr. JOEL SULLIVAN, uged about 40 years. The deceased was highly respected by his acquaintances. He was interred with Masoule honors. Tn thie county, oa the 4th inet, Mies ANNA OF GRASIAM, daughter or James Graham aged about, shaw Bootes, Shoes, Hata, Caps Drawers, Vader- 45 years | AKER & CO’S } TRANSPARE THE TRUE AND GENUINE UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTS eo woe CLOTHING BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED . —_ dt Ee 4 Tis use, if taiely tried, will soon restore the Saw + tone of the digestive organs, tuivigorate the; am | — blood, give general rotuadity to the figure, TO and add energy ty the mind and nervous pe! Du syarem. Tis value hax been remarkably F Are uow opening at the Subscriber's ever ZS Tenay be taken wuhout disrelish by the 56. And which will be auld us heretofore at unpreceden- - . mestdelicute patent, and retamed wihout tedly low pnees. ‘Thisis Ww effortin the most sensitive stomach. Pts nu Tr | penonty ao this aud other unportant charac Oe iene Common with many, who enumerate ther articles tie old customers and trends, ated the publie generally ee al POH OOle the Prof His Stock embraces au Wuusually lore voc attrac sors of the Because an examination of the stock and prices, will tg UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, me SHE IEMOINS (CUNEIEISE ID, (Qe TIBUT IE Ss ja a 1 ORATA, weet truthoof the assertion aw PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI. = = CINE, and others Tavalids should be careful to purchase oi) Le cuizensof Rowan wod adjarent counties for past fa- _ 2 of undoubted reputation if they desire the om convnce the most seeplc, and closest buyers, of the Returning my sincere acknowledgements to the r Dry Goods, ° : ‘Shirts. Cravats, Neek-tes, Teer piefe, and a I y OO S, fe iment of Shite wud Cullars, &e., So to \ winch he tivites your immeduie atieation. They MEDICIN AL, DR GOOD N, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, have been purchased fur one and willbe mle wae TeOMmuivetn Oe er than ever were offered here before ¢ v 5 - YOUR TIME FOR GREAT BARGAIN™~, af I ? recea, Embroideries, ready sm detecmined to eell cheaper than any viber house ql Salist made CLO rH IN G, = ieeewentae my thaske for the bberal petronage Cloths, Cassimeres, netescerrs Been en x. Me a continuance of the - game une rn rihe and, Vestings, HATS NO.2, MURPUY'S GRANITE ROW, Salisbury, 2 4 AND and CAPS, Sept. 25, 1360. t ng > TVG! > ‘ NG - BOOTS & SHOES, is — evidenced hy sts wowderfal restorative pow- ys &e &ec &e M. BRE} Ss PQ ers, when ordinary tones had been vainly | 1 : iy ey . ; Re | : ROCERI ES — | RED JACKET BQ boty when no other can be borne, and Oo A 26 a . ‘ : eZ furnisies the frame with fat in a truly res 7 * THE Subscriber respectfully BUA ‘LOT Hl G H ALL ) markable manner his old patrons and the public generally ane ae SO Olen DONG = that has recently retarned from the Great | Main Street Near Water Street, Nearly Opposite So bur SCROFULA im all ite derelopmente, —, Xp ops : hahar Emporium with a NEW STOCK of the Post Office. Doky WEAKNESS “WASTING and Ft Eo rhibited in: Salisbur y, FALL AND WINTER | HE. andersigned just having arrived sn town every furm of DEBILITY, te curative aoe 4hdudia she + 4 \ wih a NEW, FRESH AND FASHIONA. T properties are unrivaled oe 1 - 1 | GOODS, Ready-sMade Clothing, of tae latest and most fashionable styles Having wishes to inform the public of Salisbury and Rowan 4) ferimGes of genuineness, has yuaranveed for NO OC A N T ADV E R’ l ISI NG ty ll R ASE personally selected his Goods wiih especial reference / county, thut he has taken the above named eatabli-h- the commendation of the most eminent to the wants and tastes of this section, he feels con. ment with the view of keeping constantly oa hand « is througligimt the States; the wit nt that he will be able to meet the views of his urge and heavy Stwoek of CLOTHING and \ ioe ay 7 ; : 1 ten Cescimony of the freulty of the best medi KL RN ISHING GOODS. ve assortment of for Men's, Youth's and Boy's wear, of all styles E S, A s, quilities, and fair prices Suitable costumes for “LAD S DRESS GOODS, LACES, ie re elites piamere, Miners, Wichiu- Embroideries, ‘&e., sts, or Servante use. Aleo, a large wesortmnent of certiinly not excelled by any house in the State—, Boots, and Shoes, Hats and Caps. H+ has aleo a splendid variety of the RICHEST vers, Lhope by close aiteotion to my busimners, to ST LKS and SILK ROBES, and all of the Call and examine my stock before pure peu 1g else - where. SIGN OF THE RED JACKE : RLNBSE LRLSS GOOLS, M. BRE sand immediate advantages of = we Mist act he remedy > That which we prepare has nent a continuance of the same ‘ deeid dences of Derianity ¢ ther = \ . ie vn a Eee eee ani eM aaa 17 No trouble as usual to show Goods at of this Fall's Iasportations, many of which are real; PS —Having made proper arrangements with our prauds Mac hepa yon , = 9 fe hi eues ' Baltimore firm, Luin nt ali times prepared to fulfill 0 ( c an 4 rag a Sh Sei ae, Ss FRANKFORD S In all his purchases he has enceavored to a-lect any orders in the Merchant Tailuring buemnese at [opr eee 0 lors ce . ; iL his pu ' neve ~ Dis, Cagiva ee only such Goode an were most desirable tustyle, most shortest notice . gs, Chem &e F eee , 5 ips Non 19 860 Ris ~ substantial in inanufacture. and most reasonabie in Oct 16, 1660 I jot N. THIRD STREET, Printer’s Notice. Ve I. persons due the ‘ OX Adventinings Printing old stand, se S No. 4, Granite Building. \| I iC | |. TS The subscriber respectfully invites: your imepection ee ‘ Vv o teh new FALL and WIN PER STOCK, coutidenc | e : hat he will be able to offer many really substuntial T () CC OU NT R Y prienitc ng unxious to susiaiu the reputation of the ; = . a — of. Watchman’ Office for are requested to pay | th, ' ret ae i taducements to all Whe may taver him wath a call 8 1G le ae ore ine warn Vea che croprietor demites ty — ee S aaliabar sO larpve stock o' alisbury. es Sr enion! AL +n uuusoally larpe stock of er A> RW cceeaica TBC N ER ee : 2 Noy 13kh, 1660 3126 te SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of N egro Clothing. : COUNTRY MERCHANTS, to his large and Boots, Shoes, an Brogans, ! varied Stock of ler [tetra nyt r + hberal patronage PPSHOSE having claims agaist (he estate _ per ciuisre beat eels lund oun anieige nite OCTOBER, 1860 JcLiax, dec'd., ate hereby noufied to present } \ ‘ sant Ail orders shall receive iny prowpt a per 2 them within six weeks, or this aud previous notices Ws | sonal attention will be plead in bar of recovery } A. MYERS W. BR. WILSON JJ BRUNER, Adw'r, | ¥ Clothing and Groceries. 4, Granite Building September, [ROO 19 Nov. 12th [s60 with a large assortment of Watches, Clocks, ! ' 7 " ; 2 THE , d 1 tieh he will eel! at WHOLESALE os | 1 ox wate meat ; 7 . i Jewelry, Silver Ward &e. cts ready to sell greater, BOOKS ! imu se tows 8" GREAT ENGLISEE REMEDY bargains thin ever wad eold in North Carolina s be bought in anv city im the Union, the Great Em- His personal attention is given to Repairing of | poriam New York, not excepted DERE AME SINUS S DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP! S. FRANKFORD. on QR 2 his stock ore door frum McNeely & Young's Store. | al ETTERS = (ct. 16. 22ef i ve COPARTNERSHIP HERETOPORF EXISTING UNDER o™ + name of oly this day dissolved om : 5 2 \ a ae Stewart, is this day diss i. \ — . RY ROYAL oe ey PATENT. en eer OOD Ls Ne Ladies Watches, eer ee ee eC ren Hk | at o Fee Ge eres ee UST opened sonte of the handsomest Watches Rod Iwill grea tiy promote (he iucevest: wl th . SS eatenc ee ale constitu @ for Ladies of the choicest syle ever offered with faland dangerous Scuhject nirewovesalluustruc. fiue Gold Chatlene, setta of tine Jewel Sleeve 8. FRANKFORD'S, Ce counts of the late firm as epee 5 Sal pculeeand | ," SKIRTS in endinas sariety at they request thetr frieuds t cali early for that purpose Buttons. Sruds, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold and J oK BURKE To Married Isradios Correl Necklaces, Loekets, Chirms, Ear Drops, J. J STEWART Norvemher Oo 60. 2 itis e vringenthe (Caorre! for Misees and Childreu, and a great: mon Bee etceees eroment stamp Other things too numerous to mention, all of whe will be sold at bargains for cash, ithe Jeweley Stor ‘“~’ Ec 4uW T 1 Pl ' ‘AL R rig ee “oer 16 - < PO THE PUBLIC. t Al L AND WENTE mite SILVER WARE. nof th wher ] AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIF- torof the BOOK STORE, SALISBURY GOODS! PTC eee UR aicalts Nene t heapet a BeeNOnES, Murphys Gaul Building. forthe patronage extended to che Touse while con Vo ricinihemel centr the | fi t URK . " dacted by the Late firm Berke & Srewart, and tomers to our large an tine assortment of Pure Silver Vable and Tea Spoons, also, Silver-plated Castors, Cake Barkets eo which) Cape, blets, Forks aod Kaives, Barter Kurves, Buiter Dishes, Svrop Cupe, Mustard and Sugar Spoons, Ke. Don't forget and give us a call ,and we will sell W ERO WILSON, WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, f cur frienda and cus- » MOSES ect Stock of Kovhester, NOY 100 and 6p to any authorized solieit or it the continued ¢ of ite fmends, He wel constantly replenish ase STOCK OF BOOKS, and w make additions as Wt out. He isin de bergest Publish fidence and patronage rea by ee gals by recurn mat ory by Henderson dé Enniss, WIE Wyatt, and | druggists 49 Percent, Laon & ¢ Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots new aud valuable works are bio » Richmond, Va, Wholesale almost daily comman cation wy and Shoes, and ing Honses in New York ud Philadephia, and can readily supply bs Bapress wach ordes sent him as cannot be otherwise tile eee ee “READY-MADE CLOTHING, | ay ! see See een ei nen uate costars BOOTS! BOOTS! — (Commission Merchants, twoane ie ite A IWART By co exarmation of our Stock yeu may tind Bar J HW. ENNISS is now riviner hes stock of Oet. O 1s60, 2 gains not to be hid elsewhere, as we will take prices @F e Genteman's Winter Weer Proot Boots, whieh | No. 2 Granite Row, Faoxt Srreet, | very low to cael and punctual dealers orstyle and work are superior te anything that | TL AMINGION NOG: . 3.) & JA. Mev ONNAUGHBY for forsale ta Uns marke and atiese price | } \ sulers in all ds of Groce rir -rovisio: nit WILLIAM C. LORD, Sept. 25 Jnold | all'agd ace the QUILTED BOTTOW BOOT, made| , Deslets a9 ail kinds of Grocrvies, Provinons, Frac, Liquo-s, Wines, Cigars. and ‘Tobacco tert cousiguments of Fioar, Dried Frat, Feath Beeswax. Tobaces, and Conuiry Produce en ally. Agents tor Howe's celebrated Scales PD G WORTH, NG UA NIE the past 7 veors with | Late of Asheboro’, N.C. | C o& BG. Woatn | 1 the best Freneh Calf Skin and W een | Af Vhroughont, and whieh wall list longer than any | | Bring Back that Gum i adse! am | ie | PHE SUBSCRIBER left double barrel shot gan | ALSO, Fine Calf WATER. PROOF BOOTS, | l PUT Ramenc nS with Double Soles and Upper, a capital Boot tor | I or eral Muster, whiel wemne person thought fit Winter, and warranted The uncersigned wantshis gun, and ad-) ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. Double Sole and Upper and warranted jthough tomight have been tiken through mistake. | ALSO, MILES & SON'S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT. Sept. 1s, 1860. lyin yet it ithe kept, that willbe evidence of a dewgn tol made stout and sirong and of the very best mate- ee GREAT BARGAINS NOTIC kK. j steal it aud he wall pat the Inw in force againat the | fials, warraried S I ReTeOT MWR DOSEAR USA DERI ALSO, MILES & SON'S PUMP-SOLE AND iTS wT ! DRESS BOOTS. Miles’ Boots for beauty, dura : i e 1 s e ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pe SIBHC TR NE LE: \\ ILC Practice and make prompt collections in Rowan, Stanly, Predell and Catawba Counties 1a Gg Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite | or. nave the Book Store | vises the person who touk to remember that ut Feb. 14, 1-60! 1R | on the day of the | I AVING TAKING LETTERS OF ADMIN- |) Return the Gun to Horah & Ramsay's Store istration on the Estate of Joseph D Cowan WOH MH. BURKHEAD on = ‘ erick 7 dec'd., I will offer for sale, on Thursday, the Rth| Noy, 6, 1860. biltyoand plessantimosrjase golebratedihnougliou 5 - | » Union and require no praise diy of November next, all the jierishable estate of| thet 1 ‘ Cat vont WADA Plo Grenentore Wintarerrt JEL. Eysiss now offers to sell ‘ as sredil G | TOY PTO all and get you a pair of Boots fo inter worth peantle Se eee NOTICE. Be tay Md db piPancting te cnet GENTS PANTS at $2.09 worth 93,00 . = Try | . . . . 7 . 3.00 os 4.00 STIX MON I Hi . (TENUEB STOCKHOLDERS of Mootamana Fe me A NL JONES | in 7 a Aah . an ale Semmary are respectfully sobeited ty Boot ant Shoe Store | im a me . gan hint t from date, anid aale will consist of all! Le : : a) yao the arueles aevally gold-—Steck af every. kind | meet it Mount Pleasant on the Ard Saturday of De-| Oot 2-120] SALISBURY, N CL GENTS COATS "3.0000 © an ein eMC Botvermurustaliion (ine apucerice | Gsniy scare GlaeaneinUnny NOLUsIAL Palle n UDI steess| 5 i a “5.00 : 5.50 eve AGN, . | P 6 Ivo e Stoe aldera do : nud tine qualities, One lot of very | eB In case a marrity of the Stockholders de | 1 &§ 6 Oo. a | en G0 “i 950 . fnot meet, the present Board of Trustees will consid a ne 100 la ve Fine Old Tobacco, mer eniee veer iii atit iuiradhcomtr tistc me isan FALL STOCK. i ee ory done fot of very gond New Tobacco | bosinens as may present inelf 2 a a Gali o) SReNT There will also be hired at the some time and] By order of the fat 2 a Call nt AD KE TSS SSiisose place THREE LIKELY NEGRO MEN AND . arn A IL, ¢ coretery. | 1) . VT) | Cl diinb, al anil Shee Nios, TWO LIKELY GIRLS, One othe boyein afirat| Nov. 6. 186 = mas 1. & \ | Oct. 2 ret rate blackamith ; there will be rioony other arueles| too tedious to mention sold on the same cay and ey) = ‘a val (ie So DEALERS IN American Watche: W R. WILSON hasthe Ageney ¢ he GENU e INE AMERICAN WATCHES which ena Shem to well ther for lees than they can be booght the same place M H. BRANDON, Adm) of Joe DPD Cowan, deed Oct 30, R60 2418 UCTOV ER Dacre WH WYATT, Drauggiet and eine ary, Noe 1X6 and IRR Mihin wt, Salisbury, No ¢ SEMISTER & CLAYWELL, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hate, Caps and Bonuets, Sagara, Cotfee, Salt, Mo Ineses, Syrop, Nats, Horse and Wale Sh | | EKousc Paintors, | GRAINERS, PAPER HANGERS, &c., | eiwewhere He bas alse rn addon, the English | Paces Lever Honting Cased Warehes, Detrohed Levers, dunting Cvhodere, &e. which will be sold fawn for eash Dont forget. those who want Opposite the Monaion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C. All work personally attended to and warranted to be Sole Cat Skit Ta i fg r 2 Rite Oct 23 4023 | done ina workmanlike manner 4 s vane Moneta Warehem t SENVER I Wai sot Joly 17, 1N60 pd6ms Sr Ue ESD act \ Store, newt der te WeNeely & Yours The Cirapesr andl 2 « L es " ‘ ‘ ieee . ie ealicburys No < : ‘a Ney a B ig = Are now recewwing large additions to herr Soar Oct 16. (m2 Kerosene Oil, !rst [Ills known, ; Pre er AG ca Srey ie rarer Vane nel ere forsale by WIL. WYATT, | Druggiet & Apothecary Soadjoutng Counties NORTHERN gee \[IS8 GRASSwITT, ee returned | LIME FOR SALE. ; Ro« \ MURPHY he Wost Eashionable ya aplon tid: cap BRALI Laser ys Woes ir AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH. |F AVING just returned from the Northern Cities! Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Wc, and with the assist | CEL EBR ATED FE Ml ALE PILLS _ vance of the best of Watehmake a will do work prompt. | ly and warrant 12 months — Please call and examine | a) UST opened at Wo R. Wilson's Jewelry Store. a+ it may not destroy. The scrofulous (aime io ly caused by mercurial diseuse, low living, disurders ed or anhealthy food, impore air, fille sd ony habits the depressing vices, und, abuve all, by the vegereal infection, Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending * from parents io ehildren ante the third and fourth generation ” indeed, it seems to be the rod of him who says, "* T will vigit the ini- quitics of the fathers upou their children.” Jie effete coinmence by deposition froth the blood ofcormpt of alcersas master, which, in the longs, nver, und juternal organs, is termed tabercles; inthe glands, swellings; amd on the surface, eruptions or, sores. Thin fe corrapiion, which gendere in the bhood, depresses the energies of life, so tha rot roveutations pot only suffer from serofuloas com- pleinix. but they have far les» power to withstand the attacks»! other diseases ; couseqacatly, vast m bers perish by disorders which, ukbough net serofu- jousiu (heir nature, are still rendered fatal By thio taintsa the svetem. Most of the consamption whieb decumates the human family has its origin direetly im this scrofulous contsmination; and mamy destrecthve the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, o the disc an all the organs, arise from or are aggrave sanie Cause One quarter of all our people are scrofalous; their perrons arr invaded hy ¢1 # lurking infection, and their health is undermined by ii. ‘To cleanse it from the syetemn we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and tovigorate it by heakby food and exer- cise Such medicine we supply ip Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, Che w effectual remedy which the medical skill of our lines can devise for this every where prevailing jaud fatalimulady. Jt @ combined from the most tive remedials that have been diseovered for the ex- purvation of this foul disurder from the blood, and the rescoe of the system from its destructive consequen- ces. Hence it should be employed for the eure of not ‘omly @erofula, bat also those other affections arise from it, such as Fruptive and Shia Disewses, St. Antho- ‘ny’e Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pastules, Brotches, Blains and Buls, ‘umors, Tetier and eal Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheamatiem. Sy ihtic nod Mercurial Diseases, Dropey, Dyspepsia. bility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitie- ited or Impure Blood. The popular belief in “impan- ty of the blood” ie founded in truth, for errofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purfy and regen- erate this vital fluid. withoat which sound health is Unpormble in contuminated constitutions, Ayer's Cathartic Pill s For all the purposes of Family Physic, are so composed that disease within the range of their section can rarely withrtand or evade them. Their penetrating prope: tes search aud cleange, and iavig- erate every positon of the human organism, correct- tng vt diseased action, and restoring its healthy vi- ti nics. Asa Consequence of these properties, the rovaild who 1s bowed down with paio or phyrical de- biaty is asteuished to fiod his health or energy restor- ty a remedy at once so simple and inviting. otouly do they cure the every-day complaints ay every bod), but aso many formidable and dangerous The agent below named is pleared to fur- rate my American Almanac, Containing certi- +s of theircures and directions fur their ase the flowing complaints: Costiveness, Heartbar Headache, arising trom disordered Stomach, Naueea, Indivestion, Pain in aod Morbid Inaction of the Bow- ele Finiuleney, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, wrising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its tanctions yer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF \ dine use Coarha, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- chitis, Licioient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumoive Patients in advanced stages of the Disease So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numer- ous are the exses of its cures, that almost every sec- jon of country abounds in persons publicly known, whe have been res‘ored from alarming and even dee- perit diseases of the lungs by its use. When onee Iried, its superiority over every other medicine of ite kind ia (00 apparent to escape observation, and where ‘\iw virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dam? gerous affections of the pulmonary organs that ony incident to our climate. While many inferior remer | dies thrust upon the fommanity have faited and been discarded, this hus gained friends by every trial. con- ferred benefits on the »ffticted they can never forget, and produced cures (oo numerous and too remarkable | to be furguiten. PREPARED BY DR. J.C. AYER & CO.., LOWELL, MASS. SINGER’S | SEWING-MACHINES. ' Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. ‘Tur plain reason why Sixeer’s Sewrxe- Macwines have always sold readily at a higher average price thao any other, is that they are better, more durable, move reliable, espable of doing a mach greater variety of work, and earning more monoy. Long-continued popolanty is proof of sterliug ment. Inthe purchase of whut ore called cheap Sewing-Machines, thousands ! and disappointed, but with Sim- cokes Maciixes there is never any failure or mis- take have beet deceives Singer's Tranverse Shuttle-Machine, t to be sotd at $5" plain, and $60 highly ornamented, ~ 1 Machine entirely new in its arrangement; it is very beautiful, moves rapidly and very easily, and, forfamily use vnd light mannfacturing purposes, is the very best aud cheapest Machine ever offered to the public ‘These Machines are being increased in number as ropidly as possible, and yet the demand for thein cn nnet be fully supplied. mger’s No. 1 Standard Shuttle-Machine. | formerty sold wt 3135, but now reduced to $90, is too jwell known a over the world to need any deserip- | tion, Every sort of work, coarse or fiue,can be done {with it. |Singer’s No. 2 Standard Shuttle-Yachine | his isthe favorite manufacturing Machine every where. The size of the Machine gives ample space \ for almost every deserption of work, which, together | with ts admirable working qualities, give ita decided jadvantage. Price, with table complete, @100. (Siewers s No. 3 Standard Shuttle-Machine. For Carnige-makery, and heavy leather work. | Price, compiete, 8125 Since the great reduetion in the price of these Standerd Wachines. on the Ist of October, 1858, the enie of them has increased four fold Ataf Sins Machines make the interlocked suteh with two jhreads which is the b st etitch known ou desiring to procare full and able informaiien about Sewing: Machines, their Si7es8, prices. working expacities. and the beet meth- visof purchasag ean obtain it by sending for a copy wot M Singer £ Coa Gazette, whieh is a beauti- nurely devotedte the subject. Ut will be enppired viatie 1. MW. SINGER & C0, $50 Broadway, New York. T. J. MERONEY, Aoent, STLTSB ORY, WC: July 94, 1860 fy ry pe fol pretormal paper Book B i ndery SALIS BU RY. | \ R WR DICKS wonld respectfully in tee etireow of Salabary, Charlotte, Stasesvtite, fl : ey ar Sepe 25, 1860 tf . me ‘ Burning Fluid. yoo and ins Ma | TARE Eigtenti ie caver hem ine eheincien ee aaa feand the ladies gansraiiy, that Concord, Gold Hill, Mock-ville, Greeashor?, Leaing: Street, Salisbury, No ¢ Tovem, inet, her Stock = <nne in barrela or hy the buehel, for aale at Simen HATS AND CAPS. os Oret. 830, 1860 4124 ton’e Tan Yard. Tt will be aold very cheap, whole . {pha Syke eSB UY anle or retail UST RECEIVED a lirge aupply of Gente and Seememmmre Oct Om Ss BLUM’S | A large quantiiy of finished Leather, (Sole, Upper Rove Hate and Caps, all sizes and qualities and at and Harnes) alwayeon hand and for ante (anemia ac ree : , : BY 1 Planter's Al ce AcpeeniendiDryiliidestalwavelinnd mand teimcest |i Catlat) HW ENNISS APPLICATION will te wade at Farmer'sane GNTET 8 ALMANAES | ices, HC. SIMONTON Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store | the next Session of the Logialature of Marth Carn lina for an act incorporating the Patterson Manatac 4 : -——— | turing Company, at Patterson, N ( Sor sale at this Offices, (Ort a, 1960 61pa23 for the year IR61, for sale, wholesale and retail, at J J STEWART'S et. 29, 1RKO -1 29 Rook Store Saliebury, July 27th, 1260 110 Oct. 2 ING Blank Deeds Banks of all kinda for aale at thra/ on, Morganto , Newte on, and the surroeRding cous. try gonwenity, that he hae established a Boog Riva- arin this pil and will be pleased to reeeive ae- ders in bos lice Muse Booka, Law Booke, and Penodicnls, bonnd to pattern, arde any style ta suit IF Hisestabliabment oan be found om the second fare wer the Poat-Office. IF Acders from & diesance promptly attended to | W.R. DICKS, | Saliebury, @ept 18, 1860, Gmty Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. —— Be —— S@AR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro tus DENTAL ROOMS on the eorner formerly vecupied by Da. Bason, where be is prepared to attend all operations eonnected with his profession Jan. 1, 18660. W. L. BARRIER, DENTIST, ME BPLESSANT NG pdly a (£92 March 13, 1860. Dre. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A.CALDWELL, He: asseciated themselves in the practice of Medieiue aad affer their Professional services to the public, Those abe wish it, can have the services of beth, ie auy case, without extra charge SW Otfice—the same occupied at Prereatly Dr Wi teneap Deoomber 14, 1858. LAW - PARTNRSHIP, A. TL & R. A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly occupied by Dr Nesbit, on Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. March J, 1859. BUSINESS CARI N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & co., GROCERS AND COMMIRSIOY MERCHANTS, vo TVG 8 uid PETERSBURG, VA N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO, COMMISSIOY MERCHANT RICHMOND, VA. NOM. MARTIN, sr | KO TANNAHILL, ROA MORTIN, WoL PLUMMeK, wok waRTiA, SoM MaKriN, TP Strict personal attention given te the Kale Produce. Orders for goods prompily tilled fil Revenesce —D. A. Davin, CF Fisher, Esq Une 14, 1s59 iva JAMES HOR AL WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.4 One door below KR. & 4. Wupley’s Store. y EEPS constantly ou hand a large ansortiie ule WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watches and Jewelry \ description fepairedin the best miuger aud on the mos ble terms February 14, [S60 ofever ans MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT. YALISBURY, N.C. DROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION EN tothe purchase of all kinds of And to all consignments oo shipped to other Ports February 14, 160 GIN PRODUC esold io this market o {4m Collecting Agent. HE undersigned offers his services to the publi asa Collecting Agent in He holds the appointment of tad about Salisbury Tax Collector for the Town, and therefore feole nuthorized to refer pe rene to our Superintendent and ( Wenissioners as to qual fications, &c JOUN BEARD, ' April 10, 186011046 Goleeie Ae ent New Ornross, La, ie SG Yo Header Eun aud WEL Wovatt by J , Coneurd, and by Porter x + Cereensbeor Net May ts tl pBAND > Ly WYATT’S | TON 1€ COR DIAL. One of the most pleasant and efiicient Remedien - nee HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS. The and manufacturers of HO8- TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS ean appeal with perfect confidence to physicians citizens generally of the United Btates, the article bas attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully chee volumes of bare assertion or bluzoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a hulf- million bottles, and from its manifest steady ‘crease in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach gear one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians iu those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready atall times to give testimonials tu its efficacy in all cases of stumachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague und various other bilivus complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the ‘Bitters’ are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality (o the nervous system, giving iC that tone and energy indispen-able for the restoration of health lt operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as perd tions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pees to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangemeonts and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Inerits of (his article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares ure so burassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especiully if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant, Should the period of maternity arrive duving the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a nec y fora stimulant to recupe f the system, und enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. rally preter the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi rate (he energies Nursing mothers gene cians, becaure it is agreeable to the taste as wel to give a permunent increase of bodily strength All those persous, to whom we have particu- larly referred above, to wit fever and ug dysentery, ini as certain sufferers from caused by malaria, diarrhora, gestion, ss of appetite, and sof the stomach, persons dentary ! consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos rated Stomach Bitters a trial We caution the public against rcounter all diteases « ated jerangem superano oecupation, xt invalids 1 nursing mothers using any of the many imitagions ¢ but ask tor Hostartek s Cerennaten Stomven Birrens, and see that each bottle has the words = Dr. J) Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the sde of the bottle. and stamped on the cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is ou the metallic label @e Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE A@ENIS, SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE WANUFACTORY ! ever got up for aaa) . +: Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, SMITH & MILLER, ‘ VANCUPACTURL ES OF CHOLIC, and oli BOWEL COMPLAINTS, ; a ey bethvon diideen wigeadhilis Gentlemen’. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, PRICE—25 CENTS Ppa her paiow nor ex Prepared by W. HO WYATT. Arorurcoes. 4 et epee Now. Nb and IR, Main street, meat i can June 5 tf2] SALISBURY, SN ¢ ee eiann | ; ’ us * i $10 REWARD. Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, I ANAWAY from'the subacriber, tear Nhamax ae cin le purchased in New Eneland for vie sani ville, on Saturday the tthinst oa bound hoy Av money Phe fore t nt that A the name of JOHN A KINSEY: sid bov ie bent peal te thes eofthe s aire Teeny 20 years of age, & feet 9 oor WW inehew high, weighs their endeavor t G reoge them a berseh about 134 or 140 pounds, of a red couple con. shin Wanufacture now e. tiely an ind thelr otens somewhat scaly, black hair rolls under at the ends. wll vot beta van or disreparess ev offi a ie rather spare made, walks quick and upright a ' yer Y ep statters some when a lithe exerted He had ou when W HOLESALE AND REI AIL, he left # black frock linsey coat. with black bocters Fine Channeted Boots, eth brass edger, with some rentxin the might skirt Me Rive French E ayes also carned off with him a Silver Watel with a steel 7] \\ chain, he alo had a heavy flat galvanited fob chain, with bead keys atthe end Said boy Coach Painter All persons are fortude harbor. feed or aid said boy will pars fora pte Iu any way onder the penalty of the law, if they do the law will Positively be enforced againet all such porous The above Reward will be person who will contine B4id boy in any jail. and notify me of the same eo that Dean get hin by paying expenses JOHN KENDALL 47 ‘NEW MANUFACTORY Salisbury, N. C. HAVE now completed, and + Mn operition Machinery, by means of which Lean safely pay that Tecan supply all of Nurth Carolina with Neat and Good Cottage and other Bedsteads, as Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be had from New York or any where else will give satisfaction in preference to employing agents UF Factory, a few doors blow TK. Brown's I ery Sinble OF Office, Furniture Roowa apposite & Murphy's Store employ. whatever given to any Apnil 17th, 1x59 Give me acalland | A liberal discount to denters \ AA R HARRISON May &, 1x60 pdbmnob LAND FOR SALE. OPER. BOO Teather and mle Am. ¢ J im and supply your wauia and aa fa ore you will purchase ne Boots, Shoe or Garters, ave those manufactured by SMITE MILLEN. [CU MEN SG be (= Fily 2b. reno ty ASTOUMDING ! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING ! ye ore 7 ay Watts Remedy !! n Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate ! (OTCTISIES TPO SIU AVS CIRC TROD NYS, (CUES ECE STP ITP TLIC THRO SS, CERES CENT SEPIA TSS, IN A FEW DAYS! Te has ne taste, doem not mntertere wath diet or Rea Ta rat oa ed and sold Wholewale anal HE. valuable PLANTATION formerly owned by gt 140 We Arpad aul mld Ad ie Samuel Barr lying on the waters of Back Crenk era mien i cel cr salisbury. No ¢ 15 miles Weat of Sahsbury, on the Sherreils Burd ‘ - a ae ais ciallcnebcinne 0 eonnny road, containing abont 320 ACRES, abour i. Acree 1! Pre ea of good (two good Meadows) Bottom band ie iy (RIE as rm ae. Rowan county; the land os well adapted to th growth of Tobacco. The buildings are al! trat-rate Persons wishing to parchase will please callon Dr O P. Houston who residesin tbe neighborhood, and will take great pleasure in showing the land, and act ap ent in my absence. J A BARR July 24, 1560 uy DRAYING. HE undersigned gives notice that he keeps a T TEAM AND WAGONS for the purpose of DD ORRPLA ORRELL & GRADY, Maoufacturers and Wholesale HATS, CAPS, Dealers aa Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrelins, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons. &c., No. 18 Conrtlandt Street, ) UP STAIRS, ying, and wil serve all who may favor bun wuh , rmerly Pareto! : NaareVork calls in this line on accommodating terms. late of Wilintagton, N ( ) “ GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 1860 (43 Apple Brandy. LD, for Preserving Fruits, for sale by W.H WYATT, 186 and 18H Maw «t., Salisbury, NC Juty 24, 1860 A N 19 the el Tees LON es PSUR OS EON 12! 1000. 1000 /he Wo HW OWYATT, Droggiat ond For sale low by pothecary, Now 186 and 188 Main et, Salisbury, ( Sept 11th, 1260 ny North Carolina Foundry Immense Attraction | Ayer’s Sarsaparilla AND | AT THE MACHINE WORKS! Mansion House Corner! © CHEAPER THAN EVER 1! fescic sess \ I Goods to my formerly large and handhome stuck | Which will wccomplish their cure mut prove of im- ‘of Fall and Winter Ready-Made Clothing. j tense service to ibis large class of our atHieted fel- which T aim selling at greatly reduced prices. Ee guleaus How eau BELLY this compound willde tt has been proven by experiment o Barcains! Bargains!! alte epee see worrt cuses to be found ia the following complaints Here w ihe place to buy great Bargains in Chahing SCRoruta axp Scnorrious Comruamts, Exurrions Nothing like it was ever witnessed in Salmbury be. AND Eavrrive Diseasre, Uscens. Pimrnes, Brorcnes, | Tumous, Sarr Kikem, Scary Heap, Syruinis ana SyemiLinic Apreorions, Wexcugias Disease, Drorsy Nevumaraia ow Vic Dor cor nney, Desiciry, Desrer wa AND ENDIGEETION. EayetprL se. Rose on St. Ax- THONY'® Fike, and ndeed i SPECIAL | HOTELS. NOTICE. | iysoy fh wm, Hl IN ae «SALISBURY. BLUE STONE, 0 oa | 3000 Ibs, UL ranioane the oiegeiniy ete hee BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. | public generally, that he has ontenlerhy HENDERSON & ENNIFS | A cumpound rewedy, iv which we buve Jabs produce the most ctfctual alternative thet con be made Paru Saree parila, so combiued with other rubrtanees of sul | greater allerutive power as to efford an effective an- tidote tor the diseares Sarsaparilia is re puted iocure [tas believed that such w remedy is wanied by those red to ft is w concentrated exiruct of taken this long aud has made every possible preparation to accommo established and well knowin | date the business, travelling aud visiting portions °| | i Hotel FRERCKS & RAEDER, BUCCESBORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, V te ae a a lee api hotwithstanding the receipt of a Fall ae ' eel det ed to offer ny Stock at near AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Gost Prices from now unt November Courts ane | al tbat line aud after, to cloee out at Auctoo. J Propose to change my business, and will do so even 0 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and cleau for sule by HENDERSON & ENNISS he public, in the mostsatisfactory manner. Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS. the whole class of com- pace eee plaints aneing trom Laventry or tun Buoop. | tnude heretofore a Plowk: Cultivators, Caeneeni ion d hence here ia the place to get; Phe compound willbe touud a great THERMOMETERS Hiv STABLES are abundantly supplied and ate (Si oticeg, Straw and Peed-Cutterm the ten beegcieean a healiia weer ce en spline tener . . teuded by a careful ostler; and to all departments Marsce lowers) Sred- Sowers, : x 7 pPuinors which fester in the blood at ie Be ot For Cur ing Tobacoo. the proprietor gives his personal attention letitrenhe ras Cider and Sugar Mills Reapy -M ADE ¢ LOTHING, |the year. By the ome ones A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the | *xpulsieu of them many a5 : . Thresheraud Separators, They also manufacture rankhog disorders are mj ord in the bud i BOLO CS EAit aa TRSON & ENNiIns, — Utpoton the arrival ofthe cars | Se d Machi : Give ine a call, examine iny stock and bear prec | en, by the aio! (is tmedy,apar cere HENDERSON & ENNIS: With thexe etfarts to pleave,« liberal share of the | Shafting and Machinery A Mirceieriuanonienld etatientrics Ihe vudurauce of fou eruptions aud ulecrous one = vablic patronage in confidently solicited for Grist Mills, Cirealierand Vertieal Saw Milla, G throngh which ihe Deena _ (0 rid itself of i ted) toedo (uw through the te hody by an alerative medicine ROWZEE Uf-35 i Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and tures, A&C, WE, Corruphous if ne POUNDS January 25th, 1660 ~A GD HB Hal eco natural channels of All those indebted to me by open account are here 10.000 10.000. Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON & ENNIoS . = io 7 ARO LD yn eee Clea tthe vitvied Moe yhe ° OF TRON AND BRASS CASTING Sieg MUCH ete ie ale py nee 6 heed oe ee 4 ed tices ryon find it FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every” And all who are due me on long standing netes. are) yore ; pene pesner els wore, Clea seit when YoU And its obs ruct- Yeiurs Cleanse it whenever it cys wall tell you when. Even uruieular cisorder in felt, people enjoy bet deseription inade to order, uid warrauted in every woufied that they inv pay up, and that speeday ; sho tt Repiireofevery deseription of Machinery 1 your tee ed and xlo as Tum determined t E Make w complete settlement | Those respect 7 . is foul, a For wile by done at shont nouce ofall iny business he withoal delay who THE WALTOV HOLS Nalisbury, No ©), Jan. 2, teb0 lys4 distegard this note: will have to setle with am offi. | hy aud live ionger. for cleansing the blood a E » blow Standard, Raleigh; Patriot, Greensboro’; Demo- cer. nd atte galcu and trouble Keep the biond healny, aud all is well; bat with GALLONS. 1000 M. HWOFFEIN fo 1000 PURE Bor sale by Woertern Advocate Observer, Fayetteville Asheville: ¢ of lite cs erat, Charlotte [hie pabulow dered, there ean be no last- steroomething must yo wrong, vf lite is disordered or over Vet. 2d, 1560 , Columbia; : tag heal tis “ RANAWAY--$75 Reward, von" °°) sess vena, nee \ R ANAWAY fromm the subscribers at Lex. | But the word bas A I EK. | of wecomplishing RV iogton, « Negro man uamed ALEX. or egiously deceived by preparations of i, partly rutrate my hands on one place, Himan cin weekly / aod Tredell Express will publish 3inunths aad forward LINSEED) OIL, HENDERSON & ENNIss greatmachiver Morganton, N.C. YHIS superb New Hotel bas gated thereputation of being a FIRST CLASS HOUSE State accounts REAL ES ‘| Howe aud second these ends otit. Preterto by the Preseotthe State, | mothe Asan evidenuce been ADEX ANID DR toud diantuotienlere cop- | Wweaurse the drug alone has not all the virtue that is per color, 5 feet Mor lO inehes high, aod wil the mauy favorable notice Oil. 10. ENNIbS Tanner's 10 Bals. Por aale by and the very liberulpnironuagereerived. Lt continues | clanmed for it, but more because many Preparationn, upen HENDERSON & wever having been closed pretending to be comecnutrated extracts of it, and tt guests may rely upon the reputation of the House besig sustaived weigh trom 155 to 165 Ibs, has rather a dows cast look—aged avery likely fellow, but 22 yearn contain TS EBUN Getoant ‘Phe | but little of the virtue ot Sarsapaniia, or any thing W [have arrangements made tobe ke pl suppled regu T propose tose the plintaten on whieh Luow subsenbers Chink it probable that Alex ie lurking | else farly with Peesh Fish trom Norfolk aud Newberu j reside, eoutar SU ACRES Most of the setae! about either in the neaghborhood of Salisbury, Mrs During late years the public have been m A e and Fever Cured frctwith every dehievey usually found at FIRST grey ground inainder «dark loam, equalin fers) owrie’m or MOS MeRenzie's plantations They lore bottles, pretending to give a quart of fu CVASS HOLES Wy teany cn Rowan Nearly ove balfof the tract) will give the above reward for his apprebension and | of Sarsaparitia fer one dollar Most of these have . . ‘ : : t c delive o them a ngton, N ¢ Alma, they will) been francs ipon the sek, for the cor ‘ : > : oe ep Ug A ; . i Containing a great dealofline tunber, | delivery to thea xngton, ; ey not only eomtaim OR NO I Ne CLS. Brown Sf Coa°s Stage Office, ron side the N CORR ‘Phere is about 40) pay $25 reward tor ofsuficent toeonvict any une lle at any, Sursaparila, but offen ne carauve prop- . rae . a weatthis House ‘Pher FOUR HORSE COACH. Aeresot BOTTOM LAND aud MEADOW, of fies. of hurboriug suid bos ; eribes Whatever thence, bitter and painlul disap- Enniss’ dgue and Fever Pills, BS mun tetie heldiai ie Ww. NC Ohn Pate IA OE CIN Caw elliarceng SW. MeCRARY & CO. | pointinent has toliowed the une ofthe variouseatre.e , ae eee . Marre eciin Wee titi anlaeenen eontanici ir toss garret and cellar, and aimo m Oct sda lod uly of Sursapariila whieh fluod the market, untw the WARRANTED TOC CRE f (ited penclinneinen ence ieee eens Vadhineliverend Hate tise tis qustly despised, and has become synony- at HENDERSON & ENNISS COLMCHIES ara TAC AGS 1“ tansy heut oor ON «Ravel Psprug are excel ray YY NGA Meus wih anes Nand eheat Soll we call thin Any pore ’ sid Vie cit arte some of whieh are new, DA | 1a [ 5 I A I ES M A I Le Compound Sacmponiin, and itend to supply euch a Ce eel Cen wt and comfort ble Boars Femedy an shail resene the name from the load of ! . eoteintne Veo le obloguy whetr And we thiuk we huve . . . ! Lis + couvenient, being Fluid and Kerosine Oil. . ae) Pe onerd price came CM, , 5 J ce say 1G 1 1 PRON Now CON Maree Cimehra ioe uae ae Ving ot tas Vertue which wre irresimti- MeN SEES SS wi Me Me ae ! vb INO A BRADSHAW. Ty 9] uialee (urd Maree Canehon tie Ashesdie. Unt Tou lie seater. the remeds shou d by judiewus- a , tat [ovr ee ma we Morean teedtave, Vhursdaye a ar. TY Tere aererding te direr tous on the bottie VEDICINAT , . : urdays WW ' © 4 Horse ¢ sat th KP AEs Wy Se head ofthe Ba | nithe arrival of ever a _ COWAN’S oe ee DR. J.C. VER & CO 1 py Wount Vers xe ae ee ee ace ee eRe FRENCIE BRANDY. (Vernon House, Vegetable Lithontriptic, cite ieee ented tet St , LOWELL, MASS, ; iE ‘ ot PAE Biber 1 aa PE CENEN DS COIN EITOUSE® \Lor nice. $l rex Borter+, Six Borties vor 85 aS / ae Ie ferent et) om mh Re eco ee eee oe oe ic Sport tiewas eariy, PRUE Sea coy ORRIN S Cte er’s Cherry Pectoral, fea) ett : ! SOE Sol vee a \ te Fa flaekeny Cavern ta torent 0 hc ta ee ; _* : . : has wou for itself such a renown tor the cure of ever Te mheetp mes We SUPERIOR pare ts ot Thenat an a onplai. that ai , ‘ ‘ . : ira ‘ ’ CnGtt i SVttuer, where how emploved. Aw out SPICES! SPICES! ; i a tieea COLOCNE WATER, |: fees inc th i et T \ vv A ( re, Ceinger a ! ‘ M Treble Dis rom rant Flowers tv in hep ' ever Nas heen, and that r PE . f re , rere , t 1 ty tit 1 , FPN ; 1 . 1 t ’ Apert \! vibe = ~ ( Hhay ber edie rab Vheir relief all thas ever CELE seer SE oe Rate ' I ’ be supp cdwitt I ‘ \ » : ons been tennd to di peace no | : WoL WYATT, ; oo. ted Lae gen oy Gece ied lon te ce. A Cath Pill Wee i Fe Mess os DRUGGIST WWD APOTITECARY yers at artic 1 5, ” 7 ve ’ 4 : 2 ss \ Syed y enthoand tas Main St on yer es VINEGAR! : a hina inte sees matte Mste at : “ ; q ; Seale ( Deen 1He cymia. Indigertion, Dya- 30 cts. Pure ( ider Vinegar. 30 c{s, Sete SEAN a LN Leela ' ae R enter ul Stomach, Evusipelus, Headache. Prles, eee ned . a Vs Ts ae esl BI pc Bos Kheumatien. E 4 Skim Dineanen, iver WENDERSON & ENNISS i u We Compiacut, Drop» Tumors and Salt Rheum, e Seer - ‘6 T H 99 ‘ wae . Worms, Gout, Neuratsin, aed Dinwer Pull, ond for E UNION, JEWELRY, ARDWAEEII Phey are sugar eoated. so that the moat seysiLive Dy, ay ee Greensborough Mutual tech Street above Third, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, peat can take them pleesmutly, aud they are the beet : ‘ ee eSubecrberw are receiving and opening al aperientin the world for ull the purposes of » family INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Beyond all Competition !! Cresent iG Ml We PATI Jonenea tlic: trifecta cm pe cas UPTON S.NEWCOWE <7 4 *gick 25 ¢ sree Bo vt Boxes ron ®& Pays all Losses Promptly! ena : it | : ‘ FS. - laa canr Ber velosee one Ud Bimrciawe I es a Coe ok ¥ Stock of Hardware ane NO McCue eG mend Cemee oS faced GOLD & SILVER son ee , Grest oumbers Physiowra Statens hall, GP Weir, James Mo Garreit, John L Cole ! WATCHES. JEWELRY inthe Latest Siy ene A : Se DLT Gs Nile Ide Chitecine \Wantetticat David Wel f . etter a tel ernecurl Cold tnnih Ss 5 itl fa Gertiy aD ' Po Teme- Ws ' : i on Was Fuge Meine, diadies Colt Clatlwrn a les bot vate met the inwerion ce Ae g Ther (NS ws Beef there: below named furuieh grave ih \ V4 . CS ur Aw uN whreet \ give her ey \ x \ WART 1 ; , ' ' given: . i ‘ * TONES UNI R MAN with alm < bonis ove complannta, Gent y niviewot Paced huives, F S M Trt Wad Ao i ‘ < \ \ ; ( ‘i RN aru : and the ire atmmenut that shoud oe tol or thea Fick ret ' re e Com t - Ire tm : ae . De not be put offbs anpreverp slers with other ; oreiet Ve ie ee, are aire nies . —a c-—2 proparatmins thes awake quore profil % Demand NUD aS { : ap nae = i ‘i = = —— Ayen's. and take hers The sch want the beat IEA HIN DSS Vie ta eS Sr Ne aletelle tow! pp. = —— aid there jeter thom, and they should have it SVEN) bs IE Tl \ 1 Vey = . VETER VIA MS Sai ne lear Practical Watchmake — = Ei MoH LAIMING ie 5 JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor 4 ~ = —_= ct NS Te id 1 — . = Pees ENE ! ‘ ' £ = eee es BNOAD srnneT, DR. MOUTARDE'S eS ::isi ES ee eeseinaaniis | Wiraculous Pain kille = / —— PETER ADAMS secretin Miraculous Pain Killer. = = / C whorsngh, N.C. Jane 14, Ds60 ort cma = \ ' RULE OM ATs Momties vf ‘ im a = y ~ ° ° e NEU RVG floaty few in ‘ . = 3. Pat ORs VE: National Maat seein ee a BAW. Wo nies \ bee si Te fests : CORNS BIE NIONS Cnreae ut = aed LIVER INVIGUHATOR, fl thie A Row 1 Hers CHOLLI Piucin the Stomach, Vorropernata tes (= | Sahehor he ost Wa Bord Roos. “ W MI. M. BARKER J : joy NEVER DEBILITATES, a (em Sonny ee 7 on hk A ‘; G Jean Charen = —_ > —— rely (com Gam Perret (Me ree tray ere enh we OrnD FOR 11 ED Te ae: . , nee pas sie ae i Winwatien abut OY Ves . W I No \\ SE ND POF eg elie = a ——— : 4 ; I Rainer lie poivate ly \ eerwishoogt a it = aN x nthe last two years. Suen ate Carriage Business, P cco i= = ers merase he Ce ee a ‘ le Ges Porn Wooten fe R ce Uw ATT = a rie : ee I 4 cote Aye Ae ee nhie: late \e . Net Nest <4 \ yonr fe sou t a i = NCEE A of ‘ P i at tthe LIVER IN- 3 VIGORATOR, and it ‘ nner Me tire reeetit i ver he Norther nat : NER ; e : “1 Liver Com- plaints, Billous At- Saad ' Pee cu ee SUR NS eee : ; 4 ak ak ! w SN ES ON Dyspepsia, GJ Chronic Diarrhoea, , “ Uy Ce aa LAL . nel i va Paeite Summer Com- plaints, Dysente- preseribed by law), ar cant oj leevint ten 8 Stomach, Habitual Hart teoiy MARY I NWIN, Bara us ; j za rth \ Ww Ki \ VW Y UW: hi B le, Cholera, © \ fh, st Ms ‘ : : PSN athe 4 ( Vv \ Irm. . e I n = a ( i ( the. ra Morbus, Cholera Infantam, . tt : vanid the finest and SDSL cobsenber baviog been appomted Agent for lence, Jaundice, Female Weakr Ce See RUE EN SEA DS NT aes Den gt uae Lice _- WHEELER g WILSON S SEWING MA es, and may be used wie mfally an a0 Oveiina= PAC rae BES ESE NAY ies CW ENTEN Cuneo iiciniesl aieuel Aen ry Family Medi- Mee Twiilcars # MAVOCRACTORY, WMO BARKER MURR & SOSSAMON, " ul Sere RUE eG ener me eevee na HEADACHE, (s pousaude can testify.) Lo JOIN DOOLEY, Weed ea v0 SVING tirchased nf J) 1M Brown Gol ie ica. Michinecarheseenioperaten Ofenty minutes, 1 §> two or ee ST. Mary Sricet, Ricrwawn, V6 I I, therentire stock of ntomy Store, No od, Grace Building spoon tats ae en we sormence . : trounce Building ee | Manufacturer and Dealer in Brown I ivery Sta ble TIN. SHERT-IRON, COPPER A. MYERS CAH wo use It are giving their testimony FUR SPRUW. LEGHORN PANAMA SOPT AND MOLP SKIN 4 et 4 . SORES TOV ES site, May ~ thou ai WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH DRESS HATS S keprop ae he for ow offer the targest and handsomest lot of COOK I THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW HS Wenewe ready try Shem atoakiet : fone. hin tet ING. PARLOR CHURCH STOVES ever +( \ . BOTH TOGETHER. I HATS, CAPS and STRAW ci’ BQ ke MBS heen end ort Teredl cuiiae nick 1 Wi Peel forenah ax low ns Spri | a T ao v d Reni ce. Vel roll ar per mettle to which E would invie the attention of s ond FE hie ie mbhe n Ht teas anhe hadi Western Nerth Carolina Also, alikrods pring ract of Land, BTU the inerehanteot Virimia, North Carotitia and Tene ratain anda ccmpteteancence 1 Sie a oad Dipeted TINS ARE ail! SUI ny VOT AIAVOENI (ein AICTE SANFORD’S jnegreeontident of tay ability to mupply them with ean alwoys have tierra rth well sup AN Ringe Tin. Sheet-Tron or Capper cee ’ 2 FAMILY rythog they my wantin omy lines on me good plied ASEM Ooo eT WR NorteRt i etine TANUIS Tract of Land is situated two miles from CATH ARTIC PILLS erg aw they can be procured in any iarket im the Cash priees pd tor Carnage Lamher and Proves WURR & SOSSA MON Salisbury, on both sides of the mam road leading j eG TEEY d Stieber te wiwave ready to well ar x try, Jan 10. 1860 1y 33 tothe Yadkin River, the North Carolina Ratload ; COMPOUNDED LEM ‘ ' My so wll fo hep county fll by the ahs one PHM vse nee y bocegiimiah sy ihe pinnae ma Daihne Pie Negeeahte anya sd pat am tu fon oof everything new or dee ey aod, having Win tian isso One Chill dF House, Barn, Tobacco Barns, and all oeceasary out ‘any climate. eatly ereased iy manufacturing faetines, mn ape llls an evers bu ldings Spongs and now in caltaanon and , © thartic PILL isa feerratle iy iew wall be ofmy own manotienare . \ ander the greater portion of ead Prac which, the pranria'or ae Book Mileoskin Mats atin the front rank. ands Tair), lonely , Ta is We ld he divided ite simall tracis ten n whe Ae vi AU. PEVER XND AGUE | ees, ar the ct et ' Mi newer bem of B ‘ Miewe oe annd ¢ MM Ses . AND ALL Wo mid tne Posty Cerave hes that different Catbartios act t rehiy trmmyed treand « a! tie dt A es \ HEAP Lo ROW No \aeit hiwele ia is ee ee ea ee OE “a, Tr Witereined Ana or FD ASMET OS ANN: a dl ee a R weal Woo ee ae | VE a RF ened ius Pewye Mehe o ; \ acs [pe tunnels octnelp: f : ; ‘ ° PREVAILING IN A MALARIOUS CLIMATE Tetcast Ty hel nlececs [ee Mattar eCendeetioanv(urinahecnviimenaaitte: mm Nyy CNB cg the (nein ihe ee ‘ hel ( Wor nm Diary eanal, . ood and safe Se etre ee Chet ge NRA Sey nd Peomamente Cate TURNIP SEED sole al ele ne no ee eae RrOUE TTA este eet antl ene SN MES REET iceert te a bu. ge Resins estPy : ' Fe ema i] . . ‘ aE AR , net A Sorenes ver Wet TE tee: Com made ty erect shore natin alend me VW me tt I i ® 4 Pill . SVERY VARIETY, ERESH and WARRANT COatty AT ’ ‘ nidden Md h JOHN DOOLEY Oricrs dalaece rollin at iiemenihteswillemert ya on ( Ss. kk ED, aol iy Wo OWYATT, e end in wltug couree of Fe March 13, 1s00 wn With peanpl altennen Charges undecnts D een an ens [sh Ga I= Wivncst, Salisbarye NoG = ike ke Le S qi nrng the past year the demand for this great | < eailee Rae eee ty ie ree aL 15 emedy has been unprecedented Fahy 24 io Die s hone 2 I] Boo S , _ Prepared by WOH WYATT, Denggiet and “hildren or Adulte q Rheumatiem, a vroat | d SHOES RO’ \potheeary, Now 186 and INS Misa at, Salabary i E Purifier ofthe Rlood Oo" d many Miarnnoaty wht JU an : HILLSBO Srothinratyes Vow Teh aril) US5 Misi nt oSaliinr NOTICE THIS EEA crag eat Lao fey grinanenaeniee a . ’ r rp r 1 . , disean nan oats 7 T . iene cee beanie Manufactared by MILLER & THOMAS. MILITARY ACADEMY. nea, han THE . win 1 the hooks ib fered Ramey Crs . . \ ot Pio & Janie hot h rnale by the was UST RECEIVED apply of GENTLEMEN'S | Ae fe A a nde ue one te ; Ataieal aa ran tl 8. T.W.SANFORD M.D. eV WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS LACED vie Superintendent of the State vo a ; Manntachiter ond Proprietor, : . , PEELE ne ure The rigidly enforess 335 Seyi + . HOGTHES, dasiitrined te Monee fans, Gtx ACkiey AL COnne, © The wtih oth WANTED a St re Phomasville NC which wre (ally equal in style co arr@etion for 1S60 will comprise ax Officera Por a F > oe Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Davo ar ae Se work, onda great deal better in work. Cloubtr ddrese the Superintendent . ; 29090 fert Sycamore Lumber, ae : ts ‘Sv Citemiers, Salimbury, No ¢ Manship and equally as low in price Noy Q2.1soo pdly 26 ar , : July 5, 1659 ly6 Calland see them as JH ENNISS |: seen ecu eek sa ‘ LL, PERSONS who are indebted to me are : » : ollowing sizes ourds me especially req edto eall and make imme Oe 2 1f20 Boot 1 Shoe Store fee y Hine eles 50 White Hands and Tig inches wide, and of aay convent ntlength. diate payment, na | ed ta have mores JAS. A. SADLER. Jr. Fi Suit Il hav CLARK & REEVE 1 } ' TER Ned 2 . i . r find atendy employment apon the Wil a : ‘ “Ee and ne thieis the fire time thet Phave called on my aK ne i ee on . \ mingion, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road May 22d, Isein the frienda, Lhope they will come op promptly Tate of the Pirm of T WW RREM & CO., Charlotte, VN ©» Hi Nah erin oiling ARIS OU SKC HOUMING co cancel Mant ROP BESSEN' win for ne little money aspoasible, call at the Great Cloth SAM'L WeNINCH Noo Theat 1697 Fine Shirts and Collars, seg Emporiim of DAVID WEIL. M Ry Murphy's Gren a 1x60 [1950 Charlotte, N ¢ SHERMAN BROTHERS, L7 Reweween rae Stanp— No tte Ron, Nalishury, N € DEM Dacol Nae RGus nme nintc VINEGAR. Imrontens avp Jonaran oF Sept 25 9 P A T K NX T J A R S call at the Great Clothing Emporium of DURE 1 VINE R H f ’ IRE CIDER “GAR, for anle by W / 4 J / Se DAVID WEIL. V Hard C ] y ¢ Buggies and Rockaways : Sept 25.-1119) Ni 2. Gaanire Row WYATT, Ist ind ISX Main atreet, Salisbury, ar ware, ut er ) uns, BREE: ys. YUPERIOR to any article yet made for PRE N ¢ ir . , . ‘ ee an Se ee AND HEAVY GoorPs YHE subscriber hae a dat of handsome new Bug } YSERVING FRUITS and VEGETABLES, for y IY ATT r < > 1 YAY roe 9 Park Place and 16 Marra. Street, gies and Rockaways, which he will sell on good anle by W oH WYATT, JOB WORK MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 terms THOS E BROWN, 186 and I8R Main et, Saliabury, N ¢ = . P . oo . een NEW YORE. Jann 24. 1960 tf July 24 “9 ~ Veatly cocented at this Office FOR SALF AT FHIS OFFICER Aeros 360 Gmpd? O Ci 1 ON, “PRUNE 'THE NATION OF SOUTH CARO. J. J. BRUNER, | LINA. ROIS ABD ROPE z / ¢ | The New York Herald in its money ar- TERMS : f \ : { ‘ticle of Friday shows what would be the Siugle copy g Qu as e ] . Sy 1 \ probable condition of South Oarolina an- he ‘ if ' der a eeparate government. It says: Clubs exceeding ten, im the sate pro i ; portion ; ; : . { ( The announcement that the federal of- $1.50 each, Payment always tn advance : ? 5 ” ; : / : ficers in South Carolina have resigned aay PNG N DOPAC é their offices, and that the Legislature has wad Iw xx re ananimously called a convention to pro- : = 2 . vide for secessiou, will take po one by Past oe Court amd niscellanes ELAN ; surprise. The eveut was generally antic- ee oy : : , , - ~ ae xh . , eT >TO} +7 ‘tpated, and whatever the viewe of law- te ale ee \ OL. SY HT. SALISBI RY , N. Cx NOV EMBER 2), 1860. NUMBER al. sete Ky be with regard to the right of car RL Cneaieenl Ati tee ® a State to secede, public sentiment in this Writs (. & 8.Court Le Testamentary : section of the country would be decidedly Shenae ‘ ie 2 sd to the detention of any State in the Subpwnas, C & Spe Letters d ae . ee Fe a Fe Opposec 0 y y inesiicketsec rs 8-6. Marriagel en 1, me - >. 5 . : iG cee nes ie Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agricalturc, Frteraal Iamprovencats, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Eteele. Union by force, | We presuine, tua ia Prosecutior rtous Ra slats % the event of the ene vs w ae ae Kail Bonds, ¢ Do u sa o ’ \ . . + : ; ee : : saree ne ple of South Carolisa declaring their de- termination to constitute @ separate re- “Rh ONDE HOPE public, no serious objection would be ele . Notes to Bank, F a ne: ‘ : The twyue is evled in the Bible ean TAY OC MILONSEO Kal Hat SILOM To Men of Calm Reflection 1 Speak. OUR ONUE HOPE. raised ; and it therefore becomes inter- Aad many other formsof less frequenture. uBlaukepri ged a erie meer? : And he said unte me, eon of man, can these ; On avcount of theahostility of fecling esting to inquire into the financial condi- LURE De Tate ino b IS, iruly men ber Our own experience | As the brave Lawrence sad, when i f ’ 2 5 , me, © “ ,, accords perfectly willy the statement and 7" RCCITerNe IT ism bimoth ot duatieetion mew: exist og betweewthe two sections of tou of the State. A List of Premiums SP rintmio baeetanenet ‘ ; no Observations on eo tops Pim ey aia ie nes Rene - SOWUTTC TL eB hen the Union, and the high piteh of excite- South Carolina owes rather over $8,000,- ° ; er cae Te AV et Phen saul he unto me, prophesy unty the wind, 51° 8 p a t ea ca he een re Be id laksa 000, represented by three, five and six per Avoarded by the Davie County Agricul the rates. fenrefally foll awed. will be RM@Phery eon of mau, aud gay to the wind, Thus © © Ee a ae be ea i; wee ha Pa’ ie oe co cent State bonds, nearly all of which “ aroused, any hav@ghgen constrained to held in England, The interest on the ‘ is ’ : pare FC) Aerak emt nen rurme inde ROMC OURO Cn UCT Ste mE UEC tural and Mechanical Socuiy, ut cts I ny Nath an found of erent use iin taming that whieh i vive yoWorse befall : oa : 6 " i , fi ETD TAT WE reath, and breathe ayou these gain that they may #1Ve Se eS lee cull ween admit that nothings Divine interposi- debt is paid out of the profits of the State Siath Annual lucr, held at Farmeng ras not vet bee etlectiy tamed than a fight for the Union; very likely z > : tunwd 2nd d py Not le: . . oe ‘ ey) making : he hot win that. Bat if it were to come te Wen can save our t ed country from Bank, and some railway stocks owned by ton, on the Ista lind days ANOHEMES Te 0G Ni ee : , ie ; = fl ae So TL prophesied as be commanded me, and the t baat. d uy SingAloh una wanil fae wale then the State, ‘The State revenue averages ber, 1860. Re eel ee . Ses ae Hcl MUNN. Wreath came sto Chem, and they lived and stood ap & tight for the Union, while we are in it, @isaaton § F ’ * about $00,000 annually, about half of NO CUIEC ONDE TaBInU Go Se ee \T NT CTC Te) 80 who made the tongue dd nat intend it ian char teet; an exceeding gegut army.’—Eakiel, and of it, and for it, there could be no the plain duty of e hristian patriot,! \iich is derived from @ hax of seventy AGRICULTURAL PROpUCTS TSA thie 5 ' : 5 1 rocian Lugiiies Mise Rare lous, 20 for any other tse, Lo will not work wel. chapter exxvi danger. In thig position, the purse, the of every troe frie | e Uaien, daily | tive cents a head op slavés; one-fourth of Greatest vield of Corn ou 1 acre, YO bash. CaNY cower . in telsehood, it will run into suel incon O glorious laud, fair Freedom's home, word, the fener te estige, and the o} for est | , : owers, : a ; ; HA , ; : pr Stee A whty: God, for | the batance-ie derived from-a-land tax” N. T. Broek, oe ee bruit ee » Sie sea eae HO ele et meee Yo Nie 110 | Shrined in thy birthright's OigWtening-fumey- 'y peop te” Yes; tne complete overthrow of fanaticism and prerner to about six mills in the dol- 2d greatest yield “ “ 49 bush., Tcatrendi atc ee Se Een ay Oren for pa Wishing falsehood, is ar con Not empire in the dave of Rome, Tam not not much mistaken, the mighty ye preservation of our Federal Union? {ar on eaive Efe ceeiauliaeal ikea ye O01 Wareh Stand, . a Mote: aT HS: Se ee ae een God will be with us. Why then dissolve Anything that is worth having is worth under cultivation throuatiout the State Gretest yield of Wheat on 1 ner ush Hair Work, Miss Lou this vlorious Union? Does any one de praving for; and if we desire that peace Tig endilare, whieh generally falls sire to Inake up a Southern Confederacy, and prosperity shonld reign throughout siort of the incume, is economical, and is Se ce, eye i a een Be e led by recreant hands —east dow. , more democratic than the present: vrea cmerod ive drauicipg eee ie hasan, : My ae st tesa wavs oS : ae , ie In the event of the secession of South Carolina, a vew issue of bonds would be necessary to pay for the United States property within the liuuits of the State— stueias Furt Moultrie, on Sullivan's Is- lana; Fort Sumter, Port Jolson, Fort veous avaleth much, and if ever our! pPoyckuey, the Custom Louse, Post Of ! ! ve, and other United States buildings at seston, and the other United States i Oilives, &e., throughout the State, woich the new nation would have ace. Tt would be hard to value ruidings, as torts have no actual t value, but they caunot be worth ban several million. A further ia- {bonds would alsu be requisite for inchese or Construction of such ves- war and revenue cutters as the le of the new uation would re- . Alininistration, da ( do ONES. » Fu: 1s RE LESSORSUSING PH TONGUE ts From the Baltimure American From the Milledgecille Recorder From the Auzusta'@onstitutionalist e xu em live? And [ answered, O Lord God thou Coue et! the ear for sie ne Temple of refuge for a world, M. Fuiford, BUG Work live, Mie Aling Dug ° 2. Doo not use vour tongue too mieh Will chy proud banner e'er be furl'd? Crrentest Vield Oats soos “ ie met : Lris a kind of waste to let otf tae | j Balen M thie Douthat, N ‘ etoflta our borders, then itis our duty te pray Iford, : . ares f Seren : orn, trampied neath the feet of slaves Confederacy is¢ Surely not, for if there yor these blessings ; and in the present O, rather let the soil we own, is any defect in this Government now, it tlire | ‘ T. Brock, : etna eae a hie t Greatest yield Trish Potato Se DU ; PspeUlla tei tate ae yUriC Cay Cte aU eg divided against section, and the warr roti un, wd Veouthe, ar t suisof theonutt Mie ie etl Frye erele 1 B.S. Navlor, a : ; A 2 i : pa a OBC LIEN ' é n ining ass thern € fegeracy. of fanaticism appear to be rolling with “ then y I ny state of affairs, while section Silat Crreatest vield Sweet . ' : tnake it atees set than the resistless fury Over our devoted land, attr 0 oa o ny : ! Taira ee Gea alneer a sderal Governni ae! Po atewer Wy owl ' m shall we look for help it not to the 2d “ . Onde? . ‘ . 2 Dae 1 > nN areal Ellen Wlnan self. ! uveelt Twill forwar bushels, Wo HL Perry, ‘ love : ee ele teehee eS They are OU ne tte el i that if thes Best specimen ut Corn, WOH tt tot ” “ AX fefonr fathers? The praver of the tse () e forest, mountiat, thoad ; ‘ { 3 HUD sb ut Y cogntry needed the pray of tt now, ta Lastiy, in separating from the nb, Soutu Carolina would be expected did when it separated nao empire —to assume @ ! ebt of the Cuited States, as beeu incurred partly for her Wirat propertion ought to be assumed, reney, by South Carolina, to onow undertake to discuss 5 I States would probably be dia- leal Liberally with their depart- voiate, and no one would desire to - necessary difficulties of her posi- mi needsessly complicated, Stull, allow- hu that her share of the debt was set . . eave rwheoat the lowest possible figure, the ie ie ik Gat “ Get on : . . : ieee . i. a : Se Dee! a “WE NATURE OF WEALTIL AND (total ammount of bonds which the new na- rimateh dl t POVERTY nm would prooa ny HAE to insue, 1D OFr- rtopav for United States property ac- ! wureliase the rudiments of a to settle finally with this coun- o3 taan ten or wich, added present ] would Oring the total nediness of the hew nation up to o like ¥14,uu0.000, Under the inees of the case, if seems pro- bat the bonds of tae new nation had ata very reasonable rate. to the expenditure of i4as an independent State, t rvassute tal t ; the revenue ser- - , ‘ : 5 ; recent owe arriat ree t ' i ee Nw at } ee ree ee Vs pocket. Tt Heb ait yy | the inland froutier—some 600 he elas : ; ; ‘ ' rt | : 1 sR! ; t ter Wa t : noes Jong—would be expepsive. Can ee j : s - n MY eel th ation ‘ vy vee ‘ ; : y : . : - ee ae Pot pros ‘ peas let han the cost of our frontier cus- Dae Meee : ‘ é . . i ty joked iaon safe: onea« ; ‘ : ao ; ! heed or desire Has tons service mu the North, this line could : bog ‘ i s tit \ | . i ee os 1 ae ' coarded against smuggling tor leas sToouu a SL,U00,000 a year. At is uch would iave to be spent on : . . in : si at nts ! Z inom and navy to begin with, and if PH UNION POR GODS SABE he . a rs : gin Santee : ae : yor py Samatione of Lye thew on tad any foreign represen- eis ’ pe : WNiess. 4 ss teis scivice would cost something 2d best © ; ee ie ‘ : , han eee ' ' onan ae pe \ , a i uot \ 1 he has commrerctar pow spare Wich great economy, perhaps an 3d best" % ” ! eure, yt ae ! : eS ‘ A fae aes coir it = She mmlone cate ae We PELE DISET EG USN eter) eS rye uh Phas sappose any person qndependent povernment might be estab- Be Cow, : seman, ie \! " , ee . ee oat ; ; meee \ weds \ hes 2 jettles : bt ' Wot pessession of woes Minhed and carried on at first for about SUR ea , ae ieee Lop aMAiD, sUpy ‘tna peo the ee : a = , ‘ ke | With meat of geld in gdocoaua sear, which, added to the . Be oe ae o Naat Ts i ore : ~ ne A 1 | ters Ta eal mie t ! — a : S : 7 : y CTT ess | Toaf @xthe in ls pis ta » debt and losses for dis- a s a a ee viet i F : nd \ i . : Beda eae rel ' tr ats : .&o., would swell the an- Seat Sow at ; i ; a ; : ; : eee ; tt Y eathpetcrd cot) ! ‘ : : ’ a i. ; i nonsetal : P= tay bith +. say tive millions of dol- Od beat ae — : : ' ! ' eS ee Lh ut pias i ay sis coniparatively a small annual jeri . e , : : oe i 2 pt lea ' ' , ead ad oe Pea in Pay “ ; . : a : ne i. ; oe lbs \ eet ee ~ expenditure for an independent nation — Gesulticaa Tlie lala Nusior oe ‘ ! he sot ‘ fnDestavel ipa etn ie ee ee Cee, UW ae. oo es : : ota ms ged oor Ts jE one twelfth the expenditure of Best pair Bremal Crickeus, M. Carlee! a a apie: ee dal ie ate nthe shar ay : Cee Penn aoe : es AL Te mited States or Great Britain. It is Oatere “ “ Ip Wart , 1 raeoone Was not standin aus : Ea SUES BIR LCE ts are Ca Te 1, however, that it would be felt TV errs eOecome AT ountnre | cs ae) See fi Paal ns anneditiva smi dewnewlles EWIDIEISI esti Niel 0) DU OS ae Pe Hist Gat bake tas own bread, Poeec cr nab ent ers00000 wittte Brock, ‘ ae ade ee Ce a ae lie ah 1 Alm st opmaenerdiate Io? ne PAvity i mits na . i se totes, yu \ Neitizgens of South Carolina who would ch ns ? bs / ‘a Journal of Health. “ : 1 i ; F AWVASTUNGION, Nove nadvance ot | Chit Weg Tove : [hie : vale ee mi t ne - p a ae d ies ee Boe ' b 2 : es } vartor, abd rina ) VS cles nN isi EE ; La ae A “ ‘ c . ae P F ' rectly and imdirec about $2 per heac Leet Dg ny ‘ M : sn ue ee ES / // A ane ou stn for the support of the federal Eoveainene 2d best IB. F. Lunn, 50 Sevrtitie American says that Ord. br ie aid The citizens of South Carolina contribute, as we have seen, over and above these &2, $2 per head more for the support of © their State government, making their to- inary comforts; he will be nti tal taxation $4 per head. When they tad established themselves as an inde- pendent nation, they would find them- aelves taxed not less than $16,66 per head to carry on their government, woman panning away : npon authority which we eau sotiemen, weold Washingtonian patt vetlow pebbles on bis estate. His stores Cath Bering teh brane ss TaVviles y nore nine ret ry Wee nCsuione Cat Wein intersicw. recent must ret, for he eannot eonsame them, He can eat no iore than any other man ontd eat, and wear no more than anoth ronan could wear. Tle must lead a life lor was everything of any value fsevere and common labor to procure anecatreuleia Uutinlles) reads for reine hed the Presidents OWE sion, simply upon the elevation of IGiranncomeer at the cant « vart st hot the aie went down state he Peer ime Neca mel ecole livey re ca f party 1 it v | se : eite 1 olinso 1 > ' rly 1 Ss) Rome very , a . ; Best Devon Heifer, G. W. Jotnson, Bunting bas published some very inter men spened at the foot of the staira wa | 2d best ~ SM Carell 50 (esting and usetol tacts in relation to the Yost Grade Durham, Gr. W. Jolnson, 1 Devon Bull, 2 yrs, Ded. W. Wiseman, F \ i patriotic, statesman hike wisdom, verforated with the shot, and in thie SU A ee, Pe Ss now, in my humble corner of lite, t digestion of food in the human stomach, t a : the following rule ot: IC} Georgia was to declare in favor of seces | ed from his experiments with St MECILANICS : the man with an enlarged bullet to the Presideney, by a Constitutional his side, through which ean be All the clothes, silver, Linen, entlery, an! j ever hi private oplntons mately unable to keep either hoases in Inayority of the people, T would qr ° forse Plow, Jo F. Cuthrell, ropeuror fields in caltivation, at d forced : everything moveable, had been packed ene eae oat CeiheatrULO.) ecuitn@o mb ) . . . 1 all the processes of digestion : lp : i up in parcels. Fe Pe CPTLEL 1 Ww \ n yous oan nnyedly act NOs (Ua ty content Minsclt withe a poor im Ws por speaking of the nutrietons pl ypecty a = il ' . We , dan iWthe Coan ne bpoiet oe ‘ ipair the ine stood, and the proper state | | ve Northeast t A eu cei ee { Francisian Monk Qutects ¢ Do siave property in the Seath oe : Cee a ee ee fae) (aime en Ro neom il tievcrmrccanimciciat . ae Seog a lean! encumbered oy ruinset PARTIES IN THE NEXT CONGRESS. lthe other a Francisian, vedny te #oolition of slavery io the Distivet « i ; ’ . ; || E ’ : HW tard ‘i oe he ie From the result of the recent Congress- nether, Were stopped by a river Phe Coliobia unless the Legislature of Mary eer Pee rr opecerns ; : aes Ie DIS own, fat Lets Tonal elections, it ia believed that parties holteerntinds elie rina ‘ in the neat Congress will stand: In the my al you bar off from vor every on Ilonse, opposition to Lincoln 129; Lin- ; De : aH rile of tis order carry him across; tween State and State having hee { re eee Haan fener An assault was made on Wednesday eainites 1038 Opposition to Lincola in * Sausage Studer, ia ypon the breaktast table After of these Mis weve mien and les : Pobaceo C1 : ne : , ean ne tee dohe would commit a ed right under the constitution, : eee ieee a oe rortines, about an hour after midnight, the Senate cai ann] writy. This would i ite : J season of tamhtine and i five learns ereleled: tac net interfere with it : Ny 1 : rsots, s render Lines n powerless to materially ! ch “ ff + t \ thie : - Be - | ) . ' : ~ | ' \ re SIT MENT BG BD ae : Gare k vie thet on | Phat the rendition of fugitive slives | “ne en te pada : tay and repo AT OWO injure the South for at least two years; - Wo eec rive Des 0 ; : ‘ r i ‘ \ ney 0 | sald be enforeed by all the power at! Ten fred or aere, on fhe nil wknown put it appears to bo a part of tis pro- Na a poo maeh ag an UnWwe t ! | . command = pal nN headquarte on én RoR Yancevites to cause a sut: Dasani Ee ees a a ib him Phat he should consult in his admints ‘ : vente and 2d street, comprising The ficent number of Southern Senatora and becomes assimilated y ee a y at oT have » tration the opinions of the fiends of N ( ' Ey ! fice of Mesars, Doel && Blan tooresentatves to refuse to take their ‘ i he | ) 7 a } > OrgatiS. CHAE appro ny nd len the lst nd parden ay The mia waste tind tranmpled lee following excellent aivice * dfot bread newer digests Toe aut ! reader, if you are accustome ee ‘ : ee ntl mit nomind, reader, ; Domincian said to the Franciscan that as land sball request it , ny biset att } Dee mca sfer of 9 cn be i he went barefoot, he was forced by the That the sale and transfer of slaves b or the warm loaf tha IRR RO athe eat the light and t ind parde Henry Clay ee i Me J " the ollice of the Na ats, te ive the Lincolnites the majori- the disciple of St [hese statements come to usin such a ty. nau Beet 1 ' dy about six Republoans 4 tl {louses, leaving the Repre- Francis, “bat my order forbids my carry. shape that we are incuined to bel ’ : ‘ LOI ! ding when The Contatiwes aid their constituents of the cs And with these words be them, and, if so, eur Southern: friend sala ve : Htacis was made, and we learn Chat these taper States, at the mercy of an he money is moped his man ints the river might as well lower their haiberts Heels se : WE trad te eae a from the tary of ; jority, hoping that by 80 do- F u ! atay inthe Union, for Lines Hopro \ : : Ws f leet vssuttan Jesides shooting pistols ays tis aboiition majority will use their > ppp so bably be the most energetic trend they EST t “ Ws inanner as to force the bor THE FREE WASON 7 10 bushels pe | ’ have had in the White Honge for many >! a epee dev alave States to ultimately join in thes long vear ae WM S ee i 1 demolished, the ant disuuion movements, and Aeéch on tea We should not be surprised, therefore med ether the land was manured or 4, va after destroying al ATA Southern Confederacy.—Creens. Patriot f the abolitioniate found out before tong ! Any way. it beats any corn Tand ,(, of the Wide Awakes they that they have canght a ‘Tartar And we have heard of in these parts West ea lind, broke up stands and cases ot A Chinese Proverb.—*A word once : f ind shaped almost exacniy fot lower part of t f ‘un he 2 , ) ae ves ’ se ¢ . Lo ee nore than thia, we learn that in the course nye ¢ Democrat heey how off and scattered the type, let tall,” says a Chinese proverb, “oannot Tier note a eur ne ! vie on se of a few weeks there will be an official Simi «on damage estimated at $100 be brought back by a chariot and six It wae tained by Mr. Alsey Fat dred a ea v fear statement of his views by the President Phe State cenang of Maine shows a Two or three of the party were arrested, horses ’ Take care, then, what words nan, who resides sone ek es irom Shs \ fares elect, which will allay every possible ap population ot 645,137, which is an ine and will undergo examination to-day you speak. For every idle word we sliul! whi, frat coe. oS { are : Rev” By ci aoe ines sah DEE | prehension V. York Herald crease of 61,868 over that of 1850 National Intelligencer have to give account. wold tehim by Me. Peseud. fal. Reg. ee eee rea ing bin ks, Miss Susan W From the National Intelligencer. you could by a politieal convulsion now break up WISE OOUNSELS REPRODUCED. the present Union, and have the form of a ‘Southern Union, you would have ‘a barren Desiring to place our readers at the sceptre in your gripe” Your Southern Union South more fully in _ possession of the would be wholly ineffigient to work out the great, views which, ata season of greater mod- and arduous mission before it; because, the eration in Sovth Carolina, obtained among spirit springing from a conviction of its necessi- | her most distinguished public men, we ty being absent, the Union would be an inert to-day reprodace the eae Jetter from mass, without vitality, uninoved by any passions the pen of the Hon. - W. Boyce, ut save those of internal hatred and discord. And resent a leading member of Congress the certainty that the Southera people aie not rom that State. This letter, we may add, Vet qualified, by thgir opinions, for a Southern ocenpies the samy place in our columns Uuivn, shoudl admepish us not to try to conte to-day which it filled in the Intelligencer CS eee Tce ivto such Union. ed of May 28, 1851, when, as now, « portion pace! thea, whether attended with peace of the people of South Carolina, in their °° ee — a uueu of ie South, is vet disaffection towards the Federal Govern. 1 [Urtherance of our great policy of bringing i about a Soutbera Union, and therefore should ment, were advocating the policy of aM ioc he wlopted. immediate and separate secession from 6s 4c ty the second parpose of secession, that the Union. it is a good measure jn itself—the Nationality Though we regret to learn that Mr. of South Caroling—] bardly know what tu Boyce supports to-day the conteniplated say, it seeins to oe so diametrically antagonistic procedure which he so justly deplored in to every principle of our policy. — 1851, we are persuaded that time liusnot The first great fundamental, unanswerable: weakened the force of his arguments un- objection to itis, that itis the desunion or th der this head, however honest he may South—words of euch fearful import that 1 wii be in refusing any louger to govern bjs vot weaken them by elaboration, conduct by the considerations so power-| “2. South Carolina caxxor become A x4 fally enforced in deprecation of a line of TOS. God makes nations, not : Be of policy no less perilous to Sonth Cary. Cane! extemporize @ nation out of South Car- lina than invidious towards her Ae oling, It ts semply unpossible ; we have not States of the Union, who, as the sharers o ee oi re Abb pee sia a area of a common destiny, might naturally ite and what that rauce woul’ 2, Wheb we ; consider the presemt bostile spirit of the age to supposed equally susceptible in whatever | (he institution of slavery, of which we would be pertains to the honor of the South. jlooked upon as peculiar exponent, all ma: : | : ent, y As, in a recent speech delivered at readily imagine. es we way never have to man Columbia, Mr. Boyce is reported to have arged the immediate secession of South Carolina in order to present to the other Southern States the alternative of taking sides either with their seceding sister or with the Federal Government, we have theaght it might be Opportune, in view of such a recommendation, to recall the sentiments of the late Mr. Calhoun, who has left behind him the testimony of his decided dissent from any such programine, which, instead of looking to the free and | voluntary adhesion of the Southern States | in a line of policy assumed to be render- ed imperative by a due regard tor their interests and honor, implies t! of “dragooning ” them into a relnctant| confederation for the purpose indicated.| In a letter trom Gen. James Hamilton, published in the Charleston Mercury, ex plaining the reasons for not delivering, as‘ he had been requested, a eulogiutnon the life and character of Mr. Calhoun, wy find the following statement relative to the views entertained by that favorite statesiuan of South Carolina upon the! separate action of that State with a view to coercing the “co operation” of ter Southern confederates : “If I had addressed you, as it was anticipa ted, in discussing the Principles and opinions of Mr. Calhoun, as illustrative of his publie lite, ] should have felt myself bound to communicate an important fact, that, up to the period of los death, he never contemplated the separate and insulated action of South Carolina, even on an exigency so vehement and pressing in his opin jon as the admission of California, He louked alone to the united and co-operative acti Virgivia and a majority of the Cotton States He never for one instant cherished the idea ot dewoting South Carolina to desolation, or our people to slaughter, thai other States of the South might be drayoon! into our support.— His whole policy was founded on a friend|v and pacific union of the South for the the South. Wath that sanguibe temperament which belonged tu his nobie nature, which be longs to the very constitution of genius, he cherisbed this bupe to the last. This extinct he did not !ook beyond the great mura! lesson which the mottc impressed on our own Paliet to bolds forth forthe instruction of ber sons: Animis opibusque Parati. Vhat these opinions of this great man, | have in my + session the most arresutable testimony whic ir 8 fitting time, shail be nis of protection of were the at heed be. Having cited this sv borne by Gen. Hamilton with: the opinions of Mr. Calhoun « point, we proceed to reproduce t proclaiined by Mr. Boyce ino} to secession. The letter which we que was addressed tothe Hon. J.P. i: ard-on, the President of a Convention ot the “Seuthern Rights Association 7 ot Soath Carolina, held at Charicetun month of May, 1851 : To the Hon. J, P. Richardson, “I take this medium of ad lressiue von a few observations on the subject of secession — ideas which J would have been ylud to ac'vanc: tn the Convention HaD IT BEEN 4 DELIBEKAIIV: BOBY. e “I am not willing, even by my silence, sanction the action of the Convention. A ciatiny., however, highly the patriotism of im who urge secession, I desire to differ from tem io a esqirit of kindness. “ Without further preface, I object to the st cession of South Carolina for the folluwing ma eons, which I shall most briefly indicate and not elaborate : “ The great purpose befure us isto give futur: @ecurily to the lastituhion of slavery, * If we accomplish this purpose, we accoin fish every thing: if not, we a complist ing ; for the present of slavery is not enc ed, its future is. “T aseuine that ibe future of slavery can on- ly be secured by the union of the South. In our union is our hope; in our disunion is our des- pair. It follows, then, necessarily, that all ou: policy should tend to produce this union and to avoid the disunion of the South. “The question then comes up, How can this anion of the South be brought about ? “To which I reply that it can be brought about by the pressure of external danger, and in no other way. Thus all brought about. The Achwan League. tie un on of the Southern States of Greece——an vias trious and suggesiive precedent — was caused ty the pressure of the Macedonian powers the confederacy of the Swiss Cantons was caused by the pressare from the German Emperor Al bert; the League of the Netherlands from the wore of Philip II. ; our preaeut Confederacy re the pressure trom without. Examine ai! bistory, and you will see that all unions have been formed by the pressure from without. and that this is a necessary Jaw of union is eid from obvious principles, pressure from without—which bas caused a unions, will cause a uuion of the South. esr cially when we consider the momen ge este the Southern people have in the ata or of slavery, their intelligence, an spat “This pressure trom the Northern pow most, if any thing can, unite the S1 “One thing is certain, that South Ou cannot produce thie Southern union: for ic dispensable prerequisite ia a conviction ot is ceesity on the minds of the Southern peo and this convietion can arise in ne possible «iy except from the march of fanaticem. | North continue to infringe upon as, the eo tion will be forced upon the Southern peony that they are @ot safe in the present [niin : that their safety requires them tunic. They have not that conviction yet,and bance we have Bot a Southern union ; for this moral revolution must precede the political one view of the non-existence of this moral revolution at the South, I have no henitation in caring that if 7: Tete nyer unions have been The same cause —the sy and, vt look upon the painful and humiliating spectacle. “3. From the weakness of our Natioual Go vernment, a feeling of insecurity would arise, capital woald take the afarm and leave us. But “t may be said, let capital go. To this L reply. that capital is the life-Llood of a modern com- tmunity, and in losing it you lose the vitality of the Scate. ) "$f. This National Goverument jverg, very costly machine, The cost of a gov- yerumenut ts in inverse proportion to its numbers }Asmall national government tore expensive thau a large oue, would be a is neeessanty far Look at the panall German States, ground down with taxa So it would be with us. The Federal fleets would cut off all import duties, ang the Non. he necessity immense burden of the Government would lave to be raised ty “5. The weakness of our National Government, te direct taxation, ling of iusecurity arising fom the rvether Increased would with the burdea of taxation, ause, or rather continue, an imimerse em on micrathe 3 turally ¢ re | a ine att ai ALlon IS hatura y going a bet ot tun. trom the old States to the fer | Dorados of the West; put any further burdens on the citi zens of the vid Siates, and you add to this stream of emigration. | this emigration, in the event of your becoming immensely ufurtunately arate nation, would be only from the white and you would therefore be goa “erty or run with fearful velocity, dlowlig emigravion, and ahatural effect of i, would be an unamense depreciation of pro perty ; iapds first, ere land being thrown into the market than the 1: then y would be cut offfrom the W Mulons would be lost to the State down demand requir: heyroes, xs t ern market. in this was “LO, Secession te against the wishes of the other Southern States. Ought not they to trave some influence with us? Should we not derer who have ticenty tines the enterest “glavery that we have 7 Wow the South, at to vur atic ta (he institution of an Wee ever he ea Union Wea inere bandiol of the Southern people, tevavt opinions on | ¢ rest ot the A Southern Union ingles a modifi f the extremes of all opinions A LARGE MING on entorceng vis Sonth ? ly, al least, of our cita If there were no Other objection, this should be conclusive zens are op, sed to secession, “12. Secession, separate nationality, with al is burdens, is no remedy. It ts no redress for th ite no security tor the puture. It IS magnuipeept sacrMee of the present, w Oo anywise vaining future We are told, Lbowever, that it is resexfaner, and that We must bot subroit to the late acts vress. Now, T would uae to know wh one ot eo Messtres we resst by secess Tt os ‘ prot Of save Turts it. L <1 Fact 4 it ienott jy urehase ¢ lex I Gertar vy uot the adiaiss t. Which dow resist bys md These reeer traresscans witch we resist Sevesston, gal ih AS May be th Isoniy a new form of “VATIONS TeASOT in as strony terms as Tecan Such os the intensity of my tion upon the sulecct. that, a wid take place —OF WICH LT HAVE No for | cannot beneve In tie existence — 1 shall » Carolina. SPCESSION IDEA, of such stupendous madue: mnsider the qusit tnoon of slavery ag dooned, and that the Great God in our blintness has nade us the instru ments of its destruction, Prenan, with great respect, &e DS Vee ty LINCOLN TCE TED) Hiiwever chacrined, ar rifled we may be tuto so, we are cuit Pte axeeept Abra fancoln, the republican candidate as neat Pres ient of the United States It is our « 4s ! 3 fcare Union and of our institutions to’sabniit: as { conservative cit row Tene, orace fully as circumstances will permit, to this decision of the baliot box, inade in pursuance of cur Con and We vo same time, while we shall ofler po factious op position tu this sectional Adinnistration, we shall watch it with earnest attention and keep our selves prepared to resist the very first encroach ment upon the rights guaranteed to us by the charter of our cogntry We do not look upon the result of this election as cause sufficient in itself for disunion, but we do look upon it as furnishing serious groands of apprehension We would commend to our friends the advice of Cromwell, to trust in God, and keep their ) iis powder dey oeenr between the different sections of the country stitution Jaws, submit, but at the In this way, if collisions should y secure the u Northern peoy:! we world notor HNoONs CO OF eraton of the whole 2 bat wonld es the large nuinler of conserva tive men residing in the non slave lio ling States who up to this tune bave battled mantusy with le through which we dave alle fur would necessarily drive therm treat atra Any premature and une part from ous, aud iistead of having them as frends yopetant mols, and confirm us in oar pos seatin ¢ nowe should have them enlist support of the enorsemert of to biws Keer t veoh ng party action Woat the levelonment of eventa, The Senate isconsers tive, the House is conservative, aud the Sagres Courtas conservative, and pe pr e liar cn come tous by deay, In the meantime the Re publicans w leve pe ther policy ane we stall Tyee @OAt to asertain whether or no, thes it tend to respeet And again our nyhts imecur deculedand Acmec fon that in less than six i ren eous mass of Whigs and Democrats hers and abolitioniste will fall to rea, nod bee re solved into its onginal elements — Ones we Bay, wait Petersburg Intelliqenery ome A Waslington correapondent gives a rumor that Gen Lane will resign bia seat on the Sen ate, return to North Carolina, and avail bin self of a movementaaid to be on foot here, to eee him to the seat now occupied by Senator Cling Ral Reorater man | ! ‘From the New York Times, { Black Republican ] The South in Motion—The Prospects of Disunion. * * * * * * “There is one delusion which Southern Disunioniste may us well dismiss from tieir minds at once. They evidently cherish the belief that the Federal Gov- ernment will wever attempt to coerce a seceding State to return to the Union Much of their contidence is bused upon fiis expectation. Now, this is mere non Its truth or falsehood depends wholly upon what they mean by seces Soath Carolina may undoubtedly aithdraw her Senators and Representa tives from Congress if she chooses; she cannot be “coerced” into sending them to Washington, If she decides to stop the mails, and turbid the establishment of Federal Postotices within her limits there is no reason why the Federal Gov- ernment should force then upon her. If tmen charged with offe raiinst the Pederat laws,—-if her cit- izens refuse to serve as Federal Marshals or Judves—the Government need not specially interfere, for it has no direct in terest at stake Sut if a vessel entering Charleston re fuses to pay the Federal duties, the Gov- ernment has no choice but to compel pay- ment. If a vessel proposes to Charleston without a proper ddarance ander Federal authority, the Government vessels will compel her to return or seize and confiseate her as a lawful prize.— And if South Carolina troops take pos- session of Fort Moultrie, the Federal Gov- ernment has uo choice but to send a man of-war thither and drive them out. These are acts of positive aggression—acts of war, aud must be met as such. If South Carolina chooses simply to stand still, she may consider herself in or ont of the Union us she may prefer. Ways ern BeBe chen Her JULES Wel Bat if in any le makgs war upon the federal Gov- t, she inust not look for peace. In our judzment, the less we of North have te do with this matter better. “The Union will the South alone the the the The inoment sas made we shall find a be sate in pow? 5 In every Southern State i ¥i UL comprise the great balk of the pro Po tet ss sppport all wie tigeund wilt rally to its have anything at In the welfare of the country, or of their own State, : jeet will ne? Pie discussion of this sub { meer be all on one side. » whole sabyect will be fully canvassed yan South iw J unless the 1 Catalines of the helt the flames of civil war by some act all its bearinrs—an cevs and kindre h wall d that present of desperate infamy, the wholes erfectiy satisti suffer from the Pinion would be intinitely avated by ity dissolution.” . : eventually become every evil they Foom the Fayetteville Ousery PENSIDLE Mie YY one of the conservative papers in the country oerat though Journal of Commerce is Host sensibie and practically Dem Allnding to ainove Ment on toot, to get up a great public meeting in that city to express sympathy with the South and to urge it to do noth ing rashly, the Journal pointedly advises that an appeal be made tu the VortA, rath er than to the South, to remove the exci ting canse of the Southern discontent, to fees persy the Nort. to fultil the stipula tions of the constrution, instead of en colray Nz its citizens to violate them, by “perscual iverty acts, and euch things Alice E Sato Norther thieves steal great lmibers slaves the border Slave States, } either har pe eatviuerat And, fact is \ wid even e for tery rriment at North witery s for the protection af tue putts of tre masters, ul tl sentiment pre fects tren = mat, 1G Olhaer t CE Ne eit \s Pato to use a maid expression, bot! Overt its and: peosie instead ast ' tar em tot Pormaste Is re t PV tie (oOnstitet ron, itera tvy fines ad tase Inent Wpon wiv of Terr G2 Zens whe rengering sien botoonive so, but decree siuiaiar ist thataters wii Geotne Watch Ley rin fowitives and flagrant viol: fitatts to rec mm could not be devise jl pro Vision ts an liadpercuint one ta the os sie Loar Wittaine tea b ) could ' We been formes If anv ontluence cant t ice tue vowernments and poole af tie Nortuern States to repeal ther ancotst tutional Laws, and to place th {tite of triendsh p tos te the South, thal present doth serves Vi will | wities Bae if, on the otner hand, the misconstroc tion ot and acts, and nerally the the South, through a thousand pulpits and presses, shall be con tinued 5 and if onfriendly and unconsti tutional levislation at the North is to take the place of that brotherly feeling and easy sooutte lore Inotives vilification of action which ought to exist towards their fellow citizens of the South, it requires no phrophets ken to foresee that) we shall soon cease to be a onited people. Neith ly nora nation can long live to continual etrife. edness of era fan srether in Vhe diseom fort ancl will lead thems to separate.” wrete the condition ANTE ICSU) JEN SID, It eeems that the oldest State in the Union is not the only one which contains Wort ont Lads Pho last censns devel the cu stact thatoan the compar iy tly Wooste at €) theentire sec a} Caiee the aheat reqeon, tram Stenhenciie te Tithn, is f everat Vidts aetorclye ity € pro not Ha ures Tine ¢ Sequence in at declins bey ation, and an lercase Ciceratien to » West We are Gta itt One is tot the only Srite it tie prvatt Na vm which Jestined t auth a orimiiiar ca x the ry Triste Wratet et Hae gs are for re er n vf a The WT Win T Yancey his specel vered a few dave before th lection to the eit pets New OMe ed th pinion that ee ee V tom mer Dterestea] 0 Presidential stray than New Orleans andoin fact none eo much.” The people of that city seem to have concurred with the distinguish t yrator, and interpreted their “interests” by ging to Mr. Bell a majonty of nearly three thousand poies aver Mr Breckinridge leave | WHAT THE SPUTH MUST EXPECT FROM LINCOLN. The New York Zimes thus plainly tells the South what fs to be expected from Mr. Lincoln: | Tiere can be np doubt whatever in the mind of any mag that Mr. Lincoln re yards slavery us wimoral, social and po hitieal evil, and that it should be dealt with as sach by the Federal Governinent, In-every instance where it is called upon to deal with it atlall, Ou this point there Joo toot for question —and there need be ne misgivings as to his official achon, The whole ivtluence of the Executive De partoent of the Government, while in his hands, will be thrown against the ex very into the new Territo ries of the Union, aud the re-opening ot tension of 8 the Aincan slave trade. be will On these points wake no compromise nor yield one haie’s breadth to coercion from any quarter or in any shape. He does noi acecde to the alledged decision of tie Supreme Court that the Constitution pla- ces slaves upon the tooting of other pro- perty, aud protects them as such wherey er its jurisdiction extends, nor will he be, nthe least degre@yovericd or contyoll: ed by it in his executive action. Ile will do all in his power, personally and offi- cially, by the direct exercise of the pow- ers of his office and the indirect influence Carolina GUatcbman. ALLS 5 CLO y GeV C2 TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20, 1860 Bell has carried Tennessee by 25,000 majority He carries Kentucky by ten or fifteen Texas went for Breekinridge No elec : the Legislature will have to elect and Breckinridge will get it, the Bell is Missouri, though it is not yet Alections.—It is estimated that thousand. by a majority of about 3,500 tion in Georg Leyislature being detnocratic alead in certainly known who bas earned the State. roe Pa A Unison mecing at Lexington, Mouday resolutions Ky. on adapted TH E FUGITIVESLAVE LAW—-NUL- co some mode of redress—some plac by a : which to vindicate their rights and prote ae LIFYING THE CONSTITUTION. jroperty. Whnt shall that HP ther We bublish below an account, compil- Ju the course thus forced upon them by the ed from Mr. Toombs’ speech by a New Northern States. by words and acts, the States York Journal, of the Northern States aggrieved nay be compelled to dissolve the ties which prohibit their officials and citizens a ee Se: ee cease to by from aiding in the execution of the Ked- 2'e Peebles Se OL Wie yamay, i refuse to . coudnue under obe government, eral Fugitive Slave law, and which, by & The South tuay be obliged to go over the ground an eerie lier (as g ‘ ground which their action, lave boldly oy lifed UNG their fathers trod before them, to resurt to the Constitution of the United States. They same mode of redress. : What was that mode } are as follows: It was one, we know, of great wisdom, Maine, New York, Connectient, Rhode Island, Miatssachiuse Us, Michigan. their course, The States wi 1 Passing over their preliminary complaints end pable cdifices in atd of the tasters, are: Femonsti abves we will take the calling together Maine of the Congress at Philadelphia in 1774 us the \ i : t Hirst systematic proceeding of the American ( ‘ol ermont, { : Rhode sland. ‘ It re- ceived the applause of the ablest stateemen of New Hampshire, Europe. New Jersey, Penusylvamia, Wisconsin, Vermont. ‘The leaders of the Colonies were reso- Jute, bat caho and deliberate, They apprecia- ted tully the difficulty and delicacy of the task Muposed upon them. They laid their plang slow. ly, cautiously, with deep sagacity, Let us trace th deny the use of all Massachusettes, Michigan. : onies in the assertion of their hberties, : . formed a Congress for joint deliber The States which prey ide defence for tion. They ’ auion und ae. The Congress suo formed assembled in Sept 1774. They did not begin by dissolvin the Union; they adopted a declaration of 1 7 the fugitives are: “Maine, New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania Massaclinsctts, Vermont, Michigan. hts: they issued addresses to the people of the Uni- ted Colonies, to those of Canada and Great Brit any they petitioned the King they adopted resolutions to import no youds from Great Brit Phe States which declare the fugitive ain or Trejand, and to export none to those coun free at brougut by bis master into the uies: they prepared wim, they formed or re- miale ale: commended associations; they sull delayed : Maine, New Hatnpsbire they koew that in reforming abuses the last siep | loseparable from ft, to arrest tie tenden stronyly deprecating secession and disuis Vermont. is to dissulve the Government; they were firm rthem atthe North, or send them off cy to make slavery national and perpet ual, and to place itin precise!y position whieh at held in the early days of the Republic, and in the view ot the founders of the Government. Ou ths point, we take it for granted, he will be firm and immovable—so as to putit be yound the hope of any class or any dec tiun to change lis purpose. oe The U. 8. Arsenal.—\ company o! the 2d Regiment of Artillery, U.S. A: my, arrived here yesterday, from Fort Hamilton, below New York, to take ther station at the U.S. Arsenaloon II ur VP The company is command ¥ Prevet Major Anderson, with Lientouant Del , and coneiusts of 56 mon-couiiiss ed otticers ard privates. Dy NE eet Wereeat are number of ¢tizens of Pavertes applied tothe War Denar IMeNE ot tse eround that there are many thousands o! “tltin, and @UIUDItION ba proport posited in the Arsenal with uo other pro tection on the premises thas ian otdl ‘ two or three civilians. Tt ss true that tive Volunteer companies of citizen soldiery had offered tueir services in case of need bat there can be no prope ety in requir Ingoour focal autuoriiies to protect gos eruthent property, at ther own EXpen or at the exper of the town, when VOVErDINENt Ifsel reat at Wien tieasury some cul Vl ‘ak able to veuutitecer vlads nother reason which duthienced sae who made the application was, that 4 will add to the bustness and diipertance of the town to have a military: statior here, and possioly tate the ) mentot the Arser sone of ¢ ic ton, according to its original destan. But the chief indueenent, undoubted Iv, was to negative anv idea oof a po Drown raid here, like tuatat the H pers kerry: Armory. Otrer motives for the ar Pocation from <prlace having t femael tn sami oft ers, We have tious ie Poe Ps Gat vik trhs re ete Nise ah iN ale tea oN EERE NEE N | Seb Soi] LEAs I t ! N Aco ' ner 4 etive Meteo Pretrospect Une pa 1 hiaps “ ‘ ver ib ba wil rthemn m ter as tiation bY vo odave u , ir 1 cond ny os 4 ftw > ak } « {No Cu care his bo there ‘ tdonbt, b 1 contain that t large min bier Seay s buey Nay \ nh fave : 1 ‘ ( " foreer . We have node sire cet or troes, Chonoh we ar 1 ( i w and ot ! \ a rthe recht he in) business At re now, is to promote pres 1e tweet parties in the Sour in nto the seetiona: adr coln and Hamjing The Sou reteds am the North who w ttite wail them noopp onto Black Repubiean on _ Wee fist we bot foo parties int 1 { Weatia A disnnsom purty Lied apprehended vow is, thatot precy Letous take things coolly. Let us net ae clpatat rashiy—but deliberate y Piers ts roger, but it may be averted Phere are tron bles, but they may be and must be. mantiity and like mountains we come met, nthe distance, w to stand face to tace with then, they will be found far less insurmountable than they appeared when clistant. Co vet be well. — wv. C. irave, und all will Argus VERSE RT TORN Che lee) Nine “Ton” the Washington correspondent of the Baloinore Sun, intimates that precise pliase which was contem Kansas Nebraska bill, by that measur Perntorial question” tted ain the and whieh was referred to the deersion of the Supreme Court, bas arisen in such a manner as to make acase toradjudeationin that tribunal zedof the facts onstituting: the aM Fated ciateaiverthe stitrnent one losignated rreepondence the Balimore Sun I noasked whether the Unired States Sa Court will not adjudicate the pena ler puestron that ig, the ruht nf the feo ! Uo Legishiture to exclude slavers Tn the Dred s case the elnef Justice wave his op tia tect that the Terrtory as a ereature of Con udit lo what Congress could r arisen which will bring that part ‘ tion directly before the Court for . will involve the distinet question tt toa Terrntornal wisiature to ex via tbolish slavery, Should the Court Jeended the Territory cannot ecrense this power A par wrecase the T tonal av thorities must be bound by it: and of inv cns the processes of the court should be resisted, the Unit Sates marehal must he sapported te any extent by the Executive of the United States The case which [refer to iste come from Kansas The Terntoral question inay perhaps thus settled by the of Kanens and by the expected decision of the Supreme Court admission lion by any State. the same! Speeches were made by Gen. Leshe Coombs and otiers. was ace hicld Alarge Upon meeting at Henderson, Ky. Ex Gov. Dixou pre sided, and the meeting was addressed by distinguished Bell, Breckinridge, and Donglas men. ATL opposed to secession and Gisunion cers Military Couvention.— Forty-two Com represented in the Military Wednes lay and Thorsday last, forthe pory w the M itary ( ndeoot the State panies were Convention witch met bere on The deleuiees were from a State—trein the Mountatus to the sea oad prisitig over LOU in wn 1 Nosvsteen of tary wow tae prealnscd eerie (tuaplnee nn tnt echt Coue, Was reporte CG Silas vert : farthess 5 teria ratice i edoatd cosorder!y discussi: Wits cs { We uni t De pore = te ve Legistatnre for ra ‘ > } fo Sen era! Ss atot amend nents ads tat bodv taav de toessapy Tis very diterent trom the ood systers, Iw Leomparute i chat | any a * AE Mare 1 ttre love Ldatis TE Wins eve RAEN ive fie . i * Sa VES ie es | us t ( \ u Watts ay 6 \ i Giee ss Mati hist We rats at t 4 vituat the ahs t> ) eon the Wester N.C. dito: on Le a Liev We ue Western ter : tue he uowWieeh point oM tins loon view the dae k stor lus ate ok Z | Sas 1 ' ' a 1 t t ~ t ceaites Wire 4 ever i Cie? i fortus of uses r “ Pr irs Th ‘ | 1 nt . tine — ' ‘ ip : ) ‘ - t j t , \ t t \ NN en rr Tee ~ Cea n oa Taner at ‘ oo ' i ( ‘ ' = SEO Cert © Won ' to tra on Lares eiatt eootfert made durins lie ual Cy todraw ont AN ON pres root tive Heers on a set of rese HS TM recatio fot seer ul ce snes between the North and the Souts Tt was oljected to and droped We noticed that several of the mem bers wore t bine cockades and seu otter rea eockiowe made of red, blie amd white feather Dieke are the colors of mit it flag, but whether or not Wore to sanity dev nto the Usion, We Cr Tet acy tee tet Lhisgrac tal, —Vhree rotten egss were thrown atJ hdge Douvlas ashe was ascend. ing the steps of the Exchange TTotel, in Montromery, Ala, only one of which hit lou; and that one on the hat. [Tt burst. ed and discharged its contents in the face of tus wife, who stood immediately on lis feit i 650 Leighty Horses Levaated Alive ay loft of ¢ York, 121 Omnibus horses A. fire martes Lent’s broke outin t stable in New In whieh were on the Pith instant, Ow meeqnent ditheut 1 ty of vetting the horses to move, only 41 EpGsheaainr ise St) perish. and the ¢ Inge te frig were fed out, all nyoin the thames s ee A New Entertain at \ Paris cor respondent of the N.Y, Tines saya it. is becom gfaslionable in that city tor weal thy gentlemen tocmploy the minent diviner te pres Jora for the entertaminent o ly and init edo ynests. Greeat exertions are made by the hromtess that thev are at tas: t done by ther nenehbors nthe matter of eloquence Prepreeiation af South Carolina Mon Sonth Carolina and Georgia bank s have depreciated in Kentucky, Ten nessee and elaewhere, abont 5 per cent “=. Jara Turnip. We have received from Mr. A. S, Randolph Connty, a turnip weighing 8 Iba. Tt is Horney, of round and amooth, and very fair to look Supon but patent. Boston way oceupie 7 it- The State which declares hii free ab-|ish a The battle of hie ain sulutely is: | The victury of Fort Moultrie was achieved. Still {the resolute, moderate patriots of Congress kept open the door of conciliation. From Sept. 1774 to July, 1776, they made every effort that was honprable to preserve the Union. They still hesitated to abolish it even in the midst of bat- Ue, sieges aud frequent bloodshed. the end only of pez New Hampshire. The sulijo ned table shows the penal ties Ttnposed an the Northern States on these ofhcers or citizens tay wid in preserving the Constitution in tact by enfor¢ing the law, viz: several who It was at ; y two years, when every Fine, #ppeal to the justice, trendsbip, aud interest of States, Jin risontment, Rieeaneeat i z . sugiand bad been made in vain, that C : Marne, o years, SLO OO We everediilion Coudantiat united ihe Gduin eG Verm 15 years. 2 O00 the Mother Country. There was no boyish pel- ulance, wo cndecent haste } BOO the Oo ¥ears: 5.000 rolilisetty, { o Vears. , ho blind rushing into ‘ more of revolution with a vogue dependence Vi Vably 3 oinouths, 1,000 on some contingent Jupiter to assext them in qet- 1d vears 5.00 ty ontop at The leader of Amenen were feuey ane 1.000 statesmen galing Bim, moderate. ‘They took ae ! years 1,000) cate to secure wud estabush anew Cmion before i Wee Loo they dossoived the oid. They strove to preserve i . the old by every fair and proper effort. Tt x rec@en from the above that the NV wetcey rent it eae Aeuernties N Sales a Ubehest ay tt BS aot y better node of proceeding in the emer- Hon oof practea siiten, is, thes yenos that awaits your counsels £ If you can- ave Petised tos inthe Constitution yet, then ad opr the one prepared to vour bands. . ta pte, You propose to tuliow the examples ot the 1] elvis te tender, the sensitive @uliens flow them fatbtully, Do uot d PATE Clonee tenella ' in | cre al conservative inen that oa ae EF : ieee oie ues cs a pmol yoot the fathers whom you so anueh respect and “ Cte spa OD THE Present EX whose sayacity aud spin you profess to emulate. state! our National atfeire, stick. Listen tu no rabid enthasiasn, no chimercal He ee eine Coat armet rca nents of feverish impatiener Erhitnt the , ee mT nem courage of your ancestors, but tuke care to pre : ue TUT SALES NAVE ervevulso. ther isto and prudence prachealy nadlgted the Constitution and We can forfeit nothing of self respect by de- TIVO Uenuitet he Can nitirvonmesOileeoti tir He ie proceedings We owe them wot ot ly Penne 7 Se expel. tu Bhageachers whose lessons we bave been learo- t tng, but to the world’s judyment, and to the a Southern tan frou ‘4 rylupathy of a large poruen ot the North and receve Poe tiheent we slave within ther West. We shall weaken the bands ofour friends , Sy hasty counsels, and strengthen their « mi iets, bat Weve almost outlawed lim in oY! and sengthen ther enemies 1 audoours. by a contrary course we sla) prove Cuts > ‘ ptt. ti uel t ay ed HTS DMN Wiech oie HesHa etch Gl mp dirine Ue v & trageons wrong, that the preserve the Union, provided it can bea Constr: ste ocsorvative, Caomloving aman in futenad Craon, We stall deprive our oppe bents of every pretext for assaliog us, apd ren- ve try, id olbved to panse and wor. : ek : u and ' der cumenves uinpreyguable to their attacks eri awender that the Southern States We do nut profess ty enter into detais, We ive rhe, With bo mueh tience so tla pontot vy to our own history, to the teat book veritit, a8 Tinertt | (ait ier ecu Nuno TCR tel: Selaben, te Yume obly sit and ' ' , ; ; Va certain wade We say nothing ss to whet 17 nN eS i x . POUT a, ae ) 1 1 4 TY es © states or low many Soates bid Unite ther Sy port w soll are aworn, South o& Is: that is tur vour yod and houes = ilinerva ve aliiest to o fault, he UY to deteriige hte view atcir hevolu- Lionwiy examples, ated the duties of tuose who rhe tovse wrongs from ycarto vear : | Y : roless to fobow them, we tod these prope j r ' te x that the e wd BENS et the ner { ns tu Le un The vitro hi ‘ t “ale th pens would pach them to ww pe should seced Ubder present crotistan satenle ani iese Unhelslibor en) that a Conpreas of ie states proposing to seed . Hd precede their action that the . = Lose ty 8 i s tt ban DE rtriss int tinintel anne RiAwel ny honUres { ( state al Oo aUOns bie ethorts to return abu festore the purity of i alts mir Soutuert sls sett Uinon om asa wes be fo a metry {to destroy at Vasty soit el } ebest } h Visers are bad adv inert ky thes pes x Be OE ENT ey wil ine! Uinta practicable Witis tae te 5 iat os 8 ud pera inate ID ny, are cufpil ' vee i sand cher uss tcalamiitonus eounses, Let us res scrve batd celenity for act Bb Whenbever it comes ' : seabed als | Hour couneds, wt above ail, which s2raceoud ab tibes on Co Wrote, IS ina fead Gi revelutiolb, we exthol vaiue too Tes ups toleasthattie laws highly por practice too caretuily the precept 3 i ' Pot Whiicdi beac Bis TO thyake Taste seed i wy ‘ Istess are Hntidtabie e ; PRAliNA LENTE. ’ EE Eee EI EET easy We Ge eT forced t t<. i Wat toe dssne is onlvorn _ . } ) Frye ttevitle Obs ' Welearn frona wi our ereatest sole : : 1 1 id Oy COctie oercine saad ostr vcr tras an Mis Fal been associated as ab pottnes after the p ‘nothing be dene rashly and ine TET saditaes in thatestablebment. Here be conducted by E. back the J. Hane & Boss Observer is well Giehy des ot known as one ot the best the State. Ltrs conducted tod tarent, the father and both the sons but that every step shall i dediberated Upou, a d evers apr wail texerted to bring hewspapers i Mates too the \ ee with energy nal daties, tmorder to pre serve this great Conntry hh ippyoan J con being printers Phe sors are vradnates tentel in the bends of Union and fra: of Ch upecl Hilivand we kKuow them both ternity to beaumiable young gentlemen whe wilh Or the various things we have seen fam tenor te the editorial protession » : Ldition to berm e focated pentl men, bearing npon the state of the Conntry, i eau renee em eine art (mn ecmnrtTtt wehavescen nothing which accords more ashamed te deat. A paper conducted ieown views and feelings: by den of that kind is certarm to prosper, bo matter Whatoits polinies are or who fa nearly with than the foll ving: § a COMMON SENSE EVEN FROM sourit! "Fit or opposes it—Charlotte Dem “LAROLINA \ Well said. We never knew beforg We have been ‘fearful that in our Southern how rnly established the Obserrer te, : " , tet \ iy ve. | edneated, all RislcHal Counaclan: madnesomriles: hemhiurs =) Eallenmnd et <crsone we edneater There scemed to be no voice of reason lifted up prauters, and all not only willing, bat FAM C HOM InML IL cMee SU Oem nAmnOUira oer s(am (nk meet ORC UNantera tna Sz be cqnsidered a settled: institution, as it is one of the best of its kind in the whole ne the members of the Legislature Southern ¢ yuntry powertul one too, is heard, The Charleston Cou rier Of the Sl published the following communi cation, mvt well considered ” oete Meeting of the Bourd of Trustees of Davidson Wau quested to state that at aieeting of the to peruse it wath eare, as ‘ha artele, and acing, stions it contains are at Hb rthe au Flic Counsela and sa have been re- College ome and tine ty Were w onnee the name of the « most whol erty toant Joaurd of Trostees hela in the Town Tall Nov. t4, 1860, the Kirkearren, D. D., of ith Carolina, was elected onld give additional force to the time Put the This euth one of the rable advice and caution on Wednesday last sown ments from sonpon I Rev. Joun oS lent say thatot emanates Charleston, S clearest and most cultured minds in S. Carolina.” Se " . Tris ident thal thearticle is from adisun: resident andl) Wc Ro Lyxur,y beq: " ae latgnice. curt *rotesmor of Gree (el wethakaturstalle trom Col Memaei amancenelnaityss Tan , Langnage ang Literature Phe following minger, who was delegated to Virginia last year a - ® paper was alopted to treat mmited disunion movement in con : ‘ | Wuerkast, The Chair of Natural Serence an ae quent the trown JNVasion ture Ol Le ; Astronomy os still vacint by the declivature © Wit wt furtl potace we (ato OME PCA. ee tie AI. Vhaak oret a careful consideration Fayette Resolved. That the filling of amid ebnir be ville Oheria postponed until the oext snonal meeting of We To the Members af the State Legislature Boarg Poa len har lay , Phere ie aiurave task awaiting you. [tis your duty to we herations that the State reer our ID de 5 aT enacts ndiment ~ In New York Your con Nearo Suffrage Ame They ‘here was a propos mito sno detriment Constitu This election ob stitvents 1 free to deliberate amend the ht to vote expect no p They rely upon your abili- | tion so ae to give negrocs the right to vote 1 upon at the ty and honesty. You will not be the leas wilt ae o receive and conaider the, Tuesday, and was detrated by a large major L, gave 28 votes in favor of free ne 7 - ° rapor fieitous for the public safety gro suffraye, and R49 against it The prop of the State Let us assume that the Southern Stagg @ill tion ic about the same inather parts af the proposition was vo Jog on that necou » who are, like yourselves, so. Jamaica, | siggestions of tho: Fi al A iss pr pe m x; B. ta th in de he a) hie 12 sth mn ly m gi ea lan by ct their by the > States the ties se to by rfuse to South Which L to the tnode } It re. nen of re reso. precia- he task 18 slow. Is trace nts and Lgether as the ‘au Col. They wud ac. bled in solving nuthtns je Unie at Brit dopted at Brit e coun or re- ‘layed ; AS! siep re firm e Brit- ot ht. till ss s kept tL. 1774 jal was ey sull of bat- was at every ‘rest of ongress Lies to sh pet- ng into ndence in get- 4 were y took before reserve can de- Poemer- HU CAD- bands. t disre yn histo- ectapd mulate. merical tnt the to pre by de- ot only n Jearo- to the th and frends pemies | prove exire lo Consti- oppo nd ren- s We book aud what ve their at ale v | hones hevolu- who por} tas Nate the hore unity of they nt ad ay sot motets re cop tous ras comes . which fue too precept NTE. yn fron er that crated Here by Ke is well pers in energy eo sols dinates n both hoowili ress ton lomen, not ducted re Pooper, who ta Jens. beforg te. all wv, bat tor may rer ted, mn, as ie » whole lees of een Te- of yn Vall 60, the D., of elected sq. of Greek lowing the ince anid yature ol chair be yr of the Jebin. ow York CTonstitu This ection on ste mayor wy f free ne propor the State — ‘that a State Convention . - aa = . . — ; From the Charlotte Buletin Presidential Bleotion. rn Leal Sater in the Se) ae of) 1 IN KYW ( GREAT EXCITEMENT \ Serofula or King’s Evil, es : ; : perfect health frequently have need to have reeourse | . | , \ ; Telez raphic Dispatches. = Ae te tunics as preveutatives of disease. We are never | | AT THE GREAT yas Reena hee cise a corre ton a ee , 2 = ~ too well armored against the assaults of ‘the ills that 'Y os oa renee reat eee one ay Cuakcestox, Nov, 1¢. @ oO’ 6 | aor \ | Being in the @reulation, it vades the whol = = flesh are heir to” Such ao invigorator they may “ee reece sare A dispatch received in this city to day, from \ . & 9g | find in Hostetter’s Bilters—a medicine that cannot | mee rey perry oes Io clacton oo) FSi Sea me M.S. Peery, Governor of Florida, states that CounTirs. > -& be takeu regularly without giving vitality and elastici- | 1 i 1 1 | | organ im tree [ror Uy at aces, oor si. nels cme\wmice Ys . & & & ‘ a t dest Th ful Florida is with the gallant: Palmetto State 2. 2 ty to the system. At this seasou particularly, the oe ae 6 ecrofolcus taint ie Verione 5 , . . cs sirongest man ix not proof agamet the malaria. 1 OF [yfe See dhay pcr us ma cesanre sem eee digurder- a certain sections of the country In all casesof Fever Tv ear unbealthy ood) pare eile filth and thy habits EXCITEMENT IN CHICAGO : MDA paca (hOB Ierseiencrelin eV ietn iets y W oT dhe (ore ae ae cee a ud emo ye ells oY) ne venereal : Alamance, 200 m. amount of quinine, While the most dangerous cones - be 5 t 4a Bs. mfection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary ia Cuicago, Nov. 12. Alexander, 471 403 9 of bilious fever yield to its wonderful properties Se a ee ee eee ieatea ni aeiee 4 a7, oar > Tho 0 tied the cine will never use! rEN c = _ L unto the third and fourth generation ” indeed, it seems Chicago is greatly excited about the fall of Anson, 87 245 ( ee Bee Le ee is O A I . “f bey 29 to be the red of hun who mays, * Twill vient the ini- stocks, and Southern money generally is refused. Ashe, 5U5 in. , d : : : 4 Sinn quities of the fathers wpon their children.” Rumor says that even the banks won't lake it. FINANCIAL. Avavsra, Nov. 14. buy Kentucky and Teunes discount, The brokers bere see voles at 5 per cent. Cigorgia or South Carolina money pavable in MORK RESIGNATIONS Nov. 1 The Postmaster of Orangebury, S.C dered his resignation, to take effect ou of January, unless South Carolina sooner see WASTINGTON, , has ten the Ist cdes spted, and he bas been Fail so, with some ove capable of yiving the ecessa ry bonds, the office His resignation was ace asked to designate his successor ing to du will be discontinued. [NSM TS Sis shi Nov. 13 Gov. Pettus, the Governor of Mississippi, has PREVARATIONS JACKSON, Mips., issued a proclamation convening the Legislature of that State on the 26th the propriety and vecessity of providing surer aud better safeguards for the property of Mississippi, than the late election and past action of the Northern State ( mebbs promise, lost. to cousider hives, liberties and Overy Special Dispatrh to the Charleston Courter WASHINGTON TPEMS. Nov. 14 Private letters from prominent men in New York to the N. York Banks will certainly bave to suspend Hon. L. T. Wogtall, of Texas, wil resume his seat in the Senate, of the Texas Legislature calling a State ¢ the He Opposes secession effort WASHINGION, Governipent say that the as there is to prospect uveulon Gov. Houston has dechined to call wen ture together. There quarters to procure the Northert) States obuoxious to Secretary ( that he State Senate 1s an taking bere in @ertart tepear ot all t obb bas totitied tis Georgia trends wil tot be «a cand if Li dale Deoln is inausurated, Special Dispatch tu the Charleston Courier MATTERS AT THE NOMI Baitimone, Nov. 14 The financial pressure bere and at the Nort! Is intense, Stocks lave truly depreciated. South aud North Carolina Bauk notes are taken at Lo to 16 per cent. discount I Banks are ureat Iv pressed tot t sihess con Atl kinds of b \ id ads tress Wali asst tis generally believed here that Sath Cans fiow will certainly secede trom the Cot Ma ryiand smypaihizes greatiy woth h ln . minediatel y take Tstoppor tunity ous lewgibve chactin tuts which Interrupt and neutraliae ‘ f ihe Fue tive Slave law, the South w = serving the Uiot Phe extrem went \ 7) Ree a ren Wet g tetiopy cditurae advocating 5 wuth, and the repeal of State laws against the tuve slave law Bk XD bDisrate tl Ulecealias Weer Le eee nee Vens Bank tere we Pk } “ specie, owever t | ! mend 1 that Pt eee niorrow, ] fear u inka compelled: to suey “ Tecan tts t . I atest Geek D NUE ma ] Mo Arent Anomimter heel was env tooth Pom uaa nS ( ‘ now ” ‘ } \ Kk ' nfiay f sepa ~ \ atopted. Tie H Withee col Tin Woaatts, we het thot as delegates accla tnation, abd amid wreat enthustasenr NEW ORR ase, Nove la Apu " rhs alters « tain South C cr ti Piita eB Yesterday the money noul vas i Banks are wot neive Mark et street firms li: Monmr, Now. 15 Gov, Moore wl issue his Proclamation Ing a State Convention on the 61h of Deen! ‘Tie election of delegates will take place on 24th of December and the Convention wi semble on the 3d of January Baurtimonn, Now 15 There bas been a shabt rin on the Crozens Bank today. All demands were Heats sponded to, ‘There as a better Vue oan th conmmereial cireles. Manufietnaers and lers are reducing the namber of thei lends Bell, for Presvlent, is about $000 ahead of Brecktnndie, There are some counties yet to heat from, which may give the State to Breek inndge. Gov. Letcher has called an extra session. of the Legislature for the 7th of January, to take Into consideration the determine calmly and be necessary. condition of athurs, and wisely ahat action may MILLEDGEVILLE, Nov. 15, The leading men of all parties, and represen! ang all sections of the State, held a Contferens here today. The greatest harmony character wed the proce x. Tt was una hould Hinousty areed be called wb an early day The resistance feeling was largely TH the ascendant, and the Conference unaninen ly recommended that the pe the tine and mode of action to be settled i a Convention Recession is gaining ground daily, Georgia wil ge with the South , Tatrananare, Now 1S Governor M.S. Perry, of thig State has ol: clared in favor of eeperate State Acton He aye (hat Florida will stand by South Carolina the nt “Valmetto State" The peopl here are unanimous avainet submission to [Ty galla coln's election wee FORBID TO LANT The Mayor of (Sharlestan, S.C. has forbi dan the landing at Charleston of Sincere Passengers from Northern Porta. That is right—keep off paupers and mere adventurere at the present (ime -let them remain with those who have 1 doubt used them to ring abou henlccttantar Vixcous.— Charlotte Bulicnin The Chicano Fugitive Slave Caer Cuties NOG AMINA N= Ther tie lien alacematcueniin teended. A wwarrant wae issued Jate last muht fer ithelarrestiat (tin woman cinniealiaciataiet for disorderly conduet, and placed in the hands of Dy puty Sheinff Anderson. In attempting t take her from the armory. to the jail, el 0 wae resened by a negrs noah and carried af Alleghany, Barke, Buncombe, Bladen, Bertie, Beaufort, Brunswick, Cabarrus, Catawba, Craven, Cumberland, Chowan, Columbus, Cm Carteret, Cherokee, Caswell, Chatham, Caldwell, Currituck, Che “ave } ue en ‘land, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, 1186 728 641 32k 149 1880 Co = Oe Edgecombe, 12l 01217 1 Forsythe, > Y65 825 70 Franklin, 340 0 1S) Craston, 131 sub 56 Granville, XHS SOY BS Guilford, 1838 04 1S) Greene. 326 321 Gates, Tom: Hay wood, 150 mm. Harnett, 138 o42 To Halitax, ’ Hertford, 415 246 20 Hyde, Henderson, 496 135 4 rh 1625 p25 aa Jackson J: 165 Gi 1h Se t ny HSU 4 40 2 OT 3 ie 245 173 5 Madison, Martin, Did bo cae McDowell Moore, p55 eau Leta Monivomers, 120 as 3 Macon, Meckienbnue Ser ty tT Wey Nisin tit Ue 4 New Tianower, 644 ly i Northamprt 1, a) 24 $ n 4 iP a 646 i) 1 Rockingham 485 1 Pee Howat ae UE 1 Ratherterd Randolph, It u iL, } Sampson, 6 SUTEY, be Stokes, 5 Stanly Pure l m1, oe Sas Wake. Ley les elt Woireret tas Su) 8 Washington, 4155 ee 44 Woata Ae fou me Wayne, el esc) 11 Wilson, Wilkes, 50m, Yadkin, Ses £05 Yancey, no a ee nD South Car to Mone Phe Mesnt feu \ arn ent Wot Merny wala ~ at as Lie banks 4 ! ‘ Ls ‘ val fie pea “ ' ’ Pena Sy ee gtarre ow (pets Ww hay up aed ut tie COUTEDS ¢ weobanks im South (4 ray and soc oreeeive dlothar for ur an frafanel . ! tara! tee Su ag 4 futids EEE ERCTS OF DISUNION TALK a the of chsunion threats ar meet sting then Nevroes have gone low 30 percent, and secon other property w win to depreciate An rwhat? A miser it dostraction. Should attempt be made to Aeoute these threats, men oow wealthy wall be sneer fo poverty \nontelligent gentleman, ind oa Democrat withal, who is w 1 lanzely ver 100,000, remarked to us the other day how was more Ane the value of his property donot think than half it was on the Ral Regsster, ls tof No fewer than fifteen Trish officers in the service of the Pope were taken pri- soners at Ancona—and released. ROCK QUARRY. ee Hoof for MILE can? ution any CAN fF Salewory Rowan ¢ Ntolen-—S25 Reward. SroLes from the ete Piccaerell on Sunday neht,t years rapul wnd o kn STONES. UNDERSIGNED ning all persons irish the best quality of or buiding purposes GRANITE, shape, and at the low TAKES THIS MI nowant of ROCK that he pat possible rates for fis Quarry is mituated Stuies South of own ar the “Old Shupmne QUARRY WILEY HOLTSHOUSER v, Nov 20th, 1 ROO Gime he IRth inet Id, mediom size. a natural rough) well broke to w bat had no shoes behind 1 reward for the recovery V live et the rogue ; ore ne ft hree miles and a hal) Favet addreesed ti I>60 Burning Fluid. Oet - 80, 1 RAN ' ree vnde a‘flen briten' gray horse, pacer, wo He will give wbout paces vr 10 fe alon Sababury at Sale will receiv WOAWES ee The Citharrer oan r LIGHTS knowt for eale hy Wot WiAti, Dinyggist & Apothecary Nos 186 and PRX Ma Ntreet, Salebury, No ¢ v8 To those who have vot made the experiment, we cordially récommend an early application to the Bitters, whenever they stricken by diseases of the digestive organs Sold by druggists and dealers geuerally every- where. IP See advertisement iu another column Biiters professes to subdue Nov 13, 1s6U. 1m.26 Boots & COS MEDICINAL ) TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OTL THE TRUE AND GENUINE UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTS, BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED Tts use UG y d. will weourestore (he Soo 4 tone of the d Wee yas, invigorate Che amy Ie blood. vive veral notindity te the fiare, way tnd add energy te the anid und nervous oy Qu svetem Tis) value been remarkably pel CVideneed by rie wondertul restorative pow f, rooets, When ordinary Comics had been vaiely Seexhausted. ft afforis nounehmeut to the 2 body when no « can borne, and 2 of furnishes the frame with fat iu a truly re 3 markable manner a —_ ype se oS = For CONSUMPTION aud BRONCHL —_— TIS, ~ ms For SCROFULA an all ite deretoy nents, Pe Fur WEAKNDSS, WASTING, and Fe every form of DEBILITY, iis curative wpe © properties are unrivaled ee emia be taken without shby the 2S tnost d e patent. and retained wohoat — etlort he most reustive stomach Tissue @ penionty in thin aud olier unportant ohare e 27} terisGes of genuineness, has guara ed for jm Wthe Commendation of the most eminent 2 Fe Phostetins taroughout the States ¢ the wit oe pow rh tesumony of the faculty of the bestinedi- 3 me il schools: the Professors of the . UNIVERSE Y Ob SPE NN SY AN IAG ar JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PIILA. ae. DE Bea — PHILADELPHIA GOLLEGE of VEDI- == an = CINE, and others an Tussi ds should be careful co pureh ise - eof undousted reputaion af they Gestre the pm weer THOSE UY sod trae diate anit oa he remeity Phat wiseh we Vas Aa reided evidences Supertonty over poe ova Misi ueuneed atv by eet _ JOHN BARKER a CO _ —. Iu ea Dea — = Drugs, Chem ce cee all \ 3. SHO bis - ry. ) wr [ot N. THIRD STREET. BOOKS ! DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP! RTNERSHIOG HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDFE { Burke & Stewart. ° th fest of the {the late firm as» ¥ aS poss BURKE Jo sTEWAL TO THE PUBLIC | | SNe Dison THE SOLE PROPRIE tah ISBURY BOOn STORE, vuld offer hie t the f¢ u med we yanks to i! Pwr aKe dtu the Puuse: wilt eu ti v the ¥ ' Bowker A Srewakt. and eile wilecnnie hun fOCK OP DOUKS 1 y ‘ ona 4 iW n Stay Hopes tn New Wore Pin a “ ul “I Non? to.4 ' ; 4 ees EWEN It NOTICI [ee ae ADA ation on the Batate of Joseph D ‘ Iw r for 2 on Th day . Novennty vt, all the pecush crtate dec Cowan, ona ere SIX MON r ue mda the arucles usually se Stock k . ! Ml LES. very unusna th Appearance and fine qualit Ove totot very Fine Old bacco, and one dot of very geod SN I "There will also ob 1 some time an plac hihdes links LInGLY NEGRO MEN AND TASOUD ERE Yt Uist ysis af rate blacksroit . 1 Tay ther carte the same pla BE ASE [HARO WARSPYGEN, SMe ae lays dD wan, deed 1s60. - FALL STOCK. Rd A. MERPUAY DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Crps and Bonnets, Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Iasex, Syrup, Nails, Horse and Wule Shoes, Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Lining and Binoing Skins, &e , SO XC wing large additions to the Mo Are now rec in Stock to which they invite the attention of the ei zeus ¢ salisbury. Rowan and the adjoning Counties orders Ro & A MURPHY Sepe 24, Ds60 wy American Watches Prompt attention given to * OR, WILSON hasthe Agency forthe GENT \\ e INE AMERICAN WATCILES whiel ena bles tim to sell them le han they ean be bought elsewhere Lhe has In-additen, the Bagtis Pa Lever Han rd W ee, Detached Levers, Hunting Cy Mo wteh will bes w an fo sh forget. those who wa ( An in Wa ( WR OW Jew ett or newt ad Me KOY ' Satishury, Ne ¢ er Lt ) reque c Te perennsnt OX Advertising the same without delay. ae the troprietor * pay otf all ha way stl J oJ BRUNER Nov 13 t Administrator’s Notice. SESE tha vy clans og * R wi e pad in bar very P RRUNER, Ad Nive 1th 160 ' CLOVER SEED. ved Wo WYATT. Drage theeary, Nos P86 and 188 Main at, Saliabury nae (yet Q7 $129 ~ WE ot NG 1S BELIEVING ! THE LARGESTAND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK. DRY GOODS, ante? DRESS G00DS, OF CLOTHING, AND GROCERIES, Are bow open ng at the Subscriber's ever Eirhibited in| Salisbury. Aud which will be sold as heretofore at any tedly low prices This is NOCANT ADVERTISING PHT reevden- minon wich many, wh ninerate ther articles coupe an exaninats re storm aod prices, W snvinee Che most scey ud clorest buyers, of the thot the asme Ie lug my sincer acnuowledgements to the sof Rowan and + ent countes for past fu ¥. Pope by close at on to my business. 1 1 uance of t some \ > trouble as usual i> show Gaods S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNTPEY HAN T | i iY & B READY-MADE: Cc which we y “HE cee WIR SUBSCRIBER » COEN DRY va Noms aT SG We me r OP {St k MERCWAN TS. to his alihe attent DRY GOODS, Clothing and Groceries. t WHOLESALE as k Heyy} Leela AIRS teit SALE Ss FRANKFORD! S. ‘Ta BC EE PALL AND WINTER cGoopDs! AT enda te Building. and cus ae andl re meey fe hep ifee ds, Hats. Caps, Bonnets, Boots oe ED eXAMINALON oO c mine ne very low tor Sept 2 ni Pia d elsewhere nd avd pounetoa A.M four Stock You may sai CLOTHING, are now on ming for find as we wall mak Bar ori t ONN AUGHEY i 2 Bring Back that Gun. YHE St Ho ' last Geeneral SCR Must Vine IBER lef Rarosay er, whieh # double barrel aon the oy ore mnove uacersigned Hea ee Vises the person who took i to remember though it might have been taken through yetaf tbe kept. that willbe evide of a de stealst and he wall put the fawn force person i whese possession itomay be found that Return the Geun to Horah & Ramsay's Store Nov 6H, Pst Ww uu gnt BURRKHEAD a SE Nb Hspection shot gur mistake, ugainet the ae STOCKHOLDERS Montamana Fe mile Seminary are respectfully os ned t meetin Mount P con the 8rd saturday of De her next tor te . ofunpert bostiess Nels To case a maperiy of the Stockholders de netimeet. the present Board of Trustees will co er themselves fally a wrized to transael s business as may prese itt By wire nt ij 4 Necretary Nov 6. 1860 bars ’ _ Bie MUST ONY VET / EFXLousoc KPaintors, HANGERS, C.RAPNERS, ( Ippos PAPER ite the Ma neion He SALISBURY, N. C Aces work personally attended to and warranted t na oworkmantke manner Ju ino pe hr ; L NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. \ LARGE voof Northern lime unela wharrels ' he bush aa , «fan Yard I le wold very cheap. w tril A large quant finished ath Sole. Upp d tlarnee always hand a for aale (ore and Dry Ue dew always rand oat rors He ¢ SIMONTON Saliebory, July 7h. P80 ran) Danke ofall hinds for eleat thre Its effects commence by deposition from the blood ofcorrupt of ulcerous master, which, iy the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tabercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, A. MYERS’ . No 4 Granite Building sores. This foul corraption, which genders in the 4 ° 3 m= A s * eee eek ena blood, depreases the energies of life, so that s-rofulous . Ss ee : eoosutations not only eaffer from scrofuloas com- SALISBURY, N. C. WHOLESALE AND ! of DEALER TN Ready-Made Clothing STAPAR aND RANEY Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, plninix, bat they have far less power to withstand che attacks of other diseases; consequently, vast num- bers perish by disorders which, alt pot scrofu- jousra their nature, are sti rendered fatal by this taintsn the system. Most of the edasumption whieh decimates the huinan family has its origin diveedy this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive ives of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, 0 ull the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the AVING RETURNED FROM TILE NORTH- ern Cues with a LARGE and COMPLETE | Stock CET AIL s . otB, Shh ve oe r’ «, le sine Caue I ) ry G OCOOl | Ss, ey ‘ « ae “te ; afi ee a a One quarter of ull our people are scrofulous ; theit nventtiovil uf Shirte gud Collar, @e. a&e. iu peroumareinyeded hy this lurkiog infeetion, and thet wineh he cuvites your imgpediace attention. ‘Phey health is undermined by i To cleanse it from the have been purchased for @@@b. wid willbe sold eh xyeleu) we must renovate the blood by an alterathve c re offered Bere before NOW medicine, «nd invigorate it by healthy food and exer- “ie Such medicine we supply in Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, ist effectaal remedy which the medical skill of ar | 9 Laces, Embroideries, ready- ‘"'' TIME FOR GREAT DARE Sy cn derermined to sell cheaper Gian avy other hous: made CLOTHING, : ny thonks far Uh Cloths, Cassimeres, owed, T hopeBor Reme mber the Stal, liberal ~ Continuance of th Returning patroy heretutore bes . ~ Bae } p GRAN > ROW, ror Wines can devise for this every where prevailing weeunee ae ae Nueuer NOC uel tatal malady. It is combined from the mosi ac- and CAPS, Sept. 25, 1860. i ao us remediuls that have been discovered for the ex- Sept. 25, pu vation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the ue of the system from its destructive consequen- ccs. Hénee it should be explo for the cure of net only scrofula, bat also those other affections arise from i uch as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St Antho- iy’ Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, i otehes, Blains and Boils, ‘Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Seald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syph- ‘iue aud Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia. De- bility, wad, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia- trdor Lmpure Blood. ‘The popular behef in ‘impari- t\ of the blood” is founded in truth, for serofula is a leyeveration of the blood) The particular purpose virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to parfy and regen- f fis vital Quid, without whieh sound health as unpossible in contaminated constitutions, Ayer’s Cathartie Pills M. BRENNER RED JACKET cocci hem CLOTHING TALL ! mu blic venerally urned from the Great Nearly Opposite Emporium wate SOW STOCK of FALL ANY WINTER GOODS, jes BOOTS & SHOES, | &e, &ec., &e. Tike Sul his old patre . o that has ree Near Water Street, the Post Ofice undersigned just having arrive d wn town FRESH AND FASH{ONA Main Street VE , i with a NEW, BLE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, Mf tae latest mud trom ushionable styles Having wishes to mform the public of Salisbury and Rowan , es - i. personally moc 8 Coods Wil especal reference county, that he has taken the above named establich- for all the purposes of Family Physic, tothe wat this section. he feels eon. meat with the view of i ping constantly ee haud u are so composed that dise ane within the range of their tident that “ to mer views of his lane aud heavy Stock of CLOVHING aod Uon ean rarely withstand or evade them. Their oiea Chere sand the pubis generally \ Q pouctrating properties search aud cleanse, and invig- Mas es ee eee PCR ee citce jimita crpetioecotrect: I ported for Men's. Youth's ond Boy's wear, of all styles “ xeased action, and restoring its healthy bi a: meee tl c palitie and fare proces Suttable costuies for consequence of these properties, the LADIES lo GOODS, LACES, XY + Drews, Fariuers, Pianiere, Miners, Wachu tid whois bowed down with pain or physical de- Servants ase Also, a large assortinent of Suis ds astonished to find his health or energy restor- BENTSE SS, ees ae . . b4 oy a remedy atonce so simple and inviting. Boots, and Nhoes, Aals and Caps... r Iv not excelled Uy auy houre in State they eure the every-day complaints of He lias also a splendid variety of the RICHES | every \. but also many formidable and dangerous SILAS and SILK ROBES, and all of toe Call and examine my stock before pure g else ae Vie agent below named is pleated to far- te SIGN OF THE REDIWUKET . WoOBRENSER | rats uy American Almanac, containing certi- bates olineireures and directions for their ase ia % 233 LeBel be us Paids Pmportaus inany atv ir Pose viiie aa prepel wt ral erie use wit unplaints: Cystiveness, Heartburat oe, Botinoere nem, I am otal Gines prepared to full om disordered Stomach, Nausea, fu 3 f seshe bi y TS US To NU Dastoring Dusters 6 vin aud Morbid Inaction of the Bow- : ( x were? eeu ve > est noice M ae Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other ibstatia! in inanofaetars, and tn : Ori 16, Led buns rele uiplainta, arising trom a low state of the ei AUALOUs LO’ tothe reputation of & \ obstruction of its functions, i 7 ; ee LE tyer's Cherry Pectoral, No. 4, Granite Buildtag. = LO Pearce nctne Vigo Tie subseriber reapeetta a javees your inspection Bae fe v ( s, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croap, Bron- vhisnew F a wid WINTERS TOL Ricans iy yo) WATC Meare chitin t iaent Consamption, and for the relief of the will be ab! nany ¢ Vosubstona 4 AND JEWELER, Con puve Patients in advanced stages of the i themes favor bia wath a . Salisbury. WNT VES) on unusaally e ontuck of Be A so wide is he field of its usefulness and so owmer- f ty ‘ . DE usa | ss of its cures, that almost every secs ~ e2ro Clot hing, a ee t hinds in persons publicly known, = % Be " " r es ored from alarming «ud eveo dee- B Si f 3 o RG a) , seuss ngs by its use. When once oots, Shoes, and srogans. i Dic sity ager avery ater metitue fis 69 apparent to escape observation, and where 1860. WER 1 ey rony thanks c lherad patrenag : Pree weataian Peatinmncesndcis OC DUT own. the public no longer hesitate sat Aji orders stall receive mvy poompt and | es what minitdote to employ for the distressing and dan- seni attention . gerous atfecuons of the palmonary organs that are incident toourclimate. While many inferior reme- dies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, con- ferred henefits on the afflicted they can uever forget, W. R. WILSON Northern Cites A Grail Neos Building 19 Vo. 4, TSAO AVING just returned from the September, with a large ussortinent of Watches, Clocks, aid produced cures too numerous and too remarkable L Silver Ware, &e, is ready to sell greater 1, be forgatten: RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. than ever was eold in North Carolina c Paertn etter Reparring of Aliour Remedies re for sale by = (peter ecm Cea ciet a" . IRV ANS RC eRe even ener een anes DR. J.C. AYER & CO., Teed irc nieces mec Cc ee etry eae ular ener oes eal ae haa aeee Cyupe Ne ails WIL Ws Salisbury, N.C, \ ' an Heciderson niin " i ‘ A Huteleason & Co, Charlotte, ee ‘ JM Johnsen, Mocksville, mu . s _ Ladies Watches, Da eBe A oee teaingsinc Se UST ls . aime of the haudsomext Watches Mo A, &€. A Suntue, Nuefulk, Val. Reeve Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Hoar sssones | ' ‘ : \ ih es i WL eaminee Cadastre SOE AVANTR PEP Ares vuepes TCs hh TOUT CO DSU aE nee te stall ly4l Believe Asthma, Bronehitis. Didiewlt Breathing. 1 and Silver TP) G c aa BEVANS PULMONIC WARERS ( NG eeelapckeves a , Relieve spitting of Blocd, Palos tu the Chest.‘ wh iy HAAS PE WAFEES | " Relieve Le Consamotion, Lung Dt . ' 8 eee ae PULA WAFE rm Relieve Erritation of the tyala and Toushs. HRYANS PULM WAPE MA LVI R Weaiere Timsciove , tl eee a \ m cute Com Ns Winwses, WT Wile , : . tinent of Pure si Aic a Blessing to we and & Sti OTIOM ss Spooess cso, Silver-plated Cas BRY ANS WATERS Cue, € ts. Forks and K a Are adapied for Rani sand Publie Speakers. tha Dehea Svrop Crps, Wastard is Saga BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPEES Spoons, Ki, & Don't fory ud sous a ead Are in a simple form and pleasant to tie taste we will sell a TLSON BRYAN'S WAFER any relieve, but effeet rapid and ta tlag Cores, PELMONTE SIN GER'S Not WORTH & DANIEL, BRYAN S PULMONIC WAPERS N I; \ | \G M ACHINES Are warranted to give satisfieiion to every ove. Sexale and Retail Grocers, 4 NU UILILY 1 WO. en Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. No OFAMILY SHOULD BE WIPHOCT A BON 1 ele ' Tur plan reason why Sincer’s Sewine-Macuines ieryanisar) eee ( ommission Herchants. reer Yao reallly ROIGE Nigueipaverscalpnice Some mt y thaw uny other, s that they are better, more darable, No TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF No yee Raw Panve 6 Aeen more relioble. csable of doing a much greater variety Beryan’s Pulmonic Waters. WILMINGTON V0 Mowork. snd eating more monoy. Long-continued Le aos yopolin’y is proofof sterling merit. Inthe parchase No PERSON WILL EVER OLJROT TO GIVE FoR D kinds of Groeesies, Provisions, Frat, of What are ecailed cheap Sewing- Machines, thousands bryan’s P Waters, I Wines. Crores. and Tobacco have heen deerived and disappointed, bat with Six- cas silt Cousgoimnents of Flour. Deed Prot, Peath- Gres Macnises there is never any failure or mis- JOR Mos Pioy PaRochestaraN ny a Boomwin, Pobieeo, and Coun ry Pro tu gene Tak Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, and all Drog ify Neents for Howe's eelebrated: Seales Singer's Tranverse Shuttles-Wachine, g ‘ vo vce a DG WORTH | ; Ne ld ANTEL, ce be sold at $5" plain, aud &60 highly ornamented, fay 29, 156° yt ae oA | t ME See ‘isa Machine entirely new tn its arrangement; it is Liteauf Uheboro’, NOC) [Poe & BG RTH Very beautifu’, moves rapidly and very easily, and, BOOTS ! BOOTS ! Sept Us. 1s60 iyis forfanily use and light mannfacturing purposes, is ’ ' ia ase enna aay ; a the very best and cheapest Machine ever offered to Tea eee ee ere nectar GREAT BA RGANINS the pubic These Machines are being increased in i : number as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand ev oe Gentleman's Winter Warer Proof Boots, whieh i Z for them cannot be fully supplied. for atyle and work are snperor to anything that te i Singer's No. 1 Standard Shutile-Machine. infra cucks a epe C LO’ rl IING Call and see » QUil TY D BOT TOM BOOT. made A A. f vemier! y sold at 8135, but now redaced to $90, is too na he cc i CMT Seren oor : w i vallover t world to need any deserip- throwghwns, ve which will last beower than any TH by yise now offers to sell ke ery sort of work, coarse or fine, can be done oUier Boor hamecunitacne cal GENES PANTS at 82.00 worth §3,09. ALSO, Fine Calf WATER- PROOF BOOTS. ‘ a a Singers No. 2 Standard Shuttle-Wachine w p Soles ! . . ou tye «de favorite munntacturing Machine every Winter, cd warranter , fe Y tt “ of the Machine gives ample space ze PN eet Che 3,00 ‘ pearl eer hae atin ote ae ALSO, GEN rs FINE CORK. SOLE BOOTS. | ete I pee ' lescription of work, whieh, together Doab ie ytd 5 working qualities, give it a decided i ; au oe Saenger SUG ke ALSO. WILES A SON'S GEVTS RIVE CULE ROOT, ean ee uly ’ t , wih table complete, R100. . aia ‘i ry iy ' 00 is.00 Singer's No. 3 Standard Shuttlhe=Iachine. rots, warranted . ‘ eps os mn ! Corpteonahkers, and heavy leather work. ALSO, MILES & SOS PIMP SOLE AND GENTS ( . tlh Naa r pROsS BOOTS. MV B rhe ‘ Clothing, Hat and Nhoe St : ene uction in the price of there \ CG peasunt w ‘ ' ghou oO ’ iene) s rd Machnes, on the Est of October, 1X58, the Net vitor m has inereased fourfold ( , ' \ worth e ‘i Snes Machines make the interlocked an ? entoh with twe ds. which is the best. stitch t He ISS SIRS Book Bi node ry kei Every in desiring to procure full and wee 8 Sis Fak on about Sewing- Machines, their is 7 St rn bese ng capacitiessmud the best meth- " fo por ean obtarn it by sending fora copy S sA L, is BU R Y. 1M dh Co's Gazette, which is a beauti- WILLIAM ©. LORD, ah Pr eNcer (cure heanbiane att \| QW RR DICKS wou espectially riforsy the get be e ATTORNEY AT LAW, . eee tes SINGER & ( C0. SALI KY 1 NM ircaniony Newton, waidlecaurpeniidiee sy iit ee: ry’ Vew York hat has oeta blab Boon Bisp 1 oh Net ON EY, AGENT, Wi HT, Pra and mike proiapt thins ex wid will be pleased ter ve or BUR re ' sly Deedee © atevwton ¢ Maste Books. daw Books. and 1, a) \ r Bu Og ' @ehoundhie nacienny wren qavectute (7a ni APR a eireuh enue Sonne it ' \JISS GRASSWITT, having just returned } 1a. st agen with a eblendid enpply Most Fashionah!: we promptly attended tos WEDD dawe ry, purohised at very low rates HATS AND CAPS. WOR DIC KS Seer iste tie Plame amt the ation generaty thx 2a) | Wasa) u . Treapoy pre [OTM Oerommr, inet, her Stock will by wn IHCEIVED als the Tatest Stplea, Cati Karur an A ie oi gna BLUM’S cna Gat ia UREN Sop 8 ° > (PPLICATION will be mad. at Hint and Cap and Boo and Shue S Parmer'sand Planter*® Almanacs Paes on bom nem ona ian ete ) tor the year ES6L, for sale, wholesale and retail, ina for an ae porating the Patterson Wo vita: - at J. J STEWART S uning Company, at Patterenn, NOC Blank Desde for eala at thir ORs Wer 99 1 RBH 1097 Rick Giare Qer 9, LeC0 Fp Py acetate. Marat a Professional Cards. pana NOTICE. GR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro tux DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by Dx. Bason, where he is preparedto attend al! operations connected with his profession. Jan. 1, 1860. 1f32 W. L. BARRIER, DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT, NC pdly 43 Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A CALDWELL, Hus associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and offer their Professional services to the public. Those < who wish i extra char $B Ofice—the same occupied at presently br Wu trwaad 14, 1858, LAW - -PARTNASHIP, A. H. & R. A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly occapied by Dr Nesbit on Water Street, SALISBURY, N March 1, 1859. tno _BUSINESS CARDS. N. M, MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 129, Sycamore Strevt, PETERSBURk&, VA. March 13, 1860. n have the services of both, in any case, without N.M. MARTIN, SON & C COMMISSION MERCHANT RICHMOND, VA. ee | RO TANNAHILG., HL. PLUMMER, | NoM. MARTIN TF Strict personal attention given to the sale produce. Orders for goods prompt!y filled. 1 Rereneyce:—D. A. Davis, C.F Fisher, Esq Une 14, [R59 JAMES HOR Alt WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N. ¢ @unedeeor below R.A A. Muphy’s store EEPS constantly on nand a large assorit: WATCHES and JEWELRY of al! kinds Cloeks, Watches and Jewelry of every desc ript repaired in the best m yiner and on the mos ble terms. February 14, 1860 ly36 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. Prt PERSONAL ATTENTION GIN EN to the purchase of all kinds of PRODUC I And to all consignments to b: shipped to other Ports February 14, 1~60 mx soldin this market Collecting Agent. HE andersigned otfers he services to the public asa Collecting Agent in and about Salisbury He holds the appoimtinent of Tax Collector for the Town, and theretore feels authorized to refer persons to our Saperintende ut and ( fications. & April 10, 1560.(1f46 OM nissoners as to quali JOUN BEARD, Collecting Agent pBRBAN?D > © WYATT’S | TONIC CORDIAL. One of the most pleasint and efficirst Remedies ever got up for Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, CHOLIC, and ali BOWEL COMPLAINTS, rth of ch {oes ep and adulis PRICE—25 ¢ Prepared by Wo H. WYATT. Aporirs cry, Now. 186 and Iss, Wa Stre SALISBURY, NS ¢ $10 REWARD. ANAWAY from the eubseriber, vear Mhonias ville, on Saturday the 7th inet. a pound bus 4 the name of JOHN A KINSEY: 5 . “ 1 20 years of age, 5 feet 9 oor WO inches pen. weighe aboat 135 or 140 pounds, of a 1: skin somewhat seal), black har rolls wider at the end ie rather spare made, walks quick « rpright stulterseome when a little excited He thud on woe he left a black frock liusey coat. with blac bate brace edges, with some rents in the nght skirt. He aleo carried off with nin. chain, he also had a heavy flat galvanized fob chai with bead keve attheend Said bey wil! pase Coach Painter All persons are fi : \ harbor. feed or aid said boy oi any we whatever under the penalty of the iaw, tf they du ihe law w positively be enforced againat all much persons The above Reward will he given to a who will confine said boy in any jail, and of the saine eo that Tecan get him hy June 5. tf2)} c ean a ssiver Watch wotit a ater paving JOUN KENDALL. cae 1859 47 NEW MANUFACTORY — Salisbury. N. C. HAVE now completed, and have in operation Machinery, by meuns of which [can safely @ay. that I can rupply all af North Carohox with Nest and Good Cottage and other Bedsteads, ae Cheap if not Cheaper than they can be had froin New Yors or any where elise. Give me a eall and I will give satisfaction. A Irberal dixeount to dealers im preference to employing agenis &F Factory, « few doors below T EF Brown's J. 9 ery Stable 07 Office, Farnitare Rooms opposite Ro & A Murphy's swore. 8S. Ro HARRISON pd6indb May 8, 1860. LAND FOR SALE. HE. valuable PLANTATION formerly owoed | Samael Barr lying on the waters of Back Creek 15 miles West of Salisbury, on the Sherreil’s Ford road, containing about $20 ACRES, abo Acres pf good (two good Meadows) Bottom Jand as is in Rowan county; the land ie well adapted to the ——. The buildings are wl! firetorite ersons wishing to purchase will please callon Or O P. Houston who residemin the neighborhood, aud wil take great pleasure in show'ng the land. ard act an agent io my absence. JAB AIER July 24, 1860 "9 DRAYING. ‘ee undersigned TEAM AND Draying, and will eerve all who may favor him with galls in this line on accommodating terms GEORGE MOWEFRRY March 20th, 1860 faa Apple Brandy. VLD, for Preserving oS ray -* ond 188 Main at , Salisbury, N C it ives notice that he keepe a AGONS for the purpose af HOSTETTER’S STOMAGH BITTERS. The Froprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizems generally of the United States, because the article Las attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half- million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it ix evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bettles. Ihis immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in thoge sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials tu its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an imvaluable medicine, which is destined to be as emduring as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their vietims by hundreds. To be able to state comfidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomagh, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tome and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, apd soon restores them to acondition essential tothe healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find For enle low by Wo Ho WYATT. Droggiet and Apothecary, Now 186 and IR8 Main et, Natiabury : Sept Jith, 1R60 fli ‘SPECIAL HOPEL NOTICE, | yyyyov OR ort, eee BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS SALIS BURY. IPYULE subscriber take friends, and the taken this long establ pleasurein anunoneing to his blic generally, that he has hed and well known Hotel and has made every pogille preparation Co accommo date the business, tra the public, in the most Particular attention i TABLE, . i andevery comfortis prpvided in his ROOMS. His STABLES arejxbundantly supplied and at- and to all departments 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice aud clean for sale by HES DERSONEY EN NISS: (ling and visiting portions o tistactory manner. paid to his THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobaoco. From 210 to 240 dev, for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. | tended by a careful osder ; (he proprietor gives hidpersonal attention A comtortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depot ou the arrival ofthe cars With these efforts toplease, a liberal share of the ublic patronage is confidently solicited WM. ROWZER vO THE WALTO me 1000 GALLONS 1000 | | Morganton, N.C. POUNDS 0.000 7°". Pure White Lead in Oil, For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS PURE LINSEED OIL. For sule by HENDERSON & ENNISS. pas superb New Hotel has gained the reputation of being a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, aud sec |to none in the State. {the many favoruble notices bY the Pressotthe State, 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. AO. | and the very liberalpatronage received. Iveanuuuee ~~ North Carolina Foundry AND A compound MACHINE WORKS! Mansion House Corner! veo i.e coco Re aa poioentnih SESS AN ATAY.-75 Reward. ss" As anevidence of wt, Dretert rt = ee re eR Immense Attraction AT THE Ayer's Sarsaparilla remedy, in which we bave lubored ta pariiia, so combed with other substances of silt yreater allerative fe swer as to tHurd an effective an- a Ne tor the disearce Sareaparilla is reputed to cure elleved that such a remedy is wauted by those whe iit rtrom Stramous complaints, and that one CHEAPER THAN EVER !! HAVE just received a large wddition of Fall Goods to my formerly large and handhome stock wich wali wecomplish their Cure must prove of im ot Fall aud Winter Ready-Made Clothing: iieise sercice to tis large class of our atticted fel- which [Fai selling at greatly reduced proces ‘low ciigeus. dow completely this compoutd will do FRERCKS & RAEDER, Pee avs! Barcatas! ! bas bers proven by experiment ou inany of the A worst canes to be foandin the following cow plants: SUCCESSORS TO . Here isthe place to buy great Bargaiae i Clothing SEROPULA AND SeROFULOUS COMPLAIN SRUPTION® N. BOYDEN & SON, Niviiig lib st wan ever witteredd iin Sitinlury) Geo Aan Hucatish Uinraske, Vices, Pinrves, Blotensey ave * re Viwons. Sone Ruki, Scatp Heap, Sve : ae een ; ae ; . Sypris anp W ILL. continue to manufacture und keep Ba notwithstanding the receipt of a Fall Stock’ Sy euiiiic Mrrmcrions, MERCURIAL Disease, Daopsy, hand all e determined to offer my Stock ay nearly Nevnwior on Vic Dortocarta, Dewitiry, Dyapey AGRICULTURAL PIMPLE MENTS Cost Prices from wow antl Nuvesiber Couity Ut yt qau Lsmuneriy, Eavairetar, Ruse on St. An. i . tie and after, to close out al Ninian ritony’s Fike, and indeed the whole class of com made heretofore A full assortinent of propose to change any business, and will do so ever plurots arieiog frou Paruciry of tue Broow Blow Cultivators, ata sacutice sand hence here tw the place to yet Phis compound wiilbe found a great promoter w® Corn-shellers, striwoand Feed Cutters, the best bargaruw il Horse- Powers, Phreshers. c Thresteraud Separators, hy When taken in the aprng > eapel the foul vis Wwoich teste he bloc a jason oO Re vy Mave ‘ OTHING. x wt ster in t dat that season of seed Sowers, rand Sagar Mills ae ate Lon i them many hey t 3 y expuls ! p { Poe rretiiinedcie nal Mulutudes tite es eve INV Shoe k aia hie as fn cis ne ae TES tia eeinies te tren tenes ete Shafting and Machinery RI ior Huse leeltarnenpee So tite helt fen : ; ‘ ue LeTOUN Buren, r Griat Mills, Cireularand Vertical Saw Mills. Gold if : a Wloch the system wail etrive lo nd iteelifof Hors if net areeted to do this through the man ma ole eo Hata channels ofthe body by analerative medicine Copperand Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix tures, Gey wey tome by ‘ on . tyre) ANI \ ‘ eovitiat TNE PNG eS SCA S112 COS tere ereaine ts jay, ¢ leanise aul ‘ asia clondae hy never os fiud at : 5 tporces bursting through the skin in pimples, } ever \ ' root houg at p erup- “ORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every hoare duro u ; Apetiorcere nut . he ; ; _ tion made t tdet id Wutranted i ever nl they mu t pay up edily - eve \ i * ae wh Sete eave teel Nel deseriplo: eet EELS a HUES cn t such stagerish van eres elew e : K reofevery deseriptica of Machinery take we Ulanent f : i elewtise it whenever it respect tepa y ae ae eo wt is feal a your feehn w ell you when, Eveo done at short votee o : yo OWhie vo particntar disorder is felt, peopl \ Phave te srtile with an off + people enjor Set Isbutve No Gruss, bb) y34 od t wll ta and trouble houger. tor eleausing the biood vandard, Patewhs Patriot, Greensboro’; Demo M Hon * pth thy all is well; bat with eeat. Charlotte: Western Advocute, Aebeville 7 Caro Oct 2d, TAU ee i Ute there can be no laat- fue cin weerly Columbia s Observe) Fayetteville ing health peor latersomething muel go wroug, tacliftery of lite ww diaordered or over- arsapari chaos, and dese “rves much, ihe reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the wor'd has j been egregiously deceived by prepurations ef it, partly Secause the drug slope has not all the virtue that is clanoed for at, but mere because many preparations, DANAWAY from the subscribers at Lea VU ington, a Negro man pained ALEX. oF NE EXANDER | Sard mans of a dark cop lor, o feet Vor Wancher hugh, and w | oO ATE. REAL ES AIRE Co bana ver rkely fellow, bat Buggies and Rockaways. ce! PERIOR inany article ertcmace (ir PRE , YEE aubecriber hae a dot of handeome new Bug SERVING FRUITS and VEGETABLES, fi | rewand Rockswaye. which he will well on gaod sale by W oH WYATT a terms THOS E BROWN, 1K6 and ISR Main at., Sahebury, N ¢ Jan 24, M60 1795 July 24 9 b i ee setter pretending to be eonceutrated extracts of it, contain in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort Eonenlelsy HENDERSON & ENNIss, [oben (never having been closed. aud ‘8 vuests inay HIN er ntrucemelcindsontone dace: lmmulumc unilowile look 2 yeure POY (hut ttle of the wriwe ul Darsupanila, or any thing declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, rely upon the reputation of the House being sustained Wi Is Gio : d eee taal Meee unk it bable that Alex is ducking ag, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, | T have arrangements made (o be kept supplied TON oi he, 2 a ne Hi 2 Se aout renee chbort of Salisbury. Mr During tere years the public hay» been usted by and Ee UCeLS URS, cone nT We have the evi- ee with Feeoo Fish trom Norfolk aud Newbe i a ¥ re io : = St ern ie lice MoS M We ~ plantations Pe ree be elenciny to give a quart of Bxcract dence of thousands of aged men and women A d F C d | Act with every deleacy usually found at FIRS 1 PALES MES a . reward tor his apprebenmon are iy Sapsaparila for ove dollar. Most of these have who have experienced the benefit of using this sue an ever ure 3S Hol ELS seal Nearly Ms ieee ia Mi ae, eee. Na ener Dene der apne at nCuSieanae x pees preparation while suffering from stomach de- . : ELIA Ee Igy u pee Areas la i Wy ee Heir ns to coO Viet any OMe Tice, afany, Sarewpariits, but uflen nu carative pr rangements and general debility ; acting under OR NO PAY F Brown A Covs Stage Ofjtc Oe right a a an i = ae LDOW. ui é a he gates: erties whatever Hence, bitter and painful dice the advice of physicians, they have abundoned , \ meat ths House. ‘Their FOUR HORSE COMCH Serse EN ee ae, S WOMCRARY & COD tinent haw tuliuwed the use ofthe varunsextracis . . . . Vit, + TS * Ss at +16 q - all deleterious drugs and fuirly tested the Enniss’ Ague and Feyer Pills, Hs rid wothe head or the W. Ne UcRail Roa on lel! pace Fe acre et bis tsa9 uly m iil nla Hed ihe market anti ihe merits of this article. A few words to the : enn ; Me oo Wediesdac rte entre i vee . x R me feed in janilt Cerpiacd, aud imebicuine eying gentler sex. There are certain periods when WARRANTED TO CURE Daeedece el iyore : < ENTEA sa SHAY al Uh SURGES LY St a j . \l \ I L., Invus With unpertwn and cheat, Stull we call thie their cares are so harassing that many of them at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ ( @ he HES and HACKS tei i ‘) ; Ht eh age ew DEN | ey l a Ne i ES compound Sareapontia, and intend to supply euch a sink under the trial. The relation of mother hin tr : ay rete ‘areas Ure We wemleacritniel Ge) The dent and child is so absorbingly tender, that the gat Cs. Brows wt ‘ table ; iN aan ein eit ce esa en ey are mother, especially if she be young, is apt to 8 a 1 1 s " ‘ Seren. ; WE whieRare ce forget her own health in her extreme anxiety j : ; i + . ] Tew ae geen ee for her infant. Should the period of maternity Fluid and Kerosine Oil. June 1b, 1-59 ; ! erat da i ; ne a ' : se Be eeecin io arrive during the summer season, the wear of By the Galiva or Barrel for sate a Obs r. I evl , i A } vee, the remedy ehould by jad pea a body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, ILENDERSON & EN SISS* he Neve, Raters Baleto.€t ! DUS sth HENS 0 ' Pal ‘ , ne ea abe ue “ae then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- , Le Spun et 1 ' 1 ' | i‘ ay ue rate the energies uf the system, and enable the 1 yur 1 pre \ a \ Re AKEE BY mother to hear up under her exhausting trials os : z Ss % ier _ . . eedlcceee HT NeSMRN eeeinetTnCl lets cane MEDICINAL 77 COWAN mgd Th Li} pR J.C AVER & C0. rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- \ ; 7 7 Mo l { \ silanes Hous h ’ . : \ TeCoNN al LIEN A { ] 3 : R irate htacc ' tors that receive ne endorsement of physi- kK REN H BR AN DY « Vegetable Lithontriptic, O RW VehON HOt She ee Sin Bortdeanon 85 cians, because it is agreeable tv the taste as ~ Shon -: rarniertvik mete j RON ath © well as certain to give @ permanent increase _ , 5 : BS ‘ : of bodily strength Ws40. Medieriid French Brandy, VS40 AT THE Dero PR SMe hits HE SENS Te HIS Be ee Ayer S Cherry Pectoral, All those persons, to whom we have particu- 1653 at eae tes beh ci | | SB e R y 1 Lots Morganton, 2 larly referred above, to wit: suflerers from , eee ee SH BOSE Ce SAIS Vee DI RO RIDNES - ‘ BLE CGES ry, fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, bee ee . ie : . : ) NED td ea 4 1 Tire do Lang Compre atitiven dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and TEEN DES ONS ENS ISS HIS cstablishine : aes ee ‘ He , : ; : SUPERIOR eyaen ‘ €oant sici evidence at all diseases or derangements of the stomach, Leary asi i ro Sleek t i \ ea) e nee Pett superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary PEG : a Be G 2 L OCN BI WwW ATER, oe ® Ue tar awhowt thar seepen Sinai aaa Sie ate SPICES! SPICES! Yo tetera few he Tare tka “ oe their own physical welfare by giving to Hus- ene (Leia un rest uM nek eee cere taeda tint » tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Litters a trial Pepper, Spice, Mastard, Clores, Ginger, Mace, A ee " Vtret ] i i ‘ nan ever lef ad ot bas ever CAUTION. —We caution the public against . , Jenartunre rt is man fn , ; a . \ Teen using any of the many imitations or counter- OT Ae tote eee ile vw! : Die aie ' ; ee | I. Ws | . 5 th ti } feits, but ask for HostTgetrer’s CELEBRATED f{fEN DERSON & ENNISS ste munis Sele J ; i : " y C Pill Sromacn Birrens, and see that each bottle has I Pp i aa } i 5 PSE WES RUA Rade AMIGA, A ers a ar 1C a 8; the words * Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stumach Bitters a Cok Pisase a oa Vy \ . blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped - ~aNyg: ’ 4 three tee / 7 ee . sss TTY on the metallic cap covering the cork, and VINEGAR! ~ a een =A can Cy ees oe ‘ ih as , ie ye observe that our autograph signature is on the 30 cts. Pare Cider Vinegar. 30 cts. et Nd UES r : #1 per Ber ; ; es foes label ; : ee : : ' fered as Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & Shots per ta LR PRO RC CLAN IS : ‘ ods Pots Tuew 7 t Karun SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all ie ON SE : R ae : j Gout, Neu tine, ae we Pa, wed fo druggists, grocers, and dealers generally Sept bs. bso nis se T H cL U N | oO N,’ JD E W Ek LAR \ ° HAR GWARE! wy P ‘ throughout the United States, South Ame- WATCHES AND CLOCKS I f ted sath Ne a ise Boi ¥ ca, and Germany. neh e 1h ee , . ran fen 1 opleaeant wna thevooate eo bess " Greensborough Mutual cell Tie, R lall € lition !! : eee ees tai parpevexn nm tmewey / . \ Sisco, the a . 2 ’ ’ SOT: YY? “\ PHILADELPHIA. reyond ati oMmpelittron G x SCOVIL & MEADE, INSURANCE COMPANY. : i feae Tiny Hoaresee qed a i UPTON Ss. NEWCOOmER, : \ "Sela ie. Paysall Lowes Promplly! fasneisontuseoiomsmimiicesaach Stockh of Hardware vee SONS SRS DIRECTORS: f byew Ev etd re. | cr ‘ i I Paes are TRS Y Henderson & Ennive, and Wo Hoyo 4 Mebane, Wo J. Mee P. Menden- P A ae aman Se us ee Ver uanes vatt by J d. Coneords and by jeu. yop Were James M ! i uf ‘ : i a ‘ ter X . lerer ( N HU Wiisen, Win. Bar ‘ I ‘ ( \ * : May NI Mec cornenoteded pew . . nem Pie Xe 2 WoA Weert, Wilt rt ‘ \ ' & y OM es \ as Nie n SOUTHER » aa eh ar a ‘ . i : cee ( Kaci Thema Jo « Sou \ : BCOT AND SHOE (0) o> NEReUE Bese | I . Teco dhaa Don ees at 4 - C2 bb swith ot ' Weand UF ACTORY ! “ — cs c vr tk I wa ce brst : AC i . SOM DS ELSON =n RSET Pana ERE ; rein EU tl LINDSAY, mit NN ES NL ae \\ rs . ‘ a MENDES GALA. Attorney ! ) - aaa \ E patel TwHT ay 7 ‘ A a Sh ome os “ SMITH & MILLER EU. DA Mes NES. Pr , = SS > wl 1 ‘ ! Seiet IN ts \ JOHN JONES, Propr in u . WAN CELE Ett Ob NO eet eC NENG Ee lly } ~~ . / = ay fener rm BG i ’ ( J \ NE 2 Bixee e ¢ Mm ee 1M Vives t ae Gentleaea’s Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, |) URNS us BROAD STRExT, DR. MOUTARDE'S Stn ee — | ee “ , 4 es ; Ue SD a SOLD Te eee nner tee ws . NEWB DVT tery ge Doo 7 Wi = =: 1 La . ‘ r asf (he ice, shoulube addressed to Tannery 12 “4 OT ACHIGUS dain Wier. ~ - : e : f Late thee et) PETER ADAMS. Seeretars 7 Cd _ —_ yt Pale arcana nae nM Geneasborough, No Co. June (ih Lstit 1 RULE MATISM, | ‘ —- =e ee . men, Urey flat selves tha “ ° \ ! Neha | na 2} fel aood ’ . 6 bona ee g rie g ik LAND FOR SALE. National Flag! tic = = BAK . t ; o HEN TO VS fi ey ; _ Eoots, Shoes & Gait eae TOE SS ADE aes S (ama) LIVER INViGs Ain, can be pnret dom Ne Pagland tor the same 1 be eority of Row Hi oaaden W ‘ n = NEVE DKRILITATES, eee 1 THETIC Rel ee the Sherrel)'s Ford Rovd. and now b WM. M. BARKER i —_ : (mormmn| T is compounded entirely from ¢ ee Deehstnineljens eau Piece eS I hank oneal er rer rs, Sam ; Eee eee ea wy endray voong them a braneh of contaming about 200 Acres, under a ingh eae 2. 2 WV. us : =. joe s a . | oiners that het f — Manotaccor ehanceof abel ines. cultivation. vbout 60 Xerex of t Wood fia a | saat i eine ; : hey off rat [now ter bar privately \ meee sui) I Co . ‘ ‘ os ™ Ireiase Wad pleaae callon the eubsceits if = cro 4 WHOLESILE. AND RET TD, WARY ELRVNKIN, Caria Be ‘Business, : vennetied Bosal ete Fivecutr sD Rank : = he WEIL Mi Se Nice: = { nn wots, t h a } , een ere rat HiGey 4 Vee < Nee Te I 4 : SOW : Meas CARRIAGE cee Si oa 3 ta A requested to Yawe Pas ie P Sb * 2 ' He has s the Northern 4 \ WH BR OS WS ILS SS Thoutne ‘ Wedelay : aud these having ¢ sags ' ; ; ‘ tacks, 8 g : ay mee ae all ry ’ oO present mwotonthe : Sammer Com- O de £ R. 7 Le Oo ? 7 NS. ( Ae npice wale aie rbeounp mer Ih fama trea nis * = y vo e i n eS ry, Dropsy, Sour ,Habitaal t whieh 1 “ AW r] Ne ine < Costiveness, Chol- te, Cholera, Chote- Patent Leather and Feeach t M vk Yoh. RANKIN, | NX ri werkonneh i when ak ( Intl. orbus, Cholera! Infantum, Flatu- > elGent 1 he a id tieoest and Ty ul \ heen apporn ed Ae f 1 Jaundice, Female Weakness ee ap ee pe . RTT NECA Teacieerinicaver tats, jie ties ca WHEELER « WILSONS nn Wi and may be used auc cowtany aa an Ontina= ee eee en a Cy , ; 2 y ; hohe pabie wit * Medi- clue, Itwillcure SICK Jbat thes he N , ' CHINES kere qa 1 pub ry Family Oxford Mes, Brent ( Weel Oe Bee oe aU BE SOSSAMON, ae Ord eet 2 aac atimlicines HEADACHE, (Gr Meteente won Tee, a give brmats Niet . r - u DE Rees Teer lel Tel iatetme kerala yr Tne eA Sean arto peer twenty minutes, If two or three Te Tr Goiethem and supply cour wants and i {4 TOEIN DOOLEY, ea ue n | I, ‘ ns ema ee Mee a spoonfuls are tak- em at commencement of : I ' c tay ster Seat sir ue Bees UP Ural apaan AB Tine nee strat iuhats that as ae TIN SHELT IRON, COPPER A WYER “a who mac I are pa klving thelr toxulmwcoy eiciteennanincucrnmdany Manufacturer and De yieran B Li yu ‘Tt | | . ‘ ‘ nee a : \ eee : pee e Nees row n S ALY I a al ) eC, WARE, STOVES. &, : MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH N . UR STRAW, LEGHORN, PANAMA, SOFT A FORKIN VT Te i Ie Hnesanivcrs en ae Peon ow offer the fargest and hiandscmest of COOK . . . THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW THOM SSVI EG) t : ax) ‘ ING, PARLOT CHURCH STOVES eves FOR SALI BOTH TOGETHER oe fy I TENE Rants Conn vrmimeerncRian x { hun thet tabhshment an farina . , pie el gente Price One Dollar per Bottle. ITATS. CAPS and STRAW GOODS, Ne caitlin Miocmm SreeInG ceatao. eomril Spring Hill Tract of Land, — ALso, — tn whe Tavonid vnvite the xctentiou of De ene oe eee au EN SANFORD'S ASTOUMDING ! the mores atts Nargies Neath Catedita and Tene | ath Oe peat ae ta ee CONTAINING 100 ACRE _ . Pre ontident of my ability to supply them with | can alway crak Reels Ciaetenenties FANHIS Tract of Land is siuated two miles fror S ASTOUNDING! iene eee ane mtn iiteaccde emesis Vices Loto ene CATH ' - . 3 they can be procured weany market an th Jan V0, Y= tt 143 tothe Yookin River, the North Carolina Ranteoad COMPOUNDED FROM ASTOUNDING! anes " ris at ects lose ye we oc te premises a a Dwell Pore Vegetable Kxtvarts, and put ap in My cock willbe kept courtanty full by the add) buy good Horses PHOMA\S Fb Be Hl FEES ETT Enna angin ea ameciny ut ASS CASE r Tight, and will keep le $ r : ‘ 1 M PES Sak ' : SELB AUDI EU ema ae ? x any climate. e ‘ 7 Conernatlt or thle; and. have yg 1 eet (nmin (enti ay 5 thartte PITT, re Wyatt's Remedy ee eee Chills and Fevers : tng niin ew a pentane G ' blest lee wil he ofmy own manufaciure. My (ays Tene i wean \\ 7 t Low, ee ; fe rottid divides | 1 An Unfailing Specific Bleck Moteoskin Hite atill the front rank. a ne a PEVER AND AGUE fie Lael cme \ oS pd’ For the Unfortunate! coo Ty oesertment of Boxe. Misses’ nod a oo ; \ nner TLGiAS Seen NT AFFLICTION cae lanes ee HE 1+ LILES DISEASES, <i cy 8 Tsun " Cori Cl hie Geist APPLIC TONS, erent atyfes ot Brad and Deghorie cannot be urd x ma ersitied) has ir ‘ shed tai Seen are oy : 2 tangs .T" weds Deaying Betohs PREV VILING IN 4 WARARTONS CLI EE, °° : Cee eNO) Nes: a / | —— Ae eae OE SANTEE Maailutosactl TURNIP SEED Bie ' ‘ y requyere : ‘ Tee SK lap | feeded CUES Get NP AREIAC TIONS My su thous gualiton ot Qony ORegia menrot t “ UT Va oeaicey Se Bris rnd Poencan Cured | a ' Stroma | = ett oplote he dith re ‘ ’ as Sa pect iy Ih SVERY VASREETY. PRES and WARRANT 4 and Sore Ww 3! . : avian IN A FE DAYS ut ely Hi | eae " “ \ Tey Wyatt’ Fonic AM ' ; Jo in WOH Wy Art ! Ly HOON 2 IA) ath ue Bm \ ey PRU SalinbureeeN 13 ce . Pa cidt dniber with 7 ae 5 : ts ee ; rae Beard ' 11 ! t ce Piles | ' var ne iW PvE Ses Yor rite 1 t | fin Recalbs Wo WAN Divetir) and 1. < eth dese al 15 ue be ON ANA VER, D peitdre Caine, dq Te Pi ghettos THM WSVILLE 28°58 ae ‘ NOTICE THIS EOE age O ! : ‘ and SHOE “4 HILLSBORO’ eat . ie ™ , Cb THER DOES Eas i wnt THU! ' ' ; rook of ee nvlcorator and Bamily €n- <4 e ee Pi The a i Manufictured by MILLER & THOMAS. = MITLUT ARY ACADEMY. r naette Ph SON s under the conduet of Cor ‘ Bole Mi, say ronD, M. [CLR RIVED ceuppls ol GENTLEMEN S ena aren ha ann ; i , ai ORRELL & GRADY, CINE OO SAND GENTS UNI Se nner e Thaetat Ot WANTED ST ai 15 Broadway, New Vor M ANS: tie Tenlere ROOTES, mmautaciured by Mirye & Troma : 1 be Officers 1 SW MEN RAON & ON NISSG Davao p ea : 5a \ Ne onli acer anion a ee 20090 feet Sycamore Lumber, ws Cem bury, Nt aaiek jracpcent deel: . a ene: 1yé HATS, ¢ APS, / ene , * N - ily 2¢ [oO hie os a hone fe \'! PEeStS ’ ' , Straw and Millinery Goods ethem at dH ENNISS F e Hl My ehesieee sh, 14 aD BK id Shoe Stare W ands A 14 ait vith | ~ Umbrelias, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, &e., a 130 hite H AIEEE ‘ JAS: A. oe tees : : : find stead employment upon the MS May 22d, [¥en 12 eneada. | . aren LOAREM ACO, Charette, 8! No. 18 Courtlandt Street, Fine Suits. MW: aren Ruthartsra Rare Re RPR ENP winn p IONE 1 P RTATRE Vf van FINE SUITS of CLOTHING Sreivaiince Koniszin , h d Coll yi , : ; i wpe for we dit Aagrrearplen callin shireat Ciolh SAWL WeNINCH, ine Shirts and Collars. BUN AU neia ) Verr York gy Emporium DAVID WEIT May <. 1™60 ‘tfa0 Chirloites Na , . aaa SHERMAN BROTHERS, 17 emer eStasp— Noo, Murphy Gran ' aist porchase fine Sharte an ¢ NV IN KGaA kh. Twronrens axp Josacas oF ; . + Row. Saliahury, NC A the (reat Clothing Emporium 1000 the. BLUE STONSI ae ; r~AT ‘NT J R 1 Tes PI RIMCTN RM MINRCNR, for ene ty WW TE H ] G a mm 141 e A S. eno el wen Raw | WYATT, [66 vid 148 Moun s \ ardware, Cut er y; uns, 1000 th BLUE STONE! se a AND HEAVY GOORS, 19 Park Pin wind 16 Murray Street. Nv YORK. fmpd2 MATERIA Fea 1a SoS as AT THIS OFFICE Saves 160 BLANK DEEDS FORVSALE AT TIIS SORFICK VEOR SAIL dec Th cal No tia an ou oul of li j we | Th in jul tra tie re} — l red ta 1 be surra- f wtild e an- cure thore | one fin d fel- Will du ot the aiute: yTION® cues, 8 AND KOPBY, YSrey An- com- ter we © foul bon of Many tudes 6 from sores, erifof h the dicine mod it erup- truct- Ver it Eveu het brood with » laet- wroug, over- tution, d has partly hat is utions, ontain thing ied by Airact have ontain + prop- disup- xtracis ul the ynony WT thiw puch A vad of e have Pe eint) tended radiea- lichrus- ¢5 ‘al, ieen ence ot on, Dye ere bure Rirwn wed fo SPM ILIVs be bers na taney Vithot ify.) Om \ Tea= ment of stulmony VITH LOW LS, up in heep feagen or hae artica net . Den Tee gh~ Lote, over » Drvoat ette, Nf TUNS, rat, J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Siugle copy, €2,00 hive copies, $3.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Chips exceeding ten, in the saine proporuon $1.60 each. Payinent always in advance tah Nk Ss Tho following Courtand miscellaneous BLANKS are kept on hand tur sale, at this oftiee, Can be , = seul by mailty any part of the conuiry, at sinal \ OL. X \ 1 | I. expense. Civil Warrants, 0 Com. totaks Depo ©. 4 B.C Yasar & Bonds, Appreutice re Writs, 0 & S$ Court © fetters Cestamentary, 0.8 8.C. Letters of Administrativa, a0 Speciaibetters do., C.& 8.0. Marriage Licenses, H ckets. De Certifientes perenioa Bonds, C.& 8 C. Variour Equity Blanks, Boil Bods, civil cases Do. (Indictments, Bail Bonds, crim. ¢ Laud Deeds Attichuent Writs, Deeds in Trust, Delivery Bonds, Sheriff Deeds. Alninistration, do Kquity do Bastarday, a Notes of Hand, Appeal, a Notes to Bank Qi iacuy other fore of less frequent usec. nilavkeprl ged vorl noshort aoticn [From the Sarannah Republican | Oar Federal Relations—-What Should be Done? The Presidential election is now deci ded beyond a peradventnre or a dealt The clecticn of Abraham Lincolu, the candidate of the Republican party of the North, to preside over and direct the des tinies of this great confederacy, presents an oer ee hitherto nuknown to} our peop It inangurates anew era on our history, and dates the commencement of anew policy with our Government.— It wroes tarther think or hope as we may, it brings us face to face with revotution The dissatistaction is deep and univers in one wh inhabitants feel that they have been trampled upon, and thatevers considera tien of international comity and fraternal regard las been despised and sot eile We propose to offer some celia: ks Qpon this inauspicious condition of athuars, and section of the Uuion, whose to accompany them with a few sugues trons comtaiaing oir own tad tdi views as to what ts best for Creotgia aod tae South, aader the cercutnstances. And, tu the lire plice, let us look at the ucts; it will mot du te deciare war and proceed to extremities poi at randoin sentiment of oppostiica viii some real, intellicent basis apon wii tu rest it. The South owes at te herselt aod to the world, ta stute yaa i grievance—to show, to (he comprenen sion of all, Woctesn ave loner au etery are Juoparged. A tinere peteral deetart Coonoed wroties re ed ata Taree will not satiety the thikin coms lena portion of thee paves tow ‘ oA took for justiteat ro, 80 ever elt Wwe may bcs prot to (ars Why. bet. is the Senth wverse ty andy muting to Lone Saiyan ‘ration General wert t ( s PrCpeise Ly aia wee Tis apices ott specications slag te beta atituetta edd or ted l Hos tl ! + | t i Teen The wos Feo bets clus vely ly Nur Vober ee ‘ natvely by Northern votes, and t ss alriuse ‘ iw 1 pow 1 belatigs to . 2 hes ' ‘ ty w 1 Vin oni ei foun ‘ Pet eat al deutns bvt Tie enue t 1 bey ia 1 ’ 4 1 ‘ 5 ‘ 1 wu TU Ol eNvannas : tinnedt and carditis pewer of the Gener Gris parent, t s depart ts Lob 1 { ‘ CECE stu 1Obs. oo Me Utel sidel bas ta i ' a vou t 6 Stutcsent wie N \ F those States, LOR ayer exietence of aConstiit ae proves the return of fuwithee laves fron South, have opesiy, detianthy and son fessiV “Hee Tt ath Cette , the federu vas tor cares fap it } Vision, aid coutuine fo diviare tat shall mot decentorcet wot then resoective tates Sorel tor the party ose tn ts bes phases, without taking ito the wing of ut ship, whe Operiv advocate tae SHI that dary tian of teyislation ape Wh tle States, aul have declared tuetr widineuess to beri ote at fire, rapine, and the sword t law Butrcuaiv oe sard that better than tus porty, or eecu t noof ato and iu order to test the pork force of this apped, We propese ta aseer tain dos opinions and polrey, as recent announced by toomsell and tines ware seom anthorized to forestieliwe tac es of lis adiuinistration. $.— And first, we copy from the New York Zémes, tiie leading organ of the party, and chaning to be conservarive, the following sec. official announcement since the election : + Phere ean be no doubt whatever in the injnd of any man that Mr Lincoln re gards slavery as amoral, social an lp litical evil, and that it elianid be dealt with as such by the Foderal Government, In every instince where it is called ua to deal with itatall, Ou this port there ho room for question — and there nee ! Oho uit as to lis vthorat aeton The whole yetlicnee of the hxcentive De partment of the Government, whele his Nanda, will be throwa ; fension of slivery tte the wew Tone nesot the Union, and tie re openinen ot the African shave trade, On the he will take no compromise 1 : hal one tain’s breadth to ¢ ; quatter or in any shape LT din accede to the aliedged d tothe Snpreme Conrt that the Con otuttion " Ces shives upon the footing of oatuer 4 petty, and protects thenbas sneh wherey eT U3 Jurisdiction extends, nar will lie b Mn the least devree, governed or eonteoll ed by itun tis exeeutive action. Ee wil do all in tia power, personally and off oti : clally, by the direct exercise of the pow tod Cie iairect Paes Inseparable from at, to arrest the tenden cy foomanke slavery nator nal,” &e ‘ o—Tn proof that Mr. Eeneoli ia cor HEGhiy, represented, we refer te lis Sprig feld apeech, June U7th, 158 he takes the broad ' ers of lis ottice mal ANC perpet in wlie ; ground that “this CGovermment cannot eudure permanently Hat shive and halt tee : “and that at is tho duty ot ite Oppongate to “arreat thoe would not is either a poor patriot or a SALISBURY, N. C.. NOVEMBER 27, | Devoted to Politics, Wews, Aqricalture, Jrteraal Japrovenments, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Citete. oe if THB DUTOHMAN'S EXPERIENCE IN POLITICS. ‘ - “Mine neighbor Wilhelm, vot you tink of x litios, bey ” asked Peter Von Sin of his neigh- | bor yes teal the Twelfth Ward blacksmith | one evening, as he seated himself in a “ Bierhaus,” “I tioks much,” said Sweitzel, giviag his pipe . le long whiff. © | “Vell, vot you tinks !” f | “I comes to der couclusiom that bolitica is ‘one big fool.” |“ Ab!” exclaimed Pete, after taking a draught - from bis mug,“ bow you make him datt” | “Very vell, mine friend, I tell you,” replied R 28 Sweitzel, after a few whiff, “I came to dia Oc | place ten years last evening, by der Dutch 4I- , | anac, mit mine placksmit shop. 1 builds @ae a little houses, I puts up mine bellers, 1 make mine ‘fire, I beat mine iron, I strikes mit mine ham- “mer. I gets blenty works, and I makes monish.” ~ Dat is gooth,” remarked Pete. “Tsay dat I makes much friends,” continued further spread” of Southern ins’ rations, and thas, by confining them ww tain fixed limits, place them “in a course of ultimate extnetion.” qualifications tor adaainistering a govern nent of which the Soutiern States form hated slavery, 1 think, a wench as any 6.— In lus speech at Cincinnati, in Sep year, and daring his candidacy, he purpose of himself and lis party to pre vent the enacting by Congress of laws for the protection of the rights of slavelold- Territories, and said, Mist prevent (hese things, (te slave trade was done by either Congresses 0 i“ The people of these United States.” ie continues to sav, “are the reghttul mas ters of both Congress und Courts, not to the Constitution, bat to over: ‘throw the men who pervert the odious doctrine of Seward, high estate, and so reorganized as to de stroy ifs in lepe biemee a servient te tae madd {teetion at the North perverted eatian tnd thatatis te be kept rp brethren, while the latter for the works of ouc fathers, and are loth to tear it down, even under a prociama tion that would pastify the step and digpriss onate consideration of in-all its bearing desire toawet tiiiy ap to the duty of VGreorgian and strained to differ from Neither, in our Judaiment, « matemplate o a romedy tor @eXisiing grmevances, and of justice and tigit, eowWha wonld Oppres Whatever the S every effort of reco We hope, and would farm believe, tot denee to mmke one more eft proce (to extrem: trea, an will agree that the Union ationld be sn tained, provided it can be done | or and safety to ourselves Worse statesman. inatters stand, we vot stow the South ean agree to f Lineotn and tath witadive muanty from the Northern States of te COT EGE GN Gr “Gist Tt as re the idea oof saeh Gominition objectiona ble and odions shall te ctfeetually re , e moved Phis alone can preserve the Un sete dts parts. We can Hotexist long tozetoer, even shouid the lon and vive present stort be maowed lo prise over, and there is no beter tine than tie pre Bent for an aieabie Uncerstandiny and settlement, or a peaceable separation In recollection of the noble sacriices of our jathers ty form this confederated Gav ernment, the countless blessinaes it bias conferred pon the ca of rn , erty and pometiont ened we are UW Lo aT fap | edbore eariest and patiiotic etfirt to decide whether or notiteau be maintain ed consistently with justice and Leonor To this end, we would cuggest tout a National Cone nteon, to be composed of three delegates from cael and every State mnthe Viner, and appomted aeeord:ng to the pleasure of each, shad be constuared, foineetat the earliest ile md ote whown shall be thre { ~ t ¢ mireve ‘ yer 1 i ; cert Sein raed cif “ thel | ! tf ¢ fee Fas Abad ts 4 tit ACLS { toa 1 1 heart jn us, ive ‘ t xe OH: ivi pod hia 1 at: youl Wes Cu We wonld Have itasscupoie on the ve) oaay ar kebriaryv—tne tortiduv ot \ Tou bade, ce Hl Ne i Ww ' { at ' wens ion Vs f \ Meme Cr heed t oy yin ders i Kh ) We ! t s ' witty Me t ~ sess ' temoor of 1 1 th > not tis , werent am ies ( \ , ‘ pet holtt 1 ya v1 Ne } Mite [0b ‘ ta) 5 + i t bre 1 iedoet | rt maf IST May wet eoerish ‘ mal beye tap we rey the let fe Eaneire f the sanath, and that she wilt Land bid all her Southern s in her train? Wouata grand ¢on- snoeomation it w 1 Spee yeh, tt steal ey POR ve T s S Ny its how mite wud bie ie tw hate us a We > med ie ‘ Py ts \ ‘ booresn t 1 = AYE ive irre n tofter Tita us va trig 5 vd 1 ) nN ihia ‘ noe \\ Py HAON SULA T as bla is concede tt Lincoln ts elected. I saquestion of dinportanee mow, ° What 4 South for protection Let ue 1. Tie Sopreme Court of the United Unite? States tis Exeen tive for his signature tuatined tot receiv hthe sanction ot i houses of Congress } ie 1 1a tv Ti sanetton oof the Waited Bat let us suppose tiet he attempta te do unlawtii th that he attemps to violate tre rte ten eomeat the peo ple ors ota veto transeend PANY respoet tie antlyoesy vested inh m Wtboet on and taws. What is the remedy £0 Den chinent by the Touse amb tine and ounishiment by the Semate tf fine mm Yaving both branches Wo Con esse toe side of the South and the Coustioat Panv man deubt that they wanet | mm otheir duty @ We should thas hace three distinet ramparts twainst aggression between us and the Presid nt, Such a course wonld be at Yonee dioniited, constitutional, sate, and would raise us up hosts of frrenda every where Phe sympathies of all conserva tive men of all classes, would be on ont side, and with such a basis of moral and political power, and a cordialunion North ind South, against sectionalism, can any rensonable man doubt that at the next ' ] » eieetion the R : vould) ‘ean seetomah i eronted, horse, footand dragoons? Seeession, and th Wministraion, — Many \travagant reports drive beeame enrrent relative + ! ‘) a“ v lant yy { i \ mn ‘ 1 von this exciting wud d are chee bit we 4 ' \ | 1 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ Coatyinetl tits stay ir mat consideration yan] wea panty as ow sivinees) that the Admuustration wats take yonetion concern thie imatter bat what or ts wisdom is deemed becomins and) cons “ 1 | ANG. hear of nothing that woutt even justify the mn esgon that any iobtare oor naval movenrents are at presen templated, althouch every ef tow Jonbtless beomade to eosare proper ob corvan t ww Conuress Phe in \ wel or Hon ‘ verb we Caben ’ jen ‘ ' of tomas to tl yal bear Wie question secession, we are satiated. are inifonnded Woish ton States Wolonghby IP Scallings, residing near Wau renton, No Co was killed on the P2th onst. by the accidental explosion of a pratol he was hand ing TUE WAR IN CHINA. cut of and taken prisoners by the enemy, = while Dringing Cominigsariat bau trou ‘ipture of the Taku Forts by the Anglo ee Nang. ne evemy having disperse. ourariny Mrench forces, and suspension of hos French forces, and suspe ue took dpa position for the bight an iid tilitees wound the captured eamp—Probyu's re horee, however, first taking a sand foray The inail of last night pat usin posses: into the country and bringing in some ston of our files of late China papers, being seven or eight hand ed sheep, which en from Hong Kong to the 12th of Septem: " win m " uf uh ee s Laat 5 ae soy Iheke a tolerably confortable supper be- ber From the “Overland China Mail . vs - Loe oe yp " 7. tore “turning in™ for the MYgAt between of that date we copy the sabjoined letter, te da np ground and the canopy ol ie giving an account of the gapture of the ieaven. ‘Taku Forts and rout of the Chinese army Daring the whole of the following day by the Anglo-French forced s, which led to the troops rested in the sume position, while stores were being brought up trou Peli-tany, aud a recunnadsance was wade : : in the direction of Tong-ku, the next place further hostilities, At the latest dates to be attacked. Yong-ku is a fortitied Land 1 1 and French Ministers, were at Tien-tsin, the Petho, about three miles from its mouth, and two niles above the Taku forts. Itisabouta mile and a half in circumference, and ts) surrounded by a creneilated wal abont twenty feet in the surrender of the Province of Pechele Upen ia guarantee of the suspension of intending: soon to start for Peking, where the Chinese Governinent: lad) proutsed them an bonorable reception. The war is supposed to be terminated, hereht, of toaueuse thickness at the base, aod pierced tor about a dozen big ywuns Pring, Accrsr 26, 185) on (he side on whielr it was attached. My last to you was dated, Tttink, Au- Phe wall i mied by two wet ditches, est Yth, when we were pyging Fi GUbitw DUls ee eater at t nwidcta, and frou Peltany, und mad, thoh. stenches, crowd. ve to ¢ feet im Geplay cy Crossing ing, confusion, and iovbab, that forerbly Wis “f ~ wold at most poutts be ex- reeatled to memory. and, if any thine, btoa Tankin as well as a trout fire inpagse | toatef Duaklova in its worst . HVOQECIER. TR TGC ews (fee Die twowtorm wreeksnmeeriscd, Cubigzal sidered very strony, vied already the wh fine Taka Porta Witian taree hours after we opened , le , the ents Ypon it, however, ou the morning of the } Sioa l4th. it sours, our artillery, more espe Armstrong batteries, imalkouy ed town Linas ig been ns gnifcent practice that iC was ctu ( vformighe de fortress siermed, pss for the Tartars to stand t+ tach ry of Loo imen, wat ail Giese ns. Ofir tirst Royals asd = \teia tiles, ve and equiptment, bas been marci) Wel tie Prench, then advancec ii extend sd) ihe Heavy exehany ed across some tiiteen mies of mud and 6 oro, alist al toto bear wpe v the Tartar tate dock mein, succeed rot ic Wil SHOW d rever , ir stil} ere t Sa fed 1b Crossiter both ditches, aid storuung, ur troops are rates quartered it dien- the mites, conowed ¢ yby the Royiis, in, and eur yun i qhaetiy Se ting in about a quarter of ab our oe incor off it, at Viseeannans ye the French, woo attacked some five ed vards oif L doubt mot tie ¢ lave been salistacioriw solved by the Ssoon as our men eet in the barturs submissive reception of oar Poenineten fled through the tows, and ene nt lary at Pukine by the Brother of the toomake thcir esc et a San and of tie Moon river or down towards the northern Pasa Onthe | Instant the enti foree forts, and were ehot iu great qui bers cwith the excentiomof TL. Mo ninety-nint while doing so. They must have lost at reviment he Go sponding foree of least two hundred killed and wounded, | Earecrn Whe temutned te garrison Pel. shoud taink, while our Casualties dig ne) marehed out from that town to at Get caceed a dozen wounded, rk tine hau > Cains ut Sing fio, the Having cleared the town of the cnemy “ stcivision, Witlitue Ereneh, tle Brenesa and our tirat division thea re: od Vat w DV tae CAUSEW LY Wii GATen us tired to encamp aud rest, about two miles n Pen-tang to Singh to atiacw tag Outside the place, while our second divis hemng | iy While Gur second division bon mare ved in to ocenpy it tor the migh st < weross 11 nin, Hit Ges anciiieu eek Unt »old amen, women and children lett rtarn the Alter Htear hou < oh tie place, to the mam ter atthirer toling vast —flonnuera 2, and pant: Huodred, were taken care of and on r thre hud and ow a i: W fax were Given aver to tire ' vod s halted oo wnt tharoftroce. A tew ( hat Sec x tl aeert wt trices y commit ( luip. ied sielte and indian i Yo basins 5 ur oe Ge AWMuIS Vie Pechuidren it varias lito tine ‘ i at etnbe Current . ” NCO ch ig els els OCT ta ntag eee Uta ‘tones, hoawtied 1 wel ! LN ds prevented oy out diene, Lwery oe ve vite edn 'rotacimn ated drawve ! a tlic ue tab Cet NTU Cente phew pyobwuiy TAGGIN AY e: elr artied TSE alae lage, Were ant cunuiltes, i not worse ind speedily drove the ene froin it Having got so tar with bare ryoomore tre reftrenchinents, Meanwise the tan the P COV GRcen WA ent Buea nara ; 1 Tartar cavalry, to the iinoer or Aion StU kes nie pom . he torre! \ PAReorin LOU HOUSA meetup eo aIssnues DOC want Wiest al rae} eneral a eqilacn, aod threatened onr second rs, the General w cisiuay om every etde. tnit out trene bemaiu where hewas unt he dosteres Wttomes ide Sel) live miantien Ch Cras Cc rOueey it SOMCrs UWL Or ONU TON Cul tanst lay poenrect fo Hy ¢ HDG Gil cer l W , tliat eta tstai wll GUss ZO TS erat 14ey ee Veni tent <s dd thee ventitte at wil cis edoin the same posdtien they tad taken Pan rs f rooon the afternoon ol tue dah Mean- es. Wiel thes Were fe caw treay yy SINC STORES al every INT! ware a7 ot Tacit Toes (vr Cline Got Tienes alte. au ibundanee, though under dithceulties of when some seven or eeht tandred of wantoet transport and heuvy road that them bore down upon our forth brigade, vould Dave arisen mate Cronerins, Ate consisting of the syaty seventh regiment Was Well nigh a Wing many verwar ssain ; thorities” to despair” Ene French cou } notomanage to “hold on at aly b believe, ind royal quarine-.) deabtless with toe mild intention of exterminate i, Win they gat steloa pepperiig trom « Eq. boty ther transport and ec ounenissania beaters | Teel : ! told titles (at tacy were sent scammer lredkiing down ce etoly > me ow large ne offin vit dtstnny, and fevlive bor er of tic Cristen The tise ald mae been (ook Up their positiea among the bane riblv sof have ne wont, PoC Gey arate Att aan sMecney for Lu fe saw them forma iio “squares with the nt rauks all knecline, and that there. and that without any other appe ont ob- » they bad only ject than merely to siosist themseives on pat them ln what they could pick up over there, Dragoon Graard ard Pro : Wee However, To must now come to the erand attack of the twenty first, and 1 ri Thowithin reach, some miapaged ta uct ) ) eive alarve meed of praise to’ where or other inte field, (hough where Tmust give y large meed of praise to gallant allies.” who certamnty did th veotow TE diave not been able to ascertain ke | | r vhomer of the iar evaetiv and eut them down “ike tapa part bravery in hen Pitre vt fieht Tbave now tad of tlustles.” to the number of about one hundred, P believe Most nuworthy foes, too, are the fonrtia reg tar cavalry, although phyacealiy tine st ehoeogh men, ata bv to mea Wan tinier veseventl LoS Sa SEG Pieces ny ok is indeed the mere ottiea eb tne whoie of the e Sal > strom push daring to come oat aginst sued Woops as en woohe mouth of tre deco Was aries ours ato ail is suilieent to prove But and sich terror was st Saventenet SUIS they are wretehediy tounted, poor ted our epenites Chat, Wit Cire atte They SUPrende re d, Hebe OnE OMe sy ws on meagre dookiny pores, and sti \ rents : tartare k worse armed, their onry weapons bem le whore of the dakie ¢ ave ance av mundane cither clawnsy and not very sharp dances, 80" iv nee, | EEL , bit defences betecen Ults aD | oki soil more “elbmpay and blanter swot athe t Csi } tnatchlocks, or old-f ned pistels, nei vid have clare ISIE SAI es Do ag ly Iarmless to all bnt their owners, a movil We wi > n \ does and arrows. The uniform ot a SHCTY gt SSE Nl enitswieent of those who were kiled consisted of a Fs bifck or parole silk hat, shaped net un | Bato the begin Vi | the new fashional ny Crow pbb oetatt Ine 218) w bat ot sttfer construction, and decorated MOUSE STT ESC MES ORSINI wit tl vestct the Brennen, rOnid Clors the Vive with a brass bad, and pair of squirre: tails, and yellow cotton jacket, With blick | facings, and dark blue yy trowser tueked anto biack sik boots, reachit nearly to the knee DPhev aost have jost at least three or tone hundred killed at eit , yet torts \esordit rfoeeventne of the Bota tie second vosten moved ont and teok wo pesiian finan Baron Gros, the English town, situated on the northern bank of fonse the dansaage of the BP. ity mg Villages tuere, at least two oor taree when they days before any of our troops tuoved trou the position that was taken upon the LA, Pare Ot vod to ent own artinery, eugiieers, Liment, Tova darines, aid tooo banee Sothat the campalyn may d toreaten the southern forts, white the second division shonid: assault the near —— — | Wilhelm, re-lighting his pipe. “Der peoples prable points | ail say, Von Sweitzel bees a good man ; he blows esa eine der morning, he strikes at night, and he minds ane : . : “ "his basivess. So dey spraken to me many times some inkling of what was My on, for i and it makes me feel much good here,” slapping they threw out showers of fie-balle from |), bree the walls of the fort im ordgg to discover). Yaw, yaw, dat ish gooter,” retaarked Pete, where our nen were and wiat they were yo was au attentive listener. about; but whether itwas they either! + Vell, it goes long dat way tree years, Treef could not make them out id not con-| Let me see, one year I make tree hondred dol- sider the work they were ed in as|lar; der next year tree hundred and fifty, der affecting them at all serio "1 hey only | uext four bundred and ewongey, and der vext fired one or two pune dur Wight. | five bundred dollars Dat make five year; whep At daybreak next moe Ye-division | vld Mike, the watchman, who bees such » bed advanced, some tour of fi our butte: | mau, came to me and say, ‘Sweitzel what make Foe ee ee PM make moan Cia him precision; while the sis to| Bad you how to oe, say, one wing of the forty-fourth, royal | ra bow . ‘ddeo he tells oe Inarines, and sixty-seventh and one bun- into vaiacaea nit big i impo: dred and second regiment of French, ad-| /.5 te tells me dat Shake, the lawyer, dat makes vanced—the Buffs, the other wing of the) uch burty speeches AbouL Faderland, bees ago- forty fourth, and a Panjanbee regiment) joy to ran for Copgress, and dat Shake, the law- remaining in reserve ; the Chinese reply- lyer, tella him to tell me dat if I would go.among ing with great spirit, but little apparent) de peeples and tell dem to vote mit him ali der skill, almost all their shells bursting ebort, vde, he would put me in one big office, where I and their round shot falling every where. make twenty thousand dollar a year.” bat in the right places. On arriving at “Twenty thousand !” exclaimed Pete, thuo- a long low embankment, about one thou. | der-#ruck, = . sand five hundred yards trom thegfort, the!” Yaw, twenty thousand. Vell, Idioks I muse . | shiop der strikin, and go to mine frente, and al) de Germins vote for Shake, and Shake bees elee- ranges Varying frem tive huudred to one ted for Congress.” ee . iviearad aroe and opened aontill mere i hi Mant: Mined Sree sear n telling fire, exploding two iminense maga: Goi : rf Pps " i Tete the fort, and in a an hour! Vell, mine hear said Pete, after wait nearly silencing the eneany's “x £'D8. lov adue length of time for bim to resume, “vat Fhe infantry then advanced again—balf; vourde den, foe ‘ , the French reginent and the wing of ~ © Vell, Lask Mike, der swell-bead watebman, of tue forty fomrti being thrown ont as for der office, and he tells me I git him der next rpshooters, Whole one wing of the roy-.vear. I wait until der krout makio time, and Jinarines advanced with scaling ladders: deo Tsay again, ke, ven vill Shake give me ie other wing, with dat twenty thousand dollar office Y” “ "In two years, shure,’ he says, ‘if you work for der party.” got close the!” Vell, Ishtop blowing mine bellers agin sod'T tire poured Inte the furtirow our batteries cee ae for oer) PRT YAO Annee fee ee a na wo years mit your mouth?!” asked Peter becaine absoliteiy Lerriie. Five ON GIR er omah ment” shot or sell went flying into it every | “Yaw, two years. Den again I to Mile, minute, and the enemy could not show! go, gwell-head wateBman, and I tell him dér tuemselves above the parapet at all. twenty thousand doltar about, and he tells me Loarongh the loop holes, however, they jn von more year I get him sore. I dinks be kent up a heavy firing of gingalls, oe fool me, yet I blow for der party anudder year, was briskly responded to by our sharp: and vat you dinks {7 wooters. Occasionally, 1k a big gun Dinks, vy you gits him twenty thousand from tue south side sent a round shot, dollars.” plump in among the storming party, but “Gits him ! by sbi oks! Mike, der swell-bead- the tremendous explosions that had taken ed watchman, tells me I bees von big fool, and. dat I might go to der bad place, and eat soar- ” iv order to select the most for attack. The Chinese afantry were halted and made to lie down while the batteries were all advanced to ind pontoons, and crest of the siaty seventh, followed to sUipport. i Nv Er sthe storming party place inside the fort, and the terrific fire mney were being subjected to, had proba- oe hl dat” oly paralyzed them to a great extent, and | nis you Von Sweizel” tucir shuts were, consequently, few and nw sure]as)im\y, xeesme bees) Y 00 See Akh o1hule eres 4 % | “And you do dei blowin mit your mout for ar between. , ! der party.” Pais fort, like the wall at Tong-ka, I) yay nust tell you, was also fronted by two « Vat you do den, neiz thbor ?” vet ditches, both abont eighteen feet in! «| makes a fire in raine placksmit shop, J width and about eight or ten feet deep, | blows my own bellers ag ain, | beat mine owg the first one defended invreover by a iron, and strikes mit my hammer. I says to vattis, the second by sharp stakes myself, * Wilhelm Von Svveitzel, do your own on both sides. On arriving at the first blowin, and let bolitizians do theirs.” h great diliculty was of course expe Biya ee Cee ‘ed in laying the pontoons, the er COURTESY. ing knocked over here by the dozen. Courtesy is not merely’ observance af the TP «engineers ander Col. Mann, and the conventionalities; itis i nreality foanded ‘iaranes uuder Col. Travers, stuck on common sense and manly feeling.— rwerk, however, and at last got An uncourteons man is .one of the great- Shontoons over the first ditch, and est bores in the world. He offends eve rly alter made a bridge over the se- tybody, and instead of be ing treated with cond, Ebel eve, with the strongest of the kindness and consideration by his neigh coqineluiders. Lhe lighter ladders were bor, he is generally intensely disliked and then planted against the wall, and over no language is sufficiently strong to ex- Hey went, some of the French and some press his demerits. To lve eourteons is eile OT wetting in first, | believe, simply to pay a proper dcference to the closely followed re gone marines, and feelings of others. A well educated man nhy the rest of the storming party. is generally courteons. The fact of hid Partars fooght bravely even after oar mind being liberalized teaches him the mich gotin, using spears and swords, as, necessity of exercising this virtue. Be’ well as matchlocks, and were shot and hevolent men are always couvteous; the vayoneted, in numbers, They finally fled, desire to give pleasure to others ies afi Aowever, throuzh the embrasures on the ;cient inducement for thern to cultivate sithern side of the fort, and endeavored this good qnality. It is just ae easy to tooniake their escape to the next fort, be courteous as the reverse. The time about halfa mile off, few with success, has gone by when bluntness is taken as a However, the vreater number being shot sign of honesty. It has been found that Hetvenitiern ae |dishonest men can be blunt and rede as Oar loss in killed and wounded amount. well as honest men ; and compliments of to 20L, 19 men being left dead on the; deference to the feelings of others have ied, 21 officers and 161 men wounded. | ceased to be @ mark of insincerity. A foe Frenen lett about 30 dead on the! person who is habitually discourteoae tivid, Lbelieve, and had upwards of 100 generally possesses but little sensibility, wounded, ‘Lhe Tartars nnst have lost [!aud he cares nothing about wounding the Bi anidentanl te lane three’ thousand, | feelings of others, excusing himeelt by Vheir dead bodies were lying three deep' saying that he only speaks what he thinkey sa some parts of the fort, and where they | that is, to put forth his own private opin+ uttempted to escape the ground was cov.) 100 whateverit may be, no matter wheth-* ered with their bodies. er it wound the feelings of his dearest‘ I have only to add that, within a quar- | friend. Of course, if a person’s opinion ‘orofan hourafter the English and French '8 requested, he mast tell the trath; bat Hass wore planted in the forts, flags of,even that can be done in courteous lan- truce were pat up in all the other forts, guage which will wound no one. A anda parley was held, which ended, as 1; courtesy were more generally practised, it vady teal you. in their uneondi-, would be conducive of the best resalte. honal surrender, and not a moment too Mutual civility among all classes of soci- soon either, as a terrific thunder-storm ety would be found a potent remedy for shortiy after came on, which drenched more than half the social evils that now very one to the skin, converted the plain oppress Us. Stow perfect swamp again, and would 5 have a ; tay The movement that is now going on in the, waive rendered any further operations that . vuth, in defence of what tbe Southern people diy exceedingly unpleasant, to say the Consider to be their indefeasible rights, ia best A owing of the third Buffs, the pring a tinancial and commercial revolution ia Ponjrabee regiment, and some artillery, the North whieh will sweep a flood of bank, wore therefore left in possession of the ruprey over it Tt matters not whether they are futoand the rest of the division were rigut or wrong, not the principles on which their ow! back to Taku forthe night. And acts are founded, that are producing the. evil. Suen aiuarel! through mad again ankle The Black Republican leaders and jourtals must len, and water, in many places, over the abandon their tone of scoro and defi ance towarda are However, itis all over now, and the South and its rights ; the Black Republicap days more nearly every one will Mmusses nus recede from their fanatical war up Peiiys lronecd Gither on hennd poe wien interests, or they will bring disaster : WA tg are al 2h min into our midst that will produce revo Pana Pen-tsin Vhe natives are ar vution bere. It is not the discussion of the po- wis quite at their ease with LUSK, LA SES ea sl question of secession, but it is a practical miging in fowls, egya, fruite, de. in question of trade, work and wages, Are they repared to meet this in the midst of a balfem- ssa te be fairly over, T hope, and a jj .sed community 1—V. F. Herald. topy return to dearol! England at hand ss ee - — stot the brave feilows who have (reat Eeritement in the Baltimore Stock Juringly, as well as snecessful- Market Much excitement exists ia the Balti- 2 more stock market, especially in North Carolin ® Copper Mining Securities, which bave woefully depreciated. Some of them have become almost’ _— worthless, and all have greatly declined. Sever: \ Ait her battles in this filthy coun dient cut tlie Lfort, in netont wn 7 Y), “ a i yunded during the day, whereas hae the satd fort, but yu = Jove of Children. — ‘Beware, said al prominent dealers have been badly concerned, iatialties anounted ta only twenty five, Wie w rktng partes were throws oot 7 carer, Sof him who hates the langh of and are anderstood to be im Bnancial difficulties. , thon Oe tin ive Rice teet a not inelnding, however, &n untortunare Tooer t batterte rth SBE ATT 1 cid SE love God and little chil) The excitement i nsing to bigh water mark.— party of eighteen coolies, two Bitlis ec) meee Ce GI parties exatminod the 1 dren.” was the simple, yet sublime senti- Some failures are alt y © yg hie < derlies, and a Madras aapper, who were tervening ground As closely as possible, ment of Richter. N.Y. Dey Bool: ae —_ Governor’s Message. To the Honorable, The General Assembly of North Carolina Gewtiemen : Elected by the universal suf. frages of a free people, you have assembled at the time appointed by law, to cousult together for. the common good and to adopt such meas: | ures as may be demauded by the public welfare. Although your session opens amid political embarrassiments in our federal affairs of a char- acter calculated to excite in every patriotic mind, painful apprebensions for the maintenance of existing political relations with our Conf derate States, yet, we are surrounded bere at home with such evidences of happiness and prosperty as to impress us with a deep sense of our many obligations to the Supreme Verne whe lias vera ciously directed our councils in the past aid up op whom, must be our chief rebanee for deliverance from the evils that threaten the fu ture of our countfy Within the political period embrac: two year, our people have beep signcis biessel with physical health; the returns of asiicu cure, thoagh somewhat diminished by the bughung influences of a drought that widely pervanied t! country during the last season, have beet sai as to atford a reasonable reward to | the hushandman; the mines furnishes graufving evi 4 safe Inereased vield ot Nee ot the row Ing Importance of Chal iterestit dustry ; the products of meehamen, and manu facturing puiswiis have steadiy amount and inproved in quality prospered, and the advauiaves of education have been more wideiy extended than heretofore, ex- bibiting as ever the mutual result of social de velopment and inoral elevation. The moral and material progress thus mate mally evideuved inay be traced for a cause, i rectly and unerringly to the great system of In- | bUraneh of in Weteased iy commerce bias | | | Youi can be met without any increase of the taxes at present session; and, indeed, that they may be reduced without detriment to the pub lic service. This statement, however, is predicated on the supposition that the Sinking Fund wil! be charg- ed with the payment of $170,000, of the public debt falling due prior to the Ist October, 1x63. The present condition and prospective receipts of that Fund, as will hereafter more fully appear will justify such a course, and [therefore re commend that it be directed by the L Po meet the prine:pal of the present | tes, the Siate bas the to siature wwWiby stuchs, ar cele Ral & Gastoa RYR, sock, par North Carolina =~ % * Preferred 6 per Vek Ne CoRR, vclue, S487 500 POO IO }ovoooo 1.068.600 WWeatcreeN Gy : iS Liteon vo & Che’ke Cana! 350,000 Bonds of Wil. Cite & ath ROR Co. food of Fay & Wes: a 00,000 I). bt due from A. Ww NO. ss feo Interest on “ = 2 F200 Pavopal of Sinking Find de #7653 140 \ reliable provision lias nad Ft payment of the puboc deoty ay it tals d \ he crentonof @ Soar Fund Plier reer ts this Rand consist u noltoxd stocks owned |v balances aS May fer ctiin te L from Uine to Utme, invnds upon i. The whole amount of the Fund itthis time is @3B6.040. The receipts for the two past flseal years, toy with the sourges from whence derived: Receipts by dividends on NOC ROR stock, $223,090 one Treasuty er paving all current ole lowtignrets ‘ “ that and the North Carolina Railroad is much By to be desired, and I respectfully recommend the subject to your favorable consideration, y 2 and 3 p. ct. on com mon stock . . . 150,000 The Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford By Wil. & Weld. RK. R. Railroad is progressing satisfactorily towards completion, and promises advantages to the public, fully commeusurate with the gigantic character of the undertaking. The many ditt Co. 8 percent... . . $212,032 Ral. & Gast. R.R. Co, 4 and 6 per cent... 2.) 97,330 culties already overcome by the Company bav-) Total div'ds paid in 59-60, ing it in charge, afford the highest evidences of the energy and enterprise of the people residing in the section of the country through which it passes, and of the capabilities of that portion of our State ' Yhe erstern division of the road has of wen completed froma point near Wilanagton 75 wpiles, and the westeru di- from Chariotte, othe distance of Vision, wa distance of 24 miles [he vreaier part of the remaining portion of the work is under contract aud weil {am informed that the Company will proba- Wy ask a further loan from the State, t cvauced cor enable The fact of the Raleigh & Gaston Ra Company paying but tour per cent. dividend in 1860, is to be accounted for by achanye of the of financial year, which embraces but eight months Ib that period. In support of the policy bere recommended as the proper one to be pursued towards our works of internal Improvement, no more weighty arzument could be offered than the general bene fits resuiting from such as have already been npleted. These are eve ywhere tu be wit nessed, aol especially in the increased value of l fully suggest the adoption of such legislation as may be thought uecessary to accomplish that 270,000 object. Since the Jast adjournment of the Legislature, the Hon. Thomas huttin resigned bis ofhce of Judge of the Supreme Court, in consequence of 809,962) his health’s failing to such au extent as to con- ~ flict, in bis opinion, with wa etheeat discharge of 579,062 | his duties. The retirenment of this able and faith lrond ful officer, furnishes a suitable oeeasion tort pubhe acknowledgement of the inestimable value hy services lu the State vacancy thus caused, was temporarily Ull- of state by the Ma winch, he ed by the Governor sud Coune Appointment of the Hon, M. that office; upon the resigned tis) olflee ot Tas Ie cy, to HeeePlAlieu « t Judge of the Superior Courts, aud the Hon. Geonre ELoward was aj potnted to tll the vacaney Vbe Hou. David BL Caldwell and) the Hon Jesse Go Shephent, also, resigned their offices as Diem to coniplete Hier sorkoand WLU cole peal estate, “Me asscuted alae of pal extatein Juidiee of di S ipenor Courts, bie Hou, dais silered, such a request wi present bigh claims North Carolin oat the several periods named W. Osborne was: fil the vacaney pon vour favors consideration lehiweda nal fOnowar Caused by tie restriction of the former, and th Iho owil he leeted that the corms upon lv 1815, $59,591.519—In 1836) #31021, Llon. Robeit S. Biench, tatof the later whieh the patronire of the Suite has been ex 317 —Ln 1850, $55,500,000 -In 1535, 3s, Proth devolve Gynt tr at Sour present seg tended to this en ororise, are not so favorable as 075.989—In 18860, &126,000,000 stops ta til these vaciners by pertianeut ap those upon whici otters of our leading works It us appears that trom 18.5 to TR35, a posits Us ot provement base been anled. da othe of vipicd of twenty years, the vaige of oar real es TS aE on tatiroad: compan s. two thoeds of the eq hate netuaily deeredsel, whily there was ooly an Dit the present vec, the qu att oal CaN stock has heen takea by the state aud a lib crease of €2,100,000 fam IB1S tu Tso, a ation and t \ Spon ahi fiteves shoot ved dean made, iortwards the coinpletou ol period of thirty-tive years, From 185055 N60, be qansosed. have oe qied to avery considers Ute works. ow mn UG rasesOf RNS Gontiaeteny years the increase Naa beet &7O.400,000. I oT et merit Gt [ee peotiee aloo es ue ar OIE SA consisisrci We lant Ch Nw it willl be renciecteds that wool Uh Oli uteus Ive Geen (recital Gitte Voblie (lis ESU00 per iil fished ruad, secured by a works of internal Inprovermeot have been cou- cussions of the ne favoring the inode of tax moityage on ali property of the Company. srr When the impor cece of tis toad to the Ss cousidered. it. apprehended, thatit wil be an dithcult to discov) a satistictory reason fortnak- ce ing 80 wide a ditterence between it and the set wos of as lar character, in dispensing the reted since the year 1850. oli Tn that vear we liad but 250 miles of ra! I that of a very iuperfect character present vear we bave 634 miles of road in p ual operation. The iucrensed value of real estate since 1850 pan Mer property according to value some in oad, stapes, witha limited power io the Lesishitare a White du ot discreminatien, ane vers, watmout the 4 “ser ob discriininetinw enter “in tavor ot or Wereinst t Persons or any AIP oof test V poeelieuhar critss CUE speercs ol property - se |e ra TA.0O rabhe patrouwse. To view of which, and the | : : ternal Tmproreinenta tiauiacern nie eae . € Ne is le Hi tte, em and the will alone wield a revenue, at the Present rate ct propesitions involve, as anpedent, such an a I . Surplus Revenue, 100,000 further fact that: the inortzave now bell by the taxation of $140,400 a Il pa Sou t years, been prosecuted under (ue patrouage of “ Totes ounise tl Anas i| i : ; FOAL ee al ia ee eran uterest ou Bounds, S1,570 State will prove an ample security for ae loan Results ike these will remove all doubt that til ola von h . ’ vesults q emove all doubt th beg he a hare piv slaves weeoudin a . — ———— heretofore inade, and the one that will probably t r. F ! i : f Gani ce orkelavetentiieen erent teat ; F 5 : 1 yore the State bas pursued a wise poles, since 1 ) vit 1 ' ae aa. nbeesk anne: : Tota receipts for two Jast years, $4lysTO be asked for, T would vesy but earnestly towards works of this character : a gy pointy ay. THoee tr . > es ee aren DEEN y their besinning pointot the Atha CCAD TALS vainly dnereain es Uistnscenat ale mah meeumtien!, (ime such timer bem: ie aidvebs tolo the jutentur of the eountry somualateng oe ae Ae od Cine tat WiRICLLIU p ftaxtny ya \ cording t A on ie s an, Toads waves (he bt gbest assuratce Ciat iis Purd necessary to complete their works, be made to ee ; fd LICE roeS CNET SUS PACUEOC OL WU USUI Mirove: fully eqnal tuthe great purpose for the Com v driven to Nn increase in the value of rend esta ! : ; Mat ra - F ~ . = i‘ to Pont { 1 ek Offering new faciiiies of transportation and opal yo ch tas established. Atta tie vce Tage aan oacerat Urally accompanied by inprowements in ag ‘ \ even s yPopubue t > ere ee Eat nub ee Bets y . uh is ing uy sources of pubue wealth that have Le Sarin recenis will provaure nacre) cian te MelUre nian mrorenstntlenesurae on aietcnltin: Vaan - es ‘ n tofore siamberod. aud otl ad ° | ' SG ate wher Wistar met vi tl ofore siumbered. aud otherwise wld havecun “ac minion of duilars, amd unay vier aii . thor Nimong the most iiterestuic evaded ? ee . tinued to siuinber in their uatural Garrentess [ivan ee Werui@aneetiarlerith i" H MED Me ee nL Uege ht Bn . cer h uu ve thas ith Cary eheate BSE CIO Sith l : nided by Werenam py of my predecessors. | An obvious reason why ourrairoads now de Warlcdt vito Mor tied of the spirit manifested in the \ i \ ‘ q ind kind Til Prveeel to Tay belore you the Oersiis Ot ried iain for rensonntde dividends, teal pik se@iitun, teen cons te soil, are the agricultural! tars ow 4 ue Ga i) ea eae wv nt fe 4 ee eTVOK mer tee ) ° na ee es abit It a 30) Sra for tue political period disignated Wy npmaged, at the present ties asta ne ul let ne clan at roenaton, Ueld in many parts of the Star [bie see asse ‘ ) so stfully to sugrest the adoption of suc! ; ; ' ) ; ‘ ey wlio ne wvis end res pecuily lost acsC ile mlafivun ai Sacln usa qatienivel UaNt (itev nrconiecrniin tin un secoud davis vem Morrinton tothe bhes of the people greatly tend to tia i \ , LO the hie Bfoxts (1) av Ree as Geen iN st i Co ey ae ce Dlerests ay sevin by stave dabors which for al: purposes not re: | Morus Isles deiiiemienipiel eanlaa menacing] ntelience and practical aAl " ae Rlatel Teche nil : ) \ h ‘ r ‘ a : ore : tailed ei stern iits (nn woudl Si enie mechanical shill im (adi (lheltance ct Aa wile tent Iron owineh, Upou the suljeet of farming, and tis wed w \ Wee . . r 1 1 at of thas eomaru : : ' : , Cotppalible with the nature } ul me Cheapest that can be cinplove ' wos now bine | From this GF eS edb cotsivetalien Wether \ te I ; cation will be furmahed by the bead of th: Nu pole rer ictusto i etl ' | ‘ 1 ur t . | - ‘ No v I 1 f Set Ye presen! Gorm he pond on t see ants 's veral Departments on their regular Lientia. re dt ' ; i 1 tow ' : = 2 on ye desired tha that fturuetest bay a eon ith Broad Hover, near \ 7 ance peste " rts. ' ; 1 i po parison of the cost of ours witt tie moais cow of but 20 miles, the work has tot been let te tow eUy PUBLIC DEBT AND FINANCES. structed woh a ditterent kind of taliot tract Leeause of the prolipiting restrictions sits! v Bound of A 1 ate : : . ’ . ) 1 2 ’ | : ~) The subject to which T shad first invite 5 Or great tine of toad, trom Beautort Harber of the Company's cla Wor lad = attention, deeming it of primary imp e, is to Cowana, (frick Town.) on Leetitiesse Plese restiictuns new se Serious a UA eS ta ; the conditivn of the finances of Stale a dista {S00 miles, will, when con Sites to the poeuess of ilus great work and & a sv ueton in this tet , A rig observance of the pubic faith isn | G10,009. OF thts tine oP read bd S Unies ean pe SU Ee USS et I ae Sn i : ‘ sentiment deeply jinpressed upon the minds and have been actualy complete 5U Somer a vol ! tres ' diby ™ SENS RIC Senati rt i Ne ‘ bearts of thie ple of North Carel va, and t , itract Nieaanrn Hie eae" 4 @ stall amount towards th ry Nee ‘ more sacred!) cherished because of the fact that bas been sure Snntes cnt | porta mi Suighabh wilt Qe 1 each disk in aid Ghoisl vida \ a ip all oor past Listury (hat tata has received t the vost, su stout tae reed tn aly appa w i es i ; i : tarnieh, This well known disposit nt whea Guished Hae CON. PEPerCOT lecetan) Ghd: ; io tin US a Wise eXpet 1 } iets 2 he mind forbids a doubt, that you wii see tu HUTS Cr ro Western portal of ie 1 [a ee ine’) at Bevead ‘ ‘ ainple Provision Is male to meet bovend eviy boot r ine 400 comsegn vooen sy OWN as The ~ ' as noun ant contingency, the accruing interest on tae 4 wis fot cost BS 2,.000 00 On et HoUbGat > Wares u Ueto ey ' 1 eeu! debt, aud for the ool the prin IN Saeed stuotuur roc! Reva 4 rt Wait Nin : t mt : im : | ” { fie lie tities Zandauis: Sth nt Maturity. ! MAP i tus das Wit cB, 8 BRU ‘ N vie { . bout i <a i ioe S ; ) ’ het Rts ret 1 ; this duty. as wl! appesc fiona our evant 1 fortner ol S105 win ta ws r vat : , Nar i of our foancia: : ” ot su tnuch rea World a dividend of G in white att eos fw c , ' : - 1 ; ‘ z w creator us: fulness tian « i additional begislatiun and tue imposscon oi an tbe tert would requirea tect prow of ab S00 Mott . fied Costin: SCmNS Million At ; ' | i - Under sosveterm the iieans of Watt ‘ creased aAie> as be A'’st iy fromm such new ft ' ve e Sarde divid i Lath velit 1 1 w voor i tote sees U t t et } fet © t 1 Tat ' yeu pruners branches, are toed wr combined measures as ins Liminel tue present parsons between roads similariy stunted wal he : Seren NOT RU cay an ee. al maw cnn ages ‘ teceipts of the Treasury. Tuetuilowing abstract, ever hol itis believed. to des the fact of ther « | Doers wa Med tot y , ) d ; Tere wits dis ed to the sever vat ri rs ict taken from the books of the public Treasurer, (he superior cheapness of slice : I Waser cuady desmgeed tuextend thistoad par by the ( , i sie 3 S ob acaoul purposes. b be Wsstotets of S cCiuterd For tics jy ei ‘ exbibite the amount of the debt of the State on ployed in the construction of mviroad ist rm oa conte yoowrh the chain of 7 tcrary Fund 19 1859, $180,330.U8 : ‘ . . ; ay t 39, 8180 550.08, aud . Ce iuonves NDS the 1st day of Octover last, the beginning of 1h Fiuaneilly aed socially this is an important Pin (ion tlmat telstate Ot entice a cae ay radi (ous Tis L i et J | S rount the present ve rycaitad Uhesca tres 4 present financial year, together with the Purpe. factfur ns, Itgives the assurance ftliatourralroad tothe Misisappt Rover and the work lis meow Del ya, ot ; = ' ‘i tr 1 F > rhurae oo is Wav isie F . . ees for whieh it was contracted : HryestmMents wei prove cividend-paving stocks, plodtessed to that potnt, when sound poles in yar: ire lsnnieaitey ( ‘ as a ! ) matter ob the Bank o CU ar \ For the N. C. Ba ul, §3.005,900 and that the public debt. contracted ior the con lentes the propmety of foeat nz the Westen eer, iecmlioa iar dive ‘ : For A. & N.C. Ro road, 1.466.505 strnetion of these works, will be thuany i prida conte and ailowine t COMPANY to pro ‘ Nande ema . x 2 CAPs) Ste r t For W. N.C. BR. RD 1,130,000 te T bave an abniing convieton thar gress ow 1 worn as rapidly as the circum ter ‘ u : | re stock bn u re ' For Wil ©. & . 400.004 nauy ¢ 2 preseml enero Win ove tos Sianees of the eountey wil admit Nee S UO IN lee ! . a ; 1 , ve State of North “a For Fas. & Wo ad 300,000 pu deat pated GE UN receipts Gea on F { present termmnus of the road, wear ov niped lca a ' = For G. & W. Kail 87.000 Toads, a ‘ ads 4 MC aes beaver routes have SNe Gal 1G : ; te eeane i natn : i Canent oof che firs bsecond: tustalnients . acral ; —————eOe Boug 1 4 cicl ieimen han ot uss and 1 fo J to be entire y TaN eu Rel © ke Hee of er , . Hank Rounds 1-000 re been 4 compas no te cost , 5 , ‘or a toads, ] ) 4 t 4 ny 4 Moet a , vif New York a: | nesotated a wing WN For Rivers and Canals, Be UOU . sornuiely, Batty dee tan tian) ler UT s almont a Wes” ater, ths : : For Lunatic A-yium, 125.000 PEO n nj 1 AW SUEL soot Play Ma Jackson a eins thse hae For Literary Fund. 31.000 ne Or Wew, as itt s im Temi sean h moonats \ Duacktoa sp i | ‘ : For General Purposes 1,530,009 proper tematon of la ata i rivaa dons eee ‘ , ; ; vo payin i = $5,000 dow Jal p ate Preteh Peoad River : Se / : — its , uty pas le { 4ociniie \ , + . . e ‘ . ‘ i Total indedted ness, BLOG) el OM staan. i ui : aE HS pie Ost ; In the foregoing list is embraced a debt Nidere f at lores na i AN le cre lat ye Hated ow ' ik 5 rar 5 . * ” 4 * Ws t 1 \ 1 . 6300,000, for which the State was orally u ti ta um is iat mi hi on ' ioe gi 4 ; ‘ . . able. as endorser. for the Cape Fear Lover Nav Wenbot sci and eduede i trong faeuies THe everson of the ot ry Ea teas ' ; F , é 2 iat FURR Lette ate a joa Companys, and for which she tecame pM 1t8 promtabie pur hewiile race, Where teat tance taiber of on Meeizotis test Fagen : = i ‘ pan : ; i Ade tise Aron an expe ' of twenty wos , sponsible, as principal upon the purchase of the Cae qua Saree, and wanest execu Liwevotd Brae Rodige, woo ave ties thot dw niter ! property and effects of that Companc secry ty be tound Bee UT ine) ! mac Rae [Pel her © influenc Te eet) ' ' : In addin to the toresoiny actual on lebted Lue marsthaiine of Fei ien per sar Uiapraticne) tur Leeeanstiu , i + ms Zz a > | ' t rt 4 Ar | ' \ Bin Wietosta of ¢ ud whale a : Vs wees, the public fart! is piedyed the iosowing MM dictated st ve Vaso d parti Beh tet ahe mountains, with na utner ad woe pretend wtoth | oe Railroad Compauies in the amounts warned, a as temedn te the nentoof that van Yabtare to themselves that the iaere ligne Se sOeunol is cy oa thet on a compliance Wilb certain conditions set fori! tothe Godustrial en virent, and thre po Vox heente wy AMON ¢ YAU ge biture Itunoteesel vel ' i | ‘ in their respective charters, aad ina balance ot moof that mechanoul and mvanatier Jay. Po disappoint this peas ext WOR Iti, yay 1 nly : : és ‘ zi fea 5 : 1 have ian strutnentalin awaken 4 . the appropriation to the ¢ ape Fear aud Jr. * SS) Unat a” to make uv power at a stat how th ASSL AS been ! HAG ak ‘ nW t 1 . i River Navigation works: and to that harmony oo pverests, so necessary Come the great mountain tet etl tigen : : ; F To W.C.& PRM Co. 81.709 960 ME SE SEGA LATA Cath SUES ay PE ue i Nyaa vesty \ To W.N.C RR Co, 2870009 Mt ee pee : : avcut : To Fav. & West RoC. 1oncen Sen tine , , : posey I ntinedsh ne To C.F.& D R. Vay, W's. 21.009 GU teries envi tn i ee ae cai ; Baan Ss CRON OO ecu te St _ EU SEO HU EN won th iil . a era as Callow « a ' oe - sass 1 Haat sete EEO ay eel t t These compan avesofarcomplied tie pro > u wet ‘ : | Fem do, 1 Te visions of their charters, ent Ure them to the bby vitueof an act of “oe [ioe tye Je en a idemien and select S hoole 14 Soe ; 7 zl ; s i > A wersd, Cao refione test FX ' ' ' , rita Schools, ee V0 : * Stare naa ta vera Grey tiie (nce Serre oleae (hon R ' , ach 1 aid of the State as to leay ts mm, ue pe | tid Pree Te We Waversinn Nontincneitty clon a wl ttinbes of Schooled liewee, 775 hang 4 ' ‘ \ \ ' whule of the above cum will be cailed for by Nee gation Works were juiciiased for tine Sou | ote er = be ts ' - them, within a very few vears, with the exeey bY lie Governor at asne do reeted by the thst : ; ae i : ‘ SE yn veicr uns : : tion of $1,090,000. of the amoont guaranteed to Morlgage ereditors, for Ui iin of 865.000 BOON TESS UAL SU LAT Cie SPA COHN inihor of eelislarh at Calter, lox re : SRG ' : Pate on the sate proportion as | ais do at Beart do 1G 0 : (ae the W.N.C. Railroad Company, whieh will not NO purcoatse money was fod Bevond that on propo as t 125 ist if ns \ : nea \ceee an ean, Nsevery delay dt forming these connections do at Aeademimcand select Schoole, AAG 15.000 eer ‘ t ‘ be required, because of the fact: that their road su" Pitor New to His om owh Sa. Peer eaie rues Toieestnties (nee i do at Prim ry Sehoolx 4.000 160,000 Dbetow | tyoemp noid will be com) leted to the French Broad Kiver, as respousible, and which wore bya } s ; : eu wn Liat Cw \ an } sureest no other re te ote ' 4 a ' ite present terminus, for asum less, by that second mortgage, The amount thas yard. is aa a rore tr tet WUC hulrunlvaint sonal ier tuln., i a ; . ) ie se } essoof the work than a sturple fim mas ae ‘ amount, than was oriiualiy contemolated!. Tie 834.730 97-100 and the amount «eured by : ; ' ' Z a ee Miostot Gui 0 Gilesres aennl Cfely saya, : Pee ' t : be amount of money to be + 1 5 : > : ‘ f ; State is also lixbic, by endorsement, for the W. secund mortgage to the State ee ee ; ; en Nes nestablisned by. and are gow under tt nm ‘ ' , ’ - A 6) Ha 4 v the el ost a limitation berm t : ‘ h ' ! t gad Weldos Railrosl Oom anwin the suinctmilichlS)0 G8a0f tntereeawee ue atuiner qi 7 Suites nua eay ies Wo Wine Ofeue sseverat ciuciimuntan se ¢ 1 plo, necessary to a safe administration ot hy aoe pa te aie stele ast $150,000. A ives on account of which, howey. Of the sale. a ferien < Which tsa fact mot to be rerretted, eines ¢ = heaven t : ‘ ye thnauces, 3 ta er, need vot be apprehended, as the Company Soon afier the sale, the entire works and pr ! i rane Kennel i natural frends of edveatioa are to be fou termined ' { Vice oe / . We The Atiante and North Carolina Railroad is Wee UE hee ample means to discharge their debt at ina Perty of the Company were transfer d to the Pm wnong those whe are eos din the advar Clerent hinds ot pooner woth rete ‘ 1 fosnaly well co Cler irk od ine = a advance tarity. The precise time at which the monies Sate, and have been sinee mana bea con ; ae \ he Wa Rae AO) MAERIERAOnAne Tne fines coyote hen . : Pesstal opetalior As was the case others al stance h beeoining due the foregoing Railroad ¢ Oi Payee yo selon directe@ by an Act. Many as hrter a ' | Ge cscs UO Before closing wath this subp ot. L would mak : ! . s : : . Hil toa ton the first tum years alien cit 2 ! vithe tninedred dollars + ular ct d upon pies, will be applied for, is by no means certian, (pain live been made under the direction of "Woit has. a \ id | . In le i a Hoefomention of (ie two Miltary Postutations re NLM ast lds : ' : we ' od it is mot at all prohable, however, that more tian (ity couinission and the river been opened far C aeons pains MLW eatAbieiiel at aGhruiotial aN El ipeber Vues the bho (ont 81.5600,000 will be required donng the presont Uavigation, with a omanmum depts of By [ee ATTEN SS Vick wok eirelaewall Chee HeciioG a waa Pee eae on he eA aa : 8 roid, AS de ted to me, give eatt " 5 s and ensuing financia ars. Thistsam wool p Water troin Fayetteville to the Ga outa med | ese ye Jateducation, inthe peanehes tuner, (inlly as 8 0G Ube. becoue of the Geet, that the cas ma niece : ; . ‘ mens wat ow t ane \ bie 4 : J ‘ 5 va eon ‘rom t swell the amount of sidebterd: KG 8 29. the Coal tods, a distar boll 7] 1 "i 1 fee ‘ tee twliel ahGani@creuniic lest © Unters - tae l ao : on , Wong dy a etl paving nk a > a ' $08; the annu tlerest on veel ter LA Nporarily susuened 5 ieee ear 7 i } Te specthiniy commend these inst tuitions te your ¥ Nae neat ' erat ‘ with the nverave annual expenditures of tie te, yl ue t lent sstoned ‘ ( ; : i ee ‘ th ister as wort (enrun ; ; UeChi ols ‘ KON 6 : hie h . , : ernment, $93.000 will sive the sumof ros tug tres tty Caen : ! oe PST TE ' : : ee ' 76, wan annual charge upon the Po bes < 1 Mantas Fol \ . mony to BTU | t a ; " letoek eter ' ‘ 4 1 DARY LINE r Veneers ' ury for the present anil « Oz ve ie te we Coin Woy ad Cee } Wealic| ! : i ; mi ie aye will be observed embraces the inte st Nn ' sw we iand os eS Pd : Ve Aste thee Lea statire, at its [ast seaston : ees ‘ ; Maximam amount of debt for that poriod whet way rwhich oveasion, Pow ser 2 ae ee ; in ae von tor rium and teraarking ¢ ipatomeof mens d vitor dosapper 1 SRA ee ee : Tie Garrats ConCictlie elenniTrnnie sencecen Malice tee Douweun North canninan tnt THe cata meee : eome time in the next year for whieh pean a Mty deem te cessary ten mintena: ; y onjany teeth States ores net ney 1s ernie of thie power invested an sn wih pleas ! . deduction of several thousand dollars alonid b By the provisions of an Aetof Tha oT 0 OSTA NANO eth weoN TD onade sever inetfectual etforta ts is et i pie eee made, from the sum stated as necessary forthe Pubic Trousarer was required to deliver ‘ TS Le ES COMIC SOUS Dy nissonertoracy Ge te ash UT leita ae ee oae year and the same amount added to that Albemerio and Chesapedke Canal Coon \ oa us \ Lis : with such Cominissioner as mig Phere are atl other s Pau ‘ i q “ sued ath ( , , : required for the other. The re ete 8100.000 in the bonds of the Stat mn way pursued towards the Ny troltet ay posn Ww othe Governor of Virgina. [tis be kept view he shape a we Treasury, from the ordinary sources of revena. Opening of their work for there navie ition ‘ d TEMS SED he ae ved Tit the compensation allowed by the law, of ho t woof were, for the past (wo years, as follows Tuer RAOu lentil niece eens re qeeto procnre theaernaceso! comps ss . lee rth eran nea r ees Receipts for 1857-58, RH17 964 48 Hat inprovement throughout ts i j | ; eae AVS icine ly Ax coe derable nucnt it iuamnin ke 3 be scompany bas been iat tan wl debi of the ofhee, cann , Revewis for 1859- CO1lOI9 5¢ aud found thatatatfirded for navt gute < ey j ‘ : . ‘ Soeeclet i‘ NEE ne surploe fron 1 ’ \ h prone d “ ' tat few dave, at rewetl ) restumated, and the best talent «hontdl beyond the t an L elcneumtaInileren it te se ot vemsele enna ee ppt \ cn Total receipts for the last 2 years, $1.3) a2 Vfaet bem duly i | \ , ry ee Be REO) eA ies Oy ey Re tiie fh gtonand Manchester road ar Tn the conrse of my correspondences with the [YS withant dato . have the off ! To this sum should be added &14.275 2 ero an tn ' 4 a ‘ rani i i ' prive chem of some of the print aaearinn h js Geos Wc ititennesty Nan asl Acme rien) Virani on the abn: lene art dee from two defan'ting Sheth. and for wh oh us b , hea Vet DW a Crees aa Tuctitee eae ll ' Bh . See ot thin (Nt ie : : ' ise mr vise vat thera was then, a proposition before any apy iS ‘ jodgments have been obtained ayainst the wire ! ‘ Npat we er arent : Deo ' f ney * erty alia : ( } A gArraesinents Viodired in the Legiiature of that State for running the entire. oeonpt f i ties 90 their official bond. 1 mp A ale y GOUSen Oy Lie o on i W a inet iy ' f . ' tart t ne Ciro shoot ats entre der ther the 4 , » ‘ b ey The estimated receipts for the present and en of BR waterthroughout, aul aa LS Theo n oof the other Companies. 1 | | : ne 1} : cullen tt ‘ fthieest tee hae aR A a i / ‘ yMpanies, IN propos ton wae adopied, or ne yave not been N f Gecal year, are, as Loam informed by the 9 "9 el in destined ta ey ' WPAN Ali the Stule ja ast , ed ) ‘ : with ce aapphie sr he , ; A stuck avold wil more sat dormed Phis wae the test oetimation Dhow Treasurer, as fullows: infltence pod the commerce ot as cofonly apyedrit De tliat rece. ‘ ; , hot property and he dilecent ei) died ‘ 1 ' “ vidos 4 € ie ey ' tt tthe linea v oO rend fis el Estimated ree'pta for 1860-61 866.602 39 Ue section of the State Further re fsrence wl fee ie : g fl at west WAR HOt wirenily tnctly am ’ [etal frrgquiace . s vis aby them the last x renent tke other part vat ose des te ' ie ' . « 1861-62 = K8Y9.A2? Bz De Made Coit before your session feriniates, yg ; moana i) ve her parte than those designated 11 Pa pa 22 . " : oe Mice . ring the em ment he omental a , Aa aa The Fayetteville and Western Ratlioad is now 1359 80 Gs Hane d ) | ) yer yowere alone 7 ’ Mportant that the wation oof the Ine! Total eat'd rec'pta for next 2 y'ra, $1.°26.425 06 completed, aw fam informed, to the coal fille BoN © oR Roy # nia hould due j nine of ¢ The propa nthe colleevan of revenne ) } | shou clearly understood by the people o : appears that the liabilities of the State in Chatham county A connection between Ct on preferred: stock £12.00 ji haat : ! ‘ ue ie Be ee ees iiss } he two States, for which reason PF would reepect af or againat any particninr cinme of pereona, it ie ‘submitted, will be found equally us fallacious, an that which would forbid a discriunination between the dif- ferent kinds of property The iujustice wand inexpediency of euch a rule ean: not be more clarly ilustrated, than by citing ana stance of its application su our present revenue law One of the provisions of that law, tiposer a tax of one per een! ou the iucome from the various learied professions, the salaries of State and County officers, of the officers of corporations aud individual «mipley - nents, when ‘he amouat received by aby one peison exceeds BOUU Here, ther lawyer and the overseer, the State or county officer performed within doors, aud the is no disentmation mude between the mechanic, the physician aad the whose labor tr Kailrowd euyeieer, who Mn conducting the locomotive, teexpored tu the y weather and the tiany Bion; they are ali treated alike inclearenctes ot dangess Incident Co huis profe tnder this tule of equal taxation Such arule, Panuiutain, ts errone usin ieapphes rare (hat tis eamnontly just wad proper bthe uinpesitien Of Gaxes bo discoiiuate in favor of particular classes of persons engeged in certain pure suits. While Ptegard it as altogether peoyer, te toy pose a box upen the a come of persons ci gaged viied oth. the leatued prolepaious, upon» ce State cid couuter, and pera fy ue ue theapedient ry tas pechameal acd ohe emowy tients, hat, (he torase oa Cut beat t Phare wo ih Cte gitenee of the fact. tieet suc eropleyieuts tre. ae veto ' taney with dn, id usually yacld bot bt ve more jan «4 Gare wapport ta le pete “ wil Phey are cother the proper obyes af e fer y uve forreedon of the povobumens: than tt sub ‘ jected taxation 1 the tedivid wa of revenue trom Lie proceeds of UP oceupations, empecial regard should be had tet Heomaciee OF the cuiploymente y antl Inpatative cage abd trerdota tour risk wnt Whoo ht the Bid thear relative advauiepes to the puble at la ber perianutge to theme as performed HU chum upon be goverment ter pr and couscqu etion s cond diserins obs should be made, for. or agama, Che particubar Clirtex of persoun engaged itt het, cccordiugiy ap these coumdecratats iray 166 cate It were difficult, mideed, to lay down any geveral role of taxation surtaibe Lo every Conuilou Of society rnd adapted to the ever changing ciregmataucer ota weple Tbowever mon bois cout) ly bee ved, that a 1 Fousidetaaen of the subreect cleniiy aupe at. a general and anquatited yrickr ol ad bata r ra > shape tis ba tour p Pe who oeve ut. chee Wee AITy 1 dincitot he constitute proenee eouformn )s to such a sy stein By ow be bere Gg, that here asin the eo mit ps ' y atk Leer rae vue ver up vey wet wy ' ty become : prod 1 fake robetwern the \ Wtavene Led iron thal a ther hisde ' AY tye whet one oa . ' bow the sf 2) beiwe be apes ot 124 ws . a tax WW ie b iatcany ap en Hore ss yaret ned. than by a ' operation Phe wlayes ~ Cr wiiace mae 1 \ cae jigs srt tan eeted thon ton ae rrbeoks, is 127 662. aod ™ ve Vea ay < , houre popul ’ . iow forevery sluve width \ wet Strat yey > r arias “ Hi I » ‘ cal, mast , ae iy ba en at mou raupport WW t boot he i 1 ‘ . ’ rung dw decay Epon ihe ta he rie ck, tte Wi heuk ibe Seal r a be BO the toms ue hee vue ow u ' " raed “ ee Ws yrs , soot le en Mail u peor ” Pup metinory wend nol aus ¢ aleup Nac 4 \ . _ ' ~ iat ! * hoa o el ‘ (youd : tatlowicd Gs r Ww x . y Botan bons her wer ton ‘ Pop pecty of What ver aa Kk ' . ed ! ne auton ar ew owith a ‘ pa 1 , Ia ‘ I tion ’ Sane Lett re . xa Ia : yu due or vetud . u rwih Mp Onn Comenue af as tina , Wever, te clam the eyes to Nhe periien voof tt mnfederocy. growin \ Vise Nas for aany vis heed k Po Aggriis ' ' oy Afnean Stavery os 1g he th Poe Bepubie has at dist fallen upon those evils z wi U Pather of the € ountry nas yoworned asin hs partiig advice Lois detaety dowodely divide ‘partes founded upon geogea phieal diver inin@ tank Vie great body of the people of the Northern and Sontuerg Stites entertain metrenl y epposite ' eupon the subse ri Savery j th forme th tot rf moe at aed eabevil media ae heat chat ities esteem of fhm eronently wel 1p relate and sed cuhtand proper with ® Mat se far fom ben yore, establish wt De Rone ot ' d wf ¢ f Pvt eC bvetint7 that bergbted race WV . * mend enterhaned <n tren yeohev ow ‘ wen bot lL ed wey 1 k ' v N ' ermed t ' \ thai aes ’ ' ‘ hata h wd rexasdlesn of es wey 1 trek 1 t ' ‘ 1 t . nod hour a! eing 1 baeuuort at a aaut . bingy esportothe Northern States have a tro ghts to an xa hot would weareely wy Uta yanye ther poopleonesrth TI dep owed ue of oemr prop though dewiess ating under the saneten ot high putas | ne Wod otte foo, vail the en vance of tb yantuted authorities Organ aed seenies, with Nem, have sen: emigannies among us toieite alaves neorr 1 and to bloodshed fofliniimatory pb Haus enunselling abeves to rime aganis 1 tae tem ha systenimts rewia i ghout e Seah by the dom t party of the North. «4 od endorsed by te most iflne wioencere Vine be gre 1 fa ‘aye » " moved States. hay t . 'v ' « penivn melee noprevis Consttu h ~ tA ‘ ete f fag tive sinvra. an . did tly and Pp edly, win ihe vie ; the owner fiom 1 pop Courts at jaer among moh uy ' AN One oe ary tail eregirded wiliw of Can remem cnn kecure ont riph eat property, and de iveted dive ve shives ‘ Want tite, w ‘ hoowledye f there purpos Tevet ct ain trom by fares Bat little more than a year mee an armed or ganization wae deliberately slanned and set on foot sMaceneeeee! by political socieues, aud meu high in pubhe uf he coufi- ading an dence at the North, for the purpose of he isurreebon of shaves Apiinst cheie Mastery. a fers Came. and inthe night ume fell oe Weak (visi peeing community aud tourd “ pee egite and unarmed citizens crea When capioted and executed for theie treason bY the great bod igh they had ful. Werilorion, Trinny De doubted whether ete heenes abetier iustaace among a cilized peopk Whore Weason and muider have been BO xy ie Uevect with and applauded. Since whieh ee toost prominent in these demonstrations have Gas aod waurder, they were lamented jeople of the North, as thot Pont (he pemoruance of sume service vl the elevated te the highest olices of State, thus ey Geuciie the deep and pervading sentient s of hos. tilly an toe Neth towards the Msttuuons and the eh the South ® ob the invaders as escaped were harhored het saveboliioy States and upou demand aing tothe forma of the AC constitt Ihe exveutives of 2Uon, Uwo of these States, Ole and Towa, poudtedly refused to pettorm their sworn vonstuitional oblpations by su dering gations by surrendering then to the jostier they liad Med Pociinities the these could 4 ot have been per- petal towards the people of any forenen 1 “ tonvolving the court I el te Dut too diamiost that ihe 4 s wh Ba nat Southern Con tetas dahon t ! eh property which the sul jects of nee biatice any other foreres, CODTEEY. cg ae 40 claim He Creer ce agatliet is. Show the SL yCCIS Of ar aes ‘ ernie wr deste ; oe bt be despotled “oH tinijeriy \ people ot Massachusets en any other non ‘ ie State cestation and im, HUnLY Would ethade SY our poverpiuett, upon demand or re Wat agaist the Cuited States would en- Be ') ; But sbould the peuple of Massa- r ly deprive a citizens ot North Carolina, ; Preperts he would have no h remedy and udewd to teniedy at all since th \ ‘ i ie On 1 ae COusttution, des tor such cases, eases, has been wholly a» al bolled by the St ob Massachosett rir ‘\ has borne eseatdiznites and wrongs, hus utterly failed to trespy nding torbearance upon the part Phe spaotot tananerm by whieh rearanee with whieh the LD pes Wes dee alls ed rowing bobler by ats lawless Ad Gucie din tev, bas at last, so tar Net Hitw~ee as to cuable them te pov severtines tC with all ity pow. th eu word Pree persous have been " Vite the others ot Presigent and col exclusvely by the People of one ‘ TY, bpotw principle hoetde to : ee : i y ae the other. Vote iu wl) cob soathein Mates aud teithier could have uae pevdeal sentiments op ap nai Hie power, without sub- ast we peta Ges ot the local eraninal ee RU Gr ia UOD as, Wer be presented , aud that at will ALON PRISE OCCT Tences and the 1 4 cow eh they have heen elected, : i tus peuple, lasing a due . i berty, could long as . Sop itapessible to : : ' Srleet cy. been con eda we ot the (cnsttntien, “ . ‘ or 1 Ube Douth should att a Poey, who them iA) ' ‘ t and oby tha Us As Bet lose . ' AGA rie perty and Lves eted: President at nt itis ' . 1 b Was the right ! f fe vet our fathers ‘ Thev recalled not { anv cebeetad bis titie “ Oty abstantial fact M vod Parhamede 4 wv vu the ‘ Mee te ve them of , ‘ the rrappled ‘ Ntraban Lin v boat clevated vated Hagin e sy And ‘ ” Nhat tuen who have 1 41 1 conshtotenal oth gations ‘ i e adiomstraton of = ty ' on tonleration by ‘ amen t power and de ' \W. a - t os epty DNedor the mands ah tw vet year \ eon it a , a pests ‘ ! fv aber ement Cael trust be ' ‘ ouudt upon ‘ ‘ te se vd oe wes ave Mien y, at ° v A ae q ‘ | dy he \ prose ~ Sach \ ‘ ’ facts ‘ Jehiber- ‘ © ew ree that we aye 5 Abolitien \ ‘ ditaie torihe Preaden- aoogton Adtuonistra- ‘ ‘ "hoch Ob our . 1 wl people in ‘ , + shontd not beam Sh vet oa eft to en ploy the ' ‘ (rove ' saat wet our 8 thus ain ne banvebye the Wat the destenetive cone ‘ Loniy be controled i We'y t prow ob ose greats ; , i sand pohti ' Pai We tete of these bp on I, im woommnig Adtariistra- dh t wochedness of tary Southern state, \ ‘ okt protection bes ( wl demed to them we \ hb Carola. would owe it to ah ‘ swe aye Hherited trom i roofour nomes and fam ' Gi pve Huts, fu resist it O ‘ puboe opinion and not t Cnoenpovinent of tnilitarvy force to Ce agents ye would, if successful, result a ! tole despotisin Phe peeve then of civil war and the pre- ‘ eee any *tusare the creat ohyects 1116 Ca ‘ Id resolve upon securing tie ts Hinent tay undergo I fition of the country, ) and proper that we fatleony AW those States est and in the wrongs we c eet ‘ rimmediate- Ae any action of ours would of rind would be butcoa ‘ 1 have ever ” \ them toa consolation . ieepiy aflects us all, From erat onot the best mode : i wiper, rouch good might re- ! ve would show to the world we Vii bevery peaceable remedy for Meolties and a firm dete¢mi ‘ 1 vplit » the Unren if pos: vest ihe aka M {be but a becoming march { lovable portion of the people . Idiom States, who have ever been i | Le hoow ledge ua as equals in the Union, Fs ‘ hia’ occasions, gallantly strug ec ‘ Cousttal H Mt l 7 : vs mraer t youn : a iNyesall tae Wo consanitaton ' went © n ie eountry < nee sand) inipracticable | i « ( or more Ml alview Ot coneer a ) wae ‘ " . Reali sr n hon | 4 pend that a Consention of the a a te he called. to aseomble immedi ae 8Cll wri Vie Ho mia wa Sta Vic Ge the We clus @init Ab ord nut | intr int rate Tais thon sec and I enc! ent 7 nate the to | Res Rol tle A \ ban afte thir mec bro. Bion ora § @on dem the : they nnio emo dut f M tices epeal alwa items en Uh eee bhe coufi- rading an ers. The ‘upon a liurdered iC treason Teat bod y had § Us public tory fure od people > sy tupa- Nhe, men lave been thus ey). IC Of hog. sand the harbored demand 'stitution, Mato and IT SWorn then to ON ber. Mo hevon Mleed it ig “outhern claim 's ol any property Wer non 'yY Would id, OF re vould en- 1 Massa- Carolina edy and stitution, vully an- as borne latled to the part 'Y whieh lawless St, SO far them to its pow- ive been lent and of one Obtile wo » other. r iu wl ld have ris ap rut sub- Himipal allou as tit will od the elected, adue i long sibie to ren CoD otuben, hem of rappled an, Lin evated oii e And have he Sneh of facts Jeliber- at we belinon reaiden- Win S tr ol our dness of Qn State, tection them ve oat to ed trom id fami resist rt and not force to }, result he pre- objects securing dergo. unury, at we » States ONE We nediate- vould of butcoa ave ever sulfation From pat mode night re- ve world nedy for Jetermi nf pos g march e people rer been e (Union, ly strug you in Psnich of mitation pountry eticable r more view of n of the mmedi ately after the proposed cons !tation Southern States stall have terminate The subject of our your early attention. I duuitery deteuees will require Would recommend a thor- vugh reorganizauon of the miditi. and the enroll- ment of all persons between the ages of JS and 45 years. With Such a regulation our muster roll would contain vear a buadred and ten Uiousand men. T Would also recomtuend the formation of a corps of ten tnvusuud volunteers, with an organization separate frogs the main body of the miliua, and that they be suitably armed and equipped That your pyuceccings may be conducted in a spir- itof harmony and concihation, and that they wall redound to the honor and welfare of North Caroli va and our commun country, Is iny fervent desire JOUN W. ELLIS Execetive Derartaest, ’ Rateion, Nov, 20, 1860. ; SALISBURY, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, 1260. Thanks Giving Day —Next Thursday the 20th instant, has been appoimted by the Governor to be observed as & thank tines loud- yo The Uszeus Hon Vy call upon all our « ina berth ny manner and repent ance on account of our ingratitude asa people unay be most fitugly jomed with out thauks ging There wail be pubhle services in all our charch aul i at the usual morning hour, Tioped all our stores, shops, Ae, will be closed) and all jou vu the services of the sauefuary Tbs Rals it Met at Raleigh Monday. The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock, toy J. W. Alspangh, Clerk at the aession, and the tuembers sworn in by qe tL T. Clark, waselected Speaker, over last last Wi lian Thompson, of Edgecombe, Vc Mr. Alspaugh Was res Clerk ; Vole ry, Assistant Clerk. Dy do bl Randolph, Barringer, of Cabarrus -25 6 16 1 reading and Saunders, of Salistue wee, of Was Unatilineusiy reelected WPrivcipal Door ke per, and CoC. Tally, of Chatham, lis aseistant Ao thessape was sent to the House mforning Senate Was arid body that the On-eatiine for business. ‘bet ready nee bates for geverninent were ad JOG eter, The House ot ¢ Was ca ph order at the site leet Mb rics tis Beg, Prideipal CW ok! ie Sait PT aie Rev. Mr Presby terian Coach, the counties After praver ly Welle Mr d Speaker, i sedea, SY to Mr called and Dortch, of Warne, wie over DD. Ferriee. 53 votes, by Cantwell The tet ere swat CCU oft f atrict!y party vote sed Principal ¢ without opponiti on, M \f [Lardy , ot Buneonshe, Assistant Wos. We of Chatham, ree WLR. Lovell, of Saery, Patent Was re-cies rater, Turspay er who las presided Banner, was elected sembly, today h wreaking party Houiden, better Tlolden warned Sy MeN La ntcentle manuofactuced the great arentont of seant twaterial) who teow ROU MITE HT Tirsoctl State. They are paving ti vices. WA Genern . The Jenkins wast Grovertiot’s read ty the House first, and then in the Senan We give itcntire tia th papet, te the es clusion of almost every tht 1 else. Ir ginacks pretty sharply of secession About 10,000 copies of The thessiwe wore ordered to be printe t—an unprecedented number Wed ne aday intreduced to amend the C Three dnlls have bee Nstivation, all In relation to the ad valores system oft rateing revenue Motions were made to raise a jot Comittee on bederal Rel Mr. Turner offered secession resolutions, hone. arenes of antl Laid on the table and ordered tu be printed {Both Houses are opened with prayer each day by resident iiinisters of differ ent denominations | Thuraday.— Mr. Morchead, in the Se nate, presented a bill which provides for the repeal of the law requiring Judges to to be selected from particular Read first time aud laid) on Roles for the Senate adopted tle elected Solicitor for the 4th A bill to remove restrict ecirenits the table Mr. Set District. the ions on the banke for auspending specie payments, after considerable third reading, Friday ~— Win. Lander was ele licitor for the 6th, District [ote Es Manly elected Supreme Court Judge disensston, paase d its reted So Various resolutiona from other States Sooth Carolina, Mississippi and New York—and resolutions from a public meeting lately held in Wilmi: nyton, were brought forward, and after Rome discus Sion, were relerres to Cominittee on Fed oral Relation eer BA The Raleigh Ktanidard te down on Govern or Ellis in pretty hot t erms an aaeannt af lis aeees- SOO MOREY anid lik OF elwanag dirtaton. ta he democratic party Heerecanetaciie y the pecpie of the State ar to he Rhentediiitntaaaneuvin that they are meteiy (5 by cated an ty nemeter the die union schemes of diciniom lagders Tint the emor and his party but fear to trust the necple ye tht) Mr Holden knows very a tices of the party. and me one 1 @peak of them than he always cheated the Stems of their creed on like cheep Nese ty dhealve ¢ giver What are tue mene Ine CAMPe tent to Tear Demmerane lpades Varn people One of the cardinal ia. the people must be bed or drt \ with other getting terribly out of joint—al! the resalt of the present sectional disturbance. The ubanks of several of the States lave sus- The N. York banks lave resolved to pay as long as pended specie payments. they can, and stop only when they can't do otherwise. Cooling off in Georgia.— Mr. Stephens made a yreat conservative speech in Mil ledyeville Georgia on the T3ch instant, which was dike pourmes oil on the trou The ifested a decided inclination to abide by the ,bied watere. people have siice man ConBerVallVe teastites fur redress of ther grievabes avainst the Nortis The United States Play Is net now recognieed in South Carodia. Tae peo ple are said te Le alimest unanimous for secession, and already regard themselves the Union as Virtually oat of President Buchanan is opposed to se cession; bat thinks cverenn ine apedient, Ile advises renewed cfforts for the repeal ofall antifugit ve slave laws butin case Lieu he, Mr. ula. such effort tile, is with thes Buchanan, rere Re Districtiny the Stute.—TVhe Demo crude Press speaks of this as one of the subjects for the action of this Les isiature. We had supposed the result of the cen have become known in sus would not tine for that at this seseion. Bloody Work in Wane ts Montyourery, An ont-law hated hasa force of sever- al hundred inen in Kaneas and has hang several proslavery men. The President has ordered troops tu the scene of disturb ance, to crush it. The King of Sardinia dos formally ae ape the sovereignty of Naples, has restuned i 4 di is I Craribald latorslily yone tu li and y 12 Set A nese vet, $0 soldin row Riehl last Moteias, ar S259 Who wotid fave brought STOO a lew Hontiis wo, dold for Xo that dows that mean ¢ Naga We hada cot © tallost snow oon Wedueedav or fatal ! passee away tu at hour et Ww oWeelks dao were seluue Nese) oe for YS cent m AVE srohie mA a get loss =u fee us ~ t Soutien t. Tt Jeet fee Veley } Tie menntarn Congres dist t aave Delo aim Wority ef abent Taou, yoo more than it pave Poul in August. DIED: At hia residence i Ute eo Mharatey, the thot Novernber, bsp at ivadf-pourt six Rohe JOSEPH W BOGLE ; aged ¢ ears, A monthk ntid 21 faye Western N. C. Rail Road. WES EHR AION Na EAE TNE = ae t : 7 acs Y = z Pia ANS , = wnay : Es Bs 3 i z : 1 2 fi ES ela = - = ze 7 = tet = = TiO ay. wety 4 5 Anat] & = ue TAMERS =¢ Pur DSUs Salisbury, Now 26, D6 Eng. 4 Supt State of North Carolina, CABARKUSICOUN DY Court of Plew and Quarter Perm, 1860 Sessiona, October . , < | The Gnavcial affairs of the Country are! ae vA Le name EVEN THOSE who are in the enjoyment of perfect health frequently have need to have recourse to tonics as preveutaiives of disease. We are never | tuo well armored against the assaults of “the ille that | flesh are heie to" Sach an invigorator they may | find ir Hostetter's Bitters—a medicine that cunnot be taken regularly without giving vidality and elasiici- | ty lo the system. At this seasoa particularly, the | Strongest man ix not proof against the malana. in cerlain sections of the country. [nail casesof Fever | aud Ague, the Bitters is more potent than uny | amount of quiuine, while the most dangerous capes} of bilus fever yield to its wonderful of Properties. | Phose who have tried the inedieine will never use | another, for any of the ailments which the Hostetier's | Biters professes to subdue. ‘To those who have not | made the experiment, we ecardially, recommend an} early application t the Bitters, whenever they ve stricken by d rakes of the digestive organs drug sists aud dealers geuerally every- adver ticemeut an another columu » P60. 126 YAKER & COS MEDICINAL TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL THE TRUE AND GENUINE UNSURPASSED IN: QUALITY AND EFFECTS. BEING Tik SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED Tts une, if fairly trie ere the Se » WHE Soon re me of the direstiy s taverorate the figure, vervous = blood. iv © general to the and wid ewerpe ta the rotunusty triad aud LE PH I V A : svetem. Lie value haw been remarkably feuced by ite wonderful restorauve pow: rosy When ocimary tones hid been vin oe exhaunted 1¢ tds vourishment to the body wae vo other car be boo ve, aod furnishe ¢the frame with fut ou uly re naarkabl © — Fur CONSUMPTION and BRONCHL ™ TIN, : manne PH I L A D E For SCROFULA on all its derclupments, Fur WBAKNESS. WASTING, and a rrery farm of DEBILITY. ise curative -= properties ate uneyated Co See be taken without disrdinh by che r Most ceucute patient, and retained without S eMOr ke the ntost peusitive etor v0 tte su perencs an this and other impor Ta ei eC ay Gr geliinicncon hua 1 - Commendation of the mt er ndte dt ‘ ee tans Chrougioat the States: the wit — eu Tescimoowv of ¢ ds choole ; the P UN(VERSETY OF JEIFERSON COLLEGE OF re tacu'ty of the best medi ¢ X 4 fexsors of the REN NS Y (eV0N TAs BARE Ic Aveapees =_ DELPHTA, — an PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI ies ae, mm CINE, and others fuvalids show be careful to purchase ol ect undoubted reputaiion af they desire wm arive and immediate advantave ie remedy Phat which we prepire hoe ey 4 reided evidences of supe ity over other == \ theaads Manwuctued only by a —_ JOHN © BAKER & CO os oe Wuierctoraniia(bertere a a Deruge, Chemeu's, &e 7 ag Nov. 13. 1560 Hint et 54. N. THIRD STREET, BOOKS! DISSOLUTION OF COPAR TNE RSHIP! TNERSUEP HERE TORORE (Burke & SCowarts is this day uiesive! y Cen I ne Muse tina Mr. Stew ae 4 sof w ~ ie by bit “ Aly p he | f voas a Isto ea t LURKE IIT STEN ART, Paliomi Ky. 0 5 TO THE PUBLIC. ] et BECOME TH roftle E SOLE PROPREE SALISBURY BOOK STORE, the nidersicned wou rhs thanks to the publie for (he palnonage exter he House while eou ducted by the late fi uh A NTEWaRT. and ws t ‘ at malronage u : He ow ¢ ' reple t STOCK ROOKS. at “ meke w an w vd Va 1 Wotan b ul t i ‘ AEH ay ry sh New Vo ip 1 a a 1 By Bu se h as ; ‘i Se Paces Sicatien Vall Paper. of \ a ke no. wath reer ' ‘ Seem leased 1860. FALL STOCK. ew AL MORPHY, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND: SHTOES Hate. Cops and Bonnets. Sac eo, Salt, M ses, Syrup, N < Mute Shoes, Site beat ( . Tani mn Shims. & Are now reeniving fe wedi it to their Stock to whieh the att ' hel eiezeis “at Salisbury te cd) o 6 Counter Prompt sateen geven to : Kowa \ MURPHY Sepc.2o e186) try ROCK Coa Simon Bost, Adacr of Phihp Karnker, decd, | rs Piitp KRarnker, Adam Karuker, Martin Boger aud Mary hie wife, Solunon Karaker, Charles Karrher, dacob Weller and Cathanoe B., bis wife, Newton W i Wiley and Mary E, bis wee, France M Hilly and’ rE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME Jemima tie wile, Hniliard L. Karriker, Lydia A har thod ef amionacng all persous in want of ROCK nker, Harnet ©. Karriker, John M Aharciker, I WS for MILE-S TONES, or buiding purposes, that he ‘ re ae Aye ols se Su deed. can furnish the best quality of aniel Karnker, Naron Karriker. —— Hays aud é Barharvihinovile, Miruii\\ Kurhikone Gadees GRANITE, Karniker, Philip Wo Karoket, John L. Nuesmanand Bhizabeth his wife, and Wiliam Mo Wharrnker, chil dren of George Kornker dead PELELLON FOR SHEET iGn WEN Tt appearing to the satisfaetion of the Court that Charles Karrnker & Jacob Wel Solomon Karnker, ler & Catharine Bo his wife, Newton W Wiley & Mary Bohis wife, Francis Mo Hefly & Jemima tis wife, Hilbard Lo Koarnker, Lydia AO Kart » Har net © Karrik John Mo Rarnikec and Lewis A homriker. children of Lewis Karraker, dee’ Aad Daniel Karcher, Na Worker, Hays & Bar vary his wife. Mar WooRarnkern Georre No hat rher Phitp Wo wWarrther, Joho Eo Nugenan & Bhaabeth bis were, ond William Moo Raroker, eh dren of George Warnker decd Defendants ia this case are non-residents this Stat This therefore ordered by the Court that public sion be made mth Carolina Watchman, a newspaper punisbed in the fownoef Salisbury. for six weeks. commanding the saat defendants, to be and appear betore the Justices of our next Court of Plea id Quarter Sestie be held for the county of Cabarrus at the ¢ House in Concord on the 3d Monday on Jioary newt, then and there co plead a demor said petition, of the same woil be rd exparte ag to thein Witnees, Neleon Slongh, Clerk of sand Conrt at office in Concord, the 3d Mond y October, AOD TRBO, aod the eights -filth cware rl vende ner NELSON shal Be Noe 27.1260 Ci teo etl ost To the Creditors JOUN ROSTARFORD, Dre LE persone having debts, or any kind obl yationoon dD Ro StatPored. de by notified that we have tiled a B n Eqaary OF East { wre he settlement of the estate and all chapove not fort liw presented in dae form af Inwiowill be forever bared 1 J MISRNURIMER.) 4g, Aon LUDWICH \ Nt) Pleaeant, Cabarrus, Co, Nt 1S60 bw pd BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICK cutinan y shape, and at the lowest possible rates ti CASH. His Quarty is situated Similes Sonth of Salisbury, Known asx the © Old Shupmg QUARRY WILEY HOLTSIOUSER Nov. 20th, 1860 Bre 7 Reward. Rowan Co., Stolen-—-§25 Ss STOLEN from the subriterte stilts on Sunday meht,the PXth inst acfes outentaras harse, abet 1 vears old, modiam mize. a natural preer, paces wer hind I soviet the rome: oron “ Tlive three melee mad ach Sails I, s addressed tomes at Satishbury will receive ALLAN TIO : CoE te] Nov 19, S60 if Printer’s Notice. Ule yerenae die he rian Adventiaing. Pri : Office for c are ftn pay the aane wohout delay, na the proprieter desires to pay off all having clanna agains: hen ed RUN ER Nov 13th, 1860 126 Administrator’s Notice. TPRHOSE having claims ogninet the estaie of B | Vouias, decid, are} notified ta. press them within eee weeks, or thie a Previews notices « be plead in bar of re ery JJ BRUNER. Ado Noe foi Teno har The Chesrrst and Kerosene Oil, rst Fisills known, Weel i) ATT, Pius & Apathwrars Nox 186 and TR Main Street. Salisbury, No ¢ 4196 Burning Fluid. Oct. 80, 1980 A CARD. 0. SEEING: 1S BELIEVING ! THE LARGEST ANDMOST oO a =DRY GOODS, CL OTIING, AND FALL AND WINTER GROCERIES, Are wow opening at the Subscriber's ever Eirhibited in: Salisbury, And which w te = NOCANT ADVERTISING PHR: Common with many, Because ane eouvinee the truth of the Returning eeeue of Re vores, L hope venit a cout “No trou S. F TO by close Ul be wuld as heretofore at unpreceden- tedly low prices. This is who enumerate their articles xaminat of the stock and prices. will most Bee pie, snd closest buyers, of the aseertie my socee acknowledpements to the wan and adjacent countes for past fa {tention to my business, to uance ot the same uble ws usual to show Goods at RANKFORD’S. COUNTRY MERCIAN TS ie SUB COUNT varied St SCRIBER would call the attention of RY WERCHANTS, chk of to his large and DRY GOODS, Clothing and Groceries, wheeh he will be bought in portum New York, I [eo NU cea any city seliut WHOLESALE as low as can inthe tien, the Great Ein hol excepted PRANKEFORD. LOLESALE SKIRTS in endless varnety ish FRANKFORD'S ‘™ BC ED’ FALL AND WINTER GOODS! AT No. 3, Murphy's Granite Buiiding Vo Nharple ¢ Hats. ( READY-MADE: &e. &e, which we Ry an examin gene nor ta be sry low to cs Sept. 25 the attention rfrends and cus- our birge at Sty md Fancy Dry Goods, ‘aps. Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. and CROMHING: eunnatr YOU TTY inspection find Bar we will make prices re now Anion of our Nt hid elsewhere toa! dealers A WeCONNAUGHEY Jno shoand pane en! Bring Back that Gun. pe SUBSCRIBER lef t Horoh last General Muster, toremove PE vise the thongh thamight have heer vet ithe kept, steul ono whe Retnrn the Nive G16: fl ee ST male Se meet cembor next fo peres tand he ad vreson the day of the houghe tit he nacersign d wants hie gon, and ad that ul mistake, sable barrel shot gan & Raimesy's 8 winel sone person nowhe tock im to remember taken through that willbe evidence of a design to againet the ke poxsemmion it imay be found Gun to floah & Ramean's Store WoHOHE BURKHEAD ) 51-25, NOVICE. IOKHOLDERS of Mootamana Fe etfully solicited t ird Saturdiy of De- asa CUON Of Fnportaut business will put the law ia fore Minury ore res Pleas rthetr ton the Bo lo case a may ority of the Stockholders do et, the present Board of Prostees will consid einselves tally authorized to transact all each Iiisine ss as metry pe Catselt By orderof the Board A POLL, Secretary Now 6. [R60 bwQs BEMISTER & CLAYWELL EKouse Painters, GRATINERS, oO All work July 1 + pporite the personally att PAPER HANGERS, &.. Monaron Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C. ended to and warranted to he orkmantke manner einaw nt) pdims K A k NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. LARGE qnant of Northern lime unsiaoked \ Harrelson hy the buahel, for aale at San ton’s Tan Yard Trowel be sold very cheap, whole anle or retail A large quantity of finshed Leather, Sole, Upper and Harnes alwayeon hand and for aale (rreen and Dry Hides always in demand at each rice H ClOSEMON TON Sahiabury, July Q7th, 1X60 1f10 Banke of all kinds for aale at thie off + personally selected hie Goods wih especial reference tothe waite aod tastes of this section, fident the ithat has recent}y returned from the Great [Emporiun with a NEW STOCK of the NEW EAT EXCITEME AT THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIL GOODS, DAVID WEIL AT = A. MYERS’ No. 4, Granite Building, SALISBURY, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER 1X " STAPLE AND FANT AVING RETURNED FROM THE NOP TH. eru Ciuee with a LAKGE and COMPLETE Stock of Ready-Made Clothing Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. 2 Such ne Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps Drawers, (nder- Di y Good: et ee fine aseortinent of Shirte and ure, &e., &e. io which he iovites yoor tminediate attention ‘They ’ (00 S have ben purchased for cash. and willbe eld cheap Dein vericcral Cabrero onic NOAy me FOR GRE\T to sell cheapy YOUR TIME vin determined BARGAINS, wy I than uny Laces, Embroideries, ready- made CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES &ec., &c., &c. u eeu ry eturning my thanks for the liberal patronage lige retofore bestowed, I hope for 4 coucinuance of the Remember the Stun 4, NO. 2, MURPISY’S GRANITE ROW Baubsbury, VC “nly wame M. BRENNEROS | RED JACKET CLOTHING HALL ! Main Sticet Nearla Opposite THE Subserther r sspectfally infor ins! his old patrons and the public generally Near Water Sireet, Post Offire NHE andersigned just having arrived KA LL AND WINTER |" wih a NEW, FRESH AND F. iSHTON A-| GOODS, Ready. | Ready-Made Clothing wishes to inform the pablic of Silisbury and ree he has taken the above named establi-h- dow ashionible styles Having y g county, tha he feels con- large und heavy Stock of CLOTHING aud FURNISHING GOODS. be will te able tomeet tie views of hin id curton ers and friends, and the public generally His Stok embraces an unusually loge ane stirac Live aseor ieut @: fone Menaul Y ju lieindeR es iwearert mileacles re quahties, and fair prices Suitable costumes LADIES DRESS GOODS, LACES, Walking Dress, Pariaers, Planters, Miners, Woehin Embroideries, &c., sis, or Servants use Also. a large assortment ¢ certtinly not excelled by any house in tbe State — Haak; and Shoes, Hats and Caps. He hav also « xplendid variety of the RICHES SILKS and SILK ROBES, BLMBSE Less GOLOLS, ~ vi ony suely Grog us substantial in manufacture old srand, that he will be able te Boots, Shoes, and 3rogans. heretofore bestowed, kame senal alteution THE ORIGINAL Not uly and all of the bond examine + kh before purchasing else SIGN OF THE RED JACKE Ly BRENNER where ofthis Falls Dmportatins. many of which are ree! PS —Ebawing mad proper arrangemeuis with our ly elegant Baltimore firm, Pati at all tunes preoared to fulfit In all his purchases he bas wodeavored to elect any ordere in the Verchaut ‘Mulviing businere ut MB shortest police Oct. 16, Iota m were most des b treby le, tions ) Roy reasonable in buries of tae aud west nie ANXIOUS to Sustain the ¢ being putation No. 4, Granite Building. The subscriber respecrully revices your taispeeto ohm new FALL and WINTER STOCK, confided ; idoecenents to all wh Les nay favor | ra call x re stock Negro Clothing, N ina wt ie Ralibaeie Warranted an unosualsy Ta Returning my thanks for the T hope for wc All orders shull receive iy prompt Av wy BIS: Vu 4, Grinite Building P60 1y i | RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Bh x PAN i Pulmonie Waters! Mepic und first article 1 the kind ever intr name of liberal pa ntnuag OCTOBER, 1860. Ge W. BR. WILSON . ° Z AVING just retarned fr with alarge assortment ot ver Ware, Ac. is ready 8 than ey aad per September, 5 ee m the Northern Cities Watches, Ciocks, to well greater North ¢ 1 to Repairing of and with the assist s will do work prompt- er was sold i arolina His personal attention is ¢ Watches, Clocks, ance of the best of Watehmake Jewelry, W0 y and warrant (2 months. Piease call and examine us stock one door frum McNevly & Y) oang’s 8 Store Ocr 16 Ladies Watches. tye ESTABLISHED 1S Poimonic other I de kn A) WAKER MONTO OW ARERS ninced mniler ¢ Worers, in th y roany other o rteitx, The une BRYAN being oni wharaped on BRYAN'R PUL Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Hoar sssouas UST opened some of the handsomest Watches BRYAN S PULMONTO WAFERS ev tor Laches choices! syle ever offered with Relieve Asthma, Browehitiv. DiMeatt Breathing, tec Gold Chathene, sects + fine Jew ave BRYANS PULMONTO WAFERS Studs, Gold and Saver Phunbles, G and ng noe 7 | chlices, Lockets. ( ' » Ire Relieve Spitting of Llood, Pains tn the Chest. : f che Dena eee cue : ' for Misses and Childees, and a greal man BRYAN PrEMONI. WAFERS , the NY too Liane rou t ution, all of whieh Relleve tncipient Consamption, Enag Disenses. cit ie sold ai ba yuins (or ¢ tthe Jewelry Store YAN'S PULM MIC WAFER Ry} W. RL WILSON Relieve Irritation of tie Uvela and Tousils, Ocr 16 (22 BRVANS PULMONIC Wares : a ’ Relleve the above Som alee In Len Minwses. SI LV IER \\ A R ie 1 Spt WNT WN : eA Fen UST opened at WOR. Wo son's Jewelry Store. # fre a Blessing to all (lasses and © stitgtiogs, ineineeuranentnncebure Tahle een doonen BIVENS VUPSONIG MALERS “F Oo, Siiver-plated ¢ . Cake Baskets, Are adapled for Vocaiists and Pablic Speakers. Cups. Goblets. Borks and Kiive Botter Koives, BRYAN'S bP SIC WARERS Batter Dishes. Syrup Caps, Masiard and Sagar Are in a simple form and pleasaut to the taste ene We ke Don't forget und give us a call RRYAN'S POLMOMIO WCFERS snd we wall sell WOR WITSON, relieve, but BRYAN’> 1 Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. eTeet rapid and lasting Ceres, LMONTO WARES GREAT BARG AINS ea CLOTHING! NO TRAVELER SHPO) LD BR WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF W Bryan’s Pulmonic Waters, No PAMILY sil Bryan's LD BE WITHOt rT A BON OF Vulmonic Wafers, Eysiss now offers to se ae fs PANTS at 244) worth 3,09, ee ‘ “ toa “ pe NO PERSON WILL FEVER OIECT TO GIVE FoR “ rs a 6.50 Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, “ r “4 9.00 WRNTV-FISK CENT GEN ES CON Ds a 4.50 JOB MOSES. © Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y on a 7.50). Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, aod all Drug : ‘ u 7.00 9,50 gusta ‘ ‘ “10,00 14.00. May 29, 1860 1 co we eT 00, 18,00 ut se 18,00 a 25,00 B OT ! B ! Call at Io SEN NISSs 0 S ' 0OTS ' Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store, Octe 2 tf20 J ENNISS i now reeeiwmg hin atock of ee ee Caney s Winter Warer Proof Boots, which for style Cc ALSO, Fine Calf WATER- PROOF ROOTS. and work are superior te anvihmng that as nade or for sale du this market and at less QUILTED ROTTOM BOOT French Calf Skin and W and ier prove Book Bindert y SALISBURY. all and see the made of the throughout, other Book heat Mereproot which will fast tk than uns home-made or otherwise with Double Solea and Upper, a capa \ Re DUCKS sinildireenell Nivintoroyt ie Witte pontia waren ie Fe « ea i‘ - as ‘ SES s ee le oneord, Gale at, ve Ksville, Grreensbor: @exin ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS ctiMinyanie Mew cranes ng Double Sole und Upper an Iry generals Che has established a Boox Bixp ALSO. MILES & SOWS GENTS FINE Ce BOOT rayin this jhice sual will be pleased! tu fies mde stout and strong and of dhe very best mate: deren hia tine, Muste Books, flaw 1106 ried, warranted Penodieals, bound te pattern, orta any style te uit ALSO, WILES & SONS PEMP SOLE AND GEYTS io HI tblishavent ean idan the eecond DRESS BOOTS. Miles Boots for > dire floor over the Post-Oitice bility and pleasant weary ve braced ibrar ghon J. Orders from a distance promotty attended t the Lnton and require vo pris Wok. DECKS 'Cull snd get you a pair of Rows for Wrater \ Salisbu Sept 1s, 1860 tims worth { having and at prees yn dets « ne ut 0 , Sonn she 8 American Watches S4LISBU RY N Ovt 2 WILLIAM © 120 ae ROWILSON hasthe Ayeney forthe GENT . rou AMERICAN WATCHES which ena LORD, ert th than they ean be boo) elsewhere He his ase in addition. the Baghs ATTORNEY AT LAW, © : Hing Cneed Watchan, Da eA ISI! | ee ee Up eps il esti : . DATE MATIN CARTES ae i ‘ \ Fae C iin Me ee (Kien icc fooeniananh GidiNinn muscu © = Sel the Book St 0 1m Feb 14, ins HATS AND CAPS. BLUM’S De Eaton Rupp Gente an oF Rove Hate and Cape, all izes and leer tres and ot f Near sh for sale, whol Ye and retail, prices remarkably low at J J. STEWART'S Catiay lo NH ENNISS* Ort 29, P60 -(f23 Book Store Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store Sees Ort. 2 Ime MARRIAGE LIC ENSES Blank Deeds for aarle at thya Office, FORVSALE VAC THIS oher house | meut with the view of keeping constantly ou hand a | vl tahtien, Furmer'sand Planter’s Almanacs OFFICE, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Is @ constitutional disease, a correption of the blood | b/ which (his fluid becomes vitiated, weak aad poor ing in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. ° ‘organ ie free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulvus taint is various- ly caused by mercurial disease, low living, digarder- ed or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and fltby habits the depressing vices, and, above all, by the ‘infection. Whatever be its origin, it the constitution, deseending “ from parents to children upto the third and fourth generation ” indeed, it seems to be the red of him who says, ** I will visit the ini- quities of the fathers apoo their children.” [ts effects commence by deposition from the blood ofeocrupt or uleerous maiter, which, io the bungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed taberctes; én the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, sores This foul corruption, which gendere in the blood, depresses the energies of life, 80 thal s:refalous consutations not only suffer from scrofuleus plaints, but they have far less power to withstand ‘the attacks of other diseases; consequently, Vast nem bers perish by disorders which, although pot ecroft jousin ‘heir nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which cimates the human fainily has its origio direetly ia this scrofulous cont: mination; and many destractive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and. indeed, o all the organs, urise from or are aggravated by the same Cause One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; the persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health ix andermined by it. To cleanse it from the syatem woe must renovate the bloed by un alierative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exer Such medicine we supply ia Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, The most etf-ctual remedy which the medical skill of ‘ur tines can devise for this every where prevailing und fatal malady. It is combined from the most ae- (uve remedials that have been discovered for the purgation of this foul disurder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequen- Hence it should be employed for the cure of nut only serofula, Lot also those other affeetions arise from jit, such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. Antho- uy's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelus, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blasns and Boils, ‘Tumors, Petter and Salt Rheam, Scald Head, Riugworm, Rheamatiem. Sy, Jslitic and Mercuriul Diseases, Dropay, pene. ‘Des | bility, and, indeed, all Complaints a! from Vitia- | ied or Lupore Blood The popalar belief in “impuri- ‘ty of the blood’ is founded in truth, for serofula ise The parti 7 purpose cise oer degenerauion of the blood. | and virtue of this Sarsaparilia is to party aad regen- [erate this vital flaid, without which sound health is | tmpossible in contaminated constitutions, 4 Ayer’s Cathartic Pills For all the purposes of Family Physic, | are so composed that disease within the ran section can rarely withstand or evade them. penetrating properties search and cleanse [orate every portion of the huwan organism, eorrect- ling itt diseased action, und restoring ite healthy vi- Asa consequence of these properties, the !vovulid who is bowed down with pain or physic j icy is astonihed to find his healih or energy restor- jed ty a remedy at once so simple and inviting. | Notenly do they cure the every-day complaintwag . but also many formidable and dangerous | tseases. The agent below named is pleased to far- | nish gratis my American Almanac, Containing eerti- j fieates of their cures und directions for their use in the following complaints: Costiveness, Heartbarn‘ Heudache, uring from disordered Stomach, Nausea, ludivestion, Pain in and Morbid Inactiog of the Bow- cls, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Jevery budy Coughs. Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croap, Bron- chitie, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Cousumptive Patients in advanced stages of the Disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numer- ons are the cises of 118 cures, that almost every sec- ton of country uboands in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even des- diseases of the lungs by its ase. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of ite kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where lis virtaes are Known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dan- gerons affections of the pulmonary organs that ere incident to our climate. While many inferior reme- dies thrast apon the community have failed and been disenrded, this hus gained friends by every trial, con- ferred beuefils on the afflicted they ean never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. perate PREPARFD BY DR. J.C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. All our Remedies are for sale by W. H. Wyatt, Salisbury, Henderson & Enniss, ** Hutchinson & Co., Charlotte, ss Jo M. Johnson, Mocksville, <f Perry, Simpeon & Lowe, Lexington, ‘* M.A. & C. A. Santos, Norfotk, Va., Havijund, Sievenson & Co., Charleston, 8. C. March 6, 160. ly4l SINGER'S SEWING-MACHINES. Prices Reduce. to $50, $60, $90. and $100. Tur. plain reason why Singer's Sewrna- Machi have always sold readily at a higher average price hao any other, is that they are better, more durable, nore reliable, capable of doing a much greater variety of work, and earnug more monoy. Long-continaed popularity is proof of sterling merit. Inthe purchase of what are called cheap Sewing-Machines, thousands have been deceived and disappointed, but with Sin- cer’s Macnives there is never any failure or mis- take. Singer’s Tranverse Shuttle=-Ma: Oy to be sold at $50 plain, and $6( highly ornamented, is Machine entirely new in its arrangement; it is very beautiful, moves rapidly and very dasily, and, for family use and light mannfacturing purposes, is the very besi and cheapest Machine ever offered to the public. These Machines are being inereased in namber as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand for thei cannot be fully supplied. Singer’s No. 1 Standard Shuttle-Wachine. formerly sold at $135, but now reduetd to $90, is too weil known all over the world to need any descrip- oo Every sort of work, coarse or fine, can be done with it | Singer*s No, 2 Standard Shuttic-Wachine This isthe favorite manufacturing Machine every where Vhe size of the Machine gives ample space most every deseription of work. which, together irking qualities, give its decided omplete, $100, 3 Standard Shatthe-"lachine. with 18 admirable w vl varitage Prive, wich table « | Singers Vo. -makers, leather work. and heavy Bay c $125 Since at reduction in the price of these | Standard Machines, on the Ist of October, 1858, the | sate ot them has mereased four fold Singer's Machines make the interleeked which is the best stitch person desiring to procure full and about Newin their mg and the best meth- tain it by eending for a eopy which is a beagt- with two threads Every vaformation y- Machines, prices, work Hpacities, purchasing. can ft 1M Singer & Co sarette, ful protormal paper ennrelvy devoted to the subject. It will be sujpdied erratis 1M. SINGER & bas $50 Broadway, ew 7 “ork. TO J. MERON] on {LINB Jaty 24, 1860 \piss GRASSWITT, having just returned with a splendid supply of the Most Fashiesgable Millinery, purchased at very low rates, re- fronds and the Ladies generally, that THO TOMER, inet, Rew Stoek will be open To sce all the Latent Mtyhem Can. Kaniy Det. Oth. 18460. tral 1PPLICATION will be mad- the next Seesion of the Legwlature of Nerh Ca.o- lina for an act incorporating the Pattersen Menetec- tarning Company, at Patterson, NC Oct 29, 1A60 Sacismeey ¢:, ces DENTAL NOTICE. — 238 G@RDR. BESSENT, | AS REMOVED ro rus DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly oceupied by Da. Baron, where he is prepared io attend ali operations eonuected with his profession. Jan. 1, 1860. W. L. BARRIER, DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT, N.C. pola Dra. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A. CALDWELL. He associated themselves in the practice of Med tnd offer their Professional services to the public, The who wish it, can have the services of both, in any case, without extra Lnarge. OlBce—the same occupied at prerenily fy WH tanesn ber 14, 1858. (32 Mareb 13, 1860. LAW ‘PA RTN RSHIP, A. H. & R.A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly occupied by Dr Nesbit, oa Water Street, SALISBURY, N.C. March 1, 1859. tno BUSINESS CARDS. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., . GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 129, Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. N. M. MARTIN, SOW & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS RICHMOND, VA. ®. M. MARTIN, gr, | y RO TANNANILL, HL PLUMMER, No M. MARTIN, OF Strict personal attention given to the sale of Produce Orders for goods Prowpuy filled. | Rercrence:—D. A. Davis, C. F. Fisher, Une 14, 1859. ~ JAMES HORAK WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.c., @ne deer below R. & A. Maohy’s Sierc, EEPS constantly ou hand a lar; Ze assortmen: o K WATCHES and JEWELRY of likinde Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every lescription Fepairedin the best munner and ou the Most seasons ble terms. February 14, 1860. BLA MARGIN, Ww. OK. MARTIN, MICHAEL aie, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N.C. ROMPT PERSONAL AT TION GIV EN to the purchase of aii tanis of PRODUC f And to all consigninents to be sold ‘ shipped to other Ports. bebrusry 14. 1NC0. Wo this mardet or 1f29 Collecting Agent. WE ondersigned offers his services to the public asa Collecting Agent ia and He holds the appointment of Town, ind therefore feels wut! to oar Superintendent and C. fications, &c. April 10, 1860.(1f46} === about Salisbury Tax Collector for the Jorized to refer persons Moiesioners as to quah- JOUN BEARD, Collecting Agent. > Lp WYATT’S — TONIC CORDIAL. One of the most pleasant and efficient Remedice ever got up for Dysentery, Diarehea, Flux, CHOLIC, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, both of children and adulis. PRICE—25 CENTS. Prepared by W. H. WYATT. Apoturcany, Nos. 186 and 164. Main Sireet, SALISBURY, NC -° $10 REWARD. ANAWAY from the snbecriber, near Thomas. » ville, on Satorday the 7th inst. a honnd boy bv the name of JOHN A. KINSEY: s.id bovis about 20 yeurs uf age, 5 feet 9 or 10 iehes hich, weiahe about 135 or 140 pounds, of a red eomplecon, sk somewhat scaly, black hair rolis under at the ©) is rather spare made, walks quick aed upright Stuiterssome when a little excited. He hadon w he left a black frock linsey coat. with black buitons brass edges, with some reni#in the right skirt He also carried off with him a Silver Wateh with o ateel chain, he also had « heavy flat galvanized fob chain, with bead keymat the end. Said boy will pass for a Coach Painter. All persons are forbidden to einplos , harbor. feed or nid said boy in any wiy whatever under the penalty of the law, if they do the law will prsitively be enforced against all such persons. The above Reward will be given to any person who will confine s1id boy in any jail, and notily me of the same eo that I can get him by paying expenses JOHN KENDALL (47 Jane 5. tf2) and April 17th, 1859. WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND Commission Merchants, | | No. 2 Granite Row, Front Starer, WILMINGTON, N.C | Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Liquo-s, Wines, Cigars. and Tubaces. Solicit cousiguinenis of Floar, Dried Frit, Feath- ers, Beeswir. Tobsces, and Consiry Produce gen erally. Agents fur Howe's celebrated Scales D.G. WORTH, N.G. DANIEL, For the past 7 veura with Late of Asheboro’, N.C T.C. & BG Wortn Sept. 18, 1560. ly138 LAND FOR SALE. HE valuable PLANTATION formerly owned by Samuel Barr lynz on the waters of Back Crook, (feet the breath TE , TERS can ppeal , ‘eon fidence 16 pbyeciins an zens generally of the United tates, because the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consume Foon of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half- million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evideut that during the coming year the cousumption will reac bear one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinat properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the evuntry where the article ig best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stumachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is neta temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of tram peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hlostetter’s Stomach bitters have proved o Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by bundreds. To be able to state confidently that the ‘Ditters’ are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sysicm, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of heath. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them toncondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions om the bottle, and they will tind in it w stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating tothe bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejusenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who hae experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their enres are 6o harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, expecially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should! the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity fora stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodi'y strength All those persons, to whom we lave particu- larly referred to wit: sufferers from fever nnd ngue. caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, Joss of appetite, and all diserses or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult ve, their own physical weifare by piving to Hos- tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters CAUTION.—We caution the using any of the ly imitations nrer- feits, but ask for Hlostertens Crinunated Sromacu Bitters, and sce that each bottle has the words * Dr. J Iostetter’s Stomach Bitters’ Diown on the s de of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that cur autugraph signature is on the label 4s Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by ail druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MEADE, WHOLESALE AGENTS, New ( Naw msl Y 1 & Eoniee, and WOH SSA, Henderss Wroatt, weet fs by J. Reed. Coneord; and by Porter © ¢ » (sreeuntors’, NOC May!) yt SOUTH BOOT AND SHOE WANUFACTORY ! SMITH & MILLER, Nev GBS Celt ster Py sae Gentleme ins Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. ae | [ASG oe fer parce ree best quality —M ay faiest 4 prov: menig—ane is fied \Sarele Fell aw geod ana Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, asesn he purchased in New Porghind for the some money. ‘They therefore fecl coutent that iherr sep ps sthe enizens of the » hota sine tin then an their endeavor to introdac ameoug them oa branch « Manufacture now entirely tn feof abeliit nimis wll nat bein vain or disney ‘ Vhev off rat WHOLESALE WD Fine ( Boots, Beene) Pine Freneh Edge, © Hall Write, hunnetted RETAIL, Double Sele OPERA BOO’ eneh Cal! Patent Leather and f Patent Lear's Congress Gaiters, Preneh Cot Oxford Ties, French ¢ Union Pies, uew style Freoch Am Co! Li Goto them and supp yon Fine Open Gaiters rand Drench Cal? wants and in fa ture you will purchase no Boots, Shoes or Gaiters, save thore manufactured by SMITH & MILLER, THOMASVILLE, N.C July 94, 1860 cu ASTOUMDING ! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! le ’ : Wyatt's Remedy !! An Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate! CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CURES RECENT AFFLICHOSS, IN A FEW DAY3! Tt hae does not interfere with diet or taste, Prepared and mold Wholewee and 18 miles Weet of Salisbory, on the Sherreil’s Fara Reculby WOU WY APT, Druggist and Vou ford. containing about 32) ACRES, about 72 Acres CUrY. Now E86 and TSS Main at, Salisbary. No ¢ of gord (two good Meadows) Bottom land ue ia in D7 Price $1, und sent by mail enclosing 1 etainys Rowan comiy; the fund ie well adapted to (he WO Prepay pomage th of Tibicoo. The buildings are nl! first-rate Aug. 7. try ‘orerns wishing to porchase will please callon Dr O P. Houston who residexin the neighborhood, and will take great pleasure in showing the land. and act on tin my absence. JA BARR July 24, 1860 19 Sages pln ceenmemrres gives notice that he keeps a TEAM AND WAGONS for the pnrpose of Draying, and will serve ull who may favor hima with eae \ alls ia this line on acoommodating terma GEORGE MOWERY. March 20h, 1860 143 : Apple Brandy. LD, for Preserving Fraits, for sule by WwW. fl. WYATT, 186 and 188 Main ot., Salisbury, N.C, Jory 84, 1880. to B. PF. GRADY ORRELL & GRADY, Manafartorers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrelias, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons. &c., No. 18 Courtlandt Street, UP TAT rmeriy of Payetteville, N. 0 New York late of Wilmington, N,Q, 1000 lbs. BLUE STONE! 1000 lbs. BLUE STONI! For enle tow by WOH. WYATT. Droggiat and Apothecary, Now 186 and 188 Main #1, Salisbury, N.C Gept 11th, 1860. ni NOTICE, —o—-— BLUE STONE, 3006 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNIS8sS. 350 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice wud cleam for sule by HENDERSON & ENNISS. THERMOMETERS For Ouring Tobacoo. Prom 210 to 240 ded. for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS POUNDS 000. f°?" 10,000. Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON &w ENNISS, Por wile by 1000 GALLONS 1000 PURE LINSEED OIL, For sale by HUNDERSON & ENNISS 10 Bbls. For sule by Tanner's Oil. 10. HENDERSON & ENNISS Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Ennis’ Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE at HENDERSON & ENNISS' Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gallon or Barret | HENDERSON & ENNISS' rrale g MEDICINAL FRENCH BRANDY. Medicinal French Brandy Given opty J Isdo sto Jave to be the best ever broazht t Ip Wate ty fur mare ly DI AUER SCENTS CEN NESS SPICES! SPICES! Popper, Sy Masts Mace Conger, Cinnamon, ant Natmege tor sale by DDE OSCE GANS SS cha ENS VINEGAR! Mets. Pare Cider Vinegar, 30 ets. Pret ver Gea ben END IAR= ON EEN ESS Sept is. 1350 ris Greensborough Mutual ISSIR A SCI8, CLO MOP ANS We Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: | tr WE MeConnet, CP Mend Heel: James Me Garret, John LL ¢ SL ie Nite Won. Baranger, David Welk ! ms Jed Ho bi cdsay, Greershorou VES Wilm ty ye View PONE ws Ve Crew, Racighs Phomis Jy ! p Wot Ratnsey. \Wadesterciugh Mancina Fran. by De TOR Woteon, Warsonville orr Nf SN TSN Tres rat LINDSAY \ iP ' VENDENEDEL Ae PETRA ADD MS See Gad Vl eUMMING ts \ Yb Nan OO NNT 1 iy 1H RANE - Us Piney 6 A ieetoeN [ere tewhe : \ Ait eomimaneat nit baeane mine ‘ OMee shoutehe a et SPER ADAMS Secret (fs aly fs ON an ’ ve 1 LA STD POUR SIS, FRENTE PA ND periverty cow iter Robert tyciee Pie aera Sa \ sherpes sf ik 41 of Se hist tas ' BHO Nes a UC BO Neo wor ties Nant ont T now atler € panto peien Ay eaniselalniies MARKY b RANKIN, Baeentixno' s DR Foove who were indebted to Dr. Iiinkin: at the “ rer 1 p art b hereiy notified t r Aon 3 bacon do GapaTr sou RN GAT AND CAP UGC eG Oia) TOFN DOOLEY, cnwosn, Vs Main Stuer, R Mannfacturer and Dealer FUR, STRAW, LFGHORN, PANAMA, SOFT AND MOLF SKIN PRESS WATS | HAVE now ready avy Spring stock of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, toowhieh TP would civite the attention of the merenantsot Virginie, North Carolina and Ten see, contdent of my ability fo supply them with ne evervthing they may wantin ny tine, on ae good terniaas they can he proeared in any market in the country My sock will be kept conetintiy fall by the ad t Hen ot everything new oor desirable sand. havo rreathy mere cse Limy manufeeturiog facies, many host Neostyle wall be ofmy own manataernre My Black Wele kin Hote sQilon the front rank. andos equal, foot sapertor, to anvthog prodneed i the reatey Vy assortment of Boyes Misses’ and Chil drew ehty turomed Hate ane Phots or all tae duf erent aries af Brad and Leghorne cannot be exce led fu Miltary Goods Wy stork of Dean furnish anything reqaiced Re rata virroum quali Noi trons” Hats ie very complete any ofthe ditkere yt rivies of Hateor Cape made tour Jer at short notice , JOHN DOOLEY Maret 13, [S60 ws THOW ASIDE 22°90 8s, Minnfactured by MILLER & THOMAS. Te TRECEIVED a supply of GENTLEMEN'S CO MINTEER BOOTS AND GENTS L4ACiep BOOTEES, manotaciured by Mirven & Trowas Phomosville, NC), which wre fully equal vw style any Northern wack, ood a great deal better ia work mausnip and equally as low in price A see theimat JT ANNISS' SON ete Boot and Show Store Fine Suits. vboy FINE SUITS of CLOPHING 4 latche Great Cloth wae DAVID WEIL. 17 Revemnen tie Stasp—No.%, Murphy's Gren- tie Raw, Saliehiuvy, NC Sept 25 If von wish t ey Aeprmble, es Emporinm of m9 | Buggies and Rockaways. PE mteceibes hae a bot of handsome new Rug gies nod Rockawaye, which he will sell on good THOS, B. BROWN, a5 terms Jan 94, 1R6N HOTELS. ES MANSION ER HOTE | SALISBURY. | pe EF subscriber takes pleagurein ananonci the public, in the Mogi satisiuctory manner. Partionlarnttdn tion ig paid to his TABLE, andevery comfort is provided in his ROOM ' | Hiv STABLES are wbondantly supplied and at- Corn-shellers, tended by a curefal ostler ; afd to all departments the proprietor gives his personal attention A ennfertable OMNIBUS rungs regularly to the depot on the arrival ofthe cars. With these efforts to please, @ liberal share of che puble patronage is confidently subeited WAS ROW ZIRE: Jaunury 25th, 1660 U-35 TING WALTON HOLE, Morganton, N.C. ee superb New Hotel has gained the reputation ofbeng a FIRST CLASS HOUSE © State ood — REAL E tone in | As anevideuce of it, Dreterts heamany favorable votiees by the Press ot cb and the very liberalpaironage received | pen IR guests way rely upon the reputation of the House betoy sustained LE hive arrangements wude larly with I fact with every deheacy CLASS HOTELS never having beew cloaed. and to be kept wupphed regu. sua fonnd ut COS. Brown & Co's Stace Office, te at thin Hone Fx ran tot Ther FOUR HORSE COACH head of the WON ©) Rail Ro Mondays, W sud E aud to vile, Tuesdays, Phureday sand Saturdays COACHES and HACKS ty pote tuesdays idaye eady ats Cos DROWN, Proriuser Raleigh. Ballet Chania Heit W Mount Vernon House. yemerty kninen aathe Veranda Hot waited AT THE DEPOT, SALISBURY, N.C rs abishinent tae beer opened for! le enter die Tos wow Uhoronah ly tr WEN i r het 1 The chatter svete ashedanew sbroiigh rave the he i B Vhe Cuicary iD EA i 1 1 “ uppied withoth B Fy ts ie ' teoatt ' tart Sek v v " the ‘ ul G * ! AMIN } ( wy ’ “THE UNION,” NS eC greny Mirae PHILADELPHIA. ays UNDERSTONED havin nee former partoer, Fv as by ase bove HOTEL, wy AUlen th a of the abl r ne rie: WASHINGTON HOTET,. JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor BROAD STRBbB«xT, National Flag! WM. M. BARKER * As = . ay 2 \\ STUD i pe ON! Carriage Business, 4 prepared fire ay et BUGGY CARKD GE proce Ht ' vist 1 . rN r mu doinise f with in : finn wea wh hose pret ' Vwe leaper rou order K to build finest and ‘ rein tae country eolierts tithe Sign of the National Fisg WM MW BARKER Hite sty 1 Sh0 aed Brown's Livery Stable. Sikepc aan lnra(oticemli is cette zy | bss begun, hae proved to the public at tirxt. asa denbttn eyoeriment A ogrent desde ratum anda eomplete success. Praveters, and others woth «lie, we can always have them wants, Med. Cash prices paid for Carriage Lumber and Proven der And the bay good Heron subseriber i eas rewdy to mello THOMAS BE BROWN ng tu his friends, and the public generally, that he has} [taken this long established and well known Hotel | aud has nade every possible prepurution to acconimo date the business, travelling aud visiting portions o e Stale, none cesb Fish trom Nertolk aud Newbern, 0. FIRST id owu BOER AGE HV bewr aud tor a” fying to hem thet thisestablishiment, “Worth Carolina Foundry | Immense Attraction | Aue AT THE | MACHINE WORKS! Mansion House Corner! CHEAPER THAN EVER! HAVE just received a large uddition of Fall) Goods to my formerly large and handhome stock jof Fall aud Winter Ready-Made Clothing. which | wu selling at greatly reduced prices. FRERCKS & BAEDER, | Barcains! Barcarns!! Lathe dep lal hd | Here ia the pluce to bay great Bargaingin Clothing. | N. BOYDEN & SON, \ Nothing like it was ever witnessed in Sattbury be- | % fore. ! JL c wufacture und keep on, . . , \ / Ku 1 { ee oman P | But notwithstanding the receipt of a Fall Stock, vag nidl tt 1 have determined to offer my Stock at nearly ’ y SATS 5 AGHICU LTL R A L IMPLE M EN TS Cost Prices from vow unl November Court; and ; at that time and vfter, to close out at Auction. Vy a eeu ERLE Propose to change My business, and will do so even ea an ata saciufice; and hence bere is the place to yet Straw wad Feed Cutters, Reed Cider and Sugar Mills. They also manufacture mude heretofore Plows, the bet bargain in | Reavy-Mape Crlorimine. Give me « call, examine my stock und hear prices My stock must be sold at some pice, Horse-Powers, wer, Threshers, Thresheraud Separators, Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills, Cireulorand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix- tures ac, 11) \oeARVT) FORGINGS aod description made lo order Repaire obevery deseription of Muehinery | “a 2D’ R'E G@ > Be All those indebted to me by open acconnt ure here BRASS CASTINGS, FINISHED WORK of aud warranted in every bv notified to close the sume by tote wehout delay And ali Whe are due we on long staudiug uoles, ure voutied that they wy i pay up, and that speedily 5 make a complete settlement ‘Phose who every respect. so Daim determined t dove at short notice fofalliuny busaiews hese without delay Sulisbary, N.C, Jao 160. Wy34 fl disregard this notice will have to setiie with an offi Stundord, Raleigh; Patriot, Greenghoro’; Demme. {0% ud atl ogaleu. and trouble MO RELIN erat, Chark.tte; Western Advocute, Atheville | Caro O een : sty inant weekly) Columbiay Observer, Fayette vile; at 2 pend Eredeli apres» will publish Sinouthe and forwaid ‘TT ATE A de HO \ TISHING to concentrate my hands an one place, I propose to sxel the plintauon on whieh Puce reside, containing 3074 ACRES Most of the soul is grey ground, the remainder dark loam, equalin fer Nearly one half of the tract oa RANAWAY--$75 Reward. DANAWAY fiom the subscribers at Lex- 6 R iigcne Neprimantnamed AEX or KANDER. Sind man is of a dark cop- lor, S feet Bor MO taches high, aud will eHow, but years The Jarking about either in th Mrs Lowrte’s or MoS They wi igive the above reward for hin appreheusion and deivers to them at Lexington, NC Alm, they will ALE pere weigh trom 155 to 165 tbe, a very likely hur rather a duwn-cust look—uyed 22 it probable that Alex in neighborhood of Salixbury, MeKenge’s plantations subseribers think fivteanyin Rowan in sulin woods, containing a great deal ofitoe tinber, nybt along side the N COR. Ro There is about 40 Acreset BOTTOM LAND snd MEADOW. of tirst- rate qaalty. ‘The DWELLING ie well arranged eontaing wine roome, garret and cellar, and alm ! Yadkin River and The garden and spri pay €25 reward (or proof satticent to convict any ope oft harborsng said hoy S.W.McCRARY & CO Oct. tu 1859 ify DAILY U. STATES MAIL, WEST, meen view of che are excel auth r of which cre rs, noe ew om fort ible te convenient, being wit ova fiv ” very healthy. “Phe sol oe ‘ ‘ PLOWN & COS. 4 Horse Coaches h Pobaces, Cotton, Gran, Prius ( 7. So ae now ronring Daily from Hieko . e Fevers Stat. WNC. Rel Road, mo Margan JNO OA BRADSHAW eT ee Occ 4d Horse Coaches for Asheville Deidara ty, eave MM tonon Poesdaye, Thorsdays and Sat ’ - ‘ bree 4 Horse Coaches at the 3 head ott! n Koad, op the arrnvel of every Pan- COWAN’S Pion Wrngacn Awecn |e nie . ats: Via Ma ¥ Gardews, Tunnela of the Vegetable Lithontriptic, eo. ct vem olive cee beatet Rick Moun Domes Siva) Wier MERON ROC, Sher on ras Nu Cos BROWN & CO.. TLRIUND OF THE IIUMAN FAMIL), Marea 2s 160 aus Coutractors ecKErRING HOM 7 Bas fein thekory Tavern to Moreanton, $2 Uf DISCANED RIDNEYS, Ntone tn the Bhaddes SUPERIOR CLOCNE WATER, an i AY a ’ Woes ness of the Luinn, & ryytits east ele fare Tieble Dist Ued from Fragrant Bowers Fis Thy Gra Gn!) Airtime odin ; . eee as eee ern eee rein WLI WYATT, pd e acer Mn eee ant se jean) eee DRI Gaist aNh APOTOECARY, { we lisa Saudi Nox ocfhaund im Man Se, iN mea ler cesainmees Cl ay ' a EOD ACTIN ISIC I Navas 1" } . pets, Sete and &1 por Bot hele. cout no JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyoud all Competition !! HARDWAR Tie cash ae Fs a \ ok ° ware ace 2G ¥ Mock of Hard are EI! rece ving and opeu ng a Mant Ge Miles AMET doar Subserbers are dost Toe wodere ered will eel! Prekoroct this Market, which baying nhongnt e Manatectu sor ther cla Ks Cela at « th r ” tf nduce- ti ade old Chatlan and |, : S “ nl fr Reta buyers A call ue fe qua ee Titre JONES & OVERMAN i h + Park < Mae itso rat ‘ © vcks (A : ‘ DR. MOUTARDE'S Wiraculous Pain Killer. RHEU MS TISM, Wi eure \ . VE RALGIA, UW eures is a tow ininnins. POOTHACHE., UW sropsimmis CORNS and RUNIONS, Vecuesin a tow nighta HL T A DE SN OS ? Clone Paurmein the Stomach, Ustap: sista HIRI TOC Gre ni iiehean to ialiren ee PEC isreanufectnc nineteen c Be = 5 / Forpere elena as [ee teen aS = : . =| Ve Wholesele and Ret athy WOH WY UEP J Nees the Stare of NOC Noo TS6 and bss Maur , . Selinbe Not ey Det as 140 WHS eV bist N New Firm. ‘wing Machin es. PPRELD cobecrber having been appormed Veer t | - WHEELER §& WILSONS SEWING MA. MURR & SOSSAMON CHINES now prepared te turnsh the pablie wiih ’ Unisvry Vaoble aud badmpensible Arvete i ey AVING purchered nf 3. U thown st tie Vesienx Vie Mukline sng lie aren none Co.,, their entire stock of TIN, SHEET-TRON, COPPER atommy Store, Nod, Grantie Budding “aA. MYERS es oe a WARE, STOVES, 4 May ® 1190 yomdfer che torgest and bandsomest lot of COOK ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES ever FOR SALE. Ofered in thie market, and will cell for cash as low oe conbe hadi Western North Corolinn A oo Pha vd od TIN-WARE an Wikinds Sibi Spring Hill Tract of Land, CONTAINING 1060 ACRES kepton hend All kinda Tin, Sheet-Eron or Copper work done ut the shortest notes FEVUIS Tract of Land vs situated two miles from MURR & SOSSA MON I Satiebary.on both sidee ot the main road leading p Salisbury. Jan 10, 1460 193 tothe Yorkin River, the North Carolina Rualroad pormmnig: th hit, on the premses is a Dwelling Wav Sbet, 1849 tl ni House, Barn, baceo Barus, and wil cecessary oul Chills and Fevers buildings. good spange and new in cultivation aud e- wa ee . en a vod fener: the greater portion of aad ‘Pract . woeay ! I KV IER AND AGUE tuned at font te ae i el fee Ae tea ravemently of demrec will retain aU Aries tes ‘ CIN 4 A e ANDOALL Hand and tne family Grave Yard wnat ween oe ms aes Apply te MICHAEL BROWN, Agent Dry cg, a Te undersigned has re BITTOCS DISENSES. Stim eOnne nie GD uo ~~ moved hie Dring Keb PREVAILING IN A MALARIOUS CLIMATE, (iniment toohieNEAY SE CHT an (he lit us idie ot iw pen et os ec Uae Speeley and Permanentiy Carved by TURNIP SEED, . TeeVe Tre lean Rolo: WacLdcrently (0 . oom . , ; Sp no alienianie Meline W ry tt ‘ I i e & P ll 1 poveny VARIETY, FRESH and WARRAD OMA ClvMrad ihn [Nem Sawn mnTae! ya S Fon HIS. Sey, ent iy oe ei ; CN promptattencen Charges tmodecits Doring the past year the demand for thie great IMG and 13% Main at. Salsbury pak LOTS =S NV EA remedy has been woprecedented —¢ July 24 my Salisbury. Seplanber 6, 189 15 Rrepand By (Vo fl AY Ve Deneoiet ound Apotheoury. Now (86 mind {X= Wein et. Salishines HILLSBORO’ NCP BL pee pmekinge ma for 85 A. iver NOTICE THIS. dmcoi de arcane ; ryy y 1 = 7 THE rndersye Thaving taken up the books « MILITARY ACADEMY. S2". “on HY waders} having ken up the ewe « ae Tnstitnton wm under the conduct of Cot ¢ Dina alatiranien chee Fintyenana nens tle CTE W. tate Superintendent of the Stare Mal PR teat een il be rpndly entoreed ry Acuileniy at Columbia, A. CG. The caf of in WANTED REMI DONA EDEN ASECONN EN Fy MES eirmeiion tor Ih60 will eomprnee six Officers, kor a . RS Giser, m api idenen tien muneriten dant 20999 fort Sycamore Lumber, Dee. 24, 1850 a Mee aae liso nsilyea6 pron which good prices will be paid To be of thy i LORRRRUN Sew hoearmeniisited inane care follwitaesizeea ourdall | inchtmliike) 219 see Wiens cific cenientidia pall api maketinrne 50 White Hands and 14g inches wide, and of nny convenient length “diye pre nent. we Lamm eampelled te have menos § Zs rs CLARK & REEVES the first time that Ehave called on my TEL, find etendy employment npon the Wil Minx 994. 1940 113 Ain ea lTeiatan meters nington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Rood ' : R P RESSENT vr near the place Apply t a : : Aone asc 197 SAM'L MeNINCH, Fine Shirts and Collars, beacons Ube ‘ May &, 1860. [150] PATENT JAR QUERRTOR to any article yet made fur PRE »YSERVING FRUITS and VEGETABLES, for W.H WYATT, 186 and 188 Main et, Salisbury, N.C July 9% fo Charloite, N. ¢ aule by Tf vou wish to porehase fine Shirts call atthe Great Clothing Emporium of DAVID WEIL No an Colara, VINEGAR. JURE CIDER VINEGAR, for gale b WYATT, 186 and IRB Mnin street, % vol ‘| tr ( 19 ebur Nepe 25.1919) 2, Grantre Row > y MALRRIAGKH LIVULNSAS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICH| BLANK DEEDS \POR SALE AT THIS OFFICE produce the most effectual yltervative Ayer’s Narsaparilia A compound remedy, in which we have labored iy that made. It is @ concentrated extract of Pie ene parila, so combined with other subtavees of ail greater alleraive power as tu efford an effective un- lidute for the diseases Sarrapurilia is reputed tocare Tt is believed (hat such @ remedy is Wanted by thore who suffer from Strumous complaints. and thane wiuch will wecomplieh their cure must Prove of im- \Mense service to this large close of our afflicted fe}. low ciizens. How completely this Compoutd will de tt has been z vroven by experiment on many of ihe wert cases (u be found in the following Complaints DCHORLLA AND SCkurL LOLS ComPLainie, Laurie: i“ anv Excetive Diseases, Uscens, Pimriee, Blureues Temons, Sary Rugum, Scary Heap, Sypris ear Syrditirie Areections, Meacuiat Diskase, Daorsy Netratoia on Vic dccLrouneux, Desiniy, Tiere bia ann Enpicestion, Meveiretas, Rusk on Si Ag. euonv's bins, and indeed the whole class of con. Play arieing from Impurity oF TH Broop This.compouud will he found a geek promo: heal! when tulken in the spring, to expel Vhs ‘unors whieh fester in the bhod the yeur er of \ feut At that tesson By the tuuely expulsiu of ahem rn roosloug disorders are nipped inthe bad. : can, by the uid of this Pemedy, epere them the @udorsnes of fual eraptions and wich ious hice, ‘hréwgeh which the system will strive co rid ite fot cord@ipnons, if nul wanted to do il ‘ naturale Muliitudes Belves from Urethr aph ch ancl Of the budy by an alerative 1 a a Cleanse out the vitiited blood wheaever visu fed it Hmpuriies bursting ; Hreagh the whan in pimples eleaiee it when you find: Ir oDmiinel- ed and sloggish in the veiim; efemiupe it w Denever it ts fowl, and your feelings will (eh you when Ff os where ne partientar cimercer is fell, People evye co terhealth, and live lunger, for cleansing the blood Keep the blood healiby, and all is we; bat with thie pablus of life ciordered, there erup- Honus. oF sorce | p can be Soowerurluier something must gy and (he yreat machjuers ) thrown no last tag health of Ife w disordered of over- a ham anc deserves much, the lishiog these ends. been egreyiously deceived b “caure the drug wloue hes claimed for it, reputation, But the wor'd ha Y Preparations of it, partly not all the virtue that is but more because many Pre parations pretending to be concentrated extracts ; but little of the virtue of 8 eine Daring lote years the public lorve buttles, pretending to give « quart of Eatraes of Sarsupariiia for one dollar. Most of these have beeu frauce apen the sick, for they not only contaw Wile. (funy, Sareapanili, but often ne curative prop- erties whatever. bitier and paintnl Aig owed the use of the Voriowmextraces of Barsopariiia which flood of il, contain steapaila, on any thing have been misled b Hence, pomtment has fol! the market, unul the Mate Yself te juetly Uenpised and tes becom evionye thous with imperitien cheat, Bull we call this cmppeund Sarsapar aid intend to supply sueh a remedy an shall rescue the name from the load of : Aud we think we have ground forbeleving has virtues Ch ate irre simtia obloqny which resis upon it pte by the ordinary ron of the dise * intended! tocuwe To otder to secure their coat Diet> eradiens tion from the #yrtem. the remedy should t ¥ JUG ee fy taken aerording to directions on the belt YREPARED By DR. J. €. AYER & C0., LOWELL. MASS, Price. $1 rer Borree; six Borties sor e5 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, as won for isei! such @ renown for the care of every vor ty of Throwt and Long Complaint. chat vite ewe Uirely unnece \ for us to reeouns the evidence of Inverters. wheies t hae teem employed. Ae haat e Fuse Wrogeheut thas seetom We weed not do more Mian axare the people it quali. tv he pty te ibe ryer Ras been, and shat Vinay be reled ante lo for the it telef all it bapewer been found ly Ce ’s Cathartic Pi Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, yok THE CURR oF Cost conees Jinmdice Dyspeps Ind xestion, Dye- entery. Foul Stomach, Evueipeae, He he. Piles, Rh wmatiemn & tone and Skin Diseases, Liver c it. Dinory, Terser, Tumors and Sait Rheum, Worms, Gout, Nearuiegi, asa Dinner Pill, awd for Pus itying the Biod Thos are snyar costed eo thot the wost semnive Can the » pire 1. rd they wre the best rpenectin che word tor wd the terposes ofa family phrvee Prict 25 cevte ren Rov: Five Borrs ror $100 Physic urs Siatew- » have bi ther neimed heasef there pines i ere will net permit the rmerepnon t ’ Poe Vaeeuts ow nim d suresh grate AMERICAN Vrwes whieh they ar ginen: with wise fulicese: phems of the above eomplature, dithe (rea uerot tat ehontd be wel for their Le ep fi pied dealers with other De eee 1 iruGt anes Wenrend: Nyris 1 howortthe best vd there ts wing and hey shoule have it Atlour Retiedies are for sate by NN sat N Henderson & fr oise - Harrelson & (0, Cbartoite, 1M Sobnson, Macher, Perry, Sanpson & Lowe. Lexington, + MOA) Ao Siniree Nia my Mavtane. s son dk Co, Charleston, S.¢ fare 6. 1So0. iv4l SAT.’ ui. ws LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES. eres it shed fact, a> ven aud ia nue a | al! the diseases for w ta . within Whe lat two years ore “ numercur ment of the ues as lo ; ent gnide rou sn the |VIGORATOR, and te siicore Liver Com- plaints, Billous At— tacks, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhoes, Summer Com- Dysente- ry, Dropsy, Sour ,Habite Costivences, Chol- , Cholera, Chi ra Morbus, Cholera Infavtum, Flata- lence, Joundice,| ME Female Weakness= 8, aod may be used suc jcessfully as an Ordina= ry Family Medi- mR: ee. Ttwilteure SICK HEADACHE, (as thousands can testify) to twenty minates, if itwo or three T spoonfuls are tak-) jen at commencement of. at | Aci who use Mare, \givimg their testimony in its favor. \ MIX WATEK IN THE MOUTH WITHER THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. 2 Ata —— SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pere Vegetable Extracts, and put ap in GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate, . nate A m- 2 thartic P Tw which the pro ae who and the matiafnction which use, Las induced mew place that different Cathartics act bowela. A- THARTIC PELL thie well established feet variety of the purest Vege doe reference ts! Vn Das with heen componndel from a table Extracta, which act art alimentary canal, and are infe in all one es where Cathartio is as nh, Sh r= ad Lollies, ° the) EB w . One Of t feadache, or| aly winatory! Agata, @ nu and many dtne too numerour| © bo mentions to tas Dore, Lind PRICE THREE DIMES, eo Viver Invigorator and Family Com thartic Pitta are reisiled by Dr ecally, aed fold wholowale ty the Trade in ail the 335 Broadway, Sold bv HENDERSON & anny Crrmists Salisbury, No ¢ Jnty 5, 1859 JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., Late of the Firm of T. Ho BREM & 00., Obarlotte, NO? -WiTH— SHERMAN BROTHERS, Importers axp Jonngres OF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND HEAVY qGools 19 Park Place and 16 Murrey www YORE. ENNISS, Daraor 16 Street, June 5, 1880 Fe en ee ee Se e d J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy $2.00 Five copie $8.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten,in the same proportion $1.50 each, Payment always iu advauce. BL ANS ee Ss a The following Courtand miscellaneous BL wre kept on hand tor sale, at th ok sent by mail ty any part of the expense, Civil Warrants, Oasas & Bonds Writs. C. & 8. Court, Bx-cutions, ©. & 5. C. Subpoenas, C. & 8. C Witness fickets, C.& 38.C Juror Tickets Prosecution Bonds, C.48.C. Bail Bonds, civil cases we Cidve tie ats Bail Bonds, crim. * Land Deets Attachment Writs, Deeds in Trust, Delive onds, Sheen! Deeds ALuinistration, do Equity do Bastarday, : Notes of Haad, Appeal, ss Notes to Bauk And many other forms of less frequent use sa shock mutice NaN AS Appre Letters Pestamentaty Letters of Administratiot Specinibetters do Marrings Licenses D ‘rte iam Various Equity iaake, nBiaokspri gh? vac ise Official Vote for President. Counts. Alamance, Alexander, Anson, Ashe, Alleghany, Burke, Buncombe, Bladen, n Bertie, Beantort, Brunswick, Cabarrus, Catawba, FOLUTH. 470) be ant ae maw 320 to sil Crisen, ee Camberlaud, Chowan, Colunibus, Caiiuden, Carteret, Cherokee, Caswell, Chatham, Caldwell, Currituck, Cleavelaud, Davidson, Davie, Daptiu, Edgecombe, Forsythe, Franklin, Gaston, Granville, Cruittard, Greene, Gates, Hal wood, Halitax, Hertford, Hyde, Harnett, Henderson, Iredell, Martin, McDowell, Moore, Montgomery, Macon, Mecklenbury, Nash, New [hanover, Otislow, Oratie Pasy loratiky Perquimans, Pitt. Person, Pes Robeson, Rockingham, Jtowan, Rutherford, Jand Iphi, R chuwond, Sampson, Sarry, Stokes, Stanly, Tyrrell. Union, Wake, Warren, Washington, Wartauva, Wayne, ilkes, I stson, with Wayne Yadkin, i aucey, ~omnbe, Nasi and 405, Bu 44.990 Breck maj. over Bell, Do Do 4s over Douglas, over both tie others, Pie BEI RIN TER Mr. Spelman, of the Salisbury Deen elected by the Leuislature, to do the Public Printing, We have no doubt that Mr. Spelman will do the printing very well, | ? Fanner las mit when there are so many Presses in Raletwh, we can tuner stand why the Legislature should hase gone to Salisbury for a printer, We took 1 for geanted thatthe printing would be given to some of | our Radeigh presses, otherwise we woul! lace put In the clans of the Patriot native born citizens of North Carolina, we don't But as we are presume that we would have stogd any cloance Greeneshorough Patriot Emigration from Ireland —Vhe Wes torn (Treland) Star alleges that the exodus still continues: “Even at this late pertod of the season, the exalus whit abated. The rush is still outward, and America seems to be the chief desti s searcely Aa nation of those leaving the eonntry Vie steam of emigration via | continnea to flow almost Jane or Jaly.” Averpool oxti as rapidly as in peers) Preparing for Defence. We wnder stand that Isao etand inns passed over our railroad the week. On yesterday week a freight train with 6,000 and on Tueeday last another train with 7.000 more, boxed up. Their destination is nnknown to ne, but it looks as though the day of carnest things was very close athand.— Mrederi:kahurg( Va.) Mevald of within ive art VOL. AVIIE. Devoted to Politics, BURY, N. C.; DECEMB ER 4, 1860. Wes, Agricaltare, Jateraa Inprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. h ve the Fuyetleville Observer. Phrthhks FROM THE SENIOR BDELOR OBSERVER. Nov Rareian, 22) Tsou Acman who wWinhes te retain a tecling of veneration for the pablic authorities should be cantions bow he exposes hin tt self tow close observation of ther dotties Tdevot say that “familiarity breeds ean 1 . that I prent aur ety and datizer, to see the tuost yrave of erg Donly say, that 1 regret fave been here ti this tine of aul pubhie questions treated now with lev iy and with blind sand most of all that party dictation is power ful enough tu drag into the vortex of se: cession some—many L have heard,—who left thete Coustitnents professing to Union men. say degeneracy ? then passion he -shall have come under my Barly this morning, Mr. Ferebee offered resolutions attivming ade All these stgus of observation, terinination to maintain all our rights ad rthat the election ; ' President, sdleplored. is botet itself a sufficient we the b He made reduathes, in Whicd he read trom tie ton Mereu the Condon, and declan: sectional however mueu tise tor dissoivin ten ttow @perthany ot ate ariel wheel mo eowith \ States” lea ot a NS Feretn sou Tavern ewill prefect (he motion to lay on ‘said the Demoerats. And se post ston, he Was soot Dien came thotion to the tooitinitedy, amd tor the reason that coth question apriiag on the pote the mover fuel to aving such at Jlouse Hrnportant Wien it Meer yet self asked that be printed, the party discov red that? was replied (hats tees they Reith (ine feta fet fart we upever fried id made w tuistake, ¢ the the was withdrawn, and Mr. back track, Ine with counter re Hoke, v 1 Federal Re latiens. p ed tile futhotisy, Mr tuittee on leas my VN Ge MEN erson js Ae tEATh, with Coree others who are sad otists solitary Unten aud Mebs EM wover Mr ote that, vse true and Je naan, dr. Henry of Bertie solution that Mere ho disdtitonist cutit elected teoany attice by this Legislature ! Lhe Deniocritts tatriv taneties ot countenance, as didecd t mand to dea ta dn thie ted ¢ Senate Cotisintent watiy ! i moot tw 4 #2 ina mtothe US Ferebee, by tie way, read ef caheus last tilt Inernan tor re-elect Mr an extract trom Clionetaates ter at Ts56 to ¢ Tlavingy ad for one morning P walked a lisumion Tet harlotte, enough of the Comtnons tothe Senate, to see astil sadder spectacle, if pos [ found the Thom. bedford Brovwn delivery a coariny speecca avalist a pro ouly oadd tothe Rules of the Senate Pscboott a provosion that no person should be al lowed under the right of petition, to pre senlany | Semahor or caper to the Senate abusive ofa a ceumittee of the Senate, tor the discharge of a duty assizned them by the Senate. One would that that a very small amount of sc re spect would suttice to secure a unanimous have sar ' adoption of a rule to prevent an insult from berg offered, through the Senate, tu the Scuator, or to any ofits committees or members, for obeying the orders of the Senate. Bat no. The Democrats, 22 to 19 Whigs, rejected the Rule, and thus indicated their readiness to Bubimit to such aninsult. Jt was asad, a sickening spec tacle Next Nie ss ery to remit the penalties composed by ta we had a bill offered by upon the banks in case of a suspension in-effect legalizing suspension of Kpec payimens This passed ite first reading. Mr. Avery rushed through its 2doand Store but the Rules forbade this, and the and Waa anxions te have it dines 3 Rt lies could notbe suspended without nan ious Consent, So the atter a good deal of talk, by ing the Rales which bad just been adop ted and adding one allowing the Rules to be matter Was arranged, reconsidet suspended by a two thirds vote Fhey were then suspended and the bill Here Mr. Brown rose and let off a prodigious amount of puton its 2d reading sound and tury against the dread! lly de noralizing intiuvences of saspensious of banks, the evilsof paper money, WC voting for the What a won ail of whieh ended in tis Ini] to legalize suspension | derfal influence a democratic suspension If it had been a Whig suspension bill Meo Brown would doubt “shed the last drop of tis bloo he till can have! less have is tie saying of every patriot politic tan have for it. Ile stipulated, however, for a proviso, which of course Mr. Avery yielded, that the Banks should not, during the period 8) before he voted would of suspension, diminish the dargreyate of ther discounts! Tn vain Gov. Morehead aud Mr. Parner exposed the absurdity ot (his proviso, Sy showing that the banks would have vo inducement: or necessity to curtal during sUspetnton, tot that ther policy and interest would be te relieve Che coum unity by a moderate expatiiston, but that the right to curtail when they chowld be about ty resume specie pay- ‘ents, Was Indispensable to enable thea to strenethen Chemechves for that resump: ton. Mr. Brown would not listen to any ofthis; bat charged that the banks made tuoeney by these thes of ditticulty, and Chereore that they so tianaved, or were tempted so to manage, as to cause ther That this is atnistake, any one inay see by eXaiiiniay (he seit abba: returns of he banks, as I had oceaston to do serie tine ago, when LT found that the produits ot the banks were dess during suspension than during periods of specie pay iments Any one at all familiar with the actua operations of banks cannot but know, Cha tucy bave as much reason to dread tad Coes astudieiduals, aud that ther protits are dijuriotsly atfected along with those Bact Vibie sity hot mMbtoot co of individuals. ere is a baited tye Horace on Sats Well asotuers, hh will LY UND ot setlist ayia AL particu, vt practical tien Ae te this yu Drow el strowin, t Pesave suysestion bier?! puly nd.cuted uy idan Vth stietiid pitas deter Tow Tate Pooturwatd Ce pay a Cleousdit ld batia Coli. Puce had abothic + Pyriatatex tt died stolid ot de ated the bait toe raes ! tsseu. DD) mb Chet Wan |) Wik pase the Covi ft seems stt mere tone, Chiat ine Mr. Drown ¢ ' tuaata anid peivate ous PATER sto by pee ary peat preperty ell fall along w aopeople, daimis sach ports Such he ould Mr steckuolders desire to thoes tratitestiy WHVon Drown argue t beinine increase batik profits at ther own expense in other mat But above all, how can he uncharitable as to charge or ters! insinuate tuat any bank stockhowder or dvrector wou a deliberately bring distress and run Upon sake ¢ the ps tor i he at sett rave stated, te Dern Tees Noimay be rezat Ctpeotrt rate jence of las pecul Dut as the Jnous and larity, FV eTeHiatte ft Teale hutton holing ov seen Vn ter all this—these personal appeals w so tew people have the manly firtitiess t res st, —-T learn that he received buta bare Majority ina cancus from which some 17 Democrats are said to have been absent I heard from a Democrat, who tad it from atmember who was in the caucus, that the vote stood, for Clingman 4), Per son 16, Avery 15, and Brows 6. Tn all, Oy ae a feet deel The mwever, Ins 37 avainet present believe Nomithation, considered binding upon all, and so tis election 1s seenred Besides this, I present Judges and Soltettors tor Settie tnderstand that all NEES Ea? nominated, mreluding Solve spite of tris Dou gtasisin Stull more, } understand that Gov, Messave 7 eO mostaccomtuodatitng Canes Indeed , Peet tien Ove lisa Wan finiy endorsed, Inthe ¢ ns today, some disens eon ocearred on Federal Relations, whieh L did rot hear. \frer this, the Bank Sus pe on biil was debated and passed: its readings, under a suspension of rules, by a nearly Unaniinons Messrs. Merrimon, Crampler, and others spoke rgainst it and Messrs. itill of Cas well, Ransom and others advocated it. Yo the exceedingly wise proviso incorpo rated by the Senate yesterday, that the banks Anal not diminish their discounts, some member desired to introduce a twin proviso, that they shall not diminish ther notes in circulation! To my the Honee rejected it. The two ougit by all means to have gone together vole SUPrprise, In the Senate, the only thing of inter est that occurred whilst Twas present was Bedford Brown, a speech by the Hon think of his tinan whieh, whatever Pimay celal notions, was worthy of all prare After expressing: tis strong States Raylits and contending for the oentinber riedit to secede, he declared emphatiealiy, that mon the election of Lineoln and fo Was in itself mo ease for 8 x nod further, that there ie now n for i. He pealing to the sober second thought of the people of the North who bad wronged us He knew that we had many friends there, would stand by us sion supcrvent Cass was for ay and be was sure they But even if Lincoln has the disposition to wrong ia, both Houses of Congress and the Jadierry are against him 3 and with ont t do Mr tired that the pertod has not vir aid he can nothing Drown decl vet arrived for an extreme measure, though he did not deny that it come, In disunion, said he, | ean see not invigrlit one ray of Mr attention hope Brown was listened to with great Noone replied to lim: aud itis the general that it timely appeal, calculated, if any thing jcan, to arrest the tendency of the Demo opinion wis a cratic members to apite in favor of dis ulien, . It is said that Mr. Clingman looks anx lots to-day, aud surprise expreseed that Ins election las not been ealled up. It is whispered that one Demoerat at least las determination to resist any tuotion ty go into the election. He is for disuuion, and therefare opposed to elect- ing a Senator at all, If trae, this may account for the Senator's anxiety. Judge Manly, of the Supreme Court, was confirmed to-day by a vote of 138 tu some LS or 20 scattering, ! declared a -e From the N. C, Stendard. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. ‘here ure portious of this document to which we carnestiy and respectfully objet. We regard portions of itas tenc- log to disunion without good cause, and we fear Chat the purpose of the Governor is to “precipitate” the State into the same position eccupicd by South Carolina. We say this atter a careful reading of the We regret that it is Mivsslye. our duty to say it, for we were anxious, if possitle aud towpprove the tone of the message the polrey recommended ip it “The tirst place, the save Grovetrhor recommenda, it a cotstitation he King States, atd he then recotutuendes fiat ca Conven the people of thre oO Ved iateny thother ChU Wer Ci couke set bie ulfer the Southern States oli have Proposed Conmultatlou w Terminated bins consultation is te hell throuat COMM Ss ctbe hs 9 de t Dyat Ih, the peopie of ed oor ts. tobe apport ut un irleriards Riga 4 : te cotisnlt Pavhtnet: toy pon to earey sat the prograniine of mowhiel this “ i ' hooftlier words, be taken ve the Union tot the President nt wegister Wud Fae Phereitis, fellow eitizer ely He esires to dissolve the Enion, but he fears passions on Jiotis the plan of your Gover | totrust the people with the question wWotld auitate and arotse the advance, and comin the dionor and the Feilesatitlo state tamlimininm sehemnes mal thensand onty then, would he consalt the people of the State in there severedgo capacity, to Know what their Views ure be most tmportant snbrects that have ever engired the ition. Sneh ods the Democracy of Gav, kills — such is thre espeet whech heentertama for lite nas 43, Tre peg rth, Car tit We unde bois asemphat sof this State to re thee pantef the British throne, wibinitted not to h pitharat That our fathers resisted George the Third, and Ar We shonld resist him without try tn linn; we the hatthers we should resist tn Lineal: shontd deap violently inte untried scenes of anarchy and revolution simply because a bad man las been chosen Pres dent according to the forts of the Cousts Dut we that the Phird was the ‘Gightfal oecapant of the British throne.” Our fathers fought only against Greorge the tution leny Creorye not Third bat agaist the doctrine of the Divine rightot Kings. Ievery schoolboy knows this te be no, yet Grav. be : urd mwas the righffu/ occupant of the Dirtish lis tells us that Greorge the are Various other points in this Hisunton document which we will notice vereatter, Phe Standart here qnotes what it sa onthe i7th inst. advising that wes Wifes and Mure State Printer. —On Jolin Spelman of Salis hast bury, was elected State) Printer by the , of this State, having previously nominated for that offic: by a Democratic canens, 4 Mr. Spelman is a good printer and will doutyet the pubhe work with “neatness, acenmacy and that sort of combination on the irt of several Tuesday Legisliture been no exert timself to execute diapate ho? Romor has it, however, there was persona, the object being and at the tine to punisn the Editor of this: paper his recently to secure “the spot Co same for certain alleged sins ot committed, The public printing has been executed for some tine past at the Stand rd oftlee, id no one has complained either of the stvle of the work or of the tine ocenpied in doing it. We were a candidate for re-election, and our was submitted to the canens. We defeated by a small majority, and then, hike a troe and loyal Democrat as we are, we yielded to the action of our party ) We electioneered with no one We ente®ed into no com We coneeal entertained in nawie were friends, for the office binations for “the spoils.” ed no opinion we order togecure a re-election, but we frank which ly told every one with whom we convers edon the aubject, that we for a Constitutional Union, and opposed to dis union and civil war We were defeated mainly because of our devotion to a Con The defeat of ao hum were shitutiomal Union ble a person as ourself is a inatter of no inoment in itself, except as it may indi cate the conrae which public events are taking in this momentous crisis A bare majority of the party has sol emnly declared, by this act of proscrip tion towards ns, that no man is to be re- counized as a true Democrat or friend of lis country, Who ts opposed to disuuion We at this tine and for present causes, GIVE THEM NO QUARLRIELS. We tell the pang of this State that we are but the luimble victinn of this sweep: have reason to t ve that the Gisuiion tig declaration, We denounce the dis I. uniomiats, wand we appeal to the people against them. We appeal trom the se- cret ballot to the open aud spoken word. lish. “The lust foro celling out thew of things which tley are seeking to estab ‘aders of both yerics are already par 6 Under the new order eunder new forius Wetell the Demucracy of North Carolina, has much to do im exciting and pushing whet we lave served Bo long abd oe " faithfully, that we have vever bolred a 5 Convention nor refused to support avon S We ure as loyal now as we ever U were; but we should be a faithless seu hee, meward the djsunion movemeut. The outhern States, it wecins, are to be con iited, but no d@iwand isto be made on ie North to deme justice. We uppeal tothe people of the State tinel on the watchtower if we failed to,te hold meetin 4 and rebuke there calcu ‘warn them, aud the good people of thig lations and ‘State, that the control of He sprty has | id design. @8 A in their Your OWn poverninent into your hands. Rouse up, move, and you will tind speak t ) I been usurped by ambitious ar ing men, who, if not checked course, Will Commit this State to revolu tion, anarchy, and civil war. Let people rise in their majesty and say to ' these followers of William L. Yancey, Of its disnnion elements, r State shall stay in or go outot the Union. thus far, and no further. Let them res cue thelr own cause, and the dearest tu It terests of the State trom the bands of pro of Umeservers fessional and trading politicians. Thc " policy of these politicians is eaibodied ti a! the thessaze of Cros “a (OAC AC te which, Wadopted: and carried mpevitably dead to a dissoli Uraon for re i Ustiliholent Gatiees, wha ali sueh cCalatiit Nt never been experienced on the Northern 7 port mntivent. We predicte iu the Standard of July last that the day distant “the ( have te be fought in this dow pot us vs as | ons of this ¢ Was Hot when battie woald between Union ane disunion —between those whe would steuygele for the preservation of Gat Un Consett those who, auwilling te trust? \ ding te ‘ according tu th 4, partocnts of the government as be abd Unwin bo recy ot a returiiitig sete of justice in tue Northern ye poe vod the (OMoene atric tigate wit tie soatlL the Union, vortex, lack bottomless, of revolution, secession, witli 1 and civin wat That ry time hax We stand ike a rock and su in that portion of the rusii Into au t tary vib iony, wired: agatust both d With both houses ot Supreme ¢ Mr the slightest mudignity or the sliitesten Southern sunion Wissiet va Congress a ; ourtonm cur favor, we Lineolo, but we will met sunt te “ on croachment riglits \ sane? 7 very day he lays bis band on the boner Pespectes of the South, or on its vital intercsts, that the Constitution is broken and the Union perishes tous, then, Wetec vt and Wait. s brother e senuimnents day Democrats. We them time and again in these Columns, one of or qualify sextent “These, are our | . s honest Tet Ue la u and not you has cailed upon us to fo have been proscribed assailed and censure weand maiitarning obsdittte Mbp Deen pect: tmented and vercd, white at er, aualtint f the Ntate, ferred but my atid thie and faithtalty, | - At el vor lone diated without even ti nition of tis past tidel heen done, toa, by ta fluence. We entertain the bers vour Governor stepped from bias til poo sition to press the ciate of lis favorite tnd te shape the aeton of the Phe Clerk of the House of Commons, (Mr Cantwell.) whois an avowed disuntouist Cancns yet and who even dares to Wear a disiuiten badwe while acting as the Sceretary of a Democratic the liw ob the State by viving ont bis printing te gy, tot caucus, violated party another office, stpposed to be a the combination against us, and that too. when we were the State Printer and ene fa titled to the courtesy at tis lands of be th ing recoutmized as such vr “We trast our friends will not rejard us us complaining because the pubic u printing las been taken from us. Weare th not complaining, but protesting against ol the rale which has been established that ' ho man isa true Denocrat or a trend of | , his country who is opposed tu secession We protest against and “ We declare that we) avd disunion. denounce that role, are a better Democrat than John W. ellis. ., Our Democracy bas never ; /lis wes in sot, the subject of distribution. It is been been questioned. known to Democrats that he lost the noun w Iso4 of his fividaese on the subject of distribu Tne that he obtarmed the nomiaton at Charfitte i pation for Grovernor I on account and itas well known also Lsds, by a resort to means whieh went” be considered unfair even by New York ' When he assumed the lead party ot th State our mayonity was By the party, anc in account of the unpopularity of distuibus polvecians ' Democratic 13,000 ersiap of the " Tlie asd of all portions of LS OS ient, tion, le received a majority, in 16,000. But in 1860, SsOtLe ther 4 the ers and leaders. Ellie, cya full standing and inflnence OU ehHee Tart erence Tmt Tp meCL ee LEC amt Veriince US When. in ‘tt, of Sout Car that Repattiec, aud when the flags ot all 4116 hefore te plant om hud Well but no practical screntite Tt shou oratree, which has lost one third of its What strenmuth at disunion schemes. the State of all class- use Up, yet nd take the affairs of and all parties, So tar ae the Democrat party is concerned, it must be purged whether the must be delivered from the intluence othee linaters, and who stood by Reid aud ie “Old Guard,” id who elected Jackson be restored Wetust ES. trivinpel Inuot we did in and untill where y till rattiat foes bot We fereatter to tie istinibonist Wwe aval Vostde ancl outside thie ort Hist vive te Quarters toed Good save the people from such men ats Keott and their tell the State of North ¢ rivht or whetled ancey and avers! vd pave re be tay she always c noof the States ae Mnettation | Grod save the radiant to hiondred battie-tields i Hon. Joel RP Wis Mirister te miner stare and etripes, th the lietre S82. the nn thay ¢ othe uidst of one of tose reve ions Which bave atticted the people of 1 had er countries waved in of ! u ty Wn aval - he rand ¢ ire agalust t Vail) ats tiles protection te good tien, and om venye rabuibary mobs, that banner of restates and stripes was unturted a Mr Poinsett, and thither inted vict itened aad ds Phat flay waved not It was at once and ove re restdence e thire nooferval ar fled for saecor vain. universally om ) Those who steod under it and oked up to it lived, and they learned to love it with renewed ardor as the svinbol the power, Inajesty and h fot united ath America. And during the late ar with Mexico, as muth Carolina was advancing under a Mexican men feal the regiment of urderons fire upon one of the riifieations, and whey dead heat before the sevthe, the walhant \ \ io bore the Amertoan banner cunded and: apparently disabled to his feet, however, tie dash ry petra fo and yore af wie brat for lis | throm the st J that fog das nes That, | Jan its stead 4 wil Calannities oO if fiom the burning disgrace « plante emacs rod t toatl disc Revco e from the >On pend ee Ub forelgn powers: ve! From the N.C FAL PEA NUING Standard. Pianter. ORCHARD We would rely of getting all things in readiness for plant ther Orchards inthe Fall t First: we designate Sugeest to our readers the pro veothe followin ASOUS wwertber as the Month, and the second week im said vith as eariv enough, ess we should teave vervoearty fill af planted earher, or rather we ould say trees taken up before November, are thle toshrivel and after planting, rt will be ob tved they die back to where the wood is tore ily matured; and purchasers should remember, ton most cases, trees taken up a Week, more get them, ken up before the wood is pre ve effeet as stated above, sapporntment: follows, Trees planted in Nov take root immediately Jess, before they apd if they are tly matured will be nd of course nber wer planting al thongh the buds do not swell or show any in cation of growth, vet, the roots push forth and the trees get thoroughly established before severe do weather sets in cin spring they push forth rong vigerons shoots and the droath the fol lowing summer does not affect them as it does No deciduous tree should 1 without being cut back to a strony We know ying planted trees some cultivators object tort, man will omit this hat we call an indispensable operation Trees when newly planted and headed back wWomore, wow stronger and make finer trees ery way than these not treated in this manne doabways be remembered that in taking potrees they wndoaf net carefully taken ap, sometimes more thing this ite consideration, how itis possihls nd moved to a new situation, to support vie cunountof bead at did previous to ite re youl with allats reots 7 Tn vouny apples, tor stance, we would it six feet ligh, on tive, shor nit to four feet By dome this, it has onto the wo | jead, and as the result of a policy which which push forth and grow much more rapidly Ae recommended, this majority was ret duced to 6,000; and in the late election for President the majority was only 8.000 One or two more such victories vuder the ead of Gov. Ellis would inevitably pl the State in the hands of the Oj position Ace party m \ The meeting Richland + held | Monday night, unanimonsly resolved to Change of Uniform Rifle Company, at a on change their uniform, and adopted the 4 hanting shirt, trimmed with black velvet tion, not only becoming unsightly, but exposing the trunks, of the trees to fall action of the sun's anda black velvet stripe on the pants. |jeane \mateurs to make anch aeverea winds hana tree not thus treated We insite he wrong position, and advise them to do Hos not really beneficial, why don't Spare usd : ow ash no qua rs Nowe ! vat thrifty trees Atter planut atake to $5 degrees, place it so roplant any ‘oobi Southern warreties the tine, putin worel f you can spare ree, at an angle rfeetly brace 1 vole the tree py Upright, and that blow them to one and if not attended to, grow in a leaning posi e : i N i 1 rays in summer, whicheventually destroys them The tnaterials is to be North Carolina |\¥, wish our readers to understand the North Jose fally one-third of ther roots, roots the throws top has, our a trial of this, and it we take nes show us upon and be sure t against the South west, as itis from here we vet |pole has no more attraction for orchard trees | than a brick wall, one writer to the contrary ' notwithstanding. When spring opens, if it ean be done, mulch every tree. It does uot matter eo much what you use, 80 it is something to retain moisture, and prevent too rapid evaporation. As to dis- tance of planting in soils favorable to the apple we should advise (the trees we are now speaking of is apple) forty feet apart, each way, and a row of peach trees betweeo, which would place them twenty feet each way. By the time the apples need the room the peaches will be worn out, if budded on the peach stock and it is very rare we see them budded on the plum, which is su much longer lived. Peach trees, when planted between apples, should be kept cut back, whenever they encroach on the space required for the apple. By all means keep them clear of weeds, and bear in mind the holes whould be well prepared, by mix- ‘uw eotnpost with the natural soil; no fear of the tuo strong when young. W. H. HAMILTON. trees grow lig - : SOMETITING INTERESTING ABOUT RATS. The Newark, (N. J.) Sentinel of freedom furnishes the following information relative to that repulsive animal—the rat: {nu the indulgence of their predilection for ergs, tats display great judgmeot. It would Appear almost impossible for them to carry off such fragile spoil without breakage, but they do contrive to do so, Tf the theft is achieved with- out a confederate, the rat stretches out its fore ley underneath the egg, steadies it above with its cheek, and hops away cautiously upon three ‘Tu convey an egg from the bottom to the Lop of a house os 4 still more difficult affair, and probably an impossibility for a single rat to per- form. With the aid of a partner, the operation is thus managed: the male rat stands upon his head, and lifts up the egg with his hind legs; the female taking it thenee in her fore paws, secures it till ber lord ascends a step higher, and so they proceed from stair to stair, till their booty is deposited safely im their hole. A pas- try cook had some fine eggs whieh she prized highly, but the number of which was Inysteri ously diminshed night after night. Suspicion of course, fell upon the domestics. One of them, a maid servant, hearing one night a noise on the stairs, stole out on the lauding, fancying she Wight be furtunate enough to detect the pilfer- er. She was not mistaken, although she was consilerably wstonished at discovering who the She saw two rats, one lar- he other, busily engaged in carrying the cherished eves down stairs, and felt too in- n watching their proceeding to think The big rat stood on bis , with lis fore paws and head resting estep above; the lady rat rolled the egg clasping it gently, bat temiy, he lifted at carefully on the step up: 1 te stood, bolding it there uoul she . when he descended top lower, tulthe clever pair reached the low 1 their prize woinjured, esale larceny with which the rat is ly charged, is ernminal enough, ip all con hut worse remains bebind. He has known to inake a meal of the fingers and if Forty years ago a pie- toaker, ftobny his deleactes unaccountably dis- to he mn wait in his bake- house one might and eatch the delinquents, Un- fortunately, they caught bin, and devoured the Unfottubate ple-man in preference to bis pies. Vhere is cue dish that ws more tempting to the other, and for whieh be toything in the eatable world—and legs. real offenders were. ver than ot das them, hind Whine ou wentiy towards bee spouse ; on wil came and took charge of riot floor w ewhe viving baby appear, determined Us pata than any will desert : Chats, a detunet relative, Sboud two rats agree to settle their differen - ces by a mortal combat, their friends and ac- qaufintances look op as complacentiy as distin- yuished amateurs contemplate a fight for the chaipponship. Bat immediately the affair is conciided by the death ofone of the combatants, the spectators break up the ring, and inconti- nently set upon the victor and vanquished, and eat tiem up then and there. Woe, too, to any meeting with an accident, or becoming infirm, Whena id ina trap, tustead of its being ! is vobbled ap without remorse. ielic tals lewis f Wproot of lis rescluuou io preferring to leave a nb bebind rather than remain in captivity, the that some of tis kith and kin bave chances are ven hun alive. [nu consequence of this propen- Mrs. Rat becumes a shies obliged to hide ber offspring, lest for cannibalism, when Wwelwe paper sane old gentleman of his acquaintance sbowid make dis d:uner of them, which he would sont sund them unprotected. For old rats retire into solitudey kind; and if attacked in esperate foes, beat off any regard to sex, that venture to in- trade on their privacy, An old gentleman of Unis description will keep a house clearer of ver- tinthan any cat or dog, tor he wall allow no brother Stine Te tson WI syusted with ther thet tetrent pre rats without near his throne Ulie rat can scarcely be considered a coura geous auimal, he relies more upon his cunning than svength, and in the presence of a superior enemy, thinks only of escape; but if rendered desperate, by being pressed into a corner, will turn savayely the sewer rat being more fero- cious than his compeers. Phe females breed at three moths old, live in astate of poly conmy, add to the vermin popala- Gon five or six Uiies in the year, and produce eight, Uwelve, foc ieun, sixteen, and sometimes as many as eighteen young ina fitter, It has been calcuted that iu three years there will spring do less than 651,000 rats trom a single pair.— \ithoush this seems too enormous a number to be correct, it Would peruaps be ditticult to over 600,- O00 rats were killed in Paris in the short space vi a fortmiht, merely to obtain their skins for a manufacturers at Grenoble; 6000 have met their deaths from the dogs and mea at the slauzhter-house of Montfancon in a month At the present time Marseilles is overrun with them ; estimate the numbers of these animals. couple of traps and pvison proving futile against the army of destrovers, who range even the pub- lie streets with impunity; the cats have fled ig athight, and the only reliance of the inhabitants lies in the arrival of a cargo of Koglsh terriers, (hose ttle champions of the pit alone being of tuy availagatost the invading host. 2 Public Meetings.—On Saturday after- noon a erowd fairly packed the Town Ifall, but as the call had been fora Coun- fyineeting, and the notice (only two days,) had been too short to bring together many from bevonud the town, it was moved and carried to adjourn till Tuesday of next week (County Court) at 11 A. at the Court House. In the mean time the Chairman, Alexander Johnson, Esq., was authorized to appoint a committee of one from each captain’s district to prepare ba- xiness for the meeting, The crowd was then resolved into a Town Meeting. Col. Jobn MacRae in the chair, but almost mnmediately a Jjourned, A notice was then wiven of a mecting in the evening, the proceedings of which will be found elsewhere. It proceeded from the minor- who had opposed adjournment, and the eall on the streets was for a ‘“South- ern Rights Meeting.” — Fuyetteville Ob series tan Little Girls. —There is something inex pressibly sweet abont little girls. Exchange And it grows on them as they get big- ger. There pow! Louisville Journal. THE SECESSION MOVEMENT AT. HE SOUTH. The Message of the Governor of South Oarelina—No Retreat for the Palimet to State— Position of the Bor States, bc., che. The Governor of South Carolina lias sent in his message to the Legislature. — He thinks temporary postal arrangements can be made with Adams & Cv/s Ex press until those of a permanent WHE ter can be entered into. The dros the Governor of South Carolina 1 ture” will be so much more ards th. in the past, that the salary of the «ice shoald be increased aud a private sccre tary allowed. Referring to tae iiss ot the new republic ou the subject or tica gon, he says: The general recognition by the citizens of South Carolina of their allegiance to the State, and that obedience to the le eral Government ceases as soon as the State withdraws from the Union and s- serts her sovereignty, satisties ic phe will have uo traitors in her but a wise precaution can result iit harm, avd may be the means of a lvert sing our people that if any of tiem should be so forgettul of their duty to their sovereign, and so reckless of lis displeasure as to regard her ordinances, or obey any other commands than those of the constituted authorities of the State, they will be dealt with as traitors, and punislied accordingly. In view, there fore, of such a contingency, sone legis lation niay be necessary in more particu- ‘arly detining treason to the State, and affixing the proper punishment for the offence. South Carolina must insist upon the implicit obedienee of all her citizens, both native aud naturalized, and no one can be permitted to put bis individual construction upon the relation le bears to the State of dis birth or adoption,-— The obligation of the citizens of South Carolina to obey the laws of the Federal Government was created by the act of the State entering the Uniog under the compact entered into by the parties to it, and it follows that up withdrawal of the State the obligation is no longer binding. The secess: State cannot, in the proper use © : be called a revolutionary movement Th ie true, there will, to some extent, be a change of government, such as dirsols ing #« compact between sovereiygn8, 1 which it was stipulated that the citieens vor subjects of each State or nation should perform certain duties, which, before the agreement of the bigh contracting put ties, they were not required to pe or abstain from the exercise of rights, which they have previvusly en joyed; but this dissolution of a compact does nut imply rebellion, which, if ei cessful, is revolution, and which, it un successiul, subjects the ¢ pau ishment for committing treason. Way are we at this moment citlggos of the United States! Because South Caroli Ba, in her sovereign capacity, made us ee by a compact entered into with theo er States, which when umted, were ca ed the United States Lit foliows t when the power that o:dered us to oles the Government tue United States, and which aloue fad the right tou creat that reiationship, releases us from that obligation by withdrawing from tre league, our obedievce is no longer due to that Government, and our allegiance to the State. as our lawful sovereign, is un- quesiionabie and undivided. The introduction of slaves from other States, which may not become of the Southern ¢ leracy, and partic ularly the border States, should be pro hibited by !egislative enactment, and by this means tiey will be that their safety depe drawal from tueir ene a! with their friends and natural acces. they shoold continue thesranion withthe nov-elaveholding States, vet them kee) their slave property in their own be ders, and the ouly alternative left tuem will be emancipation by tier own act, or by the action of ther contederates - We cannot consent to relieve them tron their embarrassing situation by perm ting them to rea the money value tn their slaves, by ing them te ous, at thas pre; are thei, w property, to accommodate themselves to the Northern free soil dea. Bat steuid they unite their destiny with us, and ie- come stars in the Seutuern yalaxv—-ie in bers of w great Southern Counted —we will receive them with oj, and an enthusiastic SUVETE Certain tigens lo tInembers brought to see thent any dors + Steet then, danger approach tue:r borders, Yiechioy. tnake a doubt but oa reemen, from the an eneniy, o}i€ War upoo them, there living rainpart ot ror disguised, In not Jantie to the Gault of Mexico. would \ their borders and beat back tie invaders The Governor then speaks of Pedera Relations.” He sives-a lustory of Mi Memminge:’s mission to Virginia, wher he was “kindly received and hospitabis entertained, convince the vut faned to Legislature of the vecessity of the Sout ; One of the resu:utious adopted by Vir _gitia in response to the invitation of ac Miseissippi te Sooth Carehna amd meet in conference, expresses the opin lon that “Virginia does not yet diestrus the Capac wise and fi powers, to protect the riertits ties of the peo Federal Union,” and tor this purpose s desires tue “com action” of 1 Soathern States; | cient co-operation will be more saleby o tained by such direct legislative ac of the several States us may be and proper, than through the agency an assemblave which cau exercise no i gitimate power except tu debate aud vise.” Thus we see that bad strong hopes at that tine ot ing the Federal Union, sie was uuwil ling to resort to any other way ot effec’ ing the object than by the seperate acticr. of éach State, which would have the ef ect of producing the coneurrent action of all the States interested. If, thereior Virginia is right as tothe best m Fedressiug wrongs and obtaining the « current action of other Siates, it fo that the separate action of cach is tie bee method of getting co-operation or conc ed action of the other States in any aise ment, and it would ¢bereture be wine in Seeth Osrolina, in imitation of Virginia, to decline a representation in “any as eemblage which can exercise no legiti- mate power except to debate and advise,” exel and ithe and to preserve t urrent it she adds “that cil HeceBsrary although Virgiaias presen’ fof those that believe it to be their duty of the Soutuern States, bya and in no assemblage whatever, until by! OUR COURSE. the ordinance of her Convention she has We know well that it will be charged seceded from a Union which she once ac py our enemies that we would have pur- ceded to, and whiéh has proved a curse) instead of a blessing. The effort of South Carolina to assern- ble the Southern States, in the hope that the North might be induced to pause and retrace their steps, by an earnest and UbabimMonus protest against the course pure sued by them, and a notification that an ' sued a different course in relation to a Constitutional Bunion, if we had been elected State Printer. Persona who make this charge judge us by the standard of action which they have erected for them setves. We would have maintained our Consistency and our views in auy event. We have adopted no new course | we have strack We have viforuidy sai duro the campaign what ded as the Demo cratic party was in the contest, the mere tromnpiof the blick Republieais at the ballot box would be wo satheent fora dissolution af tie that such calamity, and woud render it our duty to prepare, All hope. 4 to be on of poly took place the cl to take the re verown bated less a chang direction. UE a thew South world bo compel Yess ot cer erie Vanees ft ‘ we sity tailed on account of the refusal of Vin how, that civ winia te jou in the movement, altly neh ders had beete recently inwaded, reatizens mmardered tn cold blood va vand of abolitionists, inptigated to ceed Uy the tea@hings of inen of cou \ the North. therefore, of ce srted action by a Son cru Convention beinty | one course lett for South Carolina te put ste cConststentiv with her houer, wel , Calse Union; yotrimieph would be a wreat hee power Ut our onan td, to watch the enemy, our rights and tu be ready to Ent thus anda fetermined met to Habra tate bat Hog chus, and while there is) tut prompt Ussitacd s Uliaf, Wile thinkit HU SCO) -ubuit to the adininis tration of the goverument on black Re publican principles, i would be our duty to vive Mr. Live aw otrial, and to pre scrve (he goveruinier disrauytien and safety, and that is, to look neither tt the right nor to the lett, but goo straght torward to the Consummation of her pur tet powsibe, from wud destruction, We have uniformity declared that, as the South res hes for protection aud justice on the fed eral Constitus itoaa the duty of the South to stand by that instrament and in sist Upon it nut its powers are exhaust ed. There can be no Union without the Constitution, Bxoiust the Constitution, and the Union will be no more, We have no idea that the democratic people of North Carolina are prepared at this time for revolution and disunitot,— We have no idea that the supporters of Mr. Bell in this State are prepared for [It it shall be It is too late conference f how td receive propest and the Wanting in sell respect, after iberately decided on her course teenterbdn any proposition looking toa confinnanes im the present Union. We can get no better or safer guarantee inan the present Constitution, and that has proved impotent to protect us against the fanaticism of the North. The institution. of slavery must be under the exclusive control of those directly interested in. its preservation, and not left to the mercy - ions for aw State Id be ) cdel ty to destroy it The Northern haz said that the supporters of Mr. Bree atly changed since the unanimons and; ‘ determined action of South Carolina Heretofore, Intes that we Prevolution and disunmion tone of the press idee in this State are comiunitted, either by thetr platform or the antecedents ot it Was supposed by our ene. feo larations of therr candidates to disun were divided’ and distracted we regard our constitutional rights, and then that they will demand from the North an explicit recognition of thei, now and forever. Nothing short of this can restore quiet to the country, All else will be ae worthless as Dead Sea fruit.— Nashville Onion & American. wees From the Newbern Progress. PYRAMIDS. The following grand flourish has been voing the rounds of the Breckinridge press in North Carolina : PME DOUGLAS U PYRAMID. 09 0 V9 O00 VO VU VO CC ee Oe On) So far so good, but we think we can ‘a tale unfold, &e., which will show that their pet, Breckinridze, is the sourth and dust wan in the rave, to whieh pyran we ask their prayertal attention, THE LATE PRESIDENTIAL TION, From a rough statement of the popu lar vote tor President. of United States, made up party from actual re turns and reported majorities in the dit ferent States, (not including California and Oregon,) the Ant Repulican vote 2,560,736 1,763,902 76,534 California and Oregon are not included nothis table, as qork ELEC- the stands at Republican vote; Short of a maj. for Lincoln, iy definite has been heard from thea. ‘Lhe popular vote as 2S L0s.000 indieated above is Add tor Caliturnia and Oregon, $508 OSS Phe popular vote in 1856 waa 4004455 Tnerease of vote, 450155 i the foresoins that Loneein, althonel cleeted Pres ist SUO U0 stort of a cin } rooseen by at de votes of the people of the Lon Pons, through the unfortunate Wolds oppenents, a sectional is been chosen, Pie Douglas State Central Committee of Marvland tn their address to the pace sof that State, tunke the followit tonates and calculations of the v Donehas So far as we are in wessession of the the recent elect uvotticuil, they present the t sitet ANOTHER PY RASED Do is has received, votes 004-2 Bul “ * yy $52,099 Breekiuridy te w Pius showing Douglas’ maj ity over Breekinridye so far te be votes rroabent two and a hat ' majority in faver of Dongias, the Nation tl Democratic teminee, will be still far ther increased by the returns yet to SOT. And inthe flve border States of the South— Virginia, Keutucky, Missouri, Mary and and Delaware, the conserva Mig then the reply is that the faet, if it: at home. and that. in consequence of cur Gea feet. lias been made known only Civisnolie: cones of PROT wonld here: sinew the cieetion. [fat be trie, as tnaerci ad dine Sra woud fintlly me ie elcis denim taat Mis Brock piesee ins | k Republican rulesor a: was S eT i Pave as oust, that nee less than secession that a e Hive tire cue ent Thu world Tre ated t ml one emereies @X- Erats ot Sie Wiper Lave t ely haueted in t s> expeds aud un to Cermamey We fo ane Ay Lon wailing ther > Now that -uniwel AECU MAIN Cea hc Cantlect eras come Conviction borces iteclt va thet Ciimurticnctmes Bat ie is wet a that “we have counted the cost. and tind 1] hoproves hething so intelerable as voluntary slave: that he is net we ry ound that we are not te be deterred qauonist, for cinotateatiy declured, i from the tion and maintenance Of one of iiscanipar cr spoeeses in the Not - threats of Federal bave- west. tuatat\s.. Lon | eli n the unmeaning and senseless dis) ey nid ity eo peopie t pla Awake processions, formid Tent re tude vedes tien Peapitatiste and conservatives . Eee Cotte \ feoueniLS ( = my they bezin to chanwe yd (Une loon toes Ser Vativcs P tone. al tous) Ua Se Aa uatry Ww Ih hes pin Tsu and its than ds conquerors, te save at LS rite Wack PO peti sSronn powel mn trom awhich ther lave reaped a rich Sy die tie esiers this Srate. in then harvest of prot Adi LeotvOre Hil tess ett vie tos ch sent (ar a yastis has ondy Known bw its exact vocd lvoe ther ere stated apd bearers Vhev have Tree i voree at ite contes i-, it Mr reason ald Gonsanyg Deceit ae lind Teese Neat rardod 1 ind speeen ft settinents SCE? i ‘ erie | te Oyen’ Ness Pf sewa WW Aree) ONE tb vita a tiddding. while the Constitny Sette: ha Neri Coe ive bt at Nice tye trampled ind votvand a lig AWN therefore, tiet Gov. itis las spoken thre read; imaccerdance WH sentimente ot Me. Breckinridge. then we leadvieeand teaching, and) gay that thousands of Constitutional Un bythe crowning act of elcciingn BGK Son Demerte ave teen deceived 3 and Republican Pro ent to carry out their qt it be trae, as we understand it is, tat long cherished designs against the peace Goy, Bie uttere luo such distuion sen and prosperity of the South, they have declared open war against us. * * hinents in his Campari ashe bas uttered , Poids tmessaye, then we miy that he has Phere is no reasonall doubt lat tl leceive musabds of Detocrats whe Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, ilo eared ¢ : Texas and Arkansas will immediately t Dye cn PCO ent dace lo the other Southern States pou us We Ave ed to think complet the galaxy Deere: ‘git as tiete ieee that they would) sures a Wot | pitate the State nay mer On ae Meats iu ancl ( Wor LC t them ATi MeV StTieen i led Camm roeney ee mV rec (nl cer WoW. thet : t ression amdlinendt oo tt Cotlviae ede clout : yATTOrN pot becaise they are | informed of dbs Grrl : Hehe te rints, or less prepared te defend Wo studl stand like a Soagainet betl them, bution account of the national par rt tii itiniss \Vecn elie tiv. so hacly striving for victory inthe oi tie people te come oe the rescue, I suleiviial cativass. in wine Conn G, dad) chine tat We we alee tie wonld naturally arise distrust and] t i, el unect | ipriy, ane vof cach other, an scramble for sig ¢ AT een ire ine tee bu the ascendaney, Now thatthe Presiden tyes rellt ep tes tives i Wf elor aw ver, idan enemy ¢ he Tce ; rk Ss a -cetion is chosen to rule over them, we ah Hootie Hind all parttes: beconnng united agains etree Un the common enemy, and prepared te tor i rane (ea ttheir past divisions and unite in de z Teeter rence of their altars and firesides. ni he * * * Intcers The idea that a majority must alwaye | ieee eG govern, Which has taken possession Cit thie eae procured in relatos SAS ri Northern mind, ds as tiischievotts as it i i yr et ‘ tillacious, and is eontradicted by all the’ |, fe ie fie ren analouwies of a Repub Gu CrOCern ment. tees yaw aad ee rar moles nrehe [fa mere majority isteeovern, why have ,., Of lei on Fellow 7 ae eh two nsts ot CUUngtes===ttmOIUe ay sar Wet yeni nt TOedd re lie OE ‘FY ig A ths ef Reprcsentatwes) WHS BING GP 07 Jape veipverd i T wian | dent the veto powers Whiv sub 1 de i ated th ite sig of a hen tem Juliclal gugciy ts eon gon (ey ion ribunalé Why require juriesto be unam og thy otaer states betere they coe ant imtons in giving their verdict( The con oy your primary capacity unt ut shall stotrie Wrenistible Uiat it ia for the yires iy dian y be waral ie tae! tection of nnorities, and the safety of the Lo inay be asked if a minority My answer isy nosy bat they should be able, by constitutional re strictions, to restrain the majority: trom In the Raleigh Stanubud. sHIEID TUBE TRIS, IBIS, AN SOG Ne Se There is a growing fecling in the South ciuZzen. should govern ¢ nee justice ¢ ° ession, } } f injustice and opp ‘ that there should be a permanent adjust a rtnerships formed by individuuls, the i : , wa fy settiement o 2 matte HEMOrieve | not permitted to coustrue the. Ut An ettlement t the matters of articles of agreement to the injury of the (liP tes vefween th Boack Repul minority: bat in this case there isa dis maof the North and toe people of the Su unl ee iS ELL ori Piat party fas prown into euch [ua compaet between the Strate from ; : } } Aapne proportions i the ree States ! uv rt Gasc, THOT al We 1) | aes ttt Sati lets tee «fal ATONe noua rer olations of it. and the : ! become folly aroueed remedy mast beadissolution of the agrec the tact that nothing but poutioal dear ment tans mghton the part of the ea. enene te this scet of the Union States to poucvent the withdrawal of any (iis 1 of the pe wise micht would 4 via waa) wig ue Se pans af an right, and be au unmeaning | ; eens Par Southern people and worthless | for par hens i : wosatistied that we can ne ‘ : : embare fo sontinnal war upon We cannot peretrate the dark futnr Toes Weenies mitte Eelper maw te {leu “ashes. cears, and 1 atte bo Browitsm. or that welder blood | oo forward in the dos rn Dua ik bovieantiann, which simply charge raf With ano i bouetive Sta Law. and re trust in Grod. amid oa eonscion ! meu r, Npon the Executive anything is pret able to dishonor and demand, t ‘ rthieves who take re degradation WMO GIST. tise in tie Northern States, Et will tienda mae of Nie Seen noe Sener Gipeneeil, fn : ESC THER Mla aa ay iat \ end to “defend avd pro ‘ re oy Soutien State against any ra - eer oe! ' ent pom its constitutional Pt uiain Wimrecols. (ne \ Lincoln, nor Mr Fr hey (own bron rtheir party, ava party, has te . PN vee do te commit any encroach Le One ot ‘ ss mya at a late V5 a Peale nen] Semen tT precultaral £9 Fo Galtorta, Wee eee toa cights, We must have something el race. Fittean of the antinals were on ie ep feel than thie reper tion for the ¢ and protect” ux exhibition, excinig great curiosity. No fewer than Sfteen Inah officers in the service of the Pope were taken pri jsoners at Ancona aud released. isandth tune, “to defeud We hope that the pro posed Southern Gonference will agree /Bpon Boine explicit deciaration as to what tive Umen vote cast for Douglas and Ls tovether exceeds the vote for Breckinrid ce 136.000, or more Chan two te one, ane will be still further increased Dy the full retant While Breck nridve han cartied vat three Southern States, by a may ity to deny the popper of the pr neipte He represents, vO ede Riya piece rs lmer ee Votes so stmall as other land Seuthern seXtretie IS Hea TeCcervedd ite tat tes and towne, where the Democracy vis tot hitherto prevacted, we major tes over the candidate of the Seceders It s also dostrouctive to add that a ina Joity South, to the namber 150,000 at least. laa been of the popular vote oat the Cast asainst that candidate and the sec trol neiple whie he was made to represent, Wpon the adeyation of its ne cessity for the peoteciou of their pecuitar yeeseen that onr prediction Boecknridge would he the last man race, made belore the election, las cen tallitied. Another fact to which we wist tocall the attention of those wlio crowweover the pyramid first above men tioged as, that Breekioridge bas reeemed ontyo a tmnorty of the popular vote an Southern States. 2he majority of the hoof the Nouth voted ayninst hem. v4 UV COSVENTION ALIN AG TATE VCONS TON: We see that severn bills have heen in troduced the Lesslature with t view of enag the Constitution so as to tax negroes op the ad valorem principle dome of these bills look to sneh alrera- ‘tion by Leyislative cnactinent, while oth We have al- ways adovated the Convention mode, be ers propese a Convention, catise we tink that tf would be more sat istactury, and more in accordance with the repubican principles upon which out Goverment is founded, and also, because the thawing, or the amend ny a Constitu emtrusted to the hands of mere politicians. ‘The Conven tion mode has been objected to by many, eoeround thatit would costtoo much, tier, showed never be We quitte frivolous, as the cost would pot, in have always thought this objection aby event, CACCE d tifteen ortwenty thou sad dodare, a touch Jess sui than was expended in getang Free Suttrage by Le But be that as it ‘that we are to yisialive Chactment, Way, We Convent yt tle case, When havea event; and such be the Convention is as HI ADDY seicbled, the question of altering ot wmending the Constitution can be submit ted to tiem, @ith very hitthe additional cost. And as the Convention which is to assemble, is to take toto consideration the grave and dimportant queation of re- Wale ny OF going ont of the Union, we prestige it will be composed of our wisest, beat and most prodent men, and consequently, Just such men as would be best ca tution ulated to It we are to go out of the Union, tas well known and conceded by all, that remipoddle our Const our taxes will ve greatly increased, and that unless negroes are made to bear their equitable proportion, thatall other kinds of property, even to the plough horse, will have to be taxed beyoud all reason. In view of such an event, therefore, it acorns \ ; becomes necessary that negroes should them; and hence the necessity, too, of be made liable to this tax as 8000 a8 pos: the most religious candor, sible, and as the Convention mode is mach more speedy than the Legislature, we can hot conceive how any one can object to : ; a the alteration by this mode, the more es- the Bouth oe Sone ut to keep faith pecially, as we will in any event, be at! with thelr faithless neighbors of the Nor- yy ¢ the expense of aConvention, Andifthe thern States. delegates of which this Convention Will jose that the great issue between the be composed, have sense enough to man: terly futile to suppose that the people of It is equally futile to sup : two sections can now be evaded. [t must age oue Federal matters w ith discretion, they surcly will bave sufficient wisdom te effect whatever atmendinents are require d inour State ¢ And asuin, i oof North Carolina is to secede, and we are ito havea cial war, we will lave no time Demet, and finally adjusted upon some basis, The South mast know the utinost of those who have set Tone titntion, i! the purposer Themeseclees at sar against our rights ana Ties Hotit is possible fo preserve this Union I CTUSst AL tnuist know whether or tobe tapering with Const daring sach acenes, orga Law out cue better et npon the torts Wpen which it was formed If at ONT question 3 iy ee tation alfm good trim before we go out of the Union, eo that we will GY CY when we get out, is net, then it is gone beyond wil lave thing ready to sunoof America’s ulo hands. Dy aCenvention we ean have our Constitun people by the Pst ls6l iowill take obout we ure to have a Convention, i E ry aus ene united abd yreat Country, witli moamended and ratified by the August, Whereas, bv the Legislative mode the cherished Qepes of millions even be sink to Thursday of yond our borders, will Vise ne three veare. And as nore for years to come sani Bat weare not yet hopeless of a happy eae passion te sulttothe people to be tampering with their Constiution by the Legislature, tor they issue ontof the present: troubles. there is tho more coneeroug when meet In this capacity, they . . } a ! ' t ’ a8 se * can fx matters tosut themselves, When Core vdowith tian that we are called up the people meet am Convention on the bon fo mect ia tis lasttnee —religious fu state of the Union, iteamt be ahonted nade. It is weariless and onrelent Convention, Tt wouid be a ridieulots qa Por years has it, in this Country, abparcity fora ret of men who lave no tealust all sorts of adversities, labored pewer to say a word about their own) : ; : Constitution, to mect im Couvention, and on, and ong and we believe it will con- oravely consult about the Constitution or tite to labor, in some form or obher.— e : the United States. Greensbory’ Lat. Sut only of late years has it manifested itself im such proportions as seriously to abu the people against: whom ite ener: : | ies are directed ) and that people have tow aronsed themserves to confront it witoand the power at ther comand ; ‘feel sure tat there ts au availa de paneer sufcient to the Country to morte keer reteyes fit mustobey. [tin nrogsded by a power in its own strony | ly » teredait of Isppon whi). by the pursaitef pro ov ‘ wn . yt Geatuecls we May perv with conti Carolina GOblatchman, oc esc eres snes tor de ~ Ce ee Ts opel soot Sates LOy FUE ce Nat Eats) ney of ous y p yy ¥ SSR IR Ie, oy, @ EEA nthe North, there the Trey Ponrr. State Ue v1 Fee rare : F Yo NNN et M1 ' ’ RCE ven as were Mite a ~ fe wal CNET Vv ¢ ruse tere I eS NE Det SN rs hat risaly eeparate There never wasa time when tie pe : LSE ass \W SHIRE aw ' Sooth were tore teoutbted aged are Sa . 1h ety ort Nf TENG unet ispeet of the Coat { Con Pelee \ \, \ . ‘ > jee ‘ wuts pity 4 a 1 - 1 t wt af ‘ eb orreehits ve to and to es eet one \ Peete ees. And so far as Nor Gone rey eee every mat Tora tn te ys of the Legislature (ate Via Va pean - 1 ! Kea rock the 4 ses owe held) that | Ss wed tho present \ el rn the iy they ue hec t eon \ Lateyce tie ple they fal to adopt nce w ineertake to veal a Va ie ’ Jent qieasires, as " Lise y UNGSIS tlre sta Cte ti tat os cement aul irre as t ‘ tc >t . treoubde ind vexatious sub : ecuny t re ce rit the Unton atone and the same Cine os Nearly ail ure re to wive up the Meet \ ! atthe . evting held Cideons many are determined not fo gay ; ge ist I WwW the call, wa ) Precept asa fast resort, ana wie I \ ‘ marty . “ u pression ts the R. rate ! ! foal ie ni, Aly ~ { { . } ve ‘ 1 ared y nal ut fie line jistar ved ' mt ! pues y woul ’ WiC Sa teenies Cire iri cert t Hea Us Ste i . . ‘ we I i oe Re co Nort ‘ { ht : ~ en 2 fiw oon ( : ‘ Ff R 7 ‘ ta i Tua 1 ' stile ( We Weert h cuer : ey an ‘ ' ‘ vie dete is the omy be secu pros re fear r t rn et We Soir yee voanel hapy the 1 I ‘ OW vy well atrend Utne teri goaNii7 MiGaaterley ‘ ! ‘ . wad] [irs Peneteniuentti cies Facies int at this] | sie favor a Med Ene ( ae vate an ex Sou 1 Confederacy, desire te slipea . i “ wlitiog 4 1 ' uC end , . ; : ‘ ae Nene es ‘ eatin lt Tes Ae woth 1 we Wad nec Ae tesire toon Bt ta vet ble ot ' te | that 1 Here then. itis apparent that ey - ; d tid ut here Pett ws How Stialiat ou Fe 13 y tat aly mn i 4 1 eres 4 v I ‘ ‘ My ' Jsotha Had dave t ' ‘ ' | ‘ ’ “0 t ns a ‘ ‘ Qu plan St tvnat sh aad sliae C 1 OUT PAY ebhied 1 via Othe er ‘ | | . ‘ , ' ' \ ; other of these two > pit ) : 4 1 1 ‘ 1 fet th le ie Tet Cts. i taven ota we coi ‘ ane antl hunueeroian (20D a ‘ 1 ihe “ v= Tate 5 4 . 1 wing in henry bo Uiat vreund : Lie . , them argae the quertion with all the zea wid ability that they ean command, And Jet those who still hope fora restoration ¢4 of fraternity between the two sections, and, asa eeUCnCce, & stronyer guarantee Ww of our Constitutional riuhts, present their . rag Views and arent [ee thu wile A British officer writing from Teheran, : ea = ; » , we noe 7™ . . subject be thus dispassi mately disenased Persia, to the London Times, remarks: i re re the peo Seer eer mrt “A Cathartic Pill manutactured by refore the 4 whose might and ad : questiais in oun ‘an American Chemist’ (Dr. J.C. AvkR, ¢ of Lowell, Mass.) bas enred the Shah of Ib, its to decide all eieh Conntry. and det then yet | rules Prronomnee tae ver a“ ver Complatnt that threatened his eoetio af ail in, thre Onee decrted, t Id tne Carolina wourd stand as a reas Majority } li Tis strane: Het. # hy ae Ride lite. ‘Thats simple ta as might be ex and North pecieds , ly The overioaked made the renders the Aimericans immense there wot ANION > here, While we boglish are Or there is stil anos Doubtless onr own scholars er method people may | refer t thscoverios whieh die employs, submit the whole question to thew ietmelncice rat aneent and thus itis im evervthing s we do the | alte : a; Seton Convent he meciiunrtniena labor, then the dusing Aimericana put (tiene MVC artimue a maiko toand take the reward prefs hired | 0 ot ; ; rey then . Te ve Lia Doct, Ayer as idol zed by the Court and re people themselves TON 6 “ het ; : its retainers bere, whieh wil doubtless ton =at the ba he . me ‘ i ter te ! 1 ong Frode a1 f ‘ GO OM euler Genn ee Unie eat shai ee Ydadted sword, while not the hope that all tien willineet fies solenms. (FOR name even ot Davy, Christe ly dinportamt dssnes, 07 nly habdly ana yon,or Drodie theg threits by vie os ’ honestly Keep net 2 lack tro the he grea can ) he shines, is ( Fa ark Nod fer peopl As tien expecting o judg know Now York Sunday Paper ve dyn {oar rhe Gru ' a 1 oat thre net ‘ ‘ ‘ rdf LT \ Noli passed by mm Creoraia Leyiala the \ 4 ttien be caret Pe ero Vel tWn a an ees to practice no dee tion Wpon ther fel Qisnenden, was vetood dy the Governor; but low men A want to de taht AV ELIE Oy aa afterwards cessed over his veto determined to do righty it do not = ae ie Creme Warmrietiagiecinditiis know what ag the vey course te x prochunatiy deelaning the election of 9 Bell pursne Henee, the necessity of giving Ft e and 6 Beeckramdye eloetors them allthe light that could be elicited es by such a fair, honest and able discus RO Vie Charlotte Bulletin has beeu en- sion of the questions which now excite larged We recently declared that it was ute Publio Meeting. Sarissuny, Nov. 30th, 1860. Pursuant to previous notice @ large meeting of the citizens of Rowan convened in the Court Heuse to- day. When on motion of Dr. A.M Nesbitt, R. A. Cacvwett was called to the Chair, and Joun F, Moose and J. L&. Lreary, were appointed Secre- taries. Upon taking the Chair the President explained the object of the meeting. On motion a Committee of six was appointed to draft Resolutions tor the consideration of the meet- ing. The Chuirinan appointed the following gentleman asa Committee to wit: Jas. EB. Kerr, Joho Beard, H ©. Sinontoa, Ro H. Broadfield, A. Henderson, and C.L ‘The Committee retired. Rufus Barringer being called upon addressed the meeting at some length upon the great questions that ere now disturbing the puble mud At the conclusion ef his remarks the Comittee retured and tbroagh their chairman Jas. BE. Kerr, reported the following preamble and resolutions which were read, and o@ motion of Col BOR. Moore, were received and enani- toousty adopted : Wier s, there exists u most alarming condition of Chings i the country caused by the deplorable re- sult ula purely sectional coutest, the North against the South, long waged, but at last ended in the late Presideutal Election by the complete victory of Black Republicanism under the forme of law, in whiek a Preméent hostile to the Constitution, because hos- tile to the tus tuGenus and nybis of the South, bes been electes oy an overwhelming mujority of the North, but a minority of the whole people, and Whereas, Phe lawless bostilily of this party to the South for years past, bas been shown not only in Violent abuse actual outrages aud in unceasing dangerous agitators at home aud in Cougresse—but has brought forth fruit :— int In a separation of the Partee largest Christian Churches. tnd. In a bold, defiant and preetical Noallification of a Cousututiwnal Law of Congress by ten Northern Stites. 3rd Ina descent upon the Territory of @ sister Southern Siate by av armed band of Northern Abe- Honsta with murder and rapiue-which wae approved by northern public meetings, by accredited preachers ol the gospel, Cnd (be teader ibereof proclaimed with horrible blasphemy, asa martyr, “whose gallows wae ine glorious than the Crome.” 4b Tnascetional triumph which has eleesed as President a au who has openly avowed the most extreme doctrines of sectional hostility, Pheretore. in view of the danger which is vpon ue— fa danger not to our poliveal rights alone which bet three generations ago was sufficent to aroanee the sp our Revolutiouory fathers to instant reset: ance—but of 4 fearful perl to var homes and to all that is dear 10s, We believe the day for action has come hat we can ne longer in satety merely “wait snd woh” tutes the guardians of cur rights and hafty. wioieh anyguasded by us would be defeneceless Indeed we do Hesolced. Uhat the late Black Republican trie vmphoverthe Constitution and Southern nights rhoald rouse (he South ty adopt such measures as may be reedful tor her self-preservetion Resolerd. Vhat in this crime of common danger we node rremeimber any of the old poltical dite - cessor party namee—thut we beleve all party dissen- sne—that we believe all true stone shenuld mow ce Southern men should now onite in solemn ard eam- tf what is beat to be done for the he peo le and of the State. cl, Vhat we tinust earnestly and respeetful- rege the ide for the defence of sieve, t ual eeane Reaolvcd respectinliy declare to the General Asseably our wish forthe eall of a Conven- bon through whoeh he pecple mey express their will as to the mode and neasore of redrese. Resolred, Voot the rnstitunens, the interests and he weltare of North Carohoa as well as the warm. est techoge of her peo ure and ever mast be with wth, whatever may be their Co om erste ately of Lecnelaiure to pr and eft Phot we uoweer Slater ot the Resolied, Trata copy of feprerenta there Resolutions be ver in ihe General Assembly. Onin wait wax ordered that the proceedings of memertng be pubiohed in the Watehman and Bann aid that other papers in ihe State fneudly to the Cause be requested to copy On ime ion the thanks of the meeting were tender- ed to the P rwhich they d esiden! and Secretiries for the manner harged ther davies On notion the tneeung adjourned aime die ROA CALDWELL, Chm'n. ‘ Secretaries Lg Nbout Los00 hos live passed through Asheville, going Sonth, fu former years the Wer yearly was about 100,000. They now wo by radrowd and other routes, es) it arent correctly reported that Sveretary Cobb has left the Cabinet of the Salisbury Banner, Potts Sepia es, tate Gob reeently elected printer te the General As- sembly. has bought the Demoerntic Press office it Ralewh, and tas commncneed the publication ro State Journal” Tne Basw or Norra Canotina seems to be first rate condition It has, in specie and cooing nearly two dollars for every Lolarof creulaton, On its specie alone there wneconty two ate a balf dollars of circulation. Pony s Thepnyils of Mr. Wilkinson's Foams School gave a very interesting enter- tan ist Roday evening, consisting of tab- page ations, The apartinent was crowded “ pectaters, and the evening passed pleas- unt Mic Vivsect ids gentieman together with his furnsly, pasecd through this place lest Thors- lay even on iis way to Washington, Our Representative Mico Crater. on good bealth, and determined the Black Repubbeans out, has also gone Ooset REACTION Iu is contidentally asserted that a great reaction is taking place in| Georgia, and that that State will adopt cautions, but very de- cided measures, in regard to our sectional trou l yes, it was thonght, at one time that Georgia would go out of the Union, cecede as quick as she could eer Ler A dill has passed the Legistatare of Flonda fora State Convention on the 8d of January oe | Lone Star Fllage—Two lone star (State Seces- may Ace nny (lott iniihe breexes in North) C&ro- Vina pone at Charlotte and one at Goldsboro’ Thanksgiving Day was obreerved by our ertizens. Nearly were had in all the churches. ll the Stores were closed, an religvous ser- coe The Standard — -We copy, this week, several ar- the North Carolina Standard, which tile will be found interesting The editor, admittedly, an able man, has yet lost the confidence of the yowlich he binkt up, and ws now against the disumonism of Tetnoeratic part Waging a strong wart Gov, Bills and bes ebiqne eee Fravk TL Wirsos is going to publish an ad-valo- rem paper fe woll start atin January Le Congresa met on yesterday The ansen Troubles, Be. St. Lovis, Nov. 29 The Missonri troops are at Smithville, from Fort 8cott, Diformyation as Gen. Harney awning and will probably return hae full orders to arrest Montgomery. All the Banks in thie city, excep | Mechanics have suspended, t the ai e vil ae Co ae ce e ee a —ae . . _ = ' ee ™ aD Later from Europe. UNION MEETINGS State of North Carolina, | NEW Serefate or Kime's Evil, | GREAT EXCITEMENT . 1860. TI ; Hauirax, Nov. 28 1@ people of Kentucky are holding CABARRUS COUNT g of the _ ; : _ : large mectings in various parte of ie Conner 3 % Is a constitutional diseam®, @ cortuption of the blood | AT THE GREAT 4 ase to- The steamship Arabia, Capt. Stoney grate, giving expres ri vurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, October by which (his fluid beeomes vitinted, weak and poor R reat (Eun Liver ool to the 17th pre pion oO opinion AYA Bt erm, 1860 Being in the cirembatiogsit pervades fhe whole may » RA. with dates fro I nsec secession and disanionisn, Weare ylud Simon Bost, Adin’r. e sei Karriker, dee'd., and may burs: out iu disease on amy pert of it, oe F. inst., vid Queenstown, arrived at tits | Tote see that similar meetings have been ‘ nein te free from ite blood ~ iw there one chee jecre- to an held i are : ss, hilip Karriker, Adam rere r, Martin Bo d uy not deatioy. ‘The scrofulous eens ue yal Coton Maer Noe 1 ‘ n oN countios in this State, and vary tia wife, Solomon icareicer) yale ene x ; . rm cane by mercuriad disease, low living, divurder- ned the # Kho eeceds cours C00 [hay we hope that ina short tine, the people daceb Weller and Catharine E., bis wife, Newton W \ C A ed or unbealihy food, impere air, fille fae shiejeales Ue : 2 0K le in every Connty will assemble themselves | Wiley and Mary Ey bie wite, Francie Mo Mati and = Lf 2 ee aan daca DAVID W of which specufators took 12,000 and eX: tiyether, and speak ina voice that can- i deine his wile, Hilhacd b. Marther, bvtia A Kar 9 infection. Whatever be its origin, it .s a beleditey in nied to orters 38,0U0. The warket opened firm, nat be misunderatood, that tt U nker, Harriet C. Kuarriker, John M. Karriker, Lewis ‘the constitution, descending ‘ "from parents to children | ene Lie close | very dull and irregular. “The t ees ¥ vat thig Union’ 4. Karriker, Children of Lewis Karriker, dec'd., |‘ Gnie the third aud fourth generation” indeed, it seems Neches. a Macdalines Se Lee LUSGLY S dj that no Danel Karnker, Aaron Karnker, —— Hays and i to be the red of hun who saya,“ b will visit the ini- lower grades declined ug! Muldhite icre Cocstitanenal act is, or emght tobe Hilary tue vate, Moariin Wo Kurriker ve N Guiice of (he fathers upon their ehiidrey ema n ; : Bey eer bint : as 9 Teele @ aihy a declined $4. RCUTIOTe tac rece TPMT Re C IM eT tT ea eran ata el np ueme cali IN eaman mild ry 1") ) YG A. Mi YERS (ajetl civ saunuenee) By deposttcn fx) the bis Beard, . . oo it Ebzeieth hin wife, wud Williaa M. Karcker, chil- | PCUcrOpI iCmulier May mem er WEIN s lay ULCe ullna \derson, State of Trade—Tiw Marchese ve vat we crt lL a Maintain ame richty in dre Nase Kertikerdec'd 1 AL, ‘ liver, and internal ongeor, en egate in the sour re unfavorable Dusuess of id auooutot the Caron — Greens, Lal *EVITION FOR SETTLEMENT. wlunde, swellings: und ow the surface, eruptions or, eee ki o are * al a it : onpeqaunce of [he Poappeaniy to the satefaetion of the Court that No. . Gran ui ine’ sores ‘This foul corraption, whieh genders iw the meeting inds is suapensle re | : a Solanisn Kanikers( hancssharnker & acl Welt en (ye M9 ood, depreses the energies ol life, so thats :rofulons vat are advanced Bank rates COMMON SENSE rules the mass of the people, ({? & Catharine BE his wife, Newto a : Foustitutions net only gaffer from serotulous com Ben BLe an eee, wien Wo Wiley & ,2 fee ; usion of f z . ’ a oo > whatever the sisaater hd theantbrope philosophers ary us Ww Franeiws M. Hetty & Je . ? rho , . . . plots, but they buve far lean power to wit veto F ee aA (tps Liverpool General Market, Now Ve i tecthe euutianys shnow theta gad thing, 8816 Hillont be Rareken, bs Ries 2 te ee EST ay es | the sttackeofoiher diseases; cousrqu:viy.rustaum- [PAVING RETURNED FROM THE RORTHE ch Breadstutts and provistets ace CLC CURLED Fy Wee rer erit mete Cdemouetrteds aid hepewil dee (Rartker, Jolla Minatrihen sod Ibewis AG . a \ bere perish by disorders which, although not serofu- | ern Cites with a LARGE ac@ COMPLETE lowing quiet. Flour ia inie ive Whew i tot ia te Qiett most cordial patronage Raroker. eluitien of Lewis Karniker. dee'd. And sy ert = WHOLESALE STALE joosto heir nature, are stil rendered fatal by thie Stock of und of ae Phe nasses ridy rattied the judy yg Vatuel Karcher, Auron Karnik ] Ww < s jaintvn the svetem. Moat ef the consumption which: . to bac be, ©) ied Che judvement ot i Karnker, Haye Ba yh f ' lesen und declined ane to tac jens Sh Gi cviderdiing che Wriienmili ietates a Rye tens iieisites MariipwakatrineetGaurce Si a VA aN. DEALER IN decvuastes the huswan family hee te eric direc eady-nade ng aker. Philp WW. Karriker, Johu t Nuseman & c contamination yond many destracive e ondition firtn. General Intelligence. —The Prince of ers asdmay be ween bathe rmmense quantities of this Inedicine Chot are anttatly sold every section of the land. DPtam uew reeogoied as grentiy superiot hacbeth his waite, ava Witham Me Karker. ets Prenat Greece Warnker decd Defendants on this OF a BAND PATQY ~ Goods, cea the iver, kidmeys, orain, ard vudecd, of (ton tlemen’s Furnishing G di sll the orvane, arise from Of ure aygvavaied by the rare Ca tine Such as Boots. Shoos, Hats, Caps Drawers, Under- peels Wales las arrive yo oin Penscland, lo all other remedion et devised tor diseases of the ff 4fe non-residents of thie State Foie thereturs hee Ainerican Minister, Mr, Dallas, wasn a digestive organs: ents as Varela, Dy-eutery, Dyn ered by the Court ihat publication be made on the One querter of all our people are serofivouss their shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Mundkercbiefs, and a tory of visit to the Queen at Windsor. pepsia, aa fale i tintis few 7 hat artes a dat Ha oa a uewepaper puburhed in toyt " : a ly tivelae i ie ance ine t noes of Shirts doy Ca &e., oe : ieee Cr iets tnent of th portious of the ayeten ome! Wf Selishar Or SiR Weeks. Commanding the cu fs unde yeu ° elennee 10 tr. © whieh he tuvites your immediate attention. a whieh The Kup ress Engeme arrive a ne HT cee nme te ruphlly becoming a household word, "id defendants, to be wid appear before the Jasuces DRY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, system we must renovate the blood bx wn alterulive jaye been purchased for cash, and will be sold ate iv nee London, en ronte for Scothaned forthe fete fron Waive to Pexas, trom the shoresofthe Anant ofour next Court ot Pleas aud Qua ter Nessie to medicine end invigorate We by heathy toed und exer op than «ver were offered here betre. NOW % ue Btotalicracaltte eee be te ts ie a be cauened Bele ee Gre ale Laces, Embroideries, ready- ‘"” Sn re sel a ae RTE E a eat ea a . ° opted. at SU EM bah be TE ‘ ( ouday iu January vn t rncd to sell cheaper than any o er howse iatke Gaeta wae still invest Joc Nee odvertieineot in another column tinag ORE Chenane these to plead anewer or demur to made CLOTHING, ( { E ver il} Eee tLe US , ee eres — RAUL peCumUnct Uniti willthe learihex lire alt ‘TY 2 ‘ompound Extraet of Sarsaparilla Return my thanks for the liberal patronage calveia re ee porate Pinee TS expan a { ry 1 Cl } ‘4 Sarsap: a, rral pa’ : Special Dispatch ty! tleston Co vem oths, Cassimeres heretofore bestowed, | hope for a continuance of the ahr PRESIDENTS MESSAGE MARRIED : SDs Ne enrasiancneeclerkennenit @enrnent » da Nu, i 2 he must effortual remedy which the medical shill of grme. Remember the Stand, oe—but T ie s ee oo . ee aces oftice mn Cas 1 the Mil can@bninn 2 0 Vestings, HATS oars ey deviee for tale ity wie prevailing No.2, MURPUY’S GRANITE ROW, . TELL COB J 7h NENG “Vit Si ae < ; iG SOO, and the emhty-fAitth vearof our Pudepende and fatal milady tis combined from the most ac- Bali N.C. hristian HOWE , VY OROKD A MILL BIC Mise MARY MO PECK, AO SCOOT CCE and CAPS, tive remedial thuthave Meme thenivered (orthees.| su 29.1860 cee Wasnixcitox, Nov. 28 Bee Sa Ee meen aR aie WoT. IMHO (Pr f ine AND purgation of thie foal disorder from the blood, and tl Balen ke me, ; . AS PUCIN TONEY oes ‘ ‘ ‘ 27, Int ee KIO) QRtt aN \ surgauion Of this foal disu rom the bloed, and the | - ee Se nie ico ieinie Meet AMins RG bVeccrn Wont: tice BOOTS & SHOES - ' from clive ¢ . a - ne : ao s 5 rescue of the svsiem from ite destructive conmequen- orthora The Presidents Muswize recuurmcnds einen in Me HART APES DUSER Western WN. C. Rail Road. &c.. &c.. &C ces Hence it ehould be employed fur the eure of net M. BR ENNER'S- a Convention of all the States to evi sc a WINTER Prep eaaerUeoe A cs) . only scrofula, bat also thoseether affections arise from | + aes ALL Ae ARRANGEMENT 1 qn ‘ Ce aes ED JACKET : us for a peaceful netilement of the ote it, such as Eruptive an in Diseuser, St Antho- a Abe: measure ie peace n cee DLLs x ; Bu “ay TUE Subseri ny’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelus, Punples, Pustules | sieved pending difficulties. As regards separa . 0 £ Subseriber respectfully Informs Blotches, Blox and Bails, Tumors, Tevrer and Sait| CY OTHING HALL ereere tion or secession, the President thon fi Sulebury vuthe lath Nov. 1sh0, al the bouse his old patroy dthe pubbe generally ‘Rheum, Seald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syph- 4 ivr ene there is no such Conptititional re slit vest A a Bes r hule WILLIE Sue iW Are wow opening at the Subscriber's ever Mist has reces ty ae from the Great EE a ee ae Street Near Water Street, Nearly Oppomte i ma a ve in earn fiage. small of stature nie nee . B or a . aud, imdeed, du ‘ ' rg - . ; ed ina State, and a Bt rie ON ye ar le Bed se Cpt Torhit 1 Emporium wits NEW STOCK of (ed or Inipure Blood. ‘The pepular belie! in “impuri- | the Post Office. cied as proper remedy Hyper CCeTO Fy tever. the tua bee stck about Wo weeks, aud Orbibite 5 . nS ’ r r TEV N ty of the blood” is fornded in truth. for serofula isu : , ; i ' lecrekia uu Wwikwe kemattdhfor urhibitec ) S . < » ; . ia NHE undersigned just having arrived in pore eo must bar declares he will aducuister iw ! ‘ ‘ tehun death sutt red a great deal, BIg Is ' ut i. ali: bus us I A LL \N I) W IN | ER a oetene Arne a aS " me Panes Hrs el with o NEW, FRESH AND PASHIONA- a | “ . ie ee tere acon Clan eed ior nian ae ae e oft Sarsaparilla ts to parfy and regen-| gape STOCK OF tS D Hon. a ic ne ; tie Peeasas oe eerie Miclieent al lee NTUEM Ite Ween eas iene itirerc mapreerdes G { »¢ ) | Ss, rate this vital nid. withoat which ssaud health os) Be ‘ : - ich but eparturent, tras order rene fds F a a : se cones aa BG Cts Irpossible contaminated ei ‘atte wh bat ee ie wo ta sites ithe Hie Tee hil | Ready-Made Clothing, i i alate Hi EMS tear wee r pithy anvrere bout one Tee - ers (; ’ i | . Heat with the Adaauietration, ble wil Ge a: piesent nud goed or proc ersion AW aan ; Motne latest aoa cist aslionable sty! Having ls : CCE ! i ; |\vishes to inform the public of Salisbury and Ror oe | ‘ Iva Methods tere = : : ey (ey Oya ESTE Wal 9 9) V yy personally eeleete shi nie Wied cal reetare sf anidit (ienpojmece in Hach algae. iconic Unt he bee lace the ubove named establieh- a irl esti tonve inner t \ uw = p XN B \ POY 3 5 a ol Parada te State fst vibe Sate 2 NOC ANT ADVERTISING PHRASE 0202005 Soo mens csreas all 1 payee of ees ne cn sow keg eet gu Bea 9 Reka will etutny, Groorcit t \ Pees) Willie wis ¢ d = fident Ghat he ow hile t et views oof tue eee ee are ee fete hie) Ps wid bh iy Stock of CLOTHING and nie an Chiet Justice Panes dias thet tessgiedd fie tears , , thy yirle sthw 2 = e } Cotuanen with ow Re CTA arlcles CUP LONG ES ay vis. at ta “ ent ‘ . ne Be a . ie | Tay AG 1 7) y ne s[eiibptatetiy Fo leg Cnn pnts thar writen, SNM A le nea rent FURNISHING GOODS, WUpe a Okan eostock and paces, w VE TaBRUN OL Deeless t ' ‘ 1 Met. : ‘ aney z 2 : ‘ Sahe ane ; 2 ceased netion, and restoring iim healthy ve] for Wen's, Youth's and Boy's wear, of all styles, and tar neces Suitable costames for an iris . ree ‘ heey HOUR CEE Coal -a° 2 = 2 2 CUT Cen IERTaR Reo PIRES Elian cement uly proea ee fee GON ceLOliliceelanrapelie qnilitten, , oe ciorsttunet othe LADIES BRESS GOODS, LACES, csr crcicatriecrr cttw tem: henson late mata ora Maca hould : wae e ; Oaae ¢ { - GU) Vere Ls IG Ney Tees |e | te Sen u FeO ECHL = , ; a ma Ih Ce | é : . \ be aepe riod . . | y te Sige Is ns ya ee ae paw oc : cai Embroideries, &c., Ei Geas mired cn Hadinre Wen li Wun ecitevirsetar alias ariSereantrluse, Also, a large assortment of DLV ENS ‘ AD ’ ul aye \ ‘ the ni ts the ooh 1 -- eee ae. Revue foamy sineere ackyowledyements to Che hy a remedy atonee xo sinple and waves " ia ae wo a wee 7RS5° qamys] = eee eerce hieenva oven mera ti ' i vots, and Shees, Hats and Caps. fe Barter, N is oad : a aK je . 7 bo cenweet Rowan and aarent countes for past ti He bar alny a splendid vanety of the RICHES | ye an Beas) a Tees oa - sate oy ‘ 2 . all true 1 cks, 0 Ws fe ssued ee eee Lee ee eee ee Ure i 2 SIGN , ; ry ’ : an : wea an _ erage atb ihe rae i ue where SIGN OF THE RED JACKET ! +d earn- Message today, tetusiis te eee! ; : h Can Nb =D as eay 2 nit « coutimaaver of the some Brae pezss GOOLS, a cue Anieric in neat : Sour certi- | M. BRENNER. ; - ! i 2 s z ; fioates of thetr cures and directions fo ir un for the Maccland Lieshout ees sae ' or eS ms No trouble ae us show Goods at f thus Falls Posportations. any of Vare re i Se eerie Foot wer use 0) Pos Having mude PnPcraarreneecweel Swi eeee = HAVE ( er : Curtive ns Pac Ttp It more firm, Tam at cic imes prepared to fulfil e Cera t : this t Mover > ¢ CANA : u rs le . ELMS M ture Nation: ortenee, tote tat ie both SUE IVE HEN RY ! R : ng from disordered Stomieh, N i se ctiaiieint weringie been, Lo Mn AME RS. BRANKFORDYS, i itsiamte totes eam nei amir eh Nate ed ie creha eg aan fence of Se ea ene teeta wand 5 days . uly such Goode an were most desieableastyle, me nt, uleney, Loscot \ppetite, Jaundier ae shorten naner vas j veil } an Fate x orca Beenie ae a ; , ; Jani Landa | Gh ia tervilly dul eee ve mays MAKER & COS MEDICINAL rp nei atari in nals 0 Qed empaiasnron gti whe face of the] GET 1 8 62 i the <7 ny cate ee runt : | ( ) ( ( yl N | RY vy Zovokous te sustain the repiiaben of Cee Loay or obstiie non of le fuse tions | aa onven- ) Tha N he P q HANS CE COM LIVE ONG . ! stand ) . . heir will DMA LUI ACN TES ENSUE STS an , ee re N.. £. Granite Bui Ayer’s Cherry Peetoval, eas we titer 5 ‘ ¢ . Uy 5 Ow. fy t a hihi . \WWiQei Nt Nee Nett 2 eerie ' we , 5 , : Jas he ron KAPID CURE O} a = remece Panes N-U PASSED 2OALITY AND RRFROTS ca ae 1 ae Ttis reported thats ' \ ei eee \ Tk SWEEP \| I; lt | | \ \ | ‘ Re . “PALL Ae INT ER ST taic spect Couuhe, Colla Uiddeiza gti jareences Crap) Bran; “So, : . wreporncl nae ; . ee PiING TR SWEETEST (ND DEST PREPARED : aX : L eto bie new PALE and ¥ PER STOCK eonfideut — eluts. Incipient Cuosumption, and for the rebef of ee Texas, will not take bess ’ O tl { ‘I Bl G ! . thet hye wil! be atble ta ater many cola sabst ot ul Consaumptive Patiouters advaneed atagee of ne WATCH MAKER \\ , . ee . ff ‘y Fog GH +e = we verre tis 1 fay © AND JEWELER, A number at Soutien Cearsr ssn —_ : ‘ DRESS EY a ‘ : ive heir pa cul Disrare ee f lace i Nr a 6 - ms Ua vy mo ‘ ~ ALSO. yaa HEeOeB Cee So wide ds Che field of (ts usefuluess tnd so numer ute \ pe lee ery: a tions be rave arrived. Northerie wre tet OX 7 F E ; m? reer F han = : A 5 ek ie ea ) Warranted 7 £ ’ Rane - cases cures, that almost every see- _ sembly. pected anti ater Liwaks + rg Selling Of at ( OSE FF FS ane aid cnergy 101 weal an Seta BSCRIBER would call the attention of Ni SO « lothine, \ vi , ibe dinge of The mane t rete “ail } et , : ae a Ins wt bee ee OMEN wert ke pce! eNeleat ose 5 noe COUNTRY WERCHAN PS. te tis large an » who. Teeter nan and yeron New Yoo 2 yor cent on Pace Pan weer se eer by ie wonder al res ae Boots. Shoes, and drogans ne enter {nendly aii ; Fi F as ! ainice | ‘ inted Stock f ver every other medheine of ite > ‘Aplia Td oon Patan te does ae sted dt atfords nods nt he "Reta alt bie sscape ol , : = : 2 F ! \ ‘ et , none die too nppareat escape observetion,and where Virginia tienes ds ato pe teenta scauat acon i a aa ae = CLUE U ea eas - r { 1 duatantieny stowed, Pbope tora eontiuimauce of ie -virthes are kKouwn, the public no longer hesitate OCTOER, 1860. 4 ¢ tender- aie Gua dioica ua nia (eens ne ret Wary next, ond We column we let turn the frame with fat i a cul DRY GOODS came Allonters shal tercive iny prompt acd pore what wuudete to employ for the dimtreeang and dav . ’ 2 manuer . e : ws s workable manier ag WI5 Veeuil attentvan serous aflechons of the pulmonary organs that are aa ee EXTENSIVE STOCK =f (oss uprios wi nnoxen & \. MYERS silent toourelmnote. While many mferior reme- he Treasury, tee consul ition was of vers TE IVE : . . pT: “ass thrust upon the community have failed and been R W LSON ere Une (gg ameel cmp accr ett el ee oo Sa kn SCROFULA in all ta dtereiuments. = ClOtHIN and Groceri ' Void Granite Building. \roveded, thin hae gained friends by every trial, con- ° ° heen Hees ' ' Ser WEAKNESS. W ts TING) anilies 4 c ries. SEN ete a LCE) ey ferred benefits ou the afflieted they can never forget AVING just returned from the Northern Cities anes ae ee ae : : t, and Ae ed benefits ou the affli urget, 3 . Blom « sat oi wt , M Re ady- Wade ( lothing, eee nout DEBILITY. vs curative oom TE2B tad produced cures (oo pumerous and too remarkable l with a large assortment of Watcher, Clocks, pie HS pros getbed tenet a Drepe thes are uueivaled 4s which he will cell at WHOLESALE as low as cau 7+ wee OS : - > to be forgotten Jewelry, Silver Wure, &c., is ready to sell greater Cobb could he present Gear s Pui nivhing lioods, = taken v mroimliby the Se be houuher Riven ar 5 GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY PREPARED DY barguius than ever was sold in North Carolina - Vite Secveuiy cl tieelweisinne tials is i Pete we eul SUDO U Teas ty mothe: luton, tie Crreat Reng . , GY TITY rN His personal attention is given to Repairing of hrough UA, COUT LUA CR CA TLWRUS CUI ‘ ; Hats, C aps, de. at Cost ~ vestaiuien) itncaei@e PinuineNew Mork, hutmxuepled SIR JAMES CLARKE s DR. J.C wees Y ER S& CO., Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., and with Ne oe urs the fe era ANSE R Nots ; Be Uist N SLC - . Re ren Gee Ten ree a ( E i ft iP R NA D EF LE M ALK IL LS ‘ ? LOWELL; AEASs ance of the best of Watchmakers will do work prompt- yg of billraus cove, and his ere Faunce Sc od f 1 a 7. OW 4 . . ly and wa ti2 months Pl fh i e 4 u ' h aiceed for RrroICtdicana rca tee rran nonth euse cal] and examine ey now CSL emcee Mire a LESS ui ti A v ( ‘On ST. Wee eonnue dated aan tle coe S. FRANKFORD. Prue ea eee ee Ne his stock one door from WeNeely & Young’s Store. finn duriner the wreater qiart Ce Phvet ene Chreughout the States: the wrt. 2 Ce ees ea Le BS ie Ther x Fu an ™~ : , Met TM . 22 hoon, al ai Happs ie nay tina ue z ' “4 dete A A ea Ce fe bescmeni 2 YT { Nee 1 BY ROM NE g G4 ; S PATENT. Hntehi & Cae lotte, a a Petar one ne aan ee 4 ‘ Ta hing Wal dat p eovecada — sehoole : the Profesme \\ | | ( ) | |. \ \ | |: < = IAL Johneon, Mockevitle, “ L i Ww Sa aut Nae all 4 ny aad wall i Lg UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Bl ee alae " tion ofS ke MDP Poory, Sinpeon & Lows, Po a ies atches. 4 The liv, detivrcau 1) .6is tar Anis os! MRPERRSON COLERGH OF Pils. S= pee ea £ ean WoL A CA Santon, Norfolk, Va in the city Ne Hor IL iy. a PULPHITA = cain ie : “qk Co cCaattestunys A} ne of the Sone 3 : »S es anil bot te ' for Laie of the chorcest le ever offe! with Banner \. Hote . HADELPILA COLLEGE of MEDT eee REST en f : a ee UN Eel Gs ood 0 die aati aceete) | ‘ ae _— CIN de hers — fi ce tj 1 Chathons, setts of fine Jewelry, Sleeve -ral As- ES Psi 1S TiN Ate ry ras . 1 1) fae oc cumennre : 1 i s. FRANKFORD’S r Dee re eas | Bustos. Suds, Gold and Silver Thunbles, Gold and ‘ pas ae Ca aps ‘ - o Marricae adics . Con okt . 2 ; Tope, sas office NSTI Nae | A kK ] 7 IN ( y [ ] C fe “oe af undoubted reputiacon Thee cere cs iN Meee etn ie 7 mene Tae Cyc eriniean res ) | oe me riot Lockets, Charms, Ear Dt : stactive aod immediate 1 ~— ty | ' Pisses and Children, and a great many plication AUC Onnet (ewe) ' re Rlloperecnecniicleds: Pa eran a fo A ; BOAR ET OT ee : k t Pal he 4 | ther theres tow ummerons to mention, all of whieh i a Pvc etter at vicesresMican ests ct 64 eoremedy That which we prepure has ota NO | I¢ i 4 a vill be soll at bac sins tor cash, atthe Jewelry Stora ‘i , fe (Wars are Reon. ae ; * Af ins fol nae elry § published, asking him tecenvene the Le apa ' ; Ae : S. devideners of supertonty over other o™ * I. Caution. jof Ww. R. WILSON. Islatare te qrovids i hanes ee Lie + brands. Manu actared only by = VHE SPOCKHOLDE f Mootaumanua I the baker ' Ooi G6 122 _— JOTINGS BAK ER ieGo:, ru =, : LER MON TITS ' { ns to be convention « | t st tas t . Foun ew _ Tin port eauEealerant Se 0 M tpl LN Te AU STL n Min ‘ | Ee Z sorters and Dealere in eet in Mount wsant he 3rd Saturday of De- 1 ne met cie and John Beli, by req oe net ae oe nv Sas TSG OTe om Se or Geena renter meee eae La ete a Seen | SILVER W A RE. every publication an eeposc of os vies upon wave ae : cS iloreas. Nay 13. sho) Bu 26 NB. Tn case a majority of the Stockholders te { ioe ! Phen ie ea pest “dat WR, Wilson’s Jewelry Store, a the present crisis. ltis te a taettn Meee Tae ; 5. aes ale ohRep not meet, the preevnt Board of Pruste«es wll ze Gs een ory : a ee 2 Se nent of Pure Silver Table and Tea ne there on MI. a ee ato le pubis ‘ afl So 1 BL LUD ESTERS Ge ronnie dancin Wuiee| vat . ‘ t i spo vi also. Silver-plated Castors, Cake Baskets, ation. HEMT AS OT A Mes ay rps eo Lasiess us may presen titsel) De ea al Rach Caps, Goblets, Forks and Kaives, Butter Knives, , Ne ie aloe By order of she Bosrd ie Wer uke t | Butter Dishes. Syrap Cope, Mustard and Sager feinecna Luter From Misiey sce \ FOLL, Seeveta Von tos Fs Be toe Gees | Spoons, &. de, Don't forget and give us a call ; se vv G. $369 mally I ” x. * } und Nosotl. Wok. W g enter- Nin Olsnean-a Note 2S Hiring of Negroes | - ~ ce senehs vat v4 SINGER'S ow te ier cof tab- The achr. Alphensine armveld at ths HN (DMS ee VL) ~ : : 7 a = S W vt Wit Wyott, an , ee ; ‘rowded port yesterday from: Tamypics, ; see ; BEMISTER & ( pares zis ” SE W | NG -M AC HI Vi GREAT BA RGAINS Crowe - I Coat th Hsideoon Saleen ai tlaicdee Die We & (LNW WIEBE, cAN Technet Neue asian eer T iN IN WOUuec Paintora: Net: Pras Reduce. to $50, $60, $90 and $100. | 1 mW : t GRAINERS, PAPER HANGERS, Ac. EU at WI SINC CRESS MALIN ES ( LO I HING i @ | oe ‘eo i Sines dates to the Toth inst. Wath or fe with thine ta “ ay : l the £690,000 seized from the Cs 1 the’ eee ae prurte Mexican Courta tiave decided in fused NIC SUT tet) AVG IS sn 1 STAN 1) Swill) be ee ; ee , i : 4 : , BOOTS ! BOOTS ! i i" : . bie triers Reriigiieis kuwilnee aS SIGNED T <7 Ippuste the eit ve alway se dily 4 tugher averse price her with the proratia distiibution demanded ihotho tury " —— l ee ' i : \ He i ya y : ‘ So: Wn MAY ated ary ie are Perit in Pars 7 st Thors- Miramon. Evervbody ts prepariog fora N Bee Barta cat hereby even te af for MILL STONES, er budig parposes: that he ait gark av N. iC J I ENNISS = now " ek or mere rebable, eromble of doing amuch greener varie BOAR Step ucwaati sito selt chanse of Government Miraimotn ae PO co Hatate of Sinem tall, Gea farts the by st quality ot FEE af reonily attended to and warranted tobe oF g Gentlemens Writer Wa work. aud earicr mere iency, Leng-eon oan GENTS PANTS at £2.00 worth 83,00. aU claration af dis inability te defend 1 Ue Gatiees ine torwardon thet day and pay up. er Titel ee ES , : Dee abe terlorm pei Lu Me rags . : i 4.00. one ee eo a Gna GRANITE, Jity 15, de pain ag : eat era p Sewing Machines, thousands ee . apital bas created consideraile ox B OCRAIGH ' i ! . , ann ern aT y ave bh rived and disappemnted, bat with Say ; is “7,00 os 9,00. : TATGE, entinan end at the lowest possible rites = : i 2 . QUILTED BOTTOW BOOT. mn: mr me ae a termined ment. At the last accounts the Const PAV Ate CASTE Es Qa rey as aitnated J uiles South of tt ( Shiv and Water-prs eWoenives chere on nerer any fadure or mis: GENTS COATS 9 3,00 : 4,50. ? \ i | : “5 eC lso gone tutionalists liad captured Tambay. It matialinina edie teal) yee Executore, i Salbers. koown ae the © Old Shaping QUARRY NORTHERN veoughout, aug whieh will last longer that a . « a) . Hees eee : WILEY HOLTSHOUSER other Bor , tad herw Singer's Tranverse Shuttle Wachine. i ate was believed at Gaadalajara that the jc ‘ a . «10,00 “ 14.00. Cupital had surrendered without a stray LAND SALE as EE LIME FOR Seale ALSO, Fine Galt WATER. PROOF BOOTS, sirable asi claesciia 20) inert rata a 1300 18,00, ted tbat Be “eee eee Ste nee Ce ET Te, veneg? SiC Double Slew aul Cyper, aw eapeiad Boot fer AM fclune erineinnieweniiisecrangenancs Cs . ee Fao e5-00 . 7 the 2th day of December, Is60, Twill se unslack e¢ Winter, and warranted ery beautiful, am ndiy and cery eanily. anc ; ' INNISS' See Oe eee oe on FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS. "mit = ences etal is eset ah) Aale ENNES very de- Sreession Meeting in the heirs of Dav d Ramsay, decd. com Livery cheap, whole- “Double Sols and Upper and warrantes the very bes i cheapest Machine er offered to} Oct. 2. ales i Necens . gin (reorgat, fee ila erese i aiwhichithersign SAWN . ne the public ‘These Machines ure being inereared in ‘ nal trou- CO = . S MUCM, Wagntier witha cd DW BLING HOUSE A sarge quantity of finished Leather. (Sole, Upper 4ES@, MILES & SOVS GEVTS FINE CALF BOOT, i e Corrupes, Nov. 2b. font (cent Fall halfofine | 1 i flan UL lean ioRirtnt 1 iH made stout and strong and of the very best mat UIer Wen DICAVe TLR poner Ueaead Veil a se miand + . sndoether ueeessary by ne lly one-half of the | , ne Imes a son hand and for sale : aU) ay un) Naty ee retin mnioly aut Sai a . Georgia The demonstration made liere to-day Plantation is woodland, and upwards of 50 Acres, of DESSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSE ! en and Dry Hides alwaye ino demand at eash rials, warranted : n LE EE Book Binderw quick 9s was the greatest ever seen in Westert the remaung ports 1s bottom 1 grass ond ealavations e HCL STIMONTON ALSO, WILES & SOMS PLUP-SOLE AND GENTS Singers No. t Standard Suautilcewachines| KEOTE vndupen the Clable uplind isa good orchard. “This PVE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER Salisbury, July 27th, PSs tro) DRESS BOOPS. Miles) Bouts for beauty. dare Sormerty sold at 195, but now reduced to $90, in toe Georgi Al] the merchants close | tl , eorgla. 4 : veo merchants close] there Plantation heein the southern part of Recriikeamunars ee rere raat umn ris thin any iilanived 1 s 6 Oo bility anel ple - WoWearry are eelebraccdihbroughout well kr awn lover the world to need tiy deserip- . S N iatnremot stores and Joined in the processian aboat three mnilea from Shepperd’a % Roads on the yy ihe matual coneent of the parties « fe the Union and require no praise tion. Every ort of work, coarse or fine, cin be done Ss ALI SBU RY " F k lage and banners were suspended mathe nu rs : uf . te s un t + a oe and eeu Rr iaineae crite tes aiiitetconnurd he icc FALL SUIS Calland get you a pair of Boots for Winter worth witht 4 e e 1@ 3d o streets, the military and Southecw Grvard a nae Hoy Rue a y cae . urge 3 dle, Pa ae een erro rr etree eel ie . having and at prices : ve defy Y mpe ntti Singer? s No, 2 Standard Shattle-Tiachine \ RW. R.DICKS would respectfully inform the j paraded tn procession. and cation wore premses will give spy ant vac mnd attention te UME t UT geeatiy promote the intecert of the parties to clos a; a a ~ a Th a : He taehaes Cone an he citizens of Salisbury, Charlotte, Statesville, F ) , War <tc Ste oh he wae ot the Machine aives ainple speer Concord, Gol ok sreensboro’ i : et eC tut lees caters area ee one neon cea cee egnr Cuneta CS mer OU ann cee ren , 1 S ee ote act a P Concord, Gold Hil, Mocksville, Green o’, Lexing- ye a sal 1s thera sterde ‘ Oe 2 1 SES TIC Y aNne \ , Work. Ww ye logeth on, Morganton, Newton, and the surroanding cowa- te Seces- f Gan, Morn, vanes mal ene sales lays (he ie\i sce cea Lol Inonths, With bond they opyuest their friends to eal! ratly for that : . Av q sith dewds rable weiking qualities Dds cdileire cordeiiieciline hanaaestablishedia’ Beox Bunp- wth Caro- the mo ; : Le nt ee JOR BURKE reGute. Pree wih table eon wh, Peviicicuneiaen, aid willbe pleased i thing to n crowd of five Chousand fo RAMSAY. Inxconts oD DEATIRS . ' > , Been Ue Puc aoc a cate cel Veh ee- oro’ ; people f. Nn Coclenne. at a. a a ali - ! aoe , Jods PPWART NN Tn NON Te ame LQSL Sinners Noe dstindard’siatevinch dere in bis line. Music Books, Law Books, avd ales { ANOS ( ENO vahitaeotdane? Ramanvcdee caliliecll oeaicecnsoune : Perocie sds, bouud to pattern, or im any style to suit spoke at mult Seman Ara 1 othe p Val property of ead deceased at the sin Vv Eee SiG GAS Teta, is * Mie estabishment ¢ 6 ; ir ertizens. M Cok a k : fey Tverson ane ele ar ie ‘n - . a \ ATTORNEY AT VA W ; reunite elon 1 i we 2 Me ea an be found on the second . Ore Nine fentins of the ' ere . ot x 1 Neer . ; . , . 4 , tore ve Tos lice j igious ser- lee tien ener iad chilean J 7 Nav loch, 1860 hou | () | l] ks | | BILL 7 Nee ; a vie in te a [Onin fllecmelnremallytallendedites ‘ ' ' hal ; . rd Machines on the Tet of Ociober, 1555, ch WR. DICK the disunion cockade. N 0 v | Cc AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE- BE OTS AND S$ SHOES My Tete ee i a HIND Se Ne ARSE V four fold Saliebury, Sept 18, 1860, © ais Pilar eroias Hare, Cape and Bonnets. Sagare, Coffee, Salt, Woo 14 cu De) ce Mevdiues make the jaterloc’er: ve - , , Dlie aerin Ae a at BURRESS & oo Paes CeiriNaiee ardceand ue ree ’ Coan Faldiog oopocte snteh with nwo ja which is the bost stiteh — ra vhh Hentucky neta | On ISnE NE Ban SOR Recess cae onthe te woo ae eors American Watches, ] nae peall thoge tem Petula he fivat diay of and Binaiag Skins, &e. Eee Wee) Mormatiot abaat Sewing: Machines, ther : a oe ey AUGUST AQ Nee Lo lee 70 vehandsatanoficer the taderagned would offer bre thanks ta ho put a een ner i ‘ Sopra. worker eopacities, snd the best meth vce of the At Louisville, (Ky RURKE w STEWART ees eee Ne a orem Treen inter ‘ 2 ertane RAE y cenndenns R. WILSON hasthe Agency forthe GENU- 1 as now been held, irre pectiv f a a Der sob ducted by the fate ti Berne & Nrewort Tote whch te ' ; ite 1 : ane ean HATS AND CAPS. CEM Snuger & ¢ swhich ison ee \\ INE AMERICAN WATCHES which ena- Sf woof party, whieh Are eee aay vat Neher Cae F : oe ‘ 5 aie fol petorial pape ely devoted tothe anhjyect, fr Mes in to sell them for less than they can be nionism of has decl; NEEL that k Y : : ME Satsbory, Rowan and the adjoining Counne UST RECBIVED atoge supply of G ! : Kentucky has conan . ' ef © He wil constantly replenish the , Carri ; z ' will be wuppled gratis esewhere He has also in addition, the Eng! f ras with the slave States. dnt oe J. Ro and BLN. We \ulay’s PoCK OF BROOKS. and will make addiiene as EUS anes a. ae ants J Boss \Uthopuns eS A 1. VW. SINGER & CO Ws nt Lever Honting Cased Watehes, Detaehed deapair of hie | ; a ' ‘ ; ae ee wa i works Trpugit outs phle nt Oe ere . ‘ ‘ : , ea op ‘ ee overs, Hunting Cylinders, &e. which will begenkd sn ad-val- Meapair of her rite in tie Crome SELECT SCAOO LE, haan ean tan aie ig a fatieks SS : oe L450 Bortiriy, New Yoo. So tas eseh Toot feet tho whew amt KECRB IS Cpr i to Lineal. and ow MORGANTON, N, ¢ ug ak Vhilide phia, and ea . e Haut and Care and Root and Shoe S Poe MERON EY AGEN: Genuine American Watches. tocallat W. R. Wieor’s ORIEL OU Ata vant the Northern na T ne : Ten eadily [apres dneh Grier gent fun ine To the Creditors iG SULISBURY, VC. Jewelry Store, next door to MeNeely & Young’e ¥ ' ! ry: eours + 1 y the ASS . . . , ) : °, s re athe! lification laws ae ena) cee a ieee ee min filler Cron Sia wry, OF JOMN BR. STAFFORD, Die was Jaty 04, 1360 a) aes Granary N.C co a he fae sao alte ati vemie tue aitee a ce Bring Back that Gun. es : ' New Yorr, N ry Ea eatrenucenunmenne anche dds (rents ce Py Sew ated As Lge Leiria fee ae) \[ISs @ GRASSWITT. ‘having just returned aes _ 1 New York, Nag a9 The wea ts ee 12 mt Sri deceased wr her WAU tte REREIE aoe rd ‘ Mest Fashionable BLUM’S lesManGyennckotiaenrcitn ' : tine p ae | Horh & Ramsi's S EC Ratigier Ye purchased at very low rates 4 ov, 29. areal i ct Is easier, and stocks For terms, 4 ‘ | ae 1” dent of the es codallebiume not forth ; \I A ) "| ) mat eh lige generally. tha . . P ’ 1 vane and lower, Federal S'ware que! fia wee ay PA NEN ci toe Mil nece er hed Siena lias a Bie et she lies eenstallys Merman cand ielanter # Almanacs hville ted at { 1 ! HIs | ie d nith 4 ed at 964, and Virginia's 79 Kerosene Oil. Pause Rtowt 11 Wiest SIERIMER ea eer f ie ; wo yee. Latnet Stylae, Cau Karey fir the year INO1, for aale, wholesale and retail, es ' é \ : W . . ’ ‘ h recnember hoa 1 e . . ’ A rt Scott, The Chemical B ink has been expelled Ne Cass ene , ~ vioP a a foes ae 7. ‘ hongh it mur , then through mists Serie Oct Pth iy 1. J J. STEWART'S _ Harney from the ¢ loaring house f pelle i 7 ; Wo oH. WYATT, “t. Pleawan’. Cabarrus, Co. Nov 26, 1860 Se Arete fei ya tac wane Fetes , et 23, S60 123 mace Stare! mery- ite ape, or rofuging to put Application ae oe ta the present Druest & Apothecary buepd ateal it and he w Hohe (wera doves aeuruat (ie Ae iit ale hy will ba made at _ _ , aie ce Aa reserve into the common fund, begmlan mrt The wit nytebe erated ont of Buraing Pluld. yc yx6 and 18s Man , Ne per Howhose posseason it may be found betes ess ‘ Decisive (Norn Ca pp IK 2 re cep rding to the prograr . SON TR eR ene aleccunand: Mack's ; 3LANK DEEDS Reices he (Gen teoHorahrlRamesyie Siere eee mnmenerotherDeleracneW enitac MARRIAGE LICENSES KTaAMMe assented to | Street, Salsbury, No ¢ Ww i H BURKHE: Al turing ¢ pany, at Pattereon, N C , ) un company, t a . . . types FOR SALE AT THIS OFFIOR by the t burg Counties 3 ; ae rae 7 ranks. : i Guiana 6129 Oet. 20, 12HO 4124 FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE( yay 6, 1960 5-95 Ort 24, 1960 Prof . emional Oards. : DENTAL NOTICE, $ SR DR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro vue DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by Dx. Baron, | where he ie prepared to attend all operauions eonanected with his profession. | gan 1, 4860. 112 W. L. - BARRIE R, DENTIST, MT PLEASANTON C March 13, 1860. pal yas Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWEL H AVE associated themselves in the practice of Mi af pGer their Professional services to (he public can have the services of both, in any case, wi stich wh heut —the samy occupied at presently br Wa vanaay ber 14, 1858. LAW -PARTNRSUIP, A. H. & R. A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the une formerly occupied by Dr Nesbit oo Water Street, SALISBURY, N. 1859. ___BUSIN ESS CARDS. NW M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMINSIGY MERCHANTS Nov 1205S March |, thin amore Street PETERSBURG, VA. N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, VA. R, M. MARTIN, 6F | RO TANNAHILI, Wo NM ROA MARTIN, Ww. K. MARTIN, UD Striet pers produce Rererence —D PLUMMER, MAITIN val attention given to the sale Ordets for goods promptly fibed. ct A Davis OOF Fistivr, Ve une 14, LR5Y pod JAMES HORA WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELTE. BALIS btu ten 7 ( @ne door below R.A A, EEPS coustantly on hand a large -oria en WATCHES aud JEWELRD of alk Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of ever fepairedin the best mn the ble terms February 14, MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCH \\ l, SALISBURY JROMPT PERSONAL EN Wuphy’s sto;e, snnerand ou Nieto 1860 ATEN TION 5C.{. to the purchase ofa ads PRODUC And to all consignments to be geld in ths m shipped to other Ports February 14, 1380 tf Collecting Agent. VINHE undersigned offers hia services tot asa Collecting Agent He hold the appointment of ‘Vax Collector \ r pe wand abont S Town, and therefore feels authorized to ref to our Superintendent wad Commuissionera as to fications, &c. JOHN BEARD, April 10, 1560.-[tf46 Collecting < ‘ cal Avent o pRANG > &> WYATT’S | TONIC, CORDIAL. of the most pleasint and rficient Remedies ever prot ay Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, CHOLIC, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS beth of children and «du! PRICE—25 CE Prepared by WOH WYATT Nos ® iS APoOTIIFCARY, 156 and lex, Main SALISBURY, $10 REWARD. ANAWAY from the subseriber ville, on Satorday the name of JOHN A KINSEY = aid nov is 4 June 5. tf2] Aaa Diane the 7th inst. a vonud b bs var 20 years of age, o feet Voor LO inet Wi about 148 or 140 pounds, of a red ¢ ' somewhat scaly, black barr rts a ' is rather spare made, walks quick and toa stulterssome when a iiitie excited He Louw he lefta biack frock linsey coat. Wolk hick baru brass edges, with some rents in tue nyht skirt tt also carned off with him a Silver W chain, he also had a heavy flat gals with bead keys at the end Coach Painter All persons are harbor, feed or aid sad boy in vwith set rized fot Raid boy will pase fortud toemply 1 whe under the pena.ty of the law, if ihe 1 potitively be entorced against aM sue < The above [Re rd will be given persor who will confine suid bey in any yal, aud neta of the same so that Teun get re Hy paying ov pe JOHN KENDALL. penne Is59 ud? WORTH & DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers. AND Commission Merchants, No. 2 Granite Row, Froxt Srreer, NENG ON Nos Dealers in ail kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Frivt, Liqaors, Wines, Cigars, and Tobacco Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Frat ers, Benswar, Feath Pobaceo, and Country Produce ven erally. Agents for Howe's celebrated Scules D.G. WORTH. Net DANTE For the past 7 years « Late of Asheboro’, N.C T.C & BOG Wort * Sept. 1x, 1460 ly 1s LAND FOR SALE. HE valoable PLANTATION formerly owned by Samuel Barr lying on the waters of Back Creek 15 miles West of Salisbury, on the Sherrell’'s Bord road, containing about 320) ACRES, aboat 72 Acres of good (two good Mendows) Bottom Rowan county; the land is well growth of TiHacco The buildings are all firni Persons wivhing to porchase will plesee callon Dr O P. Houston who residesin the neighborhood, land adapted to and wil! and act take great pleasure in showing the land ae agent in my absence, J A BARR July 24, 1860 ufo DRAYING. HE undersigned gives notice that he keeps a TEAM AND WAGONS for the porpose of Draying, and will serve all who may favor him with ealle in this line on accommodating terms GEORGE MOWERY March 20th, 143 Apple Brandy. LD, for Preserving Ersites for sale by .HOWYATT, 186 and 188 oe et., Balisbury, 1860 ( N.C | Jaby 94, 1860. W pe \ HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. roprietors and manufacturers of HOS- ernie CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to hysicians audiclitesse generally of the United Bestest because the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully thun volumes of bare assertion or bluzoning puffery. The cousamption of Hosietter’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a halt- million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contuined in the prepara- tion, and the sanetion of the most prominent physicians in these sections of the country where the article ig best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stuimachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague aod various other bilious complaints huve counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the * Bitters’ are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors @ source of un- alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to (he nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them toacondilion essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is Pees to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a (onic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they bave a all 13 drugs and fairly merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. ‘There are certain periods when their cares ure su harassing (hat many of tiem sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is su absorbingly tender, that the mother, ially if she be young, is apt to forget Ler own bealih in her extreme anxiety for her intant. Should the period of maternity arrive during t body and t vundoned tested the deleteriot espec ¢ summer season, the wear of aggravated. Here, a nlimulant to recupe yenerally essity and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting (uals and responsit rally preter the tors that rec cians, because it is agreeable well as certain to give @ permanent iucrease of Lodily strengtl rgies of (he system Nursing mothers gene ers to all o Invigora the endorsement of physi ver c1ve to the taste ag All those persons, to whom we lave particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever nnd ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, sition, less « igements of ipe ted invalids, persons of se oc on, and nursing mothers, will consult therr own physical welfare by giving to Hos = Celebra Stomach Ii atria 4 cantion the puble aga the many imitations or counte Hostetter s CELEBRATED and see that each t Hostetter'« Ston for wacn Burtey the worle ' 1 own on the side of the bo rd stamped on the meta.ic cap coverin e cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label Se Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. and sold by all druggists, grocers, acd dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. SCON TESA Dis WHOLESALE AGENTS, MRE UTES Ths, ast t Plendersen & Ennis, ant WOH vatt, 4 phy Dd. Reed. Cone nc ere Greensboro, No ¢ Mas el SOUTHERN BOOT AND SHOE WANURACTORY ! SMITH & MILLER, vs Bi ‘ais: stroes and (raters, gy toe Tene! eat mu * ’ HH - ; ae e W a 1 een Boots, Shoes & eee bh. v t sud “ 1 : facet ” we ’ oats ie oe W WoL, ESAL ' AND RETAIL, : con He do Tats ' ae | MW We OPERG BOOT ve Op mel ntl \ eneh Ca On i : 4 { 1 ‘ ! iin € ] te other aud supp sur wants wad iat you wll parehase no TF is, Shoes or GCeaicers these ma Screen SMITIE& MILLER, UCM Y Lisl sRiee Cc Jul 2331 ) ug ASTOUMDING ! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! Wyatt's Remedy n Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate ! CUES CONTE TOE OSs CTS ee rN TN ee NS (TBS TRIE SP MRIS IEG TRONS Ss IN A FEW DAYS! ft hae no taete, dors mot qatertere wreh diet or effet the breath Prepared and xe oslons ' ailby WE. WYAETD, Drie Loan \p BG and (xs Ware at nya Biv and went by mail ene woh star Peetu tes 7) ORRELL & GRADY, and Wholesale HATS, CAE Manufacturers Dealerea in Straw and Millinery Goods D R Umbrellas, Parasols, Fiowers, Ribbons, &c., No. 18 Courtlandt Street, ,D a ) UP STAIRS, ms y of Fayetteville, VOC F GRAD A ie tek re j Veor York 1000 he BLUE BLUE STONE! 1000 /be SEONG & For eale low by W H. WYATT, Druggqiet and Apothecary, Nos 186 and 188 Main ot, Salisbury, N.C Rept 11th, 1860 any SPECIAL NOTECE, | jy yq0y fh worl, MACHINE Work ——_—)-—-— BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. Por sale by HENDERSON & ENNIEFS 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice aad clean for sul ue NDERSON & ENNISS THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. From 210 to 240 dey, for sale by HENDERSON & ENN(SS \() (00 POUNDS ‘ ue 10.000. Pure White Lead in Oil, For wile by HENDERSON « ENNISS 1000 GALLONS 1000 PURE LINSELD OIL, For gale by HENDERSON & ENNISS 40 Bbls. Tanner's Oil. A0. For wale by HENDERSON & ENNISS Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ dgae and Fever Pills, WotR AN CE Ow LOsG 6 et at HENDE Easy AriiSiss RSON & Fluid and Kerosine Oil. Bootie Gea Mh Sele NN a CNTERSOS Mie ES IEN FRENCH BRANDY. SLE ENCES EAN ISS ! SPICE ES! aA SPICES! VINEGAR! 30 cts. Pure Cider Vinegar. Tiere pee Ce 20 cts. Greensborough IWfutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! Teivicke Mosinee Nie Cionsieln(s ole Wend H top. Jur MM Girne ot ( yt to Nas Wan. Barring Mis7s “ ede bio } Sse Wot mm \ rM \ Ch R vy Phen Jovi Ir MG Us Wades z E ee NY , . Hob WILSON Pros LE OW LIS ss Vice Prem t t PNG NIA Vit \ VAS Vreus'r Vt GES Ne Ww J PCED NN I / J Na Paves yo Com’ tre Jove i Tie - \ \ vo Via . w vie hee sheulcbe ad a nee PEK NIAMS. Secretary (i shorongh + ee Jie iat Sat) tr Pe hs PAWNS ' . how boinlew WO Su : Bort Hit ed ecw by 1 Pros DOR f tar 1 su N ' » ' Viivaite GU Nee wo ties Woedl I lege terest avate y ON ron wikhing a5 tp mothe os . WARY I NONTIEN ! x py aad 1 hans 4 Ir i \ Cewth, ate \ and th « vonetiti ) te preserifee ‘ rts aa a art ree TN TON barels Se Nein NG Ex \ 4 5 Galt ET SOG PIN Ey FOV Nee 1c Nee eh JOHN DOOLEY, Mais strane. i Ma rer 1h It, @ AW. LEGHORS, PANAMA Sort ND MoOtR SKIN PRESS IAT [ee ee IVES, CAPS and STRAW GOODS towhich Pwonld tivite the atrercs ” : the merchants of Virginia. North 4 eoniae je seer stide ot of mw abality tase then y with rvihing they may wantin any dine. on as goord can be procures myomarket iu the ook willbe kept constantly fall by the add Coevertth we new or d and, Iasi 1 Te he ame My mee bar ! S. danny tral tyles wall be of ins owe nantes My M Ph trs stathorn tye tt , “ Wet superar, te ans th ney ! mer [eves Mave ( r Sait moved Mats aad b alte ith vie Brad aw Levhorne cannot be ex 1) Wat fariie Wihag rere | \f tack ot ' sof Arms Res ul s pd any ot the dafere Hours at short ne LOLEN SDC Ly Moreh id, Ten 03 BOOTS THOW ASME th OS BBs. VWapafactured by MILLER & THOMAS. UNT RECEIVED a -ipply ol GENTLE Mig 6S tPWINETER BOOTS AND GENTS LACED BOOTEES, manatectored by Minter & Puowas Phomiscile, NOC, whieh are fally equal in style to nny Northern work, and a great deal better in work Insnalip aad eqealiv as \ p ‘ daee themaac do U ENNISS oy vet {2 Boot and Shoe store Fine Suits. If von wich tobny FINE SUPTS of CLOTHING we ditt te me aspoxsible, call at the Great Cloth ang Emporium of DAVID WEIL PP Rewewnen te Stave tte Row NEC Sept 25 No 9%, Murphy's Gran Naliabury ng Buggies and Rockaways. Ee subscriber hin lot of handaome new Bug gies and Rockaways, which he will sell on good terms THOS F BROWN, Jan 94, 1R6N (95 | ————EE HOTELS. ALISBURY. — SRR ae K subscriber takes pleasurein anunoncing to his friends, and the pudiic generally, that he hus taken this long established wud well known Hote! and his uede every possible preparation to accommo | date the business, travelling and visiting pertions o (he public, in the most sutistuctory manner. Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, audevery comfort is provided in his ROOMS. this STABLES are ubundantly supphed and at- teuded by @ careful ostler; and to all departments (he proprictor gives bis personal attention A coutortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depoton the arrival ofthe cars a liberal share of the public patronage ir coufidenthy solieited WM. With these efforis to pleane, ROW ZEEE Junnary 25th, f-35 THE WALTON HOUSE. Morganton, N. C. Ve IS superb New Hotel haw gained the reputation of beng aw FIRST CLASS HOUSE, to none tothe State, Asan evidence of it, Preferto the wauy favorable notices by the Press of the State, und the very theral patrouage ‘cceived opeu (necer having been closed.) rely upon the 1*60.° and secoud It continues and ‘te guests tay reputation of Che House berg sustained TP have arrangements wade to be kept supphed regu larly woh Feesh Fish trom Nerfulk and Newbern, fret with every ut FIRS CLASS HOTELS CLS. Brown & Co?’s Stage Office, delieucy usually tound beat this House Theor POUR HORSE CONCH Bs ron tothe head of the WOON ¢ Road on | fave, Wednesdays, and Beicave. 4 ta Ashe v Pucsdiye, Phatedass auc ' ye EAT KA COACHES and HACKS ready wt any bour and tor any po ut CoS OWN. VProviirror 1 Times $ 8 Oaerver, Favett Standard vet syort \ Raith | U4 Cha NW \ Prog ‘ p ‘ ) = 1 it ' » 8 ‘4a Wount Vernon House. bor yh pers | te el AT THE DEPOT, OLS IS eee Nee Te ay t t Coie ' rpress 4 ‘ ' a ! vid Wave t \ Vine ( Ie pattie: tos I 1 , ( u | I e » po ced with uh ' ined tt 1 ioe Ob his Gee AMIN “THE UNION,’ Areh Streetal Third, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON S. NEWCOTER, NDRRSIGNED dl { 1 ' f PES: as ‘ ‘ e puble joa v , ne 1 ie prine:pal av v eet repassing b ~ P Ve Cai a al THE NION heptane on r ‘ : DEWCOME Paorn sree WY ASTRUE STOPS JUKOTEIETL: JOHN F. JONES BROAD STRELtT. prietor National Flag! WM. M. BARKER Ly Woe INFORM THs O1.b _warriage Business 1 wt BUG y ANT Ged Brown's Livery I> heptup is heresote fying teh tuet t Nti ig ful ily nt hegun. att has proved ' poutlie eal dew Manimniimurinploteniceres: | Iras nd others can alwaye have thea wants, in the live, well sup Cash prices pad far Carnage Buaber and Proven an Aud subseniber is always ready te sell or b roe THOMAS I ae \ fe oe To Tnteesied his F ~ iyeeril wel eoyn ge [exh hinent to his NEW ABIDE on the lot i the inal the residence of the lite Creer W. Brown he or his valwoys b und ready Ui demands cn his sradelivered te hin at his stable, will meet Charges ' TOHN SNYDER prompt attention toderat tury. Sep HILLSBORO’ MILITARY ACADEMY. ees on om ander Neiincle eirnedan f tember 6 the conduct of Cor, ¢ Mili of Fora Inte Supertendent of the State me ok Phe «tat! Officers my at Colamber, ISO will eomprise six free the Saperntendent 1 22, TNO, pdly 26 60 White Hands employment upon the Charlotte und Rutherford Raul Apply t SAM'L (tf50, PATENT JARS. URE LOR to any article yet made for PRE VY SERVING FRUITS and VEGETABLES, aula by Wel WYATT, 186 and 188 Main at, Saliabury, N ¢ fg Wil Road YY Ets find steady minglon, ator near this place MeNINCHL, May 2, Chark N ¢ 1860 te, for July 24 ible. talexperunent, North Je Foundry Ne ! FRERCKS & RAEDER, BOYDEN & SON, JALIL continue to manufacture and keep ov \ hand all AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS mude heretofore. A full ussortment of Plows, Caltivators, Corn-Shellers, Straw and Feed Cutters, Horne wers, Seed Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills ‘They also manufacture Threshers, Thresner aud Sepurators, Shafting and Machinery for Grist Milla, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold Copperand Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix- tures ce, &o., {RON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGENGS and FINISHED WORK of deseription nade to aud warranted im every Repuire of every deseription of Machinery every wrdet rexpect done at short notice Nalisbury, N.C, Jun 2, 1h60 ly34 Stands tater: Patriot. Greensboro’, Demo erat, Charlotte; Western Advocate, Arheville 5 Caro int weekly 6 AlaninieeOheerver: Payette villes HW Express will publish Simouths aud forward innen aod Trede seCOUnLE REAL ESTATE. ee TISHING to concentrate my haads on one place, To propose towel the plantanon ou whieb Taos de, containing 307g ACRES Most of the sol is a dark lowor \ wey proud, the remainder equalin fer tlty te anyon Rowan Nearly one balfot the teact in eitll on Won coptarminge ag nt dealoftine tiber naht along sade the N CORR Phere in about 40 Acrenot BOTTOM LAND sad MEADOW. of tire tate quality The DWELEING a well arranged CoOlaniog tine roots, warre) ane ar, and also = € wee amin view of che Yadkin River au Riot? adenine excel " ’ tee of wheb re ohew oa i 1 ei yun gy within fy me sbury an The seals tet »Cotton. Geran, Pratt. . JNO A BRADSHAW 1 4 (ang i COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, PREEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY DISEASED hID\EYS. Stone inthe Blad rad Weluriys, We NM . \ Se ~ ‘ ty ( Nis » ‘ ms 4 this Sa BOD Slee JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond all Competition !! under asit lise Hontig ee (COED SILVE JEAN EAGIY gned will ock o Cae WATCHES ithe ba Setar MeyrerAtely , [IGEN wee « ands ver Ve { Fob Chains, Le + Gold Chatharn ar * kee « ~ELVER WARK warranted eqnal to con The hee d Soporoved siviewot Plated Rarwes, Forks, —r ‘ a, We A fine ent of Clocks Phe above will be ald Detyroy Competition 1 (slawses putin at 2 ernie h POA ude of Repari@ pronp ty. carefully and pros titended to und warrited by H.W. EL. Prictical Watching J i ‘ VN ¢ DR. MOUTARDE'S Miraculous Pain Killer RHEUMATISM, Woenns . NER AL TAS Xe TOOTTPACTIVE, Vt nd BUNIONS tainediate ly (iO Tt NaS Te te= iw Seay hte CHOLTC a Pain the Ntomach, Ut sty sla For la stumed Gums or Tecthing Children [ieee miei Creme ty Kiewn For Fever and 1 I varronted to cure Price only 25 enue — sale Wholewile and Retoathy WOE WYATT Nett Sinieof N.C, Nn Int MM . N 4 1 : tau New (Firm. MURR & SOSSAMON, AYN ited a JOD Brown & ony retire chof Fie SHEETIRON, COPPER WIRE, STOVES, &c. pow offer the darcest and bandsomert lot of COOK ING, PARLOR and CHURCH STOVES ever Vere din this market, ond wi {well forcamh as low ne wr be dy np Western North © arolioa Alsowia ds fan Wo daproed “TIN-WARE and TILES keptou bend AL hinas fe pieced sor Copper work den atthe shortest t ' au K R & SOSSAMON Salisbury, Jan 10, 1860 1\33 Chills and Fevers FEVER AND AGUE aN ALL SL CTE, GS DHS LAG), BREEN ING at NA EA LA Cale EATS iyand PP Wyatt’ emir l Tonic & Pills. yu Cnn Don g the past vear tl femand for this great med ran been tipreeede ited Prepared by Wo HO WYATT, Droggist Apothorarve Noe (eG org ton Mini at. Suliebars Co Buee €1 per pac wa for 85 A liberal discount toomerchian’ s Sepia 116 WANTED 29999 feet Sycamore Lumber eet which good press will be paid 7. the low ng ieae mira is 4 and 144 inches wide, and of ( May 22d, I4A0 1f52 7 Fine Shirts and Collars. Tf von wieh to porehase fine Shorts an ¢ re call at the Great Clothing Empormm of DAVID WRIT Sept 25-1119) No 2, Grantre Row MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Immense Attraction AT THE Mansion House Corner! CHEAPER THAN RVER I. I HAVE jost received a large addition of Fall Goods to ny formerly large aud handhome stock ‘of Fall aud Winter Ready-Made Clothing. which IT aim seliug at greduly reduced prices. Barcains! Bargains !! Here isthe place to buy great Barguine io Clothing Nothiug like 16 was ever witnessed tn Salisbury be- fore But notwithstanding the receipt of a Fall Stock, IT have determined to offer iny Stock at nearly Cost Prices from vow vol November Court; and al that tine and efter, to close out at Auction. 1 propose to el Dy business, and will du so even at w sacrifice; and hence is the pluce tu get the best bargains 1 Reapy-Mapr Croruine. Give ine «call, examine iny stock and bear prices My ptock must be sold al some price here ~ >) Baa eCe to ine by opeu account are bere- note wi'hout delay ™~ aD All those saidebted bv notified to close the sume by Aud ull whe ure due we ou long slandmug votes, up, oud that speedily ; a complete settlement Those who aie woufied that they imu o pay as Lain deterumned (take of alltny business hess without delay will have to setile with au offi aud trouble M disregard this potier cer, alep ud atleg HOFFLIN Ovt 1f20 RANAWAY--$75 Reward. YANAWAY from the subseribers at Lex- OAL ington, « Negro man nemed ALEX. or ALEXANDER, Said man is of a dark cop- percolor, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, and will Fweigh teom 155 to 165 Ibs, a very likely fellow, bat hax rather a down-cast jook—aged 22 years ‘The eubsenbers think it Yrobable that Alex lorking either ia the neighborhood of Salisbury, Mrs M They will give the above reward for bis apprehension and to them at Lexington, NC. Also, ir proof sutherent to convict any ope 2d, S60 about Lowrie’s of S. MeKeazie's plantations. they will rhoring said boy S.W. MceCRARY & CO uy STATES MAIL, Nato IDA ‘ pu NO& CUS 4 Horne Conches ( . Dare now rep ong Daily from Mieke lovers Sta WON ©. Ratt Road, to : te hd Horse Coaches fur Asheville rs Thursdays and Sat vse Coaches at the the Kk moval of every Pie mee Bin vile in Duylighe > War Vease sof the Ble i d wif Black Moon = Me WALTON HOUSE, M. 1 N { < BROWN & COL Ml h Qh ' yous Coutrachors (, Paref Hickory Pay & Meegantan. $2.06 SUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER, Tievir 1 fed from Frariant Flowers wy WW HW YA RC ies S OMEN RE CuN I, u stand ts= Mam St [eStiileel aN t 1 ey okt and #1 per Bot t 3 fa HARDWARE! AR ! Tae Satserters are rece Ving aod opeuing at ' the old stand of G M & A. T. Jones, the : lard Ntoe kK of Hardware thos Market. which having been booght the Minvufactorere or their agents, exciu Wwe rocanty Phey wrepared to ofthe dace nes Wholes le or ul buyers A call is ree “JONES & OVERMAN Sa! sbory, War 13. 160 1143 . = = o—_ 1 a6 = =o os Bes ee = is = Beans Z a ~ = = 5 7 4 Se ‘O U N O L VY Ap d o Lo h LL I N T SN O S , T u Wi d ) Sy ‘1 OW WHEELER & WILSON S ewing Hachine pe subserber having been mppe WHEELER 4 SON Nas CHINES, snow prepar sv ory Varo sble and Ladispensible c¢ Leones Phe Machine @ on be ttany Store, Nod, Grane Bushing A. MYERS May ou FOR SALE. Spring Hill Tract of Land, CONTALVING 1060 ACRE VULIS Tract of Band is situated two miles from on both sides of the mart road lending North ¢ Railroad premises 1 a Dwelling necessary Salisbury. tothe Yackin River, paring through it, HH. Barn,’ baddings, good tin nrotint the on and all out eile mee, bacco Barns, springs and new in then and under good fence: the greater portion of anid Tract is Woodland, it contd he divided into small tracts Very copveniaitly ofdesired, Ll will retain oll) Acres of Woodlind and the family Grove Yard Apply to MICHAEL BROWN, Veent Sabshbury, Qer 2. 160 euD TURNIP SEED. Dyes VARTUTY, FRUSH and WARRANT 2 ED, wold 1 NV EUAN NATL stoand [ss Main st.. Salisbury, No ¢ July Qt fy NU nder ed tay then up the be: ' ! 1 Bell & this notice may ha Vochanee t 5 ‘ ' y wall be ragdly ent 1 Re Wade Nr lane psa nd Ge 1, PERSONS who are indebted to me are speettally requested to call and make imine diate paynent, ae Tam compelled te ha money nid we this the feat time that Phawe called on my friends, EF liope they will come up promptly R P BESSENT Now 99th, D859 1127 VINEGAR. JERE CIDER VINEGAR, for sale by W ] WYATT, 156 and 188 Main street, Salebary, N ¢ rm BLANK DEEDS BPORDSALE AUT THIS OF FIORE —— ~ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we huve labored tu produce the most effectual ullermutive that can be made. It is w concentrated extract of Pura dura. pariila, 80 combined with other substances of still greater alleraiive power as to cfford an effective au. Udote fur the diseases Surrapuriia be reputed tocure 1s believed thal such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous co mplaint and that ove which will accomplieh their cur® must prove of in. menses service tu this large class of our afflicted fel. low-ciizens. How completely this compound wili do iC has been proven by ears nt Gh mawy of the worrt cases Lo be found in the following complaints SCKOFULA AND SCwoyULOUs ComrLatyte, Erurtions any Eavevive Disrases, Us cerns, Pimries, Biorcues, ‘Pomous, Sart Riukum, Scary Heav, Syrmiiis anv Syvuimiric Arrections, Meacuntar Disease, Drorsy Nevaaraia ow Vic Douroungux, Dewurry, Drsrer. wa aNd INDIGKeTION, HEayeireLas, ust on Sr. An- riosy's Fink, and indeed the whole clase of com- plavute arising from Imreciry or Tue BLoop Fhis compound wil be tomud @ great promoter of health, when taken in the sprang, to eapel ihe foul humore which fester in the blood at that fearon of the By the uly expulsnu of them muny runhliug disorders are nipped inthe bug = M ullitudes can, by the wid of this remedy, spare themselve sfrom the endaronce of foul erent aud ulcerous sores throngh which tbe system will mtive to nid iteelfof corruphions, if nol arsinted to de thi through the natural channels of the budy by an ulerative medicine yeur Cleanse out the vitiuied blood whenever you find it Impariies bursling throagh tie skin iu piruples, erup- lions. or sores) clearee it when yuu find itis obsiruet Sloywish iu the veins; cleanse it whenever it and your tee swill tell yoo when. Even ferin felt, penple enjoy bet . for clemusing the blood and ail ie well; but wiih réered, there can be no fast- Sooverorlitersometbing musi go wrong aud the great machiwers of lile iv disordered or avers thrown where ne particular dare ter health, and live bony Keep the blood healihy, thee pabulum of life din ing health ' Derrapania his. and deserves much, the reputation injlishing Were ends. But the word has been egregiously dec: ived by prepurations of it, Partly “ecanee the drag aloue hes not all the victue that is claimed for it, but more bec ause many preporations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of Ht, eontnin bat lite of the virtue of Sursapariiia, or any hing else During late years the bottles, ef Sarsspariia fur one dollar of hee puble have been misled by pretending to give w qaart of Extract Most of these have been faves upen the wick. for they not ouly contain Nile batten ne curanve preps erties whatever Hence, bitter and paintal d sep pountinent has followed the ure of he variounextruce large Hany, Sarsaparile, f Sarsupanitla which flood the market, until the de tise! fas gustly dex mous with Unporither prised, aud has become synony and cheat Se we call this and intend to supply euch a roanedy as shall rescur the name from the joad of hr Nid we think we have ecmpeund Sarraponiia bloquy w bp vround for oeheving i has vruen whieh mreiremati- roby the ordinary nui of the disenses ic in intended teeue Tn order to secu ' ben trom the eyetem, the reimed ly taken aveordiug to direetionw om ive bu ve PREPARED BY DR. J.C, AYER & CO., EOONWE LE reo \ = Paice, 8) rex Borris; Sax Borties roe $5 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, such a renown for the eure ofevery sug Lung rus har Won for ttselt of Th eer Variety dat Complaint. (Wet itisen- ur u Bear ever it D Consiant wse recount the evidence of Aw it rertion Ie vatues. whe hex been emplove ne yore than aseure the people it« quali. hoe their re sheen uyghout thir wot dot tem keptap te he best ever been, aud thet Vinay meio do fo been toond lve ft all ot haw ever ou ce Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FO Tit CURR OF Castireness, Javadice, Dyspepsia, Indipestion, Evysipeias, Headac tnd Nhin Disec » Tumors and Dye ¢, Pres, » Liver t Rheum, wad Dinuer Pill, and for Foul Stomach Ev upty Dropsy, Vester Gout, entery Rhe C Worms, Purifying the Blood Pie take umatisi ns mylaint, Newsulgra, ated nity ate star ec se vost sensitive the test fa family eur 5 aod apenentin the world for al the purposes « ‘hein ple hey ure piry sic Price 25 cents rer Box: Five Boxes pun $1 00 Great nombers of Clergvinen, Physicans, Statea- Ct perkena have lent their name Meocrr he urparel elec ulness of Vhere reme- dies. but our space here wolnet permit the msertion of then The Agents bel named fornsh gratis our Ampricay AgMaANac ot whecb they ar given; witl 5 crplicns of the above complaints, di out hat shew d be tollowed for their De nor be pnt of be onpr nerpled dealers with other prepoir sothey make nore profit on. Demand Ay . take poothers "Phe eek wind the best wm. and they should have it our Remedies ore reae by Wy Nau ndersan & Eaves tbeon & Co ® ube, h » (ban » Mockss ale on & Lowe Jotinse: Lexcngion, os, Ne reo & A A ANF v.-— w~ LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES. I by all that wis Tia com pounded entirely from Game, acd bas become Reon Giawed cael! asiandarnd - wodeoce in is recommended. Tt has cared thonsands 4 give’ ave used i and al! the diseases [0' t two Fears the pumerous within the of reel possession sbo} Sethe tenapereinent of the led tu such quanuues as to e nu fia taking !t ao wi the Bowes. the dictates of your adgment guide you in the VIGORATOR, aod it plaints, Billous At- Chronte Diarrhoea, pla Dysente- Riomecn Meena , Cholera, Chole= stam, Flatu- tacks, Summer Com- ry, Drepsy, Soar Costiveness, Chol- 1a Morbus, Cholera! lence, Jaundice, @s, and may be used suc ry Family Medi- HEADACHE twenty minut spoonfuls are tak-| vi a Inwitlcure SICK \thousands can testify.) tm two or three Toa- Jen at commencement of cine. =e use tare eine their testtimony RIN THE MOUTH WITH THE INV RATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle, — ALS, — SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED Thon put up ta 1 will keep GLASS CASES, in any climate, The Famity Ce-} put active Cathartic! practice more| Ate ineressing . ° thart which the p than twer'y x Nemand from thease whe and the sauaiacdon whieh H ie te place ‘athartics act {aT PILL estibliahed few the purest Vege every part of t nd anfe in alleas sneb from audden cold, end ina long conrer of tite, a Creeping e ;, Restles Hendne he, © flammatory anit Rico w " h i DIMES. ane kb THEE rity Cn au The T thartic Pilts sold wholesale by the Trade tn al 8. T. W. SANFORD, M. p ‘he large and repr prietor, nafactarer Ma ae 335 Broadway, Now d by HENDERSON & I NNIsS, Dacoot Nt s AND ( ere. Salisbury, JAS. A. SADLER, Jr., RBREM & CO, ly6 ROO u Charlotte, WITH SHERMAN BROTHERS, Iuronters Ann Joneers oF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND HEAVY GOOFS 19 Park Ptace and 16 Mor NBV YORK. 6mpd2 Late of the Firm of T Street, June §, 1RAO et eR LE oe ay cere a Se NT an Je BR U N ER, | From Lite Hlustrated EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. A GOLD WATCH IN A RAG BAG, | 7 | | A TRUE STOKY TERMS " : . > Fortunes do not always spring from great in- ne | / | vestments or ten-thousand-dollar capitals. Small ol vane . , ; , | j | Ls , ~ | savings are oftentimes the germs of wealth and - ee ; : . ~~ f “ : ; Oo ev: independence—cent, upon cent, half-dime upon = ua Pe tk ; ! 7 . . - . : halfdime, dollar upon dollar—these are the re a. . foundations that most frequently uphold golden | . sae tures. Never suffer yourself to say, “it is ro only a cent or two—not worth the saving !"— : Only a cent or two! Put it back into your ’ cs ' TTT) 1) Xz , 1 Vat IID ’ THT YI.yp. socket —kvep it there, and it will be a great deal VON iil. pe bisiUivy. Ne ©. DECEIT, Tsi0: NUSIBD 0s cee impulxe comes to squander a dollar or two, or even a bundred dollars or two ! . Noteven a pin, but even a stray piece of twine it ale: ricul Wes 5 Sci if 1 i j ot even a serap of white cloth is t th- Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, tye Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle, | ervey svsray of white clot Loo woth rane y towether, as long as vou do not under- — Stand the practical meanine of the old proverb ; ATMING VILE STATE. Prom the Manta, (ia, National Ame yle has been made up—after receiving WITY SHOULD NORTH CAROLE THE TRUTH EVEN FROM A LIAL,” Wants DO ALY uel Tat eatai ale rrelation’ We took eround in January last in fia EN Oe AON |p all the information they can yet, and wy NVA BREEDER? AND A COWARD. Perhaps, a little anecdote—-a simple re s . : ee rota pally liappened—may serve to il- vor of arming the State. We were in ta Baal i ve due reflection to the subject, they are 1 y : of facts that really happene J : softhe most alarining features 4 i 5 : Let us say a few plain and d Spassion We received yesterday, a pamphlet, Justrate our subject. better than aught else. f convening the Legislature goon at j : called upon to decide--they move with . t - ! “ Jolin Brown raid, that the S PUG CCS EMSC tists Sonth Care Post marked “Charleston,” and directed A lady in the vicinity of Bridgeport, Conn., " 1 Jou ares ; t a Staty t : pee -p } ” , . ‘ ‘ \ [> } : el . se mo i Ney : he | nl - “To the “Snbmission” Editor of the Wil) was in the habit of putting out shirts to make, ADY OFCES Ti? YUE GRAVE. nehit be putin a posture of defenge, W as pee OU Ge overwhelming power to its accomplish: olina, orrather © Carolia’ (ly thinks the | | mington, N.C. Herald.” We opened it, for a large clothing establishment, to @ number , . : nothat ' the surest way to 1 5 country nent. Wien sonnuddiltothe bottou, me iia i a curse aid tiattts: dissolution 5 Rta neTi Ae neizhborhood, In the cutting And old friend in an adjoin INTEND la ete fie Per less influenced by 3 Vosyar Hine : ! in our issue of January rn 5 t ‘ mitoft i etnion sense, Which always guides them ed the news im Lincolu’s cleetion with: as ARON LTE LLY Ok A) SEA AS AED. inflearble purpose, steady energy, and ate words on the above test ft , - } . ' F i i 2 and found a disunion document, on the f the Union was to! 1 vant » people will be found to possees istronye would bea blessing. & Caroler? reeviv af these. (ere we great many little odds and ends of cloth left over—pieees too small to be of use, and the first thourht was, of course, to toss thet into the fire. No,” she reflected ; “I will save them as they accumulate, and perbaps [may vet enough to exchange with the tioman back of which was pasted one of our ar ‘ : ticles on Secession, which had been copied i : Vssachu the follo ; i ten oat-all efficient? | And if) efficient, fea tiel dive p ‘ Kemmon with them —give them infer : vecatine she thought that election Which tho one asserts, have we arms tor note yy hones } pousal of ob—and it Distusion ig @ necess:ty furnished her with the long sought pre sur tinilitiat Elave we balland powder! OP nivus, apd earuest in their advocacy While hh facts and reason can convince them text for destroving the Union. Dut let Till, June hy Psod, by the : ve varions Captain's districts in the ef them, unfortunately mistake the noste?t, they will be sure to adopt it asa rem. ous sce how it is with Vorth Carolina. TTT CU asi tte! oe sen Fees te acu CU lel Og ee pomsbem c William Gaston. 1. 5 almost | t nuder vigilant patrol# Are we Heisy leaders —whose only object, mostly, edy. Dut, most assuredly, ¢ will not, Previous to the Presidential election, a spies you, and your cowardiy ¢ pena eas en eaealte Mee sod CAR Cm irecke OTiwenldteotedenreemvonee Gey at spints |Teady now to encounter unjostiaggres- : if not solely, is to obtain their votes and | resort to so dreadful and ‘uncértain a re-! would not any man who proclaimed this hopes, one of these days, to have all pol ‘ i ee sciessanliionheanag . } : sian, ( roan tlie Mt ee ROCIO: 1h y be equally honest. medy, until tl are all “d to try eve. U ae Heres : ni i ; Oo Galivite one rice @ / sipations atould be want on, and to demand that the forins of the Secure meer—to be equally hones , until they are allowed to try eve nion a curse lave been msi inven yor te un a . with gloomy aaa ms, bat P8hould be wa ee eee i o. } 1 uo J e ha scen himself driven ae the destination of the scraps, advised that. they rit frauktess, vf dit tot st “OMY ’ trakl mot be Use > Gestrey there | 1 i | ! : Mee ORE? ~impuls Seip 11, 1860, we asked, is our inilitia sys id, @sy SON net fo toa correct decision wud proper action much 7 Sedvdethien Seitecob : than by trae pa nupu q ha SO ie yas did the State of by the Jornal of Commerce, accompan ted by the following flattering note Tees delivered before and nid-be le; ; ther constitutionally within their trom the rtump by the curses and exe , should be scut to a paper mill at some littie die- apnea, Lhey will vive vou three or four cents a pound tor them” said be, “and that is better Hen \ 5 Si ere ic \ tl We neces thesia vy iloy ‘ voc ' 4 at h Mere phrendly hat erations of nine tenths of lis hearers ¢ cr) NT ete tees cl Smee cen tr mC etn iene ya mm Cat So eee the ee a | sation with the sil Pon tonipt EORV.ES, dare totefiee them the election the Democracy professed to cation with the silent ¢ temptitde se ) as coming from oa blackeuard who did thee exyehangiog Chem for tin.” 7 A she asked ber husband's advice, To him7a net have the courage: to sien tis name to 2 ms ( nt few rags more or less secmed a trivial affair. teand who bad committed a traad on . ; agit Po as vou Lhe.” said he, laughingly, # you may have ali the tioney you cau take out of Pprestine to apply lowe the feplore its destrue Wis ti proach, ; bes { Dt 75 5 | 1 4 Mm : ' heard GE TAC ONCE Tete st Wit ; \ Fe — : ye . : , e : rander cover of a cite r, if we did mie dee hen fuethous cor t r . 1 ; me . é Ee ta ; a ‘ hit t due t A Hiram cat whe 7 feed, when t ; : { ‘ re ; ! : 5 ‘ ees . t think it due » the jie of tht sie took him at his word, and in two or three ; : , . : Corer | Veron ele) j } " Virdicuce ated ‘ re Ree ier Pe , ‘ + ; : ,0 Pre AN Vel (av 5 Ae . } : i i vette COIR RU INV Clee tition ie mitt ne half dozen barrels of rags were are led bv t ¢ who are ¢, ne one who was going in the the Post Otice, by sending written mat war | ' the paper om Yo her surprise ea new and rustling five dollar bill Mpulse to spend it for some little was cheeked. “No,” she resolved ; inoney shal co into the Savings’ ves’ Bank it went aceord- \ ye rays were sav- ds principal accumula- unusual opportunity pre- purchase of a beautiful gold ars Was the pr ce, ishand to withdraw any \ mn isiness,” she thought, make my rag money purchased —literally ie to chronicle the those ladies of the itch was unattainable : I vet who theught “it ; to save the clippings from hem for 2 but Wishes wis not the end of it. The bank tween her é mas fowloeh the bundle of rags was the ori- Juries boW athuubts to over twenty five hundred which “TL do net hoow how it bas accumulated,” said msand among | Iv tona “A few enttinus and scraps laid der States ; s whenever Deut shirts few dollars. car- Nori Careciia, He othis ried t bank when T went to the citv—a lit- Hed ou th tl »time—it has sitter yourreives to be put upon in this sf ! » ALOE Hout thouyut or care oa be carried out? you terest on wav ¢ Are you avArmissronists to the die. wy part. ' ' i Areyiuniye Koader’ is not this example worth following ¢ Our moral is a simple one -save the trifles, if e Hovey’ ’ yas no u ‘ rot oe An Od Macls Conti sssion,—Tlangh- ed my wey from girlliood to inaidenhood, At lenuth there carne atime to me, a6 there comes to all, when | was in love.— Elward Payson was a youth whom any might be prond to Jove. He was and kind, and tor a time was able rolmy langhing genius when with My parents really hoped that T had to improve. One evening be was vay. Ife wanted to converge I wou wand tried to pre- vm doing so, sober and grave he became, spirit rose, till at length I vane was vethe earth—the clouds dancing broad expanse of air. 1 from one air castle to another enath my lover, tired, and no doubt ee ener, ne es wasted, said © Amelia, [ had hoped wn supposed to own it, was a few ste fiat you were the one to control my diss Fer lnveneinnetcaities nies, + who wonld be my companion euozer Mead | exelinal the of Fires thick maze—a friend, a TAU IRUKeS Cn COMMIS UT jroo wer ; bot see my mistake. I am friend- e-zer Mead ! was again thun S icy and uust remain so. For- rth from the indienant officer, give me uking to tame your wild, fouder than before. There still be: {ree spirits, Farewell; hereafter we meet weno answer, the ofhcer stepped a pace batas friends, Pen tamer I was amazed —thunderstruck ; but he Coe tlre ane Nena ere 23 had gone. Toften met him afterwards, My name i “roped one ofthe but he was reserved; Twas always gay ee fe and trivial in his pretence. Oh, woman! “Taseal!” continued the enraged oth. thou artanecnigma! When thou lovest cor, “why dont you answer when your Most thou seemest most scornful! Then name is called?” Twill call it once more caine another lover as light headed as 4 ie Goin Vole en myself. Tle was always joking, always wnee sto it we There was stil no answer gay. People said: Whata good mateh,” nat “Raseal! if yon dont answer when [ and looked upon the thing as settled.— Ken call you again, PH have you court-mar-| One evening he came to me with a sol- aes . Femn countenance and said: “ Amelia, I 0) tiale ‘ 7 one i esirS replied the man, “ny name is Eb ‘have an idea in my head.” * Don’t it ra ey : areca Sta ciercetd and not Lbenezer Mead. Your name, feel funny @” said I, which 80 frightened eee Ey F s ; Peter ane lieve, is Peter Read. Now, would the poor man that he was not able to fin- hee ie ete nares . loot Ameries, vot answer if Lshould eall you /etererzer ish. In like manner | have stopped two Wests : & jl : ore Reomaeeiece. tee liee Vita 28 . other confessions, Thus you see my pro- Pee Can i jl elie cealenle lent It is unnecessary to etate that at the pensity tor making fun has made me what ce has come next call, the officer gave Mr. Meud his Tam -a lone old maid. cling te the trae baptismal name 1 eae ; | i | : A Beantiful Incident.—A naval offi- poles of ’ \ ton \ few nichts back, we would astmad party of ladies and gentlemen week onr friends cer being at sea in a dreadful storm, bia lady who was sitting in the cabin near and I : : , oy ' : ‘ : ree ae ute t yvooft t 4 | ) fall deve: were anehing over the supposed awkard Wes } , i peat ni . | ' or V Wey Jeres ee ealee t m , neolt | before strik: ness attemding ¢ vclaration of lowe when fle ever of the vessel, was so surprised at his compo- him, filled with alarm for the safety of ” Ken a ventionan remarked that vs sneh, the fered miselfy would do at ina colleet- sure and serenity that she cried out— tbolition a this crisis We are cange they are : om j ie a : : ion : i ji : bay et \ na i ee s yrier of pro rain . continued address ecadeiins “My dear, are you not afraid? How is it possible that you can be calm in sach a storm 2?” Ile rose from his chair, lashed to the a : : : a , . ; : PACA earn deck supporting himself by a pillar of the t A aor ; ; \ wh ) U wa ' I ‘ ; Ly : a a , (reiting Wed place , drew his sword, and pointing ‘ ' ) ! t ta (atthe breast of his wife, exclaimed— * Arayvon not afraid / have obtained! t ' A eter ' | \ : 1 wy le te ' Euntis t aS teat aunt ine | self t resent “TL would ment of tine ; . . s ! 1 i ( t ' { ! wt t text ved by r ' t ver rery " lends ’ , ; ive been two years ; In receipt of a maating to Ree lamin p i up t r ” > ustantly answered ‘ No. ever ‘ ‘ ! i | . hast 1s : a : } ! oy Wake i . “Why? said the officer a tuned avaine ‘ ' ta ( ‘ ee Oe ! 4 ‘ as ea : : Deu ete i Because,” rejoined the lady, “ I know we y es t ’ he ! i ‘ ' hisn : ss EE i : 2 aa : ! hen Sane that this sword ig in the band of my hue- ! as : band, and he loves me too well to bart me.” * gnid he, remember, I know n whom ] believe, and that He holds the winds in his fist, andthe water in the hol- low of his hand.” the ventlemat said the ladies in sntleman good reader after Wasn't that a eto the port” and a An Irish lover remarked that it is a od of taking a man at great pleasure to be alone, especially when your “awateheart is wid yo oes | 5 : : : President's Message. jthe Umon. Then, not until then, are they 1u- high powers upon Congress, but thas adopted ef mentous question whether you possess the power, large proportion of the people of the United States tia thoroughly organized ; and that meas- pvesied with powerdty de + the question whether tectual means to restrain the Suvtes from titecter ing by toree of arms, to cou pela State to rena in still coutest the correctness of this decision, aud ures should be adopted to equip aud aru! Fellow-citizens of the Senate slavery shall or shag not exit Within their huts. — with their exercise, For that purpose it bas, im the Union. T should feel myself recreant: to my bever will cease from agitation and adunit its bind with the best weapons all the volunteer ead Howe of Representatives | This is an act of s§verozn authority, and uot of strony prohubitery language, expressly declared that duty were T not to express an opinion ou this um ing force until clearly established by the people of e ‘ mi po . inasiare . subordinate territalal io,.clauuu, Were it othe ‘no Suate shall enter into any teaty, alhauce, or portant subject. the several States in their sovereign character comnpanies how I existence in this State, ; Throughout the year soe our last uectug the | Wise, then indecd @ould tue equality of the States coutederation; graut letters ol wa que and repet The question fuirly stated is Has the Consttu: Such av explauvatory amendment would, 1t is be- OF that may hereatter be formed. ; country has been eminently prosperous 1 all its tu the Territories pe destioyed, aud the nights of sal; coin money ; enut bills of credit; make any ten delegated to Conuress the power to coerce a lieved, forever terminate the existing dissensions 6. Resolved, That the membera of the material interests. The geueral bealt)) las been ox- preperty in slaves woulu de | ud, got upon the guar Ung but gold and his attempting te with- and restore peace wud harmony among the States. Tevislature from the coanty of Wake, in ey y : silver coin a teuder in payment: State rato subunission whi hibited in tis Ter a plainly violating the mriite ot ' the Constitution, will sur vite i the judiciary Whenever to sca ‘ “ ab gal forin. Only three days after my io 4 hie os me Court of the United State ed that this power id not cxist ia ter gislature. Yet such has been the fact of the times that the correctness of ix has been extenmvely impupred Geos ‘ aod the question has piven rise 1 conflicts throughout the county I appealed from this judgrne ' tubonal tnbanal to popular asser “ they coald, invest a terntoria xia er to apuul the sacred rigtite of pope i er Congress 18 expressly ! ‘ t Constitution to exercise. hvery State io the Union is forbidden by its ow: exercise it. It cannot be exercised in any Stale ex cept by the people in ther highest severe capa ity when framing or amending Lhetr State constitu on In like manner, it can only be ex j the people of a Terntory 1 stitution preparatory toa or at a State ir aented in a conver wen of delegates for the purpose of framing a cor tnake Comupmon Cause with ber Southern istoauelié sisters avi self free Co reaiain tident Re public, orto unite hier destinies with oth er slaveholdiog States in a new Conted eration $2 Jersotred, That the legislation ot those States which have mwulined the fa gitive slave law is iaimical toour Conati tutional rights, and ii opposition to that spuritoof featertoty and: trendstip whiea should character#ze the action of one to wards sootuer of members of a comity Union: that as citivzensof North Carolina we itsist Npon a repen of all auch oonax longs statutes; and that we considerit the duty of the Crenoral Assembly, now in Bession, to enact such Jaws, if on thers power, as will lead to a repeal of these statutes 5 Resolved, That our militia syatem should be carefully revised, and our mili land, Pennevivania, and of Ohre must be put down Hy F publishers of Incendiary Pamplhiets, to On Sabbath the palpits of the Methodmt, Atitutional fact, that this is, as Mire Web This body, true to the J ster, and Gen, Jackson, demonstrated, GOVERNMENT, aa 1e/l ae a compact went state of Poble Opriien, all bat ren possible! We can bey Ilia merey, will preserve na, while we Pa, have resolved to leave in a body, on the in New York were at 82; ) 1th natant lhe r r vests p bee! , aut. and plen- | abtees of the Comgsuty but upon the shitung of debts a th of tide D pws t Bri Crrictlioaccniteaes , | vs tec such au val _ cellent, our harvests have been abundal.t aud ph - - c u ea pone ee : pass any |i Ee rep post fact draw or has actually withdrawn froa the Cont te Tt ought not to be doubted that such au appeal iy ie reapective bodies, be re quested le ty smiles throughout the land. Our cousuerer aud Hajorides of au ifespour. te territorial | jatiie law. or law iinpaning the obligation of contracts. racy f It answered in the affiimiative, tminst be to the arbitrament established by the Consttaton in \ i inanulactures have been prosecuud with enemy Such a deetns nirinsic up Moreover, “without the ¢ Poof Congress, no on the principle that the power bus been conterred itself would be received with favor by all the States present these resolntions to the coneiders and industry, and have yielded fair wit atijies re cannot lony onsiderable portiou et State shall lay any unports or dates on any HIS Upo: cress to deelae and to make war against of the Contede In any event it ought to be ten of the General Assembly. i “ys. In ehort, no nation in the te of tine has ear peopl attord a good reason or exports, except what may be absolutety tieces- ox State. After unach: serious reflection TL have are tied ia spint of concihation betore any of these The reading of the resolutions was in- = ever presented a spectacle of greater chin pros | sury tur execudng ispection laws and it they rived 3 » conclass that no such power has States shall separate themselves from the Union terrupted by frequent applause Mr. iy : varity than we have done until within a ve eeeul us us of the cousututonal exceud this agGunt the excess shall belong tu tie been ¢ sted to Cop cress ob to aty other depart- When TL entered upon the dudes of the | wen Te k ec fveatiivecscdl (lemtnectine | trod ma 1 ate man period ani co Vnited Stides ment ol Federal oovecmment. 1 is manifest, tial office, the aspect neither of our foreign nor do Se naa: . . — * Why ts it then, that discontent 1.4 ext aml di romees to cheteat the eX Aud ‘no State sca!) withoot the conseut of Cou- pot an inspection of the Coustitatien that this is mestic athurs was at all aatsfactory We were amid repeated cheermny. wvely prevatls, aud tue Union of the > at eeution of aw. It tote bes gress tay any duty of tonnage: keep troops, or notamong the spe and eburmerated powers volved in dangerous complications With seve ral na Loud ealls were then made for Henry , : E © the sourse of all these blessiiag ea po tetueaibercd: bowen vier these a ' Poslapet ol war, in ti peace, enter isto an aesees grated to we ound it is equally apparent: tlons, and two of ont Territories were ina state of Miller, Esq, whe responded in an SALISBORY, ON, with destructio! * The ee « ea ae : a tra fist a int es tensor Gonipuct wate Gieithiee sista iain s (iC tay Vs Sic © coessuty and) piopee tor ievoluten against the Government, A te o atiet Glaguent and thrilling speceh of more perate interference of the Northern peo with spartinstne ving be kone a Niolatiot ol eet or en ae va Wa ‘ webaally be earevineg wite eXecut any one of powers, ot the Afmean slave trade tad merous and prow SL frien ao it aukeuT one SPAT eS mee . question of slavery in the Soathern >" has at Leder ¢ > Uueu © therefore + aud dled such i ent dancer toadinit Se far trom this powes having been delegated: to erful advocates, Unlawlal olitary expeditions than bours length. Phough he spoke TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, 1860 tength produced its uatural effects The cdiereut Vie the courts bu State and maton, be ot delay Conaress, it wasexpeasly ietused by the conven were countenanced by many of cure ciizes, ube without preparauion, hig effort was worthy Sections Of the Umon are now arrayed aca “eu fe Whoin The quest as arisen, bave frou the Tn order still t et to secure the nlerrupted tion whack tramed the 4 sth were fered. in detiance of the elforts of of the man apd the occasion, It was re- a , ether, aud the Uuag bas arrived, soit 1 drendal begining dvelired 1 wrnve shave law tote cou. exetoise of thes: PoWers auitist State Inter po Tt appesrs, tron t cedings of that body, the Government, to escape from our shotes plete with sound reasoning, convindiog ONE MORE MEETING. wy the Father of lus Country, whoa uta feo stitulupal, The singer eXcoptionas Chat Of a State sitou, tas provided: “taal thes stitution and the Ghat on the 3st May. 1757, the clause “authorizing for the purpose of making war upon the un . Ale chic ; { fon ‘The people of R ) : Oe : ees eo i . ft arvutnent ane incontrovertible facts 2 people of Rowan County ar cere graphical parties have beeu formed 1 lave le coartin Wisceusins acct has not only beeu res laws of the United States whi dl be uigde ine exertion of the J tthe whole apainatadelin- otlend people of neighboring repablies with 5 1 itirar eee in : Perermtd ier tatere ral , eae deeply ; ; J “ / . nee ¢ q PCs : 0 ‘reste ! aE . Woreseen and elten forcewarued my \ eyo! Vetaed by tae proper oopelate teibunal bot bas paruance thereot Tall treaties made, or Which quent State” came uj vonsidecation, Mr, Mad whom we were at peace. In addition tothese aud 5 +S : at ee iy REE ‘ ye Tate of the Country as those of whe now umpending danger. This «i proceed neh with such universal eprobation that there can shall be made, vn tuthonty of the United json opposed tina bref but powerful speec lh trom other difficulues, we expenenced a revulbion ip and ridicule. ‘hose who le ard lites speech any other portion of it. They cannot escape solely from the claim on the part of cas ur tne Ut Humitasa precedent, The validity States, slall be tl veme aw of the dand: and which I shall extract tnt a single seutence, He uoneliary affairs, soon after my advent to power, of will long remewber it. the consequences of a disru fain d men} territoral legislatures to exclude shiv oy coin th i lias been e-tabhoned over and over the Judges in ever. State shall be bound thereby, observed “The use tores avait a Slate would unexatipled severty aud of ruinons consequeliees At the conclusion of Mr. Miller's speech, Ke d een plion, and of the pub ‘Yemtones, nor frou the etforts of Gite or Sta devin by the Supreme Coarcot the United States anything in the Coosttuton or laws of aby Stat moredike a declaatoucel war tisncan inflies (Gall Wie great interests oft Whet the resolutions were put and unanimous te disorder that must necessarily follow. It is rodeleat the execution of the fugiticesianve taw Welh pedlect unauin! Ti is touuded upotanex- to the contrary 1 tn . 1 ey c Vtolable tim an We tuke a retrospect of what was condi | a ‘ : a barely possible that they . , ate : ! ; an RS : ae » ee i ae ; . ty Ly adopted Such an “Aye!” as went vt hat they may yet do something All oe any of these evils mught have (oeudured press provision O& the Cou-titunon, requir 4 Pie solemu su m oof re has been super scdered by the party ke : ton and contrast this wath tis material Mee ~ towards arresting the fearful by the South without danger to the Eni | apsuve slaves why esac ion service 1 addalto the oblieatious) Of ulical duty, and) all qicevious compacts tis ihn at the time of the late presidential election, we hove forth in approval of them might well 8 varlul agencies now at ers have beeu,) in the hope that time a fhictsity | Shall be sh uvered up" to theie iiasters. senators and 1 tatives at the United Sta Uno dis motion the «aust abundant reason to return our yratelal thanks to ake seevssion withdraw, and unhinge work in this State, in the Legislature and in wight apply the remedy, The ic run tins provision ais a well-known histomea! all ineiibers of soo iegiskiiees, and ail executive py wed, und was never | belie ' that merciful Providence which has neve disiition, Congress, to pull down our national fab arises Not so much from these cause- as tom thea! that the Constt 1otself contd uever have and jadietd otf e Vourtel States and Seon rwatds, on . Jia. LTS us asa pation in all our past Caals vy : ce aul ott) yitonl States ated EWES eo Deal esas | ! ' he Chairman here annenveed that he With this hope, fact that the incessant and violent agitation of the been adopted by the | In one torte ¢ ! the several S j ! iy oatlooe we culty udverting (9 the -clrets tie (Conueluded next week.) : ‘ a \ . et ; tis hope, and at the request of a number slavery question throughoat the North for tie last othe: uicder the acts « Jesu both being timation to supe) this ¢ tation Groverument for the | ooted 1 Loon te lid) Peed ved aye oni UNIGA Uy WIL Bot reruns welny ie the freemen OF towany with® ! —_—_——_————— : \ 7 quarter of a century, bas at length prod eed ifs iia Sete tt Ny the sane eal law has Tn order to ca nla « tt powers, the supposed practcabil tousing to ust the request that he would read it to the meet out distinction of old parties, to bold hign intiuence on the slaves, and inspired then: with beet the Law ot the athe dass of Washe Constitution bas esablished aperect Crovernimtient ancunstititionsl procoalings’ ob Une tates, wails! ; ; Jbrom the $ wandard jag He held in dis hand a [ay cOMaliulenee emOntelc a Ue Ore vague notions of freedom, Hence @ sean uetou 1 the pres fiotient. “Mere: teu, a vieallits fons [rashitive, bxecatve and Jidicials (rove as visionary aye (silcrots ut Che over ttt iy GREAT CONSTITUTION A ee Ges handsomely arranged bouquet, decorated k uM | ° over our public atlairs and to 10 longe: sts around the fan t clear case is presenter ehoitowill be the duty) and thas Gove t to tur extent of its po > “piden' rthe Ue : EELING take such achon a 3 es See See a ay ai ; - n — i ah ; ’ a d ean Mt he vernu to Xtent of its powe: al Canes : nye \y A ling the then existing eee AariDOUttoneicleino tullowin mote Ss the limes seem to demand. y pace at home has given piace Vv) be next esdel. as been my 0 » fo acts dadeefly upon the dns dual citizens of every ongress gf the olc Contederation Th f jend f the . at the e Country be bee . y * x e friends of the pion met in- the i Maddie xe Country bas been prosperous bevsions of servile iosurrection. Many Se eee eo this supreme law State, gid excent = its own decrees by the cy Without deseending to particulars, itmay be safe (4 YW 4 Raleigh, at 9 o'clock, P pee Sn | und : Ee ce ne throughout the South reures at niet tin dread of 4 tthe confieti: te of State legis= of its ow officers, Ta thas respect it differs entire. ly asserted, that the power to take wat agaist a OTC EL MSc ate elena : Sey Feom the Young Ladies of Raleigh, under our present Union, and those who have what may befall herself and her cloidren betore the lstaes > ald be tailin the pertormance of this ly from the Goverment uader the old Contedera: States at variance with the whole sport rele ony Friday myght the 380th ult Ie ; To tHe Hos. ZB. Vasce, ‘not abandoned all bope of preserving it to our. morning. Should this Brcirns Vie COnicctieme ec Ut vero WIHGLOONE RLY 1 dhaclisrevard tion, wlieh was coutine n Preise ol je Constitutions supose: < ( r P Thompson, Everare ; ‘ , - iB ig. : aks appreher f domests ; 1 bay 4 n wu) howa nitned to making req us 10 nt the Constitution, Supt san Ava. yn mot mot Mr. Thon psoen, The gallant defender of the spotless honor. as well as selves and children, are invited to meet at tt anger, whether real or imaginary extend and in oF ae Constitution ait law the great ingjary of the States in their sovereign character his t cou tate, how are Tall, Esq , Was appointed Preside tthe Cunstitetional Rights ot our fathers, our o } ‘ ue teasily iscil unui 3 shall pervade tie tuasses of the Tue peopie oF Lei one-ha we States of the an the discret foeach Whether fo obey or to. te Wars wehold casa Onno \icseueel eV cater WG tethers; vat brothers, and of our Slawers.” vurt-house ou Saturday next, the 15th Decem- Southern people, then disuaion win become Vinow Barare wet wlvance that he (fuse, and they often declined to comply with suc rit b pow Inthe baewood y Silesy (eucas ene aye t - een 1 \ ber, to give expression to their sentiments, Tp table. Se.l-preservauiou is the first aw of natur Wall thus vtolats tis de I dibe at war requisdens, Tt thus became necessary, tor the pn nature of thitus we ¢ Drs ES cay Tine i ON ee ess app BR ee eae foe ist 1 that tof the ¢ i 1 uu nue i \ 5 5 oe roped that every Bae | and has been implanted in the heart 0! iby lua with every poeple uf jus of Chrisniate pose \ a eto es a te wl cae a mta ed Vice Presidents , exensed from attempting to particularize | every part of the County will be Creator for the wisest purpose ; and i politicalun- chacty, Let ue wait for the overt act wie a ey pa (ovensueat decrsenatns anil ee arene in On motion of Mr. Svine, Mr. We TL pach aust imagine the scene for himeelf strongly represented. jon, howeve ght w i rs benefits we siave lu s bee e 1 ENC \ 1 t ! not . oan “ * hee ee ieee a Ms nef rent ey i: eon ao Lo uM ; wit { y ile EXC oO yn rallo ites depet ‘s Finch was appointed Secretary. or herself. Cates rattled and barge Mle e ; oF tb “aspects, can long cont tothe necess pevery contested case since the ence ‘ ts own laws with ediate aeney own volnion, and required from the tee 1 ; | ; ft the setinar \ eal 5 e. We giv : or the organization of the meetin je ls P Pelee re We resilent & Message. — e vive sary consequence be to render 1! es and fires the present adimuistration; RCS HO GGA dblng eect Ae ce weiter rcrt Coie toate \fter t ce organiza a he tenure by which boot-beels were held : yes gq j e give all that aides of nearly half the parties to it Lalitually and tegretted, with great laos and nvemenee to the Cousntuuon of the United State : cruey loud ealls were anade for Thon ZT wis severely: tested strong lungs were portion of the President’s Message which iopeleasly weechre. Soouer or later the bods of taster, aid with cons om one wk i tte aces el ee ince nee ‘1 Chey Vance, whe mounted the stand and de Cxerted to the full extent of their powers! relates to the present diatorbenennlitiae ¥ 1 1 1 . ¢ ‘ lo such a Union must be severed. Ibis ny conviction cit Tai ustast that th a atures t ' \ \ s PNeleTss I ial Miers ae awered wiust Cane sive [ATTT OTIC sti « were swany high in the air—white cof the C Be I , that this fatal peciod has uot yet arrive abd, Will reveal thei Goe usttut Wane \ per Lai W othe s il > ie Pree wooild dl sa bet vet Vien Gloqnent apgument and appeal for the ter Oe eel car ‘ of the Country, not being able to get the re ee a 5 : : are uN Cobh goth A: ae . andhercliets were waved, atid Tae pale . prayer to God is that He would pre © the ¢ acunents, Ualt shal \“v ‘ eorht To exercise its pa Win Ww yo opresent 1 1 ra 1 l , entire message in one paper. It will sutation and the Union throughuut a al ‘ uv iehay pss 1 in t tee Stat ' ‘ i ' ear. but w ‘ ‘ in TS coi . ee ; Bis Pisaneiagy ca AL Da ‘en that tl he | ay . But let us take warping in tine, ait remove the pe save tre Ution ’ i . ’ t | pee GUL UEeiat sti et [E cL USt Wy THe Very WAGE elit eyes foe Tlonerable gentleman seen that the President is opposed to ee- cause of danger. It cannot be de Uae) fare tine Pie meother. States, standitig on t sais of the ga Teal ; : ' eareery wudhence. Wi awe no lee ber com diment paid lnm Cesstou thinks there is nothing to juste and twenty years, the agitation at the Coustitation, hate aught te a Gx ae! Gla Sin oy \ WERT mrnels On mon of Mr Syiie a couraittec re ren ; ibe : . al eer a Senne nian ne He nreenh ches : a . ee, a : peas Se fan te nay he was equal to the occasion, fy it He is also opposed to coercing a | a] ha le t , iv : f Nt Wits Aya eL CT Lah Tes Ni et rracetu Vv aden owed Vrbiny tae bon . od ne SS? > 4 pictorial hand-bills, and ny is heu tue Cor 1 4 ricer wt ~ ; ° a soe . . : ae . - rz seceding State, were circulated extensive! it th States are part W \ \ 1 : ara “ Be Ate Tees Ua tsn CCRC date ee ata IES r ‘erred upou bin by the yout ta t r ed at ee r wo lee re , mt ey a to excite t f thu yoone | ina . t " uy i | l ny t lata . ' ' ‘ ae ve proces { to address the daechhoy A friend at W ashington, writing to ue and, in the lar tos the dauestie cevanty and te (deme ‘ ' UEC eon CEN Frcah eC amnNie ecu alec U Le Tunes ence SE etre your vid Wasterly want ee a . einte them 16 el as. athe ar : ae : f eee : ; ; Vie, Meunee ne ee vod ' ul ee under date of the Sth instant, savs— ht is ise A " S Vance fr ooftten owne ) Tors Of a serv over acee ltet o ee fs OC ial Taree a UG : : voce de eet . fee farce 7 2 scems to be the purpose with Southern j Ae eu aC . de ae Eee a tuse of the audience been continued by the pabhe pres- proceed bta t Would be jus vil APY ol sovereiant thie © . cin ( ee tik a 5 pee ue “4 : ye | 1 see ire : pooted the fetowte Te oie Cen ene disurion Senators here to inthame still ings olw State aud coupty conver =, utd tiv iat estsiance t Grover ie LEN 1 | 3 it SW Sy ‘ q 1 \ : olGun serinonsand lectures. The coll ea [have purposely continer , cen plats ; : i \ ee eee i fuCMevie NV. \Veueiierel til) a , _ Sree further the Southern mind and force dis- bas been vccupied in violent s} nuh au tote Hay you i \ h wil nitted owle, Dr ©. b a son, | \ ‘ edtnou etosbore, union, With all others, there is the most er-endiug subject. and wit edast lew years th eet wile ' ‘ t ! 1 ) pise aud tacors, Wr, PI). Ves, Mujer Ge ta ‘i \ rst ; , U ,er forms, endorsed this s n \ \ ‘ ‘ t ' ; oe NT : intense anxiety to save the ” “ Bai sed by is ! Ly ; aA ite é y Nid ee ti WwW Nomuowd lence ‘ me Nai catea : ae ave nion, A ween sent forth tr this central p> i ‘ i ‘ t 1 Nowy ; ' \ ' vy ' thajorit tthe North are incline q : : s thine ers co erect cli | ajority of the North areinclined to give broadcast over the Unior suit natn dy tauy 5 < Wee wo } F : x fe 2 oS oo we ven y me ve (ire PHTet ees J : i How easy would it be tor uw Met sania othe ( 1 sual a whty ‘ ( ; ' Utes id the meet len ae Journ : oo rect way to save the Union. to settle “ slavery question fi 1 cry acy, Thea becan i ‘ : ha ‘ ! 1 to Saturday moht -t dye “Ef there are Union friends in N. Car peace and harmony to tis Gistracier! + try Yuet SOW pe} i Tries well thiaty eit ' Taney & way Tere BUEN fesedent i . -\ i aa! 1 : . They, and they alone, can du it Ai that «ne 4 Goek ‘ ; eo i i : coset WoL bs . - \ e conel ison of Me ance’s ad- olina, they should speak out ii eve cessary to accomplish the object. and all tor won l ' as ‘ iene: bis . ' fies 4 ee ' a ae ! . I TN ieee wy essere tues ez oadponrned neighborlood atonce.” the slave Sates have ever conter ' ‘ . ial Wns a . \ On Bt sie Ciniroran ses ne, and permitted tot ye tei t : t Uootaer yosncess ‘ ' to ren On Saturday evenins, toe Tst su i . e ; alone, and permitted to manag detest I . ; ep ' ‘ / ela to telat v : : - ‘ Vieen 1 Stee. oo, SAall we follow South Crrelinar $ stitutions in their own way, Ass cota States, Teuie ‘ 1 1 tt arze doaitnber of the teeids of a ( st WW a tL. Pixcu a CO tN 5. - they. and they alone, are respons tie betore God Coy if wou \ . ‘ to Una tiie BU Mie a ; atl ~ Wart (Ue Rr nen i , : : South Carolina holds her State Couven and the worlu fur the slavery existing anit tue Se “ ‘ ite elas teens . \ \ . ye pea ' eiecred ite eCan marion Lin oe tion on the 17th inst, for the pourpone of For this. the peopie of the North a ttnore re ‘ aid sities, ttt ( and w it the cons Stat win ‘ > , \ GON BitN ORE | \ sponsible, and have ne more right to uce tere than + 4 va az geher people bunta ene Brot Teeeeeetyaalieeslnere cet : : Capito. at Baier Le ear ad Handi ee declaring herself out of the Union ¥ 1 1 ’ vey ly 7, ' ’ . 1 wi similar ipsututions nn Russa xi sew } a! ‘ . ; mete wotie iw ‘ , debby were densely packed with Ve }t 18 on wood authority, that our Shall North Carolina tollow her lead { on their good s.se and patmotic to Pa this miaiue: one nity Tt nia re ashe thee feet ¢ Per pone ree ' rt tien’ while “farr werner kethe are of | : ; , . i se ‘ ‘ ‘ . wa wen ; GUE SSUES, ahs i roverhors private Views on dexuncon are c the 5 in State fess I still greatly rely. Wathont ther aid, tet cone: ie as many | States w.thont redre ol / i i ae ae ee hn cemented Uae Ws | ‘ ar We know that the people of this State yond the power of any president. ne tuatter what crepe wa beret pressaan ot the Beas Goyer) Be hos eh ven [not r - nore ultra than those expressed in his are opposed to it. South Caroliua is as may be bis own politica! prochyvities, 16 whe peace thout respotes ty. whet, ineans es 4 part ot t . rua that 2 lessee Peo thoup u ‘| i bal ital) ine pee , . aoe “ ‘ ! : A ae , The meeting + pretzel vat aie tae We thought as much. We extrene as Massachusetts, Let it be the and harmony anwng the State- finned ever any sudden excitement mit unipel then ty) governe foes tone ora © meeting was organ zed by the a> iver doubted hig real position, but we and restrained as is bis power, unde onatty. such a¢uurse, By tits process a Urioo migit be invents caunot be denied wR ex ee se _ t i" react re eoeew. poumtitnent of the follow otvers vn cian ] ne on othce of North Carolina to pacity, of q | . tie ros specter 1 4 ah ibadependen - nO . Or Pal ’ wt en Ine CH s ok wy 3. £ 7 SETHE a r } { ' ne , . ‘ / F tte \ t } woo and laws. he alone can ac roken i000 fasinents iv a Tew ween’ a: jong, and tas tn sed at aie y nus We when ¢ SUN : President —Quen Pushes sateen aoe TW REGU TONnCe possible, the disturbed elements , und to for good or for evil. op such a u v q our foveiath jauy years t ir He WROUS tastore, let toll comer en nee , " een: Tee ul panera? Apress of Bentiinen a public me a8 And this bnags me to observe that the ela vat and blow ' ' eee ee gat fa rn | ‘ | i AG sige, Thoas too tinch of a policy tian this end, we hope the people of Lowan : ; a4 oo ea i * en ae 4 ne oe rreil and Jatf Fisher , ' ‘ of any one of our ledow-et Zeus ‘ ‘ a peinelple s Te with the. Keen Ir ban strong aed ex ereo \ eee ee fan tina We had prophecied that on wall assemble ov hundreds on Saturday President does n 14 a well a r i Dear ee A Wie ‘ ECGs kL, Wilson anal Wa Sat t| : ne ld be simply : 3 Cohiaa ae iaten pk i a ; a ; ; ‘ nat ' tow HOP Bes TST Gast next, for the purpose of giving utterance ' cj ' ae : a ‘ ae 5 ae ‘ - sl ind Water tC proved to be a lit . election has been effected by amerey irycandnot a and Wiis SH i ' fc Intion is : eta 1 Groseon i Phe sasery op vests On taking the Chair, Mr. Pustee titi . si ' 1 1 ; , to the voice of reason. The friends of amajonty. of the people, and bas peruse ‘ . tie po - aio a we Rrilleertcarey i 2 . ° ‘“ f , Uo eer Sor rau Els oy) tol Is mere TN’ : 5 | Renieniicnpern ern . 1 ey ‘ \ i An herent r I ; . . Ge Ate WAS, KECUNNTS y ciiers) We docner kiaw the Union in every County and neigh- | ul . ‘ das aden 1 ed ail met ae rye ; : . , : er again oecur J 1 : : econ i the ie desc = " p oe pes ES eet : at we Calvadd to the turatle ertiticisny borhood should meet and speak out at tionary resistance, Loe ‘ werniment st nny sep nde ital stat! obqeet af the meeting t ; ; Z y bia F ‘ i vl | t J ; fthe Saaded, which does it ample once, and tell their representatives 10 be guilty of ~ a deliberate. palpat , - powers upon the Fe Goverment ¢ a ast met iene ( eter the ; portot the eniitattes iat — 2 - ¢ ' i ‘ exercise” of powers not granted by tie Constr (ie megs ch te Lot Recrreny ; ; eee Senet intra) (an ‘ o yastece, weeant refrace from one or Congress and the State Leyislature, to do t 2 president ( tu \ t ‘ t { the ! ee vl . eo a ale ads , vhs Upoti | rete HUI pool \ von. The presidential ee tr bas tnintaced that un , et ete watyen t vies States neon the previous eventg Noe Eeit poh ins remarkable pos! i jy ther power to arrest the mac, fury been held in strict conturinity wat eX Tess plo ert re Was! hou t ‘ ’ aon of the # H fee oe w eee : ! an : : 5 : tions = A is visions. How. ther ter creve. bersens. du toast once. mincanit ieee ‘ arte ae \ Whereupon, We W. To.den, heq. as Pe Tene rene latte of extremists. Arouse vepeople of N re , y ] i: 4 t 1 o 5 Colt ter t | . = < , . ' lution to destroy this very ¢ IK n,, li eis tise any otber ' aws be ta vy end at ! van) (tee of sata Ls ee) TT ie ba SOurher Stns (Orn COMEr Carolina: and letit not be said, hereafter, i jusuce, a ard for the ¢ @caire pee red ty ayy fin@ividaai, ei hea ith a Wor I t ! NUGS ] ne } that we shall wa f ‘ at 1 > Vocates, ' eNe wer wha 1 11 . Af . ie Tl that soem prove mpractca that you quietly permitted the enemies act on the part of U, eet oefore resort) that tori lorts wet pola ' ‘ wile a part, Las i hire ut 1? 1 ' \ the | eles ; i i" « ra eo het pinends the sending one ot of your Country to break up the Unou ing to such a remed Homent that any S tous ies . ' eve er i EN , : cs SRG ee a » pe, Mn reenter UEC rly ae s s / Sie Sci ue ie i ce . y wie (eteat ex ¥ 13v Ne et ah oe nen ae her fecates Fo our neigh Gory « tates without wo much a8 raising your voices to s. ho “f ’ i eran TT nw ‘ ‘. 4 t ae ' t L : = = teks way ‘ = E ‘ , i ‘ : ' ‘ low ' ‘ thie View of securing concert of ac President elect have ‘ t tity reine bt wonid th casi a ; ~ \ } Saye ata t ve fest smedel ot civ over : co prevent them fears of the South that ic t aie Who dreaded that the ie Seat Woutd as the taw ee linet nu i | a eee Fa ea Cre ort ere eecer ics A I way rece ninends that a Con pees their consututional 1 sut a : be endangered by the | \ \ 1 at \ | \ ra ewan eet een Fae Venton the peaple of the State bee 6 CONRERENCE OF THE METHODIST sions of cou t the fotare sutheeutto thatat was not antl ini mitp alter t A uelaty are \ | : a i nen eee ‘ ane eh aac Won Guntieeantlersaameliutely. aif cer Che ; . : jusufy the imme That the blest ay eo Federal croverntier re such a minor OW at Aes tile Ww . , : & a NUS VESTS Seta Vas (aiT se Lure lit asst repre PADD TREE tea CA othe Nouthern EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Se of povernmer iiianteer Sa ite aeCant Es ved eh neat ate ; 2 ia t Maal teks anal | / , - , tem of government ever dev . \ From Was first advanced. 1 then tet arid ted) haws can beca iin reg acs Sites ait pena | Dias h ‘ Nailers VETURST OTL This hody met in this place on Wednesday the very vature uf his office. aud msi he conelisl Farck Awe + ‘ 1 elite : | \ Gs y patary and Conserv 1 ‘ 1 bilities. he must necessarily be fies Ww uw lis ti Jo tas ta oy 4 tlh oe ‘ ; A ees Tee ee ene ae A Conference Is recon tnt nded if price last, the Sth,» th a large number in attendance stern duty of adimipistersng ath Deel) Accuines Tete doe tility an ul sunt f i tai : i aa) ieee ae | (eee 1 e . : ‘ 2 eee ‘ “ hiethte How is the Lewslature now 10) dTarmeny and brotherly love are manifest in all u 1 . ua : 1 na aentidint tae eheroachinenits of pow : Otee that he will net attempt ary v 1 a to Contes. etiplo aniM ATL ate The thee I Uonen ter t ~ ot Simeiith urs { rut UP pase . ee eee oUue ’ De eile : ay ened a i : re PL GREC CU un Tiree ie atiticla Lames! at! FSGS UCLyN sth IN) TAPER is operations and business Gapsactions, and clear constituti neht al he ryitot the people or a singie State at Ve pasties: ano i ’ Per ( e en t a LYRA ee a ee tet ‘that ancl: a conference «s than the chief executive of Cravernmient. temee ves at will ' ca i we the pants of the uonerity ml that 4 ees a : ‘ : : * a desire to advance the cause of Christ, seems : . eos i mm ' i ¥ oo ‘ 7 ede “ ‘ US euak ee “ at Drdein bie huetloat Aclite ele alen His province is not to tak tte executes other shates, trom Une t eeail Veeba, pues at : Rana i WN Cat wich Winy anise, ail inita / LB t Ee to pervade the entire assembly laws: and itisa r ki 1 ' yan aie the ae le eon on be ; ‘ , , ; _ tres Tay tne nt Pit how abeut a con : that corwitbecandiny ai i t aioe voted nite Anu (a vat awe ) te the te udl remedies anit to be farcry tied eer reef atte ont ern: Naritireatinmormente: banariialtiie Osu iain B a \ | <a Qual Extausted. Wel mea tesort statin r l ; 1 t-slavery part Paes! : URL lt pe iary : Via a trie Hemee ot Beats I rey weed or nn . ue : sail aaneiately alter Vee eensnitae bess has come before the Conference, and so | wa. Diem wer tt \ Hane lsiiitor the cf fain my 1 : wi), Hil to-extreme measures, Tasty to ter ; ansacted, that 4 ase eels < amend lected miter sa ' : fon or @ Lier eeeball bave terminated. rapidly bas the business Leen transacte 18 ompromise. inipa alightest Geren eneal Government ot at the t : ' on ence ‘ Diet GETTY SB CD ORG STs: Va uty shu 1g) oe t . 1 babi! t hort 5 : ea cnn PoE ca ; ‘ : font osu he that prover to be lipract! mERCRRC hod | sbability, be a shor Fights of the South to thers property i saces A SWiich it was ex ne wn ane Sones te car flourishing and happy eeantry into a pees ty 8 : \ the session will, in all probal it may also be observed. judging ent it It st pretended t ‘ wu tlie te Vie cia Hoacall ant ae . : i. 1 é Oat Late ea cable 4 luen of course we people ATE one comparatively ere atin . . ' ( yeni A ‘ ic a ; PEN Te BNI A ve RMT ELL p wan t ' ‘ Oo dicauions. that no probatility ©% nee ta punters bea a yd vand na fh at 1 ' . ner Ne Ome ee ltr er rte tale imacomble at al! TP any one cum The presiding Bishop, B Tei hy tier y of such an act, by a majority of } iH " sitegetoer tounded , @enee, tot tam any i wine) fe ea - aie y en noes Aveta Pr ~ Shs Sd rte as hondoot the Governor atm tits res i in the present or the next Congr & if nr Conrinrl NEAT Toonr noes . re . Sta ' mere ection of a sectional Candidate to . . : banity of manner and geutieness of deportinent, 1 i ; 2 x . ‘ : Suh ee u a ESS Se EL Sh ‘ ‘N SS " ho theyvoare diere ready in the 60 2 : these circumstances, we ought t pct 1 SD ee Gel Sitewrecnie ne Cente Ne Tiaedate tween tie 26 . . oe ek lie the Presidency, actoeved as it has bee : What wens to give entire satisfaction, and doubtless, | from present action by ‘ | by w EY ts Lee spot 4 ' by rey aot . , Neer eet Zip , ‘ ehigtitasd han we are. de 5 P cercieene ' : { : i a . I wel aoa State where the Ctnted State | Me s eee COSC EN LING OPACLICS SS: ae } will long hve in the memory of the members of | spake as never man spoke. that © suMi cent fe puvwer ofa \ toy a por uhetal anthorty exist’ too is eae tee ee drt : { suffierent Cause it iseif tora eT OEE i . A ine ; | alti iM CasG 3 self tor a disscbatio at day is the evi! thereof.” The ‘ may neve Genet its cectine the resi tede ees crn aet : in ell Alettiu ab \eoM ; ee , : D Washington Dispatch the NC Conference | er come, unless we shall ra-!ey bring at ours Inthe la Madcon, w 1 ot there were sneha Pee ait ini arociie ecletiannd renert ch eseaals me a Des We View tis section . On Enday myht there was a meeting of the } selves. sed the tat Constit bition would ¢ ene eonCol tt t Virvmia, Tn thos heat i OLE WAEDSRBT NTC UY FURL ae ee 4 fe f. Revs | * ‘ au Vas , t it at youl - . 1 ‘ ; - Ary Ny < ety o e © erence, ceva. i Tt is alleged as one ca for tamediate secession | formed by the States hy the | ' t ; Hane 7 ia cae ye nena ice [ Iinposes on ts the duty of uni SOIT IS A (GOW TERN NEN Educational Society of th on ference | that the Sunt equal xe iliert sow 1 1 Hees: i eras a ee F Mile Ot Sane a Ja ting as one nan in inaking preparations ‘The NX Seen f the 2st Joel W. Tucker and John L. Long addressed P eats | CABGALY. Va Ae eee Gin ji \ a } ‘ 4 he Wwew or EXpreaa, © Chives 1 . with other t Duc capacity, an bd@rmned « \ vy by ‘ AW tineds : Pictl ; | eae , } Jred and : J " { i 1 i \ ee ‘ v . en tocmaimtgin our honor and our vital iter the audience. The sum of one bundrec by what authority ure the cit Cone authority which formed tie saue consti haere ae \ mo or Reson (aecvinta mee mel eet ae ver Orme és Mle - ‘ time, in-an article under the above ‘ gress, which las uever pa boagd Dtutece never, — oNodgg the Government of the (end Siaices Genieie elms cunt anime tiicday is . ce pe eee ree ae 2 ests apiinist any aesauits that may be i reticent Pal teee aixty dollars was received on that occasion to | il! pass Wake es i ; ' ' vate j netitiol : : ; : ade upon the . caption, concinde as follo : , , q x Rapeseed davery tran ties | efeated the (oneitution. less a (as i ‘ ee A ee we Se aeneiienise ant fiction ay, tba te uy 0 them, } ' oo aid the Society in the laudable design of assist in Perea, ‘ j by the Supreme Ue stoet seuss fe term, Wotan pare O , | ACT Foden Pe tance dein hoe a bee 8. Lecsoleed, Vat North Carina ts “The Constitutional duty of Congress, iny young inen, who are studying for the minis- AN 4 4a neti ecrded th Stak © ' Weers than the governtie - ale ‘ AY A | e . , t . is . Li ini * oe pe peas y i E ‘ | a 1 vit ent une tiled soca yout mores I oenene o wl Sie oe eattachcdeto them tionenccor te the Next week, in the om datof this Revolu- try who bave not the means to obtain: ao edu f , and, like all other prope their ow ne ~ sof the Wittan their seve fe saeite Che i Tne i i . \ ‘ faves cate fake tl y : ‘ . ‘ me og oh j sie a { Constitution, and will be fartiful teat, ag Mens ts. to demonstrate that this i a Gro cation nt to take ther inte the com: ert eprlierers 5. Lhe ut bittack ative ey Taner i heytiee ne tes aie oe ae Peart inne Che ne " ‘ ue , eee saa tories, and hiold them there unter te protection xeentive, and I anit = i : a ; s : Cree ae . long as the Constitution is respected and Vetnmenty as Morera. Clay, Webster, On Saturday, the Conference was addresae d : the Constitution Wiens direct pots re AT RE ee A x . . ; aa a ' tuarmtained—hut no longer. Vothe Con and Gen Jackson did im INB2, against by Dr. Sebon, Secretary of the Missionary Soct fo far, then, as Congress is concerne |. the the tts it aed ; UNS Geeta (io rhe ana \ Irate ere ager ea stitution shall be violated, of if ¢ at fdebo C. Calbern and others Phe way ety of MoE Church South, and ae Means, o panythir ' we i t “ ' te | ' 2 . ye bd Sat OSU nO UHES 7 : ie as ‘ oe diate vers snl ne 4 that 1 tempt shail be made. by a dominant see denoosteate this ite begin with) Mag Creorgiay the first on the subject of Missions, ane yey may do herealte twill sar fics . ete he perpe geal nat fo be Agen . ; ; i ’ . ee EER la adwitted that this ay nsion of fut nau n Amat ae 1 : ' ‘ ieee eae et us tonal inajority, bo ddiimister tie wowern. SbeTisetts and Mane, as well as with the other of Education ' ae 1 sat th p S10 « hire cathy a ed a eon ' wt Gel ty tl . ee mn eer fer rt ’ : a : Me : Ay. e anniversary of th no good reason for an iminediate die~o'i* {the ing pa lst ertocke : Set al ‘ 7 : Inenton pripe ples inumical to tae ritits Sonth Carolina, % Force Bills” are just On Saturday ae ¢ “hen ve held Union. [eis trae ti i i enlita 4 Sey Cuore : ENUM Gos ee . . ms Ra ia the equality, or the satety of the shave: 29 indispensable for Northern nullifying, Missionary Soc a 1% ; ' ea eae ; ee ‘ 1 v ‘ ' mnto hres hr wel ik cons : ; ee Speeches were made by Bishop Paine, anc E Kansas, on toe 23: Februa \ i nig tet we ‘ 1 j thes ; faidinie Staten Nutty (omoltin wliesenee cn ste CnuRE Ges Tl 2 > ktkce Noton peeclios wert eee ea ri } great haste an act, overt ver y | oD \ : hive iil Fanti lin Means and Sehon, The sum of two hundrec . . av st “a ) ny ve Ordo nancesat So are e . “ declaring that slavery eal t 7 her face avallint a Tho, this (8 tan the Pai nance u et wrolipa NAGERCMUIITY dollars was collec ted for Missionary »| lie 1 ve we wr Oo eA “HS » ons MAD TOSS ES OTC cue 1b wil prononneed to be treason” bat the pga, The suin of ten thonsand dollars ersonal Liberty Bills of all New Bog oe thereabout has been collected during the past year, within the bounds of the N.C. Confer ndergroand Raul Roads gnee, for the support of Missions, foreign avd deral Law. The domeatic 5 1 uiners Of the tir np civil or sery ile war, must be met, Presbyterian and sutheran Churches, were hil indicted, and pun shed In this way, we ed by members of the Conference and visitors inoonee more bring inte action, the Con. from other Conferences srinciples of the Meth f. odiat EK Charch South, has taken no pobce, 0 fievally, of the disturbed state of affairs un the oli tic nl exhibiting a fiem adber \lax! —what we snyyest, 18, in the pre politcal world thus ’ gaf \ ( ence to the command of Christ, to reniler to Cresar the things that are Cysar's, and t© a Pas God the things that are Gro y leave Ul care of civil government to the State, and of rel that God, n cre destroying corselves and then blest ion tonthe Chureh tabriec of human Liberty that ever yrect Phere is a probability thar tbe Conference 1 the eyes of man will adjourn Tuesday evemng see The southern students at Jefferson College, Slate Stocks.—The last sales of N.C bona Virginia R04, Ten for their respective hoines. pnessee 76. Missourl 70. > 3 an, 11, 1860, 8 deeply » those of yb escape rthe pub Tt is omething Ww. Ss now at > and in il fabric. » number ran, with® one more s and to demand. d happy "bo have it to our- et at the nh Decem- ents, Tp v will be 2 all that re which ondition » get the t will Le ed to ee- 1 Juste: ereINg B nye to ue avs— 0 Southern ine atill force dis- the mos von, oA nd to give ieNe as at Sey litart Conven Ifpome ot lend ¢ hia State ina 18 as it be the mcity, if sy und to of Rowan Saturday utterance friends of nd neigh- ak fatives out at in ture, to do mach fary yple of N hereafter, Pe enemies Unieu Ir volces to He EP HOIST OU TH Wednesday ) attendance avifest in all ction, and hist, seems p usual bust sree, aod so neacted, that be a short Eby his ur f deportment, nd doubtless, » members of reting of the ‘retice, Reve. ng addressed g hundred and t occasion to pign of assist for the minis- bain an edu- vas addressed ironary Soct Dr, Means, of f Missions, and reary of the ice was held. raine, and Drs. two hundred for Missionary ousand dollars during the past N. ©. Confer ys, foreign and the Methodmt, irches, were tll ce and visitore Jes of the Meth ober, of the 1 no f affairs wn roa firm adber to “render UP ‘psar'a, and 10 To leave dre tate, and of relb the Conference bonds yof N.C, bor inia KOZ, Ten FROM RAL- LETTER EIGH. Dec, 6th, 1860. * * . * * * * “T have only time to say that a protracted de- bate sprang up unexpectedly to-day in the Ben- ate, between Hon. Bedford Browo and Hon. Ww. W. Avery, upon Federal matters. Avery avow- ed himself for disunion now. Brown, to labor and wait, ask guarantees from the North, and only in the very last event resort to disunion,— The debate was able, pointed and personal ; and although mutual expressions of kindness were used, the manner of each, as well as the matter, was sneering and sarcastic. EXTRACT OF A THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. We have appealed to the people against the disunioniste and the professional poli- ticians, and the people are sustaining us even beyond our expectations. Our sab scription list has never increased agit is increasing now, and the Standard estab- lishment was never 80 prosperous as it 18 atthistime. Our Semi-Weekly subserip- tion has doubled since the Leyislature as- sembled, and during the same period we have added betweeu four and tive bun- dred to our Weekly list. Our Clerk is almost constantly engaged in enrolling pew subscriptions. no spirit of vanity or boasting, but to show that the people are with us in thir contest in which we are engaged with self-seekers, time-servers, and disunion- ists.— Raleigh Stundard. The Standard annexes to the above, extracts from nearly 20 letters received from different parts of the State, ajprov- ing his course on the secession questivi. oe Wasiixoron, Dec. 3.—The President’s plan to yet South Carolina to postpone secession till the 4th of March next will hardly avail. A South Carolina mem ber said to me this evening, * We have spiked that gun.” Senator Seward ie willing to grant the South almost anything, but the Tribune of thie morning says, * Let the winds howl on; the free States will not surren der their principles on account of threat ened disunion.” Greeley’s own article states the case, but takes decided ground ; 80 there is ne day light yet. All that money, beauty, place and power, can do, will be brought te bear in favor of Union. We osliall nee Southern ers, heretofore fi ny, backing down Mesers. Cobb, Thoinpoon, Jeth Davis, and Fitzpatrick of Aiabama, lave, it is rumored, yielded to the President's pious appeal for staving off secession If ee, the Soath will be paralyzed, and the Un ion saved fora time. Mississippi is ree ported fishy. Still, it is believed that six States will be out of the Union befor thirty days. “4 no Congress. —Nearly all the Senators and about two hundred Representatives: were present on Monday ; sent except Mr. Miles, sho was ou the way all the South Carolina inembers pre Nothing was dove except appotuting commit tees lo wait ou the President, he. Good fees ing is said to bave prevailed oo all hands On Tuesday, the sécession portion of the Message was referred by the Speaker to a Com mittee of one from each State. Lu the Senate its reading was followed by a speech from Mr Chogman complaining of it and in favor of dis union. Mr. Crittenden replied. The Message is attacked by extremists and defended by conservatives of all parties. The telegraphic reports fiom Washington are that hope of the Umon is gone: that the Messaye ia “the last drop that over flowed the cup."—Fuy. Observer the extremists say Senstble Conclusions. —The Chariotte Dem ocrat, replying to sume rotin alos that itis not strong euough in favor of secession, concludes as ‘follows “Tf any one expects us to advise imine diate secession, without deliberation and without the co operation of the Southern States, he will cer tainly be dasappoiuted. And af any pects us to show our devotion to Southern mglits by threats aod menaces, be, too, wiil be disay pointed, As anative and citizen of North Car oliva, we expect to abide by the deemon of a Convension of her people, whether it is in cordance with our novons of nylt or net. But what that Convention ougdit to do, we shail, at present, leave to older and wiser beads to say If a Covventon North Carolina withdraw from the Cuion immediately, we are ready ; fit says wail, we are for w ating, We intend to take Unings coolly anyhow, though we are anxious that such a cowrse well be pursued as will unite the South in acon,” one et Says shoud Every digunion paper sn the State is edited either by a foreigner or by a citizen from South Oarohna or Virginia. Personal Liberty Bills. —TVhe Legislature of Verment rejected a till to repeal the © Personal Liberty act” of that State, by a vote of 125 to 58. before the passage of the fugtive slave law in The act was passed in 1843, seven vears 21850, and of course without any reference to it. This decision is deeply to be deplored and com- plained of | but there are two encouraging signs connected with it, Ist, that 25 Repubheans vot ed for the repeal, showing Ghat there is an awak ening even in that party; and 2ndly, that a committee was afterwards appointed to inquire whether the law was with a view to its repeal, if so, al the next session Fay. Observer. unconstitutional, Brooks axp Sumner.—It may be doubted if the country will for many years fecl the last of the evils resulting from the attack of Brooks upon Sumner in the Senate chamber, Que of those effects, of a notabie character, is stated in a late Boston Traveller, viz: that a dill Peal the Massachusetts “personal liberty bill” was before the Legislature of that State and had passed one branch by a majority of 15 votes, when the news of Brooks's assault arrived and produced such indignation that the till to repeal was rejected. But for that attack, Mas- sachusetts would have repealed the offensive and unconstitutional law, (as she ought to have done in spite of it,) and probably the other States would have followed her example, and the coun try might never have arrives at that deplorable state of enmity that now existe. We have to doubt, also, that Lincoln's election is directly tracoable to that assault, for it alone made half a million of Republicans—so a friend at the North assured us last Sumner, Fayettenille Observer, to re The Logic of Interest. — A vesy distinguished citizen of a Northern State, in a private latter to the editor of this paper, says “The distreas is opening the eyes of our peo- pe to the fact that they have been deceived You will soon see the reaction.” “Tf there is any fighting to be done, let it be Aone in the Union, between the frends and ene mien of the Constitution ; and let it begin here.” : My word for it, you shall seo it before the winter is out, if you will demand your nghts through the Federal authority “ We are not a disloyal t : nle, hut we have been deceived.” , \ | We speak of this in) Le Vhe prevailing opinion here, (saws the | (ae The Ruleigh Zegister calls atten tion to the fact that Mr. speaker Dortch, lof the House of Commons, when Mr. 'Ferebee, of Camden, moved a committee ‘of investigation into the organization of the House, which was carried, ignored Mr. F. altogether. He not did uot, ac- cording to universal parliamentary usage, appoint Mr. Ferebee, chairman of the committee, but he did not appoint him jon the committee at all. “ Let us be uni- ted.” — Wel. Herald. A “John Brown” Meeting Broken up in Boston. Boston, Dee. 8.—A Joho Brown meet ing, called by the abolitionists, assembled ‘in the Masonic Temple to-day. The Tem: ple was taken possession of by the Un lon men, who chose Richard Sullivan Fay, Chairtman, and passed resolutions denouncing Jolin Brown, justifying his ‘execation and lauding Virginia. Pred Douglas, Redpath, Frank Sanborn, and ‘other notorious abolitionists, vainly en jdeavored to make theinselves heard. — Much confusion prevailed, and the po jlice were called, and the hall was cleared and clused by order of the Mayor. | ses0 | Wastington corresponding of the N.Y. Herald, writing under date of 6th inst.) is that the com tnittee of Uhirty three, appointed to save the Union, will be of no more value in that. direc. | Uou than a bottle of Spaulding’s glue, as the [very basis upon which itis constructed wall de feat the object in view. [tis composed of dis- vents, abd will break ap io a row. No importance whatever is attached to it. cordant ele } The presidential electors of New York aud Pennayivauia vesterday cast the electoral votes jof there respective States for Lincoln aod Ham lin for President and Vice President. The pre | 1 terday at hiehmond dential electors of Virginia met ves The Breekint declined acting, on the ground j the tle to vote, they were ‘lectors that, though by chitcalities of the law they might be enti hot i f The filled the vacancies, and cast the vote of the State for Bell a: act, bine Bell electors then erell, Nhoex —Plic f hoots and Inarkets, New Eocland, daring the week ending Nove shipments o shoes from Boston to dotniestie outsrde at tber 2sth, awnuounting, ae cording to the Shee and Leather Report er, 4.745 caren, of which) 1544 went to the Mold’) States, 1.205 te the Southern States, abd 1803 tu tue Western States Attempted Insurrection in Wentuchy Fifteen Negroes and White Mun Tung Intelizenee trom Columbia, iy suys a telegram, plates that fifteen ne vrees ated one white tat. ther leader, Burks No ad been lung by the cit-zens of ville for an attempted insurrection, further particulars. o.- At the election in New York ety tor aldertnen, conunel men, and other veal oth ers, the Republicans lost two acderien, In Texas, Dreekouidie’s qreuenty over Bell end Doutdas is 32,109 COMMUN SENSE Whatever the minoamed and misay hiop roles thet philosephers may say to the contrary. Show them a good thing, let ite merits be clearly demonstrated, and they to give patronage The masses have already ratified the judgement of a Hostetters® Bit ies of this will not hesitate i ther mort cordial physiensn, concerning the virtues lems, aw nay be seen in the immenee qua inedicine thet are annually seld in rechiou of the land. It to all diger pepsra, end for the vanous fevers shat every Row recernized ag greatly supenot ther remedies yet devined for diseases of the Wwe orgaus, such as Diarthoa, Dysentery, Dys ym de Howter rangement of those portions of (he ters name is rapidiy beeoming a hournet word from Maine to Texas, from the shores of (ie Atianle tothe Pacifio Try the article, and be ra'istied Sold by all draggiste in the world J 7 See advertisement in another column lined TOLLE es Mre BARBARA, wife 40 venre, Yon hs ane Tn thin county, Dec of Mr Joseph Fisher, Mrs he Loatheran Choreh, having made Ist, Im dave bisher was a consisient: inember of a profes religion sume Lo veark age, She was an ath cuonate a kid mistress and we Worn down by her uur wife and mother wibor. a devoted christiar to the wick « servants ent fer family —six of ter eh tion for aud six requiring Constant ate weveral werks—ehe. Che tt enh ease, was carned away. in lens than bday a ines, front t \ and frend» below, to jor the « Mpa eh mourn deemed in heaven She a husband, seve dren and numerous kindred and their loss trvends t Be ye also ready.” Ark, Mins Hussey, At the residence of her father onthe tithof Nov, at ELIZ ©. daughter of John and iged about TY years m Deew Co, er a lingering lies, Naney The subject of whom this sad trbate i written was numbered am rarest frends of the writer, and bat teow, b who where bound to her by the atrong tes of relationship. more truly sppreciated her real worth —but few feel a sorrow greater Around her clustered all those attractions of the nnd and heart which win the love and admiration ofimany trends A inore generous and kind hearted frend. a nore lowing and affeetonete sister, a more datifal and obedient danghter. we have never known Her frends aod relations have been called upon to mourne ber Joss when in the when life's flo prime of youth, and ry pathe had yust began to allure her They have on whose Voung spirit inher, one npeniog gemas too high an estimate could not have Memory has often strayed back to past days when we mingled in pleasant scenes in which she wax our happy and joyous associate; but how iteean only revert to the cold and lifeless form As the morning dew drops, warmed by the enrly sun, nee to the clouds, leaving behind flowery fields heen placed that hew slumbering beneath the silent sod mover and green mexdows—so her gentle spirit winged 118 flight tow home beyond the skies No more on eacth will be heard that soft and gen- tle voree in generous counse] or kind admonitions no more will har loving smiles shed pleasant rays of sanshine on drooping and disponding hearts. Gone ! the wind tienda and kindred are left to feel the bitter pangs wilent omyght whispers gone——and which the ere! monster, death, often brings to our heurtg by take rom oue midst the loved and cher With thos: evenng gathered around the fanny aud while we ished with whom she has so often at fire-side, we deeply sympathise ; tender them oar heartfelt svinpathy we could conjure them, when with weeping eyes and grieving hear @ they look tnon the vacant seat ia t earthly home, to think of the new one she haa taken in bet heavenly home Let her example be awa beacon light to gmide you in this dark and perouslite, and when your summons comes to jor the milhone gone before, vou mery be welcomed by the aame bryrht convey of angels that carried her sweet epintin taomph beneath the portal | Eoonomy is Wealth. ‘Notice to Black-Smith, Tin and Copper- Smiths, &c. apne undersigned having bought the right to make, vend, and sell territorial or individual rights to use BONND’S PATENT (BELLOWS) TUYERE IRONS—by the une of which each forge will save ONE-THIRD of the coal used on the old plau,— hereby gives notice to all parties buying ur selling the above trons in any of the counties below named, that he will PROSECUTE any and all euch persons, un- less so wuthorized by him, to the fullest extent of the law. My right embraces the following counties: Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Iredell, Rowan, » Davie, Yadkin, Davidson, Forsyth, Randolph, Guil- ford, Rockingham, Caswell Alamauce, Wake, Franklin, Granville, Warren, Halifax aud ; Northampton ] expect to keep the above Irous on hand at iy store in this place, wand may, perhaps, vie and es- tablish agencies in each eounly for the sale of them Orders solicited. For terms, &e., address CoG YATES, Gresnsboro’, N.C T certify that | have sold the ght above alluded to, to CG, Yatew J.R.SKILLERN Mr. Brown, » practical smith of this place, after having thoroughly tested the patent ‘Tuyere Trou, certihes as follows Orange, | State of North Carolina, CABARRUS COUNTY Court of Pleas and Qmarter Sessions, October Term, |560 Simoa Bost, Adin’r. of Philip Karriker, dec'd., pe. Philip Karriker, Adam Karriker, Martin Boger aud Mary his wife, Solomon Karriker, Charles Karriker, dacob Weller and Catharine E., his wife, Newtou W Wiley und Mary E., his wits, Francie Mo Huffy and Jemima his wife, Hillard L. Karriker, Lydia A. Kar- niker, Harriet C. Karriker, Joho M. Karriker, Lewis A. Karriker, Children of Lewis Karriker, dec'd Waniel Karriker, Aaron Karriker, Hays and Barbary hie wife, Martin W. Karriker, George N Karriker, Philip W. Karriker, John L. Nuesman and Elizabeth his wife, and Wiliam M. Karnker, chil- dren of George Karnker dec'd PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Solomon Karriker, Charles Karriker & Jacob Wel ler & Catharine E. his wife, Newton W. Wiley & Mary E. his wife, Francis M. Heffly & Jemuna his wife, Hilliard L. Karriker, Lydia A. Karriker, Har- niet C. Karriker, John M. Karriker and Lewis A Kocriker, children of Lewis Karriker, dec'’d. Aud Daniel Karriker, Aaron Karriker, Hays & Bar- bary bis wife, Martin W. Karnker, George N. Kar riker, Philip W. Karriker, Joha Lo Nuseman & I have Bonnd’s patent Tuyere Tron in use, in my | Elizabeth his wife, and William M. Karriker, chil- | shop in this place and am satisfied it saves one-third of the coal, and heat; and 1 them for twice the cost MICHAEL BROWN, 2130 A.C. Lindsay's Select School, Ge This location was chosen fora classical school be- cause of its remoteness from makes a clean would not be withou nice Dec. 11, 1x60 | Near McLeay's Srariox, Goitrorp Co., } iufluences calculated to | distract (he attention, corrupt the worals, or encour- | age extravagance The third session will commence the &ch of Jan’y ) Board in good families at $5 per month . Classical tuition per session §25.CU | English from $15 to &z0. : | McLeansville, Dec. 1lih, 1860. \ | NO HUMBUG! Selling Off at Cost !! see 4130 | ee subscriber reepectiully informs hia former fratrous, aud the public generally, that he is de termined to make @ change in his present business, on or before January vext, and will commence seit ng uw EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c., at Cost AND LESS THAN COST. from this date, forthe purpose of closing. The balance remaining will be we coriite t public Save all you ean, and call carly at AYE JEIOUPTETLIDS SS. Manan Hotel TART NOLTICH. All persons indebled to. the Corner ot subsernber, enther or book acenunut, are 1 nate reapectfaily tuvited to call up aud sxettl+ comediately, as LE need funds for my fulure arrangements And al) notes or accounts ree maining unseitled on the lst of Jaunary next, will be placed, without dastoction.inimy attorneys hands for coilection, Don't procrastinate, a stuiteh in time saves nine M. HOFFLIN Salisbury, Dee 4, 1x60 uy ; ’ LAND SALE. ISGO0, TP owaill sell ( Nothe 20th day of December upon tl Valuahle Plantation, be- longing to the heirs of David Ramsay, pristug about 31M Acres, upon which there isa SAW MILL, together with a good DWELLING HOUSE Fully one-half of the Plantation i woodland, and upwards of SU Acres, of ropremises, the dec'd.. com- and other necessary buildings the irtsin bottom jo grasa and cultivatian, This southern part of Predell County: Shepperd’s # Roads on the Olio Ratlroad, and Mary Ramsay. George Mills, Baq. Mration remain and upon the tlable upland i a good orchard Plantation fies in the about three miles from Athinie, Tennesse & the lands of Win King th J kK Ports yive any inte the and residing upon pr z thoan woshing to examine the days DE RACS and security, nises wW and attention to plantation, on Satar Sia and twelve mouths, with boad and interest from date JG RAMSAY, Executor The Executor of Jane G Ramsay eo, will sel the personal property of sad deceased at the Sime time and place JGR Nov 19th, 1860 dw BOOKS! NOTICE. of BURKE & The accounts due the | firm STEWARD ale are made out and ready for sectl ment, and all those remamiog unsettled by the first day of fan officer Bo& STEWART January, IS61, will be putin the bands BUIh Dec. 4, 1860 TO THE PUBLIC. | AVING BECOME THE SOLE tor of the PROPRIE SALISBURY BOUK STORE, the nadersigned wonld offer his thanks to the puble forthe patronage extended tothe House while con ducted by (he late tirmoof Boake & Srewarr, and solient ort the continued contidence and patronage of its friends He will constantly replenish the STOCK OF BOOKS, and will make additions as new and valuable works are brought out. He is in almost daily communication with the largest Publish ing Houses in New York and Philadelphia, and can readily supply by Express such ordera sent him as His stock of Stationery, . will also be kept up, with regular STEWART, tf 21 cannet be otherwise filled Wall Paper. ty and care ee BLUM’S Farmer’sand Planter’s Almanacs or the year IX61, for sale, wholesale and retail, at TEWART'S 23, 1860.-1 23 Book Store Oct \ ISS GRASSWITT, having just returned 4 with a splendid supply of the Wost Fashionable Millinery, purchased at very low rates, re apectfally informe her friends and the ladies generally, that on Texspay THR TOTH OeToORER, inet her Steck will be tian To see all the th, 1860 open Tittent Stylen, Cari Barer tm for inap Sarianery, Oct J. R. and E. \. Me lulay's SELECT SCHOOL, MUORCEN NON] Not s the for The nstroction embrs Mathematical into the lower clasaes in € vuree of vod Studs, requisite ollege es on the Qd The next term commene Cinasical admission Monday in (said petition, or the same will be heard exparie arch of Heaven Wt JOE a — uae terme, addresa the Pr a ote Greenaboro’ Tunes and Patriot please copy Ca a ee TYROL aye te NOTICE. VOTICE ey } FINE Copartnership exiating heretofore between A} cation will he made to the present BEMISTER & CLAYWELE, haa this day been dissolved hy mataal consent All claumeagainat the late firm must be preaented to the must? be paid te BEMISTER 3140, for settlement, and all debta dir me 1 Dee let, 1RAO T. BEMISTER, House Painter, Grainer, PAPER HANGER, &e., Main St., opposite Murphy's (ranite Row, SALISBURY, N. C All work personally attended to and warranted to be done in a workmanlike manner July 17, 1860 pdbm8 undersigned Legisluture. for a new County to be er of Ire t Mecklen borg Counties abarrus, and portions ated ont of Dec 4, 1sH0 6129 APPLICATIOS + he made at the next Seeson of the Le f North Caco erven Manutac lina for an aet co turing ¢ at Patterson, N ¢ Ort ympany 23, 1860 6ipd23 Buggies and Rockarays. ue aubacriber haw a dot of handsome new Bug THOS E BROWN, vfA5 terms m Jan 24, 160 ° gies and Rockaways, whic h he will eell on good I dren of George Karriker dee’d. Defendants in this case are non-residents of this State. Tt is therefore {ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carulina Watchman, @ newspaper published in tojt town of Salisbury, for sin weeks, comimunding the said defendants, to be and appear before the Justices of our wext Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county ef Cabarrus at the Court House in Concord on the 3d Monday in January next, then and there to plead anewer or demur to to them. Witness, Nelson Slough, Clerk of said Court at office in Concord, the 3d Mond.y in October, A. D 1860, and the eighty-fifth vear of our Ludepende nce NELSON SLOUGH,C.C.C. Nov, 27, 1860 [Pr. fee $10] 28-61. Western N. C. Rail Road. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 3|s7r52: Pasi S) | |Z ise = 6 =: ‘ sa 3/8 e2 oS fe 2 215 S « 3 ae Ee = lcs * el > = 2 z BIg wg 2 z WA apol = o = Waites 18 S s)2>2 : walay ar S Vi jee a ce ae g aur) e Ss < me a= & Far = So = 2 “a S eae x = = & = z ei = 2 CTS eee ee > hea] TURN ERs Eng. & Supt AKER & COS MEDICINAL TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL Salisbury, Nov. 26, 1-tu THE TREE AN DIGE NEN UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EPFECTS BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED 5 Its use, if fairly tried, will soon restore the Saw Disease SComiehii th etcinen (vel teeenamneicdrelcnl \emess aaa So wide is the field of ity usefulness and so numer- Tm blood. give general rotundity to the figure, ous are the cases of iis cures, that alinost every sec- - To and add energy to the miud and vervous Se CPYHE SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of tion of country abounds ia persons publicly known, Gu syetem. Ete value has been remarkably 7 | COUNTRY MERCHANTS, to his large and | ¥80 have been restored from alarming and even dee- J evidenced by its wonderful restorative pow: 3 perate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once my ers, when ordinary tonics had been vainly varied Stuck of | tried, ite superiority over every other medicine of ite se exhausted. It affords oounshment to the 2 kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where body when no other can be borne, and © 2 its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate <a furnishes the frame with fat im a truly re" | DRY GOODS what antidote to employ for the distressing and dan- ‘ markable manmer — 5 gerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are = For CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI. “& incident to our climate. While many inferior reme- ens! >| : a dies thrust npunkihe community have failed and been Be EEC ROI EAR IIT ETI lT meer Cl thi g d G¢ discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, con- a i oe te N fae WASTI vas mri | 0 n an roceries. ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, erery torm of DEBILITY, 18 curative | and produced cures too numerous aud too remarkable fo properties are unrivaled 4) whieh he will sell at WHOLESALE as low as can | ‘0 be forgotten. Do Temay be taken without diereliah by the BS : San | PR sreReDiey Sa eraieieeie alent auiiretnicdlwe thiut eo be bought in anv city in the Union, the Great Em-| DR J C A Y E R & CO — effort che most mensitive stomach. Tueau- Qe portum New York, not excepted | , “Low ELI MASS * 2 periority inthis and othe: important charac. & 7 orem | At r a Ve oa Zy veriztics of genuineness. has guaranteed for | - our Remedies are fur sale by Se eeu nevantein nf ee heat aeTningnt ee S. FRANKIE ORD. wy H. Wyatt, Salisbury, NC, Pe Physiciins throughout the States: the wnt. ~ a Henderson & Ennisa, ** Ae TT ten testimony of the face 1 the best medi. o> | a Hutchinson & Co., Charlotte, “ roan eniis ie eile: Pratessnrent tlie 2 7 — of J. M. Johnson, Mockaville, “ Lg UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANTA, 2) ays se (ERE IS are eal JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA. Jn SSG ee Deen ioe SOU 5 teens — DELPHTIA, Se; LP // v | Haviland, Stevenson & Co., Charleston, Sac eo PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDI. = (WATCH MAKER March) 6, 1560 Ayal — CINE, and others AND JEWELER. e © purchare oil, > Tnvalds should be caretu Scrofala or King’s Evil, y | Is a conetitutional disease, a corruption of the blood \ by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak and poor | Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, | and may burst out ia disease on any part of it. N. | organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one whieh | it may not destroy. The scrofylous taint te various- |ly caused by mercurial disease, low living, disorder- ed or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits the depressing vices, and, abuve ail, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending * from parents tochildren unto the third and fourth generation ” indeed, itseems to be the rod of him who says, * } will visit the iai- quities of the fathers upon their children” Its effects counmence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous maite:, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, i* termed tubercles; inthe glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or, sores. This foul corruption, which genders io the blood, depresses the energies of life, 0 thats :rofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous com- plaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attacks of other diseases ; consequently, vast num- bers perish by disorders which, although not scrofu- jousin their nature, are still rendered fatal by thes taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous coatymination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or wre aggravated by the same Cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofalous; their pereons are invaded by this lurking tofection, and their health is undermined by it. ‘To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an allerative | medicine, and invigorate it by healily food and exer- 9 | cise. Sach medicine we supply in | CLOTHING yy ’ e A CARD. SEEING IS BELIEVING ! SHY THE LARGEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK. OF Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, The most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times cun devise for this every where prevailing | aud fatal malady. Jt is combined from the most ac- | tive remedials that have been discovered for the ex- purgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the svstem from ils destructive consequen- cer. Hence it should be employed for the cure of nut | only scrofula, but also those other affections arise from ‘GROCERIE S, feet GBS aad ebm Disece aE Caine ny’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Are now opening at the Subscriber's ever AND Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetler and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syph- ilitic and Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, De- bility, and, indeed, al] Complaints arising from Viue- ted or Impure Blood The popular belief in ‘impari- ty of the blood” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purfy and regen- erate this vital fluid, without which souud health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. tedly low, prece Ayer’s Cathartie Pills NOCANT ADVERTI For all the purposes of Family Physic, : aint = aa | are 8 composed that disease within the range of their | action can rarely withstand or evude thei. Their Common with many, who enumerate their articles. | penetrating properties search and cleanse, and invig- orate every portion of the human organism, correct- ing ite diseased action, and restoring its healthy vi- convince the most sceptic, and closest buyers, of the talities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical de- | bility 1s astonished to find hie health or energy restor- Returning my sinoere acknowledgements to the ed by a remedy at ouce so sinple and inviting Not only do they cuce the every-day complaints oj every budy, but also many formidable and dangerous vors, L hope by close attention to my business, to diseases. The agent below named is pleased to fur- nish gratis my American Almanac, containing certi- | ficates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costiveness, Heartburn’ Headache, arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Kirhibited in: Salisbury, And which will be sold as heretofore at unpreceden- This is ING PHRASE) Because un examination of the stock and prices, will truth of the assertion | | citizens of Rowan and adjacent counties for past fa- Inerit a continuance of the same 17 No trouble as usual to show Goods at S. FRANKFORD’S. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS i ' | | | | els, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Jauudice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its funcuous. | Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURK OF ehitis, Incipient Consumpiion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advaneed stages of the Salisbury. eof undoubted reputation if they demre the jem Warranted! M. BRENNER’S most active and immediate advantages of == 12 Months . Sci Gee ae - RED JACKET Z. decided evidences of superiority over other Sy | So Mantiarcredhio | ln nn rq ee ec eon eee CLOTHING HALL ! om Ue OCTOER, 1860. | Main Street Near Water Street, Nearly Opposite Men lenieqi eon ie Nov. 13. 1860 6m26 - a | the Post Office 15 7 on SED Ppp 7 i ‘ 7 CENH ED didersigned just) laviielericediin iow 1o4.N. THIRD STREET. W. R. W ILSON |B with a NEW, FRESH AND PASIIONA- NORTHERN : Hees 4 ] AVING just returned from the Northern Cities . with alae aeantnent of Warches Cocks, AReady--Made Clothing LIME FOR SALE (0520 ey ae eee ssa nad Roe - ee Were Gereciieimnfersr aut uNerinttriiits | wishes to inform the public of Salisbury and Rowan / Ha RAE URAC ue eee td ths permsnal attention i given to Repairing of| county, that he has taken the above nained establich- ton’s Tan Yard. Tt will be s sale or retail A large quantity of finished I pather and Harnes always on hand and for sale Green and Dry Hides always in demand at cash prices HC sSIMONTON Salsbury, July 27th, 1860 1860. FALL STOCK. R.& A. MURPHY, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, e, Salt, tho Mo Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Sugare, Cc Syrup, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Lining aud Binaing Skins, &e , &e. ke, & Are now receiving large additions to their Stock lases to which they mvite the attention of the cilizens of Salisbury, Rowan and the adjoming Counties Prompt attention given to orders R. & A. MURPHY. Sept. 25, 1x60 thy To the Creditors OF JOHN ROS LL persona having debts, or any obligation.on JR. Stafford, dece by notified that we have filed a Bull in Equity for th , and allelarms not forthwat kind settioment of the eatate ted in due form of law will be forever bared preset JJ WISENHEIMER,) QQ. TACOB LU DWICH, | se o0) te Nt Pleasant, Cabarrus, Co, Nov, 26, 1860 tiw-p'd NOTICE. Hiring of Negroes ANID ISSUE TOUR TLAVIE 2 The Negroes ofthe Estate of Solomon Hall, dee'¢ Wodiesda year st hoe late readenc Is6t, Wobe hired yon of January for one abont 00 AU RES OF sold at the aame time and place on that day N. B—Particolar persone notice ie hereby Batate of given t Solomon indebted to the itn deed, to come forward on that day and pay up, or collected according to la B OCRAIGE, JLW. HALL, Kxeeutors all claime will have to be Sahebury, Dec 4, 1860 4729 i very cheap, whole- Sole, Upper AFFORD, Deckaskp. Concord, of legal ndoare here LAND will be Perms made known Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ®e, and with the ance of the bestof Watchmakes# will ds work promipt- Please call and examine ARSIRL- large and heavy Stock of CLOTHING and ly and warrant 12 meuths ea ae |) EURNISUING (COODS. Oct 16 221f ‘for Men's, Youth's and Boy's wear, of all styles, qualities, and fair prices Suitable costumes for Ladies Watches. | Walking Dress, Fariners, Planiers, Miners, Machin- f ft opened some of the handsomest Watches gots, and Shoes, Hats and Caps. | OF for H sts, or Servants use. Also, a large assortment of wadies of the choicest style ever offered with | ‘fne Gold Chathens, setts of tine Jewelry, Sleeve! Call and examine my_ stock sre purchasing else- Buttons. Studs, Gold and Silver Bhimbles, Gold and) where. SIGN OF THE RED JACKET! Corre] Necklaces, Lookets, Charms, Ear Drops, | M. BRENNER Corre! for Misses and Children, and a great many! P.S.—Having made proper arrangements with our Fother things too numerous to mention, all of which) Baltimore firm, Tam at all times prepared to fulfill will be sold at bargains fur cash, atthe Jewelry Store | any orders in the Merchant ‘Tailoring busine at jof W. RK. WILSON shortest notice 6m22 | Oct. 16 (f2 Oct. 16, 1860. | : -1N a ’ SILVER WARE. | ROCK QUARRY. UST opened at WR. Wilson's Jewelry Store, a OD fine assortinent of Pure Silver ‘Table and Teal Spoons, . Silver-plated Castors, Cake Baskets, | = Cups, Goblets, Forks and Knives, Batter Knives, | | Butter Dishes, Syrup Cups, Mustard and Sugar) | Spoons, &. &e. Don't forget and give us a call Y {and we will sell y. KR. WILSON, | Book SALISBURY. | R WR DICKS would respectfully inform the CASH flis Quarry ts situated ciuzens of Salisbury, Charlotte, Statesville, Salsbury, known as the Old Shaping QUARRY.” Gold- Hill, Mocksville, Greensboro’, Lexing- WILEY HOLTSHOL . ton, Morganton, Newton, and the surrounding coun- 2th, 1860, 6mo0:27 try genernily, that he hae established a Boox Bixp- UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS ME- can furnish the best quality of GRANITE, cut in any shape, and at the lowest possible rates for! 5 miles South of Rowan Co., Nov WHOLESALE S. FRANKFORD’S Q5-f fe ery ii this place, and will he pleased to receive or dere on Music Books, Law Books, and Periodicals, bouud to pattern, or in any atyle to suit » be found on the second his tine Li His establishment floor over the Post-Ofice I Orders from a distance promptly attended to. W. R. DICKS. 6m18 1 Salisbury, Sept. 18, 1860. \ THOMASVILLE .A8°SR 63s. Mannfactored by MILLER & THOMAS s60 NOTICE. FFRHE STOCKHOLDERS of Mootamena solented t I ovember 6, Fe male Seminary are reapectfally 4 Y eV WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS LACED NB In case a majority of the Stockholders d Thomasville, No ¢ any Northern work, and a great deal better in work e which are fully equalin style toe ee fully authorized to transact all business as may preaent iiself By order of the Board A. FOIL, Secretary 6wQ5 auc manship and equally as low in price Call and see them at J oH. ENNISS’ 2-17 20) Boot and Shoe Store N BLANK DEEDS all ye v 6, 1860 > MARRIAGE LIVENSES (FOR Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bow- , ‘ | Coughs. Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bron- ment with the view of keeping constantly on hand a © \ARHE Bu ulery I thod of imforming all persone in want of ROCK, | : Gi: yo MILL-STONES, or buiding purposes, that he | BOOTEES, manutaciured by Mivten g& Tuomas. it meet, the present Board of Trustees will consid SALE AT THIS OFFICE FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, Nov 6, 1960 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT A. MYERS’ No. 4, Granite Building, SALISBURY, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STAPLE AND FARCT Dry Goods, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Laces, Embroideries, ready- made CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., &c., &c. TIE Sabecriber respectfally informs ‘his old patrons and the public generally that has recently returned from the Great |Emporiam with a NEW STOCK of | FALL AND WINTER | GOODS, of tne latest and most fashionable styles. Having | personally selected hie Goods with especial reference | to the wants and tastes of this section, he feels con- fident that be will be able to meet the views of bis | old customers and friends, and the public generally. | His Stock embraces an unusually large ang attrac- live assortment of | LADIES DRESS GOODS, LACES, Embroideries, &c., certuinly not excelled by any house in the State — He has also a splendid variety of the RICHEST SILKS and SILK ROBES, and all of the RINBSL DRESS COOLS, of this Fall's Insportations, many of which are real- ly elegant In all his purchases he has endeavored to select only such Goods as were most desirable in style, most substantial in manufacture, and most reasonable in price, being anxivus to sustain the reputation of the old stand, No. 4, Granite Building. The subscriber respectfully invites your inspection to hie new FALL and WINTER STOCK, confident that he will be able to affer many really substantial inducements to all who may favor him with a call. ALSO, an unasually large stock of Negro Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Brogans. OP Returning my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, I hope for a continuance of the same. All orders shall receive my pruimpt and per- sonal altention. | A. MYERS, No. 4, Granite Building. | September, 1860 _ 9 | THE |GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE’S | PROTECTED | LETTERS | BY ROYAL PATENT. | Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phy- | rician Ertraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female conatitu tion ia subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstruc- | tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To Marriea Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits, Caution. Thene Pilla should not be taken by females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, aa they are sureto bring on Miacarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In alleases of Nervous and Spinal ASections, Pain tn th Back and Limbs, Patigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of th Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effecta cure when al other ineans have failed ; and although a powerful remedy do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to I directions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. Bole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, Rochester, N. Y. N. B.—81.90 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized | Agent, willinsure a bottle, containing 50 pills, by return mail. ‘Sold in Salisbury, by Henderson & Enniss, W. H. Wyatt, and all respectable Druggists. 49 Purcett, Lavp & Co., Richmond, Va, Wholesale | BOOTS! BOOTS! H. ENNISS is now receiving his stock of i | J « Gentleman’s Winter Water Proof Boots, which for style and work are superior to anything that is made or for sale in this market and at lese price. Call and see the QUILTED BOTTOM BOOT, made of the best French Calf Skin and Water-proof throughout, and which will bast longer than any | other Boot, home-made or otherwise. | ALSO, Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS, | with Double Soles and Upper, a capital Boot for Winter, and warranted. ALSO, GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTS, Dooble Sole and Upper and warranted. ALSO, MILES & SON’S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT, made stout and strong and of the very best mate- rials, warranted ALSO, MILES & SON’S PUMP-SOLE AND GENTS DRESS BOOTS. Miles’ Boots for beauty, dara- bility and pleasant wear, are celebrated throughout the Union and require no praise. Call and get you a pair of Boots for Winter worth having and at prices that defy competition at J. H. ENNISS’ Boot and Shoe Store, SALISBURY, N.C. Oct. 2.-tf20] | WILLIAM C. LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C | AV et Practice and make prompt collections in \ Rowan, Stanly, Iredel and Catawba Counties. Office in the corner of Cowan's Building opposite ‘the Book Store | Feb. 14, 160. 1138 | HATS AND CAPS. UST RECEIVED a large supply of Gente and + @) Bove Hate and Caps, all sizes and qualities and at prices remarkably low CallatJ. H ENNISS’ Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store IN’ Oct. 2 Mee y ea eri tieesentieni(he ard SacarisvictiDe Bring Back that Gun, UST RECEIVED a supply of GENTLEMEN'S og peas for the (ranaacton of important bases ae SUBSCRIBER left a double barrel shot gn a at Horah & Rameny's Store, on the day of 1) Jast General Master, which some person though! fir to remove. The nncermgned wants his gan, and sd visea the person who took it to remember that » thoogh it might have been taken through mistake, yetif it be kept, that will be evidence of @ denign t+ steal it and he will pat the law in force against the person in whoee possession it may be fonnd Return the Gun to Harah 4 Ramsay's Store W.H H BURAUE AD §-25 h Professional Cards. | DENTAL NOTICE. SMR. BESSENT, AS REMOVED ro tax DENTAL ROOMS | ou the corner formerly occupied by Dr Bason, | where he is prepared to attend all operations sonnected with his profession. | Jan. 1, 1860 92 | W. BARRIE|, DENTIST, MT. PLEASANT, N.C March 13, 1860. pdly43 Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A.CALDWELL. AVE associated th ] Ives in the practice of Medtcnie aud offer their Pro palwervices by the public. Those who wish it, can have the services of both, 1u any case, without extra charge GH Otice—the same occupied at presently bi December \4, 1355 LAW «PARTNRSHIP, A. H. & R.A. CALDWELL. OFFICE the one formerly vecupied by Dr Nesbit, oo Water Street, SALISBURY, N. ( 1859. iN) HoyeuRAL March 1}, tf40 * BUSINESS CARDs. N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISNINY MERCHANTS, Syeamore Sur PETERSBURG, VA. | N. M. MARTIN, SON &C COMMINNION. MERCH Tf, RICHMOND, V.\. No oW. MARTIN, Sr RO TANN aut, R.A MARTIN, Ho Phew W.K MARTIN, NoM MARTIN (fF Strict personal attenvon given to the sae « produce Orders for gouds promptly tilled. { Rererexce :-—D. A. Davis, C.F. Fisher, Exe une 14, 1859 v4 JAMES HOR All WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELEP, SAIS (nk a Nee One door below R.A A. Wuphy*s Store. EEPS constantly on hand a lar WATCHES aud JEWELRY of « Clocks, Watches aud Jewelry fepairedio the best maiuner and ble terms February 14, MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, assortment « NH kias every de hptie the most reasou 1860 ik . SALISBURY. NV. ©. PROMPT PERSONAL ATPENTION dN EN to the purchase of all kan /s ot PRODUCE And to all consignments to be sold va this marked shipped to other P February 14, 1560) he Collecting Agent. HE andersigned offers hie service asa Col " He holds the appointment Town, and theretore teels to our Superintendent and ¢ fications, &« April 10, 1s60.-"1 ARD ting Agent Re ; Coilr JOHN WYATT’S TONIC CORDIAL. of the most pleasant and efficient Remedies rat up fn Dysentery, Diarehea. Flux, CHOLIC, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, : both of children and adul.s fre PRICE—25 CENTS Prepared by Wo HWY ATT. Aroonrecury Nos. 156 and Ins, MV Soe June 5. tf2) SALISBURY, $10 REW. ete DANAWAY from the suber NaC UW ville, on Saturday the els ti the name of JOHN A RINSE Yo wad a 20 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 wictes 1s about 135 or 140 pounds, of a or. « et \ somewhat sealy, black hair rolis wader at t eos and He is rather spare made, walks quick uprerlit stutters some when a litle excited had he left a black frock linsey coat. wi « Vine Chatuse rwts. t brass edges. with wome rentein the rerht siart Het Vr vl also carned off with hin a Silver W Pwith nates Has chain, he aleo had a heavy flat galvanized fob oh Tran ae with bead keys at the end. Said hoy will poss f ' DE. y > f Coach Painter All persons are forbidden t Oo i f Re e oO oO 7 s harbor, feed or aid said boy in any way whatever meh i i under the penaity of the law, if they dott vow Pe ; : Open Ganters, Pa oat Preseh Ca positively be enforced against all anch pe ‘ The above Reward will be given te a 1 reels is ae who will confine said boy in any jail. and n oO Pat Es of the same sothat I can gethim hy paving expenses | au aS Naa JOHN KENDALL ToGo te them and san urows Joan April 17th, 1359 07 hare you w ire ' Shown or tr save thore inanutacte SMITTEN NUE TS, WORTH & DANIEL, PHOMASVILLEL N zs July 24 ’ 9 Wholesale and Retail AND Commission Werehants. No. 2 Gravire Row, Frove Srreer, WET TNET ODN NG Grocers, ries, Provisions, Frist hac Dealers in ail kinds of Grocs Liquors, Wines, Cigain. and T Solicit consignments of Flonr, Dried Fruit, ers, Beeswax, Tobaceo, and Coaniry Produce Feath yen erally. Agente for Howe's celebrat-d Selon D.G. WORTII, | NG. DANIEL onthe past 7 years with Late of Asheboro’, N.C TC & BOG Wort Sept. 18, 1860 bys a atch FEW DAYS! American Watche: IN A Tt has no tas w tor W R. WILSON bathe Ageney forthe GENE. cass ihe b i ‘ SV ibaRih Ge e INEAMERICAN WATCHES which « Remmi ww Wee oe a bles him to sell them for leas than they canbe boushi . i 1 ‘ EN elsewhere. He has von addition, tie Boghsh T obras | Halenewsing & Stunpe Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watehes, Detached iain pay ° Levers, Hunting Cy! &e, which will be sald aE ‘ f low down for cash. Don't forget. those who want Genuine American Watches, tocallat WR Wilson's GRADY, Jewelry Store, next door to MeNeely & Young's BOA. wuiobery Ne ORRELL & Oct. 16. 122 | Mannfactorere and Whaoleaalr rein ‘ ‘ HATS, CA Ps, DRAYING. Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Kibbons, &e., TTIRUE undermgned gives notice that he ke a 7 iS 9 t TEAM AND WAGONS for the puarpos No. 48 Courtlandt § Hee Draying, and will serve all who may faver hin with D/P OP RPE eel aoa eallein this line on accommodating terns ke a . GEORGE MOWERY nt nt N ‘ ) Vew York March 20th, 1860 1f43 hooo PEL TNO) N [ot Apple Brandy. 1000 he BLUE STONE! e LD, for Preserving Fruits, for sale by Forenle low by WO OH WYATT. Denggiat and @) W.H.WYATT, Apothecary, Now IXG and ItS Main at, Salsbury 186 and 188 Main st, Saliebury, N ( ( Jaby 24, 1860 1 | Sept. ith, 1F60 unl? Se HOSTETTER’ 8 STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER'B CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu- tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The cousuinpuion of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters for Ube last year amounted to over a balf- million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase im times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach hear one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties coutained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its eflicacy iu all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary effurts in the way of trum- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilivus complaints have counted their victins by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are acertain cure for the Dyspepsia and like Is to the proprietors a source of un- yed poeasure. Tt removes all morbid matter ui the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, Kiving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration cf health. Ttoperates upon the stomach, liver, nil other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential te the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will tind in it astimulaut peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally, We have the evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering frum stomach de- rangewents and general debility; the advice of physicians, they have s all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial and child is se dis Le acting under andoned The relation uf mother absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget ber own health in her extretue anxiety for herinfaut, Sheull the period of maternity arrive the wear of ody and wand gygtavated, Here, thea a ne for a stinacant to reeupe rate the ever fthe syste. aid enable the mother te be ser her extiaust puna ng trials and respons Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters tua vin tors that reves end puiysi cians, becan agreeable the taste as wel g a ye 1 of te Al whom w ve par larly rete I “ fereva trem fever and 1 1 ‘ senses or ne superar 1 I eed oceupat " will c th ano ph Yare ng t tetrera Celebrate | ot t sa trial CAT RGN \ bhe against u ttle 1 in nter- feiis, t Arn r Hosteire CeLER RATED Sromevcu Brrtene and see th rteach bettie has the words br Fd * teh Ditters” woot tel { stamped ont wile cup Covering eoeork, and obse cur autograph si ure is on the Lat ae Prepared and soid by HOSTETTER & SMI by all rivet burgh, Va. und sold Crugg@ists, & I L ke lly sited States, South Ame- ieuers gice, and Germany. SCOTS THs & WIIB, AAD WHOLE AGE NEL VES, Nanay) | 1 You ‘I MV SOU TIERKN BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY | SMITH & MILLER, A ws raAdemea’s Boots, RES Of Shoes Boots, Shoe ee le lee ol aC WHOLESILE WD REVAL, ASTOUMDING ! ISTOUNDING! {ISTOUNDING! Wratts Remedy !! An Unfailing Specific Vor the Unfortunate ! (UES RECENT At (AP ARE SS RRO TES TE CU Ribs iit ENT AI IOTIONS, ICTIONS, | ii Kl HEI TONS, aud Gaiters, EE cos s & Gaiters, | FOR SPECIAL N OTLCE. et ere BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs. BLUE STONE. 3000 Ibs. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNIZSS 50 Bush. CLOVER SEED. Nice and clean for sale by {HENDERSON & ENNISS, THERMOMETER For Curing Tobacco. From 210 to 240 deg , for sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS. l0), 000 POUNDS oS 10,000, Pure White Lead in Oil, Por sale by TU NID EUS ON SEEN Noise: 1000 GALLONS 1000 PURE LINSEED OT. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS Tanner's Oil. 40. HENDERSON & ENNISS. 10 Bols. For sale by Ague and Fever Cured OR NO PAY. Enniss’ dene and Fever Pills, VCR Nel eh) CG lGrs at HENDERSON & ENNISS Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Ga Ba resale HENDERSON & EN OTe Pet PAT PRE M it BRANDY. oo OV Wf 4 Brind tae } he best eve Ish) Ht LSU N Ss SiS SPICES! SPICES! Connie Nirt May R Nb Nie LENS Nl YWENEGAAR! 30 ets. Pure Cider Vinega HENDI RSUON & ENNISS Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: J \ M rie, Wood Med cok 1 oth \Sears divine Mats tee) ie Lomn Ne) We Win B Moh MeN “ {Jed Wd nleorou WoO Wright, Wain tee I Ne er M 1 Gree, Ralegehy Phomar td ‘ NVnt arte ‘ Vader Kew t tee ess HD WELSON In « TIE ES INS Ney eo Nrtice [ian CCP SYN DEN HAVICE N(torue PETER ADAMS See'ty ! WAL HE CUMMING neraeeve NJ MeCarn Sts / o\ MEBANI Pec ( JW GARRETT - \ \ MNMEN Cate! an bse sseonnert Ft uch dilre wren PRE DEAR AT AMS = (la Nea: din ne one SINS CLOT HING! GARI He Bisstes now offirs to sell GENTS PASTS ge a z ‘ 4.00 rae ane faa : ‘ ‘ raat “4 CoE NESE ON hee ed 2) 1.50 a “ e a 4 att) Gal 1.60 ou 0 I-00 Is aM Nii ol 1 HD EEN NI Cloth Hat and Niue Stove Oe 2 tila Gab SOU THEPIN BEAT UNE CUP MAVURACTORY, TORN DOOLEY, Noost. Maty treet, Brorwesn, Va Mar MORN. PANAMA PANDM PRESS WAT FUR, STRAW LF Wy ony S| WAVE now + leat APS an USER AW GOUDS FINS | ane which Po would the attention of he on hantea! Virwni, North Carolia and Pen i tide fix abstry yo them with voye they my want my On ae goad eas they can be procured co any market a th yasiock w e kept eonstantly fall by the ade ever sth be or od thle pan hia rereased my manutretaring fac veld \ decrrable styles wall be oftmy own monn ir My Blick Mole st jena worank, Aa equal, if not superior, to a g produced comatry Mic asst nhott «wv 1( 1 8 \ 1 Hats ont b tla ! sof Brad and Leyhor cannot b ‘ In Military T ean farnia | My stock of the varione u tions’ Plate ik very com ren stylee of Hateor Caps inad vrale ort mot lon cn hY Mareh 12, 1°60 tran BOOTS THOMASVILLE Manufactared by WILLER & THOMAS. WS ROR STN Bab. " fete N Tied YEENGS WINTER HOOPS ANI) GHENT N (fA fy) BOOTEES, waniais ' Miriek cb Pitowas Vhomanviiin, No « a rare fully equalin style t any Northern work Ya great deal better in work Manship and equally as low in pres ‘ ’ Vou ENNIS Ort (2 Riv andesiine sture Fine Suits. Tf yon wah t PRET NOR = eC ict YONI tw tx 1 re ealbatthe Goeat Clatk ne ds DAVID WHOIE La Remewns ep re Sre \ Vv phy e Gran ute Row, Na ' No¢ Sept 2 if9 MARRIAGE LICENSES SALE AT THIS OFFICE 30 ets. MER SKIN and SHOES. HOTEL MANSION {Be HOTEL, . IN SALISBURY. MILE subscriber takes pleasurein anunoneing to his friends, and the public generally, that he hur taken this loug established and well known Hotel) and has inade every possible preparation to accommo date the business, travelling and visiting portions o the public, in the most satisfactory manner. Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, | aud every comfort is provided in his ROOMS. His STABLES are wbuudsuuy suppled and at- tended by a careful ostler; aud to all departinents tor gives hin personal atteution the propri A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depot ou the arrival of the curs. With these efforts to @ liberal share public patronage is confidently suleited WM please, of the ROWZE uf- TIE W aL HOUSE. Morganton, N.C. “HIS superb New Hotel has gained the reputation of beng a FIRST CLASS HOUSE January 25th, 1860. ‘| aid secoud to none in the State. As auevidenee of it, Preferte| the many favorable notices by the Press ot the State, | and the very liberal patronage received. Tteontinues| Cpe (never having beck closed, and ste guests may rly upon the ne file Hou ed TP have arrangement» made tobe ke a) rly w liberate trots Ne k 4 fietwith every deleaey usua 1 CLASS HOTELS COS. Brown & Coss: Stave Office, iw at thin DBs we d PROM RHO EC Onl i aS oro te the head of tiie W a Rr [ae Mew we. Wedie ower. apd Ve. oat ‘ e vile Disease Phuredavs Satire oe EXTRA COM HES tae FEACKS rend at ciy HOUT Wi CE Peery VON Mace r Va 1 iy \ K ! ‘ 1 W Wount Vernon House AT THE DEPOT, ‘ Som \G Le ss Lael cl NC IIs < . ie i 1 1 ‘ 1 1 a btet ! ! ! "1 1 . ' i ~ bl JAMIN ee i H E UNI ° N,’ Pee Eaee CHES SVE COME; rT ; : 5 o WASTTINt rl ON SHO Piety JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor BROAD SURE E Tr. National Flag! Wil. M. BA ‘2 WV we Carriage Business, hlhawy RKER (CE viet Het \ fithe Nerth horn with all a 1 yeu ~ fin Mire meats North one by or r Wh + N I WVOM BARAT T } 1, ben uit h oved tot pobre great desy on snereme Prvelorsand others ave ther waats. ou ths lie, well suj Cash prices 1 Carove Dan I ’ Aud the sabsershber i ‘ soreody teow bas wood Phos THOMAS EO BROWN May Sixt oe 1 ' ua ‘ oS 1 L LI ieee oe Th Winters :" i Us I) ishirie toh SNE on th tee 1 th Cr Wo brow . Leute y alent ! u t {raall demande on his have Ordered td \ ' . with prompt att Ciniteracnaiera te HUB BES: Soah Tee S41 rvs ther 6. TBad 1s HILLSBORO’ MILE ARY ACADEMY, “py | eco {aes co CV PRAY a 7 { thiesiare Nf \ i Ss ( Vh } ‘ 1s miigors vt ' anit 50 White Hands Ay fe t ! \A nf fet snd Rathertord Rawk Roos A Wem thew qola 4 SMe, Mc NT NACH M ' fio Cha 1 N ( PATENT JARS. S PERIOR to ony arietey made for PRE » YSERVING FROEPS and VEGETABLES, for sale by NCH AM Seas lal I<6 and I<S Main at, Salabury, No July 24 ey | W ILL continue hand all _—— "North Carolina Foundry | WACHINE “WORKS! FRERCKS & RAEDER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYDEN & SON, to manufacture and YPM . yA. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | tiade heretofore. A full assortment of | Cultivators, Straw and His Horse-Powers, Seed-Sower Threshers, Cider aud Sugar Mille ‘They also manufacture Plows, Corp-Shellers, ‘Thresheraud Separators, Shafting and Machinery for Grist Mills, Circularand Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper aud Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fix tures, &c., Ke., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, FORGINGS and FINISHED WOKK of deser sud warranted in every Machinery every plion made to order respect. Repairs of every deserption of dete Sal rt short notice NOC. Jan. 2, Raleigh; Patriot, Greensboro’ : Western Advocate, Aste ville finan tr weekly Columbia: Observer, Fayetteville aud Tredell Eapress will publish 3imouths and forwa dy ly34 Demo- | : Caro isbury, Lobd. Standard, erat, Charlotte; REAL ESTATE. ee | TISHING to co J propos entrate ay hands on Lthe plantat ACKES remainder a dark loa « ne haltot the ar wig BOTS any in Rowan w Dab nange at rlottine tunber right alow TNS eA ‘There ie about 40 Mere BOTTOM LAND aud MEADOW, ot tit rat The DWELLING i well arri ' reais arret and cellur, and ula = v of the Ya Kiver ane ©. Ra Vhe rand spring are u votld * ne of witeh are wew d comfortabl ! ea rqinte Convenient, being with ' A Saliabe rdovecy he The so hey adapted tuft Pohacen, Ce r r JNO A BRADSHAW ees 1 i COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic, PETES TPGE THE WP WAS FAA a a] DISEASED KIDNEYS, Sion Lied PNidniene M 1 t Loins Varta M f kale \ Le rag Oe d a ’ 7 ' i i Meu ; Lae + (ee Gas ho MT STIs JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Beyond ail Competition !! 1 hia ior k ue Uietog ied rd GOLD & “NI Rg, JEWELRY Latent Styler, . i Teeter s ee Vis and fon my bag uu 1 . mols Cee ~ \ Te ray HOW REPRE, Pp, " | “ho dm « N ¢ DR. MOUTARDE'S Miraculous Pain killer. keep on! | Ready-Made Clothing RANAWAY--$75 Reward. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIL OF DAVID WEIL. | Ayer’s: Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have labored ty produce the most ctfeetual alternative that can be made. [tis a concentrated extract of Para Surra- pariila, so combined with other substanees of eull | Breater altorative power us to eflurd ap effective an- jMdute tor the diseases Sarsuperilia is reputedtocure, Itis beleved that such a remedy is wanted by those ; ho suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure wast prove of im- | Wense service to this large Class of our afflicted fe|- jlow-ciizeos. Tlow eompletely this Compound will do is has been proven by expertipeut on many of the worst Cases to be found in the bowie g complaints; SCROFULA AND Schorvious Compr AINTS, Ercrtions any Exvrrive Divvasis, Urcrks. Pimetes, \ Biorenes, US, Pisions, Sacy Riseem, Scanpo Heap, SYrHitis anp Syriac Aviserons, Mike iat Diveane, Daoray, 5 : Neckanuia on Te Docrormecy. Drusiury, Drees es com A, KIA BRU SSI aION Exy Las, K ; a ah A ving CE oe exalt * Kost ox St. An. ony's Fine, and ide the woole clase of come lamin wong trom Tarckery or tHe BLoop, This compound will be found gieat promoter of health, when taken in the spriug, to expel the foul humors which tester in the blood at that season of [the yeur By the tunely expoleion of the m many jranklag disorders are nipped ia the bud Maltitudes ean, by the aid of this remedy. spare themselves from Goods, the evdursnee of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores | through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, tf not assimted to do this through the j mature al chaunels of the body ny an marelive niedicine Cleanse out the vitioted blood whenever you find it vb the skin uw pimples, erape AVING RETURNED FROM THE NORTH. | ern Cites witha LARGE and COMPLETE j Stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Under- and a CrelU They Such ae Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Drawers, Shirts, Cravats, Neck-ties, Mandkerehiets, fine aesortinent of Shirts ar ey attention Collars, which he invites your jinmediate tipurnies bursting throw have been purchased for cash, and will be wold cheap- | Gons, or sores; Cleanse it when you findit ine det ruet- rthanever were offered bere before. NOW ES cd aud sluggish in the veins cleaume it Wheuevenit YOUR TIME FOR GKEAT BARGAINS, ar Ts tuul, and your tectiuss will tell yuu when. Eve in determined ty sell cheaper than any other house! where no particular disorder ip felt, Teagleening ane ip Salisbury Jterhewith, and live longer, for cleansing the blood Returning iny thanks for the liberal patrouage ' Keep the blood es althy ean all ue wells but with heretotore bestowed, T hope for a continuance of the thes pabuluin o ered, there can be uo uat ame. Remember the Stand, | ab reir , lan , ki i ss ne ; / ust go Wrong, NO. 2, MURPHY’S GRANITE KOW, ailalwuereater AtWscrdheanbnr Salisbury, N.C th rover very Sept. 25, 1860. ufiy Sarsaparilla bik, aad cose rves much, rhe reputation fw i rt ends. But the world hae been euregiously decery ed by preparations of it, partly al the vivtue that ie * AY preparations, | breaure the drug alon ) ANAWAY from the subscribers at Lex-|¢! Hfor it, but m © V ington, a Negro man named ALEX. or Pee to be concentrated extracts of it, eontain ! ALEXANDER. Suid nau ix of a dark cop.) but little of the virtue of Sarsaparila, or any thing Sper color, O feet Mor WW iehes high, and will ®& i , weigh from 155 to 165 Ibs, a very likely fellow, bat wa ‘ Vears the pubhe have been misled by hus rather a down-east look —apec years ‘The ee net toqnart of Extract subscribers Giiuk it probable that Alex is) larkiny Surstparita for one dollar. Most of these have about either i th ghbortood of Salisbury. Mre |” ntrauce upon the mek for they not ouly contain Lowne sor Mos. VMehenze’s plantations, They ut ; afl, bul otten te curauve prop- wiigive the above reward foc dae apprebension ace” rela bitter and painful disap- ery to then at LexingionyN ©, Also, theyow ental use ofthe varicusextracia pry ede for proof sathcient toconviet any « eS i the market, until the il hathurug ead ivy : » 4nd was become wy nony- W. MeCRARY & CO i cheat Sull we call this Qeu dun dieat uy a Oise tend to supply such a " nha ume from the load of Nod we think we have er whieh ID NUE ewe sale \el elo en inate WES | bale are irresisti- reit is intended tuplete eradiens ji ’ ‘ ould by judiewos- 1 ‘ > AN Neds Urs at ‘ ‘ ae le we I a eae es WEN! Ko Morr ee aa Die Ce WERE Se Or a : eee : 1k Fi, At es ie B FS FO 5 tien | Neves i rt . ee vi, i \ ‘ ! ! ; oe Aver er's Cherry Pectoral, Rey WALTON HOUSE, mifertiecureot va N 6 C2 BOW NS Ce) t ! I ncn 1 re ; en ; . ! wit. the en Maren 2 ot a) \ rat sary ter u rerount the evidence of 1 Fa if) v Pavers to Morga re ' ‘ wee. wherey Lohans remploved. Agu cin use Throughout this seetion ire (he people ite quali. SUPERIOR ietioa the Nest Ver has heen arate relief all it hae ever _COLOCNE WATER, peas : Foren Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, WYATT, trom Pragiant W. di « ' > Nin gestion - POL OGEST AND VPOPHECAVRY a ' 4 i i ae ies ‘ ‘ so Main S k me Bruptor . is seuses, Liver \ BULLY. Not {e) 1 ‘ Vetter, Tun iit Rheum, : Won | Nvaruiuias us tuner ann and for Es is Sloper B Pu BR . Es iicoe Vee ryt mi sua si th hiost seusitiwe ¢ \ p thy. it hey ure the best tpeneny the worle ' pu ofa family HARDWARE!! : Price 23 cist ein Boxy bie Bones ron 81.00 FANE Subserncer are recery ng 4 the old stand ot G@ Mo o& A "y iy mien, the ry ( f ais. States » ’ heir names “Stock of Ta rd Ware eee sree ome ' r iserlion is Market wh net ght art i Aventis t niicu fUrnish gratis fire \ the ‘| ntwetncers or ' vein \ Viwame ‘ are given; * ‘ Phes are prep 1 tt due t conplarnts, Win ' Reta wo et r wee fur their JONES & OVERVWAN 1 be swithother Sale Mar 13. 1sn0 143 prepaurate they make more « Demand \ want the best 1 ‘ Alone Reanes wre fore \ = SN PT Salsbury et! al Hender & Enuiss ef Hrutet nid ( Charlotte oe a 1M dot Maven svaite : (corel ie Daw! ctor = \ CEN = N Vi Z ee et see = = ‘i histo ly4) é ; s +7 = AV I Z U N TW i } d d S —— ay ~ : -_ - ’ Seen ty . = SAN FORD'S ‘7 ns 2 . ed COOTHACHE. | ' v a LIVER INVIGGRATOR, ‘ RNS BEN] yy 1 x s ‘ ! Aye I NEVER DEBILITATES, CHad le Purneia the Stomach, VW anter 4 T ls compounde | / , — nd the oe two years le dhe { r a n as the numero I ran “Ss Ae so se ae tat te ' = ist in BicD quauUues a& 10 hs 1 Cente — : oa. ment guide you in the t \“ t WHEW NAT | 12 VIGORATOR, and it ns UL chi NC, No Vet ana iss Wa --” ° plaints, Bill r Salis Net . & Chronic Diarrhoes, ! w plaints, Dysente- ry, Dropsy, Stomach, Habitual EEER A&W SON'S Costiveness, ic, Cholera, Chole- . . ye \\ Ee Ll leat X \W IL: ON aS Morbus, Cholera LeIentaeee Flatu- ew i irth lence, Jaundice, |Femate Weakness- : Wing Wachimes. slong esac giccomen = Va ¢ . ry Family Medi- PQ ete, Iisitenre SICK ; : HEADACHE, (as thourands ean testify.) tm MURR & SOSSAMON THT: cubs nber biog been apmonied Agent for Cveney antnutes, bf pe itwo or three Tea ’ WHEELER § WILSON S SEWING MA spoonfals are tak-| pen at commencement of epurehised a 3reo CLEEN AES ie he ble watt ee ] as pie iy Diairomaii . aan ne i ines “AT who use It are pad giving their teaimony mal es ok every “a abe m its favor ' re Sie : co Ke m t enimeperat y c THE MOUTH WITH TIN, SHEET-TRON, COPPER ty i MIX WATER IN TI Wile, STONES eG en RU SUE NE THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW A. MYERS BOTH TOGETHER. i y eke oe n i dst ae HA a COOK Maye wow Price One Dollar per Bottle. 4 "ARDLOR and ¢ ERO STOVES ever ALS, _ dou this market, and wid well for ean “ \ , ‘ SANFORD’S hid iy Weatern orth Camila Atco Is |: OR SA lee FAMILY f Poon and Japa PEIN-WARK ond STILLS a sor , ei oi) tears AC Rents iiotcshertstesnne Cnn Spring Hill Tract of Land. CATH ARTIC Pl ’ W ul the sherte netics - * ety > , Cs : WINE lobo ACHES. COMPOUNDED FR WUERR & SOSS AMON CONTALVT i , ‘ Pure Vegetable Extracts, oa hotise Sahsbury, Jan 10, 1460 Liselee CENUIS Tract of Tand is ed two aniles: fror GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and wil Pp Salisbury, on both side mane | bgge thartic PILL acer. . tothe Yadkin River, the ie R q: amenie ent Chills and Fevers rthrongh it. on the | ina Dwell } tne Barn, Tob : SSAry a a ‘ : en : . in FEVER AND AGUE rasp balun 9 pecans AND ALL Ne ' vrais i RTC Teed aL , ; wo very convenmutls of desired Paver retain OO Xet purest Vege: Lig Te CO Ss MOT. S ANS Se Woodland and the family G Voard ree at te PREV ATLING IN A WAR ARIOUS CLIWATE, Apply 0 SULT UAIET RO \SGN th, Mpeepi= Hishury, Aer 2 160 i na “Lothe, fly and 2P re Cured hy and Soreness over end ina joug course > tite,a Creeptr Wy yatt Tonic & Pills. TURNIP SEED. tne, eit ARaH ORIEr ao SV IGRY VAIUHMORY PR SE snd: We CR ANE Dte es ! Laas : ‘ ae 1 mand for this great I ED, sad | Wor WY ATE Nara eviet | fie AY WE SES Re dideee) oet ; st 113s M ie nen N oven pelt heeary, Paton Tes Mion at. Sahieba Taly 4 in \N ¢ 1 a1) reokag HIN for RO N lhe ral aunies Pills are hante old wale by the Trate sy ris NOTICE THIS. BOTW. SANFORD, * a35 nreuawecs Ne w “York. WANTED da Soll by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Drvaor Wo a Ciewesre Satishbary, Not - 16 ; : ee 1 nds 20000 feet Sycamore Lumber, : eT at \Ml JOR « mas Mme nhen ath Dw a Po tree come a Tee JAS. A. SADLER, Ir., ee LARK & REEVI qu PERSON ne ur Pen ef TOW TRIM & CD. Charette, 8 EP 4 K week s Ma f ; Re ' edt nn roam Wri ‘ dive payaven Watanernipels \ ir et ea aeettiee SHERMAN BROTHERS, 7s i ’ f hep y will come np ” Fine Shirts and Collars. aaa HESSEN Iuronrens avn Jonpens « Ir 7 i Nov th, 1850 t C 1 ¢ | TANS vas fine Shirte an Colore ee Me Hardware, Cutlery, uns, DAVID WEE . TENa OE ya cat d fo No 2, Grasire Row ‘ IN EGAR. AN HWRAVY Blank Deedes for aale at thia O fice. 19 Park Plaee and 16 Marra. Streets NENW YORE. fp? ERI Se Tell CIDER VINEGAR, for sale by W ' aud 188 Main sirert vist N Tune S, R60 J.J.BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS Single copy,ea Bive copies,$15.00 Ten copies,) Clubs exceeding ten,in the same proportion $1.50 each.Payment always in advance. we RAN aS tuiscellancous BLANKS at Ua office The following Court an for sadet ul the country,at smalarekeptonhandCanbe sent by mailto any pat yer seolWwe nts Com.totake Depo.C &3.Cse‘8 aay Apprentice LudenturesoesiiShoreLettersTestamentary Mescatiis Cee Lettersof Administration, Subpanas,C.&5 ¢Rees ieeeWitnessTickets,Ca 5 ¢Me 5 Gertincatce»ckels ."Juror Tr Hoods,C&C.Vartous Equity Blanks,ProsecutionBailBondsBailBonds Attachment Writs,Delivery BondsAiuministrativa,doBastarday,oeAppeal,And any othe e 1 ra ghee mk Do Indictments,Land DeedsDeedsinTrust,Sherif’DeedsEquitydoNotesofHind,Notesto Bank,less frequentuse,oBlankspriget President’s Message. (coxeL UBD.) OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS GREAT WRITAIN Our relations with Geeat Britain are of the most friend character,3 the commencement of my administration,the ‘wo dangerous |juestions arising frou the Clayton and Bulwer treaty andfromthePeofsearchclaimedbythe}iitisivernment,have been amicably aud honurably ad justed The discordant constructions of the Clayton and Bulwer treaty between the (wo governments,wlach at different pe ening aspect,have resulted in a final setdement eaIn aunual inessage J informed Congress that the Brit government bad aut theuarrangementswiththerepublics of Il Nicaragua,in pursuance the ermments contidently expe IL that long be accomplished * Is of the discussion,bore #threat rely saustactory to the government my last ish cotupleted treaty furas aud tothe understa r bhe- It tween two ww onevertheless work will this eve This contident expectation has since been fulfilled.Her Britame Majesty coneludedatreatywithHoudthesthNovy 185Y,and with 2 Ya .od relinquishing 'at {e by the fo tue Bay Islands are cout i part of the repablue ot Hond It it served tuat the stpulaueny of the 1 form in every linportant t 4 t ments adopted by the xr ttl ~ treaty concludedat Lar n ho Saif bet “nt two 1 ts fi lected that this tre ‘w B government becan sl ‘4Mportantamen~ relating to Roatan and th er sua I of Honduras It must be a source . 1 of our fellow {‘n ft f (Great Ait CUNY ‘ erchant vessels . has beeu abasd ‘rt \viajest‘t ete Wa WN vin ALN ‘4 Wa I was aie)sta © rel‘"<bii: ler ‘5 ‘‘ the orders the >i Na ‘ force in the Gia ‘sels ot uited States o .‘ seareh thernation wlit ayeannediateuWeenthenava the two count J Vas “weN vented by an appea juste Great etn and to the law of nationsas expounded Ly her ow most ernine ists.The only questi En aree! remains open Letween the tye 1 das 4 any 4 Le 1 Wale avatecharacterSocuugtry,las¢Iu t use thet eda may ar titale bott “on thwi‘ FiaNeb With France.our ancient and 7vlationscontfrliemusttesa i ter,A decision has recently be+ eal tribunal,with the ayy nal Government,whieh cann rf] sentiments of mutual regard iveistedbetweenthetwoeountries,Unie ' law no person serve in the armies ¢ unless hie be a F mon The lawrecogmaingthenaturalcuditotexator lows as a neces uteqence toata Frebythefactofhavingbecomeacitizenof [a bas changed his alle;«atid dost ‘ha acter,He cannot theretore be i So inthe French armies in case te etnim te his nave country,These prinerple ATONE ed in 1842 by the French Minister War.and two late cases have been confirmed by the Freon Judiciary.In these,two natives ot France vas been discha om the French arniy because the had become American citizens To erniploy the laguageofourpresentminstertaFianceewhoha rendered good service on this oeeasio TodaonetthinkourFrenchnaturalizedfellowitizens hereafter experience inuch annoyance ject.”T veuture tu predict Uhatdistantwhencontineadoptthesamewiseandjustpol so much honor to the Emperor.In any event, bound to protect the rights of our naturalized cit zens everywhere to the same extent as thought bad drawn their first breath ountry can recognize no dishnction between our native naturalized ciuzens. the other the culihtened in’this We and RUSSIA Between the greatéempire of Russia and the |States,the mutual friendship and regard whicis tsolongexistedstillcontinuestoprevail,and.if sible,to increase.Indeed our empire are all that we could desire relations wit SPAIN Our relations with Spain are now of amor pleated though less danger have been for many years ne character than they Oar eqtizens wwe held,and continue to bold.nanerous clains against the Spanish government.‘These had been ably arged for a series of years hy F SNeCESRIVE Matic representaves at Mad but without obtauIDGredress,The Spanish government finally ayieed to institute a joint commission for the arly nent of these claims,and on the Sth day of Manu,[S60concludedacouventionfortheparpeboon present ministe at Madrid.Under 'ition what have tees denominated ©the (lars amountingts $12<G25 and 34 cents.in wlach morethanonehinicdreNICEReenornSeerONT ested,were recounied aq ithe SpanosmentagreedtopayRIOOOofthisamount “willinthreemonthsfollowingtheexchangeofratifica tions.”The payment ot tie rinaming $28,639 54 was to await the decision CUINUMSI ART RStOE or against “the Ainistad «lain laa the balance was to be paid to bySpain or the |Thess hve napy event he claimants either Ss te ms T have every reason to know are highly satisiactory |»hold ers of the Cuban clauns —Ladeed.they ade a forinal offer authorising the State Dey nent t setile thee aime and to deilic 4 intial the Amisted clan from the sums which they are 'ded to receive from Spain.This otter,ot cou cannot be serepted All other laine of ertizena of the Un State against Spain sof the Queen ot against the [nied States,including the Aimastad claim,”were by Gus convention referred to a board of commiuasonera in the Kesualform ‘ther the validity of the Aguatad clan nor of any t aim against either party.with the siicle exception of the Coban claims,we ec ed hy the nvention Indeed.the &sah yove evt did not inset that the validity of Gee Armiatad clann should be the re cognised notwithetanding its pavinent 1 heen recoinmended to Congrese by tw my predeceseregewellachymyeel©and an appropriation for VOL.XVII. 'ae See chmat. :- SALISBURY,N.C.,DECEMBER 18,1860.NUMBER 31. Devoted to Politics,Hews,Agriculture,Internal Improvements,Commerce,the Arts and Sciences,Morality,and the Family Circle. that purpose had passed the Senate of the U_States They were content that it should be sabuntted to the board tor exaus i like the othe They proved conclusively that our cid@ens residing merchants eto hadMexicoandinourtrading(er nation aud dev outrages suchas we Both governments weerclaims hound respect vany other natvelytopaytheamuontsawardedtotheseveralPorinvoking the thei country on these our snecessive ir in the persistently demanded redress and inidernitication bat without the slightest e Indeed,so confi dent had the Mexican authorities:become of our nisterslaomants“atsach times and places as may be fix-faith of treaties,had ne ot ed by aud aceording to the tenor wid awards. [traustnitted this couvention te the Senate tor May sustitudoual action ou the 3 Lshe.and nthe 27th of sicceeding June they d ed patent endurance.that they universally believedaetheywate!not advise aud consent torts they might cot Utrayes upon AmencanificationeitizenswithoeWroteourheseproceedingsplaceourrelationswithSpaincuiuisteram1856,(thatbagawkwardandeuibarrassingposigou,bts %nothing but f thenorethawprobatiletthefinaladjnentofverninentthese these chutus wall des Ce Upon ny suc 1 reiterate Che recommendauon containes!iu myAnnualMessageofDecember,1858,and repeatedinthatofDecember,1859,in favSr of the acquisi- non of Cuba from Spain by fair purchase will avail Atterwards,in 1857,caine the adoption of anew and Congress under its provisions,and the inau- yuragon of the President.Within one short mouthowever L firmly would contribute V believe that such an acquisitions this President was expelled from the cay to the iessentiallywell-bein ruspenity ol both ctal t rrebe Alea in ht on fairly beld under lawtul agtaority,even auf they+y nhoin the artiv.atel the supreme )JnlniesVite,t prove the power nner,ad net subsequ Voted at the third:elecuon erhaith means of ita .sting the fied r feas trie that the whole ex tion had not beenava,rte soon compelledivetradetarguchout“re=to retire and ace to Gener Viramon “u tted to the people I always desired)but eat (his cecotimeedliet!‘th Under the constitnuon meu thy ecn the preeedent4 are numerous of the admission ofenaitPbeheved:tha !hie adopted,Senor stice of the Supreme cittes tuto the Union without such subission United States upot thle te 4 beeasin Terie et ft would not comport with my present:purposeIauilentittleRenubSpaan.contd justly tersn the rational honor of the lacie ‘or ne rreview the proceedings of Congress upon the madoand:Aneinut Monaroty Surely to pe rane if rn ab |reonstitutiog,Tt is suflicent tu observe \ited tat t Nam leow a disteparcoat war thas remove:last vestige¥vit t 4 eto lk ig t ‘rot Fra taster I seented fos idenary troubles desperate U1 :‘')Tal aee een i ently assetibled,under a Feoacala \\enrial is yew strat .(ly aki vanrass : arsine Mececrict Bey execu WW Fiy \rat oo ha at a Eee th te t will I },ww ates BEE CTS ‘‘‘a \nyonaby p Had [treated the apt q v t t ALitw ated retin Uraust ( WW it atte,Whilst a.cart \Sant)t 1 a a :ae I x twas?\f 1 ‘‘'eon ae \ut }“e .\y 1 &re lw e Terr =‘‘Leta r Hinence ty Aa :‘.stale im Tine M mM \:poe,aunale :.Mca 1 1 Fi a Ww ae M ai dt ade a RE 30 a t Ww ‘(Wweat Vv J ve ye ' \‘“Sour 1 ey +\ala Maw !~‘to We ae hata ured that cobs ‘\1 be aecouplisne |ow ot Thus i vote etl1we‘,easels ia tts S .ary the Ter ctury sutl af 'a *vice v set ah ..t i \of‘hp cy .at y .wot ‘Niah )‘t 'ne :hey ’‘wrens 2 i Ws v ‘“~the 1:I bi i |<t ary ‘€Vv ‘t Were eas “ad5ON.aveniceat(:meee 4 a ‘“\:teornee ' a .fis i 1 ul i ar us been NS \\ ‘a way*“oe JMareelil\Pacthe poss _b alta (‘t v al 1 ssa PEN Aas hbxitoatfa ike::ta suff ‘meuettaie tty Ir sage LT promased te |ste i eag ‘‘wh,Mf va x x ‘with ©Shoes bok 7s 4 1 hd (ey Wire ee a ment nat ‘‘‘tn w stil ‘v \‘bie “asuiy hat f prodi \wt a cies t1‘1 Re 2 ‘e ‘\\va sbenee DL appied uiy tus’thenxWiha(«VA ‘os ha alle at .‘at ‘‘‘Mow 1 ot trea ‘e Efe kx 1 M I)T 4“on |‘\{Uibea \ "Ee e ‘w ure {"!wf tM ‘<v( ‘4 ary {on Xoed the ty »1 ('' ;:Vale AULD !vel oysene(Me l ALY eXvive‘‘k tt 1 i ,J lay 1 se 1 wd te ©]net Xe ~:'end rn1ate‘rene sok d ann Ly and tuneave ::‘‘amounted to $8003 60)the t btexpen '¥Has 1 ‘amountedto$1,451.56 Ts Dans hay wever ‘to be able to inform you that ast tiseal Hs rending on the 30th J ,tal ex ]a ‘t tures of the povert al ticle ey 29tti J .x slat i ‘lassy eu TN -Ma f and M4 pes Ww ea ‘“|wri i 105 4 the Ni ‘\nd oft the mot wo 1 recten and ‘,‘4 inte June al expenditure exelasive ot the hh that distant and interes ew pubhe debt,amonntedto871.901.1200 77,and that w year ending J0th Jane TSoo to $660,566. I ares t trea ‘exehanyed Whil books witl tI I :tual expenditn v brad eof (ror we Sot} ubypects asenvoys extraordinary a noistera plen-caccordtighy eoueiadbed Gy one hat 040.6607 716 \Potentiary.Who Were recerved a Powith dent tins Mex und there must be 1 tron eregnt the sa vk ba hindness vothe Cros ist we !~ot SE ZI6.009 th the interest apenitot $150 “VS)There every fr wer 000,appropriated by the aetot the Toth Pebruary ,mye ‘returned tet native ‘lle Ps60,ctor the purpose of supplying a lehoeney 4 “foand TSP HELE V n Uae revenue tetraying Che edxpence ol the tet foe rontey wet us express the opmion Post Otice Dr the year end th t the lan of the treaty its «oto pron June TR59.:refore justly charges ole that ©th ll heneet be perpetual peace Intiercd to the year 1 }e ted fram the sun and t p between d f Nine ip just \an of $50.848 474 72 a order to ascertamn the expendi I Majesty the {Japan aud h As ty whose we ture for the vear ending on the 30th Jone 160 Hecesse ndifferent .whilst a ane time which leavesabalance for the expendituresof that WRAZIL forthe payment ot a considerable year of $55,402 465 46.The outerest on the pub W ;eral ds thie satistaction of the claunsoftour he debt ny Treasury votes for the same tisealte,conservative,and |beral covert :4ne=e oe Noah eae 4 nthe 30th June 1860,amounted:to nent e yre of Brazil our relation yntinn ie eran Oe wo,te ee aoe ee to he of the st amicable character in sib eicaberarnce at Spe eno) ANT TA l ny inanyaration |was contro x ary yovernment exist z .The reof the ratification of the conven ee ‘ight in yoetice ta be observed that several offatiscalledtheTopekaconstitutioni=1 repablie of New ranada,syned at )the estimates trom the departinents for the yearItsavowbyeetwastosubduetheterritorialgy:‘non the 10th Sept.1857,has heen lony ‘Or June PX60,were reduced by Coupressernmentbyforee,and to imangurate what was call i 'oNdelavedfromaccidentalcauses,for which neither a ;"below what was and sullis deemed compatible withrf‘ed the Topeka government in its stead,Toae ;:: yarty is censnrable hese ranfieation=wer 5 the poatlie Allowing a hberal main of |i ‘pl sh this efanextensive military 7Alion ¢|ae iqexchangedinthiscityontheothofNoveruberlastSeSoofosorediandforother causes,:E was formed and its command entrusted to the ni ::eas Thos a COntray vo beet amicably tert ated tomiay a4 ted that the sami of $67.04violentrevolutionaryleadersUnderthesecires:HES oe wich lad become so at the pe fimny Ooo or at th 1 $H2.000.000.1s amply Yietent )7 tances,if became my imperative duty to exertt :;i nanguration f pure na on the dy \pr 2 to administer the grav mnent and te pay the mter -!‘constitutional power of the Executive te ;;: lessee Canad anid pass ;estoon the publ unl contingent eventsreventtheflamesofetwarfromagaint',nts andr Vite !\should Lereatter render extraordinary expenditures I ich,in the excited state of the |:Vilee this convention the gove f Nex ee : nd beard South,tnight have exte ed ., Granada has specially ackrwled olt te has been attained ina considerable =1 }|sponsible mirenzena otor damages which were |Pela areexereised by the app te :fn m Bah t }nt ubl t }ied at Panamaon the 15!\p ea,Ne Ca eee ering tite pul ontiaet I 8 le on vit tu with vit ver fered with the award ofany ‘e Sen tow fo raatrerr es\usw hes wlex A with the ¢\ef 1 t wht ae ,A fteredforadjastine«board 1 A ote ning teenst the whtendocoingethe[a (acon ne (:responsitility i eaehease on the proper head of‘'‘‘‘‘;ess and nimend rslaton esaary t ,the departnent,with the general iustraction thatodtIevoreadyaidthe‘i .to efect these contracts <be goven the lowest .:lenut wh act alled apor paneer :ul Ider As ¢een MY option thatTARICAANDSTCARAGHAtatsth‘t evil ane ,}publ ravts are uot a ley Ate eof pat ]{To 1 1 \‘Apt eau aan Tonpon y al liticalfinalyinc‘eet ni 1a rave bee11Na)‘a ihe 2 ne . 6 vovegntment of «toea,and Tan hapy ‘1a RT ;yt ttn nine so |t 1 e bn seat ;;!:Spam i ;It u a al would aet for himesel et n Was Sune ‘f r !vy :: )1 é 'dtldotJulelaherw0topereQortwaeen|e the host ‘AFRICAN SLAVE TRAT shthie nied Staten 1c enipes trea to vote at tl noof delegates to trar It is with great satisiaction |Minuticate the t f that re State ne-titat and atterwards a elec that,since the date of ny last Annual Message mis r at V i 'lecide w er Kansas should be a slave or a vsingle slave has been imported inte the US A f awa I "“tree State The at the laws protubiting the friean ena her leat 'Tie atatement is founded upon a 3t r the fart ot r mination and investigation of the sat t r }nailed aor pponthehyCongreseheepintwhichprevailednetime N en vided alter to prevail and the twe parties met face eince among a portion of our fellow -ertiz n favor 'this pany serat the {inthe first Mon-af thie trade eeema to have entirely subsided bw 1 at repnb-day ot Jannary,PROX for members of the legralature T alao congratulate you upon the public sentiment 1 :with atair prospect and State officers under the Ipton econstitutiot ich now exists against the crime of sethng f wees The lt was the tr {theantislavery party inilitary expeditions w thin the limits of ME al the Th y of the ballot box proved tte to proceedf henee and make war upon ear :ere 4 +Tt ty.and re the people of unoffending States,with whom weOurrelationswithMeemainAinostunearlythatthisreinthemay,al peor :K ;2 t I OA alm naved the danger of eivil war From that time are at peace.In this respect a happy change hastistactor{tty 'mes ::y have heacd little or nothing of the Topeka gov.|been effected sincn the commencement of my Adgayes[dracnased extensively the anbyect of these we ha '\V K i me Taminie auelintonhelthelnrayertat |geno!dan f reve ona }stration ie on orelationa,and [do net %propose to repeat atyernment and all senona danger of revolutionary 1 all troubles in Kansas was then at an endengththefactsandargumentthenpresented Cougress. tious of duty and pleasure. rte rt cannot the a It fraud existed proceediugs,it was not for the Congress,to invesugate and constitution tor Mexico,the election of aPresident |Of fraud,and what ought toIf,at the two first elections,the majority refused to be pretended that this refusal to ex- ercise the elective francluse could invalidatean elec- every Chnatran and pat\ ST ceedings which preceded and iérinathon, were fair and regular on theirfiageT thea believ-|sudden and lawless out-breaks and depredatious;ed,and experience bas proved)Qhmt the interestsof and alo to protect American merchant vesse the people of Kansas would bave been bestconaalt-|their crews and ear; ed by its admission as a Statevitito the Union,¢s-|ful seizure and pecially as the majority,withiae@brtef peri have amended ot allor: convic- The Lecompton constitution,which had been may uever receive countenance in var country or|thus recognised at this State election by the votes depart from our shores.ot both political parties in Kangag,was transmitted to me with the request that T should present it to refer,with earnest commendation,to iny former re-This L could not have refused to do commendations in favor of the Pacitic railroad—ot without violating my clearest @nd stroTheconsutution,an t would be a useless repitition to do more than the grant of power to the President to employ the :the pro-naval force in the vicinity,for the protection of the couldto,willofthere |is mysettled lives and property of our fellow citizens,against 8,against violent and unlaw-ion in the ports of Mexico|and the Souus American republics,when oe mer tbeinadisturbedand‘revoluuonary condition.,that without sugh @ powerfor|wedo notaffordthetprotection to those engaged that such expeditions ig the commerce ofthe country which they have atodetnand.. ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. T again recommend to Congress the passage of alawinpursuanceoftheprovisionsoftheConsuta-hon,appointing a day certain,previous to the 4th March,in each year of an odd number,for the elec hon of representatives throughout all the States A similar power has already been exercised,with beral approbation,in the appointment:of yout theelectionofelecforP tent of the I My at ject tromn the the the oT] ne day Uirou,Union tor holding | was d that the Joth Cor ch.1849,without making vn tor t of the 1 was sudent e ention this su het dt Mterminaonthe the heerPostot sider tue t service SAL appr and @u vit ui rediate call rresa Was the natu al l tamedTeeaaStiltbe wey Weer m1 ate webiste 4 ‘filt “tn OSH m 41 Xia f ‘meelect rey Nie ta ey We awe,un extending1.i to 4 N ber !\‘4 r 4 vs |a i AKIbE I wy 'act 4 = b w j ‘dine wy preset ‘ 1 i i meer Me eal ny s tm ANA a eet 1 ft it one ead ol ad valorem dates al ‘z Ww ety roTIV Ay pred |v \penen ‘vatice dl that spe fu Are eee sSaryteent tet that a mf ental ¢ ra,w .res lareFI \als 'rac ead - spe “‘1 je oH t ‘is aster 1 1 Va atv ‘ *1 eh aries ot r ! 'Herne tt 'st ~one AM ti I .int {4 ‘i -!woverbtnet I wes ''wevr,sta icttad pp tw is weartioles a iin '" aried tt gre f CR fire ‘1 Andie av i.41 ie Va A]t ‘na ac tures iy edt 1 ‘t ‘Ww are 1 rn 1 V ‘|whic Uo sale ha ca val t In !Ie af eri very re ecessary10‘Ine wu ShonDyncaa‘rae LY ided advar ove Phey are thie led !Gloet re whi. drive bin trom:the market In fact the at Wothie systemhas aleeady driven tron th suit honorable eos vany thint ola !tae it1wdedy 1 spe Moe Solace ll It dispense w wy \weit the actual eos and it omys the precise amount duty previously tied by law Tl It tbe templatious to the aisers.of ecerve |se aries,andduationainafewcases,rei elves dey Besides, itie duties best conform to the requ siton in the Constitution that ‘tno preference shall be giden by any regulation of commerce or revenuetotheportsofoneStateoverthoseofanother.”Under our ad valorem «yatem such preferences are to some extent inevitable,and complaints have often been made tht the spirit of this provision has beenviolatedbyalowerappraisementoftherame cles atone port than at another arts An impression strangely enough prevails to some extent that specific duties are necessarily protectivedoties.Nothing can be more fallacious.Great Bri tain glories in free trade,and yet her whole revenue from uinports ie at Che present moment collected un der a evatem of specific duties.Tis nx striking fart in this connection that,in the commereil treaty 23d January 1X60,between England, orem and of the articles provides that the ad val France du Hew whieh it the are to be mpreases shall be converted inte spect duties within six months from its date,and these of the The reverseofthepropositionwouldbenearertothetruth tacertained by making an average prices for six months previous to that ume becnuse wonach larger amount of revenue would be collected by merely converting the ad valorem du hemo a tardh rate «epee duties Vo this extent the revenne woeld by nerensed,andthewaneproportontheapeciicdutymightbe di minished Specific duties would secure to the Ameren manufacturer the incidental protection to whieh here fairly entitled under a revenue tariff,and to this sure The framers of the ly no son would object exintingtarthhavegouefurther,and ina liberal spiritoflargechesofourmanufactures,not by raising the the have digerininated in favor rnd asefal bran of mimidar arti eff byofdutywhichenterintothecomposition duty upon ho portation abroad,but what ia the sume rt admitting articles free of their fabr, «Under the present aystem it has been truly remark ed,that thisineidental protection decreases when the manufacturer needs it moat,and increases when heneedsitleast,and conatitotes a sliding ecale which always operates againat him The revenues of thr Inerend the country are subject to similar fluctnavion of approaching #steady standard,x would becaseunderaayatemofapecificduticn,they ank andrivewiththesinkingandrangofarticlesin Tt would not be diffieult for Con which prcoes foreign countriesgresstoarrange aaystem of specificwouldaffordadditionalatabitityboth toandourmanufactures,and withont injury or injoeThismightbeaccomplishedbyacertainingtheaveragevalueof dation our revenue tree to any interest of the country any given article for a series of yeare at the place of ‘ure well worthy of ‘Tew valorem only upon it whieh might be deemed vecwaryforreveuuepurposed,b@te the form of a specifte duty.Buch ao arrangememé @ould wot injure theconmumer.If he should peY @ greater amount of duty ove year,this woald be Counterbalanced by alesseramountthenext,eadim the end che agyre- gute would be the same,| I desire to call your present condition of the ly presented by the &. gress;aod to recomme!ly adopted,to enable it gatious.The other te uttention to thery,8 ably and clear- fm his report to Con- Measures be prompt- rge its pressiug obli- tions of the report consideration | the reports of the’ avy.of the Interior,| The recoummenda-,Hey contain ure highly { T herewith trageanit tSecreturiesofWar,ofandofthePostmasterG ftteation,The report of anerul detaits thecircumatancesunderwhichCorneliusVanderbilt.on my request,agreed,in the muath of July last,to car- ry the ocean mails between our Atlantic and Pacific coasts.Had he not thus acted,this important inter- communication must have been suspended,at leastforaseuson.The P.M.General hud no power to take him any other compenration than the postages on the mail ma'ter which he aught carry.It war known,at the time,that these postages would fallfarshortofanudequatecompensetion,as well as of the sum which the same service had previously cust the government.Me.Vanderbilt,in a commendable pint,was willing to rely upon the justice of gress to make up the deficiency ;and I therefore re- commend that ao appropriaon may be granted for thie purpose I should do great injustice tu the AUorney Gene-ral,were Fito omit the mention of his distinguished services in the measures adopted and prosecuted by for the defence of the government against nu Califoruia,tim tnerous and unfounded clams to land Ww purporting to have been made by the Mexican gov rrument previous to the treaty of cession,‘Vhe suc- sfuloppomtion to these clans has saved to thel S public property of dollars,werth many nmullons and to mmdividuals holding title under them to at leact a equal amount Ii tas been represented tome,from sources which [deem able,that the tuhabitants in several por sof Kanes have been reduced nearly to a rtate f the almost (oval harvests in abundant failureother The approaching winter f starvation,on account f there crops,whilst the every tion of the country have been ct before them for the vo enlist the syiopathies of every he The destitution appearstobeso general that be(hey are in such indigent ee art eannot relieved by private coutributions,and stances as to be un- to purchase the necessariesof life tor the meelves to ¢If any er the subject yngre ae. relief can be dev consutu dT wouldontmeasurefortheir recounmend tts adoptio Peordially commend to your favorable regard the interestsof the people of this Distmet.They are eminently entitled to your consideration,especiallysiuce p uolike the people of the States,they cau ap- al (ono goverument except that of the UnionJAMESBUCHANAN Ad Dee.1860. Wiasiascton Ciry ONC TBE AME OIOIES Se RSTO)POUNCE: The united voice of the Ainerican peo joe has often proclauned that we would incur any sort of a war rather than allow KE trol or protection over the Island of Cu pyland or France to exercise any con- ba.And yet Soath Carolina proposes to place herself exactly where we would ~hed our Biood to keep Ciba trom being placed.South Carolina aud France! South Carolina imitattuy French customs aud singing Freuchsenys!Are the peo Theatpit that State se dntox cated with self. thst mse from the other States,and vet pro meet as not to know if they ent tect)Hinst bear t! A tnere com mercial treaty will benetit them nothing withont Physieal he P always ready,ia what they oo from France,they at .we eXpense of tt rrotectio\preuiseof th protecnh Trade they have any treaty taust have.and this they must pay for.— How pay?Ke taxation.Who shall de cide howe €Tf the two governments disayaee as to the tax,who shall decide¢ Noone is ready,then,to aid South Care linn,Lows Napoleon wants means.— South Carolina ts called upon te help hin Hlis army and navy have been protecting Seuth Cacolina,He now wants them at Dome,and money with them,t vhelp whip |.Rassia or fight England.Tle wants men, as well as tneney Louis N tpelecn will net place avery high ey tinate on those whose folly shall be se perfectly transparent, Raleigh Register. enol, “= ICN TAU SIUODON TIC MIE COSTE ae The idea has been suggested that the Southern merchant is souelow or apoth: cr less bound to the prompt payment of his Northern creditor than if Lincoln bad been defeated,This idea need only be stated to be condemned at once by every honest man.The Northern creditor isthefriendoftheSouth.The great body of the Northern inerchants voted against Lincoln.If any of them did not,the Southern merchant knew it when he be- stowed lis patronage,and if a Southern er,as a choice,traded with an abolition house,he ought to be ashamed not to We have bat to invoke the rnie, “dos you would be done by,”to make i the money,say se ard ask indulyence louver,but do not pretext },that at pay our idea apprecated,you have net honest man 3ikeoanyi dodge behind an And,turther,it has been urge: unworthy 4 slave from North Carolina rons off to New York,we should indemnity the ownerof the slave by seizing,within our a New York Perhaps we should take the who worked a8 hard as we did to defeat Lincolo.Tits would An lionest man would got ac un didemnity,and oar State would lose her character by tendering it Raleigh LRegrater. Junisdiction,the property of cHzen property of a oman never do cept auch \ re going North Vegrorcs orth going Large free negroes numbers of trom thia State,South Carolina and Geor- yia,in anticipation of hostile legislation hy the Legislatures of these States now inseasion.A letter from Townsville,N C.,to the Petersburg A.nprase says: “Tn anticipation of this T saw twenty three free negroes get on the care this morning to leave the State ;and am told that it is a daily occarrence to see nam- exportation,and by aimply converting the rate of ad |bers moving for the same purpose.” Neen EXHAUSTING THE SOIL. The New Orleans Commercial Bulle- so marked as in this country,the exhaus-tion prevailing alike in the Northern,the Middle,and the Southern States.ThewarpingvoicewhichHumpoupraddressedtoEngland,and to point out to hertheinevitableconsequencesoftheex- haustion of ber soil—where more is done,probably,to replenish @ single county than to replenish any one of the States‘of this Union—might be received with ‘tenfold emphasis in a land from which the woodagiave scarcely yet been clear-ed away,which we are depleting and robbing every day of its elements of vi-tality.In New England,says the Bul-(tin,the product of wheat fell off in ten ‘years,trom 1840,fifty per ecnt.,from two inillion bushels to one million,and thedeclinehasbeengoingonsince.Ifit is said that this is owing to the natural bar-renness of New iagiend and the diver- sion of industry from agricultaral to man- ufacturing pursuits,what shall be said of Georgia,and the comparatively new States of Kentucky,Tennessee,and Ala bama,much of whose soil is naturally rich,bunt whose falling off,in the produc- tion of wheat in the time mentioned,has been still more striking.The yield fellofftromtwelveiillionbushelstofivein a single decade.The decrease in theyreatwheat-producing State of N.Yorkhasbeenequallyremarkable,In148thecropwaemorethapthirteenmi bushels,while last year itdwiadled down tu six.Even the great North-west,whose extravrdinary yield last year has kept the price of tlour doubling,1s andergoing the same process of depletion,and will,at no distant period,exhibit the same result ofdiminishedcrops.Other crops might be inentioned as illustrations of the same truth.The diminution ia not referable to u reduced quantity of land sown,bat toareductionofyieldperacre.But forthequantityofnewlandseveryyear brought under cultivation,this decline of agricultural producte would be exhibited in a iuore starthng light.This etate of things the Sulleten justly considers real cause tor alarin.The process of ruin is yolog on steadily,and casting long,dark shadows on the futare.Before it is the Garden of Eden;bebind it a desolate wilderuess.When the general product- ivencess of the soil is destroyed,a blight comes over every element of our nation- al aud individual wealth,over commerce and manufactures,over trade and me- chanical industry,and threatens,indeed uur very existence.This impending rain way,and ought to be averted;butit can only be by united,vigorous and prolonged effort.We must inaugurate a system of replenisiiment and compensation,of in- terual regeveration and recuperation,or the present exhaustive process of cultiva- von will burn up the earth as if a scourge of tire liad passed over its surface. e orth after a Djssolution.—The Aivany Atlus and Argus thus portrays sotne of the results of a dissolution of the iE iow | *Separation is dissolution.There can be no such thing as a Northern and aSouthernConfederacy.The Southern. States could not hold together ;the Nor- thern States would not.Once establish. a separation,and New York would loot out for herself.It would no longer con: sent toa syatem of political inequality which reduces it to the level of the sinaWl- est New England States.[t would throwy off the commercial restrictions which naw lamper its commerce,and terminate,nat only for itself,but for all the produoing States of the West,the present protective svstem,which was devised for the bene- tit of New England and Pennsylvania. New York would at once be the dead of a confederation reaching from the At- lantic to the Rocky Mountains,emdra- cing,besides its own State,Michigan, Onio,Indiana,Illinois,Wisconsin,Iowa,| Minnessota,Missouri,Kansas aod Ne- braska,besides other States to be formed ont of the Western territory,with halfthepopnlationofthepresentUnion.— These producing States would need.a free. port of entry for their imports and ex- ports,and New York alonecould.furnish it.In the crash of interests cansed by the dissolution of the Confederacy,she. would be the first to regain her ascend- ancy. *Ponnavivania would lose much—N. Bayland ali,by such a breaking up.— Their protective system would be worth- less to them,unless they linked in with hema body of consumers in other States, and realizing this,they would ultimately reach tree trade,through the dreadful or- deal of public and private bankruptcy. *What the South would suffer under such astate of affairs we need not speca- late upon,Tt caunot afford to live in a state of agitation or uncertainty ;.nor its people,purely agricultural,afford to pay the taxes which existing debts and pros. pective burdens would impose.” Aid for the South.—We learn that a paper is in circulation,in this city,which has received a large number of signatures pledging the signers to answer,at the earliest moment,any call for aid which may be made by any Southern State.To Virginia,their old and revered mother, they acknowledge their first allegiance, bot should she not call upon them,they will answer any saimmons which may be inade from any section of the sunny South.The majority of the signers are young and athletic men,who,fired attheinsultsandoutragessolongperpe- trated on their section by the Northera States,are rife for diseolution,and who ure ready and willing to stake their lives and fortunes,in defence of this cherished object.—Lynchburg Republican. oo = tae A bad wife is a shackle on her husband's feet,a barden on his shoulder, a palsy to his hands,smoke to his eyea, vinegar to bie teeth,a thorn to his side, a dagyar to his heart. 142 [le who is sneered at as a manof yesterday,may tnake himeclt a man of the coming centary. [277 Discretion is the salt,and faney the sugar of life;the one preserves,the other sweetens it 1487 The reflective leara from their errors;the inconsiderate only suffer from them. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. Seesion of 1860-61. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Ra.aicn,Wednesday,Dec.12,1860. The Howse met pursuant to adjournmentwhenprayerwasofferedbytheRev.Mr.Wal thral.After the introdyction of sundry Bills and petitions,yot of vei special importance Mr.MEANS eaietied the cracked inet ot a public meeting mm Martin,which were read audreferredto,the Committee on Federal Kelations.Beport from Committee on Federay Relauons.Mr.PERSON from the joint select Committee on Federal Relations,made a majority report,with a bill providing for the call of a ConventionoftheStatetomeetontheIgihdayof,February 1861,the delegates to which are to be elected on the 7th day of the same month,andrestrictingtheConyentiontotheconsideration , of matters ining to our Federal Relations. Mr.MEBANE from the same Committee: made a minority report,against hasty action in ans a State Convegtion,and generally in fa- yor of conservative setion. The followingarg the reports of both Com-mittees: REPORT OF THE JOINT SELECT COMMITIFE FEDERAL RELATIONS. The Joiat Select Committee on Federal hiela- tions,to whom were referred all that part of theGovermror's Message upon the subject of Federal Relattons and which recommends. \,That this General Assembiy invite the Southern States to a conferenge,orsach of themasmaybednclinedto“enter into ‘consultation, with us,upon the present gandition of the coun- try,and ia case that shall be found impractica-ble,then,2.The sending af one or more delegates to our neighboring States,with the view of secur- ing concert of action,and,3.Thata Convention of the people of the State be galled to assemble immediately after the proposing consultation with the other South-! ero States shall have terminated,and, 4.The reorganization of the militia and the formation of a corps of ten thousand volunteers, with an organization separate from the main body of the militia,and that they be suitablyarmedandequipped: And to whom was also referred sundry reso- jutions,someof which were introduced origi- nally in the Senate add House of Commons, and others passed by meetings of the peuple invariouspartsoftheState,and laid before theLegislatureattherequestofthosemeetinys; apd to whom was also referred “a bill tu authorizeandrequiretheGovernoroftheStateof North Carolina to call a Convention of the peo ple of the State,and for other purposes therein named,”respectfullyREPORT, ON That they bave considered the same,with a ful! appreciation of the momentous interests involy ed,and have come to the deliberate conclusion, that the present crisis in our national affairs vely imperils the rights and equality of North Carolina in the Union,and that the sove reign people only have theright to determine the mode and measere und time of redress;and therefore the committee submit for your consid- eration the accompanying bill for calling a Cun- vention of the people,and earnestly recommend its is And they further report,that they are fully im with the belief that it is necessary to our safety tbat the miliua should be thoroughly reorganized,and that a volunteer corps of thousand men sbould be speedily formed,and armed and equipped in the most efficient man per;and they earnestly recommend that both sbai]be done,and that it be referred ta the Com- mittee on Military Affairs,in order that they may furnish the details of measures for that pur- And the Commitee ask leave to report back all other matters referred to them,and to be dis. charged from their further consideration. Respectfully submitted, Sawcec J.Switn,CA’n, MINORITY REPOPT. The undersigned,members of the Committee on Federal Relations,unable to concur in the views of the majority,submit the following re- the opinion of the minority,at an earlier pe than the exigencies of the occasion demands.Iisdeclaredinthebil]that the purpose of the Convention is to consider all grevances iwnpair- ing or affecting the equality and nghts of the State of North Carolina as a member of the United States,and determine the mode,mea sures and time of redress,and delegates are to be chosen on the 7th and asseinble on the 1sth of February next.As the bill and report of the majority donotindicate any specific ynevan ces,the minority of your Committee on FedeialRelationsareunabletodeterminewhetherit14intendedtomaketheimpressionthattheFedera! Government has recently assumed any unusual and menacing attitude towards North Carolina affecting ber equality and rights as one of thy United States.Exercising the myht of conjec ture,the minority of your Committee suppor that the grievances complained of are the per sonal liberty laws enacted by sume of the Nor ern Staies,hindering the proper execuuen of the Fogiuve Siave Law.If the minority of your Committee be not mistaken in this «nj c tare,they would respectfully suggest that,inas much as these grievances bave existed fora long time ander the present and former adisinistra tivus of the Federal Government,which admin fstrations Lave met the approbation of a large majority of the people of this State,they can- pot now constitute a very urgent reason for thepresentLegiglaturetocalloutthecitizensupon such short Notice,at an unusual and inclement senson of the yedr jo vote fur delegates to a State Convention called,as it is,forthe purpose of changing the relations of the State to thy Federal Government.The laws complained of are not the acts of the General Governinent,but of particular States,and being uuconstitutiona’, are null aod void.If,however,the grievances complained of and not disclosed is the election of Lineoln to the Presideney—an el-etion eth > ted by @ winority vote,in consequence of dis sions among bjs opponents—it 16,in the opin ion of the mingrity,an inadequate cause for cal ing a Convention so hastily,with extraordinary power,whieh may place North Carolina out of the Union before the 4th of March next,and be fore the coantry canbe officially informed of the policy of the incoming administration.Wort: it not be more prudent to abide the determinaty 1 of the great efforts now being made at Wash ingion city and elsewhere by patriotic men,to compromise all difficulues,and obtain more se cure guaranties against the unfriendly ieyisia tion of certain Northern States?Lei the peo ple have time to deliberate that North Carolina may not be precipitated out of the Union,ar her iefluence an 2 peace maker beiwoen the North and South,utterly destroyed.[tis furtherobjectedtothebill,as reported,that i is pot in accordance with the provisions of (hie Conatitution of the State and the usages of 11Legislature.The first section of the fourth tiele of the State Constitution provides that vo Convention of the people of the State shai!be called by the (ieperg]Assembly unless by tie epmcurrenceof two-thirds of all the metabers ot gach House of the (reneral Assembly,and the latter part of said section provides for amen ments the General Assembly.The act of'5T ofthe Legislature,amending the Con ,immediately following the enacting as the words,(two-thirds of the whole| pority of vour Committee,entertaining no doubt but that a concur of two-thirds of all the members of each House is demanded to call a Convention of the people,recommend that these|words be insertOd itamediately after the enact-Surry county. ing clause of the Grat section of the reported bill,and’in gonel io Committee reg:fully suggest that measures be taken to procure a Cousvntion of all the States of the Union,with a view to final settlement of all subjects in controversy between the Northern and Southern States;and if such final sett mentcannot be satisfactonly made.that a prac: able separation of the States and an equitabi distribuvon of the property of the Federal Goy eroment among all the Scites,may be broughs about,and the migority further recommend that the bill reported by the majority do not pars. Kespectfally submitted, “(Gites Mepann, NATHAN NEWB, Davin GQuriaw, On motion,if was ordered,after several inet fectual efforts to take up and amend,that the Reports be made the special ordey on the third of January,On mation of Mr,McCLURE,the Hunse ad Jouryed ‘ Hegugiin,Thorsaay,Dec.15. ‘The House met atthe appointed bour,a vd after prayer by th Rev.Mr.Skinner Sundry peutions and memorials were presented,together wish pegolutions adopted by public meetings in variogs sections of the State,refer ing to our palitiolyadpine Sundry bills,ing.various subjects for legislation,were read for the first time. Mr.DAVIS,of Mecklenburg,introduced a bill to incorporate the Lodustrial Savings Bank of Charlotte,which was referred to the Commit- tee on Banks and Banking. After the introduction of sundry other bills, which were read for the first time,the House adjourned antl Friday morning at the usual hour. SENATE. Kaveron,Thursday,lec.13. The proceedings in the Senate to-day yot of much interest.. After prayer and reading of the Journal Mr.BAKRINGEL totroduced a bill to incor porate the town of Davidson,in Mecklenburg. county,Tt was referred to the Committee ou lucorporations. ‘Yhe bour of 12 having arrived,the resolutions of Mp.BROWN to send Commys-ioners to South Carolina,being the special order,were taken.t At the request of Mr.HALL,the with the proposed amendments,were read. Mr.BROWN addressed the Senate,stating that he had no objection to the first ameadinent and defending its propositions. Mr.MOREHEAD said that he opposed this conference with South Carolina,because ste did not want to confer with any State were resolutions thatif she wishes to go out of the Coion let her go—but when she wishes a conference with us,and she fespecttully asks a conference,then we will give itto her—thought that North Carolina being so alarined about a dissolution of the Union would destroy the moral effect on the North of de se cession yf the State af South Carulina—too ground against the peaceable right of secession, though he acknowledged an inherent night of revolution in all men and all woverniments,—but that if State did secede,thy ion in whe Constitution for forcing ber into the Union Wty No prowds because stich an event was uot contem plated by the framers of thought the Union was already a returping scuse of justice in the Northern Sites. Mr.BROWN addressed the Senate at length, that iustrument— could vet be saved—there in defence of his resolutions and of the right of secegsion, Mr.MOREHEAD again addressed the Sen ate Mr.RAMSAY move:l to make the resolutions the special order for 12 y clock to-morrow On this mouon Mr.bhUWN yeas and nays. ealled for the The motion was lost,ayes 20,nays 22.. Mr.LANE gave notc would move to amend the Senate Mr.HARRINGER moved to adjourn,y’ar ried,and the Senate adjourned to 11 Friday. that on to Joint morrow he Rales of the u clock EeeSMS AU Sile (te I Nic: Tt will be seen by the Legislative pro ecedings that Mr.[ameaay’s resolutions of inquiry of the Treasurer of the State as to Nerth Carolina’s financial condition at the present time,and lier ability te in crease her present indeotednesa,were laid upon the table by the rothless Democratic inajority.Why was this disposition made of these resolutions4 Were the Dumoe racy afraid to get and pnblish to theworldtheTreasurersopinionoftheabil tyeot the State at this tine to add mate rinkly to the indebtedness of the State/ We.of course,do net know,bat we wil “venture a dukedow toa beggarly denier, that if Treasurer Courts’opinions were Known,they would show that he regard ed an 4]topriation suthcient te put thi- State npou a warfootng at this thine would by the height of madness,aliioug he knows,as we all know,that in ordin ary tines the State of North Carolina is abnodantiy able to meet every obligation which she has inenrred in the past,or inay ineur in the future,and that this is proved by the fact that until these late tronbleons times gNorth Carolina Stocks atood A No.Linthe markets.Mr.Courts knows that the Stocks of the State,which have already falleh’thirty-three and a third per cent.,wonkd sink mach lower the moment it wasascertained that North Carolina was preparingfor war,CapitalistswilllendtheirAgémeywhenitiste he emploved for peaceful,conservative, and purposes,but they will be vitif thas duit at all.forrevs Intionary and destractive purposes,tas nseetul alow tod: mneb as revolution and Gdestroetion would auniiilate the very source te which they must look forthe repayment of theme Loar We say opinton,bat if he i as sensible aman as we think him to be,we that we lave hit the nail on the headRaleighRegister, we don't Anow Treasorer Courts’ are very:gure Neccaxion Ty We!witness ed the prproceedin ss of many Legislatures in this State,and nny,ive weean truly sav that we have never seen ao tyrannical a spirit aa thar exhibited by certarn secessior lists nthe present Legislature Pheir object the State af on No appeals he to count r delay tv1RECURS the inoderate and conservative are re vgarded,This apint haa been extitat enpectally tuwards Col.Brown,the S ater from Caswell;buthe beara himneelf oly,demanding tie rylits at the hande lig Opponeuts and:Wworning golden Those men are standing Cpimona among hig friends bers of the Legislature wh ap for a Constitutional Tnion,and op posing secession and revowlon at this time,are entitled to the contidence and thanke of the people of the State.—/u/ Standard, *”=o ‘number of each Honse concurring,)apd the mi.CONSTITUTIONAL UNION MEKRT-| INGS We publish to-day the proceedings of «Constitutional Union meeting held in We shall publish in our, next or subsequent issues the proceedings, the minority of your!of similar meetings held in Bertie,Guil- ford,at Elevation,in Johnson,and in the Auburn district,Wake county.We learn that the Auburn meeting was ably ad- lressed by Q.Bushee and J).G.Fowle, Esquires,of this City.Meetings of a siuiilar character are to be held)soon in Orange,Oarteret,Person and Rowan. A vory large meeting was held in Fay- ettevillgon the 4th instant,Hon,Jesse ti.Shepherd presiding,D.McDiarmid and Joel Williams,Esqnires,Vice Pre- sidents,and Messrs.J.C.Dobbin and J. A.Pemberton,Secretaries.Some excel- lent resolutions,reported by B.R.Tuske, eq ,from a cominittee of gentlemen of both partigg,were adopted.Resolutions differing in substance and tone from thase adopted,were offered and rejected.— Among the rejected resolutions was one endorsing that part of the Governar’s message relating to federal affairs.Theresolutionsadoptedbythemeetingno doubt eambody the sentiments of a vast majority of the people of Cumberland. The Wilmington Journal raises its voice against *Union meetings.”Is the Editor afraid to lear the voice of the peo-| ple¢Is it wrong or impolitic atthis time! ‘to speak out for a Constitutional Union? We think not.The Editor of the Jour- nal is more than pleased at secession meetings,bnt he is tired of that word “Union.”We tell him that the great body of the people of this State are Juss beginning to speak.Tig towns and villages have been heard froin to s0me extent;but the great body of the people who do not live in towns,and who are not unduly excited by contact and dis- cussions with each other,are now coming forward to record their judgments.Zhat record well he for the Constitution and the Union,and against present secession. Mark the prediction. We again say to the people withont respect to part hold your me etings:— hold them jn your Captain’s districts,as well as atyeur county seats,Let your If professional politi- cians,under the influence of the Govern- or of the State,whois committed to dis- voices be heard, Unlon,attempt to lead you or dictate to gon,tell them to stand aside and to learn that you,and not they,are the masters in North Carolina.Tf disunion people will ave to bear the conmequences. [tf soid the people will have toshoulder theirunuskets and march If more money shall be wanted,the pao ple will have to pay itover to ffs.Let the people,then,decide tis ino menteus question for theimeeclves;and let mere agitators,and those who have nothing to lose but every thing to gain comes,th iers are called for, the sher by revolution,and the two penoy oralars, who speak but to inflame,and who in the day ol danver,like Thersites,would do thore tauking than flghting,he know their places. made to When the lion roars et the mice and the winks retire to their holes.—/eul.Standard. +2 Fr the North Carolina Stand PUBLIO MEETING IN SURRY. Tn pursuance to previous notice a portion of the people ufSurry county,irrespective of party distinctions heretofore existing,met at Mount Airy,to take into consideravion the measures proper to be pursued,in order to ward off “the npetwiing cnisis”and maintain our constitution al nahits The meeting was orcanized by appointing Gen.S.Graves,Chasiuan,and Dr.Wm.O Toad,Seeret ao Mn thetion,&COMM IL ed.conssting of J.Fk eawlirst of five was appoint Graves,KS.Gilmer.R away.Hogi Gowen and James S.Hall The comm ties appomted to draft suitable reso vions for the action of the meeting,retired, tod dering their absence the meeting was ad jessedl by Granelle HL.Booker and Dr.Win. pin.itee reported the fellowing resolu Resotir &Voat tyes ts py ver ed—thatonr | consent of tb Resolied of the Norther as ettizens of North ¢ nahtfal government de un the consent of the wovern ederal Union is a Umou by theStateswhichcomposeit Phat while we condemn the action ro States in their unfriendly legis lation,w arglina are stil attaclie »the Federal Cowon,and are unwilling for existing callses fo sever our connection with. toon |ali peaceful efforts have tuled to redress pir fievances and remove our wronss Revelecd That in ord tod obsaig ov rto secure oar rights, tress the Leyislacaratpaiaes tecongit to provide be law tora convention nes composed of delegates chosen on Jeral basis,to be held at the Capitol at an early day,to take inte consideration the praper course for the state of North Carolina to pur sue opdeduin ourselves,as we ows allegiance tinst to North Carolina to abide the determina tion of the Convention. Resolved,That in the settlement of our oxist diffienines,we desire the Union of all the Southern States,and to this end the State Convention ought to appoint delegates to meet delegates from the other Southern States in con vention to consult upon the existing difficulties and to settle peaceably if pussible.Rewiinets ver with the ing That if it becomes necessary to con States before the inewting af the convention,then the I other Southern gislature ence with oucht to institute measures for a conf var sister Scates of the South,and that such del vyates as the Legislature inay appornt te confer with other States,be instracted to use all peace Inewns to procure a satisfetory settlement o unrest nie diffientties,and use their influertopreventanyStatefromactingpreeiprtatels in invewing the whole eountey rd inrep anal! Wy Phe res i were then yoted upon sepa ately othe first and second were adopted unan nously ow itoalteratior The third was anended Ly stiking out all afer the word pur wand then adopted by an almost unanimous ;there bene only a few dissenting voices The fourth and tifth resolutions were adapte withont ehange by a lange majority imonnt ny alinost to uOanimitytwasordered,that np mat retary furmsh our Senator and member an usin the Le copy of the proces lings of thie taeeting.and the Com ALO NOW witha Session that we send acopy to the N.C Standard,with the request that the Greensboro Patriot and other papers in the State please copy On motion the meeting alourned ene dic December 6th,1860 SUGVAN ES Cis N Ww 0.Reip,Seer’y The Court The Gourt of North Carolina commenced ite winter term in this City on Monday the 10th,all the Judges being in attendance. Raleigh Standard. Supreme Supreme “ee ~T Congressional, Wasuixcron,Dee.10,1800. Senxate.—The Senate agreed to continue the standing Committegs of last session. Mr.Sumper presented a memorial from Thad- deus Hyatt,asking aid for the people in Kansas. With relation tothe selegt committee of thir: teap an the Pregidept’s Message,Mr.Powell,of Ky.,urged its appointment. Mr.King,of New York,wished to amend Mr.Powell's resolution so as to read—“for the protection of persons as well as property in the United States,and inquire wha legislation is necessary for the maintainance of the Federal power.” Mr.Green,of Mo.,was willing to amend the Constitution,38 well as give power to the Exee- utive to enforce the laws and maintain the mghts of person and property.He advocated q Fed- eral police along the boundary line between the free and slave States,with power to arrest and return fugitive slaves. Mr.Powell's resolution was amended go as to strike out the portion inquiring as to the peces- sity of additional Federal power. Mr.Green advoeated the amendment of the Constitution,provided it was sustained by pub- le sentiment;not otherwise.Before the good old times cau be restored,the Government must intervene to protest the States,and if possible clog the wheels of dissolution until a reaction takes place. Mr.Foster,of Conn.,favored allaying publ excitement.He advocated Powell's resolution, Mr.Douglas,of Ill,was ready to act with any body or individual for the preservation of the Constitution,and gryed all to lay aside their| party feuds and petly grievances,and look to our country and not.to party.{Applause in the gallerics.] Mr.Davis,of Miss.said the prospect present- ed was not a yery hopeful one.If Federal co ercion be used,the Union is shattered to fray ments,The remedy lies in the heart of the peo ple.The South is prepared to do justice.The vepealof the Personal Liberty bills is but of at tle account—the only remedy is in the hearts of the people.He would resist Federal coerciun. and argued against its constitutonality The debate was continued at great length,and pending a motion to postpone the resojution ul! Monday,the Senate adjourned, Hovse.—Mr.Hawkins explained at leng why be could not serve on the Boteller commit tee,and in the course of his remarks be bitterly attacked the unfair construction of the gommt on Winter Dapresenttheent ee tee: He was particularly seve vis,who,he sa ment of tis St: ‘sowave far Mississippi,Aldana,Florida,Georgia and S Carolina would «and Pexas certainty te iow warnitte that ertainky seced \thausas, Lousiana and Tie se lection of the members of the comeuittee tence l to disgrace and irritate the So hatching up a peace bad gour by Phe trae Messrs.Vallandigham plained that the Democracy of ue 6 were unrepresented on the Co Mr.Sickles said if disunion canes,No Yor city wil set yp for herseif a tree port | Ue the present qitescion,he the varlit tae lieans must take the initiative.and unjust laws,as well as give the po tion to Southern nights.Tf they walt t the Constitutian of vor forefathers,it expected that Chey cabot cab amend it,sucded i such den as Seward,Giddings and Samoer,o as to secure the objects sought tor The vote was taken on Hawkins request te be excused. Mr.Sherman,by consent,reported a bi thorizing the issue of $10,000,000 notes,toy inect the necessities,which was passed Phe bill provides tur six per cent.interest,and Lreas authorizes the Secretary to issue them,as te quired by necessity,to the bighest bublers tor specie,without restriction as to par value. |Adjourned. PKOGRAMME FOR THE SOUTHERN RE reels elt New Yorn,Dec.10.—The Herald’.Wash ington correspondent says this new,important aud turmal programme which bas been present ed for the considerativgn of the turs,Was talked over iu caucus. Souther Sena Tt emanates Lhe first otjeet is postpone Muar action from Latuar of Mississippi. to get the colton Slate so as tu vive Lime foro rate with The Svutheru States 1m se;ctl ier Southern to co ope them.plan is ty have all the Couventions at tae saine tine,abd adopt toe present government ot the United States at ist,without any altera tious)to provide for Wie execution of all laws abd treaties,abd tor the general peaceable ope ration of all the machinery of the present poy ernment.Even after ie had svlemnly withdrawn feou the Union,invite all other States to Jove then,with the hope that Kugland will stay out Phe first th all the Southern States iu separate Convention several States ature in Wie programme is to have at the sae Uine,and have such a perfect auder standing tual they shuwil on the same day adopt the samme ordinanges,Verbatiro et hileratiia Second,that such oninances,whiist severing i.a soley Way the vonds which United Siates of North shall provide that the laws of the Uutted states -avd effect atmonst the seceding States,aod that the present Constibu uinie said States to the Atmenca, shall remain vu tull tor tion shall be their Constiiagon and compact at 4 which are now of force in the Republic of Uh l ted States of North America,under the author Third,that laws and deemions ourts ty of the government:the shall be adopted ug a body of laws for the Federal Government of this,the United States of the South. Fourth,that the peop e of the United States of the South hereby bind themselves to observe and sacredly carry out the stipulations of all treaties,subsisting between the United States of North America and forego governments aute- rior to the date af this ordinance,vot]such treaties are changed or alte or dissegarded by such action with this government.“Fitth,that the fallowing persons are hereby appointed electors for the State of ,aud hereby authorized and empowered to cast.the vote of this State,on such dav as may be agree President and Vier the United States of the South,and such persons as upon,for President ot may receive the highest number of votes,accord ne to the Constitution which las been re-adopt ed,shall be elected,inaugurated and invested ne ¢with the powers cont:rred by the se ynsth hution upon the Fyscutive,on the twentieth das ter the adoption of this ordinance, Sixth,that the Conventions are to provide for the dmmediate convention of a Congresa of the United States of the South,either appointed:by or authonze therthemselves,present Repre- and that all officers,mail consentativestoact} tractors,Marshals and dtndges shall retain their offices until othenwise ordered FROM WASHINGTON Wastiscros,Dec,10.—The tmpression pre wale here that the border States are about | advise the eotlon States,in case they secede,to submit temporarily to the existag tanff and pos Wash (rovernment, recog nize the Commissioners,or the negotiations fail tal laws,and to send Commissioners to the Federal and bloodshed; ington to treat with and thus avoid collisic to be consummated,then the border States will follow their sister Southern States in Secession The Herald's rnmor that Lincoln has address- ed conciliatory letter to Jeff,Davie.is discredited here Messrs.Miles,McQueen and Boyer,of S.C, had an interview with the President to day Result unknown Secretary Cobb has certainly resigned,and |will retaro home on Thusday The President,to-day,was assured from au-The overland express mail from Cali- thentic sources that South Carolina will not op-fornia arrived yesterday at Fort Kearny. pose the collection of the revenye,nor the Fed-The vote of the State for President was eral retention of the forts during the remainder as follows:Lincoln,88,7024 Douglas, of bis administrauon.7:= What Western men say—CGen.Scott in Wash- ington—The President says he will collect the Customs—Replenishing the Federal Purse —Cvuugressiona Doings,etc.,etc. Wasuixcros,Dee.11. The Democrats from the Northwest have bad several conferences relative to the present condi tion of political affairs.‘They generally take the position set forth in McClernard’s and Vallin digham’s speeches o vesterday,namely ;that the Union cannot de dissolved peaceably ;that the Northwest will,under no circumstances,cop sent to be cut off trom the Gult of Mexico,ar from the city of New York;and that the Fed eral Government,natwithstanding its faults,is of inestimable value.Their leading ifea is that of a Central Government,embracing the Middle, Western,and Border Slave States,but depend ing on future circumstances for its consummation. Secretary Cobb leaves Washington to-mor row for ume.He has prepared the people of Georgia to secede,calling ypon them to arouse all their manhood,so as,an the 4th of March, to announce and maintain their independence out of the Union,saying that they can never again expect equality and justice 10 it He en- tertains no doubt either of their right or duty to secede. Lieut.Gen.Winfield Scott will arrive bere to morrow, The President stated,in a regent conversation with gentlemen,that he intended to collect the revenue at Charleston,and in case the present Col lector resigned,he will send an officer there for that purpose,and if resisted in the performance of the duties,the present law of Congress him ample power to:enforce their collection; whieh doubtless means that be will place a rey nue officer on buard a man-ol-war,and collect them under Fort Moultrie.The President,how ever,does not anticipate any such necessity on his part His stated Senators and [epresencatives trom the five States the Union,that ire to dechire that to be an understanding here with that are early to se >from he ordinances of secession« Ul laws and treaties of the United States shail tstanduntilaiettortsorplapsforare-untot of t have faredieStatesstial Besides the t dbsent from the city Senator Joboson,of South Carolina Senators,there are Alabama,Mallory,of Fiorida,and Toombs,ot (recruit YOTION OF THE COMMITTEE THIRTY THIRER Wasttiscios,Dee.13 >House Commit Phres to-day took the f tee of Thirey with hetiot that portion of che Message referring: eodine dthcultes relative to the South Mir Rask.of Arkansas.offered the following Resoleed,Vinat in the opinzen of this Com inittee the exiting disconten nong the Sontt aod growing hostility:among them Jeral Groverninent,is generalhytote ae whether this discontent:and dros without Just cause of uot,any reasons roper.abd constitutional remedyes aud et tectual vudragties of their peculiar imterests,as wnized by the Constitution,necessary and verte the peaere of the country and prosper soofthe Fnion,shouldbe promptly and cheer lly granted \fer vote upon several ametdments prot Phe proposition of Mr.Rusk was then adopt ed,by the following vote + Ayes,—Messrs.Corwin,Milson,W Campbell,Love,Davis of Md.Stratton,Br : lhaun,Taylor,Kellogg,Houston.helps, tusk.Howard,Hamilton,Curtis,Burch,Wood islnsl son ham and Stour—21. Na Messrs.Adams,Ferry,Humphrey,Koo neon.banpan,Morrill,Morse and Washbarn os Abr.Davis of Miss.dechnned to vote oe SUMMARY OF NEW 1 inc twenty six hity Londred usand five hundre immense on (three a}d and i fothe Agricultoral Repost »Patent OH orderedby¢ ast session,was com last ek by the Senate Printer,and wal! vestoatly an the hands of members ot Cobctess, A disapateh from Columbia,Seath Ca r Le ek ks In reference to the propa }commissioners from Virgin ther border States t rolina convention,the Graar |ind :neeless measare-—that awillopet Tisten to persona sion trom ans rer.”ATL the annem ers tins far known to be elected ta the Cotes uppear to G1 favor “ot promi recession, A Cinttieston dispatch savas ¢The con ent election returns trom diatriets Wiha ¢W remoperation in PSo2 shovw Ab eTAO TEN lem pa hie oplnten,the Voie ti taver:of separate secession being twenty to enue agalust A Washington dispateh te the Balti- ate ured,from oan rope Preside Sun,dated vesterdav,says: Nas pat been a rontie source,that the authernti1 es ot South€colina Wil inake no resistance either to the codection of daties or to the frederat possession of the forte wuarding Charleston harbor during the remainder of dis Aciinistration Governor Brown,of Georgia,has writ ten a long letter favoring secession, Tie Boston municipal elect took for Mayor andl City Councils.The candidates for Mayor were Jonepl M Weishtinan,Bemocrat and Uniomet,and Moses Kamball,tepubli ean Lhe vote stood:Weightman,3,768, and Kimball,5681.The Unionists alse carried the City Coane by a lunge ora jority place vesterday The Mayor of Philadelphia issued the following proclamation on the Lith,eall ing a Pmon meeting at noon the 13th,at the State TLouse : CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHEAS Ata time when the coutinuanee of our National |mois in and the breaking up oof our Contedera:peri Ie castir 1 nar at 1 t Uoeon and ts Constititns and Laws To this end,by advice of the Couneis afl Phila Jalplaa,PE carnestly te you.daving aside you allings,to asseinble at the State House.a ot Thursday next,that than honest sense J your responsability as At CAN CHHi7eENS You Tay insel together to a the danger which threa our country,an relying pen the faAlmightyGod,you may seekto perpetnate:for yourselves ang your vthe blewunes of cot stitntional liberty '-Given under ny hand and the seal ofpis;the City of Phiadelphia,this tenth day of December,in the year of our Lord one thousand eight handred and sixty ALBXANDER Mayor HENRYofPhiladelphia There was a disturbance in Music Hall, Boston,on Sunday,on the occasion of a DouglasslecturebyFred |88,060;Breckinridge,3,400.The cen- aus just taken shows the popolation of ‘the Btate to be400,000. The weekly report of the New York banks shows an increase of loans of $676,904 Increase of specie &20,981. Increase of circulation,$150,250.In- crease of deposits,$11,361,448. The water is to be drawn out of the New York canals to-morrow. Hon,Herschel V.Johnson,of Georgia, late a candidate for Vice l’resident of the United States,has written a letter to A. Belmont,Esq.of New York,on the pre- sent aspect of affairs.He thinks that South Qarelina will be out of the Union before the new year comes ip.She will be sustained,if not followed,by Florida, Mississipp!,Alabama,and Georgia.— Something must be done to gain time for reflection,The people of the South will’ remain in the Union,if permitted ta do so and enjoy their constitutional rights. Mr.Johnson sume up soythern grievan ces,and thinks the South has been remar- kably patient in its relations with the North.The North,he says,muet act promptly and decidedly,or the Union is mt 2gone. In consequence of the violent action of the vigilance committees,the Mayor of Savannah,Georgia,has offered a reward of $100 for the apprehension and canvic tion of persons unplioated in their out rages. The New York Tribane says:“Com modore Shubrick,who has been fifty years in the Navy,has prepared his let- ter of resignation,to be tendered when, [tis said to be conceived in the most touching terme. Captain Ingrahan,who has goue to the Mediterranean,+understood to have lett his in view of te same contingency, Phey are esteeniod amoung the beast othcers in the service.” Sonth Carolina siall secede. Tie Baltimore Sun sava that Senator Chiv,of Alabania, ernor Moore lis resignation as Sepater from Alabama,to take effect on the 4th of Miurch,unless the State should seener secede has tendered te Cov A circular has Governor of Texas,to en addressed,by the the Governors of the other southern States,inelosing reso lutions adopted hy the Texas Legislature, agt Winter,in taver of a convention of the southern States,whenever a majority fos States ceem it necessary,In trarsmmitting the resolutions,Governor Houston expresses the hope that sneh an assembly may “restore harmony between the twe sections of the Union.” Phe Toronto Goce says that the con- vulsons in American trade,resalting frou political toubles,have attected Canada very perotcly, that Hon. retary of the Treasury, two,publish a letter ta with the President on the abject of sccession,apd that he pro poses on Thuraday next to repair to Greor- via,where he is a candidate for the State Poe Baltimo: Howell Cobb,See will, Sun says naday or king direct issue Convention to assemble on the 7th prox ine. The New York shipping and commer- cial Met saves “Our accounts from the South and West.as regards trade,mdi cate bat brtle change for the better.-- The pressure is severe at New Orieans itthe banks there,it is beleved,will Weather the storm.Several heavy ter atlares have been announced am ere fche week.Suspensionsare pron,Lhewise,in nearly all the other creat-ertes.The New Eagland manu Hacturing interests are sntfering severely, vod but forthe liberal poliey adopted by New York t ui the ere ia reason to tear pearly robanks wonld be forced into sos- un the West the reports areersdety‘thongh the finanCEPNYCtscearageitigs, Clal Writers,tor the taost part,preserve a tone.” The Nisiail state That the rotors wa cirenlation as to Vhe offer ota place te the bhon.John Bell TNpee doe Cabinet,are withont Viehtest foundation.No intimation of snich optention has been communicated to Mr.Beilo either by Mr.Lincoln him self or throngh any ef his frends. Cheerbas le Banner is authorized to wale the sli Notwithstanding the cordial and kind reception of the Japanese Eunbassy in the Uinnted States,there has been no favora ble change in the conduct of the Japan ese Government toward Amerrcans,The eXpert trade of the country,it 8 sab,i8 almost entirely under the contro)of the Grovernment,and so auccesatul lhas it been ip checking its normal apd Jegitt inate yrowth,by interferences and re strictions in direct violation of its treaty obligations,that our merchants have been doing lesa and less,till now a great ma- jority are doing nothing at all,and busi bess isn a worse and more unsatisfactory state,if possible,than ever before. Judge Dongtas is still Jame in conse queuce of the accident that happened to litn-on the steamboat at Montgomery, MMabama. A naval exploring party,in.command of Toentenant North,of the Navy,left Norfolk on Wednesday in the steamer Calypse,for Albemarle sound. - Low Prrers.—It is estitnated that two hundred millions of dollars would not cover the loss eceasioned by the preaent tall of prices of all kinds of produce,pro- perty,and stocks.We rather place the the first place,the slave property of the South ern States has been valned at four thous and imilhona,and that has fallen at least one third aut at two thonsand milhons.In Cotton has fallen 25 per cent, stocks as much,real estate nearly asmuch, |1 The nasal store business in this part of North Carolina is depressed to an unpar alleled extent.Whoever heard of Spirits Porpentine at 24 centaa gallon?And as for Rosig,the common qualities will not bear moving at all an The only things that keep up here are eatables.bhey too innet fall,and that ROOT):Wool has declined at the North aa much as cotton,say 25 per cent. Fayetteville Observer Ay . North Carolina Confrence, Appointments for Preachers, The Conference adjoarned at a late hour on Tues. day night,11th of Dee.instant,after one week's laborous session.The following appomtments were announced at the close,to wit: RALEIGH DISTRICT—W Baagrinaxn,P.EK, Raleigh City Mission,S D Peeler.{Colored Mission,W E Pell.8 Circuit,R C Maynard. Tar River,J B Martin,J ReidHenderson,Lemon Shell.Person,Paul J Caraway. Leesburg,Alfred Norman Theophilus W Moore.Chapel Hill,JA Conmmggim, Hillsboro’,B B Guthrie.Louisburg,M C Thomas.Nashville,R T N Stevenson Millsboro’Circuit,J W Tinnin. Rutuos T Heflin,Editor of NC Ch.Advocate,andWEPell,Assistant Editor. J P Moore,Ag't for Amer.Bible Society. GREENSBORQ!’DISTRICT—N F Rui,P.E. Greensboro’Station,LL Hendren.\Guilford,Chas H>Phillips. q South Guilford,RS Webb. Davidson,J W Lewis,Forsythe,DW Doub.Stokes.WB Richardsan. Winston,James B Mann High Point,OJ Brent and JB Allford.Wentworth,1)Bruton Alamance,C } Yanceyville Franklinsville,Geo E Wyche Prinity Coll B Craven Ashboro’,Jet HE Robbins B Craven,Proat and N Ht D Wilson,Ag't TrinityCollege. SALISBURY DISTRICT—W HL Bossirr,P.E. Salisbury Station,A W Mangum. Rowan,R A Waulis.Kast Rowan,kb Wood. Mocksville,WoC Gannon and W Albea Iredell,d W Floyd and T B Reeks,South Iredell,WD Meacham. Alexander,TL Triplett. Jonesville,JT Keerans, Wilkes,WOM Robey \Surry,James F Sinvot. (Sauratown Mission,8 H Helsabeog. Blue Ridge Mi-«on,6 W Avent. Fishers River Mission,J M GunnWASHINGTONDISTRICT—]7 Wrcus,PE, \Washingtou Station,C P gones. Granville ¢Avent Chapel,to be sapphed Roavoke Job Bisber and TB Kingsbury Warren,J TE Wheeler and JW Jenking Pivinonth,Joseph Wheeler Wilhainsten,WS Chatha ROP Bibb.(riven vilelatntlia.BOB Cuibreth Mattaniusheet,WOM Walsh aod WA Smith, Bata,WEL Moore V Neu,WOR Clegg Psat Creek Mission JHE HillPortsnouthandOcracocke,AR Raven,Cape Hatteras Mission,MoM Taylor,auoke Cold M MJ Haunt Tarborougis JB Bottitt Tar Raver Cold Mission,MEO Hight, NEWRERN DISTRICT—Wa Cross,PB Newberr Station -Centenary,J 5 Long Andrew Ct |Mission,NA Hooker Newbern cuit,JJ Hines Snow Ell feo Wo DeemsWilsonHETHudson,N A H Goddin. Centenary Mission,CW King.1 Carson Parker 1 Mission,JR Broc we RS Moran Everettsville:BR Loug oy Joues,FJ BatmanTrent,EA Wilson,PW VarreltBeaAnnstreet,RG Barrett. Puss Chapel,John dons. Straits,TL TroyEdvecombe,WH Barnes. Morehead City,E A YutexorokoutMission,to be supplied.Wayue Fetale (3M Frost,President WILMINGTON DISTRICT—C F Duns,Pik Front street,T W Gothne Firth street,Jas W Wheeler Seariaos Hethel,Jno No Andrews, Topsail JB BaileyDophoaJBWiihame ola DB Noctrotson w Dougan©Jobinson sou.HOH Gibbons,L W Martin,Sup \Biadeo,Wo Harris ySonth River Moassion,D Culbreuh ollege W lmngten bdizabeth JP Simpson Witevitie,TJ Gattie Sustovile,AD Betts i Bear Mission,Wo MD Moore Rast,Jolin C Brent FAYETTEVILLE DIST.—Perer Dove,P.BK Favettevilic 5 3 Burkhead.Evan Chapel,Jno L NewbyavettevalleCircuit,JC Thornas, ape Fear,©Barrar Haw River,3 D AdamsPittsboro’,PAG Secvetl Deep River,©M Anderson Station Cape1 Montgomery,Z Rush Rockingham,&Tiletr,WOH Wheeler Uwharne,JC Mages Robeson WM Jordan,oae to be supplied, Missionary to Caina,Marcas L Wood. THE SECESSION MOVEMENT. Avocsra,Ga,Dec.13,.—Thomas R.Cobb «out with a recommendation to the seceding States to fix the time of their ordinancoes of se- reason to take effect fream the 15th or 20th of Febrnary.Ip the meammrne the Commission-‘ore of the seceding States may meet and consult abont the propnety of stepping out of the old Union into another,based on the consolidation of the United States, Baron Rover,La.Dee.13.—The Senate bas passed the Convention bill. The Mississippi Commissioners having ap- nonneed the action of that State,asking the co- operation of Louisiana,a resolution was adopted py the Senate requesting the Government to communicate its action to the other slave States. Unanrestoy,Dec.13,—The “Courier”of to-day says it believes compromise im ible. Couvura,8.C,Tyec.18.—The Senate to- day adopted a report:appropriating $500,000 for any exigencies which secession may create. AL GUSTA,Dec.13 —Large secession meetings were held last night at Savannah,Co- lumbos and Atlanta.So far the meetings are generally more conservative than beretofore— all,however,favor resistance in some form. Moxtcomery,Ata.Dec.13.--The Mont- gomery *Advertiser”of yesterday publishes a presentinent of the Grand Jury of the District Federal Court,declaring the Federal Goverp- ment worthless,impotent and a nuisance for permitting violations of the Constitution in the States —nullifying the Fugitive Slave Jaws,aod for other causes. Gra, sce FROM WASHINGTON Wasnixatos,Dec 7 —The Putnam Phalanx,® visiting company from New Hampshire,visited the President to-day,and were courteously received.— They were reviewed by Mesars,Floyd and Toucey They viaited the tomb of Washington yesterday They left for home this afternoon.There ia a better feeling to-day amongthe Con-gressinen.It 1s believed a strong movement 1sbe- ing initiated out-side of Congress for a Southern Convention as foreshadowed by the National Intel NigencerThePresident hae given assnrance that hewill not reinforee the forts of Charleston harbor,Ma) Anderaon,at Fort Moultrie,has not asked for more troope The heat felis:prevails between the gar neon and the eitizens.All the members of the select committee of 33 will serve except Boyce and Hawkins.Hamilton, of Texas,has not yet arrived GEN.WALKER'S REMAINS. Morte Capt Weat,who went to Troxillo after Gen.Walker's remains,has returned without them,in consequence of an Honduran law prohibiting exhurnation Col Rudler was well,humanely treated,and hop-ing for a epeedy release Dec 7 nce, ‘, 0 Tues. week's ts Were PK Trinity r FX: OR: ith, PRK dent ua Poi r ndrews. up. ce,PB ed. L ,R.Cobb 2 seceding and consult of the old psolidation The Senate having ap- vag the co- ras adopted rmment to lave States. Courier”of npossible. Senate to- x $500,000 ay create. 6 secession apnah,Co- neetings are yeretofore— e form.The Mont- publishes a the District ral Goverp- iuisance for ution in the e jaws,and n Phalanx,@re,visited the y received.-land Touceyonyesterday ong the Con- vement is be->a Southern fational Intel that he willharbor,Ma) sked for more ween the gar nmittee of 33 s.Hamilton, INS who went te has returned Honduran law ated,and hop- “Carolina Gelatehman. STS Olin)weve TUESDAY EVENING,DECEMBER 1s ino Religious Notice. ET The Rev.Jeruno Remece will preach nt Fenuk in Church, Bundey afternoon the 23d instant at Zo’clock,PM, .-: PUBLIC MEETING.—POSTPONEMENT Owing to the inclemeney of the weather on Sat- urday last,the public meeting adVertised tor that day was not held.On consultation with friends of the movement,it has been proposed to postpone said meeting to meet 11 o'clock on Saturday beticeen Yeur !Christmas and New This is designed to be a meeting for all the free- men of Rowan County who teel an interest iu the public peace,prosperity aud happiness of Che Coun try.Come together fellow -citizens,and join in counsel on that day.Your country aud all that you hold dear is in jeopardy;and it will be protitabie| for us all to meet and talk over the matter and de termine what is best for us as a peuple tudo.We have a common tuterest and a common destiny, and itis the daty of every man for himself and tis children to look uarruwly at the course ol events bow trauspiring around Gs,ae Liev 1 late to our tia tuoual condition.Tt is his duty to act cautiously and under the guidance of wisdow and righeousLetnothiugbedoneinhaste and it were ness.for the ocea sion Is One of intictise gravity not to act atall than to act and then retract action,We have a great daty to perform,aud at should be done in a tnanner to retleet credit:upon |yone forever retter that our names when we are of liumat frou these scenes HAMDSOME COMPLIMENT. Rome of the young gentler | tertaing @ Ligh appreciation of the pastoral labors of the Rew.Mr.Gee rakig.of the Methodst Mpiscopal Church sented bina.oa Saturday,a bed rved comp! Me Nuon has terete service of silver Jt was a well desandreflectscredit mn both pa snomination ti tand dewourt ay thie Mtr A Vv and au waruing them tu tee tue wrath Whatever these yuuuyg zen express they have made the fidelity of thus tactt come, (hetase ves witty vi Mr GreTu rie has eles yun Dp ' generally.and will varry wees hint sew tjotinWiltuingtoatheaffeesniteregard our nimunity Mystetien =N Kes Mi Swinky a tee evel Vie v thie N t ay raf wre the purpose of racing tugds to aad tn beard . Methodist FE.Chureli,Sout!W nytt 4 Det or tor dare Ni ws found in our streets about dl aclock Monday night.Gatles«his eoat wily altogetiier in great biaar ie 'wud gacatal Ve Was conveyed tet ":tis ition He says be was overtah voastra royust atten dark,who av tach atin thre paven ent Lal OV Sonne tients te was deprived came of fim uotil at ule one he foam Ginselfout of town,on 1 ark Hie mney,tat ‘y this oecarrence and wath wan which throw s fonatie at by him so thar although an aéie ; }ase Tpiusietes a swu,ta Mr Saitew was drank.an Wicked pe spue hb ¢wot u tborsowere din } anid ge wy an u T a eu of chestia es State 1 votes ing ip al!that HSE Cates pect tyoand the erency in the great work of tle wis Kong dou. ENTIRACT IOP VOLE UTE ETMas NV CASIONAL CORRESPON DEN | Ravgion,Dee.13,1860 ****** The Committee on Federal relations have re: ported,the majority recommending the on the 7th of February,of delegates bo vention to meeton the sth of the same mont! The minonty Outlaw,Mebane and Newby,are opposed ction a Con- of the Committee consisting calling a Convention at such an inclement sex son of the year,and for reasons ase report which vou will see,among whieh ws oh jection to the bill on the ground that it does not state that fro therds of the members are neers: sary to call the Convention.Such is the deter mination of the disunionists here to go before the people that they are determined that ®ma edint! jority of the Legislature shall call a Convention ; and they wish to call it early,so that this good old State may be precipitated out of the Union before the 4th of March Gov.Morebead made a strong speech today ov Brown's resolutions.His argument was ir resislable against the constitutional right of secession.Brown replied and Morehead rejoin- ed.The subject is open for to morrow The House has postponed the consideration of the report on Federal Relations until 3d of January. The friends of a Constitutional Union,and of moderation and calm deliberation in our pubic comncils,should speak out at once and arrest the rash aod indecent baste of disuniomsts in the Legidature.No Carolinians vet the Un ton,and while they are able to count one me!/100 fine hundred thousand conservative,|ion loving frienda in the 18 free States,they cannot, with |due respect to them,rasbly the Yes of our national compact.[Lincoln's ma Jority in all the free Statesisonly about 270,000.| Before madly rushing into the vortex of disunton,it would be wise to consider whether or not there is sufficient canse,and whether it i not possible to remove that cause without resorting to 80 desperate aad Hazardous xn experiment My opimon ww that the Convention,if called will only be a pretextofthe disunioniste to teans fer the agitation from the leaders to the peo ple,and by inflamatory appeals,to inaugurate the secession move.If so “prenva ture,impolitic,dangerous and unjust”to go be fore the people on ad vaforem,law much great love sunder and it was er will be the danger of precipitating thie move without giving the people abundant time far re flection,and before exhausting every other mea sure for redress of grievances |C j oo Wasitnatos,Deoonmber 1.3 At a meeting of Southern members thig even @ resolution was adopted,denouncing the resolativolateReubenDavisfeosefMrRust,and declaring that i wa for the Committee to do any thing presided at ula meeting Private legters from prominent citizens of GmaandAlabamaindicatemorefavorable« ments in retation to the maintenance of the Union although no decided reaction hae taken place SOUND SENSE. 4"We make the following extract from a jong article in the Richmond Whig: “It is not our purpose at present to enter iato any elaboration of our Views in reference to the pending crisis,but ooly to hint at them ina very brief inanner.Iu the first place,then,we are for exhausting all rational and honorable expe dients for obtaining a redress of Southern rie vances in the Union,before taking up our hat and walking out of the Union,‘To this end we are for a State Convention—for a Cousention of the Southera States —and for a general Couven tion of ald the States.Aud if,Ghroueh the in strumentality of these various Conventior cauuot ettect an of the ditherenees tod difficulties exisiug between the North We adjustment aud the South,then we are in favor,vot of secessvon, but of a separation apou tair and Just term,to the States.Lo the adjustinent can bx fertns of separation,if no had come,we shall demand a tar and «guitible dh vision of all the property of the United)States including,of Course,the South's just proportion of the army aod navy. and)separation must If such division of the army aod wavy,and of all the public propertyoftheUnitedStates,including Likewise the pubhe domain,stiould be refused ax by the Nor thern Sustes,then we shall be an favor ueather of peaceable secession nor of peaceable s paration, but of iimtnediate war,and war to the kite, and war ty the “bitter end.” Such ts our progratiue,aud such our policy, tnogeneral terms;and such,we trast.will be the programme avd policy of Virginia avd the people of Virginia,aud also,of ald the Southern States,without exception.As to the thing vou call peaceable secessiva —such secession as South Carolina and other Southert States are now pre paring for—we consider ieunmanly and coward Iwi the highest deyree Tustead of involving a demand tor and a defense of our a runbing away from rights,ios. and away from duty,and rusmog away our myrhe running fiom re vothing—-—1t issponsibility,Ltis a remedy tur abke a base abandouimment of our rights and a honor,Aud vet our States of the extreme South,a compromise of sister Puagy persotts in our own and other border States,scom to con sider if a great potnt garded —cn chty Gaumnypl tchieved af they can only be caciousiy allow rd ty the North to peaceably secede,leaving a there valuable rights ae the army and ct Thy nd the put ty belund Vs tor yUPseiVes,We ask tu ated tis ie atid dis vracetul boog at the Northern States We ash of tuem to “Ba we demand ot the wi NaS LET the Union or eo out of it,our sandall 'mal tied Popectintany,dwn to '‘ atom or the dist f \ott iway trom qoute of \\td ay mek nou of mi.OG Ge o Worst,ated sepre !. we leat al fiotits ae \we ¥7 ist,Never.me will w tow pe thle secession ot Virwinia t the ON States,unless the Nerthert:St tes thers: Neent toa ff ou eves joertiele of publ wine (onited States cond tha r(y tod utinanis euougl to iudul se tho thee unary bo pede ' secession at the sacritice of te tet 2 (nev possess in the army anon and th ! property of the Union,we stall regret and deplore ther folly il we car leit \s Virginians,pro ted fen @ ‘ every right and Yoes to tts we shall certainly not follow thoirimal cap,cow ardly aud disyracetal example Nid we vedirire the hope that most of our Southern sisters:wil yet Uiinw better of this mateer,and aud rete they thew duty and their mghts, palise consent to run away from ditake refuge ut the iwnominious device of peaceable secession TO NTONDMME EEN SENSI TLD ibis ete ttl Paitavenrira,bec,18 The grand1 meeting called by the Mayor,assembied jay iy Endepende nee Square.” Bishop Potter,ot Payopened the proces dings with prayer Mavor Henry presided.assisted een ed hatuberuf View Presidents and Se ulin sotie of the toast weathy and utluet tal ezens Re sehitiens Were real amd adopt ‘ joy attachment to,ated revere nee tor ‘ tution,«abd an hunitis Uitiion—a love te,buts Jeploring the faet that ot Nia have placed upon their st phen |to the defeat of Cie provis U Mion and prououneib such were ay ttn of (he solemn compact >appencns tor th repent of the same,aud ‘stat Ite books of Pennsyuania uly searched,aur every statute,ah there a Any sistersuch,evadingthe coustituuenal nghis States,be at once repealed ¢reeognig ur the obiBgationsoftheFugitiveSlaveLaw,and recom mending the passage of State daws for compensalineOwnerincaseswheretheshaveshallbe rescued from iim,submit to the decisions of the US.Supreme Court as to the ht of slave owners in the ‘Perntones,aud re commending thatthe disputed question be forth ry with submoatted to sad Court:approvins the suggestion of a Convention of delegates from the States contemplating secession, a remedy,with a firm convieon that the prop: will te States ina fraternal aud couea to suggest ositions of sneha Convention recerved by the other renin the tory spieit;and appealing to ovr bret Suites contemplating secession to forbear.1 minding them of the innumerable ties which bind us together as one people. One of the resolutions condemns the denun ciation of slavery as itexists ip the United States The city today was gay with flags,and oue of them flying from one of the hotels bore the motto,*concession before secession.” Phe meeting Iinniense, numbered by tens of thousands was and mirht be Mayor Henryyin his remarks,said we must restore larmony back to the better days of the Repubhe,frown down misplaced appeals of the pulpit and press, to the publ sentiment,zo and preserve the Limon at all hazards The Georgia Legislative Afiare in Te Mirtioorvinee,(ey.Dee.7 -Mr Felt Columbia.athered resolutions Qeorg point Commissioners « avy Conetes at the No diesol tribution ot ihe pnestin theaCongressiientopropebap nthe part th and the peaceahl the Emon,and the property hetween both secto equitable New Onviosg,Dh the Texas Leyislatnordanee wit errenlar,in aes at armeeting held at that place casit ' bereto bein Austinonthe oth M A\De ld an extra session foriea a Gov.Houst is calledoeLone Star flag still the n promises tot iif an extra« people are determine 1 resiata A Sovrmeee Co8y ESTE: geneer of yesterday has the With the view of arre lifted for (he precemeal disme polit end that o Ww ‘atid patriots of the South may serk a solution ot and to the present paditical compheations ii a spirit of unit and by a method which shall rise at least to theManelta?feetdignityoftheaoeasion,we v minend the assembling,at an early day,of a Convention Vf Delegates,who shall } glaveholding mtate wanchoourtexpedient t veh way as shall be deemed m the purposes of mutonl consultagen1 the dangers believed to be angpending and the remedy deemed mast a lequate ta avert then arranged by the atoresan)Convention ot ald reapeet alike COMMON BENSE rules the mass of thepeople,|yA KE R &CO's MEDICI N iN L | whatever the misuamed and misanthrope philosophers TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL.may say to the contrary.Show them a good thing, THE TRUE AND GENUINE.Jet its merits be clearly demonstrated,and they willnothesitatetogiveittheirmostcordialpatronage UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND EFFECTS.‘The masses have ulready ratified the jadgmont of a physician,concerning the virtues of Hostetter’=Bit BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPAREDters,as may be seen in the immense quantities of (his se eepe medicine that are annually sold im every section of *Ite use,if fairly tried,will soon restore the Caw the laud.It in now recognized as greatly superiot #4 ig of the digestive organs,invigorate the =nN PO sIUOU Steed eer aucesiaec taluiecaecemui ea blood,give eneral rotunddy to the figure,ie e digestive organs,such av Diarrhua,Dysentery,Dys-ope ig na ce y to the mind and nervous :pepeia,end for the various fevers that ariee from de-=Nia te Ce eee mark esly ae rangement of those portivus of the system.Hostet-5 i,pay‘:red by onderful t Ow = ters name is rapidly beeoming a household word,i—_a eo ireneeersaite aanteeabysialy a 0fromMaineto‘Texas,from the shoresofthe Atlanie |Ge i;i Ti eumindel nent Gn US to the Pacific.‘Try the article,wud be satisfied expec ee eee ~iaieea iid occa D’body when vo other can be borne,and 54 AIA TOnvnag Fico at)urinaire reueinnc nates {eA furnishey the frame with fat in a truly re P ?|| I See advertisement in another columu Imo Be Ceon lan GE wD i =—=For CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI.MARRIED :ee TIS,=LMLAIEs Tee For SCROFULA in all its developments,——_0-——At the residenes of the bide oon Wednesday 20 pur WEAKNESS,WASTING,and Fy last by the Rev.Mr.Haughton,Mr.WM.G.Me-,ever DEBILITY.+7,,wep :alx:|y form of y L ,ie curative a Ca AND MOS NEELY to Mrs ANN MACAY '¢properties are unrivaled =THE LARGEST AND 7 aa ce Tt may be taken withont disrelish by the FO:most deticute patient,and retuned withont \W -DILL:S eeffortin the most sensitive stomach Lum ge EXTEN! In this town,on the &thinst,ALICE LUZINE,,periority in this and other importaut charne.©.+ nlantadauehter of J.M.Cauble,aed 3 years wod Z teristics of genuineness,has guaranteed for jm varly untlis..othe conmendation of the most eminent +, nyo (Ae Physicians throughout the States;the writ.&OF—:~~ten testimony of the faculty of the best medi-r cal schools>the Professors of theSituationWanted. BA K E :.UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,YOUNG inan of fitting qualifications desires a JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA. {A siuatuon ae clerk either ia Dry Goods or Pro DELPHIA. vinon Store.He wolacerpt work from the 10th of Applications left at this office will receive proper attention De 15,Ixo0 CORPEE!SCORLE 3000 BAGS.good qual brig,Vion State,dive E of MEDI- PHILADELPHIA COLL CINE,and others. luvalids should be careful to purchase oi! of undoubted reputation if they Cesire the tnost active aod immediate advantages oftheremedy.‘Chat which we prepare has dreided evidences of superiority over otherManufacturedonlybyJOUNCBAKER&CO., Importers and Dealers inDrugs,Chemicals;&c6m26 - Jntiuary,proxino U3 1d 1H d C. rr ac yo how being landed ex N tom Rio Janewo,for sale 4 bruuds in dots of ten bays,aml upwards,tor cash,or its,equivalent.0.G PARSLEY &COWilmington,N.C,Dee.Ps,1860.2w3l AND‘H d ’ Nov.13.1860 —J O H Large Map of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, CABARRUS COUNTY Quarter 1x60. OF NORTH ¢ Book Store prise every information ueualy given ou Maps—very3ig1 0 Court of PI AROLINA They are tive for sale at Stewarts’ by seven feet,and com-Are now opening at the Subscriber's everOctoberxandSessions, handsomely gotten up.Price $6 per copy Perm Simon Bost,Adio'r.of Philp Karnker,dee'd.,Christmas Presents. suena!assortineutot Presentation Books,suita-toPhilpKarriker,Adam Kariker,Martin Boger and for gifts to Ladies,past od for sale 5 5 :EEC i Mary his wife,Solomon Karriker,Charles Karriker,And which will be sold a heretofore at unpreceden- ea JJ SPEARS Book Store gacch Weiler and Catharine E.,hin wife,Newton W eilteles ieee,Tite Dees uay Wiley and Mary Bi.lus wife,Froncie Mo Hiffly and , as 7 ners ae Jemuna ts wife,Hil Le Kariker.Lidia A Kare.,:,UMPED BAPTINE INSTIPUTE.pec tincte kieran Joho WM Rarcker,Lewes NOCANT ADVERTISING PHR#FAYLORSVILLE,N.¢A.Karrker,Childteu of Lewis Rarnker,deed Dawel Karnker,Agcon Karnker,-—Hays andPheLithSessionofthisSehoolwillopenontheawifesMaranW.Rarriker,George N Common with muuy.who enumerate their articles. first Monday 7th day,of January,PRG)Et in the 5aEOEerageAoniigniie)Setacen:bile My Rarrker,John L.Noesman and gecauseanexamination of the stock aud prices.will :!ioe Be ewdech bis wife,and Walia Mo Karnker,chil OUST UU CHL 2)devimar (nore Karnkerdeed convince the moat eeeptic,and closest buyers,of iheutmorabtyofthepleer,with ae Rat MOR 1 1 harges,commend this Soho t 'evi |TON peut hl !LEM EN |truth of the assertion. eae Ita mg to the sfaction of the Court thatsderatotalparentsaudguardiansKaruker.Charles Karnker &Jacob Wel Returniug my sincere acknowledgements to the ie cnn uharine Be his w Newton Wo Wiley & iizensof Rowan und adjacent countie past fa- Reading,Writing.ete s “his waite,Frat Mo Hefty &Jenna hisignaniseAtenoo,Geagerphy.ot pou nisl Rares Liveis A Karriker,Hare Vors.PE hope by close attention to my bustuers,to Latin,Ger the lugher Ma tematic.100 ry Jolin Mo Rarriker aud Lewis Ao inert a continuance of the aame 4 Fs bow ldren of Tews Karriker,deed Ane Berar fhyhrs,per inenth th Ker,Awe:hicrikers —Haye Gat JP No trouble as usual to show Goods at HoT BURKE,Prneip rN Wife.Marin W haiuher,Guorae N.Kar ' [clereed elem S60 et ee Lit,yee hat Fania Uy Neetu S FRANKFORD Ss s siiswateViliamMoWarrtker.chr ¢re Warr 1 {Defendants thisEconomyisWealth.LN ernageareHou-residt his State s therefore Notice to Black-Smith,Tin and Copper--"" We ridee eel tercitor a !use BONNDS PATEN TRONS —by TO COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. red by the Court tpubleation be made in the trolinn Weatehiman.a per published in toy Smiths,&c.tawnof Salisbury \weeks,commanding the wud defendants,t ypear before the Justices ragned having bought the nyght to make r Sessions toofouraCourtorondivadualrights10heldforthetaryCabarrusattheCourt BELLOWS TUYERE tp jase in Concord onthe 3d Monday inbhforgew tnd Quart January he use of wt yext,then and there vad unewer or demur to ON BOP ihcbhs 1 the old at said petilion,of the sare wil be Neard exparte asto fayinworselting the oi, she named,that Witness,Nelson S such persons.ui iMee im Coneord,the M ndiviiu Oetober,ALD)Cows TRY MERCHANTS,to his large andfullestextentofthe essay authorzed by thin,te IM60,and the eyghts -Hfth year of our Independence wwe My night embraces the following counters NELSON SLOUGH,C.C.C varied Stock of klenburg,Cabar Iredell,Rowan Noy.27,TRt0 Pro fee $10)26-bit revit,Raids Alamance, Warren in,Davidson,Fi:hh.Grail Caswell Orange,Western N.C.Rail Road. ARRANGEMENT. Granville,Halifax aud DRY GOODS, Northampton WINTERecttokeeptheaboveTroasonhandatmy pe =’:ee ee we yesvrzysiz?Clothi feeaoeedoorothingand Groceries. Orderm se ed =e ro ;{'fe ;‘2 (5 :=:whieh he will sell at WHOLESALE as low as can cerufy ul have s the raht above nuded 5 |=:= :te Ya a ‘%R SKILI EEN s =-Tees 2 be bought in anv erty inthe Union,the Great Em- Mr Growa,o practestemith of this place ter ~->portum New York,not exceptedhavngthorough'y tested the patent Tuvere Tr Sm 2 tiher as follows -qonouy2 .x 7a WN Ihave Bonds patent Tuvere Tron in uae,int .:S.FRANKFORD. she 1 a ace &q at stied saver vWdy fthe coal and makes a clean nice heat ee |would net be without Chemfor twice the cost 1 las .14 Y MICHAEL BROWN Ss a \\HO}|:\\|| Dec 11,1-60 230 -e Pls WRN slau ie BOOKS y e |"SKIRTS in endives variety at ==z.>2 S.FRANKFORD’S. 3 s Noveinber 6,1<60 2 tT mm yor.isa == NOTICE.aun gs]M.BRENNERSSTheaccounteduethelatefirmofBURKE&nie sees :-,5 x crSTEWARTarenadeoutandreadyforsettlement,=RED JACKET Ps mn sandallthoseremainingunsettledbythefirstdayofoeAaa]=1 mY aN ! January,IR61,will be putin the handsofauofficer FW EeOLTURNER a (LO I Hi NG HALE = :s Te -ES ¢WR re -ay :h —BURKE &STEWART Seen Nae ae0 Rae teSune Main Street Near Water Nireet,Nearly Oppoarte eee oLne the Post Office '.°TINIE ondersigned just having arrived in town,HTOTHKPlBIICLANDSALE.+B with a NEW,FRESH AND FASHIONA- 4 ya .of December,1860,To will sell BLE STOCK OFNtheZothday (upon the premises,the Valuable Plantation,. Davi Ronis.deeds om PReady-Made Clothing,pring aboat 31S Acres.upan which there ina SAW :; ,‘|i e 1 nN SE };SALISBURY BOOK STORE,eee ee aan SanHand,and upwardsof 50 Acres,of ]AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIF vers oftorofthelongingtothe form the publie of Salisbury and Rowan nthe abowe named establish. eounty,that he las imentwiththeview of kKeeprig constantly on hand a wk of CLOTHING andPlantationiw the nodersigned would offer his thanks te the public vaorassand cultivation,large and heavy St ThisveendedtothePhousewhileeotheremasoingpartsisbetter ca in:&Stewart,and andupon the Glable upland a good orehard ae oe neal \ MU cur cle Guitimbedehufitendemod patronage)Pixnvation licedi theouthernpacrat Tredell(cunt vs FURNISHING GOC Ds. site Cacnls.Hee will constantly replemahs the about three mics from Shepoerd’s 4 Roads on the fue Yen'a,Youth's and Bay's wenr,of wll xtylen STOCK OF BROOKS,and will make additions as Atlanue,Tennessee &Ohi Railroad,and adjomns qualit xed Ge pees Siniatlen CheUauiee.GF new aid valuable works are brought out.He is in the lands of Win,King.Mary Ramsay.George Mills,Walking Dress.Parioers,Planters,Miners,Wachin hiro dele anid innion @ainiye lareeatPabliie andochere Joho Pots,Peqauresiiiie Upon the sa sence tv iint ad eAlcovallurce aemortinon <0 eine nine Pen ani rate n(n,(0IngHousesinNewYorkandPhiladelphia,and can premiges will gece any information ane ;. rendily auppls by Express euch ordera sent him as those wishing to examine the plantauon,on Satur gots,and Shoes,Hats and Caps. cannot be otherwise filled.His atock of Stationery,days.I ERMS—Six and twelve mouths,with bond Wal!Paper,Gc.will also be kept up.with regulary.and security,aud interest from date.—Call and examure my stor k before purel ng else- ty and cw J eseWw Aka JG RAMSAY,Executor.where.SIGN OF THE RED JACKET ! M.BRENNER Oeu 9.1560 tf2I The Exeentorof Jane G Ramsay,dee.,will selheparsinnlpropertyofaaddeceasedatthesame!P.S.—Having mad»proper arrangementswithouraeeemoariialageJGRBaltimorefirm,Lam at all times prepared to fulfillNOTICE.men tO tw29 ‘any orders in the Merchant ‘Tailuring business at rake inership &heretofore betwe _shoripsetOHae aM»Coparinership exieting heretofore between Oct.16,1660 Gin22 BEMISTER &CLAYWELE,har this day been dissolved by mutual consent J.R.and BE.\.MeAulay's SELECT SCHOOL,MORGANTON,NO€ nstruction embraces the All claims against the late tirm must be presented to the undersigned for settlement,and all debts due must be pmd to me T.BEMISTER Dee ROCK QUARRY. Pow tesIst,160 8130.1and Mathemmtioal Studiga,requiate for admission T.BEMISTER,IE EGS Mee eno House Painter,Grainer,1361PAPERHANGER,&e.,Dees te Main St, course of Classical lower clisees in College Monday in Tiannary,|Principals SH 6w29 JHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS WE thod ofomforming all persons i want of ROCK foe MGs hOEN beaeanfurniahthebeatquality of GRANITE, opposite Murphy's Granite Rove Wretete i rele uecarnarne NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE. \LARGE quantiy of Northern lime 4 vy barrels or by the bushel tens ‘Pan Yard Ti will be sold very Cioinroae Uo,No malic rea done un a workinantke manner July de,160 yd tims}Rnalie wedforsaleoatSimon is osituated Stiles SouthA.C.Lindsay's Select School, Neon Meleaye Srarios Hie Quarryknownasth WILEY HODLTSHOUSERQWih,Psu fimo cheap,whole.CASH Salisbury, 1 A barge qnantiy of finished Leather.Sole,Upper and Harnes always on hand and for sale os alwaye incOrrniptthemoras.or ¢Greed and Dry Hi nv r“ERE ucrpenagaee “Stem swnn a”oe TROMARVILIE 28°SOS Toa G sto Manafactured by MILLER &THOMASSTAFFORD,Decrasry kind 1 oR stafford.deceased.are her h filed a B e and all elarms not forthwith veation was chosen for a elass cal echool be s from Nov oO nocauixeofteremotnfueneercalenlatedtoRowan Co., demand at ensh cour distract the atten Classical tintion per seasiorEngliahfrom815to®20 MeLeaneville,Dee Tlih,1S60 4130 Ok JOTSs bts.or any WINTER BOOTS AND BOOT manafactured by Phomaaville,NOC any Northern wor GENTS LACEIMirren&which are fally equalVOTCC? wallhi Troma. in Baquity for made tothe present gery sand a great deal better in work forever bared UST RECEIVED acapply of GENTLEMEN'Sody Eirhibited in:Salisbury, SE for all the purposes of Family Physée, Cerne aareGourt iat lee SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of or buiding purposes,that he cutin any shape,and at the loweet possible ritea forofOwShapingQUARRY” ) Westyle to |Scrofula or King’s Evil, Is a constitutional disesse,&corruption ef the bloodbywhichthisfluidbegomesvitiated,weak and poor |Being in the circulation,it pervades the whole body,sod mey burst out in disease vo any part of it. organ ie free frou ite attacks,vor is there one whichitmuywotdeatroy.The scrofuluus taint is various-ly caaved by mercurial disease,low living,disorder- e the depressing vices,and,wbove all,by the venereal |NEW FALL AND WINTER |ed ur unhealthy fod,impute a.r,filth and filthy habits|Co ODS |3infection.Whatever be ite orngin,it is hereditary intheconstitution,descending *frum parents to children |onto the third and fourth generation”indeed,it seems to be the rod of him who says,*Twill viait the ia quities of the fathers apoa the children”lis effects commence by deposition from the bhood ofcocrupt or uleerows maiter which,io the longs. liver,and tulernal organs,i#termed tubercles;in the glands,ewellings;and ov the surface,eruptions or, sores.This foul corraptior,which geodere in the blood,depresses the energier ol life,so thats :rofuloun cousututiens not only fer {rom serofulous com- plninux,but they have far lem power to withstardtheatincksofotherdiseases;Consequently,vasl nurn- bers perish by disorders which.ultbough net scrofa.| jousin their vatare,are still rendered fatol by thin: A VEZ cv taintin the system.Most of the cousumption which IVE \rock.decunsten the human family hos its origin directly in rofulous contymination;and many destructivedisearesoftheliver,kidueys,brain,aud.indeed,of ‘all the organs,arise from or are uggravated by the suine cause.|One quarter of all owe peaple are scrofulous;theirpersonsareinvadedhythielurkinginfection,and their the To cleanse it from the|health is undermined by it. DR \GOO DN syatem we muet renovate wor Rear slierel ie )edicine,and invigor it by healihy food and exer:| 'CLOTHING,|J Ad i i I 4| m cive.Such medicine we.gmpply in Ayer’s our tines ean devise for and fatal matndy.Itistiveremedialsthathave|purgation of this foal diswé@ér from theblood,and the ‘rescue of the evstemfrodtits desiructive consequen-‘ces.Hence it should be edsployed for the cure of not ouly scrofula,but aleo those other affections urive from every where prevailing| ved from the moet ec-! -54 N.THIRD STREET.COR OCERIES,(22s eichnett Blotches,Blains and Boils,Tumors,Tetter and Sait |Rheum,Scald Head,Ringworm,Rheamatiem,Syph-|iitie and Mercurial Diseases,Dropsy,Dyspepsia.De-| |bility,and,indeed,all Complaints arising from Vitia-| |tedor Impare Blood The popalarbeliefin ‘impuri-||ty of the blood”is founded in truth,for serofula is a | degeneration of the blood.The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purfy and regen-|erate this vital fluid,without which sound health is) |inporsble in contaminated constitutions.| |Ayer’s Cathartie Pills are so composed that disease within the range ol their action can rarely withstand or evade them.‘Their penetrating properties search and cleanse,and iavig- orate every portion of the haman organism,correct- ing t diseased action,and restoring its healthy vi- talities.Asa consequence of these properties,theinvalidwhoisboweddownwithpainorphysicalde- tality is astonished to fied his health or energy restor- ed by a remedy at once so minple and inviting | Notonly do they cure the every-day complaints ojeverybody,bat alse many formidable and dangerour The agent below named is pleared to fur dineasex oirh gratieiny Amencin Almanac,containing certi- ficatesoftheircures snd directions for their use inthefollowingcomplaintsHeartburn’Headache,arising from disordered Stomach,Nausea,Indigestion,Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bow- elx.Flatuleney,Loss of Appetite,Jaandice,and other kindred complaints,scsing from a low state of the Costiveness, body or obstruction of ite functions Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, POR THE RAPID CURR OF Coughs.Colds,Influenza,Hoarseness,Croup.Bron- chitis,Incipient Consumption,and for the reliefofConsumptivePatientsinadvancedstagesofthe Disease So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numer- ous are the cases of iis cures,that almost every sec tou of country abounds io persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even des- perute diseases of the lungs by its use.When once tried,its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent lo escape observation,and where ils virtues are known,the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dan- gerous affections of the pulmouary organs that are | incident to our climate.While many inferior reme-{dies thrust upon the community have failedandbeen|discarded,this has gained friends by every trial.con-! ferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget,|und produced cures (oo numerous and too remarkable| to be forgotten PREPARED BY’.'|DR.J.C.AYER &CO.,|LOWELL,MASS | All our Remedies are for sale by | W.H.Wyatt,Salisbury,NeGs I Henderson &Enniss,‘*ss | Hutchinson &Co.,Charlotte,os | JM.Johnson,Mockeville,ss Perry,Simpson &Lowe,Lexington,* MA.&©.A Santos,Nortolk,Van, Haviland.Stevenson &Co,Charleston,S.C March 6,1860 ly4l NO HUMBUG! Se Gee Selling Off at Cost!! see informs his former erally,that he is de business, ee subseriher respectlully patrons,and the publie gen termined to mane &change 1 tisonorbeforeJanuaryuext,aud will commence sell- ing bieEXTENSIVE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats,Caps,&c.,at Cost LESS THAN COST. The balance present from thie date,forthe parpose of closingremarningwillbesoldatpublicvendue Nare all you can,and call early at M.HOFFLIN’S,Corner of Mansion Hotel WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER, Salisbdry. ey eee W.R.WILSON.°4 AVING joat revorned from the Northern Crore I aseortinent of Watches,Cle Jewelry,Silver Ware,We.is ready te bargains than ever was sold in North CarolinaHiepereonalattentionisgiventoRepairing of Watches,Clocks,Jewelry,oe,and with the ossist 1 Watehnoake-e will de work prompt. ly and warrant P2omonthe Please call and examine his stock one door from WeNeely &Young’ Oe 16 ef Ladies Watches. es sone of the handeomeat ° with a large sell greater anee of the best Store Wroches ered with for Ladies of the chr fine Gold ChashensButtons.Stu@a,Gold and Silver Phinbles Correl Neekhices,Lockets,Charme,Bar Correl for Misses and st siyle ever « of fine Jewelry,Sle setts Gold andDropa Children,and a great manallofwhichotherthangstoonuuntementions will be satd at bacgaus for cash,atthe Jewelry Sion Legimlata Anew County t oy presented in due farm of Inw wil b a ay caitail ne GriCe ':q }E y J nahip and equally as low in pric at WOR.WILSONricerdtviiveealRowCabarros,and Mecklen JJ MISENITRIMER.).4,Call and sec them at EW BNNISS'et 6 22 burg Counties YACOR LEU DWICH 4 Oct 2 20 Boot and Shoe Store Dec 4,1860 6129 Mito Plenwant,Cabarrus,Co,Nov.26,1860}9 +p .;Gwep Fine Sui SILVER WARE. BLUM’S ine uits.UST opened at WooR WHeon's Jewelry Ste a Buggies and Rockaways.If \on wish tobny FINE SULTS of CLOTHBNG @D fine assortment of Payee Silver Table and ‘Ten 0 =>nao ee mae .for as little money agpossible,call atthe Great Cloth.Spoons,alao,Silverpinted Castors,Cake Baskets, Farmer’sand Planter’s Almanacs pue auhacriher haan lot of handsome new Bug-ing Emporium of DAVID WEIL Capa,Goblets,Barks and huives,Butter Kuaves, he year IRGI,for anle,wholeante and retail,qiee and Rockaway,which he will aell on good 17 Rewemaea tie Stavp—No ©,MurphalaGran-Batter Dishes,Syrup (ups,Mastard and Sugar al SA Rls ‘terms THOS.BE.BROWN,ite Rowr,Sniiabury,N 6 Spoons,&e.,&e Wea't forget and give ue a call Ort 99,1860 1129 Rook Store Van 24,1860 1735 Sept.25 «f19 and we wil sel!WR WILSON Compound Extragt of Sarsaparilla,|}The most effectual remedgwhich the medical skill of| u discovered for the ex-| AT A.MYERS’ No.4,Granite Building,SALISBURY,N.C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER INSTAPLEANDPANET_Dry Goods, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, Laces,Embroideries,ready- made CLOTHING, Cloths,Cassimeres, Vestings,HATS and CAPS, BOOTS &SHOES,&e.,&.,&. TIIE Subecriber respectfally informs his old patrons and the pablie erallythathasrecentlyreturnedfromScatEmporinmwithaNEWSTOCKof FALL AND WINTERGOODS, of tne latest and mom iashionable styles.HavingpersonallyselectedhisGoodswithespecialreferencetothewanteandtastesofthissecuon,be feels con-fideot that he will be able to meet the views of his|old customers and friends,and the public generally.His Stock erobreces an unusually large and attrac- lve assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS,LACES,Embroideries,&c., certainly not excelled by any house in ‘the Stat:He hae also a splendid variety of the RICHEST sILKS and SILK ROBES,and all of the LLVBSL LRESS GOOLE, of this Fall's Inportations,many of which are real- ly elegant.In all his purchases he has endeavored to eelectonlysuchGoodsa#were most desirablein style,most substantial in manofacture,and most reasonable in price,being anxious to sustain the reputation of the Nd stand, No.4,Granite Building. The subseriber respeetfully invites your inspectioniohisnewFALLandWINTERSTOCK,confident ‘that he will be able to offer many really substantial inducements to all who may favor him with a eall.ALSO,an anasaally large stock of Negro Clothing, Boots,Shoes,and Brogans. 7 Returning my thanks for the liberal patheretofurebestowed,|hope for a contineance ofsame.All orders shall recesve my pruinpt and pes- sonal aftention.A.MYERS, No.4,Granite Building.September,1860 19 RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. BRYAN'S Pulmoniec Wafers! Tuk Original Mepicines RSTaBLramgp (x 1887,and fret article of tha kind ever introduced wader the name of “Bytuome W rena,”in thisoranyother country;a8otherPalmonieWafersarecounterfeits.The Genuine can be known bythenameBRYANheingstampedoneachWAFER. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Believe Coughs,Colds,Sere Threat,Hear -seegas BRY\N’§.PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Asthma,Bronchitis,Diffesit Breathing. BR\AN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood,Pains in the Chest.BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consumption,Leeg Diseases.BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvala and Tonsils.BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Retieve the above Complaiats in Tew manures.BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFBRS Are a Blessing te all Classes and€stitutions.BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Veealists and Public Speakers.BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant te the taste.BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Net only relieve,bat effect rapid and lasting Cares,BRYAN"S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ope. NU FAMILY S80ULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF Bryan’s Pulmenic Wafers, IN THR HOUSE. NO TRAXELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan’s Pulmenic Wafers, xTINHISPd NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIV®FOR Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers,TWENTY-FIVE CRNTS JOB MOSES,Sole Proprietor,Rochester,N.Y. Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON &ENNISS,aad al?Drag gistsMuy 29,1560,yl WILLIAM C.LORD,— ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY,N..G W ILL Practice and make prompt collections inRowan,Stanly.Iredell and Catawba Counties.Office in the corner of Cowan's Bailding opposite the Book Store Feb 14,[60 tf38HATSANDCAPS. UST RECKIVED a large supply of Gents and oF Bove Hats and Caps,all sizes and qualities and atpricesremarkablylow CallatJ.WH.ENNIS Hat and Cap and Boot and Shoe Store. Book Bindery IN ALISBURY. R DICKS would respectfully inform theRW \citizens of Salisbury,Charlotte,Statesville,Concord,Gold-Hill,Mocksville,Greensboro’,Lexi ton,Morganton,Newton,and the surroanding coun. try generally,that he has established a Boor Binp- ery in this place,and will be pleased to receive or-dere in Music Books,Law Books,and Penodienls,bound to pattern,or in anystyleto amit. 17 His eatablishment can be found on the secondflooroverthePost-Office LF Orders from «distance promptly attended ta.w BS picKs6m18 his hime Sulisbury,Sept 18,1860, M ISS GRASSWITT,having just retammed ATE with a splendid supplyof the Mest Fashtomable BLALImery,,prrcdased at very low mites,respectfullyinformsberfriendsandtheladiesgeperally,thatonTrespayTHRLOTROceopen,Int,her Stock will be open. see al the /atest Styles,Catt Raat. Saumarey,Act Oh,180 um for inapection.To Professional Oards.ANTAL,NOTICE‘S@ARDB.BESSENT, AS REMOVED ‘to rue DENTAL ROOMSHonthecornérformerlyoccupiedbyDxBason,where he is preparedto attend al!operationssonnectedwithhiaprofession Jan.1,1860. W.L.BARRIER, DENTIST, MT.PLEASANT.N.C.pdly 43 (f32 March 13,1860). Dre.M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, AVE associated themselves in the practice of MedicineaodoffertheirProfessionalservicestuthepublic.Those h without can have the services of both,in any case he same oceapied at presently bi WH renecwDeceinber14,1858.—Lhe aeLAW -PARTNRSHIP,A.H.&R.A.CALDWELL. OFFICEtheone formerly oecupied by Dr Nestit,on Water Street, SALISBURY,N.C. March I,1859.trio—SUSINESS CARDS N.M.MARTIN,BRO.&CO.,GROCERS AND COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, No.129,Sycamore Street, RETERSBU RG)VAG N.M.MARTIN,SON &CO.COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RICHMOND,VA. |Mo PLUMMER, NM.MARTIN, TF Strict personal attention given to the sale of NM.MARTIN,Br R.A MARTIN, Ww OK.MARTIN, produce.Orders for goods promptly filled. Rererence:—D.A Davis,©.F.Fisher,Eeq ‘une 14,1859 aes JAMES HORAH WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY,N.C., One door below BR.&A.Muphy’s store, Kees constantly om hand a large assortment ©\WATCHES and JEWELRY of ali kinds Clocks,Watches and Jewelry of every description tepairedin the bert mannerand on the mosi seasonableterms. February 14,1860 ly3n MICHAEL BROWN,COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY,V.C. ROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV EN to the parchase of all kinds of PRODUCE And to all consignments to be sold in this inarket orshippedtootherPorts February 14,1860.ff Collecting Agent. HE andersigned offers hie services to the public as a Collecting Agent in and about SalisburyHeholdstheappointmentofTaxCollectorforthe Town,and therefore feels authorized to refer perrone to our Saperintendent aid ¢ fications,&c Apri!10,1x60.-(tf46) Minissioners as to quali JOUN BEARD, Collecting Ayent pRAN?D>fp WYATT’S —TONIC CORDIAL. ever got up for Dysentery,Diarehea.Flux, CROLIC,and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS,both of children and PRICE—25 CENTS Prepared by W.Ho WYATT.Arorurc sry,Nos.186 aud 14~,Wain Street,SALISBURY,N.¢ 'e at Remedies adul es June 5.f2] $10 REWARD. Rae from the snubser.ber,vear Chor ville,on Saturday the 7th sist vhs the name of JOHN A.KINSEY©said bow is about20yearsofage,5 feet Yor 1M inches high,weioheabout135or140pounds,of a red complexion.skin somewhat scaly,black hair rolls nider at the ends,is rather spare made,walks quick and upright anc stutiers some whena little exeited.He had on when he left a black frock linsey coat.with black buttons brass edges,with some rents in the myght skirt HH aleo carried off with him a Silver Wootr hoa atechain.he also bad a heavy flat galvanized fol with bewd keys at the end.Sard boy will pave ter a Conch Pamter.|All persons are fortidden te eipley. harbor,feed or aid said boy i any wey onder the penalty of the law,if they do the law wil|positively be enforced against all such persons The above Reward will be given te any who will confine said boy in any jail of the same eo that I can get him by paying expenser JOHN KENDALL. (a7 a bound be Vann, Whatever person and notity April 17th,1859 WORTH &DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commission Merchants, No.2 Granite Row,Froxt Srareer, WILMINGTON,N Dealers in all kinds of Groceries,Provisions,Fruit,Laquoss,Wines,Cigars,and Tobaceo Solicit consigninents of Flour,Dried Frait,Feath ers,Beeswax.Tobacro,and Conniry Produce gen erally.Agents for Howe's celebrated Scales D.G.WORTH.NG.DANIEL,For the past 7 yeare with T.C &BG Woatn Ivis C Late of Asheboro’,N.C.|Sept.18,1860 American Watches. J R.WILSON hasthe Ageney forthe GENTWeINEAMERICANWATCHESwhiehens blés himtosell them for lege than they can be bough: @eewhere.He has also in addition,the English Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches,Detached Levers,Hunting Cylinders,&e.,low down far cash.Den't forget.thove who want Genuine American Watches,tocallat WR Wilson's whieh will be sold Jewelry Store,next door to McNeely &YoungsMrabalberacd Oct.16.122 DRAYING.= "HE ondersigned gives notice that he keeps a TEAM AND WAGONS for the purpose of! Draying,and will serve all who may favor hirn with in this line on accommodating terms oe GEORGE MOWERYtf43 March 20th,1860 ~hpple Brandy. oO”for Preserving Fee:re || 106 and 1R®Main ot,Salisbury,N ©| Jaly 94,1860 11g ‘HOSTETTER’SSTOMACHBITTER The rietors and manufacturers of HOS- TETTER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT-TERS can ap with perfeet vonfidence tohygiciansandcitizensgenerallyoftheUnited es,because the article has attained a repu-tation heretofore unknown.A few facts uponthispointwillspeakmorepowerfullythanvolumesofbareassertionorblazoningpuffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half-million bottles,and from its manifest steadyincreaseintimespast,it is evident that duringthecomingyeartheconsumptionwillreachnearonemillionbottles.This immense amountcouldneverhavebeensuldbutfortheraremedicinalpropertiescontainedintheprepara- tion,and the sanction of the most prominentphysiciansinthosesectionsofthecountrywherethearticleisbestknown,who not onlyrecommendtheBitterstotheirpatients,but are ready at all times to give testimonials to itsefficacyinallcasesofstomachicderangements and the diseases resulting (heretromThisisnotatemporarypopularity,obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum-peting the qualities of the Bitters,but a solidestimationofanimvaluablemedicine,which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and agueandvariousotherbiliouscomplaintshavecountedtheirvietimsbyhundreds.To beabletostateconfidentlythatthe‘Bitters’ fre a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases,is to the proprietors a source of un-alloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matter from the stomach,purifies the bieod,andimpartsrenewedvitalitytothenervoussystem,giving it that tone and energy indispensablefortherestorationofhealth.It operates upon the stomach,liver,and other digestive organs,mildly but powerfully,and soon restores themtoaconditionessentialtethehealthydischargeofthefunctionsofnature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily asperdirectionsonthebottle,and they will findinitastimulantpeculiarlyadaptedtocomfort declining years,as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels,excellent as a tonic, and rejuvemating generally.We have the evi-dence of thousands of aged men and womenwhohaveexperiencedthebenefitofusingthispreparationwhilesufferingfromstomachde- rangements and general debility;acting under the advice of physicians,they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article.A few words to the gentler sex.There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial.The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,that the mother,especially if she be young,is apt to forget her own health in ber extreme anxiety for her infant.Should the period vf maternity arrive during the summer season,the wear of body and imind is generally aggravated.Here, then,is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- rate the energies of the sysiem,and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- tors that receive the endorsement of physi- cians,because it is agreeable tv the taste aswellascertaintogive@permunentincrease of bodily strengthAllthosepersons,to whom we have particu- larly referred above,to wit:sufferers from fever and ague,caused by malaria,diarrhea, dysentery,indigestion,loss of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,persons of sedentary occupation,and nursing mothers,will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos- tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter- feits,but ask for HosTetTeR's CELEBRATED Stomach Bitters,and see that each bottle bas the words *:Dr.J.Hostetter's Stomach Bitters”blown on the side of the bottle.and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,and »bserve that our autograph signature is on the labelaa Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH,Pittsburgh,Pa,and sold by all druggists,grocers,and dealers generally throughout the United States,South Ame- rica,and Germany. SCOVIL &MEADE, WHO TES ALi (EN ES Niw Ones,Day ete Ost Y Hendersy &Eunive,and WOH Woatt by JO Reeds Coneor and byPortersNUcisnaaN Mi Ww NOUTHLEIKN WANUFACTORY !NA.AC ; SMITH &MILLER, VANERACTERERS OF Gentlemen's Boots,Shoes aud Gaiters, my |AVING cps ver pas ner ex vest quality —Wachire h provemente—and the inost fueled Boots,Shoes &Gaiters, rena based in New Engtind for che same ner T y therefore fe ihdent that ther ap peat the eaizens of Che Ss yosustain them an therr endeavor Co introdnce an g them #branch of Manufacture now entirely cithe loandsof abolii nists wail net beanvor or disregarded Phev offer at WHOLESALE IND RETAIL, Fine Chunnetred Boota,F ch Cal Pine Freneh Edge, thoi W 2 Double Soles ‘ ¥.4 1OPERABOOTS. Patent Leather and French CalfPineOpenGaiters,Patent Leather and French Ca ews Gouters,French Caf, Ties,Freneh ts Vin a weastvle’French Am Calf 1.Ge tothem and supply your wanta and in futureyouwillpurehasenoBoots,Shoew or Gartersauveilluseivshutweturedby SMITH &MILLER,THOMASVILLE,N.C24,1x60 9July ASTOUMDING ! ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING! watt’vyWyatt's Remedy !! An Unfailing Specific For the Unfortunate! CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CURES RECENT AFFLICTIONS, CURES RECENT ABPFLICTIONS, IN A FEW DAYS! Ti hae no taste,doe mot interfere with diet or effec:the breath.Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retalhy Wo WYATT,Druggiss and Apothe cary,Now Est and IMs Maio at.Salisbury,No ¢ Ja Pree &t.and rent by tna!eoctosng 4 stamps yreepay postureAa 2 ORRELL &GRADY, Manufactnrera and Wholeaule HATS,CAPS, Straw and Millinery Goods Umbrellas,Parasols,Flowers,Ribbons,&r., No.18 Courtlandt Street, D ORRELT )UP STAIRSformerlyofPayetteville,NC . RF ORADY \Neor orkJateofWilmington,N ¢ Dealere in Bil he SON B BL is OWN Bie! 1000 Vhe 1000 The For sale low by W.H.WYATT,Druggist and Apothecary,Now 186 and JAR Main at,Saliabury, NC Rept 11th,1R60 nly SPECIAL | NOTICE. —_—o— BLUE STONE, 3000 Ibs.BLUE STONE.3000 Ibs. HENDERSON &ENNISS.For sale by 50 Bush.CLOVER SEED. Nice und clean for sale byHENDERSON &ENNISS THERMOMETERS For Curing Tobacco. From 210 to 240 deg.,for sule by POUND: 10.000 OF 10,000. Pure White Lead in Oil, HENDERSON x ENNISS For sale by 1000 GALLONS 1000 PURE LINSEED OIL.| HENDERSON &ENNISS.| | | | For sale by Tanner's Oil.40. HENDERSON &ENNISS. |40 Bols. For sale by »alHOTELS, MANSION fife HOTEL, IN SALISBURY |e oer ReeStee a \ HE subscriber takespleusurein anunoncing tu his’friends,and the public generally,that he hastakenthislongestablishedandwellknownHotel|and has made every possille preparation to accommo | dute the business,travelling and visiting portions o)the public,in the mostsatisfactory manner.Particular attention is paid to his TABLE,\ and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS.| Hix STABLES are abundantly supplied and at-| tended by a cureful ostler;aud to all departments the proprietor gives his personal attentionAcowfortableOMNIBUSrunsregularly to the depot on the arrival ofthe cars.; With these efforts to please,@ liberal share of the public patronage is coufideutl)solicited.WM.ROWZEF.tf-35 ——ee bara gas THE WALTON HOUSE Morganton,N.C. aps superb New Hotel has gained the reputation |- of being a FIRST CLASS HOUSE,dnd second | to pone in the State.As au evidence of it,I refertothemanyfavorablenoticesbythePressottheState,| and the very liberal patrouage received.It continues open (never having Seen closed.)and ‘te guests inay cely upon the reputation of the House being sustained _Ague and Fever CuredORNOPAY. Enniss’Ague and Fever Pills, WARRANTED TO CURE at HENDERSON &ENNISS' Fluid and Kerosine Oil. By the Gatlon or Barrel for sale at HENDERSON S ENNISS' ee eve Atle FRENCH BRANDY. Midicinal French Brandy,1 browsht t es Given op by Judges to be the best ever thie market,tor sale byHENDERSON &ENNIS SPICES!SPICES! Pepper,Space,Mustard,Clores,Ginger,Mace, Cannamon,and Nutmega.tor aale hy HENDERSON &UNNISS VINEGAR! Pure Cider Vinegar.30 cts. HENDERSON &ENNISS® 30 cts. Brete perG SH!)til Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John W Mebane,WJ.WeCounel,CP Mende n We oP Weir,JamesMo Garrett,Joho E Cole,NORD Woacu.Wan.Barringer,David Wehuight,MoS Sherwood.Jed He Lindsay.Greensborougt \Vie Soe t Wilanngton,Robert BE Proy,Lum.bertonenek jer Miler.Newbern;Thadeas We (ree,Rabe Phomae Jovnson,Vaneceyvil DrWoCRaineesWadeshorough:Rey ROC Maynard Frauh le BF OW Watson tic NOH DP WILSON Preside JNO HW LINDSAY View President MONDsinSEs(oe Attorney Wiehe AMIDES Ab Nee rod Preae'r WV tO MNT ENGs-(senera So Wie 0NENEDshog / ee UR Aes Fixecusive ¢tee Stats ACH aly -\ Oomimeationson business connected with thir addressedtoVETER ADAMS.SecretarS.C.done 19 ai shou te vaboroigh,180 GREAT BARGAINS INCLOTHING ! J Usviae now offers to sell GENTS PANTS at 82.00 worth $3.003.00 4.00 >AMD .bo ae oe 7,00 9.00 Ni SaCeQN tes 3.00 al‘5.00."=r tL ‘7.00 9.0 10.00 no 15.00,1x00) :WD ‘25.00 Cal at Je EN Nis:Clotiang,Hat and Shoe Store, Oct 2 uf20 GEAT SOUTHERN HAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY, JFJOEIN DOOLEY, Nosh,Mane Starr,Richwoxp,Va., Manufacturer and Dealer in FUR,STRAW,LEGHORN,PANAMA,SOFT AND MOLE SKINDRESSHATS. I HAVE now ready my Spring stock of HATS,CAPS and STRAW GOODS, to which T would invite the attention of the merchants of Virginia,North Carolina and Ten-|vewsee,confident of my ability to supply them with| | evervihing they may wantin my dine,on ae good tering ag they can be procured ti any market in theconntry ! My «sock will be kept constantly full by the addi tion of everything new or desirable,and.having creatly inerensed my manafacturing facilities,manydearablestyleewillbeofmyownmanufacture.Wy Blick Mole-skin Hat ie etillin the front rank,and is equal ifnot <aperior,to anything produced in the couatry Wy assortment of Boys,Missea’and Chil dren'e richly trimmed Hate and Flateof all tne diff. erent «ly f Braid and Leghorne cannot be exce! ledTy Military Goode,Lean farniah anything required My ste kof the variome qualities of Army Re siin tions’Hats ie very eomplete.ond any of the ditfere rt xtyles of Hateor Caps made to order at short notice JOHN DOOLEY Wareh 13,1860, FOR SALE. Spring Hill Tract of Land, CONTAINING 1060 ACRES. FBNUIS Tract of Land is situated two miles fromSalisbary.on both dex of the mar read leading tothe Yadkin River North ¢RailroadpaamngthronghitpremisesinnDwellingHonse,Baro,Tobacco Barns,and all necenary out cultivation tis the arolinis ou the busidings.cood aprings and now in and under good fence in Woodland,it could very conveniently of desired of Woodland and the family Grave Yard Apply to MICHAEL BROWN,Agent Sulehory,Oet 2,1860 tf2n the greater portion of anid Tract be divided into sinall tracta Twill retain 50 Acres Fine Suits. If you wish tobuy FINE SUITS of CLOTHING for as little money aspossible,call at the Great Cloth ing Emporium of DAVID WEIL O17 Rememnes tue Stanp—No 2,Murphy's Gran ite Row,Saliebury,N C Rept 25 tng BB-ratum anda complete success [hive nrrangewents made to be kept supphed regu larly with Feesh Fish from Norfolk and Newbern, fict with every delicacy usually found at FIRSTCLASSHOTELS (CLS.Brown &Co’s Stage Office, isat this House Their FOUR HORSE COACH Es ran tothe head of the Wo N ©)Rail Road ooMondays,Wednesdays,and Fridaye.aud to Anhe-villy,Tuesdays,Thursdaysand Saturdays EXTRA COACHES and HACKS ready at auy hour and for any pout ; CaSO Ne Prorcieton June 14.159 f3#62 Observer,Favettevile:Standard and Spirit the Ave,Raleigh:Builetin,Chartone s Perald.W mangions Progress.Newbern:Patael,Greenbo oandScheberyBanter,copy erbt tues Mount Vernon House. Formerly kn the Venda [Motel,sttuated AT THE DEPOT, SAMLISIBITRAY,SS ©, rr Mtublinlined(unan weniopeeiiiriiarterfeamenvootieBubbabtowthoroughlyre paned sud unpre n spects nd ise very way hoed te ihe eomfoer of Public than here face The vhainhern ace shew hroughout snd have the best qual be The Cutnary Departineot ist rthe manegement of a proficientCatures‘Uhe Tatle vill abwaye be supphed with the BEST that th t erhete atford The Proproet his whole ume to the ‘8 nt {feels cootideut Unat vi foes hotcan,will be done, at the comfort of bis Greate BEND ANATIN uy “THE UNION,” Arch Street ahove Third, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON S.NEWE ONER. NDPRSTGNED having puret the interest ee Byam Pressi above HOTEL,woutthepublict‘for theme Vietinenerforhasrylewe!f .he principal Avenues“while to the +arolV on wd repassiog RaYoafford&pleasant rideaboutthecityat’THR UNI abaetpabticapprobation,andpatronag NEWCOMERProrkinron WASHINGTON HOTEL, JOHN F.JONES,Proprietor BROAD STREAT, NUTS \BL WOE.( National Flag! . ,VV INE ORM SHS Ont) RF.frends sud customer thas he osagoaninthe ..-aCarriageBusiness, snd prepared to furnish noy xtvle of BUGGY orCARREAGEfronthebest16thelowestpriced He has recently vised a numberof the Northern manufac sind wequarnted humeelf with all the late improvements in hieline,and made arcangemente by which he can enpply these preferring it with Northernworkmuchcheaper(nan could be done by order ing awngle yl He intends to build the finest and beet work ever done in the country and sohents a call acthe sign of the National Flag WV M.BARKER July 34.160 a)Brown's Livery StablrownsLiveryStable. Skeptupas heretofore Pts grate fying tohim that this establishment, begun,at firet.cea donbtfulexperiment,haw proved to the public a great deside Travelers,and others can always have therr wants,in the lve,well suppliedCashpricespnidforCarriageLumberandProven-der And the subseriber is alwayve rendy to eell orbuygoodHorsesTHOMASEBROWNMayAber,1859 tel TURINGht.t ae 4 a e=2 CL oe $ie 5 it WE undermgned has re moved his Draying EstabhshmenttohisNEWSTABLEontheletintherearoftheresidenceofthelateGeorgeWBrown, where he or his agent may always be foand ready toationdtoalldemandsinhisline Orders delivered to him at his stable,will meetChargesmoderateJOHNSNYDER1R59 with prompt attention Salichory,September 6 15 HILLSBORO’ MILITARY ACADEMY. PEPSHIS Toatitution is ander the conduct of Cor |CTEW,fate Superintendent of the State Mili tary Academy at Columbia,8.©.The staff of in airielion for IS60 will eomprige aix Officers For a errcular add2,4 the Soperintendent 9 Nov pidly 26 560 White Hands Vi I.find «teady employment upen Wil mington,Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road or near this place.Apply to SAM'L McNINCH the \ May &,1860.(tf50 Charlotte,N -ATENT JARSPATENTJARS. UPERIORtoany article yet made for PRE‘ )SERVING FRUITS and VEGETABLES,for WH WYATT, 196 and IRR Main st,Saliabury,N.Cgo mule by July ie eae a aa LSS --: GREAT EXCITEMENT |rare &North Carolina oundry iT EXCITE _Ayer’s Sarsaparilla MACHINE WORKS!OTHING EMPORIE DAVID WEIL FRERCKS &RAEDER, N.BOYDEN &SON, ILV/centinue to manufacture and keep al W hytyt all ,=: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS |ie athe emerstig on RETURNED FROM THE NORTH-I eru Cities with a LARGE aud COMPLETE Stock of | A full assortment of Cultivators,Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers,| | made heretofore Plows,Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresherand Separators,Ready-Made Clothing Shafting and Machinery ‘2 9 y ishing ro0ds,for Grist Mills,Circularand Vertical SawMills,Gold,Gentlemen's Furnishing Goe Copper aud Silver Mines,Tobacco Presses and Fix-|Such as Boots,Shoes,Hats,Caps Drawers,Under- tures,&e.,&e.,|Shirts,Cravats,Neck-ties,Handkerchiefo,and a IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS,five asortment of Shirts and Collars,&e.,&e..to wee Ree ai l which he invites your immediate atiention.They FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every tay.been purchased for cash,andwill be sold cheap- description made to order,and warranted in every oy ayer were offered here before.NOW [s expect:Rea of every description of Machinery |YOUR TIME FOR GKEAT BARGAINS,o I jone at short notice Salisbury,N.C.,Jan.2,1860 ly34 |a eiatiie! Standard,Raleigh;Patriot,Greensboro’;Demo-|Returning my thanks for the erat,Charlotte;Western Adve ter A eet ae bere lotore bestowed,[hope fe a continuance of the liman (tri weekly)Columbia ;Observer,Fayetteville:|same ememberthe Stand,, aud Tredel|Express will publish 3 months aod forward NO.2,MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW,. accounts Salisbury,No ¢ uf19 Cider and Sugar Mills They nlso manufacture um determined to sell cheaper than apy other house liberal patronage |Sept.25,1860. |REAL ESTATE.— iS ANAWAY from the sobscribers at Lex- I ington,a Negro tran named ALEX.or V ISHING to concentrate my hands on one place,|ALEXANDER.Said tan is of a dark eop- \I propose to sell the plantation on which T new |S feet Mor 10 inches high,and will reside,containing 3074 ACRES.Most of the soil is weigh trom 15 avery likely fellow,but grey ground,the remainder a dark loam,equal in fer-han father a dowu-eust look—sged 22 years The ulity to any in Rowan,Nearly one half of the tract!it probable that Alex is Jurking is still in woods,containinga great dealoffine Ginber,about either an neighborhood of Salisbury,Mirae right along side the N COR.Ro There is about 40thaU erie sir They Acres of BOTTOM LAND and MEADOW,of firs wii yive the above ceward for his apprebeusion andratequality.‘The DWELLING 1 well arranged,;delivers to them at Lexington,NC.Also,they will contammg nine rooms,garret aud cellar,aod ah "4 695 reward fur proof sufficient to convict any one per col 5 to 165 Ibe, subscribers think he >.MeKenzie'’s plantations. fire-places,and inin view of the Yadkin River and o¢harboring said boyN°C.Rail Road The gnrden and spring are excel "oo Wo McCRARY &CO ‘ent,and t rut-baildings,rome of which are new Ort adulbog flyarewellarrangedandcomfortable The location is quite convenient,being within five a ~ tilesof Suliabary,and very healthy.The sel or ==So) highly adaptedtofine Tobacco,Cotton.Grain,Fraite na es eaandgardenvegetables=tic:oj.JNO A BRADSHAW SeDee13,1659 172)_ee fan =I ~?TESTt=,ee oe-=26COWANSsZz=Zoo.5.prec]--&==2SleLihreatSee —-Vegetable Lithontriptic,~2%;+7:5ona22T oy.ee :==cFRIENDOFTHEHUMANFAMILY,oo =5SUPPERINGFROM—-5.5 =4 re .r te wei,*~~DISEASED KIDNEYS,52,5 ow Stone inthe Bladiler and Kidneys,Weak ‘=z > .lop!ness ofthe Loins,&e _=b =j FUNIIS invalunble Medicine ie for wile only toe ee Mockeviile,Salisbury Statesville,Concord and —]Ta oe b ‘bayeriey at Austin’s andnewhere else rn ¢2Phesubreribseredintecopartnership=See bawithJobaFCowan.orunnal patentee,forthe mann i=es -PefactnresndsaleattheaboveMedeine,is prepared ==s.. fur veupply by addrexs ng hin at Salebury 2 *NC ooereching at bis remdence,10 milena weetreais BOOTS |BOOTS !:“"Lis S! ,J HH ENNISS is now receiving bie stock ofDR.MOUTARDEi}OF eo Geitiewn ‘ri Boots,whieh for sivie and work are supernor to anyihing that osmadeorforsaleuathisinarkeandatJessprice Wiraculous Pain Killer. Call and see the Qt ED BOTTOM BOOT,made of the best French Calf Skin and Water-proof RHEUMATISM,It cures ina few daye throughout,and which will laet longer than any other Boow.home-made or otherwiseVEURALGTA,Itcures ln few minutesTOOTHACHE,Us stopsimu diately ALSO,Fine Calf WATER-PROOF BOOTS,CORNS and BUNIONS,Uo curesin a few nighta with Duable Soles and Upper,a capital Boot for CHOLICoF Painsin the Stomach,Wtetop-rietanter Winter,and warranted Inflamed Cunsof Teething Children ALSO,GENTS FINE CORK-SOLE BOOTSfeDoubleSelewudUpperandwarranted Ea)io pet noend Decca ac wen .MILES &SON'S GENTS FINE CALF BOOT,hor Fever and Ajue,made stout and #trong and of the very best mate- I *:fia's.Worran 1 Brome soayaras®ALSO,MILES &SON'S PUMP-SOLF AND GENTS;DRESS BOOTS,Wiles Boots for besuty,doraForsileWholencinandRetatiyWWVAM|Liny and ileneunt weareare celebraicd (hroughoulyeMateofNOC.No.156 and ios Main the aud require co prareewbury,N.C are eM caavil a |Boor for Winter worth having a yrees thai defy competition Ve ee NN lone J e Boot ant Shoe Store, New Firm.Oct 2-172 SALISBURY,NOG 60. FALL STOCK.MURR &SOSSAMON, ‘]AVING fJ DD Brown &purchased Co.,ther entire stock of TIN,SHEET-IRON,COPPER- WARE.STOVES,Ger ih “PDT)i now offer the Iargest and handsomest lot of COOK x \ING,PARLOR and CHURCH STOVIS ever cae “se \‘ Mere this omarket,and wi lsell for cash as Wook DEALERS IN "i Western North Carolina Alse,all kindsPeceeNeWAREemsTi[es DR Y GOODSKeptonmnAkinosPin.Sheet Pron or Copper WURR &SOSSAMON Saisbory,Jan 10,1s 60 Ivy 34 BOOTS AND SHOES, salt,MoHace,Caps and Bounets.Sagare,Coffer Chills and Fevers Jaeex,Syrap,Nats,Horse and Wule Shoes, ’-is .Sole Leather,Cal€Skins,LaningFEVERANDAGUEadBinsingSkane,es Mes eee ©AND ALL Are now receiving large additions to their Stock, IBMILIOIE'S.IDIISTENSIGS.SSalishe PREVAILING IN A WALARIOUS CLIMATE (Van which they invite the aitenGon of the ciizens ofRowanandtheadjemogCounties Prompt attention given to ordersR&A MURPHYSyeedryiandPermanentlyCuredbylg eee SnattsTonic &PillsWatt's Tonic S. During the past year the demand for this great remedy hae been unprecedented 1s60 NOTICE. Hiring of Negroes Sept 25 Prepared by WOH WYATT,Drnggiet ‘andApothecary,Now Ts@ and 1Xs Merin at,Sababory,AND SALE OF LA ND! NC.Pree $1 per package,six for 85.A hberal .; discount to merchants The Negroesofthe EstateofSolomon Hall,dec'd Sept 4 tf16 will be hired,at his late residence,on Wednesdaythe2ddayofJanuary,1X61,for one year ALSO,about 1300 ACRES OF LAND will be Terms made knownSUPERIOR COLOCNE WATER, Treble Distilled from Fragrant Flowers sold at the same tine and place on that day N.B-all persons indebred to the Batate of Suiomon Hall,ward on that day and pay up, to be collecte ecording to law.e BR CRAIGE, W.H.WYATT,JW oOHALL, Sahabury,Dee 4,1860 -1f29 Bxecotore DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,in Fenn E Mi Sy WHEELER &WILSON’SSALISBGRC.;Sewing Machines. VEE.enhseriber having been appomted Agent for Tbetr,S0cts.and &1 per Bottle 2s,LRb0.40 r |WHEELER &WILSON'S SEWING MA CHINES,weuow prepared te turmeh the pable withtiveryValubleandIndiepensibleArticleinDomesFIVESohscribersareopeningatKeMachineennbeseeninoperation articnlar notice i hereby given to dee'd.to come |or all claims wall have Price heb eta, thisreneiy the old stand of GoM &Jones,the atmy Store,Nod.Granite Buikdiaglargeat‘A.MYERSkofHardme"tock Of Hardware PuertathieMarkalechichtaringiheanbonght NOTICE THISdirectlyoftheMannfactureteortheiragente,exclu ° sively for eash They are prepared to offer indoce rT inl ned having taken np the books of meniato Wholesale or Retail havers A call ie re '}the late ti Soll &Jamies,pray las notice,thekpectfullysolicited.)}}JONES &OVERWAN ndebred vy have a chance to pay.as the ns Mar 13,1860 143 Y ™K en ener ™.a Deo 27 1R50 ttFineShirtsandCollars. Tecanewiah to purchase Ane Shirtae anc Gilace LE,PERSONS who are indebted to me areDalleliheniicaiCiathingRempancaletLAreepectfallyrequestedtocallandmakeimmeICTRnTdimiepayment,at Tam compelled to have money ; Sept 25-119)No.2 and as thieis the first time thet Thave entled on mymrantcrRow VINEGAR. DURE CIDER VINEGAR,for ale by WWYATT,186 and 188 Mais street ,NEG frienda,L hope they will come ap promptlyRP.RESSENT Nov,29th,1859 1f97 H Sahebory, 9 MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICK RANAWAY--$75 Reward. |A compound remedy,in whieb we bave lubored | |produce the mow effectual altermalive that can beiieeteItte@conceutratedextractofParaBurra.|Parity &contbined with other substances of sul)greases alterative or a8 to efford an effective an-tidute for the diveQses Sarsapariliais reputedtecure1t16beltevedthetsuch@remedyiswautedbythose |who voffer from Biramous complainiv,and that wwe|which will wccomplish their care mast prove of in- |mense service tu this large class of our afflicted fel- 'low-citizens.How completely this compoundwill do it ha»been proven by experiment on many of the worrt cases to be found in the following complaints: ScRoruca ano ScroruLocs (omrcaints,Exurtrone anv Excevive Diseases,Uscens.Pimries,Blotcnes, Tumons,Sact Ruwum,Scacp Heap,Srewiuie anp Syruitiric Arvections,Memcuniat Disease,Uxorsy Neunataia ox Vic Dovrovreex,Desitiry,Dyspe risiaaNDENviGestion,Exyerretas,Rusk ox St.An- rHony's Fink,aud indeed the whole class of com-plaiots arising from Imrcnivy or the BroopThiscompoandwillbetoundagreatpromoter ofhealth,when token in the spring,to expel the foul|humors which fester in the blood at that season ofjtheyear.By the umely expulmon of themmanyrauklingdisordersarenippedinthebud.Multitudescan,by the aid of this remedy,spare themselves fromtheendarauceoffouleruptionsandulceroussores |through which the system will strive to rid iteelf of|curcaptions,if not arsinted to do this through thejnaturalchaunelsofthebodybyanwlerativemedicine|Cleanse out the Vitiated blood whenever vou find it|panies bursting (brough the skin iw pimples,erup-[Uone.or sores,cleanse it when you findstis obmruet- ed and sluggih in the veins;cleanse it whenever itjsfoul,and your feelings will tell yoo when.Evenwherenoparticulardisorderisfelt,people enjoy bet-ter health,and live longer,for cleauring the bloodKeepthebloodhealthy,aud all is well;but with[thie pubulum of life disurdered,there can be no Inet(ing health Sooner or later something must £0 wrongandthegreatmachiveryoflifeisdisorderedorversjthrown\Sarsapanila haw,and deserves mach,the reputation,jof accomplishing these ends.Bat the world bas|been egregiously deceived by preparationsof it,partlySecausethedrugalonehasnotallthevirtuethatis‘claimed for it,but more becanse many Preparations|pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,contain{but litle of the virtue of Sarsapariila,or aoy thingelse |Daring late years the public have been misled bylargebottles,pretending to give a quart of ExtractofSarsapariiiaforonedollar.Most of these havebeenfranceuponthesick,for they not only containItle,ifany,Sarsapariila,bat often no curative Prop- erties whatever.Hence,bitter and painful disup-potutment has followed the useof the variousextracysofSarsapariilawhichfloodthemarket,until thenameiiseltisjustlydespised,and has become “ynony-tnvus with Unposition and cheat.Suil we call thisFcompenndSareapantia,and intend to supply such aremedyawshallrescuethenamefromtheJoadofobloquywhichresteuponitAndwethinkwehavegroundforbelievingithaevirtueswhiehareirressti- bl 1 by the ordinary ron of the diseases it 1s intended te cure In order to secure theor complete eradica-tion from the ayatem,the remedy should by judi ly taken arcording to directions on the bottle Clouse PRKEVAKED BY DR.J.C.AYER &C0., LOWELL,MASS. Paice,&1 rea Bortte;Six Borties ror $5. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such #renown for the care of everyvarietyofThroatandLungComplaint.that itis eu- Lirel\unuecessary for us co recount the evidenee of is vilues,wherever it has been employed.As it n Constant!use throughout this section we weed vol do more than assure ihe people ots quali- ty ie keptop te en he best itever has been,and that ibwnay be rehedon to do for ther relvef all 1 hee ever been found to do Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, vOR THE CURE oF Costirences,Jaundice,Dyapepma,Indigestion,Dye entery,Foul Stomach,Erysipelas,Headache,Pres, Rheumatism.Eruptions and Skin Diseases,Liver Complaint,Dropsy,Vetter,Tumors and Salt Rheum,Worms,Goat,Neuralgia,asa Dinner Pill,and forPurifyingtheBlood. They are sugar coated.so that the most seustivecantakethempleesantly,and they mre the bestapenentimtheworldforallthepurposesof«family physeParce 25 cents ren Box;Five Boxes ron $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen,Physic.ans,States- and eminet men t personages,have lent ther namee to certify the u teled usefulness of there reme-dies,but ours here will not permit the insertion of th4m The Agente below nated turtieh grate oor Americas ALMaNac in which they are given; with also fali descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed fer theircureDunotbeputoffbyonprmcipleddealerswithotherpreparationstheymakemoreprofitonDrinendAven’s,an eno others,The sick want the best there ister them,and tbey 6liould have itad All our Remedies are for sale byWOHWyait,Salisbary,Nae Henderson &Ennise,oY Hatchinson &Co.,Charlotte,ge JOM Johnson,Mocksville,us Perry,Simpson &Lowe,Lexington,"* MA &CA Santos,Norfolk,Va, Haviland,Stevenson &Co,Charleston,S.CMarch6,1n60 dys SANFvu..—3LIVERINVIGORATGR, NEVER DEBILITATES.ded entirely fram Gums,andilepothsfabedinet,aStandard Merficine,Knowsjbaveweediandtanowredapprovedbyallthat;and approved by all mes »sorted (o with confidence in’ Teo can trenreds fhoceands \wtthin the Inst two yearswohadgivenupailbopes!©jor relief,as the numerousNosolicitedcertificatesinmypossessionshowbedosemustbeadatothelemperamentofthe individual taking tt us)lea tm such quantities as to Let thedictatesof your |judgmentguide you in theuseoftheLIVERIN-||VIGORATOR,aod t willcure Liver Com-||plaints,Bilieus At- tacks,DyePeree:Seen =aesSummerCom-jaints,ysente=ry,Dropsy,.Seur|Stomach,Habitual Costiveness,eet Me.Soran oe ra us,Cholera nfantaum,jate- lence,Jaandice,)Female Weakness- a,and may be used ene jcessfullyas an Ordine= cline.Itwilleure SICKthousandseantestify.)tmtwoorthreeTea-jem ai commencement of jstviag their testtimeny ry Family Medi-) HEADACHE,@)twenty minutes,If,spoonfuls are tak- tack.Alt whoase itare in its favor.MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITHTHEINVIGORATOR,AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER.Price One Dollar per Bottle. —ALSO,—SANFORD’S-GATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FRO: Pure Vegetable Extracts,and put up ip GLASS CASES,Air Tight,and will Oe enanem tharttc PILL »*The Famil Ca-artic Teteoueure.Coane ere tLe Tereeriaerbas used in his practice more ee ey Searne os The constant)mhaecareneedheDETAILS]pg and the aniierection wich all exprensjoregardto wwe,has induced meto piace therm within thereach of all.The Pre well know that different Cathartics actiffrtfthe:bowels.ke PAMILY,‘CAS THARTIC PII 1 Das,with due reference th iahed fact om 8tableExtracts,which set}Soiist body,Drees {ote ~tite,a Creepingthebod Har \o eath ose,|to3.Pre TH rs, aor Lanett afye in Cac jenn tement 1 he Invigorator ’thartic Te are relied hy Drugetete generaily,audsoldwholesalebytheTradetnailthelargetowne ORD,M.D., LGA Sakis and Proprietor,335 Brea@way,New York Sold by HENDERSON &ENNISS,Davaat AND Cusmiata,Salisbury,No ¢ UOWEY 455 seo) JAS.A.SADLER,Jr.,’othe Firm af TH RREM &CO,Charlotte,©¢. WITH SHERMAN BROTHERS. Imrorters aNd Joneeas OF Hardware,Cutlery,uns, ANI)HEAVY GooRs 19 Park Place and 16 Murra:Street,Nw vORE.mpd? ly6 Late Tine S,[R60 he rt cae os F)gtrene Y %yr a ig =a =" J.J.BRUNER,tee f ye oe [Procecdings of“theheSouth Carolina ae .y é '“4 SAM Ty -RY onveation.TOR AND PROPRIETOR.:,4:Ae tm.«i epnie Z j ;5 i ae Cuaczston,8.C.,Dec.18,1860. nie S :).y y Py ?;4,c:a y The Convention met pursuanttoadjonramentTERMS(GZ 4 Se (4 ‘y in Secession Hall Charleston,on Tuesday at 4,P.M.The proceedings were opened with pray- er by the Rev.Mr.Furman.sug i)Ui "\j ,, @®yY \’P YJ )»essrs,Caro,Meminger,Youog and Watts de TSNIGHSSHEET URES ~os ~—S +fs ;f Lor CARR i i j Y ee asked leave to recordtheir votes op the Resolu- RS *}Roe a4)Pee ‘eae ;ry |tion in relation to the withdrawal of South Ca- 3 “om wim Pe Reb)4m aoe 1 .pa ee a J \rolina from the Union,offered by the member ty wr Pes a !;eS ee oe |from Chesterfield,(Mr.loglis.)‘Their names be- \bay i a gh ’=;a =Fe ling called they voted aye.7 A y ’1 se “oe TO Rr wee :Mr.Rhett offered the folowing Resolution:.11))Y ;.\1)g \(yt.xX |]Il.SALISD I RY *N,C3 3 2D.x -J Pr ::if .:;J {BER Resolved,ThataCommittee consisting of —— UEP ar i s..mete t ‘4 a meinbers be appointed to prepare an Addresstothe people of the Southern States. at Eat .Mr.Adams suggested that the first Samaitire:storia norane ‘;in order was the call of the roll and reading o!Devoted to Politics,News,aaa Internal Tayrovements,|court ircle.fee ine ene :.i :oe ;ike :f Lhe President said trom the time the Conven- io i ea :Pa REMMI eed SR Ae OE A ac a :ome @ ‘tion adjourued,Mouday evening,it had beea Attiehin \“OLD :wy Step,as i ‘ae "7 .found sible to prepare any of the proceed-0 SOUTH UO NROLINA BAT NORTH CYROLIND LEGBG EERE.0 Foo hell |{0 THE SOUTIL |!¢United Stales:icctiwtidss OSC walt tis phived or is ros se \RIAL Ls OF gage 4 .OF OAS-|The New York Express says;:*|The roll of delegates was then called.I |',MEN AU |»What-is the vipta acqnire the tight!DATION.|On motion of Mr.Rhett,the Resalation offer- nate 4 B,C.Dieenbr 1,1800 ‘Co emigrate with Southern honsehuldsin;Namerotng v bgey made to/ed by him «as taken up,theay filled with Brown re ‘“ques:{to the erritories?:by pions ..7 eet |eM a if oe he iba :I)lis entir@ddegialative experien.,Answer.To secede from 1,500,000 of citings,in wf pilingedes|ae1inoomGrogtothe3%Heiende in the North,sanding and dangenaah ened|Sree ae soefunyesBthehad‘served te |hand and all the Territories tov,tu.the free sbe set apart,;,k >|Mr.Middleton thought it impossible that theanymisreplnofSierale,Abolitionists of that North.for Bons ee Aue f |President could carry onroqnanie?thrwseentheaieWhatigthe.way to secure the.ex!oc thyme the ok POA:nh oa ios,of hy Fn tie Slave compact!|.In eomplinnes h qnest_and jot =re alpag ostforth|duenths abolish the compact,|HY Own BeNEe ¢lant36)Ie torts Mr.Adamefudaene thooght they should,ilems'Wit he eu te strength ththe iu tue dreDax ned AMX,Mor this |. prediins Pt)the ;nalao smpowered’ ,s press,in del :here amd!cleewhethinelpeapleitou\Uibow :bined :bating questionsthink,the value of it CL stite vat ow 1M VENA 7 sa ?!vreat excitement:@soseurnfullyrejectwhenquestionsofdisputeSeaioeereeyCentteasiChGyreyjuofdisputydepartfrom.bay er s eS " People|a sions fa labo as bak a .;speeted and recog niged in it,and be Jomgererr ,‘a,::Mi{ns ser =‘a en Mr.pape eat Hers Reeatuliniia erniniate :i rentersai penta fa Riera slavery Prpotectistl the Federa!Conatitu-several forme of worship,to keep it as 1 sistant Clerkif hefindsit PY -Se in the repeatof the debate on “en gives it,and to league in with Jolin solemn Fast.Mr.Harlee thought the amanseeat outof Hons which he had offered to Ballfand Exeter Hall in the formation of ‘The Union ofthe States isat the present order.;.— :on ,nithixsioners toattend the State ew alliances for its strength and protec:Woment threatened with alarming and ‘The President—The question is or the adop-voined either to tot :>:‘Sti Conlin NCE tlone immediate danger 3 panic and distress of tion of the Resolution as amended., we |:a eee ere oem But vive us,1.900.000 Union men in @ tearful character prevail throughout the Mr.Read asked whether the question was HAM Urey ks ie £Fre.:Jand ;our laboring population are woth poo the adoption of the Resolution or upon a du.the amendineut.Ile moved to lay both Keso- It the Election wus to be done over btived of means of earning them bread,liven a id amendinent upon the table. the Northern l sill be satisfactorily settled of the ve Union remain to park:the Novth,tine,breathing:tuue,and : te Benatar fen WOW seb a opt diere.eut employment,and ee Lito a communicate :lelow).luvgu sepia ts lawu diet aes fle.were accordingly laid on the table.Aer)CosUa swe Wid sclalie itn 5U,.ot Us BG BGaIS fo ie oy lis as ail of the report we bave received,HOO Ininority tito @ GOO000 majority,DOE eens Le tu asevere indisposition of the attentive We begin to comprehend the vere ES Peontusion and dismay,and ;‘veoutot the Adams’Telegraph Line at Colum- ae conther”in We Sel,Lumber,eels four best ane pur :Hes ead)tubrix,°sregeurdedoro,Wheat,every th wand you be 'oveounderstatdotwesuspectinyeureeseLOUISIANALEGISLATURE P SHO QUO Id ¢OMe ee 1 Wednesday,in thet:ttee reported the confisca ie .a ‘i {‘~1 i .S ee i ,|¥Eo a .‘7 ‘:\{acy vi ue camePubticWeeting.:eat ©The tillyof Sewart’s theory 1 ee DaeVes wea ata ae.‘r not t ‘ted by Mr Adama,theItispropesyepIoOeeHGtheSouth,ds mn .ie ..!i a adies were Rowan Counts mecting i Sali roslyn between Christa AMD arSane |*han ae mili:wf \m ''Now O:lcans,wade an eloquentit‘hich passed with-iit take cot }fecpoin wean :OL eS.Ne eis o :ae ee ;ep tions of thanks,and for States,the Legislaturepresenl 2 Liter from Europe. | trv and Vietsys VE RRIN tL OF THE BOHEMIAN I teamer Bohemian, th telegraphic dates I ry,passed va.:,i ';i 1 1 1 States badwd!Cava strait a \hy iis.|;7,:..::4 t eons oo,ah ros Sa bat ]poel cotton market,Letus.tien.een ?ths \tata é oie oo ean alan Pesca uN Whatiet an ot plac ee :Ea gee eleastreelyimet| Stippirtartee by bhicths ul E thyvokWptonest4!!nhs ae ar .1 t 'er sphere o a persona wotry for tribuat tiral at ALA EES torney G +Senate of the Presi- day rela- Minute Men der of Fort are deemed namtaw an hon-pre ving thi vot ok the Statesal oil bie te oteterns of MI ae rt an WOAVET tae apit Pine ia Tae ea WIS]hae ;.chee In our editorial of yesterday wecorality.Portas ifs were within the walls of ve printer had it parte different from the former fometettc ippited te certain mem-‘Ss :wo —_pained -vet so far out of theee“a .i roby they -mets)EE ai oo .ou,:,\informs us that in his‘)1 Was an editor,and used listressed by the blun- tore call upon ti ton—all who vy mad would mag ‘‘':.ee 1 'Sent :j Weany Pe mest amusing one of Mineriea’s ators write j _ey.1 :the dhechamer vie Heats Roneng "an h ee eS SG s mads by «#nataralized eontston trom tac wd oS ING)WN Hy |i yee ‘i Y ‘.pout .i :'.;vA hon cat thghitine (4 me ny Cink ra nd a ; sttnof freedom:sink forever—to at :'tee vf pits t state “£Y,ea -E IAC eis :'Ce eel ae a \Silemands dis pound of flesh,” tend this qneetine.s and mite there 'at t weit Whedon tauted I a .en a —a 5 PD::SAG ‘i ‘,em out “We shi ee |“or yan Le “lin the paper as follows:ther pembatis fraction eal Wedel)dd Bact:E :::: vorees and:therm milneines ‘E !~preset me tiub \Py aie Clits le vedruss:sire i PAM Lie nee ene fothis,This is iideed oa ee conte “Siyvlark demands tis proud flesh.But :‘when sach a person is ne yp the expression ik the following from the Colum- Ci.)Times will do the great calanmiutic sdneh thres :a en HEU Lae een COREE ose Peet Oso cliTareUl fovealone nicestUw nnrysrieecli seal oeeron tala arin our beloved Coantres.’;',,te st ah che tad done to show 2d.[fother States have antracted the Union,pursue such a course,Cader the «:::ele bec clane:Mi montislie tia situa wrinccdis Natur tuna nil which the Gisnuion leaders would « W suppressing the the Constitution and Uinion against those wi posuch lanenage would not be tolera young gentleman by the vane of Con- ator fram bave infracted the one and threatened the other te God deliver the conservative and bev.teiving been united by the holy bonds of Logreatly the mM belongs to those rhave trioticold Stateof Noeth Carolina trom &°!sent the mariage notice,with a verseKeptnotthosesswtrorlientiegkeuarenPeeerdl|4!svn composition,tothe printer for pub- WLW ¢Lid ti On the 4thof July,bs.uy ‘\‘Sonth nittines, with the editor ':';lina aud Massaeliuse tto s ;zs \'t ;,5 Del debate,and CSUs eau j :;nyist ioference that no ex :;i passed resoliteaie a ::o toe time bad been called for i Vi ae a Mt yr epreciprtate:4 {,and¢:_pa :(eae rence eainleureraaes LH Utne,“oman ss Mito vospre;raters ane fn no Nt tt July 28.4 Conkey,i ;‘te een et,,\‘iy larry Avi }nl .1 \voto Miss Kuphemio Wiggins, ww toliows s ie FOnwarksa WTO Qin Mandir of tivotle:representat haves.et uplivdyeeeane‘a ee alaomny sidieof letters (rows (iste \cee anit Mv dT i THE Ee ae 1 teats ecstacy—ia ae We ution ai!{nh eked with much anxiety for thefoNorthernfanatie‘i ;ee ’Ree tthe dntrigues,tHe wa r {the sham Seutinel,in order to see Phe breaking Ayaan Negras an :'on eunitie vf |df oun prin The compositor into:whoseosceoenaeeehe|Gi nadneadl notice was placed happened to be on mate some wonderful thus Nilyv 38.A.Donkey,Mi”Epheumia riggins, tx tenxof th two heads Wheroare the leaders p44,i nent i ae is parts that has Groueht this lon ‘,uyextra dray mithorut mon vkey’s pheeliny 2” vington Herald, lasses to hide them yoof the hungry mob?'on"uM pea :cowarePthehungaoitetokeeptroopsandshipsofwarintineofpwardIpp proot thatPLUIGRGRIAMCTSINGCMaseamarnlntarenilenJwhenactually View The Boston P 'Will it need a prompter vaded.or when in sach imminent danger as w ,hee Roator Pitot,anaeeeaaeaanninriveneTmshCatholicsentimentof|vimnito woire we actualmoiddenedcrowdswhohave"0!’ive None teenie::;invad I.our danger not imminent *®Does I ;Har ;Via disposed to sympathize aaCNNCNSWVarristaS|t Sonthern secessir ':it alint of delay?May not a sovereign State ci :LOnUe Secession imavementsg dnwethoughtvonwereonlyexcitingtheeculeseevclamationcalhogyaneXtrasessionofitslastissneitmakesanexhibitionofthe their tormentors?Beware!You :i r ;1 ‘Guy And what is ile diferenced))\W1 t ristature of Tennessee,to meet wrongs of the South,and says thatin theIttvoteshadbeen|Vi dene Wit Arion or (rae Ouawall findithieldischarvad wiitemnneiniray inten aldewnmiaeihererentt on ie 7th January,the same day upon event of dissolution,‘the people of theintteadofbySt»Lincoln slavery must be permitted in the Terri laborer of onr Northern cities a far more —|say,then,atick to all your rights,renounce which the Virginia Legislature is called Sonth have such local advantages,suchwouldnotlavereceivedLoO)Electoral tories until State Grovernmenta shall be instant and uncontrollable element,and pone,tight for all,and save all!together.The Legislature of Kentucky agricultaral prosperity,and such enter- voter Phe total majority against himoins formed there is ne hope of compromise.you will be the victitns of their fury =Yours,truly,&e.,will also probably assemble at the same prising spirit,as will show them to be tl rion 1a abont YOO,A00 Vow Vork World ()uell the storm in time,if yon ean!HENRY A.WISE time neither poor nor weak.”ve [oni ‘iW ey,|t ka oof the South against their mas ——e From the Wild Herald. We copy from thefBayetteville Obdser- ver,at the request be writer,the ar- ticle to be found in @rother eoluma un-‘4S der the signature “Md.”We tind in brought the Government to the verge of rin.Whe same copy of that valuable journal a there is ulso there a constitutonak,toval aed ooo letter from Wy F.Leak aqr.,in cbivalric party,which,though »minority in A er to a nomber of his fellaw eiivenenumbers,has on its side the prepondering weight “i haadeioeilii ae 1 f of intelleot,character and property.We kuow DOOR eO ROTe Late Rae E One RORthecountry,&e.,&e,,—whieh is also re-that it may be replied that,while that is true,::c this party has not been able to arrest the inarch quested to be published in the papers of of that fanatical and nefarious the State,and whith we would gladly pow threatens to overwbelin the South and the transfer to cur coluains,bat for its length, Union,and that they are wnable,even now,to Mr.Leak believes in the vigeht of seces- avert the coming storm.—T!ston,etinycuishing that act from revola we only contend that the South ought to dis thon beeanse itis te be exercised only by criminate between its friends and a Convention which represents the sover- and to do justice to the noble mended aml cour e¢gnty of a popular poverntuent,and Bta- ting that any resistance to the generalageousmenoftheNorthwhohaveeverst .a le elit he oeupmanfullyforthetruthandthereli.qt under any mandate short soverelnty would be treason.”fave of such an ouside pressure as no one the or Gite thongh he believes in the right of OUR NORTHERN FRIENDS The Southern press eannot too often iinpress tpon the mind of the Seuthern public the pro minent and undeniable fact that while there is in the free States a powerful party which has ranization which istnay be tru ng VS eboTes, voVCrunent hiiaveSouthiscalledeheounterWi ‘Butsadthattheweightofcharacter,talent.and ee eater ncn property in the North ts on the side of consers vcesatuniy Le docs mot think the time has atinm.Even in Massachusetts,such mien as Ep UE NeU Tey ts Cece He agrees withGromlsrcriesdhefeDeoreClpeaus,wal {lon A.TL.Steph@us in his views on the others,who ave risen to fae by the shecrforee SUPJECt,and quetes parts of Mr.Stephens of intellect’and pabhe virtue,wad not by the speech concluding fais letter with the fol | arts of the demayogue,are on cur side.Tu the lowing recommendations t city of New York,this has always bres U the case *We po in then @ a Convention of the There bas never been a day since the establich States,but not for a@agonsultation with the en ment of the Americau Constitution that No York Gre Souths and that for reasons we shall af: was not loyal to her duties wider it,faithful to}perwards give,: the spirit aud the letter.The ablest mien of N.We are fur invitin York are found at her bar,and mrely consent to”tucky,Tennessee and enter public life.Sach men as CHAK RoR would disdain a seat in Congress—an on-|fortunate fact,which is true,more or less,of all|should be Southern inlevtheNorthernStates,for it has thrown open the |Jar:we would demand% upon to Maryland,Virginia,Ken Issvuri duty consultation ery essential partion O'Cos-|with)North Carolina,-| We would then lay Yown our platform,which |ere te it. THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH. Several weeks ago,we ventured in te- ply to an intimation from the Cincinnati Presbyter that there was danget of a di- vision of the Presbyterian chatch,ex- press the hope that whatever convulsions migat occur inthe political world,the chureh,the ark of God,would not be touched by profane or unholy hands.It was then beginning to be apparent that a disruption of the Confederacy would take place.This disruption seems now tobe inevitable.The indications are plain that insix weeks the present Union of 83 States in one government will cease toexist.Itis truce that Divine Providence may arrest the progress of events,and nay Work out an issue totally different from that whieh,to all honan appearan ces tnavoidable,Yet to the result indi cated above,everyting seems now to be rapidly and certainly tending,Even be fore this paragraph reaches the reader's ase eve,once State may have asserted her in dependence and established a separate government,: ‘The position which we assumed when distuien wae probable,we mountain with equal earnestness now that distaien ts Tue Vsxuy ov tuk Cxurcn, amndist all political convulsions,should be the motte of ecory Presbyterian in the land.The Synod of South Carolina,at its date seasiona,adopted this principle, and we doubt not with consisteatly ad Tie two oldest Presbyterian |papers at the North have expressed sim: certian, SS |Deserting the Coytilry in ils Time of 'Need.—There hus epldoin been presented in any country a mner®pitiable spectacle than that of the resignations of Secreta ries Cobb and Cass.It is proverbiatly said that “rate d@ert a sinking ship,” trom the instinetofselfpreservation.Dut the rats neither bing the slip date its sinking condition Wor have the power to do any towards saving it.Tiey are mere interloping verming who have sueaked into the ship asa plage of refuge for the sake of its fat pickinga,Our Secretaries, on the contrary,have bees bonored,in vited in,eutrusted wih the command of the slip.They have brought her to the verge of ruin,Sh@ is about to strike on aw fatal rock3 and these men,het Iriachrest officers,inglariousky desert hour of peri,leaving the crew,disparited heroin the hy thea defection,to grope them way through the dark gterm af they can,oF perish with the wreck. It may be argued,that the eountrs loses nothing by the desertion of tuiaul time-servers like these,Who are only tt to flost with the currentin tines of peace and prosperty.That weald be were not that they gelected the very worst Cobb eupty,and then abandoned:it, Wondreds of unpaid chains kKuocking at He waited Gl he saw the we vernment dishonored,and then,when too late,yave place to whew niin,otis tar with the dutie#ofthe office and the financial resources and responsibilities ot the country,and net likely to make hin frie itat tine to desert.the “PreasuryHairt leaving its door, - From the Fayetteville Obse.ve THINGS AT RALEIGH FROM AN OCCASIONAL COKKBSUONDENT. Raven,Dee.11. The question has been much debated out of doors for several days,whether the General As the Tyt see.of the 4th our Constitution,ean calla Convention for Feder sembly,oder ariicle of al purposes *onless by the concurrence of two thirds of ail the members of eh Tlouse of the General \sscuitly The fireeaters contend that both clauses of this seetion apply only fo a con Stale Civentiontoceamend:ovr yuxtitetion,aud they sav sneli is dud fouthi’s openion,“TieCommonspassedaresolutiontedkayashingth Judes of the Supreme Court lor an opinion 1 Unis question Te was sent to the Seuiute ferMi.Avery,to out off delatcoteanbetic Moved feta propositionan thas tatite The Senate by Fapor ty ot about TO votes,tefiised ta bay ation tabs Ma Biwin detuned at too portly dirensute,sun CAMs peotly reatust those who wonld allow party ott to couttol tei Votes ae a tee ithe this.Gr Dockery ne dist that te toed teatd:this pater vo NTiorta votive Lately We dad erabeavoredGatotesbeailthefentyavahoai retort toads Ltor any at ofthier nat tl bev Che dhanmoer ttsthas sessio \‘ vidual was sappesedtote mt te tls oth Wirt wast Hoc pee ston of es $ Heer,(udaeah or tiistercl win ct ta Keeper ”erhuposneds2 Pha one of then bee the dbenoer ite pouty dusecret Pea monte u Not oo ll would pet listen dish tee to boetiirestrom tose Whose aetions prove Chat (iey ea reco guise to pour sti Vet Veal Whit Petes thot stbet inh ct dhanoerte candidite or a dean erane iicasitee Le sand he bad contended betore lis people bet leMeusaoy fy mould the opinions wfAhe people.“SecegesionaudnoCompromise,’—no settlement bywhicktheUnionmaybepreserved.And these are OHly a tew oof the men who take this standWehavereasontobelievethatGovernorEllis,Senaior Avery,Senator Mark Erwin,aod a inaJontyofthemembersoftheLegislature,bed onbythesenen.are prepared to take this step;and we determined,oght or wrong,if they can,to commit the State to secession ;time and the forrth of March.Wall vou allowthemtoate2bfurot,be vigilant of your nightsmodertheStateConstitution,and let them knowThatyouarenetvetpreparedfostakeeveryHingupontheeastotthisdenferateanddan- between this Carolina Célatchman. ;ee .;gorens expedient,i which is we remedy for th\s o eBSeelayNevisotwhich)we coni lain:/ se TOESDAY EVENINGS DECEMBER 95.1900.DANGEROUS Tt apppears that there are not two-thirds of theeXLONOMlonMembersantheLegislatureoafavorofaConven- Tete tess Pomeaiuiioa Catonminitcdt me cues!ETE pore sO Tule nite vconsideration Wnelauecttle doer National troubles are “Peal the Stare shoukd doa regard to the sevession \equ \1 Maw fo be heby Hloyenents of the day.Tn other words,there areweereeyBEEveTatasiaLavonofsecession,and those who ..ao Renin ‘rosed Lo seerssion do bot beliewe there isany han te ern we eee Hees ta eallnnien Couvention lor any other pur- -i wee pose.And yet we ate told thesevession party,which pace Otiprises almost every Breckiundge democrat in Sta [easeNe UN 1)NO)CO COMETOIRO)VGTey 2 eteeuek CUTNait he ete minedto have «Convention Bey Ty heave reste fete ati to prove ‘cok :gee biel Ue er uOnSathatameyorityvoteissidticienttocallyt that there isa party i Noith Cuirehine who are eesooliog(ae Consttuuonof the State is pomted and Aa en tee Pie |the Souther an :ality with th 1 Con lechaniny hat no Conventionot the State di be ented eXerpl upon a two-third vote. Sean oll rede fhate Poovey thine they Wa «an rhea'atu ''S “Y the people ot (is thing now.The wol break np Ui Urroteet the States it possible,Saporme Coantol tie ute is now sing at Ral- Phas ay weeept Ho other artyustanent cof Che wtp ly aad i tes beeu proposed ty subaut the ques- (piestions Ti dispute tween the North and the 'eu to Chat vacua,but no,that don’t suit the f those States who had|‘>>iti hes ;jilar views.‘lhe Banner at Pittsburg re PenAMSR \;/ dvorsof political preferment to wen of a third interposed their pewal neice between the mas Noduetia Te \self familiar with thea daring the ten somarer thot the foders ef the Dire Nitin ey |Gacihenn Crufdueranate (eerie balsaol Ciuce:Wo doubiless know already how and fourth rate class,who cannot obtain a live:lio,;{Inve Fy SEOULEL maternally to the seathment of |)wine of Ph inoeracty fteided te dissuls 4 ,,ter and dis fugitive slave,that they be repealed ;weeks to whieh bis service is hanited i ,i ;esotte )TD ehh (ie Court would decade.They are determined to Vhood in any other way than by voing to the Ne uy :‘onrarticle,and inoits last issue the Some ;ee Siem ney ee ele ifety af the South eis upon whoch ‘ g :baben RPO e would demand that the question of slave Dire 1 Cass bad to such teal te encounter ti lis >2 i :live a Convention aay bow,whether Cousttuton- Legislature aud to Congress,and who are gen ;hytertan ot Pintadelphia depreeates ric FIVE tal Cicer Cle Ct aay (eaire ce 'tod owe dread that)samething ae s ry now and forever,do every tianner,shape and j an departinent >Chere Was be fore gg cou tes i :Nae bi a !Coust sus and laws Gave no sacred- erally as destitute of principle as of statesman ‘tian,be driven from the halls of Con tesa,aaee fenpensthiiity:of aetoirch separation :Bat |mn Gilier Wisl tierce CimesaWevtiteh yi Wort atnt vit be dome cother i.|Tosa cl Na - i Ol fhess,z -Alert rece s S :-,he Who lave sel out tu ce nolepe ship.And these men,the ranting,vuluar bar gidy the constitutional obligation to extend:toat This is as itsheukl be,het breriren Eee"ne Nes ae un Boatuew th filets via States tir saatinty |f Se :oh icaiaaingy pic teoce room loungers and spouters,ec Nirun Ti aiMen rete Oust hustle lenstation™dwWweil together am anity.Let the olive tence ot ad fference with the Presstent 9 \egieate reso.uton,“These must bend or Mt 4 Obeete AWAL ius «risiathote *os _si:an x !hit st Bt )ea ¢6 -‘(CEH eRe Stat CNN Etat hhies coal ,F ‘'PSS ty SS ae ‘aia biean doty (hey,but Ie itsorthecountryastherepresentativemenoftheasicnowextendedtoeveryotherspeciesofbrabenfhoweistinthesanetiary,thous i (oe rio,a :h Nui date Was Fake On tide pris hang a ;He itsell muse yield \SVet t t a 46 ‘|*:,whe Ul rotthetl tind the aetote fi 1 i \‘Oy sa n Tens |!uss ivse ame a ‘ North.a Wat HT Siwann,the great bell property when wrouefilly assailed Phese its leaves wither and diein the Semate ana :a a hs be an sult Saprenme:Comet,ft wii b ‘cee ueu sed ore ote 4 et ae :leserts Just when Che vet eutot a bite S ces !eee 'With Wily it ds osesaeBiackKvpublicsTayie)VOaStalicee Anil (ee in conte Aid oOr remanent (reo aan [cue tienmilu ene nates ene!ok wt tie thie ue abe in it 1 |1 usw Wi is proposed to arm ~sobsidered sucl vy the r ‘1 1 oral ted der ts SVT ATY al Ce EG .fs lerrelat |!,tody of the s . man,wd ds not consider i di vty Ne salt nating aus ionger an the Confederstion 2a Southam the church,bat all be one in pen St et ‘oT Gis *_2 ss :::2 :ee her yistices inthe dg and ae ae FEM ate co Wis GMaNnULY Mreronabve nie teu)tes micen fmencnmiens Cr rece Host in gpurtods elFeet upen thie pads ferent leis t im a eal ent counties they are to be placed under the 2 wished schol Us orations are elabe :"i veadbepress the dropes thast t roto tah ‘eu 1 Sigel eae PMIONSE NT tho dor ne which time we should stil couauue a SL NFO TUL RS:GG Ota CO oe Depress tite diy Pls }S :!\hab,apd ie the Governur—and rately prepared by the midight oil and he isa gy Motta Gd ieyleme ounce athCa lace a eatery me red '‘'\rest £Thave the peaole forgot Chine cunning and subtle i j ret yoreee ved bath pustic pho Gomitesy \t PASSES ERMC UUBe mg and suble party lender Sot this as |Wee OMe CUR WANG Ar Crile ern love tire he?;wid dustigate teen te pat forth ied te :‘rat ia S46 vistiag by Visilance all.In an uupreme Nihled (esctissheto uty .eg og ix i"ent een -rod tose of the Nour |2h lye ;7 \Pee ,i 1 .a F :hs il Moor cr Vieciseliateetiicre sarca ew contin fare ti eect tilome tear ak WO repared to reetpracs Satie on one Sleek ,;:|;;='MeO eA. mw 0 as cur fathe dela the st cls ool wtecastid 4 ‘Ste Rs—SIt S ¥'Bots 1 ore teh baters who do not catry too many guns for ,:we reas s Poe ehaceb has tien her po :bee X 'Ree Us aen il RATVS Caio a Peoosh crown enemies dn war in peace i n free!chs ss wiielra tae |!i !\\>.ol Fo retmeniber Uaene thin cut and dry Auburn orator:and te oa lest y noy (reece ene 'Tron tie Ditic om tre savory gles :,\\l fea ey = .-ale We volt 'Go We WN )(Poa paadiel NGM atl >.i ‘a eS gtapple at the New York bar,with such writs cate secessna tory atch po dots as thas Wavtiitat ah Y :2 :.‘*\vi that the caluog of a as U'Coxxor,be would not have a whole bens ele Sistas Callen eiteaneultrrmmarenken ere ¢bene state ner division an all ;it .\geabl |‘=‘,ey vote is netgaly a viola Feft in Mis body.Whien we cpeak ofa N.York nd dowked open dy the North as eminty UbP bounds —VC.27 why ler itn.oe i eles :\\Pe le i =::TAD PELE RIO SMT BOR Riateom mim thennarondt De Were ier nae Ne eit ncn fling 8 witlhy v De necracy s circ -Oo fy always iuriishes a pre- PO se EVV E a et there are itech 1}ot a '';‘ to our nind,the man whose gems crete tha l Telit «1 tet :;EEN ber ve es ele >‘1 ‘!I tls Lita te saan becomes pround for New York winch Woe Ho Siwann,the deta X :i REACTION AT VE NORTE tee ind moeisy bat descr v vitls \;|:vero awdin tenes like these,they. .1 dest :an Pe sav tee Newther navies,eguaiity atall baz ,Rr |a,a)|A t r t %clecrte ot Ww ely upon tie heels of each oer a destractionist,bas done dis best to ards and at any price equality oe the Un ble Doston Courier,co Whine on the al uy ‘bi Se f ‘‘‘‘‘‘eo i Lote people ty ther arth like Sie;4 a muainly by avaring themselves or tudependenee withont .stad the beyput wi catdadaty tor the Ma >oS i .}Wartcls atid resist these things: ike Seward.of ail sorts of popodar hobnies,t Vie eS UDISEMNIi menaced erie eT]as oe f ft W !:=!k vudtatice a3 the pace of ride tuto power,that dis followers dave made huhle that then bona z rat aes !‘(aks 'vat counseds Have a ureter - themselves prominent and notorons,whilst mens thet.and re ain ;hi 1 eof:cheenims event canne nt ‘nrtely Sue \‘‘:yee vtheet,ane stor this,mnd this atone ut <:\'.: Of realiMeritand inleriUelianie:not bern hitdln pen econeitiien witli Wista Ad seul pubbe ade Mlgetieais \uces Riwwethee Gl Was a ,;ie Vee ote aI:(aanaaciaseres of,because they were in ldastoousty pursue .>:honatomad cela sseare Ly sened etc \Stapuiot out Sent oes ‘3 .:f i tol eon th their various honest vocations in peaee and q :a WOR LEAK frre the oeairal «Tor 1 [eee P et neca kt wie Wowie \‘=le 'SD ot "\ie riot fie iserevulen et.If these latter have been overnin aid onus baw whoo bes to ta sens wo lord Cet wes '{\}.: ed by the infuriated abl’.eV A iGtanesen Z Vetrerieatreny aire ‘at ean eee)A i ';a 7 ee >:‘Low ‘»the George to betcclifoundedmantln menses ier Nu.ra Conference —-We eppuis uy ow cuts [other aetion,wer ni testes:ow Wiakes <tely ww \..i ;”.(:-ag)to e pon tl mies us well as Ou wilco tl titel lies came as bo bis s preposed ¢erence at pos fale hs Mehl este barrie liestt Pea area z =1 the fe oe i gener even uw,to resist,oC tecessary,at he pointy of VHC S horn States beeatiee we bemexed:sass Hin v ow Con Vty sete pros ae crlaare 'Let ‘\Sari t ~,Ute ’General the sword .tea tvel cet feve ite ta have deen qade aby th "i (Viet pte ay tea \ty ne ‘’oe!'>‘:Lees Ee If disunion comes,the South need not look Yoce te precipartate North Cirotona ite oud mitry lie Whole ean niet ‘ernie ‘\f ;,i Qas sol bers all the mem- abroad for ailies. Ttow Ine a ye tes Gc este Peay nel a Acie os 1a for 4 ection ine bromo sviacuasrs ais acl ea 1 }“\:i ,.It,,‘tthe pea- self,and will have more fechtal and teliahle do net approveet a Southern(eae ero i vicehous,mi Che Connien hat nit t x '“|',,;ws Botte thong was friends in portionsof ourown Nother States tletaod a North Curelona Conve Vise ral oles te nib gra ber testo at ‘(0 Hatinetny.nb mt ;1 the Leyislatare bad no idea than any it-can tintin F Vesertiseusnamreicel oes luting Whe Gun iene ta Chanostan,Newburyport,BKovtary,Worcester hh Uiorts cued teat esy Cee ACY \bow \font ns 0 ‘:pot themselvesupastars ete potiey as welias sheer justice the South forse”—as he advised,But tie Colua 20"ee aca meen ie ie ae en .vee :MM ia ea:_.Be sn extend the warm lout '[ship and con ig South ¢rolittian tubes qu te a ciih ’reach peck oiptros vt "‘t *Nest \é }e :alae Seance Candler fidenoe to such aciy as New York,which ne hep dd ad with aw step thet onee more kecpes Vied ali unjust v bees ‘sista 2 5 ‘me 'Pernt cow Pthe poepesal Jive .tl ‘‘1 (Xi ‘Avast dealot piste on trbe to day only.but has always been trae,hie :hue music ot tie Cig by pili ofth cues vivo ee i 'ie eeimiiemlge cin pever falters d iu its sacport of the Constitunor ooperationof ail the Sather Nii Bigs Cate Nptess our ueratifeation att tabests,thes Set ty oe)\I !::;the State in a datter andwill be food,we don’t not,i the ews at Et iG nl Civlvtretices ts els SF ros curn au [eof public sentiment,seqerent tay ein t ‘‘.s ‘.nt !:‘eeopie ited fot which trial,side ty side with che SouthernSates Voprevent the movement [veces |This We HY mee tor thewet cause of the counties sao tad \‘y ..‘el tothe maetibers ancient unconstittienal principles of thateit Soo th Cor tnave determtuedl to defiant.ste to lars foals Taw)Wwe coe dr bana aetnt j -‘fae k watis be affinitiesoftiecharacter with ttn TO Ul venir (abt sy Bia AG every Sen WoStde,deeds caweriur Le by asalatary elon <ialit ‘,::ee EES s ;:5 ''ye loner ict Gade Chien ices Gh Cie Ulmt mata ts boshi crn sud will defeatit.coon of ot toh the vopeiaiie \oot the Nor "‘I ' abhorrence of New Enulaid tavsticrin,its vase (0 14 GF tee tu (fee it Ste keowst tr Let Renee lent pit Ole lene nel t }‘c ath ea commercial ititercsts,ali show us where we may Sob ed!toot solansson,and of AGO cl risa ik Hs SU Ww inh iene of ieee eee nao ''~!!:. Bnd our test and weet celiaite fre,Hepiy.ocho every Vine toa wen fe Sriarl tm mK \Nip cree Oly ane ‘. Ing to an arvcle cf that lesser Puritan ones Voegeli stombacieade f aon .Pie NaC eC LNA oi New)th Temes our gavant tiem)of the Pias’s aeessage that fe had ne wish ot ‘ee ;-pe?n’vie |I x Y {|:Pea Sica aleNewYorkAupresssaysee4.ae a“wiltes Poewaee |[stern ‘:;: nN pres Paice As the Ratetyl !:lle saVs Matt SIN ro \l !\M )Wy “The responsibilit enw ween es HUCM sean Avert eter |: ve responsi bi hast en well wehed So awe Ti jecuimniitedtol ut ;et)Sas ren Maree 'Ne (ieee x The laborers,the mechanics,the maiuufacturers ,::teowiilh tes than a vt n (NNE ||:ua ea t Jaunary tor ayo ~5 :‘‘“esofthiscity,the merchants,the bank ry the re 1 3 .fl ;He UNS TIAN tae al ‘ahi ‘i yuo ‘ estate owners,the million of huni betas that >prirpese in quoting the alias eee A ee ,a a nyu Ss rr tat t '|i 'cs Ml ee pers were iva hetenbouton Gunnune wt es to give our North Carli,ets 'ms LCHa tt Sy watt SS)lanier ;!' well wal wit ihesNoieainsueetWiican meus gt CLC IcePataaites .y acorn LV vter tieseantbae Pyis state mate Sava I .a yon:yw wv :,e ‘/I (oes i A ‘ee we Seuth bread or sce their property depreciated Th per (UREN ©South Carelina Beeanse »Wen st ye wits and 4]uy Wiel et “"boat i !'oo @ot.in order to coliest protection duties fap UielBe Tak TG Sallie te opyiosed:tes at ants Ob Ue Coutry many .Voth Ww eos ft t we ‘i 4 B y I a Paretee el ,es Vepate Nallifying New Englund,or Abe litionzed NOY,Wont overnite her et she wil t RC ,ts Pood :iH A ,:::; ee a .,M .Bs F ;|\~‘‘‘t .o peaple ot rth Itis trine to speakplac.and of the Coton is te Consetwith tenn,t preotne of tien Gloly NEWS FROM Lb WEST vlower a vt :'f ee I :ie be rent in twain for New Enaland Aboltiorcen,abe fentd avere dnteresred ve thie nes Noy einen ot Aala ae a ;:i ‘1 e el '1 on subs to say that New York will he agree pat—hy Gen taan beret And she me cis te pre Wen Sela FN ae tan prey iat un ’\:,,‘eles eo ae pence,fipos bln by orc uneven Micmac cen lcnetn irinminuly me we mae eS aaa)my thas but Ve \es Pali nys need ,-‘a t ett 1 ti '\.!\sacs ;t netiaeWestandtheNorthwesttoywillrespondtetheyandnetberee’wel have te beat p P !ast wl wos :2 .;4 {the Unione nothing more this rieaides Tiese States will dave atiee tye yitoat the battles that will fallow Shas ee :un Ola treat vn t on ‘1 i ‘~ti Sa va 2 way the ovean,when once disruption beuins —,.#out of ten men ire )te seurbins Oi ;:-oR 2 Vall na a Hero)HW vee :hnowi end avewony,that they stand Aer {-eee Woren geo mn Vo woh .|‘\t {cos ia = Bee andighan mech in the rise of Ree you x PS Get CaN ce:‘os :eclet e 1 ‘fi et Fieree (ean veestes WU ee UCU cues aliet Cae cee eran a —|oa Mi PE VoIck OF TIE PEOPLE presertatives.Repub Allemnameerues RAY 1S The ic :f Jin the enst,we just hear A ’'ae ue ‘ ce c Hebe ts one apr ‘lear of yi 1 |‘t 1 tu ,x ty ,f wit ‘'ey tout :'1 ft }5 40 well anderstand this,first as last :4 SETS AG Teste a Mibiiiterwleeivew as Mohit)\)wo lemme vis mean Cui tt n Rais aah !!!Under thas ving the ot Standard °-rhotisie int Sut CATs a te F ie '1 !7 te <5 :vet x19 Ce So Tey et eat ‘s 4 ‘' The sentiments avowed at the Piatade!s laa .‘hee i"!:*nS CP Coaty,on Satundaw tas Ws Bi igs POST ant i vied me :!Y .Vee Geet nila CL Crome tl esse tO Meeting,and the noble eh of Comimeodane Ea eee an ed ea)é ees ‘:in eed ;Gt rina!I tren: Stockios,deserve also Varmtonient tae ae t feclitis ibterestsob ay ot were 4 }odemonstn st 19 ..a i ‘a I a Sie t es Se ee a ie Whatever betide us.let us reco Te vine i BteT CSP AUUS)Sup aIiet Cu miter ms liarert Meraiietiyect Mea te vist 1487 \\\Cartiulincat of Ba \!vil ee 4 }vals BU Sti,tes,Tn hes peper of the 207,Te pob- ism and chivalry of cur Nor bern fie ei)elbeet Piey will deter poisae herown tla very feminpor u ee!t ~in J J :ae :ee et i’y i J shes the falowing,whieh Convers & 4 er hy ''t ron “hover reatest reyret is the disso i Wire seenia CTVUPSt tone —Fay.Oe ever,a ea Seta ne ue Y ‘2 serfnds \Hennurse the Stand-5 RE Wy ,\car f powerfol rebuke for tie eparse the oh bevitabie 4 gach 4 R |eee '"statel ready te ''eu 'i ‘i |)vey de ty part fiom such men,worthy oi ;Aes *a ‘yl jpansusdl wy fae reodential leet, any country and any —Bich,Disjateh A Coutral Confedi ricy.—We are glad Nee vei lke ue eens ,|\\\;: :‘a (a !versie \|(ied AUSSIE ety bees ‘:Lae ::maha eh e writ fron Greensbore } ;toeee Hat Gav,Moreheadlas express¢‘::a at i <a ie A thiend ow ra fren Geeensborong1, Gratuitous Insults —Whiist Gov.Big hornsedion favor of a confederacy Wie ee i aed t ;:'t vt '.net !\'Si {‘I Nae NC ea <..i Wirlassore tous abelit ile anit s 'e .:1 ee is proposing to solicit a Conference with Contral free and Slave Statesitheevent fe aint TeV ure \ee eer \erties '‘-moaned ;Mt ve S i Miya alsa teet Woindte Gel yen tad notient your ts Wt ::el ¥:\)\':.vont te mn >yori Klee od South Carolina,and the other Cotten (Uy 4 rreaiten COUCH CSch Gi Ct Maat anita nim termOn(aacee trae tlt Fite eae uate Wee amen eat vii fis sale a Vp oanesting S vport ted Broek voridys R eetore, Statea,South Carolina is doing her best ue Slee ee Of an oCedetoniadl Spyte dotormis ue Unat the conservative Too yarh sent Sear het thor for 1 S u .,Poissy reel es ‘ul Yo.Pe,th |re sy You fave arded ap poae he Caro- ie r orrenpancdentat Wen RVe 'i,Sie 7 'et >wis .mit ttor the secrders’heket,and it 18 now to injure and fneultime [er Cacti es }Cite ;bana at Washington are ready to accel such 'rete omar y :\, Another gentleman of great intelli:demands as the abowe.The same a neath "pete rinriedecdedd ow Mot ese Aver he na.tre Tn Nites of Vin tes /,net chomed by the Waneevites here aga tri proposes to force us to anion with her,or ie =pg ,Mes ‘j ;—noe :, :A gence and expenence,and round pudie alse urges the prompt hottiow of Union wseet bh deere hse irass hs laine veto !coe a wid ‘\vinipen fen "ten The cotton States toemancipation.And the Merenrs,the ©‘i ;“a ene 7 |este hate ie ee ec me |:biteet .(i ;Ani favo a ‘ment,writes us soared to that idea as logs im every ttot thas State,—Ru t rtl “to 1 “.roads ||eH ‘\'ea treomnovines deaven earth to secede. mouth piece of South Carolina,eats s,—o ITs ee ne eas ‘,t |tipecreeect 'Wyre teodowent iS '/|ey ‘to tl : 4 flows :—see oe ee ea 5 !;<eee?‘F ;;ie han phinis for the cotton States te yo sepa “Old Rip.although not quite awake,is mak-EMElcic TAA Menrafullyaeroneelactnianiemel|-...,Ia winter people whe ein ffed 4 vor ¢ee iets ''oan etic esd PUCiWeimi en iiwehanlen otles will ing very strong preparatory grunts.If fred ;.EO a :“AS Moarpers Weekly of dast saturdae.cot uke thou oxpenditires for necded arene Nie 'retom proved |e ket :eee q Laue ie :H }&!ee Es Te keer as presenting the beat practi abbyy Gott cit whan Pde ub i |:}F :;‘f ert ene EastON be torced ontas they were at Baltimore. vol atter awhile.Danis a Wood et Veh fornisties food tor rete gents:wh Heiwelecanniie nn Len deere my ':,ECRSS J 'ternanive wiich Po have teard sogested.UC iyag and aereus thenght,The picture os a 'me -:'io i i tovopy they thenght they had te yo eutand )}i 'ji sa wratively Lraht east "‘‘1 ‘\1 ‘ Shall we tie ourselves to the tad of not tolerate the idea of At LO A HEON Se eect ae ,1 !2 {|'Pe eee aah 0.(Oise aU TVETati sc kM rate.would mot 5 ‘.:=x concert,waned iidieates genous an the artes Dos waht metas =e su tanta neat ’‘Tt >: ench a people?Never!Neve 'melee (ne neA PSA one,Te aol >AN latin?“lw Minoan five ween tea =i ::;ee ond Drs TN tice,Wo Traces an vats bat they qntend te pat the ball iy 7 ;‘'sit ceder Cheat thee avis ‘Ao i non '‘a A friend writes us that a couple of det)plan von discuss will Teave usin a strong and toa goa monden rept eal aad Le bes eG 1 'eta i ae |1 Miler ae ge Soretanies,TH Vo oinetion,and diag vou atter them.The :|mt hous crisis ‘}'wR s tera have lately been extinined fron G (tebe goxenumateson enamel Inte:Pan w)by avin vlaaqaal aol a buted Sere (ers eee ace @ :HEC staniss,Wan,7 Pho tiwey border States are much more interested Barke’s papera,written ly Wiist.Tt fp ilececheloons ehrmenia Notih and Soathoat pase,whieh are bend 4 TRAC ean Sth j She,,.Jor Notivtsan were the Coc thee on te this qpaestpon than the cotton States.—‘!ae ‘t Halifax,one of our Goteres-iiet eee “108 LT tear tress ae 1 ve t suthermna of the pans is Sarna pena Won of ae fig ot ;a ;ae i \|i Roehl (UNG OP nner ereenirestuicenninons and olutiouary times,tn reference fot oa oor rn New Y wk,Dhata i vat OMT yy ome we side ef tres 1 MeEOAteClah \hee ;i eee |Te ;:Pn ma Vou yr oS atoet tian ¢A Soe tGLUL ME aly ya CTeI Neel Ti er tees r ‘i [teawns fhowill dead te dbuncrerons 4 ‘":a <:ha ‘fuiek II then mnade by South Care Viereueietnin ies !<hemlet totes 'oO ‘S |n S .uel ?linve ve othe poy 'woth ':.a msBreeaLehPeCerteyeaawlitreara||ete ert: North Carolina,Mr.Tillis Very tat :t }bs 'wil ra (eS a)eas 'vowotk 'ks nt Mie a :Peay Det Viste cay the least,very remarkable, .'€tr 1 \'f .Vreb ue on “the chivalry and scons n 'cy yi tr itis teat \&ie \hae ested ¢ees 1 ::{Saat as We have tern toll)(ip we wore refuse the aid as |he to be ons eat tent Th tot hi valk en '\\mo y E i tthon born when nalhfieation mged ta Sourb f='of at r F eater =|Via ;,: badiy recelvcul anole melon fo M woof th .:M dvi ‘[ere (nee nee :vache 'Cota,the cholra prevuted in Chav leston5 °;(foie ‘e hetwoa Now ;(onmedesser |;\<)n ' Decanse of wantin luahk th =|&Se liecpmeiilel ],ted that now ace un PRBO,while secession 1s 'mas [ove ty teers ARG oC eAITY eS :A os fislinese of soul Tl ‘rian on ul \(1 1 150 ha x p runnin pleoot thot State cray,the sad? bi Et 6 Sail 7 Tevathet 'tl =‘;~\\ra an from Norman aramnerc =ai \|4 ';;fe thee :Mew ,'-por oa tbecepthemnie ta Coho nbn te i my apt ww vet .Scottie e/oliteaw tnd,as f i ’':}:Heapoaise ',+ile »for fear moat be allowed to fooag ie ;F i me wa Wow the Soutl |’:‘.ee !ersten pomne eran abe eee le ts andl s '~vw |vi <n eel )'|Kas thts s 1 a ee “acl toh lie UliGe loshee ae OCU ULY: for past expenence Pele aes caer .-i \).co ;an ms I fe M issacliusetts,a 1 |.et 'er OR a fies ron ahout the Stove ) wise they might stars We el aes ae “ee ea SUEURTS SL .|!kine co tnentonee,f totlamg more,1 Oearryne>i i e el |)ae é )|-i>ws ue lad y iy ie j ,.‘Peace w fe meat 1 EE hac meer ck Cie ne fe 0 Mo meow Me Brow :|aa That the De ureonest scopnges known glad to see these letters:pou \®:Hliw owas :Relea iroken Migs Oe ee,i ie oTiaan 'see ene ':perch equi orcantiemstcihl)(inva sat our Sn ae PENS bolas whole sented.gener na ndia f woscete,wl ‘vote t lhe ia :|Se .mou iy two dedeberwte attempts by cation might awaken a sere f 5 yeh wgator,He deal ran ween the tw Wa Libvck ow ,“‘ea |arerinn all dhetroy This goverment, in the aonlea of our people ands :iw ;|Loe Vie Fa \Ohee {hori t <a \it Re ay i \n \a ‘peop and on ‘Vere,it was ve wy Utd .rowan :t |.eles Set bee wade in one history: try to “take cure of thar vin poutot Wolf t “4 h *\s the behobl ::oa 'ge .°Wil Herald a ,;cA \|\’| fle South Carola Joven f uM On md Book &«aud look +2 :i ue : eee S ie ns 1 j :APP wr |owe )t (Vom h "Ad Ihe above the Luring of the abeammer bi tC makeamy blood Wd ter erlise 1 &Pa "7 ee);ity ‘/ord : same »,\q /mningta Pinch -1 f ‘eat antahinniihc eenldl i '\A Eig ineasly cone j Tome uy cian ine ail New York, the ignoring Buperciliousnoss with w!.Pe Ape iade elected phe ”Ghee van |;,:F \fil :.::ae “ao All \Thavan i tre:ple te ‘af ‘@ Rey ubhe y 4 ji .,ae Beitd wd the Preakiigofthedos yer,by cv . South Carolina treate a poopie tow M over the Rey ublien Value of Staves at Nom Orleans.Vetter \"0 ertatia |ved |oiler waa Mv fe ,oS f rtpiyateri ancestorsshe te indebted tor her present i ty ut 2 my Momdiae Ss oe Mee Meenas aah tel eae |;oe ;:nee a H fannnn oNrcesnn vessrmme waters ane the ebapte ‘; istence.ame who know no better Z at ailniaston tousedaherodlmiwe tate ait Conn ;Ip t 'Cain inler Wie cnbriiciis.Uxtcarao snare.remint RankeexisteagyniasionhousesherelaedryesatanTateewee/ and dun’t want to know betrer—yree that ert ilefaie Bill of Michigan —Tetr ailcanees on negrors [iterate ann scam sl ame Alor WY ctlinemerenre are clint a Rucci oid cys )Vhiiya,Delta weiter,aN Mirolina,von —-Feil faa ratitude to Suath Carolina requires that ponca ein eneniited on Mresygan,asking cline of four hundred dotlens in the wali of a disu s former,and 1 ‘i bobby and eloy i pvowes aeepunn (iis cose,1h }yt af Teitergh —The Laurance Hotel,ba ; .©now follow her yatlant lead”the forthoon Leypalatore to repeal the Der grees,compared with last season,and the trade two fitter counties.There as ure e yromity then the men of Suite wi upy ions to di Inst Fraday morning.Canse—carelesenens0 Fayetteville Obaerver sonal Liberty law now on the atatute books fre doll”in Harnett againat sacemion —Wa!Herald No time to say more control the action of your State Legs ure and a aercadt carrying fire throngb the building. ee e a ee r ee ce e ae e . / Our ire Ow tri tes Phe pr: will ore. and not lin The ated Feo and sete. were south wtony lon 18 sonal Unu n fear oe vy rv ae bow e AC as by inent, ov ih arper York, tern, ystert burnt ners of oC NATIONAL HUMILIATION. The Fuyetteville Presbyterian discoure- es in the following manner on the Proc esident’Buchanan for ob-Jamation of Pr f January asaday of Fast-serving the 4th ing,Humiliation and Prayer: The annexed Proclamation frou the Preeident of the Cuited States mended to the carnest attention of the reader.The call to fasting,humiliation, and prayer by the whole nation will He the approval of every patron who red izes the present fairs and whe recogtizes in sending and th averting lamities.Sure we are in all parts of the tand it has been put inte te Mateo oh enue ee IT TTL Lp ‘1 '.et om ‘iinwhicty¢Jprastian poterotey Nort Sat, Bieta Weet,Wee uiite Meaty pica to the God of vations for as Is CODE condition of pe Ntical at the land of Gat nation ea that miulltuetenr rejonee thatwill heart at thre ¢ uy oun ab wot.: Jah God is our hope--our ouly bop We have reached a stage tn our natien a existence where It rcernis manifest te all that the devices of men are of no effect An unprecedents dL punte caists with Chose who eliould,by dence,guide the stup of sive Men’s hearts are fusliog in view of pie present and the dread forehodidings of the future,Never bas anything like it existed in our national fu this atrait,Wis pec ubarly appropriate Haat we look away from aan te tli bring order out of confusion,and Sinaketh the wera The things that have happened sdomt audCLEC pou mater history who cau whe of tian to hin.” to us,to bring ts date our prossit eri cal condition,are bin peruitssive prov Piey |the punistient of mational dences towards ta ate dhowutioss elud wenn tion,pride,seliishuess and corraption He purposes to litle us.di truly effected,He imay cause Cie cori that now fiiges over a Be Tlrete 1 Baretheheutottte ts this is to prass away tion continucs stebbora aud uiytel tins then we mst break benvaty bes hated wid be ane pesple ne Longest lover Chrisriitth pateist Terenrocr tte 4 if January,and seek prepatad re that will tind favor wita tue Lordi tine day. Sueatll Por —-Tue sal prox inv tu Columbia as an iep Strate Levishatace and Convention addy el to Charleston in Gensequence Teas disease has aloo appeared in Coun den The town authorities of Coarlatte and Concord Ihave posse|On Ptarces te pre vent the disease fioui reac rite Cr ose towns Oar thanks are due Mr J fora Rpree tiie at vate }po ctop Ww cH Is very tine Alohama und Mf ‘) a :Sassi Ut q st awit ™ate Sak ‘‘ Tl pron ¢ti M ‘ ed beloce the Le 1 . Coninous Hdl M Caer ’i (y =1 ( \..A in "pe otkens ‘‘Ms th ‘it t I “ Mr 4 1 ‘“~-] Ot Vise sctary t \‘ divssend a la ‘c iH Lie )‘ ur oN Ci { A at tet ‘ 1 NA yt (an wee we i :( {wy Vea (\ole J Tey wane 1 \\t of Bete Job tse >I)MI of (Mae tals eal lvl:\\ TL.Widhard ot Banoo 1 ‘ Derren ate tate ty ‘ disun \‘Ww POR see) M yor Andersons Ovdern-Our Dhle gitiion,& Woasiscros,1D md My A s sae constitute fox LN oat ‘ to ircesponsible practi eas lee “4 acked The rem ey tothe s rota Delegation pat ithe Poo wy WV and took leave of tic au thie st cordial a frieudly manner s2AGAhigethaie Sn PD EE aN ht Caralinuan | CONVENTION Civentstox,December 15 In the Convention day,there was a debate on the propoety of secet ses thao.ou the Propriety ot adaett Southern rep anton changing the place 14 The Oodinancesof Secession lg \t reported Re-ot ns were aferud oon t pocty aula t Con ol ml | S Provisional tient 1SouthernContederacyMeoEt strongly Messrs Keittand Evy vor ob it Tae resotations wer mitteeMr.Memmiporntmentof¢ for negotiating pe A oresolationfor the stom StU)pote Waal ecund amity Carolina and the United States tions it was relerred. between South In exesting rela .Mr.Mazyck offered a resolution to Appoint a Committee to re pert how moach degislat gated by the act of secession jon sab THE UNTON DissoLnveEn() Corvaora,SC,Dee 20 iy Nt Etttor Bulletin 1860 Actelecraniierharintlne!}vray spatels past reasIfron.Charleston states thatthe O daraa-eofSecessionhaspeerpassed ReCoep pisparen=-34 PM To morrow,at Centeoaiy |(nal rneaclookmeeberanifieLinsolemnfo,moand (:|yan ‘1beoutudeof(he Amerieny |”0 ey UrnerThebellcasthyAlewaWer&OC t tyandsuspendediatheTowntalligwow!forthinjoyous notes :uCannonaretingancheyyweandtpeopleareail verywellpleased THIRD pIspaton Metra Corewpia,Deo 20-4 PY South Carolinia TRE ORDINANCE OF SFCRAMION PeaED —])Gt THE REPEAT OF & Dec 20TH op ow Di ouEOswineeenieayliTaneeioneonlybythe¢ee pie ratified at 12 0%'x aS , An Ordinary But t State of South Carolina Run ha i fed with her under the ‘ne r na i ©.the peopl att skombledfeiearii ee eeedevtareyanilorlaiaclysliatalin:Galina adtiiol By U8 In Convention on the 234 day 5 AT oeyearoforLordSeventoer;ake ee a \Hindtet and Kia) Btates ot tyConstitutionoftheUintedAmericawasratifiedand@leoallacts and parts of acts of the General Assembly of this State,ratifying amendments of said Constitution, are hereby repealed,and that the Union now ex- isting between South Carolina and other States of America is hereby dissolved.; The act was passed unanimonsly,and wi ratiticd in solemn form to-morrow. CONGRESSIONAL W asinneton,Dee.1s Senate.—In the Senate,to-day,Mr.Lane,of Oregon,introduced a series of Union-saving reso lunons,Which were laid oa the table. Mr.Crittenden organized,the Chairtuan 1explainedtheobjectseveralspeechesw — For the Watchman UNION MEETING. A large aud respectable number of the citizensotRowancountyassembledatDistrictSchoolIbehouseNo,13,on Saturday the 22d day of De WW cember seotimentoof the people ao pression to the popular that (nst.)to give ¢ 'whereabouts touching the present able political condition When on motion of A.Strewalt Alien Rose was ay and WaitaA the Country potted Chiarrtiat When the Fa aplain sensible manner Alter wheoh traying in vivid n Plaster,see meeting was lary the meeting. ev thade,t aller a patriove and:affecting Sr i r ia epevelt,introduced aseries of resolutions,proposing?ee ry which we are srcroanide1E;and demonstration lisposition to Taye our reytheextensionoftheMissourtcompromisetiie,the‘ap ances tedresse:i wotection of slavery in the Territories,wid tue e at i ; forcement of the Fuzitive Slave law;also,strength.EE ? 1 1 alternative Whe t comg the prohibitury laws against the slave trade:i iia nt rnd tolerating the ar State slave trade Seite aa rales :o ‘PLEA R A.Strewalt,Dare fh Shel,JMr.Powell's resolution for the formation of a fy.';Cormber aul Cod hi Ties isCounmitteeofthirteenonthePresidentsMessage.: was adopted me ' House.—Tn the Hease Mr Craw!«Uigon ves ee . ,1 1 € Hanon Was lad on the table by a tuajo ity of seven No other business vf tot W asnisaroy,D alice Was Cratist Nenate —Mr.Julinson.of Tennessee,advocated his resolutioninaspeeeh of great len.denyingtiiemeltolpecesdi01advocatingcore necessaryMi ve of Oregon,replied,advoeatuig the mhtal secession,aul detlyiag the Republioans to attempt fo cocree a > House —(n the tho tue deflaency till passed ineladiag the av ieuit alin YOu O00 diothers dur the suppt n MS u we AS MIDDUR CONE EDEICVEY: W \siinatox,Dee.18 A sthoug movement i+said to be eon wi the border States,welad New Jersey.Peuusyly Noithew ut ites,Maryland,Virgin Carolina,Tennessee,Kentucky,an sudit,for Comtederacy,to be ¢ ed the Central ale }! ot Washiuston italy prosit enee favor the *Which be otic dhy a the ‘a hot MATTERS IN BALTIMORE i .Boaiort,Dee 1 | M K ait,Ciw Ae ‘1 hens yO t \‘ J)if c M |1 "i . ,(5 ,‘x Mitey krrcted ‘t t lve ~vi -“‘ a a stshed ‘ S ‘f re n FhoM Colt OF CON ¢Mul aa / I eles ) ie Pilletin ~3 ‘‘ Near ee ‘t \W ‘‘i ‘ ‘bids ‘i .-¥ Mesias ot I oan ;: ‘tee ly ‘\‘ I i J i=1 ‘ Tonk I ‘) ‘19)1 2 ] \‘4 y ae ) uA '’ i sh \\ Ib ‘ i ria fey ‘ ‘‘4 \V 4 USE NGC St ENC){HEN (iy tee:’ D aD \ Mi ~ beads ot ‘veal « i \\ A CONFER VDICTION Niw Orrkass 1.1G: A eM Sen eens | ‘‘,»)‘‘ Mir Basmati the Soa stl En yoa tm auth t ee a at t vapaed a tow da i tal Dispatch ta the Charlotte [attetin PTE NES ATSC SE Crussrenvitte.8 C.Dee 20.1860 The peo rf ved the news of Passace ot the OF lnanee ot seeeasion wth areat tenon testimony ot th pap rt awod tt riediately tired sy tee (its t habdseevery patiiots bosau te eyo,TParralite eft ) SS Gs te Let teh to the Charlotte Budietin THE NEWS AT WINNSBORO Wisssporo SC,Dee 20,1860 a even ine th linance ot vay there was the wildest enthoasiasn man Cheer rounds of artillery noritied all within vd hy everybody alter cheer went up Five distanee ot the Bilteendocknv,the hoor fived for rattying the Qed Datice.q) JoVous news rounds will be tired)to-morrow at 12 NORTIPCAROLINA IN MOTION Raretan,December 18 The bill for wing the Stare Calladed to veste day)passed the Senate too hey after conse decatle debate bya voteof 4b tod Phra bill co \ tore the House tomorrow Thies tho ho anxiety here regardingone Fede ha ‘ Vive ¢sionersf&Vabamaanal Misis-ip prarived |\\ The Detnoccats meet Vics Lo nig IMPORTANT NEWS. Wosnivetos,D ) I lerstood that while the I her tore ee the garrison at by:Monltne,th ‘ ered the sloopootWar Brooklyn tobe py wed for sea atoner,and heldready to proceedto Chia te fon to adoin the detenee of tre Government ata moments wa a {haa «vied yuite astit among naval me BOSTON NEW 1 Dec 4 A atrong adidre hey V \ lod min ty Fetliant val Hherty ||vnen \Phe Was «1 nity ’ t en r v Chet Iastice Shaw,ROR Corts.the lar Pndee oft Supreme Cou Ix Gove Lincoln,Chtford,Washburnand)Gardner and several other enunent citizens,representing nearly every county in the tata i \tak rece ert a);cy n 1 lee [ine wo seul tof this OUTS TM,batt “hae ON poshail tartnsh better Melaratiieess tow cod faith for the tatare,and repeat ‘vthe constitutional rights Hinent of B Mee r \s thee That ' rt |t 1 le t \’ 1 Cot Nccioser Clariant [tien sera Tie ls LOWNDES Paltiral R thon bane *Pown heat the hist =i Ion.dearmackble« Davis an old and sterling Demoert,bas be elected Mawvor of Worcester—that hot bed Massiclise ts tet repad ieinisi==t4 thus a dedito by the Transeript,(Republican of th CIUys on the 6ch daw of Nevember Vanidved and forty ered and toot on the&t A city that two thousand six publican votes to threaten a hundred eroht for all others =just two to eneofDecember,gives a majority of ene hander ind seventy three for the Denoeritie can tibitefaca for this change ticket!Some remot far tise oder the tame oo mus the causes ethers are of amore doubifal mature And aoain wo savs: Tras certainty a singntar eqrenmstance that foorteen erties of this Commonweal b—evereyTrtatlpobhoanplurstty,allt two wing a can majyonty the Repu heans ean onl their nae val officers itires ey Vis doertien w \ |COMMON eae aoemassof thepeople,|AKER &co’s MEDICINAL!|whatever the misuamed and misunthrope philosophers may say to the contrary.bow them a good thing,|let its merits be clearly demonstrated,and they willnothesitatetogiveittheirmestcordialpetronuge.|‘The masses have ulready ratified the judgment of aphysician,concerning the virtues of Hostetter’s Bit-tors,as may be seeu in the immense quantities of this in-dicine that are aunually sold in every section of TRANSPARENT COD LIVER OIL. THE TRUE AND GENUINE. UNSURPASSED IX QUALITY AND BYFECTS. BEING THE SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED Its use,tf fairly tried,will soon restore the land 8 now ree =Tr caetedues per mesogaltne Wed asee or tua,conse Se Mares)ree erin vryia iedigestiveorguns,euch ax Diwrrhaa,Dysentery,Dys-me ae ee Reber!Seer Ae BEO(S2 pepsia,and for the various fevers .hut erise from de-=~“a ;.Tee a hes mie es onfageticofthonprowfepateHaatoeeeaeaeenetesSOENN,Cooomi ng)ej mewecheldi wore PS ers,when ordinary tonics had been vainly .from Muine to Venus,fromthe shorexofthe Atlantic Cx°peed tae(bein Klee aiarinnineTUL uths SS Fan 'Huy che Torin eee oe A inily when uo dauher can te hirve,unt G2 SUL y MeL CEUeRae tm Ue wes on oot furnishes the framo with fet in x truly re-Joo See advertisement ia aaother colama., im29 J morkable manner = al =For CONSUMPTION and BRONCHI. =TIS,Sesq=For SCROFULA in all 14 ilevelonments,a DQ.Fur WEAKNESS,WASTING,and FReveryformofDEBILIPY,vx curative ope as ¢propesties are unrivaled.Oa i Wn Non lt nay be taken without dsreliel by the 33 N O I I C Kt.ma most delicate pavent,and retained withoat = iirelacenta cies har wiewirmmor BURKE Cam mac toca ie muaUxausltiCe pelea meLteet io perionty to this and other woperlont charac.STEWAIUP are inade out and ready for settlement,QY teristics of genuineness.haw guaranteed for pm | toc all Coose rematiniog uneettled by the first day of hthe commendation of the teat eminent S < ::PH Phisicions thronghout the States:the wit.January,[e61,wii be putin the bands of an officer ~~teg testimony of the facalty of he best medi-oeBURKE&STEWART.Gd cal schoole;the Professorsof th:2 Dee \a UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,os! Serer cpoo ears JEFFERSON COLLEGE OF PHILA-j= m Nl a DELPHIA.s —_ LO |HE PUBLIC.jan PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE of MEDICINE.andothers ae| |AVING BECOME THE SOLE PROPRIE-;Favalide should be carefal to purchase oul oo ol the eg of undoubted repatauon if they sire the ci ’:,7.r vp y ws inest active and immediate advantages of 'SALISBURY BOOK STORE,|~the remedy.‘That wlich we prepare hae C3)iMcoieimeimmeeCSay| for the patronage extended to the House while con-“JOHN C BAKER&CO,~s) ducted by the late firm of Berke &Stewart,and jet Importers and De ie in es soliert Sort the coutinued eontidence and patronage >Drugs,Chemeals,&c —of its friends.He wil eonstantly replemsh the Nov.13.1860 tn26 ;STOCK OF BOOKS.and will tauke additions as |=2 wham new and valuable works are brought out.Ue isin!TOA N,THIRD STREET.he largest Publish-alinort duly comm ime dion web tat Housesma New York and Philadelphia,and can press wach orders seut bin as readily supply by Ecranotbeotherwise tilled His stock af Stationery,tino be kept up,with regniart- STEW ALICE 2 Sea icecure Oet 9,Lsod UMTED BAPTIST INSTITUTE. EN WsValo eee The Lil)Session o fist Monday desish ol thie Sete Us school will open on theIrthneuthoroughtidayoofJcouaryTiisthe repre vou reived sot Lite vot the place,with the tu the con $)0 00 Geogrephy,ee LID or Mua bematies 1340ter,oo Wour vclusiveof bylea,per menth, HOP BURKE,Prueipal ,Dee J-.1x60 4034 Situation Wanted, YOUNG mn itig seu ine Go's rt Dethoat Jona prota Npoicatious lett at this office Ieou ay fas HTS Nara ‘ t l Ate bh ao Jateto s mw bein COLT Eis &CO 2woL onl).,Dect " Large Map of North Carolina, THERE are sis coneeot Peirce &Best's MAP. OF NORTE CAROLINA fic gale at Stewarts’ Book store (by seven feet.und couNygivenonMaps—very aaah) Wee SO per copy Christmas Presents, ttot Presentation Bockr,suite d fir saleStore Ties est JJ.STEWARDS BookIs 381 NOWTCI a rep .! BEMISTER &CLAYWELEL.has chin casiMe:Nved by moarvaleos nt Atbebams soe ht ust be pres te the undersa sud all debts due must he pod t 1 TO BEMIS TER Db Ist,Js 3130 T.BEMISTER., House Painter,Grainer, PAPER HANGER,&e. Mia St,opposite Maphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY,N.C. verse Wy atten sod warranted to beAlworkdoneooaworkiantkemanger 1 Jules,is fo pdéims 4.€.Lindsay's Seiect School, Near Meleras's Srotios.Goiirorpy Co.NOC s chosen fora classeal sehoo rise eonoteness fron atiences eaiculated cistrae nor cs.or encour slew,Corrapl ire ye ex ray |Phe ther rneuce the ®h of Jau'yRoadingoedfaitesa)8m |g Classical tintin per cessBagishf Met. -Book Bindery SALISBURY.We fxesmion will e ro menthn£25.00 m€lo te £20 ancy Ile.Dec.Lith,1560 4150 DICKS we'd respectfully inform the satsbury.Chorloite, Halt,Moekeville Gr Newton.and the Niatesville, enebore Lexing surrounding coun State of North Carolina, CABARRUS COUNTY of Pleas and Quarter ferm,1860Adin'r.of Phihp Karnker,dee'd., Court Sessions,October Simou Bost, Te. Pip Karriker,Adam Kaniker,Martin Boger and Mary bhi wife,Solomon Karcker,Charkes Karriker, (aco Weller aud ¢his wate,Newton W thar Wiley and Mery Bodie wee,Prone s We Hifi and Jetnima hie wife,Hiltard Gb KRarnker,Lydia A har nker,Warret Co Ranker,dota Mo Karrihker,Lewis A Karriker.€ren oof Lewis Karnker,dec'dDarelKarrheronWarcker,Haye aodBarhoryfaswite,Marna Wo Warriker,George NRarnker,Philip W Karnker,Jeha db.Naeem and Wifes ¢Wilugie Mo Rariker.chil te Kainker deed PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT To uppeanog to the satisfaction of the Court thatwyKaruker.Chanes Karnker &Jaceb Wel E hin wife,Newton W.Wiley &Cranes Wee fly &Jenna his ler &Catharine Mary Bohis w wie,Uibard bo Korriker,Lvdie Ao harrker,Ular tC Karnker,John Mo harnkee 1 Lewin A Korrker,children of Lewis Koareiker.deed And DanielKRarrker,Anron harrnher,—Haye&Barryhiswife.Martin WooKacuken ©Nr her,Php Wo Kar Fol To Nuseiin & Bi zabeth tus wife,Wiian Mok her drevof Geo Karriker decd Def dante on thor cas tre nou-residents this Stat Tits theretor seer dby the Court that pubaes rinade iu the Carotia Watchman,a newspaper published in toyt sf Salt sa Weeks,comn|ncod sad defenda ‘5 textCourtofPleasandQuarter Sestionn t coun’.f ¢Nn we oat the CourMonday lead answer oor town before the tie id apy four lye hel tho next.the said peti, for the ty Coneord on the 3d Jatuery md there or the ga wall be heard ex] mur to THE LARGEST AY D MOST sheatiacksotoner diseases DRY GOODS, ‘GROCERIES,372c2"s Eesha ne asty Witness,Nelson Sloush,Clerk of sant Court:at Tire ty Coneord,the 34 Wood viru Ovtober,AL Tt 1S00,and the enght:-fith cearof our Tide pe ce NELSON SDOUtG Moe CCNow.27,1860 (Pr fee $1UJ)2s-ut Western N.C.Rail Road. WINTER ARRANGEWENT. ‘ Seg! z ‘2 par =a 3 ae Sales < a (2 4 25 g x ==Ss 5z7crowsLs= eae 2 -z ate =qd WW = cs ny 4 uy --+f ee |:=a JAMES Gs TURNERNoyIeuuEng.§Supt LAND SALE. (N the 20th day Db Salpbary cemberUponthepremises. 1x60,To will sel! the Vuluahle Plantation,be ’ \ E longing te the heirs David Ramsay,decd.conposingaboutBERAces.upan whieh there ia SAV MILG.together wou a good DWELLING HOCs 2 Pally one-half of the cid other weceseasy lly In Wo id.and opwards o 50 Acres, Plantatie of,large and heavy Stock of CLOTHING and the rear r s bottom to gras:Wation and upen ihe thee upland isa goo This Phontation tres ia Ne sou ous thom three seae wy She any the nore ico Gn vg.Mary Ramsay.G Athenie,the lands of Wan Wk urge MallPorta,Esq.resting open thandothersJoWpeeinnesyallebyrilennatenand wishing Foe kamue the plantanen,ow TERNS isthesday vad twelve months, dow jours nttoution te Soetur with bond try generally,that he hos es MU COWt MUemeayROCUTieS Tintern {date Rayon ih rad wa ed ta reeeme or 1t RAMSAY.Executor At ders in bis dine Mise B fauw Books,and The Fyxennte of G.Ramen,dees willl eelerodieals,band te parcery.or in any style to a f :;Vesa leg bes Paterno or iu any style lr edit raid preperty of ead deceased mu the mamToddisestebishmentcanbefonudonthesecond17GRAesDeareertiveaneNCPUSaieNovy.Purch.Es60 dw) Ji?Orders trom a distuuce promptly actended to NVe RDC Rs: 18,1R60,6mt8Salisbury,Sept a WILLIAM ©.LORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eal ote 3 Mee Niemen Uae J.R.and E.\.MeSulay’s SELECT SCHOOL. MORGANTON,N.C nstruction embraces the © The core and Ma hematical Studies tite the Jow requesite for admixsi1 relassesin College ny ae,Practice and mike prompt collections tn phe seat tenn commenceaon the 21 Monday on Row nn.Stan Tied dh and C atawha Counties Sava ret in on nthe corer of Cowan's Budding opposite at Seimei.ailirees toe Ptacinnts Hea Dec 1.1s61 6x29 it Fel bbs pe 6e ty iN"HATS AND CAPS. UST RECEIVEDaling NORTHERN LIME FOR SALE.of Gente and ee a Serofula or King’s Evil, |Is a cowstitutional disease,a corruption of the blood by whicl ts fluid becomes vitiated,weak and poorBeinginthecirculation,it pervades the whole body, and may burm out in disesse on any pert of it.°organ is free from its attacks.nor is there one whichitmaynotdestrey.The scrofuluas taint is verious- ly caused by merearial disease,low living,disorder- jedorunhealihy food,impure air,filth rdshabits the depressiny vices,and,above all,by the venereal infection.Whatever be its origin,it is hereditary iotheconstitabon,descendmg ©from parentstochildrens unto the third and fourth generation ”indeed,it seemetobetherodofbinwhosays,*J will visit the ini quities of the faurhers upon ther eheldren.”fie ctf-eis conmence by depostion from the blood ofcorrupt or ulcerous mater,whreh,in the longe, liver,and tuterval organs,ix termed toberclea;inthe glands,swellings;wod on the surface,eruptions or, sores Thissoul coriupiion,which gendere ia the blood,depresses the energiesof life,so thats zealous eoeiitotions not only suffer from serofalous evmn- plate,but they have far lesa power to withstandconsequently,vast num hers perish by diworders which,although not serofa- joustocbeir wature,are sll rendered fatal by this Most of the consumption whichvfamilyhasitsorigindireetlyia this scrofwlous contcmination:and many destractivediseasesoftheliver,kidueys,brain,and,indeed,of all the orvans,urtse from or are aggravated by thevaneCauseOnequarterofallourpeoplearescrofaloas;their perronsare inwadedby this lurking infection,and theirhealihosunderminedbytt.‘Fo cheanse it from the Kyslem we mest renovate the blood by an alterative mnedicine.and iusigorate it by healilyfood and exer such medicine we supply ta Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparifia, |The most effertual remedy which themedical #hi@ ofour(ines con devise for this every where prevailing{and fats!mulsdy.1 is combined from the most ae- |tive remedials that have been discovered for the ex- \purgation of this fowldisorder from theblood,and the rescue of the svster from its desiructive rices.fence it shonldbe employedratiden a|ouly scrofula,but aise those other affectionsarinefromaajen,Pe %Blotches,Blains and Burl,Tumors,er and SelfRheum,Scald Head,Ringworm,Rheamatism,Syph-‘tic and Mercurial Diseases,Dropsy,Dyspepria.De- ‘bility,and,indeed,all Complaints arising from Vitie- ted or Impure Blood.The popularbelief in *impare- ty of the blood’is founded in treth,for serofula is @ degeneration of the blood.‘The particular purpose wad virtue of this Sarsuparila is te purfy and regen- ,ren iwill ticelt f ,ef lerate this vital fluid,without which souad health ve nd which will be suld ws heretofore at unpreceen-ible iu contaminated ronstitutiona, Ayer's Cathartic Pills NOU UNC ADVERT SING RBR NSE ec east)Ten yeLaresocomposedthatdiseasewithintherangeottheir action ean rarely withetand or evade them.Their penetroting prope ties search and cleanse,and invig- orile every portion of the human organism,correct~ capi)diveased action,and restoring its healthy vi- talins.Aga Consequence of these properties,the valid who is bowed down witb paio or phyrical de-tility is astonisbed to find his health or energy restos- tremiedy at once so simple and inviung. do they eure the every-day compharatsof ,but also many formidable and dangeroas The agent below named is pleased to far- :tsimy Americin Almanac,cuntaining eerti- ticates of their cures and directions for their use ipowingcomplaints:Costiveness,Heartbara® asising trom disordered Stomach,Nausea,S.FRANKFORD?S.tier toning Wnt nee fin Rew TO COUNTRY hiudred complaints,arising from a low state of the MERCUANTS body or obstruction of its functions. Sg Tn A CARD. ee SEEING 18 BELIEVING ! eee (fee taint in the syste deemmites the hu EXTENSIVE STOCK. OF CLOTHING, AND Are vow opening at the Subscriber'a ever Evrhibited in Salisbury, tedly low prices.This is Common with inauy,who enumerate ther articles Beenuse an examinaion of the stock and prices,will convince the most sceptic,aud eclusest buyers,of she truth of the assertion Returning my sincere acknowledgements to the ga ny eo zensof Rowan aod adjacent countes for past f vores,L hope by close attention to my busiuese,to menit &Continuance of the sime LP No trouble ws usual lo show Goods at te ’Ayer’s Cherry Peeto FOR THE RAPID CURE OF 'Conshe.Colds,Influenza,Hoarseness,Croap,Bron-* chitis.Luciprent Consumption,and for the relief of Couxsumptive Patients in advanced stages of the 1)seave sow de isthe field of its asefulness andsonamer- WITTE RETRSCO >i .ous ure ihe cases of 8 cures,that almost every see-FPHE SUBSCRIBER would call the attention of Hein aitiiry.abowndsiin perOuslpublicly Known, COUNTRY MERCHAN PS,to bis large and varied Stock of heen restored from alarming vad even dee- perote diseases of the lungs by its use.When once tried,tis superiority over every other medicine of ita hind ts tolo apparent to eseape observation,and where is viriues are Known,the public no longer hesitate |DRY GOODS,what doe to employ for the distressing end dan- | who lave gerous atfeciions of the pulmonary organs that ere incident to our climate.While many infenor reme- dies thrust upon the commonity have failed andbeen doscarded,this has gained frends by every trial,con-ferred benetits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures (oo numerous and too remarkable |Clothing and Groceries. V which he will sell at WHOLESALE as low as can!t.be forgotten.PREPARED BY DR.J.C.AYER &CO..ve bought in any city inthe Union,the Great Em ponum New York,not excepled LOW .MASS. BS a .S.FRANK FORD.6)co:temeaien are for sae by .ee HL Wyatt,Salisbury,Nuc:Henderson &Ennise,4 T Vet ‘Hutebinson &Co,Charlotte,“ I 4 TOM Johnson,Mocksville,“ \\|I )Ll We A L,I,Perry,Sunpson &Laws.Lexington,“ MA.&CC.A Santos,Norfolk,Va., Hovdand.Stevenson &Co.,Charleston,8.C.Maret 6,1560 ly4l RELIEF IN TEN MiNUTES. =-BRYAN’S M.BRENNER'S ~Puhnonic Waferst RED JACKET iO ca nameCreteene \1 Tat iny other country;all other PulmonioCLOTHINGWoareia,in (heen. il A LL !Wifes ure counterteits,The Genuine can he knows by Niveet, se variety at|er SKIRTS in endS,FRANKFORD’S. November 6,160,25-16 the name BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER. BRYAN’PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Coughs.Colds,Sore Throat,Bear -ssauas BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve Asthma,Bronchitis,DiMeult Breathing. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood,Pains tm the Chest. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipleat Consamption,Lang Diseases.BQYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Cvula and Tonsits. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFSRS Relieve the above Complaints In Tem Minutes. Near Water Nearly Opposite the Post Offi-e Win Steet “RNITE undersigned just having arrived an town with a NEW,FRESH AND FASHIONA- BLE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, Wweahes to onform the pablie of Salsbury and Rowan rbove named estabiinh- Hy ou hand @ county,‘har he has taken he ment with the view of keeprig consti FURNISHING GOODS. BRYAN’S PULMONIC Wares for Mena,Youth's and Boy's wear,of all styles Are a Blessing to all Classesand ¢stitations. qacities,and fare prices Sartable comtuniee for BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Woatking Dress Farmers,Phinters,Miners,Wachin Are adapted for Vocalists and Pablle Speakers. stesorServanteuse.,Also.a lurve assurtinent of and Shoes,Hats and Caps. BRY ANS)PULMONTC WAFERS ire in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYANS PULMONIC WAFERS Coll and examine my stock before purchasing else-ot ouly retleve,but effect rapid and lasting Cares, SIGN OF THE RED JACKET BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERSM.BRENNER ;Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ome.PS —Having made proper acrangemenia with oorparedtofalfill: vols, where | Raltumere trim,Tam at allt Saas ee rein the Merchant ‘Tailoring business at No FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF shortest nerice MOB Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, Oer.16,Ps60 Gin22 IN THE HOUSR ~NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT &SUPPLY OF ROCK QUARRY. a ee , any ord Bryan‘’s Pulmenic Wafers, IN Wis POCKET NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJEC?TO GIVE FOR Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers,TWENTY-FIVE CENTS JOR MOSES,Sole Proprietor,Rochester,N.¥. Ro}tin Salishary by HENDERSON &ENNISS,and at Breg Mba 29,15h tyl NO HUMBUG! —0 cling Off at Cost!i see UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS WE tof ROCK 4 at he ete thed of sinter for MILL-STON ean furnish the bestGRANITE,7 thet West poasible ratee! ver all persons in war or buiding purposes,t quality ot entin any shane.od ai sripply THE MARKETS eP Rove tots and Caps,all zs and qualues and at \LARGE quantity of Noctiern time unstack CASED Hin Quarey ie sitneted Smiea Sonth ef OTe absorber respectinily informe hie former <iieat ay,DD )160 rk abl w ‘Vborre!s on by the b fecesRae tr Salsbary,knows asthe?Oid Shape QUARRY |‘irons,ant the pabhe generally,that he ie de- Aaqileaseree ince ae Cita J.WN NISS?Tan Yard bi wii hy very cheap.¥WILEY HOLPSHOUSER hued cimese change in bit prerent basiness, HG a):cai,Mallee OS Pata Hat und Capand Boot and Shoe Store a (yor retaal ;Riwan Co,Sov Blin,sno ee heofeew Jinaary next,and will commence eell- y r *Y l AUF 4 at St ee we A heue quantityofGaished Leather.Sole,UppeING1 eee kel ae a and Hanes alwaye on land and f 2 :5VTYC:(ereen od try Hides wiwase ai lNateeach THOM \\\|||BOOTS EXTENSIVE STOCK .’p tte SINTON COS |OF Attention!Rowan Rifle Guird!ippitieution will be made tothe puresit Saisbinty:Suis 20h,1560 ro MAOVILLE and SHOES. Yi seth ene ear Meads ttn a ont credit Manufietu-ed by MLLER a TRows,Ready-Wade Clothing, Qororters at lock onoth Zhoot Ja »ree Rowan,Cabarrus,aud ecklen =2. (eat oui innaenl nal enninn emia ai icee ta micro antl To the Creditors J’STRECKIVED asapplyot GENTLEMEN S Gent's Furnishing Goods, with 10 rounde bheak ond oy rennds ball eart I)4,1369 6129 ORSIGHHIN 1%STAFFORD,Deckasen e#WINTER BOOTS AND GENTS EAC.=’ By ot Tet apt 'nH ,ROOTES,ovaniascered by Wincen of Ciowas Hats,Caps,&-,at Cost WAES BROWN ©s persons baving debt dio ee NOC AUC arate eile .fener ce BLUM’S Ae ee an .’by notified that we h fi a Boll Baits tor che ae aivciee ae eeu Sie Netgt FEN Mone Mone Farmer’sand Planter’s Almanacs este ot ihe oats smut allele mot tor hwith eres Ne Seer EWN TOS LESS ITAN ¢Os : y.y-eeeee er een ter nnn :§don due form of baw will be forever bared Ort 2100 R Het EH St Sine :SERN onic clang The balance, PEALE leaner nian Dieliecn inwmte nin nci Gr Fae atiee Pd MEISE NIDEIMER 7 ya ;Faimg ait he achl at public eendae Pee vl th Noel all ee EWART'S .PACOBLEDWECH LER ) :er 23 y123 Book Store ma aN 6.<Nara /can,and call ear yat respira omeney taeda goby povrag at beast oo ee M1 Pleseant,Caburrns,Co.Now Hs 60 m7 °A what they are dive a RG tea line ts vindinlpe nt Gwe nid Fine Suits.M HOFFLIN’S, ,1 au thie eall willbe du t Buggies and Rockaways.Hoven wish obny FINE SUED CLOTHING Corner of Mansion Hotes. ON Pace im NCS ida thay f .r Tags far astittle money ae poemble,call at the Great Cloth Peru aLOC crewatir tary |;apy Priamrilee ine Mien(nandanma new sir VINEGAR.ine Enpeicn i “DAVID WELL |7 en CAImeRrRL Of eit mndaily inn NRcent Mineniiciteckanavanwinahihevwillliericuniriard 'RE CIDER VINEGAR,for sale bv WOU LP Rewewann te Staxp—No Murphy's Gran.|MARRIAGE LICENSES BROWN,COFFIN &MOCK terms THOS BE BROWN,ite Row,Salrebury,N.C Raliahory,Dao 25,160 6132 Jan 24,1860 a8 WYATT,196 and 188 Main street,Sahebuary,7aINGcy Rept 25 no FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICh Professional Cards.SPECIAL N OTICE.MANSION IN TY.Ar yN TY.SALISBUR Y.BLUE STONE,ISB ARE ee A MILE subscriber sheeploniur,Mmeanunonemye tobe3000Ibs.BLUE STONE.3000 Ibs.[Ut riveerer akesplewsure sou »that he har HENDERSON &ENNISS HOSTETTER’S HOTELS.STOMACHBITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS-TEYTEW/S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT-TERS can appeal with perfect contidence tophysiciansandcitizensgenerallyoftheUnitedStates,because the article has attained a@repu- DENTAL NOTICE{4 4 1 is YrABDit.BUSSENT, AS REMOVED vo rig DENTAL ROOMS tation heretofore unknown.A few facts uponouthecornerformerlyvecupiedbyDaeBasoxthispointwillspeakmorepowerfullythanIwhereheispreparedtuattendalsperallonsvolumesofbareassertionorblizosuingpufferyeungectedwithhisprofessionTheconsumptionofHastetter’s Stomach Bit-sau.1,1600 fat the last year amounted to over u half Jtaken this long esigblished und well kouwa Bheti |sud has made every possible pre Parson Gnasdatethebusiivess,travelling aucthepublic, For wale hy ton botdes,and from its manifest ste adyinereaseimUinespast,it is evident What duringthecomingyeartheconsumptionwillreachhearonemillionbottles.This immense anwuntcouldneverhavebeensoldbutfortherarewwedicinalpropertiescontaitedinthepreparatiou,and the pteuou ay the most prowinent ninWVoleaeTeles DENTIST. MEL March 13,Io6u !i Vinitinge porta nthe mostsatisfuctory manner Bardcaiur altention is paid tu his TABLE, 20 Bush.CLOVER SEED. Niec aud cleanforsate py HENDERSON &ENNISN;i ttl ;aude very comfort is provided in hispissiciansinoSesectionswuteCoubtry_’ Drs.M.WHITEHEAD &JA.CALDWE:Teethe article is best known,who not only .‘rue ,ROOMS.:fae HERMOMETERS Wi inendtheBitterstotheirpaticnts,but 1.ure ready atall timestfhe STABLES are abundans tended by @ Careful ostlers atid to give testimonials to itsreyinallcasesofstumachiederangemeutsandthediseasesresultingtherefrom,For Curing Tobacco.Chis is nota te porary pe »pularity,obtained Frobyextraordinaryeffortsinthewayoftrum.qualities of the Bitters,but a solidPARTARSHUIP.‘ Che proprietor gives his personal atter \coufortable OMNIBUS pins ur fenotan the ofthe cars With these efforts to plewse.a bile public patronage ws contidenthy scleite WAP ROW AZUL mento 240 dee.for sade by HENDERSON &ENNigsS arrival LAW ‘oeLeeousenduringastlieitself vine x “$4 1H.&R (\{p\fal Hosietoa's Stomach tere have proved POUNDS ll),(MM),Saris aula tisGk.nat oe.wo d-vnd to regions where fever and ague neOFFICEcheoneformerwudvarious tan invaluable medicine,which ig a otier bilous complaints lave:coanied their victims by hundreds.To be.Cle to stute confidently that the “Bitters”ue eet in cure for the Dyspepsia und like oo Waster SALISBUI March J,Inou Pure White Leadin Oil, HENDERSON w ENNISS ‘{to the proprietors a source of unalloyedpleasure.It removes allmorbid matteraeeeassfrNhestomach,prrifies the blood iBUSINEoseARDS.iusparts renewed vitality tothe nervou Laod GALLONS JooopeeevitgiCChattoneandenergylispensablexCeatanientovtherestorationofhealth,Toperates upon PURE VLINSEED OTL,Morganton,NC WW.PA.MARTIN,BRO tuach,Liver,and other digestive organs,GROCERS Wp OVENS tO \ily but porwerfully,and soon resSores them Peas Oy MULES superb New Her V has erined ulPORTERHENDERSON&ENNISS ‘Isentiatothehealthydischarge Vbeoy a FIRST CLASS HOUSE.4MERGS4ANT§of the functions ef nature.Pvote ta the State,Aw uu evidence v1 JElderlypersonsmayusetheBittersdailyas?oy eee .the avery fave rable Getic pel the Piersotthe sNeoiene2peruirecticnsfaalthelbettleandtheywillfind10Buls.Tanner's Oil.0.wid the very liberal patronage reeeived —1eeoeienulantpeculiarlyadaptediocomfortPonauebyHENDERSON&ENNISS on eter ae been clysed iatARIUSDIERae3Years,asitis pleasant to the palate,tely upon the reputation of the Hease!oriting to the bowels,excellent AS a tunic,=1 Patra tie tts iiadet iN.M.MARTIN.SON &and wenuling generally We have the evi with boosh F 1 Ne rhe NS ude MPC Hides cayeuancutetenetalia d F Cet Jt(OMNIISSIO HERO,rimmcetianetncoetge ABUC and Fever :nesaund gener wting wuder (DI SU)PANS GEN TIS yal CMe erate ul y s ,EIEN ETON)py The advice of physicians,they lave abandoned ..Hi J hod pepe AeatiaenRene:alll ee ant a)Cs Euiss’tgae and Peover Pills,'DicetwtlewWwthe\::ee gentler sox.‘There are certain periods when WARRANEED TO CORE "ae eeWowKManriy,\!’eines "i ':TGinaemOESESOS.A TSS Shas COMCHES tat MNOSproduOrders ler ie ,(! Rerrnever byt i iy ypt to :.:tue Fh Tso HN)Fluid and Kerosine Oil.the simmer season,the went of ;is saleJAMIcsLORLe“‘eeravated [EEEht Neel a sania x _WATCA-MAKER AND JEWcLr®,Le td a |7 See ie i i WEE ERE HEOpedeineHadtetnpcys-Se V Ri MC il BRANDY,Mount Vernon Mouse.k'are JEWELRY ee eee rargiieae +miiCloeks,Watelte J Acido aeeeSeeSeeisieltay ome MICHAEL BROWN,nt SPICES!SPICES!COMMISSION VEREIAY Pet,tee He ied teSALISBURY.VOC.es Critica ra anjb1efasvROWUPLCESSVTReehaeaoftH1t : We han elven peer 5 'I stamped .a Oy @ ’Audio ,be Hat VINEGAR!ae ee :‘the Yet.Pure Cider Vinewar,30 ¢fs,ebresny [4 lent . 4 id {by HOSTETTER & 'foo rer J’a.ana §.too \.}id by allpecansAzent.‘TRE UNION,” ve :a ,Greensborough MutualSCOVIL&MEADE INSURANCE COMPANY,PHILADELPHIA.fie Lt Piss all Losses Promptly !_Seneeinas ayo tht:ees (:1 :‘OTe LON:Emcraeeretoeaemsoomeu‘‘we a \he ‘y)—_,J Vet,llea.ioe Tena,“2 y At I Hot:SOP FIPS ;gone tee ceBOOTANDSHOE©)...WAVUFACPORY os WYATT’STOMECORDIAL.Ole He piyece ee fae ee \WASHINGTON Popes¢MtiNde thrdt \*Dysentery,Diarehoa Flux,(2uTH&M ILLER,“i,a JOHN F.JONES,I’\‘I '| SHER,ee atoe ,>eG =1S tN,SHES atid Gat Lees \J a i !~:Gon oD FEasPRETignSs Prepared by WOW WYATT 4 ;ae ‘ Jen tf aia taut \cd National Flae! WM.MW.BARKER Gib \As CLov HING! ey >.ca >re ©\oots,shoes &Gaiters, Rie Woe ees i ‘mbes (NaN ee or eain eee &es eePCLESELEWWDRET,a Carriage Business, .‘-:WRT Y u \,u :wey ane ee ae reves ::ai +LES OPERGT BOOTS.vt ee :!:‘(!ee Nd \W.Kt.Vv HAON |{‘(Wat \\is it[AMS nee ,va eneeamse:GAT SOUTHERY HAVP AND OAP 1ee.ec ees ae CINE haewatebak|Fae ToT Seoore=; ETOWIEN Livery Stable,ee ede \1 fhe:Gianna,rere warrant \||'s Cite.S ;on ae re Sere 5 oe |’ TO aida Me ‘;Debs Hyd f.oh onesTEGREEMEPDIPGE&aa C\PSund STRAW EDODS.2 \an Watehes,INTOU NDING!emer ical in tka OR sac ques baatINTOUNDING!Re elke whore 1 SM yatts Remedy !!! Wy.be kept aloutly W trictine Specifie ne!On mlanntaesor ae ee "IRVING: Ameri Pen ALLS ON t Aw ef BERS al bles tim to eel ther for 'pee? PTEONT ES I ROWS Levers,Sunting ¢ NE Ge v4 hor tae Vatorinaate!4.4 y 'Ganaiie mean ve ;neJewelryid!VP APPL TOS !rinvent at lt M ‘me wTia4~(oes te (PONE GAN “’Hit 'Sw ST ARLT aa <P APELIGTIONS,ee :[A FEW DAYS —ee er tall vod an ftLadiesWatches.[0 A PEW D oe a ee Yon YueyUSTopenids North pau smeny FRERCKS &RAEDER, Ne BOY DE \&SON, \\i !p /THE WALTON, VORTCE EL PUR AL \ Shiling and Waehinery (ar Ml thar ve saw VI pita SNL i MEPPOW dealt . COWAN’S Vesstable Lithontriptic, TOLDIEWN, o2.MOUTARDE Hiraculous Pain hifler. Yew Firm. .URR &SOSSAMON, Chills and Fevers SER ASS THY AGI ie DP ROE Aas NTN TET atl et Waratts Tonie &Pills. SUPERIOR OES CNe WATER, int Pocawers WYATTI HARDWARE!!°J a }Pi |\ie i, oy Fo ses ,wou ;a ;Gne Gold Chathene,«aBurtous.Brads.G :'’»4 ’!)R \\|NU:‘Corre)Nek!fis (oR S SULIE.|;Monee .a a..—_apeetherthie0ntimarois‘Spring HE Praet of Land,pi en eae No k ol har dv aan/|yy TN)WN)WW 'Res ee ORRELL &GRADY,3/4/0706 tm tenes oe osiPaNtixJHeddae!iy Ween \—_‘i i s |eonant 'GEORGE WOWERY |eh ATS CAPS,Yivkrs Riv hee Nee 0 th NG eter Teen tna \tT .©:1 ;i;ee nS“ER OW Ve Glt ye ee es ae ;eee HesSILVERWART»oiraw and Millinery Goods t Pelaners ara 60 White Hands 7:Ma V epennd 97°58 :::Justeeiles,Parasols a Ribbons.de,ieee \\eePacis;|No.18 Courtlandt Street,a me tormnil din elpgect t \‘eenSpooes,sien,Si 7 ‘:Meas ae imeemraueagakorrn)bed actin an ©Peta:eee Vine ShirtsandCollarsCups,Gob t ks i"\ns t ‘cA ae athe famitecr Varit AA EET ;Bolter Dishes Sy Ne .it St )Neor York Apply to MICUAEL BROWN,Ag "3.idl,Gree Se ne :}'Spoone,we oo c :a cae Sabebory,et 2)1860 1 eR eeandwewilleelWokwat|.|heen edeie SIAN TEE?PATENT J ARS rm ae Ni YE\I8S GRASSWITT,having jnst returned|oo 4 le Bra nd :/a .haIVDwithaeplendidsupplyoftheWnetBashionabte|(000 fhe.BLUE STANE S }.J e \UPERIOR to any article pot made ter Dnt \I N KC .\RRZ1llinery.™ae a a on Foranle low by W.HE WYATT,Drnggiat and LD,for Preserving Reallts forsale by ST SERVING FRUITS and VEGEI An,BS,ft *Sipests .Speritent (nocme RC CCme AO er eae ne will hecnnelt A DHINSEATy NGA TRG anal Tad Marsha sears ().AWYATT,male WoHOWy art JURE CIDER VINEGAR,tor wate be Ww OHcc(cea ane ike (ae fain Cae :N (186 and 188rete et,Salisbury,N C 186 and IRR Main at,Salisbury,N ¢WYATT.186 and IRX Main street |SaheharyDeenaaioe+)Reps J)th,1RBO eth?|Taty 94,(RAO tro |July 24 9 N ¢’ IMPLEMENTS GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE GREAT OF DAVID WEIL. &4 eee,se ¥ A\,‘ BEFnr rit,‘ eae (rf ewith a LARGE Sc 0 COMPLETI Re:uly-Hade Clothing Gentlomens Purnishine Su s Boots torn,Pits Db (Rnee.ef Nee i eke ise iy (Xv Y qy\yYETeNCSAveeCeltleeNvesAIRCONNe th de "selbet thaSalen Ke ~for'[ei ‘ Keen ,he Stand, NO MCE IPEIEY (RN NEI OW~\ Coody, RANAWAY--815 Reward DPANAWAYS from ¥\top Neto au roe ps 10 ) \ hy , |i ‘= PA L L CA A T SS OS TU N O L YP (p o o wo n i 1Lhilb BOETOW Boot ALSO.Einar Cal’WATER-PRKOOF BOOTS ALSO,GENTS FINE CORE-SOLD BOOTS WSO UTES SSS GENTS VISE OALT Rood \A TN SPT nt \i \Nit (sod.in :FALL STOCK. :Vy }:i)‘le DD lol]\|Yot dab bd, BY GOODS, ats AND SHOES t (' \\\ |VM Gey NEO Gale Hiring of Negroes TSAI Ce Nie |4 t a) 'WW1IseuVAObLvsp <a }i ''UW ‘POR WORTH &DANIEL, Wholesair and Retail Commission Werehants ’I to ’}hw he tire TOT ca ltecl da,L hope they w r Up prompt ROP RESSENTNov29th,1859 2 Crocers, ee Naraparila ===—-=—-“me :=Sow=zt =oe ———— —— s aa d ot =———=—=-— ——=4 valilea rtic Pills, SA,LIVER linvWiuciaida, NEVER DEBILIU VIE [Us componndted entre tre wy Gone,\ LINER iN-Liver Com-tacks,Dyspepsia, sumone r Commsry,Dropay, Costiveness,Chot- ra Morbus,(holera VIGOR VIOR,« plaints,Riflous At-Chronte Diarrhoen Platnts,Dy seute-Momach.Habimali,Cholera,Chote~Jofantam,Plate- Soup IN VI G O R A T O R . - ened,Ja mee 5 Pemate Weakness )ce Ordina-es,00511ryone Medi-PQ cine.SICKHPAPACIIE.Co kewaryItwentyminutes.tf two three Tea spoonfalyare tak-ek Vib who use It are giving the MIX WATEKR IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIG TOR,AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER, Price One Dollar per Bottle.Al SANFORD’s CATHARTIC PILLS, MPOUNDED FROMPureurnaExtracts,and pnt up teGEASSCASES.Abr Tight,and with keep fhoiany climate, Bamity Cae!os thartic Pitt PLES =| fePAWSC8 Popvsrey ,Ae BF coo ‘s .FA roman,5"Boy Oye Roe faynitseedNeve‘ns B ! owe Picresy TIPE E g0vey jiTheVivienPasteoratayanttmoWortheOMe MP CAN NS UN COTE.Wex:aI325Hrondway,Vew Vous JAS.A.SADLER,Jr., SHERMAN BROTHERS. avn Hardware,Cutlery.Guns SOD EEA Yor ParkPonee and16Mu OOPS Se Nrpanty Nm UW YornK.Fane 5.Lago Ampd2 —ri hia ik ‘ ‘|in Sie ‘ ‘Se Uae ‘.uf ir !Rela we 0 '(Lg t ‘{Ne{t Ii ‘.uy\ !‘Not abane ys 1 b !|{by In eed{’ :yy ligt sfae y .Tine lyrts t ! ~ ‘B‘Noprey ‘'ety,n Vite vaiue toe te t ’\r .c t F wn 1 p Pharos M >te a 1 Vy 4the;Netw ~ppeaenpaiemnanesinasazansth+0424¢tannsnanannadhore =< Mirrofilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manwwarripts Raleigh,North Carolina CAROLINA WATCHMAN cameRRRERRARATERISTDIOLLIEEDSem me wee ee we wae wm me me me mm BAAS BASIL TO OO eeee eetenee8Bemememe we mec ete ccc ee were e mmr ret ST ESRC RR ARAREOES WEEKLY 86 186| FILMED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIBRARY